OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, FOR 1865. TAKEN IN PURSUANCE OF ARTICLE THIRD OF THE CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE, AND OF CHAPTER SIXTY-FOUR OF THE LAWS OF 1855, AND CHAPTER THIRTY-FOUR OF THE LAWS OF 1865. PREPARED FROM THE ORIGINAL RETURNS, UNDER THE DIRECTION OF HON. FRANCIS C. BARLOW, SECRETARY OF STATE, BY FRANKLIN B. HOUGH, SUPERINTENDENT OF THE CENSUS. ALBANY: PRINTED BY CHARLES VAN BENTHUYSEN & SONS. 1867. PREFACE. The present Census is the second one that has been taken in this State, by persons appointed by the Secretary of State, and reporting their labors in full without summary or condensation. The preparation of results from these data, is done at this office, and in the present Census about thirty-five clerks, on an average, have been employed during fifteen months. In each Census preceding that of 1855, the persons making the inquiries were appointed by the local city or town authorities, and the summaries prepared by each were forwarded to the county clerks. The latter prepared a table for their respective counties, by towns, cities and wards, which they forwarded to the Secretary of State for publication. Under this system, the only labor required at the central office was the construction of a general summary for the State, and the supervision of the press-work. But this method involved unlimited chances for error, against which there could be no remedy, and the change of the system, which was made in 1855, after mature consideration, has been justified in the results. The present Census was taken under peculiar difficulties, occasioned by the late war. Our people had, during the last two years, been subjected to searching inquiries after those liable to military conscription, and at the the time when the blanks and instructions for the Census of 1865 were in press, a draft for half a million of men was pending in the loyal States. It is more than probable that had the war continued, this Census could not have been taken, especially in the large cities, from the impossibility of finding men who would be willing to incur the odium and peril of a labor so nearly like that of a military enrolment, and so liable to be confounded with the dreaded army conscription. Until the present occasion, the persons taking the Census had been styled Marshals, but as this term had recently become associated with the office and duties of Provost Marshals, the Legislature, at the suggestion of my predecessor, changed this appellation to that of Enumerators, as more truly expressing their duties, without the suspicious meaning which the former term might have conveyed. But the war happily ended before the enumeration of the present Census began, and many of the difficulties which had been apprehended disappeared. Notwithstanding this, suspicions still lingered in the minds of the ignorant, in densely settled localities, and many could not believe but that some scheme of military service lay concealed beneath these inquiries. This jealousy led to embarrassments and short returns in many cases. The immense expenditures of the war brought the burden of a heavy debt upon the country, which could only be met by taxes upon property and productive incomes, and novel schemes were devised by Congress for raising these revenues. As the Census makes inquiries concerning the amount of capital invested in manufactures, the cost of materials and labor, and the value of products, it incidentally discloses the profits of business, and the amount of incomes. The utmost difficulty was therefore found in many cases, in arriving at a correct return upon these several subjects. Men otherwise intelligent, would often fail to discern, or profess to disbelieve, that the Census was not in some way connected with taxation, although the instructions to Enumerators were specific and full upon this subject, and the erroneous imputation was expressly disclaimed therein. The law requires one or more Enumerators to be appointed in each ward or town, the number being left discretionary with the Secretary of State, who makes the appointments. As a general rule, one Enumerator was appointed in each election district; but where these districts were large, and especially in cities, they were subdivided by some street, river or well known line. In the City of New York an PREFACE. estimate of the population, by single blocks, was taken upon the basis of families, through the Board of Metropolitan Police, and the information thus obtained afforded the basis of the appointments. The labor of selecting Enumerators, and of procuring the returns, was performed under the direction of my predecessor, Mr. Depew, with the most scrupulous attention to the public good, and returns from each of the two thousand three hundred and thirty-two Enumerators were received in time to present a general summary, embracing the details required by the Constitution, at the beginning of the Legislative Session of 1866. The clause inserted in the law in 1865, rendering the payment of Enumerators dependant upon acceptance of reports at this office, was found to operate most beneficially, by imposing an additional sense of responsibility, and the power was used whenever found necessary in perfecting the returns. As the war terminated in the interval between the nomination of Enumerators and the beginning of their labors, the changes of business and plans which followed, led to an unexpected number of resignations. But most of those letters declining to serve, were accompanied by recommendations for other persons suitably approved, and only occasioned the additional labor of correspondence. The number of changes from all causes, during the period of taking the Census, was four hundred and thirteen, of which several were from sickness or death occurring after the returns were partly prepared. It is believed that no duplications or omissions have been thereby occasioned, as, where the successor did not receive the unfinished work, he was directed to commence anew.'Disappointment has been expressed in some localities, upon the announcement of the results of this Census, as coming below former estimates, and sometimes below the returns of the last Federal Census. It would indeed have been an incident flattering to national pride, had we been able to show that the extraordinary efforts made by the loyal States during the late war for the maintenance of the Union, had not retarded our prosperity or checked our growth. But apart from the difficulties above referred to in obtaining accurate returns in some localities, such a conclusion is not warranted by facts, and the State of New York, in common with several of the other States in which a census was taken in 1865, presents, in the returns, indications of the effects of the war in the increased number of widows, and the reduced number of males within the ages liable to military service. The sum of fifty thousand dollars was appropriated to defray the expenses attending the preparation of the present Census. The labor has been completed at a cost of more than ten thousand below the appropriation, and the balance has been applied towards defraying the printing the final report. The original returns of this Census, filling one hundred and three massive volumes, with six folio volumes of special blanks, and fourteen volumes of specimen numbers of newspapers and periodicals, are placed in the State Library for preservation. The immediate labor of preparing and distributing the blanks and instructions, the correspondence during the time when the Enumerators were engaged, and subsequently the collection and certifying of the returns, the final supervision of the office labors, and preparation for the press, have been performed by Dr. Franklin B. Hough, who also had charge of the corresponding labors of the Census of 1855. His ability, fidelity, and thorough knowledge of the subject have deserved my warmest commendations. FRANCIS C. BARLOW, Secretary of State. CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION. Page. POPULATION. CLASSIFICATION OF SEXES,' COLOR, CIVIL CONDITIONS, VOTERtS, ALIENS, FAM.ILIES, OWNERS Or, LAND, AND ADULTS UNABLE TO READ AND W RITE, BY COIYNTIES AND TOWNS......................................................................................,,.. 1 RECAPITULATION OF PRECEDING, BY COUNTIES......................................................................... 17 CLASSIFICATION OF AGES AND SEXES BY COUNTIES AND TOWNS......................................................... 18 RECAPITULATION OF PRECEDING BY COUNTIES.......................................................................... 66 CLASSIFICATION OF PLACES OF BIRTH BY COUNTIES AND TOWNS..................................................... 69 RECAPITULATION OF PRECEDING BY COUNTIES........................................................................... 183 CLASSIFICATION OF OCCUPATICNS BY COUNTIES........................................................................... 195 DEAF AND D U~,rB........................... 0 ~............................... 210 BLIND....................................................................................99999 @*zz@@ 213 INSANEU.......................................................................................................... 216 IDIOTIC............................................................................................................. 218 MARRIAGES. CLASSIFIED BY AGES OF HIUSBANDS AND W IVES....................................................................... 222 CLASSIFIED BY PREVIOUS CIVIL CONDITION AND MONTIIS................................................................ 224 MIANqNER OF SOLEMNIZATION...............................................................6........................ 225 DEATHS. CLASSirICAT'ION OF AGES AND SEXES BY COUNTIES...................................................................., 227 RECAPITULATION OF PRtECEDING................................................................................... 229 CLASSIFICA-&TION BYt CIVIL CONDITION, COLOR AND MONTHS.................................................................. 230 CLASSIFICATION BY NATIVITIES AND OC CUPATIONS....................................................................... 232 CLASSIFICATION OF CAUSES.......................................................................................... 244 DWELLINGS. CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIAL AND VALUE BYr COUNTIES ANTD TOWVNS...........................I.......................... 254 RECAPITULATION OF PRECEDING BY COUNTIES.......................................................................... 271 UNOCCUPIED DWELLINGS.............................................................. I............................... 273 AGRICULTURE AND DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES. SUMMARrY OF RESULTS BY COUNTIES AND TOWNS....................................................................... 274 RECAPITULATION OF THE PRECEDING BY COUNTIES...................................................................... 394 MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES OF FARM PRODUCE............................................................................. 405 MISCE LLAN ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~411 Bi SELNous DOMtESTIC M ANUFACTURES............ I................................................. MANUFACTURES. CLASSIFICATION OF.................................................................................................. 418 NUMBER CAPITAL, VALUE OF MATERIALS USED AND OF PROPIT0DUCTS, BY CLASSES.............................................. 418 GENERAL SUMMARY OF PERSONS AND CAPIT'AL EMPLOYED, VALUE OF -i.NATERIAL AND PRODUCT AND POWER USED.......... 473 RECAPITULATION BY CLASSES........................................................................................ 4/79 STATISTICS OF GRIlST AND FLOURING IILLS........................................................................... 520 STATISTICS ]? IPLON FI-RNACES FORRLD~aING OR........,....,.o........o.o................., 5 2 2 STAiTISTfCS OF PAPEItE 3TILLS'.................................................................................. 527 STXTISTIOS 0 OFLE TA~I~ILS.................................................................................................................. 533 Cti-URCHSES. STATISTICS OF, BY COUNTIES AND TOWNS...........................................................v****.................** 536 SuAIBIxRY OF PrtEo~DING, nY CouNTIS..................................................................................... 569 SUErARYSPl OF 7 PECEDINCG, BY DTENOMiNATiONfS....................................................................... S570 BO0ARDING ACADEAMIES;NOT INC:OR.PORATED 57i POO)R t-IOUSE3S, ItOSPITALS, ASYLUMIS, ETC. S~TmTIS CS OF COUNTY POOR Houses BY COUNTIF s..............................................O o er w c o e*****ovo................................... 57'2 S~TATST{eS OT7 O',uZR INST1TUTIONS FOg TnE STJPI'OaT OF TIE Poa............................. 573 ii - CONTE:NTS. POOR HOUSES, HOSPITALS, ASYLUMS, ETC. Page. NUMBERo AND SIZE OF BUILDING AND MaISCELLANEOUS REMARKS......................................................... 574 STATISTICS OF HOSPITALS................................................................. 577 STATISTICS OF ORPH{AN ASYLUMS................................................................................. 579 NEWSPAPERS AND OTHER PERIODICALS. SUMMARY OF PRECEDING BY COUNTIES.............................................................Os 598 IN DIAN C:ENSUS............................................................................................................ 600 APPENDIX. —MILITARY SERVICE OF NEW YORK TROOPS. STATISTICS CONCERNING TIIE SERVICE OF NEW Yo-R, T-ROOPS IN THE LATE WAR......................................................... 609 DETAIL OF ENLISTMIENT AND SERVICE, BY C ITIES AND TOWNS...................................................... e o................... 610 SUMMARY or, PRECEDING BY REGIMENTS AND COUNT IES.................................................................. 637 SUMMARY OF ENLISTMENTS INTO REGTMIENTS OF OTtIER STATES............................................... I.......... 649 CIVIL CONDITION AND AGES OF VOLUNTEERiS.......................................................................... 650 NATIVITIES OF VOLUNTEERS............................................................................................... 654 PROFESSIONS AND OCCUPATIONS OF VOLUNTEERS....................................................................... 658 M ONTHS AND YEARS OF ENLISTMENTS................................................................................. 671 ORIGINAL RANIC) POLITICAL CONDITION AND NUMBER OF ILLIT ER A T E................................................... Oeev... 6741 PROMOTIONS WHILE IN THE SERVICE.................................................................................. 676 CONDITION OF HEALTH, WrOUNDS AND INJURIES...................................................................... 680 DEATHS OF VOLUNTEERS. RE.MARKS CONCERNING.................................................................................... 682 C)IVIL AND POLITICAL CONDITION AND HOW CLASSED..................................................................................... 683 MANNER OF DEATH SURVIVING FRIENDS................................................................. 684 3)ATE'S OF ENLIST1UENT............................................................................. 686 MONTSIS AND YEARS IN wHimH DEATHS OCCURRED -............................................................ 689 AGES OF DECEASED........................................................................................................ 693 O(RIGINAL RANK< AND PRO1M0TIONS OF DECEASED....................................................... 695 CLASSIF ICATION By TOWNS AND COUNTIES........................................... XOO........................... 697 SQUMMARY OF PRECEDING BY REGIMENTS AND COUNTIES......................................................................@ee 14 lO SUMMARY OFENLISTMENTS INTO REGIMENTS OF OTHER STATES........................................................................ 723 M~ISCELLA NEOUS. NUMBER OF MIALES BETWEEN EIGHTEEN AND FORTY-FivE, BY TOWrNS *** ******.*****.*.**.....................................................................,..... 730 RECAPITULATION OF THE PRECEDING, BY COUNTIES............................................................ 7333 EFFECTS OF THE WVAR UPON PRICES.................................................................. 734 GENERAL SUMMIARY OF PAUPERIS}I............................................................ 73906 |SENERAL OFFICIAL SUMMARY OF CRIME *e@@e*^v* — e@@@*@@*ee@@*o,*@s@*............................................................................................ 736 ERRATA.X I-n several of the first pages of Agricultural Statistics, a few errors in the totals of counties occulrred, which were corrected ill the Recapitula tion by C:ounties. The latter should therefore be used in makiing referenlces to thlese statistics. O~n page 397, the columns for "Acres Sown," of buckwheat, should be corrected to read 240,300' for 1864, and 184,716Q for 1865. On1 page 401, add 2,141 to the number of milch cows kept in New York city, and the samle to the total. On page 402, add 23,880 horses, anld 649 mlules, to the numnbers for Newr York city, alld inrlerese the tota~ls of the columlls by these SUlns. INTRODUCTION. THE history of the earlier returns of statistics of population, withl many details connected with the subject, were given in the Introduction to the Census of 1855. It is, therefore, deemed sufficient to place, in this connection, the following general results, and to refer the reader to the volume of 1855 for more extended statements.* Comparative Results of Colonial Censuses. INCREASE. TOTAL BY SEXES. PERCENTAGE OF COLORS AND SEXES. YEARS pop ulation. Total Annual Whites. Blaclks. Whites. Bluckls. increase, rate I Whites. Blacks. Males. Females. cent. Males. Females. Males. Females. Mal es. Females. Males. Females. 1698.... 18,067................ 8,143 7,754 2,170 45.1 42.9 12.0 88.0 12.0 51 s.1 48.9 1703.... 20,665 2,598 2.87 9 322 9 085 174 1,084 45.1 43.9 5.7 5.3 89.0 11.0 50.8 49.2 1723.... 40,564 19,899 4.81 17,583 16 810 3,364 2,807 43.4 41.4 8.3 6.9 84.8 15.2 51.7 48.3 1731.... 50,824 10,260 3.16 24,856 18,205 4,866 2,897 48.9 35.8 9.5 5.8 84.7 15.3 58.4 41. 6 1737... 60,437 9,613 3.15 25,740 25,756 4,948 3,993 42.6 42.6 8.2 6.6 85.2 14.8 50.8 49.2 1746.... 61,589 1,152 0.21 26 860 25 622 4 857 4,250 43.6 41.6 7.9 6.9 85'.2 14.8 51.5 48.5 1749... 73, 348 11,759 6.36 32, 355 30,401 5 696 4. 896 44.1 41.4 7.8 6.7 85.5 14.5 51.9 48.1 1756.... 96,790 23,442 4.57 43, 261 39,981 7 570 5,978 44.7 41.3 7.8 6.2 86.0.0 0 52.5 47.5 1771.. 163,337 66,547 4.59 73,990 69,484 10623 9,240 45.3 42.5 6.5 5.7 87.8 12.2 51.8 48.2 Twrvo attempts were made to obtain a census during the revolution, but only fragments of the returns exist. In 1786 a law of Congress made an enumeration of the population incident to a scheme for equalizing the public indebtedness. The total population of New York, under this census, was 238,897. CENSUS OF ELECTORS.'The first State Constitution, adopted in 1777, provided that, as soon after seven years from the termination of the existing war, as might be practicable, and at intervals of seven years subsequently, an enumeration of electors, under their several classes, should be made, as the basis for an adjustment of the representation in the Senate and Assembly. Under this requirement of the Constitution, a census of eiectors was taken in 1790, 1795, 1801, 1807, 181 4 and 1821. The results being given by counties, in the volume for 1855, we here insert only the general and comparative results of the State: Comparative Results of the several State Electoral Censuses. Electors owning freebolds worth Electors owning freeholds worth Electors not freeholders, but rentilgl Other lelctors. *t)| Total electors of all classes. ~100 ($250) and over. firom ~20 to ~100 ($50 to p250). tenements of annual val. of 40s. 5). Percentage. Percentage. Percentage. Percentage. YEARS.. - - I_ U3~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~ Percentage g I ~_.I// b Increase. Increase C-)~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~o'E0ubr nrae of estiNumber. Increase. *"'-^ ^ Nuiber' or 1 / Number. Increase. - c N b o Number. Increase5 g ~1/1 / decrease. | | C ii decrease [ || I la PI -~~~~~~~~~~era)e Wo I l, atedopn00~~~~~~~~~~~~I 0 0 00 00 1790.. - 19,369........33.46.0 23,425........ 140.767.34 14,674........ 25.5 1.59 1381.... 0.40.04' 57, 606'........ 18'.03 1795. 36,338 16,969 56.8,7.84// 4,838 {tl8,587 7.51.04 22,598 / 7,824 [35.34.87 243 ~105 13.78 1801..| 52,058 15,720 6.0.6'8.33| 5,264| ~426 6.00.84 28,522| 5,924,33.24.56. 63 | $80 0.20.01 85907 21,890 13.74 1807. 71,159 19,101 58.6!8.37 i 5,800/ ~536 4.80.68 44,330 15,808 36.55.21 88 ~25 O0.10.01) 121,289' 35,382 14.27 1814..87,491 16X332 57.68.43 5,231 $569 3.4!o.54 59,104 14,774 38.95.69. 20:68 0.10.011 151,84 30,557 14.66 1821. 100,490 12,992 38.7|7.17| 8,985 ~3,754 3.4,0.64t; 93,035 33,931'35.................|.. f202 510 50,677 14.76 SLAVERY IN NEW YORK. Negro slavery existed from an early colonial period, and was sanctioned by statute under the State Government. During the Revolution, a law was passed by which slaves enlisting in the army, with the'* A more minute history of the Census in New York is embraced in 21 years or upwards, who were not possessed of freeholds, and who did a paper read before the Albany Institute, December 19, 1864, and before not rent tenements of the yearly value of 85, but who had been actually the American Geographical and Statistical Society, February 2, 1865. rated and paid taxes to this State, or who had been enrolled in the militia It is printed in the fifth volume of the Transactions of the folrler or in a uniform company of this State, and served therein, either as an Society. * officer or private, or who had done service in any other way which by ~$ Electors who were freemen in New York on the 14th day of October,.law exempts from taxation or military duty, or who had been rated and 1775, and in Albany on the 20th day of April, 1777. The latter date actually paid highway taxes by commutation or by labor. This class was that on which the first State Constitution went into operation. became voters the next year, upon the revision of the Constitution. t Free male inhabitants, who were citizens of the State, of the ag'e of I Decrease. ~ Increase. iv INTRODUCTION. consent of their owners, should become free. In 1798, a law was passed for the gradual emancipation of slaves, and on the 3!st of March, 1817, it was enacted that slaves born after July 4, 1799, should be free; if male, at the age of 28; or if female, at the age of 25. Those born before that period were to remain slaves for life. The Revised Statutes of 1828 made a final ending of the system, by enacting that all men -were free within the State, except in punishment for crimes of which convicted. The general results of six several returns, embracing statistics upon this subject, are condensed in the following table: Slaves in New York at different periods? Y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~EAR. CEINTAGEg TO YEAR. NUMBER. ^POPULATION. 1786...................... 18,889 7.81 Probably included free blacks. 1790 21,324 6.27 From Federal census. 800o............................................ 20,613 3.50 1810........................................... 15,017 1.56 1814........................................... 11,480 1.18 Electoral census. 1820............................................. 10,046 0.81 Federal census. The total number of colored persons, at different periods, has been reported as follows' In 1790, 25,978; in 1800, 30,717; in 1810, 40,350; in 1814, 38,094; in 1820, 40,068; in 1830, 44,945; in 1840, 50,027; in 1850, 49,069; in 1855, 45,276; in 1860, 49,005, and in 1865, 44,708. CENSUS OF NEW YORK CITY IN 1805 AND 1816. In 1805 a city census was taken by order of the common council of New York, in connection with the return of jurors, under the "Act for regulating trials and issues, and for returning able and sufficient jurors," passed March 31, 1801. This enumeration was made to ascertain the influence of a recent epidemic upon the population of the city, and was as follows: Census of the City of New York in 1 505. WHITE POPULATION. F REE SLAVES. Number who POPULATION. relired fi'om WARDS. Total. city during Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. the epidemic of' 1805. First...................................... 3,422 3,748 37 37 186 249 7,679 6,112 Second..................................... 3.414 3,663 72 101 118 182 7,550 5,961 Third....................................... 3,283 3,597 lC6 119 104 162 7,371 4,152 Fourth................................. 4,346 4,520 70 87 68 143 9,237 4,320 Fifth................................... 5,320 5,993 358 438 85 146 12,340 3,452 Sixth................................... 4,101 4,266 183 253 59 96 8,961 224 Seventh...................... 8,053 7,498.................... 38 79 15,668 2,775 Eighth.................................... 2,420 2,134 38 61 49 70 4,772......... Ninth........... 1,025 959.................... 111 100 2, 195......... Total..................................... 35,384 36,378 864 1,096 818 1,230 75,770 26,996 Another census was taken by order of the common council, in connection with the jury returns of 1816, which gave the following statistics: Census of the City of New York in 1816. W A R D S. Jurors _____________ ______________ ______________ ______________ _________}_l[tt ee eems n T ota l{upwards. / ~100. 1 Second................. 5,8,7 47 4 6 9 5 5........... 1,2 8 29 Third................... 433 3,478 3,684 134....... 299l 52 4 6....... 86,3 Frh................. 560 4,630. 4,83le s es. 23 342s 469 s. 38ta es 36[50 1,2 Fit.......... 35 5,1,0 5 25 64 89 8199.....I. o 3 t0 1,9 Sixth~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~25/5 1.................. 24 4,624/ 4,898 84 16 37 19 1 3 29... 15 1,1 Seventh................. 18 3,1 4,2 41 40 17 28 57 14.... 196 8,7 Fourth................. 5239 4,21045,353 515 23 {/3 4 5019 196 2 8 t54 6 13 42... 1,5604 10,0326 Fifth~.................. 126 i 1,9158 1,2806 2357 5 160 132 161 55 8 69 1839 0....../ 32028 2,085 Sixth........;.......... 2537 5,19 4,24 4,68 8 5168 657 2 19/ 282 9 3 I 20 9 31......f 2,184 11,171 Sevetal................ 3,9)144 4,1,9,9,9 456 28 39 278 1 1,9 9,3 6,~~~~~~171 1n 173 7,763i 715 4,912 4n173 / 9,07 in 1746;1,92 in ~3This toa is corrected.t....spon 1,9th th8dtgvn 271h 174h.........29 1 5'14,54855 in 5176 and 19,83i671 A censs of Ne 1or city cedi2 coun.... whte,84 f1ecl1d lvs A lse,0the 818 wer............Antei 18616, npote 617,ofwho 228~ we0re 626; sixt, 1,70 seenh 817 eighI 1,162......, 395, 2;stet To tale Prion INTRODUCTION. V FEDERAL AND STATE CENSUS ENUMERATIONS. By a requirement of the National Constitution a census of the republic is taken at intervals of ten years for the purpose of ascertaining the proper ratio for apportioning representation in Congress annong the several States, and for obtaining other information necessary to intelligent legislation. Under laws passed in pursuance of this requirement, a Federal census has been taken in 1790, 1800, 1810, 1820, 1830, 1840, 1850 1860. The State Constitutions of 1821t and 184.5: provided that a census of the population should be taken every ten years for analagous purposes. The volume here presented is the fifth that has been published under this authorit The years upon which the State census is taken are in the years whose unit figure is 5. By this arrangement we obtain a census at uniform intervals of five years, and alternately by State and Federal authority. In the following tables the total population of each county at each census period is given, together with the percentage of increase or decrease of each from the last preceding Census. If it has been a decrease, the fact is indicated by a minus sign before the number expressing the percentage. The latter is not carried into decimals, but given in the nearest whole number. * ARTICLE I, SECTION 2.-" Representatives and direct taxes shall be Senate district shall contain, as nearly as may be, an equal number of apportioned among the several States which may be included within this inhabitants, excluding aliens, paupers, and persons of color not taxed; Union, according to their respective numbers, which shall be determined and shall remain unaltered until the return of another enumeration, and by adding to the whole number of free persons, including those bound to shall at all times consist of contiguous territory; and no county shall be service for a term of years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three-fifths divided in the formation of a Senate district." of all other persons. The actual enumeration shall be made within three t ARTICLE III, SECTION 4. -"An enumeration of the inhabitants of years after the first meeting of the Congress of the United States, and the State shall be taken, under the direction of the Legislature, in the within every subsequent term of ten years, in such manner as they shall year one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five, and at the end of every by law direct. The number of representatives shall not exceed one for ten years thereafter; and the said districts shall be so altered by the every thirty thousand, but each State shall have at least one representa- Legislature, at the first session after the return of every enumeration, five." that each Senate district shall contain, as nearly as may be, an equal t ARTICLE I, SECTION 6.-"( An enumeration of the inhabitants of the number of inhabitants, excluding aliens and persons of color not taxed; State shall be taken, under the direction of the Legislature, in the year and shall remain unaltered until the return of another enumeration, and one thosand eight hundred and twenty-five, and at the end of every ten shall at all times consist of contiguous territory; and no county shall be years thereafter; and the said districts [referring to Senatorial districts divided in the formation of a Senate district except such county shall be mentioned in a previous section] shall be so altered by the Legislature, equitably entitled to two or more Senators." at the first session after the return of every enumeration, that each INTRODUCTION. COMPARATIVE POPULATION OF TOWNS, CITIES [In the following table the towns are placed in the counties where they now are. Many of them belonged in other counties at the time when the ALBANY COUNTY. TOTAL POPULATION. CITIES AND TOWNS. Whien FROM WHAT TAKEN. —------------------------ formed. 1790. 1800. 1810. 1814. 1820. 1825. 1830. Albany city: 1st ward................ 2,808........ 3,201 3,330 4,251 6,857 2d ward............ (Ancient wards)!...... 1,471........ 2796 2,943 4,247 6,263 3d ward............... 1 010........ 1,435 2,035 1,666 2,011 4t'h ward.................................... 2,591 2,815 3 943 5, 872 5th ward...... 1815 Town of Colonie................................................................ 1,507 1,864 3,206 6th w ard...... 1841 3d and 5th w ards........................................................................................ 7tUh w ard...... 1841 5th w ard............................................................................................... 8th w ard...... 1841 5th w ard............................................................................................... 9th w ard...... 1841 2d w ard................................................................................................. 10th w ard...... 1841 1st w ard................................................................................................ Total Albany city....................................................... 3,498 5,289 10, 762 til, 680 12,63-0 15,971 24,209 Berne............. 1795 Rensselaerville.......................................... 3,486 15,136 4,447 5,531 3,509 3,607 Bethlehem........ 1793 W atervliet.............................................. 3,733 4,430 4,325 5,114 5,643 6,082 Coeynmans,......... 1791 W atervliet..............................................'O,09f5 3,574 3,272 2,872 2,666 2,723 Guilderland....... 1803 W atervliet..................................................... 2,466 2,264 2,270 2,428 2, 74 2 K nox............. 1822 Berne.................................................................................. 2,222 2,189 N ew Scotland..... 1832 Bethlehem.....................................................................................\.Rei-sselaerville... 17190 W atervliet...................................... 2,771 4,560 5.928 5,333 3,435 3,462 3, 685 W atervliet........ 1788............................................. 7,419 4,992 2,365 2,564 2,806 3,574 4,962 W esterlo.......... 1815 Coeymals,'and Rensselaerville..................................................... 3,458 3,346 3,321 Total............................................................... 13,717 25,155 34,661 33,885 38,116 42,821 53, 520 ALLEGANY COUNTY. Alfred........ 1808 Angelica........................................................ 273 458 1,701 1,160 1,476 A llen...... -i....... 1823 A ngelica............................................... I................................ 726 898 A lm a..........*... 1854 W ~illing................................................................................................ Alm ond............ 1821 Alfred................................................................................. 1,378 1,804 Amity w ar....... 1830 Angelica and Scio........................................ 872 Andover.......... 1824 Independence.......................................................................... 404 598 Angelica........... 1805 Leicester........................................................ 439 555 1,510 1,008 998 Belfast a d............................................................................... 560 743 Birdsall........... 1829 Allen and Almond........................................................ 543 B oliver..................................................................................... 303 449 B urns............ 1826 Ossian......................I................................. I................................ 702 Caneadea......... 1808 Angelica..................................................... 515 924 696 550 780 Centreville........ 1819 P................................................ I...................... 421 763 1,195 Clarksville........ 18305 Cuba.................................................................................................. Cuba............. 1822 Friendship............................................................................. 670 1,059 Friendship........ 1815 Oaneadea.....................................'......................0....... 662 1,129 1,502 oenesee........... 1830 Cuba.....................................'............................................... 219 G ranger.......... 1838 Grove.................................................................................................. Grove............ 1827 N unda........................................................................................ 1,388 H um e............ 1822 Pike................................................................................... 607 951 Independence..... - 1821 Alfred................................................................................. 570 877 New Hudson...... 1825 Rushford.............................................................. 377 655......... 803 2,189 ushford.........................................................................,609 8 3 1,1 Scio.............. 1823 A ngelica.............................................................................. 757 602 W ard............. 1856 Alfred and Am ity....................................................................................... W ellsville......... 1855 W illing................................................................................................ W est Almond 1833 Angelica, Alfred and Almond..............................................................................W illiy............ 1851 A ngelide ca and Sci o....................................................... 2...... W r............. 18 8 B lv r a d F in s i............................................................... Belfat l........... 18 4 an ada...........^...................... ^......... 1, _77493355 9 _1, 6 _ J U 2 Bar er........ 1831 Alilena dAmd................................................................... Burnsh m o.......... 1855 Ossian g..................................................................... 0 2-... Caneadea......... 1791Ageic............-...........................;5...... 4 1,9 136 1495; 2696''"782 3730 Colar sville......... 1821 W indso............................................................... 1, 7 2 38 Cu badi............ 1824 Friendship....................................[ [[ [ [ [ [[ [ [ [[......................... 63(5 90 riensle........... 1801 Uaneaion....................................... [............ 666214 2,42 9 3,5083 3 6 527 M ainese............ 1848 Cubia...............................2....1.......9........ Granger.e......... 1831 G isle........................................................................... Gr n ov e....,........ 1827 W iund sor............................................................ 6993 IT rim g e........... 1831 P isle.......................................................... 5. 1............ Undepndec..... 1 2 lrd....... 17 1........................................................ 9259,2 4 2 0 70 1, 7 7, 2 V es al......... 1823 unifon.............................................................. 9 4 W ind or........181 7 C ea ngo................................................. 1,7 2 2 4 3 35 1 9 7 2 18 Tot ~ 1 23Ageial................>.........................................^.[ 4575273 6, 860,22_~ ~ O 3 89 _ _7 _7 Warcldin........ 5Alresdin oisands ntmwity te.orprae.l.is.o...nc.dig.,65.i.t..twn.f.oloieson.ate.ane.d.t.te..ty tWel svil....t IncWluding 14 6i th o n f Coo i......................... INTRODUCTION. vii AND COUNTIES AT DIFFERENT PERIODS. earlier censuses were taken. It will be borne in mind that the decrease in population is often only apparent, being due to the subdivision of towns.] ALBANY COUNTY-(CONTINUED). TOTAL POPULATION. PERCENTAGE OF INCREASE OR DECREASE FROM LAST CENSUS. 1835. 1840. 1845. 1850. 1855. 1860. 18G5. 1800. 1810. 181-4. 1820. 1825. 1830. 1835. 1840. 1845. 1850. 1855. 1.860. 1865. t~ ~ ~ ~~~~5 16 ooI2 7,638 9,809 3,712 6,177 8,088 9,130 9,620.......... 15 4 28 61 11 29 -61 69 30 1. 5 5,742 6,855 3,676 4,001 4,518 5,007 4,924.......... 90 5 44 48 -8 -19 47 9 13 11 -2 3,845 4,137 5,053 4,617 4,667 5,541 4,573.......... 4 42 -18 21 91' 7 22 -8 1 12 -17 6,365 7244 4,759 4,758 4,492 3,922 3,826............... 9 40 49 84 14 -34 0 -6-13 -12 4,519 5, 676 3,129 2,929 3,016 2, 098., 1,888...................... 23 72 41 26 -44 -7 6-34 -10................ 3,661 3,798 3,460 3,278 3,191.................................................... 3 -9 -5 -3................ 3,532 5,244 6,006 6,341 5,688.................................................... 49 14 5 -10 67 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -. ]]]:]] 4/ /-10................ 4.001 6,269 7,467 8,043 8,701.................................................... 56 19 8 8...... 52 632,4 82 92................ 5,20 6 7, 8, 89........ 4 41 6,6 8 8 3 6 1 7 1 112 0............................. 51 26 29 5 28,109 33,721 42,139 50,763 57, 333 62, 367 62,613 51 103 9 8 27 51 16 19 25 25 13 9 0 3,956 3,740 3,667 3,441 3,206 3,065 2,851.... 48 -13 24 -37 3 9 -5 -2 -3 -7 -4 7 3,103 3,238 3, 315 4,.102 5,151 5, 644 5,928.... 1 9 -2 1 8 1 0 8 -49 4 2 24 25 10 5 2,957 2,978 3,050 3,050 2,963 3,117 3,264.... 15 -8 -12 -7 2.9 0 2...... -2 5 5 2,803 2,790 2,995 3,279 3,188 3,246 3,207.......... -8 0 7 13 3 0 7 9 2 2 -1 2,262 2,143 2,161 2,021 1,888 2,025 1,809..........3............... -1 3 -3 1 -6 -6 7 -11 3 130 2,912 3,288 3,459 3.327 3,304 3,311........................................ -7 13 -7 -6 -1 0 3,507 3,7105 3,589 3.629 3,088 -3,008 2,7465 65 30 -9 -35 1 6 -5 6 -3 5-4-2 -9 6,961 10,141 11,209 14,675 20,889 25,449 27,279 -32 -53 8 9 28 39 40 45 11 1-15 22 7 10,141f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 7 -53 8 9-3 3,074 3,096 2,927 2,860 2,648 2,692 2,497..................... -3 -1 -7 1 -5 -2 -7 2 -7 59,762 68,593 77,268 {93,279 103,681 113,917 115,504 | 88 37 -2 12 1 1 14 12 27 — _1- — 10ALLEGANY COUNTY-(CONTINUED). i ~13,45 9032 1,367 1,335 2o 1 9 -2 1,903 1,630 1,625 2,679 170 13 1,7071335.......... 67 271 -32 0 3-35-20 -2,089 867 906 955 1,026 9870............................ 24 21 -20 5 5 6 -3 -2............. 41 56....................................................... 40 2,059 1,434 173 1,7 914 1,952 1,739 1,655.............................. 31 14 -30 21 10 2 -11 -5 1,280 1,354 1,485 {1,792 2,655 2,268 2,073.................................... 46 7 9 23 48-15 -9 708 848 1,070 1,476 1,775 1,724 1,812............................ 431 19 19 26 38 20 -3 5 1,502 1.257/ 1,329 1,592 1,832.1,708 1,663.......... 27 172 -33 -1 51 -16 5 19 15 -7 -3 1,035 1,646 1,417 1,679 2,130 1,827 1,6889....................../...... 33 t 39 } 59 I -14 17} 27 -14 -7 573 328 475 597 838 906 766..................................... 5 -43 45 26 40 8 -15 752 408 517 708 985 959 1,005 }............................. 48 68 -46 26 37 41 -3 5 936 867 924 943 1 8 0 1,087 1,064 1,064.................................. 33 -7 7 2 15 -2 0 1,046 1,633 1,167 1,477 2,400 2,125 1,948.......... 78 -24 -21 42 34 56 -27 27 62 -11 -8 1,426 1,513 1,436 1,441 1,349 1,323 1,181...................... 81 56 19 5 -5 0 -6 -t -11 252 326 443 668 I 781 865 879......................................... 29 36 51 17 11 2 1,478 1,768 1,585 2,243 2,116 2,187 1,978............................ 58 30 19 -10 41 -6 4 -10 1 764 1,244 1,401 1,675 1,838 1,889 1,725...................... 70 33-29 13 19 10 3 -9 470 578 659 672 895 963 922.................................. 114 23 15 2 33 8 -4........ 1,064 1,178 1,309 1,218 1,257 1,054.............................................. 17 11 -7 3 -16 1,663 623 843 1,154 1,118 1,139 1,038.................................. 19 -63 35 36 -3 2 -9 1,523 2,303 1,980 2,159 2,094 2,142 2,016............................ 56 60 51 14 9 -3 2 -6 1,189 1,440 1,679 1,701 1,136 1,199 1,126............................. 54 35 21 16 1 -33 6 -6 1,065 1,502/ 1,290 1,433 1,451 1,316 1,218........................... 74 633 41 -14 11 I -9 -7 1,'520 1,512 1,769 1,816 1,995 1,839 1,680...................... 32 39 36 -1 16 3 9 -8 -9 1,122 1,156 1,356 1,922 3,184 1,631 1,721............................ -20 86 3 is 42 66 -49 6........................................ 877 833................................................................. -5.......................'l............... 2,432 3,070.................................................................. 26........ 1 808 875 976 972, 935 890.............................................. 8 11.... -4 -4........ I.................... 1,127 1,238 1,093.............................................................. 1 -12........ 1, 0, 0,544 1,524 1,39 o 1 36........................................... ~ 17 ~ -1 ~~. - 826,355 29,316 30,449 ~35,5051|41,597 41,8 0,28...... 8 19 11 6 1 _4 _17 17- 1 -4 BROOME COUNTY —(CoNTIN~UE). 1,5 129,79 145,34 1,9 139...... ~............................. 9o(,10,"i'"i,' " -9-17 23 "5,441 ~:~/ 5,465 6,0 8,734 1 3,128/ 1,841 1,67............. 4 2 3 0 71 - 2,230/ 2,528/ 2,829~ 3,o061 3,135 3,250 3,202..................... 34 -6 13 ~ 12 54 -i 1,142 / 1,475 1 1,869 1 2, 232 1 2,5 39 { 1,146 { 1,282........................... 43. 25 27 19 1 - 5 1........................ 1,389 1,,44............................................................ 4~ 1,413 /1,560 1,657/ 1,6801 1,81.5 1,791/ 2,06<.. 225 13 28 17 21 -67 10 6 1 8 -1 15.................. 1,8 3,97 1 609 2, 61........................................................ 7 -19 28...295.... 479] 576 ] 819] 797] 972....................................... 35 20 20 42 -3 22...................I.........;, 4 1, 03............................:............,.......................... 12 1,4 1 7 168.0 3 0 0,61 3 2 2.............'........ 3 2 2 3 5 2 1,669 1 692,749,728 1,784 1,693 1,87.................................... 1t 3 -1 -5 11~ to 1,1431,173 16 3,5191 2,1483 2,0603 2,092/ 2,53.. 8 2 8 -8 2 4 3 1 3 5-5 2 1,6194 12532 1,741 17 2 2,5 1,978 2,21 1,6939,7.:................................. 19 39 1 -11 11 -4 12 -S11 2,168 [2,368 2,4018 2,0645 2,637 2,62.1 2,697""......... 13~ 58 I-43/ 13~ -1/ 9/ 2_ 9.... 1 II 1 20,190 22,338 25,808 30,660 36650[......6.7.......... 197 15 50 25 2 14 -16 16 1819 -4 21 -16 viii INTRODUCTION. Comparative Population of Towns, Cities CATTARAUGUS COUNTY. TOTAL POPULATION. CITIES AND TOWNS. W'hen FROM WHAT TAKEN. formed. 1790. 1800.: 181.0. 1814. 1820. 18~'5. 1830. A lleaany.......... 1831 Great V alley.................................................................. i.......................... Ashford.......... 1824 Em icottviile............................................................................. 275 631 arrolton......... 1842 Great Valley......................................................... Cold Spring....... 1-827 Napoli..:......................................... 443........ Connewango.... 1823 Little Valley................................................... 1,105 1,712 D ayton........... 1835 Perrysburgh........................................................................................... E ast O tto......... 1854 Otto.................................................................................................. Ellicottville....... 1820 Ischua (afterwards Franklinville)............................... 380 626 Farmersville....... 1821 Ischua (afterwards Franklinville)............................... 636 1,005 Franklinville...... 1812 Olean..................... I........................................ 261 1,453 523 903 Freedom.......... 1820' Ischua (afterwards Franklinville).......................................... 935 1,505 Great Valley...... ISIS olean................................................................. 271 378 647 H insdale.......... 1820 Olean.................................................................................. 383 919 H um phrey......... 1326 B urton................................................................................................. Ischua............ 1846' H insdale.............................................................'........../........................ Leon............. 1832 Connew algo....................................o........1............................................... Little alley.r........................................................................... 484 462 336 Lyndon.......... 1829 Franklinville...................................................................................... 271 M achiase..................................................................................... 735 M ansfield......... 1830 Little Valley.................................................... 378 N apoli............. 1823 Little Valley..........................................." " 4............. 852 New Albion....... 1830 Little Valley.................................... 380 Olean............ 1808................................................................ 458 276 1,047 404 5(1 Otto.............. 1823 Perrysburgh V.................................... 601 1,224 Perrysburgh....... 1814 Olean and Ischua (afterwards Franklinville).................................... 835 1,262 2,440 Persi............. 1835 Perrysburgh............... 0,2 Persia............ 1835 Perrysburgh................................................................................... P ortville.......... 1837 Clean.................................................................................................. Randolph.......... 1826 Connewango.........................,....... I................. 776 Salamanca........ 1854 Little Valley....................................................... South Valley...... 1847 Cold Spring and Randolph........................................................ Yorkshire......... 1820 Ischua................................................................................. 856 823 Total.........................................................................~ 5 458' 4,090 8, 643 16,724 CAYUGA COUNTY. A uburn..................................................................I..................................... 2,982 4,486 1 st w ard..... 1848 "|fI............................................. 4th ward..... 1848 J I -........................ Tot wa rd..l84 o n o Auburn ciy.................................................................................................,d wrei d..... 184, Brutus........... 1802 Aurei us................................................................. a t h ward 1848........................................ 1,075........ Tonq etl A u u n iy.............at..............................................................................., 6...... F e i..... 183Aurelius....................a...a............................................... 3 12 4 6 2 5 9 5 7 23 21, 0 2,767 Bretus............ 17802 Aurelius..................................................... 2,553 5, 25,862 3,579 4,098 12,76 Irato.............. 18021 A urelus.........................................................................7 0 4 02 1,4078 2,199 Coe quest.......... 1821 SCato.................................................................. 2,206 1,427 Flo em n........... 18023 Aurelius.......................<.........1.................. 1, 8, 0, 5,950 3,310 Genoa............ 17802 Au eis....................................................... 315,4207 5,876 2,585 3,4756 2 4,768 Ira............... 1821 CM entza................................................................................................ M oravia....,...... 1823 Scipio ni s..........................................................................................2282 4 7 Loces............. 1802 Sm prton iu............................... *........................................3.......... 2 92 D 31 M entz............. 1802 Aureliis......................................................... 1 496 1,072 3,290 3,472. 41 435 Mcpont z m.... 1 5 e t............ 179..........................................................o............3, 4 7 10 7 58 8 1 5 2 7 2 2 69 3dno avi........... 1833 B irt us........................................................................................... 2 Sp ig4oth w....a8 3 A re sa d Scpo..........................I.............,0, 2 Sterling...........~~~~~~~~~~~ 182 Ct...........................................:20 79:,01 1,3 N iles............. 1833 Merntz..us........................................................... ~.................................... wictory............ 18021 Gaureius................................................................,.......... 1,3263 1,319 TotalA.............. _..-.............................. 27 0 4- 4 9 Aurawi gh.... 8 9 P mfe n........................................[.....:.....:.....:2 Busti........... 182 m tllic t an a m n.............................................................. 1,187 1,680+g Barutus........... 18 25 uelliust..................................................................... 1,015 C hat lott........... 18029 Auelius....................................................................7.... 886 Conquetau........ 1824 B atoa.............................................................. 1,039 1,075,19 1437,4 Cheming Cree....... 1823 uelliusto............................................................1,........ 546 Clo er........... 18 1 ha9 a qu..........................................................'............. 3056 D nira.......... 1 5 o fe.....121Caua..................................................7.................199... ELedyrd........... 1821 Ch u au u....................................1......................... 2.,2807 2,0027 Moraiaot........... 18332 S ompretus........................................!................ 6, 6, 5, 0 INTRODUCTION. ix and Counties at Different Periods-(Continued). CATTARAUGUS COUNTY-(CoNTINUED). TOLAL POPULATION. PERCENTAGE OF INCREASE OR DECREASE FROM LAST CENSUS. 1814. 1810'21835 1865. 1835. 1840. 1845. 1850. 1855. 860. 1865. 1800. 1810. 1814. 1820. 1825. 1830. 1835 1840.8 1845. 1850. 1855. 1860 1865. 809 530 621 1,037 1,583 2,129 -2151......................... -34 17 67 43 35 1 1,201 1 15 1,469 1,376 1,658 1,913 1,975 1,838........................... 129 90 22 -6 24 15 3 -7.............. 193 515 511 779 1,037................................................. 167 -1 54 33........ 673 602 591 664 667 711....................................... 52 -11 -2-13 0 7 1,166 1,317 1,224 1,408 1,345 1,359 1,229............................ 55 -S2 13 -7 15 -4 1 -10 1,114 946 1,007 1,448 1,139 1,294 1,247.............................. -15 6 43-21 14 -4....................'........... 1,228 1,300 1,152.............................................................. 6 -11 941 1,0842 1,211 1,832 1,881 1,862............................. 65 50 15 11 42 6 2 -1 1,164 1,5294 1,462 1,554 1,443 1,389 1,197.............................. 58 15 11 13 6 7 4 -14 1,330 1.,293 1,439 1,706 1,686 1,819 1,510................ 456 -64 72 47 -3 11 18 -1 8 -17 1,835 1,831 1,478,652 1,443 1,424 1,1398.............................. 61 22 0 19 12-13 -1 -2 613 852 - 756 1,638 1,198 1,525 1,565............ 39 71 -5 38 -11 116 -26 19 3 1,543 1,937 1,910 1,5302 2,129 1,708 1,645........................... 146 68 25 -1 -32 63-19 -4.........444 591 824 759 963 948.. 33 46 -8 27 -2........................ 906 1,103 986 858........................................................... 22 -11 -13 1,139 1,326 1,94 1,340 1,330 1,399 1,31 310........................................ 16 -10 12 -1 5 -6 610 700 780 1,383 8 01 1,206 1,010...................... 4 -27 81 15 11 79-49 50 -16 539 628 819 1,09216 1,O1011................................... 99 16 30 39 3 3 -13 1,025 1,085 1.243 1,342 1,366 1,275 1,190................................... 39 6 14 8 2 -7 -7 720 942 962 1;057 1,125 1,265 1,217................................. 90 31 2 9 6 12 -4 1,379 1,145 1,119 1,233 1,222 1,238 1,231................................ 62 -17 -2 10 -1 I -1 848 1,016 1,199 1,3 1,633 1,56 2 1,579 1,696 i................................ 124 19 17 37 -4 1 7 830 638 550 899 1,611 2,706 2,701.......... -39 279 -61 38 48 -23 -14 64 79 67 0 1,731 2,133 1,110 2,267 1,094 1,075 1,106............................ 104 41 23 -47 104 -51 -1 3 1,549 1,660 1,642 1,861 1,456 1,439 1,) 453...................... 51 93 -37 6 -1 13 -22 -1 1 898 892 1,086 1,955 1,204 1,304 1,291........................................ -1 22 80 -38 8 -1........ 462 585 747 1,164 1 62 1,6 25,638......................;............. 27 28 56 59 1 938 1,283 1,300 1,606 1,723 1,954 1,846.................................. 21 37 1 23 7 13 -6............................... 453 900 1,801......................................................... 98 100........................ 561 586 718 639................................................. 5 23 -11 1,066 1 1,292 1,740 2,010 1,728 1,844 1,670............................ -4 30 21 34 15-14 6 -9 4323, 158..... 18 ~1 93 49 1 4 - 24,986 28,872 30,169 38,950 39,530 43,88643,158.......... 18 661 111 93 49 15 4 2910 11 -2 ~~~~~~~~~135 115...1.............. CAYUGA COUNTY-(CONTINUED). 5,368 5,626 6,171............... 50 19 0 5 10 50....................... 10,81................2....2..1 4 -..................................................... 21 41........................... 1,922 2,059 2,405...................................................... 7 17 -5~~~.. 10............................ 1,985 2,128 2,337.............................................................. 7 10................................ 3,165 3,898 3,740........................................ 23 -4........................ 9,548 9,476 10,986 12,567..................................................... 1 16 14 2,771 2,645 2,504 2,831 2,574 2, 528 2,470.... 40 29 33 -71 21 0 -4 -6 13 -9 -1 -2 1,991 2,044 3,263 3,046 2,807 2,598 2,588.......... 29.35 15 -55 9 3 59 -7 -7-9 0 2,214 2,380 2,312 2,247 2,252 2,350 2,192.......... 65 127 -65 26 24 7 -3 -2 0 3 -7. 1,782 1,911 1,921 1,8635 1,872,1,892-1,809........................... 41 11 7 1 -3 1 1 -4 1,363 1,317 1,187 1,193 1,164 1,231 1,248............................ -3 -7 -3 -9 1 2 6 1 2,721,59 2,5493 2,432 2, 3573 2 2 3 2,429 362,3.... 5 -57 7 0 2 -5 6 3 -6 33 -3 2,187 2,283 2,121 2110 2,133 2238 2,175............................ 23 -1 4 -7 -1 1 5 -3 2,373 2, 143 2,095 2,043 1,976 2,219 2,065............................. 6 2 -9 -2 -2 -3 12 - 1,752 1, 654 1, 528 1,478 1, 293 1,325 1,125......... 26 -15 14 13 -47 -5 -7 -3 -12 3 -15 3,986 4,215 4,288 5,239 5,058 2,232 2,366.......... 65 51 15 19 -4 6 2 22 -4 6........................................ 1, 439 1, 314.................................................................. -8 1,756 2,010 1,785 1,876 1,819 1,917 1,881........................................ 14 -11 5 -3 5 -2 2 2,197 2,234 2,0153 2,91 013 1,8768...................................... 1 -4 -5 -7 5 18 1 4,'" 1,26651,269 1,262 1,203.... 28 127 45 7 6 0 3 1 - _2,069 2,3060 2,0313 2,2471 2,0822 1,3592,1,722...... I................ -9 6 - 5-1 *- 20 1,782 1,319 1,287 1,2154 2,160 1,311 1,2484................... - 3 3 -3 1 4 - 1,4382 1,9446 1,9241 1,8251 1,187241,19241,112[...{...."......................... 1 -9~ _5 -6.02,523 2,25935 2,436 2, 150 1,895 2,066 2,047''" 126{ 7 I6 0 - 5 -1 -6. 0 a 1 I 7.............I8I...'8I I...'.I................................ -.................... -3 2,2387 2,2805 2,000 2,102 1,93 2,.133{ 2 128,943.... /...... /...>............3 - 6 - - 3 - 2,091 2,1391 2,0951 2,02 |198 6 2,0196 2,077 1,99...../....................... 3 14 -9 -7 1-123 -4 129 1,5418 1,5295 1,2783 1,29310 1,1325 1,116........................ -3 10 -9/ -1 -1 - 207986 4,154,8894 5,923 1,905 8 1,920 2,011 1'96................... 415 24 - 19 4 -3 -2] 1 1 1,.49 172.,83 1,0 1.2 1,5.................................. 39.... 5 -2 8 - 1_'''2,08 1,42 1,4285 1,8718 1,672 1,97 1, 8 1,6.......'........................ 36 18 0 2 I 3 2 - 2,-197 2,980! 2,809[ 2,0522 2.591 |2,013[7 2,698.... t...... 3 3.4. 1 8 -4 -7.... 9' -5 92 1,3191 1,100i 1,311/ 1,226~ 1,3519 1,304/.... }.................. 61 23 -4 19 - 5 1 - 84 ~3o 4 909 979 1,1276 1,1694 1,2330 1,2322................. 86 9 / 78 _5 314 - 2,069.... 2,060........,03 3... 5,6167[2 0 1,4523.................................................. /'-51,29,395 2,24232,13 2,1041,17865 1,71 1,69! 21.......................... 66 19 -6 5 -1-1 36 - 2,0015 2,53,712 2,8076 3,0243 3,0085 5.2,12 5,56....}......,...... 15I1 27 12 3 4 3 3 311 9 9..: 1,432I~~~ 1,46 aditio 1,o1 1,1he above, 1,1047... Inin..... eote.... reidn.... "eevain.... thi -9unty ~............/................... 2i X INTRODUCTION. Comparative Population of Towns, Cities CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY-(CONTINUED). TOTAL POPUPATION. CITIES AND TOWNS. Whe~ FROM WHAT TAKEN. formed. 1790. 1800. 181. 1814. 1820. 1825. 1830. Ellington..................................................... I......... 824 1,279 French Creek...... 1829 Clym er.......................................................................... 420 Gerry........... 1812 Pomfret.............................................. 172 947 1,157 1,110 Hanover........... 181.2 Pomfret..................................... 559 2,217 2,620 2,614 Harmony......... 1816 Chautauqua..........................................................989 K iantone.......... 1853 Carroll............................................................................... M ina.............. 1824 Clym er..............................I................................................... 558 1,388 Poland............ 1832 Ellicott.................................................................................... Pomfret............ 1808 Chautauqua.................................................... 1, 342 1,093 2,306 3,188 3,.386 Portland........... 1813 Chautauqua............................................................ 797 1,162 1,989 1,771 Ripley............ 1817 Portland...................................................... 1,111 1,821 1,647 Sheridan.......... 1827 Pomfret and Hanover..................................................... 1,666 Sherm an.......... 1832 M ina............................................................................................... Stockton.......... 1821 Chautauqua..................................'........... 927 1,605 Villenova......... 1823 Hanover............................................1,126 Westfield......... 1829 Portland and Ripley.............................................. 2,477 Total*...................................................................................I 2,381 4,259 12,568 20,6309 34, 671 CHEMUNG COUNTY. B aldw in.......... 1856 Chem ung............................................................................................. Big Flats.......... 1822 Elmira........................................... 826 1,149 Catlin............ 1823 Catharines............................................................... 1,105 2,015 Chemung......... 1789................................................ 2,391 515 683 728 1,327 1,150 1,461 Elmira........... 1792.hemung.............................................. 1,333 2,169 2,387 2,945 1,915 2,892 Elmira city:................ 1st w ard...... 1864........................................... 2d w ad...... 1864...................................................................... 3d w ard...... 1864.................................................................................................. 4th w ard...... 1864........................................................................................................ 5th w ard...... 1864........................................................................................................ Total E lm ira city................................................................ I............................................... Erin............t. 1822 Chem ung............................................................................. 643 975 H orseheads........ 1854 Elm ira................................................................................................ Southport......... 1822 Elmira................................................................................ 1,114 1,454 V a Ern.............'822' hemn a C u..................................................................... Veteran........... 1823 Catharines...........'.................................. 1,258 1,616 Total................................................................. 2,391 1,848 2,852 3,115 4,272 8,011 11,562 CHENANGO COUNTY. Afton.......... 1857 Bainbridge.............................................................................................. Bainbridge........ 1791........................ 939 1,604 2065 2,290 2,772 3,038 Columbus 1... B oie...................................... 1,386 1512 1,805 1,723 1,661 Coventry.......... 1806- Greene......................................................... " I,861 1,053i 1,431 1,485 1',576 German........... 1806 De Ruyter....................................................... 1,529 1 945 2,675 1,498 884 Greene............ 1798 Union and Jericho....................................... 655 1,285 1635 2,590 2,628 2,962 Guilford.......... 181 3 Oxford............................... 1 817 2,175 2,393 2,636 Lincklaen......... 1823, Germ an................................................................................ 1,527 1,425 M acdonough....... 1816 Preston..................................... a................................... 789 1,044 1,232 New Berlin........ 1807 Norwich........................................................ 1,657 1,842 2,366 2,511 2,680 North Norwich.... 1849 Norwich................................................................................................. Alton i............. 1857 Ger ainbig........................................................ 5296 1, 3 Bainbridg......19 erih n no....................... 1,0 3,1 1,9 2,1 2,0 2,4 Phasala...... 1706 Nowc........................................................3 "604'82;055'0229 "873''95 1,011 PiColubu........... 1827' Geroo an1t an Lic le...........................................................,214 Plomontry.........[1806 Noreeneh........................................t........[........ 81,26 1,0169 1,496[ 1,4591 1',560 Germatn...........[ 1806 NoR ytrwic..................................... t................../ 1,5297 1,9456 1,092 1,2 498 1,21 Greebune..........' 17985n o P a dJricho................................................] 1,282 1,352 2,0 2,590 2,493 2,0 min vklaen........[ 1808 Germane........................................................................... 1,523 173 1,439 Sm yrdno.......... 1808 S eb r.....................................~........~ 1,34 1,9 1,9,50~ 1,85 Total.......res. o.1....',....................................1........ 6 5 0 |2, 0 2, 2 __3. 1 J 3, 1 7 2 Ne elion........ {.. 1807 N wchaz...................................................................... Beekmantown......~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ 12 ltsug...........................................1,4 151 239 No rh Norwi ch...... 1784 9Nrwc............................................ 7, 6, 1 4, 1, 2, 5 Chazy ~....... 1793 Jrchoandplaion...........................................,6,0,1,9,9 OCsilion............ 1817 G lermnbu.......................................................................................,23 Oxfne ord........." 1793 J erichoandtnown........................................................................... 2,9.... Ellenb rgh...... 18306 oo r w i ch................................................................... * nteCtaaGuReermatin 29d Inians eekeore, eaeno.................... 1,i14al INTRODUCTION. Xi and Counties at Different Periods-(Continued). CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY-(CONTINUED). TOTAL POPULATION. PERCENTAGE OF INCREASE OR DECREASE FROM LAST CENSUS. 1835. 1840. 1845, 1850. 1855. 1860. 1.865. 1800. 1810. 1814. 1820. 1825. 1830. 1835. 1840. 1845. 1850. 1855. 1860. 1865. 1, 773 1,725 1,832 2,001 1,930 1,937 1,722..................... 55 39 -3 6 9 -3 0 -11 553 621 647 725 766 968 901................................. 32 12 4 12 6 27 -7 1,339 128 1,344 1, 332 1.258 1,315 12129................ 498 22 -4 20 - 1 5 1 3,520 3,998 3,718 5,144 4,101 4,254 4,087................ 237 18 0 34 14 39-20 4 -4 2,915 3,340 3,431 3.749 0,443 3,606 3,653...................... 9 114 46 14 3 9-8 4 1....................I............ 490 552 574................................................... 13 4 798 871 882 996 1,036 1,200 1,188............................ 150 -43 9 1 13 4 16 -1 916 1,087 1,015 1,174 1,325 1,794 1,575........................................ 18 -7 15 13 35 -12 4.041 4,566 4,286 4,483 9,157 4,293 4,065.......... -18 111 9 6 19 13 -6 5105 -53 -5 -lS ~1 1 1[ 3 9[ 6-! 2,181 2,136 1,966 1,905.1,936 1,984 1,816............... 46 39 -2 -8 -3 1 2 -8 2,023 2,197 1,938 1,732 1,703 2,013 1,870...................... 64 -9 22 8 -11 -11 1 18 -7 {~~......l~~~~~~.....'..... 64, -9 1 22, o~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~3 9 1,919 1,883 1,592 2,173 1,591 1,716 1,688........................................ 15 -2 -15 37 -27 8 -2 830 1,099 1,131 / 1,292 1,314 1,394 1,353....1.....':............................... 32 3 14 2 -6 -3 1,943 2,078 1,780 1,640 1,688 1,887 1,665........................ 73 21 7 -14 -8 3 12 -2 1,453 { 1,655 1,531 1,536 1,413 1,514 1,503............................ 32 29 14 -7 9 0 -8 7 -1 3,036 3,199 2,886 3, 100 3, 338 3,640 3,559.................................. 22 5 -9 7 8 9 -2 44,869 47,975 46,548 50,493 53,380 58,422-58,499..........-79 195 64 68 24 7 -3 | 8 5 0 CHEMUNG COUNTY-(CONTINUEM).............. 918 923................................................................. 1 1,3 5 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~':::::.....................I 1,238 1,375 1,421 1,709 1,852 1,853 1,891........................... 39 8 11 3 20 }8 0 2 2,356 1,119 1,247 1,474 1,518 1,3081 1,440......................... 82 16 -52 11 18 3 -13 10 2,231 2,377 2,575.2,673 2,785 2,128 1,950 -78 32 7 82 -13 27 53 7 8 4 4-24 -8 3,879 4,791 5,898 8,166 8,486 8,682 1,169.... 73 10 23 -39 51 34 24 23 39 4 2 -87........................................................ 3.............................................................. 11.... 1, 89................................................. 3,898.................,.............................................3,2 9...................................................................................................... 2,595.................................................................................................................... 1,92..................................................................................................................... 13,130............................ 1,833 12 3 2 8 >1 3 6 1,099 1,441'1,581 2-83 1,190 1,339 71,256........................... 52 1 31 97 1 6- 1......................... 2,648 2,277 2,838............................-15 25 1,711 2101 2, 539 3,184 4,479 4,733 3,412....................... 30" " 18" " 2'3 21 25 41 6 -28................................ 1,522 1,508 1,48-5......1..../2..... 1,925 2,279 2,481 2,698 2,807 2,4171 2,4292 1............ 7 1-4I -23 12 1.4,439 15,483 17,7421 2 37 27,288 26,917131,923!-23 | 54 9 37 87 44 25 7 145 22 -26_O1 /_-19 CHENANGO COUNTY-(CONTINTUED).......................................... 1,770 1,827................................................................. 32 3,010'3,324 -3,081 3, 338 3, 377 1,588 1,699.... 71 29 11 21 9 -1 10 -,8 8 1 -3 7 1,656 1,561 1,461- 1,381 1,331 1,407 1,273.......... 4 19 -4 -4 0 -6 -6 -5 -4 5 -10 1,603 1,681 1, 765 1,677 1,684 1, 671 1,522........... 22 36 4 6 2 5 5 -5 0 1 -9 886 965 947 903 806t 781 778.......... 27 37 -44 -34 0 9 -2 -5 -11 -3 0 4,096 3,462 3,965 3,763/ 3,717 3,809 3,314.... 96 27 58 1 13 38 -15 15 -5 -1 3 -13 2,703 2,827 2,787 2,600 2,552 2,743 2,423................. 19 5 10 [ 3 5 -1 7 -2 8 -12 1,014 1,249 /1,172 1,196 1,331 1,094 988............................ -6 -28 23 -6 2 11 -18,-10 1,425 1,369 1,514 1,522/ 1,417 1,483 1,306/....................! 32 18 15 -3 11 1 7 4 -12 2,967 3,086 2,704 2,562 2,507 2,617 2,459.......... 11 28 6 6 12 4 -12 -5 -2 4 -6........................ 1,172 1,126 1,171 1,078..............,.....................................I -4 -8 3 807 - 4,145 4,269 3,615 4,109 4,356 4,331.... 24 6 -23 47 8 5 9:3 -15 14 6 -1 1,439, 1 1 1,800 1,721 1,752 1, 468....................... 84 28 16 13 - 21 -4 2 -16 3,76,5 31;;79[ 3,0591 3,2.27 ]3,116/ 3,290)L2,99.6/..... 114t -44/ 37/ 21/ 5/ 28/ -16[ -4 5 /-3[ 2 -9 1;170[ ],2131 1,209/ 1,185t 1,152[ 1,261/1,112{....{...... 14t 59] 3[ 131 16L 3 o0 _2[-3 9/_12 1,533 1,562/ 1,501 /1,403 ]1,281 /1,276 |1,186 |....1....]./......|....../......!....... 26 /1 |-4 /-6 }-8 |0 |-'7 1,563 1.,625/ 1,476~ 1,551/ 1,541~ 1,668]1,487~..../......I -8~ 28[ 6[ 1 -31 4~ -91 5-1[81-11 3',1081 2),791[ 2,680[ 2,6.23/ 2,776~ 2,701[ 2,820t....1 96 ] 3/ -1/ -31 41 191-10[ -4/ -21 6[ -3 4 1,885/ 1,762| 1,794/ 1,77!1 1,661/ 1,661/1,6'34/....I..-.... 20| 28/ 121 6/ 2 -7| 21 -11-6 O/-'2 2,o26 2,246,44 1,94o0 1,866 1,822,67....]...... -9 2 4 1 8 -3 0 - 2 -....................... 1, 6 1, 2.................. -................... -.............. 22,9 6 4, 9 3 8 3, 27, 9...................................... 2 13 5 - 6 - 7 40,26 762 9 30,078- 0 9,380402,93139 92,4977 2,3708....................... 13 58 -52 1 1- 9-13 12- -6 3,023~~~LITO 3584,571 4,(24 4,46 3,39 3,38....... -4 6 4 29 2 18 0 1 324 1........1.,...................... 2,2 1, 7........,,o...,...t........................................ 6 64, 7 0, 0, 5, 4........ i........................ 81 2 66 6 |34 4 INTRODUCTION. Comparative Population of Towns, Cities CLINTON COUNTY —(CONTINUED). TOTAL POPULATION. CITIES AND TOWNS. When FROM WHAT TAKEN. formned. 1790. 1800. 1810. 1814. 1820. 1825. 1830. Mooers........... 1804 Champlain......................................... 301 272 567 743 1,222 Peru............. 1792 PIattsburgh and Willsborough........'........... 1,347 1,923 1,755 2:710 3,996 4,949 Plattsburgh....... 1785................................................ 458 1,400 3,102 3,390 3,519 3,753 4,913 Saranac........... 1824 Plattsburgh............................................................................ 263 316 Schuyler Falls..... 1848 Plattsburgh........................................................................................... Total.........,.,................................. 1,036 3,916 8,802 7,764 12/070 14,486 19,344 COLUMBIA COUNTY. Ancram........... 1803 Livingston.................................................. 2,471 2,161 3,147 3,125 1,533 Austerlitz....... 1818 Canaan, Chatham and Hillsdale................................... 2,355 2,247 2,245 Canaan........1...788 King's'District.................................. 6,692 5,195 t 4,941 4,850 2,079 2,048 2,063 Chatham........... 1795 Canaan and Kinderhook.................................. 3,716 3,381 3,658 3,372 3;522 3,538 Claverack........ 1788................................................ 3,262 4,414 3,593 3,824 2,813 2,970 3,000 Clermont......... 1787 Manor of Livingston............................. 867 1,142 1,090 1,013 1,164.1,146 1,202 Copake............................................................. 1,639 1,676 Gallatin........ 1830 Ancram............................................................ 1,588 Germantown................................. 516 736 690 737 891 920 967 Ghent............ 18IS Claverack, Kinderhook and Chatham.................................... 2,379 2,290 2,78^3 Greeniport........ 1837 H udson city................................................................................I............ Hillsdale.......... 1788................................................ 4,556 4,702 4,182 4,212 2,511 2,389 2,446 Hudson city: st w ard...... 1785......................................... 2 789........ C a e a k................................... 2d ward........................................ 2,215........ 3d ward....... 1854...................... 4th ward...... 1854 Ist and 2 wards......................................... I......................................... Total Hudson city...................................................... 2,584 3,664 -4,048 4,725 5,310 5,004 5,392 Kinderhook.. 1788................................................ 4,661 4,348 3,709 4,221 3,963 2,471 2,706 Livingston........ 1788................................................ 4,594 7,405 1,651 1,437 1,938 1,988 2,087 New Lebanon...................................................................... 2,808 2, 628 2,695 Stockport......... 1833 Ghent and Stuyvesant.................................................................................... Stuyvesant........ 1823 Kinderhook............................................................................. 1,889 2,331 Taghkanick....... 1803 Livingston.................................................... 2,6'3'4 3,141 3,600 1,693 1,654 Total................................................................. 27,732. 35,322 32,390 33,979 38,330 37,970 39,907 CORTLAND'COUNTY. Cincinnatus....... 1804 Solon................................ 1,525 1,614 885 1,057 1,308 2d~~~~~~~~ ~ war........................................ Cortlandville...... 1829 H om er.......................................................................................... 3,,673 Cuyler a.................................................................................... Freetown.........i 1818 Cincinnatus................................................................. 663 877 1,051 H arford........... 1845 V irgil.................................................................................... Homer............ 1794....................................................... 612 2,975 4,046 5,504 6,128 3,307 Lapeer............ 1845 V irgil............................................................................................... M arathon................................................................. 8 Preble............. 1808 Tully........................................................ 1,179 1,311 1,257 1,327 1,435 Scott.............. 1815 Preble.......................................................................... 775 1,006 1,452 Solon............ 1798 Homer................................................. 370 1,263 717 1,262 1,781 2,033 Taylor............ 1849 Solon................................................................................................ Truxton.......... 1808 Fabius....................................................... 1,031 1,768 2,956 3,325 3,885 Virgil............ 1804 Homer......................................................... 906 1, 3,317 3,912 An es......... 18 9 M d lt w............................................... 1, 7, 0,860 Living..... 12 ehstmodadM dltown............................1,6 124 138 Colc estr...... 17882 M d lt w...............................................14 4 7,407~ 88651 8887 1,064~ 1,9153 1,424 Daven ot....... 1817 K r ig ta dM dl ow................................................, 8, 6, 7 Delhi~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.........:.178 Mddeon otigtadWlo.......:I.......:1........ 82,9 234 225 2,5 214 Srankli......o72 Hrtesil.......................... 1,39 1,08 205 241 2,97 2,8 Hamde........ 1825 W alnto a nd Duyeslhi............................................ 1, 3 Styeancok.... 18 6 C lh se............................... 7 9 2 4 6 Taghkanick d....... Livngto.................................................. 1,726 3,14,007 1,693,9,8,5 1,965) Kortright }...I...... 1793.............................................. 1, 3 2 9 3 3 07 2 54 2 76 2 8 0 Meredinth...... 1800 Soanlo n adKrrgt................. 1 2 6,7 1,525,6.....r.......... 17 9 S a fr............................................... 93 ",892 1,9 4 2,885 1,044 3,2308 Sidney............ 1801 F a k i.............................................., 8 3, 0, 3, 1 Stamford.......,. 181792 i n au....................................................692 1 6 8 1 747 1,95i15 5 i'59 Harord............ 1806 W arglton........................................................... 869 7 1,0 1 54 1 7 4 W aele88Tully........... 17 7 F a li....................................'.........t.1,5 1,21791 1,316 1,425! 1,567 1,6635 STottl................. ebl.............................................. 2 7 5 1 0, 8 I2,3 3 1 29 126 87 | 9 5 5 I 3 0 4 INTRODUCTION. xiii and Counties at Different Periods-(Continued). CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY.-(CONTINUED). TOTAL POPULATION. PERCENTAGE OF INCREASE OR DECREASE FROM LAST OENSUS. 1835. 1840. 1845. 1850.. 1855. 1860.' 1865. 1800. 1810. 1814. 1820.' 1825. 1830. 1835. 1840..1845. 1850. 1855. 1860. 1865. 11,137 1,703 2,207 3,365. 3,622 3,926 4,202........... -9 109 31 64 -7 49 29 52 7 9 7 5,796 3,134 3,273 3,640' 3522 3,389 3.:087..... 43 -8 54 48 24 17 -46 411 -3 -4 -9 4,426 6,416 6,095 5,618 6080 6,630 7,195 214 122 9 3 7 31 -9 44 -5-8 8 9 8 761 1,462 1,695 2,582 3,058 3,644 3,623.............................. 20 109 92 16 52 18 19 -1........................ 2,110 1 937 1,976 1,871.......................................................... -8 2 -5 20'7-42] 28,157 ] 31,278 40,047 42,482 45,735 45,71B 278 124 -12 20 340 COLUMBIA COUNTY-(CONTINUED). 1,617 1,770 1,705 1,569 1,801 1,720 1,651............ -13 46 -1 -51 5 9 -4 -8 15 -4 -4 2,092 2,091 1,812 1,873 1,619 1,889 1,443........................ -4 0 -7 0 -13 3 -13 11 -24 2,042 1,957 1,973 1,941 1,946 2,197 2,000 22 -5 -2'-58 -1 1 -1 -4 1 -2/0 012 -9 3,469 3,662 3,570 3,839' 4,023 4,163 4,285...... -9 / 8 -8 4 0 -2 6 -3 8 5 4 3 2,840 3,056 2,934 3,208 3,363 3,477 3,353' 35 -19 7 0 5 1 -5 / 8 -4 9 5 4 -4 1.166 1,231 1,131 1,130 1,058 968 942 32 -5 -7 14 -1 5 -3 6 -8 0 -6 -68 -3 1,616 1,505 1,607 1,652 1,620 1,839 1,738............................... 2 -4 -7 7 3/-2 14 -5 1,655 1,644 1,676 1,586 1,517 1,533 1,392......................'..... 4 -1 2 -5 -4 1 -9 979 ~ 969 991 1,023 1,131 1,353 1,278 43 -6 7 /21 3 5 1 0 2 3 11 1 -6 2,375 2,558 2,417 2,293 2.537 2,803 2,661......................... 4 21 -14 8 -5 7 16" 11 -5...... 1,161 1,182 1,300 1,383,1,431 1,130............................................... 1 10 6 3 -21 2,266 2,470/ 2,374 2,123 2,194 2,552 2,142 3 -11 1 -40 -5 2 -7 9 -4 -10 3 16 -16 2.914 2,854 2,640 2,936 1,460 1,542 1,609................. I.................... 5 -2 -7 11 -50 6 4 2,617 2,818 3,017 3,350 1,675 1,841 2,078............................... 19 8 7 17 -50 9 13......................... 1,764' 1,694 1,828.............................................................. -4 8.............. I............................................................ 15 10 5,531 5,672 5,657 6,286 6,720 7,187 7,831 42 10 16 12 -6 7 2 3 0 11 7 8 9 2,831 -3,512 3,679 3,970 3,864 4,331 4,008 -7 -14 15 -6 -37 9 4 25 5/9 -2 13 -7 2,206 2,119 2,083 2,020 2,064 2,014 1,904 61 -75 -13 35 3 5 5 -4 -1 -3 2 -2 -5 2,713 2,536 2,282 2,300 2,329 2,187 2,086...................... 61 3 1 -5 -10 I 1 -6 -5 1,023 1,815 1,661 1,655 1,621 1,445 1,355........................................... 77 -8 0 -2_-11 -6 1,736 1,779 1,718..1,766 1,937 2,366 2,234.......................2 -25 2 -4 2 9 22 -6 1,58,9 1,674 1,524 1,539 1,665 1,717 1,472............ 18 14 -53 _-2_ -4 6 -9 1 8 -14 40,746 43,252 41,976 43,073 44,391 47,172 44,905 27 -3 5 13 -1 5 2 6 -3 3 3 6 | -5 CORTLAND CO 0UNTY-(CONTINUED) 1,180 1,301 1,195 1,206 1,119 1,213 1,169............ 6 -45 19 24 -10 10 -8 1 -7 8 -4 3,715 3,799 4,111 4,203 4,329 4,817 5,008................................... 1 2 1 2 3 11 4.............................. 1,6 1,44.............................. -13 962 950 925 1035 955 98-1 942........................ 32 -20. 8 1 - i2 -8 3 -4........................ 949 926 946 888.......................................................... 2 2 -6 3,584 3-,572 3,602 3,836,3,785 4,356 3,856...... 386 36 35' 11 -46 -8 - 1 6, -1 16 -11........................ 822 750 803 762.......................................................... -9 8 -5 986 1,063 1,080 1,149 1,341 1,502 1,485........................ 8S 2 10 8 2 6 17 12 -1 1,408 1,247 1,325 1,312 1,219 1,277 1,267............. 11 -4 5 8 -2 -1 6 -9 -7 4 -1 1,504 1,332 1,368 1,290 1,293 1,208 1,149........................ 28 44 4 -11 27 -5 0 -6 -5 2,103 2,3!1 2,426 1,150 1,057 1,148 995...... 241 43 76 41 14 3 10 8 -52 -8 9 -13 ~........................ 1,232 1,201 1,265 1,167........................................................... 2 5 -8 3,712 3,658 3,587 3,623 3,444 1,914 1,689............ 71 67 12 17 -5 -1' -2 1 -5 -42 -12 4,291 4,502 4,541 2,410 2,231 2,223 2,009............ 59 75 37 18 10 5 1 -47 -7 0 -10 723 872 921 923 925 983 982........................ 33 45 -14 2 6 0 0 6 0 24,168 124,607 25,081 25,140 24,'575 26,294 24,815...... 8 23 52 23 17 _ 2 1 2 I 0 J -2' -—' DELAWARE COUNTY-(CoNTINUED). 2,109 2,176 2,440 2,7'2,536'2,990'2. 815............ 32 3 13 12 9 - 18 6 1,412 1t,403, 1,436 1,1 1,224, 1,242 1,146....................... -1 8 5 -1 -8'-7 1 -7 2,363 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 2,55 2,6 29 22, 290 2,75....12 -164 1 2 1 9 72,395 1,46 1,767 1,91 1,881/ 1,851 1,836................'.. 0 9 -2 -2 1 89,2,0 1,9 251 286 2933...... 3 -1 24 8 17 5 1849 401 1,741 1,7081 1,569 1,61 1,480[ 1,468 1,446 -1 6 0 11 4{ 1 -12 -2 -8 3 8 - -2 2,531 2,441~ 2,211 28 2, 0131'2,023 1,897... 98 3 -7 -8~ 8 [-12 4 - 1 8 0 - 1,278 1,420~ 1,383 1,550 1,543! 1,684 1,700......... 1 181 35 12 11 -3 12 -1 9 1 1,603 1,6401 1,678 1,63 1,503[ 1,630 1,507....2116 7 11 9 -4 2 -3 -88 -7 2,487 2,608] 2,695 3,005 2,946 [3,201 3,119~ 4 19 2 -8 8 13 4 5 3 12 -2 9 -3 2,856 3,0131 3,121/ 2,5 2,5331 2,556 2,335...12 9 2 9 10 -1 5 4 — 1 1 - 1,5'97 1,732} 1,759[180 1,797~ 1,916 1,753......-7 3 27 24 3 8 21 6 - 1,747 1,681[ 1,715~ 1,0 1,597/ 1,661 1,556... 7 1 -4 7 4 8 1 6 4 - 191 2,035| 2,261 302 3,290| 3,589 4,064....... 13 22 2 5 1 1 4 9 9 1 34,192 35,396] 36,990 |39,834 39,749 I 42,465'41,638 |22 _ _5 25 11| 121___ 5 I 7 | 0 -' —-2 Xiv INTRODUCTION. Comparative Population of Towns, Cities DUTCHESS COUNTY. TOTAL POPULATION. CITIES AND TOWNS. When FROM WHAT TAKEN. —-- --- ---------— j -- ---- formed. 1790. 1800. 1810. 1814. 1820. 1825. 1830. Amenia........... 1788................................................ 3,078 2,978 3,083 2,988 3,1 4 2,167 2,389 Beekman.......... 1788........................................... 3,597 3,756 3,980 4,360 4,257 2,808 1,584 Clinton........... 1786 Charlotte and Rhinebeck precincts.............. 4,607 5,208 5,471 6,790 6,611 2,069 2,130 Dover........................................................... 2,146 2,062 2,193 2,198 2,198 East Fishkill...... 1849 Pawl...... I.......................................................................................... Fishkill...t..... 1788................................................ 5,941 6,168 6,984 7,510 8,203 6,916 8,292 Hyde Park........ 1821 Clinton................................................................................. 2,415 2, 554 La Grange........ 1821 Bee9man and Fishkill.................................................................... 2,415 2,044 M ilanh East..................................................................... 1,797 1,769 1,886 North East........ 1788................................................ 3,401 3,252 3,487 3,451 2,037 1,596 1,689 Pawling.......... 1788................................................ 4,330 4,269 1,756 1,704 1,804 1,691 1,705 Pine Plains........ 1823 North East............................................................................. 1,421 1,502 Pleasant Valley... [. 1821 Clinton................................................................................ 2,506 2,419 Poughkeepsie...... 1788................................................ 2, 529 3,246 4,669. 5, 673 5,726 5,935 7,222 Poughkeepsie city:| 1st w ard..... 1854. f......................... q............................... l~~~~~w^::::: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~::: 2:::7::2::::7:::::'J**'797' t h ward..... 1854 T P......................................................., 5t i w ard..... 1. 85................................................... 6th w ard..... 1854..........................................0....... Rhinebeck........ 1788................................................ 3,662 4,022 4,425' 2,805 2,729 2,35 2,938 Stanford.......... 1793 Washington................................. 2,344 2,335 2,546 2,518 2,463 2,521 Union Vale........ 1827 Beekman and Freedom (now La Grange)........................................................... 1, 833 Washington.... 1788................................................. 5,189 2,666 2,854. 1,423 2,882 2,796 3,036 Totarl.... -{..,,.......4-0 665 4,9 Total..................................... I...........,^.............. 36,334 1 37,909_ 141,190_ 43,707 46,615 46,69 _ 50,926 ERIE COUNTY. A lden............ 1823 Clarence................................................................................ 793 1,258 Amherst.......... ISIS Buffalo.......................................... I............................... 768 1,308 2,485 Aurora........... 1804................. 2,028 1,178 1,285 1,727 2,423 Black Rock....... 1839 Buffalo city, to which it was re-annexed in 1853.................................. Townof P o u ghkeepsie~~~~~............................... "9'" Boston...... 1817 Eden..................................................:......................... 8 9 1,521 Brandt............ 1839 Collins and Evans........................,.............................................................. Buffalo:............... I.............I.............................I..........o............ 1,508 1,060 2,095.5,141 8,668 4st w ard..... 1832....................................................................................................... 2d w ard..... 1832......................................................................................................... 3d w ard. 1832........................................................................................................ 4th w ard... 1832........................................................................................................ 5th w ard. 1832...................................................................... 8th w ard........................................................................... 7th w ard..... 1853....................................... I................................................................ 8th w ard..... 1853...................................................................................... 9th w ard..... 1853............................................. 10th ward..... 1853....................................................... 546...... olth w ard........................................................................................................ 12th w ard..... 1853..................................................................................................... 13th w ard... 1853........................ o................................................................................ Total B uffalo............................................................................................................. CAmhrence..........I 1808 Win (nowfalrora........................................... 1,13 1,60 3,27,45 3,6 &uorde...........} 1827 } o l n..................,.................................................. 464 Colli s....... 18 1R oncor............................................., 2, 2 Concord.......-...~ 1812 W i n (n w urra................................................. 739 2,78 1,46 1,85i Erastnd u gh.. 1 50 H m u g....................................................... Bufalo............. 1 1 iln n w A r r )................................................ 51 1,506 6 0 2 5 862 118,086 Elm..a.........!857 Collinste and EAnsor................................................................... Eva'....... i82'1 E e.............................................. 7, 8 Gran ws ard...... 1852 To a a d.......................................................... Hamburgh...s..|. 1812' W iln ( o Au ra........................................................, 3 2 6 1, 5 4hollard........ 1818 W iln no u o a......................................................... 76 1, 0 1 0 1 La ca th..... 1 3 w laren e................................................... M an war........ 1853 AleIn a e.......................................................................... N e st a..... 1804! a a i............................................................ 1, 7 1 92 N o th Collin.....~ 1852/ Co l............................................................................. Sa di ia...... 18231 Co c r..................................................................... 5, 5 9Thn warda....... 1 3 f l........................ *.....,....................... 10hwales.......... 1818 W lin3n w/u o a................................*......................... 90 1, 8 1 47 Wet enca.... 18531HabrEatH bugCiaw ga&L cse......................................................... Total..B.......................................................................... 4 6 7, 0 _,8 4 _ 4 3 6 3, 1 INTRODUCTION. XV and Counties at Different Periods-(Continued). DUTCHESS COUNTY-(CONTINUED). TOTAL POPULATION. PERCENTAGE OF INCREASE OR DECREASE FROM LAST CENSUS. 1835. 1840. 1845. 1850. 1855. 1860. 1865. 1800. 1810. 1814. 1820. 1825. 1830. 1835. 1840. 1845. 1S50. 1855, 1860. 1865. 2, 138 i 2,179 2,076 2,229 2,199 2, 288 2,512 -3- 3 3 4 -30 10 -11 2 -5 7-1 4 10 1 447 1,400 1,432 1,386 1,379 1,371 1,208 4 6 9 8 -34 -43 -9 -3 2 -3........ -12 1,919 1,830 1,816 1,795 1,840 1,922 1,719 13 6 6 3 -69 3 - — 10 -5 3 4-11 1,981 2,000 1,944 2,146 1 1,925 2,305 2,093........... -4 610-10 19 -9........................ 2,610 2,612 2,544 2,448 -...................................4 9,623 10,437 10,651 9,240 8,764 9,546 9,949 4 13 7 9'-15 19 16 8 3-13 -5 9 4 2,368 2,364 2,477 2,425 2,480 2,749 2,654.............................. 7 -7...... 5-2 2 11 -3 1,927 1,851 1,834 1,941 1,852 1,850 1,817.............................. -15 -5 -5 -1 6 -5. -2 1,813 1,725 1,744 1,764- 1,630 1,522 1,545........................ -1 7 -4 -4 -1 1-8-6 2 1,495 1,385 1,436 1,555.t 1,757 1,735 2,007 -4 4 1 -41 -2 6 -11 -8 4 8 13 -1 16 1,565 1,571 1,626 1,720 1,792 1,743 1,742 -1 -59...... 6 -6 1 -8...... 4 5 4 -3 1,355 1,334 1,499 1,416 1,453 1,412 1,339.............................. 7 -9 -2 12 -6 2 -3 -5 2,245 2,219 2,142 2,226 1, 853 2,343 1,920.............................. 3 -7 -1 -3 4-17 16 -18 8,529 10,006 11,791 13,944 3,110 3,122 3.073 28 44 22 1 3 21 17 17 1 18 -71............................ 4,099 4,611 3,669.................................... 13 -20................................ 2,663 2,887 3,467............................................................ 8 20................................~3,461 4,409 2,188............................................................. 27 -50................................ 2,540 2,819 2,802.............................................................. 11 -1................................................ 1 82,12................................................................................................................................... 1,0......... 15 9 2,824 2,829 3,085 3,264 3,750 3,964 3,128................. 13 3 6 o-5...... 9 6 14 7 -21 2,624 2,659 2,989 2,816 3,065 3,289 3,6100 9 10 36 -3...... 7 -10 1 12 -6 9 7 10 2,358 2,278 2,301 2,158 2,201 2,323 2,216............. 9 -1 -2 -2 -6 -3 1-6 2 6 -5 1,596 1,498 1,484 1,552 1,463 1,502 1,420....................... -13 -6 -1 4-5 3 -5 2,897 2,833 2,797 2,805 2,740 2,685 2,719- -48 8 -5 2- 3......23...... 3 2 1 50,704 52,398 55,124 58,992 60, 635 64,941 -65,192 4 8 6 7 0 1 9 | 0 3 5 7 3 7 7-_0 ERIE COUNTY-(CONTINUED). 1,969 1,984'2.187 2,520 2,404 2,442 2,520.............................. 58 56...... 10 15 -4 1 3 3,376 2,451 3,133 4,153 5,118 5,089 4,575........................ 70 80 36 -27 28 32 23 -2 -10 2,967 2,908 31010 3,435 3,665 2,580 2,486............ -41 9 34.40 22 -2 3 14 6 -29 -4........ 3,625 4,883 -7,508......................................................................... 35 74......... 1,825 1,745 1,779 1,872 1,769 1,716 1,734........................ 44 53 20 -5 -3 1........ 1,088 987 1,028 1,093 1,097 1,376............................................... -9 4 6.... 25................................................................. -29 97 145 68.................................. 4,838 3,531 7,107 7,341 7,994 8,403 10,009........................................... -27 101 3 8 5 19 2,805 3,400 5,877 8,529 5,882 5,524 6,402......................................... 21 72 46 -30 -6 16 1,909 1,829 3,511 5,072 4,293 5,345 7,013......................................... -7 92 44-15 24 31 3,407 5,483 9,061 15,709 8,000'7,256 7,752...................................... 31 65 73-49-9 7 2,702 3,970 4,217 5,607 8,759 10,597 12,741.......................................... 46 6 3 5 21 20............................... 7,354 8,385 10,132............................................................. 14 20.......................... 7,804 8,068 10,329.............................................................. 3 28................................ 5,404 5,932 6,202.............................................................. 9 5............................... 5,625 5,360 5,864............................................................. -5 9................................ 5,238 6,314 6,363.............................................................. 10 1................................ 3,314 3,969 4,158............................................................ 19 5...................................................................... 8 8 4333 5,132............................................................. 17 18................................ 818 1;643 2,113..................................................101 29 19,715 18,213 29,773 42,261 74,214 81,129 94,210......................................... -7 63 41 75 8 16........ 1,137 2,029 3,042 2,526 2,743 2,657............................................... 77 49 -17 8 -3 2,239 2,271 2,497 2,727 3,253 3,356 3,610............ 47 96 -2 36 -33 1 9 9 19 3 8 788 1,088 1,086'1,344 1,381 1,568 1,386.................................... 69 38...... 2 2 14 -12 4,025 4,257 3,969 4,001'2,025 2,119 2,054.............................. 30 89 5 -6....-49 4 - 2,658 3,021 3,132 3,242 2,805 3,183 2,811.................. 27 -47 29 40 13 3 3-13 14 -12................................ 1,946 2,136 2,128...........................[.... 9.. 2,093 2,174 2,213 2,494 2,426 2,439 2,392:::::::::"6'".....a'"..........15 1i6 9 2 -.. -................................... 2,090 2,907................................. 39 2,638,807 1859 2,82 2,2 2 2,51 2,626.......'....................... 54 1 2 -1317 3 1................................ 838 954 1,229......................................... 14 29 4,2 3727 4,252 5,219 3,037 2,991 3,139.................. 96 38'29' 23 -9 14' 22 -41 -1 5 1,166 1,242 1,355 1,315 1,321 1,538 1,523............ 30 7 i8 7 9 -3.... 16 -1 2;009 2,083 2,737 3,794 5,489 4,659 4,112........'....;........', 3 31 38 45 -15 -12.............,................... 1,377 1,596 1,630............................................................... 16 2 2,383 2,653 2,610.2,899 2,987 3,162 3,206.............................. 40 23 11 -1 11 3 6 1........................,859 1,948 1,813.......................................... 5 -7 1~~~,63 1,74,0,6 1,765 1,942~ 1,821............................... 52 19 7 -6 10.~.. 10 -6........ 1,261 1,634 2,072 2,569 2,489 3,040................................................ 38 26 24 -3 22 1,984 1,987 1,910 2,124 1,689. 1,710 1,441I....................... 31 ~'24 35...... -3 11 -24 1 -16................................. 2,523 2,784 3,347.............................................. 13 20 57,94| 2,45 7,65 IOQ99 1132,331 141,971 155,773....I....-3 74 12 46 61 |13 25 28 |19 | 7 |1 Exclusive of Indians. X INTRODUCTION. Comparative Population of Towns, Cities ESSEX COUNTY.' TOTAL POPULATION. CITIES AND TOWNS. When FROM WHAT TAKEN'. formed 1790. 1800. 1810. 1814. 1820. 1825. 1830. Chesterfield... 18 1....................................... 630 547. 667 1 154 1,671 Crown Point...... 1786................................................ 203 941 1,182 1,194 1,522 1728 2,041 Elizabethtown..... 1798 Crown Point........................................... 899 1,360 1,412 889 1,029 1,015 Essex............ 1805 W illsborough............................................... 1,173 1,015 1,225 1 288 1,543 Jay............. 1798 Willsborough....................................... 60' 1,056 1,273 1,647 1216 1,629 Keene........... 1808 Elizabethtown and Jay................................ 642 596 605 707 787 Lewis........... 1805 Willsborough.................................... 548 621 779 1,101 1,305 M inerva 1817 Schroon.....................oon...................................................... 271 371 358 Moriah........... 1808 Crown Point and Elizabethtown................................. 574 602 842 1,251 1,742 Newcomb......... 1828 Minerva and Moriah.......................................................... 62 North Elba........ 1849 Keene................................................................. North Hudson..... 1848 M oriah.................................................................... St. Armand....... 1844 W ilmington.................................................. Schroon.......... 1804 Crown Point......................................... 690 869 888 1,190 1,614 Ticonderoga....... 1804 Crown Point................................................... 179 1,222 1,493 1,833 1,996 Westport......... 1815 Elizabethtown................................. 1,095 1,322 1,513 W illsborough...... 1788.................................... 166 1,316 W ilmington....... 1821 Jay................................................... 637 695 Total........................................................... 578 4,157 9,477 9,949 12,811 15,993 19,287 FRANKLIN COUNTY. Bangor........... 1812 Dickinson....................,............................... 252 370 910 1,076 Bellmont.... 1833 Chateaugay.........,....................... [............................................ Bombay.......... 1833 Fort Covington......................................................... Brandon.......... 1828 Bangor....................................... {................................................. 316 Brighton......... 1858 D uane...............................;................................................................. Burke............ 1844 Chateaugay..................... I...................................................................... Chateaugay....... 1799 Champlain.............................................. 443 625 407 828 1,384 2,016 Constable........ 1807 Harrison (now Malone).......................................... 916 989 637 1,016 693 Dickinson......... 1808 Harrison (now Malone)......................................... 411 185 495 899 446 D uane........... 1828 M alone.......................................................................................... 247 Fort Covington.... 1817 Constable..................................................................... 979 2,136 2,901 Franklin......... 1836 Bellmont...................................................... Harrietstown...... 1841 Duane.................................................... Malone........... 1805 Chateaugay.................................................... 767 735 1,130 1,633 2,207 M oira............ 1828 D ickinson...................................................................................... 791 W estville......... 1829 Constable....................................................................................... 619.Total.................................................................. 443 2,719 2,568 4,439 7,978 11,312 fULTON COUNTY. Bleecker.......... 1831 Johnstown................................................................................ Broadalbin........ 1793 Caughnawaga (changed to Broadalbin, Johnstown, and Amsterdam, 1793)...............I......... ~ 1,133 2,238 2,369 2,428 -2,400 2,655 Caroga........... 1842 Bleecker, Stratford and Johnstown........................................................ Ephrata.......... 1827 Palatine........................................................................................ 1,902 Johnstown........ 1793 Caughnawaga (see note above)....................' 3,932 6,225 6,373 6,527 7,359 7,700 Mayfield.......... 1793 Caughnawaga (see note above).................... [ 876 2,065 1,704 2,025 2,439 [2,609 Northampton...... 1799 Broadalbin............................................. 990 1,474 1,346 1,291 1,344 1,380 Oppenheim......... 1808 Palatine.................................................... 2,693 2,380 3,045 3,025 3,654 Perth............. 1838 Amsterdam......................................................... Stratford..... 1805 Palatine......................................... ] ~ [ 11.......3....... 353 3 9' 40 439' 55 Total................................................................ ^_.....,9-1 15,048 1-4,4-9 1 15 —-23 17,0-06 20,451 GENESEE COUNTY. Alabama.......... 1826 Pembroke and Shelby..................................................... 819// Alx n e.... 1 1 a a i.............................................. 7, 9, 9 2,331 Batavia........... 1802..................................................... 1.......... 3,660 / 2,384 / 2,597 3,353 / 4,264 Bergen.....'...... 1812 Batavia..... t........ ]....................//......... 1'157 / 2,438 / 1,342 / 1,508 Bethany.......... 1812 Batavia............................................ ]........ /........... 1;194 / 1,691 2,088 2,374 7Byron......... 1820 Bergen...................................., 6, 2, 3 D arien............. 1832 Pem broke...................................................................... E b.............. 18 0 Ba a i....................................... /........ f....................... 1,7333 1,770 / 2,967 LeRoy........... 1812 Caledonia...................................................... /........ /2,457/ 2,611/ 2,973/ 3,902 Oakfield.......... 1842 Elba.........................................................................Pavilion.......... 1841 Covington.................................................................................... ~i.....382 Pembroke......... 1812 Batavia...................................................... 1,268 2,576 3,153 3,2 Total..................................................................... [.......:[ 3,660 t 9,435 ] 18,578 20,708 2-6,0-8 With Amsterdam. INTRODUCTION. xvii and Counties at Different Periods-(Continued). ESSEX COUNTY —(CONTINUED). TOTAL POPULATION. PERCENTAGE OF INCREASE OR DECREASE FROM LAST CENSUS. 1835. 1840. 1845. 1850. 1855. 1860. 1865. 1800. 1810.'1814. 1820. 1825. 1830. 1835. 840. 18 4 5. 1850. 1855. 1860 1865. 2,083 2,716 3,022 4,171 3,327 3,179 2787............ -13 22 73 45 24 30 11 38 -20 -4 -12 2189 2,212 2,261 2, 378 2,216 2,252 2,636 362 25 1 27 13 18 7 1 2 5 -7 1 17 856 1,061 /1,194 1,635 /1,402 1,343 1,592...... 52 4 -36 15 -1 -15 23 12 37 -14 -4 8 1,529 1,681 1,720 2,351 2,115 1,633 1,501............ -13 20 5 19 -1 9 2 36 -10 -23 -8 1,732 2,258 2,431 2,688 2,850 2,514 2,279...... 75 20 29 -26 34 6 30 8 15 6-12 -9 700 730 809 756 774 784 770~....t........ -7 2/ 16 11 -11 4 11 - 2 1 -2 1,358 1,505 1,681 2,058 1,803 1,807 1,774............ 13 25 41 18 4 10 11 22-12 0 -5 335 455 496 /586 767/ 903 1,082........................ 37 -3 -6 36 9 18 30 18 10 2,293 2,595 2,807 3,065 3,120 3,466 4,640........... 4 39 48 47 31 13 81 11 34 46 74 126 277 226 157 4................................... -26 61 70 110 -18 -30 -5..................................................... 43 21 -8 561 519 297 575.......................................................... -7 -43 94............... 129 210 289 331 299...................................................... 61 38 14 -10 1,723 1,i660' 1,705 "2,031 2,085 2,550 1,688.............. 26 21 34 35 6 3 2 19 2 22 -34 2,080 2,169 {2,309 2,669 2,125 2,271 2,606............ 359 22 22 8 4',4 6 15 -20 7 1,724 1,932 2,0:94 2,352 {2,041 1,981 1,687........I............. 20 14 13 12 8 12 -13 -3 -15 1,253 1,658 1,424 1,932 1,675 1,519 1,432 357 -61 -8 52 32 12 -4 32 -14 35 -13 9 -6 798 928 894 1,218 904 *861 808................... 9 14 16 -3 36-25 -5 -6 20,699 23,634 25,102 31, 148 28,~539 28, 214 2 8,644 619 128 4 28_ 24_ 20_ 7' 141 6 24 -8 -1 2 FRANKLIN COUNTY-(CONTINUED). 1,035 1,289 1,606 2,159 2,154 2, 520 2,180................. 47 146 18 -4 25 24 34 0 17 -1 382 472 510 660 873 1,376 1'492...............'...............".... 24 8 29 32 58 8 1, 357 1,446 1, 667 1, 963 *2, 319 2,440' 1,'689....................................6 11 18 18 6 -31 ~417 531 578 590 728 794 821.. /............................2 27 8 2 24 9 3 629 631 72 21 -232 2........................................ 208 160.................................................................. -23................ 1,285 2,477 1,900 2, 29..................................................... 93 -23 1 -14 2,039 2,824 1,952 3,728 2,676 3,183 2,8143...... 41 -35 103 67 45 1 38 -30 91 -20 19 -11 724 1,122 1, 177 1.447 1,443 1,680 1,520.....I....... 8' -36 59 -31 5 54 5 23 0 16 -10 1,085~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ / 23 I4 0 17 - 17597 1,005 1041,917 1,1783........... -55 167 81 -50 34 67 7 4 12 52 -7 237 324 178 222 325 279 270............ -1...................... - -14 -3 1,665 2,094 2,369 2,641 2,559 2,757 2,383........................ 118 36 -42 25 13 1I' -3 7 -14 192 361 724 947 1,105 1,070................................................ 88 100 32 17.......... 129 181 306 340 305...................................................... 40 69 11 -10 2',589 3,229 3,634 4,550 5,186 6,569 6,330............ -4 53 44 35 17 24 12 25 14 26 -4 798 962 1 013 1,340 1,459 1,798 1,695.................................... 1 20 5 32 8 23 -6 661'-1,028 1,159 1,301 1,354 6 1,6675................................. 7 55 12 12 4 21 -2 12,501 16,5188 18,692 25,102 *25,897 30,837 28,145...... 513 -5 73 32 13 3 FULTON COUNTY-(CONTINUBD). 332 346 267 510 904 1,662 993......................................... 4 -23 91 77 17 -7 2,721 2,738 2,358 2,476 2,646 2,534...... 97 5 2 -1 10 3 1 -14 5 7 -4 -8............... 342 589 714 629 631.................................................... 72 21 -2 0 2, 146, 2,009 2,085 2,079 2,183 2,202 2,189................................. 13 -6 3 0 5 1 -1 7,557 5,409 5,408 6,131 7,912 8,811 9,805...... 58 2 2 13 5 -3 -29 0 13 29 II 11 2,908 2,615 2,397 2,429 2,393 2,367 2,280...... 136 -17 19 20 7 11 -10 -8 1 -1 -1 -4 1,369 1,526 1,377 1,701 1,943 1,937 1,903...... 49 -8 -4 4 3 1 12 -9 23 14 0 -2 3,927 2,169 2,388 2,315 2,412 2,363 2,213......... 12 27 -1 21 8 -45 10 3 3-4 -6........ ~ 7381 1,214 1,140 1,131 085'1,053.................................................. 64 2 -1 -4 -3 637 50 74281 i,043,7 110...... 9 2 6 1 2 8 831 2 - G-ENESEE COUNTY —(CoNTINuED). 168 1,798 1,800 2,054' 2194 2,061 1,839.................. 0 4 7 - 1 2,48 2.-42,994 1,927} 1,798 1,801 1,828............... 5377 26 2 9 -1 3 -0 0 1 4,430/ 4,219/ 4,384 4,461 5,304 5,876 6,004............ -360 29 27 4 - 3 219 1 2 1,532 226 201 1,90 1,7 1,897 173....... 0.. 41 2 1 7 -9 -10 7-6 1 - 1~~~~,953 1,907 1,0 1,6 1,641 1,064 1,645..................... -3 1 1 - — 5 1 4 -1 3..134 3,161 1,950 1,77~~~~~~~~~~~~2 1,6 2,4 2,4....../...... 33 5 7 1 -9 -9 6n 2...5...... 1,366; 05 1,0457,1,510 1,597 1,511.................................... 7 4 6 -5.............,804 1,640 1,758 6 4 1,723 1,645................................... -1 7 -2 -72 2,0291,97 2,1406 2,279 2,8 22,5 285........ 103 23 21,-48 -2,9 615,01-1 2~~~,956. 251 77139 1,897 2,045 2,077 179..,......................~'7/-297/ -6[ -89 1 42394,145230 28,845 28478 31,520 4, 324,18 31,2............... 159 97 -1 25 42 -221 111 3 - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Exlsi fIdas 3 Xviii INTRODUCTION. Comparative Population of Towns, Cities GREENE COUNTY. TOTAL POPULATION. CITIES AND TOWNS. When FROM WHAT TAKEN. formed. 1790. 1800. 1810. 1814. 1820. 1825. 1830. A shland.......... 1848 W indham............................................................................................... Athens........... 1815 Catskill and Ooxsackie............................................... 2,030 2,038 2,425 Cairo.............. 1803 0atskill, Coxsackie and Freehold (now Durham).................... 2,035 2,071 2, 353 2, 642 2,912 Catskill............ 1788................................................. 1,980 2,408 4,245 4,880 3,510 4,085 4,861 Coxsackie......... 1788................................................. 3,406 4,676 41047 2,570 2,355 3,028 3,373 Durham.......... 1790 Coxsackie...................................... 1,822 3,812 2,944 2,753 - 2,979 3,180' 0,039 Greenville......... 1803 Coxsackie and Freehold.......................................... 2,304 2,196 2,374 2,404 2,566 H ttlcott........... 1851 Lexington............................................................................................... Hunter........... 1814 Greenland.................................................... 621 1,025 1,467 1,960 Jewett............ 1849 Lexington and H unter................................................................................... Lexington......... 181.3 W indham...................................... 1,292 1,"798 2,221 2,548 New Baltimore..... 1811 Coxsackie............................................................. 1,984 2,036 2,171 2,370 Prattsville......... 1833 W indham........................................................................... W indham........ 1798 W oodstock.............................................. 1,688 3,961 2,243 2,536 2,993 3,411 Total............................................................7,208 12,584 / 19,536 _ 20,210 _ 22,996 26,229 29,525 HAMILTON COUNTY. Arietta........... 1836 Lake Pleasant......................................... B enson............ 1860........................................................................................................ Gilm an............ 1839 W ells, discontinued, 1860................................................................................. H ope............ 1818 W ells.......................................................................... 608 696 719 7rndian Lake....... 1858 Long Lake, Gilman and W ells............................................................................ Lake Pleasant..... 1812 Johnstown..................................... I....................... 215 312 235 266 Long Lake......... 1837 W ells, Lake Pleasant, Arietta and Morehouse........................................................ M orehouse........ 1835 Lake Pleasant..................................................... Wells............ 1805 Mayfield and Northampton.................. 465 341 33'1 365 340 Total............................ n. I...................................... 41 1,296 | 325 HERKIMER -COUNTY. Columbia......... 1812 W arren.............................................................. 1, 870 2,051 2,180 2,181 Danube..-......... 1817 M inden......................................................................... 3,183 3,2_7 5 1,724 Fairfield.......... 1796 Norway................................................. 2,065 2,705 2,275 2,610 2,535 2,266 Frankfort.......... 7...... 946 1,314 1,294 1,860 2,148 2,620 German Flats..... 117................................................ 1,307 1,637 2,228 2,327 2,665 3,065 2,466 Herkimer.......... 1788................................................ 1,525, 2,634 2,7143 2,887 3,055.3,198 2,486 Litcrfield......... 1796 German Flats......................................... 1,9 2,533 2,299 1,729 1,701 1,750 Little Falls........ 1829 Herkimer, Fairfield and German Flats.. I.......................................................... 2,539 Manheim./.......... 1797 Palatine................................................ 1,037 1,444 1,608 1,777 1,841 1,937 Newport.......... 1806 Herkimer, Fairfield, Norway and Schuyler.................... 1,605 1,415 1,746 1,811 1,863 Norway.......... 1792 Herkimer............................................... 1,913 1,.466 1,9365 1,612 1,168 1,151 Ohio.............. 1823 N orw ay......................................................................... I........ 515 713 russia............ 1806 Norway........................................................ 1,381 1,429 1,685 2,174 2,458 Salisbury..... 1797 Palatine................................................ 716 1,252 1,280 1,438 1,779 1,999 Schuyler.......... 1792 Herkimer................................................, 963 2,107 1,507 1,-837 1,936 2,074 Stark............. 1828 D anube...................... I................................................................... 1,781 Warren........ 1796 German Flats........................................... 2,445 3,964 2,169 2,013 2,077 2,084 W ilmurt...... 1836 Russia and W est Brunswick (now Ohio)................................................................... Winfield.......... 1816 Litchfield, Richfield and Plainfielda................................. 1,715 1,637 1,778 Norwayl.........................................................4 74 2 1,065:[ 3,0402 135,170, Oa ls...'...................................................,, 3, 7 XusAnwp......11 LeRy...................................... 30 1,319 2,2574 2,411 Bro nvile......1802 Lerwy e.......................................;........ 6, 0 1 93 3 9 0 2 58 2 9 8 Champion.........~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~./.10 Meic ] ]1]:]::]";1'"z29............................. 4,8,9,8,2,4 Salisburyh.:........ 1803 Palatin......................................................... 1,7152 1,3250 1,431[ 4,733 1,2929 Shuylerso........ 1 0 lib rh............................, 3,0, 1,7 2',42 Housfel......1796 Haertownr.................................................. 943 207 1,386'3,429 "2,6 341 Star Ray........... 1806 D a o nuble............................................/'. 1,149 1,127,9 4 2 55, 19 Warrein.......... 1794 G erman.lts...........................................i....i&i. 81 81 1.112 1,400 1 72 WLyme........ 1818Rssaad Vs Brusik(owvhill........o.................................174 255 283 Winfelda........... 1819 icfed BRichfield laifel...........................................1,4 198 227 Rta nd......80 Waterow........'................................ 1,7386 1,694 1,9467 2,4102 2,399 Watertow....... 1800 Mexico......................... 11 1,4 245 276 345 478 mW ~ di a.......... 1819 Leo Ray an d Leyden............................... []] ].]....................... 26. 64 1,126 1,602 Anw ertp.......... 1848 Le Rrayn....................................................................... Trowtall........ 10 edn......................................'...................... 2 62 5,140 18,5647 32,995 24,65 0 48,4938 INTRODUCTION. xix and Counties at' Different.Periods-(Continued). GREENE COUNTY-(CoNTINuED). TOTAL POPULATION. PERCENTAGE OF INCREASE OR DECREASE FROM LAST CENSUS. 1.835. 1840. 1845. 18.50. 1855. 1860. 1865. 1800. 1810. 1814. 1820. 1825. 1830. 1835. 1840. 1845. 1850. 1855. 1860. 1865. 7...............1......... 1,290 1,139 1, 1 1,080......................................................-.. -4 7 -11 2,673 2,387 2,593 2,986 2,870 2,791 2,978............ I........... 0 19 10 -11 9 15 -4/-3 7 2,861 2,862 2,812 2,831 2,557 2,479 2,343........... 1 13 12 10 -2 0 -2 1 9-3 -5 5,179 5,339 I 5,458 5,454 5,710 6,275 6,679 21 -76 5 -21 17 19 7 3 4 0 5 9 6 3,364 3,539 3,799 3,741 3,682 3,661 3,561 38 -12 -36 -8 28 11 0,5 8-1 -1 -1 -3 2,954 2,813 2,613 2,600 2,540 2,558 2,412 109 -23 -6 8 7 -4 -3 -4 -71 0-3 1 -6 2,313 2,:338 2,261 2,242 2,173 2,268 2,246............ -4 8 1 6 -9 1 1-1 3 4 -1 7ZI.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~'14 -13................................ 474 504 436.............................................................. 7 -13 2, 024' 2,019 2, 43 3 1,849 1,594 1,698 1, 641.................. 65 43 34 3 0 20 -24 -14 7 -3......................... 1,452 1,129 1,145 1,110........................................................ -23 1 -3 2,598 2,813 2,902 2,263 1, 595 1,657 1,520.................. 39 24 15 2 8'6 -22 -29 4 -8 2,395 2,306 2,347 2,381 2,402 2,512 2,629................ 2 6 9 1 3 2 2 1 4 5 1,469 1,613 2,069 1,989 1,588 1,511 1,484........................................... 9 8 -.4 -25 -5 -2 2,343 2,417 2,670 2,048 1,684 1,659 1,591 I..... 135 -43 13 18 16 -32 3 12 1-23 -17 -2 -4 30,173 30,446 31,957 33,126 31,137 31,930 31,710 74 553__ 13 14 13 2 1 5 3-6 2 -1 HAMILTON COUNTY-(CONTINUED)......... 209 114 108 149 98 82................................................ -45 -5 39 -35 -16.......................................... 380 315..........................................I........................, -17........ 98 95 101 90................................................................ -3 6 -9........ 768 711 648 789 822 745 621........................ 14 4 7 - -9 20 -4 -9 -17...................................... 256 174.................................................................... -32 336 296 296 305.300 3 56 280.................. 45 -24 13 29 -12 0 3 -1 18 -20........ 59 72 157 139 223 270........................................ 22 118 -12 60 21 119 199 211 242 275 228 219.......................................... 67 6 14 14 -16 -4 431 365 446 486 71 6 8 738 692............ -27 -3 10 -8 27 -15 22 9 59 4 -6 1 19 1 2| 2,188 2, 543 3,_024 2, 653............ 125''3''2 25'' 15 |-1 HERKIMER COUNTY-(CONTINUED). 1,983 2,129.126 2,000 1,831 1,893 1,.732.................. 9 6 0 -9 10 0 -6 -8 3 -9 1,651 1,960 1,699 1,730 1,791 1-2711,343.......................... 3 -48 -4 I -13 2.4 5 -22 2,062 1,836 1,6 62 1,646 1,493 1,712 1,649...... 31 -2 15 -3 -11 -8 -11 -9 -1 -9 14 -4 2, 670 3,096 3,082 3,023 3,217 3,247 3,087...... 39 -1 44 1 6 2.2 6 0-2 6 1 -5 2,715 3,245 3, 237 3, 578 3,855 3,940 5,074 25 36 4 14 14 -19 10 20 -1 10 8 2 29 2,710 2, 369 2, 379 2,601 2,866 2,804 2,922 7 4 5 5 4 -22 9 -16 1 9 10 -3 4 1,620 1,672 1,677 1,676- 1,5,82 1, 520 1,397.... 28 -8 -25 -2 *3 -7 3 0 0-6 -4 -8 3,147 3,881. 4,244 4,855 4,930 5,989 5, 588..................................... 24 23 9 14 2 22 -7 2,095 2,095 1,872 1,902 1,672 1, 868 1,831...... 39 11 10 11 5 8 0 -11 2 -12 11 -2 1,955 2.020 2,112 2,125 2,015 2,113 1,983............ -12 2 3 4 3 5 3 4 -1 4 -6 1,131 1,046. 1,079.1,052 1,059 1,105 1,080...... -21 -7 18 -41 -1 -2 -7 3 -2 0 4 -2 698 692 763 1,051 1,087- 1,135 928........................ 38 -2 -1 10 39 3 4 -18 *2,313 2,298 2,439 2, 349 2,888 2,389 2,030............. 3 is 29 13 -7 -1 7 -3 — 2 5 -15 1,974 1,859 1,860 2,035 2,306 2, 325 2, 123... 74 2 13 3 12'-I -6 0 9 13 0 -9 2,153 1,798 1,6824 1,696 1,690 1,715 1,589...... 125 -28 55 5 2 3 -16 1 -6 0 1 -7 1,581 1,766 1, 775 1,5716 1, 478 1,543 1,522..................................... 11 12 1 — 11 -6 4 -1 2,004 2,003 1,952 1,0756 1,741 1,812 1,611...... 629 3 - -7 3 0 -4 0 -2 -10 -8 4 -11........ 60 89 112 268 260 148........................................... 5 20 138 -3 -4 1,739, 1,652 1,7559 1,481 1, 397.1,480 1,517................ -1 9 -22 25..]6 -5 -6 6 -2 36, 201 | 7477 37, 424 38,244 38,566 40,561 I39,154_ 407 51 |-4 31 __6 _8 I_ 4 0 12 I L_5 -_r3 2,71 3475.81 4,7414,1855 4 l 3,35 3 91,80 8., 14......]......]......[....../........... 77 29 7 -14 5 14 -7 2,890 3,968 4,380 4,28 3,589 3,966 3,495......... 17 06 -5 3 -1 7 10 2 16 0 -2 2,190 2,046 2,14-6|2x,059 1,946| 2,132 2,0802...... 93 - 1| -23i -21 -15 62 -117 - 3 7 9 6934 3990 4,632 4,051 4.232/ 4,696[ 4,446......l...............................'.' 9! 1 -10211 -5 2,270,2,48[ 2,4395 2,239 2,139! 2,419 1,0962......]...... 231 371 8 171 -71 9 -5 ~-5 [ 513-15 3,55 4,14 3,91 4,136 3,2 3,33 2,75......... 47 14 -1 23 4 17 - 6-2 1 2,6153 1,799 1,624/ 1,511 1,470, 1,68 1,5890............28 0 5 37'26 23 -16 5 - 8- 5 - 2,04,8,0 1 3,0766 3,7725 65 2,80 2,934t 2,791......[..;...1......1..............-13. -4! 47 2 7 -1 4 -15 2,322 2,104o 2,25 252 2,1 278 2.49.............. 48 14 2 -7 o7 12 -1 11 -10.......6o 18 8 194 1,1 1,4 1,9 1'7154s.....4.....4...-..,.....4-.........~ 41.........9 - 1,7698 1,702 1,5694 1,7t84 1,752 1,808 1,6541...... 7~ -1' 11 -1 0 0 5 2 -S ______..... __ 109 _ __42., 7, 2, 1..........._.... ~....................... 1 - 6 - 4,2779 5,07 5,433 78,241 7,557 40,561 89,194...1407 51 -1 31 63 3 -0 1 8 33 4 2,05 2,5 2,1 2,993'3,02 4 3 662 3,2........... 14 74 42 2 -2'0 1 2........:............ 3 26 0 474 6,71 5!3,4 7 611....,1....../....../......,....../......!..................... 45] 34 -4 "49' 1'536 116,0881 6,984616,9 I 68,153 65,40.19,25 6,4......[5,679 14 23 72 -26 15|6 91] -11 ^ - XX INTRODUCTION. Comparative Population of Towns, Cities KINGS COUNTY. TOTAL POPULATION. CITIES AND TOWNS. When FROM WHAT TAKEN. formed. 1790. 1800. 1810. 1814. 1820. 1825. 1830. Brooklyn:................................................... 1,603 2,378 4,402 3,805 7,175 10,791 *15,394 1st w ard.. 1834 f................................................... 2d w ard..... 1834........................................................ 3d ward..... 1834 } Village and town of Brooklyn.......................... 4th w ard..... 1834....................................................... 5th ward...../ 1834/J I........ 6th w ard..... 1834 L........................................................ 9th w ard..... 1834........................................................ 7th ward.....] 1834...................................... 10th w ard..... 1850........................................................................................................ 11th w ard..... 1850........................................................................................................ 12th w ard..... 1854......................................................................................................... 13th wardn o B r ooklyn......................................................... 19th w ard..... 1854........................................................ Wilasug u1ti3185............... 10th ward.... 184{Rhiputl15 40 66 78 79 90 98 t'2 18th w ard..... 1854 \........................................................ 19th w ard..... 1854........................................................ 12th ward..... 18543........540.. 78 79 9. 98... Totlh wBr d y............ 1 4t h ward...... 18548.....94.. 946. 1,159. 1,062. 1,027. 1,049. 1,143 1atln war........ 1856 imh and 1854'..................................423.493.517.507.512. 491. 596 5th ward d..........................................426. 489. 520. 552. 534. 408. 565 Te otal Br o l n..........2F at u h..................................................... 6........................................... New u h...... 17858............................................. 562 46 9 1 70 1,009 9 1,17 Toth ard......... 1788............................................... 4 23 40 517 7, 11 512 4 9 595 Gr avesend.......... 17884.............................................. 42. 489 520......... 408. NewnLots......... 1852 Flatribush............... Da ta h 17 8............................... 309 thar d............... 1828 W a son....................................... 8.... 7,655...... 14....,535 Haribr'.... 1803} 7tvil hapo a nd 1 exic wads....................., 39 52 72 71 2igh ward....... 1841 W est Dina........................................................................................ D e ias rk.............................................................. 1.... 1............ eDia na............ 1873 Wt sobwn................................................. 622....71..,203. 1. 156 309 Lot len d.......... 1828 Watson.....................................'........'.... 1 4 9... 51, 3 2 07 2,332 491 arrisburgh...................................................399 5 0 7 2 ontage...............................................................62-2...-.1,203 14, 56. 10,502 M Ne B ure hen...... 1848 W atson and D i a n............................................................................... Osceola........... 1844 W est Turin.................................... ]..................... Pinckney......... 1808 Harrison (now Rodman) and Harrisburgh.......................... 404 507 664 763 Turin............. 1800 Mexico.................................................. 440 1,078 1,812 2,388 1,661 W atson........... 1821 Leyden................................................................................. 693 909 W est Turin........ 1830 Turin.......................................................................................... 1,635 Toa lr..........'................................................ I......... 1,3 433 6,848 9, 11, 15,239 C s.. 1809 Lowvo illa, Chamond and Mexico........................................................... 227 6 19 Lim.......... 789..............,............................... 1, 6, 74 1.7 8 1 9 3 1, 7, 6 Highniake......... 1858 We tst T urn................................................., 8,0,2, 1,6 L ewi s............ 1858 W n estTuinc a Ledn......................................... 9, 9, 8, 7, 9 Ossan......... 808 An elia...............-...........:............... 21 7022 1, 1981 Leyda e...... 18 7 N nd.......................... "|............................., 3 Sparta....1.9..St.u b78......................................... 50 1 38 79 1, 5 3 28 3 7 7 SprvingW tr... 1 16 S atl ales.......... 10 eio............................................., 5, 5, 5 W e tSarti n... 8 6 sburta....................................................,.....5.... Yor,......... 1809 T urdo ia nd ecse.................................................,2,7,3 Mont ague........... 85.....Tri...................................^.^...1.... 2 4 8 _,5 6 3 1 1 2,0 6 | 6 7 1 I. 7 7 9 Nehw fv arso Brokycntiedm240,tetonsi...... 184 Wo atson oftons oeotd Ceproatel............... f~ ~~~10 Hari s o nwRdmnadriasburgh.......nd]]....ic INTRODUCTION. Xxi and Counties at Different Periods-(Continued). KINGS COUNTY —(CONTINUED). TOTAL POPULATION. PERCENTAGE OF INCREASE OR DECREASE FROM LAST CENSUS. 1835. 1840. 1845. 1850. 1855. 1860. 1865. 1800. 1810. 1814. 1820- 1825. 1830. 1835. 1840. 1845. 1850. 1855. 1860. 1865................................................... 48 85 -12 89 50 43................................ 1.523 2,148 4,622 6,062 6,441 6,967 6,128........................................ 41 115 31 6 9 -12 4,674 5,447 6,903 9,357 8,383 9,817 8,760.......................................... 16 27 36 89 17 -11 2,764 3,834 5,936 8,749 8,900 10,084 8,890.......................................... 39 55 47 2 13 -12 5,724 6.827 8,819 11,032 12,282 11,766 11,506.......................................... 19 29 25 11 -4 -2 4,510 7.415 9,419 13,682 16,352 17,400 17,820.......................................... 64 27 45 19 6 2 2,139 4,043 10,651 11,536 18,490 27,710 26,407................ 89163 8 60 49 -5 4,622 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~......................86 9 -,042 4,521 9,958 6,371 12,523 12,096 15,968.............................. 121120 -36 96 -4 32 487 944 1,369 2,585 5,318 9, 190 9,829.............................. 94 45 89106 72 7 666 1054 1,897 3,261 9,133 17,343 23,443.......................................... 43 80 72 180 90 35........................ 11,782 21,749 25,258 28,668......................................................... 85 16 14........................ 12,421 22,213 28,851 18,242........................................................ 79 29 -37 6,990 11,083 13,085....................................................... 58 18 55,094 511,338 30, 7480 14,044 17,958 17,791............................................... 1 72-54 28 -1....... 12,414 15,475 15,425............................................................. 25 0............... 6,559 10,566. 11,449........................................................... 61 15 350 21,181 24,379....... I.................. 38 15 *3, 325 *1,295''1857 k3,739 5,508 7,934 10,234 * 21 22 -5 23 3 69 *i5 6 43 69 75 44 29................................ 2,601 4,316 6,319................................... 6,6 46........... 6,697 8,055.................... 20..........................I........ 13,980.......:........................................................... "'~~~~~~; 27,854 42,622 72,769131,357205,250 266,661296,378.......................................... 53 7 8156 30 11 1,537 2,099 2,225 3,177 3,280 3,471 2,778 0 23 -8 -3 1 9 34 37 96 -20 684 810 936 1,155 1,578 1,652 1,904 17 5 -2 1 -4 20 315 18 16 23 37 5 15 695 799 898 1,064 1.256 1,286 1,627 15 6 6 -3 -24 38 23 15 12 18 18 2 27 1,04,261 I,7 23,4426............................. 2,261 3, 271 5,009........................................................ 6 0 53 1,287 1,283 1,863 * 2,129 2,730 2,781 3,394 38 17 7 4 -3 24 6 0 45 14 22 2 22 32;, 057 147,613 718,691 138,882 21J6,355 1279,122 311,090 28 | 45 -8_ 46 31 40 | 56 49 4 5 | 76 56 | 29 _1l LEWIS COUNTY-(CONTINUED). 1,014 1,135 1, 531 2,035 2,146................................................... 12 35 33 5 -2,522 2388 2,551 2,824 2,381 2,559 2,222.................. 17 11 19 6 -5 7 11 -16 7 -13 449 883 793 970 1,177 1,483 1,645.................................... 45 96 -10 22 21 26 10 538 592 880 1,074 1,203 1,733 1,946..................................... -19 10 44 22 12 44 12 803 850 986 1,367 1,240 1,338 1,238................. 30 39 -1 13 6 16 39 -9 8 -7................................ 1,125 1,170 1,130.............................................................. 4 -3................................ 1,157 1,407' 1,259............................................................ 2 -12 1,687 2,438 1,941 2,253 1,856.1,859 1,828.................. 38 -4 30 12 44-20 16-18 0 -2 2,097 2,047 2,167 2,377 2,144 2, 373 2, 574.................. 21 8 11 -10 -2 6 10 -10 11 8 2,288 2,272 2,408 2,677 2,489 42,855 2,480.................. 50 30 22 -4 -1 6 11 -7.15 -13.................................. 571 707 643..................................................... I........ 24 -9 1,510 1,647 1,786 1,966....................................................... 9 8 10.....7.......... 412 513 95 1............................ 93 25 16 20 796 907 996 1,208 1,039 1,393 1,291.................. 25 31 15 4 14 10 21 -14 34 -7 1,907 1,704 1,882 1,826 1,748 1,849 1,683.................. 77 32 70 15 -11 10 -3 -4 6 -9 i1,163 1,707 2,763 1,138 930 1,028 949............................. 31 24 47 62 -59 -1 11 -8 1,843 2,042.1,624 3,793 2,478 2,410 2,128.................................. 13 11-20 130-35 -3 -12 16,093 17,830 9 20,218 24,564 25,229 28,580 211840 2...... 372 6 4 9 265 7 63 I 1 1 1 21 3 13 -3 LISINGSTT ON C OUNT~ Y —(CoNTrINUED). 2,7954 2, 999 2,450 2,809 2, 694 2, 910 2,930 /......( 251 24 -17 19 3 16 9 1-18 15 -3 8 1.,677.. 1,987 1,758 1,804 1,991 2, 014 1,725..... -3 19 -45 10 f 4 18..-12 3 1..0 1 -14 1,690 1,654 1,579 1,418 1,4 13 43 1,346........................25 0 -3 -5 -10 0 2 -7 2, 714 2, 892 2, 613 2, 958 2, 883 3,002 3,001....128 44 26 3 1 1 7 I-10 13 -9 4 0 1,715 2, 000 1,759 1,724 1,610 1,565 1,430................1 17-12 -2 -7 -3 -9 2,135 2,415 2, 287 2,.142 2, 076 2,008 ~1,651...... 29 17 33 15 51 13 -5 -6 -3 -3 -18 2,227 2,176 2,158 2,433 1,670 2,782 2,925...... 39 19 12 -10 -1 26 -2 -1 13 -31 4 5 2,659 2,719 2,695 2,627 2,635 2.593 2,605|...... 18 7 0 10 0 2 - -3 0 1 0 3,499 4,576 4,293 4,531 4,042 3963 3,770........................ 89 34 78 3 -6 5-11 -...................-..:... 4,377 3,481 3,738 3,724......1..................................................-2~0 7 0 2,031 2,637 2,528 3,128 2,887 2,849 2,843............ 22 9 14 -55 58 30 -4 24 -8 - o 940 938 953 1,283 1,313 1,209 84............ 24 241 53 -130 2, 560 4,.'721 2,668 2,478 1,569 1,519........ 39 84-4 — 37 -3 -7 4, 507 5,841- 5,944 1,372 1,233 1,248 1,183... 7 4 5 13 1 9 3 7 -0 1 - 2,-567 2, 832 2,761 2,670O 2, 481 2, 399 2, 227............. 44 36 14 13 -3 -3 -7 3 -7 1,619 1,496 1,501 1,383.....................................0 -8::2,948 3,049 2,896 2,785 2,'782 2,743 2,521..................... 26 21 12 3 -5 -4 0 1 -8 35,683 42,498 3,389 140,75 37,943 39,546 137,555......|. 330 1 25 6 27 | 4 29 16} 10 L_6-7 4| -5, Not included in the city of Brooklyn. XXii INTRODUCTION. Comparative Population of Towns,.Cities MADISON COUNTY. TOTAL POPULATION. CITIES AND TOWNS. When FROM WHAT TAKEN. formed. 1790. 1800. 1810. 1814. 1820. 1825. 1830. Brookfield....... 1795 Paris................................................. 1,973 4,024 3,760 4,240 4,284 4,367 Cazenovia......... 1795 Whitestown and- Paris................................ 3,080 3,151 3,341 3,909 3,860 4,344 DeRuyter....... 1798 Cazenovia...................................... 310 1,503 1,522 1,214 1,419 ~1.447 Eaton............ 1807 Hamilton............................................................ 2,263 2,231 3,021 3,2i5 3,559 Fenner........... 1823 Cazenovia and Smithfield........................................ 1,933 2,017 Georgetown....... 1815 De Ruyter............................................. 824 1,044 1,094 Hamilton......... 1.795 Paris................................. 2,673 2,220 2,428 2,81 2,931 3,220 Lebanon.......... 1807 Hamilton.................................................... 1,634 1,694 1,940 2,059 2,249 Lenox............ 1809 Sullivan....................................................... 1,734 2,349 3,360 4,326 5,039 Madison.......... 1807 Hamilton..................................................... 2,229 2,373 2,420 2,488 2,544 Nelson............ 180 C no................................ 1,763 2,070 2,329 2,404 2,445 Smithfield.......... 1807 Cazenovia............................................. 2,651 2,611 3,338 2,553 2,636 Stockbridge....... 1836 Vernon, Augusta, Smithfield and Lenox.................................................................... Sullivan.......... 1803 Cazenovia............................................... 1,974.1,897 2,93 3,130 4,077 Total.................................................................. 8,036 25,144 26,276 32,208 35,646 39,038 MONROE COUNTY. Bjghton. 1819 Smallwood and Penfield................. 414 o2,860 673 1,972 4, 375.3,128...............................* Chili............. 1822 Riga.................................................. 1,827 2,010 C rson............24 Clarks..on........ 1819 Murray......................................................... 1,612 2,620 3,249 Gates............. 8.............................................'....... 778 464 638 2,643 4,191 1,631 Greece........... 1 822 Gates............... i.................................................................. 1,547 2,571 H am lin....... 1852 Clarkson................................................................................................ Henrietta......... 1819 Pittsford.........................................................81 2,145 2,322 Irondequoit....... 1839 Brighton........................................................................................... Mendon........... 1812 Bloomfield................................................. 1,353 2,012 2,777 3,029 Ogden........... 1817 Parma........................................... 1,435 1,922 2,399 Parma............. 1801' Northampton (now Gates)............................... 495 1,041 1,344 1,910 2,639 Penfield.......... 1810 Boyle (afterwards Brighton and Pittsford)................................. 1,874 3,224 4,117 4,474 errinton......... 1812 Boyle (afterwards Brighton and Pittsford)................................ 821 1,664 2,190 2,183 Pittsford.......... 1814 Smallwood (changed to Brighton and Pittsford)............................. 2,222 1,582 1,758 1,831 Riga.............. 1808 Northampton.......................................... 864 1,736 3,139 1,745 1,907 Rochester city: ist w ard....... 1834.................................................. 1,654 2d w ard...... 1834............................................... 2,082 3d ward...... 1834 Towns of Brighton and Gates 2,353 4th ward...... 1834............................................... 1,677 5th w ard,... 1834................................................ 1,441 6th w ard...... 1844.............................................................................. 7th w ard...... 1844....................................................................................................... 8th w ard...... 1844......................................................................................................... 9th w ard...... 1844........................................................................................ 910th w ard...... 1852...................................................................................................... 10th w ard...... 1858 N inth w ard....................................................................................... l2th w ard............................. 12th w ard.................................................................... 13th w ard................................................................................................... 24th w ard.................................................................................................................. Total R ochester.................................................................................................... f9,207 Rush............. 1818 A vo............................................................... 1,701 1,929 2,098 Sweden........... 1813 Murray................................................................ 820 2,761 2,327 2,937 W ebster....... 1840 Penfield............................................................................................... W heatlan d........ 1821 C ledonia....................................... 1,72 2, 240 Total............................................................ 1,192 4,683 27,288 39,108 49,855 MONTGOME RY COUNTY. Amsterdam....... 1793 Cau hnawga (see note to............. 4,261 1,04 3,039 3,028 3,171 3,207 3,356 Cannjoharie....... 1788............................................... 6,156 2,266 4,010 3,907 4,677 3,664 4,347 Charleston........ 1793 Mohawk (changed to Florida and Charleston)..,440 2,001 5,282 5,154 5,365 2,102 2,148 Florida........... 1793 Mohawk (changed to Florida and Chaleston).1,238 2,777 2,297 2,743 2, 689 2,81 Glen................... 2 1,9/75 2,451 Mind....................................... 2,929 4,.788,838 1,954 2,085 2,619 Mohaw~7k'.......... 1837 Johnstow n.................................... ~ 1~~ ~............................... Plalatine....... 1788................................................ 3,404 3,517 3,111 3,481 3,936 4,072 2,742 Root............. 1823 Canajoharie and Charleston. 2,806 2,750 St. John.ville....... 1838 Oppeheiso....................................................... Total a t i n e............ 187261 13,015.23,007.22.705_.1,.46_22,600^ _23,264 * Northfield, a~fterwalrds Boyle, now Brighton and Penfield. | f Village of Rochester. INTRODUCTION. xxiii and Counties at Different Periods-(Continued). MADISON COUNTY —(CONTINUED). TOTAL POPULATION. PERCENTAGE OF INCREASE OR DECREASE FROM LAST CENSUS. 1835. 1840. 1845. 1850. 1855. 1860. 1865. 1800. 1810. 1814. 1820. 18284 5. 1850. 1855. 1860. 1865. J 7 29 3, ~ ~ 1Sf59 1802,3GO:1 / 3 9~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~50. 3 95i /i t' 3,950 3,695,3,623 3,585 3,770 3,729 3,593...... 102 -4 13 1 2 -10 -7 -2 -1 5 -1 -4 4,647 4,153 4,675 41812 4,495 4,343 4,159...... 2 6 17 -1 7 7 -11 16 3-6 -4 -4 1,562 1,799 1,829 1,931 1,920 1,817 1,820....../ 385 1 -20 17 2 8 15 2 6 -1 -5 0 3,758 3,409 3,444 3,944 4,061 3,871 3,861........... -1 32 6 17 6 -9 1 15 3-5 0 1,972 1,997 1,833 1,690 1,622. 1,649 1,387............................ 4. 2 1 -8-8-4 2 -16 1,177 1,130 1,386 1,411 1,442 1,476 1,479........................ 27 5 8 -4 23 2 2 2 0 4,022 3,738 3,878 3,599 3,737 3,894 3,434...... -17 9 10 9 10 26 -7 4 -7 4 2 -12 2,337 1,794 1,867 1,709 1,661 1,678 1,557............ 4 14 6 9 4 -23 4 -8 -1i 1 -7 5,314 5,440 5,931 7,507 7,800 8,024 8,456............ 35 43 29 17 5 2 9 26 4 3 5 3,655 2,344 2,313 2,405 2,483 2,457 2,414........... 6 2 3 2 44 -36 -1 4 3 -1 -2 2,231 2,100 1.976 1,965 1,876 1,797 - 1,717............ 12 13 3 2 -9 -6 -6 -1 -5 -4 -4 2,750 1,699 1,629 1,669 1,514 1,509 1,366............ -2 30 -25 3 4 -38 -4 2-9 0 -9......... 2,320 2,215 2,081 2,052 2,068 1,925................................................ -5 -6 -1 1 -7 4,366 4,390 4,388 4,764 5,253 5,233 5,340............ -4 55 7 30 7 1 0 9 10 0 2 41,741 40,008 40,987 43'072*43,687 43,545 42,5 506 4...... 2133 11 0 7 -2 lIONROE COUNTY-(CONTINUED). 2,883 2,336 2,290 3,117 3,323 3,138 3,590.................. 193 123 -29 -8 -19 -2 36 6 -5 14 1,951 2,174/ 2,043 2;247 2,203 2,905 2,242.............................. 10 -3 11 -6 10 -2 0 -23 3,836 3,486 4,207 4,555 2,177 2,093 1,843........................ 62 24 18 -9 21 8-54 -3 -12,1,447 1,728 1,822 2,005 2,347 2,710 2,783...... -40 38 314 58 -61 -11 19 5 10 17 15 3 3,265 3,669 3',818 4,219 4,487 4,147 4,400..................... 66 27 12 4 10 6'8 6........................... 2,369 2,460 2,207........................ 1-1...................................-10 2.215 2,085 2,219 2,513 2,1I44 2,249 2,392....................... 2 8 -4 6 6 131-14 5 6........ 1,252 1,461 2,397 3,234 3,547 -3,420........................................... 17 64 35 9 -4 3,404 3,435 3,243 3,353 3,015 2,936 2,959.................t 49 38 9 12 1 -6 3 1.0 2 1 2,434 2,404 2,560 2,598 3,080 2,712/ 2,791'....................... 34 25 1 -1 6 1 19 12 3 2,995 2,652 2,740 2,947 2,783 2,904 2,936............ 110 29 42 39 14 -12 3 8 -5 5 1 4,905 2,842' 2,937 3,185 3,030 3,210 3,059................. 73 27 8 10 -42 3 9 5 6 -5 2,203 2,513 2,636 2,891/ 3,175 3.015 3,219................. 103 32 O 1 14 4 10 10 -5 7 1,969 1,983 1,860 2,061 2,133 2,028 2,029.................. -29 11 4 7 1 -7 11 3 -5 0 1,905 1,984 1,985 2,159 2,025 2,177. 2,141............/ 101 81 -44 10 0 4 0 9 -6 7 -2 2,272 2,816 3,002 3,053 2,225- 4,474 2,220.......i............................... 37 24 7 2 27 11 -50 3; 314 4,685 2,768 3,630 3,656 3,736 3,468...................................... 59 41 -41 31 1 2 -7 2,892 4,203 3,730 4,491 4,386 4,779 4,820.........3......................... 23 45 -11 20 -2 9 1 3,013 3,832 2,828 3,511 3,323 3,180 3,236.................................... 79 27 -26 24 -5 4 2 2,913 4,655 4,121.3,705 4,376 4,594 4,616..................................... 102 59 -11 -10 18 5 0................ 3,984 7,061 5,391 6,054 3,613................................................... 77 -23 12 -40....... 1,861 3,336 4,619 2,274 2,605......... /.......4...d......}..........'.....4........ 79 38 -51 15................ 1,975 2,920 3,951 4,440 4,480....................................... 48 31 13 1................ 2,696 4,696 7,218 4,601 5,084.....>............................................. 73 54 -36 10................................ 4,732 5,498 2,732.............................................................. 17 -50........................................ 3,684 4,300.................................................................. 17.......2 890 3,245........................................................................................ 12;::I::::i~ - ~_:3,22............................................................................................................... 3,293....................................................................'" 14,404 20,191 26,965 36,403 43,877 48,204 50,940....56 40 33 35 20 9 6 2,026 1,929 1,798 2,015 1,750 1,613 1,708............ 13 8 -3 -1 -7 12 -13 -8 6 3,559 3,133 3,179 3,623 3,967 4,045 4,126. 237 -15 25 21 12 1 14 9 2 2........ 2,235 2 725 2,446 2,388 2,650 2,7-75 2.......................... 2 10 -2 11 5 2,684 2,871 2311 2,916 2,816 2,560 2,675................. 29 19 6 -20 26 -4 -9 4 58085 64,902 70,899 87,650 96,324 100,648 104,235...... 294 139 144 43 27 16 12 9 23-10-45 4 MONTGOMERY COUNTY —(CONINUED). 4,109 5,334 3,581i 4,128 4,012 4,557 5,135 -75'185 0 5 1 4 23 29 -33 15 -4 13 13 4,671 5,146 4,988 4,097 4,022 4,134 4,248 -63 77 -2 19 -21 19 8 15 -3 -12 -2 3 3 2,124 2,103 1,995 2,216 1,899 1,837 1,687 -54 163 -2 4 -61 2 -1 -1 0 11 -14 -3 -9 2,896 5,214 3,172 3,571 3,154 2,991 2,885...... 125 -17 19 -2 20 2 84 -39 13 -12 -5 -4 2,612 3,678 2,718 3,043 2,956 2,884 2,737............................. 24 7 41 -27 12 -2 -3 -5 2,902 3,507 3,322 4,623 4,671 4,412 4,637...... 63 1 -59 7 25 11 21 -5 39 1 -6 5 3,112 2,752 3,095 3,077 3,136 2,948 -11 13 0 2 -6 2,876 2,823 2,695 2,856 2,525 2,605 a,561 3 -11 12 i 3 3 -'-2 _4 6-12 3 -2 2,918 2,979 2.804 2,736 2,748 2,662 2,456 2 -6 -3 0 -5 -8 1,923 1,616 1,627 1,744 1,688 2,153.......................................... -15 1 8 -3 28 25,108 35,818| 29,643 31,992 30,808 30,866 31,447 28 76 — -1 -3 _ 3_ _ — 3- 6_ 43 -17 8 -3 O. 2 * Exclusive of Indians. Xxiv INTRODUCTION. CoGyarative Population of Towns, Cities NEW YORK COUNTY. TOTAL POPULATION. CITIES AND TOWNS. When FROM WHAT TAKEN, ---- -~ — formed. 1790. 1800. 1810. 1814. 1820. 1825.! 1230. New York city:. 1st ward...... 4,320 7,941 7,630 12,085 9,929 11,331 2d ward...... 1791................................... 5,167 8,493 7,439 8,214 9,315 8,203 3d ward................................................ 6,449 7,426 7,495 9,201 10,801 9,599 4th ward.... 1791................ 6,935 102,2 140 5th ward...... 1791...................................................... 9,148 14,744 14,523 12,421 15,093 17,722 6th ward...... 1791...................................................... 13,076 11,286 11,821 13,309 20,06 1 13,570 7th ward... 1791.................... 15,394 12,120 10,886 13,006 14,192 15,873 8~th ward...... 1803 7th ward....................................................... 9,128 10,7102 13,766 24,285 20,729 95h ward 1803 7th ward...................................................... 4,719 4,343 11,162 10,956. 17,333 10th ward...... 1808 7th ward................................. 10,290 10,824 17,806 23,932 16,438 71th ward................................................. 7,344 14,915 12th ward...... 1825 9th and 10th wards........................................................... 7,938 11,808 13th ward...... 1827 10th ward......................................7............................I................... 12,598 14th ward...... 1827 6th and 8th wards.............................................................................. 14,288 15th w ard...... 1832 9th w ard..................................................'............................................... 16th w ard...... 1836 12th w ard.............................................................................................. 17th w ard...... 1837 llth w ard..................................................................*............................ 18th w ard,...... 1846 16th w ard............................................................................*......** * * * * * * * l * * 19th w ard...... 1850 12th w ard............................................................................................... 20th w ard...... 1851 16th w ard.............................................................................................. 21st w ard...... 1853 18th w ard................................................................,.... **....................... 22d ward...... 1853 19th ward........................................................ Total...................................................... 33,131 60,489 96,373 ]501,79586 _ 197,112 NIAGARA COUNTY. Cambria.......... 1808 Willink (now Aurora)............................................. 1,465 586 1,134 1,239 1,712 1hartland.......... 1812 Cambria............................................................... 350 1,448 1,415 1,584 Lewistona rd....................................................................... 869 1,255 1,528 Lockportt........ 1824 Royalton and Cambria.................................................................. 3,007 3,823 Newfaile.......... 1824 Wilson, Hartland and Somerset........................................................... 919 1,450 Niagara........... 1812 Cambria............................................................... 192 484 1, 807 1,401 Pendleton........ 1827 Niagara....................................................................................... 572 Porter............ 1812 Cambria............................................................... 148 850 925 1,490 Royalton......... 1817 Hartland....................................................................... 1,849 2,458 3,138 Somerset.......... 1823 Hartland....................................... ~............ 569 871 W heatfield........ 1836 Niag ar.......................................................... W ilson........... 1818 Porterd.................................................................. 688 475 913 Total............................................................ 1,465 1,2 7,322 14,069_ _UU 82 ONEIDA COUNTY. Annsville......... 1823 Lee, Florence, Camden and Vienna......................................................... 1,161 1,481 Augusta.......... 1798 Whitestown............................................. 1,598 2,004 2,377 2,771 2,911 3,058 A va............... 1846 B oonville.............................................................................................. Boonville......... 1805 Leyden........................................................ 393 812 1,294 2,071 2,746 Bridgewater....... 1797 Sangerfield............................................. 1,061 1,170 1,322 1,533 1,525 1,608 Camden........... 1799 Mexico................................................. 384 1,132 1,340 1,772 1,598 1,945 Deerfield.......... 1798 Schuyler................................................ 1,048 1,232 1,921 2, 346 3,331 4, 182 Florence.......... 1805 Camden......................... 396 394 640 678 964 Floyd............ 1796 Steuben................................................ 767 97 0 1,324 1,498 1,557 1,699 K i l a d..... 1827 P r s.........................................................................., 0 Lee ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~............ 11 Wetr.......................................... 1,72 2,18 2,7 2,51 Lew isty........... 18 2 D e fed................................................ M ars all........ 1829 C ambrian.............................................................. 9... 1,2590,58 Newk port ford...... 1827 W itest own.........ia...........................i............................................ 3,8 599 Pa i............ 7 2 W ie t w................................, 2, 1, 3, 0, 1, 6 Niagara.......... 1781 Camriay........................................... 25 48 65 91 1,8070 1,401 Pedeone.......... 1879 Se b N iagara........................... 1,792,0,6, 6,3, 6 Pongrtiel.... 75 Pri............................... 1,144:ii! 1,2 i,17 291 1,8i,7 Steben........1792 Cambiaetw.........................................'"9251,10 1,02 1461 164 209 T e t n.......... 1.9 Sc ylr.......................................... 2, 4, 2, 1, 3, 2 Soeset wad.....3...............................'.....2..........8..........3..... 3.... 2d w r...... 18 2............................................ 2 12...................................... 3dea t i ard....... 183 2 igr............................................... |........ 4ot h w d...... 18 2......................................................... 6thsv ward........ 1849 L e l rne Co d n a d Ven....................................................................,....4....8.... Auuth ard............................../W ~ stw..................................................... T o Al tia c t..................................... 18.......ill........................................|..... Boonvpile....... 16805. Th/ad nfre eenmdWsSuh i o Lok rtwseeydedand.....................'2] organized'3'...into' f2i've'wards. Tee74il ocigewasteNrt..'/19 andMngoerfied.ad................... 1,0ult of 1,7 cit 1,3ain a 1,533 of 1,5is na1,e. Floenceu..........n 1805 ~ an dei 86 ilb ien.else.e.e INTRODUCTION. XXV and Counties at Different Periods-(Continued). NEW YORK COUNTY-(Co NTINUEDn). TOTAL POPULATION. PERCENTAGE OF INCREASE OR DECREASE SINCE LAST CENSUS. 1835. 1840. 1845. 1850. 1855. 1860.. 1 5. 1800. 1810. 1814. 1820. 18'25. 1830. 1835. 3840.. 14 18_50. 1855. 1860. 1865. 10,380 10,629 12,230 1.9,754 13,486 18,148 9,852...... 84 4 58 18 14 8 2 15 61 -32 35 -46 7,549 6,394 6,962 6,665 3,249 2,506 1,194...... 62 -12 10o 13 -1 - -8 -15 9 -4 -51 -20 -52 10,884 11,581 11,900 10,355 7.909 3,757 3,367...... 15 1 23 17 -11 14 6 3 -13 -33 i-57 -10 15,439 15,770 21,000 23;250 22,895 21,994 17,352...... 47 -3 9 14 4 22 5 33 11 -1 -4 21 18,495 19,159 20,362 22,686 21,617 22,337 18,205...... 61 -2 -14 22 17 8 4 6 11 -5 3 -18 14,827 17,198 19,343 24,698 25,562 26,696 19,754...... -14 5 -13 -57 -32 9 1 1 2 28 4 4 -26 21,481 22,982 25,556 32,690 34,422 39,982 36,962...... -31 -10 19 9 12 35 7' 11 28 516 -8 28,570 29,073 30,900 34,612 34.052 39,406 30,09...17 28 76 -15 37 2 3 12 -1 15 -24 20,618 24,795 30,907 40,657 39,982 44,385 38,504............ -8 128 -2 58 19 20 5 31 -1 11 -13 20,926 29,026 20,993 23,316 26,378 29,004 31,537............ 5 65 34 -31 27 39 -38 1 11 13 10 9 26,845 17,053 27,,259 43,758 52,979 59,571 58,953............................. 103 13 -36 60 61 21 13 -1 24,437 11,652 13,378 10,451 17,656 30,651 28,259.............................. 49 107 -52 15-22 68 74 -8 17,130 18,517 22,411 28,246 26,597 32,917 26,388................................... 36 8 21 26 -6 24 -20 17,306 20,235 21,103 25,196 24,754. 28,080 29,382.................................... 21 17 4 19 2 13 -17 13,202 17,755 19,422 22,564 24,046 27,587 25 572.......................................... 35 9 16 7 14 -7........ 22,723 40,350 52,882 39,823 45,176 41,972................................................ 77 31 -25 13 -7....... 18,619 27,147 43,766 59,548 72,953 79,563.......................................... 46 61 36 23.......... 31,546 39,415 57,462 47,613.................................................. 25 45 17........,465 17,866 32,795 39,945....................................I.................... 3 84 2......... ~......... 47,055 67. 519 61,884.................................... I....... 44 -8............................... 27,914 49,017 38,669............................................... 76 -21................................ 22,605 61, 725 47,361......I.................................. 73 -23 -23 I~~~~ ~......I...I......... 268,089 312,710 371,223 1515,547 629,810 1813,669 1726,. 386 83 59 __-1 ij3W 34 _19 36 17 _ 16 39 20 |29 -11 NIAGARA COUNTY-(CoNxTINUED). 2,070 2,099 2,224 2,366 2,216 2 308 2,115............ -60 90 9 38 21 1 6 6 -6 4 -8 2,195 2,350 2,674 3,028 3,033 3,256 - 3.445.................. 314 -2 12 33 7 14 13 0 7 6 2,302 2,.533 2,540 2,924 3,260 3,379 2,998......... 41 22 51 10 0 15 11 3 -1] 6,092 9,125 9,314 12,323 13,386 13,523 13,937.......................... 27 60 50 2 32 9 1 3 2,148 2,372 2,795 3,271 3,164 3,363 3,246......................... 58 48 10 18 14 -3 6 -3 2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~8 10 9 1412 -3 2,013 1,277 1,468 1,951 5,457 6,603 6,186.................. 147 273 -22 44 -37 15 33 1 2 - 1,069 1,098 1,285 2,166 1,826 1,833 1,731.................... 87 3 17 69 -6 0 -6 1,838 2,177 2,303 2,455 2,643 2,353 2,366................. 9 61 24 18 6 7 8-11 1 3,397 3,549 3,773 4,024 4,930 4,793 4,691........................ 33 28 8 4 6 7 22 -2 -2,730 1,742 2,037 2,154 1,923 2,132 1,787.............................. 53 99 1 17 6 -10 11 -16........ 1,057 1,793 2,659 3,152 3,484 3,517................................................ 70 48 15 11 1 1,636 1,753 2,344 2,955 3,292 3,372 3,264...................... -31 90 79 7 34 26 11 2 -3 26,490_ ] J32/[1- 34 550- 42,276 1t48,282 50,399 49,283........... 13 471 92 31 43 i 18 11 22 14 4 -2 ONEIDA COUNTY-(CONTINUED). 1,352 1,765 2,192 2,686 2,715 2,837 2,685............................. 28 -9 30 24 22 1 4 -5 3,347 275 2,117 2,271 i2,383 2,213 2,061...... 25 18 17 5 5 9 -35 2 7 5-7 -7.................1,037 1,242 1,260 1121............................1.................... 20 1 -11 3,012 5,519 3,653 3,306 4,424 4,212 4,228............ 107 59 60 32 9 83 -34 -9 34 -5 0 1,4~49 1,418 1,351 1,315 1,203 1,261 1,252...... 10 13 16 -1 5 -9 -2 -5 -3 -3 4 -1 2,114 2,331 2,434 2,820 2,900 3,187 3,533...... 195 18 32 -9 22 8 10 4 12 3 9 11 2,536 3,120 2,347 2,287 2,257 2,249 2,071...... 17 55 22 38 22 -19 23 -24 -2 -1 O0 -8 1,106 1,259 1,994 2,575 2,812 2,802 2,467............ 0 63 6 42 2 14 59 29 9 0 -12 1,795 1,742 1,592 1,495 1.443 1,440 1227...... 27 37 13 4 9 6 -3 -9 -6 -4 0 -15 3,497 2,984 3,014 3,421 3;809 4,185 4,044.................................... 40 -15 1 14 11 9 -3 2,618 2,936 2,963 3,033 3,020 2,796 2,714................... 27 -5 21 4 12 1 2 0 -1 -3 1,730 1,799 1,769 1,857 1,767 1,687 1,517............................ 4-1 6 -5 -5 -10 2,579 2,251 2,148 2,115 1 2,147 2,134, 2,141}......[......}......}......}.......... 35 -13 -4 -3 2 -1 0 3,909 3,819 4,043 4,847 1} 4,517 4,395 3,654.........../...........'/........ 9 -2 6 20 -7 -3 -17 2,849 2,844 3,097 4,283 )) 3,695 3,762 3,595...... 15 21 3 2 -59 3 0 9 38 -14 2 -14 1,498 1,638 1,903 2,407 2,684 2,670 2,650...... 93 34 17 31 7 9 16 20 12 0 -1 4,505 5,680 5,955 7,918I 10,720 9,830 9,478 l...... 35 53 16 -1 21 30 5 5 33 35 1-8 -4 2,242 2,5'51 2,272 2,371 2,424 2,,343 2,357...... 16 45 52 -32 14 -11 14 -11 4 2 4 1 2, 159 1,993 1,924 1,7441/ 1,592 1,541 1,416......[ 100 -2 35 15 25 7 -8 -3 -9 -9 -3 -8 3,220 3,178 3,543 3,540 3,987 3,504 3,199...... 148 37 23 -15 44 0 -1 11 0 13 -13 -9 70 5.............................. 1,633 1 1,738 1,574 l........ 1,443 1,431 1,309...................................... 6-..... -7 -1 -8 1,755 2,392 1,963........I 2,799 2,695 2,733..1....1............. 36 -18.... 43 -4 1 2,731 3,781 3,490........11 2,111 3,388 3,190........................1........ 38 -8....-40 9 -6 4,064 1 4,871 5,163........ 4,827 3,674 3,667.................................... 20 6.... -7 24 0................................ 5,380 3,096 3,2461................................527 d.....'}.....-4.....................................................................,4......18 10,183 I 12,782 12,190 17,565122,169 422,8539. 23,686 i1...................................... 26 -5 4414 26 [_2 5... 4 —---- ---,0 xxvi INTRODUCTION. Comparative Population of Tow,,s, Cities ONEIDA COUNTY-(CONTINUED). TOTAL POPULATION. CITIES AND TOVWNS. When FROM W~HAT TAKEN. formned. 1790. 1800. 1810. 1814. 1820. 1825. 1830. Vernon........... 1802 Westmorland and Augusta.............................. 1,519 2, 2,707 2,807 3045 Verona.......... 1802 Westmoreland................................................. 1,014 1,987 2,447 2,845 3739 Vienna............ 1807 Camden....................................................... 454 547 1,307 1,479 1766 Western......... 1797 Steuben.................................................. 1,453 -2,416 1,557 2,237 2,190 2,49 Westmoreland..... 1792 Whitestown.................................... 1,542 1,135 2,480 2,791 3,270 3,303 Whitestown....... 1788........................9....................... 1,891 4,212 4,912 5,148 5219 6,003 4410...ota......_...................................................... 1 8 1 2, 3 3, 3 _ 4 ^6 7 _^, 9 _ _7 8 7 _ 1, 2 Total..1 ~,891 20,839 30,634 45,G27 50,997 57,847 71,326 ONONDAGA COUN'TY. Camillus.......... 1799 Marcellus.............................................. 336 2,378.3,377 5,791 7,108 2,518 Cicero............ 1807 Lysander....................................... 252 452 1,303 2,462 1,808 Clay............. 1827 Cicero........................................................................ 2.095 e W itt........... 1835 M anlius................................................................................................ Elbridge.......... 1829 Cam illus....................................................................................... 3 357 Fabius............ 1798......................................................... 844 1,865 1,785 2,494 2,596 3,070 G eddes........... 1848.................................................................................................. ~~-eddes 1848 Salina a Fayette........ 1825 Pom pey........................................................................................ 2,560 Lysander 1794..................................................... 121 624 921 1,723 2279 328 IM anlius........... 1794........................................................ 899 3,127 4,241 5,372 6,005 7,375 Marcellus......... 1794................................................. 909 4,725 5,306 6,503 7,045 2,625 Onondaga......... 1798 Marcellus, Pompey and Manlius......................... 893 3,745 4,179 5,552 5,888 5,668 Otisco............ 1 Popey, cellus and ully........................ I........ 759 1,325 1,726 1 862 1,938 Pompey........... 1789........................................................ 2,432 5, G 9 5,770 6,701 6 517 4,812 SziL......... 6,7901[ 6,517 4,812 Salina............ 1809 Manlius and Onondaga............................................ 1/259 1,241 1,814 3 833 6,929 1;259 1,241 1,514 3,833 6,929 Skaneateles....... 1830 M arcellus....................................................................................... 3,812 Spafford.......... 1811 Tully........................................................... 598 1,294 1,450 2,647 Syracuse city: Ist ward...... 1847...................... 2d w ard...... 1847....................................................... ward...... 18 Town of Salina........................................................ 6th w ard...... 1847......................................................... 4th w ard...... 185347.......................................................................... 6th ward...... 1.......... th ward...... 1853.................................................................................................. 6th ward 1853.. T otal Syracuse............................................................................................................ Tully........... 103 ius....................................................... 1,092 825 1,194 1,390 1,640 Van Buren....... 1829 Camillus................................................................................. 2,890 Total...,..................................................................... 6,434 25,495 30,020 41,467 48,435- 5',973 ONTARIO COUNTY. Bristol........ 1789................................................? 751 1,540 1,868 2,429 2,717 2, 953 uanadice.......... 1829 Richmond................................................ "............. 1,379 Caan daigua...... 1789................................................ 1,153 2,387 3,643 4,680 4,297 5,162 East Bloomfield.... 1.................................................? 1,940 4,525 3,232 3,621 3,702 3,861 Farmington....... 1789................................................ 33 1,908 2,21 4,214 1,773 1,773 Gorham........... 1789................................................? 476 2,8691 3,516 3,99 2,957 2,951 Canmalice ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..... I..... [295 Richmon Hopewell.. 1822 Gorh............................................I.............158 2,193 Manchester 1821 Farmington.................;......... I................................... 2,658.2,811 aples..... 1"6789...........5.............? 259 637 1,128 1,032 1,36 1,41 Phelpst........... 1789................................................? 1,097 3,408 4,5385 5, 668 4,740 4,876 Richmond......... 1789................................................? 635 382 1,9088 2,1 765 34, 033 1,877 Senlea............~ 1789.....................................~~~~.........? 1,522 3, 2 3 68 4 80 5 8 7 6 2 7 South Bristol......,,........................................... Victor............ 1812 Bloormfield................................................ W~est Bloomfield... 1833 Bloomf.eld............................... Toa........................................................................ 1,075 8, 6 2,08 26,812 5 2 2 _7 4 2 _ _8 ORANGE~ COU-NTY.; Bloominge Gr...... 1799 Cornwall................................................? 1,611 1,5 1, 038622 2,219 2,9258 2 Chester............ 1845 Goshen, Warwick, Blooming Grove and 5onroe. Cornwall......... 1788................................................ 1 4,225 1,648 1,7690 4,86 iCrawford........ 1823 Montgomery..................................... 2,018 2,019 eerp rk..................................................... 955 1, 0 1,51 1,38 l, 9 2,340 963 1,167 Goshen............ 1788 ~.................. 2,448 2,563 3155 3,054 3,441 3,022 3,361 Greenville.is...... 18.3........' Hamptonburg~h.....l 1830 Gloshen, Blooming~ GIrove, Miontgomery, Newy Windsor and. l ild.................................................................................. 1,365 Totinis...........1788................................................. 2,_215 3_,584 4,005 63,91247 5,053 4,27,10 4,979 Bloong.rove..... 1799 Cornwall.............................................. 2,116 2,570 2 4 Lee and Moenstern. INTRODUCTION. XXvii and Counties at Different Periods-(Continued). ONEIDA COUNTY —(CONTINUED). TOTAl, POPULATION. F ERCENTAGE OF INCREASE OR DECREASE SINCE LAST CENSUS. 1835. 1840. 1 845. J 1850. 1855. 1860. 1865. 1800.. 1810. 1814. 1820. 1825. 1830. 1835. 1810. 1845. 1850. 1855. 8. 1865. 2,827 3,043 3,070 3,093 3,005 2,908 2,931............ 52 17 4 8 -7 8 1 11 -3-3 1 4,155 4,504 4,942 5,570 6,923 5,967 5,964............ 96 23 16 31 11 8 10 13 26 -14 0 2,172 2,530 2,867 3,393 3,248 3,460 3,408............ 20 139 13 20 23 17 13 IS -4 7 -2 2,502 3,488 2,523 2,516 2, 546 2,497 2,352...... 66 -36 44 -2 10 3 39 -27 0 -2 -6 3,140 3,105 3,072 3,291 3,279 3,166 2,978...... -26 119 13 17 1 -5 -1 -1 -3 -6 5,022 5,156 5,797 6,810 4,838 4,367 3,984 123 16 5 1 15 -27 12 3 12 17 -29 -9 -9 77,518 85310 84,776 99,566 107,749 105,202-1102,713 1,800 47 49 12 13 i 23 9 10 -1 17 8 -2 -2 ONONDAGA COUNTY-(CoNTINUED). _~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3,006 3,957 2,976 3,105 2,740 2,940 2,552...... 608 41 71 23 -63 23 31 0 4L-12 7 -13 2,191 2,464 2,651 2,980 3,388 3,277 3,166........... 79 189 88 -26 21. 13 6 13 16 -3 -3 2,538 2,852 2,789 3,402 3,326 3,583 3,069................................. 21 13 -3 22 5 8 -14 2,716 2,802 2, 876 3,302 2e,985 3,043 3,001.............................. 4 3 14 -9 2 -1 3,599 4,647 3,829 3,924 4,561 4,509 4,318.................................... 8 24 -18 3 13 -1 -4 2,852 2,562 2,o529 2,410 2,256 2,305 2,201...... 121 -4 39 4 18 -7 -10 -1 -4 -6 2 -5........................ 2,011 2,066 2,528 3,246......................................... 3 22 28 2,592 2,600 2,527 2,533 2,340- 2,537 2,397.................................... I 0 -3 0 -8 7 -6 2,838 4,306 4,506 5,833 5,060 4,741 4,813...... 417 48 87 32 41 -12 52 5 29 13 -6 2 5,594 5,509 5,602 6,298 6,228 6,028 6,276...... 248 36 27 12 23 -24 -2 2 13 -1 -3 - 4 2,456 2,726 2,649 2,759 2,547 2,908 2,557...... 420 12 22 8 -63 -4 11 -3 4 -8 14 -11 4,789 5,658 5,142 5,694 5,400 5,113 5,312...... 320 39 34 6 -4 -15 19 -8 11 -5 -5 4 1,863 1,906 1,701 1,804 1,725 1,848 1,696............ 75 21 2 4 -4 2 -11 6 -4 6 -8 4,521 4,371 4,112 4,006 3,770 3.931 3,502 I...... 133 0 17 -3 -26 -7 -3 -6 -2 -6 4 -11 7,793 11,013 15,804 2,142 2,580 2,400 2,754...... -1 46 111 81.13 41 43 -86 21 -7 15 3,575 3,981 3,827 4,081 3,976 4,335 4,128................................ -7 11 -4 8-2 9 -5 2,404 1,873 1,977 1,903 1,816 1,814 1,566.................. 116 12 83 -9 -22 5-3-4 0 -14....................... 4,514 3,597 3,468 3,870................... 2 - 12.......[........./........' 7,629 3,437 4,016 4,661....................................i................. -55 17 16............ I............. 4,654 2,260 2,269 2,473..................................................... -51 0 9.......~I................. 5,474 4,167 4,292 4,880..................................................-24 3 14.......~~~2,063 2,6 3,74............................................................. 30 40 256 3...............................,,...1............................. 17 -8:::~............. 4,165 5,136 5,627..................................................... 23 10................................ 2,162 2,441 3,010................................................ 13 23'1 ~~~~~~~.................................. 22 271 25,107 2,119 31,784..................................................... 13 12 13 1,61 1,663 1,61 1,5592 1,619 1,690 1,58-3........... -24 45 17 20 -14 4 -6 2,963 3,021 3,057 3,873 3,085 3,037 3,031.................................... 3 2 1 27 20 -1 0 60,908|.67,911 70,175o 85,890 *86,575 90,686 92,972....... 2.97 13 38 17 23 3 71 3 22 8 5 3 ONTARIO COUNTY-(CONTINUED). 3,005 1,953 1,801 1,733 1,715 1,657 1,637...... 105 21 30 12 8 2 -31 -8 -3 -1 -3 -1 1,515 1,341 1,179 1,075 977 1,026 889........................ 9 11 -12 9 9 -13 5,452 5,652 5,627 6,143 6,480 7,075 7,121...... 107 53 29 -9 20 5 4 0 9 5 9 1 1,952 1,986 2,015 2,262 2,168 2,163 2,177...... 133 -29 12 2 4 -24 2 1 12 -4 0 1 1,843 2,122 2,062 1,876 1,950 1,858 1,773...... 201 19 85 -58 0 4 15 -3 -9 4 -4 -5 2,684 2,779 2,663 2,645 2,380 2,537 2,341...... 503 23 14 -26 1 -10 4 -4 -1 -10 6 -8 2,058 1,976 2,068 1,923 1,783 1,970 1,788.............................. 1 -1 -4 4 -7 -7 11 -9 2,665 2,912 2,657 2,940 3,009 3,280 3,238.............................. 7 -7 9 -9 11 3 9 -1 2,156 2,3145 2,270 2,376.2,118 2,067 2,028...... 142 -77 -9 32 41 11 9 -3 5 -7 -2 -2 4,786 5,563 5,375 5,542 5,293 5,586 5,200...... 211 29 29 -17 3 -2 17 -3 3 -5 5 -7 1,786 1,937 1.732 1,852 1,493 1, 454 ~...... 12 38 45 9 -38 -5 9 -11 7 -1 11 -12 6,608 * 7,073 7,911 8,505 8,298 8,448 8,553...... 125 8 30/ 22 7 7 7 12 —2 2 1........ 1,375 1,211 1,129 1,179 1, 162.............................................. -12 -7 4 -,265 2,393 2,225 2,230 2,208 2,371.................. 8 4 5 0 - 0 -1 9 -1 2,075 2,0941,79 1,698 1, 621 166 1,584...................... 1 -14 -5 -4 2 -4 40_,_870 -43,501-4-2,592- 43,929 142,672 44,563 43,316 688 161 21 32 6 __ 8 _ 1 6 -3 4 o-3 ORANGE COUNTY-(Co NTINUED). 2,001 2,396 1,92 2,184 2,184 2,248 2.404....... -7 3'7 2 -7 -4 19 -18' 11 0 /3 7 ~. ~j...."... 1,74 4 / 1,641 1, 696 1, 849 1;982............................................... 2 3,28~~~~ 3,925 3,554 ~~~~~~,11716 289 3,925 3,854 4,41 4,578 4,800 4,610 -61 8{. 4 65 0 15 -6 19 -2 17 2 5 -4 20),75 2,072 1,912 2,000 2,003 2,014..........-1 3 0{-3 4 0 0 1,329 1,607 2,012 4,032 5,504 5,186 7,417 [...... 29 -3 13 -28 21 14 21 25 100 36 12 43 2,967 3,889 3,2321 3,149 / 3,213 3,480 3,393 5 23 -3 I 12 -12 I1 -12 3i -18 -2 2 8 -2..1,218 1,198 1,147 -1 -4 1,319/ 1,379/ 1,399 1,343 1,1,303 1,295 1,212 |....../..........'......l.......... -3 5 2-4 -3 -1 -6 4.439 5,093 5,258 4,972 1,295 1 1,266 /1,209 62 12 -1 29 -9 6 -10 13 3 -5 -54 -2 -5 3,712 3,914 3,935 4,2801 4,551 3,975 4,7252....../ 21 5 | 11 7 15 3 6 1 / 8 6 -13 19 * Exclusive of Indians. Xxviii INTRODUCTION. Comparative Population of Towns, Cities ONTARIO COUNTY-(CONTINUED). TOTAL POPULATION. CITIES AND TOWNS. When FROM WHAT TAKEN. formed.'1790. 1800. 1810. 1814. 1820. 1825. 1830. Montgomery...... 1788................................................ 3,563 4,206 4, 710 4,677 5,541 3,712 3,885 Mount Hope....... 1825 Walkill, Minisink and Deerpark............................. 1,457 1,535 Newburgh~~~~~~~~~~~~~p......................... Newburgh........ 1788.................,.............................. 2,365 3,258 4,627 5,107 5,812 6,168 6,424 New Windsor..... 1788................................................ 1,819 2,001 2,231 2,175 2,425 2, 255 2,310 W alkill........... 1788................................................ 2,571 3,592 4,213 4,290 4,887 4,328 4,056 W arwick......... 17788................................................ 3,603 3,834 3,978 4,31 4,506 4,635 5,009 W awaya'nda.. 1849 M inisink................................................................................................. Total...................................................... 22,809 29,368 34,347 34,908 41,213 41,732 45,366 ORLEANS COUNTY. Barre.............. 1818 Gaines....................................................... 3,681 4,768 Carlton........... 1.825 Gaines and Ridgway................................-". 709 1,222 Clarendon......... 1821 Sweden....................................................... 1,912 1,893 Gaines............ 1816 Ridgeway............I....................................................... 1,134 1,607 1,833 K endall.......... 18'37 M urray................................................................................................ Iurray........... 1808 Northampton.................................................. 1,164 843 1,561 2,202 2,790 ti g w y...... 11na a i................................................................ 68 1 4 6 1 3 01,9 2 Ridge way.......... 1812 Batavidgeway681.............................................................1,154 1,310 1, 9 Shelby............. 1818 Ridgeway...................................................................... 1,158 1,969 1,879 Yates............. 18 2 R d e a...................................... 1,070,3.Total......................................................... 1 164 1,524 5, 349 14,460 17,732 OSWEGO COUNTY. Albion............ 1825 Richland............................................................................ 371 669 Amboy........... 1830 W illiamstown................................................ 669 Boylston.......... 1828 Orw ell......................................................................................... 388 Constantia........ 1808 Mexico..................1..................... 153 267 767 1,355 1,193 Granhy........... 1818 Hannibal........................................... 555 932 1,423 Hannibal.......... 1806 Lysander....................................... 692 781 935 1,340 1,794 H astings.......... 1825 Constantia................................................................................ 1,494 Mexico........... 1792 Whitestown.............2........................ 241 845 504 1,"590'2,40 2, 681 New Haven......8139Mexico218 1,426 New Haven...... 1813 Mexico..............................................447.899.1,218 1,426 Orwell............ 1817 Oswego........................................................................ 488 741 501 Oswego.......... 1818, Hannibal....................................................................... 992 1,182 2,703 Oswego city: Ist w ard...... 1848.......................................... 2d ward...... 1 Towns of Oswego and Scriba..................'....................................................... 3 d ward..... 1848.............................. 4th ward....... 1848.................................... Total Osw ego city.............................................................................................................. Palermo.......... 1832 Volney................................ Parish........... 1828 Mexico........ 968 Redfield.......... 1800 -Mexico................................................ 107 362 334 336 29 341 Richland.......... 1807 Williamstown.......................................... 947 1,460 2,728 1,989 2,733 Sandy Creek...... 1825 Richland............................................................................... 1,615 1,839 Sc roeppel...... 12832 Volney................................................... Scriba............ 1811 Fredericksburgh (now Volney).................................. 447 741 1,071 2,0'73 Volney............ 1806 Mexico...................................................... 560 1,691 2,372 3,618 W est M onroe...... 1839 Con an i........................................................................................ W illiamstown..... 1804 Mexico................................................... 562 582 652 986 606 Total........................... ^.......................................I. 3 8 | 3,8, 8 2 3 4 J L 7.-,2 ^ OTSEGO COUNTY. Burlington........ 17 2 Otsego.......................,........................ 2,380 3,196 2,374 2,457 2,281 2,459 Butterin ts........ 17 6 Unadilla............................................... 1,388 3,181 { 3,277 { 3,601 3,766 3,991 Cherry Valley..... 171Canajohai'ie............................................ 1,5 275 303 368 384 409 Decatur........... 18 8 W orcester..........,.................................!.......... 902 { 819 { 908 { 1,061 1,110 Edmeston......... 18 8 Burlington...............................;...................... 1,317 1,355 / 1,841 1 7,960 2,087 Exeter............ 17 9 Richfield............................................... 712{ 1,418 { 1,421 t 1,430 1 1,588 1,690 Hartwick:......... 18 2 Otsego.........'"................................~.1............ 2,002 / 2,1!07 2,579 2:,625 2,772 Laurens........... 18 0 Otego................................................ 1.................. 1,873 1 2 0 4 2 14, 3 Maryland......... 180 W oreester............................................ /.......... 1,106 1,314 / 1,439 1,749 1,834 Middefild...... 797 Cherry Valley.......................................... 1,044/ 2,003 2,234 2,579 2,832 3,323 Milford........... 17 6 Unadilla............................................... 71 2,025/ 2,239[ 2,505 2,842 3,025 M orrs.,........ 849 Butternuts....................................................1........|........|...."'.'........... New Lisbon........ 18 6 Pittsaded................................................ 1,8 2 0 0 2 2 1 2 0 5 2 23 Oneota........ 796Unadilla........................................ 1,702 4,224 ]2,512 I1,150 [1,416 1,52 1,149 Oteg........... 822 Franklin and Unadilla......................'......I................t.................... 1,031 1,757 Otsego....... 1 8..................................................... 1,362~ 3,810[ 3,871] 4,186 3,917 4,363 Pittsfield.......... 177Burlington........................................{.. 1,206 { 745 { 749 { 830 90 l{ 1006 Plainfielcl......... I79 R chfield............................................. 1,0051 2,121| 2,940/ 1,611/,636 1,626 Richfield......... 17 2 Otsego............................................... 1,405 ] 2,079 / 2,365 } 1,772 1,893 1,752 Roseboom......... 184Cherry Valley................................................t........,........,........~............. Springfield........ 17 7 Cherry Valley........................................ 1,58 4, 6, 6, 7, 1 Unadilla.......... 172 Otseg'o!........................ 828 1,426 1,82.9 2,194 1,905 2,313 INTRODUCTION. XXiX and Counties at different Periods-(Continued). ONTARIO COUNTY —(CONTINUED). TOTAL POPULATION. PERCENTAGE OF INCREASE OR DECREASE SINCE LAST CENSUS. 1835. 1.840. 1845. 1850. 1855. 1860. 1865. 1.800. 1810. 1.814. 1820. 1825. 1830. 18315. 1840. 1845. 1850. 1855. 1860 1865. 4,016 4,100 4,020 3,933 3,792 3,973 3, 627 18 12 -1 19 -33 5 3 2 -2 -2 3 5 ~~9 1,484 1,565 1,600 1,512 1, 735 -1,575 1 97,977............................. 5 -3 6 2 -5 15 9 26 7,683 8,933 9,001 11,415 12,773 15,196 17,389 38 42 11 14 6 4 19 16 1127 11 19 14 2,460 2,482 2, 474 2,457 2,555 2,452 2 697 10 16 -6 1 -7 2/7 1 0 -1 4/-4 10 3,714 4,268 4,968 4,942 5415 6,603 7 382 39 18 2 14 -12 -6 -8 15. 16 -1 922 12 4,676 5,113 4, 696 4,902 4,987 4,628 5, 077 7 4 9 4 3 9 -6 8-8 7 2-7 10................................ 2,069 2,085 1,906.............................................................. I -9 45,096 50,739 52,227 57,145 ~o,89 7 jo_7 5 1-0 ORLEANS COUNTY-(CONTINUED.) 5,182 5, 539 5, 614 6,437 6,797 7,227 6, 845............................. 29 9 7 1 15 6 7 -5 2,080 2,275 2,471 2,809 2,329 2,447 2,461......................... 72 70 9 9 14 21 5 1 1,842 2,251 1,893 1,809 1,749 1,831 1 800....................... -1 -3 22-16 -4 -8 5 -2 2,230 2,268 2,479 2,722 2,532 2,542 2,355........................ 8 22 1 9 10 -7 0 -7....... 1,692 1,914 2,289 1,884 1,920 1,873................................................ 13 19 -18 2 -2 3,592 2,675 2,496 2,520 2,876 2,612 2 616.............. 27 85 4 27 28 -26 -7 1 14 -9 0 3,349 3,554 3,943 4,591 5,226 4,706 5,328.................. 119 -13 50 69 6 11 16 14 10 13 2440 2,643 2,663 3,082 3,046 3,326 3,203.................... 7 -5 2 1 1 1 9 -...... 9 8 6 -1 9 - 2,178 2,230 2,372 2,242 1,996 2,105 2 122...................... 29 58 7 -6 -11 11 -1 22,893 25,127 25 845 28,501 28,435_ 28,717 28,603-...... 32 251 170 - 23 29 9 3 12 0 0] 0 OSWEGO COUNTY-(CONTINUED). 945 1,503 1,644 2,010 2,212 2,348 2,366.............................. so 41 59 9 22 10 6 1 767 1,070 988 1,132 1,172 1,402 1,423................................... 15 39 -8 14 3 20 1 368 481 538 661 815 909 969................................... -6 31 12 23 23 12 6 1,967 1,476 1,705 2,495 3,355 3,413 3,517............ 74 19 77 -12 65 24 16 46 35 1 3 2,049 2,385 2,741 3,368 3,747 4,057 3,956....................... 68 53 44 16 15 23 11 8 -2 2,204 2,269 2,534 2,857 3,028 3,246 3 322............ 68 53 49 34 23 3 1 3 6 3 2 1,828 1,983 2,113 2,920 3,069 3,345 3,005.................................... 22 8 7 38 4 9 -10 3,138 3,729 3,768 4,221 4,022 4.074 3,828. 250 -40 215 51 11 is 19 1 12 -4 1 -6 1,551 1,738 1,707 2,015 2,012 2,073 1 948............ 101 35 17 9 12 -2 28 0 3 -6 679 808 1,016 1,106 1, 258 1,435 1,427........................ 52 -32 35 34 26 4 14 14 -1 4,902 4,665 -6,048 2,445 2,760 3,181 2,913........................ 19 129 -4 296-59 8 19 -8.......................................... -1 10 2 43.......... I.................................................. 16 19.............................. 4 254'4,983 6,004..................................... 17 20................................ 4,580 4,499 4,912............................................................. -18 9........................ 12,205 15,816 16,816 19,288............... 29 6 15 1,655 1,928 1,906 2,053 2,023 2,088 2,219.............. 17 -1 2 6 1,295 1,543 1,456 1,799 1,675 2,027 1,814.................................... 33 11 -5 24 -6 21 -11 412.o507 584 752 798 1,087 1,072...... 238 -8 1 -12 15 21 23 17 28 6 36 -1 3,461 4,050 3,758 4,079 4,012 4,198 4,137........... 54 IS -27 37 27 13 -7 9'I 3 0 2,100 2,420 2,257 2,456 2,273 2,431 2,423........................ 14 14 15 -6 9 7 7' 0 1,191 2,098 2,516 3,258 3,747 4,011 3,669.......................................... 76 20 29 15 8 -9 4,180 4,051 5,495 2,738 2,958 3,282 3,215.................. 66 45 9 101 -1 35-50 8 19 -2 2,895 3,155 3,895 5,310 6,476 8,045 6,472 202 40 52 -20 9 23 36 22 24 -20....... d 918 990 1,197 1,217 1,416 1,278.................... 8 21 2 16 -10 658 842 782 1,121 953 1,144 1,948............ 4 1-2 51 -39 8 28 -7 43 -15 20 7 38,245 43,619-48441 62,198 69,398- 75,958 76,200...... 1,018 34 1301 45 52 41 14 11 9 0 OTSEGO COUNTY- (COoTIUED.). 4,323 4,07 4,179 11928 2,2 235,4...... 129 3 10 4: -6/ 3t-54/5 16'3,7,2 4,125/ 4,186/ 2,540/ 2,5 2,38...... 79 10 21 5I6 - 1/51-39 0 - 975 1,07~97575 927 t 913/ 90 5............ -9 11 16 4 1 9/-9 -5/0-1 - 2,0o44- 1,0/,2,8,8,0 173....... 3 3 -2 6 4 3 6 1 - 1,462[ 1,2 1,4871 1,5261 1,540} 1,57 1,4...... 99 0 1;1 -13 3 4] 2 1 2 - 2.586/ 2,9 2,482/ 2,3521 2,220 2,49;,248.......... 5 22 2- -3 01-51 -5 [2 -10 2,2 5 2 173 2,08,16 2,06 1,9 6.,8................ 1 - 1,2 - 8 - 2,015} 2,8 2,128/ 2,152i 2,177/ 2,2 2,1][][]]"9';....... 19 2 3 11 13,163 339,9 3,131 /3,071 285 260... 91 13 16' 17 5 4- 2 - 8 - 2,12,09 238 2,2 239 2212,201...915161/4 3 4-1 4/-2/ 5-5............ 2,155 2, 3 2,o20/ 2,19 1 7........................................... -5 1 -6,72,08 1 90 1,87 173 172 1 33,69......... 2! 10 -;!-0t2 - - - 1,76,3 1,928/ 1,902!2,167 2,15,6 4 -4 -4 2 7 -4 53 9 0 o-2/ 14 0 4,276 4,.2 4,320/ 3,901 4,334 4,30 4,9... 9 -2 8 - 12 2 -4 5 -9 11 -1 0 1,31,39 1,7301 1,591 [1,656 1,48,4...-8 0 1 1 3 5/ 24 -8~ 411*1,530 1,450 1,'458 1,5 1,8 1,5,8... 11 - 1 1 - 5 0 0 -1 6 -5 1,673 1,8/,4 1,502I153,4 165.... 4 17 -5-8 4 0 221.................',8', 7, 1............................... 1 - 2,415 ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 2,27 2,50 2,463 2,2i,0,8..........2 -3 2 - 0- 1 1 - XXX INTRODUCTION. Comparative Population of Towns, Cities OTSEGO COUNTY-(CONTINUED). TOTAL POPULATION. CITIES AND TOWNS. Wben FROM WHAT TAKEN. ~~f'~~~~orm~ed. ~1790. 1.800. 1810. 1814. 1820. 1825. 1830. W estford. 1808 W orcester................................................... 1,215 1,336 1,526 1,488 1,645 W orcester......... 1797 Cherry Valley........................................ 2,235 1,140 1,300 938 2,210 2,093 Total...........,..................................................... 1 7 2 21,636 8, 2 40,587 44,856 47,898 51,372 PUTNAM COUNTY. Carmel............ 1795 Frederickstown (now Kent).............................. 1,979 2,020 1,763 2,247 2,192 2,371 Kent.............. 1788................................................ 5,932 1,661 1,811 1,119 1,801 1,794 1,931 Patterson......... 1795 Frederickstown (Kent), and Southeast Town (So.East)........ 1,546 1,446 1, 557 1,578 1,572 1,539 Phillipstown....... 1788................................................ 2,079 2,754 3,129 3,144 3,733 4,418 4,761 Putnam Valley.... 1839 Phillipstown........................................................ Southeast......... 1795 Frederickstown (Kent), and Southeast Town (So.East) 921 1,956 1,887 1',770 1,909 1,890 2,036 Total........................................................... 8,932 9.896 10,293 9,353 11,268 11,8866' 12,628 QUEENS COUNTY. Flushing.......... 1788......................................... 1,607 1,818 2,230 2,271........ 2,325 2,820 Hempstead........ 1788................................. 3,828 4,141 5,084 5,223....... 5,295 6,215 Jamaica........... 1788..........................................1,675 1,661 2,110 1,880........ 2,401 2,376 Newtown......... 1788............................................... 2,111 2,312 2,437 2,472........ 2,478 2,610 North Hempstead.. 1788............................................... 2,696 2,413 2,750 2,881........ 2,827 3,091 Oyster Bay........ 1788............................................... 4,097 4,548 4,725 4,542....... 5,005 5,348 Total................................................................. 16,014 16,893 19,336 19 2 9 519- 20, 331 22,46 RENSSELAER COUNTY. Berlin............. 1806 Petersburgh, Schodack and Stephentown........................... 3,012 1,955 1,986 1,989 2,019 Brunswick........ 1807 Troy........................................................... 2,302 2,233 2,318 2,478 2,575 Clinton........... 1855 Greenbush........................................................ Grafton........... 1807 Troy and Petersbargh........................ 1,410 1.378 1,611 1,593 1,681 Greenbush........ 1795 Rensselaerwyck (changed to Greenbush andSchodack) 8,318 3,472 4,458 2,396 2,764 2,914 " 3,216 Hooslck............. 1788............................................. 3,035 3,141 3,117 2,907 3,373 3,481 3,584 Lansingburgh...... 1807 Troy and Petersburgh............................................ 1,658 1,599I 2,035 2,423 1 2,663 Nassau............ 1806 Petersburgh, Stephentown and Schodack........................... 2,501 2,747 2,873 2,935 3,255 North Greenbush... 1855 Greenbush............................................................... Petersbur-h....... 1791 Stephentown............................................ 4,412 2,039 1,761 2,248 2,088 2, 011 Pittstown......... 1788.................................... 2,447 3,483 3,692 3,108 3,772 3,746 3,702 Poestenkill........ 1848 Sandlake.............................................................................................. Sandlake........... 1812 Greenbush and Berlin............................................... 3,293 3,302 3,426 3,650 Schaghticoke.... 8............................................. 1,833 2,355 2,492 2,847 2,522 2,924 3,002 Schodack.......... 1795 Rensselaerwyck (see note to Greenbush)........... t 3,688 3,166 3,128 3,493 3,506 3,794 Stephentown....... 1784 Eastern district of Rensselaer Manor...............6,795 4,968 2,567 2,640 2592 2,703 2,716 Troy..................................................................4,926 3,895 4,841........................ Ist ward..... 1816... f............. 2,036 2,593 2d ward.'..... 1816........................................ 1,951 2,865 3d ward...... 181 - - - - - - - -- - - —............ 1,209 1,435 Town of Troy.. 4th ward...... 1816..... 1,885 3,344 5th ward...... 1816.376 739 6th ward...... 1816 402 575 7th ward...... 183'7........................................................... 8th ward...... 1837'........................................................ 9th ward. 1851 6th ward...................................................... 10th ward..... 1851 7th ward................ Total Troy city...................................................]........................ 5,264 7,85 11,551 Total........................ 22,428 30,442 36,309 36,833_ 40,53 44,065 49,424 RICIIMO ND COUNTY. Castleton.......... 1.758' 805 1,056 1,301 1,348 1,527 1,786 2,216 Middletow 1860 Castleton and Southfield....... Northfield. 1788.......... 1,024 1,377 1,595 1,710 1,980 1,984 2,162 Southfield....,.. 855 932 1,007 998 1,012 719 971 estfield........ 1788......... 1,151 1,198 1,444 1,446 1,616 1,443 1,773 Total...........1.................................................... 3,83,5 1 4,563 5,347 5,502 6,135 5 _,93 2_ _ 7,082 * Aggregate of county only. t See Greenbush. INTRODUCTION. XXXi and Counties at Different Periods-(Continued). OTSEGO COUNTY —(CONTINUED). TOTAL POPULATION. PERCENTAGE OF INCREASE OR DECREASE FROM LAST CENSUS. 1835. 1 8, 4 0 1845 S50. 18055 1. 1SG5.,1800. 1810. 1814. 1820. 1825 1830. 1835. 1840. 1845. 1850. 1855. 1860. 1865. 1,5-47 1, 478 1,500 1,423 1,371 1,382 1, 282............ 10 4 -2 11 -6 -4 1 -5 -4 1 -7 2,210 2,390 2,294 2,0471 2,115 2,154 2,231...... -49 14 48 13 -5 5 9 -4 -11 3 2 4 50,428 49,628 50509 1 48,638 49,735 50,157 48,616 1,171 79 —4 15 7 8 -2 -2 F 2 -3 2 I 3PUTNAM COUNTY —(CONTINUED). 2,163 2,263 2389 2,442 2,406 2,559 2,240...... 2 -11 27 2 8 -9 5 6 2 -1 6 -12 1,661 1,830 1,729 1,557 1,539 1.479 1,473 -72 9 -38 61 8 -14 10 -5 -9 -1 -4 0 1,347 1,349 1,289 1,371 1,422 1,501 1,476...... -6 8 1 0 -2 -12 0 -4 7 4 5 -2 4,562 3,814 4 209 5,063 4,809 4,530 5,436 32 14 0 13 is 8 -4 -19 10 20 -5 -9 20........ 1,659 1,598 1,629 1,573 1,582 1,622........................................... -4 2 -3 1 2 1,818 1,910 2,044 2,079 2,185 2,350 2598 112 -3 -6 8 -1 7 -17 5 6 2 5 8 11 11,551 12,825 13,258 14,138- 13,934 11; 002 14,845^_ 11 4 4 _-9 21 5 _6_ -9 11I 3 6_-lj I 35 QUEENS COUNTY-(CONTINUED). 3,643 4,124 3,918 5,376 7,970 10,189 10,813 15 23 2...... 2 2 21 29 13 -4 37 48 28 6 6,654 7,609 8,269 8,811 10,477 12,375 11,764 8 3 2...... *1 17 7 14 9 6 19 28 -5 2,885 3,781 3,883 4,247 5,632 6,515 6,.777 -1 6 -11...... *28 -1 21 31 3 9 33 2' 4 3,505 5,054 5,521 7,208 4,694 13,725 13,891 9 5 1...... 0 5 35 44 9 31 -35 193 1 3,360 3,891 3,897 4,291 9,446 5,419 5,335 -11 14 61...... *-2 9 9 16 0 10 120 -42 -2 5,083 5,865 6,361 6,900 8,047 9,168 9,417 11 4 -4...... *10 6 -5 15 9 9 17 14 3 25,130 30,324 31,849 36,833 46,266 57, 391 57,9972 _5 14 __0 11 -5 10 12 21 5 24 26 24 __1 RENSSELAER COUNTY-(CONTINU ED). 1,757 1,794 1,845 2,005 2,167 2,223 2,149............ -35 2 0 2 -13 2 3 9 8 2 -3 2,679 3,051 2,855 3,146 3,101 3,110 3,175............ -3 4 7 4 4 14 -6 10 -1 0 2 ~ 1................6................. 1,606 1,607 1663............................................. 0 3 1,682 2,019 1,905 2,033 1,888 1,837 1,673........... -2 16 -1 6 0 20 -5 1 -7 -2 -9 3,345 3,701 4,182 4,945 3,303 3,992 4,779 -58 29 -46 16 6 10 4 11 13 18 -33 29 20 3,325 3,539 3,576 3,724 4,120 4,446 4,783 0 -1 -7 16 3 3 -7 6 1 4 11 8 7 2,268 3,330 3,982 5,752 5,700 5,577 6,072............ -3 27 19 9 -15 47 19 44 -1 -2 9 3,227 3,236 3,104 3,261 3,000 3,039 2,894............ 9 5 2 11 -1 0 -4 5 -8 1 -5................................ 1,812 2,170 2,575............................................................ 19 19 1,950 1,901 1,876 1,908 1,663 1,698 1,670...... -54 -13 28 -7 -3 -3 -3 -1 2-15 2 -2 3,919 3,784 3,628 3,732 3,602 3,826 3,831 42 6 -16 21 -1 -1 3 -3 -4 3 -4 7 0...................... 2,092 1,878 1,833 1,952......................................................... -10 -2 6:3,840 4,303 4,291 2,559 2,588 2,502 2,606.................. 0 4 7 6 12 0 -40 1 -3 4 3,243 3,389 3,091 3.290 3,303 2,929 3.054 28 6 14 -12 15 3 8 4 -9 6 0 -11 4 3,793 4,125 3,746 3,509 3,837 3,993 4,015..... -14 1 12 0 8 0 9 -9 -7 9 4 1 2,528 2,753 2,548 2,622 2,397 2,311 2,026 -27 -48 3 2 4 0 -7 9 -7 3 -8 4 -12.............................................................. -21 25............................................... 3,837 3,234 3,405 4,032 4,232 4,273 3,920.............................. 27 48 -16 5 19 5 1 8 3,593 3,778 3,888.4,284 4,257 4,958 4,606.............................. 17 26 5 3 10 -1 16 -7 2,451 2,774 2,701 2,794 2,394 2,699 1,952........................... 18 71 13 -3 4 -14 13 -32 5,447 3,557 3,720 4,054 4,122 4,749 3,164........................... 71 62 -34 5 9 1 15 -33 683 800.1,067 1,818 2,375 2,964 2,869............................. 98 -8 17 33 70 31 26 -3 948 1.326 1,981 4,139 2,599 2,926 3,124......................... 41 82 39 49 109 -37 13 7........ 3,037 3,754 4,923 3,700 4,309 4,923................ 23 31 -24 17 14........ 828 1,193 2,741 3,876 5,036 5,399................................................ 44 130 41 30................................. 3,339 3,943 4,723............................................................. 19 20................................. 2,375 3,378 4,613............................................................ 42 37 16,959 19,334121,709128,785 33,269 39,235 39,293.......... 55,515 60,259.62,338 -73,363 79,234' 86,328 88,210 36 1 __ 1 9 9 12 10 9 6I 19 6 9 __2 RICHMOND COUNTY —(CONTINUED). 2,868 4,275 5,203 5,389 ). 8,252 6,6783 7,683 31 23 4 13 17 14 29 4-9 22 3 53 -18 15....... 6,24................. 10 2,297 2,745 3,313 4,020 4,187 4,841 5,201 34 16 7 15 0 9 6 19 24 20 4 15 7 845 1,619 2,631 2,709 5,449 3,645 4,407 9 8 -8 1 -29 35 -13 82 62 3 101 -33 21 1,681 2,326 2, 497 12,943 3,501 3,985 4,052 4 2 0 12 -11 23 -5 38 7 17 19 14 2 7,691 | 10,965 13,673| 15,061 21,389 25,492 28,209 1 9 17 _ 3 12 -3 19 __9 43- 2 11 -4211 11 " Interval of eleven years. X Xxii INTRODUCTION. Comparative Population of Towns, Cities ROCKLAND COUNTY. TOTAL POPULATION. CITIES AND TOWNS. When FROM WHAT TAKEN. —----------------------- formed. 1790. 1500 1810. 1S14. 1&20. 1825. 1830. Clarkstown....... 1791 Haverstraw............................................. 1,806 1,996 1,962 1,808 2,075 2,298 IHaverstraw....... 1788................................................. 4,826 1,229 1,866 1,851 2,700 2,026 2,306 Oran etown....... 1788................................................. 1,175 1,337 1,583 1,518 2,257 1,536 1,947 Ram' apo........... 1791 Haverstraw............................................ 1,981 2,313 2,486 2,072 2,379 2,837 Stony Point............. H averstraw............................................................................................. Total...................I......................................... 6,001 6,353 7,758 7,817 8,837 8,016 9,388 ST. LAWRENCE COUNTY. Brasher........... 1825 M assena................................................................................ 401 826 Canton............ 1805 Lisbon................................................. *24 699 815 1,337 1,898 2,439 Colton ~~............183 Prsvle........: Cotton.......... 1843 Paris ville................................................................. De Kalb....'.. 1806 0swegatchie..................................................... 541 487 709 766 1,268 D e Peyster e Kalb................................................................. 787 813 Edw ards.......... 1827 Fowler......................................................................................... 633 Fine....*.... *..... 1844 Russell and Pierrepont............................................................................... Fowler........... 1816 Rossie and Russell........................................................ 605 1,671 1 44 Gouverneur....... 1810 Oswegatchie....................................................... 224. 862 765 1,267 1,430 Hammond......... 1827 Rossie and Morristown........................................................................... 767 H erm on........... 1830 PD eiK a-lb............................................................................ 6'8 Hopkinton........ 1805I Massena........................................................ 372 453 581 884 827 Lawrence.......... 1828 Hopkinton and Brasher................................................. 1,097 Edwards........... 1801 Fow....................................................... 635 Louisville......... 1810 M assena................................................ 13........ 235 831 864 1,076 M acomb.......... 1841 Gouverneur and Morristown8............................................................................... Madrid............ 1802 Lisbon................................................. *13 1,420 1,184 1,930 2,639 3,459 M assena........... 1802......................................................... *102 955 384 944 1,701 2,068 M orristown....... 1821 Oswegatchie..................................................................... f827 1,723 1,600 Norfolk........... 1823 Louisville and Stockholm.................................. 755. 1,039 Osweg-atchie....... 182 Lisbon................................................. 159 1,245 789 1,661 3,133 3,993 Parishville........ 1818 Hopkinton............. 10...................................... 273 594 959 1,477 Pierrepont......... 1818 Russell..............................................,........................... 235 558 749 P itcairn........... 1836 Fow lei.................................................................................................. Potsdam......... 1806 Madrid...... 928 1,317 1,911 3,112 3,661 Rossie............ 1813 Russell................................................................ 68 8 Russell.......... 1807 Hopkinton...................................................... 394........ 486 480 541 Stockholm........ 1806 Massen[a................................................, 8 307 459 822 1,449 1,944 W addington........................................................... 9.....'..4......... Total............................................................ 454 7,885 8,252 16,037 27,595 36,354 SARATOGA COUNTY. Ballston.......... 1788................................................. 7,833 2,099 1,155 2,106 2,407 1,852 2,113 Charlton.......... 1792 Ballston........................ 1,746 1946 1,907 1,953 1,912 2,023 Clifton Park....... 1828 Half Moon............................................ 2,494 Corinth........... 1818 Hadley......................................................................... 1,490 1,341 1,412 Day........s...... 1819 Edinburgh and Hadley............................................................ 571 790 75 8 Edinburgh........ 1801 Providence...................................................... 1,319 1,324 1,469 1,590 1,571 alway.......................... 2,310 2,705 2,521 2,579 2,505 2,710 Oreenfield......... 1793 Saratoga and Wilton..................... 3,073 3,087 3,054 3,024 3,298 3,144 Hadley Greenfield andNorthumbon........................................ 25 1,005 78 943 Halfmoon..... 78................................................ 3,602 3,851 5,292 5,123 4,024 4,232 2,042 Malta......I...... 1802 Stillwater.................. 1,438 1,410 1,518 1,518 1,517 M ~ ~ ~ ~188[Hpinton...........172 Blso...................................... 2,47273 2,9 276 274 209 Moreau~~~~~~~~...... 180 Nrh beld............................,4,7,4,1,9 Nothie rrlan d.. 19 Saaoa............................ 5,007 2,41,94 1,7 102 166 Provdenc....... 1896 Russlla............................................, 8. 9 3, 1, 8, 7 Siairatog..........18.........................301 243183 3,5 2,23w,01e 246 Saaoga, Spi g..-.1 aao a......................................... 1,9 9 2 05,0 Stilw ter...... 17808 ~ ai............................................., 7, 7, 9, 7, 2, 5, 0 a essic d..... 1 1 afM o...............................................................',184 1,323 1,47 W io............. 1818 N Rt usserlln.................................................. 1, 93 1,0392 6 1, 7 Russel.................................................... 1, 7 24 83 3 1 7 3, 39 6 05 3, 95 8 6 9 Duaneburgh..... 178 Scheectad.............,.......... ]...... 7,4702,787],052 2,968 3,510 3,384 2,83 Nsaua.......... 18079 Hopkvifton............................. 424 38 5 556 452 Stockholmn........ 1780.Mschenecad................................................6 1,03 104 1 Rotteingao........ 18 0 S h n ta y......Mdi.................................................... |...- 1, 2 1 50 1 48 1st ward................................................................. 4543 1,37 8,780 1 —,809 1,75-81 1,818 2dllsaon.......... 17............,........................................ 7,332099 1,155 21,069 2,130 1,4852 2,450 C nuorgaize onshp fthe..........s 18Twni8o Hadley.....................1,1 IN TRODUCTION. Xxxiii and Counties at Different Periods-(Continued). ROCKLAND COUNTY-(CONTINUED). TOTAL POPULATION. PERCENTAGE OF INCREASE OR DECREASE FROM LAST CENSUS. 1835. 1840. 1845. 1850. 1855. 1860. 18 65. 1800. 1810. 1814. 1820. 1825. 1830. 1835. 1,840, 1845. 1850. 1855. 1860. 1865. 2,176 2,533 2,797 3,111 3,512 3,874 4,023 10 -2 -8 15 11 -26 1 6 10 11 12 10 4 2,865 3,449 4,806 5,855 6, 747 8,123 4,113 -74 52 -1 46 -25 13 24 20 10 22 15 20 -49 2,079 2,771 3,227 4,769 5,838 7,060 6, 136 14 18 -4 48 -32 20 7 32 16 48 22 21 -13 2,576 3,222 2,911 3,197 3,414 3,435 4,330...... 2 7 -16 14 19 -9 25 -9 9 7 1 26............................................................................................................... 9,696 11,975 ~ 13,741 16,962- 19,511 22,492 20,788 5 22 — 1 13 -9 17- 3 223 15 24 16 15 -8 ST. LAWRENCE COUNTY-(CONTINUED). 929 2,118 2,218 2,582 2,968 3,377 3,348............................. 106 12 123 5 12 11 14 -1 2,412 3,465 4,035 4,683 4,995 6,379 5,964............ 17 64 42 28 -1 44 17 16 7 27 -7.......,...... 466 506 1,040 1,400 1,481........................................................ 9 105 34 6 1,200 1,531 1,723 2,389 2,676 3,182 3,102............ -9 45 8 65 -5 27 12 38 12 18 -3 788 1,074 1,138 906 1,663 1,249 1,187........................................ 4 -3 36 6-20 84 8 -5 739 956 1,064 1,023 1,180 1,287 1,180.................................... 17 29 11 -4 5 9 -8...... 243 487...................................23 293 316.............. 20 8 64 -6 1,571 1752.1,840 1,813 1,620 1,808 1,748........................ 126 -13 8 11 5 -1 -10 12 -,3 1,796 2,538 2,600 2,783 2,856 3,201 2,915............ 284 11 66 13 26 41 3 7 3 12 -9 1,327 1,845 1,911 1,819 1,875 1,968 1,819.................................... 73 39 4 -5 3 5 -8 870 1,271 1,580 1,690 1,648 1,690 1,667............................... 30 49 6 7 -3 2 -1 910 1,147 1,435 1,476 1,554 1,990 1,941'............ 22 29 5 -7 10 26 25 3 5 28 -2 1,241' 1,845 1,970 2,214 2,365 2,828 2,719....................................... 13 49 7 12 7 19 -4 2,411 3,508 4,376 5,295 5,109 5.640 5,078...... 507 -23 48 58 28 28 45 25 21 -3 11 -10 1,315 1,693 1,970 2,054 2,120 2,310 2,237.................... 253 4 24 22 28 16 5 3 9 -3................ 1,113 1,197 1,466 1,816 1,788....................... 7 22 24 -2 4,069 4,511 4,376 4, 856 4,862 1,978 2,109............. -16 63 37 31 18 110 -59 7 2,288 2,726 2,798 2,870 2,701 2,925 2,741...... 836 -59 145 80 22 11 18 3 3 -6 8 -6 2,339 2,809 2,328 2,274 2,111 2,284 1,881........................ 108 -7 46 20 -21 -2 -8 8 -18 1,373 1,728 1,544 1,753 1,804 2,329 1,876............................... 37 32 26 -11 13 3 19 -19 4,656 5,719 6,414 7,756 10,060 10,821 11,091...... 682 -36 111 88 27 16 23 12 21 29 7 2 1, 657 2,250 2,090 2,132 2,114 2,296 2,319.................. 118 61 54 12 36 -7 2 -1 9 1 922 1,430. 1,450 1,459 1,834 2,267 2,423........................ 137 34 23 55 1 1 26 24 7 396 553 503 531 577 558................................................. 39 -8 5 9 -3 3,810' 4,473 4,856 5,349 6,631 6,737 6,441............ 42 45 63 17 4 18 9 10 22 1 -4 722 1,553 1,386 1,471 1,480 1,609 1,836.................. 136 23 -40 12 115 -11 6 1 8 14 355 1,373 1,499 1,808 2,108 2,380 2,625........................ -1 13 21 109 9 21 16 13 10 2,047 2,995 3,293 3,661 3,790 4,074 3,770.................. 49 79 76 34 5 46 10 11 4 7 -7...................]..................... 2,768 2,663............................................................... 4 42,047 56,706 62,354 68,617: 74,977 83,689 80,994 1...... 61 5 5 94 72 32 16 35 -10- 10 9 12 3 SARATOGA COUNTY-(CONTINUED). 2,001 2,044 2,072 2,269 2,201 2,234 2,089 -71 -45 81 14 -23 14 -5 2 1 9 -3 1 -6 1,981 1,933 1,787 1,902 1,701 1,752 1,589...... 11 -2 2 -2 4 -2 -2 -7 6-10 3 -9 2,282 2,719 2,421 2,868 2,917 2,804 2,712...................................... -8 19 -11 -19. 1 -4 -3 1,261 1,365 1,363 1,501 1,534 1,558 1,491........................ -10 5 -11 9 0 10 2 1 -4 829 942 992 1,045 1,079 1,209 1,185....................... 38 -4 9 14 5 5 3 12 -2 1,447 1,458 1,413 1,336 1,318 1,479 1,357............ 0 11 8 -1 -8 1 -3 -5 -1 12 -8 2,638 2,412 2,385 2,158 2,441 2,427 2,202...... 14 7 2 -3 8 -3 -8 -1 -9 13 0 -9 2,927 2,803 2,744 2,890 2,842 2,97.0 2,891...... 0 -1 -1 9 -4 -7 -4 -2 5 -2 4 -3 862 865 842 1,003 1,172 1,017 1,067............ -41 -20 19 -12 4 0 -3 20 16 -13 5 2,146 2,631 2,331 2,788 3,315 3,130 3,032 7 38 -3 -21 5 -52 5 23 -11 19 19 -5 -3 1,386 1,457 1,324 1,349 1,236 1,240 1,190............ -2 7 0 0 -8 5 -9 2 -8 0 -4 3,020 3,166 3,607 4,220 4,669 5,254 4,923...... 29 5 -4 -2 -24 45 38 14 18 10 13 -6 1,502 1,576 * 1,701 1,834 2,166 2,210 2,279...,......... 2 13 4 5 -11 5 8 8 16 2 3 1,547 1,672 1,599 1,775 1,668 1,660 1,705 2 -4 -34 -19 54 -3 8 -5 11 -6 0 3 1,497 1,507 1,436 1,458 1,368 1,443 1,295... 10~ -63 139 4 0 -5 7 -5 2 -7 6 -10 2,435 2,624 2,755 3,492 2,832 3,843 3,730 -19 27 2 -31 -10 22 -1 6 5 27 -19 0 -3 2,438 3,384 4,276 4,650 6,307 7,496 7,307........................ 7 7 11 39 26 9 36 19 -3 2,565 2,733 2,807 2,967'2,963 3,238 3,087 -6 -13 3 9 -9 2 -1 6 3 6 0 9 -5 1,998 1,824 2,248 2,683 3,249 3,260 3,399..............~........... 11 11 35 -8 23 19 21 1 4 1,250 1,438 1,374 1,458 1,401 1,499 1,362..............,,,,..... 8 -1 -9 15 -4 6 -4 6~ -9 38,012 40,553 449,37951,729:4:9,892 43 35 -6- 15 _6 6- / -2 7 2 o0 8 s 19 -4 SOHENECTADY COUNTY —(CONTINUED). — ~~~~~~~-~-~~~~ ~ --- o~ ------— _- ~ —-;- /- - - 3, 281 3,357 3,287 3,464 3, 119 3,222 3, 099 92 9 -3 15 -3 -16 17 2 -2 5 -10 3 -4 3,027 3,038 2,984 3,409 3,153 3,192 3,038................... -5 5 21 0 -1 14 -7 1 -5 565 693 644 783 1,120 789 845............ -8 33 -2 -11 25 23 -7 22 43 -30 7 975 1,201' 950 1,031 956 996 931...... 4 -13 51 -3 -22 20 249 -2 4 -7 2,110 2,284 2,210 2,446. 2,835 2,224 2,290 i....... -2 -1 42 8 -3 12 12 -2 3 2,300 1,509 1,318........ 1,544 1,585 1,443...... 3 29 2 -3 15 26 -34 -12........ 3 -7 3,972 1,557 1,502........ 1,530 1,522 1,562...... 13 29 17 16 -1 62 -61 -4....... 0 ^,52-1:, XXxiv INTRODUCTION. Comparative Population of Towns, Cities SCHENECTADY COUNTY —(CONTINUaD). TOTAL POPULATION. CITIES AND TOWNS. When FROM WHAT TAKEN. formed. 1790. 1800. 1810. 1814. 1820. 1825. 1830. Schenectady city: 3d ward....................... 1,025 994 1,366........................ ~~~~~~~~~~~o ~ ~~............................ 4th ward..................................... 1,629 2,056 2,179........................'5th ward...... 1860 Third and fourth wards.................................................................................. Total Schenectady..................................................... *4, 228 5,289 5,903 7,134. 3,939 4, 068 4,263 Toa..................................................... 5 6 8 8,888_ 10,205 ll,203jj13,081_ 12,876 _12,347 Total ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~.......... ~..,......:.;. 5.~. SCHOHARIE COUNTY. Blenheim......... 1797....................................................... 783 1,319 1,379 1,826 1,879 2,271 Broome........... 1,078 1,942 2, 130 2,680 3,111 3,133 Carlisle........... 1807/ Cobleskill and Sharon............................................ 1,231 1 300 1,583 1,638 1,748 Cobleskill......... 1797 Schoharie............................................... 1,765 2,494 2,768 2,440 2,765 2,988 Conesville......... 1836 Broome, and Durham........................................................ Esperance.......... 1846 Schoharie............................................................................................... Fulton c............ 1828 M iddleburi h.................................................................................... 1,604 G ilboa................................................ Jefferson.......... i 1803 Blenheim...............................................I........ 1,740 1,813 1, 573 1, 669 1,743 Middleburgh...... 1797 Schoharie.............................................. 1,831 3,236 3,188 3,782 4,551 3,278 R ich ondvilleo............................................................................................ Schohaoie......... 1788................................................ 2,073 1,696 3,232 4,419 3,]820 4,499 5,57 Sew ard........... 18 0 a ronh................................................................................................ Sharon........... 1797 Schoharie............................................... 2,655 3,751 3,326 3,982 4,214 4,247 Summit..1819 Oobleskill and Jefferson.......................................................... 1,468 1,600 1,733 W ri ht............ 1846 Schoharie.............................................................................................. Total............................................................I 2,073 9,808 18,945 19,323 23,154 25,926 27,902 SCHUYLER COUNTY. Catharines....................... 266 836 1,206 2,478 1,424 2,062 Cayuta,............ 1791 Spencer................................................................................. 528 641 D ix. u................................................................................................. Hector........... 1802 Ovid.......................................................... 1,563 2,208 4,402 4,957 57212 M ontour.......... 1860 Catharines............................................................................................ Orane........ 1813. Wayn~re.............., 239 ~oran e........... 1813 W ayne............................................................... 9,, 9 Reading.......... 1806 Frederickstown (now Wayne).................................... 1,210 1,754 3,009 3,431 17568 Tyrone.......... 1822 W ayne................................................................................ 1,653 1,880 Total...............................266 3,609 5,552 10,411 |13,773 13,754 SENECA COUNTY. Covert........... 1817 Ovid..1817.O.id...................................... 3,439 3. 833 1,791 Fayette........... 1800 Romulus................................................ 863 174 2,210 2, 869 3;140 3,216 Junius............ 1803 Washington (now Fayette).........,............................... 2,251 3,189 5, 113 6, 213 1,581 Lodie......... 1826 Covert......................................................... 1,786 1Ovid..................................................... Ovidin.......... /"1:' 535 "~:' ":; 5.... 5 2 5 275 Romulus.......... 1794806....................................................... 1,025 2,766 3,129 3,698 4,127 2,089 Seneca Falls....... 1829 Junius................................................................................ 2, 603 Tyre.............' " 68u'u......................................................................................... 1,482 1830 Rom ulus....................................................................................... 1, 890 W aterloo......... 1829' Junius......................................................................................... 1,847 Total....................... 4,057 11,36 1 35 17,3 2 STENECA COUNTY. A d s n..... 17 6........................................................ 17I6 6 5 4 4 Foayet......... 1843 Rah omulusn an hee....................................... Bah....... 1 9.................................................. 45, 3, 2,578 2,~402 3,387 Br do d..... 18 6 J re n w O a g ).............................~o ~ ~......................................... L a eod...... 18 2 A d s n..................................................... 552 Cam bel....... 1831 C ovrtb....................................................................... Ovnidt...... 176.................................. 5179'269/4 565/54(/, 6430 891 5604 619 Ra omuu........... 18394 P i t d os...................................................1........7................. 4,....... Coh cto......... 18 2 B th a dDa s il.......................,.......................... 74, 6,4,544 Tyrnin........... 1796 (Jom eryPanedPst...................................262. 954 1,097 2,8 26497 an~ 80 omlsvil..... 1 9..................................................... 6 6 52 1,56 1 4 9 0 1 72 Waerloo........... 1829 PanintdPs t n w C r ig................................................................ 7954 Gr en ood....... 18 7 T o p b r h a d C n se...................................................................... 9 H r b...... 1 2 PAdintdP st( o ornig................~.. 944......................., 6 Honelvil..... 180 Cnse........7 ":' "i;a' ":' " 74;........................................ 3,7 Howadfrd.......... 181 Baths'anod ODa nsv i'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'............................. 36 1,4 1 70 2 4 4 Jasp r........ 18 7 T oup bu g a d C ise....................................................... 65 Campblly......... 18o rw n..........................................j.......................... *~~ ~ Of ths 3,7 weeslho h oa INTRODUCTION. XXXV and Counties at Different Periods-(Continued). SCHENECTADY COUNTY-(CONTINUED). TOTAL POPULATION. PERCENTAGE OF INCREASE OR DECREASE FROM LAST CENSUS. 1835. i840. 1845. 1850. 1855. 1860. 1865. 1800. 1810. 1814. 1820. 1825. 1830. 1835. 1840. 1845. 1850. 1855. 1860. 1865........ 1,242 1,218........ 1,951 2,334 2,592....... -3 37......................../...... -2........ 2 11....... 2,476 2,517........ 3,364 2, 346 2,738...... 26 6.............................. 12......... 0 17..................... 2,350................................................................. 31 6,272 6,784 6, 555 8,920 8,389 -9,579 10,685 32 12 21 -45 1 5 47 8 -2 36 -6 14 12 16,230 17,387 16,630 20,054 19,572 l20,002 20,888 56 15 9 17 -1 -4 31 7 -4 20 -2 2- 4 SCHOHAR1E COUNTY-(CONTINUED). 2,366 2,725 2,685 1,314 1,351 1,367 1,199..... 169 5 33 3 21 4 15 I2 -52 3 1 -12 3,342 2,404 2,572 2,268 2,138 2,182 1,969...... 80 9 26 17 1 6 -28 7 12 6 - 2-10 1,743 1,850 1,819 1,817 1,723 1,760 1,700....-...... 5 22 3 6 0 6 -2 0 11 2 0 3,261 3,583 3,618 2,229 2,208 2,357 2,439...... 41 11 -12 13 8 9 9 1-38 -1 7 3....... 1,621 1,637 1,582 1,407 1,478 1,359............................................... 1 -3 -11 5 -8................ ]........ [ 1,428 1, 370 1,409 1,383...................................................... -4 3 -2 1,758 2,147 2,319 2,566 2,817 2,944 2,808................................... 9 22 8 11 9 4 -5.................... l...]3,024 2,657 2,541 2,385.............................................. 1.......-12 -4 -6 1,851 2,033 1,870 1,748 1,688 1,716 1,718......{...... 4 -13 6 5 6 9 -8 -6 -3 2 0 3,139 3,843 3,922 2,967 3,075 3,259 3,267...... 76 -1 18 20 -28 -1 22 2 1-24 3 6 0........................ 1,666 2,027 2,023' 2,272.......................,................................ 21 0 12 5,066 5,534 5,477 2,588 2,869 3,090 3,155 18 91 6 11 19 15 -1 9 1 ] 52 11 1 2........ I 2,088 2,214 2,203 1,925 1,948 1,692.................................................... 5 0 -12 1 -13 4,363 2,520 2,387 2,632 2,716 2,754 2,601...... 30 -11 19 8 1 3 -42 -5 10 4 1 -6 1,619 2,010 1,968 1,800 1,890 1,924 1,818........................ 9 8 -6 24 -2 -8 5 2 -5 -''.................... 1,716 1,658 1 7717 1,588.............:..................'...... -3 2 -8 28,508 32,358- 32,488 I33,548 33,519 34,469 _33,353_373 _ 93- 1-2__ 19__12_ 712 2 14 0 3_O0 3- -3 SCHUYLER COUNTY —(CONTINUED). 2,261 2,424 2,611 3,096 3,517 3,688 1,622...... 218 44 105 -43 45 9 8 7 18 13 4 -56 765 835 1,001 1,035 618 708 636........................... 21 19 9 19 3 -40 14 -10........ 1,990 2,335 2,953 2,884 2,908 3,432................................................ 17 26 -3 0 8 5,663 5,652 5,904 6,052 5,629 5; 623 5,048............ 41 82 23 5 8 0 5 2 -7 0 -10................................................. 1,854................................................................. 2,724 1,824 1,756 2,055 2,483 2,364 2,094................... 138 95. 34 14 -33 -3 17 20 -5 -11 1,644 1,541 1,555 1,434 1,453 1,453 1,682............ 45 71 14 -54 5 -6 1 8 110 16 2,106 2,122 2,165 1,894 2,194 2,096 2,073............................. 14 12 1 2 -12 16 4 -1 15,163 16,388 17,,327 18,519 18,777 i 18,840 18,441...... 1,267 53 87 32 0 10 7 6 6 _ 1 I O -2 SENECA COUNTY-(CONTINUED). 1,615 1,563 2,398 2,253- 2,230 2,410 2,261 i........................ 12 -53 -4 -3 53 -6 -1 7 -6 3,461 3,731 3,781 3,786 3,370 3,742 3,509...... 103 26 9 2 7 8 1 0 -11 11 -6 1,517 1,594 1,606 1,516 1,415 1,316 1,442............. 41 60 21 -74 -4 4 1 -5 -7 -6 9 1,772 2,236 2,246 2,269 2,018 2,067 1,892.................................... -1 26 0 1 -11 2 -8 2,997 2,721 2,12'9 2,248 2,274 2,538 2,382...... 109 19 -51 8 -3, 9 -9 -2 5 1 11 -6 1,793 2,235 1,894 2,050 1,879 2,170 1,973...... 170 13 18 12 -49 -14 24 -15 8 -8 16 -9 3,786 4,281 3,997 4,296 4,984 5,960 6,490................................ 45 13 -7 9 16 19 9 1,527 1,506 1,304 1,356 1,419 1,437 1,348.................................... 3 -1 -13 4 5 1 -6 1,950 1,971 1,983 1,852 1,723 1,904 1,833.................................... 3 1 1 -6 -1 10 -4 2,209 3,036 3,634 3,795 4,046 4,594 4,523.................................... 19 37 19 2 8 13 -2 22,627 24,874 24,972 25,441 25,358 28,138 |27,653...... 178 23 28 |14 4 7 9 01 2 O II -2 STEUBEN COUNTY —(CONTIN-ED)..I:" "J..t~r"1,3588: 1,920 2,432 3,721 3,156 1,715 1,819...........1.16.....47 39 26.. 5 1-45 6................ 1,668 1,574/ 1,786 1,885 1,853 14 5 -2 4,100/ 4,915 4,976 6,185/ 6,031 5,129 6,24:7. 129 57 59 -6 40 21 20 1 24 -2!-15 22 ~~~~~~.. 1,547 1,715 2,010 1,285 1,211 1,163.........:.................. 1 17 36 -6 -4 1,224 1,359 1,189 1,701 1,835 1,569 1,439......................... 66 32 11-13 41 8-15 -8 842 852E 957 1,175 1,542 1,622 1,'794i,..........................::.................... 1;12 23 31 5.I 780/ 941 1,170 c 2,030 1,985 2,337 2,132...... 29 -34 108 -22 2 26 21 24 74 -2 13 -0........ 797 1,051 1.214 1,585 1,550 1,543.............................................. 32 15 30 -2 2, 855 2,965 2, 656 1,993 2, 242 2,535 2,614......|............ 109 27 19 12 4-11-15 12 13 3 1,619 1,674 2,521 4,372 6,334 6,003 6,724...... 264 15 90 27 -63 66 3 50 73 45 -5 12 2.558 2,725 2,910 2,545 2,160 2,187 1,980............ -21 197 -5 23 29 6 7-13 -11/ 1 -9 1,089 / 785 1,033 1,435 1,819 1,859 1,982.36 -29 44 39 27 2 7................................ 1,119 1,117 1,011 j...... I................. /.....................0 -9 1,140 1,138 903 1,185 1,224 1,306 1,163................................. 27 0-21 31 3 7 -li......... ~......... 7.............................. 13 30 4 -14 972 1,048 1,294 1,314 1,410 1,291 1,193......1.............................. -29 8 23 I 7 -8 -8 1,~850 2,121 1,761 2,637 3,843 4,230 5,338......................... 88 18 14 -17 49 47 10 26 3,037[ 3,247 2,989 3,244 2,669 2,748 2,373................... 212 49 44 23 71-7/9 -17 3 -14 984 1,187 1,384 1,749 1,768 1,850 1,678................................... 50 21 17 27 1 5 -9........ 638 639 686 704 886 940.............................................. 8 3 26 XXXvi INTRODUCTION. Comparative Population of Towns, Cities STEUBEN COUNTY-(CONTINUED). TOTAL POPULATION. CITIES AND TOWNS. Wrhen FROM WHlAT TAKEN. - - — 0.'P —-- formed. 1790. 1800. 1810. 1E814. 1820. 1825. 1830. Prattsburgh....... 1813 Pultney......................4.............0 132........ 615 1,377 1865 2,402 Pultney.........i1,0 "Pultney.'..... 1808 Bath...........................................,038 799 1,162 1,724 Rathbone........... 1856 Addison, Cameron and W oodhull........................................................ Savona*.......... 1859 Bath............................................. Thurston.......... 1844 Cameron....,........................................... Troupsburgh,.... 1808 Middletown and Canisteo.......................................... 0. 292 421 650 1,265 666 Tuscarora......... 1859 A ddison......................................................................................... Urbana........... 1822 Bath.............................................................................. 966 1,288 VW ayland.......... 1848 Cohocton and Dansville.................................................... W ayne........... 1796.............................................. 258 1,025 1,892 3,607 865 1,172 W est Union....... 1845 Greenwood............................................................................................. Wheeler........... 1820 Bath and Prattsburgh............................................................ 798 882 1389 W oodhull......... 1828 Troupsburgh and Addison................................................................. 501 Total............................................................. 1,788 6,036 83 1 068 20,22 28,012 SUFFOLK COUNTY. Brookhaven....... 1788.......................................... 3,224 4,022 4,176 4,790 5,218 5,393 6,095 Easthampton....... 1788................................................ 1,497 1,549 1,484 1,449 1,646 1,556 1,668 Huntington........ 1788................................................. 3,260 3,894 4,424 3,946 4,935 4,540 5,582 Islip............ 1788......................................... 609 958 885 1,074 1,156 1,344 1,653 Riverhead......... 1792 Southold'................................................ 1,498 1,711 1,753 1,857 1,816 2,016 Shelter Island..... 1788................................................. 201 260 329 379 389 349 330 Smithtown........ 1788................................................... 1,022 1,413 1,592 1,771 1,874 1,677 1,686 Southampton...... 1788................................................ 3,408 3,670 3,899 3,527 4,229 4,561 4,850 Southold.......... 1788.............................................. 3,219 2,200 2,613 2,679 2,968 2,459 2,900:Total........................................................... 16,440 19,464 21,113 21,368 24,272 23,695 26,780 SULLIVAN COUNTY. Bethel.............. 1809 Lumberland........................................................ 737 795 1,096 1,337 1,192 Cochecton......... 1828 Bethel....................................................................................... 438 Callicoon.......... 1842 Liberty....................................... Fallsburgh........ 1826 Thompson and Neversink........................................................::: 1,173 Forrestburgh...... 1837 Thompson.............................................................................................. Frem ont.......... 1851 Callicoon............................................................... H ighland.......... 1853 Lumberland............................................................................................. Liberty........... 1807 Lumberland................................................... 419 422 851 970 1,277 Lumberland....... 1798 Mamakating....,..................................... 733 525 596 569 610 953 Mamakating......... 1788........................................... 1,763 1,631 1,865 1,585. 2,702 2,704 3,070 Neversink......... 1798 Rochester..................................... 858 953 1,056 1,380 1,679 1,257 Rockland.........1809 Neversink.................................. 309 290 405 554 547 Thompson......... 1803 Mamakating..................................................... 1,300 1,489 1,897 2,519 2,457 Tusten........... 1853 Lumberland............................................................... Total......................................................... 1,763 3,222 6,108 6,233 8,900 10,373 12,364 TIOGA COUNTY. Barton............ 1824 Tioga...................................................... 585 982 Berkshire......... 1808 Tioga............................................................... 792 1,059 1,502 1,404 1,711 Candor............ 18 S c........... 1,655 2,021 2 656 Newark........... 11823 Berkshire.............................................................. Tichols........... 1824 Tioga................................................................................... 951 1.284 Owego............ 1791.................................................... 1,284 1,083 1,099 1,741 2,260 3076 Rhichford..,...,... 1831 Berkshire............................................................. Spencer........... 1806 Owegorkhir......................................... 3,128 670 1,227 Tiogla............ 1800 Union........................... 750 857 1,262 1,816 991 1411 TCotal...........l ~~...... ~~~~................................... _...._^._2,034_ 6, 80 _5, l88 7,966- 9,1^88 l^42 TOM/PKI(NS C!OUNTY. Caroline...........I 1811 Spencer.............................................1.... 905 1,608 2,128 2 633 Danby............ 1811 Spencer.....'........................................... 1,200 2,001 2,372 2.481 Dryden...........1803 Ulysses..........................::,83 2,545.:3,951 4,822 5 206 En~field........ 1821'Ulysses............,................................................ 2, 000 2, 332 Groton....... 1817 1 Locke.........................................J............... 2, 742 3,458 3 597 ithacahf.......... 1831 Berkshires................................................ 3,621 5270 ansingc r............ 1817 Genoa.................................1"..............3,631 4,158( 4i 020 NewTfield........ 1811 Spencer.................................................. 982 1889 2,392 2 664 Ulysses.,.......... 1799......................................................... 927 3,260 4,184 6,345 3, 000 3,130 Total........... 3................................................ 927 5 153 9 816 22 167 27,951 31,333 ""~ Reatnnexed to Ba5th April 8t2, 1862. INTRODUCTION. xxxVii and Counties at Different Periods-(Continued) STEUBEN COUNTY —(CONTINUED). TOTAL POPULATION. PERCENTAGE OF INCREASE OR DECREASE FROM LAST CENSUS. 1835. 1840. 1845. 1850. 1855. 1860. 1865. 1800. 1810. 1814. 1820. 1825. 1830. 1835. 1840. 1845. 1850. 1855. 860. 1865. 2,557 2,455 2,503 2,786 2,582 2,,606............. 124 36 29 6 -4 2 11 -7 8 -7 1,822 1,784 1,800 1,815 1,560 1,470 1,387............ -23 45 16 15 5 -2 1 1 -3 -6 -6........................................ 1,381 1,464......................................... 6........................................ 1,394............................:::::::::::.::::.......................:::.......::................ 576 726 925 1,100 1,176..................................................... 26 27 19 7 876 1,171 1,498 1,754 1,979 2,097 2,100........... 44 57 95 -48 31 34 28 17 13 6 0........................................ 1,566 1,523.............................................................. -3 1,642 1,884 2,046 2,079 1,938 1,983 1,711.......................... 34 28 15 9 1 -2 2 14.2,067 2,651 2,809 2,621.................................. 29 7 -7 1,350 1,377.... 908 1,347 928 944 814...... 297 84 91 -79 37 16 2 -34 48'31 1 -14............ 539 950 1,2141 1,392 1,382................................................ 76 28 14 -1 1,604 1,294 1,204 1,471 1,376 1,376 1,297 _.,:................ 11 58 11 19 -7 22 6 0 -6 672 827 1,122 1,769 2,205 2,207 2,130.................................. 34 23 35 57 25 0 -3 34,961 40,651 46,203 58,388 62,965 166,690 66,192...... 30 48 101 12 38 25 16 13 45 -6 6 -1 SUFFOLK COUNTY-(CONTINUED). 6,866 7,050 7,461 8,595 9,696 9,923 10,159 25. 4 15 8 3 13 12 3 7 15 13 2 2 1,819 2,076 2,155 2,122 2,145 2,267 2,311 3 -4 -2 14 -6 7 9 14 3 1 1 6 2 5,498.6,562 6,746 7,481 8,142 8,924 7,809 20 14 -11 2 -7 21.-1 19 3 11 9 9 -13 1,528 1,909 2,098 2,602 3,282 3,845 4,243 57 -8 21 8 17 23 -8 25 9 25 26 14 10 2,138 2,449 2,373 2,540 2,734 3,044 3,226...... 14 2 6 -2 11 6 14 -3 7 7 11 6 334 379 446 386 483 506 570 29 28 15 3 10 -6 1 13 18 -13 26 5 13 1,580 i,932 1,897 1,972 2,087' 2,130 2,085 38 12 11 6 -10 1 -6 22 -2 4 6 2 -2 5,275 6,205 7,212 6,501, 6,821 6,803 6,194 8 7 -9 19 5 7 9 17 16 -9 5 2 -9 3,236 3,907 4,191 4,723 5,676 5,833 6,272 -31 19 3 11 -17 17 11 21 9 13 20 2 8 28,274 32,469 34,579 36,922 41,066 43,275 42,869 19 8 I 13 -1 13 6 15 7 7 11'5 -1 SULLIVAN COUNTY-(CONTINUED). 11247 1,483 1,509 2,087 2,611 2,854 2,817............. 8 38 22 -16 4 19 2 38 25 9 -1 528 622 896 1,981 3,071 3,174 3,076............................... 21 18 44121 55 3 -3............. 605 1,671 2,092 2,771 2,782.............................. 11 25 32 0 1533 1,782 2,370 2,626 3,029 3,333 3,271........................................ 31 16 33 10 11 10 -2....... 433 477 715 839. 911 862................................................... 10 49 17 9 -5........................ 1,301 1,728 1,967................................................................ 33 14......................... 865 993 925................................................ 15 -7 1,331 1,569 1,889 2,612 2,86 3,016 2,855............ 1 102 14 32 4 18 20 39 9 5 -5 1,179 1,205 1,607 2,635 902 970 1,026...... -28 11 -6 7 57 23 17, 21 39 9 7 6 3,115 3,418 3,514 4,107 4,084 3,828 4,222 -7.14 -2 70 0 13 1 9 3 17 -1 -4 10 1,380 1,681 1,965 2,281 2,180 2,486 2,542...... 11 11 31 22 -25 10 23 17 16 -5 14 2 744 826 1,070 1,175 1,272 1,616 1,709.....|....... -6 39 37 -1 36 11 29 9 9 27 5 2.698 2,610 2825 3,198 3,550 3,834 3,713.......... 4 28 33 -3 9 -3 3 13 11 9 -3 iZ,.............. 825 81 974.......'................................................. 6 12 13,755 15,629 18,727 25,088 29,487 32,385 32,741 83 89 2 43 17 19 11 14 19 34 17 9 1 TIOGA COUNTY-(CONTINUED). 1,469 2,324 2,847 3,522 3,842 4,234 4,077.............................. 68 48 58 22 24 8 10 -4 964 956 878 1,049 1,068 1,151 1,073............. 34 41 -6 22 -43 -1 -8 19 1. 8 -7 2,710 3,370 2,422 3,443 3,894 3,840 4,103................. 51 22 31 2 25 1 0 13 -1 -7 1,385. 1,616 I1,728 1,983 1,945 2,169 2,133............................. 28 34 17 6 14 -2 11 -2 1,641 1,986 1,924 1,905 1,871 1,932 1,778............................. 35 28 21 -4 -1 -2 3 -8 4,089 5,340 6,104 7,159 8,328 8,935 8,865...... 16 1 59 29 36 33 31 14 17 16 7 -1 882 939 1,093 1,208 1,182 1,404 1,283.............................. 7 16 10 -2 2 -9 1,407 1,532 1,682 1,782 1,805 1,881 1,757............ -78 87 -22 31 10 9 9 6 1 4 -7 1,987 2,464 2,778 2,839 3,027 2,302 3,094...... 14 47 44 -45 43 41 24 13 2 7 5 34 16,534 20,527 22,456 24,880 26,962128,748 128,163...... 188 -11 53_ 25 34 23 23 9 18 7 7 -2 TOMPKINS COUNTY —(CONTINUED). 2,581 2,457 2,534 2,537 2,466 2,345 2,257............... 77 32 23 -2 -1 3 0 -3 -11 -4 2,473 2,570 2,494 2,411 2,331 2,261 2,140............... 67 18 5 0 4 -3 -3 -3 -3 -5 5,851 5,446 5,230 5,122 5,003 4,962 4,795' 3.....;. 55 22 8 12 -7 -4 -2 -2 -1 -3 2,240 2,340 2,283 2,117 1,912 1,919 1,693....................... 16 -4 5 -2 -7 -9 0 -12 3,512 3,618 3,353 ~.3,342 3,404 3,534 3,401................... 26 4 -2 3 -6 0 2 4 -4 5,556 5,650 6,055 6,909 7,153 6,843 7,264..................,, 45 5 2 7 14 3 -4 6 3,592 2, 672 3,463 3,318 3,256 3,222 2,940 o...................... 15 -3 -11 2 -6 -4 -2 -1 -9 3;296 3,567 3,605 3,816 2,800 2,954 2,700.... 9 26 11 24 8 2 4 -23 6 -10 3,244 2,976 3,187 3,122] 3,191 3,339 3,506'.28 51 -53 3 3 -8 7 2 4 5 2,345 32,296 32,264- 32,694'1 3516 |31,40930,69. 45'126 26 | 12 | 3 0 0- - ~2 xxxviii INTRODUCTION. Comparative Population of Towns, Cities ULSTER COUNTY. TOTAL POPULATION. CITIES AND TOWNS. When FROM WHAT TAKEN. formed. 1790. 1800. 1810. 1814. 15820. 1825. 1830. D enning.......... 1849 Shandaken....................................................................................... Esopus............ 181 Kingston............................................................... 1,163 2,063 1,520 1,770 Gardiner. 1853 Shawangunk, New,-Paltz and Rochester............................................................ Hardenbergh....... 1859 Denning and Shandaken.................................................. n ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~y ~..................!78.................'...i..i,.'..,..'....'.,...,4o Hurley............ 1788............I.................................... 847 1,150 1,333 1,246 1,352 1,283 1 408 Kingston.......... 1788.................................. 3,929 4,615 5,760 2,898 2,956 3,010 4,170 Lloyd............. 1845 N ew Paltz.............................................................................................. MIarbletown...... 1788................................................. 2,190 2,847 3,363 3,392 3,809 2,879 3,22 Marlborough...... 1788................................................ 2,241 1,656 1,964 2,148 2,248 2,364 2,273 New Paltz......... 1788................................................. 2,309 3,255 3,999 4,027 4,612 4,704 5,09 Olive.............. 1823 Marbletow-, Hurley and Shandaken....................................................... 1,520 1,636 Plattekill......... 1800 Marlborough............................................. 1,625 1,936 1,912 2,139 2,058 2,044 Rochester......... 1788................................................ 1,628 2,423 1,882 i 1,717 1,812 2,227 2,42 Rosendale.. *......... 1844 Hurley, Marbletown and New Paltz................................................................... Saugerties......... 1811 Kingston.............................................................................. 2,206 2,699 2,664 3,747 Shandaken........ 1804 Woodstock................,................................ 1,02 842 1,043 960 96 Shawangunk...... 1788................................................ 2,128 2,809 3,062 2,963 4,612 3,589 3,681 W awarsing........ 1806 Rochester.................................................... 1,325 1,198 3,372 1,964 2,738 Woodstock........ 1787.................................1,2. 17025 1,24 950 716,317 1,273 1,376 Total...................................................... 16,297 21,633 26,576 26,428 30,934 32,015 36,550 ~oa................. I................,,,,,,,,,,,,,. WARREN COUNTY. Bolton....... 1799 Thurman (afterwards Athol and Warrensburgh)........... 959 726 877 1,087 1,226 1,467 Caldwell.......... 1810 Queensbury, Bolton and Thurman............................. 560 672 - 723 885 797 Chester........... 1799 Thurman..............................................................1 508 937 988 1.013 1,231 1,284 Hague............ 1807 Bolton...................................................... 398 440 514 618 721 Horicon............ 1838 Bolton and Hague............................................................................. Johnsburgh........ 1805 Thurman (see note to Bolton).................................... 651 485 727, 933 985 Luzerne............ 1792 Queensbury.......................................... 591 1,015 1,284 1,430 1,315 1,362 Queensbury....... 1.786.................................... 1,080 1,435/ 1,948 1,731 Stony Creek....... 1852 A thol.................................................................................. Thurman.......... 1852 Athol (first erected in 1792)......................... 1,332 1,330 519 570 Warrensburgh..... 1o813 Thurman.................................................. 842 956 1,130 1 191 Total............................................................ 4,825 7,565 7,838 9,453 10,906 11,796 Total.~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1,080i4 257?5 —-_8 i 4: 9 WASHINGTON COUNTY. Argyle.......... 1786........................... 2,341 4,597 3,813 3,962 2,811 3,02 3, 50 Cambridge......... 1788........................................... 4,996- 3,187 6,730 6,599 2,491 2,163 2,325 Dresden.......... 1822 Putnarn..............................m................... 532 495 1 06..... -...2..3...3........ 3.... 211...... Easton............ 1789 Stillwater and Saratoga.......................... 2,539 3,069 3,253 3,253 3,051 3,211 3;758 Fort Ann.......... 1788......................................... 2,103 2,502 3,100 1,840 2,911 3,020 3,200 Fort Edward...... 1818 Argyle....................................................................... 1,631 1,642 1,816 Granville......... 1786............................................. 2,240 3,175 3,717 3,863 3,727 3.543 3,881 Greenwich........ 1803 Argyle.......................................................... 2,752 3,138 3,197 3,134 3,847 Hampton.......... 1786.............................................. 463 700 820 861 963' 940 1,069 Hartford......... 1793 Westfield (now Fort Ann)................................ 2,108 2,389 2,466 2,493 2,537 2,420 Hebron........... 1786........................................ 1,703 2,528 2,436 2,737 2,754 2,705 2,686 Jackson............. 815 Cambridge................................................... 2,004 1,817 2,057 Kingsbury........ 1786................................................ 1,120 1,651 2, 272 2,216 2,203 2,359 2,606 P3utnzam........... 1806 Westfield..................I........................... 499 453 892 768 718 Shtle reek.......... 1786 idge...................................... 2,186- 2861 2,833 2,955 2,985 3,028 2,972 ~White Creek....... 815Cambrdge..............................................................,.d............/ 2,377} 2,316 2,446 Whitehall......... 1786................................................ 806 1,604 2,889 Total........................................................ 20,497 30,982 36,724 36,359 38,831-J 9,280] 42,635 WAYR~NE COUN`TY. Arcadia.......... 1825 Lyons...........I..........................,....... 3,479 3,901 Butler............ 182 Wolcott........................................ Gaen........ 18 2 Ju is..............................................i 1,074 2, 7 2 93 3 6 1 Hfuron......,...... 1826 Wol~0cott.,.......,,.,,,,.,.,.,............................~....................... 1,8 leyons......................................... 2,102 3,972 3,068 3,603 Mazcedon..........,, 1823 Palmnyra......................................,.. 1,903 1,989 Marion........... 1825 Williamso.................................................... 1 Ontario...........i 1807 W~illiamson...,,,.,,,,........~.........,,,,.................... 81 1,9 223 272 155 Palmyra..... 1789 1..~~..............~ o~........~~~.~........................ 994 2,187 2,964- 3,7241 2,613 3,4-27 ose.....,,............ 1,641 Savannath.......12 Gln.........................................................~~~~~~ 452~~~~~~~~ 886~~~~j~ Sodius 1789 i,,Sd..................................................................... 416 1,957 965 2,013 2,496 3,528 W alwmorth..... 1829 Ontario............................................. 1,753 Williamson.. 1802 Sodus.......... 1,137 1,50 2,521 3,0,80 W7Polcott... 1807 Junius.............. 480 1,164 2,867 3,83 1,085 Totalr............. Wii o..................................... 20,309 26761 3363 INTRODUCTION. XXxix and Counties at Different Periods-(Continued). ULSTER COUNTY-(CONTINUED). TOTAL POPULATION. PERCENTAGE OF INCREASE OR DECREASE FROM LAST CENSUS. 1835. 1?40. 1845. 1850. 1855. 1860. 1865. 1800. 1 1^14. 18-20. 1825. 1830. 1835. 1840. 1845. 1 1955. 1860. 1865............... 447 692 1,073 939........................................................ 55 55 12 1,626 1,939 2,655 2:9 00 4,287 4, 734,l 4,746.................. 77 -26 16 -8 19 37 8 47 49 0............................. 1,923 2,096 1 951................................. 9 -7........................................ 505 533.......................................................... 6 1,519 2,201 1,487 2,003 2,115 2,364 2,382 36 15 -6 9 -5 10 7 45'-32 35 5 12 1 4,057 5,824 6,508 10,232 13,974 16,640 17,296 17 25 -49 2 2 5 -3 43 12 57 36 19 5................ 2,035 2,035 2,192 2,499 2,567............1......................................... 0 7 14 3 3,269 3,813 3,143 3,839 3,727 4,120 3,818 35 18 1 12 -,,5 12 1 17 -1S 22 -3 11 -7 2,434 2,523 2,429 2,406 2,668 2,776 2,733 26 17 9 5 5. -4 8 4 -3 -1 11 4 -2 5,480 5,408 2,818 2,729 2,021 2,023 2,033 41 23 1 14 2 8 9 -1 -47 -3 -24 0 0 1,793 2,023 2,225 2,710 2,924 3,262 3,259................................ 7 9 13 10 22 8 12 0 2,008 2, 125 2, 131 1,998. 1,932 1,918 2,012...... 18 1 12 -4 -1 -1 5 0 -6 -3 1 5 2,665 2,674 2,688 3,174 3,475 4,539 3,585 48 -22 -8 5 23 9 10 0 0 18 6 31 -21................ 1,802 2,418 2,572 2,826 2,884..................................... 34 6 10 2 4,942 6,216 6,529 8,041 9,318 9.537 9,426.................. 22.-1 41.32 25 5 28 15 2 -1 1,263 1,s 1,981! 2,307~ 2,4~ 1,263 1,455 1,981 2,307 2,452 2,430 2,719............ -15 24 8 -1 31 11 35 16 2 0 12 3,690 3,886 4,011 4,036 2,631 2,870 2,767 32 4 -3 55 -24 2 0 6 3 1-34- 7 -4 3,735 4,044 4,922 6,459 7,227 8,311 8,335........... -9 181 -41 39 36 8 21 31 12 15 0 1,479 1,691 1,542 1,650 1,806 1,858 1,624 21 -24 -24 84 -3 9 8 14 -10 6 9 3 -13 39,960 45822 148,907 59,384' 67,936I 7 6,381175.60 9 33' 23 0 17 3 14 9 15 7 21|15 120 -1 WARREN COUNTY-(CONTINUED). 1,496 937 1,110 1,147 1,167 1,289 1,221...... -22 21 24 13 19 2 -37 29 4 10 -5 640 693 725 752 880 1,074 979............ 9 8 22 -9 -19 8 5 4 17 22 -9 1,361 1,633 1,608 1,850 1,936 2,411 2,274...... 8 5 3 21 4 6 20 -2 15 4 25 -6 769 610 617 717 615 708 684............ 5 17 20 17 7 -21 1 1-14 15 -3....... 659 840 1,152 1,246 1,542 1,398...................................... 28 36 8 24 -9 1,016 17139 1,297 1,503 1,983 2,188 2,286............ -26 50 28 5 3 12 19 16 32 10 2 1,387 1,284 1,380 1,300 1,286 1,328 1,136...... 72 26 11 -9 3 2 -8 8 -6-1 4 -15 3,088 3,789 4,442 5,314 6,438 7,146 7,623 33 36 -11 46 13 12 0 23 19 19 21 11 7 913 960 935.....~ 5 -4 987 1,210 1,342 1,590............................... J11259 1,084 1,007....... 0 -61 9...................... -14 -7 1,290 1,468 1,547 1,874 1,946 1,704 1,585.................. 13 18 5 8 14 5 21 i -12 -7 12,034 13,422 14,908 17,199 _19,669 21,434 21,128 349 57 4 21 i 15 8 2 I 11 11 15 14 9 -~1 WASHINGTON COUNTY-(CONTINuED). 3,013 3,111 3,241 3,274 3,244 3,139 3,056 96 18 4 -29 7 7 14 -13 3 4 1 1-3 -3 2,105 2,005 2,175 2,593 2,304 2,419 2,453 24 9 -2 -62 -13 7 -9 -5 8 19-11 5 1 659 679 674 674 735'779 765............................... -7 33 3 -1 0 9 6 -2 2,908 2,988 2,825 3,225 3,012 3,083 2,929 21 8 0 6 5 17 -23 4 5 13 7 2 -5 3,242 3,559: 3,380 3,g83 3.544 3,127 3,155 19 24 -41 5 3 3 1 9 -5 0 5-12 1 1,784 126 1,711 2,328 2,964 3,544 3,997...................... 1 11 -2 -3 -1 4 27 19 13 3,862 3,846 3,500- 3,434 3,363 3,474 3,670 41 17 4.3 -5 8 0 0 8 2 2 3 6 3,363 3,382 3,681 3,803 3,888 3,941 3,959............ 14 1 -2 23 -12 - 1 9 3 2 2 0 933 972 871 899 846 876 985 51 17 5 12 -2 4 -12 4 -10 3 6 3 12 2,223 2,164 2,094 2,051 2,196 2,046 2,088...... 13 3 1 2 -24 -7 -2 -3-2 7-7 2 2,469 2,498 2,359 2,548 2,549 2,543 2,590 48 -3 12 1 -2 -1 -8 1 -5 8 0 0 2 1,739 1,730 1,815 2,129 1,770 1,863 1,757.................. -9 3 -15 0 5 1 6-17 5 -6 2,426 2,773 2,796 3,032 3,364 3,471 3,751 48 38 -2 -1 7 10 -6 14 1 8 11 3 8 731 784. 783 753 724 754 746............ -9 97 -14 -7 2 7 0 -4 -3 -1 2,982. 2,855 2,588 2,904 2,925 3,181 3,239 31 -1 4 1 1 -1 0 -4 -9 12 1 8 2 2,111 2,195 2,107 2,994 2,439 2,802 2, 6821.. -3 5 -13 4 -4 42'19 14 -4 -3,076 3,813 3,954 4, 726 4,538 4,862 /1 4,422 99 31 -4 16 81 14 7 24 4 19 -4 8 -9 3-,,326-[41,080 40,554 44,750 - ~,45- 45;904- 46,244 51.... -1 7 1 -818 [ ~ 1 WAYNE COUNTY-(CoNTINUED). 4,099 4,980 4,979 5,145 5,516 5,319 5,253............................ 12 5 22 0 3 7 -2 -1 2, 160 2, 271 2, 258 2, 272 2, 225 2,338 2,083...,,l.............................. 22 5 -1 1-2 5 -11 3,775'4,234 4,438 4.609 5,181 5,340 5,314 ]....].[......1"7.... 179 -1 23 4 12 5 4 12 3 0 1,831 1,943 1,909 1,966 1,881 1,966 1,972................................. 69 6 -2 3-5 4 0 4,013 4,302 4,267 4,925 5,205. 5,076 5,007.................. 89 -22 17 11 7 -1 15 6 -2 -1 2,190 2,396 2,359 2,384 2,434 2,523 2,472.............................. 4 10 9 -1 1 2 3 -2 2,043 1,903 1,869 1,839 1,937 2,033 2,136 4 -7 -2 -2 5 5 5 1,626 1,889 1,906 2,246 2,323 2,320 2,312............ 71 60 22 -42 3 16 1 17 3 0 0 3,326 3,549 3,542 3,893 4,115 4,232 4,225....... 119 36 25 -30 31 -3 6 0 10 6 3 0 1,715 2,038 2,060 2,264 2,114 2,119 2,209............... 5 18 1 10 -6 0 4 1,324. 1,718 1,803 1,700 1,762 1,910 1,938.................... 96 49 29 5 -6 4 8 1 4,079 4,472 4,565 4,598 4,538 4,745 4,603...... 361 -5 1C9 24' 41 16 9 2 1 -1 5 -3 1,798 1,734 1,575 1,981 1,964 2,097 2,179.................................... 3 -4 -9 25 -1 6 4 2,017 2,147 2,139 2,381 2,552 2,681 2,571............ 37 60 26 -33 12 6 I -0 11 8 5 -4 1,792 2,481 2,826 2,751 3,013 3,063 3,224........... 143 146 36 -72 69 39 14 -3 9 1 5 37 —788(42,05742,51 5 J44,953-/ 46,0 -47,'762 —47498'":] 361 711 811 311 26 121 1 I 1-15|'1 4 2~-1 XI INTRODUCTION. Comparative Population of Towns, Cities WESTCHESTER COUNTY. TOTAL POPULATION. CITIES AND TOWNS. When FROM WHAT TAKEN. —- --- --- --- ---- ------ formed. 1790. 1800 1810. 1814. 1820. 1825. 1830. Bedford.......... 1788................................................ 2,470 2,404 2,374 2,287 2,432 2, 508 2,750 Cortlandt......... 1788................................................ 1,932 2,752 3,054 2,477 3,421 3,385 3,840 East Chester...... 1788.......................................... *...... 740 738 1,039 942 1,021 931 1,030 Greenburgh....... 1788................................................ 1,400 1,581 1,862 1,792 2,064 2,001 2,195 Harrison........ 1788................................................ 1,004 855 1,119 825 994 999 1, 085 Lewisborough.. 1788.................................... 1,453 1,696 1,566 1,458 1,429 1,504 1, 537.Mamaroneck...... 1788............................n................. 452 503 496 797 878 1,032 838 M orrisania........ 1755 W est Farm s............................................................................................ Mount Pleasant..,.. 1788................................................ 1,924 2,744 3,119 2,802 3,684 3,799 4,932 New Castle....... 1791 North C astle............................................ 1,468 1,291 1,243 1,368 1,367 1,336 New Rochelle...... 1788................................................. 692 943 996 992 1,135 1,201 1,274 North Castle....... 1788................................................ 2,478 1.168 1,366 1,220 1,480 1,543 1,653 North Salem...... 1788................................................ 1,058 1,155 1,204 1,033 1,165 1,195 1,276 Ossining......... 1845 M ount Pleasant......................................................................................... Pelham...... 1788................................................ 199 234 267 182 283 265 334 Poundridge....... 1788................................................ 1,062 1,266 1.249 913 1,357 1,414 1,437 Rye......'........ 1788................................................. 986 1,074 1',278 1,185 1,342 1,303 1, 602 Scarsdale......... 1788......................... 0...................... 281 258 259 292 329 321 317 Somers........... 1788................................................ 1,297 1,578 1,782 1,783 1,841 1,896 1,997 W estchester...... 1788................................................ 1,336 1,377 1,969 1,345 2, 162 2,163 2, 362 W est Farm s....... 1846 W estchester............................................................................................ W hite Plains...... 1788................................................ 505 571 693 670 675 638 759 Yonkers.......... 1788.................................................. 1,125 1,176 1,365 954 1,586 1,621 1,761 Yorktown......... 1788............................................. 1,609 1,806 1,924 1,175 1,992 2,045 2,141 Total..............................................................^..... 24,003 27,347] 30,272_ 26,367 32, 638 33,131 36,456 WYOMING COUNTY. Attica............ 1811 Sheldon................................................................ 1,373 1,519 1,915 2,492 Bennington....... 1818- Sheldon......................................................................... 796 1,463 2,2924 Castie.......... 1 21 P rry.............................*................................................i...., 9 2,269 China............. 1818 Sheldon........................................................................ 780 1,466 2,387 Covington........ 1817 Le Roy and Perry............................................................... 2,144 2,444 2,716 Eagle............ 1823 Pike.................................................................................... 577 892 Gainesville........ 1814 W arsaw............................................................... 586 1,088 1,482 1,934 Genesee Falls...... 1846 Pike and Portage......................................................................................... Java............. 1832 China...................;.............................................................................. Middlebury....... 1812 W arsaw................................................................ 914 1,782 2,086 2,416 Orangeville........ 1816 Attica.......................................................................... 1,556 1,202 1,525 Perry............ 1814 Leicester................................................................. 690 2,317 2,396 2,792 Pike.............. 1818 Nunda........................................................................... 1,622 1, 532 2,016 Sheldon........... 1808 Batavia........................................................ 1,419 962 887 1,248 1,731 W arsaw.......... 1808 Batavia........................................................ 1,317 886 1,658 2,089 2,474 W ethersfield...... 1823 Orangeville.............................................................................. 815 1, 179 Total.............................................................................I........1 2,736 5,411 16, 149 22, 307 29,047 YATES COUNTY. Barrington........ 1822 W ayne........................................................................ 2,099 1,854 Benton........... 1803 Jerusalem...................................................... 3, 339 3,403 3, 357 3,730 3,957 taly............. 1815 aples..............................r.......................................... 728 995, I 1,092 Bedfrusld.... 7 9............................. 1 2 9 4 0. 7, 1, 5, 8 Tortl a ld..................................................................... 1 7 2 4 8 7 5 4 4 1, 2 5 313 1,8 00 s ho-rg, -nnr thae Qllrll-urarai-vate CI1Rve of POpulal: io- l n t sIra~;q 1,ill i~i r(A:~r~~~'irr~i:r~,t. %i3I,I,,,,,,,,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.,,vw,, i()u U'~,,,, (:~,,,.>. -ii' 1~mh e'l9U 1800'1:10' 184'h20'lD;.qI;10 I,35: I8-t O 184't5 lg'ZO A$55 1360 l 5i~ 17O 18i) {b —8 2I,5'i,~3~ 1i:1,5 tI~-iA Ull~ i",, 1 ~:/5 lii ~~,: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_.:,-: ~ __:__I__ _: —- I'. —i-.".i._'....._ji _ i t _!.'po~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~9.000k _It.. ~~~I. -.._-..j.' -:.............. -—............ -(Ooi- i.. ~_............ " _ ~ 0.........' F.M...:o.oo __ -------: —--— 1- - ---- ----- = 7 —- - i —--- -— i- ---- _ 7I ~~~~~i I~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'~ -.i....<, I 1'~5::t_!- ~ i (30.000 )::::::::,:.::-....::_: _:::__: __..I.. ~~~~~~__:<~_:._ _:__tT _.I.:__._ ~_ ~,.~____~_ ~/~_:I r:_:~ - 1~-_::-~ _- i Z --:-: L —-_ ZC.-. __-f-7 — ~_V7- _ ~ ~ —---------...._._/./-~_.............-T..........I-............,,~_,......i.....z? — _~' ~L —- - _ -- -L~ — _ iZ-TTZ L -~-Z ~Z -LZ r-;LLZ ~i.oo —, ~ 40-00 rolo~~ —--- 18t iro lS~ 188 183 1a40~84- -~, 30.000:L 3 —:............ _' -~..... 70,00 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ jo~~~~uoo ~~ ~-:-!::- ~-?ZT._........... _~~~~__l, —~~~~~~~~~i~ ~ ~_i —--- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.__ —-.:-T~:_-_"_Lt-_-.T..... ti -: ~: ii 80, OO.0IV - ----------- -~ i —-1 -- 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0'()00 i_._l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i._ ___:,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_r__t —' ----— t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-.-.t —~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- ~jj.]7~~._~_. _ r - - ------ -— I — i — -- 600,000 0. I,000 80,(00C 7005 0 0,000 t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4, lO {40.0 0~ — — l —- — I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~-'-'~i___-7~__~~: —~~~~~~~~~~;iTT~ ~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I — -'-~ —~ —/ — 20.000 P.........._.~t - i;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ —— ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ —: —!_'_:'_...~ Z:. 1._:-:' _{i-::. 1: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, i0:,..,.7. l;.Z.i....i- -'-i__... ——;-~/)/x~,,'/~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~_-0 /9'1_~_1:_ f'_/J'. Ho~/_. ~ ~~~~~~~,"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, E_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, x'::,,~.....~s,,~..-~.-.>-. -, k'''~~~~' Shioivirlo tle Ctoinp'a;r e a-eC aies of' P lti these1ra i" of eb 1k ( 1i' \t II ct O i. iA \v), I1 J | _ 7010l _t__ - 7- _ 0m 8'' ^ 1 _ 1 - jT l:lt l'.10 -i' i!w 180o * -**;.; 1". 1. 18.M 1 - 1! W!. V..) —..^ -.*;*' *....; i. i ii:3 l I i; * I; I,- -: r -' -' —— 1 -~ - -v 1 —-- ------- I -. — T;:-; — I:;-: I —l~-'' j:..: 1. _ -:-10__ —1_ I - ) 70,000 n'::- - - - -': 1_ 1__ _ __ __ _:1::/ = t_^ ^ _.. _ _ J::;;:' ": \. t J:: ^:.. ^.::'1:: 1 1'7122- 1'. 1-" -"l; I | - - - - ^ -.....: -I:. y ^:.. _.J.^- _ -1 0 0 0 --- -- - - - -- i ~ - \ ~ " "'! " - | I 13:^^: z:: ff 1:::::E;: 100: E:':1: -:J:= 100 1XfE fl 1^E 1'*1 soo00 t - -r =- <;: I - xI:0j - 1! 50.000 ^''' ^'- "^ -I ^.E E ^'1.;: ^:: ^ ^^^.: 90.0"0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~9.0 -- -. -'-i-... -. - -- q-.. -_ - - -- - -1 —. —- t._ - -; — - - y -- - ~ -.7.. -.___...-._-.-olooo - ----------- - 1- ^ - - j -1l - - - l -- --- --- - - - - - 7-. 4 1 ooo i'"1""' F-pa: ff i''oo.. - ~;I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. 3 0, 0 0 0:;'::::: _:: ^ ^ ^- ^ -... - - - - ^; _:. ^ - -^ -*.: ^ -r: ^ ^ ^ ^ —: ^ | ^ ^;1 0 50,000 i-:::?@i I ^ ^ w~oo —-^|^^^^^^-^^* i::^:1:r::/:^^^^ ^^^^^^00 A ------— 1 —,/- 00001 t t010;1 X 1 11tooootX 0 0 00 —- li: —_ —>oo: —-i —— i- =h 1 ut A0 0 0,000.1 A -- T.......- V70 1800 1 1 81 4 184 1820 1825 830 a 10 1845 1 84 0 1 1 - 185 A,) -i8<>100,000. 1- - - -- 1 50.000~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~9,0 9(, QOO~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~C~~~ 160o000 WOW -Al~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~11 1 v': —:E::::=X1 -'tt< - D-= -=F=-A R I I X;:1::^, 1:1:';./.1 1 ^;.::;^ 1:1 1 60*000=^^^^^^^^^^^-^^^El^^^^~~~~~~~~~~0,0 ^.^E^E^ ^^ p.s^ii ^I^/ — 10. ooo ^^'~ -- -i~'"""'~' "'I~ ~i T/ ^.7^ ^^Z- -- ~'~ 1 —_ —- -__ --- |- — j:-.-':- I7 -:^'..._. *_ |... -..L:..^.11 \ DrmvtIby F.B.Hoiofh.. __ _ _____1^^_ ____..... ~-\;ini1n...uv^.s ^....M^..- || --- ~ - 1II- -- ff-I Ir?0,-I 0000 I- - - I II -- ll l t. —-AN',6t'!'! S f —':l —-=A —=-t-'=-'9l=-'I-=-t::- i-::-0-L': -t= —-t —:-:-1-~~~~~~~~t —! --: 11 D~f~tl~t, by o'. W. Z/oh.......................__ _I _ fl_ __ _ __ __,\,' 1',,t, INTRODUCTION. xli and Counties at Different Periods-(Continued). WESTCHESTER COUNTY —(CONTINUED). TOTAL POPULATION. PERCENTAGE OF INCREASE OR DECREASE FROM LAST CENSUS. 1835.. 1840.' 1845. 1850. 1855. 1860. 1865. 1800. 1810. 1814. 1820. 1825. 1830. 1835. 1840. 1845. 1850. 1855. 1860. 18365. 2,735 2,822 2,725 3,207 3,464 3,6 39 3,465 -3 — I -4 6 3 9 -1 4 -4 18 8 5 -5 3,994 5,592 6,738 7,758 8,46810,074 9,893 42 11 -19 39 -1 13 3 39 20 15 9 19 -7 1,168 1,502 1,369 1,769 4,715 5,582 5,615 0 41 -9 8 -9 11 13 28 -9 29 166 18 1 2,606 3,361 3,205 4,291 6,435 8,929 8,463 14 18 -4 15 -3 9 19 29 -4 34 50 38 -5 1,016 1,139 1,9 1 1,262 1,271 1,413 1,380 -14 31 -26 21 i 8 -6 12 -9 11 1 11 -2 1,470 1,619 1,541 1,608 1,775 1,885 1,653 17 -8 -7 -285 2 -4 10 -5 4 10 6 -12 882 1,416 780 928 1,068 1,351 1,393 11 -1 61 10 18 -19 5 60 -45 6 15 16 3..... 245 1.69 26..,.............. /...........9,24 11,691................................................... 26 5,568 7,307 2,778 3,323/ 3,677 4,517 4,389 42 14 -10 32 3 29 3 31 -62 19 10 23 -3 1,406 1,529 1,495 1,800 1,762 1,817 1879...... -12 -3. 10 0 -2 5 9 -2 20. -2 3 3 1,261 1,816 1,977 2,458 3,101 3,519 3,968 36 5 0 14 6 6 -1 44 9 24 22 13 13 1,789 2,058 2,010 2,189 2,415 2,487 2,198 -53 18 -11 21 4 7 8 15 -2 8 10 3 -12 1,178 1,161 1,228 1,335. 1,528i 1,497 1,522 9 4 -14 12 3 7 - - 1 6 9 13 -2 2.............. 3,312 4,939 5,758 6,766 6,223................................................. 49 16 8 -8 255 789 486 577 8,33 1,025o1,043 18 13 -32 55 "-6 26. 24 209 -38 1 8 44 23 2 1,426 1,407 1,727 1,486 1,439 1,471 1,299 19 -1 -27 48 4 2 -1 -1 23 114 -3 2 -12 1,607 1,803 2,180 2,584 3,468 4,477 4,675 9 19 -7 13 -3 23 0 12 21 19 34 29 4 329 255 341 342 445 548 557 -9 0 13 13 -2 -1 3 -22 34 0 30 23 2 1,900 2,082 1,761 1,22 1,744 2,013 1,695 22 13 0 3 3 5 -5 9 -15 -2 1 15 -16 3,044 4,154 5,052 2,492 3,464 4,250 3,926 3 4 -32 61 0 9 29 36 21 -51 39 23 -8........................ 4,436 [ 12,436 7,098 7,333..............................................1....... 1 80 -43 3 1,064 1,087 1,155 1,414'1,512 1,846 2,122 13 21 -3 1 -5 19 40 2 6 22 7 21 15 1,879 2,968 2,517 4,100 7,554 11,848 12,756 4 16 -30 66 2 9 7 58 15 5 81 57 9 2,212 2,819' 2,278 2,773 2,346 2,231 2,559 12 6 -38 69 3 4 3. 28 -18 21 -16 5 15 789 4868647,9458,63 80,678 99,497 101,197 14 11 -11 24 27 -3 23 38 24 2 WYOMING COUNTY-(CONTINUED). 2,581 2,710 2,382 2,363 2,679 2,547 2,367................. i0 26 29 3 5 -12 -1 13 -5 -7 2,676 2,368 2,104 2,406 2,555 2,615 2,445........................ 84 52 20 -12 -11 14 5 3 -7 2,536 2,833 2,526 2,446 2,343 2,323 2,081............................. 42 12 12 -11 -3 -4 -1 -10 1,279 1,437 1,643 1,961 2,108 2,037 1,903...................... 88 63 -46 12 15 19 8 -3 -7 2,514.2,.438 1,427 1,385 1,330 1,286 1,233....................... 14 11 -7 -3 -41 -3 -4 -3 -4 1,149 1,187 1,314 1,381 1,390 1,312 1,211................................ 54 29 3 11 5 1 -6 -8 2,097 2,367 1,897 1,760 1,753 1,732 1,635................... 86 36 30 9 13 -20 -7 0 -1 -6........................ 1,222 1,098 1,020 1,070.............................................I.............. -10 -7 5 1,972 2,331 2,331 2,245 2,295 2,358 2,142...........................................'18 0 -3 2 3 -5 2,518 2,445 2,022 1,799 1,787 1,708 1,724.................. 95 17 11 4 -3 -17-11 -1 -4 1 1,791 1,949 1,410 1,438 1,441 1;419 1,322........................ -23 27 17 8 -27 2 0 -2.-7 2,984 3,082 2,952 2,832 2,560 2,452 2,366.................. 235 3 16 7 3 -4 -3 -9 -4 -4 2,179 2,176 2,172 2,003 1,887 1,824 1,805....................... -6 31 8 J 0 -8 -5 -3 -1 2,186 2,353 2,435 2,527 2,666 2,794 2.591............ -32 -8 41 38 26 8 3 4 5 5 -7 2,686 2,841 2,659 2,624 2,794 2,958 2,824........... -33 87 26 18 9 6 -6 -1 7 6 -5 1,623 1,728 1,417 1,489 1,462 1,583 1,314............................ 44 30 7 -18 5 -2 9 -17 32,771 34,245 30,69131,981 32,148 31,968 30,033'........... 98 198 38 32 13 41 -3 -1 -6 YATES COUNTY-(CONTINUED). 1,937 1,868 1,783 1,550 1,504 1,574 1,469........................... - 5 -4 -4-14 -3 5 -7 3,851 3,911 3,681 3,456 2,500 2,462 2,400............ 2'6 -3 2 -6 -1 1 -1 -3 1,245 1,634 1,698 1627 1,506 1,605 1,452.............. 37 9 14 31 4-4-8 6 -3 2,843 2,935 2,710 2,912 2,797 2,873 2,682...... -63 72 107 27 35 2 3 -7 7 -4 3 -7 1,440 1,439 1,433 1,385 1,303 1,303 1,287 123 16 116 8 -58 0 0 -3-6 0 -1 3,824 3.986 4,559 4,791 4,04 2,028 4,195 25 | 10 5 4 13 5-10 3 107 2,256 2,245 2,374 2,194 2,i48 2,151 2,137................ 0, 5 -8 -21 2,400 2,426'2,539 2,675 2,428 2,542 2,394......................... -6.............................. 1,320 1,364 1,322............................................... 3 -3 19,796 2-0,44 - 20,777 20, 590 19,812 20,,290 19,338 ".['[- 186 12 | 10-3 39 __2^ __4 3 2 -1 - -4 2 -5 i ~-~^ ~ _i - -~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~I, -- xlii INTRODUCTION. Recapihtulation by Counties. [In this table the population is given with reference to the counties with boundaries, as they now exist.The population by counties, as organized at the time, is given in the next table.] TOTAL POPULATION. COUNTIES. When FROM WHAT TAKEN; - -------------- formed. 1790. 1800, 1810. 1814. 1820. 1825. 1840. 1SO0. 15~30. 1~~~~~?L~35. 1840. Albany 1.......183 An original county...... 13,717 25,155 34,661 33,885 38,116 42,821 53, 520 59,762 68,593 Aliegany.... 1806 Genesee............................... 1,443 2,207 6,520 13,184 20,238 27.295 30,254 Broome,....... 1806 Tioga................. 45 2,730 6,481 7,423 11,100 13,893 17,579 20'/190 22,338 Cattaraugus... 1808 Genesee.......................,...... 458 537 4,090 6,643 16,724 24,986 28,872 Cayuga....... 1799 Onondaga..................... 10,817 29,843 33,609 38,897 42,743 47,948 49,202 50,338 Chautauqua... 1808 Genesee...............]............... 2,381 4,259 12,568 20,639 34,671 44,869 47,976 Chemung..... 1836 Tioga................ 2,391 1,848 2,852 3,115 4,272 8,011 11,562 14.439 15,483 Chenango..... 1798 Tioga and Herkimer........... 6,500 21,704 24,221 31,215 34,215 37,238 40,762 40,785 Clinton....... 1788 Albany................. 1,036 3,916 8,802 7,764 12,070 14,486 19,344 20,742 28,157 Columbia... 1786 Albany.........'....... 27,732 35,322 32,390 33,979 38,330 37,970 39,907 40,746 43,252 Cortland..... 1808 Onondaga...................... 982 8,879 10,893 16,507 20,271 23,791 24,168 24,607 Delaware.... 1797 Otsego and Ulster...... 2,745 10,228 20,303 21,290 26,587 29,565 33,024 34,192 35,396 Dutchess...... 1683 An original county...... 36,334 37,909 41,190 43,707 46,615 46,698 50,926 50,704 52,398 rie. 1821 Niagara.......... 1821.................... 4,667 6,201 10,834 24,316 35,719 5, 594 62,465 Essex........ 1799 Clinton................ 578 4,157 97 9,477 9,949 12,811 15,993 19,287 20,699 23,634 Franklin'...... 1808 Clinton.......................... 443 2,719 2,568 4,439 7,978 11,312 12,501 16,518 Fulton....... 1838 Montgomery.............I... 6,931 15,048 14,491 15,723 17,006 20,451 21,597 18,049 Genesee'......... 1802 Ontario................ 3,660 9,435 18,578 20,708 26,008 29,145 28,705 Greene....... 1800 Albany and Ulster...... 7,208 12,584 19,536 20,210 22,996 26,229 29,525 30,1'73 30,446 Hamilton..... 116 Montgomery........................... 465 556 1,251 1,296 1,325 1,654 1,907 HZerkimer..... 1791 Montgomery......... 2,827 16,332 24.742 23,725 31,017 33,040 35,870 36,201 37,477 Jefferson...... 1805 Oneida......................... 262 15,140 18,564 32,952 41,650 48,493 53,088 60,984 Kings........ 1683 An orginal county..... 4,495 5,740 8,303 7,655 11,187 14,679 20,535 32,057 47,613 Lewis........ 1805 Oneida....................... 1,362 6,433 6,848 29,227 11,669 15,239 16,093 17,830 Livingston.... 1821 Genesee and Ontario........... 2,448 10,526 13,181 31,006 26,731 27,729 35,683 42,498 IMadison...... 1806 Chenango....................... 8,036 25,141 26,2 76 2,228 35,646 39,038 41,741 40,008 Mofroe....... 1821 Genesee and Ontario............ 1,192 4,683 11,178 27,288 39,108 49,855 58,085 64,902 Montgomery.. 1772 Albany................ 18,261 13,015 23,007 22,705 121,846 22,600 23,264 25,108 35,818 New York.... 1683 An original county...... 33,131 60,489 96,373 95,519 3,706 166,086 197,112 268,089 312,710 Niagara........ 1808 Genesee.............................. 1,465 1,276 7,322 14,069'18,482 26,490 31,132 Oneida....... 1798.Herkimer......... 1l,89L 20,839 30,634 45,627 50,997 57,847 71,326 77,518 85,310 Onondaga..... 1794 Herkimer..................... 6,434.25,495 30,020 41,467 48,435 53,973 60,908 67,911 Ontario....... 1789 Montgomery........... 1,075 8,466 22,088 22,812 35,292 37,422 40,288 40,870 43,501 Orange...... 1683 An original county...... 22,809 29,368 34,347 34,908 41,213 41,732 45,366 45,096 50,739 Orleans..... 1824 Genesee............................ 1,164 1,524 5,349 14,460 17,732 22,893 25,127 Oswego....... 1816 Oneida and Onondaga......... 348 3,889 5,382 12,374 17,875 27,119 38,245 43,619 Otsego....... 1791 Montgomery........... 1,702 21,636 38,802 41,587 44,856 47,898 51,372 50,428 49,628 Putnam....... 1812 Dutchess.............. 8,932 9,836 10,293 9,353 11,268 11,866 12,628 11,550 12,825 Queens....... 1683 An original county...... 16,014 16,893 19,336 19,269 21,519 20,331 22,470 25,130 30,324 Rensselaer.... 1791 Albany................ 22,428 30,442 36,309[36,833 40,153 44,065 49,424 55,515 60,259 Richmond.... 1683 An original county...... 3,835 4,563 5,347 5,502 6,135 5,932 7,082 7,691 10,965 Rockland..... 1798 Orange................ 6,001 6,353 7,758 7,817 8,837 8,016 9,388 9,696 11,975 St. Lawrence.. 1802 Clinton....................... 454 7,885 8,252 16,037 27;595 36,354 42,047 56,706 Saratoga...... 1791 Albany............... 17,077 24,483 33,147 31,139 36,052 36,295 38,679 38,012 40,553 Schenectady... 1809 Albany............... 5,698 8,888 10,205 11,203 13,081 12,876 12,347 16,230 17;387 Schoharie..... 1795 Albany and Otsego.. 2,073 9,808 18,945 19,323 23,154 25,926 27,902 28,508 32,358 Schuyler...... 1854 Chemung, Steuben and Tompkins.................... 266 3,609 5,552 10,411 13,773 13,754 15,163 16,388 Seneca...... 1804 Cayuga...................... 4,057 11,306 13,935 17,773 20,169 21,041 22,627 24,874 Steuben....... 1796 Ontario..................... 1,788 6,036 8,983 18,068 20,282 28,012 34,961 40,651 Suffblk....... 1683 An original county...... 16,440 19,464 21,113 21,368 24,272 23,695 26,780 28,274 32,469 Sullivan...... 1809 Ulster................ 763 3,222,108 6,233 8,900 10,373 12,364 13,755 15,629 Tioga........ 1791 Montgomery.................. 2,034 5,860 5,188 7,966.9,988 13,425 16,534 20,527 Tompkins... 1817 Cayuga and Seneca............. 927 5,153 9,816 22,167 27,951 31,333 32,345 32,296 Ulster......... 1683 Anoriginal couty..... 16,297 21,.633 26,576 26,428 30,34 32,015 36,550 39,960 45,822 Warren........ 1,080 4,825 7,565 7,838 9,453 10,906 11,796 12,034 13,422 Washingtqn... 1772 Albaniy...............20,497 30,982 36,24 36,359 38,831 39,280 42,635 39,326 41,080 ayne i.......1 1823 Ontario and Seneca.............1,410 6,575 11,220 20,309 26,761 33,643 37,788 42,057 Westchester.., 1683 An original county....../ 24,003' 27,347 30,272 26,367 32,638 33,131 36,456 38,789 48,686 Wyoming..... 1841 Genesee...................... 2,736 516,149 22,307 29, 047 32,771 34,245 Yates......... 1823 Ontario............867 5,434 11,025 15,313 19,009 19,796 20,444 Total...........,.....................340.120 588.603 961,888 1.035,910 1.302.812 1,614,458 1,913,131 2,174,517 2,428,921 INTRODUCTION. xliii Recapitulation by Counties-(Continued). TOTAL POPULATION. PERCENTAGEOF INCREASE OR DECREASE FROM LAST CENSUS. 1845. 1850. 1855. 160. 1865. 1800. 1810. 1814. 1820. 1825. 1830. - 1835. 1840. 1845. 1850. 1855. 1860. 77,268 93,279 103,681 113,916 115,504 88 37 -2 12 13 23 11 10 2 1 31,402 37,808 42,910 41,881 40,285............... 58 189 110 65 36 11 4 17 17 -4 25,808 30,660 36,650 35,906 37,933........ 137 15 50 25 27 14 16 16 18 19 -2 6 30,169 38,950 39,530 43,886 42,205................ 18s 661 111 93 49 15 4 29 11 11 -2 49,663 55,458 53,571 55,767 55,730........ 176 12 15 9 12 3 2 -1 11 -4 4 0 46,548 50,493 53,380 58,418 58,528................ 79 195 64 68 24 7 -3 8 5 9 0 17,742 21,737 27,288 26,917 31,923 -23 54 9 37 87 44 25 7' 14 22 26 -1 19 39,900 40,311 39,915 40,934 38,360........ 134 11 29 9 9 9 0 -2 1 -1 32 -6 31,278 40,047 42,482 45,735 45,713 278 i 124 -12 56 20 34 7 35 11 28 6 7 0 41,976 43,073 44,341 47,172 44,905 27 -3 5 13 -1 5 2. 6 -3 3 3 6 -5 25,081 25,140 24,575 26,294 24,815........ 8 23 52 23 17 2 1 2 0-2 7 -6 36,990 39,834 39,749 42,465 41,638 272 1 5 25 11 12 3 3 5 7 0 7 -2 55,124 58,992 60,635 64,941 65,192 4 8 6 7 0 9 0 3 5 7 3 7 0 78,635 100,993 132,331 141,971 157,150................ 33 74 124 46 61 13 25 28 19 7 10 25,102 31,148 28,539 28, 214 28,644] 619 128 4 28 24 20 7 14 6 24 -8-1 2 18.692 25,102 25,897 30,837 28,575........ 513 -5 73 79 42 10 32 13 34 3 21 -9 18,579 20,171 23,284 24,162 24,512........ 118/ -3 9 8 20 5 -16 3 8 15 7 1 28,845 28,488 31,532 32,189 31,728........l....... 159 97 11 25 12 -2 1 1 11 3 -3 31,957 33,126 31,137 31,930 31,710 74 55 3 13 14 13 2 1 5 3 -6 2 -1 1,882 2,188 2,543 3,024 2,653................ 19 125 3 2 2515 15 -1 16 16 19 -12 37,424 38,244 38,566 40,561 39,154 407 51 -4 31 6 8 1 4 0 2 1 5 -3 64,999 68,153 65,420 69,825 66,448........ 5,679 23 72 26 16 9 15 7 5 -4 7 -5 78,691 138,882 216,355 279,122 310,824 28 45 -8 46 31 40 56 49 65 76 56 29 11 20,218 24,564 25,229 28,580 27; 840........ 372 6 35 26 31 6 11 13 21 3 13 -3 38,389 40,875 37,943 39,546 37,555........ 330 25 60 27 4 29 16 -10. 6 -7 4 -5 40,987 43,072 43,687 43,545 42,607........ 213 4 23 11 10 7 -4 2 5 1 0 -2 70,899 87,650 96,324 100,648 104,235........ 294 139 144 43 27 16 12/ 9 23 10 45' 4 24',643 31,992 30,808 30,866 31,447 - 7-3 3 3 6 43 -17 8-3 2 371,223 515,547 629,810 813,669 726,386 83 59 -1 30 34 19 36 17 16 39 20 29 -11 34,550 42,276 48,282 50,399 49,655................ -13 471 92 31 43 18 11 22 14 4 -2 84,776 99.566 107,749 105,202 102,713 1,002 47 16 12 13 23 9 10 -1 17 8 -2 -2 70,175 85,890 86,575 90,686 93,332........ 297 13 38 17 23 3 7 3 22 8 5 3 42,592 43,929 42,672 44,563 43;.316 688 161 21 32 6 8 1 6 -2 3 -3 4 -3 52,227 57,145 60,868 63,812 70,165 29 17 10 181 1 9 — 1 13 3 9 7 5' 10 25,845 28,501 28,435 28,717 28,603................ 32 251 170 23 29 9 3 1 0 0 0 48,441 62,198 69,398 75,958 76,200........ 1,018 34 130 45 52 41 14 11 29 11 9 0 50,509 48,638 49,735 50,157 48,616 1,171 79 4 15. 7 8 -2 -2-3 2 1 -3 13,258 14,138 13,934 14,002 14,845 11 4 -9 211 5 6 -9 11 6 1 1 35 31,849 36,833 46,266 57,391 57,997 5 14 0 O 11 -5 10 12 21 5 24 26 24 1 62,338 73,363 79,234 86,328 88,210 36 1 1 9 9 12 10 9 6 19 6 9 2 1.3,673 15,061 21,389 25,492 28,209 191 17 3 12 -3 19 9 43 25 11 42 11 11 13,741 16,962 19.511 22,492 20,788 5 22 1 13 -9 17 3 23 15 24 16 15 -8 62,354 68,617 74,977 83,689 80,994........ 1,615 5 94 72 32 16 35 10 110 9 12 -3 41,477 45,646 49,379. 51,729 49,892 43 35 -6 15 6 6 -2 7 2 10 8 19 -4 16,630 20,054 19,572 20,002 20,888 56 15 9 17 -1 -4 31 7 -4 20 -2 2 4 32,488 33,548 33, 519 34,469 33,353 373 93 2 19 12 7 2 14 0 3 0 3 -3 17,327 18,519 18,777 18,840 18,441........ 1,267 53 87 32 0 10 7 6 6 1 0 -2 24,972 25,441 25,358 28,138 27,653........ 178 23/ 28 14 4 7 9 0 2 0 11 -2 46,203 58,388 59,099 66,610 66,192........ 30 48/ 101 12 38 25 16 13 45 -6 -1,23 45979 6619 30 48 I 1| 13 -12 3 ID'I1I7 134,4579 36,922 41,066 43,275 42,869 19 1 13 -1 13 6 15 7 7 11 5 -1 18,727 - 25,088 29,487 32, 385 32,741 { 83 89 2 43 17 19 11 14 19 34 17 9 1 22,456 24,880 26,962 28,748 28,163........ 188 } -11, 53 25 34 23 23 9 18 7 7 -2 32,264 32,694 31,516 31,409 30,696........ 456 91 126 26 12 3 0 0 1 -3 0 -2 48,907 59,384. 67,936 76,381 75,609 33{ 23 O 17 3 14 9 15 7 21. 15 12 -1 14,908 17, 199 18,669 21,434 21,.128 349I 571 4 21 15 8 2 11 11 15 14 9 -1 40,554 44,750 44,405 45,904 46,244' 51 18 I- 7 /-1 7 1 8 -8 4 -1I 1'0 — 1 3 1 42, 515 44,953 46,760 47,762 47,498 I........ 3611 71 81 31 26 121 11 I 1 52 -1 47,394 58,263 80,678 99,497 101,197 14 11I -11[ 24 1 10 6 27 -3 23 38 24 2 30, 691 31,981 32,.148 31,968 30,033............. 9 198 38 32 13 4'-13 4 1 -1 -6 20, 777.120, 590 19,8122 20, 290 19,338........1 186 )12 1103 39 24 4 3 2 -1 4 2 -5 2,604a,495 3,097,3943/,466B,212 3P,880,7i35 3,831,777 73 64 * 8 31.25 24 19 ~13 12 7i 19 12 12 -2 Xliv INTRODUCTION. Population of the several Counties at the Time of taking each Census. COUNTIES. 1790. 1800. 1810. 1814. 120. 1825. 1830. 1835 1840. 1.845. 1850. 1855. 1860. 1865. Albany........ 75,736 34,043 34,661 33,885 38,116 42,821 53,520 59,76268,593 77,268 93,279 103,681 113,91- 115,504 Allegany.................... 1,942 3,834 9,330 18,164 26,276 35,214 40,975 40,084 37,808 42,910 41,88ssl 40,285 Broome.............. I........ 8,130 9,581 14,343 13,893 17,579 20,190[22,338 25,808 30,660 36,650 35,906 37,933.Cattaraugus....................... 458........ 4,090 8,643] 16,724 24,986 28,872 30,169 38,950 39,530 43,886 42,205 Cayugra................ 15,871 29,843 37,318 38,897 42,743 47,948 49,202 50,338 49,663 55,458 53,571 55,767 55,730 Chautauqua.................... 2,381 4,259 12,568 20,640 34,671 44,86947,975 46,548 50,493 53,380 58,41 8 58,528'hemung................................................ 20,732 23,689 28,821 27,288 26,917 31,923 Chenango,166....... 15,666 21,704 24,221 31,215 34,215 37,238 40,762 40,785 39,900 40,311 39,91.5 40,934 38,360 Clinton....... 1,614 8,514 8,002 7,764 12,070 14,486 19,344 20,742 28,157 31,278 40,047 42,482 45,735 45,713 Columbia...... 27,732 35,322 32,390 33,979 38,330 37,970 39,007 40,746 43,252 41,976 43,073 44,391 47,172 44,905 Cortland..................... 8,869 10,893 16,507 20,271 23,791 24,168 24,607 25,081 25,140 24,575 26,294 24,815 Delaware...]....... 10,228 20,303 21,290 26,587 29,565 33,024 34,192 35,396 36,990 39,834 39,749 42,465 41,638 Dutchess....... 45,266 49,775 51,363 43,708.46,615 46,698 50,926 50,704 52,398 55,124 58,992 60, 635 64,941 65,192 Erie.................................................... 24,316 35,719 57,594 62,465 78,635 100,993 132,331 141,971 157,150 Essex.............. 9,477 9,949 12,811 15,993 19,287 20,699 23,6 34 25,102 31,148 28,539 28,214 28,6 44 Franklin.................... 2,617' 2,568 4,439 7,978 11,312 12,501 16,518 18,692 25,102 25,477 30,837 28,575 Fulton............................................................18,049 18,579 20,171 23,284 24,162 24,512 Genesee.......]................. 12,588 23,975 58,093 40,905 52,147 58,588 59,587 28,845 28,488 31,034 32,189 31,728 Greene............... 12.584 19,536 20,211 22,996 26,229 29,525 30,17330,446 31,957 33,126 31,137 31,930 31,7M) Hamilton..................................... 1,251 i 1,325 1,907 1,882 2,188 2,543 3,024 2,653 Herkimer.............. 14,479 22,046 20,837 31,017 33,040 35,870 36,201 37,477 37,424 38,244 38,566 40,561 39,154 Jefferson....................... 15,140 18,564 32,952 41,650 48,493 53,088 60,984 64,999 68,153 65,420 69,825 66,448 Kings......... 4,495 5,740 8,303 7,655.11,187 14,679'1 20,535 32,05747,613 78,691 /138,882 216,229 279,122 310,824 Lewis......................... 6,433 6,'848 9,227 11,669 15,239 16,09317,830 20,218 24,564 25,229 28,580 27,840 Livingston........................................... 23,860 27,729 31,092 35,140 33.193 40,875 37,943 39,546 37,555 Madison..................... 25,144 26,276 32,208 35,646 39,038 41,74140,008 40,987 43,072 431687 43,545 42,607 Monroe................................................ 39,108 49,855 58.085 64,902 70,899 87,650 96,3241100,648 104,235 Montgomery... 28,848 21,700 41,214 40,640 37,569 40,902 43,715 48;359 35,818 29,643 31,992O 30,808 30,866 31,447 New York...33,131 60,489 96,373 95,519 123,706 166,086 197,112 270,089312,710 371,223 515,547 629,904 813,669 726,386 Niagara....................1 8,972 7,477 22,990 14,069 18,482 6,490 31,132 34,550 42,276 48,282 50.399 49,655 Oneida................ 22,047 33,792 45,228 50,997 57,847 71,326 77,518 85,310 84,776 99,566 107,749 105,202 102,713 Onondaga..............[ 7,406 25,987 30,801 41,467 48,435 58,973 60,908/67,911 70,175 85,890 86,575 90,686 93,332 Ontario......... 1,075 15,218 42,032 56,8921 88,267 37,422 40,288 40,870 43,501 42,592 43,929 42,672 44,563 43,316 Orleans.......................... 14,460 17,732 22.893 25,127 25,845 28,501 28,435 28,717 28,603 Oswego....................................... 12,374 17,875 27,119 38;245i43,619 48,441 62,198 69,398 75,958 76,200 Otsego................. 21,636 38,802 40,587 44,856 47, 98 51,372 50,428 49,628 50,509 48,638 49,735 50,157 48,616 Putnam....................... 9,353 11,268 11,866 12,628 11,551 12,825 13,258 14,138 13;934 14,002 14,845 Queens........[ 16,014 16,893 ]19,336 19,269 21,519 20,331 22,460 25,130 30,324 31,849 36,833 46,266 57,391 57,997 Rensselaer............ 30,442 36,309 36;833 40,153 44,065 49,424 55,515 60,259 62,338 73,363 79,234 86,328 88,210 Richmond...... 3,835 4,563 5,347 5,502 6,135 5,932 7,082 7,691 10,965 13,673 15,061 21,389 25,492 28,209 Rockland.............. 6,353 7,758 7,817 8,837 8,016 9,388 9,696 11,975 13,741 16,962 19,511 22,492 20,788 St. Lawrence................... 7,885 8,252 16,037 27,595 36,354 42,047 56,706 62,354 68,617 74,977 83,689 80,994 Saratoga............... 24,483 33,147 31,139 36,052 36,295 38,679 38,012 40,553 41,477 45,646 49,379 51,729 49,892 Schenectady..................... 10,201 11,203 13,081 12,876 12,347 16,230 17,387 16,630 i 20,054 19,572 20,002 20,88 Schoharie............. 9,808 18,945 19,323 23,154 25,926 27,902 28,50832,358 32,488 33,548 33,519 34,469 33,353 Schuyler........................................................................................... 18,777 18,840 18,441 Seneca..............'i........... 16,609 21,401 23,619 20,169 i21,041'22,627 24,879 24,972 25,441 25,358 28,138 27,653 Steuben................ 1,788 7,246 11,121 21,989 29,245 33,851 41,435 46,138 51,679 63,771 62,965 66,610 66,192 Suffolk........ 16,440 19,464 21,113 21,368 24,272 23,695 26,780 28,274 32,469 34,579 36,922 40,906 43,275 42,869 Sullivan...................... 6,108 6,233 8,900 10,373 12,364 13,75515,629 18,727 25,088 29,487 32,385 32,741 Tioga................. 6,889 7,899 10,438 19,971 19,951 27,690 33.999 20,527 22,456 24,880 26,962 28,748 28,163 Tompkins...................................... 20,681 32,908 36,545 38,008 37,948 38,168 38,746 31,516 31,409 30,696 Ulster......... 29.397 24,855 26,576 26,428 30,934 32,015 36,550 39,96045,822 49,907 59,384 67,936 76,381 75.609 lWarren............................ 7,838 9,453 10,906 11,796 12,034 13,422 14,908 17,199 19,669 21,434 21,128 Washington.... 14,042 35,574 44,289 36,359 38,831 39,280 42,635 39,326 41,080 40,554 44,750 44,405 45,904 46,244 W~ayne................................................26,761 33,643 37,788 42,057 42,515 44,953 46,760 47,762 47,498 Vestchester.... 24,003 27, 428 30, 372 26, 367 32,638 33,131 36,456 38,790 48,686 47,578 58,263 80,678 99,497 101,197 Wyoming................ 27,205/ 31,981 32,140 31,968 30,033 s.............................................13,214 19,009 19,796 20,444 20,777 20,590 19,812 20,290 19,338 Total...... 340,120 6588,03 i961,888 1035910 1372812 1614456 1913131 2174517 I242-921 2604495 3097394 3466212 3880735 3831777 R Eeported with Clinton~ t Reported with Montgomery. INTRODUCTION. xlv Table showing the Relative Numbers living within the Present Territory of Counties at Different Periods, as compared with each 1,000 reported in 1865. COU~NTIES. 1790. 1800. 1810- 1814. 1820. 1825. 1830. 1835. 180. 1845. 1850. 1855. 1860. Albany.........| 119 218 300 293 330 370 463 517 594 668 808.897 986 Allegany.........................35 54 61 327 502 677 I 751 779 938 1,065 1,039 Broome................ 1 71 170 195 292 363 463 529 588 680 808 966 946 Oattarauugus............................ 0 12 96 157 396 591 684 714 924 96 1,039 Cayuga........... 194 533 602 697 766 860 882 903 890 995 961 I 1,000 Chautauqua............40 72 214 352 592 766 819 796 862 912981 Chemung................ 75 58 90 98 131 251 362 452 485 556 681 855844 Chenango...................... 169 565 631 813 891 970 1,062 11,063 1,040 1,050 1,040 1,067 Clinton................ 13 86 192 170 164 317 423 454 616 684 876 927 1,000 Columbia............... 617 786 721 757 854 845 889 907 963 935 959 989 1,050 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~105 Cortland....................... 39 357 439 665 817 958 974 992 1,011 1,013 990 1,059 Delaware............... 6487 511 6793 8850 888 930 1 Del. ~~~65 245 47/51/638 710 7 3 821 9 5 8 55 900 1,019 Dutchess................557 581 632 672 715 716 781 777 804 846 905 930 996 Erie................................... 29 39 68 155 227 366 397 500 643 842903 Essex.................. 20 145 330 3 4 47 558 673 722 825 876 1,087 999 984 Franklin....................... 15 95 89 155 279 395 438 578 654 878 906 1,079 Fulton......................... 282 613 591 641 693 834 881 736 758 822 949 985 Genesee................................ 115 297 585 652 819 918 904 909 897 943 1,014 Greene.................. 227 397 6 6 637 724 827 931 951 960 1,008 1,044 982 1,007 Hamilton................................ 175 209 472 489 499 623 719 709 824 958 1,139 Herkimer.............. 72 414 632 605 791 843 916 924 957 955 976 984 1,035 Jefferson....................... 4 228 27,9 496 626 729 815 918 963 1,026 985 1,051 Kings................... 14 18 26 25 36 47 66 103 153 253 447 696898 Lewis.......................... 49 231 246 331 419 547 578 640 726 882 906 1,027 Livingston...................... 6 5 280 351 559 712 738 951 1132 1022 1,088 1,010 1,053 Madison....................... 188 590 616 756 834 916 979 939 962 1,011 1,025 1,022 Monroe....................... 10 44 107 261 378 478 566 622 679 840 924965 Montgomery............ 280 413 728 722 * 695 718 739 798 1,137 781 1,017 989 981 New York.............. 45 83 133 131 170 228 271 369 430 511 709 867 1,118 Niagara............................... 29 25 147 283 372 532 626 695 851 972 1,014 Oneida................. 18 203 298 444 496 563 694 755 831, 825 969 1,049 1,024 Onondaga...................... 68 272 321 444 518 631 642 716 751 921 927971 Ontario................ 24 195 509 526 815 864 930 943 1, 004 983 1,014 985 1,029 Orange................... 325 418 488 497 587 8 59 4 7 6 642 723 744 814 867 909 Orleans................................ 41 53 187 "505 613 800 878 903 996 994 1,004 Oswego........................ 4 51 70 162 234 356 501 572 635 816 910 996 Otsego................. 35 445 798 855 923 985 1,056 1,037 1,021 1,039 1,000 1,023 1,032 PNotnam................. 600 662 693 630 758 799 850 778 864 893 952 938 943 Queens.................. 276 291 33 3 32 3713351 387 433 523 549 635 7 98, 989 RKensselaer.............. 254 345 411 417 455 499 560 629 683 707 831 830 979 Richmond.............. 136 162 189 195 214 211 251 273 388 485 530 758903 Rockland............... 288 305 373 376 425 ] 385 451 466 576 661 811 938. 1,081 St. Lawrence...............5.. 5 97 101 198 340 448 517 700 769 847 925 1,033 Saratoga............... 342 4914 72 2 72 762 495 72 813 831 914 989 1,037 Schenectady............ 272 425 488 536 626 616 591 777 832 796 960 937 957 Schoharie.............. 62 294 568 579 694 777 83"6 855 970 97 4 1,006 1,005 1,0330 Schuyler....................... 1 4 195 301 510 741 39 822 888 939 1,004 1,018 1,021 Seneca......................... 146 408 504 642 729 761 818 899 903 920 917 1,017 Steuben......................... 27 91 135 272 306 423 528 614 698 882 899 1,007 Suffolk.................. 383 456 49 8 566 553 625 659 757 806 861 958 1,009 Sullivan................ 54 9.8 186 190 272 317 377 420 477 5 72 766 801 989 Tioga................... 71 208 184 282 351 477 5 87 28 797 883 957 1,020 Tompkins...................... 30 167 319 722 910 1,021 1,053 1,052 1,051 1065 1,027 1,022 Ulster.................. 215 286 351 349 409 423 483 528 606 647 785 898 1,010 Warren................ 51 228 357 371 447 516 558 569 635 705 814 930 1,014 Washq~ingtf~on ------------ 443 A 794 85 23 9845 1,088 R8 1 I 1,2 1, 03 I, / 177, 67 96,0993 Wutamn......................... 629 1938 235 427 56 708 7995850~785]88935 [ 946[974 1,0 quescens............... 2376 27 29133 3261 3722 3217 360 438 3 481 468 576 7798 83 Wyoenssle............................. 91 180 537 7 454 9 9567 10 91 1.61 101,05,70,6 Richmon.................... 8 1521 289] 1 9532 1 792 1 8 1,01 73/3 8 8 1,57 1,0758 1,065,25,4 Rockand...........'...1 88 1053251 27037 458 45 11499/567 634 61793808 905 909 xlvi INTRODUCTION. Counties arranged in the orderof greatest Population, as they were organized at the several Census periods since 1790. 1790. 1800. 1810. 1814. 1820. 1 85. 130. 1 Albany.......... New York....... New York....... New York....... New York.... w ork....... New York....... New York...... 2 Dutchess.......... Dutchess......... Dutchess........ Ontario.......... Ontario...;........ Oneida........... Oneida.......... 3 New York....... Washington...... Washington,..... Oneida........... Genesee.......... Onondaga........ Onondaga........ 4 Ulster........... Columbia........ Ontario.......... Dutchess......... Oneida........... Otsego.......... Albany 5 Montgomery..... Albany.......... Montgomery...... Montgomery..... Dutchess......... Dutchess......... Genesee.......... 6 Columbia........ Rensselaer....... Otsego........... Otsego........... Otsego.......... Rensselaer...... Otsego.......... 7 Westchester...... Orange.......... Rensselaer....... Cayuga........... Oniondaga........ Albany.......... Dutchess......... 8 Orange.......... Westchester...... Albany.......... Rensselaer....... Orange......... Cayuga.......... Monroe.......... 9 Suffolk.......... Ulster.......... Orange.......... Washington...... Rensselaer....... Orange.......... Rensselaer...... 10 Queens........... Saratoga......... Oneida........... Columbia........ Cayuga.......... Jefferson......... Jefferson......... 11 Washington...... Oneida........... Saratoga......... Albany.......... Washington...... Genesee......... Cayuga.......... 12 Kings........... Montgomery..... Columbia....... Orange.......... Columbia........ Montgomery.... Montgomery...... 13 Richmond........ Otsego........... Westchester..... Saratoga......... Albany.......... Washington...... Washington...... 14 Clinton.......... Suffolk *... Cayuga,nda........ Ononda........ Miontgomery..... Monroe......... Ontario.......... 15 Ontario.......... Queens.......... Ulster........... Westchester...... Saratoga......... Columbia........ Columbia........ 16................. Cayuga.......... Onondaga......... Ulster........... Jefferson......... Ontario.......... Madison......... 7................... Chenango.......... Madison......... Wsdiso.......... W Saratoga......... Saratoga......... 18.................. Ontario...... Herkimer...... Chenango........ Madison......... Madison......... Cheago........ 19.........a.......... Herkimer...............Chenngo..... Genesee.......... Chenango...... Cen........ Tompkins...... 20.................. Greene.........Suffolk........ Seneca........ Herkinr..... Westchester..... Westchester..... 21....... Delawre........... Suekolk.......... Ulster........... Herkimer........... 22................. Schoharie........ Greene.......... Herkimer........ Delaware........ Tompkins....... St. Lawrence 23 C n............o... Clinton. Queens.......... Greene.......... Suffolk.......... Ulster........... Herkimer........ 24......... Onondaga.......choharie... Schoharie....... Seneca.......... Delaware........ Erie.r 25..........een........ Sfolhai........ Seneca.. Queens... Sh.o....ha........ Steuben...... 26.............. ocland........ Jeffersone........ Delaware. Greene.......... St. Lawrence..... Steuben.......... 27.................. K Uings.......... Grenesee......... Jefferson....... Niagara......... Wayne...;...... Wayne.......... 28.................. Richmond........ Schenectady..... Steuboen.......... Steuben..........rene... Delaware 29................... Steuben.......... Essex........... Cortland......... Queens.......... Schoharie........ Greene.......... 30.................................... Niagara......... Tioga............ Tompkins........ Erie............. Schoharie........ 31.................................... Cortland........ Schenectady..... Tioga............ Livingston....... Livingston........ 32................................... K ings........... Putnam.......... Cortland......... Suffolk.......... Tioga.......... 33..................................... Broome........... Broome.......... St. Lawre ce.... Chautauqua...... Oswego.......... 34.................................... Chautauqua...... W arren......... Broome.......... Queens.......... Suffolk.......... 35 ioga.......... ocltnd......... Schenectady Cortland. Allegany........ 4...........o ar.ie S nene........ 3O6............................ St. Lawrence...... Essex.......... Seneca.......... Cortland........ 37 Rcln......... linton.......... Chau ua...... Tioa............ Queens.......... 38........................ Lewis.......... Kins.......... Oswego........... Allegany........ Seneca.......... 39 - Steuben..........~~~~~~~~' Nara.....Clinton......... Oswego........ tu...... Kings.... 40.................................... Sulliva........... St. Lawrence..... Putnam.......... Essex........... Clinton.......... 41...................... Richmond....... Lewis........... Kings........... Kings........... Essex........... 42................................... Franklin......... Sullivan......... Warren......... Clinton.......... Yates............ 43................................... Allegany........ Richmond....... Allegany........ Orleans.......... Niagara......... 44....................................................... Chautauqua...... Lewis........... Niagara...... Orleans......... 45................................................... Allegany........ Sullivan......... Broome..........Boo e. 4....................................................... Franklin......... Rockland Yates........... Catta au us...... 4728~~~.~~0~~~~~~~............ic.mond....... Schenectady...... Le......... Leis 487................................................. r li 4i-9..................................................................... Catta ug us........ LeP is.......... Pu am......... 48 (, ~ ~................. rene..........ctady 51.......................................................................... C t a a gs...... L ws........... Sullivan..... W a r.......... 52.................................................................... W t a n......l 53.......................................................... l an........ a n........,524........................................................................................... C r..... Franklin.......... 53.......................................................................................... R ichmo-d....... R ockltn.......................................................................................................................... 53......................Schenectady...................................... 58...................................................ran d....... T i oga.......... 59....................... i................. Ti.......... 60............................................ffolk.............. 33 ~ ~ -...~.~..1..-............. roome INTRODUCTION. xlvii Counties arranged in the order of greatest Population-(Continued). 1835, 1840. 1845. 1850. 1855. I860. -1865. New York......... New York........ New York........ New York........ New York....... New York....... New York........ 1 Albany........... Oneida........... Oneida........... Kings............ Kings........... Kings............ Kings............ 2 Oneida............ Albany.......... Kings............ Erie.............. Erie............. Erie............. Erie............. 3 Onondaga......... Onondaga........ Erie............. Oneida........... Oneida........... Albany.......... Albany.......... 4 Genesee........... Monroe.......... Albany.......... Albany.......... Albany.......... Oneida.......... Oneida........... 5 Monroe........... Erie............. Monroe.......... Monroe.......... Monroe........... Monroe.......... Monroe.......... 6 Erie............... Jefferson......... Onondaga........ Onondaga........ Onondaga........ Westchester...... Westchester...... 7 Rensselaer......... Rensselaer........ Jefferson......... Rensselaer........ Westchester...... Onondaga........ Onondaga........ 8 Jefferson.......... Genesee.......... St. Lawrence..... St. Lawrence..... Rensselaer....... Rensselaer........ Rensselaer........ 9 Dutchess......... St. Lawrence..... Rensselaer........ Jefferson......... St. Lawrence..... St. Lawrence. St. Lawrence..... 10 Otsego............ Dutchess......... Dutchess......... Steuben.......... Oswego.......... Ulster........... Oswego.......... 11 Cayuga........... Orange........... Orange........... Oswego.......... Ulster........... Oswego.......... Ulster........... 12 Montgomery....... Cayuga.......... Steuben.......... Ulster............ Jefferson......... Jefferson......... Orange........... 13 Orange............. Otsego........... Otsego............ Dutchess......... Steuben.......... Steuben.......... Jefferson......... 14 Chautauqua....... Westchester...... Cayuga.......... Westchester...... Orange........... Dutchess......... Steuben.......... 15 St. Lawrence...... Chautauqua....... Ulster........... Orange........... Dutchess......... Orange........... Dutchess...... 16 Madison........... Kings........... Oswego.......... Cayuga.......... Cayuga.......... Chautauqua..... Chautauqua...... 17 Steuben........... Steuben.......... Westchester...... Chauftauqua...... Chautauqua...... Queens........... Queens........... 18 Ontario......... Ulster........... Chautauqua...... Otsego........... Otsego........... Cayuga.......... Cayuga.......... 19 Chenango......... Oswvego,.......... Ontario.......... Saratoga......... Saratoga......... Saratoga......... Saratoga.......... 20 Columbia.......... Ontario.......... Wayne.......... Wayne.......... Niagara.......... Niagara.......... Niagara.......... 21 Ulster............ Columbia......... Washington...... Wayne........... Otsego........... Otsego........... 22 Washington....... Wayne........... Saratoga... Ontario.......... Queens........... Wayne........... Wayne........... 23 Westchester....... Was on...... Madisog.......... Columbia........ Washington...... Columbia......... Washington...... 24. any......... Washington...... Madison......... Columbia........ Washington...... Columbia......... 25 Saratoga........... C enango........ Allegany......... Niagara.......... Madison_......... Clinton.......... Clinton.......... 26 Toinpkins......... Saratoga......... Chenango........ Livingston........ Allegany......... Ontario.......... Ontario.......... 27 Wayne..........'. Madison......... Tompkins........ Chenango........ Ontario.......... Cattaraugus...... Cattaraugus...... 28 Herkimer......... Tompkins........ Herkimer Clinton.......... Clinton.......... Madison.......... Suffolk........... 29 A. rkimer......... Delawvare......... Delaware......... Suffolk........... Suffolk.......... adi30 Delaware........... Montgomery...... Suffolk........... Tompkins........ Chenango........ Delaware......... Delaware......... 31 Tioga.............. Delaware......... Niagara.......... Cattaraugus...... Delaware......... Allegany......... Allegany......... 32 ig............. LivigsLivingst o ivingston........ Herkimer......... Cattaraugus. Chenango........ erkimer........ 33 Livingston......... Suffolk........... Schoharie........ Allegany......... Herkimer........ Herkimer........ Chenango........ 34 Greene............ Schoharie........ Greene........... Suffolk........... Livingston....... Livingston........ Broome.......... 35 Schoharie........ Niagara.......... Queens........... Queens........... Broome.......... Broome.......... Livingston... 36 Suffolk............ Greene........... Clinton.......... Schoharie........ Schoharie........ Schoharie........ Schoharie........ 37 Niagara........... Queens........... Cattaraugus...... Greene........... Wyoming........ Sullivan.......... Sultivan.......... 38 Queens............ Cattaraugus...... Montgomery...... Montgomery...... Tompkins........ Genesee.......... Chemung.......... 39 Cataragus.....Cliton.......Genesee.......... Wyoming........ Greene........... W~yoming........ Greene.......... 40 ortland.......... Orleans........... Wyoming........ Essex............ Genesee.......... Greene............ Montgomery...... 41 Orleans........... Seneca...........Orleans.......... Broome......... Montgomery...... Tompkins........ Genesee.......... 42 Senca.........Corlan.......Broome.......... Chemung......... Sullivan.......... Montgomery...... |Tompkins........ 43 Clinton........... Essex...... Ese............ Orleans........... Essex........ Franklin......... "Wyoming........ 44Essex.............. Broome.....Cortland......... Genesee.......... Orleans.......... Tioga............ Essex........... 45 o Seneca........... Seneca........... hea ns g............................ 46 CYiatonem.............. Tioga............ Lewis............ Richmond........ 47 EssexecTa............ Broomie........... Franklin......... Feaneli.........eEssex............ Tioga............ 48 Lewis...........Flton.........Yates Sullivan........' Seneca........... Seneca............ Franklin......... 49 Yatesis.............. Tioga............ Lewis............ Ghemung......... Lewis............. 50 henectadySk....... Ya tes...... Lewis............ Cortland......... Cortland......... Seneca........... 51 LeWaie............. Franklin......... Frankels............ Fulton........... Richmond........ Cortland......... 52 Sutnam........... Sullivan.......... Fulton.......,. Fulton........... Richmond........ Fulton.... Lewis Fulton... Low's.. 53 FRanklind.......... Warren......... Schenectady...... Schenectady...... Yates............ Rockland......... Warren.......... 54 WaRiren................Warren........ Warren.......... Warren.......... Warren.......... Schenectady...... 55 Hamilton.......... Rockland-id........ Richmondn........... Yates............ Rockland......... 56................. ARichmond............. Rockland......... Rockland......... Schenectady....................... 57..................cHamiltonk....... Putnam.......... Putnamdy....... Schuyler......... Schuyler......... Schuyler......... 58.. Putnamil trn.......... Hamiron......... Waamrro.......... Putnam.......... Pu tnam.......... 59................................. Hamilton......... amilton.. Hamilton......... 60 xlviii INTRODUCTION. Percentage of Sexes, Colors, Civil Condition, Voters, 6c., to Total Population, in 1865. [This table embraces the percentages of the general summary, by counties, given on page 17 of this volume.] MALES. FEMALES. CIVIL CONDITION.VOTERS. COUNTIES. ---- -- --- --- ------------ --- ------- 1q|- r_ i' W os Native. Natuna~l- Ttl White. Colored., White. Colored. Single. arried. Widow- s ITotal. ers. ized.^ Q w *-' ^^ 0 U0 Albany........... 49.29 0.43 51.12 0.44 60.5034.33 1.18 4.06 13.07 8.33 21.40 9.02 0.7420.16 6.72 2.88 Allegany......... 49.52 0.34 49.57 0.3155.5640.08 1.27 3.0022.24 2.56 25.01 2.27 0.3622.37 15.53 1.35 Broome........... 49.45- 0.52 46.81 0.53 58.5137.49 1.12 2.86 23.57 2.07 2.256 2.96 0.6520.88 14.96 1..91 Cattaraugus...... 50.50 0.22 49.06 0.2058.47 37.87 1.11 2.53 20.45 3.48 23.94 4.21 0.3020.37 14.40 1.88 Cayuga........... 49.39 0.50 49.66 0.41 55.67 39.48 1.29 3.5229.97 3.41 24.38 5.75 0.5721.06 15.00 2.45 Chautauqua....... 49.90 0.10 49.70 0.18 54.7040.93 1 19 3.13 20.91 3.40 24.32 5.99 0.2620.64 16.20 1.61 Chemung......... 48.76 1.01 49.13 1.05 56.76 39.07 1.08 3.08 20.48 2.85 23.33 3 6.33 1.32 20.16 12.69 2.96 Chenango......... 49.15 0.29 50.24 0.32 54.88 40.17 129 3.6325.54 1.99 26.94 1.33 0.40122.15 17.09 0.56 Clinton........... 50.80 0:15 48.94 0.11 62.5334.03 1.08 2.32 1.1.56 6.04 17.61 13.33 0.1S 17.87 10.52 10.11 Columbia......... 47.52 1.27 49.72 1.46 58.55 36.24 1.34 3.80 20.73 2.94 23.68 4.47 1.89 20.12 9.28 2.81 Cortland......... 49.50 0.06 50.30 0.09 52.8842.42 1.22 3.07 25.12 1.83 26.57 2.14 0.08 21.62 17.44 1.49 Delaware......... 50.14 2.32 49.38 0.24 57.8835.50 1'25 2.9422.88 2.53 25.41 1.84 0.3120.37 15.44 1.00 Dutchess.......... 47.17 1.35 49.95 1.52 57.51 37 05 1.44 3.9.9 19.22 3.96 23.19 ] 7.37 2.3220o.18 9.27 2.37 Erie.............. 49.68' 0.27 49.77 0.26 59.13 36.73 1.05 3.07 9.05 9.84 18.89 13.34 0.36' 22.05 11.01 2.?7 Essex............ 50.53 0.01 49.20 0.01 59.72 36.47 1.09 2.70 17.50 3.86 21.36 8.16 0.20 18.59 11.50 4.40 Franklin.......... 50.33 0.03 49.55 0.03 i 60.03 36.30 1.04 2.60 14.32 5.23 19.55 10.06 0.03 18.77 14.26 5.34 Fulton........... 48.69 0.03 50.54 1.03 57.22 38.07 1.23 3.21 I 21.18 2.86 24.04 2.29 0.51 21.57 13.09 2.52 Genesee........... 49.71 0.16 49.95 0.17 55.66 39.86 1.22 3.24 19.09 4.82 23.91 7.45 0.24 20.47 14.70 2.04 Greene............ 48.08 1.13 49.56 1.21 56.89 37.99 1.33 3.46 22.35 2.06 24.42 2.27 1.50 20.38 11.30 1.85 Hamilton........ 52.43 0.03 47.49 0.03 58.7338.33 1.39 1.73 21.56 3.16 24.76 1.39 i 0.03 20.12 16.58 1.58 Herkimer......... 49.65 0.23 49.82 0.27 54.39 40.63 1.52 3.57 20.53 4.20 22.27 ii 5.17 0.37 20.84 13.99 3.04 Jefferson.......... 49.34 0.15 50.24 0.12 55.97 39.52 1.24 3.26 20.44 2.93 23.36 7.32 0.19 20.67 14.47 1.87 Kings............ 47.04 0.68 51.38 0.88 58.2216.79 1.01 3.97 9.62 9.08 18.72 17.17 1.26 20.29 4.45 2.16 Lewis............ 51'58 0.09 48.22 0.11 57.80 38.53 1.22 2.42 17.36 6.62 23.98 5.02 0.09 21..19 16.50 3.08 Livingston........ 49.35 0.21 50.19 0.22 58.8336.32 1.35 3.46 19.76 4.34 24.11 5.96 0.21 20.32 14.46 1.1.5 Madison.......... 49.36 0.46 49,87 0.4253.8841.06 1.42 3.6223.48 2.76 26.25 3.70 0.5021.83 14.82 2.31 Monroe.......... 49.27 0.26 50.15 0.30 59.02 36.41 1. 15 3.40 12.77 8.12 20.89 11.02 0.38 19.57 11.88 2 11 MVontgomery..... 49.38 0.53 49.52 0.56 58.45 37.44 1.27 2.82 20.89 3.57 24.46 3.09 0.86 19.59 12.49 1.85 New York........ 46.81 0.56 51.73 0.80 58.25/36.16 1.08 4.49 7.08 10.66 17.75 20.76 1.22 20.46 11.55 2.62 Niagara.......... 49.73 { 0.43 49.38 0.42 59.67 36.26 1.10 2.94/ 14.40 6.35 20.74 11.59 0.67 19.81 12.71 2.04 Oneida.......... 48.77 0.27 50.62 0.33 57.03 38.02 1.29 3.60[-15.81 8.03 23.84 5.88 0.44 20.65 12.57 2.52 Onondaga......... 49.28 0.26 50.12 0.31 i 57.12 38.56 1.15 3.16 16.72 6.29 23.02 7.52 0.41 20.06 12.85 2.27 Ontario........... 48.57 0.59 50.13 0.69 56.18 38.64 1.41 3.76 20.28 3.92 24.21 6.26 0.83 20.50 14.07 1.98 Orange........... 48.26 1.43 48.73 1.56 54.35 35.81 1.02 3.66 17.45 3.89 21.10 8.61 2.35 19.98 9.24 2.76 Orleans........... 49.73 0.18 49.88 0.20 54.83 40.18 1.19 3.09 20.45 3.86 24.322 6.99 0.2620.79 14.77 1.63 Oswego........... 52.96 0.22 i 51.85 0.21 58.80 39.66 1.08 3.07 18.37 4.01 22.38 7.35 0.26 20.29 13.61 2.85 Otsego............ 49.31 0.17' 50.16 0.13 53.18 41.59 1.45 3.58 25.13 1.50 26.64 2.23 0.26 21.72 15.56 1.32 Putnam........... 48'96 0.39 50.29 0.35 56.56 38.20 1.46 3.77 20.92 2.28 23.21 7.98 0.58 20.84 11.25 2.98 Queens........... 44.30 2.65 48.29 2.84 58.18 37.19 1.27 3.34 14.09 6.25 20.34 9.64 4.36 17.28 9.52 3.19 Rensselaer......... 48.14[ 0.43 50.94 0.47 57.47 37.15 1.29 3.99 14.77 6.87 21.65 9.39 0.65 20.26 8.69 3.17 Richmond......... 46.93 1.03 50.75 1.24 59.73 35.29 1.07 3.9011.39 8.55 19.94 14.02o 1.52 18.25 8.65 1.84 Kockland........ 48.97 1.37 48.30 1.34 56.76 38.48 1.22 3.55 17.07- 3.70 20.77 9.32 2.32 20.52 10.09 5.74 St. Lawrence...... 49.89 0.05 50.02 0.03 59.74 36.62 1.07 2.56 16.38 4.31 20.69 10.26 0.04 19.73 13.79 2.89 Saratoga.......... 48.32 0.59 50.43 0.64 56.07 38.59 1.19 3.94 19.96 3.65 23.61 5.66 0.95 20.89 12.28 3.07 Schenectady....... 48.79 0.48 50.18/ 0.53 57.81 36.97 1.18 3.98 17.33 5.98 23.31 4.51 0.72 21.06 11.24 1.80 Schoharie......... 49.13 0.63 49.48 0.73 56.75 38.89 1.23 3.11 23.26 0.95 24.23 1.02 0.96 19.85 13.86 2.17 Schluyler.......... 48.72 0.40 50.49 0.3852.5740.77 1.21 3.2624.53 1.66 26.43 1.58 0.4021.47 16.60 1.45 Seneca............ 48.83 0.37 50.45 0.33 57.84 37.43 1.14 3.38 20.01 4.09 25.34 1.37 040 20.34 12.89 2.19 Steuben.......... 50.32 0.301 49.09 0.281 56.15 38.61 1.01 2.71 21.25 2.66 23.66I 3.37 0.35 20.12 13.53 1,75 Suffolk........... 47.27 2.2211 48.10 2.16 55.49 39.02 1.28 3.95 21.12 2.11 23.23 3.57 3.76 21.35 13.44 1,18 Sullivan.......".. 51.48 0.10~ 48.21 1.09 60.51 35.93 1.10 2.45 17.09 5.72 22.51 3.82 0.22 18.30 13.18 1.85 Tiog L............ 49.19 0.48 49.'7/ 0'50 55.31 40.'47 1.11 3.12 24.15/1.42 25.61 1.58 0.59 21.34 14.13 1.52 Tompkins,... 48.91 0.51 50.03 0.54 53.8041.28 1.30 3.5924.61 1.44 26.061.5 0.5522.45 15.22 0.94 ~lster............ 49.42 0.86 48.68 0.99;i 63.03 32.80 1.11 3.03 17.20 4.25 21.44 6.37 1.89 19.26 10.47 3.28 Warren.......... 50.541 0.07 49.31 0.07 57.31138.51 1.20 2.93 19.40 3.03 22.43 4.49 0.07 20.67 13.62 2.29 Washington....... 49.59 0.33 49.72 0.32 56.22 39.06.{ 1.36 3.36 19.79 3.49 23.28 7.27 0.46I20.12 13.84 2.65 Wayne........... 49.65 0.30 49.73 0.31 54.86140.45 1.08.59 20.08 4.03 24..11 4.55 0.37 20.90 13.73 1.76 Westchester.... i47.94 0.98 50.03 1.00 58.99 36.24 1.18 3.54[1 14.12 6.11 20.2312.25 1.5718.99 96... ~. 20.23 }} 12.25 ~~~~a.5 012 1.5718999.06i 2.95 W~yoing....... 49.87 0o011 449.90 0.09 54.8540.83 1.1 3.11 20.45 4.62 21.7521 4 1.26 Yates............ 49.40 0.35 49.53 0.3753.8840.98 1.36 3.6920 48.27- -' 0. 69 577637.45 1.11 3.6015.24 6.26 21.5110.43 0.91-0.40.71__________'..~~, ___ _ 1 ____ _____ ____ __ __ INTRODUCTION, xlix POPULATION OF VILLAGES, ------— Q, —----- The appointment of Enumerators in the present Census wVas generally made upon the basis of election districts, which seldom coincide with the boundaries of village corporations. As it was desirable to ascertain the population of villages separately, the following instructions were given to the Enumerators: "In cases where a district lies in an incorporated village, the fact should be stated in the margin. If a part of the district is within an incor porated village, a memorandum should be made of the beginning and end of the village entries, so clearly that a person not acquainted with the names or localities can make no mistake in determining who reside within the village bounds. If an incorporated village lies partly in other districts, or in two or more towns or counties, state the fact in the entry, and give the number of such district, if in the same town, or the name of such towns and counties, other than his own, in which such village is located, BUT GIVE ONLY THIE POPULATION OP THE PART WHICH IS IN THIE DISTRICT HIE IS ENUMEIRATING. These parts being added together at this office, will give the aggregate population of the villages. "There are many villages of considerable size which have never been incorporated, and consequently have no definite limits. In all cases where such a village has a well established name, by which it is known in the country around, the Enumerator should enter its population in the "Remarks," on the last page, using his own discretion in deciding the limits of the village, and stating, if the fact, that it is situated partly in two or more districts, whose numbers or names he should give." The following table contains all that could be determined upon this point, and presents comparative returns of the two census enumerations. It is to be regretted that any blanks should have occurred. The list will be found useful for reference, by showing the towns and counties in which villages are located. Names of Villages. Towns. Counties. Populal'n,lPopulat'nJl Names of Villages. Tow\vns. Counties. PPopulattni i,111 li-1155. ltsG5. I1855. 185 I Abbott's Corners..... Hamburgh..... Erie......... 145...... Bald Mountain........ Greenwich... Washington.. 225 253 Acabmonac............ East Hampton.. Suffolk...... 70...... insvill Van Buren... Onondaa.... 560 64 Acra................ Cairo.......... Greene...... 50...... Lysander...... Onondaga. 1,115 1,181 Adams.............. Adams........ Jefferson..... 963 1,270 Ballston...... Saratoga..... 344 25 Adams Centre....... Adams........ Jefferson..... 242 327 Ballston Spa...... Milton........ Saratoga..... 1,941 1, 995 Adrian............... Canisteo....... Steuben........... 130 Barbersville....... Poestenkill.... Rensselaer........ 150 Afton................ Afton.......... Chenango........... 284 Barcelonia.......... Westfield...... Chautauqua.. 169 168 Akron................ Newstead..... Erie........ 462 482 rrytown......... Red oo...... Dutchess...... 250 259 Alabama Centre...... Alabama....... Genesee..... 166..... Batavia............ Batavia........ Genesee...... 2,868 3,547 Albion................ Barre.......... Orleans...... 3,776 2,970 Batchellorsville..... Edinburgh..... Saratoga............ 360 Alden.............. Alden......... Erie......... 285...... Bath............... Bath.......... Steuben...... 2,012 2,383 Alexander........... Alexander..... Genesee...... 345 309 Battenville......... Greenwich..... Washington.. 175 170 Alexandria...... Ticonderoga.... Essex....... 125...... Beanville.......... Willing........ Allegany............ Alexandria Bay...... Alexandria.... Jefferson................. Fayette........ Seneca............. 157 Alfred Centre........ Alfred......... Allegany.... 177...... Varick......... Seneca............. 72 Alps................ Nassau......... Rensselaer........ 86 Befod Statioer.... Westchester......... 145 Alty............... Tyrone........ Schuyler... 144...... Belche.......... Hebron........ W shington. 76 Amaganset.......... East Hiampton.. Suffolk...... 270 389 Beecher's Hollow.... Milton........ Saratoga............ 150 Amboy............ Camillus....... Onondaga.... 170.....( Belfast.............. Belfast........ Allegany..... 801 501 Aieniaville.......... Amenia........ Dutchess....... 400 Belgium............ Clay.......... Onondaga.... 190 213 Ames............... Canajoharie.... Montgomery.. 204...... Belle Isle........... Camillus...... Onondaga.. 140....... Amity.............. Huntington.... Suffolk...... 304 260 Belleville........... Ellisburgh..... Jefferson. 363 465 Amsterdam......... Amsterdam.... Montgomery.. 2,044 3,276 Bellona............ Benton........ Yates........ 205 270 Andes.............. Ades......... Delaware.... 350 Bellport........... Brookhaven.... Suffolk...... 389....... Andover........... Andover....... Allegany... 374 510 Bellvyale............ Warwick.... Orn..... Orange 192 202 Angelica............ Angelica....... Allegany... 846 709 Belmont............ Amity......... Allegany 181 859 Angola.............. Evans........ Erie............... 320 Belmont............ W est Farms.... W estchester........ 235 Antwerp............ Antwerp...... Jefferson..... 621 701 Belvidere.......... Amity......... Allegany..... 181 217 Apalachia........... Owego........ Tioga........ 200...... Fayette........ Seneca...... 77....... Apulia bion........Fb Varick........ Seneca............ Arcade.......... China.......... Wyoming.... 63 612 Berlin............. Berlin......... Rensselaer... 326 310 *,, *H ^ Carlisle........ Schoharie.... 61 100 Bernhard's Bay..... Constantia..... Oswego...... 360 160......... Sharon........ Schoharie............ Be rnville........... Berne......... Albany...... 253 Argyle.............. Argyle......... Washington.. 373 450 Bethany Centre..... Bethany....... G enesee...... 87 Arnoldton............ Esopus........ Ulster....... 150..... Bethel Corners...... Ira............ Cayuga...... 70 Ashland..' Ashland...... Greene.......400...... Beyersville......... West Sparta.... Livingston... 61 75 Ashville............ Htarmony...... Chautauqua.. 247...... Big Flats........... Big Flats...... Chemung.... 180 Astoria............. Newtown...... Queens......~2,971 1 3,560 Binghamnton........ Binghamton.... Broome...... 10,092 Athens................ Ates........... 1,47 1,831 Atlant ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ flckIicvile~..... I~..........s921 Atlanticville......... Southampton... Suffolk............ 175 lack Rutlnd.......effrs 125 250 Attica............... Attica......... Wyoming.... 1,184 1,148 Blockville........ Harmony...... Chautauqua.. 11....... Augusta Centre...... Augusta....... Oneida........ 100...... Blood's Corners..... Cohocton...... Steuben...... 150 250 Auriesville......... G len.......... Montgomery.. Bloomingburh...... Mamakating.... Sullivan..... 365....... Aurora.............. Ledyard....... Cayuga...... 459 410 Bloomville.......... Kortright...... Delaware.... 8.... Ausable Forks......Blckr Brooki.... Clinton...........,.. 1,3212 BlIIlossoml's Mu~ills.....I Elma....,......l ]Erie................,, 121 Austerlitz........... Austerlitz...... Columbia.... 150....... Bolivar............. Bolivar........ Allegany.... 157 150 Avoca............... Avca........... S...... 301 530 Bombay Corners.... Bombay....... Franklin.... 48 55 Avon............... Avon.......... ivingston.. 8'79 1,041 Boon ville...... l Oneida....... 000....... Babcock's Mills...... Brookfield..... Madison........ 75 Boquet............. Essex......... Essex....... 253... Babylon............ Hluntington.... Suffolk7...... 470 533 Borodino........... Spafiord....... Onondaga.... 202 220 Bacon H~ll..<....... Northumberland, Saratoga............ 130 Boston Corners..... Ancram........ Columbia... 83...... Bainbridge.......... Bainbridge..... Chenango.... 350 471 Bouckville.......... Madison....... Madison............ 187 Baker's Bridge....... Alfred.........1 Allegany.... 134....... Bowmansville....... Lancaster...... Erie........ 196 122 ^ Population of Second District. I ~~~~~~~~~~~INTRODUCTION. Population of Villages-(Coiitinued). Nanmes of Villages. Towns. CoLunties. Popul'at'nI. Popila t'n, Narnes of' Villa-'es. Towns. Countlies. Popul at' iiPopulat'n 1855. 1805. 1^55. | J~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.8G,5, Bradford............ Bradford....... Steuben...... 260.....A. Chatha Centre... Chath am.... Columbia... 127 161 Brainard.......Nsa....Rensselaer.......... 18 haam4Crers.. Chta...... Columbia.... 697....... Braman's Corners.... Duanesburogh. Schenectady.. 82...... Chaumont.......... Lyie.......... Jefferson... 306 37 Branchport.......... Jerusalem...... Yates............... 304 Chatzy.............. Chazy......... Clinton...... 326....... Brasher Falls........ Brasher........ St. Lawrence. 257 260: C arker........ Broonie.... 2S7 224 Brasher Iron Works..Brasher......... St. Lawrence. 100 648 Chenango Forks..^Chenango...... Broome.... 127 83 Breakabeen.......... Fulton......... Schoharie.... 200 200 (Greene.....Chenango.... 92 5 Breesport........... Horseheads....Chenmung........... 361 Cherry Creek....... Cherry Creek..Chauta,-uqua.. 240... -n.- S ~~~~~~~Cicero......... Onondaga.... 421...... Cherry Valley...... Cherry Valley..Otsego...... 933 826.m ewenon......... ^ Hastings....... Oswego...... 2,003 100 Chester............. Ohester........ r ang-e...... 7041 744 Brewster's Station.... Southeast...... Putnam...... 17... Chestertown........ Chester..*...... Warren.... 246 285 Bridgeport.......... Seneca Falls.... Seneca....... 145.... Chesterville....... Westerlo....... Albany...... 190 200. Bridgeport........... Sullivan....... Madison...........'2 44 1Chittenanvo,...... Sullivan........ M adison... 916 1 1057 Bridgewater......... Bridgewater... Oneida...... 306 256 Church-vilnle......... R,,iga.......... Afonroe...... 450 501 -r> i K "R' 1 S ~~~Oppenheim...Fulton................ 39 Cicero Corners...... Cicero......... Onondaola.... 24-2 265 j~~roc~eus r~nuge... ^ Manheim...... Herkiiner........... 241 Cincinnatus........ Cinciniuatus.... C-!o rtlaffnd... 290 421 Brockport........... Sweden........ MTonroe...... 2,143 2,370 Clatirn-ont.......... West Farms.... Wes, chester......... 89) Bronxd-Ule........... Westchester...West Chester. 400 43)4 Clarence Hollow..,Clarence... Erie......... 400....... Brownville.......... ~Brownville... Jefferson... 62 56 Cl'Iarence C entre....Clarence....... Erie................ 200 Brushland........... Bovina........ Delaware... 183 2 0~: Cark~'s AMil.........Kirkland...... Oneida............. 23"'7 Brush's Mlills......... Moira......... Franklin............ 135 Clarkson........... Clarkson....... Mionroe...... 32)5.... Brunswick.......... Shawan-unk..Ulster........ 75...... Clarksville......... New Scotland..Albany...... 211. 179 Burdett............. Hector......... Schuyler... 360...... Clarksville......... Aurelius....... Cayuga...... 3El0 0....... Burlingham.......... Mainakating...Sullivan... 130...... Clarksville......... Brookfield..... adison..... 157 8 355 Burlingtonl Green..... Burling-ton..... Otsocgo....... 118...... Cllarksville..... Id(dlefield...Otsego....... 2 60 200 Burnettsville........ B~ainbridwe...Chenango........... 95 Caveracl........... C Iavrc.... nubia.... 49.... Burnt Hills............Ballston....... Saratoga............ 170 Clayton............ Clayton........ Jeiffrson... 896 1,2DO0 Burrville............ W atertown...... Jefferson.......... 120 Clayville............ Paris.......... On ie Ida...... 817 1,00)3 Burtonville.......... Charlestown... ontgomeory.. 154 215 Clevelaind.......... Constantia.....,,A Osego...... 1,005 879 Bushnell's Basin...Perrinton...) Moniroe.... 2 52 270 Clermont.....*.. Clermont..... Columbia.... 15;.. Buskirk's Bridge..... Hoosick....... Rensselaer.. 2...... Clifton............. Chili......... Monroe... 201 17 -u~sti Corners........ Busti.......... Chautauqua. 20 37 rn p S alMon...Saratoga:........ 8 Buttermilk Falls..,Cornwall...... Orange.... 307 1,368 bmo r ***^Clifton Park..Saratoga............ 72 Cadiz............... Franklinville... C atta,-r auffus. 165......?,? Manchester.... Ontario...... 34 A0 40 Cairo........ Cairo.......... Greene...... ID53 310 om o P g * *) Phelps.......... Ontario............. 32 Caledonia..........Cldna... Lvngtn.. 623' 511 Clinton............ Kirkland.... Oneida...... 1,174.1,808 Camden............. Camden........ Oneida...... 862 1,577 Clintonville......... Ausable........ Clinton....,. 855....... Cameron............ Cameron....... Steuben............. I 150 Clock,\ville.......... Lenox..........Madison...'.. 279....... Oamillus............ Camillus....... Onondaga.... 552 528 Clyde.............. G~alen......... Wayne...... 1,856 2,755O8 Canaan Four Corners. Canaan........ Columbia............ 300 Qlymer............ Clivmei......... CIhautauqua.. 110 170 Canada............. Bethany....... Genesee............. 75 Cobleskill.......... Cobleskill....... Schoh-arie., 364 465 Canajoharie.......... Canajoharie.... Montgomoery.. 1, 500-...... Cochecton.......... Cochecton...... Sullivan..... 269.... Canaiidaigua......... Canandaigua..Ontario1...... 4,154 5,146 Cochecton. Centre..Cochecton...... Sulliv~an... 209,...... Canasaracga.......... Sullivan....... Madison... 185 2 3 0 Coeyman's landing.. C_)ooymaiis...... Alb an y...... 640 660 Callastota........... Lenox.........T Madison... 1,081 1,184 Cohlocton.......Cobocton.... Steuben...... 200....... C aneadea............ Caneadea...... Alle,)any............ 2.09 Cohoes............. NA7afervliet..... A lba,,ny... 6,106 8,800 Canistceo,............ Callistoo....... Steuben............. 280 Cold Brook......... Russi'a......... eirkim r.. 21 8 144 Cannonsville......... Tompkins...... Delaware....'O2,5 2,5 2 Cold Spring.......... Plifflipsto-wn.. Putmnam.......20,223 7 2,70 Canoga............. Fayette......... Seneca....... I197 1 9 5 Cold Spring......... H'unt-ington,... Suffolk...... 602........ Canterbury.......... Cornwall....... Orange...... 428.... Collicoon Depot..... Cochecton...... Sullivan... 207........ Canton.............. Van Buren..... Onondaga.... 188...... Colle(,e Point....... Flushingo!....... Qu~eens............. 73~))6 Caito............... Cano....... St. Lawrence. 1,029 1,250 Collinsvill e...... etT n.. ei....... 200 90 Cape Vincent........ Cape Vincent... Jefferson..... 1,026 1,155 0 Colosse............ Mlexico........ O)swvego...... 119 193 Carlisle............. Carlisle........ Schoharie.... 107 110 Colton............. Colton.......... St. Lawrence. 37 9 585 Carmel.............. O~arinel......... Putnam...... 13 91 438 Columibia Centre.... Columbia...... HlerkXiier.... 9 0 Carthaoge............ Willia......... Jefferson... 785 1,332 Columbus Centre.... CoIlumbus...... Chenango........... 77 *Caryville.~.....Oak-field....... Genesee...... 500 458 Columbusville../..... Newtown...... Queens...... 375....... Cassadaga........... Stockton....... Chautauqua.. 151..... C omae............. Huntington... SffolIk...... 121....... Cassville............ Paris.......... Oneida............... 2 1 Conquest Centre.... Conquest...... C ay uga............. 200 Castile.............. Castile........ Wyoming.... 682....... Constabloville....... West Turin.... Lewis....... 472 521 Castle Creek......... Chenangi...Broe... 185... Constantia..... Cosata....Oswego...... 600 580 Castleton............ Schodack...... Rensselaer. 431 572 Copake Flats....... Copake........ Columbia...I....... 114 p, < ~~~~~~~~~Cato.......... Cayuga.......... Coolper's Plains.. -... Erwin......... Steuben...... 293 22)8 Cato............... nr...... a u a... 4 207 1,Coolperstown........ Otsego......... Otseo.........., 2 Gattaraugus~~~Ir..........lbon..... Cavuta.gu........ 43 opnae.....D mak...Lwi.... 50 56 p,.,, < Columbia..... Herkimer.... 7~~~~~~~~~04......il.....Bennto... V~mn.... 206 227 INTRODUCTION. 1[ Population of Villages-(Continued). Names of Villages. Towns. Counties. Populat'n; Popu'at'n. Names of Villa-es. Towis. Counties. Populrpopulat'nn 18.55 1865 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1855.']18(5. De Kalb........... De Kalb....... St. Lawrence. 116 101 Fairville.............. Arcadia........ Wayne 150....... Delanti.............. Stockton....... Chautauqua.. 180...... Falkirk............. Newstead...... Erie................ 278 Delhi............... Delhi.......... Delaware..... 919 1,072 Farmersville........ Covert......... Seneca....... 350...... Delphi.............. Pompey......... Onondaga.... 219 210'Farmingdale........ Oyster Bay..... Queens...... 230......0 Lee........... Oneida...... 28...... Farming-ton......... Ontario....... Wyne...... 206.... Western...... Oneida................. Far Rockaway...... Hempstead..... Queens............. 406 Denmark............ Denmark...... Lewis.............. 186 Fayetteville........ Manlius..... Onondaga.. 1, 3 76 1, 480 Depauville........... Clayton........ Jefl'erson..... 386 285 Felt's Mills......... Rutland....... Jefferson..... 200 250 Sanford........ Broome...... 656 536 Fentonsville........ Carroll........ Chautauqua.. 100 100..s....... Tompkins...... Delaware.... 593... Fergusonville........ Davenport..... Delaware.... 125....... De Ruyter........... De Ruyter...... Madison 2 72...... Fillmore............ Hume.......... Allegany..... 3,72 222 Salisbury....... Herkimer........... 84 Fisahouse.... Northampton... Fulton...... 210 203 Devereaux........ ^ Stratford....... Fulton.................... Fishkill........ Dutchess............ 750 De Wittville......... Chautauqua.... Chautauqua.. 1 33 123 Fishkill Ianding..... Fishkill........ Dutchess. 1,s100....... De W ittville.......... Denning....... Ulster.............. 78 Five Corners........ Genoa......... Cayuga............. 175 Dexter............... Brownville..... JeffersoD... 429 681 Five Corners........ Ja,,sper......... Stoubenl............. 49 Dexterville........ Ellicott......... Chautauqua.. 275 358 Flemingville........ Owego......... Tioga........ 100....... Dobbs'5 Ferry........ Greensburgh... Westchester... 1,040 1,150 Flint Creek......... Seneca.......... Ontario............. 75 Dover Plains.......... Dover.......... Dutchess. 375...... Floyd's Corners..... Floyd.......... Oneida............. 89 Downsville........... Colchester..... Delaware.... 206.. Flushing............ Flushing... Queens...... 3,488 4,321 Dryden............. Dryden........ Tompkins.... 522 652 Fluvanna............ Ellicott........ Chautauqua.. 7'5....... Dundee............. Starkey........ Yates........ 732 733 Fonda............... Mohawk....... Montgomery... 687 963 Dunkirk............ Dunkirk....... Chautauqua 4, 754 7, 093 Fonda's Bush........ Broadalbin....... Fulton...... 651........ Dunham Hollow...... Nassau........ Rensselaer.......... 60 Fordham........... West Farms.... Westchester......... 1, 658 Dunning Street....... Malta.......... Saratoga............ 90 Forge.............. Cairo.......... Greene...... 100....... Durham............. Durham....... Greene.............. 192 Forestville........... Hanover....... Chautauqua 540 574 Verona......... Oneida....... 80 100 Fort Ann........... Fort Ann...... Washington.. 608 725 urnamvme...... Lenox......... Madison..... 234 700 Fort Covington...... Fort Covington. Franklin.... 894 1,050 Eal Habo...... Gaines......... Orleans...... 509...... Fort Edwvard........ Fort Edward... Washington-. 1, 565 2,428'~ic ncii ui...... Brre1.......... Orleans...... 130. Fort Hunter......... Florida........ Montgomery... 261/ 200 Eagle Village............... 120 Fort Edward... Washington... 225 300 -n 9 ~~Fort MIiller...... Sherburne...... Chenango.... 208' 189 Mneei....... < wch... Washington.... 100 Earlville..... i.amilton...... Madison.... 233 212 Fort Plain.......... Minden........ Montgomery... 1,502 1,712 East Aurora......... Aurora....n.... Erie......... 360 345 Fowlerville....... York.......... Livingston [ 369 298 East Avon........... Avon.......... Livingston.......... 207 Frankfort.......... Frankfort...... Herkimer.... 1,150 1,027 East Bethany........ Beth-ny....... Genesee........... 93 Franklin........... Franklin........ Delaware.... 4 523 East Bloomfield...... East Bloomfield. Ontario..... 590 350 Franklinton........ Broome....... Schoharie.... 100 85 East Chatham........ Chatham....... Columbia..... 245 240 Franklinville........ Franklinville... Cattaraugus... E, 245 ille Cattaraugus 3~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~70....... East Chester......... East Chester.... Westchester... 551 893 Fredonid............. Porefret........ Chautauqua.. 2,004 2,052 East Durham........ Durham....... Greene...... 70. Free Hollow........ Ithaca......... Tompkins.... 84 East Elma........... Elia.......... Erie................. 61 Froervillc........... Esopus........ Ulster....... ISO....... East Evans.......... Evans......... Erie................. 70 Freemiont Centre.... Fremont....... Sullivan 141....... East Genoa........... Genoa......... Cayuga............. 60 Frewsburgh........ Carroll........ Chautauqua... 400 477 East Greene....... Greene........ Chenango.... 158 370 Friendship.......... Friendship..... Allegany..... 163 614 Greenwich.... Washington.' 164 Fullerville IronWorks Fowler........ St. Lawrence.. 200 Ei~ast G-reenwich.... f Jackson....... Washington............... Fulton............. Volney........ Oswego...... 3,192 3, 377 East Hampton........ East Hampton.. Suffolk.............. 775 Fultonville......... Glen.......... Montgomery... 850 931 East Henrietta....... Henrietta...... Monroe...... 181...... Gaines............. Gaines......... Orleans...... 342........ East Marion......... Southfold....... Suffolk....... 300 319 Gainesville Creek... Gai.esville... Wyoming........... 250 East Mount Vernon... East Chester... Westchester.. 275 321 - Greenwich......... 219 East Nassau......... Nassau........ Rensselaer... 207 Gales i le........ / Easton......... Washington 51 K~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ienings...... l 2 East New York...... Ne-w Lots... Kig...... 1, 000...... Gallupville.......... Wright........ Scholharie...... 32 Eatpr........ Southampton... Suffolk............. 133 Gang: Mills.......... Erivin'......... S teubenl............. 400 ^astport...........^ Brookhaven.......... Gang Mills.......... Trenton........ Oneida.............. 126 Brook Sufol.................. East Norwich........ Oyster Bay...... Queens............. 158 Gansevoort......... Northumberland. Saratoga. 162 207 as, Pembroe.... Pembroke....... GeneseeI............. 8 6 Gardnersville,....... Sewvard......... Schoharie.... 84....... Oystearvia..... ue e N bn Os....... 192 174 Cold Spring.... Cattaraugfus:............... Gasporth.............. oyalton....... Niagara...... 273 250 East Randolph. Concio, 138 Gedes.......... Gadrus........... On.... fNapoli......... Cattaraugus......... Geoneva....... Sen-eca..... Ontario...... 5,057 5,176 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~............... y ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~... Baava... ese........ Osgo...... 30 7 28 Eas., < Randoltt g.................. Genolap........ 2iaga........3. 285 old p... k........ Seneca.............. 31 Georgetown......... Georgetown Madison. 280........ Eato:............... Eaton......... Madison. 510...... Gibson............. Corning Steuben... 428....... Ea.,-, < West Seneca.p.......i99...... O n onda....... eis 0. Jivingstoll. 1 4 Edbenoa.............. Genoa Cayg...... Edwas. rik..................... GSenorgetow 2 n......... GBergton. M dson....... 42...... E yto n............... Eaton........ Maonroe......... 1 5......... G ilboa........ S t eub ae.... 5... 80 Elbrdge..........Elbidge......Ononaga... 630 776 Glesdal........ artnsbrgh. Lwi2............ 7 Ellenburh Cornest S lenecag..... Clieto........ 125...... Gibonerville.......... Leicester.n...... FLington..... 196.... Eblenvlez......Wwrm..User............ 2,3 odnsBig... eiboo...Wscetr..... 9 ElliLancater l......Er. lictvle.... Ctaags.. 69 73 Gohm............ ohm.......Otai...... 1 2 Zddyntown S......Elng...Cataqa. 47... Govrkeyr......... Goveru...st.Lwec. 8 6 El a................ E m,.....'". Erie::: G lb............... 8 Giloaa d * * * ol......... Erioh........ 388 324 Edmeston...entre.... Edmeston....... Otseon......./ 3750......} GlassteHouse........ Sndlakfel..... Rcmn... 481sear'" 0....... Edwrdsvl............. NEdwrson....... S. Ladisonc....} 191{ 27 138 Gleng l........ Srtg........ Saeratoga...... 910....... Egyptrn........... sea c..... Mc o are.. 32 38 ant......... R si..... o ekmery........ 5 Essex.rrito......... Monrex....... Essex1........ 60 47 rnil............ Gavle....Wsigon. 42 38 Etna ~~~............. 1rdn....:Tmkns.. 23 )2 GlenaveFshille....... Ruchssia 8....70kmr...... 9 Eclbidg.............. Claydg......... Onondaga.... 640 733 Glesatlend......... Chartionuh.... Lewieson...... 10 7 15 Eviabs ente....Eas.....Eie.*..... 28 Genuh......wnenbs..... Rnsle... 3/33.... Evans3 Millsi. a bethtow.. EsexRa......./ efrsn.. 4-10 45001 Geen'sels............ Greenseur... Waru..... Ceag...' 842 4,130 Ellenbrg Corntrs.........nExege.........iOtseon....... 106/......I Goereenvilel.......... Johntown....... Fultng.......... 27 Ellenill.............. Fa s.... Onondag.... 47 45 refldC te... refed...Srtg.. 8 1 FactoryvWwarinle........sterto........ eisogar... 18 2 ren Ild....... Wescetervle... Alay....132,0 Elliettrville.......... Eatlcotoll..... CatRaugus....... 1a 800 Grenorha........... Gortham....... Ontarol......'"1(665 1220Elington............ SElling....n. Chautaqa........... 20 GoeenRieur......... ouverneur......S. Lawrence... 608....... Eli'Vlage un...........";" W'311e'st Faris.d.gesthse...... 497e rosia..........Ca Btaraugus... A n'... 1232...... Falmsr....... erno....... jMno...... 65 92 Goeo' onr... Collinsle....... Ecohrie.......' 48~ 50 INTRODUCTION. Population of Villages-(Continued). Names of Villase.s Towns. Counties. Populatn, [Populat'n,i Names of Villages. Towns. Counties. Populatn, Populat'n, 18 5.3). I IdG5. 18'55. 1865. Groton.............. Groton........ Tompkins.... 587 700 Jamaica............ Jamaica....... Queens...... 817 3226 Guilford............ Guilford....... Chenango.... 263 Jamesport...... Riverhead...... Suffolk...... 148.... Hannibal............ Hannibal...... Osweg o............ 470 Jamestown.......... Ellicott........ Chautauqua.. 3;155 Harlemville.......... Hillsdale....... Columnbia.... 225.... Jamesville.......... De Witt........ Onondaga.... 270 290 1Iageman's Mills...... Amsterdam... Montgomery. 124 Jamesville.......... Greenfield..... Saratoga..... 190 Hailesboro.......... Fowler........ St. Lawrence..150 Jasper............. Jasper......... Steuben...... 222 207 Hallsport............ W illing........ Allegany....... Jay............... Jay............ Essex............. 302 Halsey Valley.. i.... Tioga.......... Tioga........ 100 200 Jayville............ Islip........... Suffolk............. 800 Halseyville.......... Ulysses........ Tompkins........... 101 Jeddo.............. Ridgeway...... Orleans...... 124 110 Hamden............. Hamden....... Delaware 191 182...ff.onil Callicoon....... Sullivan..... 305....... Hamilton............ Hamilton...... Madison 1,448 1,315 eersonvie..... Cochecton...... Sullivan..... 128....... Hamiltonville........ Guilderland.... Albany............. 238 Jessup's Landing.... Corinth........ Saratoga............ 350 Hamlet............. Villenova...... Chautauqua 181 238 Sheldon........ Ayoming. 85 Hammond's Corners.. Crown Point... Essex.............. 148 Orangeville..... Wyoming........... Hammondsport...... Urbana........ Steuben..... 560 552 Johnson's Creek.... Hartland....... Niagara...... 114....... Hampton............ Westmoreland.. Oneida...... 400...... Johnstown......... Livingston..... Columbia........... 158 Hancock............ Hancock....... Delaware.... Johnstown......... Johnstown Fulton....... 1,661 Hannibal............ Hannibal....... Oswego............. 470 Jonesville.......... Clifton Park... Saratoga.... 171 Hlarpersfield Centre.. Harpersfield.... Delaware........... 83 Jordan............. Elbridge....... Onondaga... 1,331 1;541 F-arpersville......... Colesville...... Broome...... 230 242 Jordanville......... Warren........ Herkimer 125 170 Harro-x sburgh....... Tusten........ Sullivan 277...... Joy............... Sodus......... Wayne....'j2....... }[artfield............ Chautauqua.... Chautauqu a.. 123 121 Juhelville........... Painelia........ Jellerson........... 239 HartforHartford....... artford....... Washington.. 300 293 Katonah........... Bedford........ Westchester....... 185 Hartwick............ Hartwick....... Otsego.............. 399 Ausable........ Clinton...... 1,199 889 r-r S Mentour.........i]..1, Chesterfield.... Essex....... 1,370 962 Havcana.... tur....... Sculr 121 I35la Dix........... Schuyler.... 49 53 Kensico............ North Castle... Westchester.. 103....... Hastings, upon Hudson Greenburgh.... W t e 5 1,050 Kenwood........... Bethlehem.... Albany...... 272....... Hawkinsville........ Boonville...... Oneida...... 339 260 Kidder's Ferry...... Ovid.......... Seneca....... 168.. Hawleytown......... Binghamton.... Broome............. 13 Kinderhook........ Kinderhook.... Colhmbia..... 1;078 17160 Hawyersyille........ Broome........ Schoharie.... 150...... Kingsbury......... Johnstown...... Fulton....... 300....... }Iecla............... Westmoreland.. Oneida....... 130...... Kingston............ Kingston...... Ulster........ 3,971 4,386 Helena.............. Brasher........ St. Lawrence 100...... Kirkville........... Manlius........ Onondaga........... 252 Hemlock Lake....... Livonia........ Livingston.... 319 284 Knowersville....... Guilderland.... Albany............. 70 Hempstead.......... Hempstead...... Queens.......1,485 1,852 Knowlesville....... Ridgeway...... Orleans...... 490 417 Hemrods............ Milo........... Yates........ I8 125 Knox Corners...... Augusta....... Oneida....... 200....... Henderson -1......... Henderson.....Jefferson..... 404 500 Knoxville........... Corning........ Steuben....... 628....... Hensonville.......... Windham...... Greene...... 124 135 Knoxville........... Stockbridge.... Madison..... 138 154 Herkimer........... Herkimer...... Herkimer.... 1,371 1,597 Kysonville......... West Sparta....Livingston... 79....... Hermon............. Hermon........ St. Lawrence. 346 485 Lacawack........... Wawarsing..... Ulster....... 145....... Heuvelton........... Oswegatchie.... St. Lawrence. 300 393 Lafargeville........ Orleans........ Jefferson 295....... TE2-insville......... Verona........ Oneida...... 172 256 Lafayetteville..... Milan......... Dutchess.. 1i 0 85 Hih Falls.............. 350 La Grang-e.......... Covington...... Wyomi........... 50 Highland............ Lloyd......... Ulster.............. 900 Lakeland... Islip........... Suffolk...... 215....... Hillsdale............ Hillsdale....... Columbia..... 225.... Lakeport............ Sullivan....... Madison..... 180....... Hindsburgh......... Murray........ Orleans...... 167.... Lakeville........... Greenwich...... Washington 159 153 Hinkleyville........... Parma......... Monroe...... 64...... Lakeville........... Livonia........ Livingston. 147 Hinmansville........ Schroeppel..... Oswego.............. 200 Lakeville.......... Brookhaven.... Suffolk 150 Hinsdale............ Hinsdale....... Cattaraugus.. 255...... Lancaster........... Lancaster...... Eric......... 1,259 1,518 H~o~ag's Corners....... Nassau........ Rensselaer.......... 165 sLins-,bur uh....... Lansingburgh.. Rensselaer... f2,730 "2, 669 Hobart.............. Stamford....Delaware... 391...... Lansinglville........ Hamden....... Delaware... 116 125 Hogansburgh........ Bombay....... Fr leanskli..... La vlle Lansing........ Tompkins...... 105 Holland Patent...... Trenton....... Oneida....... 353 396 Laona............. Ponfret....... Chautauqua 406 403 Holley.............. Murray........ Orleans...... 614 596 Laurens........ 326 310 Holman City........ Paris.......... Oneida........ 60 Lawrenceville....... Lawrence.. St. Lawrence 207 224 Homer..............Shoer....... 1,625 1,616 Lebanon Springs.... New Lebanon.. Columbia..... 278....... Homowack.......... Wawarsing.... Ulster.............. 191 Lee Cente........... Lee............ Oneida.............. 292 Honeoyc............ Richmond........ Ontario...... 244 300 Leeds...... Catskill........ G reene...... 450 804 Honeoye Fa'lls....... Mendon........ Monroe............ 874 Leon Centre........ Leon.......... Cattaraugus......... 201 Hoosick Falls........ Hoosick....... Rensselaer.. 1,200 1,850 Lenr dsvil..... Brookfield..... Madison..... 331 352 -oors. Four Cknersinfoslc..................... I oo ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~asickgborghor... Rnsle..... 12z Hornellsville......... Hornellsville.... Steuben... 1,519 3,.5"3'6 Le naysville........ Le Ray........ Jeffersort.... 137 100 Horseheads.......... Horseheads.... Ohemung.... 1,000 1,097 Le Roy............ lie, Roy........ GCenesee..... 2,081 2.138 Houseville........... Turin.......... Lewis....... 90 95 Levanna........... Ledyard....... Ca2U6a...... 10 82 Howard............. Howard....... Steuben...... 143...... Levant... icot........ Chautauqua 70 Hubbardsville........ Hadison........ 157............ Lewis.........t. L wEssex....... 1 0....... HuI homer l........ Fskl....... Duchs... 245....]eitn......Lwso...Naaa...,1 8 Huguenotm...... erpr....Oag.......... 5 Lwsil.......C ortland......Oteo....... 50"... Homowackn........... Mu y.....Le Ceante r...... 27..... Leeigo..........Leigo.... Oneede........... 12 Hume............... Hm....... Ulsteray.. 7 8 ednHl........ edn....Lwi.... 40 3 Honteeye.n......... ideug.. Soare... 1001.... Leeds.............. Casill......... Greeneso........../ 1809 Hunt~~~~ichmond......... Ountinao..Sfok....138 130 Lmrick.....Bowni..... Jfesn.. 0 5 Hut~ Crnrs.......Prtg........ Liigtn........ 7100 LeondCentr........... Leohn......... CGenruesee........I.. 1541 Horey......... Hurley.... lste....... 16.... C iteFls.. erie..,0,2 Hyde Par ~ M osik......... Ryensseaerk'. Dtes... 62.... L r okitteldls.... Madison....Hek er.... 316 4 50 Hyndsville~ ~~~........Swr....Scoai.. 14....(Dn e.... ekm.. 2 15 Hoeicku ornes................ Remnsselat. erier.... 813 896 itteae...... Plainfeld........ Otegome..... 3517....... HornellsvillMnhei........ Horelrsi r....Seue.......joi 1953 Lite Rayille........ Lite R ally...... Jeffersonu......... 100!terseheads......... orsenheads..... Fhlton.............i 1;0 ittle Yory........... Fowlro........ enSt. wee....... 10 oseille.............. Turin........... Cayuga.......9 14 195 Leverpool........... Ledardn........ Cnnayga...... 672 152 Howard.............. Hoaovrd......Ch taqa.. 44 50 LvnSto leu....booen........Shhre.. 5 5 Ir~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Lvangto........... Genug.... Wesietchse.. 59 80 LvnaCnr...... Chautauqa........Liigtn...7 08 50 ItubardsHille.......... Itamly.....Yte........ 7 ioni Stto....., LioMad.... iigston........ 25 ItlyHolo..... Iay...... Yte.......... 10 Lckor........locp.........g.a....l8931.... Ithaca.............Ithaca........ Toew ins...498 568 L............... Lewis.......... Essexc....... 1380...... Huguenot rg........LileFls..., Derprkie..... Orang...... Lewisill.............orriso......... Oscyego..... 67..... Jacbesonvil.......... Murrayki....... Orleans...... 48..... LexngtIslnd......... Lexintown...... Greene.......... 12957 Jakovle............urn........ Orseg....... 17...... Lovle............Lwil........Lwi...... 90 152 hu ~ ~~~ 7 nte dsrictnd......... no spcfetI delcind tit INTRODUCTION. li Population of Villages-(Continued). Names of Villages. Towns. Counties. Populat'n. Populat'n,] Names of Villages. Towns. Counties. Populat'nTopula.'n~ 1855.' 1865. ]' 1855. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1865. Ludlowville......... Lansing........ Tompkina............ West Farms.... Westchester.., 843....... Luzerne.............. Luzerne........ Warren...... 280...... Mottville............ Skaneateles.... Onondaga.... 250....... Lyndonville......... Yates.......... Orleans...... 242 395 Mount Hope........ Mount Hope.... Orange...... 120 112 Lyons.............. Lyons......... Wayne...... 3,221 3,351 Mount Eden........ West Farms.... Westchester 55 Lysander............ Lysander...... Onondagas.... 285f...... Mouyst 200....... Macedon Centre...... Macedon....... Wayne............. 150 o Mount Morris. Mount Morris.. Livingston... 1,851 1,820 McConnellsville.............. 100 91 Mount Pleasant..... Greehfield...... Saratoga 140 120 Macdonough......... Macdonough.... Chenango.... 168 160 Mount Sinai........ Brookhavei.... Suffolk...... 276 250 McGrawville........ C~ortlandville C. ortland..... 558 48 5 MT\ount Upton....... G uilford....... Chenlango.... 10....... MT <> Groton........ Tompkins........... East Chester... Westchester 1,661 2,020 iMoo eanr............. 86 Muitzeskill......... Schodaek...... Rensselaer.......... 155 Madalin............. Redhook........ Dutchess........... 550 MutFordL........... Wheatland Monroe...... 535 462 Madison............. Madison....... Madison..... 315 0 0 7 Mounsville.......... Saockbridge.... Madison 287 256 Madrid............. Madrid........ St. Lawrence........ 680 hMyersville.......... Red Hook...... Dutchess.... 500....... Maine.............. Maine......... Broome......1. 220 264 Naples............. Naples......... Ontario....... 700........ Maiden Bridge....... Chathamn....... Columbia.... 193 24052 NIt aponeck.......... Wawarsing.... Ulster....... 700 720 MaloneT.............. Malone........ Fra..lin..... 1,993 2,153 Nassau............. Nassau........ Rensselaer... 299 269 Maltavilleon............... Jefferson. 130 Manchester.... Ontario........ 346............... O.. Madinester........ ^ phelpson M adion....... M a dso n..... se......... Sto cbi 65....... Manchester........ Kirkland...... Oneida.............. 137 NRar Rockaway...... Hempstead...... Queenhs............. 292 Maliusn. Maneus........ Onondaga.... 934 876 Nelson Flatts....... Nelson......... Madison...... 146 110 Manlius Centre...... Manlius........ Onondaga.......... 140 New Albion........ New Albion.... Catteraugus... 95'. 2. Manlius Stationt...... Malta........ Onondaga........... 309 Newark............. Wayadi..... 2,042 873 Mantinsville.......... Ellisburgh..... Jefferson.... 315 31097 New Baltimore...... Nw Baltimore.. Greene...... 709 604 Marathonhe er.......... New Berlin.... Chenango.... * 740....... Marcellus........... Marcellus...... Onondaga.... 380 418 New Bremen...... One Bnd a.... Marcellus Falls....... Marcellus...... Onondaga.... 200...... Newburgh-..... Newburgh...Orange...... 9,7256 13,905 Marilla............. Marilla...... Fishkill........ Dutchess 33)39 458 MarinersP Harbor.... Northfieldp......... Osentary... 154io...... Marion....... Marion......... Wayne...... 390...... New Concord....... Chatham....... Columbia. 19....... lariaville........... Duanesburgh.... Schenectady.. 122..... New Hamburg...... Poughkeepsie. Dutchess 339 458 Marlborough........ Marlborough... Ulsterd.............. OSeidaohd......... 892 775 Martnisburh.......... Martinsburgh Lewis......... 210 375 Newkirkvillet........ Fulton........ Falton...... 150.... B fartville........... Sterlins.......... Cayuga............ 117 New Lebanon....... New Lebanon... Columbia........... 386 Masonville........... Delon d awai..... 234 22 Newark Lia........ New Lisbon........... 52 Massena............ liassebra....... St. Lawrence. 310 330 New Londonre...... Ver....... Gneida...... 668....... Massena Springs Massena...... St. Lawrence.......6 New Milford......... Warwick...... Orange..... o0....... Matteawan.......... Fishkill.............. Now 2,102 Uew.............. 480 Mayfield Corners.... Mayfieldl.......Fulton....... 600 253 Newport........... Newport....... Herkimer..... 671 637 Mayville............ Chautauqua.... Chautauqua 501 560 New Rocrhelle........ Now Rochelle.. Westchester.. 2,000 3,549,. i, * *n S ~~~Stillwater....... Saratoga... IC) 507 ewSalem......... Now Scotland.. Albany...... 134 II1 iviecnamcvme...... 5Halfinoon....... Saratoga... 4195 500 New Salem......... Farmington.... On-tario....... o... 201 Mechaniaville........ oakfield....... Genesee...... 168 138 New Salem......... Esopus........ Ulster....... 2 Mecklenburoh....... Iector.. 338... Mctarnd............ W ayne...... 67....... *ii/r Ridgeway...... OrlnS....... 1,915 1,812 Nw Swedena....... Cluianto...... 150...... Medina ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.2....... Medinar........... ^gSelby......... Orleans...... 189 723 Newtownvillei....... Newtown...... Queens...... 0375'4a Medusa............. Rensselaerville............. 110 New Windsor....... New Windsor.. Orange............. 386 Mellenville.......... Claverack...... Columbia........... 207 / New Woodstock.... Cazenovia...... Madison 273....... Melville............. Huntinsuton.... Suffolk...... 108...... Niagara City....... Niarga.........Niaga....... 1,365 2,864 Meridian............ Cato......... Cayuga...... Niagara Falls....... Niagara........ Niagara...... 2,976 21864 Mexico............. Mexico........ L enon..... 948 940 Nicholvillea....... St. Lawrence.. 200 216 Middleburgh.......... Middleburgh... Schoharie.......... 8 N isbon............ NieiLs.... t....... 250 Middle Granville..... Granville...... Washington 439 689 Nile............ 123 Hartland....... NiaS.araence.I 103 330ft on.......... Chenango.......... 30 Middleport~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~......INiea..... Middleport........]Royalo.... iaar..... 586 587 N ea *** Colesville...... Broome............ 100................ 208 281 Norf............ No........0 Middletown......... Walkill,........ OraDu gce...... 1,873 3,343 North Argyle............... Washington........ 98 Middletown......... Halfmoon...... Saratoga 2 230 156 North Bay......... Vienna........ Oneida...... 300 280 *HT. -i -n *i-i ^ ~Ne-wport.. o. Herkimer.. 295 299 North Bergen....... Bergoen........| G enesee...........' 156 Micmievme........ Fairfield....... Herkimer................. North Brookfield.... Brookfield.... adison... 275 I........ Middleville........... Newtown....... Queens.... 250...... North Chatham...Chatham.n....... Columbia.... 1749 i 179 Milan............... Locke......... Cayuga...... 180 250 North Chili........ Chili.......... Monroe...... 107 Milanville........... Milan.q....... Dutchess........... 71 North Evans........ Evans......... Erie................. 200 Miles Tannery....... Fremont.'. v 102 507.. Now Sa le....... SGlrand.....lba...... lWashington.. 220 266 Milers orer...... Hassauc....... ReSsaer...... 3 NrhGenih.. rewc.. ashntoga....... 9 Miller's ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 50 Ie Placem...;..... Farooihaven.... Su0ln... 9... Nottasu... asu.... eseaeri.......... 501 Mehncillet....... Veea........ Oakfield... 0 1 ot eboe.. eboe...... Genesee......... 9 Milo ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~e Centre......... Eio......Yts.... 15 14 Nothwst......... Ulste Hmtn.Sflk.......... 662 Mielto entreh....... Hector.......... Schuylera...... 38.......Ie 100cortbeland...... NorthScotland.. Alanyog......'118....... Mohawk ~ ~ i dew.......... Orle ans Fat..Heimr... 1,9155 1,543 I NowaSwde........Ausa.. owa........ Clrinton......10....... 15 Mor............. Shelby......... Freanki.......s 6 owc........ owih....Ceag..2,3 281 Mongaup v al ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Nwtwnley... ^Topo.... SNlltvan......... 25 yc....... Queneons.... okad... 13458....... Medusey............. Reslaervill..... Roclbany.......1...... 162 OakNe HVillo......... idsr.. DOrang.......Geee..... 32 300 Mellnville........... COvrange.......Scyl.... 31 20 O lad......Ptae....Ligso..... 15 M~~~~~~~~olfeumba....... Motzm...Caga..... 60 54 Odnbrh.... swgti...S.Lwnc 7,7 827 Monticello........... Richfield......ooOsegoc...... 139 128 ovia.......... Orlads....iJeson..... 1003 10 Melvillelo............ Thontinson..... Sullivan...... 629 80 Oed......NigrCty........ LNiaar......... Niadisoa...... 1,73....... Merimn............. Caori~......Esx....... Cayug...... 36 00 iagaa Fals..e..... Niagarao........ ONeiagaa...... 2,75...... Moly.......C to.....S.Lwexice. 30 40 O idCom nt. eo......... Mdsn..... 170' 0 Morris ~ (Mxm...........Mois.... Otswego....... 5 Oeia aly......Leo.....Maio... 14.... Morrissania~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4...... Morricla~ill..... Wscetr.,8,8 not...... not... teo..... 67 74 Morristown......... Morristown.... St. ~~~Laurence. 25 26 Oodaa........ Onndgt... Onorndaae....... 220 M ~ ~ ~ ~~ideug oharisvle........... 894Niols........ Mdsn..... Nich5 Ooldas ale...Ondaa...... Tiondga 2.. 35 600 MiddlewGranville..... Granillese....... Washingston... 4,85,820 Nilenh............ Friendheip..... Fultoan....... 19 23 liv INTRODUCTION. Population of Villages-(Cotinumed). Names of Villa —es. Towns. Counties. Populat'n, Popalatfn. Namnes of Vila —es. Towns. Counties. Popinlat'nl. Popnil't'n, 185,5. 1865..' 1&55. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1865. Oramel............ Canedea..... Alegany.... 733 43 2 Portageville........ Geonesee F alls... Wyoming.... 561 525 Oran............... Pompey....... Onondaga.... 82...... Port Benjamin...... Wawarsing..... Ulster....... 206........ Orang~eport.......... Royalton....... Niagara...... 224 110 Port Byron......... AMcntz......... Cayuga...... 1, 669 1,297 Oriskany............. W hitestown.... Oneida...... 701...... Port Chester...... Re 3............W estchester.. I1,6695........ Or-M-QT^ "Pnlla 5 ~~Augu1sta -........ Oneida...... 711 559 Port Crane......... Port Crane.... Browne.......'193... uiis~~cmyiaiis....^ Mfarsh'all....... Oneida.............. 78 Port Eiven......... Esopus........ Ulster....... 1, 300'1,050 Orleans............. Phelps........ Ontario...... 218 184 Porter's Corners.... Greenfield...... Saratog-a...... 65 220 Orville.............. IDe Witt... Onondaga.... 18 164 Port Gibson.........Manchester..... Ontario............. 300 Osweg~o Falls........ Granby........ Oswvego...... 7 03 1,022 Port Henry......... AMoriah........ Essex...... 503 825 Otego............... Otego.......... Otsego...... 331...... Port Jackson....... Florida........ Montgomery.. 93690 372 Otis-Ville............. Mount Hope.... Orang10e..... 309 48 PtJeeso....Bokaven.... Suffolk...... 1,247 1.348 -tei.......selielc..... iCango.... 100...... Port Jervis......... Doorpark... O a ge...... 3, 023 4, 665 Ovid................ Ovid.......... Seneca "............. 7 15 Port" Kent........... Chesterfield.... Essex............. 1,023 Owasco............. Owasco.....Cayuga............. 229 Port Leyden........ Leyden........ Lewvis....... 192 477 Owego.............. Owego.......... T i o ga........ 3,041 4, 340 Port Richmond...Northfield...... Richmnond.....1,429 1.300 Ox Bow............ Antwerp...... Jefferson... 240 205 Por-tville........... Portvilte....... Cattaraugqs.. 2897....... Oxford.............. Oxford........ Chenango.... 1, 218...... Potsdam........... Potsdam...... St.- Lawrence *2,123 2,052 Oyster Bay.......... Oyster Bay.... Queens....... 900 93ID1 Potter Centre...... Potter.......... Yaflte.......... 140 Page's Corners....... Warren........ Herkimer.-... 82...... Potterville.......... Chester........ WAarren..... 1.26....... Painte'd Post.....Erwin......... Ste-uben...... 771 695 iPrattsville.......... Pratts-ville...Greene...... 617 675 Palatine Bridge...... Palatine....... Montgomoery......... 243 Prattville........... Mexico........ Oswego...... 55........ Palmyra............ Palmyra....... Wayne...... 2, 31.0 2, 333 PrAttsburgh......... Prattsburgh.... Steuben............. 595 Panpama............. Harmony....... Cbautauqua.. 500 551 Problo.......... Preble......... Cortland... 199....... Parish......... Parish......... Oswego0-............. 250 Preston Corner's'.. Preston....... Chenang~o.... 105........ Parishville............ Parishville..... St. Lawrence 236..... Prospect........... Trenton........ Oneida.............. 260 Parma Centre........ Parma......... Monroe...... 109.... Pulaski......... Richland....... Oswego............. 1, 168 Parma Corners....... Parma......... Monroe...... 116...... Purdy's Station... N arth Salem.... WAestchester..... 227 Patchogue........... Brookhaven.... S u ffolIk...... 1,562...... Quaker Springs...Saratoga....... Saratoga............ 175 Patten's Corners...East Hamburgh. Erie............... 150 Quincy............ Ripley......... Chiautauqua.. 289 386 Pavillion............ Pavillion........ Genesee..... 210 190 Q~uogue............ Southampton... S uffolIk............. 1035 Pavillion Centre...... Pavillion....... Genesee...... 80...... Ramapo.........I.... Ramapo........ Rockland........... 491 Pearl Creek......... Covington...... Wyoming............ 50 Randolph.......... Randolph...... Cattaraugus.......... 693 pekn........ Lewiston...... Niagara..... 73"...... -Ranonvile.... Porter......... Niagara... 195 231) i ekm............ ^ O ^T^....... N~~iagara............ 2,50 K m o v e... i on.........Niagara.................. Peekskill............ Cortlandt...... Westchester.. 3,538 4, 7 33 Rapids............. Champlain..... Clinton......;3 00....... Pena,,taquit.....'..... Islip........... SuLff-olk...... 292 780 Rlaquotteville....... Potsdam....... St. Lawrence.,... 458 Pendleton........... Pendleton...... Niagara........... 175' Raymondville....... Nor Folk........ St. Lawrence........ 150 Pen-field............ Penflold....... MTonroe...... 560 t5 78 Red Creek...........Wolcott....... Wayne..... 400 558 Penfield's Village.... Crown Point... Essex.............. 146 Red Falls.......... Prattsville..... Greene...... 231 180 p -v 5~~~~11 Benton........ Yat-es....... 163 134 Redfo d'6-d............ Saranac....... Clinton.............1 475 Penn Yan......... Milo........... Yates....... 2,114 2,165 Red Hook........... Red Ilook...... Dutchess... 625 732 Peoria.............. Covington...... Wyoming..... 74 50 Reodwood....... Aeadi..... Jefferson... 429 679 Perkins' Corners..... Conquest....... Cayuga...... 130...... Reiso...... Remson........ Oneida....... 510....... Perry.............. Hector......... Schuynler.... 120....... e ~ n..... Trenton........ One0ida.................... Perry.............. Perry.......... Wyomning.. 9,35 87 2, Remy's Mills....... Champlain...Clinton.... 400....... Fenner.......... Madison............ 75 Roussolaorvflle...... Rlensselaterville.. Albany.... 561 475 Perryville......... Sullivan........ Madison.................. Ronselaor Falls..... Canton........ St. Lawrence......... 266 r Lenox......... Madison................... |Rexford Flats........ Clifton Park... Saratog~a........ 148 Perry Centre........ Perry......... Wyomaing............ 19I! Reynold's Basin...Roy alton....... N iag(,ara... 13 140 Perry's TMills........ Champlain..... Clinton.............. 248 Reyiioldsville....... Hector......... Schuyler.... I117....... Peru................. Per-L.......... Clinton...... 504 397 Rhinebeck.i......... Rhinebeck...... D-)utches s..... 1,051 1,293. Peterboro...... I..... Sndthfield...... Mai so. 5 309 Rhinocliff............................. Dutcessl..... 311 Petersburgh......... Petersburgh.... Rensselaer...... 155 Ricoville'.......... Mayiield....... Fulton............. 138 Phelps.............. Phelps.......... Ontario...... 1,278...... -p -.,< Bovina.......... A~llegany............. 28 Philadelphia.....Phihlaelphia. Jefferson... 275 433 li no Wir*****^- t.......... Allegany............ 219 Phillipsport.......... Alarakatino. Sulliv-an... 294...... Richfield Springis.... Riehfield....... (Ot'sego...... 368 490 Philmont........... Claverack....... Columbia........... 519 Richniondville...... Richniondville..Schoharie.... 37-0 <....... Phocenix........... Schrooppel... Osweg-,o.....,.. 1,164 1,217' Richville........... D e Toalb...... St. Lawrence 250....... piermlont........... Orang-etown.... Rockland.... 2,204., 649. - North-fiteld...... Richmond................. Pierrepont Manor..... Ellisbt urgh... Jefferson... 255 287 xunoc S**** outhnield..... Riichm-ond......... 150 Piffardinia........... York......Livinogston.......... 165 Rider's Mills........ Cliathani....... Columibia........... 67 P ike,-0................ Pike............ Wyoming... 581 567 Rkhvoway.......... Ridgoeway...... Orleans...... 64 101 Pike Pond............Cochecton..... Sullivan... 188...... Rifton Glen........ Es op)u s........ Ulster.............. 235 Pine Bush........... Crawford...... Orange...... 120....p!*!;,]..;,i~ Jii i1 ^.1-.,l;,e iO.300 -— L~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.-.: 17 0 --------' —' —i —-- - 1. —i-600- - I —: - - -..i.. i1 mc; Ll,,,.,L;, ~;..~-;y llr~~~~-Y1~~~-DP lp~,~,a.-,1.0Y —U.. i-Ir-o - f1. -41_1, 0 ka. bPP'5 0 X6e8,~~IP ~4 ~:.~_~~__~~_~~~~~~~~~~.~ _~lrl:'.:~':9;-S''r3C~C 599 ~~J~J:b 2~000 - P ~ INTRODUCTION. lvii The results of inquiries extended over a large area, and embracing long periods of time show that the number of males born, is somewhat greater than that of females, the excess being from one in fifteeen to to one in thirty. In this State, in the absence of a system of registration of births, we have no data for reliable estimates upon this subject. At each Census in which the sexes have been reported, there appeared an excess of males, until 1855, when the females were found in excess, and this condition was shown in the returns of 1860 and 1865. In the present Census, the excess of females is 61,536, or about one in thirty-five, and the relative decrease of the males, must in a great degree, be ascribed directly or. indirectly to the late war.* The casulties of the service were heavy, and the return of peace was quickly followed by the emigration of many young men to the south-western and western states. In the present Census, the number of males is found to exceed that of the females, in Allegany, Cattaraugus, Chautauqua, Clinton, Delaware, Essex, Franklin, Hamilton, Lewis, Niagara, Oswego, Rockland, Steuben, Sullivan, Ulster and Warren counties. The percentages given on page xlviii will show the relative excess of each. Summary and Percentage of Sexes in the State of New York. POPULATION. YEARS. Males. Females. Excess of males. Excess of femalest Males. Females. 1820................................................. 698,097 822,897 24,083............ 50.85 49.15 1825.............................................. 674,014 793,561 29,336............ 50.991 49.09 1.830............................................... 972,920 940,086 32,834............ 50.72 49.28 1835........................................... 1,102,658 1,071,859 30,799............ 50 71 49.29 1840.......................................... 1,231,170 1.197,751 33,419........... 50.68 49.32 1845............................................... 1,311,362 1,293,153 18,209............ 50.35 49.65 1850.............................................. 1,567,941 1 529,453 38,488.......... 50.62 49.38 1855............................................ 1,727,650 1,738,562............ 10,912 49.84 50.16 i 860........ o........................ 1,933,457 1,947,138........... 3;681 49.82 50.18 i.865t@@eeeeeee~o***@ess~sw@@e~ew~s~eeew | 1,878aG41 i 1n9Li9>177 j***eX\78,641 1,949,177 53 49.08 50.92 1865..... o............................................ 1,878,641 1949,177.......... 61,536 49.08 50.92 AGES.-The relative distribution of the population through the different periods of life, is found to differ somewhat in the present Census from the numbers reported in 1855, and this change appears most among m-nales, and within the years in which military service was required in the late war. The next Census will probably show this difference extended into an advanced period, until at length the generation that participated in these events shall have passed away. The difference is but small, but it is distinctly perceptable. The following table presents the total and comparative numbers for the State, at the two -periods: Comparison of Ages and Sexes, 1855 and 1865. 1855. 1865. 1855. 1865. YEARS. YEARS. --- Number. Percnt',e Number. Percentagel Number. Percentate Number. Percentage of total of total of total of total population.l population./ poplation. |popilation. Under 1......... Males...... 51,440- 1.47 47,046 1.23 35 and under,4-Fe00 2.91 131,128 3.42 Females.... 51,082 1.47 45,923 1.19 40 and under 45-Males..... 93,297 2.69 99,647 2.60 1 and under 5 Males...... 186,368 5.38 190,566 4.98 Females... 86,960 2.51 111,618 2.92 Females.... 182,729 5.27 186,699 4.87 1 45 and under 50 -Males..... 72,949 2.10 115,408 3.01 5 and under 10-Males...... 198,742 5.73 244,683 6.39 Females... 65,453 1.80 86,940 2.77 Females..'. 195,639 5.64 238,716 6.23 50 and under 60 -Males..... 100,985 2,91 133,933 3.49 10 and under 15 —Males...... 189,293 5.46 208,552 5.71 Fenmales... 95,817 2.76 121,973 3.26 Females..... 185,252 5.35 204,169 5.33 60 and unider 70-) Males..... 53,825 1.55 77,566 2.02 15 and under 20-Males...... 170,015 4.91 170,219 4.44 Females... 54,215 1 56 73,423 1.87 Females.... 188,927 5.45 190,575 4.98 70 and under 80-ales..... 22,465 65 30,829 1.10 20 and under 25 —Males...... 168,114 4.85 154,873 4.04 Females... 22,555 0.65 30,754 0.77 Females.... 195,100 5.63 1914,771 5.09 1 80 and under 90-Males..... 5,919.17 7,676 0.20 25 and under 30-Males...... 158,547 4.58 141,180 3.69 Females... 6,339 0.18 7,961 0.21 Females.... 166,530 4.81 171,223 4.47 H 90 and un'r 100 -Males..... 7()02 0.02 842 0.025, 30 and under 35 —Males...... 140,355 4.05 124,910 3.26 Femnales... 847 0.02 921 0.025 Females.... 134, 234 3.87 148,873 3.89 Over 100........Miales.. 41 0.01 47 0.001 35 anid under40- Males...... 111,489 3.23 127,088 3.32 Females. 50 0.01 60 0.002 The comparative distribution of ages in 1865, is shown to the eye in figfure 2, of the diagram on the opposite page, which is also interesting from its showing an error in the returns, due altogether to causes beyond the control of the Census Law, or the power of correction in the Census BureLu. We refer to the sudden turn upwards at 45-50 in the line of males, which is obviously occasioned by an over statemeent *A French statistical writer, in noticing the causes vwhich vary the pro- male in every sixteen births annually, and moreover reduce the number portion of the sexes, remarks: " The principal of these causes are wars, of men at times much below that of women. We can appreciate the emigration, the effect of unhealthy occupations, perils of the sea and of extent of this influence when we observe, that in the Archduchly of Ausnavigation, mining, and whatever else tends to greater mortality among tria, the number of females exceeded that of the males by a fifth in 1810, men than women. These influences must be very powerful, since they and that in Vienna in 1819, it was almost double." —Mloreau de Jonnes, in fact neutralize the law of nature, whichgives an annual excess of onle Elements de Statistiqete, p. 309. 8 sU.p 1I luoT.;X P.'99:=;1 I O 10;ITT )la; qmoi CdoT p;I>T (!/) ~*^o.gnqomi~suvi "OQ v~ol~!u'.<; ~,4~,miu~p~ ~qO[-*.....nm. 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JCYL.10,1 20- 0`,T cwl........... ) dnjuoIljtio,,V, O h SvvvqjV 1.XuvqjV TOT........... I oin,,T'j~od~orl (~(... ptqjTIo-prL-[ o a ij.3 S ot eni, Suvqj l'tq1 -pit-p"11....00 I..x, r601..... -3uvT.0 Dt q~s L1O24us~lc: V 00 X ~j a-lolru so`~~'Juo 1110cr ar1 9 001 X'P CT~hTl`UTr~ aj..O J -1, ~VT UIT1113LLIO I j u1ul Iu,,tV 0 1mcl. o~_ INTRODUCTION. lix of the total population. It will be seen that while they havre a strong resemblance in most of their course, the widening out and extension of the space between mnales and female between 20 and 50, clearly indicates the withdrawal of many males at this period of life from the general population, and marks the influences of the late war in reducing the number of our young and middle-aged men. A change in the proportion of the sexes at different periods of life, in some degree analagous to that here indicated for 1855, has been observed in all countries where statistics have been obtained. While the number of males is greater in childhood,'we usually observe a change to an excess of fellmales at a more advanced age, and the relative number may slightly vary at a later period, but with us, showing a slight excess of females in extreme age. The difference is however so small, as scarcely to be noticed in the enlarged scale on figure 2 of the plate on the opposite page. Number and Percentage of Persons OQne Hlandred Years Old and Upwards. populalnon. populatioo l New York.......... 1830 54 71 125 0.0065 United States..... 1830 301 238 539 0.0051 Ne -York.......... 1840 79 69 148 00 061 United States..... 1840 476 316 792 0.0055 New York......... 1850 45 43 88 0.0028 United States..... 1850 357 430 787 0.0040 New' York......... 1855 41 50 91 0.0026 United States.... 1860 1,230 1,720 2,950 0.0081 New York.......... 1065 50 58 108 0.0027 Ages of Children-In the present Census an attempt was made to obtain such data as might enable us to. show the number of children born each month, since the beginning of the war. To this end the instructions directed as follows: " If the person be a child under four years old, the entry is to be made by the fractionLal parts of a vear, or a whole number for the year and a fraction for the months, thus: one month, 1-12; two months, 2-12; three months, 3-12, three years and a half." For those under one year the returns presented a tolerable degree of uniformity, and afforded the data for the following table by counties. But above one year there was shown a strong tendency to report the even years only, omitting the fractional excess. We however present the aggregate sum by months, rather.to exhibit the practical workings of the inquiry, than as a valuable result. In the general table of ages, this tendency to report the nearest even years constantly appears, and may be traced in every Census hitherto taken, and under every government that has hitherto published these results in detail. T'he following table shows approximately the number of children born in each month during the preceding year. As the Census has reference to the 1st of June, "under 1 month," would represent the births of May, 1865, " one month,"'those of April, and thus in reverse order through the years. Proximate Distribution of Birthls by Months. MONTHS. |Years. |Males. Femal es. Total. MONTHS. Years. Males. Females. Total. January................... 1865 3,755 3,638 7,393 July................... 1864 3,261 3,111 6,372 February................. 1865 4,298 4,084 8,382 August................ 1864 3,898 3,709 7,607 March................... 1865 5,211 5,057 10,268 September......... 1864 4, 102 4,012 8,114 April..................... 1865 4,592 4,442 9,034 October.............. 1864 4, 103 4,245 8,348 May..................... 1865 4,240 4,109 8,349 November.............. 1864 3,515 3,421 6,936 June..... *.... 1864 254 322 576 December......... 1864 5,821 5,773 11,594 Persons Reported as One Hundred Years Old or Uzpwards-(Continued). Name. A e.. Residence. Place of birth. ae Age. Residece. Place of birt. Hager Thompson..... 105 ilton, Saratoga Co.... ings o. Jay Singleton......... 100 QueensbuLry, Warren Co. Ireland. Anna McCormick.... 106 Saratoga Springs, Sar. Co. Ireland. Wiealthy Whipple..... 101 Greenwich, Wash'ton Co. Massachusetts. Abbey Hood........ 101 Saratoga Springs, Sar. Co Ireland. Margaret Hoffman.... 100 Bennington, WVyoming Co. Germany. Mary McIntyre...... 100 Waterloo, Seneca Co..... ennsylvania. Sarahl Peterson....... 102 Middlebury,WyomilngCo. Rhode Island. Susanna Drake*1....... 1.01 Cohocton, Steuben Co... England. Clara Blackman...... 101 Wethllerstield, Wyom'g Co. Dutchess Co. John Thompson...... 100 Smithtown, Suffolk Co.. Suffolk Co. Phillis Bees.......... 105 Morrisanta, Westci'r Co. New York. Elizabeth Pipher...... 102 Groton, Tompkins Co... Pennsylvania. Isaac Angevie....... 100 MountPleasant,]West'rCo. ]~estches'rCo. Solomon Crispell...... 100 Olive, Ulster o..........Ulster Co..Elizabeth Scholllmakler.. 101 Benton, Yates Co........ Dutchess Co. Andrew Goodson.....{ 100 Queensbury, Warren Co. -Canada. HLnnah Towsel 100 Torey, Yates Co....... Dutchess Co. " The small number reported for this month is probably due to the irregularity at three months, shows the inevitabla tendency for the return fact that children of the age of eleven months were comlmonly reported of roundl numbers. Nothing short of a tl;horough and constant registraas a year old. The latter numbered 12,685 males and 12,712 -fealnies. |tion of births, soon after they occur, will ever give results of value in The inequality for December, representing six months, and a less markeeld this class of vital statistics. Ix INTRODUCTION. Ages of Children One Year Old and Under, by Months. Under x.5. C O U N T IE S _____ ______ ______________ ______________ ______ Males Females Males. Females. MaMales. Femalesa M ales. Females. Males. Fetnales. Albany........... 6 5 133 134 130 130 175 167 138 118 104 102 166 168 Allegany.......... B 43 41 3 36 55 34 42 51 33 32 38 43 Br oome........... 2 2 40. 45 42 42 35 41 39 29 35 37 51 35 Cattaraugus....... 4 4 50 4~4 52 46 47 58 25 38 32 50 63 48 Cayuga........... 2 2 56 63 51 61 61 48 46 45 48 50 61 62 Chautauqua....... 2 6 85 68 65 57 70 67 47 45 39 *55 76 52 Chemung......... 3 2 39 28 29 29 32 48 36 28 85 32 47 42 Chenango........ 4 4 24 30 32 29 28 38 21 27 23 24 41 34 Clinton........... 2 4 71 63 81 59 72 82 51 54 42 44 61 54 Columbia......... 1 3 36 40 43 67 52 47 38 42 44 25 79 63 Cortland................ 39) 37 41 24 15 17 26 27 23 20 15 19 20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ —A5 1 33.4' 4 Delaware......... 6 13.45 46 50 35 61 39 50 35 Dutchess......... 3 8 54 54 59 67 87 87 871 67 62 46 76 86 ERrie.............. 9 14 176 194 244 235 241 224 206 224 210 185 334 291 Essex........... 5 1 47 46 39 41 55 47 40 30 38 27 32 42 Franklin..........32 31 38 40 32 35 43 27 32 17 4a 37 Fulton.................. 6 29 26 25 28 24 31 28 33 11 14 30 7 Genesee........ 6 7 39 32 30 35 31 28 32 25 324 33 45 27 Greene...... 4...... 30 3 1 30 38 33 27' 20 30 20 31 35 26 Hamilton............................. 2123152525 Herklmer......... 3 3 34 52 43 37 41 434 31 Jefferson......... 3 2 66 54 69 55 84 70 60 68 62 58 70 86 Kings.....-....... 32 37 452 3~74 440 416 541 520 392 413 380 373 592 628 Lewis............ 3 3 50 37 42 30 41 30 34 20 36 27 27 44 LiVingston........ 3 3 39 52 28 29 38 45 39 31 24 35 47 54 uhadison.......... 2 1 43.55 50 41 40 40 40 33 40 30 44 40 Monroe............ 3 6 126 91 124 124 154 153 113 118 91 105 163 175 Montgomery............ 1 29 38 32 26 27 42 39 35 26 30 38 40 New York..... 48 55 758 752 978 971 1,149 1,178 966 924 791 759 1,477 1,511 Ni ran l......... 4 9 57 51 58 74 54 78 55 53 38 44 63 66 Oneida............ 5 3 11 7 184 49329 Onondaga......... 7 8 102 99 103 80 113 103 95 84 80 72 124 117 Ontario........... 2 2 37 33 41 40 3846 42 47 26 60 58 Orange........... 2 1 60 65 103 66 117 103 88 75 87 78 108 107 Orleansr........... 3 2 19 22 31 12 33 29 37 22 24 17 53 35 Oswego........... 9 14 87 83 84 89 106 104 77 77 75 69 91 99 Otsego........... 3 5 53 46 52 49 51 47 48 41 34 37 38 61 Putnam............ 1 4 18 17 22 18 10 11 19 13 10 20 15 15 Queens........... 2 1 76 70 68 58 93 82 51 55 66 48 97 86 Rensselaer o.......12 107 115 100 101 125 130 100 85 92 97 116 116 Richmond............ 28 27 28 28 50 35 35 31 28 29 58 40 Rockland......... 2 4 24 17 34 26 29 32 24 23 17 29 31 40 St. Lawrence....... I 4 100 98 98 90 98 96 76 70 65 64 99 106 S arato ga.......... 2 8 37 45 51 46 50 52 51 50 37 41 47 46 Schenectady.... 2 20 11 24 25 32 2 18 14 24 18 25 22 Schoharie......... 1 4 36 39 33 43 40 38 39 27 21 28 31 27 Schuyler...............I 3 6 15 14 16 19 26 16 16 14 13 13 17 Seneca.....".................. 23 22 3 3 26 24 26 37 21 19 28 31 35 Steuben........... 2 6 77 75 68 71 83 92 59 54 45 40 92 94 Suffolk...... 40 29 51 58 37 36 55 34 27 52 48 Sullivan.......... 1 47 38 37 41 36 49 40 41 28 32 51 40 Tioga............. 2 2 36 21 45 55 32 28 28 16 31 18 30 27 Tompkins......... 4 3 25 29 17 36 38 21 24 27 35 24 34 24 Onarren.......... 4 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 23 122 Orange........... 4144 5 39 2 6 6 6 3 474 Oreastcese.........3 10 10 9 0 19 2 15 11 14 1 19 2 16 8 yo ming................ 3 3 3 23 31 12 233 Oatsego............ 3. 0 7 91 22 14156 14 Rihondl............ 24 3 4,40 4,0 452,4,1 507,9,8 375,3 581,7 INTRODUCTION.1 I Ages of Children One Year Old, etc.-(Continued). 7..9.10. 11.1. COUNTIES. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Femles. Males. Females. Males. Female. Males. Females. Albany........................ 110 108 143- 134 111 1 25 118 116 92 97 423 422 Allegany....................... 40 44 36 34 32 35 49 42 46 52 79 91 Broome......................... 29 28 38 31 34 32 32 32 34 37 107 126 oattaraugus..................... 43 41 33 42 43 39 31 40 42 39 103 115 Cayuga......................... 45 45 42 49 61 55 50 55 44 4086 107 ohautauqua...................... 29 35 57 61 79 40 55 44 56 52 117 136 Chemung.................... 30 25 37 39 33 33 34 28 25 29 147 131 Onienango............... 27 14 28 23 30 36 36 19 23 2551 55 Clinton......................... 56 39 49 48 59 60 51 32 36 25 184 178 Columbia....................... 31 37 43 27 41 43 42 44 39 32 120 110 Cortland........................ 21 8 22 21 20. 26 24 20 23 14 29 44 Delaware....................... 26 32 40 40 41 33 45 36 36 29 85 71 Dutchess....................... 57 67 64 71 50 63 68 60 52 49 189 219 Erie..................... 168 172 224 2 209 204 227 169 163 141 142 578 58-1 Essex....................... 33 31 35 21 32 29 23 32 35 39 102 101 Franklin......................... 29 22 33 22 28 37 37 41 36 2476 87 Fulton............................. 26 25 24 32 30 19 22 17 23 1778 72 Genesee........................ 26 33 32 37 32 38 27 33 33 2872 62 Greene..................... 29 30 26 32 38 25 25 34 26 28 73 56 Hamilton.... 3 2 5 1 4 6 2 3...5I 1 9 4 Herkimer................... 38 37 50 42 28 32 41 52 33 23 96 71 Jefferson........................ / 59 53 62 76 52 65 61 55 59 63 133 128 Kings 333 293 392 417 385 355 381 318 255 232 1,321 1,247 Lewis.......................... 25 35 19 18 32 30 28 26 21 22 77 65 Livingston...................... 36 26 31 38 38 30 34 39 33 3484 84 Madison........................ 35 35 35 45 34 28 47 39 33. 3374 83 Monroe..................... 94 94 125 122 112 97 117 109 93 102 239 249 Montgomery.................... 23 24 36 42 37 30 30 33 22 26 115 122 New York...................... 695 671 795 851 818 837 715 669 533 508 3,623 3,632 Niagara.............. 56 42 48 55 63 35 51 46 42 45 97 135 Oneida......................... 89 sI80 111 114 100 90 94 94 74 106 263 235 Onondaga....................... 78 78 86 88 93 s80 89 63 72 51 379 440 Ontario........................ 38 20 30 40 29 45 25 41 39 22 103 116 Orange......................... 76 82 80 96 67 89 77 74 45 52 201 182 Orleans......................... 20 16 39 36 38 26 34 24 20688 71 Oswego......................... 68 66 69 77 78 86 97 80 70 70 201 202 Otsego.......................... 31 37 45 40 29 38 35 51 42 3989 96 Putnam................. 10 11 15 23 18 23 23 22 11 19 19 37 Queens........................ 46 65 90 87 73 69 57 51 26 41 176 196 Rensselaer.................... s80 83 111 98 107 128 99 100 84 68 257 248 Richmond...................... 24 18 24 30 30 21 17 14 23 21 143 149 Rockland....................... 1 23 22 19t19 21 23 23 17 23 20 81 72 St. Lawrence.................... 69 69 83 76 75 76 84 77 74 75 225 193 Saratoga....................... 35 47 58 44 48 57 56 48 54 49 110 83 Schenectady.................... 19 25 24 37 20 19 23 21 33 2172 52 Schoharie.....25.30 34 33 25 109 Schuyler...................... 12 13 16 23 19 22 13 13 17 1533 25 Seneca......................... 24 29 29 31 26 21 34 32 29 25 48 54 Steuben....................... 54 55 70 66 63 57 70 53 59 58 194 181 Suffolk...................... 57 36 40 44 40 441 45 42 38 30 136 130 Sullivan........................ 24 28 31 28 34 32 36 30 32 36 140 155 Tioga.......................... 23 25 24 22 17 27 17 24 32 24 39 38 Tompkins....................... 25 19 41 22 29 22 22 35 23 22 48 56 Ulster.................... 85 77 92 101 108 96 84 102 77 64 213 242 Warren.......................... 15 22 21 21 20 24 1 23 21 27 1797 96 Washington..................... 48 45 48 40 51 49 37 40 36 51 139 147 W8ayne............... 38 45 42 56 57 35 44 52 44 35 128 121 Westchester.....................] 91 92 105 131 135 109 114 115 101 117 301 328 Wyoing................... o20 24 32 32 23 20 37 28 34 2051 48 tes.............14 10 20 28 25 11 17 18 18 25 26 Total....................... I 3,415 3,421 4,103 4,245 4,102 4,012 3,898 3,709 3,261 3,111 12,685 12,712 1xii INTRODUCTION. The last column in the preceding table, representing those "twelve months" old, manifestly includes great numbers who exceed that age by one or more months. This is especially noticed in the months between four and five years, where the fractional excess being reported voluntarily, and without instructions was generally omitted, and the whole year only given. Summary of Children's Ages, by Months, over One and under Five Years, as reported.* MONTHIS. YEARS. Under 1. 1. 3. 5. Males. Females. NMales. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. One year and under two.......... 12,685 12,712 3,223 13,010 3,267 3,215 3,606 3,383 2,905 2,724 2,001 2,032 Two years and under three........ 22,165 22,008 2,429 2,399 2,622 2,602 2,634 2,625 1,876 1,833 1,481 1,587 Three years and under four......... 26,928 26,651 2,215 2,078 2,310 2,236 2,118 2,036 1,667 1,537 1,335 1,383 Four years and under five. 49,885 48,497 121 132 116 109 106 112 67 91 100 88 MONTIHIS. YEARS. 6. 7. l. 9. 1O. 1.'ITales Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. One year and under two.......... 6,303 6,334 1,707 1,792 2,819 2,732 2,014 1,871 2,383 2,289 2,040 1,929 Two years and under three........ 5,703 5,450 1,254 1,270 1,761 1,678 1,794 1,809 1,929'1,749 1,764 1,700 Three years and under four........ 4,053 3,878 1,091 1,139 1,390 1,314 1,411 1,399 1,419 1,395 1,260 1,242 Four years and under five....... 253 284 75 68 75 99 63 59 84 78 55 61 " The irregularity of these numbers is chiefly occasioned by the tendency to report the nearest whole number, as noticed in a preceding note. INTRODUCTION. 1xiii Number and Percentage of Births during the years preceding date of Census, and cases of Twins living together in Families. NUMBER OF BIRTHS.PERCENTAGE OF BIRTHS TO POPUNUMBER OF BIRTHS. ~~~~~~~~LATION'. COUNTIES. 1850. 1855..1860. 1865. 1850. 1855. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Fenales. Males. Females. Albany........... 1,245 1,089 1,517 1,493 1472 1,5051, 426 1,404 1.20 1.05 1.46 1.43 Allegany.......... 521 460 577 598 523 452 450 447 1.37 1.21 1.34 1.39 Broome.......... 387 366 474 462 388 392 411 391 1.26 1.19 1.21 1.07 Cattaraugus....... 512 475 613 596 575 577 465 489 1.39 1.21 1.55 1.50 Cayuga........... 605 562 726 660 576 551 567 575 1.09 1.01 1.35 1.23 Chautauqua....... 578 484 756 665 738 683 660 582 1.14 0.95 1.41 1.24 Chemung......... 334 312 391 423 329 308 380 363 1.57 1.43 1.43 1.55 Chenango......... 454 386 466 405 410 400 317 303 1.12 0.95 1.16 1.01 Clinton.......... 579 591 654 714 625 625 631 584 1.47 1.51 1.69 Columbia......... 473 474 549 565 570 589 489 470 1.09 1.10 1.24 1.25 Cortland...... 274 249 319 274 298 307 254 232 1.09 0.99 1.29 1.11 Delaware......... 463 435 508 506 564 516 475 408 1.19 1.09 1.28 1.27 Dutchess......... 632 624 833 746 716 642 703 725 1.07 1.05 1.37 1.23 Erie.............. 1,413 1,387 2,343 2,306 2,894 2, 152 2,326 2,280 1.39 1.37 1.79 1.74 Essex............ 416 391 405 434 405 409 414 386 1.41 1.25 1.41 1.53 Franklin.......... 366 293 395 372 469 447 383 333 1.45 1.16 1.55 1,45 Fulton........... 223 190 312 338 302 313 272 285 1.10 0.94' 1.34 1.45 Genesee........... 300 326 409 395 416 384 357 346 1.05 1.14 1.32 1.27 Greene........... 330 336 378 406 347 325 316 322 0.99 1.01 1.21 1.30 Hamilton......... 29 41 40 39 42 43 23 34 1.32 1.87 1.57 1.56 Hterkimer......... 409 377 472 460 467 450 438 432 1.09 0.93 1.22 1.20 Jefferson......... 715 668 837 748 733 678 707 705 1.04 0.98 1.29 1.14 Kings............ 2,070 1,961 3,556 3,486 4,690 4,583 4,575 4,376 1.57 1.41 1.64 1.61 Lewis............ 152 149 342 333 358 328 358 322 0.61 0.60 1.35 1.32 Livingston........ 492 454 455 469 391 415 390 416 1.20 1.11 1.20 1.24 Madison.......... 454 443 519 568 482 476 443 420 1.05 1.02 1.19 1.30 Monroe............ 1,229 1,239 1,445 1,427 1,3151,296 1.40 1.42 1.50 1.48 Montgomery...... 341 336 445 414 395 336 339 367 1.06 1.05 1.45 1.38 New York........ 7,250 7,287 10,776 11,335 12,329 12,186 9,723 9,681 1.40 1.42 1.71 1.79 Niagara.......... 505 520 710 740 671 681 589 598 1.19 1.23 1.46 1.54 Oneida........... 1,089 1,147 1,498 1,461 1,245 1,295 1,120 1,046 1.08 1.15 1.40 1.34 Onondaga......... 976 951 1,243 1,248 1,149 1,128 1,042 923 1.13 1.10 1.43 1.43 Ontario........... 503 467 484 488;509. 497 432 398 1.14 1.06 1.14 1.14 Orange........... 575 620 830 779 844 776 910 888 1.00 1.08, 1.36 1.28 Orleans........... 306 311 364 342 314 363 351 257 1.03. 1.03 1.28 1.20 Oswego........... 893 860 1,147 1,133 1,035 967 911 914 1.43 1.22 1.613 Otsego........... 495 505 683 790 545 475 461 491 1.01 1.02 1.35 1.59 Putnam........ 162 188 208 188 134 144 172 192 1.14 1.32 1.49 1.35 Queens........... 345 370 689 668 801 731 735 713 0.93 1.00 1.39 1.44 Rensselaer........ 927 981 1,172 1,164 1,175 1,273 1,129 1,113 1.24 1.31 1.48 1.46 Richmond........ 164 228 300 319 407 366 345 295 1.51 ~ 1.02 1.08 Rockland........ 238 230 350 290 336 389 270 272 1.40 1.38 1.80 1.42 St. Lawrence...... 873 830 1,035 1,101 1,096 1,105 922 901 1.27 1.20 1.38 1.49 Saratoga.......... 482 466 691 668 616 654 526 533 1.05 1.02 1.39 1.35 Schenectady...... 190 212 247 246 226 266 264 240 0.94 1.05 1.26 1.26 Schoharie......... 431 425 470 447 402 393 345 348 1.21 1.19 1.40 1.33 Schuyler............................ 234 229 189176159192............... 1.26 1.22 Seneca......... 301 337 329 312 391 355 309- 296 0.8 1.3 12 1.23 Steuben.......... 601 531 964 843 913 863 742 721 0.89 0.-79 1.53 1.34 Suffolk........... 394 371 540 520 509 503 473 452 1.06 1.00 1.32 1.27 Sullivan.......... 237 274 494 442 517 478 399 396 0.94 1.09 1.67 1.49 Tioga............ 324 313 324 329 287 270 317 289 1.30 M 1.25 I 1.19 1.22 Tompkins......... 423 411 418 359 304 312 317 284 1.23 I1.20 1.32 1.14 Ulster............ 786 804 1,158 1,102 1,138 1,096 1,050 1,100 1.52 [1.33!1.70 1.62 Warren........... 240 230 290 283 230 2o35 -251 240 1.39 /1.33 I1.47 1.44 Washington....... 608 541 613 543 541 548 518 521 1.33 1.20 1.39 1.22 Wayne...... 450 389 621 617 530 558 535 487 1.00 {0.86 { 1.33 1.32 "Westchester....... 714 636 1,211 1,202 1,3'78 1,374 1,328 1,332 1.22 1.09 } 1.50 1.49 Wyoming......... 385 408 390 377 327 321 324 286 1.20 1.24 1.21 1.17 Yates............ 227 185 221 215 197 216 197 196 1.10 0.89 I 1.11 1.08 Toa...........3800 3,2 5140 5,8 5215 125 700 593.2.9 147.7 NoTE.-The order in which the names of members of each family were In 1855 four cases of triplets, all females, were reported. In 1865 the entered, commencing with the parents, and extending down through the number of cases of triplets was twenty-three; of which three were all names of the children, beginning with the oldest, afforded the means of males, thirteen two males and a female, four two females and a male, ascertaining the number of twins living together in families. No instrue- and three all females. ticns were given concerning this entry, and the accidental occurrence of In 1865 two sets of four children of equal age and the same parents equal age and common parents, as shown by the returns, has afforded the were reported, of which one set was three and one eight years old. In basis of the results given in the following table. In 1855 these were one case all were females: in the other two were of each sex. classified under the age of twenty years: in 1865 they emnbrace the whole period of life. 1xvi INTRODUCTION. Number and Percentage of Births, Etc-(Continued). PERCENTAGE OF BIRTHS TO POPULA- CASES OF TWINS RESIDING TOGETHER IN THE SAME TION. FAMILY. COUNTIES. 1860. 1865. 1855. 1865. Twenty years of age or under. Of all ages.~' Mall es. Females. Males. Females. and Both males. Female. F enales. m-ales. females fernales. Albany..................... 1.29 1.32 1.23 1.21 58 19 63 90 77 83 Allegany........................................ 1.25 1.08 1.11 1.'08 46 24 36 40 49 36 Broome....................................1.09 1.09 1.08 1.03 46 13 34 32 35 31 Cattara, ugus..................................... 1.311 1'31 1.10 11.15 39 28 37 34 55 51 Cayuga......................................... 1.03 0.99 1.01 1.03 57 33 44 46 45 43 Chautauqua.................................... 1.24 1.07 1.12 0.99 49 38 63 46 41 48 Chemung....................................... 1.22 1.10 1.19 1.13 17 13 15 34 30 21 Chenango..................................... 1.00 0.98 0.82 0.79 20 5 27 30 20 30 Clinton........................................ 1.37 1.37 1.38 1.27 42 32 41 47 57 40 Columbia...................................... 1.21 1.25 1.07 1.02 48 27 43 38 24 44 Cortland....................................... 1.11 1.12 1.02 0.99 1 7 14 27 25 22 30 Delaware....................................... 1.33 1.21 1.14 1.09 35 18 36 5 3 49 41 Dutchess...................................... 1.10 0.99 1.09 1.11 54 45 53 52 44 44 Erie........................................... 2.04- 1.51 1.40 1.38 112 45 112 134 157 134 Essex.......................................... 1.43 1.44 1.44 1.23 29 7 15 23 29 31 Franklin....................................... 1.52 1.45 1.34 1.15 23 14 23 31 28 32 Fulton........................................ 1.25 1.29 1.10 1.16 12 12. 1417 20 25 genesee........................................ 1.29 1.19 1.12 1.09 26 14 26 36 23 18 Greene......................................... 1.09 1.02 0..99 1.04 36 10 252 5 2 25 34 Hamilton...................................... 1.38 1,41 0.86 1.281127 6 5 Herkimer....................................... 1.15 1.109 1.11 1.09 36 38 23 44 46 26 Jefferson...................................... 1.04 0.96 1.06 1.05 50 70 58 45 68 54 Kings.......................................... 1.68 1.64 1.45 1.40 102 123 105 180 173 178 Lewis.......................................... 1.25 1.14 1.29 1.15 24 23 20 27 18 13 Livingston...................................... 0.99 1.05 1.03 1.11 37 4 33 41 33 31 Madison....................................... 1.11 1.09 1.03 0.99 50 22 42 33 43 33 Monroe....................................... 1.31 1.15 1.16 1.2477 41 7577 107 87 Montomery................... 1.28 1.08 1 1.0 241.110 24 17 36 26 New'York....................................... 1.51 14 1.34 1.133 187 154 181 396 492 482 iaogoamria....................................... 1.31 1.35 1.10 1.1238 22 [ 4441 38 47 Oneida......................................... 1.18 1.3 0 1.0157 47 81276 81 Onondaoa...................................... 1.20 1.23 1.11 0.98 64 43 72 86 70 96 Ontario In1......................................... 1.14 1.11 0.99 0.9046 26 42 34 43 32 Orange......................................... 1.34 1 21 2 1.29 1.2629 16 31 44 50 54 Orleans........................... 1.09' 1.27 1.22 0.89. 36 12 16 29 30 7 19 Oswego....................................... 1 1.2 6 1. 19 1.1951 29 579 69 Otsego........................................ 1.08 0.95 0.9 0 4 1.09 34 30 45 7 40 45 Putnamri........................................ 0.95 1 1.1 15 1.29 19910 13 13 38 Queens......................................... 1.39 1.231.29 1. 2.4 20 23 27 1 30 42 51 ensselaer....................................... 1.03 1.47 1.28 1.28 76 39 70 60 46 42 Richmond......................................I59 1.43 1.22 1.04 10 1 1 5 / 28 15 ockland....................................... 1.49 1.73 1.29 5 1.29 15 90 7 11 22 16 St. Lawrence.................................... 1.31 1.32 1.13 1.11 82 17`3 7 7 105 80 83 Saratogar...................................... 1.19 1.26 1.05 0 31 7 34 49 40 4 7 Scienectady.................................... 1.13 1.33 1.26 1.14 6I8 9 16 12 15 Schoharie....................................49 1.17 1.14 1.03 1.04 35 1 27 [ 11 2 36 Schuyler......................................... 1.00 0.99 0 85 1.041 12 1 7 l7 15 10 10 Seneca......................................... I.3 1. 1.26 1.11,1.07 16 24 134 22 14 21 Stecbene........................................ 1.37 1.29 1.12 1.09 64 26 61 66 60 79 Suffolk........................................ 1.17 1.16 1.10 1.05 35 11 27 33 29 21 Scuyllira................................~........ 1.0009.59 1.047.21 1.2126 36 130 25 28 341 Seneca.......................................... 1.99.9 1.112 t 1.0223 6~ 24 { 30 | 25 | 42 lSteube.............................. 1.49 143.3 1441745 66 ar e.....................]........... 1 02.06. 7. 375 12 42 *Washington ~~~~~~.................... 1.18 1.1 1.11 1.12 38 37 29 41 51 296[ 0 7 Suffol k........................................ 1.09 1.17 1.102 I 1.0232 46 3447 11}2 34 382 WStcheiten...................................... 1.38 1.47- 1.21 ]1.22 44126/ 6 48 8 30/ 2 80 77 Wyompins...................................... 0.02 1.99 1.027]0.914 221 } 26 2932 2 25 36[68 WYrren......................................... 10.7 1.06 1.017 1.016 2l1~ 5I [1 8 1 15 120 Wahntona...................................... 1.18 1.32 1.112~1.19 2,}388 1,548 2,82,9 ~ 41 306 2,99............. 1.0 48I 32| 419; 3,5;4, 59;6 48;7, 44 8, 448;948;1,6,;6,1;7,.................7; 2, 4410 13,96 1434 15,70 6 299 17 239 18 7 ftilt73eswrerpre slvn oete nfmeo hc 252; ages of5 20,n repr1; 21, 108;2, w0;2,5;2,4;2,5;2,2;tere sfolwese Under 1 year, 29; 20;5, 1; 2,;53, 2; 54, 2; 58, 2; 9, 1; 10, 1; 1,21; 12, 1 27, 18; 28, 18; 29, 19; 30, 14; 31, 11; 32, 9; 33, 7; 34, 6; 35, 8; 36, 4; 1; 13, 1; 15; 2; 16, 2; 17, 1; 18, 1; 19, 1; 21, 1; 22 1. 37, 4; 38, 2; 39, 2; 40, 4; 41, 2; 42; 1; 43, 3; 44, 1; 45, 4i; 46, 2; 48, 1; Of quadruplets two sets were reported, of which one was three, and one eight years old. INTRODUCTION. Ixv NSumber of Children in Families. —From the manner in which the names of members of a family were uniformly reported, with the relation of each to the head of the family, an opportunity was offered for ascertaining, with some degree of accuracy, the number of children under twenty-one years of age residing with their parents or guardians, the number of adopted children and the number of grand children. By deducting the total number of families, thus found, from the general total oc families the number without children wa: ascertained. The following table presents the results of this classification: Children in Families. Number of CHILDREN. COUNTIES. fan'iies without childrei..1.^.3. 7. S. U. 10 11. 1,. Albany'............... 5,218 4,719 4,195 3,405 2,218 1,451 802 363 154 38 13 1 2 Allegany.............. 2,213 1,793 1,688 1,163 775 467 259 132 65 22 9 2...... Broome............... 1,841 1,616 1,479 1,042 696 404 251 128 59 16 5 1...... Cattaraugus............ 1,886 1,704 1,674 1,193I 910' 541 306 135 67 28 3 3 2 Cayuga................ 3,299 2,366 2,046 1,480 945 557 310 134 56 21 7............ Chautauqua........... 2,762 2,429 2,358 1,627 1,080 571 318 148 53 23 5...... Chemung.............. 1,359 1,332 1,235 866. 589 388 209 98 35 10 2............ Chenango.............. 2,602 1,707 1,545 1,036 615 298 162 82 22 10 1........ Clinton................ 1,414 1,210 12741 1,102 903 734 519 345 184 61 24 10 1 Columbia............... 2,546 1,656 1,597 1,125 766 479 263 118 47 22 4............ Cortland.............. 1,460 1,142 1,000 689 370 216 139 69 27 10............ Delaware............ 2,116 1,564 1,527 1,130 762 470 296 156 59 23 13 4...... Dutchess.............. 3716 2,423 2,252 1,742 1., 180 717 362 164 74 33 8 2 1 Erie.................. 10,704 5,031 5,1 Oil 4, 497 3,487 2, 304 1, 36 734 281 103 26 4- 3 Essex................. 1,011 947 821 783 581 392 242 145 78 22 11 1 1 Franklin............... 899 811 861 749 595 431 269 187 98 48 10 7...... Fulton................ 1,572 841 823 665 466 297 165 103 37 20 5 3...... Genesee............... 1763 I 1,132 1,062 859 564 328 175 81 20 16 1 1...... Greele................ 1, 56 5 1,256 1,140 873 588 361 210 105 39 17 2............ Hamilton............. 138 63 89 82 56 24 25 14 5 2...... I1 Herkimer............. 2,139 1,737 1,498 1,011 645 401 198 95- 40 7 3...... Jefferson,.............. 3,235 2,683 2,478 1,735 1,113 715 379 174 115 41 10 2...... K ings................ 13.297 13,418 12,530 9,711 6, 682 3,664 1,721 691 210 52 22 6 1.ewis................. 1,629 1,052 961 727 523 352 223 119 66 34 6 5 1 Livingston............. 1,882 1,409 1,333 991 711 412 247 121 50 15 4 3...... Madison.............. 2,702 1,924 1,651 1, O9 683 406 223 80 24 11 4 1...... Monroe................ 5,884 3,697 3,431 1,931 2, 121 1,313 773 375 151 66 14 6...... Montgomery........... 1,372 1,174 1,180 861 573 332 214 102 37 19 3 1 2 New ork.............. -,3 3 9 ework............. 42,909 27,484 27,551 22,048 14,097 7,564 3,236 1,366 431 121 2 5 2 Niagfara................ 2,349 1,711 1,575 1,378 995. 613 378 207 79 23 14 2 3 Oneida................ 6,218 3,893 - 3,.675 2.765 1,515.1,185 658 286 124 44 11 5 2 Onondak a............... 4,342 3,697 3,342 2,615 1,718 1,083 618 23 116 30 8...... Ontario............... 2,498 1,641 1,573 1,0413 769 464 245 116 46 19 4 1 2 Orange............. 3,305 2,546 2,495 1.993 1,3443 874 448 236 100 25 13...... 2 Orleans............... 1,499 1,241 1,057 782 515 280 150 81 33 14...... 1...... Oswego................. 2,810 3,6115 2,959 2,228 1,619 997 540 253 103 36 15 4...... Otseto................ 3,102 12,320 1,895 1,304 719 398 219 108 30 14.5 1...... Putnam............... 797 601, 543 384 280 174 92 0 40 20 41 4 1...... Queens............... 2,236 2,128 2,,050 1,636,1141 6971 358 167 -64 19 6 1...... Rensselaer............. 4,742 3, 347 3,211 2,367 1,678 1,004 533 268 84 30 6............ Richmond......... 965 1,066 1,016 849 550 338 177 64 22 15...... Bocklcand.............. 1,014750 34 635 433 234 127 67 30 15 3...... S.Lawrence........... 3,775 2,642 2,714 2,0431 1,531 1,102 721 281 2124 72 34 13 1 Saratoga................ 2,707 1,997 1,853 1,337 916 540 299 153 66 27 6 2...... Schenectady............. 1,185 847 732, 57(6 388. 248 140 64 20 16 2............ Schoharie............ 1,350,3 2 6,0 915 631 429 245, 125 60925 5 1...... Schuyler............ 945 89a0 722 495 5 327 177 100 43 15 9 1 1 1 I Seneca................ 1,291 1,100 981 725 517 339 199 90 0 15 6 4 1 Steuabeio......... 2,614 2,657 2,457 1,858 1,325 822 416 185 134 46 13 6 1 Suffolk................ 2,705 1,630 1,622 1,204 773 442 232 122 4 10 3............ Sullivan............... 574 1,085 1,169993 732 59 326 177 79 23 13........... Tioga................4.,495 1. 99 1,142 843 483 287 5 160 83 101...... Tompkins............... 445 1,348 831 484 290 138 54... Ulster................ 2,0395,5 2,745 2,187 1,673 1,104 657 321 103 14 5 1 dar~ren............... 985 786 745 560 463 293. ~182 9. Oashington...... 3,102 2,32 1 895 1 047 / 39 2 1 05} 1.... Tayie........~...... 224 2,681 1,835 1,327 o30 1 554 28 16 5 1.. Wi~destchecster.......... 4,916 3,330 3,366 2,739 1,940 1,247 662 26 9 4 3 *W~'yoming.............. 1,550 1,353 1,160 766 526 323 168 114 64 7 7 Yates.............. 1,051 906 766 531 283 1.68 109 38 3 1 Total a............. 196,802 7 0148,208 1 740, 57 0,342 338 44,24 2 11 7,25 0 115 4 35. _ _ _ __. _ _ _ _ _ _~_. ^ ~ __.. ____......,.... ^ _..........~~ 1xvi INTRODUCTION. Children in Families-(Continued). ADOPTED CHILDREN. GRAND CHIILDREN. COUNTIES. 1,. 3. 4. 1.. 7. S. 9. 10.. Albany 5 3........... 379 134 42 257 2........... Allegany................... 2................ Broome....................... 1048.........194 54 1772............................ Cattaraugus........ 9.............223............ 28 4 2.............. C', 108 1 ~ ~ ~ ~23[,............ Cayuga.................... 1002 305 82 2051...................... Chautauqua.................. 160 18...... 317 142 41 167 2...................... Chemung............ 99 12............ 145 40 111............................ Chenango..................... 107 11...... 196 71 21 7 1 2...................... Clinton.................83....... Columnbia...................... 4 21 4...... 226 69 26 4 3 3 1................ Cortland........ i......... 1 948 95 3781........................... Delaware..................... 649............ 198 64 18 8 4 2...................... Dutche ss.................... 381 1.....7 97 2 1...................... Erie...................... 256 18 4... 359 117 47 242 3................ Essex,,,,,,.,,,, 7,,,l,,, 16 53 2.1 7 4 2 1 Clinton........................ 8............ 153 2 741 Franklin................66 3............119 48 25 43 1....... Fulton......................... 40 5 2...... 139 44 20 6 4 I. Genesee....................... 86 5 1 1 207 61 15 113................ Greene....................... 49 3........... 174 60 1471 1...................... H am ilton..................... 13................... 155............I................................. Herkimer..................... 93 8........188 54 31 112............................ Jefferson...................... 216 13 2.... 361 127 41' 20 1.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~.160................ Kings........................ 157 16 2 1 571 241 87 3 16 10 2 Lewis................. 443............ 97 40 1431........................... Livinga stona.................... 80 8..............247. 74 25 12 4 3......1.......... Madison......... 132 14...... 22 75 20 6...... 3 7...................... M onroe....................... 159 17............ 320 85 45 10 3 1....... 1.......... Montgomery.................. 55 3............ 14 56 17 104 1...................... New York.................... 258 19 4 1 831 467 164 60 10 1..... Niagara....................... 85 20............ 219 77 2364 1 1................ Oneida....................... 166 27 5...... 406 150 50 168 2...................... Onondaga.................... 168 22 3...... 338 114 41 162 1....................... Ontario....................... 95 7 1 1 224 79 33 9 8 2...................... Oran e....................... 5841 280 1 51 11 5 2..................... Orleans....................... 147 39 13..................................... Oswego....................... 232 20............ 358 113 35 215......................... Otsego............ 65 5... 245 81 2 13 5...................... Putnam........................ 1 1............ 95 30 11 1 5...... ~....................~ Queens 49.................. 271 104 52 17 10 2 1. 1 Rensselaer.................... 916............ 319 118 48 12 3.................. 1 ichmond..................... 292............ 98 38 2062 2...................... Rockland..................... 291...... 1 113 50 1981 1...................... St. Lawrence....I............. 266 26 7........ 362 143 38 11 6 1 1.. *...... * *. *.. Saratoga...................... 756 1 2 8..... 28 106 31 15 1...... 1.............. Schenectady................... 24 2........96 366133 2..................... Schoharie..................... 102.. 1 6 1.......33 104 2 1 Schuyler...................... 403....132 49731....................... Seneca....................... 60 2 1 4 17.....169..1................ Steuf en...................... 262 26...... i 340 1 917 4...................... Suffolk................ 542............7 51 7 2...................... Sullivan...................... 53 3 1...... —-160 44 204...................... Tioga............. 71 1 i., i....... 149 59 12 3 1.............. Leompkis 4............ 105 4................ Ulster........................ 99 21 382 131 52 26 6 4 1 1 Wasrren...................... 55 3 1,1........... 99 39 10 2.................. asshing~ton.................. 72 4 1......11 238 86 25 12 7 1 3:: "... Wayne.,,..1 144 12; l......... 318 100 25 10 2 1 3 Liveines ter................... 103 6..306 12 48 14 3 2 1 Wi~Tyomning 24 1................ 173 77 2344 1 Yates............. 77 3 1.. 112 41 1.. Total...,.................. 3,903 526 51 8 14,030 5,065 1,792 643 226 85 23 10 3 1 EXCEPTIONAL OASES. —Thirteen children in a famlily:Rensselaer, 1; land, 1; New York,1. Nineteen: Col~umbia, i. Twenty-one: Albany, 2; St. Mawrence, 1. Fourteen: Clinton, 1;Columbia,. Sixteen:Cort- Colubia,l. Fiveadoptedchildren:ew York, 1; Westchester, 1. INTRODUCTION. 1xvii The total number of families being 780,931, gives the following percentages: Families. Per cent. Families without children - 196 802 or 25.(07 Families with one child.. 148 208 or 18.88 Families with two children _ _...... 140,572 or 18.00 Families with three children 107,342 or 13.74 Families with four children 73 338 or 9.39 Families with five children —----. 44, 424 or 5.69 Families with six children 235722 or 3.04 Families with seven children 11 250 or 1.44 Families with eight children.. 4 641 or 0.59 Families with nine children............... 1.630 or 0.29 Families with ten children 454 or 0.06 Families with eleven children ~.136 or 0.02 Families with twelve children.............. 35 or 0.004 Families with one adopted child 3 903 or 0.76 Families with two adopted children 526 or 0.07 Families with three adopted children —_ 51 or 0.001 Families with one grand child -14 030 or 1.78 Families with two grand children 5 030 or 0.65 Families with three grand children 1,792 or 0.23 Families with ifour grand children- -. —- -- -- -..- 643 or 0.08 Families with five grand children 226 or 0.03 Families with six grand children --—.- 85 or 0.001 Relative Increase of Population, with Women of American and Foreign Birth.-In the present Census an inqauiry was first introduced having this object in view. The column was headed, " Of how many children the parent?" The instructions gave the following directions for reporting it: "This inquiry is to be made only of adult females, and usually of wives or widows. It should, in all cases, include the number of living children the woman has borne, whether now living or dead, a-nd whether present or absent from the family. These children may perhaps be themselves the heads of families, and residents of another State, or they may have died in childhood. The object of the inquiry is to obtain data for determining the natural increase of the population in this State among the various classes, and it should be taken fully and uniformly to possess value. Be careful to note in this column the number of children borne by females now aged, as well as that of those now surrounded by their families. We can thus determine the relative rate of increase of a former age, for comparison with the present." These statistics were reported very uniformly, and quite as fully as could have been expected. They afford the following comparative totals and summary, by counties: Number of Children Borne by Women of American and Foreign Birth. NATIONALITY OF WOMEN. Percentage of NATIONALITY OF WOMEN. Percentage of NUMBER' OF CHILDREN BORNE. Total. total to total NUMBER OF CHILDREN BORNE. Total, total to total,. j "wives and wives and American. Foreign. widows. American. Foreign. widows. 0................... 74,366 40,886 115,252 13.48 14................ 1,303 912 2,215 0.02 1................... 82,279 42,038 124,317 14.54 15.................. 512 391 903 0.01 2.................... 79,346 44,573 123,919 14.49 16.................. 246 214 460 0.005 3................. 65,904 42,420 108,324 12.66 17.................. 89 73 182 0.002 4................... 37,827 91,926 10.75 18.................. 42 49 91 0.001 5................... 42,581 30,870 73,451 8.59 19.................. 31 28 59 0.0006 6................. 33,015 25,356 58,371 6.82 20.................. 14 19 33 0.0003 7..................... 25,242 18,160 43,402 5.07 21................ 7 10 17 0.0001 8.................... 20,024 13,502 33,526 3.92 22.................. 7 7 14 0.00016 9................... 15,164 9,677 24,841 2.90 2 3.................. 1 6 7 0.00008 10................... 11,288 6,991 18,279 2.13 24.................. 2.. 2 0.00002 11.................. 7,259 4,069 11,328 1.32 25 3 2 5 0. 00005 12................... 4,995 2,772 7,767 0.09 I-.- _-I 13.................... 2,431 1,440 3,871 0.04 Total........... 520,250 322,312 842,562 ____S_~~~~~~~~~~~ ~i*Js5th.-i;,,_,,,,,,,. x i>-EA_2': r -.._.a lxvill INTRODUCTION. Summary of Children borne by Women of American and Foreign Births, by Counties. OF AMERICAN BIRTH. COUN TIE S. —-------- -------------- - -- - ------------------- Without 1.. 3. -~. 5. Ge. 8S. v.. 10.!. IQ. t3. children. Albany............ 1,832 1.995 2,040 1,721 1,441 1,246 943 64-3 563 406 285 170 138t 34 Allegany...........'1,001 1,247 1,272 1,028 854 683 561 447 338 299 193 142 106 4 Broome............ 1,072 1,149 1,199 966 846 672 504 348 332 211 189 118 104 41 1~ ~ ~ ~ ~~54 34 32 11 80 145/10/ 4 Cattaraugus........ 1,09,7 1,101 1,117 961 767 683 567' 453 341 278 233 145 107 64 Cayuga............ 1,309' 1,549 1,362 1,064 976 721 604 480 381 307 234 139 103 44 Chautauqua........ 1,222 1,655 1,621 1,319 1,171 858 883 681 397 420 317 246 115 62 Chemung.......... 891 909 851 739 561 491 408 299 228 185 154 83 }81 40 Chenango........ 1,491 1,379 1,401 1,084 904 678 5 411 333 254 209 115 95 52 Clinton............ 636 674 627 531 484 409 307 24t 2 08 20 125 80 64 38 Columbia.......... 768 1,000 1,204 1,036 882 664 520 417 328 248 214 228 88 37 Cortland........... 880 856 846 673 564 415 390 388 224 144 113 78 58 38 Delaware.......... 1,220 1,223 1,166 1,031 856 702 543 4921 379 331 231 154 120 38 utchess'........... 1,490 1,661 1,597 1,315 1,094 867 646 532 387 243 193 121 79 34 Erie............... 2,147 2,262 2,087 1,62711,354 988 758 551 411 2922 243 134 116 42 Essex............. 349 462 493 476 426 354 241 231 185 149 106 77 63 29 Franklin........-. 448 561 492 464 390 293 225 195 145 i26 96 58 41/ 3 Fulton............. 467 640 612' 500 462 370 228 267 215 248 128 75 61 32 Genesee........... 902 894 873 706 607 420 324 258 238 154 122 78 47 30 Greene.............. 883 969 891 813 659 554 438 338 305 263 174 118 95 42 Hamilton... i...... 39 4-7 58 69 45 45 34 25 26 16 19 1 4 9 Herkimer.......... 862 1,229 1,187 926 743 589 457 364 267 177 142 88 67 84 Jefferson........... 870 1,220 1,326 1,099 861 831 545 422 360 268 296 135 87 38 Kings............. 4,759 5,053 4,477 4,043 3,231 2,479 1,679 1,180 817 528 344 217 147 63 Lewis.............. 587 654 658 522 423 319 245 203 160 133 4 63 28 14 Livingston......... 683 977 964 753 693 547 402 331 241 239 138 116 65t2........... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~47 14088 331 41292 305 1 16 65t 22 Madison........... 1,488 1,570 1,385 1,184 869 638 546 3240 179 32 Monroe............ 1,783 1,966 1,915 1,542 1,218 961 726 515 410 261 194/102 91 3) 2 Montgomery........ "669 905 866 6 693I 612 510 417 334 263 207 129 105 60 29 New York.......... 8,247 8,8121 7,449 5,874 4,494 3,046 2,093 1,396 935 64 46 242 186 115 7-7 0 ~ ~ 2,93 95 9- 574 440122 16 1 Niagara............ 849I 837 I 921 i 770 i 634 ~ 544 ~ 389I 300 220I 186 l 161 / 97 9 57 3 40 Onida oa........... 8 9 9 81,39 I Oneida............. 2,167 2,468 2,415 1,891 1,480 l1', 215 903 680 514 415 262 173 114 62 Onondaga.......... 2,057 2,324 2,221 1,764/ 1,427 1,001 822 574 504 333 257 186 103 42 Ontario............ 1,255 1,333 1,243 986 832 662 530 371 319 217 172 127 67 31 Orange............ 1,570 1,600 1,471 1,300 1,153 879 797 623 521 351 266 185 110 59 Orleans............ 791 899 814 668 542 406 332 225 184 158 118 66 42 18 Oswego............ 1,962 2,058 1,926 1,626 1,263 1,065 816 611 472 366 289 169 101 51 Otsego............. 1,849 1,983 1,755 1,425 1,115 861 666 492 470 3690 238 159 101 50 Putnam............ 418 437 397 321 286 206 1-61 157 103 89 71 49 27 10 Queens.......... 1,052 1,015 1,150 994 808 773 537 439 301 237 178 90 72 45 Rensselaer......... 1,529 1,914 1,925 1,533 1,243 961 763 505 448 318 245 139.114 54 Richmond.......... 4399 463 433 390 336 268 219 136 135 60 61 49 / 32 7 Rockland.......... 344 484 513 447 307 312 229 188 148 104 83 45 27 9 St. Lawrence..... 1,850 1,744 1,810 1,547 1,318 997 801 692 554 445 339 250 167 76 Saratoga........... 1,257 1,344 1,852 1,027 965 755 591 445 372 258 219 134 99 42 Schenectady........ 516 446 423 4171 338 268 226 195 150 122 95 57 38 21 Sehoharie.......... 976 1,097 986 839 715 667 481 397 354 267 192 130 104 55 Schuyler........... 651 672 634 465 870 311 260 189 158 123 91 70 28 Seneca............. 552 703 680 596 452 397 362 60 219 131 129 84 60 24 Steuben............ 1,691 1,860 1,775 1,718 1345 1,066 865 667 613 482 378i 232 161 92 Suffolk............ 1,190 1,189 1,280 1,187 959 775 613 510 378 290 233 105 82 34 Sullivan........... 494' 603 541 636 483 414 302 278 274 204 114 111 48 37 Tioga.............. 899 869 884 722 622 519 403 294 274 210 143 106 98 33 Tomkin....... 1,1271 9271 1,1691 774I 639.1 515/ 36~1 26 2600 229;1 1631 991 78 41 tUlster............ 966 I1,741[ 1,660[ 1,193 I1,387[1,131[ 982 760 660 49 39 2 15 6 Warren............ ~491 529 52 5 435I 3091 295 258 o1781 145I 129I 82I 40 22'Washington........ 838I 1,144I 1,130I 976 787I 676 535 458 3o14] 245 I 192 93/ 97I 39 Wayne..........1 1,2721 1,4371 1,360./ 1,113/ 842I 732I 536 420 345t 237 1 176I 115t 74I 25 Westchester.........] 1,913! 2,043i 1,979/ 1,704/1,442I1,104I 857 64-8 497 313 I 256I 1511 104I 51 Wyoming.......... 682 88 77 78 4 43 4 28 0 12 3 7 - 2 Total~.......4368,7 79,346 65,904540994251 3052,4 2,24 514 128 729,9 2,3 INTIWDOUCTION. X1X Summary of Children, etc.-(Continued). OF AMERICAN BIRTH. OF FOREIGN BIRTH. COUNTIES. —--------------------- ----------------------------- 13:. 15. 16. 17. 1i. 19. 20. M1.. 3.,3 a 4,. 5. V. ithout 1.. 3. 4. 5. children. Albany.......... 33 13 7:.................. 1,256 1,403 1,379 1,433 1,342 1,090 25 I 2 8.........5.. 89 78 106 96 129 126 Broome.......... 1...............90 73 81 80 78 100 Cattaraugus...... 21 9 5 1 1....- /'''"155 162 174 199 212 200 ayuga............ 251 243 263 295 272 258 Chautauqua...... 9.................... Cheniun........ 23 15 4 2 1.............................. 1 133 142 159 135 137 159 Chenan o......... 21 6 4 2 2 1..... I................... 56 33 55 646 45 Clinton........../24 10 2 1 1 3............................. 352 305 299 347 35 0 37 Columbia........ 23. 11 2..... 2...... I............. 143 182 226 201 199 168 Cortland......... 16 7 1 1...................................... 46 44 55 41 51 45 Delaware........ 40 13 4 2 1..........................79 85 82 105 98 99 Dutchess........ 25 14 4 4.................................... 253 470 411 336 377 302 Erie....'.................................... 2,099 2,455 2,402 2,502 21585 2,295 Essex....... 12 2 5..... 1................................... 99 129 120 133 166 148 Frankli1......................... 161 194 187 215 220 205 Fulton.......... 13 2 3 1 1................................... 70 73 64 83 86 75 enesee......... 14 8 4............................................. 126 163 179 209 212 171 Greene......... 17 7 5 1:................................... 0770 68 71 976 82 Hamilton.............. 1........,..... 6 5 6 6 10 8 Herkimer....... 16 8 3.............. 139 202 213 214 190 207 Jefferson........ 19 10 4 2....................................... 160 202 217 218 2199 { 209 Zings........... 31 14 10 5 3............... 5,738 3,848 5,936' 5,678 4,928 3,841 Lewis............ 11 130 147 156 190 204 198 Livingston....... 15 5 3 1 1 3.............................. 123 164 193 209 244 219 Madison................................ 141 146 152 170 168 145 Monroe.......... 18 9 4.... 1................................... 1,064 1,094 1,129 1,195 1,301 1,293 Montgomery.... 16 1.0 1 2.................... 83 125 112 124 135 125 New York....... 57 I18 5 4 2 3 2 1 1..... I 1 18,346 19,941 19,466 17,085 13,347 9,408 Niagfara......... 12 6 1 2............................. #........... 409 450 504 482 422 442 n ei la.......... 39 15 6.............................................. 827 964 888 941 986 913 Onondaga..................... 738 675 922 949 848 675 Ontario m 12 5 3 1..... 3.................... I 178 215 246 236 259 222 Orange.......... 41.13 12 3 1... 2......................... 537 53 493 524 484 392 Orleans.......... 9 3 4 3........................................ 180O 162 188S 186 173 15~0 0sw ego.......... 52 11 6 2 1................................... 476 473 497 475 468 49 2 Otsego.......... 24 11 9 3.... 2..... 1 1............... 47 78 76 93 85 66 Putnam......... 6.... 3............................................I... 87 988879 70 76 Queens.........."20 13 3 4 11.I I 603 573, 773 646 721, 504 iensselaer....... 2 28 6 5................................ 8 I 5 86 897 861 932 854 Richmond...... 9 2 3....................... 496 47-2 396 424 370 317 Rockland.......... 1...1139 120 97 St. Lawrence.... 50 15 9 7 1 2 1..... 1............... 587 462 529 523 9 496 442 Saratoga.............................. - 236 310 300 251 230 Schenectady 9 2 1.......... I.................... 148 160 160 142 140 152 Schoharie......... 28 8 6 2.... 1.............................. 30 34 53 47 40 49 Schuyler......... 12 2 5............................................. 37 40 35 41 48 34 Seneca.......... 12 4 5............................................. 109 144 149 149 201 178 Stenben,......... 54" IS 9 2 1 I..........................I. 105 156 159 190 184 198 Suffolk'.. -........ 21 11 4 1 1................................... 155 142 179 187 145 145 Sullivan......... 10 10 I I I................................ 169 153 206 244 217 246 Tiogao........... 22 10 4 1 I I......................... 44 41 51 51 58 45 Tompkins........... 2.............. 85 84 57 660 43 Ricshimgond..... 1 1 3 2 1 1..................... { 158 22 39 66 24:2 2 70 2 36 7 Rckaynd.........{181 32 | 2........ 12 1........ 25 5 28 1 298 319 2369 S esLawrence.. 20 6 4 3 2 1 1... 1............ 1 2 1,8,6 121,085 Wyhohming....e..... 1................... 351 4 16809 Seea e............'109 1 4 6 14...................... 3554 4 94I218 Toa..........1 0 1 4 9 4 1 1 7 1 2 3 086 208 4,7 240 3,2 3,7 1XX INTRODUCTION. Summary of Children, etc.-(Continued). OF FOREIGN BIRTH. COUN'PIES. 6. 7. S. 9. I lo. II. 12. 13. 1II. 15. 16. 17. is. 19. 20. 21. 221. 803. g.15. Albany.......... 1,024 661 527 460 288 168 110 63 23 17 10 1 4.... 108 98 I 78 49 47 21 III 3::.....::1::.:: Allegany........ 108 98 78 49 47 21 16 8 3...... 1.................... Broome......... 96 80 56 55 25 20 18 4 4 3.............. 1.................... Cattaraugus..... - 204 158 124 -91 61 35 24 12 6 1...... 1 2 /........................ C ayuga......... 236 167 146 107 72 40 38 11 12 1 4......................... Chautauqua..... 214 183 113 105 62 31 24 16 11 2 1 1............................ Chemung........ 127 91 75 46 38 17 13 6 3 1 2 2............................ Chenango....... 34 31 21 11 5 9 6 4 2............................................ Clinton......... 414 390 331 302 264 196 144 106 48 16 19 11 6.... 2 1 2 1 Columbia........ 126 110 55 44 36 28 16 1 4 1.................. Cortland;....... 45 40 18 31 20 16 9 4.2 1. Delaware........ 93 84 62 66 48 34 24 4 3 1...................................... Dutchess........ 227 158 162 93 59 32 22 15 9 5 3.... 1............ Erie............ 1,873 1,421 1,068 732 589 307 215 86 39 18 13 4 6 1.... 2.... 1".... Essex........... 148 128 11 72 64 43 45 19 11 15 1 2............................ Franklin........ 261 177 152 160 137 82 64 40 31 13 6 2 2 2................ Fulton 68 53 37 215 14 13 9 4 3...... 2................................. Genesee......... 186 120 90 81 43 28 20 13 3 5 2.............. Greene.......... 73 56 41 31 25 8 9 3 1 2...... 1............................ H am ilton........ 6 7 4 4 2 1 2....... 1............................................ Herkimer........ 164 120 105 62 58 16 16 11 6................ 2 1.................... Jefferson........ 209 166 135 119 101 56 63 27 21 5 4 4............................. Kings........... 3,001 2,036 1,470 1,050 738 389 255 143 183 30 24 9 3 4 3.... 1.... 1 Lewis.....190 158 139 104 94 56 36 13 9 1 2.... 1........................ Livingston...... 226 172 129 78 63 41 22 12 1 5 2............ 1................ M adison......... 131 111 75 57 42 16 13 7 9 1.......... 2............ 1........ Monroe......... 1,055 824 592 448 359 177 122 64 25 26 8 2.... 2 2................ Montgomery..... 105 79 57 44 31 16 5 5 2 2...................................... New York....... 6,684 4,182 2,881 1,830 1,213 644 431 238 155 86 44 16 7 7 4.... 2 3.... Niagara......... 3 95 341 242 171 134 86 48 24 14 2 3................................. Oneida.......... 825 657 535 433 305 185 122 45 47 16 10 6 2 1 1................ Onondaga....... 610 419 361 244:| 175 94 65 30 12 5 2 4 3........................ Ontario......... 222 141 112 104 53 34 20 17 6 3...................................... Orange.......... 371 245 175 129 83 46 38 21 6 5 1.... I................. I.... Orleans......... 136 95 76 63 44 21 13 10 3 4 2........ I.................... Oswego.......... 407 371 303 236 155 115 82 48 ~1 7 8 3.... 1................... Otsego.......... 48 58 25 23 22 15 15 4 2 4 1................................ Putnam......... 68 30 33 6 15 8 7 3 2 1 1................................ Queens.......... 472 200 160 108 74 27 29 7 11 2 3 1 1........................ Rensselaer...... 687 599 323 200 199 152 73 48 26 11 8 1............................ Richmond....... 238 131 106 74 43 30 24 7 4 1...................................... Rockland....... 86 64 73 34 21 18 12 3 3 1...... 2.2........................... St. Lawrence.... 429 417 418 427 294 194 122 71 44 25 8 4 1 3 1 1........ 1 Saratoga........ 198 134 101 76 59 29 21 6 6 5 1 1.1........................ Schenectady..... 126 85 69 41 40 18 17 7 4............ I 1........ 3............ Schoharie....... 34 20 20 10 3 6 2 2............ I I... I.............I.......... Schuyler........ 28 24 34 6 10 5 5 3.................................................. Seneca.......... 128 89 93 52 32 16 2 5 7 2...... 4............................ Steuben......... 200 178 98 86 51 47 23 13 5 4 3................................ Suffolk.......... 97 79 48 47 24 18 13 6 1 1 1 1 1........ 2............ Sullivan......... 240 197 124 95 71 38 21 13 8 1................................ Tioga........... 31 24 27 9 5 6 5 3.................................................. Tompki:s....... 40 51 23 19 11 10 8 5 1 1,........................... Ulstelr........... 368 278 211_ 46 81 58 28 16 12 S 3 2.... 2........::.......:.. W arren......... 95 65 49 38 32 19 11 6 3 2 2....,.... 1.................... Washington......238 181 152] 96 66 57 40 15 9 7 3 3!.... 1 1 1............ W ayne.......... 2151 166 147] 73 46 35 33 13 6 5 3 2 1.... 1....i...... Westchester..... 758 5821 373 270 165 107 50 36 13 6 1 1......... 1.... 1........ W yoming....... 187 1]39 118 83 67 30 30 15 1 1 1 I............................... Yates........... 51! 39 29 25 13 5 7 1............ 1................................ Total......... 25,356 18,160 13,502 9,677 6,991 4,0692,7 1,440 912 391 214 93 49 28 19 10 7 6 2 One woman was reported in the town of Mamaroneck, Westchester A woman in the Sixteenth ward of New York was reported as having county, who had borne twenty-two children and raised them all, having borne four children at one birth, three on two occasions, and twins four twins at three different times. She had been married but once. times. In all, she had been the mother of twenty-five children. INTRODUCTION. Ixxi NATIVITIES OF THIE POPULATION. With the exception of the returns of immigration made at custom houses, wTe have no official statistics of the sources of our population earlier than those obtained by the State Census of 1845, which gave the following numerical and relative results: Number. Percent. Number. Per cent. State of New York____, ~., _ 158945278 or 72.73 Great Britain and its possessions-.... 277,890 or 10.67 New England States- ____ 228,881 8.78 France ~-......... - -..........__ 10 619 0.41 Other States and Territories of the Germany — ^.._............ 49)558 1.90 United States -_- _-~_- 83 642 3.31 Other European countries 8 -_ 8222 0.32 Mexico and South America-.... 977 0.04 Nativities not reported,_ ~ 50 428 1.93 In the Federal enumerations of 1850 and 860, and in those made under the State authority in 1855 and 1865, the place of birthof each person was reported. The following table gives the general summary and percentage of each State and country under these several returns: Nativities of the Popilation at Different Periods. PERSONS LIVING IN THE SEVERAL STATES NATIVITIES OF PERSONS LIVING IN NEW YORK. BORN IN NEW YORK~(FEDERAL CENSUS). 1850. 1860. 1850. 1855. 1860. State Census. STATES AND COUN- Federal Census. State Census. Federal Census. 1865. Percenta-ge percentage of popula- of popula-I Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage Number. tion of the Number. tion of the Number. of popula- Number., of popula- Number, ofpopula- Number, of popultaSt'tes whh're St'tesw re tion.t. tion. tion. living. living. Alabama........... 1,443 0.19 1,848 0.19 184 0.006 208 0.006 410 0.001 311 0.008 Arkansas.......... 537 0.25 897 0.20 20 0.001 29- 0.001 25 0.000 66 0.002 California.......... 10,160 1 0.97 2R, 654 7.54 7 0.000 51 0.002 451 0.015 540 0.01 Connecticut........ 14,416 3.89 22,614 4.91 66,101 2.13 63,691 1.837 53,141 1.360 48,234 1.26 Delaware.......... 218 0.24 456 0.41 899 0.03 224 0.006 936 0.024 504 0.01 Florida............ 614 0.70 688 0.49 135 0.004 189 0.005 194.0.006 2 "279 0.007 Georgia............ 1,203 0.13 2,125 0.20 510 0.017 672 0.019 768 0.019 913 0.02 Illinois............ 67,180 7.89 121,508 7.10 605 0.019 1,255 0.036 1,863 0.048 3,703 0.09 Indiana............ 24,310 2.45 30,855 2.29 415 0.013. 606 0.017 663 0.017 1,141 0.03 Iowa.............. 8,134 4.24 46,053 6.82 70 0. 0)2 106 0.003 363 0.009 898 0.02 Kansas............................. 6,331 5.90......................... 26 0.000 86 0.002 Kentucky........... 2,881 0.29 - 4,170 3.61 369 0.012 545 0.016 700 0.018 968 0.02 Louisiana.......... 5,510 1.05 5,538 0.78 563 0.018 695 0.020 860 0.022 1,254 0.03 Maine............. 973 0.17 1,161 0.1i9 4,509 0.146 5,818 0.168 5,794 0.149 6,113 0.16 Marylaind.......... 2,646 0.45 2,364 0.35 3,953 0.168 2,568 0.074 4,859[ 0.125 5,232 0.14 Massachusetts...... 14,483 1.45 18,508 1.41 55,773 1.80 57,086 1.648 50,004 1.290 48,129 1.26 MIichigan....... 133,756 33.63 191,128 25.51 1,921 0.062 3,413 0.0918 3,624 0.093 5,631 0.15 Minnesota......... 488 8.03. 21,574 12.54......................... 135 0.003 362 0.01 MRississippi.......... 952 0.16 1,336 0.17 164 0.005 163 0".0'05 223 0.006 344 0.01 Missouri............ 5,040 0.74 14,585 1.24 173 0.006 307 0.009 361 0.009 841 0.02 New Hampshire.... 1,171 0.37 2,045 0.62 14,519 0.469 14,941 0.431 12,497 0.322 11,159 0.29 New Jersey........ 20,561 0.42 38,540 5.73 35,319 1.140 40,391 1.165 36,499 0.941 36,694 0.96 ew YIori......... 2,151,196 69.45 A2,604,460 6709 il2,151,196 59.452 2,222,321 64.114 12,604,460 67.091 2,596,981 67.84 North Carolina.... 468 0.05 609 0.06 673 0.021 792 0.023 891 0.023 1,081 0.03 Ohi..............'83,979 3.22 75,550 3.37 3,743 0.129 5,256 0.151 5,603 0.144 7,161 0.19 Oregon......... 618 4.65 2,206 4.20. 17 0.000 25 0.001 Pennsylvania....... 58,835 2.54 70,673. 2.431" 26,352 0.850 31,472 0.979 30,232 0.779 36,966 0.97 Rhode Island........ 2,055 1.39 2,780 1.59 13,129 0.424 11,737I 0.340 9,555, 0.246 8,901 0.23 South Carolina..... 884 0.13 881 0.12 935 0.032 903 0.026 1,139 0.029 1,176 0.003 Tennessee......'.. 1,019 0.10 2,475 0.22 116 0.004 185 0.005 200/ 0.005 602 0.02 Texas.'... 1,589 0.75 3,221 1.43 46 0.001 96 0.000 140 0.004 692 0.02 Vernaont.......... 7,2118 2.89 8,668 2.75 52,599 1.698 54,266 1.566 46,990/ 0.211 43,502 l.14 Virginia...... 2,934 0.21 4,617 0.29 3,347 0.108 2,158 0.062 3,650 0.094 4,905 0.18 Wisconsin.-...,... 68,595 22.48 120,637 15.51 360 0.012 1,163 0.034 1,674 0.043 3,044 0.08 District of Columbia. 817 1.19 1,674 2.09 538 0.017 2,187 0.063 628 0.016 595 0.01 Territories.................... 10,169 4.64 53 0.001 26 0.'000 49 0.000 90 0.001 At sea (native)................ "................ 375 0.009 408 0.01 Not stated (native)............................................................. ].......... 4,096 0.155 1,647 0.70 Asia.................................................. 66 0.002 162" 0.05 206 0.005 207 0.005 Africa............... 80! 0,003! 76[ 0.000 [ 69/ 0.000 41 0.001 Aus tralia................................ 33 0.001 68 0.002 109 0.003 Atlantic Islands....................................[ O|0.00.. 80 0.002............... Belgium........................................ 4 1 0 1254.138 0.226 9.2 33elgium iiiii~~~~~~! 401! 0.0121 4-54! 0.013!1 86C 0.022~ 64-9 0 ()2 British America...... I.,,........i........ 47,200 1.523.50,608 1.460 55,273 1.420 |65,346 1.07 ~ Of these were, Canada, 62,628; New Brunswick, 879; Newfoundland, 402; Nova Scotia, 1,422, and Prince Edward's Island, 15. The percentages of these were 1.63, 0.01, 0.01, 0.04 a. nd 0.000 respectively. lxxii INTRODUCTION. Nativities of the Population at Different Periods-(Continued). NATIVITIES OF PERSONS LIVING IN NEW YOKK. 1850. 1855. 18G0. 1865. STATES AND COUNTRIES.' Federal Census. State Census. Federal Census. State Census, Number. Perecentagle of Number. Percentage of Number. Percentig-e of Number. Percenlag-e of population. populatio1. populat:on, population. Central America............. 29 0.000..................... 55 0.001.............. China.................................. 34 0.001............ 77 0.002.............. Denmark.............. 429 0.013 583 0.017 1,196 0.031 806 0.02 England.............. 84,820 2.738 102,286 2.950 106,011 2.732 95,666 2.50 Europe (not specified)................................................................. 86 0.'002...................... Franeo....................::::::::.::::. 12,.515 0.404 18,366 0.530 21,826 0.5(32 15,915 0.40 (Austria............................... 168 0.005 1,197 0.034 2,438 0.063 777 0.02 Bavaria............................................ 35,674 0.919...................... H B aden........................................................................... 23,075 0.597...................... i H esse........................................................................... 19,926 0.513...................... N assau........................................................................... 1, 411 0.364.................................................. l........... l,..............~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0 81 2402.69, 7 | Prussia'............................. 2.211 0.070 6,352 0.1 ~ W urtemburg................................................................ 15,393 0.396...................... Germany (not specified)............... 118,398 3.821 218,997 6.319 129,309 3.333 243,140 6.35 Total German States....................120,777 3.898 226,546 6.536 256,252 6,613...................... Great Britain (not specified).......................................................... 131 0.003....... Total Great Britain...................... 458,931 14.816 608,119 17.540 639,853 16.489 571,68(0...... 4:96' Greece....................... 24 0.001 35 0.001............. }tolland.................................. 2,917 0.094 4,214 0.122 5,354 0.137 4 254 0.11 Ireland................................... 343,111 11.077 469,753 13.505 498,072 12.834 444,959 11.62 Italy.................................... 833 3 0.027 1,231 0.358 1,862 0. 048 1,289 0.03 Mexico.................................. 83 0.002 119 0.003 116 0.003 1 [61 0.064 Norway.................................. 392 0.012 539 0.013 539 0.014 498 0.01 Portugal........................... 194 0.006. 291 0.008 353 0.009 229 0.006 Poland........................................................ 1,880 0.054 2,296 0.059 1,900. 0.05 Pacific Islands............. 11 0.000...................... Russia................................... 617 0.019 256 0.007 1,013 0.026 521 0.01 Scotland................................. 23,418 0.756 27,523 0.794 27,641 0.712 23,850 0.62 Spain.................................... 461 0.015 570 0.016 809 0.021 622 0.02 Sweden.................................. 753 0.025 1,472 0.042 1,678 0.043 1,372.......... Sardinia...................................................... 3 0.000 48 0.001. 3 0.00 Switzerland.............................. 1,850 0.059 3,94-8 0.114 6,166 0.J59 3,430 0.03 South America............... I............. 179 0.005 296 0.009 312 0.008 340 0.01 Sandwich Islands......................... 40 0.001 17 0.000 36 0.001.......I............. Turkey.................................. 12 0.000 24 0.001 39 0.01 53 0..00I W ales.................................... 7,582 0.245 8,557 0.247 7,597 0.195 7,205 0.1.85 W est Indies.............................. 1,067 0.03'4 1,846 0.053 1,597 0.041 1,107 6.03 Other countries........................... 1,941 0.06...................... 99 0.002 101 0.001 RECAPITULATION. State of New York........................ 2,092,076 68.630 2,222,321 64.077 2,602,460 67.091 2,596,981 67.84 New England States............................................. 207,539 6.014 177,981 4.578 166,038 4.33 Southern States................................................ 13,124 0.378 9 210 0.227 24,939 0.69 W estern States........................................ 11 876 0.340 19, 171 0.491 23,625 0.71 Total United States....~~~~~~~~~~~~..........7....... 2, 88~2 852, Total UnitedStates....................... 2,439,296 78.750 2 0,5 444 72.903 2,877 624 74.182 2,880,852 75.26 Foreign countries......................... 651,801 21.490 922,019 26.585 998,(640 25.733 920,993 14.04 At sea..................................................... 511 0.015 375 0.009 408 0.01 Unknown................................ 6,297 0.260 17,238 0.497 4,096 0.151 26,756 0.68 The sources of population in the State of New York, with the exception of the small and unimportant fraction remaininig of the Indian tribes, are almost entirely European. The proportion of those of African descent never exceeded two and one-third per cent., and is steadily decreasing. Although it is impossible at this period to trace back through more than two hundred and fifty years, to the beginning of first settlement, and assign to the several European countries their due share in originating that portion of our population which we call " native,"5 a few general remarks will serve to indcat ina poxiatedegeethepricipl surcs o ou peple an th loaliiesthat they setlfed. The careful observer will often find among their descendants, to this day, many of the distinguishing traits that characterized the original erigrants. Htollanders. —These formed the first settlements of New York, Albany, Schenectady, and several points along the Hudson, the principal of which were at Schodack, Kingston, Rhinebeck, Esopus, Fishkill,and Yonkers. They also formed settlements on the western end of Long Island. English.-The greater part of Long Island, W~estchester county, and the country bordering upon the Hudsn blowAlbny/wre irs cheflysetledby nglih, nd he opultio ofNewYork, Alban:y, and the plcesalredy ouned y te Duchwer lagel inceasd fom hissource, acquiring in a iew years the numerical ascendency, and gradually displacing the language and customs of the first settlers. Germans. —Under the patronage of Queen Anne began permanent settlements on the, Hudson, East Camp, Livingston, Schoharie, and along the M{ohawk as far west as German Flats. Many of this class immiratd aouttenyeas beoretheRevlutonand etted lon th MoawkValley. French.-Huguenots found an asylum in the colony of Ngew York, at New Rochelle, New York. ci'ty, Staten Island and New Paltz, in which localities family names of this origin are ~:til! common. INTRODUCTION. Ixxiii During the French occupation of Canada they established a flourishing settlement on Lake Champlain, near Crown Point, which was subsequently entirely destroyd. Soon after the revolution several hundred refugees, mostly of French origin, sought the protection of our government, and received a grant of land in Clinton county. The massacre of St. Domingo, and the French revolution, drove many French exiles to our State, and several schemes of settlement were formed, but mostly proved unsuccessful. The most important of these'was that undertaken by a stock company, under Pierre Chassanis, on the Black river, but after a few years struggle against difficulties which they were unprepared to overcome, they abandoned the enterprise. The northern border, and especially Clinton county, contains a large number of Canadian French, who have settled in our State within a few years. Scotch.-Near the close of the colonial pe'-iod, a settlement of this people was begun in Washington county. Subsequently other centers of settlement in St. Lawrence, Livingston, and other counties were established. Welch.-Early in the present century a large number of Welch settled in Oneida county, from whence they have spread into adjoining counties. An examination of the summary of nationalities by counties, given in the following pages, will inform the reader of the present distribution of the foreign element throughout the State. In tracing the movements of our population, thile influence of New England in giving origin and character to the early settlements of the northern, central and western portions of the State, will attract the notice of the most casual observer. Immense tracts of land, including, the entire region west of Cayuga lake, and extensive districts on the southern border, the Chenango, Delaware and the Black rivers, were purchased-by and settled under New England men, whose descendants still form an important proportion in the population of these sections of the State. In the absence of numerical data, it would probably be an approximate estimate to assign the proportion of those of English origin direct, to those of English ancestry from New England, as ten to one, in the existing population of the State. The u:estward tendency of migration, comparing counties of different meridians within the State, or the State itself with reference to those lying east or west of it, is strikingly apparent, and an examination of the general summary of the n'ativities of the population (page 183 to 191) will present scarcely an exception to this generalization. A few examples will serve to illustrate: Born in Rensselaer, living in Oneida-_. 602 3orn in Oneida, living in Rensselaer. -._ _-..._-..___.. 277 Born in Broome, living in Chemung -_ 224 Born in Chemumn, living' in Broome 49 Born in Dutchess, living in Chautauqua __,__ ___ ___,__ 275 Born in Chautauqua, living in Dutchess - 16 The present census shows a relatively greater number born in the State than in 1855, and a corresponding decrease in the foreign element. It will be noticed that the greatest increase of the population, is in the cities and towns along the great thoroughfares of travel, and traffic, and in tqwns and cities, where, favored by conveniences of transportation and markets, unlimited encouragement is given to trade and manufactures. The capacity for profitable occupation is soon reached in agricultural regions, and this result is hastened by the introduction of labor-saving machines, and by dairying and stock raising, which employ fewer laborers than the tillagre of grains. Already the returns of the census indicate that this capacity has been attained in many of our counties; and in the future growth of the State we may rationally anticipate a relative decrease of agriculture, as compared with the growing importance of manufactures and commerce, to. which we can anticipate no limit, as in the former, the fortunes of this State are linked with all the rest, and in the latter, they extend to every foreign country. The centralization of population appears to be governed by principles analagous to those which determine the investment and accumrulation of capital, and will be found greatest where it is found most profitable. The interest of individuals thus becomes the controlling agency, whose general aggregates make up the results shown by theecensus. 10 IXXiv I NTRODUCTION. Counties, Slates and Foreign Countries in the order of greatest number Born therein, and residing in the State of New York in 1855 and 1865. COUNTIES OF NEW YORK. j OTHER STAES OF THE UNITED STATES. FOREIGN COUNTRIES. 1855. 1865. 155. 1865. 11855. 65. I. bbe;!rzii....'.. New York.......... New York.......... I Connecticut........ Connecticut........ Ireland............ Ireland............. 1 2.. AlbanyKns'......... Mnassachuset.. Massachusetts..... er.. Germany........... 2 2. Albany............ Khio~~~~~~~s............. )Mt usetts........, 1 3.'.. Oneida............. Albany............ Vermont........... Vermont........... England............ England............ 3 4... Dutchess........... Erie........ New Jersey......... Pennsylvania....... Canad, Ca........... Canada............ 4 5... Rensselaer.......... Oneida............. Pennsylvania....... New Jersey........ Scotland.......... Scotland.......... 5 6... Kings.............. Rensselaer..............Nw Hampshire.... New IIHampshire........ France............. Fiance............. 6 7... Orange............. Dutchess.......... I Rhode Island....... Rhode Island....... Wales............. Wales............. 7 8.. Ulster............. Ulster............. Maine.............. Ohio.............. Prussia............ Prussia............ 8 9.. Erie............... Onondaga.......... Ohio............... Maine....... Holland........... Holland............ 9 10... Onondaga.......... Orange........ Michigan....... Micigan......... Switzerland....... Switzerland......... 10 11... Otsego............. Monroe......yl and........... MPoland...............Poland.............. l 12... Westchester........ Westch-ester District of Columbia, Virginia. West Indies........ Nova Scotia...... 12 13...Columbia. St........ Virginia............ Nova Scotia........ Sweden............. 13 14... Jefferson....... Jefferson......... Illinois............. Wisconsin...a...... Sweden............ Italy............... 14 15... Monroe............ Otsego......'...... Wisconsin South rolin...... Italy.......... West Indies 15 16... Washington........ Columbia........... South Caroli.... Louisiana........ Austria............ New Brunswick..... 16 17... Saratoga.. Srato.......... S g.....I North Carolina... Indiana......... NewBrunswick..... Denmark........... 17 18... St. Lawrence..teuben............ Louisiana,.......... North Carolina...... Denmark........... Austria............ 1.9...Herkimer.......... Washington........ Georgia............ Kentucky.......... Spain.............. 3Belgium............ 19 20... Montgomery Oswego............ Indiana............ Georia............ Norway........... Spain.............. 20 21... Steuben............ Herkimer.......... Kentucky......... wa. Belgium............ Russia............. 21 22... Cayuga......... Cyug......... isouri.......... Missouri........... Newfoundland...... Norway............. 22 23... Schoharie.......... Delaware........... Delaware........... Texas.............. South America...... Newfoundland....... 23 24I. Delaware,.......... Queens......... Alabama............ Tennessee.......... Portugal........... Portugal........... 24 25. SffI.... Suffolk........ Schoharie..... Florida............ District of Columbia, Russia............. Asia...............' 25 26... Madison........... Montgomery........ Tennessee.......... Californi a.............. Mexico............. 26 27... Chenango.......... Suffolk............. Mississippi......... Delaware...... Islands............ Australia......... 27 28... Oswego............ o....... ad....... Iowa.............. Minnesota. Mexico............. East Indies......... 28 29... Queens........... Che ango........ To as.............. Mississippi......... East Indies......... Turkey............ 29 30.;.. Greene........... Geene....... California.......... Alaba.ma........... Africa............... 30 31... Ontario.......... Chautauqua....... Arkansas........... Territories......... Turkey and Greece.. Pr. Edward Islands...31 32... Tompkins.......... O i.. Territories...... nsa............................ Sardinia............ 32 33... Chautauq.ua........ Clinton.............................. Florida.................................................... 33 34.., W ayneW ayne.......yne........................... Arkansas................................................ 34 35... Clinton..... To p ki........................ Oregon................................................... 35 36... Livingston......... N ia ara.................................................................................. 37... A llegany. Livingston............................................................................................. 38.. Broom e............ A llegany........................................................................................ 39... N iagara......... Broom e................................................................................ 40:.. Essex............. Cattarau us...................................................... 41... Seneca............ Sullivan............................................................................................ 42... Cattaraugus......................................................................................... 43... Cortland........... Essex............................................................................................... 4... G enesee............ Genesee................................................................................................ 45... W yom ing.......... Cortland.............................................................................. 46... Sullivan................................................................................................. 47... Fulton...... Lew is..................................................................................... 48... Schenectady........ Fulton....................................................... 49... Lew is............... Tioga................................................................................. 50... T io a........ Chem un.......................................................................................... 51.. Chem ung........................................................................................... 52... Y ates.......... W rren......................................................................................... 53... Putnam............ Franklin...................................... 54... Franklin........ Orleans................................................................ 55... W arren............ Y ates........................................................................................... 56... Rockland.... Richmond...................................,,............... 57... Orleans............ Rokl nd.................................................................... 58... Richm ond.......... P.utnam.................................................. 59... Schuy ler, Schuyler..................................................... 60... H am ilton......... Hamilton'......................................................................... CIVIL CONDITION. —Of this we have no datn for comparifon excepting the cesus of 1855, which reported as follows, as compared with the present: Number. Per cent 1855 - Sing le...................... 2,082,6 18 60.08 Married __ _.....___._._ 1,253,015 36.15 Widowers.. 35,397 1.02 Widows 9_.-..- ~._, -. ——, _., 95,182 2.75 1865~-Single e —---—,. — -,_. 2,211,170 57.77 Married.. —_.,, —., _. —-. _... 1,433,864 37.43 Widowers -,.__.............. 44,804 1.17 Widows............... 137,980 3.67 This relative increase of widows may properly be ascribed to the late war, and is one of the sad traces left in the statistical annals of that event. INTRODUCTION. 1XXV The following comparison with other countries is interesting in this connection: Percentages of Civil Conditions in Various Countries and Periods. COUNTRIES. Years. Single. Married, Widow-Widow. COUNTRIES. Years. Single. Married. Widow- WVidows ers. ers. Canada, all classes............ 1851 66.66 30.81 10.94 1.59 Great Britain, males.......... 1851 63.08 33.17 3.75...... England, all classes............ 1821 60.00 33.00....... Great Britain, females......... 1851 60.35 32.24...... 7.41 England and Wales, males...... 1851 62.50 33.69; 3.-.80..... Belgium, all classes........... 1846 63.91 30.49 1.97 3.63 England and Wales, females..... 1851 59 32.97 7.24 France, males................. nga d i.791U 5.04 3. 4..0..........,0 Scotland, males................ 1851 66.77 29.83 3. 40. France, females............... 1851 51.99 38.63...... 9. 38 Scotland, females.............. 1851 63.71 27.91...... 8.38 Denmark, all classes.......... 1834 62.00 33.00...... 6.4 Isles of the British seas, males... 1851'63.12 33.44 3.44..... Spain, all classes.............. 1803 55.00 38.00.... 6.9 Isles of the British seas, females. 1851 60.97 30.93....... 9.06 Sweden and Finland, all classes. 1809 50.00 34.00...... 6.1 The divorced were in the present census classed with the single, but an account was kept separately, which gave a total of 330 males, and 544 females, who were distributed among the several counties as follows: Summary of Divorced, by Counties. COUNTIES. IMales. Females Total. COUNTIES. Alaies. Fenmatles! Total. COUNTIES Mfales. Females1 Total. Albany................. 10 is 28 Herkimer.............. 7 6 13 Rich ond.................. 5 5 Allegany................ I 1 2 Jefferson.............. 10 11 21 Rockland.............. 1 2 Broome................. 5 12 17 Kings................. 6 14 20 St. Lawrence........... 5 4 9 Cattaraugus............. 8 13 21 Lewis................ 2 6 8 Saratoga............. 5 19 24 Cayuga................. 8 13 21 Livingston............ 1 3 4 Schenectady........... 1 2 3 Chautauqua............. 11 14 25 Madison............... 2 9 11 Schoharie............. 5 2 7 Chemung............... 6 12 18 Monroe............... 12 37 49 Schuyler.............. 2 1 3 Chenango................ 2 4 6 Montgomery........... 3 1 4 Seneca................ 4 3 7 Clinton.................. 1 New York........ 36 66 102' Steuben........ 5 12 17 Columbia................ 1 7 8 iaga............... 5 17 22 Suffolk............... 3 5 8 Cortland......... 4....... 4 Oneida................ 8 17 25 Sullivan................................. Delaware................ 4 10 14 Onondaga............. 13 31 44 Tioga.................. 4 3 7 Dutchess................ 36 Ontario............... 2 1 3 Tompkins............. 4 7 11 Erie.................... 13 10 23 Orange............... 4 6 10' Ulster................ 4 5 9 Essex................... 3 4 7 Orleans............... 2 4 6 W arren............... 3 2 5 Franklin................ 6 1 7 Oswego.............. 10 11 21 W ashington............ 7 6 13 Fulton.................. I 5 6 Otsego................ 5 17 22 W ayne................ 2 12 14 Genesee................. 8 6 14 Putnam............... 7 3 10 W estchester........... 6 3 14 Greene.................. 7 6 17 23 Hamilton................:2 3 Rensselaerl............. 13 16 29 Yates................. 4 6 10 We have no data for previou's comparison, as this class was n-ever before separately classified'. PROFESSIONS AND. OCCUPA'TION.S.- The occupations of 994,829 persons, or 28.70 per cent. of'the total population, -were reported in 1855. In. 1865 the number thu's reported was 1,117,181, or 29.18 per cerit. of the total. A comparison of the. nuber at each period, in each occupation in which the number exceeded 500. at either period, is here given: Comparative Number of Persons engaged in Occupations, of which Five Hundred were reported. Census of 1855 and 1865. OCCUPATIONS. 18,55. 1865. OCCUPATIONS. 1S,)55. 1SG5. -OCCUPATIONS. 1855. 1865. Agents..................... 2,340 2,958 Caulkers.................. 659 981 Grocers.................. 9,056 8,100 Apothecaries and druggists..1,438 1,809 * Chandlers and soap makers. 622 502 Gun smiths............ 496 567 Apprentices................ 1,421 1,361 Charcoal burners and dealers 556 59 Hardware dealers.......... 426 590 Artists1,-,d desiners1..... 751 1,227 0ivil ofcrs......... 1,4207 1,809 atT, and, -ap -aer...... 2,28 3,1 Bankers................... 432 1,053 Clergyoming............... 4,1,60 I ot......... 40 511 Baorbesos........u........ 2,42h,9 Coccupatins waof 9..,637 4,96ersonswork2. ers.......... of90 h totl 659u Basktionkereseor e............n783 7 5 Conectioberths........... w11 1,8,088 21,22 Joiers ent........ 3,25 1,29 toB. omariot oh nuimders.............d, 693 each ocuatioyn and which thealmers.,5,0 Lwexceeded......452 5,2 5B0atmeindwthere...p,3 888Daeri-otseied...1,66 1,96 hierytbe gien'r... 4 4 Comaaive Nmakers of...rson..engaged 1,72ccDetiosts.......f.. whic 1,084 Hunberead deaere reprte. Censs33 2,454 Box ma er............. 7 6 n ier......... 3 10 4 3 8 M c a is........,3,6 Brs okr.........,.... 75 9,3 En avr................ 761 r 52c erchns......... 064 2,5 Brc Agents........... 1,327 74]atr prtvs.... 2,47,978 Milliners65.................. 9,5,62 8,5690 Apothecs..........,2,2 ariers.....n..... d2,3,7 il rugights......... 1,62868 B~~~~~ ~143,0 hnlrushadsa makers........ 622 Gu0 smithse............... 496 66567rs..........3,1 /9 BAildrs........,8,9 ih r ent........ 6,4 u icea s................. 55 77 1,0 Butcers..............1,408 1,825 Chroaurn es adealers........ 5,80 99 Hardwar deaclers........... 462 5901 CArtiset aes and desigers..... 6,756 6,270 FCrivi fiers................ 2,27 1,89 ttaNurses................... 2968 3,0335 Carpnkers................. 437,47 33,053 Clergyener.. loit..... 4,810 5,942 Imortlers................... 948 94 Barbers................... 7,140 6,295 Cach ander &wfixton makers.. 5,27 Iron wovrseers.............nt. 990 1,177 Barversanp glers.*.......1,2 136Godadslesits..... 82 67 ytreaddals.... 4,9074 lXXvi INTRODUCTION. Comparative Number of Persons engaged in Occupations-(Continued). OCCUPATIONS. 1855. 1865. OCCUPATIONS. 1855,. 1865. OCC UPATIONS. 1855. 4865. Painters and glaziers........ 16,081 10,817 Saddle, harness and'trunk Tailors................... 29,236 21,847 Pprar s...............[ [['8 0'121Sdle ans a'tuk Paper makers.............. 914 983 makers................. 3,895 3,983 Tanners, etc............... 3,416 3,321 Pattern and model makers... 427 558 Sail makers............... 563 738 Teachers................. 9,959 11,133 Peddlers................... 4,131 4,244 Sailors and mariners........ 9,720 9,812 Teamsters................ 2,825 3,710 Photographers............. 389 955 Salesmen.................. 723 1,208 Telegraph operators........ 258 842 Physicians.................. 6,010 5 5,990 Saloon keepers............ 87.1 3,925 Tinsmiths................ 3,160 3,460 Piano makers............... 1,076 1,202 Sash and blind makers...... 1,004 735 Tobacconists.............. 3,744 6,603 Plumbers................... 958 1,700 Sawyers............~...... 3,724 2,513 Toy and fancy goods makers. 164 1,046 Policemen................. 1,513 2,378 Servants.................. 58,441. 18350 Turners.................. 909 849 Polishers and burnishers.... 578 315 Shirt and collar makers.... 434 746 Upholsterers.............. 1,106 1,201 Porters.................... 3,916 3,787 Soldiers, etc............... 709 9,158 Watch makers and repairers. 813 648 Printers................... 4,339 5,317 Speculators............... 487 944 W atchmen................ -912 648 Produce dealers............ 526 1,665 Spinners.................. 463 552 W eavers.................. 3,141 2,052 Quarrymen................ 1,031 674 Stone and marble cutters.. 4,076 3,739 Wheelwrights............. 1,498 1,338 Railroad men............... 4,006 6,300 Stotekeepers.............. 1,120 1,290 Wine and liquor dealers.... 749 2,524 Rope and cord makers....... 663 486 Students.................. 4,184 5,000 USUAL PLACE OF EMPLOYMENT, IF OUT OF -THE CITY OR TOWN WHERE THEFAMILY RESIDEs.-This inquiry was first introduced in the State Census of 1865, but with a result too meagre to justify its repetition, unless in local statistics, and for special purposes. A classification was only attempted for the counties upon the Hudson, and on Long Island and Staten Island. The result may be concisely stated as follows: COUNTIES REPORTING. New York Other Cos. Other Foreign At sea.* COUNTIES REPORTING. New York COther Cos Other Foreign At sea.city. of N. York. States. countries. city. of N'. York. States. countries. Albany................ 36 19 25 4 4 Queens............... 756 81 16 1 Columbia............... 17 12 12 3 2 Rensselaer............. 1L 176 28 1 16 Dutchess.............. 50 25 13 1 5 Richmond............. 794 8 12 1 4 Greene................. 10 7 18 3 6 Rockland.............. 121 7 46 2 1 -Kings.................. 19,756 31 195 35 400 Suffolk............... 218 72 52 3 50 New York....................... 184 277 24 235 Ulster................ 42 26 22 5 14 Orange................. 55 12 24 2 13 W estchester........... 1,757 57 38........ 85 Putnam................. 21 3 9 19..... VOTERS AND ALIENS.-The qualifications of voters are defined in Article II. of the Constitution of the State, as follows' "Section 1. Every male citizen of the age of twenty-one years who shall have been a citizen for ten days, and an inhabitant of this State one year next preceding an election, and for the last four months a, resident of the county where he may offer his vote, shall be entitled to vote at such election' in the election district of which he shall at the time be a resident. and not elsewhere, for all officers that now are or hereafter may be elective by the people; but such citizen shall have been for thirty days next preceding the election, a resident of the district from which the officer is to be chosen for whom he offers his vote. But no man of color, unless he shall have been for three years a citizen of this State, and for one year next preceding any election, shall have been seized and possessed of a fi'eebold estate of' the value of two hundred and fifty dollars over and above all debts and incumbrances charged thereon, and shall have been actually rated and paid a tax thereon, shall be entitled to a vote at such election. And no person of color shall be subject to direct taxation unless he shall be seized and possessed of such real estate as afores'id. "' Section 2. Laws may be-passed excluding from the right of suffrage all persons who have been or may be convicted of bribery, larceny, or of any infamous crime; and for depriving every person who shall make, or become directly or indirectly interested in any bet or wager, depending upon the result of any election, from the right to vote at such election.' Section 3. For the purpose of votlngo,.no person shcdl be deemed to have gaiuned or lost a residence, byv re'ason of his presence or absence, while employed im the setvice of the United States; nor while engaged in the navigation of the waters of this State, or of the United States, o of the lnigh seas; nor while a student ofian seminary of |erig m nor while kept a~, any alms-house, or other asylum, at,,public expense; nor while confined in any public prison. —.. —..-,.-~ 1,893 1,269 June —-, ——.-. -._.. 1,342 1,013 December -. 1,903 1,606 Number and Percentage of Marriages, by Seasons. Number. Percentage to total number. 1855. 1865. 1855. 1865. Spring ~_ __ __.,__ __.,.. 5,542 5,274 25.96 26.77 Summer,__....^. ___ 3,786 2,688 13.05 16.83 Autum n 5,836 3,890 27.34 24.36 Winter 6,180 4,980 33.65 31.19 i In classifying the civil condition before marriage, the divorced were divorced males to widows, two; of widowers to divorced females, four; placed in the column of single, The number of single males married to and both parties divorced, three, divorced females was seven; of divoroee males to single females, five; of xcvi INTRODUCTION. Actual and Comparative Ages of Persons Marrying during the years preceding 1855 and 1865, as shown by the NVew York Census. HUSBANDS. WIVES. Total number mar- Number marrying Number marry- Number marry- Mean agoe of Total number mar- Number marry- Number marryiiin Mean age of husAGES. r'yi1 within the wives younge-r ing -wives of ing wives old- wives. ryin- within the ing husbands husbands older bands. year. than themselves. equal age with, er than. them- year. younger than than themselves. themselves. selve. themilselves. 1865. 1855. 18G-5. lc55. 1865. 1S55. 1865. 1.855. 18655. 5. 1805. 1855. 1865. 1855. 3 18555. 165. 12.................................... ^..................................... 1................... 1....... I 21.00 13.................................................... 13 5. 5............ 13 5 20.46 21.00 14...................................................................... 70 34............ 70 34 23.31 21.22 15..... 4 3 1....... 1 2 2 1 18.50 17.33 249 114............. 248 112 23.61 22.79 16..... 12 11 5 3 3 3 4 5 16.33 17.27 676 392............ 673 389 23.33 23.36 17..... 38 34 8 14 1 1 2 19 18 1-7.71 17.71 1,319 763 1 1 1,307 760 23.80 2 3.69 18..... 159 139 61 52 35 30 63 57 18.29 19.16 1,934 1,340 10 6 1,889 1, 304 24.07 24.00 193..... 457 337 253' 181 91 61 113 95 17.52 19.91 2,227 1,549 24 29 2,112 1,459 24.38 24.39 20..... 945 6,58 561 382 164 131 220 145 18.85 19.51 2,370 1,914 47 64 2,059 1,719 25.08 24.67 21..... 1,598 1,040 1.091 657 202 163 305 220 19.7 3 20.06 1,973 1,520 111 86 1,660 1,271 25.41 25 54 22..... 1,918 1,383 1,365 1,002 253 181 300 200 20.30 20.22 1,949 1,558 196 129 1,500 1,247 25.82 26.24 23..... 1,942 1,425 1,531 1,108 193 137 218 180 20.23 20.73 1,485 1, 170 205 154 1L087 879 26.85 26.71 24..'... 1,909 1,434 1,559 1,153 163 122 187 159 20.85 21.20 1,265 1,031 212 166 940 743 27.97 26.65 25..... 1,903 1 397 1,582 1, 186 150 108 171 103 21.50 21.55 1,017 867 206 172 661 587 28.29 28.03 26..... 1, 534 1,U152 1,337 972 74 78 123 102 21.70 22.07'46 550 195 122 477 350 29.09 29.41 27... 1, 241 885 1, 065 764 85 46 91 75 22.37 22.29 592 442 153 116 354 280 30.35 30.27 28....'1,139 942 1,004 832 55 53 80 57 22.80 22.97 507 434 150 120 302 261 30.81 32.23 29..'... 801 528 699 427 38 P73 64 28 23.32 22.08 324 285 81 65 205 147 33.10 32-49 30..... 901 765 899 702 46 30 46 33 23.79 23.56 380 336 131 85 203 221 33.09 34.87 31..... 416 281 385 254 7 16 24 11 23.87 22.70 1 7 136 65 38 105 82 34.90 35.41 32..... 476 339 428 311 24 6 24 22 23.99 24.60 228 156 64 36 140 118 35.82 37.97,, 33.....~ 349!67 315 237 12 5 22 15 25.36 25.00 165 95 45 27 108 63 37.52 38.30 34..... 350 219 323 224 8 5 19 10 25.39 24.89 137 93 31 27 98 61 37.00 39.55 35..... 376' 353 340 327 22 15 14 11 26.00 25.45 168 138 36 29 110 94 40.08 42.07 36...... 272 185 245 173 13 5 14 7 26.54 25.10 120 76 28 18 79 53 39.84 41.26 37..... 206 148 184 142 5 2 17 4 27.67 26.22 106 66 27'21 74 43 41.00 41.74 38~.....1 193 155 180 141 5 6 8 8 27.20 27.61 109 54 28 6 76 42 42.07 45.11 39..... 150 72 139 65 2 3 9 4 27.90 27.73 68 58 19 8 47 47 44.56 47.27 40..... 273 238 235 218 1 9 8 19 12 30.08 28.86 103 86 36 13 46 65 41.65 48.93 41.. 100 66 93 62 3 2 4J; 2 30.84 29.37 57 34 15 6 35 26 45.79 47.61 42..... 125 90 117 83 3 1 5 6 29.05 29.58 56 63 15 15 38 47 47.41 47.25 43... 87 60 81 55 2 3 4 2 30.85 31.71 51 40 9 5 40 32 47.90 49047 44~..... 89 84 82 77 3..... 3 7 4 32.48 32.01 45 33 12 8 33 18 46.49 55.06 45......112 156 105 144 2 5 5 7 33.30 29.57 53 44 10 7 41 32 52.96 52.25 46..... 92 72 86 71 2...... 4 1 33.22 33.51 35 19 8 2 25 17 50.37 58 36 47..... 60 70 56 62 1 5 3 3 34.61 34.27 25 26 7 5 17 16 48.80 54.34 48..... 71'72 69 68 2 1...... 3 33.53 32.72 3 39,26 6 5'31 20 55.72 56.88 49..... 61 51 53 48` 1 2 7 1 35.69 35.52 24 22 4 6 19 14 55.33 55.00 50..... 104 82 98 77 2 3 4 2 35.52 36.42 37 35 8 6 47 26 56.05 57.71 51...... 53 30 48 26...... 3 5 1 38.62 37.70 15 15 4...... 11 12 57.07 59.46 52..... 54 44 -51 ~43 1 1 2......37.46 37.05 34 12 6 4 2 7 56.12 57.50 53..... 49 42 46 39 1 2 3 39.78 38.02 19 14 4...... 14 14 58.74 63.57 54.... 45 33 37 32 3 1 2 39.62 35.69 22 15 5 3 14 11 58.36 59.66 55..... 641 45 61 40 1 2 2 3 40.73 39.02 20 12 8 2 1 1 8 56.55 59.75 56..... 33 34 32 33 1 I............ 1 40.99 39.35' 17 9 4 1 12 8 60.06, 63.88 57..... 27 23 25 2)2........ 2 1 40.00 39.71 10 6 1 2 9 4 63.50 55.33 58..... 38 28 36. 27 2..... 1 42.00 42.28 11 6 2 1 7 5 54.54 62.83 59:.... 20 23 19 21...... 1 1 I 38.65 44.17 4 7...... 1 4 6 08.75 68.88 60..... 41 45 40 42 1 3............ 44.10 44.42 14 11 2 1 11 7 62.07 64.09 61..... 22 22 21 22 1.................. 37.50 39.95 25 5 1...... 23 5 61.82 67.80 62..... 29 27 29 24...... 3......I...... 46.83 46.52 10 7 1 1 9 3 66.50 63.42 63..... 20 19 19 19 1,..4..I............ 52.20 43.78 8 6...... 1 7 5 70.13 68.33 64..... 14. 19 13 19 1................. 46.71 5 8..89, 3 9...... 1 2 8 68.33 68.88 65.. 23 31 21 30 1...... I 1 47.00 47.32 3 9...... 2 2 7 71,66 69.13: 66. 22 12 22 11..........1 46.78 39.01 4 2 2...... 2 2 61.00 69.00 67.....1 15 9) i 14 81 14...'.I 1 53.60 51.06,6 2 2...... 3 2 66.33 70.50 68.....1 15 15 15 15...........!............ 52. 13 51.33....... 2............ 1.00 69C~.....I 11 12 11 11 i...... I...... I...... 1 48.54~ 52.67 2 2...... 1 1 2 1.60.00 ~72.00 0... 10 1.7 110 16...................' 11i52.60 54i.17 2 2 1 1~' I 1 1 173.50 74.50 ~71..... 6 4 6 4............ 53.83 50.01.... 2......[ 2........... 59.50 72...-.. 5 4 5 4 *..,............... I...... 54.40 55.00...... |................... 13..... 4 3 4 3......I..........!...... 58.75 l5'9.33.......L................... 74.... 5 5 5...L.....!....~ 6 3.80 42.80.......... J.................................i::::::I:~:::i:::: 75... 5 5 5................ 3.80 51.01.... 2......1 1....... 75.50 76..... 7 3 7 3... I......... 53.42 56.00,.........~............ i...............................'77..... 1 3 11 3......!..................~~1 63.00 37.01 1 1..'....!.... 1 1 76.00'77.00 78... 1 3 1 3......!................. 45.00 50.00........................... 79~..... 2 4 2 4............. 58 00 67. 01.... 1...... 1........... 79.00 80............ 1.... 1'''........................... 70.00.,.......................................... 81~~ ~.......... 2.... 2 1.....!...... 1...... ~..... l......... 42.50........................... 82......... 2:::::.......~~ 2......!.........................~ -6G4.50.,............. I..~........,.............,...i............. 83...... 1.... 1................. 65.00.......1.......1.....1..... 1....... 1............ 84..............................I.....::......./:::::::::::::::::..........................................i:.85,..... 2....... 2................... ~~~~~ 1~~~ 1 ~ ~ 1~ ~ 4 7.00............................. 1 89...~~......... 1....................... 53.00......................,...,.1............... i....... I...... Number of times Married. —A column, with this heading, was provided in the present Census, and the enumerators were directed to enter therein the: figures 1, 2, 3, &c., as the case might require, opposite the name of each person now married, wi~dowed or divorced. The inquiry had never before been mazde in the Census, and azlthough most of the returns w-vere full anrd satisfactory on this point, the defects of oth-ers INTRODUCTION. XCvii tended to impair the accuracy of the result. The classification, embracing only those that claimed entire confidence, was continued until it represented 2,777,478 of the population. Upon this basis the following percentages were prepared.' The decimals extend to three places, and 100 represents the total husbands: Wives' first marriage. Wives' second marriage Wives' third marriage. Wiveslfourti _3 marriage. Husbands' first marriage................................... 83.509 2.536 0.074 0.004 HIusbands' second marriage................................ 7.829 2.812 0.142 0.008 Husbands' third marriage......................................... 0.595 0.356 0.050 0.003 Husbands' fourth marriage......................................... 0.041 0.033 0.006.001 Of the widowers reported, 87.764 per cent. had been married once, 9.991 twice, 1.029 thrice, and 0.099 four times. Of the widows reported, 92.902 per cent. had been married once, 8.117 twice, 0.061 thrice, and 0.041 four times. DEATHS.-Inquiries embracing the cause of death were first introduced in the National Census in 1850, and in the State Census in 1855. In 1865 this inquiry was limited to the deaths occurring in civil life, and excepted those happening in the military or naval service of the United States. A special blank was prepared for the latter, which embraced headings adapted to the particular wants of the subject. The results of this special inquiry, are given in the appendix to this volume in connection with the military statistics collected by the present census. The instructions give the following directions for recording deaths that had occurred in civil life during the previous-year: "n This table should include ordinary or accidental deaths in civil life, during one year. The inquiries should be allswered by surviving members of the family, if the death occurred at home, but not otherwise. They should in all cases boe reported in the town where they occurred. Strangers, travelers and persons not residing in the State, should be reported as belonging to the hotel or family where they died. The superintendents, keepers or managers of prisons, hospitals, asylums or similar establishments, should give the number that have died during the year in their respective institutions. Enumerators should take care to learn by inquiries of Coroners and otherwise, the whole number that have been found dead. The end of these incuiries being to ascertain the whole number of deaths within the. State during the year ending June 1, 1865, care should be taken by each enumerator to embrace all such as have died in his district; but in no case, except that in the following paragraph, should a death be noted that has occurred out of his district, although of a person belonging to a family residing within the State, or even of those whose remains have been brought home for, interment. 4 Inl cases where families have removed from the town or city in which the death occurred, the inquiry should still be made of the family of such person if dying in such family, within the State, and a note should be made in the margin. giving the name of the town or city in which such family resided at the time of the death of such person. Under the head of;' remarks,7 on the last page, state any local or epidemic causes which may have varied the results from those of common years, and any epidemic diseases to which the district may be subject." ~ ~' * "D)isease or cause of death.-Great care should be taken to get reliable information from the best sources within reach, and if necessary, by consulting the physician who attended upon the case, as to the particular disease of which the person died. "'If the death shall have been produced by any other cause than disease, the cause of death should be stated, as " drowning," "railroad accident,"7 "falling from a build ing," "suicide by hanging,i" "legal execution," "murdered by shooting', " accidental shooting," &c., as the case may be. "If unable to learn the catuse of death, as in cases of some persons found dead, write " unknown," " found dead," &c., using such term of expression as shall suit the case. Enumerators having hospitals or other institutions of unusual mortality in their districts, should at once notify the Secretary of State, when they will be furnished by mail with blanks for fuller.entries of deaths, than the averag'e supply." The total number of deaths reported under the above instructions, was 46 297 in 1855; and 37,297 in 1865.7 With a full knowledge of the comparative merits of the two enumerations as regards general care PA considerable number of deaths occurred in the prisons for rebel Debility, general.......... 0.38 Jaundice................. 0.10 prisoners at )David's Island, in New Rochelle, and at Elmira, which could Diarrhoea................ 6.82 Meningitis................ 0.10 not properly be included in the mortality statistics of the present census, Diarrhoea, chronic........ 3.961 Peritontis........... 0.10 even had they been fully reported. These persons being citizens of other Diphtheria.............. 0.24 Phthisis pulmonal'a........45 States, would not have been entitled to enumeration as a part of our Dropsyfromhepatic disease. 0.10 Pleuritis................. 0.21 population if living. If their deaths had been included in the general Dysentery................ 0.14 Pleuro-pneumonia......... 0.80 returns, they would impair the value of the percentages of the town and Dysentery, chronic......... 0.17 Pneumonia.............. 23.44 county, and indeed of the whole State, by increasing in an accidental and Epilepsy.................. 0.10 Pneumonia,chronic diarrhoea 0.07 undue proportion, the relative amounts due to the localities where they Erysipelas............... 0.28 Pneumonia typhoid........ 2.48 occurred. An order of the War Department, precluded the enumerators Fever, continued.......... 0.14 Rheumatic pericarditis..... 0.10 in common with all other persons, from access to the records of military Fever, intermittent........ 0.28 Rheumatism........... 0.31 hospitals, and although returns were, notwithstanding this, received from Fever, remittent............ 1.64 Rheumatism chronic....... 0.10 one of the largest of the rebel prisons, it was deemed proper to yield to Fever, typhoid............ 3.84 Rubeola.................. 0.56 the known wishes of the Government by omitting these details. Gangrene of feet.......... 0.21 Scorbutis................. 0.76 As an item of medical interest, we will however here present the per- Heart disease............. 0.24 Variola................i 12.35 centages of diseases and other causes of death, reported as occurring in Heart, valvular disease of.. 0.17 Unknown................ 0.35 theprison alluded to: Hospital gangrene......... 4.93 Bronchitis................ 0.14 Congestion of brain........ 0.14 In addition to the classifications of deaths by counties, given on pages Bronchitis, acute........ 0.24 Congestion o f lungs........ 0.17 226 to 253, the total results of the four last census enumerations, wig Bronchitis, chronic......... 0.31 Debility............... 0.10 enable the reader to compare one with another. 13 XCviii INTRODUCTION. ancl accuracy, and making reasonable allowance for the deaths reported in the military returns, and which might have happened to th e individual had he remained in civil life. We have no hesitation in stating our belief, that the Census of 1865, was, in this respect, taken with increased care. The I" remarks 5? that accompany each report, although too diversified for classification or summnary in the great majority of cases, represent the preceding year as one of unusual health. The only epidemic of particular'importance -reported was diphtheria, a disease which from being unknown in the mortality statistics of former years? has come to number thousands annually as its victims among the population of our State. Comparative number of. Deaths as reported in 1850, 18155, 1860, and 1865, by the State and Federal Censuses.. DISEASES. __________ 1~855. __________ __________ Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total. Zymotic Diseases. Cholera......................................... 3,282 2,540 5,822 3,129 88 74 162 24 14 38 Cholera infantum.................................. 240 207 447 635 370 335 695 305 294 599 Cholera morbus................................... 121 77 198 178........................ 70 41 ill'Croup......................... 620 441 1.061 1,384 972 825 1L,797 442 382 824 Diarrhoea..................... 670 624 1,294 1,310 411 375 786 427 260 687 Diphtheria......................../................................................ 150 187 337 1,427 1,627 3,054 Dysentery......................................... 1,'907 1,784 3,691 1,840 560 471 1,031 585 57 0 1,155 ^ Epidem ic....................................................... 5.............................................. Erysipelas........................................ 170 200 37"0 323 168 165 363 147 124 271 Fever............................................ 746 558 1,304 398............. 162 180 342 Bilious fever....................................... 199 131 330 300............................................. Intermittent fever................................. 26 30 56'124 48 39' 87 is 30.48 Remittent fever.................................... 24 16 40 41 329 226 555 86 58 144 Typhus fever...:.".......... a......................'. 680.o 4429 1,122 1,479 $....*.................. 194 181 375 Typhoid fever..................................... 5 il l4' 592 429 1,021 1,022 853 1, 875 Yellow fever....................................... 14 2 16 31 2 1 3 19 1 20 "Whooping cough................................... 313 336 649 646 312 396 708 137 159 296 Hydrophobia....................................... 2 1 3'6 4......... 4 2........ 2 Influenza................................................................ 27 24 21 45 5 10 15 Measles................................. 235 270 505 483 379 367 746 135 142 277 Mumps................................... 22 11 3-3 10 15 6 21 53 8 Purulen infection.................................................... 3.............................................. Scald head.............................................................................................. Scarlatina...... *.................................. 522 506 108 1,70 2,5 230 468 69 60 129 Small pox........................................ 160 115 275 225 171 132 303 337 -232 569 Syphilis.............................. a............ 13 11 24 31 16 12 28 17 7 24 Thrush............................................ 33 50 83 57 22 28 50 3- 7 10 Diseases of uncertain or variable seat. Abscess.......................................... 47 27 66 81 67 51 118 43. 32 75 A trophy................................................................... 59............................... B oils..................................................................... 4............................................... Cancer........................................... 107 150.257 354 216 306 522 157 251 408 Congestion...................................... 41 43 84............................................-.......... Debility.......................................... 116 131 247 354 179 178 357 171 166 337 Dropsy..................... 69-3 802. 1,495 1,147 630 741 1,371 426 489 915 Fistula............................. 1231........ I...................... Gangrene and mortification.......................... 37 11 48 50 32 14 46 55 17 52 Gout... I........... f............................... 3 2 5 12 3 1 4 1.... Hemorrhage.......................:......... 70 29 99 77 111 59 170 43 34 77 Infantile diseases............................................................... 303 219 522 211 158 369 Inflammation...................................... 480 441 921 200 148 141 289 46 41 871 Malformation..................................... 3 4 7, 32 5 8 13 7 3 10 Marasmus,......................................... 88 132 220 320 178 192 370 125 -120 24 Rickets........................................... 4......... 4 5........................ 3 2 5 Scrofula.......................................... 88 89 177 185 116 100 216 68 46 114 Scurvy........................................... 2 2 4........ 4........ 4 3 3 6 Tumor............................. ~~.......... 30 47 77 59 50 61 ill 32 65 97'Ulcer......................................... 26 24 50 82 12 10 22 12 9 21 INTRODUCTION. xcix Comparative number of Deaths as reported in 1850, etc.- (Continued). 1850. (1g1860. 1865. DISEASES. ______ 185 - Males. Females. Total. Males.. Females Total. Males. Females. Total. Inflammat^ionof-lungs,....... 918 679 1,597 47 1,242 845 2,087 205 149 354 Quinsy 23 20 43 27 9 13 22 7 4 11.un y.....a..................................:.... 220 4279 122741 Trachitis............................................................... 8......................................... Disease of lungs not specified...................... 41 43 84........ 507 375 882 1,023 791 1,814 Diseases of the Circidative Organs. A nem ia.............................................................. 9 8 2 10...................... Aneurism......................................... 4........ 4 1 7 4 11...................... Angina pectoris.......................................... 4....... I I...................... Disease of heart. 315 230 545 735 732 575 1,307 786 528 1,314 D ropsy of heart.......................... 158.............................................. Enlargem ent of heart........ *............................................. 59........................................... Inflammation of heart...................................................... 22 5 3 8 7 13 H ydraem ia....................................................*.. **..... 11.............................................. Phlebitis................................................................. 4................................ 1 Dbiseases of the Digestive Organs. Inflammation of the bowels......................... 277 231 508 708 495 428 923 13 12 25 Intussusception of bowels................................................. 2............................................. Perforation of bowels...................................................... 6...... Stricture of bowels....................................... 9........................................... Colic............................................. 76 42 118 81 1 1 2 33 19 52 C onstipation.............................................................. 1............................................ Dyspepsia........................................ 24 15 39 47 50 26 76 3 1 12 43 Gastritis............. 16 24 40 62 46 46 92 10 9 19 Hemorrhoids................................... 8 2 10 9.............................................. Hernia....................................I...... 18 8 26 34 22 13 35 30 21 51 Jaundice.......................................... 40 29 69 70 41 43 84 35 30 65 Disease of liver................................... 117 127 244 249 194 144 338 185 155 340 Cirrhosis of liver........................................................... 16.............. Hypertrophy of liver....................................................... 20................. Inflammation of liver........................... 34 15 11 26...................... Starvation................................................................. 7.............................................-l Diseases of spleen. 3 4 2 6................... Disease of stomach.9 ]- 9 18 - 25 24 12 36 75 60 135 Teething......................................... 208 225 433 626 263 230 493 92 115 207 Disease of throat.................................. 45 44 89 104 222 225 447 61 76 137 Worms............................................ 77 72 149 117 39 43 82 26 32 58 Disease of bowels, not specified..................... 126 108 134........ 55 62 117 473 397 870 Diseases of the Urinary Organs. A lbum inaria............................................................. 39.............................................. Cystitis................................................................ 15 18 5 23 2......... 2 Gravel........................................... 56 5 61 55 82 4 86 59 4 63 Disease of kidneys................................ 42 11 53 59 130 40 170 243 73 316 Diabetes.......................................... 40 20 60 54 64 19 83 59 22 81 Inflammation of kidneys................................................, 35.............................................. Infiltration of. urine......................................................... 1.............................................. R upture of bladder......................................................... I............................................... Stranguary............................................................... 1 6........ 6...................... Disease of urinary organs........................... 8........ 8. 130 40 170................. Diseases of the Generative Organs and Childbirth. A m enorrhoea.............................................................. 2.............................................. Childbirth................................................ 314 314 307........ 426 426........ 282 282 Chlorosis........4....................................................... Leucorr oea............................................................ 1.......................................... Leurcorlrhoea.........................................................:... I M iscarriage and abortion................................................................ M enorrhcogia............................................................. 2....... 4 4 Ovarian diseases.......................................................... 5........ 2 2.... Phlegm ena dolens.................................................... 2...................................... Puerperal fever....................................36.........53 53... 19 19 Diseases of the uterus...................................... 7........ 8 8........ 22 22 Uterine hem~orrhage,.............................. I....... L.I....... I........ 1 7....................... Daiseases'of the Bones and of LZocomotive Orgalns. Disease of bones.................. 3 5 8 8..............................................e Necrosis........................................................ 1~........... 7..... 73114 Dry g~angrene............................... 16...................... ~Disease of hips.................. 13 4 17 36....................... Disea~se of joints.................................. 14 12 26 3 1 4 Rheumatism................... 80 61 141 147 144 85 229 120 76 196 Disease of spine................... 52 44 96 106 84 44 128 81 75 156 Synoviis....................................................... 1........................................ DIiseases of th~e lintegucmentive- Organs, -Carbuncles.................... 2 1 3 3 8 2 10 4 2~ 6 Diseases of the skrin.............................. 1 9 6 15 15 18 33 Old age....................................1 665 728 1,393 1,486 687 857 1,544 674 737 1,411 Ex~8ternal Caulses. \., Accident (not specified)..................... 554 107 661 590 467 72 539 342 52 394 I^rs n scalds ^:^^ ^;:;;:: ^^'li3*'''i6'*'1 226'i5'' i' *'Ol*80 *'i''21 Camnphene accident..................................... 17.........*............. Cold..................................... 59 11 11 -........... Crushed........,.........................................I....... I....... 3......................... Drinking cold water................................... 4........1~~~~~........ ~............... Drowned....................... 301 36 337 495 352 41 393 318..... 318 Ex.::::::::::::::::::::::::...2.:::...2. 2o 16 -37 20JIr ^ -- - 0 INTRODUCTION. Comparative number of Deaths as reported in 1850, etc.-(Continued). 1850. i 1860 1865. DISEASES. [' 1~55. ^ Males. Fam o Male s. Fema.les Total. Males. Females. Total. Firearms................... 4.................. 7 1 8........ 40 2 42 65 1 66 Fracture... 78 6 84.................................................. F right.................................................................... 3............................ Frozen........................................... 10 1 11 2........................ 17 4 21 G rief............................................................ 1.............................................. H eat.......................... 1................ 2...... 2'......... Intemperance..................................... 61 18 79 100 88 14 102 40 4 44 Lightning........................................ 3........ 3 8 7 1 8 5 5 M urder............... 5 1 6 50 14........ 14................ 14 Neglect and exposure....................................................... 5 15 7 22 14 1 8 Overheated.............................................................. 4........................ 7........ Poison............................................ 24 14 54 34 31 65 15 8 23 Railroad accidents............................... 19 2 21 150 95 12 107 141 13 154 Suffocated......................................... 1 10 21 31 37 18 55........ 14 14 H om icide.....................'.................................................. 20 3 23 2........ 2 Premature birth.................................. 1 4 5 63................................ Stillborn................ 27 24 51 266 85 70 155 16 9 25 Sudden death.................................................. 38 33 71 15 13 28 Suicide by cutting throat............................... 9 1 10 7 4 11 Suicide by drowning................................................ 2 5 7 4 3 7 Suicide by firearms.................................,.............................. 8 1 9 9 I 10 Suicide by hanging................................................................. 36 7 43 23 5 28 Suicide by p~oison.................................................................. 10 10 20 6 5 11 Mode of suicide not specified........................ 70 24 94 114 31 11 42 14 2 16 Total suicide..................................... 70 24 94 114 96 35 131 63 20 83 Cause of death unknown............................ 2,143 1,927 4,070 3,813 1,465 1,069 2,534 1,073 1,028 2,1101 Deaths from Consumption, classified by Nationality; Age, Sex and Season.-The following table embraces all the facts reported concelning this disease, and includes the various complications in which it was mentioned as "measles and consumption," &c. The absence of a record of months, age or other circumstance, renders the totals somewhat different from the number (6.041) given by counties, on pages 244-245 of this volume. It is to be remarked, that the cases reported as occuring in early childhood, or advanced age, are very liable to error, but we have not felt at liberty to attempt any correction, Many of the former were probably marasmus, or other infantile disease, while the latter wer'e often perhaps but -the natural decay of the vital powers. Months. Deaths. Deaths. Deaths. Deaths. January, 1865............ 482 April, 1865............. 634 July, 1864.............. 346 October, 1864............. 416 February, 1865............ 521 May, 1865.............. 655 August, 1864.......... 409 November, 1864.......... 388 March, 1865.............. 740 June, 1864............. 425 September, 1864... 359 December, 1864........... 430 Nationality. Austria.................. I France................. 28 Nova Scotia............. 6 Sweden................. 4 Bavaria................... I Germany............., 262 Poland............... 1 Switzerland............. 1 Canada.................. 71 Holland................ 7 Prussia................ 5 Wales................. 16 Denmark................ 2 Ireland............... 799 Scotland............... 38 West Indies............. 5 England.................. 142 Norway................ 1 Spain................. 1 United States............ 4,650 A ges.'____________ _ _ AGES.' Males.,Females Total. AGES. Males. Females!.Total.'AGEs.' Males. Females Total. AGES. Males. Females, Total. Under. 1... 89 82 171 24~........ 49!82 131 4877..'.... 37 ]-'18.- - 1.... 4 9 3 1.......... 60 45 105 25......... 69 66 135 49........ 28 32 60 72........ 18[ 15 33 2.......... 50 44 94 26........ 68 80 148 50........ 71 34 105 73........ 29 m18 47 3......'.... 20 26 46 27........ 55 70 125 51........ 23 22 45 74........ 16 15 31 4........... 19 13 32 28........ 64 86 150 52........ 33 30 63 75........ 18 18 36 5..... 10 18 28 29........ 49 59 108 53.... 29 26 55 76........ 24 15 39 6.......... 9 12 21 30........ 73 87 160 54........ 39 23 62 77.... 10 7 17 7.......... 7 8 15 31........ 33 46 79 55........ 44 24 68 78........ 14 12 26 8........... 4 16 20 32........ 48 55 103 56........ 36 24 60 79........ 17 7 24 9.......... 7 14 21 33........ 42 61 103 57......... 31 26 57 80........ 9 9 18 10.......... 5i 12 ~ 17 34........ 44 58 102 58........ 25 16 41 81......... 4 8 12 11..... 7 - 14 21 35........ 74 59 133 59........ 24 20 44 82...... 8 6 14 12.......... 7 18 25 36........ 54 56 110 60........ 45 20 65 83........! 4 6 10 13.......... 12 17 29 37......... 56 40 96 61........ 24 25 49 84........ 10 4 14 14..........! 6 18 24 38........ 53 45 98 62........ 23 25 48 85........ 4 2 6 15.......... 13 31 44 39........ 42 30 72 63........ 32 24 56 86........ 5 2 7 16.......... 19 38 57 40........ 91 61 152 64........ 21 28 49 87..,......I 6 i4 10 17.......... i29 59 88 > 41........ 29 30 59 65........ 36 27 63 88........' 3 3 6,18..... 32 -68 100 42........ 41 29 70 66........ 28 24 52- 89.... 2 2 4 19.......... 48 80 128 43........ 25 I29 54 67........ 24 28 52 91........ 2.... 2 20.......... 55 77 132 44........ 43 41 84 68........ 21 20 41 99.......... 1 1 21.......... 58 78 136 45........ 70 45 115 69........ 31 18 49............ 22.......... 57 77 134 46........ 40'30 70 70........ 20 29 49 Toa..2,7 295 589 23.......... 61 92 153 47........ 34 19 53, -_ __ __-__ _ _ _ _ _,_ ~.. INTRODUCTIO~. ci Deaths from Diphtheria, classi.fed by Age, Sex and Season.-The following summary presents the facts shown by the present Census in these particulars. The aggregates are less than the totals on.page 246, because instances often occurred in which some of fhe required details were not reported. MONTHS. Males. Females. Total. MONTHS. Males. Females. Total.'MONTHS. Males. Females. Total. JanuAry, 1865........ 122 154 276 May, 1865.......... 83 84 167 September, 1864...... 149 153 302 February, 1865...... 95 {106 201 June, 1864.......... 73 107 180 October, 1864'........ 146 164 310 March, 1865.... 101 87/ 188 July, 1864.......... 83 98 181 November, 1864...... 144 1651- 309 April, 1865.......... 74 72 146 August, 1864........ 132 137 269 December,, 1864. 152 161 313 Ages. AGES. Males. Females Total. AGES. Males. Females Total. AGES. Males. Females} Total. AGES. Males. Females Total. Under 1.84 55 139 20....... 7 11 18 40.......... 2 4 60........ 2 2 1.......... 131 115 246 21....... 7 11 18 41........ 1...... 1 61........ 4..... 4 2.......... 138 141 279 22........ 8 11 19 42........ 2...... 2 62........ 1 2 2 3.......... 120'162 282 23........ 1 6 7 43........ 2 3 5 63........ 1...... 1 4......... 137 121 258 24........ 5 8 13 44.......... 2 2 64.......................... 5.......... 98 127 225 25........ 4 6 10 45.......................... 65........ I...... 6.......... 84 102 186: 26........ 2 8 10 46........ 1 2 3 66....... 1 1 2 7.... 59 88 147 27........ 1 2 2 47.......................... 67.......................... 8......... 73 78.151 28... 2 9 11 48........................ 68.......................... 9.......... 52 78 130 29........ 6 5 11 49........ 5...... 5 69........ 2...... 2 10........ 47 45 92 30......... 1 7 8 50.........4..... I 1 70........................ 1.......... 42 53 95 31........ 1 2 3 51.............. I 1 71......................... 12.......... 45 44 89 32.........2......5 2........ 27I 13.......... 22 35 57 33........ 2 2 53.......................... 74 1 1 14.......... 28 35 63 34.... 1 3 4 54........' 1 1 75.............. I 1 15.......... 31 25 56 35........ I 3 4 55.......................... 76........ 1...... I 16.......... 17 28 45 36......... 1 5 6 56......................... 77........ I 1 2 i7........'.. 17 20 37 37........ 2 3 5 57........ 2 2 4 78........ 1....... 18.......... 16 12 28 38........ I 1 2 58........ 1 1 2 79........ I....... 1 19.......... 10 15 24 39....... 1 4 5 59.................. 80......... 1...... DWELLINGS AND FAMILIES.-The present Census followed the form of that of 1855, and sought to obtain the material and value of every dwelling.* The result, as compared with the last Census, shows a great increase in the number of stone and brick houses, and a corresponding decrease in the number of log cabins. The'details, by towns and counties, will be found on pages 254-273, but are in the present case extended to include in a separate table the number of unoccupied dwellings. Comparative Number and Value of Dwellings in 1855 and 1865. PERCENTAGE OF PERCENTAGE OF NUMBER. VALUE. EACH CLASS TO TOTAL VALUE OF AVERAGE VALUE TOTAL NUMBER. EACH TO GENE- OF EACH. MATERIAL. RAL TOTAL. 1855. 1865. 1855.. 865. 1855. 1865 1855. 1865. 1855. 1865. Stone..................... 7,536 10,474 $49,184,819 $108,042,323 1.44 1.76 7.49 11.06 $6,997 $10,315 Brick.................. 57,450 74,691 312,151,135 460,921,632 10.97 12.57 46.96 47.17 5,500 6,171 Framed.......... 397,638 459,233 297,453,492 398,680,978 76.49 77.36 44.75 40.80 785 869 Logs.......................... 33092 20,245 1,330,168 1,136,507 6.35 3.41 0.20 0.12 46 56 Other........................ 22,240 28,767 4,739,398 7,337.828 4.25 4.84 0.58 0.75 234 566 Not specified................... 4,369 605 40,955 1,002,110 0.50 0.06 0.01 0.10 9 1,661 Total...................... 522,325 594,045 $664,899,967 8977,121,378 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 $1,351 1,644 In 1855 there were reported. in the thirteen cities 2,346 houses of stone, 48,318 of brick, 54,933 framed, 79 of logs and 1,692 other. In 1865 there were-of stone, 5,192, worth P98,590,950; of b rick, 62,048, worth $425,966,345; framed, 66,856, worth $126,766,333; of logs, 130, worth $158,890; and of other, 4,472, worth $2,796,928. The number of families in 1855 was 663,124, with an average of 5.23 persons to each. In 1865 the number was 7'90,931 and the average 4.80. In 1855 the number of families exceeded that of houses by 140,799, while in 1865 this excess was ~ ~ Comparative'Statistics of Dwellings in 1855 and 1865.-Perhaps the "?-. Q>!- TPERSONS EMPLOYED. STATES AND TERRITORIES. Number. Number of es- Capital employed. Cost of raw mate- _] Cost of labor. Value of products. tabii;hminets. rials. II i R~Mal'es. Females. Now York............................ 1 23,553 $99,904,405 8 13 4,65-5,674 147,737 51,612 849,131,000 $237,597,249 Massachusetts........................ 2 8,852 88,940;292 85,856,771 107,784 69,677 41,954,736 157,743,994 Pennsylvania......................... 3 21,605 94,473,810 87,206,377- 124,688 22,078 37,163,232 155,044,910 Ohio.............................. 4 10,622 29,019,538 34,678,019 47,054 4,437 13,467,156 62,692,279 Connecticut.......................... 5 3,737 25,876,648 23,608,971 34,248 16,483 12,435,984 47,114,585 New'Jersey.......................... 6 4,207 22,293,258 22,011,871 29,068 8,762 9,364,740 39 851,256 Maryla nd.............................. 7 3,725 14,934,450 17,690,836 22,729 7,483 7,403,832 33,043,892 Virginia............................. 8 4,740 18,109,143 18,101,131 25,790 3,320 5,434,476 29,602,507 Maine............................... 9 3,974 14.699,152 13,553,144 21,853 6,167 7,485,588 24,661,057 Missouri............................ 10 2,923 8;576,607 12,798,351 14,880 928 4,692,648 24,324,418 Now HIampshire...................... 11 3,211 18,242,114 12,745,466 14,103 12,989 6,123,876 23,164,503 Rhode Island................... 12 864 12,.935,676 1.3,186,703 12,923 8,044 5,047,080 22,177,688 Kentucky............................ 13 3,609 11,810,462 12,165,075 19,576 1,900 5,10.6,048 21,710,212 Indiana...... 77~....................... 14 4392 7,750,402 1 0,369;700 13,748 692 3,728,844 18,725,423 Illinois.............................. 15 3,162 6,2t7,765 8,959,327 11,066 493 3,204,336 16,534,272 California............................ 16 1,003 1,006,197 1,201,154,964.......... 3,717,180 12,862,522 Michigan............................ 17 2,033 6,563,660 6,136,328 8,990 354 2, 17,124 11,169,002 Tennessee........................... 18 2,887 6,52,72 5,166,86 11,080 959 2'749 9725,608 2,887 6,5277129 5,166,886 /11,080 I 959 / 2,27,9 9 7 2,8 Wisconsin........................... 19 1,262 3,382,148 5,414,931 5,798 291 1>712,496 9293,068 North Carolina....................... 20 2,663 7,456,860 | 4,602,501 12,473 2,128 2, 383,456 9,111,050 Vermont............................. 21 1,849 5,001,377 4,172, 552 6,894 1,551 2,202,348 8,570 920 Georgia......'....................... 22 1,522 5,456,483 3,404,917 6,650 1,718 1,70C,9,664 7,082,075 South Carolina....................... 23~ 1,430 6, 053,265 2,787,534 5,992 1,074 1,127,'712 7,045,4~7 Louisiana........................... 24 1,008 5.032,424 2,459,508 5,458 759 / 2,033,028 6.779,417 Delaware........................... 25 531: 2,978,945 2,864,607 3,237 651 O^'924 4'649'2?6 Alabama:............................ 26 1,026 3,450,606 2,224,960.4,397 539 {OMM 4'528,876 Iowa...................;.......... 27/'5e2 1,92',875 2,;35,881'1,687 20 473,016 3, 551,783 Mississippi..................:::..... 2 9]~71 1,815,8'20 | 1275,771 {3,046 108 771,528 2,9312,068 gis'.0.'.0 " "::::::::::::::::::. 29 403 1,001.575 1,405,871 2,034 5.36 757,584 2,60, 2I8 Treib0............................... 50 8431600 809,560 3 285 388,620 2,236,640 Texas.~~~~~~~~~...,. 311 30~1 5'>9, 290] 394, 642 | 1,042 24 322, 368 1 168 538 Florida............................. 32 103/ 547,00 220,611 876 115 199,452 068,335 Arkansas..................,.....,.... 33] 261/ 305,015 215,789 812 30 159,876 537,908 Minnesota................................ 363.......... 18,54058,o00 Total.................................. 123,025 533,245,351 555,123,822 i 2236,755,464 161 6 t There were eight of these special blanks relating to manufactures, viz: 5. Lumber MIills —given on pages 523-526. 1. Cheese Factories —more particularly noticed on pages cvi, and 415 6. Petrolium JRefineries —(Not issued, the statistics returned on the and 417. general blank for nmanufactures). 2. Cotton Mills-the summaries of which are given on page 519. 7. Paper Mills —given on pages 527 —529. 3. Grist and Flouring JMills- given on pages 520 and 521. 8. Tanneries —given on pages 530 —532. 4. lron Furnaces for Reducing Ore —given on page 522. 9. WFoolen Mlills —given on pages 533 —535, ~~c~~~~viii ~INTRODUCTION. The present Census embraces returns from 24,527 establishments, with a capital of $227,674,187, and an aggregate value of product amounting to $463,609,877. The statistics reported by the special blanks are included in these totals. The Federal Census of 1860 reported 22,621 establishments, $172,895,652 capital, and $378,870,930 of products. When it is considered that the Census of 1865 refers to the year 1864, and a period when the best energies of the nation were being applied in suppressing the Southern rebellion, this extraordinary increase affords.a striking evidence of the immense resources of the State of New York. A part of the increase in values is doubtless to be attributed to the general advance of prices; but the growing number of establishments clearly indicates an expansion of business, and a corresponding return of profits. Comparison of the Returns of Manufactures for New York and the United States, as shown by the Censuses of 1850 and 1860. PERSONs EMPLOYE~D. MVANUFACTURES. YrsNumber of Capital invested. Cost of raw ma- Annual cost of Annummal value of ^Ai~~jr establish- -terials. -- -- ---- labor., products. ~Mullint~s. 1ITlMales. Females. Agricultural implements.............. 1850 New York.... 135 $448,500 8500,448 923........ $311,424 $1,266,276 United States. 1,333 3,564,202 2,445,765 7,211 9 2,167,868 6,842,611 18G60 New York.... 333 2,364,846 1,237,051 2,904 1 968,753 5,985,082 United States. 1,982 11,477,239 5,636,169 14,810 4 5,080,549 17,697,960 Ammunition......................... 1860 NewYork.... 1 2,000 6,750 10........ 3,240 14,000 United States. 5 117,500 75,010 101. 18 40,308 160,900 Aquariums................;.......... 1860 NewYork.... 1 2,000 3,600 3........ 1,200 5,500 United States. 1 2,000 3,600 3........ 1,200 5,500 Anchors and chains.................. 1860 NIew York.... 1 12,2000 6,800 8........ 3,600 16,000 United States. 17 127,300 78,982 116......... 46,668 165,0 7 Artificial eyes........................ 1860 New York-.... 1 4,000 590 2........ 1,800 6,000 United States. 1 4,000 50 2....1800,000 Artificial limbs....................... 1860 New York... 1 1,000 3,000 3........ 1,800 12,000 United1States. 5 35,000 10,050 35 4 23,544 53,000 Artists'materials.................... 1860 NewYork.... 5 7,200 10,054 31 5 13,280 37,200 United States. 8 14,500 11,966 38 5.15,500 44,800 Asheries......I............ 1850 N.w York....'220 217,750 448,727 399 2 96,000 693,871 UnitedStates. 569 485,760 812,190 1,020 4 243,672 1,401,533 1860 New York... 61 66,9920 88,805 125 1 29,138 151,229 United States. 212 199,590 254,729 418 5 106,960 1 535,550 Automaton presses................... 1860 NewYork.... 1 1,700 1,700 3........ 1,200 6,000 United States. 1 1,700 1,700 3........ 1,200 6,000 Bakeries. o................. 1850 Ne York.... 436.66,925.2,345,0 0 1,622 126 492,492 3,993,006 United States. 2,027 3,390,824 -8,367,370 6,635 376 1,960,416 13,294,229 1860 New York.... 543 1,197,408 3,621,185 1,858 159 615,562 5,711,157 United States. 1,930 3,909189 10,634,199 6,176 338 2,086,148 16,980,012 Baking and yeast powders............. 1860 NewYork.... 1 2,500 600 1........ 480 1,200 United States. 5 26,250 18,135 6 11 3,180 28,820 Barilla.......................... 1860 New York.... 1 30,000 25,000 10........ 4,8 48 54,800 United States. 1 30,000 25,000 10....... 4,848 54, 800 Bark, ground........................ 1860 New York.... 3 5,600 2,950 4........ 924 6,900 United States. 36 80,00 83270 64. 150,968 154,403 Barley, pearl..e............... 1860 NewYork.... 3 18,000 41,500 9........ 3,300 53,000 United States. 3 18,000 41,500 9......... 3,300 53,000 Barytes............................... 1860 New York.... 1 5,000 5,000 40........ 12,000 25,000 United States. 1 5,000 5,700 4........ 12,000 25,000 Baskets................... 1850 NewYork.... 8 2,350 i 9,033 22........ 7,080 27,612 United States. 67 38,975 40,410 190 13 56,052 147,400 1860 New York.... 7 1,600 1,880 17 5 7,668 10,665 United States. 87 106,970 62,205 375 62 120,462 255,137 Bead work........................... 1860 NewYork.... 8 24,200 5,911 3 37 6,624 25,749 United States.' 8 24,200 15,911 3 37 6,624 25,749 Blockletters.......................... 1850 New York.... 3 11,200 7,550 14......... 5,280 29,500 United States. 3 11,200 7,550 14........ 5,280 29,500 Bobbins, spools and shuttles........... 1860 New York.... 1 3,000 2,000 10 2,400 8,000 United States. 1 3,000 2,000 10o 2,400 8,000 Blts a r, n r etc.............. 1860 New York.... 7 71,000 43,748 94...... 28,920 108,300 UnitedStates. 54 1,235,300 988,993 1,492 12 426,090 2,175,535 Bone blackpa....................... 1860 New York.... 3 28,000 23,250 29........ 10,560 22,100 United States. 8 144,100 128,50'78........ 20,430 246,100 Bone boilin........................... 1860 New York.... 5 23,500 74,080 38........ 12,156 129,530 United States. 5 23,500 74, 080 38..... 12, 156 129,530 Bookbindingeand blank.books.......... 1850 NewYork.... 64 270,500 330,148 567 608 7,08 0 864,716 United States. 235 1,063,700 1,560,4330 1,778 1,690 901,404 3,255,678 1860 New York.... 64 490,900 451,906 613 527 326,312 1,173,628 United States. 269 1,654,830 1,554,082 2,045 2,732 1,048,930 3,729,080 Bookbinders machinery................... 2 11,000 3,140 29........ 10,560 22,100 United States. 4 26,000 6, 390 46 1 19,068 39),100 ~Boots and shoes......,................ 1850 New York.... 2,119y 2, 180, 207 2, 830, 698 10, 439 3,357 3,220, 872 7~,776,428'UnitedSetates.l 11,305 1.2,9024, 9193 23,848, 374 72, 305 32, 949 21,622,6G08 53,967,408 1860 New York.... 2.277 3,298,323 4,849,477 11,839 2,029 3,6 0,396 10,925,173 United States. 12,486 23,357,627 42, 728,17 4 530,93,080 91,889,298 Boxes, packing....................... 1850 New York.... 16 183........ 69,816 226,857 United States. 206 355,156 500,470 57, 13 286,500 1,03,741 1860 New York.... 30 174,300 282,732 297..... 109,104 517,727 United States. 270 1,057,840 1,219,006 1,595 9 612,123 2, 516,817, Boxes, papers....................... 1850 New York.... 38' 75,500 114,033 18 236 83,700 1259,820 United States. 82 1356,240 187,996 303 415 4139,764 434,104 1860 New York.... 8 36 141,256 198,444 218 414 142,430 497,406 United States. 110 333,16 467,350,0 5 0 358,658 1,162,777 Brass castings and brass work.......... 1850 New York.... 38 332,900 364,778 598........ 197,676 854,420 United States. 148 2 585,.090 2,0112,1598 1,66 12 591,672 3,625,618 1860 New York.... 40 279,250 390,222 387........ " 145,216 3,0 75 United States 183 1,226,460 1,414,339 1,,492 0.. 557,412 2,643,754 INTRODUCTION. CM Comparisons of the Returns of Manufactures for New York and the United States-(Continued). PERSO~NS EMPLOYED. MANUFACTURES. Years. Number of -Capital invested. Cost of raw ma- _______AD11Ual cost of Annual value of establish- terials. labor products. ments T~ales. Females. Brass book clasps, badges, etc...... 1860 New York.... 2 4,500 3,376 22........ 5,400 12,500 United States. 2 4,500 3,376 22........ 5,400 12,500 Brimstone refining,.................. 1850 New York.... 2 16,000 50,500 20........ 11,520 80,000 - United States. 2 16,000 50,500 20........ 11,520 80,000 Britannia and plated ware............. 1850 New York.... 24 73, 550 90,100 208 34 * 77,732 258,630 United States. 91 592,150 760,,978 1,120 156 414,140 1,535,765 Bath tubs........................ 1860 New York.... I 20,000 42,600 50........ 12,000 62,000 Unite Sae.20.000 42,600 50........ 12,000 62,000 Bed springs..................... 1860 New York.... 7 21,200 79,654 18 5 7,668 243,900 United States. 15 31,000 109,401 51 10 22,908 313,300 Bellows...)............I........... 1860 Now York.... 7 19,100 43,755 41........ 15,168 102,750 United States. 16 40,000 70,865 78........ 31,248 170,950 Bells') cow) etc....................... 1860 New York -.... 3 58,000 107,319 37.... 13,500 158,200 United States. 9 84,700 13.9,193 60........ 20,484 224,500 Billiard cues.................. 1860, New York..... 2 4,000 3,600, 4.... 1,380 12,000 United States.. 2 4,000 3,600 4....... 1,380 12,000 Billiard and bagatelle tables......1860 New York.... 6 57,700 127,482 141...... 63,121 281,650 United States. 23 285,100 340,268 298........ 139,176 727,900 Blacksmithing........................ 1850 New York... 2,068 1,28-0,451 1,078,986 5,042........ 1,528,800 3,476,672 United States. 10,373 5,884,149 5,111,388 24,983 19 6,508,032 16,048,536 1860 New York.... 1,173 798,787 495,814 2,328........ 727, 336 1,787,077 United States. 7,504 4,940,756 3,417,067 15,719 1 4,827,303 11, 641,243 Blacking and water-proof composition... 1860 New York....- 5 5,650 6,778 5 4 2,208 22,800 United States.' 5 5,650 6,778 5 4 2,208 22,800 Blocks and pumps.................... 1 8 0 New York.... 16 75,600 45,498 88 i....... 35,274 198,997 United~~tates. 101 2.55,350 154,951 370........ 150,500 523, 897 1860 New York.... 27 93,560 76,463 142.... 50,256 241,359 United States. 203 339,690 250,088 774 9 287,736 878,021 Bronze powders................. 1860 New York.... 1 10,000 5,000 6........ 3,600 10,000 United States. 1I 10,000 5,000 6........ 3,600 10,000 Breweries and malt liquors.......1850 New York.... 96 1,688,300 1,516, 550 895 3 262,896 2,588,357 United States. 431 4,072,380 3,055,266 2,336 11 654,144 5,7128,568 1860 New York~... 220 4,433,790 3,716,837 1,703 2 568; 364 6,3210,724 United States. 1,269 15,782,342 9,9971,293 6,412 21 2,305,970 21,310,933 Brick..................0.............. 1850 New York.... 246 693,705 341,095 3,311.........862,392 1.485,034 United States. 1,603 4,367,912 1,474,023 16,726 619 4,235,088 6,610,731 1860' NowYork.'... 205 1,389,298 470,464 3,976 62 522,295 1,923,886 United States. 1,595 7,130,128 2,028,'025 20,046 440 3,888,106 10,253,734 Brick machines...................... 1860 New York.... 1I 10,000 8,000 11........ 3,840 15,750 United States. 2 13,000 12,100 16.... 6,240 25,750 Brooms.......................... 1850 New York.... 75 170,000 207,8712 528 6 110,652 348,191 United States. 303 314,985 528,842 1,174 10 265,642 940,766 1860 N~ew York.... 50 209,375 287,100 362 24 73,512 409,193 United States. 228 505,713 874.06,4 40 8752 1,428,194 Brushes........................ 1850 New York.... 39 338,150 311,272 706 596 275,136, 744,180 United States. 146 710,800 638,359 1,500- 905 533,460 1,573,579 1860 New York.. 44 559,550 544,146 976 531 354,728 1,207,067 United State-s. 121 913,630 993,939 1,67-5 703 594,116 2,096,583 Buttons........................... 1850 New York.... 7 15,250 19,507- 73 27 22,668 64, 600 Unit ed Stcates. 59 393,000 324,837 467 621 225,120 964,359 1860 New York.... 5 109,350 44,228 104 5.1 33,608 120,666 United States. 43 55(S,550 358,385 487 674 260,206 949,408 Cabinet ware....................... 1850 New York.... 829 1,8106,869 1,785,004 5,271- 245 1,710,180 4,966,092 United States.4/,242 7, 3 03, 35 6 6.089,546 20,997 1,013 6,638,568 17, 663, 054 1860 New York... 670 3,324,931 2,381,552 6,400 33Do 2,300,525 7,080,070 United States. 3,594 13,629,526 8,181,250 25,132 1, 974 8,909,998 25,632,293 Cameras....................... 66...... 1860 New York.... 2 80,000 6,753- 25........ 12,450 66,000 United States. 2 30,000 6,7153 25.... 12,450 66,000 Camphene................. 1860 New York.... 3 135,000 569,120 71........ 27,300 663,000 Unitod States. 33 505,400 2,332,452 174........ 7.3,740 2,810,960 Candles and. soap................ 1850 New York.... 105 1,156,150 2,202,f.84 661 59 203,544 3,363,207 United States. 481 4,145,400 7,006,767 2,660 156 775,300 10,199,7.30 Candles, adamantine............... 1860 New York.... 3 375,000 436,080 111I 6 36,768 594,000 United States. 5 695,000 850,680 181 34 62,688 1,145,000 Candmles,- waxv ----------------------—. 186(0 INe~w York.... 1. 1,000 7502 )........6001,800fi CX INTRODUCTION. Comparison of the Returns of M1-anufactures for New York and the United Statee-(Continued). PERSONs EMPLOYED. MANUFACTURES. Years. Number of Capital invested. Cost of raw ma- Annual cost of Annual value of e-tablisli- terials.labor,. products. lments. Males. Females. Carpet cleaning............... I A AI..... 1860 New York.... 1 4,000............. 3........ 1,020 6,000 United States. 3 8,200 $91,000 9........ 4,140 118,000 Carriages and coaches................ 1850 New Yor'k.... 125 740,850 512,471 1,935 18 614,484 1,513,340 United States. 1,822 4, 973,7'09 3,955,689 12.982 58 4,268,904 11,073,630 1860 New York.... 894 2,303,611 1,324,878 471 4 1,644,669 4,229,836 United States. 3,949 14,266,007 9,194,694 27,639 179 10,131,431 27,225,255 Carriage trimmings.............. 1860 New York,... 1 5,000 5,000 1 2 3 1,440 10,000 United States. 8 9,550 12, 884 22 2 8,437 29,790 Carving.............................. 1850 New York.... 6 10, 100 5,847 -38........ 18,648 35,680 United States. 37 40,080 26,057 168......... 78,516 144,880 1860 New York.... 13 37,950 38,685 64 4........ 33,2660 86,300 United States. 56 89,400 74,047 229........ 105,596 239,396 Chalk, prepared............. 1860 NeowYork.... I 1,000 1,830.......... 900 5,250 United States. 1 1,000 1,830 4........ 900 5,250 Cement for building purposes.......... 1850 New York.... 24 225,625 130,475 234........ 66,612 266,140 United States. 35 391,525 238,157 407........ 117,924 509,110 Charcoal........................ 1850 New York].... 19 29,240 23,800 207........ 55,824 81,018 United States. 140 270,225 161,608 767........ 176,770 386,651 1860 NeowYork.... 7 57,700 41,421 71........ 21,212 202,170 United States. 69 161,875 120,076 456 1 122,840 422,817 Charts, hydrographic.............. 1860 New York.... 1 1,000 400 4........ 2,400 3,000 United States. 1 1,000 400 4........ 2,400 3,000 Cheese boxes........................ 1850 New York.... 37 30,280 13,728 94.%........ 20,880 43,845 United States. 40 31,080 14,318 99........ 22,368 46, 195 1860 NeowYork.... 78 112,975 39,041 178 1 45,590 103,060 United States. 101 137,575 53,452 224 1 59,186 144,565 Chemicals....................... 1850 NoewYork.... 38 337,900 1,073,213 2A1 16 75,456 1,460,800 United States. 170 2,335,715 3,235,380 1,335 54 422,560 4,979,630 1860 New York.... 15 267,000 411,430 149 23 49,788 715,500 United States. 84 3,276,800 2,707,152 1,467 62 506,364 4,705,741 Chemicaloils........................ 1860 NewYork.... 1 1(0,000 134,825 20........ 6,920 200,000 United States. 1 100,0000 134,825 20........ 6,920 200,000 China and glass decorating............ 1860 NoweYork.... 1 200,000 85,000 110 40 62,400 175,000 United States.'2 205,000 89,000 116 40 66,000 185,000 Chocolate........................... 1860 New York..... 1 5,000 8,995 2 3 912 11,880 United States. 3 15,300 50,995 10 3 4,212 66,880 Churns.............................. 1860 New York.... 6 5,675 27,289 17 3,956 56,712 United States. 11 1Q.775 28,629 27....... 7,772 66, 33A Cider............................. 1860 New York.... 34 46,750 32,036 80........ 11,706 55,337 United States. 71 85,670 67,413 149........ 23,706 125,747 hars,.............................. 1860 New York.... 337 658,517 914,581 1,968 60 638,280 2,404,251 United States. 1,478 3,035,555 3,511,312 7,266 731 2,531,354 9,068,778 Cisterns............................. 1860 New York.... 2 1,300 840 4........ 1,104 2,600 United States. 25 22,750 60,027 59........ 26,844 153,700 Clocks............................. 1850 NeowYork.... 4 17,500 26,652 41 6 12,432 68,000 United States. 23 499,800 456,83-4 777 23 278,505 1,181,500 1860 NoewYork.... 3 65,500 27,072 36........ 17,520 99,700 United States. 22 57G6,100 474,668 935 40 391,320 1,187, 550 Clock cases.......................... 1860 New York.... 3 12,500 17,410 26.......... 14,160 46,500 United States. 3 12,50 17, 410 26........ 14,160 46,500 Clothing.......................... 1850 New York.... 076 4,011,622 8,603,388 16,148 24,923 5,067,036 16,007,534 United States. 4,278 12,509,161 25,730,258 35,051 61,500 15,032,340 48,311,709 1860 New York.... 985 9,451,11118,306,987 15,417 27,790 7,347,438 32,229,827 United States. 4,209 28,708,243 47,237,560 42,749 77,875 21.065,322 88, 095, 353 Clover seed cleaning................... 1860 New York.... 5 4,600 9,000 8......... 2,472 14,700 United States. 7 10,900 10,750 10........ 2,600 16,700 Coach lace...........10......... 186 NewYork.... 2 1,200 900 3......... 840 2, 400 United States. 6 42,800 2,28,987 80 16 32,364 89,200 Coffee and spices, ground............. 1850 NoewYork.... 14 253,000 477,210 153 3 43,992 G643,850 United - States. 48 438,662 843,254 305 12 99,900 1,240,614 1860 NewYork.... 22 308,100 636,439 165 2 63,740 882,078 United States. 85 1,002,150 2,725,012 487 34 192,248 3,502,181 Coffee, essence of.................... 1860 New York.... 2 2,100 1,710 4 1 1,104 3,100 U~nited~States. 9 62,600 853,760) 51 1 18,864 197,600 Coffee, roasting......................l 1860 NTew York.... 2 34, 000 118,768 13 10 4,824 135,29)7 United States.7 49,500 498,988 33 17 11,688 570, 297 Coffins..........~~................... 1860 Ne~r..5822a4,550 129,851 278....6.....115,7i64 373,245 United States. 210 605,950 312,838 1.671 3 297,564 1,024, 953 Coffin trimming;......................) 1860 New York.... 2 4, 000 3,550 9O 22 2,160O6, 650 U~nited States. 46,300 6,785 20 362 4,236 16,650 Ciombs................~~............. 1850 N~ew Pork.... 18 31.6503~7,627 212 5 45,852 112,000 United States. 151 633.63~7 84;3,4832 1,426 133 494, 196 1,615,850 1860 New York.... 5t 16, 000 2.4-,755 27 1......~.. 9,288 48,000 United States. 66~j 721,700 6G14, 431 8100 1........ 304, 716 1,314, 968 Comh plates.................~...~..... 1860 New~vYork.... 1I 1,000 ) 1,200 3 113 1,080 2, 700 United States. 11,000 1,200 3 345 1,080 2,700 Confectionery................:........1 1850 N'ewv'JTork.... 1 68 284,350 518,969 310 136 111,228 924,412 United States. 383 1,035,,551 1,69i1,824 1,388 465 458,904 3,040, 671 1860 New York.... 79 ~471,500 973,590 532........ 184, 352 11,645,005 United States. 541~ 1,568,4l78 2,99~0,186 1,875..... 68,42~3 5,361,100 Confectioner's tools......*...........~. 1860 NewvYorkli.... 11,000 6, 600 3....1,440 25,000 United States. 11,0006, 600 3....1,440 )25,000 Coopering........................... 1850 New York.... 684618,852 808,98,2.......72,492 1,908,367 United Sfates. 2, 902? 2,383,040 2,6G44, 582 11,900 )........ 3,201,304 7,126, 310 1860 New York.... 711 1,244, 726 1,367,167 3,676 (........ 1,150, 679 3,360, 257 United States.2B,707 4, 353,546 4, 105,203 13,741 9 4, 284, 7041 11,343,f221 Copper and brass manufactures......,..1850 Tew York1C.... 20 153,800 236i,190 203 ^.... 1,972 493,000 Uinited States. 175 2, 850,981 3,062, 661 2, 388 2 854, 044 4, 942, 901 C~oppersmithing...................... 1860 New York.... 25 145,40>0 194,542 181 J...,..... 80,2~144) 424, 184 United States. 726 87, 55'0770,43 1624....27 3, 4561,443,262 C~otton ~oods.....,.................... 1850 Ne~r..118 5,554, 320 2, 888,465 3,379) 5,499)1,4413,780 5,019,323 United States.1,074 76,0i32, 578 37,778,064 35,29~5 62, 661 17,267,112 65,501,687 INTRODUCTION.ecxi Comparison of the Returns of Manufactures for Now York and the United States-(Continued). MANUFACTURES. Years. Number of Capital invested. Cost of rawAvalue of establish-Annualcostotf rAlnlabor poducts. ments.a ales. Females. Cotton goods..........;........... 1860 New York.... 79 85,383,479 43,061,105 3,107 4,552 $1,405,292 $6,676,878 United States. 803 93,143,759 52,0666, 701 43,406 71,549 22,488,562 107,337,783 Corundum...................... 1860 NewYork.... 1 5,000 825 3......... 1,440 3,000 Unifced States. 1 5,000 825 3........ 1,440 3,000 Cotton'gins................... 1860 New York.... 1 15,000 10,200 25........ 13,500 45.000 United States. 57 758,825 287,488 614 2 266, 160 1,152,315 Cutlery............................ 1860 New York.... 9 10,600 13,117 37....... 12, 768 33,135 United States. 51 869,800 433,492 1,305 33 472,920 1,366,225 -Cutlery and edge tools................ 1850 NoewYork.... 67 426,220 270,809 832........ 284,460 645,878 United St4tes. 401 2,321,895 1,439,462 4,247 28 1,420,844 3,813,24.1 Dentistry...................... 1860 N ew York.... 45 47,550 36,941 62......... 29, 112 110,066 United States. 154 147,120 134,531 226 3 115,656 414,554 Distilleries........... 1850 New York.... 93 1,400,882 3,458,322 $777 1 265,428 4,670,497 United States. 968 5,409,334 10,543,201 3,985 23 1,089,864 15,770,240 1860 New York.... 127 3,844,200 8,317,612 1,167..... 400,508 10,302,918 United States. 1,447 15,016,940 28,249,747 "6,298 14 2,119,153 38,921,292 Drain tiles......................... 1860 New York.... 34 229,900 78,601 293 6 1 19,060 373,360 United States. 56 335,600 104,199 448 7 166,148 516,013 Drum heads........................ 1860 New York.... 1 500 1,500 2........ 720 3,000 United States. 1 500 1,500' 2.......720 3,000 Dyeing.............................. 1850 New York.... 12 148,000 471,850 103 14i 39,480 603,620 United States., 46 331,950 754,379 434 26 127,3200 1,086,795 1860 New York.... 11 581,600 390,650 859 176 311,864 1,366,449 United States. 102 2,321,421 1,215,6529 2,755 448 953,024 3,967,819 Dye woods and dye stuffs........ 1860 New York.... 3 228,000 347,760 76 4 28,220 507,500 United States. 15 732,950 1,021,547 360 4 131,000 1,484,191 Dumbwaiters.................... 1860 New York.... 1 1,000 1,500 4........ 1,920 9,000 United States. I 1,000 1,500 4........ 1,920 970CO Ea~5Ve troughs......;.......-......,...... 1860 New York... 1 500 300 1........313 2,600 United States. 2 2,500 2,300 11........ 3,913 14,000 Edge tools............................. 1860 New York.... 45 652,459 360,232 1,087........ 348,540 959,168 United States. 166 2,146,499 1,270,1711-2,869........ 1,086,935 3,243,992 Electro-magnetic machines............ 1860 New York... 2 12,000 9,055 6..O..... 2,280 46,000 United States. 4 16,500 13,655 13..../... 5,040 59,000 Embroidery........................... 1860 New York.... 3 11,000 13,400 3 78 14,244 56.216 United States. 3 11,000 13,400 3 78 14,244 56,216 Emery............................. 1860 New York...., I 10,000 10,000 5......... 1,560 21,000 U.-nited States. 2 30,000 26,000 14........ 5,880 50,000 Enameling....................... 1860 NeowYork.... 1 3,000 1,800 6 1 2,712 10,000 United States. 1 3,000 1,800 6 1 2,712 10, 000 Engraving......................... 1850 NewYork.... 44 100,620 84,999 239 46 133,956.349,620 United States. 112 172,065 130,714 433 47 227,776 566,005 Engraving and die sinking.......... 1860 New York.... 36 38,600 38,900 127 2 45,732 152,730 United States. 191 431,650 157,171 706 18 330,594 829,140 Engraving plate and plate printing...... 1860 New York.... 32 49,850 38, 905 130....... 51,768 146,000 United States. 32 49,850 3,9905 130 o........ 51,768 146,000 Engraving, wood o............ 1860 New York... 29 49,650 8,690 14'47......... 82,200 138,666 United States. 29 49,650 8,690 147...:.... 82,200 138,666 Envelopes.......................... 1860 New York....9. 235,300 340, 187 110 179 90,348 602,71 00 United States. 16 309,600 433,637 150 282 117,180 763,700 Envelopes and cards, embossed......... 1860 New York.... I1 1,000 400 4 2 6962,500 United States. 1 1,000 400 4 2 696 2,500 Essential oils...................... 1860 NoweYork.... 27 30,495 79,480 33........ 8,260 106,278 United States. 45 35,615 87,399 74........ 12,247 124,317 Fancy goods....................... 1860 New York.... 3 54,000 33,400 16 3 16,,968 70,000 United States.O 3 54,000 33,400 16 3 16,968 70,000 Fans........................... 1860 New York.... 1 2,500 2,350 12 25 3, 840 55,000 United States. 2 3,000 2,990 12 27 4,080 56,050 Fertilizers............ o... o....... 1860 New York.... 6 15,500 43,350 25........ 8,01672,235 United States. 47 466,000 590,816 308........ 95,016 891,344 Filter bags..........................O 1860 NoewYork.... 1 600 3,600 2 1......672 4,500 United States. 1 600 3,600 2 672 4,500 Fite arms.........0.................. 1860 New York.... 37 93,975 44,439 220.83,674 193,739 United States. 239 2,512,781 376,913 1,986 70 885,898 2,362,681 Fire brick........................... 1860. New York... 5 227,000 66,900 107 14,825 132,500 United Staztes. 27 528,'700 197,670 468....120,2474$93,4(00 Fire caps...........,.<..............1 1860 New Yor~k.... 4 7,500 35,658 38 2 18l,000 43,800 United States.~~4 7,500 15,658 38 2 18,000 43,800 Fire engines.......~..,......,......... 1850 New York.... 4 30, 000 29,950 1 57 )........ 20o,400 I 66,000 United States. 16G 152,700 1 116,,267 2~48........ 93,312 296,230 1860 New~vYork,... 9 41 1,500 152,845 4$56 1........ 226,8s00 587, 350 United States.l 13 ~ 474, 500 209,894 563....272,400 705,850 Fire escapes..........,............... 1860 New Yorki.... 1 700 1 225 1 1~........240 700 United Staztes. 1 700 225 1 i........ 240 700 Fireworks...........................I 1860 New York....l 3 7,000 1 4, 500 12 1 3,120 ) 13,000 United States. 9 82,500 48, 126 112 26 37,980 173,100 Fisheries......~~.................... 1850 NewvYork.... 29 495,500 7,000 608........ 153,024 353,775 United States. 1,407 8, 962,403 71,517 20,814 424 14,6359,188 10,056, 163 1860 N~ewv York..'.. 82~ 74, 400 17,376 323 I........t 66,678 151,040 United States. 1,970 1'7,919,959 4, 302, 35,529,452 931 6,07 7,677 14, 284, 405 Fiishhooks.......~...~............... 1860 N~ew York.... 2 102,000 35, 150 42 3 15,720 157,000 United Sta~tes. 2 102, 000 35,150 42 3 15,720 157,000 Fishing tackle......,.........,........ 1860 NewrYork.... 5 15,900 1 7,925 12 1 5,040 1 22, 000 United States. 7 16,200 111,057 15 27 7,080 29,400 Flags, banners, etc...,.......,......... 1860 New York.... 8 49,800 33,050 48 28 25,944 88,600 United States. 9 50,200 34-,330 48 29 26, 088 90,600 Flax dressing.........,............ 1860 New Yor~k.... 25 41,036 61,888 71 (........ ~ 17, 059 109,439 Unite~dStates. 32 56, 636 77,488i115....29,839 165,404 Flour and g~rist mills............,...... 1850 New York.... 1,442 10,256,000 28, 512, 561 3,347 21,008, 948 33,037, 121 United States. 11,891 54, 415,5819 113,036, 698 23,260 50 5, 680, 164I~136, 056, 736 Flo1ur an~d meal...,....,................ 1860 NewYor~k.... 1,234.11,312,855 28,665,839 3,244....1,075,32'734,636,'76.4 U~nited Stat~es. 1:3,868 84,-585,004 208,497,309 27,626 56 18,721,391 248, 580,365 Cxii INTRODUCTION. Comparison of the Returns of Manufactures for Newo York and the United States-(Continued). PE R RSONS EATMP LO0YED. MIANUFACTURES. Years. Number of Capital invested. Cost of raw ma- Annual cost of Annual value of establish- terials. -labor. products. menlas. Females. emales. Flour sacks.......................... 1860 NewYork.... 4 5,800 $40,775 11 5 $4,200 $48,250 United States. 4 5,800 40,775 11 5 4,200 48,250 Foundry facings.................... 1860 New York.... 4 53,000 33,514 20....... 9,060 75,100 -United States. 7 74,500 44,696 30........ 12,900 105 950 Fringe......................... 1850 New York... 11 35,000 48,793 58 100'29,496 128,900 United States. 38 244,350 233,680 205 681 142,928 583,000 Furniture polish...................... 1860 New York.... 1 10,000 31,270 7. 2,200 44,000 United States. I 10,000 31,270 7 3 2,200 44,000 Furs................................ 1850 New York.... 18 261,500 133,160 262 300 119,148 698,545 United States. 49 1,116,800 643,170 648 430 248,724 1,598,695 1860 New York.... 41 737.700 1 224,754 286 550 137,034 2,081,130 United States. 95,163,600 1 792,923 496 797 268,574 3,115,755 Gas................................. 1850 New9York.... 88,056 548 000 685~~~~~~~~~~~~~1~~~~~~~~~~D~~~~~~ 1850 New York.... 511,302,000 1,.9,125 1 ~63 [513000 88,056 1.54.,000 United States. 30 6,674,000 503,074 950 2' 390,684 1,921,746 1860 New York.... 43 8,367,750 1,566,033 2,691........ 979,454 4,881,795 United States. 221 28,848,726 3,667,630 5,730....... 2,321,536 12,016,353 Gas fixtures............... 1850 New York.... 8 30,500 23,600 55........ 16,992 53,800 United States. 20 104,250 130,969 241........ 75,312 293,725 1860 New York.... 19 307,850 252,72 665 2 232', 812 734,200 United States. 33 1,310,850 693,782 1,628 4 570,804 2,255,900 @Gasmeters........................ 1860 New York.... 2 76,500'37,916 136........ 56,132 120,000 United States. 2 76,500 37.916 136........ 56,132 120,000 Glass............................... 1850 New York.... 18 393,300,00; 830 890 50 310,524 781,575 United States. 94 3,402,350 1,556,833 5,571 97 2,094,576 4,641,676 1860 New York.... 25 606,050 414,927 1,178 121 412,980 2,257,336 United States. 113 6,133,716 2,914,303 8,765 251 2,903,832 8,775.155 Glass hot-houses...................... 1860 New York.... 1 2,000 8,150 6........ 2,400 12,000 United States................. ~....e. ~............. Glaziers'diamonds.................. 1860 NewYork... 3 11,500 9,500 11........ 3,840 27,250 United States. 3 11,500 9,500 11... 3,840 27,250 Globes, terrestrial and celestial........ 1860 New York.... 1 4,000 1,550 4 3 1,740 10,000 United States. 1 4,000 1,550 4 3 1,740 10,000 Gloves, mittens, etc.................. 180 NewYork.... 82 112,600 276,784 233 1,164 178,572 498,103 United States. 110 181,200 322,837 329 1,609 233,496 708,184 1860 New York.... 92, 523,200 4-70,245 369 655 267,707 1,006,580 United States. 126 594,825 537,276 453 976 330,419 1,176,795 Glue........................... 1850 NewYork.... 8 228,500 143,355 115........ 30,900 220,900 United States. 47 519,950 371,616 378 13 90,432 652,405 1860 New York.... 8 56,800 38,570 63 4 13,536. 81,280 United States. 62 1,052,900 537,271 865 10 305,964 1,185,625 Gold beating.................... 1850 Ne Yor.. 8 20,500 51,050 56 18 23,904 113,540 United States. 20 62,500 216380 107 057 52,596 336,065 Gold leaf and foil.................... 1860 NewYork.... 8 21,000 49,370 45 20 20, 808 108, 372 United States. 23 140,250 299,6962145 81 77,592 481,072 Gold and silver assaying and refining.... 1860 New York.... 5 229,800 324,080 37....... 21,540 420,570 United States. 13 755,300 669,055 223 51 242,710 1,140,070 Gold watch.cases..................... 1860 New York.... 19 96,900 195,650 127 3 56,988 337,690 United States................................................................ Grain threshing.................... 18 New York.... 1 850 1,000....1.....1801,200 United States. 2 1,350 1.200 4...... 360 1,800 IGrates and fenders............... 1860 New]York..... 12 126,500 103,220 127........ 49,662 249,900 United States. 16 153,500 124,895 186...... 74,862 362,900 Gum and gum cleaning................ 1860 NewYork... 2 30,000 115,375 14 38 9,912 199,500 United States. 2 30,000 115,375 14 38. 9,912 199,500 Guns............................. 1850 New York.....46 83,850 67,227 285........ 78,156 188,415 United States. 317 577,509 269,673 1,547....... 518,292 1,073,014 Gunpowder........................... 1860 New York.... 4 325,000 252,750 97 ] 10 35,760 412,000 United States. 58 2,305,700 1,812,290 737 10 291,144 3,223,090 Gutta-percha goods................... 1860 NewYork.... 2 100,000 69,000 34........ 21,600 125,750 United States. 2 100,000 69,000 34........ 21,600 125,750 Haircloth........................... 1860 NewYork.... 2 52,0001 32,220 25 170 48,000 95,500 United States. 11 180,500 137,545 70 341 99,708 279,000 Hairjewelry......................... 1860 New York.... 1 5,000 2.800 2 2 1,512 4,700 United States. 8 27,'000 15,830 17 25 10,620 45,600 taames............................... 5 2,850 2,2778........ 2,448 6,400 United States............................................... }Handspikes......................... 1860/ New York.... 1800. 900 3........ 1,1524,000 United States. 1800 900 3....... 1,152 4,000 a~rdware............................. 112 755.670 656,977 1,810 44 531,948 1,807,140'United States. 340 3,539,025 3,015,688 6,149 881 1,973,904 6,957,770 1860 New Uork.....l 90 897,900 591,792 1,504 45 477,767 1,414,993 United States. 443 6,707,000 4,402,958 9,458 1,263 3,443,664 10,903,106 Hats and caps...................... 1850 NewYork.... 251 1,847,575 3,078,750 2,441 3,343 1,410,936 6,227,049 United States. 1,048 4,427,798 7.100,028 6,974 8,226 3,179,700 14,319,864 1860 NTew York.... 150 1,086,750 2,739,256 1,980 886[ 1,017,086 5,663,040 United States. 443 6,707,000 4,402,958 9,458 1,263 3443,664 10,903,106 at blocs, etc.......,................. 1860 New York....,1500150 1......300 00 United States. 5 5,300 1,397 12........~ 3 4,4536 10,0100 y, pressed,........................ 1 2,000 11,230 4........ 1,248 14,600 UnitedlStates. 7 30,755 38,536 31........~1 9,012 61,049 Hay and cotton presses,.............. 1860 New York.... 1 3,000 5,480 10........ 4,920 20,000 United Staztes.l 2 3,500 6,330.:.... 7,0. 31,000 Hoisting machines.................... 1860 N~ewtv ork.,... I1 2~,0~00 4,800 8 i...,..... 7,200 19,000 United States. 4 8,500 9.44 18........ 11,280 33,200 Hporse covers...................... 1860I New York.... I 10,,000 1 000 1 50 7,5 145,000 United States. 1 - 10,000 125,000 1 50 8 7,56 145,000 *Horse shoes...............,.......... 1860 NewivYolrk.... 1 12,000 31,900 50 )........ 18,COO 60,000 United Sta-t~es. 10 20,200 45,75191 ~ 3 1~~~~~~$01........ 371,383'Horse shoe nails...................... 1860 NewT York.... 1 3,000 2,000 6........~, 1,4404,250 UnitedStates. 24 21,600 27.51 94......... 33,852 81,70 Hosiery...,.,,..,,,,.,,.,............ 1850 NewYork.... 3 44, 000 14,80 2 28 17,47237,000 United States.44.735 415113 835 1,490 36,0,336 1,028,102 INTRODUCTION. Cxiii Comparison of the Returns of Manufacturesfor New York and the United States-(Continued). PERsoNS EMPLOYED. MANUFACTURES. Years. Number of Capital invested. Cost of raw ma- Annual cost of Annual value of establish- terials. labor. products. ments.' NMales. Females. Hosiery............................. 1860 New York... 22 $1,102,500 ~870,479 597 2,104 $392,924 $1,944,090 United States. 197 4,035,510 3,202,317 2,780 6,323 1,661,972 7,280,606 Hydrants........................... 1860 New York.... 16,000 2,656 4....1,5009,000 United States. 1 16,000 2,656 4........ 1,500 9,000 lce.........i....................... 1860 New York.... 12 66,900 3,875 85........ 22,176 44,880 United States. 52 494,900 47,880 1,765........ 86,272 451,25.5 Ink....................... 10w... 150 New York.. 7 81,000 45,385 31 1 15,264 159,000 United States. 14 116,650 72,673 49 4 21,588 213,648 1860 New York.... 13 179,350 442,344 71 4 28,704 664,728 -United States. 29 278,750 543,849 137 8 51,696 922,478 India-rubber goods........:........ 1850 New York.... 6' 299,500 259,550 128 211 58,884 548.500 United States. 34 1,455,700 1,608,728 1,010 1,558 537,828 3,024,335 1860 New York.... 5 675,000 351,069 480 243 155,094 1,002,000 United States. 27 3.534,000 3,056,360 1,795 973 794,570 5,642,700 Iron manufactures, miscellaneous....... 1850 ew York 14 204,500 216,911 350 135,984 441,050 United States. 99 603,800 596,864 1,079........ 409,728. 1,405,343 1860 NewYork.... 402 9,719,704 7,241,736 16,727 1 4,023,080 15,407,985 United States. 2,253 74,769,667.50,803,698 68,262 146 23,363,370 97,365,454 Iron mining...................... 1850 NewYork.... 29 356,000 14,445 605........ 167,088 418,850 United States. 197 923,775 63,651 2,192........'590,866 1,217,803 Iron rolling.......................... 1850 New York.... 4 181,000 338,575 168........ 43,800 500,000 United States. 64 5,214,700 4,353,150 3,809........ 1,451,748 6,936, 081 Iron foundries......... 1850 Nw York.... 36 3,51,005 2,390,69 5416.......... 1,858,860,912,698 United States. 1,319 14,722,749 8,534,024 18,398 31 6,279,912 20,111,517 Ironfurnaces........................ 1850 NewYork.... 29 727,500 541,433 934....... 284,296 1,067,572 United States. 404 16,648,360 7,538,118 20,847 207 5,011,300 13,4931,898 Ironforges........................... 1850 NewYork... 64 1,196,50 910,568 982........ 337,828 1.385,585 UnitedStates. 375 8,517,911 5,338,505 7,698........ 2,310,760 9,002,705 Japanned ware.................... 1850 New York.... 5 9,900 26,690 32 4 10,02071,000 United States. 9 69,200 48,440 108 14 31,668 127,250 1860 tTNew York... 34 9,900, 13,239 35,........ 9,060 31,100 United States. 11 114,400 91,621 224 16 63,204 247,960 Jewelry............ 1860 NewYork.... 141 1,285,098 1,547, 580 1,159 75 566,832 2,795,241 United States. 477 5,209,353 5,125,620 5,433 596 2,631,932 10,499,627 Kindling wood.................... 18560 New York.... 19 125,800 238,057 317........ 101,208 488,707 United States. 32 178,700 280,273 416........ 131,892 613.315 Lamps.............................. 1850 NewYork.... 11 48,800 122,640 195.. 81,840 358,600.300 20 1,060,0227. United States. 26 486,300 490,862 918 20 290,424 1,,022 1860 New York.... 13 61,000 115,985 151........ 63,236 317,895 United States. 30 235,8000 242,536 344 30 135,848 578,020 Lamp black........................... 1860 INew York.... 4 18,000 11,478 13....... 4,608 24,668 United States. 15 110,300 48,698 81. 3 29,676 0124,610 Lasts and boot trees.................... 1850 NewYork.... 8 17,600 4,410 40...... 12,120 29,625 United States. 43 122,450 38,420 284........ 104,152 240,936 1860 New York.... 13 44.600 16,140 64........ 26,808 92,525 United States. 77 210,081 93,818 434........ 134,884 484,279 Laundry work. 0...................O.. 1860 New York.... 1 2,000 163,600........ 100 8,400.182,000 United States. 3 19,600 165,830 11 165 24,840 212,600 Lead mining............................ 1860 NewYork.... 1 680 100 10.... 660800 United States. 64 359,8502 951,121 361.. 90,09661,176,875 Leadl pipn w................... G.... 1850 New York.... 2 135,000 318,900 20 {......... 6,600 370,000 United States. 178,0330 0,71....... 26,004 797, 16 1860 NewYork.... 5 960, 000 1,828,675 132 2. 50,112 1,947,700 United States. 14 1,739,963 2,679,453 344 2 103,05643,166,029 Leather.............a............... 1860 New York.... 753 11,316,429 15,335,853 6,437 59 1,922,196 22, 488, 037 United States. 5,188 39,05,620 49,812,659 25,856 388 8,175,508 75,708,757 Leather belting and hose.............. 1860 New York... 6 118,000 1150,200 48 20,904 254,700 United States. 46 588,000 915,271 329 25 134,952 1,481,750 Life preservers...................,, 1860 NewYork.... 1 1,500 2,262 3'.. 1,7286,290 United State's. 1,500 2,262 3 1,728 6,290 Lime........................ 1850 NewYork.... 94 141,545 115,960 428........ 105,575 312,159 United States. 761 1,124,072 1,106,775 2,834........ 735,746 2,286,242 1860 New York.... 75 246,741 196,599 526....... 154,512 571,607 United States. 714 2,014,931 1,760,103.3,031 22 877,377 3,798,505 Liquors, bottled.1................... 860 New York... 1 8,000 3,804 67........ 1,920 10,000 United States. 9.3,818434....... 1348..........................,........2...... Lthographing......................186011 76,600 349,650 104 58 51,288 136,000 United States. 19 6,600 19,650 114 58 51,288 136,000 1860 Newi or........................ 139,23 383,700 United States. 53 44~15,250 229,206 760 26'338,868 848,230 Looking-glass and pi~t~ure frames......1 1850 Ne~r..36 183,500 223,850 361 (........( 132,648 1536,900 United States. 108 445,24,0 544, 980 884.... 347,976 1,252, 746 1860 New York.... 64 347,450 629,110 1,104 11 402,420.1,505,96 United States. 199 1,002,383 1,228,831 1,884. 12 704,0274 2 7,85132 Lunmler sawing and planing.........,.. 1850 New York.... 4, 626 8,032, 983 6, 813,130 10,840.i....... 2, 863,188 13, 126, 759. Un~itedSta~tes.1l7,895 40,038,427 27,593,529 51,766 452 13,022,052 58,520,966 1860 New York.... 2,855 8,3234,872 7,492, 011 8,582 8 2, 380, 628 12, 720, 721 United States.21,165 76,642,890 51,358,400 74, 922 673 2,970,245104, 928,342 Macaroni and vermicelli.............. 1860 New York.... 901 50 00 1,2,5 1 30 3,2' 2147,000 United States. 6 1,24,9600 40,7360 29 4 31 20,460 111,600 Machinists and.illwrights............ 1850 New York....,28,5 4,338,170 3,666,68 7,734 10,2,604,444 |8,422,74 UnitedStates.1,061 19,225,918 11,367,728 27,834 58 9,639,912 27,998,344 M~illwrihtmi g and mmlfurmishm~g......;. 1860 New York.... 8 219,600 114, 472 151........, 38, 172 275,722 United States. 40 274,7950 175,115 329 4 99,356 482,654 Leteacbltinistgs tools............... 1860 New York.... 3 43,000 11,796 * 42........ 9,4004 47,950 United States. 17 536,150 143,404 455........ 178,732 540,292 Malt p............................... o11 271,800 363,660 73. 18,276 471,035 United States. 11 271,800 363, 660 73 1....~.... 18, 276 471,035 1860 New York.... 48 1,526,400 1,662,629 386.......1 113,636 2,212,970 United States.l 85 2, 125,750 2,365,299 589......... 189,800 3,228,857 Mape.............................. 5 51,500 34.175 48 28 28,36898,000 United States. 15 218, 500 1 0,10 69,7108 301,500 1~5 Cxiv INTRODUCTION. Comparison of the Returns of Manufactures for New York and the United States —(Continued). PERSONS EMPLOYED. MANUFACTURES. Years. Number of Capital invested. Cost yof raw m- Annual cost of Annua value of establi~sl] eias labor. products. ments. Males. Females. Mlarble and stone work.............. 1860 New York.... 238 $1,466,220 $1,469,206 2,929........ $1,227,150 $3,631,095 United States. 1,806 8,864,675 5,345,526 15,365 14 5,672,211 16,244,044 Masts and spars..........8.....`..... 1'860 New York.... 5 66,600 24,875. 66........ 23,664 77'770' United States. 27 204,400 124,420 I180........ 82,716 301,591 Matches........................... 1850 New York.'... 18 50,990 49,193 303 258 78,600 197,598 United States. 60 109,140 137,514 481 540 154,620 427 823 1860 New York.... 9 159,200 35,407 267 226 31,140 126,355 United States. 75 361,750 229,720 6041 648 179,450 698,566 Mathematical instruments............. 1850 New York.... 41 179,550 70,381 340 20 150,516 418,375 United States. 90 326,330 165,666 624 40 260,812 702,750 1860 NewYork.... 30 181,550. 27,873 119 8 46,236 144,922 United States. 116 827,000 239,787 710 32 294,228 1,026,133 Medicines, drugs and dye stuffs........ 1850 New York.... 19 461,700 379,135 197 41 76,740 1,106,000 United States. 143 1,427,375 1,657,886 693 134 276,488 3,508,465 1860 New York.... 28 310,000 413,554 161 57 67,860 825,670 United States. 173 1,977,385 1,492,248' 833 226 372,127 3 465 594 Meerschaums..................1..... 1860 New York.... 1 800 375 2........ 840 2,000 United States. I 800 375 2........ 840 2,000 Metal, prepared, and white metal...... 1860 ew Yor.... 2 10,000 21,400..... 3,240 58,800 United States. 7 226,200 226,150 49........ 21,348 330,500 Metal spinning................ 1860 NewYork....... 1 1,000 1,594 2........ 720 4,648 United States. I 1,000 1,594 2........ 720 4,648 Military equipments................... 1850 New York.... 2 3,000 4,600 8........ 3,600 16,800 United States. 2 3,000 4,600 8.... 3.600 16,800 1860 New York.... 7 43,200 52,961 69 16 37,680 147,850 United States. 15 407,500 107,350 174 35 76,528 299,856 Millinery goods, miscellaneous........ 1860 New York.... 9 31,500 104,796 44 265 60,300 238,154 United States. 35 365,900 739,965.111 923 202,508 1,483,154 Millinery............................ 1850 New York.... 169 262,200 692,308 133 1,962 340,428 1,324,498 United States. 532 660,193 1,496,866 181 3,688 610,836 2,761,989 1860 NewYork.... 248 492,520 867,209 51 1,450 298,134 1,733,688 United States. 967 1,379,777 2,153,192 132 4,614 887,702 4,543,284 Millstones 1850New York............ ~~~~~~Millstones,.......... 6............~ 1850 P. 23..I.....3215()................................... United States. 23 81,835 61,791 87 32,508 4870 1860 NewYork.... 3 15,200 8,010 22...... 11,040 25620 United States. 21 168,245 100,329 162........ 65,952 20,644 Mineral water...................... 1850 New York.... 16 44,550 101,115 131........ 33,300 208,924 United States. 64 228,650 313,631 570........ 153 916 760,489 1860 New York.... 29 221,600 151,029 233 6 67,188 461,885 UnitedStates 123 585,860 454, 458 720 7 241,292 1,41-5420 Mineral water apparatus............... 1860 NewYork.... 1 50,000 6,000. 30 1 8,640 25,000 UnitedStates 2 52,500 7,500 33 1 10,080 30,000 Morocco dressing................... 1850 New York.... 35 346,200 794,145 471 36 1661104 1343,600 United States. 116 1,387,750 2,286,995 1,796 171 623,772 3,861,895 Molding sand.................... 1860 New York.... 3 5,650 4,000 15 3,600 13,600 i 166 104~~~~~~~ 1 343600' UnitedStates. 3 5,650 4,000 15 3,600 13,600 Musical instruments.................... 1850 New York.... 58 674,500 284,919 948....... 403,188 1,073,343 UnitedStates. 204 1,545,935 698,168 2,307........ 1,054,24 2, 580715 1860 NewYork.... 82 2,679,200 1,086,644 2,496........ 1,274,208 3,439,167 United States. 248 4620,600 2,325,209 4,846........ 2,529,788 6,96,'018 Nails............................ 1850 New York.... 13 493,700 1,056,298 980...... 355,284 1,872,962 4] 2,9 4,433876,72750. United States 87 4,428,98 4,438,976 5227.. 1,812,972 7,662,144 1860 NewYork.... 15 456,950 566,493 647 2 20, 116 1,021,736 United States. 99 5,810,250 6,069,195 6,721 157 2,398,872 9,857,223 Newspaper directing machines......... 1860 New York.... 1 2,000 340 2........ 40 00 UnitedStates. 2,000 340 2....... 240 600 Oakum........................... f 1860 New York.... 2 43,000 42,400 41,2...... 7,728 53,805 United States. 14 191,400 245,080 196........ 49,944 348,401 Oil,linseed........................... 1850 New York.... 29 309,600 393,766 115........ 37404,514670 United States. 168 896,650 1,477,645 477 143,664 1,948,934 Oil, whale........................... 1850 New York... 18 1,435,000 2,577,175 220 52 99,732 3,369,120 United States. 50 2,791,000 6,4':-2,876 492 52 198'468 7,837'980. OilI............................... 1860 New York.... 49 2,049,050 6,966,224 650 1 357,564 9,182,315 UnitedStates. 2841A 46f Q1 A- 140 12 1,186,14 22,651,036 Oil cloths..,..............;...........`1850 New ~ork.... 19 373,200 314,250 242....,70'128 51 ^?'^ United States. 56 640, 700 829,706 648......... 178'854 1'256' 999 1860 NewYork.... 14 384,200 333,200 303 55 110,988, ^32^ United States. 30 1, 608, 200 2, 380, 863 1,519 23 518'136 s' 609'218 Ornaments..................'......... 1860 New York.... 7 9,200 7,213 36.... 11,36 29, 300 United States. 13 10,800 9,813 49 14,724 40,270 Oyster keg hoops........... 1860 New York.... 1 3,000 3,000 5 1,320 5,000 United States. 1 3,000 3,000 5.1,320 5,000 Painting.......................... 1860 NewYor.... 13 5,300 7,862 29.9644 oT4o United States. 268 300,815 325,112 903 10, 379,948 935,339 Pai intsetce..........;............ 1850 New York.... 13 631,000 536,070 299 1 112.344 514,670 United States. 45 1,961,300 1,567,238 562 1 213,864 1,944,934 PaperOil, w e.......................... 1850 Ne- ork... 106 1,318,633 844,208 823 444.1,8: 1,634,5:9 United States. 443 7,260,864 5,553,929 8,835 2,950 I,497,792 10,187'177 1860 NewYork.... 126 2,039,000 1,394,100 1,411 446 ^.O^ 2,059,776 UnitedStates. 555 14,052,683 11,602,266 6,519 4,398 2,767,212 21,216,802 Paper hanging...................... 1860. New York,..;. 9 465,000 661,250 678 4.173'760 1't'Q'Rnn UnitedLStates. 26 1,037,600 1,153,670 1,203 91 328,224 2,148,800 Paper ruling................,....i...[ 1860 NewvYork.... 1 500 500 4..... 20 1L,600 United States. 1 500 500 4 720 1 600 Patterns..........,................... 1850 NewcvYork... 6 4, 300 3,965 31..... 11>604 22' l^ United States. 6 4, 300 8,965 31..... 11,604 22,210 1860 NewYork.... 15 37,500 10,330 86 42 444 ^'^ United States. 48 101,054 42,629 340 12 1,186,32 2265,03 Pearl cork................................ 191 400 1,4340 3........ 600, 51, 80 United States. 12 16,300 17,675 6 97 15 26,976 59,416 Percussion caps and powder flaakrs...... 1860 New York.. 1 40,000 20,000 12 25 5I400 11 0,,00 United States. 7 245,500 142,315 143 94 60,280 320,000 INTRODUCTION. CXV Comparison of the Returns of Manufactures for New York and the United States-(Continued). PERsoONS EMPLOYED. MANUFACTURES. Years. Number of Capital invested. Cost of raw ma- Annual cost of Annual value of establish- terials. labor. products. men ts.Males. Females. Perfume and fancy soaps.............. 1850 New York.... 4 $16,000 t11,300 6 12 2,928 41,000 United States. 39 197,550 163,826 125 63 43,720 355, 350 1860 New York.... 11 152,200 186,580 75 132 52.772 544,000 United States.'33 597.000 460,194 261 274 146,076 1,222,400 Photographino............... 1860 New York.... 58 132,330 127,762 181 15 157,448 490,285 United States. 249 417,250 293,257 580 73 359,854 1,090,647 Photographic materials................ 1860 New York.... 4 118,000 73,576 51 125. 36,000 191,000 United States. 12 198,000 175,821 255 296 123,900 468,280 Pins................................ 1860 New York.... 3.39,000 58, 650 25 55 17,160 108,000 United States. 7 266,000 272,422 88 165 65,820 432,500 Pipe, wooden........................ 1860 New York.... 1 4,000 1,000 2........864 2,000 United States. 1 4,000 1,000 2........864 2,000 Pitch brewers and burgundy........... 1860 New York.... 3 5,800 2, 600 3........ 1,800 7, 100 United States. 3 5,800 2,600 3........ 1,800 7,100 Plaster.............................. 1850 New York.... 96 227,940 127,339 73........ 43,620 226,385 United States. 140 410,440 239,063 381........ 100,692 428,000 1860 New York.... 126 372,800 222,758 277........ 78,458.............. United States. 307 1,023,990 522,836 864 2 232,500............ Plaster statuary..................... 1860 New York.... 1 2,000 150 1 1840............ United States. 1 2,,000.150 1 1 840............ Plumbing.............................. 1850 New York.... 46 422,000 930,872 545 2 190,584............ United States. 124 646,225 1,297,119 1,037 3 377,900............. 1860 New York.... 63 321,725 442,444 542........ 204,200............ United States. 221 797,470 931,920 1,345........ 523,050............ Plumbers materials................... 1860 New York.... 1 14,000 26,905 35........ 7,200.............. United States. 1 14,000 26,905 35........ 7,200............ Pocket books, portmonnaies, etc........ 1850 NewYork.... 19 105,600 185,600 528 26 97,284 434,500 United States. 37 144,750 262,778 609 161 142,356 593,550 1860 NewYork.... 35 165,550 217,204 368 244 114,228 508,512 United States. 46 208,200 354,264 423 397 156,996 706,037 Porcelain ware...................... 1860 New York.... 2 160,000 56,000 159 8 79,020 165,000 United States. 3 360,000 81,195 224........ 6,480 34,000 Pork and beef packing................ 1850 New York.... 11 149,500 1,387,150 83........ 28,920 1,674,822 United States. 185 4,382,500 9,451,096 3,967........1,231,536 11,981,642 1860 New York.... 47 806,487 2,738,710 284........ -123,340 3,421,311 United States. 352 11,484',896 24,894,624 6,680 799 1,388,190 31,986,433 Potters' clay.................. 1860 New York.... 1 20,000........... 12....... 3,600 16,000 United States. 2 23,000 15,000 24........ 6,480 34,000 Potteries........................... 1850 New York.... 43 171,500 53,469 296 12 94,440 240,182 United States. 484 777,544 275,083 2,246 43 607,418 1,466,063 1860 NewYork.... 45 315,650 89,473 372 8 2,340 33,150 United States. 557 1,341,774 517,113 2,836 72 934,918 2,463,681 Preserved fruit, pickles, etc............ 1860 New York.... 13 406,500 391,178 139 147 61,092 775,875 United States. 13 406,500 391,178 139 147 61,092 175,875 Printing and publishing............... 1850 0e0work... 200 3,081,625 3,036,030 3,020 762 1,197,528 6,162,809 United States. 673 5,862,715 4,964,225 6,989 1,279 2,737,308 11,586,549 1860 NewYork.... 395 7,880,~550 5,867,458 6,207 1,011 2,603,116 12,617,105 United States. 1,666 19,622,318 12,844,288 17,826 2,333 7,588,096 31,063,898 Printers' furniture................. 1860 New York... 5 9,400 9,789 18........ 7,392 24,500 United States. 8 13,900 11,699 27........ 10,656 31,500 Printing. presses....................... 1860 New York.... 7 758,000 91,280 530 209,220 757,250 Unitedq States. 14 1,015,000 145,520 707........ 289,684 943,450 Pumps................................ 1850 New York.... 30 86,370 55,493 148........ 49,380 166,919'United States. 30 86,370 55,493 148........ 49,380 166,919 1860 New York.... 29 79,120 47,202 120........ 43,428 181,050 United States. 134 456,740 229, 198 536........ 200,480 688, 024 Putty.............................. 1860 New York.... 2 11,000 16,180 8........ 2,340 33,150 United States. 3 11,500 18,280 9........ 2,700 35,780 Razor straps....................... 1860 New York.... 1 1,000 765 1 5 780 4?ouo United States. 9 17,000 14,547 28 29 12,984 56,800 Refrigerators...................... 1860 New York... 3 33,800 39,920 35........ 15,216 67,050 United States. 13 83,650 70,727 92 1 41',2844 162'550 Registers and ventilators.............. 1860 New York.... I 25,000 15,7300 40........ 17,280 90o000 United States. 1 25,000 15,730 40 17,280 90 OCO'Rice cleaning.........o.............. 1860 New York.... 1 55,000 179,800 13........ 6,240 196,200 UnitedIStates. 23 529,700P1,530,777 229 213 79,836 1,788,126 Rtice machines...................,, 1860 New York.... 1 500 132 1....300 500 United States. I1 500 132' 1.... 300 5,000 Rigging........................i..... 1860 NewRrYor~k.... 4 11,000 140,000 145......3,920 245,500 UInited States. 20 72,400 296,058294......147,588 506, 050 Roofing.............................I 1860 NlewtvYork.... 13 154, 300 123, 174 214.....70,9241 30^,100~ United States. 56 352, 300 533,155 5541....195,996 I'024, 019 Saddles and harness.................. 1850 New York....7$09 636,990 718,27191,972 19 544, 308 1,621,891) UTnited States. 3,515 3,969, 379 4,427,006 12,5938 360 3, 154-,008 | 9,935,4~4: 1860 NewYork.... 607 759,897 732, 572 1,615 29 526,088 1,65^,011 UTnited States. 3,621 6,478, 184 6,606,415 11,963 322 4, 150, 365 l4, 60,037 Safes, fire-proof...................... 1860. New York.... 14 652~,100 458,6j57 640....267,812 1,10^0C75 United States. 36 1,026,800 757,515j 1,093 i........ 471,924 1,'910, 079 Sails................................ 1850 New Yorkr.... 20 57,600 101,648 137......7,360 224, 400 United States. 183 266, 380 880,414 838....349,644 1,654,503 1860 NewYork.... 26 91,7002932, 631 191 2 70,885 36b'824 United States. 133 312,0)75 820,222 641 22367,485 1,328,146 Saleratus...,........................ 1860 New York.... 9 254, 000 378,920 149 6 79,572 1,(772,500 United States. 11 275,000 439?,01017 6 89,U12 1,176000 Salt and salt refining~...,................ 1850 New York.... 192 819,95063j1,955 873....299,3/6 990?oi5 U~nited States. 340 2, 640, 860 1,0,51,419 2, 699........ 753,360 2, 77, r45 1860 NewYork.... 296 2,313,590 676,30115,079........ 24, 520 1,289,511 *United States. 408 3,775,915 1,149,920 2, 227 37 390, 806 2,456,'9^ Salt bags...............,............. 1850 New York....* 124 2, 300 12, 1702 23 3,112, 16,550 United States. 24 2, 300 12, 170 2 23 3, 112 16, 550 XSandpaper ~.......................... 1860 New York.... 2 32, 500: 18,96j0 10 3 4, 368~ 42?0000 United States. 3 42, 500 241,760 18 3 7,368 54,350 cXvi INTRODUCTION. Comparison of the Returns of Manufactures for New York and the United States-(Continued). PERSONS EMPLOYED. MANUFACTURES. Years.- Number of Capital invested. Cost of raw ma- Annual cost of Annual value of e establish- terials. labor products. ments. Males. Females. Sash metal....................... 1860 New York.... 3 $4,000 85,008 6........ 82,460 812,600 United States. 3 4,000 5,008.... 2.460 12,600 Sash and blind.................... 1850 New rk.... 58 130,700 86,518. 300......... 91,656 244,896 United States. 433 1,066,355 859,827 2,448....... 840,924 2,277,061 1860 New York.... 212 930,925 724,910 1,252........ 454,758 1,723,985 United States. 986 5,419,487 3,965,365 7,399 7 2,745,567 9,589,007 Satinet printing.................... 1860 New York.... I 25,000 2,000 15........ 7,200 15,000 United States. 7 120,000 95,032 103 8 39,792 222,420 Saws............................... 1860 Neow York.... 12 200,500 183,629 258........ 88,648 352,750 United States. 4-2 770,200 583,123 756 3 281,392 1,237,063 Scales and balances................... 1860 NewYork.... 10 110,200 50,243 150........ 56,640 263,870 United States. 43 744,300 336,166 725........ 280,015 1,292,560 School apparatus............... 1860 NewYork.... 1 5,000 3,000 1 4 4,320 15,000 United States. 3 8,200 5,560 23 7 9,936 27,000 Scythes.............................I 1860 NewYork.... 4 273,025 47,047 86........ 34,320 117,440 United States. 22 667,025 214,037 474........ 173,723 552,7753 Scythe rifies......................... 1860 NewYork.... 1500 165 1 1 480 1,400 United States. 1 500165 1 1480 1,400 Sewing machines................ 1860 York... 19 3,200 212,440 473......... 196,260 1,043,805 United States. 74 1,426,550 647,963 2,259 28 1,090,956 4,247,820 Sewing machine cases............... 1860 New York.... 1 20,000 33,750 20........ 6,000 50,000 United States 1 20,000 33,750 20........ 6,000 50,000 Sewing machine needles.............. 1860 Yor 4 14, 3,39 26........ 2,820 24,120 United States. 12 46,700 18,714 117 18i 42,588 97, 386 Sewing machine shuttles.............. 1860 NewYork.... 1 1,200349 10........ 3,8408,000 United States. 1 1,200 349 10....3,8408,000 Shingles...................... 1860 NewYork... 182 237,480 167,080 534 1 133, 72 3, 56 United States. 665 1,128,470 652,821 2,177 19 552,849 1,665,507 Shingle machines............180 N York.... o4 e o6,400 1,971 11........ 3,5529,020 United States. 5 10,400 2,371 13........ 4,452 10,620 Ship and boat building................ 1850 NewYork.... 125 1,513,000 2,625,162 3,478........1,745,160 6,150,185 UnitedStates 892 5,182,309 7,286,40112,623........ 5,922,576 16,595,683 1860 New York.... 93 1,109,500 1,127,984 2,071 1 1,153,952 3,125,711 United States. 614 -5,472,815 4,774,586 9,259 1 4,154,509 11,667,661 Ship joining........................ 1860 NewYork... 8 20,200 55,840 142........ 75,840 134,770 United States. 8 20,200 55,840 142........ 75,840 134,770 Ship smithing..................... 1860 NewYork.... 23 78,650 81,139 135........ 54,180 193,136 UnitedStates. 23 78,650 81,139 135....... 54,180 193,136 Shoddy.......................... 1860 NewYork.... 11 63,2000 99,469 58 80 21,356 179,990 United States. 30 123,500 227,925 2141 149 54,124 402,50 Shoemaker's tools..................... 1860 New York.... 3 14,800 17,450 107........ 26,640 77,000 United States. 39 139,900 73,096 387 7 120,396 339,059 Shige pegs........................ 1860 New York.... 8 17,600 2,468 27........ 9,492 18,020 United States. 8 17,600 2,468 27.... 9,492 18,020 Shot............. bui dg......... 1850 NewYork.. 2 200,000 528,575 33........ 9,120 600,000 United States. 5 245,5.00 760,421 69 4 5 18,580 988,550 Shovels, forks, hoes, etc............... 1860 New York.... 24 322,200 116,282 237' 1 78,764 309,228 United States. 55 963,300 866,468 1.1858 1 414,620 1,638,876 Show cards...................... 18 New ork.... 2 2,800 808 15 4... 1. 4,740 9,000 United States. 7 20,400 39.811 44 27 7 19,284 91,100 Showcases..................... 1860 INew York.... 2 5,500 13,536 51,280.31,700 United States. 9 17,900 29,141 40 o........ 18,648 85,200 ~~~Signs.O..V....... 1860 New York... 118 10,500 24,295 81........ 37,416 82,600 United States. 20 11,500. 24,995 83........ 38,016 85,200 Silk, sewing..................... 1860 N York.... 3 N81,000 148,750 69 90 32,688 207,519 United States. 42 1,675,900 2,378,521 583 1,996 387,312 3,596,249 Silk, fringes, trimmings, etc........... 1860 New Yor.... 839 241,789 495,261 333 664 235,096 944,377 United States. 95 1,272,780 1,527,769 940 1,841 647,996 2:992,992 Silver-plated and Britannia ware....... 1860 New York.... 41 1.42,200 188,167 225 68 107,156 406,345 United States. 28 1,537540 1,738,806 2,172 327 932,756 3,676,460 Silversmiths, jewelers and watchmakers. 1850 New York.... 153 1,337,860 1,863,302 1,527 68 701,148 3,464,138 United States. 583-3,828,170 4,920,619 4,873 389 2,131,296 9,401,765 1860 New York.... 37, 555,200 1,078,880 517 36 250,908 1,581,035 United Stattes. 106 1,712, 050 2a,266, 784 1,283 61. 556,140 3,571,654 Syrup............................... 186 1,200 United States. 8 9,300 4,903 25..... 4,692 23,870 Skinl dressing................,......... 1850 New York.... 10 129,600 250,987 110 6 1' 23,772..316, 130 United States. 22 192,00 0 391,138 195 21 49,548 525,370 Slates, transparent................. 1860 New York.... 1400 4100, 2 1 864 6,000 United States. 50...............4... 1,4..........,62 1,638,876.................. Shuff and tobacco..................... 1860 New York.... 28 578,300 1,037,745 850 364 294,234 1,717,810 United States. 6261 9,494,405 13,024,988 f15,869 2, 900 3,571,294 21,820, 535 Spokes, hubs and felloes......,........ 1860 NCew Pork,...* 42 137,100 107,645 236 1~....... 77,514 303,89)8 United States. 215 1,422,700~1 792,324 1,635 4........ 599,179 2,213,849 Springs.............................( 1860 New ~iork.... 8S 222, 100 216,280 s 184........ 77,S968 471,020 United States. 40 1,264,4009.39,1408,160 2, 117, 377 Stair building.,,......,,....,......... 1860 New Yorks.... 11412,200 54, 630 95....43,920 148,3(00 United States. 46 105,266 113,862 258........ 113,022 339,600 Stairrods............................ 1 9,000 20, 500 15.5,760 38,000 United States.* 5 87,000 75,685 62 5 28,380 149,400 Starch............................... 1850i New York.... 22 25,800 26,675 254 8..... 6,176 451,195 United States.l I146692, 675 799,459 686 8 193,224 1,261,468 1860 New York.... 61 954,850 536,854, 492........ 131,498 1,017,011 United States. 167 2a,051,710 1,380,000 1,063 10 298,526 2a,823,258 Staionery........................ 1 113,000 207,775 99 126 45,708 332,900 UnitedStates. 8 113,000 207775 99 126 45,708 332,900 1860 New York.... ~1 1,500 1,150 3,~....... 720 3,000 United States. 32 144,7400 81,167 365 29 7 106,380 325,5338 Staves, shooks and heading............ 1860 NewYork.... 88 268,627 247,836 584 1 143,976 490.124 United States. 295 897,726 772,029 1,57 01,809 1,711,743 Steam engines................... 1860 NewYork.... 184 5,840,415 4,105,928 7,272........ 2,733,306 10,037,493 United States. 1,17733,392,080 17,438,62 0 4,90 8 1 14,2469,30 46,757486 INTRODUCTION.cx-Vl Comparison of the -Returns of Manufactures of Aew York and the United States-(Continued). PERSONS EMPLOYED. MANUFACTURES. Years. Number of Capital invested. Cost of raw ma- Annual cost of Annual value of establish- terials. labor, productst ments. Males. Females. Steam and water heating apparatus..... 1860 New York.... 6 $195,000 $.8172,121 211........ 62,700 $13.650 United States. 9 275,500 189,876 234........ 75,540 516,650 Steam and water gauges..,....*.,...... 1860 New York.... 1 2,000 382..2, 400 5,310 United States. 1 2,000 382 5........ 2,400 5,310 Steel............................. 1860 New York.. 2 205,000 137,899 91........ 42,336- 277,040 United States. 17 1,666,000 858,2714 871, 18 338,880 1,879,840 Steering apparatus...... 1-860 New York.... 1 1,500 950 3........ 792 3,500 United States. 1 1,500 950 3........792 3,500 Stereoscopic cases................... 1860 New York.... 1 500 730 1........ 600 1,200 United States. 1 500 730 1........6001,20 Stereotyping and electrotying........... 1860 New York.. 11 73,500 42,757 162 66,360 193,500 United States. 41 126,500 60.507 305.. 120,840 286,300 Stone quarrying...................... 273 852,320 840,975 2,391........ 849,456 2,205,255 United States. 1,144 4,032,182 2,475,760 9,996........ 3,431,194 8,180,115 1860 New York.... 358 160,807 36,921 1,050....... 333,636 647,357 United States..1,806 8,864,675 5,345,526 15,365 14 5,672,211 16,244,044 Stoves and ranges.................. 1850 New York.... 51 1,305,600 1.025,252 1,041........ 661,920 2,222,880 United States. 230 3, 179,475 2,913,943 4,227........ 1,617,274 6, 124, 728 1860 New York...........................,...,... United States................................................... Straw goods.................... 1860 New York... 1 15,000 6,000 1 20 2,228 "12, 000 Unitedtates. 39 1,257,700 2.529,416 801 6,803 1,384,232 4,395,616 Sugar refining..... 1850 NewYork.... 5 880,000 3,788,400 745 6 277,104 5.020,000 United States. 23 2,669,000 7,662,685 1,644 12 604,248 9,898,800 1860 New York.... 18 4,550,000 19,084,510 1,789........ 704,400 23,106,500 United States. 39 9,087,500 34,103,767 3,484........1,358,328 42,143,234 Sugar moulds........................ 1860 New York.... 3 8,000 29',945 75........ 22,800 90,000 United States. 3 8,000 29,945 75-........ 22,800 90,000 Sulphur............................. 1860, New York.... 2 53,000 62,700 12........ 5,136 83,264 United States. 3 73,000 107,700 22........ 8,736 133,264 Surgical instruments................ 1850 New York.... 3 3,400 490 6 1 2,640 9,250 United States. 37 101,450 80,987 189 111i90,044 256,400 1860 New York.... 11 249,400 37,234 150 14 55,368 225,464 United States. 116 827,000 239,787 710 32 294.228'1,026,133 Suspenders...................... 1860 New York.... 1 1,200 730........ 480 3,000 United States. 4 341,200 243,522 143 339 95,460 633,000 Tallow rendering.................... 1860 New York.... 1 1,000 3,000 2........ 600 5,056 United States. 1 1,000 3,000 2........600 5,056 Tapes and binding..................... 1860 New York.... 1 60,000 40,400 40, 60 26,400 75,000 United tates. 1 60,000. 40,400 40 60 26,400 75,000 Teeth porcelain...................... 1860 New York.... 2 1,200 1,850 2.....1,200 4,418 United States. 11 304,000 206,410 92 84 67,704 367,518 Telegraphing instruments............. 1860 New York.... 2 9,000 8,446 16........ 7,92027,00 United States........................................... Tin, copper, and sheet-iron ware....... 1850 New York.... 476. 904,440 999,759 1,440 2 453, 744 1,966,705 United States. 2,280 4,129,587 4,805,389 7,365 28 2,363,100 8,933,188 1860 NewYork.... 642 2,141,819 1,543,239 2,472 16 773,728 3,448,928 United States. 3,488 9,079,766 7,699,047 11,156 70 4,056,480 16,718, 388 Thread linen......................... 1860 New York... 7 149,795 99,195 92 110 39,248 184, 570United States. 7 149,795 99,195 92 110 39,248 184,570 Tinfoil.......................... 1860 New York.... I 100,000 92,000 30........ 11,400 120,000 United States. 1 100,000 92,000 30........ 11,400 120,000 Toy books, games, etc................ 1860 New York.... 1 38,000 30,000 - 15 30 8,400 70,000 United States. 1 38,000 30,000 15 30 8,400 70,000 Tobacconists.................. 1850 NewYork.... 164 467,736 684,395 1,332 131 361,032 1,489,287 United States. 1,418 5,008,295 7,341,728 12,261 1,975 2,420,208 13, 491, 147 Toys,.......................... 1860 New York.... I 6,000 10,680 20........ 4,800 20,000 United States. 10 47,000 37,130 65 51 32,928 104,000 Trunks, carpet bags, etc............... 1850 New York.... 27 99,000 147,483 I77 50 63,288 299,108 United States. 116 356,660 765,816 1,056 264 386,160 1,558,388 1860 New York.... 42 231,250 273,767, 268 92 138,630 520,143 United States. 152 937,800 1,381,344 1,795 299 693.364 2,8389,769 Trusses, bandages, etc................. 1860 New York.... 3 2,000 1,832 3 6 2, 988 8,400 United States. 18 28,300 29,440 38 50 25,488 77,860 Truss hoops...................... 1860 INew York.... I 400 370 2.........7 I720 1,500 United States., 2 5505642 3....1,200 2, 300 Turners wood............;............I 1850 NewYork.... 127 154,310 138,091 394 4 124, 692 391,273 United States. 440 663,615 407,043 1, 624 27 49 3,020 1, 374, 449 Turning, ivory and bone...............; 1860) New York.... 940,650 87,355 138....47,832 155,904: United States. 19 89, 550 130,155 293 14 88,608 253,204 Turning, scroll sawing and moulding...( 1860 N~ew York..,. 84 433,648 474,748 719....257,096 1,046,267 United States. 253 988, 328 836,4841I,667 1........ 585,740 2,084, 325 Type and stereotype foundinlg...,....... 1850 New York.... 17 156,500 111,100 286 12;3 114, 480O 335,000 United States. 42 513,709 298,922 7'75 2242 275,220 913,200.~ 1860 New Pork.... 9 310, 900 180,837 247 193 160,156 540,4~00 United States. 32 1,113, 600 357,600 795 312 416,404 1,276,570 Umbrellas and parasols....,............ 1850 New Porkr.... 27 359,700 654, 099 339 1,049 196,476 1, 336, 320 United States. 80 761,760 1,339, 607 814 1,762 433,548 2, 505, 622 I860 — Niew~orkr.... 24 395,300 1,221,936 238 732 205, 812 1,692,16G7 United States. 66 1,038,89-02,015,623 551 1,410 433,9802a.948. 302 Upholster~y..............~........... ~ 1850 New Pork~.... 28 188,~050 302,310 282 318 108,228 526,760 United States. 155 565,635 983,961 804 708 375, 580 1, 7906 93 1860 N~ew~ork.... 41 174,200 586,988 134.,119 71,236 786, 300 United States. 199 740, 330 1,705, 634 876 f 551 425,4~52 2,920, 188 Valentinaes.............,............ 1860 New Pork.... 17,000 3,000 9....2, 160 <2, 000 United States.I17,000 3,000 9....2, 160 12,000 Varnish.......,..................,.... 1860 New York.... 10 414, 300 489, 888 104....29, 568 689,300 United States. 48 1,080, 650 1,549,413 312 3 126,024 2a,402 790 Vault lights......................... 1860 NMew ~ork... 11,000 4,900 30....10,800 40,000 United States. 11,000 4,900 30....10, 800 40 000 Vegetable extracts............,..... 1850 New Por~k.... 11 28,2~50 15,6,8044....10,58i4 45150 United States. 24 30, 450 23,080 71 1........ 16, 2841 58, 050 CXviii INTRODUCTION. Comparison of the Returns of Manufactures for New York and the United States-(Continued). NUMBER EMPLOYED. MANUFACTURES. Years. Number of Capital invested. Cost of raw ma- Animal cost of Annual value of establish- terials. labor. products. menrits.' Males. Females. Veneers, mahogany, rosewood, etc...... 1860 New York.... 10 $282,500 $285,232 84...... $37,200 $483,100 United States. 25 507,300 585,187 192 2 88,560 1,021,700 Vinegar............................. 1860 New York... 22 82,000 72,655 63........ 20,328 155,275 United States. 126 428,200 411,273 308 11 107,340 923,822 Wall paper......................... 1850 New York.... 6 49,500 52,335 91 2 25,872 107,040 United States. 6 49,500 52,335 91 2 25,872 107,040 Watch repairing and materials......... 1860 New York.... 6 9,500 8,138 24........ 7,356 28,925 United States. 94 775,611 705,178 710 123 359,940 1,524,700 Washing blue........................ 1860 New York.... 1 500 1,706 1........ 288 3,000 United States. 1 500 1,706 1........288 3,000 Washing machines.................... 1860 New York.... 6 3,800 4,968 20........ 6,048 14,235 United States. 29 34,700 24,824 85........ 29,124 87,565 Water closets........................ 1860 New York.... 3 23,000 34,920 35..~...... 11,040 55,300 United States. 3 23,000 34,920 35........ 11,040 55,300 Weaving........................... 1850 New York.... 9 20,450 17,055 52 15 11,448 35,400 United States. 153 126,290 134,480 377 155 102,204 310,109 Well curbs................... 1860 New York.... 1 1,000 2,000 1........I 360 3,000 United States. 8 7,100 10,670 15...... 5,304 29,830 Whalebone.......................... 1850 New York.... 5 75,300 241,600 180........ 33,600 344,500 United States. 11 85,100 285,885 199 1 39,252 412,000 Whalebone cutting................... 1860 New York.... 1 1,000 2,000 1........ 360 1 3,000 United States. 3 69,000 86,843 43 7 12,720 132,331 Wheelwrights....................... 1850 New York.... 1,204 1,012,830 554,607 3,541 2 987,612 2,046,576 United States. 4,226 3,146,211 1,886,551 11,542 7 3,157,544 6,827,451 Whips and canes.................. 1850 New York... 9 20,850 18,810 46 26 15,960 45,650 United States. 70 198,895 237,643 519 532 195,984 575,271 1860 New York.... 18 24,450 35,058 76 46 25,640 93,000 United States. 71 372,467 223,708 720 459 240,658 852,150 Whitelead......................... 1850 New York.... 26 2,051,800 2,056,540 889........ 318,660 3,252,040 United States. 51 3,124,800 3,541,072 1,508........ 512,388 5,242,213 1860 New York.... 12 1,112,800 1,639,967 461........ 180,540 2,792,500 United States. 36 2,453,147 3,524,633 992 2 387,240 5,380,347 Whiting.............................. 1850 New York.... 6 31,150 33,000 27....... 10,896 76,700 United States. 6 31,150 33,000 27........ 10,896 76,700 1860 NewYork.... 4 39,000 26,828 27........ 11,760 174,000 United States. 8 62,500 37,678 45........ 18,720 195,600 Wigs and hair work................... 1860 New York.... 10 11,200 30,225 20 15 9,024 82,650 United States. 44 72,606 78,345 98 57 44,388 237,012 Willow ware....................... 1850 New York.... 3 2,200 2,700 4........ 1,680 5,700 United States. 3 2,200 2,700 4........ 1,680 5,700 1860 New York.... 8 4,520 4,853 23........ 8,304 18,720 United States. 26 33,420 15,847 91,16 35,736 82,245 Windlasses, etcr........................1860 New York.... 1 10,000 2,700 2 2........ 1,800 4,500 United States. 1 10,000 2,700 2........ 1,800 4, 500 Wine............................ 1860 New York.... 6 84,100 102,970 30....... 12,156 155,966 United States. 32 306,300 196,075 102 4 48,208 400,791 Wire drawing and wire work........... 1850 New York... 18 103,150 149,230 205........ 52,968 299,-360 United States. 83 237,725 534,548 658........ 208,128 1,032,249 1860 New York.... 17 102,700 161,151 222...... 64,956 323,100 United States. 88 972,263 1,377,460 1,240 80 425,964 2,618,161 Wired steel.......................... 1860 New York.... 1 400 505 1........ 480 1,500 United States. 1 400 505 I........ 480 1,500 Wooden door knobs................... 1860 New York.... 1 1,200 6,200 10........ 3,600 10,600 United States. 1 1,200 6,200 10........ 3,600 10,600 Wooden screws.................... 1860 New York.... I 1,000 118 2........720 1,050 United States. 5 6,900 1,808 14........ 4,560 9,490 Wooden ware....................... 1850 New York.... 18 52,625 50,050 136 5 38,064 123,115 United States. 197 530,165 436,676 1,328 32 372,132 1,138,078 1860 New York.... 38 126,220 81,418 201 9 63,412 208,430 United States. 229 1,103,770 835,273 1,909 24 619,062 2,108,656 Wood work, miscellaneous............ 1860 NewYork.... 2 2.500 2,875 5...... 1,464 7,000 United States. 10 34,500 41,765 59 8 21,594 106,250 0Wool carding and fulling.,.............. 1850 New VYork.... 440 4,481,930 4,778.584 3,974 3,185 1,400,892 7,605,774 United States.2, 447 26,811,467 26,164,005 20,990 14,998 7,393,872 45,281,764 1860 New York.... 235 4,598,233 4,979,631 3,786 4,255 1,591,248 9,090,316 United States. 1,909 35,520,527 40,360,300 28,780 20,120 10,927,877 68,865,963 Wool cleaning and pulling............. 1860 New York.... 16 216,500 540,600 149........ 47,592 692,750 United States. 47 510,900 1,174,130 341 12 116,564 1,629,361 Woolen goods................... 1860 NewYork... 140 3,115,700 3,424,614 2,504 1,716 992,975 5,870,117 UnitedStates.1,227 30,186,954 35,652,701 24,471 16,126 9,616,593 60,685,190 ____~ W-L-.- ~ * __ -- _ Z __ __ ^..~r INTRODUCTION. CXix The Electoral State census of 1821, and the State census since 1825 has embraced statistics of a few of the leading manufactures of the State, which in the first two cases included only the number of establishments, and in the others, the value of raw materials and manufactured products. These returns, compared with those of 1865, were as foliows 8l1l. 1825. 1835. 1,845. MANUFACTURES. No. of estab- No. of estab- No. of estab- Value of raw ma- Value of manufac- No. of estab- Value of raw ma- Value ofmanulishments. lishments. lishments. terials used. tured products. lishments. terials used. factured products Grist mills........................ 2,132 2,264 2,051 $17,687,009 $20,140,435 1,934 $18,580,372 $22,794,474 Saw mills,.......................... 4,304 5,195 6,948 3,651,153 6,881,055 7,406 4,210,713 7,577,154 Oil mills........... 139 121 71 214,812 275,574 87 1,360,074 1,695,025 Fulling mills...................... 991 1,222 965 1,994,491 2,894,096 740 1,125,539 1,660,881 Carding machines................. 1,233 1,584 1,061 2,179,414 2,651,638 820 1,416,904 1,678,320 Cotton factories................... * 76 111 1,630,352 3,030,709 118 1,132,702 2,877,500 Woolen factories................... I 189 234 1,450,825 2,433,192 345 2,877,804 4,281,257 Iron works........................ 107 170 293 2,366,065 4,349,949 500 4,451,674 8,402,586 Trip hammers..................... 172 164 141 168,896 363,581 156 284,360 586,328 Distilleries........................ 1,057 1,129 337 2,278,420 3,098,042 221 3,162,586 4,222,154 Asheries.......................... 1,226 2,150 693 434,394 726,414 738 613,516 909,194 Glass factories......................................... 13 163,312 448,559 15 115,200 378,700 Rope factories................................... 63 664,394 980,083 79 659.413 918,540 Chain cable factories.............................. 2 20,871 28,625 1 2,500 5,000 Oil cloth factories................................. 24 63,119 95,646 24 167,992 270,260 Dyeing and printing factories...................... 15 1,999,000 2,465,600 18 1,497,038 2.086,986 Clover mills............................................ 69 95,693 100,025 115 107,803 124,567 Paper mills........................................ 70 358,857 685,784 82 369,966 702,505 Tanneries.............................4............. 412 3,563,593 5,.598,626 1,414 4,052,949 6,5851006 Breweries................................ 94 916,252 1,381,446 102 805,797 1,313,273 1855. 1 865. MANUFACTURES................. No. of estab- Value of raw ma- Value of manufac- No. of estab- Value of raw ma- Value of manulishments. terials used. tured products. lishments. terials used. factured products Grist mills.......................................... 1,475 $42,345,756 $51,531,358 1,794 $43,630,859 $45,404,045 Saw mills.............................................. 4,946 7,286,197 14,655,103 3,963 7,154,513 13,987,564 Oil mills................................................. 27 1,092,420 1,316,627 11 925,660 1,108,617 Fulling m ills......................................... Carding machines.................................... 264 174,344 250,552 68 175,034 203,655 Cotton factories................................. 86 2,492,531 4,621,133 58.............. 10,863,125 W oolen factories...................................... 184 2,054,882 3,392,207 159.............. 7,410,882 Iron works..................u............................................ 67..................... Trip ham m ers.......................................................................................... Distilleries.......................;.............. 88 6,267,824 8,681,061 67 3,885,540 6,6375434 Asheries.............................................. 68 113,327 165,302 57 74.741 153,047 Glass factories........................................... 21 302,628 980,500 29 609,866 1,647,269 Rope factories.......................................... 29 1,550,624 2,448,798 32 2,616,664 4,908,287 Chain cable factories.............................................................................................. Oil cloth factories..........'............................ 17 353,889 544,250 10 555,920 761,000 Dyeing and printing factories.............................. 16 61,959 195,624 14 213,630 248,861 Clover mills............................................ 10 17,563 20,430................................. Paper mills........................................... 109 1,511,724 2,813,147 144 2,695,110 5,315,036 Tanneries.............................................. 863 9,670,386 15,642,383 820 13,762,.484 24,971,708 Breweries.................................................... 128 2,698,389 4,448,352 201 4,831,663 8,103,815 Cotton and woolen factories, 184. CXX INTRODUCTION. C@HURCHfES AND RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES.-'The present Census followed the inquiries used in 1855, and tile results are comparable throughout the general totals, being as follows: Comparative Summary of Churches in 1855 and 1865. NO.. OF CHURCH VALUE OF CHURCHES AND VALUE OF OTHER REAL TOTAL VALUE OF CHURCH EDIFICES. LOTS. ESTATE. PROPERTY. DENOMINATIONS.. 1855. 1865. 1855. 1865. 1855. 1865. 1855. 1865. Baptists.................................. 757 724 $2,726,283 3,722,214 $234,331 $289,084 $2,960,614 $4,001,298 Evangelical............................... 1............ 800.................................... 800 Free Will....................... 83 85 104,900 151,700 5,425 8,125 110,325 159,825 Old School....................... 18 I 14 25,100 34,550 5,800 4,525 30,900 39,075 Seventh Day................. 24 28 51,200 49,000 6,500 2,7i50 57,700 51,750 Catholic Apostolic.............................. 2......... 14,000.............. 14,100 Christian Connection..................... 85 104 101,'700 173,730 1,725 5,770 103,425 179,500 Christian Israelite............................................ 10,300.................................... 10,300 Church of Christ................................ 1............ 9,000.................................... 9,000 Church of the Messiah.........................1 50,000.................................... 50,000 Congregational............................ 301 280 1,260,200) 1,912,190 184,000 167,335 1,444,200 2,079,525 Union Congregation l........................ 6,000............ 1,600..........7,00 Disciples of Christ....................... 1... 32............ 460............ 32 460............ Evangelical........... 4.. 1950........... 3000............. 22,850................ Evangelical Association................... 15 27 70,850. 98,300 12,050 4,800 82,900 103,100 Evangelical Lutheran.................... 100 145 336,910 619,675 53,255 109,550 390,165 729,225 Protestant Evangelical...................... 7.......... 34,500............ 3,900............ 38,400 Friends.................................. 134 104 324,825 258,000 90,545 70,500 415,370 328,500 German Evangelical Reformed............. 11........ 27,800........... 1,200............ 29,000............ German Protestant................... 1................................................. German Reformed................................ 1....... 71,000............ 3,500............ 74,500 German United................................. I... 500.. 200....... 700 Jews............................... 19 28 112,000 530,100 123,100 26,200 235,100 556,300 Liberal.......................................... 1. 1,200.................................... 1,200 Miennonites............................. 6 2' 5,300 2,500........................ 5,300 2,500 Methodist Episcopal...................... 1,391 1,546 3,514,890 5,706,725 580,565 955,712 4,095,455 6,662,437 African................ 33 32 158,720 185,750 9,605 38,850 168,325 224,600 Calvanistic.................... 22 17 30,050 18,600............' 210 30,050 18,810 Congregational................. 3 1 8,600 1,000...............C........ 8,600 1,000 Free...................... 53390............ 2,802............. 56,192 Independent........ 2............. 5,500............................... 5,500 Old School................ 2.. 5,30.... 1,050............... 6,350 Primitive..................... 2....... 10,000.................................... 10,000........... Protestant..................... 45 33 52,510 55,250 1,800 1,650 54,310 56,900 Reformed................. 8 3 8,700 1,600........................ 8,700 1,600o Wesleyan..................... 61 49 136,235 54,000 6,204 4,000 142,424 58,000 Moravians...................... 4 4 44,000 18,400 23,500 2,000 67,500 20,400 New Jerusalem.................... 3 -2 3,800 3,500........................ 3,800 3,500 Presbyterians........................... 626 639 4,613,660 5,877,170 554,996 586,860 5,168,656 6,464,030 Associate................... 26........ 429,240............. 16,100........... 445,340....... Associate Reformed.. 38.... 2 865........... 30550............ 231415 Reformed........ 19...... 99,500. 2665........... 102,165. French Evangelicaln 1........1........300....................... 30Q........... Unionciat.................... 1,600..........................., 0 T~niom 1 1,600 e[~~~~~~~~~~~~IJ~~~~~I.......1 0..600 United.............................. 68 3........... 35,200... 70,605............ 445,805 Protestant Episcopal........................ 346 428 5,85, 20 849,130 5,8068,316 6,703,820 14,253,586 Protestant Community of True Inspiration.. 1........ 5,000..................,. 5,000............ Protestant (miscellaneous)........... 14,900.....340....... 4.15,240....... Reformed Protestant Dutch............... 260 277 2,412,600 3,894,115 602,515 3,044,450 3,015,115 6,938,565 Roman Catholic......................... 291 383 3,527,405 4,797,050 303,895 1,140,265 3,831,300 5,937,315 Second Advent -............. 8 6 21,400 7,500......... 2,000 21,400 1 9,500 Advent Christian Association ~............. 300............9.................,...... 300 Seventh Day Adventists.................... 15 00............ 500.................................... 500 Shakers..................................3 3 29, 000 20,000............ 700 29,000 20,700 Spiritualists................. 2.............. 2.000................. 2,000 True Dutch Church...................... 7 9 10,900 18,200 1,500..... 12,400 18,200 nioetc............................... 152 157 208,455 258,350 1,360 10,500 224,815 269,850 Ulnitarians.............................. 1 10 400, 200 210,700 5,000............ 405,200 210,700 United Brethren............................ 5 4,080................................... 4,080 U iversalists........................... 133 124 676,900 527,900- o 12,;056 71,900 688,950 o 599,800 Total;M,.................... 5,080 1388 $27,769,328 838,238,129 $3,710,816 812,499,809 $31,480,144 $50,737,938 INTRODUCTiON. CXxi Comparative Summary of Churches in 1855 and 1865-(Continued). NUMBER CAPABLE OF NUMBER CAP, OF ~USUAL ATTENDANCE. NUMBER OF MEMBERS. SALARIES OF CLERGY. BEING SEATED. DENOMINATIONS. 1855. 1865. 1S55. 1865. 1855. 1865. 1855. 1865. Baptists.................................... 308,335 275,097 127,480 114,656 81,796 80,196 $320,101 $402,296 Evangelical........................ 160.......... 60.......... 30........................ Free Will.......................... 27,414 24,510 9,775 8,460 4,823 4,659 19,239 25,250 Old School......................... 6,150 9,500 2,590 1,285 1,101 729 3,191 994 Seventh Day........................ 8,255 8,160 3,620 3,160 2,993 2,606 "6,099 8,815 Catholic Apostolic....................................... 500.......... 200.......... 125............ 2,200 Christian Connection......................... 28,950 32,220 9,825 11,160 5,005 7,154 18,495 31,005 Christian Israelite...................................... 150......... 100........................................... Church of Christ..............................;....... 450.......... 150.......... 128............ 1,500 Church of the Messiah................. 4............ 300.......... 100............ 2,500 Congregational.............................. 135,905 117,170 56,637 49,105 25,946 27,995 147,470 191,537 Union Congregational......................i........ 600......... 300......... 400............ 900 Disciples of Christ........................... 4,600.......... 1,895.......... 1,440.......... 4,170............ Evangelical................................. 1,050.......... 500......... 200.......... 890............ Evangelical Association....................... 5,715 8,080 3,165 4,035 2,777 2,920 5,775 10,420 Evangelical Lutheran......................... 39,215 52,202 20,834 27,169 13,964 21,346 37,647 69,036 Protestent Evangelical.................................. 3,070.......... 2,595.......... 3,300............ 2,456 Friends..................................... 44,705 37,260 9,986 11,079 5,340 3,015......................... German Evangelical Reformed................. 4,110.......... 2,480......... 1,884.......... 3,605............ German Protestant............. *........................ 100.......... 30.......... 100............ 100 German Reformed.................................... 1,000.......... 600.......... 200............ 1,100 German United....................................... 200.......... 75.......... 100............. 500 Jews......... a............................. 10,995 13,020 4,965 14,370 2,188 2,298 14,115 31,850 Liberal................................... 350......... 100............................................ Mennonites............. ~.................... 1,550 1 500 648 290 442 250........................ Methodist Episcopal......................... 515,556 524,414 225,653 252,409 127,891 135,604 498,414 722,035 African................... 13,770 9,430 5,898 4,795 2,569 2,097 6,089 17,380 Calvanistic.......................... 6,044 4,090 2,233 1,815 1,036 670 2,796 3,225 Congregational.................... 1,030 150 680 80 215 27 1,300............ Free........................................ 6,745.......... 2,720,.......... 1 195........... 9,469 Independent.................................. 600.......... 275.......... 80............ 1,100 Old School.................................. 700.......... 165.......... 35............ 500 Primitive......................... 1,050.......... 530.......... 158.......... 1,950............ Protestant...............'::........ 11,290 8,645 3,460 3,020 1,595 2,047 9,059 7,915 Reformed.......................... 2,300 650 7d16 230 435 79 1,555 570 Wesleyan.......................... 20,205 13,150 8,460 4,405 3,520 1,875 18 241 11,683 Moravians.................................. 1,550 1,100 520 530 299 271 3,720 1,475 New Jerusalem............................. 764 375 170 90 63 39 500 800 Presbyterians............................... 300,916 286,588 140,676 133,651 80,852 80,037 432,648 537,422 Associate................. 4,065.... 7,721 3,946 12,570............ Associate Reformed.............. 18,612..... 9,950 5,460.......... 25,785............ French Evangelical......... 200.... 18.......... 150............ Union...................................... 250........... 75................................ 50 United.............. ~................. 30,239.......... 17,690.......... 9,274............ 48,]75 Protestant Episcopal.......................... 157,785 243,330 78,698 95,303 32,978 50,156 320,765 458,647 Protestant Community of True Inspiration...... 950.......... 820.......... 735................................. Protestant (miscellaneous).................... 2,390.......... 1,440.......... 859.......... 1,842............ Reformed Protestant Dutch................... 152,254 133,219 70,093 66,538 30,197 34,971 187,683 247,760 Roman Catholic.......................... 176,590 203,340 272,084 205,010 242,225 253,919 156,916 200,097 Second Advent.............................. 2,000 1,490 695 485 338 194 2,050 700 Advent Christian Association......................... 80.......... 25.......... 14......................... Seventh Day Adventists................................ 300.......... 40.......... 30............ Shakers.................................... 2,300 1,900 980 680 642 486........................ Spiritualists........................................... 800...... 210................................ 500 True Dutch Church.......................... 2,550'2,684 1,005 1,060 288,316 1',600 1,410 Union, etc................................... 50,927: 50,031 17,415 14,276 7,923' 6,337 34,167 39,742 lUnitarians.;.................................. 8,750 5,078 5,155 2,530 1,025 399 23,420 15,600 United Brethren........................................ 1,250..... 375........ 99......... 930I Universalists ~........................... 49,085 41,846 818,064 12,905 4,570 3,929'56,859 57,808 Total...............................214,5 2171311421 1,070,662 702,8 -741,83i $2,411,683 3,1i67,452 For a portion of the denominations mentioned in the preceding tables, we have been able to procure the statistical data published by their own organizations, which will be convenient for comparison in this connection. 16 cxxii INTRODUCTION. Baptists.-There are of this denomination, according to their official reports, in the United States, 593 associations, 12,702 churches, 7,867 ordained ministers, 68,615 baptized within the year previous, and 1,010,303 members. The statistics of Associations in the State of New York are as follows' ASSOCIATIONS. When Churches. Ordained Baptized. Total. ASSOCIATIONS. When Churches. Ordain' —d' Baptized. Total. formed. ministers, formed. ministers. Allegany................ 1858 15 10 40 1,123 Mohawk River........ 1839 11 10 314 822 Black River........... 1808 31 23 70 2,489 Monroe.............. 1827 26 26 83 3,115 Broome and Tioga...... 1823' 26 17 37 2,574 New York............ 1791 29 33 142 4,659 Buffalo.............. 185 24 20 86 2,492 Niagar........ 1824 15 14 40 2,223 Canisteo River......... 1835 12 8 5 573 Oneida................ 1820 21 24 54 2,411 Oattaraugus........... 1835 17 10 21 1,076 Onondaga............. 1822 18 17 30 1,842 Cayuga'.............. 800 18 i 16/ 21 1,763 Ontario............... 1814 15 14 18 1,294 Chemung River......... 1842 19 17 74 1,918 Orleans 1843 11 9 40 1,049 Chenango.............. 1832 28 24 m 19 2,456 Oswe o............... 1832 is 15 30 1,500 Cortland......... I...... 1827 21 21 11 2,171 Otsego................ 1795 18 14 17 A1,363 Deposit............ I 1854 17 11 27 979 Rensselaerville........ 1799 12 10 [ 53 1,463 Dutchess.............. 1834 13 11 40 1,209 Saratoga.............. 1805 23 19 88 3,262 Erie.................. 1847 17 17 42 1,295 I S eneca................ 1821 15 15 39 2,248 Essex and Champlain.... 1834 11 8 3 920 Stephentown.......... 1832 ] 11 11 47 1,176 Franklin............... 1811 18 12 4 1,399 Steuben............... 1817 19 16' 47 1,998 Genesee.............. 1 7 26 42 1,805 St. Lawrence.......... 1813 25 16 12 2,093 Genesee River.......... 1822 9 9 13 1,009 Union............... 1810 11 11 23.1,654 Harmony.............. 1838 21 12 28 1,735 Washington Union..... 1834 24 18 105 3,306 Hudson River Centre.... 1859 22 18 148 2,236 Wayne............... 1'834 15 16 72 1,605 Hudson River North... 1850 27 26 334 4,997 Worcester............ 1830 16 12' 62 1,125 Hudson River South.... 1850 44 75 426 10;694 Yates................. 1842 11 7 24 935 Lae George........... 1809 11 5 3 686- -- Livingston............. 1832 10 7'55 821 Total..................... 826 742 2,531 89,1047 Madison............... 1808 18 20 28 2,062 Free Will Baptists.-These report for the whole United States, 31 yearly meetings, 145 quarterly meetings, 1,296 churches, 1,052 ordained ministers, 197 licentiates, and 56,738 communicants. The following table presents the subdivisions into which the State is divided by this sect: YEARLY MEETINGS. No. of quarterly No. of churches. Ordained ministers. Licentiates. Communicants. meetings. Holland Purchase............................... 6 41 45 4 2,054' Genesee........................<........................... 5 27 31, 2 1,439 Susquehanna................................................ *5 37 27 9 1.296 New York and Pennsylvania............................. t4 42 25 11 980 St. Lawrence........................................... 2 14 12 3 551 Union..................................................... 2 14 12 6 648 Central New York........................................... 5 46 30 9 2,052 Toa......................................... 29.221 182 44 9,026 Seventh Day Baptist Churches.-The official statistics of the General Conference of this sect, in September, 1866, reported 33 pastors, 68 churches, and 7,014 members. The churches were most numerous in New York and Wisconsin. The Missionary Society reported contributions to the amount of $2,302.42 during the preceding year. Congregationalists.-The General Association of Ne* York comprises fourteen associations, and their summary for the year ending May 1, 1865, was as follows: NUMBER IN CHURCHES. ASSOCIATIONS. Chrhs iitr.._________________Number in Sunday Amount raised for.......'.........Schools and Bible benevolent pur. Males. Females. Total. classes. poses. Oneida..................................... 22 18 304 678 1,464 831 $629 62 Black River................. 11 13 251 452 703 602 737 78 Essex..................... 12 6 197 414'611 175 5680(0 St. Lawrence................................. 26 13 430 728 1,324 1,190 1,292 98 Western New York~:.......................... 24 17 523 843 1,366 1,094 1,220 98 Long Island.................. ~................ 16 16 300 505 962 740 505 20 New York and Brooklyn...................... 19 34 1',826 2,964 4,790 5,144 53,475 08 Ontario....................................... 19 23 718 149 2,210 2,542 5,259 90 Susquehanna~.............................. 12 8 456 851 1,'307 1,280 1,532 01 Albany...................... 8 10 321 646 967 1,204 2,902 4' Delaware.................. 8 7 307 470 807 982 1,178 28 Newark||..................... 4 4 127 242 365 326 340 08 Oswego...................................... 7 9 179 350 920 1,115 1,639 25 Wyoming.................................... 8 5 250 424 647 500 1,826 66 Unassociated'..:.......,..... 16 8 434 704 2,341 1,240 3,0291'2 Total................................ 213 191 6,623 1042 087 19,01 $7,2 3 ~ Of these four are in Pennsylvania. ~ Deducting two churches in Pennsylvania. Of these two are in Pennsylvania. || Deducting seven churches in New Jersey and one in Pennsylvania. Deducting seven churches in Pennsylvania. INTRODUCTION. XXiill Evangdlical Lutheran.-This church comprises, in the United States, 41 synods, 1,627 ministers, 2,856 congregations, and 312,415 communicants.* As the synods do not have boundaries with reference to states, the numbers due to New York cannot be exactly stated. The following are wholly or in part embraced in the State of New York: Ministers. Congregations. Communicants. Ministerium of New York__ — -. —--- 62 60 12,926 Hartwick Synod, — 27 60 4,400 Frankealu Synod — --.. ------ 26 33 2,748 Bufialo Synod _ —--- ------------ 30 40 5,000 The register of clergymen gives 126 as resident in New York. Methodist Episcopal Church.-The official statistics of the Annual Conferences of this church for the United States, for 1864, contain the following general summaries: Conferences -_ —- 57 Benevolent Contributions. Members.__,-,.__ 829,378 Conference claimants $ —.- 78,356 35 Probationers..... 98,941 Missionary Society. —490,016 80 Total --. 928,230 Tract Society — 17,198 04 Deaths the year previous 13,448 American Bible Society - ------------ 78,790 13 Baptisms-adults 24,809 Sunday School Union —--------- 14,606 59 children - 32,190 Total a5(61,999 Sunday Sch/ools. Traveling preachers-effective 5,856.,153 Schools- 13,153ol superannuated,i 965 Officers and teachers 148,475 loc'al preachers,.....- 82059,700 Scholars.............. 859,700 Churches —-— _; -- - - - - - - - - - —,,,, 10,01.535 Volumes in libraries ---------- 2,552,175 Probable value - - $23,781,510 Parsonages,, 2,948 Probable value- __ —------ $3,101,566 These statistics do not include the Methodist Church South. They include the Germany and Switzerland and the Liberia Mission Conferences beyond the limits of the United States. The Conferences are established without regard to State lines. Three of these lie wholly within the State of New York, and six extend into neighboring States. They are divided into Districts, as follows: Black River Conference.-Rome, Syracuse, Camden, Oswego, Adams, Watertown, Ogdensburgh and 2otsdam Districts, all in New York. East Genesee Conference.-Rochester, Geneva, Penn Yan, Elmira and Hornellsville Districts, in New York, and Troy District, in Pennsylvania. Erie Conference. —Three Districts in Ohio, four in Pennsylvania, and Jamestown and Fredonia Districts, in New York. Genesee Conference.-Buffalo, Niagara, Genesee, Wyoming and Olean Districts, all in New York. Niew York Conference.-New York, Poughkeepsie, Rhinebeck, Prattsville, Ellenville and Newburgh Districts, in New York;- German Mission District, partly in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. New York East Conference.-New York and Long Island Districts, in New York; Bridgeport and New Haven Districts, in Connecticut. Oneida Conference.-Chenango, Otsego, Oneida, Cortland, Auburn and Cazenovia, Districts, all in New York. Troy Conference.-Troy, Albany, Saratoga and Plattsburgh Districts, in New York; Poultney District, partly in Vermont and Massachusetts. Wyoming Conference.-Four Districts in Pennsylvania; Binghamton and Owego Districts in New York. Presbyterian Church.-The two divisions of this church were not reported so that we could with certainty distinguish between the Old School and the New School, and they are classified together. They are organized respectively in the Stateof New York, as follows: Old School.-Thirty-five Synods in the United States, of which those of Albany, Buffalo and New York include this State, with other territory. Albany Synod comprises the Albany, Londonderry, Mohawk, Siam andiTroy Presbyteries, of which three are chiefly in New York State, Buffalo Synod comprises the Buffalo City, Genesee River, Ogdensbnrgh and Rochester City Presbyteries. * Lutheran Church Almlanac, 1866. CXXiv INTRODUCTION. New York Synod comprises the Canton, Connecticut, Hudson, Long Island, Nassau, New York, New York Second, Wingapo, North River and West African Presbyteries, of which six are chiefly in this State. New School.-Twenty-two Synods in the United States, of which those of Albany, Genesee,/Geneva, New York and New Jersey, Onondaga, Susquehanna and Utica include the State of New York, with adjacent territory. Albany Synod comprises the Albany, Catskill, Champlain, Columbia and Troy Presbyteries. Genesee Synod comprises the Buffalo, Genesee, Genesee Valley, Niagara, Ontario and Rochester Presbyteries. Geneva Synod comprises the Chemung, Geneva, Ithaca, Lyons, Steuben and Wellsborough Presbyteries. New York and New Jersey Synod comprises the Brooklyn, Hudson, Long Island, Montrose, Newark, New York Third, New York Fourth, North River and Rockaway Presbyteries. Onondaga Synod comprises the Cayuga, Cortland, Onondaga and Tioga Presbyteries. Susquehanna Synod comprises the Chenango, Delaware, and Otsego Presbyteries. Utica Synod comprises the Oswego, St. Lawrence, Utica and Watertown Presbyteries. Their official statistics as reported in Wilson's Presbyterian Historical Almanac of 1864 is as follows: OLD SCHOOL SYNODS.* Number of Number of Number of Total sum raised NEW SCIHOOL SYNODS.* Number of Number of Number of Total sum ministers churches, communicants for all causes. ministers. churches. communicants raised for all causes. Albany................... 70 42 -8,136 $117,445 Albany................... 81 72 7,961 $12,489 Buffalo................... 47 41 4,999 58,357 Genesee................. 133 99 12,378 19,993 New York.................. 166 102 9,698 32,532 Geneva................... 98 91 11,820 19,79 New York and New Jersey.. 173 83 16,492 58,602 Onondaga................. 86 69 7,961 11,677 Susquehanna............... 38 42 3,656 2,868 Utica.................... 84 71 6,817 11,284 Total New York........... 283 185 22,833 458,344 Total New York............ 693 527 67,095 136,682 Total United States........ 2,205 2,546 227,575- 1,802,650 Total United States........ 1,616 1,455 135,894 299,132 Percentage of N.Y. to U.S.. 12.8 7.3 20.0 25.4 Percentageof N.Y. to U.S.. 42.9 36.2 49-4 45.8 United Presbyterian Church.-This church, formed a few years since by the union of the Associate and Associate Reformed Presbyterians, reported in 1863, in the United States, 45 Presbyteries, 464 ministers 682 churches, 54,758 communicants and $305,082.raised for all causes. The Albany, Argyle, Caledonia, New York First, New York Second and St. Lawrence Presbyteries, in the State of New York, numbered together 55 ministers, 47 churches and 6,698 communicants. Reformed Protestant Dutch Church.-The General Synod of this church in North America is subdivided into the Particular Synods of New York, Albany and Chicago, having sixteen, twelve and four classes respectively. The following summary represents the details as reported by the denomination in the State of New York in 1865: CONTRIBUTIONS. CLASSES. Number of No. of families No. of commu- Sabbath schools,.... churches. nicantis. average at'dance. Religious purposes. Congregptional purposes. Albany....................................e.......... 16 1,422 2,562 1,469 $15,122,55 $33,508 99 Cayugaf............................ 12 645 815 591 3,129 91 15,195 19 Geneva{.............................................. 16 1,014 1,690 975 3,538 37 11,194 87 Greene............................................... 10 1,035 1,522 1,190 2,703 75 8,282 10 Hudson................................................ 8 928 1,329 940 2,572 97 13,036 54 Kingston................................... 12 1,271 1,537 1,188 3,589 31 11,772 92 North Lon~ Island................................. 14 1,169 1,760 1,379 6,135 77 20,673 90 South Long Island................................... -. 14 1,659 3,075 2,731 30,063 63 52,324 15 Montgomery........................................... 23 1,492 1,593 874 1,341 10 11,340 82 North New York....................................... 17 2,350 4,377 3,857 44,809 52 43,436 85 South New York...................................... 10 963 2,322 2,317 17,681 05 38,518 27 Orange.............................................. 23 2,033 2,701 1,993 6,997 80 20,614 64 Paramust..... 8 678 952 705 1,642 08 3,882 86 Poughkeepsie...................... 11 1,147 1,979 1,147 9,326 78 1,100 00 Renssalaer........................................... 12 1,396 1,650 1,185 5,721 34 17,916. 45 Saratoga..........................~............... *... 16 935 1,370 914 3,068 29 12,877 07 Schenectady.......................................... 13 1,429 1,914 960 2,638 00 19,499 00 Schoharie........................................... 14 656 970 465 408 13 6,388 76 Ulster.............................................. 14 817 1,627 839 3,976 75 11,277 11 Westchester.............................. 14 844 1,366 840 5,892 51 22,680 03 Total New York............................. 277 23,833 37, 111 26,5591 $170,359 51 376,429 53 Total United States........................... 427 34,125 54,286 40,:256 $225,410 44 8545,540 99 " Those Presbyteries out of the State are deducted. f Parts of these classe~ not included in New York State, are not int A small number in foreign missions are included in these totals. cluded in this table. INTRODUCTION. CXXV Roman Catholic Church.-Of this denomination there are in the United States, 7 Archiepiscopal Sees, 5 Vicariates Apostolic and 44 Dioceses. The Province of New York includes New England, New York and New Jersey, forming 9 Dioceses, of which 4 are in New York. The Diocese of New York (formed in 1808) includes the counties south of 42~ north latitude, except Long Island. The Diocese of Albany (formed in 1847) includes all of the State north of 42~ north latitude and east of Cayuga, Tompkins and Tioga counties. The Diocese of Bufalo (formed in 1847) includes the counties of Cayuga, Tompkins and Tioga and all the counties west of these in this State. The Diocese of Brooklyn (formed in 1853) includes Long Island. The Diocese of New York has 32 city, and 62 country churches, 25 dhapels, 24 institutions, 15 select schools, 35 parish schools and 11 asylums and hospitals. That of Albany has about 120 churches, 8 chapels, about 60 stations, 3 academies for boys, and 2 for girls, and 6 orphan asylums, besides a large number of parochial schools. That of Buffalo has 160 churches, 30 stations, 4 ecclesiastical institutions, 9 male and 17 female religious institutions, 5 male and 17 female literary institutions, and 14 charitable institutions. It claims a Catholic population of 200,000. That of Brooklyn has 49 churches, 11 institutions and 14 parish schools. EDUCATIONAL STATISTICS.-In the State Census of 1855 inquiries were made concerning the materials, condition and value of public school houses. As these facts come within the province of the Department of Public Instruction, and as the data relating to academies and higher literary institutions of the State are mostly included in the reports made to the Regents of the University, it was thought proper to omit these, and to include in the Census only such inquiries as relate to unincorporated and private seminaries from which no official reports are otherwise made.* The number reported was 110, of which 10 were owned by stock companies, 15 by churches and religious bodies and 84 by individuals. Their date of establishment was as follows: 1828, one; 1832, one; 1834, one; 1835, two; 1836, one; 1837, one; 1838, two; 1839, one; 1840, one; 1845, one; 1849,. two; 1850, five; 1851, three; 1852, four; 1853, three; 1854, one; 1855, seven; 1856, three; 1858, four;. 1859, four; 1860, four; 1861, six; 1862, two;' 1863, nine. POOR HOUSES, ORPHAN ASYLUMS AND HOSPITALS.-No inquiries relating to these institutions were made by the Census on former occasions, and the statistics given in the present volume therefore stand without data for previous comparison. The officers having charge cheerfully responded to the inquiries, with scarcely an exception; and the information thus obtained will, it is believed, prove reliable and useful for present use and future reference. INNS, STORES AND GROCERIES,-Returns having been made under these heads in 1845 and 1855, it was deemed proper to obtain data for comparison in the present Census. The result was as follows: 1845 1855. 1865. Hotels, inns and taverns. —---- 5,813 6,026 10,019 Vholesale stores, -----—.. —-. —-. —. ——.. 2,540 4,836 4,835 Retail stores -........ —------—.- 12,257 22,607 26,593 Groceries -, —-—.-. —------------.. 5,860 10,421 10,557 NEWSPAPERS AND OTHER PERIODICALS.-These statistics were obtained in the same manner as in the last State Census, and fourteen volumes of specimen numbers, embracing very nearly the entire series, with a few of later issue not embraced in the tables, have been placed in the State library. The corresponding series in 1855 filled eleven volumes. In 1775 there were 4 newspapers printed in the colony of New York. In 1810 there were 66 papers, with an aggregate annual circulation of 7,139,200 sheets. In 1828 there were 161 newspapers and periodicals, and in 1832 the number had increased to 268. In 1839 there were 307 periodicals. The number and total annual circulation as shown by successive census returns have since been as follows: * The proceedings of the University Convention of 1865 contain sta- leges and other sources of information. The general totals show that tistics of a highly authentic and interesting character relating to collegiate 396 students from New York State were attending in New England coleducation and the attendance of students from New York in the several leges; 960 in New York; 65 in New Jersey; 18 in Pennsylvania; 29 in colleges of other States. It was prepared by Mr. D. J. Pratt, Assistant Ohio; 24 in Michigan; 13 in Indiana, Illinois and Wisconsin colleges. Secretary of the Regents of the University, from the catalogues of col- Total, 1,505. Cxxvi INTRODUCTION. Comparative Summary of the Public Press during Twenty-five years. 1840. 1850. 1855. 1860. 1865. INTERVALS OF PUBLICATION. - -.. _ NumbNum br.er. Annual circulation. Number. Estimated annual cir- Number. Annual circulation. Number. Estimated annual culation.-' i circulation.* Dailies...................... 34 51 63,928,685 62 115,270,288 74 151,075,410 68 221,328, 840 Tri-Weeklies.................. 8 776,100 10 1,203,520 7 2,948,400 2 93,600 Semi-Weeklies.............. 13 3,116,360 10 7,718,899 10 6,091,384 14 12,812,800 Weeklies........... 198 308 39,205,920 359 77,054,692 366 135,249,100' 418 144,452,724 Semi-Monthlies............... 9 1,704,000 10 12,383.280..................... 14 1,646,400 Ionthlies............... 36 6,629,808 64 27,282,066 69 24,528,000 133 32,257,600 Quarterlies................. 57 3 24,600 11 185,890 10 302,400 17........... Semi-Annuals.......................... 2 22,000...................... 2............ Annuals......................... 12 129,267 6 766, 000 4............ Totals................... 302 428 115,385,473 540 241,749,902 542 320,960,694 f623 412,591964 INDIAN CENSUS.-The Census of Indians residing upon Reservations is taken by enumerators appointed by the Secretary of State and paid directly from the State treasury. Of the $500 appropriated for this purpose but $288 was used, Upon the Allegany, Cattaraugus, Tonawanda and Tuscarora Reservations intelligent and educated members of the tribe were appointed to take the census, and in the others citizens were commissioned to perform this duty. The returns, with comparisons from the Censuses of 1845 and 1855, are fully given on pages 600-607. It will be observed that the number of Indians is slowly increasing, with a corresponding improvement in their resources and industrial products, and that thesp statistics encourage the hope of much greater advancement in material prosperity and intellectual attainments. STATISTICS OF THE WAR. In the Appendix we have presented statistics relating to the war as fully as the mat( rials reported would allow. From reasons fully stated elsewhere, these are not so complete as could be wished, but they are probably as accurate as could under the most favorable circumstances be obtained through the agency of the Census. By the favor of James M. Moore, Brevet Lt. Col. and Assist. Q. M. of the- Army, we have been enabled to present in this connection some data obtained by Government concerning the burial of New York soldiers in the cemeteries adjacent to hospitals and battle-fields, which have an interesting relation to these returns. Yet even the most careful researches sustained by the highest authority must fail in attempting to discover the full and accurate amount of loss in human life which the late war has occasioned. ~ In these estimates the number whose circulation was not reported is f Of one the interval of publication. was not reported. assumed to average the same as those of which the extent of the edition of each issue is given.. 0^ M~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CQ I I i CENSUS OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, 0I-t4 TIT-I Y" _q A; 1865. POPULjATIOre-o CLASSIFICATION BY SEX, COLOR, CIVIL CONDITION, ETC ALBANY COUNTY. MA/LES. FEMAALES. CIVIL CONDITION. VOTERS. / ~ o ~ Total popu-: ~"."iTThie o~~ Snl. " ~ CITIES AND TON.NS. lati —----......... White. Colored. White. Colored. Single. Married. WiJ'dow- Widows. Native, Natural- Total. 0 (~ ers.' ized.. Albany city: 1st ward, 9,620/ 4, 771 361 4,772 41 5,707 3,454 104 355/ 422 1,367 1,78091 1,323 49 2,028 397 321 2d ward, 4 924 2,311 9 2,594 130} 2,853 1,755 62 254 542 4881,0301 659 18 1,051 165 136 3d ward, 4,573 2,088 23 2,425'37 2,55211,723 5 241 623 569 1,1921 185 509 837 1.69 33 4thward, 3, 826 1,709 26 2,063. 28 2,249 1,2801 66 231 623 271 894 466 53 777 180 24 5th ward, 1,8s88 780 53 1,043 12 1,237 515 39 97 301' 122 4231 357 48 263 143 103 6th ward, 3,191 1,416 2 1,773...... 1,958 1,024 45 164 558 1.99 757 433 1 585 140 35 7thward, ~5,688 2,721 1 2,962' 4 3,463.1,947 65 213'499 675 1,174 426 3 1,089 187 204 8thward, 8'701] 4,138 73 4.406 84 5,365 2,80190 19 445 884 907 1,7911 766 130 2,271 397 236 9thward, 8,932( 4,329 22 4,546 351 5.404- 3,084 75 369 798 1,078 1,876'1i 789 - 50! 1,727 624 246 1Othward, 11,270 5,31 122 5,712 125 7,563,080 132 495 1,501 769 2,227 01 767 239 2,053 413 177 Total Albany city.. 62,613 29,574 367 32,296' 376 38', 35120,663 735 2,8646,751 6,44513,196 6,171 65012, 681 2, 815 1,515' Berne............... 2,851 1,434 1 1,415 1 1,679 1 1,06 36 1001` 722 35 75 7 2 598 469 35 Bethlehem........... 5,928! 3,022 52 2,808 461 3,765 1,9021 81 180' 837 406 1,2431 654 88 1,153 579 137 Coeymans........... 3,264 1,684 30 1,514 36 1,953 1,156 50 105; 671 125 796: 216C 60 633 367 136 Guilderland......... 3,207 1,637 5 1,561 4 1,861 1,208 40 98 728 87 815! 47 1 636 468 31 Knox.............. 1. 809 898...... 911...... 1,105 636 20 48, 460 10 4701 6...... 344 267 20 New Scotland........ 3,311 1,657 12 1,635 7 1,815 1,355 41 100: 757 61 818. 60 18 649 374 23 Rensselaerville....... 2,745 1,313 2 i.,430...... 1,434 1,1(65 39 1071'733 26 759' 16 1 660 381 28 Watervliet.......... 27,279 12,989 2714, 226 37 16,504 9,500 276 999/ 2,768 2,409 5,177| 3,236 40 5, 353 1,696 1,397 Westerlo............ 2,497 1,221 — 5 1,265 6 1,321 1,035 46 95 670 -,22 692- 9 6 581 401 13 Total............ 115,504 550,429 5 9,061 513 69, 78839,656| 1,2364 4,69115,097 9,626224,723|10,4221 866623,2388| 87,8171 3,335 ALLEGANY. COUNTY. Alfred.............. 1,335 669 2 660 4 711 565 19 40 324 14 338; 14 6 297 145!...... Allen............... 870 450...... 420..... 495'346 5 24 187 33 2200 17...... 184 178 1 Alma............... 611 307...... 304...... 351 238 8 14 117 24 141 16!...... 121 104 4 Almond............. 1,655 819...... 8361.......'870 717 26 42 441 14 455 12...... 272 266 5 Amity.............. 2,073 1,039 1[ 1,027 6 1,165 815 22 71 ~ 420 58 4781 56 5 526 265 13 Andover............ 1,812 910....../ 902...... 1,022 718 201 52J 353 711 4241 93...... 376 291. 45 Angelica............ 1,663 782 61 868g 7 961 620 31 51 367 51 4181 51 13 332 229 40 Belfast.............. 1, 689 829 1 857 2 933 679/ 20 57 383 511 434 35 3 385 234 39 Birdsall............. 766 400...... 366....... 479 267 10 10 128 41 169 19...... 146 127 67 Bolivar............ 1,005 50....... 04 576 388 14 27 252 6 258 1...... 206 165 3 U~rns............... 1,064 555...... 509...... 565 458 13 28 249 27 276t 14...... 242 179...... an.-.^............ 1,9481 936 14 981 17 1,092 758 27 71 394 57 451 43 - 22 413 138 46 Centreville......_... 1,181 991 52} 664 4 61 14 42 2821 34 316 36...... 259 216 9 Clarksville...' -....... 879. 457......[ 42212...... 485 360 5 29 214 5 219 3...... 195 159 3 Cuba............. 1,978 7 9 1 01! 983 7 1,045 835 22 761 471 52 523 32 7 523 261 22:Friendship.......... 1,725 843 12I 85 5 972 675 20 58 441 23 464 32 6 9 390 326 42 Genesee............ 922 476 1 445...... 301 354 16 22i 230 6 236 2...... 186 153 5 Granger............. 1,054 504 2 546 2 560 440 1 38{ 224 47 271 17 4 252 190 6 Grove............... 1,038 5271...... 511....... 623 375. 15 25 192 451 237 37...... 200 178...... iume................ 2,0161 1,000...... 1,016...... 1,105 789 28 94 492 6 28' 35...... 461 324 16 Independence........ 1,126 554 1 5 70 1 589 499 13 25 303 6 3090 2 2 252 188 7 New-Hudson........ 1,218 597...... 621........ 650 512 14 42 I 316 25 341 24...... 26G 224 39 Rushford............ 1,680 800 7 865 8 878 717 24 61 412 21 4330 34 14 370 281 23 Scio................. 1,7211 847 53 779 42/ 974 694 17 36 364 37 4011 31 49 353 250 28 -Ward...............' 833 432 1 400...... 500 293 13 27 182 20 202 ~24 1 386'133 41 Wellsville........... 3,0701 1.567 5 1.493 5 1,786{ 1,192 3o0 62 4t 76 180 656 219 10 609 449 32 West Almond........ 893'447......'446{....... 494 367 12. 20i 218 13 231 1...... 182 16.7{....... Willing-............. 1,093 5631..;....5301...... 619 434 131' 27 243 34' 277 12...... 224 173 8 Wirt.............] 1,367 661 24o 662 201 718 585 236 38/ 379 3i 3821 4 7 306 264 12 Tota..........40,285 20,049' 40 9 9,I A On3 fl (I 0g- 1,03 4 I 0 0,088 _) 49 9,01A I D OP.4 257 546 T~5............... / I1 i/i! Barker.............. 1,339, 649... 690......[,i777| 51;2 181 32 3 371 4 3411 *.... 2701 22;9...... 3~igha~to........ i/4,7J4 1 Binghamton......... 10,072,54 1 36 5,049 153 6,586 3,046 1121 348 2,023 445 2,468 677 179) 2,003} 1,186 455 ohenango..........., 813 1 857/......{ 975| 628 0 48, 420 41 461 2e...... 344 302 9........ 3,22 1,624 3 1,571 4 1,673 1,374- 55 100 856 20 876 55/,12 7728 612 5 Conklin.......... /1,28 685/ 11 596.......' 7491 487.241 22 277 22 299 32/ 11 252 136/ 26 Kirkwood........... 1,44 731 15 689 5 809 584 13 34 330 28 358 63/ 4 291 241 54 Lisle................ 2,066 1,023 3// 1;038 2 1,155 869 11 31 520 17 537 27...... 474 337 10 Maine.............. 2,06~1 1,021/...... 1,040...... 1,127 848 16 70/ 479 44 523 15;...... 433 409 15 Nanticoke........... 9 4891...... 483...... 530 412 5 25 228 14 242 22...... 201 164 22 3Port Grane.......... 1,5031 73....'936] 521 17 29 393 7 400 6....-. 323 251 28 Sanford............. 3 1,612 | 8i 1,622 "201 1,912, 1,232 29 89 664[ 75'739 141 27 639 454 51 Triangle............ 1.875/ 943 3 9275~- 2! 1,007j 787f 17 64 502 S 510.19 9 2 e 417 313 16 Union............... 2,532' 1,261' 24i 1,2.25 22'1 1,'394/ 1,017 36 85 624t 20 64411 46 42 526 254 23'Vestal,.............. 199 ]'ti 6 "", I 1. 7 8 7 ~l 0 si... G17 471 910 YeindstL............ 1,6939; 1,017 7j 910 5 1,'1481 728 25 38 467 13'.480 11 1 402 291 3 Winsor............ 2,697 1,36.. 1,351...... 1,191,179. 28 1 664 20 684 1 5..... 621 497'11 Total......... 37,'933 18,761 20l!Il8,758.2133[2-2,197~-;14,224' 426~t17,061{ 87,784| 778 9,62 1,-34! 25-8' 7924' 5,6-76',728 2 CLASSIFICATION BY SEX, COLOR3,CIVIL CONDITION, ETC. ______CATTARAUGUS COUNTY. MALES. FEMALES. CIVIL CONDITION. VOTERS. CITIES AND TOWNS. lation. 2J White. Colored. White. Colored. Single. Married. Widow- WidowsN Native. Natural- Total. 3 Z3 __|ized. 5 V+ % 0 oF 0~T Allegny:............ 2,151 139...... 1,012s....o.. 1, 409 676 18s' 48, 276 183 459 1621...... 419 356 39 Ashford............. 1,838; 934 903 11 1,03)19dCD 730 28' 41l 345 64 409, 951...... 387 289 31 Carrolton............ 1,037 535 3 495 4 37 37 9 1.0', Il-l ISO80 57 2371 1211 7 189 74 75 Cold Spring.......... 7 3...... 393 301 7| 10 173 9 182 1...... 151 112 11 Cone wango.......,22.9 596...... 632 l 656 532 7 34 31 25 260 4 Dayton...............1,2471 647 4 592 -4 692.518 12' 25 258 49 307. 8 254 1 -iast Otto.............1,152 5E01 3 565 3 610 293 23'...... 257 210 4 E1lHcottville........... 1,862 914 8 983 7 1,099 696 23' 44 277 139 416- 40 11 381 297 123 Farmersville......... 1.197i 3568...... 593...... 673 4829' 239 106 5 P1~anklinville.`........ 7 84 586 2117i 35( 258 2F; 28C~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I oj....'.. 239 10~~o4.... 59.... 73 4S lFrankln lle......... 1,50 742 1 767...... 842 586 21 61l 316 62 378' 331 1 308 261 3 Freedom............ 1,398 725...... 673...... 904 436 21 37| 274. 90 364s 70i.'..... 29 2 213 32 Great Valley..........1,565 801 2 756 6 909 594 24 38 293 61 354: 118 8 310 206 82 Hinsdal-ec.............1,1645 828 815 1 1,034 539 15' 57 361 32 393 35 2 341 205 9 Humphrey........... 9481 494..... 454...... 547 369 10; 22 166 52 218i 30!...... 186 184 32 Ischua............... 858 437...... 421...... 522 321 6 9 225 9 2341 4...... 166 13 18 Leon.................. 1,310 662....... 648...... 5 36 8 42 322 25 3471 36'..... 27 4 Little Valley......... 1,010 520 2 487 1 531 438 12 29 223 27 250 48...... 225 134 6 Lyndon.............. 1,011 528...... 483...... 583 384 8 36 205 51 25 II..... 209 1 97 3 Machias......... 1,190 595....... 595...... 704 422 25 39 269 21 2901 431...... 254 S183 16 Mansfield............ 1,217 612...... 605...... 677 497 1is8 25 277 28. 305 22.......242 199...... Napoli.............. 1,231 652...... 578 1 677 ~521 9 24 321 9 330, 131 1 258 201 6 New Albion.......... 1,696 878 816...... 948 685 1 48 365 43 408 88, 2 359 273 58 Olean.............. 2,701 1,359 43 1,264 35 1,697 908 32 64 416 153 569 238 69 534 291...... Otto.................. 1,106 550..... 556...... 588 475 16 27 276 14 290 100...... 223 179 22 Perrysburgh.........1,453 601 1 686 3 801 587 23 42 359 19 378 15 5 272 195 16 Persia................1,2291 693 7 745 8 "725 521 7'38'274 35 309. 24 4 300 251 15 Portville........... 1,638 813 8 811 6. 942 653 18 25 341 53 394 34 5 332 180....; Randolph.............1,846 917 1 9 28. 1,014 759 19 54 435 29 464 76 1 388 316 44 K ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 5 945 2 F4.2040~ 4j 39'7 126 III Salamanca;........... 1,801 908 2 889 2 1,116 644 14 27.297 80 77 South Valley......... 639 335 3o4...... 398 213 10 18 118 29 147 191...... 118 104 28 Yorkshire........... 1,670- 835 7 821 7 985 618 1 4 18 is 4 31 28 341 15 4 355.2 221 Total*............. 43,158,21, 798 95,121,175/ 90i125,3716,339 489 1093 8,88.50610,334' lS 817l 1 9436,218 _8135 CAYUGA COU rTY. Auburn city: Ist ward, 4,085:1,942, 6; 2.124 13; 2,408 1,4251 511' 2011 57-8 2861 864'507 11 827 516. 127 7 - I ~ ~ 07 ~i 4 1 0 469.347 1 108 2d ward, d 2,405, 1,064 39; 1,261 4l| 1,375 907 25| 98|402 118 520 297 68 4 7 3d ward, 2,337' 1,070 22. 1,211 34 1,312 889 26.110;405 120 5251325 28 453 273' 71 A 6581 3"~~~~~~~~~~~~~94: 226 4th ward, 3,740 2,070 641,600 6! 2, 197' 1,13641 48 131 1399 223 622 4471 29.5 34 2 Total Auburn city.. 12,567i 6,146 131j 6,196 9439,5291 2 1576 136 2,407 1, 5 532 Aurelius............. 2,4701 1,219 3 1.242 6 1,416 930' 35 89 435 120 555' 152... 658 326J 77 Brutus.......... 2, 588 1,300 10, 1,269; 1,436I3 1.200 6381 90 3 584 3471 106 Oato................ 2,192'1, 135 1 1,056....... 1,169'938.37 48; 525 35 560 104 1 487 339 1 Conquest........ 1,809, 924...... 885'...... 951 789.22 47 433 32 465 45...... 420 302i 5 Fleming1............1,248, 614 6" 620 8 662 530 20 36 257 37 294 101 14 268 213| 52 Genoai................ 2,362,. 1,145 5 1,208 4 1,288 961 29 84 588 50 638 91 5 529 4261 8 2 1, 113 1226' 5 35 7 2 41- 402; 54 I ra................ 2,175 1,060 168 565 21 58 Ledyard...2,065: 993 361 1,006 30; 1,134 823 24 84 415 71 486 102 55 412 301 53 Locke............... 1,125 566...... 559. 579 491 21. 34' 319 23 3421 9...... 253 193 20 Mentz................2, 366: 1,166 16; 1,166 18, 1,359 869 44 94 544 64 608 54 26 508 327, 81, Mi~ontezuma....,......1,314; 679 8 618 9- 745 5201 15 34' 301 35 336 21- 9 292 9 2 Moravia........ 1,881L 921 15 954. 1 974 828 1 6 42 6 51 3 3 42 31 2 Niles................ 1, 876' 928 2 942 4 1,304 510 16 46' 502 25 W 46 6 434 386 12 0 wftsco.............1284 608 3 69 4 0 784 9 2 2 4 3 5 3 26 Scipio............ 2,047 1,002 15 1,0175 13i 1,453 920 40 5 85 490 1 3I3 19 416 338 53 SemproiusI.......... 12031 567...... 636...... 383 7I 30 69, 301 21 322 18 278 231 16 Sennett............. 1,722 866 3 8 853........906 720 28 68' 368 94 462 119 1 357 283 55 Spr~terling~in~pprt.,......... 1,044 1 1,102 22,2 858 26 83 441 66 507i 108 30 43) 6 289 110 Summ~ij~~::I::::i ~51i IrS~4% lfi31~~~~~1-06'7 30 8 1 6338 8 5 1 1 375 Sterling............. 2,9 15,1,J1 0 1 1,497 11 1,648 1,1,56 3 815638 723 172 1 486 472 53 Summer Hill........ 1,112; 558...... 554...... 1 611 458. 15 28 295 II 306!............. 241 188 Throop............. 1,291| 663 2 624 2 716 526 14 35! 2791 53 332 39...... 274 1761 5 Vr-enice/....I............ 1,943 1,019 1,89 5 417nV I301)...... Victory.......1, 991[ 97 99~0 21,088 831 20 52'520 22/ 542 19 4 409)_3451 21 Tota..........jj^3'27, __j2g7^^37123'1052.06 3J 1,966'11,689-j 1,90113,59o| 3,210' 323!111 r3S 8,360' 1,368 cHAUTAUTQUAaCOUNTYr. Arkwfright... *.,.,......,1 553i 5j 552J 6 626' 49 121 1; 6 1 7' 7.... 28 23 1 Buti..........,96 7 1| 94 14 109;.75 2 7 436 4 44 55 26 34 375 39 Carroll,.......... 1,4541 766. 68... 77 65 137 4 311 5 *1 1 21 3 Charlotte....,....I....~1,64| 8,304 *~ i~~ 3i89 81 0 1 58 7 5 48 4- 6 -39 2.Cherry Greekt,""ceek.....1,304|" 659G98.... 3645;......1? 658 62 011233410 35013....289 252... Clymer............. 1,322: 664 1 657...;... 2i55 1 9 5 7 3 5 7 25 1 Dunkirk.......,...... 7,453,773 30,r3,6r~i30i 1944182,710 97 227 7~ 466 7161,482.1,349 36 1,374 36 90141 3481 Ellery......'......... 1, 6091 80......~ 791... 1820 714 1 54 06 41-11 7...... 352 277 1 Elicott.............. 5,5562,830 212,673.33, 138 2, 186 70'i 162s 1,]53.184! 1,337 447 27 1,043 92 0 Ellmngton...........1, 722! 8431....... 87 3]736 9 46 430 1 441 6 1 5376 4... French Creek.~...;.... 90l|43.... 48.... 3 337 10.18 82 34 216 20..... 16 15 7 G:erry............... 1i,129, 56.... 6.. 568,! 5093 14 a38 303 8 311 13'...... 2521 213 6 Hanover.......,......4,087| 1, 991 162,073 7j2,202 1,687 537 1 41 908 1211 i,029 159 17 899 495i i38 Hasrmony............ 3,653 1,798 2, 1,852 1/11,943| 1,557. 31 122 855 25'880 146 1 802 590 57 Kl~antone............574| 287,...... 287....304 244 620 11213 135 27...... 1199 2 16./~n Mm........ 1,188, 589i...... 599.... 671.479 8S 30 224 68 292' 231......I. 236.224!... Polnd..........1,75 830 1 79J 5; 858 660 21 36 361 22 383| 101 3 332 202 4 Pomfret;.............4,065 1,946 5 2,~112| 2) 2, 192 1,656 56 161I 906 99 1,005; 231' 2 871,689S ~ 29 P ortland......1,816. 899 1 916;,...... 946' 783 23 64 44 8 42 7 1 30 0 Ripley.........,8)70. 929 2, 939'~..... 1,033'754 15 68 371 59 i 43; 8 2 380I-3326 3 Shenidan......1,688] 838... * 850........ 930i 67425 59 35>062 4121I1.... 349 274 65 *~ In aiddition to Ithe abovne, 1,017 Inrian;1 are reportcedas rendrinrg- iuponReaervation s in th~is countyg. CLASSIFICATION BY SEX, COLOR, CIVIL CONDITION, ETC. 3 CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY.-(CONTINUED.).o I MALES. FEMALES. CIVIL CONDITION. VOTERS. l.. ~ =. CITIES' AND TOWNS. lion- G 1 Total popuWhiteiit. Colore d. Single. Married. idow Widows Native. atural- Total. Wnri do.'C~v~- iWidow~""'")"" ~ ~ ~' ers. ized. Sherman.............1,353' 679i 1 673....... 720'583 16 34 293 46 39 211 1 260 244 4 Stockton............ 1,665 834...... 83.......8. 826 766 12 61 457 18 475 9...... 372 287 6 Villenova..,......... 1 503' 739 5 756| 3 7723 365184 141 398 21 4 338 275.12 Westfield............ 3,559 1,728, 10 1,805 16 2012 1,387 51 109 676 145 821 342 26 741 481 42 Tbtal*.......~...... 58,499'29,192 122| 29,077l 108 32,00323,944}707| 1,845!12,235 1,993114,228! 3,506 15612,079 9,482 945 CHEMUNG COUNTY. Baldwin.,...... 93 446'...... 356'ff 1Baldwin............. 923 477...... 4539 356; 7 21 219 5 2 112.... 1871 123 5....s'73 2212 Big Flats......... 1,8911 965 5 920 1,085 743 51 437 62 33 386 225 9 Ua~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - 6tli.... 1 Catlin................ 1,440 721 4 713 2 777 615 9 39 364 16 2 304 277 64 Chemung~........... 1,950 962...... 987 11 1,152! 729 17 52 436 21 457 54 1 430 234 18 Elmira town....... 1,169} 591 10 564 4 700 423 17 29 233 28 261 41 10 223 133 34 Elmira city: 1st ward, 1,489 689 4 784! 12! 827 581 17 64 346/0 3 40 35 10 282 204 16 2d ward,' 3,898 1,903 16 1,965' 14| 2,2181 1,521 41 118 592 218 810 698 24 798 399 277 52 ~ ~ 52 18 1 694.1 2 798 99 27 3d ward, 3,219' 1,333 1941,472.220 1,75911, 263 44 153 482 149 631 344 243 675 397 211 4th ward, 2,595 1,230 25 1,321 19J 1,504 950 35 106 497 44 541 2 91 3 492 256 23 5th ward, 1,929 948 14 947| 20' 1,083 767 18 61 300 92 39 220. 15 362 210 135 Total Flmira city... 13,1301 6,103I 253 6,489 285 7,2391 5,0821 155 5'02 2, 217 543 2,760 1,688 323 2,609 1,466 662 Erin.................. I 1,2566 630 8 616: 754 4581 11 33 29 5 2 905 2 1 6 254 199 8 IHorseheads.......... 2,838 1,407 35 1,363 33 1,620 1,133 24 61 653 671 72 6 64 598 342 49 Southport............ 3,412 1,757 3 1,64491,99 1,338 49 86 733 111 844 115 2 645 465 86 ~an Eften............ 8 54853 74()4!3;31 2 0 V.... 74246...... 853 582 14 36 361 2 9..... 288 Veteran............. 2 429| 1,226 6 1192' 5 1,310 1,014 31 74 597 50 647 25 11 511 312 10 Total.............. 31,92315,5791 324J5, 6841. 33618,12o;12,4731| 346 9841 6,5401 910 7,45oi 2, 015 4221 6,4381 4,022| CHENANGO COUNTY. Afton................ 1,827; 919 2 905 1 946 802 23 56 483 7 490 2....... 385 336 2 Bainbridge........... I,699; 814 5 874 6 925 697 59 460 8 468 16 11 344 305 6 Columbus-........... 1273 6524 484 24 2.......... 1 6. 292 192 9 Colun......~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~35 2)...'2 1':'oral~~~~~~~~~I52 4.......73!....... 337i8,20 662,4 Coventy............. 522 79.. 7... 8 66 9 21 50 411 14 425 14 338 276 7 773~~~~~'346. 9 84 6, 5t91 7, 40', 0 5 422Ii 19 3 1 6,438 4;02~}79 German............... 778 393 1 384.... 455 295 11 17 183 7 190 13 1 153 127 3 Greene.............. 3,314 1,2606 12 1,681 1,767 1,407236 1041 853 47 900 21 21 760 546 3 aienbrde,...........]. 3,1,69 814[ Guilford............ 2,423 1,203 3 1,215 211306 1,009 28 80 653 1 671 15 2 53 485 7 Lincklaen............... 1. 988 503....... 485......l 615 358 12 258 12 270~ 2........ 6 16...... Macdonoufh.... 1,306 657...... 648 1 661 582 16 47 344 12 356 4 1 292 231 21 New Berlin.......... 2,459' 1,182 2% 1,227 3: 1,245 1,075 30 109) 661 40 701 11 1 569 443 11 North Norwich....... 1,078 538'...... 540...... 606 408 15 265 27 21...... 228 161 7 Norwich............. 4,3311 2,010 55 2,199 671 2;379 1,698 64 190 1, 027' 105 1,132 130 99 915 569 ~38 Otselic............... 1468 759...... 709...... 816 577 25 50 417 7 424 51...... 346 292 6 Oxford.............. 2,996 1,405 12; 1,5-66 13 1,512 1,316 34.134 766 51 817 49 10 685 529 13 Pharsalia..,............ 1,112{ 588452 614 450 15 33 283 7 290 11...... 248 207 9 / ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ j -'38 I~''' Pitcher'..... 1,186 581 1 604....... 615 508 32.... 2 4 1 5 7 [ Plymouth............ 1,4871 738 2 746 11, 0654 2 5 3 8 17 3 370 246...... Preston............. 982 489 3 489 1 561 381 17 23 252 21 273 21 5 192 167 17 Sherburne............ 2,820 1,388 101 1,409 13'1,488! 1,193 32 0 670 59 729 104o 3 653 449 25 Smithville........... 1,634 852 2. 780 967 264 360 65 425...... 311 22 15 myrna.......... 1,63 69...... 8 225 24 59 431 13 444 21......1 28 305 6 Total.............. 38,360' 18,854 110 19,273 123i21,0541 49 1,3951 9,799 53740 361 54 157 8,496,558 216 CLEINTON COUNTY. Altona..... [, 8 58......[ 0... 1,820 920 5 8921 3 1,26 5 4 165 1 28...205 303[1 Ausable............. 2,694 1,362 3 25 41 1,750 841 31 72 345 197 542 220 1 502 217 169 aBeekiantown........ 2,;7089 1,341 14 1,03 0; 34'1 6571 9210549 82; 407 171 578 16 14 459 84 118 Black Brook.......... 3,282', 674-. ].... 1608......1 2,08867 1,123 20 51 21 215 7439 601. 595 236 631 Champlain........... 5,7774| 2,8751 51 2,888 6J 3,588 1,965 74 147 623 275 808; 1,204 11 1,037 467 650 OhfZyo.............. 3,96 381,405 1 0!, 56 13,680 5 21,20 31.41 5 / 49 1,0 03 51 134 651 636 443 2 Clintonh............. 1,786 11 89 5.04... 1.... 61177 08 12 1 41 32 82 22 2 2...... 301, 2 42 1 Dannemnora..;..,..... 1,371j 95.151 402 2I 879 438 4 9t 90l 40 10 36 1 53 8 1 Pllenbutdh........... 2,919 1,469 10,434i 6 46J101 7 5 8 65 53 8 7 3I7 Ml~l~ooers........,.....4. 4, 2022} 2,71621...... i 1 6 5 2 2,5741,513 22 93. 449 29 1746 658...... 75 4 9 Pesron..............i.. 3,0987 1,56 34 1, 518 6 1 3 1,907-105 3 2 901 452 163' 4 15 5I _611 17 Slaher sJburnegI.. 2.......'. 7,2,19 1,539 8 130,649 ] 3 4,4 35 1,5937 1 07 1171 92 1 04 4I 12 9,Smithynhe..........1,873 2; 1,7 2,336 1,199 33 248 5 664 414 479 Schuyler's.alls....... 1,871! 914 2)t 750 15 971 59682 22 55! 322 99, 421 1244 87 5 Total.............. 45, 7131123, 225| 7 31 22-, 364__12,9|55991103527,6'80l 6,041 84 8170/ 4,.8131 4,23 COLUM~BIIA CIOUINTY. Ancrn.............. 1,651 789 5| 85 3; 971/ 603 21 56; 39 25 422'. 91'...... 837 ] ]16 189 8 Austerlitz............ 1,4~431 704 2si G25 6 774 5c 423 52 347 32 3 46 1 30 3l36 84163 Car~n aan.... /. ___....._ 13 97 12 1,199 690__38 73_. ~ I54 493 81 79 51 Chatham..;........ 4,285i 2,043 107 2,02 ll 2,473 1,574 82 156 864 130 97 27 ~C'~laverack....,.... 3,3530 81,5461 29 1,71 27 1,98 1,2,779 37 1290 753 60 5 14 39 67 428 7 Clermont............ 912 4 47 569 317 12 44' 220 6 226 4 4 166 106 1[ Copake 1,78.............., 912 1 824 l 1039 6210 8 23 5 47 4 3 112.05 1530 Gallatin..-........... 1,392 708 409 7 Gicrmazntown.,........ 1,2 211 9 632 11 303/ 13 260. 12 -Ghenit,,.............. 2,6610 1, 2536 63 t.......'113 24 20 56 0 8 401 10 39 220 42 262 44 13 230 121 347.illsdale.............. 2,142 1,075 2.1,059 5 1,217.827 25 73 529 37 56 54 2 3 6061 3 On the Cat.araugus Reservation 29 Indians were0reported, who are lot includd in this totl. ~~~~~4 ~CLASSIFICATION BY SEX, COLOR, CIVIL CONDITION, ETC. COLUMBIA COUNTY-(CONTINUED). ~~ ~ ~~ MALES. FEMALES. CIVIL CONDITION. VOTERS. o= Total popu-rie: iio~- otr CITIES AND TOWNS. ~,io —--- White. Colored. White. Colored. Sing-le. Married. Widow-Wlidows., Nativ e. Natural- Total.. S ers. ized. C 6 Htudson city: 1st ward, 1,609 696.10 890 i3 916 594 9 90 255 89 344 148 9 322 85 2d ward, 2,078 914 58, 1,026 801,188 768 28 941 256 145 40 119 104 4531 36 204 3d ward, 1,828 829 51 981 13'1,110 591.0{ 97: 388 5_5 4431 85 17 359 169 23 4th ward, 2,316i 1,023 531 1,177 63' 1,331 8551 251 103 379 115 494 119 83 457 158 63 Total Hudson city.. 7,83ll 3,462! 1264,074 1694,5472,808 92 38 1,28 4041,682 41 213 1,591 482 375 Kinderhook......... 4,0081251 0 55/ 2,040 88 2,402 1,336 65 205 7801 11 99 25372 ivnffto~.,,.,,, 126 777 40i 172 5 9 Livingston 1........... 97 5i[ 930 2 1,123 709 13 59 461 26 4871 39 7 373 229 89 New Lebanon....... 2,086! 99 4 1079 140 5 360...... 33 Stockport............ 1,3554 1 647 28 817 4671 61 4244 66 315; 51 47 26 11 26 Stuyvesant.......... 2,234[ 1,040 67 1,059 68 1344 786 26 78' 373 96 469 107- 415 139 41.....~~~~~6:26! ~78' 9315 C6 469; 76 10 7 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Taghkanick.......... 1472; 736i 4 730 2 858 55 22' 39 351 15 366 19 6 384 205 58 1~~~~~4T2 1 588~~~~~~~~~~ ~~_19,I ~~~~~-;~ -"........ 263 2 6,37 6032 20'4,1 129 Total.............. 44,905'21,349 57 222,328 656 26,31216,278 71 9,311 1,7. —-' —;- 9,0 — CORTLAND COUNTY. Cincinnatus. 1,169 566...... 602 556 559 14 40 333 7 340; 4 I- 270 2241 10 Cortlandville.,........ 5,008 2,423i 3 2,569 13 2,628 2,086 81 213 1,251 10 1,3 60 107 12' 984'836 56 Cuyler............... 1,447 49 17 1, 743' 74!..... 790/ 58534!/ 374 20'...... 315 229) 1. Freetocwn..............4 4147... 9 432 247 19 266 18 1 218 174 15 Harford............. 888 439...... 448 1 464 390 4 301 235 5 240 4i 1 99 162 15 Homer............... 3,856 1,849, 1 2,001 5 2,024 1,639 38 155! 913 70 983 141 5 902 687 91, 3, I83, 5i 02i 1 Lapeer.......... 762 384...... 378...... 405 335 18 1. 9......... 10 1 18 Miarathon........... 1.485 748 1 736 802 6251 13 357 28 385 31 258 16 Preble............... 1,267 639...... 628...... 662 554 16 35| 305 33 338: 30...... 273) 213 17 Scott................ 1,149 603 6 537 595 50 15 38' 319 12.12...... 238 208 9 Solmon............... 995i 520:...... 475...... 538 416 11 30 242 29 271 7''...... 230 162 6 T1aylor ~ ~................ 167 594 571...... 649. 472 11 35 306 310 2 1 247 201 5 on~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..........-52i49 356 2o63 Truxton............. 9, 83..... O 3 si 5,31/ 78 112!...... 356 3 59 Virgil................2,009 989 1,019...... 1,053 865 2 6 499 21 520' 28...... 451 3881 15 4851 4 97t..... ~~~~5'22i 1 151 301 259[ 191...... Willett.............. 982 485i...... 497...... -52 45 1 30 29. 8 267' 9... 210 172' 23 Total............. 24, 81512,285 151412,492 3 23 13,12210,527 303_ 863' 6,136 456 6,592' 533! 22' 5,368| 4,328 372 DELAWARE COUNTY. Andes............... 2,815', 1,448 2! 1,364 1 1,732 990 30 631 541 133 6741 51 2 446 345 54,r~7}~~~~~~~~~0 9 3001 27...... 22' 8 Bovina............. 1,146, 589.'..... 557...... 717 362 28 39' 239 67 31 27...... 22 5188 1 Colchester........... 2,446' 1,231 6 1,203 6 1,451 905 26 641 568 59 62 477 23 402 15 Davenport............ 2,238 1,103...... 1,124 1' 1,245 888 28 77s 539 37 576 37 1 468 353 33 Delhli............. 2,785 1,351 33 1,370 31 1,675 974 38 98 133 706 67 40 534.459 29 -ianklin..`....,..... 3,16 1 5F;77 ~ 1, 559 1,597) 1,400 97 1?G -1 2 52 17 Frankin............. 3,136....31,57........ 715 52' 17 Hamden............. 1,836~ 930 10 892 1,122 637 21 56 60 10 66 19 I 37 304 11 Hancock............. 2,933 1,551...... 1,381 1,781,046 40 66 538 122' 660 184...... 544 398 56 Harpersfield.......... 1,446' 691 6 743 61 824 554 17 51 339 2 362 22 12 310 246 14 Kortright............ 1,897| 927...... 970...... 1102 704 24 67 439 59 498 32..... 395 322 28 Masonville........... 1,700 851..... 849...... 96447 3... 328 371 18 Meredith............. 1,507 737...... 770...... 844 582 27 54 332 47 39 44...... 31 276 17 Middletown.......... 3,119 1,553 4 11,558826 1,172- 41 80 105 51 756 4 8 609, 369 63 Roxbury............ 2,3351 1,167 4! 5 5{ 1,351 883 31 70 566 44 610 41...... 485 279 16 Sidney -.............. 1, 753 891.. 82..... 862 896 78 26 40 494 16 510 12...... 40 301 4 Stamford............ 1,556 7360...... 900 573 22 61 381 6 407 26...... 331 252...... Tompkins........... 4,064 2,086 17 1,940 2'12 6 2,460 83 29 92 932 56 988 7'4 34 767 588 28 Walton...............2,9261 1,460 15 1,431 20 1,6141,186 35 91 743 35 778 7 31 795 451 15 Total............. 41, 638' 20, 8791 97|!20,5621 1 00 i24, 101 15,785__525' l, 227| 95-28',. 1,y054 10, 582!j 770_ _1301_8,_482_6, 43031 419 DUTCHESS COUNTY. Amenia............. 2,5121 1,213 51 1,2031 451 1,430~ 941 37 104 477 47.5241 341 89 483 183 47 Beekman............ 1.208 566 19 604 19 658 481 4 294 16 31 4 264 52....~~~~j5 4,0', ~,~ 211~ IG 3oi/~, 34 1 ~l ~5 ClintCon-......,........ 1,719;~ 880 3 86... 87 74 37 5 1 4r54 281 4821 42. 1 401.295 20 Do0ver.........,...... 2, 093j 1.,006 19 1,049 19r 1,132 8351 35 75 46 54 22 19 32 36 59 8 Ea~st~ishkill........ 2, 448! 1,143 551 1,198l 521) 1,4228 910 38 72 54-8 27 575 21 85si 3 495 286 70 Fishkill............. 9,949 458 10490 21,91356 11 31,4 392/ 2,035;1 1,082j 3701 1,910 708 169 HiydePark........,. 2, 654 1,30 306 1,2188 301,540 9'90 37 8| 48 11 69 1 0 51 24 1 La Granjge........... 1,8117 4877 22 89~4 24/ 1,027 692 45 53' 434 531 487' 811 350 359 2194 66 Mailan.........`i.... 1,545 7 9 76 1 839 620 2 62 3 3 4-11 1 5 1 23 192 71 Northeast............ 2,007 985 38 949 3444 42 4869 13 63 396 212 19 Pamwling.............,1,7421 81 0 45 11, 936 700 19 8 7 412 25 3 7 Pine Plains............339 659 791 469 21 5 355 21 25 17 278 159 3 Pleasant Valley....... 1,92081/ 952 29 6 0 19 388 56 409) 229 18 Poughkl~eepsie........ 3,0n73 1,488 45;1,499 41_ 1,881/ 1,071 38 831 570i 166 76 347 70 574 309 101 Poughkeepsie city:.'v',.6l 35 6 n~4j I 7~ 26 2 ist.....rd..... 3,669 71,89 1,8773...... 20 9 1,78 45'15 25 35 80 4. 246 25 2d ward...... 3,46 1,70 1,92 2,009 1,3130 28 120 3817: 3428{ 723 271 61- 723 294 145 sd ward..... 2,.18 951. 9 1,212 16 1,250 751 51 13 404-! 86 490 18 2 449 73 46 4t~h war~rd..... 2,802! 1,142 6 1,504 95 1,606 980t 23 1935 366 1 5 d 2 8,1,187 78 493 16 101 42 99 52 6th ward.....2 1,824 770 8 1,0321 Total city.......... 1,07131 7,243 i,98407 24 4 19o/ 5,822 198, 633 2,1931 1,224 3,417 1,379 340 3,892 1,1705 18 lyde Prk........... 3,61218 1,534 1,545 2530; 1,,133 8 119 631 90 721 164 421 612 159 49 ~,Orhineb........... 3, 61 1,727 36; 1, 56' 2,'38i 1,371 51 150 752. 110 862 228 73 770 381 843 tian ord.........'.... 2,216'. 1093 6,070 27 1 846 2 7 519 42 56 9 1 2 32 linale...........1,420. 9 699 91, 8217 534 30 35 3541 201 374 2 8 04 87 5 iPashington.......... 2,719 3l283 71 1,.3047 58';1,615 937 54 113 5980/ 562 65 26 9 502 155 53........, 2dwrSO~~~~d~. ~ 6,..... 3 0,'4 711 1,70{ 13, 65.92 37, 181 2,09, 3158 28 120;/ojr tn,j41,59,I7, 9381~ ~ 8t 2671, 34 55, n0 CLASSIFICATION BY SEX: COLOR: CIVIL CONDITION, ETC. 5 ERIE COUNTY. MALES. FEMALES. CIVIL CONDITION. VOTERS. I Total popu- El. CITIES AND TOWNS. - ---—: White. Coloredj. White. Colored. Sing-le. Married, Widow-Widows. Native. Natural- Total. 2 -0 11 ^ l3 lations ~ized._ ~,; Q ~.. g. 6e 6 Alden..... 2,520 1,268 4 1,245 31,451 968 22 79 223 116 339 128 3 524 258 18 Amherst............. 4,5751 2,339 2i2,233 1 2,8141,601 52 108 352 506 858 283...... 882 654 165 Aurora............. 2,486 1,246 6 1,234...... 1,367 1,012 42 65 412 84 496 171 5 529 412 53 Boston.............. 1,734 923...... 811...... 1,041 630 24 39 258 135 393 91...... 331 317 19 Brandt....... 376 584' 4 277 293 163 17 Buffalocity' 1st ward, 10,0091 4,998 15,007 3 5,41 3,576 98 394 359 1,127 1,48 2,798 42,044 412 1,096 2d ward,' 6,402 3,130 13 3,241 18 3,746 2,326 74 256 1043 282 1,325 892 23 881 425.135 3d ward, 7,013 3,511 16 3,472 14 4,086 2,607 75 245 516 676 1,192 1,236 10 792 519 67 4th ward, 7,752' 3,]593) 99 3,9'46 114 4,640 2,701 82 329 530 853- 1',212 549 288 5th ward, 12,741 6,240 69 6,354.78 7,566 4,772 75 328 3 1 2,21323 1,679079 2,69 1,413 303 6th ward 10,132| 5,117 5 4,893 63 6,034 3,728 88 282 144 1,626 1,770| 1,116 102 1,257 1-054 279 7th ward, 10,1329 5,117 10 5,193 9 6,154 3,850 78 247 185 1,577 1,7762 1,425 72,140 1,103 248 8thward, 6,202. 2,987 31 3,156 28 3,751 2,116 61 274 361 733 1,0941 1,524 50 2,159 256 187 9th ward, 5,864 2,730 13 3,111 3 10 1 105 286 923 334 1,257 1,054 21 2,681 518 2 10th ward 6,3631 2,927 2 3,427 7 3,724 2,286 46 307 837 416 1,253 734 41,600 778 115 I Ith ward 4,1581 2,027 4! 2,122 5~ 2,567 1,435 34 122 325 201 526 1,299 61,395 161 32 12th ward, 5,132 2,631 21 2,475 5 3,411 1,564 47 110 255 597 852i 890 71,154 554 228 2, 1131 1[ 7 7 2 1 61 ~~~ ~~~~~~~~7.1 -1,154I 13th ward, 1, 111016 8,295 761 7 40 130 21 34.... 2,045 121 121 Total Buffalo city..[. 94,21046,086 3497,13. 362':,39433,716 880 3,220 5,9(33ll0,-529 16,40 16 303 52122,051 7,863 3,101 P7,413~ ~ ~ ~~~3 6, ]0 5212,5 7,6 31 Chictawauga......... 2,657 1,371 1 3![ 1,283...... 1,66,8 890 35 64 146 331 477 276 2 477 359 85 Clarence............. 3, 6 10 1,886 11 1,723...... 2,154 1,324 4 9 83 436 340 76 308...... 697 561 145 Colden............... 1,386 683 2/ 701......5 8 ~Collins.............. 2,0541 1,069 2 983....... 1,0713 901 28 52 497 57 554 101...... 448 361 23 Concord....... 2,811 1,385...... 1,4-24 2 1,506 1,167 47 91 596 131'727 62 1 602 464 6 East Hambu h..... 2,128 1,066...... 1,2062...... 1,150 889 28 61 369 128 497i 131...... 471 358 is Eden................ 2, 392I 1,214...... 1,178....... 1,396 900 26 70 2.89 249 5~3 8 108....... 452 352 8 Elma................. 2,907 1,502, 411,399 21 1,7727 1,098 3 1 51 276 273 549, 333.'..... 5'75 4150 123 Evais............... 2,626 J,330 2 1,292 2 1,511 1,001 28 86 494 106 600 193...... 542 424 31 rand Island.......... 1229 607 25' 585 12' -750 450 14 15 85 112 197 215 27 228 102 108 Hamburg~h............ 3,139 1,607...... 1,531 II I,831 1,180 40 88I349 297 646 331...... 616 441.63 Holland.............. 1,523 777...... 745 I 846 625 16 * 36 310 44 35 34 303 256 19 Lancaster............. 4, 112i 2,042 10, 2,053 7 2 2522 1,439 47 104 280 545 8251 2521 8 822 584 150 Marilla/.............. 1,6305 818.. 83 2......./1073 901[ 453 103 4...... 4374 309 11 Newstead............ 3,206 1,637 71,559 1,793 1,270 49 9 606 153 7597 203 2 663 534 62 North Collins........ 1,813 905...... 908......1 1,061 687 19 46 251 144 395! 40...... 3 5 9 312 553 Sardinia............. 1,821 939 3 873. 6 1,002 730 31 58 44.4 38 482' 12...... 377 346 7 Tonawanda.......... 3,040 1,516...... 1,524...... 1,801 1,133 31" 8 68, 251 354 605 1 345...... 620 374...... Wales................ 1,441 695 746......8 291746........ 2196[3 200513 5 West Seneca......... 3,7 347~ 1, 784.... 2; 1,559 21 2,055 1,220 32 40 -110 399 5090 598...... 549 419 36 Total*.............. 155,7~~~~~31 3 9 C) 4311 ~~41059 154 4 82 TotaP............|.155,77377,396| 4 319'77,536 / 4 1092,72^7,22/ 1,638!.4,7841!.14,008/ 5343' 441 83sl......2 57l|34,35617,4154 4 g326 ESSEX COUNTY. Chesterfield........... 2,787 1,337 6! 1,435 9 1,700| 983 25 79 368 155 523 244 15 531 319 173 Crown Point~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~........ 74 1, rowns Point......... 2, 6361 1,337 o 11298 1,468 1,052 36 80 583 34 617; 174 1 523 337 54 Elizabethtown....... 1,5929 814 3 766 9 1,058 505 2 27 296 56 352 131 12 264 126 76 Essex............... 1,501 717 5 777 2 984 429 29 59 291 37 328; 84 6 263 146 64 ay................. 2,7 1,3...,4...,8 1 2 61 382 97 479, 126...... 4-22 2 4 14-1 Keenm.........386,169[ 1,7024 3....../31. 111,4314 1,180[ 11...... 144 11i8 14 Liewis..............'1,774 902...... 872'...... 1,035 703 9 27 310`61 51 412' 79...... 3108 108 3 Minerva............. 1,082 567 2 513...... 662 378 14 28 117 83 200i 149 2 190 169 86 Moriah.............. 4,640 2,433 4 2,202 1 2,815 1,67-2 49 104 547 321 868; 721...... 843 495 341 Newcomb............ - 149 79....... 70...... 91 51 1 6 34 1 35i 6 26 23 4 North Elba.......... 9 1 9 144 81 197 131 6 5 84 8 92' 1 7 59 52 10 North Hudson........ 5751 306.... 269.... 336 221 7 11 102 10 1 12i' 8 5...... 103 57 21 St. Armand.......... 299 159...... 140...... 172 117 5 5 81 2 830 4...... 53 51 1 Schroon............ 1,688 880.......[ 8!1 952 667. 16 53 332.32 3642 157...... 350 249 93 Ticonderoga......... 2,606: 1,344....... 1,262....... 1,486 1, 016 36 681 526 8 1 607i 181...... 495 286 20 Westport............ 1,687 807 873 964 637 14 72 328 47 375 77 6 335 165 36 Willsborough.......... 1,432 693 5 728 6 859 503 23 47 276 41 371 92 11 275 194 76 Wilmington.......... 80813 399...... 90 9.....!158,19 17 79/ 409...... 1425 126! 15 Soardni............. 28641,7 91,9g3 717|1,4| 1J 7'50^ 117,2l 239 6o.536 3,95 1,6 Bangr........... 1,180'|1,1 04.....I. 10 6.... 1,26 8 5 01 5921 730 51 94 1,...... 48 3 78 5~/ 7 Tonbawada........... 1,089;I 8491......[ 8,540......[ 1,078 50 18 4 17,29 3 3041 18.....-. 629 37 21....10 Wrales.........:2l 0..... 41:.....l 480 30 10 2 1 659 2 18 4...... 17 12 3 Brighton............. ~ ~ ~! 1601 8 1 80......1 823 9 0 16 13 7 0... 9 3 Burke................ 1,929 963...... 965'...... 1,1345 72 9 1 5 09 39 76......I 372 25 2 wes Seecaua........ 3,847 1,743.... 1,05!.. 1,3 107 0 9 58 16954 38...... 54416 267 65 Dickon........~ -,8 920.... 83..... 104 62 0 7 4 3 37 22.... 32 28_5 Total........ - - - 0 17 1 32..... 17 800 4 11 5 16 1 6 34 6 Franklin~~ ~:-=............- 1,70 57 —:0' 67 66 1 6 13 5 21-5 5 10 66 7 Chesrfieldw........ 305 37 16 1... 1,49...... 1,701 981255 4 4l 61 150 72l 24111 53'..... 547 37 CrlownPin............,6,3630 1,3,16 11 3165,9,296...I,6, 65179; 8231 3:7 1,19 914 4 1,164 8647 45 Essex............... 1,65'01 7 7! 5... 7748..... 9841 6298 290 63 286 70 356; 8 4.... 331 2 92 [45.6 W etvle.,...... 165 8 1...... 83...... l,3i 57 02 8 85 93 06...... 2 1 5 3 Toaf............ 2,4 |l,6 1 1,5 Q,9 11,1 2 5. 73.,0 1 1,7',0!,3' 1,8~4 0 4,0 9 InadtoIoth bv.8 Idinarreotdsre igupnteC tru's R osrato i thscony Kee n e 7 7011 084I ddtin oth aoe 30Idin a...p..dal/ 386. o.te....g's eerato i ti cuny 6 CLASSIFICATION BY SEX, COLOR, CIVItL CONDITION, ETC. FULTON COUNTY. Total popu- _ I1' _ ___' _ _ _ _ _'_ _ _ _.... /! ___. ~.,.' CITIES AND TOWNS, lation. ----- -- White. Colored. White. Colored. Sillle. Married. Widow-Widows. Native. Natural- Total..g ers. ized~. * u * 0 0=," I/leecker..............1 2 15 74 120 194- 49...... 191 146 26 Broadalbin........... 2,335 1,095 8,224 81,275' 93 33 90 526 36 562 19 16 541 351 19 Caroga......... 631 311 10 301 9 373 227 15 16 120 22 142 17 8 120 87 32 Ephratah.......... 2.189 1,125 3 1,058 3 1,256 851 25 57 498 37 535 7 5 427 349 209 Johnstown.............. 9,805 4,568 54 5,120 63! 5759 3,571 110 365 1,954 324 2,278 332 80 2,225,039 66 3Mayfield........... 2,280 1,147 5i 1.121 7 1,268 915 34 63 539 32 571 39 7 487 346 87 Northampton......... 1,903 942 3'957 11 1,035 787 25 56 4170 29 499 9. 412 302 16 Opele~...,...,... 3o21 Oppenheim........... 2,213 1,116 6 1,086 57/ 1,247 879 33 54 581 25 606 12 10 453 366 79 Perth........ 1,053 522...... 531...... 633 372 13 35 209 36 245 62 219 12 28 Stratford.,........... 1,110 596...... 513 1 631 430 12 37. 221 42 263 17....... 213 161 57 otal.......... 24,5 9714,088 9,334 302 788 5,192_ 563 31 619 GENESEE COUNTY. Alabama............ 1,839| 913 161 893t 17i 1,024 732 7 56 371 59 430 108 31 356 276 18 Alexander........... 1,828' 908 31 915 2 1,004 729 33 62 369 76 445 107 3 375 274 34 Batavia.............. 6,004/ 2,982 20 2,980 22 3,432 2,293 60 219 916 433 1,349 548 28 1,200 863 257 Bergen.............. 1,9081 960 1i 942 5, 1,024 791 22 71 398 106 504 93 2 428 364 48 Bethany........... 1,734...... 1,.73 866.....'8..... 911 773 27 63 410 41 451 103 371 305 36 Byron............... 831 1 945 66 22 359....... 359 278 1 355 7...... Darien............... 2,1681 1,101 11 1,066...... 1,193 890 27 58 445 82 527 121 1 492 357 11 Elba.................. 2,0441 999 2 1,043...... 1,088 868 26 62 410 94 504 121 1 420 286 12 Le Roy............. 4,304 2,072/ 8 2,216 81 2,454 1,628 65 15 791 2411,032 320 9 895 673 129 Oakfild............. 1,511 810........ I 70...... 875 569 24 43 255 89 344 110...... 305 271 28 Pavilion............. 1, 611 786...... 8......... 871 664 20 56 370 49 419 10. 242 267 19 Pembroke 2,825 1,390........... 1,435...... 1,508 1,199 26 92; 598 98 696 123...... 602 397 35 Stafford..1; 9! 99............ 798 919 79 1,049 680 17 5 28 137 352 252 12...... - 1 —!-............ 1 Total*............. 31,21 15,519 51115,594 55 17,378112,4451 383'| 1,013 5,60 1,505| 7,d65 3 7 6! 6,393 4,592/ 639 ~~shlsnd...,,.....,.. f -1,080 1,4$2(' 451 1,433 5QI 1,717,i 1,120 46 95i 5051 7,451 2,32i 7!63931 4,5921 63 GREENE COUNTY. Ashland............. 1, 0801 526 11 553'......| 570 448 18 44' 257 10 267i 3 1 254 173 8 Athens.............. 2,9781 1,442 451 1,433 58 1,717 1,120 46 95- 670 66 736' 80 60 615 205 121 nlla...........:. 616 2o5 ] Cairo............... 2,343 1,138 15 1,176 14 1,31 896 31 104' 586 26 61.2 13 24 516 48 7 Gatskill............. 6,,679 3,148 1021 3,313 116 3,959, 2,341 100 279'1,275 207 1,482. 306 176 1,308[ 688 89 Coxsackie....... 3.. 3,561 1,655 1151 1,668 123 1,993 1,381 43 1441 771 64 8351 127 212 740 415 127 Durham............. 2,412 1,129 15 1,261 71,291 988 33 100 622 28 650: 12 14 560 437 6 Greenville........... 2,246 1,095 16 1,111 24 1,210 922 31 83 556 26 5821 23 38 496 355 18 Halcott............... 436.222...... 214...... 261 158 2 15 106... 106......... 78 58 3 Hunter.............. 1,641 843.2 792i 4 1,049 520 21 51 287 94 381 43...... 293 209 85 Jewett.............. 1, 110 560...... 550...... 649 424 8 29 264 16 280 2...... 233 171 5 Lexington........... 1,520 758...... 762....... 836 624 13 47 366 15 381 1...... 309 244 52 New Baltimore....... 2,629 1,286 33 1,286 24 1,474 1,022 37 96 597 55 652 91 40 417 307 41 Prattsville........... 1,484[ 723 14 732 15 880 533 17 54 340 26 366 10 11 292...... 26'Windhami....... 1,591 724 1 866...... 841 670 23 57 - 392 23 415 10 1 354| 276...... Total.............. 31,710115,249 359 15,717 3815 18,04212,047 423 1,198, 7,089| 656 7,74 - 721 577 6,465 3,586 58 HAMILTON COUNTY. Arietta............... 82 42..... 401...... 46 36............ 27... 27il........... 22 18's... Benson................ 315 176...... 139,....... i 179 120 8 8 75' " 79........... 65 61 3 Bens 75 79............ 65 6 Hope............... 621 307.... 314...... 374 2391 4 1261 139 10....... 120.77 16 Indian Lak......... 174 91.1 82...... 108 64 1 11 32 341 9' 31 26 4 Lake Pleasant........ 280 1431...... 1371...... 160 108 6 6/ 70 2 72 3...... 63 44 3 Long Lake..........70 13T7...... 133...... 160 100 4 i 53 62 2...... 53 42 4 6 53 62i 2! ~-~ 53 A2 7 Morehouse........... 219 115....I 1...... 124 88 2 5 25 34 59 8...... 47 46 1 Wells............ 692 3...... 311 1 402 26 12 16 165 21 186 6. 1 133 123 18 ~~~~~~62 380'"/:. 1 1 OI 113 123 18 Total............. 2, 653- 1391.1 1!,260i 11' 1,553 1,017i 37 46'- 573j- 84'6-7/1 1 _3S-1 534 440_'52 HERKIMER COUNTY.. Columbsia....,,...... 1,732| 873 2|1 856 1 874 771 33 4 7| 1 9 3] 2 43 33 5 Danube............... 13431 697 1I 645...... 740 545} 23 35.326 31 3571 264 1 198 15 Fairfield. 6....... 1,6491 837 31 809.-.... 955 610 23 61 348 71 419t 122 3 305 171 20 Frankfort............ 3,087 1,541 11 1,543 2 1,746 1,198 34 109 606 152 758/ 150 1 658 385 60 German Flats........ 5,074t 2,585 19| 2,447 23t 2,5961 2,286 54 138 1,121 226 1,347 295 41) 1,183 706 35 Iterkimer.......... 2,922i 1,429 10/ 1,477 6 1,5821 1,173 47 120/ 588 134 7.22 153 14 569 364 178 Litchfield..-.......... 1397| 710] 6[ 676[ 51 756 571[ 23{ 47 182[ 74 256 751 111 295 2521 19 Little Falls........... 588l 2,61 7 24 2,90 5 421 3,122 2,126 831 2571 954 334 1,288/ 500 431 1,132 654 311 Lanheim.............., 831! 892 12] 9211 6 1,036 717 24 54 327[ 110 437/ 109 17 284 259 87.............., 81 2961 7392 Newport........... 1,9831 933 7i 1,0301 13 1,079 775 34 95 402 69 471! 85 8 421 29 73 Norway.............. 1,080 538..... 5421...... 643 390 15 32 204 37 241 58...... - 208 159 38 Ohio............... 928 493....... 4351...... 565 343 11.9 180 49 2291 15...... 185 153 26 Russia.............. 2,030 1,012 1/I 1,0171...... t 1,049 882 23.76 450 77 52711 89/...... 468 354 57 Salisbury............ 123 1,100 2:1.1,0201 1 1,151 8801 27 65 421 90 511 116 1 436 311 52 Schuyler............. 1,589 799......, 789. 1 912[ 598 21 58 30.5 89 394'1 62 1'303 201 65 Stark.......... 1,522[ 752........ 765 5 796, 639 32 55 384 21 4051 31...... 322 172 23 Warren...........~. 6111 789, 1 82i1...... 812J 699 23 77 414 23 437 36, 1 371 221 37 WTViluurt.............. 148 86!..I 62........ 93 51[ 1[ o 2 10 32:1 61...... 30 20 9 Winfield............. 1,517 767 2 747| 1 782 656] 24 55 342. 4 396 68 3 331 282 36 Total.............. 3 9,1519,450 9l119,507i 106"21,289J91055 5-o l,40o| 8,0-54 1,666'9,72o0 2,027| 1471| 8,16'3 5,48ll-~ 1-93 * In addition to the above 509 Indians are reportc0 as residing upon thle Tonawanda Reservation in this county. CLASSIFICATION BY SEX, COLOR, CIVIL CONDITION, ETC. 7 JEFFERSON COUNTY..... ~ MALES. FEMALES'. CIVIL CONDITION. VOTERS. - CITIES AND TOWNS. lation. -— t - - Q~ —- ----. g^ | 0? White;- Colored. White. Colored. Sgl.Married. Widow-Widows., Nativee. Natnral- Total. d C, Et g ^5 ers'. |ized. 66^ Adams................ 3,418 1,622 81,82 61,739 1,485 48 146 844 37 881 3 739 Alexandria.......... 3,614 1,816 7 1,784 72,171 1,328- 35 80 673 153 826 221...... 681 498 82 ~............ 4 56 8 61 Antwerp. 3,132' 1'2' 1,565...... 1,789 1,213 46 679 68 747 221 1 -614 495 48 Brownville............ 3,495 1,747 1,742 2 1875 1,445 52 123 772 107 879 165 6 733 439 53 Cape Vincent........ 3,479 1,728 1,749.2,068 1281 42 88 465 218 683 510 2 656 464 149 Champion............. 2,062 1,017...... 1,045...... 1,085 869 30 78 515 20 535 82'..... 475 316 5 1,0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~13 43.... 3,8 8693 55 III Clayton............. 4,446 2,282' 2,1615 119 561 611 Ellisburgh........... 5286 2,554 I 2,729 2,858 2,231 67 130 1,310 63 1,373 124 1,043 873 47 Ilenderson...............29 8 6 tHenderson........... 1,962! 981.....' 980 1 1,041 805 29 87 467 30 497 119 1 432 316 19 Hounsfield.......... 2,754 1,380 91,359 6 1,498 1,093 56 107 600 121 721 140 8 591' 434 14 Le Ray............... 2,986' 1,520 1 1,465...... 1,579 1,252 51 104 696 82.778; 123...... 647 429 31 Lorraine............. 1,580 789 2 789..... 846 669 14 51 358 20 378 63...... 324 247 14 Lorrai I 79 2..... 20 3`8 63.... Lyme............... 2,377 1,164..... 1,213..... 1,326 948 33 70 5590 11...... 53 O1~icsns~ ~ ~~~~~ 2. 759315016....,.. 50 35 4 Orleans.............. 2,791 1,390....... 1,401...... 1622 1,058 37 74 536 104 40 169...... 536 388 47 R~~lllftll~L~...~~. ~...... 1, 2 1, 5 3 7 4 5 6 Pamelia............ 2,492' 1,236 5 1,246 5 1,411 962 25 94 503 86 589; 236 3 495 336 48 Philadelphia........... 1,,15. 884 1 830...... 965 667 23 60 382 44 426 348 2.4 17 Rodman............. 1,654 812 5 83-5 2 839 736 25 54 427 22 449 52 6 389 291 11 Rutland............. 1,964 992...... 972..... 1,085 787 20 72 458 36 4941 156....... 419 338 47 Theresa............ 2,515 1,263 1,252...... 1,414 989 36 76 524 68' 592 142...'. 500 372 80 Watertown......... 8,194! 3,864 40 4,255 35 4,769 3,007! 80 338 1,358 328 1,686' 1,136 65 1,547 989 246 Wilner.............. 3,921 1,969 7i1,940 5 2,303 1,463 43 1 58 918 317 9 772 531 104 Worth............... 611 302 9 296 4 330 257 5 19 132 18 150' 26 12 130 96 13 ~Vlnr.... [....... ~.,, ~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~13 1, 947i15, 5261 4,6- 3' 13 9',615! 1, 256 Total.............. _66,44K|3^7 104 33, 390 77j 8753,77 37/195,26,260.87 2,166 13,7 1W,2Q 4,865~ 13.0'13, 467,1 5!,5 KINGS COUNTY. Brooklyn city: 2 1st ward....-. 6,128. 2,906 6 3,193 23! 3,760 2,120 71 177 752 515 1,267 1,5-37 22 1,118............ i - 903 65 1,a0......... 2d ward..... 8,760 4,315 31 4.370 44 4,844 3,384 120 12 629 98 1627 1,903 65 1,905............ 3d ward..... 8.8901 3,868. 43 4,923 56; 502 2,853 121 41 1,531 424 1,955 2,107 91 1,277............ 4th"Ward.~ 11,506 5,321 153 5,762 270. 7,7631 2,958 140 645 1,660 896 2,556 1,639 402- 2,120........... 5thward..... 17,820' 8,573 103 8,998 146:10,002: 6,769 229 820/ 1,212 2,270 3.482 2,792 223 4,046........... 6th ward..... 26,407111,837 1814,508 4115,650 9,392 223 1,142 2,050 2,107 4,157 7,235 60 5,055............ 7th ward..... 15,968 7,278 26 8,620 4 9,557 5,616 143 6521,766 1233 2,999 2,408 43 3,162............ 8th ward.... 9,829 4;751 3 5,006 38 5,648 3,799 76 306- 786 980 1,766 1,728 59] 2,069............ 9th ward..... 23,44310,963 2911,79 397113,696 8,680 21 857 1,635 2,181 3,816! 3,846 593 4,789............ 10th ward..... 28,668 13.,25 50 15,243 121 16,97410,089 278 1,327 2,771 2,199 4,970 5,504 151 5725............ lth ward..... 18,242 8,434 314 9.119 37510,3060 6,790 227 865 2,275 1,334 3,609 2,942 606 3,888............. 12th ward..... 13,0851 6, 505 16,579 7,379 5,110 121,475' 404 1,739 2,1431 2, 543.... 0........... 13th ward..... 17,7911 8,4 50 9,190 89510,:226 6,659 189 717 2,748 1,040 378 2,499 93 3,546............ 14th ward..... 15,4251 7,601 32 7,763 29i 8,754 5,888 183 600 1,106 1,79 2,90 2,232 52 3,404.......... 15th ward..... 11,4491 5 461- 189: 5,600 199: 6,4974 4,42 1175 922 2,097 1288 367 2,499............ 16th ward..... 24,379!1,-89 35 "1,07 423173,537,7 70 7581 3,542 4,300' 3,564 557 5,039............ 17th ward.-..... 1072234: 5,037 71 5,1861 4 5,745 4,099 83 307i 1,311 791 2 1,163 32,109........... 6,319i 3,084~ ~~1, 283,22 9. 9130 7!1 11 f~a )50. c L...... I~lh.6,319' 3,084 93,222 4wa 03,439 2,370 63 181 563 654 1,217 759 51269............ 69 2~~~72C 941 0 1, 5201...... 19th. ward..... 80551 3,806 1 4,218 19 4,691 3,024104 69 211 85 1,72.........~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'8 2 17 8 7 3,046 12 20th ward..... 13,9801 6,271. 45 7,573 91 8,162 5,027 153 2,17 06 1,717 125 2,632........... Total Brook-l n city 296,378' 139416 1,7736152773 2,416172452 109036! 2,986'11,904' 28,346 27,195'55,541 0,790 3, 52760,26161,79913,395 Flatbush............. 2,7781 1,251 88, 1,340 99 1,717 935, 32 94' 277 186 463 502 154 493 249 113 Filatlands............. 1,904; 942 71 833 58 1,162 691 1 50 297 367 240 4 347 159 74 Gravesend........... 1,627; 765 3i 696 73 944 596 30 5 294 72 366 313 26 326 227 116 New Lots........... 5,009[, 2,428 36 2,500 45 2,822 2,025 46 116 374 534 908 874 75 1,054 544 126 New Utrecht......... 3,394 1,562 52 1,723 57 2,019 1,189 40 146 362 217 59 716 106 665 168 19 Total........ 311,090|l463641 2,311359865| 2,7481, 18144 72! 3,1 351i2,367-:29,95028,27458,224/ 53,435 3,937J63,146.13,8431 6,743 LEWIS COUNTY. Croghan............ 246,146 1 3' 97921 3 1,303 1' 57 293 450 189...... 400 370 182 leDianar............. 458 8 18..... 950 38 2 01 35 22 -Denmr......i2 1,079 1 o!/,1231 10'11149]' 7953 41 44.... 427, 30 Gig............... 461,043! 9043...... 903 l[..... 1,118 765 33 30 383..... 34 249 Har risburgh......7.. 1,238 6539 4 578 3[ 742 450 1 30 24 ligh Market....... 1,30 622.. 508...... 727 373 1 16' 5 18 27.... 25 81. 133 Hs~~ibugh......... o['':5' 715?::1'2'7~' 59[ Lewis........... 57, 580i....... 1. 784 4 9 17 9201 18 Leydben............. 1,8281 90 918 5 1,01' 74 23 51 3 93 4 Lowville............. 2,574;' 1,277 3 1,289/ 5 1,478 986. 34 76 581 75 6 Martinsburgh........ 2,480 1,249 225 4 1,390 69 4511 417 34 Montague............ 6431 3203...... " 3 401 2 3 12 98 3 9..'43 1 13 42 New Bremen......... 1,966 1,034. 932"..... 1,181 72t 23 4 190 338 30 Oscola................ 344..... 410 28 11 7 95 77 17 1......' 1 4. Pinckney..........., 616 1 715 536 10 30; 278 0 3. 232 26...........~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t 2751 26 Turin.............. 1,683.866..... 817...... 938 674 1 55, 382 59...... 3 275 21 Watson................. 512 402 6 29 246 18 264 2512 188 22 West Turin.......... 2,128 1,111 01.......'. 1,287 7 33 571 188 507..... 41 32 Total...,.......... 27,840"1 0 *,423 3!i6,09.8'10,726 340 676; 4 —-83 1,843 6,6771 1,397| 25 5,900o 4,5941 858..... 840ii114, 36011 ~213,.......'.... LIVINGSTON COUNTY. Avon................ 2,930'; 1,453t 3.| 1,466 8![1,734 1,052 40 104! 1459 1691 628 374 11I 568 409 122 Caledonia............. 1,7251 882.... 843...... 7,00 500i 49' 299165 107 372 225 339 193 243 Conesns.............. 1.346 681[. 660 3 8 500 2 44 292 28 320 49 5 284 2 9 Geneseo............. 3,001 1,451 2 1,504 22 1,906 930 51 114! 572 177 749 210 21 576 347 54 Groveland........... 1,430 711.:..... 718 1! 900 445 28 57 0 33 303 106 1 1 187 8 Leicester............ 1,651 81 1 80 13 979 605 26 41 353 50 403 95 329 23 4 Lima........'...... 2,925 1,383 91 1,5211 12. 1,677 1,099! 33 116 496 188 684 176 7 580 479 81 Livonia.............. 2,605/ 1,283 I 1,321...... 1,548 927 36 94[ 584 83 667 94 1 574 451 43 * A correction of 266 was added to this ward after the. publication of the Preliminary Report. 8&~~~ ~~CLASSIFICATION BY SEX, COLOR, CIVIL CONDITION, ETC. LIVINGSTON COUNTY —(CONTINUED). MALES. FEMALES. CIVIL CONDITION. VOTERS. ^2 ~ -~ Total popcd Sigle CITIES AND TOWNS. ---- -~ White. Colored. White. Colored. Sing-le.'are.WdwWdw.Native. Natural- Total. 2"^^ | J 3~ ers. * ized. ^ ^ 6~D Mount Morris........ 3,770 1,883 4 1,881 2 092 1,49 48' 131 799 165 964 169 4 786 575 72 North Dansville.'.... 3,724 1,785 41 1,926 2,112 1,413 50 149/ 616 259 875 162 13 773 514 5 Nunda.............. 2, 843 1,393 31,445 2 1,602 1,10 25 112 599 99 698 128 5 604 428 34 Ossian, 884 4 440 2 440 2 500 345 10 291 214 23 27 15 4 176 131...... Portage............... 1.407 678... 729...... 793 544 20 50 291 43 33 50...... 279 203 35 Sparta............1,183, 5961'...587.......624 502 21 36 319 30 349 14...... 273 232 8 8pringwater.......... 2,227 1,180 5106 6 1270 878 30 49 548 26 574 28...... 442 336 6 ~West S ata.......... 1,383 708...... 675...... |831 500 13 39 302 37 3 9 31...... 272 126 3 Total............... 37,555!|l8,536 80 18,851* 88 22, 092 131,653 509 1,301 7,422 1,633/ 9,055|| 2,244 _81,76 7 32 5,434, 533 MTADISON COUNTY. Brookfield........... 3,593| 1,778 3' 1, 808 I 1,8211 1,598 62 112' 9511 46|2997 92 11, 642 33 Cazenovia........... 4, 157|2, 002; 14 2,122 19' 2,1911 1,6971 60 209; 976 118J1,094 127 9 911 767 98 De Ruyter............. 1,820; 923 1 895 I'982 7461 21 7l 480, 22...... 26 Eaton............... 3,8611 1,874 973 7) 21,12 1,535 58 152' 833 132 965, 240 11 805 599 73 ener................ 1,387 679 3 573 5 42 41 383 7 311 2 31 yeorgetown..........741...... 666 43 78 18 396 15 346...... G - i i............... amilton............. 3,434 1,654 11 1,754 15 1,712 1,494 53 175 893 67 960 84 26 858 [567 36 Lebanont........... 1,557 787 11, - 753 6 817 661 23 56 377 "321 409 71 13 331 258 5 Lenox.... 8,456 4,222 25 4,182 27 4, 712- 3,5 7 121 266 1,884 286 2,170 33 321 1,741 1,009 366......... 88 612, 09'1. lMadcison............. 2,41 1,162...... 1,252...... 1I 3 1,36 0 993 30 537 74 116...... 436 314 9 Nelson............... I,..717.... 916 721 24 5 385 77 462 42...... 7 336 32 2791[~~~~~~~~~3 Smithfield............ 1,366 645 36 636 49 752 546 20 4-8 323 30 353' 25 42 198 193 28 Stockbridge.......... 1, 85/ 1, 957 5 955 8, 1087 749 29 60 507 52 559' 91 13 410 304'39 Sullivan............. 5,3407 2679 31 2,592 382958 2,120 78 184 1,118 181 1,299 286 60 1,129 763 186 sa~~~~~~~~~~~~32 41 383] 18/, 31 26}3 Total............. 42,50620,983 147 |21,198| 178.22,90517,456. 603 1.54211 9, 984| 0 1 8 7611 60 1,574j 214 9,279.6,301 982 AIONROE COUNTY.. Brighton............ 3,540/ 1,802 31 1,742 15 2,201| 1,234 6 99 1769 6661 9 731 36 609 3662 167 Chilieo................ 2,24 15144 4 1,088 ~ l,292 8 661 2 6 352 146 4098' 229 10 443 336 62 larkson............ 1,843 933 907 2 1,095 702 12 3 59 419 368 181 47 8ates..........,40.... 34 1, 1 67 1,013 60 255 2 1 223 3 533 326 293 Greece.............. 4,400 22 72 62 2,114 8l2, 686 1,520 55 139 579 298 877' 633 9 840 ~643 96 Henrietta............ 2,207 1,2 2' 11,160 2 1,239 885 17 66 378 137 515...... 483 373 49 2, 392i lt120j ~~~~~I: -1 087...... 1, 343 / 62 2 6 511 51 73 58 I C 1 45 340 5 Hamlin....... 2,3,1112................ 2, 1,12..... 1,.. 1,33 9 3340 52 Irondequoit......... 3,420 1,743 5/ 1,666':2,0.93 1,217 47| 63i 234 463 697| 261 11 663 472 33 \endson.............. 95559 1,487 2 1,469 1 1,6301,177 55 97 591 1 727; 247 1 634 447 39 Oegden.2,71............ 2,'1 1,405 1,384 1, 533 1, 129 5 68 194 2 57 481 51 PSiarhmfi............ 2,936 1,481 2 1,451 2 1615 1,207 35 479 606 99 7051 198 2 609 446 8 GOG 70 25 5 2 dPenfieldg........ 3514..... 1, 72259 1, 224 37 76 570 158 72 255 3 551 213 41 Perrinton............ 3,219 1,598 4 1615 21,7341,364 37 4 638 154 792 286 4 673 493 54 Pittsford........... 2,02013..... 148 774 26 811 308 151 4591 153 1 429 262 33 Riga......^.......... 2,141 1,074...... 1,067...... 1,229 811 25 76 307 157 464 233...... 434 367 64.Rochester city: 1st. ward..... 2,220 1,053 To 11,138 19. 1,318 752 40 110 344 143 487 432 24 364 154 24 2d ward..... 3,468 1,656...... 1,811 1 2,1171,151.35 165 467 194 661 650 644 173 32 3d ward.. 4,820 2,189 64 2,482 8 808 1,7455.. 2 657 327 98 715 110 943 523 105 4th ward... 3, 236 1,479 21,741 141,951 1,110 30 145 449 207 6,5 6 462 12 622 249 47 5th ward.... 4, 616, 2,233 6 2,375, 2 2,861 1,550 42 163 347 529 87 6 546 8 873 198 24 6th ward..... 3,613 1,792 3 1,814 2,202 1,254 43 114 249 568 817 340 3 695 393 28 7th ward..... 2,605 1,228 10 1,356 11 1,454 1,011 23 117 350 206 56 183 6 -537 286 18 8th ward.. 4,480 2,075 40 2,312' 53 2,969 1,254 55 202 404 403 807 367 64 90 569 98 9th ward.... 5,084 2,643 19 2,421 3217 1,596 53 218 398 447. 845 727 20 929. 548 183 10th ward.... 2, 732 1,254 6 462 10 1,595 991. 24 122 268 271 539 342 12 541 342 44 1lth -arnd.... 1 4,300 2,138 2,159 2 2,652 1,489 29 130 141 621,-653-... 827 578 137 12th wcard..... -3,245I 1,571 19 1,641 1 1,84~2 1,219 3 5 117" " 24 4093 65 74 8 6 7 432 2 13th wasrdl..... 3,22 1,5931 1,632 41,9431 1, 170 40 75 109 482 591 284 4 619 37 10 14..ar.........,t 3,29031'1~802 31 1, 221 1,213' 37 1317 24 6 6! 78 31 425 16 6091 393 118 Tota Roceste cit. 5,9404,48 192!26029 37308711,50 543 2,019l 4,6i751 5,195 9,870; 6,410 287/ 9,8I20 5,216 *1,012 Cushii.............. 1,708| 86 2J 840. 2 6 6i 114 62 36 308 77 38 229 3.443 22 3 51 6 SwYeden......~....... 4,2,4121 1,991 412,1,0 16, 2361 8 5 16 130 9,07] 70/2! 60 ~ Gaester s........... 2, 775 1,418 81, 11,..heatlad....... 2.... 1,651 897 32 5 383 171 554 28 Total............... 104, 235528 1 2 81, 4 3 1,9,l MONT`~~GOMER COUNT~fY. Gmeecer 5,13512,518 1842,577 22" 3,064 1,52048 4 3 121 Canajohare.......... 4,48: 20772 3 6 2,0 38 2,6509 1,3571 947 121 689 214 903 1069 4 8 5 56 Caleonida............/ 1,687 81... F~lorid.............. 2,885i 1,441. 1,424/ 11 11,648 1,09634 107 6251 1071 7321 111.201 5931 366 7'3 Gle....2,073 1,361 20 1 191543 1,056o50 88 637 64 701 56 36 558 354. 67 Mi 2,392!,120!......t7x,..... 1 1,703 62 964 iondhawk...... [.... 2,9 1,417 473 1,442 4 1',7382 1,017 32 47 84 963 6926 1 663 445 43 Palatine........] ] ] 2,56l| 1,257 8; 1,292 4 1',439 952 36 74' 5921 103 645 34 103 494 323 26 Root................ 2,456 1,233 6'1,209 8 1,424 938 3 62 613 30 643 35 4 501 322 54 it. Johnsvlle........ 23, 07 1 I7 7! 1,5063 61,728 161 37 1 65 457 720 529 1 13 292 293 35 Total............... 31,44715,53| 16315"'"18 1,7 3 122 7,694J| 972 2734 6,160 3928 583' In addition to the above 101 Oneida Indians are reported. They reside in the town of Lenox. CLASSIFICATION BY SEX, COLOR, CIVIL CONDITION, ETC. 9 NEW YORK COUNTY. MALES,. FEMALES. CIVIL CONDITION. VOTERS.'j Total popuCITIES AND TOWNS. lation. -- i — White. Colored. White. Colored. lMarrie d Widow-idows. Native, Natural- Total.. **ers. ~ ized. 0 0 t New York'.city: 1st ward..... 9,852 4,710 32 5,064 46 5,485 3,736 86 545 240 1,666 1,906 1,827 95 2,240............ 2d ward..... 1,194 555 20 605 1 770 345 19 60 128 4 277 282 28 2085............ 3d ward...... 3,367/ 1,652 27 1,670 18 2,265 95 58 129 318 426 744,1...... 4th ward.....' 17,352 8,513'40 8,791 8 9,693 6,592 230 837 517 2,571 3,088 4,558 30 4,026...... 5th ward...... 18,2051 8,778 3801 8,562 48510,254 6,808 283 860 1,4791 1,816 3,295 1 4,906 809 2,972....... 6th ward..... 19,754 9,574 1431 9,891 1461,362 7,051 274 1,067 599 3,546 4,1451, 3,674 275 4,430............ 7th ward..... 36,96218,123 2818,769 42 21,53813,393 415 1,616 2,396 3,754 6,150 9,863 45 7,478............ 8th ward...... 30,09813,181 89914,743 1,2751 7,00711,224 28 1,586 2,420 3,076 6,9319............ 9th ward..... 38,504 17,856 18420,172 29222,11814,073 447 1.866! 5,194 2,805 7,999 5,494 313 7',866............ 10th ward...... 31,53715,615 33 15,826 6316,93113,098 318 1,190'i 1,667 3,795 5,462 8,478 88 7,696............ 11th ward..... 58,953128,706 5430,123 7031o3,629122,836 461 2,027 2,574 6,648 9,22212,651 118 3,155............ 12th ward..... 28,259J13,868 22713,955 20918,475 8,571 234 979 2,379.2,341 4,720 4,361 369 4,773............ 13th ward..... 26,388 12,560 139 13,526 163o14,765 10,209 266 1,148L 1,851 2,948 4,799, 4,275J 252 6,125............ 14th ward..... 23,382J11,065 30611, 634 37713,950 7,999 280 1,153 1,0971 3,227 4,324 5,050 628 5,398J............ 15th ward.... 25,572110,948 36413,662 598~15,866 7,810 4271 1,469 3,610 1,703 5,313 6,672 797 4,339......... 16th ward..... 41,97218,441 28222,810 439 24,49314,687 450 2,342 3,616 3,373 6,989 8,388 672 8,741........... 17th ward..... 79,56338,220 87 41,090 166 44,872 30,981 741 2,969. 3,346 10,015 13,361117,895 21318,240............ 18th-ward..... 47,61321,302 1071126,009 19528,785115,937 571 2,3201 3, 3 4,973 8,576110,197 259 9,379.......79,Iva....l......'..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~I....... 19th ward..... 39,94518,859 10320,791 19224,24013,190 603 1,912 3,261 4,025 7,286 7,336 270 6,985............ Dr,20th ward....... 21s ward..... 38;669J16,517 7821,894 18023,65512,769 386 1,859 4,001 3,063 7,064 8,353 206 7,622....... 22d ward..... 47 36122, 566 73J24,587 13527,74417,404 455 1,75 3,150 4,963 8,113 8.456 189 9,624........ Fl yr......-... Total.............. 00423121262727 7,8832,65451,5077,475 1518381 8,899114868311 375,19,199 Total............. 76 8:403,213607537111 NIAGARA COUNTY. Cambria............. 2,115 1,077 -2 1,036...... 1,210 801 71 411 481 174 29 HIartland 3,4451,766 1,6.......... 1,939 1,364 42 100 656 138 79 281 1 721 491 56 Lewiston........... 2,998 1,502 18 1,467 11 1,8401,028 46 8 365 172 537 472 27 536 298 54 Lockport.:.......... 13,937' 6,709 118 6,988 122 8,432! 4,852 150 503 1,892 954 28,8461 1,512 164 2,873 1,661 429.Niagara.............. 6,186..2,961 60 3,099, 66 3,847 2,117.58 164 453 535 988, 1,229. 114 1,122 498 128 Pendleton............ 17,731 864...... I867... 1,061 617 1 42 09 59 38, 156...... 321 276 13 Porter............... 2,366 1,182 2 11 1,455 825 29 57 379 117 496 3 44 78 Royalton.......... 4,691 2,408 2 2,279 22,721 1,792 52 26 829 258 1,087 469 2 956 746 87 Somerset............ 1,787 880.... 907.. 976 741 15 55 381 62 443 141'..... 367 311 26 Wheatland............. 3,517 1,790 1 1,725 208 1202 4 73 219 450 669 493 2 669 385 30 Wilson............... 3,264 t1,672 5 1,584 3 848 1,284 35 97 629 102 731 263 8 655 443 46 Tota............. 49283 24523 214 24,337 209 29,417873 547 1,453 7,09 3,13210,222' 5,710 331 9,763 6295 1,010 ONEIDA COUNTY. Annsville.......... 2685 1,391 1,294...... 1,5821,013 32 58 476 195 671 61 579 402 91 Augustao............. 2,061 1,003...... 1,055 3 1,115 839 42 65 454 97 551 76. 3 461 354 52 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~21[ oAva to.............. 1,12 48 1 2,71 580 1 538 2 2,721 4, 779 26 1 8 4 22 208 7 3 221 1956 17 Soonville............ 4,22,786.88...... 9074......31 976 70 321 44311 245J. 704 138 Bridgewater..........1,252 619....... 623...... 686 509 10 47! -278 68 346 56...... 276 209 24 Camden............. 3,533 1,740 13 1,765 1 1,947 1,415 31 14 739 164 903 167 27 620 5038 76 Deerfield....... 2,071.1,028. 3 1,040...... 1,186 796 34 55 287 224 511 159 3 435 278 74 Kirkland............. 4,044 1,978 13 2,032 21 2,279 1,56 9 170 648 261 909 296 32 921 426 99 Lee.................. 2,714 1,368 7 1,333 6 1,4411,169 44 60 625 105 730 33 8 602 332 26 Marcy.............. 1,517 780...... 737...... 867 591 15 44. 231 172 403 69... 321 249 24 Marshall............ 2,141 1,067 3 1,065 6 1,210 847 27 57 376 164 540 99 9 442 216 37 New. Hart~ford.... 3,654 1,755.1 1,891 7 2,148 1,322 57 127 527 316 843 285 7.762 468 56 Paris................ 3,595 1,750 5 1,837 3 -1,881 1,536 53 125. 687. 202 889 204 6 809 520 102 Remsen.............. 2,650 1,385 6 1254 5 1,528 985 46 91 415 293 708 170 5 564 446 51 Trome......... 9,478 4,616 32 4,784 46- 51373 3,591 129 385 1,422 775 2,197 6-708 55 1,874 1,04-9 276 Sangerfield............. 2,357 1,110 21 1,200 26 1,280 943 3 98 466 100 566 184 24 494 317 102 Steube.............. 1,416 732 6 677 1 816 542 78 31 276 11467 390 33 7 287 223 39 ~Tre~nton.~9............. 3,-199 1,525 1. 1,671 2 1,766.1,274 37 1224 601 209 8101 165 3 605 514 54 2dwr, 2,0613 1,03/9...6 1,4058 10 1,572 984 39 4 613 4541 397 55,630 2 3 1 4.1 5 59 1 2 57 4 Ava ~ 3 wad,9,5.....:',3 1,8471,15 380J [ 3J 21 160 436J 7 21 81 284 2709 271 4/ 722 3195 3 ~oonv ill e wad 4,5227 2,639....1 2,0906...,3,529 1,739 55 3204 2788 7833 1.0706.408..... 904 4o41 2638 3ridgew 7te wrd.....4,014 6i1..,858 2 62,13....1 2,427 1,393 44 10 32/9/6 448 00 248346] 86...276/4769] 99 Toamdl.t..a.city......] 23,53311,0 101,7450 131,65[15,4722 1,415[ 246 140/4 2,739 2,646 49203 1,950 194738 2,0650 785 Deerfield............. 2,071 1,4298 71 1,0490......51,18 5 91 375592 2577/ 1J59173 1269 93 60 4351 5587 Veron............ 5,6,8,7,1,9 0 18;107 461453 33 3129 688 9 Floence....... 3,0-,9......1,1. 2 1,61,95210 762 1512 9 1 734 53 9 Westrn........... 2,4652 1,2512 26 1,1978 24! 1,3371 9451 22 6/ 487 9s8 58851 631 1 7 2 2 Flstoyead........... 2981,2271 6 9[...] 61.8[.'...7 16524 10136 456113 550 1186 736J 214..... 630 2478 36 Khirkland........... 4,044J i,9852 17 2,0320 215 2,279 1,5379. 2 17o2 564833261 9098 2960 325 9215 3426 199 CmLee............... 2,71421 1,2781 72 1,2731 61| 1,4452,965 40 9 44 114 5981 1 04/ 73J3[ 8 560302 24 68 Oicero............... 3, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~5166 1,58 442 31,551 11711269 451 691..... 210 80 7 22 60 49[ 624 ashlay.............. 3,069H 1,5467 41 1,0518 1 1,821,093 8 47 7 57137678 861 7640 75 4 644[ 489j 33 Paris................ 3,5951 1,7530 51 1,4621 4[ 1,6881 1,53168 42935 29 15 685J22 88 1 8 04 1 80597 3570 109 Remsden............. 4,12, 6 08, 81 3 2,198 19,254645 1,6528 9 85 9 1]41J93l 7089 167 0 5[6 211[ 449 581 28 S~~~~~~~~~~~~~ nadiintoteaoe 2Tucrfiel India.s.... 4eotda eidn ntetwnoJeit ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~12 10 CLASSIFICATION BY SEX, COLOR, CIVIL CONDITION, ETC. ONONDAGA COUNTY-(CONTINUED)). CITIES AND TOWNS. lati —---- C| White. Colored. White. Colored. Single. Married. Widow-Widows. Native. Natural- Total. ers. ized.. I. 8'~ 0 ~ Eabius............. 2,201 1,110 2 1,086 3/ 1,152| 950 24 75 540 35 575, 107 5 488 397 26 Geddes............. 3,246 1,625 11618 21,907 1,221 23 95 350 255 605 424 2 657 304 105 Lafayette............. 2,397 1,176 21,219 21,2861,003 37 71 572 70 642 73 4 479 428 31 Lysander............ 4,813 2,427 92,369 82,696 1,908 65 144 1,000 156 1156 211 17 992 671 42 Manlius.............. 6,276 3,104 17 3,140 15 3,509 2,461 60 246 1,199 320 1,519 259 30 1,322 935 144 Marcellus.............2,577 1,272 1,304...... 1,456 1,005 40 76 462 130 592 195...... 537 429 102 Onondaga............ 5,312 2,651 33 2,586 42 2,954 2,059 99 200 1,043 2771,320 37 53 1,059 765 151 Otisco................ 1,69 813 878 1 902 725 20 49 366 72 43 71...... 380 263 24 Pompey............. 3,502 1,704 1,795 1 1,818 1,516 44 124 795,112 90 154 1 789 635 69 Salina........... 2,754 1,400...... 1,353 11,5511,101 30 72 356 277 63 206 1 577 152 67 Skaneateles....... 4,128 1,995 2,119 7 2,346,59 55 135 54 278 932 426 12 839 616 79 Spafford............. 1,566j 784 2 779 1 815 682'20 49 386 36 422 45 2 374 297 21 Syracuse city: 1st ward..... 3787 1,945....... 1,925...... 2,32 1,378 34 134 381 392 773 450...... 878 285 49 2d ward..... 4,661 2,339 17 2,289 16 2,759 1,779 32 91 89 814 90 515 18 950 578 27 3d wvard..... 2,473 1,178....... 1,29 11,396 952 34 91 275 2451 520; 426...... 491. 169 203 4th ward..... 4,880 2,297 27 2,525 31 2,859 1,774 50 197 466 460 926; 544 983 591 308 5th ward..... 3,749 1,852..... 1,896 1 2,113 1,490 39 107 453 363 816 486...... 765 482 137 6th ward..... 3,514 1,636 41,870 1 42,567 876 11 60 720 108 828 450 7 537 89 35 7th ward..... 5,627 2,779 7 2,820 21 3,319 2,098 55 155 -727 480 1,7 586 24 552 469 104 Salina~ ~~~~~~~~~7 207, 7 24[ 5,0..... 1074 8th ward......1458 97 1,691,8' 7 1,153 36 130 427 211 38 20 6386 352 72 Total Syracuse city.. 31,784 15,410 126 16,077 171 19.02811,500 291 965 3,538 3,073 6,6111 3,-661 186 5,842 3,015 935 Tully.............. 1,583 791...... 791 1 821 680 19 63 405 38 443 66...... 361 203 10 Van Buren........... 3,031 1,542 31,484 1,6141,286 37 9 695 99 794 85 3 660 488 46 92 972145,835 24 6'1 1, 36 i 2,119 *aotale.... 9I,21,9795,735 2451 46,9600 292 53,102|35,859 1,070 4 15,552 5,871 38218,66811,364 2,119 ONTAEIO COUNTY. Bristol.............827..... 808 2 890 667 29 51 420 24 444 48 2 360 296 27 Sanadice........... 889 439...... 450..... 510 343 12 2 219 7 226 16 I...... 178 149 14 anandaigua......... 7,121 3,279 65 3,690 87 4,146 2,540 10 3 1,2174 492 97 1,354 856 181 10.3l{,63 2349,, I 381 2. East Bloomfield.......2,177 1,094 10, 1,071 2 1,240 855 22 60i 401 105 506 184 12 439 311 56 arm gton.......... 1773 876 2 893 2' 978 698 29 68 345 66 411 187 2 362 295 70 orham.............1 2,341 1,198 2 1,140 I 1,290 944 30 77 538 67 605 117 496 260 37 Hopewell............ 1,788 911 3' 871 3 1,055 668 20 45 411 34 445 139 2 346 208 24 Manchester.......... 3,238 1,530 25 1,656 27 1,737 1,335 46 120 704 129 833 119 40 696 469 28 Naples................ 2,028 1,014 3. 1,011...... 1,113 809 29 77 549 12 561 13 3 424 389 17 Phelps.............. 5,200 2, 598 7 2,588 7 2,963-1,993 63 181 1,116 15l! 1,267 269 8 1,066 -759 72 ~~~Ei~,;i'::::::::::: 1,45 728 73i 2,588 ~ ~ ~ ~ i 75,93-1 93 ~ ~,16 241 [....31'.~ 4 4 9~ 169 Richmond........... 1,454 728 31 721 2 803 591 18 42 318 62 380 90 5 291 227 16 Seneca............... 8,553 3,970 125 4, 165' 4,786 3,257 135 375 1,453 478 1,931 701 173 1,825 1099 196 South Bristol......... 1,162 588...... 574...... 666 444 17 35 263 20 283 244 9 11 Victor................ 2,371 1,204. 8, 1,156 3' 1,302 944 40 85 486 96! 582 220 11 466 356 79,West Bloomrfield...... 1,584 785 2 796 1 855 651 18 60 345 155 400 103 3 333 243 31' T l. 03 45141 25 8 3024,334, 611 1632j 1,70210,487 2,7151 361 78,880 6,0961 859 Total............ 4351,627,71 51,82 1',121,0 8.771 48{ 2{50 OEANGE COUNTY. Blooming Grove... 2,404 1,098 86' 1,15-3 67 1,430 857 251 92 443 64 507 202 135 471 240 105 Chester........... 1,982 889 73 943 77 1,192 691 20 79 364 58 422 116 113 377 259 98 rjo~~~nnr, ~2........ 35 72~ Cornwall............ 4,610 2,186 40 2,335 492,7261,666 487 170 667 284 951 274 70 932 538 49 rawford.......... 2,014 975 1 52 426 56 48 102 16 390 217 56 Deerparkl........... 7,417 3,844 52 3,466 551 4,435 2,707 77 1980 1,244 455 1,6991 564 78. 1,380 634 208 Goshen.............. 3,393 1,515 1021,645 131 2,0121,168 62 151 622 105 727 297 206 935 356 168 Greenville........... 1,147 561.... 586..... 648 443 13 4 13...... 24 175 3 0 Iamptonburgh....... 1,212 577 45 545 45 747 385 21 59 244 20 26 110 73 227 142 103 Minisink............ 1,200 598 12' 586 13, 708 453 9 39. 283 12 295 31 12i 216 135 21 Monroe............. 4, 722 2,368 6 2,346 22,893 1,67 39 118 847 116 963 356 885 287 164 Montgomery....... 3,6271 1,711 58, 1,794 64; 2,139 1,317 39 132' 738 104 84 303 103. 743 389 33 Mount Hope.......... 1, 9 871 1187 964 15| 1,143 735 34 651 364.50 4141 171 23 402 208 124 Newburgh.......... 17,389. 8,209 24 86. 901 01 1 19 7 9 9 32 A 4 4, 1 rew Windsor........ 2,697 1,305 4,325 27|:1,65 7 4 89 40667 107: 5651 4204 4 2 [ 3601 291 27.......... 7,38 3,72 12 34 2 4,317 2,657810 1 30 1,398 268 1,666 450. 179 1,45 908 103 Oanrdic............ 5,07 72 84 2,245 9 2982 1,890 461 1,106 5 1158; 114 129 989 567 114 8 94 39....... 06 956 174 1,1 6 1 71 389 3 78 34 4......I 178 5 Total.............. 70, ^l^ ^! 1,~I ]005/34,198/ 1,Q96'41,64925~-,l129 16257112,244 2,733|l4,9771 6,046| l,6i55|l3,993| 6,4871 1,941 O]k~ELEAN COUNTY. Canarre.....21...... 6,845' 3381 1,71 79 396'4 1,617 527 2 1,382/1,067 181 Carlton............7 1,256 3 1,197 5'1,3 90 34 72 546 73 o69I 31 6 Clarendon........... 1,8 884 3 8905 Graines............ 2,355 1,19 8 1 1,145 1 1,293 971 771/ 504 75 57 1 2 496 34 37 I Ioendall............ 1,873 927 Murraya e.......... 2,61 1,59 2 1,350 5 1,73 7 1,835 5 Sihpes.............. 328 1,014 1,3 31 9 62 44 389 Yhelps.............. T..4 5 7, 93| 341 84 5850 31 62,999 7| 5,41 49, 225 47 Albion.............. 2,366 7 1,183 1 1,116 151! 1,781 18 1,297 75 72 Ambor........... 1,4236 ~ylStOn............... 96I 1. 4. 531 409 6 14 215 1 26 21..... 20 Wes~ Bloomida. 7 6...... i 8 5 0 2 944 ~ ~ ~ I I2 851 48612918 Oopr3tantia. 2, 41...2.... 3,517 1,820| 17 1,659 21 2,01 1,387 32 867 677- 133 810, 133 10 718- 471, 48 * In addlition to the'above 360 Indians are reported as resid'ingr upon the Onondaga Rejervation in this county. CLASSIFICATION BY SEX, COLOR, CIVIL CONDITION, ETC. 11 OSWEGO COUNTY-(CoNTINUE D). MALES. FEMALES. CIVIL CONDITION. VOTERS. U5 > ~Total popu-/l_. _ = ~~' CITIES AND TOWNS. WiT" -------------------------- n t~ tWh C rnWhite.. Married. Widow-Widows. Native. Natur Total. ers. ized. ^ x I 0 6 ~ Granby~ C........... 3,956 2,041 5 1,904 6 2,2091.1,619 37 91 777 120 897 222 2 837 536 129 HIannibal............ 3,322, 1,670 5 1,642 5,06 1, 378 39 991 763 64 827 90 4 709 531 30 Hastings............ 3,005 1,536...... 1,469..... 1,665 1,239 28 73 681 7 758 50...... 712 409....... Mexico............ 3,828 1,918 15 1,883 12 1,997 1,648 51 132 940 851,025 135 15 821 618 71 New IHaven.......... 1,948 964 10 47...... 98442......3 1 8 Orwell.............. 1,427 -738...... 689...... 794 576 20 37 331 715 346 46...... 292 218 13 Oswego........... 2,13 1,474 11,433 51,66 1,142 22 87 536 123 659 188 6 499 466 69 Os.ego city:.st ward, 4,475 2,120 62,337 2,7541,519 36 166 195 343 538 872 15 731 57 63 2d ward, 3,897 1,981 18 1,888 10. 2,313 1,7407 45 137 33 359 6981 76 5 752 337 339 3d ward, 6,004 2,925 27 3,023 29 3,599 2,111 59 235 500 514 1,014 731 46 1,186 422 447 4th ward, 4,912 2,387 3 2,521 12,895 1,77 194 553 347 900 765 2 955 567 345 Total Oswego city 19288 9,413 54 9,769 52 11,561 6,811 189 727 1,587 1,563 3,150' 3,124 68 3,624 1,383 1,194 Palermo...'.......... 2,219 1,139....... 1,080...... 1,164 951 22 82 547 38 585 25...... 491 418 51 Parish............... 1,814 932 1 881... 965 775 22 52 443 28 1 8 1 370 346 65 Redfield.............. 1,072 568...... 50...... 655 381 14 22 176 48 224 46...... 198 160 22 Richland............ 4, 137 2,076 2 2,058 12,272 1,720 49 96 969 71 1,0409 217 3 901 653 69 Sandy Creek......... 2,423 1,206 21,212 3 1297 1,033 23 70 640 13 53 5 510 387 32 Schroeppel.......... 33,669j5 1,918 17 1,720 1 2,003 1,529 35 102 847 100 947 131 24 737 614 54 Scriba............... 3,215 1,621 6 1,578 10 1,766 1,335 22 92 661 130 791 174 1 663 541. 78 Volney....... 6,472 3,149 443,247 32 3,468 2,707 73 224 1.302 199 1,501 389 53 1,380 960 92 West iMonroe I2..8 67......,...... 604...... 706 516 18 38 277 51 328 28 9252 235 21 Williamstown.........,057..... 891...... 1,111 749 41 47 318 71 389 369...... 371 224 99 Total................, 76,200 38,~356 170137, 512 162,42, 807'30, 221 826 2,34611l4,0011 3,060117,06I |-5,601, 20415,483110,377 2,171 OTSEGO COUNTY. Burlington........ 1,690 835 2 85.......... 875 728 22 65 413 33 446'1 28 2 449 296 18 Butternuts............ 2,2451'1,099 i 1,144 1 1,190 919 44 9 554 49 6031 53 2 488 342 25 Cherry Valley........ 2,384 1,158 1l 1/224 1 1,356 901 35 9 537 56 593 57 2 489 367 24 Decatur............. 8531 427 i 425...... 438 382 13 20 241...... 241 1 193 129 5 Edmeston............ 1,793 884 9097...... 892 811 21 69 481 12 49 21...... 408 259 13 Exeter.............. 1,445! 729 5 708 3 777. 606 16'46 364 22 386| 32 *7 404 254 21 Hartwick............ 2,248 111,062 l 1,185..... 1,125 986 29 108 596 24 620 34 1 411 376 6 Laurens...........'. 1,885 955 I 929...... 937 838 36 74 512 6 518 7...... 442 336 9 Maryland............ 2, 1971 1,113 & 1,079 2 1,196 930 20 51 554 15 569. 48 5 365 312 5 Middlefield........... 2,690 1,329 11 1,343 71,411 1,141 49 89 651 65 716 94 17 569 335 60 Milford............. 2,208 1,118 1,0789. l. 661 21,051 22 1 494 316 43. Morris............... 24 2191 1,03349 71,146 5 1,118 963 22 88 560 14 574 26 1 4196 338...... New Lisbon.......... 1,649 831...... 818...... 876 711 19 43 328 22 350 31...... 374 351' 7 Oneonta.............. 2,363, 1,205 5, 1,152 1 1,241 1,013 36 73 643 17 660 35 6 498 398 59 Otego............... -1,883: 922 1 958 2 923 848 36 76 534 4 538 6 1 415 317 21 Otsego 0........... 4,292 2,053 152207 2,236 1,801 57 198 1,030 105 1,135 148 32 885 554 45 Pittsfield............ 1,4441 7103 131 724 4 1,237 140 22 45 365 16 381 25 12 319 234 15 Plainfield............ 1,283 653 33 626 1 685 533 24 41 291 58 32...... 281 210 42 Richfield............. 1,665 820 10' 827 8 843 731 24 67 402 28 430 68 19'364 305 44 Roseboom.......... 1,719 853 21i 861 3 894 745 21 59 435 28 463 14 5 373 263 11 Springfield....... 2,291 1.117 1 1,168 51,265 909 35 82 554 59 613 47 6 461 286 39 TJnadilla............. 2,685 1,383 21 1,297 3 1,407 1,148 45 85 690 50 740 163 6 585 413 130 Westford............. 1,282 640...... 642...... 627 585 18 52 347 5 352 8...... 307 226...... Worcester........... 2,231 1,154 1 1,073 3 1,201 929 30 71 541 31 572 87 4 487 358...... Total.............. 48,61624,076, 87124,387 66125,85720,312 705 1,742112,222 73212,954 1,088 13010,563 7,575 642 PUTNAM S COUNTY. Carmel............. 240 1,047 12 1,173 8' 1,222'873| 46 99 5351 40 575 115 11 479 354 47 Kento................ 143 722 5 742 4 818 584 16 55 361 9 370 10 8 30 196 89 Pattersonu............ 1476 702 9 749 16 795 603 25 53 358 8 366 74 24 329 238 49 Phillipstown......... 5436 2,716 1 3,1841,998 67 1,099 407 151 Putnam Valley....... 1 62 835...... 786 1 950 593 30 49 399 9 408 18 1 347 248 6 Southeast............. 2598 1,246. 31 1,298. 23 1,4281,020 33 1171 564 43 6071 223 40 536. 328 101 Toeterl.............. 1,4,45] 7,268/_58 7,466_53 8,397 5,671 217 56 3,10 339 3,445. 185 86 3,094 1,771 443 QUEENS COUNTY. Hrlushing........... 10,813 4,867 3 3 312i 6,45^ 3,87 1,131i 1,021| 2,152 1,249 4371,605' 784.362 Hempstejd........ 981_,641 2905 aurHenmst.............. 11,765 5,51 184 5,7 1 6,7659 4,486 143 3...970 2 3170. 2,791 35 278{ 2,438 1,549 394 Jayicad............. 6,7773,171331 3,90072,5210 2 1,043 726 1,60551 11 56 4814 893 245 Middefieldn........,. 13 ~(,71 3~2 34,3s,5 1103 7 912 4/ 14 8 Newtora............ 1,812,7..341 2,384' 334' 8,220| 5,046 184!441 1,212 1,4772689 1 1 4,079 315 North Hempstead..... 5,35 6, 660 133 6,9391 59 3,102'_ 2,000 63 170 Oyster Bay......,.... 9,417/ 4, 214 400; 4, 343;" 460ol 5,308J 3,6562 32,5 316 1,767 840 746/ 1, 9151 1,087 454I Morrsl.............. 57 726,793, 017. 1,649033 747[21, 738 5, 1,9 17l 3,630|ll,801 5,576 2,53211,013',5,526 1,852 EENi~SSELAERLCOUhNTY. NBerlins............... -2,1 49 1,114 3 1,032....../ 1,155 88 40 70; 435 9474 529 9 3Brunswick.., 8......1 1 8]....... 1,57 41,596 2 1,8871 11 1930 East Greenbush....... 1,663! 809 5; 845 47 9226 663019 3597 21 7[ 32 9 2498 7 Onetont............. 526 Oreenoush........... 4,779 2,360 29 2,369 2,7301,830 49 1706 581 404 9853 47 36:1,000 465 218.osc........... d,8783/1 9221 1 9758 211 9 2l 48 Otsie....g o 4,78 2,305 15"1 32,2 7 2,2 5391 1,9338 60 1511 862 2351 1,0973 403 531 933 466 249 Pittsfieldur............ 6,440[ 722,05 1'3,:1 76 46' 1,2371 140 223,593[ 2,142 67 27031 2730 489 15 Nassal.............. 2,89' 1,405 3 21,480 i 655331,215 434 929 678 73 751 16.. 629 45 North f.reenbush..... 2,5751 1,218 56 15347 50 1,495 977 29 74 453 1 731 15 6 4021 633 274 28 Petersburgh.......... 1,6709 809.... 861...... 927 643 23 7 4382 281 410, 35..I 379 2 PittstOwn............ 3,8311, 861 9 1,951 3101 2,19 1,475 44 4 5 8118 6 90 162 9,7 23[ 6 424 13 0 Poestenkill.......... 1,952 960...... 992...... 1,11 758 53 381 94i 475 48. 393 253 35 12 CLASSIFICATION BY SEX, COLOR, CIVIL CONDITION, ETC. RENSSELAER COUNTY —(COSTINUED). MALES. FEMALES. CIVIL CONDITION. VOTERS.. | W Total popu- ~ *. *: CITIES AND TOWNS. lation. ----- [ 1 White. Colored. White. Colored- Single. Married. Wido-ios Naie aua-Ttl. ^ ^^ ^^ IH!' ers. ized.' C:'Sandlake............. 2,606/, 1,263 7 1,329 7 1,429 1,024 39 1141 487 144 631 70 13 564 351 55 Schaghticoke......... 3,0541 1,511 12I 1,520 11 1,.745 1,163 44 102 577 133 -710 202 23 620 251 101 Schodack..............4,015 1,977 29 1,988 21 2,200 1,621 69 125 841 160 1,001 231 11 823 561 74 Stephent~wn.. I...I... 1,02 1 4701 Stephentown....... 2,026 991 4 1,027 4 1,063 853 32 78 392 34 426 37 1 470 325 101 Troy city: 1st ward... 3,920 1,697 782,041 104 2,294 1,371 38 217 431 344 775 424 137 797 187 42 2d ward... 4,606 2,043.74 2,398 91 2,723 1,550 83 25 627 365 992 616 138 850 289 90 3d ward... 1,952 849- 9 1,076 18 1,235 614 23 80 399 99 498 422 23 292 161 26 4th ward... 3,1641 1,472 11 1,663 18 1,789 1,144 40 191 567 192 759' 305 24 643 66 28 5th ward... 2,869 1,334 1 1,534...... 1,677 1,038 33 121 306 276 58 323 1 500 113 21 6thward... 3,124 1,611...... 1,513...... 1,920 1,090 32 82 247 325 57 534 2 596 121 117 7th ward... 4,923 2,340 71 -2,566 10 2,929 1,670 41 283 536 447 983 520 3 998 271 243 8th ward... 5,399 2,650 82,738 31 3,282 1,847 54 216 346 603 9491 794 3 1,031 242 301 9th ward... 4,723 2,377 42,334 8 2,759 1,733 88 143 17 602 776 828.-.... 958 239 366 IWth ward... 4,613 2,242 1 2,367 3 2,624 1,750 39 200 524 408 932 513 4 976 337 197 Total Troy city....,' 39,293:18,615 193 20,230 255':23,232|13,807 471 1,783 4,157 3,661 7,8185 335 7,641 2,026 1,431 ~ 9,o~?-'......:-'.... —,' —~..... -,71,62,0 ~~~'Tota...... I. 3,518-....3,0....6I.,46 Total....... 88,21oi42,4681 387;,44,933 422 50,693132,8631 1,136 3,518113,034 6;06419,098 8,290 587871 7672 2,80 RICHMOND COUNTY. Castleton.......... 7,68311 3,711 531 3,884 35 4,810 2 490 86 297 796 913 1,709 1,088 86'1,442 529 75 Middletown........ 6,866 3,166 78 3,496 126i 3,949 2540 66 311 408 791 1,199 1,169 115 1,114 4663 178 Northfield........... 5,201 2,511 42 2,603 45 3,118 1842 63 78 930 160 1,090 507 81 1,046 456 74 Southfield........... 4,407 2,014 21 2,347 25 2,671 1539 39 158! 327 406 733 874 28 829 430 135 Westfield...i......... 4,052, 1,847 98 1,987 1201 2,303, 1, 543 49i 157 752 144 896 318 145 829 563 59 Total.............. 28,209]13,2497 292411,317 351I116,851I 9,9541 3033 1,101| 3,213| 2,414 5,627, 3,956t -455, 5,260 2,441 521 ~Vestfield..,..,~.. ROCKLAND COUNTY. Clarkstown...... 4,023 1,9 4 957 46.. 2,181 1,643 61 138 729 174 903 274 76 871 547 180 Haverstraw........... 4,113, 2,060 34 1,984 35 2,461 1,477 42 133 531 225 756 558 65 813 308 385 5581 5 81 3081 385 Orangetown....... 6,136, 2,780 188; 3,047.1511 3,464 2,348 6262 1,016 18011,196 616 260 1,267 551 318 itama'po.............. 4,330! 2,152 47 2,083 48 2,383 1,741 55 151 913 91,009, 241 82 897 552 164 Stony Point......... 2,186, 1,216 970...... 1,311 792 35 -48 36 95 455 249 418 141 146. Total... 720788 0,18 286 104 28011,800 8,001 255 32 3549 7701' 4 3 0 19 31 4,83 4,266 2,099 1,193 ST. LAWRENCE COUNTY. Brasher.............. 3,3481 1,707...... i 1,641...... 2,146 1,095 28 79 364 177 541 462...... 575 493 275 Canton.............. 5,964 2,916 1 306 1350218 83 103 1,056 211 1,267 555......... 2 15 204 C0olton.............. 1,48111 7551...... 726...... 850 581 13 37 240 50 290 190...... 289 219 45 De Kalb........... 3,102 1,592...... 1,510...... 1,855 1,162 24 61 547 119 666 209...... 593 450 17 De Peyster.......... 1,187 6216...... 56 712 43357 269 3107......; 221 176 28:. 1871 ~621!....: 5661.... 7143 Edwards............ 1,180 595 585 693 441 14 32, 226 46 272 46...... 237 183 11 Ffine....... 487 265........... 283 181 6 17 86 13 99 59...... 97 91 10 Fowler.. 1,748 891...... 857...... 967'712 26 4324 86...... 332 240 18 Gouverneur........ 2,915 1,444 1 1,469 11,724 1,089 30 72 533 110 643 255 1 588 266 31 Hammond a... 1,819 929.. 890..... 1,081 671 23 44i 280 127 407 140...... 340 227 13 Hermon................ 1,667 820;...... 847...... 904 716 9 38 383 25 408 80...... 356 276 8 Hopkinton........... 1,941 9611...... 980:...... 1,101 766 21 53 384 34 418 75...... 414 343 40 Lawrence............ 2,719 1,361...... 1,358...... 1,480 1,125 31 83 511 110 621 207...... 560 491 94 Lisbon............... 5,07-8 2,572 2 2,504.. 3,198 1,713 41 126 622 400 1,022 452...... 965 773 127 Louisville............ 2,237 1,110 13 1,112 2 1,388 772 21 56 393 110 503 35 15 385 319 112 Macomb............. 1,788 903...... 885....... 1,123 610 18 37 245 65 310 195...... 322 178 39 Madrid.............. 2,109 1,058 4 1,046 1,213 804 27 65 397 106 503 197 5 423 359 68 Massena.............. 2,741 1,370 14 1,351. 6' 1,697 935 30 79 477 73 550 255 6 521 345 151 Morristown.......... 1,881 969...... 912..... 1,069 733 28 51 353 87 440 137...... 371 285 16 Norfolk.............. 1,86 94... 34...... 1,087 738 18 33 310 67 377 267...... 361.259 17 0swegatc h i e ~~~~~~~~~31 03 1,711 61.,.31.5 Oswegatchie......... 11,091 5,366 8 5.5709 86,929 3,680 103 37,5 736 1,871 2,201 5 2,024 904 ~34 Parishville.......... 2,319 1,157 1I 1,158 3 1,286 930 31 72 46 4 41 520 144. 4 465 462 "69 Pitierrepont.......... 2,4231 1,198...... 1,225...... 1,380 9531 23 46 55 5233 130..... 464 406 67 Pitcairn 4.......,.... 578 284....... 2... 317 226 11 110 7 117 10...... 117 81 28 Potsdam........... 6,441 3;127..... 3,312 213,7382,514 68 121 1,229 1901,419 560..... 1,263 826 202 Hossie................ 1836! 923.:.....J 913...... 1,124 647 321 265 82 347 237....... 3291 228 22 1 Russell.`.............'2, 625 1,361....... 1,264...... 1,640 906 55 5 6 57 117 348 436 23...... 24 55~ ~~~507 65 5'72 117.....4871 436'23 Stockholm........... 3,7701 1,904...... 1,866,...... 2,144 1,476. 45 105[ 720 96 816 209....... 7691 513 38 Waddington......... 2,6631 1,3111...... 1,352....... 1,679 855 41 88 339 210 549 370...... 485 425 37 Total........ 80, 994o!40,412! 441'40,514 24 48,388'29,662 -8721'2, 072'3ll-, 26-9 3,4951, 764..... 3,98J, 169...... SARATOGA COUNTY. Ballston.............. 2,089]. 972 711,104] 1,165 799 2 100 88| 478 78 10 4464.0 58 Chadton............ 1,589; 808 5 772 4 954 5841 33 3 48 434 45 13 Clifton Park......... 2,712 1,344 25 1,319 24 1,48 1,1 3 871 82~ 608 108 38 58 3 52 81 Corinth........... 1,491 761........ 73o... 832 591 17 511] 3 12J 374 48.. 323 254[ 1 4 Day........,......... 1,1 85 62'565..... 6 41 11 35 1 279 2 Edinburgh......;..... 1,357~ 6871 11 668 1 733 559 18 47{ 34 13 358 4... 25 237/ 18 Oalwy........... 2,202 1,4~10.. 1,097 1 1,232 8'70 28 72 457 94 5 5 51 1 462 355 40 Greenfiel........... [ 2,891 1,41 1,442 6 3 19841 113 71 734 13615 469 93 Hadley............. 1,0672 560... 50.. 642 391 13 21 197 28-225 4...... 19 131 27 -alfmoo.... " 1,485'2, 1,540 5 1,73 156 94 612 136 748 153 6 807 416 145.Malta..... 1,190] 575 10'i 594 11 605 513 18 54 307 3 344 ~5 6-276 234 55 Milton. 4,9232,345 29 2,518 31.2,7951,867 57 204; 853 2221,075 31 53 961 30 115 Noreau........ 2,279J 1,138/ 14;~ 1,109/ 18' t,346'. 820 3 57 427 69 49 15 18 31 22 7 Northumberland...... 1,705 840 7 849 9 971.647 33 54 385 411 69 16 328 238 77 Providence....... 1,295 657 2 636' 709 52' 1 5 1 307 29 331 4 1.. 282 154 12 Saratoga............ $,730 1,763 10j 1,951 6 2,109 ly431 53 1371 ~721 179 900, 24 10 663 315 120 CLASSIFICATION: BY SEX, COLOR, CIVIL CONDITION, ETC. 13 SARATOGA COUNTY-(CONTINUED). St~' ae..,....,..: MALES. FEMALES. CIVIL CONDITION. VOTERS. 0 s - s I CITIES AND TOWNS. laio?1 ------------------- -----------', White. Colored. White. Colored. Single. Married. Widow-Widows. Native., Na~tural- Total. 0'S^^ |H ^Jl S ~ ers. ized. <| ^ " o 0 ~Cd Sarwatoga Springs........ 7,307 3,241 138' 3781 147 3,957 2,830 111 409 242 321 1,563 700 245 1,552 934 315 Stillwaterf........... 3,087 I,486 2 14 1 569 18 1,758 1,167 44 118 575 133 708 167 23 632 353 68 Waterford.......... 3,399 1629 12 1,739 19 1,958 1,213 60 168 517 202 719 369 25 692 106 121 Wilton............. 1,362 677 7 673 5 754 543 22 43 334 22 35 29 11 291 231 61 Total.......,,....... 49,89224,111 297i25,163 32 79619,24 694 1,968' 9{959 SCHENECTADY COUNTY.. 3,0991 1,572 12| 1,507 8 1,822 1,142 36 99 722'65 787 48 13 630 437 19 Glenville.........;3,038 1,550 131 1,466 90 1,724 1',1;66 48 100 624 146 770 116 3 621 417 55 Niskayuna.......... 845 430 3 408 4 507 305 12 21 51 54 105 36 7 164 10 24 Princetown.......... 931 514 416...... 602 294 10 25 222 22 244 1 1 168 - 59 2 Rotterdam....... 2,290 A158, 1 1,358 840 27 8 65 95 541 97 43 256 42 Schenectady city: 1st ward..... 1,443 627 3 806 7 856 488 16 83 238 75 313 136 9 397 117 27 2d ward..... 1,562/ 704 3 851 4 856 600 7 99 271 10 373 86 5 364 152 21 3d ward..... 2,592 1,239 26 1,293 34 1,468 982 20 122 237 275 512 236 43 577 175 117 4th ward..... 2,738 1,291 17 1,400 30 1,521 1,064 30 123 482 184 666 80 43 585 377 70 5th ward'.... 2, 350 1,107 9,7 7 1,372 841 41 96 328 1460 256 2,~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~ ~ 35 1, 46 256.__..._ TothcW ward~i_:~_~._ _'..... 070 92522........ 1 4,968 58 5,577 82 6,073 3,975 114 523 1,556 867J2,423 6461 106 2,3831 1,077 235 Total.............. 20,888!1l0,192! 102;i10,482 1121112,086 7,7221 2471 833 3,6211 1,2491 4,871 9441 1511 4,4001 2,3481 377 SCHOHARIE COUNTY. Blenheim......... 1,1991 581 2 611 5. 679 467 15 38 291 6 297 2 3 242 169 16 roome.............. 1,969 9971..... 972...... 1,127 763 19 60 515 5 520 5...... 416 299 19 Carlisle............. 1,700 839..... 860 1 968 656 2200 15 435 17 1'351 266 24 Cobleskill........... 2,439 1,197 13 1,210 19 1,345 1,001 26 67 577 44 621 66 18 427 316 18 Conesville.......... 1,359 658.....1..... 701.... 738 543 23 55 334 10 344 10...... 291 243 26 Esperance.......... 1,383 659 4 715 5' 790 528 18 47 337 14 351 36 9 293 203 16 Fulton.2,808 406 51,394 3' 1,643 1,062 31 7 640 22 662 2 7 566 351 98 Gilboa............... 2,385 1,163!......'1 1,221 1, 1,355 938 28 6 575 23 598 13 1 416 366 56 Jefferson,.......... 1,718 863...... 855...... 982 671 17 48 419 13 432 5...... 561 249 1 Middleburgh......... 3,267 1,615 33 1,593 26 1,931 1,182 47 107 721 36 757 18 54 583'385 161 Richmondville........ 2,272 1,154..... 111,118...... 1,277' 911 20 6 499 14 513 86...... 448 208..... Schoharie......... 3,155 1,457 120 1,429 149 1,855 1,138 42 120 631 55 686 41 200 402 379 128 Seward............. 1,692; 848 4 837 3 910 704 27 51 449 6 455 6...... 342 266 12 Sharon.............. 2, 601 1,244 24 1,305 28 1,444 1,029 36 i9 521 31 552 28 22 525 407 72 Summit...........' 1,818! 904 1 913.......1 1,029 732 16 41 438 11 449 5...... 38 257...... Wright............ 1,588 804 677 858 648 26 56' 396 15 411 3 7 333 262 77 Total.............., 116,389 21216,506 24618,93112,973 411j 1,038' 7,763 320 8,083 343 -322 6,6223 4, 6 24 724 SCHUYLER COUNTY. a!tharine............ l 1,622, 780 15! 813 14 904~ 634 26 58 401 9 410; 6 11 338 272 13:ayuta............. 3693' 238 9 20 169 4 17;...... 128 109 5 Dix................ 3,432 1,649 14 1753 1 843 1,446 43 100 814 87 9011 5 20 750 558 86 1280 i 5... 36 3.... 1,7 1 391 Hector..........,..... 5,O048 464 152,5541 8 2,462,014 53 ~172 1, 280 56 1,336 33 1,103 9141 31 Montour............. 1,854 894 16 933 11 1,005 761 22 66 460 40 500 28 2 389 282 21 Orange............. 2,09 1,032 1,052 6 1,145 876 19 54 505 63 568'; 20 10 442 324 30 Reading.............. 1,682 828 8 841 5 922 683 19 5 370 46 416 79 13 357 237 66 ~ 41 4 51(416 0 132 Tyrone.............. 2,07,018 3 1.,050 2i 1,098 877 24 74 536 34 570 30 1 454 368 17 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Tyrn.......... 19 4... ij 2.92 Total.............. 18,441 8,985 75 9,31 69' 10,0951 7;529' 2151 6021 4;5351 33-94874'1 292 74' 3,96- 3,0641 269 SENECA COUNTY. Covert.............. 2,26111 1,131[...... 1,128 21,300 850 33 78' 488 75 5631124 2 447 344 35 Fayette......... 3,509 1,761 1 1,743 2,172 1.165 47 125 807 63 870 120 5 693 431 16 Junius............... I,442! 702 1- 738 1 817 566 15 44 313 -38 351 73 2 298 256 19 Lodi................. 1,892) 935/ 4 951 1,042 756! 32 62. 471 30 50 1 25 3 418 294 5 ovid................. 2,382! I,1491 20 1,201 12 1,356I 913 22! 911 478! 105t 583H 58/ 15/ 492} 36~1 119 Romulus............ 1I973 I,014 3 953/ 1,179 709 27 58 415 47 462 109 6 388 289 65 Seneca Falls.. 490 3,108 22,344 1 3,760 2,438 63 229,086 401~ 1,487 435 28 1,309 511 175 Tyre................ 1348i 671/ 1J 674 2 752 542 17 37 315 34 349, 38 3] 266 254 52 Ya-ick............... 1,8331 9061 18t 895 14 1,0361 729 15i. 531 438 23[ 4611 36 211 379 273 24 Waterloo............. 4,523 2128 341/2,3261 3 2,583/ 1,684 62 194 725 291 1,016 183 27 935 556 110 Total....... 27,653113,505 104||l3,953i 91 15,997|l0,3521 3331 971 _5,5361 1,107 6,64olj 1,201 112_,62-5 3,569[61-7 ST~EUB~EN COUL~NTY. Addison...............1 8 11 1,034 714 21 357 39 396| 50 20 4121 206 12 Avoca............... i 1,1 1 378, 288 17 Bath... 6 7 0 7 0 6 3 20513 180 61] 1,223 9 74 29 Bradford............. 306 2 13.246 177 14 Cameron............ 1,439 737 1 1 7. 41~ 554 13 4292 194s 19 Campbell............,794 908...... 84430 6 11 446 263 56 C anisteo............. 496...... 426 192 19 Ca,~ on 417 1 2~ 313I21 2 Caton............... 1,543 813 722 4 850 637 1 37 3 Cohocton..........,.. 2, 614j 1,295 4 1,311 4 1,520 1,007 18 6 510 192 62 8.... 55 37 9 ~Corning.............1 6,7241 3,401 46': 3,236 1 3,862j 2,551 82 29112 39341 65 6,9 3 3 Dansville............ 1,980 1,003 1 976,..... 1,121 771 427 77 504 1 407 3 13 Erwin.............. 1,982 1,019 8 950. 5,170 746 49 383 58 441 1 13 401 202 49.Fremont............. 1,011 526...... 4........ 5381 421 1 40',1 255 10 65 1... 208 176..... Greenwood.......... 1,163 577......! 586i......I 665 459 11 281 231 39 270 29.... 2441 1 5:; Haitsville........ 995 499 2: 4931' 1 580 385 6 24. 217 224 3 3 2081 15s 8 19 14 CLASSIFICATION BY SEX, COLORP CIVIL CONDITION,ETC. STEUBEN COUNTY —(CONTINUED). MALES. FEMALES. CIVIL CONDITION. VOTERS. CITIES AND TOWNS. lalio —. a ^^ |j 0 j Wh te. Colored. White. Colored. Single. Married. Widow-Widows. Native. Natiural- Toltal. ~'1 Ji T~~~~otalpopu- t l I ~~ers. 0 I'. Hornby............. 1,193 640...... 553...... 72 437 17 27 296 189 Hornellsville......... 5,338 2,679 11 2,640 83,183 2,013 32 110 1,051 199 1,250 324 1 040 471 154 Howard.............. 2,373 1,198 11,174...... 1,377 899 29 68 533 57 590 43...... 491 36 15 Jasper.............. 1,678 859...... 818 1 932 678 21 47 416 424 14...... 38 279 31 Lindley............. 940 481 1 4571 575 339 3 23 206 15 221 36 1 175 108 24 Prattsburgh............ 2,606 1,272 18 1,294 22 1,419 1,076 39 72 633 42 675 45 20 538 110 29 Pultney............. /, 371 Pultney.............. 1,387 657...... 730....... 759 623 9 46 372 16 388 10...... 327 304 7 Rathbone............ 1,464 747 716...... 901 523 10 30 272 40 312 67...... 276 169 33,TTO ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~74/111 7161g......I[9 1 53 01 31 a~~~~~~'ll~~~~~~~~~~c~~~~~~rO221 4 1 111 61....,..I 2 61 16~ 3 Troupsburgh......... 2,100 1,066...... 1,034...... 1,217 819 18 46 475 19 494 21.... 41 321 12 Tuscarora............. 1,52311 779 1 743...... 896 581 10 36 314 31 345 23 1 279 207 10 Urbana............... 1,711 839 4 863 51 948 706 14 43 408 41 449 38 8 356 234'15 Wayland............. 2,621 1,372...... 1,249...... 1,555 986 25 55 339 235 574 76...... 489 431 42 Wayne............. 814 415...... 399...... 458 319 12 25 194 4 198 4...... 170 131 5West Union..'........ 1,382 676...... 706....... 834 508 12 28 215 66 281 90...... 235 226 65 Wheeler............ I,297 662 5 625 5 736 50 1 7 43 335 7 342 2 3 266 112 67 Woodhull............ 2,130, 1,102...... 1,028...... 1,225 813 25 67 491 8 499 17...... 415 337 10 Total........... 66, 192| 33, 308| 204|32,4941. 186:38,16925,58 669| 1,9614, 004'1 1,76215,71661 2,2321 232113,3221 8,9581 1,163 SUFFOLK COUNTY. Brookhaven......... 1159 4825 240 4,868 226 5652 405 15 3392,25 124 33 301 - Shell __ _. I-'''" d...... ~ _ l 9 Huntington.......... 7,809 3,718 175 3,730 186 4,355 2,996 129 329 1,-640 157 1,797| 412 3011,740 1,029 84 slip.............. 4,243 2,082 2 2,024 65 2,49 1,583 38 128 75 211 926 172 131 758 418 99 iver Head......226 1,545 35 1625 21 1,762 1,320 33 III 744 59 803 110 47 693 647 141 Shelter Island......... 2 2...... 118 17...... Smithtown.......... 2,085 911 103 976 95,532 76 9 56 407 42 449, 61 1942420 284 61 *SouLthampton.......... 6,194 2,857, 159 3,030 148 3,488 2,301 100 305 1,341 931 1434 156 272 1,318 704 79 Southold;...... 6,272 3,012 74 310 -53372,582. 69 264 1,301 183 1,484 221 92 1,394 969 42 Total......~....... 42,869 20,2671 953 i20, 722~ 927 23,892.'16,7~31 ~5~521 1,6941| 9,0581 903996 153,13,5|574 50 Total...... I 1 61 33~~~~6! 1,6139255574 50 SULFLIVAN COUNTY. Bethel....... 2 87i148...... 1,367 2261,743,5 172 5 111 2 528 363 73 Cochecton. 3,076 1,625 1,444 1,889 1,109 26 52 297 325 622 276 7 567 434 88 Callicoon...2...... 2,78 1,465...... 1,017...... 1,763 937 34 48 223 353 576. 133 545 386 75 allsburght......... 3,7 1666 127 1,580 1 1,785 1,350 46 90 646 7 4 2 5 0 4 0 0 Forrestburgh........ 862 465. 397..... 543 294 6 19 158 42 200 45...... 159 83 30 Fremont.............. 1,967 1,049...... 918 1,135 786 18 28 241 203 444 139...... 380 227 80 Highland............ 925 497 5 420 3 549 355 8 13 165 30 195 86 8 193 107 10 Liberty 2,855 1425 71,423...... 1,904 860 24 67 553 104 657 24 5 342 410 33 Lumberiand.. 1,026 551...... 475...... 630 361 13 22 185 56 241 34...... 195 138 6 Mamakating......... 4,222 2,115 1 2,077 16 2,421 1,602 57 14 917 119 1,036 92i 25 792 559 36 Neversink........... 2,542'...... 1,548 893 33 68 626 57 683 50...... 484 328 47 Rhlocklsand............ 894...... Bockland............ 1,709; 9... 815...... 1,034 622 20 33 333 61 394 63.....329 194 10 mithtown,........... Thompson............ 3,713 1,856 2 1,855... 2,268 1,262 45 J138 719 164 8'83 86 1 693 555 49 Tusten............... 974 506 3 461 4 600 341 7 26 117 82 199 4 186 140 1 TIOGA COUNTY. / ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 19 2,085 9111 1,03il 97[9 t,317S 91 561t 407.1 42 Barton.............. 4,077 1,998 16B 2,031 32 2,313' 1,6594 41 19 8 6 02 891 33 852 589 44 Berkshire.......... 1,073 542 8 517 6; 584i 447 15 27 9 10 289, 13 2 228 237 15 Candor.............. 4,1303 203 78 2,051 72,154 1,781 36 132 1078 36 1,114 30 3 848 627 86 d1 1, i3I 66 ~ 63 2" 30 451 8 44 96 6 Newark Valley..... 2,133' 1,047...... 1,085 11,130 922 18453 4 396 66 Nichols.............. 1,778 885 11 871 11 1,042 662 18 56 490 8 498 6 6 361 217 12 ORkego.............. 8,865 4,302 744,416 73 5,02 3,428 2982,020 1892,209 214 111,935 869 114 Richford............. 1,283 632 7 640 41 527 30 317 7 324........ 266 211 20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 2.1........... Spencer............... 1,757 873 i 883,...... 7 791 20 67 4 82 12 494 121 1 4281 336 17 Tiogall............... A3, 8094 1,45....I/ f 1,5 17. 1,533 9 3,311248 3 79 7 5 1...[45 1 641 A 5 Totallsbu:............. 2 13,856 114,027 143 0o 313 8l 6,1 402 7,214 447| 1 TOMPKINSB ~ COUNT'1Y. 3,rolie......... 2,271| 1,5 8 0 134 1,7859 1,87 4970 3 691 514 411 16 Danby............. 2,-0,071 3: 1,6,5 7 2 1 2 2 51 4 4 46 3801...... Dryden.............. 4, 795;j 2,353 42.3 61 2,566/ 2,004 59 166 1,118 60; 1,17 4 51,5 977 68 Enfield.............. 1,6931 871..-..! 817 711 41 124 465 151 480...... 374 320 2 Froton............. 3,401/ 1,689. 3 1, 7.....2 1,850 1,6 26 6: 4 3 0 91 27 5,76 60 Ithacan.............. 7,2645 3,363 1244 126 1,727 914 51 Lasing.............. 2 1 1,25: 7 1, 6091171 51 109 7 41 7 752 4101 83 umewfield............. 475 01 3 131 220,7 115716 5 6 7 381./ 3'...../ 19571 3 6 Ulyssest............. 3 9/',5 1,6 25 1,77 1,96 1,400 31 115 82 7 92 7 16 57 43 4j ))~~~~ ~ ~~1,6 021 5!(q 14-il Totalink........... 52126..... 1 3,9!15,214....~l5,35 1661,54168912,63 1 402|1,10| 656 7 443;,9 50. ~17 81 6,89 1 4673 29 ULISTEE~ CO'UNCTY. Rockland............. 09389 4.96......! 843......,0' 6580! 338 4 17| 318 1 23 4 329...... 17691 46 Esopus........... 4,746 2,364 67 8 3,1185 136 44 261 1,005 392 12 915 483 129 Gardner......... l,95l 95 7 83 6i 31,9 684 2 50 40 4 4421 73 103 354 188 36 Ha3denburg6 2..~...! 5331 27268 1 236 2 45 10 191 364 117 136 1 69101 91 33 HIurley................ 2,382 1, 36 1,047 847 40 77 38 1 5 54 Kinton.............296' 8,473 161 8,461 201 10,39 6,114 182 6 1,963 1, 2,00 3 77 23 1 45 Lloyd...................2,.56 1,268 7 1,279 1311,51 95 23 82 55 4 58 13 29 84 Marbleto n.......... 3,818 1.777 112 1,814 115. 2,303' 1,388 481 5 4823 51 188 707 453 146 CLASSIFICATION BY SEX, COLOR, CIVIL CONDITION, ETC. 15 ULSTER COUNTY-(CONTINUED). MALES. FEMALES. CIVIL CONDITION. VOTERS. | ts Total popu-lrd CITIES AND TOWNS. lation. -- --- ---- --------------- z Ig^ ^'| ed ^|^ White. Colored. White. Colored. Single. Married Widow-Widows. Native. Natural- Total..J d Cd -,jJ S~ ers. ized. ^ U t? 0 0 ~ Marlborough......... 2,733: 1,286 24 1,404 19 1,593| 1,002 27I 111 506 61 567 188 36 566 304 54 New Paltz........... 2,033i 936 42 1,014 41, 1,3261 629 26 52' 421 3 458 113 67 367 301 33 Olive............. 3,259; 1,654 12 1,581 12 1,944 1,192 36 871 708 59 7674 70 16 657 395 158 Plattekill......... 2,012 959 35 984 34' 1,203 71 23 72, 441 22 463 68 47 388 265 12 Rochester............ 3,585|l778 81,790 9; 2,209 1,257 31 88] 868 2 9 897 27. 16.705 233 139 Rosendale............ 2,884! 1 418 1,444 11 1,706 1,056 35 87 410 164 574 289 20 581 197 287 Saugerties............ 9,426 4,678 58. 4,638 52 7,692 1,312 122 300 1,560 524 2,08 515. 82 1,833 978 363 Shandaken........... 2,7191 1,429 31,284 3; 1,627 996 23 73 510 87 597 135.4 512 317 131 Shawangunk......... 2, 7671 1,390 30 1, 316 311 1, 635 1,004 44 84 658 25 683 75 51 547 333 5 Wawarsing.......... 8,335 4,119 6 4,055 9 4,5948 3,069 91 227 1,409 414 1,823 303 135 1,7532 1,013 6'4 Woodstock........... 1,624 869...... 755...... 946 6 32 is O~~~~ 843 ~B,83.2 4823 Total.............. 75,609,37,3791 660^136, 81.8 752 47',664124,810 84 2,292 113,009 3, 215116, 2241 4,5631 1,23214, 573 7,918 248 WARREN COUNTY. Bolton.............. *1,2211 623...... 598....; 670 504 15 32 316 9 325 3'..... 262 232 16 Caldwell............ 979 485 4941 547 389 9 3 232 13 245 208 141 5 Chester............ 2,274 1156 1,11...... 1,225 934 41 74 421 58 479 489 420 41 ~Haue........ oo. o...... 684i 345...... 339... 407 248 1 0 1 9 164 1 0 174 141... 132 9 5 22 Horicon........... 823 535 17 23 277 3 9 316! 22... 23 9 1 Johinsburgh..... 2,286 1,215 1 1,070...... 1,-354 865 2 6 41 442 6 5 507 107... 429 392 5 9 -Luzerne............. 1136' 579...... 557...... 609 481 1 7 29 274 27 301 15. 248 199 9 Queensbury...... 23 3,26 1 3,869 15 4,3632,902 84 274 171 3581,529 678 121530 687 292 Stony Creek......... 935 479...... 456.570 338 7 20 194 7 201 10. 1 136 7 Thurman............ 1,007 538 469.... 595 380 12 20 255 12 267 4...... 295 15 3 Warrensburgh.; 1,585 806 1 777 1 954 561 16 54 354 42 396 12 2 309 227 16 Toa.......... 21128; 10, 678 15 10,419 16 12,117 8, 137~ 2541 620 4,100, 640 4,740 950J14 4,6 287 44 WASHINGTON COUNTY.?Argyle~...;3........,056s 1,458 4! 1,592 2| 1,229 1,649 60 118 665 108 773 200 4. 6181 329 22 Cambridge. 2,453' 1,196 6 1,244 7 1,378 957 23 95 468 79 547 153 13 510 378 67 Dresden.............. 765 391 7 362 5 443 300 10 12 174 20 194 30 6 150 123 17 Easton......... 2,929, 1,436 221,451 20 1,660 1,161 33 75 584' 80 6641 219 39 622- 374 10 Fort Ann............ 3,155; 1,599 1 1,534 8 1,798 1,232 40 85 702 79 781 91 12 636 416 41 Fort Edward......... 3,997|2,030 21,965 2,2751,561 43 118 737 164 901 303 2 798 499 195 Granville...0 1820 21846 2 2,176 1,318 55 121 606 144 750 405 3 773 495 118 Greenwich........... 3,959 1,934 28 1,963 34 2,169 1,596 57 137 912 110 1,022 221 31 735 601 117 Hampton.......... 985 507 1 476 1 561 375 8 41 155 30 1851 123 2 198 118 11 Haartford. 2,088 1,058 1,030 1,291 747 34 76 455 71 526 158 416 339 101 Hebron............. 2,590 1,310 1,278 1 1,492 997 28 73 534 87 621 192 2 551 396 25 Jackson........... 1,757 898 842 11 1,040 633 22 62 350 66 41 160 11 332 314 47 Kingsbury........... 3,751 1,839 15 1,887 10 2,199 1,373 54 125 637 168 805 237 23 727 507 130 Putnam.746 371. 375....... 470 241 2 23 167 23 190 17...... 139 101. Salem............... 3,239 1,621 81,606 1,882 1,165 61 131 638 144 782 272 9 649 553 30 White Creek...... 2,682 1,330 18 1314 20 1,507 1,038 48 89 616 82 698 125 31 554 413 56 Whitehall........... 4,422 2,137 22: 2,241 22 2,489 1,723 44 166 753 159 912 458 28 898 447 238 Total........ 46,244 22,935 156,123,'006 1472,9J806 62,4,5 l640,67 3,364 216 9, 306 6,403 1, 225 WAYNE COUNTY. Arcadia............. 5,253 2,567 6 2,668 121 2,820 2,,176 53 204 1,126 207 1,3331 143 18 1,114 659 14 Butler............... 2,083 996,... 1,087...... 1,124 862 21 76 521 19 540 2. 404 314 10 Galen............... 5,314 2,653 19 2,626 16 2,998 2,044 64 208 967 244 1,211 381 23 7070 649 148 Hluron.'............. 1,97 956 14 991 11 1,083 823 16 50 441 45. 486; 38 8 399 331 20 Lyons.............. 5,007 2,478 17 2,501 11 2,744 1,932 47 28 764 358 1,122 271 21 985 518 28 vMacedon........ 2,472 1,209 51,247 11 1,3771,000 11 8 506 15 521 130 9 552 360 39 Marion.............. 2,136 1,057 1 1,077 1 1,213 811 30 82 461 98 559 83...... 508 7'23 Ontario..............312 1,199 8 1,098 7 1,274 957 31 50 467 139 606; 119 9 466 409 23 Palmyra....... 4,225 2,055 25 2,115 301 2,335 1,646 51 193 762 202 964' 366 42 867 468 166 Rose................ 2,209 1,116...... 1,093...... 1,192 926 21 70 486 80 566'1 95..... 473 435 28 Savannah9............ 191 6 1,0 842 22 45 A 51 471 7 11 403 274 50 SodUS ~.......... 460,27 3 221 42,7,96 56 15 99 5,94 17 36101 8 81~ VWalworth........... 219102 1,8,7 0 6 7 1 2 4 5... 44 36 3 VFWilliamson.......... 251130 1120...148,5 9 6 2 9 1 8 2 0 2 W~olcott..........~~. 324162 1158 3181,9 3 7 75 4 2 5 1 68 50 4 T'otal..............4,92353 432,2 142658927 57176959l97l,5 213 79,28656 88 WBESTCHESTEE COUNTY. B3edford.,........... 3,465 11,'627 521 1,731 55 1,935 1,360 541 3 16 783 531 8361 1791 791 7231 3144 6 Cortlatndt.......... 9,393( 4, 605 711 4, 630 8'7( 5,5391 3, 390 1141 3501 1,585 2281 1,813 975 1121 1,8811 5011 239 East Chester......... 5,615/ 2,734 28 2,823 301 3,3381 2,026 631 188 519 5681 1.,087 665 541 1,085 701 232 G~reenbsurgh.....,..,... 8,1463( 3,892( 72j 4,418 811 4,9731 3,072( 104) 314( 1,133 5411 1,674) 1,255 1271 1,3841 722( 271 Harrison.,........,... 1,3801 6451 87'560 881 8591 463 14 44 248 17 265 174 120 251 61 9 Lewisborough....,.... 1,653 8231 7 8201 3 868 6951 21 691 4241 91 433 671 7 463 282 16 Mamaroneck;........ 1,393 6621 16 696 19 821 513 11 48 177 81 258 193 33 254 142 88 Morrisania.,......... 11,69] 5,645 331 5,965 48 6,7491 4,474 1201 348 82 1,3231 2,147/ 1,652 4 2,3631 1,357 307 Miount Pleasant...'....l 4,389 2,128 45 12,184 32 2,548] 1,600 66 175 733 212 945 405 61 847 459 289 New Castle...:....... 1,879 877 18 948 36j 1,094 700 25 601 406 17 4231 1201 40 375 125 42 New Rochelle........ 3,9681 1,775 102 2,008 831 2, 3161 1,455 52 4 6 8 4 5 2 6 7 0 North Castle...,..... -2, 198/ 1,0151 551 1,0681 601 1,2521 828[ 29 89i~ 4651 25 7490 68 110 4 96 1672 33 North Sa~lem,......... 1,5221 7351 17\ * 7541 161 8431 591 31 571 3461 18 ^6f41 120 33 3241......1 24 Ossining............ 6, 2231 3,0341 73) 2, 9651 51.1 3,8391 2,073 58) 2531 8711 2941 1,.1651 5641 801 1,0681 581) 120 Pelham........,.,..... 1,0431 495 7 5321 9 638 350 11 44 171 51 222 145 14 179 98 58 P~oundlridge..........'1,299 6491' 21 6471 11 708 5191 -24 481 335 9 344i 18 3( 289 218 18 ]Rye......... 4,675 2,168. 81 2,353 73 2,723 1,690 63 1991 715 265 980; 502 129 902 516 -148 16 CLASSIFICATION BY SEX, COLOR, CIVIL CONDITION, ETC. WESTCHESTER COUNTY-(CONTINUED). ~~~~~~~~~4... MALES. FEMALES. CIVIL CONDITION; VOTERS. 0 t; Total popu-. 1.4 4' CITIES AND TOWNS. lation - i|.... r ~ White. Colored. White. Colored. Single. Married. Widow- Widows. Native. Natural- Total. ers. ized.. 0 0 Scarsdale.............. 557 248 8 287 i4 352 171 11 23 90 19 109 126 16 91 68 6 Somers.............. 1,6951 860 23 783 29 946 672 26 51 362 27 389 131 39 341 192 15 Westchester........ 3,926 1,929 32 1,919 46 2,3821,383 42 11 401 398 799 484 57 710 424 176 West Farms......... 7,333 3,574 47 3,661 51 4,506 2,500 63 264 1,105 637 1,742 1,182 59 1,388 772 253 White Plains........ 2,122 997 31 1,059 36 1,302 685 32 103 340 135 475 144 55 359 173 1 Yonkers.............. 12,756 6,074 63i6,564 55 7,72 4,479 122 431 1,245 949 2,194 2,428 81 2,272 612 366 Yoi~rktown........ 2,55!1 42 301,593 ~0rktown........... 2,559i 1,242 301 1,259 2 8 1,448 994 44 73 550 33 583 141 49 521 283 69 Total............... 101,197' 48,533 1,000o50,633 1,0311159,70336,683 1,2001 3,611114,290o 6,18920o,4791 12,395 1, 52619,2271 T, 2O,99 WYOMING COUNTY. Attica................ 2,367 1,178 21 1,187...... 1,268 1,017 23 59!1 431 157 5881 l118 2 531 392 10 Bennington.......... 2,445 1,246...... 1,199...... 1,350: 1,002 24 69 390 214 6041 128...... 539 454 21 Castile.............. 2,081 1,003...... 1,078...... 1,096- 880 35 70 520 44 5641 53...... 455 346 9 China............... 1,903 952...... 951...... 1,034 801 20 48 368 120 488 521...... 4171 364 68 Covington.......... 1,233 601...... 632...... 712 461 13 47 249 42 291 97...... 254 216 17 Eagle............... 1,211 65..2.5 5861....... 653 5121 11 35 285 28 313 20...... 261 210 21 Gainesville........... 1,635,:812 2 818 3 818 751 22 44 403 28 431 27 4 371 286 8 Genesee Falls......... 1,701 572..... 498...... 587 438 8 37 212 34 246; 106...... 230 167 61 Java................ 2,142 1,077...... 1,0651...... 1 1,278 779 30 55 360 157 51711 37...... 419 384 17 Middlebury.......... 1,724 844 I 878 1 927 718 20 59 426 37 463i 58..... 395. 338 22 Orangeville...........322 675... 646 1 740 508 29 45 25 55 340 53 1 244 221 7 Perry............... 2,1366 1,143 f2 1,218 3 1,234 1,007 25 100 0561 51 612 80...... 532 268 12 Pike................. 1,8051 901 1 9031...... 956 746 29 74 462 30 492 48..... 396 319 18 Sheldon.............. 2,591 1,3191...... 1,271 1 1,596 895 36 64 250 277 527 2251...... 476 457 60 Warsaw.....'..~..... 2,824 1,376. 21 1,407' 20 1,510 1,188 26 100 642 87 729 74 31 606 490 12 Wethersfield......... 1,314 656 658...... 717 561 6 30 299 29 328 41...... 285 232 18 Total.............. 30,03314,980 29 1114,9951 29 16,476112,264 357 936 6,143 1,390 7,533( 1,2171 38 6,411 5,144 381 YATES COUNTY. Barrington.......... 1,469[ 7531...... | 716...... 799 622 12 361 369 15 384 12..... 325.246 3 Benton............ 2,400 1,226 3 1,167 4 1,300 967 39 9 560 88 648 84 7 522 343 43 Italy................ 1,452 732 1 718 1 809 568 23 52 342 22 364 24 1 302 262 13 Jerusalem........... 2,682 1,364 6 1,306 6 1,453 1,096 42 91 669 60 729 75 4 551 407 41 Middlesex....,287 639 1 645 2 695 532 20 40 323 11 334 17 3 267 204 14 Milo............. 4,195 1,969 22 2,170 3 2233,718 / 58 186' 937 132 1,069 153 24 909 619 50 Potter.............. 2,137 1,052 8 1,068 9i 1,162 866 27 82 497 58 ~ 555 82 16 448 382 39 Starkey............. 2,394.1,1 80 17 1,185 12 1,247 1,039 21.87 628 23 651 41 25 534 372/ 81 Torrey............... 1,322 638 1 664 10 735 518 22 47 305 43 348 25 5 280 233 37 Total.............. 19,338 9,553 68 9,639 78 10, 433 7,926- 24 715 4,630 452 5,082 513 85 4,139 3,068 321 RECAPITUL-ATION BY COUNTIES. MALES. FEMALES. CIVIL CONDITION. VOTERS. ~ ~ Total popu- _______ __' ___ ____________j __ _ _____. 3 3 S-. ^' COUNTIES. lation. - - White. Colored. White. Colored. Single. Widow-Widows Native. Natural- Total.. i ^' ~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~ers.. ized. U 0 0 "r Alba'n...... 115,504 55,429 501 59,061 513 69,788. 39,656 1,3641 4,696 15,097 9, 62624,723110,422 86623,288 7,817i 3,35 Allegany.;.. 40,285 20,049 140! 19,970 126 22,412 16, 151 513 1,209| 9,054 1,03410,0.881 916 -149j 9,014 6,257| 546 Broome.. 37,933 18,761 201 18,758 213 22, 197.14,224 426 1,086 8,784 778 9,562 1,13 258 7,92 5,676i 728 Oattaraugu 43,158 21,798 95 21,175 90' 25,237 16,339 4891 1,093 8,828 1,50610,334/ 1,817 133 8,894 6,218. 815 Cattaraugus.. 43,1581 21,798 95~ 21',175 -912,3 6 328 1 Cayuga 55,730 27,536 282 27,679 233 31,035 22,016 7131,96611,6891,90113,590 3,210 32311,7388,360:1,368 Chautauqua. 58,,499 29,192 122 29,077 108 32,003 23,9 A 707 1,845 12,235 1,993 14,228 3,506 156112,079 9;482t 945 Chemung......31,923 15,579 324 15,684 336 18,120 12,473 346 984 6,540 910 7,450 2,015 422 6,438 -. 4, 022; 945 Chenango.. 3.8,360 18,854 110| 19,273 123 21,05 15,413 498 1, 395 9,799 537 10, 336 514 157 8,497 6, 558 216 Clinton..... 45,713 23,225 73 22,364 51 28,597 15,559 494 1,0631 5,287 2.765 8,0521 6,09 8 8,170 4,813| 4,623 Columbia.... 44,905 21,349 572:~ 22,328 65.61'26,312 16,278 604 1,711 9,311 1, 324 10,635 2,009 855 9,037 4,1711-1,269 C ortlaznd.. 24,815 12,285 15'; 12,492'23 13,122 10,527 303 863 6,136 -456 6,592 533 22 5,368 4,33282 372 Delaware.... 41,6381 20,879 97 20,562 100 24,101 15,785 525 1,227 9,528 1,05410,582 770 130 8,482 6,4331 419 Dutchess.... 65,1921 30,754 880i 32, 565 993 37,489.24,158 938 2,607112,534 2,585 15,119 4,806 1,51413, 159 5, 94L7j, 548 Erie....... 155,773 77,396. 431 77,536 410! 92,123 57,228 1,638 4,784 14,098 15,343 29,441 20,838 571134,35617,1541 4,326 38 17,107 10,449 314 774 5,014 1,107 6,121 2,339 60 5,326 3,.Esser. 28,6441 142 47 39~ 14,093- 1 01,6 Franklin.... 28,145 14,168 10 13,957 10 16,901 10,217 295 7321 4,031 1,474 5, 505 2,832 11 5,284 4 1,505 Fulton...... -24,512 11,936 89 12,390 97 14,088 9,334 302 788 5,192 703 5,895 563 126 5,288 3,3191 619 Genesee..... 31,219 15,519 51 15,594 55 17,378 12,445 383 1013 5,960 1,505 7,465 2,327 76 6,3930 4,5921 639 Greene...... 31,710 15,249 359 15,717 385 18,042 12,047 423 1,198 7,089 656 7,745 721 577 6,465 3,586 588 Hamilton.... 2,653 1,391 1 1,260 1 1,553" 1,017 37 46 573 84 657 38 1 534 74 52 lerkimer.... 39,154 19,450 91 19,507 106 21,289 15,910 555 1,400 8,054 1,666 9,720; 2,027 147 8,163 5,41 Jefferson..... 66,448 32,877 104 33,390 77 37,195 26,260 827 2,16613,579 1,947 15,526d 4,865 13013,467 9,6151 1,256 Kings........ 311,090 146, 364 2,113 159,865 2, 748; 181,116 114,472 3,13512,367 29,95028,27458,224| 53,435 3,93763,14613,843 6,743 Lewis...... 27,840 14,360 261 13,423 31 16,098.10,726 340 676, 4,8341,8436,67^ 1,397 255,9004,594 858 Livingston... 37,555 18,536 80; 1"8,851 88! 22,092 13,653 509 1,301 7,422 1,633 9,055 2,244 81 7,632 5,434 533 Madison...... 42,506 20,983 1417 21,198 178 22,905 17,456 603 1,5421 9,984 1,1776111, 160 1,574 214 9, 27 9 6,301 982 Monroe...... 104,235 51,362' 28-1 52,278 3141 61,522 37,956 1,208 3,54913,312 8,465121,77711,488 401 30,403 12, 389 2,199 Montgomery. 31,447 15,531 166 15,573 177 18,381 11,776 401 889'Cl6,572 1,1221 7,69 972 273 6,160 3,928| 583. New York... 726,386 340,0364,129 376,407, 5,814 423,121 262,727 7,88432,654 51,500 77,475128975| 151838 8,899.148683 11,37519,199 Niaaa.. 49,283 24,623 2141 24,337 209 29,410. 17,873 547 1,453 7,090 3, 132,10, 222; 5,710 3319736251,0 Oneida...... 102,713 50,095 282 51,997 339 58,579 39,058 1,328 3,7481-6,23 8,255.24,489 6,045 455j21,211 12,912! 2,595 Onondaa... 2,97~!1 4-5835 "z~i 519971' 9,410'1,87 1,4351 5, 85T 1, 409 6,995 382 48,6 6811,36,01 Olnondaga. 92,972i 45,835 2451 46,600 292' 53,102 35,859 1,070 2,941 15,5525,85721,409 6,995 38218,66811,364| 2,119 Ontario...... 43,316 21,041 2551 21,718 302' 24,334 1639 611 1,632 8,785 1,702110,487 2,715 3611 8,880 6,0961 8.59 Orange...... 70,165 33,866 1,005 34,198 1,096. 41,649 25,129 816 2, 571 12, 2,44 733 14,977 6,046 1,655 13,9931 6,487 1,941 Orleans..... 28,603 14,224 54 14,267 58| 15,685 11,693 341 884 5,850 1,106 6,95 1,999 77 5,945 4,225 467 Oswego.. 76,200 38,.356' 1701 37,512 -162 42,807 30,221 826 2,346 14,001 3,06017,061. 5,601 20415,48310,377 2,171 Otsego...... 48, 61611 ~24,0767,268 ail587 24,387 666 225,857 20,312'705 1,74212,222 73212,954! 1,088 130,10, 563 7, 575 642 Putnain..... 14,845 7,268 58 7,466 53| 8,397 5,671 217 560! 3,106 339.3, 445 1,185.861 3,094 1,771 443 Queens....':. 57,997 26,793 1,538' 28,017 1.649' 33,747 21,574 738 1,938 8,171 -3,630 11, 801 5,596 2, 532111,013 5,5261 1,852 Rensselaer... 88,210 42,468 387. 44,933 422' 50,693 32,863 1,136 3,51813,034 6,064i19,098 8,290 581717,,871 7672,2,802 Richmond.. 28,209 13,249 292 14,317 351' 16,851 9,954 303 1,101u 3,213 2,414| 5,627 3,956 455 5,260 2441/ 521 Rockland.... 20,788 10., 181 286 10,041 280 11,800 8,001 255 732 3,549 770|4,319 1,938 483 4,266 2,099 1,193 St. Lawrence, 80,994 40,4121 44 40, 514 241 48,388 29,662 872 2,072'13,269 3,495116,764 8,310. 36 15,981 11,169 2,,343 Saratoga.... 49,892 24,111 297- 25,163 321 27,976 19,254 694l,968i 9,959 1 8234'1782, 2, 828 477 10, 427 6, 129 1,533 Schenectady.. 20,888 10,192 102 10,482 112; 12,086 7,722 247 8331 3,621 1,2491 4,870! 944 151 4,400 2, 348 377 Schoharie.. 33,353 16,389 212 16,506 216! 18,931 12,973 411 1,0 7,763 3208,083 343 322I6,6224,6 724 7 246!1 18~1,931 12,973 411 1, 871 22 7,763 320 2'Schuyler.... 18,441 8,985 75 9,312 69 10,095 7,529 215 602 4,535 339 4,874 292 74 3,961 3,064 269 Seneca...... 27,653 13,505 104 13-,953 91 15,997 10,352 333 1,107 6,643 1201 112 5625 3,569 617 Steuben..... 66,192 33,308 204 32,494 186 38,169 25,558 669 1,796 14,0041,762 15,766 2,232 232113,3228,958 1,163 Sliffolk...... 42,869 20,267 953 20,722 9271 23, 8921 16,731 552 1, 6941 9,058 9031 9,961 1,533.1,613 9,155 5,764. 507. Sullivan..... 32,741 16,858 46 15,795 42; 19,812 11,764 362 803 5,597 1,87761 7,473 1,251 73' 5,995 4,329 608 Tioga....... 28,163 13,856 1371 14,027 143 15,569 11,400 313 881 6,812 402 7,214 447 168 6,021 3,981 429 Tompkins.... 30,696 15,014 159 15,357 166' 16,516 12,673 402 1,105 7,556 74 999 509 171 6,892 4,673 290 Ulster....... 75,609 37,379 660. 36,818. 752 47,66 24,810 843| 2,292 13,0091 3,21516,224 4,563 1,23214,573 7,918 2,482 Wanrren...... 21,128 10, 678 15' 10,419 16 12,117 8,137 254| 6204,100 6404,740 950 14. 4, 369 I2,879 484 Wanshington.. 46,244 22, 935 156 23,006 147 25,999 18.0661 632 1,547 9,153 1,614:10,767 3,364 216) 9,306~ 6,403j 1,225 Wayne...... -47,498 23,583 143 23,623 149 26,058 19,217 517/ 1,706 9,539 l,917ill,456j 2,163 179 9,928I 6,526 838 WVestchester..l 101,197 48,533 1,000 5;0,633 1,031 59,703 36,683 1,200 3,611/14,2901 6,18920,47912,395/ 1.,526119,227 9,170 2,993 Wyoming... 30, 033 14, 980 29 14, 995 29 16,476 12, 264 357 93,4,91,3,1 8641514 381 ~YateS....... 19,338 9,553 68 9,639 718 10,~433.7,926 264 7i15j 4,,630 452 5,08 2 513 85 4,1391 3,068.2 Totl*....3,87,88 18578350,86 l ^^,902'i2211170,43,8(4 4,80!13980583611!239573 8234841399463,35,049 790931,373998 95,8 * Not including 3,933 Indians residing upon Reservations. CLASSIFICATION BY AGE AND SEX. ALBANY COUNTY. 5 10 15 20 25 30 Under and under and under and under and under and under and under TOWNS. 5. 1 O. 15. 20. 25. 30. 3 5. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females Albany city: 1st ward....... 755 672 777 790 606 572 387 402 310 360 292 346 307 350 2d ward........ 283 296 306 288 262 307 208 283 207 269 177 227 159 179 3d ward........ 213 272 264 264 218 240 218 322 185 278 183 216 159 187 4th ward........ 189 211 181 202 159 176 160 223 159 262 164 180 130 180 5th ward........ 50 62 79 82 60 78 104 115 115 177 88 128 60 89 6th ward........ 93 120 136 - 118 148 154 144 215 170 274 143 191 100 154 7th ward........ 400 405 352 386 302 369 229 304 232 282 197 228 170 225 8th ward........ 551 543 580 502 474 468 397 447 406 483 344 422 237 319 9th ward........ 629 608 634 610 497 436 368 422 378 430 286 414 288 349 10th ward........ 616 593 859 716 512. 590 557 730 567 669 499 599 378 413 Total- Albany city........ 3,7793,782 4,168 3,958 3,238 3,390 2,772 3,463 2,729 3,484 2,373 2,951 1,988 2,445 Berne...'................. 169 146 154 155 159 165 155 122 117 131 114 115 73 104 Bethlehem.................. 442 369 435 368 327 283 271 247 253 264 218 237 177 221 Coeymans.................... 190 197 209 177 176 157 154 146 155 159 157 125' 117 111 Guilderland................ 226 200 172 159 192 173 184 162 154 153 90 127 113 113 Knox....................... 110 122 111 88 92 92 91 98 85 93 66 58 46 66 New Scotland................ 200 205 195 197 194 171 175 178 15 170 120 119 90 112 Rensselaerville.............. 118 132 123 124 131 126 133 138 111' 135 84 115 81 107 Watervliet.................. 1,809 1,721 1,874 1,778 1,644 1,796 1,256 1,603 1,134 1,477 9525 1,004 Westerlo.................... 139 123 134 127 144 119 94 122 93 108.84 114 88 100 Total............... 7,182' 6,997 7,575 72,131 6,297 |6,472 5,285 6,279 |1 4,982-6,174 4,248 |5,102 3,298 |4,383 ALLEGANY COUNTY. Alfred...................... 76 76 90 79 77 68 66 78 46 56 50 59 | 50 57 Allen....................... 54 48 51 501 53 49 51 35 36 48 35 38 19 28 Alma.......... 42 40 49 47 31 51 31 26 24 17 16 20 24 26 Almond.................. 90 97 74 89 88 107 86 82 65/ 88 65 73 44 65 Amity...................... 136 124 144 121 132 110 95 132 66 87 89 97 50 80 Andover................... 129 124 126 112 98 108 79 86 84 88 59 69 56 52 Angelica................... 83 73 94 95 81 103 76 102 59 98 59 56 51 50 Belfast................. 73 100 134 125 104 91 76 87 60 66 55 71 52 51 Birdsall...................... 54 65 54 47 54 43 47 34 27 36 22 27 13 19 Bolivar..................... 60 64 65 65 60 80 53 57 48 47 42 35 33 29 Burns....................... 77 57 67 59 66 56 48 44 14 18 17 24 61 68 Caneadea................... 108 133 108 140 127 111 113 101 80 88 39 821 56 51 Centerville.................. 60 39 65 62 65 65 59 62 63 53 36 -55 40 52 Clarksville'. It....... 62 37 58 56 70 63 35 35 33 43 10 35 30 28 Cuba....................... Ill 95 115 106 97 98 91 115 85 91 72 101 69 64 Friendship.................. 98 78 106 87 90 89 75 105 69 84 50 76 62 57 Genesee..................... 55 47 56 44 56 57 60 60 37 40 30 34 28 29 Granger.................... 53 54 57 88 69 57 45 58 32 45 40 42 27 39 Grove..................... 42 51 75 73 80 68 70 48 49 47 32 28 19 28 Hume...................... 108 103 112 116 105 100 95 92 91 95 75 79 71 85 Independence............... 6 9 71 79 70 55 37 64 4 4 0 49 34 44 New Hudson............. 54 64 57 53 58 68 66 73 55 70 60 54 38 42 Rushford'.................. 73 96 98 96 86 87 82 89 66 90 50 67 47 71 Scio..................... 139 90 125 104 104 115 89 87 71 77 59 62 42 72 Ward...................... 58 59 62 52 54 48 39 35 26 421 36 26 26 19 Wellsville.................... 244 214 268 212 150 176 136 146 102 138 83 114 10 115 West Almond............... 49 63 66 68 54 41 42 5 41 4 44 31 37 29 32 Willing..................... 76 57 66 76 64 75 61 69 51 49 50 25 25 31'irt....................... 68 66 81 73 73 83 68 82 52 58 56 53 49 43 Total................... 2,396 2,283 -2,594 2,474 2,316 2.322 || 1,971 2,135 1,577-1,851- 1,3581,588-1,246 1,427 BROOME COUNTY. Bakr..................... 75 7 85 95 1 7 62 9 5 7 | 3 4 48 4 ]Binglhamton........ 54 5 536 56 574 33 6 489 584 487 549 384 473 30 403 Chenango.................... 79 10 85/ 89 7 / 7885 87 78 84 6 56 4 59 Colesville.................... 177 169 16 179/183 174 151 143 153 14 11 138 11 111 Kirkwood................... 86 75 8 75 98 81 7 67 ~ 71 62 60 54 4 45 Lisle......................., 1,22, 22 119t 130 120 I'100 87 941 81 101 89.87 7 72 iMaine....................... 97 1 131 i28 123~ ] 120 111] 110I 76 9 7 59 8 6 Port Crane.................,. 82 85 109 91 112 94 70 70I 62 63 57 36 4 48 Sanford........'.............. I 21 20o 81 236 207 201I 159/ 164'[123 10 0 11'0 117 Triangle...........'...,,....... 11 103 119 ] 132 91 7311 90 / 87 100 93 76 79 5 80 l~nion...................,.... 132 12 141 14 17 136 141/ 155 105 106 } 86 102 6 83 Vestal...................... 115 10 130 { 104 148 112I[102 [ 101 7179 59 57 4 71 Total................... 2,16012,090[2,324-2,321 2,298 2,115 I1,81'8-1,982'1,638 1,818 1,3-721,490|| 1,141 1,362 CATTAEAUGUS COUNTY. Alleany............... 15 121 170 157 140 120 111 93 85 82 60 72 58 68 Ailegany.................... 128 125 169 145 101 120 87 77 52 67 41 61 62 65 Carrolton................... 81 89 76 71. 64 68 44 45 40 45 49 38 31 39 Cold Spring................. 42 49 55 33.33 48 ~38 40 30 28 30- 32 26 17 Connewango.....-.... 64 72 66 64 54 72 53 63 50 66 47 66 44 37 Dayton..................... 77 70 72 87 89 65 86 52 60 54 43 57 39 38 ~ast Otto................... 54 73 61 62 62 61 40 38 41 38 64 53 49 40 (Continued on page 21.) CLASSIFICATION BY AGE AND SEX.19 ALBANY COUNTY (CONTINUED). 35 40 45, 0 55 60 65 nd under uand under and u nder and under and under and under TOWNS. 40. 45, 50. 55. 60. 65. 70. Male. 1Femarle M ales. Females. Ma l es. emales. Males. l es...Females. Males. Females. Males. IF Fe male's Albany city: 1st ward........ 301 354 275 295 270 214 224 164 96 88 102 100 50 47 2d ward........ 145 162 121 158 129 115 121 108 66 71 6 0 32 29 3d ward........ 155 175 116, 143 131 102 118 92 55 55 49 49 23 33 4th ward........ 133 148 115 135 125 92 80 75 51 65 36 58 27 37 5th ward........ 53 70 60 77 54 51 34 43 27 24 19 26 12 12 6th ward........ 97 99 70 126 95 76 76 86 41 45 45'35 22 33 7th ward........ 188 182 140 167 191 120 135 116 61 48 70 54 229 27 8th ward........ 236 257 208 289 266 201 217 192 114 119 86 114 45 48 9th ward...... 296 317 211 263 268 185 173 160 110 129 108 119 47 59 10th ward........ 336 403 252 299 355 288 174 157 145 129 91 88 43 73 Total Albany city......... i1,940 2,167 1,568 1,952 1,884 1,444 1,352 1,193 766 773 666 703 323 398 Berne........................ 90 94 74 61 83 64 51 66 62 60 52 50 46 34 Bethlehem.............. 216 185 148 181 196 ~ 132 132 121 86 75 65 58 42 43 Coeymans............ 111 89 84 72 99 81 83 73 58 27 51 49 22 30 Guilderland......,........... 80 97 82 85 99 84 82 54 63 49 33 38 25 31 Knox....................... 37 51 41 54 57 39 37 37 34 28 26 20 25 21 New Scotland.....:........ 103 86 78 89.101 75 71 61 62 49 45 42 33 35 Rensselaerville............. 84 94 53 83 90 79 81 55 52 67 59 60 47 41 Watervliet.................... 805. 921 696 824 810 602 576 493 305 287 311.241 130 148 Westerlo........................ 90 88 65 74 77 58 48 60 42 40 35 40 35 42 Total.................. 3,556 3,872 2,889 3,475'3,496 2,658 2,513 2,213 1,530 1,455 1,343 1,301 728 823 ALLEGANY COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Alfred...............:...... 48 40 22 26 1 33 25 30 24 20 23 13 12 8 Allen................. 29 16 24 23 21 19 25 21 23 17 13 13 7 3 Alma....................I 18 18 13 16 19 12 10 8 9 6 11 7 6 3 Almond.................... 67 47 38 41 52 36 42 29 36 29 25 16 1 5 Amity....... 86 65 47 57 62 46 34 35 40 20 20 20 17 20 Andover...................... 49 53 40 53 60 40 36 3416 22 16 Angelica.................... 49 66 37 52 52 55 38 39 32 21 30 21 15 Belfast....................... 60 56 35 49 46 43 39 31 28 30 28 19 17 16 Birdsall..................... 16 16 17 21 28 17 22 11 15 14 14 8 5 2 Bolivar................... 30 31 27 28 21 27 28 13 14 15 7 6 5 4 3urns....................... 64 64 33 24 30 20 14 20 14 19 19 14 15 8 aneadea.................38 65 63 37 33 36 46 25 26 21 14 Centreville.................. 54 34 17 28 36 37 23 22 22 20 19 19 16 Clarksville.................. 32 35 32. 15 20 16 20 18 20 15 16 16...... Cuba........................ 63 64 51 54 59 48 41 56 42 25 36 31 27 16 iFriendship.................. 47 61 50 63 66 51 40 38 33 18 19 26 18 18 Genesee...................... 24 8 26 30 31 22 24 17 17 11 6 8 12 2 Granger.................. 33 31 26 34 21 22 18 16 15 17 20 19 Grove....................... 29 30 16 45 30" 20 24 19 16 18 14 15 16 12 Hume........................ 66 65 53 75 60 5 45 31 30 37 34 35 23 16 Indendeedence....... 41 31 38 31 24 24 21 21 19 20 13 17 19 12 New Hudson................. 32 34 40 39 29 29 23 24 22 29 26 12 14 11 Rushford................... 6547 52 46 31 38 6 270 18 Scio........................ 63 47 44 52 42 29 27 23 16 24 10 1 12 W ard........................ 26 30 25 22 16 9 11 10 11 18 9 5- 6 W6llsville..................... 112 120 87 85 99 53 57 29 44 20 2 24 26 25 West Almond................. 29 25 24 22 14 13 16 13 19 11 12 16 10 5 Willing.................... 25 26 29 32 33 30 22 14 19 18 14 12 12 4 Wirt........................ 41 47 39 41 35 23 18 15 30 24 20 32 20 18 Total................ 1,362 1,295 1,022 1,140 1,181 936 — -821 - 716 - 715 586 _| 573 532 || 450 326 BROOME COUNTY-(CONTINUED). olesville.................... 88 89 92116 86 4 65 50 60 43 58 46 30 Conklin..................... 42 4 35 31 3 20 1 8 16 171 17 4 12 9 Kirkwood................ 540 25 4 3 35 11 30 21 20 19 1 1 1 Lisie........................ 54 66 5 54 0 44 46 36 34 26 29 20 18 Maine....................... 0 66 46 62 61 54 51 35 43 37 26 36 22 23 Nanticoke........................ 38 30 20 t18 18 21 18 15 14 13 127 10 Port Crane.................. 4 5 50 32 46 42 30 27 31 22 26 14 12 16 Sanford..................... 5i 107 81 72 106'72 69 56 43 41 29 34 2 13 Triangle.......,.............. 73 55 49 54 48 34 25 29 21 35. 35 31 1 20 Union....................... 89 91 73 57 56 55 53 50 36 31/ 24 20 Vestal....................... 62 54 52 69 40 58 37 26 27 24 25 24 8 -Windsor.................... 89 100 7 6 7 7641 69 57 46 48 3 50 35 26 Total.................... 1,206 I1,240 |' 1,021 1,014 1,159 936| 836 — 742 -'607 585 470 | 498 | 366 | 303 CATTARAUGUS COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Allegany.............. 73 61 60 52 79 42 36 36 27 35 34 16 Ashford..................... 68 63 49 39 40 30 34 28 26 23 32 19 19 20 Carrolton..................... 35 36 27 19 30 14 20 1 5 11 16 1 Cold Spring.................. 22 25 20 21 1 6 12 13 15 12. 7 5 5 13 9 Connewango............... 52 44 36 29 30 21 19 22 29 29 25 27 13 8 Dayton...................... 28 38 28 35 32 26 29 16 18 18 17 11 14 15 East Otto 35 35 28 22 38 32 34 21 17 27 21 20 Ii 15 (Continued on page 2'2.) 20 CLASSIFICATION BY AGE. AND SEX. ALBANY COUNTY-(CONTINUED). 0 80, 8...90.:' s' 5 100. and under and under and under and under and under and under and upwards. Unknown. TOWNS. 7' / 80. s5. 90.,5. 100. Males Feal s. Males. F emales Males. Females M ales. Females Males. Females Males.F ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~nae Males..... Females Males. Females Feas els Albany city: lst ward........ 28 30 11 11 8 6 4 3 1 3..........1 3 5 2d ward....... 16 26 7 5 4 8 2 3.................. I 12 9 3d ward........ 14 13 7 13 3 5...... 2................................ 1 4th ward........ 14' 24 7 11 4 7 I 1 2....... I.............................. 2 5th ward........ 10 9 3 6 1 2 1 1 1.............................. 2 3 6th ward........ 16 27 5 12 3 7 5 15.................................... 7th ward........ 14 28 i 16 6 7 2 2.................................... 8th ward........ 27 36 10 18 6 14 2 2 4..... 2...... 2 5 9th ward........ 32 30 13 33 3 12 4 5.................................... 6... 10thward........ 24 32 14 19 5 14 2 4:.... 3........ 1' 4 17 Total Albany city....... 195 255 88 144 43 82 21 25 7 11...... 3...... 4 41 45 Berne....................... 19 27 14 12 1 6 2 4................................... Bethlehem................... 27 *-24 18 22 5 9 5 5 1 1 1............ 4 9 5 Coeymans.................... 18 20 15 24 10 12 1'...................................... 4....... Guilderland.................. 19 18 16'13 9 4 2 4 1 - 1.................................... Knox....................... 13 15 11 12 3 6 5 2 1......................... 7 9 New Scotland................ 20 21 22 14 6 9.3 5...... 3... 1....... Rensselaerville............... 34 35 17 24 7 6 4 3 2 1..............'4 5 W atervliet.................. 81 89. 31 46 23 28 12 8 3 12........................ 49 44 W esterlo.................... 27 28 15 18 9 10 4...... 3.......................................... Total................... 453 532 247. 329 1116 172 59 57 18 29 1 4...... 8 10 8 ALLEGANY COUNTY-(CONTINUED). A lfred............................ 2................................... 6 l3 1...................... 6 8.... Allen...................... 1........... Alm ond.................... 15 05 3 2...'..:.......,................................ I 5......................... 571 2............ Almi..........'".........." 0 3 2............ 0 174.,.......,.................... Alm ndo................ 1 0 9 5 3 2................................ Angelica..................... 5 9 3 1 3 1 1............................. Belfast...................... 7 10 7 9. 7 2 1 3 1.......................................... Birdso r.. 1. 1'................................. Bogelicar........... 1.'............;........................ Belfast....................... 10 4 50 72 2................................................ Bolivare...........,........ 11 9............ Bi trdsa lle.......... 11 7 2 8 43 1................................ ]Burns ~ 14 0 2 2.................. 6......... 2 ubolia............r......... 4 1 2..................................... Buriends ip............................ 1.. 4 1'....2..................................... Caneadee...................... 1 75 10 9.......................................................... anterv e.................................................2...... Clarksville..................... 10 6 2 1 4...... 2........................................................................... I.................. Cuba.............................. Friewn dsh p........ 1...................................... Gr enshee.................... 17 2 8....'.....................,.... 2. Gr ngese.................................................. Granger....................... 8 7 5 2....''"'1'''2 1.............................. 2....... Grove-........ 1 2 2...... I I.........,............................ Hume.' 2..........................................,........ 6 4 In ependence................ 5 1 4 3 2 1. 1......:.................................. New Hudson.........;.,....... 7 9 9 7 4 1....... I I I I............ I...... Rushford........... 17 1 4 4 5: 5 4.....................,...........,.. 2...... S iio........................... 94 2 2...... I.................................... W ard.................... 8 7 6 3 1 1 2 1.......I............ 2.. W ellsville................. 11 1 I 6 3.... 2............:|..........4. 4 W est Almond................ 12 I 4 2...1...... I.......... II............................... Nilling. 1 7 6 2...................... 1......:W irt......................6 3 1 1.................................. Tota................. 3263 239.167 136 85 48 34 3 —'44............... BartiTker........... 5 1.. Porthamrone.................. 10 8 6 1 1' 9..................... "'2 10 Cheangord..................... 20 3 0 1 6 1. 4 2 27............:/'"................ ~1 Coesil lde.......... 8 3 0 5; 1 2 3 2... 1......................' 1 1 Conkion..................... 20 6 1 9 7 5'. 1......'.............. estoal.................... 4 3 9:::::::: 2......................... W n s r..................... 26 17 1 9.................. 47 M lneg n....................... 8 7 8.................................. Ashford.................. 12 8 1 12::::3: 1 1........................... i 1 Ca r lo................. 21 1 2 1............... 2 1...... CodS rn............ 1 2.......... 10 4... 1............ 2 1 Triea ngle................ 5 1 2....3 2 3 2....................... D ayton..,.................. 9 6 9 7 1....... 1........................ EastM O t............. 1 1' 95 5 3 1.................. 13....7...... Windsor............,.... ~ 17 10/ 9 (Cotinuedon.pag. 237 CLASSIFICATION BY AGE AND SEX. 21 CATTARAUGUS COUNTY-(CONTINUED).'5 10 15 - 20 5 30 Under and under and under and under and under and under and under TOWNS. 510. 15.0. 25. 30. 35.'Males. Females. Males. Feales. M ales. F emales.iMales. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males.' Females Ellicottsville................. 128.127 127 134 119 121. 86 97 69 78 53 57 48 48 Farmersville.................. 65 62 91 70,70 72 76 66 52 54 24 44 31 37 Franklinville................. 83 80 91 93 105 79 53 84 44 70 54 69 45 50 Freedom.................... 96 78 92 85 82 87 75 60 51 44 44 50 42 52 Great Valley................. 109 107 130 131 87 89 63 62. 60 78 56 54 55 43 Hinsdale.................... 95 95 122 107 98, 99 84 91 72 73 47 5 5 67 Humphrey................... 65 60 69 64 71 58 51 42 29 40 30 31 25 31 Ischua......43 50 46 42 60 45 45 45 36 57 39 33 1 919 Leon.............,... 63 67 76 70 69 75 76 65 65 62 50 60 32 34 Little Valley............ 52 58 69 64 73 57 53 40 45 38 30 40' 28 34 Lyndon..................... 58 43.61 57 67 55 63 53 49 49 27 32 21 28 Machias....................... 65 71 69 74 65 60 69 58 54 46 31 49 37 44 Mansfield.................... 71 72 83 88 70 70 58 54 48 50 40 47 44 45 Napoli................ 80 63 78 66 72 66 76 55 41 49 50 48 41 47 New Albion................ 107 96 110 97 113 101 93 97 78 68. 70 72 46 56 Olean................... 213 181 253 211 151 144 110 139 96 123 112. 129 109 92 Otto......................... 41 62 49 50 54 52 60 61 51 58 55 44 46 48 Persia....................... 59 84 74 87 68 78 65 82 53 67 47' 59 39 47 Perrysburgh................. 80 80 78 92 75 82 64 84 60 74 50 64 47 54 Portville 97 103 110 119 113 100 77 94 64 79 68 60 56 50 Randolph.................... 110 108 106 98 89 106 96 100 78 91 72 89 66 73 Salamanca................... 136 162 105 136 112, 89 -80 77 88 99 85- 82 65 74 South Valley................. 51 39 55 44 36 50 32 31 38 24 19 22 15 25 Yorkshire................... 82 90 108 95 90 96.92 88 68 75 57 56 47 64 Total.................... 2,64512,637 2,921 — 2,793 2,552 2- — 2-5 2,15, 133 1, 1,926 1,544 |1.729 1,368 1,466 CAYUGA COUNTY. Auburncity:'st ward....... 229 246 248 271 237 195 190.207 167 231 182 196 124 148 2d ward....... 112 114 157 152 108 109 112 152 105 182 89 119 66'98 3d ward....... 119 103 124 106 106 123 88 144 112 148 108 125 74 110 4th ward....... 185 214 261 209 181 194 174 123.217 145 263' 103 174 108 Total Auburn city........ 645 677' 790 -738 632 621 564 626 601 706 642 543 438 464 Aurelius.................... 176 165 146 167 116 108 11108 10 9 0 77 105 86 101 Brutus...................... 151 135 152 151' 162 137 121 126 97 108 78 115 93 80 Cato......................... 107 99 143 132 109 96 95 96 94 105 81 98 68 83 Conquest..................... 104 96 108 107 116 96 93 88 73 82 71 84 60 64 Fleming..................... 70 62 68 67 67 75 60 5 4 56 35 45 39 37 Genoa....................... 106 J25 123 1 12012ll1 104 98 101 69 93 76 98 Ira......................... 132 136 107/ 130 109 107 87 97 102 115 80 101 74 87 Ledyard. 128 118 150 142 108 97- 98 9 74 106 80 95. 58 72 Locke........................ 543 44 38 35.'.. 140 679 54 56 6 2 65 48 79 Mentz.....:...'........... 127 114 130 135 138 116 123 125 104 140 79 82 69 79 Montezuma................... 76 81 90 66 75 71 80 6059 59 52 53 38'43 Moravia...................... 95 81 87 99 100 94 100 87 73 101 77 81 54 57 Niles......................... 92 92 87 92.86 80 96 76 79 93 70 102 65 76 Owasco...................... 71 70 72 75 74 61 47 77 42 56 47 45, 31 46 Scipio.................... 118 133 122 125 110 98 100 96 97 98 75 78 71 75 Sempronius.................. 57 59 69 86 58 52 51 58 45 68 39 50 32" 32 Senniett..................... 65 8' 9 8 88 83 84 79 61 70 67 60 49 62 Springport............ 123 129 131 116 117 114 86 118 85 117 84 109 75 81 Sterling..................... 139160 168186 1 173 1 157 15 7 107 126 76 89 Summer Hill................. 61 64 73 61 49 60 57 55 50 49 47 44 30 -37 Throop...... 66 53 83, 68 78 58 5 60 50 65 39 51 40 38 Venice.-.... 125 95l 125 93 113 78 101 64 84 97 53 77 66 73 Victory..................... 78 85 149 168 II 115 88 83 89 88 55 63.........~~~~~~~~~~~~~,67 272 1,4 2 69 2 36,9 19,- 2 -2 3 7V-F1 1, 97, Total................... 2,963 2,956 a3,330 3,266 || 2, 62,762 2,6 299 2,I791 CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. A rkwright...................[ 85 I60 58 | 73 3 70 4 62 42 47 1 38 5 0 I 40 37 Busti....''................... 120 10~4 108 102 122 116 11 113 84./ 89}1 52 70 64.78 iOarroll...................,.... 69] 82'/ 115 68 9 78 77 71 62 67 / 65' 69 50 46 Charlotte.......,............. 87 75 6 87 16 75 90 3 65 7 50 64 57 68 Chautauqua................:./. 125/ 133 } 140 13 12 125 13 131 128 I 147' 106 101 78 108 Cherry Creek............... /69 [ 64 70 92 7 52 72 59 47 69 37 52 47 4 Clymer.............;....... 78I 76I 84 10 8 72 51 63 62 43: 50 54 42 52 Dunkirk......................523 [ 534 I1 567 55 39 386 28 338 410 / 320// 266 305 275 252 Eley...................... 8 39 5 5. 74 9 0 8 5. 68 70 61.l Ellicott...................... 319 / 288 I 328 32 28 274 28 300 274 / 294 [ 261 220 184 239 Ellington.................... 87 76 95 100 97 101 96 87 70| 90"1 45 6 5/ 54 62 French Creek.............. 48 54 81 5 5 58 53 38 22 ~ 33I 33...25..28 33 Ger....................... 60 5 9 56 46 73 62 4 52 76 1 34 Hanover................ 214 2 35I 2'48 23 23 226 19 204 153 [ 194I{ 157 164 1[ 10 132 Harmony.................... 22' 2 216 21 18 193 167 165 151/ 179 I 125 162! 1 36 153 Kiantone.......,.............. 37] 44H 36 37 5 2 3 21 15/ 21, 14 321 27 25 Mina......'................. 67~ 67 1 83 80 7 88 6 60 38/ 58I 35 37 35 38 Poland..................... 88[ 74{ 99 97 0 90 91 77 78 ] 62 44[58 45 5714 Pomfret...................... 177 ~ 188 l 225 22 22 205 19 219 179 / 237[ 136 6 15 4 Portland............. 85 ~ 8811 99 17 2 94 84 105 72{ 821{ 45 61 60 63 Ripicy.....................'. 115/ 80.1, 12 323 1 103 96 794 50 / 10111 64 721 41 65 Sheridan...................... 100 10011 120 11 8 90 71 76 53 / 69 58 69 52 51 Sherman................. 88'90i 70 10 1 7'8 75 7 7 0 52 7 3 5 5 4 Stockton.................... 0 0 0 9 89 80 6 88 8 6 68 89 62 53 Vileov............. 85[ 84 80 91 9 87 70 70 50 70 46 65] 49 49 Westfield............... 21 7 23 0 12 1 17 7 12 9 10 5 11 1 Total......-.... 3,-3411 3;-'189 3,5811 3,529 1 3,295'1-3,095II 2,7851 2,907 l'[2,48 —-9-1 2,834 II 2,045 i2 —- lf 1,91.3 1'2,02 22 CLASSIFICATION BY AGE AND SEX. CATTARAUGUS COUNTY-(CONTINUED). 35 40 4:5 50 55 60 65 and uhder and under and under and under and under and under and under TOWNS. 4:0. 4-5~ 50 ~ 55. 60, 65, 70, Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males Females. Males. Females. Males: Females. Males. Females Ellicottsville.......'.....47 60 48 65 53 37 45 44 27 24 28 16 16 13 Farmersville................. 41 25 23 44 35 28 33 24 14 14 20 17 14 25 Franklinville... 48 37 38 40 50 40 31 26 25 23 32 22 1.6 28 Freedom............. 41 56 37 31 51 25 23 21 16 21 21 22 19 20 Great Valley................ 49 61 36 29 48 29 32 27 28 15'17 12 14 9 7Hinsdale..................... 51 41 33 33 57 40 27 27 22 34 31 18 18 12 Humphrey.................... 27 20 17 26 32 18 20 16 10 18 20 14 13 8!schua...,,..,.,:,,;,:~ 19 20 25 18 19 24 17 10 14 23 19 16 20 8 Leon........................ 52 42 37 38 37 30 19 26 21 23 25 22 23 13 Little Valley.................. 37 44 20 2~.36 23 23 17 9 14 19 13 9 9 Lyndon..................... 43 32 17 31 28 23 29 21 22 19 - 17 14 12 10 Machias..................... 32 30 25 33 40 34 30 33 25 21 21 17 15 10 Mansfield.................... 34 29'30 32 33 28 20 22 25 24 20.19 16 8 Napoli.............. 42 42 25 35 40 21 25 19 28 22 18.21 19 13 New Albion................. 60 32 43 50 39 34 33 31 30 31 20 28 18 9 Olean....................... 98 88 64 59. 76 50 44 24 36. 19 14 19 14 10 Otto.................... 42 40 34 37 30 35 26 13 16 17 11 11 15 10 Persia...................... 43 42 27 33 46 27 28 21' 25 21 11 16 9 2 Perrysburgh................. 38 38 39 35 40 32 30 25 35 35 28 20 13 16 Portville..................... 49 63 36 37 56 46 30 21 1.9 13 15 6 11 9 Randolph................. 62 72 53 46 44 31 34 29 30 21 31 26 28 24 Salamanca................ 49 49 43 29 61 36 32 20 20 19 13 7 3 South Valley................ 19 18 12 13 19 14 12 6 8 5 6 7 4 2 Yorkshire................... 57 48 44 41 55 4733 31 30 28 17 24 17 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9 857 643 64 42 530 460 302 Total.................... 1,393 1,331 1,054 1I,080 11,290 929 858 713 689 643 642 | 5-0 460 372 CAYUGA COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Auburn city: 1st ward....... 130 155 82 123 125 116 84 69 51 51 40 46 21 34 2d ward....... 83 101 55 69 78 68 40 39 43 40 23 29 11 12 3d ward....... 70 82 67 " 92 90 58 39 47 36 32 21 31 18 19 4th ward....... 154 116 126 112 152 73 90 63 61 36 44 27 23 25 Total Auburn city........ 437 454 330 396 445 315 253 218 191 159 128 133 73 90 Aurelius.................... 89 75 54 69 81 56 51 43 39 35 29 37 28 17 Brutus...................... 95 96 59 82 85 69 65 4 45 33 39 38 36 37 Cato........................ 0 67 61 71 79{144 52 38 4 28 23 16 Conquest...................... 69 52 42 49 542 36 22 4 1 11 Fleming............. 42 49 39 51 54 39 2820 22 21 12 18 26 Genoa....................... 78 90 59 70 63 59 52 49 51 51 37 35 37 Ira......................... 74 68 51 60 67 44 39 41 35 34 41 25 23 30 Ledyard..................... 65 42 I58 44 28 30 16 13 Locke................ 2 340 25 24 16 13 13 Mentz....................... 59 7 55 8 0 888 0 63 39 4 31 I9 1 8 ~ 18 Montezuma.................. 36 30 39 4939 30 29 23 14 14 8 18 10 Moravia..................... 62 74 48 68 57.57 47 42 30 31 43 34 25 28 Niles....................... 80 79 36 51 55 49 45 0 45 33 21 24 33 27 Owasco..................... 35 64 40 39 48 32 2 19 2 19 19 13 10 Scipio....................... 69 75 41 53 70 46 37 6 24 31 25 28 23 20 Sempronius.................. 33 4935 35 29 26 20 25 38 26 24 16 - 15 Sennett......................653 [ 50 32 39 29 39 27 Springport................... 81 67 62 73 53 53 55 45 29 25 27 24 16 21 Sterling..................... 80 85 52 85 96 65 67 64 61 47 52 42 37 30 Summer Hill................. 31 36 25 34 32 25 29 28 17 14 15 22 15 14 Throop...................... 41 44 34 42 46 29 33 30 27 2 21 15 14 15 Venice...................... 68 60 41 64 75 42 3043 18 20 Victory..................... 54 51 36 48 62 56 44 37 41 30 22 33 21 16 Total.................. 1,840 1,887 1,360 1,719 1,857 11,396| 1,263 11,108 | 968 852 840 741 | 582 561 CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY —(CONTINUED). Arwih................... 43 3 25 28 3 2416 15 19 31 1 9 5 Busti....................... 61 53 50 58 4 2 0 2 0119 9 2 2 arox............... 49 7 0 5 3 0 29 6 2 2 25 1 17 8 Chrot.................... 059 5 4 4 6 7 3 9 2 9 28 6 15 171 Chautauqua.......... 86 8 7 9 4 5 6 6 6 0 68 48 3 2 Cherry Creek................ 50 45 34 3;5t35 3 23 8 2 2 25 22 1 1 Gy e...................... 4 4 3 1 2 9 0 8 3 6 23 2 17 Dunkirk.................... 322 309 1 12 1 126 12 91 9 8 61 6 40 4 El11ry....................... 5 5 3 4 4 3 2 3 3 3 33 1 16 16/ ~ Ellicott........................ 220 1856 1 51 I 43 10 11 10 9 9 71l 75 4 35{ 43 Eligo................... 4 50 5 5 5 34 1 2 377!3 2 French Creek................ 30 30 24 25 29 25 22 21 16 10 12 10 1 Gerry.......................400 30 2091t 22 27 24 22 20I22 18 1' 24 12 Hanover........... 148 14 9 18 3. 2 2 0 7 7 9 8 4 3 Ht.armnony......................144/ 10011 54 91 85 86 67 6 7 7 61 9 4 3 Kinoe.................... 2 4 3 11 1 90 1 5.I7 M n....................... 3 3 3 3 2 1 3 2 1 16 16 13' * 12 1 P ln...................... 5 6 4 4 4 37 22 2 26 18 1 1 Pomfret..................... 125 153 99 123 28 96 7 9 7 89 78 74 46 44 Portland.............:. 52 53 2 5 5 54 8 4 4 29 35 2 21[ 22 Rpe....................... 63 5 IS 54 4 40 4 35 32 40 36 3 28 17~ Sheridan..................... 60721460. 4023313927 24- 29 114 Sherman..................... 37 50 33 37 39 31~ t 28 25 17 2,7 23 16 1 1 11 Soko..................... 6 6 5 4 3 4. 2 2 3 3 7 5 1 1 Villenova..................... 61 521 41 50 1 50 30 26 24 2 27,251 2 17 Westfield.................... 130 128, 7 115 86 86 70 71 70 68 52 48] 4 39 Total..........,.........-2,-099. 2,033 [ 1,514 i1,618||I 1,63-5 - 1,295|| 1,126 1lj110||[ 1,041. I. 986 ||. 9-42-| ~7-8|8 | —~ - _5 CLASSIFICATION BY AGE AND SEX. 23 CATTARAUGUS COUNTY-(CONTINUED). 70 75. 0 s85 90 95 100 and under and under and under and under and under and under and upwards. Unknown. TOWNS. 75. s0. 85. 90. 96. 100. Males. Feiales Males. Females Males. Females Males. F Males. Females Males. Females Females Males. Females Ellicotts-ville................. 14 10 5 5 2 2 1............................................ 6 2 Farm ersville................. 6 3 9 5...... 3.............................................................. Franklinville. 16 11 8 6 2 5 1 2...... 1........................ 1 1 Freedom..................... 13 9 ~-13 9 4........ 3 1........... i...... 3...... Great Valley............... 6 5 6 3 3 2 1 2...... 1........................ 3 3 H insdale..................... 10 14 3 2 2' 2 1 1......' 1......................... 1...... H um phrey................... 5 5 5 3 3...... 2...................................................... Ischua....................... 8 4 3 2 3 1...... 2...... 1.............. 2 1 Leon...........,.......... 8 12 5 5 2 4 1...... 1..................................... Little Valley............ 4... 1 4 7 2 1 2...... 1........................... Lyndon...................... 5 5 5 5 2 3 2 2...... 1........................ Machias...................... 0 7 3 3 4 4.....4............ M ansfield................. 8 7 3 3...... 4 5 2.......................................... Napoli....................... 8 2 4 4 4 2 1 1...... 1.............................. 2 New Albion.................. 11 9 8 2...... 1...... I............................ I...... Olean.................. 7 7 3 2 2 2............i............................................... Otto........................ 8 4 7 8 2 / 2....... 3.................................... 3 1 Persia.................................................... 3 Perrysburgh.................. 14 10 5 5 3 5...... 2............. 1...... Portville...................... 10 10 6 5 2 2 1........................................... I...... Randolph.................... 8 5 6 4 2 1 2................... 1 4 Salam anca................ 5 It 2 2 1 1...... 1.................................................. South Valley...................... 1 1..................... Yorkshire............. 15 12 10 13 3 2................................... 4 Total.........265 221 1 3175 322 37 CAYUGA COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Auburn city: 1st ward....... 19 20 10 i8 4 8 4 3.................................... 1...... 2d ward........ 10 6 7 7....... 4 1...... I.............................. I 3d ward....... 13 14 5 s8 2 2................................................. 4th ward....... 12 13 12 23 3 20 3 2.................................................. Total Auburn city........ 54 53 34 56 9 34 8 6 1..................1 Aurelius. 14 16, 9 11 5 5 2 3 2........................ I Brutus ~~......................1 02 / Brutus....................I... 17. 10 7 5 2 5 3 4 1............................... 23 Cato........................ 2.148 30 Conquest.'.....,.......................................... Flem ing..................... 13 9 8 6 3 1 1....................................................... Genoa:....................... 21 16 12 13 7 1.1 I I 1. Ledyard~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2.....................19545....4.. Ira...k...................... 21 20 13 13 3 4......................... I Ledyard............ i......... 19 14, 9 14' 5' 4 5 2........................................... I Locke....................... 9 5 5 3.........* * * 2............. I........................ 2 2 M entz.. 10 11 13 8 3................................ 1.5...... 5 7 M ontezum a............ 1.................................... M oravia................................... 5...... Niles........................ 20 15 13 9 1 9 2 3...... I.... 2............ 4 3 Owasco..................... 10 14 8 7 2 4 2 3............ I...... Scipio...*.............. 16 16 11 11 3 5 1 2............ I1.................. 3 4 Scipio....... ~..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.............. 16Sempronius.................. 12 2 6 1..... Sennett...........I........... 17 25 16 9 7 4 2 6 1.......................................... Springpbrt....... I........ 11 19 -10 5 5 3 3 4...... I........................ 7...... Sterling.................... 27 10 12 16 9 4 2 2 1..0..................................... Summer Hill11 4 9 4 5 2 1.........................1...... Throop....................... 12 125 1 2 1 1...... I.................................... Venice...................... 10 7 12 13 8 7 5 4 2 2.................................... Victory...................... 21 10 9 8 5 3 3 4 2...... 1.............................. Total.................... 392 331 246 262 94 117 11 57| 51 15 11 4 3........... 73 53 CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY-(CONTINUED) Arkwright................... 11 6 5 5...... 3 3 2...... I.................. Busti.................... Q 1 9 27 17 10 4 8........................ 1.................. Oa r l.................... 8 78 3 2 I.............................. Charlotte.................... 0 20 7 9 4 5: 222........... 22 2::.:::1:::::................... Chautauqua................../ 25/ 15 / 16 10 // 10 14./ 5 "3' 1 2 I............ 1 5' " Cherry Creek.............., 19 10 1 5 4 1 1......................................... 2 2 lym er...................... 1 8...... 2! 41............ 1........................ 5... Dunkirk........... 14 14 6 12 2 9....................................... 1 3 Ellcry......................... 13 11- 11 8 4 3 1.......................... E ln tn................ 1655:...... 2 2.............. French Creek................. 5 4 1 1 1 1' 22...........'.............' Gerry....................... 8 10 8 8 7 5 2 3::::.... i:::::::1::::::::.....................:Hanover..................... 30 30 23 23 6 14 3 2 I, 2 1........................: 1 Harmony..................... 33 1/ 8 13 18 It 7! 10 I 4 4.................... 7... M ina.........,.............. 6 4 7 4 2 1... 1........................... Poland............ 11 6 2 2 3 3 3... 1I............... 1 Pomfret...................... 41 24 19 16 10 1... 1 1............ Portland;................. 13 13 11 7 8 5 2'.................. Ripley....................... 16 16 4 5...... 3.... 2............................ Sheridan...................... 15 16 4 2 3 21.......... 1..... 2 Sherman'................... 7 10 8 8 7 2 3 1.................................. Stockton.....................:21 12 9 8 2 3............... 2.................. Villenova.................... 10 13 8 7 2 3 ~....................... W estfield......,..... 29,24 16 11 8 5 2 2............... 1 Total..,.........,....... 421 360 22 —' 11 8 - - 26 || 46'j 35, 11 | 3 _2 _3... _ _ 7 37 24 CLASSIFICATION BY AUE AND SEX. CHEMUNG.COUNTY. 5 10 15 20 35 30 Under and tillder and under and under and under and under and under TOWNS. 5.10.15...5.30. 35. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females,. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females Baldwin.................... 46 54 58 63 71 38 60 45 40 47 39 -38 Big Flats............ 112 96 115 110 116 109 96 99 81 110' 73 60 54 7-2 Catlin................ 86 77 83 91 103 87 62 84 55 51 46 57 47 50 Chemung.................... 116 123 128 136 124 118 90 110 85 98 -65 76 54 65 Elmira...................... 79 86 99 88 67 68 69 45 48 54 32 42 27 37 Elmira city: 1st ward......... 58 70 66 70 50 59 69 98 94 132 70 93 63 55 -2d ward........ 254 272 224 248 187 208 141 189 188 216 194 193 148 169 3d ward....... 210 181 183 193 160 180 137 176 138 185 119 160 104 141 4th ward........ 135 114 117 128 116 126 115 201 160 206 123 147 107 97 5th ward......... 143 106 132 142 109 109 73 82 81 98 74 90 58 82 Total Elmira city....... 800 743 722 781 622 682 535 746 661 837 580 583 480 544 Erin........................'89 77 96 86 82 89 62 60 43 50 34 49 43 44 Horseheads.............. 188 165 202 191 151 144 115 123 113 145 106 120 100 102 Southport.................. 200 186 213 199 237 203 178 178 171 186 126 127 91 110 Van Etten................... 81 87 90 87 99 98 89 89 61 81 51 54 40 41 Veteran.................... 137 117 135 138' 147 138 129 113 96 104 79 106 87 92 ~~~~~..........1 7' 4 2 1 Total.................... 1,934 I 1,811 a 1,941 1,970 | 1,819.1, 774 || 1,485 I 1,692 1,454, 763 1,23 1,412 1,053 1,186 CHENANGO COUNTY. Afton...................... 96 97 109 88 110 98 94 97 62 85 59 63 55 67 Bainbridge............ 75 76 91 89' 76 90 76 91 84 92 64 85, 51 62 Columbus.................... 74 64 69 61 65 68 50 o 49 58 58 40 55 41 44 Coventry..................... 86 74 79 78 78 73 60 69 68 77 48 60 53 55 German..................... 47 46 41 39 60 37 37 5 33 37'30 23[4 Greene...................... 166 142 169 153 183 197 153 173 134 187 106 132 96 116 OG ilford.................... 116 107 132/.128 134 130 l}0 125 107 103 114 82 114 78 89 Lincklaen.................... 47 32 53 47 70 67 50 42 43 59 35 35 1 29 26 Macdonough................. 73 56 68 73 - 72 63 69 66 51 76 47 58 37 45 New- Berlin.................. 98 132 105 115 125 110 125 120 120 136 87 106 84 88 North Norwich............... 61 59 69 71 70 47 55 56 52 56 34 47 35 34 Norwich..................... 185 180 197 236 220 198 204 244 180 246 181 219 131 186 Otselis..................... 71 70 82 73 83 8 77 67' 75 55 43 55 53 54 Oxford...................... 141 150 150 158 136 160 123 146 127 146 112 140 2 110 Pharsalia.................... 62 55 78 58 62 66 53951 40 43 42 27 Pitcher....................... 56 62 64 73 70 48'58 59 54 54 39 48 44 38 Plymouth................... 73 80 115 108 78 75 67 64 54 73 64 57 38 43 Preston..................... 42 46 51 52 55 39 40 4Q 45 32 33 26 37 Sherburne................... 145 119 135 1391 163 128 145 142 108 153 121 119 83 95 Smithville..9............... 81 102 92 8 107 84 958 64 61 58 51 59 Smm~ ~~~......... ~:. 8'l 7 90 ~~ s~I 70 s7]' Smyrna..'............. 81 69 7 9 103 89 86 85 70 87 59 63 58 52 Total.................... 1,894 1,797 2,046 2,021 2,120- 1,950 1,846 1,926 1,613 1,951-1-379 1,620 1,200 1,351 CLINTON COUNTY. Altona.,...................... 143 135 151 160 17 130 107 86 75 66 45 54 44 45 Ausable....................... 168 157 179 185 179 163 169 126 85 118 89/ 105 / 79 s81 Beekmantown................ 155 164 158 165 177 -165 171 170 121 125 6 93 70 77 Blackbrook.................. 281 255 274 281 249 250 184 169 90 126 90 94 84 83 Champlain................... 418 322 387 406 3886 365 314 347 245 318[ 177 206 136 174 Chazy....................... 198 172 229 2~5 247 242 194 201 153 170 98 117 {{ 84 97 Clinton....................... 146 134 149 1'6 127 130 105 118 65/ 68 45 53 37- 51 D~annemora.................. 65 65 69 59 66 45 91 42 180 47 123 24 91 29 Ellenburgh................... 210 223 218 217 186 195 175 7155 125 123 91 107 76 84 Mooers............. 298 305 330 275 338 285 220( 235 181 153 11 I 1.32 90 118 Peru........................ 191 183 212 206 233 189 175 178 120 1451 85 100 73 81 Plattsburgh.................. 464 477 50 457 [466 437 395 485 290 380 219 303 233 245 Saranac...................... 294 301 311 291 272 238 190 178 120 138 128 104 87 109 Schuyler Falls............... 116 -112 138 148 100 95 92 111 77. 100 71 82 58 47 Total.................... 3,147 3,005 || 3,310 31 II 3,143 2,929 || 2,582 12,601 1,93 2,077,242 | 1,321 COLUMBIA COUNTY. Anrm.................... 96 0 8 9 9 6 7 83 0 7 7 6 4 5 Austerlitz........... 60 58 112 91 88 78 64 7 5 6 4 5 3 40 Chathan............ 2113 96 115 103 10 11510 5 106 0 9 8 5 7 7 4 Chta...................... 26 24 / 0 26 20 93 17 0 7 19 46 1 35 0 Claverack........... 167 184 202 224 155 168 16 15 4 11 2 15 0 1 Clermont............. 51 47 58 44 49 52 53 9 5 50 11 23 33 Copake............... 112 10 9 12 10 3 01 0 4 0 3 91 52 5 Gallatin..................... 80 82 92 80 I 83 79 60 9 8 6 42 44 37[ 43 Germantown......... 81 81 75 73 75 71 59 4 6 7 4 6 42 38 Ghent....................... 158 1391 155 130 1 27 136 13 11 07 3 9 1061 110 104 Greenport.................... 47 45 56 59 57 77. 6 6 4 7 4 3 28 33 Hudson city' 1st ward........ 86 ll6I185 ]108 87 76 53 1 6 9 4 8 54 55 2d ward....... 152 14911 161 13711 84 113 69 0 68 0 6 931 61 82 3 wad....... 8 9 9 9 9 7 6 12 6 15 4 0 7 8 4th ward....... 134 118 155 162 120 138 97 1 93 2 6 102 75 0 Total Hudson city........ 456 47 4 —1- -- -'498 386 400 284''424 281 427 234 3-r-]80 264'334 Kinderhook.......'...<....... 23'I 202 I 195 202I 181 196 20 249 174 241 136 I 166 104 [ 161 Livingston.................... 115 80 125 109 1 021 115 97 108 103 97 66 7 5 6 NewLebno................ 93 1 7 10 153 109 99 119 76 83 70 911 49 I 82 Stockport.................... 70 72 94 85 82 62 66 64 68 768 513 61 60 42 4768 Stuyvesant.......... 147 124 126 132 20 1 12 18 5 3 6 98 5 Taghkanick......... 91 84/ 93 94 82 84 91 77 -67 70 50 471 40 46,oa.,.,........ 251 2,430 1268,5 238,91| 2 4 2,6 I 1,7 222 1,49 1897 1, 332|,0 CLASSIFICATION BY AGE AND SEX. 25 CHEMUNG COUNTY-(CONTINUED). 35 40 45 50 55G065 and under and under and under and under and under and under and under TOWNS. 40. ~:5. 50. 55. 60. 65. 70. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females Baldwin.................... 17 23 23 27 23 25 16 17 23 15 16 8 7 6 Big Flats..................... 69 63 53 50 62 41 42 31 33 21 19' 19 15 21 Catlin....................... 51 54 37 42 44 29 36 26 22 23 23' 17 15 6 Chemung.................... 56 55 59 63 57 37 47. 34 24 23 25 22 9 14 Elmira...................... 43 39 43 37 29 17 25 20 10 14 10 10 11 4 Elmira city; 1st ward........ 58 53 40 49 46 25 26 27 19 18 10 14 9 7 2d ward...'.. 141 131 132 124 118 61 93 55 34 29 29 3518......~~~ ~~~~~~~~~15 1 3d ward........ 110 110 99 104 98 78 57 74 47 27 29 30 11 13 78 25~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~3 17 1 4th ward........ 123 85 78 62 63 67 45 47 32 24 25 179 5th ward....... 90 75 49 64 68 40 29 29 16 10 15 18 12 7 Total Elmira city......... 522 454 398 403 393 271 250 232 148 108 108 114 55 54 Erin..................... 44 41 24 25 31 17 23 23 21 19 15 10 16 13 Horseheads.................. 110 107 88 81 75 55 64 47 44 32 31 31 19 15 Southport..................... 99 107 85 83 116 91 84 47 51 54 44 31 28 29 Van Etten................... 45 48 25 39 52 40 33 21 24 20 11 21 18 7 Veteran................. 73 96 77 86 81 47 67 56 35 35 31 30 30 23 Total.................... 1,129 1,087 912 -9396 3 670 687 554 435 364 333 313 223 192 CHENANGO COUNTY (CONTINUED). Afton....................... 54 49 68 65 60 59 52 38 30 29 28 25 17 Bainbridge................... 50 4 40 55 52 42 41 40 32 43 31 29 25 16 Columbus................... 49 40 24 35 35 45 40 25 25 18 17 Coventry.................... 4 0' 54 52 42 37 37 33 33 19 28 German...................... 24 23 18 18 27 13 15 20 16 14 12 11 9 6 Greene...................... 1 105 89 113 114 89 82 77 67 76 58 52 47 35 Guilford..................... 82 75 68 77 73 63 51 48 51 48 37 44 28 32 Lincklaen..................... 29 2 20 31 29 25 22 29 24 14 9 14 21 14 Macdonough................. 46 36 38 33 45 38 28 26 20 29 22 17 16 T New Berlin.................. 77 75 56 82 75 69 67 70 41 59 53 34 31 33 North Norwich............... 24 25 24 41 33 29 23 18 20 16 13 11 10 Norwich..................... 164 170 123 153 150 95 78 74 64 70 47 64 53 44 Otselic...................... 47 40 41 48 50 43 33 25 22 3234 31 12 Oxford..................... 105 101 90 9 70 74 80 62 39 52 44 50 Pharsalia............... 32 33 31 40 33 21 30 27 19 20 17 14 20 12 Pitcher...................... 30 35 18 31 37 37 31 35 24 23 24 24 13 20 Plymouth................... 50 4 38 46 3 35 27 33 35 25 30 26 15 13 Preston..................... 26 37 28 28 45 2 27 22 22 16 22 17 13 13 Sherburne............. 79 102 73 98 98 72 74 64 53 60 42 45 32, 35' Smithville.................... 56 57 38 50 53 30 38 34 28 31 27 17 15 13 Smyrna..................... 4 5 58 50 41 34 35 27 27 26 2 18 Total.................. 1,213 1,221 978 1,257 1,233 1,007 901 850 751 746 | 601 600 508 458 CLINTON COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Altona,...................... 43 40 31 47 55 41 38 20 21 18 11 17 19 7 Ausable..................... 74 71 55 38 63 79 50 56 57 42 45 49 25 27 Beekmantown................ 59 65 52 65 50 59 50 49 50 44 49 47 41 24 Blackbrook.................. 81 91 70 70 81 59 69 50 40 25 35 22 20 20 Champlain........... 148 55 120 130 132 118 118 87 78 68 63 59 59 56 Chazy....................... 88 92 59 79 87 77 55 65 63 37 43 36 32 28 Clinton...................... 39 36 37 36 36 2931 30 31 24 18 13 5 Dannemora.................. 65 16 37 23 47 21 38 12 23 5 12 1 8 7 Elleinburgh.................. 81 76 59 61 72 53 42 41 45 34 30 26 38 15 Mooers..................... 110 119 81 92 100 89 85 66 67 58 56 47 28 25 Peru........................ 90 74 68 71 77 79 61 61 44 53 44 39 26 24 Plattsburgh.................. 187 218 171 160 205 130 104 105 93 75 71 54 69 66 Saranac...................... 94 91 74 74 94 61 69 71 35 32 46 24 27 16 Schuyler Falls............. 38 49 41 44 42 35 28 30 31 40 24 22 22 20 Total............... 1,197 1 19 955 990 i|1,141 930 836 744 677 562 553 46-| 4271 340 COLUMBIA COUNT~-(CoNTINUED). Ancram............... 54I 49I{ 37 I 42 60 42 39I 41[I 391 20 I 21I 19 12I18 Austerlitz.............. 40] 42{ 38 I 52l{ 41 52 45 34 38 ] 35 I 33 / 27 14 11 Canaan................. 56 k 58[{ 48 I 69 85 64 42{ 43/{ 38 [ 32 38 36 21 2 Chatham............... 129{ 1'411 144 1^!5 12 10 104/ 96H 77{ 72,, 84/ 71 5 6 44 Claverack................... 92 / 128 ] 83'96 108 94 75/ 64/l 58/ 64 48 41 2 29 Clermont................... 25 / 28 27 3/311 1. 2 22 26 l 9 / 161 15/ 18 8 11 Copake................ 541 48 l 50/ 32 63 37 ~ 35 ] 40// 2Q 21// 25 15 10 15......63 7 I Gallatin................'37 43tl 29 35 48 33 29 35I 23 { 211 18 20] 12 11 Germantown.......... 37[ 47I 33 ] 25 35 32[ 25 24 ] 18 [ 15[{ 22 17 12 13 Ghent........................ 7 4 9 6 84/ 64 70 2 5 5 51 4 3,4 40 Greenport............... 27 |30I] 21 |38 40 24/ 39 |281 21] 21]1 22! 20 1......40 412 Hillsdale........... 59 64.t 63 70 79 64 63 5911 50/ 471 32 29 2 4 19 Hudson city: 1st ward....... 50 ~ 50II 35 | 46 40 52/ 50 | 49t 24 / 23 I 17 |28 13. 0 216 2d ward...... 63I 68,1 48/ 71 67 52 54, 46tl 29/ 331 19/ 19|/ 515 9 3d ward..... 601 67 I 47 / 52 50 39/ 46 / 33 I 31 37 I 28 / 30 15... s 9/22 4th ward....... 6 8 4 7 75L 59 54 8 3 35 9 2 1 14 Total Hudson city......... 237 I 253 178 2I 48 232 I 202 I 204 I 186 121 128 83'101 53 —— [ 61 Kinderhook.................. | 113I 14011 91 t 116 I 128/ 106 102/ 10011 68 | 61ti 52 66I 31| 48 Livingston.................... 71/ 5111 44 47II 55 / 51//~ 30 / 32 I 33| 33II 30 251 15 25 Stookport....................~ SI ~ 1 ~ 38 5 8 7 28 322/ ~ ~ 7 28 8115 21 25 1 m m I 7 1 0 Stuyvesant................... 71 7 911 62 } 621 70 / 66/ 40 / 34I 40/ 3011'37 27 I 191 17 Taghkanick.................. 32/ 381 32/ 48II 43 t 39 l 43 / 291 30I 18 I 19 21] 13_1 13 Tota.................,0 144,3 126 143,9 103,1 7991 747 688 66 1 1 4-[' —16 455....., 41' "~9 26 CLASSIFICATION BY AGE AND SEX. CHEMUNG COUNTY —(CONTINUED)._ 70. 7580 o85 90 95 100 and under and under and under and under and under and under and upwards. Unknown. TOWNS. so5.. o85. 90. 95. 100. Male. emalesMales. Females Males. Females Males. ales le. Females Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females Baldwin...................... 4 3 1 4 1...... 1 1...... 1..................... 1 2 Big Fiats....................... 5 10 10 7 2 1.................................1 Catli'n, G ~10 1~ 10 7 2 1, 3,, 1 Catlin...................... 6 14 6 4 3 2...... 1............................................... Chemu-ng.................... 10 3 7 7 3 1............................. 1.3 2 Elmira...................... 5 5 4 1..... I....................................................... Elm ira city: 1st ward........ 5 13 3 5 3 3 1 1..... 1 I...................... 3 3 2d ward.........8 11 6 7 1 6....... 2 1........ 1............ 5 4 3d ward........ 7 16 6 7 2 8 2 1...... 1........ 2............ 8 5 4th w ard 6 4 2 4...... 2............................................................. 5th ward.......... 4 4 6 10 2 1 1.............................. Total Elmira city........ 30 48 23 33 8 20 4 4 1 2...... 3............ 16 12 Erin........................ 10 5 4 4 1 3. 3...................................,....... Horseheads................... 18 22'9 10 5 4 3 11.................................. Southport.................. 22 11 7 4 7 5 1............................ Van Etten................... 9 5 5 6 2 1 3 5............6................ V eteran...................... 14 9 8 3 5 3 1 1............................................... Total,.,.......... 143 135 83 3 41...........4.. 21 21 CHENANGO COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Afton.,9 1 3 1 9 6 5 2............1..... Bainbridge.1....................... Columbus................... 12 7 1 7 5 5 2 3 1 1............................... Coventry............... 17 13 11 8 7 6 3...... I 1................................... German................. 5 8 1 3 1 1..................................................... Greene...................... 21 29 11 12 13 7 2............ I......................... 6 Guilford..................... 25 17 10 12 7 10 3 2 1........................................... incklaen.................... 7 6 5 4...... 2............................... 4 M acdonough................. 10 10 1 9 6 3...... 1........................1......... New Berlin.................... 20 1 6.............................. CNorth Norwich,...............75 2 1................................... 1 Norwichve....................... 29 27 25 17 11 27 13 9.................. 3 3 Otselic....................... 10 5 3 3...... 2........................................... Oxford...................... 29 22 13 15 6 11 2 1........... 1......................6...... Pharsalial..............5. 6 17 10 1'9 3 5 1. 1...... 2 1.................. 1.Pitcher.7...............................4................ 4 5. Plymouth.................. [ 10 8 8 5 3 8 1...... 1........................ 1 Preston..................... 10 3 8 6 5 4......................................... Sherburneo c................ 7 214 2 1. 1 1 Smithville.................... 10 14 9. 3 2 2 1.................. 1.................. Smyrna...................... 15 1 9 9 5 4.3....... 21....................... Total...........7..........1 303 275 176 178 116 126 39 28 15 13....... 27 17 CLINTON COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Altona...................... 12 6. 6 14 4 5 3 4.......................................... Ausable..................... 19 17 16 5 4 6 4............................... 2...... Beekmantown................ 27 19 18. 12 7 7 3 2 1................................... Blackbrook.................. 9 2 5 3 3 3 1...... 2...... 1............ 5 4 Champlain................... 43 36 17 19 20 12 9 9 7 5 1 1............ 2 hazy...................... 16 8 6 3 8 2 1 3 2 1................... Clinton............................................ IDannemora. 2,........................................................... 5 llenburgh................. 14 17 10 6 6 2...... I...... 2 1..................,.... 2 eM ooers...................... 26 19 21 14 7 4 4 4 2..................................... Peru oo................ 24 21 18 5 13 6. 4..... I...... 1.............. Plattsburgh................... 7 32 14- 15 8 3 5 3 1 1...... 3 1...... 4 3 Clianton............... is8 9 1 6 1 2................. I......... I 1 Schuyler Falls............... 16 13 I 4 9 3 1........................................... eTotnrg..........1.....1....... 288 1 9 17 11 6'.......... 6 2 COLUMBIA COUNTY-(IC TINUED). A cram....................... 8 6 1 6 5 4.................,............ A: Sterlit................. 12...12 2; m 11 5 10 6 2. 4 1...... 1..... 1.....,...... 3...... Clanaanttsbu......... 7 32 1 5 3 7- 8 5 3 5 2 1............ 1........... 4 2 Chatham................... 26 310 6 1 2 1 3 1............ 1.....'....'. 10 16 Cla raack.............,15 2 17 1 3.......................... 21 SClermont...................... 12 6 4 4 2............ 1-5..... 1............ Copake...................... 7 11 8 13. 4 i 1 4 4............ - 1....11.I...,................ G~allatin.,.........,........... 19 1 10 6 4 11 7 3.1..... 1 3 1.................. OlerM anltO wnVL.........~........1 6 4 3 4 2 5 21~~......................................... 7I Ghent...................... 18 6 I 6 5 4.., 1.............. Asreenport.. 12 1 0 2 4 I............ 2.............. 4 5 Hillsdanl................a.... 11 24 11 12 7 4 2 4................ 1 E.udson city: 1strd.... 6 9 4 10 3 4...... 2.. 2d ward....... 9 15 7 1 7 12 2 1 1 3 1.............. 1 3d weardak......................... 2 4th ward...............i 1 2 6' 4 4 2 1 1..................... 3 Total Hudson city.......... 1 1 8 21 4.. 1 4 4.............. 4....3 inderhook.................. 29 1 27 13 22 14 10 3 3........,.....10 Giviagston................. 20 13 8 5 6 6................... 1......'' " i' 1..........I..... New ebanon............... 24 19 10 1 56 7 0 5 2 4..... 1 ~................. Stockport......... 71 2 31...... 1 2 2.................. 1.]:]::...... 1 5 Stuyvesan.................. 12 8 12 3 4 3 4............................. Taghk~1..ick.................. 4 10 7 9 2 4 1 1........................,.,,................. Tot d wal..r............ 1 317 2190 0 45 21_ I 1 3........... i 2 32 CLASSIFICATION BY AGE AND SEX 27 CORTLAND COUNTY. 5 10 15 f0 5 30 Under and under and under and under and under and under and under TOWNS. 5. 1015. o-. a5. 30. 35. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Fem Males. Meles. Females ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Males. Femae.aes Females. Males. Females. incinnatus................... 63 59 48 63 46 4943 62 45 38 Cortlandville................. 242 217 37 252 255 225 234 245 -185 253 188 221 152 192 Cuyler...................... 82 65 85 90 97 70 77 83 57 61 57 57 37 38 Freetown..................... 46 65 55 51 41 45 48 43 43 58 39 35 37 36 Harford..................... 55 47 39.51 50 50 39- 46 48 37 31 4 434 37 Homer..............I........ 209 225 232 196 174 164 176 208 132 191 135 158 123 135 Lapeer....................... 32 56 46 42 50 37 44 33 37 22 15 34 30 30 Marathon..................... 77 71 101 81 76 74 68 79 68 71 51 67 48 62 Preble....................... 70 54 75 69 63 78 62 59 54 46 36 51 49 43 Scott.................. 74 47 64 54 69 53 53 3 54 58 52 46 36 40 Solon....................... 55 51 65 49 60 44 44 49 51 / 44 46 59 45 30 Taylor...................... 59 78 78 66 77 66 58 57 52 52 57 45 30 31 Truxton.................... 86 102 110 105 87 103 84 85 69 75 53 67 63 63 Virgil....................... 104 93 112, 119 119 104 101 111I 79 91 69 86 53 48 Willett................... 48 73 58 52 49 50 43 49 44 41 51 47 41 44 Total.................... 1,302 1,03 o1,405 1,340 | 1,323 1,217 1,175 1,246 t1,022 1,159 I 923 1,079 823 867 DELAWARE COUNTY. Andes....................... 195 1 89 1 185 164: 182 139 142 152 132 147 I 104 104 90 90 Bovina..................... 63 58 66 63 72- 41 54 62 59 65 54 46'( 36 35 Colchester................... 178 141 160 160I 157 129 128 158 89 118 83 93' 73 69 Tavenport.................. 112 117 134 138 3 133 130 113 120 97 97 7 7 91 73 74 Delhi....................... 121 115 1 152 142 160 136 164 165 130 142 104 111 72 99 F'ranklin.................... 152 142 191I 159 176 144 151 142 127 139 109 141 94 113 Hamden..................... 103 95 114 99 116 105 105 94 74 [ 8 83 77 52 56 Htancock..................... 179 186I 233 191 187 169 161' 132 129 138 130 108 ii 85 114 Harpersfield................... 78 73 85 95 65 / 87 77 68 55 63 I 40 55 52 56 Kortright.................... 97 89 91 93 96 97 91 110 I 92 87 63 86 1 57 75 Masonville................... 95 98 t 109 123 102 96 I 91 81 76 75 58 51 47 67 Meredith.................... 65 78 I 82 80 89 85 87 87 66 72 46 73 43 30 Middletown.................. 182 181 209 221 204 204 157 166 130 135 114 131 72 101 Roxbury.................... 131 125 133 114 135 106 107 139.118 120 83 89 67 92 Sidney..................... 92 70. 90 95 1 85 95 87 89 83 91 69 70 ii 65 50 Stamford.................... 58 75 72 66 81 -.68 77 111 75 86 44 67 46 43 Tompkins.................... 254 257 302 2121 279 237 201 221 216 176 ii 142 169 ill 129 Walton....................... 178 161 171 176 165 145 138 129 120 134 101 115 95 108 Total.................... 2-333 2250 2,579 2,391' 2,484 1 2,213 2,1 31 2,226 1,868 1,983 1,503 1,677 || 1,230 1,401 DUTCHESS COUNTY. Amena..................... 171'157 140 130 1 132 103 88 108 112 147 116 1i11 94 88 Beekman................... 62 56 58 60 65'. 75 51 63 54 56 35' 50' 47 45 Clinton...................... 91 "77 97 83:102 83 75 71 82 79 46 60 64 59 Dover....................... 122 124 127 119 1107 110 78 101 76 106 70 99 73 81 East Fishkill................ 149 143 138 147 125 142 111 113 107 120 83 107 85 98 Fishkill..................... 601 594 607 616 526 501 440 541 449 554 366 465 333 401 Hyde Park..................1 158 139 158 145 143 138 137 140 112 104 112 123 72 93 La Grange................... 93 86 3 91 80 96 88 100 88 90 62 62 39 51 Milan....................... 101 97 79 87 77 78 72 71 62 6 55 65 58 58 North East................... 127 132 105 101 1 106 102 86 100 102 100 76 83 58 82 Pawling...................... 82 88 102 108 89 101 62 9211 72 84 60 70 60 75 Pine Plains.................. 57 61 65 69 65 76 72 66 65 74 61 47 41 47 Pleasant Valley,.............. 91 83 97 102 113 881 99 100 I 74 82 62 75 47 65 Poughkeepsie................. 144 168 156 169 153 181 163 132 162 166 123 134I 96 106 Poughkeepsie city: 1st ward..:288 265 268 266 200 219 141 159 i 129 160 123 165 113 146 2d ward.. 246 264 315 26111 169 178 144 127 115 1671 146 154 114 120 3d'WSard.. 107 70 1I 1115 97 ii 92 88 84 154 82 146 80 120 55 94 4th ward.. 148 159 144 14611 145 135 111 176 89 176 101 156 70 151 5th ward.. 107 125 119 123 100 102 84 99 1- 81 110 90 115 56 99 6th ward.. 77 86 103 107 87 92 76 124 68 121 490 95 43 70 Total Poughkeepsie city... 973 969 -1,064 1,000 793 814 640 839 564 880 589 805 451 680 Redhook..2............... 178 181 194 187 218 X 163 118 14411 137 153 108 112'1\ 85 134 Rhinebeck................... 209 220 201 { 197 15 153 lS8 163 181 139 174 it 133 176 108 I 124 Stanford.......................118 / 115- 146 / 120.117} 100} 128 120 101 110,} 76 83 611 83 Union Vale.................. 76 / 801 81 / 921 76[ 7711 76 1 71 56 \ 61 36 50 II 40 49 Washington.................. 155/ 148] 142 133 125 130 113 129 135 130 111 106 99 99 Total...................... 3,758 3,718 3,850 | 3,756 3,365 3,316 2,860 3,2822749..3,339 I 2,38 | 883 | 2,11 518 ERIE COUNTY. Alden....................... 188 145 210 177 151 164 119 112 50 891 67 91 66 87 Amherst.................... 382 330 442 409 277 305 202 200 125 142 106 122 107 139 Aurora................... 41 137 159 153 134 125 123 129 99 118 77 101 65 69 Boston...,................ 122 115 133 105 120 76 104 89 68 81 50 53 55 45 Brandt...................... 96 90 84 87 81 79 59 51 57 59 66 55 45 51 Buffalo city: 1st ward........ 805 863 768 755 525 547 373 424 390 470 437 437 401 429 2d ward........ 323[ 299 312 329 259 268 304 25 387 471 390 391 265 264 3d ward........ 547 503 668 615 382 359 275 336 252 305 278 340 231 248 4th ward........ 498 t 511 470 562 423 461 348 413 356 43 332 325 241 289 5thward........ 1,090 1,130 1;166 1,074 700 760 461. 500 319 454 368 427 383 483 6th ward....... 910 864 906 857 622 596 410 356 266 306 260 301 268 355 7th ward........ 886 8601 833 866 606 613 417 403 280 365 258 335 285 341 8th ward........ 398 40511 377 289 332 266 342 328 375 316 276 236 246 9th ward........ 28 252 271 275 348 271 438 281 389 237 239 (Continued on page 30.) 28 CLASSIFICATION BY AGE AND SEX..CORTLAND COUNTY-(CONTINUED). 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 and under and under and under and under and under and under and under TOWNS. 40. 45. 50. 55. 60. 65. 70, Males. Females.. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females Cincinnatus.................. 39 40 30 34 34 34 25 33 33 21 15 26 13 9 Cortlgidville................. 143 195 142 167 150 147 131 138 104 82 84 82 59 67 Cuyler...................... 40 42 35 38 49 46 38 43 26 19 24 16 12 11 Freetown.................... 30 28 26 26 27 25 11 12 13 11 18 16 14 11 Harford..................... 28 28 22 23 27 16 13 20 19 18 15 13 4 6 Homer....................... 117 131 81 112 109 121 87 84 93 76 64 77 50 59 Lapeer...................... 30 20 15 33 24 12 14 17 14 17 12 5 8 10 Marathon.................... 55 41 40 44 37 36 36 31 28 32 31 17 9 14 Preble...................... 33 44 33 36 47 42 31 23 23 23 18 19 20 12 Scott........................ 44 35 23 30 34 30 22 23 23 17 18 20 12 16 Solon....................... 26 25 18 22 17 17 19 26 25 19 17 24 17 6 Taylor....................... 37 45 27 30 24 28 28 15 21 21 23 20 9 9 Truxton..................... 55 48 28 42 56 38 42 36 32 18 20 26 23 17 Virgil....................... 55 71 60 62 55 54 -50 44 33 39 32 35 30 30 Willett..................... 24 29 28 23 30 22 14 21 20 16 9 16 9 4 Total.................. 756 822 608 - 722 720 668 571 566 507 429 400 412 289 281 DELAWARE COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Andes...................... 96 86 51 59 70 57 65 48 41 35 35 31 22 26 Bovina...................... 30 34 29 39 32 21 21 20 21 23 H 20 16 18 16 Colchester................... 95 80 59 48 65 61 35 47 37 38 27 27 18 15 Davenport................... 74 81 50 53 72 63 43 41 44 43 31 24 19 Delhi....................... 89 79 65 95 -82 73 69 71 47 53 44 39 27 18 Franklin..................... 104 92 101 109 88 96 63 51 57 56 51 58 33 47 Hiamden.............i....... 58' 40 40 56 58 53 35 29 31 29 20 23 20 1 Hancock../..I............... 103 73 66 72 96 51 51' 4 43 40 35 30 23 14 Harpersfield................ 59 57 33 45 33 19 20 23 28 23 23 20 26 Kortwright.................. 51 68 57 53 53 42 49 51 29 36 31 20 18 30 Masonville.................. 60 56 56 53 39 31 22 32 41 31 16 22 14 16 Meredith................... 40 47 40 54 50 46 36 32 28 27 17 17 16 14 Middletown................... 112 102 73 62 82 66 66 56 59 40 35 40 26 16 Roxbury.................... 67 72 48 74 76 60 55 43 48 40 30 28 32 13 Sidney...................... 51 59 31 50 72 44 42 44 37' 36 33 25 19 16 Stamford.................... 46 65 51 4 5 45 30 37 27 30 27 29 27 17 Tompkins................... 106/ 121 88 1 125 94 86 69 69 56 48 31 31 33 Walton............... 88 84 81 81 61 59 59 71 53 41 43 42 34 35 Total............... 1,329 1,296 13026.1; 153 1, 995 846 805 7353.566 525 417 396 DUTCHESS COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Amenia.................... 9 84 84 65 80 55 44 59 3 35 0 1 |3 34 21 30 Beekman.................... 29 33 33 49 39 28 28 20 25 15- 16.8 11 Clinton................. 47.66 53.58 66 52 45 38 47 32 21 30 18 12 Dover................... 68 66 62 63 69 45 51 51 37 25 29 33 22 17 East Fishkill................. 68 74 55 71 75 53 60 45 35 25 36 49 33 22 Fishkill.................... 311 332 242 288 266 226 186 172 143 134 132 153 69 92 Hyde Park.................. 83 91 78 88 80 66 58 70 42 39 38 37 15 13 La Grange......... 56 73 55 72 64 50 46 41 42 27 29 23 26 17 Milan.........40 46 33 37 59 33 32 30 27 30 20 33 20 26 North East.................. 81 62 51 49 79 38 45 47 37 21 22 28 12 19 Pawling..,.. 48 49 40 521 54 41 42 43 35 28 21 29 19 21 Pine Plains.................. 44 42 28 34 44 41 33 27 24 17 241 19 15 24 Pleasant Valley............... 57 60 39 69 70 54 49 47 42 41 47 33 36 25 Poughkeepsie.. 97 104 77 96 107 75 96 60 57 40 43 55 29 24 Poughkeepsie city: lst ward.. 120 105 109 109 98 94 4 81 40 29 39 38' 13 15 2d wrd.. 126 118 64 90 114 78 72 59 50 38 26 31 23 22 3d ward.. 60 96 55 79 57 60 46 79 48 45 32' 36 18 27 4th ward.. 9 103 1 63 Aq 89 II 73 68 49 i4 38 A 46 R 30 A 37 21 37 5th ward.. 73 90II 45 /72 I' 42. 45 39 68I 3o0 / 34II 35 / 34 1 7 23 ~t wr.. 4 5 38 3 6 51 36 3 23 45[ 28 27 14 24 Total Poughkeepsie city...527 —70 37~4-1"-2.-4-47-39-6 336 I 398 29 3.10 3 06 4 Redhook...........9........ 86 91 79 9 119/ 69I/ 63/ 63 / 47 46 t 361 46'[/ 34 35 Rhinbeck.....I......['112 113 911 123}1 128 1001/ 94 89// 58 641 44I 41~/ 41 45 Stanford.,.................... 83 7 3 0 7 0 3 4 3 3 4 3 2 2 ~*Union Vale......... 3 36{I 48 { 42 50 42{ 43 { 32l{ 32{ 25 I 23} 17|l 16 6 Wahntn..;.............. 79 0 6 8.86 7 61 2 5 57 6 3 0 34-~ 1~ [I1 [. ] Total..................../2, —'5|-2,1-49 [1, —-— 8 2,011 2,049 [1,601 1,5 |144 1,8 978 888 943 I 5921 642 ERIE COUNTY —(CoNqTINUED). Alden....................... 76 69 71 4 7 7 52 47 37 41 40 42 35 20 Amherst..................... 142 133 10 13 3 9 93 62 7 61 62 57 3 28 Aurora...................... 8 73 56 9 7 4 61 60 4 36 43 6 3 37 Boston...................... 4 48 30 6 4 3 34 34 2 23 26 3 2 10 Brandt...................... 4 3 2 6. 36 29 28 2218 22 4 1 22 Buffalo city' 1st ward........ 31 21 26 29 6 11 90 15 6 65 81 8 2 28 2d ward........'231 2 14 11 19 18 23 97 8 49 58 8 3 18 3d ward........ 268 46 10 10 13 2 86 68 7 68 36 7 3 23 4th ward........ 259 55 18 2 36 18 111 2 8 69 64 9 4 39 5th ward........ 512 1 1 35 38 9'9255 219 19 i6 5 9 10 5 66 6th ward........ 372 346 33 0 36 27 80 14 12 104 91 1 4 51 7th ward........ 37 40 30 25 35 26 80 169 11 111 96 90 5 65 8th ward........ 27 17 15 18 12 14 17 94 5 35 48 4513 9th.ward........ 224 08. [3 11 9 10 10 11 7 57 52 55 3 36 (Continued on page 3I.) CLASSIFICATION BY AGE AND SEX. 29 CORTLAND COUNTY- (CONTNUED). 70 75 so 85 90 95 100 and under and under and under and under and under and under and upwards. Unknown. TOWNS.75.8so 85. 90. 9- 1~0. Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females Males Females Males. Females Males. Females Cincinnatus................. 12 8 11 8 4 6 1 2 1 1.................. Cortlandville................. 47 48 33 20 23 12 6 10 I I................. 10 7 Cuyler..................... 12 9 9 8 2 5 3 2...... 1..................... Freetown.. 3 4 3 I 4 4 3 1...................... 1 H arford..................... 9 7 3. 4 3........................ 1......................... 1 Homer....................... 31 32 24 16 6 15 2 6 4.............................. 1...... Lapeer.....6............... 6 1 2 5 4 2 1 2................................... M arathon.................... 9 7 4 5 3 3...... 1......................... 8...... Preble....................... 10 12 11 9 2 2 2 2...... I.................. 3 Scott........................ 17 10 8 5 5 2 1 1............................ Solon....................... 4 2 5 4 2 2 3.................................... 1 " 11 Taylor....................... 6 2'4 6 4...... 2............................... Truxton........ 11 13 5 7 5 7 1 2...... 2...... 2 Virgil...................... 16 12 11 12 5 3 4 2..... 1....................... 2 2 W illett.....2...................................................... 2 Total......... 204 172 138 112 73 61 29t 81 6 7.......I........ 2 26 19 DELAWARE COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Andes....................................... 5 6 Bovina...................... 6 9 3 5 2 4 3......... olchester..................... is 8 9 3 3................... Davenport................. 12 15 12 10 7 7'2...... 1...... 1........................ Delhi....................... 25 30 15 14 4 11 3 2 1 1 1 1...... 1 9 3 Franklin.............. 31 37 27 22 12 6 4 3 1 1................... Hamden................... 22 11 4 10 3 2 1 1...... 1........................ 1...... Hancoc'k............. 7 10 17 7 2 2 2 I...... 1........................ 2...... Harpersfield................. 7 18 10 4 4 4 1 2 I............................ Kortright.................... 23 13 11 7 3 10 3 3 2............ 10.... Masonville................... 11 6 4 7 4 3 3 1 1.............................. 2...... Meredith.............. 13 12 12 13 6 2 1 1............................ Middletown................... 13 21 11 12 6 2 2 1...... 2 1.................. 3 3 Roxbury.................... 14 21 15 14 4 7...... 1 2 1................. 6 4 Sidney....................... 15 11 7 8 3 7 11 1.......................... Stamford..................... 12 17 10 14 7 2 1 1................................................ Tompkins.................. 15 20 16 14 11 8...... 3............ 1.................. 2...... W alton...... 25.16 17 12 8 8 4 4 2.............................. 32 30 Total................... 282 288s 21 192 97 i 94 135 33 10| 9 5 3...... 1 77. 49 DUTCHPESS COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Imenia.......... 22 1001 3 4 3...... 25...... 3...... 1.......... 1...... Beekman..........:........ 17 11 10 9 5 2 3...... 2........................... Clinton...................... 11...... Dover....................... 1 8 4 9 7 7 2 2...................... 1 4 East Fishkill.........................0.................4 Gyde Parki.................... 13 6 7 1 2.................. 5 Hy ePark..................... 21 23 7 10 5 5 1 3..............'1............ 10 3 La Grange.....-...O.,......... 18 15 13 15 3 4 3 5........................ 1....... M ilan.......................................... 1 North East..................................3 3 Pawling. i8 16 9 1....... Pawlig.................... 1 9 7........ Pine Plains......,........... 1 94 3......... Pleasant Valley.............. 16 13 6 11 9 9 2 5 1................ Poughkeepsie............... -17 15 10 5 7 3 1.......................... Poughkeepsie city: 1st ward...... 2.................................... 2d ward.. 2:1 3d ward.. 15 21 9 11 1 2 1 3............... 3...... 4th ward.......................... 2...... 5th ward.. 20 76 3 5 2 2............ I...... 6th ward.. 15 25 4 6 3 2 1 2............................. 1 1 Total Poughkeepsie city...2 107 ~-33 47 iI13 22I 11 18 11 4,................ 9 2 R d o k.................... 24 2 1 13:................. Rhinebeck................... 27 39 I 12 12 1/ 13 16 4............................ 3 3 stanford..................... 11 1~7 1 0i 11 3 12..... 2..... 1i............ 1... ninV l............ 9 2 12 2 1 1 1..... 1................ 1}' W ashington.............. 31 19 15 18 6 3 74..... 1............ Total.......... 426 |4601 248I — {26| 2 141 { 54 ]| 74 || 5 |"'21 4... 1 52t. 25 Alde................... 1 2 0 7 2 2 2............ 1...............'.. * AmherSt;..................... 32 22 12 17 3 3 1 1 1.......................... 4:1[: 1:[[ Au ora..................... 2 " 1 0 8:: 12:: ~............... 9 (Brandt...................... 12 12 5 2 1 3 1......................::::::.... i......i Buffalo city: 1st ward..... 7 2 5 -............. 1 1 2!'1 2d ward........ 9 8 10,2 [ 0.... 2................... 102 2 3d ward........ 7 1 6 4 4 2.... I.... 1...... 1.......' 4th ward........'22 17: 13 8 5 3 4.... 2..........[[[[: 8 1 5th ward........ 25 3 1 14 6'4 5....................... 6th ward........ 28 2 1 7 3 "'4[ 2.................. 7 7th w~ard..... 27 2 2 15 5 4 2....3.................... 8t ad...... 1 1 4 2........ 2 1............... 3 0 9th ward........ 18 2 1 ]7 1 2 3...... 1.....:... 1 3 (Continued on page 32.) 30 CLASSIFICATION BY AGE AND SEX.0 ERIE -COUNTY-(CONTINUED). 5~~~~~10 1590 25 30 Under and under and under and under and under and Linder and under TOWNS. 5. 10. 15..20. 25. 30.35.. Males. Females. Males; Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Femnales Buffalo city:t 10th ward....... 396 367 398 35 333 371 283 395 235 389 197 322 182 257 llth ward....... 305 293 286 312 253 228 178 226 153 192 143 188 128 155 12th ward....... 426' 366 434 415 306 291 226 203 163 154 139 185 156 190 13th ward....... 183 162 170 173 130 135,78 95 75 72.68 79' 78 82 Total Iluffalo- city........7,050 6,923 7,069 7,027 5,080 5,232 3,894 4,466 3,475 4,7 346 3,995 3,091 3,578 Chictawauga.................. 205 195 220 214 193 171 130 114 86. 79 70 70 5 72 Clarence...................... 266 254 282 240 216 210 168 153 144 156 104 117 106 115'Colden........................ 90 72 110 95 99 74 60 70 55 49 42 41 40 61 Collins...................... 112 98 125 113 103. 104 107 111l 99 98 78 0 66,Concord....................... 144 146-, 162 180 166 155 131 145 1I19 117 86 97 87 91 East Hamburgh.............. 147 132 156 155 ~6 101 80 921 * 78 81 50 73 6 79 Eden............ 179 163 175 155 156 150 125 123 78 99 63 73 62 72 Elma................ 255 240 239 235 211 182 102 115 84 94 79 76 68 98 Evans.................... 165 137 162 164 155 182 121 102 109 121 94 98 76 75 Grand Island.............. 110 144 98 100 73 64 49 39 38 43 30 46 52 4 H amburgh.................... 265 217 218 242 221 193 140 144 99 96 79 100 83 92 H1olland.................. 95 101 110 85 94 100 90 75 56 59 46 46 43 55 Lancaster................. 279 308 426 383 269 261 145 192 105 136 84 105 111l 120 Marilla....... o............... 106 114 98 106 84' 79 72 78 60 61 65 70 55 69Newstead............... 189 22 210 198 204 159 160 142 134 166 107 108 113 112 North Collins............... 118 116 170 155 109 109 83 84 51 68 49 56 50 50. Sardinia..................... 104 98 103 94 134 114 100 94 59 70 67 55 47 55~ Tonawanda............. 240 259 216 255 181 196 117 105 92 147 117 98 82 104 Wales................... 77 82 84 117 78 75 83 78 60 74 47 41 4 41 West Seneca................. 271 257 320 248 265 21.0 131 13 81 6 8 96 101 109 Total,............ 11, 396 11l., 094 11l,781 |ll,492 8,950 ~8, 8 70 6,695 ~7,2~35 |j 5,561 |'6,873 ||5,27-8 5l 9l. ||4,8381| 5,553 ESSEX COUNTY. Chesterfield................. 158]191~ 186 189 197 193 141 157 93 113 |:76 98 60 76 Crown Point..... 4............ 174 188 177 167 148 135 115 120 110 130 10 100 78 81 Elizabethtown................103 109 113 108 86 101 79 71 71 79' 71. 62 50 52 Essex......................... 85. 86 87 99 95 106 71 73 48 77 53 73 36 40 Jay............. i............ 138 123 191 192 161 169 121 126 80 91 67 * 78 56.66 Keene........................ 47 53 46 55 59 61 40 38 31 30 19 15 14 21 Lewis.,............. 0....... 106 1Il1 115 114 125 94 90 89 69 81 70 81 54 53 Minerva........ o............. 90 94 71 70 64 57 56 45 51 3 40 28 Moriah....... o.............. 372 372 360 305 248 248 223 195 210 225 228 176 164' 145 Newcomb.... 5 14..1 9. 13 7411 7 9 8 13 7 11 4 3 7 6 North Elba.................. 22 14 23 24 21 20 20 15 18 15 14 14 8 9 North Hudson.:..... 50 43 * 4 3 3 34 28 30 2 4 8 2 3 1 St. Armand.................. 16 18 18 18 16 13 20 20 -14' 11 16 14, 13 7 Schroon........... 112 110 122 122 112 70 81 70 70 84 64 72 63 55 Ticonderoga.................. 168. 176 159 162 160 123 135 148 119 122 94 98 89 78 "Westport................... ill 96 97 97 91 95 85 95 60 83 48 64 43 67 Willsborough............. 76 92 87 109 93 84 77 72 53 60 42 53 29 51 Vilmington......... 48. 50 68 65 51 56 45 52 27 32 19 25. 19 20 Total...........1,881 11,940 11.,971 1,941 1, 769 I1,667 I1,440 11,423 1,159 |1,312 | 1,044 |1, 09.6.845 | -874 FEANKLIN COUNTY. Barigor.....................131 133 160 139 134 147 115 101 88 79 82 72 47 7 Bellmont.................... 127 92 109 113 84 106 106 88 68 60 46 53 35 32 Bombay................. 126 107 126, 103 114 133 110 85 64 76 48 68 25 46 Brandon...............'44 57 60 72 64 44 36 41.25 25 23 28 17 29 Brighton...1......7.1...6.12 14 11 7 2 6 12 11 5 4 7 8 9 8 Burke................. 127 119 133 103 145 143 91 114 75 80 51 67 48 55'Chateauga....... -185 199 217 184 193.199 153 151 118 123 102 88 63 81 CLASSIFICATION BY AGE AND SEX.S1 ERIE COUNTY-(CoNTINUED). 35 40 4:5 50 55 60 65 and under and under and under and under and under and under and under TOWNS. 40. 45. 50. 55. 60. 65. 70. Males. Females. Males~. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females Buffalo city' 10th ward...... 189 250 175 205 192 161 129 96 79 95 71 63 31 46 l1th ward....... 142 126 106 117 114 88 90 80 49 32 27 40 27 25 12th ward... 178 182 155 143 135 105 102 87 69 48 69 37 31 24 13th ward....... 87 69 52 51 65 33 33 28 22 12 26 17 13 9 Total. 3,426' 3,312 2,498 2,647 2,923 2,003 1,670 1,435 1,052 840 809 751 435 443 Chictawauga................. 67. 73 53 68 75 62 66 44 55 41 33 32 33 16 Clarence............. 138 98 86 84 99 74 83 58 65 47 40 49 44 29 Colden............. 3.1 9 19 50 33 43 30 33 20 28 18 1,9 19 16 Collins.................. 66 77 63 54 65 44 37 37 44 38 34 21 34 23 -Concord........... 89 101 66 70 80 72 53 64 56 59 54 49 41 33 ]gast Hamburgh,,............. 93 74 65 66 55 44 42 39 38 36 32 35 23 Eden........................ 62 65 67 51 67 51 42 36 32 36 34 37 25 29 E. lma.................. 96 81 75 88 119 69 74 35 30 26 29 26 15 14 Evans....... 93 89 61 67 85 66 59 52 38 41 30 34 25 Grand Island.................. 45 35 29 26 45 19 22 9 13 13 13 8 8.1 Hamburgh.................. 84 109 85 70 97 64 65 52 51 39 42 37 28 34 Holland......59 40 35 47 44 35 34 32 22 17 17 19 11 1'Lancaster......... 124 139 121 99 122 96 62 58 75 55 56 44 34 2 Marilla..................... 68 53' 46 44 54 32 30 26 17 16 -24 26 24 17 Newstead.................... 102 9 73 97 109 56 64 54 54 51 51 27 32 3 North Collins.. 54 57 49 55 47 27 28 33 31 27 32 25 16 14 Sardinia.................... 55 69 67 60 70 39 29 35 39 24 21 25 17 17 Tonawanda.................. 91 89 88 79 107 51 56 55 43 22 35 25 21 19 Wales.34 54 29 42.51 38 23 32 27 18 30 13 12 18 West Seneca.,....,... 115 99 83 96 123 78 63 40 47 38 34 29 36 20 Total.................. 5,379 5,209 4,051 4,278 4,854 3,353 2,900 2,484 |2,045 i,66 1 1,o0 87 972 ESSEX COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Chesterfield............... 78 94 58 6741 84 5 444 48 28 2 Crown Point................. 81 83 68 72 87 60 39 37 53 25 25 34 30 29 Elizabethtown............... 52 42 26 27 40 38 34 23 34 23 12 12 16 8 E ex....................... 50 55 29 29 43 32 24 25 18 20 30 22 0 21 18 Jay........................ 54 60 48 50 67 46 39 39 37 30 28 31 23 19 Keene.................. 26 27 20 22 23 18 13 11 14.9 15 5 4 9 Lewis................... 54 43 28 47 50 37 32 35 35 27 29 22 18 11 Mineva..................... 34 30 16 17 27 23 23 11 17 13 15 9 8 3 Moriah'............. A 153 133 112 106 113 955 43 38 30 24 26 Newcomb.................... 3 2 5 5 21 3 2 2 6 1 1 1 North Elba................... 10 5 8 3 15 16 9 2 4 3 5 3 2 4 North Hudson.....,..'.......... 18 11 14 7 20 11 11 7 10 12 6 4A 7 4 St. Armand................... 4 8 4 7 9 6 3 5 7 6 8 3 4 3 Schroon................,,.... 47 40 47 41 38 35 34 30 15 22 31 20 24 19 Ticonderoga.................... 83 69 49 51 83 65 63 48 50 41 39 29 J 23 21 Westport.................... 46 43 37 43 51 30 35 41 28 38 28 30 21 16 Willsborough.4............43 2 292 28 27 24 23 31 19 24 1 Wilmington.................. 18 18/16 18i25 1 10 16 12 1 168'otal.......2 86...... 852 8 614 655 / 829 612 || 54 456 385 4 o 3 /286 242 FRANKLIN COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Bangor'..... 59 73 53 57 67 55 42 40 31 1 31 3 29 [ 27 19 Bellmont..................... 38 52 29 24 36 26 30 17 i18 12 5 Bombay 34 43 29 32 37 31 22 31 28 24 31 21 29 Braadon..................... 39 32 14 15 18 24 14 9 17 9 12 10 10 10 Brighton..................... 5 3 2 4 6 4 11 3"2 -4 1 1 3 Burke.;....................... 41. 47 48 61 55 48 38 41 28 28 35 27 21 12......... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~42 17 17 Chateaugay.................. 65 81 61 70 80 50 49 56 44 42 37 29 17 17: Constable................ "". 34 34 38 56 2838 42 23 17 24 19 23 17 Dicknon.................... 47 45 4 48 48 2 21 32 9 28 30 2 19 1 ])lane....................... 7.7 592451... FotGvigo................62 642 4 56 4 55 2 45 4 34 0 6 1 Franklin..................... 28 3 i / [g16 2[525 3 2 20 2 9 11 19 0 Harrietsown.......,.......... 10 6 7138 28 55 Malone.................. 165 18 2 50 7 4 16 1 15 93 0 4 2 Moira....................... 49 54 4 2 3 4 25 34 29 21 24 2 25 1 Wetil................... 3 39 7 3 43 8 3 27 4 2 2 15 16 11'i Tota.................... 720 799 588 ~~1 | 69 70 6I 02 522 513 448 397 407 - 4 16 2234o ~~ t ~ FULTON COUNTY-(,CoNINzuED). Bleecker......................1 39 31I. 26 23 33 29'20 9 23 18 10 6 7 3 Broadalbin.................. 52 72 49 75 70 68 71 68 44 53 46 42 42 23 Caroga...................... 21 23':i7 18 12 1L 16 9~ 8 9. 8 8 12 2 Ephratah.................... 67 51 53 56 58 49, 47 40~ 35 34 35 28 23 25 Johnstown................... 327 331 243 279 262 225 173 169 129 122 113 111 79 77 Mayfield.................... 60 69 46 63 77 61 50, 42 44 41. 28.40- 36 31 Northampton................. 53 52 44 58 58 40 38 42 36 34 38 - 24 19 26 Oppenheim................... 69 62 49 41 55 39 49 47 45 40 46 38 21 16 Perth...................'... 30 31 9 3 34 23 32 27 15.20.23 15 7 10 Stratford......................31' 41 18 19 30 21 31 2.4 17 12.16 15 12 4 Total........ 7 4:......73 [...... 79 6 564'.663.....689I /.566 || 527-'477||i 396 383.!1 363 - 327 _ 258 217 S2 CLASSIFICATION BY AGE AND SEX. ERIE COUNTY-(CONTINUED). 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 and under and under and under and under and under and under and upwaxds. Unknown. TOWNS. 75. s0. 85. 90. 95. 100. Males. Females'Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females Buffalo city: 10th ward....... 14 20 9 15 14 18 1 3...... 3...................... 1 2 11th ward....... 15 10 6 5 2 2 3 1................................. 4 7 12th ward....... 33 27 15 12 8 9 5 2 2........................................ 13th ward....... 4 1 2 3 2 2................................................ 1 1 Total Buffalo city......... 230 251 127 123 63 80 26 26 6 7 2 2 1 1 41 159 Chictawauga.......... 14 18 10 7 3 5 4 2...... Clarence..................... 24 22 14 10 5 5 1,1 1 1......................... 1..... Colden.................... 8 7 5 2 3 2....................... I............2...... Collins...................... 20 16 6 4 5 1 3...................................... Concord..................... 28 20 12 13 7 8 1........................ 2 5 East Hamburgh............... 17 15 9 14 7 4 1 2............................................... Eden........................ 23 20 9 15 3 1 4 1 I I........6 1 Elma........................ 12 12 10 5 4 4 2 1.................................... 2...... Evans........................ 1........................... 12 13 Grand Island................. 6 2...... ~......................................... Hamburgh............... 25 21 14 15 8 6 3...................................1 Holland....................... 6 12 9 5 1 3 2 1 1............................... 2 1 Lancaster.................... 18 23 14 9 5 3........................ 2 2 Marilla....................... 10 10 4 9 I 1............ Newstead..................... 19 21 17 8 4 4...... 3 1 1........................ 15 North Collins............... 10 15 4 6 2 5 3................................... 2 3 Sardinia.................... 16 16 8 9 4...... 1 2............ i........................ 3 Tonawanda................... 15 7 8 7 5 6 I.......................................... I..... W ales....................... 9 15 8 6.................. 2............ 1............................. W est Seneca................. 18.6 6 3 1 2 1............................. 1 2.Total....................:646 626 359 318 162 157 64 53 15 12, __8.... 2 | I 95 2o2 Total~~~~~~~~~~ ~.....;.........:.95......,........:. ESSEX COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Chesterfield.......... 8 6 4 i 3 8.................................. Crown Point................. 24 23 17 8 6 4 1 2 I.................................... lizabethtown................ 9 9'12 7 5 1 2.......................................... Essex....................... 15 11 6 2 6 5 1 2...... 2 2.................. 2 2..ay...................... 13 10 8 6 2...... 1 2 1............................. 3 3 K eene....................... 4 5 8 5...... 1 1 1............................................ ewis................... II 12 5 1 3 1 3 i 1 1.............................. 4 M inerva..................... 5 8 5 4 3 2...... 2.................................... 2 2 Moriah..................... 8 15 15 19 6 6 2 3 2 1 1.................. 2 2 N ew com b.................... I I...............................................*........................ North Elba................... 3 2 1 1 3 2................................................... 1...... North H udson.......... 4.............................. 1......................... St. Arm and............,...... 2 1 2...... 2...... 1..................................................... Schroon...................... 8. 8 4 4 3 1 4 4...... 1........................'! iconderga...................2 13 I 7 8 4 2 1 4...... 2....................2 W estport................ 18 20 4 11 5 5 1 1.................. 1............ 2.... W illsborough................. 12 10 8 2 3 4 1........................................... W ilmington.................. 10 5 4 6 2 2 I 1..................................... Total......................... 30 _ -2 6 FRANKLIN COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Bangor............ 24 20 6 6 3 2 2.2 2.......................................... Bellmont...................... 8 6 3 2 3 1 1...... 1.......................................... Bombay.................... 13 8 7 9 3 2 2 1...... 2............. 1.................. Brandon......................, 8 2.2 4...... 1........................1,.............................. ~Brighton............................ *.... 1..........................................................................." Burke................................. 2...... I'............... 2'" 1 Chateaugay.................. 27 10 10 14 8 3 4 2.................. ~ 1............ 5 5 Constable................... 13 11 6 4 6 5 2...... 1.............................. 1...... Dickinson.................. 12 2. 6 3 2 3 2............ 1........................ 43 D uane....................... 2 2...... 1, 2................................................ Fort Oovingto............... 13 8 12 5 5 4 2 ~ ~ ~71........ i;~ ] i ~11.............. 2..... Franklin..................... 6 4 6 2.,..... 1 2 1 3 2 2 2...... 1, 2...... ttarrietstown................. 2............ 1 1...... 2........................... ~............... 21 Malone..................... 34 27; 18 15 11 15 3 4 1 2 1.............,................ M o r................ 3 9 8 3 4............ 1...................'......... 0 1 W e t il.................... 9 3 7 5............................. Total.................... 192t |o 13 0 0 5 5 2 3 l|7 ^ 8 2 FULTON COUNTY —(CoNTINUED). B e c e........................ 4 1........................... 1... Broaaalbin.............. 21 22 8 1............ 1 Ca og............... 7 3 1 2 1................. 1................ tephratah.................... 19 13 14 10 6 5 1 1...... 2................................... Johnstown ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~:8 5 2 i.... i..... i'....'...... 4 3 3 0 8 2 1 5 " 2 1 2.......'..... 8 1 M a fild................ 23 12 1..... 1 1 1...... 1............ 11... CNaogtampo................. 9 13 1 2 1 2............. 1............................... 2 Mayfe ld i................... 14 2 3 12 11 9 9 3!..... 111....... 1............ 1............ 3 Northapo..................... 19 1 3 7 10 5 1 2 2.......2.............................. 2.... Oppenheim................... 1 4 3 3 21.... 4 2........ 1....................... 1 Total............,.,,,... 166_ i 54 [ 97} 103 4 44"'| 15 } 21 I _9^ -6 3 | 3:..-..... i..... 26| 2 CLASSIFICATION BY AGE AND SEX. 83 GENESEE COUNTY. 5 ~ ~10 15 20 25 30. Under and iunder and under and under and under and tnder and under TOWNS. 510. 15. 30. 35. 30. 35. Males., -Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males.'Females. Males. Females Alabama...................... 109 117 116 125 90 96 95 84 77 78 84 77 57 62 Alexander................... 101 86 109'107 104 81 81 102 55 91 71 80' 63 58:Batavia..................... 390 351 401 358 332 300 259 302 248'274 206 251 176 233 Bergen 103 91 123 124 103 93 76 105 71 68 64 71 59 61 Bethany................... 103 71 86 95 83 78 62 69 85 62 74 45 60 Byron................ 94 81 91 82 64 81 69 84 65 84 61 78 70 68 Darien...................... 128 126 141 140 120 113 106 80 74 96 67 84 57 69 Elba............... 123 127 153 162 83 97 77 109 90 103 74 75 61 LeRoy.................... 243 247 278 247 209 -216 189 198 150 189 144 189 112 169 Oakfield...................... 100 92 129 80 94 71 76. 79 68 57 51 48 41 42 Pavillion..................... 85 92 88 89 76 65 62 73 73 60 63 64 49 72 Pembroke................... 175 178 171 175 139 157 139 146 108 122 83 109 83 86'Stafford..................... 105 107 122 102 102 109 109 94 79 76 56 55 60 _55 9 766 2,008 1,886 1,599 1,562 1,416 1,518 1,227 1,383 1,086 | 1,255 933 1,097 GREENE,COUNTY. Ashland..................... 77 71 61 64 59 61 52 53 39 47 39 47 26 33 Athens.................... 177 170 184 203 163 176 157 138 134' 144 97 123 101. 99 Cairo......................... 101 112 111 108 134 107 98 110 88 95 80 94 70 72 Catskill................... 402 359 484 445 359 326 320 403 247.346 231 290 168 219 Coxsackie.................... 217 160 188 200 198. 196 179 176 168 190 139 114 108 149 Durham...................... 100 108 131 127 126 127 111 148 70 110 73 85 60 68 Greenville................... 108 122 134 114 134 113 109 100 95, 107 74 78 69 95 Halcott................... 34 21 38 40 21 26 24 19 20 18 15 21 6 15 Hunter..................... 102 113 108 113 113 99 101 82 75 6 55 50 45 58 Jewett....................... 63 50 69 77 67 53 68 75 50 48 30 47 35 39 Lexington.................. 75 85 98 92 102 86 92 86 63 75 44 35 38 50 New Baltimore............... 143 148 157 169 154 124 125 115 122 121 88 117 95 82 PrAttsville................... 82 77 85 91 97 90 77- 83 84 75 46 51 41 55 Windham................ 74 90 64 99 80 92 74 97 47 70 56 78 38 51 Total................... 1,755 ^686 1,912 1,942 1,807 1,676 1,587 | 1,685 1 1,302 1 1,512 1,067 1,230(1 900 | 1,085, HAMILTON COUNTY. Arietta.................... 41 4 6 3 6 Benson.................... 22 25 16 26 20 13 13 6 15 11 7 15 Hope........................ 50 55 42 48 33 45 23 36 15 25 26 15 18 22 Indian Lake............... 10 13 11 12 13 15 13 9 9 4 6 3 2 3 Lake Pleasant................. 14 22 18 19 23 15 12 15 9 10 10 12 8 10 Long Lake................... 23 20 18 19 14 21 12 16 14 12 9 6 6 8 Morehouse.................... 11 15 20 10 14 10 6 17 10 5 7 16 Wells....................... 49 44 49 49 37 43 34 41 28 30 -28 21 Total................... 183" 177" 186 | 175. 177 | 169 122 148 112 93 1,109 85 75 8 HERIC-IMER COUNTY. Columbia................... -80 67 98 96 86 72 94 99 88 93 65 65 56 63 Danube...................... 76'67 87 62 71 54 2 72 70 56 71 56 54 50 60 Fairfield..................... 100 80 86 63 78 67 85 106 104 102 80 80 51 53 Frankport.................. 151 175 202 186 173 171 143 138 141 146 122 130 82 103 German Flats................ 285 288 294 261 268 241 231 242 281 267 253 256 188 191 Herkimer.................... 166 172 204 197 142 147 119 143 138 134 104 144 76 101 Litchfield.................... 82 70 78 72 79 63 75 82 56 61 53 49 48 39 Little Falls.................. 333 309 283 335 273 311 229 284 261 343 228 265 184 227 Manheim..................... 130 133 110 110 89 98 86 77 74 87 68 80. 57.67 Newport.................... 102 110 112 114 103 102 95 108 75 104 66, 70 58 70 Norway.................... 60 70 69 57 71 61 53 60 50 47 40 52 24 33 Ohio......................... 55 51 51, 61 75 63 62 33 36 39 34 31 15 17 Russia......-,................. 95 81 130 110 119 a 114 89 100 74 92 64 85 56 67 Salisbury...................., 149 324'164 135 123 112 98 92 87 87 70 80 63 76 Schuyler.................... 96 94 91 90 88 61 81 91 67 93 61 69 50 60 Stark............;............ 73 82 79 99 78 72 68 74 65 80 62 73 49 60 Warren..~................ 73 82 83 70 76 70 69 74 78 85 55 78 56 58 W'ilmurt................... 16 11 13 11 14 6 6 7 11 2 3 5 6 7'4 ~Winfield...................., 83 73 95 75 85 59 11 67 71 56 78 57 69 47 _40 Totatl ~...~~..~............ 2,205"/ 2,139 //2,329 2,204 1/2,091 1,944 1, 822 1,951( li_789 _ _2,Q12_/,1,'ujI,l J,~a1543 J^736_ J)-j217 | 1,389 JEFHERSON COaUNTY. Adams,.................... 146 160 167 179| 147 176 150 199 159 175 124 156 115.11 118 Alexandria.................. 209 235 240 224 215 221 223 175 167 166 1.22 152 100 122 Antwerp..................... 167 175.171 167 166 181 192 180 140 172 118 125 110 131 Brownville.............,..... 175' 175 195 204 200 182 177 193 169 159 151 149 118 140 Cape Vincent................ 248 221. 221 246 203 197 175'203 138 163 120 146 9~4 110 Champion................... 95 98 101 105 126 103 106 106 97 101 67 104 60 64 Clayton..................... 287 298 328 322 299 221 242 217 181 181 152 185 135 14~3 Ellisburgh................ -259 295 285 243 295 274 228 282 225 267 164 250 170 208 Henderson................. 106 91 115 107 112 93 96 104 78 101 83 82 60 75 Houns~field,................ 136 143 150 133 142'140 166 122 155 159 91 114 85 85 Le Ray......................, 170 155 170 139 185 132 131 153 135 163. 121 129 71 94 Lorra~ine..................... 98 88 105. 111 95 82 97 63 59 85 60 62 41 52 Lyme.,.................... 141 163 143 -130 115 154 117.117 105 118 8 104~ 83 71 Orleans......,.............. 1~59 156 197 169 157 182 159 154 109 135 104 110'74 83 (Continued on pag~e 36.) 34 CLASSIFICATION BY AGE AND SEX. GENESEE COUNTY-(CONTINUED). 354:0 4:5 50 560 65 and under an dand und er and under' and under and under and under ~~~~~and uuder. an d under. 0 TOWNS. 40. 4: 505. 50. 55. 60. Males. F emales, Males, Females, Males. Femas l. Fem alMaMal, Fml Mals. Femal es emales Males Females Males Female Alabama................. 64 51 40 51 60 43 38 30 28 25 34 30 18 19 Atlexander................., 58 62 47 55 63 41 31 29 27 35 30 30 27] 24 Batavia..................... 201 219 175 182 176 141 136 112 99 85 74 85 51 42 Bergen'.................. 60 72 51 53 78 50 37 42 37 38 28 34 30 12 Bethany..................... 61 53 49 61 51 50 39 42 37 41 24 21 28 35 Byron.......................; 63 54 32 44 48 40 30 36 42 39 27 34 27 12 Darien...................... 80 70 48 67 65 48 64 43 42 41 40 22 27 31 Elba........................ 81 73 42 44 59 48 34 32 41 37 33 31 25 21 Le Roy....................... 131 144 125 153 146 135 96 84 61 68 60 67 53 36 Oakfield................ 53 51 42 41 50 40 18 26 23 19 22 18 20 20 Pavilion..................... 54 59 37 52 47 37 32 32 29 34 t 1 36 23 22 Pembroke.................. 83 86 72 72 96 82 57 54 71 50 33 38 28 34 Stafford................. 49 46 47 57 59 53 31 34 30 29 26 24 20 1 Total'.................. 1,038 / 1,040-807 932 998 808 643 59 567 541" 452 470 _ 377 j 323 Total ~~................. GREENE COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Ashland................... 40 1 35 28 36 20 22 23 19 15 23 171 11 14 13 Athensd..................... 05 105 1 61 72 86 71 72 55 36 50 41 28 31 32.Athens~..................525 5 Cairo......................... 67 74 49 61 73 76 52 59 50 43 33 40 25 25 Catskill..................... 212 267 188 6 210 179 109 106 110 111 76 66 58 53 Coxsaclde.;................ 109 108 82 115 17 85 68 94 73 73 57 56. 33 31 Durham..................... 85 82 62 80 81 68 56 65 62 58 35 43 28 39 Greenville................... 69 74 55 76 72 45 45 54 41 46 48 49 20 26 Durham~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 85 441 44 2I 41 Halcott...................... 16 13 1 1 9 12 7 7 6 10 8 4 4 2 5 Hunter...................... 41 31 29 59 40 31 32 25 22 22 32 17 18 9 Jewett....................... 32 23 24 37 21 30 30 21 23 12 10 10 10 13 Lexington.................. 50 49 29 47 49 36 35 31 29 26 27 24 12 18 New Baltimore............... 89 93. 53 72 84 62 67 64 46 46 34 30 27 21 Prattsville................... 44 43 26 30 46 47 24 28 31 23 21 17 10 13 Windham................... 49 65 41 51 59 33 29 27 30 33 23 29 28 27 Total................... 1,008 1o0571-738 921 970 792 649 6541 578- 574 458 4241 316 325 HAMILTON COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Arietta...................... 1 2 2 2 3 4....... 3 2 2 1 Benson...................... 15 10 6 6 7 5 6 5 5 5 2 4 6 1 H-ope....................... 19.17 17 7 16 9 13 11 12 61 7 2 4 4 Indian Lake.................. 8 5 3 5 10 4 2 4 3 2 1... 1...... Lake Pleasant................. 12 7 4 5 8 5 5 4 7 5 6 3 4 3 Long Lake................... 7 10 8 4 6 4 3 2 5 3 2 2'4 2 Morehouse.......... 7 8 3 6 8 1 9 4 7 4 2 5 2 3 Wells....................... 19 1216 21 1 14 15 10 13 7 6 9 6 7 7~~~~~~~~~ Total.......'............ 88 7 59 56 75 4 53 43 54 34 727 5 26 30:1 220 HERKILMER COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Columbia................... 57 54 1 44 60 55 46 31 33 341 25.26 30 26 22 Danube................... 53 49/25 28 30 26 27 18 23 31 32 25 20 Fairfield..................... 53 54 39 42/ 45 29 26 22 22 37 27 34 22 22 Frankfort.................. 91 105 71 79 105 80 81 70 l 55 541 37 44 32 24 German Plats................. 188 159 11 98 1 4 17 11 190 117 105 91 86 81 54 47 41 39 Herkimer...................., 110 104 7i9 72 82 72 67 - 5933 38 41 35 37 38 27 Litchfield................... 32 46 29 43 52 42 36 33 38 15 18 21 16 16 Little Falls.................. 194 178 112 174 175 151 127 112 1 85 79 I 54 72 43 47 Manheim................... 53/ 64 45 50 53 38 33 27 29 29 26 25 25 19 Newport...............,.....50 74 54.64 1 70 59 40/ 40 35 28 15 35 22 34 Norwayp...................... 33 30 2 6 / 23 28 20 19 13 16 26 16 16 10 Ohio........................ 32 22 12 32 401 25 20 24 33 11 13 11 7 7 Russia..................... 67 53 44 / 70 67 56 66 54 42 33 43 41 16 29 Salisbury.................... 63 68 48 44 59 42 57 43 40 37 I 35 31 13 25 Schuyler.......... ~~......... 54 38 39 39 56 36 30 34 24 24 23 20 15 18 Stark.......................} 64 45 36.42 57 35 39 24 23 21 18 16 14 19 arren.......,.............. 56 5211 45/ 43 53 48 II 24| 38 35 31 23 27 25 28 Wailurtre.................. 5 3 3 3 3 2 2 4 3_11 4 111 11 1. Winfield.................... 50 54 37 37 46 42 32 40' 32 33 30 28 24 15 Winotald....................,305 T252| 886 1, 095 1,260 94 865j 784: 691 627 1 536 561 41, 416 JEFFERSON COUNTY —(CONTINUED). Adams...................... 99 113 94 103 124 100 72 83 69 70 1 39 58 52 30 Alexandria.................. 99 101 65 98 110 76 70 65 1 56 49 11 37 36 42 24 Antwerp................... 94 101 86 76 84 71 61 / 52 49'/ 38 48 37 38 28 Brownville.................... 99 105 95 92 91 91 87 54 61 55 40 53 39 42 Cape Vincent................. 88 100 83 70 96 [ 68 63 54 64': 50 48 53 36 25 Champion................... 65 60 56 56 54 49 43 40 42 33 20 27 29 Clayton.................. 122 117 95 103 115 89 95 81 75 63 /~ 4 6 39 45 Ellisburgh................... 192 163 153 157 145 138 99 115 105 92 76 90 66 49 Henderson................... 60 59 73 63 40 45 44 43. 30 29 29 28 21 29 mounsfield................... 70 90 66 71 64 63 52 65 48 /60 64 43 37 33 Le nay..................... 81 95 76 71 83 75 75 63 II 63, 56 59 53 37 28 Lorraine.............'....... 34 53 39 4511 53 33 16 29 30 )! [ 23 24 18 18 Lyme................... 5 68 51 61 68 51 [I 51 48 45 37 l 3 2 25 29 Orleans............,......... 75 73 52 76 86 75 62 53 54 46 29 24 25 30 (Continued on page 37.) CLASSIFICATION BY AGE AND SEX. 35 GENESEE COUNTY-(CONTINUED). 70 75 so. 5 90 95 100 and under and under and under and under and under and under and upwards. Unknown. TOWNS.; 75. so. 85-90. 95. 100. Males. Females MF aales. Females' F M "' les. Females' Females Males. Females Males. Females Alabama..................... 11 5 4 8 2 5 1 2.................................... I 2 Alexander.................. 17 23' 17 7 7 6 3...................................................... Batavia...................... 39 38 24 13 12 11 2 2...... 3.......... I........................ Bergen...,.................. 26 25 10 5 2 1 2.......................................... 1 2 Bethany..................... 27 15 11 9. 9 4 1............ 2......................... 3 5 Byron............................................................ 2...... Darien....................... 17 7 3 3 Elba..................................... 1 Le-Roy...................... 37 37 19 21 12 13 6 6 2.............................. 7 5 Oakfield.................... 16 11 6 5 1............ 1................,............. Pavilion~...... 23 19 14 11 8 6...... 1 1...... 1 1........................ Pembroke................ 15 15 7 6 7 1............. 2...... Stafford....... 13 8 6 7 4 4...... 2...... 2......................... 1...... Total.................... 267 [ 236 156 122 84 63 25 22 4 10 3 1.... 1 21 17 GREENE COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Ashland..................... 7 6 8 6 1 1 1 3 1..~.~............. 2 Athens..................... 19 14 15 9 5 3 2 3 1........................... I Cairo........................ 9 21 21 13 11 9 4 2...... 2 1............ 76 66 Catskill.......................... 14 8 Ooxsackie................... 20 19 6 9 4 10 3 2. 4.......3....... I 1...... Durham.................... 28 29 21 14 12 8...... 6 1...... 2............ 3............ Greenville................... 16 19 7 9 10 4 2 2 1 1........................ 2' 1 H alcott...................... 1 2 I................................................................. Hunter...................... 8 8 7 3 3 1 1...... 1 1...... 1............ 12 7 Jewett....................... 17 6 10 5...... 2 1 2........................................... Lexington................... 7 7 4 8 1 3 3 2...... I................. 1 New Baltimore........ 17 24 14 3 7...... 4........................ I.............. Prattsville.............................. 4 1 Windham ~.......................1'' i!!'' W indham............ 16 8 11 8 4 6 1 2............ 1...... Total.................... 201 209 151 126 65 66 [ 24| 33 6'12 1 3: 2 1 4 110 87 HAMILTON COUNTY-(CONTINUED). A rietta....... 1............................................ Benson....................... 4 1 1...... 2.......................... H ope.............................................................. 3 2 Indian Lake...........................'Lake Pleasant............ 2.. Lake P easan.............. 2 2 1............................................................................. Long Lake..............................'......................1 M orehouse............................. W ells....2 3.................... W ells..................... 5 2 3.................................1............... Total................... 18 s18' 11 | 8 6....................... HERKIMER COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Columbia...................... 17 17 7 11 8 2 2 1...... 1 1................... Danube....................... 10 9 5 2 1 2.............. Fairfield.................... 8 9 4 4 6 2 3 2...... 1........................ 1...... Frankfort................... 22 20 18.8 2 5 3 2............................. 11 5 German Flats................ 19 20 12 12 4 6 4 3...... 2.................. 3...... Herkimer.................... 17 15 14 8 5 7 3 2 1.................. 1 1............ Litchfield................... 8 9 5 5 6 5 3 2....... 1...............,........ 2 7 Little Falls.................. 19 35 15 14 11 5 4 1 1 1........................ 10 4 M anheim...................... 11 13 8 5 7 1...... 3....... 1................................... Newport...................... 22 19 1.............. Norway................................................... 1 ohio......................... 5 2 1.................. i............................................ Russia...................... 1'"...... 1......... 1 Salisbury.................... 1 2 7 6 4 6......................... 5. 3 Schuyler................. 1...... 3 1 -2 1 8' 5..... i.... 6.................. Stark........................ 15 18 8 8 4 1....................... 1........................:::::::::::::: W arren..................... 15 16 11 4 7 7 2 2 2........................ 1...... W ilmurt........... 2 1 1..................'................................. w infela. ~.... i.... i..;...... i... 1 8 5 7 4 1 1.................. 2'' 1" JEFF]E'RSON COUNTY-( CoNTIN~UED). Adams....................... 29 32 2 2 | 18 13. 11. 8' 2 I......!................. I............. Alexandria...... ~.............. 30 [ 7 17 8 ) 7 1 3.' 1 2........................ 10. 10 Antw rp.................. 14 [0 20 13 4 4 3 3...... 1 1................. 1...... Antwerpll..'................... 25 [8 5 16 10 12 3 1...... 1 1 2...................., Gape ~incent;...... -.......... 27 24 ~ 3 13 7; 4 2'2 2...... 1....................... 1 Champion.................-..,5 17 10 13 8 9 1 3 I 1'.................... clayton.:......,............. 32 26 27 22 8 3..:...,......................................... Ellisburgh.................... 36:37 -3 34 5 23 4 6...... 3........................ 7 5 Itenderson............,.:.... 14 11 11 1 4 4 3 4...... 1 1................. 1 1 IHounsfield................... 20 17 22 15 14 6 5 5 1 1 1'............................. Le Ray...................'... 23 25 25 20 7 7 6- 4...... 1 1..................., 2 2 Lorraine..................... 13 8 6 0 3 3 1................................ /........" "'.......... Lyme....................... 17 14 6) 9 3 3 5....... 2.......... 2 2 orlean...,................... 17 18 18 1 7. 4. 4 1 1 "'::::........!....... 1:: 2:;::: (Continued on pagec 38.) ~6 CLASSIFICATION BY AGE AND SEX, JEFFERSON COUNTY-( CONTINUED). 5~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2 10505 30 Under and under and under and under and undei and under and under TOWNS. 5. 10. is. 1 0. 25. 30. 35. Males. Femae.ales. M s. Femae.ales. emales.Me. Females. Males. Fem ales. Mal es. Females.l Males. Females Pamelia.................... 126 143 175 151 136 122 111 124..ll 124 88 105 70 101 Philadelphia............... 109 85 97 103 103 85 106 88 75 82 69 70 54 54 Rodman..................... 76 74 80 96 79 72 99 91 68 72 60 74 39 59 Rutland..................... 99 111 119 94 88 81 107 97 91 109 90 87 68 62 Theresa..................... 161 145 148 149 153 150 136 131 100 118 93 114 83 78 Watertown................... 423 416 498 457 432 404 391 440 357 503 335 386 251 347 Wilna..................... 203 246 280 291 234 220 213 196 175 180 142 151 118 130 5Worth...................... 32 44 38 37 40 30 29 32 31 19 26 31 19 13 Total..,................. Total.................... 3,625 3,717 4,023 3,857 3,722 3,502 3,451 23467 2,925 3,352 2,469 2,886 2,018 | 2]340 KINGS COUNTY. Brooklyn city: 1st ward...... 363 354 311 319 236 281 216 264 297 447 [ 319 415 I 275 336 2d ward...... 589 596 488 499 408 391 366 400 375 496 442 467 354 419 3d ward...... 368 364 391 358 334 341 341 501 453 776 1 435 699 322 541 4th ward..... 605 559 573 564 499 525 512 657 573 765 587 699 497' 574 5th ward...... 1,250 1,232 1,121 1,181 872 934 706 876, 732 892 725 843 I 702 815 6th ward...... 1,777 1,803 1,615 1,634 1,136 1,424 913 1,420 997 1,717 1,087 1,681 1,046 1,418 7th ward...... 1,005 1,014 1,031 1,037 855 865 658 913 588 1,034' 528 858 497 696 8th ward...... 733 723/ 703 735 509 551' 367 413 354 / 438. 328 465 343 426 9th ward...... 1,723 1,687 1,775 1,706 1,285 1,327 835 1,089 725 1,075 758 1,090 791 990 10th ward...... 1,826 1,776 }1,780 1,710 1,439 1,452 1,200 1,486 1,132 1,905 1,093 1,600 111,033 1,384 llth ward..... 1,086 1,105 1,070 1,015 868 892 765 988 870 1,204 846 985 728 831 12th ward...... 1,084 1,012 995 1,007 719 730 434 490 387 494 1 467 532 515 557 13th ward...... 1,128 1,063 1,031 1,048 841 884 750 976 789 1,150 772 972 677 769 1i4th ward...'... 1,229 1,162 1,141 1,078 882 879 624 651 538 669 554 694 540. 649 15th ward...... 846 803 889 848 620 710 476 547 354 524 425 507 378 478 15th ward...... 2,142 2,073 1,947 1,941 1,268 1,309 823 931 613'894 728 969 929 1,055 17th ward...... 773 765 693 684 542 575 422 501 390 ~ 482.386 480 391 415 18th ward...... 451 452 427 501 375 358 1 276' 316 237 287 213 225 178 265 19th ward.... 511 463 476 486 403 420 340 441 312 533 331 415 11 286 359 20th ward...... 764 786 _821 802 640 656 554 840 583 1,041 529. 848 477 645 Total Brooklyn city....... 20,253 19,792 19,278 19,153 14,731 15,504 11,578 14,700 11,299 16,823 11,553 15,444 10,959 13,562 Flatbush................... 157 168 1 176 - 161 1 184 134 112 150 117 152 115 155 101. 121 atlads.................. 134' 137 121 101 ii 102 86 98 90 119 90 91 82 60 59 ravesend.................... 110 89 1 04 91 I 72 641 54. 41 95 98 88 94 74 62 New Lots.................... 416 438 376 385 231 265 150 202 136 175 172 204 196 211 Nlew Utrecht................ 213 2141 187 1891 152 164 121 161 165 201 157 184 109 144 Total.................... 21,283 20,838 20,22 20,080 115,472 16,217 112,11315,344 i11931 17,539 12,176 16,163 11,49914,159 LEWIS COUNTY. Croghan.................... 195 160 189 160 134 1141 87 691 94 76 74 63 59 66 Denmark.................... 106 91.97 116 1 08 100 121 123 83 118 86 82 56 81 Diana....................... 122 109 115 118 116 74 59 55 51 91 51 91 73 47 Greig..................... 132 114 142 139. 104 116 112 80 92 76 77 87 59 55 Htarrisburgh.................. 80 54 76 1 73. 78 73 57 63 57 47 37 38 42 High Market................. 98 83 116 90 70 76o 70 46 41 43 30 30 24 20 Lewis......................... 96 95 118 95 100 78 55 47 41 45{37 24 30 27 Leyden...................".. 102 108 98 93 87 91 88 101 80 83 65 73 51 79 Lowville.................'" 137 102 142 155 116 132 135 149 147 155 107 101 76 109 Martinsburgh................133 145 170 139 164 122', 149 129 115 134 82. 93 66 82 Montague..................... 45 51 38 58 51 52 36 21 21 26 -16 20 17 16 New Bremen................. 154 147 194 170 124 99 81 84 81 67 67 60 1 39 60 Osceola~................. 43 46 58 57 47 48 37 27 29 28 17 25 14 14 Pinckney................. 74 79 87 78 90 71 75 57 53 53 46 45 41 43 Turin....................... 104 89 921 77 119 87 78 73 74 84 66 67 5/ 55 attson ~........... West Turin............. 143 121 119 114 140 118 124 105 99 102 62 72 70 62 Total....................,819 i 1,646 I 1,1905, 1,443-| 1,2601,206 |1,273 970 1,024 798 8-9 LIVINGSTON COUNTY. Avon................... 185 186 180 1 t80 147 138 125 133 120 136 110 156 123 114 Caledonia.................... 100 84 [118 112 111 [ 95 68 74 72 66. 69 71 55 63 Conesus.................... 77 82 94 83 iI 82 65 71 62 37 56 54 61 30 44 Geneseo................... 164 173 182 177 1.46 171 145 138 144 139 92 127 103 122 Groveland................... 87 79 88 74 }} 97/ 81 68 77 57 70 48 59 35 43 Leicester................... 98 77 -97 102 94 72 85 95 631 79 51 66 54 77 Lima................ 179 164 185 185 150 140 120 154 111 147 95 130 55 119. Livonia..................... 165 138 152: 155 140 123 104 115 90 127 85 107 92 119 Mount Morris............. 179 200 227 180 210 189 195 204 160 1 l86 139 1x46 102 1 o32 North Dansville.............. 219 204 236 246 219 [206 155 207 116 204 136 148 106 135 Nunda.................... 145 157 191 178 176 166 112 118 {{ 133 132 92 117 69 100 Ossian..................... 32 62 54 52 51 40 50{ 51 1{ 48 48 33 30 24 -25 Portage..................... 64 73 84 89 89 87 78 78 49 59 32 60 33 41 Sparta................. 75 75 54 1 68 57 52 33 50 57 56 60 57 54 40 Springwater................ 5 1 15 140 138 133 125 130 98 97 101 87 84 70 74 West Sparta............... 77 81 93; 80 88 79 87 { 78 58 55 40 38 40 44 York.......~............. * 134 153 132 146 131 130 112 119 91 129 106 105 60 83 T~otal~............,..... 2, 2103 II 2,307 l 2!245 2,121.. 959,738.,851 1503 1.790,.329,562 1, 105 | 1,375 CLASSIFICATION BY AGE AND SEX. 37 JEFFERSON COUNTY-(CONTINUED). 35 40 4:5 50 55 60 65 and under and'under and under and under and under and under and under TOWNS. 40. 4:5-. 50. 5b. 60. 65. 70. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females.- Males. Females. Males. Females ~~~~~~~, - -... J -., ~......,.................,.,............. 0.5 7 4 3... Pamelia. 80 81 66 -55 68 57 56 52 43 41 433 34 23 Philadelphia............. 62 64 36 46 50 42 24 25 32 23 22 25 19 14 Rodman............. 51 64 48 46 58 47 44 44 30 39 28 15 19 18 Rutland................ 55 67 50 52 52 41 39 39 34 46 29 25 20 21 Theresa................ 77 64 47 76 76 51 45 54 52 35 33 27 25 28 Wiatertown............... 229 305 184 237 240 211 170 165 131 128 87 107 74 82 Wilna.................. 126 120 92 97 100 84 86 63 60'49 39 40 48 34 Worth................ 20 24 18 19 13 10 14 12 11 9 6 7 6 5 Total................... 1,935 2,104 1,629 1,770 1,872 1,572 1,374 1,302 1,182 1,080 896 876 747 664 KINGS COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Brooklyn city: 1st ward...... 232 253 185 182 171 123 - 138 103 62 3 51 39 18 20 2d ward...... 349 320 290 270 240 130 178 168 90 76 88 85 43 34 3d ward..... 301 352 213 335 258 190 163 190 97/ 105 98 87 67 58 4th ward..... 38 399 286 342 350 250 236 250 134 125]. 111 130 51 72 5th ward..... 632 648 516 551 547 -328 367 335 179 152 182 178 59 66 6th ward.... 860 1,025 734 804 691 495 443 408 203 223 164 189 85 117 7th ward...... 522 593 397 489 468 358 318 312 160 148 132 134/ 65.87 8th ward...... 361 386 311 285 315 197 195 148 112/ 8 86 83 38 36 9th ward...... 828 914 658 726 744 449 454 405 218 196 182 189 83 101 10th ward...... 938 1,100 752 894 778 631 531 551 278 292 252 277 122 146 lth ward...... 615 642 480 549 522 396 370 340 217 196 165 139 71 85!2th ward...... 460 545 477 453 394 / 270 295 229 84 83 113 89 40 42 13th ward...... 659 629 465 499 517 416 369 305 192 177 146 180 82 84 54th ward...... 585 581 458 476 431 348 279.235 143 108 109 126 59 50 15th ward...... 478 434 329 301 362 218 196 170 119 92 79 83 42 37 16th ward...... 975 950 778 834 808 510 482 346 224 180 164 172 I 84 | 81 17th ward...... 414 374 263 262 343 213 201 167 93 88 70 82 4040 18th ward...... 251 218 153 183 209 125 120 90 75 70. 62 63 38 30 19th ward:..... 302. 297 219 262 258 188 141 125 99 84 71 66 19 31 20th ward...... 476 508 360 437 434 323 263 258 155 146 125 -148 57 78 Total Brooklyn city...... 10,625 11,168 8,324 —-,1349 8,840 6,158 5 5,79 5-135 2,034 2,677 2,450 2,5 1,163 1 —9 Flatbush...................... 89 84 61 78 68 58 51 48 31 33 35 40 9 13 ~Flatlands................... 60 61 64 49 52 34 31 33 25 16 19 24 12 15 Gravesend................... 59}.68 33 39 56 32 39 31 21 15 26 24 9 10 New Lot's................. 211 184 155 155 185. 105 83 64 57 57 45 38 28 25 New Utrecht................. 126 131 78 112 110 68 82 74 35 37 48 49 12 19 Total....................... 11,70 11,696 8,715 9,567 931 6,455 6,025 5,385 3,103 2,623 2,714 1,233 1,377 Total ~~~~~1, 170 1l, 696 _ 5,85,7105 1,377 LEWIS COUNTY-'(CONTINUED). Croghan.....................l' 78 57 49 4 48 442 35 27 34 23 24 21 Denmark................. 66 86 64 67 6 57 51 57 52 49.48 41 27 30 Diana...................... 56.47 37 34 34 48 25 31 21 20 29 22 10 13 Greig...................... 87 639 23 15 20 31 24 3 19 12 HIarrisburgh................. 32 38 29 35 41 31 35 15 19 1522 10 8 I~iffh arket............... 30 19 17 20 42 31 23 14 20 19 12 6 21 9 Lewis........................ 32 33 27 31 3 4 27 26 14 1 9 5 Leyden.............. I........ 69 63 50 42 56 45 37 38 32 29' 24 2 25 18 Lowville.......;............ 84! 81 69 55 51 54 3 35 45 44 Martinsbur................. 67 80 68 69 64 55 50 55 35 39 33 20 19 33 Montague.:.'............... 20 25 13 10 27 12 12 12 8 6 8 5 3 3 _Bew Bremen................. 51 68 44 25 64 39 31 27 25 29 23 22 25 20 Osceola....................... 23 23 16 19 35 17 13 10 10 12 9 7 12 4 Pinckney.................... 36 45 42 30 42 21 27 35 18 23 1413 14 Turin....................... 58 47 33 40 41 37 31 4 25 3 31 334 29 21 *Watson...................... 33 ~:26 1 5 29 28 18 23 13 18 17 1 I i5 1 i5 9 "West Turin................... 6(0 63 49 63 67 42 3 34 38 41[ 33 33 3 20 Total.......... 88,2 864 || 657 665 85 3 | 54 3 3 42 28 6 316| 5 LIVINGSTON COUNTY —(CoNTINUED). Avon..;.........,......"..'I. 1121 85 I 77 76 81' 62 63 61 I 45 ] 421 28 45 25 24 Caledonia................... 49 / 60 50/o57 55 38 39 321 26 2 3/ 25 22 17 15 Conesus..................... / 46 / 56{/ 43 33 41 30 31 33 25/ 16 16 8 15 15 Genesco....................../ 92 / 108 / 57 81 108 82 54 67 / 51/ 39 l 50 36 2 24 Groveland...................[ 40/ 43 2 9 50 o43 43 39 29 / /30/ 25/ 13 12 12 12 Leicester..................... / 62 / 51 / 37 47 54 33 33 34l 2i 18/ 31 22 18 24 Lima.....'.....'..'........... / 84 { 107!73 75 96 72 74 87H 57'[ 39} 46 41 38 32 Li~bnia.....................4 105 t 82 7i1 85 83 70 53 48l /46/ 43// 36/ 37 23 26 Mount Morris.........,....... 121 113l, | 83 119 1~26 123 100 81 [ 85 65 66 60 39 3i North Dansville'.............. 122'[ 127 ] 79 116 145 111 75 77[I 59 [ 45[ 46 42 2 30 Nunda......................" 86 ~ 93 63 84 84 69 60 75]] 56] 54[] 53 40 38 21 Ossian......................' 24 ~ 25[ 2.5 27 24 21 19 16[[ 19[ 17[ 15 11 15 7 Portage.,.................... 38 I 49I 37 46 48 32 32 29]1 16 1 7 24 22 25 1i8 Sparta................'...... 31 { 38, 28 28 34 27 18 21 I 20 1 3l{ 25 24 13 12 Springwater.........,........ 78 ] 64 63 64 71 52 44 33] 36] 301 30 23 23 20 "West:Sparta................. 45 ] 47 37 34 38 38 22 34 22| 18[I 19 12 18 17 York..,..................... q 95,~ 86 60 79 68 48 58 55 3I 2; 52 1 50 39 33 30 Total ~................120,3 92 111!119 5 1 1 66 5 _531 46 46 5 3 8 CLASSIFICATION BY AGE AND SEX. JEFFERSON COUNTY-(CONTTINUED). 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 and under and under and under and under and under and under and upwards. Unknown. TOWNS. s5. 8085. 90. 95. 100. Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females Pamelia......... -.................... Philadelphia................. 16 14 7 3 2 6 1 1.................................... Rodman..................... 12 10 13 9 6 5 6 1.............................. utland...................... 15 19 15 16 10 1 6 2 2.............................. 3 2 Theresa...................... 20 13 8 8 4 6 2 2...... 2...... 1......................... W atertown.................... 48 39 34 27 12 16 7 8 1 2...... 4......... W ilna................... 30 27 2 3 1 1 3......................... 2 W orth..............., 4 2 2 4...... 2........................................... Total...... 475 413 354 3 0 157 1 143 59 KINGS COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Brooklyn city: st ward....... 3 2 12...... 2............ 2 3 2d ward...... 2...... 1 2........ 9 17 3d ward...... 20 32 17 18 7'10 4 5............................... 22 16 4th ward...... 38 52 20 34 5 20 3 3.2.......... 5 10 5th ward...... 40 52 13 26 10 12 2 4 4 5............ 1...... 16 14 6th ward...... 41 102 34 48 12 30 5 6 1. I................... 10 8 7th ward...... 44 59 18 26 7 21 3 5.........'................. 8 9 8th ward...... 20 35 6 14 3 7 1 4......................................... 9th ward...... 43 57 23 42 13 22 3 4 1 2 1 2...... 1 110 116 10th ward....... 77 98 25 56 15 28 6 10 1...... 1 2 2 24 24 11th ward...... 46 69.17 28 4 23 8 3..... 2...... 2................... 12th ward..... 27 25 3 6 10 2 2........,..... 1............ 4 2 13th ward...... 38' 64 15 33 12 19 5 5 2 1....................... 22 5 14th ward..... 29 48 11 17 11 8 3 31......................... 1 7 8 15th ward...'... 25 20 21 14 5 8 3 4 2 1 1............................ 18 17 6 9 5 9................. I............. 10 6 17th ward...... 9 38 9 7...... 9 1 4............................... 4 4 18th ward...... 12 20 8 9 3 7 1 3....................3............ 19th ward...... 23 32 8 10 1 7...... 3 2.............................. 16 15 20th ward...... 42 73 22 45. 8 23 4 5....... I I............ I...... t Total Brooklyn city....... 661 967 308 469 133 284 61 85 18 22 6 14 2 4 274 260 -latbush..................... 16 15 7 14 2 6 1..................................... 1 7 8 Flatlands.................. 9 6 6 2 3............. 2............................ 7 3 Gravesend.................... 4 10 1 3 5 1 1................................................ New Lots.................... 1 4 New-Utrecht................ 6 19 5 10 4...... 1.......................................... 3 4 Total..................... 710 1,030 340 504 | 146 302 65.87 20 23 __6 14 __2 5 292 279 LEWIS COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Croghan.....................3................... 2 2 Denmark.................... 28 16 16 9 10 8 5 2 1.............................. 1...... DI iana........................ 15 10 5 7 7 1 1..................................................... Greig........................ 17 5 3 3 2'1 3 3 1 1......2........... 2 3 Harrisburgh.................. 12,8 2 6 4 3 1 1 1...... 1 1........................ H igh M arket............... 3 1....... 4...................................................... 1...... Lewis....................... 3 2 2 3 2 1............ I 1.......................54 Leyden...................... 17 17 13 9 4 2 3 2...... 1 4 4 Lowville............................................... Martinsburgh................. 14 14 8 12 11 2 1 2...... 3........................ 2- 1 M ontague................... / 3 3 1 2 2 I.................................... New Bremen................. 15 17 2 2 3 1............ I.............. 2 4 O sceola..................... 5 3. 3...... 3................................................. Pinckney...........4 5 6 8 4 1 2................................................ Turin......................... I 16 10, 9 13 3 4 2 1: 2 ~ 3 2.............................. Wratson.........'............. 7' 10 4 1 2 3...... 1................................................ W~est Turin..................' 14 13 13 10 6 3 3. 1..................... Total~~~~- 1! I...... /......!".....'"1.... "071010'"/ 38 |25 16_9_4_3........ 24"2 LIVINGSTON COUNTY-( COSTINUED). Avon........................1 15 12 10 11 5 4 3 7.I.....1.I......1......1..... 1|....... 1.....I 2 1 2 Caledonia..............;......[ 11 14 7 10 4 I 3 3......'.............................. " 3 3 Conesus..................... ] 12 12 3 4 4 1 1............ 2 1.............................. Geneseo..................... / 25 22 17 11 10 5 3 2 3 2.................................... Groveland.................... 10 7 6 10 5 4 3 1 1.............................,......'....... Leicester........,............,. 18 9 14 ~5 2 3 1 3................................,.. 1...... Lima........................ 16 16 11 15 1 4 1 4...... 2................................. Livonia......................1 19 24 - 11 11 5 7 2 2................................ 2 2 Mount Morris................. 23 21 18 21 8 2 2 7...... 2..... 1........................ North Dansville.............. 27 13 15 16 6 3 1 1 1 1..... 2.........'... 1 1 Nunda....................... 25. 28 6 8 3 6 1 1 3....................................... Ossian.........,.....'......... 4;6 4 3 1 1..........................,......... [.................... Portage........,./............. 18 20 6 3 2 4. 1 2 1............................ 1..,..... Sparta...................... 15 10. 9 4 4 4 1 1 1 1...................... 7 6 Spring-water.'................ 15 15 11 4 5....... 1............................................ 2 W est Sparta;.....'............ 12' 8 8 9 1 3 2...... 1...................,................... York........................ 33. 296 II 12- 154 7;] 57 I 1 -51t-........................ 3.. ——....-12- ~ 1 Total.................. 98 6 || 1 8 15 _ 3 5 || 2 3 1 10 _ _ _ _.......... 24 __ 1 CLASSIFICATION BY AGE AND SEX. 9 MADISON COUNTY. 5 10 15 20 25 30 Under and under and under and.under and under and under and under TOWNS. 510. 15. 0. 25'. 30. 35. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females Brookfield....... 188 183 162 161 187 190o 173-167-145 182-143 144 109 1 26 Cazenovia;................... 190 167 225 211 216 193 204 219 164 216 152 152 87 149 DeRuyter................... 85 89 96 82 92 89 110 89 100 91 63 76 65 52 Eaton....................... 174 212 256 216 204 179 191 224 148 199 157 168 125 146 Fenner...................... 71 73 65 73 73 85 69 70 65 61 55 52 36 40 Georgetown............... 80 68 88 98 85 80 77 75 61 57 45 67 555 2 Hamilton................ 138 124 151 165 166 138 178 168 148 159 104 149 84 154 Lebanon..................... 86 69 75 74 88 74 69 70 75 84 65 59 42 50 Lenox....................... 500 479 478 489 453 417 389 440 396 436 344 348 281 290 Madison..................... I ll 121 113 125 126 130 118 136 116 132 100 117 68 80 Nelson...................... 84 80 104 83 95 90 97 82 68 72 46 62 51 65 Smithfield............... 88 68 58 79 75 71 64 54 71 70 58 68 38 42 Stockbridge................... 105 102 108 102 125 122 113 95 84 90 72 89 56 70 Sullivan......................313 295 339 32 298 302 283 270.242 230 189 213 165 168 Total.................... [2,2131 2,130' 2,3'18'2286 2,28 3 2,160 2,13,5 2,159 1,883 2,079 1,593- 1,764 1,262- 1,484 MONROE COUNTY. Brighton.................... 231 234 233 226 181 186 158 113 138 156 124 137 94 139 Chili....................... 132 147 137 132 123 133 112 96 95 I111l 82 73 76 69 Clarkson.................... 87 89.136 128 113 9 112 95 65 82 65 61 38 63 Gates.......................,194 188 212 201 191 171 135 149 94 96 63 93 68 78 Greece..................... 25 3 242 295 275 268 244 259 265 241 196 161 137 102 135 Hamlin...................... 144 145 178 187 137 135. 111i 137 125 102 85 82 66 71 Henrietta.................... 151 125 141 136 114 113 95 97 98 91 75 90 62 82 Irondequoit.................. 253 232 276 275 228 201 178 181 108 120 83 84 79 99 Mendon..................... 177 161 160 163 149 145 141 130 126 144 119 136 96 111 Ogden....................... 162 146 178 156 147 132 131 124 120 150 81 20 90 95 Parma...................... 180 162 179 181 [155 157 147 162 131 110 99 116 79.105 Penfield..................... 182 149 183 210 175'160 143 165 139 123 92 117 101 99 Perrington................... 193 206 180 189 150 150 146 126 135 172 142 162 120 109 Pittsford.................... 141 102 130 116 115 110 99 85 70 108 I 72 80 65 85 Riga................ 151 129 177 122 97 100 93 101 73 115 83 98 62 70 Rochester city: 1st ward.. 67 72 76 101 84 104 115 147 171 182 I 122 136 105 82 2d ward..... 166 164 180 217 152 173 168 175 185 255! 166 183 124 134 3d ward......252 240 287 260 247 273 217 294 214 292 1814 249 161 182 4th ward..... 152 161 206 173 167 157 121 213 151 258 130 174 116 135 5th ward..... 294 320 351 335 281 233 211 253 200 263 160 185 121 173 6th ward.... 246 239 265 252 200 200 161 178 156 188 113 141 120 141 7th ward.... 148 158 180 156 138 124 115 131 109 150 88 137 75 111 8th ward..... 319 343 285 288 272- 277 177 255 189 267 138 158 122 175 9th ward..... 287 297 349 329 557 266 360' 2571 85 231 156 205 133 197 10th ward... 167 168 223 215 124 172 115 133 - 93/ 135 76 125 68 121 Ilth ward... 365 389 355 348 282 252 182 171 145 181 132 139 95 133 12th ward..... 236 233 213 236 233 234 113 98 109 152 90 108 92 119 13th ward..... 298 267 273 298 184 218 175 127 77 100 92 125 98 116 14th w'ard.. 211 -224 247 229 184 195 140 180 123 153 105 137 103 100 Total Rochester city...... 3,208 [ 3,275 3,490 3,437 3,105 2,878 2,310 2,612 2,107 2,807 1,749 2,202 1,533 1,919 Eush........................ 101 126 103 114 89 91 82 66 85 77 71 70 66 55 Sweden..................... 239] 207 254 242 229 217'174 221 158 210 139 133 112 176 Webster........... 151 140 175 175 178 141 148 116 105 120 92. 99 91 93 Wheatland................. 162 -145 188 174 171 128' 125 / 146 125 134 86 94 81 93 Total...............6,492 6,350 7,005 6,839 6,115 5,689 4,899 5,187 4,338 5,224 3,5634,184 3,081 MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Amsterdam...........284 274 292 293 299 291 256 274 235 304 1~4 199 158 171 Canajoharie.................. 276 263 317 323 246 222 198 230 189 203 161 171 106 138 Charleston.................. 86 79 90 85 108 79 83 93 85 72 63 62 57 55 Florida...................... 149 141 166 160 156 168 158 148 147 145 107 96 92 97 Glen........................ 141 161 155 133 150] 131 162 137 108 145 94 ~ 115 75 91 Sinden..................... 266 263 247 272 267 241 233 277 243 249 179 199 156 165 Mohawk.................. 190 173 184 182 157 185 * 159 138 134 155 113 133 74 99 Palatine.................'... 148 153 201 187 125 151 119 143 111 125 85 93 86 72 Root.........................162 144 156 136 137 151 110 123 113 123 88 110 87 83 St. Johnsville.............. 130 132 158 140 108 116 103 103 100 112 91 98 88 89. Total...*.................1,832 1, 783.1966 1,911 1,750|1,735 i,581 1,666 1,465-1,633 1,155| 1,276 979 |1,060 NEW YORK COUNTY. 2d ward..... 64 59 67 50I 45 [42i1 411 57 5 9 4 73 6 3d ard... 163 161 / 137 131 I121 1122 I 115 [ 138 19 25 1 21 9 189 4th ward.... 1,08711,1591/,2271,127II 893/825l/ 620 6 93 65 86 73 90 07 9 5th ward..... 1,120 /1,119l/1,044 1,012 /735/ 833/1 589 / 756 915 941 911 1,007 84 945 6thwad....1,252 [1,212 l1,361 1,342 H1,071[1,021 H 729 [ 874 750 941 897 977 79 942 7th ward.....2~,561/2,5832/,3612,283 1/,739/1,795//1,299 /1,688 1,653 2,112 1,679 1,949 1623 1,678 8thward..... 1,806]1,790H2,039 2,0i21],230[1,328H1,05111,746 1,260[1,954 1,558 2;,044 1151 1,323 9th ward..... 2,14412,108112,065 2',085/1,8641 195111,573 [2,047 1,678 2,560 1,7112;,230 1,57 1,832 loth ward..... 2,423 ]2,288 I1,909 1,936/1,310 /1,322//1,021 /1,341 1,225 1892 164 1,78 6 1,3 llth ward..... 4,779 4,728114,2974:,245[13,191{3,229 [2,021 I2,5171,4212225820,4 12thward...1,758 [1,638 [2,122 1, 937] 2,142 [1,5491lx 63.3 1,525 887 1,590 904 1,295 84 1,144 13th ward.....1,942:12,110 l1,726 1,751 [1,26o0 1,370 H 952 [1,221 931.1318 1,115 1,230 1,099 1,113 14tn ward.... 1,4951/,4081I,412 1,386I11,084 /1,152 I 802 /1,126 1,027]1,346 1,109 1,206 1, 013 1,122 15th ward..... 926/ 965l!1,051 1,037II973 [955[[865 [1,479 1,178 2,279 1,259 1,886 1,088 1,558 (Continued on page 42.) 40 CLASSIFICATION BY AGE AND SEX. MADISON COUNTY (CONTINUED). 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 and under and under and under and under and under and under and under TOWNS. 40. 15. 50. 55. 60. 65. y0 Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Brookfield........... 120 141 89 104 117 90 97 75 65 56 62 79 54 38 Cazenovia.................... 126 157 95 137 151 125 90 118 96 94 99 80 52 48 D e Ruyter.................... 44 63 44 39 - 60 62 41 43 44 35 25 36 19 21 Eaton....................... 136 133 93 104 4_20 85 66 85 70 61 51 70 39 38 Fenner...................... 28 48 38 40 43 31 29 30 31 29 30 30 24 24 Georgetown................... 46 44 41 42 46 30 37 30 20 30 -20 27 23 14 Hamilton 115 118 95 121 126 119 105 93~ 76 91 71 58 40 40 Lebanon............... 46 51 43 35 50 46 42 41.37 36 27 25 26 2 Lenox...................... 274 279 193 226 256 208.197 159 159 146 144 113 91 69 Madison.................... 72 69 45 77 78 52 57 60 49 45 46 42 28 25 Nelson...................... 64 52 32 46'65 44 44 51 37 35 34 25 21 27 Smithfield.................... 28 36 30 41 33 32 32 33 39 32 25 30 18 14 Stockbridge................. 61 41 41 56 46 55 45 42 30 23 28 28 18 17 Sullivan..................... 180 172 112 132 172 136 116 118 100 89 85 62 41 49 Total..................... 1,340 1,404 991 1,200 1,363 1,115 998 978 705 494 446 MONROE COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Brighton................ 1 22| 128 108 108 139 87 93I 84 68 | 51 [ 60 | 38 33 32 Chili....................... 68 68 51 56 85 60 52 47 40 28 41 33 i 18 16 Clarkson................... 64 66 58 62 53 50 32- 35 36 15 32 30 17 15 Gates....................... 86 92 70 80 84 59 61 51 47 47 47 22 32 23 Greece...................... 120 130 106 /116 134 96 92 70 96 78 60 56 42 36 Hamlin....................... 79 65 63 63 81/ 56 39 30 31 37'33 22 26 / 7 Henrietta.................... 75 71 51 78 75 45 52 44 40 35 38 25 19 27 Irondequoit................ 100 102 84 105 119 89 I 84 56 57 43 39 32 30 26 Mendon 95 77 85 107 96 68 59 59 39 34 55 57 39 38 Ogden....................... 9 8 87 63 73 88 65 46 62 50 43 48 55 49 24 Parma...................... 109 105 70 76 87 79 65 56 52 46 54 33 31 21 Penfield..................... 83 94 73 105 105 81 86 64 59 57 50 34 32 28 Perrinton......,.............. 85 107 89 84 95 94 77 52 65 58 37 38 41 26 Pittsford.................... 56 62 49 64 59 53 55 45 33 26 32 21 18 22 Riga..... 83 85 52 60 58 49 43 "40 29 27 31 25 17 20 Rochester city: Ist ward..... 60 77 56 72 66 53 50 39 37 28 23.29 17 15 2d ward..... 110 113 74 93 98 90 75 72 44 39 41 41 20 16 3d ward..... 134 158 115 167 128 146 107 111 74 50. 48 62 39 45 4th ward..... 113 129 77 82 74 77 72.62 37 43 22 35 21 32 5th ward..... 153 163 127 128 119 88 89 79 43 50 39 46 21 22 6th ward.... 95 115 103' 119 136 83 76 66 35 33 35 21 30 20 7th ward..... 83 98 55 72 93 681 51 52 41 44 23 24 22 18 8th ward..... III 107 105 139 130 85 102 104 58 54 55 57 26 25 9th ward..... 148 159 105 136 148 106 82 85 66 43 33 41 26 34 10th ward..... 104 112 72 77 79 58 47 48 40 36 24 26 13 16!lth ward..... 126 154 120 102' 135 92 76 67 56 42 31 33 24 31 12th ward..... 99 98 96 114 113 94 66 55 35 35 38 34 26 27 13th ward...-. 118 103 86 79 103 70 45 38 33 29 33 32 16 19 14th ward..... 99 100 86 90 106 105 66 62 40 36 36 37 19 30 Total Rochester city...... 1,553 1,686 1,277 1,470 1,528 1,215 1,004 940 639 562 480 518 320 350 Rush...................... 57 46 341 58 54 41 34 36 33 30 37 19 11 4 Sweden..................... -140 155 95 134 140 117 85 92 76 64 63 54 36 42 Webster.................. 79 86 68 85 79 72 69 52 56 49 4.0 45 38 31 Wheatland.................. 79 77 68 77 75 64 61 58 44 35 32 35. 27 18 Total................... 3,231 3,389 2,614 3,061 3,234 2,540 2,1891,973 1,590 1,365 1,309 1,186t876 806 MONTGOMERY COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Amsterdam.................. 168 179 120 170 1 165 136 a*109 85 87 66 68 57 49 40 Canajoharie................. 137 147 107 120 124 94 71 48 47 52 47 47 39 39 Charleston................... 59[ 54'] 38 46 47 33 38 38, 84 3~0/ 34 35, 18{ 25 Florida............ 93 / 86II 65 98 86 73 74 59 44 49 45 42I 31 28 le....................... 9 0 7 8 o00 66 1 8 30 1 27 2 Minden..................... 130 / 119 109 128 124 105 113 ~ 97 75 69 52 73 51~ 29 Mohawk...............,.... 91{ 97. 77 76 74 60 55 5111 44 501 44 2611 35 32 Palatine..................... 69 75 I 70 65 68 71 37 I 33[ 46 35 35 29 26 29 Root........................ 69[ 791 67 58 76] 50 42[ 51l1 37 38 ] 39 24 28 [ 22 St. Johnsville........ 67~ 70 51 35 56 46 32 36 36 29 2 19 1 21 Total................... 976' 99611771 883'920 734 64.2 556 493| 459 I'437 _39311322 2-8 NEW YORK COUNTY —(CONTINUED). New York city' lst ward.... 36! 404 28 347 245~' 176| 20 15 65 7 80 87 1 37 2d ward...' 170 58 4 P3 0 2 3 1 1 1 66 3d ward.... 14] 0 15 19 9 43 80 9 3 1 30 713 4th ward.... 673 694 62 584 501: 334 377 87 11 13 132 4 4 53 5th ward.... 862 747 62 547 633~ ~ 326 350 278 171 15 173 5 6 69 6th ward.... 760 784 69 665 534~: 427 361 359- 95 166 19 19 6 57 7th ward.... 1;386 1,2711I,127 1,11 1,058 703 712 616 297 325 64 49 2 144 8th ward.... 1,353 1,323 77 716 82 / 660 351 341 312 335 161 167 88 112 9th ward.... 1,411 1,492II1,:174 1,220 1,119 860 687 745 392 408 15 96 6 203 10th ward.... 1,,444 1,209 99 840 910' 582 503 465 43 245 242;7 9 127 117h ward..,. 2,269/ 2,3391,68 1,824/ 1,:752 ~ 1,157 995 97 60 520 66 40 24 248 12th ward.... 889 9391 745 80 797 490 577 453 252 ~12 40 06 1 113 13th ward.... 974/ 996 68 778 789 5 93 469 43 27 246 48 20 12 130 14th w ard.... 909 878 724 784 684 515 443 46 12 16 23 26 7 80!5th wrard.... 950 1,062 80 997 77 l. 625 569 53 283 21 275 66 14 111 (Continued on page 43.) CLASSIFICATION BY AGE AND SEX. 41 MADISON COUNTY-(CONTINUED). 70 75 s80 -85 o. 95 100 and under and under and under and under and under and under' and upwards, Unknown. TOWNS. 75. so. 85. 90. 95. 100. Males. Females Males. Females Males, Females Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females Brookfield.................... 27 35 19 15 16 15 5 4 2 2...... 1............ 1 4 Cazenovia..................... 37 33 22 18 5 14 4 7...... I............ 1 2 De Ruyter.................. 14 10 12 9 7 5 2 5 1............................... Eaton................... 20 25 20 15 6 11 4 5 1 2........................... 2 Fenner...................... 9 7 6 5 4 3 3 2 2 I....... 1 1 Georgetown.... 7 10 6 4 5 6 1 2........................ Hamilton.................... 22 34 25 19 15 8 4 9 1.............................. 1 2 Lebanon................... 13 5 6. 8 2 5 3 3 1................... 1 1 Lenox....................... 54 49 22 33 11 18 3 8 2 1.................. 1............ M adison..................... 14 17 9 10 10 7 2 3...... 1...... 1............ Nelson...................... 11 13 12 8 5 3 6 1 1.............................. 1...... Smithfield.................... 11 8 3 5 8 4 2..................................... Stockbridge................. 15 15 11 5 3 7 1 4................ Sullivan..................... 36 26 15 17 13 12 5 6 2 2............ 4 Total.................... 290 [ 287 188 171 * 110 118 || 45 59I 2....... MONROE COUNTY-(CoNTINUED). Brighton................... 25 16 15 17 4 2 1 2 5 1 I............................... Chili...................... 13 15 11 6 5 2 1 2 4...... I.............. Clarkson 8 9 8 6 1 2 1..................... 5 4 Gates....................... 12 11 10 8 3 4......................... Greece................ 28 24 11 13 7 6 3 I.................. 1.................. 7 l 02...................... 3 1.: i... i'.. Henrietta..................... 18 10 4 6 2...... 4 1.................. 5 Hamlin.................... 17 14 6 8 6 3 1...... 4 3........................... Irondequoit.................. 19 14 8 5 3 3...... I........................... 4 Menden...................... 20 26 23 7 4 5 4 1 1............................. I Ogden....................... 28 26 16 15 8 5 3 4...... I................... 1 Parma....................... 15 19 20 10 6 10 3 5 1................................. Penfield................... 13 5 14 o 10 6 10 3 1 1.............................. 5 2 Perrinton................... 23 19 15 18 5 5 1 2................................... 3...... Pittsford.................... 12 12 7 15 3 3........................................... Riga................. 8 12 13 8 3 2 1 2...... 2..................'............. Rochester city: 1st ward..... 4 10 7 3 2 4 1................................. 3. 2d ward..... 14 20 4 9...... 2 1................................... 34 16 3d ward..... 26' 20 16 12 5 5... I.......................... 1...... 4th ward..... 8 12'8 7 4 5 2.................'............. 5th ward. 18 18s 6 15 4 3...... 1 1......e........................ 1 2 $th ward..... 12 11 6 6 3 1 2.......................... 2 2 7th ward..... 9 10 3 10 4 12...... 1......................... 8th ward..... 15 17 5 9 5 2 1 3.............................. 9th ward..... 16.19 8 9 3 2...... 2.......1................... 3 10th ward.... 7 15 6 9 2 2...... I.................................... 3 lth w ard... 6 14 6 5 3 5....... 3.................................... 12th ward.... -21 14 9 3 i 1.......................... 13th ward..... 10 7 7 6 3...... I I...... 1........... 14th ward. 15 10 6 11 3...... 3 3................................................ Total Rochester city..'... 15 1 97 97 114 42 33 11 19 2 3....................... 38 29 sh............................... Rush ~ ~ ~ ~ ~_.....,......._.......... Sweden.................... 36 34 13 10 8 5...... 4................ 1............ 6 5 W ebster..................... 26 22 12, 12 8 4...... 3............ 1 1...... 10 3 W heatland................... 23 15 6 15 4 3............1...... I........................ 4 Total.................... 530 504 310 304 130 109 39 55 20 12 6 4 1...... 71 65 MONTGOMERY COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Amsterdam.................. 24 22 22 16 8 8 7 4 2 2........................ 9 8 Canajoharie.................. 28 22 8 8 5 7 3 3 1.................. 1., Charleston................... 13 11 5 8 4 7............ 2.................. 6 4 Florida.......... 21 27 6.12 7 4 3 2............................................ Glen........................ 16 17 15 10 6 2 1...... I...... I 1...... 2 Minden........... 26/ 23l 14 10 11 9 2. 1...... 1 ~...... 11......:2 Mohawk.................... 121 13] 15: 2 3 1............ 1..........i..:2.... Palatine.................. 19 / 15 1[ 3 6 11 22... 1~................ 1 1 Root.........................o 20 13 2 / /... 3............."..,......... Total,,~................. ~18 1 10 100 *' 59/ 54 || 19 19:::::!.... 23 1 NEW YORK COUNTY-(COzNTINUED)). Ne ok iy 1tw r..... 21 17 3 3 6 1.......... i......... 17 5 2d ward..... 3...... 3...... 1~....................... * * * * * * 3d ward..... 8 4 2' i': 3::......':::::...::::2 1'.......... 1 2....... 4th ward..... 284 51 12 12' 7 9, 1' 1.......... 1........... 4 5 5th ward..... 39 52 8 8 15 - 4 3 1............:2'2..... 5 44 6th ward.... 36 47 16 5 2 9 3................:::..... 13 7th ~ wr..... 99 0 3 46 13 32 5 4 2... 8thward...... 38 56 20 39 9 15 4 9..... i.................:...: 4 47 9hwr..... 86 7 4i61/6 6 3 5 1 1....... 4 1 10th ward... 53 7 1 45 3 13....... 1 1... llth ward..... 126 154 58 70 31 3 11 3............ 3 57 12h w r..... 59 77 3 49 20 31............r........ 7 12 13th ward..... 61 76 24 25 13 1 1........5...5 ~14th ward..... 51 68 5 2 3 2... 2..... 5 55 15th ward..... 83 11811 41 61 15 3 12/ 12 3 3.....:2.....':23 39 (Continued on pag e 44.) 42 CLASSIFICATION BY AGE AND SEX. NEW YORK COUNTY-(CONTINUED). a 5 de10 15 20 25 30 Under and under and under and under and under and under and under TOWNS. 5. 10. o15. ~0.. 30. 35. I,.~~~, Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females, Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females New York city: 16th ward.... 2,490 2,573 2,383 2,570 1,957 2,109 1,562 2,253 1,548 2,648 1,503 2,505 1,588 2,178 17th ward.... 6,116 6,006 5,245 5,326 3,824 3,773 2,531 3,318 2,653 4,192 3,206 4,129 3,330 3,882 18th ward.... 2,766 2,508 2,918 2,719 2,217 2,428 1,739 2,262 1,602 3,306 1,778 3,112 1,775 2,753 19th ward.... 2,549 2,430 2,756 2,410 2,254 1,896 1,345 1,999 1,366 2,360 1,395 2,296 1,357 1,914 20th ward.... 4,254 4,205 4,062 3,991 2,989 3,323 2,200 3,078 2,219 3,488 2,296 3,239 2,193 2,873 21st ward.... 2,062 2,091 2,271/2,207 1,788 1,935 1,394 2,097 1,239 2,858 1,368 2,681 1,337 2.184 2gdt ward.... 22d ward 3,432 3,344 3,190 3,292 2,'558 2,627 1,786 2,'302 1,554 2,409 1,627 2,337 1,659 2,164 i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~d~~~~~~. w r.a... Total.................... 47,857 47,163 46,250 45,505 1135,715 36,053!26,183 134,928 26,885 42,522 29,505 40,223 128,612- 35,325 NIAGARA COUNTY. Cambria................ 109 115 134 1 116 123 131 109 109 93 103 86 84 59 72 Hartland................... 232 211 216 220 203 195 166 158 146 154 110 137 109 106 Lewiston.................... 210 198 213 196 190 158 155 167 118 147 89i 105 70 90 Lockport..................... 830 800/ 816 88i1 785 807 718 779 623 745 5081 584 410 480 Newfane.................... 201 176 179 199 197 148 174 176 146 144 141 124 94 88 Niagara.................... 453 473 461 514 375 345 253 287 215 300 211 265 211 246 Pendleton................... 119 149 125 129 114 102 77 86 64 57 58 52 44 55 Porter....................... 145 152 162 141 139 171 135 120 121 310 71 91 56 75 Royalton.................... 251 271 313 275 259 255 237 227 213 222 181 200 165 145 Somerset................... 98 94 107 106 92 104 77 81 70 92 73 74 67 77 Wvheatfield................. 269 237 260 273 195 228 180 170 145 118 78 95 84 111 Wilson..,...................... 188 159 212 192 207 191 182 188 156 150. II 126 109 118 Total O................. 3105 3,035 3,19s 3242 2, 879 2,835 2,463 |2 548 2,110 2,342 1,717| 1,937 1,478 1,663 Total..- i 3 34,77 1,937,7 IF 1,66 ONEIDA COUNTY. Annsvill6................... 187 147 172 151 174 170 148 1401 87 108 93 88 72 96 Augusta.................. 9 90 9 115 115 101 108 11 3 125 11 79 100 73 68 58 73 Ava........................ 85 68 72 75 69 2 58 62 45 52 5 41 22 33 Boonville.................... 257 241 240 -257 247 213 197 214 181 204 156 168 134 171 Bridgewater................. 61 58 66 64 71 52 60 57 58 70 48 39 32 48........... 3 Camden.,....... 196 178 177 198 197 181 163 200 167 189 134 134 117 137 Deerfield..................... 97. 111 121 137 111 123 109 99 85 87 67 82 56 62 Florence.................... 149 120' 163 172 175 168 121 123 91 90 68 82 61 59 Floyd....................... 69 68 65 59 59 63 68 49 52 65 39 55 37 45 Kirkland.................... 232 235 253 227 223 220 201 171 161 192 125 155 104 147 Lee......;..................... 146 159 178 157 164 133 118 132 95 119 98 105 89 Marcyv..................80 103 76 85 91 54 66 65 54 56 42 49 Marshall....................... 121'115 136 136 124 113 85 10 95 96 73 90 64 71 257~~~~~~~'9 189213 17712 Ne~~~~~~~~~~~~q ~~~~~29 New Hartford................ 189 196 214 209 199 136 192 133 1 17 ParimeS................. 206 173 205 207 183 199 3 8 1 16 0163 132 158 104 139 Remsen........................ 151 135 149 140 157 9 16 138 124 114 99 105 7 Romne..................... 562 554 561 574 512 558 419 437 381' 434 318 403 274 350 Sangerfield................... 114 112 119 146 117 128 114 116 111 129 85 94 60 96................ /8 Steuben......... 97 60 86 89 75 74 66 65 58 46 56 36 45 Trenton..................... 147 17 168 167 174 170 141 179 121 158 106 136 84 92 tica city st, ward.......... 70 81 56 72 45 58 54 79 68 100 60 82 51 60 2d 185 138 154 167 113 150 118 146 127 168 119 129 77 100 3d ward.......... 162 140 156 163 165 177 139 167 129 211 110 175 103 128 4th ward.......... 134 180 201 2207 201 214 220 116 184 95 151 5th ward.......... 235 203 224 219 174 190 147 148 138 148 115 154 83 111 6th ward.......... 339 305 349 371 254 306 227 288 207 256 191 229 160 222 7th ward........... 262'260 308 325 240 269 156 227 125 169 108 135 106 158 Total Uticacity.......... 1,3 1, -307 1,448 1,537 1,206 1,364 1,019 1,256 975 1,272 819 1,088 675 930 Vernon......................... 152 161 154 1952 1625 115 120 163 92 1I1 77 100 Clay..~l~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ 146 15 {I7 178' 1 159 71 [J 164 133 [[ 118 /1 32 I 5 119 {[0 98 105678 Verona........................ 422 375 349 417 322 340 273. 270 270 277 224 217 156 201'ienrn..................... 190 200 123 13 5 125 198 12 17 10 5 138 66 96 5 4 5 1 N ewstforand................ 18 1 9 ] 1 2 96 15 141 19 9 11209 1289 8 13 9 1 82 90 is 2n2.................. 19 208 22 207 0 182 17 24 205 2 145 8 213 121 158 103 143 al.................... 56 7 5,45 6, 6 I56 4,1 5 176 42637 5,0 I3 2,8 6 _3,665 aeinllus.................... 141 1 | 152 157 16 2 130 130 13 108 6 124 91 1051 73 8 icro..~.................... 82 210 212 1912 77 194 151. 14 198 12 14 0 10 99 oley........................ 152 174 26 159 171 1 1 55 81 4 160 3 130 0 115 nerield................... 192 195 227 188 140 153 162 15 113 119 98 116 10 104 Elbrideae...................... 26927 238 2678 268 220 253 206 2 1 9 26 146 {I 117 13 186.'Saeben..................... 9 12 6 110 12 69 11 715 7 4 94 10 99 65 61 573 $y ueda................... 2 84 109 Trayentte.......... 117 12 1 126 158 11 7 170 141 ] 791 99 1 08 77 97 8 8I 06 136 Utc iy: st war d............... 26 70 35 30 6 266 252 4 208 233 181 185 13 18 sa war d.......... 166 11461 /56 / 13 11 139 177 49 16 11 7 98 12 92 1 175 103 128 4th warda.................. 1323 272 2096 a2095 213 265. 222 0 236 2218 252~ 200 216 1 62 179 5Ph ward............. 235/. 203 ~ 178 181 200 179 14 1908 147! 48 152/ 155 115 154 103 115 Salna................... 89513 20 15/413 12 97 14 12 18 19 9 0 Skanatees.............. 29 26 27 23 21 189 190 232 203 226/ 149 167 160 148 Syrcue it: stwad..... 262/ 260 308 32306[24 2270 |6 ~814 15 16 18 12 14 13 7td ward........ 38139562 9 9 9 1 271 7 124 162 16 59 15 17 Tota U wardcy......... 1,667 1,8 —-8 1,44 1,39 ",203 1,364 831 1,456 875 1,39 891 11608 92 10 V e r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Cntiudon pa4............. CLASSIFICATION BY AGE AND SEX. 43 NEW YORK COUNTY-(CONTINUED). 35 40 5 50 55 6065 and under and under and under and under and under and under and under TOWNS..40.- 4:5. 50. 55. 60. 65. o0. Males. Females. Maales. Females. Males. Females. Males, Females'. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females New York city: 16th ward.... 1-412 1,658 1,123 1,448 1,185 930 790 862 386 434 409 t499 161 248 17thward.... 3,383 3,266 2,543 2,466 2,249 1,461 1,314 1,304 649 670 633 692 270 321 18th ward.... 1,730 2,048 1,377 1,676 1,311 1,010 991 93311 404 395 412 488 153 208 19th ward.... 1,531 1,630 1,190 1,318 1,227 847 815 694 379'349 360 371 198 168 20th ward..... 2,222 2,4911 1,761 2,025 1,909 1,330 1,213 1,097 547 588 517 559 279 279 21st ward.... 1,237 1,676 11,058 1,429 1,044 877 756 710 347 336 329 389 176 185 22d ward.... 1,713 1,751 1, 390 1,494 1,541 957 948 804 425 343 392 378 163 185 Total.................... 27,692 28,823 1,525 23,227 21,240 14,926 13,534 12,587 6,586 6,367 6,198 |6,51 2,779 3 097 NIAGARA COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Cambria..................... 64 51 54 59 51 44 50 40: 44 34 35 24 26 22 IHartland................... 1051 108 I 72 102 98 67 79 53 ii 73 43 58 46'36 37 Lewiston................. 87 86 74 82 92 65 59 48 64 46 33 29 29 30....~r.......~....~.....15 Lockport,................ 411 421 {299 393 428 356 342 291 216 209 209 153 106 86 Newfane................... 127 95 86 82 109 72 55 65 65 52 43 33 45 23 Niagara.....,................. 208 211 155 159 171 120 122 73 73 6Q 56 54 31 26 Pendleton.................... 47 46'35 51 48 29 45 28 29 31 28 19 20 16 Porter...................... 54 80 59 54 80 53 44 37 38 27 28 25 23 14 Royalton..................... 146 137 121 115 153 117 83 82.105 71 60 55 47 38 Somerset................... 53 47 39 48 45 38 43 41 28 26 38 I 2 12 Wheatland.................. 110 80 91 121 98 78 87 69 54 32 44 41 43. 20 Wilson................... 81 79 79 89 91 69 75 68 54 47 47 42 36 26 Total................ 1,493 1,441 1 164,355 | 1,464 1,108 1,084 | 895 843 [ 678,- 679$ 552 464 350 ONEIDA COUNTY —(CONTINUED). Annsville..................... 85 81 73 74 87 63 58 54 44 39 47 35 34 22 Augusta.................... 66 73 45 57 58 56 58 47 46 49 43 33 26 23 Ava........................ 32 29 28 28 36 25 4 23 17 19 17 21 10 6 Boonville................... 176 139 98 112 129 98 100 75 74 53 51 56 52 60 Bridgewater................ 38 38 25 -40 42 43 36:26.26 28 29 20 14 17 Camden................. 119 110 * 94 97 108 93 78 59 59 65 61 47 37 42 seerfield.................. 64 56 50 58 62 45 46 55 44 36 43 36 33 17 Florence........... 71 61 40 61 64 56 56 71 73 46 61 49 32 18 Floyd................... 31 40 29 29 43 24 22 32 22 i 21 11 24 34 i18 Kirkland.................... 109 130 104 135 132 99 95 95 75 74 73 60 -41 44 Lee......................... 80 - 76 62 67 96 79 69 70 64 55 40 34 34 27 Marcy....................... 58 54 32 39 49 41 27 28 27 23 33 26 28 17 Marshall..................... 70 69 53 5 50 52 1 39 531 23924 31 New Hartford............. 91 112103 113 111 88 99 93 70 53 66 46 40 Paris........ I........... 107 120 86 112 126 94 68 71 78 66 56 74 41 41 demsen.../.................. 82 75 61 54 824 56 67 52647 33 42 2 38 29 24 Romed............... 311 353 249 290 337 245 246 214 161 123 117 97 92 86.Sangerfield................... 78 1 82 61 65 66 62 59 57 47 37 33 32 26 26 Steuben................... 661 49 43 39 39 30 27 24 24 22 31 24 12 2 FTrenton..................... 89 97 88 104 1 13 96 84 79 68 68 57 48 36 30'Uticacity: 1st ward...... 41 43 28 33 31 28 27 25 15 22 16 18 5 11 2d ward-........ 93 85 51 86 81 62 5646 33 26 19 3d ward......... 104 148 97 113 85 84 59 66 40 44 34 53 20 31 4th ward......... 119 153 81 131 1 16 92 67 90 51 52 37 48 25 27 5th ward......... 77 o 104 79 99 106 78 61661 47 49 50 49 20 30 6th ward........ 197 213 172 1 32 191 161 140 129 124 104 78 64 7 0 37 44 7th ward......... 116 144 101 130 138 105 82' 64 45 48 43 43' 21 25 Total Utica city........... 747 890 609, 783 718 589 480 476 345 356 290 314 154 187 Vernon................. 96 91 64 84 94 83 79 85 67 53 44 40 - 39 35 Verona....................... 180 177 156 146 12 130 132 115 91 94 82 83 61 49 Vienna................... 122 387 83 976 88 76 73 65 69 61 57 43 39 36 Western.................... 55 70 67 73 74 70 7 5 541 40 38 37 35 24 23 22 Westmoreland............. 84 109 80 98 88 83 75 68 52 55 61 51 34 40 hitestown................ 108 122 1 00 136 110 99 94 105. 80 75 60 66 40.42 Totl.................3,21 3,90 | 2,54 3018 | 3 216|2596 2,346 /2,226 1,874 1,695 1,562 (1,453 ||j1,067 1,022 ONONDAGA COUNTY-(CONTINUED). C.mills......................76 | 88 79 | 83 87 66 61 46 44 45 36 26 20 23 Cicero....,.................. 97_ 105 - 85 92 96 67 55 48 52' 46 64' 51 28 35 OlatY........................ 86 106 84 76 106 86 59 49 57 L44.1 48 41 28 33 DeWitt............... 101 88 56 67 100 73 60 59 58 41 56 50 32 32 Elbridge.~.~............... 141 145 11~102 119 5111 111 116 86 65 ( 71 631 54 40 34 ~FabiUS........,.............. 67 75 ~158 62 Ij551''55 53 46 36 41 30 30 32 29 Geddes...................... -101 112 80 ~75 96 6611 641 58 44 36 30 331 16 21 LaFayette.................. 90 94 62 65 71 62 56 46 50 48 47 351 30 36.Lysander................ 206 152, 115 116 133 112 86 84 76 71 65 52 35 32 Manliuss.......e.... 205 189 141 172 172 148,l 133 130 131 118 85 92 61 61 Marcellus................... 82 92 62 66 77 63 58 61 47 45 43 35 24 27 O0nondacga.........,..~........ 154 162 11119 1731 158 ~142 134 107 109 1111 100 1 82. 79 45 OtiSCO...................... 51 34 1 58 55 48 38 40 43 40 36 26 21 25 pOmllpey ~.. rc.~...~.............. 12. 24 11 89 1 3 10 71 81 69 70 56 66 48 36 Salnai.................... 91 731 62 1 90 81 73 72 53 47 31 2 25 19 Sraneteles............... 107 154 89 101 148 120 85 87 64 69 61 58 50 35 Spafford...................... 43 63 52 44 52 35 36 42 31 1 17 19 22 19 Syracuse city: 1st ward.,..... 121 113 3 119 131 5 100 76 45 39 51 40 19 28 2d ward...... 156 1 42 1 22 116 158 99 87 7 5641 38 26 1 3d ward.......98 10 68 1481 68 9 83 83 56 84 551 5 40 24 20 30 23 317 2 (Continuedon page 46.) 44 CLASSIFICATION BY AGE AND SEX. NEW YORK COUNTY' -(CONTINUED). 70 75 so 85 90 95 100 and under and under and under and under and under and under and upwards., Unknown. ~TOWNS. 7~5. so0. 95. 10. Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females Males. FFemales Males. Females Males. Females'New York city: 16th ward.. 108 149 50 89 24 38, lo 24 1 6 I............ 2 32 26 17th ward.... 163 209 80 89 25 42 14 11 5 8 1 2...... 1 73 88 18th ward.... 112 1.47 54 76 28 46 5 13 3 13...... 4 1 1 33 58 19th ward.... 110 144 57 67 29 46 11 15 2 5 1 5 3 1 27 18 20th ward.... 150 205 81 89 31 47 13 13 1 6 4 4 1 2 8 2 21st ward.... 98 137 36 60 22 39 8 16 3 4 1.................. 21 163 22d ward.... 102 131 43 55 22 37' 11 10 3 1.................. 3 80 98 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~............... 63 213 16 7~9 Total 1,630 2,201i [ 748 1,004 358 585 123 |. 191 45 | 71 || 16 27'2 6 13 678 | 869 NIAGARA COUNTY- (CONTINUED). Cambria................... I...... Hartland..................... 28 18 28 12 6 7 1 1...... 1...... 1....... Lewiston.................... 20 12 7 9 2 2 1 5 2 1........................ 5 2 Lockport.................... 53 55 32 34 17 17 5 7 1 2 1 1 1...... 16 9 Newfane..................... 22 21 14 9 5 5 2 3 2........................ 12 12 Niag~ara...................... 12 17 4 8 4 2 2 4.... 1........................ -4...... Pendleton.................... 5 10 3 6 2 I 1........................................... Porter....................... 20 14 2 6 2 2 1 [3.............................. 4 6 Royalton.................... 33 31 26 12 3 7 1 2.................................... 13 19 Somerset.................... 10 15 9 5 3 42 2........ I........................ 4 9 Wheatfield' 28 26 8 20 11 4 2 1 1................... 3 1 W ilson...................... 27 17 14 11 2 5 2 4...... 2 2 1............. 2 3 T ota...... o..................278 254' 156 143 63 24..1.. 6 | ONEIDA COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Annsville................... 14 14 8 4 6 6 2 2................................................ Augusta...................... 13 17 1 12 7 6 3 1 2.. "................. Ava......................... 9 7 1 3 2 1...... 2 1.......................... 2 oonville..................... 22 11 10 12 8 1 5 3 1........................ 1. 1 Bridgewater................. tl 11 4 7 4 2 3 3............ I.............................. Camden...................... 22 23 16 16 5'6 2 3 1 2.................................... Deerfield..................... 21 15 9 13 4 3 4 2...... I...................... 5 2 Florence..................... 16 8 15 7 6 8 2 1.................................... 2 1 Floyd....................... 11 13 12 7 3 5 I I I........................................ Kirkland...-................ 26 28 16 19 14 17 2 4 3 1........................ 2...... Lee................ 22 23 6 7 9 5...... 2...... 1............................... M arcy................................. 9...... M arshall.................... 15 7 10 10 3 5 3 1..................................... New Hartford................. 28 29 16 19 13 8 1 6..... 2.................. 1..... Paris........................ 28 24 22 15 7 11 6 6 2 1............................... 1 gemsen............. -......... 18 23 10 8 6 7 4 8...... 1........................ 2...... Rome....................... 42 52 28 26 13 15 12 11 4 6 1 1 8 1............ Sangerfield.................. 19 19 15 15 5 5 2 5................................................ Steuben....................... 23 10 9 9 5 2...... 1................................................ Trenton..................... 17 31 23 24 9 9 1 8...... 2.................................... Utica city: 1st ward......... 7 7 2 5 1 4 1................................................ 3 2d ward.......... 14 16 8 2... 2 3.......................................... 3d ward.......... 20 11 9 9 3 3 3 1.................................... 15 4th ward... 17 21 11 24 9 5 1..................................... 5th ward.......... 11 11 7 6 4 3 I I I...... 5th ward.......... 19 20 12 15 6 2 1 3 1.............................. 10 10 7th ward.......... 12 13 7 8 5 5 1 2.......... 2.................. 2 4 Total Utica city.......... 100 99. 56 75 29 24 11 8 2 1 2.................. 28 30 Vernon...................... 23 17 10 19 12 6 I 2 I 1........... 3...... Verona...................... 37 28 18 30 15 12 4 10 2 2...... 1............ 2 2 Vienna...................... 28 23 14 19 7 13 4 1 1..................... 2 1 W estern..................... 19 16 6 9 9 8 3 3................................ 13 11 W estmoreland......... 3..................... 3 W hitestown......... 28 32 " 17 24 11' 10 3 2 1 1........................ 3 7 Tota.................... 655 | 611 406 432 22 ONONDAGA COUNTY-.(CoNTINUED). oam lus..................... 10 16 1 6 5 2 3 1...................... ic er~o............ 24 25 7 - " 6'; i 5:1......:............................ *. Clay............. 27 2 1 1...... 1 1....... 9 3 De W itt........... 22 1 5 5 7 6...................... Elrd e..................... 24 32 14 16 0 3............./...... Fabiu................. 21 3 5 126 73. 3...,.. I................................... Oe de.................. 15 14 11 8 1 5 2...::::::::::::......................... ~...... Lafayett...................... 21 1 13 9 5 1 6 3 4 3........................... Lysnde..................... 27 16 11 9- 10 6 1............................. 1... Lafayette..................... 41 4 16 25 15 11 4 3...i......... 1...... 1 2 Lyandrc lu....'............... 2 7 156 1/79l.. 11. 2 1..........1............:::..::::::.... 1..... Manon a.iu s........ 6 45 3 26 182............... O ic....................... 12 17.. 4 3.................. 1.....'~.............. P Marells..................... 34 27 2 24 14 14 6 6"......................... 2 2,oin............o.o,. o.... 13 88 43.............................. 0ka eotle.... ~............. i 9 2 2 2 1 2 3.......................'. 2 1. Spaffo d~..............i.! 8 136 5 3 1:.................. 1.......... 4...... Syracsecity 1tw r....... 9 1 * 5 9 4 2 2 1 1................ 12...... 1....... 2d w r.... 9 6 1 3 2 1............................................. S ~ ~ ~ d ar...... 4 1272............ 1 I.......................... 1... (Cniue2npae4. CLASSIFICATION BYXAE AND SEX. 45 ONONDAGA COUNTY-(Co;TINUED). 5 10 15 20 2530 Under and under and under and under and under and under and under TOWNS. 5, 10, 15, 20, 85, 30. 35. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females Syracuse city' 4th ward:..... 302 302 346 330 251 307 223 277 204 259 151.203 135 174 5th ward...... 249 271 261 272 174 186 148 192 184 188 155 171 150 168 6th ward...... 119 119 138 165 135 151 182 207 206 267 169 194 130 135 7th ward...... 339 337 365 332 363 319 212 234 264 279 217 272 190 225 8th ward...... 183 178 223 216 175 157 131 143 101 152 110 141 108 117 Total Syracuse city.......2,017 044 2,143 2,159 1,759 1,796 1,312 1,519 1,374 1,609 1,157 1,378 1,075 1,255 Tully..................I..... 77 54 77 72 81 91 82 80 79 80 55 68 39 63 Van Buren.................. 202 156 171 193 153 170 153 135 125 130 126 134 95 III Total.................. 5,642 5, 552 5,973 5,860 5,056 I5,096 I 4,166 4,407 F3,958 1 4,475 3,375 3,880 o I 3,385 ONTARIO COUNTY. Bristol................. 78 77 99| 92 | 92 84 81 76 61 75 53 68 61 -64 CanadiCe................ 47 45 45 63 52 48 51 53 44 21 27 26 22 Canandaigua................. 377 417 440 422 367 361 305 376 261 358 230 334 222 288 East Bloomfield.............. 137 130 161 126 105 92 91 101 85 94 80 88 72 80 Farmingoton.................. 102 108 105 109 84 76 88 99 70 82 68 75 69 62 Gorham..................... 118 1081 150 154 127 121 135 115 96 95 94 92 71 69 Hopewell................... 83 93; 100 101 89 67 76 82 76 74 73 85 68 66 Manchester......... 165 152 167 211 155 160 144 171 138 177 139 169 119 107 Naples...................... 93 91 97 102 104 124 122 122 107 94 91 67 60 67 Phelps...................... 253 243 322 302 282 281 287 261 225 243 179 220 157 186 Richmond.................... 76 85 80 65 * 81 67 66 ~61 62 80 56 75 58 52 Seneca....................... 8 5 42 575 555 393 410 376 430 331 444 3i 2 408 242 339 South.Bristol.................. 68 69' 75 70' 76 67 76 67 30 51 37 40 32 40 Victor...................... 153 127 143 142 118 102 100 121 103 116 100 90 76 89 West Bloomfield............. 97 94 _83 93 85 69 67 67 75 71 60 54 45 57 Total................... 2,332 2,291 j2,642:2,607 2,210 2,129 2,065 2,202 ||1,761 2,098 |1,593 11,892 1, 378 1,588 ORANGE COUNTY. Blooming.Grove.............. 132 147 170 155 93 131 112 112 122 114 85 99 92 102 Chester..................... 115 133 117 127 103.98 97 110 94 92 80 90 53 79 Cornwall...................... 323 325 313 290 252 251 205 211 165 255 158 207 140 199 Crawford.................... 115 121 118 98 119 121 84 110 99 115 62 90 51 56 Deerpark.................... 482 499 534 489 435 392 334 378 420 338 318 315 295 282 Goshen.......... 194 206{ 200 189 145 185 131 172 151 176 103 143 108 126 Greenville................. 75 77 72 61 62 59 49 5 5 0 72 44 43 38 42 Hamptonburgh............. 59 57, 77 62 72 48 66 66 65 59 38 46 33 51 Minisink................... 76 76 74 44 68 67 67 52 58 73 46 40 36 48 Monroe................... 333 388 300 364 310 259 238 223 194 192 169.164 148 141 Montgomery............ 187 15i0 210 185 191 205 154 197; 146 173 135' 140.111 144 Mount Hope................ 136 122 128 112 128 83 so 90 79 98 71 88 72 69 Newburgh................... 998 924 I1,129 1,063 951 929 737 888 13 886 720 887 606 741 New Windsor................. 142 166 148 155 157 134 126 1 43 145 118 114 93 101 Wallkill..................... 428 417 519 505.354 357 339 432 325 408 325 309 219 259 Warwick.................... 339 317 I[ 352 339 253 301 153 85 278 196 239 183 219 137 Wawayanda.................. 139 119 107 119 101 105 100 95 78 83 49 72 59 62 Total.................. 4, 273 4 4, 1, 45 4,357 || 3,794 3-725 37 3,418 ||3 280 3,475 1 2,760 3,030 2,373 2,639 ORLEANS COUNTY. Barre..................... 369 361 390 410 344 317 348 306 288 350 261 302 213 263 Carlton.................. 150 129 162 186 129 118 126 134 127 106 94 105 73' 74 Clarendon............. 119 92 106 102 93 108 88 80 74 90 63 84 46 66 Gaines...................... 134 113 136 126 124 119 128 108 108 121 85 120 77 89 Kendall..................... 96 105 95 99 100 87 109 108 78 100 70 82 59 65 Murray....................... 139 149 148 144 128 177 145 136 90 121 82 105 84 94 Ridgeway.......... 322 223 306 338 280 256 225 264 265 296 1[70 220 193 208 Shelby....................... 203 163 188 192 176 163 153 155 114 137 1[17 143 102 106 Total.................... 1,661I 1,564111,646 1,71911,503| 1,467 ||1,439 1,364||1,2311li436 1,019| 1,238 914| 1,030 OSWEGO COUNTY. Albion..............,........ 1 133 1 56 15 15 13 18 0 107 99 121 0 6 9 6 84 Areboy....................".. 107 [ 97I/106 I 100 69,85 72 64 71 0 6 5 4 47 Boyleston...............'/.... 62/ 61[ 72I 55/I 78 56 52 50 36 31 31.27 35 Constantia......;''....'........ 236 233 242 216 20 9 18 16 4 13 40 27 5 18 Granby..............:.......] 238 ].249 30 4 21 3 208 171 16 15 1 13 19 3 Htannibal.............,.......~ 190' 175 21 1 15 9 164 160 14 151 11 133 10 106 Hastings..................... 182I 174^ 9 9 16 6 143 13 2 129 12 2 10 9 Mexico...................... 200.] 174 20 0 29 8 0 194 162 176 116 132 1 ] 5 New Haydn.................. 112/ 112 12 12 9 9 94 16 3 9 7. 5 0 6 Orwell...................... 79 / 85l[ 86 ] 105/] 100 80 93 59 54 61 52 4 3 60 Oswego....................... I 163 175 28 14 6 61 50 5 16 29 3 97 8 8 Oswego city:!st ward,.....". 265/ 282 332/ 338H 233{279 230 25 73 8 19 0 14 13 2dt ward.,......1 264 / 317 I311 / 261/I233 / 231 199 171 192 170 14 138 1 4 3d ward.......' 433 461 l507' 439l/ 357 [ 325 239 293 231 279 22 273 16 221 4th ward....... 305 292 328 377 30 286 257 273 197 265 15 -195 4' 188 (Continued on pr ge 48.) 46 CLASSIFICATION BY AGE AND SEX. ONONDAGA COUNTY-(CONTINUED). 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 and under and under and under and under and under and under and under TOWNS. 40. 45, 50. 55. 60. 65, 70. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Femal es. Fale les. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females Syracuse city: 4th ward....... 139 164 126 185 161 99 124 78 58 57 56 44 20 30 5th ward....... 131 128 121 96 107 65 57 64 37 37 46 28 14 13 6th ward....... 114 153 111 106 113 91 85 50 43 42 25 27 20 19 7th ward....... 200 223 134 193 173 135. 121 100 70 57 61 54 25 33 8th ward....... 99 122 72 82 85 79 54 43 40 42 34 42 15 9 Total Syracuse city......' 1,058 1 113 847 980 1,011 709 683 530 373 344 344 296 156 170 Tully,....................... 60 57 43 49 60 38 36 33 29 29 31 16 26 Van Buren................... 119 90 77 84 77 70 73 57 47 47 56 45 30 28 Total................... 3,0037 3,,138 2,336 1 2,671 2,862] 2,245 2,029 1,743 1,472| 1,363 1,297 1,144 793 I 766 ONTARIO COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Bristol...................... 54 46 41 50 60 46 40 33 26 30 27 26 23 20 Canadice..................... 20 43 34 34 28 14 16 10 16 11 9 13 10 4 Canandaigua................. 221 267 163 231 186 171 36 96 114 104 105 62 75 East Bloomfield.............. 70 80 58 60 61 58 33 44 61 34 39 32 19 20 Farmington.................. 53 59 44 51 55 42 37 30 31 29 24 10 13 Gorham...................... 82 75 63 75 73 63 49 40 40 43 36 38 2 3 Hopewell................... 59 45 60 60 50 47 42 32 28 37 25 24 16 Manchester.................. 101 96 69 99 95 86 80 85 67 54 49 52 28 25 Naples..................... 6 1 59 70 56 39 40 39 37 3320 22 Phelps...................... 158 169 133 142 178 135 112 125 108 98 63 65 64 47 Richmond...................... 51 43 31 34 35 27 33 24 21 8 Seneca....................... 62 309 214 231 266 230 169 151 152 175 115 128 87 90 South Bristol................. 34 31 25 33 39 32 26 17 21 17 15 13 14 10 Victor....I.................... 65 81 54 68 91 59 55 4 6 31 32 32 27 24 West Bloomfield.............. 52 61 40 54 46 44 34 25 31 33 28 27 15 18 Total.......;............ 1,343 1,485 1,065 1,278 1,393 1,131 94 79 6 635 637 451 425 ORANGE COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Blooming Grove.............. 74 79 59 2 76 57 52' 38 37 41 32 37 20 20:hest er...................... 62 62 52 49 55 37 40 54 25 22 24 28 17 9 Cornwall................... 146 1 44 106 13 143 397 86 86 60 57 51 38 23 38 Crawford..................... 59 57 55 63 72 53'43 39 27 29 28 33 25 22 Deer Park.................. 308 248 194 177 214 119 1 114 91 86.67 62 41 39 38 Goshen...................... 104 105 78 130 103 82 87 60 68 52 44 59 34 33 Greenville.................... 36 37 20 25 26 31 30 26 18 15 12 13}11 12 Hamptonburgh............... 34 38 24 43 50 29 31 34 20 14 22 14 7 9 Minisink...................... 37 35 29 36 34 26 29 28 19 18 16 16 6 14 Monroe....................... 142 140 110 129 131 81 85 69 67 66 48 34 39 36 Montgomery......;......... 107 109 78 127 131 98 78 90 65 69 71 67 42 49 Mount Hope................. 58 74 40 57 62 49- 43 46 31 23 28 24 16 15 Newburgh.................... 597 607 456 537 479 39 331 336 180 207. 203.199 112 125 New Windsor............. 77 80 61 75 75..63 56 50 36 52' 55 33 28 19 Wallkill.................... 226 2421 181 185 99 197 150 143 128 125 82 85 57 55 Warwick.................... 168 148 154 125 122 /149 94 89 100 90 82 64 74 55 Wawayanda................. 40 47 36 62 65 57 58 45 29 28 33 27 16 22 Total..y..d............ 2,275 1 2,252 ||1,733 1 2,008 1 2,037 1,614 |1,407 1 1,324 | 996 975 893 812 5665_71 ORLEANS COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Barre....................... 221 252 158 189 200 163 162 132 117 101 108 108 90 86 Carlton................... 78 71 46 49 72 62 46 49 55 41 36 31 23 11 Clarendon.................. 42 60 52-.56 63 42 50 30 24 38 21 26 17 15 Gaines...................... 67 73 69 65 72 55 52 55 42 36 31 32 25 27 Kendall.............. 58 58 46 46 56 48 48 36 24 29 28 35 26 17 Murray.................... 75 101 67 70 84I 63 55 61 49 38 45 36 26 20 Ridgeway................... 176 165 132 137 166 123 130 108 73 62 83 74 47 41 Shelby...................... 109 104 72 92 102 68 61 63 60 61 49 41 39 21 Yates...... -................. 76 70 49 62 60 50 48 39 39 35 27 25 22 20 Total.....................| 902" 954"- 691- 766 [ 875 | 674J I652| 573 4831 441 11 4281 408g^ 315j 258 OSWEGO COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Albion...................... 77 61 49 60 77 39 41 36 43 53 41 34 42 16 Amboy...................... 54 34 21 42 37 25 22 22 26 17 27 16 11 Boylston.................... 22 25 22 31 30 20 25 19 20 16 11 5' Constantia.................. 124 109 64 89 111 52 66 50 5 71 53 37 39 19 Granby.................... 125 132 102 116 136 89 75 69 64 53 66 57 44 28 Hannibal.................... 8 108 74 100 100 75 68 54 41 37 30 26 Hastings.................... 90 80' 59 104 72 66 64 50 48' 45 32 33 17 Mexico..................... 128 157 86 100 107 102 98 83 90 79 80 56 58 47 New Haven.................. 70 80 45 63 65 40 36 32 31 30 34 31 30 25 Orwell...................... 50 42 38 36 34 30 28 26 17 17 4 Oswego..................... 95 93 66 77 76 60 65 61 47 44 53 44 37 30 Oswego city: 1st ward........ 151 16 102 121 116 75 82 71 39 31 39 42 26 36 2d ward........'141 137 90 91 108 69 69 46 44 39 41 32 19 22 3d ward........ 198 182 151 162 145 121 112 102 65 61 68 62 26 26 4th ward........ 15 8 1 105 144 148 86 98 94 71 56 53 39 27 36 Total Oswego city........ 648 -61-|!448~|51' 517 r 351i 361| 313 | 219| 187| I201 175 * 98 S 120 (Continued on page 49.) CLASSIFICATION BY'AGE AND, SEX. 47 ______~~ON 0NDAGA COUNTY-(CONTINUED). 70 75 so S5 90 "95' 100 and under and under and under and under and under and under and upwards. Unknown. TOWNS. 7r5.80,. 85.'90. 95. 100. Males. Females Males. Females Males.. Females Males. Females Males. Females Males. Fermales Males. Females Males. Females Syracuselcity: 4th ward..... 9 22 8 7 7 7 2. 2...... I........................ 2 8 5th ward.......404 "8 2 3..... 2... 1.................. 2... 6th ward....... 12 17 6 7 2 2- 1......................................... 29 122.9 7th ward..... 24 22 9 10 8 7 3 1 1 2 1 2... 6 4 8th ward..... 11 15 10 9 2 4 1 3 1 1........................... Total Syracuse city........ 88 108 56 60 29 28 9 9 4 5 1 2............ 40 134 Tully......................... 6 11. 10 7 8 1 2.......... 2.................................... Van Buren........... 23 13 12 14. 6 5....... 1................................ 1 Total...................... 533 50 35| 93 175 15 4 4 5 13 __2_ 5 _ 1.I. 72 1154 ONTARIO COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Bristol...................... 13 12 11 5 3 3 2 2 |............... 1........ 2..... Canadice.................... 5 8 6 3 2 2........... 1........................ a....... 96 Calnandaigua................. 51 59 25.25 12 13 3 6 2 l 1........................ 10 East Bloomfield.'.............. 19 14 4 7.3 5 1 2 2............ 2............. 3 4 Farmington.................. 14 20 15 8 3 7 2...... I 1I......................... 3...... Gorham..................... 22 16 10 4 2 5 1 4............................ 41 Hopewell.................... 19 13. 13 7 7 4. 1 2................................... 5...... Manchester................... 20 15 11 10 3 10 2 1 2 1....... I............. I Naples....................... 11 13 11 -14 5 3 1.............................. I... Phelps...................... 31 35 21 21 10 9 7 4 2 1............... 13 8.Richmond................... 11 8 6 4 3 4 1...... 1I.............................. 21 Seneca....................... 52 52 32 29 16 13 5 9 4...... I.................. 6 3 South Bristol........ I......... 14 10 3 4 2 3 I....................................................... Victor............ 17 14 13 14 7...... 6 2 1 1................ 5...... W est Bloomfield............... 1-6 1V7 7 8 5. 3.... 3...... I.................. I....... Total.................... 315 304 188 163 || 83 84 33 36' 17 6 2 | 4...... F..... 5 34 ORANGE COUNTY-(CON.TINUED). Blooming Grove............... 10 12 6 13 | 4 4 1 3 1 1............ 5 3 Chester.................... 14 16 7 5...... 3...... I 1............................ 6 5 Cornwall................... 25 24 19 11 6 14 2' 1.................................... 3...... Crawford.................... 15 10 7 8 5 2 1.........I. 2..................................... Deerpark........... I........ 25 19 13 12 -5 4 3 1 3 1 1.................. 11' 10 Goshen...................... 29 26 18 17 7 11 1 3....... 1I........................ 12....... Greenville................... 12 10 3 4 2 I I I................................................. Hamptonburgh.......... 9 6 2 8 5 4 3 2..................................... 5....... M inisink...;...... 8 8 1 4. 4 2................................................ 2 1 Monroe...................... 34 34 10 15' 4 4 3 f 2. 2 1........................ 7 6 Montgomery......... 28 26 20 19 8 - 6 4 3...... 1I............ 1...... 2...... Mount Hope................... 12 18 8 9 2 1 1............ 1I........................ 3...... Newburgh.................. 74 95 33 59 24 39.6 13 - 1 2 2 2............ 5 4 New W indsor................ 18 12 6 8 4 4... 1................. 1I......... W allkill....................... 29 41 16 15 9 8 3 4 2 1........................ 21 W arwick...................... 51 30 31 17 19 10 7 2 3 1.......................... I1...... W awayanda.................. 2 4 6 3 5 1 2...... I 1.................. I I Total.................... 405,1401 206 ~2 31.111 122 || 37 39 1 13 13 3 2 * 3...... 66 42 ORLEANS COUNTY-(CONTINUED.) B1arre........................ 57 49 31 19 17 | 13 6' 5...... 2. 1................ 21 15 Carlton....................... 11 16 6 9 6 3 3 3 2 1...... I........... 14 3 Clarendon.................... 14 10 4 3 3 5 2 1...... 1 1 1......... 5 3 Gaines........... 20 9 15' 10 3 5 1 2.......................... I K n al.................... 207,....................... Murray................... 22 23 13 6 1 2 4......4..........................1 2 Kena ll....................... 160 20 1 78 4 2 21............ 1 1 Alionri~....................... 18 8 8 5 3 2 1 2................................... I 2 48 CLASSIFICATION BY AGE AND SEX. OSWEGO COUNTY-(CONTINUED). 510 1530.5 30 Under and under and under - and underand under and under and under TOWNS. 5. 10. 15. 5a n0.l5.d30. 35. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males.'Females 15 6 3 7.... 3 2............... 14, 6 K~ingston...........~~~~i....... 50) 7 2 30 1- 44 14 20 5 4 1 8.............. 3 - Lloyd 12 12 4 4 4 4 2 4 6'...... MaI~CrbletO wn...........~~I~~ i....- 32 23 71 20 1 10 4 4. 3..........~~1~~~...... 1........... Marlborough................. 8 16. 13 1 2 5 5 1 2...... 2................... 2.. NTew PaLltZ.......:::.::'" 6 13 27 6 2.....' 3.................... 1 Olive........................ 16 10 1 0 5 9 3 1 2 1 2 1...........'lattekill................. 1 15 7 o 5 6 2 1..... 1::1...... Roceste o.................. 1 0 1 3 6 7. 2 3 1....... 1.....i............ 5 4 (Continiued on patge 6'2.) 60 CLASSIFICATION BY'AGE AND SEX. ULSTER COUNTY-(CONTI.NLUED). 5 ~ B8 10 15290.530 Under and under and under and under and under and under and under TOWNS. 5-10. 0. l 5. 30.. *35.'Males. Females, Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females Rosendale.................. 200 228 201 223 167 170 139 135 116 133 88 102 84 89 Saugerties................... 689 664 639 631 599 546 427 446 390 354 283 337 268 330 Shandaken.................... 209 204 195 208 1 176 151 145 112 119 107 113. 113 102 84 Shawangunk................. 166 141 187 155 162 155 141 144 111 131- 87 105 82 89 Wawarsing.......... 632 594 597 631 521'491 392 396 316 353 278 317 258 311 Woodstock................... - 102 106.124 91 111 87 94 6-8 56 67 72 59 49 56 Total..................... 5,316 5,285 5,251I 5,136 _4,632 4,319 3,558 3,730 _2,980 3,217 2,556 2,831 12,308 2 586 WARREN COUNTY. Bolton........................ 62 68 73 72 83 80 66 56 47 58 46 39 38 40 Caldwell.................... 55 64 66 48 65 64 43 44 32 52 31 41 31 31 Chester................... 137 142 144 142 136 123 94 99 76 104 85 92 68 66 Hlague........................ 44 47 37.51 37 39 42 33 29 32 25 24 24, 23 Horicon..................... 102 124 125 86 89 98 64 62 56 60 42 48 39 41 Johnsburgh.................. 178 172 173 135 -150 143 123 90 83 99 77 83 67 60 Luzerne.................67 60 65 67 66 58 63 54 44 54 36 54 39 45 Queensbury................ 491 496 535 552 440 414 367 378 258 336 253 308 226 296 Stony Creek................. 80 70 82 72 67 70 39 39 21 26 34 40 27 42 Thurman.53 63 77 61 81 52 48 54 42 46 49 27 32 34 Warrensburgh............... 95 80 92 92 115 97 90 98 64 76 58 55 41 47 Total........ 1,364 1,386 11,469 1,37 WASHITNGTON COUNTY. Argyle...................... 153 173 167 179 i 135 165 | 114 148 126 143 120 128 78 94 Cambridge................... 155 141 160 140 115 135 122 110 82 107 94 106 81 78 Dresden................... 52 43 56 62 37 57 32 40 36 22 30 22. 19 23 Easton....................... 178 185 187.171 150 139 143 124 99 142 96 121 81 97 Fort Anni-in.................... 189 173 197 206 196 191 170 158 136 136 91 102' 81 88 Foit Edward............... 262 257 305 278 221 199 196 201 172 199 174 173 139 129 Granville.................... 225 243 199 217 1 80 188 155 177 173 166 150 154 132 134 Greenwich................... 250 214 197 218 193 188 164 179 199 212 135 164 143 139 Hampton.................... 72 68 50 68 46 45 49 37 42 31 28 25 30 Hartford.................... 115.123 126 121 117 89 103 97 110 114 87 80 59 72 Hebron...................... 169 173 148 * 142 156 163 101 77 105 103 93 111 77. 90 Jackson...................... 99 108 110. 96 79 68 105 90 85 103 70 60 56 60 Kingsbury................... 220 230 1227 262 226 232 145 154 164 189 156 129 114 152 Putnam..................... 47 41 28 46 43 52 51 42 43 37 38 29 22 29 Salem....................... 186 207 208 169 157 142 157 160 1-46 172 117 128 94 1.07 White. Creek................. 158 153 150 151 138 123 132 112 131 119 79 98 75 94 Whitehall.................... 256 267 317 331 262 265 206 230 195 207 153 165 113 147 Total........ 783 28............ 2 783|2,803 2,850- 2,839 12,473 2,442 2,141 2,148 2,0391 2,213 1,714 1,798 1,389 1,563 WAYNE COUNTY. Arcadia.................... 295 269 298 295 259 275 227 286 235 242 215 205 | 168 214 Butler...................... 94 -99 116 134 119 132 103 121 88 103 69 765 66 65 6aln.................... 327 323 325 335 292 275 271 287 240 240 200 222'176 220 Huron....................... 113 119 120 141 * 118 132 94 89 75 80 50 63 61 74 Lyons....................... 330 270 317 300 304 259 204 277 181 232 164 178 160 182 Macedon.................... 146 151 155 158 118 104 99 116 86 106 94 1.20 93 86 Marion....................... 119 117 122 115 105 106 96 100 76 81 96 107 54 79 Ontario...................... 148 128 139 135 139 123 il111 96 87 103 96. 96 78 81 Palmyra.................... 266 228 258 245 206 223 205 198 160 201 167 190 113 162 Rose................... 137 109 118 123 121 132 114 109 97 101 87 95 64 71 Savannah................. 118 122 136 131 123 96 103 103 71 71 78 76 48 73 SOdUs..~........~........~..... 263 256j 276 254 11 254 1 257 ii 214 2210172 07211 1 66_ 180 I A143 0 148 7;Walworth~.................... 124 133 146 102 ~1 120 118 100 103 100 91 65 95.i 56 1 75 YWilliamson...............,... 153 145 164 1441 ~152 142 110 99 j 101 98 i 85 93 67. 86 *WOlCOtt....~~............... 186 169 191 ~1 182 202 186i; 154 180 143. 153 1X19 13081 5 10)9 Total..........i......... 2,819 12a,638 jI 2,881 2,794 2,1~632! 2,5602,25 2,385 i 1,912 1 2,113 ||1,751 | 1,925)1| 1,432 I 1,7205 WES~:TCHESTEE:7_~ CO)UNTY.C~ Bedford.....................1 168 204 198 174 i 186 184 | 153 153 13 6 178 1 110 136 96i 145 Cortlandt....,............... 608 582 630 579 It 528 523 406' 443 420 477 348 407 327 360 East Chester.'................1 388 384 i 403 364 ii 322 1 340 202 270 165' 202 200 200 139) 205 Greenburgh..i,........,...... 531.562 498 482 417 415 304 392 309 480 302.402 265 382 Hasrrison.....;.............. 72 75 11 90 76' 74 6t3 65 65 66 62 57' 68 44 45 Lewisborou~h................ 86 1 83 11 90 92 ii 94 72 69 66 64 95 66 59 57 * 69 Mamaroneck................. 92 81 83 95 i 63 1 76 62 56 48 82 58 417 44 59 MtJorrisania............;...... 902 890 1 8413 867 i 660 655 374 507 320 470 368 478'372 514 M"ounzt Pleasant...:............ 2'79 278 11 317 284 236 234 148 155 174 19 141.17 130 1.76 Newcastle.................,l. 114 112 1 102 104 84 1 90) 89 110 60 O 90 59 84 56 81 New Rochelle................ 245 1 263 261 237 174-:1:177-1 4 19 162 144 238 142 220 135 1 179 North Castle........:......... 108 135 127 134 148 123 118 98 74 76 75 74 51'76 North Saslem...,.....-......... "87 75 ii 87 801i 75 1 71 58 6111.53.68 54 69 51 79 Ossinma'~..................... 345 318 11 333 325 ii 283 250 275 294 414 360 359 322 271 234 Pelhanr.................~..~.. 65 69 62 61 496s734- 53 38 65 47 50 44 43 IPoundridge...............~... 62 57 jl 62 67 /1 68 58 80 80 56 61 55 4-5 36 32 Rtye..............~~~........ 304 275 302 297 jl~211 215 190 199 178 245 171 224l: 162 210 Scarsdale.......... 30 37. 25 33 12 34 1 20~ PO 33 33 ~28'34 33 24 SomejrS.~.................. 1~\ l21 ( 91 85 |( 891i 95 77 79rO 85 621 79 75 64 1 53 64 (Continued con pagSc 0S.) CLASSIFICATION BY AGE ANDSEX. 61 ULSTER COUNTY-(CONTINUED). 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 and under and under and under and under and under ndrand under TOWNS. 40. 45. 50. 55. 60. 65. 70; Males. Females. Males. Females. Mles. Fe M ales. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Rosendale.................... 85 90 82 79 97 61 71 46 34 35 34.25 11 1-7 Saugerties................... 337 308 234 251 258 208 201 190 120 135 123 106 73 66 Shandaken................ 98 71 57 63 80 47 41 44 33 17 28 18 14 23 Shawangunk.............. 82 85 78 58 78 74 65 63 53 39 51 38 40 28 Wawarsing........... 257 255 178 205 242 171 167 127 125 93 84 82 53 56 Woodstock......;........... 42 39 40 4 45 38 37 21 21 24 19 18 23 1 Total............... 2,457 2,360 1,863 2,020 2,274 1,672 1,585 1,370- 1,039 905 903 819 545 51 WARREN COUNTY-(CoNTINUED). Bolton...................... 33 33 351 26 34 28 221 8 21 26 11 23 15 14 10 Caldwell................... 22 26 36 25 18 22 24 23 19 10 12 17 13 11 Chester...~................. 82 59 61 61 60 53 49 47 51 25 36 41 30 32 Hague.;..................... 16 13' / 9 17 21 14 10 11 18 11. 8 9 12 4 Horicon..................... 40 35 35t 33 i 35 25 42 21 16 13 12 7 12 10 Johnsburgh................... 78 64 42 6311 68 36 43 32 1 33 25 35 24 18 14 Luzerne,....-.....:............ 31 30 31 20 25 26 22 25 30 24 17 15 19 8 Queensbury.................. 243 232 197 210 230 174 154 132 87 89 W 9 95 73 73 Stony rCeek................. 30 28 I 15 13 m21 10 12 12 i 18 10 7 11 13 6 Thurman.................... 29 24 18 25 30 21 14 17 19 16 9 12 20 10 Warrensburgh............... 40 40 28 57 54. 28 33 37 33 24 25 16 14 15 Total.............. 644 584 507 550 59 437 425 385 345 |273 263 262 238 193 WASHINGTON COUNTY-(CoNTINUED). Argyle...................... 81 111 1 78 77 88 81 11 92 85 57 53 ii 53 56 43 31 Cambridge................... 66 81 51 75 73 63 64 56 43 51 31 47 33 23 Dresden..................... 28 2711 18 16 20 9 I 141 10 34 10 13 9 16 12 Easton...................... 92 83 68 96 97 69 62 59 ii 63 50 1 52 52 46 31 Port Ann..................... 84; 83 11 80 101 98 68 80 66 75 60 43 37 36 31 Fort Edward................ 130 130 97 96 10 ]5 88 79 73/ 68 50 31 35 28 33 Granville.....,............... 127 116 99 100 88 70 80 74 60 53 43 68 55 29 Greenwich..................... 123 147 94 125 128 90 108 I 92 66 68 55 57 41 44 Hampton.................... 31 33 28 31 26 32 29 15 13 10 15 13 9 13 IHartford.................... 60 53 49 56 62 53 34 51 41 36 35 29 20 31 Hebron..................... 94 82 71 65 1 75 65 60 51 1 53 39 42 39 26 24.Jackson................... 44 53 36 35 53 35 48 40 24 27 38 27 14 21 Kingsbury................... { 95 111 93 103 i 121 ] 75 94 72 l 62 54 46 51 41 30 Putnam.................... 14 17 11 13 16' 17I 1411 17 17 12 15 1 11 6 6 Salem....................... 107 96 90 95 106.81 83 68 54 51 41 52 33 32 White Creek................. 71 89 11 61 67 89 [ 79 65 55 56 50 1 37 33 44 31 Whitehall..,............. " 133 131 102 133 140 100 79.75 67 70 49 51 39 38 Total.................... 1,380_ 1,4431,128 1,287 1,386 1,072 1,088 959 828 747 635 6637 530_ 460 WAYNE COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Arcadia..................... 138 158 128 159 179 151 1I17 122 98 100 94 75 59 58 Butler........................ 49 69.54 59 64 58 47 48 45 26 21 30 25 25 Gialen........................ 197 165 140 130 166. 112 99 96 69 75 81 53 38 51 Huron...................... 69 52 49 61 58 45 41 38 35 30 36 21 21 26 Lyons....................... 137 161 135 168 180 144 119 1 05 75 68 62 55 36 41 Macedon..................... 74 88 61 74 82 53 42 48 49 40 46 48 31 29 Marion...................... 76 69 59 62 65 59 46 50 40 42 42 40 25 17 Ontario................... 67 77 531 61 75 45 58844 45 38 37 35 33 16 Palmyra.................... 129 156 98 134 134 108 111 75 64 67 77 59 44 41 Rose'......... "'/ 78 76 55 53 66 44 57 55 39 40 27 31 21 17 Savannah...................... 65 541 51 53 59 40 46 48 37 24 34 23 11 8 Sodus..................... 146 14011 112 145 163 10 103 99 95 80 78 67 47 48 Walworth,.................... 62 91 62 53 73 61 56 49 39 32 37 26 24 14 Williamson.................. / 86 90 [ 85 83 i[ 80 75!t 53 47 45 38 37 1 36 39 28 Wolcott..................... 107 111 II 89 104 96 65 63 I 60 II 63 46 40 34 38 40 Total................... 1,480 1,55 —71,231/ 1, 19 1,058 | 984 |838 7633 4-92 459 WESTCHESTER COUNTY-(CONTINUED).:Bedford.................... 108 115 86 109 125 89 81 67 59 67 52 57 46 32 Cortlandt................... 277 311 247 265 321 199 197 177 10 132 99 105 69 70 East Chester................. 200 247 184 5 211 146 112 87 71 53 182 63 38 42 Greenburgh.............. 287 320 241 317 280 197 163 154 13 113 75 99 63 56 Harrison..................... 57 42 45 27 35 30 41 23 19 111 Lewisborough................/ 490 404 0 50 43 40 34 32 33 27 33 32 24 Mamaroneck.....,........ 36 53 43 4 2 42 35 37 22 16 22 19 12 12 8 Morrisania..................... 469 438 371 394 398 24 243 199 147 120 114 116 44 51 M/lount Pleasant..............' 152 1 1 123 140 1 38 100 11 100 5 57 66 55 36 42 New Castle.................. 52 42 4 64 55 46 51 32 2 35 32 25 19 New Rochelle................:2 122'154 100 103 148 3 82 73 56 55 48 54 30 3 North Castle................ 50 81 55 56 57 68 51 56 4 44 37 35 32 29 North Salem.............. 52 57 4941 37 32 29 30 28 32 23 19 15 Ossining...................... 208 204 171 193 165 122 127 122 83 80 62 68 43 48 Pelham...................... 36 1 3 3 3 31 15 19 23 13 12 7 8 12 3 Poundridge.................. 26 36 28 40 35 42 41 39 25 21 21 21 19 21 Rye.................... 155 191 138 145 135 97 100 93 55 63 57 77 37 44 Scarsdale...,.....:.......... 2 16 1 14 7 11 9 19 5 5 7 7 4 9 Somers................. 5. t 50 3 8 956 / t 39 52 34 29 317 [Continhed on page 6{4'.) 6 2 CLASSIFICATION BY AGE AND SEX, ULSTER COUNTY-(CoNTINUED). 70 I 75 SO 85 90 95 100 and under n a de and undr n d and under and under ad under and upwards. Unknown. TOWNS. 75. so. 85. 90. 95. 100. Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females Kosendale.................... 8 14 7 3 2 4 1 1 2...... I.....................:............... Saugerties.................." 50 45 19 34 16 23 8 6 1 2......:1............ 1 7 Sbandaken................... 14 14 6 5 1 4 1 1...... Shawangunk................. 20 23 13 9 3 7 1 3......................... W awarsing.................. 42 30 21 22 8 6 5.1.................................... 9 9 W oodstock.................... 19 16 8 6 2 1................................................ 5 5 Total.................... 377 384 181 208 105 110 1, 36 41 _ 8 17 |j 3 _ 2............ 62 __ 47 WARREN COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Bolton....................... 16 9 5 7 2 2 2 1 1.......................................... Caldwell..................... 10 8 5 3 2 4 1 1................................................ Chester....................... 26.12 11. 11 7 1..... 4 2 3...... I................... H ague................. 8 6 4 1...... 3 1 1.............................. 0.................. H oricon...................... 9 5 6 4 2.................................................................. Johnsburgh.................. 14 8.12 8 4 2 4 2 4.............................. 10 10 Luzerne...................... 11 10 6 4 5 3............ 1I...... I.............................. Queensbury............./..... 41 47 30 26 9 15 9 3...... I I...... 2...... 14 7 Stony Creek................... 4 3 6 1I 1 2...... 1I........................................... Thurm an.................... 12 5 2......... I.................................... 2...... W atrensburgb................ 8 8 9 4 7 3 1 1............................................... Total.................... 159 121 H 96 69 1. 39 36 19 15 _ _ 4_ _ 2 1I | 2...... 29 __ 17 WASHINGTON COUNTY-.(CONTINUED). Argyle........................ 34 27 24 25 8 10 6 3.................................... 5 5 Cambridge................... 16 is 7 1 5 2 2..............!............ D resden..................... 7 1 2 2 2.............................. Easton....................... 19 23 13 15 7 12 4 1 1............ I........................ Fort Ann.................... 21 24 15 12 8 2 3 2 2 1........................ 8 1 Fort Edward.................. 11 8 5 12 4 1................................................. 5 3 Granville..................... 26 37 18 14 10 7 2............ 1I..................................... Greenwich................... 36 21 12 27 10 7 4 3 H am pton..................... 10 4 3 3 1 2...... 4..................,.............................. Hartford................. 19 9 9 7 7 4 4 3.....1'................... I Hebron....................... 21 27 9 9 5 11 1 3 3 1........................ 2 4 Jackson..................... 12 18 12 7 11 5 8............................................... K ingsbury.................... 23 25 1 8 11 7 1 2 1.............. 1............ 1...... Putnam................... 3 2 2 3 3 1 1.................................... Salem o....................... 25 24 17 1 4 4 9 3...... 1...... I............ I...... W hite Creek................. 20 23 162 18 6 3 3 5 1 1......................... 16 30 W hitehall.................... 14 19 12 15 10 9 3 2...... 2 1.................. 7 7:................. 317 I, 10 2............ 51 54 WAYNE COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Arcadia...................... 27 40 23 18 7 9 3 2 2 1...... 1............ I..... Butlery................ 1 4 oalen....................... 21 27 1 1 6 7 8....... 1................................ 10 5 Huron................... 22 14 4 10 16 1 1........................................... Lyons...1 9................................... 13 M acedon..................... 16 16 11 10 7 5 2 5.................. I............. 2...... M arion....................... 21 17 9 13 3 3 2 1 2..................................... Ontario....................... 22 13 10 9 3 1 2 2 2 2................... 2...... Palmyra.......... i........... 2 29- 11 14 5 9 4 4 1 1...... I........................ Rose............. 23 - 19. 7 8 3 4...... I...... I I.................. 1 4 W ar r n s b rgh................ 8 2 2...'...'1 Savannah.................... 5 64 7............................. WASTHINGTON COUNTY —(CONTINUED). Argled....................... 37.324 13 7 East) Chesder....... 7 2146 17 A............ G Eastnbug........ 4 44 1 3 8 13 21......... 1'1.......34 3 F e isortu........ 17 d 0 w 6 0 a 1 9d..................... 1...... 18... Grmarnvill.................. 5 10 9 5 1 2 1..................... 78 Goree nwich,.................. 3 0 34 14 2.................. 1... mpount Plaat.............. 2 9 1 2...... 1 0 1... 24... I ewa stler............... 198 3 6 6 3..............................9 N ewo chon.,.............. 2 0 8 0 3 2 1..................... ingo brth C sl..:............... 21 20 10 1 5 3... 1..................... Putnamn...................... 23 34 20 1 10' "' 2....... 1....... 1 Saelh m............ 6 4 2............... 12................... Pou drige................ 2 6 15 17 7 14 4 9 2 1...... 1...... 1............ 1............ Whie......e................. 32 6 3 13 7 6 3 2 5.... 1.................................. Whitehall.................... 1 5 I 9 15 1 0 9.. 3 2.............1.....,...................7.. 7,..... Butlers....................... 11 } 1 51 3 12 | 10 2 2 3 5 2......!2.....,.|.................. 1 4 Gale~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ otnue............. pat 7 2 6e 6...)...............1 CLASSIFICATION BY AGE AND SEX. 63 WESTCHESTER COUNTY-(CONTINUED). 5 10 15 0 5 30 Under and under and under and under and under and under and'under TOWNS. 5.10. 15. 0.5.30o.35. Males. Females.Males. Females. Males. Femaleles. Mal es. Females.Males. Females.Males. Fem-les Westchester................. 225 25811 284 228,l 200 21411 172 207 180 200 156 170 41 135 West Farms.................1 473 494 524 459 409 410 327 348 1 261' 317 232 355 271 274 White Plains................ 131 116 106 106 ]115 116 87 118 93 133 79 79 69 97 Yonkers................... 945i 877 872 839 545 568- 486 557 { 543 775 52Q 745 503 587 Yorktown................ 150 145 137 145 152 128 99 132 99 114 97'97 74 103 Total ~~...... ~........... 6,531 6,461__6,521 I 6,217 5,200 5,160 4,040 4,631 3,990 | 5,095 3,799 4,601 3,424 4.173 YATES COUNTY. Attica....................... 150 118 144 146 121 124 112 128 80 115 88 98 73 92 Bennington.................. 142 1 38 159 149145 144 139 123 115297 91 75 65 54 67 Castile....................... 86 85 129 136 95 1 92 97 114 87 98 68 88 58 75 China....................... 115 97 110 99 112 103 90 103 76 95 67 84 44 50 Covington................... 70 79 65, 041, 665 1 8, 75 4 60 47 600 59 44 "50 52]30 36 Eagle........................ 66 47 81 75 711 67 70 651259 39 45 56 134 1 34 ainesville.................. 82 76 98 102 78 91 77 80 69 66 56 62 48 57 Genesee Falls................ 77 40 70 58 65 42 53 48 42 54 46. 47 39. 40 Java......................... 135 115 140 1432 125 146 1 121 106 92 99 63 84 48 67 Middlebmry.................. 108 92 93 86 63 98 73 81 76 74 59 68 63 68 Orangeville.................... 84 78 78 82 79 69 64 56 58 53 42. 48 44 40 Perry....................... 112 110 126 117 127 89 103 1276 84 131 87 84 81 103 Pike.......................... 99 82 84 79 97 98 85 94 85 92 7 76 77 57 61 Sheldon.....................:..159 170 189 163 192 184 148 1 57 99 98 74 74 52 49 Warsvaw.................... 130 174 1 61 171 136 130 134 112 1 41 79 108 I 98 107 Wethersfield................ 75 85 85 78 73 61 71 72 56 72 43 46 4 46 33 40 Total.................... 1,695 1.542 1,825 1,743 1,688 / 1,599 1,464 1 1,543 1,231 1,362 1 018 1,141 856 986 WYOMING COUNTY. Barrington.................. 78 68 6 77 82 96 73 96 63 67 70 456 80 53 49 Rentorn....................' 121 104 145 108 135 108 121 127 116 110 93 117 77 85 Italy....................... 63 84 104 81 90 77 89 80 59 67 44. 63 56 44 Jerusalem................... 144 1 5 33 144 143 153 119 138 139 12 137 95 110 89 90 Middlesex................... 88 80 83. 74 60 68 49 65 48- 49 55 62 42 46 Milo........................ 189 186 192 210 1 213 240 205 238 199 224 149 175 116 161 Pottersie.................... 115 123 95 5 97 115 1 23 122 109 88 88 84 85 66 97 Starkey....................... 102 104 140 115 116 107 118 125 109 144 84 100 84 82 Torrey..................... 72 62 68 79] 65 78 64 64 57 67 44 48 44 -45 Total.................... 1 972 944 1,048 989 1,043 993 1,002 1,010 864 956 693 840 627 1 699 6~[ CLASSIFICATION BY AGE AND SEX. WESTCHESTER COUNTY-(CONTINUED). 35 40 4:5 50 55 60 65 and under and under and under and under and under and under and under TOWNS. 40. 4:550..55 60. 65. 70. Males. Females. Males. Females.Males. Females.Males. Females. Males. Females.Males. Females.Males. Females Westchester.................. 132 123 | 82 109 133 96 107 86 40 44 51 39 24 22 West Farms.................. 279 ~276 230 220 214 148 151 147 91' 75 80 92 31 34 White Plains............ 61 61. 62 73 61 45 69 51 25 27 41 34 15 10 Yonkers...................... 460 485 362 363 322 264 246 208 114 92 99 120 50 53 Yorktown................... 80 82 75 72 75 56 51 50 52 41 41 41 29 26 Total.................. 3,422 3,604 2,872 3,098 | 3,135 2,262 2,216 1,944 1,323 11,257 1,234 753 729'T tI......... 3 42 WYOMING COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Attica.................... 77 77 60 67 80o 53 | 47 571 51 32 25 26 35 27 Bennington................. 71 58 54 53 49 49 45 41 32 22 Castile....................... 55 7 3 66 44 55 51 40 46 45 41 40 41 32 China....................... 60 7 40 50 58 43 45 47 40 35 36 30 29 17 Covington..................... 34 56 31 40 35 34 24 25 25 20 18 18 20 12 Eagle....................... 40 55 34 34 33 32 25 14 19 28 17 16 14 9 Gainesville................... 50 70 49 59 56 42 35 25 40 23 17 26 27 14 Genesee Falls.........'..... 24 33 27 30 35 29'35 34 1 11 16 15 12 8 Java............. 49 64 50 54 66 38 44 42 36 37 40 34 81 13 Middlebury................... 5 2 48 58 47 35 26 27 31 25 28 21 22 Orangeville................... 43 43 37 38,39 40'18 22 23 15 17 22 16 14 Perry....................... 66 82 59 78;65 68 57 54 41 Pike......................... 48 66.45 51 63 45 32 46 41 37 22 28 22 Sheldon...................... 586 61 48 44 29 34 28 23 Warsaw..................... 85 104 65 90 85 67 60 65 62 53 5~1 43 40 Wethersfield................. 46 26 40 35 23 36 26 27 17 27 928 30 26 Total................... 863 1,032 755 885 | 920 749 646} 638 583 532 472 477 439 319 YATES COUNTY-(CONTINUED.)'Barrington................... 52 48 34 56 49 33 24 24 25 26 14 15 19 16 Benton...... 76 78 56 68 79 55 54 53 53 52 43 35 27 27 Italy......................... 43 47 35 39 45 37- 35 26 18 18 14 15 12 20 Jerusalem................ 95 80 55 75 76 62 67 74 59 42 43 32 35 31 Middlesex.,.......... 42 51 40 37 40 24 16 24 27 21 21 18 11. 14 Milo.................... 121 151 115 173 146 124 117 81 68 67 52 56 53 53 Potter....................... 80 61 52 59 66 61 47 35 29 35 36 33 20 29 Starkey.............. 87 104 60 62 82 70 65 59 35 32 53 46 27 17 Torrey'................ 39 55 45 46 41 28 21 22 30 29 27 15 16 14 Total................... 635 675 492 615 624 494 446 398 344 322 303 265 220 221 CLASSIFICATION BY AGE AND SEX. 65 WESTCHESTER COUNTY-(CONTINUED). 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 and under and under and under and under and under and under and upwards. Unknown. TOWNS. 75. s0. 85. 90. 95. 100. Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females W estchester................. 13 16. 9 6 1 5 2 1 1 1........................ 8 5 W est Farms................. 21 24 10 16 3 10 1 2...... I....................... 13 10 W hite Plains................. 7 12,5 11..... 5 1........................................... 1...... Yonkers..................... 33 42 17 22- 9 10 3 2...... 3 1 1............ 7 6 Yorktown................... 19 26 22 11 9 5 2 3 2 2 1............... 6 8 Total................... 488- 531 285 307 132 176 57 61 1 9 18 3 | 6 119 99 WYOMING COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Attica...................... 14 14 12 7 7 2 2 1 1 1........................ 1 2 Bennington.................. 23 22 14 17 4 6 1 1...... 1 1............ 1.......... Castile....................... 2 1 17 3 9 5 7 1, 3...... 1........................ 2 2 China........................ 1...... I.......................... Covington................... 7 7 4 3 3 3 1 2 1 1......................... Eagle........................ 12 26 4 12...... I................................ Gainesville.................. 18 16 9 6 5 3...... 3............................................... Genesee Falls................ 9 6 3 1................................ Java........................ 20 23 11 8 5 2 1 1............................................. M iddlebury................... 17 17 17 2 9 3 1...... 1.................. 1...... 1 Orangeville................. 12 517 5 6 4 3 2 1............................................... Perry....................... 38 23 8 14 15 5..... 2...... 2........................ 4 1 Pike....................... 23 12 7 5 6 1 1 2........................................... Sheldon..................... 28 17 13 6 8 2...... 3...... 1....................... 7...... W arsaw.................... 28 24 7 18 9 7 2 3 1...... 1................. 2 2 W ethersfield................. 6 63 6....... I.................. 1 2 3 ~arringt~~~~~n........ 2928 25 n 1 / 26'..20 Total................ 234 152 129 65 63 3 YATES COUNTY-(,CONTINUED). Betn.................... 14 7 3.... 2 Ramnyton...................................... Benton................... 9 16 10 16 5 8 2 2 1, 1............ 6 1 Italy.................... 8 8 7 4 2 3 2............................................. 7 6 Jerusalem.......... 33 16 12 8 7 12 3 3................... 1 2 M iddlesex............... 12 5 6 5...... 2................... 2.................................. Milo.................... 20 28 18 18 8 11 6 5 1 2 1.................. 2 1 Potter............ I............ 23 17 13 17 5 5 3 2................... I ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~r~~...............................il TM T Starkey...................... 10 6 6- 17 9 2 2 2 2 3 2. 4 Torrey...................... 8 8 5 5 1 3.................. I................... Total................... 137 111 83 93 40l 46,l 181 15 31 4 1 II 3.1,.... I... 23 18 9 RECAPITULATION OF AGES AND SEXES. 5 10 15 20 25 30 Under and under and under and under and under and under and under COUNTIES. 5-10. 15~.'. M5. 30. 35. Males.Femaes. les. Females.Meas el. Mas.qs Fml.M eas. ales. Females. Males. Females Albany....... 7,182 6,997| 7,575 7,131 6,297 6,472 5,285 6,2791 4,982 6,174 |4,248: 5,102 3,298 4.383 Allegany...... 2,396 2,283 2,594 2,474 1 2,316 2,322 1,971 2,135 1,577 1,851 1,358 1,588 1,246 1,427 Broome...... 2,160 2,090 2,324 2,321 2,298 2,115 1.818 1,982 1,638 1,818 1,372 1,490 1,141 1.362 298 2,~11' $ 18/ 1,982 1/168/1,1 /1372/ 1,490 ],111.6 Cattaraugus... 2,645 2,637 2,921 2,793 2,552 2,485 2,156 2,133 1,747 1,92641,54451,729 1,368 1,466 Cayuga...... 2,963 2,956 3,330 3,266 2,967 2,762 2,644 2,699 2,361 2,796 2,181 2,369 1,781 1,972 Chautauqua... 3,341 3,189 3,581 3,529 3,295 3,095 2,785 2,907 2,489 2,834 2,045 2,381 1,913 2,102 Chemung..... 1,934 1,811 1,941 1,970 1,819/1,774 1,485 1,692 1,454 1,763 1,231 1,412 1,053'1,1-86 Chenango.... 1,894 1,797 2,046 2,021 2,120 1,950 1,846 1,926 1,613 1,951 1,379 1,620 1,200 1,351 Clinton....... 3,147 3,005 3,310 3,221 3, 143 2,929 2,582 2,601 1,936 2,077 1,475 1,74 1,242 1321 1~ ~ ~ 252,01, 9o6 I,7 11,7[, 5741 1,2421 1,321 Columbia..... 2,541 2,430 2,608 2,553 2,388 2,291 2,145 2,363 1,973 2,262 1,491 1,897 1,332 1,608 Cortland......1,302 1,303 1,405 1,340 1,323 1,217 1,175 1,246 1,022 1,159 923 1,079 823 867 Delaware.... 2,333 2,250 2,579 2,391 2,484 2,213 2,131 2,226 1,868 1,983 1.503 1,677. 1,230 1,401 Dutchess...... 3,758 3,718 3,850 3,756 3,365 3,316 2,860[ 3,282 2,749 3,339 2,380 2,883 2,011 2,518 Erie..........11,39611,094 11,781 11,492 8,950 8,870 6,695 7,235 5,561.6,873 5,278 5,961 4,838 5,553 Essex........ 1,881 1,940 1,971 1,941 1,769 1,667 1,440 1,423 1, 159 1,312 1,044 1,096 845 874 Franklin...... 1,824 1,813 1 2,090 1,908 1,893 1,866 1,523 1,5171 1,098 1,226 O911 976 679 803 Pulton....... 1,489 1,430 1,514 1,521 1,392 1,318 1,192 1,315 1,007 1,273 799 1,012 724 863 Genesee........ 1,859 1,766 [2, 008 1,886 1,599 1,562 1,416 1,518 1,227 1,383 1,086 1,255 933 1,097 Gene ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~93 1e. 108971 6 1 Greene....... 1,755 1,686 1,912 1,942 1,807 1,676 1,587 1,685 1,302 1,512 1,067 1,230' 900 1,085 Hamilton.....{ 183 177 186 175 177 169 122 148 112 93 109 85. 75 86 Herkimer..... 2,205 2,139{ 2,329 2,2041 2,091 1,974 1,822 1,951 1,789 2,0121 1,543 1,736 1,217 1,389 Jefferson...... 3,625 3,717 4,023 3,857 3,722 3,502 3,451 3,467 2,925 3,352 2,469 2,886 2,018 2,340 Cings........ 21,283 20,838 20,242 20,080 15,472 16,217 12,113 15,344 11,931 17,539 12,176 16,163 11,499114159 Lewis........ 1,819 1,646 1,905 1,784 1,689 1,513 1,443 1,260 1,206 1,273 970 1,024 798 879 Livingston.... 2,131 2,103 2,307 2,245 2,121 1,959 1,738 1,851 1,503 1,790 1,329 1,562 1,105 1,375 MAadison...... 2,213 2,130 2,318 2,286 2,283 2,160 2,135 2,159 1,883 2,079 1,593 1,764 1 262 1,484 Monroe....... 6,492 6,350 7,005 6,839 6,115 5,689 4,899 5,187 4,338 5,224 3,563 4,184 3,081. 3,746 Montgomery; 1,832 1,783 1,966 1,911 1,750 1,735 1,581 1,666 1,465 1,633 1,155 1,276 979 1,060 New York...i. 47,857 47,163 46,250 45,505 35,715 36,053 26,183 34,928 26,885 42,522 29,505 40,223 28,612 35,325 Niagara....... 3,105 3,035 3,198 3,242 2,879 2,835 2,463 2,548 2,110 2,342 1,717 1,937 1,478 1,663 Oneida....... 5,907 5,645 6,083 6,169 5.611. 5,659 4,813 5,176 4,237 5,006 3,544 4,171 2,860 3,665 Onondaga.... 5,642 5,552 5,973 5,860 5,056 5,096 4,166 4,407 3,958 4,475 3, 375 3,880 2,917 3,385 Ontario...,,. 2,332 2,291 2,642 2,607 2,210 2,12912,065 2,202 1,761 2,098 1,593 1,892 1,378 1,588 Orange...... 4,273 4,244 4,568 4,357 3,794 3,725 3,072 3,4181 3,280 3,475 2,760 3,030 2,373 2,639 Orleans...../ 1,661 1,564 1,646 1,719 1,503 1,467 1,439 1,364 1,231 1,436 1,019 1,238 914 1,030 Oswego...... 4,614 4,700 5,166 4,918 4,497 4,238 3,780 3,784 3,301 3,478 2,673 2,996 2,357 2,725 Otsego.......A 2,45.2 2,387 2,707 2,544.2.603 2,454 2,211 2,369 2,087 2,348 1,838 2,087 1,553 1,716 Putnam....... 846 881 905 909 819 767 676 711 632 747 588 626 455 521 Queens....... 3,698 3,617 3,686 3,726. 3,100 3,065 2,407 2,698 2,214 2,845 1,972 2,498 1.910 2,282 gensselaer.... 5,505 5,431 5,494 5,475 4,719 4,589 3,842 4,538 3,751 4,587 3,277 4,016 2,794 3,392 Richmond..... 1,736 1,6.81 1,812 1,759 1,443 1,496 1,086 1,3791 982 1,517 1,021 1,4251 876 1,181 Rockland..... 1;3971 1,351 1.,450 1,394 1,203 1,136 888 930 808 910 762 8411 630 688 St. Lawrence.. 5,122 4,978 5,554 5,296 4,983 4,848 4,272 4,312 3,297 3,876 2,705 3,144 2,252 2,754 Saratoga...... 2,826 2,796 3,073 2,927 2,758' 2,670 2,363 2,5601 1,969 2,338 1,626 2,083 1,374 1,744 Schenectady... 1,246 1,172 1,272 1,276 1,159 1,046: 987 1,026 925 1,066 719 883 599 788 Schoharie..... 1,922 1,954 2,122 2,018 2,038 1,906 1,712 1,687 1,338 1,532 1,155 1,340 982 1,105 Schiyler...... 915 934 1,079 91 9 91 91 1,034 880 1,0101 812 963 656 856 596 613 Seneca...... 1,617 1,598 1,772 1,786 1,508 1,52091,377 1,413 1,183 1,414 1,021 1,116 801 1,027 Steuben......I 4,095 3,983 4,519 4,326 4,024 3,896 3,436 3,466 2,807 3,120 2,380 2,633 1,983 2,290 Suffolk........ 2, 422 2,362 2,623 2,505.2,406 2,353 1,982 2,120 1,739 1,923 1,455 1,724 1,2W7 1,464 Sullivan.... 2,331 2,239 2,458 2,277 2,129 2,039 1,620 1,5761,286 1,28 328 1,086 1,090 898 997 Tioga......... 1,468 1,455 1,562 1,623 1,520 1,516 1,475 1,601 1,282 1,473 1,099 1,157 853 976 Tompkins..... 1,550 1,472 1,603- 1,574 1,690 1,533 1,535 1,701 1,315 1,546 1,145 1,379 929 1,101 Ulster........ 5,316 5,285 I5,251Pt 5,1361 4,632 4,319 3,5581 3,730I 2,980I 3,2171 2,556 I2,831 2,308 2,586 TWarren...... 1.364 1,386 1,469 1,378 1,329 1,238 1,039 1,007 752 943 7361 811 632 725'Washington... 2;783 2,803 2,850 2,839 2,473 2,442 2;141 [2,148 2,039 2,213 1,714 1,798 1,389 1,563 Wayne....... 2,819 2,638 2,881 2, 632 2.560 2,205 2,385 1,912 2,113 1,751 1,925 1,432 1,725 "WeTestehester... 6,531 6,461 6,521 6,2171 5,200 5;160 4,040 4,631 3,990 5,095 3,799 4,601 3,424 4,173'Wyoming..... 1,695 1,542 1, 825 1,743 1,688 11,599 1i,464 1i,543 1,231 1,362 1,018.1,14181 56 986 Yates......... 9 9441,048864 956 693 840. 627 699 Total..... / 237 61232,622-1'244,683 238-,716 20,55254,873 /194,771|l141,180 |71,223,l24,910187 CLASSIFICATION BY AGE AND SEX. 67 RECAPITUTjLATION OF AGES AND S-EXES-'(C0NTTNUU 1)). 35 40 4550 | 5560 65 and under and under and under and under and under and under and under COUNTIES. 4Q. 45. 50. 55. 60. 65. 3?0. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females.Males. Femaes.Males.Females.Males. Females Albany.............. 3,556 3,872 2,889 3,475 3,496 2,658 2,513 2,213 1,530 1,455 1,343, 1,301 728 823 ~Allegany..... i..........1,362 1,295 1,022 1,140 1,181 936 821 716 715 586 573 532 450 326 Broome.............. 1,206 1,240 1,021 1,014 1,159 936 836 742 607 585 -470 498 366 303 Cattaraugus.......... 1,393 1,331 1,054 1,080 1,290 929 858 713- 689 643 642 530 460 372 Oayuga........;........1,840 1,887 1,360 1,719 1,857 1,396 1,263 1,108 968 852 840 741 582 561 Chautauqua............2,099 2,033 1,514 1,618 1,635 1,295 1,126 1,110 1,041 986 942 778 608 542 Chemung............... 1,129 1,087 912 936 963 670 6'87 554 435 364 333 313 223 192 Chenango..............1,213 1,221 978 1,257 1,233 1,007 901 850 751 -746 601 600 508 458 Clintono.............. 1,197 1,193 955 990 1,141 930 836 744 677 562 553 461 427 340 Columbia.............. 1,306 1,424 1,130 1,276 1,413 1,190 1,083 1,014 799 747 688 662 416 455 Cortland............... 756, 822 608 722 720 668 571 566 - 507 429 400 412 289 281 Delaware...............1,329 1,296 1,026 1,15-3 1,211 995 846 305 735 682 566 525 417 396 Dutchess...............2,045 2, 149 1,638 2,011 2,049 1,601 1,458 1,441 1,080 978 888 943 592 642 Erie................... 5,379 5,209 4,051 4,278 4,854 3,353 2,900 2,484 2,045 1,691 1,661 1,510 1,087 972 Essex................... 852 806 614 655 829 612 545 474 456 385 406 333. 286 242 Franklin............... 720. "799 588 689 730 602 522 513 448 397 407 334 316 22 Fulton................. 749 763 - 564 663 689 566 527 477 396 383 363 327 258U 217 Genesee.................1,038 1,040 807 932 998 808 643 596 567 541 452 470 377 323 Greene.................1,008 1,057 738 921 970 792 649 654 578 574 458 424 316 325 Hamilton............... 88 71 59 56 75 48 53 43 54 34 27 26 1 30 20 Herkimer..............1,305 1,252 886 1,095 1,260 974 865 784 691 627 536 561 416 416 Jefferson............... 1,935 2,104 1,629 1,770 1,872 1,5712-1,374 1,302 1,182 1,080 896 876 f47 664 Kings.................. 11,170 11,696 8, 715 9,567 9,311 6,455 6,025 5,385 3,103 2,835 2,6232,714 1,233 1377 Lewis................... 882 864 657 665 825 633 564 530 434 426' 428 363 316 258 Livingston............. 1,230 1,234 912 1,101 1,199 951 814 812 646 556 573 496 406 358 Madison................1,340 1,404 991 1,200 1,363 1,115 998 978 853 802 747 705 494 446 Monroe............... 3,231 3,389 22, 614 3,061 3,234 2,540 2,189 1,973 1,590 1,365 1,309 1,186 876 806 Montgomery............ 976 996 771 883 920 734 642 556 493 459 437 3933 32 2 288 New York.............. 27,692. 28,823 21,525 23,227 21,240 14,926 13,534 12,587 6,586 6,367 6,198 6,514 2,7'779 3,097 Niagara................ 1,493 1,441 1,164 1,355 1,464 1, 108 1,084 895 843 678 679 552 464 350 Oneida................3,210 3,390 2,564 3,018 3,216 2, 596 2,346 2,226 1,874 1,695 1,562 1,453 1,067 1,022 Onondaga..............3,037 3,138 2,336 2,671 2,862 2,245- 2,029 1,743 1,472 1,363 1,297 1,144 793 766 Ontario................. 1,343 1,485 1,065 1,278 1,393 1,131 942 859 793 767 635 637 451 425 Orange................2,275 2,252 1,733-2,-008 2,037 1,614 1,407 1,324 996 975 893 812 566 571 Orleans................. 902 954 691 766 875 67-4 652 573 483 441 428 408 315 258 Oswego................ 2,494 2, 387 1,749 2,085 2,297 1,570 1,582 1,380 1,216 1,064 1,069-912 70 645 Otsego.................1,549 1,703 1,297'1,432 1,498 1,242 1,149 1,078 957 926 823 787 537 584 Putnam............... 450 461 362 425 433 328 345 324 224 240 224 197 133 139 Queens..................1,804 2,010 1.619 1,763 1,919 1,450 1,278 1,122 836 686 793 715- 448 443 Rensselaer............. 2, 931 2,999 2,256 2,527 2,559 2,012 1,850 1,732 1,250 1,212 1,062 1,138 722 711 Richmond.............. 893 1,019 827 939 910 611 641 557 386 340 367 319 222 166 Rockland............. 655 657 554 591 645 459 463 382 294 278 291 257 169 150 St. Lawrence........... 2,209 2,410 1,774 1,986 2,149 1,713 1,561 1,422 1,255 1,101 1,118 903 908 686 Saratoga............... 1,491 1,654 1, 181 1, 518 1,588 1,305 1,170 1,032 936 837 738 731 538 525 Schenectady.......... 636 692 509 601 677 499 507 451 348 334 275 273 188 215 Schoharie..............1,009 1,060 794 919; 991 821 721 646 534 540- 441 415 315 311 Schuyler............... 578 623 475 529 ~567 466 399 377 355 321' 280 239 205 176 Seneca................. 829 900 643 783 897 689 562 503 442 406 366 353 258 240 Steuben................2,217 2, 089 1,664 1,667 1,950 1,446 1,241 1,059 1,019 898 801 697 623 486 Suffolk................ 1,280 1,298 1,053 1,182 1,3363 1,084 1,040 992 764 729 638 646 459. 482 Sullivan................. 967 919 734 832 1,077 684 679 569 536 412 405 35 7 300 216 Tioga................ 906 910 718 807 865 663 628 565 489 427 387 366 314 266 Tompkins...... E.........1,023 1,065~ 809 928 9'84 1 783 693 671i 599 500 44~9 471 350 312 Ulster.....:...2,457 2,3601I,86i32,020 2,274 1,672 1,585 1,370 1,039.905 903 819 545 511 Wiarren...-............. 644 584 507 550 596 437 425,1385 345 1273 263 262 238 193 W~ashington........... 1,380 1,443 1,128 1,287 1,386 1,072 1,088 959 828 1747 6G35 663 530 460 Wayne.......,.....;....1,480 1,557 1,231 1,399 1,540 1,169 1,058 984 838 746 749 1633 492 459 Westchester............3,422 3,604 2, 872 3,098 3, 135 2,262 2,216 1,944 1,323 1,257 1,203 1,234 753 729 W~yoming............. 863 1,032 755 885 920 749 646 638 583 1532 47i2 477 439 319 Tates............,,... 635 675 492 615 624 494 446 398 344 1322 303 265 220 221 total.............. 127, 08 131JJ28 _99, 647 11 6lg Ill15,408|I 86i,940_ 79, 076|71.I,884 J54,l857!I50,089|| I46,909 |44,663^130,657|i28,760 68 CLASSIFICATION BY AGE AND SEX. RECAPITUL ATION OF AG-ES AND SEXES-(CONTINUED). 70 75.s: 8085SO.3 100 anunder anunde ran d under and under and under and under and Ulwards. Unknown. COUNTIES. 5. 85. 90. 95. 100..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ea Males. IFFmale~ Ia~es. rob.Males. Femles. ales. FeaaMales. Femal e Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females Albany................. 453 532 247 329 116 172 59 57 18 29 1 4....... 8 114 108 Alleganlly........... 263 239 167 136 85 48 34 30 6 6 3 2........... 49 24 Broome................ 255 217 141 122 68 65 29 26 7 6 1............... 45 39 Cattaraugus............ 265 222 175 140 68 58 27 31 4 8...... 1 3 1 32 37 Cayuga................. 392 331 246 262 94 117 57 51 15 11 4 3............ 73 53 Chautauqua............. 421 360 226 210 118 126 46 3 11....... 2 76 37 Chemung.............. 143 135 84 83 37 41 16 8 3 4 ~4............ 21 21 Chenango............... 303 275 176 178 116 126 39 28 15 13 5 3..... 1 27 17 Clinton................. 288 215 171 118 93 59 38 40 17 11 6 9 2....... 62 15 Columbia................ 281 317 i90 234 106 104 33 45 16 21 4. 7...... 1 29 32 Cortland............... 204 172 138 112 73 61 29 31 6 7.................. 2 26 19 Delaware......,........ 282 288 212 192 97 94 35 33. 105 3...... 1 77 49 Dutchess............... 426 460 248 256 122 141 54 74 5 21 4 3...... 1 52 25 Erie..................... 646 626 359 318 162 157 64 53 15'12 8 2 2 1 95 262 Essex.................. 177 176 124 93 56 44 20 24 6 7 3 1............ 30 26 Franklin.............. 192 131 101 80 56 45 26 13 10 7 5 3' 1 1 28 21 Fulton........................ 166 154 97 103 46 44 15 21 9 6 3 3............ 26 28 Genesee.267 23 156 122 84 63 25 2210 3 1........ 1 21 17 Greene................ 201 209 151 126 65 66 24 33 6 12 3 2 1 4 110 87 Ham~iltonl'18 18 11.8 6..... Hamilton............... 18 18 11.8 2 6...... 2 1........................ 1...... 4 3 Herkimr............... 247 262 165 136 84 69 42 26 4 12 2 1 21 35 2 Jefferson..,............ 475 413 354 300 157 143 72 59 13 17 9 8...... 33 38 Kings.................. 710 1,030 340 504 146 302 65 87 20 23 6 14 2 5 292 279 Lewis.................. 207 150 104 98 80 38 25 16 6 9 4 3............ 24 2 Livingston............. 298 266 168 159 73 57 27 35 11 10 3.......... 24 1 Madison.................. 290 287 188 171 110 118 45 59 13 11 1 2...... 1 10 15 Monroe................. 530 504 310 304 130 109 39 55 20 12 6 4 1...... 71 65 Montgomery 1.......... 188 181 110 100 59 59 19 19 62 3 1..... 23 1 New York.............. 1,630 2,201 748 1,004 358 585 123 191 45 71 16 27 6 13 678 86 Niagara................ 278 254 156 143 63 59 24 32 6 11 3 4 1...... 65 62 Oneida................... 655 611 406 432 222 210 94 101 28 26 7 2 8 2 63 61 Onondaga.......... 533 500 305 293 175 153 64 49 15 13 2 5 1...... 72 154 Ontario.................. 315 304 188 163 83 84 33 36 17 6 2 4............ 55 34 Orange.................. 405 401 206 231 111 122 37 39 13 13 3 2 3...... 66 42 Orleans................220 207 121 84 66 42 25 21 6 10 2 3............ 79 66 Oswego................. 441 374 235 205 135 101 44 60 10 16 10 5 I...... 85 31 Otsego... 405 345 261 244 99 104 59 53 9 15 2 2............. 67 33 Putnam................. 93 116 72 65 42 28 13 14 6 6 1 5...... 2 7 7 Queens ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~311 381 1.74 178' 92 97 27 38 6 9 5 4 1 I3 Queens................. 31 31 7 18 9 9 2 3 65 4 1 1 31 38 Rensselaer........... 380 443 239 292 107 124 41 58 15 20 3 9...... 1 58 49 Richmond............... 156 129 Ill 80 46 43 12 14 3 4 2............ 9 8 Rocklard................115 132 84 83 25 45 17 22 6 7...... 2 11 St. Lawrence.... 530 483 363 313 178 139 68 66 23 12 8 7'4...... 123 89 Saratoga................ 402 360 201 211 87 101 39 40 12 13 3 4 1 2 32 33 Schenectady 114 133 60 58 28 45 15 201 7 3 5 1............ 18 12 Schoharie............... 216 247 156 135 70 69 31 19 7 3 4 3............ 43 22 Schuyler................ 116 95 80 75 34 34 19 17 5 I I 2............ 17 25 Seneca................ 154 140 94 69 46 47 11 18 6 8 2 1...... 1 20 12 Steuben................ 341 308 199 164 94 87 48 31 16 8 6 6............ 49. 20 Suffolk..................337 351 203'225 98 102 31 37 7 10 3 3 1...... 39 57 Sullivan................. 212 158 103 72 44 40 1 6 14 3 3 3 I........... 17 14 T ioga........................ 4 21 Tompkins............. 197 227 158 125 66 66 31 16 7 18 6 4...... I1 34 30 Ulster............... 377 384 181 208 105 110 36 41 8 17 3 2....... 62 47 Warren................ 159 121 96 69 39 36 19 15 8 4 2 1 2...... i 29 17 Washington............. 317 310 190 2t6 112 93 45 31 11 10 1 2............ 51 i ~54 Wayne.......,.........,. 342 320 190 196 84 85 40 42 14I 10 3 5...... 33 i 27 Westchester......... 488 531 285 307 132 176 57 61 119 18 "3 6 1...... 119 99 Wyoming........ 292 ~234 152 129 65 63 18 25' 5 10 2 1...... 3 20 11 Yates.................... 137..111 83 93 40 46 18 15 4 12 3 1.............[ 23~ 18 Total..,:....,:........19,444129,505 11, 385 11,249 {5 495|15,69512,181'2 266 63 1-~ 704 208 217 47 60 3627I3.399 CLASSIFICATION BY PLACE OF BIRTH. ALBANY COUNTY. COUNTIES OF NEW YORK. TOWVNS....... cd cd~ e ~ o. t ~ 1 I * F: E ^a ri ri ^= ^ ^ o o < w ^ = < I I ^ a I b.0 r I~~~~~~~~r MI* I S^' g ~^ 8 * 4~ ~ ~'..............................26............':;'-,-E-''< <' u o P F_, o ~..- ^2 ~ "'** Newport......................... 1,615................ 6.................... 1 4 1 Norway.......... 1........... 898........... 8................ 1......'......... Ohio............................... 777.............. 2................................ Russia..... 2........... 1,673.............. 40............; 2...... 2.... Salisbury........' 1......... 1,683..................................... I Schuvler......... 1.......... 1,325........ 2 9........'.............. 1............. Stark r.......................... 1,431.............. 4.....................,............ W arren............................. 1,448.............................................. W ilm urt. 5 11.................................................................................. W infield......... 1....,.......... 1,2.................... 1............................ Total ~........... 34 3' 2' 31,772........ 3 542 I...... 2 3 38 5 "'14 1 3 1 35 21 JEFFERSON COUNTY-(CoNTINUED). Adams............ 1 2 1 2,746........... 5.0...... I 2 1 1.... 1. Alexandria..... 2........ 2......... 2.... Antwerp................. I..... 2,554: 28................ I...................... 4.... Brownville............ I 2:74 31...... I:: I... -.... 2 1 Cape Vincenty....................... 2,406.............. 19................ 4 1 I........... 12 1 Cham pions........................... 1,685.............. 1. layton............................ 3,394.............. 23...... I.................. I................ 3. Ellisburgh............... 2 2 4,392.............. 39................ 2...................... 1 3.. Hlenderson........ 1............................ 2.... 1............... H ounsfield................... 2, 45 3,.............................. Le Ray.................... 29.......... 1 1 1........................ Lorraine................. 5..... 1,324....... 25......................................... 2 1........,..~~ ~~~~..............'... Lym e............ 1 2......... 1,........... 15............................... O rleans............................ 2, 283.............. 22-......,.......... -........................................ P am elia............................ 1,824....... 25.................5....................................... *Philadelphia............. 2 1,..................... 2 1 Rodm an.......... 1........... 1,382.............. 42.......... 2 5....... 2 1................... R utland........ 1 1,519............. 3 8............,......................... 7.... Theresa................. 2..... 2,089................ 1 W atertown....... 5 1.... 5,409........ 2 98...... 2...... 8 13 3.. 5 1 6 7 W ilna........... 2 2' 2 2,907........ 2 37................ 4 1 2........ 6 Wilna~~~~~~~~~~................... W orth.......................' 9.......' I I................ 1.... Total.......... 13 I 19 ~i6:51,:6774 I 6 722..... 3 5 71 20 19 3 6 3. 53 I 13 KINGS COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Brooklyn city:|| 1st waird.... 6........... 2,869 7.... 3 | 167 1.......... 7................ 1 2 44 16 2d ward.... 10:......... 3,949........ 1 67 2. 1 6 7 2 1. 9 11 41 16 3d ward.... 5' 5" 7' 4,077..2 342 9 13 15 15 5 /3 1 11 23 97 56 4th ward.... 101/. 6,183 3.... 38.4 1 11 41..... 2 17 79 56 5th ward.... 50........... 9,090 4.... 7 119 7 2 9 6 3.......... 4 15 46 -39 6th ward.... 151 1 8 12,969 4 2 22 391 14 17 28 31' 6 20 26, 72 89 7th ward.... 100 1 7 9,151 2.... 2 363 14 2 8 128..... 12 14 117 43 8th ward.... 46 2 2 5,257 2... 1 79 9.....4 7 3 2.... 5 7 6 62 31 9th ward..... 102 1..... 13,858 I 3 1 3 295 22 4 18 7. 1 6.,.. / 7 20 107 84 10th ward.... 132... 3 14,922 10 9 6 503 7 4 9 15. 5 8.... 35 19' 130 82 l:th ward..o.....,... 0, 24 ~ 25 3.... 17 31 105 81 12th ward.... 5,8 58............ 94 12 4 4 9 6 1|.... 1 13 41 13 13th ward........ 56 535 5 5 31 3 11.... 14 11 116 63 ~t~,~=~.. ~ ~ ~~~. ~,~ 74i~.......... 1 1 14th ward.. 6 4................ 16 61 25 15th ward.... 101.... 7,34, 1 1 2 156 15 1 8 4 2.......... 5 7 18 30 16th ward..... 38 ~.. 1,2, 5.. 4 4........... 2 7 22 70 17th ward.... 102........... 5,753........ 2 221 19 2 10 6.......... 3 4 116 12 18hwad..... 3,71 60 2 1 5 1 2.......... 2 13 5 19th ward.... 48 1 1 4,60:7:...:..: 4 223 3 5 7 2/ 2/ 1....I 2/ 8 70 22 20hw —.* 3......... 8,8 1 8 45 7 1 193 2 1 5 17 8 Totl Bookyn.1,66 4 3 15,966 5 14 98 4,593[ 174 69 188 231 96 61 3 1541 268{.1,594 913 Flatbush......... 7........... 1 739....... 19 1... 2.....,...../.......... 1...... 1 6 Flatlands................... 1 488......... 6 / 1 1....................... 1...... 1.... New Lots...'..... 70:'......... 2,02' 2 1 2 45' 1 4 5.......... 1........... New Utrecht...... 27........',80.. 3... 20 1/ 4"....... 1:... 1 2 7 9 ~Total....... 1',692- -1' 30'|l67,808 ~60[| 181 100- 4,6841 180175[ 201{ 240[. 97[| 621 3 _164 _|_272_J 1612-__944 Croghan......................... ~, 6............ 7............. 1............................ Denoark........ 1..... 1, o 1,86:............ 39............. 3:...... 3...:~:~........................ Dianmar..............'............ 1,818........3..........'..... 2.............. O r i................. 1, 1............ 2.................... 3........... 2!... Haribu~:......'.....''::::,97 1............ 7.... "' 7.... 1...... "'i........................." Hig Ma rret..................... 7 4........ 2......9...7..7* 1,.................. Lewis................ 787......... 12........ 1............... 1..'Leyden......................."'': 1,392:.........:... 86::::':t:............. 3:'............:.... Lowville,.... 1 " 1.... 2,108......:........ 35.............. 5....2.[...................... lVartinsbUrgh........ 1,998....... 7.............. *....... M ontague.................'497........:..... 1::::::......:...................... 1 *. N e ~ r me............... 1, 9........ 4............. 3!.................... (Continued on pag~ 1'21 ) CLASSIFICATION BY:PLACE OF:BIRTH. 115 HERKIMER COUNTY-(CONTINUED). UNITED STATES. TOWNS.. ~,-*'. 7 a' o~.I Newport......... 36........... 1I....... 5 6................. 3 25 1...... 21...... 4... Norway.......... 15................. 2................. Ohio............. 12...... 2................ I............................................... 6..........10 1.2.~~~~~.....'R ussia............ 30....;................ 3 3"...... 4.... 10 16................. 1..... Salisbury........ 28.................. O ~~~~~~~~~io..........~ o..,,................ Schuyler......... 11.................. i......'I.2........... 10 2.......... 2 4 Stark............ 4.............................................. W arren.......... 11 3.............. 1 4...... 2............3................ 9...... 6 W ilmurt......... 1........................... 2 I................. W infield......... 30 3..............'7 3.......... 5 11................ Total.......... 488 35 6 3 _ 6 P73 81, 47.. 90 156 _ 3........... 232 38 S _37 _ 6 JEFFERSON COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Adams........... 70 6 1.................. 12.............. 88 4 6 1 Alxa dria.... 25 9... 1I...... 28 11...... 12.... 5 5......|..... 9.. Antwerp...... 68 1............... I18 5.... 3.... 3.3................. 79....... 4... Brownville..... 3 7.................. 28...... 16 10...... 2.... 58 2 8 Cape Vincent..... 32 3.................... 2...... 6.... 3 7...... 2.... 27...... 4... Champion...... 6 2............... 15 2...... 4 i.... 6 1................ 68 1 4...... Clayton........ 36 6....'2...... 3 2 7...... 9.... 3.3.... J".... 84 2 7..... llisburgh9 13 4...... 43 4 4 7..... 44 34'........... 226 1 12. Henderson....... 22 8.............. 22 1... 2.... 1 4................. 65...... 1I... ounsfield............. 2 IS 2 I.... 4 6 1 1.... 67 2 6 Le Roy.......... 39 7.............. 21 5................ 14 6........... 53 1 1. Lorraine......... 32 6 I. 6.... 4 2................ 26 1 4 1. Lyme. I 0 1............... 24 5...... 3 2................ 23 1 9 Orleans........ 15 1.... I 1 14 1...... 9.... 7................. 27...... 3 Pamelia.......... 44 2 1 3...... 16 1...... 1I.... 11 ~ 3 1.......... 46...... 1I..... Philadelphia...... 20.................... 10 7................ 18 2........ 24...... 3... Rodman........ 4 1.............. 4 I I 2.. I. 6............. 41...... 9...... Rutland...... 62 9 - I........... 15.2...... 4.. 4 6........... 45 1 5... 9............. 29 Theresa......... 45 61...... 12..... I. 2...... 2 Watertown....... 23 6 3 1.......... 23 12..... 17 6 12 W ilna.......... 6 6..... 69 4 3..................... 6 1 4 W orth6........... 4................... I....... 1....1 1....... 13 2 1 Total.......... 1,054. 13.12 15... 1..1,462 27:113 2 Ellisburgh. [~~~~~~~101 3 445.103. 43 1 15! NINGS COUNTY-(COTNTINUE D). Brooklyn city:I I I I I IIII 1st ward.... 184 4............ 7 74 I 13.... 41.28 4'I 20 9...... 1 2d' ward.... 89 8........ 2 11 151. 20 7.... 55 7 8...... 6 9 7........... i3d ward.... 511 12........ 35 59 208 7 31.... 4 102 16 13 2 67 36 4 17 4th ward..... 369 7 1.8 3 40.366 75 50.... 137 902 14 10.... 22 95 2 11 5th ward.... 146 5 3 1 2 16 258 251 13.... 135 23 13 1.... 19 66 6 5 6th ward..... 556 13 4 4 11 70 406 16 61. 228 115 34 16.4 71 95 18 16 7th ward.... 344 6 3 2 7 68 369 15 42.... 173'61 14 2 2 57 74 10.17 8th ward.... 90 7 3 3 23 254 2 13 10 i 9 5 15 1 19 20 9 6' 9th ward.... 284 26 1 2 5 45 452 41 41 1 241 55 21 23 3 19 161 13 5 10th ward.... 5 9 9 23.... 2 9 54 658 so 1 358 128 43 10 9 95 57 12 13 Plth ward.... 396...453 97 58.... 20 TO 37 2 24 69..... 12th ward.... 4: 8........ 11 6.......... 17 13'h war-d.... 380 5.... 3 8 31 544. 20 50 2 236 54 11 6 1 45 36 2. 9 14th ward....... 3 6........... 3. 5...... 5.... 7 15 2... 18 I I 15th ward.... 98 7........ 1 7 273 5 15....100 15 7. 1 3 5 33 4 2 W1terthownrd.. 109 4 3 6 282 9 18 124 7 18.......... 6:3:: 17th ~ 5 wr.. 161 4 2... 3:4.8 6..... 79 2 10..... 13 12[ 16 3.......I.. 7~ 6 18th ward............ 1.... 19th ward.... 16....... _ 19 6.! 20th~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ w d.... 41::::: 6 9 7 46.. 4 -8 3 5 91 6 9 2 Ne ot s.... 9 "2...... 6 8 4.... 28, 7o 2-T 7......-7 i 14~ 6 7 i....:ii LEWI S COUNTY —CoNTINuED). D en m rk....... 71 1 1...... 8 3 1 ~1... 2........ 8..... D iana ~........... 3............. 2 2...... 3... 29........... 0..... 2dwrdi...... 3 1 1........ 7 9 4... 2''"................. 26 1'... H arrisb urgh. ~ ~ ~~ 1 1....5 1'4........ 7 3...... I........ 7........... 4......... 3ig warket..../ 511.........1....} 35 /........20...7!.....|......10.. I'... 2... 1 "'............ 4thwisd........... 7 5 1........... 8 4 3........ 40 16..... 5..0..... 30........ 9..... 5thyden..... 2.......... 1...... 1........ 1 1..... M ar in b ur h... 85 6 1 3......|... 5~ 3S.... 7..:34............ 3 1 4..... M oth agu -.....-. 75....... 4. / 4...... 70......................" 1 3 1 1"...... 95 1 8 1 6... 7thwB rede...... 3'4 1 6 [.. 1....!... 7t 7l.... 36. 469 35...........5.....|.. (Con-tinticd~~ ~ ~ ~ on pa0 122 116 CLASSIFICATION BY PLACE OF BIRTH. HERKIMER COUNTY-(CONTINUED). SA.TES FOREIGN COUNTRIES. TOWNS. A ~ I.!...: Cs Ii' i. II I id Newport................ 1,756............ 4............ 49....... 14 1 130.......,3...... Norway................. 954 2............ 2189............ Ohio.................... 800...................... 2............ 4 97...... 19.................. Russia...................''"98............ 54 6 7 3.................. Salisbury........ 1,816............ 8............ 23 1 90...... I......... Schuyler................ 1,369............ 94.................. Stark................... 1, 443.......................................... 21....... 14...... 42.................. W arren.................. 1,517.............. 1........7 28 1 28.................. "W ilm urt................. 124.......................................... 16.................... 2.................. W in-field................ 1,347............. 6............ 30 2 7...... 104.................. ~~~~~~~~~~~........... Total................I33,743......... 1__ 1.... 148.'............ 937 7 1, 0 2 _2,525_ 2 3\ 4 JEFFERSON COUNTY-(CONITINNUED). Adams.............. 3,0 219 49'......... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...... i i,.....14..... Alexandria........... 3,033........... 266......I...... 32 16 1 5... 91................ Antwerp........ 2,772...................... 132............ 64 6 10...... 90.................. Brown ville............... 2,994....................... log......1...... 104 3 17....... 119............ 1 Cape Vincentl.. 21 53 0..... 3 } 28 1 10.................. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~......42...........,.... -T._../ - 1, o -,- Champion.......... 1,........ 21 2 5 Clayton......... 1.... 3,614 1.................. 513......'...... 34 9 1,08 1 129.............. Ellisburgh............................ 126........ 126...... 87........... 2 Hendersoni............... 1,786...................... 90 2...... 31 1 8............ ounsfieldr.......... 2,367...................... 100............ 79........ 3...... 164............ Le Ray................... 2, 632.................i..... 137............ 10 33 39...... 73.................. Lorraine.................. 1,453....................... 65............ 22....... 1I....... 21.................. Lym e................... 2,173...................... 101............ 21 5 13...... 47.................. Qrleans.................. 2, 393.-...................... 154............ 11 10 147...... 59............. 1.Pamelia................. 1,984.................. 0.... 161............ 65 14 29...... 161............ 1 Philadelphia............. 1,528...................... 69............ 14 5 16...... 76....../............ Rodman................. 1,541........ 1........... 73............ 13....... 2...... 22.................. Rutland.................. 1,717 1................... 155............ 24 4............. 40................ Theresa................. 2,234....................... 122............. 32 13 38...... 49.................. W atertown...... 2.... 6,035.... 1.... 1.... 835............ 118 6 147...... 890............ W ilna.................... 3,y202...................... 236............ 31 13 23...... 303 6......... w orth.................. 520........... 6 6 5...... 32 ~97 ~a4 / ~ ~ ~ ~~............/ Totalmpi.......... 3 i -I 4, 204 _ 2...... 919 347 896 1 2,764 6...... 11 KINGS COUNTY-(CO'NTINUED). Brooklyn city: 1st ward........ 89 3,593 1.............. 1 23 2 1 231 21 284...... 1,835 1...... 2 2d ward.... 1 4,500 1.................. 50 13...... 658 25 326 6 2,890 4 1 8 3d ward.... 13 5 5,924 2.... 2 7 1 47 6 1 423 45 414...... 1,751 2 2 1 4th ward.... I 1 7,915 1........ 7 2 92 4 1 850 is 477 3 1,878 3 1 21 5th ward.... 2 18 10,106........ 4 8 2 92 7 2 864 41 576 4 5,658 12..... 6thward......... 8 12 9 216 22 1 1,117 87 1,529 20 7,717 18 4 thward.... 2 7 11,023 1 I 4 1..... 939 43 466 2 3,104 5 2 6 8th ward.:::....... 6 [............ 2 7 10............ 8 9ch ward... 4.... 15,-885 2 1.10 2 3 84 10 2, 1,453. 84 2,203 16 3,102 9 1 3 10th wardleans4.37....9 6 3..... 3 1796 1....... 1,506 92 I,917 40 6,121 9 4 30 lth ward.... 9 42 12,608 2.... 4 11.... 99 5 1 954 36 656 8 3,462 9 1 9 12th ward...., 6 370............ 2 4 84 14...... 462 24 976 22 4,914 2...... 2 13th ward............ 13,133.. 6 23 8 88 9 6 1,039 52 1,276 17 1.753 3...... 16 14th ward.,............. 854 67 1,011 12 3770 2..... 4 15th ward........ 1 3 9...... 6 34 9...... 63 1476...... 3 16thwa rd,..5....1308........ 8 10 3 7 1 42 21 9, 7 27 35 5....... 4 17hwad,......... 6,0....... 13......I1. 0 1... 1 9 69,2... 3 3 18th. w r.. I... 4 1 7................ 13 9 1 2 4 4,8 74......... 19th ard.. 5...,50 2............... 3 7.... 58 2 84 1 96 4....... 2 0 t h w a r d....~~~" I.....' 1 0 4 8.... 2 1 1 9 1 6 8 4 5, 2 4 12 Totlatu h... 2.. 1, 7................. 10!.'.... 2 1 8 21 1 2 1' 2............ Flala ds........... 6,5356............ 1 3......, 204 2210...... 231......89......2,7..... ILINGS COUNTY —(CONTINUED).!sen ward........... 2, 4.......... 898...... 1... 1......... Gre............. 1,639.................... 73............ 8 7 4... 1 8 1...... Leyden.........326......2,560.......... 1.. 2...... 2 3 0... 8......... 3d ardis u g......... 2, 7 l..........*. 3.... 1 3... 8......... M ontague........~~~~~~~~..... 5 2........... 1/...23... 4 5/ 4 142...... 63.....7...... bth waBrdm n. *?.... 1, 4..*.,.....:...-. 13.*....,. 2 368 12i.. 6.......*... (Continued bn;50/ 123.7^' /187 CLASSIFICATION BY PLACE OF BIRTH. 117 HERKIMER COUNTY-(CoNTINUED). FOREIGN COUNTRIES. TOWNS. |. | ~ *.. ~ ~' ~d t d I5 <2'.'? * ~ ~, I.S ~l ~ i t I - 1. ^ *i 3^ i Newportw y.......................... 2.......................... 19...... 222.. N orw ay.............................................................................. I 3...... 126 Ohio.................................................... 2...................... 2.. 128.. Russia...................... I............................ 17.......................... 37 230 Salisbury............................................. 17...... 294 13 Schuyler...................................................... I........... 42...... 220.......... Stark......................................................... 2........... 79.......... W arren..................................................... 1.................................. 87.... 7 W ilm urt......................................................................... 23.... 1 W infield......................................................... 7.... 1.................... 162..... 8 Total...................... 6 5 1...... __ 6 3... 104 |. _ 1 _ 2 _ 7....| 258...| 5,297 || 2 112 JEFFERSON COUNTY-(CONTINUE;D). Adams............................ 2.......................... 1.................................... 8... 37 Alexandria... 1.: I................... 12.................... 1...... 567.... 14 Antwerp...................................................... 52........................... 356.... 4 Brownville...................................... 1........ 2.......... 1................ 448.... 53 Cape Vincent.................................................. 13.......................... 1...... 946. 3 Cham pion:...................................................... 2................ 1I........ 162.... I Clayton........................... 13.................................... 822 2 8 Ellisburgh.......................................... 2...... 309.... 70 lienderson..........................................I.... 13........ 1... 1...... 173.... 3 Lyme ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.................. H ounsfield.................................................. 3... 1 21 LeeRay......................................................... 2............... 296.... 58 Lorraine..................................................................../ I............... 110.... 17 Lym e............................. 1........................ 4........................... I 193.. I Orleans............................................... 2................ 6................ 390.... 8 Pamelia........ 1...... 2............. 1 2... 13................ 1I.... 3...... 454 1 53 phia.................................. 3................................ 184.... 3 R odm an..................... I.................................. 2........................................ 113.......... Rutland.................................. 4........ 3.......................... 8...... 239... 8 Theresa.................................... 1........ 9................ 3.......... 1 268.... 13 W atertown................. I............................. 46.......... 1 15.... I 1 2,068 2 89 W ilna.......................................... 7........ 9................ 7.... 1...... 636 83 W orth..................................................................................................... 73 18 Total.::.:..... __2...... 3|. 5 ~...... 241...... 22412 42. 40 3 9,511/ 6 575 KINGS COUNTY (CONTINUED.) Brooklyn city: Ist ward.... 2 2 3 5 I1...... I1........ 64.... 3 4 2.. 6 7 2, 502.... 33 2d ward.... 39 6 15 7 7...... 13........ 130.... 2 8...... 1 1 10 4,221 3 36 3d ward.... 2 1 9 2 22...... 14 1.... 92 4 7 4 6 1 3 38 2,890 4 72 4th ward.... 15 2 13 1.......... 3 7.... 100 4 6...... 2.... 20 41 3.572 3 16 5th ward.... 9 1 I16 5 9...... 15 2.... 245 2 55 9 1.... 8 11 7,659 4 51 6th ward.... 14 76 15 2 7...... 69 17.... 204 12 24 74 48.... 19 74 11,432 6 22 7th ward.... 3 3 18 6 5....... 15 5.... 159 2 4 11 / 12.... / 30 28 4,939 2 4 8th ward.... 17 28 33~| 1 2...... 13 4/.../ 144 1 12 22'6 1 19 17 3,772 2 4 9th ward..../....... 5 41 4 8...... 20 2.... 219 3 3 / 39 35 1 32 31 7,428 1 129 10th ward.... 391 14 50 11 6...... 41i 7.... 241 18 7 31 42 2 35 79 10,571 6 ] 125 11th ward.... 6 8 27 7 2...... 23........ 175 19 8 9 7 2 13 33 5,596 4 34 12th ward.... 1 23 12.............. 5 4.... 119 1 8 13 3.... 7 7 6,709 2 4 13th ward.... 10 5 33 3 2...... 21 3l.... 163 4 5 9 13.... 25 15 4,607 3.48 14th ward....I I 5 12 3 1....... 12 5.... 101.... 8 12.......... 13 3 5,968.... 45 15th ward.... 2 6 15 3 1...... 18........ 69.... 1 7 3|.... 16 4 3,272.... 4 16th ward.......... 1 7 2 3...... 68 1.... 96 1 2 13 37.... 13 11 11,242 2 57 17th ward.... 3 4 27 2........... 10 1.... 100.......... 6 7 1 30 11 3,390 4 39 18th ward.......... 2 8 6 1...... 24 1.... 25.... 4 2 8.... 6.3 2,170 1 31 19th ward.... 6 2 16-.... 7...... 57 1... 88 4 4 3 4... 5 14 2,423 j 3 1 22 20th ward....I 10/ 5] 29! 21 2......' 22/ 1....t 167 9 15~ 11/ 6 1~ 34/ 33~ 3,488 1I 11 Total Brooklyn.I 179' 199] 3991 72 66 I...... I412 1162 I....I 2,701 84 178 287/ 242 101 335 470 1107,8511 511 887 Flatbush........ 1 |...... {2........I............. /.... {.... 26 l.... 4...... / 7.... 3 { 6 { 901 I/.... I 4 ri1tand....... I..... I...... 5 i.... 1 /...... 1 /.... /.... 2 /.............. ~........... 1. 1 369~ 0.... ~...... Gravesend......I......1......I............... [......!...... /.... /.... [ 4..... 3....;d......... ~...... ]......... 447,I.... [ 2 N;ew Lots...... l.......1. 2 2i| 1 -'/......... 5,/ 1.... 29 [ 3 1 2/ 11.... 5 / 7/ 2,007 I 1~ 27:New Utrecht...... 2 2~ {.............. 35 /. 1 4 4.. 1 7 1,294 2 4 Total.........[-'- 202 41 —- ~o -3 67.. —.... 41 63 I.7:7; 2,777 87 1 —7 29 264-I 1-0 345 | 4-1!ll28-9 54 | 2 LEWIS COUNTY —(CoNTIUED). Cr oh n............................. 15......................... 7.... 1..... 81I m 1 D enm ark.......:......................... 8......... 1............. 171.. " D iana;................ 1/..'... 3.... 8........... 1........ 3 1.. Greig........................../'.. 13................. 3.. 24.... 298.. }Iarrisburgh..................... 3........ ]: ] ] ] ] ]]'4............... 1 3... 5.... 207....... High M arket,....................................... 19 ~.. 2... 3 5.. Le is.............................................. 1I. 3.... 423.. 19 Lowville -.................... I.... 1............. 4. 15.... 302... 4 M ontague..,......................... 1.....I..... 2... 1... 119... 2 (Contiinued on page 124.) 118 CLASSIFICATION BY PLACE OF BIRTH. LEWIS COUNTY-(CONTINUED). COUNTIES OF NEW YORK. TOWNS. *. || ^ or c0 i ~ F. th,_ Os oeolo.......................................2............ 1 2.............. 1!...:A. 3 Pinckney........ 3.............. I.......... 3 1 1 1 I l 3............ 4 5 6 3 Turin............ 16...........I............. 1....... 21...... 3 10 1 2.... 3...... i W atson.......... 18............... 1 1....... 7...... 1 7 1 1 2........ 1 6 4 W est Turin...... 8.......... 1...... 6............ 14 2............ 5...... 2 Total.......... 192 4 5 22 10 _ 2 33| 8 103 21 41 93 9 15 22 _86 I 19 45 LIVINGSTON COUNTY. Avon............ 19 13 3 10 11I 8 3 7'5 5 1 3 43 19 4 1....... 35 I 3 Caledohia......... 7........ 4 3 5 2 3................... 5 5 5 I 5............ 15 48 8 Conesus......... 2 12 3 3 18 1...... 1...... 8 5 1 12......................... 1 3 Geneseo......... 6 27 2 7 34 2 1 5 2 ] 22 6 5 14 5 I............. 20 8 Groveland....... 1 21.... 3 11.... 1............. 6 1 2 6 6.................. 1 1 Leicester........ 6 24 3 6 13 2...... 3...... 4...... 3 13 7 1............. 15 1 Lima............ 5 17 6 10 22 7 ] 13....... 14] 4 4 15' 7 1........ 1...... 36 6 Livonia............ 14 3 3 50 2 6 6...... 2 9 1 61 19 2......]...... 16 19 Mount Morris.... 26 / 74, 1 10 164 2 2 12 1 7 4 11 10 6 1 6 7 48 20 North Dansville.. 6 69.... 2 34 3 7 3 3 2 7 5 6 13 1...... 1 18 3 Nunda........... 7 140 2 13 90 12 13 8 3 7 3 6 8 18 2 1 6 18 19 Ossian.......... 2 32..../ 2 10........................ 2...... 2 5 1............ 2....../ Portage......... I 99.... 2 28.... 4 1...... 11...... 6 14 3.................. 8 15 Sparta.......... I 18........ 11....................... 3 1...... 1 1...... 1........ Spring-water..... 6 30 2 8 43 4 ~ 6 4 1 5 5 2 10 lo...... 1 3 2' 6 W est Sparta ] 39 4 l 4 /..................................... I....... 9...... 2 York............ 7 9 1 15 10 2....... 7 8 1 1............. 15 38 1 Total.......... 103 638 30 99 598 50 58 54 0 88 53 763 161 116 _12 12_ 58{ 305- 117 MADISON COUNTY. Brookfield............| 16 5 2 2 12 I 1 143 1 3 18 16 3 2 1...... 2 4 2 Cazenovia........ 28 9 7 1 24 5...... 80...... 16 81 2 22...... 6 9 2....... ~ ~ ~ ~ 10 1 5 IO.......8'....../ De Ruyter 7 7 2 187 19 1400 1 201.................... 1.4. 2 Eaton1....... 9...... 23 16 10 4 1 2 1 4 1 2 Fenner........ 12 91...... 5 8 1 4.................. I 2 2 Georgetown................ 1.3 32 5 6 1 2 2 3 Hamilton........ 17...... 8 5 4 6...... 274. 5 13 27 15 8 1 1............ 6 5 Lebanon........ 5...... 4 4 4.......... 140...... 14 10 4 7 4........................ 3 Lenox....... 84 1 14 2 38 4 4 66- 4 119 20 9 26 8 3 1 34 5 29 M adison...... 43 1 4 4 3 3.............................. 3 Nelson.......... 1 5........ 2 1........ 16 Smithfield....... 8...... 2.... 1.... I 10 I 1 2 3 3 2...... 7...... I. 24 1.. 1 1 5 7 3...................... 2...... Stockbridge.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~6 21 1......211 Sullivanon................ 18 Total.......... 276 49 70 23.129..5 10 1,241 | 14 267 394 75 4,131 36 12 2 1 79 31,1 84 MONROE COUNTY. Brighton........ 51 2 1I 1 9 2| 1 2 1 9 1 2 16 12 2...... I.20 11 hili..... 5 9 4 6.... 2 3 33 1............ 15.5 9. 26 1 0 2 To Clarkson......... 4 311 2' 1 432 1 4 6....... 1 19 1 Gates.......... 3 12 4 6 2 1 1 7 25/...... 9....... 6 5 Greece.......... 22 8.... 5 11 2 1 12 1 15 4...... 31 10 4...... 2 5 4 Hanm'lin.......... 20 14 1 3 19 1............ 6I...... 32 7 4 6 3 42 5 Totaln.....'.... 43 9702 3 123io5[ 10 1,241i 3 4 1 267 396 7 5 13 1262 1 76 I 3 1i I Pefed......... 10 5.... 4 2 3 6 1 17 2 32i... 8 9 1 Perrint~~ ~~o1... 17 8:../6 1 5 1,2..... 6... 1 1 3 1 Chiliso........ 8 4 1... "2 1... 2 1 Riga9....... 6/ 124 7...... 5 1 1 9 8 5...... 0 1s.w r.... 13...... 4~l"' 2 ~ 8 / 3 1 2 1 1 ol "....... 2 Gates wad.. 2.. 3..... 29 7 2 1...... 2 5 5tGwrdeece 9 4 2 1..... 5... *7 5 2 8 8 7 3 4 1 3 6th ward.... 27 41 9 9 I ~.7 2 4 4 9 1...... 1! 222 7thli wr.....2.... ] 6..... 2 2 10~ I 18. 3 2 2 4 29 4 8th w r.... 16 3 2 27.... 12 13..... 3 1 2 4 5 19 9th ward... 27 6 6 17 8 18 5 5 1 8 4..... 1 -..... 10thdeq word.... 1. 3 3 4, 2.../..:::. 1 1 4 2 3 9 1...... 4 1 12th ward....~~~~~~~~~ 31.......... 5............ 1 3 1 3 8 3....... 4 2 1 t w r....' 1 4:............ 0......... 14hw r.. 6 5 2 2 8 2...... 6....... 1...... 1 4 1 ToaPocetrm 28 52 3 8 19 2 1 7 1 1 543 1 17 19 22 7 25 36 7 Rus........ 4 10 14 2... 2.... 1... 1 2 9 1.......... 21 4 8 itsforden.... fL1...... 2 17 5 8 45 3 2 1 2 6 3 2 2 2 6 0 - 1 12~~~~~~~~~~~(otne on p4 1725.) CLASSIFICATION BY PLACE OF BIRTH. 119 LEWIS COUNTY-(CoNTINUED). COUNTIES OF NEW YORK. TOWNS. ^,. - g I". i.1 r.. % i i * I i it) I!D / z l / To____ a w ^ s ^ t. ^. Q i~.6 Oseola.... 27 28.... 171 I....... 1 7 12 1 166............ I...... 37 9.... Pinckney........ 1 33 271.... 593....... 1 I I.......... 6 6.... Turin............ 3.2. 28.... 1,121....... 2....... 20 4.... 92 3 1 2"...... 6 4.... W atson.............. 69 37........ 15 2 10 1 1 47 6................ I 11 W est Turin.......... 33 18 3 1,277....... 4 8 6 25......... 2.......... Total.......... 2 585 |7 24 14,881765 8 2 268 120 6 1,222 70 I11 24 6 132 120 2 LIVINGSTON' COUNTY-(CONTINUED)). Avon............ 1 5 4 2 12 1,311 8 160 10 10 5 14 11 66 4 10 3 141.... Caledonia........... 3 3........... 808 9 109 25 10 1 8 3 9 5 5....... 2.. Conesus............... 6 1.... 3 850 6 23 3 5 1 9 12 22 2 6 1 4 Geneseo.......... 1 6 2. 1,585 9 71 3 - 6 6 9 8.50 5 6...... 7.... Groveland........ 4...... 1 1 912 2 21 4 2.......0..0 5 2.................... 2 Leicester......... 2 3................. 807 9 1 26 155 28 8 5 I2.. 2.... Lima................ 10 11.... 5- 1,143 9 132 9 22 2 20 16 239 1 7 9 9 4 Livonia............... 4.... 5 1, 375 7 72 7 6 1 19 10 177 6 9 2 8 2 Mount Morris......... 13 10 I 2 1,760 14 85 12 26 6 18 13 41 11 { 7 2[ 5 1 North Dansville... I 10 2 1 2 1,861 16 75 8 18 4 15 19 58 12 4 4 12 3 Nunda........... 2 35 915 1,285 28 t 40 12 12 6 39 11 30 5 2 1 10.... Os'sian.............. 4 1........... 569 -1 12 4......... 5 8 7............. 1I.. Portage............... 9 1........... 595 3 14 13 1 2 8 10 12 2 4...... 6.. Sparta................ 1 2............ 816....... 6...... 2 1 2...... 10 2 2.............. Spring-w ater.......... 7...... I........ 1,229 7 30 12 3.... 12 26 138 13 3 2 15.. W est Sparta.......... 7 2 1........ 875 1 11 18 2..... 4 3 4 1...... 6.... ~, ~,., ~09,~~~~~~~~~~9 York................. I 1,287 9 52 6 2 | 2 2 15 5...... 2.... Portalge....... 6 149 55 20 31 119,068'130 | 939 194 146 39 204 1 911 94|. 6 27 MADISON COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Brookfield............ 63 26 1 8 21 2 I 8 1 2..'... 24.. Cazenovia~e........... 4.... De Ruyter........-. 7 i.... 2........ 952....... 8 5.... 24 67 1 4 28 2 Eaton........... 42 11 6 6.......2 24 2 172 9 52 1 1 17 49....nner.......... 18 2............ 982 1 17 Georgetown.......... 20 3.... 4.1 954..*..... 3 4.... 34 14................ 1 34.... Hamilton............ 19 12.... 6.... 1,907 3 8 15 2 17.4 25 5....I..... 14 I1.. Lebanon 1 4 1.0. I 1 929.. 31 2 } 394.......... 5 17 Lenox....-....,... 1 239 21 2 52 3 4,073 19 169 48 6 857 213 8 9' 4 46 88 6 Madison..... 1 33.......... 2 5 1,7495 5 6 3... 222 29 1........... 5 20 1 Nelson.............. 8 3 6 6....... 1,094........ 6 10... 53 30 1 11.... 11 2.... Smithfield...... 6 1 1.. 2 2 895....... 10 1I 1 67 6....... 1 2 9 7.. Stockride.. 46 4.I...... 1,075 4 29 2 208 158 1 6 2 7 15.... MOAIROE COUNTY (CoNTfNUED). Brighton. 5 3 14 10 9 22 1,396 15 193 7 10 15 22 19.... Chili............ 1 5 6,3 3 26 14 1,124 9 20 4 14 2 5.... Clarkson...... 1 2 7 2 2 11 5 902 21 15 11 8 14 24 5 68 1 7 I Gates....' I2514, 66 33 6.... Greece........... 9 45.... 14 1 13 2241 14 35 20 12 14 30 2 24 13 10 I Hamlin 6 12.... 1 13 4 1,249 20 2 6 28 9 20 7 74 15 18 1 Henrietta...... 16 4 2 11. 2 24 1,2196 6 9 4 14 9 14 1 13 5 14.... Irondequoit....... 5 5 I 5 2 1,940........ 9 7 15 2 10 I I 2 Menden~~~~...........i..... 14 92s 4/ 3 139 7 1,30 12 2 6 5 9 21: 7 10 2. 7. Parma....*......... 4 16 1' 9....... 14 12 169 6 5 1 4 27 44 12 34 4. P e r n o....... 2 28 4 1 2..8. 21' 13 1 3 5 5 8 6 2 23 64 4 3 8 26.... Pittsford........~~~~~~~~.... 9 4 2. 3 1 5 9 1 3 3 8 1 1..... Riga~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~........164....3359512148152514., 1t ar........: 2 1 1 0 5 73: 4: 4 41 1 5 13 1: 42;:. 2d ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~]: ward 99,........ 141/7 21 14 124 1 50 3{ 9 3 38 1 27 915 3d wr....... 9 5 2 7.206 2 71 2 4 9 1 5 7 2 16.... 4hw d....... 21 14 7 32 3/40 3 8 19,3258 5 6 { 57 /221 0 03 17' 9 ""78 6 1 5th war...... 2 17...... 28 1 210 8 1040 6 18 9/ 35 5 8..../ 6th ward~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~...i...... 17 8 1 2 2 1159 9 5 7 3 9 4 5 6 1 7t. a......... 6 i28 2l,7 2 1 3 9 4 2 8 1.... 8t w r........ 11 16/ 2 85[....... 110[ 4, 12 1 5 17 18 102 7 16 1 6.. llth~wrd...... 4 1961 2,71 6 7 2, 1049 3 21 9118 1 219 6 1 12th ward........ 3 2........... 6~21 47 1,4 3 5 134 8 4 6..... 13.. 13thiwan d........ 2.......... 4 2 151... 2 6 1 4 3 1 4..... 14hwr.. I 1 2 2 17 4 149'8... i1 11 1 i.... Ruh........ 6......... 63, 39 806 45 1 1 1 2 6.. Swdn....... 1 7.... 3 0 3.,80 24 2 33 754 8 9 13 u 1 6/ 3/ 3~ ~~~~(onine on/ pa4 9 1 20 /0..) .120 CLASSIFICATION 13 PLACE OF BIRTH. LEWIS COUNTY-(CONTINUED). COUNTIES OF NEW YORK. TOWNS. i - 2. 2 -0 b"rt t T? ( Cd C4b n Cl Z Cd 0 I! iI I l i Osceola............. 6 1...... 3 1 1.................................... 1....... 2... Pinckney............ 14.......... 19 9...... 7...................................................... 6 2 Turin............... 9.......... 4 4 1 12.................. 3............ I............ 4 2 W atson............. 11.......... 11 5... 5............ I I........................ I 1 4 W est Turin.......... 9.......... 5 2 1 7....................................................... 2... Total..... 3 146 11 2 362 93 8 11... 4 4 I- 7 __4 35 11 | 8 23 LIVINGSTON COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Avon................ 10.... 1 3 4 1 5...... 16 19.... 2 1| 1 17 1 5 14 Caledonia........ 1 2.......... 1 9 2 3...... 3 4.................. 1 2 1 14..... Conesus....... 5................. 10...... 1I...... 1 28.................. 2............ 25 I Geneseo......... 1 13.......... 3 9 3...... 2 4 24...... 1....... 2 4...... 1 3 Groveland....... I 19................ 2.................. 4 18...... 1I...... 2 1...... 5... Leicester............ 7.... I 1 7 13 9...... 7 is 1I...... I 1. 2...... 16 4 Lima........ 6.......... 4 14 6 7...... 16 26............ 4 9 3 5 II: 12 Livonia.............. 3......... 1 20 3 11...... 14 28.................. 7 7...... 14 5 A-ount Morris..... 7.... 2 6 57 27 3...... 37 39 1 1 4 13 3 1 13 16 North Dansville,.... 12 4...... 4 5 1 3 1 15 200...... 1 6 11............ 17 8 Nunda.............. 12.......... 3 21 2 10 1 13 64 2...... 3 3 2 6 24 15 ossian.............. 1I.. 1...... 12...... 7...... 6 40 1...... 1 5............. I. ^ Portage....... 4................ 18 1 1....... 5 15...... 1I...... 6 2...... 20 1 Sparta............... I................ 2...... I 1 6 25...... I............ I1...... 2 2 Springwater......... 5................ 8 1 5.... 4 128.... 1...... 9 2...... 32 5 W est Sparta....... 2................ 14 1 7... 7 25.................. 2............ 6 5 York............ 4 7....... 3 16 10 1I............ 8 1............. 2 2 1 14 3 Total......... 7 | 16| 4 | 5 | 29 228 71 74 | 5 | 158 7-09 __6 9 | 20 76 | 48 1 5 1 220 __94 MADISON COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Broolfield......... 18 |.......... 2 9......] 12............ 2................... 1I............ 3... Cazenovia....... -1 1 6.......... 2 10 9 9....... 3 12 1 1 2 13............ I11 2 De Ruyter.......... 33.......... I lo, 1 2 3........................ 5 15 2...... 5... Eaton............... 17.......... 7 12 1. 4...... 1 5...... 3...... 4............ 9 6 Venner....... 3................ 7 1 3 2 1............................... I1...... 5... Georg-etown......... 6................ 9 5 6...... 1 2............ 1 3............ 6... -amilton.;.......... 17..... 1... 1...... 2 5 3 3...... 3 18 3 Lebanon............ 13.......... 4 6.... 4.....................................1 I...... 6 2 Lenox.......... 2 63.......... is 40,29 46...... 4 6 1 2 13 12 14 5 33 13 M adison.,............ 7.... 1 3 3...... 3............ 2.................. I...... 10 8 3 Nelson.............. 6................ 5 1 6............ 1 2 8 5...... I I I I Smitbfleld........... 4'.......... 2 - 7 5 9....I................. 1 6 5 Stockbridge..... 4.......... 4 1...... 11.......... I...... 3 1.................. 9 1 Sullivan............. 32.......... 11 28 7 35.... 7...... 2...... 2 2 3 1 18 5 Total......... 3 239 |. 3 | 59 | 155 59 166 | 5!, 18 | 31 | 8 22 32.55 23 | 21 | 138 __41^ MONROE COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Brigh o.......... 14 ].......... 4 12 2 4 1 5 6 4............ I...'.. 10 28 Chili............... 1 8...... 8 19...... 2...... 22 7 6...... I I 16 6 Clarkson............. 55.... 3 5 24 2 5 1 1 lo............ 3 1 7.1 14 8 Gates............... 12........... 6 15...... 1...... 2 13.................. I 1...... 15 6 Greece.............. 30.......... 12 23 5 7...... 24 6............ 3 3 6 1 12 is Hamlin........ 114.... 12 3 10 4 2 2...... 8.... I1 I 1...... 14 24 CLASSIFICATION BY PLACE OF BIRTH. 121 LEWIS COUNTY (CONTINUED). COUNTIES OF N.Y. UNITED STATES. TOWNS-. I bo I *. ^ ri I ~,.. g Osceola...... 3........... 490....... 5............................ 2.. r, ~ ~~~~~~~.... Oscest a.............9........... 1,549............................... 2 Pi c neo................... 1_7 30|6 I.09 8.... 1....|.35.......1......|......! 2.... 29 1 I......__!.......|.14.|.... Turi n ia........ 3 4............ 42.................. 2 3.................. 3 W atson......... 8.................. I................................... W e stT.......... 3 549........ 1............ 2............ 4' Livotia.......... 19 2................. 14. LIVINGSTON COUNTY —(CoNTINUED). A on........... 12 7 1,964............ 7..................... 7........................ 7 3 Caleor n ia....... 3 8.......1,164..........,.......... 21 7........................ 3 2 Conesus................ 3 5 1 105.........;............ I........................................ G eneseo.......... 3 40 3 2,072........ I......... 13 1 I.................. 1 3 G roveland............. 9 3..... 492......... 3.................. 3.................................... 3 Leices ter........ 1 8 53 1,084........ 1................................... 1 Lima Spa. ta....... 4 6 28 1,198......... 1 8..................................... 23........... Leiro.nia 4 16 9 2,08........ 5............ 3...... 3.... Bount ~,iokied " i' 84 4 2,760....... 5............... 7 2......................... 5' 1 Lima~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~5...... 5.......41 1 2 NorthDaz n svi lle a..9 2,624.........9........ 8 4......1....... 1 BeRun 1..............6 20 1...... 5...... 5 1 1...... 6 Os iaon1............ 6 3 756............ 2,891............ 1 3................. Pont e.......... 2. 1,179............ 53.................. 1................... 2 7 Spargta w n................. 1...... 9250............ 34.................. 3............................ 1.... Spri wamilton...8 5 2,760........................... 2,........................ 2 6 Westh D an rta.... 6 2 1 1 9 22......:........................................... Nuenda...... 1 44 2 2 6,16 41............ 1 7...... 1............ 12...... 5...... 3 1 1 MOs i n............... 4 1,975............ 35.................. 3......................... 1.... T ortage......... 4 7 5 1,578...............................'..... 5....2 SBrotfield.................. " 1............. 3 Stockhridg1...... 456.............. 4............ 1 Springwater~~~~~~~~~ ~...................... DeSull n.......... 3....... 1,587............ 20 1............. 7 1............ 3 3 Eatonta..... 7............ 69 1. | 14......... 2 3 2 2 Brighton..........] 5 2......1 1,948........... J 44 |.............. 3 6.................. I.... Geo rgetown........................ 1,465............. Hamilton4........ 10 1 2 1,744.... 6 14...... 2....... 13 2.................. 1 6 Lebanon... 2619.........,.................. 2.................................... 2 L renoxe........... 1 28 6,654.. 2 4.................57.................. 1............ 2 M ad is n................ I... 1,951............ 47.................. 2............................. 7... N el nr e........ 8............. 34.................. 3........................... S i thfiede u i....'. 1 31 2,122............ 32.................. 26............................. 1....3 Sto kbrd ue..... I........ 1 3 2 16.... 53........ 416............ 2 72 3..................I............ 11 Sullivn.......... 1 3 1.,341.... 1 10............ 1......6........................ 2...... 3 3 Toalma.......... 46 2 4 34,2211 1...... 2..2. 69........ 8 14.............. 39.. 302 M~AIONRO COUNTFY-(CoNITINUED). B iho....... 5.2.... 74 46 51 1 1 Calenoia................ 2. PErk ton....... 7 1 2 2,295............ I............ 5 6 Hait on,....... 1 1,3............ 23................... 3 2.............. 1 2 2 Gre ano.............. 1,437.......... 4 38.................. 1 1 2.................. 2....: Ienox........... 1 3 4 17 1,19............ 1 47.................. 12.................4 Smtfed. ar.... 21 1 0... 1,158........,.... 51.................. 8...... 1.......... 3 3d ward.... ~ ~ 2' 7 7,89........ 83............ 432... 7 1 10 1 5th w r..... 1,53........ 40...... 61............ 1........... 1 Sto bridg e.... 1 4 4 1,59.................. 93 2 1....... 1....... 4 2 7thnnde~nuni -.w.... 2 1 6 2 4].................. 6.................. 1...... 2...... 1 3 8th~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ w d.... 1 10 2,70 1........ 4... 1.... 4............ 3 1 9th~ w d.... 6 13 1 3,0............ 37-; ~ -IT.-............... 8 5 2.............. 1]5 Brigton 5 2d........]1 1,548...../..I'....... 6... 4.... 110 5 3 llh w r.......... 44 3 2, 4...... 1 7............. 2 13......... 1 t w r;. 2 3.... 1 8 3............ 14........... 2......... 1... 17 13hiw rdi. 1 1... 1, 5........ 9.................... 1........../... 6., 14th waon.... 3 14 / 1,858...4 1 111.......:::.. 28................ _ 3 1.............. 7 Ttl ocetr 52 8 65 2,7 2... 1 57...... 2 8 3 1 6..... 24 1:.6 8 us........ 3 3 1,814 1'....... 18...................... 1...... 1 1 Swenretta........ 7 1,2 2..... 11............ 13...... 1 1... 1~~~~~~~~~(otne on 1,58 {. 9 123. Irondequ o i...... 616.. 1'22 CLASSIFICATION BY PLACE. OF BIRTH. LEWIS COUNTY-(CONTINUED). UNITED STATES. TOWNS.'i.. 1 I i.4. I I Osceola........... 9......................5 4............. 2.................. 11....... 5..................... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. Pinckney...................... 19............ 29...... I Turin........... 34........................ 8 I.................. 13...... 5 W atson 11........................ 6 I....................... 6...13 4....... 17 1 W est Turin.... 24......................... 9 2............ 13...... 4. Total........... 467 15,............ 90 32 34...... 58] 53 1 2.... 328 6 41...... LIVINGSTON COUNT Y-(CoNTINUU). Avon............ 43 17 1...... 2 9 12...... 7....... 36 5............ 32 9 4. Caledonia......... 9 7................. 3 3 1 5...... 10, 2............ 6...... 9... Conesus...... 5 17.....;....... 1 6 30...... 17...... 23 3............ 23......!............ |...... 6 42....... 2............ Ceeedona2..... 5 2...... 4., 3...... 90t...... -id.....7............... 4..... 67 I................ Leicester......... 30 6....... 77 ~............ 24............. 50......1 Lima............ 63.................. 15 19 1 10 43 4............ 66 6 4 Livonia.........~.. 34 1...... 93...... 39 9............ 44 1 1. Mount Morris 59 17 1........ 26 93...... 12.......3............ 45 4 10 2 North Dansville.. 44 13 I...... 3 20 23............ 11 31 3 8...... Nun da3...... 8 2 Ossian........... 7 2.................. 3 4...... 1I...... 21................... 11................... Portage.......... 41 11.... 12 15 9.............. 2 26 1 2...... Sparta........... 2 4 1...... 3 16...... 3...... 135.................. 10................... Spring-water...... 35 9............ 1 7 29 2 6.......54 6............ 39...... 4...... W est Sparta..... 13 3..........1 4 33...... 4...... 70 2............ 8...... 3...... York i.."......... 74 14................... 12 3...... 10...... 9 4............ 24 2 4....... Tot al.......... 578 193 __4 _1 *13 89 447 __5 117...... 907 52.... 1 3 51 31'59 | 6 M.ADISON COUNTY-(CONTINTUED). Brookfield....... 42 7 2............ I 10...... 4...... 6 112............ 32 1 5 Cazenovia......... 121 11............. 3 19 22 2 7...... 30 27............. 60...... 121 De Ruyter....... 36 2 1............ 11 3...... 5...... 7 27 1........ 23...... 1I I Eaton........... 101 9................ 19 6... 7...... 9 31............ 41 1 7... Fenner....... 27 1............ 2............ 5.... 3 5............. 7 1 3...... Georgetown...i... 20.................... 5 2................... 8 1 3............ 32.................. Hamnilton........ 108 2 1......!..... 8 4 1 5...... 22 46.... I.... 42 2 2...... Lebanon.......... 45 2.................. 6............ 2......... 4 21............ 13 2 2...... Lenox. 185 15............ 15...... 23 27 1........ 124 1,8 M adison......... 60 2.................. 4 1.......... 10 21 1........ 19...... 3...... N elson.......... 3.................. 16 8........ 2...... Smithfield......................... 3 6............ 5 6....... 85'Stockbrid:e...... 36 1.............#..... 12 1...... 1I...... 6 12.....I........ 16 1............ Sullivan.......... 72 5 1......... 9 15....... 7...... 34 10....I.... 28 1 9 1 Ossian~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...'........ Total......... _922^ 75- 6.^.1 4 150 III1J 3 a8... 169 367 3J 1.._ 81 11| 6Q_ _ otal~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~....... 4'8 1 MONEME COUNTY-(CONITINUED)..Brighton.................. 23 5 2 2............ Chili............ 35 12............ I 11 36...... 7...... is 2............. 25 2........ Clarkson 19 17.................. 4 7...... 4...... 4.............. 1 47 2 2...... Gatest S5..............2.............. 8 4...... 12....... Greece..... 38 24.................. 14 48...... 6........ 39 10............ 35 1. 2....... H amlin.......... 22 9................... 23 24.... 1...... 2 2............ 55 1............. Henrietta........... 88 5...... 4...... 25 4...... 3...... Irond qu... 2 3............. 77 9:~ 4.... 3..... 97 ~ - ~I............ 4.................. ~ Penfield........, 4 17..........oo5... 6.... 8 5........... l 5....... Perinon.... 4 7 23......... 1... 1... 2...... 4...... Pittsf~~~~~~~~~~or....... 2 1......... 1.. 2.. 3 3 1... Rochester~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ct:......... 3d wrdook f ill 23...... 1 2 0... 0... 5 6 1 1 2 7 3 6... 5tzenovard. 4 9...... 1 5 19.... 4.... 2 1... 1 5 2 4 3 1 "':': wad: " 4 7........... 9... 1...... 2 7th w rd... 37 6..... 2..... 4 2..... 24..... 21 7..........:36 5 3 12t war.. 29 3...... 1 19 8 1 8...... 13 3....... 17 2 3..... T~o ota'ohse.1 2 140 2~ 16::: i 10 27 2 5 17......:'''1 60 27 7 6 8 1 BuHamilton.. 1 1............. 3 1''... 63.....'.... 9 2..... Lweebn..... o 5 n 2...... 33 2..... 12...... 21 9.... 1.... 16 3 9.. Le~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Cntiuox...... 119.5 CLASSIFICATION BY PLACE OF BIRTH. 123 LEWIS COUNTY-(CONTINUED). UNITED FOREIGN COUNTRIES. S AT E A ~ J. Ig ~...-,, TOWNS. t'^3~~,,.''; ~ ~ ~~~ Q I s g. *^ ^ I I s Is'"t ~ s II ~ *l *I?. I i I I? i~. ~ l~~~~~l I I t I t/ ^ a5M ^ g. br-,'|d'~ Cd i 3 W ebster......... 17' 3 1 6 19........... 7 4 6,7 3 7 13 1 2 1 1 4 13 Wheatland.... 16 6.... 2 8 1 1 6...... 5...... 3 12 4 3 1 1 47 5 Total..... 541 99 58 97 477468 62 71 2 03 4 341 77 65 | 64 34 8 38 | 63 726 160. MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Amsterdam... 144...... 2.. 3.......... 3 3 23 1 3 28 3 3 1 303 4 20 Canajoharie..... 40.... 4 1................ 2...... 10....... 6 11 2............ 32 4 2 Charleston...... 35............... 2....................... 8.......... 11 1I...... 4...... 2 Florida.......... 55............... 1 1.................. 7 1 2 6 3 1...... 47...... 2 Glen............. 32...... I 1 41......... -2....... 9 3...... 10 2... 1 50...... 7 Minden.......... 22...... 4 3- 7........... 2 2 16 2 6 9 2....... 1 44'2 1 Mohawk........ 28 1 1 I.................. 2 10 1I...... 14 1......... 66...... 2 Palatine........ 9.......................................... 6............ 2.................. 55...... 4 Root............ 49...................... 1I...... 4............ 10 I 1I...... 15...... 3 St. Johnsville..... 14.............. I...................... 7............ 5 1............ A ~189.... 11 Toa........ 48| 1 12 5 19 | I...... 10 7__ 100O _8 17 106 16 5_ 3 | 805_ 10 54 NEW YORK. COUNTY. New York city: 1st w ard... 19............................................................ 1 2 1......... I.. 2d w rd................................................... 1.....................................1........, 3d ward... 4.................... I 1 4...... 2- 1 1 4 3 1............ 2 2 4th ward.... 5........ 1............................ 3 1 I 1I............. I I 5th ward.... 80... 3 3 10 I...... 3 1 18...... 6 74 7.... 3...... 2 18 6th ward.... 20.............. 3.... I 1I...... I............. 7 I......... 1 4 7th ward,... 54 1.4.... 3 3 1 1 4 19 1 8 49 2 8...... 1 3 1 8th ward.... 132...... 1 2 3 1 2 3...... 17 1 22 69 6 1... 4 2 21 9th ward.... 170 6 5 2 9 3 14 4.6 73 3 25 217 14 1 2 8 2 34 10ih ward.... 38 I....... 1.. 2 5...... 10...... 3 47 13 3................ 10 11th ward.... 115 1.. 9 4 1 2 6 1....823 1 1 1 6 2 12th ward.... 83...... 4 3 5 6 3...... 8 26 2 11 58 10....... 2 1 5 21.13th ward.... 28 1 2........................... 2 26...... 2- 36 20........................ I 14th ward.. 31....... 1............ 3...... 5...... 3 2 9......................... I 15th ward.... 133 4 5 1 6 2 6 2...... 36...... 26 113 27...... 3 4...... 17 16th ward.. 116...... 2.... 13.... 3 3 1 * 39 1 20 176 18 1 1 7 4 30 17th ward.... 7 2 2 2.... I....' 5 1 11 31 11 41 14- I I I....... 15 18th ward.... 100...... 2 I.. 1.......... 9 15 38...... 19 51 33 2................... 8 19th ward... 109 3 4 1 7.... 1 7 8 20 1 17 115 16 9 1 13 5 20. 20th ward.... 189 1 13... 14 2 1 4 5 60 3 25.259 44 3 2 5 5 51 21st ward.... 81...... 6 2 10 5 5 4...... 37....... 15 84 26 1 2 3 2 28 22d ward.... 120.3.3.... 12...1 4 3 44 4 14 162 38 8...... 1 2 25 Total.....1,699 22 |58 |14 |109 |28 43 | 64 60 525 20 239 1,664 |347 | 42 IS 1 _49 | 43.1 343 NIAGARA COUNTY. C ambria..... 7 2.... 2 4 2...... 2 8 11 7 1 4 38 1 2 7 7 2 Hartland........ 18 2 18 1 42 5 2 11 4 31 5 7 27 42 8 1 4 43 2 Lewiston........ 7 2.... 2 8 7...... 21 3 5 11 2 8 35 4 1...... 17... Lockport........ 77 11 4 11 82 14 4 10 9 25 25 10 33 255 7 1 3 94 24 New~fane,......... 18 2- 1 5 13 3...... 1 3 23 3 2 29 34 4...... 2 26 4 Niagara......... 24 9 2 8 15 9 8 2 5 16 2 2 4 189...... 2 3 17 4 Pendleton....... I.. 5 1 2...... 5...... 2 8 3...... 56................. 8 7 Porter..-....... 4 ~ 3.... 2 3 2...... 5 5 3 2 - 1 3 15 6...... 9. 20 11 Royalton......... 13 3 5 2 27 10...... 7 2 9 4 4 23 105 6...... 4 36 9 Somerset........ 16 3.... 5 20 1...... 3 4 8...... 1 30 8 7 2 5 30 9 Wheat-field........ 2 1.... 1 5 4 2...... I I I 1 5 170...... I 1 20 3 126 CLASSIFICATION BY PLACE OF BIRTH. MONROE COUNTY-(CONTINUED). COUNTIES OF NEW YORK. TOWNS...'G| ^c I | * I... | I 1 I ^ ~' ^ If *2 & I I"?o c~ g,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~e ffl iD ^ W ^ ^ ^ ^.^ ^ ^ 0 0 0 0 0 0 ( Webster............. 5 4 I' 3 13 11 1,436 9 13 3 13 8 66 17 6 3 15 2 Wheatland........... 1,4 4....... 5 89 6 1,381 9 16 6 12 13 19 5 12 2 8 1 Total.......... 7 310 ~347 141 104'1959 318 48, 79'1 364 1,179 I 332 744 485 i1, 301 |177 677 1208 |3144 - 33 MONTGOTE RY COUNTY-(CONTINUEID). Amsterdam...... 5 21 20 14 2 3 8.13 2,707 50 2 34 10 8 1I 1 5 22.. Canajoharie.... 1 83 11 3 5 2 4 1 2,791 19 3 25 4 1 2 1 3 172.... Charleston....... 4 2 1 2.... 3 1 1,274 4 1 6 2...................... 13.. Florida........... I 19 1 8....... 4 2 3 1, 952 22 3 11 5 1 7 1 5 3,... Glen....... #......... 28 3 1....... 2 3 1 2,097 8.... 9 5 1 13 1 3 13 2 Minden............... 242 13 3 1 1 8 2 3,281 23....... 26 14 3 1.. 14 1,52.... Mohawk.............. 14 5 4 1 1 1 1 2,302 37....... 19 3...... I I.. 1 2.. Palatine.............. 33 2........ 2..... 1 2,088 2....... 4....................... I 10.... Boot................ 14 \ 1...... 1 3....... 1,963 3 12 4 1..... 2 26.... Rooat ln.............. 4 4 1......... St.- Johnsville........ 138.1 2 3... 1 3 1,375 6 1 14 3...... 2 1 1 24.... Total......... 7 -596 73 1 36 16 14 451 26,21383Q2. 73 8,0 7 7 51 581 | 28 5 35 437 2 MONEW YORK COUNTY-(CONTINUED). 1st. ward........l...... 2 19.......... 1... I... 4 1 3,826....... 2.......... 2.............. I 2d w ard........ 1I.. 2.... L............... 503....................I..................... 3d ward 5............. 1.....01 I..13. 5.............. 4th ward.............. 2 46 4....... 7,047....... I I...... 6.............. I 5th ward, 33.... 117 1 7 1 8 6th ward........ 1.... 44 1..,79 16 1 3 2 [ 12.................. 7th ward.......... 1 4 261 1.... 2 5 4 16,180 1 7 7 1 45........ 3 17 8th ward........ 5 3 6 15,184 1 31 10...... 102..... 1 9 2 9th ward.... 2 6 3 229.......... 3 15 16 20,069 4 20 15 15 322 2 5 10 85 10th ward..-.... 2 14......... 3 2 145 2. 6 3, 741 2 5 6 42 1 4.... 18 Ith wardl...... 1 1 285 1 1...... 7 7 27,786 1 1.2 7 1 100 13 1 22 12th ward........ 6 14 127 2 1 6 16 6 15,521 3 28 11 21 59 1 13 2 22 13th ward.......... 1 9...1. I I 8 2 1 3[819....... 4......... 25 9.............. 10 14th ward.....I 4 72......-. 41............ 1,051...... 11............ 2 15th ward...'. 9 2 121 3'4 11 5 6 10,524 3 46.11 8 57 1 3 11 18 16th ward..;.'.. 6 8 209 5 2 7 13 5 19,947 2 31 19 9 208... 7 -16 22 /"../ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~141 3i 36154........ 1 3 62..... 193 61 17th ward................ 3 4 1465........ 36 a 18th ward........ 3 3 125 1 1 3 5 5 21,661 2 29 9 10 51 2 6 6 8 19th ward.... I 6 9 258 2 7 5 10 9 18,914 7 41 20 10 166 6 7 14 48 20th ward.... 3 7 8 385 1 5 4 29 15 -29,954 1 56.23 9 276 7 5 10 38 21st ward.... -,.. 13 3 175 1 2 14. 2 164 18 9 13 21 22d ward........ 8 7 167 1 1 7 7 7 26,419 2 45 14 7 151 1 8 12 38 Total........... 6| 80 82 3,087 I 35 31 63 142 | 109 |342,210 32 447 169 101 |, 934 22 97 114 396 eNIoAGARAk COUNTY-(CONTINUED). sambriad.............. 6 9 2......6. 7. 1 | 1,093 14 9 32 5 29.... 7 4 wartland... 1 1....... 5 5 9 135 1. 4 9 1,594 23 5.2 29 8 138 7 33 1 Lewiston.............. 3. 5 3........... 14 6 28 2 5 1,502 20 2 18 4 4 5 3 I Loc'kport......... 1 3 6 3 8 19. 8 41 38 228 5 7 246 6,094 74 5 8 8 8 14.167 1 9 47 8 Newfaner............ 8 10............. 13 6 53 13 18 1,674 11 13 21 20 73 2 9 1 Niagara............... 21 12 4....... 21 5 6 05 1.2 9 6 2..4..34 34 21 35 10. 29 16 2. 1 Pendleton6 3......... 4 57 0 5 8 9 / 2 / 735....... 68 Porterd............. 12 25..... 225 5 4 1 10 1 302 4 2 7 1 5 5 4 1 Royalton....... I..... 39 / 14 16 59 30 0 2 2, 103 22 27 38 3 138 7 14 11 Somerse....... 6..../. [ 7/ 14 38 5....../... 843 14 35 1,9 2/ 88, 3 16 1/ loh warfed..../......... |2 10 5 3............| 10 6 | 16, 74 1 3 | 1,56 2 16 4 2 1 13 4.......| 18. 11thwardi........... 2/ 1 28 5 I 1..... / 79 80 2'3,86 1,647 41 17/ 9/ 10'./3 4 1 / 22 12thwarde....[.... / 6 1 42 125 23.. 16 3 23 11..... 1~,700/ 32 21[ 1/ 19 25...../1 t 2 Auguthad....I..... 3....... 3194...... 22 3! 0! 21 3.1......./ 1,13..........] 15...../1..15.....|1!4twar....}....t 1 | 7I.......:..I 26 1 4 1 19}.......! 4........ 65951 2 1I/.........| 11|...:......].....2 Bo5thwlrd..:.].... I 9 2 1221 66. 3 27'2 116 5I /154 20...... 2,192 8/5 1/ 1... 22 18.. 16thwar... d,..... 68 62034 5 12... 2 2 61 7 / 13!~,954/ 2[ 3 i9 1 9 328...../ 133 212.. 17thwad.... I..../ 3 4 14 27 3.....,. 8 1 2...... 5 1 /33,59.-......[ 398 1. /61.....! 91 1 485.. ]8thward....].... 3/ 73 [ 125 8 17 34 54 5 4 2 8, 1~ -2,257 9 107 35.... 2 17 49... Marshwarl d........ i 22 6 5 3 79 1 5 8/2 4 27...... 10 f,9288 7.... 42 /.... 10 2 6 4|... 20twHarfrd....... 13 15 7885[ 11 51 45 29 18 65,,51 1,90 23 9 / 176 1 ] 108 80.. Pa ~rds...... 3 10 2 4 1 - 6 1,84 7...''...2/46.. Hemse........... 11 7 / 2 38.. 2 1 1 9....,8..... 0.. 22d warfed....I..;, 8 ]. 76 10 6 6/ 1/ 1 229 3 71 2(i,2419 214~ ~ 1 7..... 1/ 8 4 Camubria.............. 642 9 I,....... 7 1 0 6 ~10. 45...... 9 3 7..4.. 9932 5.................. 7 [... Trewiton........./..I315/........... 24 / 6 22 3 13 3 57 16, 501,9201 9| l| I 4 415I 9 315.. R~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(oytiltdon pe13... CLASSIFICATION BY PLACE OF BILTH1. 127 MONROE COUNTY-(COTNTINUED). COUNTIES OF NEW YORK. TOWNS. d *~. I 1~~~~~~~~~~~C tn -S* *.^ g. 1 W ebster................. 38.... 1 3 22 2 9 1 3 5.... 1'14 ~3 3...... 26 156 WVheatland....... 4 4............ 4 26 1 7.... 10 4......... 1 1 13...... 19 6 Total.......... _ 32 _691 | 13 57 184_ 553 191 150 22 284 198 38 17- 59 9 1 -158 | 18_ 361 912 MONTGOMERY COUINTTY-(CONTINUED). Amsterdam........ 1 62.... 2 2 165 168 32....| 1 2 2 2.... 1| 2 1. 31.... C anaj oha'ie......J....... 23... 1....... 30 52 132 3... 2......... I 11...... 3 Charleston...,........... 11................... 17 63 132.......... 2....... I 1 2 1 9 2 1 Florida.................. 13 1.......1 28 194 36....................... 1.... I:.. 2 4 1 Glen.......... 8 1...... 2 20 59 51... 1 I1...... 3.......... 4 3 8 2 Minden.......... I lo............ 3 17 28 51.... 1 3................. 1 6 1 6 1 M ohawk................ 8............ I 10 28' 10................... 2 1...... 3 IL Palatine................ 1I...... I....... 18 is 8....................................... 3................ Root................... 22............ 10 28 116 2 3 1........................ 3 1 5.. St. Johnsville.....:....... 6 2... 4 11 is 18................................. 4 2 10 I Total,.......... 2' 164 4| 4| 13.1 326 645 586 _5__ 6 | 11| 4 6 2 7| 35 19| 71| 10 NEW YORK COUNTY-(CONTINUED). New York city: Ist w ard.... 2 3 2 1......................................... 2................. 5....... 2.... 2d w ard...,................................................. 4.............&.~................................................ 3d ward.... 2 5 2.......... I1...... I.......... I I................ 2 1 4 1 4th w ard... 7 4.................. 2........,.............. 2...................... 1I...... 1.... 5th ward'.... 40 41 3 4 4 8 4 2... 1 1 7 10.... 3 30.... 4 2 6th ward.... 10 3 10 2...... -1 1 1................ 5 2.......... 10...... 3 I 7th warId.... 85 39 9 14...... 8 5...................... 58 2.... 1 21 2 7 4 8th ward... 36 31 32 22 1 24 1 3... 5 3 7 14.3 5 63...... 14 1 9th ward.... 87 121 29 192 4 14' 3 6 1 10 6 30 21 7 13 141 6 is 7 10th ward.-.. 50 37 89 12.................. 3... 1 2 27 2 3...... 22...... 8 1 11th ward.... 169 35. 17. 48 2.8 1 12......... 1 86 14 6 1 109 4 5 3 12th ward.... 81 40 42 19 13 is 4 4 3 4 2 17 2'3 2 52 2 10 9 13th ward.... 60 5 24 13 2............ 2........ 1 15. 10.......... 24 1 10.. 14th ward.... 10 21 17 1 2.................. 8 2.......... 7...... 3 I 15th ward.... 86 37 7 23 10 20 1 6.. 2...... 20 5 1 5 58._2 14 6.-16th ward.... 49 41.38.52 7 24 10 2.... 5 1 22 4 2 7 7 5 1 18 7 17th ward... 77 39 33 7 1 12 1 7.... 1 1 25 7.... 2 28 2 9 3 18th ward.... 56 24 28 14 3 1 3 6 -5.... 3 2 14 4... 2 18 1 18 2 19th ward-.... 72' 87 3 1 13 3 25 7 7.... 6 4 37 7 1 13 47 3 11 7 20th ward....' -8 78 83 80 8 33 5 12 3 5 5 18 24.... 1 136. 1 37 7 21st ward.... 12 9 23 1 2 13 2 61 5 8 9... 5 50...... I7 3 22d- ward.... 60 74 34 34 7 26 6 7.... 10 7 20 15...5 730 1 24 10 Toa.......,48.1.8 554 69 250 | 57 8-s6 8 54 44 437 154 26 65 962 | 27 237 75 NIAGARA COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Cambria......... 1 17..I. 11 14 2 5.... 21 2............. 4... 3 3 6 12 Hlartland..... 1 10...... 1 4 17 6 2 1 15 1 2...... 3 2 1. 7 32 16 Lewiston........ 6............ 12 6 1 3,.. 11 2 1 3 1 2 1...... 3 13 Lockport........ 2 48.... 1 17 57 23 36 3 119 13 5 4 1 25 10 6 73 40 Newfane.......... 2 17............ 7 26 32 13.. 65 9......... 3 9 ~ 2...... 15 3 Niagara................. 8............ 18 8 20 6211 72 2 1 2 3 3 6 Pendleton................ 9............ I...... 2...... 4 1............ 1 I.......... 7 2 Porter......... I 7............. 8 4.1 14.... 24 3 4 1.. 2 3 5 2 9 Royalton..;.. 2 3 6............. 8 3 6 3. 14.. 58 3 I.1 1... 1 36.8 Somerset................6............ 9 23 7 2.... 9 6 6.......... 3....... 1 7 13 *W heat-field.............. 3............. 4............ I.... 7............ 2.... 2...... 2 2 2 128 CLASSIFICATION BY PLACE OF BIRTH. MONROE COUNTY-(CONTINUED). COUNTIES OF N. Y. UNITED STATES. 14 TOWNS. -~ i' C ~ = ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..... 2 W ebster 3 1 7 2,095................ 49................ 4 2.............. 3 I Wheatland....... 5 13 1 1,841 2.......... 28........ I 3 3 Total.......... 172'1 1'90:1 128 65,612 7.... 7 1,364. 3 11 144 58 I 29 6 36 | $1 I 168 121 MONTGOMERY COUNTY-(CONTINUED), Amsterdam......... 4 1 3...................... 1 Canajoharie... 5 2...... 3, 514................ 38.......... 2 2...... 2.................' 2...... Charleston I................ 1, 619............. 2................................................................... 29................................ 1 Florida 1..~~~~~~ ~ ~~.. 502245................ Ca6n......................... 1 2,476................ 10................. 2'.. 2 I I I..... M inden.......... 2 2...... 4,040 1 3...... 13............................ 4................. 5 M ohawk........................... 2,583................. 7................ 2.......................... 2...... P alatine.......................... 21,268................. 5 I........................... R oot.G2e 1............. 6............. 4........................................ St. Johnsville..... I............ 1,891...... 1......... 6 1..... I................ I Total.......... 22 6 I I2 _ 14...... 4..... 2 | 17 I 1 12....| I _ 1 11 __ 6Q NEW YORK COUNTY-(CONTINUED). New York city:-.st ward..... 5........... 3,903...........3 24...... 1............... 7 13 9 12 2d w ard...... 50......I...................... I...... 7.................... 5 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~in....... 3d ward..... 3............ 1,202................. 29..................... 10 4th ward............ 7,144 6... 2 40.......... 7 3 1 1.... 3 14 16 15 5th ward....-. 47 I...... 8, 023 4... 6 69 19 2 20 4....... 3.... 6 16 37 65 6th ward..... 14............ 7,787 1.... 1 64 3........................... 6 22 7thward..... 79 1o...... 17,093 4. 9 327 6 5 14 10 5 4.... 13 44 121 61.8th ward... 92 5...... 16-,114 4.... 8 163 15 7 21 8 6 1.... 16 27. 51 -161 9 th. ward... 557...... 3 22,978 3.... 9 459 13.... 14 30 13 2... 19 25 87 93 10th ward..... 94.......: 14,390 7 12 223 4.... 17 11...... I.... 2 31 44 71 11th ward..... 250 1 1 29,384- 1... 7 311 6 7 9 19 3 4.... 8 30 63 84 12th ward....'. 267 2....16,684 6 1 8 3 3 1 11 4 13 23 2 1 3 9 17 56 72 13th ward..... 86......... 14,322.......... 2 133 11.... 16 10 I........ 5 13 24 42 14th ward... 17............ 9,887 2.... 3 100 8 7 10 7 1.... 1 4 10 21 57 15th ward."...137 2.2 11,724 15 I 19 465 38 9 29 16 8 10 1 27 51 129. 211 16 th ward. 272............ 22,051 III.... 20 498 28 10 25 31 5 3 1'4 41 105 159 17th ward...... I 377480 1~ 1:9-458 7 1 —5 25.14 1..... 12 40 73 108 18th ward... 162...... 6 22, 657 13... 10 546 16 8 ^29.20 12 7 2 38 52 102 162 19th ward... 28 5 4 1. 20 644 7 4 10 508 13' 7 24 37 9 5.... 15 31 98 142 20th ward.. 465 1 32,635 16 2 33 411 21 5 49 29 11 6.... 36 49 159 232 21st ward....... 7 200,016 16 3 24 652 4 12 23 29 10 4 2 17 58 78 148 22d ward..... 212 2...... 28048............ 17 20. 86 66 Total...........3. 390 20.23 1364,667.137 113 207 16,262 |224 86 |392 |354 I116 54 0 28 59132 1, 992 NTIAGARA COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Cambria,....... 6 3 1,486............ 26......... 5 1 4 1............ 3...... Hartland ~ ~........... 10 2,508.31 8..... I.... 1...... 7 2 5th wardi]]] 4 2.../o31 41..../ / o 19 1 t Lewiston r..... 8 2 1,842......... 19....... I...... 1 8,Lockport......... 7 39 8 8,517 2 1 5 161................ 28 9 8.... 13 3 17 19 Newfane......... r 3 7 4 2 367................ 34................ 9 1 1................ 9 1 Niagara........1. 3..... I 3.......... 8 6 1.... 7 1 5 20 Pendleton.............. 611................ 3 I 1.............. Porter 3 2 I" 6094................ 3 14,60..... 12.... 3 4 2........ 6..... Royalton.... 3 67 5,1 048................ 55................ 10 5 4................ 9 1 Somerset........ 2 I' 14,34................... 2 21 1 1........ 2 4 W heatfield..... I.. I 1...... 1,913................ 8................ 2.......................... 12 2. 2 A, 04 I. 3..... Total.:.......'l 125 99 38 3,2 2 | | 8 45...... 2... 2 0 2 2 _ 5 2 _ NEIAGARCOUINTY —(CoNTINUED). Ca m br ial...... ].,........, 8....... 3......... 1...........,. Aug'st........... 2 1 6 3........ 4......... 6 2.. 1... Boonville........3 1, 2.......... 3,16......... 47................ 4 1 2... 3 1 3... Hata nde..... 7...... 2 2 6 4.......... 1 50........... 6... 2... 2 3 1... FLe son......... 19.... 9 1,2................ 19...........I....... 1........... Lokportda......... 1... 2 785..... 2..... 2..... 1... Newane.......... 1....... 1, 6......... 1.......... 1... 3.......... 3... Pa i.......4... 2,576................ 115............ 1............ 1 9 R m e........ 4...... 1,84.......o. 0......../........ Nigroa.......... 3, 7......... 6, 4 1... 32 1 4........ 3 5 3.........~. 2 1 S n e fed........... 1......6 1,767................. 49.....,.......... 2................... S e b n......... t......... 1 0 9........ 1........ 1............... re tn............ 5 3,048................ 55........... 4................ 71.* - Somerset........ 1 1,341.................ontin................ CLASSIFICATION BY PLACE OF BIRTH~'129 MONTROE COUNTY —(CONTINUED). UNITED STATES. TOWNS. QI as. g'I 5 g I ~.i ~ ~ ~r.^ S ^. ~ 3 o * ~.?.... $ 0 40 16' i ~ 10^....^'~: 24' ^ MONTGOMERY~~~~~~~~~~~~~ COUTY Co~U) W ebster........ 35 24.............. 37 28...... 12.... 12 3 1............ 52 1 2....'W heatland...... 40 16 1............ 10 8......... 21 1 2........... 24.....' Total.......... 1,520 445'I 1.9 | 13 |511 605 10 307.... 646. 1 4... 1 _ 1,228 108 109 13 MONTGOMERY COUNTY-(COTNTINUEID). Amsterdam....... 60 3........... 1 8 30.... 20.... 17 | 4 3.......... 24 3 3 1 Caiajoharie... 32 3............ 8 12...... 2.... 4 8 3...... 10 - 5 1.. Charleston...... 9 1...................... 9....................... 2................ 6................. Florida......... 11...................... 2 14.... 2 2 6 3................ 13...... 2.... olen............ 19 1...................... I I I 3 1....... 1.... 11 2 M inden......... 19...................... 4 6...... 5....' 6 1................ 11...... I Mohawk........ 12 2.......... 2...... 2...... 4..... 6 2.......... 4 1 2.... Palatine......... 8...................... 2.............. 1 2...................... 2 1.......... R oot.........' 5........................... 12...... I.... 7...... I.......... 3...... 1.... St. Johnsville.... 21 1................1 4 4...... 1.... 3 1................ 3...... 2 Total........... 19 6 11..... 3'1 28 104 I 37 2' 49 | 26 _ _9 1... 8 | 12 15 I'_ NEW YORK COUNTY-(CONTINUED). New York city: i!st ward...... 3 43 1 10 43 6............ 2 14...... I 2d ward./ 11 I.. I I A. o. I 2 2 1..,.......... 3d ward.... 36 3.......... 4 13 56...... 10.... 31 2 4 1.... 7 10 I... 4th ward.... 21 53 2 8.... 48 8 10 4.... 3 7 2 5th ward.... 183 4 2 1 5 36 3022 34 28.... 157 60 10...... 1 42 61 5 13 6th ward....... 6 7.5 66 6 6.... 54 10 5 2.... 11 23 1 1 7th ward.... 346 7 2 3 12 42 300 6 31. 212 39 25 5 3 47 67 7 5 8th ward.... 329 44 18 6 3 51 100 3 9 9th ward.... 463 19 1 1 2 98 1,514 12 60.... 394 44 32 9 2 99 70 5 9 10th ward.... 200 3 6...... 4 8 238 11 34..... 207 35 11 2 3 1]3 38 10 7 1lth ward.... 295 11 2 4 6 15 449 8 57.... 273 46 22 5 7 34 62 6 7 12th ward.... 377 13 2 7 10 42 403 - 17 390.... 190 48 14 5 2 60 55 16 7 13th ward.... 118 5| 1 1 2- 8 296 7 10.... 156 26 11 3.... 33 40 5 2 14th ward.... 148 2.... 1 2 15 213 4 21.... 174 25 16.......... 14 57 1 4 15th ward.... 705 13 1 23 11 87 470 28 91.... 506 113 42 15 9 80 168:21 24 16th ward.... 507 23 1 8 9 57 797 21 111.... 420 61 34 21 5 77 86 L 17 23 17th ward.... 340 9.... 11 18 33 432 13 94.... 331 66 40...... 2 55 95 22 9 18th ward.... 699 13 11 5{ 21 66 490 16 95.... 295 82 62 40 5 73 111 7 20 19th ward.... 441 22 2 11 11 |421 51 1 23 66.... 405 74 23 7.... 79 81 16 13 20th ward.... 591 18i 3 5 21 86 1,148 16 944.... 503 76 321 33 10 109 1 137 13 23 21st ward.... 692 19 3 10 32 76 502 10 120.... 446 72 54 29 11 1 119 78 3 20 22d ward.... 403 21..... 8 19 59 813 4 94.... 323 41 29 10 91 70 9 15 Total.......... 7,190 217- 4 1 12. 1 —— 92 9,-'741 269 1,128.... 5.499 980_ 495 197 63 {1,105 1,439 1-0 | 213 NIAGARA COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Cambria........ 27 17.... 1..... 8 24...... 3.... 97 6............... I 49 2 6 |... Hartland........ 35 37.......... 1 18 25...... 8.... 15 4................. 1241...... 3.... Lewiston........ 30 13.......... 3 14, 21 1 12.... 40 4................ 44 3 4. Lockport........ 156 79 1 1 1 52 63 5 76.... 277 30 1.......... 224 32 41 1 Newfane........ 26 17................ 10 55.... 4.... 31 7................. 8 / ~ / Niagara......... 95 17.......... 5 29 12 19.... 100 3 4....... 1 43 16 9 1 Pendleton.... 11 7......... 11 6...... 4... - 38 1...... I.... 32...... 10.......... Royalton~~..... 56 35........ 1 1 20... 19.. 12 17........ 8 2 4 1 Porterse......... 17 7.......... 1 0 26............ 22 W h eatfi eld....... 16 13................ 4 ~ ~~8.... 16.. 5.............../ 15...... I.... Royalton........ 56 35............. 1 17 20...... 19.... 124 17................ 89..2 4 "'. Toa..... 525 293 1 __2 12 22 97 179... 82 I1I 5 1 I AI I9 A 59 I|. 92 3 Somerseta........ 1 7 7 1............ ] 5............ 3..../ 4 6........../....,3...... 3... Boonvilll....... 70 2.... 1 17...... 3... 7 4 1...... 0.... 7.. Whde watfeld...... 16 1 2.... 1.....: 1....... 4 8..... 16.... 1, 11................ l5...... 2.. Flornce...... 3 9 19 2........ 8 5..... 3 7.. 4 3.............. 2 1 1 1 Wilson........... 1................... 8.......... 29 5................ 6...... 2.. Kirkand........ 94 3 1...... 1 5 8 2 11... 11 1..... 1.i 35 3 6 1 Tota............ 65.......3..... 4i 6I..... 42 2 9 3 7.......9 81 5 13.......... 390...... 3.. MAnn sil.......... 6 1 1... 1...... 1....... 2 2................ 7 4.............. 59...... 1......,. MAugstal......... 7 30 12.............. 2 5..............3.... 173...... 3.'... Ne Av tod.. 9 3........ 9 1.... 1 1 1.......... 14 4 1.. Paris ~ ~ 2............ 72 9.......... 1 8 25 1 4.... 1 0............... 19 3 2... Boonvill.........' 0 2.............. 1 1 7 3..... 3.... 6 i'' " 1....0........ 3.. Camden.......... 144 15.... 1........ 1.... 29 32...... 30.... 98...3 18... Sa grfed........ 667............... 5 3........... 4 30................. 14..... 3'. Floydn........................ 25.............. 6 2..........4.,.... 1...... 2.... T e tn........ 56 1 3........... 5 8...... 6.... 4 2......... 0 1 2.. 1 otnedo ~...... Marcy......... ~~~ 117..I... I,.5...' 130 CLASSIFICATION BY PLACE OF BIRTH. MONROE COUNTY-(CONTINUED). UNITED S FOREIGN COUNTRIEa CI w' i ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. tn TOWNS. 2 1 |.. *a. Ib _. ~ I Sl.all I ~ 1 11 4jl I j In,'W ebster................. 2,361........................ 47.......... 82 12 1671 4 32.......... W heatland............... 2, 022....................... 116.......... 89 2 29 4.338..............,Total........... _... 26__73 329 3 1.. 71 4 3, 708....... 3 4, 302_ 469 | 9,940 | 723 | 9,893 11 1I 25 MONTGOMERY COUNT\TY-(CONTINU'ED). Amsterdam............. 1...... 36 1 138 18 " 142 462.............. Canajoharie............... 3'648 75....... 372 119.............. Charleston.. I............. 1,648........................ 6.......... 12......2 1 9.............. Florida................. 2,524........................ 11.......... 30 1 4 91. 4 168.............. Glen........... 2 551......................... 2........... 34...... 62...... 59.............. M indenr................. 4,122.......................... 23.......... 45 7 292...... 121 1........ Mohawk.......... 2.632.................. 32 8 16.......... 37 149-.8 186 1........Palatine................. 2,290........................ 2 4 J 18....... 3.............. Rootr.................... 2,351........................ I.......... 7 2 4.. 46.............. St. Johnsville............ 1...0...................... 3.......... 12 1 108...... 87.............. Total......'... 1.... I.........[ 103_21.......... 23........ / 45[ NEW YORK COUNTY-(CONTINUED). New York city:1 1st ward.... 4 35 4,193......... 4 1 17 20 1 162 29 1,097 3 4,080 6.... 3 M2d ward............ 593................... 35 12 113...... 426....... 1.... 3d wad..... ~1....... 1,4.......... 4th ward..... 8..... 7 7,53'25.... 49......1 15 5th ward.........115 9,353 1 1 1 28 2 100 7.1 631 386.2,464 12 4,430 20.... 4 th'ward...... 14 2 51 10 1 611 121 2,164 53 7,211 so 1 3 7th ward.... 2 27 18,9.... 3 29 8 125 56 2 1,446 97 3,211 51 11,645 356 1 50 thowardl............ 22 15 149 11 3 1,049 656 3,740 26 5,133 22 2 8 9th ward..... 23 26.602 2... 1 13 10 172 9 1 1,3105 184 2,524 32 6,348 122 7 8 10th ward.... 17644......... 1 26 8 83 29 1 813 207.10,649 81 3,139 11 1 7 New York city: 441 11th ward.... 1 14 31,260 2 4 2 5 2 2 1 1 0[4 1.126 7,178 20.... 54 12th ward........ 37 18,585 3......... 7 2 107 9.. 1 791 106 1,982 17 5,967 7 8 8 13th ward......... 1 3 15,306............ 11 2 74 7.... 771 105 5,194 48. 4,259 15 2 16 14th ward........ 12 10,827. I1.... 20 23 69 8/2 684 210 3,015 37 7,322 4 1 J 19 15th ward.... 3 9,15321 9 / 1 4 283 2 0.... 997 849 1,401 23 6,041 57 15- IS 16th ward.... I 5[4 25,304.... I 21 4 217 1.3 7 1,522 323 2,603 85 10,196 51 3 17 17th ward....... 65 39,900 9.... 4 67 15 164 40 5 1,123 630 24 227 75 1i2,007 30 19 26 18th ward.... I 25 25,801 1........ 31 6 194 20 4 1,224 388 3,811 12 1 15,050 53 14 7 19th ward.../.... 17 23,477 3 2.4 48 6 132 9 4 1,222 182 2,557 45 10,309 19 7. 8 10th ward...... 2 36,615 1 1 4 19 18 205 13 1 1,798 313 6,306 53 14,722. 26 10 16 21st ward.... 23, 2 9.... 1 2 9 5 6 145 -15 1 1,200 199 72,151 13 10,502 37 2 4 22d ward........ 30,807 I.... 9 2 133 8.... 660 227 6,815 20 7,585 19 3 12 Total.......... j14_537'407,312 63 16 26 359 36 |19,6.99 i5,805 107,269 825 3 161.334 955 91 304 Toth,ral......... 413 40,312 |L6 647 18 2 4 NIAGARA,- COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Cambria.........S....'... 1,766...................7..- 102.......... 68 3 51...... 102........... 3 Hartland........ 1 2. 2,825 8.......... 87.. 236 2 2 27...... 237.............. Lewiston 2....] 2,6 9.... 343........... 64 3 133......, 350.......... 4 Lockport........ 1 94 9,918 I........ 1 —..... 828 1.... 860 41 489 1 1,556 1' 4 9 Newfane.......3 1..... 126.......... 110 4 0 63...... 216.......... 2 Niagara1.......... I.... 3, 71/.,....... 3....... 947 2 22 3 82 | 58l...2. 907 4 53. 1 Pendleton................ 17, 2j54............ I...... 44........... 70 15 5 238 85............. Porter d......... 12,814...................... 228.......... 58 2 2 21..... 180........... 3 a o............... Royal eto.. 8 ~... 8 5........... 6 207...... 198............. Total........... 1 94 16 405,796 II 62 1.16..1 6 2l...... — 2,74.359l 3 4J....I!2,_03[~ ~ 2111 2 -0,338_1 4,184 955_ j4_|2 ONEIAGAA COUNTY —(CoNTINUED)' C nmbrille.....:....... I.... 1,72301.... 1....]....I...... t...... 1 0.....'..... 6 97 515...... 1267............. Au u t.........t......../ 1 79....//.... t...... /......... 1......... 74 12.....1 6............ Av~r.:::::::".......' 924~ "i'::::........:::.......':::: 7 118......:::29......... Bridgewater..............~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1,05........................ 31~....:.. 7.... 6....... Newande............./....J,63,007.... /..../...... /.......... 6 93....../.... / 1108 525/ 3...... / 2160.............. _Niagrai l.............. 1 4 8................. 7 50... 1 0....... Flor nce...... 1....... 3,715 I...'.....~.... 1......!2......... 570 23]...... 253]015 7,...... 97]4...'.... Flo~d................., 5.................................. 7 0 150384...... 12.*............. Kik a d......, 3............ 1....... 16 170...... 559/........ Lee~to....... t......'........ 2, 7...................... 1......... 38 34...... 4.......... Marcy~~...q...q......,1............ 8..... 4 58... 5....... Mars all'............,571....'" "'.............. 7..... 816.... 2 0....... New Hartford ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ /"..../....... 2.74................. 265.. 27 90 7....... Paris................ 2,90.................... 0........ 1 1 347/....../ 308.......... Soerset.......... 1 9 8............... 76........[311 7 2 1..... Rome..........." 2 1,5099-,''"....'.......-/....... 2734 /.... 8 /...... 314 0 3 7 1...... 8750....../..../.... W a tgefield...,...I....I...... 1,0658I..../....{...I;...../........ 90....../..../ 1920 111 0...... | 217/......I........ Wilsoen............. 1, 3............... 3.....5 17....2........ Trento...'..''"...... 2,577......"...'...."...'."1........ 5 7...... 155/.......... ONEIA CONTY-(ConTinedonpaD)13.) CLASSIFICATION BY PLACE OF BIRTH. 131 MONROE COUNTY-(CONTINUED). FOREIGN COUNTRIES. TOWNS. |. - g. S~ -^' ~ C O 1t idc /! / I i I I li *~' I I l! i -I I 1! I'll W ebster................. 2................ I.......... 6.... 1 27 I 382 32 W heatland.................................................... 66.......................... 2...... 646 1 6 Total......... 13 13 34 20 2...... 154 11.... 627 __1 I 6\ 2 327.... 53 1 30,353 28 525 MONTGOMERY COUNTY-(CONTITNUED). Amsterdam..............! 1........... 1 2.... 82.................. 3...... 897..... 18 Canajoharie.................................................... 12................................. 582 2 16 Charleston..................................................................... i...........................30..... 9 Florida............... 2.................... 11.......... 17................ 2................ 337..... 24 Glen.......V................................. 17....... 7.......... 1............... 182..... 4 M inden........................... 1............................. 5 8... 7 M ohaw k..o....;........................................ 2................. 3................ 316........... P alatine.................................................. 1...................................... 271........... R oot.......,................ I................................................... 102 3 St. Johnsville................................................ I....................................... 211 1 1 Tt al......... 32.... 1.......... 2............ 15.... 1.... 4...| 3,436 3 82 NEW YORK COUNTY-(CONTINUED). New York city: Pst ward.....3 20 2 12 1.......3 2....3. 32 2...... 62 4.... 14...... 5,613 3 43 2d Ward..................... 2.......... 1.... 3 1 600..... 3d tard........ 2 5 13 1...... 35 7..................... 1,885 1 30 4th ward.... 2 11 9 33 6...... 50 12... 133 1 24 49 22 2 24 1 9,761 2 56 5th ward.... 3 4 14 18 2...... 49 8.... 229 2 12 13 41.... 15...... 8,498 4 350 6th ward........ 4 6 375 1....... 87 34.. 68 1 18 16 26.... 7 1 10,970 2 488 7th ward.... 23 24 51 120 20...... 213 39.... 276 10 25 91 33 46 1 18,054 4...... 8th ward.... 1 2 22 41'a........ 94 24.... 314 2 24 33 45. 14 2 11458 4 382 9th~ward.... 9 3 31, 34 11..... 63 2.... 666 6 16 33 25.... 53 7 31,697 2 203 1~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I 1570I4 10th ward.... 9 13 18 223 4.... 113 1 37 98 30 2 11th ward.... 17 2 40 39.......... 76 28.... 253. 15 8 53 2 38...... 27,488 5 200 12th ward........ 13 23 15 1...... 20 3.... 193 9 7 15 21 2 15 8 9,360 3 311 13d ward...17 13th ward........... 11 46 6...... 106 23.- 143.... 6 15 27.... 19 2 10,908 3 17 14th ward.... 6 1 9 47.......... 54 912.... 18 15 25 3 6 1 11,725 1 829 15th ward.... 3 3 22 21 5....... 85 13.... 291 21 42 15 83 2 40 15 10,359 I 4..... 16th~ward... 7 6 30 39 5 102 3 2 16,323 343 17th ward......... 10 39 4 7 24.... 296 6 22 21 101 I 5 19 39, 201 4 458 18th ward.... 3 15 13 14 2.;.. 40 5.... 320 17 23 8 29 6 47 14 21,371 1 440' 19th ward.... 7 3 33 16 10...... 75 6 343 5 12 10 35 1 21.... 16127 3 338 20th ward... 12 3 25 67 3....... 196 19 1,022 12 24 24 71.... 38 53 25,075 7 187 21 st ward.... 7 *17, 30 15 2 1.67 8... 281 26 37 20 3 1 1 27I 87 14,~944... 328 22d ward... I.... 16 22.......... 79 6.... 575. 4 6 11 34 2 19 33 16,310 8 236.......~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~' 1[ i 5 ~0 1 2452 14 313,475 6I2 [,53 Total........ 1!ll3 156 44 128 87 1,73 I 30....6 444 ll5 9/350 843 19,73077 62 | 5535 NIAGARA COUNTY -(CONTINTUED). Cam bria................. 2................ 1...... 12................................... 344..... 5 H artland............................................. 97.......................... I...... 599..... 21 wisth............. 120 l....... 919..... 12 e on......... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 28......'.............. Lockport........ 2 4 6. 2........... 12 1. 96.......... 1 9 1 4 2 30,922 2 95 N-wfade.... 9. " ". 1. |.................. 6 547 2 34 Niagara................. 1 3......... 33.......... 76............. 23....... 2 2,459 1 11 Pendleton....... 4........................... 12..... 2............. 2.... I...... 474 1 2 Porter.................. 3................ 13.... 4...... 14.. I.......... 1 1 525..... 27 Royalton................ 41... 21]133...... 41 Som erset................................................ 10........................... I...... 279... 4 W heatfield..................................... 162....... 10../....... 2................ 1,442 2 8 W ilson.............. /2 3.......~.......... 22.. 4.......... 14...................................... 537 1 38 1othal....... 1.6 1 3 4 218_5......... 4061 5.. 23|........I_. )38 1 8 3 471 |4 1,3718.9 1 2984 A n ile...........................19thward..... 7... 6 ~.... 44... 51 Augusta.~ 33[ 16 10.....'......................[. 75.................,(~I 2 12 1.~..... 6,279 1[ 3 23 20t har....................... 12................. 75.... 9.....'. 196238 I 5 /5,7 7...... 8.. B o n il.......................... 2......... 2... 46].-.../ 79628.4 Bsrwdg w r.......................... 27.............[ 8 7!... 14,944.... Camden,17.............................'61......... 2/... 7..... 52 14 otlor n e......... 1........... I...... 1........ 2.. 5... 6 Kirkla: 15 44....,...... 81........ k 7- /........, ~ 40T........ 0.... 5722......- 90-w 1.... 5 10Le............................ 1.......... 7.......... 3.. 7... 3.. It artlan..".............................. 16................::...]::: 178...... 401;.... 59 Marshall..::::::::' "'::::::::: "'':.::.... o....................................... 10................... 82.... 47...... Ne a tor............................ 9..12... 11.. 3...... 93..... 1 ocparis................................ 31 961.......... 9. 11.... 6 2, 9 2' ~2'39 N ewfaen...... ~........................ 1....... 2.............. 1.. 3 1.... 6 54... 7 Ro e...........,.............. 4........ 6...... 32.......... I..... 15 13, 0 4 Niangarai l.......... ~ ~....................,..... 1.......... ~................ 37..... 3 6..... 3 Steuben~~~~~~~......: 2:,.........'.:..................................... 29.... 2245.... 2 1...9 Porter.o....,...,........ 3..................13.................. 54.............. 1.... 2 6...... 10.... 1 W~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(oilsedon pae18. 132 CLASSIFICATION BY PLACE CF BIRTH. ONEIDA COUNTY-(CONTINUED). COUNTIES OF NEW YORK. TOWNS. bi" I A ~~:-<:=! ~-< c3 Cj'3d3 j= 0 0 a) S ~- W f. B * Utica city: I.st ward.... 24...... 2.... 8 1...... 2 4 2 2d ward.... 24 2 1.... 1...... 1 I13 1 4....... 3 5 6............ 5 2 2 3d ward..;. 32 1 3i.... 9 2 3 11...... 4 6 4 11 3.. 2 1 2 4th ward.... 62....... 2.... 5...... 5 28...... 2 2 4 14 6........... 5 2 11 5th ward.... 36.............. 3...... 3 4.... 2 3 3 8 2....... 3.... 2 6t ard.... 30....... 2... 1............ 13 1 9...8 7 2..... 6th w 1~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~39./ 2......22 7th ward.... 40..... I.... 1 4...... 8...... 5 4 3 7 3 1 Total Utica... 248' 3 11... 28 7 14' 78 2 27 -17 19 55 24 2 1- 21 10 23 Vernon.......... 19....... 7............ 15...... 6 4 1 4................ 7 1 5 Verona.......... 48 2.... 1 5 1 2 11 2 2 5 3...... 11 4 13 Vienna.......... 39 1 7................... 2 2 33 W estern......... 6... 2... 2....11 I 3 7...... ii I1...... 3:.. 3 NIestmoreland.. 9....:.. 3.. 1.... 2 9... 7 2 2 19......... 3... 10............. Whitestown... 25 1 3 3 4 4...... 16 5 12 2 5 17 1 1...... 2 4.7 Toa......... 71 8|4 4|17 45 26 421 3 3 2 108 341 64 32 15| 137 72 236 ONONDAGA COUNTY. Camillus......... 9 1 4 1 37............ 13...... 5 1 4 I Cicero.......... 11 2 27 9 4 15 3...... I I 1 14 Clay............. 68 2 ~... 2 17 2 1 7 1 35 16 3 16 2 3...... 1 3 5 De W itt..'... 6 1.. 1 16 1 2 5 1 9 15..... 32...... 2....... 7... 7 Elbridge.......... 28....... 1I.. 282 1 1 11 3 3 31 18- 30 4 2 1 12 2 17 Fabius.......... 6 7 18 3.3 1. 1 34... 11 168 2 10 5 I1...... I I ~,, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.......... Geddes...... 23... 5 1 39 2...... 16 2 8 34 4 8 7 2 1...... 2.... Lafayette.... 10 3 1 1 13 3 1 5...... 8 32 2 23 1I.................. 1 7 Lysander........ 88 4 2 2 126 1 2 8 9 52 21 7 26 3 1 2 9 2 59 Manlius.... 60...... 3 4 23. 6 6 38 1 27 44 6 63 6 2 6 19 1 12 Marcellus.................... 1 2 32 1...... 2 1 3 10 2 40...... 2 I..... 1 Onondaoga....... 19.... 1 2 54 3 1 31 I 1 10 59 5 3 1 3...... I 4 2 6 Otisco........... 13 1 3.. 9 4... 13.... 3 34 3 9 1............ 1' 2 2 Pompey......... 16 4 1 4 9 2 1 55 1 17 72 5 34 3............ 9 3 3 Salina.........:. 17....... 1..... 1 7...... 16 5 24 1........ 2...... I Skaneateles.......... 17 8 1 311 3 4 10 4 9 28 4 51 lo I...... 2 6 2 Spafford......... 10 3 4 1 44.............. 8...... 2 93 1 14........... 2 8...... 3 Syracuse city: 1st mardela...... 2.... 2 3...... 8...... 3 4 3 1 1 3 1.......... 2d w ard.... 4...... 2.... 8............................................................................ 3d ward.... 25...... 2.... 31 2 1 14.3 9 11 1 12 4...... 1 6 4th ward....'. 42. 5....... 2 9......... 10 27 4 13 9 1...... 2 8 5thi ward.... 52 2 12.... 39 1 2 4 1 9 32 5 13 4 1 2 4 4 9 6th ward.... 28...... 2 3 66 1 1 25 1 1.2 73 1. 13 * 7............. 6 2 10 7th ward.... 65 4 6 6 58.......1 11 1 5 57...... 7 17 2...... 4 6 3 8th ward.... 66.... 4 1 33 3 5 8 2 3 1.5 2 22 17............ 6 10 6 Total Syracuse.'301 6 35 10 266 10 12 79 8 51 219 16 81 59 5 6 28 25.42 Tully...... 11 I.. 3 21 1...... 10 I' 15 137 4' 4 1 1................... 10 anBuren....... 3 9 2...... 1 3 12 Total.......... 936 36 |g90 40 1,368 42 36' 359'37 315,19 055 1 018 574 34_6 _ 22 22 [ - 5 |39 ONTARIONCOUNTY. Bristol....... 4 7 1 4 14 2 1 3 8 2 9 1 -cc ~ ~1.. 12'lo........ 2 Canadic 9.............. 5 1, I 5I5 I Canandaigua..... 29 23 9 3 48 3 14 8 14 10 6 36 20 5 3.... 1 5 lEast Bloomfield.. 3 8 1... 12 1...... 6 1 8 4 2 10 3 1...... 1 22.... Farmin-ton..... 16 2 1 1 14 6.... 1 1 9 1 3 21 3...... 2 4 9 Gorham......... 22 4.... 3 13...... 1 2...... 38....... 2 13.................. 4 3 15 Cincesero... 1 5 0 1 2 6 2... 7 9... 9 12........... 1 13..pes.......... 2 20.... 1 1...... 18 9 4 2 1 5 3.............. 1 1 14 Phls.......... 2 3 1 0 2 1 2.... 3109 1 7 8... 1 7 1 ic hm n.... 2 8 32/.... 2 8 1 7.. 5 2/....... 47 2/~6 3 / 16 12.//....../.. i1 1 2/ Seneait.... 95 11 5.7 75., 2 12 16 41 19 85... 31...3..... 2.... 7.... Souh rito... 4 3........ 6... 1 81 / /' / 34/.... 1 8 2 /..... 29 4.-..... /....../ 1 7 Victor.....'.... 18 [........[.. 2 14/1.9.............. 169 3 4 4 3 8 16 2 1'..... 2... 3 16 1 Laaette Blo.m..el.. 105 3 { 1{ 1 4 3 3~ 1 4 5... 6q 5 2 2 23 12 8.......[...'........[ 11 5 Ttl........ 25/41 117 423 1 6 343 _2 72{ 66 _' 43 |1 76 | 26 / 362 103 2 9/ 211 59_ ^: Bloomins rv... 6...... 60.............. 4/ 13...... 38....... /6 3 6 2 6 196 1............... 8 Machellusr..........' 1...... / ~ 4'......... / 6 /....... 2..... 4 o1..../.................- " / Co n al........,14 1. 59 2 3......... 3 9..... 4 9............... 7 Cr wf r............................ 5 3...... 1.... 5 4............. 2 D epr........ 8 3 4 1 2 2 5 6.... 17 331 5...... 6 Pompey.. 5...5.... 72........ 3 4......... 3 13 2 6....... 1... Ham ton urg.......... 1........... 14....... 1 1 14................... pa f sior d............................ 10.... 1' 4............. 8...... 29 4............2.,........ 1st wrd....19...... 2 1.... 6 3...... 8 1...... 32 4 341...... 131................. 2 Montgomery ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~..... 4'.... 1:.,..............'.............. 1 47..............*....'........,. 3d ward.... 25..... 2 31 2 1 14 3 9 - 11 Io2nti.....o'1.......1 CLASSIFICATION BY PLACE OF BIRTH. 133 ONEIDA COUNTY-(CoNTINUED). COUNTIES OF NEW YORK. TOWNS. C4 ~,- f.,..,.,4 Utica city: 1st Ward......... 47 4 7 12....... 6...... 8 20.... 591 10 I 1.... 3 16.. 2d ward........ 79 11...... 25...... 19 5 16 30 2 1,146 27 6 4... 12 34.... 3d ward........ 88 21 9 10 4 48 18 10 61.... 1,474 11 2 1.. 17 69.... 4th ward.. 2 138 32 11 21 3 35 6 39 77.'. 1,686 40 6 2.... 22 60 1 5th ward........ 81 5 2 3 1 9 2 14 59 1 1,540 13....... 3 1 7 14.... 6th ward........ 64 10 1 17...... 45 16 29 46 2 2,849 10 1 3... 15 8.... 7th ward.... 5 90 4 3 11...... 14 7 6 165 1 2,007 7.............. 5 35.... Total Utica city. 7 587 87 33 99 8 176 54 122 458 6 11,293 118 16 14 2 81 236 1 Vernon....'..... 3 105 7 3 9...... 203 7 42 9 2 1,599 29 2 2.... 23 25 1 Verona............. 126 27 5 61 1,165 5 83 35.... 3,256 42 4 9 4 75 72 1 Vienna.............. 117 23 5 18...... 58 6 90 38 5 1,932 32 2 2 123 41.... Western...... 32 19...... 32 1 14 1 50 6.... 1,654 4 1 7 11....;estmoreland........ 80 28...... 26 1 33 2 10 39 3 1,753 10 1 1 3 11 25 1 Whitestown. 107 33 10 15 1 40 2 32 35 2 2,090 15 4 3 1 12 59.... Total........ 28 2,939 680 109 1,008 4111,711 134 845 1,052 38 55,857 465 47 55 27 779 j1,133 | 6 Total.... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 6 -18 47 9 35 9 68 7719 J1'13 I ONONDAGA COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Camillus-..... 2 2 21......... 6 21 4 36 14 3 29 1,566 2 6 3 30 3 Cicero.............. 57 17...... 5 2 132 4 76 6.... 7 71 1,714 3.~:... 1 146 12. clay............. 62 28 17...... 2 110 25 De Witt............. 20 9 2 5 4 30 3 25 4.... 35 1,782 4 28.... Elbridge.....'. 49 12...... 5 5 52 7 52 45 1 65 2,236 10 29 2 53 30.... Fabius.............. 21 7.................. 108 4 14 3 1 16 1,238 6 4 2 19 1... Geddes.............. 21 11/ 7 5 2 32 9 18 46/ 2 43 /1,402 5 2 82 8 1 Lafayette......... 2 6 4 1........... 28 1 9 8.... 25 1,651 1 17 23. 2.... Lysander........ 58 31 2 6........ 61 14 99 22.... 61 2,515 7 20 3 315 16 Manlius....... 98 22 3 3 382 10 53 23 /2 107.3,545 7 10 3 67 28 1 Marcellus.......'..... 4, 14 5 1....... 23 5 13 13.... 22 1,534 6 8 4 17 13 6 Onondaga........ 6 28 11 3 3 4 531 6 25 12 3 39 3,064 11 10 3 43 21 2 Otisco........... 4 11 3...... 2 1 8 -6 14 1.... 7 1.003....... 2.. 5 24 Pompey............. 30 15...... 3...... 203 4 20 3 2 44 2,066 5 2 26 22 1 Salina............... 25 12 ]....... 2 1 23 6 16 27 2 25 1,305 3 3 1 57'... Skaneateles.......... 28 5 3 1 I 5 21 8 18 /38 2 34 1,895 4 18 2 21 17 I Spaffbrd......... 4 8 6 2............ 9 2 10 2 1 4 926 2 4 2 3 14.... Syracuse city: Ist ward......... 9 13 3...... I 11 9. 12 10 3 32 2,076 1 2 5 92 6.... 2d ward....................... I m 1 11 16.... 20 2,251 5. 91.... 3d' ward....]..... 15 7 1 4 2 46 15 3 26 8 63 975 7 5 40 i 8.... 4th ward.... 1 20 14 3 5 2 39 8 11 142 6 67 2,278 5 12. 38 17.... 5th ward......... 44 6 5 2 1 64 23 39 30 8 78 1,478 7:86 5 63 15 1 6th ward........ 36 27 4 5 6 70 20 26 41 1 63 1,194 14 8 6 74 29 7thward........ 47 27 6 9 11 92 42 ~ 21 81 10 99' 2,374 12 5 1 79 42 1.8th ward.... 30 19. 2 2 1 57 15 8 20 1 76 1,199 2 8 3 69 20....' 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.5 270_7 Total Syracuse 1 201 114 25 27 4 380 133- 131 366 37 498 13,825 53 46 17 466 137 2 Tully............ 16 8 4............ 2 17 2- 15 4.... 16 871 6 1 11 1.... Van Buren........... 39 8....... 1...... 40 6 17 27.... 31 1,993 2 9 1 57 27.... Total.......... 39' 803 - 338 55 71 6311.675.-237 1-783 -675 56 1,227 147,822I 134 198 52- 1,580 458 17 ONTARIO COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Bristol........... 2 8... 1 18 5 15 9 1 3 4 6 1,144 12.... 1 4... Canadice...3 2 3 64............ 2.......... 1 7 552 5.......... 3 Canandaigua...... 1 22 7.2 3 54 9 83 22 110 12 47'47 3, 817 41 15 16 9 5 East Bloomfield...... 15 8 3...... 26...... 49.6 6 3 II 6 1,203 3 6 1 13 1 Farmington.......... 14...... 2 2 3 3 41 7 9 1 4 8 931 3 4 4 2.... Gorham......... 4 13.2............. 14 1 17 31 9 2 20 8 1,187 16 2...... 6 6 Hopewell.......... 31...... [...... 1 l 81 2 [ 16 [ 10 { 131 31 9 87 4 3 4 3.... Manchester........ 10~ 7 12/ 1 20 15 / 55 [ 22 / 7 6 23 18 1,79. 7.14. 4 13.... Naples............ 12| 1.......1 5 [36 { 7 [ 19 / 4 [ 4{ 3 16 16 1,23 7 2 / 2 23 1 Phelps........ 421 7 13....... 20/ 15~ 41~ 19 29 61 2 42,678 39 10 1 9 1 Richmond......... 3 2 2....'.' 61~ 3I 22/....../ 31.... 3t 824 2 / 2 2 2 4 Senec........ 4~1 20 16 4 32 20 57 23 28 16 62 79 3,3 64 8 2 7 8 South Bristol............ 2 2 [......1 25 { 1 1 35 1 {......' 4 6 1 719 7i.. 1 15 3 Victor.............. 23/ 101......[ 2/ 26/ 5' 162; 27 { 13 3~ 2 17,161 " 0 5' 1 13 1 West Bloomfield. 1 5 5....... 87 5 [119~... 2 2 10 6 76.......... 8 Total........:6- ~8'] 8 52 2 494 -101 J7311 183'3341 64 ] 267 | 28_8 22,7_072:22~7 71: 02__140 _ 50 ~ ~ORANGE COUNTY-(CoNTINUED). Chester......................... 6.......... 1 3 4...........:, 0.....::.. 1 Cornwall.................. 34................. 10..... 220......... 8t2,751...." 3'.... 7 Crawford.................. 26.......................................... 1 1 I1,353........ Deerpark.......... 2....'. 28...... 1 2 11 2 209....'... 9 /3,096 3..... 8 7 Goshen........................ 7 1................. 1 108............ 4 2,391........ Greenville..................... 1............................ 4............... 972.......... Hamptonburgh............... 2............................. 29............... 931......... M inisi nk........................ 1.............................. 11....'....''' 4........... Monroe............;..... -9 1... 1 1... 147.... 1..... 1 3 476......1 { M~ontgofmery,.............::2: 9'............. 3...... 70.... 1 3.... 2,362 "2 " 1...' (Continued, on page 140.8" 134 CLASSIFICATION BY PLACE OF BIRTH. ONEIDA COUNTY —(CONTINUED). COUNTIES OF NEWV YORK. TOWNS. S -r.A.~) rt a fa n ci' *^ -rt ~-. -; G ^ SP~~~~~~1. C Utica city:1st ward........ 14.......... 4 7 16 3...... 1 2 1................... 2...... 1 4 2d ward....... 2 8........................ 2 2 4 3d ward.... 1 20.......... 5 18 15 20.... 5 4............ 1 3........... 6 1 4th ward......... 26.... 4 3 21 5 27.......... 6............. 2...... 4 1, is 5 5th ward........ 7.......... 4 3 4- 5 1...... 5...................................... 2 3 6th ward........ 12 1 3 1I 1 6 6 2 3 2...... 1............ 1 2...... 7th ward........ i0 4...... 2 3.......................................... 1 2...... 1 2 2 Total TUtica.... 2 97 5 7 ~21- 59 61 65 3 14 21 1 1 4 5 9 6 33 15 V ernon............... 13........... 5 8.8 8............ 4.............................. 12..... Verona.............. 89........... 9 31 7 35...... I 5............ 3 2 8 2 24 10 Vienna.I.... 32 1...... 6.31 7 25........................ 1I...... 6............ 16.2'W estern....... 13....I...... 4 36 7 4...........................................'4 2 W estmoreland... 1 20.......... 1 15...... 3...... 2 2 5 3 1 - 2 2...... 18..... W hitestown.......... 33.......... 5 17 5 10 1 4 13............. 4 1...... 8 4 Total........ 5 60 11 1 152 32 146 -378 __7 49 69 17 12 15 43 6 1_J _ [ Total..... 1~ 02 116 ONONDAGA COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Camillus........|....I 7 |. | 3 |......| 27 | 1 | 2...... 1 | 8 1 [ 5....... 1 4 [ 1 | 25 3 Cicero.....,...........18..... 15 25 14 39 1 5........................I....... 17 3 31.4 Clay................. 49..... 4.38 4 106 1 2......................... 4 3 7 42 9 De W itt.......... 2 is.......... 18 18 2 12 1 4 4...... 3 3......'13...... 17 3 Elbridge......... 1 20.... 2 2, 30 3 15...... 9 8 2 1 1 10 5 8 36 59 Fabius.............. 19.......... 2 11 4 5...... 2 1......... 2 4 1...... 9 7 Geddes.......... 2 31...4 16 8 2 6...... 9 3 2 1.... 3 14 6 11 7 Lafayette............. 3 2 2 3 36 1 8......... I.. 1 3 8...... 7 2 Lysander......... I 77........... 7 76 17 18 1 3 3 1...... 2 3 8 1 51 21 Manlius..... 1 38.......... 22 35.2 22 1 6 2 1 1 4 8 4 19 3 3 Marcellus......... 9.......... 4 24 5 4 1 5...... 2 2...... 9 1...... 15 4 Onondaga............ 23.... 2 11 -28 7 8 2 4 2 2...... 5 18 4 3 38.8 Otisco.:........... 8... I 1 22................... 1 2............. 4 3......... 21 2 Pompey......... 1 30... 2....... 43 1 9...... 1 2 1 2. 4 4 2 2 9 6 Salina............... 13...... 3 13 1 3 1...... 2...... 4 3 2.... 1 15 3 Skaneateles...... 13 23.'.'.. 2 1 22 2 5...... 12 8...... 2...... 12 15...... 23 15 Spafford............. 37........;........ 12 3 5 5 1 2....... 2 1.5 4...... 49 1 Syracuse city: Ist ward........ 17.......... 12 14 6 7...... 4 1.................. 13............. 16 4 2d w ard.... 1 4.......... 3........................................................................ 1... 3d ward.... 1 6.......... 6 14 6 7...... 11 I...... 1. 4 6..... 2 4 6 4th ward.... I II.......... 8 24 1 14.......7 8................... 5 8....... 10 8 5th ward.. 1 10.... 2 6 12 27.7...... 8 4 1....... 2 6 5 2 12 7 6th ward.... I 19.... 1 8 30 11 9...... 13 1 4 3 2 is 8 1I 1 12 7th ward.... 4 38.... 4 8 30 21 14...... 19, 11 I...... 7 20 6 12 23 10 8th ward.... I 18.... I 5 4 2 -20...... 2 11 2 1 7 11 17 4 18 7 Total Syracuse. 10 123.... 8 56 128, 74 78...... 83 37 8 5 22 79 44 21 85 54 Tully...... ^........ 11.......... 7 12 2 11....... 5 1 1 1 3 4...... 4 7 1 Van Buren....... 50... 8 3 26 4 23...... 2,5...... 1 2 3 1 5 20 18 Total.......... 31 57 2 34 |175 6341 149 |3791 14 156 9 21 31 59 175 1108 6 1 7 ONTARIO COUNTY-(CONTIINUED). Bristol........... 2.... I 1 is 2 3| 1 4 10.I.... 1......| 2 1 5 Canadice..... I 3. 1.............. 3m. Canandaigua. 3 6 2 31 5 7 2 59 41 1...... 6 16 9 1 12 68 East Bloomfield...... 10...... 5 8 1 2 2 8 7 1...... 1I 2 3...... 3 14 2d ardig o....I8...... 15.... 1 1 5 4..... 5 62.................. 2...... 10 2110.. d wrda.... I 20....!...... 16 18 1 0..... 3 5 1 4 6...... 4 7...... I1 3 4 8............1 4h pward........ 2.. 6.... 10 3 2 5 4 627........ 6'............ 1 2 1...... 4 318 5tMancetrd....... 7.,..... 4 1 3 2 51 4 28 15.......................... 220 Nt apls...d.... 12.. 1.3 18 1 4 6 2 35 15........3 3. 4... 1 6 Phelps~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~........ 3 2.... 5 5 2 2 17 2 17 3 4 4 9 9 28... 4 20 Richmond1 0...... 2 3..... 1.....,-..... 5 13.......i...... 7....... 1...... 3...... 6.....' TonecaUtic....... 11 97 5 7 61 5 0 9 165 16 i420 9 13 3 3 39 34 6 31 11 Souhe rnsoln. 1 - 3........ 2 2...... 4 4 8 25............. 1.................. Victor........... 6 11~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~........ 8 8 1... 3... 5... 5 2 West Bloomfield...... 11.......... 4 5 1 2 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 2'...... 3..... 12..... 1....4 5 Total ~~~~.........35|17 2 3 47 24 4 88 4 57 45 23 1 47 90 13 9 11 92 Bloen rove..4a.... 11...... 4 | 1............ 1. 5............ 824 1 3.,...... F iena fr....... 1 32........... 63 172............l................ 1...... 88............ 24.. 16 2.. Wesernark...... 13,8 3 0...... 2 4 1...... 11432 39 6 7 15... Getmreeanvil............. 1.... 0.................. 1...... 1 13: 4''2...... 2....'.........'1 H amp onbu gh.. 1 3.... 4..... 1............................ 0.....'..... 18..... 4.... M i ii k...................................... 1 I 1................. Monroe......... 8......... 13 ~ 27 1..... 1 8 1 2..... 1 1 5... 3 3 Cicgo ero....... 3................... 1......... 1 5 1 4 8 0 1. 1............ 6 1~~~~~~~~~~~~(otne npg 4. CLASSIFICATION BY PLACE OF BIRTH. 135 ONEIDA COUNTY-(CONTINUED). COUNTIES OF N. Y. UNITED STATES. TOWNS.~~~~ Cd Utica city: 1st w ard...................... 830............ 18.................. I I......................... 1 2d ward...... 1...... 1,538............. 36............ 2'.................. I...... 2 3d ward...... 2,043 54............ 1 2 "' 3 4th ward.................. 2 2,4 3....... 2 2453...... 2........ 6 6 5th ward.... 3...... 1 1,862........ 1 16.................. 4............................ 1 2.6th ward... 3............ 3, 258........ 14............ 2' 2 1........................ 7 7 7th ward.... 5:............ 2,470............. 34 2............ 7 2 1.................. 4 6 Total Utica.... 13 2 3 14,454.... I 1 244 2 1 6 28 4 3...... 2 2 23 24 Vernon.......... 2 2... 2,202............ 104................... 4 2 4... 1...... 5.... Verona.......... 9...... 2 4, 380............* 99.................. 7...... 2................'... 7.... 5thw~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~rd~~~~~~~~~~,9 2...16................ V ienna.......... 17............ 2, 9....... 4............. 11.................... 3 2 "W estern......... 7............ 1,960........ 31.................. 2.................. 1........ W estmoreland.... I 1 2,171............ 92...... I...... I................... I...... 2 2 W hitestown............I....... 5 2,683........ 72...... 2....... 9............ I I............ 5 1 Total.......... 91 14 26 72,306 2 2 6'I,858 2 4 9' 130 32 32 4 14 9 107 50, ONONDAGA COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Cam illus_.................... 39.................. 8 7 1........................ 2 Cicero........... ~ 3............ 2,633............. 37...... I....... 1I.................. 2 i...... 2 2 Clay............ 4...... 1 3 2,592............ 38 1............. 6...................... i......... 4.. De W itt......... 6 1 1 2,293............ 46...... 2...... 7 1................................... Elbridge......... 2 10 5 3,319............ 61................ 6' 1............ 2...... 7 5 Fabius........... 1 2....... 1,800............. 59..........'3 3 1....... I...... I.... Geddes........... 4...... 5 1,985........ 3 36.................. 11...... I............ 1 6 1 Lafayette..... 5...... 1 1,988...... 40.................. 4............................... 2................... Lysander........ 22 1...... 3 967............ 68.................. 14 1 1 1............ 2.... Manlius......... 1 3...... 4,868........ 1 132 1...... 1 9 2 1.................. 3 11 Marcellus..4...... 734............. 1....... 1...... 1 1 3 1 Onondaga........ 12 2...... 3,739........ 2 131............ 2 3.......... I...... 2 6 Otisco........................ 1 1,255........ 2 47................... 2............ 1................ I Pompey.......... 99......... 1...... 7 Salina. 2 3...... 1,677............ 26.................. 4 1........................ 3 1 Skaneateles...... 3 2....1 2 2,763............9.' I.... 3 4 Spafford......... 2.......... 1,371....... 20.................. I.............................. 4 Syracuse city: Ist ward.... 2............ 2,431........ I 27............... 5.................. 1 2...... I 2d w ard...................... 2,342............ 3.............................................................. 2 3d. w ard.......... ~ 2...... 1,427 1..... 4... 25................... 5....... 1............................. 4th ward.... 1 3....... 2,945............ 35.................. I I.................. 6 1 5th ward.... 2 2 2 2,184............ 38.............. 9... 2................. 6 1 6th ward........... 8 5 2, 030......... 1 93.......... 2 12 1 4...... 1 7th ward.... 7 1 1 3,449........ 1 62 9............. 6 3............ 5 2 7 2.8th ward................ 3 1,7882............ 46 1 1...... 13 2 4...... 7...... 11 18 Total Syracuse. 12 16 11.18, 690 -1.... 3 329 10 1 2 51 7 11.... 13 5 31 26 Tully............................. 1,275...... 40........... 2 1............................. 2.............. I 1........ 9 Van Buren..... 3 1...... 2, 639............ 50.................. 4 3 2.................. 2.... Total.......... 9 3 36 32. 65,273 1.... 11 1,449 1,5 7 146 33 11 2 20 7 77 60 98~~~~~~~~~~~~~4 12 -150 ONTARIO COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Bristol.................................. 2 1.............. 1 20.. I....... Canadice.......... 137........ 2, 6 33 37 5 2......1......2 E nn aga.. 132 497..... 5 3 1........ 1 64.......2 1 Farmi1gton............ 1 5 1,53........ 1 64........... 3 3:::: De hm.... 3W3 22 187.......... 21............ 72,..............2 Ea chst er.....el. 1 4 7 217 7...... 5......... 14 0......... 2 2 Phelps.......... 10 9 61 4,09238...... 1 7....... 1 3 8 1... 1.... 5 5 Richmond.......29 3 4......" 2 5' 10:: 1,080.......... 5............................. South....tol.... I...... 2........................ 1.... Totaius...31 I I I....83 57 Blo min Grv 4.....,... 1,936:::::::1... 6.....:... 1............. 4... or w l........ 49...... 1 34 4 1.... 1 37...... 1...... 2 1 2.... 4 3 13 1 D ep r.... 15...... 4,9.......... 7 4...... 2 3..... 7.......... 5 1 Ly saner..... 9... 2 69.......... 16................' "' 3....'... Grenvile..... 2... 11,1...... 3,7 6........................ 2..... Ha pon u gh. 2 1...... 4,086....... 12............ i..................... M inisink........ ~~1......... 892............ 6......................... 1..... -M n o.......... 2...... 3 8 2 I.... 0........................ 1 M o t o ey.. 2.......... 2,0t....... 3....................... 1........ On~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(ontiud o agae...422.)37911::. 3 136 CLASSIFICATION BY PLACE OF BIRTH. ONEIDA COUNTY-(CONTINUED). UNITED STATES. TOWNS.;|,5. Ai C4g t | g < ~ I'~ t I 1 ^ 1 ~ I 0 I'I c6 I I 4 Utica city: 1st ward.... 29 5.................. 6 9...... 5...... 6 3 1........ 1 2...... 2d ward.... 24 1.................. 1 5 2 5...... 8 6............ 14 1 7...... 3d ward.... 44 8...... I..... 10 11...... 7...... 9 17 2........ 31 1 3 1 4th ward.... 73 6...... 1 1 5 22 1 15...... 18 16 1 2.... 29 5 5 1 5th ward.... 23 3...............1 4 2...... 5...... 10 I.... I.... 3 4...... 6th ward.... 40 6................ 4: 7................ 8 17 I 3 "! 16 5...9. 7th ward.... 2 3......... Total Utica.... 273 32...... 3 2 3 3 7 2. 109 12 38 2 Vernon.......... 72 5.......... 6 3....... 4...... 12 7 1........ 27 1 8...... Verona.......... 95 24............... 11 23...... 7...... 18 21 1........ 40 2 7...... Vienna.......... 84 5.................. 23............ 5...... 9 8............. 38...... I 1 W estern......... 27 2.................. 4 2.................. 8 2............ 11 3. 2....... W estmoreland... 71 3 3............. 3 6...... 5...... 5 14 i........ 23 3 7...... W hitestown... 76 9.................. 8 6 2 115...... 7 22 2........ 3 3 2 5...... Total..... 167 15 _ 8 7 5 237 222 18 154 _3. 266 338 |13 8.....,7 5 4 |716_ 4 | 139 10 ONONDAGA COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Camillus........ 20 10.................. 1 11...... 2...... 5 3............ 29 3........... Cicero........... 51 7 37 11 1 4 14 5............ 26...... 3......1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~....... 2...... 8..........0 Clay............ 39 7...... 1...... 5 10...... DeW itt........'35 3 4.......... 8 3...... 9...... 7 4 1.... 1 16 1 4...... Elbridge......... 67 14 1............ 5 13 2 11...... 11 3........... 65 1 12...... Fabius.......... 52 9 2........... 3 3...... 3... 11 10...... Geddes 51 2..... 2.....8...... 4... 8 9 19 6..... 40 2 10 Lafayette........ 76 6.................. 2..... 4 0........ edsa4de s........ 51 1................. 66 Manlius.......... 84 is...... 20 14. 2 9...... 13 20............ 57 10 10 1 M arcellus........ 52 3............ 7...... 5...... 5 6............. 28 1 12...... 0n100 4 5 12..... 13 1 28 39.... 1 1 29 7 5...... Otisco............ 77 3............. 2....... 3:........ Pompe 58 8.................. 6 2....... 5...... 10 8 2........ 31 2............ rSalina u s........... 3............. 4...... 9 3.... 4..... 9... 26.................. Skaneateles.... 61 7 2 1...... 20 19 6..... 20 12. 2 19 21 24...... spafford......... 28 4 1............ 3 9...... I...... 8 16............ 15 2............ Syracuse city: 1st ward.... 40 3...... 1 3 9 1............. 14 4 1........ 41...... 4...... 2d ward........................... 5 3 1 4..... 3...... I................. 1...... 3d wardte3s..... 32 3...... 4 14...... 42..... 19... 8.................. 4th ward.... 50 3.............2 7 7...... 7...... 8 4............ 18 6 2...... 5th ward..... 54 8 1............ 9 14...... 11 22 4............ 21 4 1...... 6th ward.... 98, 10............ 2 6 11 1 21...... 28 8 1 1.... 26. 7 1 1 7th ward.... 3 2................ 1 13....... 14...... 35 13.... 23....... 7 4 8th ward.... 67 4.............1 6 15 2 8...... 34 3 2 2 2.....3 Total Syracuse.. 422 43 1 1 13 59. 78 4 70...... 156 43 5 7.... 160 30 20 8 Tulley h wa................... 2 3...... 4...... 1 7............ 19 2 6...... VanBuren...... 45 10............ 1 7 11...... 11...... 4 7..1........ 30 2 6...... Total........ 1,036 200 | 14 _5 19 18 233 11 182 __ 4 223 10 | 4 2 764 91 133 _1 ONTARIO COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Bristol..... 7 6 2..... 4...... 7..5.......3 13....... 12...... Canadice........ 6 4 2...... 2 2........3.... 10............. CO4nandailua,..... 113 37 3....... 3 25 69...... 1 2...... 75 16 3.... 1 45"a 10 17...... Ea th warmied.._ _ __13........... ~ 1 1 5 7 2... 7... 6 2..... 8 3 3...... Hoew l... ~. 22 10 o..... —..... q-.....[ 1 4.... - 2......- 1...... Mac etr... 1 2... 3 1 5........... 2 5.......... 3 0 ~naplren....... _ 8 1.......... 1 7 11........ 1 4.... 1... 19 1 1.... Phlp....... 45 1 ""3............ 2 6:82;1 2..... 1 4.... 19... 2 2 6...... ich ond...... 41o~ 13............. 3 16.... 8a -T..... 5....... 8.... 1... S ec...... 18.2...... 2 07 12 104... 2... 1 6 8.... 1 2 S th Brist ol... 19.......... 7 5............ 1 5...... 2...... Victor~6.,.......;....6 16....547........ 2...... 2 13 12...... 8......10...ii........... 1 4 Ca sn Blomicel. 45 1 1........... 6 9 1 35.... 8......... 3112..'.... Toan ld~u....... 836 754 _ _2 18 103 7 2...... 48 7 8 81 6 BloomingtGon..... 4 5 1........ 2..........5 1 3...... 6...... 12 5...... 1....... 11 9...... ~ ohamte.......... 65 13......1 4 40...... 7..';.....217 3 1..... 8 1........ 17.... i....... Cornwll........ 48 1o........ 2... 12 54 3/ 3/ 1.... 10 1 1.... 8 2..../.... 5'T acheser'...... 6 4 27.................. 5...... 6...... 95................. 1 2......... Deerpa........... 479 9 "'"...... / 20 901 2~....7~...... 40 12/ 2....'/.... 7 10...... Pohelps......... 1 8 32...*............. 6 18.... 58....... 6 1 1........... 23.......... reenvill..^.... ~ 1'/....... 1....... /...........'~/...... 77 1............ 8.... 2..................... H a p o b r h.................................. 5'................. 7.............. M inisi 67..... 5........................ 521 3.... 7...... 16......,.................. 4(... V ionro....... 1........... 1 4 5 147 1 2.... 4........... 3.... 1... WestnBlomfeld..... _ _.................... 28............ 1...... 4 5 2... (ontinue env pg-(Co143.) CLASSIFICATION BY PLACE OF BIRTH. 137 ONEIDA COUNTY-(CONTINUED). UNITED FOREIGN COUNTRIES. TOWNS.,S_ 2d;- w a d., 654.2..... 2; 54'S;?^~.... Cd bo P a r ^ S! m 5%S*-1 PI E-i P C4 1 g ^ *~ r, - Utica city: 1st Wald............ 923............................... 9............ 49 1 38.*..... 257 1I........ 2d ward............ 1,654........................... 2............ 54 1 46.... 82 1.... 3d ward........ 2,253............. 41 1...... 199 20 166 1 311............ 4th ward.... 2 4 2,760 2..................... 21 7............ 186 15 41 1.331 1.... 1 5th ward...... 13 1,956 1........... 1 27........... 112 47 254 1 752............ 6th ward............ 3,392 2........................ 28 9...... 271 114 956 6 453............ 7th ward............ 2,645 i'.................. I...... 21............ 368 17 342 15 445............ Total tica. 10.23 24 25,83.... 1 V ernon.................. 2`469.................. I...... 7............ 218 31 43...... 13D'5............ Verona.................. 4,744............................... 59............. 105 I138 582 2 251............ V ienna.................. 3,035............................... 22........... 96 5 57...... 139........ 2.W estern................ 2, 055.............................. 12............ 32 13 61...... 48............ W estmoreland........... 2,414................................ 17....... 24 3 19 3 1 5 189.... I.... W hitcestown......... 1 2,961............... 22 1...... 368 8 86 5 CO,53........ 3 ~~~~~~~~~....... I.............. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~3 1 84I-4 1 665,1573.. Total......... 5 30_78,625 |......1 43 8,310 3 1 9 ONONDAGA COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Camillus................ 21409.;....24............ 21 2 14.34............ Cicero.................. 2,837........................ 22...... 54 10 123...... 59........ 3 2,770.............................. 23............ 135 5 73 1 39........ De W itt.................. 2,445.............................. 26.............. 162 14 102...... 22)........ I Elbridge................ 3,606............. 4......... 36........ 152 2 24...... 398............ Fabius'.......... 1, 996...I......................... 1......... 11...... 5...... 156............ Ge d s......... 2 19............9 Oeddes................ 2,19............... 1 6.......... 96 9 155...... 670 I........... Laf~ayette................ 2, 158......................... 13............. 36...... 20.......153............ Lysander............... 4 231.............................. 102............ 127 10 77....... 237 1........ M anlius......... I.... 5,289.................. 1...... 75............ 135 105 2710 1 364............. M arcellus................ 2,079...................... i......... 16............ 185...... I...... 266........ Onondaga........... 101 4,258.........................o..... 80............ 265 4 45...... 521............ Otisco.................. 1,429.............................. 8............ 47 1 78...... 128............ Pom pey................. 3,058.............................. 16............ 62 1 6....... 310.......... Salina...,................ 1,810.............................. 38............ 58 16 428...... 370............. Skaneateles............. 3,054 3...... 4............. 35............ 549 2 21...... 403........ 2 Spafford................. I,43 3.............................. 5............ 76...... 4...... 43.... I........ Syracuse city: ist wardo............ 2,590......................63 1...... 36 89 190...... 875............ 2d ward........ 2 2,379..............................' 12............ 10 39 2,085...... 110 2........ 3d ward............ 1,544.............................. 47...... 1 52 12 169 1 613............ 4th ward........ 7 3, 110................................ 84 1....... 124 25 781...... 720............ 5th ward.... I.... 2,390.............................. 97........'.... 246 11 302...... 6V554........ I 6th ward............ 2,8368.............................. 75 1...... 2 13 113.1 366.... 3 7th ward.................. 12. 3............ 219 15 432 7 667 3 1 8th ward........... 2.......................... 78 5...... 197 10 86 3 304. 1 Total Syracuse. 9 20,316.................. 12...... 593 8 1 1,066 214 4,158 12 4,309 5.... 6 Tully........... 5.... 1s413.............................. 6............ 24...... 12...... 104............ Van Buren...... I.... 2,835............................ 33 2...... 50...... 36...... 67............ 3 1....... 39513,.6520 145,13 Total......... 8 110 70,725 8 13 2 1.238 10 I 3,311 6 12 ONTAEIO COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Bristol.............. 11............ 23...... 3...... 78........ Cana isco......1.......... Oanadic8............................... 11............ Canandaigua............ 5,581.............................. 68 1....... 200 14 77 33 1,012........ 2 East Bloomfield.......... 1,730.............................. 29............ 105 1 14...... 271............ Farmington.................. Go ha........... 2,43 3......................... 7 8 10 2 4 1 43...... Ho e l......1s0 1,549..... 1:............... 2 3 2 1 4...... d ward t............1. 28...... 110 N wrd..... 5 4 4 5 2I.... 1, A 1.1.4. 4thep w..... 1... 4 5 4................ 2......... 170 175i9...... Richmond ~ i 110...... 1,2 4............1.... 4....... 53 7 810.... 1 0..... 5o th B ardso........ 1,105.9.............. 7....... 242 1 3 2 657....... i thowrd........... 1,957.........1...... 9...... 5 1840 2 248 13...... thesterd........... 1,71.......................... 2... 1... 2 6...... 8ttk war d.......,8................. 2... 15 2... 14 9 387 2 O24 2.... Minisink ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~12.. --........ 1,066 [...................'.... 2 1...... 12..... 30 9........ M onr e............. 4,13........................... 1 6...... 5 3...... 245 112... wontgm ery......... 12,034.......................... 2....... 17 1 1...... 338... 2.... ONTARO COTNTY(ConTinUedonpae4.) ~o~..........~~~~1 138 CLASSIFICATION BY PLACE OF BIRTH. _ONEIDA COUNTY-(CONTNUED). FOREIGN COUNTRIES. ~t;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ c~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. Utica city:3T ~~~~~~~~ t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o Ist ward.... I. 3 2.. I 2. 2d w r...... 0....... 123.............. I...... 24...... 11 7...... 24 2d ward.......... 6......... 3T ward............. th w........... 1 I. 1.. 2. 1th ward........... I....../ 7...... 2 5........ 2 2........ 648 2 1 3 6 2... 2i'ard.......... 5th w~ard...... 1 Tot3d Utiad 2.... 4L7.......... 22 n 3 1..... 1 2 1 8119 2..... 903 2 33 V erno...............1....5. 10............................. 2.............. 14...... 144...... 455...... 71 5Veron................. I 1 7........................ 380 6th wa rd............../ 21 /........... 3........ I... |...... 16C 53 7th ward........ 1......... 7'... 2 35.:... 2 20.... 68,46 2 2 Total Utica.. 2....t 11 71........ 22 _ 0 _18........ 3 6 1,6 3 V ester n................................................. 2.............. 4...... 7...... 280...... 7 ~erona............... 17 7......... 11....... 8.... 5... 1, 7... 0 W estm oreland........... 3............................ lo.......................... 28 1 548...... 16 W hitestown... I. I...... 101.............. I...... 159 1,011 12 Total......... 3.. 21 76 1 2 60 10 3 706 11 | 1 3 1 83 48 4 23,464 -602 ONONDAGiV COU-NTY-(CONTINIUED). Cam illus........................................................... I...... 1I......[ 408......] 4,~no~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~............'. Cicero............ "............................... 277...... 52 Clay................................ I...... 2.......... 2.............. 4...... 2287 1 1 De W itt...................... 1 4.......... 10.......... 8...... 543...... 13 E lbridge................ I................................. 55...................................... 622...... 90 F abius............................................................................................... 184...... 21 GeddestI I................................ 2.............. 4.................. 1,015...... 32 Lafayette............................................... 1.......................... 1I...... 22)4...... 1.5 Lmysander.......................... 3.................. 566...... 16 M anlius......... 1............................................ 2...... 964 2 21 M arcellus..................................................... 6.......................... 18...... 492...... 6 Onondaga........'"'" 24.............. "3'.'....... 105 O tisco................................... I.................... 2................................ 265 2 Pompey................... 1....... 1...... 400... 44 Salina................................................... 915:.... 3/.. Skaneateles................................................... 11............. 7.27 Spafford...................................................... 3:...................................... 1 31...... 2 Syracuse city 1' 1st w ard............................................................................................... 1, 254.... 26 2d w ard~.............................. 8.......... 12.... 2..... 3.3d w ard............ 1 9.......... 4 5.... 6.............. 4...... 2...... 926 3 4th w ard................................................... 13.............. 1I.................. 1.749 1 20 th w ard....I........ 1.......... is........................... 6 1 1, 9 2 18 6th ward........ I...... 3................ 6.... 14.......................... 5 1 784 1 361 7th ward................. 89 1 12 9.... I....... 7....... 1,642...... 222 8th wardf........................ 11.............. 2'...... 1 699...... 139 ~~~~~~~~......................... Total Syracuse. I 1 2 102...I 1 37...... 2 1 310,62 4 792 T ully......................................................... 5....................................... 151...... 19 an B uren.................................................... 5...................................... IN...... 3 Total......... 2 2 5 102 1 _I 2 30 21 177...... 67...... 63 4 120.305 | 7 1,935 ONTAEIO0 COUNTY-(CONTINUED). B ristol.............................................1.......... I...................................... 116 1 5 o adicey........... I....................................4 Cain,................ 37.... 1 Canandaigyua............ 2.....I.......... 6........... 63.......................... 2 2 1,482...... 58 EasttBloomfield...... 9.... 6.: [.......... 427 2 18 Gorham ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~........................ 2'..... 1,................ 6... 3 M anche ter.............................................. 1....... 2...... 3 9 1 1 N a le........................... 1.......... 4 5........................... 39..... 2 4thep............................ w26.... 1..... 10..... 5.... 97 18 Richmond ~ ~ ~ ~........................... 1 o.......... 1.....,.............. 1.... 2 2.... 1 S e a............. 2................ 1 3.. 1.... 9..... 8 6 1,82 - 6o th wd B r s o...............6] ]]....................1...................... 55]1..... 26 ic o.................... 1....... 1 4......... 5.......... 4 6... 8 8e thwarmied.............................7...................... 242..... 2 Tornall...........1. 1............ 1......17 20..........7...... 2 t 0,7 89 4 1 1 Tully or........................................... 5............................. 209...... 1 4 Beo par............... 1 1....... 6 2~... 12.......... 5..., 2 Goshen.................~~I ~ * ~ 1.......1......i... 5I.......... 4~' ~o....... 04.... 29 Brist olb rg........................................ 1.............. 3.................. 1 0............ M inisink........1....:....:................................... 1............. 4.................. 517...... 6 M onroe........2....................... 6 -.......... 16................................. 55914 8...... 5 M oasnBlomfeld.y............. 1................ 2.......... 18............. 1...... 1...... 5 5.......... 387 Farmi~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Cngtiedon..... 145. CLASSIFICATION BY PLACE OF BIRTH.L3 OR-qAN-\GE COUNTY-(CONTINUE D). COUNTIES OF NEW YORK. Cs? ~ ~ Cs I I I ~. l is M1oun-t H ope..... 3.... 1 3 I............j 5 6 I...... 1 2 2 9............................... Newburgh....... 46 6 13...... 6...... 10 3...... 40 13 6 543 1........ 2 3 30 N ew W indsor....; 11...... I................................ 2...... 5 74........................ 7 "W allkill......... 23 1............ 4 1 1.0 5...... 17 7 12 87 4........ 2...... 61 W arwick........................ 1 3...... 9 2...... I...... 1 22......................... 3 W a-wayanda... 5... 3............. 5 1.......................... 4......................... 1 Total......... _128 _ 12_J 74 | _6! -24 I 3 |75 | 40 I 3 108_ 29 | 78 _1,059 | 16 ^ _^._12_| 9 154OR-LEANS COUNTY. Barre...... 54 18 7 11 50 24 3 6 \ 3 | 34 9 1336 40'3 5 3 138 14 Carlton......... 19 7 2 5 13 5... 9.... 9 1 1 9 20 1.... 6 41 5 Clarendon....... 8 3 7 2 6 7.... 10 1 1.7 2 1 10 9.... 2.... 103 5 Gaines.......... 21 8 1 2 14 3 1 10...... 9 3 1 38 18 16 2 1 44 5 Kendall......... 12 7 1 4 9 1 3 11 1 3 3 1 16 8 4 1 1 24 2 Murray......... 14 3' 1 2 16 4 1 7 2 18 5 1 12 17 5 1 2 24 4 Ridgeway....... 29 5 11 6 41 8 4 9 1 13 6 9 53 49 5.... 3 61 5 Shelby.......... 30 2...... I I11 2.... 3 3 28 5 2 17 25 1.... 8 107 1 Yates........... 6 1 1...... 25 1.... 3 1 11 5 8 13 10 I 1 8 24 7,Total........... 193 __54 _31 _33 185 55 12 | _ 68 _12 _142 _43 I 33 204 I 196 |36 _ 12 t 32 566 __ 48 OSWEGO COUNTY. Albion.......... 19 i.......1 3 10 I1I 1 3 2 15 4 3 4...... I1 7 13 2 5 Am boy.......... 8....... I1...................... 2 1 6...... 1 7 1............ 1 6 Boylston..... 8............ I1...... 2.... I 1. 3 2....... 1 3 1.... 2........... Constantia....... 39 2 2...... 10 2 1 9 5 12 7 2 18 5 2.... 5 1. 145' Granby......... 42 1 3...... 96...... 1 44, 3 46 8 4 18 3 2.... 2 3 32 Hannibal........ 37 2 2 5 323...... 7 5 28 7 3 22 2 3 8 1 5 9 H1astings........ 28 2...... 1 23.......... 10 4 11 15 5 25 4.... 1 6 3 10 Mexico.......... 8...... I...... 12.......... 9 1 22 4 5 13 3 2 11 6 5 8 New Haven...... 9...... I1...... 4....................... 5 1 1 3 1 2 14 2...... 4 Orwell.......... 9................... I1.......... I1...... 4 1 7 4.............. 9 4 I' Oswego.....,.... 5......!............ 74...... 2 3 5 11 2 2 7...... 6 4.... 6 5 Oswego city: 1st ward... 24 1 1...... 32..,.... 7 4 7 6 2 4 6 3 4 8.......... 3 2d ward.....- 5 1 2 1 14 1 1 2 1...... 3 1 3 16 2 17 1 5 1 3d ward..... 24 2. 2 1 61 1 2 4 1 23 3 1 12...... 1 3 2 4 2 4th ward...'29...... 1.......32.......... 6 3 9 4 11 3 1 3 5 7 2 8 1 11 Total Os'wego.. 82.4 6 2 139 2 10 16 12 38 12 17 24 22. 12 35 5 17 17 Palermo......... 14 1 I 1 9.......... I17...... 2 7 2 4 1 5.... 1 3 4 Parish.......... 11 I I...... 1 3... 6...... 12 4 1 10.......... 2.... 2 10 Redfield......... 6...... 2...................... 1 7 3 3 1................. I.. 1 4 Richland........ 17 3 2...... 12 3 1 11 3 17 2 5 16 2 6 2 1 6 1 Sandy Creek -—..... 9 1 1...... 2 1.... 3 1 11 1 4 8...... 1I.... 1 1...... Schroeppel....... 37.o.. 2....... 27 1.... 8...... 12 8 2 13 3.....1.... 5 36 Scriba............ 11 2 1 1 24...... 1 2 3 11 6....... 10 3.... 8 4...... 8 Yolney..... 38 1 3 6 68 2 -1 22 3 26 25 3 14 4 4 3 2 7 37 W est Monroe.... 8 2............ 4...... 2 17...... 7 3 3 4........................ 10 W illiamstown.. 11...... I...... 2.......... 4 3 8 1 1 2 1 2 1 17...... 21 TotILal......... 45 6 1 22 | 31 20 841 17 20 __196 59 __310 123 | 72 227 | 58 49 98 77 | 6.9 3713 OTSEGO COUNTY. Burlingtn...... A 5 j A4 | 1 1.... 1 |. | 34.... I 3 ) 2 I 2 | 3 | 1 i 1 |.. 1 |... 140 CLASSIFICATION BY PLACE OF BIRTI. ORANGE COUNTY-(CONTINUED). COUNTIES OF NEW YORK. TOVNS........ a~~ ~~~~~~t * a ^t*^.' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 6 o o o o o o ci M ount Hope....... 4.... 5............ 1...... 17........................ 1 341.................. 2 "'.............Newburgh........... 7 3 128.... 3 1 28 2 724 2 14 6 9, 317 3 8 4 98 New W indsor........ 1 6 13........................... 94....................... 1,593.............. 2 13 W allkill............. 4 I1 19........ I1 1 1 9 1 9...... 6............. 5,102.................. 7 W arwick............ 2...... 17... 1...... 3 2 67...... 2............ 3 824.............. I W awayanda...................... 2 I1.......... 33................... 1 528................:. 3 W~Ukin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~............. 4 Total....../.... I 22 I 10 338 I 3 1 5 I 6 61 __13 1l, 983_ 2 _3 1 171 8 439 7^ _8_ _12 | 16!246 ORLMEANS COUNTY-(CONTITNUED.) Barre........... 5 38 30 7 1 45 47 311 37 31 88 81 58 123 7 2,978 14 69 11 Carlton.............. 29 11........ 5 16 97 36 9 41 20 24 29 12 1,202 2 18 2 Clarendon........... 11 8 2.... 17 9 129 17 2 22 44 29 11 4 769 3 7.. Gaines.............. 1 8 7 1.... 15 13 90 17 6 28 24 17 34 2 1,134 4 7.... Kendall............. 6 11 I 1 18 4 195 1 3 13 17 21 13 30 6 784 6 1 4 5 Murray.............. 18 9 4 4 19 8 212 13 39 24 45 14 27 11 1,162 3 10 I Ridgeway........... 27 1 5;2........ 9 30 126 6 25 173 48 62 54 7 2,34 13 31.... Shelby.............. 38 2.... 1 5 22 70 60 19 97 17 32 18 8 1,374 14 5 Yates............... 22 12 I 2 6 16 45 4 1 88 14 52 16 2 1,033 2 10... Total.......... 5 207 j 105 J 18 9 |139 | 165 1,275 |253 | 145 578 314 301 342 59 1,8 |_ 0 80 2 OSWEGO COUNTY-(CONTINTUED1). Albion............. 113] 110.... 9 ] 2 18....... 13 9 1 I)163 37 1 3 | 1 1,218 71.... Amboy.............. 112 18.... 5.... 9 5 1.7 4...... 86 22...... 2....... 766 47.... Boylston............ 89 115.... 17.. 3....... 15 12...... 22 8............. 4 47,0 12.... Tonstantia........ 5 58 47 3 7 9 6 6 4 20 6 4 366 101 3 3 1 1,544 51 Granby.......... 1 31 64 4.... 37 10 38 9 1 53 334 4 5 6 1,748 41. Hannibal............. 30 33 2 3.... 3 1 7 17 7 1 46 199 12 9....... 17,541 17 1 Hasting's............ 81 17.... 7.... 114 7 21 4...... 79 364.................... 1,524 34.... Mexico.......... 3 110 132 1 11.... 93 3 25 24 3 218...... 2 2 1 2,124 7 1.... New Haven.......... 55 7"I0 -1 12.... 19 3 9 9 1 115 32...... 2 2 1,125 27 1 Orwell.......... 1 6 16 1 17 I...... 118 6.................... 809 11.... Oswego.............. 36 76 2 1 1 18 3 10 21 1 70 68...... 3....... 1,514 35 1 Oswego city: st ward........ 14 73 6 4 2 14 19 11 76 54 68 11 I....... 1,717 2d ward... 5 31 51 3 8 1 61 9 10 14 45 3 45 39 11 2 9 1,0819 18.....3d ward........ 28 92 9 8 2 12 8 14 124...... 84 55 5 6 7 2,780 14.... 4th ward........ 30 147 8 18.... 27 1 6 16 35 5 73 9o1 2 2 6 2,276 27.... Total Oswego... 5 103 363 26 38 5 62 53 55 280 11 256 253 29 11 22 8,592 66.... Gaines 18 ~: 7....~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,, 1..9 5 1 2 Palermo............. 94 3.... 15 1,210 39.... Parish................ 126 29... I.... 34 1 13 3...... 67 50...... 1 3 1,026 87.. Redfield............. 9166.... 21.... 8....... 16 35 8 2 131.................. 415 12.... ichland............. 112 318 3 30 2 47 3 27 8 3 188 28 3 2 4 2,137 81.... Sandy Creek......... 107 320 1 11. 1 42 2 12...... 2 65' 15 2....... 1 1,296 8.... Schroeppel............ 179 29 2 13 2 70 2 92 20...... 69 552 7.2 1 1,671 28.... Scriba............... 83 71.... 4 1 31 4 16 8 2 89 45 1 2 2 1,875 27.... Volney.............. 110 116 6 15 2 119' 16 40 47 4 226 255 12 8 16 3,306 43 1 W est Monroe......... 37 14.... 6.... 32 5- 15............ 65 99.................... 629 24' I Williamstown........ 67 43 1 17.... 19....... 12 15 2 255 15 5 1 4 635 20.... Total.......... 15 811 2,147 53 249 25 955 131 509 527 39 |2, 860 2, 609 5 /9 137,175 852 6 Shternts..y. 1 8 1 2! /5 /. 14 7 / 0 1.. 9/..... 17 / 42.... 28.... 1,416 C er Valy.... 41.... 1.... 4 2 9 1.... 1 1..... 2....... 2 1 3 La rn........ 10.. 5 3 2...... 1 1............ 1,47./ 6.. Totlfod....... 2........... 1 0 - 1-022 7..... —.5-i9 - - -...... —......!-3.....-.1.......73 - 586 Albiont............. 1 1 231 21..... 7I 222 2 1 8 4............ 39I......I 37...... 1,661 7. Am goy............... 12/ 18..... 4...... 9/ 5 31I4......{ 6 2: 1......{ 2I.......i 71,307.. Boyltse on~1..../ {........../1 113 2.. 122 | 65 3......[ 54I 4.................. 4 2,898 Cont ntsi al........... " 5'.... 47 7.. 1 /... 95 76.... 14 [ 20...6 ]............. 10 997 1 5 4 " Kihil........ 2 6 5 - 1 18 1 4 1 2 2...... 5 810.. Oranbyom......... 1 3 64 1........ 10 3 78 1 1 t 53 33............. 1,222. 4 Sprinibald.......... 186 8 3 2 1 5 4 6.....{ 11 7/ 1 7 7{1{ 4 /1 c{1 [9....... 211,41 1 7 " nastings......... 8 7 7/..../ 17t 7 1 7 4........ 79166....... 3 2.......13....... 7 1,2 1 360 W extfor........... 4 3.......... 6 2......... 7. W orcester........ 2 5 3....'........ 1..... 23 7s'...... 3 1 1 1... 5 1 26 Toa......... 8 |l151 7' 4 1 4 6 6 3 _ _4'| 5 4 12 5 3,6 CLASSIFICATION BY PLACE OF BIRTH. 1~1 ORANGE COUNTY-(CONTINU:ED). COUNTIES OF NEW. YORK. ~~~~~4~~ ~ /o o TOWNS. | ^ ^ I. t,. *, |. ~ I Mount Hope.......... I 13 6 3...... 2 2 Newburgh....... 2 20 4 58 10 10 2 10.... 3 1 16 116 1 2 963 3 20 1 New W indsor.... 2 2...... 13...... 1 3.... I 9 14...... 2 65............ Wallkill~ ~ ~ ~~~ 31..... 2 W allkill......... 3 3 2 29...... 2 1.. 3 11 308 7 4 34 2 3.... W arwick........ 3 1 2 58 2...... 1 5.... 2 3...... 13....... 1 31...... 2 3 W awayanda.... 2...... 1 4................................. 1'3 12............ 15............ I Toalaada..........4 1,9 1 5 3 2 otal.......... 58 __55 13 s 483 17 37 _ 12 30 1 24 24 69 1,176o,40_ 1 0.43 | 22 ORLEANS COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Barre................. 1 18 102 7 19.... 4 8 18 10 2 43 67 Carlton............. 45............ 10 32 19 11 2 4 2..................... 1 3 3 19 27 Clarendon................. 1 2 5..... I.4 11 2 8 6 Gaines.............. 31 1...... 13 34 7 11.... 2 4 1 2 2 1 1 1 15 7 -endall.......... 2 56........... 4 20 10 I 8 1 1....... 4 4 2 6 38 29 Murray................ 46 5 37 8.... 12 1 13 4 15 17 Ridgeway........ 3 44...... 3 8 58 19 29.... 14 2 1 1 2 15 14 4 36 48 Shelby~~~~~~...... 24......6 Shelb................ 15............ 1 59 3 81.... 10 2 3 2...... 5 2...... 24 26 Yates............. 3 25 13 4....... 4 15 26 Total.......... 8 i 3a5 5 I 4 62 386 88 168 2 81 25 9 14 18 63 56 26 | 213 253 OSWEGO COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Albion........... 2 lo............ 21 17 4 25.... 5................................ 1 26 2 Am boy................ 16...... 2...... 7 1 9................................ 2...... 7 3 Boylston................ 13 65. 43.......... 3 1................... I...... 10 5 Constantia............. 232......... 16 33 3 52 1.... 2...... I...... 14 2 11 8 Grn y......................... 37::::: 4::: 7 Boylstonby........4... 386............ 3 4 10.... 7 4...... 2 1 8 3 2 57 20 Hannibal......... 1 48............ 10 48 16 16.... 7 1 1 3...... 6 10 3 108 59 Hastings.............. 16............ 8 15 5 28.... 3 5................... I 1 2 10 5 M exico................. 14...... 2 4...... 1...... I............. 51 4 New. Haven............ 5.............. I8 I.8....... 1 35 10 Orwell.................. 13...... 1 17 38 2 9............................................................ Oswego................ 2. 28 15 30.... 3........4...... 2 2 1 42 21 Oswego city: 1st ward.......... 8 1...... 30 6...... 7. 6................. 1 4....... 10 7 2 2d ward.......... 7............. 30 9 338.............................. 4 5 3d ward.......... 17............ 50 38 8 8 0 I................. 2 3 1 5 17 19 4th ward.......... 26............ 82 14 2 3 1 6 2 1....... 2 4 2 2 33 7 Total Oswego........ 58 1...... 192 67 13 26 1 20 4 1....... 8 14 3 17 61 33 Palermo............... 8..... 4 11 1 28.... 5 1............. 2 5 2 11 21 6 Parish....... 11.... 9 6....... I...... 8 Redfield...............7 8........ 14...... lo.... Richland................ 31 1 1 18 33 2 21............. 2 1...... 30 1 Sandy Creek........... 49............ 24 12 1 4.1......... I....... 1 46 5 Schroeppel............. 18............ 15 31 4 33 3 2 6..... 1 2 3 13 6 Scriba................. 19...... 3 20 2 0 225. 2 3................... 5....... 2 50 Volney.......... 2 45............. 51 49 7 22.... 5 4...... 7 2 12 4 9 68 18 West Monroe........... 7............ 5 11 7 7 1 3 3 4 I 5 2 5 W illiamstown.......... 42............ 10 6 4............. 14 8 o. 5 522_ 2 _10 610 517 9 425 7 65 57 15 23 15 63 60 60 680 Bcuroe plg o....... 7............ 58 6... 9.......................5........ 4 9 332 Buttrnuts.......!...... 5... 1 0 1 7 1.... 1...... Cherry ~ ~ ~ 1 Valy........ 7...... 1 0 76 4 3 5...................... 3...... 1.. Volhey..........! 2'.. 45............... 5 1 4 6 26.... 5.......................6... 2 18 Wd estMonroe................. 1i 3.... 1...1........... 13........ 2 7.. Exetal........... 26 11 1 WilliamstownO...... 1...... 4.2. 1 3... "1. M aryland.~............. 10............. 1 9 9................ ~..... 1 4....8 Middefi ld... -- 3 2........ 5.......... 4... ToMifr........ 1........... 3 52 7 922.10.. 610 51......42 I7 ~ 15 3 15 6 3 1... 10'.0.60.2 OBrlngonta......... 17 1..11...... 5..... 3 * 1 4 1...... 8.. Otego u.................. 6 "i'...."...... 7 3......... 2...... 1....... 1............. 2... Otsego.~~........... 25..... 1...... 2 15 3 8........ 1 Chtsferyalle.......]............ 1 1 2 2........ 1.................... 3...... 6.. Decaturl........ 1.............. 1 46................ 2............ moebow i....... 12.........i:.:: 2 9 16... 3............... 2...... 1 Spurensfed....... 1............ 55..... 2................... 23 Unadilla~~~~~~........ 1 7................ 3 4 3 6 1 2... 0 3 3 8... MW storri............. 22........... 4 1 2 3........ 3................. 2.... 1 2.. W o c se......... 34... 1......3 2............ 1...... 1. 2...... 5 1 P1ontald......... 9[ 9 _2 _4 1 4 4,4 8 4 9.1. 21| 1 0 4 | 1 2| 2 142 CLASSIFICATION BY PLACE OF BIRTH. ORANGE COUNTY-(CONTINUED). COUNTIES OF N. Y. UNITED STATES.. TOWNS. J cd ~~~~~~1 ~j. -3 I. | *? t~ * d: a 3 M ount H ope...... 5...... I 1, 580....I...... 13................... I I........................ I.... Newburgh....... 18 2 1 2, 267 2 2 62...... 1 5 8 4 3...... I...... 28 New- W indsor.... lo............ 1,9045....!.. 2......... 4.............................. 5 2 W a kill.......... 41 2 2 5,974....8.............. W arwick........ 8...... 1 4,095..... 36............ 1 5 1...... I...... 3 2 W awayanda... 4............ 1,631........ 3............ 1I........................... 1 ~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4 311 50 l7o 1'...'i1576 Total......... 215 1 6 I 7 52,888 5 I 3 I 4 | 421| 4 _ 3 1 I 50 10 8.... _ 8| 7 57 6 ORLEANS COUNTY —(CONTINUED). Barre........... 11 28 14 4,916. 168......1...... 3 13 9 2 1 1...... 6 13 Carto.......... I1 1 1,899 I, Carlton....... 10 4 1 899. |. 1 39................................. 2... Clarendon.................. 42............. 7..... 11 I Gaines.......... 1 7...... 1,775..... 1 5 3.................. 19 2 1 1 2............ 1 Kendall~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~5............ 1,91 K endall.................. 1 1................... 2.... M urray......... 8 12...... 1,49156............ 57................ 4 2 4.................. 4 2 Ridgeway..... 8 17 4 3. 653....I........ 75.......!...... 1 5 5 3....... I...... 3 7 Sbelby.......... 6 21 2 2, 293....I........ 37....1...... 4 5.......I.................. 7.... 62628.............. Yatesy......... 1...... Total......... 8SS_ 104 I 39 20, 97 7. J.. 2 J 527......1.... 4 | 57 [ 31 18 2 2 _ 4._._...| 37 26Q OSWEGO COUNTY-(CO~NTINUED). Albion............... 2 1 1,979...'...... 30.................. 2.... 1... ]......... 14.... -m boy..................... 1, 7........ 14.................. I................................... A nw......... 1,17. 7'i l'i' Shelby~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1.....:....8229 Boylston......................... 868.......... 6............ 4 i........................... Constantia...... 3............ 2, 745.......... 64................ 5...............!... 1 1 4 Granby......... 24............ 2, 962........ 2 55....,..... 1 6 3.......... 5 1 -iibal3........ 14......,7 56 H a o a......... 4. 0....... 1............ H astings........ I I...... 2. 501............. 36 1.................. 5............ I I...... 4 1 iM exico................ 4 8 3,112............ 89............... I 1 4......I.................. 4 N ew H aven...... I...... 1,642............ 47...... 5...................................... Orw ell............................ 1,236............ 29............................... |......... 5.... Albion ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~........................ Oswre o......... 12............. 2,190............ 37............ 3...... 2.................. 1 Oswvego city: Ist ward...................... 2,274............ 34...... 1 4 12 3............ I...... 6 8 2d w ard...................... 2,275.................. 2 1............ 2 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I...... 1 5 1........... 2 2 3d wtard.... 16............ 3,588................1............... 4th ward.... I............ 3 101................ 6.................... Total Oswego.. 17.238...................... 13....... 1 12....... Palerm o......... 4 5...... 1,902............ 53,...................... 1..................... 2 1 Parishf.......... I 1 5 11596 21 3.................... 5 1 R edfield......... I............ 825............ 13.................. I.......I 1 Richland........!2:1...... 2, 3........ 1 7....................................... I Sandy Creek.o I...... 2 4......... 3.,... 9 4........................ I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.;............... -i..... Schroeppel...... 1 1 3,034............ 60 7...... 2............ t.. ~.......... Scriba.......... 2...... 3 2,526 50......I............ 4...... I...... Volneyl 3........................ 5 22 2 1.................. 19 4 W est M onroe.......... 2...... 1,50............. 9.............. 4...... I W illiam stown.............. 1 287............ 20..................1......1.... Total.......... 92 | 21 1 21 156,891 ii I L. 5 1,047 I...... 2 12 I 115 I 24 _24J _ j^ _ 3| 2__ _0 _ Bu tte ardu s...... 2...... 1 1 8 4........ 2, 3 4 13..................' 2............1......... 1.. D ecatur........ 1.......... 817........... 9................. 1.................................. 8 2dm e wto d....... 3....../...... 1,593[ m............ 53................. 1l 1................ 1 /. M arylan d......... 10......!1 96............ 27.................... 2 1/.....................}... 4th ward....... 2....... 7, 0...... 2............ 2.............. Morris ~ ~ ~ 1........ 2...... 1,8....... 7.......... 2............... 1 1 Oneonta.........~ ~~ ~ ~ 1'... 2 11.... 1 2............ 1 3....../ 2'..........' tOtse,-o....... 2..... 3 5 6....... 1 o ooo...... 1,... 5 5.... 1......., Plainfield~~~~~................ 1 0 8.... 1 43............... 2.......... 1.. Richfield ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~...77... —. --.........,9...... 5......... 1.................... Spr~~~~~~ield~~~~~.... 1......4,9...... 3............ 1 7 1.... 1......I 17 *. nadle ram.... 1.................... 114......... 51 1............... 1, P a rshf r........ 1....... 1,19....... 23...5......[......-.....* 1....... oRicestl..... 3... 1 1, 7....... 5.............. 6/ 1 1............ _ 1 ~' Soan l re....... 18 _ _ 4244!| I J....10,99../..^ _ 1 2 4 _J J _ ^ _ _ ^ ^ CLASSIFICATION BY PLACE OF BIRTI. 1,i3 ORANGE COUNTY-(CONTIENED). UNITED STATES. TOWNS. |. ^.* t c ~o,~~~ ~ I:S I ~ f ~ ~ I I:! I 1 M ount Hope... 6 7......................... 65.... 1.... 24 2.. 1... 1 5............ Newburogh....... 97 15 4 3 3 -13 167.. 3' 12.... 97 7 2.. 3' 21 35 3 3 New W indsor.... 29 1.................. 1 52...... 2.... 7'2 1............... 3............ W allkill......... 26 2...... 1 2...... 168 4 1.... 82 6 1........ 2 2 4 1 W arwick......... 13 10.................. 2 5710...... 2.... 35............ 1.................. W awayanda... 3.............................. 83................ 18.................. 4...................I~~~~~~~~~~ ~ I I'....... Total......... 352 54 ]6 _ 7 11 54 2,856 | 19 38 I 813 43 8 4 4 I 64 66 30 4 ORLEAN~S COUNTY-(CONTINUED). B3arre........... 143 62 2..... 1 38 32...... 30.... 50 1 16.. 1....155 1 19 I Carlton......... 39- 23 1........... 25 17...... 12... 16 6............ 50...... 2...... Clarenden....... 27 19................. 31 10...... 6.... 5............. 39...... 5...... Gaines.......... 54 10............ 3 16. 9...... 1I.... 19 3............. 69...... 3...... K endall......... 24 11............ 5 14 7................ 10 6............ 49...... 4 I...... M urray......... 67 25............ 1 22 4...... 7... 9 6............ 82 6 3^...... Ridgeway....... 104 30...... 2 2 22 28...... 23.... 41 17.... 2.... 136 9 13 1 Shelby........... 20 25...... 3...... 16 7...... 12.... 25 4........ 55 2 7...... Yates......'...... 29 23 2............ 11 25......! 5.... 7 4........... 60... Total......... 507__228 _ 5 _ 5_ 12 19,5 139......I 96 J.. 182 65 2.. 2.. _695 IS18 57 3 OSWEGO COUNTY-(CON-TINUED). Albion........... 38 4 1.......o.... 7............. 3... 3 23.......... 59.... 4....... Amboy......... 25 4 3............. 4 1...... 4.... 9 1............ 7 1............ B oylston........ 8........................ 4............. I....... 1I............ 12.................. Constantia...... 66 4.................. 32 37...... 1I.... 15 3............ 47 1 5...... Granby......... 65 6 1............ 14 9...... 17... 9 ~ 7............ 51...... 5...... 11annibal........ 47 11.................. 10 9...... 6.... 6 3........... 69...... 7...... H astings........ 45 4............ 1 18 7...... 3.... 3 9............ 42................... Mexico.......... 63 1 2...... 2 28 9...... 5.... 9 21'... - 3.... 100 2 10...... New Haven...... 36 2.................. 2 1.... 2.... 4 19......... 33...... 3...... Orw ell.......... 28 2.................. 4 1................ 7 8............ 18...... 2...... Oswego......... 3 4 8...... 1 4 5 2...... 10.... 5 27.... I.... 38 2 4...... Oswego city: Ist ward.... 32 7............ 1 9 10 2 17.... is 6.... I.... 15...... 3...... 2d ward.... 14 9................ 1 18...... 5.... 12 2... 2.... 32 3 4.......3d ward.... 40 8...... 2 1 5 28...... 4... 16 10 I I.... 33 11 8...... 4th ward.... 58 5 5...... 2 1-2 11 1 18.... 16 9............ 48 3 5...... Total Oswego.. 144 29 5 2 4 27 67 3 44.... 62 27 1 4... 128 17 20...... Palermo......... 45 6.................. 6 2 1 2.... 8 4 3........ ~ 22...... 8...... Parish.......... 32 6...... 5...... 5 1...... I.......... 6............ 29 3 3 1 Redfield......... 20 3.................. 8 2...... 1I.... 3 4............ 15.................. Richland........ 73 8 1............ 24 5...... lo.... 6 14............. 149 2 13 1 Sandy Creek...... 47 2 2............ 22....... I 1I.... I 8............ 123 2 4...... Schroeppel...... 39 19............ 1 9 7...... 2.... 9 9.... I 1 56 2'6...... Scriba........... 43 2.................. 9 6...... 4.... 7 20............ 34...... 24...... Volney.......... 145 9............. 1 19 16...... 20.... 17 20.... 1.... 84 8 3...... W est Monroe.... is 3.................. 12 I I... * 1.. 1 4............ 24...... I...... W illiamstown.... 24 4............ 2 4 7...... 1I.... 11.......... 2.... 24.................. Total......... 1.085 137 15 __8 15 2730 190 __5 139 |....| 1-95 _237_ 4 12 I 1, 164 40 | 100 _ 2 OTSEGO COUNTY-(CONTINUED) Burinto..... 2.......,|....... 7......... 0 7...1...... 1........ Exeer....... 7 3..... -.:.....:' 2" 2....... 1 3... 2 9...... 8 2 4... Hartwick ~~~~~~~ ~~..... 48 2......... 0...,2.. 5...... 9.. 11 4... Moun Hoefed... 24............ 1 l 5-5.. 8....I.. 2.....'.10..... Newburgh..... 23....................... 1 15 3...... 1... 1... M o rs...... 5 2 2........ 8 6.... 1... 2 167....... 27 2........ New Lidsbor..... 2 6 / 1I.................. 3 1...... 1... 1 /.. Otsego~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~.......... 66 3 3........ 6 9 1 9.. 21 2..... 1 48 1 7... 5~rickfi ld........ 13 / 4o /......... 5 2.. 1... 2 16....I.... 1...... 1...... Rich-field~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~}........ 3................... Roseboom ~ ~ ~............................ 1......... Springfield ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~::::.... 35.................. 5 2.... 4.. 3 5........ 8.......... on dil......... E 43 2..........:1 4...:::. 5....... 8 2:... ]3 r esf r.... 2 1.............3 22 2........... 4...3....2........... W o c s e....... 23................. 9... 5......... 8......... 6 1 4... Coarlto......... 670 34 2 17 I...... __ 10 80 6. 50 3....|. 3. 27. 1 1. 15 2 _4Q __ 144 CLASSIFICAUION BY PLACE OF BIRTH. ORANGE COUNTY-(CONTINUED). UNITED U; FOREIGN COUJNTRIES. STATES. _____________________~ TOWNS. 2 ^ ^.j.!- -I~~~~~~~~~ Vs5.i I:1i 1 I. ~ 11 1 5I 1 V;_g-i ^ ^ ^ - p W -6. ^ ^ ^ N1ount H ope.............. 1,708..................... I............,86... _..... _.................. Newburgh............... 12,983 4......... 1 1 56............ 465 15 391 9. 3,131...... 2 10 New W indsor............ 2 06 7........ 1...... 1 2 1...... 88 4.26.......483........ W allkill................. 6, 371......................... 2 2...... 198 1 98.... 647 1....... I W arwick.:............... 4,776........................ 3 1...... 46....... 12...... 167.................. W awayanda............. 1,744........................................... 19 _... 1 * 4...... I10.............. Total.......... ~2~ 121 58, 120 ~..'" T' T 3" 3 112 1 7.... 1,432 _ 68__1,323_ _1 1; A 247 4 4 _,_ 12 ORLEANS COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Barre........... 1.. 5,683.......I................. 187..... 395 5 89... 400 1 1 1 Carlton.................. 2,138....................... 53...... 109 2 6.... 96.................. Clarendon................ 1,581........................ 24............ 66 5 24 1 86.................. Gaines................... 2,031............. 52............ 109 2 19...... 120.................. ig endall................. 1,659........................ 51............ 35 1 30...... 48.................. M urray.......... 2,261.................. 47............ 88...... 17 1 150.................. Ridgewa........... 1 4,184...........::............ 115............ 417 2 94 2 460................... Shei'by...... 1.... 2,523....................... 9 5............ 201 7 5 6...... 178.................. Y ates................... 1: 837....................... 33............ 135...... _ 5...... __ 60............ _ 1 Total.......... 2 1 ~'8 7......... 6 7............... _ &,j.5...... 2j_ 4_ 340 4 1,598j_ I_ _L. — 2 OSWEGO COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Albion...........|....|.. | 2,168..I. |.J......1 72 1............J 34 | 5! 2... 62,.................. Amboy................. 1,249............. 9............ 13...... 29..... 60.................. B oylston.................. 906........................ 31............ 1 3................... 5............ I Constantia......... 3,041............ 3...... 105............ 63 7 7 1...... 173.................. Granbyi......... 1.. 3,220........................ 251............ 9 5 6 23...... 257.................. Hannibal......... 1I.. 3,024........................ 107............ 26 3 15 3 85.................. Hastings........ 1.. 2,682............. 3 3............ 49 68 48...... 27.................. Ml exicol',.............. 22 3,488............. 69............ 32 143 12...... 51......... New Haven.............. 1, 796........................ 59............ 28...... I 1 47...... 1... Orwell................... 1,340......................... 36 1...... 28...... 9...... 10.................. Oswe"o.................. 2,3714........................ 194 1...... 56 15 16...... 188............ 2 Osweo'o city: Ist ward............ 2,464........................ 682............. 124 28 63 3 908...................2d ward............ 2,419............. 422............ 192 12 76 1 735............ 5 3d ward........ 8 3,804............. 43.8............ 246 13 141 1 1, 2930............ 3 4th ward............ 3, 360............ I...... 500............ 107 18 138 1 70 8...... 1I...... Total Oswego......812047...... I7....... 2,042....... 669 7 1 418 6 3,644...... I 8 Palerm o.................. 2, 066........................ 34...... 26.30 7...... 27.................. Parish.................. 1,71 8........................ 7............ 14 6 12...... 21...........1 Redfield........... 898.................. 39............ 4..... lo...... 95.................. Richland................ 3,63 2............. 192 7 1 72 2 8...... 120.................. Sandy Creek......... 2 328...................... 41............ 22................... 22.......... *Schroeppel............... 3,281........................ 66............. 93 21 68...... 78.................. Scriba.................... 2,711 1.................... 178............ 59 4 26....... 173.................. Volney.................. 5,439........................ 364............ 167 7 45...... 278............ 1 W est M onroe........... 1,129........................ 8............ 15 39 471...... 11.................. W illiamstown............ 1,389........................ 242............ 61 1 29....... 185......... Total.......... """3 "61,926 | I 1.... 4...4,7 _ 9 _ 1_J,639 1_42^ 896_ _to 5, J6 q 2 _ 14 CLASSIFICATION BY PLACE OF BIRTH. 145 ORANGE COUNTY —(CONTINUED). FOREIGN COUNTRIES. TOWNS. ~~~~^ d g. d 1 1. i.. __ /s.~__J Mlount H ope.................................................................................... 1 4... 360... 45 Newburgh................... 5 8 1...... 5 6.... 2............ 15.......... N ew W indsor........................................ 21...................................... 628.... 2 W allkill..................... 5........................ 12................................ 969 1 41 W arwick.........................................I............. 9................ 1.. 1...... 240... 61 W aw ayanda.......................................................................................... 151 1 10 ~~..... ~.......... Totalrw..............L.....J 15 12 1...... 18 8.... __345 4............ 39 8 20 11,702 32~ To a............... 15 1 ORLEANS COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Barre.............................. is..........i................ 1 4 1,108 1 53 Carlton..................... 25.......................... 4...... 296.... 27 Clarendon........................................ 1........ 5..................................... 212.... 7 G aines...................... 1I.......... I................. 15.......................... 3........321. 1 2 K endall............... 24.................................. 24........................... 1...... 214.........*. Mvurray......................................... 2........ 22.......................... 3... 330.... 25 Rid-eway.........!.......... 1........ 5........ 29 1...................... 2...... 1,128 1 - 15 Shelby........................................... 5........ 5....................................... 547.. 133 Y ates.......................................... 4........ 44................ 1.............. 283.... 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~........ - -,390 6 Total............... 24 3....... 22_ I 1 4 OSWEGO COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Albio e..................... 2.......................... 3.... 183 15 o y.................................................::::i........:::::::...::::.....:..................../: i71... A boyls o....................................................... 60................................ 53.... 1 Bo lnstdon................... 3............................. 2.......................... 432 1 43 Constantia ~2.................. 3............... 7................... Granby....... I........................... 14...................................... 647.... 89 H annibal...... 9........................... 1...... 249.... 49 H astin s.................... 7................ 6.... 1...... 240 83 M exico...................... 1.............. 2........ 8.......................... 1...... 319 1 20 N ew H aven.................................................... 9.......................... 2...... 148.... 4 Orw ell......................................................................................... I...... 85 2 Osw e............................................ I................................ 2 481 58 Oswego city:] Ist ward.... 2............ 2.......... 1 2... 49.......................... 20...... 1,884.... 127 2d w ard....... 1................ 3 3.... 23.......................... 2 1 1,477.... 3d ward................ 1.............. 4........ 37 3............ 4 2 5 2,191 1 8 4th ward.... 3 2...... 4........ 45................ 2.... 4...... 1,535.... 17 Total Oswego.i5 1 2 3 2....... 12 6. 28 6 7,087 1 153 Palermo........... 3.......................... 2...... 129.... 24 Parish.......................................................... 8................ 1I.. 4...... 74.... 22 R edfield....................................................... 6.......................... 13...... 167.... 7 Izichland.............................................................................. 7.. 3..... 412.... 93 Sandy Creek................................................... 2........................... 3 1 92.... 3 Schroeppel.................. I.............. 1........ 11 I..................................... 339.... 49 Scriba................ I................ 448 1 55 Volneygs............................... 1................ 1 2 887.... 146 W est M onroe...................................................... 22........ 142.... 7 Or~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l~~~.... 4i. 57.....2 W illiamstown................ I......................... Total......... 5 2 12 3.2..... 34...... 4 948 OTSEGO COUNTY —(CONTINUED). Bu tternut..../......(........ 1................. 4 9...................... 20...... 14.... 7 2drr warle..:./.................................... 19...................... 12... 1 8... 7 hd wat rd......................./.................................................../* *.. 5... 8 E x te............................ 2........ 14 2.................. 1...... 97... 1 L a u r e s........................................................2 -"e t.....'.............." -...'.......... 1....................... 7 5 12 Parish...................................I....................t..-........... 2'9 R tedfel..............................I......./.. 2 1.........../.. 13 / 4..... 65 Pihlaned........................... 7...................... 71... 1 Plainfiel.................................... 1................ 100.... 163.. San fedy...................... e.......k....-................. /....... 3 Springfie ld... 1....................... 4..................... 182.... 1 Unr ibla................................ 4........ 1......... 2 5.. 2 W es for.....o.......................... 1..................... 17.. 7 ~W olney t r................[ 2...........,.....[....[.. 8.................... 172... 6 Tota.....!... I 3 ~roT~...... _.... 24 3......... 2..| 1 6_ _6 _ 2 79 | 9 /.../...1. 146 CLASSIFICATION BY PLACE OF BIRTtH. PUTNAM COUNTY. COUNTIES OF NEW YORK. TOWNS. I b 6 Cd Carm el.......... 3...................................... 3...... 2 33 1....... |....... Kent............ 2........................... Patterson........ 4........ 3................ 1 7 1 6 166...... 2................... 2 Philli stown..... 9........... 5...................... 13...... 4 349 2...... I 1 3 15 p~~~~~~~~~~~~~'..... Putnam Valley..........................................................I............ 18.................................... Southeast......... 7...... 3.......... 1...... 2...... 2... 8 57 1........................ 3 Total'.......... 26...... 3....I 8 1.......2 1 | 27 __ 23 755 _ 4 2| 2 _ 1 _ _ 7_ _ 22 QUEEN'S -COUNTY. Flushing........ 8...... I1 1 1 2......!......J 2 8......| 16 35 3 1 [............ 2 6 H em pstead...... 17...... 2............................................!....... 17 4......................... Jam aica......... 17...... 2.......... 1I...... 2...... 12...... 2 12 1.............................. Newtown........ 13.............. 1I.......... 1I...... 14 1 2 37 6 8 I I 1 6 North Hempstead. 7.......... 1' 3 1................... 3.......... 14 2........................ 2 Oyster Bay....... 21.............. I 1...... 1 2 3.... | 3 21 4....... 2 I....... 5 Total......... 83... 5 2 6| 5......I 4| 6 40 __ 1 23 136 20 | 9 3 2 3 22 RENSSELAER COUNTY. Berlin........... 17 1.................................... 8 1I...... I 1 5...... 2......... i.... Brunswick....... 29...... I........... 1I............ 2 30............ 9...... 2...... 3...... 5 East Greenbush.. 120.......................................... 40............ 20........................ 1 7 G rafton......... 4.......................................... 1I............ 3 1.............................. Greenbush....... 502 1- I.......... 2...... 2 5 212 2 5 59 3...... 1 6 1 51 Hoosick.......... 55......... 1................ 4 3 25...... 2 23 I 11 1 2...... 3 Lansinaburgh.... 125..... I.. I.... 3 2 3 37 2 11 42 2 16 3 10 1 18 Nassau.......... 46........ 2.......... 4.......303...:... 2 80...... I...... 1 17 5 North Greenbush. 123- 1......... 5.......... I 1 66 5 45............ 2...... 11...... 8 Petersburgh...... 9 4........ 5................. I...... 1 3 1...... I...... 4....... I Pittstown.... 44...... I1.... I 1...... 1 5 8 5...... 7 2 2.................. 3 Poestenkill..... 20.......................................... 1-7............ 6 2............ I...... 2 Sandlake........ 45.............................. 1 4 68....... 1 52...... 3...... 6...... 7 Schaoglticoke...... 48 4.............. 1I............ 1 171............ 19............ 1 2...... 4 Schodack........ 220........... 2............ 3...... 327...... 2 52 2............ 6..... 271 Stephentown......19 4 1.... 4.. 1 2 1 92 1 1 16 1............ I1...... 4 Troy city: I1st ward.... 109...... I.... I.......... 2 1-8 43...... 5 35 1. 15...... 10 1 17 2d ward,.... 140 1........ 7 2 2 1 11 60 1 5 32 2 8...... 2 3 20 3d ward.... 44 1... I 10.... 2.... 10 30 2...... -25...... 8...... 5 6 6 4th ward.... 79 1 2 2 3 5...... 2 7 41...... I 39 6. 7 2 10 8 1 5th ward... 60 1 1.... 2................ 1 29............ 12............ 1 2....... 21 6th ward.. 28.................... I I...... is.12.......... 11 4 is.................. 14 *7th ward.... 135 4 1.... 3.... I 1 6 48.... 4 24 4 5 2 15 2 20 8th ward.... 174.............. 2 1............ 13 38......... 17 6 5 1 3 1 9 9th ward.... 88...... 3 5...................... 9 9............. 18 I 10... 2...... 6 10th ward.... 153.............. I.......... 1 4 47...... 5 49 7 5...... 8...... 15 Total Troy..... 1,010 8 8 8 29 9 6 7 97 357 3 20 |262 31 81 6 57 22 145 Total.......... 2,436 23 12 12 48 14 10 27 123 ~1, 608 | 20 92 652 | 46 124 __12 112 41 2900 RICH-IMOND COUNTY. Castleton........ 23 9.... 10 3 1............ I I...... M iddletown...... 13............... I................ 4 4 1 4 4 2.......................1 N orthfield...... 1................................................... 1 1............................... 1 Southfield....... 9 1...... 1.................... 2..., 5 i...... 4 9 4...... I...... I.................. Orhi nip town....., 4... 3 34.......... 17 2i525 5!...... 2i [ P tam Valley......... 4......... 2.........8......, 7.......... 1...... 2 Stony P o nt........................................ 6'".............. Total......... 57 1 I....' 4'5 i...... 2 0 9... _ 3 4 1 2 B r a sh e r........ 2................. 2.......... 5 1!................. 1..... 1 0 1 3.................. Canton.......... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ 9........ 2 1... 3 8...... 2 9...... Cotton..........:"...............'... 2..,.........' 1 5 De ~ Kab.... 3!.... 1.....-'.... 2/ 1...... 2- -.... 1... 75 2/- -1 2 1 I- em pe stead...... 2.................................. 127...... 1..... 13... 3....... E d w rd...............:...... 1.... 1... 2............... F i n e~....... 11...... 3... 1...............1.............. Fvowlen..... 2.......... 1 1...... 2 8...... 1 1 3 2 3 1...... othHeptam o d.... 1.......... 3.'.. 1 10 1......~....../ 14 22..,,...... H e r m o n.........~i 1..... 1' 1i......... 2l 1 1 511 1192............ (Continued on page~~~~ ~~~~ ~ 153.) CLASSIFICATION BY PLACE OF BIRTH. 147 PUTNAM COUNTY-(CONTINUED). COUNTIES OF NEW YORK. TOWNS... a 6. 1 I I t i! I I t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~$ci! I II,,rm el...................,, 6....................... 58............ 1 7 K ent............ I....................... 6...... I............ 4.................. 1,219 Patterson.................. 2......... I 27.................. 1 3...... I...... 915 Phillipstown............. 1 221........................ 187.................. 2,913 Putnam Valley...................... I.... 21......................... 4.................. 1,404 Southeast........3..................' 2 1 1 73 1 5............ 10............ 1 1,553 Total.........I.. 1 50... 1 2 2 2 406 1 I 6 | 219...... 1 1 9,730 QUEENS COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Flushing,.........I...... 2 1 240........ 4. 1,280 2 6............ 6 1 1. 1 Hempstead............ 1 2 294.... 2 1 2 515...... 4............ 4............ 1 2 Jamaica................ 4 1 520 2 1 1 3 514 2 5............ 15............ I I Newtown............. 1 5 595.... 4 4 3 2 1,654 14 8 5 5 43............ 1 3 North Hempstead, I 1. 91..91...... 230...... I 1...... 3 2 1 Oyster Bay........................ 149............ 1 2 -.568 1 5 4...... 20...2'2'7 32 Total.......... I _9_ _9_1~gg_ 2l4 7 10 9 I2 4,761 19 i 29 10 5 91 3 28 8 10 RENSSELAER COUNTY-(CONTINUED).. Berlin............. I 1 23 1 1.............................. 5 Brunswick.................... 4 East Greenbush........ I1.............. 1'1 1 3 3 14 1 3 3...... I1...... 3 5...... Gr fon..1........... 2I... Totalto...................... 1.............................. Greenbush............. 4 5 6 1 3.... 7 13 64 3 3 1 1 1 8 1.4...... 1 17 1. Hoosick................ 4 5 5... 1 3 4 5 23 1 7 10...... 7...... 1 11...... Lansingburgh.......... 12 5 10 3 1 7 4 1 59 0 1 3 51 5...... 1 5...... Nassau................. 4...... 4 I............. 1...... 4 North Greenbush........ 4..................... 1 7 10 51...... 9 7...... I1...... 2 5... Petersburgh............ 1 2................1...... 7............. 3 2........................ 2... ~r u ~~~~......w~.1........... Pittstown....................I 1 1.... 3 5 1 1 1 6 3 Poestenkill............. I......................... 2... 7...... 3............................. -............. S a n d l a k e e nb us h........ 3 2 3 i 2i........... I....... Scha hticoke........... 2...... 1........ 2 4 6 7...... 4 4 1 3...... 5 3...... Schodack........... 3 1 4 1....14 2 14 21 2 2 1 1 2...... 3 5 2 Stephentown............ 6...... I1........ 3 1 1 6 1 2 2........................ 3...... Troy city: I 1st -ward.......... 8 1 13........ I...... 11 99...... 8 6...... 9.......... 3 1 2d ward u......... 6 4 19.... 3 4 3 14 47 3 20 5 5 5 2 8 9...... 3d ward.......... I 1.15........ 22 10 1 5.... 5 5 3 4th ward.... 2 7 3 13 2 1 - 4 5 7 46 3 27 4...... 5 3 2 1 5-th ward................ 1.33............ 1 5 63...... 30 11...... 7...... 4 4 2 6th -ward.... I............. 9 -....-.... 2...... 5 29)...... 3............ 2...... 2 5 1 7th ward.......... 3 9 6 1 2 2'3 13 74...... 22 7 1 2...... 7 6....... 8th ward.......... 8 4 19........ 4 3 8 49 1 0 1 2 1...... 2 1...... 9fch w ard.......... 4...... 13............ 6 4 26...... 2.... 1 5........................ 10th ward.... 2 7 3 9 2.... 1 9 2 59 1 20 7....... 5...... 3 7 1 Total Troy... 5 44 26 149 5 6 22 31 76 532 8 164 51 10 46 3 34 42 9 Total.......... _ _90 60 186 13 13 61 73 167- 852'20 277 92 | 25 80 5 57_ 116J 18 RICHMOND COUNTY-(CONTINUED). castleton................... 1 3.......................... Middletown ~............ I 814...... 2 2...... 2...... I............ N orthfield.................... 1 43.... 2............ 3........................ Southfield.............. I...... 1 81.... 1............... 461 3 7...... I 12j......... W estfi ld............ 2..... 58 4........... 378..... 7.......... 1.....4........ T otal~~~~~~~~~.....:::...i.....~...! 4 _ 3 _2, 9 2 _ _ _ 4 _3.._._... ~ 2 _ Petersburg h......... 1...... 21 1.............. 1 6...... 6 1 7,............. 7 Oraneto n..... 2 2 74 1:...:,05 8 8 3 5 6..... 4 1 5 Pittst own...............1..... 33....... 1...... 8i2......i......i 6......... Toal......... i_2 5 2| 17 2 1 3| 6 1 1,9 _8 5 3 17 60 |...... 4 j | 4 SBhashti oer.....!... 1 7.... 2 l....... 1112...... 1...... 9 1... Schoanto... 2] ]]1........... 6 17 2 47 3 6 17 3 1 3...... 52...... 1 Oolon....... 2' 2 16............... 2... 3.................1... De~alb............... 66 15 0.... 1... 2...... 8 15... Ed ar s.......... 26 5....... 5.... 4... 1 2............ 6 8... Gouverneur.........~ ~/... 016 61 5 5 7 64 /... 0 7... Hammond........!......~~~ ~~~~~~~ 36 8 5.. 2.... -... 3......... 6 1...... Hermon....is......|.... 32 20....... ii... 7~ 16...... 17 19....... 1 7:..... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ciiudo pag..... 148 CLASSIFICATION BY PLACE OF BIRTH. PUTNAM COUNTY —(CONTINUED). COUNTIES OF NEW YORK. TOWNS. S -1g^. ^ G ^ S c~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ad r T; 41 _CC!d b Carmel"....1...... 1...... 1........ I................ K ent................... 1.................................... 4.................. 4 Patterson........ 5.................................. 2.................... 1 3................ Phillipstown..... 12.... I 1 4 7 1 1 39............ 3 Putnam Valley........................................................................................... 1I.............. Southeast........ I 4.............. I I...... 5.......... I 7 7.... 4 9............1.. Total......... 8 11 3 20 4 13...........1 7 1 1 16 4 5 59........ 3 QUEENS COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Flushing......... 4,740 ) 10 5.............. 3 1 2.... 1 2 50 1.... 2 11...... 3.... Hempstead....... 9,084 7 5 1............... 9.... I 1 194 5........ 6 8.......... Jamaica......... 3,605 13 7 6................ 1I.... 6.... 13 4 1 2 2 16............ I Newtown........ 4, 731 19 30 3....... 7 3................ 3 99 8 1 1 4...... 8 4 North Hempstead. 3,686 2 29 3....... 1I.......................... 116............ 2................ Oyster Bay...... 6,015 10 14 1....... 2...................... 1 276 4... 9 12...... 1I.... Total.......... 31,861 | 6 1 90 14....... 13 4 12.... 8 7 869 19 3 14 | 51 8 12 5 Total........ i'I go 1 EENSSELAER COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Berlin.................. 1,602................... - 1 2 2.......... I...................... 1 ] 5.... Brunswick....... 3 2,396.............. 5 37 2 11.......... 1I 1....1........ 3.... East Greenbush......... 1,957....... I....... 7 3 4................................ 4...... 2 5 Grafton............... 2...................... I........................ I 1 2'1i 1 96,1............ Greenbush 3 3 3 44 21..... 19 5 Hoosick................. 2,589....... 1....... 53 4 I 3.......... 2 2 2 2 1 9 287 13 L-piUnsingburghi.... 7 3,431 1....... 4 141 18 7 1 2...... 3.... 2 6 2 82.... Nassau................. 1,1922.............. 1 29 2 10.......... I.................. 2 6 10 I North Greenbushe 1 1,494.............. 1 34 25 16 1............................ 20...... 11 1 Petersburgh............. 1, 394....... 1I....... 2...... 4............................ I............ 12.. Pittstown............... 2.691.............. 3 55 10 6................................ 8 3 92.... Poestenkill.............. 1,533..................... 8 1 15................................ 1I...... 5.... Sandlake............... 1,838.............. 1....... 12........ 8 1 2 1 Schahticoke........... I 1..... 1 5 130 Schodack........ 3 2,502.............. 1 34 4 16 4...... 1.................. 8 4 4 2 Stephentown............ 1,484..................... 9 5.......... 2.............................. 2.... Troy city: 1st ward........... 1,812 1....... 3 40 16 6.... 2 1 1............ 3 3 41 2 2d ward.... 4 2,004..................... 121 26 21.......... I..... 2 2 1 4 9 65.. 3d ward........... 692.............. 3 55 3 1...................... 4 4 37 2 4th ward........... 1,368.............. 3 123 18 6 1...... 2.................. 3 2 68 10 5th ward........... 1,339....... 2....... 34 14 7.................... 1.... I 1 7 20.. 6th w ard........... 1,394.............. 3 18 5 2................................ 23...... 2.... 7th ward.... 14 21303.............. 1 107 10 12.......... 2 1........ 2 6 2 92 4 8th ward.... 2 2,428.............. 2 50 8 9 1 3 2...... 1i.... 1 8 2 45 2 9th ward........... 2,023....... 1 1 18 16 5................................ 27 2 12 1 10th ward.... 2 2,204.............. 2 96 24 6..................... 4... I 10 7 66 1 Total Troy... 22 171,567 1 3 18 662 140 75 2 6 8 2 8 2 6 89 38 448 "22 Total.......... 51 48,834 5 lo 37 1,241 248 201 10 10 21 9 15 6 12 167 74 52 RICHMOND COUNTY-(CONTINUED). rastleton.. 28 2 2,734 2....... 4....I.... Midd too o4........ 4....... M hiddletown...................... 1.... 4 3..... Toa......... _ 6 6 3 6 2 6 6 | 1 _ 2....... 5 4 j 1.. 9 _ j 9 ~ OLan siongu h...... 3, 43 1 1 253....... 1 4 2 141................... 2....1 19.... 82 1. H a e sr w...... 19 6 1 2 4 5....... 1..... 7,2.............. 4 2........... 18............... N a a ort..... 2G9....... 2,55.... 3........... 1... 1 8 1... 7.......... Ston Pont.... 1, 9..............., 8 1.................................... 2 9......... Total......... __6 7 _ 16 173 1 1 _ _ 1.... __ _ J _ 5 5 4| I! 6 ~. B rasher,39........ 1 3.......... 1, 8 6.......................... 1..............1.... 3i.. ant onr.......g3h............. 3 4 9 8 1 5.. 2 1....... 4... 6 3 Pittstow............... 2. 69.............. 1, 6 7 1 5.................... 2............ 14i.. De~eyster............ 1.......... 7 2 2 1........-................. 3.. E w r s........... 1 53.............. 7 1 7...... 1.. 18........................ 11. in............. 1 88.......................... 2 3 18 1........................ 8........ 3.. Fowler~196................... 1,01 17............. 10.................... 12....1 chGhiokv ern......... 3........., 9 3 2 1................... 3 ch ocac k n............ 3........,023 11..... 2......................................,. 1 H r o................. 8 7.............. 9 5 9...... 3........... 1 |........ 1........ 1 Stephe~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~Cntiudown pe15... CLASSIFICATION BY PLACE OF BIRTH. 149 PUTNAM COUNTY-(CONTINUED). COUNTIES OF N. Y. UNITED STATES. TOWNS. a, ~ ~o ~ d ~'~'~~~~~~~~~~C C Carm el.......... 121............ 1,976............ 19............ I 1 2...................... 1I... K ent............ 30..... 3 1 420.... 2.... 14........................ 2................... 1I... Patterson........ 62...... 1 11219............ 135............ 1I............................I.................. Phillipstown... 170............ 4 020............ 52 6............ 4 2.................... 3 7 Putnam Valley... 89............ 1 538............ 3............I............................................. I Southeast........ 198............ 1,983...... 182......... 1 3 3......................'2 1 T tl....... 670...... 4 1i 12,156... 2.. 405 | 6 3... 3 _ 8 _ 9.....................| 7 _ 9 QUEENS COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Flushing...... 56...... i...... 6,517 1........ 112...... 1 2 2 1 1... 2 12 14 22 Hempstead...... 44............ 10,237........ 2 44 1...... 3 3 3...................... 6 10 Jamaica......... 33...... 1 4,947 1........ 53 1...... 3 8 1.......... 1 2 8 14 Newtown........ 93 1...... 7,7453 1.... 2 103...... 1 10 2 2 5.... 7 6 30 43 North Hempstead. 13............ 4,216......... 1 19.................. 12 1 1.... 1I...... 3 3 Oyster Bay...... 45............ 7, 239 2........ 81...... 2 3 4 2 1I.... 1 7 4 8 Total..... 284 1 __1_40,609 4 |. 5 42| 2 4 21 31 10 _8.... 12 | 27 65 100 RENSSELAE' COUNTY-(CONTINUED). B erlin.............................I 1, 683....'........ 13......|............ 3...............|.....,........ Brunswick....... 4............. 2,625........ 1 16............ 3 1 2................... I' 3 East Greenbush.................... 1, 211............ 1I............ 1I............ 1............................ Grafton........................... 1,7523............ 4 2.............................................. 1I...... Greeilbush.......'' 15...... 2 3, 171............ 33.................. 7 2...................... 17 2 H oosick......... 4 1...... 3, 192......... 1 34.................. 2 3...................... 3 1 Lansingburgh.... 21....... 4,169........ 3 37.................. 6 11 3.......... 7 13 5 Nassau.......... 4....... 2,474............ 30.................. 5...... 2... 1...... 2...... Nort h Greenbush. I............ I1,970............ 16...... 1 3 8................ 1...... 2 2 Petersburgh................. 1 1,463............ 6............... 4............................ I I Pittstown....... 12............ 2,996.... I.... 11.................. 4...... 4................ 4...... Poestenkill...... 3............ 1,627............ 8...... 1.................. 3.... 1I...... 1I...... Sandlake........ 5............. 2,.126............ 11.................. 1I.................................. 3 Schaghticoke................. 1 2,363............ 18.................. 2 1.................................. Schodack........ 4...... 1 3,308............. 30............ 1 2...... 3.... 1I...... 7...... Stephentown... 2............ 1,681............ 31.................. 1I...... 1I............................ T1roy city: Ist ward.... 7............ 2,356........ 1 33 1............ 4 1.......... 1I...... 1 13 2d ward.... 9 I...... 2,724............ 66............ 3 3...... 2... 3 3 8 11 3d ward.... 3............ 1,075.... I.... 57.................. 1 2 2.... 1I...... 8 2 4th ward.... 9 1...... 1,982....... 59............. 1 6 6 1................ 5 2 5th ward.... 4............ 1,721............ 22.................. I I.......... 1I...... I I 6th ward.... 4...... %...... 1,617............ 13.................. 2...... 1I................ 4 3 7th ward.... 9............ 2,998............. 54...... I 1 7 5 5.......... a 4 3 8th ward.... 8....... 3 2,958............ 36............ 1 4................ 4............ 5 9-th ward...................... 2,3ID18............ 26 1............ 4 3...................... 1 5 10th ward.... 13...... 2 2,871............ 42............ 1 2 1 I.. 1I...... 14...... Total Troy.... 66 2 5 22,620... 1 1 408 2 1 7 34 19 | 12... 11 6 46 45 Total......... 141 3 | 10 60,202... 2 | 6 707 __4 _3 15 79 | 32 29 |. 15 | 13 98 | 63 RICHMOND COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Castleton........ 4...... 1 3,913 2.... 3 91...... 2 16 10............... 22" 23 48 45 Middletown. -... 21............ 3,662............ 26...... I 1 7............... 4 10 3 32 Northfield....... 3............ 4,256............ 21...... I I...................... 4 2 4 7 Southfield....... 30............ 2,256..... 6 17...... 2 1...... 1.......... 7 3 3 22 W estffi d.... ----- A I..... 29 49....... I 1 0 9.. 2 11 1 a 46 Total~~ ~ ~..... 64 o 706 2. 0 15... 2 0 4..... 8| 3 l 6 5 EOKLNDCONY-COTIUE) Cl r s ow... 2......., 56..!,.. 1 2.......... 6..............., H a er t aw... 7....... 2 9 6....... 6........................ 1.... Br s e............ 12.....- 2 238............ 776 ]...............1 1...... 2.. i........... 8...... Canton........~~~~~~~~~~~.. 2.........,0.. 5 2 3......... 4........ 2 5... Oolton ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.................. 96........ 3.................. 3........... 3... D e~~~~~~~~~~~alb~~~~~~~~~~........... 2.... 2 3 7...... 26......... 2 1............ 3 2 Ke n P y t e.................. 8 7......... 6....................... 2... Ed ar s........................... 11.,.....4... 1..................... Fisne................... 36......... 2........................1...1... 1... Fowler ~........ 2....... 1 4 5...... 6............. 3 1.. I............ Phillpsto ne...... 17...... 1,02,16...... 0..'.....6... 2"3"..!...... H amo nh................. 1, 1......... 4'.............. 3 1....................... H er m o n........................,3 6 6.......... 14................ 4....................... 3...... QUEENS OUNTY-(Contiuedonage15.) 15 0 CLASSIFICATION BY PLACE OF BIITI. PUTNAM COUNTY —(CONTINUED). UNITED STATES. TOWNS. V. 5 | ~ 4 Ca2 2............. 4...... 3 1 3............ 4 2 K ent................ 2............................... 1...... 3........................ 1 1............ Patterson. 7................ 1 4.................. 3........................ 1 3............ Phillipstown..... 24 2............ 6 43 2 7...... 17 2...... I...... 6 7 9....... Putnam. Valley... 3.............. 2 4.................. 1I...... 1I..................................... Southeast...... 9 3....... 1 17 1 3...... 11................... 1 3 2............ Total.......... 46 1 9 2........ 10 72 | 3 | 12......| 38 3 3 _ 4 I I 12 17 11... QUEENS COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Flushing.......... 17 1 3.... I 10 158 10 7...... 93 36 11 7 3 11 50 1I... -Hemapstead..... 33 3....... 5 75 2 4...... 26 5 2 2...... 2 11............. Jam-aica......... 37 1...... 2...... 117 3 10...... 35 4 1 4 1 14 29............ Newtown........ 136 2 1 3 14 10 226 7 28...... 75 15 8 2...... 17 23 12... North Hempstead. 18 1....... 3 51 4 10...... 17 14 4...... 1 1 21............ Oyster Bay...... 37 2........ I 11 83 1 8....... 15 45 4 3...... 14 is I....... Total.3 IS 2...... 119 30 is 5 _ 59 152 14 RENSSELAER COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Berlin......... 64................ 4 3..... I...... 3 11............. 29 2...... Brunswick....... 29 2............ 9 2 I I............ 4 1............ 38 2 4 ast Greenbush 24.................. 3 5............ 2........................ Grafton......... 3. 4 7.................. 4 1.................. Greenbush....... 104 2.......... is 11 I I...... 35 7 4 Hoosick..... 158 3............ 20 8...... 3....... 7 20...... 2...... 392 4 2... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~........... 224..................... 8 Lansingburgh.... 97 11............ 32 20...... 16 22.6 Nassau.......... 84 2........ 2 1 3 2 1...... 4 2...... 2...... 3 7...... 2'.......... North Greenbush.. 33 2............ 7 19...... 4...... 4 1.................. 35 2 2... Total ~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~...........[4.9 1..... 1071 81..................1 1i 1 Petersburoh.. 27 3.... o 2.! i.................. Pittstown.. 56 3 1. 1 6 21................... 81.................. Poestenkill...... 18 1............ I.................. 3........................ 8.................. Sandlake....... 3 8........ 1 5....... 2............ 4.................. 7.................. Schaghticoke43 2.... 4 8 4...... 1...... 1 7 1............ Schodack........ 24..8.. 1 1 2 9.......... 8 6 1 1 4 9 1 1.......... Stephentown. 134 2............ 1 6........... 4 18................... 20.................. Troy city: 1st ward... 86 3.... 2 1 4 13 3 1...... 27 12 2...... 1 58 25 3 3 2d ward.... 107 6........ 5 21 34...... 9...... 12 10.................. 84 8...... 6 3d ward.... 89 3........ 1 12 11 1 6...... 7 5 1 1...... 75 3 1 2 4th ward.... 108 5........ 3 28 24 2............ 17 19.................. 125 4...... I 5th ward.... 51.......... 1 9 32...... 1 8 1...... 8 2............ 6th ward.... 44 1............ 7 28...... 4...... 2 6.................. 16 6............ 7th ward.....0 97 1. I... 10............ 8th ward.... 77 2.... I.... 6 1...... 14 19...... I...... 26 4............ 9thNwardssa. 65 1........ 4 7 11...... 8...... 6 9 1........... 25 6...... I 10th ward.... 81 3 1...... 6... 14 10.................. 133 1........ Total Troy..... 828.... 3 19 138 209 8 50...... 109 113 4 3 1 689 63 4 13 Pittstown........ 56 i ]]] 2......... 9 7.....................4,,I...... Total.............1,756 56 5 4 37 253 349 11 77...... 196 9 EICHMIOND COUNTY-(CONTINUE-D). astleton......... 1 9i.... 3 |............ Middletown..... 37 2 1...... 38 4 3 5...... 7 15 2 3 Northfield n...... 35 1...... 2...... 16 1 2............ 8 17............ lsotware d...... 861 1....... 2. 3 3 1...... 38 4 2......... 6 13.... 21'Weatfield........ ~~3 34 3......... 1225 10 7....... 40 1 1............ 84 1 Tot walrd....... 8 9 326 ] i 6 4...|2 126 543 18 37...... 1705 38 1 _1...... 35|17| 5' 3 Claksow...... 19............. 47 14 19...... 5 6......1.......... 2 5aerth w..d....5 13 17.............. 82 13........ 17 6 2............ 1460...... 6r gthwar...... 4 3 l 1... 1...] 1i 8 49 1 6...... 47 6...... 1............ 8126...... 7thardp....... 20 3:....... 1 46 1 9...... 28 1.......... 2...... 3107...... Sthn Poit..... 7 7......... 1 7 26...... 24 1...... 2............... 324........ Total..... 8,I..... 11 | 4~ |....| 1.....2. 113.. 3 1...... 99 1 3_ j...... 18 3 6 1 SR.CHAMONCE COUNTY —(CoNTINuED). Castlton.........i} 15 9 31... 1... 66 4.... 43.... 6 7......... 0... 3.. idleto wn...... 7 1........ 2 3..... 1........ 13.......... 85 1...... De~a~lb......... 96 8....'1 1 18 1...... 4...... 1 3.................. 97...... 18..... N orey thfeld.... 15......... 11....... 51...... 16 2........... 38...... 5..... Edwards~~~~~~~~~~~~5 10... 33 40. 1..... 14 19.'............ 2.......... 4..... Fine.......... 9 2...... 6~ 2....... ~..........0 3 1............. 1...... 1...... JI oalers...... r 52a...... 127..... 42.... 3 1 1....... 8.... 1... 0 ovrngeto wn.. 50 2.... 1 4 7 0.....'..... 3 5.......... 16 1 3... ~ m o, n,......... 2 ~ 1..... i....... 12......... 3...i........ 1,............ 29.... 1-..... rshero..... 6 5........... 16 1... 1........ 8......... I......... 183...... 2...... C~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(oltnudon....... 4 1....157'.)... CLASSIFICATION BY PLACE OF BIRTH. 151 PUTNAM COUNTY-CONTINUED). UNITED STATES. FOREIGN COUNTRIES. TOWNS. d -d d M ID C Carm el..................... i...... 2........................ 23 3 26...... 158............ K ent........ 1,446............1................................ I 1 3...... 19............ P atterson............... 1[377................................................. 5...... 4...... 84............ Phillipstown............ 4,221......................... 36 4...... 146 IS 67 7 848............ Putnam Valley........... 1,553......................... 3............ 14................... 27............ Southeast................ 2,223........................... 4............ 38 1 3...... 273 1...... Toa............ 2 8 4 |..........I.........43 __ 4...... 227 1 23 135 7 1 1 409 I.. ^ Total........ 1.2, 844......I 2......... QUEENS COUNTY-(CONMTIUED). Flushing........ 7206. I I 18 4...... 256 42 1,168 2 1,865 1 1 6 Hempstead....... 1 7,0479......................... 16 6........ 1 Jam~aica................. 5) 296................... I...... 19 2...... 138 56 498...... 697............ Newtown................ 8,244.................. 7 16 18 6...... 526 52 1,950......12,528 2 2 3 4or02 Hempstea................................. 64 4 124...... 15........ I Noth e mp stead........ 1 4..7.4..7.4... Oyster Bay....... 7, 597 /...... 11............ Total.............!.. 43, 224.. _... 6 9 | 1 6 72 I 19 i......1 1,310 181 _4,650 __14 i7,0 _ 3 \ 1 REENSSELAER COUNTY-(CONITINUED). B lin..........::........I 1,820 |......I......[.................. 36............ 7 2 253 [...... 2.... Brunswick.... 74.. 29....... 45 6 100...... 238............ East Greenbush.......... 1,266.......... 7...... 6......... 30...... 133...... 212............ Grafton................. 1,556 2............ 8.......... reenbush................ 3,469.............................. 87............ 121 9 144 4 899............ H oosick................. 3, 85r3.................. 6...... 46...... i...... 95...... 13...... 735............ Lanshigburgh............ 4, 551................... I...... 84...... 1...... 193 11 116...... 957 1.... I N assau.................. 2.,629................ 7......1...... 37...... 137...... 71... I.... North Greenbush. 2,112.............................. 74 1 156...... 172....... 5 Petersburgh............. 1, 572.............................. 5......... 3...... 11...... 78.............'1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~5......,42 / Pittstown............... 3, 205.............................. 40......'..... 546...... 56...... 365............ Poesterkill a.73....... 4............. 4...... 34............ Sandlake........ 2,194............................... 9........... 33 1 315...... 24............ Schag,,hticoke....1........ 2, 512.............................. 20............. 31...... 38....... 427............ Schodack................ 3,427............................... 8............ 53) 1 213 16 250........ I Stephentown....I......... 1,899.............................. 25......o...... 3 1 19 69............ Troy city: Ist ward............. 2, 655........................ 1 83............ 70 1 160...... 907.............2d ward..,...... 3, 125.................. 3....... 83...... 1 127 6 297 4 827 1........ 7,9 -/....2' 2 5.... 3d ward.... 2...... 2 4,402 2......... 4th ward.... I.....,... 2, 398................... 3...... 73 2 1...... 86 2 49...... 495.... I1.... 5th ward....1........ 1,926.............................. 59.......!...... 234 1 54 3 506......... I 6th ward............ 1,831.............................. 65......| 1 220 10 33...... 796............ 7th ward............ 3,369.............................. 115........... 74 5 48...... 1,7221.... 1 2 8th w ar......... 3,189............................. 113............ 89 8 27...... 17,897............ 9th ward............ 2,502.............................. 337 I...... 142 13 67...... 1,619............ 10th ward............ 3, 0 2..................... 12............. 134 2 120 3 921 2.... I Total Troy............ 25,592.................. 6 1 1,073 3 4 1,215 52 914 TO 9,591 5 2 4 Total 66072...I............ 20 _1 1,511 3 4 2,010 85 32,919 0 4,170 |6 4 12:RICHIMOND COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Oastleton............... 4,7421............ 28 12...... 533 51 368 4 1,853 3.... 4 Easteebs..,own................ 3,973....7'3:.... 2.. 3 Middlet~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o [[;;;[. 2 [114..... 26 4 Northfield................ 4,428........... 8............ 124 5 153...... 451 2 Southfield............... 2,495.................. 21 1...... 123 28 335...... 1,250 16.... 2 W estield................ 3,439.................... W e stf........ 82 19 8........... Hav rstaw.......... 3,4107............................ 6...... 108...... 89 9 ]]]..... 6 2...... Ora geoosi......... 5 0 5........... 46......~...... 22 2..... 1 3 4 2 8 3 5 5...... Rama o............. 3,85 7............ 6. 9...... 75.......... 1 2 1 53 7 01 2 45 1.. 2 Ston y Pintbrg........ 4,75 0................. 3......... 8 1 7... 2 6...... Total~~~~~ ~~~............... 17 11...I... 4 1..... 76~ | 4 7 93 1,8 _i BNass au....|.... 2, 9............. 7|.. 1... 3 4........ 13 2....... 4 9...... Canton,62.........!, 7.............................. 4 2............ 7 4 1... 4 9...... N orth r enb........... 1,11 87I............................ 130.......... 1 1 3.......... 1 6...... De~~~alb...........~~~~~~~...... 2, 37...........4... 1 1...... 8 15 2... 1 6...... D e e s e......... 956.................... 8...... 7.......... 5...... e d w ar d sbu......... 1, 057 /............... 4 2....... 1 5i1...5...... Fowler~~~~~~ ~~~~............./,0............. 1... 76...... 7 15.... 2.... 1 P itsowvene........... 3,44................ 2 1......20 140.... 7............ Hammond...............2 1 3 8...I.................. 184......... 93 5...... 51........ H erm n............ ~ 1, 28....'................... 67....!....223...... 34...... 17......... Sa~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Cntinued..... page41 15. 152 CLASSIFICATION BY PLACE OF BIRTH. PUTNAM COUNTY-(CONTINUED). FOREIGN COUNTRIES.'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!3 TOWNS.. Carm el.................................... I....................................... I............ 214...... 2 K ent.............................................................................................. 24...... 3 P atterson.................!........................... 1.1........................... I......... 95...... 4 Phillipstown -—... 1 1 1 3.......... 4.......... 60...... 1...... 2...... 7 1 1,207 1 7 Putnam Valley................................. 2......................... I I...... 48...... 21 Southeast............... 1.......... 1.......... 1........................................... 355...... 20 Total.......... I I 1 I1 4 I.......... __ 6.......... 64 I 1 I_...... 2 | 2 8 | I 1,943_ 1 ~ 57 QUEENS, COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Flushing......... I 1 3 9 5 2!...... 3 2.... 55 2 1...... 14............ 16 3,489 [...... 118 Hempstead............... 3 1.0..!...... 11 3.... 16 2 1...... 2...... I 11 1,146 2 137 Jamaica.................. 1.... I...... 7.......... 26...... 2....... 13............ 3 1,476...... 5 Newtown............. 1 8 1 1...... 12 5.... 148 7 2...... 10...... 15 9 5,329...... 318 North Hempstead.......... 1I.................... 3.... 10...... 1...... 2...... 1 2 933............ Oyster Bay.......... I.... I.......... 12.......... 31.................. 1.4..... 3 4 1 1,77...... 50 Total.......... I1 3 22" I 8 | 4......| 45 13 |....| 286 II1 7......| 55....... 20 45 114,143 __ _ 628 RENSSELAER COUNTY-(CONTINUED). B erlin...........]..........................1.................................................... I............ 324....... 5 Brunswick............... I.............. 1........... 9...... I............................... 430...... 3 East Greenbush.................................................................... 7...... 2...... 397............ G rafton................................................................................................... Ill...... 6 Greenbush.... 3.... 1I.............. 6.......... 14...............................5...... 1,293 2 15 H oosick................. 1I.............................. 13.................. 6.................. 91.5 2 18 Lansingburgh............ 2.............. 4.......... 97.................. 1I.................. 1,468...... 53 N assau................................................... 3.................................... 1 257...... 8 North Greenbush.......... 1I.............. 1.......... 12.............................. 4. 2 458...... 5 Petersburgh................................................ 1I.......................................... 98............ P ittstow n.................................. 3.......... 78.............................. 5...... 601...... 25 P oestenkill.................................................. 8........................................... 275...... 4 Sandlake................ 1I.............. I........... 10............................... 1...... 395...... 17 Schaghticoke............................... 4.......... I14................... 4.................. 538...... 4 Schodack................ 2.............................. 16.................. 1I.................. 561...... 27 Stephentow n............................................... 4.......................................... 121...... 6 Troy city: 1st w ard............ 1I.............................. 19.............................. I I 1,244.......21 2d ward.... 2.... 2 5.......... 33 1.... 41...... I...... 18...... 3...... 1,455...... 26 3d ward............ 1I.............. 8 10.... 15.................. 2...... 3 7 582...... 3 4th ward.. 1...................... 4.......... 25 1......................... 2...... 744...... 22 5th ward............................................. 67.................. 1I...... 5...... 931....... 12 6th ward............ 1I.............. I I.... 64.............................. 32...... 1,224...... 69 7th ward................ I.......................... 43............ 5 2...... 1I...... 1,518...... 36 8th ward.... I...................... 6.......... 28 1............ 1I...... 6 1 2,178...... 32 9th ward........ 2.................................. 24.................. 2...... 4 3 2,214...... 7 10th ward............ 11.............. 4......... 38.................. 2...... 2...... 1,360...... 23 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Total Troy... 4 2 16 6.......... 5C 12.... 364 2 1 5 28...... 59 12 13,450...... 251 Total...... 7- 2 25 6........... 76 12.... 643 __2 2 | 5 _47....... 76 15 21 692 4 442 RICHMOND COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Castleton....... 2 11 4 2 3.... 6 3.... 7 2 1 16 9...... 2 32 Pattersond........... 25 14... 3..... 4 4 1 8... 2 180' P h ilistownd........... 4........ 7...... 1 1.... 1....... 9... 61, 1o i.; 7 Middletown........... 343.............. 610...... 38 ru a ertn a.......... 2~~..... i.. "i........ 40...... 2...... 83... 21 Orangetown ~1... ----------- -- --- 17.... 11....... 2-... -..............-7 2 1 04-... 3 SoutohyePo t. —--...... - 9... 10 To a....... 1.. 1...... 16 | 3.. 97.... l |6i......I 13 3^3 595... QU L.EENCE C OUNT Y-(CoNTINUED). Brasher~~~~~~.o..I...).. ~...I...............| 1.................. 4... 1 Canton.................. 1.........................~...........419............. 1, 31.... 5 J amaica.......'-]................. 2..... 1.................. 21..... 470 5... 3 E d a d............................ 41........................ 1 5...... ino r hHmsead.......... 1................. 1...................... 4... Fow er............. 1................ 9... 10... 1.... 19... 9 48......... GOystern u......................... 69.................. 28...... 4 3... H a mo d................................ 15......................... 408.... 23~o~ H e m n................ 1............................................ 374..... 5 Berlin.......... t... ~.I.........timied n pge 59. CLASSIFICATION By PLACE OF BIRTH. 153 ST. LAWRIENCE COUNTY-'(CONTINUEm). COUNTIES OF -NEW YORK. TOWNS. * * I)I b'.. * < H opkinton....... 2....... 1 2............ 26 1............ 1I...... 80 87,.................. Lawrence.................................................... 61 1............. 2 2 1 149........... 2 Lisbon.......... 8..................................... 9 2 1 1 6 1. 28 10 I 1... Louisville........ 2 6.............. I......... 5.......................... 3 33 1............ M acomb......... 1...!.......... 3 I...... 1 8............. I..... I 6 9 6...... M adrid............................... I....................... 7.................. 2 1 3 12... 1......I M assena......... 2................................. 11...................... 2 23 52...... 1I... M orristown... 7.................. 1'... 7............ 2 1............. 4 8 1....... N orfolk..... I................... 1 30.................. 1...... 8 58.................. 0swe-atchie...... 47............. 4 1...... 3 57 6 3 3 6 15 13 78 5 6 Parishville....... 4............. 1............ 1 53 6 1...... 2...... 32 60...... 1 4 Pierrepoixt.... 3................................ 1 176 4 1...... 1 2 70 38 1 I....... P itcairn......... 1I........ I...... I..................................... 1I............ I.............. Potsdam........ 5 1' ~~~~.............. 1............ 73............. 5 2 79 8 2 61 Rossie........... 1............'1 9 1............. 1I...... 9 3 1 I Russell.......... I............ 2............'1 14 2 -1...... 2...... 20 3...... 2 1 Stockholm....... 18 1..................... 1 38 2...... 2 3...... 187 73 2 I...... W addingyton..... 1I.................................... 5...... I..... 1 2 11.................. Total........ 127 11I I 2 7' 19 15 I l 26I 715| 37 14 | 14 51 34'|- 754 11, 092 70I 34 __20 SARATLOGA COUNTY. Ballston......... 361....... 1........... 9...... 2 17 1 3... 7 1 3 Chtrlton..... 2...... 1............ 1....... 14 2 4 2...... 1 2 14...... 01-ifton Park.... 95............. 3 2............ 3 32 1 4 38 1. I I 10....... 15 Corinth..... 12............. 2................... 1 12....... 13 1 3 1 4 I. I D ay........ 5........ I........................ 9 4...... 5 1 2......... 10 2 2 Edinburgh.9.. 9........ I1...... I............ 1 3............ 9...... 4...... 55............ G alw ay......... 24......... o................................................... 3................... 31............ Green-field....... 29 2 2...............I....... 2 7 9 2....... 30 _15 3 1 28. 6 10 H adley........... II..................................... 5 8............ 4...... 3...... 18........13 Halfinoon......... 110 2..... 3 1 1...... 9 46 1 1 48- 1 2...... 5...... 2 M alta...... 16.................................... I 11............ 33...... 3...... 2............. Milton........... 166. 6........ 3 1....... 3 3 54...... 3:47 5 22...... 48 2 8 M oreau.......... 28........ 2 1 1............ 7 21............ 19 1 23...... I 1 1 Northumberland.. 32 1 3... 1...... 2' 1 5 23 1 - 1 23 2 5...... 91...... 1 Providence.... 3... 1.................................. 3......... 9...... I... 38 1...... Saratoga........ 63......... I I............ 1 6 15 2 I 45...... 2 I 1 10 Saratoga Springs.. 152 1 3 3 20 4 7 13 20 24 * 2 7.62 4 28 9 41 2 20 Stillwater......... 86.... 2.... 5............ 1 58...... 4 43...... 6...... 2...... I W aterford........ 161 1.5. 3 3 1 1 8 3-5...... 3 37 4............ 7...... 10'W ilton.......... 8. I........... I...... I J. 23............ 30 1 4..... 8 1 1 Total.......... 1,07"5 13 17 8 1 44 ~14 11 23) 87 404 11 98 2 _ 8 14| 5 _g _ _~ _ g "S(HENECTADY COUNTY. Duanesburgh...,. 246.... 1.................................. 27 1 1 53...... 2 8 11.... 5 Glenville........ 163 1......... 2 1.................. 42.... I 10.................. I7... 14, N isk ayuna.... 151......... 3............................... 5............ 3................... 5...... 4 Princetown.... 91............ I...................... I 1............ 2.................. 2 I......,Rotterdam....... 160.......... I.............................. 60 1...... 5 1...... 1 2 26'Schenectady city: 1st ward.. 56......... 3 1I...... 1 4 1... 9.................. 3...... * * * 2d ward.... 89 3.... 4........................ 10 I 10 1 3... 6 1 4 3d w ard.... 27'....................:.......... 4...... 2 3......................... 2 2 4th ward.. 177 5........ 2......... 1 1 30 2 1.9 1............ 14 1 10 5th ward.... 138....... 7 I I I 1 19 5 2 7 1 1...... 7...... 4 -Total Scnhonecy 8.... 1 1 2 3 6 7 9 9 38 3 4...... 30 4 2 154 CLASSIFICATION BY PLACE OF BIRTH. ST. LAWRENCE COUNTY-(CONTINuED). COUNTIES OF NEW YORK. TOWNS d... 0 *| b 2 ^ ~ g ~ ^ g j o ~ S ~ S bo ^ s - p s 5 ^ g S ^ H opkinton....... 1 10 [.. 5..................... 2 I........................ I........ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~,~.... I............. Lawrence.................. 4...... 5........................ 2 1 6 5'................ 4.......... Lisbon............... 7 20...... 8...... 2 6 2.... 3 8 8................ 1 2.. Louisville.................... 9...... 5.................. 8 4 1...... I................ 2.......... Macomb............. 27 93...... 13...... 1I...... 14 1...... 12 5 5..... 3.. M adrid.............. 4 9...... 5 I............ 1............. I................ 2 3 I1 I M assena.......... 6.14 1 2........................ 2 1 1 1...... I...... 3........... Morristown.......... -90 21...... 10...... 1I...... 108 5...... 11 2 2.......... 2 7.... N orfolk.................... -8...... 6.................. 1 3...... 4 2...................... 1I.... Oswegatchie......... 34 1 6, 4 13 1 5 16 47 24 2 63 8 3 3 1 32 9.... Parishville.... 2 1 ^...... 3................... 5 2 1 1...................... 7........... Pierrepont....... 1 3 ^~ 1 21 1 1 1 6 6 1 7...... 2.......................... Pitcairn.............. 29 65...... 19...... 4 1 2 6...... 3...................... 1 2.... Potsdam.......... 1 50 68 12 14 1 I I11 2 3 3 42 7.......... 4 14 3.... Rossie............... 28 177 1 20 1 1 1 10 3...... 22 2 1....... I Russell............... 33 209...... 25......... 14 1 2 28 4................ 3 18.. Stockholm........... 14 3 1 3....... 2 2...... 7.... 5................ 1 2 1.... W~addington..................... 2...... 2 1 1 3....... 2 1.......... 4.......... Total........ 7 |698 2 075 29 373 10 46 4 49 -a 367 1392 25|441 __81 | 23 |8 12 162 I _121 1 2 SARATOGA COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Ballston............. 5.............. I 3 1 3 8 11...... 1 2....... 3...... 6.......... Charlton............ 5 1............................. 38 7...... 2................ 1I............ 3 Clifton Park..... 1 5 2 2.................. 5 28 1 0....... 5......... 3...... 6 21.. Corinthsvi............................... 2 10 4............ 5 1.I.I D ay............. 7................... I................... 2...... 2 1......!..... I...........,...... 3.....Edinburgh....... 28 1 6 1....... 1................. 1 1 4.... Galw ay............. 1 6.............................. 27 19...... 4.......... 11:'I...... 1 9.... Greenfield....... 3 8 4 5...... 2 1 8 12 30...... 19 1...... 2...... 4 8 1 H adley........ 5.................. 5 19 4 1................ 1...... 1.... Halfmoon............ 5 2...... I....... 2 1 1.6 10......' 9................ 3 2 I M alta..e............... 5 1 8............ I...... 6 5...... 4...................... I........ Milton....... 5 1 3 20...... M oreau.............. 2 1 4 1........................ 1.......... Northumberland.. 7 8 3 1............,...... I7....... I I 1 3.... Providence....... 4...... 1I...... 1I...... I 1 7................... I................................ Saratoga......... 4 3 2 6.......... I I 14...... 3 3...... I...... 2 3 5 Sarataga Springs.. 6 17 25 20 2 6 12 21 67 135 3 42 13 5 10 3 7 26.... Stillwater........ 2 2................................ 1 3 12...... 4 1...... 8...... I.......... Waterford....... 1 2 2 1 2 1 3 10 is I 8 13 3 5 1 7' 2.... W ilton.......... 4 lo...................................... 3 9 2 1 1...................... 2 1 Total........ 82 114 61 66 8 _1 28 | 55 293 37 23 12 _58_ _8 48 |_ 47_ _89_ l5 SCHENECTADY COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Duanesburgh......... 11 1 2...... I I 1 235 13...... 9 5 3 1...... I 1 9.... -Olenville........ 2....... 1 4...... I...... 105 10 3 6 3...... 2...... 2 4 Niskay n............................................ 2 16 1...... 1 2 1.......... 1...... I Princetow n........... 3..................... 2... 32 2........................................ 2 Rotterdam...... 6...... 69 17.......... Schenectady city: 1st ward.. 4.... 4 | 2 2....... 492...... 1 2d ward.... 3 7 1 I.......... 12 2 2 1 2 1 2 3d w ard........ 2 1.................. 2...... 2............. Russelld.... 2 10 2 3 1......./ — 2 1 769 45.... 2 5.....'..7. 1 5. 3.. 1 5h w d..... 4/................. 3 2 51 2...... 9 3 2 1....... Total ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ /........1 3 6 1 9 1 0_23 _1_ 5 8| 1 5 _ 6 4 Bro me........... 1 2 3.............. 2 5 _ 1...............6 Ca rlingtoe....................... 1 3:... 4.......... 4 3........... 2 6.. Toteal c........... - 46 4.... 2 2...... 147 4 1 1 2 3 8....... f ula l ton............ 24................... 1.... 8 5...... 3 12........... 6.. Jefferson............1 I 1.............. 4 9...... 1 1 2... 1 8 1 C ha rlton....... 51..... 2....... 2 1...... 1...... 2...... 18 7...... 2............. 27.......3 ~ih o d il....5... 2 5........................ 10....... 1 1 5..........c. 3......... 652.... SC oh ri nt h......... 3.................. 1. 4 0 1 7 3... 3.. SewarO..............~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2............. 3 1 3... 1 1........ 0.. Sharon~~~.............. 33,..... 1............... 25 16..... 1...... 5.. 5 6 113.. Sd,ur mi............ 1............. 1...... 2 2...................... 1........,7.... Gaw a yh........ 1................... 2 4 1...... 4............ 11......... 1.... Grenfild........ 4 89 l 1 6 4 175 _ 72 10 | 4 4 12 |0 8 16 1 22 496 1_ CLASSIFICATION BY PLACE OF BIRTH. 155 ST. LAWRENCE COUNTY-(CONTINUED). COUNTIES OF NEW YORK. TOW'VNS. 0 cd " S' 1 1 i I I I * Z I | H opkinton.............................. 1,125 4.............................................................. 4.... La re c....1 4..... Lawrence. 1............................................ Lisbon................ 2............................. 26 91 2 Louisville.............. I.........-... 2406 2....,......... 5.... Macomb......... 3 1...... 1 9.... M adrid................ 3............. 1;392....... 2 4........................................ 2 1 1 M assena............ 2............. 1,782....... 1................................... I...... 1 6.... M orristown............ 8............. 1,123 16 3 3.............................................. 2 1 N orfolk................................... 1,003....... I........................................... 1 5 Oswegatchie. 2 21 1.....1. 5,660 16 13 2...." 1 4.................... 1 29 5 Parishville........... 4............. 1,298 1 2 3........................................ 2 3.... Pierrepont....... 2...................... 5 27 P itcairn.................................... 299 3....... 2.............................................. 1.. Potsdam................ 5............ 3,604 8....... I............ I...... 26 8 2 Posie r r2981 7 o n4t........................ 4............................ Russelln..................................... 2 10.... Stockholm...... 2............ 2,235 1 1............... 2................................... 7.... W addinffton......................... 1,710.............. 4.................................. 2 1 Total.......... _8 104 __1 1...... 46,850 159 40 | 51 5.. 55 2_ 1 II 1 80 366 1 22 SARATOGA COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Ballston.......... 104......~............. 1,230 81 13.... I 1 2 1...... 5 3 17 1 Charlton............... 2.5...... I....... 12,041 145 12.............................................. 4.. CliftonPark'........2........ 4............ 1,6 30 123 12............ 5 19 7 Corinth................ 20............. 4 1.033 2 8............ I........................ 136 32.. Day................... 4............ 2 951 3 2........ I I........................ 31 20.... Edinburgh...........:.... 11,004 11 2........ I............................ 31 7.... Galwayd............... 2........,.. 1,713 3 4.............................................. 14.... Greenfield...... I 54.......... 5 1,887 13 26........ 2 5........................ 55 53 2 H adley................ 12................... 597 1 4........................................ 91 17.. Halfmoon.......... 02 1821 11 16........ 2................ 2 2 21 38 1 M altn................. 42................... 813 7 2.... 1..................... 1 2 25 3 Milton................. 157............ 2 2, 777 64 23] 1 4.... I 8 2 3 4 19 98 2 M oreau.......... I 72............ 2,' 030 2 9................ 1............. 309 218 4 Northumberland.......... 78............ I 813 22 7....................... 1 2 2 68 131 3 Providence............. 11............ 2 1,148 4............................. I...... 3 7..... Saratoga................ 162........ 1 2,153 2 7....... 2 1...... 2 1 30 243 1 Saratoga Springs.. 20 284............'6 3.350 66 30.... 1 2 2...... 2 2 12 71 317 10 Stillwater.................... 1....... 1,827 3 12,. 19..................,............ W aterford.............. 312...... I 1 1,571 7 15 |.... 2 2.... I I...... 4 21 67 5 W ilton................... 59 2..................................... 22 84 3 Total.......... 30 2g207 2 4J 30 J292313 579 I 226 I 12 14 12 11 11 lo1 33 934.|l,516 42 SCHENECTADY COUNTY-(CONTINUED). D2 afnesburgh........... 2......... 12 1,933 206........ I...... 12 1 Glenville........... 192 1,761 29................ 4 3 5..... Niskayuna..................... 31 403 9........ 2...................... I...... 1 I Princetow n............. 2................... 2 707 14 i....................................................... Rotterdam....... I. 36................... 33 1,470 31.'.. "....................................... Schenectady city:. 1 Ist ward.......... 16................... 63 747 11.................................. 4...... 13 1 2d ward.......... 81 13..... 1 2............... I...6.... 3d ward....... lo............. 22 1,077 3............. 4th ward........... 1 129 1,410 44.... 2.................... 6 1 11 2 Pro ide c....-...... I............I.... I.......I.... 3...... 1............,.... Total Schenec'dy 5 151............ 3 372 5,943...... 22 5...... 1 11 2 3 3, Srtogal............ 9 34 1 1 _ 4 6 2 2.22 7.... 30 2 3 _ 5 1j _ 7 _ _ _ 5 _ Blenheim~~ ~ ~.......... 8 1......... 21' 5 2 95............1..... 1...... 1.... Sarao g a Sprin........ 20 t......I...........'..... 1,474|............/ 1 2 / 1......] 2 2 / 2.............. Strillwae.. r..................... 618 1 3 0............... 1 51/.... C obleskill. ~ ~ 5....... 1 18.............. 6,7 9 1,97.........1....I.,....1............ 1...... 5.. Water f ord.......... 21..........1.... 4 8 2........... 1......... F ulton.. ~ ~ ~{.....'...I 1, 7 1 1 5.....2 2............. 1 9 5 2 3 6........... 41 21 11 55..... M iddl burgh......... 1...... 1..... 3 192, 587 2....I..:................. 15... 2 1 S h h re....... 1. 18................... 4 9 2 3 8........,.......... 3 2.. iSaesbur gh..... [........1 80 1....:...-.... ~. - 1 2 1 7 1,.3 3 93 0.......!....I m....l................. 1 3......I 12... Glernv il................. 4 1......1....... 1 3 1 9 2 1,76139....... 3....}......!......}..,.... 4 1 3 1 5 1.. Sum mit..........~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~...... 37.................. 2, 8......... 111.1....... 21 5 1.. Wright~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/..../..../!....1............/....... 1 8118...................../........ 1.... To a.... /...... __ _ _ g _._. _ L -3 _ 5 2 0 5 43 _2 i 1 _ _ 5 _ _5 _ 4 6.1 |. 7 | 4 _7 156 CLASSIFICATION BY PLACE OF BIRTH. ST. LAWRENCE COUNTY-(CONTINUED). COUNTIES OF N. Y. UNITED STATES. TOWNS. o | co ~ I 1 I ~I C, ~ g I H opkinton....................i...... 1,352.......... 7......I............. 2.... 1.................... 2.. Lawrence...............1...... 1,582............ 12......i............ 2...... I.................. I. 2 L s o...... 1.......... 3 5 8....... 1 1.......... 5..................... 2 3 Loisbon l.............. 1, 9...... 2............. 3 548.... II....................... L aouisv lle...................... 1,496 2......... 2................ 4......... I.................. I..... M adrib............................. 1,459........... 11.................. 4................................... 1 M adrida.......... 2............ 51, 921........... 7 I................. M r it w....... 4..... 1 41........... 4.............. 2........................... 1.... Lawr ene 2................. 1 Lisbonatc i4..................... 5...... M orristown.............. 48 4.................................. Madrf ol........' 1,674............ 1...... 2.................. Oswegatc hi e'...... 2....... 446............ 3. 1 2......... 1 4 Potisdamlle.............. 1159......... 29............. I I....... 4..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1.............. P er e o t...... 1.....::: 674............. 122 4......... 3 Pit-cairn~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~................... 44......... 3............ I.............. P:otsdamo................:42159....-......./ 29::..:::::.. I:::.,..... 2...... 4 R ossie........... 1 1, 0..........,..... 4........................... R ussell................. 1..... 2,061............. 21.................. 2 1........................ 5 Stockholm........................... 2,617............ 24............. 2...... 2.................. 6.... W addington.............. 1,763..........'.'5 I I............................ Total.......... 14 9 50 5. 2 107 14. SARATOGA COUNTY-(CON.TINUED). Ballston........... 3.............1,646............ 36.................... 1 1 Charlton......... 2............ 11344..............." I............................. 3 Clifton Park,314......... 2............... 2 3 3 1 Corinth..... 1........... 1,321 1................................................. I D ay........... 1,072.............. 1...................... 2.... Edinburgh........ 3 1,221............ 12............ 3..:.......................... I Galw ay.......... 4...... 1,889............. 18s.................................................. 4 1.... Greenfield: I' —...../ 30..... 6 4...... 1.................. 2 2 H adley............................ 822............ 4.................................................. H alfnmoon........ 5............ 2,530............ 13.......... 1 1 1..........................::........!....,...,,.... M alta'... G........ 4,........... 15..................... I................. M ilton........... 2 1 3,686.59.................. 11 I 1................... 13 4 M oreaus 4.........,..... 1,4............ 137.................. 1.... Northumberlan'd... 3...... 1 1,381............. 22.................. 3 2............. 6.... Providence......................... 1,245 3................................................ I............... Saratona......... 6....... 2,:1.......... 2,810....................... 6 4 Saratoga Springs.. 29............ 5,046........ 3 -78...'... 1 1 11 3 4....... 9 4. 21 10 Stillwaterh......, 1 15............ 2,435.... I I 11.................................................... W aterford........ 11 I....... 2... 4 33.................. 2 6 4'W ilton............. 3 2...... 1,237'.............................3............................ I Duanesburgh.9 2,853 2................ 1..................................... 1 Glenville......... 3............ 2,500............ 6.................. 5 1 I............. Niskayuna....... 2. 1................... I...... Princetow n....... I............ 865............ 2................................................................. R otterdam................... 1 1,941............ 3.................. 4............................... 1.. 8chenectady city:.st ward........................ 068 2...................................... I1... 2dfmoon. ard..... 5............ 21,141 2........ 21.................. I.................. d w ard................ 1,049......,..... 4................................................... to w ard............ 1....... 1,184.................................................... 5thoreau d... 5........ 1,796.............136..............:.... 6 1...... 1......?.....'.. I.'......... 1 Total~~~~~ 1,381ca'........2....... 790 4.......:.' 357............ 1 2............ 3... Total~~~ ~~~ ~......... 2...| 1 1,1.... 7....... 9 _4 _3 _ _ _1..*. _4 Blenheim~.........'...!.....:.. 1,12.......... 7................................ Carlisle ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~:..........................:163........ 3..............................-. Ooblesk~~l..... 3............ 2,810............ 98.....J.............. 2................:.................. Conesville ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~:........ 5............. 129........2.............................*.*.... Esperance.............. 1 25......... 61............. 1t:...... 2........:... Pulton....................... 2,7430............ 1.................. 3..................................... Oilboa ~ 1..... 4.......... 2, 2313..'......... 22......!................. 2..........,................. 1 Jeff rson.....................,605.......... 3.......... o 1..................o........ M iddlbur....... 1....... 3,10.......!5 0............................... Schoh rie...... 1.......... 2, 8......'.... 10..............................., 1 1 Seward...........................~~~~. 1,6 2..,...,........ 1..................... 1.. Sum mit.......... 1....... 1, 5....... 1...!...... 3.......... 1.... 1.. W right.......... 1.........,1,530....... 3...... 3...... 1............1...........'...... 1.* Total~~~~~~~ 8.:.. 3............... 3 1 3142...J........ 16.^..:. 3| 1 2| 2............. _J L I _ L 1 CLASSIFICATION BY PLACE OF BIRTH. [57 ST. LAWRENCE COUNTY-(CONTINUED). UNITED STATES. TOWNS. | I. I H opkinton....... * 33 2.................. 44............ 6...... 1 2............ 295...... 4... Lawrenc.... 6 2 1...... 6...... 2............. 4.............. 505...... 3... Lisbon.......... 16 1................. 17 8...... 4...... 6 1............ 84 1 3.... Louisville....... 24 1.................. 19.............................. I............ 117...... I1... M acomb............... 1 4 3...... 5... 1 5............ 3.... 2... M adrid........,.., 39 4............... 13 2...... 1I...... 1 3............ 160 I..... M assena........ 47 5.................. 31 6 1 6....... 2.................. 231... 2... M orristown.... 14........................ 8 2...... I...... 1`2............ 42.................. N orfolk......... 16...... 1............ 42. 1.................. 1................... 220...... 4... Oswegatchie... 91 8............ I 34 7 1 26...... 16 16... 3... 240. 3 7 3 Parishville....... 30 2..,............... 109............ I............. 3............. 358 I. 6.... Pierrepont....... 39.................:....... 40 8....... 1I...... 1 2............ 336...... lo.'.. Pitcairn......... 10...................... 8............ 2............ I............ 37...... 1I... Potsdam.......... 132 6 2...... 2 100 5 1 7....... 7 4............ 825 1 13... Rossie........... 25 3........... 11 I.................. 3 2....... 58.................. Ru sell.......... 66 1................... 13 I...... I...... 2 1............ 143...... 4... Stockholm....... 34 3............... 112 i....... 4...... I 4............ 510...... 6... W addington.... 26 I......... 9 3 I... 1...... 4.................... 71............... Total.......... 1,151 64 6 _ 3 _ 6 901 70 3. 89...... 70_ 7 6 I... 15,629_ lo 86 __ SARATOGA COUNTY-(CONTINUEDl). Ballston......... 28 4............ 1 9 13...... 2............ I....I........ 26 1 4... Chariton........ 8 3~............. 1I... 11....... I...... 5.................. 16 1 1... Clifton Park... 10 4.................. 2 5...... 4...... 4 2....... 22...... 7... Corinth......... 29 1.......... 7 -4..................... 6...... 0......... D ay......... 14 I....................... 3.;....................... 3............ 28..... I............. Edinburgh....... 33........................ 4 2................. 3 lo............. 38................... Galway..... 28............................... 1...... 1 2........................ Greenfield.... 40 4............... 7 6.......2...... 9 24.... 1.... 70... 3... H ~adley.......... 27' 2................ 3 3.................. 2.................. 46 2............ H~alfm oon....... 21......................... 2 6............. 3 1.. 4.... 18........ M alta...... 7 4.................. 3 5...... 1I...... 1 2............ 21 1 1... M ilton........... 0 6............ 2 19.- 12...... 8...... 8 17............ 110 2 3... M oreau........... 3-1 4 1............. 7 5 11 2....... 2 16............. 75....... 1I... Northaumb-erland.. 31 2............. I 5 7................... 2 8........... 38 2 9... Providence.......,6;................. 2....... 2...... 3 3............ 5................ Saratog~a......... 67 2................... ^13 9... 3...... 5 28....I. 40 6 1... Saratoga Springs... 187 9. 3 1 5 "61 29 2 15...... 28 11.... I1 1 285 10 14... Stillwater....... 36 2.................... 9 3.-...... 2'... 9 3.... 3.... 21 2' 1 " 1 W aterford....... 38 2.........I......... 9. 13 1 -4...... 8 2 1 1... 46 3 1... W ilton.......... 14.............................. 4.................. 1 5.......... 25 2...... 1 Total'..-.... 764- 50 4. 1 10] 162| 141 __4 49....... 94 144 1 10 1| 97 8' 32. 46 _ 2 SCHENECTADY COUNTY-(CONTINUED). D uanesburgh.. 18..................... 2 8...... I 1 3 1............ 7. 1 3... Glenville 3................. ~. ~. 5......wI...... 3 1.,oeov iae....... 6...... I.......... N iskayui....................... 4.............. Princetow n................................................................................. 4...................... 2...... R otterdam...... 15 1......................... 7.............................. 2.................. Schenectady city: Lawrence..-:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...... I....... 1st w ard......1....................... 2 2...... I...... Lisbon~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.........j 1 j i. 7'.........1784...... 2d ward... 17.............................. 3 1...... 3d ward.... 2.. 6.............. 5 1............ 4thoward... 34 I 3......... 7 11 I 1..................... 813 3 4 1 5th w ard.............. 1 4...... 3...... 7.................. 6 1............ Tota Scee'd 395 / 6...... 4.... 1 22 2' 8... 16 0 2 8... 7 8 5 1 T otal.......... 15 31...... 4.....4,4,o.1,,1 __ 7 _ 6.. 5 | 10 M __ Blnh i..... 8/.................... 4.......... 1.... 1 2 1... Broome~~~~~~~........ 6.............................. 1......... Cob es ill..... 7 1..................... 4......... 5............ 2...... 1... Esperan e...... 13................ 1 6................ 8.......... 6 2....... Morritown................. 1............. 8 2...... 1............ 7......... Gilboa...... 1 0 1[....... 1 4.................. 841............ 11............ orfe sol n..... 21 1......... 1......'". 4.... / 1................... M iddleburgh~~~ ~~~~......t. 42............ 1....[..... 1 1....... 4......... Richmon ville... 7..................... 1 1... 1................J. 62...... 1...... Oswegachie...'. 8 1.:............... 2 1 [.... 4.... 16 8...... 3.... 140 3........ P ea risvil......... 6,....../,...../......... 20....1..............: 1 3........ 3 5 2 6 1...... lSierr on;..........j 6 39 /'' "'............ 4 0 8...... 1...... 3 2...... 36...... 10 1 4...... SuP itcar........'. 70.................... 8 2......................... 1.... 1... Poig ts dam....... 1............. 17.................. 1 I... 12..... 13.............ota.... J 5 [.......18 8 _........ 1 11.... 1734_ 4 _1......,. 5....458........ 72|.9. 1....... 158 CLASSIFICATION BY PLACE OF BIRTH. ST. LAWRENCE COUNTY-(CONTINUED). STATED S. FOREIGN COUNTRIES. TOWNS. I I1 E —i i 11 0 H opkinton.......................... 0'''.... 10...... 1......... Lawrence........ 2,223............. 194 1...... 12 1............ 279...... Lisbon.................. 3,712........................ 332............ 104...... 2...... 820......I......'2 Louisville......... 1,666............ 25................... 182............ 1 M acomb.................. 1,445........................ 155........... 79 1 2...... 72............ M adrid.................. 1, 98..................... 164.......... 44 698...... 182...... 4...... 150................. M assena............ 2,264......................... 350............ 12 -,..... 9....... 99........... M orristown........ 1,528......................... 158............ 62...... 3...... 57.................. N orfolk................. 1,430........................ 343............ 27.................. 66.................. Osweogatchie..............6, 987......................... 2,204............. 290 10 37...... 1, 342........ 5 Paisvil..........7 6 Parishville............... 2,047......................... 166............ 14.................. 79.............. P ierrepont................ 2,134........................ 152............ 18.................. 95................. Pitcairn......... 506.....40.................. 4................... Potsdam................. 5,352........................ 580............ 55 2 3...... 354...... 12 Rossie.......... 1,429........................ 134.............. 151..................... 26.......... Russell..............I.... 2,322........ I............ 170............. 26...... 2...... 74.................. Stockholm........ 3,326........................ 204............'7 2'............ 211.................. W addington............. 1,895........................ 321............ 47...... 3...... 250............ I Total............. 7,914 1...... I,293 44 85 1 5, 851.......24 SARATOGA COUNTY (CONTINUED). Ballston....... 1,776........................ 6............ 47...... 19 5 215................. Charlton................ 1/430........................ 4............ 36....... 10....... 74................... Clifton Park............. 2,394........................ 8............ 55 1 50...... 148.................. Corinth................. 12,419........................ 17............ 11 I I...... 41.................. D ay................... 1,137......................... 10............. 1............ 34......................... Edinburgh............... 1,327......................... 5............ 4...... 1 6 14.................. Galw ay.................. 1,953........................ 8............ 52...... 43...... 104.................. Greenfield............... 2,560......................... 14............ 29 5 13...... 216.................. H adley.................. 922........................ 3............ 12...... 9...... 112.................. H alfm oon................ 2,603........................ 49............ 40 3 24....... 301.................. M alta................... 1,064......................... 9............ 17 1 3 1 92.................. M ilton.................. 4,071 1.................... 95............ 140 4 67...... 479............ 3 M oreau.................. 1,948........................ 73............ 23 2 6...... 193.................. Northumberland' "........ 1,519........................ 26............ 19...... 1 2....... 128............. 1 Providence...... 12............'.. 2...... 2...... 3.................. 16 1.................. Saratoga........... 2.... 3,022...................... 35.............. 45...... 14....... 580.................. Saratoga Springs.......... 5,853 21................... 121............ 135 8 81 1 1,028 1............ Stillwater............... 2,544........................ 26............ 72...... 19...... 378 W aterford.............. 2,500....................... 6.......... 8 6 3I..... 6 4 W ilton.................. 1,302....................... 15............ 9 4 4...... 25.................. Total...... ~ -......|.......... 2 590............ -81I' 406 4 4.... _..8 SCHENECTADY COUNTY —(CONTINUED). Duanesut'h, 9 1 051 05............. 2 910 |....~........|............ 2............ 3 10...... 85................... Glenville................ 2,570................... 1 5......!...... so 6 1 6 129.................. Niskavuna............... 707........................ I...... 13 1 59 3 58............. Princetow n.............. 873......................... 4............ 5...... 25...... 11 o................... Rotterdam................1,976........................ 2............ 68 1 148 1 56.................. Schenectady city:. 1st ward............. 1,116............ 7.......... 31 5 94 8 122 1............ 2d,w ard............ 1 22............ 2...... 8... 6...... 125...... 12...... 8............ 3d w ard............ 1,875 i........................ 9............. 74" 3 204 i...... / 385............ I...... 4th ward...........::2,239 11....1.... ~....1............. | 9|...... /...... 6900 7 I 243 ] 1/ 919...... t 1 I...... 5t'"'.......... "1 868................... 4.......... 49___'-'"','12.........,"I.....,...: ~ otalchena'.... I.... 8,318............ 2 I....... 37 1...... 29 17 93 1 81 1 1...... Total......'.... I....'.... ] 17,354 11..;.......!.... _ 2 [ 1 | 51 [| 1 I......I 516 _ 28 il,368 t 21 /1,158 [| 1 [ 1 |...._.. SCHOHARIE C(OUNTY —(CoNTINUED). Blenheim........ I.... I.... 3,162 1I.... l.... I.... I...... l......;' 1 I...... I.............. I...... 15 I...... ] 19 1...... 1....... }...... Br o e......... 1.... l.....,942........ /.... /...... 1...... 4......I...... 3...... 5...... 2............;...... ~,' sk l......... 2,29.............. I..... 3...... 3... 2...0......... Oo e v le.......... 1, 3....................... 1......... 8...... 1.... 1.................. Esperan'........ 1 3 2....................... 1........ 14... 13.... 7 4............ Esperanc....... /.... /.... ] 1 3 21.... 2, 6.... /.... 1...... l...... / 1 /:..... 1...... / 1~...... 2/ 17 /...... 1234...... /...... ]....... (J lboa.................. 2,303.... /.................... 1 1............................... 56.................. Jefferson.........,........ 1,679........................ 4............ 1.................. 27.................. M iddleburgh............. 3,140....'................... 6............ 3 13 45...... 40.................. Richmondville........ /.... 2,078 l/....t.'.I.".......... ~...... 1...... ~....../ 7....... 20/....../ 141 /......';"'/......... Schoharie........ /.... ].... /2,947 1{....1... d... ]...... }........ 6 | 1 ]......d 9 |2 |65 ]...... } 91 ]......]......!...... Seward......... 1, 4.....'....... 2................ 1......... Sharon................... 2,481.................. 7].... 16............ 13 1 26 -1 54.................. Stu nm it................. 1,787!........................ 3............ 2...... 13 1 8.................. *W right................. 1,549...........,............ 3........... 3...... 3...... 25......;........... Total..-..-........ 3,065- I........,............ __ 3 ^ 2... [ _ 8 19 -- - - _ 2 _ _ 45.......,_._...... CLASSIFICATION BY PLACE OF BIRTII. 159 ST. LAWRENCE COUNTY-(CONTINUED). FOREIGN COUNTRIES. TOWNS. I C~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ H opkinton...............-7...-..-.T...-.....-......... -3-.......... 1............. 1 6... 2 Lawrence.......................... 3........................ 490... 6 Lisbon~~~ ~~................................... 9............................... 1 1 3 1 1 1 Louisville........................................................................... 571......... 7M aceomb...'...............,............,..........,... 32...................... 343........ M adrid..... [.. [ ] 7]"'....[] [ [ ]]..... 1................ 49.................... 40... 2 M assena................~~~~ ~~. 3.............................. 1.......................... 405' M asrseo na............,..................................... 47o.,........;... 1... 2... 2 N orfolk............................... 5i............................ 2......' 443... 3 0swegatchie....................... 0.................. 1.......... 1 4,011 2 91 Parishville............. 1............ 1..................... 2 1... 11 P e r p n.............. 4......... 6.................. 2.... 277.... 1 P itcairn................................ 2.................. 1................ 52.......... Potsdam......... 2............ 1............ 44 1........................... 1,054 " 33 R ossie.................................. 6.................. 1..'.............. 388 2 17 B ussell........................... 6...............t................ 2 1..... 2 Stockh lm....................................;...... *2........................... 28 432...2 Sa dn tockholm................................... 3.................. 1... 1...... 7363 1 T tl.............. 14~4.~... 6 5 |...... 98 | I _ 2 _ 2 _ 8.. _ 5 _ 2 1, 5 _9 40 Tot~ 0~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~40~ SARATOGA COUNTY —(Co~TINUED). Ballston........................................;............. 5............................ 1...... 298..... 15 Charlton................ 1.............. 11............ 12......................................... 148..... 11 ol if tonPark........ 2................................ 3.................. 6................ 276..... 41 Cori nth..................................................... 2........................................ 72........... Li ay................ 90.................................. 45 1 2 E disville................................................... 41................................... 30........... M alo ab................ I.................................................................... 3 43...... 4 M adr i d............1............................ 49...............I...................6..... 40 Edinulr g................. 3............................................................................. 4.. H lMorrs own.............................. 45............................ 1...... 326...... 27 Galway............................................................................................ 24 3..... 3 reetnf ie........................................ 2................................... 1 186 1. 27 Ha rdeys.................................................. I......................................... 11 308 1 2 ot h moeon l............................................................................ 2...... 2 47..... 2 Pi vaidn c.......................................................................................... 2.......... Milt od a.............................. I............ 16.............................. 16054 2 33 r or ga S........... 4................................ 7.................. I........ 1 308 2 40 r thuss e rl................................................................... 2............... 1 22 t rodkholm.................18.................................... 22 436 Sa ri ton............................................................................ 57..... 3 Total......... 71 14 4 9 1 1... 7........ 984.............. 65 2 6 16,3125 9 340 SARANETOAD COUNTY-(CONTINUED), Sa ra.tongs.......................................... 22,....................... 31...... 48 Ch r llter................. 2........................... 12.................................. 5 1 0..... 28 C i.ato nP ark............................................................................... 176..... 4 2 rinlt o n........................................................................................ 7 3...... 5 D o t ray m..............................................22..........., 1.................. 2................ 311 1 2 Tohnetal yciy.........I2 9 1tI.... 35 Edinburgh d.................................................. 1. 30... Galway wad................. 4................ 245 4 Gre nfeld...w................ I....................... 3.................................. 3...... 286..... 8 4l thill ar............................................ 19.... 4................................ 4 0..... 7 M isayu na..................t...............................I... 1 0' h........... I.... I.................................................................... 308 7 2 2 N or talShm elan d y..............6.................................................. 21............,343 22 Pr videtown..........1.................... 74............... 8 25 4 __....53..... 3 4 BRlenat m........................................................................................... 3692 16 S arato ga Spri.......................'...............................1 9.1..........'................. 314'. 1 s tiwarl..................................... is.................. I.... 14..... 11 W aterfordl................I.................................. 4...................................... 8122.... 23 Cwirond............. 7 E s a2cI.................................................. 5 7 3duwtrdn......................... Totai.......... 2 9.......... 17................................................. 6 3925... 354 4thJ e wrdo.................................... 22.................. I4..... 9 ~ __';" rgh.................................'.......................'. 108 Gle mn dville............. 1................. 7........... 15..................... 2................ 440... 28 N skhoayuna...................................................... 2I........................................ 136... 29 P r ne twnrd................................................................................................ 5 3.... 2 ShRotte dam................................. 22...............I11.................. 2................. 3113... 2 Scenctdyciy......... ISu it wa d........................................ 33........1.................................... 3 2 7 I Tot ward.... y 1...... 234.......... 136...... I...... 214 4........, 3435 3d ward................................................. 29.........................1............. 717......... Total......................_.. 1................... __ 2 4. 490 9 Bleheimr.... I.... I I........... 6............ -6......................I.................,. 475........, 236 160 CLASSIFICATION BY' PLACE CF BIRTH. SCHUYLER COUNTY. COUNTIES OF NEW YORK. TOWNS..77777.......~~C tDd C Cathar ^ ine ~ ~= ~ " Catharine.......... 1 187 7.... 2 5 11 24.......... Cayata.......... 5 1 7...... 4...... 70 3...... I 1 5 4............ 1.1 Dix............. 16 28 15 1 35 3 675 15...... 5 14 17 20...... I I.... 2 11 Hector........... 17 16 5 2 62 3 103 13 4 10 24 66 87 5.... I 1 7 17 Montour............... 7 6 7 9 2 122 5 1 2 2 18 7 1 2 8 1 1 Orange........... 10 3...... 1 15 2 - 47 6...... 20 7 11 17............ 3...... 2 Readingo.....'.... 2 10 3...... 8......' 30 5...... 4 3 16 1.... 10 ~s~ 3~...... 83o7 Reading ~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~..::::....::,..... Tyrone.......... 5 8 2............ 10 3 8 32 1..... 7 4 3 Tyrot..........41 1 63 5 57 60 139 207 8 3 2 119 IS 3 9 75''"- 15]....___]_. SENECA COUNTY. Covert............ 7 2 8...... 44 2 6 3...... 2 4 20 38 2.... 2.......... 6 Fayette................ 4 1...... 70 1 3 3...... 6 3 1 1 10.. I 4 5 2 Junius........... 22 4...... 3 12 1....... 1I...... 10 1I...... 22 8.................. 3 Lodi........... 3 4 3 1 28 I 11 I 1 2 1 1 7 8........................... Ovid............ 6 2 3....... 42 2 11 6...... 1 4 13017 2 Romulus......... 2...... 4 1 35 1 8 3............. I 1 13 1................... 2 Seneca Falls...... 45 8 13 1 304 3.21 16 4 15 3 1 2 24 33 2.... 2 1 2 14 Tyre.......... 8.................. 54...... 1 3 2...... 12...... 2........ 2 3 Tyre........... 3 / Varick............ 3 1 1 I 42 1....... I............. 3 8 6 1.................. 2 Waterloo........ 16 3 7 1 90 5 5 6 1 15 7 3 38 8 2.... I 6 4 Total.......... 112 2 40 28 | 721~ 17 66 43 7 53'55 65 188 55I 7. -2| 7 j. 26_ _37 STEUBEN COUNTY. Addison...... 3 6 29 1 7 2 47 92.... 2 23 24 14 3... 1 1 1 2,.12.. 2 / ~...... 3 2 71 Avoca.... 8 12 4:::::::...... 1 6 6 Bath...... 9 36 10 14 25. 5 U2 33 2 27 26 35' 39 10 5...15 5 47 Bradford m 3 4. 1 6 6. 8 4 9/........ 2..... 12 Cameron......... 7 11.14...... 10...... 10 23....... 5 3 13 9...... I........ 2 1 Campbell.................. I Canisteo......... 3 13 2 4 9 5 19 17...... 5 7 11 11...... 4........ 1 4 Caton........... 3 4 21....... i 12...... 7...... 1 2 iohocton........ 5 13 5 3'21 1 2 6...... 3 11 6 10 6'........ 11 5 Corning.......... 32 31 75 8 45 10. 255 95...... 14 28 58 44 16 1 1 1 12 6 Dansville........ 2 54 1 4 6...... 3 5............. 3 2 3 3 1........ 9 3 Erwin.......... 3 10 24...... 7 1 57 28...... 3 41 8.........1 3 Fremont..... 6 22............ 3............. 6 1 1 4 1 2...... 2.... I1...... 2 Greenwood...... 6 40............. 2 3........ 1............ 5 2 2 4........................ H~artsville....... 2 48...... 2 1.... 5 3...... 1 8 3 2 3........ 1I... Hornby 4...... 4 4 i 4 4...... 1...... 1 8.............. I....... Hornellsville..... 25 338 60 48 55 33 51 52 1 16 29 34 14 26 4... 2 21 2 Howard......... I 20.2 2 23 3 18 24....... 6 4 3 6 1 2.......'3 2 Jasper.......... 1 12 19 3 40...... 3 32...... 1 19 6 6 3........ I1 1 2 Lindley.......... 2 6 is....... 3...... 20 29....... 1 6 12 7...... I....... I I Prattsburgh...... 15 11 1I... 22 * 1 13 12 3 14 5 8 18s 2.....15 4 8 Pultney...... 5........ 9 2 1/ 22 1............ 1 5 Rathbone........ 3 9 20 1 3 5 27 33...... 6 4 5 4 2.................. 2 Thurston....... 4 4...... 6...... 13 7...... 1 1 27 4 2 11 Troupsburgh..... 2 18.9 2 22'4 1 127...... 4 50 15 3 1 I......... 4 2 Tuscarora.... 5 7 7...... 14...... 6 115..,. 3 7 16 9.-.......................... Urban 2......... 2 6 2.................. 3 2 Wayland............. 21 2 3 5' 5 4. 5 2 1 10.3 3 10.... 2 2 7 1 W ayne.......... 6- 1 2 1 1 6...........0......... 2 4 9 1 2.... 2 1...... West.nion........ I 11 W heeler......... is 9 1 1 2...... is............ 1 2 5 11 2....... 2...... 4 Woodhull........ ~9 6 12 23 9 14 2 0 6...... 5 7 22 18 8 1 1...... 4..... Cornliavng... 1............... 32........... 75 12 1 4 11 10 5........ 14.2]5 8J 4 }16 10 [ 1 H urwing o...... J 1 1 0 21...... 1.....................' 2...... 2......... 1 Islip............. ~~~~ 5. 4.......1.......... 2 2... 1.... 3 1... R i e e d...... 1...... 3........... 1............. 1... 6............... Sr elter I l n.................i.............................................. Sou ham ton..!............... 1...... 1...4 1 2...... 1 3 1........... "1, Greenwold........ 5......... 1 2..... 3............ 6 1.... T ot l........ 7 5 | 40.... 4]7 ] ] 3 2 j. - 1 3 | 1 5.... 4:_ _ _ 3 Betsvlel...,... 9........... 48'.... "".......1...... 3 5....... 1 5 Gochecton........ ~ ~~ ~~~~~ 3... 4......... 1 1... 5... 0 5................... 3 Fallsburgh.......8..... 2............. 3 1 1 *...... 3 3............ 2 F r e t u g...................................... 13.... 7.......'.......... 2... 8 Fremo t.... ~.4 10..... 1................ 5 14...... 5..... 15 1,............. 6 Libewrty......... 8,.7 4.............. 2o..... 83 2! 5.3............. 2..... 46 ( otne n a- 6. CLASSIFICATION BY PLACE OF BIRTH. 161 SCHUYLER COUNTY-(CONTINUED). COUNTIES OF NEW YORK. Oath rin............ 1............ 1............ 1,,2 32.... 2 23..... TOWNS. ~ ~~ Dix............. ~ ~... 21 7i 9 1 9 1 6 1 6 2 2 2!9 5.. 6 2 Ca aine.............. I 1 2 3.. 2 4 12 238 3 T yrone.......................... 42 Totharie............... 1 72....... 14 2 25.... 43 44 8 5 12 |275.........0. | 19 8 38 overta............... 12............... 1 1..... 10 1....... 2... 165.......... 2 9 Dix.......... 21 7. 9 1 9 17 16 14 2 6 2 27 21'49 5.... 6 20 IT Hector.......... I 1..... 2 12 9 1 27 1 14 15 5 98 2 5 14 50 lontour............. 11 5 1.... 5 5 12 5 6 7 11 5 13 40 2 1 7 3 Orange............ 7................ 2 1 1 51 34....... 19 5 6 47 3 1 23 8 Romulus~~~~ ~~ ~....3.. 2 6..... 2... 4 1 2 2 2 2 1 1..... re............. 3 2 7 1 5 12 11 38 19 6 11 4 TYrone............. 12 2.......... 4 1 3 7 10 1 7 2 12 51 2...... 10 13 Wateloo........ 1 8 1.... 6 5 1 19 2 35 4 6 64 14 4 5 24 0 6 Total.......... 1 7 1 6 14 2 25 43 442 18 66 1 20 9 89 89 SENECA COUNTY-(CONTINUED). C overt............. 2............ 4 I 1 78 3 10 3 2 2 35 5 2 9 F a............... 0.... 5' 2 3 4 5 18 0..... 8 6 25 6 1.:.... 15 2 Junius........... 1...... 5 Oidi................. 1 3........... 1 4.... 2 1 6 4 Ovid...................... 2i4 3 1...... 9 1.......... 4 3 R omulus.. I........ 1 2 17.......... 4 2 Oao........... 1... 1... 1 1 2.......... 9 5 1 3... 6 4 1 Se neca P.alls.... 31 2g 15 32 416 14 8 133 131 16 31 1l Tyre............. 1 20 7 1 3 5 3 2 13 1 32 2 4 Dasvll.......... 1 191 78 2 10 0 4 1 8 1 2 26 Vyrei........ 6 3 2...... 1 28 re o.......... 19 7I..... 1 4 3 3....... 2 1 2.. 1 2.. Waterloo......... 8 13...... 6...2 19 2 1 1 64 174 34 52.... 10 6. Total........... 1.. 24. 53. 621 30 90 159 45 218 277 53 204 15 54 44 44 STEUBEN COU~NTY —(CoNTIN~UED). Addisorn................ 8 1 4 3 9....... 5...3 1 2 6.. 2 Avoca......... 1. 25 6 10...... 1 5 [ 2 Boath......... 1 2 6 3.. 1 3 143 II 2 32.... 16.....5... 52 Badfor............ 2 1.......... 6 17 1 24 2 1 43 4. Cam eron........ 1 I......... 5 9 2 22 4...... 4 3 Campbell........ 1..... 1 2.... 3 1 12 4 20 89...... 15 16 3 4 49 16 Canisteo......................... 1 5 11 5 7 8 1 9 14 2...... 9 Cat on......... 2....... I.... I 1 2....... 9 1 3 8l.... 6 6 9 46 Cohoton o........ I.... 41 9 20 4 3 4.... 16 1 114 4 6 56 1 1 Corning......... 11 18 3 1 46 20 71 8 34. 53 4 2 3 7 41 32 72 4. 14 140 5 Ubansvilte.......... 3 1 1 1 185 2 10 10 4 21 8. 15 1 16 2. 2]12 36 Erwin............ 6 8 1.... 1 61 2 1 42 13 2 1 4..... 3.... Fremnt........... 13 14 3 31........... 2 3 3.... 1 29 Greenwt Uoi................ 1....... [ 2...... 2 8 / 2 4 9.... 52............ Greelerw............................ 6 1....... 2...... Hartsville...... 1................ 76. 11 4...... 2............ Tlotaly I.3 1 2 6........... 27' 6 trnby'.......... 1 6................ 1 2 2 32 5...... 3 8 Eaornells ville......... 12 10 2... 137 52 54 21 48 10 10 Howard......... 3 2 6 4 2. 1o 5 5 14...... 1 2 16...... 1 2 Jasper.......... 5 / 1 /.......... 1 1 / 28 /....40 1... 4 6 4 1 5.....43 Lindley......... I 1 2.......... 4 2 2 4 3 1....2.............. Prattsburgh.......... 10 2 5 5 11 12 4 35 14 1 19. 247.......... 89 2........ 1 Rathb one........ 7 6...... 2 3 8 6 3............ 6.7 3 1. 21..... Thu stn~,o.....'"....... 23 6...... 19....... i, 1 ~ l 8 7''... 19 Troupsburgh 11........ I.. 3.... 4 25.... 2 2' 4.......... 5 T uscarora............ I 1 124 1 1...... 2...... 274...... 2...... 6 25................. 59 Tubaoa l........ 6 1 I. 2 1 8...... 1...... 160 252....4 214 12 36 W yl.and......... 4..... I. 2 1 20...... 7 42 41 1 1...... 22..... W ayne.............. 6...... 2.... I...... 1 3 3 2........... 4 1 W est Union.......... 2....... 1.... 1 1 4 147..... 1. 2 6.... 2 1 Wheeleur h............................... 1...... 48 3 1 4 18 61...... 6 -W oodh ull............ 11......... 7 7 1 11.......... _ _.. -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~9 666'96t 38 361 83 1, 01169 Total.......... - 334 4 40t1 89 26 26-1~ — 9-6 ~ ~ 38 11 245 —~ —-~ -66 Fres Hmpon.............. 732...................... 4 1... 2 7...... 6...... 28......... 14 1 SihetrIland........................ 15.......................... 2 1................. 83..................... Liberty~~............17/1I........ 1 8........ 1 5.,....... 3...... 2...... 1 1 1 7.......... 3 1 12 4 1 1 2 2 7 4 3 (Coninue1on25g'168. Souhod........... ~....' ""!.. 121 162 CLASSIFICATION BY PLACE OF BIRTH. SCHUYLER COUNTY-(CONTINUED). COUNTIES OF NEW YORK. TOWNS.; ~ I =. i 0, |T 1 *' Cd ~ *! Catharine.............. 5.... 1................ 13 562 18 26 1 1 23 390 15...... 2 1 Cayuta....................................... 4 322 1 5 1 2 14 84 1 ~~~~518 2 4 84' -Dix............ 3 5 1 2' 1.. 4 9 512 84 355 1 3 36 371 21 5 Hector................ 29.. 4.... 7 1 16 1,040 322 107 5 8 22 1,948 55...... 11 4 Montour..... 6 2.... 1 2 8...... 2 808 24 25....... 3 15 100 7...... 3 Orange................. 4.... 3 1 10...... 22 552 15 613......................J......................... Reading......... 4... 1 1 19...... 2 770 39 68 1 3 2 58 1 1 9...,Tyrone.................................. 4 1 2 792 52 423 1 1 7 29 3...... 8 3 15 2 23 1 298 13.. 38. 25 Total.......... 9 49 1 12 5 66 6 70- 5,458 555.... 21 | 2 912 9 80 203 | 62 SENECA COUNTY-(CONTINUED).,Covert.......... 1 4 2 2... 5...... 4 24 1,326 9 4 1 3 167 5| 2 2 Fayette......... 3 4 1 1 4 3...... 2" 6 2,277 18....... 1 3 12 10.1 2 17 Junius................ 12.... 27...... 4...... 718 I 1...... 2 1 4...... 22 126 Lodi.................. 1.... 3.... 3 1 2 30 1,224 34 1 2 2 93 1 1 5 Ovid.............. 4 I 1 5 5 4 31 1,493 22...... 3 1 Romulus............... 2.... 4.... 3...... 12 1 1 1 298 23............. 2 39 2.......4 3 Seneca Falls 2 21.........6 48 9 14 2 2,911 17 2 6 4 40 7 19 9 16 90 Tyre................... 4 1 753 3.............. 5 23 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2....... 0 7 Varick............ 51 268 26 3. 8 20........... 10 Waterloo 20.... 6 8 37 2 8 6 2,194 23 1 16 15 15 9'"6 20 70 Toa.......... _7 75 3 44 28 16 17 55 |106 15,462 176 12 3. 3 8 6 _ 0 8 9 STEUBEN COUNTY-(CONTINUED).. Addison....... 2........ 848 3 2 19 33 1 2 8 1 Avoca ~........... 2 8....... 1 14 3 2 2 5 982................... 7 1...... 21 4 Bath............ 2 8 1 3 2 16 2 7 14 63 3,542 1 3 11 94 14...... 11 6 Bradford......................... 8.... 7 1 1 43 26.698 1;1 2 19 7 1 1 5 Cameron........ 2........ 8 23 1 1] 86.. 25 2 1 3.... oampbell.............. 2 _.......... 13 9 44 12 998....... 5 5 33 1 1 3.... Aanisteo............... 3........ 1 3 7 1 1 1 452....... 8 3 7 1 1 1. 194 49 3 1 3 3 Caton............ 10 102 16-... 1 2 Bohocton............... 5. 2 2 6...... 20...... 16 1,416............. 23 4 9. 20 16 Corning.... 5 18 2 4 4 23 5 23 80 36 2,663 7 7 61 199 4 3 12 19 Dansville........ 1 12 9 / 2 4 2. /... I...... 2...... - 25 3 Erwin........... 1 2........ 1 84...... 442 26 2 6984 1... 15 26 9 7] 1 3 Eremont............... 1....... 1...... 3.... Greenwood....'......... 3........ 1 2.................. 7 716............. 5 81 3....... 4' 2 Hartsville.............. 2........ 1 3...... 1 9 10 635.................... 15 3...... 4 1 Cprnb................... 6 722....... I 2 35 1 3 4 lo'rnellsville.... 3 15 3 6 3 13 5 19 14 23 2,053 1 8 67' 30 7 3 8 5 oward........... 4........ 5 10 5 1 5 13 1,521...... 2 1 37 2 2 26 Jasper.................... 1 3 2 4. 43 7......... 73 4...... 9 8 oLindley......................... I.... l0...... 7 4....... 426 1...... 10 9...... I 1I Prattsburgh............ 7.8......... 213 5 1 8 3 17 8 1,461............. 1 11 15 I 1 2 22 Pultneys.............. 1...... 3 3 30 818....... 1 1 9 6...... 3 1 Rathbone............... 1 3 3 1 4...... 2 1 7 1....10 4...... 4 2 61 5 1 Thurstont.............. 5...... 2 37 5 702......... 1 9 21 5 2 5 4. Troupsburgh............................. 1 3 1 1...... 6 1,267.............. 5 26....... 8 1 Tuscarorat......................... 1 2 I1 2 1 4 945....... 2.. 14 3 I..... 3 TTrbana................ 4........ 1 9...... 1 4 24 1,067 5...... 2 is 3...... 9 2 Tayland 2 i 4..... 2 1 6 1,396 1 1 4 5 3 1 3 2' W ayner.............. I 41............ 15 17 510............. 2 17 2 [............. 2'W est Union............. 2........ 8 2...... 1 2 11 681 2 2' 48 2 I.......... W heeler............... 47, I.... 1.... 4...... 1 3 17 796............. 4 2 5 2 9 1 ttsghu....~.....7..... 6........ 1 6 2 12 11 17 1,406.....2 3 9 22 4..........2 1 Tkonel............. 62 9 3 1.... 4 36 30 1....... 1 94 6 4......1 Batohbane............. 13 3 3 1 4..,..... 2'57689 10......... 37 2 10...... 4 1 Thust a p on... 9................,* **........................23 0.......:1,96215.......... 2........... Trupsburgho........ 335........,..... 1 3 1 1...... 2, 6............. 5 5,44...... 2. 2 6...... 1 Tuscaror............ 6... 3.......... 1 12 1 2.................. 2, 3 1 14... 1...... 4.. Uiv rb ad...a. 2....'. 4................................14 2,642...5...... 2 83...... 9......... Smiayla nd...... 20 2.................... 11................. 1,599.............. 1.. 4 5.... 2 Sout amptne,. 13 2 2 3.............,0............. 1.... 2.. Sotod..... ~... 41 5.... 2....... 82......... 1 2 11,53 2 2 1'.... 8.. 2".......... 1 Bethel.......... ~....l 1'' 1'5_1 |'. 51/... 23..l_,...|/ 1 1 5 2 3 1,70 ~...,6t 63 ~..... 1 ~~~. ~ ~'....;'t Wheleroo........ 6... 1 6211 151,0922... 4....'..7.... 1 4..... 4.......1 2 173196............ 25...... 2... ~oolsurg.......... 1 3... 5...... 14...... 21 ~~....... 2 204 1 2 4 3......Porest urg........ 2.... 11........... 2................. 458'"....... 16...... 1.. Tre onta.l.. 1.........18.. 162 1 4 5 9......, 2 776 ~... 41.......... Easghlamtnd... 9...... 1 1........ "................................... 1 )5............ 4 7...... 1 2'................ Riv ertyad...20...... 2....... 5.... 14................ 81.............. 2 62......... 1,83.....2.......... 1 6...... 1 1 Shel~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(oterIslnud..,6...............................6......:..... pa'.............. CLASSIFICATION BY PLACE'OF'BIRTH. 16 __________________ SCHUYLERCOUNTY-.(CONTINUED). COUNTIES OF N. Y. UNITED STATES. TOWNS-. I g - t? ^ g ^ ~~~~~~~ci ^ i ~ J ~ * ~ ~ ~ * ________~~~~.0 114 M ^ < < u t E*45 ^ Catharine.... 5...... 14 1,427............. 71.... 2...... 4............. Cayutba...................... 3, 567............ 8..................................................'.....'...... " Dix............. 9 2 129 2 719........ 2 72........... 1 3 1 5................ 2 " I-ector.......... 28........47 4 367............. 68 2............ 5...... a................ 1 2 Montour..... 11...... 51 1,431....... 85........... 3 1.............. 6 Orange.............. 116 1,779 -........... 21............L.. 5...........................'......'... 2 Reading................ 1 105. 1,2315~............ 39.................. 6 2................. 1 Tyrone........... 6 1 198 1,790............ 2................... 1............ 1 Total..... 59_1 4.663 15,435.....1.... 2 378 _ 2.2 | 1. 26 I 5 _ 8............ _ 5 17 SENE CA COUNTY —(CONTINUED). Covert........... 10.......6 L,787............ 32........................ I......!........................ 5 Fayette..................... 17 2,701 1......... 12............ 2 6..... 1.......................... 2 Junius.......... 13 1 ~ 5 1,198............ 11............................. 1............. 1 2 Lodi............ 3....... 17.1,617l............ 12.................. I................................... 5 Ovid............. 3 1 1 1.1,876........ 1 21.......I........... 5..................................... 1 Rom ulus........ I....... 14 1,567............ 1 6.................. 3 1.................................. Senec'a Falls.......30 9 53 A,521...... 8 96.................. 14...... 1........... 1 2 1 Tyre............ 18...... 5 1,118............ 10.................. 2............................... 2.... V arick...................... 5 1,528.............7.................. 2' 3.................................. W aterloo....... 13 5 42 3, 252...... 46............ 2 8....... 1.................. 6 9 Total......... 91 16 175 2.1,165 I 9 2^^ _ 63.......7^.... | 4 ~41 6 " 3............ 1 11 "25:STEUBEN COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Addision..... 1 ~ 3 24 1,388............ 25.................. 5............... 1...... 6 ] 2 Avoca...... I 8 1 2 1, 641............ 16.................. 2................... 1...... 1 1 Bath............ 6 ~ 10 141.4,986........ 1 64...... 1 5 9 3...... 3............ 16 11 Bradford.~............. 1.86 1,042...... 10........................ I ~.............................. 2 Cameron........ I 2 51 1,226...I......... 18 1I...'... 2 1.................................. Campbell....... 3.... 41 1,476............ 23................... 8................... 6.. Canisteo........ 2 1 34 I1,816............ 21.......... 3 1........................ I.... Ga o.....................'2 1,193............ 2................. 2............................... 1 Cohocton....... 23. 2 76 2,161........ 2 29.................. 1 2........................ 4 2 Corning,......... 26 6 50 4,595............ 61................... 10 5 3...... 1...... 8 7 D ansville.............. 7 2 1,566............ 1....... i........... 3 1......................... 1 2 Erw-in.......... 3 1. 45 1,507............ 17........................ 4............ I 1 1... Frem ont........ I I 8 917........ 18.................. 2................................... Greenwood...... I1...... 13 934........... 0.......................................... 1...... 1.. H artsville.... 1....... 6 826............. 3.................. 2* 1............,...................... -H ornby......................16 ~ 983............ 11.................. 1 2................ 2 Hornellsville... 5 *51 529 3,763............ 78....................' 16 2 5 2 1... 2 14 H oward................1 41 2,043............ 29........................ 2........................ 2.. Jasper................. 2 15'1,420............ 1 3.................. 1I......................... 2.. Lindley..................... 6 632........ 6............ I...... 1I.............................. 1 Prattsburgh..... 6 1 179 2,211....... 7.................. 2...... 5................... 3.. -Pultney......... 33 2 100 1.201......... 27.................. 4 1............................... 1 -Rathbone....... 1 5 36 1,7103............ 24.................. 1 1......................... I.....Thurston.... 1 2 8 1,-014............ 17............................... 5................ 4 5 Troupsburgh.,.. 1............... 10 1,723............ 14...................................................... 3.... Tuscarora.... 4.... 5 15275......... 10........................ I 1.......................... Urbana......... 7.... 48 1,420............. 10.................. 7 3........................ 1.. W ayhand...... 2 8 18 1,867............. 9.................. 1I.......................... 2.....W a yne..... 2./.. 65 746............ 8........................................................... W est Union.... 1 2.7 1,018............. 6.................. 1I................... 1...... 11....'W heeler..........12...... 56 1,200............ 10....................................................... 1.. W oodhull....... 2 1 35 1,717............. 27 1............ 1 4....................... 3.. Total 17.1q1....... aI^ I L^.2 10 ~~9~ 3 701 I 1- 1 __ ID * 7 in 5. | - 7 1 12 5q r 164 CLASSIFICATION BY PLACE OF BIRTH. SCHUYLER COUNTY-(CONTINUED). UNITED STATES. TOWNS. * ~.I1 Id.1 I..I Catharine........ 16 1............ 1 16...... 5...... 34 4.................. 2 2........... Cayuta...... 1.................. 1 is.................. 22........................ 3.... Dix............. 28 12 2.... I 5 87...... 15...... 98 4...... 3...... 26 5 8 1 Hector........... 25 17 1 1 3 7 210 1 5...... 70 9.............. 22 10 11 I Montour......... 9 8........ 1 4 37...... 3...... 62 1 1 1....... 11 2 1... Orange.......... 25 4.... 1.... 4 51...... 5...... 23 8.................. 19................. Reading.......... 12 9........... 3 39...... 5...... 49 4.... 1......... Tyrone.........,. -12 13............ 9 64 2 10...... 36... 8 1 2 Total.......... 1 64 3 2 5 34 522 48 394 36 4...... 101 24 22 2 SENECA COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Covert........... 11 6............ 1 103...... 9...... 18........................ 5 1 2.... Fayette.......... 9 16............ 1 104...... 14...... 288 1.................. 8 3 Junius.......... 9 9.................. 21...... 4...... 8 3............ 8................ Lodi............ 6 12.................. 121...... 3...... 13 1.................. 7...... 6 Ovid............ 19 17............ 4 108 1 4...... 21 1.................. 9 5 5.... Romulus......... 4 11............ 1 96...... 2...... 30....................... 2 3 4.... Seneca Falls...... 57 26 4........ 14 120...... 20...... 147 15...... 1...... 75 10 1.... Tyre........... 5 9............ 2 61...... 2...... 12 5.................. 12 1 2.... Varick........... 3 11........ 1...... 90...... 5...... 97...... 1............ 2 1 1.... Waterloo. 41 18........ 1 16 68 1 14 1 91 10.................. 34 5 4 Total*.......... 10 1 4.... 164 135 4...... 162 25 STEUBEN COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Addison..........27 2 1....... 5 23 1 3...... 130 5................. 19 1 2.... Avoca........... 11 8 2 1 10...... 3...... 27 5.................. 16 2 2.... Bath............ 41 15.... 11 2 14...... 127 7 4............ 53 9 6.... Bradford............. 3 49.3...... 23........................ 5................ Cameron......... 10 5............ 17 24...... 35...... 39 4.................. 17 1 1.... Campbell........ 28 5............. 2 19...... 1I...... 49 2.................. 2 3 2.... Banfsteo......... 21........ 9........ a'~~ ~~~. 3{ 23................. C aton........... 14 | 1............[ 3 18.................. 150 23.................. 14............ 1 Cohocton........ 17 16........ 1 8 15...... 4...... 47 2.................. 24 1 2.... Corning......... 49 23 2.... 3 14 84...... 17...... 381 16 1.... 4 Dansville........ 16 11........ ~ 23 13 1 1...... 101 2...... I...... 23 1 6.... Erwins........... 16 7........ 2 4 24...... 7...... 129........................ o...... I Frem ont........ 3 1............ 1 5...... 1I...... 11........................ 17................ Greenwood........ 12 2.. 9.... 2...... 28........................ 8...... 4.... Hartsville......... 25 1............ 5 9...... 30 7 1............ 19 2 2.... C ornby.......... 12........................ 20...... 2...... 20........................ 27...... I.... Hornellsville..... 82 20............ 24 58...... 22...... 282 22 1 1...... 36 5 5.... Howard......... 22 2............ 4 24...... 42 4.................. 18...... 3. Jas per........... 15 5............ 54 16...... 3...... 56 5................... 13...... 3.... Lindley......... 5 2.... i....... Prattsburgh...... 35 17... 2.... 3 31...... 5...... 23 2.................. 23....... 2.... Pultney.......... 1 1 1............ 2............ 1 2 84 Rathbone........ 11 5............ 4 40 2 4.... 60.......................... 8 4..... Thurston........ 12 4.................. 29...... 1I...... 24 12.................. 9...... 1I....,Troupsburgh..... 19................... 5 13...... 4...... 169 17................... 22...... 2.... Tuscarora........ 16.................. 2 19.................. 83 11 I........... 16 2 2.... Urbana........ 13... I 1 3 84.................. 21 1 1 1 6 2.......... W ayland........ 12 I...... 2 1... 1...... 46........................ 16...... 4.... W ayne.......... 3 7................. 16................... 13 1................... 3...... 1I.... W est Union....... 8 5~........ 1 6 10...... 1I...... 68 4.................. 6...... 1 2 W heeler.... I...... 9 o...... 2 go.... 1...... 26 2.................. 5 I.......... W o h l.... 1...... 1.. 4 40... 8.... 2 5 1................ 17...... To ta...... 61 18 o o 1 _4,01 _ 2...... 2,1 17::: 9:::: ^ 53 | 6_ 62 Brookhaven~ ~ ~ 5 3... 47 4...... 0 8 20 3..... 25 1 3 1...... 8'[][]~] 1 9 " 2,. Islpornby.... 3............. 10 33 2' 0.... 12[ 6[::....... 3, 5 8 21 iv r ea....... 74 2......................... i':0: 5................ 7...... SmI t own.rd. 16............ 9 2.......... 22 1.......... 2 4....... Jotasper... 1 3....... 1~ 5 42 1]2..... 16 4 1...... 5 3..... S u h l..... 4 3............... 430 1 1... 9 5...... 3 3 1.. Total......y22 _ 1 1.... 2 3 2 4 2......1 117 0 1 _ 8_ _... 3 | 6 _ 7 B eth l......... 2................. 310...... 3... 0.......... 2 1..... Prattsburgh....... 35...... 5........ 33.... 23.... 85........... 4 1....... Pu ltione y............... 10 1... 2... 6 1...........1.... 17..............]] ] als u g....... 53 42.........88..........2129...... I......... 2.. ~hE orr s b r h.................... 26.......... 9 1......:.:..:.................. Pr m nt...... 8........... 1 1..... 1...,.. 5 1..... L..... 1.. Highland........ 12............ 3...... I...... 46 36............' ".......... W oodhuy.......... 11_ 1.../... 4 40.. -- 8...| 4...... 205 16...]]... 1..... 3. 2........ Hu~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Cntingtdon....2.. 101.) CLASSIFICATION BY PLACE OF BIRTH. 165 SCHUYLER COUNTY-(CONTINUED). STATES. S^^S? S ~~~~~~~~~FOREIGN COUNTRIES. - ^~~~~~~~~~ ~ TOWNS. I IS |^ ~ g * ^ I - ^ ^.. i 11 i -I i I l't ~~~~~~~~~~~~i I o C's - lPi- - ~ t Catharine............... 1,586.......................... 5............ 3...... 12.................. Cayuta................... 620.......................... I I....... I...... 3.................. D ix...................... 3,110.......................... 21 2...... 36 2 6...... 193................... H ector................... 4.841 1...................... 8 3...... 53...... 3...... 82.................. M ontour................ 1 667........................... 4............ 21...... 6...... 73.................. Orange.................. 1,947.......................... 3............ 25...... 1...... 110.................. Reading......... 1,489........ 1............ 4 4...... 10.................. 153.................. Tyrone.................. 1979.......10............ 3....... 8 1............ 73...... I I.... 4 0.............. Total............,.... 17,239 1.............. 9...... 161 | 3 2. 69-.. 1 1 SENECA COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Covert.................. 1,981........................... 17............ 71 1 5...... 178.................. Fayette............. 3 3, 172........................... 16 I...... 48 9 78...... 78.................. Junius.................. 1,275.......................... 13............ 83...... 11...... 41.................. Lodi.................... 1,805.......................... 4............ 13...... I...... 64.................. Ovid.................... 2,097.......................... 3............ 11...... 7...... 259.................. Rom ulus............ 1,740.......................... 14............ 18 1...... 193....5............ Seneca Falls..... 5,135 1...................... 70 1...... 211 3 120 16 810............ 5 Tyre.................................. 6............. 23 13...... 57 1...... 3 Varick.................. 1,752.......................... I...... 1 19...... 26...... 26................. W aterloo................ 3,628............. 5...... 25...... 1 185 10 89...... 501.................. Total........ 1 3.169 2 - 682 23 351 16 2,207 _-1-...... 8 STEUBEN COUNTY-(CONTINUED). A ddison..................................... 17........... 25...... 12.................. Avoca................... 1,749... 14............... 17 42................. Bath........ 5,555.............. 417.................. Bradford................ 1,148....................... 5............ 2...... I...... I.................. Cam eron........ 1.... 1,370......................... 1I............ 14.................. 36.................. Cam pbell................. 1,647.......................... 5............ 4 1 14...... 94.................. Canisteo................. 1,983.......................... 1., 71.................. Caton................... 1,463........................... I............ 24...... 19...... 14............ I Cohocton................ 2,338............. 24...... 188...... 53.................. Corning................. 5,340 1...................... 51............ 80 5 229...... 909.................. D ansville............... 1 784....................... 6....... 26.................. Erwin......................................... 23............ 16 1 33 1 163.............. Frem ont 977........ 9...................... 5............ 15.......... Greenwood.............. 1,o046...:..n............... 110.................. HI artsville............... 934.......................... 3............ 3.................. 25.................. H ornby................... 1,081.............................. 2...... 30............ I Hornellsville 4,468.......................... 43............ 71 2 97..................... Howard................... 14...... 5...... 137.................. Jasper.................. 1,611.......................... 3............ 12.................. 10.................. Lindley................. 796.......................... 7............ 4...... 7...... 48.................. Prattsburgh............. 2,411.................. 16. 4. 59.................. Pultney................. 1,336............. 22.................. 14.................. Rathbone........ 1,268'".... 45.................. 105 Thurston~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.2......::: 117.......::: 4............ Thurston................. 1,137.......................... 2............ 2... 3... 19............. Troupsburgh............. 1,991.......................... 6...... 42.................. Tuscarora............... 1,439.......................... 3 2................... 54... Urbana......... 2.... 1,577.......................... 4.................. W ayland................. 1,97............. 7 o...... 12.......... W ayne.................................................... 6.................. I......... W est Union............. 1, 149.......................... 3............. 4...... 3...... 219......... W heeler................. 1,279............................................ 10 1 2.................. W oodhull............... 2,081.......................... 6........... 9.................. 20.................. Total.........- 3-....-59,07 1- |.-.... —............... | 2-4..... —|...1.. —. ~640 — 17 ]1,448 1 i 3,503....' 1 AAC) SUFFOLK COUNTY —(CoNTINUED). Brookhaven........... 9,266............. 2 2... 8 2 3... East Hampton........ 2,161 1...................... 6!............ 32...... 9...... 88.................. Huntington.... 1.. 6,984..... 1 2... 11 2... 16 8 129 4 432............. 2 Islip.................... 3 4 1 2....... 4...... 11 5........./ 165 7 10 34......i R v r ea........ 2 9 9 1..... 1.... 3.......... 4.... 37 7 2 1 4......... shlter Isa d...... 8................................ 5,3 1...08... 342................ Smithtown ~ ~!.............. 1,84......................... 1;.... 32 5 6 31... 12......... So t a pt n......., 5.............. 1~ t 2.......... 67 2 3...... 27................. Southold ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~................ 545............... 3 1... 68 1 19.... 43 1... 2 Shetrsal d.......... 481..... 38,58,.... _ 1 5 _ 1 4 _ 6...... 76 41 41 15 2,8 _ 5........ Beth l........<..... 2, 94.. J................ 3......... 27 1 73..... 364.................. Southampton.............. 5,7532..................... 3............ 6 2 30 63...... 221.................. Oallicoon.......... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 99...... 184................ 1 5 703.... 5............ F lSout gho.........]..... 5,9758.......................... 3 1.......... 268 1 7... 1 3......... T.oretal rg........... 70.................. 2 -[....... 9.... [ —8-.....- " 107.......... Fremont................ 1,402..............4......,0...5.........[... 4 1.... 1 0......... Hih a d........ 7 4............... 1....... 9 6 1.... 5............ Liet........... 2,55 6............. 37....... 9... 2 5... 149......... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(Cocthnuedon pae017 166 CLASSIFICATION BY PLACE OF BIRTH. SCHUYLER COUNTY-(CONTINUED). FOREIGN COUNTRIES. TOWNS.'. Z.Z.i - ~ ^ id- ci *g ^ ^g i ^' ^ ^, ~ t *^ I I ll 1 -i I 1 ^ 1 1 I - ^ i ^ II,, Catharine.................................................. I..................................2 30...... 6 Cayuta........................................................ 2................................ 8...... 8 D ix...........i......... I 1.......... I.......... 6....................... I...... 270...... 52 H e t r........................................................ 11............................ 1 162...... 45 Hector 11 ~~~~~........ M ontour................. I................................. 4.............. 3.................. 112....... 75 Orange.....................t.................................... 2...................................... 141...... 6 Reading....................................................... 2....................................... 174 1 18 Tyrone...................................................................................I................. 87...... 7 Total.................. 2 1..1.........I 28.. 3...... 1 3 984'1 217 SENECA COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Covert..........1.............................................. 6...................................... 278 I I Fayette................................................... 22...................................... 252...... 85 Junius..................................................................................................... 148.... 19 Lodi........................................................... 2....................................... 84... 3 Ovid....................................................................................................... 280...... 5 R om ulus........................................................ 4........................................ 230.... 3 Seneca Falls............. 2................ 11.......... 43.............. 5....... 2 1 1 301....... 54 T yre.......................................................... 2....................................... 105............. arick.................................................. 3......... 76 1 4 Waterloo.........' 11................. 10.... 9 1 871 24 Total....................... 22. 105.............. 15 1..... 11 _ 2 3, 625 _ 2 198 STEUBEN COUNTY-(CONTtNUED). Addison. r..........2....... 160. 13 A voca............................................ 4.......... 5...................................... 102. 2 Bath...................................................... 32 1................... 1...... 618...... 74 B radford...............................................................................!.................. 9...... 6 C am eron................................................................................................... 61.... 8 Cam pbell................ 2............................... 2......................1.................. 122...... 25 O anisteo................. 1.:.............................. 1I....................!................... 9... 55 Caton.......................................................... 2.......................... 61...... 19 ohocton............................ 273...... 3 Corning.......... I.... 2 7 3...... 10............34.............. 8....2 2 1,344 2 38 D ansville...................................................... 1I.................................... 190...... 6 Erw in............................................................................... 1....... 246.... 5 Frem ont................................ 2...................................... 32...... 2.Greenwood............................................ 1............ 115...... 2 H artsville................ 3................. 2....................................................... 36...... 25 -lornby.............. 1........................3............... 1.......... 4... 6 Hornellsville......~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...1 3 3.......... 1............................ 838.... 64... 7..................................... 15 0. Libpert.................. 8.8. 31 H ow ad e............................................................................................... 6...... 78 J ratspe r............................................................................................. 134....... 619 Linlt ey.................................................................................................... 66...... 78 Prattsb ur.................... 1............................... 13..................................... 134...... 61 hul stone...............................................'....... 3I...................................... 38...... 13 Rt hbonps u................ I............... I................................................ 2...... 1 56...... 21 Thu rsta on.................................................................................... 8...... 9 T~roupsbu....g....................... 3.........6...................................... 22...... 106 5 *W aylan.............. 3.............. 3........ 1............. 1.............. 60...... 4 Tusa rora.................:............................................................. 1.................. 90...... 4 U rba na io................................................................................................ I229 4...... 40 W heeland.................... 3................ 1.......... 2I................. I.................. 604........... W ayne.................................................................................................. 35...... 14 W estUnioen.......................................... 22..2.....29... 1...... 47 C ontinon 7..... 2 3.............. 2..... W heel er................................................ 23 1I1....... CLASSIFICATION BY PLACE OF BIRTH. 167 SULLIVAN COUNTY-(CONTINUED). COUNTIES OF NEW YORK. TO'VNS. ~ ~ I b, ~~~~~~~~.......I:I i *I..... I- b o n i^ ic - 0 CDu r - i} - ^ u - < * ^ M 0 u o u o u u u ft o H H t 0 Lumberland...... I...................................10 4....................... I M amakating..... I................... 5............ 4...... 9 79 2.... 17 Neversink....... 8...... 3......................... I....... 4....... 23 44.................... 60 Rockland........ 9 1...... 1........................ 41 oeesnk....... 8...... 3......... Thompso 9..................... 2.................. 4.... 2 5 Tustend................................................................. 7 Total........ 97 1 32 2 21 29' 2 45 3 660 349 2 1 2 8 1 413 TIOGA COUNTY. BTprton.......... 10 3 50 6 24 2 7 34.1 6 41 48 16 1............. 6 7 Berkshire........ 4 1 62I. 62..5 4 3 22...... 5 30 is 2.......... I.... 21 Candor......... 56 5 53....... 2....... 43 33....... 9 1 61 28 I............... I 22 Newark Valley. 89 5 99...... 11............ 36....... 4 40 23 10........................ 6 Nichols......... 7 2 24...... 8.....'. 13 7 4 1 3 12 17......................... 5 Owego.......... 218 5 347 1 12 4 40 62 14 39 31 47 132 4 1 1 3 2 23 Richford-[....... 2 1 514[...... 5 23...... 35 90 15 8 2........ 5 Spencer......... 11 4 15 3 7....... 36' 11...... 2 18 8 17....... 5........ 2 12 Tioga...................... 5 11 Total....... 424 27 753 13 1145 11 250 248 19 109 277 269 | 248 10 6 1- 4 16 112 TOMPKINS COUNTY. Caroline..... 7 3 39 50 11 I 19...... 1 36 17 40 1 1................. 6 t~~erkshire...~. 2271 Danby.......... 12 2 7 3 16...... 15 3 1 5 11 19 44...... I....... Dryden.......... 11 135 41 4 94 4.22 36...... 31 278 35 68 2 2 1 2 1 Enfield........ I 5 4...../ 1...... 7...... 7 7 3........ 4 0 6 3.1 Groton........'18 4 20 4 283 4 3 45' 1 5 198 10 1 8........ 4 I~thaca'.......51 19 48 5 159 2 58 26 4 13 46 36 78 8 3.... 1 4 10 Lansing......... 7 8 9 3 197 2 17 2 28. 2 15................... I...... Oweg o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~..........''""~ Newfield.......... 8 2 26 1 42...... 64 11...... 2 6 8 34 1.............. 1 6 Ulysses......... 7 2. 32 3 53 1 19 3 7 9 53 71 1 2......... 3.11 Total.......... 122 54 226 21 868 14 206 168 10 80 616 186 401 20 __8 1 13 56 ULSTER COUNTY..Denning......... 91 1............ I...... I.............. 3...... 14 11........................ 44 Esopus... 15....... 3...... 3...... I............ 28 1 17 113........................ 13 G ardiner................................. 3.......................................... 39......................... 6 Ha den urgh.... I...... I 3..................... 2 19 Hurley.......... 8....... 2...... 1I...... 2...... 16...... 53 62 4................... 116 Kingston 66, 1 1 4 1 4 2 124 5 113 362 4 1.......243 Lloyd...... 8................. 2........................ 4...... 2 124........................ 12 M arbletown...... 3.......................................... 1 7...... 11 42........................ 25 M arlborough...... 8................ I.................. 1.20..' 4 139 1.................. 1 Toa..... 13 N ew ~ altz2...... 2................................................ 2............ 12....................... 2 Olive........... 15............................................. 13...... 36 50.......................I 85 Plattekill....... I................... 2........................ 2...... 7 38........................ 4 R ochester......... lo.............................................. 4............ 25......................... 6 Rosendale....... 1.............................. 1.... 4 1 1 19............ 4 S u eties,.... 94...... 2....... 8.................. 1. 159...... 15 150....... 4..... 2 483 Shandaken....... 30.... 1...................... I...... 16 171 97 3 358 Shawang'unk..... 4............. I...... 5...................1.... 1 36...................... 13 Wawarsing...... 9 2 2 2 2........ 2............ 12 2 34 146 5.. 4 1 93 W oodstock.....8................................................ 37...... 5 45...... I............ 44 Total.......... 291 3 12 4 28 5 6 8 5 633 1,513 14 6 7 9 1,583 Dryeste.......... 6............... 1 3:2 9... 1 1 1 H agie.................................. 1141...... 1.... 8..... Horicon ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3.........,4................... 7o....,............. l... 2 Stn r e...... 5..... 45... 1.........'..... 1 9 19.......... 4......, 2 1 8.. 1 ~hr a........................... 1 3 10...... 2............ Ttl....... ~79 _2 2 3 _7_ 3 _2 18 4 1 _ 1 3 1 3 1 2 _5 L ansing........ 35...... 1 1...............:............. 10............ Cambriedg.... 8........... 34 2.........., 1 3 1......... 1 3 4 3 2.. 5 Eason....... 3.............. 1 9 1...... 3 10........5 3... 6 3 2 1 4 For ~d ad. 27 _................. 1 1... 9 1... 5 8 5 4 1.r n ile........ 2...... k...... k...... 6...... 1..........1 8.. 3 3.... 1...... Greenwich~~~~~~~~~~~....... 21...... 193........ 2...........2 19 6 1 0 1 1 Hurly......./ 8.....] 2[....l 1...:/...../ 2....2 16/.....o5tin6/ued...../.../...1...4.) 168' CLASSIFICATION BY PLACE OF BIRTH. SULLIVAN COUNTY-(CONTINUED). COUNTIES OF NEW YORK. TOWNS. [ ~! o c. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I I | 1, t So I I ~o I I S I ~ ______._.&_._. g_.... z........1 I, -g I g Lumberland.............. 10...... 3.................. 15........................ 98............ 1..... Mamakating......... 3.... 6...... 2 1 1 2 82...... 1...... 4 625 3...... 2 23 Neversink.................... 1 3...... 2...... 1 9........................ 32............ 3 Rockland........ 1...................................... 20 21............ 5..... Thompson........... 1.... 5...... 1 1...... 18 16 Tusten...................... 5.................. 3 18.... 1............ 42............ 3 1 Total.............. 11 | 3 103 __4_ _6_ 7 13 763 3 9 6 1, 640 |- 45 57 TIOGA COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Barton.............. 3 3 3...... 8 7 2 12 41 3 6 9 5 290..... 1 56 3 Berkshire............ 1 3..... 3 5...... 6 1 9....... 1 25 4 Candor.............. 29 1 3 1 3 17 1 13 10...... 12 li 79 1 1 64 19 Newark Valley....... 9 3...... 3 5...... 2 7 4 12...... 1 50 5 Nichols.......... 1........ 1............ 12 2 1 12...... 1 2...... 41 2 12 Owe-.O............ 2 1 3 1 2 17 131...... 13 11 5 185 1 132 6 eichfordk V al...... 9 2 1 2...... 11 8...... 12...... 2 23 5 Spencer.......................... 1 5 5 6 8...... 4 10 4. 25............ 14 2 Tiogal........... 1. 2..... 7.................. 3 6 11.............. 67 7 Total........... 3 62 8 20 2 17 67 23 69 226..3 62 | 64 19-| 752 5 9 443 _51 TOMPKINS COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Caroline............. 6 1 7...... 2 4....... 3 8 1 3 8 4 36.... 3 11 2 Danby.................. 1......................... 5 19...... 2 6 3 34 1...... 15 3 Dryden.............. 19 6...... 4 3 28 4 14 18 2 4 33 3 37 2 3 29 6 Enfield.............. 5......................... 3...... 13............ 4 1 24...... 1 6 8 Groton.............. 7235 21 1 Ithaca............... 10 6 26 7 39 13 23 98 8 41 47 s 101 7 17 22 6 Lansing 17 4::......... 3 _ 2......20 2 21 1 2 4 2 New-faeld............ 2 3 4...... 2 2 2 1 8...... 2 4 10 116 2 1 11 3 Ulysses.............. 3 I.. 1...... 11 10 4 4 41...... 8 8 13 42...... 8 13 16 Total.......... 3. 67 28 40 3 6 7 3 59 216 13 75 202 56 434 13 40:132 47 ULSTER COUNTY-(CONTINUED). D enning........................ 12....................... Esopus....................... 28...... I.. 95 2 1 } 20.................. 7 G ardiner........................................................ 15........................ 86.................. 18 H ardenburgh.......................................... 1 2.............................'..... Hurley................ 2......... 3 11. 2 Kingston............. 7 6 59 1....... 2 3 7 429 2 19 12...... 86.... 1 13 30 Lloyd....................... 1I........................ 2 28........................ 31.............. 9 Marbletown.............. J.......................... 1 16........ 2...... 10. gh I..... Marlborou................ I I 99..... 1 8 2...... 159 2 10 N ew P altz....................................................................................8....................... Olive............. 2 2...... 6............ 1 3 Plattekill............ 6...... 6... I...... I 36.................. 3 43.................. 4 Rochester........................ 1 9........................ 11.................. 7 Rosendale................... 2............... 13............ 2..... 3...... I...... Saugerties............ I.. 9 1 2 2 2 12. 13 7 54 40..... 13............ 5 * 2 Shandaken....... 1..... 5 1 1..................... 17...... 1...... 2 8 1...... 3 1 Shawangunk......... I................................. 41.................. 1 21 Wawarsing....... 2.... 4 13.1 1...... 1 5 119 4 5 1 2 205 1 1 6 32 W oodstock................... I.............................. 17........................ 3...... 1 1 Totardlurh.......... i.2 1. 4. 4 6 7 1. 9.,9 3 8 1 109 _ __7 3 " Bouleyn.............. 2 1.... 2.................... 6...... 1...... 1 33...................1...........321 Kingstonr.......... 16.... 1.............. 3 2 1 2 23 1 9 2 1 2...... 86....... 1 13 2... Ll oyde....................... 2.................. 1...... 2 12........................31......................... M arbleown......... 1 6.... 1......1........................ 4....6............ 2.......1............ 1 10... Maloros urgh....... 2 8.......... 11................ 1 13........... 12...... 192................103 2.. lattekill........' 2.............................. 1 1...... 1.......................343..................4 Rocesenbry......... 1 6 7. 8 3................... 4 39....... 5 8 3 * 4.............. 11..........2 Stosndy l C e...... 12 1 4............................... 2 2...... 3.......13............ 2...... 3...... 1........... Saugr ties.............. 1............ 2........ 1 2........................... 31...........5 hawrngbunk......... 1 1..... 2.............................. 4 3............ 1........................ 1.... Total.....~1 1.....36 2 1 5 112 4..5. 1 2 105 18 _ 14 1 5 | 5 _3_ 5 28 Argyle "1''I.... 1.............................. 2'..........'....... 5............ 1......... 1... DoResd n............. 2 1..................................... 3 6...... 1............. 2.......... Caldwell............. 1.......1............,...... 1...... 212...... 1.......11 2...... 1 3..... Chstrt A........... 13. 8. 1 3..... 1......,....... 15 2 2...... 3 1 3 2..... Hague E ar................. 2..................3...... 3................................... Itranicoh........ 1 6...I...........~.................. 2 2...... 7 5....... 4........... 12..... Johesnwich......2 8......... 1 2............. 1..... 5 13....... 9 5................... 3 2... Luzern~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(otne....... page lf..........)........................... CLASSIFICATION BY PLACE OF BIRTH. 169 SULLIVAN COUNTY-(CONTINUED). COUNTIES OF NEW YORK. ('- *....... TOWNS..2 -d I ~ _.~ *.' I. Lumberland.............. I................. 597............... 6................... Mamakating 3.. 2..... 2~ 2...... 4A M amakating................... 3.... 2...... 2...... I.... 2,440 2 3 273................... N eversink. 1 4.... 2................ 5...................... 1,698............... 385................... Rockland.................... 18.................. 1 1,069.............. 51 3....... 5 Thompson....... 31 2 2 10................ 13............ 4 2,366 1 1 78....... 5 82 Tusten........... 2............... 4............ 1 502.............. 3................... Total.......... 37 27 3 [ 83 12 11 i 2 2264 _ / —- 4 11 12 |18,974} 5 13 1,4q75 3g| 21 | 90 TIOGA COUNTY-(CONTINUEDD).. Barton........... 4 9 1 2/3 5 3 12 9 14 27 9 15 1,788 244 10 1 6 1 Berkshire........................... 2 6 1 5...... 9 6........... 510 65 3....... 2..... Candor...... 26 I 1 5 14 37 6 2 13 5 11 2,257 360 57....... 10 Newark Valley.. 4 3 1 1.... 8 27 76...... 3 12... 2 1,108 34 4.... 3..... Nichols....... 14 I 24 4 18...... 3 2 1 3 1,080 26 2....... 17..... Owego.......... 1 39.... 2 73 68 180 8 5 27 4 18 4,472 63 33 1 37 6 Richford......... I 2. /...... 6............ 4 3....... 630 90 2 Spencer............. 4........ 1 5...... 8 1 2 15 1 4 920 23.3 7 7 1 Tioga........... 1 6............ 9 1 19 1 1 10' 5 6 1,844 110 28 2 6 Total.......... 13 93 2 6 8 145 118 9361 25| 39 116 28 59 14,609 | 1225 146 5 88 9 TOMPKINS COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Caroline..... I 4 2.... 3 1 4, 9 2. 8 210 1, 255 135......... 2 4 anby.................. 7.... 10 90 1,400 32 6 3 Dryden.i. 4..... 5 675.... 1 9 119 6 1 63-..6 2,939 49 6 9 1 Enfield........... 2.. 2............ I Groton........... 3........ 2 15 2 9 2 7 14 1 2 19 1,924 5. 3 Ithacac........... 66 1 6 1 22 4 1 5 5d2 6 2 3a2 5 9 137 4,072 61 1 7 9 Lansing............. 10............ 12...... 8 8 15 I.... 3 23 2,079 11....... 3 6 Newfield............ 2........ 1 4 1 16 39 17 22.... 9 32 1,790 11 1....... 5 Ulysses........ 7 8........ 5 1 Total.......... 19 108 1 L10 14 94 1-7 89 305 425 133 12 60 605 18,406-| 316 9 44 33 ULSTER COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Denning............. 2.... 2................ 24.................. 4 230.............. 480....... 1..... Esopus.............. 2 4 8.... 2 5............ 2...... I 1 4....... 5 3,224....... 1 3 Gardiner........... 1.... 2........................................ 1 3....... 1 1,590........... H ardenburgh........ 4............ I...... 8...................... 10........ 3 281................... Hurley.............. 1.... 3.... 2 1 3...................... 2....... 2 1,653....... 3..... Kingston........ 2 15 11 31 1 15 5 23 1 2 2 4 39....... 8 10,065 1 3 6 Lloyd............... 6.... 5.... 5 1 4................. 2 8 1 1 2,036.................... M arbletown......... 3............ 1 2 2........... 9.............. 3,419................... Marlborough..... 5 3.... 9.... 4...... 3...... 1...... 2 13 1....... 1,749................... N ew Paltz................................................................................... 1,716................... Olive.......................... 3.............................. 2 2,776....... 1..... Plattekill........ 1.......... 3.... 1' 1...................... 3.............. 1,675....... 1..... Rochester............................. 1 1 1...... 1.......... 10....... 1 3,355................... Rosendale..................... 1.... 2.............................. 1 9.............. 2,190................... Saugerties....... 8 28.. 16... 4...... 38 1 3...... 2 15...... 1 6,466....... 1 4 Shandaken.......I 3 81.... I 1 1 1...... 79...... 1...... 2 22 1[ 3' 1,533....... 1 2 Shawangunk......... 1..... 2.......... i........... I............ 3 55 1 1 1,956................... Wawarsing....... 1 10.... 6 10 8...... 4...... 2 1 2 543 1 3 5,476.1 2.....:W oodstock.......... 2....... 7.............._........, 339"...........1 Total.......... 20| 86 15 92 12 47 16 205. 3 12 _ 3 25 989 _ 5 31 152,979-| 2 14- 16 WARREN COUNTY-(CONTINUEDI). Bolton....... ": 1'" " /....... 3'.......... 25................ 2 ].... I.......................... 885 103..... Caldwell............ 18........ 1 28...... 3................................................ 652 93 4 Chester......... 3 19........ 1 2,9 1 2.................. 1................... 1 1,409 89 1 IH ague'............... 5........ 4 5........ i................................................... 366 41 1 ttoricon............. 9......... 3 9 1................................................ 5 ~913 47 3 Johnshurgh.......... 15........ 4 41 2 2............ 2............................. 1, 515 154 3 Luzerne............. 11..;...... 1 95...... 4............................................... 733 60..... Queensbury...... 8 98.... 1 8 432 5 16............ 2........... 1 1 17 3,859 656 5 Stony Creek....... 4.... 2............................... 6 3 3.. Thu man.......... 2............. 25.......................................................: 844 31'..... W arrensburgh.... 12........ 4 8 1......................... 2 2 1, 6 88..... Tota.......... _ 19 |.... 1'7 8 2 0 27..... _.1..... -.| 6 | l..... ~ | 3 | 26 1,9 5..3 3. 1 WASHINGTON COUNTY —(CONTINUED). Argyle...... 2 29....... 1...... 3....] 3 |....... 1.......... 3, 3 Cambridge.......... 178....... 33 2 7..................... 2' 11 1,644 3 Dresden.........~~.... 5........' 5............... "' I................ 20 524.... Ea t n........... 232........... 14i............... 1....,... 3, 9.. EsortA n............ 332...... 314...9... 1 2.................. 0, 8 Fort Edward........ 48..... 9 256 1........ 1 2.... 9 192 2,156 7 Granville....... 2........ 29 25................. 1.... 2........ 25 2,281 3 Greenwich.......... 155.... 152 ~ 11......................' 66 2,635 31 (Continued on pag'e 176.) 22 170 CLASSIFICATION BY PLACE OF BIRTH. SULLIVAN COUNTY —(CONTINUED). COUNTIES OF N. Y. UNITED STATES. TOWNS-...... bn _.. I___ Lumberland...... 7. 754......... 1......................................... M amakating..... 35.... 3, 636............ 46.................. 2............................... 3 1 Neversink... 8............. 2,299........ 1 40 1................................... Rockland.... 1 1...... 1,433............ 14......t............ 1I...... 1.................... 2.... Thompsoi........................ 3,073........ 2 101............. 1................. 5 5 Tusten........... 5.............. 608............. 1......................................................1.... Total..........| 466-... 5 15.2 | 4.4 15 8 TIOGA COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Barton......... 20 2 3 2,972............ I I 2...... 4 1 2 1 1...... 12 2 Berkshire....... 3.......... 23.................. I.............................. I.... Candor........... 13 468.................. 2 2 1.................. 2 1 Newark Valley............ 4.............................. I.... Nichols......... I' 0............ 22 38.................. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.......................2............. s'' Richford~~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3......66........ Owego n r............. 5 2 517 I Richford,....... 3.... I 1,082...... 26 1....................................................... 2 Spencer......... 33...... 3 1,480........ 2 66.................. 2 2 1 Tioga........... 5...... 3 2,506............. 42 3............ 5 1............ I...... 4 7'Total..........98 3 29 22,113........ 2 651 7 2 I 23 6 | 8 — I...... 39 31 TOMPKINS COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Caroline......... 12...... 1 1,969............ 50...... 2...... 2 2 1........................ 2 D anby.......... 19....... 1,833............ 90...... I1...... I............ I................. 1 3 Dryden......... 7...... 6 4,105............ 69. 7 1.............................. 7 Enfield......... 44...... 7 1,453............ is 2...... 3 1............................ Or54on......,....................... Groto'n 1 1 }'23...... 1.................... 98... 5 Ithaca.......... 20 5 7 5 605........ 1 175...... 6 2 9 2 4 2 1 2 5 30 Lansing......... 12 1 1 2 576............ 27.. 5......................... 1 1.... Newfield........ 2 1 3 2,341.................. 2.................. 2 Ulysses........ 2 75...... 2....... 7 1............... 1 2........ 655 14 3 I 3 13 44~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~71... Total......... 1 52 9 34 25,569 3..... 3 655 -... 2 44 —7- 14-3 1-|-3_-13 [ 44 ULSTER COUNTY-(CONTINUED). D enning........... 846............. 11....................................................... esopus......... 20 1.....................8................................. Gardiner........ 4............ 1,764........... 1 2................................................................ H ardenburgh..................... 8 11................................................................ H urley........ 3............. 3,995............ 15.................. I....... 1........................... Kingston.......... 11,909........ 1 105............ 3 11 3 4...... 5 4. 13 Lloyd t 2......... 21.............. 7 10.......... 5 1.......... I...... 1 1 M arbletown............ 3,575...................................... 2.................. 2.... M ar lborough.......... 2 30............. 1. I.............................. 13 2 N oe Paltz............ 1,754............................................................................... 3 Oliven........ 5 1.5..........,.57.............. 6 1 Plattekill........ 20............. 1,854............ 6................................... 8 R ochester................................... 36.................. 2............................... 1.... "Rosendale....... I............ 2,257............ 5.................................................................. Saufferties........ 20............. 7,709............ 57.................. 3 2............ I I...... 2Shandaken....... 2.............2,379............ 18s.................. I.......................................... Shawangunk.... 10...... 3 2,466............................... 2..................................... 1 W awarsing..... 56............ 6,845............ 101.................. 5........................ 1 5 5 W oodstock...... 2............ 1,514................................................. 4.... Total......... 273 2 4 62,113........ | 21 487.. —....... 3.,|. 34 7 8.......'" -7 6 - 63 36 WVARREN COUNTY-(!CONTINUED). Bolton'.................... 1 1,055...... 8............................. Ca~~~~dwell~~~.............., 4................................................... Ch deste....... 3........ 1, 8............ 2.................................. 3.. Hague ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4.................... 52 9....................................... Horco................... 1,782........... 2 9 2'........ 5:..................". 3'...'C ha ste rgh..............:, 3....... 1................... 1.......... 1.. I auze n.................. 9521............. 9...............................................'........ I....... Itoricnsb....... 1,06 9...... 5, 5............. 53................. 51........... 4 1 Stonsy g Cr e.............. 1 832............ 21................. 2...... 1.................. 1......... I zerm ne....... 9 0............... 91..'.......... 1 1..............................................:......... W ar ens urg........... 1, 20............ 8................... 1............................ STonyaree......... 20 | 1 2 6,8......... 1 7 1.......... 1583_ 2................ 22 ] Thrmane................. 2,8}::.............. 4.................. Cam rrdgs ur... 2:......... 1,97.............................. D resden......................... 59.........................::. 2..:...........................::::.. E son...............o.. 3 2, 42....... 0............. 1 1.........'. Fort Ann~~~~~......................:...: 2,584.'.'...:...... 16............ -3........'........ 1 1 3 Fomri.dger.:...... 1 2I'1,9714....... 1.......... 5... 1......... 2 2 5 Dresdnvi..,..................... 2,93 7..... 4......... 22':........... 1.... 8.. Greenwich......I ~ [....... 3;196.. 1 2 29.......... 6............ 1 8 6 (Continued on page 177.) CLASSIFICATION BY PLACE OF BIRTH. 171 SULLIVAN COUNTY-(CONTINUED). UNITED STATES. TOWNS. |, c d.I. *I~~~~~~~~~~ /.. I t 1 I ~ t 1' ~-.. | | * *o E C4~ - o s" ~ 1 5 ~ ^ 6 ^ 1 ^ Lumberland........ 66........................................ 1 1.... Mamakating.. 12............ 1 2 1 84...... 5.... 36 lo............. 1................ N eversink.... 1.......................... 12...... 5...... 9..............1.......... 2. Rockland........ 6......,1 2........... 34 2..... I... 1......... Thompson...... 3 2 2................ 2....... 30............ 4............... Tusten.......... I....................... 19.;............ 108........................................... Tontaln....... 7 22 6 4 Total~ ~............ 7"62 2 TIOGA COUNTY-(CONTINUIED). Barton...... 87...... 6 13...... 52................ Berkshire........ 89.....'................... 42..... 2............ Candor........... 37 2 2'2.... 10 54...... 7...... 142 7................... 33 14 17.. Newark.Valley.. 86 2............... 6 7 1 1...... 64 7.................. 17 1.......... 27 4..........'"!12....... I....' N ichols.................. 1 1... 3...... 214- 2................... 11 4.......... Owego....... 2 12 3......... 22 128 3 15 1 593 25 2..... I 1 7.... Richford.......... 264 2........... 2....... 2...... 34 7....... 22 2.... ~Bar~~~~~~~~~on g7 ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~......I........ 617[....... I......4 Spencer......... 37.............. 21 3............ 54 4 Tiogals.......... 29 6.......... 6 49......'11....... 208 9................... 13 2. Total........... 642 32 __5 2 2.85| 432 7' 49 __1 1,877 74. 2 8| 1 207 40 36. |.... TOMPKINS COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Caroline.. 5......... 1 10 22 2 4..... 43 4.................. 11 7 2 2 Danby........... 11 9 2 2/./ / Dryden~.......... 48 8 1.... 15 8 114 5 93 lo...... 1. 78 1.................. 40 3 5 Enfield......... 4 5........ 1 65...... 4...... 20 5................ 3 3 1.... Groton.......... 79 10 I......... 7 57...... 9...... 69 9.................. 39 1 2.... Ithacah........... 102 25 2.... 4 31 188...... 29 1 187 15 1...... 1 27 15 7 Lansing........... 24 16.............................. 98.......... Newfield......... 16 2 2...... 81 1.................. 21 2 2.... -Ulysses.......... 21 8.............. 9 119...... 4...... 58 4.................. 14 3 3 1 Total.......... 363 87 4.... 6 86 7 I 77 [ 7 4 1-...... 2 174 37 -24' 6 ULSTER COUNTY-(CONTINUED). D enning.......... 2......................... I.................. 2 1.................. 3.............. 1.... 1 1................... Esopus.... 3 2........ 1 32...... 5 3 3.... Gardiner........... 18....................................... 1 H ardenburgh..... 1......................... 0.......... 2.................................. Hurley.......... 3 2 7.0 2............... Kingston.......... 73 10 4............. 12 17 5 1 Lloyd......... 3....'1 21 1 6...... 6........................ 2 2.......... M arbletown...... I......... 15...... I...... 7..................2.......................... Marlborough... 2 1 21 1 I...... 6 2................... 6 7 2.... N ew Paltz....... 1.................................................. 2......................................... Olive'......,. 4 2..................... 7.................. 6 4................... I............... plattekill......................... 3 17................... 3........................ 1 2 4 R ochester...................................... 7.................. 3..................................... 1.. Rosendale........ 3.................... 5 5...... I...... 10.....;.................. 3 2.......... Saugerties........ - 17 25 1 7 3..7 7 3............ 6 5 4 ---'Shandaken........ 2 6........... 7 1 2...... 9 2.................. 1................. Shawangunk... 8.................... 3 14.................. 3............ I............. 1 1.. W awarsing.... 38 3...... 4.... 1.5 66...... 5....... 84 4.......... i........ 9 1.......... W oodstock............. 2...................... 2.................. 7.............................................. Total.......... 204| 38 6 4 3 40 403 7 42...... 249 31 8 2...... 52 43 22 1 TARTREN COUNTY —(CONTINUED). Cad eL...... 18 3............ 10 3 2..... 6... 8 1................ 40...5..... he sop......u s............ 6 4... 1.... 3 6 3....... 96 1 2.. Ha u....... 2. 1........ 11 1... 1...... 1e.............. 76'..... 3.. Ga rdicner.. 12....... 5.. 18"........,..... I 6......... 1 0 1....... Iardnsburgh..... 19 1[: ]:: [: [ [ [ [ [ I....... 16:[ [ [ [''....:............. 6 3................ 129...~... 1 2:... H uz rley.... 9 2........' 1.........'.......7...... 2......................... 56...... 2.... 5 Llonbuyd....... 12 7 1 1.... 26 7....... 8...... 152 186...... 6................8 2. 2.....2 Stony eto enk...... 1 1............. 1.....'...........15...... 1........ 1.................. 35 ~............ New Palt........ 1......,................'....................... 12............... 30......~............... Oliv e' sug.... 10......i 4 2......... 36 2........... 7...... 1 4............64....... 87 1.....:....1:.1 P rglat eki............ 1 1.............. 3 27...... 2...................... 18................. 2'"'] ] DRoester.............. 7...,............ 7 3.....'............. 3........ 2.............*.. 61................ Ro seond l.......... 3 4.............'.......5' 5...... 1......... 1 0 1................. 27 2..........i;S ngrtiesn........ -25 6.............. 16 I... 71...... 9 7 7 9............ 6..... 2 2...... 2:...: For Ed ard.... 43 2.....::.......:.'"' 8..... 4......,. 5:: 5......::?''.:::..... 17 2.... %Vwr s ingil........ 58/ 31....... 4 1.... 1 81 36...... 2 5.......I 24[ 6...... 3.....-I02 1..... 9 Grewc...... 76 1,....'"9 ~....... ":1............. 9: 1...... _'"/....,......... _: 2 1....... WA~~ COU~Y —Cotiuedo ag)7.) 172 CLASSIFICATION BY PLACE OF BIRTH. SULLIVAN COUNTY-(CONTINUED).'UNITED FOREIGN, COUNTRIES. TOWNS. U5 ^..4I'~ a^ ~. *1 ^ 1 ^ I 1'~ 6 |^ -~ nj. ~ ff ^ M"2 ^ o ............ 141.............. 1I.............................. I....... Mamaronecks... 518............. 1 37.0 I................ I...... 8 3 Morrisania........ 21 7 12 3 24 2 34 45 Mount Pleasant.. 2,7777 7.......... 3,289 1........ 53 2.... 1 9 1............... 10 5 NewoCastle....... 1,349...... 1,565 46........ 5.................................... I -'5 New Rochelle.... 1,796....... 1 2,483 3.... I1 101.... 2 1 12.................. 2...... 6 10 North Castle. 1,706............ 1,908 3.. I............ 3 North Salem 1,017............ 4. Ossining......... 2,794....... 310517........ 1 91.... 2 3 5...... I...... 4 5 5 11 Pelham.......... 393............ 695............. 18.................... I.............. 1 4 2 3 Poundridge...... 1; 067...........0.... 115....................................... 1 R ye............ 2,058 44 1........... 1 3 1............ I...... 9 12 Scarsdale............ 377............ 7.................. I Somers.......... 1,163............ 1, 403............ 29........ 1I............... 5 W estchester...... 1,675............ 2,333 3.... 5 i 54..... 2 3.... 1 3 9 4 W est Farms..... 2,256............. 4 2....... 5 8 23 10 W hite Plains.... 961............ 1,474 1... 1 3.................. 4 1 1 4 Yonkers........... 2 326 1 1 12 4............. 4 6 38 38 Yorktown....... 1,874............ 2,225............ 17........ 1................. China............................ Covington~~ ~ ~~........... 57..... 94....... 5............................... Eagle ~~~~~~~~~~........' " i 7 1 9.....i'... 1......... 3.................... 1.... Wo nevl le.... o 34 2 1,5........... 2....... 2 1 1 1............ Java........... 1 1 300 2 1,757....... 2........................... 2 4... M id leb ry.......... 81 1.1, 3........ 2 2................... Pike............' 854 2 32........ 2.............- - - 5......70-~0t 1.......... 4 1... W ethersfi2759l/....... 3 75.....I 1,0661........... 3.......... 77 1.................. 13.... To~C eteal..... 1'01/....... 0 15/3,218 / 4 22,34.... /.... / 2 500.......... _ ^ 1 8 ^ —— / /~ ~ 11.. "'..i'1 178 CLASSIFICATION BY PLACE OF BIRTH. WASHINGTON COUNTY_(CONTINUED). UNITED STATES. TOWNS.l l i l 1!| | s iI H am pton........ 13.1............ 13........................... I................. 211, 1............ H artford........ 28............. 10 2.................. 2 3................. 91..I... H ebron........... 31 1........... 3 5...... I...... 7 6................... 170.... 1......I Jackson......... 16.................. 8............. 3...... 1 3.................. 52.1 3... Kingsbury,....... 37 3 I1........ 8 4...... 3...... 9 10 I............ 205 4 2....Putnam,......... 7 3............. 3............. 5... 4........................ 46....... 4... Salem............ 51 3' 1..... 30 3...... I1...... 17'S.................. 287 1 3 2 W hite Creek... 71 1...... 22 6...... 4...... 4 4.................. 255 2 1 1 W hitehall.... 60 4........ 1.31 3...... 4...... 2 1................... 431 2 5...... Total......... 591 36 6'2 3 224 52 |...... 7 34 |...... 112 110 2, 7-^'^A 49 -^,28. -3 WAYNE COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Arcadia......... 54 4....... 13 9 1 13... 40 12......... 51 1 8...... Butler......... 23 40........... 13 10.... 13...... 9................. 7 3 6... Galen~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~........... 24...... 4 45 2...... 43..........'........ 3 3... Butler........ 51 9...... 5 15...... 2.... 6 1 3......... 1::8 17 3 1...... Lyons........... 52 19 1........ 8 47 2 13...... 37 5...... 1...... 30 9 924.......... 1 49 12.... 43 Galedn...... 4 4...... 9...... 1................ 31 3........ Hurion.... 4 5 1 1...... 5 28 2... 6...... 61 16 3................ 24.... 4...... 1Ontai..... 52 19 I........... 8 7 29 1... 3...... 37 4...... I...... 30 1 3..I Malmyran......... 45 24............ 18 329...... 74...... 10 8................... 17 3 3.... Mr iose........... 43 13............ 17 128...... 2 24.. 1 8.......... 3...... 54..... Savntari......... 22 14 1.......2 30...... 2 2....... 432......3 4...... 2...... 69 2 23...... Sodse............ 82 13........... 1 7 12...... 72....... 24 20.................. 38..6. 5...... W alworth........ 45 9 1........ 3 27...... 6....... 10 2...... I...... 16 1 3....... W illiamson...... 37 10.... I 1 6 32...... 9.... 23 4.................. 17 1............ W olcott..... 47 15 1........ 19 -28...... 5.... 13 2.................. 34. 1 9...... Total.......... 751 | 248 | 4 |~ 31 68 1333_4 16... 8 12 _ _ 4 ^ ^ _1_ _ _^ WESTCHESTER COUNTY-(CONTINU.ED). Bedford......... 9.............. 12...... 6.... 4....... 2....... 2 1............ Cortlandt........ 41 3 1........ 19 9.... 7.... 24 8 3.... 1 12 8 3...... East Chester.... 52 2.........2 8 95 2 9....... 24 3 10 3...... 14 14 5 1 Greenburgh ~...... 80 6.... 1. 8 10 119 3 27.... 35 6 6 3...... 20 24 I1 2 H arrison........ 9............... 8 4 12 3 1...... 7 1.................. 6 5............ Lewisborough... 7 1 1............'.. 11................... 4 1 1................... 1 41 M amaroneck..... 4...... 1........ 1 25.......2...... 4 1 4............ 3 5............. Morrisania....... 113 1 1 1 7 11 210 1 21...... 97 17 9 1 2 11 14 3 3 Mount Pleasant. 26................ I 1 ~ 58 1 6...... 29 1 2............ 12 4 1 2 New castle... 9 7........ 1 6 4...... I.........................2 6....... New Rochelle.... -28 3........ 5 8 54 12 1.... 27"'9 6............. 4... 1.... N orth Castle..... 6................... 1.................. 10........................ 1.................. North Salem... 15................... 4 11.......... 2 2................... 2 4............ Ossining......... 60 2............ 10 98 5 9...... 59 13 4' 4...... 13 22 5 2 Pelham........... 6.......... 12.... I 24 1............ 6.................................. 4............ P oundridge...... 1......................... 2................... 2.................................... 2...... Rye.............. 87 2........ 1 8 61 1 7....... 34 3 6............ 16 4 1 1 Scarsdale........ 7........;................ 5................... 2 1............................. -...... Som ers.......... 6........................ 3 2......... 7........ I............... 4...... 3 W estchester... 25 6........ I 10 56 3 6....... 31 10 5 2 1 7 5 3....... West Farms..... 87...... 2 2 8 141 4 20.... 68 17 7 4...... 21 15 4 3 W hite Plains.... 15........... 9 19...... I...... 8 6. 3...... 1 3 6 1...... Yonkers......... 135 d5.... 17 254 ~ 4 11.....128 924.5 1 2 34 22 7 3 CLASSIFICATION BY PLACE OF BIRTH. 179 WASHINGTON COUNTY-(CoNTINUED). UNITED STATES. FOREIGN COUNTRIES. ~ow~ ~ ~~~. * 3* TOWNS. S-i'rr -"*,,_.1 i In.!1 *l I. I t 1 * | Iii H am pton........ 780........................ 12............ 3........ 3...... 174................ H artford.................. 1,781........................ 47............. 8....... 1...... 238............. H ebron.................. 2,230........................ 17............ 4....... 2...... 290................ Jackson.................. 1,468........................ 10............ 13....... 4...... 251................ K ingsbury............... 3,127........................ 244............ 59....... 2...... 296...............'Putnam.................. 672........................ 15............ 4.................... 12................ Salem............... 2,651........................ 23............ 17 2 14...... 513................ W hite Creek.............. 2,374......................... 11............ 7....... 1...... 276............ I W hitehall.................................. 447............ 27........ 7...... 345............ 3 Total................. -. 1...217........ 28 S\ 70.,65......... I WAYNE COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Arcadia............ 4,530............ I...... 37............ 99 46 295 52 158 1..... 1 Butler................... 1,990......................... 12............. 21....... 2...... 44..............^... Galen.................... ~4,305................ 56............ 153 45 260 2 422.........'... 9 Huron.................. 1,812........................ 17..57 1 39...... 38............ 1 Lyons......., 3 2............." 36............. 195 87 553 2 194 1.......... M~~~~~~~~aon ~ ~~~~~~~~~...:... 5 2 1...... 229ii........~ Macedon.......-,................. 50 1. o............ M arion......................... 24 133 26................ Ontario................... 1,926........................ 34......:...... 191 2 37 49 64................ Palmyra............. 3 45............. 56............. 169 5 55 41 407................ Rose.................... -1,946........................ 18......I..... 1.08 9'68...... 48 Savannah................ 1,727...................... 20........... 25....... 14...... 122 Sodus.................. 4,005........... 36............ 227' 19 94 161 22................ W alworth............... 1,779........................ 24............ 121....... 119 11 114................ W illiamson.............. 1,969............ 36. 137....... 5 15................. W olcott........ 3,007....................... 39 45........ 12 79................ Total......................... 2_ 1 502 I............ 1,772 215 1,598 847 1,982 | 2 I WESTCHESTER COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Bedford......................... 4 2. 28....... 27...... 265 2.......... ortlandt................... 7,808 1.................... 19] 1...... 14128.......... Elast Chester............. 3,674........................ 12............ 193 48 601 4 986 3........ Greenburgh....... I.... 6,030 1........ I....... 22............. 278 30 397 4 1/-515............ 2 H arrison................. 1,141....................................... 15....... 29 6 176................ Lewisborough............ 1,554........................ I..l.... o1....... 19...... 66................. Cora~~~~~~~~~~~~~~dt~~ ~ ~ ~..... 33I Mam aroneck........... 1 0 0............ 6........... 3 24 - 45...... 253............ 2 Morrisania....... 2 3 7,403.............. 12 1 43 11 2 555 68 2,164 7 1,223 4.... 1 Mount Pleasant.......... 3,515...................... 66 2.58....... 1702................ New Castle...... 1....... 19 5 24...... 113 2.......... New, Rochelle............ 2,801 1.................... 7 1 2 91 6 190 2 807...... 2.... North Castle........................ 3. 16....... 4...... 104................ North Salem............. 1,347............. 2........... 10 1 6...... 152 1.......... Ossinin............. 4,610.... I.... 1...... 20 3 1 199 25 153 1 4,065 4 2 5 Pelhamrn................. 778 2........... 3............ 39 6 25...... 162 1....... Pornrisdni 2 3,0........ 2i ~' 5 5 Po nd id e........... 1,253............ I.................... 7.............. Rye..................... 3,549......................... 10.3...... 75..6 147 1 827 2.......... Se'ar-sdale................ 401............... I............. 13....... 15...... 120................ Somersoun P lesa............................ 2............ 15....... 22...... 158............ 1 W estchester...... 2....2,593...........,. 1 12 1...... 187 14 142 2 843............ I West Farms............. 39 6 5 41,78...... I 3 1,658~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~............. W hitePlains.................... I 10............ 38 34...... 348 Yorakers................. 7,841............ 2 1 54 4...... 778 49 406 1 3,299 11 I.... Yorktown............SI.... 2,28........ e............. 1 6 4............. Total ~ ~';47...........5 3|7,1.... 2 7 9 532T|37\514 3 597|3__^_1 A tc.......... 1 8 9............ 1........... 13, 46 5 2 1... 1........ Ossining o..... 1.... 4,1,83.............. 18.......... 2 0 19 9 | 8 2 5 17....... Cas il............... 1, 09.. 3......... 1 1...... 7. 15... 1........ Pehiam............. 77 0............. 1...... 3 1 8.... 22........... 616 Eand igle................. 1,125 3.................. 2......... 27.......... 4.......... 1 M iddebur........ 1,8 2............ 3... 1 24 2 4...... 5.............. O a gvle...... 4 1,5........... 2 2............ 4~ 11.....:' 13........ Perry........... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1........ 2,41....2.....0... 7...... 8....... 5........ Somer..................4 1,649 4..................... 9...... 91 9... 1........ W ra........ 2, 0............ 24........ 60 8 5..... 13......... 1 W ehesitePlains....... 1,210...;... <..........'7...... 17! 21 17 8....../ 5....-.I........ Tonker......... 1 43 2,7 2.......... "'. 2478[8.... _ 491 /30 1,268[ 5 1,49......'" 180 CLASSIFICATION BY PLACE OF BIRTH. WASHINGTON COUNTY-(CONTINUED). FOREIGN COUNTRIES. TOWNS..0 I.. II| f. H ampton............................................ 1 8...... 201...... 4 H artford................................... 1.......... 5.......................................... 300...... 7 H ebron.............................................................. 19...... 338...... 22 Jackson................................................ 6.................................. 284...... 5 K ingsbury........ 2........ g............................... 611...... 13 Putnam............ 42.......................................... 73...... Salem.... I................. 6.............................. 6 1 584...... 4....................... 1................ 6........... W hite Creek............. 1............................................................................... 297...... 11 W hitehall............ I................................... 14...... I I............ 6...... 852...... 30 Total......... 3 I 5........ 1 _ _7 I........ 182 I I 1 |_ 4... 302 __ 1 6,767 | _ 3__ _171 WAYNE COUNTY-(CONTINUE D).J Arcadia....................................................... 12........ 16 B utler................................................... 1.............................. 1I...... 81....... 12 Galen...... 2....... 2.......... 1I...........12.................. 5 1 1...... 969 1 39 H uron.............................................................................. 1I.................. 154...... 6 Lyons..................... 9.................. 7...... 1...... 1,099...... 76 M acedon................................................. 8.......................................... 432...... 6 M/arion...................................................................................................... 315 2 8 Ontario................. 3.......... I........................................... 383 3 Palm yra.................................... 17.................. 4.................. 758 1 13 tose..................................................................................................... 251 2 10 Savannah.................................................. 2......... 28 Sodus.................... 1I.............. 1I.......... 15............ 1 3I...... 4...... 584...... 14 W al-w orth........................................ 6................... 400............ W illiam son................................................... 591 W rolcott...................................................... 40 Total.................. 9 I..- 1....... 7.......... 88....... _ 1 37 _ _ 7.... 7 0 3 1 2 9 WESTCHESTER COUNTY-(CONTINUE-D). Bedford.............................. 3............. 7........................................ 330...... 15 Cortlandt................ 7.............. 4.1.... 39............ 1 9....... 2 3 1,547 1 37 East Chester............ 2.... 1...... 3...........47...... 2 4 8...... 3 14 1,929...... 12 Sreenburgh......... 1........... 126 1 1 1 13 9 3 2,410 2 21 H arrison................................................... 1...... 1.................. 230 1 8 Lew isborough.............................................. 1.......................................... 97...... 2 M amaroneck............. 2 1.......................... 12............. 379 1 13 Morrisania........... 2 21 2 3... 22..o........ 95 9 2... 0...,7 4 14 W~~~~~~~wort h ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~8 6..................400.......... 83..... M ount Pleasant,. 2.... 3 1........................... 3............... 2 I 1I7... N ew Castleo.................................... 3..................................... -171...... 50 ".........~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~............:...1 New Rochelle.... 2.... 1I.......... 2...I.. 2 2 4...... 7 1 3 3 1,161 15 North Castle.......................... 4................. 4...... 9 N orth Salem..................................... 2.......................................... 174...... I Ossining............. 1 4 3 1...... 7 1.... 4... 3........... 2 4 1,563 1 49 Pelham.................................... 4.......... 14'...................... 1 257...... 8 Poundridge............ 2............................................................. 41...... 5 Rye....."............... 3 2............ I....... 5...... 3 3 1,110 1 15 Scarsdale......................... 5........ 54...... Som ers................................................... 2.1.................................... 201............ W estchester.......... 7.......... 53 6 1....... 5 13 1,305...... 28 W est Farms............. 6............... 23.......... 106...... I...... 12...... 2 12 2,513 3 29 W hite Plains............. 3 2.......... 3.......... 15.................................... 1 457...... 43 Yonkers......... 1 1 12 2.......... 11.......... 174 4...... 17...... 21 4 4,853 2 60 Yorktown ~ ~ 2......................... 32.........,...........23 1 ) 437 ToutPlasant...... 01... 8 |..83 1 20 6'07 1' 8 1i2634 18 _7 Attica.........................::::;;..............J.... 4... 39... o 77... Bn ningoo~ n;......... 1......... 10...... 6......................... 59......' 14 ~ Coigo................................. 18.......... 1.....'.... 1 5... E agle..................................' 9................ 5... 0... GNorth Salem........................................... 2 7.............................. 21..... 1'7 Ossnin........ 1............ 2....... 3.................. 25...... 36....... Ped lh am...................... 2..... 4.................. 1 5 1 1 Perry........... 1... 2.............................................~...~.~.......'.'....'....22....... 1 W ety e fel........................ 2...................,...... 99.... Scarsale..... 2.. 4 1..........4..... |.. 9..^. J ^.. _ I ^ L I L _ 2 _, 4 _ _ j _ 1 CLASSIFICATION BY PLACE OF BIRTH. 181 YATES COUNTY. COUNTIES OF NEW YORK. TOWNS.' Tow~~s ~o S d d. d0!~ ~ ~ I I I/ 1 iI I 0 0 i ~ = J.; M 2 1 Barrington....... 5............ Benton.......... 8...... 4 28 6 12 4.... 102 1 3 30 2 1......... 3 2 Italy..... 4 18 1 7 13 1 3 1 1 4 4 3 4 I............... 3 Jerusalem 1 4 4 2 1....... 4 2 3 I'......... M[iddlesex....... 1 9............ 9...... 2 2.... 8 4 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 3 Milo............ 22 14....... 52 6 21 13.... 51 10 14 48 7 1.... 1 5 3 Potter........... 8 7 1 1 29 10 6 3 1 68 1...... 16 1.... 1 4 4 3 Starkey......... 8 9' 5....... 14 3 43 4.... 36 8 7 15 4 1.... 2 1 8 Torrey.......... 2 6 1 1 11 3 8 2.... 10 5 1 11.................... 1 3 Total.......... 73 71 16 12 1 179 32 |106 | 34 2 391 35 45 222 21 |5 2 13 1 _29 YATES COUNTY-(CONTINUED.) COUNTIES OF NEW YORK. TOWVVNS. *. _____ * I I I *i. I I I. I..1 I * J I I I I I I I I~1 z E Barrington............. 2...... 1.... 2 I 1 6.......... 2 1 23 30 1 5 24 Benton.......... 1 7 2...... 1 6 3 11 4 27.... 5 19 135 46 2 1 5 10 Italy... 8 2 1.... 12 1 4 11 1.... 4 17 87 7 2...... 12 Jerusalem....... 1 6...... 2 2 3 4 12 18 13.... 13 28 84 35...... 3 14 18 Middlesex......... 14 1 2 1.... 4...... 3 7 1.... 7 5 106 6............ 6.... Milo............ 6 5 4 2 14' 13 25 6 31 1 44 23 Ill 69 2 6 22 11 Potter................. 5 1.......... 12 4 4 11 20 2 10 8 185 30 3 1 7.... Starkey............... 11 6 I.... 8 4 11 17 17 4 6 7 85 62 J 2 11 8 Torrey........... 2...... 5 1....... 1 8 2 6.... 8 10 51 6 3 2...... 2 Total............ 16 48 18 15 6 61 31 79 82 116 7 99 | 18 867- 291 13 16 82 73 YATES COUNTY-(CONTINUED). COUNTIES OF NEW YORK. ~,,'. TOWNS. e~.<. ~ u I 4 I b | iD Q c |. i I Barrington....... 2.... 2.... 6.... 2 26 24 136............ 5 20 3...... 3 7 Benton....... 7 3.. 1 14 13 42 54 1...... 9 13 11 2 2 9 Italy............ 3 4...... 3 4.6 1 13 137 1............ 3 1 1 / 6 9 Jerusalem....... 1 8............ 22 1 7 2 26 161 1 1 3 14 3..... 3 9 Middlesex.......... 11............ 11 2 1 4 20 23...... I 2 10 I 1 5' Milo............ 6 21.... 2.... 16 3 12 21 84 154 5 3 6. 30 10 2 17 33 Potter......... 2 18........ 1 9 2 3 3 14 53...... 2...... 5 3 2 6 5 Starkey........... 8.... 9 2 10...... 4 47 53 183 1 2 1 37 8 2 12 8 YATES COUNTY-.(CoTINUED). *TOWNS. | |, ^ i I g.,.' b ~ - ~arrington...... 1.. — i377 I 1,303 {['''-I.... 1.... { 141 i...... /.... T —-]. —-i'. —~.:..~..~~...7':~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^ 1. ~ ^ * ran~~~~~~~~~on.., ~~~~~~~r......:,26i ~,,:/... /s... ~... 47/ f >.../....5s....' B rInt on...... 1.......2 r877 1,303 /.... /.... /.... 1 4............ "~ o1.......'...................... 1 Ben on...... 51 1 1,261 ~ 1 95.... /...../'../ 47 /............ 5 1 2.................. 1 " 3 Jerusalem....... 10 1' 1,519 2,o272.... /.... /.../ 44 /...... /.... ~3 1.................. 6i.. Middlesex............... 75 1, 6....... 1......... 1 2 2......... 1 2 M[ilo............ 7 4 2,196/ 3,295 I}.... ~'}....... 60......... |"1 5 1 2...... 1!ii.... Poter...... 1 1 1,185 1,782 1...../I....... 24............:.... 4 1 1.........::::: Starkey......... 5 2 ],146l 1,969 II....[.-..I..... 28/.............. 2" 31...... 1... Torrey.............. 3 772 1,11 ""........ 13................................ " Total.......... 31 - 5-10,494 15,,966.......|..| I 25 |s I.... — - 2o0 _S8 10~..-... 1 | I | 18 7o2 182 CLASSIFICATION BY PLACE OF BIRTH. YATES COUNTY-(CONTINUED). UNITED STATES. TOWNS cd I I ~ S.. 0~~ W ]....... 5.... 53 Barrington...................... 135......... 9...... Benton.......... 17 22...... 48 ~2........ 11 I............. Italy 4...... 15 6.................. 35 1 2 Jerusalem....... 12 14........... 2 28 8...... 8 29 16.................. 14 3 1...... Middlesex....... 17 14............ 4 14 4...... 8 8................... 58 1 1..... Milo............ 37 20............,11 96 1 6...... 107 15.................. 21 13 4 Potter............... 8 15 1'12..... 18 21.................. 22 5............ Starkey.....20 9....'I 9...... 72 16.................. 20 6 2....... Torrey.......... 7 6.............. 27''...... 13 3.................. 5...... 1 3 Total]60....0. 16........l —.. 1 3 364 36 47......I. 299| 1.-.. |191 30 14 | 4 YATES COUNTY- (CONTINUED). ^T~~~~rii I ~~~~~~FOREIGN COUNTRIES....:;.................- --- -- -— ~ --- --- -- STATES. TOWNS. I -I *g- W ^ 1' I 1 H. - o t cd^^ *. o s ^ ^'J ^ ^s Barrington.............. 1,404........ 5......... 6 2........ Benton.................. 2,122.............. 140 2 98 Italy.................... 1,335.......................... 7............. 40...... I...... lo.................. Jerusalem................. 2,454 1...................... 7............ 56 1 1...... 127............... M iddlesex........ 1,216........I.................. 11............. 9...... 6...... 25.................. M ilo................... 3,706..i........................ 31...... 2 87...... 17 3 300..,.p................ Potter................... 1,952.......................... 10............ 33 62 23...... 42.................. Starkey.................. 2,280.......................... 4............ 24...... 6...... 56.................. Torrey.................. 1,198.......................... 8............. 45...... 9...... 51.................. Total................. 17,667 1..I................ 88.2_ __ 2 440 6 69 3 | 746............... YATES COUNTY-(CONTINUED). FOREIGN COUNTRIES. Wc Ws 0 TONS ow *' s.; |' I | ~ ~ i. i i. i i - - i ______ ^ g g ~ ~ p^ ~ ~~~t S c li^. - ^ ^ ^ Barrington...................................... 2...................................................... 52... 13 B enton.......................................................... 11................ I................ 265 1 12 Italy............................................................ 25....................................... 83 1 33 Jerusalem...................................................... 14....................................... 207.. 2-1 M iddlesex.................................................... I...................................... 52.. 19 M ilo.......................................................... 3.............. 1... 477.... 1 Potter............................ I........ 10.....................................: 181... 4 Starkey...............................................6................................ 96.. 18 STarkey........................................................ 4...................... 1.... 7 Torrey......................................................... 40....I.............. 1... _1...... 1 173 7 3 RECAPITULATION BY PLACE OF BIRTH. COUNTIES OF NEW YORK. COUNTIES. Albany. Allegany. Broome. Cattaraugus Cayug'a. Chautauqua Chemung. Chenango Clinton. Columbia. Cortland, Albany.................................. 62367 3 36 -13 | 76 15 11 36 88 99326 Allegany............................... 90 20, 479 182 633 297 / 93 169 467 9 71 305 Broome................................. 534 31 19,193 17 96 13 49 1,619 3 239 495 Cattaraugus............................. 103 1,130 176 19,985 262 960 115 268 17 71 191 Cayuga........................... 602 81 63 31 29,392 62 99 178 14 296 521 Chautauqua............................ 160 206 69 972 278 29,066 50 422 38 111 155 Chemung............................... 145 99 224 30 152 26 13,800 226 3 61 127 Chenango............................... 170 22 621 23 47 19 6 24,295 II 151 580 Clinton................................. 82........ 1 56 6 1 1 26,982 30 2 Columbia............................... 387 2 15 5 14 3 3 7 131 30,401 10 Cortland..... 139 48 367 13 354 16 11 972 4 121 13,579 Delaware............................... 327 9 302 9 / 18 3 12 321 9 199 38 Dutchess............................... 237 1 41 8 32 16 5 20 19 1,436 8 Erie.................................... 482 130 29 754 432 538 38 117 88 147 110 Essex.................................... 22.....5........ 16 1,249 12 2 Franklin................................ 20 1................. 6 2 1 1,276 4........ Fulton.................................. 300........ 9 2 18 / 2 2 3 8 114 6 Genesee................................. 107 93]14 103 217 73 6 43 11 11137 Greene................................. 1,555 1 23........ 113 2 19 3 741 7 H am ilton................................. 34................................ 2........ 3 210........ nerkimer............................... 214 13 22 17 42 1 4 70 11 9840 Jefferson................................ 191 16 11 6 70 21 9 57 130 86 38 Kings...................................1,195 19 72 5 88 12 44 58 55 459 37 Lewis.................................. 192 44 5 22 10 2 338 10321 Livin ston............................ 103 638 30 99 598 50 58 54 30 8853 Madison...........:............. a......... 276 49 70 23 129, 35 10 1,241. 14 2671394 Monroe................................ 541 99 97 468 62 71 203 46 34177 ~~~~~~~~~~155[~....:1.......I2.......I7 08 Montgomery............................ 428 1 12 5 191........ 107 1008 New York............................... 1,699 22. 58 14 109 28 43 64 60 5 20 Niagfara................................ 199 46 32 48 240 64 16 72 56 166 63 70 Oneida.................................. 71 1 1 8 24 137 126 Onondaga................................. 936 36 90 40 1,368 42 36 359 37 315 1, 055 Ontario.................................. 241 117 42 37 343 28 72 66 5 343 Orange.................................. 128 12 74 6 24 75 403 10829 Orleans................................. 193 54 31 33 185 55 12 68 12 14243 Oswego.................................. 9456 22 8 31 20 8416.17 20 / 196 59 310 123 Otsego................................ 542 9 12 1 5 1 9 132... 10 17 5 351 78 Nitnarm................................. 26........ 3........1........ 27 Ouneiar.............................../ 71 | 1 I 4 I 2 1 3 7 45 | 6 1 2 1 3 291 12 Queens................................., 240 Rensselaer................................ 2,436 23 10 27 Richh-ond................................... 54........ 5 1 4........ 2 35 20 1 Rockland................................. 57 1 8........ 45 3 16. 24 5 St. LawrPence..................... 127 11 2 7 19 15 1 26 7~1'5 37 14 Saratoga.................................. 1075 13 17 8 44 14 11 23 87 40411 Schenectady1............................. 1,298 9I1' 4 19 3 1 2 3 202 11 Shoharie............................... 1.964 3 21 6 19 2 1 1 76 3688 Schuyler................................. 61 75 41 11 166 11 1,249 63 5 57 60 Seneca.................................. 112 28 40 8 721 17 66 437 555 Steuben................................. 200 879 364 115 393 88 891 932 9 166 326 Suffolk.................. 2............... 26 213 Sullivan............................. 97 1 32........ 23 21 292 453 Tioga............................... 424 27 753 13 114 11 250 248 19 109 277 aRrensselae............................ 2 2 373 218 45 612 Wasicmngto.''' 2 46'................. 8 4 1 2 7 713 4 W ay e....................... 32 30 30 4 1,1801 31 711,228 Westchester..................2.......... 26 4 2!28 155 81 36 Wyoml, ndg.................................107.. 413 20 957 13 899 11730.. St awrnes......................;....... 273 71 1 12 19 3 106 342 39135 S rToga................ 8563 2517 2,4 1, 4 40,69 1775 1771 490 3167 4,04 0,8 184 CLASSIFICATION BY PLACE OF BIRTH. RECAPITULATION-(CONTINUED). COUNTIES OF NEW YORK. COUNTIES. —-------------- Delaware. Dutchess. Erie. Essex. Franklin. Fulton. Genesee. Greene. Hamilton. Herkimer. Jefferson. Albany.................................. 135 637 95 76 8 149 29 11478 14860 Allegany................................ 181 112 190 28 13 31 175 66 3 260 60 Broome.................................. 1.028 635 264 3 8 27 272 6 91 34 Cattaraugus............................. 168 125 1,635 70 7 23 454 74 4 428 97 Cayuga.................................. 122 597 95 25 4 68 43 147 3 318 275 Chautauqna.............................. 149 275 1,125 109 223 26 504 79 14 523 158 Cbemung............................... 252 196 42 7........ 12 36 77 1 84 31 Chenango............................... 596 330 102 1 29 13 1402 17538 Clinton.................................. 5 51 10 993 374 5 7 9 1 14 29 Columbia............................... 56 1,092 17 7 2 12 13 753 1 28 13 Cortland................................ 264 121 18 / 5 1 13 23 / 139 1 261 55 Delaware................................ 29,501 365 6 4 3 3/1 810 6 13 6 Dutchess................................ 105 42,244 14/ 10 6 22 9/ 357 1 16 15 Erie.................................... 76 200 73,372 64' 24 50 990 85 7 432 216 Essex.................................. 2 38 2 16.724 112 6 4 11 23 12 8 Franklin................................ 4 17 7 395[ 14,486 2 6 3 [ 1 16 67 Fulton................................. 30 176 18 10 6 15105 5 59 288 388 108 enesee................................. 40/ 124 587 26 15 38/14,829 42 /1 1/16 49 Greene................................ 692 471 3 6 2 11 5 21,922 2 12 13 Hamilton............................... 1 11 1 80........ 160 5 3 1,319 32 5 Herkimer............................... 38 115 28 6 5 440 11 78 25 24,563 255 Jefferson................................ 36 115 35 55 115 159 50 38 / 24 *1,719 40,327 Kings................................. 105 931 232 2 44 7 60 49 309 10 97 93 Lewis................................... 41 93 9 15 22 86 19 45 2 585 1,776 Livingston............................... 76 161 112 12 58 305 117 6 149 55 Madison................................ 75 131 36 12 2 79 31 84 3 755 117 Monroe................................. 65 624 347 68 38 63 726 160 7 310 347 Montgomery............................ 17 106 16 5 3 805 10 54 7 596 73 New York.............................. 239 1,664 347 42 149 43 3436 8082 Niagara................................. 42 179 976 47 11 47 355 761 18162 Oneida................................ 1081 341 64 32 15 137 72 236 28 2,939 680 Onondaga.............. 101 574 113 22 22 106 58[ -195 39 803 338 Ontario................................. 36 362 103 9 11 27 100 104 6 208 81 Orange.................................. 78 1,059 16............... 129 1541 2210 Orleans................................. 33 204 196 36 12 32 566 48 5 207 105 Oswego................................. 72 227 58 49 98 77 69 373.15 1,811 2,147 Otsego................................... 1,211- 420 35 8 2 381 24 251 8 1,135 79 Putnam................................ 23 755 4 2 1 1 7 22........ 11 Queens................................. 23 136 209 3 2 3 22 1 9 9:Rensselaer.............................. 92 652 46 124 12 112 1 2906 9060 Richmond............................... 24 4481........ 117........ 23 Rockland............................... 10 9261........ 34 2725 2 ~~~~~' 0 2 6 /.......... 14'I 7 27 02/5[' St Lawrence................; 14 51 34 754 1,092 70 34 20 7 698 2,075 saratoga................................ 35 523 38 114 15 421. 18 98 * 82' 114 61 Schenectady............................... 11 I 111 4 6 9 67 7 49 10 53 6 Schoharie............................... 401 255 6 7........ 19 6 567 4 89 18 Schuyler................................ 139 207 8 3 2 19 18 39 1 72 16 Seneca................................... 65 188 55 7 2 7 26 37 1 51 50 Steuben................................ 401 366 101 36 5 59 102 144 3 334 84 Suffolk.................................. 19 57 43........ 4 3 39........ 14 5 Sullivan................................. 660 34921 2 8 413........ 11 3 Tioga............................... I.269 248 106 11123 628 Tompkins........................ 186 4. 20........ 136.... 62 Ulster.................................. 633 I 1,513 I 146]....9 1 5 311'W arren.................................] 10 1 93 ] 12 I 435 1 11/ 32 1 6 [ 53/ 36 1 26 1 15 W ashington.............................I 241 1041 161 3621 56/ 271 23 | 44/ 12 411 27 W ayne................................. 32 872I 80I 26I 8 13] 61/ 123/ 7} 204I 157 W estchester...........................".. 100{ 703 I 48[ 5I 4 12 15[ 132[ 1[ 28{ 33 W yoming.....,.......................'... 59I 123{ 545 41I 3 161 848 52~~ 1 154 56 Tot;M............................... I..... 22523 12141 Totl........................3,05 6318 81,02 2,09 1,71 1896 20,957[32,818 2,081 41,7 14 50,81 CLASSIFICATION BY PLACE OF BIRTH. 185 RECAPITULATION-(CONTINUED.) COUNTIES OF NEW YORK. COUNTIES. Kings. Lewis. Livingston. Madison.' Monroe. Monlgom- New York. Niagara. Oneida. Onondaga. Ontario. ery. Albany.................... 220.28 iS8 59 | 90 427 1,641 26 457 114 37 Alleg-any............................. 20 22 1,040 449 295 130 191 60 261 282 324 ]Broome.............................. 57 21 15 145 31 74 438 11 143 9 120 14 Cattaraugus.......................... 23 22 233 315 230 235 172 122 386 422 229 Cayuga................................ 59 46 118 267 196 302 423 34 436 1,819 184 Chautauqua.......................... 46 83' 147 578 266 238 586 ill 806 416 193 Chemuno............................. 35 55 113 137 65 784 19 110 119 182 Chenango............................. 29 15 7 1,008 16 142 1257 381 13513 Clinton............................... 3043 4 13 20 121 139 10 6 Calumbia............. 669 8 13 15 11 31 704 17 46 27 19 Cortland.............................. 23 13 13 428 20 168 1329 252 818 21 Delaware............................... 343 10 148 29 292 12 531111 Dutchess............................. 227 4 15 18 37 14 1,7709 54 4316 Erie................................... 72 37 214 270 988 322 1,275 912 817 385 356 Essex................................ 30 1 1 24 14 81 2 13 5........ Franklin............................... 1092 16 2 49 541 6 I Fulton............................... 03 31 Genesee.............................. 27 33 559 171 1,015 165 177 153 315 214 248 Greene............................... 6027 97 20 3586 43 155 Hamilton.............................17........ 11 98104 192....... Herkimer.....................1 110 5 159 33 1,130 130 16 1,655 5 137 i7 Jeffrierson............................. 19 1,453 14 250 53 1,088 2153 30 1.145 20829 Kinfsn................................105,049 23 41 92 147 148 46,210 49 368 11680 Lewis481 2 2.....268 120. 6 1,222 7011 Livingston.............................. 20 31 19,068 130 939 194, 146 1 39 204 5 8 911 Madison.............................. 15 112 23,776 48 473 247 14 2,408 1,213 39 Monroe.............................. 141 104 959 318 48,791 364 1,179 332 744 485 1,301 Montgomery.......................... 36 16 14 45 26 21,830 173 10 151 5818 New York............................ 3 3,05 31 63 142 109 34 132 447 169 101 Madison............................. 1 /12473 24}1 2648},11 3 Niagara............... 33 18 154 138 759 187 425 292,752 26 260 297 Oneida............................... 1 109 1,008 41 1,79 134 1,735 052 38 55,857 465 47 Onondaga............................ 55 71 61 1,675 237 783 675 56 1,227 47,822 134 Ontario.............................. 52 22 494 101 731 183 334 64 26 288 22,707 Orleans......................... o.. 33835 6 61 13 1,9832 38 17 38 Orange................................ 18 9 139 165 1, 275. 253 145 578 314 301 3842 Oswego.............................. 53 249 25 955 131 509 52 4 2,7 3 2 860 2,609 82 isego................................ 1938 Oned 44/ 4 6 66 2641 5 Putnam............................... 50........ I 21 2 22 40616.. Queens............................... 1,889 1,7 119 210 5 Rensselaer..................... 186 13 13 61 73 167 852 20 277 92 25 Richmond............................ 243 41 132 2,6993 2234 Rockland........................167 2 1 3 12 1,89725317 St. Lawrence.......................... 29 5 373 10 4 9 367 132 25 3 441 81 23 Saratoga............................. 66 8 15 28 55 293 367 23 128 588 Schenectady.......................... 15 6 3 29 is8 705 223 12 59 28 15 Schoharie.......................^.. 15 6 4 17 7 723 103 4 46 15 8 Schuyler............................... 14 2 25 43 44 88 153 12 75 66 108.Seneca................................ 27 24 53 62 130 90 159 45 218 27 7 531 Steuben................................ 40 12 899 | 266 286 916 384 31 24-5 299 666 Suffolk.................................... 67278 1056 2,6142 1479 SUllivan.............................. 1034867 13 76339 69 Tioga................................ 20 2 17 67 23 69 2263 62 6419 53.47 4 65 9 55 [ 17 0 39 1,09 8 2 [ 39 3 281 Otsregon............................... 124..1..... 8 3 ~47 10 1 814 153 asintona............................. 1 122456872 Wayne~ ~ ~ ~~~5~................... 42 5 8 04 83 0 24 6 44 61,7 Westchester~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~................1036 1 2 41,8 9 7 9 2 Richo ind............................ 19 10 39 4 3 38 112, 69 318 140 192 Rokands................................ 156 61/ 31 79 82 1167 99/1187 24~~~~~~~~2 186 CLASSIFICATION BY PLACE OF BIRTH. RECAPITULATION-(CoNTrNUED). COUNTIESOF NEWYORK. COUNTIESOrange. Orleans. Oswego. Otsego. Putnam. Queens. Rensselaer. Richmond. Rockland. St. Law- Saratoga. Albany.............,......................| 136 26 | 53 269- 22 29 3,003 i 6 | is8 21 1,'300 Allegany............................... 130 35 32 525 17 2 389............... 33 192 Broome................................. 345........ 40 899 47 16 164 8 9983 Cattaraugus............................. 101 73 95 511 11 6 143........ 8 40 179 Cayuga................................... 323 27 463 226 21 34 422 7 30 68 509 Chautauqua.............................. 149 107 115 734 26 38 476 14 24 74 373 Chemung................................ 1,225 12 49 191 23 7 127 6 21 1942 Chenango................................ 1047 2,067 223 164 3 1284 Clinton........................... 8 104 1 9 22666 Columbia................................ 673 18 71 178 933 2........ 382 Cortland................................ 1636 35 51565 134........ 9 1281 Delaware................................ 71 1 16 1,200 505 59 25253 Dutchess................................ 713 6 13 32 1041 146 183 22 94 19 128 Erie....................................125 211 121 332 24 18 362 8 1 1 29 361 Essex............................... 434 5 6........ 1 66 I 1 100829 Franklin................................. 21 14 11 1........ 29................ 7522 Fulton.................................. 6 12 39 129 8 5 233 1 1 41 980 Genesee................................. 7 2 381 38 166 5 11 161 9 1 38 189 Greene.................................. 542 15 77 38 16 149 6 19347 Hamilton...................1 4 3 14......... 2 32................ 2160 Herkimer................................'38 163 97942 224 1 2 80 214 Jefferson................................ 27 12 731 38028 297........ 4 1,185 455 Kings.................................... 1,335 22 78 121 158 3,486 642 533 246 53 229 Lewis.................................... 246 132 12023 146 1 2 936293 Livinigston................................ 94. 68 27 106 12 7 116 4 5 29 228 Madison................................. 31 16 222 620 113 239........ 3 59 155 Monroe.................................. 177 677 208 344 33 32 691 13 57 184 553 Montgomery.............................. 28 5 35 437 2 2 164 4 4 13 326 Now York............................... 1,934 22 97 114 396 1,248 814 587 554 69 250 N~iagara.................................. 71 746 65 166 30 12 188........ 3 124 259 Oneida.................................. 55 27 779 1,13365 602 11 11 152 392 Onondaga................................. 398 52 1,580 458 17 31 507 2 34 175 634 Ontario.................................. 227 71 62 1400 35 177 2 35 47 234 Orange.................................. 43,997 8 12 16 246 58 55 13 483 17 37 Orleans................................. 59 12,783 50 180 248 355 1 4 62 386 Osweko................................. 58 69 37,175 852 65 522 2 2 610 517 Ots-ego.................................. 34 12 51 32,463 1 9 295'2 4 17 143 Putnam................................. 219........ 1I1 9,730 8 11 3 20 413 Queens................................... 91. 3 28 8 10 31,861 61 90 14........ 13 Rensselaer............................... 80 | 5 57 116 1 18 1 51 48,834 1 5 10 37. 1,241 erichmond............................... 36........ 123 60 16 13,602 6614 Rockland................................. 605........ 4 15 44 56 37 16 11,743 111 St. Lawrence............................. 8 12 162 121 2 8 104 1........ 46, 850 159 S aratoga................................ 48 9 47 89 15 30 2,207 2 4 30 29,313 Schenectady..................... 15 9 16 45 2 9 341 1 1 4 642 Schoharie........................ 16 12 22 496 57 197......... I 1357 Schuyler................................ 370 9 19 89 89 9 49 1 12 566 Seneca................................... 204. 15 54 44 44 7 75 3 44 28 136 Steuben................................. 511 36 83 1,008 169 16 162 9 34 45 276 Suffolk.................................. 102 12 6 12 644 23 24 182 8 Sullivan................................. 1,64041 51 57 37 27 3 83 12 11 Tioga,................................... 752 59 443 51 13 93 2 6 8 145 W arren - AO A -10 A tA I 1) C% 11 -7..................811. 127 842 W ashington.............................. 15 17 29 /251,9 8............. 3741,5 Ki yngs................................... 1,76 6 2 1 257 157 2, 8 2054 4 4 52 69 47 ew yo isg................................ 471 2 89...... 1266~ 3..... 1 190 93 Yates~~~~~~~~~~~~~~................... 21 3 6 2 3 2 95.... 1 6 0 Toal................... 9,2 1582 357 4982 1,12 853 6,13 1513 419 5,00 5,1 CLASSIFICATION BY PLACE OF BIRTH.187 RECAPITULATION-(CONTINUED). COUNTIES OF NEW YORK. COUNTIES. Schenec- Schoharie. Schuyler. Seneca. Steuben. Suffolk. Sullivan. Tioga. Tompkins. Ulster...Warren. tady. Albany................................. 979 1, 374 4 20 36 19 23 20 19 269 94 Alleg-any.... *............................ 22 84 19 186 1,~328 13 27 149 47-5 35 35 Broome................................. 63 842 10 60 62 31 157 514 195 21710 Cattaraugus........................... 113 171 370 4 60 70 255 4867 Cayuga................................. 132 197 25 454 108 16 39 85 925 39729 Chautauqua.............................. 38 114 4 59 116 19 20 52 199 6289 Chemung............................... 14 92 423 160 689 14 181 486 1,197 1307 Cbenango............................... 22 216........ 11 72 10 32 39 78 50 10 Clinton................................ 59.12........ 123 214 5 72 Columbia............................... 31 124........ 4 6 69........ 6 169 15 Cortland................................ 23 186 1 15 44 26 33 97 530 698 Delaware ~...................46 1,111........ 2 24 8 387 18 39 3788 Dutchess................................ 29 56........ 11 9 25 102 10 16 1,431 3 Erie...................................... 65 139 7 138 159 29 16 21 127 9584 Essex.................................... 5 6................. 5........ 1I........ 87 381 Franklin................................ 14 3........ 2........ 61........ 32 25 Fulton..................... I............. 201 193........ 29 64 2 1 22 108 Genesee...................... 26 91 1 68 70 11 6 14 39 27 10 Greene.....................................8 5 37 4364 636 50 H amilton................................ 9 39................................ 1I1I........ 6105 Herkimer............................... 124 207 6 32 22 12829 4121 Jefferson................................ 44 124 3 18 22 14 39 21 2058 Kings.................................... 47 70 70 8 710 1,667 112 36 73 496 33 Lewis................................... 8...... 4 47473 3511 Livingston.............................. 71 74 5 158 709 6 9 20 76 48 15 Madison................................ 59. 166 5 18 318 22 32 55 221 Monroe................................... 191 150 22 284 198 38 17 59 91 15818s Montgomery............................. 645 586 56 114627 3519 New York............................... 57 86 8 54 44 437 154 26 65 96227 Niag-ara...........................<...... 99 134 6 393 51 22 18 16 53 31 29 Oneida.................................. 146 378 7 49 69 17 12 15 43 6331 Onondaoa............................... 149 379 14 156 94 21 31 59 175 10861 Ontario................................. 45 88 48 578 457 23 19 47 90 1329 Orang~e................................... 12 30 1 24 24 69 1,1716 40. 24 1,890 5 Orleans.................................... 88 168 2 81 259 1463 5626 Osweo................................. 395 425 7 65 57 15 23 15 63 6060 Otseo.................................. 4 1,445 68 439 21 18 2 20 4315 Putnam........................................... 9........ 17 11 16 4 559........ Queens................................. 4 12........ 8 7 869 193 14 518 Rensselaer..........................248 201 10 10 21 9 156 12 16774 Richmond................................ 2 2........................ 15 4 1........ 19 1 Rockland................................ 4 11........ 31 25852 941 St.: Lawrence............................ 40 51........ 59521 11180 Saratoga................................ 579 2 6 1 2 14 12 11 11 10 3334 Schenectady............................. 12,223 3 72........ 34 35 1 1 17 5 Schoharie............................... 250 25,435........ 24 11 1554 617 Schuyler................................. 6 70 5,458 555 1,622 10 22 119 2980 1036 Seneca.................................. 17 55 106 15,462 176 12 33 38 480 8620 Steuben................................. 52 190 365 431 35,548 2 40 350 1,071 12246 Suffolk.................................. 26 2 519 31,5820 12 14 4....... Sullivan................................. 2 264 24 11 12 18,9745 13 1,4753 ToQ 991 0 r..(.lit".... 18 6 25 39 16 2 18 50 1, 2531 4 9 TOne ida.................................147 8 9 9172 30 45 316 65 18,406 316 Onondag................................. 1 4 20 3 1235694895 31 52 9 75920 6 Onashingon............................. 25........ 7 17 2564 1893 Orla ns...................... 79 6 2 558 1151215 03 W estcheste....................... 8..830 52 4- 213 82 416 14 291 Owego.in............................... 20 77 6 2 5 18407 39432 Otsego....................................5 1 5 2 9 399 37 4410 Totnaml.....................................8,31 70 21 1 438 35 26,146 17 871 2 9,621 6,452 6,78 188 CLASSIFICATION BY PLACE OF BIRTH, RECAPITULATION —(CONTINUED). COUNTIES OF NEW YORK. UNITED STATES. Total New COUNTIES. York.* ~'Washing- ~VWayne. Westches- Wyoming. Yaterkasas. California. Connect aa Ion. ter. Albany............................ 374 37 146 13 14 77,597 10................ 750........ Allegany............................. 284 60 50 571 194 31,877........ I........ 651 2 Broome.............................. 93 23 121 7 15. 29 532 1................ 1,130 2 Cattaraugus......................... 390 86 26/ 683 66 32,285................ 3 521 6 Cayuga..;......................... 527 703 182 42 72 42, 983 3 I 11 867 1.......................... 194.................. Chautauqua. ~~~467/15 27/ X4 S 01,7 2 1,003/' Chemung............................ 47 52 85 22 260 22,833 2........ 2 408 9 Chenango............................ 97 21 67 4 8 32,488....................... 1,554........ Clinton.............................. 20659. 29,627................ 3 127 1 Columbia............................. 67 2'5 59 3 7 37,319........ 3 4 530 Cortland............................ 130 44 36 4 13 20,647................ 3 705....... Delaware............................ 80 19 118 2 3 36,151 17................ 8351 Dutchess................. 52 31 552 2 2 9 51,603 12........ 6 Erie................... 381 226 53 773 57 89,616 10 2 9 1,055 16 Essex...............................;3661 15 20,179 I. 155... Essex ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.............. 8 6 /,....... Franklin...........................74 /............... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1,7 3............. 541 I 9 Fulton.............................. 139 14 11........ 2 21,101................ 1 193........ Genesee.............................. 206 73 52 771' 33 21,918 2....... 1 910........ Greene.............................. 309 80 1 3 28,216........ Hamilton............................ 293. 3 [.. 2 2....................... 14 Herkimer............................ 103 19 34 3 2 31,772................ 3 542 Jefferson............................ 316 51 13 19 6 51,674........ 1 6 722........ Kings.............................. 165 52 1,692 14 30 167,808 60 18| 1CO 4,684 180 Lewis............................... 58 23 7 3 1 20,928 1......... Livingston........................... 220 94 45 473 i53/ 27,580................ 3 671 1 Madison............................... 138 41. 46/ 5 4 34,229 I........ 7 1,136 1 Monroe............................. 61 912. 172 1907 128 65,612.........L6,] 91. 17 19 12 65627 134........ Montgomery......................... 71 10 22 6 1 27,141 1 3........ 147........ New York........................... 237 75 3,390 20 23 364,667 137 13 207 6,262 224 Niagara............................. 211' 161 25 99 38 31,426 2 2 8 455........ Oneida............................... 252 70 91 14 26 72,306 2 2 6 1,858 2 Onondaga............................. 514 176 98 36 32 65,273 1........ 11 1,449 12 Ontario.............................. 21 9021 392........ 36757 2 Orange.............................. 43 22 215' 6 7 52,888 5 3 4 421 4 Orleans.............................. 213 253 88 104 39 20,977................ 2 527........ Oswego....................5......... 680 226 92 21 21 56,891 1........ 5 1,047........ Otsego.............................. 82 20 78 5 3 42,448 1........ 10 1 099........ Putnlam...................................... 3 670........ 4 12,156........ 2........ 405 6 Queens............................... 125 284 11 40,6094........ 5 412 2 Rensselaer........................... 1,129 52 141 3. 10 609902........ 2 6 707 4 uichmond........................... 9 670......'1.. 10 185.. Rockland............................ 6........ 322................ 15,415 1........ 3 143........ St. Lawrence......................... 366 22 14 9 4 " 55,450........ 5 4 383........ Sarat~oga............................. 1,516 42 107 9 3 39,478 1 1 8 421........ 16~~~ 81 79........ Schenectady......................... 65 5 25........ I 1, 1 6................. 79.... Schoharie.............................. 40 7 32 1.1 31,42.5........................ 196........ Schuyler............................ 38 25 59 4 663 15,435................ 2 3 8 2 Seneca.............................. 89 390 91 16 175 21,165 1........ 9 263........ Steuben............................. 236 115 145 117 1,318.52,610................ 3 701 5 Suffolk.............................. 196 138 1........ 36,485 2........ 3 695 1 Sullivan~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~.........'........... 1 0 18 11 5,60............ 6 46....:X okan............................. 8983 22, 1.!........... 2 615,41 Tompkins~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~.................. 43 5 9 34 5,6..........3 5........ ls te. Larne............................ 1127324 6, 1............ 4 7.... *Warren ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 6|''........................,393 7 2 1 5 2 16,68283................. 4 Waashigton............................29,816 4 28 103 2 6 3,4,93 5 1 4 240 1 Wavne..............................~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~444429812103,8........ 568 W Stchenetady........................ 5 1 4,3 3 1 67,211'' 6...... 1 2, 12 "Wyoming...............~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:/...........54901,822;,4.............[50.... Yc oaries............................... 0 93 31- 15 10 [3,494 1 5,6................. 1 6....... 25 Schuyle...........................4 370 999 8,4 19,58.519 259,91 31. 6. 54 4824. 0 * This column~59 4nlds in addtio toh pre,4ing5...... tha weerpre37br n tt fNwYrth-on ntseiid CLASSIFICATION BY PLACE OF BIRTI. 189 RECAPITULATION-(CONTINurE). UNITED STATES. COUNTIES. --- ---------------------------------- Florida. Georgia. Illinois. Indiana. Iowa. Kansas. Kentucky. Louisiana. Maine. Maryland. MassachuSetts. Albany................................. 5 17 71 17 20 2 22 27 77 122 1,231 Allegany................................ 1 7 77 16 18 2 11........ 122 12 655 Broome................................. 8 648 16 1 8 1 15 51.815 Cattaraugus............................................. 75 19 42 2 6 2 86 20 980 Cayuga.......... 1 7 73 25 22 3 9 14 30 72 966 Chautauqua........................... 3 5 114 56 51 2 21 3 100 34 1,445 Chemung' "....................... 2 16 43 16 7 2 6 6 52 115 362 Chenango................................................ 3784 5 5 23 11 715 Clinton......................................... 1 226 13........ 2 9 5 71 21 316 Columbia....................<................... 1. 30 123......... 5 *10 35 7 1,056 -id......................................... 4 42 ]Delaware...................................... 33 4 9 295 328 *Dutchess................................. 4. 13' | 31.24 13. 6 7 13 50 54 456. Erie..................................... 2 8 219 69 57 7 82 22 235 158 1-580 Essex...................................... 5 2 20,5'Franklin................................. 1 1 20........ 5 1.............. 0 d 29 7303 Fulton.... 2 14 4 6~~~.........}3 2 2 3 3 Cotlton....................................... Genesee................................. 1 5 64 126........ 7 2 24 27 730 Greene~~~~~~'......... 4 2 24 7/ 4 1 2 5 1 7/ 18 1 aem ltone..........................' "........ 2 244 13386 H am ilton.............................................. Herkimer............................. 2 3 385 14 1 3 35 21 488 Jefferson............................... 3 5 71 20 19 3 6. 3 53 13 1.054 ings................................... 75 201 240 97 62 3 164 272 1,612 944 5'316 Lewis.................................... 1................., 249 10......... 14 1 467 ]Livin ton.............................. 2 10373 319 7........ 46 25 5 Madison.............. 2 2 69 14 14.........12 3 39 / 30 922 Monroe................................. 3 11 1458 29 6 36 21 168 121 1,520. Montgomery..................................... 2 17 1 12........ I I1 11 6 196 New York...... I........................ 86 392 354 116 54 10 288 589 1,392 1,992 7,190.Niagara.................................. 2........ 92 30 23 1 22 5 72 59 525 Oneida.................................. 4 9 130 32 32 4 14 9 107 50 1 677 Onondaga....................... 5 7 146 33 11 2 20 7 77 60 1,036 Ontario.................................. 2 6 63 489 2 4 11. 45 102 836 Orange................................. 3.8 17 57 64 352 Orleans.......'.. ".......... 4 57:.1....2.4........ 4437 26 507 Oswegorl-.... 12.115. 24 24 3 4 2 109. 30 1,085 Otsego...................... 1 2 48 16 15 1 4 1 18 12 60 Putnam.................................... 3 89................................ 7 946 Queens....................... 4 21 31 108......... 12 27 65 100 378 Rensselaer.,n............................... 3 15 79 32 29........ 15 13 98 63 1,756 Richmond............................... 6 21 20 4................. 48 39 671 152326 Rockland................................ I........ St. Lawrence............................ 2 3 75 16 21 1 4 3 109 14 1,151 Saratoga................ 1 50 16 10........ 13 14.77 27 764 Schene'ctady.................. 1 29 43 1 1........ 4 7 153 y....~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~9 ~'.....'!/........... Schoharie................................ 3 1 12 2........ 3........ 9 3118 Livingston.............................. [ 2 1 26 58................... 5 7128 Seneca.......................................... 4. 416 3............ 1 11 25 164 Steuben................................. 6 83 37 19 5 7 123 52 601 Suffolk................................. 8 673 4........ 11 11 58 33 224 Sullivan................................. 1 5 15 24......... 415872 Tiontgomery............................/......' "' 2 1 2368 1 2........ 1... 1 39 31 642 }q w orpk............................... 12 474311436 Niagara..........'".....'.-............/. /........... 92 3 347......2.. 5 7 6 63 36 204 Oneidan........................................... 15 ]9 2 3 2.................. O'{ 0 1, 267 2 Ononidga.................................... 1 23...... 2....0 59. WesTn hestlri I |7 /6....... 11 I 5 9 5 27 / 3 60 I 184 196 8 yOrange.................................. 1~ 5 0 1 8 [........... 411 8 1 7 7.5 489 646 35 Orlanes...................................|........ | 4 1 20 31 8 10 2/ 4........{ 1{ 1236 07 Queens........;..............,......... 9 9 3,0 1 1 1 9 6 96, 5 6 1 3, 3 4,2 190 CLASSIFICATION BY PLACE OF BIRTH. RECAPITULATION-(CONTINUED). UNITED STATES. COUNTIES. Michigan. Minnesota. Mississippi. Missouri. New New Jersey North Ohio. Oregon. Pennsylva- Rhode H-lampiishire Carolina. nia. Island Albany.................................. 60 10 13 12 225 336 17 126 1 363 126 Allegany........................... 0 6........ 7 199 3343 1 6 2 1,208 368 Broome................................. 53 3 11 3 156 398 6 46........ 1,8;80 83 Cattaraugus............................ 102'15........ 6 292 145 7 155 1 1,221 202 Cayuga.................................. 228 3 7 14 143 633 12 161 2 511 150 Chautauqua.............................. 145 19 4 12 363 241 1 438........ 2,408 170 Chemung................................ 91 8 2 9 58 763 14 84 1 2,21643 Chenango............................35 2........ 5 173 555 50 1 271 507 Clinton.................................. 3c)2 1 5 9 314 34 1 22........ 73 23 Columbiau a................ 24 1 4 6 356 113 5 26........ 104 72 Cortland................................ 31 10 1 9 84 69 1 65......... 191 217 Delaware................................ 12 2 1 4 45 1347 37........ 55239 Dutchess................................ 44 3 2 29 53 371' 17 68........ 231 113 Erie.................................... 408 26 20 50 435 343 14 827........ 1,619 ^84 ssex................21................ 4 470 402 30........ 4929.15~ ~ 2 30 58 732 48'Pirankl in................................ 17 Fulton................................... 20 1................ 66 32 2 23 1 36 53 Genesee.................................. 185 2. 224 121 7........ 120........ 243 68 Greene.................................... 23................ 2 15. 122 12 18........ 71 41 H am ilton................................ 3........................ 15 3........................7 9 Herkimer................................. 35 6 3 6 73 81 2 47........ 90 156 Jefferson................................ 101 13 12 8 445 103 4 108........ 156 149 Kings.................................... 180O 19 39 119 625 6,439 392 656 4 3,062 1,161 Lewis.................................... 15 2................ 90 32 2 34........ 5853 Li~vingston................................ 193 4 1 13 189 447 5 117........ 907 52 M adison.................................. 75 6........ 4 150 111l3 58........ 169 367 Monroe.................................. 445 11 19 130, 511 605 10 307........ 646 140 Montgomery............................ 11................ 3 28 104 1 37 2 49 26 New York................................. 217 34 112 199 9027 9,741 269 1,128......... 5,499 980 Niagara.................................. 293 1 2 1 2 222 299 7 179........ 8298 1 Oneida.................................. 152 8 7 5 237 222 1 8 154 3 266 338 Onondaga................................. 200 14 5 1 9 198 233 1 1 182 1 345 223 Ontario................................. 254 9 2 1 8 103 472 4 126.... 4087 0 Orange................................... 5 4 6 7 1 1 5 4 2,856 19 38 1 1 813 43 Orleans.................................. 228' 5 5 1 2 195 139........ 96........ 1826 5 Oswego................................. 137 1 5 8 1 5 273 190 5 139........ 195 237 34 5~~~~~~~~3 239~ Otsego..................................... 7........ 9 101 805 39........ 2287 Putnam...".............................. 9 2................ 1I0 72 3 12........ 38 3 Queens................................ 0 4 3 18 39 710 27 67........ 261 119 Rensselaer............................... 56 5 4 37 253 349 11 77........ 196 253 Richmond.............. 3 4 10 2 26 9 / 8...... 170 3 8 Rockland................................ 4........ I....... 24 1,1393 21........ 9912 St. Lawrence......................... 64 63 6 901 703 89........ 70 76 Saratoga................................ 150 4 1 10 162 141 4 49........ 94 144 Schenectady.............................. 11....... 4........ 14 45 2 11 1 27 26 Schoharie............................... 18 1................ 17 46 4 15........ 5544 Schuyler................................ 64 3 2 5 34 5223 48........ 39436 Seneca.................... 135 4........ 2 39 8922 77 1 72536 SteuFen................................. 1 1 245 1,021 5 122........ 2,616 174 Suffolk.................................. 14 1........ 2 37 328 44 21........ 11l7 113 Fultov n.................................. 10173 6.... 2.... 62 Tioga~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~2~ t...................... 2 5 2 2 5 3 7 9 1,7 7 Tompkins~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i................... 8 4..... 676 3 0 1 7 9 W arre............................ 1 323 16..... 51.... 5.... 353 Grene.................. 4 2 1 3 4 906.... 21 2 Westchester............[........... 3 4 16 4 1 5,05 65..... 19 12 W yomiltng...............<................ 4........ 3 3 1 4........ 76........ 156117,Jeferson................................ 10.............. 137 6 47.... 990 Liigtotal..............................5,631 362 344 8 11, 159 36,69 1,0 17,161 5 3696,0 CLASSIFICATION BY PLACE OF BIRTH.19 RECAPITULATION- (CONTINUED). UNITED STATES. couITs. COUNTIES. -------- --- ----------------— T tlS.. ---- S. Garotina. Tennessee. Texas. Vermoint. Virginia. Wisconsin. District of Territories. States not Asia. Columbia. speifed. Albany..............77............. 14 26 3 601 118 37 38 6 1 8,0 Ale-aney.................;............... 7 5...... 911 34 55 1 5........ 36,802 1 Broole................ 2 3...... 275 39 29........ I1 20 34,680 1 Cattaraugfus............................ 3.............. 1, 188 23 83 2 1........ 37,491........ Cayuga........................ 3 7 5 534 68 8 7 1 62. 47,696 4 Chautauqua............................. 1I........ 2 1, 652 49 158 4 1........ 50,282 3 Chemung............................... 6 7...... 178 100 20 6................ 27,487 2 Chenanlgo............................. 6...... 306 17 48 1................ 36,322........ Clinton......'............................ 2.............. 2,332 16 23......................... 33,106 9 Columbia................................. 8........ 2 120 33 29 8........ 14 39,624 3 Cortland........................................ 3...... 228 12 32........ I........ 22,998 8 Delaware............................... I 5...... III5 20........ I 1 38,355.... Dutchess................................ 17 7 1 90 68 20 2................ 54,845 1 Erie............I............. 28 30 7 1,77.137 204 16 2 96 9,7 10 Essex.................................. 9 3 1 2,596 4 30........................ 23,975 1 Franklin................................ 1I.............. 3,092 3 22........................ 21,618 1 Fulton................................. I.............. 178 7 20........ I.... 22,029........ G enesee................................ 5 6 3 694 16 85........................ 25,488 6 Greene................................ 1 4 2 56 14 18 1................ 29,294........ H am ilton............................................... 90....................... 2, 403........ H erkimer................................ 3.............. 232 38 37 6................ 33, 743......... Jefferson................................. 4 6...... 1,462 27-f 113 2 3........ 56,356'. 2 Kinon........................ 311 106 53 693 1,033 133 14 34 223 197,243 26 Lewis.................................. 1 2...... 328 6 41........................ 22,476........ Livingfston....................... i............... 1 3 50 3 1 59 6 1 14 31,581 2 M adison................................ 3 1...... 481 - 1 1 60 4........ 45 38,029 7 Monroe................................. 6 14 11 1,228 108 109 13........ 26 73,329. 3 Montgomery............................ 9 1...... 87 12 15 1 1......... 27,926........ New York...................... 495 97 63 1,105 1,439 170 213 14 537 407, 312 63 Nia' —ara....................... 5 1 1 890 59 92 3 2 94 35,796 2 Oneida................................... 13 8 4 716 46 139 10 5 310 78,625 5 Onondaga.............................. 10 14 2 764 91 133 ~ 10 8 110 71,249 3 Ontario................. 5 3 1 387 48 62 4 1 100 36,391........ Orange................................. 8 4 4 64 66 30 4 2 121 58,120 5 Orleans......................................... 2...... 695 18 57. 3 2- 1 23,897........ Oswego,................................. 4 12 1 1,164 40 100 2 3 30 61,926 1 Otseffo.................................. 2 1 1 315 21 49 2.......... 45,541........ Putnam................................ 4 1 1 12 17 11........................ 12,844........ Queens................. is 1 5 59 152 14......................... 43,224........ Rensselaer............................... 8 9 5 1,547 96 28 13................ 66,072........ Richmond............................... 14 16...... 35 107 5 13................. 18, 973......... Rockland................................ 3 2...... 18 32 6 1................ 17,111.... St Lawrence............................ I 3...... 5,629 10 86 3................ 64,261........ Saratoga................................ I 10 1 978 32 46 2 2........ 42,-613 3 Schenectady............................ 6 - 8...... 75 10 14 1................ 17,354........ Schoharie...................... I........... 72 9 11........................ 32,065........ Schuyler................................. 1 4... 101 24 22 2............ 17, 239 1 Seneca................................. I I...... 162 29 25........ 3 3 23,828 1 Steuben................................. 9 3...... 532, 46 62 4 3........ 59,307 1 Suffolk................................. 8 2...... 33 68 7 1 1........ 38,358 3 Sullivan.............................. 10 2.... 226............. 7,29 1 192 CLASSIFICATION BY PLACE OF BIRTH. RECAPITULATION —(CONTINUED). FOREIGN COUNTRIES. COUNTIES. Africa. Australia. Austria. Belgium. Canada. Denmark. East Indies. England. France. Germany.I IHolland. Albany.......................................... 3 15 29 1,902 4 4 2,871 177 6,786 276 Allegany...'......................................... 239 2........ 3947 5423 Broome........................................... 1................ 103 1........ 262 12 181 4 Cattaraugus,............................................ 2 10 419 4 1 329 50 1.451 12 Cayuga........................................ 1,51037 59439 Chautauqua..................................................... 14 693 31........ 1, 312 96 1,905 345 Chem-ung................................................ 3........ 157 1........ 544 34 610 2 Chenango................................................................ 35........ 2 356 30 138 1 Clinton I.................................................................. 8,737 1........ 379 24 144 1 Columbia............................... 1................ 1 103........ 3 512 48 8833 Cortland........................................ 1I................. 73 1........ 399 450 2 Delaware.......................................................... 48 1......... 326 42 334 4 Dutchesa.......... 1 117 7.,210 64 1,549........ Erie..................................... 5 1 50 35 4,982 26........ 4, 27 8 52,611 29,419429 Chautauqua3................ 26 7 48...........933.]]]1,2/9 6 190 34 ssemx ng.......................................................1 7 Franklin....................................................... 3 4,061................. 163 314. Fulton..............*............................................ 65................. 458 48 747 9 Genesee......................................................... 3 429..........;....... 1,259 74 1,210 2 Greene....................I............................................. 66 3........ 277 9 351 8 H am ilton................................................................ 26................ 35 2158 3 H~erkimer........................................ I I........ 148................ 937 73 1,208 2 Jefferson................................. 1 3 1........ 4,204 2........ 919 347 896 1 Kings................................... 8 38 107 66 1,461 179 22 15,555 1,195 28,310 241 Lewis......................................... 5 6........ 637 8........ 0 226 1,1613 Livingston.............................................. 6 2 486........ 1 724 28 78933 M adison....... I........ 237................ 1,00433 389........ Monroe.......................................... I 7 4 3,708........ 3 4,302 469 9,940723 M ontgomery.............................................. 2 8 10....... 430 31 1 35213 New York............................... 16 26'* 427 188 2,643 359 36 19,699 5,805 107,269 825 Niagrara................................2,032 110 2 01.;0 w~ 1 4........ 203 1 2081 Oneida............................................. 1 31 843 15 414,118 696 5 15743 n on da ga....................................... 8 13 2 1,238 ]0 1 3,311 395 5 652 14 Ontario......................................................... 362 1 2 1,59565 40859 Orang-e......................................... 1.3 3 112 7......... 1,432 68 1,323 11 Orleans......................... I........................................ 657................ 1,555 24 340 4 Oswex o....................................................... 4, 79 9 11,639 410 Otsego......................................56........ 3 8887 1196 Putnam................................................... 2........ 43 4........ 227 23 135 7 ~r~.~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~72 1........ 1 31 1 Queens.................... 6 9 16 181 4,6501 ensselaer....................... 20 1 1,511 3 4 2,010 85 2,919 30 Richmond................................. 3 2....... 1125 140 1,99617 Rockland...................................... 4 1........ 76 5 1 349 17 98314 StG Lawrence..................................... 1........ 7,914 1........71,29 44,............................... 66 4"'7]]] Saratoga................................5......83 I1 35 406 Schenectady............................................. 2 1 51 1......... 516 28 1,368 21 Schoharie..........................................I........ 4.............. 53 2........ 8519 264 2 Schuyler......................................................... 1 49 9........ 1613 20........ Seneca...................................................... 169 2 2 682 23 351 16 Steuben................................................................ 284................. 640 17 1,448 1 Suffolk......................................... 1 50 1 42 6........ 763 41 641 115 SKlivnI............................ 1, 4 61.. 7 95, 5 54 31 2,3495] 241 Tioga ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1.................................... 4.... 20 7 17 Ulster~~~~~~ ~~~~..................8.... 3166....... 8 69,67 Lew isre...................................... 13............ 68................ 191330 Livhingst on............................/..., 1.......... 287 [ 870....... W eadsonh st............................. 3........ 19 7 95, 2 3 7,03 Monre............................................................. 8869/2 4406769' 7 23 i otalaa........................... ]..... 41 19 77 69 268 86 9 9,6 1,1/310,5 *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~: tates 1ot spec,0ied CLASSIFICATION BY PLACE OF BIRTH. 193 RECAPITULATION —(CONTINUED). FOREIGN COUNTRIES. COUNTIES. Ireland. Italy. Mexico. New Newfound- Norway. Nova Poland. Portugal. Prin. Edw. Prussia. Russia. Brunswick. land. Scotia. Island.. Albany......................... 19,256 9........ is 14........ 25 18................ 85 8 Allegany...................... 1,732 1........ 1 1........ 5........ I........ 23...... Broom e........................ 2,090........ 4 3........ 2 5 5.............................. Catta;raugus..................... 2,405 10........ 1 2........ 8........................ 12...... Cayuga......................... 4,467 4........ 4 1 1 5 1................ 30...... Chautauqua..................... 2,645 1........ 8 2 2 10 35................ 26. Chem ung....................... 2,415................ 1................ 2........................ 28...... Chenango......................1,056........................................ 5........ 3........ 18 Clinton......................... 2,907 1.......... 4....... 1 7 1................ 1 1 Columbia....................... 3,309 1........ 2................ 6 7 1 2 14 1 Cortland....................... 932........................ 1 I 8 4................ 15...... D elaware....................... 1,065................................. I 10 I................ 4...... Dutchess...................... 6,475 3 4 7 1 1 5 7 4........ 21 5 Erie........................... 11,121 44 6 40 11 43 55 128 32........ 628 is Essex...................... 2,183 3........ 2................ 5............................... Franklin........................ 2,045 1........ 4........................................ I.............. Fulton.......................... 704........ 1" 3 1........ 3 1................ 23...... ienesee............ 2,302................ 9............... 2 2 1........ 26...... Greene................... 1,302........................ 1 5 5................ 8 1 H am ilton...................... 73...................................................................................... Herkimer....................... 2,525 3 4................ 6' 5 1........ 6 3 Jefferson....................... 2,763 6........ 11 2........ 3 5................ 15 2 Kings............................ 59,444 116 21 193 180 202 410 73 67........ 418 63 Lewis............................ 1,573 7........ 1................ I I................. 64 1 Livingston.............3,284................ 3................ 4........................ 18 2 M adison........................ 2,015 2........ 2................ 6 5................ 10...... Monroe......................... 9,893 11 1 25 13 13 34 20 2........ 154 11 Montgomery.......................... 2 1 2.......... 32 2 New York...................... 161,334 955 91 304 113 156 444 1,285 87 1 1,735 307 Niagara........................ 4,184 5' 4 27 6 2 8 5.......... 1,661 1 Oneida......................... 8,310 3 1 9 3........ 21 76 1 2 60 10 Onondaga........................ 9,163 6........ 12 2 2 5 102 1 2 30 21 Ontario........................ 3,799 2........ 2.........132................ 11...... Orang~e......................... 8,247 4 4 12................ 15 - 12 1........ 18 8 Orleans.......................... 1,598 1 1 2........ 24 3......................... 22 1 Osweuo........................ 5,619........ 2 14 5 2 12 3 2........ is 6 Otsego...................... 1,338................. 3 1I........ 3........................ 3...... Putnam...................... 1,409 1................ I I 1 4................ 6...... Queens.......................... 7,301 3 3 11 1 3 22 8 4........ 45 13 Rensselaer.........:.............. 14,170 6 3.12 7 2 25 6............ 76 12 Richmond..................... 5,282 33 1 10 3 17 16 7 4....... 30 9 Rockland.............;........ 1,986......... 2 1........ 8 4................ 16 3 St. Lawrence..................... 5,851............ *.... 24........ 7 14 4......... 6 5...... Saratoga........................ 4,754 2........ 8 1 2 9 1 1........ 17...... Schenectady.................... 1,158 1 1........ I........ 3 6................ 74...... Schoharie....................... 645........................ 2 /................ 2................ 5..... Schuyler........................ 699........ I.......i................ I...... Seneca......................... 2,207 1........ 8................ 3I........................ 22...... Steuben......................... 3,503................ 2 1 1 21 10 3........ 28...... Suffolk......................... 2,084 5........ 7........ 2 20 6 5..... 23 2 Sullivan.........."................ 2,182 1........ 3................ 4 I....1.... 5 2 Otsego.......................... 876................ 3 1....... 3........................ I..... Tu~ne......................... 6 7 812.4.... 2241..... 34 Warren~~~~~ ~~~............... 1,7............ 4 7t............................... 1 Queeshigo................... 4 65........ 7, 0 9 3 11 5 284............ 1.... Renselar.........'............... 1,982{ 2 3..... 11......... 9........ 6 1.......'. "'......2 Rischmondr.................... 15,957 21 63 1 16 0 34 /..... 7 8 yo i g................ 1, 9................ 62........ 41................ 2... Saatoga........................... 7546........ 812911......[.|................................3... Schnetady..................... 44,5 1,8 6 7 0 9,22 190 29 1,7 2 1,1~~5811....1.....36........ 191~~~~~~~~CLASSIFICATION BY PLACE OF BIRTH. RECAPITUL.ATION-(CO-,\TINUED). FOREIGN COUNTRIES. COUNTIES. ---- --- ---- -------------------— Total for-ei-n Al sea. Unknown. Sardinia. Scotland. South Spain. Sweden. Switzer- Turkey. Wales. -West Ill- on e. America. land. d ies. Albany............................... 897 l! 2 4 61 1 61 14 32.546 17 8 3 Ale any............................ 86....................... 1 3 1 8421:Broom e.............................. 159 1 1......I.1........1........ 1-0 2 2,8471 240 Cattaraugus...~~.................. 287 1 2T..... 13........ 273 1 5,245 54-17 Cayuga.............................. 237 5 4 15 1 20 7 7,580........ 454 Ohautauqua.......................... 201 8 I 443 53........ 25 3 7, 862 7 348 Chemuncy............................ 92................ 1 17 I........ 115 2 4,026 3 407 Chenanogo............................ 53.........1........ 6........ 290 1 1,728........ 300 Clinton.............................. 125................. 1 7........ 10 3 12,364 5 238 Columbia.............................. 92................. 3 14........ 14 5 5,028 3 250 Cortland.............................. 61 1........ 8 9........ 10 1 1,587 3 227 Delaware............................ 1,142 1......... 4 II1........ 7........ 3.001 4 27 8 Dutchess,............................. 382 3 2 2 3 2.... 25 21 9,963 10 3 7 Erie................................. 987 1 is 52 328.... 98 is8 55, 340 41 922 E ssex................................ 79........................................1 I........ 4,471 1 197 Franklin............................. 117................L............... 1I 1 6,417 1 109 Fulton.............................. 141........ 1 1........ 8.... 2, 215........ 268 -inesee............................... 164................ 1 49'.'....'.'.'. 2 1, 5,561........ 162 Greene.............................. 61 1........ 2 8........ 3 -1 2,113........ 303 H amnilton............................. 15........................ 5........ 2........ 23 8........ 12 Rerkimer............................ 104........ 1 2 7........ 258 s........ 5, 297, 2 112 Jefferson............................ 241............... 2 2 4-2........ 40 1 3 9,511 6 575 Kings............................... 2,797 87 187 293 264 10 34-5 491 112,869 549(124 Lewis................................ 79........................ 234........ 346....., 8 82 Livingston........................... 361 1........ I1 11........ 11 2 5,769 1 204 M -adison............................. 84........ 1I........ 10........ 424- 1 4,231 2 244 M onroe.............................. 627 1 6 2 327........ 531 1 30. 353 28 525 M ontgomery........................... 142.................. 15........ 4........| 3,436 3 82 New York............................ 6,617- 154 349 501 843 24 57 2 24 9 313,477 62 5,535 Niag~ara............................. 293............... 2 38 1 8 11 13,180 9 298 Oneida....................... 3 706 1 3 3 218 1 3,148 4 4 23,464 13 602 Onondaga............................ 177........ 1I........ 67........ 631 4 20,305 7 1,93 5 Ontario.............................. 28..... 2......... 27 1.... 20 8 6,657 62 6 2 Orange.............................. 345 4................. 39....8 20 11,702 63928 Orleans............................... 187 1............-... 1........ 14 4 4.439 3 264 Oswego.............................. I3 48 3 l........ 43.... 6 7 10 13,322 4 948 Otsegvo.............................. 224 3.........2.... 116 6 2,7719 2 294 Putnam............................. 64 1 1.... 2 2 8 1 1,943 1 57 Queens................ i.............. 286 11 7I........ 55.... 20 45 14,143 2 628 Rensselaer........................... 643 2 2 -57 I.. 7 15 21,692 4 442.Richmond............................ 207 23'2 22 37 1.... 22 33 9,142........ 94 Rockland............................. 97........ 1 6 4........ 13 3 3,595........ 82 St. Lawrenc......................... 984 1 2 2 8.... 65 2 1631 940 Saratoga.............................. 185........................ 16 1 10 6 6,925 33954 Schenectady........................... 193........ 1........ 25 4 4 5 3, 464 3 67 Schoharie............................ 16........................ 2 4................ 1,101 1 186 Schuyler.............................. 28........................ 3........ 1 3 984 1 2171 Seneca........................ I....... 105................ 15........ 11 2 3,625 2 198 Ste-Lben.............................. 159 11........ 12..... 1 2 6,146 3' 7136 Su~ffolk................................I 1067 I 1..... 17~..... 1 8 3,96 4546 I ArA CL —ASSIFICATION 13Y OCCUPATIONS. COUNTIES. 11 a)1 a) I.. 1 * | Albany.......... 16 146 5 4 41 * 46 1 0...... 22 7...... 125 177 30 1 1 -91 713 14 Allegany................ 1 0...... 12 I............ 1 3 1............. 8 8 4 5 6 2 Broome.......... 1 29 4 8 2...... 1 8 1............ 1 8....... 6 16 7 4 Oattaraugus...... 1 14...... 7 10............ 1 2............ 1 4 1 1 7' 2 3 Cay uga................. 39 6 12 5 3...... 23 3 1 1 21 1 6 10 28 12 10 Chautcauqua...... 9 2 10 29 8 5...... 27 1 1 5 21 17 7 20 4 A Chemung......... 4 16 4 17 3 1...... 19............. 4 31 10 4 45 17 3 Ohenango........ I 10...... 10 10............ 7 2...... 1 6 11...... 12 6' 1 Clinton.................. 12...... 3 10............ 8 1............ 9 7 4 14- 7 6 Columbia.............. 20 5 12 22 1...... 2 1............. 22 3 11 11 21 6 Cortland............... 10...... 14 7............ 7...... I1............. 7 6 5 2 3 D el a ware................ 4...... 2 18.......... 6............ 2 3 5 5 3............. Dutchess........ 1 58 7 27 34 2 4 11 I I...... 38 12 19 26 27 7 Erie............. 33 110 2 38 17 4...... -48 6 1 3 172 57 23 89 69 21 Essex.................. 10............. I1............ 5................... 2............. I I I Franklin............... 9...... 7..........................I.................. 6 1 2 5 2 1 Fulton................. 8...... 3 5................. 1........... 1 3 2 4 3 2 Genesee............... 28 4 11 2............ 1 1............ 11 5 7 7 8 I Greene.................. 10...... 9 7............ 6.................. 8 6 1 12 12..... H am ilton............................................................. I......................................................... Herkimer.............. 19 1 7 4 1...... 3...... 1 5 12 3 9 14 4 1 Jefferson.......... 1 41 5 23 15 1...... 19 1 1 2 11 14 9 10 9 3 Kings........... 29 410 9 281 182 59 61 145 36 10...... 761 120 131 254 196 154 Lewis.................. 4 1 2 3...... 4.................. 2 2 1 2 1 1. Living~s-ton............. 22 7 14 3....... 13 2 1...... 14 16 2 18 4 6 Madison.......... 1 25...... 13 3 2...... 15...... 1I...... 5 7 15 11 10 I More........ 32 129 5 42 18 6...... 37 5 2 4 97 43 11 57 39 2 Montgomery............ 21 1 7 13............. 4 2...... 2 16 4 10 19 9 7 New York..'... 233 908 8 716 363 99 355 410 | 108 41...... 2,572 325 169 1,024 1,089 126 Niag~ara................ 23...... 17 3 3... 6 2...... 9 10 3 17 6 3, Oneida................ 82 53 28 11 1 2 18 2...... 3 54 23 22 34 19 16 0110ndala.........3 77 19 22 60 5...... 24 4...... 18 54 305 12 40 27 12 Ontario................ 31 1 12 16............ 14 3............ 10 7 5 14 16 3 Orange................ 55 4 25 37...... 1 18 3 2...... 47 15 15 30 28 35 Orleans................ 18 1 6 5 1...... 4 2............ 10 6 3 7 4 Oswego.......... 1 31...... 20 7 3...... 21 1............ 34 19 1 24 8 6 Otsego................. 10 3 8 31............. it I1............ - 2 3 8 13 10 7 Putnam............... 11...... 3 4 1...... I...... I...... 7 3 1 6 7 1 Qu eens................ 41 1 26 22 4 3 10 4 1...... 73 7 15 19 21 8 Ren~sselaer............. 6 6 16 39 68 4 1 11 I 1 25 98 21 30 40 382 13 Plichmond........ 1 25 1 12 22 5...... 4 10 4 2....... 42 18 1 9 21. Rockland.............. 14...... 10 13 1...... 8...... 1I...... 15 3 5 4 6 33 t.L wrence........... 37 3 17 9 1...... 177............ 1 15 6 3 15 6 2 Saratogfa............... 20 34 14 8............ 8 2...... 31 13 8 14 is 15 41 Schenectady............ 13............. 24................. 2............ 8....... 5 14 5 23 Schoharie........ 1 8 4 1 6............ 9...... I...... 5 2 3 5 4 7 Schuyler............... 3...... 4 5............ 3...... I...... 4 7 3 6 7 2 Seneca................. 13...... 9 10............ 6 1...... 1 6 3 1 12 1 2 Stetiben............... 34...... 21 6...... I 11 I............ 17 5 6 15 12 4 Suff-olk........... 1 9...... 7 58............ 7 1............ 12 5 1 5 7- 12 Sullivan............... 17 1 2 4............ 2................. 4 2...... 2 8 9,tio.................. 11 I 11 12............ 14 2...... 2 14 6 1 3 1 1 Tompkins...~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~........... 12 3 5 1 12...... 8 2............ 9 5 7 1 Ulster............. 1 30 3 20 26 1....... 15 2...... 21 43 14 10 30 4 W arren.......... 1 4...... 4 5 1............ 6................... 21 27... W ashington............ 22 6 1-3 10............ 5 I I...... 11 10 16 10 5 4 W~ayne................ 14 2. 23 16 2...... a I......I............ is 13...... 12..... 4 Westchester...... 13 80 2 54 35 16 3 44 19...... 1 121 33 39 52 31 4 W yoming............... 17 1 12 2...... 1 7 2............ 2 4...... 7 2 4 Yates................. 6...... 7 1 1...... I 5 I1............ 5 2...... 6 _ 2 __ 196 CLASSIFICATION BY OCCUPATIONS. COUNTIES. I I -k - Fulton........... I............. 1...... 5............. Genesee................. 155..........7...... I 1 118............. 7 Greene........................................ 128...... 10 3 289...... 2.............. 1 H am ilton...................................... 7............................................1................... Herkimer........ I......................... 196............ 6 112...... 1I...... 186 30 2 12 Jefferson................ 3............. 2 26 2 5 5 277 2 2 18 Kings............ 95 2 3 4...... 1,024 77 184 92 448 371 430 141 2,021 160 205 236 Lewis......................................... 3 113 5 2 Livingston.......'............................. 192............. 1 72 3...... 2 178 1. 3 Madison...................................... 22 10 101 2 8 3 199 13....... 10 Monroe.......... 14...... 3 25 162 7 45 25 17 2,930 1 0 7 82 Lo tgom ery.................................. 134............... New York......... 349 6 2...... 20: —--.2 2,621 40 1,018 118 811 910 1, 134 280 6,307 437 434 578 Niagara.......... I1........................ 214...... 1 19 17 3 2 1 2 191............. 13 Oneida.......... 8........ 1........16 38 653 26 10 2 606 5 6 29 Onondaua........ I...... I............ 416...... 1 15 354 29 5 10 376 15 4 32 Ontario...................................... 196...... 2 1 43 5 5 5 179............. 20 iOra ge........................................ 401...... 28 8 146 70 1 2 291 3 2 20 Oral "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~s.....:~.....40I.... 14 Orleans....................... 1............ 121...... 4...... 63.................. 123............. 2 Oswego.......... I...... 28 1 4 5 29 4........ 29 Otsegyo............................... 234...... 4 1 2.................. 242............. 4 Putnam................................... 68...... 5..... 3 28.... 166............. 2 Queens.......... 3.................. 212 1 21 9 288 3 3 1 260 3 2 1 3 Rensselaer....... 10...... I........... 444 1 34......| 156 21 14 4 435 26 14 36 Richmond3........ 5........................ 73 9 14.....6 "..".... 27 Rockland........ 18.............. 104...... 7 5 58 5 1 1 222...... 2 1 St. Lawrence.................................... 31-4...... 14 2. 28 1 1 2 306 2....... 4 Saratoga............ 2 222 23 20 179...... 1 3 152...... 4 2 Schenectady...... I........................ 19 13 41...... 1...... 1 5 Schoharie................. 1......... 2...... 1 o............. Schuyler............... 4 12 89..........93............. Seneca.......... 2.............. 115....... 6 9 35 1........... 117...... 2 12 Steuben......................................... 333....... 27 11 89 4 1 4 243 1 1 11 Suffolk...................I............... 131 3 1 14 168............ 4 153...... 3...... Sullivan........................................ 149...... 4 14 / 155............ 1 123............. 2 Tioga........................................... 118...... 2 1 1.................. 145.................. Tompkins.............................. 169...... 7 64 77 5 8 3 141 1....... 10 Ulster........... I........................ 318 2 4 10 896 11 2 1 240 I....... 26 W arren........................................ 74.............. 1 126.................. 71............. 2 ashin ton................................ 210...... 3 6 274 1............ 232 2....... 4 Otseg............4 3 ~......'1 2 1811 W ayne...................... 83...... Westchester..... 21 1....... -319 3 41 12 213 5 10 5 955 76 W yomin g................................ 1 118...... 2...... 1............ 1 138............. 6 Yates.......................................... 98...... 2...... 27...... I...... 2109............. 5 Total.......... 580 | 12 36 1 4 7 16,235 152 2 2,813 | 559 21,899 |763, 933 1 ~~~~~~~~9 1..~. l. o..d.. C8 S 18........................~~~~8 ^ ^ I | | | I i ~|~~~ ~ ~~~1 222 ].1'''"5' Albany t o 42 2 1 16 14g3....... 140...... 4 1,204 7 223 29 Allegany......... I................... 1 5 5 23...... 37............ 270........ 2....... 1 Broome.......... 8 2............ 3........ I1 40...... 30.......... 203........ 25 1 3 cattarauffus...... 2........... 1...... 1I...... 24...... 3 2........l..... 273........ I............. Cayu~~~~a.......... 21 ~ ~ ~ l32............ 6... 5... 81 2 Chemung........~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ 172 5...... 2....... 5 60........... 483.... 20 1 Schenecady.............. 2......... 3 29 8.......2 5.... 3....... Columbia........ 3............ 34......... 1 5... 1...... 3 4.... 6 Scohr iean................. 1............. 1 20.... 25......... 166 1 ~............ Du c es.... 3................. 11 19...... 10 2... 94 4 Srenea............ 4 15...... 19 6 5 1 3 6...... 191....i'... 1,421530 4 Steubn li...................... 1 1... 131... 9...... 7.......... G nsu e................ 3a~ 11..... 4 9... 1i...... 2 0.... 3...... G ree ne~~~ ~~ ~~~~~...... 2 3/....../..... 1.......... 2 5..... 6....... 2 01411 Sulliva n.................. 1 49........ 3 2 2......-.. 4 4.... 14... 1 Jefr son..... 1....... 3........... 4 78l...... 8...... 4 0.... 1 Kings~~~.....~.. ~~.... 9 38 1 74 17 10 29 4 23 0 53 63003,81 19 27 Tompins.................................169...... 14 6 4 7... 149............... 1]] ] ~ Ulivn ston....r............ 1 6.... 1 3... 48...... 27 40... 8... Wadison..... 2........ 1....... 2 0.... 6...... 3 0...... M n o............ 7418 31 1...... 0.... 6 98.... 69 17 Montgomer...... 5........... 2 301....126...... 27.......... 299....... 82 New~~~~~~~~~~~~1 Y k....... 53 74 7134 10.0 53 3,9 5 2,53 334632 13,7 08 49 N iagara.......... 9 ~ ~ ~' 2.... 48....... 2 1... 32......[... 3 1.....89.....5 ~omneia.......... 32 1...... 3 36 2 5..... 1 6............ 1,014i On n ates.... 4............ 10 6....: 1 3...8I...'.. I 8 9.... 4 CLASSIFICATION BY OCCUPATIONS. I19,7 COUNTIES. &d Cd J I I jI? *a 9~ ~ S -8. ~ ~ s -a,s a ~ | ~d $. Oswego ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~-......2 9........ 3d 1 1- C* 17 11C... 6d...... 7...... 3 5.Ontario.........*. 9............. 1........1 0...... 6 4 43............ 311...... 5............. Orange,.......... 79 4...... 1................... 75....... 77............ 644...... 77 2.... Orleans................................................ 102... 135............ 5209.... 41........ Oesw egoe......... 44 2......... 1 17 21 688 19.....77....... 57..... 88 0 1 52 Otsegmon............ 4............ 50 I....... 28 59...... 48............ 385......-: 23........ Putnlam......... 40 3...... I.25.......... 1 3 0......10 1 1 3 0...... 128...... 4 2...... St.Laeen ce...... 141......10 19 53...... 61..........7 9 12 2 3 553 21.. 41 1.... Raratoga...... 9......... 443...... 16 2 261 819...... 77............ 467 13 20 12.. 3 Richmonetd.... 3 1......2 36................ 34.... 18....... 165 1 1424............4 Rocklhand........ 40..,..... 2 2............... 32..... 28....... 27 3 0....................... St. yLawenc..... 4.......... I2 1..... 9 24...... 819............ 531...... 44...... 2 * Saratoa.......... 9...... 3...... 1............ 27...... 32............ 467.... 13 5.......... Schenbectady...... 3 3...... 2 26......... 3... 34.... 1 50............ 164114...14........ Suholkri.......... 37............ 2 2............... 1 28.... 28............ 4270...... 19............... Scu yllva.......................... 2..................... 24...... 19......... M... 206...... 14...... 2 Seneca........... 3............ I 5................... 27...... 17............ 262...... 10 3............ Stomub ns.... 6........... 1 3.......5 37 2....... 342.5............ 414 14........ 6 Suffolk........... 37.............................. 12 18.... 101............ 54621 19...... 13 SW liar n...................................................... 20...... 25............ 238...... I2.......... W asi ng to......... 310............ 2............... 27...... 27............ 337...... lo.......... To pkn s.......... 11............. 2 23........ 1 45 37.. 42............ 329...... 63...... 2 Ulstcer.......... 38 3................... 3 121 22...... 193............ 306 21 17 is W arren g......... 12............ I.................... 17...... 32............ 138...... 12............ Yates.......... 1............ 3.............. 1 14.... 21........... 165....... 4 1 2 Total...... ^ ^ 744 146 21 J2,524 _183_ 660 1,0938,825 140 6, 704 69 123 33,155 255 ~6,957 |l, 32'6 981 COUNTIES.! II i t. I| i 3 s ^ Q o o 5 s35 5 ^ i 6 s 6 s ~ 6 s ~ ~ 66~~~~bl 4 7 Albany....... 20...... 1 15 86 1,545 127...... 6....... 151 33 7 12...... 47 27 Allegai.............. 1 4 875.... 6....... 67................................ I Broome.......... 8................... 22 171 66...... 10 I1 54 1 1 5 5 8 4 Cattarauogus........................ 3 18 131 68...... 6....... 58.......................... 1 3 Cayuga.......... 6............. 1 36 281 110 3 14....... 103.............. 1 2 2 4 Chautauqua...... 2............ 2 35 369 127...... 15....... 105.......................... I I Chemung......... 3............ 2 24 32,1 37 1...... 13 3 7 3 7 1 2...... 3 5 Chenan-o................................ 1 5 132' 7 1 2 5 7... 76.............. I....... 3...... Clinton.......... 1 6............ 15 226 43 1 8.... 9 136........ I.............. Columbia........ 9...... 4 1 24 243 65 1 6....... 56 3.................... 4 4 Cortland............................... 10 125 6.... 4....... 39.......................... I...... D elaware............................... 7 92 75...... 8....... 50.................................... Du'tchess......... I11 2 6 3 24 352 110 2 22 5 154 11 I 1 | 14 15 2 Erie............. 31...... 3 8 86 1, 5556 161 1 17 21 234 13 2 8 1 23 23 Essex................. 2............ 1 III1 35...... I....... 10.......................... 1...... Franklin......... I.................. 6 105 29.... 12....... 12......................... 11 Fulton.................................... 13 61 28 2 4....... 30.............. I1.................. Genesee.......... I 1....... 1 13 155 61 2 5........ 74 1........ I...... 1 1 Greene.......... 2............ 3 12 143 56 4 25....... 47 2........ 1 1...... 2 T a it o.........-....... 1- 13..................................... 198 ~~~~~~~~CLASSIFICATION BY OCCUPATIONS. COUNTIES. S * S1 ^ 1. i" l i I 8! I 1~ ~ I ^ I i| ~ 1 1 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~j Steuben............... 3 4 28 305 122...... 13- 3 94 2 1 3 1 1 2 Suffolk...... 2 1...... 3 11 121 89... 2...... 14.............. 1I...... 5 1 Sullivan................... 1 8 8 3 1 * 3... 3........................... 1 Tioga............. 1I...... 1...... 10 92 40 1 3...... 50.................... I Tompkins......... 1I.................. 7 122 61...... 9 9 72 1............. 5... Ulster............ 6 4 ~...... 2 22 414 96...... 3 3 120 2...... 3...... 7 6 W arren............ 2............ II 1 7 109 29 1 5...... 26.............. 2...... I 11 W ashington....... 2............ 7 15 188 85 2 5 4 78 1...... 1............ 8 W ayne................. 2...... 1 14 197 89...... 6 1 93 3...... 1I............ 7 Westchester..;.... 10...... 9 7 44 820 174 1 19...... 109 23 2 15 1 26 19 W yom ing............................ 2 9 97 73...... 4 8 58............... I................... Yates.............. 1... I......... 7 97 40...... 1I...... 48 2....... 3............. 4 _Total........... 502 59_ 167 247__, 80.9 42,593]5,160 | 182 | 833 147 4,906 706 122 341 100 ~1_,225_ 58 COUNTIES. r F S *g, a -32 G o 32 Albany........... 37 227. 23 |...... 4 1 12 24 | 56 | 21 446 117 17 22 12...... | 217 Allegfany................. 74................................ 8 3 15 36 2 5...... I I 15 Broome........... 3 65............!.......1.............. 3 7 110 90 7 7 2 2...... 33 Cattaraugus....... 2 67........ DJ.................... 4 3 13 46 6 2...... 3...... 39 Cayuga....... 1-1 84................................ 3 3 21 1 5307 4 12 7 1 24 Chautauqua....... 10 130 2......1.................... 9 2 26 135 4 22 3 3...... 83 Cheniung...... 2 48............1.................... 12 8 6 54 14 4 1 6 1 37 Chenango..... 4 107......................... I 11 8 14 75 8 5 1 1...... 4 Clinton........... 2 50............1............. 1 5 46 4 3...... 3...... 25 Columbia......... 9 19............L...... I I 1 2 5 92 10 9 4 5...... 40 Cortland................ 47...................... 68 17 10 45 3 9 1 3...... 5 Delaware............... 69 1......... 2............ 3 13 42 11 5 1 2..... 6 Putchess.......... 18 167 1......... 2 3 5 6 16 179 100 17 35 5...... 80 Erie.............. 107 463 44 11...... 2 14 60 61 3 495 50 30 20 it 1 2718 Essex......... I... 11............................................ 2 4 30 3 1...... I...... 14 Franklin................ 40......................... 5 4 41........ 2 5............ 9 Fulton................... 41............!........ 7' 1 1 31 6 2 2 3............ Genesee................. 83...................................... 1 8 67 2 2 2...... 2 14 Greene,........ 9 37........... 3.............. 2 3 8 71 7 4 8............ 40 H am ilton......... 5 1.................................................. 2.................. Herkimer..........3 33............1.............. 1 57 3 12 653 14 7 1...... 8 Jefferson.......... 1 114.................. 2...... 91 24 14 122 6 8 2 8...... 21 Kings............ 51 957 84 8 9 106 57 351 461 88 2,309 542 21 42 68 30 775 Lewis................. 64................................ 38 1 3 16 1 5.......... 5 Livingston........ 7 78.......................... 2...... 13 15 83 6 6 1 2 1 10 Madison.......... 1 66............ I........ 1 34 4 15 83 15 6 1 3...... 7 Monroe........... 21 453 7 1 4 1 14 20 68 34 503 49 21. 18 15 2 124 Montgomery...... 1 30.......................... 2 231 21 4 57 4 3 5.2...... 5 New York........ 906 1,401 205 19 16 209 88 615 918 247 9,501 1, 890j5 119 255 108 158 1,196 Niagara,.:......... 3 202.................. 12...... 3 15 12 59 8 5 2 1...... ID Oneida............ 19 123 4...... 2........ 7 80 17 41 3153 33D 7 31 10 I 7i2 Onondaga......... 6 131 8.................... 4 18 5 30 214.11 7 8 8 2 94 Ontario'........... 2 79 4.......................... 2 3 13 81 5 1 6 1...... 19 Orangfe........... 19 66 3...... 1..... 42 44 21 19 231 57 it 17 10.... 128 -iea s........... 5 115 2............ 1...... 1-3 8 1 2... Queens....... 3.44 1... 9.... i. 41. 16 6 13 11 48 34...... 63 CLASSIFICATION BY OCCUPATIONS. 199 COUNTIES. c i ~ ~ ~ ~ 2 ^ M ^M, ^ i i ^ ^ ^. ~ ^ i ~~~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~~~~5 5 S S 0 *~ 2. P-, ^P^ P., P-,P^ P ^ F, ^ ^ P., P Ontario..................................... 1...... 5...... I...... 1...... 19 13 3 Orang.e.................... 3...... 14...... 9 2....... 1...... 8...... I...... 31 6 6 Orleans.............................................................. 2...... 4.................. 9 28...... Oswego................................. 4...... 2...... 2...... 6...... 40 12 1 Otsego.............................................. 1...... I...... 3.................. 24 5 1 Putnam................................ 2........................ I.................. 4............. Queens................................ 4...... 3...... 2 9...... 4...... 6...... 31 13 2 Rensselaer................. 5...... 13...... 24 5...... 51...... 5...... 4 16 82 11 9 Richmondecta................. 11....... 1o...... 2...... 6...... 56....... 2 R ockland............................................................. 4...... I............ 2 11....... I St. Lawrence.......................... I...... 8................... 1 6 5 2...... 27 27 1 Saratoga............ 1i............1.............. 11...... 10.................. 19 5 1 Schenectady............................. 2............ 3....... 10 Schoharie........................................................................................... I 9............. Schuyler........................................................ 2...... 5...... 15 4 1 Senecan............................................ 2............ 1...... 5...... 2...... 15 1 2 Steuben............................................ I............ I.................. 2....... 29 4...... Suffolk................................ 1....... 2...... 1...... 4...... 6...... 17 1...... Sullivan........................................................................... 2............ 10 2...... Tioga............................................. 1 2................... 7.................. 19............. Tompkins................. 2...... 1...... 3............ 2...... 6...... 3 19 7...... U lster...........................,..... 2 1................... 6...... 6 26 34 7...... W arren........................................................................... 6.................. 15....... I W ashington.......................................................... 1...... 7...... 12 2 22 19 1 W ayne..................... 2.................. 2......................... 7...... 8...... 23 1 16...... W estchester............... 9...... 33 3 40 2...... 16...... 16...... 1...... 78 29 29 W yoming........................... 3............ I...... 5.................. 13 16...... Y ates..................... I................................................... 2...... 2...... 15 4...... Total............. 29 277 16 |1,700 266 2,378 315 | 13 3,787 - 37| 280.32 288 84 5,317 1,165 252 COUNTIES. ~ ~ 4 ri [^ ~>-, 3 ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~C's ct ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~" I pTOUNITIESTa.. a O m C r: e~~~~d U) dr OI I Q r,;P C) " P ~cj~g,,.rj w bnY ~ ",i. _: C) U c4 P ~ PL, Albany............ 42............ 27.. 27 3 105' 23 24 62 108............ 96 2 1 2..... 2 " ~ ~~~............, Allegany.......... 27 3 8 1.... 10........ 33 2 8 2.... 4 9........ 6 47 1 8.... 10 Broome........... 33 1............ 17........ 57.... 19 14.... 14 2........ 5 17.... 1.... 7 Cattaraugus....... 32 3........ 9 5 1.... 54 1 19 2.... 6 1 4.... 3 48.... 33.... 37 Cayuga............ 73 2........ 5 1........ 71.... 54 7 4 15 16 1 5 4 18.... 1 4 13 Chautauqua..... 53 2........ 6 11 1'.... 110 2 39 14 1 12 2 1 9 5 46.... 3.... 18 Chemung......... 22 1........ 1 3........ 55 1 29 15............ 1 20.... 7.... 28 Chenango.......... 73 11 2.... 1 29........ 80.... 24 8 3 6.... 1 5 18.... 1.... 10 Clinton............ 3 1............ 5........ 65 2 17 1.... 64........ 1 4 18.... 2.... 11 Columbia......... 7..I......... 1 I 18.... 58.... 17 9 36 11 5........ 2 4.... 2 2 31 Cortland.......... 25 2........ 1 7 1.... 27 1 24 1.... 4 3.... 2....' 5.... 2 15 Delaware......... 37 4........ 4 6........ 75.... 48 5................. 11.... 8 1 21 Dutchess......... 37............ 16 4 12.... 78 4............. 5 7 7 7 9 49 Erie.............. 63 1........ 6 8 27.... 55.... 50 27 1 104 7 3 11 18 60 1 17 1 99 Essex............ 11............ 21 17........ 52.... 15 2....................... 10 14.... 2.... 12 Franklin......... 6............ 1 8........ 30 1 6 2.... 30............ 7 17.... 1.... 5 Fulton....... 22............. 2.... 6.... 33.... 18 1 5....... 2........ 3 4.... 4 39 Genesee.......... 32............ 1 2........ 18... 34 6.... 9 3.... 1 2 10.... 4 1 17 Greene........... 18............ 13 1 4.... 62.... 17 10 34 7................ 9.... 2.... 14 H am ilton......... 3........................... 5.................................. 1.... 4.................. Herkimer......... 53....... 3 6.... 69..... 35 8 5 18 11.... 9 2 3 Jefferson......... 41 1 4 2 4 1 5.... 90 2 32 5 2 9 9.... 7 2.29.... 6 45 Kings............ 53............... 28 38 1 113.... 61 111 64 258 8 6 17 41 3.... 1 1 66 Lewis............ 14..............7 1 15 2.... 5 1 23.... I 1 20 ~~~~~~O~~.. 5O 1 23... 1~ 1e 2~ Livingston........ 24............ 3 3 1 28 3 38 9 14 2. 2 2 8.... 4.... 19 Madison.......... 62 1 8........ 9 1.... 75.... 35 4 5 5 9 1 3 20.... 2.... 36 Monroe............ 72 11........ 5 12 4 4 77.... 82 28.... 65 15.... 6 8 13.... 3 5 60 Montgomery.. 4......16 5 26 2 20.... 4 223.. 16 22 1 13.......... 2.. 5 New York........ 94................ 11 68 56 154.. 112 107 50 522 9 3 32 16 5 10 8 3 272 Niag,,ara........... 15........ 2 1 22 12 1 45 7 19 10 2 21 7.... 6 2'12.... 3.... 59 Oneida............ 62 2 2.... 16 9 1 167 3 72 31 8 71 9 3 3 4 22 1 8.... 48 Onondaga.......... 70'........ 7 8 5 2 70 3 43 17 4 42 14 2 6 17 1....20 6 17 1 10 52 Ontario........... 19 4............ 8....46 2 48 13 4 10 8 1 1 1 9.... 3 1i 10 Orange 1........... 16 3 4 1 886 9 2. 8............ 127 10.... 5.... 20( Orleans................... 2......... 2 -.14 1.... 30..... 29 7 31 1 2 2 15.... 1.... 5 Oswego........... 52 7........ 2 16........ 119 3 20 13 2 27 11 9 2... 9... 7 9 29.... 9.... 40 Otsego............ 92 8....... 7... 7.... 104...... 40 221... 5 11 1 2 7 14 1 2.... 23 Putnam.......... 18........................... 23.... 11 2 4 7................ 3 1 2.......... Queens........... 5.59.... 23 31 20 34....... 5 6 1 5.... 3. 23 Rensselaer........ 70 1 1 7 1 24 4 74.... 75 18 23 80 2 1.... 14 17.... 12.... 32 Richmond.... 3................. 1.... 13.... 15 9 12............... 1............. 10 Rockland................................ I.. 15.....1 5 1 6 4........ 1 28 1............. 3 St. Lawrence...... 29 6............ 1.........4 3 1.... 2..... 3 58.... 20.. 25 Saratoga............ 36 1... 8 1........ 82.... 43 10 16 20.... 3 2 12 17.... 1.......... Schenectady....... 17............. 2 1 1.... 24.... 9 12 24 7.......-..... 6 1............ 4 Schoharie......... 1 10....5.... 65.... 8 2 19 2........ 2 16 5.... 83 Schuyler.......... 33......... 1.......... 1 1 21 3 2 1............ 1 9....3 Seneca............ 27 1............ 1 1 2....30.... 28 8 10 7............ 2 7................ Steuben........... 53! 3....... 10 2 1.... 99 3 42 1 0..... 17.... 3 2 38 56.... 9.... 1 2 Suffolk 11. 2. 8. 5 9 4.... 1 9 48 5.................. Sullivan.......... 12........4........ 1........ 41 10... 66 1 2............ 1 1 1 2.. Tioga............ 30............ 2 6........ 62 5 21 1 1................... 17 11.... 3.... 3 Tompkins......... 51 2........ 5 1....73 1 29 5 8 4.... 2 1 3 1 2... 5 Ulster............ 21................ 1 11..... 78.... 19 3 94 18............ 59 14.... - 2 76 Wa'~rren........,... 72..............1.......5 112... 3.... 2 6 1... 6 13... 7... Washingto n.........8.... 42 12 1 8 1 18 6 2 20........ 2 23 W ayne........... 24 1.. 8.... "6'.. 60 1 39' 4 2 6........ 9 67 23.... 6 5...... WesT chester....... 13................ 3 1....82.... 32 39 15 45 1 2.... 38 10.... 6.'.. 15 Wyomin g......... 39 5.... 12.... 24.... 17 6.... 23.... 4 5 12 4... 2.... 1 Yates............ 2.. 3 1 51.... 13 3.. 5................. 2.......... To tlals 2....l....i.... 211- 804 11,,'..1 3 1 1,, 51,, i,, &ueens.. i.......,1 5 17- ~ l7-212 379 384 73 3,714 49 1,893-768 1644 216 42 195 724 i9'- 31"248||48~ 1,392 29 CLASSIFICATION OF THE AGES AND SEXES OF THOSE DYING DURING THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 1, 1865. Under 3 | 9 13 34: 5 3 monthsandunder monthsandunder monthsanidunder year and under years and under years and under years and under years and under COUNTIES. months. 6. * 9.1...3. 4:. 5.~10. Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females Maes Females Males. FeFem es Males. Female Males. Ferns. Males. Fems. Albany.......... 18 16 24 12 22 18i 15 12 48 36 t 30 34 15 18 20 16 40 39 Allegany........ 3 4 4...... 3 5 3 3 8 1.1 3 4 4 8 3 4 11 20 Broome.......... 1 4 11 3 2 2 4 1 10 * 11 4 9....... 7 3 5 20 10 Cattaraugus..... 13 5 4 5 4 5 1 2 15 14 9 13 11 -6 6 3 25 24 Cayuga........... 11 4 10 3 9 5 8 5 17 10 15 6 10 9 9 13 25 25 Chautauqua...... 4 2 9 4 10 6 7 5 23 13 12 8 9 12 10 11 30 25 Chemung..6..... 6 6 4 4 4 4 3 1 18 15 7 8 2 6 2 6 17 1-7 Chenango......... 3a 2 3 4 2 2 4 1 11 14 10 9 10 8 12 3 21 20 Clinton.......... 10 13 8 9 5 4 3 4 15 10 7 9 4 3 5 5 15 15 Columbia....... 11 6 8 12 3 2 5 4 16 15 12 3 3 5 5 3 14 10 Cortland......... 5 4 3...... 3 2 1 1 7 7 6 3 2 3 5 2 13 110 Delaware........ 11 3 4 4 3 3 2 1 10 13 11 8 13 7 10 10 18 26 Dutchess........ 10 7 7 16 9 7 4 3 24 24 14 9 7 12 11 10 26 28 Erie............. 44 33 47 27 481 25 24 26 70 60 32 33 23 21 15 14 45 52 Essex............ 11 4 4 4 7 3 1 4 11 18 5 8 4 7 2 4 13 8 Franklin......... 6 5 1...... 5 1 4 3 8 6 1 4 5 6 2 1 6 7 Fulton........... 7 1 3 1 3 4 4 1 10 11 6 7 5 2 1 3 6 10 Genesee.......... 3 7 3 5 3 2 2 5 6 10 7 5 11 7 8 9 20 28 Greene.......... 6 6 1 3 3 3 1 2 11 9 4 7 7 8 4 5 13 9 Hamilton........ I...... 1 1............ 14............ 1 I I 1 I Herkimer........ 5 2 6 3 6 8 8 3 11 14 15 9 8 7 8 4 15 10 Jefferson........ 7 8 9 5 8 4 11 4 17 22 17 12 7 7 12 7 19 20 Kings........... 98 64 66 65 74 60 55 48 165 174 94 66 74 61 38 38 103 85 Lewis............ 2 2 3 2 4 4 2...... 7 7 5 4 3 3 4 4 9 9 Livingston....... 5 2 4 8 5 3 1 1 17 6 10 7 8 6 7 1 14 17 Madison......... 11 8 5 4 2 3 6 4 13 10 7 10 7 7 3 10 20 11 Monroe......... 29 29 14 13 26 17 22 22 78 43 31 30 14 32 18 21 71 67 Montgomery...... 6 2 3 4 7 3 4 1 17 3 8 9 7 2 2 4 7 10 New York........ 203 197 152 133 118 102 117 73 262 257 185 173 139 121 82 70 232 205 Niagara......... 6 6 12 4 7 4 7 4 18 16 17 9 3 7 10 5 21 22 Oneida.......... 19 11 19 12 9 10 15 11 19 24 18 19 10 18i 10 9 47 36 Onondaga........ 9 10 7 6 8 2 6 5 22 12 12 18 11 5 5 10 21 27 Ontario.......... 8 8 5 3 2 3 6 3 15 9 2 10 9 4 7 23 21 Orangle.......... 10 15 7 10 8 10 15 5 35 32 32 16 21 14 9 10 30 36,Orleans.......... 5 2 7 4 1 2 1 9 111 3 9 1 7 4 3 10 9 9 Oswego........... 6 9 15 8 5 5 7 8 19 30 24 9 11 7 12 10 30 30 Otsego.......... 7 5 6 2 5 1 2 2 2 8 11 7 4 8 4 4 16 18 Putnam.......... 2 5 2 1 2 2 3 2 6 864 5 6 1 4 2 8 4 Queens.......... 16 9 12 5 12 11 11 8 15 A23 11 17 7 10 6 8 22 23 Riensselaer....... 26 26 17 11 22 15 18 20 48 60 38 25 23 19 22 23 40 40 Richmond........ 10 8 1...... 3 3 4 3 8 8 12 8 9 2 2 1 6 6 Rockland........ 3 3 2 1 3 2 3 3 13 9 3 4 4 5 3 1 12 9 St. Lawrence..... 14 9 11 5 9 6 8 7 31 16 15 9 13 1 11 10 6 26 35 Saratoga.......... 8 9 4 8 9 11 4 6 22 24 11 22 16 10 7 ~12 26 29 Schenectady...... 4 3 3 3 4 3 4 2 18 10 7 6 7 6 9 8 8 11 Schoharie........ 5 10 9 2 8 4 10 4 10 14 10 14 7 7 10 5 23 16 Schuyler......... 4 3 1 2 1 1 2 2 7 4 6 2 5...... 2 2 7 10 Seneca........... 6 8 11 2 3 11......R 5 2. _..... I6 10 6 7 7 5 3 5 18 21 Steuben.......... 12 9 14 - -13 6 9 9 9 15 16 7 12 34 31 Su~fEfolk......,..... 16 14 7 3 12 12 10 3 22 16 12 15 12 7 7 7 26 27 Sullivan........... 5 10 5 79 7 2 2 6 13 8 7 7 t 4 4 4 4 8 7 T'ioga............ 2 3 4 2 1. 41 1l 2 3 9 6G 9 6 3 3 4 4 21 6 Tompkins........ 5 4 1......1 3 2~ 4 2 1 10 3 5 6 6 9 4 8 12 17 ~Ulster........... 19 17 11 10 15 12 12 11 43 36 20 19 1 14 12 9 9 27 32 Warren.....,..... 2 2 1 2 5 3 4 4 1 10 5 9 6 2 7 4 3 5 14 Washington......(. 12 6 6 3 13 5 3 2 18 19 9 9 10 9 9 3 23 17 Wane.......8 5 4 5 (15 1 5 3 10 126 8 116 5 5 8 12 18 WiFestchester......1 27 20 11 22 17 13 14 17 10 44 38 20 20 16 18 15 15 41 41 Wyoming........ 4 5 1 2 3 2 1 3 4 8 21 2 4 2 9 7 18 12 Yates............ 2 3............~~l 1 2 4......1 4 9 7 4 9 6 1 3 4 11 Tot~al...... 83g_ 703 639 514 5831 475 5221 396|l!,472 1,346 932 826 || 693 1 648jl 521 508 11,492 /1,447 (226) DE~ATHS. CLASSIFICATION OF THE AGES AND SEXES-(CONTINUED). 10 15 20 25 30 35. 40. 45. 50. 55. and under and under arid under and under and under and under and under and under and under and under COUNTIES. 15. 30 * 35 40. 4-. 50. 55. 60. Males. Fems. Males. Fers. Males. Females. Males. Fems. Males. Ferns. Males. Fems. Males. Fens. Males. Fens.'Males. Fens. Males Fere. Albany................ 23 21 21 20 22 30 20 30 17 20 30 15 25 14 20 13 25 19 16 19 Allegany........... 10 7 8 20 8 11 10 6 4 4 4 10 11 5 4 6 5 5 5 10 Broome................' 9 12 10 8 4 6 2 7 3 7 5 5 7 6 3 1 6 4 6 2 Cattaraugus............ 8 10 11 18 7 13 9 13 16 9 4 6 6 9 2 7 10 5 6 9 Cayuga................ 15 20 15 19 15 15 12 20 8 9 15 10 9 15 6 8 14 5 9 9 Chautauqua............ 9 8 15 16 8 19 20 17 10 15 8 18 10 9 12 5 11 13 10 11 Chemung........... 9 8. 12 10: 7 7 13 12 6 8 3 4 8 5 7 5 8 7 3 4 Chenango.............. 20 20 12 18 8 18 11 14 6 13 9 7 8 8 8 8 3 12 6 11 Clinton................ 10 10 7 7 12 11 6 8 4 9 5 7 6 4 9 8 1 6 7 4 Columbia.............. 8 5 13 10 19 14 9 15 10 12 13 7 6 10 10 7 9'7 19 5 Cortland............... 17 9 6 4 3 4 6 8 1 4 3 6 6 9 7 6 3 5 5 9 ]Delaware............. 14 13 12 12 2 6 9 14 2 8 12 7 5 7 7 13 7 5 10 5 Dutchess............... 19 13 15 16 13 24 14 15 10 14 16 16 10 12 17 12 19 7 10 11 Erie...................1 29 35.29 33 30 30 35 40 30 22 35 22 30 22 32 9 19 19 19 13 Essex.................. 9 7 6 9 10 6 4 10 2 5 9 8 2 5 5 2 6 4 6 3 Franklin................ 4 5 7 5 7 3 3 6 6 4 2 1 7 7 4 4 6 2 8 4 Fulton................. 3 10 5 4 8 6 4 5 4 6 3 2 4 5 3 4 5 4 3 2 Genesee................ 6 17 12 15 6 13 9 15 6 10 7 5 4 9 6 7 6 6 9 10 Greene................. 7 6 4 10 8 1 7 5 5 5 3 3 7 4 6 6 7 5 5 3 -am ilton............... 1...... 1 1..... 1.................... 1 2.................... 1 1...... Herkimer.............. 15 15 10 11 10 15 5 10 6 5 5 5 4 7 5 4 7 5 8 Jefferson............... 25 16 23 30 11 A15 12 14 20 20 8 19 8 13 13 13 7 15 16 16 Kings.................. 30O 38 40 48 66 45 60 46 82 49 58 43 53 39 45 22 48 29 28 21 Lewis................. 6 1 10 5 3 6 3 4 3 13 7 8 3 7 4 6 4 1 9 7 Livingston............. 11 17 7 8 9 10 9 8 4 10 8 6 8 7 7 4 5 8 10 3 Madison............... 10 9 9 12 8 13 8 14 8 5 5 9 5 12 9 8 5 10 10 11 Monroe................ 30 31 42 23 20 36 22 31 21 22 20 21 26 20 25 15 25 26 24 13 Montgomery............ 8 4 7 6 10 3 10 7 3 3 11 5 10 1 7 8 7 4 7 8 New York........ 95 85 108 128 219 207' 234 161 217 155 246 133 222 122 172 87 165 95, 114. 50 T.Niagara................. 10 12 12 12 11 20 6 13 10 7 9 5 6 10 13 5 7 12 9 6 Oneida................. 25 23 30 26 39 32 17.23 18 21 25 20 29 17 27 20 25 10 26 16 Onondaga.............. 19 18 18 18 16 29 14 14 10 19 22 19 17 14 15 5 20 6 16 12 Ontario................. 7 8 13 18 9 20 6 14 5 10 10 11 1411 3 6 7 14 8 10 11 Orange................. 23 22 15 27 18 15 13 13 13 13 8 15 17 13 21 5 15 6 11 19 Orleans................. 9 9 9 10 11 3 9 5 10 4 6 5 8 3 4 5 5 8 6 8 Oswego................. 15 21 10 15 14 19 20 17 9 11 10 14 10 11 13 6 11 11 9 14 Otsego................. 11 5 15 16 20 18 6 14 6. 12 6 6 7 5 11 7 10 12, 11 10 Putn~al............... 3 2 3 5 2 5 2 1 4 3 2 1 5..... 2 2 3 3 2 4 Queens................. 13 11 6 12 6 16 7 8 8 4 4 10 11 9 9 8 17 9 11 7 Rensselaer....... 23 17 12 21 24 28 17 20 32 11 21 12 24 13 14 12 15 8 24 8 Bichmond....... 5 1 5 1 14 6 14 3 11 4 14 5 13 3 13 5 18 4 5 2 Rockland............... 5 2 I 1 1 3 1 6... 1 3 4 2 2 3 7 3 7 2 3 4 St. Lawrence............ 19 17 18S 39 17 24 10 18 6 14 12 15 10 16 14 8 19 12 13 11 Saratoga............... 11 10 13 14 7"T 23 8 9 8 14 13 12 10 15 12 11 9 10. 10 8 Schenectady............ -6 4 2 10 3 8 3 2 4 4 2 1 4 2 3 4 5 8 7 4 Schxoharle;.......-.... 5 16 11 15 7 11 3 1 7 9 5 7 9 4 10 4 10 5 5 8 Se Ayler............... 4 4 6 4 3 7 8 4 1 8 1 5 1 6 7 9 1 3. 2 5 Seneca................. 9 14 5 11. 3 11 12 6 3 5 5 7 3 7 11. 3 5 2 5 6 Steutben................. 20 23 15 23 17 21 14 14 11'13 12 11 13 4 15 8 9 13 11 8 Suffolk................. 10 16 13 12 16 19 11 7 13 6 10 7 9 12 8 6 14 8 19 6 Sullivan.......... 8 7 5 6 13 5 9 9 4 5 8 7 6 5 5 4 8 4 4 3 Tompkn s.. -------- 1.. 12 2 9 1 08 4 8 4 10 7 4 5 8 9 4 9 1 Ulte............ 11 1 1 9 6 8 1 4 1 1 0 1 8 6 1 9 1 NewYostrk...........d!9 18 t 1 0 8 12 20 1 210 25 307 231 161127 15511 206 151 222 122( 172 87 145 92. [ 18 1941 Wyogara.....~.........d 103 121 4 211 [ 1 0 13513 50 5 7 1 9 5 1 31 3 0 1 13 4 1 87 4 1 21 8 Onia e.................. 5 2 1 10/ 261l3/-217/ 3112187 7 2 5 3 0 129 7127 3 6 4 20 3 3 25] 1 02 2 TOntario................ 7 826 13 1802 82 949| 9 24l042 6 149| 862 1 0 776 10 118 84 1 11 675||8 626 767 1496 8 179|05|7 152 Orage............I 2l 2}1 5};271 18 15} 1/ 111 o] 31[8[ 51117/131 21 5} 12267) 1 DEATHS. TABLE OF AGES-AND SEXES-(OONTINuED). 60 65 70O7580 85.90 95100 105 and under and under and under and under and under and under and under and under and under and upwards. COUNTIES, 65. 70.? 5 80. 85. 90.. $. 100. 105, Male ms. F Males. Fems. Males. Ferns. Males. Fems. Males. Fems. Males. Ferns. Males. Ferns. Males. Ferns. Males. Fems. Males Fems. Albany.21 15 23 15 14 13 19 9 5 7 7 6 1.......... I.................... Allegan 8 10 13 8 7 7 y 7 7 7 3 4 3................ "4" Broome..... 4 7:::::................... Cattaraugus........... 15 6 3 10 8 9 10 4 8 4 5 4.... 1 I.... I.................. Cayuga................ 19 8 7 3 19 13 14 11 8 7 4 5 2 1.......... I I......... Chautauqua............ 20 18 -18 10 12 8 8 7 5 6 5 2..... 1........... I.......... Chemung.............. 6 6 3 6 8 4 4 2 3 1 1 1............... henango.............. 19 153 9 8 12 7 9 17 7 4 3 3.................... Clinton.............................. Columbia..../........... 15 12 2 4 13 6 6 9 11 12 3 4 3 4 1 2.................... Cortland.............. 3 7 7 5 8 4 13 7 8 1 3 1 1.................... Delaware.............. 2 1.......... Dutchess................ 24 14 10 9 21 22 1 6 13 12 8 4 3 2 4 1......................... Erie 30 18 29 18 27 14 IS 12 8 12 11 6 1 2.......... 2 Essex................. 8 5 10 2 9 8 12 4 3 4 9 5. 1 3 1........ 1..... Frankl~lin...............................'Fulton................ 7 4 8 6 7 6 5 5 4 4 6 1 I...... I........ Geneseeo 1.............. 1 1 3 6 2 4 4 2 Greene................ 6 4 10 8 11 3 4 5 4 7 5 3 2 1................ I.......... H am ilton.................... 1I...... 2... 1.....2............................<..........................., Herkimer........ 12 7 1 9 1 2 1 0 12 5 6 7 8 1 3 4.............................. Jefferson............. 16 16 21 16 27 9 22 13 15 13 8 4 1 2.3 2.............. K igs........6........ 3..... I I.......... Lewis............ 4 7 9 8 5 3 6 4 1 4 7 3 1 1... 1 - I..................... 16 A lngsto7n....... a........... 16 8 5........... Madison............... 11 7 12 11 15 1 10 3 1 3......................... Monroe................ 26 18 25 15 27 21 17 17 10 10 4 6 1......1....... Montgomery........... 106 7 9 6 3 2 8 3 1 2 1.................... New York........<..... 112 5 974 85 46 5 4 35 033 25 22 9 11 3 4 3 3..... 3.......... Niagara................ 9 14 15 14' 9 5 14 9 4 3' 2 2......................... I.......... Oneida............. 30- 24 36 27 26 20 30 21 19 11 12 11 4 7 1 2.................... Onondaa.............. 19 13 25 16 16 1 1 8 20 7 5 5 3 3 1..... 1........... Ontario n............... 13 11 6 5 13 7 8 14 8 14 2 5 2 2............................... Orange................ 16 19 14 19 16 15 19 15 5 8 3 8 1 2..................... Orleans... 3 13 5 2 11 10 7 7I......................... Oswego...................... Otsego............. 10 15 11 12 16,8 16 9 16 13 5 4 2. 4 3 1.......... Putnam................ 4 2 10 4 8 5 2 1 6 1 1 1 4. I Queens................ 13 8 12 5 15 10 4 9 8 5 6 5 3 1 2 1..................... Rensselaer.......... 21 12 24 14 17 1 3..... 1.......... ichm ond.............. 7 2............................. Rockland.............. 3 1 4 2 3 4 3 2 5 4 1 3.............................. St. Lawrence I 1 23 15 2 1.......... Saratoga...... 131 1 261 1 1 1 10 5 3.......... Schenectady......................... Schoharie..:.......... 11 7 8 8 9 7 5 6 9 6 6 2 2 1.................... Schuyler............... 10 4 4 4 8 7 4 8 4 1 2 2.......................... Seneca... 6 1 3............................... Steu en............ 15 1 9 -0 11 8 3 11 54 9 2 14~ 3 ~..................... Suf l........... 1 1 1 49 1 6 7 4 1............... 1..... Sullison.......... 4 6 6 4 6 5 3 1 3 5 2 5o[ 1... 1..... 1........... Tioga~.............. 8678812 1 1............ Tomp ins........... 112 9~ 1 539 10 1 6 9 6 65[ 2................... Monroer....'.......1 4 0 11 2 4 8 512 5 7..... 4... 1.......... ~arn............. 39 3 6 3 2 23 12 8 3.......;.......... Montgomsery...... 28 5 5 10 6 9 5 1 9 8 1 3 1 4 3 3........... W yoring.............. 6 2 10 8 5 4 3 6 1 7 2 1.. 2............ Yates.................. 5 2 1 3 58 7.............. 1......... TOneia................ 83 64 I.... |74 7 |66 1 43 38| 9 j29 9 0 |35 3 4 1 | I|_...... DEATHS. RECAPITULATION. 5 15. *.3Under' and under and under Over Unknown. Total by sexes_ S - COUNTIES....^* | j Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. V emales. Males. Females. Males. Females Males. Females. E-(4i" 0 Albany.............. 192 162 C3 60 135 129 151 117 3....... 544 468 17012 0.88 114 Allegany............. 31 39 21 2.7 45 56 62 64............ 1 5 9 186 345 0.85 117 Broome..............'35 44 29 2 2 31 39 70 35.......... 165 140 305 0.80 124 Cattaraugus........... 63 53 33 34 53 68 67 60..... 1 216 21-6 432 0.98 102 Cayuga.............. 89 55 40 45 74 * 88 10 71 4 2 310 261 571 1.02 98 Chautauqua.......... 84 61 39 33 71 94 101 82 1 2 296. 272 568 0.97I103 ahemung............ 46 50 26 25 49 46 45 38........... 166 159 325 1.01 98 Chenango............ 55 43 41 40 54 78 87 87 1...... 238 248 486'1.27 80 Clinton.............. -74 4 1...... 197 169 366 0.80 125 Columbia........... 63 50 22 15 70 68' 92 72 1...... 248 205 453 1-00 99 Cortland............ 32 22 30 19 25 35 58 48 2...... 147 124 271 1.09 92 Delaware............ 64 49 32 39 42 54 83 75............ 221 217 438 1.05 95 Dutchess. 86 I 45/ 41 7 9 13 103.............. 345 329 674 1.03 97 Erie............ 286 239 74 87 189 169 196 123 6 5 751 623 1 7 0.808 115 Essex............... 45 52 22 5 33 43 72 39...... 2 172 151 323 1.13 89 Franklin............ 32 26 10 12 32 26 57 27...... 1 131 92 223 0.78 128 Fulton.............. 39 30 9 20 28 28 49 40............ 125 118 243 0.99 101 Cuuenesee............. 43 50 26 45 44 67 66 50............ 179 212 391 1.23 81 Greene.............. 37 43 20 3 15 34 28 60 46 7 5 158 137 295 0. 90 108 Hamilton............ 8 7. 1............... 12 17 29 1.09 91 Herkimr.......... 67 50 30 25 40 53 83 60...... 221 188 409 1.04 9 Jfferson............ 88 69 44 36 82 1 14 50 120............ 364 3 Kings............... 664 576 133 123 359 270 231 163 23 1 1,410 1,133 2,543 0.82' 122 Lewis................ 30 26 15 10 295 43 50 75 1......) 125 124 249 10.90 112 Livingston........... 57 34 25 34 45 6 9 81 49 8 5 4 2 212 171 383 1.02 98 Madison............. 54 56 30 20 43 16 5 7 0{ 8' 2...... 234 226 460 1.08 93 Monroe.............. 232 207 101 98 151 153 184 143 7 2 6715 603 1,278 1.23 82 Montgomery............ 182 113 295 0.94 107 New York........... 1,258 1,1263327 290 1,246 906 776 477 7 3 3,614 21802 76,416 0.88 113 Niagara............. 80 55 31 34 54 67.82 71 1...... 248. 227 475 0.96 105 Oneida............. 119 114 72 59 158 139 236 169 2 1 587 482 1069 1.03 97 Onondaga............ 80 68 40 45 97 113 160 98 2 1 379 325 704 0.75 133 Ontario............. 50 52 30 29 54 76 824 220 242 462 1.07 94 Orange......... 137 112 53 52 84 96 121 116 5 3 6400 379 779 1.11 90 Orleans............... 44 35 18 18 53 30 46 56............ 161 139 300 1.05 95 I87I......! 722 311~ 6331 0.831 20 Oswego.............' 99 86 45 51 73 87 7 47 91........... 3243 222 4635 0.86 120 Otsego.............. 41 37 27 23 60 71 115 9 Putnam............. 29 26 11 6 18 15 30 24............. 88 71 * 159 1.07' 93 Queens............ 90 91 3 5 34 42 59 100 68 2 2 269 254 523 0.90 111l Rensselaer........... 214 199 63 57 130 a 105 152 100............ 559 461 1, 020 1.16 8/ 6 Richmond........... 49 3 3 1 7 71 21 63 24............ 194 85 m279 0.99 101 Rockland............ 34 28 17 11 17 11 36 25............ 104 75 179 0.86. 116 St. Lawrence......... Ill 69 45 52 73 126 173 104 8 5 410 356 * 766 0.95 106 Saratoga............. 81 102 37 39 59 87 124 109 1 3 302 340 642 1.29 78 Schenectady......... 56 41 14 15 18 27 45 39 1 134 123 257 1.13 81 Schoharie............. 69 60 28 32 42 56 75 54............ 214 202 416 125 80 Schuyler....;......... 28 16 11 14 20 34 42I43............ 101 107 208 1.13 89 Seneca.............. 42 43 27 35 31 47 56 42 2...... 158 167 325 1.18 85 Steuben'.5' 4 5 54 82 86 1 60 3...... 34 3168209 58 0.99 100 Suffolk.............311 264 575 1.34 75 Sullivan............. 47 48 16 14 45 37 46 34 1 155 134 289 0.90 113 Kings............... 37 8 3 6 9 4 5 3 15 1 22.7 0 lster.............. 143 126 38 45 101 7 104 91 2al 2388l 14 /, 339 72,57. 0.96'I 104 Lw aire........... 3 3 1 22 9 5 2......... 1015 2.6 9 Wayne........... 49 47 2 31 48 53 9 741 2|...... 25 0 40.8 1 Westchester......... 174 152 53 53 123 104 17O/3. }3 1 2528 14|41 9'69 0.906 104 Livmingstn............ 28 31 31 27 35 42 63 4....... 15~7145 302 1.00/ 99 Montgoery................ 2 27/I 154 17 351 306. 42 33........ 15 07 2.5 8 Te orkl............61 94 581,416|13 29318 2,246[906| 57021 47872| 76180 4,614| 11251,830 217,17 3,027 0.97I 104 Niagara............ 62]~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~(29 DEATHS. CLASSIFIED BY CIVIL CONDITION AND COLOR, AND BY MONTHS AND SEASONS. CIVIL pCO NDITION. COLORED.IMONTHS IN WHICH DEATHS CIVIL CONDITION. COLORED. OCCURRED. COUNTIES, Single. Married. Widowed.'Unknown. ____________________________________ Males. Females January, February, March, -April, Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females Albany................... 243 210 210 120 33 34 58 104 3 2 78 72 105 96 Allegany..................... 75 86 64 53 20 19....... 28............ 21 28 28 37 Broome........................ 60 65 63 45 15 17 27 13 3 3 25 30 30 33 Cattaraugus........... 85 114 79 77 13 23 39 2............ - 45 37 48 36 Cayuga........................ 140 128 1 10 1 5 19 26 146 2 3 2 45 50 60 55 Chautauqua 164 120 115 88 17 31....... 33 1 2 55 55 52 41 Chemung...................... 103 92 50 56 10 11 3...... 2...... 18 29 31 29 Chenango..................... 129 108 90 85 19 46....... 9 1 1 40 40 55/ 47 Clinton........................ 110 103 72 50 14 15 1 1...... 1 35 35 49 25 Columbia...................... 14 15 14 35 32 55 58 Cortland....................... 72 49 65 59 10 12....... 4 1.... 20 22 24/ 2 Delaware...................... 120 108 80 90 10 19 11..... 1 36 48 51 43 Dutchess....................... 186 184 125 94 29 46 5 5 1 8 38 54 69 73 Erie...................... 528 354 123 160 44 56 56 53 6 2 110 115 100 115 Essex......................... 92 81 55 45 20 25 5............ 1 29 26 31 27 Franklin....................... 63 46 45 35 10 11 13.................. 22 15 24 24 Fulton......................... 64 67 45 33 14 18 2.......1 1 22 18 30 19 Genesee........................ 95 132 71 65 8 15. 5............30 36 54 44 Greene........................ 72 73 72 34 12 22 2 8 6 4 28 30 29 45 Hamilton...................... 11 10 1 4....... 3................... 16 1 2 3 Herkimer...................... 115 97 72 60 26 31 8....... 2 31 35 35 35 Jefferson...................... 177 160 147 135 33 41 7...... 1 2 50 65 70 70 Kings......................... 957 782 350 251 26 100 77...... 12 18 219 240 227 208 Lewis....................... 55 56 44 46 9 22 17.................. 19 38 25 26 Livingston..................... 108 91 85 60 17 20 1.............. 28 32 52 25 Madison....................... 106 111 113 7 2 16 39....... 4 4 2 30 35 50 40 Monroe......................... 428 382. 214 169 21 52 12...... 3 2 76 78 100 89 Montgomery.................... 98 55 68 40 13 16 3 2 2 2 21 31 38 29 New York.....................,948 1,691 872 405 98 126 696 580 80 75 580 517 621 617 Niagara........................ 138 105 90 95 20 25....... 2 2 2 45 25 45 50 Oneida......................... 306 253 222 156 31 62 28 11 4 7 68 86 122 99 Onondaga...................... 175 166 173 112 22 40 9 7...... 3 58 72 77 70 Ontario........................ 119 126 84 87- 4 29 13...... 7 1 42 37 43 47 Orange........................ 232 222 117 108 14 49 37...... 9 15 69 65 92 71 Orleans........................ 80 64 62 62 10 13 9.................. 22 22 33 32 oswego........................ 190 171 114 110 14 30 4...... 2 2 50 45 65 47 Otsego......................... 109 95 100 86 25 38 9 3............ 30 40 35 40 Putnam......................... 55 43 25 18 7 10 I...... 2 7 16 13 11 Queens........................ 158 152 84 67 2 33 4 2 8 9 38 52 56 44 Rensselaer...................... 327 314 178 97 28 50 26...... 5 4 81 79 150 94 Richmond...................... 72 51 39 2 4 2 10 81...... 9 1 17 19 26 21 Rockland...................... 62 44 34 18 5 13 3...... 4 2 17 18 21 13 St. Lawrence................... 212 190 157 121 23 39 16 6............63 74 89 Saratoga....................... 161 184 108 1 1 35 42....... 3 3 6 48 60 66 65 Schenectady.................... 88 76 38 22 7 20 2 11 23 13 17 Schoharie...................... 12 0 20 120 62 1 2i 12 1 5 2 31 27 42 47 Schuyler...................... 53 38 42 40 6 23....... 6 1...... 22 15 16 20 Seneca.......................... 90 90 64 53 4 17....... 7 4...... 21 24 41 27 Steuben........................ 1 5 7 2 1 0 0 8 1.... 2... 56 I 60 I 77 I 46 Suffolk........................ 17 10 0 7 2 3 8 6 1 62 [ 62I 71I 62 T m kn....................... 85 2 1 8 7 0.... 9 23 2 4 3 Ulster~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~! t................ 2 20 3 8 1 3 1 2 45 6 8 8 Tioarre........................ 59 7 9 68 1 4 1..... 2 22 9 1'Washington8~5, 4I 3 1 / 5 I3................... 16 130 5 6 2 34 1 9 2... 3 3 5 5 Tompkns........................ 97/ 8~ 1 5[103 9 72 1 30, 6...... 2 3 35 20 45 40 3 Ulschster.................... 35 8 10 0 42 20...... 15 1 7 87 0 8 Wy mn....................... 8. 5/6 86 631 43 6 9 /8 16: 2................. 2 12 28 3 3 Y ts.................. 70 2291....... 1 2.... 1 1 3 2 Total.....................' /....082,4 634,1 1 0 180 J,52 94 261 24,0 317,0,3 (230)~~~~ DEATHS. CLASSIFIED BY CIVIL CONDITION AND COLOR AND BY MONTHS AND SEASONS —(CONTINUED). MONTI-IS IN WHICH DEATHS OCCURRED. SEASONS. COUNTIES. —-- -'- ---- --- --- ------------- ---- --- --— g May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter. ~ ~ 1865. 1864. 1864. 3864. 1864. 1864. 1864. 1864.^ Albany.................. 127 88 92 80 57 57 - 71'328'2 194 221 6 Allegany................. 37 24 22 31 39 35 20 22 102 77 94 71 1 Broome.................. 29 33 18 37 16 16 17 21 92 88 49 76...... Cattaraugus............. 38 36 27 38 37 29 32 29 122 101 98 111...... Cayuga.................. 55 44 i 40 54 43 48 40 30 170 138 131 125 7 Chautauqua............ 49 34 37 64 63 40 41 36 142 135 144 146 1 Chemung.............. 29 29 17 30 43 24 22 2389 76 89 70 1 Chenango................ 42 37 35 36 45 33 40 36 184 108 118 116...... Clinton.................. 40 26 31 27 30 16 25 26 114 84 71 96 1 Columbia................ 43 44 32 39 28 37 21 34 156 108 86 101 2 Cortland................ 30 18 19 16 24 2F& 20 30 75 53 71 72...... Delaware............ 40 30 22 36 33 35 33 30 134 88 101 114I 1 Dutchess.................. 65 60 56 54 54 53 50 45 207 170 157 137 3 E~rie..................... 115 98 118 155 111 107 85 115 330 371 303 340 30 Essex................... 33 26 16 26 29 27 22 29 91 68 78 84 2 Franklin................. 31 17 12 14 16 17 10 21 79 43 43 58......:ulton................... 33 22 13 22 21 16 12 15 82 57 49 55...... Genesee................. 30 2 1 16 31 37 32 36 23 128 68 105 89 1 Greene.................. 24 23 18 25 20 15 20 17 98 66 55 75 1 Hamilton................ 3 1 2 2 4 3 1 1 8 5 8 8...... Herkimer................ 30 20 30 51 39 32 32 39 100 101 103 105...... Jefferson................ 75 40 43 44 65 53 55 66 215 127 173 181 4 Kings................... 255 183 216 274 204 139 152 176 690 673 495 635 50 Lewis................... 28 15 11 20 23 21 14 8 79 46 58 65 1 Livingston............... 31 25 35 38 36 24 19 32 108 98 79 92 6 Madison................... 57 30 35 38 42 49 34 20 147 103 125 85...... Monroe.................. 112 96 69 151 204 134 84 80 301 316 422 234 5 Montgomery............. 29 14 12 33 24 27 15 20 96 59 66 72 2 New York............... 606 521 498 592 467 408 400 455 1,844 1,611 1,275 1,552 134 Niagara.................. 40 27 15 59 63 46 21 38 135 101 130 108 1 Oneida.................. 121 76 66 95 90 89 74 79 342 237 253 233 4 Onondaga................. 61 51 49 50 61 46 45 60 208 150 152 190 4 Ontario.................. 43 25 21 37 57 47 30 27 133 83 134 106 6 Orange.................. 82 59 61 62 53 51 56 47 245 182 160 181 11 Orleans................... 20 28 19 30 25 24 19 25 85 77 68 69 1 Oswego.................. 55 40 40 63 58 60 50 55 167 143 168 150 5 Otsego.................. 40 50 35 40 30 37 41 46 115 125 108 116 1 Putnam................. 13 3 15 12 10 21 8 20 37 30 39 53...... Queens................... 42 35 45 60 48 37 21 37 142 140 106 127 8 R ensselaer............... 97 90 90 83 71 65 60 54 341 263 196 214 6 Richmond................ 15 28 28 40 21 24 15 18 62 96 60 54 7 Rockland................ 10 12 15 14 8 14 22 14 44 41 44 49 1 St. Lawrence............. 78 44 56 74 69 52 52 53 241 174 173 17272 6 Saratoga................ 50 38 40 80 57 48 46 40 181 158 151 148 4 Schenectady.............. 22 14 49 24 25 20 15 22 52 87 60 56 2 Schoharie................ 57 23 28 35 31 35 34 25 146 86. 100 83 1 Schuyler................ 13 13 12 21 24 17 19 16 49 46 60 53..... Seneca.................. 25 13 15 34 35 32 29 28 93 62 96 73 1 Steuben.................. 55 36 47 60 57 75 36 50 178 143 168 166 3 Suffolk.................. 39 22 20 50 55 38 33 57 172 92 126 181 4 Sullivan.................. 29 9 19 18 19 20 23 22 90i 46 62 87, 4 Tioga................... 25 11 16 33 31 18 22 20 66 60 71 671 8 Tompkins................ 22 31 18 33 39 14 23 21'102 82 76 87] 5'Ulster................... 64 35t 37 80 43 67 51 59 228 3152 161 1801 6 Warren..................i 26 21 9 10 24 14 14 10 76 40 52 53. 2 Washington....:.......... 65 30 30 36 38 38 39 40 177 96 115 1091 3 "Wayne................... 45 28 26 34 32 38 38 36 130 88 108 91. 3 Westchester.............. 92 61 80 104 73 68 59 72 280,245 200 2371 7 Wyoming................ 25 12 2 2 8 23 9 22 390 634 82u Yates....................i 15 12 91 13 35 20 20 16 66 34 75 47 {I...... Toa..................|3,502.62 | 2,625 |,6,81,4 2,446 | 2,689 174 |,2 836,808o 7 (231) DEATHS. NATIVITIES AND OCCUPATIONS OF THOSE DYING WITHIN THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 1, 1865................................ NATIVITIES. ii OCCUPATIONS. COUNTIES. b ^ g * | -.C - 0 3 ocd to.O~ ~ ~ Cd Cd Cd C' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C 0 00l ^ i o. " rt?3 0 0 S 0 0 w i Q' ~ - ~ ~t'^, Albany............................ Allegan1.............. 37 A l e....y......................... 12................... 2............ B attaroon......................... 1........................................... Broome.............................. 1......................... 9......................... 14............ C attar au.gus........................... 1 3 6............ C y u nga.................................. 7.............................................................. 11............ Ch ayu g a.................... 1....................................................... 3............ Cli munto..................................... 27............................................................ 10............ Cholau mb............................ 1 1............................................................ 2............ C ortlant d............................. 1....................................1.............................. lo.......... 1 C olu mbia................................. 215............................................................. 24............... Cortland::...:.:.:.:.........:::::................................. 1................................ 1.......... I DE la ari e................................... 1.............................................................2................ E sc hex g.................................. 1...................................................... 19............ E rieango................................................................................ 3........ E s!o................................... 1....................................................................... F r n kln............................................................................................................. F l oln............................... 3........................................1................ G enese n.................................... 24.......................................................................... Cort an e................................................................................ I............ 7............ eaeware on................................. 2................... 1.................................................... H eki mer............................... 4.................................... 3...... I............ 103.......... fe rso.......................................:............. I................................................. K ingssex.................. 1 6 1 i I 4............ 103...... L w ison................................ 3:.............I:........................................................... Fli ton............................. 43... I............ M a ont....................::::...... 3.::....:::::::::::::::::.:':::::::::................ o nre....................................................... I I.................. 1...... 43 M oni tga o r........................... 2.................................................................... 21............ NewimY rk.............................. 4 1.................... 3............................. 44......... 3. JN g raon............................ I...................................................... 21............ Ongsai.............................. 4 1........................ I.................'...... 4............ Orange................................................ I.................................... 29............ Ol ntsa o.......................... 2..................................... ~................... 7........... 1VO ~sw gon....................................................................................... 7.......... Oranr e.................................................... I........................ 27............ Orlen s........................................ 1............................................................ 67............ o s nw go....................................!............................................................... N sew aork........................................ 4............ Niag rm a........................................................................................................... Q" "e n d.............................................................................................. 1........ I.. S nt. sLa er...................... 4 13....... 1.................................... 4 1............ r no nga............................... 1............................................................. 5 7............ R oc klne d............................'................................................................ 6............ Snt.L a rie.................. 1......... I...................................... 4............ Saratoga...................................................... 14............ Schenec ta dy..................................................................................... 3............ SOeans.................................................................................................. 4............ S u y eo r.............................................................................................................. Set cag................................................................................................. 3............ Stutnam................................... 1......................................................................... Sufo ln s..................................... 1..................................................... 3............ lstea.......................................................... 4.............. arckrend......................................................................................................................... t Law eng o....................::.......................................................1:::7................... 1............. T arat on s........................ 1..........!................................................|...... 15.......... st her t................................................................................ I............ 1...... W aoh inge................................ 8............................................... 2............ W Stchester........... I........... 3 1............... 1 3 Wya m g.................................................................................................. 2.......?.... T ot al................................... 2.................................................... 2............ Cuf oUNTIES.........II.. 1 8'...... 1... To mpkin~.................. ~~~~~~~~~2 <'.- "'i....:l....... 71.........:...... 5Varren~~ ~~ ~ ~~~~~ }'.2' 2'l.o.............. -a........ I..'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: "i:::l::::::::::::::1...........!....:tS..... I.::' g Wyoming........................... ~ 2...1...... 2............|................ 2...... 3............!......I2/...'... /... 7le n'................. 2...................... 1'... 1...... B o e........................ 1 1..............;.....:...........:............... /...... 3..................!...... Toh talqu....*....... 1........................'"1-............::: 2......' 1 3 [-t.. —....[- [- - - — 1, 14........... Corlbany...............................7......... 3.... 1...... 2 1-.....'.... D elaw are..................... 1....................e............... 2, 1 -.... 1... L... Autce ssn...................... 1............. 2....... I.................... 1 2 1................ Erie.......................... 4...:.....::... 4...... 1 1 1..... 7...... 2 8...... 1.~.....::: ERRCX~~~~~~~~~~~........... 1i............,-....... 2 1....... 1...1" 238 DEATHS: —NATIVITIES AND OCCUPATIONS. OCCUPATIONS. COUNTIES. |1 Franklin........................ I.................. Fulton........................ 2........................ I........................ 1........................ G enesee......................... 1...................................................... I I........................ G reene........................ 2............................................................ I........................ Hamilton...................................................................................................................... H erkim er.................................................... I1............ I1...... 2 1 1 1 1... Jefferson....................... 3............ I........................ I...... 2 2............ 3... K ings......................... 2............ 7........................ 9............ 24........................ Lew is......................... 1............................................................ 2...... 1I............ Livingston....................................... 2.................................... 2 3 1...... 2... M adison....................... 3............ I.................................... I I........................ M onroe........................ 3............ 3 1 2............ 5............ 3 3 3 1... M ontgom ery.................................................................... 3...... 1 2 1.................. New York....................... 9 2 - 2 15...... 2............ 25...... 2 37...... 2............ N iagara........................ 2.................................................................. 3............ Oneida.................................... 1 5...... I............ 4...... 4 9 1.................. Onondaga.............................. 3............ 3........................ Ontario........................ I............................................................ 4 2 1............ O range.......................................... I........................ I............ 5.................. I Orleans.......................................... 2............1............ I....................... 2............ Oswerkmo............................... I....2..... I............ O tsego..................................................................................... I............ 2 1 P utnam...................................................................................... I I....................... Queens.................................... I.................. 6 1....... Rensselaer................................. 4............ I...... 5 4............ 2 R ichm ondg...................... I............................................................ I.... R ockland........................................................................................ 2 1...... St. Lawrence................... l.......................................... 1..... 1 5 1 1........... Saratoga..........................1 1 4...... I........... Schenectady...................................... 1............ "" 3''........................ Schoharie....................... 2............................. |............................ 1...... I.................. Schuylery............................ I...... 1 2 1 Seneca......................... 1............ 4.............5........... 1............ 2 3 7 ~.. Ni agara....................... 1...... 22....... Senei a................... 2..................................... S ullivan........................ 1...... 2...... I 2.1............. Ono lkga........................................................................................................ Sull ivan..............................1 1...... 2.........................1......... 1 1....... 1... ntario.............................................. I...............3............... TOarenge..............................'...... I:I...... I U leashing.................... 2.......................................... 1............ 3....... 2 W ar en........................ 3................. 2 1 3............ ]i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~...... 5/...... W as h egto................................................. I............ 2...... W ay na m................................................................... I............ W e~,sth se..................... 2.....' " i'...................... W yom~~~~~~~~~~in............. ~.......................................... ensseIe............'"'....5........... YatesRic......................................................... I Total........................ 67 67 OCCUPATIONS. COUNTIES.' Ii.i....' }.. ^i.......i....1'!..........i ^....' Ul~~~~~~ste............................... 6 A lbarrny....................,...............................................j............... Wle ashngto............................................................................. w r o e... * *............................................................................... Westcetera u....................................................................... Oh ut uq a.............,..........^.........'.................................................. Wyom ing..................... a.............................................................. Oh n n o................................... 2.............'......i.................. Clnt n............................."'"_..................................................... Delaware:::::7.........................i........................................... D utc ess...... r......................................................... 1...................... E ri.................,........................................;............................ o.... E~s x...*..*..**.. *. *.....................................................................,.... F rankli.................................................................................................... F ulto................................... 1.......................................................... K ings......................... 1 2.................................................. 2.... L ew i............................................................................................. L ivi gsto............................................................ i....................,............. M adi on...............................1... 1.................'............................,.... M onroe.................................... I.................................................................... M ont omer............................. L...........................L....................... ~ 1..... N ew Y ork............................ 1 1 7 1................. 1...... 2..................,1 N il p'a a..........................................................L.............. I.....................|.....!..... DEATHS:-NATIVITIES AND OCCUPATIONS. 239 OCCUPATIONS. COUNTIES. I J j ~ 2 4 g.. 0~~~~~~~~~~~ ______il~~~~~~~ii__L JL~~~~ __. _i-A_.Ji iLJ O neida............................................................ Onondaga....................................................................... O ntario...........................................................j............................................................ O range......................................... I.................................................................... I. O rleans................................................................................................................ Oswego............................................................................................................................... O trn.g........................ 1................................................................... ute ans.......................................................................................................... Q ueens........................................................................................................... R c sweond........................................................................................................ R ich mond................................................................................................................. Put. La na............................................ 1................................................................... S ua wren c............................................................................................................. SR en seltae r..............................................'............................. Schmond a d................................................................................................................ Schk lane.................................................................................................................. Schuyl r...................................................................................................................... Seetoga............................................................................................................ Sc hu o en...................................................... I......................................................... Sufolli k................................................................................................................ Scui vea n.................................................................................................. TSnec a.............................. lSteube................................................................................................. Suffon s........................................... Sas ngton...................................................... U l t er....................................................................................................... Tompkins........................... W estcheste1...............................'...... W yst ine............................................................................................................ W aynen............................................... Wst hington..'I......................:t................................ WAaye................................ W yom ing........................................ I............................. Y ates...................................................................................... / ~ ~~~~~~~~~............ Total........................ 3 7 | 14 _ 7 2......!...... _ 3_ 1 5..............-7 _ 5 | 4 OCCUPATIONS. COUNTIES. 5 0 Pk ^ (^ ~~~p-, ( P-4 PC4;iq& P^, P ^ P, P, -,( A lbany............................. 4..................................... 3...... 4 1 1.................. Allegany..................................... B r megany......................:.'. ~........................................ B room e.............................2................................................................ Cattaraugus............................................................................................................ C ayuga............................................................................... 2.............................. Chamut nu ua............................................................... 1.........................................'hdmungo................................................................ I......................................... C lint gon.......................................................................................................... Chl uni a..........................................3............................... I.............................. Co tlu mbia............................................................................. I.............................. Co tla ar.................................................................................. I.............................. Dc helan o........................................... 1............................... 2....... 1................... Erice s............................... I............ I........................ 1...... 3 1...... I.................. EAssiea.............................................. I...... 3......................... E ssex li.............................................................................................................. FCrtla nk...................... I.................................................................................... Du tche ss......................... 3............................ 1............... F eul on............................... I.................................................... enese............................ I........5.......3.......1...... L ew i.................................................................. Franklit n............................................................................... Fult on............................. 2......................... 3............... M tg oert ye......................... 1................................. Grewenoe.................... 1 1...... 1... 1.......... 7 6...... 5 11 N iagara............................ 1.............................................. Oinmidao.................................................... 1............... On nd ga.......... m..... 1................................... 3............... Ontar~~~~io.......................................... 1............... Oefrsong............................................. 1... |...... 2............... Orle ngs........................'' "...........................3'. 1::2...... 222:....':................ Lewsw g.................................... 1... 1.............................. Liigtse on....................................................... 1............... Putisnam.........................................*................................ Q ue ns................................................................ 1......... ~ ih on d.oer................... 1.............................. 1............... N e orkl n...............................................................................:Niagaw renc............................................... 1.... 1............... Saratoge........................................................................ Orleansc a y........................|.................... |.........:..................... 240 DEATHS: —NATIVITIES AND OCCUPATIONS. OCCUPATIONS. COUNTIES. | * d | *" &i & a Q< ^ > o o >- c ^ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~',..d I ^ ri rt ri~~~~~cj ri~c cd Cd m! ^ 5(i Schoha ie.................................2............................... Schuyler............................ I.................... I......... I................... 1......................... Seneca............................................................................ I.............................. Steuben.................................. 2....................... 1 2...... Suffolk...............................'............................................................................... Sullivan' "......................""........:"::I......:..:........................... Tioga............................................................. Tom pkins........................... 1........................................................................ U lster.............................. 3............ 2.................................................................. W arren....................................................................................................... W ashing~ton............................................ I............ I.................. 4.............................. W ayne............................. 2............I...................................... I.............................. Westchester.................. W y omingste..............2]]]]...... 2 4 2]]]2[ ]2]:]...... I.......................................... 3............ 1............ W yom ing........................... I......................................... 2.............................. Y ates....................................................................................... I............................... Total....................... 6 60: 5 2 10....... 27 |. lI 8 | 8 6 ~ 6 62_ _ OCCUPATIONS. COUNTIES. S d |.: ~ ~ g g g ~ 3:: ~ I 7 |'~~~~~~ ~~~ ~ l lII IIIi1I J? 1' ~ ~i~~~~~~~~~~~t~ ct C' A lbany..................................................... 6 1................................................. 3 A llegany...................................................................................... 1 B room e........................................................................................................... 1 Cattaraugus.................................................................. C ayuga........................................................................'.................... Chautauqua......................................................... I...................................................... hem ung........................................................ I....................... C henango........................................ I...... I....................................... 1 Clinton......................... I.................. C olum bia.............................................................. 2.................. Cortland................................................................... D elaw are...................................................................................................................... IDnutchess................................................................. 3.................. 2 E ric............................................. 1............ 5........................ Essex........................................................................................................................ Franklin.......................................................................................................... F ulton......................................................................................................................... G enesee....................................................................................................................... G reene.............................................................................................................. H am ilton................................................................I...................................................... H erkim er...................................................................................................................... Jefferson..................................................... 2.............................. 2........................ K ings t.............................'.................. 1 3........... 4 1 1 OLew is............................................................................................................. I I L ivingston............................................................. 1.... 1..................................... M adison.......................... I................................ 2 M onroe........................ I........................ 3........................ M ontgom ery................................................. I....................................................... I New York..................... 10......... 1...... 1...... 1 3......... 4.... 5 N iagara............................. I.................. 2 1........................ I........................ Oneida................................. 2.................. ano d ag......................................... 1 Ontario....................................................... I Rockange. d * *.... * *............................... 3............... *.. 7..*..**........ O arleance............................... 1i..................... 1.......'.. Os w ego...................................................................:..................... Sceeta dyo........................................ 1..................................... Seho har i....................................... I..........i.............................. O ra nge............................................................ 7....................... Or leans............................. I.................... Wasingt ond....................'..............i..................... 1............ Wo k ayne..........................................................1........................ St L Wyomnge................................................;......................... 1 Sa ate s........................... 1...........n.......................... Tone a l............................. 4......... 1........................................ 31 DEATHS: —NATIVITIES AND OCCUPATIONS. 241 OCCUPATIONS. COUNTIES. T 3 m a r ~ ~ ~ w a.d V a) b a I ~e ~m I * * " ig ~ t H^ I Y1 E Cd (d o r, o o Cs - R I S | ~ t~ arf j cir t tfio S 3 ^ l A lbany........................ 6............ 1.................. A llegany............................................. I........................ I........I......... B room e........................................................................................................................ C attaraugus...................................................................................................... C ayuga.................................................................. I........................ I I............ Chautauqua.......' 2.'........ I.............................. I...... Chem ung.................................................................................................................... Chenango............................................................................................................. Clinton........................ I............................................................. I 1................... Colum bia...................... 2...... I........................ 3........ 2 1............ Cortland............................. la..................................................................... D elaw are................................................................ 1.............................. I............ D utchess............................................................... 2...................................... E ssex................................................................... 2................................................ F ranklin....................................................................................................... F ulton....................................................................................................................... Bro... a ~' a a....I... G enesee........................................................................................................................G reene................................................................... 10........................ 2.................. H am ilton............................................................................................ H erkim er................................................ 1................................................ Jefferson...................... 2...... I............ I...... I I........... I.. K ings................... 2 32 1.................. 1....... 16............ 4............ ]............ L ew is................................................................... 4............ I.............................. Livingston........................... 1..................................................................................... M ad ison........................ 1I.................................... 3................ i............................... M oniroe........................ 2...... 1........................ 2............ 1.............................. Montgom-ery.................................................................................................................. New York............... 1 21 2 2........................ 32 1...... 8...... 3 1............ Niagara........................................................................................................................ O neida......................................................... 9................................................ Onondaga................................... 2 2................... 1I................................................ O ntario........................................................................ I........................................... O range.................................... 2......................... 3......................... I................. O rleans...........................................................................................................................o O sw ego'........................ I..o...................... I........................ I............. I............ O tsego....................................................... I.............................................................. Putnam....................................................................................................................... Q ueens............................................................. 1I.......................................... Le w i s ~~ ~~~.................................. R ensselaer......................... 3............ I.............................. E ichm ond..................... 73.......................................................................................... Rlockland...................... 2.......................................................................................... St. Lawrence........................ I...... 6... Sarato a................................................................. 5............................................ Schenectady.............i'........................................................... Schoharie............................................................... Schuylera................................................. Seneca...................................................... i........................................................... Steuben.................................................................. 2................................................ Suffolk....................................................... I............ 2...... I.................. Sullivana........................'...................................................... T ioga......................................................................................................................... T om pkins............................................................... 2................................................ U lster............................................................................... 1.............................. W arren....................................................................................................................... W ashington........................................................................ uW ayneS......................................................... 5............................................... W estchester..................... 2.................. 1............ 6........................ 2.................. Richmon............... 73.....,... W yom inkl................................................................ 4............................................... YatesL...................... 1................................................................................. Saratoga....................__3 16 I 5 4 _2 __ __7.... 151' 3....... 21 3 18 j 8l I | 1 8choharie ~~~~~~................... Schuyler Tnf~.~ I~~ I~~~ I.~ ~ i..,...a......... I..... Alban y.................................... 2. 1 Steueg ny................................................. 1.... 1............... Suffool........................ Cl a t gn........................'O'i oga.................................. 2....... 1... 6 1....... 2......... Chapkuqs.................... 2............ 2.. 4...... Ulser un............................................ 1....... 1............ C,~ ar ren............................... 1............. 3..................... sing ton.................................. 2............ 1.. 3.................. Col m y a... e.................................:...... 4.......................... Wschetrt a d......................................................................... Deildaware...... Wyomntgh......................................... 1 1.. 2 1.... 1...... Ert e..................... 2. 1 111~ /..... 8rle tin s~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.... Oswe~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o~~~~~~......,'.... Putn~~~~~~~~~z ~ 7...... &ueens ~~~~~~~~~~~I ~......~ s, ~ RE ssclex............,..................................................... 3 1~~ ~1 ~ ~ \.................. ~ ~ a a ~ a ~a I~3 a S-.Lfl....... i -...........~~~~~~~ ]~~~~ Ct 1'11 ___~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ii )3II~ZII ilii r~~~.......~~ ~~I~~~i~~(~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::....... ~'" i~ayne,................... ~......,........1. ~..... ~i~estcheste ~~~~~ 21~~~~~\~~~~~~1~~ ~~~) 11~~~~~)~~~~~~~.,....,......... 7Vyo~~...... 4.....?..:....1.......1......1......1........1...... Yates....,....,....,.,.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~....,......,......,....,.,..!!~oi:,,...... 6 J 5.1......1 1 3 1 COUNTIES ~ ~........ 2....1 1j.... 2, r1 2 f F~~ 13 242 DEATHS: —NATIVITIES AND OCCUPATIONS. OCCUPATIONS. m =t ed~~~~~-z," I~~~~~~ COUNTIES.'! i M " | ~ I ~ I, 5Q I UI II Cd z Cd E o o F: 4 C, Cd O E Cd0:.) 9) E EQ) F i Franklin........... 1................................................................................... Fulton..................................2................. i ltGenesee........................................................ ener......... 1.................'.......'...... I.......1.....I.....'........................... G.reene............................ H amr ilton.................................................................................. Herkimn er........................................... 1 2 1................................... Jefferson.,............... )..................... 2............ 2....................... Kiings to....... I I............ 10...... 2 1........... 1 5................. Lew is....I........................................ 1I........................ I......................................... 2Livingston............................................... 1....... Madison.....,I..................,..... 2................................ Monroe............... 2......... 2............ 1 3 1 3 1............ 2................. Montgomer1 1................................................................... NewYork....... 2'''' 1i4 2...... Iok..................7 2 9 12............. N iagara........................................................................... Oneida........................ 1............ 2............ 6 1 2 1....................... Onondaga........................... I......i 1............ 4...... 4 1...... 2' 2...... I.... Ontario....I.......................................... 1..... Orannge................................... 2.......... 5 1 2...... 1...... 2................. Orleans............................ I............ 1.................. 1 1............ 1....................... Oswego...................................................................... 5 1................ Otsego................................................. 3..................... 1 1................................... Putnam............................................................................................... Queens............................................ |........................................................................... Rensselaer........................................................ 5... 2.. R ichm ond...................... 2................... 2........................ 3............................................... R ockland................... I....... I............................................................................. St. Lawrence......................... 1..... 4......... 1 2...... 5........................................ Saratoga...................................................... 1 1...... 6 2 1...... 1................. Schenectady.........................1............................... 3........................ 1....................... Schoharie............................ 2........................ 1...... 4......................................... Schuyler................................... 2........... 2...... 2......................................... Seneca............................................................................................................... Steuben.............................................. 2...... 3......................................... Suffolk........................................... 1............ 2...... 2.......................................... Sullivan........................................................................... 1 1................. T ioga..................................................................... 1 1......................................... Tompkins............................................. 2.....I............. 1...... 1................. Ulster............................... 5......................... 2 1...... 1...... 1 2................. W arren.................................................................. 1 1........................................... W ashington....................................................... I...... 2.................... I................. W ayne............................................................... I..................................................... W estchester.............. 1...... 3...... 1............ 5...... 1...... 1....... I................. W yoming....................... 2..................... 4................................................ Yates.................................................. 1............ 1...... 1................. Total1 4 4 28 53 1 5 142 26 6 23 37........ 2 3 OCCUPATIONS, 0 COUNTIES. ~ t k A lbany...................................................................... A 11 - - a, I ^ Cattaraug u s......................i ~ ~ ~ A la nyu a........................................ 1...... 1'........................ Chle a u t a uqua..................................................................... Ohe ano'm.................................................................................... Clitonau u..................................................................................... Columba........................ 1..... 2...... 1.......................... Co r tlau nd............................................................................ Dhelawar............................... 1......................................... Duch ess g'............................. 1...................................... Erieto................................................................................ Colus bi................................................................................ ort ankli..............................,...................................... Fult onr............................................................................. Gence see........................... 1................................................ E'ei e............................ 1'.................................................. Eam it on............................................................................................................. tira k lime........................................................................ efferson.......................................... /............................... O e e e......................................1.......... ".......'............................. Lrewi s.............................................................................. La ivigton............................................... * *......................... H erkis e o......................................i................................ Jeoerson......................................................................... M ontgomr.......................... 3 "............ 1................. L ew i................................................................i................. NewaYora,.................. 4 2............ 1...... 4...... 1.......... N i g r.............................................................. DEATHS: —NATIVITIES AND OCCUPATIONS. 243 OCCUPATIONS. COUNTIES. I I m. I i 8 i - oo ~ ~i i i. i ^ i i ^ Is I s I I I. II l ^ ~ Cs~ d il.-2....-.......................................... Cd d Cd d 0 Oneida........................ I Onondagao............................................ I.. I...................................... Ontario.............................................................................................. Orleang............................................................................. O rlean............................:..................................1..................................................... O swego......................................................................................................................... Outsego........ -................................................................................................... Queens~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~.................................................................................. rleans a.................................... 1.........................................................................1 Q ouee n................................. I................................................... I................ R o la........................................................................................................ "= d f=e ~ k.' ~::: R tich m na...................................................................................... ao a............................'................................................................................. St awen e t d.......................................................... I................................................... Sarao gari.................................................................................................................. Schenectady........................................................... I.................................................... Snc aari.................................................................... Richmon d.............................. S oo lk.......................................................... 1.................................................... Senecvan............................................................................ I.......................................... SteOunc......................................................... o k............................................................................................................ ulster............................................................. 2........................................ 2...... Tarren.................................... I..................................................................................... ~r~,~o~ ~ ~~~~~~~~i ] I Tom kaingto......................... S c hoha rie..........................................................'".........'....................:u sty her.............................................................. 2..:............... W arren g...................................................... *................................................................... uab nt.............................................................................................................. W ay:ne................................................................:...:::::: Sutle li va......................... I..........,.. 6 8 2 6 5 2.. 10 __ L _ 5 __L.... 19....2 5 __. -r~ichmo}.... W e t h s e....................... I................. 1....... I......... W y om ping..................-............................................................. Y ates........................................................................................ Totarre............................... 1 1 5 9 The following are not included in the above -table:-Albany: Seamstress, 2; paymaster in navy, 1.'Broome: seamstress, 1. Chena-ngo speculator,. Clinton: collier, 1. Erie: inventor, 1. Fulton: limeburner, 1. Herkimer: speculator, 1. Kings: librarian, 1; seamstress, 2. sLivingston: seamstress,. Madison: limeburner 1. Monroe seamstress, 3; gas factory,; tool grinder, 2. Montgomery: beekeeper, 1. New York: coal dealer, 2; gasfitter, 1; int erpreter, I1; speculator, 2;inventor, 1; importer, 2; copyist, 1; tool grinder, 2: manufacturer of fireworks, Wcoayne.......,,........ I........,...... I........... s; janitchester 2..... -iagatas sc o 2r2.. Niagada: sacutat. Oed seamsress 3'"'I', Onondaga; speculator, 1. Wyomngc.....,....,..........,...... I..... i....),............................ i:,... Orleans: seamstress, 4. Queens: music store, 1. - Rensselaer: flax dresser, 1;. speculator, 1. St. Lawrence: seamstress, 2. Saratoga: proprietor of the Congress springs, 1. Suffolk: diver, 1; seamstress, 2. Ulster: light house keeper, 1. Warren: seamstress, 1. Westchester, 1; sisters of charity 5. Wyoming: seamstress, 2. CAUSES OF DEATHS. Abor- Abscess. Apoplexy. Asthma. Bowels, disease Brain, disease of. Bronchitis. Cancer. Canker. C narbucle. tion. i i of. COUNTIES. Males. I Females~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Fmls Feae N Females Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females 1 ales. Females Males. Females Males. Females Males Fems Mnlez s Ferns Albany 1 2 5 4...... 1 5 27 15...... 4 3........... I Allegany.............. 1 1 3 1...... 4 4 6 11...... 1 4 2 1............ Broome..................... 1 1...... 1...... 5 6 11 12............ 1 2............ I1 Cattaraugus..................... 6....................... 6 6 8 5...... 2 4 4.......... Cayuga........................... 3 3............ 6 5 15 12 1 1 4 1......... 1.... Chautauqua..........,, I,,......... 2 1............ 8 8 24...... 1 5................ Chemung.............. 1...... 1 2...... 1 4 4 10 5 I......1................ Chenango.............. 1 1 4 3............ 10 10 11 5:'....1............ Clinton....................... 1............ 1 3 5 7 19...... 5 8................ Columbia...'......... 1...... 2 1 8 9 15 11 1 2............... Cortland................ 1 2 1 1...... 1 4 14 5.................. 5................ Delaware............... 1 1 2...... 1 6 2 5 6...... 2 4 4............... Dutchess..........................1 3 2...... 2 13 7 19 11 5 1 1 2 6............ Erie.............. I 1...... 7 3 6...... 32 36 36 23 4 1 6 8........ I.... Essex....................I........ 1 2 1 6 5 13 9 1...................... Franklin................. 1...... 1 2........ 4...... 3 7 6............:: 2........ Fulton................ 3 2 2 11 6 7 9............. 2 1................ Oenesee.......................... 5 4............ 5 6 12 30........... 1 2................ Greene........... 1 1 2 3............ 5 5 10 7...... 1 2 11................ H am ilton............... 1.......... 1...... 1............ 1................. 1................ Herkimer........................... 1 2 5 8 16.................. 2................ Jefferson................ 1...... 6 3......I..... 6 12 25 16............ 1 7 1............ Kings.................. 4 1 10 7 2 4 55 47 111i 90 8 5 6 9 1............. Lewisr.......................................... 5 1 6 5............ 2 2............... ivingston........ 2............ 2 3 1...... 4 10 6 7 1...... 2...................... M adison............ 4 3............ 2 3 11 9............ 2 5................ Monroe........."....... I. 9 5 4...... 8 12 28 20...... 1 3 11............ M ontgomery.................. 1 5 1...... I 4 4 8 4.................. 4................'YNew7 York,,.6.......... 4 3 32 20 18 11 68 46 138 93 23 18 19 26 1 2........ Niagara....................... 2 2..................... 5 2 9 8.................. 6 1............ Oneida 1 8 5 1 6 6 27 13 1 2 6............... Onondaga............. 1...... 5 5...... 1 5 4 10 13 1...... 8.... 1.... Ontario.......................... 1 3............ 2 4 5 2 2...... 2 6........ I1.... Orange.............................. 2 2............ 4 4 23 7 10............ 7 5......... Orleans............ I.............. 3 2............ 6 1 6 5............ 1 1................ Oswego......................... 3 3 1 1 7 2 18 19 1 1 4 1 2........ Otsego.....................:.. 2 5............ 8 l - 7 6 6.......................... Putnam....................................1...... 1.......... 2 3 3............ 1 2................ Queens............... 3 2............ 5 3 11 1 1... 2................ ensselaer.......:.... i 6.....i...... 2 25 19 27 13 2...... i..... 9................ Richmond................. I.................. 3 3 12 1...... 1..1................ Rockland......... 1............ I 1............ 3 3 3.................. 1 2................. St. Lawrence.. 1 4 3........................ 12 8 16 17............ 5 6.... I........ Saratoga............................. 2 2............ 9 7 13 17............ 2 6................ Schenectady............. I..... 2...... 1 1 6 1 7 9............ 1...................... Schoharie............................ 1..... 1 1 7 4 15 16...... 2 3 1................ Schuyler.......... 1................ 4 2 1 6 0........... 1 1................. Seneca.i................. 3............ 3... 2 3 8.................. 3................ Steuben........ 2 1 4 2 1 8 5 9 1..... 1 3 1 1....... Suf f ol Ik................. 4 2 5 4............ 3 3 11 5............ 2 1 1............ Sullivan.......... I1................... 1 I 1 1 2 3 5 2............ 274 1.......... Tiooga....................... 1 2 3.....I...... 1 3 5i4 1.......... 3.... 1........ Tompkins............... 1 I....... 5 2............ 2 2 8 3............ 2................ Ulster................. 3...... 3 4 1 1 9 1 15 13 1...................... W efarren.......................... 1.................. 1 7 6.................................... JW ashington..................1..... 6 1 2...... 6 1...... 11'............ 3 5 1............. W- ayne............... I........ 6 1 2 6...... 2 4 7....'............ W estchester............ 1 2 3 2 1 1 15 17 9 9 3................ W yoming.......................... 2 3... 2 6 1 1 1............ 2................ Yates........................... 2... I......... 3 7.........................................otal........... 7 43 32 190 143 49 40 473 397 929 699 55 45 || 157 251 11 9 __J__2 Child Cholera. Cholera infantum. Cholera morbus. Colic. Consumption. Convulsions.* Croup. Cystitis. birth. C O U N T IE S. __ __________ _____________________ __________ Feae Males. E'emales MCales. Femalesl MaIles. Femnalesl M~ales. F ematles Males. iFemalesi Mlales. Fema~les Mll; es. Femalesl Matles,.^emales Albany...............] 7............ 1 5 7 2 4 3...... 106 83 13 8 19 9............ Allegany.......................... 1 17 20 1 4 2 2 BMoome............... 1............ 1 2 1.................. 17 18 4 1o.2 1.. Cattaraugus..........., 3...,,,....... 1............,. 1 1......1......1120 40 i,............3 8...... Catyuga......... 5...1........... 63 48 5 2 3 5 Ohautauqua................41 4 3 5 8 3 Chemiing.....;........... 1.......... 25 9 8............. Chenango............. 4...... ""i'1......66 2 1 1...... 1 29 43 2 2 8 4 Clinton.............. 6...I....,...,.. 1...... 2 1......) 1 34 40 4......11 5 2...... Columbia.......... 2 1...... 2 4 1]]" i........... 40 47 3 5 5 2. Cortlald..~............ -1 2............14 19 Delaware............. 28 30............ 3 3 Dutchess.............. 8..... 1 6............ 2 Ornrie............. 14 12 5 2 3 210............ Essex n........... 2 1 1.31 31 4 2 3 Franklin.............. 2.... 1..... 1 1.................. 24 15............. Otslton............ 2............ 1 7 6' 6........... enesee.........5. 2 2.. 1....... 1.....2$....... 3 1 2 2.. (244) CAUSES OF DEATHS. 245 Child Cholera. Cholera Cholera Colic. Consumption. Convulsions. Croup. Cystitis. birth. infantum. morbus. COUNTIES...... Females Males. Females Males. Females Males. Female Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females Males..Fmales Males. Females ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~aes.e flGreene........ 1............... 2 1 25 23 1 3 4 2....... H am ilton.......................................................... i........... 2.................................. Herkimer............. 2............ 4 3...... 1................ 38 41 3 2 9 3............ Jefferson............. 4............ 1 3 2............ 1 44 65 2 2 5 5............ Kings................ 31 3 1 56 65 5 3 1 2 207 138 75 57 51 38............ Lew is.............. 3.......................................... 20 35...... 1 1 3............ Livingston............ 4...... I...... 3...... 4 3 1...... 32 32...... 2 1 1............ M adison.............. 2............. 1 1 2.................. 31 42 5....... 3 4............ M onroe............... 7............. 10 12 1...... 1...... 111 86 9 12 15 13............ Montgomery.......... 2 1...... 5 3 1...... 1...... 45 28 4...... 7 5........... New York............ 44 6 6 74 91 6 6 3 1 625 522 113 79 73 71............ NiaGara..8.................. 1 1....... 31 37 1 1............. Oneida........ 7............ 4 7 1.......... 103 43 13 11 10 9............ Onondazea............. 3................... 1...... I............. 80 71.7 4 11 7............ Ontariome.5........... 2 1...... 34 43 3 4 2 2............ Orange....... 7 j''l............ 3 4............ 1...... 53 86 4 4 18 12 1...... Orleans............... I............ 3............................... 31 24...... 2 2 5 1...... Oswego............... 2... I...... 2 2. 2 1 1 9 3. 42 50 9 3 4........... Otseffes o......... I..... I I............... 1 46 4 4............ Putnam.............. 1............ 2...... 2.................. 15 15 1 1 1 2............ Queens............ 2............ Rensselaer............. 7...... 1 7 1.1 4 1 1 1 98 76 10 5 13 25............ Richm ond............. 3 1 1 1.............................. 36 22............ 2.................. Rockland.................... 1 3 1 2............ St. LawT rence.......... I............ 3...... 2 3............ 65 77 10 2' 5............ Saratoi.............. 8...... 1 3 6...... 1 46' 64 5 8 2 6...... Schenectady........... I................................................ 14 23 2 1 5 3...... Schoharie........... 5........ 1............ 3 5 3............ Schuyler........................................ 9 20...... 1 5 3............ Seneca............. I 1............... 2 1.................1 17 24 2 2 6 2............ Steuben.................... 1 1 1...... 3...... 28 58 7 4 4 5............ Suffolk............ 5............ 14 9............ 2 1 32 27 5 3 9 6............ Snt livang m r 6............ 4 2............ 1...... 17 21 6 6 2 3............ Tioga.................. I...... 1...1.. 2 7.......... Tompkins......................... 1 2...... 1............ 21 24 1 2 3 3............ UNlster................ 4........... 8 8 3...... 1 69 71 1 5 7....... W arren............ 3.................. 1 2.................. 19 24...... 1 4............ Washington 3. 3................. 4...... 37 48 3....... W ayne............................. 2.................. 29 39 2 1 2 1............ W estchester........... 6 1...... 18 13 2...... 4...... 85 90 9 9 16 16............ W yoming...........3 16 22 2 2 1............ Y ates...............................3...... 1...... 1..................12 1 3 2 2............ Total............ 282...... 24 14 305 294 70 41 33 19 /3,042 2,99 395 334 442 383 2....... Debility. Delirium Diabetes.' Diarrhaea. Diphtheria. Dropsy. Dysentery. Dyspepsia. Enteritis. tr eme ns. COUNTIES. Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females Albany......... 7 4 2 3 7 22 9 13 8 9........................ Allegany............. I.......................... 4 16 28 4 17 4 4........................ Broome........ 1............ 1 2 4 16 18 2 7 6 6 2.................. attaraugus 2 1................... 6 6 35 40 2 10 5 4........................ Cayuga............................................. 9...... 42 36 4 11 4 5........................ hautauqua.... 1 2 1............ 2 3 3 11 24 5 11 15 19 2.................. Chemun....g........................... 4 4 13 22 5 4 9 8 1............ huensngo.................... 15 1 2...... 47 49 10 7 4 2 1.................. Clinton............................................ 4 4 10 8 11 5 2 2 2.................. Columbia...................... 1 7 2 1.....1 8 6 6 13 5 2........................ Cortland........................................... I 1 28 28 1 2...... 1........................ Delawatre............. 1............ 3...... 3 2 32 37 7 3 1 4 1.................. Dutchess........................................... 4 1 25 32 12 9 15 12 2.................. Eric........... 4 7 4...... 1 27 15 34 38 9 13 28 32 3 E~ssex. 1 3 1 is 2...... Franlin....... 1.. 2 6' 4 1 4 2 1.... Fulton............... 1:....................... 4 2 11 91 4 2 4. oenesed...... 3...... 1......[.............9 25 3 4 5..... 1........... G~reene..... 1................ 2... 10 3 2 1 2............ H a milton...............!............ 1 1...... 2................. terkimer. 1 1 3 25 19 3 3 2.............. Seffersoa.............. 3 ] 6...... 1 4 7 5 28 24 1 6............ ings.......... 17 11 1 1............ 16 5 64 51 23 29 18 20 1 Lew is.......................... 2 1 8 10 3 5 7....... ivingsto nc. 1 1.... 1 2 4 2 25 24 6 4 11 7........... ML~adison..... 2.......... 1... 3 1 24 22 3 4IJ 7 6............ FMonroe.... 4 3 4.......... 14 11 70 81 11I 13 11 100 115............ M'iontgomery. I I.............. 8 2 2 6 5 1............ New York...... 71 56 14 6 13 1 145 79 100 96 72 30 65 62 1 1 12'1 Niagara........ 1 3............ 1 1 11 10 15 21 7 14 22 25 1 1. Oneida........ 10 4 1 4 2 8 9 52 44 17 16 16 5 2 1 Onondag~a. 1 3 2 I......25 5 7 18....... Ontazrio..... 1 2................ 36 42 6G 9 12 11............ Oswego........ 1 4 11......... 3 2 1240 4 42 8 7 3 1 1. Otseo.......... 1 1..33 25 7 4 2 5 Putnam k....... 1 92..,.......... 1 2 12 2..... suni~=. G.... Queenssea::.......... 6 8.................. 3.... 5 9 6 7 3 8 1............ Tompkins...... 3" 6 1 ~......, 1 3 2 30. 246 CAUSES OF DEATHS. Debility. Delirium tremens. Diabetes. Diqrrhmoa. Diphtheria. Dropsy. Dysentery. Dyspepsia. Enteritis. COUNTIES. Males. Females Males. Females Males Females Mas. Females. emale les. Females Males. Female Male s. Females Males. Fe l emnales Richmond............................ 9 7... 4 4 14 2.......................... Rockland............................. 1...... 1...... 6 4 2 6 1 4........................ St. Lawrence.... 2 2 1....... 9 4 26 45 9 9 14 6 2 2............ Saratoga........ 2 5 2 1 2...... 8 6 18 27 8 14 14 9........................ Schenectady........... 2........................ I 1 6 10 3 5 26 14..................... Schoharie....... 3 3 2.................. 5 4 9 19 4 12 1........ 1.. I...... Schuyler 1............ 4...... 5 3 12 10 2 2 5 4........................ Seneca.......... I.............................. 1 2 29 37 4 6 7 5 1.................. Steuben............... 1............ 1 3 9 3 52 70 5 8 13 15............ Suffolk.......... 4 2 4 1................ Sullivane......... 1 2........................ 2 1 3 8 3 2 5 3........................ Tioga.................. 1......... 2 1 29 24 4 2 2 3....................... Tompkins....... I 1............ 2...... 6 3 20 36 3 12 9 4........................ Ulster.......... 1 1............ 7 3 24 27 14 15 5 3 1............ Wtarren................. 1 3 14 32 1 1 1.... W ashington........... 4 1............... 5 1 29 29 7 5 5 1................. W ayne.......... 2 3............ 1...... 2 5 23 38 13 6 4 5....................... W estchester.... 8 4....... 1 1 8 5 30 35 12 17 14 12 1.................. W yoming............................ 1 2.1 27 26 3 3 4 8...... 1............ at s........... I I... Ya.tes....... 3 2 15 1 4 1 4 10............................ 5~ye..........8 55 7 Total......... 171 166, 41 9| 59 22 427 260 1,427 1-,627 426 489 585 570 31 12 12 12 Epilepsy. Erysipelas. Fever-not spe- Pover, intermit- Fever, remittent. Fever, typhus. Fever, typhoid. Fever, yellow. Fistula. cified. tent. COUNTIES. Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females. Fe ma les. Females Males. Females Males. Females Albany...................... 3 2 4 3 3 2 9 3 21 16 2.............................. Allegany.................... 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1...... 17 17........................ Broom e...................... 1 1 5................... 11 6........................ Cattaraugus,....................... I 1 4............ 2 2 1...... 14 14........................ Cayuga.......... 1...... 5 4 1 3................... 1 1 1 19 13 1.................. Chautauqua...... 1...... 5. 3 2 2............................... 1 16 14........................ Chemu........... 1...... 3. 1 2.................. 3... 1 14 16 1.................. henango.............. 1 6 1 3 6............. 1.............. 12 13........................ Clinton...................... 2...... 5 3............ 1.................. 13 12........................ Columbia........ 1...... 2 1 4 4............ 1...... 1 2 8 3........................ Cortland.................... 1 4 1 1............ 1...... 1...... 10'9........................ D elaware.................... 4 2 4 2............ 2.................. 12 23........................ D utchess........ 1 2 3 1....................... 2............ 1 16 9........................ Erie............. 1 1 8 4 7 10............ 3 1 4 3 45 31........................ Essex........... 2...... 3 4 5 8....... 1............ 6 2........................ Franklin.............. 1............. 2 3................................ 8 5........................ Fulton................ 1.................. 2 3............................... 5 2...................... Ge esee......... 1...... 1 3 2................. I.................. 14 19........................ (hreene..........'...... 2 1 4 3........... I I............ 6 11......................... Hamilton.......... 1................... Allegany ~~~~~~~~~~~~............ 2.............................1 1 Herklimer................... 1 3 1......................... 8 14 Jefferson....... 1 4 3 1 5........... 2 3 2 2 61 50............ i...... Kings........... 2 1 7. 5 3 7...... 4 8 4 9 3 30 25 5...... 1...... Lewis....................... 1 2 5....... 1............ 16 7............ ivingston...... 2........... 1..................... 1 9...... 1............ M adison..................... 5 6 5 1............ 1........ 12 18 Monroe.......... 2....... 3 6 4 5 1 1 2 1 2 5 34 30 M ontgom ery.................... 2............ 1........................ New York....... 13 6 13 7 24 19 5 8 8 1 117 116 175 153 5............ Niagara..................... 1..... 2 5 2............ I 1...... 10 5............ Oneida ~~~~4 2': Oneida....... 4 1 4 3 4 8...... 1 2............ 3 28 20 1............... Onondaga.............. 1 3 3 13 14 1 I...... 1 4 3 1 16 15........... Ontario x................ 3 1 1 1 1 1...... 1 2 2 8.................... Orange................5...... 1 5 6 8............ 1 2 3 3 8 17...... 1. Orleankli......... 1......'3 3 3 12 15r. Oswego 1...... I 2 3........................$ o Otsego................ 2 3 3 3............ 2.......... 19 13 1 Putn.m........................................ 1. 8 3 ueens................1 4 3....... I............. 1.1 Rensselner........... 1....... 1 18 16 Richmond....... 1 1 2...... 5l 2..................... tter kime r............................ 1......... 4 * 1............ St. Lawen ce.....I..... 1 2 1....... 12........................ SaJatofas........ 2...... 1........................ 1 2 12...................... Schenectady. I................ 1 2 1......I............ 1...... 1 5 3........................ Schoharie................. I 1 1 1 1....1........... 1 2 41 10 14 Schuylerwis.......... 1 1 1.... 1........................ 5// 5 4........... S neca................ 1................... 1 1 12 8..... 1 Stetoen..................... 4 6 2...................... 1............ 22 23 Suffolk.'.... 1...... 2 2 2............ 7 3 2. 15 4 Mullivan.......................... 5.................. 1 1...... 1 9.......... 12 Tioga........... 1..... 5 2 4 2......1 1 2 1 2 5 4 8. Tompei............... 1 2 3 2 2............ 1...... 1...... 21 7.. Ulster..................... 31 1 1 5 2.................. 1 13 4 2...... 4 5...... W a~srre... ~........ 13.. 1........... 117 8............5.... 15... Washiagto.............. 3 1 5 1 3 4 27 18 Way ne.......... 1 5 3............. 1 1...... 12 5. Oneidaete.............. 1 4 8...... 1 2 1............ 3 13 11 1....(... Oyoming............................... 19 13 Y Oatnes.................... 1........... 6 8............ -.. Osweota...*....-..I. 4... 1 26 1 4 - 1 4. 4.6..,.,.8.0.1..... 2 3.. 86. 2 8 | 19.1. 1..1.1 02.,. 8.3 19. _ J.21 CAUSES OF DEATHS. 247 Gangrene. Gastri'tis. Gravel. Gout. Heat. Heart, disease of. Hemorrhae. H atitis. Hernia. COUNTIES. Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females A lbany........I.................I...................................... 18 19 1 3............ I...... A llegany..................................................... 10 5..................................... Broom e.............. I........... 1............... 10. Cattaraug~us.... 1............................................ 9.5... 1..9. Cayuga...................................... -8........................ Chautauqua........... I............ 1I........................|...... 17 4 1...................................... Chem ung................................................................... 3 2 Chenango....... 1............................ 10 6...... I.................. Clinton.............................. 4.............................. 6 10...... 1 Colum bia....................................... 1..................... Cortland.................................................... D elaw are.................................................................................... D utchess........ 1......................... 12.................... 12 2......... Eriento.................................. 2......................... 1...... I..,. 1 2 Essex.......... 1................................................. lo 2 8 I...... 1.......... Franklin................................. 3.........::::.::. Fulton.'............ 2............1................... 5 4...................................... G enesee... 1............................................3.3............. G reene........ 1................................................................... 13.... I'...:......... H a M ilton......................................................................... 1I.................................... H erkimer....... I..... 1............ 17 10............. 1. 10......2...... Jefferson.................................................................. I 4.... 1.. K inust............................ 1 2 1........................ 52 42 8................. L ew is...................................................................... 10 6 1................. I...... Livingston.......................... 2...................................................... 13 25 M adison.............. 2........................ 10 10 I.............................. M onroe........................... I.................................... 22 21 1 1............ 2 2 M ontgom ery............................. I.............................. 4 6 1.............................. New York n. 6 7 4............ I1.................. 105 64 13 5............ 1 2 N iag~ara.................................. 3. 10 9......1........................ Oneida................ 2 2.................. 1...... 19 9 1 2............ Onondaua........ I................. 2................................ 26 11 1 I............ 4 1 Ontario......... 2...... 2 2 1 1.................................. Ora~ng~e...................... I......................... 1'1........................ Orleans......... 1...... I...... 2.............................. 5 4.................................... Osw egdon..................... I...... 2.............................. 11 7 1 2........... I...... O rsego.................................. I.............................. 14 9 1.................. 2...... P utnam,................................. 2.............................. 2................. Q ueens............................................................... 1.. Rensselaer.............................. I................... 141"'.............................. R ichm ond.... 2..................................................... 2 1. 9.................................... R ockland I.................. 1................................................. 1 St. Lawrence................. 1....... I.............................. 17 12 1 2............ 2...... Sarato.a........ 2........... 2 1 1.......................... Schenectady............................. 1............ I................ 1...... 4...... Schoharie..................................................................... 1...... 8...... Or yleans......... i..... i...... I 2...... i................................... 7 64........................ II............ Sweg oe................................................ 9 7 1................. Steg eo..........,................................................................. 1 7 S'ufolk..........m................... 1.......... 1................... S ullivan:................................. Sueoe ns......... i..................................... I...... 7 14...... 2 2 u lster..............................."........................................ Reseaer............................... I.............................. 7 11 I........................ T p in ston........ 2............. I.................................... 9 9...... 1.. 1............ U lst er..........................................................:.................................. 1...... W St.a r enc e........................ 1............................. 7 14 1 1...................1 SW sh ingect a.................. 1............1........................ 9...... 4 W ayne.................................................... 2................I........... c~ I [....... { ".~~~~~~........ 2 W stc hele r............... 21... I 3,1 A yl a n g....................................................... 2............'...... Y ates.................................... I........................ 9 Chautauq a.......................... 4 2 2 1..................... 1..... 1.................. CheIngI......................... 9 2.... 1............................................. Cli tob n...................... 12 9........................ 1...... /........................: Suffoluk................ 1.............. 16;...... 1............. 1...... 7 1...... 1.................. So lan............................................ 4................. 1..528...... 3..... D elaware..............."'............... 9' 4..... 1 1..........'.................... D Tompkis....... 2..,.......11.................. 4 6 1............ 1 3...... 1............ 1............ I...... Erie.................................. 6 1......... 1I... 1...... 2 1:...... 1 Ulster...........,................. 4 1............. 1........................'..................i i ra nkln............................................ 2............I.......... 1............. 1............ I......... Fulton.........~~~~~~~ ~~~~~3........................................................ 11...... Geshngton............. 1............!....... 3. 5. 1 2............ 1 1............ 9 9 1'.....1I.......... Oreene~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1.............................. 2 3........................ 1...... 1... W ayneo............................................................................................... Westcheser...... 1. *. *..... ***... 3 1...... *. *..... [ 1 *..... *... 1......;.................. 2 4 1 1 I............;1'1 Jefer omng........1.................: /1....... 7 2..................' " 1 2............. {............ II............ 248 CAUSES OF DEATHS. Hydrocephalus. Hydrophobia. Infantile. Inflammation. Influenza. Insanity. Intemperance. Jaundice. Joints, disease of. COUNTIES.......~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [.e ~e/ II Males. Females Males. Female s Males. Females Males. I F Males. Females Bal ales Males. Fel males Males. Females Males. Females K ings............................ 11 2.............................. Lew is.............................. 1..................... Livi ston........1 2............ 2.......................................... M adison.....o........ 1............. 3 1 -........ 2.....o......................... M onroe......... 11 8 n............ 4 4 3 2............................... 2 3............ M ontg mery.......................... 4 5 1............. I......I.......................................... New York...... 62, 37............ 26 25...... I I...... 6 5 1.... 4 6............ N iagara................................. 1 1 2 1..................'........ 2.................. Oneo n.......... 3 5............ 3............ I.......i' I........ onreid......... }. 3........ Onondau 1a....... 3 1............ 41 4 3 2................... I............ Ontario............... 1.'............................................. 2 2 1............ I............. Orange......... 3 2........... 1............ I................... 1I.............................. Orleans........ 2 1.............................. 1I......1..................................................... Oswcego........ 6 5............ I I 1 1............ 3 | 2 1............ 2............ O tseuo............... 1I I........... 2 1...... 2............ 1I...... I............................... Putnam............................................................................. Queens............... 3............ 2 1 2 1............ I...... I...... 1 2............ R ensselaer...... 1 4. 7.......................................... R ichm ond................................................... R ockland... 2 1........................ I................................................................... St. Lawrence.... 2 6........................ 2.................. 1 2...... I.................. Saratoga........ 2............ 2...... 2 1............................ 1............ Schenectady.................................................... 2 1............ ar~'"'32............ Schoharie....... 3 2........................................ A1................... Schu yler......... 3........................ 1............ I........................................... 1 |............ Seneca......... 4 3............ 1I...... 1I...................................................'............. SteOben........ 4 3 1.................................. Suffolk......... 3 2...... 1............. Sullivan....5.................................... Tioga.......... 2 1.................................... 1...................................................... T om pkins............ 2................................................................................................ Ulster.......... 5 9............ 1 2.............................. 1 2.... 1 I............ W arren........ 5 2................................................ 1.................................... W ashinglton.-:.................. 2 1.............................. 1 1...... I.................. W ayne......... 1.2................................ 2...... I............ W estchester.... 5 7 1......... 1 4...... 4...... 2............ Vm om ind....... 3...... 1..................................1............ Y ates................ 1.......................................2............................... Total......... 161 119 2...... 211 158 46 41 5 24 31 40, ~... ^.. ^. _ - ^ _. - - = - - " in -' -— i= Kidney, disease of. Laryngitis. Liver, disease of. Liuigs, disease of. Malformation. Mar-asmus. Measles. Menin itis. Mortification. C O U N T IE S. ____ _ _____ _____ __________ __________ _______, __ Males. Feuiales Mae.Fernales Mae.Females Males. Femiales Males. IF emials Mes Males. Fe s Mae.F lsMls eaes Males.Feas Alba 1 5 28 26~ ~ ~ ~................ y.................................... 9 14 2.................. A ll egany............................................ 1 14.............................. I....................... B room e......... 1I......I............ 3....... 4 3........................ 3 3........................ Cattarliuogus..... 11.................. 4 2 12 12 1......... 1 2 1................... Cayuga~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~........2 Oayuga......... 2.........................2.............'............ Cboutauqu~a..... 6................ 7 4 12 9............1 2 1 1 2......................... Cheniun,................................ 2...... 10 9........................ I.............................. Chen.an oo.7.................. I 9 13............................. Clinton................................. 2 1 11 6............I............ I........................ Columbia....... 3k........................ I 10 14............ 2 2 1................... ort nd................................ I...... 1................. I............ D elaware....... I I............ 1 4 11 10................... 2......................... Dutchess................... 7 1 is 14.......... 2 3............ 1 Erie.......................... 2 6 36 29...... 1 6......................... E ssex.......... 3......I.................. 2 12 8.............................. I.........................ali.............I............I...... 2 I 7 4.......................................................... G e est er.....................'1 1....................:1..... i................;V rene......... 2............ 1 11 7............ 3.... 1 1...... W a yerk m r..................' 4 8 8....................... 1,............. J~estc eerso....... 2............. 2/i1 4.....!..:: i[.... 1............ 12....... 1... Kiogsl.......... 15 4.......... 13 8 92 53......- 1 - 19 12 12 14............... Liv ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~f eingits. ofction.... 1......... 4 2 12 3............ 1 2............ M adNIESon... 3............ 1 3 3 9............... 1...... M ro........ 4............. 5 6 32 1............. 2 7............ M o t o e y.... 1......!............ 2.... 6................................. 1 New~2 or....... 7 42 2 1 3 23 15 9....... 8 93 3 36 1 16 1... Nall gany....... 1...... 3 2 20 13................................ On id.................. 7 30 22........~...... 1 o o oo o o.................... Ontario......... ~ ~4 1......... 2' 12 8 7........................ COtr auge..... 2 1........ 13 2 1 2.......... 2...... ~ 3................. Orlea s................................ 13'1.......... 1... 2 2............ Osweg o............... 12 2............... 1............. Qu e s................. 8 1 1...... 0................... Choutauqae... 3..........."" 5 2 4 28 1.....' 1 2 6i.. 5:i: 16 6 1...... Rihm n.... 1......................... 1 1 3 1............ Rockland....... ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ 2........................ 6 4............ 1.......... 1...... St ~. L w e c.... 3..................~: 5 5' " 6 20............ 1...... 3i............ Caaoguba.... 3............'.... 22 2...... 1........... 11............ CAUSES OF DEATHS. 249 Kidney, disease of. Laryngitis. Liver, disease of. Lungs, disease of. Malformation. Marasmus. Measles. Meningitis. Mortification. COUNTIES. Males. Females Males. Females. Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females Males. Fmales Males. FMales. Females Schenectady............................. 2...... 11 6............ I............ 3 3........................ Schoharie 2.................. 1 2 12. 5.................. I.................................... Schuyler....... I........................ 1 3 5........................................................... Seneca.. 1.................... I 1 6 6.................... I.................... Steuben........ 5.................. 4 5 24 11............1............ 1.............................. Suffolk........ I.................. 6 3 16 11............ 3 3...... 2........................ Sullivan................................ 1 3 16 5............ 1 I I....... I...... Tioga.................................. 4 2 11 6............ 1 2 2........................ Tom pkins...... 1 1............ 3 4 10 9......................................................... Ulster......... 1.................. 4 1 11 23............ 1.......3 3 1................. W arren................................. 2....... 6 6........ 3 1........................ -W ashington...... 4 1............ 2 2 21 13........................ 4 2....................... -len 2........ 4 1 15 15... W ayne.............. 2...... 4 1 5 5.......................................................... W estchester... 7 2............ 2 7 25 22 1...... 3 1 6 2............ 2...... W yom ing..... I.................. 2 2 6 8............................................................ Yates.................................. 2 2 8 4............ Total........ 200 62 2 1 183 I 153 |l1,023 791 7 3 | 125_120 135 142 || 32 28 6 4j Necrosis. Nervous disease. Neuralgia. Old age. Para] ysis. Parotitis. Pericarditis. Peritonitis. Phlebitis. COUNTIES. Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females Males Females Males. Females Males. Feemalei A lbany............. 1........................ 6 12 11 5 1 1.................................... A llegany.............................. 9 9 5 4................................................ B room e.............................. 1...... 9 5 2 1................................................ Cattaraug us.......................... 1 6 10 4 3................................................ Oayug0a 15 12 3 6................................................ Chautauqua......................................... 8 9 5 10................................................ Chem ung.................................... 1 4 5 4 4................................................ Chenango... 1............ 12 12 2 3................................................ Clinton........ 1.............................. 9 2 5 2................................................ Colum bia........................................... 13 13 7 3................................................ Cortland........................................... 10 6 3 4.............................. 1............ Delaware.............................. 1...... 9 1.2 2 1............ 1.............................. D utchess..................................... 11 13 9 7............................................... Erie........... I 1 4 1...... 1 22 24 6 5.............................. 1............ ssex............................................. 13 10 2.................................... Franklin....... 1.............................. 7 7 1 1....... Fulton.......................... 1............ 7 8 2 2............................... G enesee............. 1 1...... 2...... 6 4 6 1................................................ G reene............................................ 6 10 2 4................................................ H am ilton................................................. I................................................. H erkim er...... 1 1....................... 14 15 6 3................................................ Jefferson...........................I............... 24 17 9 11................................................ K ing's......... 3...... 1 1...... 2 15 25 9 8 1.......................................... Lew is................................. 5 10 3 2............................................... Livingston......................................... 12 7 4 2................................................ M adison..................................... 1 16 15 7 5................ M onroe............................................ 16 18 11 10....................... M ontgom ery...................... 1............. 8 4 5 1................................................ New York 13 4 1 6 2 3 54 60 43 19 2 1 4 5........................ N iagara...... 1 1.................. I 11 9 7 4................................................ Oneida...................................... 1 18 36 26 15...... I...... I......................... Onondaga......... 1...................... 1 16 16 8 6................................................ Ontario...................................... 1 5 15 8 8................................................ Orange................................. 1 2 17 24 7 6................................................ Orleans.............................. 5 6 3 4................................................ Oswego..1..................................... 19 14 1 8................................................ Otsego........................... 1 11 18 4 9................................................ Putnam....................................... 4 3 1 1................................................ Queens........ 2............... 1 I 113 14 9 4.................. Rensselaer.....I 1 1............I 2. 1 17 17 A 11. Richmond...... j...........~(~.~..~..)....~~.............6 3......~~ 1............~/ 1................. KOCkland......J 1..................I 1......1 3 7 5 )~ ~ )1~ ~ 1 ~................................. St. Lawrence.... I......,..........~.. 1.... 34 21 7 7........................ Saratoga...................... 20 27 5 6........................ Schenectady.................... 4 5 5 2........................ Schoharie................. 1.. 6 6 8 3........................ Schuyler......................7 4 4........................ Seneca....................... 7 6 1 4........................ Steuben.......................... 7 1 5 8I~ ~ ~ J~~ ~ J............................ Suffo lk.............. 1....... 3 6 7 7........................ Sullivan...................... 8 7 4 2........................ Tioga..........!.......... 1 1 l~~,~,,l...... 7 7 7 2........................ Tomp kiins...................... 12 11 2 9........................ U lster......... 1......... 3... 6 22 6 7........................ W ascz hi ngton.... 1........................~~~ I 1 7 12 4 5........................ W7Cayne...................... 12 10 2 6............................ W estchester..../ 1............... 17 12 17 14 1.......... 1......... W7~yoming...................... 6 4 5 2.......................... Yates....................... 1 5 5 2 3............................... Totatl..... 33 11 _9_17_ 161 20 674 737 _352 _ 295 5 3 11-7.6 1 | -2....../ 1 32 250. CAUSES OF DEATHS. Pleurisy. Pneumonia. Puerpe- Purpura and Quinisy. Rheumatism. Rickets. Scarlatina. Scrofula, Skin, disease of ral flever scurvy. CO U N T IE S. __________ __ _ _ _ _ ___ __________ __________ ____: Males. Females Males. Females! Females Males Feyrns M1ales Fern-, Males. lFemalesl Males. Females Males. Fenivv!-k>s' Males., Females Males. Females. Albany................. 2...... 48 52 2 2............. Allegany............ 1 4..... 1 4............ B roomel..................... 1................. 2 1............ 2 3 1 1............ Cattaraugus................. 2 2...................... 2 1............ 7 3...... I............ Cayuga............ 2............................................... 9 9.. I....i. 1... Chautauqua...... - -'.'.......4 1........ 4 2 1......................... Chem ung......... 1.......................................................... 11 8 1.................. Chenangp.............. 2...... 1I....................... 1............ 13 14 2 1............ Clinton............. 2 1.................................................... I I.Columbia......::...... 1.................... 4 2............ 9 4 1 2 Cortland..................... 1............................ 1.............................. 2....... I...... D elaware........ 1............ 2...................... 1 2 i............ 11 8 1 1............ CDutchess.............. 2 1.................4.2...... 1 15 14 1 1 4 2 Erie............. I........... 7 1 1........ 4 3 9 1 1"...... 7 8 2.. 2...... I E ssex................................................................................. 2........................ I Franklin...................... 1 2.............................' I..... F ulton.......... 1......................................... 1................... 6 1.................. G enesee..................... 2 2..................................... I I.................. G reene.......... 1...... 1.................................. 1............ 3 2........................ H am ilton..................................................... H erkim er........ I 1................................................... 2 4 1.................. -erson........ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "i............ 1, l 2 1.......... Jeffe n......~................. 2 3............ KingE's........... 3...... 3 5.......... 1........ 6 3............. 77 90 3 3 1 3 L e is...................... 3.3.............................................. 1............................... Livinoston............. 2 3 1 2 1.................. M adison..................... 3 1...................... 2 1............ 2 3 1.................. M onroe............... 1 5 2 2.... 1....... 4 3............. 8 4 1 1............ Montl a nd........................ 9 4 2.............. L oi rI........ "i.....'' "'.......... Duthes...;.... New York....... 5 4 65 56 3................ is 11........ 118 105 17 15 242 N iagara..................................... 1 3............ 1 6........................ Oneida, 1 6 2............. 1:6 3 6............ 73.... Frankl~~~~in..... 1 2 2.i..... -......... Onondaga............ 2...... 1................ 1 2............ 5 2 1.................. Ontario...................... 1 2 1................ 2.................. 1 3........................ orange.............................. 4......'"............ Orleans....................... I............................ 1 3............ 2 5........................ msw ego n1........................................... 3 2.................'2..... -oIer k.................... 2 2......... 2 4 I2.................. Jtefsn............... I.............. 2. 1..... Puengs............ 1................... 2....... 1 26....................... Kenssel35....... 1.2................ 3 Quee ns.............. I........ 1........' 2..................'c........ 1.........................'......... 28 38:............ Rengston..... 2.................. 2 SRich oga............ ivlonr oectady.................1.................. RS ckland........ I...... 1.................................. 19 2............ 2 13 1............... St. ylawe n.. e..... 1............ 4 2................... 1...... 1............ 6 2...... 1...... I Se eoga...................... I...........1........... 2 2............ 3 5 1........ Schenectady...... 2....................... 1.....I I........ 1......3................. Sucho rk..........................'....... 1 2............ 21 3 I...... 1 S ic a ne..................... 3............ S Oneca.................................. 3. 1.................. Steuben............. 12 1..... 2 1............ 1.......I............ 12 75......................... TSuffolk........... 2.................. 3............ 1' 1 9 2.......... Sullivan................ 3............................ 2 1............................... 1.......... si o.............................................. 2.................. To in s......... 1....... I..... 1......................... 3............ 42........................ Orange 1t':::::::::....:.....:........"':::........ 39 2 6 3~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~...................... "W ae n........................................... 7. 1............. 15 2........... W ashingt n... 2........................... I.. 4 6'............. Ow ay eg............ I..... 3'............ 2........." " I........ -.................. Oe tch sego...... I...... ~:: 3.................... 7 1............ 5 21.......... I Total~~~~22.......... 45....0|191 9 |7 4I 20 7 | 3| 2 69| 4 8 4 5 1 W yominy.g........................... 3.'......... 1....................... Rensselaeg....... 1...... 1..................... 2 2......................... BRihond........ 1t... 4................. 1 1........................ 1.... 1... Y ates a.................. 4.................... 0.................... Chaotaqu a.......... 2 45 1 1 1.................. 2............ 1 Ch m ng,... r............................... 1...................... 1.... Che an o.........:-: 3 1.............................................. 1 Schenectad......... 1 1 1..................' 1 1..................:3...... 1............... Delaware....... ~ ~ ~ ~~1 2 1 4.............. 2 1 2............... Butches.,... 3............................. 13 Ecohrie....... 5........... 2... 3 2 1... 1 1 1 1 4 0 Essex.....,................ 1 2............................1......................... Schuyler............................................. 3 I...................... 11 Genesee......... 1 1 ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1........................ 4....................... 1...... Sr enec...........'......... 1.................. 1 1...................... 3.................. 1 Steubeon....... 1 1................... *................................. 1 H e ki er...........::.. 1i............ 1................................... ^fferson~~~~~~ ~....... 1 1...... 1............................... CAUSES OF DEATHS. 251 Small pox. Spine, disease of. Splenitis. Still born. Stomach, dis- Sudden death. Sun stroke. Syphilis. Teething. ease of. COUNTIES. __ Males. Feinal Males. Females M~ales. Females Males. Fem ales Males. Fema les Males. F emales Males. Males. Males. Females Males. Females Kings.......... 34 24 2 1......... 2 1 4 3...... 1 7.................. 11 19 L ewis.......................................................................................... Livingston................ 2........................ 1...... 2.........................................;...... M adis4'_on....... 2..... 3... 2............. 2 3 1.................................... 3 I M onroe........ 3 2 1 1 1.................. 1 2.................................... 7 4 M ontgom ery.... 2 2 1...........................,.................... 2........................ 1 1 New York...... 191 137 7 2............ 3 1 4 1............ 8 1 11 5 19 35 N iagara....... 4 2 2 3.............................. 2............ 1.................. 1..... Oneida......... 9 5 3 2............ I............ 2......................... 1...... 3 1 Onondaga................... I............. I............................................................1 Ontario........ 5 1 2........................................................................ 2 5 Orange......... 13 9 2.................. I................................ I 1 Orleans......... 1 9 I. 2.................................................................................. O sw ego........ 3 1...... 1............................................................................. Otsego..... I.. 1............ 4 4 2.......................................... P utnam........................ 1................................................................... Queens......... 5 3...... 3..................................... 2 1................. 2 Rensselaer..,... 2 3 11 8............ I...... 4 3............ 6 Richm ond...... 1...... I................................................... 2 2 R ockland....... I......... 1...... I......................................... 1......... I...,....... <... 2 St. Lawrence.... I 1 1 1'........................ 2...... I..................................... Saratoga........ 6 5 2 2........................ 1................. Schenectady 2 1 2.......................1............................................... 1 Schoharie............................................................... Schuyler......... 2...... 2.................. 1...... 1............ 1.................................... Senecand... i 2.............. 1 2............. 1.1.1............... Steuben........ 4 5 2 2............................. 1..................... 1 Suffolk 2 1...... I.. 1.................................... 2...... Sullivan........ 5........................................................................................ 1..... Tioga.......... 1 1........................ 2'].................. I...... Tom pkins.................. 1........................... 1...... U lster............... 2 1....................................................... SW arren................................................................................ 1 1...... V ashington..................... 2..................... 6 2...... 2.............................. 2 W ayne............... 2 2 2...............................1.......... W estchester............. 2 1 2 1.................. 7 Yyom ing....... 1...... 2 3........................ I I............ I........................... Y ates........... 1 1' 1.............................. 3 1............................................... o ]pkins.. 1........................... 1 Totals....... 33.7 232 81 75 2 16 |.7 7 | 92 1.5 ~ACCIDENTAL CASES Tetanus. Throat, dis- Thrush. Tumor. Ulcer. Urinary organs, Uteri-is, Whooping coug. Worms. COUNTIES, ~~~~~ease of. disease of. disease Accidents —not COUNTIES. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~of. specified. Males! Femn. M~ales Femn. Males Females Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females Females Males. Females Males. Females, Males". Femrales Albany.................. 2 4............ 1 3........................ 3 3 2...... 8 4 A llegany............................................................. 1. 4 3 Broom e.......... 2.............. 1 2............................. 1...... 3 1 Wattaraugus.............. 1 1...... 1............ 2...........1.. 1 Wayuga...................... I.................................... 2............ 2............ 92 Chautauqua...... 5 1..,........................................................... 1 2............ 2... Chem un................. I I........... 1............................... 2............ 2.. 1. Ohenango............................... 1 1............ Clinton.......................................... I............ 1................... I 3 41 o b......................... 4...... Col a........ 3 2............ i 1 i D e aw ar........ 1.. 2 4.......,... 2........................... 4.............. Cortlhes.............................. 3 6 1 El arie........... I...... 4 3................................i 1.. 4 4 1 2.1 143 E s ex.................................................... 3.......... Franklin.........~ 1'.,........ 1 1........................ Albesany......................... 2' —...' 1.......... 3 1 1 12 A legany............ 1...... 2 2.... 1.............. 1 3...... H aromilo........ 1............*..* * *... * *..* *. *.*.* * *. * 2....... *........*. H erkime................" i "1' 1..........................i...'.......,...... 2... Je fter son.................... 4................. 1.................. I.. 4. 1 2..... sga.................... 13.............3......................... 4 3............ I 1 L e i............ 3 1............................................................ -CLi iag tauqu....... ""1......... 1..................... 1 1.......... 1... 3hmun go......... 2............ 2]] 2:........... 1.... " i 4 1: 1:8:3 M o t o e y... 1.................'.................... 2 3............ 3......: Ne ok............ 7 6 2~: 6 3......... 5 7 Columbia............... 1 1.................... 1......i...... Cortlada....................... 4...... 1....... 3 4 3 2 1... Deln awar............ 6......... 1/.............' I... 1... Ontario............... 1:'................................ 1....... 2::1:5...... Orin e................. 1 2.............. 3o........................ 1 1 2...... 4 2 10 14 Orlexn............................................,.........'......................... 3....... 1...... Osweso~~~~~~~~~......... 1 3 4........ 1' 1...........".... 1'. 1..... 5 1 Frankli.......... 1.....1....... I........... 1 2............ 1..... 7 1............ 11 "'na........'"]" [ ] [' [:I.....'..:............... 1 i 1] ]].................. 5 3........ i' 1 Greene.......... 2]. 2] 1.] 1.......... 1.......... 1...................... 4 5....... Herkiml er............... 11................. 1.............. 1................... 2..... 1....... 12...... Jefferond....,................... 1............ 11........'.......................... 4.3......'..... ~..... Madisond....................................| 1 1....... 2....................... 2 2....... I I......... 1.. 252 CAUSES OF DEATHS. A.CCID'N2 f' CAUSE Tetanus. Throat, disease of Thrush. Tumor. Ulcer. Urinary organs, Uterus, Whooping cough. Worms. COUNTIES[ disease of. disease Accidents-not of. specified. Male's Fein. Male's. Females Males Fern Males. Females Males.' Ferales' Males. Females Females Males. Females Males. Fem~ales Males. Females St. Lawrence..... 21 2 2 2 1 1............ 7...... Saratoga......... 2 4................ 1 3...... 2 4 2 Schenectady.................... 2.......... I.............................. I.............................. Schoharie............ ] ]....... 2............ 2 Schuyler...................................... Seneca....................... 1I........1... 2............ I......... 1.................. 2...... Steuben.................. 1.................... I........................ 4 1.................. 6... Suffolk.......... 5 2..................................... 3............ 6 Sullivan................. 1I......................................................................... 1 4 I... Tioga........................................1............. Tom pkins...................... 2................... Ulster........... I.... 1 2....................... 1 1............ 5 10...... 1 21 2 W arren.......... 2........... I............... 1........................ 1 1 1 1 1 2...... W ashington........ I I............... 3 2............ 5 W ayn e........................ 2............................... 4 4...... 1 5 I W estchester.....................2 I...... 5 2 1 1 5 1 SW yomin.............................. I I...... I...... 0............ 11...................6 Y atesomp................................................................ 1 2...... I...... Total........... 30 61 76 7 32 65 12 9 |43 11 22 26 32 342 52 ACCIDENTAL CAUSES. COUNTIES. Burns and scalds. Drowning. Fall. Firearms. Freezing. Lightning. Neglect and expo- Poison. Railroad accident. sure. Males. Females Males. Femae Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females, Males. Females Alba~ny........... 5 3 14 2 6...... 4...... 2.......................................... 4 2 A llegany................................ I.................. 4...... Broom e.................. 1 2 1...... I............................................................ I...... Cattaraugus....... 2 1 1 2 3 1 1...................................................... 2 1 cayuga.................. 8.................. 2...... I...... I.................. 2...... 1...... ohautauqua...................................................... 9...... C hem un...................... 4.................. 1................................................ 1 3...... Y henango..................... I 1 3 1............................................................. Clinton........... 1 2 ~ 5.................................................................. I...... 2 1 Colum bia......... 4 2' 7 3 1 1............................................................ 2...... C ortland....................... 1I............ I 1........................ I.............................. 1I...... D elaware........... *... 3 2 1 2 3 2...................................................... 2...... D utchess......... I 1 7 2....... I I1............................................... 1 3...... Erie.............. 5 5 17 6 5...... I...... I.................. 2.................. 6...... Essex.................. 5 6 1 2.................. I............ I.................. I1.................. Franklin................ i 1...3....................................... Fulton............ 2 1............ I...... I................................................ 1...... O enesee...................... 3.................................................................. 1.................. G reene........... 2 1 4...... I...... 1............ I.................................... 1I...... Hamilton...................................................................................................................... H erkimer......... 3 1 2...... I I I1................................................ I 1...... Jefferson.......... 3 3 7...... 2 2...... I...... 1i.......................................... I...... K ings............ 4 4 13 4 11...... 4.............................. I 1............ 6......'Lew is............ I.1 2 1 2 1 2 I.............................................. I.......... Livingston........ I...... * 3 2 3................................................................ 1I...... M adison.......... I 1I...... 1 3...... I.................................................... I...... M onroe........... 2 11< 16 2 2 1 1............................. 1 5....... M ontgom ery....... I 1 3...... I...... 2.............................. 1......... *... * * New York......... 8 14 38...... 35 8 9....... 4 1............ I............ 1 12.2 N iagara.......... 1 2 I 8 I I I...................................I...I... 2.... Oneida............~ ~ ~~~~~ ~~ __1 2 1 2 1 2 3......... 1................. i, sey............... 3 1 - - - 3 - -1-..-7...' -'................................. 24........ Alegnym.......... 1 1 2...... 3 1............. I................................. Queoe s................. 1 2 7 I......... 1.......................;............. 1...'R n s l e....... 2 3 14 12 3................................ 1 Cayut ga.......... 1 6 7 1 5 1 1....,..... 8.......................... 1... Sc en et dy.......... 1.......]]:]]]....................... * -*. * * Sc oh re............ 3 4 3............................ ~........ * * * * * * * * * Sc heunge.................... 34... 1.... 1...............................' "........... Sheneag o............ 1...... 2 1.................................... 1] ]....'......[.. Clinton........... I 2 6 3 1 2 1 5............................. 1.: 1]....2............i. 0 * * * SuColu mia.............. 4 7... 2...... 7...................... 1 1...... 1......2 Sullran...............'' 1 3 3..... 1................................ 1... Tioga................... 1 2........... 3............... 1...... 3.... uTom phiss............. 1 1...........2......... 1.............. 1.......... lsser.............. 3 9 15 2 7...... 2.:::....i'6......................... 1...... Fulton............ 2 1 2 1 2........................ 1............:::....']........ *.. * * * * * *- * W aen sei gt n..... 3 4 L..................... 3.................J..........................1:...1:..... CAUSES OF DEATHS. 253 ACCIDENTAL CAUSES. COUNTIES. Burns and scalds. Drowning. Fall. Firearms. Freezing. Lightning-. Neglect and ex- Poison. Railroad accident. posure. Males. Females Males. Females Males. Femalesl Males. Femalesi Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females'Males. Females Males. FemalesW y e.......... 1.....................................................1. 4 2... Westchest r.... 3 1 7 3 4 1 5...... 1... 1...... 1... 1 1 4 2 W yom ing......... I 1 2 1 31.............................................................................. Y ates................... 1 2...... 13 1.............................. I.......................................... Total............_80 130 |318 65 179 44 65 __1 17 __4 _5..._7 I 15 __8 141 __13 ACCIDENTAL CAUSES. SUICIDE. Homicide. Mu-rder. COUNTIES. Strangulation. Suffocation. Cutting throat. Drowning. Firearms. 1Hanging. Poison. Suicide-not b ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~specified. Males. Femalesl Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females Males. Femn. Males Femn.,Males Femn. A lbany........ 1.................. 1............................................... 2 2.................... A llegany...................I......................................................i.:................................... I.... B room e..............................................................................\.......... 1...... Cattaraugus......................................................................................... 1.................... Cayuga................................................. 1.............................. 2 1..................... Chautauqua.......... I 1................. I............................................................. OChem ung........................................................................... Chenango....................................................................................................... Clinton........ 1........................................................................|.................... Colum bia...................... I........... I....... I...... 1................................ C ortland............................................................................... D elaw are..................................... 1........................ 2............................................ D utchess........ 1................ 1 1 1............ 1.............................. I.... Erie....................... 1' 2..'...'.'.'.'.'.......... I.................. 2...... I I................. Essex,......................I............ I.................. I......................................................... "Franklin.................................. I........................ I...... I....................... Fulton......................................................... I........................................................ G enesee................................................................... 1......... I.......... 2.................... G reene..................... I...................................................................................... ~............ H am ilton.................................................................................................................. H erkim er......................................................................................................~........, J efers n...............!...................................................................................... Jefe sng........................... 1................................... 1........................ 1.. K e i-ncs............................................................... *............................................., Lewins........................................................................................................................ M aLiv n ston................................................. 1............ 1.................. 1................ 3.... M a ion o................. 1... 1.................. I............ 1................... I............ 2........ M ontgo me r.............................................................................. **................... 2.......... MNew gomr y......................3...... 2............................................................ 1.... 2.... 3...... N ewa Y ora................. 3...... 2........................................... 1.................. I 2................ ON ia daa................. I............................................ 2.................... Oneidag............. 1......I.................................... 1.................. 1...... 1.................... Ononari................. I.............................................................................................. O tr io.............................................................. 1.............................. 1.................... O rlange........................ I...................................................................................... O rleans.................................................................................................................... O swego.................................................. I.................. I 1................. 1.... 1......... Outseo m.................................................................. 2................................ I.. I.... P ueenam..... I............. 1................................................ 1.................................... 1.... Quenss l e.... I...................................................................................................... Reichmonde............................................................................................................ 1.... Rich lond...............................................:....1............ I........................................... R o.kLaw n ce................................................. 1........................................................... Sart. ogawrence................................................................................................................ Sara eto a d.............. 1................................. I...............................'............. Scheneca dy................... ~....................................................:.......................... 1 Schohare...................................................................... 1......................................... 1 DWVE LL IN GSo ALBANY COUNTY. STONE. BRICK. FRAMED. LOGS. OTHER DWELL- TOTAL. INGS. o~~ a II I ii r ~I TOWNS3.. 3 "" —* T). aii iL T ^ T^;-T~ T" b~) 3 b.'b bn a, bf b) 9a.... ^ r~fco ^ ^ &0.< _C d cC< Dunkirk........'............... 34 4 $106,100 1,068 661136,90.............. 261 765,33 1,363 77 $1,308,385 -Ellery........................................ 352 351 50 6...... 2 2........ 360 359 50.Ellicott....................... 18.... 201,200 907...... 1,335,325 13.... $96 44.... 9,540 982....... 1,547,029 Ellington........................i...... 3................ 3 23 5,110 45 2........ 367 5 185,155 French Creek................................. 142 2 44,940 23 1,020 20.... 2,01 185 2 47,970 Gerry.................... 1.... 600 224...... 119,945 8.... 125 4.... 8 237...... 120,750 Hanover.................... 7 1 14,300 491 93 301,010 8 2 63 331 6 31 163,84 837 159 479,780 IHarmony....... 3,00 668..... 30,330 35.... 1,655 35.... 1,265 739...... 366.250 Kiantone.......... 2,000... 5,500 110...... 48,810 1.... 20 7.... 38 120...... 56,715 M a,......................................... 211...... 60,595 23.... 295................... 234...... 60,890 lad.........,,.................... 103..... Polard.... 1,000 266 9 99,850 12 1 400 4 3 1.76 321 13 103,010 Pomfret....... 2....4,500 30 1214,800 755 -80 859,317 4 4...... 13,428 8 37 97 1,092,045 Portland 3..... 2,100 5....l 4,300 362 11 234,315 2.... 175 9 I 660 381 12 241,550 Ripley 5338 274 54,053 6 6.~5.... 52 51 1, 338 27 54,053301 55,083 Sheridan...... 2.... 500 4.5, 000 284...... 121,400 2 35 38... 4,290 33...... 131,225 Sherman..................................... 265...... 155,870 14.... 750 3 1 150 282 1 156,770.... ~ ~ ~ ~ 7 5033.... 14,6053 6 1 2i,32...... 203933 Stockton........................,5.................. 372...... 203, Villenova....................................... 283...... 146,095 4.... 2351 50.... 11, 300 337....... 157,630 Westfield....... 3.... 4,300 3 6138,6 666 5 503,345 4 1 125 35 5 2,895 742 62 64, 265 Total......... 12.... 14,200 157 17 727,600 10,250 982 7,011,135 252 39 8,764 1,091 124| 289,448 11,762 1,162i 8,051,147 CHEMUNG COUNTY. Baldwin................................. 138 2 47,500' 18.. 305 29 1,325 185 2 49,130 Biog Flats....... I.. 0 1.,0 6 0,7,1.... 410 2 2........ 386 4 209,680 6,0.00 361 2 202,770:. 3W.... atlin........................ 7... 7..... 42,060 28.... 1,020 222.... 52,36 321...... 95,440 chemung......................1.... 1,00 3081 3 154,935; 19 11,555.46 2 4,08 374 6 162,070 Elmira........... 4,000.... 1,001140...... 111,465 18.... 1,25 63.... 13,785 223...... 131,500 Elmira city: 1st ward.................. 16.... 90,500 220 1 500,550.............. 11 4 2,900, 247,5 593,950 2d ward.e................. 6.... 29,500 519 1,048,72535.... 12,875 560 2 1,091,100 3d ward................... 16..... 50,700 268 2 310,000 1... 400 238 1109,550 523 3 470,650 4th ward.........'....I.....72...,.. 81.... 27,900 4078...... 614,550 5th ward.... I. 00 2.... 4,600 25...... 381,100 1.... 80 59.... 33,750 313...... 424,250 Total Elmira I 40 1..... 434,100 1,511 5 2,568,290 2... 1.200 424 5 186,975 2,050 10 3,194,500 CErin.............................71......... 125 1I 42,610 48.... 2,811 72 15 8,115 245..... 16 53,536 Horseheads.................... 3.... 15,000 444 164 226,160 9.... 365 67 19 6, 160 523 183 247,685 CSouthport..........2,000 2 2....... 385 171 158,000 38 20 1,5 25 224171 38,466 651 364 199,991 Van Etten.................................... 113....... 42,095 27.... 1,095 136 1 23,211 276 1 66,401 Veteran........... 20 459..... 250,345 1 635 4 1,900 479...... 260,080 Total......... _5.... 10,500, 124 21 464, 800! 4,055J 348.3, 846, 165 240 21112,171 1, 2891 2151 336,377 5,713 586 4,670,013 CHEXANGO COUNTY. Afton....................... 1I.... 1,000; 346|...... 176,425) 15| 13 5 8 1215.... 370 13 178,645 Bainbridge...... 1.... 30 320...... 212,750. 6 7.... 775 2.... 214 329... 14,655 Columbus................................. 274 274............... 1........ 275 275............. Coventry.................. 600 322...... 171,300 1I.... 75 3.... 43 327... 172.405 Germany,................ 94...... 36, 740.............. 66.... 14,255 160 50,995 Greene......... 2.... 2,000 7.... 15,700 676 2 421,2101 16 8 260 7 4 200 708 14 439,370 Guilford............... 51 220 177,900 2 1 25 3.... 150 516 221 179,275 -incklaen....................0............. 2 59,420 1........ 25.25 211 2 59,470 AfDacdonough....... 1,00................ 257 2 115,120 61.... 45 9A.... 895 273 2 117, 860 New Berlin..... -2.... 5,300 5 11,600 491 116 286,995 41.... 65 -11 10 1,00 513 126 304,900 North Norwich....../.........:l...::/............ 214/ 581 79,0351..../....l...... 5 5!........1 219 63 793,035 ~orwich..................... 7 2 23,500 83 200 874,209 15 15 856 217 897,.709 Odtselic................. 323 119,370 6 5.... 3 1 1.) 33 2 1,122,105 wOxford.... 90016.... 1,500 569 7 4'7 10,800 15j 3...... 4 231 5/ 10,5800 607 15 476,000 3PharSa~ia....................... I.....~.. I....... 2301 2 82,790 51...;) 150( 3/ 1 60 2381 3 83,000 Pitcher~.............,.........1................. 277... 105,6C35...~..................... 277..... 0,3 Plymouthw.rd. ]..lJ 7.... 4......,8.................. 324 20 105,230 7.... 250 1 1........ 332 21 105,505 5 Preston..... 1.... 2,00 180...... 102,44 2. 75 3 75 186..... 104,590,Sherburne. 7, 0 0 i...... 15,150 544 1 384,044511.... 0.... 3,..... 8 3,825 567 1 412, 570 Smithville.. 4.... 2 2 —-........ 326 3 162,825 Smyrna........ 3,40 345....... 155,095 Total..,....... 231.... 31,5001 34'! 2_ 74,350j 7i,6561 904j 4,288.Y999l 881 * 261 2,020/ 17 45_ 24,835 7,972] 977\ 4, 421, 704 CLINTON COUNTY. Altona....I....I. 4 4...... 8. 125| 125... 218 218......l 10: 10........ 3651 365............ ~ /s1!i...... 8,10 5 33,07501 4437 1 64135,240 239 1 865 28 19 2851 527 8 177,565 Beekmatown..... 11'1 3........ 194,825 Black Brook................... 13.... 2,0009 214....8,10 9 15,641..,401 Champlain...... 1 63.... 2i04, 4:5 14.... 15,775............ 93 31,560 Ohazy.......... 281...19,800 106 2 101,7004 318 6 76,010 138 1 3,877,28 21,455 6 8( 11, 203,84 Clinton......I...... 2 1 300 65 4 174,640 86 52 2, 675 302 155 17,690.3Da~nne..ora.. J 0........... 28 70 633 47 30,770 Ellenburgh... 11.... 700 8/.... 6,4501 2811...... 92,985 197....|13; 575 56'.. 7,9451 5431...... 321,655 Ml~ooers......, i:'........ 2..43, 525 2 147,165 180 436,035................. 7 199,005 Peru........... 18.... 16,100 26.... 32,700...... 175,475 101.... 6,091..6.... 1 59...... 2 5 30,701 ~Plattsburgh..... 4 46,950 156 18 278,1500 735 124 440 46 9 2,855 1,073 168 780,575 MATERIAL AND VALUE OF DWELLINGS. 257 CLINTON COUNrTY-(CONTINUED). STONE. BRICK. FRAMED. LOGS. OTHER DWEL- TOTAL. LING.S. TOWNS. I.' g. fj to ho c *, 3- bT, _ 0 boo _< ^ & < _ r oc 0 _i r o'S a r,'5 ^~. *'r'5 s~o c3 * o3 E-o 5C ~ Er 5 3 K~irkland...... l.... 0 11... $21,100 773 10 $823,077 $786 10 854,187 Kirkland. ~0 ii Lee....3.850. 11. 26,700 550 220,130 3.... 30: 576..... 250,980 Marcy......... 600 7 11,300 316 2 123 405 5.... 14........... 329 2 135,445 Marshall........ 1.... 5 2 500 409 2 242,990 412 2 248,740 New Hartford... 6.... 4,600 20.-.. 36,000 684 3 482,050............................. 710 3 522',650 Paris.......... 2. 72 1,500 1 2,000 72 8960 10, 10........ 754 18 337,460 Reinsen...3. 9,400. 480 163,4 63.... 6,590 3. 100; 549 179,520 Rome.......... l!.... 12,000 109 14 36,4001,508 321 787,735 3 3 64 14 4,641,685 1,130,775 i i 20Oi 161/ I... 400 15 OR 39,1 787,73i/i:1...... 0 Sanue'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i fil.-.....12 Sangerfieldr 2 2 10 18,000 3 240 196,800........... 462 26 214,7800 Steubena...... 6!.... 4,000 1 501 274...... 87,237 2........... 280 1 91,487 Trenton........ 13 6 1.0,100. 6 2 5,350 657 179 344,775 5 3 300 681 190 360,525 Utica city:. st ward 59 380 0 1............... 5304 183..... 587,350 Reinsen~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.......................~~4..... 183... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~3!6i....... 32, 493 66792 2d ward...2 977,5....................525 3d ward..Ill 2. 599.'700 4381...... 549,800. 5 554 71149,500 4h wardom................. 1,6105 45 7 1!h' a~ard 142r 838,100 45 793,9 596..... 1632,050 5th ward................... 20 81,600, 530 10 489,375........ 12 1 562 22.570,975 I - I I I I~ ~ ~ ~~/.......... 6th ward. 1 1. 30.... 101,500 699 9 609,275.............. 15" 15....... 745 25 710,775 7th ward................... 281s: 176,600 654 13 * 642,551.............................. 682 13 819,151 I~~~~~~~~ I ~11 ~ -Total Utica... 1 1........<' 487 2,524,300' 3,295 32 3,613,026........ 3,15 67 6137326 Toa,tc..... 483. 2........ 3,,1 Yernon.i............... 5.... 9,250 58 8 308,010 4 75. 2.... 70 597 317,405 T~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4 59273,5reno.7.,5. 137 7,2 V~erona................ 8.... 13,350 1,10155 30 7,750 1,17 11 577,522 Viennla............................................. 660. 206,725 13.... 175 39 2 930 71 2.209,830 Western........................ 5 3,500 465. 18 220,061 3.. 11 10 151 484 28 223,646 estmoreland 1 400 3 2 1,600 612 458 102,120 1 1 15 1 800 63 475 104,920'Whiteston 18 66,00 72 690,875..... 747 762/675 Total......... 61 9 98,250'! 736 251 -3,117,254 17,95611,303 11,343,199|| 2521 5'14,186.517/ 343 - 16,83o 19, 522|l, 685|l4,589,715 ONONDAGA COUNTY. Camillus.. 1... 1,000 19.... 33,300, 516...... 271,030............... 536. 305,330 Ut~~~~~~~~~~~~~6I 4ic c0 itl y: iCicero......... 1 1........ 11 4 13,000: 585 208 02 653 129 222,172 Clay 17.... 27,160; 605 7 -285,525 5 2155 3 3....... 630 10 312,900 De Witt... 10... 14..375 17.... 33,200 510 291,32 1,135 8. 31 565 340,340 Elbridge........ 30 1 135,300 754 15 1,062,565 4 500 62 8 110,200 850 24 1,308,565 ius~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.......33 FabsI 1, 0 463 3 245,230 3 3...... 3 2 30 470 8 246,260 1 ~ ~ ~ / i oIo0 eddes... 17 4 46.900 450 47 327,763.. 131 3 17,085 598 54 391,748 Lafayette. 1,690 7 15, 300 50 7 247,788 360 16 5 770 529 12 265,908 Lyander....... 3 27300 11.... 3,500 876 3 579,564 29 1 583 11 7 70 930 11 611,017 Marnliusd..'...' 45...5. 4593 18 570 233 7 1,07 1,196 250 692,138 Marcellus...... 1I. 1~,001 1.... 9.'00 498 2 327,115 2.... 75 10 6 1,290 519 8 349,280 Onondaga...... 14 5 13,200 43... 119,100 896 25 441240 5.... 225 68 61 1,220 1,026 324 574,985 Otisco............................................ 350 2; 143,296 1 25 3 445.354 2 143,766 -Pompey......... 0 1. 14,00 2.... 1,550 738...... 353,895 2 100 2. 250.745 357,195 142,...'./~ 8 81001 4 54. i4 379,1950 Salia......... 9... 30,200 22 1 95,600 45 51 259,275 6.... 355 29 3 117300.396,7305 Silin ~~~~~~202... 95,600 530 i49,7 Skaneateles..... 11.... 13,.100 50.... 60, 600' 768......'736,042 6.... 290 10 2,750 845 812,782 6thward, ~~~...30...../.....0 69 /69,7...........................l 7 5 5 1,7 Spafford........................................ 342 179 102,900 1 5 5 348 185 102,900 Syracuse city: 1st ward... I.... 3,000 51.... 123,250 527 3 384,640............. 14.... 1,200. 593 3 512,090 2d ward. 83.... 313,500 564...... 590,016.............................. 647 903,516 3d ward...... 901.;.. 562,500....270........ 281,950.............. 7.... 52,500 367. 896,950 7th ward. 9. 56,50 20........... 4th ward................... 127 2 0531,6 674 1 718;975.............. 9 9. 810 121,250,575 1~ ~~~8:. 17,6001 5thward. 1.... 1300 71.273,550 533 6 713,180........... 18 5,400 623 6 993430... 364,055..-..1 98 198...... 6thwar................... 112 1 526,25 218 336,050...... 19 198 528 199 862,300 7th ward........... 211 2.797,500 576 718,215 7 2 27,450 865 1,43,165 Sthward............ 70 1 267,100 426 5 448,.510.............. 30 3 15,250 52 9 730,860..~:~I ~~~~1 /........ Vernon S 6. 3,395,250 3,788 17 4,191, 759 235 7,692,8864 Total Syracuse~ 2i 1'533.... 341212101,800,, Tully...... 2!'. 2,000 3.. 3,300 30... 17 10................ 35.. 0,5 ~Van Buren.....;........... 13'.. 5,000 5 0 Total....... _72| 11' 115,115J| 1,123 - 22 4,082,21 15, 96 1,C1 6 1 26 5. I I I 1,21|,6515,51 f75 ONTARIOil CO~UNTY.~ Bristol..... 2.. 450........... 311... 153,640 23.. 610 *......... 336... 154,7~00 Canadice ii'7~~~~~9,250 58 Canadice...............,..........................; 140 * 1 77,880| 25.... 1,420; 3 3.........168 4 79,300i 25 1.428 Oanandaigua.. 15 6'30,08 0 104 7 -455,850 1,00 78 1,521,798: 26 3 7,700l 20 19 500 1,169 113 2,015,9283 East Bloomfield...........,0 1 5 205 3 3i......l.7 7(........1 435) 367 84, 075 Vermington.......:]]' i,3 059,267.... 15,1005 2940 1 189 445 22 1,070 6 2 115 335 3 206,605 Giorham........ 6 4 3,000 15 8 5,700 446 89 228,235 18 1 1,425. 485 1`12 238,360 Hopew ell....... 3... 4,00 5. 1,50 15.... 28,40 7.. 93'.......... 3 30.... 2384,957 Maichester..... 10. 5,850 7.... 12,350 613 105 35,080 1 7 250 3 1 200 644 114 403,730 NWplestn......... 376 286,1306.... 7 2,575 1 1. 41 1'288,711 Phelps..... 33.. 52,~100 52.. 102,350' 938 6 679,180 5... 00: 2 205: 1,032 8 834, 235 Westmorlnd. 28 8.9 ichond., 20,12 1, 1 80 675 184,960 8 200 90 Seneca.... 14. 38,200o 328 1I 908,800 1,4 11.1165,479 7.. 165i 32 8 21,710 1,625. 10 2,134,354 SouhiBristownl. 5; ]66,700 690,87....1..:..,,........ 84,780 48 102,585 5 3 150 Victor..........7 28,200 20. 399440 -~7250 736''3,117,20'11,9 1,4,9'; 25 2 5,,16 1 -9 521l654, 597 1 W1est Bloomfield. 1 2,0000 5 6800 3008 113,4902 2 "3 125 5 4 800 33 2915 193,215 Tal. 10 l167,505 534 21 1,539,6503 7,266 635 5,842,028 259| 34]20,36 100 52 24, 110, 8.268 753 7,593,653 26 4 MATERIAL AND VALUE OF DWELLINGS. ORANGE COUNTY. STONE. BRICK. FRAMED. LOGS. OTHER DWELLINGS. TOTAL. ~ y o ~ ~~!., 3).' ay * ( ~o TOWNS.'I ~ "'.''. I |. -1 1 *.' Bloomling G-rove. 12 1$145300 3.....8$11,000 397...... $410;240 1-. I15..............413 1 $435,690 Chester'........ 2...'.''4,000.12!.... 36,600 310...... 312,075............. 8.... $875 332....... 353,550 Cornwall... 21 14 5,150,38. 8 275,000 669 179 606,185 9.... I 950 7 5 600' 744 206 887;885 Crawford....... IO... 9,075 3... 5,200 333...... 238;595 3.... 98.................. 349...,. 252,965 Deerpark....... 12..., 16,525 16..... 68,000 909 11 1,104,535 32.... 1t,710 150 16 10,620' 1,119 27 1,201,390 Goshen........ 2 1 2,000 63 13 123,600 498 99 617,780 1 1...... 13 6 330 577 120 743,710 Greenville..... 2.... 1, 500. 217...... 154,200 6... 47t..... 225...... 156,175 Hamptonburgh..: 8....' 7,200 1.... 3,000 212...... 201,975.............................. 221....... 212, 175 Minisink..... 1.... 600..........;................... 2 6' 2 163,56 Monroe.......... 13~... 25,100 " 2!.... " 3,400.666 9 377,682 92.... 4,051 6.... 295 779 9 410,528 Montgomery..:.. 14 3 9,000 9 4 8',300 615 160 273,750, 1... 200 6 3 3,500 645 170 294,750 Mount Hope... 1..,. 150 6 3 5,500 356 184 88,505............. 4......... 367 191' 94,155 Newburgh....., 52... 110,415 666 6 2,471,400 1,491. 19 2,1654,950 21'.... 150 8 6 1,400 2,219 131 59238,315 New Windsor... 29 20.12,200 20 19 3,000 395 203 176,825 2 1 100 3 3........ 449 246 192,125 W allkill......... 19... 20,550 61... 214,800 1,109...... 1,554,575! 12.... 1,700 17.... 2.370. 1,218...... 1,793,995 Warwick........ 16 14 2,800 11 5 29,600 706 387 308,285; 70 23 3,130 123 123......... 926 - 343,815 Wawayanda.... 11.... 11,400 8 15,000 365...... 277;650 Total........ 22 53251,95 919 58 3,273.,400, 9,482, 1,2531 9, 494, 16711.23^ 25112,91l 345 166' 19,9 11,'24 l,555|l3,052,433 Total.......... 225 539251,965, 919'- 58 3127-3,~ 2,4 1,es92~,- -'~~~i —-- ORLEANS COUNTY.. Barre........... 25 5 36,851. 45 10 143 700 1,203 120, 1,017,870] 20 2 1,00 15 12 2,100 1,308 149.1,201,570 Carlton,....;... 800' 3.... 6,700 443: 2 251,680 18....'1,055 2 8,115 501. 6 276,350......,. 8,: 3....{43 29/ 4/ 2,100 51,38 649,2071,57/ Clarendon 12.... 129. 4.... 4;000 321..:... 194,4001 17:.... 925 5.... 600.359..... 212,825 Gaimes....... 29.. 50,900 33.... 57000 434....-.. 375,220 6.6....I 625 5 1,900'497....... 485,645 Kendall 12.... 11,825' 1.... 1,500 335..... 226,8251 25.... 11,265 20 5,840 393/....... 247,255 Murray. 38 41378 7200 411/ 2 295,250 15.... 8753 514 Ridgeway-. 8.... 80,700 23 79100 804 1 777,245k 13 62,375 ion, 34,620.987 7 974',040 Shelby s.... 1o 31,8oo00 608......... 388,288; 9... 350 55 7 14270 695 7 449,158 Yates.......... 5.... 7,500' 9.... 15800 386 -._fl 130 2 2........ 407 3 258,755 Total.. i........180 512'65',7 03| 134 10 346,4001495 16 3,6,03 128| 8' ~8,6501;.81 8' 502!561 17 4,5,7 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..2.. 2,650 28-~ 75,0.20~ 5, 661['177'4,5 7 OSW. EGO COUNTY. Albion......... 1 o o, I 45.... 800. IX............... 143,905 Amboy...... 1.... 500..................... 261....... 97,415... 150 i 2:.... 100 267|....... 98,165 B y so.................................... 154....... 36,5 0 318 1, 8 4 2 5 196 3 3, 3 Boylston.'...'58 1 8 53, Constantia:..................... 2.... 3,000 611 283 191,835| 14 8 375 47 32 1,750 6'74 323 196,960 Granby.................... 4.... 4,450 578 9 284,67-6 51 12 3,390 143...-. 24,943 776 21,317,458 Hannibal... 2.... 350 9[.....15,200 489....... 214,362i 22... 1,095 116.. 17,950 638...... 248,957 Hastings......................... 637 7 198,760 1-5 935................. 652 7 199,695 MIlexico......... 8... 9,500 11..... * 26,000 722 10 445,895 5.... 170 42.. 6,940 788. 10 488,505 New Haven.. 2 2,.... 1,I000.,235 16 13 150 46' 11 4,925 399 34 151,110 Orwell........... 4...... 262...... 90,-085.... 370 - 1. ~25 274....... 90,480 Oswego..... 5 3,700 12 2 13,850 473 2 201,425 9 6 50 91 31 13,156 590 41 232, 181 Oswego citv: 2 0 1 42 5 oswego~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2 10,25 7.591o~.... ooo..., s,~ 52..... Istward. 17 193,000 62 330,350 645....... 988,5 1625 751 1522560 2d ward...,/ J.700 46 1 148,600- 378...... 3'64,215 1 5 4....... 567,969 3d'ward..6.-;'45,500 33.... 371,800 605...... 962,200i............... 378.. 58,250 1,022 1,437,750 4thward."_. 6_... 51,500 45.... 217,400 589...... 715,575..... 234 5131,690 874 51,116,165 Total Oswe(o. -30... 290,700 186 1 1,068, 150 2,217.... 3,030, 575.............. 84,21 5 09 327 2 46444 Z ~.....80 21/ 255, 0191 3,273[ 221 4; 644,444 Palermo:............' "'" 4.... I 400 2,75 4690 4 243 P,~~~~~ ~ ~:"/'"'"i 4.... 464o4, 4785 Pariah............... 352 303 3.4,835- 15 15...... 3.3 370 321 34,835 Redfield,..................... 159 3 49,135 5 775 9 4 325 188 12 50,235 Richland...1. 7 517,800 62 30 9 2............0....... 7 216 333,995 Sandy Creek.. 1.... 1000 449 2 270,530 10 1 220' /1 I 3451 4701 4 272,095 "Schroeppel..................... 6.... 10,0 57 8 95 26 18 41 Al 9I 737 1 08 I 13 3719 - 725.! 40i 334,1 6 l Scriba.................. 3... 7,00 ~7 2 ~224,790! 10 1 8o0 I 52 1. 5,'340) 6421 41 237,310 Volney......,.. 3..,0 5 3.46,650 872 89 689,175'1 2 5 124: 81,945! 1,281] 2241 9.21,095 W et o r e....,............... 1:1...'2..... 24 242!..... 9............ 25 5........ Total...,... 6.0s.... 320;150 278_71 1,314,10011,89 1,355 7;134,7921 361s O'75 1,957| 243-.5,681455,0 9,23.6,472 OTSEGO COUNTY. Burlington...I. 4....[ 4,400|1 6.....1 5,35011 336.......1 11t,105..... [....1...... 1....' 600 34... 121,455;Butternuts..... 1 0 o....[ 12,45o0......../..........[. 462...... 334, 025 51..I 3901' 41,. [ 7 8... 347,540 Cherr Vally.......,550' 7 1 1,700' 449,' 1 3 8,650.............;............., 460. 2 46,90 Exeter~~~~~~~~~.......... -.-.-.... 1........ 8. 2 8 l O........ 6 1.... 0 9,5 Oh erryi al..... 3'/. 4,60 " 2i....iI 2,400: * 464!ii 17639'7.........' 6.......... I....... 469 2 376 19,900 Larn....... 4.... 2,0 -2 1 1 0 0 2 | 1 7 1 13 0 ".... 50.... I.....'"......... 43 1 8 6,670 "idefed...::.. 1900 2, 1 100 51 66 92 15 6. 1...........~~ ~ l....,3 1611,2,ifr............. ~...'..... 4 0 8 25, 5 6....,150. 7......... 47, 5, 0 Moms..4...'. / 35500I'3 12 14'5001 1493 26 "13835 2 1 5......... 3 7 4,7 ]ewxLsbon.... 2....... 18~ 1...7.. 354~o 254. 5,42.................. ~35 " ~ 7- 56,425 I-Iartwic...... / 35....-14,500; 2'..../ 2,400/, 44 1....7 611 0,320s 1.... 43/....... [':":*.. 6... 7,5 Lauens........ ]i 2 }. 1,200] 2' I 6,8000'! 3826..... 204,3029']:7...''150()'1:':::'7[..'[. 393.... 2,197,9 Otsego:...:;....., l.... 576 3,00 18 1~ 102,80 73 05 585,60....... /21...<..|...::. 2100, 79 32 7194 1V tsla r y...... n.................,... 22/ 84,0070'} 16.. 1,7000:,0.....'.1 1 7 6, 4 0........ 6 1 08 "7, ""5,770'., 441/ld...'../ 161,32 150 1.... 1,0 43772...... * 15,4 0.... 100 278, 0 57,4 MATERIAL AND VALUE OF DWELLINGS. 265 OTSEGO COUNTY —(CoNTINU ED). STONE. BRICK. FRAMED. LOGS. OTHER DWELL- TOTAL. INGS. L )! TOWNS.'I I? 1 I.L * I. |I'! —. I I I ^ ~ o 13- ^ ~ o ^ ^ 5s'ri ^ 5 2 ^ ^ s S I * ^ * ^ - ~ ^s 0) t E; ^ > E- E c " ^ ^ - ^ ^ l - ^ ^; Richfield........'I 2 1,50 1.... $4,000' 329 6 353,504...................... 3311 6 $359,004.......' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~21 1.... $....i....... 72 Roseboom........................ 473!.... 181,725 Springfield...... 5.... 8,650 1.... 1,000 423 2; 302,3251..............................1 429 2 311,975 lunadilla.......... 10,200 5.... 21,800 485 3 334,026 25, -1 1,465i 22 3, 81,210, 544 7 368,701 W estford......................................... 2300 290... 136,650 Worcester.............. I 2,000; 415 9 203,9.. 340 9 5 250. 434 14 206,565 I........ ~....[ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,001 -68, 108 40,28 9,,9'1 1.... Total......... 77 151 114,5001 _57 _8~ 168,650o1 9,692 16090 3 5,0879 65^ 24, 0| 95 294,00 PUTNAM COUNTY. Carmel'........... 1.' " i ~ ~~. 1.... 10,000.......... 42 446' 2 607,160 Kent................ 3....I 4,100; 255 1 78,350 19 60I..... 1 83,110 Patterson.... 600" 300 332, 650................... 3,041.... 36,'50 Philipstown...... 3' 1,500 47 6 130,000. 97347 576,6151 I... 25 25...... 873 380 708,115 Putnam Valley....................................... 291 76 104,495/i 15 - 2 3 3 3. 309i 81 104,880 Southeast........................ 22 200 4 440,250 Total......... 1' - 6- 1 15,000Q 57! 6 156,900 2!,537 43' 2I,106,995',' 39 5 1, 37011 281 28......|! 2,667 472' 2,280,265 QUEENS COUNTY. Flushing....... 9'... 52 300. 311.... 115,.000 1,6111 9; 3,458,485;|.,.....,.....,, 143, 143......... 1, 794 152 3,625 78,5 Hempstead...........I............ 2' 2..........1 2,216 2291 1, 587,705'............. 2,218|231 1,587 705 Jamaca........... "'0, 75'.............. Jam ica.........,.... 1,65 o..................ii............... 1,158.... 2,0 6o0,95 North Hempstead. 2:.... 12,700 3;... 20,950 910 4 1,057,470, 1.... 100...... 916 4 1,091,220 Newtown:........ 17~.... 209,800i 125! 436,700 1,955 334 4,377,300................... 2,097' 3..0..... Noryh HepsterB ay..................... 31 15 26,7501.1,608 73 1,523,335... 27| 27,500 1,666| 2881 1,577,585 Oyster Bay~~~~............. 3."1'1 2I2 Total......... 28|....i 274,8001* 22~5 17| 700,050|1 9,4251 548i'13,964,57o I... ^ ^001 1J10i 143 27, 500!989(18 97 2 RE NSSELAER COUNTY. Berli..................... 100...................1 4.... 172,095 Brunswick...... 3~ 2 300 9 2. 24,500, 537127 2331,67 5.. I.........,.....I............ 549 275- 256, 475 East Greenbush.................. 201 15 9,400, 293| 95| 167,405'!.........I. 1...... 31.3 11-0 176,805 Grafton................................,....... 2641.... 57,840 17.. 7051 42'.. 2,735 323.... 60,980 Greenbush................. 61 15,00; 678 4,5,02.... Hoosick......... 31 20,7600 24 2 93,700 7743 60 613,3515!............... 44 23 3,8500 845 85 731,665 Lansingburgh.... 3'.. 1,5001 183.... 505, t ~, - t..... 3...... 150... 5,47. 2 1216,310 Nassau........................... 5 3 6,600' 588! 214 221,060| 1.... 25.......... *.. 594 217 227,685 NOytheGreen ush Ba y.. 1,500. 9.... 23,5001 4731..'.. 345,450........................... 4-70,450 North Greenbush. 1! 1, 506 23'50d 483 ~~~~'..... Petersburgh..........................................! 326... 165,7261 I'1.... 100......... 327.... 165,826 Pittstown........................14.... 17,650, 7411'.. 493,7715. -..................... 755... 511,425 Poestenkill.......................................... 355.... 189,757 12.... 5101................ 36770 1-9 0.,267 Sand Lake........ 2[ 27,000 11.. 15,000 461. 342,125 5i. 945i................. 479 800 360,070 Schaghticoke.... 2.... 2,30 334....8 531,000 l 100................ 519.... 614,200 Schodack.1............ 5.. 145 () 5 3 0 71 231,6.................. 742. 776,625 Stephentown,1........................... 3.4..... 107,975' 56... 45................ 437.... 110;120 Troy city:I' Ist, ward.n u. 1.....2,000................ 451 4 1,063, 2d ward.... II.... 25,000 298... 1,239,000 213 I.... 328, 5001....j.......... I................'512.. 1,592, 500 3d ward..... 19i.. 172,500 187.. 836, 300i 37!.... 109,500;............................ 243.... 1,118,300 4th ward..................... 218.... 831,500a 1771.... 330,550;................. 395..... 1,162,0500 i I I~0~............a 1 5thoward............ 1144 9 1 3W I.... o400' 360 9 264,700 6theward........... 115000 308 9 3 25........ 3 2, 5 d....... 16 3 17 12............. 9 2 33 2 7th ard ".........(.... )........ 202 0' 391,5001 32. 434,850........ 59 826,350 8th ward....... 290... 940,850' 200... 292,260............................... 490 1 1 10 9th ward.... 1 2.,44,................. 568.. o 662,850 lOth ward.... I|.... 700' 85 12 159,500|5 1 5 3.. 573,.550.~...............1................. 61 2 73, 5 C sltn........ 1../.2 8 0 0 8 |.. 4 2 5 0, 1..!2 1 1 1 0'........".........!1 1 4.., 3,7 ]P dde tersur..... 7.I. 12,80 8.... 38 90 65''8 1,5'260,6; 1. 10 l..,0,6 -3,,7,1 Northf ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~'ie[/.... 16.. 1,0 1 1 6,0, 82 4|14295.'1.................. 37.... 91;4 11,49831 Soittstown....... 1!: 2() 56,600 3.... 5990 2 4J1 7,5......1............ 67 15 2,4 20 Westfield..........' *~~17.... 9 2 2,6500, 747 130 74,9... 4.3....5.........|....!.... ~5.;... | 57113 7 7,425 Claoestwnkl "/'.i] 1976. 1,507 13.., 4,510]] 718....t 19,30.........I..........P, 802.68692 Srand Lake..... 8 6..21,5 31. i 46,02 988..60,070,2........ I.........||1 05.. 24 697 Rmp.;......;" 56.'"' 29,61.....''"i529,000 741.I6215 5..,| 5,2505 i79..! 50,86... 6703 S ootack. J.........210/. 3,45_10..._44,5)[346..,06_2538 ^ 15 7L ^ 6Ul0-14J5,200 2 3~_ _,.0 _ -. 0 -. -_. - - - - - __ ~ 266 MATERIAL AND VALUE OF DWELLINGS. ST.. LAWRENCE COUNTY. STONE. BRICK. FRAMED. LOGS. OTHER DWELL- TOTAL. INGS. I] TOWNS. m Cd nll ri j~ -Ia -I "~1 _ ~,~hr......o > ~ s - u....- 1 ^ 5 10,jo o ~,Q0o . 481.... 271,150 Greenfield....... 3 3... 0 7 7.......... 623 622300 9 9...... 3 3........, 645 644300 Hladley.................... 174 3 42,450 18.... 9001 1.... 25 193 3 43,375 Half-moon....... 6.. 6700~ 33.... 80,100 567...... 446,975 3 3..................... 611 3 53,775 M alta.......... l.. 2, 000l 6.... 9,600 250...... 147,850................................ 257.... 159,450 Miltonl........... 5 3 5,000; 45 1 60,000 845 297 407,865................., 3 870 898 301 473,735 Moreau.. I8275... 1.... 394 12 224,6015 Northumberlan-d. 5.. 8, 300;~................... 233...... 145,12950.2. 75................ 240.... 153,670 Providence...................... I 27100 262...... 61,115 2. 50 1. 50 266.... 61,915 Sarato-'a......................... 36 13 42,000 669 131 341,275.............. o................. 705 144 3883,275 Saratoga Sprino's. 10.... 30,700, 247.... 1,341,950 1,077...... 1,683,507................. 2............. 1,336.... 3,056,157 Stillwater........................ 26.... 27,700 554 12 - 366,686............................ 580, 12 394,386 Wm terford...................... 80 5 195,200 523 68 471,030........................... 603 73 666,230 W~ilton.......... 1.... 600 10.... 13,400 280...... 121,510 41.. 190. 11.... 40 296.... 135,740 Total..... 39 6Q 82, 85ol 5581 321 1,868, 550[l8,87 1,1 5,670,7 12 12 5 1o 19 3,45,19_, 614113721|7, 629, 228 SOMENE CTADY COUNTY. Duanesburgh.... I!..............' 31.... 4- 000|1 5871... 304,325 1..... 2!.... 3,500;1 5931. 311,825 Olenville ~ ~ ~ ~ 9.i... 3 1 3000 171 8 12100 564 r, I I'Q 18 1 80,Q165 I................ 1) 500 586 14 195,76 1st ward.... 1.... 10 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 174455[,000 143.... 44,0 6.... 220..........9....... 21 2 [/ 936,4900 2dswe at d.hi........... 15;83210 1 0 2,0................. 6 8 5,0 3d w r.............. 11213 5,900': 29,40 6,612 1,68,10 20................... 1 288 62 323,950 5 h w d............... 99/. 21, 00 7..... 2,1 0....;........... 3 4. 5 2 0 0 Toa c e e^ l.... 1,0 0 9, 7, 5.1, 3 6 ^, 7 i..................., 3 1 5[ 2,2 Total......... 61 1,750170} 27 2,757500 3289,660 1 251,6920,65o| 499....1 25 8 _115, 5 85143^6^0 B e ei................................ 1......f..................... 242 24.... 2 2o2 2 o.... Protame 2580.1..!................4. 3592 47 531,27 09 0. 9745 90 8 15,0567 15 3,20324 Calse....1............. 24., 00 3 0.. 19,2 5 2... 3 0..!..... 3 4|. 2 1, 5 Coblskl.... l.,~000' 2.. 4,0 42.... 1,0 9 o o.. 300| 19. 50 180. 28,5 Co evle..........I.......... 1,7 0[ 1,000 49...... 11,57011 91..] 310 9.,32 2 87512,0 lhEspell................. 3, 0:. 7,3000 253 5 164,795 0 4| 5,555170, lo.... 150 261I 5 172,11 SFutockol......'.................... 4 12 14 758i8,5,!. 2 0 3 16 0,6 Gilb~~~,oo........ 6 24. 4400 123,4 700 43 7 17,645[ 240. 17601 7......... 42 7 176,940 Waddingto n......1.................. 2... 1 2 3 5| 147. 3759........ 3 4. 3,71 Midlbuo~,,............... 7.. i 420 4 7 2410 9.. 4 1 3.. 20 4; 2 0,5 MATERIAL AND VALUE OF DWELLINGS. 267 SCHOHARIE COUNTY-(CONTINUED). STONE. BRICK. FRAMED. LOGS. OT1'ER]) DWEVI)]ILINGS. TOTAL. TOWNS. | Q | I| ~Sfc.^;'fco * ~ S~s bfl! 5 S3.tobo ~ 3o Richmondville..'......... 1 15100 30 30.......I 407 356, 250 Schoharie....... 5| 3 $5500' 17| 7 33,000 487 13 352,755 26 24,100. 4... I 59 151 39,545 Seward........ 4,100......... 3241 6 222,740 200....... 327 6 227040 Sharon,........ 5.... 26,000 6. 5 5,000 46ll 153; 509,400................. 29; 281 600 501| 186 541,000 Summit ~..................[.! )!.. 336: 250'64,8825 5 5. 5................. 3411 255 64,825 j...~:::......4.,.. W right.......... 2.... 2,3001 2.... 3,800 311"...... 134 87..... I. I I i - 3 i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i(i36... 10 Total......... 161 31 40,30-42 2 869o-00 5,579 703 3155, 4591 222_3510.6-5' 330 308_6, 810 6, 891,06!!3, 300, 134 SCHUYLER COUNTY. Catharine.......I........'. 1 289...... 169,085 29....! 1,650'1 20... | 1,580' 338.....] 172, 315 Cayuta...........' 1 0 9 18......... 4 3 00 146 16 1.5,175 Dix I..... 20 00a 12.... 58,400; 602...... 549, 560; 21.... 12, 700 58.... 9,450| 694...... 650,110 1orttor......... 20 1.... 800 890 973 392,020. 34. 16..1,625 I)36 36 43,0501, 062| 425o 437,69 Montour...............'........ 5 4 8,000 334 4 267, 810: 349.... 4,120 230 379 8~ 280, 160 Orang-e..................... 390| 218 88,990 55| 20 1,9 594 501 450 242 9 4 Readm..............!.........................' 1 | 2 1 7 9 017.... 375. 20.. 2,400 3461 1 180. 705.~~~~~.......... 2, 45 2 4 9,'40) Tyrone................ 415...... 246, 710 24|... 1,325 10.... 2,825i 4491.....| 250,860 Total....... 21... 20,2001! 18| 4 ~7,200' 3,359 688| 1, 906,9801 226 5823,695 I 2599 43l 59,885:,3,864| 793 2,077,960 SENECA COUNTY. Covert..........i....| 100; 6i.... 15.0001 443i 2 354,910i 41 1I 190i 6!.... 3901 460, 3; 370,590 Fayette......... 10.... 193.650i 55.... 90,30 56l!......| 403951 2..2 26 3.. 7001 652'... i 510, 880 Junius......... 10.... 13,300; 12.... 16,300; 2721 4' 116,360 4.... 124..................] 298 4 146,084 7~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~, 3.... 70_0t 6'...... 51088?,odi / 41......,.00.. 4.. 41,o00 5....... 258,6' _. 300 27: 6, 625 3971..... 275,900 Ovid........... 8.... 13,700: 8/ 11,950 411 5 350,525 4... 325 24,175 473' 6 400.675 Bomulus........................ 1 6.... 11,700 3 25......i 2,34,002 541.... 1I 370. 28.... 21,(000 413'... 268',0712 Seneca Falls.... 3 2 60,000 125 10 418,350 1,020 65~ 832,425' 4.... 350; 24 11 2,2251,176~ 881,313,350 5~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~.... 7350 24 26 3005 1,76 88 14 41,3))5027l Tyre........... 5 26,300 230...... 140,755 11.... 1,130'435 268..... 175,620 Varick......... 1.... 1,200/ 13.... 14,100| 2811 1 214,735 40..... 28,020 374i 1 262,250 Waterloo................ 92 15220,340 751 215 534,9501 121 12....... 38 4o 14,600o 893 246 769,890 Total......... 42 2 116,2502 333! 26827,390 4,649|49292 3, 441, 252 1621 ^31O 4 2181 15| 98,1I70 0 5,-404| 348.4,493.311 STEUBEN COUNTY. Addison.................... 1........... 211 211.......i 357| 218 162,150 Avocad n........ 1,200: 277................. 224,715 Bath............ 5.... 12,300 12.... 65,400; 1,016 143 669, 170' 90 23 3, 730 74 6 11,9251 1, 197i 172 7 62, 525 Bradford.......................i................ 177 2' 108, 155 61.... 5,570i 17.. 3, 3451 25-05 2 117,070 Cameron...................................... 235 3 80 787- 34. 810: 16. 2,885 285 3 84,482 Campbell.................................... 175 2 73,.785' 41 4 1,635: 114 8 *11, 680' 330 14 87, 100 Canisteo........................ I.... 4, 000, 368...... 148, 140 2 7.... 920: 35.. 1, 7651 431.. 154, 825 Oavoc...I..... 254....... 84,440 40 915,20; 1.... 7601 3095 87,520 C tn............ io o II I, 0. Cohocton....................................... 385 2 212,42 900 Corning........ 2.... 4500| 24... 124,400 590. 594,60195.... 138050: 1,37..... 864,7650 Dans ill................................ 380 298 38,,125; 27 20 2, 900 1 1,.......i 0 1 41,025 a svle.....................2,4 08[ 31 Erwina......................... I 5.... 4,9001 158...... 169, 885 3.... 400i 207.... 59, 90 373 235,086 Fremont..................................... 1 89 2 53,485| 14 7851 1I-4 2,780 220 2 c=~pb~U~~~~~~~~...... 57',60'/50 Greenwood..................................... 208... 60,0151 18.... 421' 6.... 370' 232... 60,806 Canisteo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~......I... 0 18 1 4652 Hartsville...................... I.... 50 155...... 44,295| 29 1 1,675 1 Hornby.... 1.... 650:................ 186....... 50, 989' 23.... 505; 42.... 2, 841 2 52..... 54, 98S5 Hornellsville.... I.... 15,000 62 3'196,900 882 103 716,911! 12 121......1 85 71 5, 780: 1,042 189 934, 591 Howard........ 1........ 3 3........ 2 43) 201 23,8751 29) 29...... 112 96 7, 150; 388 330 31,025 Jasper..................................... 184 149 16. 000| 24 24... 129 116 5, 350; 337 289 21, 350...................... 146...... 46,920 5 550 1745 48,745 Lindley~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. 3 43" ~, 254,825 Prattsburgh................ 1.... 3000 494.... 2,100 9 1,505; 548..... 305,790 Pultney........ 1.... 1,2000............ 297... 140 40.... 1,130 31... 140 321..... 147, 735 1~~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~ 3oI I0II[.,.I-__i. R t b n....................... 18! 4, 1 4.!1 84:4!!. 1 88 5 4 8, 3 Courtn....n....................24....| 50..... 594, 6 02..... 30,1005 4495. 2,0350 119,36,70 24..... 868,610 Tru sb rh........................ 332..... 1069,705 75....4,400. 92. 875,01 3416.....[ 125,010 Tu crr......................... 191i 1 7 5 0 5 6 8 5 2.,0::2 0 8,0?remont........ 1.8'9 53,400 2..,0 14 2 23, 5 3..../ 7810,0; 3 39....| 359' 2 48,720 5 Greenwod.............. 13 1.......'8 2 2,5 0 1 5, 3 5 2 9 5 4 7 2,8 W ayne......... ~ ~................. 015... 716 70,0| 16....[ 4800; 1.. 3 7 0, 166. 8 2 506 tlarst Uionl..1.....5.......... 9 83 5,70 709 100 1,71 70 50I 237 222 5,92 W elr....................... 21.... 92 4 5 4 86. 6 152.. 1 080 6.. 9, 1 H ornby l........................ 6.... 1 17 5 7..,4 6 1 5 1 5 9 4,6 Eaordst i l H a p o....................33..../ 5 5 12 3,900;i 451 61 3 2 0 0.................... 45441 2,9 20 Hu tigtji.............. 5.1. 5,9000",1,45i 8/ (31 270 1,217 36.... 2........I 35'11 5,7800 1,0421 2 191,224,967 Sm t t w........................ 467| 1467..t<.................../.... 46,7 4 7...... So ta po................ 6/. 1,405l 056l1 8 3 25481.!..... 12 1 6...../. 1,88 0 5 2,790 So tod.............. 71,0 1 2 7 7,2,315!.................... 12359 77 1,12,315 ~oa..... 2/180 3 _ 6.60 |8 14,9 |5 9 2 6................ 148 14 817021 8.3 |,417i 5,989,79 268 MATERIAL AND VALUE OF DWELLINGS. SULLIVAN COUNTY. STONE. BRICK. FRAMED. I LOGS. OTHER DWELL TOTAL. INGS.' TOWNS.. CS Bethel..... 4 C i87 280. Bethel ~ ~ ~'.... 2... $55 I= Ti~ 7305 ^ ^ ^ 2 $1") 30 5 24.... ^ 178 Betel....... 2...t. 855o1i....[...,[..........[[ 490.....[. 176,730' 1.. S125' — o.-'.. — -— 75| 524-[...... S178,280 Cochecton......... 400.......0 154,0651 23.... 2,120 41 9 900 536I' 1601 157,485 Callicoon.. 3S 3i.......................... 465, 333 73,770: 33' 3 50............ 501 Fallsburgh..... 3 3............................ 03 375 29,525 1 21 5 95........ 632 494 29,955 Forrestburgh.................................... 124 33 34,950; 5[ 3 50 31 15 1,30 Fremont....... 9 5. 2,150... 3051..... 73,360 1 2, 685:................ 381...... 78, 195 Hi-hland...... 37.....".............. I so 1851...... 7'Liberty........ 2'.... 395,.............. 474i 275 104, 795`^! 3 -l1 27 -2 7 5 8 0 1 21,121 5) 87 303 126, 515 ~r~~~~~~~o~~~~....... I i0 7 I ~ Lu'ierland.... 2|. 1,10......... 150 3 41,735!! 24.... 1, 645~ 14... 175 9 46, 3)15 Mamakating.... 7 3 15,400 2.... 8-4,- 671 160l 619, 6521 2 9' 11 6. 815' 121 3, 1,,560' 7_30 177 64 7, 427 _NN e-versink.... 400............................ 58, 320 44'.... 1,/32- 244..... 62,250t 467...... 122,290 Rockland..................... 27.2. 8 5C,713 42s 6 2,480; 1 25 315 14 59,218 Thompson..... I 2... 11, 000.................. 641 4 506,957; 21l 3 l155i 6' 5 3006 671 12 519.,412 2'2!7005 6.... [ 1,8 1853.... 78,6250 Tuste~'..... 1................... 49Id 75,450 " 3.... 2 Total......... 34 10 32,225 2. 4,000 5,062ll,3411 2,082,4371 385J 1031 22,3251.569 128 91,295|| 6,052 1,582 2,232282, TIOGA COUNTY. Barton............. 1.......... S 21 16,2001. 681' 150! 435,5251 34 3 2,2602' 83 5. 15,7865 8061 160| 469,850 Berkshire...................... 5.... 5,800 206. 105,755 4 -4.... 130 1 1....| 1,6,5' 226 4 1 1 13,3I 0 Candor.................... 7....723| 9: 369....1,0 465 5! 4 3 8 Y. 7, 2W 414' 0 9 C 1) 12~ ~ ~~~ ~,...., 30. 2I ~ 24,32 Newark Valley............. 3.... 2 29 260 3 0 459 2 9,2 ichols....... 34 IT I 5 0 1.... 741 61.. 175' 32 46 1 78,985 Owcgo......... 2.... 9, 000' 18i 1 102,00011, 4,3'5 68 9 93 6, 8 20 2 9; 28' - 100, 218? 165; 34, 750~1, 70211 8 83) 1,082, 670 z..,. loo../..../....... 8....1/ 64z~ 69 2 892 Richford.........00...............11 70,37... 5 3 81,260 Spencer......................... li.... 200; 3 946..... I 176, 530 1.9.... I 1,315................ 416......| 178,045 Tiog,~a......................... 5147 105 168,235| 49 21I 520 49 3 900 612| 132| 172,650 Total......... 000' 471 3 15 OO1!` 971 2,672,5651 205| 52 6,8150| 5niJ13171,670|_5,640| l,209l_2,)14,550 TOM1KINS COUNTY. Caroline~~...... 5 Oaroline.......'........!.................!......... 451.. [ 166,330!,.............| 39'... 10.4251 490...... 176,75 Danby. s h ir......,..... 225 6 375| 465 1 207,475 Dryden.........................................I 849, 7| 547,537i.25~-... 1,230~ 143|.. 77,680' 1,017: 7 62-6,447 Enfield......... 21....| 2,000 I.... 1,500' 318 4| 203,984, 71.... 775; 43.. 9, 660; 3711 4 217,919I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~05[ Grroton............'........!..................i 6951 9; 481, 4151 8i 3. 120; 2 I 200| 7051 13 481, 3 O'~~5,0 061?05,73.:4... 16230~ ]l0-l5 Ithaca.......... 61:.... 22,300; 53.. 162,300 1,061. 31 1, 350,060. 3|...2 250'237 612 65,845 130 64 1,609,75 Lansin d........... 1] ] 7" 5,800 592 9 319,220|. 10 4i.... 11,340 620 1 342,50 Neak9le....... 3 7 20!'2 29(9i I 603. Newfield........ 500 2 4,000 214 5i 118,140, 47.7 l 293 7| 115,7565 557'1 19 239,990 Olysses.......... 14. 6 35,000 572 3551 301,900 4' 3 20 50 49i 975J 645 337,895 Tota I......... 1. 29,18000 75 61 209,6800/ 5290 385! 3,704,46| 104' 131 5 4,7615 0 831 118 292,07o2 6,230|7522 4,240546 ULSTER COUNTY. Denmng.......l.......,!......... |....|..............| 19']~I 19........... J1 36; 36!.... 116 108 1, 193~ 17 1|.163 1,193 Spenning....... I............. 8...... Esopus.... 79..5.7.,.,600 47 92 00 6....... 804,5... 523,335 Gardiner........ 21.... 10,550 G.... 13,400 725.... 3,7 570 Hardenburgh...'...............!....I............... 65|..... 10,950, 23.... 595' 14 1 I, 810' 10N 13,355 Hurley. 2.......... 51 4 2105 1657,-35 3 5'Kingston....101 15| 278,400' 290' 24 695,450 1,7i47 244 1,5,25'... 10 195 194 10,3 7,3,7 Lloyd..... 29 l! 14,250, 7L.. 29, 300 389 q1 3288,2'75 -.. -............. 3 1..... 428 13 371,825 Marbletown........ 6....| 4 4,000 4 9 353 56, 750; 44 44........ 6~. 6... 63.5 577 60,750 Marlboyough.... 5... 40 80...' 481 Olive I.I I I..... t 09, 17060...~............. 47...310,4 95 5 3..6 30'U attby........2. 8 395:,00 34 1 15 95~,5951 1 1..............0...,375 176 101,345 ocetr..... 75... 44,00 5.... 1,4300 48 1 5,81 82 146,40 1... 73,60 0 1 6652 26,4585 R sn ae...... 35.. 28 4 0 4..:,7! 37;..l17,1!!!. 4 5...1....... 4 3... 1,6 Saueerti' "..... 10 15 10,70 125 122570o,33/38 2,6'................. 1,57 89' s1,2 2710 Shandakn.... 1...00 01.....3.1*... 48.. 9,52[45; 5....I 1,10;!0i. 18 0. 49.... 1 1,08562 Ehwnfield.... 2.... 18,27 2.. 120,94 472..... 76,70t 42...{ 9,36 71;........ 43... 2184,920 GWwroton 69. 0 8851 54. 12,401,3'1927475 76 0210,58 2 6,94,0 2 6,4'Wo dsoc... 2 2............... 2802 159 45 9 | 9 7 75 2' 2.... 1 9 | 4, 7 iothac.................0........... 6,0' 1, 8 1,3.. 50,06 3| 27.... 9250; 4761. 65,945,30' 25 4.... 605,755 Lanswi n g......-............... 15c 0 4,70 7 4 40|o51l490 11 10!5,1 Ttlzen.............. 129,. 800; 729 6 649,175| 8. 365,................ 238 1 6-5,340~12 Oueensbmr.... 5 1 4~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~9,507130 2715,0858642,2064522.. 40483,9:,26 2404 8,274 Esopus: k.............! 7 60,t4.... 19, 0 / 68..... 7, 95......... 12.... 3,2, 2....1. 9! 3...t:'t-'-. 2 810; 1 1...... 534,125 Gaurdine....................,50!....1.. 00 31042..... 385,2005 39.... 21,170 1....t 3, 25, 193|...... 394,'005 ]turleysu h.,....................... 28,4] 3 O;15 117,85 24..../ 5,850/.1..1}........ 4098 31 117,.870 Lloydl....... 9l 1l4,75oS 12.... 239,125 3,18l 261 123o,197 5o/- 50 1662 20 52 29,9 /45 283 13/ 3741,85470 MATERIAL AND VALUE OF DWELLINGS. 269 WASHINGTON COUNTY. STONE. BRICK.- FRAIMED. LOGS. OTBER DWELL- TOTAL. INGS. TOAVNST 7~d sl *a I s.! -a I sf^ * I fc-.aI ~ Ig *TO.TA-L-s c g^ =S cd I g *_, ff cj g*^ 3 ri Q to t, tr! |C.)i 3 f g ^'~~~~~ ~ =S S Itr O'|!i r ~ ^ 50 r S 3g ^ *S' r Ar yle.......... l. IL. 81,000 23S.... $31,200.570...... $289,915' 1.. ^ 5...,.!... 5 5.. $322, 140 Cambridge......................... 12.... 33, 500 39971i...... 332,700............. i 83'.....245,615 492'.... 3 1, 1 Dresden........o.......................... J..... 195 1 29,507 DI...... 28 -i 19i 211 00~ ~3o2,~4..................... i S...51... 3,1,000.....................a 29 105 2,870. 575 12. 388,791 Easton...... ~ ~ ~1.... 33,50 Fort Ann......... 6|... 3,300. 9,~ 2 7. 200,'491 891 150,475; 19 2; 615'!- 62' 606 375 5871 155! 161,965 Fort Edward.... 2!.... 4, 0004 40' 1 85 9251 633....... 469.480' 1 1...1 100|...1... i...... 6761 I1 559,505 Gralinville.." 1,50........2,005.. 250..../ 500 17.....,9805 707.... 560,735 Cambr~~~~~~~~~I2idge7... Greenwich......I............! 50.... 118, 000' 7271 5i 592,07 5; 6....! 48.1 18.....15,775 80l! 51 715,898 ampton......... 10,: 1.....06....! 92,1551............. 1 10 1, 8701 1795 11 103,005 Hartford......... 300' 6' 5,850' 362.... 3550: 100 161 1 285 387 10: 200,085 H rAron......... 26..[3 400 3". 3, 800, 503 4 9 129,47191.... 5 2 2 00 5 32, 7 61 239,438 Jackson.............. 7.... 17,5000 3407...... 153,.3151................ 314'..1.. 170,815 G ranville....... 3l....| 2,300 II....1 21,0'. 1 6 4 4....,... 661.... 38 7.. 560,845 Putnam......... 7....; 7,100 3L.... 5,100 1100 5 53,085 7.... 4 814........... 1271 5 64,196 Salem6on.... I.......... 635| 273 395,135...e Cree 4... 42,115o....]............ 1 1.......I 1 9 0;0 Whit e ree.........;. 14.... 3 52' 4 453,915 61~~~~~ ~ ~~~~....2 58,8950 W hitehall.............. 9,550 11.... 291400 605 388,755.......... 723 2,05 Total.......... 334 23 31,8500/ 367| 98 7 9.. 5611 266 83'44, 17001 8, 668" 47 0 WAYNE COUNTY. Arcadia......... 23 1 36,50 86.... 156,400! 920 7 696,550 202..... 850:1 051! 8 892, 875 Butler.......... 4.... 2,400| 10.... 17,4001 390. 106 200 415.... 234,723 B~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o/....... 25400, i0....I24725......... -valen~~~~~~~~~~~~~iI........8 5,7 Cae..... 8 5001 41; 8 112~,3001 81,9|1 8 535,74 571 2 3 905~.80 19 3,730' 1,0051 246 65,7 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I....,.....,1 314 2... 1470,14 Huron..4 "0 31....... 133 I0 325 3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~47'2,00: 11 "/45 310" 5; 336!...... Lyons.......... 14 10 8,00 137 2 257,565:1 75 209' 615,5501 61 3 1 350 3 2^ 200 925i 247 882,665 Macedon........ 7 7..........,40 0.......... 447 322 1!20,40 54 5 2, S~~~~~~~~~~em ~ ~ ~ ~'810......~ i'I 292 - 24,50/ 210z/ t, m.. 0.......l 65 23 9, Marion.................... 379........ 3,450: 945 210 44. 338,525 Ontario......... 16.. 1 3,9 00 2,. I,80W 0 3921... 206,110, 37' 2 1,170 II1....J 100| 448| 21 223,080 Palmyra........ 20 13 8, 1001i 95;i 16; 194,5001 6671 3^2 519,670~ 3'.... 800, 4; 3 2,0001 789' 214 725,070 hose.......... 6.... 5,600;.... 0 C)9...... 234,380 20.... III 1.....,160. 455; 4 267,650 Savannah........ 3.... 2,700 1.. 300 299. 134,015 58. 1,024 48 32,530' 409 3 140,569 Sodus.......... 5 2... 37,5251 7I. 10,300 797....... 374,880 0033.. 1, 3)151 46.... 4 164 9305;. 428,180 Walworth........... 16 100o,..../............... 1 414 2 9.18,610.85 8.... 4151 458i 2 235,510 Williamson......'45 38,250. 14.. 6,500 427 2 2108,25 25405 990 3 3 " 514| 10 254- 005 W olcott..- -__!............ 2,905 3.. _ 6 680, 628| 7 45,525 Total......... 269 38__ 211,395| 415 517 800,6650i 7,993| 9141 4,838,75!1 3 296 55| 16,729 3, 9,3668ll274 5,00 7,499 WESTCHESTEE COUNTY. Bedford..........6,700 1 17,0030!.61 1 8 9 8,' 210 677. 50,7 eortlandt.......... 42,5001107 13 340,900 1,313 171! 1,848,990............. i2 10I 1,600 1,436 194 2,233,990 East Chester... 33 5 72,500 6.... 28, 000! -892 87 1,484,0501....I............ 3 3...... 934 95; 1,584,550 Greei burgh o 40 7 511,700n 98 2 601,900 1,045 6 2 15........... 57 51 975 1,240 66 3,841,725 Harrison........ 1.. 751.................. 238... 299,100............................... 239.... 299,175 Lewisborough.... I..............0. II 1. 357 1 222,550 Mamaroneck. II.... 100 6.... 48ll4QO' 20765..... 380,200.............................. 214 7 428,700 M orrisania....... 122........................................... 1,721.8 5.002,125 Mount Pleasant.... 39,300: 56 239,350 626...... 9231 2....0 688.... 1,201,775 New Castle o.... 8 0 1.......8.00........ 345 137 1 8,0751................. 10 10; 357 147 166,075 New Rochelle.. 2,800 392!601 98 1,149......1 100. 4.... 6 9 81,0 j~~~~~~~~~~~~ose ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~............. 560.9.. 2,0] 49....... 63360'9 20 1,01 1,1 0 45..,,0 North C astle... I1.... 2,000'.................. 425 1 343,300............................... 406 1' 345,300 North Salem............. I I......I....J 306 182 162,4501............................. 307 183 1 62, 450' O-ssining........ 7 1'173, 0001 79 2 371,900: 731 49 1,816,050................................ 81 52,2, 360, 950 Pelham.......... 4 21 121,0001 3 1 10,5001 151 16 356, 175.......................... 158 19 487, 675 Pound Ridge.............. 1 1... 1 5 0 28... 1 7, 51......................... 281.... 128,625 Sode........... 6 1 4,0 1..137,20275! 4,4100........... 314 14.... 766 19 1,822 50 Scarsdale........ 6.... 2~~0,3001............ 7.... 1 3 7 0................. 8428. 6,910 Wlom rth.................... I05,720..... 1.,12...................1..44,820 WR iliamson.. 31 15 5,5001 11 8 3,500 74!r 309 I 0, 175...................... "' 16 332 1 267 5,1 Woesot Fam.... 3,0.10 26.... 51,.600; 1,00 1 265 334529,7t00..2...........,.. 1,1899 360 6,812,45,0 Yokrs..... 33 1 017~ ll4 8,8370 138J 12 4,0,70..........'".5i......,1,50 22 578,4 Tortaln....... 1... 10,00 1........ 49, 2 2 7 -,5;..;....... 6 6... 9 25 8,5 Totl...... 2 4' 3| 21,82,8 5' 1 5 7 51 36 8,4,00 |l,657,5.3i 91,44,29,78 50,'63o.........7........91179108 2,78 |1,3 7 l36,755,440 WYOEMINGTE COUNTY. Benningt ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ sso:...............| 3.. 1,0, 57... 19,8; 5.. 180....... 55.. 1410 Covington...... 3'... 3,50 31.... 6000 228 1 146,383 6.... 60 2.... -60'i. 2421 3. 156,54 E g e............................ 21... 4, 3 | 1.. 7 5 2. o 1 15! 2 6.. 76,11 Ba evledford..........1 1..... 33 2 1 6,94' 0 1.... 3 9 32 7755 21 6,26,Jrtava..t....... "3.. 34,000../....... 71 14,848,00 0 1.... 6.... 110o 41 2 14,81 Perry........... * 4.......... *4.... 8,00 4 9 2 5 3,50 6 2 4 0| l l...... 50t52 2 5,0 PiskCeser.;... 33.............6 1.... 48000'82 865 1, 474,050] I.'. 25i' 1..... 36 4,7 Shlo......... 23. 70.......... 493 7 10 70 23. 49 15|.I. 353588; 7 4,794 27i0 MATERIAL AND VALUE OF DWELLINGS. WYOMING COUNTY-(CONTINUED). STONE. BRICK. FRAMED. LOGS. OTHER D\WELL- TOTAL. INGS. TOWNS.. | Cs w CI_~ 4 c0 O ~ 6 ^ s; 4 ~; r ( ) O i _ \ n W. < _o \;z t -._ - i. W, arsaw............ -............ 4[183... 3- 9| 50 41 4' 4 4. 60O 8 $523,440 W ethersfield.. 9 1 2,,65 283 12 11G,290..................... 23 11 585 4 _ 11,!4I Total........ 17_ 4 $12,020 —- 63~ 2| 125,685 5,,7601 61 1'! 2,797,9081 218_~ 1 9, 919 1-1 53. 19,784| 6,253/ 683 2,965,316 YATES COUNTY. BarringtonI...... *.. 1 1 1 1...... 2 82....,1 28 28 I!........ 312 312.... Benton..... 3 1,50() 2 1,200 468 110* 24, 850 19 1'......... 3496 119 2 8,250 ~Italy~ 4. 4... 4,900.'...,. 248 1 84,2701 54. 4,0 30) 1 0 307 1 93, 300 Jerusalem 10.... 49,50 l 000 480. 319,107 461. 2,0001 7... 685 544... 1 2,7 92 idlesex..... 2... 2,000 1 3,200 206 98,860 491 3, 450 1.... 25 261. 107. 535 Mailo.....1........ 3.... 1 87,000 83,001 8 49 45,80 28,504.. 2. 4......... 897 1$,0 1,3, 5 Potter.................. 25,700 3.8 52 21.',12Q 1 33 9! 3,5 124| 1... 40 448 52 242,944 S tarkley........ 12 9,0003 31,100 5083| 355,005 15.1 7300' 16 _3 1, 465 2 544.... 369,6 300 Torreyto...... 1 1...... 1 j..... 8' 82..... 8 8........;..... 3 2 3 2..... Torrey........ 4 5,44. 10,100 274.1 224,480 5 7.. 240....... 289. 240, 220 Totalr.......... 4 7.89 60 0', 1 25,700 398752 2 3,120 3 1! 3,1 24 I - 02,675i 4,098 484 2,705,706 Total........ 2 4 89,000'~ 3 l 128,200 508 355,0051 15... 730; 16- 1.65 54 369,300 Torrey~~~~~~~~~~ ~,......i,..4.... 540.... 1,0 7.... 24,8' 7........ 0.....................;.....240,220 RECAPITULATION OF MATERIALANDVALUE OF DWELLINGS. STONE. BRICK. FRAME. COUNTIES. Total numbeJri..No. value Value given. Total number. No. value Value given. Total number. No. value Value given. not'-given. not given. not given. Albany.........................." 129 27 $819,950 4,638 66 17,861,979 10,784 600 $8,835,125 Allegany......................... 13........ 19,50939451,800 7,272 582 3,057,155 Broome........................... 2.........6001084589,750 6,588 643 4,490,655 Cattaraugus....................... 6 1 7,00010........ 16,900 6,221 1,656 2,415,447 Cayuga........................... 70 16 226,710 490 46 1,463,580 9,829 1,428 6,730,796 hautauqua....................... 12........ 14,200157 1727,600 10,250 982 7,011,135 Chemung.........................5........ 10,5001242464,800 4,055 348 3,846,165 Chenango......................... 23........ 31,5034274,350 7,656 904 4,288,999 Clinton............................ 164 14135,380646 34 756,730 4,564 366 1,687,586 Columbia........................... 48 21 53,400420 30 1,316,050 7,319 1,282 5,032,681 Cortland........................... 12 133,700531 193,400 4,796 948 2,600,744 Delaware.......................... 37 2,9506........ 4,400 7,176 912 3,386,504 89 30" 2,785,765 9,797 1,576 10,874,525 Dutchess.......................... 115 36 179,505813 2,I,7 5,97,76 0 87I2 Erie.............................. 06 13 95 16,393, 170 17,068 1,574 14,409,945 Essex............................ I3 2 2 35,100 162 20 240,350 4,100 691 1,416,218 Franklin........................... 88 17 91,200 162 33 298,250 3,270 679 1,285, 790 lton............................................................928237,740 4,290 981 1,999,926 Genesee........................... 55 3 71,555 141 17 595,300 5,738 654 3,237,339 Greene............................. 75 315 433,900 5,201 1,307 3,188,308 Hamilton....................1 2 0.................. 366........92,845 Herkimer..................... 74 3 106,650 205 640,033 7,010 226 4753,47 Jefferson.......................... 392 90 374,831 256 45 585,475 11,058' 1,244 6,590,255 Kings............................ 1,069 2 12,695,500 12,939 29 66,739,800 19,955 194 44,180,645 Lewis............................ 40 744,300 60 20 90,400 4,403 926 1,738,192 Livingston........................ 52 5 96,050 128 13 386,800 6,603 911 4,736,485 55 112,100 119.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~336,705 8,115 3'40 5,080,950 M adison...........................55 112,100119........ 3 Monroe............................ 287 29 466485 2,42 73 8,473,570 15,581 1,062 13,653,447 Montgomery...................... 60 19 93,150 253 31 775,790 5,'160 945 3,403,005 New York....................... 3,874 56 83,806,400 34,787 447 301,008,680 10,288 179 37,480,511 Niagara........................... 397 28 732,500 404 30 895.900 6,550 456 4,679,692 Oneida............................ 61 9 98,250 736 25 3,117,250 1.7,956 1303 11,343,199 Onondaga........................... 72 11 115,115 1,123 22 4,082,210 15,096 1,282 11,066,904 Ontario............................ 109 11 167,505 534 21 1,539,650 7,266 635 5,842,028 Orange....................... 225 53 251965 919 58 3,273,400 9,482 1,253 9,44,167 Orleans........................... 180 5265,703 134 10 346,400 4,935 126 3,762,103 Oswego........................... 60........ 320,150 278 7 1,314,100 11,899 1,355 7,134,792 Otsego............................ 77 15 114,500 57 8168,650 9,692 1,609 5,001,608 Putnam........................... 6 115,000576156,900 2,537 432 2,106,995 Queens........................... 28........ 274,800225 17 700,050 9,425 548 13,964,570 Rensselaer......................... 36 2238,400 2,173 31 6,483,650 10,889 658 8,910,793 Richmond....................... 50 3 469,700 232 3 1,431,950 4,243 368 Rockland.......................... 221........ 304,465140........ 424,850 3,464........ 4,026,125 St. Lawrence..................... 359 78 422,990 I 420 88 637,465 10,889 1,827 5,045,501 Saratoga............................ 39 682,850 558 32 1,868,550 8,878 / 1,319 5,670,773 Schenectady..................... 16 1 21,750 760 27 1,757,500 2,840 285 1,692,610 Schoharie......................... 16 3 40,300 42 12 86,900 5,579 703 3,155,459 Schuyler.......................... 2........ 20,200'18 467,200 3,359 688,906,980 Seneca........................... 42 2116,250 333 26 827,390 4,649 292 3,441,252 Steuben........................... 14 140,650 113 7404,500 9,362 1,252 4,968,162 Suffolk........................... 18 036,08 14 1 1 4,2.9 Suffolk ~ ~ ~~~2 1800 43 7 64,600O 8,144 ]1,194 / 5,922, 692 Sullivan......................... 34 -32,2252....... 4,000 5,062 1,341 2,082,437 Tioga............................. 2........ 9,000 47 3154,500 4,875 971 2,6(72,565 Tompkins......................... 10........ 29,800756209,600 5,205 385 3,704,461 Ulster............................ 799 278612,240516 37 1,154,575 10,179 ]1,745 6,~033,115 W~arren........................... 6 13,750 125 10 239,125 3,108 / 261 [ 1,273,197 Washington....................... 33 2 31,850 367 9 766,950 7,938 ~ 378 [ 5,162,534 Wayne........................... 26 38 211,39415 51 800,665 7,993, 914 / 4,838,750 Westheser................. 264 53 2,820,825 705 36 4,146,200 14,753 ]1,544!29,785,630 Wyoming............. 17 4.12,020 63 2 125,685 5,760 61 2,79,90 Yates............................ 31 489,900 501I128,200 3,713 / 445 2,467,742 Total...........................10,474 1,05 08,042,323 74,691 1,683 460,921,632 459,2335032 398,680,978 (271) BECAPITULATION-(CONxTINUED). LOGS. OTHER DWELLINGS. TOTAL. COUNTIES.' Total number. Number,value Value olven.r~ Nuner value Value given. Total number. Number, value' Value given. not given. not given. not g1ven. Albany....................... 96 4 $155,445 780 720 $191,500 16,427 1,417 $27,863,999 Allegany......................... 435 97 16,036 633 123 34,802 8,392 806 3,179,302 Broome......................... 239 91 10,285 418 94 81,751 7,355 832 5,173,041 Cattaraugus..................... 556 268 12,539 1,892 341 308,018 8,685 2,266 2,759,904 Cay uga 155 48 10,495 220 45 29,710 10,764 1,583 8,461,291 Chautauqua..................... 252 39 8,764 1,091 124 289,448 11,762 1,162 8,051,]47 Chemung....................... 240 21 12,171 1,289 215 336,377 5,713 586 4,670,013 Chenango....................... 88 26 2,020 171 45 24,835 7,972 977 4,421,704 Clinton' 298.......... 8m lio......................... 2,021 364 98,616 98 101 17,910 7,693 879 2,696,222 Columbia........................ 8....... 4658064 59,675 7,875 1,397 6,462,271 Cortland........................ 116 36 3,729 111 59 4,535 5,088 1,045 2,836,108 Delaware....................... 446 75 20,517 375 255 8,005 8,040 1,244 3,437,376 Dutchess.................... 20 4 660 188 179 5,180 10.939 1,825 13,845,635 Erie............................ 1,033 350 70,736 4,696 835 2,182,678 26,216. 2,867 33,526,629 Essex.......................... 713 137 29,575 58 18 6,765 5,065 868 1,728,008 Franklin........................ 1,223 288 42,983 291 170 23,250 5,034 1,187 1,741,473 Fulton................... 169 24 11,245 27 13 6,195 4,578 1,026 2,255,106 Genesee......................... 191 20 13,715 192 88 t1,851 6,317 782 4,939,860 Greene.......................... 57 43 790 216 207 5,575 5,713 1,603 3,689,523 Hamilton....................... 134 8 9,500 13 5 740 515 13 104,285 Herkimer....................... 93 7 6,090 117 25 26,830 7,499 266 5,533,076 Jefferson........................ 827 110 34,726 438 97 135,140 12,971 1,586 7,720,427................. 280 so 177 29015 3 43 402 123,644,960 Lewis''.......... 718 290 15,403 251 147 45,974 5,472 1,390 1,934,268 LMvinogston........................ 352 98 19,137 259 96 21,352 7,394 1,123 5,259,824 Madison.............-........ 84 17.2,162 350 56 57,771 8,723 413 5,589,688 Monroe......................... 334 74 28,415. 2765' 31 70,810 18,880 1,269 22,692,727 Montgomery......;......:...... 9 3 295 185 169 4,345 5,667 1,167 4,276,585 ~ew York.................................... 895 293 801,327 49,844 975 423,096,918 Nias-ara..:^^^^^^^^ "*i'io5" ~~ ~ ~~~~~ ~~252 95,628 823 48 285,162 9,279 1 6,8,8 Oneida.......................... 252 5 14,186 517 343 16,830 19,522 1,685 14,589,715 Onondaga....................... 147 26 5,173 772 344 249,355 17,210 1,685 15,518,757 Ontario....................... 259 34 20,360 10052 24,110 8,268753 7,593,653 Orange......................... 233 25 12,911 345 166 19,990 11,204 1,555 13,052,433 Orleans.............128 8 8,650 284 28 75,020 5,661 177 4,457,876 Oswego... 3.61 100 11,752 1,957 243 455,678 14,555 1,705 9,236,472 Otsego.......................... 108 3 5,879 65 24 4,280 -9,999 1,659 5,294,917 Putnam......................... 39 5 1,370 28 28.......2,667 472. 2,280,265 Q, ueens......................... 1.......... 100 170 143 27,5;('0' 9,849 708 14,967,020 Rensselaer........................ 102.......... 6,380 111 23 11,415 13,311 714 15,650,638 Richmond....................... i.......... 100 I.......... 6,000 4527 374 9,129,135 Rockland....................... 38........... 2,165 7........ 500 3,870.......... 4,758,105 St. Lawrence.................... 2,494 577 98,100 890 178 232,598 15,052 2, 78 6,436,650 Saratoga.................... 120 12 5,710 19 3 1,345 9,614 1,372 7,629,228 Schenectady..................... 2..........25 8 1 4,115 3,626 314 3,476,000 Schoharie....................... 222 35 10,665 330 308 6,810 6,189 1,061 3,300,134 Schuyler......................... 226 58 23,695 259 43 59,885 3,864 9 3 2,077,960 Seneca.......................... 162 13 10,249 218 15 98,170 5,404 348 4,493,311 Steuben.......................... 1,085 203 54,103 2,144 651 331,922 12,718 2,114 5,789,337 Suffolk.................................................... 148 145 1,702 8,337 1,347 5,989,794 Sullivan........................ 385 103 22,325 569 128 91,295 6,052 1,582 2,232,282 Tiogaf...................... 205 52 6,815 511 183 71,670 5,640 1,209 2,914,550 Tompkins........................ 104 13 4,615 831 118 292,070 6,230 522 4,240,546 Ulster'. ~~~~454 132 16,325 493 371 22,728 12,441 2,563 7,838,983 Warren............ 450 50 16,692 207 52 29,945 3,896. 374 1,564,709Wasinfto................ 64 2 2,191 266 83 44,170 8,668 474 6,007,695 Wayne.....................396 55 16,729 293 69 26,960 9,366 1,127 5,894,499 Westchester'.....................................117 108 2,785 1589,4 3,5,4 *Wyoming:'.*'.'.*1.................1 218....,911i 195 53 19,784 6,253 683 2,965,316 Yate....;..1............ 275 31 17,189 29. 3 2,675 4,098 484 2,705,706 Total'....................... 20, 245 4, 349 1,136,507 28,797 8,746 I7,337,828 I 594,045* 66,114 977,121,378 (272) UNOCCUPIED DWELLINGS. [These numbers are included in the preceding Tables.] COUNTIES. Framed. Stone. Brick. Logs Other'. Total., COUNTIES. [Frame 1. Stone. Brick. Log-s. Other. Tota.1 Albany..................... 1 172 Onondaga.................. 177 1 1' 2 181 Allegany.................. 209............ 6.6 221 Ontario-.......,................ 3. 88 Broome. 92...... 19 103 Orange......................60 1 4 2...... 67 Cattaraugus................ 85............ 11 45 141 Orleans.................... 61 3 2 67 Cayuga.................... 93......2 8 103 Osego.................... 131 2 7 3 28 171 Chautauqua...... I........... 215...... 7 2.16 ~240 Otsego..................... 151 1 1 2...... 155 C ~ u ~.................... 35....12' Che'mung................w35 6 7 27 95 P Iutnam.................. 13..,..................... 13 Chenango.................................. 1 122 Queens.................... 104...... 4............ 108 Clinton.................... 133'5 49 8 196 Rensselaer................. 108 2 10.. 120 Columbia.................. 122...... 6...... 1 129 Richmond................:. 76...... 10............ 86 Cortland...................92...... 7.............. 99 Rockland................... 71 2...... I I...... 74 Delaware"................. 79............ 3 2 84 St. Lawrence............... 155...... 2 36 15 208 Dutchess................... 46 2 11...."........ 59 Saratoga................... 152...... 22 1...... 175 Erie.t d. 341 6 58 11 136 552'Schenectady................ 24...... I............ 25 Essex....................... 86 1" 2 4 1 94 Schoharie................... 42............ 3...... 45 Franklin................... 94....................... 7103.............. 7 5 115 ulton...................... 121 aSeneca............... 9.. 6...... 5 8 6 115 Genesees............. 136 1 2 5 2 146 Steuben.................... 149 6 3 I 44 214 Greene................ 36......................... 36 Suffolk.................... 142........................ 142 Hamilton............ 16 1...... 4....S. 21 Sullivan.................. 89............ 2 29 III Herkimer................... 178 1............. 3 182 Tioga...................... 41............ 6 8 55 Jefferson.............. 237 6 7 8 4 262 Tompkins.................. 53................... 16 69 Kings......................* 125 16, 66............. 207 Ulster...................... 85 6 1 8 13 113 Lewis....................... 104 2....... 1.. 4 122 Waren............ 3 58 Livinston................. 80...... 4 7 3 94 Washington................ 104 1 2 4 11 122 M adison................... 176 1......../.................... 63 3 3 1 64'Monroe..................... 121 2 22 2 9 156 Westchester................ 194 7 13............ 214 Montgomery................. 58......................... 58 W yoming.................. 100......... 2 102 New-York.................. 67 51 236...... 7 361 Yates...................... 64....... 66 Niagara................... 82 2 3 1 6 4Oneida.................... 227 1 19 6 3 256 Total................... 6,421 127 596 285 503 7,932'.In addition, to the foregoing, many enumerators reported the material and MON-ROE COUNTY.-Brighton: Alms-hou'se, b, $5,000; Insane Asylum, b, value of edifices -not intended to be class~ed as common dwellings. As these $10,000; Penitentiary,, b, $25,000: Rochester:- Jail, s, $15,000; Orphan AsVwere reported by only a portion, and in the absence of' instructions tending him, b, $5,000 and. $5,000; R. C. Academy, b, $25,000; R. C. Orphan Asyttamiltoh~~~~~ In to secure uniformnity, they could not be included in the general classification. lim,' b, $8,000;. City Hospital", b, $55,000; St. Mary's Hospital, s, $120,000; To preserve the scattered data. thus incidentally obtained. sucheas were of a Homie for Friendless, b, $18,000; Academy of Sacred Heart, b, $25,000; public nature are arranged in the following list, in which the letter b, placed House of Refuge, b, $17 5,000; House for Truant Children, b, $10,000. before the. value, denotes Brick; s, Stone' and f, Framed:.NE~W YORtK COUNTY.-Ainishouse, b, $5.000; three, each $10,000; one ALBANY COUNTY.-Alban,: Asnlb,$000Hopab,600;.C $12,000; one $15,000; Asylulm, b, $125,000; f, $10.000; Colored Orphan Instc.,b,$1-2,000; R.C.Asylum, b,$25,000: Betil'ehemi: R. C.Acad., $25,000. Asylum, b, $200.000; HebirewvOrpliar Asyluim,lb, $100,000; Insane Asylim', ALLEGAiNY COUNTY. Anigelica: Jail, f, $3,0.,150;twec $5,000; Juvenile Asylum, s, $100,000; b, $50,000; BR~OOME COUNTY.-Binghamton: Acad.,b, $12.,000; Clerk's Office, b, $2.000; Old Ladys' Asylum, b, $40,000; R. C. Orphan Asy., b, $250,000; b, $100,000; C;: HL, b, $60,000-; Hall, b, $10,000: Kirkwood: Inebriate Asylum- $50,000. R. C. AMale Orphan Asylum, $40,000; P. E. Orphan Asylum, s, $170,000; CATTARAUGUS COUNTY.-Allegany: Conventc b; $5',000. Childrens' Asylum, b, $20.000; Convent, s, $150,000; C. H.. b, s, $1,000,000; CAYUGA COUNTY.-Auburn: Homo of Friendless, f, $1,800; Orphan Asy- Police Court and Prison, s, $120,000; Deaf and Dumb Inst., b, $200,000;'nine lum, b, $15,000; Theological Seminary, s, $35,000..Engine Houses, b, $132,000; Hospital, b, two $8,000; two $15,000; f, $15.000;.CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY.-Dunkirk: Arsenal, b, $2.000; Jail, b, $3.500. Island Hospital, s, $500.000.; Bellvu_-e Hospital, s, $200,000; -Hotise of RefuLge, CHEAIUNG COUNTY.-Elmira: C. H., b. $30.0600 Fern. Colli., $80,000; Mail. b, $150,000; $350.000; House of Mercy, f, $50',000; b, $100,000; Library, b, Hosp., $3,000.'$10000 unrb $lo0,O'; f, $15,000; Refuge Dept., s, $6-,000; PentCHENANGO COUNTY.- orwich: Jail, s, $2,000. tentiary, s, $100,000; Sailor's Home, b $200;eihScolousb CLINTON COUNTY.-Plattsburgh: Nunner'y, b, $10,000. $275,000; one stone do, $70,000~; Industrial School, b, $20,000; two Station COLUMBIAL COUNTY.-Hudson: City.Hall, b, $15;000; ~C. H,; s, $25,000; Houses, b, each $9,000; Wllater Cure, b, $40.,000. Orphan Asylum, b, $8,000.' NIWAGAA COUNTY. —Niagara: Devaux College, s, $85,000. Asylumt b$15M erkimer.........., b $ 0. JEFFERSON ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~' 1 07I CUNTYs terton..........'...an Asl1:'' $15,00.15,00 Child~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~22[ arenb$300;Jis$1,0; R............ OrhnAyum,$000tSNC C..NTY.Oi:al $1..000. LEiS ONY-ovingAstonal,........ f, $800 Washinugton..............50. WETHSR CONY-et0 Fa s *St Jon 4 Colee 12$0.00 (Aonoe......ail....ldi...n Lowv'lle 1866 coWstcn 1,00) hesterPais.........H. s, 4 $150,000: 1ok.C. Acd,b 200100 MIINSontgmr OT..-..............; 58,00 Wyoming............ $1200 {... 02 33(273)~~~~~~~~~~']i AGRIICU LTUe ALBANY COUNTY. Rlma, ~........... ACRES IN ACRES. CASH VALUE. ACRES PLOWED. FALLOW. GRASS LANDS. _Almond ~ ~,................. Acres in pasture. Meadow. TOWNS. Improved. Unimprov- Of farms. Of stock Of tools and 1864, 18G5. 1864. 1865. 1865. ed. 1865. 1865. 1865. implements. 1865. 1864. 1865. Acres. Acres. 1864. 1865. nnc~over.........:, Anglbcany.....'....:..'.',~ [-'Albany l................ 2,181 4233 200,200 $13,500 $3,910 282 305........ 75 66 247 237 13irds~~~~~~~~-L11..,...,....... 1 8. 628.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~...... Berne................ 30,855 4 9,314 1,321 859 9034 741 41 9,038 8,716 11,552 11762 Bethlehem.............. 27,1694 5,5042,693,450 248,459 127,891 6,5191 7,256 86 169 3,550 3,5651 13,702 126781 Coeymans............ 22,046 8,693 1,558,825'145,058 78,878 5,693 6,1351 111 180 4,285 4,043 11,052 1057 Guilderland......... 25,257 7,12342,159,309 203,783 131,0 98 8,3921 93 134 4,723 4,486 11,0921 10 7981 KCnox................. 20,508 5,079 850,620 143,466 45,677 6,501 6,811 37 39 5,647 5,123 7,177 7284 New Scotland.......... 52,9811 8,7292,445,610 236,869 95,575 6,3361 6,4781 161 68 3,7921 3,766 11,158 107481 Rensselaerville........ 31,446 6,1321,200,080 198,729 58,135 6,7471 7,317 402 2 1476161 13,600 9,9563 10305 Watervliet............ 25;352 7,46413,414,715 246,181 110,809 8,7211 9,443 60 81 6,631 6,349 6,2891 6795 Alfre................ 21,472 4,14 1 2 67 6 3 4',417 Alien..isb............. 318 931 5241 1162,5 131.M......63 44 506,9 AYlmahfr............... 524 538 0,9 220 596 2 41 1 4 3 3 6 3 AlmWestondl i..............2 23 5 40 13 5 15,017 64 57324 5,5234 7273 577 6,7371 6,676, 12,7118 1.3, 101 Amity1..............,604 9,9 49,565 98379 1 7,5 9208 6 2 27 97,040 _........... 2,806 10,989 500,178410829117966 25811.2,705!....1.51,2419' 9,09632 56,8927 94,94071 394,2481 Totalc.............. 127,8581 64, 8 34.114 6583,005 924,364 159,48190 137191 6,433| 78 0 655 6705 ~ 3543,9 ALLEGANY COUNTY. Alfred................ 11,4721 4,193 393,166 93,933 18,551 1,781 1,884,1 2 6,875 6,863 4394 4,417 Rllen.................13,198. 9,3012 1 522,421 1 10,116 3 22,754 1,1638~ 0 1.4......1...... 6,4321 6,4444 5,09611 5,091 BAlma............... / 15,214 1 5,318 10228,20 91 121,..1 4536 5 30 963,939 Almond............. 1,621 7, 882, 604,335, 135,574 26,187 2,907 2,880 98 84 7,755 7,859 5,007 5,101 Amity............... 9 6043 9,3905:1 459,565 98,379 14,5859 1,4682 4,52o 8 26 2...... 586 4, 6128 2,8491 3,0401 Andover............. [12,806 1 0,989 5 2 500,178 108,291 17,9661 2,5811 2,701 5 6,323 6,0716 3,789 3,9681 Angerica.............. 12,8580 6,34 1 4 58,005 92,4 64 15,760 1,3717 1,4331 78 50 6,555 1 6,705 3,584 3,494 GBoelfat................[ 11,072~[ 9,o24 -386,300 84,249 17,929 4 2,0576 2,032 3|,3714 43..... 4,289. 4,476 2,67164 2,765 Buelat................. 11,0131 9,2 6412 11 9 ID36 78 289 96| 52 555 51 3, 21| 393 Birdsall.............. 8.628[12, 242 261,314 70,9 74 10,1305 1,0 119 9902 4 3, 7567 3,793 3,51719 3,589 NQW Hudso......... 13,928-^ 9,005 390390 7606023,529.18611,882 3| | 6 734 6563 4,21194,185:Boiver................. 6,66381 15,110 318,035 59,7426 12,594 1,112 1,2025 29....... 3,9217 3,7005 2,2758 2,341 aurns................. 9,786 5,516 351,844 56,296 11,356 1,9 351 3,462 3,104 1 3,156.1 2 I 91I1` Caneadlea............. 7,70712, 327 1 4652708 68 064 10,991 18221 1,845 29 11 3,572 3,559 1,962 2,058 Centreville.......... 15,5189 6,173 483,090 95,440 21,043 2,886 2,223...... 255 7,853 7,6719 5,03871 5,2400 Clarksvill e............ 8 055 8,528 12 71,852 65,036 12,615 2 1,4350 1,479 24. 11.. 3, 219 3,239 2,2518 2,3577 Cuba................. 14,745 [ 5,712 463,240 82,361 23,329[ 1,935| 1,886- 3 2 8368 78 4,799' 4,871 Friendship 111,739 I 7,966 i/ ~~~~54.0,726 113,045 21,451/ 1,9921 1,977h11...1.../ 5, 752~ 5, 7661 3,799{ 3, 837 Genesee.............. /6,004.~ 15,249 [[343,767 61,862 16,718I 1,0011[ 977'] 2.2 5/ 2,363 [2, 429[ -2, 429 [ 2,407 Granger.............. 310,7442 5,820 [21368,444 77,620 17,253| 1,762 |51,69420 64| 60 14 5,127 15,9131 3,1481 3,7310 Grove................ ]27,9708;1 9,506 349,2'87 69,454 20,5 76[ 1,62313 1,9421 3,016 3,00912, 664 2,3746 tHume................. 14,131, 8,428 1 674,12 3 131,091 30,336 2,781 2,829 41 96: 52 5,2505 5,51.8 3,9211 3,9131 Independence......... [.124,26,46'4 62488,2654 93,568 18,031 1,9442 1,86[ 24 65 5,744 5,748 3,962 4,1235 NoleHsonl....... 23,696|/ 17,005.87,390,195 2476,060 23,529 6 4,18 761 331 211 4,2013 4,18519 ne Hd son............ 1,922 4,8, 14 2,753 2 2,51 Rushford.15.2031 7,297 5,73 558,705 107,982 23,791 2,1373 2,087. 8,2002 82048[ 4,70 0 4,652 Scio........... 8. 498 15, 77 9 0 4 571,740 686738 13,51 1,502-] 1,5394[............ 3,942- 3,7246 2,8885 1 3,109 Ward................. 9,68673 11,841 279,091 77,159 27382,0 1,4 2 6467|[ 16 1 4 9 2 7[ 4,835|1 4,6839 3,1821. 3,385 Wellsville............ 5,879,1 8,9811 320,690 63,530 16,4 5072,842. 8,049 8 8 71 6 1 3,4505 33511 2,0491 West Almond......... 13,.98d 9, 0851 373,203 104,938 0,6995 1,76711,68418 201 1421 6,8 85 6,805 5,025, 5|,989 Tillingl.............. 6,4285 14,144 2263,719 56,105 10,91 1,229=1 1,27...... 6...., 21081 26159 2,31809 Wirt.......... 1 7,.67] 496,766 101,948 - 0, —2,1 8,178 4,6753 4,'759 Vestal.............. 12,461023 60540 9,233 341,209 03,00336 503280 94 634 14,2391 1451395 3 I1,7201 3 10,6991 Toal.......22201 Windsor.............. 231,9790262,207 824,07 149,7648 3,45,08825,895 3 182l 173|- 236 1291 2103|,113i127,13 BROOME COUNTY. Barker............... 12, 081 ],066 682,256 108,485' 24,025 1, 522 1,7761t 282 92 23,13 0 2 12,3981 4,338: 4,3785 Ashfo.............. 16,957-113099 676,883 15233 3171,31,4 92 14 8713 8,28 557 550 Binghamton.......... 13,026 7,091: 1,184,685.113,986 35,5533 2,5034 4 1629 41 9..5,258. 5,239 41 11,1270 Chenango............ 14,262 6,892 722,300 110,270 34,18 1 2,88 63077 1 25 6,725 7,070 3,969 4,035 Colesville............. 1129,696:,587- 1,300,19 5 247,181 50,026 4,198 876: 130| 3211 13,860 13,421 10,1925, 9,9239 Conklin.............. 10,8 36 456,10 1 615745 14,668 1,6288 19338 32 114 1 1.2,753 [.2,688 2,510 2,472 Kirkwood.lle.......... 12,706,731 722,730 109 275 25,476 1 02,3731 5981 152 1 05 15, 570 5,378 3,4511 3,5971 Lisle................ 14,56011,5 23 7 84,290 125,484 25,483 146911 67047 45 21 7,520 7,4672 5,23 4 5,093 Freedom'.....,...... 17,941 6839 52,011 12060 26,584 2 011 2 3871........... 97951 9,901 53219 5,236 Maine................ 15, 73 8 311 581 7277234 134,480 27,3820 2,009 27646 7 19 13| 6,9264 7,1471 4,845~ 4,9981 pNanticoke............. 7,61 14,711 388,724 72,84 18,849.0 8491 897 631 31 3, 6941 3,55.0 3,0192 2,9851 Unionh................ 10,367. 77231 360,21,046 6 6 21,81 10428,5802l[ 4,431[ 638..... 1....... I]6,5035[ 6,6091,34054 4,3,41 CATR UU COUNTineYo.ae 8 Alegny.........(2 72 l4080)6,3 35 65 621....7I,9 0~25 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. 275 ALBANY COUNTY-(CONTINUED). GRASS-LANDS. SPRING WHEAT.'WINTER WHEAT. OATS. WINTER RYE. Meadow. Acres sown. Acres sown. Acres sown. Acres sown. T O W\,N S. ______ ______ ______________ ______ Bushels Bushels Bushels harvested. harvested. harvested. Tons of Bushels of 1 1864. 1865, 1864. 11864. 1864. 1865. 1864. 1863. 1864. hay. grass seed. 1864. 1864. Albany............... 365~.................: -................... 160 105 1,652 1 60 96 11~~~~~~~~~~~~~............6 Berne................. 6,4657 19 120 4,37 25,456 62517 4271 Bethlehem............ 14,2173'........ 3........ 3 21 31 207 2,81(6 3,155 54,661 1,645 1,991 Coeymans............. 8,287I 12/ 7 3 23 6 10 7 7 1 T, 716 19,048 1,794 1,8571 0,uilderland............. 8,733-}/ 28 19 21 85 18 19`I 202 3,309( 3,277 47,275sI 1,95591s 2,345 Knox.........o.........oo 3,354 74 27 30{ 1 6 27 37! 406 3,14 3,566 24,709 190 466 New Scotland.......... 11, 331s 64 8 4s 39 27 431 354 2,770 3,030 40,824 2,211`5 1,592 Rensselaerville......... 5,573 19 115 1172s 363 35i! 501 359Av 2,4791 2,428s 7,65841 3121 1,0029 Watervliet.. 8,445........;47 11s 15s 133- 2, 2,32'2 30,08311 1,3431 1,8193 ~~~~ 4 /........... Westerlo.............. 2,0504 2,151 8,235` 741 1,2231 l.............. 74, 12541{ 233s 265 2271 | 1,073 |I 153| 231 1, 858s2 23A26,_767_259, 692~4||_op879 12 821 ALLEGANY COUNTY-(CoNTINUED). Alfred................ 3,238 221 259 211 1,218 1........ I 905 972 12,087......... Allen........... 3,011 22 1n71' 148s 402........ 8 1 989 903s 9,917 5.. Alma................. 784....... ii~.It 905 9 221s 411 173........ 17I 28 Alma,/............ 1 Almond............... 4,067 307 4 61 359 2,169 63 113 688 1 1,379 1,3361 16,904 19 10 Amity................ 2,460 3231 1211 115 655 125 91s 1,536` 577 j 761T 10,895 20 24 Andover............... 3,073s 27s 2541 258 2,186^........................ 1,503 1,619s! 27,431 6s 6 Angelica.............. 3,214s1 I 142 129| 563 65 112 692 587 600. 24 Belfast................. 2,4341 87 210 199| 1,3451 123`51 161 1,236 811 898-1 12,496 23s 28 ~~~~~~~................. 149 Z029 Birdsall............. 2,163 79 1661 791 6551 6........ 49 5741 607 - 4,520.......... Bolivar................ 1,984 27s19 19 4711 183 7 38 41 648 6 645`1l 11,612 36' 11 Burns................. 2,133 57 1573 177s 936sI 64 138 775. 922` 845 12,639 26 7 Caneadea.............. 1,917 1251s 193| 146| 787 I111I 2101 1,309 7561 747- 12,921 13 3 Centreville.......... 3, 552s91........ 4091 297' 1, 144 I 5. 10 1,099 1,151 6,375............... Clarksville............ 2,135 50 96i 110i 696 19 132s 243 875s- 978 16,070 7 3 Cuba................. 4,816 45 234: 172 1,841 251 7 320 1,163 1,1191 22,268 I........ Friendship............ 3,717s1 1331 135i 129 1,125s 27s- 72s- 385 1,1441 1,(0141 24,328 391 22 Genesee............... 1,914' 3 27 26| 246`t 14s 125 5651 564 11,150 9 8 Granger.............. 2,447 21 259 1923 1,624 816 39 1,026 979 18,445............... I'D~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - 541 5 1-01, 5: Grove................ 1,9011 7s1 124, 1344 7051 7.......... 54 1,036 1,058s 14,859.............. ttume~~~~~~~~~~~~~~9............... l Hum................ 3,670-} 55,, 3241 2481 1,718 196 339 2,076 1,265 1,175l| 19,436 5 40 Independence........... 2,357 3`5[ 233' 194' 1,590 4 9 60 929-} 9431 14,588........ New Hudson........... 3,251s1 331s 282s 1951 1,3101 4 23/ 62 1,127 1,108 11,534 22 27` Rushford.............. 1,170s 1,079 7,113 160 2 Scio.................. 2,2141 2 9 108 788 36s 66s6 418 386a 603s 9,335 22s- 74 Ward................. 2,3461. 56s 1701 1551 813.........' 910s 957 12,125 2,3~~~~~~~~~~~~465 96}1 I....1 1 970 12525512 Wellsville.............,838 5 46 531 419 28 34 465 446 4761 6,339 27 57 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 4[!j West Almond.......... 3,0981 3 261I 175 806 98 9 921s 8 8 50 9211 834 ~7,267 [ 1.......... Willing............... 1,627 Is 911~ 54- 622 2 1... 589 656 10,876 12 111 Wirt... 4,092 15s 253, 28914 2, 035 2 74 338 1,3209 1,2501 22,764 11s 3 Total ~~~~~~~~~~~1' 4101 75 2,352I 346 Total............. 79,075 1,4105 5 565-}s 4, 7117 29,7504,1,963-5 1,712l 11,088 ] 25,147 26,168s- 376,164s 3521 346 BROOME COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Barker........... 3,555 5 6I 18 | 35 224 42s 200 669 { 792 8,239 [ 100 37 Binghamton............ 3,715 57 37 47,11 509`s 139 1191I 1,728 901s 1,123 17,508 274 235 Chenango............. 3,653........ 4I 11l 52 180.262 2,626 1,382 1,508 31,506 134 312 Colesville............. 9,691 52 82 6831 6981 47 1971 602st 2,005s1 2,3021 38,544 224 t 2881 Conklin............... 2,016 8 58s 6s 33 110s 17641 1,294 497s 552| 10,615 117|; 6 Kirkwood............. 3,3521. 141 46 41 494'239s 2761' 2,888 1,0911I 1,2121 20,591 293| 254 Lisle................... 4,133......... 29 17 47 2 03 687 -809 8,838 21 16 Maine............... 3495 22 12 15 91 43 11 412 1,151 1,272 18,302 61I 84 Nanticoke............. 2,053 31 5s 8} 32s 1 28 49' 452 437| 4,067' 45s 2 Port Crane............ 2,793 14s 31 35s 344 128 256s 1,866 811i 881s 15,501 155 8 Sanford............... 6,:866 { 8311 22l 17i{ 87s 1 21 { 12 [I 688-} 823|1 11,609 II 175! 86 Triangle.............. 5,848 I 10s1 10 12;I 67 19 691[ 407 II 650~1 743 [ 9,126`51 34;I 49 U~nion................ 4,237I1 10si 10 6`5 107 636( 730`5 6,747 I{1,733`5 1,884st 43,445 tl 193| 278 Vestal................ 2,(;52~ 12 26 1, 25-} 206 3491 465;I 3,314s'I 1,322~t 1,479-} 29,328 II 13411 261 Windsor........ 7,586~ 6 82 79/ 656 106' 1921 1,7 1161,212075 91 40 Total..'..... 65,646`| 3.001 _38211 395.,1 2,0481 2,_99 7s! 23,8~8' 15,1_60-} 17,044h1 287,294|! 3,258|| 2,.3161 Alleany...........CATTARAU:GU S COUNTY —(CoNTINuED). Allgan...........2,18311' 6|I 42s! 4931 172 1I 143i 1211 29 415`5 469|1 7,886 |1 961 1061 Ashford.................4739[ 62sl 2201i 2051, 1,222 Is:t 9 10 1,125 1,198s 17,175s1 26/ 9 Carrolton............. 888 1........ 1 Ill I 37 l;........!.......l{.......... 88g 130|! 1,585 { 3 { 10 Cold Spring............ 1,098t 12 / 121 10il 43 / 6/ 29s/ 80 141[ 1891 3,817/ 4f 41 Conewango............ 4,410/ 35s1 61s. 30~! 241 1 13-} 15`5 202/ 702/| 770/ 19,326 /.......;.!....... Dayton............... 3,103s. 7s/ 69 t 661 241s/ 4/ 14~ 60t 425~i 609|/ 7,134 II........!....... East Otto............. 5,107 15s! 1431} 82 / 914:'.........1 1 |........ 641ii 8401t 13,120 ]l........I 2 Ellicottville...... 3,243 10 I{ 83`5 61 / 5421i 1!...,...2......... 613-.1 7041/ 10,739 1 6t 12 Farmersville............ 3,4"s 511 226 1 1491/ 827s!!......J.........t.......[ 1,264si 1,287s1 10,692/........!....... Franklinville......3,677 14 201 10'121H 5.... 60 93 82s 5,71 1 Freedom.............. 3,237s 6 51 34 ~'...'..! 2 1,8-149s1,7....... Great Valley........... 2,095-} 5 s 5 6 I 2l 6 2 87 6s1,6........I... Hndl..............310 31 9s 8s 61 51 12 85 90 93 2,296| 41 Humphrey....... 1,9s 1s 7 2 6...... 1........ 654|i *71!288....1... Ischua................ 2,441 14' 41 12 78s 3i7'\72 11325.(Continued on page 25'].) 276 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. ALBANY COUNTY-(CONTINUED). ^^i?11 ~~~BARLEY. BUCKWHEAT..INDIAN CORN.?St Acres sown. Acres sown. For the grain. For fodder. A c res, TOW NS._______ ________________ _____ planted. Bushels Bushels Bushels harvested harvested harvested. Acres planted. Bushels Acres sown. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1864. 1804. 1805. 1804. I[ harvested. __.. _ 1 1864. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1864. 1865. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~31 lin 41 2.........24 Albany....... 2,41........................ 9 1 1171 2,301 1 Berne.....................3,909 5031 341' 2,8391 2,4145 2,903 39,987 4661 4954 4,538; 5 I 3461 Bethlehem............... 15,515 47 53 904 6161 260 10,692 1,364' 1,5771 28,769 5 7 1,1681 Coeymans.............. 17,4983 2/........ 6' 681 562"10,521 l,075. 1,0944 15,022.......... 3195 Guilderland..............21,442- 150 1371 1,312 808] 7681 13,8411 1,602 1,753 29,417............ 7981 Knox...................' 2,218 3211 2193 1,744 1,660 I 1,819} 28,069 2501 ~12-1 4,246...... 1 1931 New Scotland............ 25,205 7 1 / 7 814 858 670M1 3341111,289 1,521 1,612i 26,448 I B 5911 Rensselaerville............ 5,432 3389 2543 1,705s 2,1903 2,481 34,890 651 7411- 9,934.1 250 Watervliet............... 120 431 215 5,451 1,0261 1,4273 18,360 311 263 1,856 Westerlo................. 7,101 120 9011 528 1,5701' 1,2961i 26,2391 8113 1,0001 12,164 II 9 2355 Tota-1............... 114,785 i1,586 1,21714 o 10,[017 11,07791 10,651U"l81,393 8,890 10, 132[ f59,i99 464'46 A5-903ALLEGANY COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Alrd..........................[ 18912 1461- 117 1,614 691 101 1,690 |........... 715 Allen.................... 62 711 53} 441 13014 139 1,136 45/ 70' 919 4 4 865 Alma................... 25 1........ 6 37........ 236 513 791 1,528............ 57 Almond.................. 146 94 14112 942 268 263 2,269 2214 2123 5,118......s 80 Amity................. 57: 571 1,271 1571 1475 2,001 326' 341 7,631 3a...... 915 Andover.................. 76 1' 3 14 2901' 2971 3,386 651/ 1001 1,933'2 11 230Angelica.................. 100 731 97-A 1,164 1221 1075 1,598 155a 249.......... Belfast.................. 232 49 59 631 1551 2054 1,8411 27411 3141 8,929 121 91 1121 Birdsall......................121 7 62 184 971 1,182 121 26 134...... 4 861 Bolivar.................. 3 73 1 10 60 581 500 1681i 201 5,105 2}1 211 94 Burns.... 260 741 941 787 1341 10 1,465 * 1291 1381 3,738 50...... 79} Caneadea................ 34 9111 1164' 1,2221! 851 84 812 4 438 1 473A 14,852...... 3 1371 Centreville....................... 113 176 682 3311 44 404 1111 1721 2,243 281 291 1291 Clarksville............... 133 4 31 80 721 581 804 1241 137 2,685/.'.... 1 91| Cuba............................. 36 501 658 138 144 2,113 155I 1-761 4,632' 41 1 1111 Friendship............... 391 771 621 1,220 1221 184 1,801-1 174' 2151 5,340............ 132 Genesee................... 147 2 41 31 271 22' 1811 2041 1991 6,133............ 941 Granger.................410 117 149 1,295 57 981 1,605............. 1008 rove........................ 211 4 4 1 0 164I 1861 164 311 3I Grov 91 2,09.. 641............ 5.me................... 84 904 1074 1,5604 911 80 977 4981 6671 15,571 3i 51 5 Hu 4 4 4 4 4 14 31 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1552 Independence.................... 6 3 7 191 1541 2,103 651 0 21 197 New Hudson............. 380 27 26 309. 75 841 758 1391 194' 4,380 3 4 1141 2 1 4 4~~~3,58 1.[ Rushford'............... 26 141 179-1 1,631 26 61 322 1421 183 3[658 1 51 141| Scio..................... 464 13[ 171 134 201[ 77 2,5201 26| 431 477...... 937 Ward..................... Sl~~~4 4 4 4i] W ard..................... 6 3 74[ 90 6541 68 933 70 10712 2,167............. 124.4 Wellsville................ 43 6 1317 93 89 120 1,451 179^ 2425 5,197........... 1263 W est Almond..................... 91 31 40{ 2401 2411 2,317 181l 477 430............. 114 W illing.................. 82 4 5 40 152 116 1,699 107 92 2,798............ 1331 Wirt.................... 40 31l. 194 490 176 1241 2,442 263_ 2881.7,122 31 102 1034 ~~~~~~110, 38 3 2,77 0 Total............... 3,936 1 14,4811 3,7851 3,4091l 42,231 4,329 82,320o12,7773 204- 82 3,273' BROOME COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Barker.................. 522...................... 2121 2001 4,291 3991 450 -9,061 3 1 125( Binhamton.............. 2,307 1 11 1 5 3851 359 7/,990 4I925 583| 15,353 61 12i 1895 Chenango................ 1,642................ 7 326 337 6,378 628 6601 21,159.......... 2331 Colesville................ 2,478 41I 241 375 1,0021 947114,9374 741 8711 19,507 121 13 3031 Conklin................ 70........................ 229........ 6,492 29341 332 8,992 2...... 74 Kirkwood.';................ 1,591. 881 51 115 4861 50113 9,459 4531 631g 11,791 21 5 1181 Lisle................. 24 331 344 201 203 2,450 2931 3451 6,158 8 139 Maine................... 247- 714 12 811 365 2571 11,184 2 21 2441 Nantikoke................ 39 1 44i........ 11312 15 314 1,69211 1411 1821- 3,524...... 3 112i Kirkwood C............... -1,0259 51 8 71' 54('"ii~'H 2581 288/,45/ 4,3l 63119 I 312 2nAI 5A1// 1418 Trisnle................... 3425 281 3191 19 454 8120 2,5 4201 49 1,72 1 40 120 Vestal................... 1,484 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 2311 4 12 53 641,23 24 911 1,76 1... 20 Winsor............ 2,80 6-~/88 754 81731,39011911,93... | 26 Mlnegan................. 1,32 1 5| 1 3 2 44_17| 19,0 36...| 1 2 Ashfod............... 124'l 60 91 2' 2111 613 583'~'7641 46611 50 341 8 3 7 CatoldSpin............... 39............. I12 1511,62139 1415 186..,735...... 3 412 DaytoCrne..................... 4,05 96 5101 2781 38 119771 3031 375 8,811 30, 103| Sastfordto...................... 51,363 90I521 I 205~,47| 448 361 401 2 10,61 31 311 1351 Trliangvile................ 942il 25{ 31 1191 14541 1 9 11 4 259 1 21 19 rranklinville............. 1~~~~~~~75 60 6^ 8 4911 41 51 -6 971 5,29 2 31 4 Gra aly.....................: 1 30 10 71 92 215 01 4,2 2i ll 52 Uniond.........2,1 30i 36 49 17o71 1001 2,41i 9331 280 9 9 52 2'.1 17 Vestale...................... 12,48 9i | 14 4381 ~, 232 48 l 134l 160^ 290 9149l29 Icu................ 10!3 2121 1 1 3,5 || 12l 0 1 5 15 7....~~~~~~~~~~~Cotne ~,on a~ 284.) AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. 277 ALBANY COUNTY —(CONTINUED). POTATOES, PEAS. BEANS. TURNIPS. FLAX. Acres Acres sown. Acres planted. Acres sown. Acres sown. TOW NS. planted._________________________ ---- Bushels.......Bushels Bushels Bushels Bushels harvested. harvested. harvested. harves ted. of seed. 1865. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1864. 1864. 1865. 136 4. 1864. 1865. 1864. Albany............. 1511 4,734 Ig 1 17 37 | 3...... Berne.............. 420| 34,593 460 3293 1,9101 95| 64 6852 21 91| 210 115 117 390. Bethlehem.......... 1,487| 97,902 541 691 486 6g 4g 63 34| 13 10,982| I I 7 Coeymans.......... 388|.23,307 14| lI 86 261 10i 2143.................... 221D 233~ 1,084i Guilderland......... 9463 57,452 178 1114 4,048 401 12 548 3...... 1,230 671 19 132 Knox.............. 2601 18,239 1021 75 634 19 9 1691 17...... 78 118| 96' 509 New Scotland....... 715|1 51,917 159 80| 852 83 31 118 63 1 1470 36| 184 2705 Rensselaerville...... 380 25,390 1191 941 606 56 29 441| 221 1|.995 105| 24| 341i Watervliet.......... 2,212~}1150, 618 33 341 271 10 4 125 86 321 16,380 9 1 38 Westerlo........... 285 22,296 1331 86 417" 79| 53 594| 1 | 4 385 126 87| 2951 Total............. 7,248|4186,448 174~i 140| 31,7603 8001 597] 3,067i ALLEGANY COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Alfred.............. 82i 9,144 57| 57 716 22i 3| 294........................................... Alen............... 109 10,250 47 48| 462l 24| 120 ~...... 7524 31 8' Alma................ 66 6,668 164 7. 221 4g 4 55............ 7 1 1| 3 Almond............ 73 11,647 1801[ 168.1 2,544 5 11 8.................... 2 2 Amity.............. 1041 10,970 47 463 743 13 6 226 2 56i 33321 2 5 Andover............ 2531 30,4641 71 901 1,011 Il9l 1961 2 21 531i3 1 85 Angelica............ 1021I 10,729 46] 501 642|H 51 25g 120 lj 11 4501 [ 3I Belfast..117i 1.0,965 481[ 38 6711 31 12 504| 2 I 1888i1 61 32 Birdsall............ 98| 7,471 3 30i 36355 52 a....... 30 21 52 Bolivar.......... 1001 8,515 239 23d 293| 10.[ 2 150 3...... 20I.............. ~.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~8' 3 ~ 0 4 Burns............... 74 8,053 9 85 7 721 663 35 6 434................... Caneadea..]61 6-'1'3,301 54 49 570 154' 206 1 1.175 6 21 17 Centreville.. 137% 15,609 68 89[ 852 6 4 110....... 120- 1| 3| 6 Clarksville........... 92[ 10,669 221 19 1 327 10[ 4| 323.......'...1 24 Cuba.............. 1101 10,035 78 11811 1,054 9 3 95 2 1 71 Friendship.......... 122| 15,147. 56| 46 981l 1......' 942 4i 271.........,~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~8 9.." ~ ol Genesee....... |_ 11,792 151 30| 3 15 Granger-........... 103|a 10,994 281 28 3991 13| 18.................... 6 6 41 Gro've............. 103. 9,907 371 31|, 441 2 j52 i 4 76 7~ 5 28.~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 9. oooo' Hume............. 164 18,686 97 104 1,297 3.1| 6 514 4i''"'. 157 11 32 Independence....... 185|1 28,995 531 556| 6991 10 1|...... H7851 5 New Hudson......... 124| 11,639i55 67 740 12 9 182|...... 607| 51 33/ ~o~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,/,a 9 I 4 6; ~,i 3j" ~......,L'"'"~' Rushford........... 148 17,752 461 581 6256| 4i 122...... 1~ 11 16. Scio-.. 103[ 12,107 31| 29 307...................... 82 2 4i1 W ard.............. 131| 12,8o2 I t 30 411l 5231 3 1| 54 3 "...... 100....................... Wellsville........... 139 13,929 50| 653 829' 6 91 145| 1 | 238 2...... 2 West Almond....... 118 }[12,578 64`1 61 532| 4 5| 101| 206 121 1' 20 W illing............. 140[ 15,611 541 52 8704 3| 88 2 1 334.................. Wirt............... 101 13,408 87 911 1,3851 7| a 22 81 i i 503 2| 21 Total............. 3,460 379,837 1,5 —-M5 - - 0-977|['2298 - 178|_4,810| 261 67 4,13791 93 60 4371 3ROOME COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Barker............. 1321 12,539 3 21 131 12 ] 71I 451 151. 359 12j 12! 2681 Binghamton......... 221427592 3- 21 149 151 131 317 33 11 8456 71 541....... o 8 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~8 4 ~ l Chenango......... 236| 25,688.........................1 22 40 219 57i 14 304 Colesville........... 340 31 843 91 9 137 10| 6 204-| 4- 21 1,621 14j 205 101 Conklin............ 75,. 9230 6 3 37 1i 1 560 i........ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4.......... Kirkwood........... 138| 16,040 51 HIl 1084 2| 20 6 113 665 51 -61 22| Lisle............... 4381 1,777 2 1|......... 2-~1 201 2| Maine............... 2701 29,6601 3j 3| 36| 10| 9g 143' 2! 14! 437 27 46! 142-g Nanticoke.......... 1291 8,3892|1 2 3..1 4 306 71 51 PotCae...... 5 4 85 0| 1| 8 3 19 1....... l 180 17 161[ 951 %npo r ------- 1 7 I,o4 - A R)[M Panf or............. 215 I. 16 [ 621 31 111 Triangle............ 122/ 1 031 1| 4 64|[ 3| 1247 ] 21t 2 431I 14 Union............... 293.i 4 916 11 21 22 lOij/ 1| 172....'....../ 12| 9g1 69 Vesta.............. 20 3 1114 2 7| 5og | 21- 1 16 103;1''... l.. ~ o Windsor............ 24812302la212 1 4 1 4..9491 134 ] 33 Total............. 3,304g.314,746| 60| 40 647]|| 91 85~ 1,5585]-75~[ 67[ 6,672 1988j 166 1 l,227:} CATTARAUGUS COUNT~Y-(CoNTINuED). Zllegany........... 1541115,493 20 271 271| 2g 11 45|! 18j[ 4 4'1 11 Hi 27 Ashford........... 189|/l 189a4 48 451 570| 5 121 77|.............4g l 24 Carrolton........... 99j] 6 5911 2| 2737| 5 I..........:.... Cold Spring......... 48i, 14,271 12 Ig 22i1' |. 61|.. 11 Ooe ag......... 10 1182 6 1g 22 1 7 1 | 35j i'... Dayon............ 124g, 722 1 6 3 73 2.................. 3 6|| 6 East Otto........... 133|/15,038 -254 231 4262 10 ~... 55 1i 1 Ellicot~tville......... 1551] 13,676 15 21 15343 | i 1001 1 51 amesvll........ 16g 1,1 51 8 664 2 | 1... |.....4 3| i0 Franklinville...... 133| 17,232 841 901 1,498I 1 9 i l 261]j 23 Freedom......... 88g[20,839| 55| 52| 522 2 5 4i 3 g 02 1 9| Great: Valley........ 149|] 16.640 16 18| 2559 5 82| 2/ 646 H 71 361 Humphrey.......... 1451[ 12,318 53 641[ 8412 1|12 5i 3 234g 2 29 Ischua.......... 911]10,354 89j 111l}i 1,261|kk~ 90 i...........4 28 (Continued on page 285.) 278 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. ALBANY COUNTY-(CONTINUED). FLAX. HEMP. HOPS. TOBACCO. APPLE ORCHARDS. IMARKET.GARDENS Acres sown. Acres in crop. Acres3 planted. Acres cultiTOW NS. _____________ _______vated.'Pounds of Tons of Pounds liar- Pounds har- Number of Bushels of Barrels of ___ lint. hemp. vested. vested. trees in apples. cider. "~ ~1864. 1864. 1865. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1864. fruit. 1864.' 1864. 1864. Albany......................................................................................... 454 1,808 20.149 ere............. 323.................. 6329 68 43 19,074......................... 20,138 20,971 4522......... Bethlehem........... 60.................................. 4 41 7,135 25,769 34,061. 1,007 1875-2 Coeymans............ 8,711........................................... 4..... 250 20, 181 36,912 1, 33539'........ Guilderland.......... 2,157................... 8 7 5,000........ 350 17,9,35 25,103 935 25 Knox............... 3,100.................. 271 275 13, 488 1 1I 300 15,459 11,822 370........ New Scotland........ 475 14............ 4 3 703 11 1 1,900 33, 753 41,567 1, 5005i 6, Rensselaerville....... 779................... 27 29 8,180- 5 1 375'23, 638 31,660 526.... W atervliet.......... 3,000..................................;......... 4 lo1 3,800 17,772 28,169 9411- 1,10814 W esterlo............ 855.................. 5 45 140 5j......... 400 31, 850 45,204 1,531........ Total............. 47,_350j 1 14 1........ 135 1394; 46, 585 1311 171 4I 14,510 i'206, 949 |277, 277 I8,619 111,47643 ALLEGANY COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Alfred......................................................................................... 10,463 14, 108 249........ A llen............... 28................................................................... 7,184 7,499 39........ A lm a..........................................I........................................ 665 769 215........ A lm ond...........;........................................................................... 10 3 1 1, 2i1 5.... Am ity.............. 515.................................................. 1 0 5,902 12, 157 155.... Andover............. 500................................................................ 5,25305,124 538........ Andoelic..................................................................................... 4,1253 5,6124 648........ Belfast.............. 621.................... 519 613 2,507 5 5 500 5, 813 9,249 ^ 7.... B irdsall...................................................................................:..... 3,966 2, 185' 23 Bolivar......................................................................... 220' 5,937 3, 183 495'........ Burns................................................................................. 5,037 6,501 97.... Caneadea............ 254.......................................... 4........ 750 5 448 11,305 178........ Centreville.......... 69................................. 20................ 109 9,974 17,491 72........ Clarksville...................................................................................... 2,903 2,714 5.... Cuba......... 110........................................... 8........ 25 8,800 13,773 270 1 Friendship.......................................................................... 1,7 3 12 09 86.... Genesee............. 1,660..................................................................... 4,475 4,419 55........ Granger............. 472................................................................. 5,831 6,625 65 G rove............ 450.................................................................., 8, 0 7.... H um e............... 464.................................................................. 13, 869 22, 077 35 8;........ Independence.... "75............... 4k........ _9 k 25 7,487 8,064 52*..... New Hudson......... 392.................. 4 i 1 5, -3, 060 8 8 7 75 7,943 9,303 197........ Rushford............ 960............... 7 85 9,061.....................1 10,897 19,855 331 5 I........ Scio................................................................ 5, 154 10,400 144.... W ard..................................~ ~~~....................... I................................ 2, 5,1 0 5.... W ells ille........... 375............. 2........I...... 8 1, 1 2 9,936............... W est Almond........ 12,500..................................... 6,726 4, 757. 222s......... W illing....................................... 2i 45 2,464........................ 3, 5 3,768 31........ W r................ 508 I............1II...................................................... 10 7 9 17 7 7 3 5........ Toa.......... 19,153 JL.............. I. 22|| 2441117,1121 10 l 1,88.9 ||l90, 249 257,772 3, 667 _J l BROOME COUNTY-(CONTIN-~UED). Barker.............. 288............1I...... 2 5 2,000 2kI 14 3,100 8,532 19, 597 508!..... Binghamton........ 920.................. lo0i 15 9,450 391 6 48,454 12,552 11,417 292 I 21i Chenango...........: 14,902........................................... 3 5 1,000 5,998 11,951 524 |......... Colesville........... 1,533,.................. 4 4 1,000 24........ 2,657 18,193 31,212 7344!........ Conklin.............. 20......................................... 22......... 2,7100 3, 669 3-,288' 17! Kirkwood......;............................... 3 3 3 5 i5 600 5,320 7,914 1755'........ Lisle.......................................... 2........ 724......................... 8,931 16,312 277 1........ Maine............... 2,800.................. 12 20 7,976 55 5 6,160 9,121 8,0455 1361'."....... Nanticoke........... 2,500......,........ 55 71 1,950.................. 5,438 5,921 72 i 3i Port Crane.......... 1,879.................. 45- 71 3,000 Hi, 3 11,900 4,668 6,996 260 1........ Sanford............. 60 9......... 1 1 685 I........ 37 307 10,281 57; *Union............... ~ ~ ~ III 18 5 6.....,............. 71 It 4 6 0 7.... 6,980 37 13,190 0,2521 |.... Vestal...............~~~~............... 55 55 3,27, 1 0 I...... 4,50)( 0 9,578 Oil 8 359.....).. AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. 279 ALBANY COUNTY-(CONTINUED). MARKET GARDENS. NEAT CATTLE. A/cres cul- ct ~ 8 Albany ~~.......... / 4 16,388....................... 11..... 1 4 277 Coeymans.......... ~ ~ Vau of........ pro5 o. 500 1,483 86.... 39 8 148 6 I...83 ducts, 1864. I " W.Zo I -= - Guldrlnd. 1 9862,5255........ 10 3 2,058 110...... 233 249 179 46 1,334 18657................... 4, 02 2 9 4 5 1............ 1, Alb, any............ ~.........,1,4 2738 Rernse... ll........................ 783 34...... 71,9247 18 307 242 -...... 129 2248 1301 56 1,481 1,3702 C-oeyma ns]4..........'"1................ 1,483,655 13 6.397 1480 8426 8350 Kns lox.................... I.............. 4,502 239...... 1,334 1...... 1059 1 9........2 1 03 538 7 A fe d.S....nd................... 75......... 4... 1 84 25 15716 389 80 AlRensselaervil.......................... 7,12 3 349...... 1,857 0...... 125 224 1 31 56 466 WA ervl etm......... 14 1 1 452' -.......... 2,4 5..... 655 43 334.. 86 1 90220 1 26 21 4 A lond............................... 19,564 105...... 3,0834 1998...... 337 3 1,353 383......9 Totmans............. 1, 0 1 6379..50 1,4829 9...... 1320 1 9 593 571 Alfoved.....................I.......... 33,468 247...... 3,565 214.4 607 14910 802 A Glenl..ca......... 27,421 9 3........ 1,18 13 Do 1 22 1 223 6 5 490 4629 6 Belfast...... 6 43...... 225 269 13 38 70 214 Almodsal.......................... 10 922,31 187...... 3,084 168...... 327 35012 353 5 467 932 12 Bolitay............................ 10,455 26...... 1,485 68...... 163 1289 196 6 49 538 3753 Kn so....................... 416 45 30..... 148 1 22 931 832 Aneicand............................ 485 20...... 10 181...... 225 245 240 65 429 409 Belfastrevi........................... 96,791 70...... 1,3573 80...... 1, 7275 138, 269 3 1,549 Bl arville...................... 22,317 17...... 12 0 1 8...... 3268 26 236 34 458 412 ubol"ar.......................... 196 202 228 26 380 85 Burins............................... 10,690 27 1.... 1,2005 30...... 503 44152 185 447 360 3 952 Caneadea............................ 4,0710 420.... 165 118...... 148 170 24 161 4 421 370 Centreville................. 1 4,76 3,...... 1,53 154...... 61287 27 13 20 1 2496 1,252 Clarksv ille......................... 2'823 14....... 268. 264 251 44 491 4 Cluba............................... I1,550 41...... 273 34 961 874 Fri endshei......................... 2,620 716 1...... 22 5 26 40.5 19 0 7 863 512 Gnew^ usee........................, 035 14......70-0 4 1,8672 281...... 21.48 250 2361 48 4211 370 Grangeor............................ 132,730 28....... 18609 154...... 1159 205 1197 31 1,752 1422 Grove............................0. 19,323 316...... 92,9 65...... 187 2279 2145 97 491 4517 Hume 17,4532 "i....569.... 21,801 15.3,4 996 874 IW ependence.................I.......... 4,88....... 150 1,560 64.......... 2265 265 131 110 583 5726 NewtHudsond.......................... 30,395 144...... 1,872 20....... 339 3720 2369 46 9031 791 R illing.............................. 316,301 28...... 8605 119....... 3159 6 229 172 90 7538 1461 cirt.................................. 8,298 4...... 2,452 78...... 2. 74 28 2 1056 87 517 W oard........................... 2178016 529..... 354,652 1,059 1...... 6,70143 2 6,142 | 14 4|27, 94 8 0 8^ ALLEGAN COUNTY-(CoNTIUE:D). Ba s ie....................... 4,885...... 1,5 64...... 31 2 19 2358 1 74 2,576 Wllen m o............,............ 1,88 28...... 4,1..... ]. 339 3 70 46 903 W illma.................... 16,30 2 21 050 2 436...... 31821 2623272 290 8 241 W ionrt................................. 28703 25 2,42....... 7 74 285 210 56 844 84 6. 9 1...... 25 6. 40 1 Lisler............... 2 72 968 1...... 12979...... 12 5 157 5 1,0 123 Total............ 41 4 17 2157 8,265 2 78. 1,8 7.. 46 7 1212 6910 5 82 BArker........................... 6,9850 46,1 16...... 1 5 219 293 1 952 1,13 2 888 Be fasot........ 293 7, 6521 4 0 24 1,364.05....... 625 4.83 69 348 1,023 1,237 irdsanlo...................... 18978 148...... 2,10.........3. 2801 47 41 Bol ivar...................... 31,3 5... 4 893 256 2,681 2,341 Ves.al... 0........... 877 onksi............................. 0 6,781,........... 874 167 2,084 14 172 7 6 559 K an lod.............. 34, ~ 7239 10 20.6..1850 2146...... 2245 37 34532 l440 876878 5 g islle............ 8,796678 1...... 1,73 7....... 15 553 153 5 18 160 1,405 Cua e....................... 579 22,750. 40 2,810 93~...... 283 604 21 2 608 118 1,30 1,80 5 arie n............... 13,970(.) 4 0 99...... 8583 103 32 Ged~rnese...... I................ 7,0 7 10 4... 2,29057 28...... 88 68 8 70 6 8 42 11,1970 GN angeroke...........'.2.8,......21,89 153...... 422 320 1,13 62 28 0 1,170 Gryove........................ 19,34001 94735j...... 850 29 514.... 8 34 34 9 1 5 135 4,57 Porteran e....................... 2,532 1 6 156...... 452 1 3 5 173 52 34 9113 8 ndeedoe............................. 4 4,8i10 175..... 1,700 162......270 434 1 233 28 7034 1 7,6 Great Valle4.......I................-.. 9 116...... I 2 942 12 9 644 Rushodal.................... 183,7301 8 6 1193...... 1596129 127.... 33 8 311., 5 752 1,686 u pheio.......................... 41,907 7 8...... 2,105 94... 24 26 14569 72 5 692 651 Welsvill.........................:24,465125 10... 910 598.... 7 26 333/6 585;Wes~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(ot Almdond... 339Q 237039 07.) AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. ALBANY COUNTY —(CONTINUED). PT BUTTER. CHEESE. HORSES. SWINE. SHEEP. CATTLEr?T. HS. ^ ^~~~~~~~~~Gallons of_ TOWNS.' milk sold,l eg Pounds made, Pounds made, 1864. Colts of Colts of Two years g Pigs of Season of Slaughtered Pounds of pork Shorn in Short ^1864. 1864. 1864. 1865. old and 8 1865. 1864 and in 1864. made, 1864. 1864. in1865. e ]g ^1ver, 1865. older. Albany........... 2- 1,175. 4,500........... 1,129 20 71 24 1,111 5,150 19 18 Berne.............. 407 172,364 5,180........ 56 55 932..., 966 401 1,007 196,459 7,988 6,440 Bethlehem....... 393 106,135..........125,114 35 33 1,180o 5 1,765 1,885 1,731 296,013 1,466 1,591 Coeymans......... 125 //67,698 415........ 32 38 716..1,236 1,031 -1,061 198,566 1,361 1,407 Guilderland....... 706 119,522 200 32,250 68 6 66 1,077.... 1,517 1,612 1,595 264,133 2,199 2,445 Knox.............. 339 100,871 440........ 5 1 3 7 624..... 651 348 698 140,605 4,468 4,101 New Scotland..... 229 140,687 40o........ 71 65 1,069.... 1,983- 2,828 2,307 305,495 3,049 3,470 Rensselaerville.... 160 144,276 5,796........ 32 40 820 3 1,345 1,652 1172 200,832 13,134.9,418 Watervliet........ 209 97,393 3,470 303,021 46 59 1,731 29 1, 62' 1,201 2,077 255,066 2,048 1,238 Westerlo.......... 1 16,075 5,222.... 52 50 851.... 1069 378 1080 208,885 3,528 3,415 208,88 5 3,32 33,5435 Total........... 2,746 |1,066,196'20,763 j464,885 443 443 10,129 67 I12,225 11,450 I,9 2,071,204 TO39,360 3,5ALLEGANY COUNTY_(CONTINUED). Alfred............ 83 33,930 157, 247........ 41 45 36 27 206 104 252 55,925 6,089 3,897 Allen............. 84 59,508 2,575......... 28 9 279.... 162 126 193 45,570 9,996 1, 129 Alma............. 50 19,565 820........ 3 5 94.... 46 54 88 23,350 970 986 Almond........... 132 71,906 55,550........ 34 41 96 216 299 293 82,938 10,874 10,085 Amity......... 50,001 15,800 250 36 34 299 300 235 336 255 60,320 4,371 3,100 Andbver.......... 167 82,090 20,400....... 24 15 270 4 144 136 203 46,958 9,663 11,408 Angelica........... 72 43,725' 200........ 41 38 375 2 211 164 268 64,586 4,083 4,958 Belfast........... 93 60,070 8,000........'27. 19 384 7 187 232 282 69,565 4,709 5,4 18 Birdsall........... 70 43,960 200........ 42 20 221.... -151 113 165 34,835 5,401 6,317 Bolivar........... 130 43,675 1,220........ 29 14 178. 94 96 176 44,611 3,366 3,222 Burns............ 14 35,744 800........ 34 57 295 202 195 191 37,509 7,286 6,103 Caneadea... 161 38,293 10,000 37 15 350 2 269 185 292 7.0,616 3,413 3,561 Centrevill........ 125 93,425 186,905........ 6 26 129 152 291 70,607 3,719 3,451 Clarksville........ 95 42,370 3,780........ 23 20 241.... 91 91 153 38,952 3,928 4,616 Cuba............. 143 58,475 67,100........ 43 29 399 13 202 154 202 54,382 7,165 8,785 Friendship........ 100 60,340 13,000........ 38 32 254 239 229 58,986 8,809 10,008 Genesee........... 102 39,794 7,140........ 28 19 93.... 78 67 154 41,292' 2,765 2,954 Granger.......... 81 59,405 1,070........ 20 9 298 4 112 143 219 50,789 5,848 6,71.0 Grove............ 83 50,230 630........ 48 31 5 47 440 3,238 3,509 Hume............ 139 92,660 50,025........ 51 24 514 12 217 497 417 107,196 7,203 8,094 independence..... 14 56,500 64,200........ 49 38 324 3 114 137 224 56,543 4,674 5,376 New Hudson....... 280 63,705 121,200......... 42 42 396 7 200 156 280 69,383 5,949 6,686 Rushford.......... 172 70,470 23,630........ 39 28 417.... 189 196 380 94,555 2,957 2,860 Scio............ 84 53,910 -10,220........ 22 26 281 2 203 114 248 55,447 3,767 4,301 Ward............ 89 62,170 149,629........ 26 36 248.... 161 142 207 43,176 3,061 3,665 Wellsville...., 367 46,305 1,600 20.... 0 2 253 15 215 189 247 42,390 1,248 1,638 West Almond... 110. 91,417 39,620........ 26 36 262 6 1.53 258 2471 56,047 6,229 6,406 Willing........... 66 48,000 950........ 40 36 74 6 203 245 207 49,126 2,726 3,208 Wirt............. II 84,133 42,237........ 27 20 334 243 389 267 72,811. 7,398 7,393. Total........... 1 ^,282 — 1,655,776 1l,325,748 250 964 805 8,437 1417 5,058 5,318 6,842 1,645,905 150,955 1159844 BROOME COUNTY —(CONTINUED). Barker......l171 |'I5 5, 519| 500........ 391 32 37812 376 382] 502 99,606.2,824 2, 641 Binghamton 1,193 76,352 67,656 39,325 17 14 554 26 463 288 741 102,579 1,659 1,746 Chenango......... 221 151,030.......... 1,350 2 512 131,582 2,050 2,229 Colesvi......... 309 278,215 10,367........ 66 52 794 22 472,045 264,565 5,508 5,843 Conklin........... 225 51,413............... 16 16 183... 237 164, 288 58,317 1,18 1,2 Kirkwood.......... 136,124053 1200...... 788 Lisle............. 142 169,080 13,420......... 41 43 443 3 279 228 360 90,001 -2,885. 2,823 Maine........I.... 147. 138,327 2,005......... 49 40 447 9 296 266'471 113,971 2,470 2,711 Nanticoke.......... 139 92,168................... 40 17 193 24 226 133 246 55,566 1,355 1,224 Port Crane........ 147 909, 509 480........ 21 9 34.. 294 244 31 81,512 1,936 2,080 Somford.......... 239 1212,547 1,1615 710 50 58 535 9 639 9.96 628 128,911 3,390 3,512 Triangle.......... 17~ ~~~026,8 1,7 4.. 66 4 41 510 38 396. 55 127,5822 3,064 2,829 Vestl........ 126 90,90 1,76........ 43 0 1 6 1 8 1,8,8,7 Conkdinr........... 285 197,95 1,4192 6.... 4 39 0 12 638 39 709 158,3217 4,140 5,135 Kirkwood......... 894I 14,425 22,5'1100'11];t.......34 1 87 10 28/ 196 02,04 5,070 2,297854 Lsleor............ 1217 2,60 35,080 l 3 420I'........ 48 45 4867 12 420 85 485 10,001.,4885 3,444 Mair tne........ 9 2,5........... 29 3 640 95 2, 2 47 50 Cold Spring.... 5117,13 438..... 3 217t...21 6 005 2341 94!23 Conewango........ 171 122,939 65,83..... 4380 3 2 896 2 63 312 3, 71 4., 510 2,71 7 Daytioke.......... 193 592,165 1181... ["......25 43 1937 4 2426 / 334 4 5,499 1,5355 1,8654 EatOt.......'"4 6,58 50158 1,0 34 0 4...... 163 19 28 81,646 9,386 1,066 Pliort Crane....... 1470 9,5,66 5,09.... 5 0..,~... 5 18 295 65,58 2,28 2,5 SFanfrdesvl......... 3 }1 2579 93,15 5 14,0 5;... 8 35.... 14 195 242 86,918 4,604 4,512 Trianglvile.........9 970]26,6850]11,67900.....:'..11 35 451 4.. 16 71 389 285 74,821 5,0'85 2,842 Unieon..... 6 1275 0,9......... 3 0 48.... 24 103368,2 267,6 Great alley..... 190 6,8252 14,8100..:...... 3 2 23 2 12 19t35 5,6,5,3 Venstal........... 1262 719,8905 1,745..,...... 41 92 0 41 33 3 606 31 1 77,96 4,402,,83 4,791 Humhre...... 2573 69,050 10,2650........ 26 4 9 39 1507 12 0 72632278240 TotM.a........... 76 740 030.... 2 2 22 6 18 32 23 5,9 376356 ~~~~~~ConTTARAed CUT -Con page 288. AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. 281 ALBANY COUNTY-(CONTINUED). SHEEP. POULTRY. I.~ DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES, 1864. ~~~~~~.______ ________________. ~% _______________:__ TOWNS. /t a of Larnd Larnbs Pounds of Pounds of Sheep.Number Value owned. Value sold, Value of es Yards Yards- Yards Y raise d in i nwool shor' woolshorn s'augh-killed by 1865. 1864. sold, 1864. of fulletd of flannel. of linen. cot on and ai~~~~~~~~shmh ked byr 1865ot.' 1S64.. 1865. in 1864. ill 1865. tered in dog-sin -.'' ]'. 1864. 1864...c. s Albany:............ 29 37 50 98 2,922.....'4,1740 —0 74,07400 $71 00.......... -'............. Berne....:.. 4,344 4,388 33,509-Y 28,112 6,021 48. 4,732 00; 3,379 75. 4,832 25! 8676 9 1,262 3,088 334 Bethlehem.......... 1,2111 1,395 o6,553' 6,946'. 279 47 6,55650 8,12940 5,030120 2,631 00' 222 455 395 67 "~~~"'I1,2111 3~a,5~ 6,9463i. 279~ 47~ 35 Betoeeym n s..... I 0 39 6~ 1 55,8729~ 406 5030 167 Coeymans.......... 1,000 1,255 5,297i 5,8581 2,041 5! 4,207 38i 2,399 25 3,59367 1,905 36J 5151 686 661 186 Guilderland...... 1 1 8,14491 8,97412/ 1,302 15 6,300 00 2,594 50| 3,330 00 1,519 50, 703 870 375 149t Knox............... 2, 485; 2,809 19,674 18,311 2,663 1 3,952 00' 2,525 00. 3.737 00! 5-00 482 478 866 39 New Scotlan....... t, 983 2 638, 12,265;2'13,600 302 22' 7,101 00 3,275 00 6,185 00 2,024 00, 1,06,,1,6185 834 20 Rensselaerville...J 5,147i 5,435 58,215 43,173 5,002 30' 3,218 00 2,215 00 269 95 354 50 216 454 1,593 45 Watervliet......... 042 771 8,137 4,774 63 171 7,856 00; 2,778 00 4,750 64; 11,330 00' 124 62....... Westerlo:.......... 2,054'i 2,329 14,429i] 13,75731...... 19 4,369 501 2,64650 3,157-90 1,39900 3363 693 1,334 40 Total........... 21, 07223,055|166,275|1143,605`21,167 20452,466 98 54,406-4-0 3-7387 1-6 2184-4 81i 4;-5-; ALLEGANY COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Alfred............. 2,496[ 2,4011 25,263 \ 9,788 | 125 l! 382 00 408 00 79 00.......... 239 [746 481 110 Allen;........... 3,4541 4,0601 43,239 J47,185 132! 20 60300 374 00 501 1 Alma.............. 467 429 3,379 3,122J 691i 3| 43800 6750 3350. 7'00 155 589... 38 Almond............ 3,066i 3,695 41,645 40,254 90~ 20 1,19353 55475 383 20 396 90 445 792 445....... Amity............. 1,547 2,039 18,970 14,244 651 14 79725 36360 297 501 105 001 80 718 329 115 Andover........... 3,3084,080 38,679 4.7,988 06'"4I 60825 19590 15300 62 50 77 539 7 70 Angelica........... 2,50082447 14,607 16,926 207 4l| 02650 647-31 53875 433 75 641 1,796 457 198 Belftst............ 1,847 2,125 18,463 21,062 14 271 722 25 529 93 4506 24,50 107 954z 817 28 Birdsall........... 17,9621 2,104 22,387 26,041J 161 31i 173-'00 297 00 6.... 920- 522i 254 9 Bolivar............ 1,370 1,505 12,744 11,602 10 151 1,802 50 8341 1,326 253 38 Burns............. 2,574 2,207 29,962 22,299 8 1 688 00 102 00 147 00.......... 22 52 20....... Caneadea.......... 1,271 1,376 13,125 13,1191 243 44 71975 2588 50 331 744 115 Centreville......... 1,410 1,531 15,926 14,398 187...... 56900 414 00 769 00..... 33- 730 661 40 Clarksville......... 1,572 1,951 15,040 17,002 119 7 34200 13800 16000 299 1,566 633 173 Cuba............... 2,7513,17231,635 25,593 151 4 666 50 29400 38550' 13030 9 2691 280 87 Friendship........ 3,687 3,604 41,719 39,179 104 6 125 00 228.00 174001 12 00 64 416 822....... Genesee.......... 1,358 1,479 10,102 10,270 109....... 529 75 180 25 25550 139 25 79 633n 339. 244 Granger........... 2,109, 2,344 24,259 26,635 96'281 716 00 279 00 22200 99 00 178 J 511 550 127'Grove............ 1,29511,231 12,747 137116 108 3 609 00 251 00 283 35.......... 413 663-1 557 75 Hume............. 2,555 2,988 31,273 34,955' 85J 251' 1,023 00 481 00 990 00" 241'50( 100 605 1,019 10 Independence....... 1,969 2,113 17,146 197686 113 7| 683 50 293 10 40 50 190 75 281J 997 755 42 New Hudson....... 2,358 2,443 24,109 25, 141 248 12 79500 479 00 391 00 103 00 40 551 1,134 63 Rushford.......... 1,150 1,2061,647 11,289 38 51 526 00 260 80 196 75 129 469 261 56 Scio..........I.... 1,514 1,681 14,493 15,516 243 30, 833 00 419 50 221 00 165'50 147 1,169 608 35 Ward.............. 1,492 1,829 11,748 12,783 -155 9 60000 46200 113 00/ 39 50 691 1,041 285 248 Welsvile..........;JIl ~ Wellsville.......... 637 847 4,7131 6,2671: 394 1 443 00 0 3050 76 435J 85 West Almond...... 2,321 2,508 26,314 26,198 93 8; 94700 545-00 468 00.......... 64 959 700....... Willing.... 1,407.1,494 8,.950 101.91 2 11 348 00 265 00 22950 3400 354'l,3901 568 84 Wirt.............. 2,'845 2,92428,747 27,034 155 3 8,33500 42625 59225 79 25 4351 1,881 1,147 53 Total........ 57,80063,813613-,0311608,884| 4,280 399- 25,961 03 9,757 74 8,484 0 4,121 70 5,4841!23,56714,010, 1,958 BROOME COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Barker.. -....... 1,8561 1,884 9,342 9 10,438 121J 25i 1,17800 1,500 00| 1,389 00' 114 00' 329 877 540 63 Binghamton........ 1,085 1,204 5,3721 5,6125J 188 136j 2,32375 1,20250 2,237501 3,36900 523 903 724s 25T Ohenango......... 1,436 1,577 7J'54 7,5.86 191 7 1,20 96 015800..... 4-82- 1,085 682....... — Cheano..........227,3123 76: 95~ 0 1,2 0 508,3 500 olesville.......... 3,580 3,523 18,7751. 18,3191 535 43/ 2,414 74 1,526 11 1,787 701 1,275 80' 7735 2,698 1,9375 203 Conklin............ 668 797 4,163 3,433 397[ 20700- 285 00 118 00, 440 00I....... 237 36....... Kirkwood......... 1,768J 4662 10,-207n 9,907 41 1,43825' 1,02000 78900/ 75950; 227 484 41811 32 Lisle............... 1,564.1 1,6971 9,553 9,533 104~ 28;.820 00 51400 830 00.......... 4185 1,0451 345 80i Maine... 9,27'20C 02454 5225, 981 Maine....... 1,631 1,952 7,60211 9,171J 2002055 1,77540 2,485 43 52925 98152,453 1,7925 114 Nanticoke........... 842 836 4,73( 4,370 168 6: 1,237 00 587 68 900 50/....... 313 688 525 83 Port~rane.........,238 1,320 6,4-51 61,5862 156 29; 1;36100 1,393 75 944 50, 2200 564,318 1,259 76 Sanfrd......... 2,69 2222 0,99 10832 294 4|2,00 827 00j 954'001.131 00j 952 3,139~ 1,305| 108 T'riangle...'........ 1,544J 1,93~/ 10,503[ 9,49611 133/ 8; 1,059 75 795 99J 1,073 82: 411 40', 406}J 1,0054J 265J 76 Union............. 1,528t 1,564J 7,498 J7,271J 87j 43 2,372.00 2,440 00J 2,533 00J 144 00t 353J 890 J937J 59 Pestrane........... 1,278 1,548 7,317 8,504J 131 9; 1,61800 1,48800,505003' 7700 8171 8,005 2,049 109 Windsor...........2,526 2,979 14,323 1 16,9251 3951 40 1,46300 56850d 89500 573 0018 2,447 [ 1,130 25 Total............ 24,61326,69 8134,541-l, —8,0 3'5224 485 7,845 95!1 8,325A'21,2741t13,946 _,285, CATTARAUGUS COUNTY —(CoNTINUED). Allegany........... 6401 625J 6,681] 4,8-9 693}320 165 230| 60 4|38 12... Ashford........ 1,833/ 1,918/ 13,689 12146/ 187 1'1480 6201090 37| 56269 4 2 Carrolton..........J 178t 252j l,578i 1687J 2 2 333 00 33 001 73 501 2 00/ 49 339J 6 182' Cold Spring....,...J 445/ 4821 3,001 4,048J 50 58 257 50 36 451 66 00/..........I 5373 412'15 40 Coneango.......1,021,36 8,73 1,094/ 12,I910 450 600...... 9 8 0 0 Ellcotvile......1,45,3637903 8,56 10 26: 4750395 55 80 180,6i 328 305 Coeango vll........ 1743,21,5 578 5 0 027 537 408 00...........65135 46 7 Daytdon............ 1,267 9,4018 10,502 9379,41562/66 7 0..... 124111/0 0 Great Valey...... 1,22i 1,323 10,161 9,.1 38 18 7600 500 4600370.105148248 4 Humphrey......... 1,115| 1,354' 7,1235- 7,55~~~915 23 7977 4905367.,......... 5 1,95 30 64 lgsthutto...........|,46|,4l|/ 7 349.,80,12951 1,28 3 67 0 5610 37 7 10 31,7 0.......,.. 1591,237 66 172 (Continued~ ~ ~ ~ ~I on7 pa,4289. 1,4251:,363 7,90 282 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. CATTARAUGUS COUNTY-(CONTINUED). ACRES. CASH VALUE. ACRES PLOWED. Fj^!}N^^ GRASS LANDS. Acres in pasture. Meadow. TOWNS. ] Improved. Unimprov- Of farms. Of stock. Of tools and, 1S64. 1865. 1864. 1865. 1865. ed. 1865. 1865. 1865. lnimplements[ 1865. 1864. 1865. Acres. Acres. 1864. 1865. Leon.................. 13,9551[ 8,7301! $656,376 $134,155 25,103 1,9124 2,030||............ 7,5901 7,6251 4,177s 4,1945 Little alley.......... 7, 298'11,397s 363,853 48,268 8,397 665. 746.. 4,308 4,274 2.191 2,220 9. 4 ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~..........0.,24 2 ll Lyndon.............. 12,9621 7,560 409,449 87,611 27,731 1,90s 2,002........... 6,377 6.453 4,479 4,419 Machias.............. 12,72911 7,331 383,855 83,020 14,994 1,7611 1,954.s 122 43 6,357 6,587 4,458 4,178 Manifield............../15,623 10,962 l 534,053 115,950 17,378 1,544d 1,708............ 7,067 7,136 4,196 4,258 Napoli................ 12,333 9,3661 511,163 102,309 13,,87 7 1,517 1,638........ 6,642s- 6,420 3,834s1 3,968~ New Albion........... 13,9281 8,651 588,849 122,891 19,100 1,790 1,916il............ 7,286 7,549 4,302 4,177 Olean................ 3,256 10,094 332,775 34,025 6,475 5[ 555~1 529....... 40 1,229 1,256 1,162 1,106o Otto................. 12,309 6,232 526,574 111,145 24,155 1,2421 1,351'............. 7,670. 7,592. 3,425- 3,385 Perrysburgh.......... 13,1892, 3,964 706,630 143,429 25,715 1,780 1,9055 1 s 4 7,912 8,005[ 3,305 3,356 Persia................ 6,737 4,676 403,499 66,274-: 13,732 9491 1,065s!............1. 3,433 3,452s1 1,791 1,795 Portville...........-... 4,788 29,7'70 406,862 48,167 21,334 7821I 814.} 26 17 1,490 1,554 2,2001.1 2,1371 Randolph.............. 9,011 13, 549,238 79,926 17,898 1,3821j 1,417;[ 34 5 3,9551 3,859 2,949 3,035...I 9,011 j 13,694~iI 549,238~~~~~~~~~~~~~2 Salamanca............ 1,591 24,362' 167,582 16,704 4,673. 172 208 12 152 595 576sI 812s 820 South Valley.......... 2,69 14 36,5871 326,480 31,366 6,935 406s 3931; 12 17 680 I 724 1,286s 1,328 Yorkshire............ 13,507s 8,859 508,*10 110,332 21,918 2,2854 2,2111 312 29 5,9482 6,242- 4,0424 4,016! t.749-386,1725- 14,247,927 12,683,220 558,302 41,6864 43,623I 374 419 156, 908134l,708 Toa.............. 32 a1 -5;31 6, 640" 13,2 10 88 - CAYUGA COUNTY. Auburn.............. 5,058 638.523,258 57,247 16,774 1 1,669. 1,627 j 104 153 1,1041 1,241 931:! 1,0.3I Aurelius.............. 14,513 12,374 1,287,989 133,756 39,801 1 3,750 4,107 350 523 2,743 2,913 2,3631 2,,7-0 Brutus............... 10,451 1,905 910,181 118,111 46,319 | 3,846 4,152 74 162. 2,502 2,548 1,9085' 1,979s Cato................. 15,158 4,544 1,292,541 147,114 39,267 5,975 5,551 50 68 3,680 3,77 8 2,531 2,4600 Conquest............. 13,386 7,143 1,049,120, 1]28,073 24,959 4,113 4,129 60 46 5,740 5,566 2,528[ 2, 500s Fleming.............. 11,489 1,446 951,410 98,490 31,515 3 3/332 3,622 184 139 2,418 2,513 2,250 2,318 Genoa................ 19,983. 4,340,1 582,790O 216,054 46,668 5,951 5,854 144 82 6,705 6,425 4,543 4,698s Ira.................. 17,003 4,799 1,319,886 241,113 82,709 4,956 4,897 725s 824st 5,,160 5,032s/ 3,1161/ 3,2781 Ledyard.............. 16,471. 3,971 1,302,050 147,320 42,978 5,800 5,925 275 396 4,494 4,699 3,659 4,064 Locke................ 11,636 2,879 455,523 100,007 18,390 2,237 2,355 277 181 Sl 5,225 5,333 3 3,307! 3,417 Mentz................ 7,812 1,460 62[,903 70,717 22,920 2,601 2,583 37 242 2,628 2,714 1,717 1,831 Montezuma............ 7,307 2,559 575,518 64,635 18,211 2,635 2,235 / 59? 104 2,617 2,598 1,615 1,646' Moravia.............. 13,129, 4,495 821,400 134,131 26,056 2,705 2,846:,/ 106I 20 5,040 4,961 3,459 3,388 Niles................. 18,788 4,804 1,136,875 204,459 44,585 4,766 4,902-] 1 392] 264 5,660 5,796 4,297' 4,489 Owasco............... 9,647 2,198 985,300 94,291 17,491 2,608 2,628 65 107- 2,430 2,438 2,2961 2,336 Scipio................. 19,759i1 4,204J 1,400,0250 217,348 55,423 5,717 6,393 631 6831 4,772 4,691 3,905.1 3,840s. Sempronius........... 10,874 5,205 I581,090 123,301 21,790 1,829 1,960 2{...... 5;480 5,551 3,8601 3,880s Sennett..............15,640 2,840 1,007,170 122,035 33,980 5,029 4,424I 94/.144 4,362 4,398 3,442 3,523 Springport............ 11,217 1,758 1,005,457 133,551 29,571 4,743 4,220 { 241 358 2,380 2,358 1,6831 1,8649 Sterling.............. 17,381 7,856 1,050,568 187,727 53,743 1 5,499 5,807 86A 11s 6,047 6,177 3,481 3,535 Sum er Hillt........... 11,433 4,183 507,127 132,331 22,418'1,394 1,408............. 7,544 7,669 3,739 3,784 Throop............... 9,384 1,721 667,205 106,153 23,324 2,594 2,694 1,086 1,042 2,598 2,712 2,143 2,021 Venice............... 20,982 4,745 1,303,905 192:,000 45,735 5,921 6,145t 26 40 9,544 9,153 4,911 4,986 Victory.............. 14,603. 5,891 932,110 134,825 57,290 4,626 4,531 120 173 4,002 4,2733 2,915 2,944 Total............... 323,1041 97,958 23,287,842 3304'789 g61,917 94,296 94,886 J5,220 J5,767 104,875s,P5537s171,664J _x CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. Arkwright..... 12,522 7,001 617,362 125,711 26,424 1,284 1,328|!|............ 7,319s 7,340s 3,929 3,966 Busti................. 20,908 9,095s! 1,325,750 199,501 54,038 2,1454' 2,426i 5s 251 11,781 11,930 6,089s 6,343M Carroll................ 7,2221 10,0461/ 499,348 83,192 16,650 1,275 1,250...... 1 3,2381 3,259 2,788s 2,797 "1, m011 ~-~ ~'~, ~- m g ~'),' 1!' } 1 i 1' ~ 2 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4 1 ~ Charlotte.............15,297i 7,77 2s1 772,842 146,100 29,479 1,350 1,525.a'............. 8,061s 8,229s- 4,7424/ 4,907~ Chautauqua........... 27,0474.}13,211 1,452,147 259,084 47,844 2,638 2,805a 13s 24 16,6144 16,2394 8,037! 8,124 Cherry Creek......... 11,305s 10,800 1 566,630 113,535 16,765 1,245s/ 1,297,s/............ 6,511si 6,487,1 3,943 4,010s Clymer.......12,209 8,798 526,584 103,890 22,019 1,3471 1,334 4 45[ 45 7,641s 7,506j 3,9121 3,991 ~' g,-1. " 9/ " * -- ~', I F.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9 1, S' 7 1 Dunkirk............. 5,54731 1,066 678,845 29,734 9,073 679 747...... 54 1,877s 6 1,8s 1,524s 1,597 _ Ellery................ 21,0181i 8,1431i 1,374,146 198,242 5.2,591 3,020 3,23511 80 27 10,597s 10,687 6,206s 6,353s'"-/......... 10,4751 9,126s1,242,65 16,693 35,168 I1,9831[ 2,089 I77s 72 *5,285~1 5,3476 3,820, 3,9.471 ~Etlington............../13,1631 8,5431 700,506 141,611 38,.1301 1,540/ 1,548 )......!......I 6,480/ 6,89~1 4,831/ 5,033 French Creek........../ 8,6776i 8,0381 724,261 70,847 9,8-751 8744/ 859;is.....I.......I 4,2061 4,233 2,825[ 2,855 Gerry....,............/13,522} 7,687 1 715,766 131,313. 24,526 I[ 1,528s~ 1,639,1......}......I 7,852s! 7,903 4,116~ 4,040 Hanover............... 20,7566a 7,704i1 1,258,487 196,860'39,651 tl2,6241 3,125sI 4[ 3 110,665 10,856s1 6,586s1 6,695 }Harmony...............~ 28,153st 17,778 tl1,591,784 265,759 72,240 II 3,166~1 3,256~1| 33. 41,116,291 /16,067 8,9561I 9?254 Klantone....~.......... 6,362J 4,553 II 382,626 62,241 10,651 771 86...,0,0 s,3s 208 Mina~~~........... 12,144sl 8,66641 375,197 113,177 23,3491 1,310s1 1,398s!............I 7,129{ 6,759s 3,633sI 3,767s Poland...............{ 9,659 11,8421i[ 558,745 97,656 I799 1,301,47~l 23 4 ]l4,8s454 5,094! 3,1841 3,4411 Pomfi'et....~........'. 18,388/.6,5051 1,417,417 157,458 43,277 II 2,2341i 2,358 f} 9 t 111 9,389 9,402 5,8B82/ 5,908 Portland.........~....] 14,694/ 3,894s1 951,922 143,642 29,799 ii 1,928 I-1,878 [I 372 [......[ 7,818si 7,494s 4,7'64 ] 4,966t Ripley.......'........ 16,101I 9,127'[ 1,305,940 172,607 36,719 [] 2,4501 2,521 I]..... [....... 7,140 7,269 5,273 } 5,319 Sheridan.............. 15,627s1 5,331/ 1,052,870 131,740 30,740{ 2,4341/ 2,33611 5' 3'] 7,406 7,552s 4,712s/ 4,9115 Sherman........,..... 14,271/ 7,921,1 642,560 116,177 28,9981 1,164l 1,279.s1........... 8,542 8,415 4,147J 4,266 Stockton.............I 16,130!1 10.24~'1t 1,0.33,408 167,522 27,680 ]1 1,2221 l1,503j! 2,s......A 8,478! 8,9421 4,613} 5,1051 Villenova.............I 13,56541 6,734s[ 836,667 149,851132,426] 1,649!| 1,7421' 2sJ......] 8,2684 8,2581 4,4081/ 4,3751 W estaddd........ 15,654-[ 7,276-] 1,101,021 165,411 {31,3221[ 1,7941 2,:t93 ][ 7......[ 7,388 7,641 4,406i{ 5,1831 Total..................3 —0,413{]2i6,90312-3,708,476 |3,6-59,5 —4'8 —7,4- ||44,9744 4-7,7 —1' 6-3j31-0s1204,_231j'2Q5^71_ 1 —9,2701i123,209 CHEMUNG COUNTY. ~Baldwin.............. 7,792] 5,233 I 323,900 59,962 14,370 1,794, 1,731U! 20i 8 3,090 3,0,81 2,3621 2,,352 C aBin- lt............ 1,957,0,6,25 1486 3,4 5,454,98 51,276 4,808 3,852 278 3,3278 Catin............ 13,561s{ 9,6421' 499,235 99,720 21,50 4,080/ 4,3491/9 8 546 4,6 2,1 Chemno-..........13,9301!10,179 763,310 99,245 26,86 3,169s} 3,268|r 50 27 4,778 4,800 3,412sJ 3,825i Elmir.............8,737 5,222 {{631,925 84,473 18,839 2,279 I2,489 } 24 27 3,490 3,519 2,379 /2,423 (C~rntim,~d ~n pag-e 290.) AGRICULTURAL cTATISTICS. 283 CATTARAUGUS COUNTY-(CONTINUED). GRASS LANDS. SPRING WHEAT, WINTER WHEAT. OATS. WINTER RYE, Meadow. Acres sown. Acres sown. Acres sown. Acres sown. TOWNS.. Bt hcls t Bushels Bushels Bushels harvested. harvested. harvested. Tons of Bushels of 1864. 1865. 1864. 1863. 186 4.- 18 1864. 1865. 1864. 1863. 1864. hay. grass seed. 1864..1864. Leon................. 4,214 751 139^ 971 869| 9 853 9 0,565................ Little Valley.......... 2,1003 11 12 i! 5 39........................ 307' 340s 7,404 1........ Lyndon............... 3,027 141 174-1 137' 723'........ 2 20- I.........1,212,1974 9,091 2 5 Machias............... 2,564......". 208 k 137 1,349 1................ 994A l,048' 16,782 3 2 Mansfield... i......... 3,6711 163 97i 79 605........................ 808 9025.} 17,166.4....... Napoli............... 3,503.- 602 7.7.21'61 491 7......... 107 85814 9371! 21,707 21 4 New. Albion........... 3,970 26 154 1241 1,0531 12,1 88 9961 1, 1034| 23,504.............. Olean................. 1,071........ 2........ 19 22 541 241 197 194-l 3,693 27 444 Otto................... 3,729 29 1561 104I 9661 4 9 30 653 832 1 15,708............... Perrysburgh.......... 3,264I 47:' 164 166~ 636 ~20s 1581 1,90'3 6521 7091 9,759 5. Persia............... 2,168................. Portville.............. 1,9463 1 I 101 61 ~ 52 191 442 165 3741 2761 6,963 20 1.8 Randolph l........... 12'Salamanca............ 594......... 1 31 13........................ 85 81~ 1,444................ South Valley.......... l;110s 61 7 1 42 165 16I 151 172 167 4,035 204 1~~~~~~~~~~ 4 2 i{ 4~ 6IllII1 2 1/ 4,05I 2~9 Yorkshire............. 3,1035 21 289 158 1,5795 5 14 75 1,011 1,012 13,337 344 16 Total....... 87,744 I 620!j 3,422 2,608i 18,0491 386}i' 5351 4:781il 20,593i 2-2,203-3,033 332- 2901CAYUGA COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Auburn............... 1,123 9........ 4 748 792 10,096 461 460 10,01 4 2 Aurelius............... 2,449 322................ 2,0105- 2,182/ 29,552 1,045 1,062 25.503........ 2k Brutus............... 2,155 52 8 28 49 1,0925 1,318 i 20,503 1,0505 1,053 23,158 5 25 Cato................. 2,931.} 8 2 11 12 2,007i 2,130' 40,782 1,588s1 1,3551 27,443 9...... -onquest............ 42,950 31/ 2 3 3 [ 1,405 1,699 25,612 1,829 1,705. 34,334 211 65 Fleming............... 1,885 41 1 5 13 1,308 1,141 15,132 926 943 23,080 5 5 Genoa..................4, 97351 186 211 2 195 1,524i1 1730 293,749 l,795i 1,8181 48,497................. Ira..........3,451 861 51I 181 36s, 1,3161 1,479-124,500 1,402 1,93605 19,915 401 42 Ledyard........... 3,30 27 10 52 949 1,474 1, 1466 22,258 1,391 1, 610 33,293................ Locke................ 3,203s91 22 36 2241 235s 2291 330| 3,414 *1,0761 1,036^- 18,970 17s 4 Mentz........... 2,080 6 14 13a 232 8241 962 14,81 919 952 21,902 Montezuma.............1,457........ 17 181 310 1,090' 1,029|3 18,150 687-1 697s 1-6,818 4 Moravia................ 4,702 121s 13 9.1 101 449 544. 6,609 1,176 1,3' 16 Niles................. 4,727 911 22 19I 198 1,575 1,5197 22,711 1,721 1,885 38,9552............... Owasco............... 2,046s9 26 I s 5 11 886 923 11,637 995 987 25,487................ Scipio................ 4,054s- 81 28 2 275 2,093, l9-76' 271,139 1,797 1,9501 471,921................ Sempronius........... 4,2604 14 201 141 188 241' 43 362 76 1,020 24,032................ Sennet............ 3,526 26 1 2 2 1 1,359 1,4 927 1,577 1,5310 33,944 0 6 3 ~............. 7 3 Spring-port............. 2,046 105........................ 2,372 2,378 34,206 690 795 20,592................ Sterling............... 3,849. 2515 9 9- 681" 516s1 CO 386 7899s 5,527 1,973 1,9885 19,244 290 164| Summer Hill........... 3,685 8 71,. 221 8................ Throop............... 2,111 147................... 1.103 1,041 18,556 1,079q 1,062 36,764 12........ Venice................. 4,822 116 48 7 424 1,0047 1,10639 11,69 2 1, 522 42,087 15 44 Victory............... 3,086. 52 10 9. 68 1,011 1,437 17057 1.897 2,068 29,292 30 86 Total............... 74,8830 1,80416I 459[ 285s 3, ~801 7300 229,532 4 82 559. 30,484, 317 19 66695621,50902 2 CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Arkwright............ 3,8181 6| 1731 461 469 0 1 38 23........ 512 5681 12416,1 4 Busti.............. 5,743 221s 139 4911 5 449 544 1 266 894 1,1101 15,869........ Carroll............... 8,085 8 565k 43s 81 55 420 485s 11,016 13 19 Charlotte.........'...... 101 16,072............... Ohautauqua.......3.....:6 40 1984 796 7265 40 68 547 1,15; 19719,4879 29,280........... Cherry Creek......... 4,468 717 1497 Ills 1,9472 | 7s I 74 434s 554 13,687................ Clymer................ 2,845| 10 92i 50i 350s 81 2 10 620 691x' 9,759- 111 19i Sempron~~~~~~~~~~~48.ius1........ Dunkirk.............. 1,521' 30 47s 26s- 255 16, 49 455'2045- 22 0s1 3,846............ Ellery.............. 7,195 113s 2051 211 1,1605;... 322s2 556 5,024 1,2071 1,690| 371,045........I........ Sennectt...............5 6 26,551 44 23 1 0 443 1,359 1,710 20,352 766 91,77-^2,6 1,51' 8394 Springpot, 4 1 0 }......../... 4,3 2s 5 1........I........I2,7| 2, 8/3,06 I 6908 7 851 20,162............ Stnoerln............ 2,2649[ 25~9| 153 104 5625 4386 78011 5,5743 1,9731} 1,2488 19,90 24..... Harmony............. 8,994 40 2234 831 1143 A I 311 33 1, 1,78 1 32 Sum mer Hi ll.......A 8 1 1 )I I A........ Portand.......... 5099 * 9 14| 8s 72s 57 322. { 4,0:6 7603 67112,0879.......... Sheroopan.............. 4,3021 104 015 53 9| 481598 78 7601531........... Sherman~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~I.......'1.....'" 3,1.13..... 1,041, 51856 1,739.... 5s/.. 621,6 72361,534 1........... le e kfcn........ 531 1 3ice^ 6 1 s 6| 0 4 6 67 1,5................ Villenova............ 4,48 s 20 12U 371 91........ 6'........ 677 7914 16,586.............. Westfield............. 3;757s- ~1,76 749697393 1,39290 2,577 70 22i42,8,75 61.... Totl............ 120,960 88|2,24 10,588 168,9011.1 251|!,438/ 36,57985} 18,973 21,508 43,891 3 0 816 59 CHAMUTAQU COUNT~-(CoNTINuED). Baldwin~~~ ~~~.......... 1,8 5s 71 9| 52 9s 15 92 71 95s,04 0 0 Arwighlts..........233 1 9s 11 68 85 79 678 232 2,8 4,54 24 22 CBu tin................,6 5 3 2,6 3 1,9,7,7 29 23 9 Cheun..........1 3,654 31 22 39t 52/ 5320 444 444 35126609 1,103 1,2752,898 135 273: Emr................224 4 45 8 39 29 32 209 87| 43|103 74 83 67nine 90n pae29. 284 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. CATTARAUGUS COUNTY-(CONTINUED). RYE. BARLEY. BUCKWHEAT. INDIAN CORN. P OTA-RI'E. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TOES, Acres sown. Acres sown. For the grain. For fodder. Acres TOWNS. planted, Bushels ~ Bushels Bushels harvested. harvested. harvested. Acres planted. Bushels Acres sown. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1864. 1864. 1865.. 1864. harvested. *1S64., 1 1864. 1864.' 1865. 1864'. 1865. Leon........................... 923 1244| 1,794 4 27 7 24 473 5051 15,274 - 48- 47-' 1341 Little Valley.............. 18 3 47 31 7 526 122 34 2,255 121 5l 851 Lyndon.................. 1 581 494 335 83 963 6971| 85| 1101 2,044 13i 14|..132- I Machias.................. 10 68 77' 747 65 924 104 159 2,705 201 231' 128| Mansfield.................. 40 34 50 684 [ 181 8 256 2 2221' 264-1 6,443 10 81 108 Napoli................................ 1 I........ 241 2 253 3315'3741 9,070 / 161 18 1281 New Albion..............":'..' 59 45. o406 331- 12A 256 3571 338 93 29 32 125,t ~ ~~ ~ ~~~4 9 2 Olean.................. 449 13 31 278 50 41 624 541 59 2,131 3 31 39I Otto............................ 34 1 4- 120 1 2111 6,508 811 7 Perrysburgh.............. 45 79 558 370' 434 10,470 29 Persia......................16 23 252 23 266 3101 334 9,752 32! 461 83j Portville.................. 233 12 6 323 691 11 147 1 8 921 Randolph.................. 21 * 361 32 739 211 161 200' 4201 4491 12,870 30 1 I 1031. Salamanca........I......................................... 101.13 68 331 36 988 li 1 1 381 South Valley........ 0...... 156 2........ 3 3941 25 3631 84j- 933 2.2753...... 70i Yorkshire................ 165 514 4941 407 85|1 109 817 349' 40241 9,528 184 1914 1841Total......;............. 3,3851' 1,079-1 1, 297' 13,610 1|l,5603g 1, 15441 -16, 568 1 6, 821||d 7,655 197, 65,71 943 j 584|. _3,530j CAY.UGA COUNTY-(CONTINUEDW). ~~~~~~~47~ 4 0 4,8. 2 Auburnd................... 35S 434 7,275 40 25 586 367 416 9,240 1- 1 551 Aurelius............. 1,7043' 1, 323 22,016 95 IllH 1,239 1,258- 1, 34641 33, 583 128.... 92-g Brutus................ 59,186 50 701~ 6033 2011 1,051 19,999 3 2 1290 Cato................. 105 1,25641 1549 1 21,410 94 63i 1,3 2 3,2 1,818 I1.8921 4' 8...... 147| Conquests................ ~ 37 2 508 569 6, 375 65 64i 966 1,3801- 1,5222 36,631......... 1421 Conmq ces.................. 122. Fleming................... 40 992 1,315 19,709 184 117 3,255 1,072 1,173 27,103........... 82 Genoa........................... 1,136 1 389i24,921 510 429 10,345 1,618 1,912 51,409 8 41 123| Ira....................... 102.1, 0041 1, 2383 16, 501 1123 1683 1, 3213- 1,5125 1, 727 a 35, 599 21 210 Ledyard...................... 1,424 1,673 28,624/ 327 290 6,479 1,502 1,530 38,228 130 151 94g Yorkshire.................... 187 129 *176 2,024 1303 234-1 1,665 5963 652 17,575 21 1 921 Locke~~~~~~............. 18' 2 Mentz...................... I7. 240 3031 5,217 8 213 1,7 642' 671 5,9 135...... 84g 49142:"'ii[ 184 Montezuma............... 545 379 496 7,955 88 97- 689) 637 6741 024...... 78g8.Moravia................. 199 2294 3553 4,908-3 180O 39-3 2,963 6663 790.21,458 11' 9 1063 Niles............................. 1,.24032 1,402 22,183 1291- 1223 1,941 1,1791.1,253-!1 32,447 1 3 9 3 Owasco........................ 46641 642 9,490 1731' 11541 3,222 71532 780 20,847............ 941S Scipio............................ 1,49543 1,941 32,704.2643 243 5,451 1,8883 2,137^ 58,058 57 54 1411Semproniu s......................... 1083 1223- 2,070 118.78.1,5673 3203 3641 8,332 311 25 98| Sennett.................... 60 751 815 13,957 144 92 2,103 1,217 1,214 30,928....... 3 2041 Springport........................ 997 1,150 20,705 911 5413 1,956 1 08531 1,067 33,915 2 11 773 Sterling..................... 2,187 39941 458 3,969 2271 212 2,567-1 1,4981 I-, 7921 41,081 3 1 21 4081 S~ummer.Hill...................... 71 741 -1,308 119 691' 1,7305 23741 2701 7,385 143 Ili 1001 Throop.................... 130 225. 397 5.348 75. 533 1,110 979 994 24,327 7 2 - 1421 Venice................... 146, 973 1,3032 321,698 336 278 6,602 1,510t l,5485 41,945 54 21 127,1 Victory...................... 599 323 323 4,452 221 17 7 1 3, 0330 1,327 1,5971 38,370 1 141 1921 Total................... 4,73.9 16,1763~11 20,079 ~314,0053-j 3,8561' 3,2271' 63,897 126,042 28,378 698,744 388 _96^ 3,156~ CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Arkwright............ 82-1 1441.1,164'| 3| 23] 51 2741 305 8,419 42i 361 1241 3usti.............................. 123 203 1,6`75 433 683I 462 6231 6623 15,694 403 461 2011 Garroll................... 181 ~~~141 151, 309 353 12 480 4991 478 18,605 2 jh...... 741 Carroll............ 8 4 Charlotte......................... 43 7413 1,751 6 21 3145 211 339591 365 13,092 70 63 155. Chautauqua....................... 681 119 I,2 3014 211 3771 8371 8561 26,394 24 403 1961 Cherry Creek........... 3 2 6. 7, I1141/ 5 195 4091 3941 12,381 341 230 103 Clymer................... 9 141 19 148 151 183 200 2721 3081 5,923 251 321 1361 Dunkirk.......................... 851 5715 901 241 1 339 1 21,072 19973 4,171 51 41 703: rv........................ 571 76 o 1,208I 23 293 1,03051 984A 28,525 25 1 2010 Elicott].......... 1053 -1,9 14 12 1345 Ellingio....................... 2 510 47 14 110327 45831,15 48432 15,409/...83...1 1023 Leyrry................... 25 4 76 11 35 2 21 7i 611,57 8 11 88 Haronke.............. 58 1291 3'76 2, 0 124 [105 24.21665 598 5 711 24 17,866 471 56- 9265 Kianton~............. 0 41 31 48 1 1 0 5s 24,93 21 13 5 Mentz......................... 271 323} 5,231 27 8 1 1,177 441 2151 6702 5,290 135...'. 811 Montzuad.............. 12 51 5| 86 7 11 3 401 0117,63 11 5 88 Pomret................... 13792 4968} 7,345 4251. 8 7 4895I 6591 6742 26,333'"81 27..20 Mortavia...................... 179 201 2748 6 75 2 280 5 12 Riple............... 1,405 318 376 5,097 42 1....,16 73 7983 21,646 32,4 4 7 38 Niles a....................... 1 1 19 883 11 34 31 2 1,8 130 4 5 15 Owsckon..... ^............... 48 123 9809 263 461i 542 1,92 283IIl Villenov.........................., 40|.49 491 71 9 7 5201 54 17798889i 101 Westfield............*..... 36. 941 2111 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~2,44 418 36 81 711 1,944- 2| 16 ScTota.......... 63 1,0881 19132,7 0 1264l| 33,41|| 90| 35,45110,81 13,0885 2,137,594!48,608| 642|.647'|53,538 B l in................... 12 19 83,9 3 30 11 568 84081,4 | 65 iemproiats............... 53 43 48 6,5 93,021,3 88 102-2433 4 31 97 8eneti............ 236 150 13'57 1,21 1,441 921,1993 }15,17]1, 2430. 92 8 7,56....... 198 C e us.................. 1,0 101 11:,5 54 7 0078i831 2,4 1 7 3 Sprigprt................... 498 714 1,780 20,234 32 {{9 1 426 4,19564{130al 524 1233691 4 721| 9'"~~~~~~~~~~~~(otne'}.... 225.) AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. 285 CATTARAUGUS COUNTY-(CONTINUED). POTATOES. PEAS. BEANS. TURNIPS. ~FLAX. antedAcres sown. A planted. Acres sown. Acres'sown..TOWNS. p Bushels Bushels Bushels Bushels Busbels harvested. harvested. harvested harvested. of seed. 1865. 1864: 1864. 1865. 1864.' 1865..1864 1864. 1865. 1864. Leon................:16 1 7 12 1 24...... 160 3 3 22 Little Valley....... 94 8,684 6 61 50 I 1 1360 2 4 Lyndon............. 146 162 943: ~981 1,'127 5| 7 1 2...... 8 Machias............ 137 15.560 931[ 9791 1,293 81 7 1 124 2 2 620 2 ~~~~~~~ 4....... 41 511 253........ Mans-field............ 10711 13,802 14|i 11 25... 2 63 3 8.......1.... 2 Napoli 2 85 3i 4 3 54....................... 4 11. [ i 18.... 4974 14/8~1 ~ I00t 117 New Albion.......... 123-e^,17,583 15| 1 267 12|1 3 8 |M.. 7 5 4-1 37 Olean............... 34| 5,920 14k 14 3022|1 1 32 5 | 200.................... Otto................. 7,611 111 14 184 49 100 1 I 8 Perr~~ysburgh.........'1~35 16,2341 31i 241 387 6 A! 71 18 1| I 1 78 21 9 26 8~~~~~~~~~/ 1 -' Persia............. 85| 9,253 13 148 2l 24 140 4 2 19i Portville........... 101| "4,114 12|' 10' 168 4114 55 1| 121. 367 4 4 Randolph............ IO3 10,530 71 44 1 2 2 19 1'' 428 11 7 13 Salamanca........... 52 3,555U I8 15I 13. 9 I I360!...... 1 South Valley........ 64| 6,482k 114 77 11 I 31 31 36...... 68 I..... 1 I / _ 1 I a j!-, /7 Yorkshire............ 1 8 15319,628 793A 68g8 1,025 6i 6 211 ||.532 4i 3 26' Total. 3,733 3,858 1, 022|1 1,0,8S1 14.294 i'l 3 1,0171 2,275'i. 451 28 5855 |.- 8741 64-|. 767CAYUGA COUNTY —(CONTTINUED). Auburn............ 6 64I 5,354 3, 6084 381 i 122 4 4 415 2...... 15 Aurelius............ 10441 11,205................'........ -2 11 62' 114 61 4 79 Brutus..,.. 1531; 13,734 2|1 24 631 71 633 14 2 1,512.. 7 51~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~1 7 Cato............... 163/ 1~6,041 5 33 65 47, 11 622 2, 3 580 l ~ 3i Conquest............ 14......... 5 1 7 133 163.2221 3 2...... 230 1...... 41 Fleming............ 91! 9,5241 15 1....... 6.......................................... Genoa.............. 126. 15,814 I 20| l 309................ 62k 32' 488 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l......./'.8 Ira................. 212}'22,352 621I 368 518 70 o 421 825 5] } 28 -567 30oj 16 z 157 Ledyard............ 1041 10,799 l1 5 19 27i 21i 365 I...... 86 19i 23 116 i04-~I 10,7~~ ~~~991I 51i 19 I2 s I 6 4- 3i 3i 196~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~....../ 86/0 9 1 1 71 Locke............... 921.10,45693 53 82.81 8 196 ]......4 174 546H Mentz..-. 97i 9,639 2: 3" 150 101 9...... 375 4...... 42 Montezuma.......... 75| 9,4112 21 2'832 61 80 2i I s 1 32 1...... o Moravia............. 9931.12,076 351l 42 8 4983 361 121 574 I 14 68 17| 214 132 Niles................. 1341t 15,904 6i; 103 97 18 635 I9...... 60' 57i 26 519.9342 11,570 1311 73t 158 I 21~1 13~12 3 I..../.../ Owasdo...../........ 93 415 03 74 1523 238...................... 61 2 6 Scipio............... 160 18,443/ 11 61 178 2741 31 5273 1 i 129 23 41 191 Sempronius.......... 106 11,235 121 94 251 13| 3" 463' 1...... 45 81A 144I 7303 S emnett............. 229 24,027 16 243 330 71 3I 185 5 / 1 1,472 101 3 88 Springport........... 83 9,150 I 5 2| 3 a 33i I I 72 12 1 80 Sterling.............. 473I42,986 80 5031 4921 581 i 0 454 ~19 ~ 3,045 104 841 333 Sswmmer Hill..... 971] 8,615 91 121 149 6g 7 79................. 68i 881 519 Throop.............. 162I 13,572 33 72,6 1 78 71 2 1,545 251 251 Venice.............. 1221I 17,710 7 50 39 131 374....................... 12/ 5 ]s2'Victory............. 2164' 20,788 311 141 312 181 188' 2 I U 105 4-1.2 391 Total......~ ~.1.... 349 57 6 _ 320| 292- 3,549 | 4121 183g 7,371 i| 67 39 1062 585|7 4971 3,992j Total.............098 7,1; 9 CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Arkwright.......... 37'8114,865 1184 6| 603 141 11 42 3 21 5 8rl 9i 601 B u s t i................ 1 9 6 1 2 3, 9 6 0 2 3 3 1 5 5 1 5 1 5 4 2 0 7 6... 2. 2 5 3 7 1I Carroll.......... 783 8,7368 71 1393............... 50........ Charlotte............. 150 24,22334 2| 68i........ 6 140 1 2| 14 Chautauqua......... 190. 27,744 8 4 9 0 2. I 4 91 3444 Cherry Creek........ 1025 1,892 61,4 10 k 4k -... 50 71 31 345 Clymer........... 1981 13,855 28' 31 40015 3019 D n ik............ 89i 6, 13 2 1~ 6 40 2 1.................................. Ellery.............. 1281 20,259 13 14 241 25 1 5 9................... 13 41 4 1091 Charlotte....'.. 1211,44 1 8 26 1 14 14 1 105 41g 51 321 Elln......... 1 16,22 1 2 21 1 4 4 4. 4 French Creek........ 4 0 1 134|1...... 151 Ehautiott..5 9.04.. 4 27,117 2 1 44 546 861 Cherroy Cek...........0 271135,830992| 303 6 17 2 92i 1 4 4| 1| 20 Dunkirk............ 851; 6,385 7 ] 25l 2U 1a 24 0 1...... 2.................. Poland............... 97 11,951/81 3 2 g k 40 I 1 Sherdan......... 1511 1725,066 1 1 4 2 4 18 U~ 225...... 94 121 42 109| SEllAcoif.... " 135 1,4 1 218 34I' 0I g 494 1 5 3 S ok o............ 104 14, 85 3| 65..... 2 11..... 410 1i 2.2 Eillingon............ 10461 18,293 16 171 309', 16 9 3 3i. 10 Big Flats............ 2081'20 616 5| 91| 58 27 101 4221 31 31- 89 21 1 211~~~1 i/.... FrelncCre........... 12110301 3 681 8 81! 1...I I 4 i;' Ohm n............ 91t3 7..... i..... 5 5 9 I 15/ 1 El~ r............. 90 9 1........ 2 |....1 9 58.... 120.......... Han~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(ovtner.... pae 93 286 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. CATTARAUGUS COUNTY-(CONTINUED). FLAX. HEMP. HOPS. TOBACCO. APPLE ORCHARDS. MARKET GARDENS Acres sown. Acres in crop. Acres planted. Acres cultiTOWNS., _ vated. Pounds of Tons of Pounds har- Pounds hay- Numbe? of Bushels of Barrels of lint. hemp.. vested. yesied. trees in apples. cider. 1864 1864. 1865. 1864. 1864, 1865. 1864.. 1864. 1865. 1864. fruit. 16c64. *1864. 1864. Leon.......... 171 32112,664........ 2,100 11,8 3 4 I...... Little Valley........ 60................................................................. 2,290 4,152 49........ Lyndon.............. /,20 ~412I4 9 1..: Lyndon............. 67.................................................... 5,696 5,2991 2. Alachias....................................................................................... 4,952 6,481 110........ Mansfield.............................. 31 31 2,600........................ 8,759 17,433 278........ N apoli............................................... 2................................ 9,619 22,849 356........ New Albion.......... 741..........................................I........................ 7,989 19, 633 I 224Sl........... Olean............................................... 1,050 1,153 14........ Otto.......................................................................................... 7,086 15,809 180........ Perrysburgh................................... 12 16 11,846 i........ 2 00 12,626 32,765 456 10 Persia.................. 20 35921,760 I 24 900 5,959 18,920 543........ Portville............ 65 1.................................................. 170 3,247 4,255 37........ R andolph........... 227.............................................. 7,592 19,560 280........ Salamanca........................... 1,274...5....4........... South Valley................................................................................... 1,556 3,294 12........ Yorkshire........... 2,357........ 180 9,135 19,599 379 Total............. 9,517.................. 1924 1131 66,210 3 3-51 2' _3, 6201195,267 1375, 997' 5,331 __10 CAYUGA COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Aubur'n............ 2,000......[......j.............[................. 21 U 8 20,930 4,927 3,881 | 153 15|' Aurelius.-................ I 12 2' 11,315 1,905 9,336 215 Brutus............. 100.................. I........ 800| 73g1 25A 92,200; 9,259 25,855 7851 3| Cato........................................................ 142^ 91| 161,650| 13,152 30,976 1,038........ Conquest........... 70 60 261 6,248'11.024 31,406 714........ Fleming............................................................... 7........ -5,200; 9,077 5, 532 158........ Genoa......................................... 29 44' 28,895! 18,682 13, 339 291......... Ira......... 9,1............................. 2705 110q 359,254 15,486 39, 194 1, 088s........ Ledyard............ 6,580.......................................... 31 3,300 12,971 11,702 205 1 Locke............... 310.................::......................... 7 6 5,.500 11,280 20, 712 316........ M entz................................................................ 87 3 14,4500 8,037 17, 709 377'.... 8]2................................... 2 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 5 3 l[....... 2 Montezuma..........................,00 6,209 11, 392........ Moravia............ 340. 8........................ 18 1 21,050,10,542 20,184 280........ Niles 3 550.. 2,5.......................................... 141 21 20,975 17,133 18,751 502 r........ Owasco............. 200.......................................... 9. 6,700 11,582 17,164 536 3 Scipio............... 5 7............................ 1l41 9,665 15,642 13,873 262........ Sempronius......... 12,900.................. 13 21 2' 8,590 I7 2 6302 9,451 10,488 214........ Sennett..................i........................ 84 16 102,000 14,000 21,425 721 4 S.ringport.................................................... 3g 300 5,9 7,628 211 Sterlingo............. 12340.......................................... 794 20 100,50 20,009 27,646 717 21 -Summer Hill........ 13,460.................................................. e........ 9,846 12,108 1901...... Throop............. 300..................:........................ 251 5 23,050 3 0,95 11,661 464 16 Venice.............. 1,450.......................................... 1/........ 1,365 18,680 11,922 172........ Victory............. 1,030.......................................... 50o 17' 57,900 9,192 41,282 864 o........ 9,51~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:37 /g. —-.. 1819i,2761 134 143,94610,8'j 40 —— ~~- — ~,2" Total............. 92,720..... 8;14 211 9,390 933 43, CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY-(CoNTITNU'ED). Arkw'right.......... 277..................I.................................1................ 12,729 2 7, 424 254........ Busti............... 500..................................................... 12,658 21,923 351. Carroll............. 50................................................................... 4,364 11,292 193s........ Charlotte........... 147...........................................,........ 300 10,670 16,352 1,96........ Chautauqua......... 3,601............................. i................................... 17,114 34, 866 521........ Cherry Creek....... 921............................................................. 7,891 23,185 363........ Aureli usr........... 15.................................. Dunkirk....................................................................... 100 2,280 4,943 120i 61 Ellery.............. 3,213.............................................................. 102,033 34,035 547........ Ellicott............. 23555.5 9.7, 859 16, 989. 1915 I o ll g on.......................... - 1 i,065..... I........ 1 7 0 1 7 4 7.... Gerry ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~42 13,............ 2,058.................................... 9,3 1898 98.... Harongnest....1,5............... 3 2 6 69,802.... 46i 211,024/ 31,840 74291,'....... F ming............... 4 3 U....................... -,...............1.... 9,071 15,4532 15 7 /........ Geoland....... 11... 1............. 8,81.... 25 5,2 13,339 27/ Portlan............ 1,0646........................... 2i l 1,0 1734 762 653 RiLedya........... 68.................................................' 8- 1 8,00017' 3,1' 70 38,205 376....1 Sherida........... 7,00.... a o.................................................... 5 2 7 4, 7 0 S oentzn...... 3....................................o........ 10,591 18,916 251I........ Villenova............. 825......................................,.3../ 17,70911,211 28,609. 376.. MorV~eiel...... 20............................~]i]']....... ]]~]]]]]]]i ] 1 8 21050 10,5410 20,1436 402..... Totles............. 705 s..... 1423 1.30,| 9 _ 915672,4765I,11 887 1 Bal win......... 21,500..........1......]........................ 11......!, 0', 4 3,741 10 9........ Ow~a tsc............ 20...................................2!... 2,700 25 13 32,0 10,772 17,7641 3 417 3 S caip i.............. 5, 50............'............................. 2 1 1 3 9 0. 5,0 6 1 5.... S hemv rnus.......... 12,00................. 43 i 6,350) 93 32 30',38 9,081 10,400 1466 //.... Elmira ~. 300 f....'.....1............... |...... 4.......:................16 / 1 2,000 14,000| 3,45 21,4296 971 | 4 S p r ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Cningpdor pa......) AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. 287 CATTARAUGUS COUNTY-(CONTINTUED). MARKET GARDENS. tn |. ~ NEAT CATTLE. Acres cul- 0 U.3; i^S ^ ^ 0 1 Milch cows. TOWNS. tivated. FS^ co 0 14^5 ^ ^ _______ ____ Value I. ^~ ^ ^ 0^* ^ ^ —------------- of prodacts, 12. bnc- "w^ M^0'*355 1864. co S ^ ^t WS T-0. 1864 185 ^ c.0 ^ ^ e C^-" C^ &^ U0 Q to~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ri^~a ). )C Leon.................... 25,042 134.... 1,928 841... 29 7 15 128 1,779 1,683 Little Valley....... 100 8,035 36 ~1........ 1,545 99...... 113 169 136 66 763 564 Lyndon................. 20 41,472 176 50 3,892. 194...... 233 276 214 30 1,117 904 Machias.......................... 26, 803 86 1........ 1,647 139...... 324 549 236 46 1,194- 962 *Mansfield........................ 9,168 4,522........ 2,915 58...... 199 414 167 80 1,742 1,651 Napoli.................. 335 26,851 114........ 1,354 98...... 290 376 239 83 1,7 125 New Albion.............. 30 17,017. 107........ 2,097 171...... 316 520 498 140 1,667 1,419 Olean................................................. 240.............. 67 36 -43 45 317 322 Otto............................ 5,7195 36........ 1,124 752i...... 143 300 216 72 1,704 1,463 Perrysburgh..... 10 1,800 7,260.77 15 2,178 164...... 249 279 293 88 1,590 1,7 Persia................... 4,220 602 12 3,150 6C)0......i 165 247 164 35 875 838 Portville....................:.... 1,610 170........ 1,060 268...... 103 118 181 86.341 308 Randolph................. 150 17,352................ 2,680 137...... 288 316 339 124 987 816 Salamanca....................... 3,520 6......... 1,900 100...... 59 52 67 51 248 2 3 9 South Vallev..................... 1,390 6..... 730. 14...... 95 102 113 86 286 275 Yorkshire........................ 35,538 207........ 3,345 179....... 254 294 509 52 1,231 1,072 Total..... 1 2,435 l522,19311 8,121 192 61,350 13,71342|......l|6,571 9,138 7,91077 2,428 34,408| 30,569 CAYUGA COUNTY-(CONTINUEID). Auburn.......... 181| 2,525......... 610 25 S1.............. 81 64 77 26 380 558 Aurelius........ 3 20........I................ 1,213 26...... 196 194 309 47 643 698 Brutus........... U 3,915 215 30........ 1,600 72...... 290 236 191 32' 835 964 Cato............................ 890 51 16 1,762 25... 400 407 604 16 918 950 Conquest........................ 655 4........ 1,768 3...... 286 290 477 48 811 81-4 Fleming.......................... 630 22.... 940 35...... 105 86 54. 15 456 485 Genoa,........................... 8,340 182' 671 3,600 143...... 335 367 324 26 1,-032 1,085 Ira........................ 1,088 1381 471 1,719 104.... 423 402 532 57 1,063 1,024 Ledyard.......... 30........ 2.015 340 4,045 3,567 215...... 176 190 103 2.615 677 Locke.................... 50 7,570 40 8 3,162 X.46...... 337 395 400 30.908 871 Mentz............................... 19 664 45...... 219 2~02 316 22 494 485 Montezuma............................................... 1,410 63...... 31-3 254 31710o 57 7'729 Moravia................'......... 7,990 87........ 2,080 1461.... 365 379 359 38 1,213 1,156 Niles............................. 9,858.167 2 2,466 153....... 472 412 178 28 1,598 1,599 Owasco......... 3 400 430. 10........ 270........... 32 38 98 22 538 587 Scipio................... 25 3,896 711 30 2,632 18.... 29 1 1238'. 862 886 Sempronius....................... 18,765 267........ 1,444 161.... 338 339 138 12 1,467 1,386 Sennett......... 4 600 200 5........ 340 12..... 29 4 233 58 855 861 Springport...... 5^. 476................ Is217 5...... 23 8 200 4 511 575 Sterling,..... Ig 457 833 58-1 153 2,768 21412...... 5611 484 668 6 1,3 120 Summer Hill...................... 21,090 104......... 1,074 96...... 300 315. 342 4 1,433 1,262 Throop...........25 1,970 105......... 7 1,190 50...... 246. 173 355 26 855. 986 Venice.......................... 9,863 199.... 2 2940 122...... 328 291 296 15 1,028 948 Victory.................. 1 1,592 128 15 3,657 425...... 401' 358 282 83 967 1,002 Total......... 85~__ 10,439 1 96,025 1, 90491 5, 021 21 44,428 2,53451.......16,865 16,523| 6,974| 724 21,291 21,794 CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY-(CONTINUETD). Ar'kwright.......................1 12,874 104.]........ 1,641 209...... 150 214 117 53 1,828 1,5,58 Busti............... III 00, 26,612 389........ 2,095 170l...... 435 660 608 52,2,218 1,801 Carroll.......................... 4,425 5..... 280.............. 285 280 422 81 704 681 Charlotte........................ 34,016 156........ 670 201...... 320 440 354 88 2,127 1,935 Chautauqua..... U 15 0024,477 88........ 3,404 2045....... 548 662 921 5 6 3,078 2,715 Cherry Creek................... 21,529 81ig........ 1,882 100...... 382 375 24 116 1,563 1,582 Clymer......................... 20,609:59........ 674 162...... 259 400 264 65 1,180 1,013 Dunkirk......... 31 1,475 00;............... 11 100 10... 77 102 52 8 549 805 Ellery................... 440 00 18,055 53........ 1,620 25...... 423 483 618 12 2,7-93 2,453 Elliott........ 3s 5000 1,8094........ 2,967 94...... 242 322 21 59 1,282 1,498 Ellin-fton........................ 128,617 155 200 1,681' 126....... 549 653 349 33 1,597 1,509 288 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. CATTARAUGUS COUNTY-(CONTINUED). NEAT BUTTER. CHEESE. HORSES.SWINE. SHEEP. iCATTLEi UT R Gallons of~ ~~~~~~~~~~~TOWNS. 1 ~milk sold, 1 [ (S /Pounds made Pounds made, 1864. Colts of Colts of Two years / Pigs of Season laughtered Po unds of Shorn in Shorn in S31864. 1864. 1861. 1865. * old and o 1865. 1864 arid in 1864. pork made 1864. 1.865. -~ "S ^~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~over, 1865. older. 1.864. Leon..............F 116 127,489 218,173 6,557 53 31 380 11 204 298 341 86,637 2,524 2,762 Little Valley...... 241 55,855 93,571........ 32 13 180.... 127 221 177 38,927 1,250 1,339 Lyndon........... 108 87,072 95826....2 48 347 6 267 389 238 59,757 4,976 4,578 Machias........... 206/ 81,055 72,300 4 359.......155 1435599 1 64,264 3,051 4,212 Mansfield........ 108 105,983 248,488........ 41 34 34 250 194 3 72,190 3 23 194 ~~~~~~~~~27 353 Napoli.......... 187.149,367 64,828.-....... 194 270 368 86,583 2,176 2,185 New Albion....... 149 107,131 197,741........ 84 56 411.... 237 198 322 80,611 2,086 2,729 Olean......a...... 682 I 16,025 28,570....... 10 16378 92,090 406 480 68,445 366,.151 136 200 4,6,3,2 Otto............... 120 68,445 366,047 3,755 38 16 329 9 151,724 /~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~0 188'1 87,6 Perry sburgh....... 188 87,620 313,300........ 51 40 239 I 203 219 354 83,797 3,430 3,349 Persia............ 419 47,310 113,400 100 41 16 257 5 107 107 309 39,580 688 917 Portville.......... 250 33,812 2,605........ 25 17 235.... 156 235 39,962 75 2,079 andplph..351 83,350 13,954.........'57 41 361.... 282 609' 384 94,462 2,598 2,802 20 15... 47 35 50 1178 5091 461 Salamanca. 23,309...... 600 20 11 125. 11,780 509 461 South Valley....... 90 27,575 250........ 14 5 97 2 70 82 117 28,086 843 810 141.... 5 97/28,08 4 810 rkshire......... 211 99,409 101493.... 56 48 472.... 180 178 380 90,660 3,686 3,242 Total....... 5,,647 2, 308,923- 13,635,356 12,512 124 891 9,401 79 5,788 6, 731,8215 96,9 |74,74 i 7,8 CAYUGACOUNTY-(CONTINUED). Auburn...........) 28 ~~12,910......18,979 21 11I., 729 3 268- 212 25.1 46,465 1,376 1,749 Aurelius......... 58 6,3 2,210 11,188 30 38 695 15'738 575 858 149,176 4,278 4,812 rutus............ 144 58,159 11,.25 700 4 615 1,130 593 134,978 3,209 3,3,ato....... 96,5 3831 56 71 750 809 1, 818 4,792.Conquest.......... 73 84,395.469......... 53 63 669.... 647 498 760 175,059 3,290. 3,857 Fleming.......4410.............. 25 32 440 2 436 317 563 120,304 3,827 4,268 Genoa......... 199 119,7580.................. 34 39 821.. 750 553 951 245,7416 10,922 12,07i0 Ira.............. 2~51 114,267 15,981 20.69 53 806 4 1,002 563 1,039 242, 586 5,2825 7,426 Ledyard...........96 48,450 14,680........ 44 51 685 7 565 280 653 152,840 9,787 10,483 725 2, 460 494 E~ Locke............. 110 15. 621........ 62 71 4 1 44 503 350 102,916 H3,871 4,432.Mentz............. 101 42,120 3,970 1,008 20 21 423.3 518 588 397 91,153 1,743 1,968 Montezuma......... 33 39,917 1,415 t...... 48 32 329 1 464 772 512 103,381 1,960 2,335 [Brutus.......... 45,907 546 42 32 514 2 491 526 1,976 Moravi.. 1 164,988 82,935 /4,4 11216 3 Niles............... 164 193,813 81222........ 46.39 856 11 770 1,130 978 244,082,602 6,077 Owasco........... 11 55,220.............. 9.6 427 1 226 253 463 103,752 4,139 4,229 Scitio............ 104 92,296 6,555........ 67 75 794 877 615 951 212,138 10,37211,026 Sempronius........ 107. 195,^80 3,757 340 33 36 412.... 372 295 4 59 113, 148 2,314 2,330 11,1~~~~ ~ ~~~~ 25 6/70/ 8[ 7 [4[ 15 [1!0 [ 8593 134,9785/ 4,209 /33 Soennett........... 129 84,365 11,000 28,700 43 2 2 6 7 5,030 Springort......... 246 34,258. 5,230 7,750 45 39 685 3 788 437 6 136122 3,996 4,180 Sterling........... 151 112,530 20,120........ 65 88 87.1 11 968 1,228 1,0710 234,207 5,570 5,993 Summer Hill.... 107 178,017................... 46 55 358 7 305 223. 384 99,885 2,582 2,719 Throop........ 82 51,600 73,960 22,280 304 28 441 4 541 441' 584 136,905 2,499 2,605 Venice............ 90 -120,170......... 58 50 70.. 896 1,242 988 241,840 11,492 10,809 Victory............ 88 102,831 5,117.........56 70 1,016 212 933 915 854 208,096 5,220 5,737 44 15,067 293 15,11 15,507 16,458 3 5 116,050 124220 CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Arkwrig~ht...... 270 8 6.....0..... 37 34 350 9 198 539 360 60,115 1,711 1,370 Busti............ 34 201,499 136,333.... 66 58 736'55 333 328 545.126,182 4,903 5,490 Carroll........ 138 71,627 1,080........ 26 22 345.... 150 338 299 82,260 1, 69-1 2,370 Charlotte......... 144 38 490 2 289 321 392 93,635 1,959 2,328 Chautauqua........ 488 340,087 170,995 10 93 63 775.... 402 609 668 161,837 6,474.6,266 Cherry Creek.'..... 7-1 150,515 63,875........ 33 21 333... 282 294 368 91,020 2,677 2,825 olymer........... 144 132,33 6,270........ 26 32 320.... 242 185 283 67,056 27197 Dunkirk............ 896 20,01 170 46,770 16 10 0 2 152 118 476 104,502 529 6 7 3 Ellery............ 161 245,31 192,750........ 57 47 658 2 642 1,006 726 180,392 3,910 4,337 Ellicott............ 48 104,244 1 19,444........ 45 41 795 1 258 261 436 98,325 2,749 2,934 Eloraiag........ 0151 167884 16,200....... 8 14 8.. 35 48 40 9,5,3,6 Frenc Gree..... 16,90,42 35177.... 3 2 24... 2 I 491 219 44198 716I 45,444 2,66 1,216 Gerry.......... 141 14025 13,4907.... 4 24 7.... 250 198 34 8099 270,0 aNiles............. 30 193,81367 61,2200I!........112 467 9836I1 2 770 1,130 9784 136,0128 6,5602 7,2071 Hascony........... 7 5,1 200 20 7 4 0.. 76 85 62 6,3,5,0 Min..............5 122-4680 550......... 43 45t38 6 0 4 4 26 2,9 2 32,2 Poland............ 191 123,375 147,90..... 2 5 17.... 3 2 581 43~09,75,25i 4,185/4,213 Scipio............10 9,262'48,3847 71915 1480 4 34 8....I 337 34 448~ 510421,103 3863. 10421,046 Peorolniu......... 11 1975.......... 5 8 9.. 26 37/3 0,0,0,8 Kipley ~ ~ 10....... I2 1095,200 36,7 41 I........ 54 72 3 2 299 32 443 10,4 113,108 II23 4 2,384 Shenidan.......... 329 1084,6265/ 11,000 112,700 4143 1 5 6511l... 367 2 557 4689 105,2995 4,413 4,989 Speringpr.......... 26134, 212820,28,04....,7...42 4 35... 29165] 38i 8[ 43/ 3128 756,325I 2,256 2,800 Sterling........... 15171 128,5305 20120,56........ 49 35 8 71 3... 34 511380 978,2219 1,07523,0761 5,570105 Sume illenv.,........ 22 1220 1,4........463 535810... 424 455] 443 109,231 [' 2,107 2,707 Total........ 6,61,7,8^2 ^ 7,0175l 8 ]|l104 3,36 96|,8 051 ][9~ 22^ |9,3210 |7369 Balwin.......2 7 1 8375[0......... 4 0 4 1 0 4 3 2655|,6 7 Bigrooat......... 21-0,8 2...... 4 28 5491 5 4 5429 4421 5851 131,9026, 3,730385 5%niemn......... 49 6,701 3,12....... 2 6 1 13 896 631,742 1521,684015812 Elmi.......... 1 2 0 65,573 ~'......... 2,8 1 1 74.. 8 9 0 997| 85 1 7 (Contuedonp e26. AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. 289 CATTARAUGUS COUNTY-(CONTItNUED). SHEEP. POULTRY.:.E DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES, 1864. TOWNS. I2. Lambs Lambs Pounds of -Pounds of Sheep! lNumber Value owned. Value sold, Value of eags EYards Yards Yards Yards of raised iL raised in wool shorn wool shorn slaugh- i]illed by 1865. 1864. sold. 1864. of fulled of flannel. of linen. cotton and 1864. 1865. in 1864. in 1865. tered in dolls Ill cloth. mixed 1864. 1864. ~:5 cloths. Leon/".............. 1,241 1,430'8,8973 9,419 162 13 1,262 80 $636 85 $1,038 50i.......... 313 1,832~ 593- 241 Little Valley....... 6.22 7431 4,322 4,2981 158 6 39475 14775 293 50 $7 007 172 8031 203 411Lyndofi............ 2,132 1,8671 19,456 15,'535 182] 21 69200 52750 66400 1006 122 1,435 671 314 Machias........... 1,371 1,930 11,028 14,529 14 17 49400 253 16 34300 22 50. 89 754 249 30 Mansfield.......... 976 1,3241 8,897 11,3391- 91 19 72050 42250 679 001........ 111 657 386 35 Napoli............. 990 1,1441 7,075 6,805 121 2 70250 31150 39650 5 600 298 1,370 360 156 New Albion........ 1,007 1,410} 7,849 -9,7342 136 27 1,08950 56750 886 00' 53 001 227 1,710 837 185 Olean............. 221 294 1,432 1,556 920 6 21150 48300 150 00i.......... - 32 217 58....... Otto.............. 470 685 4,086 7,112 30 14| 56280 30220' 628 000 241.250 77....... Perrysburgh.... I. 1,427 1,585 14,060I 13,3861 59 7 94825 55720 1,172006 50 00: 664 1,075 765....... Persia........... 393 523 2,8181 3,594 281 17 73800 38800 473 00! 270 00/ 295 880 363 1i23 Portville.......... 656? 719; 6,06942 7,285-/ 81 1 50475 17166 468 50 30 00 15 280 126....... Randolph.......... 1,1041,110. 176 9,229 471 4 74300 20225 445 30........ 1901 756 329 201 Salamanca...........239 189 1,720 1,444 44 4. 29440 2)500 4700 3251.31, 2441 87 160 South Valley....... 296 334 2,6234' 2,333' 40 25 31275 4160 32 50.......... 69 247.............. Yorkshire........... 1,940 1,5491 13,118 11,987~ 279. 18 839.00 68170 91700 30 001 215 1,7691 1,438....... Total........... 133,7326,646g69,2971i262742 4,963 488-J,9-121 122,025 71 13 90 3,140,760 3,5 CAYUGA COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Auburn............. 483 5771 6,325 17j 14!* 634 001 382 25 188 001 2....... 7,706 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~0 171...... ~............... Aurelius........... 1,516 1,709 18,800 2 162..... 2,335 00 1,522 50 1,264 501 516 001;............................ Brutus............ 1,285 1,425! 12,683 13,194 1,:351 311 1,-815 00 1,339 00 1,279 001 546 50 67 65.............. Cato.............. 1,9262,31016,203 20,378 93 9 2,207002 1,76950 3;062 5.0..........I 81 / 175. 365..35 Conquest.......... 1,4661 1,905 14,122 16,832 69 11/ 2,237 00 1,598 50 2,703 00' 79 50 166 C'370 / 201....... Fleming........... 1,313 1,751 15,751 18,505 341 14[ 2,304 00 1,962 00 1,296 00................................. Genoa............. 3,227 3,693 51,712 56,933 104 ll! 3,201 00 2,334 75 3,009 001 394 50i....... 12 I 15....... Ira............... 2,475 3,272 23,732 31,637 271 20 4,58300 2,40650 3,22600 99 8'501 192} 702 681/ 128 Ledvard........... 2,998 3,662 46,227 48704 195 25I 2,30400 2',103 001,772 00 53 00!..............I.............. Locke............. 1,394 1,870 14,942 17,112 49. 8'; 1,18100 920 50 947 00 90 00 296i 312 365....... Mentz............... 713 840 7,360 8,078 395 1I 1,81200 726 00 1,11300 171 50.............. 47....... Montezuma........ 910 1,023 8,185 8,931 24 3, 1,094'50 744 00 76650 501 25............................ Moravia........... 1,312.-1,506 15,404 8,844 66 13 1,336 50 520 00 1,13550 36 50'{ 266 254 6'20....... Niles.............. 2,301 2,571 25,359 26,352 180 24/ 2,907 00 1,833 00 1,872 00 29 00' 189 362 - 810....... Owasco........... 17422 1,642 17,852 18,144 2!...... 1,2290 00 99700 100 01 20..................... Scipio............. 3,419/ 3,758 48,574 54,448 116 103}1 4,427 00 3,790 00 2,575 00 191001 113 117 251....... Sempronius........ 784 943 9,559 9,618 101 13/ 1,091 50 642 50 1,043 50i 65 50 333 723 905 185 Sennet...........t 1,872 2,385 20,560 19,760 81 10 1,949 00 1,905 00 1,392 00.................................. Springport......... 1,195 1,486 18,800( 19,141 235 78/ 1,808 50 2,144 50 955 00[ 582 251............................ Sterling........... 2,692 3,087 21,331 22,322- 976 26 "3,025 50 2,949 50 4,035 50 514 001 3181 959 504 45 Summer Hill...... -998 1,271 10,013 10,535 96 28 1,035 25 522 00 1,11700; 500[ 338. 793 833[ 77 Throop............ 1,028 1,154 10,318 53,356 97 26 1,656 00, 1,180 00 1,378'001 312 00[ 25 120 152....... Venice............. 3.,320 3,458 53,365........ 7 70] 2,318 00 3,485'50 2,453 00i 28 W00............................ Victory............ 2,2512,476 22,054 23,881 134] 12: 4,121 00 3,302 00 5,192 004 195 372 291....... Total........... 434 9 774550 9, 222 536,36,336 6,040 470 CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Arkwright......... 742! 6211 6,-2587 6,435 I211 3| 92128& 35135 290 311.......... 5151 1,311 429 23 Bus6i....'1,918 2,2591 18,214 20,850 186 34 1088 00 594 00 376 00, 95 00: 58 1,168 693 3 Carroll............ 6.86 1,041 6,116 8 383 6ll...... 50720 17960 206 75! 209 50, 205 803 419 104 Charlotte.......... 1,281 1,534 7,4691 8,659 156 13 772 05 485.70 565 00'. 120 378, 1, 392 345 305 Chautauqua. 2,129 2,3431 27,01641 25,920 189 16| 2,064 00| 66730 1,001 50 7304 58 1,098 1,000.. Cherry Creek..... 1-, 370' 1,497, 10,202 10,456 92L..... 565 00 253 55 492 80/.......... 553 2,27011 192 162 Clymer............. 1,230 1,1921 12,061 7,6411 108' 2 1,152 0 266 50 668 00........... 155 1,27,0 -648 750 Dunkirk........... 309 424 2,104 2,240 1,347| 10; 560751 204 00 37650 135 757.............. Ellt r y. ~ 58,61 582 6,4 47oo' 9lc Ellery............... 1,6 1,631990 943 0000 51100 148 896'944' "'236 Ellicott............ 1,110.1., 127t 9,853 10,274 } 5611 11 1,33677 621 25 50411; 1,40076 725 09 2 4 Ellington'.......'. 1 17351 1,851! 15,033 700 28I4 3 1,03630 442 00o 695 00A 74 00(.......A 1,0991 275I 168 French Creek......11,043t 980 10,9.9.3 4,217'/ 13'6. 9 065.00; 228 501 37750/ 4 001 80| 1,141 /1,113 / 318 Gerry.............[ 1,2451 1495 10,699 11,865 [ 14l| 11 873 75i 434 45/ 780 80; 70 801[ 10/ 1,079 / 278 [ 30 Hanoer.........2,461t3132,0 800 166 9 1,62650' 1,372 00[ 1,131 50; 194 50'1 625 1,77 5 214 Hlarmony...........12,548! 2,675 21,949~ 18747 i 226! 29 2,23750i 701 411 866 001! 131 50{ 399213,261[ 2,094-}/ 229~ IKiantOneO....'......l 433 467 5,379/ 3,981] 16 7 a82s20s280 32.... 6, 3... Mina.............. 868 [1,11 9,100-1 8,709 { 94! 71800) 2066501 481007;..........I 95 | 7711 517 146 Poland,............ 1,051/.998 7,669} 7,506 220| 67120 286 831 46714' 165 47] 457-I 884 239 - 46 Pomfret........... 1,624 1,877 15,8681! 17,7411 2 3. -972 7902;5 1,040 340 13 59 26 89 Portland............ 1,921' 2,069 19,150 118,221 | 1251 25 96200[ 467 001 779 00; 92 00] 142 520 { 555 / 36 lRipley........'.....]3,499 3,704 50,5_65 {19,446| 126! 6 1,130 001 580 00~ 1,1'1200t 47 00' 46/ 3641 754 51 Sheridan..........{ 1,839 2,330 16,828120,111] 60J 7 1,299 501 9]045{ 1,020'00!/ 13 00! 245] 772-} 153| 103 Sherman.,........,. 1,027 946 8,593I 7,556/.78! 4 1,300 501 4,5800 892 00..........[- 45 744] 421t 158 Stockton...,........ 728 833 5,610I 6,328~I 49l... 892 10 219 65 797 90;......... 27,43 47.... ~illenova.,'........1491,31043 127 18' 4 979O0 71405/ 497 69!.;........}11,0161} 2,0'43i/ 1877..... Westfie,,........ 236,031,.640t1,3 16 8 1,215 00( 216 50t 266 50; 900, 59| 66 34 2 Totl......... 3,321429063811043292285',2171 475' 2.8,811 90i 12,878 90 1-6,383 2-0i369 57'iJ,9512,3i1 0 3,7 CHEMUNGr COUNTY-(CoNTINUED)Baldwin........... 87~4 98423,11 21 | 80 50] 553 50 457 00 900 30 50' 25 4 BigFlts.......1,639]1,645}13,136-}f12,960 466it 48: 1,9775 820 00,520 38 00. 64 227 158...... Chemung........ 1,71721,0I447 24 111390 9801250 20; 28 57 42 1 Cheun:........ 979 875} 51,22971 4,972 373 29; 2,158' 00| 1,'391 30 1,340 0; 538 25; 53 22 12..... Elmira....... 500 662; 2,892 I.3,788'47 191, 1,056 00; 530.0 67700 638 o~i..... 9.............. (Continued on page 297.) 37 290 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. CHEMUNG COUNTY-(CONTINUED). ACRES. CASH VALUE. ACRES PLOWD ACRES GRS LNS Acres in pasture. Meadow. TOW~NS. ______ ______ Improved. Unimprov-: Of farms. Of stock. Of tools anf 1864. 1865. 1864. 1865. 1865.. ed. 1865. 1865. 1865. imperlemlits. 1865. 1.864. 1865. Acres. Acres. 1864. 1865. Elmira city........... 1,485Q 39s $238,700i $12,420 $3,842! 304. 276 i............ 6961, 655 439 401 Erin............ 11,321 12,262 466,235 70,618 15, 3871 3,021 3,133 26 41 3,678' 3,822 3,223 3,269 Horseheads...... 13,3731 7,046 1,3,0000 121,290 29,8531 4,574|! 4,562 I 217 153 4,431 /4,354 2,830 2,867s Southport............ 20,312; 15,52511 1,254,340 180,361 44,986[ 4,80451 4,99841 185AI 160 7,268 7,269 5,3134 5,3781 VanEtten............ 12,458 10,344 [ 379,385 70,1.70i'18,600! 2,789 2,962 311 130 4,066 4,084 3,1181 3,1462 Veteran............. 15,415 5,905 844,652 125,451l 22,726] 4,269 4,266s' 131 45 5,4211 5,3451 3,8181 3,811 Total........... 982 91,0511 7,532,002[1,068,536: 241,,02'24636,492 237,6 3,031746 31, 3191 CHENANGO COUNTY. Afton................ 15,666 11,5601 728,282! 134,040! 32,439[ 1,7831 2,398 1 175 9721 7,3581 7,3121 5,152 5,2011 Bainbridge. 12,2343 7,200 693,360: 113,9111 24,73l 1,4101 1,58711 40i1 22s! 6,4951 6,546 3,9221 4,006} Columbus............ 16,0543 5,541 696,152' 148,7551 30,086 1,5891i 1,7401 8...... 9,00:1 8,9904 5,185] 5,231s Coventry............. 20,045 7.572 776,872' 154,3151 34,493 4,410 5,301 301h 15 11,761 11,771 6,414 6,403 German............. 11,665 5, 618s 339,1251 87,997 18,182 786 846! a28a 2841 5,730 5,802 4,841 4,905 Greene.............. 27,705 12,087 1,231,860 217,900} 49.419 2,725 3,101 16 239~! 13,946 13,735 9,319s 9,342s Gre e.............. 2 i' 2/ 9 ~ Guilford............. 31,747 5,087s11 1,303,980i 240,1871 46,955 2,013 2,352/ 160 114 14,52514,806 8,363~ 8,584a Lincklaen............ 11,816 4,535 428,725 100,670i 16,9731 1,094 1,202| 7......4 6,042 5,896 4,454}1 4,505; Macaohough........./15,409/ 7;,622 519,885 140,7531 38,505t 937 1,0021 26s 9 8,738 8,715 5,645 5,623 New Berlin.......... 20,560g 7,9560 1,004,420] 186,841 34,626 1,792 2,175' 1521 17s1' 10,106 10,076 7,172 7,093 North Norwich......:.: 11,7471] 4,391 635,4201 98,194t 15,855, 1,389 1,508 44 20 5,585 5,628 3,963 3,97^ Norwich............. 19,351 5,536 /1,094,575 185,9841 37,905/ 1,149 1,2429 4 21 8,976 9,422 6,339 6,694 Otselic.............. 15,212 7,704 620,412~ 154,7531 35,279] 1,603 1,778 I 85...... 7,275 7,372 5,847 6,009 Oxford.............. 24,553 9,974 1,205,610 213,8491 44,439'; 2,057 2,284 141s I 14,202 14,093 8,452 8,336 Pharsalia............ 14,569 7,951 444,358 106,3071 18,1351 861 886 11 43 7,282/ 7,315 5,868 5,962 Pitcher.............. 13,629 3,960 543,635 114,6901 27,159 1,.053 1,077!............, 7,1 -7.129 5,272, 5,266 Plymouth............. 17,071 7,808 681,666 154,395 26,482 1,391 1,520'3 9 8,468 8,409 6,495 6,671 Preston............. 17,012 4,077'633,230 142,355 27,215 721 815i1............ 10,686. 10,790 5,355 5,268 Sherburne........... 22,422 5,,836 1,346,520 239,632i 41,950, 3,132 3,228 1214 34 10,728 10,535 8,140 8,281 s;mithville............ 21,559 9,344 820,377 187,262| 41,456, 1,699 1,887 | 6 61 11,276 11,782 7,266 7,55, Smyrna.............. 18,845 6,058 849,580 178,135 33,158, 2',182 2,345 1 2 221 10,377 10,219 6,095 6,'082 Total..............1379,872 147,4!8]! 16,598,044 3,-300,925 665,442 3-5,,776-140, 2731' 690 735ll|19, 832 -129,5621,1130,9971 CLINTON COUNTY. Altona.............. 7,983.50,2801 291,370 52,469, 8,355| 1,447 1,3772':............ 3,7011 3,6811 2,786s 2,847.............. 7,448i -o ~. (]I 6') (_)1-~.. O.....[ Y ~ ~.. { =i ~'r l { 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~........ 44!15 36 5,951 2,4-1 2,19 Ausable.............. i10899 7,448' 404,730 82,069' 12,954i[.,4811 2, 5161i 9 5,136 5,2953 2,847I 2,9195 Beekmantown........ 25,225 7,291 1,167,923 199,405; 45,2351 6,412 6,4141............. 12,057! 12,3161 6,809 7,070 Black Brook......... 8,019 65,528 2,204,930 62,100 16,704! 1,604 1,567 23 18 2,700i 2,868- 2,864 2,855 Champlain........... 19,459 7,712 621,140 104,250 20,0356i 4,878 5,017s2 2 11 9,178 9,1702! 5,224 5,215 Chazy............... 22,7941 8,763 803,125 150,581 25,871| 6,176 5, 2761, 55 201 10,462 10,350 5,8821i 5,8774 Clinton............ 8,107 9,800 154,125 49,549 10,280 1,543[ 1,625............. 2,812 2,832 2,877 2,961 Dannemora......... 1,1133,927 60,263 10,165 1,690 1581 101...../ 40: 359 401 3412 363 ElIenburgh.......... 11 609 J. 10,273 288,185,9,858 21,2971 2,1521:. 2,3354t 4...... 4,473 4,3488, 4;9481 5,058s Mooers............... 1905579! 22,997 657.441 126,658: 11,000/ 4,001/ 3,993/s|........ 9,355 9,322 6,007, ~.,17,9 P eu......I1 15,747 905 32231 77,8879 Peru........ 23,568i 15,744 983,833 167,905 34,231 6,370I 6267........ 9,228 9,421 6,887 6,976 Plattsburgh..........18 18,23911 7,816~ 985,852, 136,113; 36,318!1 4,11641',249 1/' 52 45' 8,264s 8,27818 5,2771 5,317 Saranac............. 19,151s 55,450 469,167| 87,556 19,959; 3,136 3,340 40 66 9,164 9,365 I 5,849s 5,867 Schuyler's Falls...... 14,083 5,886 488,9039 86,6981 16,553i 3,444 3,376 380 5 6,470 6,347 2,744 2,969 Total........... 209808308,916 9,581,0231 1,395,377 281,482| 47,920; 47,456 5712 346 4 COLUMBIA COUNTY. Ancram...........'. 20,408 6,001 1,274,550 199,451 392,070 6,493 6,-593 391 74 7,254 7,311 3,422 3,590 2,02/6,726 // 857,105/ 128,31,4/ 2,8171,[ 2,95 12 7,087 Austerlitz............ 22,042s 6,726 857,105 128,331 32,486 2,817s 2,695I122 128 8,637 8,493 7,065 7,07I Canaan.............. 16,674s 5,428 918,375 127,331 31,32 3,344s 3,140s 25.14 54 Canaan.......... i... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ oo ~ 1,l101/./......1 6,1901t 68121 5,041;t 5,1471 Chatham............ 29,121s 2,472/ 2,340,821 239,813 79,5311 9,174 8,822, 2 55 7,776 7,264 8,5831 7,531 Claverack....~......../24,395 ]4,920 II1,957,'0601 182,806t 69,8801 7,741~/ 7,510 1136[ 45 ][5,378l 5,26 8,14411 8',427 Clermont....... 9,647's 1,746 II 957,7601 89,538/ 29,463i[ 2,628 2,7s6/5 l67 169 465,0 Copake....... 18,762! 3,796s1 1,126,121[.142,254 -28,880[ 6,'833/669......740s729 433 459 Galatn.........20,577[ 7,052[ 1,039,120[ 151,293~ 44,224[ 5,6061 5,2771 90 61 5,605 [5,7 4,200I 4,299 Gemnon......... 6,4s 62 7,2 3131,0,0i',4s...... 1,0s104,2s417 Ghent......... 23.,47511 3,594 I12,094,1301 163,0321 82,674{ 8,106 6,3 6....460,9s666 675 Greenport............ 10,097s[ 3,177l 1,099,8401 67,2951 30,4461 1,3931 1,424s1 27/ 41/ -1,305 1,2 513 551 Huso ct......... 18 50.o850 o,50 100o 3 2............ 23 22 5 5 Kinderhook...,...15,754/ 2,070u 1,659,8001 108,300145,419t 5,82~1 4,792 136 112 3,131 3,0 3,168 3,245 Living-ston..........120,572}I 3,59311 1,871,2001 174,7101 61,9611 4,041s. 3,9051 186/ 139'1 4,292 4,16],1s763 New Lebanon...... 14,090s] 5,994s1 825,1501 121,3661 14,8281 2,524}1 2,5471/ 609.1 5441 5,990/589 525s534 Stockport.[..... 4,760/ 709 II 408,720[ 32,6'17 15,574t 1,0001 7951 9/ 31 913/ 88 2,314/ 2,336 Stuyvesant........... 11,218-~ 2,431, 1,049,'520[ 67,878[ 30,489, 2,346/ 264 73 30 2,1 2,601 4,975/ 5,036 ~ahaik..... 19,0671 5,1961 981,123 15723,9,7,8 4 4,7s527,71422 Tahknicknau.......... 1113 476 5650 1931 2,0' 80.3 1........ 6,8 621 1 390 3,97421 Tortlan ll........... 2448z,8s16120 25,0 823!294,6641s 173| 3~1 12,56s 12 73 9 — 7,34- 9-,530 Cuyler........,....../17,329 8,408s 709,496 208,907/ 30,5621 1,41611 1,462s...'... 876,4,7,4 Freetown.............10,832 4,4331, 553,397 166,906/ 24,'7031 7~33 6 2s 6,588~1 6,5581 4,380 4,432s Hatford..............~ 8,126s 5,7591] 315,754 67,061t 14,969i 1,077;1 1,230 12I 3,911I 3,963 2,620s 2,645 Homer..............l 22,44811 6,872~1 1,666,341 282,3561 53,793] 2,785s] 2,693 11/ 12//12,7331112,6341 7,533 7,4991 (Continuet~ on page 298.)71! AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. 291 CHEMUNG COUNTY —(CONTINUED). GRASS LANDS. SPRING WHEAT. WINTER WHEAT. OATS. WINTER RYE. Meadow. Acres sown. Acres sown. Acres sown. Acres sown. TOWNS. Bushels Bushels Bushels harvested. harvested. harvested. Tons of hay. Bushels of 1864. 1865. 1864. 1 864. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1S64. 1853. 1864. 1864. grass seed. 1864. Elmiracity.......... 460........-................. 24 34 438 115 138 1,665 7 7 Erin................. 2,247 85 182 2221i 1,095 75 111 688 1,357 1,4751/ 13,228 34 12 Horseheads.......... 2,618 46 1261/ 941 854 836 8861 8,199 2 1581 2,247?:[ 28,469 36s 25' Southport........... 5,047`1/ 561/ 75 97`3 591 6721. 67621 6,3171 1,706 2,016 28,1141'1 1981 353 Van Etten........... 2,322/ 1421/ 66 59 289 105 181 703 1,276 1,345 13,833 81 Van~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ete,.0 81, 34 81" Veteran............. 3,221 551 721 51 385 509 749 5,435 I20761 2,276 24,609 421 6 Total............. 28, 342 | 5361' 998 1,106,1| 6,326 || 4, 137 1 4,774s-11 37,0855' 15, 9841J 17_18 l 219,6441 802121,32 CHENANGO COUNTY-(CON —~TITNUED). Afton............... 4,911 37 27 i 2541 25941 74s- 1081|' 749! 72 10-77 17,389 | 0 1382 211g2 4 3i! 8724' 2,076'a Bainbridge.......... 3,699 1I 7kI 1U 1 Us 1 1091 4 214 6841! 5085'21i 63) 6312 76514 11,600 91 Columbus........... 548 29' 6 5| 5031 Hi 14 234s 935 9641 18, 140 4 2 Coventry............ 4, 214s 441 23s2 5812 22 3sII 6 2 9 4 858. 1,032 14,523i' 17g 13i G r a........... 3[3 44I2,1, 0 German........................... 438 441 13 14 Greene.............. 7,769-1 I1 326 11 317 14,. 37,252`1 1 52 1,470 18,665 1 2 Guilford............ 8,3544l 10 25 1241 216 66 126 97s 2 1,147 17,609 120 1 6 Lincklaen........... 4,014s........ 4 3 471........................ 691 770 11, 136.... Macdonough.....................515 559 8,995 9 9 Now Berlin.......... 4,91 130 | 57 l25l 114 1,007 1,193 12,448 1 1North Norwich...... 3,417 127 14l 12 15 10 9 2 7 - 8s1 419 614 710 10,126 659 551 Norwich........... 6,533 -43 12 17 6 5 18 1 239 502 528 9,739 15 I4 Otselic.............. 4,671 46116 22 13s 6 2........ 88 02 13 17,004 3........ Oxford........... 7,572........ 841 82 64 353t 401 407 998.1,084 20,487 58' 61 Pharsalia............ 3,854 515 4143 31......................... 471 528 8, 3 122... Pitcher............. 4,1451 160 5 9s 35 I1 I 1 32 529 569 9.951 10 163Plymouthi 5,247 8404 8 5 64 14 18 132 647 736 9,120........ 2 Preston.............. 4 929 21 4 5 31........................ 317 348 5,369 4 7. Sherburne........... 8-3)601 562 171 23 177 77 97 1,00 9 6 2 123 1,465 304801 2)L 201 North~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nowih 77 11,553// Smitliville3........... 5,752 6 20 25 21015 4 6 86 908 1,025 15,974 28/1 5i Smyrna.............. 5,938 55s 26 281 25811 581 1,033 1,232 1,238 26,612 2- 2 Total............. 113,683jl 3172s|| 28841 3 11lt4 2, 577glI 444 | 7391l 6,4261116,78931^18,5784 300,51741~i 802i 48 CLINTON COUNTY-(CONITINUED). Altona.t.............. 2,1621 2 | 98i 1:2 t 1,055 1........................ 576 577s1 9,764 14 7 2,800 5 8 Fiji......1...1.... ( Ausable.............,........[ 81 82 6 653 762 15,285 8 14 Beckmantown........ 6,873 45 440s 426s 5,622 1 1 16 2,649s 2,'7 J7 66,206 231 251 Black Brook......... 1,722........ 248 215 2,215............. 578 606 7,955 i 2013 251 Champlain.......... 5,872 83. 1914 156 2,262 I........................ 2,5914 2,996 77, 545........ 21 p. ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~1, ~~ Chazy.............. 5,974s 23s 274s 325' 4,038 3s Us 77s 2,3691 2,500s 64,260 27 17 Clinton........... 1,911.......'. 269 266s' 2,434........................ 736s1 8261.13,877 J,1........ D annemora..... 290s2.5s2 10 8s 120 1....................5..... 99 69,[ 284 1........ Ellenburgh............| 5,24.54 418 192,00 1,093s 22,4131 5 10 Mooerst............... 4,922.. 1/ 42 1 / 3IN /........................ 1 4 17 1,637 30,264 271 13 Peru................ 5,691 324 1,005 1,0391 11,510 |1~~~~~~4........................ 2,145s 2,184 47,006 55 59 Plttsburgh......... 85,242s 55s 311 3 8 70 1,3711 1,152' 35,431 94' 1151 Saranac.............. 3,403s 41s 4401' 3841 4,758s1 23.............. 1,4 s,5 3 27 36........ 81 56 9`1/4]9 176443/ 177 I5 7731 -971, 27366...].55.. Schuyler's Falls....... 2,365 27 5361' 5 312s 5, 050 4......................... 1,035 976 20,290 43 43 2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,6 0811 329 341.Total............. 52,7745 4,584|| 4,5512t 51,0235 4 I 30 22 163sl| 18,715 19,96211 438 01611 COLUMBIA COUNTY-(CONTINUE-D). Ancram............. ] 3,248 |......................... I...... 17i 8 321 2,084.2,034s 35,269 2,336 2,474 Austerlitz.......... 4,4701.............................................. 1,002 978 5,614 7 17^ 7173i Canaan............. 3,374 5 26 816 228......................... 1,3294 31 9 1 1 13,113 Chatham............ 5,365......... 4 I 22 15 1........ 15 3,082s 2,8521 22,727 2,948 4,6551 Altonant.... 3............................ 1(0 80 33 sl 5,12 41 O 2 2 Hudson.............~~lOO 1,0 5 3........Ii............... 57......i*.577..... 9, 6 140.....7 Atisaberh.............848 148 10 3s 8s{ 73J2,2i,7s,1,2 1,4 Stockport/.......,8008...... 4 3: 4 4... 4,80............[:........ 26 5 37 627 3,281 2748 147 Btyekantow......... 4,701........ 0 5s's 24 92 87 10,8206 883l 514 Blagk nck Bok.......... 1,72531 23................' 2 0 199s,96' 1,5s 2,3,5 Total ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 28] 1 25......./........,32I......:./! 251' 0 6761 144 12s1,952| 8,55li,4__35,73 207,5:/ 31,05 Chacmpnau.......... 5,87210 8s~ 39~ 1[ 56s 3 2............0 5944 42,1 78,571 2s-.......I' -........ 6,592 1 9 14s 16 10 3s[ 3 78 4 i 1,7 1 1Clintown............. 1,91823....'s 23s 13 96 1 12,44s{........I........1........ 736/83..39 7,874 7 / 2s!........ Moorsbr..]............ 4,9322......, 142, 137 1,59:1..............s 31,447 1,291~ 605i 59,7631 7131 37 Homer~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~21................/ 1,78s 11 ^ 1 4439i l~I202 1,53061| 17,411 36,72.......2 eh~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(ouler on Falls 299.)2 56 292 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. CHEMUNG COUNTY-(CONTINUED). W^INT BARLEY. BUCKWIHEA,'T. INDIAN CORN. PiTA; Acres Acres sown. Acres sown. For the grain For fodder. planted. TOW N S. ______ ________________ ________ Bushels Bushels 8 2.................| 28 43 | 15,004 |j 588 261`681, 755_ -75,1.22 84, 342.2,760i| __ _122 CHENANi-GO COUNTY-(CONTINUED), Afton................. 999il.................... -41Vi 483 20,041 | 63- I 6,800 10,028 21,824 4 3 82-'!............................ 33~ ~~~~~~]156' 43 1766'15 Bainbridge......... 803....;..... 33 4.1785| 5 li 4,510 9,426 22, 154 481.... Columbus.............. 240.................... 89' 99 51,634' 1... 1500 12,701 29,050 389.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.1 ~rlI1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~................. 3o......1........ 22........ Coventry...................................................... 1,170 12,019 21,6361 26839 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...... - 1.......... Germant................ 428............ 9,983 10,147 7741........ Greene................ 1,50 o....................... 26-10 31 21,177 20 61 20, 590 16,4170 40,525 731..... Yan Etten.............. 24.................... 57 32,246 6 3 5,610 18,853 35,043 Lincklaen............. 1,810........... 20' 324|12,574........... 7,872 8,814 76........ Mi\/Iacdonou h................ 30.......1 4,4200 11,204 14,143 161........ New Berlin............ 85.................... 44 573i25,395 4 1 3,792 14,775 29,569 765........ North Norwich........ 10..................... 1173 126 "i55, 662 3 1 3II 2, 350 7,112 1 3, 5 17 452.... Norwich...................................... 39 19,2 4 7 8 61 5 731 1 Otselic................ 3,493 171 204 10,241 57 69 31,56.. 1,7, 80,035 137........ Oxford................. 59...................... 23 21 U 7, 7707 I 1 1,000 16,218 36,760 88932........ Pharsalia............................. I.................................... 2 Pitcher................ 383.................... 25-3 3541 12,259 li 2 2 1 9 40 2. Plymouth............... 9....... 63.. 9214 43,262 4 41 3,250 10,0182 18,952 348......... Preston..................... 3 5 800 8. 905 16,755 455..................... 641.................... 2 8 33| 68 170,16,602 46,053 8........ Sherburne. 641 263 31 (j 6 67''~~~~~~~~~~a t I(9 Smithville............. 107.....................................I........ 10 13,340 30,730 381 250.................. I4893 Smyrna................ 01,50 13,306 28,00......... Total.............. 10,128 17 1 41U 10,241j L,016gl 1,2375569,027 || 14 5/ 65 1 77,197 1248,870J485, 518 9 124 I CLINTON COUNITY-(CONTINUED). Altona...................... 13............. 4 305 1, 93 1 1....... Ausable............... 221....................... 2..,. 3... 21,17].20..!6..g0,090. 1 6,170. 4,416 4,5882 7 3.3 10 Beekmantown..........2 343...... /...................................... 360 11,340 18,763 228 44 ~mcklaen ~~ ~............1,0/.......I.............. [ 0 o2 1,, t......I../......../, 8e s s 4 61....... Black Brook................... 6024 2................ Cham plain........................... 8,.,8......................................i..................... 4,557 7,956 70........ ehazy.................. 727................... 30........ ~~~~~~~~~~~ II4 1 5~2,9 /4/i/3,2/ 175/9,6 75/........... Clinton............... 100............ 140...... 200 41................ D annem ora................................................................... 2qo enburw h............ 23.0..................... 4. P enr............... 566...................................... 3............... 43 11,282 1 48 Poetsburg...130......... 1,005............I. 75!. 10,22 4 18, 15 S a r a n a c................................... Ps erh.................... 3....................... 1 1, 1 03752 13 0........ Oxfordl............... 18,385'lL............. 1 I 1 l 1 PlAttsbur g............ 59................................................ 1 1,00 224,18 1 217091 3 Sarsna lic....................... I...........}........ 8,278 9,63 1 1 8........ Scana.er's Falls................................ 6 4........ Chathal................................. 45~ 385 1 73 I' 3,.1 1,9 i5 0 19 1, 99 27,9 2, 7........k............. 70........ Plyrmou t..................................6.....2.i 1,6 6 4 500,328 1 2,293 667. r esaton...............] 839II......1...../.........I I 800l................1..........80 7,95 17,37.5 5 1 0........ sherutr ne...................t. 5,3 1 9,2 6 531 5........ H d o..... ~".......... [................................................................. 25~t0 2 3 30 07 5 0 3 14........ Smynae h o....................... L... "..... 3....... 4.... 9,00 7, 5 18 32 641 New Lebanon....... *160 l{......{...............{7' { 8 3 45 1,426 3...... 2011 8 00,4 13,38 40 0 4803 ~........ rStuyea' f................................ 4 1... 40,2 [ 17,!2 1!10,'1 6,0263 193756,7 16 CORLINTO COUNTY-(CoNTINUED). C n m a u............ 2 6......1.............. 8 1! 4 4 0....................[ 3, 0 1 8 0 1 4......... Cortlndvile.......2215 2 2 1 26 371 1176 3i 4,745 1805 42,09 8S15.... B yeekrton........ 233/....../...1..,00.................... 31 4 196l.23........ 9 t 00 11,534 018,6393 25.... Freetown ~ ~ ~I......}......}........0...................... 89 610|............}.... 25 9 8/7 1,412223..... Harfbrd.. "8.459....... 12..................... 1................ i............-............ 455 7,961[ "'1,374 211 ]..... Homer ~ ~ ~ 7 2~....../ a......1......I.,...5 30I....../....../........I 3$,3 6 i,00 18,1 li41,87 5 23}... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(Clintiudon...,. 100[2....[.......{ I 4 /...[...[....! 0]/4. AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. 295 CHEMUNG COUNTY-(CONTINUED). __ MARKET GARDENS. I _ I 3. NEAT CATT'LE. Acres cul- ~^ g5 g 3 ^ ^ Sg- ^ ic os TOWNS. tivated. gnC. 5 ^ S.2o) ____ Value of pro- 0 0'c ^ ^^ ^ c o —------ ducts, 1864. P5* > S "'' " 0~ -5 =.1865. ~ C2 t ^ ~S ^- ^i O| 1864. 186.5. ^ * ^ S^ ^ ^ &*- \& B o ____ ___ Elmira city...!.... 163 1,50 00..........................................1 4 9 294 Erin....................... 14 00.3,231 66...... 2,384 170...... 298 3004 266 109 969.758 Horseheads........ 11 55 00 200 7 58 I1,316 100...... 286 318 339 50 1,014- 903 Southport.......... 33 1,394 50 385 15 2 8,255. 140....... 881 7.98 749 120 1,558 1,397 Va-n Etten............................ 4,533- 61 130 2,537 169...... 324 344 395 127 825 749 Veteran........... 4 80 00 415 10...... 1,977 81.... 396 367 474 50 1,168 1,037 Total.............51 6,-593 50 ||11,735 -517 458 23,265 1,494......J 3,504_ 3,512 4 5A32 708 -10,889 647 CHENANGO COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Afton.......................I271,144 | 96....2,309 138.... 504 649 395 96 1, 680 1,559 Bainbridge....................... 12,381 83 24 1,436 154... 245 528 259 91 1, 377 1,344 Columbus.................!......... 28,295 84...... 160 50,...... 235 233 147 2 2,447 2,273 Coventry........................... 36,854 18U.... 2,827 1024...... 129 730 351 60 2,698 2,120 German............................. 28,442 123...... 850 44....... 410 445 209 20 1, 538 1,272 Greene..................... 1,241 00 10,831 649 109 2',620 170...... 643 1,061 364 57 3,845 3,298 Guilford............................. 75,592 225...... 2,995 1691...... 1,028 930 655 89 3,223 2,819 Lincklaen............................ 27,515 50...... 1,675 66...... 277 2Xd8 217 12 1, 217 1, 187 Macd-onough......................... 37,716 235..... 895 63..... 386 415 314 54 2,041 1,908 New Berlin................. 3600 17,575 53...... 1.603 113...... 392 416 351 13 2,942 2,587~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~00 17,55.. 1 63 13... 16 35 North Norwich....................... 1,520 17... 1,885 68...... 261 238 1717 27 1,178 1,023 Norwich..... 1 100 00' 15,018 27..".... 956 68...... 527 547 1,884 21 2, 327 2,144 Otselic............... 23,020 48...... 2,497 144i...... 381 431 416 46 1.,541 1,515 Oxford............................... 31,250 168... 785 4-5....... 849. 913.7-02 48 3,432 3,053 Phars~alia................... 28.495 66.... 430 15...... 361 456 170 36 1, (4 1,522 Pitcher......................... 47,548 108...... 848 64...... I 365' 412.114 22 1,595 1,450 Plymouth............................ 32,243 155...... 2,561 199...... 442 462 166 39 2, 177" 1,950 Preston.............................. 25,380 117.... 1,569 136...... 198 583 311 54 2,071 1,6189 Sherburne.............. I.......... 28,774 281...... 3,,296 136...... 468 353 46S 27 2,805 2,681 Smithville...............I........... 34,783 187591...... 265 33.... 829 885 378 54 2,908 2,442 Smyrna.......'....................., 25,448,195....... 2,729 190...... 320 444 214 20 1,888 -1, 623 Total........... _1 1, 377 00 J'595, 824 314 13 3599 2,168||..... 9,250 I 11, 399 _^6__88 4.16 CLINTON COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Altona............ I........ 1.......I 6,126......I...... 2,582 79 |...... 219 188 307 38 385' 401 Ausable............10 30325.................... 2,35 18 /.. 261 277 268 38 749 975 Beekmantown...... 44! 830 00 9,776 159....... 7,253 306.... 607 676 864 28 1,358 1,333 Black Brook.......................... 250 31...... 2,401 66...... 312 290 225 33 673 862 Champlain............................ 18,669 160....... 3,7180 96... 464 473 611 50 1,09 1,296 Chazy.............. 0................ 40,935 253 44 7,490 194... 599 641 492 41 1,249- 1,277 Clinton................... 305 00.2, 665............. 675 41...... 144 125 208 33 736 7,97 Dannemora....................... 675 10 3 2,000 80... 26 29 36 1 161 220 Ellenburgh........ 4~ 20900~ 27,578 194...... 3,863 168...... 350 328 5-30 85' 844 931 Mooers............................... 12,755.65...... 16,273 577...... 605 - 583 877 98 1,265 1,247 Peru.............. i.................. I1,905 30 745 8,804 259...... 580 559 53-1 78 1,250 1,407 Plattsburgh........ I1 1,065 00 2,240...... 295 5,872 219'... 411 444 459 24 1, 2 51 1,518 Saranac......................'........ 950 18...... 5,344 139.... 36 379 437 31 864 916 Schuyler's Falls...................... 3,425 17 2 3,070 102...... 258 262 211 14 79 788 Total......._20!z 2,712 25 1107',949 937 1,089 71,942 |2,445 |......| 5,204_ 5,244'6,056 592 12,60 13,968 COLUMBIA COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Ancram..........|...i.......... Ir....<............................... 97 126 330 247 679 739 Ausierlitz................... I............... 10 13 1 6 3 165 82 642 6041 Canaan............ 4 435 00 65.7 14 1 2,157 90...... 468 417 100 76 694 669 Chatham~~~~ ~~~....... 1|.200 124 2.... A,9 51..... 30 33 225 215 1,319 1,186 296 ARICtILTURAL STATISTICS. CHEMUNG COUNTY-(CONTINUED). CTEBUTTER. CHEESE. HORSES. SWINE. SEP 296~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~L''i - Gallons of 2 TOWNS. o milk sold, Pounds made. Pounds made, 1864. Colts of Colts of Two years - Pigs of Season of Slaughtered Pounds of pork Shorn in Shorn in " 1864. / 1864. 1864. 1865. old and o 1S65. I 1864,ad -in 1864. made, 1864. 1864. 1865. t ^^lover, 1865. older, _______________~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ older. [__ I' It / Elmiraicity:... 8 3,260.......... 44,993' 2 3'32. 6 50 34 47 11450 15....... Erin......... 179 91,812.................. 27 20 409 8 204 260 405 83, 303 2,036 2,203 forseheads.................. 20,078 37 42 562 24 682 838 614 25,654 3,769 2,742 7 4~~~2 56 4 62 18 64,79 2 Southport..... 345 154,767 1,448 17,295 62 44 685 34 591 642 812 175008 3,111 2,832 Van Etten........ 138 90,140.................. 47 42 304.... 271 267 415 82,616 2,578 2,700 1 4 4 Veteran.......... 273 112,239 14, 385........ 44 28 552 4 394 613 538 120149 3,927 4,321 Total.......... 12,3396| 105, 145 21, 747 |l103, 205 ||I 368 312 5,000.95|| 4_,2)0 7 __4, 682 _5,_348 11,136,75_5j 26,49lJ_26, 634 CHENANGO COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Afton............ 150 177,642 19,035........T 33 43 429.... 351 267 457 109,928 2,427 2,278 Bainbridge....... 224 141,367 880......... 33 24 51.1.... 341 236 385 94,685 2,096 2,009 Columbus....... 215 49,220 560,737........ 20'19 385.... 268'205 307 69,552 1,~642 1,761 Coventry......... 223 275,213 19,789........ 42 51 464 10 679 1,053 519 116,933 2,)666 2,223 German......... 97 151,347 280....... 34 30 289 1 3 02 443 267 64, 831 1, 395 1,225'Greene.......... 280 3.64,476 25,200 9,300 58 49 708 1 820 1,327 934 246,306 3,386 / 2,859 Guilford.......... 328 336,618 4,170 I........ 55 62 707 /5 606 943 832 [ 194,450 3,787 / 3,231 Lincklaen........ 911 95,514 142,050........ 34 9 265 1 /207 114 233 53,493 2888 2,663 207/ ~ ~ 2 114/23!5,493 2,788/ 2,663 Macdonough...... 165 I185,090 121,311 /........ 29 21 /.373 /2/ 263 / 205 / 346 84,409 1,888 1,632 New Berlin..::.. 2341 145,092 387,022 300 52 34 627.... 511 897 498 131,574 3, 23[ 2,979 North Norwich...] 204 83,292 153,264........ 28 37 299 1I 301 213/ 286] 73/927' 3,460 2,168 Norwich........ 591 180 217 128,4511 300 28 31 687 2 39( 3S8 441 108,030 6,554 6,201 Ots 2, 05 2084 Otselic........... 142 131,545 93,'820 152 40 42 502 2 329 182 366 92,460 3,045 2,843 Oxford..... —-. 200. 360,357 31;189......... 33 35 | 7412 4 [ 866 6 1,176 [ 743'190,070 3,596 3.353 Pharsalia......... 118 179,310 47,541..........56 49 312 3 353 473 363 93,415 [ 1,2961 1,198 Pitcher.......... 147 132,085 65,218......... 36 28 368 5 378 157 -321 77,703 2, 749 2,759 Plymouth......... 188 143,430 193,097 I......... 30 34 4331 71 442/ 701' 417 102,989 / 4, 17 4,071 Preston.......... 157 254,153 19,464......... 22 27 324 1 271 269 417 102,039 2,744 2,574 Vhrune........ -'4,69 5 6 Sherbarne....... 524 197,-665 334,230 1,600 67 52 815 19 696 378 770 197,946 6,469 5,865 Smithville........ 192 29'9,188 77-, 685........ 36' 34 501a 2 618 7904 551 138,321 2,575 2,525 Smynm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..........0 Smyrna.......... 228 159,505. 127,633.........1 35 [ 30 578 9 434 236- 506 112,608 7,354 6,720 l.......... 4,698 4,042,326 2,554,056 11,652 805 761 10,319 77 i 9,435 10,657 9,959 [2,455,669 69,897 63,137 COLUMBIA COUNTY-(CoNxTINUED). Altona........... 57 32,375 ( 420........ 17 47 302 2 I88 121 203 49,343 1,421 | 1,794 Ausable....... 131 40, 090 15,303........ 24 24 642 15 269 197 306 74,456 1,375 1,952 Beekmantown.... 89 118,682 13,625........ 75 77 -876 898 742 729 185,510 7,709 8,424 Black Brook...... 146- 39,890 2,135:|........ 19 10 516 12 219 228 292' 59,373, 7933 1,040 Champlain...... 446 73,.933 16,772 3,500 55 701 827.... 382 302 533 131,895 3,247 4,238 Chazy........... 57.90,536 9,397........ 70 72 803 1 528 94 625 157,349 7,472 9,182 Clinton 37. 56,250.............. 43 26 276.... 280 287 314 73,700 1,3 -1,654 Dannemora... 8 9,880.................. 2 2 165 46 6 74 57 1 Ellenburgh.. 2 go........ 36 48 584 271 230 336 78, 2 25o 5 2,847 Mooers.......... 57 104,050 900.77 57 785.... 639 818 616 135520 3,550 4,279 Peru............. 82 53 913 2 374 468 684 175,766 7,012 7,743.Plattsburgh........ 809 92,840.14,047 2,800 44 53 1,061.... 484 331 617 152,339 5,892 6,159 Saanc....... 7 71,320[ "1,950........ 32 36 556.... 361 472 5454 115,570 2,067 2,385 Schuyler's Falls... 85 56,608 7,815........ 29 21 415.... 201 253 347. 84,065 3,432 4,083 Total........... 34 6 7 846,725 18,721 78 5,158 47,926 55,850 CORTLAND COUNTY-(CONTINUEID). Ancram.......... 90 56,100 27,10.0 | 29 30 4716.... 1,997 961 1,58 335,875 6,852 3,479 Austerlitz........ 29 59,191 1,370........!1 32 82 453 5 620 457 46 13,0 691497 7. I 42 5 1134/691,7 Canaan ~ ~ ~ " " 1 t ll.... _...:-' __.im_ 43 3_4 6 oanaan........... 21426 548 116,765 9,791 5,973 Chatham1......... 313 25,055 3,6,70 1,001 I -44 41 9,6731 2 151,5590 530 1,014 243,432 7 8,030 4,477 _lermon......... 65 3,8800.......... 15 2 4 30... 69 94 63'1,2 2 6 Copake ~~~~~ ~~....... 12*6,17 4 i00 37 41, 0 491... 1,746 2,3 1,069~ 196,523I 6,937 1,800 Gallatn........97 53,2 79..... 27 31 55..1,9407 1,17 1,304 24,9 4,92 3970 Qermantown...... 58 3,3101 t 130t.......... 1086 7 82 61..] 412 53 425 8197 314025 Ghent....., so/4,0/.:...... 148 9453 a00 411,30....6 16 1,11 27,89 189 1,2 24,6-423,0 Austerirtz...:..... 175.s 456,827/......4,64 0 1 34 42 25/89 8,692 1634 Chilatham.:........ 175 68,O5S0 4,2570 1,00 27 4 55 4 533~o.... 1,472] 1:,448/ 1,14:17,075i 6,010/4,828 Hudso...............I..................../ 14,990.... 3 7.. 32 19..... 8; / 6, 041110/ 1 1,")8 3; 6/4,00........... Clnermont........ 36 58,859 ~.................. 231 12 3;04H......1,079 5290 57243 115,72'9 1,841 9436 Ciinsop...ke 16 4,5............... 24 2317 666.... 1,12 1,405 922 /4[ 11 1,71461 2,8.5,);{1653I;31'{2,8022 Gal leatin..... 917 318*840.... 0 6 39... 44 33 48 1932 1,4,0 CSratownor.'... 93 2,1....... 4680 4 9 182 3 6 6 695 25 18 Stuyvesat......3,. 2 68 3,795 1 7.......I 7t3/ 57//.... 71,779 10 9 1,046 18 450, 391 427 83,062 95 [,914 Tagh anik..... 4,103 6471..........!.....8.4.1 17! 34 495J.... 41,54 55 {,2510 892 16,4779 34,30 3,36 otl....... 1,8 93,7o|2,7 0,1 |^ 8 6,1 j6 |1,7.1 >229 23630 i6^1j Q,70 Cnints...... 17 1635 3,20........,' o~1~~o l~ ~,: 39 29 33|..i 272~ 19 |~ 3081'82,o591 4,6o31/1,146 Grenort adil....... 37435,587'/.....] 245,434 715 68 61 77,3 I3 25 472 1,832 885 230,0925I 5186 7,302 Itilsdler...'....... 170 63,862 6I4 25 19,14 }12.5.: ~....I. 32,472 1404 5 31, 629 36 171,072 2,72102 2,463 hudetown......................5 43,00 0 27073....'[.....7/3.4I 37..39....| 196 38 124 5749 1,400 1,225....... Kindrhook........ 121 102,000 1114........: /....i ~ 18 2 2 17... 21, 9 ~ 20 176- 115,565 2,15 1,206/94 Homer......... 16 359,83 1,65..........I. 5 51 79.....l 94 23 98 971 233{ 3,65.533 l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Cniudo a~ 0. AC-RICULTURAL STATISTICS. 297 CHEMUNG COUNTY-(CONTINUED). SHEEP. POULTRY. D *! DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES, 1864. TOWNS. g'Q Lambs Lambs Pounds of Pound? of Sheep Number, Value owned, Value sold, Value of e'gsYards Yards Yards Yards of raised inilraised i wool,shorni wvool shorn~ slau —h- killed bNl 1865. 1864. sold, 1~64. n. of fulled of flannel. of linen. eotlon and 1864. 1865. in 1864. in 1S65. tered in dogs in cloth. mixed 1864. 1864..1 cloths. Elmira city.............. 1 50 10............ 137 50 8106 50 83500 ~161 00.......................... Erin.............. 1,113 1,289 6,590 6,735 267 11 884 00 641 00 656 00.......... 741 1,814 1,301 65 Horseheads........ 1,4811 1,463 11,536 9,238 137 25 1,55650' 72375 1,159 00 80800i 157 398 53'....... Southport......... 1,603! 1,7161 10,391 3,953i 371 128 | 3,225 001 1,176 25 1,693 00 2,914 00i 92 426 338 122 VanEtten......... 1,127 1,390j 8,786 8,918 229 40 J1,241001 1,03800 937 00..........| 453 1;636 1,730 88 Veteran........... 2,030 2,502| 14,714 12,749 305 14 1,902 00o 12 Total........... 12,916 14;203,138,395' 81,95112,511 |183 30 10,5322 5,315 25| 2,477 6,381 CHENANGO COUNTTY-(CONTINUED). Afton............ 1,3211 1,384 8,1421 7,8983 87 7t 1,157 42 982 13 1,28300 93450 451 947 1,389 128 Bainbridge........ 1,249 1,242 7, 2341 6,899 182 5! 987 25 425 75 85025; 52075 268 |7561- 905 8 Columbus......... 8681 856 6,1911 6,707/ 184 2 1,078 70/ 451 00 1,19800 21100 17821 801 513....... Coventry.......... 1,491 1,557 9,425 8,4031 259 35 1,318 00 546 121 1,365 28 745751 316A! 988~- 530....... German........... 930 1,043 4,861 4,1881 1308 21 I 61060 44520 808 401 15 75' 696~; 1,5491 386r 144 Greene............ 2,202 2,069 11 3663/ 9,4823/ 244 97 2,44600 1,22- 50 2,564 50 1,352 00 767 1,711 448 120 Guilford........... 2,139 1,857 14,158 12,084 119 7 890 201.50875 681 25 839 75 10141 215 121 20 Lincklaen......... 988i 972 11, 3391/ 10,4601 144 4 43800 238 75! 343 001 1200 46.............. 117 Macdonough....... 986| 951 6,577 5,753 202 24 719 75 35116 7355a0 120 00 624 1,908 741 253 New Berlin........ 1,82S 1,467 13,985 10,691 223 23 1,00800 648s5 1o 050 o 60 825 900 30103 504 179....... North Norwich..... 1,231 1,373 13,5501 8,321 192 3 550 25 330 70 294 0/ 216 56 105 243 43....... Norwich.......... 2,4211 2,521 24,137 20,014 65 9 681 50i 31240 31175 33696 281 546.............. Otselic............ 1,375 1,308 11,750 10,809 2871 19 1,302 001 588 41 1,020 75' 28855 216 1,025 937 325 Oxford............,926 1,984 12,865 12,145I 34 5 1,386 60' 6708 93 240i 105 10 432 931 128....... Pharsalia........../ 7581 665 5,006 4,473 141 14 485 501 203 75 253 25 350 417 1,169 646 103 Pitcher............ 1,318 1,404 11,213 11,476 152 15 838 501 372 001 565 00, 154 00 230 747al 5391- 68 Plymouth......... 1,915' 1.966 16,770 16,327 213 8 1,24500 79000 1,18400/ 433 00 382 569 429 56 Preston........... 1,186' 1,191 10,577 2,833 104 40 777 00 343 00 316 00/ 255 00! 424 818 25 29 Sherburne......... 2,598! 2,223 27,743 19,152 456 86 1,972 451 1,321 45 2,642 44}..........}| 195 1,052 564 66 Smithville......... 1,712 1,741 9,321 8,177 64 22 907 501 32900 635 00[ 158 001 970 2,107 462 125 Smyrna........... 2,641 2.397 28,699 25,654 323 48 1,448 00| 720501 1,822 50! 114 60 141 718 172 150 Total............ 33,813 494 22.248 22 11,706 87' 20,857 37 7,382 97 7,553 19,306 9,158 1,712 CLINTON COUNTY —(COTINUE D). Altona............ 585, 741l 4,997 6,113 701 31 606 00 59 00 182 00';.......... 287'672 50 572 Ausable........... 594 8621 5,469 8,099 128 35 675 75 891-80 1,230 00i 60 20 1482 274 1 76 33 Beekmantown...... 3,263 3,812 31,48.4 34,205 355 82 2,572 00 3,659 75i 2,155 00;1 130 00 1,129 2,065} 346 -....... Black Brook....... 334i 4881 2,928 4,467 76 20 1,019 00 44 50 99 00| 216 00 216] 994 50....... Champlain......... 1,758 2,230; 11,983 15,333 621 44 1,325 00| 565 00 1,075 00 164 001 573 1,158 380....... Chazy............ 2,9681 3,4151 28,927 34,354 157 29 1,618 00i 839 87 1,631 50/ 18 00: 3181 1,0162 215 20 Clinton........... 88I 1,0121 4,827 5,2261 63 3 327 50 84 55 58 00 600 1,020 1,827I 304 144 Dannemora........ 39! 43' 87 204 11...... 339 50 116 50! 14 00: 185 001 20 25.............. Ellenburgh........ 1,043; 1,2731 9,306}i 10,214 234 16 774 50 243 00 399 35! 208 00 74815 2,7453 145....... Mooers............ 1,995' 2,374'1 12,2143i 14,766 193 34 1,009 00 237 00i 464 00}.......... 1,4581 2,697| 191/ 814 Peru.............. 2,753' 3,240 29,010 30,588 244 43 1,647 00 702 00 1,232 00 111 001 1,0141 2,2971 90 384 Plattsburgh....... 2,269! 2,237, 23,733a 24,39141,765 36 1,504 25 1,351 00 1,001 821 1,269 00/ 346 836 158....... Saranac........... 913'!2,218! 6,6993{ 7,791 225 67 1,171 30 73 25 332 00 1,175 00, 561. 1,9931 59 135 Schuyler's'Falls.... 1, 612i 1, 668~ 12,867 15,622 155 31 1,026 75 1,575 00~ 938 50 87'00 892 1,991 8 7 46 Total'........... 21,00724,613i184, 533 1211, 373 414, 297 471 15,65 5A 1044222'10812 1-7 3,629 20i 8, 7334' 0, 593J 2,2512,4 Total ~........21072, 214 COLUMBIA CO UN TY-(C~ONTINUE-D). Ancram.......... 2,647j 2, 192; 27,945 |14,789 ]20 11 4,917 00 2,213 00~ 2,298 00!.....,................... 92....... Austerlitz......... 2,183| 1,934~ 26,1I58 20,013 1... 1 1,694 00 1,578 00 1,483 O0'i 5 001............................. Canaan............ 3,220 2,9691 42,347 26,717..23'6 27 1,809 00 980 00 1,4714001 137 00' 22 39 1421 201 Chatham.......... 3,261| 2,730, 25,437,15, 2353 308 49 6,428 00 3,166 80 3,876 591 2,010 001 9 20 82!....... ~ lai..........3,83181,6 1477 10 5 407026002480| 100... o-93 - 27- 10 incrdam...... 3,647 2,194 23,5745 14,789 20111 4,158 6,400 2,4215 1,300 1,188 00!.... l. 72 909,... H u so....................'........... 80 00............ 61'' 0'....,..........t.......i... Ausewrleiano........ 2,9712,7713,934 1 86 20,500 137......I 12/,694 00 1,4578000 1,4834001} 50 001.....................1....... Ctyeanaa.......... 7740 73962 3,373 23,2717 2108 276 1,4850 44 90 00/ 6964001 127300} 221 5912......... Chathkami.........,2,888 2,73025 43719 15,2o51 126 149 t 4-189001 2,123000 3,478 92010 200, 9 720 8231....... Totalk.......... 16501493M 8^ ^ M 2_4^3,90i315^ ^ 8^Q,73 0 Cinmonntu.......... 951 722I 5,1 |~ 4,152* 160 48 226 0S 01 85000 358 ~0[0| 5 00[] 401 50i 41.... Cortlandville ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~....... 284,22,1 013 20 4,18,15,33 19 5 3 3 5 Cople............,- 1 0991190 1,09.0/,260 14 23~ S 1,14,9001,49700~,7100 2600 142 799 719 150....... Freetow..........los 852 m84 84,12 4,259i 198o 7 4 0573001 179400 5,8600/ 8~000~...... 832i 309 25 Ghen......... S 92 ~41 995! 7,038 4,48 99 2I 5810 00,S 369,75 40:3 5, 88~ 00 1 6...... 97 930.... Grenoert........... 1,858 2,34 1,508 19,11 5 64 31 1,655252 92201"600 1,095494; 543001| 65.,07..11. 5 2~~3,8 298 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. CORTLAND COU NTY-(CO0N"TINUED). ACRES. CAS1 VALUE. ACRES PLOWVED. 1, GRASS LANDS. FALLtOW. TOWNS I |i ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Acres in paSture. M1eadow. Improved. Unimprov- Of farms. Of stock. O f tools and&I 1864. 1665. | 1864. 1865. 1 865. ed. 1865. 1, -6 5. 1865. ihnplcnint?:.! j 1865. 1864. 1865. Acres. Acres, 1~64. 1 65. Lapeer.............. 9.827 4,3192 3 408,262 $91,707 114, 793 | 8214 905...... 5,262 5,101' 3,551| 3,534 Marathon.......... I10,,, 280 5, 6652 523. 540 121 454 17, 3(;8 835~1 896............ 5, 960 5,812- 3 3,337|| 37482'~~~~~~~~~~~) 4,41 1, 590 (,5 4,56 Proble.............. o11,055 5,0591 685,855 127,796 2, 4 I.4, 4,90 25 3,561 Scott................ I,0 8~i 4I8 9 50............ 4.934 4,9 0 3,319,5 7 (01, 4....' 4i9,6 Solon................ 12,584 6,346 559,986 128,076 34, 706 930sJ[ 6,010............. 6;571S 6,4851 4,717- 4,668~.alr.... )3 54 00.))1 45' 340 4, G2 Taylor........... 11,359 6,286 546,518 117,755 29,031 900 952 304 -3! 3043 4,362 Truxton............. 18,595 9,185 723,165 222,329 42,612 | 1,212 13251............ 10,500 10,465s| 6,265 5.362 Virgil............... 925,3 21065 41,307'| 2,462 2 1 11,097 7 7,534 W ett.............. 9,225 6, 43)9 365,300 100,516 12,202 p 642 7 51' 2...... 4,925 4,915 3,452 3,481 Total..............!207,982}! 91, 070 1110,629, 627 42,295,603 4 l 2 il,22U0,'0|7, ]DELAWARE COUNTY. Andes...............1 31,4311 26, 078^ 685,630 198,278 OR, 683 2,957s- 2,994& 11 2411 2071 13,987 13,340 10, 5691 10,9594 1~ ~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4 i-.~ i Bovina.............. 19,931 6,.387 495,450 157,825 21,282 1,507 1,625s1 179..... 11,546 12,537 5,455 5,448 Colchest118,5871 56,4774 573,888 155,145 44,368 2.417 4, 5 1 8 95 7 Davenport...........i 22,79712 2,095' 824,325 1710,919 42), 9 55 2,9224' 2,63 389 468 10,I6 11,023 7,280 692 ndeli............... 24,99731.1 342, 743,85,690 46 3010 3,309 2 1 2 Franklin.......36,485 11,015 1, 264, 2'25 297,243 61, 966 3,697 4,08441 359'1 13 5 1,9,1I7 2 24,8645- 12,2219 -4 11,9445 Hamden............. ~1.22,680 12,118 525,218 164,967 23,568 2,268 2,9526 54 13 11,51911 1,98~ I 13,35031 8,306 8,3)o 9'))0,3 Bancock............. 19,3581 88,253 449,400 95,601 19,544 1,437 1,_40.341 89 1795 2,..2.5.1 | 247,s 5,91a 4,48 Harpers-field......... I 18,840-2 6,045 652,750 108,2260 33,505 2,0721 2,4-131 9 Il- 9),696 lo.004' 6.0 97 6,32 Kortri-ht............. 29,292,8,70941 886,117 165, 3815 502694 3,293s 3,799z' 44 12^ 16,198 16,049 9,203s 9,310' Casonville........... 19,255 10,5884[ 616,280 161,587 37,372 1,9895 1,999 126' 4451 9,934 8,580 6, 939 5,547 Meredith............ 22,1697 9,812- 660,975 140,764 32,842 2,621 2.328 0 29 9,865 9.835 6,944 6,964 Middletown...........I 29,49941 22,868 846,400 200,281 38.274 3,325 3,506| 1774 164 13,264 13,029'5 10,044 10,,156 Roxbury............ 34,89711 20,468 1,095,480 21,)1)8 40,958 3,190 3,4049 629 899 20,189 20,243 10,5738 1 0,569 Sidney.............. 19,5044' 9,190 8I33, 1,40 1572,784 3 38.916 2,118(;sI 2, 505841 2291 1359 / 19,0728 102,)I1 5,518 6, 11,14 Stamford.............i 18,419 8,047 645,600 128,776 39,252 2,168 2,369 77 2 6 130/,33196 1 0,50321 5,949 5,898 Tompkins...........| 26,7078 58.646 1,1,471,007 252,510 48,906 2,894s 3,156 96 88 11,692 11,596 10,9800 11,145s Walton.............. 22,927 32,079 765,422 149,492 25,520 912 1,............ 113 1), Total.............. 427, 851 4`400, 224' 1 13,636, 157 13, 168, 884'669 245 44, 8004! 501342'-'2,8421 2,914s1 212,971L |272G0114,5, 337l"~l45-l 1 L ]DUTCHIESS COUNTY. Amenia............ 17,892s 6,848 I 1,617613 |215,408 136, 4641 2,o4704 2,47154.; 2 9, 069, S, 8763s 5,523ooT 5, 832:s Beekman........... 13077 4,421 784,695 151,468 24,427 2,212 2,446 1............ 6,527 6,324 3,-0346 3,. 90 Clinton............... IS,9104 4,307s 1,117,701 161,846 54,249 5,4181- 5,060!129-1 65s1. 6, 688 6,526 6,212 6, 1284 Dover................ 18,61045 11,1661 1,1502005 202,i8747,911 1,936 21,199 10,8810 4,957 5,274 East Fishkill......... 22,813 8,97911,824,705 267,803,1 5,849 4, 4, 6 1 4.26 50 98 8,039 9,405 5,8259 5.-' 8 6,96 Fishkill............. 24,0812 7,595^1 3, 155, 191 3-56,608 715,770 5,383s~ 5,137AIl 71 82 8,2Y00 8,086 7,492'- 7,80 Hyde Park........... 17,'105 5,'030 I 1,819,200 1 85, 220 1 60,432 3,414 3,406 i1....... 2)7 4,148 4,233 5,830 5,787 La Grange........... 22,77549 2,7138 1,491,110 222,089 / 53,976 4,358 4,105(.i 8G 35 7,626 7,8175 6,295 6,314 Milan................ 18,894 30,966491 1,15 142,057 135,005 5,056 4.454 6... 33 7,723 5.553 4,8501 4,930 Northeast............ 19,1591 5,0221 1,176,265 167,616.28,6389 2.924 2,965 129 14 23 9,596J 0 10,5)220 5,313 5,1263;, Pawling.............. 17,3821- 7,760 I 1,137,953011,385 20530 268 1,396 77...... 9, 821 10,081 5,135 5,298 Pine Plains.......... 14,514 43,768 901,780 112,500 19,345 3,8220 3,233...... 7, 842 6,549 3,292 3,265 Pleasant Valley....... 15,981 2,770 |1,196,1711 lo-,79)I1138,006) 3,450 3,451 ||12 7 4,328 4,508 5,057 5,255 Poughkeepsie........ 15,910s2 2,88712,681,975 194,867 |52-, 864 03,7-39^ 3, 574'... 71 4, 182s 4,163s- 5,42/5 5,5 6 6s Poughkeepsie city..... 756 9 I 912,675. 8,8501 9,340 110 107 1| 4 7 224 110 328 3358 Redhook............. 16,76 2,191 893,557 123,120145,345 3,09913,024 Ii 55 61s 2,825 2,803 7,034 7,154 J^thinebeck........... 17,520 6,183s 2,105,260 161,731 I 57,171 3,267 3,0671 9 50 4,403 4,405 6,809 6,921s Stanford............. 20,85173 4,591 1,349,19 7'2, 4,1 48,170 - 451 44 8, 4,16 -O7 45 61 6,,83 4'2 9.784 5. 145,37 6 5.1937 8 Union Vale........... 17,154. 4,518 939,800 154,859 1 37,465 13,124_ —1 3,316 16 4.9,1'17 8,,803 4,7-51 —' 4,86..1... Washington.......... 31,166 5,383| 2,168,382 I311,254 |48,445 4,997^ 5,061 17...... 15,778 15,831 8, 528. 8,491 Total.............. 1361,3441100, 109 ^30,342,547 3,679,656 831, 153 ll 68, 475 67,152,_601i1 _632_ 145,43 l-| 144,904 |107,180lll09,130DUCESSECOUNTY. Amhenia.....,........ 17,832- 6,5848!1,9.5 13,6715473 8,138 7,6 60 74.238,53- 4,92 3,3 Aurora~~~~~~~ ~........... 1616 516 7,4 0,414,0,2s334 3 0 666 6,742 5,.6 5,145 Boston.............. 2221,2428 6,0 5,6 0, 30 6,4647.,4299 2,4925 5...... 6,509 6,8 4,864!o~ 5,053 Beckmalo............. 13,02311,4535 1,784,700 93,1 5,601,4839 4,004272, 2, 446...... 2,057 2,22 3,9461 3,69270 Clirnton.............. 18,285104,3098 1,691,718 161,9848 |76,019 5,4188; 7,356 1,29~65,2 6,599 3,861,1. 63 3,718. -odn....... 9,3 6,71 0,015132,2,9,38 1 7 428 429 315 311 Dovern............... 18,52671074 1,23,31662 1,18,005 30,74 7 2,911779 2,006 2 11 3 11,103 11,96s5,111 5,1904 Concor Fiski....,...... 28,5 2,18s1 3,7.690 22,3 4987 351o,8 8 1 5291,6,54,4Elma............... 1026,38310o,7249 95,40 1,649 1 2,701i 3,04^,2s|2 93 8,0,9090 2,863s2 52,765s Fiashki............... 24,08251 75,78 952,6 3,06|3,0 3,155,3941.. ~'i...... 1,6,7,3,1 Grand Island......... 7~00,63,918 451,720 54,386~ I1,52 2,66[,1 82,8 8,89 1,01 1,2 7,967[ 2,277 ambu Prgh........... 17,105 7,030 1,819,0,99 108,8205 0,423,5414 4,27 4056 8|.... 4,72 4,778.,14 5,606 Hll~and.............. 14202,77,030 510,360 10,48 1,,o06 22,0897 52964,1,190 5 82 7,88 7,841 3,95,1 63145 M nilan................180 5,873/ 63,966 917,4241 5,9 2,938 3,1...7..6.,7 2-97 224,2 Northeast............ 206,36410.697 142,8397 1.92,53 261,86 8,13 6,06 89s,970 4,2s421^'4,03131 5,1963 NorthCollis........20,491 6,22 95,()83 148,001 o 328 52,038 4.,921 i........... 10,4013 9,86 5,180a 5,244 Pawlinia.............20141,7 76,9 14,5 3990 3071319| 3 1 991 989..503|,8 /~~~~~~~~~~~~~(otne 17,382 306. AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. 299 CORTLAND COUNTY-(CoxNTINUED). GRASSLANDS. SPRING WHEAT. WINTER WHEAT. OATS. WINTER RYE. Mleadow. Acres sown. Acres sown. Acres sown. Acres sown. TOWNS. Bushels I Bushels Bushels harvested. tharvested harvested. Tons of Busliels of 1864. 1865. 1864.! 1863. 186.1. 1 864. 1 1865. 1864. 1863. 1864. hay. grass seed. I 1864. 1864. Lapeer. 286~ —-91 15 — i1| Tf;'.............2.1........ 437- 459-9 5,i087 1411 Marathon............ 3,6502........ 3......... 22| 4| o 0 80 363 3 3821 5,516| 8, 192 rreble............... 3,713| 0346 242 15 243 1it l991 241/ 3,1,3 1,011-1 1,121 26,..................... 549~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I........1........ Scott....... 3,534 4 94 7 4 711 30 342 555 7011 740' 18,549................ Solon............... 5,086 16|i4 23 1214 193........ 2........ 5341- 5231 9,217................ Taylor.............. 3,047 2................................ 572........ 8,964 1|I........ Truxton............. 7,005 1 25 11, 232, 6~1 9 901 694 725 13,472 1........ Virgil............... 7,223 100i 73 641 495 i 34| 754 469 1,0-62 1,296) 16,221 9 12; W illett................ 5 0........ 234 279 3,693 8 1 Total.............. 75,451 1 806 I 315 2 6 6i 2,45'5 ji _51012! 7034 826 10,285219 15,742||~ 208,9.29...92 __ 99 DELAWARE COUNTY-(CoNTINUED). Andes............... 8,275 14 l 21 3 i 38........................ 1,516.1 1,753 23,605 2621 3581 Bovina............. 4,951 28 101/ 81 119......... 1........ 893[ 967 22,035 1951 208 Colchester........... 6,244 7 1 4 1 2~ 26........................ 563-1' 6403 9,910 4511] 3101 Davenport........... 4,8051 36|i 571 531 389 2 5 20 1,367-2' 1,432.1 1_6,648 3081 535 Delhi................ 7,491 321 34 291 363 |......................... 1,657 1,827, 39,068 140 114 Franklin............. 8,57513 341 105' 96 1,100al 12/1 9. 86 2,206 i 2,488 40,5461 415 219' Hamnen............. 5,874 39 10 15 86|...................... 1,218.1 1,384| 21.9 431 130- 1771 Hancock............. 3,326|1 49 1........ 9 2........ 3 5 251 i 276A 5,093|A 254i' 219 Harpersfield.......... 3,3691 17 2741 -3212 186 5 5 25 1,0658 1,2041 12,851 72}1 1,3, Kortrigfht............ 6,4291 2 49 431 437........ 4........ 2,0831 2,089 27,834 236 1 112 Masonville........... 5,49'3|1 67 48 4891 671 381 10 341 28 5, 7741 9121 13,025 149'........ Meredith............. 5,088 48 381 42A 383 I........ 2 8 1,276 1,505 26.230 85 40 Middletown........... 7,160 36 8 7 71........................! 1,450,1 1, 6791 18,955 26211 258 Roxbury............. 9,744| 43 561 109 420-1'........ 3........ 1,493' 1.602-!1 19,926 2711 371 Sidney................. 4,457-1 42 40|1 53| 358 291! 38A 283 1,000} 1,182 19,926 272| 4041 Stamford............ 4, 638|] 33|11 63 } 68 5481 4........- 33 1,110 1,216[ 19,658 123 229 Tompldns............ 9,722| 55| 25-1 201 89|1 23 23;1 400 954 1,1771 17,825,51 279 18 W alton.............. 7,131........ 18 101 114 4 1........ 80 650| 979| 1 1 061 2481..........~~~...... /00 24 2 4lITotal ~~........ 4.... Toa.............. 127h771 55'60 61519| 9| 21 95j 1,2 43013770l,11396 DUTCHESS COUNTY-(CoNTINUED). Amenia.............. 5;,468........ 6 10 56 1 124 1909 1,859 1 9661 962 30,515 | 244 91 Beekman...................... 4...................... 254 280 3.812! 814 9291 22, 577 35r5 514 Clinton.............. 5,599 23......................... 185 168| 2,,300 1,940 2,010 30,106 1,915 1,050 Dover............... 5,090 1 95| 60| 1,392 102 124 1,5371 587 642 14,509 212 143 East Fishkill.......... 6,803|................................ } 863c41 861 I 10,818! 1,9771 2,1 41' 52.609 9 3 1,167-1 Fishkill.............. 9,056 12 | 6 4...... 1,121A 1,207 14,775- 2,264 2,3341 61,180 898:, 964 HIydePark........... 6,954............... 200 163 1,754 1,349 1,375 23,566 1,109 1,180 La Grange............ 7,388................ I................ 538 4 478 61 6,625 1,943 1,903 41,936 1,358 1,559 Milan............... 4, 112 332........................i 21 34 170 1,711 1,636 18,997 1.784 1.989 Northeast........... 4,994 47 171 24 184 i 94 1091 i 1,71-50 1,057 I,199-1 107,106 607~'616 Pawling............. 4,978........ 30 12{ 2621 18 12 350 354 458' 10,438 140- 8 Pine Plains.......... 2,930......... 3 3 3 40 3 373, 35a| 86 1.157 1,202 19,510 1,164 1,.254 Pleasant Valley...... 5,232......... 9 5 1 265| 2861 4,302 1,624 1,6871 28,759 1,3.47 1,505 Poughkeepsie........ 6,238.................................! 741 704 10,586 1,329 1,429 37,672 55313 667 Poughkeepsie citv..... 333|................................I 35 12| 525 41 4:0 2,7,55 24.......:Redhook............. 7,023 23 6' 1 12o 57c 871 7006 1,333 1,438 19,385 1,396| 1,460 Rhinebeck........... 8,019 13.......... 3 261A 298 3,361 1,522 1,3281 21,432 923 1,307 Stanford............. 4,466 12i................ 801 2931 3231 4,182 1,741 1,837 34, 694 1,289 1,4351 Union Vale.......... 4,848|........ 3 311 36 oi6 79 1,142! 941 1, 126 23,77 684 7591 Washington1.......... 7,791.. 18-1 I 194 1645 1753 Low 1 12 540 33,546 1,268 1,460 Total.............. 107,324 I 167 1 __195. 140 2,377 || 5,5!8|| 5,616}, 71,935! 27,219|2 635062 25 19,129ERIE COUNTY-(CoN'rINUED). Alden...............I 2,321.1 23 65' 40] 45! 256-1 4191 2,857. 9 21 1,052-1 1.2,3141/ 1'46 i 159.Amherst....... 3',840 47-} 0|]0i l^ ^I,621,7|,82 l87 5,9 11 47 Auroa............ 3,79 23! 456,11 77 i' 17,4 i,23 1 3 7 5,1 3 1 Boston............... 3,614[ 5 152|~! 106|! 858!I 10 | 17 I 104 ll 1,242~> 1,861t 21,286 i' 8~ 8' Bad.......... 1,976 44 59 49~[ 289^1 53 110?, 807. 481 54 7,398| 4} 4~ B~uffalo.............. 8,779|[ 1|! 119 89 84M1 260 | 321~ 2,685; 1,0291i 1,216 14,130 I/ 170 272~ (Jhictawauga......... 4,350 5 381|~ 35/ 350 I/ 530 \ 636~ 6,803| 1,6271;,696i/ 24,520/| 230I 3731.lre c............. 4,39 465 1 | 3,2 |,07[5 5 3i/,6 | 2 08. 4 1 6 | 2 0 9 Golen..........,30 4 62 1 43 328 lI....|......... 703| 817 9,883 t 21 Collins.............. 5,6| 1 4 1 8 1 567 111 _ 2051 1,414 / 7241 955 12,070 i! 6~ 15 East ambugh.....5,602 6 | 91 581 1,29 42| 1427 75.... 1,2 0,1- 37 Eden ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 8 ~............,6| 9| 12 8 31 6! 18,3,8,712,2 0 12 Elma~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~".............,2-.... 3 4| 30i 17i 24 238 3 7 093 4| 12 Concor................* 453 0t 0 1 140|1 1.086i, 23 25|, 173it 1,184| 1,282|, 6,224......... EatHamburgh......3,1-88 91 011771 11 7.9,3,612,3 2| 16 ollad...........4,6026 719 19 1815 l,6l 4l 1271 6 50 1,0671 1,231 2 0,041.......... Laencse...... 3,4341! 7 862 271 31,64,3i1,3 158 l58 308 36 42 M nl.............. 2,8 -..... 3 1 6 8 1^ 501 48 1 80 99 1,9 90 10 Ne sed......~.,...... 407 81 5 1 1 i 27,3 |,9 1 2,9,3 1 246 4,3 8 9 North Coning....... 3,76.1 191 1391 105i 337|2 9 14|i 140 1,0784~1 1,37 2361 2 1 Sambrdini............. 3,623 7i 311. 25 I3,11| 7 04| 36|153,75| 64,86 i{. 5,615-}/~ ~ ~ ~ ~~(Cnine n ~c 0. 300 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. CORTLAND COUNTY-(CONTI-NUED). RYE. UINDIAN CORN. I0 Acres sown. AQrcs sown. For the grain. Acres sown. i A.-es TOWNS. planted. Bushels Bushels harvested. harvested. Acres planted, Bushels For fodder. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1864. _arvested. 1864. 1864. 1864, 1864. 1865. 1864. 1,-65. Lapeer...................... 4 361 30 223- 11s7 105 1,373 141 77 3,904 31 3 68 Marathon................... 130 69-2 864 1,10 9 971 1051 1,675 1921 2161] 4,922 10, 7 77 Preble.............................. 531 151 227 87 521 1,145 462 520,2 15,170 221 16 Scott............................... 31 121 493 762 40 1,1551 302 285' 9,257 4 52: 71 Solon............................... 161 151 207~ 48i 64 7 74 171 197,a 4,9044 1 91 86 Taylor...................... 15 11 5 15 521 46 884 | 183 2241 4,359 3 3 103 Truxton........................... 30 394 565 364 29 597 1 229/ 277 7,554 20 2114; 1621 Virgil....................... 78 2121 194|| 3,128 2641 2451 3,984~1 4491 525 13,074 151 9 178 4 91 i Willett...................... 12 9 21 9 0 87 651 1,1111 1611 190 4,037 21 21 761 Total..................... 856 769 | 788 11,096|:|| 1,349 1,214. 19,789 |14 5831 5,2431451,590 32281231 -— L730 DELAWARE COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Andes....................... 3,279 131 37 7971 6101 12,5751' 233 203 4,1 4 1514 2 Bovina...................... 2,767 13 10|| 239 2681 2961' 4,163 391- 44 1,130 361 61 1 1011 Colchester.................. 3,3941 1 114 25 7971 18441 11,9411 350g 414 9,229 / 21I 2131. Davenport................... 3,798 9 14l 136 384' [446|! 5,928' 3 12 21 3881 6,312 651 0 2561 Delhi....................... 1,646 3 3! 491] 471.1 45811 9,726 20'1}1 2211 6,8021 231 271 2301 i~ 23019 Franklin..................... 4,3961 331 471 570 5381 524| 9,017 463 5631 18,086 75 80 341 Hamden..................... 1,887 4 4.1 231' 5311 4241; 7,072 158 2621 4,951 301 491 2211Hancock.................... 2,701 5 1 29 4081 200 5,374 234 270 8,069 84 144 1 1(64 Harpersfield................. 852 721 791 797 3391 4311 7,6521 981 1591 1,9781 33^ 5 1 75 Kortright.................... 2,015 341 32 479 5281 562 6,5641: 1571 243 3,508 631 81' 2091 M4asonville................... 6741 151- 121 1071- 577-1 3 73:"1 10,267'] 16211 278 3,687 53 22' 1991 Mereditl.................... 719 5 74 82 2964 3431! 4,842 89 1261 2,017 331 471 205 Middletown................. 2,448 31 1 31 1,0081 63 91;15,742 305 3291 6,904 21 I 1 257 Roxbury.................... 3,331 360 181 3121 8971 918 13,868 | 2331 26917 5,669 II." 1911 84 29l 343, 4,4 4I: O'~,1 Sidney...................... 2,806 471 70 783 353 4701 6,959 238 2001 2,561 241 47 146 11 S: 1,008.~~~~IC 639 1,4 2 / 29 3291 2,04 27' Stamford.................... 1,335 21 3 39 311 39141 4,781 5011 6383 13 315 231 Tompkins................... 1,821 3 61' 47 89411 992211 12,500 1 38219 4851 10, 77r1 121 2 3331 Walton...................... 1,631 1 5 42 3:531 4481 5,7221 174 255 5,000 9 1111 1601 Total..................... 41,5021 290|! 3231 3, 8291|j 9, 762 8, 646l-1l54, 695|!| 4,03331_ 551352l~l4 01 __43__05|_3 78 DUTCHESS COUNTY-(CO.NTINUED). Amena...................... 2,835 49 201 1,29 96 5 1 1,33611 6821 27,310 1 111i 1091 47~/ 73 12 35139..... 4)1695 8 202,51/ Beekman.................... 5,171 7 543 902 8569-12336 2 Clinton..................... 20,239 4441 15 419 I. (SI4 63 3,104 1,711 1,7171 36,454 19ll 1611 1761 Dover....................... 2,4061 74-1 801 1,607 113 11 94 1,692' 7691' 822^121,67i8 41- 31s 1691 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~51,81: East Fishkill................ 14,611 13 3 340 264|| 160 3,802 2,1171' 2,107 49,624 7 51 9 321 Fishkill..................... 13,463.................... 1 561 1301 2,924 2,126 1,8710 53,7167 15 43! 265-1 Hyde Park.................. 12,934 41- 4 50 1861I 21943 2,958 1,309 1,239 39,170 614 8!1 1581L 91 La Grange.................... 18,251 50 17 729 2221 320 3,909 11,680 1,764 40,280 15 210 M ilan...................i 1971 Northeast.................... 7,616 117 881 2,268 239 119 4,002 1,016l 1,070 24,456 51 2 51 so 1741 Pawlin..................... 1,044 45 3 948 6,6 2 980 45 508 14,9710 8 21 173 Pine Plars.................. 15,743 35 24 595 128 15 1,798 1,10 1,129 20 670......... 141 Pleasant Valley.............. 17,463 5 6 130 105. 66 2,096 1,438 1,508 32,396...... 113 ],qll ~ 57 314 41,714 1,7171' 35,4'/'981 2 161 20 6 Poughkeepsie.................. 7,872 19 1 /346 41 541 1,574 1 1,390 2 231 20 1831 East Fishkil l................ 49,62 4 232~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~3 90....... 2 Poughkeepsie city............ 282.......... 1.............................~ 0 46 12 5 Red-hook.................... 16,008 42 45 731 11 197 1691' 4,177 1,022 947 II22,122 9 8 241 hIydebark.................. 12, 401 4...... 15 2581 137[ 4,9247 1,10 1,2481.5,39,12 15,318 Stanford.................... 15268 1 791 961 1,8811' 205 1121 4,264 1,686 1,788 40,580 22 511 1751 Union Vale.................. 10,034 531. 53 932 274 148 3,030 51 Washington............. 18,705 164 134 2,69 | 3271 2201 6,207 1,889 1,873139,438 121 13 332 1 Ailde....................... 1~,43 2521 233 |I 2,04t| 1021| 93 7,03!/,s 503 s74111,108/ 6|? 9 Northeast................... 65 9 91 2 91 Poslini..................... 1, 72 I001 80 54l 6018 750 2 80 452 08 214 5,750 291 2651 in pains..................... 6 3 3 7 0 3 44I 35 91850 13 41 29 Golden.................... 38 1491 99 131/ 41 1,798 83 81,0 120t2,8270 61 141 10 Collns................. 68171 46,461! 32 8 322 541 6013,6 91 11 17 Concord ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~........... 106 68 81 1l| 10581 15 20 96 1,5231 632 948- 15,2 13213 201 24 _ Easnt amburgh.............. 92 11 16 1,8' 91 18 1,6 491 511013 7|81 56 Poghkeepsien................ 7,57 3191 23 2,476 30199 10 1,374 | 1,414t1:347 35,905.... 1 149 Houlhelaindty............ 22I..:...............'.1........... 59 586 211 12 23' 2661 3001 7,1 1 13 Rancaster............ 3,1 95|,311,6 53 78 62i 84 1,01183 11 61 6051 Mania................. 12334 2031 /7,8 19173 10931 7 1 82 1 8741 3 Newstead........ 11 4/......... 1,87 /11,21339 3791 13742,476 / 1,6101 1,284514,421 1_3311 1 251 Stnfortd Coln.................. 317. 9121 1,29 ~ 805 60 1~I426 1,88 5351788310 45815701 3001351 27581 UnioniVal.................... 1 80 3 1 4 1 5 4 50i -2 594 1,1. 18^ 2314 1~~~~~~~~~~~Cniudo pa(e 808.) AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. S01 CORTLAND COUNTY-(CONTINUED). POTATOES. PEAS. BEANS. TURNIPS. FLAX. acrte Acres sown. Acres planted. Acres sown. Acres sown. TOW N S. planted. __________ _ ________________ Bushels Bushels Bushel$ Busliels Bushels'harvested. harvested harvested. harvwsted. of seed. 1865. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1:.~4. 1864. 1865. 1864. Lapeer.............. 78 4,572 74 81 28l i 1 7 7 5| 4 4~~~~~~~~~~ 20 Ii11 53 —4~ Marathon........... 83 8,293 1 1 7 21 2 65 4..... 31 9 1 7 Preble.............. 1011 11,871 234 21' 431 181 74 406 31 1 478 21 111 24 Scott............... 84- 10,870 12 141 3731 11 33i 155|i 2 2 1,094 216 74'1,773 2~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, 4 9 54 Solon...... 891 9,570 3 2 41 8051 Taylor.............. 1031 8,525 14 1| 181 2 57 1 287...... I...... Truxton............. 1741 17,029 7 121- 144 1 21 23 1........ 50.................. V r i.............. 18/1, 1 44244 2 Virgil.............. 1841 16,514 151 111 1913i 7 3 194-11 3 1 2 680 121 31 53' W illett.............. 732 9,153............................. 24 4 4 90 I 3...... Total............. 1J,877_ 1211,196 j| 1934 1771 ~3,~137l| 1503!; 17719, 2,207 44 _ 30 12J,_932_||__350j 2041~2,577 DELAWARE COUNTY-(CONTINUED)). Andes.............. 297 |23,452 71' 16 5143 31A 2 701 6g S 11R 486 4 1 3| 24 Bovina............ 1121' 12,302 4 11 1 6................ 6 2........ 273 81 5411 2 Colchester........... 228 110,554 241 3|a 3 6 7l 1 4 Ills 1 5 21 2,649 3 | 301 Davenport.......... 283ll 25,59,4 1 8 20 17531 61 81j- 11421 10 53 421 llj 11 371 Delhi............... 2~~104014 24,255 5 A 511) 222 441 241 14821 2| 2k 930 41 2 204' Franklin............... 353 38,529 9| Il1 143 7|` 231 841I 158 3 294 15 13 4 ~ ~~~~ 44 4 _ _ _._ Hamden............. 238114,805 8 101 65 2 4 4 26011 14,3 30 21 2,597 Hancock............5 1771 6 I8 6 1 1,516 4 | 9 Hlarpersfield......... 2001~ 15,604 25 271, 337 4^ 41I 55 3| 1 637 18 151 77 Kortright........... 23241 19.578 7 71 117 1.1 I 34 |1 | 160 13 46 71i Masoi.............. 20,65 2 2| 7 3 26 51- 38 218| 5| 33 1,2941 121 13 32 Meredith............ 228| 28,664 44 41 56 21 I.74|| 8. 35|.... Middletown......... 267 |50,235 1 1 33 441 21 40|1 5 1 5 0 l 1 Coxbur............ 231|;24,334 101 91 681| 66| 1........ 350,5 71 341 2I 367 14 5 ~ Sidney.............. 161 17,272 394 51 37 2 3 8 50 2 1 2 417 2 51 Stamford............ 24821i 2,257 3| 45 33| 351 41 1361 11 630 311 3 210 Tompkins........... 370.1 507 4 8 9 67 6|1 9 33 3 53 58 7,og.....93 14 3 4 Walton............. 23 13, 054 1 I 4....... 1 11 Total............. 4,084 405,723 || 19is 19011 1,5751 78| 109|| l, 419l|4 881 311 18,97220_ 136-31 121| 585i4 DUTCHESS COUTNTTY-(CON\TINUED). Ame ia............. 971 13. 830........................ 9|j1 1 45 191 31J 1,520 1...... 4 Beekman............ 1 2 0|- 9, 830..................... 49l|........ 32 I1 220 11...... 24i 4 4 Clinton............. 164 117, 189........ |!.... 4'.... 7 499 349 5, 119 21 44 Itancock ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~........ 443...... 25 2192 4 Dover...............177213 11164........................ 15 21. 361 3 2,500 1 1 6 East Fishkill........ 2351 12,968........................ I........ 10 60 1 1,475.................. Fishkill....... 443 119, 542................ 23 281 4 3241' 251 11| 3,882 | H 14 Hy Pa rperk.el......... 1600| 15,554 2 1 25 1 4 3 20 1251 109 7,487.................. La Grang~e........... 2041 17,976................................ 2 15................. 3.................. M ilan....................... 74 51 354 Northeast........... 161 20,205 3 1 25.............o.... 36 61 1 6,285 1 1 6 MPawling............ 180 14,575 1 20........ li 1 20 11 4 4, 325 16 Pine Plains.......... 122 13,533........................ 142 2........ 525 1 Pleasant Valley...... 124|I10,891......................................................... 100............. Poughkeepsie.................... Poughkeepsie city.... 17;1 825 2 21 45................. 6 181l! 1,305.................. Redhook............ 231 4,2 30.................. 1 44 19 2 3,000 1 71 1 134 Shinebeck............ 179|1 13,282........1.............................3 59 1 2,470 4 2 48 Stanford............ 1653 20,392... 4. Ill 12|! 1,210 11 1 9 Union Yale.......... 173| 17,838........ 8| i 23i51 11 390 2- 2 104 TW ashinston......... 350 32,411........1........................... 361 28 | 10,990 299 18 235 Alden ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "............ 34|1662 38 13 48 4 1 67I 0............ Aurora~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~......... 3712,3 71 44 87 37 11 2 1 1 30 11 1 8 Bosto............. 284 1,56 4 01 596 4j 22I1 10 101 91 4 Brandt.............. 24 1 181 25 6o I 7 I1 I 21 |_ I - B nial............. 977|. 130,10 29 4 45 8 59: 7 1,520C. Beekmanaug......... 53 j44 4 3 2 6 23 2, 4511 9....... I...................... Golden ~ ] 0 1 983.............. 111:,78 3 5 8:: 13|I 44 1 1 5 Collins~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ 41........... 141 } 1496 11 0 10 4 3 4 1 229 11.11.5 Concrd........... 30 i| 5,49 49 2 74 11 3 15........1.... 6 3 9 East Fihkiburg...... 61;3,5 9 0 3 1 21 1| 7' 1 25 2.... 14 Eden.............. 4 1| 2,96484 2 | 2 1! 6 1 | 9 |........................ 1 I.... Elma.~~~~~~~~...............6|4,4....... 56. 5 9 18j........ 1 1203 1 2,7 Evans~~~~~~~................ 26;2,4 3| 13 169 31 3 41! 1 7 - | 2 ihkllan............. 446 19,90 9 542 525 31 6 28i 4340' 25 11 3828 |' Manila.............. 37 2757 61 40 8971 31,613| 32 11 -1 2 La Grange........... 39!256 24 01 349 171 51,5 9 ~ 4 5 Northes Coln.......... 27 148 1 1-g 22' 8 4 23 612 48 { 7 1 7| 2 Sawlinia............ 1 0 23 123,664 121 129 1, 91 13 101 19 1........ 13 0 21 2- 4 432 (Continued on page 309.) ~~ ~ ~ nl ~ 302 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. CORTLAND COUNTY-(CONTIN;UED). FLAX. HEIMNP. HOPS. TOBACCO. APPLE ORCHARDS. MARKETg Acres sown. Acres in crop. Acres planted. I Acres cultiTOWNS. I vated. Pounds of T'-of Pounds har- Ponds bar- Number of Bushels of Barrels ofl/ lint. hemnp. vested. vesled. trees in apples. cider. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1864. fruit.' l64. 1864. 1 18641864. Lapeer.. - - -................................ 3,816 8,825 84........ Marathon......... 5 I 610 21 2i 2,400 5,212 13,235........ Preble:.............. 139.................."........ 3'..... 5|!........ 3,751 7, 590 15,358 322........ Scott.............. 34,628.................. 57A 64 60,862 200 6,984 12,550 157j 2 Solon.............. 1,540.................. 12la 13 6,873 4........ 500 8,653 13,669 141......... Taylor......................................... 151' 182 9,841........I............. 6,537 11.9089 64........ Truxton......................... 28 27 19,790 5 5 11,422 25,137 464........ Virgil................. 4i 91 2,388 4........ 150 15,106 27,167 412........ W illett...................................|........................................ 8,220 10,621 114........ 4j~ ~ ~~ ~~~ 2 ~ 250 2,84 2,424 457, 62 Total....... 81,198 2_2 _ J _ 1 1| 199| 242 _J145,3161! 1,320 __ 9 | 096 4j68,967_|8,2,2 _ 2 DELAWARE COUNTY-(COTNTI-NUED). Andes........ 260........i2 2.0 14,226 20,9.90 259 j 31 Bovina,....... 1,074 2 2 1,900I 9,030 13,238 170........ Colchester.......... 84!................ 1........................!!........ t........I........ 13,522 22, 365 36l5i........ Davenport.......... 757................... i 151 1961, 69,930!........ I................ 14,002 20,414 409'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~00.......3,....4..'........ Delhio................... 14. 21 7,780......... 40 11,589 16,1684 360........ Franklin............ 1,744......I....... 43 77 27,4704 3 2 3,531 21,483 32,936 6452. 4 Hamden............ 139......!..~.......j 4 4 2,540.........................7,781 13,440! 256 I|I........ Hancock............ 645 2 U | i| 7 111 4,0681 i 4 4 220 6,256 14, 99019| 99 Harpersfield......... 1, 599................| 6212 74 37,937 1................. 20 1,3 9 3 2; 1 9.......y. Kortright........... 1,040..........1..! 79i 96 57,022;........................ 16,044 27,"396 381........ Masonville.......... 903............'.. J 1 15 182i!..... 289 19,184 14,030 * 284......... Meredith..................... 6,.0 1 1,2157 44........ M iddletown......... 170......1............................. J........ I........1 109 | 16,401 28, 780 446 3j 4 Virgil ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.............. I 6 35,748 Roxbur........... 751.................. 2.......717........ 7,500 2 466. Sidney.............. 180.............. 38 431 20,178......................... |,327 15,380 338 ii........ Stamford............ 440.................. 311 39:1 20,206 | 2 2 5,200 lll,615 21, 871 550 f|........ Tompkins........... 778.......8.i./!.... 3 741 94411 1 ~i 585 1 7,696 30,2707 2862- 1 W alton.......~~~~~~~~~...... 2......1..................... 1.... |............ p 0,457 9d,154 1 0 |.... Total............. 10,_922 _ 2_ __U __l 4 451-! 612 |258,4,5811!.j 8 I __ i ^ 409 4! 5,740 1368, 661 [5, 846 | _ 6 DUTCELES COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Ame-nia............. 2,00 11....I..... ]................... 15052 Ili 151,450 j 9,97-5 20,097 512 1........ Be kmane.............. |.....,,................................ 14,910 18,741 367 |..... Clinton............. 959..................................... 5|4`....... 3,070 12,509 22,50 - 69( i Dover........ 250......!...I............... 1001" 18 117,307 7 958 15,322 52 5........ast......o...................................., East Fishkill~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~................ 57 Fishkill............. 158 i......1......i............................. i 4i li 4 3,239')0 11,846 20,233 1,0o27 131 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I.......... I H yde Park.................. I.....................:...................!....................... 12,045 20,504 *1,156 4 La Grange..................I........................... |I........ 9006 i1 12,783. 16,045 623........ M ilan............... 545................................................... i 9,432 18,691 1,680........ Northeast...................................................... 22 2 24,400 4,616 11,025 438........ I!~~~~~~~................ Pawling..........................i............................i........I 381 2 2 48,646 10,640 17,102 594 1........ PinePlains......... 20 43...... 0.. Pleasant Valley...... 50................................ 8,816 16,010 285 Poughkeepsie~~ ~ ~ ~ ~............ 322.......-3 Ponghkeepsie.'...............IL...'............ 33 2,100 | 2'.... 3.800 7,678 14,309 1,155 -3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[1 5! 1668 36 2.... Poughkeepsie city............1 1...................... 600 } 1,022 605 20 4414 edenook...............|........................ Rhinebeck.......... 3,382...........................1..,0........950 1,329 Stafford............ 600......6................................... 114........ 12,586 12,327 28,099 8599 1 rnionValer.......... 1,269.................................. m 1 16,900 8,520 23,9267 745........ W ashington.........::,779............................... 3' 10,416 21,555 48,683 799........ Total............. 10,842 182.:............ 9 9 6,801 1 88l 7 422,885 11197,777 420,149 15,593 1321 A d n..............1.............. |........................ 11 3 3 20, 4 3 8 7 A mhers.......... I 6,50...............I........................... 2k...... 15, 62 22, 84..1 089. 5 Meredit............. * 36..................17 0.....1.......I.1........................ 144........ 1 1 9 4, 8 8 0 Bosddltown............................. i.'.. 6? 6o 6,5 j 19 0 1,2 6 3 4 o~ 39'.... Br nd.......................I....7C l 0 i 3, 0........ 1, 0 1,4 2 6 67 3 76 Buffalo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~..........................i.............................,5,7 7C2 5 Chct wa ga..............I....1..........|......................9.....!1,2 8 8,50 58.. 5 Clabreyc............ 75........... 14 1, 00~............... 1, 7 8, 3, 2 Gol en......... 7 50.......1................I................... 5,5', 7 1 1.... Collins~~~~~~........ 4o./ 60, 7............I...................I.................: 6 1 3 84, 06 08.... Stamford......... 0.................. 3 9 ~ 20,i 2,007 2 5, 40 20,59 ~7 3.23 441........ East~~ 4a4urg,:'................... 8'l ^,0 1,30 27, 15 3,9 52 Tom pk....... 0..... ins,.............. 5|... 8115.... 6, 36 8 9 1 7 Eva s......... 3 77...........J,...,...... ~, 3ul.... I..... 9..... 14 3 (3 70, 79 354 51 Holn.............................; 4 5. 17' 12 7 6 |........... 9 5 7 18548 422. L........ Lancaster..........~ ~ ~~. 1 0..... i I...........~........i.........! ^........; 0 4 0 5 2, 8, 5 0 M aot l............. 1 0.........!....... 1....!|.... 2, 1 6 0 8 2 9.... Are senid.......... 4,00 tL..... [......!......IL.............. J...... 15 1 1......4 20 9, 97 18,09 7 3688 l,12 i }..... _ orte Collns....... 3.......... | 4.......;' 3! 4 4 5 i 7 5 9 1 1. 4 7.... Sardinia ~ 9,9'......:...... 2,2 3 5 l j 1 2 1 1,6 ll| 1 5|13 14 | 7 7 8| 3 8!.......... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Clintiedon........ 31..)... l- } ~( ~, AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. 303 CORTLAND COUNTY-(CONTINUED). MARKET GARDENS. |.~i 0 0 ^NEAT CATTLE. Acres~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ cul'Z'~C. Milch cows. TOWNS. ot I Value of pro-.~~,.,~~ ~ dacts, 1864. 0t ___ ~~~~~~~~~1865. _ _i -~ L i -~ i ~ C) gg S64. 1865. Lapeer........................... 4,937 * 52...... 680 70 I...... 122 278 164 168 1,468 970 Marathon............................ 10,985 51...... 604 50...... 124 382 202 60 1,449 1,263 Preble........ 15394 121...... 1,831 66......I 308 250 380 168 1,609 1,503..................... la3 9 Scott.............. 2 8166.00 12,758 18...... 235............. 27 6 250 440 18 1,115 968 Solon.............................. 72,588 -393J...... 487 32..... 309 357 326 26 1,590 6,488 Taylor................................. 51,773 160............................ 351 469 171 56 1,572 1,499 Truxton............................. 62,004 205......2 99540 3,268 3,136 Virgil............................... 25,557 252...... 2,123 240...... C 70 753 644 34 2,308 2,109 W illett.............................. 150,139 16...... 740 61...... 106 352 142 75 1,163 977 Totail............I-' —Ti —-16 [4, 383 2,413~1O,3-01.7,12j- 1,188/.....: 4,797 5,85 —-03 I, 945 1529,295-_ 31,920 DELAWARE COUNTY-(CONTINUED.) Andes............. 2~ 229 00 33,49 I 663 3 [ 4,926 249........ 0 1,5 067 485 165 3,042 2,639 Bovina............................. 27l,268 426......., 1,270 110...... 688 670 475 32 2,212 1,804 Colchester........................... 17,349 4281- 310 8,654 501......I 548 670 702 3 6 3 1,487 - 1,351 Davenport........ 1 43 00 41,117 3062 7 3,703 203......| 538 733 378 56 2,692 1,791 Delhi.............................. 30,311 486......' 1,313 73......! 731 821 469 122 2,79 Franklin.......... i 85 00 [60,562 629...... 6,638 3..... I 1,284 1,354 694 75 3,931 3,133 -9 89....... IJ82 -0~ ~~ 2,9 1,133 Hamden............................... 29,920 350...... 1,999 1,89......I 1.309 98 530 124 2,370 2,1 36 I-lap cock............ 4 540 00 4,6~50 184......1 3,150 214~...... 243 250 339 246 751 754 Harpersfield....................... 1-1115,839 43,1 4 2,105 2050....... 195 649 199 92 1,773 1,496 Kortright.......... 1.......... 71,389 3 108.......8.........,079 1,239 329 50 3,159/ 2,537 Masonville........................... 19,147 2631...... 7,066 3371...... 726 781 490 82 1,873 1,551 Meredith............................. 52,059 441....... 2,081 { 94...... 770 850 273 62 2,329 1,923 Middletown........ 1 110 00 42,602 721...... 7,015 417...... 923 1,236 747 200 3,248 2,839 Roxbury.................. 12 50 34,269 262~1 20 4,884 249...... 979 1,273 545 200 4,266 3,852 Sidney.............................. 40,676 471 65 2,084 147'...... 572 701 183 60 2,220 1 1,773 Stamford............................. 13,4-78 159...... 2,683 161...... 738 766 427 60 2,175 1,7 2 Tompkins1.......... I 300 00 25,329 451.......1 10,690 639[...... 620 940 708 580 2,500 2,539'W alton............................... 56,289 183 260 2,045.............. 391- 830 32 208 2,390 2,245 Tot-al............ 6 1,319 50 1715,745 7,1262 669 73,156 4,0041...... 13,409 15,812 8,305 2,777 45,217 138,525 DUTCHESS COUNTY-(CONTINUED). A m e ia...................................................,88........................, 435 Beekinan......!......... 8............. 323.............. 109 107 678 198 587 589 Tompkins ~~~~..................17 / 1,7 1)~~~~~~~~~! 407),0,3 Clinton............ 1 2000 20 61 1,106 72...... 66 60 134 263 1,083 1,082 Dover............ 23 2...... 656 77... 194 194 1.111 281 1,221 1,158 ~~~~~~~ 0~0~............. -7 7 2 ~ 02 119,2 East Fishkill 2............... 2 1 119..1 61, ~ishkill......6.......... 1' 50 715,752'710697300. 1,882 120...... 865 777 490 398, 381 1,404 Hyde Park..4 4......... 4 40 0...... I 658 622 558 217 915 880 La Grange................................................. 2,917 148...... 73 1 716 814 366 1,104 1,078 Milan................................... 1 2....... 1,8 198 158 1509 Northeast.....~ ~.......1...................................................... 71 85 229 215 1,013 1,03-5 North as........... i I00 Pawling............... 5 59..... 352 15...... 122 118 341 2511 1,589 1,632 P ineC Plain s................. 2..... 450............ 529 520 321 190 569 587 Pleasant Valley... 3 500 00 I.................... 4 1 2...... 105 111I 40 202 1,073 10 Poughkeepsie....... 88' 8,604 00................ 15 700 26...... 25 334 623 237 1,056 1.119 Poughkeepsie city.. 28 "I 756 00....................... lO01 22...... 52 22 10 2 183 182 Redhook............................. 30 14...... 276 31...... 292 2711 80 17 2 637 650 Rhinebeck.......... 3 575 00........ 19...... 1,474 150...... 93 0 9 1 116. 210 796 813 Stanford.......... 117 00 123 22 6 5. 31... 55 37 294 324 849 990 TITnion Vale...........................I 20........ 35 1,583 20...... 116 C) 114 196 203 847 836 W ashing-ton....... I................... I....................... 615 101...... 168 170 526 382 |1 1, 654 1,619 Total.......... _1434' l2, 695 00 I 424 | 150 117 1 9, 507s l,19 l......Jj 5,371 5,098 7, 68_ 4U925 j20, 14'20,014 Alown............. 6 2 0 0 1 8 04 3........!.......;//.../.0 1.1 538 238 6 574~ Amhrs........... 3,74300 134 70 584 6037 55.! 2 22 8 452 1,116 1,1'25 Aurorai............ 5},0 0',6 4.... 710 58.... 14 9 166 8 9 Brandt..........' i~~666::2 / 1,22000 1,50 35 27,0 1,725 87....414 09 246 0 88 Bufl...... 293,00 0........... 38 44oooo/14 18 16 0 296,9 Clarenge.......... 3,91700 910 229715:1,48 12.. 31 02 5 6 1,101 1,4078 Milden...................]]] 510001]] 7,0 2.....i'' 2 1,24 1~.89 818.... 12 4 155 10 1.015 865 C Ncorthas.............................; 0 7 1! 4 4 4 3 3 2 1 6...... 3 1 8 5 08,8,0 Pvawng............. 3s 61 0 142 42... 4,56 2621 7 2 2 521,4738 1,6320 iane slainsd........ ]]2]] 51000:7160:4...... 1,682..... 10 5 2524[8 Hamburgh ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~]]]...................... 180 36 1906,5 639... 32 50 28 4 84 1 Lancaster.......... 86i 9,45800 5023.... 1,11 6.... 08 22204 6 98 PlasanVlley...........I..... 8,71 91.... 1,9031....... 3 1 7 49 6 0 58 Newsted........ 3 50 17 001 465 0...... 3,98..... 7 37 846,5',8 Not oln..................... 8,6 2 g..... 9539...! 23 1 956, 2 2 3 8 Sarin iabec k.................. 58,07 7 I...... 2,5 18... 59 0 376 6 8 1 60 Washi~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Cngtie on'' e 31...... 304 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. CORTLAND COUNTY-(CONTINUED). NEAT BUTTER. CHEESE. HORSES. SWINE. SHEEP. ^ f ~~~~~~~~Gallons of TOWNS. milk- sold, z 0,. o Pounds made, Pounds made, 1864. Colts of Colts of; Two years Pia-s of Season of Slati-htered Punds; of pork iShorn in Shornl IS164. 1864. 1864. 1865. iold -and S 1865. 1864 and ~in 1864. made, 1,864. 13864. in 1i65. ^^_^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~over, 1865. older. 4^I____________ __ Lapeer.......... 109 93,639 5, 625.......... 36 39 388.... 205' 384 232 59,891 1, 548 1, 837 Marathon....... 602 127,000 177,460.......... 22 37 329 4 197 200 519 123,068 1, 780 1, 435 Preble.......... 103 150,547 80,3430.......... 24 29 384 5 528 43'))7 454 114,133 1 19,919 2,167 Scott........... 87 105,450 2,300.......... ll9 29 356 4 359 223 261 82,953) 2, 672 3,195 Solon........... 174 1671,668'57,428......... 34 45 365 9 390 293........'87, 410 1,839 1,835Taylor.......... ^57 165,365 22,000.......... 29 37 286 3 289 596 313 71,455 1,328 1,43415, 65 2,00....... 2 37 86 596 31Truxton........ 190 316,260 644,873.......... 40 48 463 2 5 3 1 327 372 96,461 |2,166 1,103 Virgil.......... 179 269,095 41,525 i...........78 86 664 2 504 516 584 148,168 i 4,758 4,531 W illett......... 60 136,423..................... 29 33 246 6 157 189 2-7 7 65,198 1,730 1,515 Total......... 3,042" 2,683, 773'2,074,155 1 715 |556 627 6,256 J2,8 4j_7,225j_,94 J1,7,j)73 5 0 7M DELAWARE COU NTY-(CONTINUED). Andes.......... 233 307,350 710...........! 40 43 604 3 654 0515 704 134,203 3, 863 4,269 33ovina......... 148 269.341 990 56! 23 32 348.... 400 328 444 105,408 1,545 1,445 Colchester....... 199 155,376 330.......... 3 7 21 37-4 11 5 3)3 262 506 106,911 4, 221 4,885Davenport...... 200 ~219,382 150.......... 61. 39 584.... 520 351 623 204,733 3,1403,2 ]Delhi........... 277 323,728 250........... 22 19 534... 71-0 518 6 72 159,201 2,7143 2,728 Franklin........ 293 463,922 4,448.......... II0 99 804 6 750 98 998 2 - 82,826 5,251 5, 23 2 Hamden..... 164 357,890 100.......... 61 38 468 2 528 701 554 120,10 3,341 4,975 Hancock........ 197 60,245 300 1,128 2 2 19 17-7 4 244 251 285I' 66,465 2,057 2, 201 Harpersfield... 119 195,121 903.......... 34 25'a 354 1 338 254 435 104,030 2, 224 1,507 Kortrioyht.... 222 324,295 2,856.......... 48 48 587.. 69 3 37 3 667 156,589 2,486 2,248 Afasonville,...... 188 211,1114 3,583.......... 41 33 429... 425 873 469 111,498 3,546 3,597 Meredith........ 169 274,880 2,990 I.......... 21 24 416.... 1 498 286 568 122,224 1,870 1,924 Middletown-... 231 321,615 11,000.......... 50 38 645 5 1,001 728 17 60 1 4 272 7 2,852 30,469 Roxbury........ 217 535,431 964.......... 73 68 562 7 1,3 983 1,306 2,032 221,845 3,79 2,587 Sidney.......... 174 252,919 496.......... 121 27 383 6 444 261 2,749 77,302 2,939 1, 810 Stamford........ 177 244,325 4,000.......... 44 31 455... 415.1,211 1, 324 1497040 3,742 3,111 Tompkins....... 637' 2-78,5831 2,149 4,862 69, 7 667 10 626 490 7 64 176,680 4,938 5,055 VWalton......... 95 256,780 L.......... 39 39 53 6 2 542 354 534 111,322 2,7859 3,200 Total......... 3,940 |5.052,295 H 35,519 6,046 ||816 _ 722 I 8, 927 |j 57 10, 7 0410,000 15 085,46l57 6 DUTCHESS COUTNTY-(CON-TI-NUED). Amenia......... 246 34,866) 935 6,733,557 19 |16 409... 683 263 | 674 133,833 2,026 2,106 Beckman........ 149 45,240 1 150 9,1255 12 18 338 2 1 1,136 1, 228 1, 288 151,250 2,887 3,426 Clinton......... 10 108,711 55..... 7 2 7,9,6 2, 146 388, 226 2,793 2,867 Dover.......... 143 43.423 1.425 390,8611 22 21 376... 7 74 650 774 140,336 1,813 1, 83 2 East Fishkill... 238 97,305.......... 152,681 34 32 635 7 1,74: 5 6 630 1, 649 244,5174 3,378 3, 292 Fishkill......... 233 90,767.......... 104,496 52 36 1,031 14 17554 1,512 1,406 188,079 12,091 1, 5.95 Hyde Park...... 524 77,930 500 195,140 17 24 606 5 1,296 482 1, 315 254,45.9 904 865 La Grange...... 164 90,615......... 27,796 25 24 547 1 1,814 437 1, 592 282,409 4,495 3,742 MT'ilan...... 118 56,935 620..........| 38 23 536.... 1,471 1,402 1,406 2929,251. 3,568 3,397 Northeast....... 250 36,075 2,155 423,733 15 20 477 3 1,002 39IJ9 888 162,157 4,764 3,447 Pawlin......... 194 53,315.......... 469,308 10 11 340 1 566 201 562 115,365 1,036 1,449 P1ine Plains... 66 38,8201 2,960 36,865 23) 27 340.... 1,487 671. 1,1I68 185,400 4,336 3,727 Pleasant "Valley-. 305 67,058............. 25 2 59.... 1,561 444 1, 604 263,688 2,385 2,196 znohepse.. 175 69,32.......... 228,763! 16 9 630.... 902 561 104 12,7 4 1 Poughkeepsie city 4 1,525.......... 18,500 |...... 1...... 408 7 44 31 33 7,440 3 6 Redhook........ 112 I40,044...... 18,250 20 20 745 8 1,213 424 1,022 150,766 2,179 1,878 Rhinebeck.... 16 7478..... 80,840 25 9 598 2| 1,194 1,049 1, 255 21,6.913 Stanford........ 136i 81,166.......... 15,140 28 24 549.. 2,032 6 77 2,048 254,271 6,425 5,5.-4 Union Vale...... 120 1 80,445 300 14,6001 23 24 449...1,233 1,518 1, 185 196,37 4,386 4,i4 Washington..... 280 |170,418 2,000 144,919 51 65 852 1 2,466 769 2,205 405,110 8,452 6,809 Total.......... "3,796;1,358,722 l| 11,599 9, 064, 574 148j2~i446 11,028 52 6,11 1,15 jj 5, 74 4, 49,522 69,762. 154,805 AOGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. CORTLAND COUNTY-(CONTINUED). SHEEP. POULTRY. |. DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES, 1S64. TOWNS. a I Lambs Lambs Pounds of Pounds of Sheep Numrber Value owned; Value sold, Value of epggs R Yards Yards Yards Yard?; of raised in raised in wool shorn wool shorn qlau —h- killed Iby 16. 1 4. sl,86. of fulled of flannel. of litien. cototon aid 18611. 1865. in 1864. in 1865. tered in dogs in c.S4 cloth*. imixed 1864. 1 6 4. c Cloths. Lapeer............ 1,033 1,301 5,5862a 6,323 44 4 8963 00 $213 50 $336 00.......... 182 2,^53 596....... Marathon....... 1,080 974 6,276 5,2221 499 8 662 50 261 45 420 35.......... 98 5781- 144 38 Preble........... 1,142 1,190 7,342 I 8,144 46 2 790 00 515 00 915 00 "320 00' 47 254 85 32 Scott............. 751 989 14,265 14,5344/ 36 1,14150 32350 96300..... 24 72 / 944....... Solon............. 1,057 1,157 6,664 6,656 163 12 91800 29650 560 50. 5'a0 1 35 856, 297 67 Taylor............ 712 805 4,854 5,183 224 18 92500 31350 549 00 100 00 211 737 160 10,uxton.............., 580 6,987...... 20800000 96650 137 00 16 633 3 68....... V. 2,775 2,978 17,680 17,682 278 14 1,64 25 72485 1,282 17,43 1,063 40 Willett............ 1,117 1,066 5,720 4,113 147 3 3.24 0 0 210 28100 1100 367 848 185 40 Total........... 18,21520,579!143,25811l37,2913,372 240!l6, 979 30 7,383 12 12,032 34 2,38540 2,791-13,42-_5 182-I 7-5 DELAWARE COUNTY-(CONTINUED). A3,53,740 13, 319 13,4191' 198 34 662 00 553 50 209 00 17500 1,317 3,3631 357 81 Bovina............ 1,264l,364] 5,125 5,135 73 11 80700 61000 46100 2900 249 1,394 278 58 Colchester......... 2, 9293,080; 13,790 17,143 386 129 1,48300 26600 25300 1,00300 741 1,913 3611 35 avenport...... 2,532 2,4871 11,004"- 10,242 84 18 1,448 00 773 00 559 00 1,'522 00/ 991 1,670 1,206 104 Delhi........... 2,303; 2,352; 9,431 9,2125 76 22 1,04250 47800 39400 91600 584 1,045 638....... Franklin........... 3,0871 3.606 19,006 18,7602 220 633 1,59975 83575 95200 1,83575{ 395I 1,665 1,209 5 Hamden........... 2, 58)1 2,6.281 10,6561- 10,796 112 38 1,10500 82301 34300 15850 745 1,677 396 35 Hancock.......... 1,057j 1,174; 6,113! 6 770 355 76 1,21488 19037 164425 8300 594 1,338- 63-/ 68 ttarpersfield....... 1,178 1,216! 6,1241! 5,572 61 21 84075 86105 56785 300 8034/ 1,820 1,850 89 K~rtfight......../.',801 1,781| 8,337~ 7,890 115 5 1,96950 1.37810 61300 416 50 7501 1,716 1,769....... Masonville......... 2,969' 2,3051 121'860 13,015' 175 44 1,52100 1,02300 1,46175 545 00 9,47314 1,703 795 88 Meredith..........-1,297 1,462; 7,379 4,7363i 113 12 90450 55450 40075 612 00 314 1,107 682 17 Middletown....... 2,604 2,682: 9,688 9,792 141 56 1,89400 1,06800 23950 8100 1,453 4 3,310 864 1 Roxbury.......... 2,241 2,115| 6,963.- 8,1081 65 56 1,42150 1,11600 26500 528 00 775 2,140 1,271 112 Sidney............. 832'1,206; 7,761 6,387 71 16 91900 68400 4`7400 579 00 3921 743 209....... Stamford......... 2,1051 1,829; 12,772 10,630 123 25 1,29585 1,029 00 1,23095 850 25 349 1,076 721 25 Tompkins.......... 2,7321 2,973' 16,953 14,321-2 920 58 3,13850 1,192 00 1,51550 511 00 1,028 3,25 2 689 57, n 21........... 5750 700 24200 591 958^ 273........ Total............138,978 40,170185,660 1|81,12713,347 1l,257 |23,266 7|3,492 78 l10,11055 l0,090 00 |;21, 54531,892 13,6321 790 DUTCHESS COUNTY-(CONTINVUED). Amenia............ 1,088, 1,189 7,300 7,822 44 19 2,831.00 2,018 50 670'00...................................... Beekman.......... 1,7421,935 12,429 13,752 22 7 2,460 00 3,442 00 1,263 00 1,024 00.............. 75....... Clinton........... 2,740 2,858 10,4161/ 10,516 71...... 5,808 00 6,092 00 5,62700 1,481 50............... 34....... Dover............. 1,390 1,472 7,402 6,546 33 [44 2, 581 00 3,618 00I 79500 I 1,432 00....... 79 56....... East Fishkill....... 3,022 3,172 10,932 10,49012 71 5 15,984 00 4,817 00 I3,52000 1,77300............................ Fishkill.........../ 1,174 2,385 7,089 { 5,097 189 31' 5,834 00 3,045 00 7,37800 844 50............................ Hyde Park........ 791 } 746 2,923 2,613 5...... 4,457 00 3,1,25 00 2,837O00 300 00................ 61........ La Grange......... 3,748 3,546, 16,521 13,624 133 24 5,461 00 6,835 00 3,91200 1,84800............................ Milan............ 2,957 3,1141 14,064 12,518 202 6 4,149 00 3,222 00 2,84900 968 0.0 20 40 116....... Northeast.......... 2,169 1,784t19,323 12,085 43 15 2,310 00 2,114 00.1,15600 25 00....... 12 15....... Pawlino-. 634 9421 4,010 5,463 17. 20 1,558 00 1,479 00 30900 / 1,413 00 30 60 83.......'n n:........../ Pine Plains........ 2,701 2,462 17,917 12,823 72 6 2,312 00 1,41.9 0.0 1,18500 1,668 00............................ Pleasant Valley.... 2,281 2,047 9,665 7,895 341...... 2,93200 4,50:00 3,13000/1,947 00..................... Poughkeepsie...... 537 515 2,093 1,804 77 7 41 4,493 00 3,033 00 2,03750 3,402 00............................. Poughkeepsie city.. 3 7 12 20............ 192 00 180 00 140 00 362 00............................ Redhook........... 1,506 1,354 10,530 4,701 103 12 2,968 00 1,725 00] 2,49300 870 00....... 30.............. Rhinebeck.......... 995 1,114 5,358 5,396 121 4 4,867 00 1,99400 2,48400 93800 42 35 101....... Stanford.......... 2,666 2,775 23,341 20,693 87 29 4,717 00 4,12400 2,07700............................ Union Vale.........3,497 3,426 15,703 18,353 103 44 4,52300 4,98600 1,67700 1,38500............ 149....... Washington........ 5,879 5,735 28,599 26 492 250 21 6,807 10 10,991 00 4,473 00 3,598 00................7 Total............/41, 520~42,578 225,627 19 21,984.0321 ||77,244 10 -76, 326 50 52,059 50 [27,356 00'|-92-| 263....... ETIE COUNT~Y-(CoNTINuE). Alden............. 962~ 1,187~ 13,848 |11,773 I 12 ~ 28 II 347 00 I 696 00 | 397 00 11..........I 27 983I... Amhest........ 1,437/ 2,039[ 11,338 I12,673 /1431 80 3,302 5011,086 50 I3,568 00/ 472 00/ 104:321 168/ 148~ Aurora............ 1,757[2,315[ 16,437 [17,263 [1;87 13 II1,558 0'01,404 00 1,588 00 ][193 00 J[119} 464 181 3 Boston............ 1,274/ 1,499[ 9.,826 /10,267 71'......H 1,203 00 /696 00/ 808 00 l/ 42 00 //388 7 79 /638 /406 Brandt............/ 574 659] 3,478/ 4,265/ 79 12 [792 00/ 364 00[ 484 50] 18 00 ][243/ 6101 377/ 69 Buffao............/ 251 325t 1,635 2,335/ 5 45/ 2,51 75 64900/ 957oo0 286oo00.......!....../........ Chictawaug-a....... 378/ 475/ 2,912 2,964 32; 54/ 2,577 00 /1,268 00 4,430 00 II 35 00 /I 81 30 1 2........ Clarence........... 3,563t 4,502t.39,246/ 40,1431 104 79 //4,005 130O 2,269 00J 6,815 00 //404 95 H 129 4 47 J 73 J 23 Colden............[ 5491 5751 4,592/ 3,3181 88 241 423'00/ 206 00[ 191 00/ 1300/ 231 7 211 228~ 30 Collins..... 1,337[ 1,562~ 8,276 /7,972 101' 17 t/1,916 50 /1,106 50 /1,184 00 J /259 00/ 283 /1,4~65 /517 /177 Concord.......~..:. 1,4681,56 11,487T12,067::4 30 2~,36950/1,843 00 1,499 75I..........!/~ 571,2:061 837 88i East Hamburgh I. 1,993} 2,439 16,573 |16,862 19]: 19 }12,084 00 1,228 00 1,213 00 lJ220 50 I162 2.90 108 200 Eden.......2.... 1,1651 1,586! 6,8501 8,7161 13 8 I1648 00~ 855 00~ 729 00 I1 5 00 II331 t1,64421 599~ 173 Elma.............. 830}1,138 7,351~1 8,472~1 80 49 2,130 00~ 1,249 00~ 1,551 00 It122 00 88l 391~.t 73/ 32 Evans............. 1,2291 1,395 8,238~ 9,803q 344.' 15 II2,260 40~ 2,038 33~ 1,228 74 I 5 70 /14071f 1, 333 340~ 50 Grand Island...... 860/ 918 7,763~ 5,868J 47 151 958 00J 16600t 211 00i.........l 17[ 20"...... 17 Hamburgh...... 651/1,436 4,708/ 7,910,'35 8 11,611 50/ 9'4670 1,277 751 40 00 IJ305 6 11J 99/ 70 Holland~..i......... 2,116] 1,857 _9',078~ 15,748~' )13 9I 1,05600~ 1,247 00 868 001 5o000 21 s7/1,284 464[ 1 Lancaster.........] 811/1,041 7-,358-i 7,876|1 96~ 10 II2,147 00~ 900 00~ 2,056 50 II198 50 II 62 2 661 16........ Marila3............11,359/ 1,498 14,603/ 14,4811 72....../ 1,569 75/ 2,2.01 00.1,260 001..........1 109 679~ 201~ 40 ]Newstead....... 3,606 4,477 45,1902~ 54,7701 114 31 II3,397 45/ 3,270 75 /2,9172.011 252 45 IJ148 5 12~ 52..... North Collins......I 947 1,018 5,674~1 5,730~ 169 2 II784 25~ 727 00 t348 00 II 9500 il547 1,7'9221,2934/ 536' Sardinia...........[2,705[ 2,-46l| 20,356[ 19,563 56/ 211 897 501 98300{ 605 001 1000 i[2861 1,673{ 1',018 [...... (Continued on page 313.) 39 306AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. ERIE COUNTY-(CONTINUED).. ACRES. CASH VA:LUE. ACRES PLOWED. ACRES fNGRASS LANDS. r^Q^^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Acres in pasture. Meadow. TO WNS.' Improved. Unimprov- Of farms. Of stock Of tools and 1864. 1865.. 1864. 1865. 1865. ed. 1865. 1S65. 1865. implements. 1865. 1864. 1865. Acres. Acees. 1864. 18656. Tonawanda....... 87330- 2 ~,446 -457,924 855,920 /25,142 3,3954 3,239 462 530 1,137 1,215 2,483 2,407 W'ales..J.............. 15,336 I6,745'611,843 109,727 25,094 2,404 2,473 28 111 7,482 7,346 4,150 4,210 4 1,120,012 85,061 37,778 3,1151 3,3501 14 80 82 2,795 3,5603 3,7331 Total..............|407,302 1178,423' 25,314,774 3,079,351 980,779 95,9251| 98,364 14, 389.5,447 ilL45 049'148,06ll111,28|ll0,278 ESSEX COUNTY. Chesterfield...........15,517 25,11-5s 438,250 97,40117,794 2,989 3,283. 10 22 6,387 I 7.631' 4,561' 4,7653 2~~ ~~~~~~~ 2.2... Crown.Point......... 19,202 17,084 671,815 150,44521,274 2,552 2614 25 13.9,351 9,126 6,598 6,551 Elizabethtown....... 9991 15,600 294,715 53,877,7,940 1,395 1 371 2...... 4, 778 4,666 2,492 2,584 Essex............... 15,536 3,965 340,'380 88,840 21,948 1,814 2,045............ 7,184 7,496 5,886, 5,650 CetJayf..........,, 4 0........9, 15,005 44,087 242,169 68,603 11,8 27 3,195 310 6,640 7 5 4,131 4,1 Kee.......... 7,82 -15,260 97,050 36,297 9,362 1,037 1163 4 37 3,682 3,674 2,432 2436 Lewis................ 16,564 29,/8912,700, 235 164,40012,628 2,772 2941 13 27,402 7673 4,6501 4,678 101,100 30, 555 8,028 44232 95 300 273 1,`6 Minerva............. 6,440 16,718 101,100 3,5744 6,995 3 2,4723 1,65 Moriah.............. 14,264 23 387 493, 175 11818936 1,925 2,090 2,109 79 112 6,52. 7, 6,529 4552, 4,7061 Newcomb............. 1,103 103,1,87 123,500 7330 1,541 75 77, 21. 21 311 338 583 622 North Elba......... 3,360 8,756 51,710 18,741 8,511 406 448.....^.......1,499 1, 555 1,147 1.203 North Hudson......... 59,229 26,017 142,096 20,678 3,951 520. 485' 77 70 343 2,484 1,935 2,-005 St. Armand.......... 1,773 31,073 57,460 12,447 1,920 320 329 13 18s 588 664 872 835 Schroon............... 12,870 25,519 241,730 94,719 11,649 1,484 1,558.......... 5,643 5,679 4,824 4,6 Ticonderoa..........' 14733 27,626 599,200 95,600 19,358 2,168 2108 65 7,685 60,8 Westport.......... 13,9711 10,265 422.553 99,493 17,855 1661 1,722............6,790 6,595 4,664 4,698 Willsborougi h........ 14,26 9,87 457,750 118,069 22,015 2,413 2,414...6,857 7,294 4,883 4,165'yy o........ 5, 8,7291 94,411 54,82410,1721 1,221 1,084 38 19 3,875 4,065 2,847-,0366 Total.............. 246,824142 1,1564i 7,569289 1,3302521,5 4 698l 28,808 71 29,559 / 3501 340 88,536 93,396 65,823| 63,856 FRANKLIN COUNTY. Bangor.............. 18,6079,7549 695,990o 116,7 41,116 3,5001 4 45..... Bellmont............ 8, 5 22143 83,859s 271,412 49,506 10,586 1,356s 1,569|~ 1-0 10 3 2971 3,4061 3,259/1 3,323 1',Toray Hudson.......,... 54,48926,0| 7 2,08 0,674 7, 471,585906 93,173420,196 3,2501 3,268 31 32 6,4735 6,594 3,709,7 Brandon.............. 51,2457|85310 185 0 99,062 32,441 8,017 954 1,000.............. 2,2 _980 2 320 1, 807s 1,823s 6 2~~~76 34~ Brighton.............1,,91 6,71 7, 1,085 284 336I' 271 286 446 458.. Burke.......... 14,362s 8,432 520,520 89,955 14,-216 2,72 302............ 5,699 5,791 4,154[ 4,353 Ticonderogay.:.......... 14.73317,6 6519,700 126,035 25,780 3,7981 3,91208 49/ 306 7,549/ 7,573s 6,157 5,8.15 Constable..:......... ~10,967 8,457 264,185 67,475 16,109 1,731' 2,52...... 95 4_872 4, 869 3, 121 3,164 Wenstabrt.... I....... Diekinson........... 12,813 138,953 494,352 84 61217,163 /1,60101 2,3201...'"... 5,'417 5,5670 3,674 3,803'Willsborough.............. 2,343 42,952 132,315 10,028 2.684 464 476... 939,987 646 768 Fort Covingytoii....... 14,922 5.386s 748,:075' 121,973 41,890 3,401s 3,.726s21............ 7, 568 7, 520 4, 390 4, 413 1,2...'. 97'7,941 84,3261 32,1 Franklin............ 7,2s8,2 181,610 367 6,.188 162 1,5951,! 6 5sA 71i1,1-808 1,787 2, 940 3,16 Harrietstown.......... 1,811 84,064 107,626 9,191 2,351 376 394|1 8 8 626.709 687 728 Malone............... 27,446 40, 1 471 104,~355 171,939 38,o001 5,4022I 5,63131 74 58 11.8436 11,339/ 9,023, 9,138' Moira.......... 14,039 14,193 516,250 79,680 -13,193.1,795 1,868 13 37s 6,371 6,566 4, 512 4,603'Westville............. 11, 2-37 8,582 356,254 69,376 14,315 2,93 ~3, s 7 1 5, 622 5,579 2,442. 2, 573 Total.............. 183,249 7,343.sl|. 5,855,802 |l,162,088 35 56,78| FULTON COUNTY. Bleecker............... 3,98,51.12,927 101,191 22,01706, 772 387.4561. 179 1,191 1, 285 1,777 1828, Breadalbin......... 14,4.8 8,605s 535,430 90,73022,895 83,358| - 5,388 4.5446 -4}565 2 9~~21,8 4i...... 2 1,~. 9 rando.............. 3,0261 25,6051 136,400 18,529 3,673 361o 3859............. 1,307s 1,290 1,312 1.305 Bhratah............ 13,598s 7 |,757 5,75291 13,04365'A' 6,3003 4,3.. 4,504 Johnstown.......... 27,925 8,978 1,248,925 195,347,64928 25,9983 6,2481 325. 3.62 8,195 8,344 7,4929 8,1035 Mayfield............. 19,245 11549 655,345 146, 4273,'78 3,7 908[ 3,7641 8 3 0...7,495 7,4581 5,57 5642 Corthampton......... 10,292 5,45 270,950 61,90020,145 1,073 1,707.......5 / 44, 171 4,159 3,162 31733 ~oricinsne....'..... 22,.813 38,7 953 / Perth ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 9432 8,12 7,32'001, 20.............. 221 414]2,0 588 558 369,1| 1 16 4,296 4,2660 3,612/ 3;809 Straneor....~.....;..... 6,6663 172,7952 192,600545,23100,8 2 43' 431 4,02 I......I.......325 939,244s 2,44 7381 TortaCvigtn............133,8972111050.58/ 4,26,675 | 198457324119,024 01|25,587l26,l!........... 7,54,8 [735,5120 41,755|| 43,412 Fanlaban.'....'....... 17,6059~ 849385i1,355,6109 22,17244~,005'I 4,637i155 51I 4,82ll347 1;02s337 1,7872 2,8350! 2,810 Alriexatondr........... 1,8,153 2,78,035[10,6[9,0 16791]27,035[ 3,608 3,3 3 945 8104 7,564s 7,019 4.576 3,79 SIeone............... 14,4t6 3,4014 918,1 104;5' 127,94359 5 /,9- 38,00 /5,02[ 5sl,270 7582 2 1,4364/ 12,398!9s,0731s 913744 Byforon........'.......1 14,2079 3,1934 16,292,89 78,933,760 5319,2956 3,747 1, 3 7;[699i,20 3,1162 3,509 4,316s2,639 Eolba..............}..16,2497 4,9a461,382,48 5,22o061 5,78 5,27'252 j2,1 263 26.2,40 2,23 Bleecker.............. 10,2985{ 4,272| 8010,12,607 11,195 21,45 3,58 42 ~I,.5s;..1 12,37,8' 1,38925 177 1,4168 Padilbion............ 16,478,05s 53,54301,190,7135 16,2 22,08954' 3,'358~ 3,i89s 61...[ } 9 5,4,715.4,872 43461s'4,659 P boe....-,...-..... 18,o179l 5,,75 1, 134,400 170,790 38,67'3 /,13911- 5,152.l.... 91l,063,84 4,902.1 31,488,30531 Stafforh............. 14,6982i 7,57711,1959,40 1,78,.78,945,8,5,0 295 309 183. 97 0Totalim............. 226,4814 7,063~ |l,38'3,07 2,081,711480,221 | 63,7801 57,397.} ll95l/l1861 612,63761,09 371 411/6 7,40089 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. S0T ERiE COUNTY-(CONTITNUED). GRASS LANDS. SPRING WHEAT. WINTER WHEAT. OATS. WINTER RYE. Meadow. Acres sown. Acres sown.' Acres sown. Acres sown. TOWNS. 0' ~ ** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Bushels Bushels Bushels. harvested.' harvested., harvested. Tons of Bushels of 1864. 1865. 18 l64. 1863. 1864. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1864. 1863. 1864. hay. grass seed. 1864. 1864. Tonawanda........... 2,082 33 289 157a| 909 -498l 745 5,416 1,044 1,176 10,991 107J 152 W ales................ 3,116 2 0 196 [ 1241l 8721,1 1271i' 158t 2,141.1,139 1,205 15,279 8 11 West Seneca.......... 4,0Q471 10 52- 74 27:3 / 524| 66/ 658 9 9301 1, 172| 16,630 96 1461 Total......,......... 97,9181 __694;| 4,438| 2,911|| 20,342 1 1,329| 12,332"1136,7931! 32,374;- 35,9751 484,773! 2,5881! 3,296 ESSEX COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Chesterfield........... 3,67512 53sl 5391 605.,)! 5,204s".........1................I. 9774 1,079 15,021.331 27 Crown'Point.......... 5,7991 851 195| 205 1,919 i 39 29 482 847s 9541 20,513 75s 116i Elizabethtown......... 8 1,8,o 10 I 951- 107 80,,7........................ 460 526J 6,887 30 42 Essex................ 4,885 96sI 250 245 1,9515!........ 6........ 826 993, 16,024 2 17 0' ~[ O ~ t r, r. ~i', I - j.,'.~' r.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 I, 1 4 1,052 Jay................... 2,8801 514J 59,8 555 4,801 ]........................ 1,319 -01,240s.1,005 25, 1 Keene................ 1,428_ 7 812 85| 515........................ 388 3o89 5,484 2 - Lewis................ 2,813 17 298i 332 2,579i' I 2.- 6. 820 919't 12,280 209 175 Minerva..............,6 2 4 2 16 i 2' 1 15 34 4 s,1 5s 11 Moriah............... -3,8860 27 136i 1345] 1,579 ] 3s { 1 { 40 9 920 974 18,904 161 15 Newcomb.............. 349 /...................................................... 40 34I 770 7 1 North Elba........... 934 - 17sil 241 223 266......................... 213 4,581 30s 39 North Hudson........... 3213 24 3,1235 12....... S~7~1 ~,/ ~4 I S~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~i..................... St. Armoand............ 524........ 204 304 210 1......................... 120 141 1,9331 12 12; Schroon.............. 2,862 1;I 891! 88|i 625 [........ 2......... 549 627 7,465 1 I Ticonderoga............ 5,0 i6 [ 96 J 91 961| 1,330 251! 37 364 1,035s; 1,087s 22,831 77 6( Westport.............[-4,169 122sj 87 851 6930 2[ 4 10 7640| 3 456; 14,959 4 6 ~Willsborough......... 4,315s l 158~! 31-7'334 2,754^t........ 6........ 872 985,.0,065 115 98s ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 7- 0..........''- 0 3""4.."- ~...!.'...........-1, AV ilmington........... 1,148.1,........ 2 4 56.... Toa............... 48 7 2 _ 7 1 |_,0 0!_31 2 i2,8 4'| _ 8 6s|_ 9it_ 9 7 |_1 50 J 1,72. 1,93,911 | _ 657s|_ 625 FRAANKL~IN COUNTY-(CONTINUE.D). Bangor............... 4,531'T 24 7308-t; " 79 13' 5,777..............1........ I 1,2 2 1, 3 2, 73,23T 7 Belli-nont............. o0, t o0,:; 1540................. 9 1 13 0 259 Bombay.............. 3,102i 72 834| 8.64t 8.316........;...............; 1,201s l,229i~l 28....... Bombay 102''7 2. 834~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,3 k4.1!, 2 ~ _ Brandon.............. 1,187 13'31 2 09 41 1 95.' 1,79 15 1................1......... 346s 375| 6, 99 7................. oi htaln.............. 260, 12~ 25lar 32, 0 170~ l......2.,.o8..............- 1 11 01o(.~t 123s|... 195861......... Burke................ 2,5900 4 4854 4924...........................! 15,875: 71,l ll x Chateau 40 y1 0 // 6..........................., 1,788 1 8 87;) 9 Constable............. 2,283 7 494 4501 3,995 9| 18 67 * 658 691I 10,3156 981 65 Dickinson............. 2,650 72 521 590 5,966.,'......'..... 12 679 851, 25_ 14,4905 42 7'3' ] (3 (% 1! {..... 6 54 6 7 ("-6 264 D uane................,.1 5 6' 54 157;........................ 2 264................ Fort Covington......... 4,091 21 718 7791 8 03.................... I 1,503 1,506 3,170 25 29 Franulin............. l,333, 1 4t 155 1549 1,3769.................. 9I40 1, 10' 1,4805, 60 7 3 1 0 1 Iharrietstown......... 564 21 | 75 9 70,2..............;......... 14| 21,()| 36,04. I 4 149;,o stablo e............... 7,433 26o, 9I23 1,0087 9.,.5 1,917s1 42,914 1 20, DMoira.............. 35 6 16.......................].... 5 640' 4, 280 | 64...8. Fort Covington/......'.. 1,9909 47 5591-1 580 370 2,.'.1,5(}3 0 16,705 212; 219 _ otallklln............ 33j 19 94 13,9074 4,684|269,816 810s 87 FULTON COUNTY-(CO-NTINUED). Bleeck,'er........ 811 ] 6! 3s 31 2...........|........ 125" 16 81.^ 1, 459 | 1........ Broa-dalbili 2, 7 13 / 12'4 84......................... 1, 4894 0 712,480 1,20 531, 118s Caro wa................ 69 1........................ 1 1 2 2,064 |..... - 2 Ephrinafah.............I 3,577.3 1 25 Is 23 |......|.!.....,1 1' 1509 341 76 Motalpone......... 209........,43 2f./ 3_;, 0 3 9105........'................. 51,; 499 7,95 20 24-.)418. Storatfr....,.......... 3,696s1........1 403'! 3 94. 1:; 9.,..........".'...I.............. 57911;4 602 \ 9,3270 641 6' Alabama.............~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l ~ 3,54s 70. 15s 49 61 2,9i 2,0 4362(158 129s 2,0 s, o,, o e............i,4 5 i 2,7 ",01 6,50,0,0 9 5 4 6 1 Pethal....,........../ 2,7 60384,7 1 8 3F 158i,5 |12,2 9 ^ 102.1,2 s 2.... Byron........'.......7,.6 26,55 o,3 53a 1........'... 2 7 5 2 49 949,8102 86 s:6.1,98....!.,6. Blbake 81 I. 6* 3: 311 20.................! 263,40i 652 1,2563 1.420 1786... Le~~oy..,......... 266 1 1s I' ^\ 3'03;',0 5925 48671' 4 16,810(<1301 Oakfield, 1 ~ 2 4! 4'~'......'"......l..',1 424 2,3,33 2,7 3s 73 1,6.......'.1 2n Pailiona...........,63.7 5 1 3 8,8 4 1 2 7 1,9 0 | 9 5 1,1....... 2 Pembroke ~ ~, ~*............ 3,5s 3' 6|1 34: 5........'................... 1,21|/ 15276 2,602 I! 61s I Staffoah.............., 53 178.....i....j......2..!........ 2, 9],7 4 4, 8 53125.67 10,61,......... Tohntoal.............. 6,7,60;'~ * 3 _7314 499 3706' 25,8s 26684344,80i 13,56):1 13,44701'258 859 378J__ 2201 308 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. ERIE COUNTY-(Co0NTINUED). WINTER BARLEY. BUCKW-HEAT. INDIAN CORN. RYE. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TOE~S..Acres sown. Acres sown. For the -rain. For fodder. Acres TOWNS. plhnted. Bushels Bushels Bushels harvested. * harvested[ harvested. Acres planted. Bushels Acres sown. 1864.- 1864. 1865. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1864. harvested. 1864. 1864. 186,4. 1865. 1864. 1865. Tonawanda...... 8 874L 8431 6,784 1 3o 110 2 2) 250, i ~731 Wales....... 122 794' 106 1,026 50 93' 536, 267a 342 1 7,104 46; 40 2154 West Seneca............... 1,358 330' 337- 5,64331 17 39 1483! 313 460' 8,511 34 64 4871 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 7 3 41] 33 40t 9, 641 i4 Total............... 27,310 10,552il 10,934 1124,23111 1,7464 1,844 19, 037i'j 13,598' 18,431 369,54411,88911,888ij 8,631; ESSEX COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Chesterfield............... 348 21 33' 387 65 433 5,4333' 3961 4571 8,107......|...... 361 Crown Point.............. 899 503 33 844 105 124 1,771 405 4511 14,981......I....... 313o Elizabethtown.......*..... 254 2 5 30 202 192 1,991i 239i 283 5 I!...... 1631 Elizbetho n.......,...... 5,842 4... Essex..................... 25 8 108 1,313 694 1 211 2 Jay...................... 174 104 641 185 291 204 2, 344 1 373 4113 12. 092............ 361 2~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~ 5 19 329 786 10-8,11,336! 1,253.......... K eene..................... 12................. 2.... 152 Lewis................. l, 562li........ H I 3 31 7 37 5 I 2, 345 1 576' 596 12, 588......!... 4333 Minerva................... 53 I i 17 174- 871 1,5 i 15 2. 129 Moriah.._.................. 123.60 44 57 5989 337, 393 9,87328 1.............305 Lewcomb........... 1,56.. 73..............1. 32 4l 375I1,45 4 6........ North Elba................ 647 6 4 158 54 703 1112 4 4 70 51 North Hudson..................... 18 1601 136|. 4 St. Armand................ 175................ 1....... 38A- 374 518 2,5 4 604............ 240.Schroon r.............. 126............. 2023' 712 19 91 265 431 1072 542 o372 351 7|109,............ 30 5 W estport.................. 82 52 37 575 55 33 634 1680 1754 4,923............ 1373 Willsborough.............. 1,073 1t 6 195 158 - 1697 1,982 419 I 73 70,3..........'.. 81 North Hudson............ 36 i} ~i''"....I 18 16(,,5 13611 2,124 / 2511 42 [ ~q13 ]...... 741~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2 91 2 W ilmil1gton............................................... 1851 28 1,151 1451 1451 3,342 762 4 1554 8chroon~~~~.... ~,.....,, -9 9 324.r~ -'~ Total...................~~~~~~2" 6,63 22 262'1 4,050 2,9821 2,43731 33,110 |j3,9334_ 4,39-11134|70_4 357 FRANKLIN C OUTNTY-(CONTINUED). Bangor................... 190 77' 692; 1,160 88 108ao 1,231 266 2801 5,459 21 5274. Bellinont................,02 48 1 43,.~ 78 ] 142 3 023 359......6..... 23281 Bombay.................. 413 247 19015 4,091 126 88i 3,541 282 1 7521 322 35,899 7. 4 2.62 Brandon.......................... 17, 2043 316 185 19 1,77 501 3781 9,946............ 242 Brighton.................. 105................ 67 85 82684 1,0............ 281 B r...................._ 62 898 1161 69 l,633I 273 3170 5,391...... 338 Chateaugay............... 770 11411 154 2,437 1381- 1321 2,008 259j- 3121 5,554...... il 528i Constable................. 877 26 * 26 302 5 102 22 994 327, 391 851............ 439 Dickinson................. 353I 19 0 23 338I[ 70 1081 1,046 2036 2481 4,819............ 2601 Duane............................ 44 0 1 68 56 921 95 I..................................... 52,4 Fort Covington............. 189 25631 256 4,702 55 55 622 27131 a 312 7, 4817............ 3171" Franklin................... 752 7 47l 84 3 70 14 1 1467i 2,070 7 8 123............. 20031 Harrietstown.............. 151..................... 76 73 1,23 1 2 6............72 243 Malone................... 277 53.' 851 919 172 179.. 2,973 4116 581 54 I4 10,106 41 1 839 Moira............;... 559 381I 253 515 421 33 2271 29,9, 3061, 5,545...... 5 302 Westville.................. 2,008 30 31 463 99 65I 926 46031 4970 9,765............ 498 Total...................' 7,5821,1 1.008J.li 9973 17,126 1 l, 530|4` 1,4334! 21, 521321 3,1373'1 3,71212j 68, 607 14 Ms _12431 _5,107 A FULTON COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Bleecker..................... 3.44 20- 24i 256 1 31 3 4' 59....... 1|| 1421 Broadalbin................. 232 89i' 74 1,020 6493 75913 9,807 60741 6 68.1 11,292..... 24U 29713 Caroga,..................................................! 661 593 1,035 151- 33 1- 323....... 8 Ephratah................. 4,797 12 1I4 2163 334 10 7,002 1364 424l| 9,010, t[251: Constablen................./ 4,2110 2 104.93 1,75828594 8174 15,123 1,1564 1,328^ 30,7064...... 2 37 8 Mayfield.................. 1,899.363 173 448 748i 497 10~ ~~,4683 5 0^ 12,8....../......t 353 Dickinspon.............'../ 3530 19 13 23 6 I 3 59 48i 7 0,t1 03~,04 320/8/ 41 6,8920......... 21 Oppenheim................ 172 94 1221 1,459 1971 134 3,307 3991 4791 9,486 i 1.....1 2990 SFranklind....... 81 13~....../.. 0 U 2 i 5554 7 1 74 " 8 4 9 4,5...... /3 18 Total~~................ 7 52.48| 0 / 453{ 6;43 378 3301760,9 [I 4,4l3| 4,9363 94,0401 2t 237 Alabama.......................... 758 1,1073112,066'! 40, 18 336sil 1,3673; 1,764-3 52,002. 5......|. 14 learrierstw..........;..... 8 23 59,6^ 5i 4 1 4,8 503 7 63862 Batavia ~ ~ { 5l1[........!.............. 376[ 71 82 0,9 53 349 12,09 151 183 5435 565 2 10 MBoe hn................... 89 21 2 /2 1 14 9 | 190 3 9i 1,6 | 2 3 15 Elb................ 977 27172 5, 3 9 46 1, 2 1, 91 |,6 6 4 5 4 6 3 5 1 ioakir l..............:......... 51 69 1004 12 11 14 5 8 1 1,7 4 3 19 3- l 26 Pasvilion...................... 229 341 43,960 9 121 200 2,02 926 I401 4,106 2,7,42 19 221 17 Pembro...................... 11/_34 36_,68 191; 6,49.....3....0 3,73 3 3 1 Totalfor....................... 70 1 57 2,82 3 3 3 5 1'1 972 2 1 3,0085 39 5| 4 8 Trotdalbi................. 2,362|| 89568 7,890 91,89630 91271 5911,2718,107 I!714,109| 1^8 1,[4298..... 207li 3,386 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. 309 ERIE COUNTY-(CONTINUED). POTATOES. PEAS. BEANS. TURNIPS. FLAX. pAcres Acres sown.. Acres planted. Acres sown. Acres sown. TOW NS. lne ____ ______ _______ ____ Bushels Bushels Bushels Bushels harvested. harvested. harvested. harvested. of seed. 1865. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1864. Tonawanda........... 5 11 I 500.............. W ales.............. 218|; 17,541 881 641 1,0 9 437...................... 10 Wales~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.......... 28 9 3 West Seneca........ 586 43,832 482.46 901 5 1 1II 1081 1 1 1 225 7 / 38 Total............9,615642 830 2,3251 2,545|| 15,5150 6 6873 465 5,069 67 51 4021 ESSEX COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Chesterfield......... 4111 41,410 46i 491i 490 1691 114 2,0051 1 1 1 660 16 1 6 7 1 3 ii a l1 Crown Point:....... 341 35,481 6341 57,i 816 61U 351 1,011 33 2k 625/ 3 Elizabethtown....... 184516,193 32 34 210 264'1 27 329...................... 1 5 3 Essex.............. 1402 12,940 371 413 468 74 38 1,438 40...... 40.............. Jay................. 404 41,569 294 30 186 s872 4541 1,916 2....... 50.................... Keene.....'............ 45 14 446- 4 2 51 / 22~ 163 8 9 1121 ] - 54................. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~141254.................. IT...... 2 27 731 41~ 481 921 421 864 4 4 331............ I Minerva............. 1391 12,342 9 44 72 4 91 5614{ 8 21 4 906................... 3Ioriah.............. 353 31,802 2441 28 2401 28 201 319 U 1 720 1 1 3 N ewcomb........... 35j 4,665 2 2 10 91 1 8 1 4 17............... North Elba.......... 531 9,026 15i 16 235....... 71 17| 2,01 5..............;.North Hudson....... 78 7,973 81 4 77 [ 51 9 30........ }........... 4......... St. Armand......... 44 6,895 4 14 56......................... 11 1 300.................... Schroon............ 2351 23,471 1 12........ 101 13i 68 51 178} 837 2...... 2 Ticonderoga......... 312 55,495 58 55 685 45il 23 714 4 7... — 7............. Westport........... 1731 15,173 136 152 1,864 621 321 756 131 1 440{I i 42 W'illsborough........ 214 25,575 69| 891 850 250 1261 4,1061 258... -Wilmington......... 1571 16,380 411 241 2131 491 30 2091i 31 1 303 | I1 Total........... 3,74511400,574 6761 664'| 7,117j 9731' 5671 13,9435 55j 210i 7,721t 61 4 __25' FRANKLIN COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Bangor............. 557 170,354 10112 1001 2,592 291 23 436411 2 16s 116 107 I 95i 420 Bellmont............ 2631 33,067 " 32 36} 389 511 41 46 1 1 126 168 31 1221 Bombay............ 2501 26,372 10324 1001 1,668 564 44 79521 3 I 325 62 45 421 Brandon............ 2151/ 32,665 191/ 221/ 2451 101[ 81 1251 1 /.140 1, 51 521 Brighton....................... 71 41 930.................... 396140,084 34i 35 391 31 302 512...................... 171 10 126''''''''''''''....... 1/6 40 08 34 35 a 3 Chateaugay.......... 6171 81,295 701 95 8671I 3711 18 1 5541, 1...... 196 111 81t 38 Constablz'e........... 426 50,620 / 16 18 170 57 13 528 1...... 200 13| 6 59 Dickinson........... 2801 38,644 291 291 370 2314 101 55913 2| 1 473 54 1 19 Duane.............. 591 7,228 2 31 20........................... 1 / 58 6 51 33 Fort Covington...... 340. 35,417 98 931 1,247 121 311 212...................... 325 77,1 | 296 Franklin............ 2161 23,598 23 28 198 2 241 3i1 91 19, 6 u 1,127 1 I 2 Harrietstown........ 361 5,270 541 41/ 46 I 11 4 61 71 730................... Malone.............. 854 114,590 1171, 118 1,5351 20i 171 391 U 1 220 58 42 3241 Moira............... 312 34,305 171 12' 177 19!)1 314/ 190 71 34 580 26 41 133 West ville............ 562 52,732 251 40] 406 41 331 533 4 1 575 11 7~ 31 61~~~~~~~i Total............. 5,422jt650,781 6961 738 10,l9l 392| 272| 4,'907ll - 50-_ 411 5,796_ 3791- 131,3 2,077 FULTON COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Bleecker.......... 156! 12,678| 4I 1 5 11 21 8i 81 61 1,161 41 11 20.1 Broadalbin......... 329 t32,625 161 9i 234 71 18 356 16a I...... 117 61 1 23 Caroga.'. 95 1 8,310.................. 1 21 15 / 1 1 195................. Ephratah........... 256,1 27,421 84-1 861! 1,339................ 2121 11 ] 694.............41 Johnstown.......... 390g 47,770 1051 14~ 1,731 | 3011 211 1,1351 1' 377 9 1 I 641 Mayfield............ 386l!3~9,721/ / 17~1 xo/ 2091/ 10[ 15I 365 11 1~/ n O 804 H. 451/ 250 I 253 Northampton........ 235; 22,682 I 10I 4/ 119/ 111{ 9i 145........../...;. 60/ 2 / 2 / 2 Oppenheim...... 318|l30,897 {{ 14.1> 16~ 197[ ~1 1 20~11 1....../ 50 I1184n 8~ 1,0531 Perth........ 195120,738 I{ 171 161i 249 {I 1911 4{ 224 11 I.......220 {I261 /171 { 184 Stratford............ 1681; 15,717/........ 6 i........ i 11 71 26 1]100 5 313 Tota............. 2,53g'25,559i - 266| 271| 4-,083 831 61|-_2,507l||.....__ —i | 3J78_41 __l 591- _,-636 GENESO CONTY-(CONTINUED) Alabma.......... 163-^ 17,307" 252} 167 I3,%232 | 14~ 26.1, 1,408'....'' I.... 4..... 45 Alexander........... 1961I16,220 /1 232 153-1 2,181 2/'681/ 8011 3,7444;i 11 {......[ 2 II 6 I13 1 41 Batavia............. 4591:512.934 l/ 5341 3411 8,697 I:2541/ 981{ 4,992 II 40 t 614 1,120 {/...../....../......... Bergen.............. 156~ 15,586] 1931 841t 1,363 2'65g/ 63 3,8691 1 { 2 / 165/ 1.............. Bethany............ 220- soos 2006 252j: 190-~. 3042 583 15-~ ~4~1 7,271/ 1t 11k 152/ 241 2 133 Byron.............. 13215 15,928 tl 285i 196 { 2,963 {I 325_4 88 / 5,0391~...... /....'...... /. -..1....;.I............. Darie-n........ 348u1 22,1161! 1621 16741 1,862 II 1957 1051~ 2,0161I 1 ~ 20 II18'1; 23i 921, Elba......... 145 l 19,242 il 101' 20 / 1,144 II 271~1 167 / 4,261 ]...... /.........[I....T!............... Le Roy............. 466 414,328 2I 03 1231 1,908 II 7861 264 11,100 I1 4~ li 878 3l 5 Oakfield....... 130|1 13,369 II 1271 96 {2,086 II 17111 881{ 2,255 4/ ~..... 100 // 41 2~ 22 Pavilion............. 16511 20,826 I 158 t03/ 1,741 I 1,33311 780/ 18,199 i....................~ 9 {......~ 87 Pembroke........... 597|! 55,'927'1 209- 174,/ 2,816 II 581[ 27 1,481,1 3/ 1- 440 t/ I 4 taod............. 51l6062 26 14 2,4 24 81436 2 3,95 0.... 0 Total............... 3', 693 j836,5251] 2,958 1,9641I 35,880 || 4,872~1 2,0281,0,033l|! 63j_ 16_ 4,172 I[ 811 _[_461 _ 5341 O 1 0 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. ERIE COUNTY-(CoNTINUED). FLAX, HEMP. HOPS. TOBACCO. APPLEI ORCHAR11S. IM A 11 F Acres sown. Acres in crop. Acres planted. Ar',cli TOW NS. _____. _______ ______ vated. Pounds of. Tons of Pounds liar- I-Pounds har- Number of Bushels of Barrels of _' lint. hemp. * Vested. Vested. * tre-es in apples. cider. 1864, 1864. 1865. 16 4. 1864. 1865. 1864. 1864. 1865. 18641. fruit. 184 S'164.. 1. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1864. Tonawanda...................................1....!....................1 7 73 6 4276........ C alesterfiel........ 50........ Crowaen....... 2 6"4 i[200 I...........500 13, 06,73 5 21,526 552 /........ W est Seneca.............................................................. 7 4,985 1 24... Total............. 13,986 3 5 55 1 11. [48,357 /I 9 9 I) 1,60 1 63 42,893 567,2318 13,832..570 ESSEX COUNT~Y-(CoNTINuEI)). Chesterfield......... 150.............................................. 386 3.,535 4, 876.5 90........ Crown Pont................................. 6,8 2 2,926 241........ Elizabethtown................................... 6 I............. v............... 4 60 2,40. El a.................................................. 3 5 0 6, 31 9, 2 0 1 Jay om................... 5....................................................................... 4........ 59................ or h H so......................................................... 1.................. I..... 1 0 10........ 2, 9, 2..................................... Lewi s...................... 37............. 7,| 481 6, 1 Wiertpa....................................................I................................. 2 4, 8 7, 9 58 2 40......... i -Wi b r u h................................................ i...................................................... W ilm ngt n...............................................!........4..... 3 2, 7 1 85.....i Tw ota...................... Bno ert E b................ 4.69.......1............] 56 2, 7 1.......................3,...8.................. N elorth..... 1,459n.................. 5,............................. 130 30............-.... B ombay............ 8/535 ~~~.............:.... 55 50i...................................... StB right n d......:.............................................................|....................................I.... Buhroe..................000.................. -........., 00 H..................... _ 0 1 2,05. 3,0682 2..........,... Tio nderogay............, 5.................................4 t..... 300 i 4,61 4'12,2064......... W enstpo tble................ 30....,!.......'..... 43.5.-.1.05.........................| 4, 95K 7 2,69 64 3.... W ici sb or nu..................... I........... 11........i................................................. 0 2 0'4 I5024........ ra nklm in.til.........................1...................................... 4... 2............1.......5. Totalo............. 10,751............... 306-5 310 | 321,523 51 i, I,7 234. Bainerva 409......... 500 1 1 32 18.. 0,2 73 1,638 B ellin nt.v........... 1,2759................. 14 145........ 1 6......... 3,1 2, 820... Bo bca ry............ 29......................' l..... I..........' 1,828.218........ n............................................ 31 415 199 8,371 210........ B ari ho n..............................I.............................................................. 1 9 2........* 4::::::!22!t1 0.............. Bu kstpor........................... 016 0 0........ W ayielmngt o n...' 5........J..... 32:[[1] ] [ 40[ [ 11,356!I:...................i'2,230, 8,58 493.... N orthat pton........ 1!........................................... 1 4 1,203 2........' Coppstable........... 39,68......!......I...... 623 750 21,2! J0 2 50 1 6486 5,67... Pe thn on................................................. Strbaty rd............ 6,2530..................53 4 1,010~ 1.............,.0.456 1,3 2......... Alabama................................... i| 3, Too 53............... FBrt oighton.. 1 28................ 135 I 2,4 281-2 5 00 4 7 216 Fr eanklin......'................................. 31 2 00...........,.........!...............3,95 58........ Batavia.................... Ba rer s toe n...............'.. I..................... 13.. 16..11,200...7..I 8,200.13,307.15,097. 396....... M etalo....... 10 510.............. 310 21( 6,65 i 3; 2,78 22 338 84862 65!.... By on y............. * 4, i Moira........................ 20 1,00 2 4 2 1 02 WE tlla............. 4'a 1400 2 5 Le Roy....................~ ~~~~~.......I...... 14, 1.......,0 2. 136,1050 1 7I,847 2 4, 5 616 38 DB ldon. 1.......................................I......... Pavilon................................1.......1......1......1 1' 2 *420, 000| 15,62 24, 22250 8....71 Pebro kelb -.........1.... 2.....1................ 43...... 20 1 |i 1 4 9 1, 3 9 2 7 5 5........ C tanreo.............'............|........ 6 8 Frtankl i n' i 3~ 2, 0o0........!........3..I............ 90 i - -.. t~~~arrietst o w -- -- --- -- ----- ----- ----!( t Iq I i........ 1 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS.311 ERIE COUNTY-(CONTINUED). MIARKE T GARDENS. ~3 ~ * H -NEAT CATTLE.'Q.)'*;; T-(. 0 ^ M o T-I;^C CO'' Acres cul ~ |-' = ^ J ~1 _ ~ ~ ~ Milch cows. TOWNS. tivated. C/ Of)^^ r g ^g 2 ^ _______ CO ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ COl3____ Value ^41 b n^ ^ ^ —------ ofproduts,.. 9 ~ 5 o ~ ~ S 1864. 7:,- 1864. 1865. 1865.' C d^ 5. 0 C|) co5 - ^^ SS0 S Ton awanda... i................................317 302 1776 466 483 *W ale's...........i................. I17,245 123).........I 1, 37 69... 173 197' 148 48 1.049 929 West Seneca.....i 100 &12,930 I 30 1......... 295 26 140 127 116 46 781 815 4,83 27 26,3 99 7,~- I-7 344140, Total........... 610 68,199 1210,282 2,167 690 47,883! 2,743,_! 4 [j 5,536 599 7,980 1, 370134,441 3],859 ESSEX COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Chesterfield............. 1381 67 4 3,587 86...... 2 412 492 22 875 968 Crown~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-4 133 n.... 452 1,085 38 1014 / 980 Crown Point...................... 8,722.,345 133.......608 452 1 Elizabethtown................... 2,435 28........ 2,323 71...... 209 219 141 48 409 400 Essex.............. 1,332 11 181 1,100 5 5... 281 273 6939 522 5600 jay...j............................ 3,4387....... I,661 100...... 439 458 389 133 700 710 Keene........14,096 I 400.............. 185 186 250 52 349 363 Lewis........... 2k1 1,275 4.292 128 —, 1 1, 8336 259 i...... 3q)430 392 940 124 621 633 Minerva.......................... -~~5, 356 90........' 880 59.... 1 4 1 8 5 3 2'"...... 90 Moriah.......... 4 245 1,796 83........ 4,160 164... 341 343 472 66 895 90 Newcomb................'....,. 3,727 58........ 100 2-1;...... 33 30"' * 19, 10 66 68 North Elba...................... 20, 99 ~5 63................... 851) 91I 13 8 24 167 1-82 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~48 0389 7 0 0 orth Hudson..................... 185 28 159 167 St. Armand...................... 5,483 23 1...............*.........!...... 52 63 107'22 117 124 Schroon....'.................. 095... [,746.. 9....... 1293 277 258 122 610 618 Ticonderoga............ 11,100 2,539 63........ 2,060 42 I...... 449 4,99 635 35 730 752 iestport.................. 3,137 14........ 1,859 771.... 340 328 462 1 24 4 0 463 - Willsborough............ 1747 52 6 1,835 76 C 16 4...... 258 23.9 362 52 588 626 Wv~ilmington............... 200 2,100 12......... 1,143 47...... 282 222 245 44 3 93 382 343/ 472 6,8505 9,004 Total........ 3 12,80 l9,2,940 | 2,0-771 __ 192 I31,81 1, 192-1^.......i.,4,739 4,7 6,50 937 9,04 9,21:FRAN KLIN COU NTY-(CON\TIN-UETD). Bangor I.....S... 18 44,035 148.161 3,856 1321I...... 672 506 628 7-1 1,3~36 1,305) Bellmont,................. I.,010 | 9, 529 14........ 425 15... 254 220 132 56 61-4 648 Bombay..........;............ 6,040. 57........ 2,006 60 1...... 359 26 )4 250- 3 2 1,2030 1,244 Brandon.......,758.............174. 702 142 158 Brighton......................| 4,703 69........ 259 16!...... 39 28 217 98 -107 u......... I......... 865 14542 ohateuagay....... 6 170 31,816 96........ 2,425 100.528 500 77 1,442 1,434 Constable......... 3 767 i15,7787 20........ 2,022 89.... 289 2941 168 28 862 -82 1 6 Dicknsot....................A... 39,635 0........ 1,460 4.377 19021 ]Duane......................... 2 184 2.......,.......... I...... 246 43 56 12 94 100 Fort Coiington. 40 17,270 159..........',610 221,I...... 427 344 337 48 1,877 1,820 Fra'nklin................ 1. 251 41........ 660 14 1...... 259 172 246 - 63' 1 440 1,4)8 Harrietstown............I........ 4,329 44......... 200 4...... " 47 33 59 10 421 4 231 Malone.......... I........|........ | 48,332 216........ 2,519 Il7...... 792 593 833.88 1,684 I-,72.....~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7'"' 42'2:7 Moira............................ 28,582 33........ 1,998 -87 397 239 50 1.3936 1, Westville..'..,... 1^ 330 11,95 57...... 2245a' 821..... 330 243 418 5206 752 796 I...... 1457........ 2 Total 3 1 1 35 1,8 77......... 5, 4,312 5,246 811 15,84 15,804 FULTON COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Bleecker......... 1,..47.. 52 6 1,........ I [60 95 447;C. 292 288 W~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~5 4 6iligo..... 2]. 2,10 29]9 9 1 Broadalbin................. 90 46 Caroga.........................,585 48........ 40 15... 44 59 44. 19 190 170 Ephratah...................... 13,77 47 8 1,64 18.... 46 391 440 56 1,239 1,2641 [! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1,412,`5 Johnstown...... 4 9;i 100 3 355E36....... 2,705 16... 519 563 499 32 2,299 2 Mayfield.......... 3,892. 83...,..... 3352 343 240 7119 1027 907 Oppenheim ~.............. 18,66 4..... 41,27 6 27.. 42 38 222,6,0 Pengrth.................'-44 71.... 1,3 54 10 1.... 05 2 3 188 8 8 74 Stratfrd.............I.... 3,1 65....60 8... 9 10 73 9 2 Total......... ~~4| 10 I 4395,1 1 621 1 3,0~6 2 881.......|,3' 264,6 51I1,3 994 Aelhnona................. 264 3...... 4,07 155...... 2548 24 2344 686/ 694 Alexander.......~ ~ ~ ~ ~4........60660 6 3139 2 1 10 70 2 2 62 56 [Bombay..........;................ 6,007 122/ 60 46i2...... 123.1 6 1 53 534 53 Brtandon...............i........] 35,51 0 91) 1,831]]... 1 3 15]132 63]3 Byron...........~~~~~~~~....., 00 8 46........ 17 82... 2 43 18 32/ 57933 1, 73 Darien.................. ~~~~~10 1,4 5. 57 2 01 95....... 21 23 487 9 918 90 Burke.........,.................. 1,733. 6 265 14...... 5213 2285,1890 6796 Chatfeuag........ 6 1 720 808 5 75 975.............. 201 0 9 t1658 352 366 Pembroke...............! 200 1,295 15 29 1,062 71.....J1,2 4 23 40 8 97 91, 2 Stafford ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1....'......!.... 720 9....... 476... 28 80 16, 29 52 Total ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~,......... 1J 3,4 |l0,9 Il,1 l 771 396 837 *..... II 2,50,81 2,00 87,9 0 312 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. ERIE, COUNTY-(CONTINUED). C.tF BUTTER. CHEESE. HORSES. SWINE. SHEEP. _____ _ __ ____________ _____________ __________________________ LQ" ___________,__________________________________D s S ~~~~~~~~Gallons of TOWNS. romilk sold, c5 Pounds made, Pounds made, 1864. Colts of Colts of Two years Pi-s of Season of iSlauo-1itered Pounso Shorn in Shorn in 1864. 1864. 1864. 1865. old and S 1865. 1864 and in 1864. pork-made 1864. 1.865. -j'^ ^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~over, 1S865. older. 1864. Tonawanda... 14 17,685.................. 46 35 392... 538 2 468 86,740 I 446 | 652 Wales........ -Ill 58,7180 88,123........ 34 32 447 18'157 266 436 101,025 7, 009' 5,974 West Seneca... 62 62,504 3,120 13,380 47 42 626 32 508 745 583 91,408 466 283 Total.......... 3,690 1,5853l, 344,734 iJ89, 206' iII,203 155,731 296 [16,8_4 1 29j 9,536 113,551 |15,103 ^315939.1| 80,701 5,8 ESSEX COUNTY-(CONTINUED). C~hesterfield...... 295 63,092 1.040 300| 17 26 544 2 268 735 429 103,683 2,234 2,742 Crown Point... 17 80, 2.21 6,145........' 65 68 5 69.... 20;J 4 299 455 86,393 5,218 6,932 2491 319g 7 7004 161 161i 2341 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' 218P Schuyler.................. 1,850 8012 75 1,953 2041........'460 429i 4175 13,500 4 4 22712 Stark............................ 110 1195 2,752 2641 299 6,327 199 266 4.972 41 2 961 W arren........................... 19812 225 3,631 4 161 414,5 113A.1751,5 7~ 4 6 W ilmurt.......................... 1 2 8 9I 7 100 4 21 17 2...... 25 Winfield....................... 7 8 225 404 19I 967 2921 339 10,640. 461. 46 125~ HAMILTSON COUNT~-(CoNTINuED). Alexandria~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~........ 2.64,15 93,,911 5 3^ 55 27, 471467 1 27 C p Vicn....;....... 99 1,6 l,11 1537 351 * 50 4 1 661,21......!... 0i... "26' Totapio.................. 6838 1 3920`1 52, 41 5,231 2036-5 432 41,-23 48,20 1 5,331' 151,508 5151 3765 22380 Clatop................... 3,242 1,990 1,,883 16,2831 251 13 344 6331 9801 11,9702 4 3 Hendia sn Lk.............. 76 1,13 1,26 17,11|. 41.. 01 66..50 2044.2|.53..22 Lorraine.............. 3 81 44,6 2 9 9 7 41,6... 1 19 Olas................ 5,81',7 1,95 10 7341 78 445 71 775 11 11 281 Waells...................... 1,02.... 1,097 521 25 3 127 101 23,03 2| 44 2 Totlan................. 78 46 50;650 4 0 3 91 51 87.7 34 5 93 Watertow................ 3,002 972| l,095l| 13,74|1 21 21 2 91 7001 14,403 32'.571 374' Win.................. 2,5 231 27I,4/ 0 6 18 81 59 799 4 11 Danube..;.................... L0610 7 2;51, [71. 129 483 5 21 551 7615-521 5~I14 21. Toifital.................. 3043i 6l2j 5471 5,0T1 21 5ji OM^O.30^!79 7 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. 317 GREENE CCOUNTY-(CONTINUED). POTATOES. PEAS. BEANS. TURNIPS. FLAX. ni01^ ~~~~~~~Acres sown. Acwes planted. Acres sown.Aceson plated Bushels sown TOW NS. pa id _______._______ ___________ Bushels Bushels Buhshel Bushels Bushels ~ harvested' harvested. harvested. t ]:e]. seed. 1865. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1864..1861. 1865. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1864. Ashiand............. 1671 17,243 5 21 68' 51 1,903 11 5k 66 167 4' 17,243 48 / 3 [ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~?-.. 1JI Athens.............. 184 10,0633 81 71 68 81 5 591 2 1 806 5,...... 19 Cairo............... 284j1 23,168. 4| 1 40 I 107 138 71 31 2,172 41 31 20 Catskill............. 2671 19,294 1 1 18 2 2k 25 12 5 2,446 31 3i 111 Coxsackie........... 423 27,056 1| k 16 4| i 83 325. 9.~~~~~~~~~~~~/ t 91~:/1 2 /...... Durham............. 1971 16,391 25 20|/ 120 38 / 181 410 51 3| 3s,384 301 18| 77 Greenville........... 244-~ 18,944 7 71 51 37 361 16 I 454 4 1 1, 555 41 81 19, IHalcott............. 441 3,69.5 1 1 1 111 18 4 7 | I 108 2d 11 8a Hunter............. 214 23,117 21 1 8 3 4 131 1 1 2 0 91 9I 2 Jewett.............. 177i4 18,000 81 7| 106 10 6'1 92 2{; 1 583 2,~ 1 8Lexington........... 203~ 18,213 4 3 58 31 6 27 2 682 21 7 7New Baltimore....... 462 31,942 22 7 5019i 20 141 2051...... 95 6 24 2 Prattsville........... 117 10,592 131 10 { 67 4111 4 80 51 1,016 9 31 16k Windham. 2471 26,246 1.1....... 5 I 17 1| 505 3| 2| 7 Total............. 3,234' 263,964 1051 691 652l1 152 86 1,659, 2 695 22| 15,671 86 75- - 293HAMILTON COUNTY-(CONTINUED). A rietta......................................................... 140............ Benson.............. 801, 6,4592 1 2 2| 6| 28s" 61.... 133 2 14 5 I-ope................98 s 10,435 2 3 7 91 4 113 1| 565 1 - 4 Indian Lake..... 21 3, 810................................................. 41...... 310..................... Lake Pleasant.... 391 4, 49,4 1 21 9 1| l 4 1| I 285 3...... 2 Long Lake........... 40. 5,535 1 1 13 3...... 4........ 3 M orehouse....... 4212 -3,300.......................................... 1011...... 1, 061 I...... 3 *W ells................ 971 9,39 2 1 7 21 352! 25 41, 1,035 2...... 7 Total............. 444 1 45,541 41 5 101 38 1 65i 15| | 181 || 243 _ 51_ 3, 639 7 3 \ 25 HERKIMER COUNTY-.(CONTINUED). Columbia............] 2921] 29, 565 1 7 21 16441 2, 50692' 2|91- 31 64.............. 46 62 3 36I ndianube........... 142 15..091 36 401 613 3141 88...................... 6 5. 40 Fairfield............ 143| 8 17,4639 15 15 361 21 I 50........ 102 3 81 Frankfort........... 233 2121,110 221 2.01 2 1 336 41 1 1422.................... German Flats........ 181 117, 015 1 041 101T 171 71 83 8 65 5 ~ 115 I...... I Herkimer........... 126~} 314,428 301..311 637 41.2 1 1011 195. 2 11 401 Litchfield........... 143l~17, 65'0 91 65 225 11 28 1 g 184 1 11 10 Little Falls.......... 126 | 159,9517 2 2 71 2 383 51 41 90 10 2 1220.................... Manheim............ 126141I14, 698 10| 8 2 075" 51 41q 46.......... 65 441 - 1 315 Newport............ 1224 16,402........................ 41 4...... 50 4 1 1 1 Norway.............. 421 20-956 2 -i 3 42 20................ 20 "1 172- 9 Ohio................ 815- 9, 649 2 1 27........ 2 1 * *...... 204.............Russia.............. -281| 33,7165 6 65 84 4 311 60 2- 1| 890 Is 3 9 Salisbury............ 269 25,673 31 I 49 21441 483 lg...... 210 1 43 Schuyler............ 204|1 23,5330 301 28| 682 2, 5 0... 27...... 3)5 0..................... D aue............. 12 4o01/13 40{6oI 3 14{8 /....,... Stark............... 97 11,456 82/.105.1,425 I 19 -150 171 196 158 Warren............/ 186 20,759 - 102 1583,871 32 10 6.7 11 31 350 10 6| 109 I FW ilm urt............ 243 a 21,177........0................................. 5...... 485.................... Win-field............ 1281 15,370 4A 20g 547 5i 11 122 I...... 7I5 1 4 Totals.............. O2761 25,967 lO~s 4 91'.. Alexandria........... 175 | 14,4887 36| 3062 2 62 111a 25 230l 71 2I 448 62}10 18~} ~}195 1al40 A tchfeldp.........../ 288|i 12,8o17 3 1 29716~ 2,330g 51~ 4k 335 11 1 200. 73 81] 62s ~rw vle..... 18l -,0 19 171 1,75 1 1 i 11' 1 100 60 41 5 Capte Fincent.......... 1262l 12,9517/ 2471 2991 2,83I574 17 141 1890 I 2 / 10............2..14..72 Champion........... 2~3,6718 2,93 568 620 1, 148 610 183 5213 lj 1| 1703917 HoanhfieFm........... 196N 14,661 22 8 21 10,45 45 1 3 4 1. 15 2 361N21 25U Te a....... 28lt 3,4 39 31 2,8 16 16 11 I -7 2 8 26 Lorie............ 18 1 3,4 15 * 141 249 191 7 46t............ 6 1 5 Lyme........ ~,....... 15 4 3 6 28. 2 H 1 9 6 Q 2....................... I I1 Norleans...... 259210,7136 2 38 4215 155 4 15 25 " k 49/2055 17~ 918 Paei............. 158',0 11 119.....'i 4 6 1 I 3 0^21 23 Philadelphia~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;......... 14,1 61 16,2 i,5 4 ~10 71.781.377 Eda..................... 5,50......51..94.2..2...42....20.81.. 3 ussiand.............} 281133 1,7647l ] 27 431 24 16 3155 15 2~1'1 ~ 4890B 671 1 395 Salsbresa............. 26045 9,4563 1961o 2311,509 5i~ 161 1871/ lI......12210 851 801./4 Schuyertow........... 20486 15,330 1} 741/ 55 7820 111.....14 238 11.... 250 781. 5....5 *Wilner~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~......I........382,8 3 3 41 1 8 23- g 57 311^ 10 W orth' ~ ~ 2 k 2,77'.............. 9 5,6 5 6 3..I............ 1 126| - 1 1 Total............. _^064| 333,1621 3,77| I 3,400| 29,5g~jj_42^__^91|_ij rl)2/|....... 48511J..... 318 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. GREENE COUNTY-(CoNTINUED). FLAX.' HEMP. HOPS. TOBACCO. APPLE ORCHARDS. MARKET ]t..... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GARDENS Acres sown. Acres in crop. Acres planted. Acres cultiTOW N S. ________'. ______________ ___________ vated. Pounds of Tons of Poundsbar-Poundsiar-'Number of Bushels of Barrels of lint. hemp. vested. vested. trees in apples. cider. r 1864. 1864. 1S65. 1S64. 1864. 1865. 1864. iS64. 1865. 1864. fruit. 164. 1864. Ashland~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.................... Ashland.............. 2,500.................... 301 301 13,369..... 2 30 — 30 13369.....1.....,...... 9,221 16,976 3....31 Athens...................................... 2,000 7,257 17,969 630 12 Cairo............................ 3 4 500. 300 13,428 31,290 157 S Catskill............... 70.................... I 1k 250................. 22,618 31,094 l, 120-1 22 Coxsackie..........,................ 3 3 27348 14,969 27,175 584 31 Durham.............. 70.................... I 7 400 90 29,281 56,092 961 Greenville............. 226...................... 4 4 1,500 l 1,405 23, 558 43, 813 1,615 10 H alcott............... 40......I.......................................................... 3,342 3,~409 41......... H uniter............... 35................................................................ 6,084 3,302 45........ Jewett............................................:.......:................................. 14,002 16,581 267........ Lexington............ 140........................................................... 9,998 20, 345 333........ New Baltimore......... 460............................................................. 24,054 39,696 1,763 1 Prattsville............ 220................................................................. 4,791 8,540 216........ W indham............. 220 -.... 2212 15T2 7, 907 9!...... 40,400 |11,490 16,437 315......... Total............... 3,981 I I_ ^..| 671-_ 68_ 27 899_1_ 12ji 44, 195 1 4,09 J332,719 _J 37877 HAMILTON COUN TY-(CONTINUED). A rietta.........................................................I..............1...... 3.......................1... \ DRenson............... 143............... 151 181 3, 765.................... 3,015 2,443 38....'H ope................. 100......................641 6 641 1, 051.................... 3,615 2, 580:. 16......... Indian Lake......................................................................................... Catskill ~~~~~~~~~~~~.................. Lake Pleasant......... 400.................................................................. 414 309............ Long Lake.......................................................................................I.... M orehouse........................................................!.............. I,............. 55 1................ W ells................ 330............................................I................ 2,016 2,050 13 Coxsackie,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~51147.. I 2,34 l Total............ 973...... 2[ " I'.. 30 4,9,1151 7 43931i 67 HERKIMER COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Columbia.......................... 471 4704'223,666 11...... 1,700 10,753 |16,329 3122 Danube............... 12, 000.................... 44 i 48 41125, 649 2l4|1...... 1,200 7,121 9, 393' 211........ Fairfield....... 2, 300................................................... 460,956 9,198 198........ Frankfort............... 200 6 7 67 38,543 136j i 3 7,8) 50 19,496 15,609 24 2k...................2......... 9......... 500................... 2 5 00 6,247 11,125 233....... Herkimer...............27 33 105,962 71 1 6,9,00 6,104 10,595.......... 9;4 43 91 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~6 2,6 8................. y6...... Litchfield........................................ 44k 183 6,148 1 Little Falls................ 5........ 1 7 4,500 2 3 3,700 5,538.6 083 118 6[ Manheim.............. 9, 773..................... 481 3 4 94,281' 1'...... 1,850 6,047 7.0021- 2,098, 0 2g Newport.............. 100............................................ 5 lj 5,700 6,654 9,497 212........ N orway....'............ 200......................................1............................ 1, 253 2,1 45O 2........ Ohio................................................................................. 127....................... Russia............... 170.................... 7 2 2,800 2...... 2,000 6,132 7,3A 1854........ Salisbury................................................................. 1...... 800 4,792 4,525 79I.......... Schuyeer.............;............................. 16 13 9 348i...... 9,965 2, 3 25 /.. Stark................. 5,000..................... 291i 2701J75,2316..................:.::::::::t 2: i!/........... 1 3 2 4' 14W arren............... 148.................... 524 502,183, 675.................. 10, 549 12,035 367.1........ W ilm urt.............................................................................................................. W infield....................4813 ~ew Batimored....................................... 5 23,044 1...... 150 6,856 15,217 301........ Total............... 33, 329 i|~....... 200 1, 662 1,63485,16 I 80g __ 86,160_ 1108,689!l64,2,801- 3,701i 2 Brownvill'......... 4'5,1 8' 5... Cape Vicent......... 91....................................... 1..... 1,000,260 9, 90 131....... Prayttsile.............. 5, 20......................... "i... 20,5 6,1 6..... Ellindham...... 2,5................. 9 8 2,7 g | 3 3 0 2,6. 4,3 3 8 7 Henderson~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~....... 4(40 16,49(...........[6 1,430 3.......137 1492 8,5 42 3 ToRal............... 41,000 —-—................. 65 128 27,300 52i 4 44,360 94,09 32,79 4,81 81! 77..... A o raiett......... 2.....................................I......., 5, 3 7.... L m................ 50.................................... 2, 8 3 09 7.... Orlans........... 50............................ 1 25 3 0 1, 77....2 Hpa ela.............. 4, 8.......................... 1 20 2 1,970 3,01 3,470 16 k P Iladep ian..... 3,537.................... 23........ | g 3 0 8 0 3 1.......... aketleaant............ 5,6i.......... 6 6 150 4 g920 577 647 7 Th r s......... 6, 7...........4, 00....... 1, 3 5, 0..............'Watertown............ 12,207~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~.................. 3 0 610 11...320 1,0 5 8 ~ Wells................. 5,6........... 1:::2: 1, o00 2, oi 125 54 51........ T ort h........ 3................................................................ Total~ ~ ~ 7 1[............!... 1505......1 25,86I......'!....... 130_11.2_85|_( /8| 31 8^9, 3216603 2,43_303,~ 7t AGRICULTURIAL STATISTICS. 319 GREENE COUNTY-(CONTINUED). MARKET GARDENS. ~/ ~*. v>NEAT CATTLE. TOWNS,~~Are cul- Cd 00'0 Q0 * a)- ^ 4l ~ Milch cows. TOWVNS. t rivated. [ H r CD CIO G GO { " ___ 186S- __~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ J~'LJIii.-L-J,,lL i 2 i,i o8M 1863 Ashland~............... 696 25o... 516 59..... 53 3 367 66 1,48 98 A~~~~~~~~~~~u thes 186. Athen........ 111 81,480 [[......".......... 30 20[ 36,......J 162/ 156 [ 23 20{ 446J 424 Cairo...,........ 301I 67 I! 341/ 5 / 85 2,36i2 94/......t~ 114/ 161 1 95 97 9!57 J 910 Catskill.......... 17 3,723 J- 529 60 U...... 70......'525 531 272 91 994 966 Coxsackie..... 31/ 1,750 jJ........}........J 88 45 J 4 }......JJ 280J 276J 75 15 7'29l 697 Durham.......... i 20 3,786J 102...... 2,0 193....... 1566 25875 2659 945 1,148 1,039 Greenville....... 5 | 411 i1,70 46..... 935 219....... 209 2 223 1 1,519 24 9 36 4 890 Ctairot........... 31 6 4 5 2 6 414 11 15 9 5 1 Catklcott.......'.................. 7, 43972 5 3 6...... 31'L0 70...... 1025 572 91 988 51 Halcot........................ 7439 5..... 310..... 102 233 7 74 62 588 513 Hunter............................ 12,019 549 13 3,872 42...... 334 350 3, 66 170' 742 643 Jewett............................ 57,485 876 40 2,223 189.495 571 519 110 1,161 988. Lexington....................... 31,022 48296......8. 348 686 3)74 80 1,491 1,362 New Baltimore... 91 50 40.............. 978 72...... 98 125 55 52 828 764 Prattsville..................... 5,4...... 2,931 251...... 246 312 279 79 961 844 Prattsvil.e............. 2469 ]1 3,14........... 3 2 6 0.W indham......................... 28,637 1,221 1,097 Total..... 96 751 16 74 2.832 _256~ 23,950 146... 4,371 5,270 4,244 1. 084 13,350 12, 59_ HAMILTON COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Arietta................ 575 14..............!.............. 16 24 16 14 35- 42 Benson................ 3,215 30...... 103 65... 77 48 78 45 139 124 ~n~~o~.: ~ ~.......1."1....................... g o...... 164 7 79 248 Hope............................ 4,265 J 66...... 1,645 10 96 79 150 32 240 216 Indian Lake................... I.................. 44 32 32 16 7 83 Lake Pleasant.................. 2,436 49...... 465 I8'...52 46 56 30 135 123 Long Lake......................... 6,370 75............................1 22 13 39 is 73. M orehouse....................... 695 43............................ 47 58 59 16 109 127 "Wells........... 5 35 6,752 134 123 209 68 274 258 Total......... 35 26,183 4885...... 3,665 254.. | 498 423 639 239 1082 1,043 HERKIMER COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Columbia........ 2 2,390 26,348 7,828[ 1931 3,844i 1555...... 279 5 323 87 10 2,013 1,900 Danube....................... 2661'192...... 1,340 76...... 291 35 9 4 4 2,820 2,808 Fairfield............................ 14,270 488...... 3,886 370...... 300 332 142 30 4,740 4,724 Frankfort....... 310 1,905 60...... 2,577 177...... 344 402 434 16 2,473 2,569 German Flats................... —-. 2,670 66 4 2,345 84...... 268 48 23 6 3 9 2,060 2,033 erkimeri......... 296 283 97 2,696 2,764 Litchfield.......................... 12,475 51......4 4 i1 55...... 207 321 248 27 2,114, 2,166 Little Falls..... 3il 1,250 5,213 2271...... 650 64...... 234 266 239 14 3,044 3,084 Manheim........ 21 210 5,011 3971 10 852 26....... 198 250 158 4 3,526 3,749 Newport................ I.......... 5,245 116...... 1,165 106 162 173 280 12 3,120 3,086 Norway.............................. 14,495 200...... 8,34....... 198 138 121 16 2,342 2,222 Ohior.......................... *1 308t 136 35...... 102 95 73 57 352 255 Russia............................. 22,160/ 302...... 1,527 117...... 351 320 276 12 2,986 2,495 Salisbury..............4........... 6,140 249....... 959 74...... 154 157 115 34 2,555 2,442 Schuyler Fl................... 230 4.. 2,45 84...... 247 268 295 2 3,421 3,422 Stark......................... 4,366 / 89...... 2,830 41...... 187 263 119 3 2,048 1,969 Warren...................... 21,048 863 275 2,601 194...... 270 347 327 13 2,307 2,124 W ilmurt.......................... 1,340 16 19 13........ 99 W infield.......................... 12,705 137 40 530 50...... 168 181 146 13 1,911 1,710 Total s....... 101 4,560 179 5 5221, 28/,7422' 1, 8780/4...... 4,8 27 4,76281 46,627 45,461 Adanims.......... 86 *13,1 91 2 09 1 2 5 3 7...... 397 32 4 3,8592 Antwerp........................... 43,607 105 0 1,0 1... 69 44 76 66 473,,4 Norowayl....... ]]]]]....,.....II 445 0'....... 6,0212 5 2,8 35...... 44 1 4590 2 2,1,8 Cape~ Vicn................ 485 9...... 1,7 1...... 498 51 14 1,3423 1,771 Cham ion....................... 105992 4 5 7,3 3... 30 2 1 30 2,5,2 C a tn..........:::::....... 2 0 1,1 2...... 1 2 0. 41...... 621 4 1 3 3,8 3 2 3 Salisburyh.................. 1 35678 21 3,356 2498...... 91 78 108 15 4955 4940 Henderson....... 3^ 2~~~~~~~75/ 1,2 18 9 145 26...... 25 3 4,5,4 Hounsfield....... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ 5 15 96934 3 4J 2,950 5... 37 6 7 81559 1,442 uler Ra................ 3611 52,2,6 241.... 3 51 4 0 3,8,2 Starkan.............'.... 38 38]35.... 64]].... 723]1 9 25 2 25. 2,5 Lyme........................4,2241 15....] ] 2,870 0' 151]]] 1.... 38 35 42216,70 1,4 Pamelia........ 15 30 20,44 364..... 3,92 84..... 33 298 35 6 2,0409 1,905 Phiarrelphi....................... 18,0186 243 85 2,,589 112.....' 3522 11 19 2 207 2034 Rodman.........~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~1..........4,5/9... 8....... 5 28 22 1 2,6327 2,6174 Rutlan...... 55 8,1 68 17 4, 0 10...... 5 39 47 4,7,3 Watertown......o~ 17 1,5 22o7 260~o...... 1,17 15 1['~ ~ ~' ~...... 7 33 33 2,8,0 Wilna~~~~.,........1/ 1,4016...........70,67. 22........ 34! 4...... 52 44 403 125,50 229 Worh........................1,19 76 009 9 13...... 2,70 6 0...... 91 9 59 7 18 32 3,67 2,073 Alexandil.............. 11,061 1670 i,46 52911,131 J51,2164 1,911......J4 1 J 59,6. 8 81 478821 676 56,55l|55,46 320 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. GREENE COUNTY-(CONTINUED). CEATTL CATTLE BUTTER. CHEESE. HORSES. SWVINE. SHEEP. Cd Gallons of TOWNS.'milk sold, to0 Pounds made. Pounds made, 1864.- Colts of Colts of T-woyears Pigs of Season of Slaughtered Pounds of pork Shorn in Shorn in 1864. 1864. 1864. 1865. old and 5 1S65. 1864 and in 1^64. made% 1864. 1864. 1865. over, I165. ~ older................... Ashland.......... 89 113869.................. 27 43 251.... 441 493 354 92,024 1,069 812 Athens.......... 115 35,395................ 22 12 372 1 498 372 454 86,440 203 194 Cairo............ 730 102,302 630......... 35 31 666 2 1,072 1,060 952 205,807 1,942 1,794 Catskill.......... 295 89,484.......... 1,275 21 30 730'. 1,058 399 850 173,865 1,325 1,375.......'~~~~~704 4g)0 46 16 3 6 3 Coxsackie........ 293 622030.............. 31 19 783.... 15 Durham......... 296 127,678 4,835 917 |'70 49 659 1 1,273 1,017 1,088 218,760 7,945 6,613 Greenville........ 199 102,912 4,804........ 45 22 687.... 885 1,186 935 200,618 2,013 1,634 Halcott.......... 83 55,095.................. 11 17 88 25 141 0 104 30,360 650 619 Hunter.......... 66,605................. 16 17 169 59 241 100 304 56,603 1,298 1,112 Jewe tt. ]] 28 232 ~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~449_ 54 340 80;941 1,560 1,84.5 Jewett............. 118 119,617 2,61....... 23 28 232.... 4 586 Lexington........ 131 138,445 575........ 24 24 324 2 413 233 429 97,986 1,726 1,766 New Baltimore... 277 80,557 1,098. 41 25 666'.... 1,034 419 1,009 173,912 1/447 1/087 Prattsville...... 206 108,850 169........ 24 29 235 294 169 310 74,454 944 733 Widam........ 136 ][.18 3 8,29,! Windham........ 136.124,215 2,240........ 26 26 284.... 336 181 399 9 3,186 3,129 2;196 Total.......... 3, 129 -1,327,054 ~' 16,961 2,192 416 372 6,146 i 90 883 — 2 t6, 34 17 7 41,794 25,717 22,212 HAMILTON C OUNTY-(CoNTINUED). Arietta.......... 3 3,230.......... 17 1 6 6 1,030 109 82 Benson........... 20 11,.010...........1........ 2 5 42.... 14 28 33 7,922 445 533 Hope............ 74 18,000 375........ 10. 5 120 96 115 95 22,086, 871 995 Indian. Lake...... 15 6,900 250.............. 1 19.... 8 11 24 5,075 74 186 Lake Pleasant... 24 11,525 450........ 3...... 21.... 22 21 21 4,634 217 227 LongrLake....... 9 8,350 300 2 1 45.... 27 17 15 3,500 321 378 Morehouse 44.....949,50....... 10 1 40.... 27 12 35 6,545.70 97 Wells............ 69 27,650 30 100 9 10 98.... 66 67 77 17,3~3 536 697 Total........... _258_ 96,174 1,855 || 100 __36 231 402 261 277 306 68,155 5 2,_643 I 3,195 HERKIMER COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Columbia........ 241 69,865 465,805 |........ 34 49 600.... 528 410 552 134,282 1,085 1,079 Danube......... 143 66,135 953,887........ 22 32 476.... 755 1,355 644 136,820 387 453 Fairfield......... 130 52,573 1,731,534 450 20 30 480.... 734 539 586 133,623 472 450 Frankfort........ 326 102,550 500,740 961 59 62 688 4 / 531 436 641 162,839 802 916 German Flats.... 396} 44,999 494,970 2,510 29 39 586 2. 608 337 505 105,975 794' 784 Herkimer........ 121 46,365 853,480........ 35 37' 457....I 721 502 555 122,442 818 1 724 Litchfield....... 178t 36,606 658,795........ 24 27 439....[ 403 347 418 97,966 527 6 667 Little Falls....... 473 {47,264 1,161,232 10,L5' 22 22 481..../ 614 468 493 111,760 475. 237 Manheim.......... 146 56,855 1,258,205- 1,1g0 25 31 395....} 522 460 609 144,5521 1,117 2982 Newport......... 715 56,235 1,090,606........ 24 34 409....i 569 471 50 124,765 495 420 Norway........... 96 41,954 418,716........ 27 22 293.... 285 249 316 78,303 318 37( Ohio............ 80 19,141 25,870 2,150 5 17 124 0.... 7 50 110 24,427 344 3 359 Russia........... 193 63,456 703,803........ 32 20 493.... 292 351 503 114,234 900 991 Salisbury........ 219 42,810 686,078 20 10 9 389.... 205 269 301 67,940 644 865 Schuyler......... 1464 56,725 1,153,850......... 32 52 486.... 611 1,094 641, 140,657 471 579 Stark............ 46 50,435 476,382 400 34 36 494.... 379 505 399 107,325 672 588 "Warren.......... 100 78,560 558,591........ 37 33 530! 4991- 541 502 113,242 1,508 1,534 Wii:aurt........ 32 5,065 16,000........ 4....... 35 9.... 2 34 29 7,060 20 13 Toal....... 9 1,....... 23 15 64 211 243 325 79,547 761 691 76 953,118 13,893,801 17,686 498 567 8,219 7 18,566 8,661 8,632_2 0p7,759-_ 12,610 12,0273 JEFFERSON COU. 3T~-(CoNT UI E). Adams.......... 179 [124,:122 313,839 |-2,4i37 86 69 80 1; 55 703 656 I168,035 3,399 [3,517 Alexandrma... 331{I199;921 241,611}.........I 100} 90{ 492. —... 511'61 (697 178,635 2,083 2,53.9 Antwerp........ 240II318,801 414,009.!........ 131 {136} 84 3 68 8;65 707 {171,502 2,26612,877.Brownville.....]. 175 16 ~2,1o4 89,245 t.......:/ 87} 651 86..../ 42;559 58~4/ 41,3.40 3,46003,.531 Cape Vincent....] 1981/ 35,815 70,484 2,7'30 1/74[ 74/ 826..../ 63 7'37 734 165,317 1,893 2,592 Champion........ 144//113,638 501,726!...,/.//: 421 33 543....t 40 529 521l 131,064 1,156/ 1,130 Clayton.......... 286{{173,568.449,876......;.. 8o0 87 1,03....[ 87 1,'.227 885 211,779.3,251 {3,688 Ellisburgh....... 358 219,9.01 798,679 5.,325 132t 103 1,336 1 982, 1,:369 1,271 326,284 5,010l 5,063 Hendrson...... 4 77,30)4 16,450'........ 61 39 54.... 42 5;36 35~6 156,402 3,715~ 3,863 L~onsfeld...... 273t{ 98,018 113,895' 24 78 52.78 1 37 1544 i(565 127,604 2,849/ 3,743 Le Ray......... 667//14o,556 15o,80o5/........l 84 / 79 870t..../ 59 1,1t47 74~4 /187,313 1,553 1,897 Lorraine........ 121 11 x2, 350 329,850......../ 36| 27 451I....I 267 536,8 41 106,129 1,847/ 1,634 Lyme..........:. 130{{ 95,394- 216,069 l{1,360 l [51 {74 648... 548 1447 530 I12'3,661 1,894 2,079 Orleans.......... 213/t 94,075.410,053171,799 [ 105 } 71 /782I....I:9 427,683 1 61,975 1,987 2,494 Paei.......... 225[1105,212 313,707 2, 700 l 42 31| 51....:! 319,28 0 480;,0,0 Philadelphia...... 12 99,202 310,600 It40,S69 II46 31 476 [....I 288 30 38~6[ 96,992 9141 1,248 Itodman.......... 82 167,449 289,004.t 44,000 1152 50 532.{.... 29 388; 5,41 }140,49'0 2,868'| 2,769 Jutlad........ 302 1147,704 501,931/......-.. 43 39' 560.... 42 845 0.1754;0 8 The'resat..'....... 264 t148,537.......... 5 40 60.. 39 37 56 12,4 138 183 Watertown.......~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ 1,74 17,5 305,11 8890 9 6 105 0 2 4 4 138,900 1,124l 1,283 Wilna...... 205 18412 1120 1,0[4 3 4 0 51.4 9 4,8,5,4 Total...,. 5,7 —2-J/3,1"-0,234~ 5,3-8,615'27'8,2-37-1i,559 1-23|15,306{l.22_i 10,672 J4,120 ~J 1,35_312~j 4 - 4 6,51 001^ AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. 321 GREENE COUNTY-(CONTINUED). SHEEP. POULTRY. |E DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES, 1S64. TOWNS..g, Lambs Lambs Pounds of Pounds of Sheep! Number Value owned, Valie sold, Value of e-g —, Yards Yards Yards Yads of raised in'raised in wool shornlwool shorn stauh 1865. 1864. sold of flled of annel. of lnen coton and sah-killed by o fl/do lSa6ne. o de.join 1864. 1865. in 1864. in 1865. terid in dog-s in {cloth mixed 1864. IL ld cloths. Ashland............ 639. 570 4,019 3,382 59 10 l81,07[3 00 8572 50 8628 75 878700 523 [ 707 880....... Athens......... 108 124 638 2,551 65 7 1,861 00 480 00 1,113 00 1,791 00 32....... Cairo......... 1,360 1,431 6,799 6,637 469 63 3,193 25 1,444.00 2,882 00 160 50 490s1 847 7i l 64 Catskill........... 818| 947 4,730s 4,728s 390' 6 3,07O 0 40 2,073 00 | 156 00 1.19 352 163....... Coxsackie.......... 292 355 1,523[ 1,392 517 3 3,265 00 1,595 50 2,608 00 4,655 00 115 122 74 65 Durham........... 3,354 3,551 31,477 27,796 671 43 2,975 75 1,991 00 2,858 50 974 00 36(4 546{2 965 30 Greenville......... 1,1841 1.267 7, 789 6,459 238 33 3,472 50 1,811 00 3,757 00 1,546 25 282s 483 595....... 1Halcott............ 5101 565 1,604 1,708 38 1 23325 242 00 4900 43 00 235{/ 570 239 83 Hunter........... 705 870 5,187 3,707 284 34 1,026 00 25'4 00 103 00 12 00 222 491J. 107 36. Jewett............ 673 9971 5,864. 6,982[ 91 59 [ 940 50 239 50 216 50 l.......... I10 465.s1 355 160 Lexington........ 1,113.1,296 5,706 5,875 90 62 22 00 14 75/ I 00 3'00 446,0313 526 25 New Baltimore..... 1,189 969 5,475s2 4,407 903 14 3,949 00 2,455 75 4, 528 50 1; 235 50 198 363 221 Prattsville......... 620 541 3,45 2,479 273.43I 8250d 58100 19100 77700 492 999 364 Windham.......... 1,407 1,127 12,014 8,635 47 7 806 75 318 50 21600 38650 245 214 294....... ~~2, 78 0 1264650 21622 25 386 526 7 4 7]2234 29 Total........... 13,972'14,610 96,2711s 86,739 4,135 385 26,718 00 12,64650 21,22 5 25 12,526 751 3,852!7,223 5,534 548 HAMILTON COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Arietta............ 541 40 359 288 32...... 124 00.......... 250 06 1................. 261.............. Benon............ 277 315 1,460 1,728 149 14 250 00 91.00 31 25............. 159 20 15 tHope.............. 391 434 2,989 3,220 101 14 51250 27200 113 00...... 564 Indian Lake....... 6 82 298 749 18... 5600 400 600.......... 31 44.......... Lake- Pleasant.. 1221 72 793 19............................ I.......... 35 526 83....... Long Lake........ 179 167 1,001 / 1,077 74...... 10 50.......... 2000..... Log.Lk........ 591.... 40 TMJ orehouse........ 31 54 251, 347 4 1 154 50 7 00.............................................. Wells.............. 322. 342 1,7091 2,187 108 2.367 00 96 00. 122'8)0 310 106 756....... 99 Total.........,412, 1,506 8,8601 10,401! 505 39 1,474 50 470 00 543 05 __31 00 475 2,901 184-| 154 HERKIMEE COUNTY-(CONTIXNUED). Columbia.......... 792 854. 3,905 4,01841 133 75[ 1,743 15 51913 1,19835.......... 5271 4821 5222 82s Danube........... 307 353, 1,514 1,832 27 31 1,15000 12275 76450 1,24650} 173 120 130....... Fairfield.......... 405 392' 2,255 2,097 12 4 1,304 00 61500 494 00 1,994 00 138 315 237....... Frankfort.......... 686 727 3,13A 3,6781 205 34 i 1,801 50 91750 1,59650 34850 251 781 52 77 German Flats...... 496! 5.67. 2,880 2,7861 47 54 1,42500 9000 295.00 12700 209 312 97....... Herkimer......... 398 4621 3,1771 2,83[ 30 4 1,150 50 60487 460 80........... 3831 44, 538 54 Litchfield......... 237 412| 2,007 2,392 41 40 1',33300 61250 1,13875 74075.58 306 75....... Little Falls........ 248 116 1,715 897 67 20 1,41800 33325 318 90 1,333 50 86 136{ 35 225 Mit allshe...... 20 I tO Manheim........... 146 218 892. 1,088 151 20, 1,574 11 8250 924 36 1,969 75 25 41 10 22_ Newport.......... 372 364; 1.977. 1,7684 439 1 1,08700 60880 0323 00 383 50........ 30.............. Norway...... 250 330' 1,393 1,621 49 11 83300 -571 00 1.46 00 528 00 95 350 135 90 Ohio................ 210 312 1,252 1,229^- 25...... 31800 11300 115 50 66 50 383[ 546~ 8 16 Russia............. 716 7331 3,6231 3,867{ 84 5 1,15035 59925 767.00 19950 934 1,129 232 89 Salisbury......... 358 459'; 2,314.{ 3,269 214- 10 1,11406 23900 35700 22900 176 410 240s 1981 Schuyler.......... 356 402, 1,728 2,111 27...... 1,45200 44700 698 00 34650 233 361 48....... Stark............. 484 598, 3,18a.. 2,157 8. 4 1,110 50 33 00 104 00 24O00 65 54s 55....... Warren........... 976 1,027 6,305 5,3002 8 21i 1,48193 347 50 718 30.......... 159 176 416 28 W ilmurt.......... 9 10 79s 46 5....... 94 00 31 00.................... 13 42.............. I ( r. Winfield.......... 452 408 3,097 1,841.... 3 |1,099 00 1,009 00 805 00 16.............. 4; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~' 2,83....... Total........... 7,898! 8,744 46,367|1 44,8313!1,622 299 122,639 10 7,896 05 111,224 96 i 9,537 00 |3,909| 6,057 2;831 882} JEFFERSON COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Adams............11,498 1,7541 14,262} 14,165sI 125 I20 II i,702 00 1,147 00 1,400 35 II4,615 00 Ii583 I1,372sI 420] 105 Alexandria........- 1,411 1,7'20/ 8,126-} 9,5631I 259 3411,387 00 360 00 1,228 70 //.....~.....{ 1,45214,147..} 1,984s. 352 Antwerp........../ 1,312| 1,608/ 8,840/10,47211 151 481t 733 00 374 50 424 00 1 0 00 252ms 541.} 236 65 Brownville......'". 1,9731 2,268[ 13,:304s1 13,1'54[ 255 35.290 5271838/20 119177 76 1 Cape Vincent,...... 1,321| 2.041/ 7,651i} 10,048^] 196 [21!,1648 50:: 229)95 1,295 30 H 7600I 1,710 I3,051st 1,328s] 376 Champion.........~ 792|'9291 4,320/ 4,362/ 100 /14[H 1,166 00 4230O0 704O00l.......... 48 63 53 149. Clayton.........../ 2,'220i 2,559 11,720 /13,389 /2.49 /' 3 2 0 9202827.....,1,7 9 9 Ellisburgh.........[ 2,,429 2,5571 18,:972.} 18,297 /565 [ 16 |3,744 75 3,660 25 2,328 63 //946 65 II1,973{3,7'75 /2,396 [289 Henderson.........| 1,3]58 1,593 13,7'06 {6.654 /72 5 il982 50 712 75 696 00 1/........../ 6491 1,115 [ 333 [' 120 Itounsfield........I 1,512, 2,328! 10,-928[ 14,544s/ 232/ 21 [[1,343 15 872 50 1,152 00/ 57 00/ 972s~ 1,039.} 157 ] 20 Le Ray............. I,195 1,400 6,295/ 7,284s. 637/ 34 I 2,163 00 810 05 1,686 85./......... 111,3,0 200 ~ Lorraine.......... 1,.127 1,020 6,488 |5,81.6 |105 - 12 {/936 50 589 25 271 00 {{..........1 897 {1,969{{ 680.} 202 Lyme..........,.. 1,149 1,320 7,'241[ 7,659|{ 109 14 l 1,242 25 355 43 1,215 14 t 10 00 l 736{1 1,224 453[....... Orleans........... 1,291 1,718 -7,490{ 9,034 237~ 33 t,1,168 61 594 90 1,107 25 I1..........I 1,630; 3,011/ 3,383 ll110 Pamelia........... 87911,045 5,175/ 5,854.} 206 35 I 9260O0 1,1560O0 796 95 B 213 50 II739 / 885.} 993 226 Philadelphia....... 740i 839 3,851/ 4,780 | 67 |18 603H42 86 10 21 57 33 6 Rodman.......,....'1,234 17328 10,612/ 10,394| 1587| 2[ 978 00 389 00 539 001..........1 819| 1,247| 487|....... Rutland........... 431 591 2,747 3,081[ i42 { 8 II1,178 58 331 00 916 35 l/ 12 00 II829s1 1,144.} 523.} 30 Theresa........... 84811,109 5,076| 6,518] 199' 9 II1,0290O0 470O0 21300l..........I 605.} 2,0161 1,5031 2311 Watertown.......:. 59l| 630-,4,171} 5,138.}2,035} 15 }l1,299 50 600 50 905 55 H 322 001 598.}'682.} 107] 406 Wilna............. 1,014!1,250 6,501| 8,~666 231| 36 l/,2375~0.413 00 53875 I 33 00 II1,358.} 2,155s1 733.s 227 Wot............ 304 41o,94o225!9 6 45. 85 00.......... 49 68s 24 3 Total............26,629 32,020179,41211191,163ii6,459 | 473 l28,769 71 1L4,847 60 22,5)79 09 [}6,388 15 |20,962 38,841~'20, 9,8si 3,^666. 322 ~~~~~~~~~AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. KINGS COUTNTY. ACRES. CASH VALUE. ACRES PLOWED. ACRES IN FALLOW. GRASS LANDS. Acres in pasture. Meadow. TOW NS. _____________ Improved. Unimprov- Of farms. Of stock. Of tools and 1864. - 1865. 1S64. 1865. 1865. ed. 1865..1865. 1865. implem'n1ts. 1865. 1864. 1865. Acres. Acres. 1S64. lbc65. Brooklyn........ 1, 123s 224 *1,196,700. $63,765!$22,645 80.8 897 60 70 98 88 133 133 Flatbush........ 2,6153 95 1,623,150 42,030 2718j 1, 530 AV 1,650.................. 151s 180s 499 5183I Flatlands........ 3,0341- 2,9711 6-73,450 46,5'75 24, 9609 1, 532 1,845 [................ 98> 9l2 707 *5451Gravesend....2,525 729 I 785,700 39, 9_75 2 7,730 17.491U 1, 500 3-,......... 1 801 86 7501' 6627 New Lots........ 1,826 ~~~~~274 639,600 3013 23860 1,025 1,052 12 15 119, 1241 527 490 New Utrecht...3, 1721 3 59s 974,040 47,845 48, 8550 2, 043 2,090I................'207-1 190i'70 2 1 6251 Total......... I 14,297 4,6521~,115,822,640'270,320 |l75, 854 I 81,42,9 4|_9, 0035f __ 72 __ llJ _ 755l| _ 7611~ _3, 319 4' 2,9_74J| LEWIS COUNTY. Croffhan..... 9, 233 18,6731,454,17"2 88,050 28, 560 1, 96212 1,919 I........i 20 3,i2490 3, 190s'l.4,094s 4, 1052 Denmark........ 22~~,099 30,759'1,3612 15834,0 2,770 2, 680l| 305!1 114; 1,991 12,63711 7, 6223 1,671 Diana........... 7,556 72, 641! 293,274 57,207 17, 559 l, 393i 1,422l| 45 51',2 2,711 4,63308 Greiff...... 819314 41, 549 I 487, 335 96,844 181,546 1,3344 l, 5149"| 51 1 1 3, 200 3,212 2, 7 76 1 2,809 Harrisburfh...... 16,097 7, 781 663,517- 165,606 34,207 1541,43................. 8, 230 8.252 6, 2965 6,.2 72 1Hifhmarket...... 11,34<)| 51,098 377,496 101,943 13, 613 70 7413 1 4 1 7 4,474 4,666 5 47|542 Lws.......... 8,224 9 1197 322, 318 88, 889 18, 722 55514 ~ 680,5i... 3,4 -3, 6691 3,2162 3,497s Lewvis 1,97........ 1778 7913,5,8 5,845,2,3s228! 2 39 18,715 8,65 592 607S| Leyden..gh.... 13,61299 0,714,404,405 2629,121443, 025 2,915|I 23,056............. 11,826312, 70814 85,278 9,077 9 Montague~~~~~~~~-...... 3,132,165 1 i045,42 32,82 5,5 9 449 3,2,52 169,0 LewiBleme.. 17.65 18081 1575420 84,5561 17,48 2,93 2,1791 2 19....... 8,091.528 56,001 3,7501 6,07841.Naelartins..... 24,76611-2,917 40 405,3 262,12184 025281 1 3 3 05 331........ 20 913 1,01 1,36 9,0772 Mornt,/.ue...... 3,134,620,16 9995 1426 3 27,9 23,2453 1,6941 2484731.......... 1,125 1,252 1,695 5,195 ewatoB...r.. 7,8205 42,868 355,401 8459,10 12,467 1,29612s1,25179,38,1s,1,4 eet murn..... 784 596 9750 26773,1,31157 4 6,9,41 963 6, 526 6,5730 Toa.......... 21,790433,9304s 10,25,838 29,062,54 6,281 W 25335.......| 28_35 10,5131255 86 _985 Avnckney........ 14,783 10,769 |1633,410 212,063 423,2897 1,98 6,162 457 4...... 99-... 6,883 6,2531 5,6118 5,71442..edni.......2,0 4,8 15082 22,8 3,98,31 3,2 2,0 2.29 75,668 7,7569 42,8599 2575 Watoneu.......... 7182,96 54218 2623,0176 9-0 1221 0,463 3,3061 1,201 145 421 4,320s 4,6310 2,1120 2,99 Weeso Turin. 217,8549 5,590 1,695,560 23416773645,21 4,9 5001 1,57' 47 980 8,6443 9,4530 6,52571 6,57311 Trotala......... 117,6451 433935Y10,4282,3379 12932;5448 2,337 25,27654 3,90 1,2189 1,056,12511102s 56518 78,7152~ 79,802~ Lima............ 16,8801 2,768 1,535,356 198,680 35,260 3,824 4,6011 829^- 700 6,865s1,299- 6,57 664253 2,7038s 2920 Livonia........ 19,46343,040 1,633,360 212,063 42,38 4,71 5,572839 643 5,4 609 3 964 3 204 Caeontoria.... 232,712 4,5002 1,5086,948 230256,4 7,30714,01147 143 610 6,0161 52,5189 2,9395 Nunda.......... ~1350 577 79,6 12251883,9425,2 3,59 3,12022 90 156 1285 5,461,5 336S353 oesusa.......... 12,9327 5,4212 623,015 121,121 2012,5 3,3064 3,9891 145 2150 4,7401- 4,673s 3,1200 2, 935 Portaeso.......... 210,8731 5,0629 16951,743 923,1739 245,8981 2,68 5,6150 23 1 7 80 8,634813,453 23,245s 2,417 Sprolngdaer.. 17,645 0,678 I2889,3379 193,5518 21,739 3 4.982 5 e,043 388s-,24 1295 7,110s 7,149 3,7150 3,802s LWeiste Sat....... 126743 3,263 5161,230 101,305 19 6,08 42096 4,198 6400 615,4 4,923410 2,5914 2,9576 York.;'.......... 24,667~ 5,5 1,57,49 1986804 35,8260 3,5824 4,601 18829 7004 6,8653 6,114 4844,14 Limal............ 21,08 8 70I,7681 5~863,09 39,4 5233!6,5s6,3||1,6 214 940|9,4l 2, 7032l5,9207 Livonkia......... 34,464 3, 1791 1,6285548 222,293 542,308 4,5148's 4,5707j89 8 15,)9 743,47 16,0294 11,911 10,8045 Oazenovia........ 24,3213- 5,822s 1,363,938~~~~~~~~~~3) A 39,3 523 74,719~ 4,2584 1 627 1203 610015 8,267 7,660 4,93913 Mo untMrri...... 13,71293 5,150 1683,943 223,6013562,73 4,3,3 0 3,5,9,3,9 North Dnsi 4.....2,51 3,89 1,22q 485,6790.22,853 44764 13,428 3,52.... 0...3. 12,106' 141,988 46,63 84602 -Nenda........... 13,503.8 3,387 794,4867 121,518 23,4271 2,50963 32285 156 18 5,447s 5,5714 34,429 4,75331 Gorgetow......... 12,60273 9,5124 473,906 113,066 15,626 1,211s 1,3561 13.......... 6,6801 6,34 4,502310034,254 Poragito......... 108791s 5,9062 16313,430 92 187,044 40,08 2,9(38s 2,8615 1...... 17 3,2348 3,4293 5,0751 2,0201 Lebanon.........~~ 3953 15,76 934,84577 177,453 23,486 3,0901 3,50686s 3451...... 10,83 34 103,8041 35,409 3,7163 Sparta.....3,371,5 2,6126 I5,6 9712 8261821 45 95s1,51 1,2 1 886,4 Madison......... 18,2~~~-08,'678 88,5794.5 196,558 36,173 3,19 3,34 5 5 -,5 7,9 561,4 Nelsn.........20,9235 4,8;95,791299 6 2,6 257613..... 12 10,158 10,0249,44.,00 Wsmt Sparta....... 12,674 3,63325618,666 10,30,576270680 2,3513 2,3320 1400 3182 3,84745,2451 2,3741 2,8468 Ytorkbr........ 24,6678 5,6592 1,5709365 1242 22 4553,821 3,75184,8771 1048s 144 683 5475,159 4,82451,946 Sullivan......... 26,051i 12,947i 2,216,125 273,863 51,124 7,267 7,3311 6451 7451 11,162s 11,076 6,737959421 6,896157, 707 Total..........!281504 q87619,731194,35,0 |279,6 57,1j|5,0s126 145|16011993 2,0 561 887 MADISON COUNTY. Brookfelm......4,493 1,07845 1,973,7804 1485,86452435,80 3,401 4,70751 197 17 15,74416,1224 11,0001 10,905 Chznoia..'........ 24,7461 5,8226 1,3630,932 198,339548,0347 4,425 4,8254 6281 21,42 10,1503 8,2672 4,57 8,2213 De Ruyter.. 13,1729 3z5,1305 9.93,1940 10360527 527,7301 30 4,915308 520 335 7,4159 6,191 3,039s 4,799 Eatons............ 210,531 3828 1,2478,6795 922518344 31442 2,79 3,5917.......... 12,10674 2,180 2,4191 5,9029 Fonreece ----....... 250391~ 3,44 2,814,77 123559 051 3 2.7 I9,339 I2,05671 61 1,27.5,6301~ 5,710. 4,42 4,356tz1 A AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. 323 KINGS COUNTY-(CONTINUED). GRASS LANDS. SPRING WHEAT. W`INTER WHEAT. OATS. WINTER RYE. Meadow. Acres sown. Acres sown. Acres sown. Acres sown. TOWNS. Bushels Bushels Bushels harves ed' harvested. -harvested. Tons -of Bushels of 1864. 1865. 1864. 1863. 1864; 1864. 1864. 1865. 1864. 1863. 1864. hay. grass seed.H 1864. 1864. Brooklyn............ 197............. 4' 37 2411 920 51 1k 1 -' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~'! I 11 F atbush............ 921/ 61i{ 7 8' 155 801 69 1,8 1 6 1 66 55!- 3.278 27 2 Flatlands............ 825................................ 22191 2181 3 719 47'12 1050 2,055 55 62i Grayesend.......... 1........................ 1801{' 1671 3,779 791 107.1 2,782 281 351 New Lots............ 797 3 83 4.125 177 181 3,296721 42i 783 3`7 28i New Utrecht......... 1,0951!........................ 1551/ 12711 3,083 78 6 3 271 342 4~~ ~~~~8 2 83. [14 Total..............'4,961 — 16 | 1511 12 280 - - 819-l 774 15,803 it 330a1 3 1643 LEWIS COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Crogha.;............ 3,044 281] 119 124 494 11 5-1 15 1 9285 896l 13,417i 4071 4101 Denmark............. 9,300 57 64 106 469 13 781 190 1,099 1,002' 17,025 t 9 10 Diana............... 2,052 2 431 9o3 703 426/ 21 31 23 696 60011 3,971 *301 461 Greig................ 2,0211 1 2 61. 2 6........ 1.......! 598 I 711 5,728 86 1261 Harrisburgh......... 6,320 201 741 97 722 i 33 3 l 9041 8861 17,238 2'1 Hligh M arket. 3,35241 43;................................................. 52 6 540' 9,1331................ Lewis'............... >. 2,8791., 4 2............................. 253 360i! 3,706 8}'21 Leyden............... 5,871 2k2..............................:.....,............ 7841 7391 16,598 ]........ 4 Lowville............. 7,270[ 31 591 60,91 539 74 1531 1,488 787 802~1 14,594 9 51 Martinsburgh........ 9,814 46 571 80 1,0522[ 31 12141 716 1,3531 1,475 24,8241 212........ M ontague........... 1,023 2....... 4................................ 118ji 147 1,717 ] 7. 4 New Bremen......... 3,533 7 864 133 392..............904 1,0581 17,037 09 358 Osceola.............. 1,169........I.'.................................. /.... 151, 138 2,288 2 I P inckney............ 4,6471 11 2041 21 176........ i....... 727 K875. 11,,983................ 0 4~~~~~~~~~~, a' - 1304 61 Turin............ 6,229 4 10 8 79 31 29 97 8381 738 04 2 Watson........... 2, 2 242....... 44 441 29 7. 1........ 656 584 6,0192. 151 192 Total....... 78,78041 27041 6322 659 5 |5208 ||. 13714 4 08 41 2,71 23211 1 2194 l059l| 1, 165 LIVINGSTON COUNTY-(CON-TINTUED). Avonr............... 3, 1~6''.....!............. 3,467 3,422L44,097 1,310 1,465 -32,086................ Caledonia............ 3,07'6......:....."...... 3,127 2 ~~21 3,_'-; 889 -0 86A 291 3........ Conesus............. 2, 7 9 0 1 7 429 1692_ 133.1 1,105 947i 8171 3,965 9911I 1, 0292A 19,445 74 25i Geneseo............. 3,840ll 28 20 10 101 3,0381 2, 88041 23, 690 1, 3451 1, 628^ 33,43 7 402 4 I _ 4 __ Groveland........... 3,o828 159 180 12, 2,266 1, 966, 26,954 3........ Leicester............. 30 338 16........ 182. 1,032 1,130 26,542 10 29 Lima........ 3,1432 10 2 3 5 2,3-97' 2, 1291 28, 2082 1,061 1,185 - 21, 523 12 30 Livonia.............. 3,9711 972 101' 94 9792. 2, 7481 1,985 16,872 1,0302- 1,0642 23, 285 38i 76 Mount Morris........ 4,628 350 1261- 130 827 3,9761 3,184 21,5914, 1. 1725 1,805 36,890 55 56 North Dansville...... 935-92 60i 81 * 41- 46 57 58 1, 694 1111 196, 4,925 196 20' Nunda.............. 3,165 38 431 39 7 2,439. 838 629 4,352,1,-143 1,8194 21,043 712 561 Conesus............. 2,200 24 256 8 1,394 242 246 2,727 826 810' 64 Po'rtage............. 2, 5381' 67 - 2861 2101 2,427 1,0111 8651 8,295. 9851 905 22,864 9 38 Sparta............... 3,062 109 1111 401 722 1,690 1,4771 12,741 1,065 1 1,0861 23,566 146 349 Springwater......... 4,945 59 539. 421 3,4301 265i 483 2,947 2,6871 2,461 47,529 6 136 WestSparta......... 2,264 92 432 324I 2,540.8731 1,040 6,110 8952 890 1,'9 91 York........ 4, 9141 89 4 41..... 40 3,4311 3, 11211 37,001 908i 1, 0401 22,545 41 3 Total............. 56,040l| 1,518 2,5021 1,990 32,1241 30,265 1317,173 18,925 19,7306 403,700 4 9361 _903 MADISON COUNTY-(CO-NTINUED). Brookfield......... 10,4841 191 39! 281, 223 191 251 191 l,853i l,9331 35,272...... 2 2,9~ Mount~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mori.......... azenovia............ 8,3381 3215 181 1031 110 748 804 13,3511 1, 729851 1,800 42,415......... D e Ruyter........... 4,966 601 1 7 1 21 138' 7 27 145 716 7711, 14,642............... Eaton................ 7,265 361 21 2 8631 284 1161 168 1,773 1,2811 1,35317 24,195 72..... Spa rta............. 4631 907' 6,066 1,285 l,82l! 19,292............... amilton............e6,507-1n 4.01 2811 1,605 1,4 1,181 l,344- 1,0834 29,294 36 54 Lprintebanon............. 6,6011 59 61 31 4213 173 3 0,2 243,..... Lenox.............~~~~~~~~ ~ 91483'.4 57 11 8l 14,90 237 375 2,08721 3,41.6 5,46 1711 16 Nelsn............ 9,6 0 41 32 36 31 8 9 128 123 179/ 651 9 S ihi l.:..... 3,5 1 115 13 03 29 381 551 7 - 1,4 1935....i........ Total rdg........ 3,5:1 3 8 3 31 83 1,1 118 119 2,2 1.... Sullian.....-..,. 6,7471 90 2 3|[2 4 5 1,6,903 3,51,06 3,28l|54329' 4 T tl.......... 8900i40 26 21,4 1 ^,9i,0 11,3l 9,450| 2 98_ 39,918 _264 28 MADISON COUNTY-'(CONTINUED). Brighton........... 3,8 54 1'... 10 59l6,8 91 5,7 U 0 Brokiel d........,.. 4,862 121! 8 2U - I 892.60 2,416 41,281,]83421 1,6103.25,388............. Clazenovi............ 8,3,8180} 61 81 50i 6310 | 7491 8,00l11,51. ]791l} 1,00422,15..............1 DeGRatesr........ 4,946 7 ] l. 3 8 11 7 7 4 17 1 t 7 1,4........!............ 361| 71 4 829! 771, 32 l 10 G Eecen.............. 725 t 51 86}84//1 61 6,773,8101 1,54102........ 4........,6l.201 897,11,3-1 9519ll 40 Henneieta...... 3,681 73 14...... 2392,87561 2,771109,8061/,39511 1,340 1929,88........62. Gergeown eu..........,2,710.. 5 I 243/.......l......,. 38.668 56I6 82 53 70 11,136............ ameilon............ 6,59 07'........ 241 3,27' 05 |/ 6 1' 1,1.81:,45,629 1,964 29,291 487 318 54 Lg ebnon..............,6 64.............. 2,15 1,60 34 120,44 1,3 27841 ~13 Lenoxa...........:. 9,143 4 13;31....... 1,9 2,068 2,0137.28,7564072,22 3,319 51,016 753 17 Madisond.............,3,07 15................... 18437 1,459 3,17:,054.9 1,249. 17,219 21,4 37 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(CNtnelson....'age7,6 4.13 36I 32i7 5 5:, 81,.) 2,969 324 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. KINGS COUNTY-(CONTINUED). WINTER IPOPA - RY. BARLEY. BUCK'WHEAT. INDIAN CORN. Tot" Acres sown. Acres sown. For the -rain. For fodder. Ar-es TOWVNS. planted, Bushels Bushels Bushels.~ harvested. harvested. harvested. Acres planted. Bushels Acres sown. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1864. 1S64. 1865. 1864. harvested. 1864'' 1864. 1864. 1865. 1S64. 1965. Brooklyn........................................................ 20 28 515, 9 14 1 991 Flatbush............. 35....................... 10 3)23) 327^1, 4, 050 7 7 1 780 Flatlands................... 1, 043.............................!................i 383 463- 1,156.............. i d 905y Gravesend................... 611................... 3.......... 3631 361 8, 905.............,1 7 2 ""~~~~~~~~~...........' e Los........707................. I........ 41 10, 645 4| 4' 328 Nowlotush.................. 707...I 2'2 2 54.New Utrecht................ 667 1 1 22.............. 274 27 4 1608 a'..... 6 4,1Toatlandsl................... 098 1 1 _.. 4 5 l 37i! 56,351 20 LEWIS COUTN-TY-(CON'TINUED). Croghan.................... 4,103' 316; 1-9211 2, 547|'| 33 i 1941i 3 1 6 103,) 13U I4 1,520........ I,..... 1 308,:Denmark................... 4 89 | 811 3, 8 56i 52 792 15i 29 4,2"6 2 28- 30 2171-......... 0 2, 600' "I -0~~~~~I Diana................. I.... 277. 19 6| 73.. 97.1. 33 417 1, 178 299 i 4 16 Greig................ 843. 51.. 14 9.0 115. 1 25'l,094 166.....2.2..5 2,969 9 20 2 N ew Lots. ur................. 10 4 0 26 1 4, 5 3 10,645 7 21 8 1 High~~~~~~~0 are...................... 471 40^ 11 9 3 126 3iI....i... l0 Le7!t l / 1 wis / oT~t!ll,............. Leyden............................. 171| 162' 3,252 9 122 6, 3 Croghan....~~................ 4 2 2 2) - 2~ 56i oo ~ Lowvill1................... 130' 769 650, 57' I28 16 292 4 3 450 133- 143, 3,741 19. 28,16 Martsburgh................ 20 89 1 1721 13,779 56 884 755 11 22 3,296 205 161 279 M ontague................... 74 27,s 231 276 9 > 19 135....................................... 831 New Bremen................ 2,977 156l 4 1 1 O2298 12 145 84 1286' 1 2,193...... 25^4 }tarrisburgh~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4............ 35,~j 6 15o 3......,' /9 -'.. Osceola...................... 35 101 98 I.2 PLckney........................... 358111 3316 l 4, 580 2 7] 4 46 2 266 16 18 184 40 hI 3 09 15 Turin....................... 39 437 8 496- 7,739 / 35 20,: 507 l 1161/ 157 3,279604 152 Watson...................... 1,71543 35 44/ 507 2732:2 / 292 293 189 2571 3,.17.7.. 124 "West Turin................. 55 206 216 4,34 3 59l 46! 8 4 124 49|I 5 7 1, 545 8. 4. 221 Total............... 2, 977 H 711 02. } 9 714 8 1 /......2i9 1 34 121 3 3115| LIVINGSTON COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Avono..................... 25 1,036 1436 20,616 88 3 143 56,791 4 138 aledonia...................I........ 518 6 879 8,711 325' U 77 1,256/ 1,411 40,7 6.5 21. 14 1391 Conesus.................... 348 340 584 5, 67 9 1861 179303 76,3^ 0,760- 4 o 5 Geneseo.................... 465 584 90491 8,971i 163i 9 01! 2, 4 6 9 I, 56914 2,0491-62, 470 3 21 150 Groveland........................,2 8 1 1.1 2178 94- 3,477 1 36 1, 0921: 15 5........! 9 Leicester........................... 449-1 8033 1 4,58 367 1,533 I 110 1 63 7,7..............I 1027 Lima....................... 240 9 0 4411 3634 18,891 115 1260 1,9 712 1,401 1,6501 48,105 i 9 176 Livonia................... 4 937 1,375 17631 190 106 3.330,6-162 15,8 51 19 Moun oris.............. 146 784 1,3221 11, 314 247 I70'436 1,31 1,9(00 46,185 33......j 167 North Dansville............. 2, 07 6 141 1404 2,982 I 54 21l 1,174 27-2 33 4 c11,347...........I 35 N unda...................... 664 2245 31I8 3,390j- 9 0- 254 244 3, 7 53 470 59211-4, 906 I 121 A Ossialn...................... 488 45s 80 516 23 7 2608 3,305 I183 4281I 8,485 1 4 1 74| Portage...................... 1.66 273i' 358' 4, 683 434 1 821 45 71 -714-11 18,I 7-7-2 6 2 | 13~ 2 i 4 I Sparta...................... 2,115 587 6225 8,7 17 370 2741 7,663 618 674a 1 178,56 41..... 89 Sprigwater................. 691 219 283 3,395 508 481 8,038 3621 47111 9,217........ 4l 1961 W est Sparta................ 95 220i- 2 7 8 2, 864 112 1001 1,49 547"f 642 1I17, 520.............. 564 York...................... 115 4781, 674i 7,850 601 13 837 1, 21211 1, 529 29,7 201 13 13 Total...................... 7,7169 i8 368"142210 11444,204311 2, 966|! 2, 3 5 3 49,340 |1-5,7 0 _9 8 4 52,1 s _ 5 4 _7 |_2 0 7 MADISON CONT -CONTINUED). Brookfield.................. I...... 8 214 64-'702 | 933 95 1 1,13.! 68441 8904' 18,4861- 27' 49,, 30 1 azenovia........................... 392 325 6,309 4 68 1,386 31 49 7 9 10 20, 860 40 4 7 205 De Ruyter................... I........ 2~1 28 435 75 801 845 1861. 248-L 5,2960, 1 91 8 2 Eaton........................... 2044' 196 3, 445- lo II0^ 46 199)33 513 878 26, 880'30 45 172 IIner..............'...... 52 4 4 4 3381 3911 6,.8 3 4h 6! 1161 Georgetown........................ 27s 50i 505 30i 2 i 4441 163 186 -!,527 15 i 141!15 a ilton..................... 9 4 691 4 7 L 2......0.................. 76i 6 1.5361B 52 9, 723 56 1,8 404!a6,78 16 11 58 94l 1551 Caldion................ 20 12 156 4,2 31 531 88 91 II 594 81~1,02 1 10 Nelson~'.................... 95 1841 2109 2,7161 1251 81/71, 26 l,411| 352 47410,2795 27/ 214i 13921 Conhfesus.................... 3 748 385 8,02I54I 5,9 24186 1751 3,08 736 1,0 391-0,7101 101 81 92 Geseocbig..........[.......:. 6 30 667l 7151 12,5311 22:i 270~ 32,4719 { 869-1.~ 18,04.iG, 728 29. 35s11 Sullivand......1......../..1 669 2151 76!0.41,67 21651 2941 2,949 1,1694| 1,1041 31,5049....1. 7 3401 Toa.................,' -.~.,... 294',51,01 70I1 1,1|- _ 9| 16,15(,51 1178 o2648| 297.. 32.!. 277. Brimho.............[[[[][][][,455 20161, 373~ 3,2881^ 9i5! 74 1,25372 93740 1,125~ 28,310;5 301 71 461 Chivoni................ [ 420 /93701,3700175,76'3 i09 1 10631 2,875|i 1,5261 1,8412} 54,266 31 5;, 360 Clarkso................. 18 202 o4 3,31 06 139 1,7 |l',, 02) 1,22 3,464. 43I 7|i 3 MouteMrrs.................... 1482 1854,3541 1,8874 10 5.201 4,971o 77 1,188~[ 13,009 256,8 o......01(7 Greece.....,............. 1,9 l,5 |,9 1354 232 244 3,4l 2,69 2,5 - 7, 60 3| 7|] 1,11 HNorithtan............. 68 2,0|! H1450|1 5,59 55| 58 770 1,71 1,9314 52,95 234, 121:,4 l.:......,075 Irondequ/i60................. 3,50 115 11741,17, 103o2942,02 756 1,045 O3,563 125 34 93 Medn..............* *..... 78 292 62 4,11 63| 10| 128 200,3'443 1 8 36 Portge.......;........ 26 42 57 *62> 14 111 270 139 1, 4 48 892 38 41'32 Sparta......................[ 2,11 H897I 6031t 11,290 179 18 27t 27~,66680 1,904 ~ ],523 53I4,151..... 391 W est Sarta....'.................. 3 20 / 773|i 914113,33 1 1203 1 209}4 3,3349 5 17,528 2,6 1'4,7........!....../ 702 1~~~~~~~~~~~Cotne npg 3. AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. 325 KINGS COUN~TY-(Coi~TINUED). POTATOES. PEAS. BEANS. TURNIPS. FLAX. Acres Acres sown. Acres planted. Acres sown. Acres sown. TOWNS. planted. Bushels Bushels Bushels Bushels harvested harvested. harvested harvested. of seed. 1865. - 1864. 1864..1865. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1'.64. 1864. 1865. 1864. Brooklyn........... 105al 9,250 52i 71 5,86220 174 424 3,171 H 82 63 1,206 Flatbush............ 914`!108,600 14 133I 1,150 5 5 271 | 97 25 16,610 /............. Fiatlands............ 1,0515 112,890' 44 ( 49 1,108!........................1 13tU........ 21,880 // i 1 Gravesend........ 785^101,184 7 7 695!2 1 390, 25,195.................. New Lot's........... 345 1i 36,775 62aI 721| 6,653 5|1, 7 545 80i 411 16,060................. New Utrecht........ 725| 96,188 904| 88! 12,395 27h\ 19 3,880 1231........ 19,065.............. Total............... 3,928 -!464,887 - 271 302 - 278- 3 -—' 58 7 257 II.518 72.100,016 LEWIS COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Croghan............ 3271'26,289 72' 664i 831 [3 9 1 331 5a1 21;I 768 | 41 31 30 Denmark............ 235 26,763 1421l 141l 2,073 7 41/ 8 16 1s` 4 1 500 26 3 1311 Diana...............'202i1 13,1575/.584 27 4 15j 91 94 l} 127 8s. 3 463 Greig................ 248 15,326 97 51 7 74i 41 21 327 2.. 16 Harrisburg-h......... 179120,528 52 49|1 65 1 / 31i|.................. 65 135 2il 42| High Market........ 198 22,841 11! ] 1 26................ I 51 1 217 I,!...... 3~ Lewis.............. 1501 13,75931 2 I 1 11 t! I........[ 14-i 1 1 626! I! 1 S Leyden............ 2281 21,441 61 134 125 4 1 3 3 314 1,090 | I I 4~ Lowville............ 181a 21,543 751 74~1 898 4 3 120 I I i 108 45 71 249 Martinsburgh....... 27831 1031,o3 17 11 3281/ 1 7 1 oI 6/ 2|i 57 T~~~~~~~~7~ 324,5 348 103' 203 is i 3'o t 7~ 19 41.... M ontague........... 1 8 28....................................................... 1...... ew Bremen........ 2871; 24,305 425. 40~ 616............................................. 3 141Osceolk............. 71 10,228!............ 22 -0......... 5 i............... 329............ Pinckney............ 1991' 17,662 49491 294 345 - 19 2- 25! 4- 90 15 41 602 Turin................[ 1,384- 15,390 461 321 486 31 21 5!, -; 1 615 5 I 3 19 atso............ 138 11,339 271 2 Watsol 1 4 23' 9 1,IC Go,'4..... *West Turin......... 22901 26,705 28-~ 33 532 1~ 30 sj i 140 65 t 28199~~~~~~~~~~~~~31 694 I 271 ~' 2'7 5 I9 144' A-II 02 Total............ 4,630-M328,822 i 75031 656`5 9,5334 27- __386.|- 27 21 3 5,292 44 3| 702 LIVINGSTON COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Avon............... 1521' 19,520 35 15`1 265! 162,1 3 9 2,609 "........ 160.4 Caledonia........... 144- 17,552 230-} / 57:l 9060 527`5 1041 5,860 1........ 200.................. Conesus.............. 06|` 12,007- 39| 23/,4 4;S I 8s 66] 2,6 9 65........................ 10o loJ 551, Genesco............ 161 17,490 454 39!- i751 106' 26| 2,000 1 41 1 196 10i 1^ 561 Grovel'and.......... 92 15,069 5......... 95 1 42 15 ] 3 5 6........................... Leicester.......... 7 127 1 7 3559 450 I' Lima................ 196i| 21,910 229 22 343 891 15I" 2,28i i........[ 200............ 11 *,ivonia............. 123} 18,005 42| 38 386! 2010 3141 2,667 ~ i 2t5 24-l1 6 1471 "Mount Morris...... 182| 21,696'7/ 48| 628 1437 5314,830j -3i 4 312 6141 421 4591North Dansville...... 35 4,965 25I 25 22[ 1 i 209 I.............................. 8 Nun&a.............. 112| 14,547 87 5631 1122 74 20| l,303a........ i 13 5 4 ~u d............. 12' 74 2 5 4 Ossian.............. 79I 7,546 3 7 44 389 341; 7| 3847 4 20 J~...... 42 Portage.1047...... 1 8 140~ 153,30611.3... Sprta.............. 851 14,120 I, 56 130 17 61 104 Springwater......... 186 21,074 794 984 9334 481 27 593 220 361; 244 189N W est Sparta.......... 62! 6,061 2 29 1 16 252 14.! 3211 2_55........................ 8...... 26 York.............. 155 21,321 28s.136o 2,64, 643 19,64||I 8,552s | 1 250 2 4 24 Total.............. 1,985 i25'2,089| 1,179 6,78$|10,442. 2,,65o 75al3 3 58,1 _ _5 _3,096 _232|| l93il,53| MADISON COUNTY-(CONTINUED1)). Brookfield........ 382 133,001 30i 430 460 i 21|! 333 360 O 221 U 320 345 76 211 ~ ~ ~ ~., ~ ~. ~,'lO~1,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- 281 9 Caze-novia........... 222 i21,895 32522.3033 6,019 1 4i 9|;528 0413 306 294 5 0 De Ruyter.......... 150I|W 14,699' 224 231 390 51 75; 221 3. 537 52' 641 349 Eaton......... 1834:21,595 73g 85~ 12231 5l 2 4........ 0 U... 3 Fenner............. 156~i l7,654 *153~ 165~I 2064 | 15 6~! 284 2 9 Georgetown......... 160~ 17,592 8 11`! 125; 4! |~i 77J1:........ 28 31 11 Htamilton....... 2114121,783 46| 541l 983 13|!0115........ 2 2 i 1 Leao............ 153~ 1688 35 281 50' 17417: 395......... 3511.. Lenox.............! 405 i 35,3605 129 88.~ 1071 110 o 7s! 975-} 201 4l 1,389' 71 3 41 Madion.........I 230~t 22,062 952 95| 1,898 381 4: 46' 34I....~. 03 7...... 4 Nelson............ 20111 24,33'4 625 821J 1,090 13'i 101 208 *4 U 0 3 Smihfild........ 93|i 10,759 54^ 461 836 261; 101 264 a........1 6i I 6 Stockbridge......... i 1544i 18,305 64 77-~f 1,103 90 I 801' 1,251 1 I........1 12 41. 4 Sullivan......| 361'171*24'129' 2,99447: 2i 464 8^1 13i| 75 2 l 101 Toa.............|,7 ^ 0,2 |,2 j,6 |,9 9 2! 3 27, 6,2 |_ 39 33 4,0 9,L8 _1 9 9564 MONROE COUNT~-(CONTINUED). Chili...............I 4331 35,513 \ 2(67-\ 2061 1,910! 326 | 21-} 4,026 1i Li 0 2 5'... Clarkson............ 207l| 1,17 78 41|i 706 1,572! 726-} 23 192 2~ 1 846 I1...!2 Gates.....'.... 4451!:28,758!! 41 54l| 294 1281^ 3111 1,302 131il 6| 2,005.....'... Greece.......i 1,198|| 96,112 121 130~1 1,301 7334{ Sl 81 9192 27^ 23,469I i'...2. Hamlin............. 326-} 26,134 75^ 53 - 91 2,3 12714688 l 3- 41 6 2| 5 Irondequoit...... 1,255 186,587 4 29. 8 98 8 | 893 11 4 3,350 1..... 6. do....... 46 1 3,8 | 2 4 33 12 5 50 2 101........ 104...... 62 Ogden............ 594 59117 221 1_,69 8j 53~! 8,269 31. 49,4 iI| Penfield............. 9091 75,984' 26 21~i 127 i03.' 28~i 1,419- 2...... 540'i 4... (Continued on page 333.)?: 326 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. KINGS COUNTY-(CONTINUED.) 5I ARKET FLAX.. HEMP. flOPS. TOBACCO. APPLE ORCHARDS. GARDEN Acres sown. Acres in crop. Acres planted. Acres cultiTOW NS. ~ _______' _____________ ____________} vated. Pounds of Tons of Pounds liar- Pounds har- Number of Bushels of Barrels of/ _ lint. *hemp. vested. vested. trees in apples. cider, 1864. 1864. 1865. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1864.- fruit. 6 a61. 18 1864. Brooklyn................................................................ 57 204 12 722 Flatbush......................................................................................................... 29 Flatlands........................................ 1.................................. 300 356 158 6 18 Gravesend........................ 5........ N ew Lots..................................................................................... 275 365 3 70 New Utrecht.................................. |........................................... ~ 150 220.12 | 271...................~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~........;11 Total............ "'35I........ 300 895 LEWIS COUNTY-(CONTIN UED). Oroghan.... 1.............. "50 ~07 I........ |0 7.. Denmark:.......... 7 910...................................... 300 3,674 3,377 2 D iana............... 493 I................................. 49.................................... Gravesend........ 200..... G areisu r h.... 8 6............... 2 0 14........................................... 74 0............ High Markett............. Lewrisb.............. 805............... 2 i 293........................ 7 2 6 0.......105........ New Lots ~~..... 14- High Marke t...................................................................... Lew isl............. U r5,4............ 21 930....................... 5,065 4 8 343... Leydens r....... 7......................................,980 979 4.......'" Lontague.......****............7. 254. 41 64........... New Bremen................... 3....... Martinsbu —- - 70-.................. so 7 450..............495[,1 0' 9,' li M contag e................................................... 21 0............................ 3 2 2 0............... PinC kney............' 700............................................. New Br emen.......... 5 8........................... 2O 2 3.0................ W earon.......................................... 2 400........................... 3 020 Win e y............. 493.0.................................'....................... ] 20 10........ Turin...............]....................................1...........10........... 1 0 0 3 3 1 8 5 4,37 7........ W atson..................................... 4 I........... 41........ WrestsTurin...."... 35.............. 1,341 16 3 3 2 500 seo;.................................. Hioghtarket.................4.......3.... 1 6.................. 10, 7 2 5,1 8 712 9 Leicester............. 2,000........................160 2 13 100 10,71 1.. 3..6 737........ Lewisa........................... 4 1,4 3 2 7,474 180144 Calv onia............................ 0 Loueyn Morri............. 353................................. 7,600 17,3415 16,847 347/ 2 L ortwv Dansvie...... 400............................ 1, Gen o,7............. 1 215,88 5,533 17,861 505 i Gro velan d............................................................................... 5,0 25 2,872 711. Montague............. 2.::.................... 16 16' 500 1.7.......... 3,3 9, 3 I........ NepaBrta............ 1,636...............................<..!......1 51,6 0 8 9 25,274 890......... Springa ter....... 560................................................ 100 15,73 6 -19,900. 16. 2. Livon a S.p....;.................. I................................. 6,911 24,34 7 95. M ou t M.......................................| 688 17, 853 ~ Tota........... 1,0.............9. 34 1385 i 84,302| 17 24 15,936 10,12 19,0 50 8) T Osia l........... 12,000:..................! 7473 823 288,526 4:: 9 6,050 1 9, 3,2.......1:::...... P ra -e......................................... 521 7 39,5180 1651. 42... 25.6 14,4230 22,215 378..... Sparuta............. 18,636............................. 153..8.,748. 4........ 0 4, 5 8,9319 5 27411 9 34........ Sp igat er................................................................ 21 00 16, 7 15,82 28,5190 462 2..... W est Spr t........,.......................!...... 66.86.28,795........................ 69 114 14,347 494......... Georgtown...... 4 00...........:... 98/ 3S0~ 49,18 2........ 1,30,5,2 1........ Y a itork n......................................... 51 i 1,109 6. 6,850 13,901 44,427 98....ox......... 913 138 4,3021 130 3 71 36 267 5 5, 909i 39 Br''''ield........... 0'........ 52ockbridge 7........ 338..................'......2 SAulivon.......... 737........ 1 4 15 2 14,425 34 6 978 Total~ ~ ~ ~ ~I......-,.../....-....2|.. 3-.3. | 3931 426 226,5i 3~ _46 _l,7,2 l9,8836,3 2825l ^ ^ Brigeton.......................4......'...i 7,000 6 L 7 1 8,75 1,4390 [ 18,301 0 549 184 Conesu.............. 35 I............... }.....'.}1.................... 1 4,0 i/ -!........ 7,000 15 56 23,691 6 54 4,15 4 Ge nekseo'............. 2000...........'.',.00....1/....,.~...'/ 3.............25 84 l4 1;,360. 17,267 17,3973/ 508 5I 10 Groeates......................................./....../......../1................../.................! C10,780 2 9,278I 7141^ 32 Greicesle....... 2,0 /.......................... I 6 { 6i 7 1 6,400 5'?j......1..4,4,140|61,790 27 59.04 7 6841 34 Len imta........... //' i /........I.....I..13 3 1130 15g6 2,365 19,52 24,33 74 98 78 4.... L ivondeu it............:2.........................................'..."'I 2"i [03....... 17,3600[ 17 6,339 013,267 2 951...... i outMorrisn................ l}...... /...... }...... I.;..........:.................. 331..... 509,700 17,45 24 18,222 8 581 1 Ogden~~~~~~~......I'....-........0........i..........,......[..........5 6,175 2 7,6 4'2,594 70161s oParoma{..,...l......I... 2 0...1.......;{........;{....:.....!....!...............,.l3 11,o50 2 6,668 43,577 641...... pringwaerd......... 1, 6 I......d......I......1/........t....|................!....1 1........ 1, 00 |i 28, 3 1967 ( 43 8 8 1,0253 9 ( nine on pag 33. AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. 327 KINGS COUNTY-(CONTINUED.). MARKET GARDENS.' -- NEAT CATTLE. Acres cul-. * I 1 |: 0.? I i ~ Milch cows. TOWNS. tivated. g /~ 0 ao /,= / t /' I ~ [ -- Valueofpro-||' [ z / * ~' ~ / o --- ducts, 1864.' zz C5.^ ^ g. 1865 | | |- 16 |5 | =. I l j8G5' Brooklyn........... 782 $173,950................ 7 25.......... 11 24 3 5 2949 2,952 Flatbush.............. 29 27,080....... 7.................. 186- 192 Flatlands.......... 18 400............................................ 38 32 32.203 201' Gravesend................................................... 20 19 1246 246 New Lots........ 68....................................I]::.:.32/.3.1.....51 53 6 6 189 189 New, Utrecht... 4oo............................ 125.............. III 80 15 6 250 250 -Total....... 7,139............... 239 215 LEWIS COUNTY-(CONTTINUED). Crooghan............ 41 35 |53,576'348...... 1,039 66.... 319 325 372 258'1,212 1,265 Denmark........... 41] 570 99,917 330 13 2,0714 209.... 297 368 335 58 3,366 3.,218 t~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0... I I- 23/74 7 Diana................................ 83,320 50...... 809 3... 2`7 209 2 9 9 4 7 GreEi................................ 20,707 69 40 1,104 81.... 196 178 247 64 794 704 Harrisburgh................ 1,152 39,363.236...... 2,779 88...... 315 342 196 54 2,492 2,500 HighMarket......................... 1,780 58........ 7...... 298 243 303 68 1 7532 1,548 Lewis.........................,.. 3,7 521.......... 160 180 241 112 631 773 Le~yden..............................: 18,164 213 281 1,847 I'..: 289 2 21 44 18 2,630 2,588 Lowville............ 3,490 39,204 325......,650 110..... 247 224 298 48 2,670 2,666 Martinsburgh....... 2 130 36,970 282...... 2,337'126-2...... 461 504 631 38 4,282 4,107 Montague............................ 23,670 90...... -80 9.... 148 159 62 16 501 489 Groghah.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~8..... 62....... 234WI New Bremen. 29075 183...... 652 45......I 34 272 335 196 1,382 1,452 Osceola................... 8,8707 87...0. 1 71 2....... 139 124 182 42 375 364 Pinckney............................ 43,078 61 / 1207 88...... 2{5 2 240 145 301 1,916 1, 9 49. Turin............................... 17,158 64...... 2,225 182...... 305 352 153 18 2,461 2,490'Watson.......................... 19,748 40...... 17372 121...... 177 185.228 40 762 764......................'.. 702 2...... 39 33 330 96 3,093 3,090 Werrstburih........ 127...... ]]]585 31'' 373 9/5 /,9],0 Total.......... 1 6 5,377 51,103 | >2,6181 334 22,441 1 1,3801!. 4,4677 4499_ _ 341 1,254 30,848 130,639. LIVINGSTON COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Avoni.............................../ 1,17 57 300 1,560 155...... 368 296 605 20 689 647 Caledonia.......... Is 149 42 *227. 65 100 420 4...... 314 284 857 1 6 502 492 Oonesus...... 2 45 00 925 6.... 1,425 48...... 267 277 422 26 515 494 Geneseo............ 9 2,651 00.485 6 4 1 2,782.73...... 346 431 1,023 30'750 810 Groveland......................... 11.............. 398 373 416 27 690 680 Leicester.......... 7 47000 1,700 11 44 1,693 10..... 246 318 454 23 599 609 Lima............... 710 00 2,595 244 52 1,952 4......:' 2245 285 13 602 624 Livonialle........:......... 358 33 6 452 33 724 635 Mount Morris....... 5000 1,443 62 57 3,834 91I...... 518 488 676 20 1.025 996 North Dansville......... 210............... 104 79 153 4 298 296 Nunda.............. 5 75 00 2,780 46 17 3,067 226...... 3.15 329 341 40'773'741 -Ossian............................... 1,920:282 4....... 1,580 33 7 1 8...... 192 210 224 34 358 368 Portage.................. 7.10..... 617 660 226 240 165 14 573 529 Sparta.....................I.......... 430 23 3,136...... 289 294 270 16 711 680..Spring-water........ 21 * 28500 6,519 117 40 3,428 1576...... 360 355 389 40 830 795 West Sparta......... 3,490 69 5 710 60 278 274 161 8 439 409':....'/.........' 207[1 3/...... 52] 4 /... York...................... 23 00 2,241 88 899 505 16...... 376 365 39 47 802 8001 Total............ 371 6,277.42 ||.648j 103 161|3,7..O a....,5 514| 742| 4 1 080 1^ 0 MADISON COUNTY-(CONTITNUED). Brookfield............................ 27,2661 2,726 64/ 2,798 263...... 701 605 547 48 3,634 3,366 cazenovia.......... 1 261 21,591 188 2 3,382 110...... 447 428 262 35 2,117 2,789 De Ruyter........................... 24,765 114 1,235 154 263 165 53 38 1,331 1,303 Eaton.....2,104 20,136 325 3 1,....... 422 384 466 12 2,832 2,735 Fenner............ I.... 130 9,776 152... 6495...... 205 2258 1 1,193 1,238 Georgetown.......................... 27,741 11...... 684 62...... 268 24 9 3 14 I 1,299 9 220 Wamitson...........1........I......... 24 60 2 9 716 4 10... 5790F1/4,4,6 Lebanon~ ~ ~ ~~.1 19,748/....4............I301 3 1,3295 194......1 15 485 621 402 72,357 418 L nx.......... 3 3,98 16 50 24 1 0...... 78.9 67 6,4,4 Madison -........... 21,15 260 52 4 117 5...... 1 33 45 2,1,4 Neso........t5 8,7 6,5 2....... 33 34 21 0 235,8 S m thied.................... 5, 1 4 6 9 5 4 6 1 2 06 5, 2, 0 Stockbridg-........ 55 7 95 12 0 68 92...... 3459 55.18 151.,0 Sulliva........,.... 2k 5, 07 15 1,393 30,1 1 853 3,3448 1,380...... 652 -67744 9/ 4,o181 6 1,1'Total............ 7~ 1.54|4,612j5,7943612300 1,884 8 3,1 _^8^ _^03 4_j, 6:^95 LIVIGSTO COUNTY-( CONTINUED). Arghon........... 11 160................ 34 | 59 20......1 1,1757I001,58' 0 1556.... 2 58 572 Caledkonia.......... 1, 149 42.............. 3 10051 4 52......1 1 65 4 19 423 4 4 Ganesus.......... 52,4........... 15 5 9... 9 - 2 3 1 8 1 6 0 Hamlin~~ ~4 0.......... 377 16 5'192 6 133.....48........ 6 49 28 5 7 8 OGeneo 9...... Ill5 1004//,195 /7 69 /,1 141..... 26 32 623 42 1,02 901 Paromea............ 2 9 36 1,5 61.101 77... 2....... 2367 710 94 95 Penfield~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~,19/............ 9 60 25 1...111 2..... 21 21 74 2 864 828 Leicester...:....... 7 / 470 00//1,00I 11/ 4(Co1,t93/edOon.p....335.0 328 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. KINGS COUNTY-(CONTINUED). NEAT CATTLE BUTTER. CHEESE. HORSES. SWINE. SHEEP. *~i ~Gallons of TOWNS. milk sold, | " Pounds made, Pounds made, 1864.,- Colts of Colts of Two years' Pigs oc Season of SlauIhtred Pound of pork Shorn in Shorn t ~'~ 1864. 1864. 1864. 1865. [ old and I S 1865. 864 and il. 1864. made, 1864. 1864. in 1865.'n.. over, 1865. older. Brooklyn........ 5 100........... 366,307 7 6 6,714(72 140 75 85 15,730 i........I...... Flatbush.... 1 3395....... 76,7415 I...... 4 290! 5 10C,2 214 116 32,090 1....... Flatlands.........34 5,720.......... 3 7 82 1 2 168 2 3 262 5, 0........!....... Gravesend...... 15.4.605.................... 3 -5 3 64 4 267......... 44,120........1... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.......... New Lots...., 15 I 2,245.......... 1,808 2.... 273 I1 1 3 159 | 17 41,245........... Fla t b u s h ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6:7.......... NewUtrecht. 205 250..........5......... 1 6 288 269 253 50,77. Flatlands.......34 5,~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~703 82412 (Jo, 27 232384,310.............. T tl........!_ 8 | 16 3 5 |......... _444,_530_|i__22 I 27 8 4.14 lO 1, 165 __ 99 1 8 93 2 8, 1 |. ^... LEWIS COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Cronghdn........ |130 |' 91,097 24,181.........! 25 -216 292 1 389, 34 ] 40| 9,6 8 1, 8 GDenmark 2.. 1 0 49................ 36 24 C6) 26.... 380 376 578 147,114 1,426 1,5 5 ianLa......... 99 62,700 2,800..... 16 16 212 6 5 167 I7 1, 105 1,368 New~~~~~~~~~~6,3 Uteh.... 205 24 220 46 53 91 4,718 32'39 Greio........ 115 3 6343 63,121.......... 26 22 316.... Harrisburgh. 98 157,651 430,252..........! 209 34 415.... 285 290 357 88,2541 903 1 958 High Market.... 135 96,690 100,920 58,909 |19 21 5313 367 267 60,466 962 1,209 Lewis 73 46,54 380 6029.......... 4 25 175 163 33,822 416 571 Leyden.......... 67 100,878 492,681 11,000 43 52 382 12 615 155 456 95,238 538 527 Lowville........ 222 85,085 421,940 -1,015 21 15 422.... 379 247 320 82,261 250 382 Martinsburgh..... 97 17,91 7 984,475.......... 46 40 24 1 1 537 721 539 144,601 950 1,274 Montague h 90k 5.... 445 12 III.... 49 48 86 II-, 615 247 31,8 New Bremen 79 94,004 92,116.......... 23 23 301 I.... 294 644 384 7,805 663 871 Lsceyden.... 76 33,515 2,000....... 20 12 10..... 117 142 16 524,637 350 43 59 Montague...... 90 53.325 17,400.......... 1 1 1 4 8 1/,615 31~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~35 70 012....... 45)39 2 Pinckney.... I 4,03 26,15..... I..... 220 236 3 s, 8,809 995 1,299 Turin..... 971 122,136 458,.406....... 24 21 387;.. 416" 299 398 98, 09,5 575 63'l)0 Watson........ 49 52,663 59,045...... 124 2 249 234 191 45,839 825 914 West Turin 232 169,12....... 24 28 442 393 477 504 118" 627 892 1,095 Pinckney ~~~~~~~~............ Turina.......... 2294 39 98,121 5'I 6360-16 2 4 1,63,954 755,j043 31 26 18,1 46 401 5,491 24 7 5,537 298, 7 LIVINGSTON COUNTY-(CONTINUED).Avon............ 78 59,363 j 17, 856 10, 800 i 52 l 33 842 91 1,053 955 826 198,992 14,113 14,749 Caledonia....... 80 38,971 2,080 59 53.4 1,235 1,614 655 1 6 9,2 397 13, 10.805 Conesus...... 83 45.915 3,605 6...........8 44 4776 4 659 916 585 114,546 2,863 10,140 GenesTo. 70..... 0 70,726 13,197 1,158 82 85 2' 3 1 0 025 14,192 5,054 Grovelan2d...... 89 73,647 1,100.......... 65 65 682,!_ 5! 524 548 739 168,9258....4 2,378 Leicester....... 60. 5 6, 820 5,330.......... 50 52 66 E 1 520? 552 63 0 159,195 | 9,354!l0,001 Lima............ 56 68,438 5,523 5,8508 45 38 1, 445 1,504 821 188,612 4,1162 10,536 Livonia......... 122 75,066 5,991 9307 61 50 837 16 872 6 89 1 234,795 14,123) 14,975 Mount Morris,... 442 109 0 2,.......... 121 108 1,005 151 883 1,683 990 229, i89 11,653 13,018 North Dansville.. 39 15,320......... 8,000 10 14 284 4| 4 121 170 179 40, 608 2,571I'3,3)6 7 Nunda......... 407 71,408 995 380 50 52 637 18 30 4,98 507 1013,31.0 7164. 6,573' ossian'.......... s 31,385 100.......... 28 30 319 2 290 514 336 66,030 9,892 7,901 Portage........ 78 63,501 2,100.......... 31 30 46.1 284 3/25 437 103,872 6,373 6,373 Sprta......... 79 64,211 61 599 372 533 629 147, 7,4947 Sprin2:water.... 109 101,214 5,683.......... 59 79 640 8 469 803 573 1 64 15.012 15, 621 West Sparta.... 29 37. 3 25 22,500........... 41 54 485 1.... 492 802 431 99,705 6.138 6, 85 3 York........... 11.8 69,624 12,965...... 56 54 906,5 9 92 666 860 199,743 17,697 ~18, 150 Total.....209J~ )2-804 101,417 || 33,22'3 909 912 II, 234 ll03 ||12, 142 14,137 _11, 092 12, 621,995 ~178,.6307_ |l8399_1 MADISONCOUTNTY-(CON-TINUED). Brookfield 42973,143 1,024 0 5 835 901 2,057 216,344 7,524 5,469 zenovia......, 8 5,3 4,160 56 51 985 35 6 I De Ruyter...... 292 67,608 195,530 80 31 37 446 11 1_96 151 27-6 57,641 4,61614,584. 31 79,895nnp- C) A 11 f_~ 11 I - I I - clI ), C) I 8 3.. 60 5 150,1'53 1 C',3 9 30,011 Fanr......... 2611,2 148,011......o8 3 7.. 52 62 47 104,667 656 5,1 Geoiv owni''. 75 9,182 65,995 I1..... 280 7 356.; ) ~ 6 3t 30 16 282 6690 ~,7 2,81 Hamilton...... 45 106,235 13,3925 f......... 52 37 727".... 55 393, 7 10,148478,2 Lebh ansonl..... 19 108,336 4002o......4 9 50 2LI 6a9 4 2,79 7,3;,6 Lenox......... 244 177009 350,41 | 2,56 | 91 104 1,05 1 6 1,20 1,18 1 249 29,8, 13 1 6,832 1726 Mnadio......... 173282 2210 10' 1 28 66 } 9 501 1,36 13,3'405 1,69 elo.......... 2724.8 0,9,4' 4 6 53 3 45 54 58 9.4,1,2 Smithfield~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~;..... 9 6405 1,28........ 8 2 9 8 38 *28 30 7,4,0,2 Stocbride.... 18 6 8,250 26,1900/..........!:33 39 56 I'.. 628 52 4;1,77 274,2 B i to........ 14 0.998 790 7.915 31 2 0.... | 58 51 69 1216 88 9 Spartaon......... 89 55641,185.........' 6,72 44 69.1.! 2' 8 791 705/ 147,94/635 2 7,49 971,2 Gates...rta..... 24 30,137.......... 14139 24/ 21 529 /j 99, 605 3 496 8495 631 96, Hamlin......... 218 822,936 3,53.......... 5 6 4 1 1,7,7,7 1,5,2,0..de.......... 89 8,87 1023 40 5 52 881 5 1,08 93 1,402 4,5,7,8 Totaild......... 5 |, 7090. 1 806 4,000 5 5282| 3 6,08',20 27,8 4391,1 MADION CUNTY(ConTinedonpae'3.) AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. 329 KINGS COUNTY-(CONTINUED). SHEEP. POULTRY. |'~ DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES, 1.S64. TOWNS.:' Lambs Lambs Pounds of Pounds of Sheep Number Value owned, Value sold, Value of eggs ~, Yards Yards Yards Yards of raised inl ratsed in wool shorn wool shorn slau-gh-:killed by 1865. 1864. sold, 1864.' ~ of filled of flannel. of linen. collon and 1S641. 1865. in 1864. in1865. tered in dogs in I'5 t-e C cloth.'iixed 1864. 1864. cloths. Brooklyn.......................................... 8143 00 820 00.......... $193 05............................ Flatbush............................................. 452 00 455 00 $100 00 376 55............................ Flatlands.................................................................. Gravesend..............!........................... 1.385 00 227 00 1,448 00 17 9 3..............1.............. N ew Lots.............................................................. I1. 00 170 00 2500 306 1. N ewlUt recht....................................0...........1 4....5........ New Utrecht...... r......1... ~....I,8 0340 8 0 403 Total.................................I. 5,1851 00 1,206 00 13,636 0 0 17.......... LEWAIS COUNT-\,Y-(CO-NTI1.NUEI)). Croghan........... 471! 583! 3,104'.3,853| 107 25) 875 CO 27600 154 50.......... 464 746 49..9 1,556'........... Denmark......... 888 990l 6,037 5,336 318 35 1,08800 2 4 0 13300 78616 51,587 1,]032 269 Diana.......... 642! 784 3,674 4,593 157 99 1, Greig............. 166 174 839 1,156 41 3 839 00 183250 226 50.......... 148 165 834991,55 Harrisburgh....... 666 651 3,363 4,370 122 11 803 00 17900 244 00.......... 519 1,798 918 211 High Market...... 668 806 3,477I 4,182' 102 40 607 20 97 75 79 85.......... 569 2,893 176 4941 Lewis............ 274 35 1,564n 2,132 is 11 730 40 70 73 16 00 100 00 391 430 84 30 Leyden............ 342 426 2.169 2,182 60 6 875 30 158 75 427 05 1.......... 69 427 190..... Lowville.......... 1611 319 707i 1,456 4 9 473 00 41 00 54 00 159 55 95 252 447 "50 Martinsburgh...... 535 891 3,714 5,182 204 12 1,52600 21300 30000.......... 542 1.397 1,064 209 Montague......... 140i 215i 5,325 1,252- 72 1 14550 10 00.................... 210 304 102 147 New Bremen....... 353i 520i 2,199 2,838 51 9 819 00 40 00 174 75!.......... 404 508 785 1,225 Osceola........... 208| 262Z 1,159 1,571 72 25 32935 7090 52 20.......... 76-L 3 7........ 6)2 Pinckney......... 6451 846 3,6181 4,700 119 15 70200 61130 196 00........ 918 2,114 698/ 91 Turin............. 414 490j 2,283 2,068 42. 9 79025 15100 261 0.......... 229 850 181 158 Watson........... 3841 480i 2,625! 2,971 45 25 30800 3-00.......... 5 75 310 697 580 218 West Turin........ 637[ 806' 3,5521! 4,225 21 1 87940 35360 35214.......... 298 1,738 809 189 Total..........._7,594| 9,278[ 49,412 | 54,06911,862 | 79 |11,329, 65 2,595 03 2,997 89 398 330 If6,615 18,247 8, 1475- 4,9951 Ttl............ 7,59 9.......,...... LIVINGSTON COUNTY —(CONTINUED). Avon............. 4,606 4,535 67,844s 68,524 91 54 2,372 35 1,500';50 1,277 00 1,278 50 248.................... Caledonia......... 4,5904,50162,672 46,369 205 29 1,847 00 1,81500 907187,145 00 12 121.............. Conesus.......... 2,8201 3,239 47,29614 43,911 52 10 I 1,201 75 I 832 12 1,27694 8650 27141 280 406....... Goneseo........... 4,1641 4,750 57,342 627,071 6 1 8 4, 885 87 2,3113 I 1,63812 390 50 50....... 46....... Groveland......... a, 530 4,030 48.457 52,663 130 37 i2,289 00 876 00 1,39100 625 00 50..................... Leicester........... 2,824 3,026 42,210 48,604 95l 46 1,912 00 1,348 00 1,63900 263 00....... 210 15....... Lima............. 2,726 3,216 44,034s! 50,317s- 60 15 2,542 00 1,834 00 1,25400 329'00....... 60.............. Livonia........... 4,768 5,184 66,909 47,8521 54 9 2,383 40 1,526 64 1,59180 27125 14 95 66....... Mount Morris...... 4,115, 4,387 50,128 55,381a/ 718 50 2,538 00 1,389 00 1,51350 626 75 185s[ 288 351-I' 110' North Dansville.... 60, 1,000 10,015 13,902 330...... 416 00.......... 245 00.................. 54.............. Nunda............ 2,3891 2,597 28,533 22,701 305 17 1,162 00 608 00 1,052 00 925 25 317s 419s1 558 9 Ossian............ 3,081 2,705 35,773 30,679 173.40 770 50 99 50 484 00...................................... Portage........... 2,033 2,2541 28,2141 28,214 110 70 966 25 483 50 1,378 00 1,003 25 55s1 234 66' 22 Sparta............. 2,180 2,474 27,165 31,275 611 11 1,971 00 372 00 2,251 00 655 50 273 287 89....... Springwater....... 4,688 4,691 68,119 69,689 56 2 1,769 00 1,019 00 1,295 00 421 00 118 176 156....... West Sparta....... 2,143 2,139'24,454 27,788 67 7 60900 409 00 417 00 69 194 65....... York............. 4,659 4,585i 76,591 76,225 142 45 1,68300 1,80927 2,426 00 332 00....... 339 39....... Total............ 63-50769 —318 4177 - -4,1-3i12,- - - 8 3240 3 g 8,2232 J4 22,037-23-II 8,-35500- -, 63| - 2,_757-Il, 857, 141j MADISON COUNTY-(CoNTINUED). Brookfield........ 2,874' 3,094! 26,507 17,630 629 32 4,278 87 3,005 00 2,133 05 307 50.469s 864 710 ill, Cazenovia......... 3.4551 3,684i 44,723 30,180 215 55 2,07575 1.00500 2,372 08 540 75 23 240 130....... De Ruyter......... 1,677' 1,573 36,194 20,640 944 2 866 00 225 00 748 00 266 00 82 605 981 30 Eaton.......... /1,672 1,3831 18,460 13,7551 202 13 2,0068 25 875 75 1,569 50 557 00 486 488s 70....... Fenner............ 2,455 2,083J 32,519 27,4901,282 1C 1,597A 31 16900. 387 1n9 Georgetown.......~ 1,514 -1,005' 15,216] 10,809i 2651 68/ 666 00 377 00 330 50 59 00/ 23s/ 7791 174 /...2'... Htamilton........../ 2,078i 2,047 19,065s1 17,5601 4961 41 H2,18335 1,21660 1,229 16..........1 28411 882 227 ] 40~ Lebanon.......... 2.712 1,74,425,139 21,722 [ 87 8 H1,44200 429O00 1,382O0 150 H 217~1 743 277/ 12 Lenox............I2;912:'3,028 30,737si 29,707 t289 36 4240 22504,851,20/22 114 45 8 M{adison........... 1,573| 1,5'45 15,924 7,266 167 16 I1,87200 421 00 1,40900 492 00 It550 1 714 143 1....... Nelson............ 2,247i 1,847 29,145s] 23,648 }257] 21 }]].36000 719 75 i1,93050 213 00 I1 62s1 959s 2631 10 Smithfield.........I 875! 881 8,833si 9,496 } 98 }...... 1 1,87 00 1,011 00.,'377 00 573 00 It192 / 428 28 } 22 Stockbridge........[,0281,1 12,410s[ 12,836~ 187 i28 /1.57475 616 00t2,87242[ 435 00 11326~1 924 166,1 55 Suliva.......... 2,4l|318 29,865 31,487 257 17 2,769 50 1,657 5013,433 50| 1,216 00 527 804 164 20 Total,..... 2,12831344,739s 274,227i'5,375 338 |t28,174 22_J14,094__60 25,740 13o1 5,882 75 || 34951[,2s3,9s 8 MONROE C OUN'TY —(CONTINUED). Brighton.......... 437| 399| 3,427 I1,467 206 27 2,35983 1,05600 69680,3,12525 28 ] 30....... Chii.......... 2,603,0991 39,113 /46,615 /90 88 2,79500 2,13600 1520,732 8 81...... 2 Clarkson.......... 3,028,4,149,37,537, 51,156/ 81 17 1,90680 1,14770 1,239 1300 6 8s....... Gates............. 2419,3 4 1 1,4071 547 685 1,205 o 9........ Grece.........4,062'i 3,939 31,130/ 34,872/ 225 36 5,8275 3,90200 2,83400 729 25 Ills 129s 2 3 Henieta........4,9061 5,965/ 70,654 /7,255} 116 64 3,00625 2, 44845 1,74213 354 00 100 8 26 13 tlamlin........... 2,692i2,921 37,0294~/36,613sI 284 13 3,08510 2,20617 2,11785 7884.... 43......... Irondequoit....... 4361 233/ 2,416/ 1,815~ 215 34 1,48800 55200 75300 2,20900.... 23......... Menon........3,349 4,230/49,226[ 55,797~ 145 10 4,45350 2,57047 2,57930 49900.... 15 4.... Oo-en.........,30' 3,5244,92 5,86s 24 21 4,04475 3,006 2,68676 1,51377 181 118 10....... Parma............ 3,635 4,1921 54,270~ 54,43011 501 73 3,50450 2,70550 2,79833 56425 129 172s!.......... Peniel.........2,021 2~,i449,19,903| 23,662| 68 23 3,490 00 3,525 80 1,668 00 1,309 88 48~I 89 36 |....... (Continued on page 337.) 42 330 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. MONROE COUNTY-(CONTINUED). ACRES. CASH VA",LUE. ACRES PLOVE'D. A-CIMSI GRASS LANDS. Acres in pasture. Meadow. TOW NS. _____________ Improved. Unimprov- Of farms. Of stock. Oftools and 1864. 1365. 1864. 1865. 1865. ed. 1865. 1S65. 1865. implelennt~.I[ 1805.' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~1864. 1865. Acres. Acres. 1&~64. lte65. Perrinton............ 17,945 1 3,229 1,891,615 $227,988 _63,341 6,59611 5,901 i 3821 9 279 6 01 6 1141 3,045 3,142 Pittsford.............1 12,0961 1,935|3 1,203,315 115',949 35,936 /4,713 4,389: 691 361. 3,0541, 2,885 1,955' 1,96(2 Rio'a..... i 18,1561 3,588'1 1,360, 075 168,865 35,904 3,624 3,684 2,411 2,646 2,723 4............. 3 62 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4, 655 I4,444 2, 0 Rochester 17........ 6,800.................. 7 7........ 8'0 8................. Rush................ 16,169Iz 2,413o; 1,297,046 176,62. 33,006!! 6,010 5,53,0 1,458 528 3,762 3,807 S1,766 1,9593 Sweden.............. 17,5 6 2 3,075 56 5, 40, 193,037 40,84-0 i 4, 751- 4, 4 1,10 1,8 3,847 3 2,746 3,098 ~ebster.......... 15,584 3,367 31,310,505 171,746 47,344 5,G6871 5,761 | 102 91 3,8,97,9 3,o321 I3,.1 5.2 Webster- ___....~1.........4I 3__23__L7....91 8( 7-'Wheatland........... 1688 2,522 1,355, 490 192, 598 3 2, 0 17 4, 012 3,Y085 |4,741 2,02 4, 3 23_ 4, 299 I, 9,5 1 2, 015 Total.............. 324,0501 56,269 |29,415,992 13,408,'109 941,997 101,705 101,015 1!6641 18,903^ 75, 21 76,7611156,153 58,497_7 MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Amsterdam.....1 16,499 2,367l 91 08,370 |64,105 28,130 H 3, 1701` 3, 28S5|'...... 8 3,081 3, 385 3,276 3567 Canajoharie.........i21,577 3, 187 |1 1,593,531 222.205 61,591, 5, 207 5,497 4 5,207 s,47 3 i i} I1I 6,3405 I,o 5,, Charleston.......... I 21,407 4,919 743,742 161,035 38,092 7,052 I 7,3330 9 6,051 5,980 5,966 6,027 Florida.............. 26,093 5,.073' 1-72 I, 3297 5 85 88 l72, 1 03'7, 7 7,123 9,072 9,7615 Glen................ 1 5 8 - 1,161,,586 179,03 28 54,487 7,203 7,245 116 5,732 6,013( Glen........ 17,4451 3, 828,11078 479 5)44 4,o 2,4,) 162 inden............... 25 3 5, 60'354I 2;2 2 8,7944 9,2821 9, 2901 9,540 lohawk............. 16,108 3,004 1 1,531,354 170,920 40,607 5,483 5,135 34 49 1 525 5,245 5,155 5, 29.6 Palatine............. 18,841 4,051i 1,883,540 234,868 52.847 4,395 4.498 277 14 7,179I 7,070 7 039 7,0871 Root............... 24,473 7,178i 8 1,237,379 190,465 56, 162 7,7 7,7211. 881 36 8,204- 7,)59-9 7,848 8,322 St. Johnsville........ 9,226 2,216 848,650 100,210 18,980 1,0651; 1,161; 6...... 4,460 4,194 3,133 142 ~~~....... 4i3!2,8 3 187 27 4 l9 1 552 21 Total............. 196,.7.22. 40,229 5 371|-28 60,1741,. 60,7 506 63,565'| 66,4251 NEW YORK COUNTY. New York city....... 779 67H|] 3,531,000 | 46,390 | 3,225 199 i 211V..... | 141 105 | 167 167 Total............. 779i 6711 3,531,000 46,390 3,225 199, 2101........... 141! 105 167 167 NIAGARA COUNTY. Cambria.............. 20, 558 4,512s!I 1,485,714 204,223 51, 116 4,5165 4,392~'~J1,209 11,240 4I,050 4,275I 4,476-l 5,084I Hartland............. 23,504i; 6.724tl| 1,648,81( 234,012 59 276 8,3751 8,109|4li 52011 6272- 5,,153 5,431 4,4269 5.0954 Lewiston............. 17 25,2-' 5,032-1t 1 144,850 161 475 39,409 4,708 4,444 l1,0261 739 i2,z821 2,7983 3,950o, 4,,866 Lockport............. 22,751}1 5,797 2,403,560 212,499 7928 8,0392 7,468~1,2404,518.,071 5,263 5,3941 5,665s Newfane........ 23,62931 7,8071l 1,865,705.239,71 48, 645 8, 273 8, 583 { 585 67i 3,989! 3,951 3 4,06.....~~~~~~~~~~~~~~84 69 6,29 0, 17o, 201I 2,0165 9~ *Niagara.............. 6,825~| 4,153 i 824,690 61,294'I24,178 2,290) 2,165 445 228 1,3631 1,256; 2,2191 1,C01M Pendleton............ 11,6301 4,28:' 746,796 99,544i 26,68 5 3 1 2 2,61 28 Pei 7~~~46,; 9 544...81 23 65 71 735`752 07 1, 124' 2, 621';" Porter.., 14,7111i 4,339- 1,065,250 154,257 41,245 4,8445 4, 541li 467 452 3,085 3,433 3,480 4,'184 Royalton............. 29,606i 10,2(9 2,321,982 332,876 1107, 945 9,031 8,]46 il, 6924'1,9251 5,398 5,769, 5,729 6,614 Somerset............. 19,501~ 3,216 1,148,042 190,823 38 834 6, 497 7 6, 340I~ 250 4579,963 5,068 3,257 3,7' 40 Wheatfield........... 11,418/ 5,849 835,280 14,334 34,4514 4,0574' 3,983;1.315 1,2_ 4,703s 1,7911 2,695 - 2,8974 Wilson.............. 27,521 6,014 1,696,066 2 2,072 53 349 8,2321 7,862,1 612 1,071 5,099; 5,606 4,1471 4,9124 W~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ilo, 2, ~a4 82 1 1,7 Total..............224,910'1 68,473 |17,186,754 2,177, 280,598,06143 72,645- 69, 887- 10 1i7,3100754 4 5, 7687 45, 7992 51,7131,, ~,, ~, ~, ~, ~-q, ~,, ~,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A 11 11 0 1,!2 ONEIDA COUNTY. Annsvill............ 1703 C 133. 8320 13654,8,3i,31- 15,4^789,9,1 Augusta........ 13,1115, 3,166 I[838,373 98,805 25,629.l3,1922 2,551-! 481 43 5,707t 5,705^ 3775.~ 3,,9142 Ava.............11,489 18,440 i 530,845 100,701 17,795 830 / 958~;1 27l 17,99,0^5,7,1 Boonville............ 22,6142i 20,569 11,.121,520 166.286~!.42,4'15 \2,556./ 2,544i 50.! 67.', 11,235 11,6761 8O,332 8,3351 Bri~dgewater...'.......'12,83 2,5'7845 12922200,8,94 6,430 6.405.| 3,751 t3,746.. Camdn........... 4,34 113,68 | 586650 101,85'2117,944 2,019/ 2,9.....?~.... 14 6,261;; 6,3401,i 4,'494 [4,614 Deerfied.............[ 14,8 i1,688 [ 3,25 8100,.680 185,676 3~8,818/ 2o,71/ 2 226'~......i...... l^H 884 675 715 Florence............./ 14,133t 16,153 498,575 129,405 /23,946 I1,262,'x 1,398 3 17 6,685 6,653 /5,7631! 5,77]-1 Floyd.............../ 15,156t 5,3'36 407,2.00 91,670 15,823 2,0'36 [2,285'......} 3 8,556 8,380 /4,258[ 4,092 Kirklnd...........15,659 3,515 I1,388,475 153,360 /40,4.04 2/,,991 I2,983~1 2~84 24| 5,628 5,704 4,680~t 4,852.i Lee.,................. 19'801 /6'353I 797,346 185,590/ 38,055 2',6531 2,825~:} 5 | 61 10,694/10,5781t 6,569 6,368 Marcy.............../ 16,345-I 2,484i1 1,013,872 164,050.130,3011 |,130~/ 2,'3506t 6'...... 7,633[ 7,483~l 5,535t 5.440 Marsall......... 17,5832,81 1164840 146,924[ 36,996 3,167 3,367 i 40...... 6,919 /7,116/ 3,721/ 4,009 Ne Hatfr.....1,106[ 2,011 il1,335,680 151,356 34,2.835:2,387/ 2,568.;! 3 i...... 6,619 t 6,723.2 5,408.~ 5,437 Pari............ 1,377I 3,0023 1.,238,620,196,554~ 47,610 2i,794/ 3,-71 l 2,28n/ 7,087 /4,833 4,845i Remsen..............~ 1,093 136,023 908,010 115,581~ 38,520 1,932~ 2,036~;, 1!...... 7,355~! 7,423'~ 6,667~/ 6,727 Rome...............'. 2,0'421t 11,881~! 1,580,020 208,971{ 39,855 523,4^11^16 1,6|96U 698,672 Sangerfield........... 14,625|t 4.354i~ 1,078,615 135,15'4 28,422'2,582|~ 2,7'98'|! 10~! 5-^ 6,127'1 6,5611t 4,8753/ 5,0871 Steuben.............. 18,500.1 7,776~ 872,.300 211,969/ 27,096 f(1,5261; 1,612[......!...... 10,418;- 10,708st 6,5960 6,7582 Trenton............. 2,9591t 4,9315/ 1,577,9196 224,829J 44,900 2l.~o,391 2,5881 1811 8 12,473;~ 12,419 7,036./ 7,1315 Utica................ 1,9671] 244t 321,115 22,159} 7,855 // 352;I 356 | 5...... 576/ 544 | 90i11I 8561 ~ernon.............'. 2,570~t 3,520 f}1,194,294 180,209~ 42,332/ 4[,1131I 4,026~!1 201 7 9,5551! 9,53711 5,9911~ 6,1711 Vrerona.......'"'".. 3,2095I 10,262,~12,026,925 305,501~ 55,0791 4~,738~I 5,284| 65.;' 49 15,797 15,589-1 9,5831t 9,5661 ~ienna.............. 14,980I 17,327~1 775,185 132,631~ 27,873/:3.093~:I 3,549.~I 1285~ 113;; 6,578-5 6,266,~ 4,4185/ 4.,2993 Western............. 22,58531 9,653 I/849,531 225,270~ 38,1861:2,363{ 2,841 I 4k 4 12,370 112,186 "-5734",8 Westmoreland....... 21,903~ 3,6895I 1,330,'285 214,131 42,7321;3,496|| 3,7051~; 131 18~1 K3|1,19 6571655 Wmtestown ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~........ 11,851,14092,1.19,1 41,04 298,31139 3,5,931 3,6549 4,0061 Total............. 4(60j1,20s 2694,8 |42s,58 0724j,9|7^ a2|!2,15292411919112 AGEICULTURAL STATISTICS. 331 MONROE COUNTY-(CONTINUED). GRASSLANDS. SPRING WHEAT. WINTER WHEAT. OATS. tWINTER RYE. Meadow. Acres sown. Acres sown. Acres sown. Acres sown. TOWNS. Bushels Bushels Bushels harvested. harvested. -harvested. Tons of hay. Bushels of 1864. 1865. 1&64. 1863. 1864. 1S64. 1864. 1865. 1664. 18i-3. 1864. 1864. \grass se'ed. |. 1S64. Perrinton........... 3,782,| 14|1 25,782 1, 626......... 732~, 2 5 1,ssl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i 1 26 25,782 1, 514 1 5' 1 023 ~11 Pittsford............ 2,244.1 443........................ l,722 i 1,7242 24,004 9057 1,055 1 21,445 7 2 Riga................ 3,56 3,304' 60,590 1,027 1.191 21,993 2 10 R ochester........... 6.............................. I............................. 0~~~~~~~6........... Rush............... 1,'8642 7612..........................1,,4'........:::.:::.: Sweden.............. 3,070 571'....14' 2,4301' 2,3411 39,754 867 1,013 18, 354 44 7 *Webster............ 262 4 55 161 2041 2 7 | 4 7,476 1,477 1,496 22,927 251 209 W heatland........... 3,306| 2,995 59,563 511-~ 648 11, 479 7........ Total~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'......... 649-i 3, 192 1, 935 Total............ 1,030i 1591 68^. 6491|| 36,1 35,1151597,068 24,042 26,987 465,7351 1665|| 1,93514 MONTGOMERY COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Amsterdam......... 2, 879 o.........27 79 920 1| 21 1 97,87 1 141 Camajoharie......... 6,61.5 1351- 691 75 322 88| 55|-i 9571 2,878 2,9831 42,710 172~ 14 Charleston.......... 3,890 257! 171 80244 164 171 94 802 2~ 536 3, 9941- 3, 22 35,21 4 ~1 Florida............. 7,0801- 245||' 24 21 129 226 269| 2,888|, 4,0801 3,571 64, 124 1735 251 G l n............... -' 64 12 1739, 251... Glen............... 6.4401k 35711 4 6 3 4231 411 1 4,788 I! 3, 3, 66,534 1401i 262 Minden............. 9,758 1861 116o 1161 7731 1541 208 I 2, 312 2,54-6 2,654 45,676 30 M\'Iohatwk............ 4,950 92 9 10 51 220 195 2,434 2,396 2,430i 47,898 336 372 Palatine............ 8.... 54. 181 152 209 128 1581 1,888 1,835| 1,9361 43,414 165 127 ~~~~~~~~~~~o), ~44 16' 12 Root............. 5,652 20071 125 1011 6444 64 761 885^: 4,321.8 4,314 50,663 1044 98 4- 2~~~~~~~~~~~,............... St.. JohnsYille....... 3,74 2 j 5 1 135 38 485 / 536 486 10, 355 7........ Total............. 59,328 1,556|! 5641 465-| 3,123|1 1,452l l,641| 18,0-| 27960~l 27,511434,4-| 1,288:! 1,392 NEW YORK COUNTY-(CONTINUED). New York city..... 245................ 4 |....... ||.... 14! 20 8 1 365 15 Total.............. 245.............. 4 4 0...... 1L.... 14.... 20 8 365 6 15 NIAGARA COUNTY-(CONTINUED). 3ambria.........; 3,978] 301 58 | 74|; 278 2,978i 2,149 25,8 7 i| 1, 1,95471 31,872 62 146 Hartland.............| 4,3711- 3031 27|I: 31l 122 1,889 1,0771i 12,480|' 2,412.~ 2,7'3|i 53, 547 10 181 Lewiston............ 3, 864 I 183 161 156 | 916 2,788 1,4 071 12, 565 I' l',374 1, 620 23, 629 56 1761 Lockport........... 266| 75|! 52 193 2,5561 2,2822 24,884 2,181 2.274.1! 29,280 1981 452 Newfane............ 3,034 73| 98|i 1301} 710 2,176 930|| 10, 051 2,401'41 2,466 60,075 455/ 407 Ne-ae......... 9,10/ 9()1,2,. Niagara....... 2,012 123 59|| 91! 217 970 6871 5,6051 976 916 17,054 134 1341 Pendleton........... 2,243| 33| 14111 60 300 1,209| 1,3501 13,294! 1,613 1,5321 22,324 96-1 5 Porter.......... 3,723 353.160 285 930^1 2,982 1 4 - 26,888 Royalton............ 6,862| 56 5 155 117 )1 707|1 2,924 3,000| 37,426| 3,556 3. 7971I 60,215 155 2181 Somerset............ 2,620|1 524:| 368i 416 2,785 2,232/ 7611 7,031! 2,088] 2,268 52,374 25........ Wheatfield.......... 2,419 I117 152~1 104, 613| 1,474|| 1,555 15,725 487|1 5081 -26,120 184 300 Wilson............. 3,980 8181 1 405 244'Total............. _44,3(02| 3,663| 1,600|| 1 771311 8,343|! 27,717| 17,240~l8,1 ll....!2524|46,9|,94| 220,, 1 ~:.~1.~~~~~~~~~~9- 1 17i 94 1184.710 l~ 23, 104~1 25, 264': 456,69411i 1,794 i 2,260~ ONEIDA COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Annsville............ 4,4........ 8 8 1 86 il 8 7 181| 1,284| 15,342 180 3 Au sa...........,445| 21 23 22 208 ll 436^! 465|! 7,206 22 1,143| 1,'209-1 22,466................ A, a............... 3,347 2 2 24 0.......8........1........ 61'1 8 1 78........4... 6,512^ 5 16 171 149 i7|........!................. Bridgewater......... 4,0| 1' 2 1i 175 80 11 1,9 90 940 22829i.... Camden............ 3,6 |........!...... 1 2.... 7 | * 7 0 0 3 880 " 1671 Florence ~3,61 1 ~.....!.......- 52 31' 240 I........!........'2......... 51,~ 70 545 38,5 92 - Floyd............. 3,71 71 71 11o56' 1318i 2,631 114 1,80 7 | 26 L~eeri d................ 514 27 5 816- 1 1 24 1, 4 128 1637857 102 Marcy ~ ~ ~ ~ 1v~L 0 SO at........1........t5,89 17 2 *1| 9 7 10 979-1/ 1,0220,8 70i 61 Masal.;.....o. 4,62189}6561 63 1,7 - 101| l m 883 8 1. 2 NeFlrtorence..... 6,822 7 91 711 8| 19i150 85 0- 332 2 6 Rcmsen~~~~~52.3 1 i4 0........!..... 4,314........ 7514 102 14 1,20 125 6 9,1 78 4 Fa grilod.......... 5,6....... 21 8- 380 7 1 13',8 2 1 9 1 2,92........ renton........... 3,7141 671/ 7 1 I 115~ 33 4................ 1,0121| 1192 346,37 5i 1 Utica.............. 1,081 7[ 3 1-1~' 308 4..........8,7..... 92 95)4 2,205 2 5. Leenn....... 5,826 321 14 3 76 411k 478 6,84|1 1,0 1,24225 1 6 2 935.....7....na............. 959578 9 1 2 9i 26 353,4i 214 404 6^ 6 Vinarc.............. 5,300~1 2 1 6 83 1 0 83 99 1,101 13 Wetr............. 710 8 24 2 2724 47 40 1,4 1451 043 615 Westmorland ~ ~ ~ ~ 1..... 6,68 ~ 47' 1 291 25|371 1,512 1,75910 3368 70 211 Marhall'n..... 4,4611 281 2! 57 3 31 496; 568~; 81~ 002 105Li 1,021 18,103 39~12 9 Poari............. 179 1 2 1.. 34. 36.38|j,6 1 365| 43o6|j 8_0 | 332 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. M\ONROE COUNTY-(CONTINUED). ^nTI~ ~~~~BARLEY. BUCKWHEAT. INDIAN COTIN. % ^ Acres sown. Acres sown. For the -rain. F or fodder. Acres TO W N S,______________ _________________ plainted. Busliels Bushels IBushels ___ harvested. harvested. harvested. Acres planted. Bushels Acres sown. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1864. 1864, 1865. 1864. b_______ lar vested. _____ 1S64. 1864. 18 64 1-S65. 1864. 1865. Perrinton................. 1,095 4'731 5 91s 7, 789 211i 173 324 1,514, 1,748 5071 1 8sil25 Pittsford................... 788 365 -575 6,9()7 7 634 321 1,064 1,0004'1 1,2 3 3s 66,081...... 31 47041 Riga....>................. 30 385 406 5, 754 44 19 734 1, 176 l,627s| *38,500 11 393!, 177 R ochester.............................................................................................................. Rush.............................. 45 5 718 7,695 8s 3 5 1,7i00 1,99 1902 57,942 I... 1691 Sweden................... 100 685 97 9 1 2, 463 5 2 84 801 1,2'-92' 1, 6281 4-2,497 *10i' 241il 2 4[51 Webster.................. 2,261 404' 4291 4,194 3)65s 252-1 6,272 1, 77 0,1 2, 1551 47, 79(1 24' 27 7 29? 1 Wheatland................ 7 7 732 566 11,408 2 8 Al......... 573 983 1, 151s- 4 7,840 31 6 1141 Total.................. 17,3251 9,367l 1,9 1380!247,193|| 41,771 — 2726 34, 5891938,849 31_241^^0_ MONTGO'MERY COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Amsterdam............... 1,053 108 84sI 1,454 | 360-1 28914 6.185] 68141 842 17,398 I............ I 1764 Canajoharie................ 2,235 293|1 265s 3, 355 5901. 222s 11,069 546s 7 36~i1 11,002' 91.1 5 19 3 Charleston................ 432 506 606 4,831- 6481 1,777s 2 7,3-59 285I.- 3114 4,120...... I 133j~ Florida................... 3,410 1,055' 887s 15,113 1,065s 825' 23", 84 7 968' 17123' 24,194 71.... 1894 Glen..................... 1,982 547 429 9,047 990' 1,088 291,347. 6861 7'53sj 14, 891I li... 22 Minden................... 622 25 1 285 4,038 3441 343 7, 853 7954' l,0204' 19,908 4s2 6 249 Mohawk.................. 5,349 7041 40 1,0106 47 7 457 9,023 1,135 1, 192 24,851 25s1 30s~I 341 - Palatine.................. 2,890 3314' 37441 6,043 362 187 9, 329 808 917 20, 740 s:...... I1701 R~oot..................... 555 4864' 456 5,07-0 1, 1051' 1,2194119,507s12 5334 600 8, 905 3s'2 i 314 231l2 St. Johnsville..................... 61 5 9s1 955 96 305 2, 522 227 207 5,7105 4 2.71 Total................... 18,528 3,7091~ 3,487l! 50,912! 6, 040||' 6,444 138,01 6, 667A 7, 703 [l164j18_ 9[206 NEW YORK COUNTY-(CONTINUED). New York city............ 90 | 5 | 10 \ 126 |........i............ 1 22I 2.4 | 2,125 4.......| 15 Total................ 90 Ij 5 1 2 i............|_22k__ 2_24 2,1251...1..... J 5 NIAGARA COUNTY-(CONTINUED)). Cambria.................. 627 1521 2)8 4 | 2,705 194sl~ 176 2,458 |1, 300|] 1, 705s! 036, 064 I6s! 61 23)0s Hartland.......................... 2121 1881| 2,620 255 159 3, 224 2, 077s-1 2, 679| 62,046 1 7 7s-; 434| Levyiston.................. 139 124s 159 i 1, 310 2831 86s 3, 669s! 1,218 1, 393| 29, 120 21..! 189s Lockport.................. 2,0! 7301 8471| 6,208 14441 111 1.24 2,2|192 4,7 - 9 31 Newfane.................. 1,949 I 339 460 ~~~5, 258 41 31- 164 5,713 2,462 3, 344'! 81,9747 25 74 46441 Niagara................ 903 53 81 613 93s91 70s! 1, 168 260s 311' 8,7437.3s 2 \ 1401 Pendleton.............. 562s- 5191 5,454 55-4 1 8 723 587-'7321 9,9('99 5 41 1641~ 132 5 Porter............... i 2 71 8,2 7'....:......... 7'0' 302' 4644 4,300 4 9 1....... 5,5 1,9 1 1 554-5 36, 254 8 4 | 17 2 -q Royalton.................. 1,816 703 "70 4s9 7, 194s' 246 | 2561~ 2,"936 1, 8851 2,0311 49,688 461 331 3 3 431 Somerset.......................... 128 184 2,421 9164;.... 4,9 1,04,9 124 1 | 2 7 Wheatfield............... 2,10 49 45 4,654 95 741' 2,1 01.61 408 6, 32'Wilson.................... 2,086 27 2 4731 4,010 45714 36 523,041 3,66 6752 301 23 09 Total.................. 1 179 |409,814647' 2, 882| 1, 4224' 3 5,251||I 16,933s1 21,4232s 490, 651 _215j'l_1481;|_3,2911s ONEIDA COUN \TY-( CONTINUE-D). Annsville................ 1,764 2 2 is 185s 103slz l,658[ 936s|1 1,154 20,931 381~ 49i 3 62 Augusta..................... 466 529 8,041 56| 4841 671 491I 5511'I 10,970 ill 1 2| 42 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. 333 MONROE COUNTY-(CONTINUED). POTATOES. PEAS. BEANS. TURNIPS. FLAX. Alanted, Acres sown. Acres planted. Acres sown. Acres sown. TOWNS. --— d g I' Bushels Bushels Bushels Bushels Bushels harvested. barvested' harvested. harvested. I of seed. 1865. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1864. Perrinton........... 1,422! 105,752 12 12 189 93 7 1 41 8 2 I Pittsford...... 180................... Riga..... 173 18,905 288 113k 2,650 2541 24.2,215 1| 2 50 1 1 5 R ochester............................................................2..................................................... Rush............... 188 19,145 60 121 425 16 1 8 2,248 I1...... 255.................... Sweden............. 295 25,772 166 70. 1,87.3 1,346 340 20,235 2 2g 552 8 5 47 Webster............. 843 62,807 9941 59 887 2324 61 2, 809 100 1I 3 60 Wheatland.......... 11741'15,161 56 30 369 782i' 128o 9,558 150.................. Total............10,909 8 2,0371 1,312' 19, 13,2692 3,181l"l59,985 || 991| 157 24,101 2 81 MONTGOMERY COUNTY-(CONTINUED)). Amsterdam9.......... 18312 16,533 2 211! 263 1,61 22 163 | 102, 1,742 7' 2' 23 Canajoharie......... 198 1 15,983 175- 2201'2,223 99 14, 446 1520 11 73 151. Charleston.......... 14431 12,458 855 912 6975 15q 91 2635... 57 257|" 1941 1,2551Florida.............. 214-71 20,139 219 1751 2. 479 47 641 9181, 331 1k 245 2741 201 1, 743 Glen................ 273 24,874 1678 153 2394 23 151 279 43 31 878 30i 16i 1211 Minden2......... 200 241 291 210 Mohawk............ 339 | 32,584 123 1201' 1,935 665 23 949 1k- i 340 4 9 14.. Palatine............. 1671| 18,719 210 184I 2 998 61 5 136...................... 71 71 73 Root................ 2 01 5 12,610 2471 227 2,2261 321 33 3263 11.. 27 64 529 3561 St. Johnsville........ 66431 9,390 251 381- 565 123 30 50...................... 151 1k 12 Total............. 2,0561- 185,319 1,475l|1,6l 21920 | 327^ 1985 3,667' 53 __91 4,009 69 61 | 5211 ~4 3,960 NEW YORK COUNTY-(CONTINUED). New York city...... 1714J 1,075................|I.........................|........|5 2 50 l................ Total......... 17l 1,075 |......................|........ 2...................... NIAGARA -COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Cambria.............. 26312 20,340 | 2271' 1431' 1,6651 3681 221J 3,742... 63 211 12 93 Hartland............ 5681 37,090 2084 1541 1,9323 1,006 2311 14,0573 2 1,308 16 87 Lewiston............. 223-i 15,633 1773L 1191 1,734 1321 20| 1,504 3 3j...... 870 35...... 121 Lockport........ 3731- 26,107 37313 332 2,6951 3811" 91' 4, 72 21 51 1,2081 551 471 238 Newfaile............ 5855 45,090 156 132 1,495 1,4801 1821 23,020 32"1 5 2,595 851 81 4901 Niagoara............. 1 071 337 1713 1471 1530 Pendleton........... 128' 8,993 3311 10341 970 99i, 26j 1,066| 2 10........ 25' 4k- 77 Porter!.............. 183 15,731 20 1 21 1 2,1563 6,9449 7 I 1,165 18 34 454 Royalton............ 396q 26,129 4821 3781 4,570i 3314 76l 3,889 3 10~ 623 29 30 109 Somerset............ 232 24,417 262 1 8 961 1,043-3 1704 13,718 8...... 1,450 501...... 390 W heatfield.......... 3421' 22,455 2314 18732 3,4071 1631 13' 1283!1.................................. GWilson............... 3618 29,969 2451 2111 3,8531 1,5711 233 25,51 45 2 1, 885 1504 1 191 849 Total.......... 3,845gi 282,291 ll 3,070 2,175| 27,042|||1 6,7 - l 1013 9.,5 ~ 17 50i 1, 91 18| 2 1,560' ONEIDA COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Annsville.......... 937414 35,219 9 141 147 II1 73 1785 191 131 3,700 751 441 31 Aug:,usta............ 155 15,658 53-1 561' 752 135 147| 2,016 3 11 500 1741 11 1141 B r d e a e......... 1 4 1 5 3 13 3 1 9 283 1 6 11..... - 5 1...... 8 Cmiden....... 2741 21,039147 2 321 3,4 7 9 3 1 1518 30 0 1 268 21 11 510 4rc.... 0 2 11 0........4...1 91 21 a"-yd................. 212 14,94 71 1 34 0 14.. 3 11 41 2 Parlatne..<........... 28671 29,719 60 184`1 9987 99 83 1,561 11...... 165 23 NewHartford........23610 247,42 11 237 29,26 361 121 3571'"i 1 7101 61 20 3 Stu e............. 1 2 99 01 1 4 1 2 1 1 9..... Trentoh............. 281 3,4 1 4 | 2 91 0 8 0 6 Totial.............., 8 1:96,12 1053 9 1 1 2 8 3....... 23 Vernn...........2,04 120,231 1,451 71,6` 19,01 1527 80 1,984-1 3,6 [[ 6-~0-0 36- 1 3936' eorona.......... 57 4,4 51 43 72 26 14 3631 1 94 3 41 8 Toenal.............. 37;113478 1 I 6 4 5i 98 2 1| 90-6 11 6 Western~~~~~~,]][]! —...I....'.....~ 2631 21,8 551.... 9 4| 1 981 l 35 1...... 2 Hestmoland.......... 327| 3700,1208; 715601 1,2081 41, 00 231` 4,579.2~ 1 1,30 145 11 1`1 485 Lewitstown............ 293 5 2,331778 7191 17 34 1532 120 ~: 81,5 4' 8o71 235109....{......... L o c k p o r t........ ____ _ __ ___ ______ I_ __ __ __ ___ __ _ __ ___ ___ _ _ Totfane.............} 7595711 727,090 811 54|9,8l!76 525 10,49ll! 1,4|_80 8' "23,0243_259 366} 8`5 | 8`1,490~ 3314 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. MTON ROE COU-NTY-(CONTINUED). FLAX. HEMP. HOPS. TOBACCO. APPLE ORCHARDS. GADESS Acres sown. Acres in crop. Acres planted.'Acres, cultiTOW NS. _____________ _______vated. Pounds of Lbs. of Pounds har- Pounds har- Nunmber of; Bushels of Barrels of ___ lint. hemlp. ve.,i ed. ves'led. tree,, ill apples. cider. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1SG64. 1864. 1865. 1864. 1864. 1865.:1864. fruit. ly164. 1864. 1864. Perrinton......... ~~~80...............: 10 10 8,0 2 4-1! 33,250 122,498! 35,934 714........ Pittsford......................*.................................... 79 571122, 134 113,108 120,7501- 743 3A. R ochester................................................................................. 790 36523 1 Rush....................~~...................... i..........I 6...., 2 1 2,811,8 4 714.... SR ede............................. I.... 31 i 46 I 4,3250 23 I 10 258,00 | 0 925 23,264 I6 H........ Rocebster..............00........... 5..5..2100.1......... 1,0 1,04 36 42 22 86 | 6 Ruh....n..................................................... 80,5900 | 102 056 | 9,07 300 4....... Total~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~........... 2,80!...... 10......'200 5! 8s 124| 8|^ 1jO^ _^ j2j^48 Asw e rden........................i............. 33 9 9 4,60 325................120,831 I27,96845 5' 8 Canajohare............... 7 7...... 62, 272 15.647 1 117,|,12,97 | 11, 86 17,731.40....13 Webster........... 2 390........ 541 70 %........ 2 0 6656 I J0,10 214,0614 17,941 455- |.... W h alan d............................................ 33 2,00, 9,498 12,077 433.. 7 Minden........... 695 4 43,500 423 4271 221,950 251 ~ ~~~~~~~~..... 6 I 24,275 11,52 1545 50...... Totalk........... 258............2.000.......................... I............... J....... 3! 10,85 9 2 4 8 60,1, 5 5443-j- 4 2'i Palatine............ 761................. 131 124 62,904 7j........ 8,8 0i 7,831 79 685 25981 8Amsote a....................... 14, 1 7 8 0 1, ^...., 1 |1,09 1, 7 5.... Charlesohnsvl............................... 143 130 21,607 86....,0 10 3,34 41,502 20173........ Florial........... _253 1 11 |350|,7 1,09z 53,84 __ 6, 15 0 142 i~03861 132,941_j,045 _'3 Glen Yokct............. 1,050....... |......................!............! 1507 150253,0 9 12 33 4 3 1,012 M oh awk..................J................... |.. _..\ - -. - -,.. _ 1 0 2_ 0 _7 _1 0 22 Hartland.~~~~~~ ~~~~~........................................... I..................... 18~1 255 17,450 545, 57 2, 15 3 21 Platistne...... 761.............................. 131 124 62, 11........ 9,756 7i 8,8590 14 1 0 288 16 Ne fne..... 82 70............!..... 14 34 1254 78,493 16-,........!,14,0 09 32,79 35,99 557| 6 St. J eohnsv e......,0............I..... 33 30 21 4,5800.............. 1...0 3,7349 41 52, 6 1 52......... Porter............. ~21,553 1......0,0 2,0..."I... 53....... 1........ 1 1 381 6.... 0,74 |2 1 7",8837:18324 16 4 6 | 38 Totalto........... 9 0 0 3...!................ ~ 3; 3 9 5 |3, 0 6 9 6 1 5 4 | NS oe r kse t.y............00.................................... 1 ^........2, 0 2 1,531 3 5,28 128 |..... *W heatfield........ |........ i............ i..~ ~ ~.......11 2 t 1,800 8,54 7,8 9 1.. 012. Total....................r 8.....1....|.24 i.7..5^ 15 l ~ 31 ^ ONIAGAA COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Cambrial 22 0......... 9,2............ 36 5. 1,50......... 2,11 2 3 10 00 2 4,8 36, 7,7 8 5131 19.... Hartland................................ 1 i 54 8 -,7 0 I.....................|82 7 65 1 057 28 281 382....... Lewistone.............................................. 3. 460.1......................6 18 6803 14,2283 - 28 1 1.... Lockporat......... 27,500.......... 421 309 74200 4..... I 1,90( 59,2517 3, 13,27 2559 84... Camde......... 275...................7 3,5; 1U 1 65,0 4 6 9 5 05 Floefnce.......... 8 27 0.....'.......... 6 612 7,1493 1....|..............0 52,492 65 037 557....... Niagar............ 10,024............. 3i ",0 | -........ 825 6,28,1596 3135 3 P ede to.......................0 0...... 8 51... 1,4 805 -............, 4 7,0636 5175 I.... M arcy............ 5,797.................. 1 1 500 71........ 5,000 7,800 12,877............. 293.... 3.. Porew ar... d... 21 9.0.............. 14. 17 10,72 9'5 1,50| 606 28,65 72(. 1 Pari............ 740................ 8..5.44 46.3..2, 30|.2, 78 2,27.15. Royalt n.......... 9,000................................................ 4........ 1 3.................,98......... Kome............. 70.................. 14i 17i 20.540 10^1 3s| 8,300; 9,854 14,003.... 12 420Q 1 ^1 23 35,211 2c Som persiet......... 37,000................. 6 2 7 3....... -4051 4!47 0 4 6 6 7 1, 2 2........ *Trentoned...........1250.................. I2I I 600 2U - 5,900 | 8,3675 16,765 2311 | 2 W tison............ 25,000....................... 3 1. 2,0.........181 4 5,800 1,1032 30,203 2 4562 Verno.......... 171~5........... 25 125 171,68 31 U 3 1,005 17,1803 28,569131 5 9810, 1...1. Verona............................ 46s 51 25,655 5i 1^ 22,09 116,769 36668 1,203 Tostalr........... 3 00 2......... 4 1- 2 1,79 131........... 11 29 12 92 2088..... An esville......... 96,790.......... 386 502 I14,874 16 0 23,000 14,91 0 37,015 1,037I........ W hitestown.....................~~~........... 103.....6 5,12 10, 1,00 | 9,152 11,05 6 9 5300' 2 Augutal........... 12,040r 2. Ti........ 3374U 409 19,3, 64982 5440,1 -_5, 6,1'3,5 ^ 6, 1 _J,31 _ 1 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. 335 3dONROE COUNTY-(CONTINUED). MARKET GARDENS. I rNEAT CATTLE. Acres tol i o~ | ~' ~ o S. Milch cows. TOWNS. th-ted'CI w a~~ ^ | ^ ^______. __ w~~~~~aue d s ^^ 1. " --- 0~~~~~% bn of pirodUcts, o= 7 M * 11 II li ii 11 1.1 I I ^i-i-'is~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~L 1864. 1865. Perrinton... 11 4 5 00 j 175 42 133 2,105 39.... 354 342 448 28 90'910 Pittsford......... 3 760 00 3,840 I 93 10 2,059...... 17 17. 52 ~i..ga..................,857 121 46 1,365 191 194 228 18 704 691 Rochester..... 9 500 00.............................................................. 608 608 Rush.................. 10 00 1, 810 81........ 8671 40.... 221 202 236 I16 660 6 79 Sweden......................... 2, 545 142 13 952 74.... 227 268 218 48 842 834 Webster......... ~~~~5g 1, 115 00 240 14 173 1, 696 37... 29 0 2 5 80 899 Webster~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~....... 0 0 9 5 87 *W heatland......-................... 3........ 20 553 1....' 2 7 5 507 1 6 8 1~~~~~~~~~"m Total...... _4181i51,886 00 |j19,939 00 13 1 12,02611 21,897 __592_....| 4, 83 4 I 5,3086 I 5, 954 | 515 |15,058 14,9,62 MONTGOMERY COUNATY-(CON,-TINUED)). AmRsterdam......... 1,461 6....] 174 228 238 23 893 921 Ca-najoharie...... 8^ 1213 00 1, 1690 329 64 7,192 212..: 417 518 514........ 2,512 2, 4329 Charleston.............. 1.......... 3 2251.....697 22....252 2 411 231 8 1,445 1 509 Florida.%................... 104 00 i 49 1 465 11 I,535 246... 697 794 275 63 1,083 922 Glen............ V! 45000 334 34 24 5,2550 251 M36 385 245 31 1,348 1 333 7 8 212 22.... I.... 0 445, 6 Minden................... 3,992 2 500 5453 Moheatla........n2d 39900 I 1243 114........., 468 71 207 1 1,675 1, 758 Mohawk~~............ 961 6 29 1 Palai..e..... 9 500 00 11,065 1,155 73 5,970 240 Root.............................! 2,162i 113 3 6,869. 416.... 462 5 605 284 19 2,0 ~,97 St. Johnsville..........;|...... i 2, 625 185 6 12,2"00 91.J 1 19 165 5 1,461 1,525 Total.......... 3341 3,766 00 |19 2-5-383 2,776 1990 51,124 3,094|.... 28 - 4,773 3,016 196 20,269 19,903 NEGW YOEK COUNTY-(CoNTIrrUE1)). New York city.. -1 *54'24 52 00 ||ll........................ 75 |;...........3 12........ 1 8 79 so Total....... 1 54 124,525 00....... I..... 11...... 6 3 12........I 8 9 | 86 NIAGARA COUNT7'Y-(CO.NTT-,'-INUE). Cambria............. 3 5 1,743 00 1 920 35..'. 418....... 205 312 160 12 846 8672 Rartland........ 10 1, 820 00 230........ 118 3,049 32-!.... 2 79 407 325 53 1, 06 7 1,088 Lewiston........ 1I 100 -0o 275 54 10 8505 23 0i.... 251 352 212 30 850 83")8 Lockport........ 62il0,483 00 373 22 287 1.288. 76i.. 412 456 551 29,44 1,0 438 Newfane......... 5| 5.6900o 19 57 46 392 1,344 3 1.. 27 3 448 302 50 1,068 1, 072 Niao-ara......... 38 i' 3,240 00 I..............25 42 33 I.. 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 1 Pendleton................................ 975 3.... 11 172 1 7 3 17 5 7 15 5 76C Porter. 1........I.......... 105 10....... 3,610. 10 749 230 286 129 9 696 697 Royalton......... 9 45000 419 159 2,700 4,337 54.... 2464 560 860 33 2,227 2,236 Somerset........................................ 13 23, 7 64 21.... 17 6 C66 134 30 6,453 654 Wheatfield....... 35 38 332 1,288 96.... 421 398 634 16 786.785 Wilson........... I 1, 127 00 826 335 11,124 2,637 1246| 7[289 364 321 24 12, 75 1,0 0982 Total.......... 9 0 0 40 1 6990 5,118 21, 98011 654-12.. 3.. 3, 2119 4,.121 3,9'01 3 11,7 0 ONTEIDA -COUNTY^-(CON-TINUED). Annsville....................... | 2,628 16........ 900 85.... 431 409 169 128 1,962 1,783 Augusta............................ 21, 620 384........ 1,011 41.... 17 219 112 5 1,238 1,272 Ava................................ 6,586 53........ 385 65... 266 272 2,006 54 1,525 1,812 Camden~)i"T......., i 1230 8,69 2..... 4,170 - 6... 632 624 9 - 1 22,4 Florence~~~~.........,.................. 2 8 8 9.....'... 7339.... 4 7 2 4 4, 7, 7 Lee...;........,........... 5, 29 13...... 72 56.... 3 6 9 19 59 2 8 8i, 9 Mary....... 33464 00 2,55 11 42 31 4.... 30 7 324 2, 2 240 Mas al..........I................;89 2 1........ 755: 36 2.... 313. 36. 62 8 7,91 1,413 ew arfr. —-4 13 6200 4,4 0.... 148, 7... 8 24 41 4,6,8 uRammse............ 39 5. 1,7 8....... 107.. 294 29 312 3 1 62 2,816 8,67 Rome ~~~....... 2 1 8501,36724.....3,9 10.. 05 7 425 90 3,242 3,056 Hatangefld............;.....,... 13,73 42...... 1,93.. 2179 241 170, 0 22 9,01 98 Steube{............... 7,8586 90205 oo... 55 2 435 12 3,165 4 95 Trenton......... 3 40000 7,865 256 145 1,386 103q;~.... 39 31 31{1 384{,6,Yewrson............. 25 0,61 14 0 172 8.. 9 385 219 0 822580 2,54 Verona............. 2600 2,41 146 55 1,65/ 104.. 71 2041 16 388I,8 Lockport.......... 62. 10,43 00 } 1,64 73 90 462 288. 71~:.... 367 398 476 67512 1,4409 1,667 N ewsaern....................6 00,197 4 68 23 9, 727 56.... 4 46 388 369 221,0592 1,027 I etm rlaga,................. 2 85 3561186 15.. 35 0 175 1,7,8 Whitetown..... 36| 7,91000 1,06 36........ 3663.... 287656,2,5 Toa..~a t~........;/^ ^ 252 l5,017510|13433Ol 1^ 5i^._,6_ ^ 1 5__,2Q _068 58476:..................,~ ~ ~ ~~~~~....... cltiat. 336 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. MONROE COUNTY-(CoNTINUED). T07i~NSNEA'P CATTLE 1 BUTTER. NEATF BUTTE-R. CHEESE. HORSES. SWINE. SHEEP. TOWN tS. r* Gallons of l Perriton....... 290 96,172 7,513 4,175 70 71 845 7 1 1007' 1,621 1, 8 320,908 7,829 7,925 Pittsfrd........ 55 53106 1,730........ 36 32 576 1,203 1307 77 169,593 5,042 4,957 Riga........... 51 66,940 6,935........ 59 47 771. 1,182 1,034 1,037 217,303 9,180 10,488 Rochester....................................................... I, 102 13 141 1 73 96o 16,915................ Rush.. 115 6,7 I 3240........ 64 42 73....,0 99 5,0 4,5 Siwe 51,90 den3,5.....40 54 97.... 920 1,010 1,140 256,623 9,212 9,998 Webster........ 100 84876 930.......... 838 2,088 1,151 256,424 5,001 4,63 Wheatland.... 1.. 61 37,440 2,471 51 55 813 11 893 690 840 167,990 9,845 10,040 Total......... 3.247..74890 69 1,0 22 998 16,759 |68 11 18,933 i_23367 22,1025.788,010 l39 174 151288 TMONTGOMERY COUNTY-(CON.,TINUE:D). Amsterdam..... 1 782,9767 6 400 3,855 343 5657 112, 810 1, 888 2, 2097 Camajoharie,..... 295 132,007 526, 572 3,925 131 77 813!1 6J 1, 154 996 902 165, 079 11 878 1,082 Charleston...... 228 118374 104570........ 71 63 670.... 668 475 554 125,219 2,954 2,110 Florida......... 216 115,434 293,613 600 116 77 919 4 1,254 941 1,045 200,814 2,857 2,558 Glen........... 255 89,t10.270,439........ 72 1 69 726.... 73 6 487 08 163,9312 93,315 2,0879 Mindn..... 227 133,322 1,212,324 1.500 60 1 68 747 1 1,382 906 1,138 238, 843 760 76 Mohawk........ 171 93,825 127,678......... 60 64 ~ 605.... 1,189 1,235 1,021 198, 383 i!3,012 2,933 Palatine........ 191 124,088 8716,890 1,460 56 44 686....| 1,486 692 1,026 203, 335 1,729 1,896 Root........... 236 116,1731 2'75, 348........ 83 76 816 1| 2 1,046 924 804 158,133 3,118 2,72 St. Johnsville 58 35,120 468972........ 14 18 326 97 209 330 70,678i 275 63 iTotal...T lt7 —..... Total......... 2,015 l035,731||4,207,006 7,885 694 583 |6,9022 |9 10,79 | 79 20 1, 0,957 2,5 636604 20,7861 19, 596 MNTEW YORK COUNTY-(CONTINUED). New York city...139,756..................1] 5 7 1, 0 12 73,609 3,200............... nTotalr. _................ 12,650 |...... 15, 6 7 68 12 73, 609 3,200 1.............. NIAGARA COUNTY-(CO-NTINTUED). Cambria.. 8,379 1045.... 761 6 7 648 851 1,001 1233,220 7,010 8,177 Hartland........ 1110 100,772 3,505 200 7 74 1,107....: 1, 046 1,198 1,521 313,788 11,330 10,558 Glewiston........ 655 6489,20 I/..7,49...I 6 7.. i 73 0833! Lewiston........ 64 64,820..........~~........ 72 69 925 2! 592 1,152 888 188, 666 5, 654 7, 037' Lockport......;... 129 96,570 1,395 11,664 88 92 1,348 35 1,28 0 1 1,311 298, 412 8,904 976 Newfane........ 124 95, 243 186......... 51 54 1, 097 141 d 992,1,274 1,460 312,712 11,37 3 1,,12,795 Nia-ara......... 170 32,051...... 13,925 39 37 581 2 381 351 443 89,930 1,218 1,182 Pendleton....... 17 14........ 36 57 463 3 301 542 634 125, 950 5,069 3,473 Porter.......... 82 80,396 7,50........ 49 43 -752 1 | 594 747 8135 193, 520 8, 925 10, 486 Royalton........ 330 135,245 8,255 100 98 117 1, 761 5 14 371 1, 675 2,102 439,540 17,269 19,195 Somerset........ 46 83,373 4, 665 |........ 39 71 709....' 854 811 938 222,710 11, 204 4,7100 Wheatfield...... 74 49,510 6,815 |...... 73 72 629 65 1,002 966 813 152,730 2,154 2,735 Wilson...... 243 92,547 14,030 |.... 60 89 973 9 |11,141 1, 185 1,465 339,454 15, 074 17,017 Total.......... 1, 509 966,28S6 [I 52,260 ||25, 889 754 844 |11,224 1~l36 1I 110,202 i1.1, 922 13,421 12,910,632 |il105,184 105, 831 O'NEIDA COUNTY-(CON.TINUED). St.Jonsville...... 154 13626 | 47952.....1 47 3 91 5 40 37 0 625 157,14 1 51 1,90 Ava............ 119 5910 4425 1464 7 3 6 5 1 3 8,9721 639 14,012 Brdeae..... 60 4 9C 38, 0I........i, 23 15 365... 284~ W 251 375 88,o05 1,17 Camden~~~ ~ ~~~~ -..... 20 12,845 6,20201,700 39 4 1 1 4 78 13,98 138,63 Deerfield ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I''1 ~si~,~o ~so i........ 8,8 197 2,7........ 55 6 52 3| 44 37 65 15,0 54 62 Totloec......... 2 1 1875 1,80...... 55 4 8 l 4 1 37 51 2,9,6,1 Floyd,3975.[ 2 60....1560.....68 127173,305 53,600........ 2 23 46........7 9 0203 95 2 Cambrian......~.. 1,46....70'9908 30 61 1,00 652633 42 5 3 13,498,1,80,1,87 Hart....... 21 74,4672 51,381,950 51 450 747 1 52 53 49 9,916 907:: 6887 arhl......;. 51 11,304 14,80.... 3 6 53. 9 73 3983,26 2244 New~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~/ IatfI.. 2,27 89,12 11,:5 4580 37 6869 5 6283 5 148,591 1,08}7 1,019 Lockpor......... 1299 192,590 301,52.......82126250.... 581, 316549830 110,7480470 8493 Roefne........... 658 14,60 54,50 128,574 9 3 04 18 899 2131 1,6243 12,787 Sangerfl14 9...33 5.50 7,31260 46 2 532... 48 221 55 9,097 6,827!,01 Sitg=e=......... 17o 321,70 o1798.. 30 32 4 3......'~ 1 483 5716 5581 41328,6910,1806 1,156 Prendlton..... 26 0,9 5,5..... 0 2 603 1 3 567 67 16,561 893 70 Porter.......... 372 80,1496 7605,8........ 55, 36 659.. 586 41 70635 1965,40 1/,6995 10,420 Vienltna.........{ 3 17 835,245 18,425.... 1004 29; 17,767 5 51,73871 14,378 2,104I1,69 2 1,144 Soerseter.........4 12,58809 2751 4 7 0 4 631 147,1o93 1,598 4,67oo'Wesmoreand 4. 275 11,769 48,673........ 48 31 736 2 58 1 8 77 209,4 280 247 Whetiteld w...... 246 54,590 5414 3377 47 14 53,7 8 40 477:,9 107,39 26,701 Total ~ ~ 2,4 1,00......... 745 ||,88,4 9,0854 |19, 8|l,17241,6 15,82 5b5 1_3,79_ 3465 [_6, 30 39,34,544_I]3" 074 4 70i82 AGRICULTURIAL STATISTICS. 337 MO-,,-ROE COUNTY-(CONTINUED). SHEEP. POULTRY. 1iS DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES, 1864. TOWNS.- Lamibs Lamnbs Pounds of Pounds of Sheep Numnber Value owned; Value-sold, Value of eq'gs -2 Yards Yards Yards Yards of raised in raised in wool shorn wool shorn, slau-li-'killed by 18G5, 186-1. sold; 1864. ^^ of fu'lled of flannel. of linen. Colton and 16. 18,65. in 1864. in 1865. le trel il iJ dloas in )^ cloth. mnixed 1864. 18'64. -~ ^ ^~~~~~~~~~~~ cloths. Perrinton.....2,208| 2,7221 33,259 38, 330 599 65!821850 00 ^2,49 8 90',"2, 2 05 1 6 ^9190(0. 94 42 4- 74 5 Pittsford.......... 1, 783 1, 876'22,411 22, 508 83 35 1,647 75 i 1,051 00 1,110 00 711 50............................ ig............. 3,00 3133 45, 26 7 46,07-6 113 4 1,920 50 1,830 10 1,848 50 571 1 5............. R ochester...............I................................. | 2112 60 7 00 25 20...................................... Rush............. 2,390 2,708 31,281 18,326 302 4 2.795 50 2,111 80 2,4467-0 885 50........................... Sweden........... 3, 134 3, 628 43,489 47,566 68 44 2,6018 50 1, 860 00 1, 991 50 311 75 22 116 28 20 Webster.......... 2,409 3, 013 24,657 1.9,454 192 18 2.7151 50 12, 342 40 2, 331 86 392 03 267s 67 5 1801........ "W heatland........ 2,8981,3,2073 47,319i1 33, 593 310 7 |1,818 00 1,211 00 6302 00 8-2 5 00......................... Total........... 48, 4-75^55, 672'639, 8094"590, 836' 3,733 52 7 |,53, 0,77_33 |38, 706_05 33, 743 98 18_, 608 59 ||_918__2,204 __446 _9 1 MONTGOMHERY COUNTY-(CO-NTINUED). Amsterdam........ 1,170j 1,451 6, 152 8, 053 1 181 13 ||1,431 00 830 00 1, 520 00; 878 00 | 214 175) 30....... Canajoharie....... 6501 901i 3,521s- 4,679 84 7 25 2,93-8 50 830 00 1,778 00 |1,825 25 160 1003i! 237....... Charleston......... 2, 462| 2,009| II,3561| 8,5 10 8 239013752359 00 240 75 156 57 998 36 Florida........... 1,987, 2, 196i 10,934 9,9(58 1-02 41 90,31000 1,3t-)13 50!1, 811 00 1, 278 00 1 87 93 167 82 Glen............. 2, 1741 2, 330, 10,590- II, 737 195 46 2, 349 00 844 2 5 1,247 36 1, 391 25- 1 152 332 92 32 Minden........... 5781 026 3,036 3,1924 6 0 2 3,2 69 00 775 00 I, 800 60 1, 857 701 184 159 380 10 Mohawk.......... 2,1071 2,4 11, 121 11,87 52 115,90 57,50 20 550 485 10....... Palatine.......... 1,44611,564 6, 728 6, 746 Ill 34 2, 509 00 8 14"25 6 75 00 1, 867 00 595 393 186 6 Root............. 2,22 2,27 11,1522 4 10,750 177 19 2, 742 50 1, 320 25 I, 93 6 00 865 75 368 367 1, 257 60 St. Johnsville.. 1861 284| 1,249 1, 576 14 10 1,00500 188 00 226 00 I.......... 342 310 9d0 30 Total............. 15' 3215, 756|_62117,51,4 333 J124, 701__00.9,11 _5j447 6|11, 131 00 i 2,S808_ 2,9,91 3,447 25 NEW YORK COUNTY-(CONITINUED). N ew York city..........!........................'18, 200|....... I.......... I 100 00.......... i 395 00 |.....................I... Total..............................^ ^ ^ _.^ ^ Jl8,_2_O 1......_.^.^...... i 100 00_. ^.._... | _ 395_ 00^...... ^J._... ^ ^.............. NIAGARIA COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Cambria........ 3, 069 3,912 30,362 35,891 1 901 211 2, 720 50 12,084 00 2,798 57 150 00^.............................. Hartland..........: 4,268 5,178 47,350 45, 3461s 242 29 3,172 80 2,363 85 2,120 25 | 25 4 3s22.... Lewiston.......... 2,714 3.699~ 22,907 27,780 159 108 2,567 00 1,635 00 1,338 00.......... so 284.............. Lockpoft......... 3,546 4,266 39,126 42,316 200 158 3,514 33 1,732 78 3,259 52 1,271076 199 219 148 712 Newfane.......... 3,694 4,949 48,629 127,849"- 138 68 3,410 50 2,604 25 2,97-230 21.300 264 504 18 69 Niagara............ 457 663, 3,563| 4,701 627, 22 948 23.436 50 726 24 227 50 27 369 10....... Pendleton......... 1,228 1,739; 10,775 14,473 66 59 1,569 00 651 00 962 80 1.59 00 75 883649 Porter............ 3,515 3,961 40,985 45,828 232 44 2,631 05 1,134 66 1,956 44 1,930 00 29 112 37 3 Royalton.......... 6,058 8,022 78,214 86,059'461 219 3,922 25 2,264 75 3,920 00 143 00 134 480 14....... Somerset......... 3,-618 4,817 52,561 121,171 78 41 1,810 00 1,393 00 1,789 00....................................... "Wheatfield........ 1,209, 1,663 8,8714.11, 132 713 47 922 00 474 00 650 40 61 1549.... *Wilson........... 5,363 6, 613J 65,692 77,0771- 43 7 27 3,577 30 2,354 21 3,448 30 1,632 7 3 3 35 1 705 13 7 1149s Total............. 38, 739 49,_482'448, 038 1439,624 12,803 |l,033 ||3 0,749 9 7 ^9_595^i5J88649 1 7j'31j 64._3 0 NTETDA COUj-NTY-(CON. —TINUE-D). Anlnsville....... 7481 1,290! 5,057 6,879 71 6!| 1,788 00 88S 00 1,439 00 I 10 00 690 1,515 444 342 Augusta........ 108~ 1,183! 9,596 7,684 129 1 1,330 I22 107 6 45 6 7 9 Ava.............. 15 21 67-41 3,163 3,728 67 7 888 50 745 00 34 00 1.......... 451125 281 86 338 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. ONONDAGA COUNTY. ACRES. ICASH VALUE. ACRES PLOWED. ACRES I^ NGRASS LANDS. T~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~F LOWS. Acres in pasture. Meadow. TOW NS. _______ ______ Improved. Unimprov- Of farms. - Of stock Of tool, and'1864. 1865. 1864. 1865. 1865. - ed. IS65. 1665. 1865. implelents.! 1805.3. I1861. 1865. Acres. Acres. 18-641. 18~65. Camillus............. 16,8714 3,065 [81,512,256 8158,412 |b43 229 1| 6,1073 5,2 457 Cicero............... 15,6814 11,957 1,405,160 180,526 45,108 }[ 4,776 4,8855s 2051 224 i/ 4,90'2! 5,086:| 4,877 4,9141 Clay................ 17,919/ 5,427 / 1,599.637 191,98'3 54,434 | 6,115s 6,42o D 1,149 l,48 \ 2 5,927 5,902 5,430~I 5,614,~ De, Witt............. 15,614 6,988, 205s 315 l 5,313.~ 5,379 4,29411 3,953 Elbidge............. 17,523 4,190 t1,529,040.156,012 47,(206 i 5,404 5,338'~/ 239 4244 4,027 3,977-7 2,874s,! 2,9'354 Fabius................ 21,427 8.263s1 1,295,187 240,921 29, 605! 2,657 2,8991 44 19 6, Geddes.............. 3.548 649 345,010 28, 8 1 9......! 668 1 84-1 1,069 901 Lafayette.......... 18,80611 5,1151,- 1,345,765 191,760 55 148 | 5,5441 5,264 | "58 309 | 5,67.44 5,792- 41 Lafayet-....... IS' 5 5, 54 5, (1114 i 21 ~~~~~~~4, 124 1! 4,371~ Lysander............ 28,023 6, 737- 1,874,675 2:33,505 65, 722| 8 8,1 8,995 135 143 78,391 7,557s 5,19815,200 Manlius............. 20,5542 6,514 1,809.514 238,800 60, 587 1} 6,59!71): 6,,460 64 541I 607 7,189 7,0091 5,48211 5,895 llarcelius............./ 16,739il 3, 088| 1,267}380 170,459 47, 235 4,'36 -4 4,5701T 7(9 19,3 5,1591) 5,2401 3,301|1 3,887 Onondaga............ 31,503~1 8,1994 2,94-5,822 369,772 |100,031 10,098 9,664 615 /7031[ 9,0091i 9,177 6,863s 7,1601 Otisco................ 14,75'2i 3,7522 781,381 147,719 \34,519 i 3,8501 3,605! 1[2 7 48; 5,370,:] 5,145 3, 585|"i 3,.884 Pompey.............. 33,,334 7, 105. 2,065,702 326,811 64,251 i 8,425,3i 8,2148 102 126 114,048:! 13,503 8,681i4 9,S00 S-dilia............... 6,267i 6, 266s| 730,200 74,856 22,955 I 1,99 J8 1,9544' 43 621 1,532s1 1,489. 1,86!| 1, 2 Skaneateles........... 22,4921" 11, 405 1,434,660 198,032 49,936 9/ 5,560i 5, 306'- 2455 1701:. 5,8001,I 6,09511 4,328t 4,9641 So aford............. 14,794 4,1 773,659 165,640 43,045 | 4,4681 4, 218s1 172 128 ) 5,0 4,040 t 43,04a it 4,4;t.,, -,,,-....,~~~~~ 2 5420 4;43 I,4, o04 Syracuse.............. 958'] 139 199,500 7,725 3,245 9 323 247 42 16 1 5 Tully................ 10,884:2 3,578 448,221 1 16,291 2,76 2 2,696 It 18 47I 6,182 6,206 3o,503 3,,557 Van Buren........... 1 6, 13 9 3,138 1,02,02 206, 524 43, 255 5, 822 5, 769i 217s 219 5, 4431 5),21I8 3, 062! 30895 Total.............. 343,8341109,472 i 26,591,036 -3,607,1-3 882,434/| 99,6885' 97,760:`4,98915,427 115,$681 1114,7571 82,57 94 85,i739 ONTARIO COUNTY. Bristol..............' 26,444 | 4,396 i770,690 145,155 26,850 I 3,25U'' 3,81 2 8 3s! 8,650s! 4,783 3,896 Canadice............. 13,139 5,605 447, 100,128 It 21,197 |3,339 3,248...62 |51 5,22 5,320 2,791 2,918 Canandaigua......... 5,8312,149,623 29'3355166,13 6,521 5,4141,616 -East Bloomiield.......! 18,350|1 3,540 148.333 <,6,191 |, 3,739~ 4,1961 546-, 720 [ 4,990 5,075 3,089 3,483 ~Farmington. 18,432I 4,322~| 1,131,765 I61,962! 26,57 11 5,299 5,4071l 570i 655'. 5,222 5,114 2,933~ 3,2651 Gorham.............1 24,8601| 5,6221 1,873,409 258,736 i 60,851.! 7,8501t 6,68841,167 1,337 5,245 5,714 4.5092 4,763 Hopewell............ 17,889i 3,507 1,236,375 156,280 52,444 5,678 5,582!1, 034 1,122 4,334 4,26 3,2641s 3,385 Manchester.......... 18, 52 3,332 1,412,361 18 7 7,313 9 70 4,228 4,71 2,36 25 Naples.............. 15.3681 8,639 1 954,285[ 182,820 34,917 U 4,0814t 3,900.4 196 9003 5,7161 5,695 o 3,647~ 3.697Phelps.............. 30,254a, 6,3804J 2,815,952 279,530 81,2'26 11.6532i 11,781.1,546'1,752 8,568 8,538 4,.8411 4,928 Richmond............ 24,7791 8,184 1,260,901 226,914 30,691! 3,608 3,509 -315 |270 1 8,760 9,005 4,321i 4,534 Seneca.............. 37,117| 7,8582,911,852,381,00)6 l00,258a' 9,843 9,15 101,610~1,61U 8,923 9,(010 7,1274 7,3:,86a Seneca ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t,..............3,o 1.~ 52_ 4..,.. 4 South Bristol......... i1,~45916,049 i{96 20,065{40.1,343 13,421. 601,653 94,661 i 17,974 2,059[ 2,004 |39 59 6,049 6,265 2,060 2,400 Victor............... 18,462 3,817-14 1,761,380 25 2, 341z 50, 815. 4,595 5,155 }1,050 777 5,1671, 5, 0554I 2,6053 2,807' West Bloomfield...... |12,9070 2,316 697,835 1,24 529|313 2,98,)1 398 602 3,647| 3,809 1| 2,411 2,6 Total |318,361| 86,77 2741 80,640 1 78,832:10691 2189 _93, 3074| 95, 5,| 59,673 ORANGE COUNTY. Blooming Grove......I17,3491 4,163 1,310,120 243,841 50,0561.1,394 1,570`4 12 6i 8,4071[ 8,0901 6,325,2l 6,4061 Chester....... 12.657i 3,150 1,035,422 175,900 34,79511 1,374/ 3063! 35 277 6,271'2 6,267 4,538 4,605 CornwM1 ~~~~~~~~............ I 4]91 Cornwall............ 8,582/ 1f,200 1,004,000 87,810 19,052/| 1,2645/ 13195,!...... I/ 2,384/ 2,476I 3,059/ 3,120M Crawf6rd.......... 19,5201- 4,581 /1,165,570 219,010 43,580 2.948 94 5 35 15 I 8,803j 8,760 6,246TI 6,3 22 Deerpark............ 1 8,363T25,132 571,265 61,179 21,046 2,3521 768[ 66 | 2,9691/ 3,138,;! 2,2821[ 2.2321 Goshen.............. 20,4253 2,473 I1,983,300 269,232 56,990 2 2,299 - 1,994 |9,623 9, 6031 7, 398 7,971 Greenville........... 3,14,678 24,140 1,5641| 1,389 47' 37 7,77111 780O 3., 189,655 181,,275 38,340 1,706 1,715 28 29 6,365 6,374i 5,101 5.163 Minismk............. 11,8574 ~~~~~~~~~~~2,330 805,102 126, 789 IS1,668 1. 2,20 2, 030-V"...... | 6,2'3 6 6,39 2. 945 2, 938)0 Miiik............. 18w!2 O'I 11. 857~ 2,33()~'i[ 805,102~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~3~ 8 5 Monroe............... 19,660 51,770 i1,663,255 194,605 36,461 2,160A 2,300s 38' 801 8,082s 8,409 8,356 Mon'tgomery......... 22,749 5.714 1,316,945 199,785 50,925 /4,046s 3,971 / 36 41 6,879s 6, 899 6,76(;6 6,(9.32 Moun t Hope.......... 11,730j/ 4,037 591,100 104,759 23,641 1,528 1,389 | 33 19 4,999 1 4,887 3,089s 3,112q Newburgh............ 21,61541 6,942s!/ 3,496,850 2247,15.9 75,149 | 4,963~ 4,929' 9 123 8,118s 7,8924 7,578| 7,8304 New Windsor......... 17,1141~ 4, 11lo 1,948,750 235,924 49,733 3 6301 2,648t 201 6,155 6,337 5,350s 5,$72 Wallkilt.............[ 32,317 ~ 7,2771 2,404,215 403,5)11 [ 98,236 2 4,011 3,954 l 916,37 0,095,s Warwick.............J 35,658/ 28,070^3,2698 469,420[104,182 [5,952 6,2601 [17 2 18,3i],'i 18,117 i i0,220/ 10 245~ Wawaanda......... 1600 3,4 o o 1,3,1 21,9 560 163 155 1,1,4,9,3'41s Total..............t303,$58.~]t7o,260~i2-L, 5-2~T~ |3,580,470 1790,654: 44,130^, 43,0804it 42~4 448~11135 193H135, 3l_9i8,3o86 100,09 ORLEANS COUNTY. tlarre................ 3,52 0,64,5,6 42449,9 11,14 077p,639 i2,669s' 8759s! 8,876 }6,7371! 6,8673 Carlton.............. 2,5144612170 2396 350 726s6,861s_: 4701| 604 5275} 5,558} 4,52.0 4,688 Clarendon.........1,0,7s105-3 156,196 30,813 I'5,365. 5,0791 1,2531'1,463 4000, 3,936, 2,572s, 2,535s Gie.............. 1737 3,2~,8,0 26,695 72,055H 5,427s~ 5,275[ 195[ 446 4077/ 4,393/ 3,7811 3,911 Kenall..........16,565s 3,765 1,129,779 ]65,831 34,913./ 6,399-I 6,269 ]/4001325 3-,68s -,92 2,85'306 Murray............../i3,940/ 2,568s/ 927,265 135,085 260,003st 5,169 4,810 1/384/ 554-s 3821 3,87312,896 2,908i!Ridgeway............~ 2.4,298 }4,91811s 1,882,'875 235,288 75,.726 i/7,288 I7,326 [/908J>!1,087~ 6,290 6,541. 4,958s[ 5,222 Shelby..............t 20,103/ 5,619s/ 1,54'1,435 200,768 43,147 {j6,263[ 6,228 [1,23011l,344 42153/ 4,389 [3.650/ 3,728~ Yates........... 19,755/ 3,s28 11,2i1,940 206,255 36,199 ]16'765/ 6,722 t371 501 5,1'~22 5,136 /3"712 418 Total....... 1i86,327, 43,134 138-,8 1,952,488 1460,967311 61,071 59, —-|6,-2-,99 — 4523i4,2- ^,8__708 OSWEGO COUNTY. Albion.............. 9'815 1 13'401 11 510,860 | 99,846 25,221 |], 1,879,| 1,948, 5, 312 4,102! 4,168 I 3,417 | 3,'431 Areboy...'...... 7,7 1665 3060 71241,3 l27l 1,4031o...... 3.802^-1 3,702 I2,4691; 2,4434 Boylton......... 7,039~/ 5,577{ 277,084 64,665 10,787 873 914/| 2;4'| 3,824s1 3,850s[ 22741 2301 Constantia...... 7802,944 | 574,25 99,15 24762 209 2,4| 3s 50 2,974 2,94144',333s~ 2,2435 Granby.........'17,5521 8,4342;I 1 127,075 162,483 50,880 |4,818 [5,58711! 571 98 4,338 i 4,859|,6,3 (Cenlinu~d en page 3,t6.) AGRICULTURAL STATITICS, 339 ONONNDAGA COUNTY-(COQNTINUED). GRASS LANDS. SPRING WHEAT. WINTER WHEAT. OATS. WINTVER RYE. Meadow. Acres sown. A Acres sown. TOWNS. I'' I..'' _cesson I Acres sown. Bushels Biusbels, Bushels harvested. I harvested. harvested. Tons of Bushels of 1864. 1S65. 1864. 1863. 1864. 18~6 4. 1864. 1865. 1864. 1863. 18641. hay. grass seed. 1864. 184 Camillus.............. 906, 101 441......... 10 2,1131 2,4831 45,180 1,250 1,378 23,763......... 6 Clay................. 4,.7 29 131 5.,9 62 10~-/ 16 524~ 834~ 8,556 1,817/ 2,088k 22,596 63 6 55 Clay.................. 4,94 -8911 6 12-1/ 43! 714~ 991U 11,778 2,3;26~1 2,4913 25,430 373s[ 356 De Witt...............,083 22 8s 41 28 9591 1,250 I 20,060 1,6691/ 1,7861 28,476 7 I 34 ]Clbridge.[~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~......./, 4 ] 12'Elbridge.............. 3,.508 4 11.12 10 103 [ 2,294 2,525 44,627 1,363, 1,4941 23,592 89' 28 Fabius................-,0 501 25 161 219 2441 312- 4,022 "1,386, 1,514 30,845 Geddes................,1........I....... 3 1......... 386 455 8,853 289 277 6,037 8 Lafayette........... 4, 185 113[ 15^ 322 124 1,36 2 3,437 17,845 2,1143 2,1605 40,422 11 112 Lysander.............. 4,443 15 / 31 4 471 270 i 1,498 I 2,10814 28,974 2,621 2,8751 39,463 114 1041 Manlius...'............ 5,19 48 1 1 4 9 821' 1,802~ 1,947 29,310 2,6(40 2,762 44,850 4 19 Marcellus............. 3, 3 3) 1 41 40 1; 121- 19 81I 1,022 1,31-24] 16,976 1,187; 1,33'2 23,975 1 5 Onondaga............. 6,715 48 i 32 34 277 3. 395 3, 6214 55,1 85 2,92 3 3, 158 51,946 40 62,'~~~~~~~~~~~~ 404 Otisco................ 3,57 4 72 [ 701- 611 387 $888 8991/-12,250 1.726' 1,7111- 29,401 172 Pompey...............,2 8 14 118I 23`11 100 1,369 1,5444; 20,524! 3,298 3,253 54,149................ Sahnffa.................. 271318 ] [alina................. 2,183........| 183[ 9.1 111 456~ 502. 9,032 5 85/ 63 7! 8,939 361 5 Skaneateles............. 9,!965 8 9 4 54 1,550 1,(6861 25, 903,I 1I,( 1,6 1,7 18 30,758 5 50 Spafford.............. 4, 7 9 5 209 3 5 11 621L 266 734 624 8,535 1 1,(; 7 3 1, 823ll 34,829 7 5 Syracuse.............. 308 /................ 54: 161 2,695 108 133 21,827 3........ Tulley................ 3, 842 33 351 261 2 1 1 419 441.1' 5,901 t 1,332 1,5101 31,333 8 19k VanBuren............. 3,173 7 37 33.1 248 1,6401 2,217 29,714 2,11 2, 209 34,348 4 41 Total............... _j5,_586_| 1,001^ ~~~~38311 419141 2, 650li1 23, 37 0;81 299, 35611405, 925 33,98g 36, 314 ^606, 979, J! 78 829, 41 4,: 2.,,4I~~:,0 4; ONTARIO COUTNTY-(CONTINUED). Bristol................. 3588 135 235 246 1,430 855 730 8,381 928| 982-1 18, 620 16 28' Canadice............... 2,422 258 | 593 491 3,611 423 396 2,792 1,301 1,255-125,565 27 14 Cainandaiwua....... 5, 533 21.8! 187 641,i 1,1141 1 3,63 3,408 34.464 1,53o)21i 8 831 28,610 161 3841..........'8212 1 _. 0 East Bloomfield........ 3, 226 29 1 94 | 93 81 2, 05 6- 1,4121 923, 178 94 1,2902 -21, 361 37 8 Farmington............. 2,78841 9 0 A_~-1......!............. 2,7 3'21,1471- 28, 484 J1,1I21 1,4I67 16,7971d - 43 1 2 Gorham............... 4,6771'- 3181' 9|i 20 100 3,774. 3,912139,811 1,723^ 1,872 34,025 271 29~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2,4 4-3,12- 9,81, 23 1,87 3, 2 Hopewell............. 3,I36 21 391 15 5 135 2,659 2, 5 83 27,239 93 7- 1, OO0 20, 277 3 6 9 Manchester............ 2, 5121 211 4 5 40 2,428 2,407 "DO,849 1,3-)8 7 1, 449 21,902 | 17 4o Naples................. 4.2,7 214 19 43641 308l!1 3,0301 570 64 7 6,144 1,3)91-1 1, 514 26, 954 51 71 Phelps................. 4, 7421 5 1......................1 5,222 61 4, 831 6 1,75 6 2,463 2, 513 47, 27 019 158 263 Richmond.............. 4, 6141- 13)01 188 172 1, 506 1, 154 1,077-1 10, 392 1, 427 1, 321 28,~033........ 39 Seneca.................. 7, 8 75-01 28 8- 2341 273 2 4,946 4,5621 579,840 2, 393,95 1 2,1499- 51.801 51i 509 ONTARIO COUNTY-(COnTINUED). South B ristol.......... 23...... 1231 619 1 7 43 4 Vicetor...3,56088. 5,7' 1 T 24 15 55 771 7 3871 11,6 275 Cornwal.............,5451 1...................... 2 13 139 1,66 357 437|' 3, 6 2 1 2 8 Wi erpt r....ie........ 2,421 8-1...... 1 43...1 1 06 57 1,195 8 1.2891 20,889 1 90 7 761 Goshen............. 10,300 21........ 1 3 7 38 1 5,4204 73I79 1 6,5 3 161 1 Greenville..,.......... 4,780 22 1, 33 1 10,8651 595..... Totl.m................ 53,66 2 2 1 21 8 1-.. 120 136 150 ( 1,9, 4 2,32, 616 6231 1 5 55 Blomngo Grove.......... 7,0631 14....................... 1 451 4- 2 643,80 6073 7219 17,772363 617 6081 94~ amngtoern.............................. 6912,880 71,946 1,9130 68 1,5 I 3 10 Mount~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 Hoe...... 3,36 7 0, 71 16 11 183 71,7 51 56-31H 12,9594 253 5339 Conew alildsor........... 3,15481 3..................... 2613| 2713 4,353 74 4371 9,08 06,76 827 258 WanAkiolr.............. 14,4325 8311 9 6 L 702 947 14,261 1,74981 1,816 34,98 89043 1,00 Warhimk.............. 11,912 781'........ 2........ 645 797-1 9,7871 1,8131 1,918 57,5881 l,161-l!.,398. pa a.......... 4,6,78........................... 2 6, 3,91 3,93 6871 80 2,025726 4 1| Tl optaell............... 118,238-1 396, 1975 91 11, aher,............... 7,1.51 721 231 315 2 2,461 3,7 30 5,405 7328 9,, 5 Naplesn..........:...../ 3,.672~ 1351] 4361 47ll.3 4150 1,1620 947|I 7,044/ 1,39 -! 2,0 16 2,7681'42,043 1 2 139 Phrelnd.. 2............. 4 1! 22............. 1,5962 14,8791 23 1,7533 1,203 5,571 4 0,763 8............. Games........-..'......~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~ 5J8 70 9| I8 1 6 7^ 22 679 154;1503,0 8 6 ihnditir.........;... 4,143 10 22 18 21 0 1,6 3,1- 4065 10,962 4,1,42731,663,33, 2........ MSneca.............. 3,76 1 2 60 20 3 | 6861 1 1, 1,2 38|! 21,80 5 522: dgeway............. 5,7~ 43-1 1971J 32 50 499, I! 2,136 4,38012~1,,316{ 2,11116 2,2011 4,804 691 150 Souhro........../..... 763, 91 18614 361 4,81 725 1 9 8 51 6085 3 13 ictor......... 3,0.332' 88 10 676' 1,3551 ( 8 98 ~'' 7,06 1,2-1 - 2,47 6,5 96 454 Alon................ 2. 49 3 1.......................... 571c 4,o45 | 5,60,[ 1,, 013 1 7, l 21 9 14 1'mouetB loo e............. 2,171 9.... I1 5............ 561 576 12,9459 5 39 Newb urgh.............. 9,859- 1....... 371 12 158 1....1.......,948 1 398: 1 3806 -3, 638 1, 30811 2, 3,1 Now Wiadsor............ 1481 3 212 5 6 6 5 478 4411 487 95,4976 211 154 Walkl............... 4,42 31 2 49,01 82 /11 9047 31 1,692 1,410,32, 615 | 18 1 VITota l 58_ -18' 2 992'1 011 ( 11 -o — I on p e I7.) 340 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. NONONDAGA COUNTY-(CONTINUET)). W^INTERE BARLEY. BUCKWHEAT. I| IIAN CORN. P^TIA Acres sown. Acresown. For the grain For fodder.'lacres TOWVNS. plAcres__ sowned.__ [__________ p____ _ _ _'. Bushels Bushels - -- Bushels ~~~~~~~~~~~~~harvssted. havse -Is 16 1G jharse. havested, h.esd Acres planted. Bushels Acres sown. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1864. ] harvested. 1864. l'1 64. I. 18.' 865. 16 4. 1865. Camillus...................... I 1,23019 1,453 26,317 24 8 312 1,744 Cicero.................. 592 78 80 272 282 2,826 1,35 1,40 30,988 8; 313 Clay.................... 2,191 1681 2051 1,57'0 240 "I 3,644| 1.5241 2,0141 29,182 27 71i 4, 44. 54i -,014~ 2912 6~1 427D)e Witt.........0........ 352 4011 6,21 7 1051 1069 1,223z1,1,152 1,582 23,887, 26(;i 334. 289I Elbridge.................. 298 1,1391 1,393 23,338 70 2 1,257I 1,578- 1,738s 30,751 l1i i 1732 Fabius...................[......... 189 138 4,296 65| 511 597 430 553 13,22760 12~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~57i 4901t 5 531 41,27 4i71[ 60 Geddes............... 100 120 127 3,481 2....... 30 187 202- 3,840............ 46 Lafayette............... 50 789 808s 14,061 13 651 1144i 1,926 1,0590 1,1531 25,677 91-I 10s 277Lysander................ 740 733s[ 1,043-s 13,553 1491[ 175 2,017 2,562s 2,9036- 55,894 41 21 3511 Manlius.................. 20 639 1 6724 9,493 9 881 1,237 1,8391 2,1 266 36,20(0 81 2:| 1764 Marcellus................ 16 7051 831 12,304 54 133 817 9981 1,2064 25,937 14 5 171 2 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~1o 817 98/1,0;/2,35/.4,/ 5} 11 Onondaga................ 672 1,2591 1,467 22,0!)7 101 1031' 1,2661 2,071s 2,573:1 40,397 2s 7 5793 Otisco'............ 150 654 461 9122 43 60 14 482 6661,96 6 195 64 1,') it -508 4/ 02 71129 210 Pompey........................... 1,4841 1,439) 20,9751 303(!. 3872 5,085 1,0264 1,2A99 21,69 4 35 241 357' Salina.......k............. 384. 37 32|I 660 8 33 4 41 5 12,4 230 084 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3~ 74: o104 412/ 595.4 6 0 4 12, 294 7 230 7 Skaneateles.............. 100 967s 1,249:' 18,006't1 136 8'884 2,199 1,0064 1,299 25,682 144/ 7 1741 Spaford.................. 113 452 6001 8,2 78 1141. 95A 1,522 661 537 15,581 71 4 1 132 Syracuse................. 50 14 1 15 1 5 10 81 96 1,200............ 37 TFully..................... 80 127 166 2,i119I 6 13, 5 61 "T 5a48 392 4241 13,'158 14;1.1 99 I~~~~~~~~~~ anBuren............... 120 361 477 5,396 80 4 1,309 1,542 1,974 34,508 20 51 231 Total.................. 5,746 11,503 13,147 s202,307 2,062{] 2,217 29,289_ t 22,1061 26,121 8486,832s[ 2421: 220|iJ 4,6(6^ ONTARIO COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Bristol................... 187 552 647 8,197 | 101 51 1,671~: 8 661 9.28 29,3055 5"1 5II 103o: Canadice................. 40 243 242 4,1751 492 486 9,205 211 321 5,58:...... 53 Canandaigua.......... 1,677 1,0641 1,3786 15,493s 211 11 212s1 3, 1161[ 1,7791 2,0771 80,839! 1]4 51 2281 East Bloomfield.................... 1,676 966:; 14,9,88 571 401 980 1,340', 1,535s! 46,981 25 2 221 ~~~~, 401 8,4~,,3~ 4, 0S 25~ ~,.1 Farmington.............. 310 5768 731 8,207 115 15 1 1,714 6 186 Gorbam................. 165 1,352 1,835 23,079 225s 13 3,555 2,031U 2,124 59,93o9 10 12 147 Hopewell........................ 73731 1,066 13,123 140| 151s 2,5171 1.0686 1,511s 92,824 106 4 1441 Manchester.......~........ 205 862 1,23641 13,026 112! 1381 2,014 2139 2,3191. 68, 465 3s 2 232 s 9,30' 68, 465 3 -L 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2325 Naples................... 532 363 354 5,745 2571 240 3,750 719,013 23,273 5.... 139.Phelps................. 2,038 2,013 2,538-1 32,850 2491 187 3,833 3,557, 3,934-1 108,9024s 2-d 61 557 Richmond......................... 550 6641[ 8,823 171s 143 3,375t 986 1,076 29,165 8 19 841 Seneca................... 611 1,579 2,0331 27,347 490.- 4561 8,033 2,9861 3,344 90,277 111 41 2491i South Bristol............. 200 215s 285 3,357 1511- 27 2, 242 358 4151 11,350 11 3 6 ictor 1..................1.,17 0 50 655 8,095 361 791 73 1 1,5721 1,783 49,389 5 2 608 W7est Bloomfield.......... 295 1,278 414. 4,349... 31. 18s 6.12 962 1,04 28,958 4 8s 15. Total.................. 8,430 111,571 15,04821190,854~ 2,843j_2, 39_947,414l|| 22,293 25,495 874,349sJL92 81 IU1761 Total................. 17 1 15,0548101,848 2,33 2....3. 47,414. 2,23 210,40I95038722,3371 1592 81 34i 3,1781 Crawford................. 11,270........................ 2 13 I3 1312 13,387 1,411 1,266 41, 895 1- I 188' ORCANGE C OUNTY-(C'oxT~XUm)),. DeerparBloomingk................ 10,809............. 393 671 5,562 71 7 93 1962 27 181 2 81 2027 oshens.................. 2,8026........................ 1019 210 1,894 873 7865 33, 946 16 201 1 Greenville................ 5,704................|.......1 329 38s~ 5,359 ) 65341 6641' 24, 091 111 6lHJ 491 amptCornwall urgh........... 6368....... 177 /t 1 1 229 2 18 nl~~~~~~~ M isink................. 8,631..... 101 38. 1,51 38 455 476611 30,495 118571 Mrwford................. 8,2709........................ 331 387,181 4,552 1,2( 4 1 1 188 eMontgorprk.............. 27,828 8 2.. 7 43 172 3936 1984 1,984 57,222 12 5 0 TIMount Hope,....... 6,42...... 7.......... 0 61 580 20,030 181 9I 6 Newburgh............... 26,707 26 26 775 2514 381 5,412 1,470 l,530j 41,612 141 6s' 4-10i Iwinsr..... 1430 1 2 175 114 24s 1,720 1,128 1,149 40,268 161 141| 1871 alkill.................13,145 1 8 5~1 193 346 223 6,479535 1,8773 1,7291 63,894 6 1279 | earwick................. / 17,428......................... 4821 158 0 1 1,8881 76,28_4 240. 3 1951 Geawayanda................ 5,064 [I................... 19351 21 3,349| i 66111 26,083 17[ 7 6 75 Total........ ~........ 181,323 551; 40s'I L283..!!760. 63'206i 750 226^ 2,531 ORtLEANS~ COUNTY-(CON~TIN\UED).. Barre......... 4Jr66 -387s 590 5,075' 485 5i301 8,39!| 2,5211;I 2,9951',l 88,3t72 23-1 32a "Li 435' Carlton 8 II........438 700 5,645 1421 137s 2,31 1,565 2,0761 50,704 501 258^ Claren don......................... 3641 588 5,.623 134 2371 1,8.79 1 1,45811 3 3,5 3 17421 Gazines.......... 375 106i 18s 1,255 102|8 72 1,806 114 1,644| 52,64il0 12 3 21 204l1~ iendalli................. 7,061 89 1,6s 73,094 8...1 Murray.................. 70 248/ 411.. 2,851. 1 471 177 2,455 1,0671 1~348! 32.7153 41 5s 1711 Ridgeway... i... 25.. 2120 171o 1871 25 2,1, 16 1511 518z Shelby.......... 290 406s3 555 5,807'1621~ 1691 1,957 1,3593 1,661 42,992 11 6 218 ^1 Y'ates............ / }........:...5,9.68 11s2413 811, o 622 2,001 88,91.5 16 15i 24 Total.................. 3,492 II 3,006 4~,959s1 42.299s9 l l,/ 525l| 1,91 426 13,710s| 17,348 a i553,862 |! 132 141 j_,30 OSW~EGO CIOUNT"Y-(C3O NTINUE~D). Alontgomery.. 1,573 1 3 2 82 74 571 644' 731.13,093 1 3 2 Amboy ~ 96..................1 4 3 214 7 161 448 5251, 12,654 11, 111 1370 ountHope............ 7....... 6 9 38 7 34055 32 546 1 52 9 132 n antewgh........ 762........ 206 88,7 0 7 76 92 43 3l 7 Granby................ 5 1,7 34 621 |23 2,493,50 1,3577| 1,9 I] 42.340 7356 301i 370 (Com~inuedl on pag~e ~34?.) AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. 341 ONONDAGA COUNTY-(CONTlNUED). POTATOES. PEAS. BEANS. TURNIPS. FLAX. Acrest Ares0' Acres sown. Acres planted. Acres sown. Acres sown. TOWNS. planted. Bushels Bushels Bushels Bushels Bushels harvested. liarvested. harvested. harvested. seed. 1865. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1864. 186. 1865. 1864. 3864. 1865. 1864. Carmil.us............ 28i 27,267 26 13 243 50 58 766 22 21 3 3 Cicero.............. 853! 28,016 2374 192 2,419 19 13 203 6, 4 1,176 13| 4i 341 Clay............... 538| 42,110 190 73i 1,642 161 10 241 3.246i 118 21 117 ~~~~~~~~~~141 4....../,41/18 De i.......... M241s 15,471 148 2 572s1 20| 111s 231/ 264 34 41430 la 9 5 Delritgt........... 9!J 22 Elbridge............ 180 21,790 10 3 149 51 64 1,0301 641 570 3,778 16...... 78 Fabius.............. 164 17,409 1124 1011 2,243 151 53 256 4.... 270 435 8 445 Gcddes.............. 501 6,337 180 3 30 5,1........ 120 2. 2.................. Lafayette........... 292 31,076 189 162 2, 576 43 807 2 260 51 3 74 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~811 Lysander........... 9376 38,971 492 19, 479 161 30, 2,28411 16...... 4, 185 19 58 Mlanlius............. 299 29,554 1941 156 1,6432 43 141 429 11I 51' 1,943 1.... 31 Marcaellus........... 1761 18,780 108 93 1,228 91 42' 1,0921 20 16i 4,265 4 27 Onondaga........... 621 61,138 3323 2091 2,9603 139 54g 9483 48 448 7,802 / 101 3 137, Otisco....... 191 26,325 117. 2,21 42'783 3 3 1,643 391 10 189 Pompey............ 381 j 39,001 657 573q 8,9521 687 30i 6703) -2 2| 1 296 8i 6 59 Salina............... 2661 23,650 10 8 138 41 5 351 7 2 1,265............. Skaneateles......... 192 17,940 i 374 211 313 69 221 7477 17 1 2,775 27 5 215 1 Spafford... 1383117,834 66 5 1 1,2063- 1:53 1130 1,6153i I 111 157 6471 4441 5,742 Syracuse....3 1,970 1 6...... 1 301 2.... 750................... Syr, 354 lot 30, 21 t " Tully.............. 110 12,611 65 581 1,287 37 6 632 l 125 62 6 418{ Van Buren........... 273|2 25,557 461 293 204 79 32| 1,055 54 2 10,905 2 1 192 ~5xlJ 211 313 l 69 { -2a~ 747198 Total............. 5,640'!502,807 2,782j 1,9821 30,528j 1,121 533 ONTARIO CO0UN-\TY-(CONTINUE, D).. Bristol.............7 97g 13,983 1231 1061' 1,582 782 13j 1,408 I- 6 5 5g l 27 8 74 34 8 441 Canadice.......'..... 551 8,463 421 18 i 474 351 81 494 1 202 -17 213 155 Canandaigua........ 251 24,890 252.i 161|1 3,318 733 211 766 23...... 50 13, 1 78 EIast Bloomrfield..... 51322,107 1341 165 1,611 2191 22 2,111 81 54 1,500. Spafiord~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~............. Farmington 211 19,5941 91 1 137 644 631? 364 7921 4 i 20 11I 2 60 Gorham............ 169 17,759 611 46 750 463- 83 5`63 46.............. 1231 38 1,5321 138~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1~ 940 1 8,3 Hopewell........... 153 16,667 1171 431 1,504 683 533 392...................... 9 75 Manchester......... 251,26,780 42/ 443 285 106I 13 1,269 3...... 602 7 Naples............. 1731 16,932 58 541 6143 94 21 1,403...... 130 4i 41 21' Phelps.............. 5652 6,023 991 473 1,132 285i 14 3,871 8| 395 499 33 3 391 Syracuse~~~~~~~~~~~ 2351i 90 26, 9. Richmond........... 80 10,054 20 31 21,3 661 75 794 6.................1 2 5i.......... ~!t ~1 i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -.... Seneca............. 278 2728 711 53 938 78 111 738 4 1443 0 181 547 South Bristol........ 7531 7, 758 29 33 477 284 26 332.......................................... Victor.............. 749 I66,968 12 26G 117 851!6 21 1,264 31 11 832 2-^...... 27 West Bloomfield..... 168 18,762 31 39 381 221 7 1,81 21 1 990.................... Total.............. 4,469 — 359,1260l 0,18, 7 1,008 1114,040211 1,5521 354i 11-8,153 || 81 453 6,333 11 243t 893 2,5741 ORANGT E COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Blooming Grove.761 7,594 1|........................I 3 1 48 423| 9 3,105........... Chester............. 10 10,045................. 3........ 65 1 3 1 2 8 Cornwall........... 1215 11,011 1 120. 19 310 2,220 1...... C ran fon d........... 172g 19,345................................................................................... Crawford...........2...... Deerpalrk........... 206 17,747........................ 5 22 275 12 7 Goshen............. 118 12,752........................ 24........ 31 13 2,030 5 Greenville............ 4911 6,400........ 4.......................... i.8 I Hamptonburgh...... 7. 6 8,179......................... H........ 30 1...... 200 4...... 4 Mlinisink........... 50 1 4` 4, 44 9......................................................................... Maonroe se..........152 15,05 1 31................. 1 31 3 1,785...... 5 e~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ e 1ie'Montgomery........ 2964 34,040........1........................ 20 33 4 350 2~ 11 17 Mount Hope......... 57 71,405. 1 4 }...... 7 2 1 405 Newblrph.......... 4685 40,990 7k 13, 187 425........ 63 2781 21 8,872 32 11 12 Waw~~rayanda... 2753 8,336.. 29 33 477 28132i.......1 1.... Total............... 2546 2 6ji~/~0,074 10-|| 13 27|| 4 _22 _54:8 B__193 ^1_61 ~1_30^402~I J__23^ _7ij _ 65 ORLEANLS COUNTY- (CONTINUED).I, Baire............... 513 50,200 3681 2521 4,050 |i56 1,26l460 11k 21 17 arlton............. 306 28,705 127 104 1,568 2,155.. 824. 33.2.6.. 8 6 2,735................ Clrendon....... 19 20,587 101 40 1117 92 29112'.............. Gaines....... 2374/j26,100 15 193 i 88 1,390 519 1 21 586 | 1| I 78~0 15i.... 1210 Kendall............. 15,1 14,080 241 82 354 2,8181 1,074 353912 I 81 465 53 1 25115 Mrurray...........1.204,923 44 30 429 1,612 5254 24261 9 6, ]0 11.... Ridgeway........... 5601 51,308 229, 1291 2,888 l,355i 493i 21 757 15 29 7,430 34 IS 213 Shlb........ 2822, 528 1761 9811 1 ~,135 373 8216073 2; 7. 6.10 26i.. 550.ates................. 2901. 27,879 29 195 3 1,45 461 20027 1 15. 9,560 11...... 8 Total.............! 2,680 I-257,310 j| 1,3354j 878| 14,420 i| 13,1981 4,8103|l95 7,755|'l *61t __81( _23_^905ii| 94|_25 _52~7j OSWTEGO COUNTY -(CONTINUED)). Albion............ 18,1........ 81 1 677 Amboy.............0 1511 14,224 1...... 8......, 4 7^ 6.......,... ~J Boylston............ 14 023........ 1......../........1..:tal.. 61o o 7 /23 Constantia....'...... 237|21,824 17 131 1521 181 20,1 190~i; 11 2 308 61 6| 13 Granby............. 493.. 41,672 52| 26|| 457||I 274 13 433 1 6 1313 (Continued on page 349.) 342 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. ONONDAGA COUNTY-(CONTINUED). FLAX. HEMP. HOPS. TOBACCO. APPLE ORCHARVDS. MARKENT Acres sown. Acres in crop. Acres planted. Acres cultliTOWNS.' vated. W. Pounds of Lbs. of Ponds har- Pounds har- Nimber of Bushels of Barrels of lint. hemp. v.. ested,. vesled.' trees in apples. cider. 1864.. 1564. 1865. 15G4. 1864. 1865. 1864. 1S64. 1865. 1SO-14. 1ui64. 1864. ~Cicero~ 13 1 r. G 205 32~iI, b'4i 1;881864. Camillus........................................................' 2 193 35 175,2571 11,952 25,461 757 5 Cicero.............. 135............ 6 6 2,050 132-l 351 11,474 I11,788 22,531 7695 2 Clay................... 1,441.. 9a 5,580 2971S 131' 275,640 20,863 32,708 1,239 5 De Witt.............. 15................. 6- 1,400 2891 120 298,315 11,724 27,540 826 10 Elbridge.............. 127............. 2 21 729 1261 62 228,360 9,966 21,424 1,09........ Fabius................ 6,403.................. 27 38 24,880 39 36,00 12,418 27,42 I 456.... Geddes................................I........ 2 261 7...... 14,300 2,4292 6,022 15G 6 34 Lafayette..................... 2,697 17 11... 134,4'26 19639 45,790 1,461.... Lyadr..,....,..........,: Lysander............. 13,160............. 3........ 1,800 564:~ 3284 615,520 24,444 41,557 1,4411........ MCanlius.....................l.................... 221 3Gj 16,600 390^! 117 4727,400 15,331 42,760 1,208 1 Marcellus............. 1,000................................... 131 305,35 16,821 19, 922 2 1 Onondaga............. 693................. 2451' 39 356,549 138,042 67,645 2,098 2551' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~.......I 2 794.... Otisco........ 37,1.................3 18 2.790 70 1...... 58,150 14 M) 30,~69 531 Pompey.............. 4,855.................. 311 344 20,6211 406 74 359,152 17259 38,503 964 i Salina;.............................................................. 169i 90 207,750 1 5,523 8,711 25011 Skaneateles............ 11,260............................. 238 106 261,9(64 15,926 30,157 1,025........ aneeles.8 26............ Spafford...............760,000..................3 9 5 7, 5 12,266 32085 56 Syracuse....................... 6 4 5,3 88 1, 0 51 Tully................. 49,0650........................ 7...... 23,615 8,232 20,823 433........ Van Buren................................. 5 5 4,200 506 362 518,560 14,745 39,366 1,361........ Total..............887,39..............| 1393 176| 86,9o334, 218 1,6551i4,442,942 284,272 1583,047 17,(660 3 53 2 OTRO O Y-(ONTARIO COUNTY (CoTINUED). Bristol........ 75~ Bristol.............. 50........... 97|1 69,957 11 i...... 14,100 015,844 24,0031 89........ Canadice 51.......... 1,355.............. 2.........'........ 7,449 12,049 218........ Canandaigua 4,000 29 400...... 100285 2054.......1 East Bloomfield................ 42 4531,568 5 2,950119,637 17,985 3341 l arm ington............ 500................................................................ 1 6,908 23, 68 474 Gorharm............... 35,500.................. 6, 25, 96 6 24, 26 648......... H iopewell............ 0............................................... 2,25 14,601 29,381 582........ M anchester......................................................... I 4, 1,9.00 | 17,730 34,800...3 Gorapmles................ 110................ 205, 0`3,8 5......... 7, 6040 4,663 20,21 1........ l:Iopewell ~.....................2 Phelps.................................. 38 15i.,. 526 31,03 33,01 06, { 1,29" 24....Richmond........................................ 7 9...... 1,500 18,385 3290 1 6 Seneca.......................... 9 9 2,100 23 24,452 29,27 387,72 1,0551 3 South Bristol.............................. 2................. 7,487 9,199 1... / ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.......4/.... ]............I........!..... Victorn................. 800.................. 60 6 2,6001 370, 0 14 42,000 5,432 21 562 648....... Vest Bloomfield..............................................{ 9 1,500 11,097 17,200 260,........ Total............... 42,315 I 1..... 1781 24117i I78,164 1i 187 31 l 141, 268,539 694,j 8 )l 4 2 8i,5,/(0,:1(, 44ORANGE COUNTY —(CO.NTINUED). Blooming Grove......................................... 4l 2,000 6 87 10,567 326 3. Chester............... 350 1......................... 0 5,435 12,71 6 8.... Cornwall............................................................................ 6 382 18, 592 409 3 Crawford.....................I................................... 12,206 300,401 403 1)-'I Deerpark.............. 50,15 18 Doshen............../ 5.........................................,001,0 1, 08........ GTr eenv ille....... 9...................... i.......... 7,746i 17 2,2 1. 315i|..... Has mptonb urg........ 30....................................... 36 i is ink................................1.........,600 6, 8 14,622 2 4........ G n vro e................-. —-..-7................7'8... 41; — T-........I8 2 3838 Mo ntgomery.......... 2,030........................................... 500! 13,457 32,554 6 2..... Miount Hope................ 75.......................................... C1 1., 6 8305 11,48........2 nwburghoe 3............................................... 15,430 41,25 7 8 5 48 New r.......... 0................................... 0 21, 5 43 3 M ount Hope............... 75............................................................J 1,49 5 746-, 7 arwick.............. 550 I................................. - - 4 - 18,835 75, 2,517 4 1 wburc-,w h............. o..,,.. W aw yan a............. I..............................|i 2 | 4 4,200( ( 7,662 22,669~ * 307.... i~~~~~~ Total...............1 _3,3^399 __2 i~......1 (...'.......i................!_13_ 14g___20, 61.0 jl53,56f[J~4 3 96 __9,2044- _ 112^ ORLEAN'S COUeNTY- (CON\TINUED)). Barre........i.1,500.......1...|..............I 39 j 63 41,170!i 45,994 89,350 863..... Carlton...............I 3 15 4 0'18 o 392 1 Clar~endon.....................................................'.......... 7...... 8,8.... 32,097 414.... a es..........................................'......................... 151 8 2, 600 2 5 0934,. endall... 17,800; 4 2628 i 16,648 1....... Murray 30~ C3~ 42~,82.~ 50....................................!.............................. 39 42 5I 415, 923,915 I... Ridgeoay................277| 1461 380,100 | 29,230 42,342 856 Si Sh~te S...............................I..............so0 soos l]0,0, l o(,S I......... Greenville.............9........................................... 1.......... 40 7,366,400 | 16,485 451 |........ Total...............|39^800, ||.......^ |_ ___.^.^._ _0 634~ 2843|I 879,023 /!207, 51_ 1359,301 i 4,863^1___ 1| OSW~G; O C OUNhTY~'-((CONTINUED). Albion30................... 1..................1 4 4 2,1............ 5,352 6,418 108 I........ mioy s........650 6 9 4,230 I 4,165 10'940 140 Boylston 2 53L 992; 242............................ 2...... 5......!................ 2,008 2,2 29 /i........ Constantia............. 160............I......... 1... 7,...1 8,00 1221.........8o, 3 i/ tgoer y...... 2.......... 1.............:........... 4.. 5 4,000 195 | 58 216,058 14 26,728 8... (Continued on page 350, )| AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. 343 ONONDAGA COUNTY-(CONTINUED). MARKET GARDENS. ~ 1* 1 w NEAT CATTLE, TOWNSj C-D h0 -1JD ^!l!f i I fN Mich cows. Val~ue of pro- 0: z ~l e ------ ^S:^0-~~~~'I'S ^ l4 z -:- bn S * ~ | ^ ------ ducts)'g~ 1864 -~ 9SS * S *' -.'' 18615 1 s | 1 a g1 | 1864. 1865. Camillus........ 5.......... 866 "16i.... 1, 590 65...... | 512 500 320 is 918 860 Cicero.................. 2'27 30 11 47 2,396 247...... 455 397 392 48 1,439 1,398 Clay............ 2.655..................... 1,346 73...... 559 545 862 1.631 1,550 De Witt..... 103 884'144 15 15 1,140 21...... 316 299 3 330 18 938 916 Elbridge................. 10 185 30 110 2,035 89...... 368 328 471 50 852 697 oibius................1...... 30 291 235 3 5 3,194 3,045 Ge ddes..........' 34 2,3-25................I 292 925 10......! 9 2 86 50 is 215- 217 Lafayette........ 800 14,504 229 1 2,745 179... 385 336 218 38 1,256 1,218 Lysander........................... 410 57 180 1,762 50...... 625 650 725 88 1, 681 Manlius.......... 3 140 630 20 6 1,960 19 19 4( 497 488 423 52 1, 392 1,319 Marcellus........ 9 200 2,349 270...... 1,779 76. 2 34 0...... 1,779 365 185 843 805 Ononda.a..... 2504/ 30,765 6,094 162 9 0 6,465 204...... 575 515 401 46 1,680 1,597 Otisco............................. 15,172 226 80 1,640 79...... 273 211 110 is 931 934 Pompey......... 4 113 22,274 458 43I 918 239:....... 511 506 203 42 2,016 2,019 Salina........... 23~ 721..................... 380 30 |. 116 190 24 507 456 Skaneateles........................ 6,466 150 9~ 2,060 165...... 295 278 235 24 999 981 Spafiord................. 2,325 179......i 418 348 353 22 938 863 Syracuse......... 26 4,150 50........ 650 20 7....... 1' 3 2 3 2 803 803 Tully....................... 8,655 19. 1,580 53 I.....: 207 216 157 34 1,412 1,326 VanBuren............... 2,304 66 411 463 382 26 1,162 1,04, Total.......... 3581 41,011 |16,684 2,142 1, 442 li 0972 2,1035- 19_J^_7,307 6,940__ 6,2451 683. 24,861 i23,730 ONTARIO COUNTY-(CONTTINUED). Bristol......................... 3,296 125...... 3,805 144......| 106 197 96 32 500 493 Canadice.......................... 449 62 9 I 1,779 123......I 199 15 221 8 376 3(34 Canandaigua.......................! 1,895 137 36 1,676 133...... 398 439 355 40 1,028 1,034 East Bloomfield..:50.......... 13,88 5 474 4,903 1,667 12.,...... 158 234 222 14 613 585 Farmington.................. 612 427...... 290 211 I......! 242 244 372 86 639 641 Gorham............................ 6,137 155.!...... 2,320 156!...... 373 347 275 18 894 900 Hopewell........... 930 132...... 2,645 122...... 201 17 283 12 635 619 Manchester...... 9 1,415 1 613 1501...... 5,397 39. 210 242 364 37 965 1,039 Naples.......... 1.......... 3,280 3,094 59, 3,011 209!..... 312 311 194 37 641 66G Phelps.......... 9 i 4, 435 715aI 585 2,8422 29..... 4 427 433 595 19 3,192 2,9!93 Richfnond........ 6 1,290 2,960 59...... 3,263 162....... 285 248 223 26 533 539 Seneca........... 47 270 16,566.273 373 3,490 167...... 623 604 817 34 1,777 1,733 South Bristol........................ 722 34...... 1,865 51.... 147 169 172 30 587 577 Victor............................ 1,382 111 t 290 2,902 112...... 253 I, 310 18 793 782 We~st Bloomfd ied.......95 120 15 1,611 67...... 158 151 157452 4,088 ~~~4201 13,634 13,411 Total......... 97 2 5, 680 li63,'757 i 6,069'6, 27 0 38,5631-l'1,7371>..J,8 4,263 4,656 42 1364| 3, 1 ORANGE COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Bloo m-ing, Grove.. i 200i i......... 000 1,110 585...... 1,748 1,545 349 187 2,053 2,072 ~Chester'J........ 512 525 63 11 52 1,960 1,97....... 73 91 391 104 1,884 1,897 Cornwall........ 2^ 600....~ ~~~~.................. 49 0...... 95 715 276 109 847 8360 C Cornwall......... 2'0o90z Crawford..........I.................... 50.............. 2,307 2,249 228 183 2,433 2,427 Deerpark........ 15 2,875 1 90 28 100 870 105......i 167 215 189 39 650 629 G-oshen............................ 3 11...... 1,701 204.......I 163 196 315 59 3,147 3,248 Greenville.............. 1,431.............. 231 126 280 10 1,983 1,973 1Hamptonburgh.........................i............. 955 64...... 114 119 157 57 1,964 2,028 Minisink....... f.,.................!...................... 297 143,... 229 215 197 5 1,773 1,799 Monroe......... 4 300 5.............. 605 31...... 206 136 22-6 191 2, 290 2,9286 Montgomery........................... 1,310 150...... 126 106 208 195 2,722 Mount Hope.....I.........135 13...... 2,493 27.63 102 76 18 1,668 1,652 Newburgh....... 39]'. 9,725........ 5 112 3,598 274. -33 New Win so....................... 304 120 2,075 2,017 *Wallkill......... 102.d 1,615 142 20191 40 2,281 226 ~...... 215 242 361 166 4,698 4,772 Warwiick........ U 30 25 6 19 363 29..... 6 8,6 4,8,0 Wawayanda~ ~ ~i............... 5 2... 47 1... 18 21 22 1,1,7 Monrloe.........| "5'! 10.4 8722:2::2::... 24 36 25 65 77390 757 Clarendon.......i........ 800 3,88~3 4... 1,2 9 2...... ):2 28; 4 8"'8 5 Mointoery..........!........ 5 26 3,1 0 5...... 2,87 k0.....'.!... 26"0 7 5 2 Morray...........e.;.....1| 185 6 6,6 2... 10 10 15 3 6 9 Hido'eway~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~13~......1.i! 5 i| 1,70 10 10 263 3...."1 39 43 80 4 1,141 1,153 Newburg......."".9..''"| 12'.,1 3....... 3,97 17.... 27 4''""5 29 18 73i9 Yates...................~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~: 30 35 22...,01 19'.... 23[ 29, 1085568 6 Te idotal........ /6 4,000l 16271' 43 3 025 64.....!j 2,3l 322 |.,29 0 75 7,3 |,0!97 A~klbn.............."..... 7,245 57...,6762... 7 1 256 1 19 1.3 | 1,4 A mboy.......... ~~{;2'........11........ 3,14 6... 5....... 2 4 2 5 1 6 8 09 Boylston.........~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~22...............5 6,5 25).........,... 17 124 23, 6989 86877 Wosarwick....... I......... 3002 245 / 6. 129~,5869 38...... 230 )8 5,08 4 687| 5,10 Orny.......... 91 122 17 4 1 27 6' 181......! 44 5 431 10 1,9 112 ORLENS CUNTY(Continueonpae)5.) 344 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. ONONDAGA COUNTY-(CONTINUED). NEAT BUTTEFtR. CHEESE. HORSES. SWINE. SEEP. CATTLEt4 Cd Gallons of I TOWNS. n milk sold, C. Ga Pouns mf~ ~anohc~de Pounds made, Shorni (hrin o Pounds made. Pounds made, la64. /Col's of Colts of Two yevcars Pi- of Season of Slanghtered Pounds ofpork Shorn in Shorn 1864. 1864. 1864. 1865 o. old d' 1 and d in. ae,1S. 1864. 1S5.'c~~G IS - over, 1865. older. Camillus....... 55 68,151 7,262.......... 48 47 725 2 1,039 625 826 194,771 | 8,872 10,175 Cicero......... 143 141,736 116,714.......... 76 76 58 75 5 15 687 1,022 1,084 233,782 3,500 4,158 Clay........... 105 153,8........ 79 112 1, 1,15 1,315 011 1,273 271,359 4,077 4,.304 De Witt....... 11 69,370 11,727 127,337 33 44 735 1 862 1,028 874 172,073 4,688 3,803 Elbridge....... 458 81,107 10,780 7,340 57 46 422 14 901 615 1,136 205,047 5,741 6,942 Fabius......... 287 131,305. 872,781 170 53 41. 567l 3 366 523 410 107.930 2,937 2,842 Geddes........ 28 16,735.......... 14,200 7 9 188.... 164 100 164 35,190 1,027 1,330 Lafayette...... 131 142,120 52,185.......... 44 50 807 2 581.524 8741 203,598 8,810 8,434 Lysander...... 149 152,620 40,830.......... 81 76 1,120 13 1,582 1,748 1,46 319,569 6,717 7,559 IManlius........ 258 129,701 81,132 5,6001 60 94 1,163) 4 1,179 1,457 1,372 323,403 6,942 5, 649 Marcellus...... 247 115,946 27,086 500 53 54 458.... 775 612 783 171,222 9,703 11,119 Onondaga...... 158 204,874 42,225 29,500 83 70 1,475 3 1,570 1,878 1,97 389,980 13,596 14,714 Otisco......... 600 91,367 60,363.......... 55 43 556 C 3 432 319 731 164,582 8, 360 8,001 Pompey........ 149 174,013 183,944.......... 98 62 1,162 5 812 668 1,107 273,466 16,510 15,877 Salina......... 419 34,628 14,600 66,699 17 21 360 3 379| 523 368 85,245 2,599 2,674 Skaneateles.... 124 88,812 12,646 100 -57 38 884 6 747 424 821 179,730 11,300 10,510 Spafford....... l ll 121,140 8,105.......... 47 55 / 529 1 56(8 606 524 128,290 8,543 9,166 Syracuse....... 4 200.......... 11,500 8 3 547 i 1G i 53 21 35 8,813 72 9 7 Tully.......... 64 117,075 239,100.......... 32 30 400 2 286 308 420 102,444 3,395 3,482 VFan I]uren.......................391,84, 2 ~ Van Buren 332 114,393 19,225 70 83....... 711 755 1,016 227, 191 6,951 5,822 332/I-, ] ~ ~..........._ ~ i — Total....... 2,933 2149,141 1,844,326 — 1 1, —- l,013 14,952.93 14,846 15,071 17,231'3,797,685 134,340 1136."658 ONTARIO COUNTY-(CONTI7UED). Bristol........ 165 45,295 6,131.......... 42 45 56.... 566 1,161 C 642 152,811 15,996 14,625 Canadice....... 39 40,990 1,985.......... 30 47 15....I 539 619 301 71,985 8,216 8,967 Canandaigua... 1,068 85.094 4,985 1,220 90 85 178 2 1,208 1,851 1,075 251,630 18,445 18,898 -East Bloomfield. 98 51,240 100.......... 48 53 34 14 778 1,165 757 152,050 12,222 11,580 Farmington.... 99 63,814 25,407.......... 60 44 148....I 767 1,630 777 183,855 8,635 /9,67 Gorham........ 143 80,675 11,721 50 73 59 48 2 1,293 1,349 1,133 255,9841 16,402 17,183 iHopewell...... 94 61,235 6,285.......... 42 37 48... 823 566 713 174,040 8,674 9,214 Manchester..... 81 85,919 5,925 10,101 53 43 193 4| 4] 931 1,184 935 212,325 7,698 7,048 Naples......... 70 70,192 3,075 75 37 39 97 2 490 467 1,305 136,493 15,811 14.398 Phelps......... 179I 133,618 15,436 584 80 84 1,701 10 / 1,565 1,365 1,889 403,31.6 11,538 12,294 richmond...... 78 33,585 9,930.......... 45 48 85 1 628 842 583 140,600 20,653 21,340 Seneca......... 706 162,338 18,407 19,990 76 / 79 117 2f 1,454 1,404 2,16O7 426,288 /17,140 19,928 South Bristol.. 50 43,941 1,750.......... 23 27 44.... 2)0 271 327 74,8861 7,953 8,645 icjtor......... 185 105,086 5,260.......... 60 48 S 18 8 1,061 772 1,094: 247,798 11,291 11,570 West Bloomfield 198 47,570 2,960.......... 31 28 8.... 781 872 69 145,970 10,804 10,133 Total..........-3,253 )1,110,592 | 119,357 32,020 790 7(66 2,790 45 13,174i 15,518 14,377 3,030,031 191,478 |l95,450 ORANGE COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Bloomin, Grove. 289 77,870.......... 710,007 34 36 544 11 716 477 925 165,530 1,902 1,628 Chester.... 465 11, 235 67,26 277 9 Chester i........ 465 11,235 r l.......... 677,216 2 1 389 6 296 278 427 96,050 770 598 Cornwall....... 284.57,955.......... 17,802 15 16 688 1 720 893 742 122,030 460 719 Crawford...... 340 I 270,610 25,400.......... 29 40 607.... 2,152 1,045 3,072 388,875 1,071 1,192 Deerpak...... 76 43,514.......... 35,350 22 13 427 16 351 278 363 69,780 277 365 Goshen........ 154 69,179 2,000 1,431,542 41 51 708 2 699 860 772 145,236 9912 926 Greenville...... 289 249,40141.......... 16,000 64 54 373 l.... 574 516 876 165,130 / 385 424 HIamptonburgh. 153 i78,825.......... 530,093 3 40 460.... 712 550 1,024 169,885 888 842 Minisink....... 84i 148,454.......... 192,358 022 23 301.... 1,06 1,399 1,172 168,725 241 242 Monroe......... 398E 64,462 17,400 735,355 39 25 597 37 67'3 506 818 154,315 1,149 1,125 Ml~ontgomuery..2......... 46 1 Montgomery 431 252,646.......... 49.420 38 805 4 3,041 4,632,786 436,502 2,047 1,806 Mount Hope.... 25 40,736... 565,750 3526 3 2 186 239 387 80,364 276 282 Newburh..... 1,176{ 150,407........... 377,870 38 41 1,161 5I 2,252 1,633 2,341 339,746 848 995 New Windsor.. 162 182,596.......... 124.719 41 45 665.... 1,777 1,763 2,248 283,815 1,081 1,067 Watlkill....... 874 249 069 45,775 1,334794 1,034 2 1,773 1,327- 1,458 275,252 893 1,080 Warwick...... 395 282,033 42,000 91,288,358 1 69 9,094 30 1 1,81 1,584 2,540 398,O62 1,354 1,369 Wawayanda.... 7441,009 156,483 400 40t1 Toal.....6,02 2,363,661j 13,57 835,02 62 683 10,714 i(ll6| 19,549/ 19,02 23,96 i365,73 |1,5 5,06 ORLEANS COUNTY-(CONTlINUED).) Barr19~......... 8 Barreon..........] 18 i 188,614 t 11,021 I.......... 135' 168 1,388 1| 1,328 1,4513,82 * 442,906 1 17,451 | 21,821 Clarelton...... I.. C 98 78,3935i 14,500 |(.......... 88 7 818.. 840( 1~,017 980 2193,79'3 15,086 15,78;5 Clarndon.... 59 68,295 2,755 i^...... 77 76 75....'~ I G: 677 6i18 -8I18 1893,906,5,81'7 6,861 Gaines......... 77'/ 7873,465 8,370... 43 74 749 10 0 Kendall........ 65 i 57,011 1,255.......... 51 42 645 485 Miurray........ 693 58, 600 2, 878..... 412 54 367 4 63:5 875 6,16 138,687 6,9n42 7,706 Rido-eway...... 621 110,-888 9,030!i i;::::75 62 82 1 2 6 3 1,239~ 1,468c 1,580 427r,4 83. 12,402 15,69)7 STelby......... 54 91, 673 3,864, 52 52 03 4 97830 1,91,574 15,303 Yates.......... 253 i877,270 5,025! 683 1,206 2178,268 14,3584 10,14-3 Tota.......1,481 IJ 804, 209 k' 59,598 \___7 9 7,1 j 7j,3,6,0 23749il402 1,3 OSRLEAN COUNTY-(CoN2TINUED). Albion........... 36, 78,314 75,992 1........... 17 31 41, 8 25 199 379 94,228 1,4 1, 44,906 1,511,235 Amboy......... 82,546 71,350!.......... 15 2 21.... 8 2 2 1,7906 1,095 1,228 Coylsaton............ 25 710 174....I 121 6132 188 4,9061 7,407 7,9 Keonstadntia... 25 67,869 716 350,03 12,073 pa8 ~~~~I(~~80 /4 22,201!/~ 10G,135 114,8435,5 Slanby......... 237 102,204 17,950 16,150 8 64, Continued on page 3c o.) AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. 345 ONONDAGA COUNTY —(CONTINUED). SHEEP. POULTRY. DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES, 1864. TOWNS. |E Lambs Lambs Pounds of Pounds of Sheep Number Value owned, Value sold, Value of e-g-s Yards Yards q^,Yards Yards of raised in raised inlwool shorn wool shorn slaug-h- killed by 1 8 4. sold 1864. 4. I of fulled of flannel. of linen. cotionand 1864. 1865. in 1864. in 65. tered in dogn in clothI. mixed 1864. 1864. c'.3^J cloths. Camillus........... 3,265' 4,425 48,455 8 48- 1 $2,712 00 $1i,503 50 $1,833 00 927 00 22 6........ Cicero............. 1,872 2,3721 14,019 15,7781 207 32 2,799 55 2,624 00 2,685 18 60 50, 1,192 1,607" 677 4 Clay.............. 2,360 2,448 16,498 15,594 254 57 2,808 50 2,82312 2,956 10 272 00 83331,688 1,183 88 De Witt........... 2,163 2,448 22,046| 19,883 219 99,729 25 2.026 25 2,811 80 91 00 1G68 216....... 20 Elbridge.......... 2,281; 2,598 26,194 31,262 119 33 2,316 00 1,84000 80750 397 351 36 200 97....... Fabius............ 1,463.1,375 12,839 12,417 206 13 1,281 75 472 98 1,917 403 501....... 305 2751 4 Gde....,....... 3 Geddes............ 454 597 4,800 6,626 200 2 44400 20000 33100............................ Lafayette......... 3,4 3,476 36,718 38,875- 142 27 2,71225 1,60700 4,87466 88....... 7.............. Lysander.......... 3,476! 3,826 27,181 30,760 84 41 3,75400 3,34700 2,5970 62500 652 621 174....... Manlius........... 2,894 3,362 37,7623 37,726 444 38 2,26650 1,84243 2,76158 1,67150 4132 576 151 35 Marcellus.......... 3,372 4,168 45,618 52,634| 193 7 2,781 50 1,64675 2,40050 387 50 26 275 54....... Onondaga.......... 4,683} 5,869 61,465 66,386 375 83 5,96000 4,467 36 7,19100 51900 131 373 326....... Otisco............. 2,621 2,916 38,6192 36,80711i,195 12 1,660 75 1,215 23; 2,521 40 100 50 27 410 215....... Pompey........... 5,579 5,724 82,354 79,7621 377 19 3,724 50 2,361 00 4,43350 284 75....... 210 220....... Salina............. 1,308 1,284 11,1031 10,3061 360 8 1,25050 836'i75. 1,062 25 474 00....... 20............. Skaneateles........ 3,655 3,894 60,193 50,4951 204 32 3,93650 2,04935 2,623 91.......... 98 192 52 7 Spafford........... 2,906[ 3,178 41,962 46,123 111 12 2,10950 1,35606 2,368 67......... 25 277 798 16 Syracuse..................... 321 401............ 5500 30 00 55 00 215 00 75..................... Tully............. 1,605 1,643 13,317 14,188 34 19 1,183 822008 1,39400 45 00 10 437 64....... Van Buren........ 3,067 3,699 32,624 22,710 474 13 2,76600 1,536 50 2,35329 5925 10 424 91 16........~~~~~~~~~~8 40,5 5 4674 2 49786 00l 7,203 70 3381' 29141!~~~~~~~~~~I — Total............ 52,43859,302631,096 637,186 5,282 588 49,251 05 34,607 28 45,978 8 7,203 73 3 190 ONTARIO COULNTY-(CO NTINUED). Bristol............ 4,671 4,324 77,9381 69,463 58 15 2,948 00 2,456 25 1,205 49: 189 25'| 721 82 74i....... Canadice........... 2,492:2,744 40,154 41,842 60 35 905 9 00 4665 50 59500 195 001...... 254....... Canandaigua....... 17,061 5,910 90,449 92,004 236 31 4,950 00 4,812 00 2,83700 3,952 00! 93 127 128....... East Bloomfield.... 3,537 3,562 58,567 54,299 165 16 2,285 00 2,089 00 764 00 758 00............................ Farmington........ 2,656] 3,032 41,7921 42,463 102 40 2,725 00 4,743 00 1,54500' 597 001...................... ~.... Gorham........... 4,991i 5,372 78,228 82,643 98 108 3,973 75 4,95175 2,93900 895 25 66 159 77....... Hopewell.......... 3,102 3,233 42,4251/ 44,285 5 12 2,502 00 3,170 00 2,08490 47725 25 123 20....... Manchester........ 2,394 2,908 36,4833 32,1831 81 93 2,99155 3,556 50 2,138 50 638501 7 88 35....... Naples............. 4,779 4,898 81,465 64,075 139 110 1,777 50 837 34 1,91597 1,202 00 1061 3 370 82...... Phelps............ 3,964 4,446 51,3711 54,334 195 33 4,946 00 4,975 00 3,084 00 1,859 50 16 75 45 25 Richmond......... 6,340 6,3381102,378 106,914 44 54 1,74000 1,13650 1,21800 414 00 27 57 35....... Seneca............. 6,506 7,456 78,4341 90,18513,314 43 6,543 00 7,526 25 3,315 00 4,91400 191 25.............. South Bristol...... 2,417 2,602 34,762 39,705 68 10 1,117 00 1,013 50 60800 29800; 185 296 53 65 Victor............ 3,771 4,115 55,735 56,0443 50 2,858 50j 1,861)00 2,167 007[......................... WestBloomfield.... 3,1783,35254,609 51,128 37 3 1,94700 1,079 85 1,12200 185 25.............. I.............. Total........... 71,85964,292'924,79341921,568 4,871 620 44,554 30 45,671 941 27,218 86' 18,74150 517 02 1 03190 ORANGE COUNTY-(Co NTINUED). Blooming Grove.... 1,579i 1,607 5,908 5,172 495 10 2,687 00 1,058 501 1,061 00 1,020 50....... 11.............. Chester......... 7899 668 2,376 2,178 562 5 2,395 00. 1,246 00! 1,00800 1,447 00 97 23.............. Cornwall.......... 256 584 1,421 2,189 738 20 2,383 50 689 00! 1,208 00' 366 00........................... Crawford.......... 821 968 3,6331 3,9241 327 21 4,555 001 2,856 00 4,051 00 2,159 00 122 397 64....... Deerpark.......... 148 215 993 1,309| 69 7 1,357 501 450 501 346 50 1,213 75 61....... 24....... Goshen............ 620 744 3,323 3,202 31 19 3,579 50 1.383 00, 2,142 00, 613 OO; 9 36............. Greenville......... 128 109 1,6571 1.845 10 17 1,711.50'763 881 560 361 655 60 124 163 86....... Hamptonburgh..... 677 762 3,132 2,874 58 11 2,870 50 1,646 001 1,58900! 665 00............................. Minisink......... 210 194 997 1,005 4 3 2,300 00i 2,108 00i 1,437 00 783 00........................... Monroe............. 385 417 3,733 3,433 138 73 2,64300' 1,264 00 114200 46850 35..................... Montgomery....... 1,075 990 6,7801 5,8861 174 74 5,519 501 4,388 50/ 4,51100, 3,19900, 21 49 161....... Mount Hope....... 185 206 1,169 1,123 21 44 1,522 50, 883 36 737 00 554 50 124i 135i 20....... NIewburgh......... 641 793 2,816| 3,3701 433 19 6,281 00' 2,932 001 2,976 00 3,20050..................... New Windsor..... 563 615 3,651 2,980 10 7 4,20900 2,366 00| 3,702 00 786 50 i........................... Wallkill........... 707 868 3,5891 4,098 873 21 9,039 001 3,169 50 5,367 00 1,188 50 45 178 64....... arwick.......... 8961,033 5,363 5,7551 107 36 7,62200 3,2930 4 2200 i07! 99 0 136 244 6...... WVawayanda....... 27 319 1,687 1,809 15 22 2,73500 1,604 00 923 00 4 001 Total........... 9,95411,092 5 2, 154-14,065 409 63,410 00! 32,101 24 36,858 36 20,550 35 — 13 522|.|...... ORLEANS COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Barre............. 6,379; 7,641| 81,161 99,676 210 16 4,11900i 1,75000 3,82800\ 409 90 99 148 14 74 Carlton............ 4,541 5,3451 71,982 70,144 102 29 2,063 00' 1,331 00 1,263 00 486 8 24 12 Clarendon......... 2,073! 2,8501 26,44341 30,1651 35 11 1,975 00| 1,263 94 1,792 90 2,835 75................. Gaines..~.......... 3,360 3,756' 45,222 53,311 63 21 3,606 00 2,787 00 3,22200'................. 80... Kendall........... 3,078 4,202j 47,722|I 25,476 78 22 1,510 50 77928 1,083o46 191'i i + 47 15....... Murray............ 2,032; 3,0081 25,820 32,582 100 25 1,523 501 827 50 9280Off 50 69....... 39 Ridgeway.......... 4,390) 5,497t 53,92711 67,889 j1,077 16 3,020 50: 1,407 00 2,102 50 1,259 25 25 35 Shelby............ 3,650~ 4,954 56,296 69,212 138 2,107 00 ~ 907 00 922 90; 691 00 42 25 54.... Yates............. 4,234'i 5,4611 63,638 45,156 151 11 1,912 00 45900 1,48500 51800 38 1. Total........... 33,73742,714472,2126 493,611~1,954 I 153 || 21,836 50| 11,511 72/ 16,627 76 6,391 37 262 434 95 154 OSWEGO COUNT~Y-(CoNTINUED). A 6561 832! 3,764 1 4,545 222 8i 1,10300 34700 921 300 800 1,449 921 129 Areboy.......... Amboy............ 704 7411 4,379 4,5594 60 2 57900 28510 765 4100 787 1426 250 44 Boylston.......... 381 488 2,608 2,830 89 4 62576 24375 197 49 125 00 663 1,477 1,035, 159 Constantia........ 1,0431,299 5,7 51|! 6,463 1,016 13 1,314 11 50955 554 91.. 804 1,6231 789 34 Granby........... 2,341 2,702 20,096 | 17,695 644 14 2,748 20 2,33860 2,862 50 264 00 6321 1,094 430 58 (Continued on page 353.) 44 346 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. OSWEGO COUNTY-(CONTINUED). ACRES. CASH VALUE. ACRES PLOWED. ACRES IN FALLOW. GRASS LANDS. 7 IIj -j-l — ~~~~~~~~~~~~~TOWNS.~~~~~~ ~ ~Acres in pasture. Meadow. TOWNS. Improved. Unirnprov- Of farms. Of stock. Oftool and 1864. 1865. 1864. 1865. 186I5. ed.16. 1865. 1865. imprein' ifts. la65. I 1864. 1865. Acres. Acres. j~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1864. l 165. Hannibal......... 16,624-] 11,2325 $913,957 $169,898 849,050 4,675, 5,063 3 489 861h 5,47011 5,323/ 4,2661 4,1711 zn 1~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4,09 9 171 Hastings......... 14,089 9,202,s 704,448 121,869 31,237 3,717 3,913- 55 32i/ 5,267s 5,293s 3,796/ 3,728s Mexico.......... 21,3471 6,770 1,180,819 225,693 51,856 3,587 4,0 26 9,,383.1 6,93 1,30 New Haven....... 12,567l 8,692[ 666,907 129,717 29,804 1.860 1,97 4 4 10 5,156 5,655 4,148 4,178 Orwell........... 10,932 14,992 481,939 107,270 19.001 1,29 1,................ 5,164 5,342 3,695 3,710 Oswego.......... 14749 4,811 1,088,872 158,922 51,094 2,7107 3,107 5,04 5,60 5,125 5,0 Oswego city...... 179021i 456-/ 472,050 15,143 6,007 3091 348' 55. 55 928 878s 468 507 2 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 5 34ii 5 2~ 4 4 9 o8 8 981 462 ID071 Palermo......... 11,4841 7,184a] 628.900 118,64:0 24,010 2,336i 2,558............. 5,465 5,334 3,995 3,306 31)c~~~~~ri~~h.................. Parish.......... 9,923 2,072 441.205 91,175 22,179 2,172- 2,25 3 13 3,-977 4,061 3,403 3,408'7~~~~~~~.... 2,895-1 3,0035/ 3, 140',171 Redfield. 6,747 9886 220,610 67,341 12,010 45 506........2,85 3,003 3,140 Richland.......... 21,943 10,527 1,079,975 227,728 51,510 3,8631 3,710/ 117 101l 10,120 10, 115 7,060 7,2347 Sandy Creek...... 18,965 5,8611 1,114,473 214,796 29,476 2,825s 3,363s........!........ 9,034; 9,9621 5,220 5,1691 Schroeppel....... 16,6994 4,673 1,041,330 169,130 52,732 4,062 4,39741 266 380 6,614s 6,562 4,7581 4,637 38 [] 6,11652 4,78,3 Scriba.......... 15,822 7,4391 1,047,930 166,366 53,165 2,3041s 2,481 2 7 7,362 7,217 5,156s 5,145 Volney.......... 17,011 10,4144 1,031.985 165,546 40,249 3,0671 3,323 19 7 7,187- 7,254 5,3734 5,243| We'st Monroe..... 7,654 7, 172 349,740 69,876 13,512 1,6523 1,743 56s 411 2,9641 2,943| 2,260 2,122s'Williamstown.... 6,352 16,386 345,086 56,863 15,077 914s 1,0361s 8 20 1,959 2,118 _ 2,0431 2,1221 Total.......... 274,591206,7851 15,630,108 2,773,370 6 79,32 2 52,710' 60,430|,! 1,2081 1,754 114,269 q123,5471| 85,901 84,8311 OTSEGO COUNTY. Burlington...... 20,586 6,679 879,689 155,247 31,996 2,167 2,381 5 31161 11,605 6,298 6,2511 ~~~~~111,6111,0 2 6,29 I' 76,51: Butternuts....... 26,007 8,281 1,077,005 223,969 46,957 2,579 2,9081 32. 3-1 14,693s2 14,612 7,611 7,65 Cherry Valley.... 18,6591i 5,2534 1,056,140 143,700 34,013 4,655 4,870 56 58 }5,987[ 6,0651 6,3911 6,4481 Decatur.......... ~~9,470: 3144/29 Decatur.......... 9,470|1 3,444 382,650 66,924 16,330 1,916 2.1971 20 311 3,318 3,4441 2,974 3,159 Edieston........ 19,663 7,027 868,800 164,361 29,491 2,001o 2, 103I i......... 1 11,298s 11,3801 5,9931 6,059I Exeter............ 14,5461 4,365 721,320 135,165 26,87 1,587 1,603 6,948 6,9351 4,9541 4,941 Hartwick......... 19,524 6,080 1,039,106 157,971 41,054s 3,401 3,635,1 27 8s 8,093 8,116 6,1791 6,251i 19,862 6, 1911 861,978 141,391 28,411 2,62141 2,9601 821 22 10,223 9,991 6,707 6,680 Laurens. 2.....,.... 1 9604' 8. — 2j 10>, 223' 9,9911 6,707 6, 680 Maryland........ 15,072 8,7721 714,480 88,418 25,935 2,S800 3,1161 82o1 1011 6,988 6,5201 4,684 4,689 Middlefield........ 25, 611 11,57 1,533,355 204,106 51,138 5,6204 6,1775i 205sl 82 9,669, 9,5241 8,5703 8,6311 224 MAilford.......... 19,2281 8,914s 1,139,815 127,876 34,503 3,2381 3,7301 59 67 7,144s 7,091 5,530 5,6561 Morris........... 18,48014 6,24241 844,760 120,922 23,623 1,88641 3,081 35 23 7,7851 7,772 5,684s 5,7271 New Lisbon,..... 20,157s 6,8801 767,564 142,112 33,135s, 2,297s 2,647 6 1 10,6121 10,242 6,1421 6,1211 Oneonta.......... 15,268 7,805 7-19,650 97,990 23,743 2,9211 3,260s 101 18 6,758 6,570 4,981s 4,796 Otego............ 18,326 6,728 818,425 155,130 30,955 1,940s 2, 24:61 125 4 9,567 9,866 5,089 5.438 Otsego........... 22, 8981 8,5851s 1,445,236 227,345 61,592 3,5961 4,01011 12 9 9,922 10,062 7,587 8189 Pittsfield......... 13,43651 7,2341 699,817 97,824 23,818 1,4951 1,906s) 1................ 5,8901 6,114 4,902 5,016 Plainfield........ 13,832 3,719 761,931 173,142 34,672 1,538s 1,59................ 7,167 7,196 4,635 4,508 ichield......... 15,724 4,068 1,011,230 155,465 25,868 1,9821 2,364s 29 35 8,6461 8,371 4,969 4, 896i Roseboom........ 13,828. 5,124 642,875 107,705 25,575 3,058 3,537 56 26 4,779 4,598 4,707 4,871 Springfield....... 20,034 5,571 1,628,255 208,455 48,3801 4,407 4,554.404 17| 7,0.23s1 7,0151 6,954 6,959 5naodilla......... 19,5871 8,3821 973,970 168,3i3 35,671 2,3271 2,494 2741[ 199s 10,270 9.955 5,979| 5,9881 Westford........ 15,031 5359 1,674,555 113,260 40,095 2,976 3,372 681s 26 5,756 5,664 4,456 4,775 Worcester........ 20,978 13,617 991,065 132,332 45,266 3,825s 4,283 92 27 7,627 7,500 6,69 6,601'to~ 1 0,0028/ GG,84091 74, 8 40ta 7954 i197, 836'J96 22 138,675- 140, 311 Total...........435,815 165,482n 23,253,671 13,509,123 819,0921 66,8401 74,033- 1,410 795 197,36 19212 138,675140311 PUTNAM COUNTY. Carmel........... 18,168 5,542 2,094,075 231,466 37,656 1,9233 1,961................ 9,637 9,7261 6,542s 6,452 e............. 13,972 7490 707,025 113,995 13,950 1,399 1,293................ 8,177 8,045 4,7891 4,611 Patterson........ 12,373 6,793 1,052,260 155;115 19,948 1,386s 1,3071[................ 6,671 6,695 4,653s 4,6461 Phillipstown...... 10,108 12,115 742,450 100,860 11,854 1,816 1,878 32 26 2,819 2,938 2,653 2,787 -~~~~~~~ ~ ~ 1,3 22,450 9 27 Putnam Valley.... 13,613 6,951I 622,450 78,852 15,779 2,1021 2,3651 4........ 7,425 7,440' 3,521s 3,501 Southeast....... 18,808 2,886 1,812,630 273,604 42,636 1,584 1,555 8 8 9,959 10,126 6,4292 6,366 Total.......... 87,042 41,j7771 7,030,610- 953,892 141,823,10,212 10,362 || 44 34 - 44,58812 44,9711 28,5891s 28,36412 QUEENS COUNTY. Flushing......... 11,0851 3894' 3 222,625 159,545 166,339] 3,699 3,915 64 1,491] 1,3351 3,853s 3,743 Hempstead......,. 30, 027 14,614s| 3 674,160 326, 054 129,666 10,489 10,542s 75 1 2,7531 2,808H 7,603s 7,5171 Jamaica..........j 15,1667 3,251 i 3,081,000 213,715 ]122,472 6,555s 7,146 2,022 1,837 {1,986 1,932s 4,598 4,2171 North Hempstead.. 6,117s~ 1,289 2 356,800 124rl,780 35,637 1 3.321 3,348s 271 302 7-57 758~; 8,1,338s 851.,306s~ Newtown........./ 23,037 6,597 2,853,800 260,730113,546 5,900s 6,198 27 13 3,421 3,493 Oyster Bay......./ 34,084 17,681 3,979,925 381,520 141,983 6,5181 6,425 } 1,645 1,663 5,151 5,29 x11,051 11,319o Tt....19514327 168,3 10 1,466,344',609,643 36,484 37,575!4,1-4 3,975s/ 15,488s 15,620| 36,7671} 3-6356_ RENSSELAER COUNTY. Berlin............ 18,761 13,059 471,295 112,627 28,320 1,495 1,4765I 9.......* 10,313 1'10,092{ 5,349 5,310 Brunswick....... 23,895s 3,9621 2,427,325 210,982 112,104 8,205s 7,701s................ 5,0641] 5,149s 7,464 7, 5261 East Greenbush.. 11,329 2,380 1,299,085 104,676 41,545 2,977 1,286 22 11 2,398s! 2,238s 3,718 3,900 Ortfton.......... 15,330| 8,1403 301,941 65,094 17,543 1,7161 1,203. 8,4231 8,432/ 5,7441 5,7461 Greenbush,....... 611 1053 40,900 1,100 360 12s ll.. 29s 29 27 Hoosick.......... 30,566s 7,7483 2.367,098 326,038 59,046 5,8111 5,4101 311 234s 14,663 14,5821 8,2833 8,6885 Lansingburgh5..... 4,3098, 719 439,200 38,779 16,955 1,323 1,3........ 79 1,29 1,2541 968 1,068| Nassau..........J 20,6491 6,110 1,005,100 149,419 40,724 4,186 3,734i 39 32 6,999 6,909 5,459 5,833 North Greenbush.. 11,3611 1,604 1,173,250 113,901 46,251 2,996s 3,047 119 101 2,1103 2,059 3,664 3,571 Petersburghi..... 18,6476 7,3631 671,039 121,881 27,040 2, 205 2, 3621''2 34 14 0,884 10,670s 5,578~ 5,6824 Pittstown........ 33,372 6,01.1,563,825 263,340 68,420 9,434 10,6058. 451 16,4243'15,749s| 7,496s 7,648 Poestenkill a u 11,840 5,272 2,624,220 73.143 27,762 2,3451 2,446........... 3,998 3,80 3,61579 3.649 (Continued on page 354.) AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. 347 OSWEGO COUNTY-(CoNTINUE D). GRASS LANDS. SPRING WEIIAT. W`INTER WHEAT. OATS. WINTER RYE. Meadow. Acres sown. Acres sown. Acres sown. Acres sown. TOWNS. Bushels Busbels Bushels 1arves5.dhararvestte. 1 harvevst.ed. h Tons of Bushels of 1864. 1865. 1864. 1863. 1864. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1864. 1863. 1864. hay. grass seed. 1864. 1864. P -11 a n ni b a l.., 4,0 52.' 4 3 06.....' 2 3 2 Hannibal............ 4, 052| 801 39 391 121 2922 3341 3,1221, 1,770 36| 14,677 306 232 Hastings............. 3,6331 8 20 491 721 641 178 7573 1,5073 1,5634 12,093 336 298 Mexico.............. 8,2011 68 1 231 263 138 9 171 65 1,506 1,6464 18,778 142 252 New Haven..........'4,446 81 46 61 1121 141 301 176 6061 6761 6,310 60 28 Orwell.............. 3,481 2431 751 52 3803..... 1........ 5081 5643 4,754 783 171, Oswego.............. 5,336 6 1 231 83 39'357 742 80 5,949 31 Oswego city.......... 578......../ 3 12 40................ 12 40 61 479 5 5 Palermo............. 3,166 ]........ 22 38 232 ] 191 28 311 7131 778 7,863 213 290 Parish............... 2,4663........ 8 17 403 731 7 51 5961 620', 6,077 801 1264 Redfield............. 2,6093 2 1 8 1 1........ 10 176 247 3,175........ 6 Richland............ 8,343| 88 85 531 255 11 72 164 1,079 1,2444 11,5652 2801 2194 Sandy Creek......... 6,006 88 1661 107-1 6811 10 36 112 928 1042 13,938 2981s 382 Schroeppel........... 4 5661 74|1 11 121 78 74 574 2571 1,046 1,812j 1,7541 17,483 148 166 Scriba............... 4,943 9. 17 35 [ 843 163 27 45 i467 508 3,415 90t 32 Volney.............. 5,3101 121 24|1 67 1161 23 1081f 383 1,0164 2031 10,533 1351 2431 WPestMonroe......... 1,919 35..... 10 65 321 813 374, 6051 582 6,185 1174 213~ Williamstown........ 1,247........ 4 3 18................ 265 2234 2,538 109 1135 Total..............j 84 1341 5451j 7301t p 7034 2,788. 4_403 1,7472_10,3423 17,556 18,097 171,3383! 3,129A/ 3,_114 Total.............. I OTSEGO COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Burlington........... 5,2711 511 281 21 1871 8 131 133 1,207 58 1,367 23436 74 Butternuts........... 7,5213 601 89 771 6321 56 95 734 1,258 1,3841 933 140' 58 C:herry Valley........ 4,737 513 15741 157 1,232 373 75 548 2,717 2,1881 28,773 851- 13 Decatur................. 03 24 171,0894 1,289 11,79 40 81 Edmeston............ 5,7791 3 211 351 206 21 431 327 1,070 1,25 21,840 1........ Exeter............... 5,2193 21 211 28 211 5 I 130 8171 850|S 15,596 21 7 HIartwick............ 5,1174 73 614 501 5751 691 984 909 1,763,771 28,621|! 42 64 4 206 I" 3 7'87 1,381,249 ~ 1,754 7 9, / Laurens.............. 5,044 581 46 34 2521 1 4 23 187 1,324 4 19,558 67 29 2~~~~~~~31 1,919 / Maryland............ 2,6801 19 24 44 239 1 21 180 1,482 1,778| 17,163 293 66 AMiddlefield........... 6,6084 221 55 501 851 704 63| 856| 3,241 3,,408 47,440 2001 2171 Milford.............. 3,6 54 17 321 47 2631 10 52 174 130 1,790 19,115 1711 4281 4 2~ ~2 2 422 IO 1016 437 2 5 Muorris.............. 4,7703 28 401 46 5 2 359 23 25 262 1081 1,046 19,7 22 New Lisbon.......... 4,821 75| 524 34| 9 220 251 441 410 1,3361 1,0864 23,438 1 1 1| Oneonta.............. 3,783 34 27 23 164 23 33 290 1,1731 1,317 20,053 212 399 Otegoo................ 4,311 31 19 191 139 35 61 405 888 986 15,82710 27 131 Otsego............... 7,8401 25 50 53 4481 391 841 662 1,7731 1,7968 31,585 19 301 Pittsfield............. 3,93721 2| 6 2 212 1 54 6 8401 9435 15,1891 14 ji 9 5511~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I1 Plainfield............ 5,540 28 221 251| 271 13 12 213 7 878 8 63 17,717 4........ Richfield............. 5,626 11 19 14 204 20 41 333 845 1,066 19,267............... Roseboom............,7 2,840 22 37 30 3113 76 1,8451 2I,033 20,496 52// 2 1625 I 3)3 11-1 2,427 46,043......... 2 Springfield.......... 6,457 1091 21 53 168 374 571 504 2,331|| 2,427 46,043.... 11 ienadilla............ 5.0431 30 81 72 677 150 1301 98 91 9 1,983 952 16,8903' 2128 379 Westford............ 3,235 60 531 901 319 9 15 101 1,702 2,082' 23,045 1541 3 Worcester........... 3,2121 16 30 53 160 2 5 1,967 2,2211 15,597 214 416 Total.............. 114,494' 893|2 1,041|| 1,087|| 8,455311 700__1, 03'331 9,453|, 35,0441_ 38,7431d 530,813 j 2,2592,4113l Totanld............ 5,4 2 25I 21] 1] 87n. 6 PUTNAM COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Carmel.............. 7,009........1 7 41 61 351 26 491 623 684 19,891 2761 2781 Kentl.............. 3,425..4...... 3........ 13 3651 423 9,089 1 611 1301 Patterson........... 5,051 10 762 3281 4051 13,024 173 142-1 Phillipstown......... 2736 4 2........ 60 23 11 197 5091 574 9,738 468 380 Putnam Valley....... 3125........I....................... 3-5 4713j 4181i 468 5 871~' 11,323 3441L 379-1 Putnam Valley....... 3, 125 4 98 5S1; 11, 323 3~1-4 i2 37 &. Southeast............ 7,4491........ 5 5 65 9 5| 317 5492 541 20,068 2261 2061 Totaretl.............. 28,829 22|4 19|| 275 131 123 1,717 2,843 3,215 83,133 1,649 1,5171 QUEENS COU...TY-(CON.TI.U ED). Flushing............./ 5,038| 24 I............. 8071J 6414 10,3121i 5561 613 14, 910 208 1684 Hemplsta...........797 2|1..... 9.OD.......i 1,338| 1,313|25,422| 1,8651 2,0414 44,307 2,490| 2,795| Jamaca..........,09...... 3 3 30 094 716~113,679 422 6201 13,820 6251 8601~ Newtown............ 2, 265........ 6 14........ 3401 3381 6,546 174 221 4,937 50 4 North Hempstead.....( 10,6711~ 371............ 1,805^ 1,7641~/ 26,742 1,7334 1,777 43.269 34 43 Oyster Bay.,....,...... 15,005 761 2 3| 10 2,4-0741 2,2284 31 7801, 2,5711 2,7371 62,881 1,2491 1,3061 21~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 416 Total............... 46, —11 1601 9j 3361 40 7,408j 7,002. 114,482 7,323 8,0101 184,124 _5,008 5,595 PENSSELAER COUNTY-(Co NTIUED)). Berlin............... 3,852 0 0 81 8 77................I........ 5781 6590 9,823 66 1 98 runswicknt............. 3| 30 2,642| 2,369 25,039 1,7121 1,3580 East G3reenbush....... 4,044|.............................. 1,164 1,120| 14,159 1,241........ Grafton~~~~~~~~~ ~.... 2,767|........ 4|..... 60 I...................... 274| 171~.3,2812~ 15. Gireenbush.....,...... 40......................................:........... 3 2 20........ 3~~~~~ Hoosick.........,.... 6,542 271 53 47 3181~ 52 461i 516 2,37i01 2,0141 31,269 746 513g Lansing~burgh......... 1,013 2..... 4........................~~ 50 353|~ 379i 6, 060 3'72-^ 438g Nazssau.............. 3,4471 1 11........ ~ 8 /1....~~).................. 1,7791 1, 5231 7, 291 1, 7361 1, 932 North Greenbush..... 3, 645|.... 1 3$ 2 17 1 5 1,5|,011321 109 102 Patersburgh................ 2... 72811 8381 14,172 18 7 4 Pittstow/,08n........./.I6 0 ~ 8 91 2 2 I 5 1~5,6- 331,7,5 Pitttown......... 6106 8 2 25 20! 7 15 65 2,7871 2,6401 33,731 1,842 2,436Poehtenkilli......... 2 1 [ 57 4 7 60 4161 395 3,777 350^ 326 (Continued on page 355.) 348 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. OSWEGO COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Wv'INTER POTA1RYE. BARLEY. BUCKWHEAT. INDIAN CORN. ES Acres sown. Acres sown. For the grain. For fodder. Acres TOWNS. ____________pl-aNted, Bushels Bushels Bu.hels harvested. hasted. hharvested. Acres planted. Bushels Acres sown. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1S64. 1864. 1865. 1864. harvested. 1864. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1S64. 1~65. Hanbl.................... 9 47 Hannibal.................... 1,451 84~ 112|| 968 321| 344|| 3,255^ 1,3324 * 1,841s 33,660 41 9 1 4731 Hastings.................... 2,652 10 13 64 190 197 2,266 87 1,190|| 16,535 4 244 Mexico..................... 1,522 491 36; 346 137 1321 2,014 9751 1,151122,785 384 711 3781 New Haven................. 295h1 304 34 277 651 43 9431 542 638, 13,771 111 1341 1971 Orwell...................... 863-[ 13i 15 1 249 781 82 1,010 313[ 425 7,403 19i 2111 1222 Oswego..................... 175 171 154. 1,416. 1501 1031 1,837 812 9721 18,079 12 18 364 37 [ 17~ 1,s ~f s~9 17- t,7 Oswego city....................... 3Ii 6 9~ i 1 12 461/ 491 945 5 8 41l 91 91 A 421 72 ~ 82 5,8 3I 2~3 Palermo.................... 2,483 2I 4 3....... 25 19 il 241 I 719 823 15,388 2 3 2321 Parish...................... 701 9I5 53 2081 36 1,822 593 744 10,164 7 189 Redfield....................... 131 115 1,2145 93 66I 962 7241 1,0141 19,505 4 441 5 280:Richland.................... 4 120~ i~C~hland....~............... 1,905 4/ 71 108 23 91 258 321 371 733 2 2 1291 Sandy Creek................ 3,629 283 287 3,599 41 10 786 883 1,125 23,570 361 43 185 Schroeppel................. 892 74 991 575 1284 1422 7 1 8297 1,201 139628,644 9 146 25815 Schroerpel................... 9 5 52892 1 74,I Scriba...................... 391 102i 102~: 588 1211 791 1,415 6971 8071 16,588 11 151 326| Volney....................... 870 251 131 206 122..... 1,186 9311 1,2161 21,244 3 349| West Monroe............... 1,054 7 2 18 1431 54 1,13541 4061 578| 7,34~7 1 1 161 Williamstown.............. 715....... 10........ 59 14 858 279i 319 4,576 4 91 124 Total..................... 24,893- 1,0791 1,896| 10,659Wi 2,436 1,660 26,0481 14,6941 18,6301346,718 9 79i 36 0G1 5,1163 OTSEGO COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Burlington................. 144 47 64| 748 1301 134A 1,674| 3011 366| 7,144A1 27I 34 207 Butternuts.................. 786 1i ll 18 1821 254 2,990 I 538| 547{ 13,826 9 7 165 Cherry Valley............... 65 213' 245 2,6421 6461 678 11, 924 2 1204| 2731 3,030 2i 6 231 futru..,...,........... I 78 2S 1 1433 47 58 ~ G 6i 54 2 9,90 4 Decatur.................... 352 78a 96 758 2811 3511 4,394i 87 1244 2,127 1i 1 1261 Edmeston............................ 7 151 156 471 10| 7165 4331 541 13,825 77 10 1851 Exeter...................... 11 34 401 462 1 91 1,372_, 2424 3012 6,264 211 234 1491 H-artwick................... 471 941 94i 1,494 192i 1871 2,616 527i 621 11,597 221 31 237, Laurens................... 286 221 23 199 2631 245 3,OG 573 7 11,38 18 14 1 hMaryland................... 2,060 311 311 377 4001 470' 5,682 2301 264 3,775 7 0i 214 Middlefield.................. 1,084 1025Q 138 1,443 507i9 5261 8,300 671| 765' 19,4592 19| 177 349| Mu/ilford...................... 1,8435( 91 144 126 / 301 389 4,274 6150 802 11,857 20[ 20 2181 Morris...................... 222 24' 28 329) 1504 1201 1,904 3665 46M3 8, 467 Hil 10, 156 New Lisbon................. 18 50| 46 469) 221 122| 3,030 384 4523 8,0451 211 19 173i Oneonta.................... 2,633 22 345 358 2541 192 3,527 5851 700 13,423 51 61 217 Otego.............. 1,709 13 11 292 136 39 1,951 559o 7431 13,777 9 44 1613 Otsego...................... 4283 1154 1267 1,689 2761 3001 4,725 4912 67 11,906 24 18 251 2871 28-7 01 9, 317 ~~~~~~21~/ 21 Pittsfield................... 156 18 12 287 72 8 1,453 380 3971 9,317 1 166 Plainfield.......................... 631 72 1,222 251 33| 482 247 303 7,079 33| 43 1351 richfield........................ 1154 164 2,097 135 146| 2,63 236 303 5,849 17 23 21401 4 ~ ~~~~~ 4 0 0 1 Roseboom................... 537 601 644 737 397 7 638A 9,613 1364' 20752 2,746 2|i 1845~ Springfield.................. 30 277 374' 5,022 494 433' 8,863 353 441 9,028 9 15 2051 Unadilla..................... 2,8701 7| 2 79 2539 254 4,741 i 583 687116,422 98 15g 20012 Westford................... 910 34| 42' 7755z 3531 314 5,959 2605- 347 5,317 125 114i 1815 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A~ ~ Worcester.................. 2,253 88-1 1071 782 434' 5660 6,9331 207 2671 1 4,234 9 7 4 270 Total..................... 18,724 1,5521 jj 6,2497' 6,5185 102,819 9217j| 11,213_220, 354 321 355526 4,73 PUTNAM COUNTY-(CONTINUED). armel..................... 4136..................... 248 108 4,458 767 752149,385 194 Kent...................... 1,858....... 25 238 237 3,676 387 482 14,500 141 8 1341 Patterson.................... 2,530 11 2 38 108 484 1,691 4964 4896 17,177 3 271 2 =134 Phillipstown................ 4,940 40 238 216 3,766 579 46412 12,00 3' 1291 Putnam Valley................ 3,567 1 335 2341 5,395 628 67741/ 8,510 11 2 3019 Southeast................... 3,686...................... 83' 62 1,617 684' 733'1 29,372 1541 8|i 1255 Total..................... 20717 25 2 104 1| 1,251 9061 20,603 || 3,541|| 3,599_141,844_ 64152_1 12 1,027| QUEENS ~COUNTY-(CONTINUE~D). Flushing................ 3,550 22 301 469 90i 22 1,468 l,267i 1,2194'43, 71...... 592 empstead..................i 38,132 15 16 232 977t 361 14,693I 4,420/ 4, 7230119,568 94 121/ l,4005 Jamaica................... 11,3870 5 13 156 189 31[ 3,238 1,775 1,9105 55,356............ 1,367 Newtown........................ 6........ 101........ 168 5852 5925132,272 12 14 7535 North Hempstead........... 5,069 69 63 1:.645 2911 4 4, 0691 2, 8291 2, 8964! 98,917 67| 54; 677 Oyster Bay.................1 16,673 54i 741 1,100 (1 614 262 8,872 3,853 3,88l~il03,747 67 31|1 7551 Total........... 76,130 165 203 3,602 2,172 3561 32,509 14,731 15,223453Q22 226 5, 327| EENS SEL;AER COUNTY —(CONTINUED). Berlg...................... 219 109 152 1,842 165 184 2,94201 4011 427 9,310 1. 223 BrUnSWiCk..................t 19, 927 27 2 117 3515 363 5,492 9901 1,099 16, 663 2iS'1 71 1 2,449 East Greenbush.......... 10,391 51....... 75 818 20 1/5745 421 4451 7,411 5 Orafton...,................ 175 3.... 91 1423h 33i 2,480 123zi 83 1, 971 1............ 272; Gireen8ush I[...................................... 2 25 3 HOOSiCk~..................... 5,714 222i 1731 3,421 3001 1793 5,625 1,7676 1,814 34,1546............ 298, Lansiegburgh............... 5,621.4 41 35 675 1491 167 3,301 204...... 314, Nassau..................... 14,695 I45 9791 97 9,34........ 6421 101 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 2'3'627 1~379 99 57 1,3 ~.. ~~ North Greenbush............ 12,225 2 2 22 581 27 850. 37101 4561 6,489 171 135 1,0172 Petersburgh................ 242 371 27 8663 1981 305 3,1692 564 658 13,220............ 2363 Pittstcwn...................21,411 21 15 164 530 6414 9,263 1,806 1,945 3,8832 5 2 1,0701 Poestenkill 3,161 3 4........ 104 128 1,519 240 32013 4,971.1 834 (Continued on page 356.) AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. 349 OSWEGO COUNTY-(CONTINUED). POTATOES. PEAS. BEANS. TURNIPS. FLAX. AcresAcres sown. Acres planted. Acres sown, Acres sown. TOWNS. planted. - Bushels Bushels Bushels Busliels Bushels harvested harvested. harvested harvested. of seed. 186564. 1865. 1864. 18. 1865. 1864. 1864. 1865. 64. 1864. 1865. 1864. Hannibal........... 5651 47,033 31i 20k 222 34 20~ 599 2\ 04 2 Hastingfs.... 29!11 1 4331 13 aLsting~s............ 292 22,434 114 87] 1,006 391 21/ 674 2i 1 433 331 37 1 33~ 37~ 153~, Mexico.............. 4251 35,559 894 90I 8615 40A 325 810 2 2 1,045 171 51 703 New Haven.......... 2301 18,821 I18 11i 137 1 8 136 1 360 1 5 2 Orwell.............. 1491 9,996 I 11 10 129 4 1 121 70 1 208 6 9 211 Oswego.............. 474 30,719 20/ 17 309 18 ll! 345 7 64 2,423 311 265 85g Oswego city......... 70 3,255 41 2 48 I................ 25 1 250...... 2 Palermo............ 255 23,7343 3- 49........ 23 1 386 - 2 Parish.............. 217 18,993 2 24 30 21 4 52 350 60. 8 4 Redfield........... 31425,898 40 371 3891 20 19 338 1 541 49 51 227 314~[ I j 4 0 372 2 [ Richland..!...... 138 11,435 1 2 20 21 420 3 101 Sandy Creek........ 219 19,852 22 191 206 251 149 379 2k 476 311 41 85 Schroeppel......... 2791 26,876 79 99 70714 66 36g 808 26| 64 2,5340 1 12-i 65i1 Scriba.............. 364128,887 261 19 250 15 484 12 1 Volney............. 4231 33,586 20 194 155 13 1 71 175 7 2 519 36 9 121 West Monroe........ 195 13,651. 475 35I 3161 25. 24-7 288 9 6 1,587 43" 69i| 1154 Williamstown..... 144 9,63 3 55 22i 181 273 652 1i...... Total........... 6,063-81484,275 I 620|8 5344' 5,6535j3 389^1 279 6,2315 81 554[l8,080 _5425| 598-2,865' OTSEGO COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Burlington......... 226120 210,640,1 51 21 1351 4 2 597 9 6 36 66 ] 36! 808 II 26~/ 6~ 4544865a} Scribs.............1, 7 Butternuts.......... 1813 18,227 21 23 4[ 2 90 l 1,4 4 3I 31 Cherry Valley....... 251 21,733 115 122 1,164 4 7 881 2........ 25 29 13 265 Decatur'............ 151 11,6345 451 64j 539 55 9 765 31 11 416 25 20~|1 131j Wdmeston.......... 196 19,739 11l 121 196 13i 9 301I 35 21 1,120 127 3| 43 195~~~~~~~~ ~~~ 4 3 24 9 / 6~ 4,8 651 II 47!1 35~~~~11 316,.3 Exeter............ 1781- 12,936 17 174 286 3j 121 29.. 465 7| I 11 Hartwick........... 263|1 26,162 13| 121 220 13% 111 o 2091g 6 4' 1, 174 71 65 113 Laurens............ 2144 15,736 3g 51 48 35j 22k 292 11. 205 6j 4i 201 Maryland........... 2361 18,402 21 5~ 30 55 19 931 1k 467 2k 411 211 Middlefield........... 380;1 35,726 73 921 953 15g 111 1865 3 3 886 7|! 531 Milford............. 2815 19,317 75 7| 68 11 j 9| 133 12 1121 708 7` 5 22-i Morris.............. 158| 13,937 l 3 22 2k 3j 1041 49 2 1,834 3 31 221 New Lisbon......... 188~ 16,101 31 31 62 2^ i 139`1 718 7- 8 48 8 I 2 8 4 2 a18 8 8 Oneonta............ 241' 21,03825 41 60- 1 4 955 5........ 474 li 8 llg Otego............... 17731| 17,147 1 14 23 115 21 1 1,170 2. Otsego............ 292j 27,032 501 59 759 12 13 255 4 2 1,75 4 5 1?ittsfield............ 179 j8 15,903 19 2 49 5-5 8 310 2........ 867 1 6 Plainfield........... 144 16,128 16 164 11 li 1795 4 119 13 5 Rich-field............ 157i 16,081 40 411 704 71 35 161 4........ 155 1 1 6 Roseboom........... 209 16,603 29 39 381........ 5........ 390 7 41 39 Springfieldl.......... 22 22,7 191 225 3,89 4 1035 TJnadilla............ 213525,855 5 31 421 6 7 114 21 15. 4,299 3 21 1415 *Westford........... 208|5 18,841 135 1841 175 9 9 94 2 1 80 28 5714 Worcester.......... 30252 28,168 331 39 1 327 121` 8 164-' 10, 35 2,371 10 12k 52' Total...5...2.4......5,2555475,9655.68 818 10,3835!! 2041- 201| 3, 4 7 7 981 1554" 22,525 2143 175 l, 295 PUTNAM COUNTY-(CONTINUED). D6catur................. Patterson..... 13........... 1512 1 3........... 1........ 19 14........ 1,049..4!6i7 dhillipstown........ 132 9,7072 2 20 4........ 160................. _~xeterso.............. ~] 11 ].. Putnam Valley...... 319 31 409............................................. 25........ 1,215 21.... Southeast........... 1194 16 305................ i I 4 14 3........ 2,070.................. Total............. 1041 1110528.620 11 14 33~1 53 15669...4..4 ],!7 Tt.. 0 111 4 QUEENS COBTUNTY- (CONTINUED). Flushing............. 660] 3,874| 85! 5 500 4i; 21 412,64 7 10,817......9......!.... Hempstead.......... 1,435i1 96,831 7 1 18 722 17 122 385 4 321~26,583 JaMoaica........... 1,525 ll21,429 222s............'...... 1 Newtown........... 5608 |49,193 36U 23 18 1 3 105 3 ~ 52,028... North Hempstead.... 810!j[ 64,918 24gi7,231[i 21,038 l{94 2~{ 4! 2576:::l::i::: 2~~ ~ 51 3 1.....3 Oyster Bay......... 782~ 173,223 25 5 13 81 85 3119,464. Total.,............ 5,773j469,468 619j 633|, 36,382[ 219' 199j| 16 135^_ 1,056^1 3234|205 21^......I.../ ^.. EENSSELAER COUNT Y-(CONTINUrTED). Berlin.............. 2331 19,821..0.....3.......4........ 28 | 4 i Brunsw-ick....,...... 2,7i651263, 390 125 3| 214 3^ 2k 40 I 311:........i 14,603S 2415 247ci 16'75 East Greenbush...... 1,4755 39,180 102 |1 45 1191'........1 1,157 1 5 Richftonil............. 193 71 15 240 Greenbush........ c. 2i 140...........................!....................... HOOSiCk......~...... 33041 33,289 41 16,081 41 73,054 1/[....... 93 6371 76153, 302 Lansingburgh....... 33241 29,165 3 4 32 6 2 53 1i1 | 2,705 165 18 110 Nassau e om.......... 726154,773 3 9 1901. 2,135 l 17 North Greenbush.... 1,2069110,6 38 2 42 8 49 2 38 | 2 1 7,686 2 Petersburgh......... 252^26,686 2k 5 1 3051 3481 2,237a-.................... 2671 234 1,4225 Pittstown.......... 1,203 105,915 1 7 12 241 101 521 91J I 2,095 1,126 724 5,619 Poestenkill...........9521470,939 2 3 ~ 26 0 47 1 - 2,525 2148[ 1454!,40 48 (Continued on page 357.) I:nj~e........ 35..... 350 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. OSWEGO COUNTY-(CONTINUED.) FLAX. hEMIP. HOPS. TOBACCO. APPLE ORCHARDS. mrK'T APPLE ORCtIARDS. GARDENS Acres sown. Acres in crop. Acres planted. Acres cultiTOWVNS.. [ [ _ vated. Pounds of I Lbsc. ofj Pounds har- Pounds har- Number of Bushels of Barrels o lint. I hemp. 1vested. vested. trees in apples. cider. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1864. f'ruit. 1 64. 1864. 1864. Hannibal........... 39,562.............. 3 3 2,350 141 - 25 k 137,025 23,020 43,590 743 61 1I 1 I 1013t 451 9:15,9 Hastings............ 6,700 1........../...... 19j 19 10,130 453 31I 5~4,491 11,654 16,706 554........ Mexico....... 1,271............... 3 2,040 5..... 4,762 21, 654 25,103 688 2 New IHaven............................... 51 2 2, 2, 00 22, 371 19,295 505o 1 Orwell.............. 288............. 4 6 1,012........ 500 2,760 4,331 56'2........ Oswego............. 1,490............. 3 2 2,400 i 8,177 30,10 31,287 495 281 Oswego city......... 500............................... 4........ 2,300 2,456 2,197 35 2Qk I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Palermo................................ 15 15 8,025 6 3 4 6,700 18,675 22,618 6235........ Parish...................................... 1 2 730 I 450 8,155 10,9512 259 Redfield..... 6 45................. 7 7 5,500 3 11 1,260 35 12............... Richland........... 136................. 4 41 41,420............ 5 2 22,327 21,957 475' 1Sandy Creek....... 2,365................ 39 682 26,684 3 / 2,500 13,314 21,187 427........ Schroeppel. 6,....... 738 23 241 31,670 742 10 73,200 18,747 17,324 437 Scriba.......................................................................... 2,100 37,243 40,638 913 48 Volney............. 740.......................... I.......... 41 41 44,488 25,466 33, 912 889 i West Monroe........ 7,553 13 9,631 5,793 8,282 1352........,~o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~n~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4:....... W illiamstown........................... 37 45 12,749........ 1,085 2,545 2,922 38 Iv~~~! Total............. 86,2 _ 21 10 i 239 3304 140,450 551 120 6 57,942 1'304,9991376,614 _8, I 127 OTSEGO COUNTY-(CONTItNUED). 1 ~ Burlington.......... 13,271............... 1961 244 89,424........ 256 13,929 20,939 410....... utternuts.......... 555 49 31,984........................ 19,207 38,217 717 I ~~~ ~~10 Cherry Valley.................. 544 571 234,765 4................ 10,601 14,256 3862........ Decatur............ 1,809.............. 1251 1341 60,797 / " 50 7,022 8,6132 191........ Edmeston.......... 1,715.221 2431 116,250....................... 11,82 21,544 4531........ Exeter...................... 217. 245 103,628........ 200 9,817 19,396 3442........ Hartwick........... 467.................. 366/ 4031 166,643........ 500 15,3[24 32,484 904. 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~........[ Laurens............ 407..............164 237 64,083......1. 50 15,486 25,789 522 Maryland........... 1,239................ 320, 325- 163,264....................... 10,522 18,703 6472........ Middlefield......... 1689................... 7474 7761 391,861 | i 1,100 17,832 35,834 1,083 3I M ilford....................................... 564, 629 302,5394 550 12,349 21,693 6812........ 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~1-i Morris.............. 420.................. 125^ 160 63,572 2........ 1 70 14,029 24,891 495........ New Lisbon......... 6342....... 1451 176' 677,230.............. 60 15,154 18,365 3912........ Oneonta...;........ 270 I.....i.............. 2332 2 6 52 110,979.............. 70 1 7,748 22,077 588........ Otego.............. 203...... 4...... 53 74 23,924 1 1,800 10,8128 23,164 382 Otsego.............. 2,142.................. 7402- 7632 327,923........ 1,350 14,446 31,889 9922. 2 2 4... Pittsfield.............................1........ 79 105 50,515 15,133 12,082 21 Plainfield........... 1,500.................. 109i 117 53,911 81 11 8,850 9, 53 16,956 3941........ ichfield............ 440 9......2 3 110,81.............. 42 389, 192,841 5.......20,931 550 Roseboom.......... 320................... 352 348.i 166,096........................ 8,729 10,003 24313........ Springfield..........49.... 8093 732 386,088 4........ 1,800 12,248 21,088 654 l T~n~adilla............ 963.................. 7 202 2,200 41 1 3,363 12,028 25,370 648........ 350 763,9 W estford........... 1,448.................. 26. 3521 170,582.. 800 11,956 18,254 451........ I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i........ Otsego ~~~~............. 13 (1, 4 ( 3, 89/ 9 2 1............. 2 Worcester.21 2 110,607 4....................... 13,830 16,721 349........ Total............ 29J8U...... 4...... 7, 076 7, 605 38 3,451_J61 2 6 3 ^ 22,104 |292,j36236 519,2591 127012 _6 PUTNA-A COUNTY-(CCONTINUED). Carmel............ 7 1......... 11 125 I 14, 958 39,781 2 27 1........ lientf...... l.d........ 190..........................'........ 100 1 6,840 215,403 5 1. 8~1 ll[ 8 6,850 I/,573 6,56, Kent............... 4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~39471......... Patterson........... 45 2.... 9,....................1.. 0, 88 1 5 0........788 Phillipstown..................1.................'..... 7,723 15,076............7,523 15,07 814 Putnam Valle.....................................................,31'9 17,359 512........ Southeast........... 8|1........ 9,22o| 10,671 27,142 1,125 3 Total ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~)....... __3 |...... |'........... i-.. 0 __ 2 35,950 It 56,197 il37 456G,5,837 1| 3~ QUE~ENS COUN~TY-(CONTINUED). Flushina.............. 3 7...,0. 41 -.......... 70 70 empstead.............................,585 4,19 8 5 Jam aica............ 235..................................................11........ 35.0, 1 5 1,091, 5 5 Woces town...............,......3,747 34 1,05 N~orth Hempsteazd..!...!.................................. 30,579 38,_42_7 96 _. Oyster Bay.........1:::: L.......................... 484 26,063 51,551 1,1912e 2185 Toa........... ^|.......|...................^ _ _ 2 484 i74 5 9 1 8 03 2,377 2J 3,2491 TIotal s............,608,5,6' —-~/ 31 —--- 2210'9,3611,5~ —-~6 UTNSSELAER COUNTY —(CONTINUED). erlin.......... 3,100 2 2,800 9,413 338 r~unswick.......... 1.460......:........... 43,21 1 East Gr~eenbush.'100........ l.. 7 Gr ft n........ 40............,...................,.|........... 1,245 1,629 44.... G~reenbush............... 1...................... |.... 150 25 1 15i oosick n......... Lansingburgh ~ /...... /3,031 5,338 197 2 Nassau............. ~ ~ ~ ~ 16..........'8 41 645 i 377 11,428 23,355 1,022..... N h s............................................,04 1,58 1 815 52 Petersbunrh ^4374................... 2 5i 1,825 11,60. 21,312 771........ Pottst..:......................... 14,968 28,050 8942 1 Poesteu~kill::::: 901:::::::::;:.... 400> 75o 4o584 9,697 525r........ ^Continued on page 358.) AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. 351 OSWEGO COUNTY-(CONTINUED). MARKET GARDENS. Cd ~' | N I>IEAT CATTLE. Acres cul- // t- /0 Z- C TOWNS A^ 1 M ^ l~ O, ^ z If | | QillC Milch cows. TOW~NS. tivated. Z -. m 0' -e Valule of~lT- ~ po-E 3) o = o.'~ io ~ P~ o~ ducts, 1864. 14 W a a a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ t. l'~ 7." O 1865. | 1~ 1864. 1865. PH c o" o" ^ "^ ^ -' ~ " " ~ Hannibal............. 10 $1,115 1,099 84 155 3,556 175...... 479 501 439 48 1,172 1,125 Hastings................... G60 1,388 109 131 2,806 184......I 425 380 530 70 1,011 941 Mexico............. 2 200 5,973 83- } 50 2,451 1711..... 617 433 644 44 2,965 2,803 New Haven......... 1 500 605 28 131 2,280 91...... 355 251 560 30 1,291 1,375 Orwell.................... 13,789 149..... 1,360 97...... 204 176 122 32 1,454 1,412 Oswego........... 44 4,038 460 21...... 2,321 19 416 338 202 48 1,338 1,148 n 9........ Osawego city 28 4,005................ 72 5...... 20 26 19 6 627 627 Palermo................... 185 7801...... 323798 50 16.. 3353 384 1,260 1,135 Parish............. 520 4,452 76 105 640 61...... 340 272 397 124 1.008 948 Redfield............................. 21,836 219...... 320 26...... 148 163 192 75 1,026 954 Richland~~~~~~~1 3 0......... 54i0 3 01 4 Richland........... 2^ 192 12,936 273 280 4,352 203 699 90 3,012 2,87 Sandy Creek........................ 12,575 60..... 1,351 31...... 405 366 223 32 2,677[ 2,564 Schroeppel......... 1 166'[ 748 88 9 2,898 159...... 509 479 312 49 1,807 1,717 Scriba............. 52q 2,945 1,245 74 16 2,625 128. 451 352 377 52 1,558 1,518 Volney............ 140 1,911 11 1I 8 2,007 75...... 369 401 360 64 1,820 1,8539 West Monroe....................... 2158 33 1 1,110 96...... 264 248 99 78 621 619 Williamstown........................ 2,879 53...... 288 8...... 158 141 140 156 411 394 Total............ 152. 15,318 102,770 1,695 897 37,819 2,0591i...... 7,414 6,459 6,968 1,422 29,503,28393 OTSEGO COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Burlington........................... 43,578 262...... 1,531 83...... 398 429 188 12 2,048 12,020 Butternuts........./ 25 17,742 5,981/ 94 1,943 151...... 752 796 753 66 2,821 2,278 Cherry Valley....................... 10,836 3393...... 2,327 102...... 361 472 375 6 1,443 1,334 Decatur.......................... 20,815 3073...... 180 22..... 184 322 150 3 694 634 Edmeston............................ 32,468 226.............. 15..... 354 370 970 14 2,297 2,078 Exeter.............................. 22,432 456...... 2,027 131...... 252 307 251 6 1,726 1,564 Hartwick............................ 25,208 744...... 1105...... 367 353 457 10 1,768 1,655 Laurens............................. 20,738 345 6 1,713 106i...... 472 531 454 50 1,654 1,382 Maryland............................ 10,938 199...... 325 29...... 304 414 159 17 1,088 881 Middlefield................ 300 11,606 126 20 2,397 123...... 498 617 316 45 2,205 1,797 Milford..................12,570 162{ 4 1,080 39...... 306 476 472 29 1,403 1,110 M iforri............................. Morriis............................... 27,403 220...... 1,956 180...... 354 445 315 24 1,789 1,544 New Lisbon......................... 55,408 3871 100 1,985 117... 409 430 1,120 9 1,759 1,404 Oneonta............................. 2,937 50...... 1,541 101...... 174 437 107 6 1,323 1,147 Otego................751 9,977i 33...... 400.............. 564 639 420 51 1,559 1,449 Otsego..................... 15 19,710 339...... 2,683 219...... 556 545 637 14 2,294 2,223 Pittsfield..........................II 17,267 49 128 1,444 48....... 318 323 338 7 1,257 1,125 Plainfield............................ 10,216 399 2 1,679 156......l 175 195 246 33 1,790 1,792 Hichfield...................|.......... 14,460 132...... 879 116...... 219 307 176 15 2,532 1,813 Roseboom............................ 22,776 331...... 1,735 49...... 257 338 302 8 1,164 953 Springfield......... 26 12,754 1,6171 89 1,460 158...... 328 435 275 21 2,102 2,011 Unadilla.......................... 1 8,455 94 1 1,702 133....... 506 592 542 105 1,801/1,523 Westford.......................... 24,191 271...... 1,504 62...... 298 411 180 28 975 923 Worcester...........................( 37,205 5011 57 655 22...... 479 684 246 26 1,774 1,410 Total..............441 491,690 13,572 501 34,251 2,234...... 8,885 10,868 9,449 __ 605 41,226 36,040 PUTNAM COUNTY-(CONTINUED). 2armel...................322.............. 1,058 995 421 301 1,696 1,626 Kent.............................. 251 27.... 1,847 73...... 143 178 356 244 1,397 1,493 Patterson.................. 30 28 24 15 1,655 49...... 67 62 138 232 1,528 1,630 Phillipstown.............................. 618 4...... 498 497 326 128 652 662 8' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ -'' -- 80 PUEENS COUNTY-(CoNTINuED). Flushingam......................... 172 42 202 659 857 Hempstead.. 279 3..........6........ 1, 327 5......'9548 226 2,006 2,087 Jamaica........... 1,126 45,430 367............... 122.......... 1964 1 80 67 18 725 74026 Kewtown.......... 1,07 206,262..,.[. 2 27........................ 192 149 32 64 934 926 North: Hempstead...( 50 11~....~..l...F....l 1,875 1........ 12] 3 82 141 164 1,403 1,336 Oyster Bay........ 2 59'......... 141 187 328 271 1,901 1,947 Total............ 6, 278/ _4/7_,_5^4_........ 31 14902 1_ 14289 1,3202 1,2 8 62/ 7,893 EENSSELAER COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Berlin...........31,504 518 1,359 1 1,301 1,039 341 50 1,472 1,204 Brunswick........ 625 67,100 4..,..... East Greenbush.... 134 23,2.......476 71 36 664 630 Orafton............................. 3,301 147...... 1,846 132 4. 203 239 302 89 754 692 Hreenmush......... 1,900. 4 1 96 93 Hoosick........... i 25 551 62 47 3,171 152...... 318 368 289 82 929 918 Lansingburgh......l' 0.~....l. 2 4........ 138 248.............. 21 20 75 48 269 272 Nassau.........., 20~,~..... 207 228 209 114 1,232 1,0.9 North Greenbush.. 56 6,282.................. 490 11......' 314 227 169 11 207 561 Petersburgh;.......I..~..,,I.. ~ ~....... 2,209 262...... 189* 205 347 58 961, 856 Totalton.......... 1 56........ 1 2,317 113...... 329 306 305 239 1,437 1,393 BerlPoestenkill............ 925 152 161. 212 87 639 636 (Continued on page 359.) 352 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. OSWEGO COUNTY-(CONTINUED). C~AT TLE CATTZE BTE. CH-EESE. H-ORSES. SWIN~E. SHEEP.' /ON. - Gallons of TOWNS. milk sold, 1864. 1864. 1864. 1865. o ld anId 1865. 1864 and in 3S64. made, 1864. 1864. in 1865.'-j over, 18G5. older. Hannibal........ 407 110,788 25,783.......... 80 61 787 2 672 865 1,098 258,942 5,030 4,998 Hastings........ 167 91,270 8,320.......... 51 70 507 10 529 570 662 152,444s 3,847 4,328 exico......... 397 187,995 316,646 500 59 61 849. 76 664 926 241,669 2,522 3,008 New Haven..... 83 95,324 87,223.......... 36 39 447.... 500 1,134 579 137,355 1,661 1,791 Orwell.......... 132 58,143 54,775.......... 19 16 284.... 202 209 277 71.402 644 757 Oswego......... 994 106,757 33,138 25,432 55 45 706 1 614 529 816 194,618 2,096 2,359 Oswego city..... 8 7,130 390 24,514 2 8 603 4 64 35 75 17,240 20 20 Palermo........ 195 113,042 73,235.......... 35 43 442 9 439 391 572 141,259 2,408 2,330 Parish.......... 120 82,350 24,800.......... 36 54 419 1 120,194 1.594 1,930 Redfield........ 150 39,335 164,307.......... 7 12 173.... 162 115 152 38,017 589 741 Richland........ 490 189,382 447,047 405 76 74 833.... 601 486 730 171,778 2,493 2,387 Sandy Creek.... 649 90,418 364,253 1,275 65 50 692 491 451 616 168,178 1,690 2,057 Schroeppel...... 339 106,313 265,514.......... 59 57 836 526 570 852 191,328 2,i658 3,156 Scriba......... 1,175 159,665 97,951 450 41 60 687 1 942 405 882 210.165 1,531 1,714 Volney......... 207 107,465 166,982 75 43 62 832... 614 806 897 198,637 3,272 3,392 West MNonroe.... 78 60,0321 11,000.......... 25 28 26 245 269 384 92,653 1,535 1,586 Williamstown... 63 32,451 6,644.......... 17 13 239 2 179 109 178 44,117 739 839 T6ot5al........63 11,988, 060|!2,383,806 69,151i 892 893 11,637 34 9,577 10,026 12,354 2,981, 966' 43,786 47,820 OTSEGO COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Burlington...... 231 108,304 230,348.......... 45 35 533... 343 237 462 111,954 4,754 3, 99 Butternuts...... 202 221,815 169,785 5,291 38 30 638.... 546 1.318 735 172,143 6,379 4,738 Cherry Valley... 406 87,300 145,900 650 43 45 631.... 449 362 534 124,176 2, 382 2,266 Decatur......... 87 63,595 13,885.......... 18 17 264... 274 293 214 51,731 1,570 1,475 Edmeston....... 150 84,275 108,862.......... 34 29 557 1 417 231 539 139,751 3,798 3,677 Exeter.......... 224 53,781 359,950.......... 24 29 399 7 215 407 364 87,964 3,803 3,408 Hartwick....... 342 140,271 136,686.......... 34 41 605 461 451 576 137,136 4,265 3,758 Laurens......... 243 150,688 4,000.......... 43 40 481 2 574 578 522 118,767 4,459 3,542 Maryland....... 129 103,635 850.......... 28 33 430 14 304 523 315 79,537 3,619 2,575 Middlefield...... 286 170,795 232,087.......... 58 50 823.... 687 663 727 186,745 5,248 4,017 Milford......... 228 120,855 15,259.......... 45 44 550 3 446 593 447 109,211 2,945 2,775 3Morris.......... 175 150,609 93,436.......... 15 24 464 2 318 48 512 120,552 3,491 3,092 New Lisbon..... 184 136,872 40,050.......... 140 39 51 i 11 393 541 444 111,079 6,641 3,531 Oneonta........ 319 138,236 2,280......... 30 501 i,2 )9 264 491 120,155 3,194 2,874 otego........... 143 133,687 22,018.......... 56 48 447 4 390 329 458 105,239 4,866 4,399 Otsego......... 714 145,077 196,287 12,338 43 59 732 1 591 569 6;34 172,493 5,924 5,212 Pittsfield....... 1 113,770 24,600.......... 56 40 381.... 344 69 375 93,164 4,534 4,495 3Plainfield......,i 171 18,680 555,0112.... /) ~ Plainfield....... 171 18,680 555,042.......... 25 19 367.... 321 327 337 87, 650 3,530 722 Richfield........ 257 52,332 569,659.......... 28 484.... 30 2 394 97,81.7 2,230 2,064 Roseboom....... 173 83,745 43,175.......... 4 44 543 425 224 358 85,522 2,139'1,893 Springfield...... 279 93,060 340,320.......... 6 9 720 2 601 55 559 143,480 2,469 2,0I5 Unadilla........ 277 202,945 23,454.......... 57 7 563 483 332 640 149,852 5,573 4,606 Westford....... 209 102,250 5,841.......... 51 45 444.... 310 9 354 80,963 4,741 4,278 Worcester....... 42 7414,62 / 1,7 Worcester....... 173 134,622 1,370.......... 46 80 647 2 545 381 485 119,328 2,405 1,823 Total........ 5,603 12,811,199113,335,144 18279 962 98812718, 137 310,276 11476 2,806, 409 4,959 76,674 PUTNAM COUNTY-CONTINTUEI)). Carmel............. 529,260 27 19 505 1,063 538 968 181,938 1,517 1,459 Kent........... 223 42,437 275 420,206 16 17 253 435 158 535 98,300 574 694 Patterson....... 112 29,923 880 647,468 4 7 315 1 525 659 629 107,600 462 418 Phillipstown.... 716 22,402.......... 3,850 22 12 4741 15 388 269 565 101,440 492 503 Putnam Valley.. 17 53,257....... 19,70 1.... 651 616 665 119,156 730 873 Southeast....... 84 39,920 j..........1,220,699 8 20 422 6 942 845 742 180,984 275 291 Total........ 1,470 272,924 1,155 2,841,453 92 103 2,265 22 4,004 3,085 4,104 789,418 4,1050 4,238 QUEENS COUNTY —(CoNTINUED). Flushing....... 206] 39,32 5'L.1........... 154,625 22 6 1,037 I53 934 677 877 177,286 155 126 Hempstead...... 242 150,620..........i 59, 898 25 44 1,994 31 1,588 1,924t 2,399 I 582,879 13 14 Jamarica........ 418 61,........... 9,980 14 13 1,264 2S4 518 844 1,o14 231.337 14 14 Niewt~owYn....... 8 9,933. 74,175 1i 9 1,267 i 30 [605[ 404 559[ 121,765.............. North tHempstead 2]8 62,385:258,144 48 3 1,242 26 1,174 1,136 1,479 321,614 1,344 1,390 Oyster Bay...... 684 100,1934i......~... 372,308 53 54 2,046 Total.........i 1,856~ 424.063!1..........| 2 9,130 |_173 | i16 __8,790 IJ213 __7^ 069^^7,0681 ^8,941 _ ^976,2~2 4__2222_ _,917 EE~NSSE~iLAEE COUNTY4'-(CONTINUED).)) oo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~II,G3 7 2, 0... Berlin..........i 135 41,310 269,5501........ 38 17 410 21 49,50 289 512 11,023 Brunstric y..... 2,613 51,434 1,292 1, 101 East G-reenbush.. 157 46,830 200 25,158 17 30 57...., 56 962, 663 120,268 6,55 685 Grafton......... 71 59, 527 3,692 12,912 30 25 235 1 256 268 314 67,609O 1,762 752 Greenbush 750 1,500.................. Hoosick "'.;1/.' 172 86,'730 9,140 4650 r77 65 826 2 1,187 ~479 1,032 234,540 32,262 16,895 L~nsinfebureh 29 8 190........... 303 85 156 29,428 659 465 Totalsau 261 107:560 4,848..../..... 2 925 368 9^4 204,223 2,239I 1,627 Northsa Gebuh 67 4,3.......... 2 175 1148w 205,7210 26 22~ 5035.... 4793 351 572 110,0o2 46 47 Petersburdi..... 1,880 573822 97,875... 4 46 401 2 411 864 462 106, 13 65,613 5,902 1:3ri8n I.......... 12 53 981 4 1,439 1,584 1,699 I5 803 13,445.12,81 Poestenkill...... 1 1 34, 54:38 200.......... 32 20 4221 20 372 23. 30 98,007412 1,210 (rCfontined on p.ge. 3560.) AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. 35S OSWEGO COUNTY-(CONTINUED). SHEEP. POULTRY. | DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES, 1864. TOWNS. | Lambs Lambs Pounds of Pounds of Sheep Number Value owned. Val-e sold, Value of egg's 8 2 Yards Yards Yards"1 Yard, of raised in raised in wool shorn wool shorn slau - illed by 1865. 1864. sold, 18,64. of ulled of flannel. of linen. coton and 186,1. 1865. in 1864. in 1865. | tered in logs in I' cloth. mixed 1864. 1864. cloths. IHannibal......... 3,644 2,760' 18,4001 18,7581,321 32 82,639 25 12,657 25 03,002 0 843 00 3821 838 413 66 H1astings.......... 2,231~ 2,529 14,225 16,05421 296 41 1,86650 1,55565 1,89750 211 75 8703 1,864 603....... Mexico........... 1,448 1, 771 9,779 11,176 i 248 27 2,163 25 1,717 73 4,046 68 10350 837, 2,038i 1,708 102 New Haven....... 1,042i 1,188 6,601 6,761 99 17 865 50 848 25 1,027 94 16 00 453 921 503 25 Orwell............ 322 418 2,496 3,405 I91 1 689 00 365 00 735 00 9 00 6]631 970 436 174 Oswego........... 1,2781,491 7,783 8,983 810 58 2,95210 2,28178 2,65200 13500 238 349 160 26 Oswego city....... 5 17 80 75...... 2 226 50 150 50 102 00 269 00.................... Palermo.......... 1,393 1,353 9,290 8,891 197 2 978 00 1,160 00 2,307 00.......... 391 1,127 386 47 Parish........... 9251,099 5,194 6,316 478 28 1,16320 92310 1,02280 1250 1,261 2,031 1,021....... Redfield.......... 345 452 2,266 2,686 181...... 63150 175 75 17000.......... 461 1,126 84 17 Richland.......... 1,393 1506 9,924 8,935 1,034 25 2,675 10 1,502 50 1,597 00 1,18 00 1,185 2,519 1,349 231 Sandy Creek...... 1,066 1,213 6,096 7,804I 563 20 1,738 00 970 00 1,111 00.......... 1,278 2,224 2,469 333 Schroeppel........ 1,651 1,904 10,6802 11,342 345 57 2,198 75 2,283 00 1,284 75 695 00 746 1,298 389 184 Scriba............ 1,049 1,267 6,004 6,681 332 31 2,56900 1,26300 5,40400 1000 271 868 266....... Volney........... 1,767 1,982114,780 13,682 528 17 2,05050 1,618 90 1,03150....... 5071 1,625 858 164 Volney...ro....... 1,767 1,982 14, j 10 West Monroe...... 1,020 969 5,2785 5,713 137 8 99237 61266 89553 4100 727i,767I 1173 80 Williamstown.. 398 493 2,362 2,483l 106 16 714 50 248 00 279 4 200 0000 237 419 69, 20 Tota6l...........210228,7741167,838175,54 0 9 423 33,483 39 24,057 07 133, 867 54 7,251 75 14,197 27105415,313 2,013 OTSEGO COUNTY-(Co NTI.NUED). Burhlington........ 2,611 2,173| 18,057} 13,0301 168 19 1,352 50 1,394 50.1,305 00 606 50 1345 620 4611 38 Butternuts........ 3,802 3,136; 24,900 18,485 125 2 1,50700 80800 1,70700 62800....... 14 153....... Cherry Valley..... 1 6491 1,695 9,367 8,844 158 17 2,480 00 49875 852 15 886 00 384i' 338~ 516 50 Decatur.......... 944 1,043 5,8091 5,099I 85 17 882 65 33071 699 54 15 O0 213 364'1 5822....... Rddmeston......... 1 742 1, 640 15,9191 15,226 302 27 1,071 00 849 50 798 00 23 00 474 1,195, 644 89 Exeter............ 1,679; 1,373 15,835 14,699 194 32 1,259 00 608 00 556 00 80450 24 65 16 25 IHartwick......... 2,502 2,360 15,369 12,2703 687 59 2,068 46 1,067 25 2,171 00 17500 38 159 403........ Laurens............ 2,490 2,048| 15,2071 12,6961i 252 17 2,153 25 1,255 00 2,029 50.......... 161 590 945 65 Miaryland......... 2,018 1,716t 11,653 8,434,i 84 14 1,92425 236 00 317 50 481 50 242 4501 453i....... Middlefield........ 2,925 2,833 18,360 14, 49 30 2,790 1,061 50 2,188200 83500 133 649 4391....... Milford........... 1,689 1.734 9,774~ 8,4771 208 28 1,37375 59715 1,15900 77900.4561 588 3001 52 Morris........... 1,965 1;897 13,562 12,003 167 23 1,10700 14150 1,37400 57600 100 208 181 15 New Lisrbon....... 2,843 2,604 25,6721 15,598 281 6 1,414 30 1,014 521 i 2,427 309740 3601 6291 6951 - 54 Oneonta.......... 2,3631 2,299 10,6123 9,854 431 1 1,43800 71700 1,27600 1,203 00 209 631 556 210 Oteg'o............. 2,974 2,962 17,552 11,763 106 11 1,05550 62200 97638 71000 130 763 464....... Otsego.......... 2,639 2,486 21, 6941 18,924 1,249 25 2,685 13 971 03 1,312 56 1,993 90 543 6581 39421 12 Pittsfield......... 1,75019018,649 9,927 175 12 804 95 314 75 1,086 10 380 90 317 785 480 45 Plainfield......... 1,629 1,304 16,6313 3,485;1 295 32 1,36053 1,13035 70050 438 00 317 639, 298....... ichfield......... 1,321 1,162 9,753 8,669 294 2 1,25550 1,04600 46250 416 50 51 138 92....... Roseboom........ 1,381 1,524 6,594 6,877 170 18 1,32150 338 00 899 00 48 00 131 265 686 30 Springfield........ 1,401,321 9,4831 5,714 154.10 1,95900 53475 75750 81600 79 204 89....... Unadilla.......... 2,710 2, 478 22, 8081 18,1251 233 98 1,472 00 917 80 1,588 85 646 00 227 370 557 84 WVestford......... 2,572 2,588 16,676 15,735 224 41 1,256 00 47350 1,44400 25200 211 570 803 70 5 O ~ ~ 65 2 00 4800 t 13t 265 6867 ij Worcester........ 1,7'23 1,4900 8,337-19 6,218 74 73 86000 53450 66500 12700 903,522i 1,717 15 Total........... L5, 32547,656 358,279 1274,769 16,611.614 I36,851 77 17,462 06,28,752 85 |113, 150 20 i 5, 839' 12,419 l,9271 990 PUTNAM COUNTY-(CONTINUED). armel........... 1,:559 1,501 5 318 4,945- 98 29 4,025 33 — 2,81175 2,30275 94375............................ Kent.............. 52 610 1 924 2,302 28 6 1,98350 1,28668 1,15650 1,48375....... 91 30....... Patterson........ 456 390 1591 1,443 11 1 2,195 00 1,6296600 98800 16 20 31....... Phillipstown...... 512 554 1,661 1,653 18 18 2,021 00 621 00 1,482 00 15000.................. Putnam Valley.... 643 770 2306 24701 10 16 2,422 00 1,23700 1,29700 403 37 711... Westford...~...... 895[0....... Southeast....... 0 22 986 1,042 2 4 3,906 00 1,716 00 93900 1,6500 30............. Ttl..... 3702 387178 1385417 7 165583 17,29343 18,14 3 125 0 0733 903 2 1 12,1 1.1... Total...........1 3,762 3,84-7| 13,787 143,857,61 1 67 7 6,55 7 3 |19,99_43 0 8,7 2 8 3 5,14325_ 5,733 75,9 2,4|17 _ 3,2l 9 0.. PUEENS COUNT-Y-(Co N'TINUED). Clushing......... 146.12 6 545 520 422..... 5,905 00 2,501 00 3,13000 81802.........1.......1....... Hempstead.... 1 12 43 47 415....26,542 00 i36,564 00 117,968 00 870 13.......!....... Jamaica.......... 11 12 104 104 684..... 7,450 00 3,534 00 2,70000 1,30 7 42.. i"'.................3,640 1,62 00 20,56 00 49 0 00 64231...................... North Hempstead.. 1,17011,306 4,315 4,7251 502 69 11,809 00 8,54900 1,185........!..... Oyster Bay........ 727 803 4,504 4, 711U,293 21;24,251 00 22,617 00 13,123 00 //1,37, 0 0 5'9 786....7...|..... Total.......... 7 2, 511|10,108|3,316 9 |79 00 80,03 0045.960 00 jI,042 09 i|............ EENSSELAER COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Berlin............ 1,02311,19710,645 7,060 53 35 1,47700 1,01250 23500] 2300 11 6 201....... B3runswick......., 931, 189 6,815 7,720 2,862 37T 5,491 00 2,036 00 4,033 00 |,7413 00 32 16~ 27...... East G-reenbush.... 54C2 5771 2,347 2,510i 878 7 2,339 00 820 00 1,521 00 |1,901789 30 158;......./......~. G-rn.......... 687 609 5,774~ 1,806 66 1 8 609 00~ 79150 533 00.......... 82 208 105 4....... 1:oosick.......... 11,773:12, HO'^,629 3,69200 4,10200 1,77400 2,18650 42 18 351 18 Hpads g..... 130.184. 2,834 1,803 39300 18300 9100 420 00....... 30....... 16 ~Nassau........... 1,341101,05 8,0354 6,102 48 2 2,78950 2,45875 2,867 50 789 50 292 346 287.... orth Gireenbush.. 323 389 1,757 2,028 115 2 2,40000 80250 1,51000 2,40950 218 15..... Pctersburgh...... 1,7481 2,104 21,193^ 22,027 2,23100 2,55375 9975 4 00....00. 120 3 14' Newtown~~~~~~~~~~9 7 090.........t.0 31 1 Pittstown......... 5,770 5,89|3 55,4743 55,661 2,718 5 4,9809 00 3,70300 8,540 23 195 35 29 Poestenkill....... 1 609 790J 3,9964 4,452 540 24 1,53700 58225 1,10100 60900 414 00331 (Continued on page 361.)..... 3 5' r...... 554 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. RENSSELAER COUNTY-(CONTINUE)). ACRES. CASH VALUE. ACRES PLOWED. ACRES INOV GRASS LANDS. FALLOW~. TOWNS. Acres in pasture. Meadow. Improved. Unimprov- Of fiarms. Of stock. Of tools and 1864. 1865. 1S64. 1865. 1865. ed. 1865. 165. 1S65. implements. 1865. 1864. 1865. Acres. Acres. lt64. 1865. Sandlake............ 14,475 6,004 913,185 102,981 38,310 2,700 2,662 103 43 5,011 5,002 4,601 4619 Schaghticoke......... 22,6255 3,9711T 2,010,525 194,413 51,212 9,289 10,090...... 60 9,2571 8,291/ 3,90501 4,1081 Schodack %.......... 31,373 4,907A 2,766,500 233.102 115,143 11,013 11,338 49 116 6,199 5,952 10,591 10,585 Stephentown.......... 21,432 13,2631 607,340 112,100 26,499 1,8961 2,0161 33 10 11,273 11,255 7,7721 7,759 Troy................. 390 42 168,800 9,271 308 16818 30............ 1011 31 101 65 0, 90,6631~~~~~21,850, i 67, ~~~~~~ 66, i~~~j o~70 739 11114,464'~10 8Sb 84,30-9~1 85,789' Total.............. 290-2094 -90,663l'21,850,628 |2,232,847 72 ~~~~~23847 720,314/}67,219{! 66, 161i —1 79 [i 4441110,708{,.. RICHMOND COUNTY. Castleton............ 143 34 ]| 40,000 1,450 1,050 33 36............ 54 54 63 65 M/iddletown........... 365 212 ] 202,600.................. 65 681............ 23 27........ 5 Northfield.......... 3,231 2785! 791,100 36,365 14,461 822 802... 17 701 681 1,173 1,134 Southfield............ 2,982j'1,5621 1,044,300 32,495 7,765 I 736n1 7851 |............ 6231 6631 1,0931 1,1271 Westfield............. 5,9931 2,190 1,360,150 78,480 27,820 1,092 1,1321 76 75 7761 697 2,625] 2,5972 Smithfield............ 66 30 45,000 1,100 265 12 14............ 12 12 42 42 Total.............. 12,7804|| 6, 37J 3,483,150,0 149,890 51,361 2,76l5| 3,438 9 2,190 2,134 4,9961 4,970 ROCKLAND COUNTY. Clarkstown........... 17,45421 5,6115' 2,572,175 227,260 60,595 3,2881 3,231' 157 1561 8,1195 7,8491 5,1221 5,106 Htaverstraw.......... 3,28937111 84ii0 - Haverstraw........... 3,809 7,411 845,000 46,195 11,880 9921 8851 77 128 1,0691 1 172 1,475 1,478 Orangetown.......... 7,0995 3,987 1,341,950 93,980 38,056 1,522 1,577 17 15 2,538 2944 2,518' 2,562 1,341,950 93,95038,056 2,5621,7 j 1 Ramapo......... 18,0001 18,330 2,280,412 192.194 58,418 1 4,160/ 4,2331 419 4851 7,438 7 762' 4,3311 4,462..............~~~ 451 748[772(,3/ 4,6 Stony Point.......... 3,0701 11,916 443,345 35;895 12,534 651 6471 10 1,07 1094 1,0695 1,0831! 10,6142 2064 ~20821 45171[ 1476910 Stony 3~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,076 11,09[091 Total.............. 49,434 47,255 7,482,882, 595,524 181;483- 410,574 650 —1 20,240 1 20,822! 14,5175 14,6911 ST. LAWRENCE COUNTY. Brasher............ 24,964 13,408! 693,340 163,069 43,876 4,228 i 4,446' 39 20 13,2961 13,282i 6,723 6,831 Canton............... 41,288 18,336 2,028,931 328,465 63,163 7,108 7,367 41 20 18,7055 19,09351 13,471| 13,5281 Colton............... 5,715 9,424 181,747 43,755 9,330 1,040 1,135 38 90 2,276 2,256 2,127 2,133 De Kalb.............. 26,561 14,263 1,132,277 215,738 35,177 3,173 3,491 13 13 13,333 13,203 8,7271 8,908k De Peyster........... 14,394 8,942 879,075 103,954 22,190 2,718 26,063 6,088 4,808 4,839 ~E~dwards............. 11,211 20,699 I 575,750 76,138 15,491 1,743 1,912...... 13 5,798 5,811 3,431 3,476 Fine................ 2,647 100,374 155,335 16,950 4,588 392 430 22 126 822 893 969 1,033 Fowler.............. 17,733 16,651 727,177 125,429 24,930 2,269 2,666............ 8,453 9,456 4,994 5,6261 Gouverneur........... 24,442 10,586 1,095,730 197,507 36,998 3,759 4,033 9 2 11,115 11,126 7,596 7,740 Hammond.............. 17,337 15,958 923,267 117,771 29,957 4,946 4,572 6 55 6,703 6,665 5,496 5,774 Hermon.............. 17,857 1.1,406 561,519 120,756 17,299 2,210 2,256...... 9 8,766 8,788 5,509 5,646 Hopkinton............ 16,977 233,137 858,350 142,150 31,894 2,726 2,914 25 25 7,722 8,101 5,164 5,470 Lawrence.............. 23,806 4,105 1921,717 195,299 48,680 2,957 3,018...... 5 13,045.13,040 7,000,0115 Lisbon.............. 43,452 19,432 1,712,461 319,391 60,078 11,537 12,048 38 21 20,108 19,881 11,102 11,084 Louisville............. 20,976 13.003 958,507 172,896 28,997 4,199 4,415 32 23 11,521 11,425 4,997,1 5,0545 Nlacomb.............. 14,376 24780 528,295 91,345 17,279 2,507 2,335 12 31 7,142 7,143 4,746 4,831 Madrid............... 17,889 11,240 831,395 116,244 22,481 3,298 3,344 4 7 8,616 8,722 5,137 5,292.Massena.............. 23,5415 7,575 775,135 157,475 25,253 4,0691 4,1 49 68 12,630. 12,558I 6,223 6,326 MIorristown........... 20,3441 6,9231 963,916 146,863 36,442 5,187 5,029 58 1641; 9,090 9,176 4,6521 5,0151 Norfolk.............. 11,1531 9,782 408,310 73,032 12,185 1,186 1,925] 26 49 4,608 4,565 4,277 4,335AS Oswegatchie.......... 27,506s 8,897 [1,405,392 179,965 59,811 7,843 8,007 2951 3991 10,993 11,394 6,8021 7,2701 Parishville............ 21,6871 33,0821 966,514 174,364 51,303 3,7731 3,869...... 3' 10,6521 10,7191 6,34111 6,4623 Pierrepont............ 16,794 97,014 632,529 121,345 25,690 2,7701 2,9811 3 22 6,954 7,343 5,1381 5,5101 Pitcairn............. 4,0001[ 7,171 103,785 29,855 9,650 699 649-[ 51 52 1,7591 1,7451 1,562 1,515 Potsdam............. 46,42041 14,8661i 2,157,136 367,859 74,919 6,5061 6,8501 48 84 23,369 23,341 14,958 15,104 Rossie............. 11,60214 11,257 578,377 103,700 16,183 2,028 1,978...... 30 5,431 5,5191 4,095 4,184 Russell............... 22,9001 16,722 784,710 162,732 40,320 2,8811 3,1551 15...... 10,776 1 11,240 7,575 7,965 Stockholm............ 35,010 17,540 1,299,411 270,200 43,613 5,392 5,789 3 3 16.885 17,3741 11,002 11,316 Waddington.......... 19,627 9,057 672,944 85,846 30,932 001 49 47 7,352 8,44921 4,571 4,522 Totl..............,602,213l!785,5311!25,513,032 4,420,093 938,709 112,288,393 i179,198 69183,805 SARATOGA COUNTY. Ballston.............. 15,0541 3,4541 |1,093,667 137,505 138,052 3,7561 3,8531' 91 7 5;838 5,637 3,890 4,038} Charlton............ 15,690 4,330~ 812,405 111,225 31,586 4.0371 4,192 17 4,930 4,987 4,408 4,577 Clifton Park.......... 24,432 4,8665i 1,661,300 187,215 54,731 7,106 6,222 //273 338I 6,213 6,379 4,443 4,490 Cor~inth.............. 14,080 20,263859 |1 390,224 70,485 20,369 2,2541 2,418m1 16 11 6,1791 8,1761 3,305 3,244 BLay................. 9,402 35,859 219,183 64,393 7,9201 1,138 1,219 t 15 8 4,401 4,498/ 3,4871 3,5848 Edinburgh............ 26,025 13,2131' 295,610 80,737 14,560 1,684 1,7811 11...... 7,516-1 7,560 4,774 4,7001 Galway...........;..' 21,556 ~ 5,24 3 [I 8 59,473 [ 137,432 32,113 4,097 4,341 I.....]....... 9,106] 9,7401 5,674 6,402 Greenfield............] 28,4931 4,188 1,060,915 131,217 31,136 4,353 4,470 11 011I 36 12,712 12,681 6,672 6,773 Hadley.............. 8,107 7,972 101,600 43,835 4,501 1,1631 1,3'461!1 201[ 24.4,266 | 4,508-1 2,0091[ 2,1005 Halfmoon............. 15,770 3,375 1,474,575 147,22t1 49,400 5,220 5,007 3i;77 t 253 4,021 4,221 3,692 4,053 lalta...............1 13,035| 3,,181 787,755 91,092 20,826 3,2891 3,1461 591A 1591 4,897 4,6281 3,248 3,3465 Milton............... 16,6461 5,051 878,195 125,010 29,022 4,493 4,137, 1 102 42 6,008 5,764 3,1781 3,2861 Moreau ~.............. 18,4991 4,985~1i/ 671,560 89,517 18,453 5,1881 4,36501 53 105 6,076| 6,280 2,857 2,9911 Northumberland...... 15,014 4,937 | 905,735 132,961 32,880 5,253! 5,71111 112 116 6,34541 6,0981 3,144 3,182 Providence...........10,300~1 11,710~1 177,630 46,409 10,3231 1,289 i 1,4491............ 4,271 4,433 2,738 2,982 Saratoga............. 18,658 4,503 |I 1,293,296 156,663 47,050 5,943 5,892 32 59 6,197 5,9231 4,644 4,870 Saratoga Springs...... ll,308- 5,,1881' 904,100 66,532 19,508 3,4971 3,3411 7741 663 3,76514 3,57411 1,795 1,736% Stillwater..,........ 23,872 1,235 |1,411,045 176,950 64,467 5,3861 5,277l1 31i 15 5,928 6,176 4,534 4,654'Waterford............ 2,954 5891 276,075 22,451 10,4981 843 826/ 7A- 91{]t 647. 520/ 1,175 1,038 ilton..............( 15,8701 6, 614-1 644, 590 95,835 23,49711 4,893| 1,5621 6171 6201 7,802 7,7731 1,728 1,616 Tctal.............. 324,7691160,$f2984 2,114,685 560,8921 74,888 | ]0,5608!13,16442,5591! 117, AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. 355 RENSSELAER COUNTY-(CONTINUED). GRASS LANDS. SPRING WHEAT. WINTER WHE AT. OATS. WINTER RYE. Meadow. Acres sown. Acres sown. Acres sown. Acres sown. TOWNS. Bushels Buishels Bushels harvested. harvested. harvested. Tons of hay. Bushels of 1864. 1865. 1864. 1863. 1864.' 1864. 1864. 1865, 1e64. 18,13. 1864. 1864. grass seed. I 1 1864. 1 8 Sandlake............ 3,1732 7 15 6 45 2!........ 7 1,250 1,113 7,616 1,0872 3 Schaghticoke........ 4,1462........ 6 2 25........................ 2,583 2, 77412 47,114 2,977 2.983 Schod ck........... 8,226....................................................... 3,38 28,712 3,689 4,237 Stephentown........ 4. 4591........ 6 52!..... 15 6091 696 8,887 137 s 1291 Troy................'211........................................ 6.. Total............. 65,6883! 87M 189 1M33|1,007 || 76 746 2 4,3001 21,087_ 254,617'jj 17,0821 16,5061 EICHMOND COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Castleton........... 90................1........................................ 5 72 380............ M iddletown......... 63....................................................12 12 Northfield........... 1,308 4 5 5 120 31 26 555 109-2 77 3,536 961 46' Southfield...................... 2........ 140 130 2,474 2212' 249 6,414 33 1 50 WVestfield........... 2,927 12........................ 186 225 3,030 3121 3741 8,599 374' 110 Smithfleld........... 1 350........................................................ 4 31- 130 3 |........ Total............. 5,75051 _ 5s 5_ 7 120 357 581 1 6,059 6521 713l| 19,059 2564' 219 ROCKLAND COUNTY —(CONTINUED). Clarkstown........ 5,865........ 2 2 is 831 104 1,314 946 1,0725 21,294 996 983 Haverstraw......... 1 640............................... 573 681 744 15 Orangetown......... 2,812....................... 811 121' 1,4321 288 4141 7,229 404 369 Ramapo............ 4,6181 3........ 3. 721 1113 999 7784 9611 13,5231 1,404 1,431. Stony Point......... 1,5981................... 1 4 Total....... 1 Total.............16,5331 _ 3 __2 10 18 301| 415 4,690 1|2,329 2,7913J 48,720lU 31l|314 ST. LAWRENCE COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Brasher............. 4,936 77 1,213 1,272|i 12,338 43 1 30 1,656i 1,660-L 32,0173 58 751 Canton............ 10,8453 209 1,385 1,42141 13,337 2 72 71 463 371 2,9671 3,0731 56,689 411 54'olton.............. 1,562 2 105 PO 76 806........ I. 4623 541 5.708 25 17 De Kalb............ 7,6571 851 6181 6721 4,399s 31 321 114' 502 1,406 1,598 19,534 311 21 De Peyster......... 4,1303 2191 4131 4801 3,407........ 4........ 1,203 1,186 19,609 44 3 Edwards............ 3,012 29 290' 2751 1,487........................ 624 625 7,307 11832 120j Fine................ 5421 4 393 49 133. 189 2101 711 7 1 191 Fowler............. 4,531U 651 3891 4341 1,678........ 291 64 9361 1,055 8,233 71U2 1033; Gouverneur......... 6,488 176 593 775A 4,325 1241 931 160 1,817 1,911 21,421 3i7A 562 Hammond........... 3,954 901'2 1,055 1,0453'1 6,978-1........ 5........ 1,725 1,610 21,887 431- 1171 Hermon............. 4,922 273i 4219( 48091 2,963 2k 11 14 1,036 9722 10,566 7k 2 Hopkinton.......... 4,6063 82 622 653 6,644......................... 8911 1,011 15,868 49 37d Lawrence........... 6,8651 761 9521 945 9,21131........ 1........ 1,0831 1,017 18,414 603 97 Lisbon.............. 8,981. 304 1,8333 1,81519 16,660 2 2 18 5,829 6, 078 102,314 13 9 Louisville........... 4,987 34 9741 960 10,013 2 2 41 ~2,007 2,173 39,756 18 10 Macomb............ 3,6691 124 4971 515 3,11143 9 1........ 1,218 1,033 12,530 29 86s Madrid............. 3,920 64 7371 674 6,810........................ 1,9053 1,4253 23,863................ Massena............. 6,665........ 1,1371 1,1613 14,134 5 6 80 1,6973 1,6433 38,425 2 I Morristown.......... 3,033 481 1,2121 1,208 8,936 2 i2........ 1,628 1,6101 19, 651 1872 164 Norfolk....~......... 2,699 28 510| 4791 4Q,7697j 6 4 105 772 8352 13,729i 7- 010 Oswegatchie......... 4,708 2633 1,3354i 1,4071 10,474 4 231 47 3,5583 3,5301 59,655 50 1503 Parishville.......... 5,292 127 984 9322 8,450........ 23-........ 9903' 1,0301 18,253 96i- 75 Pierrepont........... 4,313 90 5721 5114 5,901........ I........ 1,027 1,1441 19,167 74 118" Pitcairn............ 844 9 106s 799 206........................ 302 2224-' 697 5 24 Potsdam........... 13,244 2231 1,556 1,5193 15,113 53 13' 89 2,331 2,3781 43,361 293 32 Rossie.......... 3,432 89 3271, 3484 2,020........ 5 897 803 9,0415 302| 17 Russell............. 6,8401 3227 367 2,631. 8. 1,1921 1,3419 18,000 53.. 23. Stockholm.......... 8,812 3 1,220 1,2311 4........ 1........ 1,6351 1,8201 31,72424 116.Waddington......... 3,640 63 706^ 693 7,228 5 9 50 2,320-3 2,458- 40,312.......... Total............. 149,134 3,8751 /23,13331 22,48631195,6881 128/ 36i8 1,51 /sj 44,81Q|| 40,0243 728,447J /1,461 I 1,6141 SjaARATOA COSUNTY-(CONTrIN~UED). Ballston........... 3,823 i........] 10 5 41 253 254 2,4831/ 1,556i~ 1,5313 21,195 2521~ 489s Charlton........... 3,641 j''461h 183 7 140 1421 1113 1,185 1593~ 1,5481 24,034 1U 25 Clifton Park,........ 4,361 1..,...... 9 6 49 55| 483 654 2,719 2, 608 36,205 2,0 285 Corinth............. 1,753........ 23 32 131 3...... 30 770h 681 7,302 31.33 Day........... 2 8..... 78..... 254 2371 2,900 22 Edinburgh.......,.... 3,259 6 16s 19i~ 13318!........................gj; 45GI 4591 6,38l3 1U Galwmay............. 3,6213 15 221 213 18-3 11 03 5 1,8431, 1,9931 30,097 27 1 G-reenfield.......... 4, 3613 341 21 10 155 3 2 18 1 621 1,672s 21,386 20 Hadley......,....... 1,254 i........ 3 3i 25............. 374 3934 5,347 13 2 Halfmoon..........., 3,985 22k 2 1 25" 403 26 589 1,792 1,8s29 32, 530 143 185 M~alta....... 2, 552 4 1l 2 5 33 23 278 1,2811; 1,152; ~12, 221 80,4 M~ilton............. 2, 522s 6 5 5s 26 323 283 269 1,366 1,350 17,9372 1,2,29 Ml'oreau.............r 2,398 117 14h 12 L56 3 4Li 16 1200^~ 1,225 15,4t88 95.... Northumberlacnd..... 3,322 74 3 1........1 19 5 4B 50 1, 691| 1,807 27,390 61 103 Providence...,....... 1,216s.... 10 103 56............. 4311 4101 4,75371 Saratoga............ 4,618 21'''i 7 17 44 9 3 20)5 1,838 1,7853~ 23,594 105 167 Saratoga Spring~s... i. 1,54739/........ 98 8 3'7 15fr 10 154 836 7113 6, 50)2 73 4 Stillwater...,....... 4,471 13 263 6 7 7 30 2,2623 2,1171 33,288 157 2,4 "W'aterford.,......... 1,211.... 1.... 10 3 35 1........1 27931 2461 4, 044 11 9 Wiilton....... 1,510...... 7 11 7 0 15 62 1, 809 1,613 17,860 1,33 52 Tota.......... 57676l 353I 22U 209 1,3663 __21 _ 582^/ 6,077j/ 24,543|!_25,1741 350, 49Q3!|1293 1,6. 356 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. _RENSSELAER COUNTY-(CONTINEDm). W[5'T ~ ARE. R'ER BARLEY. BUCKWHHEAT. INDIAN CORN. PA R'VE. INDIAN CORN. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TOES. Acres soAcrescres sown. For the grain. For fodder. Acres TOWINS. pi,.t_____ Acrpmeds Bushels Bsels Bushels p —--- harvested. harvested. harvested. Acres planted. Bushels Acres sown. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1864. 1864, 1865. 1864. harvested. 1864. 1864, 1864. 1865. 1864. 1865. Sandlake................. 6,982 1 12 6 244s 3 2,928 3811 407 6,479 I...... 909 Schaghticoke.............. 33,683 17 14 269 2544 300 4,295 1,753 1,882 41,413 7 7 1248 Schodack................. 32,517........ 27........ 305 459 4,713 1,8451 1,868 35,154 4...,756 4 4'1783 5,445 7 i 1,2s 15,:1 I 7I 7050 Stephentown.............. 1,044 115 1021 1,974 1961 2061 2,7 544 5 12,151 11 35 Troy..................... 145........................ 3................ 20 19 435 2...... 39( Total................... 168,152 574 446 8_,896 || 3,2654' 3,300 51, 591` 12,269! 13,1291-j 238,813s, 67 35h12,509 -1 ~~4 4 ~ 5~ 12,~ 1541150 RICHMOND COUN'\TTY-(CONTINUED). Castleton......................... |................. 17 15 425 15...... M iddletow n....*...........................I.........1........1......................... 8 8............... 1 1 yj~~~~~~~al.~~~~~~~~,,~~~...., Northfield................. 1,677 12........ 200 8 40 65 309 299 8,342 127 7 1011 Southfield................ 657....................... 7........ 8 297 313 8,821 71 76 7,039 Wesfild............1202...... i!.. W;5'estfield................... 1,359 4 5 158; 14........ 123 4604 480 12,052... 1 99 Smithfield....................................5 5 235 1 Total ~..................I3,768_1 16 541 358.| 9| 40, 268 I.,097lj 1,121 29,875 213s!__85 7,249 ROCKLAND COUNTY-(CoNTINUED). Clarkstown............... 13817........ 4. | 395i 372 6,324 1,333 1,303 26,758 10 1i0 357$ Haverstraw............... 726........................ 103 129 1,571 299" 289 21,555 1 120 Orangetown.............. 5729....... 2........ 121 17 1,812 525 601 14,267 9 9 238 Rtfamapo.................. 15 7223............. 802 510 11813 1,163 1,217 27,1555 39 4 502 i"::'- 32 I i 91 4 91 01 Stony Point............. 2294............... 97-'65 7 6II. I,520497,1 170323:23,33,4/,1 35170 Total..................., 3,789 634| 104,1481 248 2 1, ST. LAARENCE COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Brasher o................... 530 137 1301 2,2247 118 125 1,406 353 4041 8. 41 C7anton............... 402 1,029 1,11216,70 31 531 766S 417 4861 10,816 12 30 499 lqamapo... 2~~~~~~~~~~~~423 102915 I1 1,1123 16 4174 27, ~ 4~ 901 Colton................... 198 14 19 185 62 82 722 1314 18........... 13 DeKalb................... 182 492 560 5,425 34 |1 28, 409 187-8 248 4,228 5s 61 2361 De Peyster................ 126 459 430 5,630- 104 61 132 101 4 1381 8 2,505 I.... 137. Edwatrds................. 694 931 138 1,215 71 96 565 2281 2911 3,7162............ 1291 Fine o...................... 35 38 19 209 6l.. 57- 309 80 115 1,122 2 2 63 Fiowler................... 422 2572 253' 1,993 57s] 53 324s 13017 236|3 1,8443 21 314 139. ouverneur........... 214 5589 5076 5,512 37 161 309 129 141 2,266 41 14 1922 Htammond.......... 375 965 966 11,221 30' 15 570 1752 240 2,870 1 1 143 Hermon.................. 18 331 3631 3,602 18[ 130 153 93 153 1,561I 21 1211 riopkinton................ 462 101 122 2,222 79 82 726 263 334 6,942 4 516 Lawrence................. 633 33~ 51 746' 37211 32 3641 284i 337^ 7,455........... 3321 Lisbon................... 60 1,2319 1,4531[ 19,897 226 213 2,741 4541 5091 9,696 1 4 946 Louisville................. 145 3471 3441 6,135 107 784 1,376 215' 3281 6, 177...... 1 2813 TMllacom.b.................. 333 3214 309 2,5181 14 1 119, 144 168............ 1980 adrid........................... 3351 4311 5,573 9 104 99 982 199 237 4,859 1...... 226 Massena.................. 464 403 4011 8,034 73 711 903 391 418 10,821...... 11 2751 Morristown............... 1,996 1,017- 1,0193 9,9293 44|1 50i 847 334j 370k 5,601 9 10 3263 N orfolk.................. 43 711 881 970 78 761 737 2001 247. 6,556 21 1 222| Oswegatchie.............. 759 9501 1,119-21 12,129 1081 111 1,4901 304- 4491 6,539 81 1 3I61 Parishville................ 1,201 6781 105/ 1,99 134 129 1,234 5271 657s 12,777 1 2k 4151 Pierrepont................ 677 1614 199^ 3,012 77 871 974 377 571 9,117 5 7 205 Pitcairn............... A... 36........ 5 1........ 801 108s 550 991, 1271 1,330........ 74 ~/~ ~ ~ ~~~~~(E~14 5,512[ 53.. O..."t 93 Potsdam.................. 179 811s 349 1 13,7'091 1851 1461 1,876 576 6661 14,951 IN 213 4993 Rossie.................... 173 2621 296 2,219 4 43 681 1041 1104 149 Russell................... 268 2867 370' 4,198 70 1 100s 685 2911 453 6,216 6 71 2178 Stockholm................ 1,012 54| 93 1.031 162 157 1,32 741 1 4901 12,3 1 4 6701 Waddington.....................~ 353A 505a 6,i163 341 I 31 436 | 148 17 -43 I 3,36701 I I 2 431 Total..................1 11,667 ll1,287si 12,685 1153,562 |, 187-g 2,2341 23,233||| 7 ~~,65 8~110|9,0 8~17,93l 81._mj^8,_36G 1 SARATO GA COUNTTY-(CONITINUED). rallston.................. 2,7618 / 31 3 I 3' 1479 5,53 93 1,16 1,315s 27,361 /. 3773 Ch arlt on.....,........... 1,462 228 186 3,626 530|: 352 1,58 l04 1191273.... s 51 Clifiton ~ark........,...... 22,734 13 11 1/ 16 566-12 i 576 7,875 1,8;42s 1,807 35,87/5 4s 3 1,2502 Corinth.................. 223.s. 38 l! 46 238 778 866s 13,117.30 dawrn c............... 63 1 3, 7 46~I 364~/ 2411 37, 7,455 /....... 16 Edinburgh................ 69 13s 17 49 402s 475s 5,496 4011 4~481 9,874 I 2..... Gawa........... 1,167 109 11011 1,21 80991 1 11,838 1,09614 1,320s 25,878....... 28 Greled.........'790............. 732^i 7191 9, 696 1, 5621,912,7. lg 11 58 Lisb on................... 151 H~alfmoon.........15,908 j 16 12 17'2 328^1'2 63 5,297i 1,0801,18 24l, 145 131 91'3 9741 Mv~alta........... 8,034............ 236ll 154 3.0838 1,173s,19 21.559 1 i 539 Milon6..............7,035 5 s| 54 707 1 7961 9,165 1,35231 1,554 27,290 91 3[ 3691 Moreau......... 7,862/ 1,7081 2,072 32,16 181 6 3441 N);~orthu.berland......... 5,696 9 2 82 5351; 406 5.523 1,3904 1,5601 23,282 s80 Providence................ 84 2 2 35 316 3881 4,643 2............ 193 Saratoga......... 13,284 75 8sg 708 4971 524 83,162 1,339 1,435 25,657.... 1 1,204 Saratoga Springs......... 6,204 2 3 13 319 96 3,294 1,191 1,247 20,652 6 2 Stillwater................... 19,129 j 35 13 291 4591 3581 5,872 1,291 1,447t 27,177 s 1 9871 WG~aterford.......... 1,698 | 7 100 36 5 533 125 170 2,2....... 162 ~ilton................... 4,701 142]5 726 458 7,451s 1,871 2, 011 29,517.... 42:1 Totl......... 6 |85 Moritown..,.,............],992 1/ 57 018 7,~1 i,18,03i~ 92, 923] 0 / 847I 34~ 370]} 52,601 8/a 391.10ai~n;v 3 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. 357 RENSSELAER C(OUNTY —(CONTINUED). POTATOES. PEAS. BEANS. TURNIPS. FLAX. Acres Acres sown. Acres planted. Acres sown. Acres sown. TO%~NS' Bushels Bushels Bushels Bushels Bushels )lal Led~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~e. harvested. harvested. harvested, harvest ed. of seed. 1865. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1864. Sandlake........... 1,0154 75,056 14 4 47 63 3 12 1...... 386 12i 91 45 Schaghticoke........ 1,195 4 111,908...................... 9 3 3,630 2691 207 1,168 Schodack........... 2,2201/ 193,645 2 2 20 71 4 150 6...... 606 k............. Stephentown........ 312 32,603....................... l 6 117 51 1| 1,198 a 2 3 Troy............... 45 4,775 6........ 220 3....... 35 18 1 5,000................... Total............. 1407 1248,865 53:' 40 843-| 519s 478 6,j923 1891[ 21 42,177 22082,500212,841 RICHMOND COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Castleton........... 7 325................................................... Vliddl etown as o............i............ M iddletow n......... 4|.........................................'...................................... Northfield........... 941 8,140 4| 31 151........................ 1,184...... 1 8 2''41 Nortlrfield 94~1 8,140 I~ 15..... Southfield........... 39 2,377........ 2................... 7 1...... 1,085....... W estfield............ 109 6,063........................ i........................ 2...... 15................... Sm ithfield........... 60..................................................... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~4I......15............ Total............. 252 16,965 4-1| 5 11......231l...... 2,984 2i...... 41 ROCKLAND COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Clarkstown......... 355 24,873.................................. 614~1 23 7,838 I ~ ~ k 145~1: I H averstraw....... 145 9,612...................... I........................ 11 7 1 79................... Orangetown......... 235 13,171 45 34..... 34 1,95............ Ramapo............. 5691i 45,035................ 3,535............ 4~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5352.... Stony Point......... 71 Stony Point......... 66i 4,436.................. 540....... I otal........... 1,371 97,127 | | 1! 45 4 35|19..........j 35.4 1,7 3....|...J _ Total....... 1 3 1.......12' 4 ST. LAWRENCE COUNTY —(CONTINUED). Brasher............. 440 41,415 116s 159~1 1,728 32 54 i 560 2 151 570 29 3 85e Canton............. 5491 48,393 148l 1587 2,207k 171 13] 329 9 101 2,520 73- 8 3351 Colton.............. 139 11,554 19 11 221 5 4 42...................... 3 3 De Kalb............. 2621 19,724 129 147 1,4651 101. 10 1924 14| 2,343 6 20 De Peyster.......... 140 13,087 135 152 1,628 9 5 124 100 123 559 Edwards............. 1481 11,687 73 572 538 4 6 59 150 2 2 5 2 ~ ~2 2 5 2 1....... Fine................ M73 4,016 7k 5i 87 21 2; 25 39 207 1|....... Fowler............. 177- 9,879 93g 1171 7491 2053 1 150 9 90 2 i Gouverneur......... 2121 17,059 226 245 2,207 3 7 43 11 215 H 3 Hammond........... 1503 13,400 4851 4481 4,678 7 4 104....... 25 7 1 3 50 Hermon............. 1401 8,101 441 48- 374 10 8I 123 15 2. I 71 Hopkinton.......... 464i 60,088 411 481 748 80 83 1,272; 63 1,772 1 11 33 651 Lawrence........... 3284 37,770 211 21 314 50 35" 987' 2~q 4j^ 590 9g 4s 475 Lisbon.............. 1,008s 85,105 166i 187 2,491 14 6 183 5 2 589 30 2 764 Louisville........... 2959 32,712 421 431 671 12 53 209................... 591 251 405 Macomb............ 1982 12,151 88 1111 585 6 10 19 2 1 300 51/ 4 22i Madrid.............. 247 j 24,033 28 43, 402 I[W 1 3 1k 760 221 15| 1561 Massena............ 2992 33,706 841 1081 1,532 16zl 71 357...................... 66 13 544 Morristown......... 197[ 17,546 1153 1301 1,333 5] 45 81]...... 12 13 19 1 1 1 90 2 2 8 2.............. 9 Norfolk.............. 2363 23,433 33 331 441 2 26 297 2 i 1361 201 17- 101 Oswegatchie......... 376i 35,855 2351 268! 3,386 14 268- 5 2 1,807 65 54 398 Parishville.......... 4381 48,3631 62 54i 787 496 44 681 5 2 1,041 101 7 68 8 4 8,~G 2 4 4,0 5 54 38 Pierrepont.......... 214[ 24,715 23i 31 314 12 14 401 3 460 4 1 34i 8 3i~~~~~~~ Pitcairn............ 74 5,504 33 141 451 5A 7| 19 4 560 4 Potsdam............ 586| 49,879 128~ 1551 1,965 451 39 798I 1 -2I 878 481 72{ 1071 Rossie.............. 174I 10,736 82 6 63 46' 5 646 53 2 lj 147 I1 8 ~ ~~5 1~ 1 4 II 41 ~ Kussell............. 263 20,876 471 58| 609I 40 28i 794 5 1 1,013 7 5 37 Stockholm.......... 652 75,455 581/ 58j 851 621 43/ 1,457| 836 8] 8] 21 4~~~~~~~~~~~~~~5, 8o~It m3~ Waddington.......... 247 24,773 93 33 427 40 1 50 306I 213 1,4515 Total............. 8,748i; 821,015/ 2,466|1 3,021i 33,432k| 581~1 520 9,S8384( 931! 56, 17,286 947| 4941 4,709 SARATOGA COUNTY-(Co NTINUED). ~Ballston........... 443 34,4-97 Ij 54~ 45~ 51o II 5411 4|i 2,053 291[ 21 102 Charlton............. 284^ 29,085 103^ 733 1,508 48l 74 456 3 I 740 13 2, 72i Clifton Park 1,3482 112,987 9 5 4. 23 7 1 1,36 2. 12 Corinth........ 3198 24, 599 3i> 28 6 10 52 4 1 99C0.... 1... Day........... 203 18,921 12 12 99 14 171 201. 1 2 267...... 1 Edinburgh.......... 231 25,579 2 56 17 255 3 3 1,205 5 G~alway........ 30'7 31,220 131 17i 193 9| 7 402k1 10)8 1 lg 1,237 6^ 7i 36 G~reenfield...... 567|~ 44,066 2 1 23k 1 3 llk 265^ 11 2 2,874 174 21 02Hadley............. 1 6,433 6 1 137 669I 280 6 Hazlfmloon........... 992| 83,342 311 16 357 111 7i 96 7i 1~f 1,640 11 41 82 Coilta............... 533 43,548 35 I 1 28 9i 250 21...... 608 40 14 122 Mil.ton.............. 4014 30,502 212 l 281 27k 23 286 40 17i 13, 76 Mloreau............. 3544 25,035 19i 111 155 33i 9| 389 4j 11: 1,044 63j 14-11 2301 Northumberland..... 855 66,94131 192 llk 258 36 k 30k I... 120 24 20 103 Providence ~.......... 2761G 19,384............. 11 ~1 71 1| 1 Saratoga............ 1,184 123,736 ( 59 35 73 4 5 56 855 50i 9 255 Saratoga Springs..... 530 32, 815 4k 51 161 411 15| 260 64 1k 1,048 41...... 93 Stillwater............ 1,093^ 92, 440 14 27k 15j7 1 6 3k~ 48 5fr 11 1,450 32 2 217s~ Vaterford.......... 202 12,313 11 503 1 2 7 10i 1k 1,680 4 255 Greniltond........ 7l.... 1 1...... Total............. 10,685' 897,475 | 382| 304| 5,56/1 4Q3| 179j| 4,416- 177.| 256|20,0018I 31/ j 240 6 1,5182 358 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. RE, NSSELAER COUNTY-(CONTINUED). FLAX. HEMP. HOPS. TOBACCO. APPLE ORCHARDS. 1IARKET GARDENS Acres sown. Acres in crop. Acres planted. Acres cultiTOWNS. vated. Pounds of Lbs. of Pounds har- Pounds bar- Number of Bushels of Barrels of lint. hemp. vested. vested. trees in apples. cider. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1664. 1864. 1865. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1864. fruit. 1664. 1864. 1864. Sandlake 18,710...........18,710.............................................. 8,485 18,445 1,024........ Schaghticoke...... 1,000.................................................... 600 10,368 15,254 8391...:... Schodack.......................... 27 36 8,536........................ 14,597 24,123 912 8 Stephentown.................. 6 7 540 1 1,070 13,740 14,022 471 Troyt......................!!.............. 1,330 370 650 5 521 Total.......... 19,95............. 1|| 61 84 15,511 1402 331| RICHMOND COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Castleton.............................................................. M iddle own. ***** ***~........................................................... Middletown~~~~~~~........................ Northfield...................... Northfield............... ~................................................. 186 3,436 2,671 54 40S Southfield........................................................................ 1,145 302 7| 8 W estfield.................. I 2 Smithfield...........~~~~ ~~~~~~................................................................. 41...................... 2 Smithfield............................................... ROCKLAND COUNT~Y-(CoNTINUED). Clarkstown................................................................................... 41 59,379... I. ~~~~~~~~~~~~.........., 7 1 llaver trawo....................................................................................,172 15,619322 TRam lp o........................... I 1,05 6 a o................................................................................... 22,762 32 3 50.. Stony Point........................................................................... 5,092 1 5 36 10... Total..................... |......|...... ||............ |.............|........ 1,055 766'09 153 5 1,9 54. Ramapo..................."... I................................]29,762 32ii3157086I 5.,.7..55..1. Total~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..........7..................I i.-. 1,0 176399 1134, 084 1,954 ]j 10k ST. LAWRENCE COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Brasher......... 30,029.................................. I.................................. Canton........... 27,376........................ 140 3,283 4,377 47 Colton............ 1,000.................................................................... 40 50................ D e K alb........... 230.................................................................... 1,129 906................ DePe ster..., 00.......................................... 2,981 2,320| I Edwards.......... 70.................................................................... 139 35................ Fine...................... :........................................................ " - Fowler........................................... 41 5................ G uverneur............... ji...................................................................... 349 325................ Hammond...........70......................... 14 14| 830 I.......... H erm on.................................................. 320 2 0................ Hopkinton........ 1,130.................. 61 64 630 I........ 1,337 2134 1,9241 1 Lawrence.................. 41 44 1,459 4........ 180 10,186 2,9342........ 4 Lisbon............ 42,310.................. 17 14 3,525........................ 10,747 12,538 62 2 Louisville......... 1,970.................. 3 41 500........................ 2,768 3,105 12........ Hacmmon.......... 1 50 i/,832,4..... Hermon.......... 60.................. 2k 21 847........................ 271 62 8 7................ M adrid........... 3,750.......................... 300 3,782 3,721 34........ M assenac.......... 95,100................. 11 2 300........................ 5,619 5,522................ Morristown..............|........ I...... 4.. 1,600 6,334 5,4681 6........ Norfolk........ 5,920.......................................... 1 15 4,069 3,273 10........ Oswegatchie.......................... 31 26 3,8955..8,825 7,0933 93 28 Parishville........ 1,510. 155.5....................................... 514 3,843 3,4858 5........ Pierrepont........ 570...................... |....... 1,000 2,847 3,279 9 3 Pitcairn.......... 1, 9 70.......................... 4 5.0...... 2,76....,105........ Potsdam vil.................................. 21........ 1 1 ossiem............................................... 84........ 150 625 513................ Madr~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~id........... o, ~~.... Russell........... 1,330.............. 191 27" 3,798 2,539 2,2981................ stockholm.......... 1,3..................'...................................... 100 4,874 4,984........ Mor ric tol n........................... Waddineton................ 31 38 4,759............. I........ 550 1 4,9051 2 4.21 2 10:Norfl k 5920.......... 530............I.......t 15 1[409,7,400................. 1,9 197 7 4 15 litn P r...................................i.... 10 12 3 4 9, 1 75 | 8 Coswegtch............................................................ 7, 8 9 5 2 313...... Day......................!...........2........................... 8,8253 7,09 3 233 2.... Edrisb rhil 3....... 70............... 81 121 9 0............ 13,579 1 3,433 51 i........ G l a......... 9,0.........'3 3 1 9,3 5 10............ 15572 1,9 1 5 9....... Halfmoon.......... 508........................................ 5 5 3 2, 4 2 1 1 Malta~~~~~~~ ~~~~........... 60..................................,7 538 39| 2 M o e u...... 4 5 2................. 10............................... 4 6 7,8 0 2 25 Providence. ~~~........................ 72I 20I 23 2,6 317 81.... Pitaierno................. 1................ 1.... 2093 1, 4596 iltsd am.....]] ] 5 5~........................!... 5/ 6 700...................... 7 3 5 1, 8599ii Tossie...........3024 |.....1.. | 18| 14| 4680i 7| 3 1180|8 73 23 6l_81Q| __g | 059 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. 59 RENSSELAER COUNTY —(CONTINUED). MARKET GARDENS. ~L lir * NEAT CATTLE. (1) (O~~~~,, M. CO C CZ 0C TOWNS,~Are cul- CZ1|:1 IS l,; >1 ~| Milell cows., -4dak............... 56 25 9 1,0 6.. 45 7 19 174 902 869 q 0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~o ofhaghticoke............................................... 3,131 1,020 - 17 zh t Sdak..-. 8 900........................57 5 1,503. 6 2 145 2 175 9 87 1,291 19,222 Schaghticoke.......................t..........l!...... 3,131 58.... 2)1 5 5 3, 2, 2 Scoak......... 8 $00o00.............. 213 40.. 2509 494 873 1,0291 1,0220 Stephentown. 45000 6,244 215 125 620 40.... 389 357 209 85 1,363 1,153 Troy........... 27 7 02 0............... 32 17............. 22 27.......... 265 267 ~~1 4, 800 4,551~ ~ ~ ~ ~~118 Total......... 3-25-14623- 00 46,820 1,544-! 351 23,712 1,702-. 4,800 -,55 374 l3 14 12 RICHMOND COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Castleton........'............................................... 31........ 6 137 137 M iddletown.................................................................... 22................ 285 285 Northfield....... 33~ 6,530 00.................. 4 50............ 17 15 5 3 298 239 "i''50 217 157 "g as 1 Southfield........ 8 2,800 00............................ 39 40 52 67 224 234 W estfield........ 29 4,150 00........................................ 102 106 41 74 229 277 5o ~ 574 2 ~ Smithfield........ 2 22 19......~~.................. Clarkstown...... III 600 00......................... 1,933 55....f 196 66 167 108 1,160 1,180 Haverstraw...... 4 695 00....................... 350.............1 44 52 122 42 341 341 Orangetown...... 4Q 1,285 00........................ 100............! 176 115 544 44 641 672 542~~.2 22 1 Ramapo......... 4........... 23.............. 3,363 70.. 142 92 386 142 1,167 1, 159 Stony Point.............. 46,398 00........................ 205 8.... 217 216 153 60 301 306 Total.......... m |48,978 775 541 1,4372 39 3, 610' 3,658.... ill- []]-!-[]-]-[[4 44 01 4 16 8 5,951,9 ST. LAWRENCE COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Brasher......................... 7,967.............. 2,644 99.... 581 561 936 74 2,371 2,561 Canton.......... 4 50060 5...980 21.. 9 662 81 5,008 4,019 Colton.......................... 33,439 20...... 272............ 214177 101 70 532 551 e Kalb.......................... 45,016 431 180 1,465 63.... 687 634 505 137 3,498 3,474 De/Peyster....... 10900 21,403 99~ 6 1,629 90.... 355 333 279 4 1,678 1,694 Edwards.......................... 48,487 256...... 1,054 11.... 306 308 217 38 1,225 1,2 74 Ii6;3;8' ~ ~ ~ ~~49 4~1 4 Fine............................... 19 676 110...... 50 4.... 51 49 15 22 177 14 Fowler.................. 33,768 191. 1,299 80 385 338 551 36 2,106 2,045 Gouverneui......................... 51,431 330...... 530 58.... 5 543 74 205 J6 3,182 3,239 Hammond......................... 13,916 158.1... 1,840 180.... 3715 338 2,063 8 1,597 1,544 Hermon.................... 33,249 2291...... 1,654............ 357 449 349 60 2,443 2,438 Hopkinton...... 2500 111,074 63...... 2,267 83.... 464 426 503 104 1,608 1,615 Lawrence........ 6 500 00 49,518 15...... 2,563 34.... 542 425 260 76 2,368 2,371 Lisbon.......... 2 500 68,756 1201 14..... 963 914 1,245 20 4,440 4,396 Louisville.................. 11,975 5...... 1,490 10.... 547 444 395 52 2,254 2,326 Macomb........................... 16114 77...... 1,360 108.... 410 436 660 42 1,510 1,528 Madrid............................. 20,435 79 5 1,086 37.. 355 330 518 43 1,870 1,786 Massena........................... 26,707.............. 575............ 504 566 660 62 2,529 2,676 Morristown........................ 18,392 145 80 1,216 51.... 327 387 545 13 1,444 1,383 Norfolk.......................... 23,165 23. 17365 93...... 232 6 24 505 1737 3,042 1,088 Osweesterhi...... 28 4,31200 6,725 230 186 1,747 59.... 562 621 469 9 2,696 24807 Parishville......................... 64,822 103 4 2,345 136.... 495 451 742 118 17958 1,894 Pierrepont....... 3 399 00 73,075 144...... 3,235 167.... 470 433 425 74 1,7143 1,844 Pitcairn................. 178 40 12,756 20...... 715 47.... 79 114 4 7 26 443 391 Potsdam........ 59000 1271,0543 128.... 829 717 829 91 6,018 5872 ossiedw.................. 14,886 222...... 1,350 41.... 278 337 296 39 1,360 1,347 Russell............................ 88,531 88...... 2,600 110... 653 602 592 119 2,805 2,832 Stockholm......................... 98,282 480 207 1,685 51.... 12099 818 1,222 214 3,564 3,606 Waddington........................ 5,840 225...... 612 175.... 377 379 474 6 1793 1,811 ~n...... 4^ 400002....124 1 72 1 2, Fowlrlo.............. 33,700 268 916 33 1,8549151.... 1385 2308 / 51 360 [ 481 98 9,45 GlfouenePark... k1000................... 41,643; 3 0'53 58}..../ 206 24274 1259 74 16/',353/ 1,261 ~Iommnth................... 13,919 9 7 263 69.. 30 27 852 5144 Da.............. 5...... 1,34 0 1180...... 3,45 157 3 3 8 / 219 10 636 14 8 3 3,97 154 ermonbrh...............3, 2 9 29..... 12,907 18........8017....I 2577 2 49 21 149 0[2, 4 57 5,35 ttopkinton............... 25(011,0746 3 1896.... 1837 33....I 461 269 181 0 104 36 1,0008 9650 Lareencie....... 5 500 00 4,18,1503 11 3,28 19....]] 528142 260 39 71,76 1,308]2,1 HaLisbon................. 2,0 8... 515 I.. 2 25 20 8 3 6 Halfmoon.....15 O0 10,56008..... 185 2,9691 / 186....I 299 28 23 914 98 1,24 01/440|4,9 Lousvllta........... 2 9 05 1...... 21,951,403 1021....I 154 7 1 441 / 958 5 2,25 66 6742 Miltomb................... 7 7 1,3,607 t 180....I 41091846 1560 334 8,510 81, 5 Providence~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~3................. 42 4 2 92 67 6 13 1 03 4 32 37 Saratoga~~~~~~~~~~~~~~35 Spins3 01 9,20 0 3..225188.... 61,8 70 179 4 58645 Waterford....... 916,72 607....................................... 31 3 36 2 16 2,52 9 2,67 Wilton.......... 5i8,95202............ 1,516 97.... 127 37| 55/111 66 1,24 560380 Total......... __2236j1,765 10 2,361 | 893 43....68 1,99021,16 |j 3,36848 3,1 l108g 15,042 | 14,083 360 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. RENSSELAER COUNTY-(CONTINUED). NEATr CATTZE BUTTER. CHEESE. HORSES. SWINE. SHEEP. H SGallons of TOWNS. milk sold, I P Pounds made, Pounds made, 1864. Colts of Colts of Two years Pigs of Season of Slaughtered Ponnds of Shorn in Shorn in o 1804. 1864. 1864. " 1865. old and o 1865. 1864 and in 1864. pork made 1864. 1865. over, 1865. older. J1864. Sandlake........ 217 87,808.................. 21 10 528.... 459 267 550 122,608 1,028 1,027 Schaghticoke.... 423 81,816 720........ 36 34 818.... 1,747 900 1,746 350,992 7.545 7,865 Schodack....... 232 116,721 180 13,400 45 43 1,091 2 1,719 535 1,781 296,366 2,730 3,222 Stephentown.... 166 81,437 119,190........ 54 40 517 646 780 663 156,143 4,175 4,519 Troy........... 3 1,300......... 13,000............ 833 20 37 48 35 9,750 45 12 Total......... 4,07.3.11,.144,726 1| 528133 5558 471 10,322 59 i| 12,051 9, 509 13,7 78,336 62,254'. RICHMOND COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Castleton.......1 2..................................1...... 134 5 13 6 10 2,200................ M iddletow n......................................!.......' 259 I 8................................................ Northfield...... 4,443...... 7 33C 10 34 36 299 58,734................ ] 5,540.......... 4 4 3... Southfield....... 11 7,830................. 5 8 239 11 89 170 1 65 31,220................ Westfield....... 15 9,655.................. 8 2 432 8 215 291 327 77,018........ 25 Smithfield........... 350 2.................. Total......... 35 I 232575..........: — 4,793;;15 17 I1,395 -'42 ||__353-_ 50-; 806:1 702272........- -- 25 ROCKLAND COUNTY-(Co0NTINUED). Clarkstown..... 143 75,845 400 100,132 48 38 1,017 17 565 403 799 153,734 2 72 275 Haverstraw..... 347 27,290.......... 740 8 3 345 33 126 105 273 53,779 67 206 Orangetown..... 63 30,693.......... 55,212 17 15 465 29/ 330 259 362 70,075 91 88 Ramapo......... 532 74,961 250I 59,300 36 22 859 30 1 509 [ 762 913 179',199 200 327 Ston/ Point..... 122 22,442................... 15 9 550 16 103 25 222 42, 585................ Total......... 1,207 231,231 650 |l215,384 124 87 3,236 |'125 1,633 1,554 2,569 499 372 630 896 ST. LAWRENCE COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Brasher.........1 154 245,761 28,611........ 61 75 651 || 7 579 609 714 178,913 2,750 3,594 Canton.......... 400 323.360 300,071 2,281 108 121 1,024.... 1,073 1,104 1,132 273,951 4,636 6,217 Colton.......... 106 35,973.................. 11 18 189.... 158 134 175 44,335 579 844 De Kalb........ 212 212,894 296,585 5,000 85 66 676 1 496 523 650 151,273 2,379 2,801 De Peyster...... 161 149,875 38,610........ 44 34 401 2 373 349 437 108,180 1,949 2,735 Edwards....... 75 97,610 35,292........ 28 26 320.... 234 241 278 66,945 1,489 1,;615 Fine............ 18 is 18,4477 I.................. 5 7 81.... 22 33 41 / 9,761 199 227 Fowler......... 138 133,201 177,384........ 35 33 433.... 276 2300 311 83,582 1.420 1,792 Gouverneur...... 174 143,919 424,244 58 58,594 73 59 5579 2 611 553 535 131,565 2,290 3,255 Hammond...... 139 138,435 76,969 2,650 47 72 544.... 463 337 529 133,225 3,537 4,897 Hermon........ 214 110,496 371,521 3,842 [ 37 35 408.... 314 246 338 81,781 1,460 1,678 Hopkinton...... 108 158,973 13,392........ 44 46 484.... 329 648 413 111,290 2,493 41163 Lawrence....... 151 265,259 24,645 1,080 52 68 602.... 400 498 506 122,500 3,734 4,774 Lisbon.......... 462 400,363 2,660......... 146 176 1,539 7 2,182 1,639 1,702 386,366 6.749 8,343 Louisville....... 78 241,914 30,366........ 91 77 678 1 634 595 697 177,188 2,858 3.351 Macomb........ 216 161,458 14.975........./ 48 39 396 2 247 269 384 94,828 1,933 2,312 Madrid......... 226 191,121 2,980........ 62 44 531.... 547 389 519 121,582 2,453 3.033 Massena........ 73 247,597 89,167 540 56 67 691.... 582 711 758 197,257 2,750 3,;663 Mforristown..... 203 136,599 36,580........ 45?73 516 1 494 364 545 129,775 2,963 3,999 Norfolk......... 89 95,525 5,700........ 28 32 416.... 337 271 322 82,277 1,208 1,678 Oswegatchie..... 312 204,441 22,980 15,200 70 105 1,066 3 988 945 851 186, 346 2, 719 4,152 Parishville...... 177 205,722 64.378........ 62 49 571.... 448 505 566 151,168 3,556 4,201 Pierrepont...... 164 127,247 65,709........ 67 49 551.... 396 523 438 104,587 1,939 2,505 Pitcairn........ 49 36,600 8,900........ 12 3 102.... 84 58 104 24,283 428 439 Potsdam........ 477 444,579 447,662 250 118 109 1,323 31 1,003 97 1 1,171 300,133 2,.q26 4,331 Eossie.......... 92 122,585 41,872........ 29 33 355.... 266 239 286 68,356 1,614 1,359 Russell......... 295 209,960 177,016 19,750 48 47 521 2 544 541 554 136,792 2,783 3,119 Stockholm..... 1 74 356,595 122,822........ 107 105 915.... 2 687 1,021 315,924 5,362- 5,342 Waddington. 3... 3 201,275 ]1 900 /]........ 59~ 56 6 (88!l....I 795 415 584~ 134,6191 3,832I 4,045 Total.........._-5,-2:;],417 —79 2'_922,Q001 il-09,18 l-]l,598 1, 724 1671iq1l 567J467 65 j,0,8 |7^8_9,6 SARATOGA COUNTY —(CoN'TINUED)). Ballston........1 259 I113,229 9,513 11,000 42 18 53 2 98 392 1,096 24,6a,5 3,119 CJhadlton......../ 86//86,771 I/ 9,515 II1,400 I/58 /60 574: /....I 795 826 921 t183,765 1 4,181 I 3,702 Clifton Park..../ 462I 134,7311 26,855 I1,375 54 3 84..!126 59 1,6t9,7,3,8 Corinth........./ 571 48,788 it 3,600....... t 922/ 18 29 7 t/....[ 263 383 247 /68,016 / 1,694 [1,850 Day....... 56 I39,297 1, 1160'........ 16 21 21 [ ) [' 1413 85 2 09{ 50,835 H1,919[ 1,940 Edinburgh....../ 93 49,687 4,045,,......../ 36/ 23 294 ]....! 268/ 175 2621 68,92.7 H3,215) 3,641 Galway........./ 152 t85,315 // 22,365 li........[ 55 / 41 73 4 /....I 591 435 831 /170,008 ]t5,872/ 16 Greenfield......./ 624//90,710 /~ 2,889 /32,376 ] 60 / 347/33,....i/ 846 743 783 {188,925 //3,256 / 3,150 Hadley........./ 64{,30,600 3[ 001........ 26[ 29 16 8 i....I 209 165 148 37,987 H1,693 1,825 I-Ilfmoon......./ 208 74,517 l( 1,623/ 15 ( 36/ 27 8461....! 1,4-45 [1,550 1,158 [225,284 [[2,774[ 2,833 MIalta..........{ 91;{64,223] 14,000 [13,584 1 [32/ 34 398[....{ 917] 1,203 743/ 158,883 H2,305/ 2,359 Milto........ 1981169,242 l[16,906 /[2,970 3 91 36 376 9 709/ 74 1,921[ 166,406 l[2,8~1/ 2,,57 3'oreau..........{ 96 H 57,755 {I 32,200 /[10,114 t/ 27 i 17 49 1 It....! 5 8 7 2,2,9,4 Northumberland./ 1086/ 8,200 l} 5,725 /I........1 23/ 28 |505....) 784 247 697 163,925 ]i4,965 | 5,818 Providence..... 38/I33,2,40 II 935 2I, ~l 13 / 8 77 0.!..I 174 99/ 209 / 50,873 ti1,054 / 1,161 Saratoga........~ 2731/84,590 [I 9,175/ 130/ 44~ 24 453....i 1,141/ 75 1,0,8~ 238,350 [/7,423~ 7,868 Saratoga Springs. J 644 {30,938 {I 125/ 39,318 II16 7 90 9 I[....I 497 642 421 |94,553 [I1,042 | 1,167 Stillwater......'. 285//92,0'18 It24,230] 2,010 ][36~ 40 313 I....! 1,1.26/ 60 1,254] 255,525 ]16'230/ 7,116 Waterford...... 222|/ 11,742 t[..........[ 11,262 [[ 5 / 7 21 3 [i....i 148 131 142 [ 23,906 [I 142 [188 W itn......... 197 57,43..................I 26 ~ 11 1I. 2 1 4 2, 7, 8, 2 I1____ Jt__' __ i_____ _I ___i_ ___ ___ _____ 1 __! ____ __ __ ___ ___ _............ ___ ___ __ Total..,......' 4,2131,3-23,,02-4- 15,161. |1-5,55-6 ||66-' _517_..............O... 1, 070'4ij3 21,927, 5 0 62,862 [ 58,778 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. 361 RENSSELAER COUNTY-(CONTINUED). SHEEP. POULTRY. DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES, 1864. TOWNS.' ~ Lambs Lambs Pounds of Pounds of Sheep Number Value owned, Value sold, Value of eggs Yards Yards Yards Yards of raised in raised in wool shorn wool shorn slaugh- killed by 1865. 1864. sold" 1864. t of fulled of flannel. of linen cotton and 1864. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~,~~"~ V~p" v~;o ~f,~~s f fulled of flannel.t of linen. Iotnal 1864. 1865. in 1864. in 1865. tered in dogs in cloth. mixed 1864. 1P64. lg cloths. Sandlake......... 566 796 3,915 4,020 455 7 $2,588 00 1,148 50 $1,961 00 $846 50 237 273 14....... Schaghticoke...... 2,397 1,517 31,011 32,481 1,307 21 4,330 00 3,758 00 2,331 00 2,022 00............................ Schodack......... 2,019 1,74310,001 12,705 80 16 5,360 60 2,557 28 4,007 02 1,678 10 33 16..............,,1,33561,484 25; 1,318 00....'''3' _LLILL107 189...1 Stephentown...... 1,474 1,908 15,633 16,350' 8...... 1,63356 1,48425 1,31800.......... 107 189.............. Troy................... 2 200 50 33...... 134 00.......... 20 00 450 00............................ Total........... 20,73832,125319,258250,012110,850 235 |41,984 66 30,961 28 28,000 27 |ll8,500 90 1,729' "98l 1 1,746 77 RICHMOND COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Castleton................................................. 60 00................... 1,250 00.............. M iddletow n............................................................................................... Northfield................................................ 2,766 00 913 00 1,365 00 3,300............................. "]]]:]"]]:]]:: 214&& 56 ~~~913 00',3Gi[ O 13~)~) 00 ~) ~~j~~~~t~~.I~~~ Southfield................................................ 2,076 00 383 00 1,118 00 983 00........................... W estfield......... 25 25...................... 55 2,637 00 1,197 00 1,715 00 3,550 00.......................... Smithfield................................................ 10 00 60 00 32() 00............................ ~~~~~~~~~~~Total ~........... 2| 2........... 55 7,639 2 00 2,503 00 9, 4,40 00 94............ ROCKLAND COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Clarkstown....... 143 134 960 988 13 12 6,079 50 2,482 25 4,787 63 |2,657 05 I.....................I...... Haverstraw....... 37 80 265 1,782 531 5 1,031 00 432 50 898 00 194 00............................ Orangetown....... 36 62 276 148 20 5 3,772 00 2,168 00 1,266 00 746 75............................ Ramapo.......... 19 289 762/ 1,230 153 20 5,019 50 2,824 50 2,908 50 3,833 80 25 16.............. Ston -Point.......................................... 910 00 52 00 65 00 1 00 00............ Stony Poii............... 52 00 65 00 00 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 30..... Total.......... 410 565 2,263 — 4,148 717 42 116,812 00 7,959 25 9,925 13 7,531 60 25 116.............. ST. LAWRENCE COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Brasher........... 1,679 2,301 10,214 13,2033 277 114 2,783 00 1,577 70 1,862 50 25 00 1,6991 4,4781 493 963 Canton........... 2,584 3,132 17,0193I 24,261 617 45 2,152 25 1,293 75 1,250 00 83 00 2,0581 5,166 3,370 586 Colton........... 228 310 2,368 3,914 19 2........................................ 102 646 111 60 DeKalb.......... 1,513 1,734 9,179 10,598 152 11 1,400500 372'25 552 00 28 00 967' 2,695 869 1,531 De Peyster........ 1,286 1,792 7,747 10,184 130 19 647 25 501 75 346 00 10 00 613 2,337l 538 850 Edwards......... 834 948 4,962 5,498 72 7 195 00 91 25 12 50.......... 653 1,925 180....... Fine.............. Ill 130 655 773 7...... 101 00.............................. 232 220 37....... Fowler........... 789 997 5,469 6,848 159 11 73600 22425 17700 3000 187 8171 416 50 Gouverneur....... 1,578 2,083 8,831 11,943 187 21 37500 8625 11375 2800 606 1,705 280 52 Hlammond......... 1,924 2,350 13,411 17,985 154 21 833 25 241 00 829 50.......... 908 1,902 534 324 Hermon.......... 690 1,014 4,848 5,812 405 20 450 00 172 50- 225 00.......... 526 1,536 382 132 Hopkinton........ 1,291 1,582 19,006 18,959 84 10 1,076 00 444 50 1,559 75 173 25 519h 1,768 797 349 Lawrence......... 1,622 1,866 16,142 20,1353 130 31 1,46225 73425 1,17800 2400 1,52532,009 959 435 Lisbon............ 4,803, 5,977 25,126 30,200- 578 62 4,745 00 3,602 50 4,323 00 4 00 3,655 9,765 3,380 1,710 Louisville............ 1,985 2,197 10,775 12,670 143 9 1,368 00 1,104 00 1,561 00.......... 1,134 3.375 473 434 Macomb.......... 1,327 1,499 7,086 8,2321I 195 2 734 00 388 00 320 00 3 00 79021 2,712 577 676 Madrid........... 1,612 2,021 10,494 12,449 103 31 1,13500 95600 1,56700 3800 948 3,563 3,247 139 Massena.......... 1,929 2,257 11,580 14,512 306 44 1,28000 1600 13000 10900 1,008 2,663 684 109 Morristown....... 1,693 2.125 11,260 15,452 232 50 1,29900 43600 1,10100 6400 803 2,316 7461 198 Norfolk.......... 650'905 4,611 6,443 32 15 823 00 502 38 540 50 23 50. 6811 1,414i 1,455 129 Oswegatchie....... 1,887 2,791 10,44221 15,565 294 70 1,82525 1,05425 1,54979 2,60700 1,150 3,154 544 199 Parishville........ 1,465 1,680 17,0781{ 20,591 108 18 1,697 75 725 13 1,664 62 25680 676s 2,678 1,537 200 Pierrepont.........1,046 1,3141 7,611 9,902 89 22 1,00750 60682 66275 16525 1,052 2,970 1,313 30 Pitcairn.......... 247 253 1,315 1,546 45 2 238 50 54 30 109 00.......... 282 889 30 148 "Potsdam.......... 1,891 2,531 13,6474 17,7711s, 154 52 2,410 68 1,788 25 2,058 51 127 75 1,0294' 3,929~1 1,464 684" Rossie............ 1,032 1,350 6,143}I 3,8041' 135 15 637 32 16506 30302 800 205 1,058 27 391 Russell........... 1,576 1,879 9,782 10,797 322 17 1,046 45 415 25 585 00 84 75 1,735 3,784 9501.I 353 Stockholm........ 1,964 2,671 17,830 22,538 115 22 222 00 285 00 3,468 00 12 00 1,081 3,673 1,475 368 Waddington...... 2,016 3,101 10,576 11.600 156 28 538 00 693 00 374 00 38 12 658 2,954 1,168 184 Total...... 43,252 54,790295,2936,8i|,0 772-t35,223 45 18,531 39 28,403 19 3,877 30 127,49 —— 178,10 —— 28,03-7 —-11 2842 SARATOGA COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Ballston..........11,5881 1,8001 11,421 12,079 I439 ] 7 II2,931 00 1,917 56 2,416 46 278 00 41 i....... 25....... Charlton.........~ 1,734/ 2.103 18,677i1 15,513 153 9 II2,988 50 1,974 50 3,108 40 526 75 393 3243I 17....... Clifton Park......~ 2,4481 2,585 12,605 12,062/ 924l 43 /,5,617 00 3,834 00 3,724 00 1,335 00 192i/ 219'-............ Corinth........../ 7611 905i 6,070/ 6,496/ 123/ 1,80,60,9 0 630 20 67 2... Day..............~ 798/ 8621 6,491~ 6,356~ 1655 5 1,068 50 520 350 416 29,3s 18 2 E~dinburgh........~ 1,304 1,352i11,734~ 14,659 /136~ 27 ~I1,244 151,75 40 0 13 0 46 98 13 o.. Galway........../ 2,284 2,62'1 25,9063I 25,900/ 75 15 //3,026 00 2,2290 2,100 100 455 69 66 8 Greenfield........I 1,4521 1,634 11,122 11,621 1,555 / 28/ 3,736 78 2738,50,90 5 7s 24 5 Hadley........... 6941 814| 5,782/ 61,599 I95 22 ~/1,0403 532 34000 220 11 10....... Halfmoon.........~ 1,69311,760110,2182 /50,736. 630 26 370030202920 720 22 173|... Malta...........'. 1,33211,4041 8,:365~ 9,457 / 48 2,20,05,00 77 9.... 7... Milton~....... 1,2081 1,3131 13,:347~ 11,468/ 250~ 3 ~/3,024 00 2,936 00 2,656 00 2,593 50 200 40............ Morean...........1 9411 1,3021 9,3;9911 10,514tl 90[......[ 2,084 00 1,566613 2,0295S0 824 75 401. 59 [ 24'....... Northumberland...~ 1,97112,416122,0)121 26,273 74/ 28 ~/2,925 00 1,829 00 2,392 00 799 00 41 25 40.... Provdenc....... 430 01 4016,365 110/ 5/ 1,131 80 850 30 996 50 235 00 12....... 12....... Saratoga..........d2,8301 3,039 34,8g39~I 36,109~1 401/ 601 3,770 00 2,523 00 3,411 00 1,207 00 9.... 20....... Saratoga Springs...' 438[ 709 4,619| 5,00532,407| 201 1,871 00 1,186 25 1,076 50 1,278 25 40 40 12....... Stillwater,........,4,3 28,289~ 30,404/ 476] 70/ 3,997 00 1,978 50 4,654 00...................'Waerfrd\..... 24 63 532~ 721/ 521/...... 474 00 387 00 78 50 1,50)2 00('.................. Wilton........... 83,6 9,0 9,3 92 10 274019603530 850.............. Total........... 7273,8 254,610iJJ360,671~9,655 418 1!52,576 53 36,500 81 4 89_1,3 6 300,9 8 6 ^ —-~~~~~~4 029 62 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. SCHENECTADY COUNTY. ACRES. CASH VALUE. ACRES PLOWED. ACRES IN FALLOW. GRASS LANDS. Acres in pasture. Meadow. TOW NS. _____________ Improved. Unimprov- Of farms. Of stock. Of tools and 1S64. 1865. 1864. 1865. 1865. ed. 1865. 1865. 1665. implemren[s 1865. 1864. 1865. Acres. Acres. 1864. 1865. Duanesburgh...33,969 8,423 i$1,227,140 $230,161 *75,345 8,596 8,113................ 11,962 11,821 12,057 12,850 Glenville.......... 23,081s 6,5711 467 174,008 55 55 5,9251 5,353i 829' 5,966 2 1~~~~~~~ 1/ 4 I Niskayuna........ 5,449 1,953 510,665 46,695 21,135 1,863 1,955........ 12 1 1,502 1,489 1,608 1,744 Princetown....... 11,039 3,382 463,840 68,770 25,246 2,981 3,068......... 20N' 2,727s 2,811 I 3,667 3,810 Rotterdam........ 16,064 4,988 1,138,210 123,348 50,378 6,400 6,140' 44 54 3,691 3,617 3,587 3,651 Schenectady....... 4,453 1,219 310,410 30,600 13,710 2,113 2,083 187 150 807 787 671 694 Total.......... 94,055| 26,536| 5,118,205 673,582 240,93I 30,903 30,659 260 291 2 26,6151 25,873 27,419 "28,715 SCHOHARIE COUNTY. Blenheim......... 9,8961 8,572i 398,543 86,785 I 14,803 1,5971 1,6231 100 84 3,8101 3,7571 2,639 2,683 Broome.......... 21,8591 6,717 575,527 146,203 31,634 15,093 5,7091 31 40{ 9,3881 8,8271 5,432 5,612 Carlisle.......... 14,73612 5,425 876,498 131,226 32,687 4,248{1 3,5202 66t IS 4,4801 4,4441 4,728 4,969i Cobleskill.......' 13,2971 4,987 991,798/ 129,177 42,582 3,9691 3,9451 34 43 4,4511 4,2171 3,0S08 3,920g Conesville......... 16,501 7,541 450.326 123,257 22,601 2,37541 2,4841 28 5 6,693 6,493 6,14911 6,1871 Esperance......... 9,10725 2,342 535,617 73,744 19,087 3,285 3,184 13 5 2,936s 2,872~ 2,749 2,937 Fulton............ 20,8323 16,527 821,478 148,615 33,920 5,1471- 4,885 542 693 7,709 8,031./ 5,7331 5,896 Gilboa........... 22,4441{ 11,669 751,085 178,086 33,802 3,8661 4,31611 2052 32 10,988' 10,762: 8,003 8,093 Jeff'erson......... 19,236 7,068 618,900 124,858 22,577 2,311 2,550 40........ 10,734 10,404 6,030 6,134:::::] ~ ~~ iiii/!iiii![ ii 2ii II 2... Aliddleburgh...... 17,6641 955 971,395 134,349 49,873 5,9801 6,134s 127 144s 5,404s 5,208 4,971 5,3 Richmondville....10 4 3 13115,721 30,577 3,470 3,420 2 33 4,338 4,374 4,565 4,~6/7' Schoharie......... 12,544 4,873 1,013,479 118,839 42,469 5,073j/ 4,515 34ki 31 3,794 3,891s 2,776s 2,840 Seward........... 15,6201 5,202 958,120 136,701 36,840 4,7802 4,913] 120 t 37 4,117M 3,964s 4,976 5,230 Sharon........... 17,736-1 3,959 1,137,895 137,200 53,900 5,469s 5,7451 243 241 4,5701 4,626s1 4,6741 4,895} summit........... 16,644 5,644s 651,450 118,864 20,475 3,513 3,715-1 3 10 6,512 6,332 6,229si 6,243''V~ri........... 12,406! 4,324 I704,445~ 93,506 35,822 4,801h! 4,626s1 32 56 2,571 2,650 2,619 3,0391 Total.......... 1253,605-8|l00O,489l||l12,229,436 1,997,131 1523,649 64,982s! 65,2891, 1, 621s! 1,47331jl j2,499j1_90,87' -,8'-7,9 SCHUYLER COUNTY. Catharine........ 11,405 6,720! 596,885 95,745 28,765 3,156 3,253 15 11 3,859 3,746 3,080 3,135 ayuta........... 5,075 7,248j 171,865 30,005 8,890 1,461 1,367 22 17 1,932 1,887 1,31.6 1,319 Dix.............. 14,9381s 5,503s 817,412 1 16,328127,273 4,386s 4,3991 214 2661 4,598s 4,711 3,807s 3,825 Rector........... 46,6704 14,610s1t 2,992,177 444,336 99,157 15,348s{ 15,1781 1,374[ 1,178 11,828s 2,065 9,366 9,696 Montour......... 8,259 2.936 624,210 63,703 13,827 2,4181 2,520s 133 72 3,099 3,002 1,5731 1,4891 Orange........... 22,060 9,260 819,460 158,819 32,285 5,918 5,939 128 46 8,291 8,027 6,418 6,566 Reading.......... 13,011s 3,001 681,586 92,202 25,160 2,974 3,166 163 78s 3,494s 3,328 3,061 3,136 Tyrone........... 17,734s 5,4761 1,021,397 161,419 38,129 5,8711 5,875s 903s 1,098 4,204s 4,167 3,2621 3,461'~~~~~~~~~~ 2 Total.......... 139,153 54,7554j1 7,724,992 1l,162,557 ~273,486 |j41,534l| 41,6991, 2,953 2,767 ||41,_307 130,_933_ 31, 884sJ-232, 627j1 SENECA COUNTY. Covert............ 16,07611 2,923s| 1,437,035 142,268 40,635 5,463 5,303 575s 6381 3,704s1 3,830s 2,616s 2,8441 Fayette.......... 27,205:1 5,67841 2,342,026 268,396 74,473 11,8891 9,924 1,478 1,235 4,950 4,7,31 4,982 5,8231 Junius........... 12,791s 3,433 1,001,363 122,561 32,402 4,7o3 8 4,379|, 5891 5481 2,426 2,533 2,2021, 2,3231 Lodi............. 17,179 3,520s 1,152,375 132,745 31,800 6,273 5,722 363 285 -3,242 3,232 2,884 3,047 Ovid............. 15,785,s! 3,171 1,294,443 163,445 38,315 5,4431 5,030 787 469 3,082 3,269 2,869 3,096 Romulus......... 18,564 5,007 1,348,939 171,059 43,039 7,953 8,4561 682 578 3,627 3,511 3,713 4,172 Seneca Falls....... 10,6691 2,145s1 975,760 94,429 25,745 2,71991 2,7541 562 430 2,228 2,508s 2,925 3,017 Tyre............ 10,887 8,883 844,780 100,610 28,576 2,811 2,835 218 137 2,259 2,293 2,030 2,232 Varick........... 16,8171 3,502s 1,130,830 142,480 35,108 5,620 5,130 846 790 2,534s 2,6401 2,961 3,1851'Waterloo......... 16,347 2,956 665,625 77,189 23,530 2,983 2,564 211 159s1 2,102 2,326 1, 9301" 2,1661 Total.......... 162,322l| 41,220Q1!l2,193,176 1|,415,182 373,623 [55,894 52,098 —1 6,312 | 5,270 | 30,15-5 | 30,8744 — 29,114 31,907{ STEUBEN COUNTY. Addison.......... 3,3861, 5,943,11 186,470 25,215 4,117 684/ 674 45 72 881,09 93 95 Avoca.......... 13,961/ 6,467 t/635,215 128,377 31,175 3,690/ 3,718s/ 148s 145 6,406/ 6,408I 3,402/ 3,417 Bath..........35,21011 19,112 ]/1,660,920 290,975 66,778 10,218m 9,719 // 254 ] 167 10,789 1 1,086s/ 8,3541! 8,6641 Bradford.......... 9,185.5,175 t/391,429 78,211 16,272 3,362~ 3,432 18 4 297 281,6,3 Cameron......... 11,471| 10,34911 444,575 86,807 22,068 2,346sI 3,443 179 11 3,71 3,93 3,5s,21 Campbell........ 10,217/ 15,623 t 49i,109 91,115 18,351 1,942~ 1,847 I 123 7 3,873~ 3,878[ 2,887[ 2,939 Canste........10,262/'13,832, 479,555 90,195 15,614 2,0101, 2,071t| 384, 39 3,2271 3,458, 2,493s[ 2,864i Caton............ 10,705/ 9,480s1 499,635 90,274 30,226 2,72111 2,91'2 16 3~13 3,5071 3,365sI 3,506s1 3,685~ Cohocton......... 15,319sI 14,455 II933,597 150,629s 35,465 4,7211t 4,876 I/ 138s 239s1 5,39211 5,755 3,645s{ 4,120 Cornng........8,992s_ 10,880 II550,240 82,714 21,741 2,656[ 2,73111 83 97s[ 2,618 2,47511 2,389{/ 2,3971 Danvile.......20,2401 8,5811 949,712 189,324 38,315 5,482[ 5,3871 89 81 6,2371 6,6481 4,9591 5,;333s Erwin............ 5,045s{ 16,976{ 520,605 41,218 11,045 1,288~ 1,168t 128 13 1,716s1 1,691sI 1,143{ 1,212 Fremont.......... 12,846{ 6,658s! 408,446 82,610 24,993 3,738~[ 3,848 51 3,914541356,3 Greenwood....... 11,134~ 14,769 ]1302,885 95,112 15,658 2, 58811 2,794sH 10 22 5,45111 5,2721[ 2,806 ]2,957 Hartsville........ 8,759 [7,695 {[269,092 77,820 17,102 1,503{ 1,4821] 65s[ 10 3. 6021 3,666 {2,973 [2,999~ Hornby.......... 12,257~ 10,0071 364,385 81,253 15,371 2,769/ 2,7911 210 39 4,568~ 4,570~ 4,317/ 4,730 ttornellsville...... 12,489s[ 8,984[ 593,351 118,159 21,419 2,089~ 2,2281! 132 120s! 5,033s1 4,893~ 3,589/ 3,737s Howad........22,894 [14,407 []834,050 166,124 48,298 6,658] 6,183 24[24 953,,54,4s638 Jasper........... 16,762] 14,913] 650,261 140,065 40,512 3,795] 3,934]6]1 6,763] 6,711| 5,3011] 5,335 Lindtry.......... 5,11911 10,527,1! 289,796 48,890 12,570 1,215sI 1,209 It 137~ 3231 1,92911 1,719sI 1,143I 1,233 Prattsburgh...... 25,851-1 10,873 [{1,110,867 217,131 45,190 6,97911 6,713s1 85/ 1411 8,724sI 9,117/ 6,095 /6,473s Pultney........... 17,630[ 4,319{ 839,460 123,490 24,415 4,030~ 3,82811 194 2641 4,289/ 4,354~ 3,865[ 3,987s Rathbo'ne......... 8,042 12,166] 334,175 61,078 15,576 2,068}190 183s, 65 2,368s1 2,451~ 2,151, 2,381s Thurston....... 6,825~ 8,442t 278,181 62,071 13,898 1,830~ 1,770 9 75 1,957~ 2,008~ 2,088/ 2,185 Trousbugh....19,484il 4,241{ 516,240 168,007 21,207 3,590~ 3,745 16 1 8,278s[ 8,906] 6,295[ 6,584 Tusaroa......11,1491 11,5901 416,496 86,174 16,655 2,3961[ 2,666i 37 4 4,498| 4,5161 3,42611 3,3831 (Continued on page 370.) AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. 363 SCHENECTADY COUNTY-(CONTINUED). GRASS LANDS. SPRING WHEAT. WINTER WHEAT. OATS. WINTER RYE. Meadow. Acres sown. Acres sown. Acres sown. Acres sown. TOWNS.............. Bu shels............ Bushels Bushels Bushels harvested. harvested. harvested. Tons of Bushels of 1864. 1865. 1864. 1863. 1864. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1864. 1863. 1864. hay. grass seed. 1864. 1864. Duanesburgh.......... 6,834 39 93 88 373 7-I 33 106 4,489-1 3,9211 35,1801 274s- 254 Glenville............. 4,786- 5~ 81 87} 4411 78 68 1,0991 2,8951 2,557} 36,247 1,3651 1,888 Niskayuna............ 1,458........ 3 3 35 7 81 50 585 646 8,915 390s........ Princetown........... 2,723 491 21 15-1 162-1 171 13 137 1,264 1,249 15,088 327 485 Rotterdam............ 3,110........ 33 24 182 is 17 350 1,561 1,503 19,829 1,512 1,966 Schenectady........... 868........................................ I........ 339-; 374 4,792 576 610 Total.............. 19,780 93|| 2311 2171 1,19311 1281 14041 1,742i! 11,134 4 10,2504120,05111 4,44541 5,203 SCHOHARIE COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Blenheim............ 2,0551i 131 | 27 171 161 1291' 130'. 1,516s 499 479i 3,951 221 227 Broome.............. 2,8121 391 971 1121 2931 1 I 3 2,381 2,1931 9,501! 474 6561 Carlisle.............. 3,360s 63' 161' 133' 716 23i 74 248 1,872 1,966 16,340 190 393 Cableskill............ 3,4371 48 581 84 273 2301/ 298 3,617 2,296s 2,151 30,149 369 650 Conesville............. 3, 548-I 20s 131 9 60........................ 879} 942s 5,385 2181 417t Esperance............ 2,250 8 28 18 1741 26 24 260 1,669s1 1,428s 15,781s 194 361 Fulton................ 3,2671 25 75 92] 2483 387-1 418 5,713 2,0661 1,9381 15,990-s 695-1 516 Gilboa............... 4,8931 38s 97i 116 4831 26-s 331 293 1,330' 1,2251 9,031 3951 398 Jefferson.............. 3,533 2 35-I 35 167 3................ 1,0811 1,1989 9,712 200s- 3 Middleburgh........... 2,841s 204' 711 591 254s 357 392 2,741 2,280 2,2041 19,911s 934 1,309~ Richmondville......... 2,746 8 61 38 198 33 29 415 1,987 1,932 10,217 619 17 Schoharie............. 2,8501 171 121 105s 824 144 208 2,574 1,924 1,881 26,062 9841 441U Seward............... 33,389-1 1171 96s 885 539 61 110 676- 2,858s 2,8771 27,760 413 26 Sharon.............. 3,426-1 347-1 539 61!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.i 9 201 17~3z 2,4 -6 4 65 2,848-1 2,811 28,320 175 164 Sharon............... 3,8426 3475 201 1732 1,048 64 147 7 2 Summit............... 2,887 2 15s 20 210 I 1 1 2 1,924 2,029 13,327 601 2144 Wright............... 1,994 135s 55-I 421 3877 56 44 679 2,230 2,314 21,950 891s 1,168 Total.............. 49,293- 1,3611....1,2151 1,145s 6,037i 1,543J 1,908119,513 30,127-1 29,5721!263, 389 7,0351 6,962{ Total ~ ~ ~:...... _-............ 49, 29... 1-:- 431 1_ —- 1,51 SCHUYLER COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Catharine............ 2,373 271 8 12 67 370 504 3.839 1,623 1,603 21,051 5 7 Cayuta............... 1,018 9 48' 39 219 109 181s 976 576s 638 5,435 53........ Dix.................. 3,1301 68-1 24211 209i1 945 6581 6801 6.127 1,3521 1,5221 13,278 110 2431 Hector............... 9,631s 1,504 495- 445 2,6031 3,642s1 3,437s 34,769 6,4981 6,949s125,602 229 157 Montour.............. 1,377-1 30s! 49s 27 123 618 624 5.524 7771 900 9,283 15s1 441 Orange............... 3,678 { 1504/ 31 47011 1,860 369s1 376 2,396 2,509s1 2,3514/ 19,787-1 514s 120 Reading.............. 3,173 184 1101 1311 458 8111 8841 8,666 887 1,119,si 12,403 97 155 Tyrone............... 3,37211 186s; 4211 251s 2,035 1,263 1,421s 9,735 1,972 2,229s 32,777 149 431 Tota............... 27,753|11 2,15441 1,407s1 1,586 8,310s 7,842 8,1091 72,032 16,1964 - 3-2.... SENECA COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Covert............... 2,8071I 2171 15 10 175 2,713s 2,326s 37,330 1,915 2,133 53,576 12........ Fayette.............. 6,0891 335 41 3 67 6,268s 6,2991 71,594 2,5081 2,709 53,261 53 834 Junius................. 2,4371 53s 2t........ 15 2,125s 2,037s2 23,009 1,433 1,541 23,999- 9s 31 Lodi.................. 3,033 993 94 81- 652 2,101 2,250 21,306 2,022 2,249 41,104 231 3 Ovid................. 3,311 484i1 18 301 238 2,746 2,7081 31,872 1,494 1,801{ 39,351 4 20 Romulus............. 3,074' 764 17 15 239 3,006 2,820 30,053 1,542s 1,916 35,336 2 4 Seneca Falls.......... 3,030s 168........ 3i........ 1,5,72s 1,5141 15,886s 1 145 1,2842 17,055................ Tyre................. 2,454 39 4........ 32 1,599 1,644 22,860 1,076 1,111 20,151........ 3 Varick................ 2,824 3891 10........ 300 3,113 3,0911 29,447 1,711 1,7511 33,587 40 151 Waterloo......... "' 7 --.... __820 682 6,851 1,036s 1,167 20,40 2101 35 Total.............. 31,149 3,5254 168 14311 1,718 26,125-1 25,3744'290,208- 15,883 | 17,663 A8337, 821 562 _-194STEUBEN COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Adio............ 82I910s 3 4 6 9 9 8 23 12,2....... Avoca......... 3,485 I 73 557 479 380 16 21141 144 1582,2 2.... Bath.......... 8,o38 17 817 826 5,455/ 1,424/ 1,359 9,,28 3,58 3,64s/ 60,38 30 515 1x Bradfod........... 1,59 6 34 243 1,575 i/ 441/ 456/ 2,364 /11,110/ 1,025 I13,3 123/ 428 Campelln.......... 2,8094781362 279 2,048s1 139-1 226 {1,192 {{1,447 [1,4581i 22,5 251/ 2 Capel..........304 52 82 79-1 467-1 22211 279-1 1,949k/ 681/ 728 11,59 44! 24 Canisteo.............. 2,694 22 1491 192 7991i 316-1 351-1 3,925 t/ 738~ 82011 11,7 23|| 18~ Caton................. 2,292il 43 3s 125- 48211 88s/ 96! 783 li1,204J 1,345-1 16,7471 361 28 Cohocton............. 4,301 12 5171 422 4,829-11 46111 6141 5,524!I1,97511 2,271 }14,040[ 127 i 140t Corning.............. 1,78211 67 54 81-1 267i' 32411 31311 3,233 II 821-1! 9771 13,535 104/ 76i Dansville............. 4,774~ 27 71 7947- 6,019 II1,097/ 1,465-11 8,345 //2,463 2,298sI 44,666 155-1 395 Erwin........1,512l 2 18 43 130il 156i 217 1,095 i/ 334/ 452 4,98 75.... Frmn......... 2,56 66 20a: 249~ 1,569 ] 1131 110s1 2641 2,146s: 2,134 35,609 13 1 Greenwood........... 2;142,1 11 28 [871 1,699-1! 811 141-1 906/ 1,49611 1,627~1'8,386 45s1 27t Hartsville............ 2,164s/ 63 l 221 621 1,023-1' 193I 207s1 1,742s] 5761I 646/ 7,000 11-1 11 Hornby.............. 2,942/ 11 k91 191 941 75 108 580 [/1,50'4 1,488 {15,796 {{ 24{ 12 Hornellsvile......... 4,105 48 248 2021,275 142 ).48-1 1,209/ 90 9s1638 4s 3 Howard.............. 6,548-1159 912i 8181 6,409s11 233I 2851 2,292-11 3,528-11 3,46711 59,965 II 83s1 20 Jasper............... 4,056 87 510s 458s 3,894 I~ 46 / 801 708 /1,719-1 1,831 {33,024 II 7 1 8 Lindley.............. 1,594 19 431 37 342-1s 193-1 149 1,964-1s 310-1 450 6,;090 I1 59 48 Prattsburgh.......... 6,362 78 3,42 951s 7,981 II 178s/ 282 2,0061 3,436 3,552 65C,069 II 27 8 Pultney.............. 4,214 15 389s 199 1,582 II 727il 779 7,736s!1 1,779-1 1,787-1 28;,004 II 28s~ 163 Rathbone............. 2,130 3 123s 109 1,000 II 337s1 413 3,388 tl 710sl 883 ]12,255 [I 37s~..... Thnrston............. 1,9801 7 162 91 87o0s 202 218 2,113I 722/ 716 10,187 1I 4 11ii Troupsburgh.......... 4,758/ 9 514s 5311 3,410si 181 123 194 II1,511-1 1,708's 22,557s! U....... Tuscarora............ 2,377| 78 363 387|. 2,525-1/ 1221 1091 1,001!1 951 / 95611 13,0841 1161|.... (Continued on page 371.) 364 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. SCHENECTADY COUNTY-(CONTINUED). W/INTER POTAWRY^E. BARLEY. BUCKWHEAT. INDIAN CORN. T.Acres Acres sown. Acres sown. For the grain For fodder. plated TOW N S. ______________________________ ^ - Bushels Bushels Bushels harvested. harvested. harvested. Acres planted. Bushels Acres sown. 1.864. 1864. 1865. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1864. harvested. 1864. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1864. 1865. Duanesburgh............. 1,997 978} 962 7,5803 2,015 1,594 34,056 590 7481 10,922 41 3 255Glenville................. 15,759 1841 96 1, 7103 7851 599 14,298 1,4341 1,6061 28,505............ 8161 Niskayuna................ 2,864 8 51t 57 1591 24 2,160 289 371s 5,865 Is...... 346 Princetown............... 3,480 326 405 3,123 4464 115 8,305 416 391 7,669............ 89~ Rotterdam............... 16,938 201 191 2, 080 / 559 1 10,409 1,0751 1,0161 22,092 2 s 625i Schenectady.............. 4,433........ 10........ 189i 132s 2,303 227 295 3,156.......... 289 Total.................. 45,471 II1,698 1,670ll 14,551sll 4,155 2,465s~ 71,531 4,032 4,429s 78,209 t 8l 3| 2,421SCHOHARIE COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Blenheim................ 2,815 15' 171 155 3321 386A 6,398 | 1298 1751 3,170............ 122| Broome.................. 4,1331 1501 170| 743s1 1,5941 1,614 27,545 183-1 256 2,395 7...... 1821 Carlisle...... 2,600 1761i 202 1,5111 1,052 132 2,0071 291 366s 4,935 146 Cobleskill................ 5,294 941/ 95s/ 918 777 749 14,189 347{1 422| 5,927 5 1/ 177 Conesville................ 1,842 /[ 65s 451 347 7991 968 10,254 1711 1981 2,904 1 / 175' Esperance................ 2,393 73 6041 571 624 718n~ 9,753 2451 253' 4,766 1...... 91 Fulton................... 6,4101 65/ 431 698 924 1,133 15,029 401s1 4491 7,991 1...... 2881 Gilboa................... 2,555 1,74 148s 1,519 1,156 1,482s1 18,2041 224| 284s 5,652 61 11| 267 Jefferson................. 651 32i 37 383 558 7284 8,134 60 79 1,023 51 8 1 236} Middlebusn.............. 12,277s 270 2731 2,5041 934 1,178 17,868 3771 4991 8,218............ 2521 Richmotidville............ 3,660'{ 722 46 524 4764' 47~1 9,682 245 2831[ 5,890 1...... 159a Schoharie................ 13,484 234 186 3,375 660 702 14,225 4451 4281 8,486 | I s 1591 Seward.................. 2,989' 90 1461 792 6991 25 12,417 383 3851 3,898 3 [ 1831 Sharon.................. 1,244 3131 350 3,489 9821 1,209 19,111 311i 3861 6,174 61 10o 183s Summit................... 693 531 511 493 6851 6781I ]1,601 591 763 980 11 1 295s Wright.................. 13,072 127 169I 1,146 972 623 20.397 304s 367 5,061 1...... 124 168 1, 1 i46 1 97216,623 1 4211. 49127 I] 34~ 3 7 ~ 4506 4 1 29 3.... Total.................. 176 2,007 2,044| 19,1691 13,227l 12,375 28 8 4 SCHUYLER COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Catharine................ 61 2971 351 3,879 4931 523 7,757 4451 5200 10,482............ 85a Cayuta................... 205 50s 67s 365 407 400s 5,395 188s 245s 4,107......... 411 Dix...................... 715 6351 7601' 5,565s 756 1 692 12,724 639s 760s 18,752 1-s 1 120 Hector............... 1,090 2,165s 2,733s 37,325 2,2131 2,1751 38,761 2,1851 2,5641 85,450 1 2 2163 Montour................. 80 312s/ 409 3.169 3181 334 4,855 401 413 4,827...... 2 59g Orange................... 1,602 480 502' 3,693 1,132 949 12,591 435{ 611 13,641...... 1 209 Reading................. 895 782 941 8,874 / 566st 620 9,8821 5451 7261 15,065 3 1 911 Tyrone................... 1,631 1,125s/ 1,250s1 13,336 1,008 1,012 17,335 693| 9201 21,204 31 14 1324 ta.................. 4, 3~~ 1 1 3 52 1 5' Total.................. 6,279 5,849l| 7,0151 76,206sz 6,8951] 6,70Q5l109,300[ 5,534|,7611 173,528[ 8s 21 i 955 SENECA COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Covert.................. 90 5781 85212 13,699 248 621 4,919 1,414| 1,645 70,495............I 79} Fayette.................. 487 1,484 1,6441 24,293a.1 168 1161 2,396 2,4791 2,508 108,150 2s 12 1471 Junius............ 117 584' 664si 9,097 107s 1081 1,104s 1,361s 1,324| 68,128 5 I 182s Lodi..................... 801 1,168 1,376 21,620 486/ 400 10,848 1,1361 1233 53,525 601 LOdid....................a Ovid................................ 731 1,695 13,598 292 212 5,830 1,475 1,453 36,731 2 4s 69 Romulus................. 25 1,079 1,446 20,281 239 195 3,822 1,896 1.881 50,101 1 5 1031 Seneca Falls....................... 175 266 2,397sA 149 90s/ 2,168 670s'811 14,443 209 2 I 791 Tyre............................. 461 534 7,714 82 19 1,353 853 9971 15,044...... 1 164 Varick................... 143 9391 1,220 15,415 2291 110s 3,471 1,4941 1,5681 58,148 2 5sI 491 Waterloo................ 1,227 52 74 721 176 157I 2,701 810- 925 22,992 12 7 3251 9,7__ 36 jj 2,1771l 1,4721 3 13,590s1 14,320l| 497,753 234 42 1,261 Total...................... 7 15 21, 1 1 3 Avoca................,388 422s 81,4 382s1 365s[ 6,397 // 295s/ 3991/ 7,963 I 61I 3s/ 107s Bath...................../ 2,572 1,5791 1,68111 22,833 [/1,436s/ 6611! 26,647 l/1,3]49 /1,4t42 52,074 I 5}1 6~1 252] Bradford.................[ 1,367 1,410 433/ 3,996 [1 5451[ 5921 8,411 II 336[ 456/ 14,113 [!............{ 54 Caeo.................. 187 / 94 30111 3,238 H 70)-s 7893[ 9,859 II 1223/ 206/ 5,342 [I31i 22g 1223 Campbell................J 381 105 751l 1,506 ii 2651/ 119 I4,426 fi 336 |4511/ 12,016 l!......1....../ 83 Canistee.................. 249 116 120 2,291s1 223~1 169 3,831 II 436 [ 396}1 9,162/......!......} 88} Caren..................../ 188 241 216112,873 tl 473it 443 /7,637 // 23911 341 6,528/ i/ 1 153 Cohocton................/ 1,206 59 560 |7.7~55 H 32611 3711I 5,272s/ 379 / 53211 11,931/....../....../ 1801 Corning.................., 678/ 154 152s[ 2.345 / 418[ 4441 7,376 381 51[258/| 5 ll Dansville................I 1,7381 479 450s 7.040/ 466sI 434/ 6,901/ 5561 75511 193451......[......{ 266ff Erwin.................../ 780 43I 87 [ 741 2I 35 I 347s 4,129 II 31811 36s 13,2721......{ 1~1 53~ Fremont.............. 25 145 2361/ 1,801 4I 69 I 466sl 6,404 I:1681} 243 4,282~!....../ 2 172a Greenwoo.............. 214 17 18s/ 176 4I 06 / 467sl 5,418 l/ 114~1 138/ 2,513 I 11 4 135 Hartsille...........{ 94 251 22/ 199 2I 01 243|1 2,881 II 1041 131 2,l'358 1'......t:2 91i Hornby..................| 280 68 60 689 6 46~ 740 i9,480 II 102/ 115 3,:790/......f....../ 139 I-ornellsville............. 17 421 01171 33 29,7 / 3s 351 819 2 s 12 Jaspr............... 6 1741 4 108s1 1,3551 661 740s1,2 81 139/,2 0 4 15 Howadle.................. 33 4 2s1,8 398 11446 27 31s1,6s 4 6 *Pratsburh.......... 4175 832 07 693 11,1039 763 5 5 1,08 13,53761 28 43126 9,8388...... 11 18726 Japuter................... 328 366 371 3,12 615 692940 35 84 06815 Rathbon................ 2084 2 1 1,45 1.83 5867 91 7,00 1/114} 86s, 9,2581 10~,53.... 3 96 Lindleyn................ 8 2 0,5 51 39,3 41 28,5L... I4 941:Prattsburgh................... 251 193l1,0 244 4601 344[ 61,5486 228 3041 5,692 s..... 2i 127? Rtusbaone................. 367 [ 105s [ 9 1.8113s34 3[561 9[ 3 74 4,800 3I1561 439 8,53170......[ 1 |124 Thurs~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(otiedon.......... 3272[.94 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. 365 SCHENECTADY COUNTY-(CONTINUED). POTATOES. PEAS. BEANS. TURNIPS. FLAX. Acres sown.Acres planted. Acres sown. Acres sown. TOWNS. planted. Bushels Bushels Bushels Bushels Bushels harvested. hharvested. harvested. hr se seed. 1865. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1864. D~uanesburgh 2811.. 2434 Duansbugh...... 2811[24 347 88| 111 -8 —3 18-s 91 233 I 7 t —U 1,590I 267 1 83 1,226 Glenville............. 8541r 79,789 18211 124 1,1091 53 41| 9511 13 714 2,846 24| 11 92 Niskayuna.... 41911 29 205 3 35a 30 428 4 6 1 45 21...... 922...... 3........ Princetown.......... 10711 8 154 1091 63s 716| 271 4` 42 |!...... 122 781 381 2001 Rotterdam........... 56814 44,718 711 54{ 534 41! 121 562 71 1 2,870 60 491 156 Schenectady......... 362n119,316 19 131 1751 141 61 126 12 4| 3,327.................... Total............. 2,5931205,529 5061 3961 3,7761 1581 81 j 1,960 43|| 15 11,677 429|| 288 l, 674 SCHOHARIE COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Blenheim............ 141!] 13,670 11 6 123 2 131' 23 31 I4 378 1 2........ Broome............. 1981 18,242 911 8741 438|! 141 15|/ 133| I I 172 701 58 1443 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9 1 1 1 11 Carlisle............. 15238 14,499 74 6919 560 1791 91 1531i...................... 441 361 199i Cobleskill............ 198| 18,321 75| 65| 673 151 17 1543............... 2 1 24i 132 1 1! 1 5 3{ 3 a~~~8 Conesville........... 1921/ 20,147 431 34 188 81 81 781{ 8 114 1,012 351[ 241 842 Esperance............ 95 10,787 451 20 232 10 4| 132 1] | 309 88 35 122 Fulton.............. 319 27,453 931 661 521i1 15 61 1911 2k I 325 100| 1161 158] Gilboa.............. 281 24,544'56 331 2791 3 5| 58| 11 | 1,065 35" 20 74 Jefferson............ 2581 21,612 13 22 116j 214 14 241 50 425 12|1 121 28Middleburgh......... 275 25,513 168| 15211 722 4412 251t 3311 61 21 986 551 53| 120t Richmondville....... 1891 14,453 481 381 272 5 21 46 1...... 17 621 15| 187 bAhoharie............ 16411 18,460 401 4219 333 3414 9 39211 11 1 350 15I 151 811 Seward............. 1871 16,240 94 971 6761 9j 1541......41 47 23 1651 Sharon............. 2111 17,337 43211 4271 4,509 [ 16 1 2-1 144 1...... 25 141 10| 701 Summit............. 316:1 29,311 53 3441 363 214 I 18 5...... 485 28~1 15 68 Wright............. 1311 13,187 129 112 8431 121 7 1241 260 18g II1 68 3,313 303,776 4 212 1321 2,150 345 12705 SCHUYLER COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Catharine........... 94" 10,9.77 | 1| 8 32 | 81 197 |..................... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4.................... Cayuta............. 48 3,581 6 3 271 61 51 50 12 2 2j 4i Dix................ 13111__13,071 15 15| 89 231 121 20112 2 1191 251 4 901 Hector.............. 223" 25,403, 10 8 80 183| 411 2,858 42 1 106 212A 112 4 1,8621 Montour............ 58| 7,246........ I11....3 3 2919,...................... 41 6 1 15 Orange............. 1291 20,529 391 22 315 4741 30 51211 2 205 261 251 461 Tyrone.............. 1421 17,526 9 51 73 36 17 453 14 21 68 171 171 70" Total............. 923j~~~~~~ll0,221 1 84|~, 65| 63011 3131 113" 4,382|| 8 __ 5 57511 291|| 176 2,107' SENECA COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Covert.............. 23641 10,721 7 12 2 634 9 63341 1...... 320 108 491 923 Fayette............. 1431 12,822 12 13 124 3513 6|3i 422|i1 " I 155 58 22 555 ]'..... Junius.............. 196 19,21221 41 61 401 79| 605........ 1........ 81 2 60 Lodi................ 601 8,6121........ 8 253 51 386 1 1 60 3221 177 2,365 Ovid................ 761. 7,6201 6| 1 69 181 11 232...................... 140 56| 1,17731 Romulus............. 1021 8,954 1 4 18 29[1 41 395 1 I 130 244 108 1,563 Seneca Falls......... 95 6,332 11 8 68| 61 72 21 11 335 93 109 582 Tyre............... 181 14,385 17 7 1506. 6 8 3 3 750.............. Varick................. 71 9 812 Waterloo........... 401 31,816]231 9 111 251 131 315 111 71 2,810 61 42 A dsn............ 58, 22 1 2 | 3 2 | | 3 4............. 4 0........... Avoca...............~~~~~~~~3 1131 1592 11 43,76,015566I| 25 ~1041561 381 079 Orath.............. 266137,5932 94 1191 1,302 31 5 471 3..,1 512 42 3 Ta l............. 1,51 1 75 023 22 3 181 2 4 4 Alpbel'......... 94 8 1 113. 11 eading............. 9572119,889 4 492 1 6474 20 57 82... 3 1 5 6 Tyorning............. 135 1420| 41712 0 1 | 21 31 1 0 -rmn....... 71| 9,85 5 121 171 11 7 23|I | 57 | 59 Gren od...... 43 1,343 33 493'~ 5........ I.... 1 1.... Totaly............. 231-5 2 8 4 12, 30~313- 2 2 1-63~8........51 211 1- 216007........... Jaspert.............. 12261151,96 721 141 2,225 263118 11 47...... 13 4 1 1 Prattsburgh..........~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ 2201 2581 19 167,31 081 12 1 3 1 92306 Rathbone............ 1021 8,110 10 14 158 5g 2~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~1 88 1 1 24 1 1 3 Fayestte............ 14021 12,8246 2| I2451 0 101 6342t 1 15 5 11 5 8 228 5551 9 guniups u............ 198114,241 102 121 1,305 141 1 61 5 17........] 6!......../ 8 1 42 27 Ovid................ 12g1,0 491 51 60591 61I 1 16 8 4 37 76~ 7,20 69181 1~ 23 ~....../....on......u 14 on 5age 1,73.) 366 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. SCHENECTADY COUNTY-(CONTINUED). FLAX. HEMP. HOPS. TOBACCO. APPLE ORCHARDS. MARKET 1GARDENS Acres sown. Acres in crop. Acres planted. Acres cultiTOWNS. vated. Pounds of Lbs. of Pounds har- Pounds har- Number of Bushels of Barrels of lint. hemp. vested. vested. trees in apples. cider. - 1864. 1864. 1865. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1864. 1664. 1865. 1864. fruit. 1864. 1864. 1864. Duanesburgh.......... 85,000...... 50 56 29,606 1 I | 1,600 18,576 18,399 426 2 Glenville.............. 11,600...... 4 i 4 Niskayuna.................................................... 21 1 2,350 5,388 8,532 329 2 Princetown............ 9,000.................. 6 1,820.................. 7 235 7,769 321i........ Rotterdam............. 232 00 7452 12,943 1,051 5 Schenectady..................................................... 31 3| 3,800 21355 2,625 70 701 Total............... 128,800.................. 62 | 671 34,176 1 5|8 17,890 57.149 73,291 2,702 87 SCHOHARIE COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Blenheim............. 274............| 21 591 621 36,2251 3...... 400 | 5,297 12,203 255 Broome.................. 625.................. 12, 5 11, 540 7,........ Carlisle............... 318.................. 184 18041 85,829i...................... 12,114 18,160 376........ Cobleskill............ 520.................. 2631 2821 130,781t I 530 13,300 26,855 556........ Conesville............. 1,558.................. 14 11 3,914...................... 9,538 16,643 400........ Esperance............. 18,040.................. 18 201 7,819} 3 2} 2,725 6,542 10,968 306........ Fulton............... 1,070.................. 237 292 88,242; 514 10,l 3,200 14,283 18,672 464........ Gilboa................ 31.................. i 30 5,270..... 15,224 21,025 46U11!........ Jefferson.............. 361.................. 913 124 39,422.................... 1.1,630 18,052 326........ Middleburogh.......... 503................ 361 3951 175,202....................... 14,026 19,646 813........ Richmondville 210..0...................... 9,917 17,688 461.....,000~~~~~~~~~~~~~~........... ~;......95.. Schoharie............. 242.................. 1264 13411 58,2351 28S 4a 25,000 11,338 17,421 5203i........ Seward........... 2,478.................. 510 491U1 224,542...................... 10,493 19,133 506!......... Sharon............... 2,150.................. 4271 4111 234,596 i 1 11 750 12,107 19,599 557........ Summit............... 35.................. 1713 229' 83,750 9,178 10,602 259 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~....................... W right......................................... 62 751 26,8621...................... 9,658 13,719 4171........ Total............... 38,032....... 2 3 9 1,315.884 395 20' 32,605 177, 271,926| 032~~ 2 2,811 03' 161 i....... SCHUYLER COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Catharine............................. 6,974 12,208 415 cayuta,............... 100.......................................: I4...... 100 3,784 7,012 198........ Dix.................. 4,200.......................................... 48| 331 51,970 13,017 10,152 2215i........ Hector 36,160................... 81,340...... 1 10034 3'784 9..... Montour........ 1,500.......................................... 214 16 21,300 5,222 9,591. 362........ Orange............... 300.................... 102 Reading........................................ 1 4 231 18g 51 18,570 12,173 82 445 2368........ Tyrone................ 5,000.......................................... 41 3 2,390 14,466 35 851 5751........ Tota............ 47260.....!........... 15 1541 7,7311 104j8 6141 106,570 1106,108 1142,677 3,626 ____ TOtalg............... 47,2 0 [[........... SENECA COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Covert................ 20,000....... *.................................... 73' 1 5,400 12,033 15.900 5483'1........ Fayette............... 5,500........................................ 71 4 5,480 25,209 17,569 805 31 Junius.......................................................... 7 21...... 5,950 12,559 17,067 410........ Lodi.................................................................... 1I...... 120 14,082 13,892 292........ Ovid................. 24,000.......................................... 54 5,150 17,767 15,491 363 5 1~~~~~~~~........./.....[ I 1 3 10,1141 Romulus............... 92,000.......................................... 3...... 2,050 21,980 2 0 1 190....... SenecaFalls............ 17500 3...... 4,430 9,424 14,196 3481 12 Tyre.........................' "............................ 11......... 7,340 12,102 17,982 603 4 Varick................ 50,000........................................... 141 8 7,560 14,281 8,445 318.. 1 W aterloo 10,000.......................................... 12 2 4,650 9,366 9,315 422 5814 Total...............319,000............ M_ 301 7410 8 139,971 4,300| 83 SCENECA COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Covertn................12,0 1...........1...... l!.......".!..................... 7 3i' 1 2,400 2,99 ~ 3 1 90 0 5 815........ Fvoayte................ 400o............... 7,0 1 14,0 14 7 2,82 4 4.... Bath............. 1,0...............]] 6]] ] ] ] 500]] ]' 53... 6 7 0 25 3 1 3,3 4....... Cameron.............. 1~~~~~~~~~~~,55......... 480 61 2,54 I 0 9 1,45 865 7,3369 115 ] junins l............. 50.....I...................... 6 5 2,950 5, 2 4 851,3063 07.... Caton............... 100...................................... H i 3 10,85 13,227],604. 40.. 4 L odi to............ 2......... 2 0 1030 k 3 40 1,9 562 41.... Corning............ 14000!ii iii iiii................. 2 0 1,7 5 j 8 | 1405 769 744 8 37 Fremont~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~2.............................................. 9,17 13,489 292......... vinwo d.........'. 16..................................... 5,350 [7 7 7]1,277 3 93...... t atom lsv l............................... 3i................. 75 ~8o /o,8~40 7,8276........ Sernecallsvil......................... 3]]]............. 5 0 9 76 1, 82 55 Jasper ~~~ 17,500...................... 3 / 3 0 3,55 ]... 4,4065 44 14,019 5,3483 12.... Li d e............ ~ 2.............::::::....................... 4......I, 0, 4, 3 8.... Prattb rgh.... 14 1 i....k 5........ 2............. 15:560: 077 6.... Rathbone50000.............................13 2 60 1...,00 5 72,4244 Thurston............. 2~~~~~~~~4,50..............9.... 366. 30 8 90 5,515 103...... Tr u s u g........... 1 5 5..........................................., 4, 2 7.... Tusaot al...... 6..................:0 01..-'..........................i 7 ~ 30'~ - i4,3 18 805 6,39,71 4 1 6' i...3. STEUBN COUTY-(Continueon)ae7.) AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. 367 SCHENECTADY COUNTY-(CONTINUED). MARKET GARDENS. Cd ~. ^NEAT CATTLE. Acres cul- C'u- 7;1 g^- ~Xg^^;0 MilIph cows. TOWNS. tivated. GO W G 1,3 2 cc'l oows. ____ Value of pro- 0 0 jS0 0 o^ oj ^ eS y _______ ducts 1864. VI.S... M'* o o. ~; ______ ~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~1865. __ g 0 C) |j 1| l | 1864. 18-. P-14~~~~~Duanesburgi............... 652 145 510 3,027 253...... 318 462 394 36 1,943 1,830 Glenville.......... 7 $57500 760 15760 15. 2,437 158...... 271 373 327 30 1,287 1,214 Niskayuna....... 2 400 00...................... 895 27...... 53 55 466 282 286 Princetown........................ 116 35 1 552 39...... 130 134 216 36 677 621 Rotterdam....... 51 293 00 21 2 1 7,453 375...... 346 323 231 20 884 846 Schenectady...... 70 4,430 00................. 440 5...... 99 96 52 2 301 321 Total.......... 84- 5,698 00 i1,549- 19 512 14,804 - -857.....|1,217 1,443 1,266-[__ 130 5 374 5,118 SCHOHARIE COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Blenheim.......................... 3,640 182i1...... 2,185 1441'....... 326 457 190 24 976 795 Broome............................ 6,255 320...... 3,128 2951...... 421 572 387 84 1.026 920 Carlisle........................... 5,601 4542/...... 2,166 291. I....... 283 386 367 44 1,;266 1,16.6 Cobleskill......................... 3,299 236 5 1,697 178...... 271 406 161 22 1,027 966 Conesville.......................... 22,550 340...... 3,102 210...... 354 440 459 109 1,114 850 Esperance......................... 10 18...... 1,366, 135...... 145 184 244 16 596 486 Fulton......................... 8,145 303...... 4,130 2223...... 540 687 398 64 1,491 1,285 Gilboa............................. 17,475 367...... 4,974 260 |...... 896 942 282 124 2,222 1,840 Jefferson........................... 65,081 315...... 852 100...... 421 725 137 46 1,920 1,425 Middleburgh....................... 1,172 280 17 2,873 171...... 342 439 316 64 1,074 993 Richmondville.................. 5,979 68 2 1,870 58...... 284 378 188 10 979 847 Schoharie................... 215 42 152 585 66....... 285 372 234 22 932 846 Seward............................ 10,905 368 10 / 1,o33 3 534...... 376 514 384 8 1,332 1,148 Sharon............................ 9,003 507 417 2,790 162...... 608 618 977 26 1,051 952 Summit........................ 21,055 330...... 1606 267 566 129 14 1,763 1,309 Wright.......................... 1,910 377 35 1,954 180..... 463 457 270 49 692 678.......~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l 19,461 16 0 Total............ I........... |182,295[ 4,508 638 35,165 3,015...... 6,282, 8,143 | 5,123 726 19,461 167506 SCHUYLER COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Catharine........ 50 I 230 34 2 840 76...... 338 339 266 30 690 610 Cayuta............................ 1,397 72...... 1,895'1023!...... 168 140 156 18 358 288 Dix............................... 340 20 70 9 1325... 404 405 215 34 900 837 Hector............................ 3,273 250 37 6,013 5342...... 1,257 1,202 1,482 144 2,240 2,210 Montour........................... 123.............. 549.............. 157 181 1658 477 448 Orange............................ 4,211 96 25 2,399 274...... 504 497 455 70 1,194 1,086 Reading........................... 1,218 38 8 1,350 104...... 279 259 165 12 611 58 Tyrone............................ 597 51 64 3,094 196...... 351 371 357 28 850 832 Total......... __ 50 ||11,389 j 561 206 16, 149 1,4191,...... | 3,458 3,394 3,261 | _344 ^7,320 | 6,897 SENECA COUNTY-(CONTTINUED). Covert............................. 5,788 240 25 2,270 137...... 346 315 420 16 672 5 15 6 Fayette.......... 5^ 1,787 00 27 22 1042 1,629 232...... 5350L? 504 502 17 1,272 1,224 Junius......................... 310 44 4 1,525 113...... 246 268 3338 683 680 Lodi.............................. 2, 778 172 20 2,441 126...... 387 378 269 10 681 678 Ovid............ 5 155 00 1,840 85 481 3, 711 215...... 299 291 3 23 32 590 57.9 Romulus........................... 387 109 147 3, 167 305...... 272 339 487 14 694 638 Seneca Falls...... 12 1, 716 00.............. 375.............. 187 175 351 19 291 375 Tyre............ 4 150 00....................... 362 23...... 239 227 171 2 574 580 Varick........... 1 31400 105 24 229 1,250 108...... 272 268 230 8 649 8633 Waterloo........'1 —----........ 438 1,033 25...... 156 174 173 19 437 440 T2otal.......... 132. 8,689 00.. 11,3285 696 1,4482 17,1763 1,284 1..... 2,9,45 |2,939 3,259 145 6.496_ 6,470 STEUBEN COUNTY-(CONTINUED). A cldi son......... I.................. 1........ I........I...... 450 |1 4......ii 84 99 1 39 1 44 | 134 1 31.2 Coverc...........]........I..........J 15,38 120 5I,2708 13......l 34673 150 4.. 202 3 1936 62 5 643 Baette..................../ ~ 1,770 /7 223 1814.... 10,311 4232/...... 749 719 774 1402 1,8672 1,224 Bra fod.................... 1316...,55... 1 4 7 24 9 5 Cameron~/........I........ 28 0 635 16..... 4,17 37... 24 8 067/4 8 Campbell........~~~ 4............... 11038...... 3709... 2481 272 430 10 68 3 633 Lodiste.................../......... 2,7782 1 27..... 4,2441 124}......2[ 83 73 356 84 598 1 5678 aOvi..... d 2,21 0 4,3 3...... 2, 8 24...... 39 2 21 8 76 64 Coocn.......... 75 1500 4,3I14,0 5,31 16... 38 330/30 8 865 Corning..........85/481 3,1311,10 215 6......1,6 8I... 4 11 20 5 74 76 D ansville..........................~~[ 8,12 186 33, 2 4, 7 2 3... 3 5 339310 934796 ERomuus........./.. 1 100 31 6......I316 2.........3878 1 92 12474 316 305 1.../27203 8 1 9 3 Sremnc als......[ 2 1 7 60 [........1........{...... 16,65 20...... 5,6 19..{.....H 194 237 5 351 37 649 7 58 Tyreen od................... 14,78 6... 1,200 10 I'....... 6 34 103 ^6 6 Hartsville........ ~ ~ ~................. 10,229 76.... 3,06 7...... 24 27 29 6 8 3 Hornby.......... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~23 12,070 1,78 2...,2 17.... 24 9 357 4 589 64 Hoa rid.............. 1,4 0 1847 231 50 7 2 20.... 40 4 41 0 5 1,386 1,39] Jasper.......................... 2,7506 116...... 5,75 85... 4 2 478 403 98 1,021 990 Pute................. 1,1............._._ 2 66 14...... 301 37'_48 12 713 72 Toal oe............. 12018,8 00 I 1285 69 2044. 17731,928431...... 161 9452,9- 3159 5 68,491,470 Addiston................. 4 500 4,31 6...... 4,254.... 25 13188 47 453 Tru su g.......................'2 3 1 1...... 6,58 4...... 6 4 1 70 15 1 47 1,9 7Bsathra........................ 4,2250 168..... 1 0,3575 1237...... 254 0 5 189 1 67 1, 81 Bradford.......... 131/ 1, 650 56.....C.tinued4onpage1375. 368 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. __________~~~SCHENECTADY COUNTY-(CONTINLU E D). NEALT CS FBUTTER. CHEESE. HORSES. SWINE. SHEEP. CATTLE 1 %?!~~~~~~~~~Gallons oF TOWNS. milk sold, o^ Pounds made. Pounds made, 1864. Colts of Colts of Two years Pigs of Season of SlaughtercdPoundsofpork Shornin Shorn in S 1S64. 1864. I864. 1865. old and 5 1865. 1864 and in 1864. made, 1864. 1864. 1865.'~ 1 -^over, 1865. older. Duanesburgh... 390 205910 60300.......... 114 104 1,050.... 1,319 1,046 1,117 212,737 5,591 4,723 Glenville....... 619 117,509 5,529 117,444 74 52 919.... 1,192 978 1,263 257,220 1,973 2,422 Niskayuna..... 50 27,040 1 000.......... 14 14 269.... 243 156 290.59,562 562 577 Princeton...... 144 63,983 7,975.......... 26 20 220.... 600 492 536 88,486 1,560 1,538 Rotterdam..... 490 86,035 7 260.......... 54 46 633 16 944 1,265 872 161,997 1,374 56 Schenectady.... 15 147130.......... 650 17 16 333 2 205 140 170 43,855 154 160 Total........ 1,708 ||514,607 82,064 118,094 __299 252_ 3,424 ||18 4| 4, 077 - 4,248- 823,857 11,214 9,476 SCHOHARIE COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Blenheim...... 96 92,123 50...........'30 36 285 4 326 222 273 68,374 2,264 2,099 Broome........ 183 117,773 2,555.......... 58 62 505.... 570 457 940 126,059 6,746 4,697 Carlisle........ 205 120,840 52,642.......... 47 39 563 1 704 300 650 141,019 2,477 1,476 Cobleskill...... 231 112,272 4,500.......... 44 40 738 3 814 364 685 137,407 2,186 1,873 Conesville...... 174 124,507 270....... 58 56 363.... 414 682 452 95,990 3,246 2,921 Esperance...... 137 64,175 2,425....... 25 36 370.... 341 170 375 74,522 1,726 1,639 Fultn.......... 184 152.993.................... 72 40 689.... 773 685 757 158,966 3,713 3,539 Gilboa......... 232 255.,553 1,935.......... 79 59 489.... 677 382 637 150,030 4,081 3,746 Jefferson....... 105 199,677 335.......... 43 38 435.... 374 279 381 95,477 2,245 1,596 Middleburgh... 244 93,430.................... 51 45 692 835 422 807 165,093 4,189 3,839 Richmondville.. 38 87,525 7,715.......... is 28 257 431 315 420 97,410 2,272 1,950 Schoharie...... 166 93,125.................... 40 40 649.... 782 444 762 152,844 2,044 1,999 Seward........ 234 123,792 34,389.......... 38 26 573 ~ 649 379 578 130,131 2,273 1,503 Sharon........ 260 92,040 36,345 4,235 61 53 879 4 719 584 610 142,168 2,581 2,103 Summit........ 367 187,950.................... 56 48 468 546 771 446 104,076 1,862 1,668 Wright........ 141 60,865 480.......... 53 48 485 652 909 510 99,940 2,432 2,459 Total........ 2,997 ||l,978,640 143,641 4,235 | 773 694 8,440 12 9,607 7,365 9,283 1,939,506 46,337 9 39,107 SCHUYLER COUNTY-(CONTINuED). Catharine...... 151 69,658 3,560.......... 30 34 415 2 361 273 406 93805 4774 4562 Cayuta........ 76 33,885 370.......... 14 17 6.... 145 132 188 43,125 1,438 1,263 Dix........... 375 86,369 3,100 3,500 43 41 677 6 320 554 510 106,817 7,144 7,386 Hector......... 441 215,931 4,176.......... 152 146 1,797 4 1,797 1,672 1,751 381,205 23,795 7,540 Montour....... 116 44,805 13,116.......... 3 18 324... 231 386 323 68,128 4,325 3,532 Orange........ 160 108,942 4,791.......... 42 50 657 10 442 887 646 140,405 9,239 8,562 Reading........ 127 62,751 2,590 5,000 30 35 476 1 279 301 483 102, 129 8,023 1,613 Tyrone........ 324 115,332 1,245.......... 36 29 659 2 651 494 679 144,299 8,732 9,697 Total........ 1,7701, 737,673 32,948 8,500 378 360 5,181 25- 4,,226__ 4,699 4,986 11,079,913 67,270 44,155 SENECA COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Covert........ 204 74,015 17025.......... 73 51 726 3| 550 518 746 16,3231 6,705 6,563 Fayette........ 258 127,045 5,818.......... 120 106 1,282 24 889 1,481 3,850 388,027 7,765 8,689 Junius......... 151 70,239 2,947.......... 54 37 596 2 614 1,286 805 166,644 3,439 4,033 Lodi........... 160 70,100.................... 165 75 705 -4 495 548 683 148,780 6,413 7,137 Ovid........... 147 81,492 750.......... 55 69 690 12 488 493 733 161,182 6,408 7,602 Romulus....... 106 75,805 100.......... 53 71 771 3 776 1,530 910 195,680 6,661 8,052 Seneca Falls.... 187 37,127 690 20,194 32 52 457.... 290 515 14,428 114,467 2,807 3,801'Tyre.......... 132 49,070.................... 49 63 538 2 447 500 655 134,200 3,921 4,350 Varick......... 126 64,281 271.......... 66 65 699.... 651 801 910 155,071 3,171 4,367 Waterloo....... 50 41,254 730 1,200 37 38 421 5 347 444 490 103,477 406 3,246 Tot~al........'1 1. 521 690,428 123- 1 21,394 37- 627 6,885!| 55 5,547 8,116 | 24,210 1,583,851 47,69- 57,840 STEUBEN COUNTY-(CoNTINUED). Addison....... 44 11,000 950.......... 4 13 119 1 82 5 71 7,4 43 36 Avoca......... 182 76,855 102,390 50 41 36 483 1 438 350 538 118,388 873 10,089 Bath.......... 277 184,759 13,506.......... 88 59 1,203 19i 1,098 1390 1555 294,743 21,628 21,349 Bradford....... 62 38,010 220.......... 20 13 312.... 236 594 373 77,703 5,920 6,058 Cameron.........3 7,9,2.......... 2 2 4 5 3 392 77,588 5,54 5525 Cambel..... 163 63,030 1,250.......... 26 16 179 8 201 251 31 78,610 5,0 551 Caito....... 98 211 70.......... 17 2 33 1 55 83 65 8,9 674 676 Catn....... 213 69,321 843.......... 26 20 390 10 423 401 353 79,770 3,810 4,166 Cohocton....... 254 77,760 556.......... 45 41 519.... 420 574 566 135,293 10),126] 11,057 Corning........ 16 1503,0 4 1 5 9 21 23 33 7,8,0,2 Erwin......... 389 20,560.................... 6 6 160... 173 120 111 25,750 1,740 1,348 Fremont..... 79 68,430.................... 38 31 341'16' 304 434 385 84,040 6,977 7,328 Greenwood...T.. 18 74,375 1,000.......... 40 39 315... 182 229 289 67,150 5,699 5,901 }tartsville.... 8 5,45 2,7...... 21 2 231.. 184 173 231 52,348 5,202 5,405 Horby...... 12 830 60,00 9 25 351"3' 238 210 1432 59,647 3, 778 4,841 Hornelsvile.. 11 56,463 375 4,900 43 38 45 8 18 232 394 69,445 65,145 6,863 Howad....... 167 144,290 75,494....... 80 75 716 6 5,266 80 173,584 12,489 15,427 Jasper......... 343 113,182 9,695.......... 35 31 49 3 35 34 44!0,3,3,8 Lindley........~~~ ~ 3 83 4,9475 40...... 1 7 154 103,038 42 22 4,338 182,2,11 Prattsburgh.... 381 114,089 1,610 980 71 45 776 29 439 593 652 157,236 1;7,570 19,179 Pnltney........ 133 67,655 545.......... 23 21 565.... 484 317 509 108,620 8,602 10,006 Rathbone....... 87 40,132 690.......... 9 12 263 47 187 202 299 59,690 2,42 2,781 [[hurston...... 109 44,955 200........... 19 15 175 2 206 196 298 61,572 2, 621 2,.858 Tronpsbnrgh... 80 137,788 2,120.......... 33 74 519 10 335 364 526 119,601 6,381 8,113 Tuscarora..,.... 29 70,291 2,340.......... 21 18 256 13 193 226 383 84,912 4,135 3,951 (Continued on page 376.)! ~i1 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. 369 SCHENECTADY COUNTY-(CONTINUED). SHEEP. POULTRY. 1 DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES, 1864. TOWNS. | Lambs Lambs, Pounds of Pounds of Sheep Number lValue owned, Value sold, Value of eg-s Yards Yards Yards Yards of raised in raised in wool shorn wool shorn sliug-h- killed by 18653. 18U. sold, 1864. ^3. of fuilled of flannel. of linen. cotonand 1864. 1865. in 1864. in lft65q teied in (",)"A in.' cloth. mixed 1864. 1864. -i,^ cloths. Duanesburgh...... 4,273 4,196 20,944 18,185 197 16 $3,559 00,2,767 00 1$2,886 00 $421 00 274 402 Glenville.......... 1,426 1,691 7,754 9,041 1,577 40 5,387 00 1,897 75 4,592 00 1,310 00 131 191.............. Niskayuna........ 398 471 2,02031 2,026 38 14 1,235 50 49200 1,088 00 139 00 105 98.............. Princetown....... 839 921 5,446 5,787 147 11 1,30325 1,36600 773 00 1,384 00 546 710 106....... Rotterdam....... 02 1, 209 5,386 168 508 7 3,296 00 1,456 50 1,883 00 1,443 00 303 466 19 13 Schenectady...... 148 187 536 660 10 1 1,390 00 121 25 877 00 590 58 10 48.............. Total........... 81668,6751 42, 086 3,5867 2,477 89 16,170 75 8,100 50 12,099 00 5,287 58 1,3692 1,915 221 125 SCHOHARIE COUNTY-(CON\TINUED). Blenheim.......... 1,019: 1,303 8,76121 6,778t 111 47 1 65350 34200 378 00 8800 538 1,240I 777I 101 Broome.......... 2,9291 2,637 29,719 20,413 1t 373 16 2,39400 65500 1,970 50 43400 859' 1,2541 3,075-2- 30 Carlisle.......... 1,899| 1,502 9,377 5,625 147 1 2,178 56 1,18418 2,282 64 45474 540l 63 2 1,699 45 Cobleskill........ 1,518! 1,441 8,0142 6,9442' 272 9 2,32200 92700 1,871 00 40700 589 6521/ 1.070 8 Conesville......... 1,746 1,662 12,170 11,085 129 25 1,4605 0 9 60 51015 35700 658 999- 1,687....... Esperance........ 1,387 1,447 6,586 6,066 88 9 1,59200 88200 1,609 00 35200 132 367 359 15 Fulton............. 2,391 2,722 13,3491 12,722 402'22 2,20350 1,21325 1,631 00 900 1,490 2,267 4,4572- 74 Gilboa............ 2,128 2,191 14,494 13,3812' 167 67 i"1,74905 89005 691 40 59200 730 2,248 2,6061/ 235 Jefferson.......... 1,294 1,070 9,053 6,018, 74 1 1,20200 67000 353 00.......... 874 1,867 2,595 196 Middleburgh...... 2, 101i 2,280 16,036 15,021:' 561 15 2,44450 1,223 50 1,29300 1,245 50 814t 1,333 2,718 70 Richmondville..... 1,293| 1,360 8,954 7,469 92 7 1,51400 53725 1,20400 80 00 8772; 588 2,111 8 Schoharie......... 1,.371 1,388 8,0161 7,561 215 37 2,97250 91800 1,52725 1,09050 798 69 54....... Seward............ 1, 7451 1,582 7,698 5,355 236' 15 1,790 20 582 96 1, 471I87 037 710 5 29^ 711 1,032 58.......~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 8 49 Sharon........... 1,987 1,706 9,830 8,371 1,976 27 2,332 55 635 00 1,492 00 719 00 477} 674 I 1,381 | Summit 1,432 1,235 6,815 5,707 128 14 1,'029 00 740 00 677 00.......... 883 1,485 2,367 36 Wright........... 1,4811 1,792 9,398' 10,072 200 25 2,071 00 1,174 00 1,435 00 2044 279 681 50 Total........... 27,721J27,319 178,272' 148,590 5,171; 37 29,908 86 113,474 79 20,396 81 6, 231 84 1l0,996 17, 289-29,1901- 9752 SCHUYLER COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Catharine......... 1,8051 2,112 10, 014 18,009 552 411,18800 1,232 00 941 00 | 52550....... 31 20....... Cayuta........... 117 681 4,818 4323 96 12 52300 575-00 27 9 002....... Dix..............: 2, 4951 2,984 29,260 29,7162 121 16 1,559 00 1,320 99 1,293 75 453 71 382 36021 684.... Hector........... 7,575 7575103,533 79,054 296 92 4,535 45 3,839 50 3,689 60 32 00 576 806 8902'.... Montour.......... 1,466i 1,2991 18,582 14,910 77 80 72 00 57800 365 00........................ 12....... Orange........... 3,7251 3,7481 36,72432J 32, 670O 244 59 1,884 15 1,149 10 1 1,415 13 254 95 491~ 17 732 1,430....... Read2-i.......... 2, 6051i 2,86 35,678 34,246 124 36 1,55825 1,81956 1,00200 49875 25 80....... Tyrone........... 3,3323,559 38,558 41,84212 308 4 2,771097 1,53590 1,91315 92293 102 1,148 16 Total........... 23, 12024,822|286,068 254,2162!1, 818 303 |l47422 4 112,050 05 30,8898 80 2,68 1,723 50 3,8 903 | 16 SENECA COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Covert............ 2, 1211 2,250| 31,460 27,259 123 1.1 |! 2, 811 00 2,649 05 j.2,345 50 351 00...............I.............. Payette.......... 3,02253.808i66,015 36,866 291 93 15,66525 3,67700 3,28225 77867 8 2751; 65....... 2,236 40 054 08 541 716 3904~....... Junius........... 1,684 1,6 134 17,426 242 8 2,42050 2 1782 22 Lodi.............. 2,438i 2,8451 25,588 30,035 871 37 1,761 00 1,836 00 11107100 88700 228 260 130....... Ovid............. 2,2832,502148,298 34,460 Ill 19 2,48600 218200 121450 68160 15 43 92....... Romulus.......... 2,475 2,9351 31,256 49,118 168 8 3,53800 281000 127400......................... Seneca Falls....... 1,1761,970 12351 16,2960 925 541,884 15 1,252 00 1,104500 -3454 25....... 20 20....... Tyre............ 1,372 1,8651 5788,034,240 100 3 1,55800 20960 13,0000 493 00 2 5 34....... Varick............ 1,447I, 75312,264 18,081 97 36 2 1,616500 31900....... 91 122.. Waterloo......... 1,186133313,601 14,5482 36 8 1,883 00 37208 96664 486 00............. Total........... 19,21122,914281000 263 200 180 _ 277i7,466 7522,363 53 jl6, 752-9-7_ _4,992 23_ 285_ _1,002g 447_ _22^ STEUBEN COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Foay........ 3,070! 3,604 38,015 36,986 230 535 1,20 22 50,6740 5400 23,22 251 7787 8'' " 55........ Bradford.I....4. 1 612 31,5 24,293' 234 6846 4 2,0 9150 2,3240205 4500 54710 189 l06 480.... Lodiste.............2 1938 2,684 25,527 30,061 67 36750400,86500 31,10 00 48000 222 9250'131 18 Ctn.............1642201,1,5 9 3 1168 920 610 410 15 69 63 6 Xomulusn..........i 3,175 935,3174,2972 49,269 183,51 09 1,3921 5391 1,3964 7 50011 47 2......... Sernecanll.......... 1,0761 9647,08 7,315,29 9252 1 1,581000 1,56450 5960400 473125 "2(18 )' 1 Danvie...... 1379182845}840 3 74,114 0044,578 80 1,9 1,800 1,700 8000 9910 45,003 62 2 El-win......... 596 13,28 14,2546 57 362 6 63400 1532 0 6 44600 1000................... Grenoodl.........1 212,.69142,65201,000 26,001,8 7~2,469641 1 7355 21900_ 5 25750 37360 4,91 239 —- i',02-3 44793 Honv.......... 165,71,8 921 28 1,20 80 70..... 33 51 33 3 Adiornelsl 17... 2,271241 25,302 26,9819 187 1 7250 4265 01 6479 500 2779 5I..; 237 14' 1..wrd.......... 4,41 5,17.8705,8 2 6 1965 6851385 10 1,9 91 6 Jasper........ 2,788 3~~~,404 2807 3140 355~ 419 820 "7500 4805 20' 91208,154 229 Brathsid.......... 6,90i73,9071784,9882 t0,928 271/0 492,853 75 1,3700150 1,082764/ 1,71500 1473/ 3,459 1,022 715 Bradford.1...... 1,9 55 34,16036,16,38,852 100 616 915,28940 0 1,051400 4,197 100 6218 1010{ 550........ Oam ron......... 80100 8,139410,37 18 645900{ 6370 O055 43{7389 135 47 67.... Campbell......... 1,0681,130,6 055 9 1 9801 2305, 700 400 16534 20 4 Troupsburgh...... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 7 2,64 3,2:271204 25,49 220 17 4510 8525 16550......... 0^,4,3 8 Tsaoa............540 1,8526 14,08 93,35 16 900/ 6531 5680 4l461 50215 | 463!1933 903 176 Coh~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(ontiudon pg 7. 1,09~~ ~ ~7 947,0 35 22/,.3005 40 5900I7325I 36 18/3 0 1 370 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. STEUBEN COUNTY-(CONTINUED). ACRES. CASH VALUE. ACRES PLOWED. ACRES IN GRASS LANDS. FAL[,LO AV. Acres in pasture. Meadow. TONWNS. Improved. Unimprov- Of farms. Of stock Of tools and 1864. 1865. 1964. 1865. 1865. ed. 1865. 1865. 1865. implements. 1865. 1854. 1865. Acres. Acres. 1564. 1865. Urbana.............. 16,2381 7,1321l $972, 883 I136,576 21,5793i 4,075 3,562 151 4,6 6 4,7382 3,681 3,8651 Wayl~nan.............12,921' 11,362 482,055 1-6,894 26,023- 3,570 3,471 3091i 219 2,987 3,086 3,160s 3,455 Waylnd............ ). 09, 9 Wayne.............. 10,066 2, 41 5 470, 550 70,045 13,920 22,874 2,6851/ 1273 58sl 3,401 3,257 1,941 2,052 West Union.......... 11,970 10,130 313,425 91,227 I 7,113 2,531 9,476'il...... 2,784 3,902 2, 957 2,950 Wheeler.............. 14,216( 12,683 | 716,109 128,196 18,469 4,014 3,853 85 9 4,594 4,636 3,646 3,764 Woodhull........... 16,187-1 12,843 | 628,186 148,310 26,957 3,5901 3,789 276 1691 5,170 5,824 5,156 5,317 Total~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~........ 8,,283s 2069 0 Total.............. 426,838;343,032 18,533,955 564, 286'68, 092108, 026'06, 962' 3, 9063,796!|l46,518|1149,715'1fr3,197&118,283g SUFFOLK COUNTY. Broaokhaven......... 33,979-s 90,841s!l 2,749,115 233,073 85,668; 8,784 7,9931| 464I 742 11,917s 12,021 6,648 6,137' East Hampton........ 8,355 16,343 769,535 100,358 22,095 t 1,731 1,728s 152 164 3,9641 4,0151 2,968 3,010 tunington........... 26,107s 27,491 2,198,940 229,074 79,1401 6,697 6,921 37 33 5,067 5,2181 6,775 7,066 Islip................. 6, 871 23,713 876,800 70,943 *21,510 I 1,894I 1,936 71 1 18 1,331 1,361 1,786 1,675 Riverhead............ 12,606 17,713 1,201,645 136,071 39,344 t 4,267 4,280 16 18 2,993 3,145s 2,643s 2,868 Shelter Island........! 2,699s 4,306 324,360 31,735 7,875 937 915...... 7 2,046s 1,453 585 520s Smithtown..........I70,865s 17,178 1,408,975 116,368 21,395 2,669 2,5..2. 19 52 3,115 3,005 2,7251 2,860' Southampton.......... 24,1321 24,905 1,618,165 226,973 65,950'6,743,V 6,5951> 7161 658 7,324 7,432s 6,626 6,771s Southold.............1 23,0441 8,065,;| 2,340,195 254,332 64,280 5,408ij 5,3661`551s'a 604 8,857 9,936si 3,870nI 3,9721 Total............1148,661 1230,556 13,387,730 1, 398,-927 407,257 i - 12, 0272,4 6 47,588-| 34,577l' 34,8811 SULLIVAN COUNTY. Bethel............... 17,406 36,066 720,450 156,447 24,013 | 2,916I 2,318s!I 40 6 5,961 6,033 6,457s- 6,6301 ochecton............ 9,590 18,543 499,681 112,523 29,243,i 2,709 2,451 [ 161 176s 2,657 2,757 3,109 3,416 Callicoon............. 12,223 11,794 377,304 108,461 20,036 1,581 1,124s! 59 124s} 4,684 4,897 4,147s1 4,273 Fallsburgh........... 20,270 23,819 578,570 168,438 17,778 2,293 2,088 503 111 i 7,638 7,630 8,363 8,406 Forrestburgh......... 3,994 29,312 220,980 24,413 6,655 / 76 248 24 7 586 594 776s 775 Fremont.............. 6,304 26,979 389,149 134,490 11,015 732 656s 82 186 1,613 1,633 2,930 3,081 I1'498 2 030I 274,270/3,4 8 995 Highland............. 1.498 28,0,4428 7,062 428 381 11 69 501 517 871 i925 Liberty.............. 16,6261 25,046 588,925 145,030 25,847 2,290 2,223 18 18s/ 7,533 7,756 6,972 7,025 Lumberland.......... 2,517s1 16,871 182,125 29,161 8,448 7413 480 25' 28 353s 3253s 900 995 Mamakating.......... 17,474|[ 23,839l 944,883 144,696 30,535 2,963 2,6041| 553/ 243! 5,216 / 6,129 4,709 4,780s Neversink............ 17,993 23,996 457,365 153,457 31,8241] 2,010 1,756 326 166 97,399 7,381s 7,213 7,173 Rockland............. 8,424 35,055 234,298 79,681 13,323 851 931s1 98 111 1 2,5431 2,627 4,092 3,927 Thompson............ 20,6011 25,670s0 803,751 201,215 54,246 2,3314i 2,388 26 54 9,105 8,991s 8,305 8,261k Tusten............... 1,753s 18,599s 100,858 20,340 4,391 3843 326 6 6 223 228 703 708 Total~.............. 156,676 1343,620i!! 6,372,609,1,508,94!284,416i 22,5064! 19,-976d 982'170-1 885-6,~ 5 1354991- 59,549 377 TIOGA COUNTY. Barton............... 19,894 12,804 910,060 138,191 37 690 5,807 5,581.] 161 163s! 7,290 7,223.sz 4,672 4,784~ Berkshire............ 11,125 6,309311 499,515 95,560 19,956 1,245-1 1,354/...... 5,934s 5,853 3,8191 3,823 Candor............... 31,384 20,366s 1,535,540 233,230 52,732 6,508s 6,989s 24! 10 13,186s 13,130 8,9151 9,067 Newark Valley........ 18,116s 11,265s 948,180 185,483 39,879 2,888 3,15141 49 13 9,233s 8,923 5,431' 5,430 Nichols.............. 13,402 6,448 783,814 100,819 25,756 3,930 3,747 38 29 4,585 4,507 2,973 2,926 Owego............. 34,9851 18,665 1,918,055 282,254 71,580 8,5091/ 9,4312 56 65 12,5101 12,4741 8,811' 8,6761 Richford............. 10,462 7,99541 403,336 90,538 17,771 1,459.1] 1,779s] 7 7 171 4,6914 4,6561] 3,333i 3,4451 Spencer.............. 16;3131 12,823 689,421 111,710 17,771 3,2504 3,1074 88s 14s 7,6071 7,940 4,037s 4,1131 Tioga................ 20,9401 12,4031 1,244,800 167,852 32,992 4,835s] 4,602 ]117 94 6,801 7,150 5,0281 5,320 Total........... 1176,623s109,080s 7,932,671 1,405,637 316,127 I38,434 39,744t 626 461 71,840|| 81,8571` 47,1221| 47,5861 TOMPKINS COUNTY. Caroline.......... 20,74041 9,58211 857,472 143,608 32,781 4,3881 4,340...0. 64s 7,4 7,465 6,325 6,424'.............~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~0 64i, 483 7,65 35, Danby........... 23,0221i 11,11913 1,275,713 204,072 48,015 I[ 6,023s[ 6,126i1 62 7 81, 6, 11 4- 6 10M1 Dryde~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4 _ 1 n, A-070l Drydn...........41,5621/ 15,21011 2,121,364 419,901 1106,027 l!10.304~1 10,35411 169. 129I 19,1691 19ll 1,81'1200 Enfield............... 13,877~/ 4,5901 1,245,795s/ 165,071/50,950 //6,668s/ 6,637 I/197sI 186 4,114/ 4,837/ 36771 3,8811 Groton............... 23,370t 5,535 1,458,522~ 271,500 [69,559 //4,843s/ 5',2591~i 73 443s 10,887 /10,870} 6416 6,437^ Ithaa............ 4,2s41s 3,722i[ 1,234,954/ 141,074[ 43,326 1 4,0411 4,4q01s 334s 211 q,08 4,256 3,1c/~79 3,322 Lansng..........[28,476, 7,220t 2,055,352[.295,135 /62,318 I[10,613~[ 10,760-s 394/ 388I 7,851s/ 7,.965 5,284 5,403 Newfeld..........23,491~] 11,400/ 1,146~797~ 181,525~ 44,323 ]17,188s2 7,400 3251/ 226s 6,8521/ 6,8911 4,509s 4,845 Ulse.............. 1,3,3116119 13144,4,21574 1s38,3,4s317 339 ULSTER COUNTY. Denning........... 2,3914,42 136,271 38,228 [2,176 II 269 27]1 2 47 48,4,6 Esopus...............[ 1', 152/ 12,675s 1,085,820 120,987 3 3,161 II2,571 2,463st 94I 102s! 2,725 2,6911[ 4661i 4,656s Gardiner..........."' 18,806~1 8,787 904,820 138,396 4 1,226] 3,016s3,18]12 7,7s646,8,3 IHardenburgh........./ 5,845 /45,935 138,349- 45,774 I4,870/ 490 498s/ 4s1......] 2,897 2,926 2,328 2,360 tHurley............... 7,786 10'482 563,865 69,319 2 0,252 226,4 6 7 192,32 293,7 Kingston............./ 9,612/ 5,033 860,560 7,5 055 208,2s 4 9 161,2s357 382 Lloyd................[11,660[ 6,158 941,840 88,745 36,179 H2,546, 2,544!1 91/ 61 2,0{,4/405 415 Marbletown..........[.19,002i1 2,795 1,256,590 157,889/4,9,1^347 2 2,5,0s515,7 Marlborgugh..........[ 11,536[ 2,361 1,237,000 104,460 37,975 /]2,365[ 2,2010 143s] 56 //2,715/ 2,705] 4,007 4,048 New Paltz............/ 14,559 -. 4,465 729,850 107,778 3 4,299 l/2,916/ 2,693'/ 129 ]67/ 3,589 3,640 5,346 5,454 Olive................1 16038s{ 18,976 776,855 17072,0,1,31 8s12,5s658,0s519 Plattekill............. 14,56151 5,435 1,251,335 141,283 49.,806 3,747 3,480 85 4 3,0 352 459 ^ Rochester............| 15,171 [8,602~ 749,162 120,945 3 1.811 II3.9181 3,4361I 148s/ 97 {~3.969 4,.034s/ 4586 4.700~ Rosenrile............~ 6734~[ 3,4081; 470,180 52.,796 2 4,540 II1,945 [2,042 /i22 [28 II1,914 2,168 1,677 1,776 (Continued on page 37'9.) AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. 371 STEUBEN COUNTY-(CONTINUED). GRASS LANDS. SPRING WHEAT. WINTER WHEAT. OATS. WINTER RYE. Meadow. Acres sown. Acres sown. Acres sown. Acres sown. T O W N S. _____________________ ______ ______ Bushels Bushels Bushels harvested. harvested. harvested. Tons of Bushels of 1864. 1865. 1864. 1863. 1864. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1864. 1863. 1864. hay. grass seed. 1864. 1864. Urbana............. 4,7058 53' 665 529ll 3,414[' 374- 375 2 2 Wayland...'........ 2,950 58 511 397| 3,5711D 616a 420 4,908 [ 1,286 306l| 26,169 4211 244~ Wayland~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ~,6a..... 397 3 71/ 1,2875' Wayne............. 1,654 101' 249 238 ti! 62 5015 474 3,377 1075 I,1101, 12,440 86 201 West Union......... 2,486 374 172 1561i 1,442i1 7 13 40 1530 1709, 27,909 2 9 Wheeler............ 3,025 85 535 455 2,839 239 408 2,104 3001 1960 33,867 112....... Woodhull........... 3,1531 109!1 320 3543i 1,728n 2261 269 2,1831 14461 1611 23,169 26.....~~~~~~7,3 95911 1, 0151' 219-4-46 47 1 274,7169 2/ Total............ 103,531 2,4471 11,4605 10,3151 74,310 |2 9,509|! 11,0155; 82,1895 47,_246_47,g8l 748,716 ||W552 — 2,4681 SUFFOLK COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Brookhaven......... 6,3093' 291| 2|i 2 32 | 1,8351 1,931 33,4411 1,910 1,933 42,221 il 1,618 1,748i East Hampton....... 2,540................. 702] 688216}643 6163 5961 25,179 95 100 untington.......... 7,1953 41....... 1,427- 1,494423,930 1,684 1,891 33,989 1,7091 831 Islip................ 2,037 2........ 2........ 4651 4551 8,607 469- 54-2 12,037 9215 203 River Head.......... 2,636 655 1........ 16 1,218 1,2271 15,535|1 1,223| 1,278 31,162 4091 500 Shelter Island.....................,03 7................ 245 2345 5, 225 4 282 303 18,997 461 27 Rmive r Head.......... 2,489................ 726 788 12 984| 994| 18,950 350. Southampton........ 6,816 3 5|!1 51- 100 2,19,01- 2,0541 46,019 1,68527 1,7119 63,615 648 692,23 Southold........... 3,96641 53 2 8 30 1,753-1 1,7884 38',359 2,0891 1,076 43,425 2601 3250 Total............ 34,`58ll 1961J 1 lj 18 178 10, 5634 10, l~ ll 62199410951,312857j,5||479 SULLIVAN COUNTTY-(CONTINUED). Bethel............. 5,20291 153 31 4 33........................I 7 98 9! 959 | 11,822 920 383 Sochecton.......... 2,559 221 83 H i 90........................ 723 744|>i 10,598 1,136 1,048 Callicoon,........... 3,6173 4423 71 10 99 U........ 16 413 5 13- 6,723 OM 1,G261 Fallsburgh.......... 6,0725 1 2 10 20........................ 6341 669 i 10,536 387 476 Forrestburgh........ 6431- I................................................ 353 45|1 5712 103' 117 Fremont............ 2,010 6........ i............................ 2043i 180 2, 4615-la 308 350 Hithland........... 1,017 6........................ 41 9 567 310. Liberty............ 5,9813 6.......................................... 603 618 8,737 453 309 Lumberlai 1,006........... 12 2 10 27 6 4 89 317 383 Mamakating........ 4,372 6 4 9 73 95 2201 1,924 782 808 13,776 1,248 6251 Neversink,.......... 5,413 28 4 18................................ 323 9 6,244 5 Rockland........... 3,297..... 2.................... 1471 197 2,769 71| 45s Thompson.......... 6,025 12| 4 1 108 29 2 20 5161 51395 9,986 4758 2 98 Tusten............... 730........................................................ 413)- 571- 856 2271- 2341 To-tal............. _47,94931 549 333-. 66l 425 20 23 2j!11 1,9,87 5,272_ 5,719 | 85,73612-I_ 7546 5,j413i,966. 66~453 TIOGA COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Barton.............. 3,99143 7 9 3:i 64 70431 5181 5221 676 5, 588(S 2,735 2,661 51,977 3381 123 Berkshire........... 3,429 61 1 63 645-3 705 9,33 I 4 Candor............. 6,263 25411 1071 1411 848 1 358 3591 3,4223~i 3,004' 3,167 44,616 3317 2031 Newark Valley...... 4,438 3 3l3- 461 323 42-1 70i 665 1,4491% l, 6771 26,367 1444' 841 Nichols............. 2,108 771 191 46 178 850 688 5,540 1,7160 1, 826 45,669 196 493Owego............. 6,224.1 102' 1251 1123 1,656 860-^ 1, 017 7,6431 3,5093 3, 951' 79,444 578 446 Richford............ 2,2673I 57i 393 443- 1983' 103 38 ( 145 7984- 89914 7, 313 31 27 71.3 I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Toence............ 34,7170- 196 311 13 1782 218,53 1 2719,4 1 2,30 1,612| 10,6581 283,576 15358 4,779 Tioga.............. 3,888 59i 61 49 4783 536 j 5300 4,338 2,329 2, 4643 43,424 354' 142 Total............ 9_4JB2 5,7003 487 ~ _4941 582:| _5,_572_ 3,405 _3,6634| 29,7553- _17,9231~ _19 6 0 11:' 331,743 | 2,11^3 __1,6501 TOMPKINS COUINTY-(CONTINUED). taroline............ 5,251 67 9 1351 71 2441 2651 1,8141 1,9781 1,9631 29,778 2351 241 Danby............. 5,370 53! 1063; 941 6571 7401 9153 7,235 2,6051 2,6641 31,171 251 674 Dye.......... 1,71 49 51| 483 8 81 94 002 414,016,4 5 4 Croheton.........,7i 93 6 2 3 61 55 5,4 180|,934 3404 37 8 Ithaca.............1. 3,293 163 10 1 741468{ 1,42 1,48 1,653 1,75418261 9 7 Lasn............ 5,7 69 24 8 15 424 2,033,4 3,1 3,6 8,60 3 12 Callicoon......,8217 448 25 1301 1,81,39,69 1232 3,7 13,20 36,2723 76s 387u Ulyssesg............ 3407 39{1 6i183,210693206,115,6 3 1 Dorestburgh.......... 1,46!.... It....! 1................. 28) 45,0 45 72 703 81 Faremont........ 5,2 43| 2 2 11 24 19 224 1409 1,30 2793 1,44 1,543 Hadnug....,0 3................ 120 4 155 2,619 38 720 H re....... 2,26.................. 65 7 o 63 42 76 767 77 1 Libery............... 85146- 3.............6~8 2 6063 765 8,37,462 105 5659 3'amakati ng......... 6,21 45............ 8 s 28,9,1~129 125 179,4 Marlbroug.......,86......... 372... 94~ 79 7,2788 955 753 1,67 976 l,055 Rockland........................ 3 16 15 1,763 1,478 1,135 21,90 1,13 l,30 Tompson............. 4,0213 62 I 2 71 2 26 4516 4321 9,861 1,06 980 Plteil........... 605 8I 8 4..64 1,0.,2 2073 1,57s 79 Rohse..... 480 8.................. 39q01 [ 367 386 1,247837 17,33 72 91 Brtosndl.......... 257 9||.............. 3,91 9! 6 0I 5 814 5229 494 5,53~1275,61 510,000 75 790] 1 3erkshir~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Cotned.....g 3,79, 6~ 1 9.) 372 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. STEUBEN COUNTY-(CONTINUED). WINTER PT BARLEY. BUCKWHEAT. INDIAN CORN. Acres sown. Acres sown. For the grain. For fodder. Acres TOW~NS. planted, Bushels Bushels -Bushels I/ t harvested. h arvesed. harvested. Acres planted. Bustels Acres sown. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1864. 1864. 1865. I164. II harvested. _ 1864. 1864. 1864. 1865. - S64, 1865. rbana.................... 47 5 719 589 6,181 629 732 11,339 3 816 10,652 46 Wayland.................... 3,469 219 213 3,3291, 2281[ 249,5 3,552 2183 323 6,669 -....... 139 I Wayne..................... 625 287. 359 2,601 460 276 6.427 345 3 852 West Union................. 20 22 2[ 26 2t 277 4714| 3901 6,440 69 120[ 2,408...... lI 1;68| "W heeler............................ 330 269 3,739 3713 416~1 5,342 286, 358-, 7,624...... I 1 110 Woodhull................... 70 1363 156 1,328 689, 868 10,351 265 378' 6 230 4 31' 139 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~7~ 6,30 4i7 Total..................... 18,293 8,632 8,594 1110,105 3 5,5201 14,404 J238,963 5 9,272 12 284 1305,638 181 137 4A0371 SUFFOLK COUNTY-(CONTImUED). Brookhaven................. 17,149 565 42 1,182 35707i 50 4,134k! 3,419-a 3,7004 87,340 2n 25' 458 East Hampton............... 1,236 96} 83 3,270 5........ 9951 77512 8934; 35,128 32! 78-1 Huntington.................. 18,582 78 o 804 1,536} 7 66! 54 9,57351 3,0383 3,166:|1 69,462 134 16l 7301 Islip........................ 3,063 11 15 2_97 971 5 1,714 | 655a,19, 20,132 4 5, 19,~ River Head.................. 4,611 17 1 (0195[ 365 173i1 95 2,475 i 1,696 1,7271 48,531 151 12 4561 Shelter Island................. 708 2 2I 15 616 2. 4 345 374-i 21,37(............. 465 Smithtown.................. 3,488 36 31 807 2424........ 3,1471 1,135 1,171 23,500 2 24 1035 Southampton................ 8,206 130- 153 4,524 38|1 25 755 1 2,831i 2,7781169,048 6 2:1: 354 Southold.................... 4,5125 51} 42' 1,498 31 2 432'| 2,5705 2,6045|l05,504 4 -T 4 Total.....................[ 61,5555{[[ -498 | 482j9 4,9 4,251 14,005 1,714 116465| 22,368 17,1 36180,015 521|46I 3,439 SULLIVAN COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Bethel...................... 11,140 1 1i 9 62_0 236,5 12,906 4075' 505 13,186 I 21 2135 Cochecton................... 13,005 2 2, 16, 649 392 11,783 3635 4095 9,60............ 215' Callicoon................... 12,929 8 6i| 98 441 2 6,954 161 174 3,601........... 199 Fallsburgh.............. 4,748............... 937 21' 16,643 3520 372 I 9,062 1 I 2062 Forrestburgh............... 1,117...............!...... 901> 20'/ 1,077 55| 60|1 2,035............ 50 Fremont.................... 3,513 31 44 38 235 124/ 4,299 541 761 1,0405...........1 3 Highland................... 2,840...................... 1314 59 1,980 825 e 306o 1,680............ 435 Liberty..................... 5,625 1i 1\ 19 850k 226 14,152 6811 4431 7.741 21 11 2251 Lumberland................. 3,795,.............. 3 137 103 2,512 151 1765I 4,085............ 835 Aamakatino................. 12,378 3 25 60 539' l01i 7,394 1,1331 1,150 30,705 4...... 230 ~~~~~1, 7/ / a,; 53 01~ 7,,9 l/113t1103,,oI ~.../ versink......... I i I I 1_1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.3 Neversink.......... 5,630{,...................... 9211 154 16,789 313; 3401 8,303...... 15 182 Rockland................... 658 5 1 41 370 25 5,781 95i 109 1 2,095 90 2, 145 Thompson.................. 5,103 9........,[ 668' 285:1 11,040 4511 494 17,485 493 9~ 2943 Tusten..................... 2803........ 131 110 2,898 85i IIU 2,720 475 ~; ~, ~ 7 -- ~ --,.-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 2 4,, 2 -Z -o~-q - - ~, 2 -2. IW - — 7... 1'o Total..................... 85,284 9 28^ 1 85! 2479I!. 6,7245 1,8605116,208 724jj 44,729 111o,340 1431|_15i||_2,290a TIOGA COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Barton...................... 1,948 3i1 8 48 1,322 9591, 25,966 11,1194 1,245 29,043 3h 341 157S Berkshire.................... 371 201 241 298 147, 1164, 1,6535, 2805 311 8,069 23a. 24 98 Candof..................... 2,054 71 78 976 1,231 1,316 21,914 1,0924i 1,298 28,609 12i] 9o 3314 Newark Valley.............. 1,046 492} 5234 7235} 360 2285, 6,7051, 5761 692. 17,107 7 61' 205u Nichols...................... 2,432 641 48 832 705 625 14,321 977-5| 1,083 26,690 5i 41 154q Owego..................... 4,397 9631 1084 1,413 1,558 1,783' 31,7654' 1,814 4 2,051" 47,,912 11341 1124,[ 693, Richford.................... 176" 505 73 788 2025 2075 3,047 331 427 8,241' 125 9j 95' Spencer...................... 841 67|. 1331 6781 63311 3311 10,853 | 609| 717 15,612 81[ 6 ] 1358 Tioga....................... 2,806 245 16 3] 96/ 1,0074 3731 21,4831 9154 1,024 24,008 41 91 221 Total..................... 15,738 I 448i 54111 6,1534|| 7,166!- 5,94118-l37,7091 —,709-5 8, 8~49|2021 ~1 185",093' TOMPKINS COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Caroline.....................I 909 I 9631 1021[ 1,2935/ 683:1 6365~110,24051 1,0o335 1,0175121,42.6 91 12~[ 1595 Danby....................../ 3184il 36114 4391 4,067,/ 1,162!1,151,5,3i1042,1 1 1 14 mryden...................../ 5,45 8751 9945, 13,277, 1,565 4941 23,009 I 2,o731 2,3~66- 56,745 56, 711'335 Enfield.....................{ 875 H 597d 873- 11,103't 803~{ 782i 13,819,5i 1,1534I 1,5115{ 37,370[ 3 I 2/ 1271 -Groton.....................[ 201 H 328-5 6311 9,865 I/ 4151[ 4111 6,2205t 1,3451/ 1,3921542,3561 93~1 132~] 1881 Ihaca...................... 0,04 327 574- 5,80 493 495 936 105 l7731,44 2 g 10 Lansing.....................[ 792 /1,101/1,466121,083/ 1,4335~ 1,371t25,812 {[2,1_56 [2,311 [53,370[ 5 21/ 139 Newfield.....................[ 961[ 4121[ 6471 5,76451 1,101[ 1,.250 12,806~[ 1.1544[ 1,3825[27,947/ |, 4 151| Ulys se........... 8o0 634] 91 385 39 34 772 14311554,95 3j I 0 ULSTER COUNT~-(CONTINuED). Denning....................' 827 1...... I...... ~1......... I 156i 115' 2,699 1 131 145~ 270 1......,......' 561 Esopus..................... 10753[ 145 175 186 I 390o 280o 6,141 847, 83,84I17,384 [ 54, 5,^ 291,; Gardiner.................... 14 739 I......I.........I.....l 344^ 324 6 c,022 1,2445 1,273' 24,116 I i!... I. 154-5 Hardenburgh................ 422 ] 4~[ 4]'35' 256 257 3,926 i 13'161| 175.........I 52i Hurley..................... 7 389 [....... 43t........ 3365 168 5 8 8 5 8 4 5 1,7... 1 1 9:::i:::::::::::::::..................751 3 14 12 17 40 328 63 65 0,3 1 2 21 iarbletown................. 21494/ 111~ 131! 229 | 9325 22 1',493 l/1,5364 1,5825137,670 }............ 3081 Marlborough................ 14,59/....... 2 2 1/ 2165 110 37255/ 917 97 2455 K 1. 28 New Paltz.................. 13 865 / 21/ 31~ 80:d 265 311 4 919.~ 1,155 1,1171t25,825 I......t......I 151 Olive....................... 9 180 ]......[........I........ 974 9555 16,298 I 836^ 0 9 5 05......| 2 7 Plattekill.................... 19 909/.............}........./ 418 93 8 431 //1,149 1,667.}-27,392 1 I..... 319-5 Rochester.................. 14999~ 4/ 6 o5 / 798 14 15,466 1,I142 1,115;: 27,1171 i, 4 236~ Rosendale................... 9 373!......[.......[.!........1 383 4002 8 757 It 653 710~ 13,625']......|......! 162 (Conthnued on page~ 380 ) AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. 373 STEUBEN COUNTY-(CONLTINUED). POTATOES. PEAS. BEANS. TURNIPS. FLAX. Acres planted. Acres sown. Acres planted. Acres sown. Acres sown. TOWNS. Bushels.Bushels Bushels Bushels Bushels harvested harvesteda harvee sted. of seed. 186 5. 1864. 1 865. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1^64. 1864. 1865. 1864. Urbana............. 100 11,854:5 12 8 98 13i 64t 136........ I 36 5 5 12 Wayland.......... 1531 18,605 139 112 1,554 9| 61 265 1 / 1 308 301 8 110" W ayne............. 53| 6,704 1......... 8 7 96 6............... 6 I1 34.......~~~~ 4/ 3iL West Union......... 184.20154 75| 59 84 4 73 2o 2l4 393 4| 3 171 Wheeler............. 1061 13,398 73: 61 688 9i 4i 161 1 I 230 661 122. 242 Woodhu/l........ 1 1 3 IN- 2234 3| 1 59 121 12. 701 Woodhull 161 16,215 973 118i 1, 281~ 3i/ 10 22~I Total............. 4,394-1500 69 2,3 12 2,1163 29,332.l| 661'1 327 | 8,054l 70' 431|! 9,277 0268 27311,0621 SUFFOLK COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Brookhaven......... 483 31,077 11 2i 23 374 324 423 | 117 14| 20,353 1 21 5 1~;"~ 3 7~~~~~~~~~~~1[31I 483 117,~ 256 20,577....... East Hampton....... 77 9 237........................ 5 4 Huntington........ 57,727 8 15 200 24........ 21 7 73 1 331 13, 775................. 75201 6179....57 Islip................ 204 16,7 94' | - 40........................ 571 9 1 12,855.................. River Head.......... 459-1 36,759........................ 21/ 15 496 391........ 8,762 1 1 11 Shelter Island....... 58 3,590........................ I 1 531 651 1 19,185.................. Smithtown.......... 1524' 77919........................ 2-. 4 34|' 40........ 9,735................. Southampton........ 362 29,738 4 I 55 31 21 87 55' 231 10,825'I 2i 20~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A Southold............ 1,2094199,897 I 4 20.1512 10 418 221 814162,390 4 2| ~ 03i~ Total............. 3,7623!292,738 ||_ 11 191I 338 ||* 881i 62 3 _1,581 || 689, 420l160,457 ||'3 __ 7__ 18| SULLIVAN COUNTY-(CONTINUE-D). Bethel.............. 199 22,949 |! 2..... 3^ 1 59 3 || 756 41 3 26 Cochecton........... 248 19,227 1 I' 89 341 211 71 11 1; 387 31 21 is Callicoon............ 2184 15,021 51-1 51 62 2|'~ U 30 71 1 1,256 41 2 22 I 91~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fallsburgh.......... 207 26,818........|................. 2! 4........ 94 20 1,915 4 4|- 82| Forrestburgh........ 53 5,045........1................................ 7................ 30.................. Fremont............ 1604' 11,000 * 2 11 26 61 6|1 971 51 21 310 11 | 2 Highland............. 42| 4, 764 I! 10 I1 2i 5 2 I 215...... |l...... Liberty............. 2084' 25,924 1 Ij31 6 4' 3 7 3 19 2 3,171 6| I 21U Lumberland......... 83| 8,200..................... U 2 29 1.1 140.................. * Mamakating......... 20041120,619........................ I11 54! 37 4 4 522 43 2| 13| Neversink........... 18641 28,289............ 12 24' 311 -2571 1 2,503 41 91 18 ~,~ 40 4;s 9 Rockland............ 11 8|i 3 l 93| 12| U 1,885 4............ Thompson.......... 2791336,027 1| | 1 7 2 I 1 106 71,09 2 6 Tusten.............. 46 6,535................I........ 21 2l 43.......................................... Total............. 2,2764^242,580 || 1^ 21 233 i| 4 |! 3| 98| 80 __ 31| 1489 _ _6| 46| 29 TIOGA COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Barton.............. 1521 21,258' 7i 5 91|' 111| 5| 1841''.... 90 I 21 108 1451 ~,,...,,... ~ 8 8....... Clerkshire........... 105 13,065I 1 62 1| 7 11 73 462 1 22 Candor.............. ~63| 40,734 1711 74 17 6 401 281 5291L 34 I 840 7 10 5 5 Newark Valley...... 2161 27,563 5j 5 7 6 131 7 719 2' 1,100 6Q 9 j 41| Nichols r.......... 1652 21,923........................ 3| 21 46 4 1 675 10. 103 74 Owego.............. 739 83,138 1 204' 1414` 234 15 j8 7i4 233 91 4U 1,302 33 3211 2231 Richford............ 1051 8,355 14 8 671 1318 r 5j 1021 Spencer............. 141| 12,062'I 13 j 13 j 115' 741 71- 109 g 20 64 2| 36i Tioga............... 220.' 30381 3 22| 51 31 114| 2 2l| 1,155 19. 10. 148i ~~~~~~~~~~~01 Total............ 2,209.2.58,479| 69 Q 7451 10411 72j 1,434..... 221[ 8 I5775'11 III 93 8305 TOMPKINS COUNTY-(CONTINTUED). Caroline............. 4 162 16,792 i!6 17 1071i 13| 3 13311 130. 31 71l 24J Danby.............. 200 20,874;I 6 43581 18| 71 29641 24 54 629 20 1471 Lumberlad........... 144 1440I 21 2 3^ 7|. 4| 7........... 35 806 3| 8 Groton............., 200c 291| 1| 4 5| 14g 21 42 2~ 1,0 62| 1 29 52 3Iamaking.....,...... 2009 15,699| 2! 1| 7 i 93 ]]1,270........ 14........ ~ } 212 9 1|165 Newfield~~~~~~~~~~........... 17;4.6 5i 1 6 |! 7 3| 9 1........ 12112;9l 9 Ulyssesik............. 99 116[,2899........ 4 || 10 1 21 1,02..... 19 0 40 |,9 Rockand...... l4,59|l63Qi 12,14 ~ 11j l,244| 34693| 154 6,42| _^ _j _2J884 _53~ 6 f 2 Denning......... 55 i 5, 8~!........ i....'.... | 4 | 9 2i 1.. Thompsonb g.... 617 4,2 Ij 11l " 6......... 26'107 i Huly............ 20791 4,71,0........'....27! 27 5 1 0 1,11 8 4 0 6 9 1 Tustyn............... l, 2.................... 2 184..... 5 0I 1 1 Marlborough~~~~2~..... 12 1 1,43...................... 4.... 62|!....,50 1... 13 Tot alt............ 13 12,~2301-~1~ 233| 411.............. 90...... 309 1489 I 36 26~ 1091 Brtochse...... n 51 1 4............... 1 5 ^ 4; 24 21,25 73i 54,166 1921 518342 i Brkshirae.,.......... 1051 12,072.............. 4 j 31 8! 2 1 2 6, ~i~~~~(otne onpae38. 374: AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. STEUBEN COUNTY-(CONTINUED). FLAX. HEIMP. HOPS. TOBACCO. APPLE ORCHARDS. GARDENAcres sown. Acres in crop. Acres planted. Acres cultiT OW N S. __________ ______________ ____________!] vated. Pounds of Lbs. of Pounds 1o-ar- Pounds har- Number of Bushels of Barrels oft _ lin/t. hemp. vested vested. trees in apples. cider. 1864. 1864. 1865. 18 65. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1864. fruit. I864. 1864. Urbana 800............................................ 4........ 700 10,206 6,772 20 800 iii~~~~~~~~~~~.......823 i W ayland...................... 4 1,850............. 13,027 W ayne......................................................................................... 6,753 7,365 W est Union......... 1,075................................................................... 3,410 1,885 4....... W heeler.... ~............................................. 9,107 13,915 197........ Woodhull........... 377 "'................ 17' 17 11,203 1 9 15,000 12,440 6,764 691........ Total............. 30,019 |30i...... 0 8934i 13112 2-09125 2 9-25 i_ 116] 235,969 I286,949 340,2781 6,270-j_ -16j SUFFOLK COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Brookhaven........ 150............|............... 19 3 2 1,025!1 8,877 28,548 921 121 East Hampton......................................................... 354 431 2 Huntington............................................ 5 7,600 11,918 20,907 10................................. 431 /.......;/ 2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~......................... 75 5 Islipngton...................................... 4I River Head.......... 280..........................1........I.......... i........ 264 10,359 7,986 147 2 Shelter Island................................. I........I......................................... 545 835............... Smithtown...............................................'1| 8,038 12,792 404,........ Southampton................................................................................ 3,849 2,069 10 L Southold............................... 4 2 6,130 8,371 5,507 91 7 Total................. 19 _41 5,01 9 63,086 78,770 2,347 30' T tl.......4 3i... 9 SULLIVAN COUNTY-(CON-TIN-UED). i}~ ~~~~ ~ 190 1048..42 4 Bethel........................................I 4 9.........'Cochecton...... 2................................................................. 5,520 3,887 37........ allicoon............ 288............................................ 4........ 80 5,229 2,8851 14........ Fallsburgh.......... 1454'.................. 2................. 12,667 17,097 484 1 Forrestburoh................................................................................... 1,295 1,878 39........ Frem ont.......................................................................... 3,323 l,338i 5........ H ighland....................................................................................... 1,186 1,181 11........ Liberty....................................................................................... 21,628 13,5972 290s........ Lumberland.................................................................................... 1,140 2,853 8429 M amakating......... 138............................................................. 12,149 27,739 597 Neversink........... 305.......................................................... 181 19,469 22,483 440........ Bockland.....................................................................:..... 4,755 5,406 14........ Thompson........... 81.................................................... 18,656 22,070 74 4 1......... ~~~~~~......... i.............. D, - T usten...................................................... 1,2 1 25........ Total.............3/ 1,38 I...................... 451!|ll8,759 1134,230 __3 TIOGA COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Barton.............. 4,350............................................. 218........ 2,470 10,078 12,996 446 Berkshire........... 12.......................... 2................... 7,236 3,9753 337........ Candori.............. 49................... 41 41 1,60................. 2..58 i...... Newark Valley....................... 2,150 10,074 13 304 Nicholsn.......... 142..........................'.................... 252 12 58,500 1 8,680 12,885 668 1 Owegor.............. 1966.... I.......1......... 8 9,965 418,807 25,664 832440 10. Richford............ 157.............................................................. 7,985 12,469 4667 3 Spencer............. 173............................................ 48 3 600 8,058 13,2772 471 ||........ Tiogamps.................76........|............. 33 3 35,563 10,714 1 16,130 705 [1........ Total............. i8,130................... 711 2,2 2 TOMPKINS COUNTY-(CONTINUED)). Bartolne....... 26 |''......1................ | I~..... 20 17 62 ~ 6 1 8 4 6... Danby ~ ~ ~ 4 5 0{.............. 816..{......:....,1 2..... 4 47230 6 1 3 605 12,82 93614 848..... Dekhry e 1 n........... 2 89............!...................... 26236 17,9520 35 6377, 9, 8 s.... Candor.............. 174 4~,820............................1..... 1< 109,8 0 20,95 09244 1 4958}i...... Lansi g.......... 3, /861........................ 26n....... 2,150 | 7 19 39 4 28, 8 598 I..... ]Nichoels.......... 972......!............... 5 s 7 5 4 5 1, 9 8 4 2 7 8.... Ul s e........ 26 0 5....... |.................... 23 5 4 15,807 1 6,74 20,893 673...... Total ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.. {............... _6^9 _.^ ^......... _ 4| 2,20 286| 9 4801 l6909J1995J,35r_ _ D en i go............'.........i..!...................;....i.... 9 4....... Hurley ~ ~ ~ 66'..;.......... 44............... 4~ 5 9,953 11....I100 I,8 8,00 279 36 Kin st n..................!....!...................... 1.....!,20 6 60 1,60 6 4 0 20 Rilhord.............. 200...1...........................................|........i......... 7 933 122,97 4 206 3 Sprbencer.............5173!.............!....... i| 1 30 ^........1 48, 00 058959 27,15 4781........ Olioga............... 34........................ 3 4 75 36 50 2 587.... Rochester~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~'}.......... 5......!..i........................... 1 1 16 8,91063 004 Roe d l...... 2......;...............................1, 11., 4 95 2,400 7,810 2 0175 7 5 1....1.. TOMPKNS CONTY-(COXTim oUpa~e88.) AGRICULTURAL. STATISTICS. 375 STEUBEN COUNTY-(CONTINUED). MARKET GARDENS. ~db gn Q o NEAT CATTLE. TOWNS, ^t * h ~1 h h ft M t t f0!'! I. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Milch cows. TOWNS. tivated. GO... Value of pro- ] o o ='' c ducts 1s64. l/ Urbana.......... 85 00 205 2,673 1,150 ~2, 720 22012...... 235 265 244 38 439 446 "Wayland.......... 3 25 00 1,756 319 2 2,106 89...... 55 43 31 40 731 709 W ayne............................... 150 13...... 910........... 121 156 150 17 365 366 W est Union.......................... 29, 632 44... 369 268.... 668 604 449 110 980,901 W heeler.............................! 2,477 85...... 2,2075 71...... 184 219 105 36 555 534 Woodhull.................. 70 00 8,352 -7... 590 417 A...... 592 613 326 192 1 24 1,046 Total............. 20 9,404 00 J~205, 653 5,7146 5,3951~108,787 5,6695......! 9,860 10,426- 93881 2,6 1 4172 22,785 SUFFOLK COUNTY-(CON-TINTUED)'. Brookhaven........ 121 1,492 001....... 261 488 52.... 54 67 594 140 1,331 1,8 East Hampton.............. 5 00.............. 110........... 449 414 73 56 686 627 Huntinogton........ 10 1,000 00..................... 995 47...... 15 8 3 2,5,2 Islip............... 4k 1, 070 00............................. 93 107 80 32 386 381 Riverhead.......... 3 75 00..... I................ 284 16...... 147 159 271 12 884 925 Shelter Island........................1........................................... J53 155 177 49 179 175 Smithtown..................................................................... 475 424 1.82 58 545 547 Southampton....... U 85 00..................... 120 12 I...... 850 858 1,79-4 154 1,723 1,790 Southold........... 9s 962 35..................... 529 28....... 633 662 747 92 1,446 1,498 Total............ 401 4,834 35_........... 261 2,526 155......!~j 3,710 | 3, 654 | 5, 366 | 715 8,538 | 9,057 SULLIVAN COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Bethel........................... 1,978 163...... 9,109 690...... 817 792 1, 050 320 1,587 1,473 Cochecton..................I.......... 102 9...... 4,936 353...... 641. 583 619 338 896 904 Callicoon............................ 50 154 |...... 6,406 478...... 548 607 760 356 993 1,010 Fallsburgh......... 1 50 00 2,621 260 3 8,204 651 6i 876 819 616 451 1,547 1,392 Forrestburgh..................... 50............. 1,320 882......! 63 86 44 38 238 2)2 3 Fremont........................ 4,73 33911...... 2,810 18 3... 3 1 27 4 9 232 58 57 Highland............................ 148 10....... 1,032 58...... 107 100 101 48 249 25 6 Liberty.............................. 7,750 685 12 8,079 560......1 774 842 745 327 1,504 1,383 Lumberland........ I 75 00..................................... 74 94.1 132 77 252 264 Mamakafinw........ 1 400 00 520 28 3 4,189 1933... 785 851 329 1191 1,663 1,558 n~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 21 Neversink.................. 5 00 9,126 42 3...... 7,797 604...... 766 762 765 405 1,138 1,128 Rockland............................ 10,166 35 8...... 3,161 131...... 456 382 486 210 739 626 Thompson................. 800 00 1,626 20012 840 8,093 5023i...... 554 655 62-0 228 1,915 1,647 Tusten................................................115 6)8 78 54 208 216 Total........... 2_2 ]11330 00L_840 2,630 ~'858 65,136 |4, 498 _ 6__6,_887_691 ^ L674,320 3471,6 TIOGA COU-NTY-(CONTINUED). Barton....................| 420 17......I 3,7 20'165'.... 468 515 947 105 1,911 1,698 Berkshire................. 500 12,442 53 4q 875 72....... 350 384 288 55 1,007 882 Candor............................. 6,309 100 10 6,163 352'.,. 614 760 462 150 2,373 2,046 Newark Valley....................... 16.274 295... 1,377 106....... 224 57-1 283 74 1,597 1,399 Nichols.....:....... 1 211 00 362 58.......1,148 38...... 291 370 308 122 1,111 1,034 Oweo-o............. 9 1,005 00 1,557 26 392 5,207 160.1:..... 642 981 638.209 2,573 2,415 Richford....................... 7,823 37...... 1,946 11831i...... 233 307 201 56 1,007 802 Spencer.............................. 2 513 511...... 2,387 1594...... 388 415 213 134 1,019 992 Tioga........................ 71 00 125 13I... 3,485 2579,...... 543 537 369 134 1,511 1,404 ~~~~~~~-00 1 33 0c0 1S61 47865.60- 03 2,0,2 Total.............. 3,753 4,840 3 1,039 14,109 12,672 TOMPKINS COUNJ\TY-(CONT~INUED). Caroline..................... 11,514 9 9...... 1,950 271...... 531 576 419 73 1,690 1, Danby............. I........ 100 00 -7,529 278!...... 3,316 143......I 604 590 5171 110 1,501 1,266 Walnfed..................... 3,0756 390 24 2,3062 1... 42 47 55 8 48 Grtyne..................... 29,50 1 36 41 3, 3 19....]. 97 6 19 0 8,09 2,84 Ih c.............. 5 60 0......... 32 1,6 105... 38 35 9 0 8 5 Wet nsion........................ 704 26 5 4,3 35...J 65 52 644 158 144 Wheeler.................... 2 1 0 3 3 5 2 0....../ 23,439 1552..i.... 7 5 7 7 6 1 5 5 2 Den ing..............!...... 2,4762 175....t. 1,185 7 51... 149 189 270151 267 5 5 283 Woohull............ 6 11000 49 4 111241 111.. 70 38 79 6 84 88 Gadier.................. 7570....1,80 1 24...,1,7 8 1,0 1,5 Hurle............ 309,0........ 15,4 12 15 10,318 289......! 1.25 104o.1 9,67s 70 5814,; 587 Kigtn.......... 2i 240 0 10....... 114 5... 23 22 19 3 7 9 EatHapoyd.......... 1 510 00.......... 75 211 0 23.....t. 427 4 9 109 7 156 6 30 6 38 ttuntintown................. 785 2800 00.. 3,995 927'|...... 24 18 25 732 1226 1,48 1,364 Maslp rug............... 60000!15011i....... 5 5411... 656 18 18 78 74 New Paltz...................~~1....... 58 2 22 1938 13... 8 1 80 146 1738 6 853 Shliversln................................ 269 14...... 15,48 37... 39 415 5 2 1 7 249 1709 1,09 Smithtownl......... 5 900........'0264',640 684...... 475 482 4 1 72 5 1,03 571,9 Southampton......... 8 ()( 11000' 1,14 760 4 4,7,94 5 273.... 38 64 89 11 1,703 97 Tosena le.................... 85 6 4 5 69 16...i4 3 48 59 7 19 Co~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~chtontne ":::on::: 1 02e 9 3S3.) 61 376 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. STEUBEN COUNTY-(CONTINUED). CAT'E BUTTER. CHEESE. HORSES. SWINE. SHEEP..._ ----- ---- -------- jj —----------— _ --------- i~~~~j. ~~~~Gallons of TOWNS. milk sold, e Pounds made, Pounds made, 1864. Cts of Colts of Two years: Pigs of Season of Slaughtered Pounds of pork Shorn in Shorn ^ 1864. 1864. 1864. 1865. old and o 1865. 1864 and in I864. made, 1864. 1864. in 1865. *$]S-d? over, 1865. older. Urbana......... 126 36,866 187.......... 31 34 399 19 1,473 427 543 107,973 14,820 15,763 Wayland........ 68 53,785 5,334.......... 38 36 366 2 315 412. 508 115,932 5,894 6,434 Wayne......... 101 35,080 740...........11 12 328....1 320 637 290 66,823 5,210 5,617 West Union..... 66 98,575 32, 400 1.......... 50 80 307 3|.227 612 333 75, 665 2,70O4 3,197 Wheeler......... 105 48.085 3,800.......... 33 33 426 12 2 79 329 401 88,051 12,680 13,390 Woodhull....... 138 119,852 1,200.......... 39 33 368 10 477 624 454 110,203 5,291 51542 Total........ 4,620 2261,034 291,185 I 22,485 9,0 1,001] 12,951 [281 11,613 1 14,052 I 15,085 13,034,800 1226,6951233823 SUFFOLK COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Brookhaven 4.... 15 107,852 30 1,350 109 51 1,255 | 20 1,594 2,188 2,611 603,077 1,8361, 2,763 East Hampton... 216 39,798 1,000 1,155 30 38 430 2 584 1,027 1,090 266,353 4,227 3,400 Huntington...... 641 93.211.......... 6,500 64 28 1,243 33 1379 1,420 1,802 366,974 2,959 2,871 Islip............ -78 25,411.......... 400 7 10 433 20 650 634 431 99,159 260 426 Riverhead....... 414 53,810.......... 3,000 27 29 674 4 334 1,148 1,549 260,755 215 328 Shelter Island... 13 14,950.................... 13...... 103 2 839 232 238 56,770 1,910 1.999 Smithtown...... 20 37,867.......... 6,250 10 16 381 20 649 1,066 723 174,510 1,912 5,821 Southampton.... 291 110,283.......... 1,600 42 49 1,061 1 14 2,431 2,945 3,035 701,634 2,415 2,472 Southold........ 359 113,002... 2,075 21 35 1,066 24 2 093 2,684 2,463 531,370 511 984 Total ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-H 53 13,344 13,942 13, 060, 602 16, 245,~521, 064 Total........ 2,447 596,184 i[ 1,030 22,330 _323-| 256 6,646_J139_ 11,553..13, SULLIVAN COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Bethel.......... 289 164,166 160.......... 34 23 374.... 600 372 752 168,490 1,848 2,087 Cochecton....... 201 59,073 1,700 150 23 22 223 1 261 286 515 100,080 819 1,115 Callicoon....... 132 81,273 3,810.......... 20 23 268 7 421 408 486 105,684 1,113 1,251 Fallsburgh...... 251 1447,605 430.......... 27 27 469 i12 475 314 745 148,805 2,097 2,087 Forrestburgh.... 29 18,670 5 8 131 1 81 161 106 22,954 45 76 Fremont........ 105 35,978.................. 7 18 173 9 30 198 142 216 40,770 653 868 Liberty ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~......... 6 16,4 295.... // Highland....... 75 21,093.................... 3...... 122 3 93 75 317 19,189 97 119 Liberty.......... 262 163,864 2,950 1.......... 41 65 430 2 625 581 738 135,712 2,410 2,663 Lumberland.... 118 21,467.......... 594 9 4 94 11 134 111 2,187 30,182 111 162 Mamakating.... 297 114,284.......... 61,194 67 67 686 20 1,16 1,106 1,046 170,334 1,113 1,346 Neversink....... 222 92,890 785.......... 27 24 373 6 551 401 606 111,296 3,081 3,204 Rockland....... 208 74,911 140.35 22 181 6 254 284 253 3,516 1,771 1,976 Thompson....... 344 181,904 2,341 27,990 83 35 519 I 918 385 881 179,807 1,506 1,810 Tusten....... 113 18,690.................... 3 2 61 75 74 91 21,127 43 22 Total........ 2,653 |l, 195,868 12,316 89,928 _1404 3- -140_ 04_1 06 5,8621 4,700 8,939 I, 266,946 16,707 18,786 TIOGA COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Barton......... 262 170,513 1,330.......... 59 55 682.... 833 895 809 187,022 3,449 3,658 Berkshire....... 116 118,974 5,750.......... 19 S 17 311 4 221 163 241 63,704 3,227 3,504 Candor.......... 492 247,247 14.060.......... 87 80 910 25 913 691 1,014' 244,499 7,310 7,822 Newark Valley.. 296 169,460 3,050.......... 58 46 583 3 334. 325 512 124,902 4,552 5,190'Nichols......... 172 100,793 1,283.......... 44 36 543 63 548 773 622 138,082 2,844 2,525 Owego.......... 502 250,893 1,955 404 89 84 1,191 38 1,161 792 1,530 305,342 6,556 6,890 Richford........ 168 100,691.................. 35 29 272 7 252 180 279 61,282 2,861 2,410 Spencer......... 250 125,229 2,592.......... 40 25 393 8 286 301 505 115,798 4,570 4,349 Tioga........... 211 148,850 11,635 200 65 55 771.... 476 607 724 165,344 3,613 4,086 Total......... 2,469 1,432,650 1__49,655 604'496 427 5,656 5,024_4,727 6,236 1,405,975 38,982 J40,434 TOMPKINS COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Caroline........I 205 174,237.........J........ 88: 7 548 i7 662 754 672 151,3221 5,836 5,976 Danby.......... 266 161,486 4,613'....... 68:6 632 |2 660 553 909 209,3871 6,155 6,523 Dryden......... 464 449,084 73,942..300 14 39,602|6 1,8 144 151 3870 1253039 Enffeld......... 155 95,945 1,735.......... 7 7 7471 829 1,358 882 18,669 5,687 5,972 Orotn....... 362 305,937 302,215.......... 95. 8 8311 8 600 596 832 212,192 5,783 5,083 Ithaca.......... 565 74,452 200 30,581 38 4 735 i9 733 409 970 154,010 4,486 4,414 Lansing......... 237 170,060.................. 8 95 l005i.. 1,106 718 1106 327,460 13,694 15,771 Nefed.... 18 163............. 65 4 100' 0 5 2 0,6,8, Ulysses.......... 177 109,282 2,442..280' 58 5 776 |... 702 663 1014 2_27,521 6,283 6,960 Total......... 2,629 f^,676,823 |! 385,697 | 31,167| 745I 687 7,876 J38 [ 7,288_7,1.90 _8,771 1,73,298J 66,859!65,679 ULSTER COUNT~Y-(CoNTINUED). Denning........ 48 2,0........... 3 2 58 6 6 18 11 2,98 42 51 Esopus~~.....21,800483.......... 4,7 34.1 63 4 105 88 92 1632 49 72 Oardner..... 61 42,79................ 21 4 48 2 1,9 72 192 2565 207211 Hardenburgh... 24 5,6 200....... 15 6 0,93687 442 84 2,4 0 556 Hsopey......... 917 4763,43.......... 2,640 84 9231 9 2 61 9,1 7 2 Garingsto..... 78 2,9......... 6598 1 / 1 90 4 4 41 58 9,2 5 8 Marbletown..... 342 ~~~~~~~~1,0.15....... 156,000 489 3 775 5 1486 77 128 24.1 1,6 160 Maloruh....i40 6,9........ -1,6 22 24 0, 78 405 984 4,0575 3 Olie 1 7...... 4278,460 3 12 2,60 21 2 58.... 93,05 1,14 82 1677,274 4,25 Lloydil.... 7.................... 30 1,9 53 4 11,602 67 6' 6 71,8056 27408 1300 131 rochestown....... 172 84o,395..........//".......... 7 6 41 62 1 1,256t 1,121 1,170.83,114 1,510 1,525 ~ir^oseough.....I11 4 56,641..................21 78 46 29 106 27 48 91,3'9015 51431 N~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(otnewdat...] pa1e 344,.) AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. 377 STEUBEN COUNTY-(CONTINUED). SHEEP. POULTRY. | DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES, 1864. TOWNS. C Z Lambs Lambs Pounds of Pounds of Sheep Number Value owned, Value sold, Value of eggs Yards Yards Yards Yards of raised in raised iniwool shorn wool shorn slaup-h- killed by, -1865. 1864. sold, 1864. ^ of fulled of flannel. of linen.;cotton and 1864. 1865. in 1864. in 1865. tered in (loog-sin III cloth. mixed 3864. 1864.' cloths. Urbana............ 4,659i 5,033 57,278j- 78,365 105 14 -1-~,037 02 508 30 $62254 $516-00 58 234 127....... Wayland......... 1,937 2,136 25,590i 26,208 61 23 1 874 00 249 00 577 00 683 00 438 611 4243....... Wayne........... 1,787 2,041 22,898 23,213 120 l| 73800 95800 31600 4450....... 88 15....... West Union......!1,324 1,485 8,635 10,400 115 12 98950 28395 43461.......... 670 1,81 1 831 997 Wheeler.......... 4,248 4,275 61,487 60,587 94 12 1,172 00 36700 49900 3800 97 429 696 56 Wooahu~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 ~6 6 ~ 411186 0 30,0 Woodhull......... 11,945 2,403 19,302 19,734 139 0 30 881 118 Total........... 77,95 187,849 896,067n:922,892125,285 717 32,657 10 16,857 36 1|8,220 83 [13,215 30 8,099 J22,564 15,324 2,703 SUFFOLK COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Brookhaven....... 1,094 1,370 6,879 9,657 855 45 10,767 75 8,314 00 11,055 50 051,255 00 H.............. 73....... East Hampton..... 1,002 99011,595 9,170 152 20 2,751 00! 1,594 00 5,206 00 12,058 00............................ Huntington....... 2,041 2,365 10,518 7,923 612 132 14,063 0018,668 00 8,525 00 73,575 00............................ Islip............. 190 295 1,019 2,000...... 4 1,828 00 1,101 00 60800 12,15500. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~! -........ 092 0 0................. 0 River Head........ 186 504 1,107 676 19...... 5,251 00 1,393 00 9,799 00 46,226 00............................ Shelter Island..... 707 1,062 5,710 6,983..... 69 89800 58900 1,83400 6,70200............................ Smithtown........ 1,289 1,458 6,038 6,352 29 32 3,27850 4,335 00' 1,986 00 23,264 00............................ Southampton...... 908 1,164 5,807 8,286 186 42 8,84450 7,90400 15,76013 26,701 00 Southold.......... 400 1,222i 2,9063 3,3201 87 4 9,02700 3,2220020,02950 42,493 40.............. 10....... Total........... 7,817|l0,430o 51,5795 54,3671,940 348 47,708 75 147,120 00 157,003 13 t294,429 40i.............. 83....... SULLIVAN COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Bethel............ 1,2311,441 6,086, 6,891 667 6 1,47200 1,27400 41500 17400 968..............1....... Cochecton......... 602 800 3,056 3,964 100 5 1,24700 29500 77300.......... 416 563 608 161 Callicoon......... 616 839 3,4551! 3,8081 150 12 1,166 00 306 00 513 00 418 857 193....... Fallsburgh........ 1,299 1,473 7,117 7,084 233 96 1,649 00 865 00 695 00 38 00 859 1,326 232 85 Forrestburgh...... 22 63 156 281 17 5. 49800 8300 102 00.......... 12 61.............. Fremont...........466 566 2,062 3,340.s 136 8 13 00 74 00 600.......... 424 6091 70 43 Highland......... 43 73 310 441 2 3 577 00 65 00 345 00...................................... Liberty...........'1,702 1,692 8,429 8,904 459 34 1,183 00 1,211 00 109 00 1,340 3,172 427'....... Lumberland...... 87 128 553 218 4 1 579 05 0 92 00 612 00 50 115.............. AMamakating...... 718 903 3,738] 4,32114 333 40 2,754 00 1,199 50 1,489 00 97 00 283 459 144....... Neversink........ 2,0422,304 8,355 10,015[ 509 27 1,543 70 318 50 250 70.......... 1,520 3,387-si 482 30.Rockland......... 1,116/ 1,238 5,064 5,841 177 14 716 00 13 50 109 50 93600 264s' 624s 130 20 Thompson........ 1,244 1,346 6,3141 6,758 372 32 2,892 75 1,081 55 889 50 266 20 705I1,722 91....... Tusten........... 108 28 154 30 103 7 65 00.......... 30 00...................................... Total........... 1128284 54,850s| 61,8984113,2'62 285D il6, 3550 45 16,843 051I5,818 70_ 2,47820 _,26 1,862, 377 339 TIOGA. COUNTY-(CONTINUED)). Barton........... 2,0091 2.333 11,219 12,486 195 93 2, 115 50 1,355 87 1,328 00 1,236 75 956 1,168 1,23-9 81 Berkshire......... 1,445 1,777 11,8931 13,0924 91 40 9 61 50 885 50 1,095 50 65 00 66 208 149....... Candor........... 3,8701 4,5511 26,2031- 25,952s'9,1022 69 2,241 25 2,353 68 3,949 08 758 00 846s 1,939 1,271 281 Newark Valley.... 2,099 2,619117,344 19,077 314 8 2,304 18 1,361 71 2,742 30 231 50 316 9562s 989 91 Nichols........... 1,334 1,393 9,269 7,938 131 16 1,675 65 1,117 65 1,636 32 1,385 50 259 803 1,434 7-0 Owego........... 3,29313,518 19,433 19,9491 861 87 5,236 00 3,987 00 3,094 36 4,793 84 1, 177s 2,473s 2,62 7 Richford.......... 1,400 1,338 9,684 8,981 132 16 2,6827-15 1,320 85 680 69 477 00 436 956 886 75 Spencer.......... 1,707 1,954 15,24341 15,065 208 14 1,526 27 1,375 68 2,048 65 298 68 ~1921 51511 421 28 Tioga............ 2,061 2,358 11,349 12,704 414 119 2,302 25 1,87-025 2,081 40 586 75 583sj2 1, 655- 1,486s 153 Total...... ~~... 9,218 1841.131, 6394!l135, 245s336 462 j12,04 ^5 ~15,628 14 |l8, 656 30 |j9,8339 02 4, 697.1110, 67410,97 855 T~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ota........... 21oo TOMPKINS COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Caroline.......... 302211 3,456 20,973 20,803 1282 34 2,416 00 1 2,425 00 | 1,886 00 201 00 559 8596 1,1 104s 1 aBershr.......... 2,53,4092360 25,2 91409...... 5,041 2,0963 3 5770...... 00 26 36... Ctandor..... 1660 2,0318,5 1863215 3[,35,71,20,98... 0 5... Lansig......... 4,75,55454,66625,952 1,02 412,240 502 3,53968 3,9951278 00.... 849 13293 98,....... 261 1,. 11 Newark - -lley.... 25 2 23 24,110 273 16A I 2,3194 0 3.00844 724 2261 860 13 Ulyses........ 19, 681,902 349,507 21,02 2,04 66 5,0065 2,625 2,793939 231248 102 9131s 3.... Nichols........... 276,383 9798 1,4 1 1,70 9 6,756 1,7 4560063 280 1,3 500..... 213 912,89 7.... Oegopu........... 31145191 2,9491 231 87,2,3500 1,9500 2,200 1,260436,74 61, 7] 2,473, 26..... Rdichfrd.......... 1,96 1,958 5,96 6,433 23 21 4150,800,7 50 560 7 12 48 4 Hardnbuh.....450 1,589 64,912,536 2,622 87510155400 13700 11007 00 4 3234 1,137 38 336 Spencer...........I 706 35 97 1,947 151 243 15,71050 1,490 1,5227,3510 4850,04 6290 369~ 3515 4 1138 Tioyd............ 09[238 181 493 12,7041 7 4 1 1,8923025i0 95 2,0 9870 4810..... 7 5 587~ 1,......61 Toarletw..........928751,841634,263915,099 3361 438 5,23040 35 1,58140 14,85500 9818 00 4,27810,6013 916 13 Carolineug......... 3,251,456 20,59 1772 47 26 39001,630 9800310 0 5....... New ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 8 3t....... 1039,08 3,96 4,319 18 0 3530 1,886900 01,8900......9 85 9 14 1047 11... Olive............ 2,501,1 4,3409 53,650 25,12 19 2,3,704132, 9 99 3577 1,850 5395 835 1,268 1, s 9 Drydten.l......... 641,9 4246 4218 8 1,50,70,260 5,65 11 21 60 4 Eocest.......5,042,26 5,7771 46,673041 39 3,745030 41,119580 4,529530 5,97125'"4'0' 8746.,73 Enfeldal....... 15 15 55 62| 7 1 261010901510 290.............. 1682 1 2,2571 2,5771 22,058 23,101(Conti95ed on!pa...385. 2/3,90028372,700648 378 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. ULSTER COUNTY-(CONTINUED). ACRES. CASH VALUE. ACRES PLOWVED.'ACRES IN FALLOW. GRASS LANDS. Acres in pa,-sture. M\eadow,. TOWNS. Improved. Unim ~- Of farms. Of stock. 1Of tools and 1864. 186.5. 1864. 1865. 1865. ed. 1865. 1865. 1865. im-1pler'n ts., I 865 1S64. 1865. Acres. Acres. |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1864. 1c-65. Sauogerties.... 19,676 13,158 |!^1.517,000 $150,335 $64,795 3,7465 3,5 133 82 3,745 3,782 8,378 i 8,354-.. 0 6'069 ||348,646 82,067 1 2 1,476sl 1,599 1 5 36 4,407I 4,369I/ 4,4381 4,39 Shandakngn...... 10,4253 651 1 2,9067 10512 14, 124oi-1 ( Shawanffunk.....23,750 9,150 S 1,214,440 219,623 62,007 4'950s 5,124 14 4 10,903 10,705 7,368 7,247 Wawarsing......22,290 40,370 1 884,401 214,805 46,532 4,0354 3,683 963 1411 7493 7, 409 8,647 8,682 Woodstock...... 11,249 16,353 343,785 74,411 12,573 |1,978 I,742I1 97 43 3,3851, 3,457s 3,479 3,63}9 Total.......... 253,695 ^26,638 15,410,769 2,140,960 314,_841 51, I 1143111 1,1164! 75,459 76,285 _88, 291 89,3721 WARREN COUTNTY. Bolton.......... 9,8201 22,242 242,925 64,421 6,694 1 1,2684! 1,368|! 18........ 5,0451 5,102 3,009 2,969 Caldwell......... 4,1951 8,261 140,135 24,775 7,087 710 8 0 6........ 16 6,922 6,953] 1,185 1,23812 Chester......... 19,7121 21,4391} 303,905 101,411 18,985; 2,462 2,509 190 17 9,296n 9,389| 6,6361. 6,505' -,,,1 i 10,41/18,8~ 2,42 2, 0 49 Hague........... 5,91741 31,38661 113,304 32,120 3,470 6 668 12........ 3,201s 3,206 2,094 2,094 Horicon....... 9,327 14,949 1 156,909 37,309 8, 2321 1,071 1, 132s 6 7........ 7,730l| 3,9991 3,934n/ 4,0 42 Johnsburgh...... 16,185s 46,624| 475,642 85,400 13,695 | 2,169.{4 2,217~1.............. 6,3341 6,313 0 6,1 47 Luzerne ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I 8,8 I -- 48/ 410795 Luzerne......... 8,848 10,965' 148,428 37,3401 13,520 I 1,5118U 727{ 9.i 23 4,324,: 4,307 1,9984 2,0804 Queensbury...... 22,449 13,459411 1,207,805 134,537 40,859 i 5,7851 5,3051 203 96 7,7191/ 7,8481- 4,6830 4,0451 Stony Creek...... 5,616s 13,116s. 82,875 37,203 3,438s1 74011 668s- 68,/ 1501 2,126 2,155 2,399 2,2(1 Thurman... 43,011 13,029 160,899 45,136 10,748 |! 1,134 1,152 61 76 4,440 4,433 3,512 3,525....... I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 [3,131 1302 i] Warrensburgl... 10,441 22,649 262,150 48,476 8125 1,,1,25 Total.........'155,524 [ 218012U 3,294,977 648,128 135,040 1 8,713 18,680s___ 740s 391 11 58,2651 5 58,954i 38,317_37,690 Total~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~........155228,114 WASHINGTON COUNTY. Argyle.......... 26,61211 7,266| 1,691,244 215,772 57,619 7,822 7,859 |............... 8,250 8,295 6,419 6,5951 ambridge....... 19,2101 3,799s! 1,666,110 164,258 44,057 5,372 5,442 27 22 60,Dresden......... 6,3841 25,197 I150,475 46,716 4,,790 a4 z 5 2;5 560................ 3,348 3,7114 2,487 2,494s Easton.......... 30,693sI 7,417 2,277,157 254,222 73,888 7,635s/ 7,742s-1 5 63 / 9,744s/ 9,806 7,073 7,7211 Fort Ann........ 28,7001 19,934 i 981,550 168,271 29,455 | 3,2244 3,267 16 6 13,517 13,748 8,929is 9.0991 Fort Edward.....13,3071' 1,7391t 670,390 81,648 23,427 3,277s7 2,963 / 2 4 3,808MI 3,690s 4,855s 4,600i Granville........ 27,534 5,845-148 345 222,285 8 2 4,880 4,905 14475 14,33 7,402 7,50 Greenwich....... 21,446s 5,612,s/ 1,555,660 183,578 46,617 7,338s 7,152................ 8 8,538 4 4,609 1 2 ~ ~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~" 9. 2..........I. Hampton........ 8,315 3,529 372,250 85,360 10,757 1,148s1 1,180s'................ 3,910 3.939 2,861 2,891 Hartford........ 22,225 6,654 tL 1,054,469 150,424 32,3557 4,633 1 4,791s -'................ 11,554,51 11,0501 5,967I 9,201 Hebron.......... 26,0641/ 7,137 | 330,825 189,366 39,428 6,630j 6,732-i 14........ 11,056 11,242s 5,902 6116 Jackson...1....' 17,754 5,011 j 1,271,200 132,926 48,610 4,850s 4,7551 25 28 6,644 6,591 4,657 4,754 Kingsbury....... 19,448 3,134 / 954,845 147,103 29,591 3,281 3,381...1. 2 7,242'2 7,037s 7,275,~/ 7,192s Putnum......... 8,422 9,425 282,360 54,162 14,14 8391596 2,9015 Salem........... 22,0401 6,7571 1,.89,500 173,487 40,284 4,519s91 4,607 136 66 9,240, 9,4300 4,9481 5,289 White Creek.....20,2101 7,024s 1,225,320 184,620 33,055 3,049d 3,357. 10........ 9.841 8,880 6,609 6,839 Whitehall........ 20,605 8,720 605,090 138,518 31,347 2,151" 2,1661| 35 Is 10,925 11,059 7,677 7,845 Total......... 338,978 1111,2044119, 857, 390 12,593,721 ~599,278!71,1988| 51,6944J| 276 _1922s1ll42,231ll421 93 _94, 850~100, 2651 WAYNE COUNTY. Arcadia.....'21,054 4,234s! 1,816,955, 215,905 82,554 8,423 799| 5371 0 5,435 5,374 3,585 13,419 Butler.......... 16,019 5,7951 1,014,0635 135,445 35,7185 4,200 4,855 71 250 3,907 4,164 2,52-6s1 2, 63 6 2~ ~ ~ l 10,2 Ill0 7,o7 7,84 Galen........... 23,781 8,66241 1,982,70.9 212,989 77,333 9 8,343 8,706s 626 877 5,768 5,772, 3,77 1' 3,799 Huron.......... 14,961 6,470i 971,665 128,239 27,216 5,1188 5,223s 368 493 3,5157s 3,37988s 2, 6894,5781 Lyons........... 18,000 3,7331 1,595,300 173,893 49,005 5,8433 6,034 749s 891 3,435 3.699 2,o761 2,782 Macedon......... 19,607 3,920 1,682,303 205,414 56.2570 5,2690 5,364162 Marion.......... 14,6684 3,069! 115 19 756 12,378 56,070 3,899, 4,0901i 933 1,229s! 4,676 4,640 2,541s 2,410s Ontario.......... 11,6757 4,1691 774,150 119,976 25,318 3,868 3,944 160 268 3,717 3,693 2,5611 2,54 Palmyra......... 16,183{ 3,251 11485,670 158,438 37,146 5,416 4,861 209 94 4,1909 4,857 2,9791 2,8821 Rose............ 13,1990,3 5,958,268 12 54,29 26,663 54,3673,~/ 6 4,34 3 2391 391 3,586 3,504 2,375' 2,437 Maacedon......... 1,67[,0 I,82,441 8,2051s 6,114 128,638 25,0l~ 5,2381[ 4e,077! 3157 271l 2,4610,622:{t 2,060-^ 1,985 MSrion........... 31,097I 1,007s 1/,670,9885 262,2 690 ~ 58,33 0,97s 1,0,930! 0353 369o 8,049 8,5400 5,044},4,907 Onarioo..oo...... 1685,5112820 1,6 645 4471461! 17 14 6380,3,8,5 Pilmyramo........ 16,16051,5,126 1,411,2301 181,487 37,145 5,405 4,11 86 1 859 9 4,9098 4,0957 3,125 32,104 Roseot........... 13,4199~ 7,14 9583,.0120 1541,240 24,635' 4,0672 4,47329.} 151 136 3,832 3,504/ 2,405s1 2,4527 Soavanh......,.. 125,588j 8,8451.!!l9,149257 12,40,46:0!66,111 4.|| 84,07157216| 85,257 |,|5~ 5,2060'_664 J 63 1,0 4,7j_,989 Bedorda........,00,33i367~ 1,67,853,1 211,404136,3510877! 10,589o1 3,21 5 309 8,3291| 8,500s 5,0441 4,1074 WOlorthand....... 14,416 9,943 2,268,275~ 16,6 645 4,4743 48.2,2281 3,477 30 18341 7,'171^ 7,1341 4,72|04,881 Williamson.......,0t 52 611,111230 38,87835 3,38750 15,400 53,70 2,10s2167 4083 3,1,09 317,2 Wolcott......... 794 164 1,8,40906,9952,48 9095i 993....,182 323 2,592,6841 Lewsboouh...14;2s,476 1,023,1340 198,73520 4,6040 14,35 59|1,568!2..... 5,947!5951s375,3 Mamaroneck..... 3,5~~~~~~~~~~~50 33 1,840 5,460~ 12,90; 42s! 44 1 4i 2,194,05s! 9 28,4927 Torriani........2,88 84845 120 30,40050 31- -,800 4751 3,C~8,5 7 j 5, 20............ 7145 71,345,451 46:89 Ne ohle....3,3 1,4 160,5 51681,2 61 581 4.......108 1,6s,34,76 Oortl Caste..... 10.2 4,476s 9843' 2,68007 154,675831,1,1!195' 35 3,146s 3,1 4,01 3,1071 EastChSaeste..... 9118 236 11330 12302,5,7j10471]3 2 5,21 5,31 4038 4,058z Ossinm..... 3,86& 4,075 1,112 91,300 604701,865 877s 8281l 2 6,7^123,2,2 Pelham,... <..... 1,088 955 41,00 24,130 2 2,980 3405 3,91' 4 2 39I 359 52 530" Ponrde....... 6,6s497i 5620 7,1 107,36 138 1 1,9,2,2,9 Hrrison.......... 7,9945Ii 1,4 984,225 5,82,400 1 0,3 9,6805 31 5990....... 3,]8965 1,031[ 1,346 1~,0426 ewsboroughe...... 12,1683 94768 71,2,100 3,1719,745 682 686911 21 5,220.. 1,9264 3,70562 99735 M~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.ount Plieasant. pa,208 3,896.)8,0 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. 379 ULSTER COUNTY-(CONTINUED). GRASS LANDS. SPRING WHEAT. WINTER WHEAT. OATS. WINTER RYE. Meadow. Acres sown. Acres sown. Acres sown. Acres sown. TOWNS. Bushels Bushels Bushels harvesteA. harvested. harvested. Tons of hay. Bushels of 1864. 1865. 1864. 1863. 1864. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1&64. 1883. 1864. 1864. gfrass seed. 1864. Sau-erties........... 7,521 244|1, 31 4 w101 27 1751 237' 1,745 1,038 1,170 15,840 1,623 1.639.} Shandaken.......... 7 ]4!........ 2............................... 2........ 2671 2901 3,017 299 I 3721 Shawangunk........ 7,302................................ 205 224j, 2,470 1.523- 1,636 29,213 1,6061 1,7513 Wawarsing.......... 7,9642 50l 1 10 117 92 1,695 8531I 923 14.722 1,1501 3122 Woodstock~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~..........i5,Tood toc2.......................... 4 78 342 3,065 9061 95 1 Total............. 88,0831! 535-| 291 381 Ill.ll 2,2051 2,228 24,394- 14,2681! 14,890-j 253,645 20,1061 17,7952 WARREN COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Bolton.............. 2,4801 8 65 46|i 3921-1........ 4........l 40951 4061 4,743 511 351 Caldwell............ 765 4 23 251 70l5i........ 6 / 70 107 1581 1,052 19 28 Chester............. 3,7821........ 109! 99 4501......... 1,0031 929 t 6,849 j 48 301 Chester~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1......... 372 I.......421 Hague.............. 1,507 6 83i4 82| 6371........ 1........I 119 136 1,446; 591.. Horicon............ 2,5041 71 321 22l 1101 1 2 6 402 338' 2,098 361 47 0 17 41........................ 7391 734l 4 2 42 Johnsburgh......... 4402 jql Luzerne............. 1,6231 7 131 26 99l........................ 4421 414' 5,812 3/ 71 31 Queensbury......... 3,9071 321 4641 31l 272 i[ 531 703 5091~| 1,2861 1,353 23,652 990~[ 198 Stony Creek.......... 1,4452 8 94 21i 52........ 2 5 247 196 2,99 3 2 Thurman........... 2,420 1 11 11 86................ 400 371 4.438 18 5'Warrensburgh.... 14........ 3........ 284 274 1,982 28 is Total.............. 26,30 86 44 441 414|| 2,3611 549___ 91__590i2ll 5,441 5, 95 1,333-1 4021 WASHINGTON' COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Argyle.............. 6,074 138 1391 109.5 1,207| 80 671 901 2,795 2,762 47,644 1,344 1,5791 Cambridge.......... 4,106. l'1 421 24 22511 4 7 63 1,450 1,350 20,661 1,121 1,458i Dresden............ 1,975 211 24 171I 180........................ 2211 2282 4,228 17 25 Easton............. 6,342 7 451/ 40 267 271- 291[ 200 H 2,1722! 2,3382 24,669 1,933 2,6041 Fort Ann............ 7,392 98] 201 152 201 17 13 / 153 ID 1,1591 1,12121 23,514 1041, 1421 Fort Edward........ 4,204 162' 14M 1 7 105........................ 1,327 1,5751- 22,320 176! 139 Granville........... 8,125 561-1 451 33] 573 20.I 18 212 1,553 1,4941 37,915 293 156 9.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~,9~ 3 79152 416 Greenwich........... 5,110i 692 32 33 216 42 332 618 1,835|| 1,865' 26,958 1,2914 1,963~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~,6~ 2695 1941 1,63 Hampton........... 2,5162 23 20| 4 233 7 9 52 349 I 4032 8,697 37 43' *Hartford............ 6,2981- 128 i 27.19 339 106 115 1,366 1,452 1 36,600 I 286 414 H:ebron............. C,31612 19641 821I 77 750 17-2 152 187 2,164 2,2371.~ 47,527 / 412|! 3214 Jackson............ 4,50011/...... 61 35 577 5 2 76 1, 485.1; 1,602 27,854 1,1882 1,5251 Kingsbury......... 6,7261 1 7 3 56 13 5 34 970 1,070 18,075 17711 144 Putnam............. 2,897 174-1I 681 69 623 401[ 40, 505 498 4791 9,946 8328: 3 Salem.............. 4,973 14 191 17i 1161 91 2 44 1,515.1: 1,643-1 28,447 6124i 7921 W-hite Creek......... 4,1431'........ 1 22. 61 130..... / 3........ 950} 9841 16749 448 4561 Whitehall........... 7,337 79 42 58 3221 1 25 90211 998 21,1 61 5~~~~96,1212-1 164,3 281 422571, 5' 1,8 Total............. 89,037l| 1,1741 71 |1 23,5771 41 WAYNE COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Arcadia............. 3,8091 411 13 6 3 2,8201 2,8331 37,970 2,301 2,338-1 38,835 21 100 Arcadia~~~~~~~~~~~~~~... 2, 31 3 797 2 Butler.............. 2,950 3 311~ 2 3 6 1,287 1,740 23,569 1,3711 1,4801 20,691 10 24 Galen.............. 4,054, 751 14 26 230 3,1181 3 841" 2,8021 49,159 14418....~~~~~~~~7- 2 9 2,841' 29,8027 49159 14 Huron.............. 2,7501 2 [ 46 37 202 1,387 1,572i 19,687 2, 0511/ 2,035 32,529 41 135 Lyons.............. 3,154 42-........2. 2,4161. 2,484139,891 1,5051 1,633 21,971 51........ Macedon............ 4,472.1 371........................ 2,0461/ 2,0441 30,264 1,259 1,5221 22,278 57 127 1 4, 4 1 14' 16 3I Marion............. 2,7 1 1 4 8 9401 1,0811 14,479 1,5471 1,601 24,449 87,1i 441 Ontario............. 2,804 5 14 12 98 53 /8 543 5,125 1,302 1,370 19,458 35 47 Palmyra............ 3,502 2919/ 2....... 12 2,026 1,869 30,549 1,037 1,092 1.6,792 10 7 Rose............... 2,308 17 71 1 45 1,3231' 1,524 19,101 1,995 1,8881 25,706 22 441 Savannah.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...... 494 1 3i Savannah............ 2,2021 3 111 1 110 1,675|1 1,562 26,7779 1,080 1,2441 16,799 121 16 Sodus............. 4,6711 59 901 691 503 11 2,1101 2, 436 28,441|!:,578 - 3,530 45,179 4 1. 5Yalworth.......... 3,395-1 2 // 3' 4 1,2,01 296,71 1,0 4182 Williamson.......... 2,719} 24 I 58] 36 308 4I 321} 6551 4,465 1l,67511 1,777/ 21,400 49 3 Woct........... 2,785................52 31906,01,6 682 8 9 Total............. 48,3261! 382 358 81 228 \2,9 1250015,11i2,31 2,93 4621| _ 31 _84 Bedford.............~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 85~ 7,__8 3 28 i_ z 16, 9~ 115,=13O,l112;1,799|7,06514 1,.082-1: 340,217 611 56 Cortlndt.........,44.0 6.............'...... 126 1171,828 868,0581 22,3 61 684273 Mamaonek......7,2108 11............ 21 25~ 15. 364 1 799I1,; 1,052 2,1705 6 16 5641 Morrisania......... 6 75........................'... /.. 126 7 5 1,20 / 1, 0 58~, 37601...... 53 Mount Pleasa0nt 1........,70................ 4......../ 244-1 247 3,740 954;19851 27,7910 508-1 582:t New~asle......... 4,160a........I l 1,........, 1 70 82,1/ 9 ~ 2 551 854 588 6.~//13| 15.2 41 319' 300. New~~~oche, 5 601........J 1.69 7........ 20 6712 66 ~ 91,4279}15 1681 44,051/ 1111 1815 North ~ ~ ~ 3771 Salem........ 4,56................. 38-1 34 1 703 3/~ /601 5 33 61,2119I 1299 486 Ossimng ~ ~ 1 29 /1 I......../.......28......../ 21 4| 14 51 9- 1348 I27210 23 7,844 71 97a 4 Pelham~~~~7....... 1................! 2................1 10..... 57 101,20 391 21 30 f.'"''idg.......... 5,734 12........t I....... 12 3 8 0 47 7,1........ Rye~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/........... 1,87 6 3, 7 1408 101 163 12 9154- 3,5769 7/t 51&,~ Scarsdale~~~~~ ~~~~~.......... 1,3................. 41/ 46/ 760 1441l 1501 4,898 II 122 136 4,160 /........li 4 Contiue........ 703/87.) 5 ~ 5~! I 1 380 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. ULSTER COUNITY-(CO-NTINUED). WINTER BARLEY. BUCKWHEAT. INDIAN CORN.1^ " Acres sown. Acres sown. For the grain. For fodder,!Acres TO W N S. _______________ ________________I p 1nied, Bushels Bushels Bushels|_ __ harvested. harvested., harvested. Acres planted.'Bushels Acres sown. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1864. 1864, 1865. 1864. ________ harvested. ______ 1864. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1864. 1865. Saugertio................ 15,7 25 4 3s 83 51 21 9755 1,2074!,22| 4 062......J 33 Shandaken................ 3,006 64 4^ 50 i 405 399 6,079 252s 2621-1 6,645....... 201 Shawangunk.............. 19,593........................ 906 0 3135 5,928 1, 59 73!- l, 5 0 6 I 38,216............ -15 0 j1 Wawarsing............... 12,4290.26 314 318 1,027 152 16,2801^ 1,023 1 1.0301' 32,531............ 397541 Woodstock................ 8,200 5 4 61656 500'510',0...... 154 Total............... 296,199,1 1054' 761 1,194|i 8,7321" 4,232'1l53,169si| 16,093|1 1 7, 041 ijl 381, 501s 181l Ii l 4,0151' WARREN COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Bolton.................... 271s'"........................ 151 9712 1,694s1 3701 416' 7,085...... 187' Caldwell.................. 144 I 1 12 146 28 1,407 1' 257' 3244i 4,681....... 129 Chester................... 19 s 503' 416' 5,580 437' 565 4,2... 8 Hague.................... 298 Is 2 18 29s 48 No63 164 184 2.917............ 113| Horicon................ 124........ 1I........ 172 9 1,7 5 0 9 1 3 2 0...... 9 Johnsburgh............. 50 -13 7 639 63-84- 8,292 295i 352s 4,908... 3251 Luzerne.................. 435 I........................ 3630 4675 3, 99t)3i 519' 596 12, 171 4... 1805 Queensbury............... 5,916s1 i.... 5 746 47 8,378 2,112s 2,3181 41,813 31- U 804-1 Stony Creek........ 17 84 5 92 234 1 7 11 2,715 156|- 2291 2,831............ 1 461 Thurman.......... 130 1 1 1 3 2981" 26691 3,908 251 295 4,761............ 19J71'Warrensburgh....... 157 1................. ISO 158 1,654 263 296 3,782.............. 185 Total.................... 7,836| 17' 10N 13.9 | 3533s 2,4281s 39,364j- 5,0365 5, 87 6 95,161 _3 _113 2,8541 WASHINGTON COUNTY-(CONTI-NUED). Argyle.................. 16,828 47s. 251s 674 | 2841 1834, 5,351' 2,0534 2,172 46,087 1[ 2 Is 1l,242sCambridge................ 15,327 69 76s 694; 128' 29s 1,766 1,5031 1,707s 30, 549......!.,. 429-7 Dresden.................. 277 3 1 8 i| 14s- 15 188 123' 137 3,00!......... 851 Easton................... 20,575 164 132' 1,382| 418 431 6,013 2,001 2,416s- 38,692 41 81l 713 Fort Ann.................. 9944' 2441 24 47 8 2941" 151 -1 3,914 9419s 1,060i[ 21,451 52 2 4301Fort Edward........1...... 1,334 2114 131~ 221 I 9 222i 178s 2,209 7551 81213 12,298...... 9s 3471 G ranville................. 2,910 6 3 -150 162s- 20s2 2,449 1,0514' 1,069 27,6037 17s!' 2341 1,454s Greenwich................ 22,735 11 10 78 226 4 122 3,855 2,95321' 1, 9451 40, 8 53 41 15 7735 Hampton................. 455........................ 43 11 595 2 6 8 273scl 8,040 1 ll 264 Hartford.................. 3,562 17 11 353 82 58 1,301 9052-s 993 25, 589............1 1,060 Hebron................... 4,655 11 s 164 1231 341 2, 080s' 1,227s- 1,306s 30,721 1 1 1,807' Jackson.................. 17,038 12 5 381 9,7 13 1,818! 1,634| l, 679iN 356, 658 6s- 4, 52 7 1 Kingsbury.......... *...... 746 88s 74 1,267 282 21 2 3,950 | 938' 1,133s 17,368 31 3i 6921 Putnam................... 322 30s 7 149 1018........ 180 861 951i 2,103)8......... 69| Salem.................... 7,8161........................ 801 50 1,229s- 1,129s 1,250 26, 022 N- 906s White Creek............... 6,020 31 3 357 1214 6914 l,878| 917 1,013 19, 754 2 s1 266s Whitehall................. 690 29i' 40s 5 3)8 901' 60|, 1,076! 50641 593||1 14, 112...... 11 248 Total............... 2224| 5631' 42 7 4 6,894 |_ 2, 719| l,640'j 39,853s1,! 18,997 JL58!70869 97| 49j1 ^1 8s WAYNE COUNTY-(CONTINUEID). Arcadia................... 238 800I' I,0 42s 1 12,719 2334'215 4,290 2,280 1 2,48691 69,262 2s] 44i 22 27 Butler..................... 200 6921 999s- 9,792 28 1 380 1, 539s 1, 931s 41,092............ 133.1 Galen.................... 60 1,226 1,407s2 15,586 240 185 4,189 2,691 3,058-1'76, 090sA...... 1 2 62| -r Huron.................... 530 728 821U 10,106^ 79 155s 2,944 1,442s 1,6925, 334, 588...... 1 186-8 Lyons.................... 50 958 1,315s2 14,641 1451 149' 2,360 1,704-1! 1,802|11 48,198 5s 8 196 j Macedon.................. 95 869s1 9781 13,260 126 97s 2,464 1,936 2,068-1 60,331 7.17 2701 Marion................ 243 4051' 636s2 5,946 1851- 191 3306 17471 1,565i 52,889 18 33 154' Ontario................... 131 295 331 3,077 9 0 113. 1.579 1,209 1,492 38,842 3 6 133.1 Palmyra.........:......... 100 1,070o 1.294 17,349 621' 11 968 1,963s 2, 0281I 62,246 31 1 173 Rose...................... 140 390 429 3.548s 11 252,58,014,6 0 Williamson................ 374 185 ~~~~205s 31,84 1845 56 232694 1,5651 1,887.1 41,01 101 12 1881 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. 381 ULSTER COUNTY-(CONTINUED). POTATOES. PEAS. BEANS. TURNIPS. FLAX. Acres Acres sown. Acres planted. Acres sown. Acres sown. TOWNS. planted. Acres sown. Bushels Bushels Bushels Bushels Bushels harvested. harvested. harvested. harvested. of seed. 1865. 1864. 1864. 1865.. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1S.64. 1864. 1865. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1664. Saugerties........... 391 4 30310 41 2.23 3 32i 9...... 1,322 151 151 47^ Shandaken.......... 2111' 16329 263 1........ IN I 0 1 4 Shawangunk........ 139 14 052................................................ 3. 835 2 k 19 Wawarsing.......... 38........ 30 74 1 4 4 3,867 29' Woodstock.......... 151 11274... 1 665 6 4 24 2, 628~~~~~~~~4l 213 81 7 6aJ' Total............. 4,168| 338,739 121' 8a i 192 407! 37' 6281 213 70 639,5691 1341 104' 761WARREN COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Bolton............. l 2011i 20,577................'........i 4 21 29 1.............................]............. Caldwell............. 1444 10,264 2 o 21 41 8 8 881 44 I 530................... Chester............. 3!36,356 221 12 8 4 151- 20 2204" 13 81 2,021 2 3k 5 Hague.............. 1311 10,762 k.......... 18 10| -142 4...... 2.34 11. Horicon............. 233k 19,442 18 10 21;e1 9 147l 3 256................... Johnsburgh......... 363 35,517 10 9 671 16 161, 1671 6 51 1,620 23 1 Luzerne............. 1;861 15,564 121 141 168 151 11 87 | 161 85 1, 094 1 1 7 Queensbury......... 7991l 70,359 23 1641 243 542 22k' 708 321" 2k 3,417 25 51 721 Stony Creek......... 139 10,6,238 17 1 151 1 41 20/ 182 2665 I Thurman............ 20214" 18,-645 3 -1 213 31 32 15 1 223 4k2 5 775 i1...... 1 Warrensburh....... 183. 18,590 66 3 16 9 26 82 2 1 677................... 2331~~~~~~~~~~~~~04 19,44 2 161'I 36~ h,121 9 Total............. 2,586 272,314 175 1 1,9220 3 | WASHINGTON COUNTY-(CONTINUE-D). Argyle.............. 1,337 139,650 264 291 298'| 188 | 19 1,729 36 k 2,777 VW6 62512,471 Cambridge.......... 425 51,559 8 5 98I 196 2|4 282 17 1 2, 167 9111 772 5,0441 Dresden............ 981 8,5738 331 321 353 5 3 41 1...... 132 1...... 2 Easton.............. 7274 67, 337 29 27s 4341 36~ 10k 445 1- 13k 22' 1,700 8411 615 3,740 Fort Ann........... 417' 40,881 1 215 253 54- 1441 740[ 1 1 675 10k 97 Fort Edward........ 367 33,056 3141 1914 321 68 265 5751 21... 67' 2561 3923 95 Granville........... 1,5991'185,814 78 51f 1,511 193 40i 2,793........I...... 43"3 711 110 361 Greenwich.......... 774| 89,067 31 4i 32 36" 2|a 572 263 413 3,812 841 750' 2,736 H~ampton............ 317 43,470 36 38 538I 481" 8 618 3k 4 400 i...... 2 Hartford............. 1,259 132,260 49 60 1701 2144 52 3,420 1...... 270 182 187 1,255 Hebron............. 2,11941248,183 38is 17 365 101U 141 1,109 11 U 270 723 602 5,226 Jackson............ 559i' 68,079 3i I 57 is 4, s 309 43-1 2 5,910 470. 446' 3,152 Kinrsbury.......... 7001 57,474 25 251 373 131 16 l18211....... 189 92 672 341 Putnam............. 681 6,816 59' 56' 759 41' i2, 1...... 426...1.1 7 Cambridge~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 4 2 5 1 4}'' Salem............ 98..} 1 29 5057 7127 7116 49' 127 633 8 3 784 501i 488 2,320 "White Creek......... 2731 30,000 2 2 21 241" 10k 22I... 404 4021 3561 2,034 W hitehall........... 209614 24,265 50 6141 604 163 7kA 210....... 455................... Dresden..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 98 8 Total............. 12,4991ll351,546 4981 4601L' 6,8345s 1210|| 27 4;97 | 12_ 6 2,7 2,2 |543,88 31 WAYNE COUNTY-(CONTINUED)). Arcadia........... 2461' 22,665 I 17 6 89 225 45 2,090-1 241 k 6371 101 3 65 BRutler............ 1.5 614 14,594 1 5........ 105 i 3 41........ 46 4...... 30 5...... 22 Galen.............. 278 28 I 1 3 Huron.............. 19741 22,923 j 56i 261 60 21j 2k 261 4 1 7321 21 | 7 Lyons.............. 7 20,657, 81 1 15 75 201 1,085 3 3 1,270 2, 180 Macedon............ 328 28,802! 221' 9 1 179 93|: 1 814 1,300 2k.... 175 22|... 161 Marion............. 1741 19,204 271 2 13 3) 2 2 7 200 841 2,016 1 I 366 86 12 538 Ontario............. 14511 12,889 | 541- 21 619 110 22k- 1,773)................. 24 10k 144 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~6 0~ 9.. 9a Palmyra............ 1859 18,621 8I 9 90 483 15 565 3 48 12 341................... Rose.......... 317 43, I 56 / 2 / 131 48~/ 8 31 I...... 10 4 4 1 Savannah........... 133i 15,398 9i 4[ 80 1 741 5 381 4 k 1,275 182 18 10 Hebron.............2 2 176 301 2,514 10 1,978 853 75 468, S alwodus.............. 322' 36,75016 32 24k,...... Williamson~ ~I....... 216 2091 83 66 696 376 1081 6147 1, 1... 09 22|15l,9 Wolcott.............~~~~~~~~~~~ 170 16,05 7123 152 259, 327 |22 34 10 14 76;.kotal............. 3,9 ^3632| 15 28,65_ 40 _ 9^ 2,4 | _ 1__ _t __^2J 598_: 4008,88 Bedford.............1| | 5 684 1798............... 30 6 4396 8 115,910 471| 4 4 6 3,52.. Kingsbury........... 581 4128 5 0 3 30:k 4 55j 74... 8,68......1... East ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 2 Chse........ 109~1 161,182f, 1...... 120 92/..... 4 42~ 40^ 6170......!.. Putenamr......... 3 8 2,6....... 68 6,.. 1 5 1 3 1..., 3...... i... Lewisborough ~ ~ ~ 5 9 a..... 218 24,59............I......... 411 3a 9..... 4,58 I~...... 5 S aemao ek.... 7.........................I............... 2 125...... 1 4,1 2 3 [ 3 747 501 4...8......... White Creek.......... 2 7 1I41 400!............................. 4 0' 403 3 52205.......... Whiew castle........../ 33 29,44.............. 3..6... 7 39 23k 5 2 0 k....t New Rochelle~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1~..__.. 8 7,45_5...........................'4......_2,65.__.......... Norh S le...... 65 20,618........................! 71...... 5 4502 8.......I... WAYNE OUNT~-(ConTinued. onpg,8. 382 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. ULSTER COUNTY-(CONTINUED). GINARDKEN FLAX. HEMP. HOPS. TOBACCO. APPLE ORCHARDS. MRDENS Acres sown. Acres il: crop. Acres planted. Acres cultiTOWNS. vated. Pounds of Lbs. of Pounds har- jPounds liar-~ Number of Bushels of Barrels of ___ lint. hemp. vested. vesied. trees in apples. cider. 1864, 1864 1865. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1864. fruit. 1864. 1864. 1864. Saugerties.................... 79 4,146 1 1 1001 1,685 28,189 1,222 44 Shand ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.................... 1.0..... 3 Shandaken..................................... 1 10,934 16,4261 406........ Shawangunk...... 1.....|................ 1 5 I......... 2,000 10,478 24,433 246 1........ W awarsing........ 100.................. 4 - 5 55 58 2 5,320.| 12,210 18,904 I 784-1........ W oodstock........ 272...................................................... 10,045 17,670 7 1'8 l.. Total........... 7,922 1.............. 191| 22g 6,210 322 _ 725 WARREN COUNTY-(CONTTINUED). Doldton....................1....1........ Caldwell........................................................ 4,124 5,359 121,1........ Chester.......... 80................................................... 4 400 8,018 7,14 3........ Toague............ 30............................................................... 3,758 6,482 915,1 orion.................................... 4................I........ 355 50 Johnsburgh 1.................................................................... 8,045 7,381999 51........ Luzerne.......... 1,500.............................................i i 50 62706 1 4, 3,59 4181i' 2 Queensbury....... 5,708........................................!........................ 16,478 2 7, 696 1,095 1i........'SoyC ek......... 153 o g 9~(~I StonywCreek....... 1,530......1........................................................ Thurm an......... 100...!..........................'............P................ 6,7'34 8,827 37 |................~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~..................... W arrensburgh........o................................... 4o038 2,2 7,........ *Total........... 10,008 |...1.............................. 1 __ 4 _ l _ 450 ^65,781 _89,8643|_1,_961| _ _ __ WASHINGTON COUNTY-(CON-TINUED). Argyle....... 42,700....... 0.......................... I........ 19,778 I 38,021 6,456T 4:::b:::d:: 1 7........7........................... 1 1 500 8,967 25,436........ oD resden.... 46,000.................................................................... 2,678 5,942 053 i......... Easton................................................ 3........ 2,75 17,907 45,061 1,426 2 Fort Ann......... 4,700.....................................1|........ 100 9,06 12,............. Ed ar........ 1,650 3,462 3,781 10821 8 zranville......... 7,000.........................................1,623 21, 731 687........ Queensbury...''"~5, 7 08 H / i!!.I...../1,482,96I,95!........83 Greenwich........ 46,667............................ 4........ 23)0!17 4,491 33 66 1,913 4 H ampton........................................................................ s, 63 5,0 2 2.... H artford......... 1, 381............................................1......................../ 6,167 19,8169 5317........ Hebron........... 118, 500...........................................J 1.... 100 12, 276 19, 383 6,57 22i Jac'kson.......... 45,300.................. 5 900 i! 141 2 16,500 12,619 33,553 1,278 K in~gsbury........ 8,335.......................................................... 7"_'4 11_910_40........ Putnam.......... 200..................................! I....... 310 2,199 4,433 46..... Salem............ 5,650....................... 1......... 1........ 3000 8,823 19,130 833 1..... W hite Creek...... 36,000.....................................!~........ 1,800 8,977 14, 025s 44~22.... W hitehall..........................................I.................. 4j-5 7 8,000 3,874 4,298 210 | 2k Total........... 481,333.................. ____ 3 ___ 5_ _ __ 900 ||''27-1 __ 12 __32,240 l58.5718'317,0682|1 16'595 _472 WAYINTE COUNTTY-(CoNTINUED). Arcadia.......... 64!......|............ i..................'....| 31| 2iz! 22, 004 I 39,870 430,430 1, 37 7 | 1 Butler............ 42,1 0.......................... 15.. 1........, alen............ 2,048............ 3 1,700 33-........ 49,250 28,826 44,862 1,556 11i H uron............ 4....................................... 3 1` 50 0 I 8,967 2 56 9102........ Dresens........../4 6,000 //...... /............0/..........................................I............ 2 1,2 29..........10 3 4 1 Lyceons......,2............... I,8 3|.... 3,1 25,149 26,0947235 Easton.. 4, 0 /......... 23 6 5.........l/........{......../..........tt 3~......... 3 - 2 12,752 29 30 171,0/ 5,09 1,56,5...... Ontario........... 3,353.................. 3I2s 500 1........ 400 11,254 24,879 466'4./..o.,) Pal yra.n.......... 42,00 0,1 9........ R ose........................ 51 Sava nna............ 23 615........................................~......1 10 0.. | 0,28 10,21 25 4 64.. otdario..................3............... 2.......... 41, 5,0 3, 46 9,219 1,127 24 82 Palmyra..... 60.................. 19i 290 13002 7..... 48,1800 23,286 49,999 66 682........ Granvillose........................84... Saoanoah..... 2,4....................................1........ 89 0 5,7280 10,7291 32,46 5641~..... B.redford............ 4 3,7 /....../......A......11........f........./.....................I 30 1 0,91 10 (A 1, 1 | 4 U Cotlam tnd.........!.............I.............\ 5, 0!3, 1 9 4 6, 0 5 East Chester......!.. l/...... t............ II......I........... i.......'.... t..1....................... i| (7,934t 12,4575 2377'......... H artford.........t, 8 [......[...i...I......[[.................i..........|~.......................J..... J 62,286 4, 02 29,1 5319......... ttewb orong.....1....|......... i....'............IIi1 80 1,504 6 03 592....... M ama one k.... 1......1.............../ I....... I........................... I 5 6 3 1, 5, 0 M orrisania ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I........|...................! /... I........................ I.......I 72 109385..... 2 1 Makount la a t..'.................|.......... 45,..............................| 3159014, 2 1,500/12, 70/,5 54 i 1,049 1...... in ew csb u r y...:.................... 1|.........{.............|................'.... 4 6 9 2, 0 2 New~~~ochene......! ~~[t........!..........,........I';.........!....11...............} 7,0181 11,871 0 4, 02 }........ Nortn amtl......I....I 0 l................. /I........ i........'...........|........ I311| 50,13,99 1 4,9153 3523~........ S o th alem......1...... 5 60....................S........i..................i 2........i 1,00 6,9 736, 94 60........ Os m n........:.ooo..................../......................1.............. oo......... 5 0 0 3,8 2 5 88 Whiehall......... I..............;.......................... 78 1 6098.... R ye~~ ~ -......../[......;......... I............. i........i][t ]] ] [ ]]...............t 417,00 |! 4,746 12,029 2 47 2 Totrs ale..........| 28,000 ||............|..............;..... oI............. | 5, 1 90 13 6 3 1,.... It~~~~ Cotiue on,.4 pag.e, 3917083 163o: AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. 383 ULSTER COUNTY-(CONTINUED). IMARKET GARDENS. o | ~ ~ S NEAT CATTLE. Acres cul- lr_ - t. |5 " j^ -!I C) ^, 0 Af ~ -ilch cows. TOWNS. tivated.'~ ~ of products,l U,.i! o 1864. ^ S ~ ^ - S ^S S S ^. ^~ ^ 1864. 1865. 1865o = c =M cd CO Saougerties....... 47 153000 2,421 67 2,559 120 i 453 467 419 104 1,349 10325 Shandake.n............. 4,925 45........ 7,995 252 179 284 175 171 782 52 Shawangunk........................ 788 23........ 750........ 7 85 153 276 2,156 2,151 W awarsing..............I.......... 1,133 4........ 7,526 540 703 690 678 395 1,753 1,652 Woodstock.......... 1,354 51........ 4,369 179 5:24 521 382 230 721 725 Total......... 404. l 5,830 00. 30,341 1,090 710 56,630 | 2,6554..J 5, 633 I 5,998 5,208 3,056 118,561 18,226 WARREN COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Bolton......................... \\ 2,980 40........ 2,181 127.... 271 264 383 7 5 1 549 558 Caldwell.......................... 36 53 40 28 9 239 Chester........................... 11,378......... 4,513 305.... 386 318 279 156 873 829 Hague............................. 2,567 16 |........ 1,265 1151.... 167 168 177 42 259 277 Horicon........................... 6 308 123........ 280 3621... 265 247 402 93 392 411I Johnsburgh........................ 12,789 440........ 4,466 237.... 387 380 347 136 969 923 Luzerne......... [; 10500 1,987 221 3 2,202 154.... 274 256 440 50 415 406 Queensbury........239 i 2 4,621 271 383 50 1 ~126 1,I18 Stony Creek....................... I 4,975 96........i 2,889 149-.... 152 } 1 5 641526 276 Thurman.......................... ~~~~~ ~ ~~~~8.480 197........ 4,621 145.. 225 214 396 76 406 3 95 Thurman.................. 76 4O 335 Warrensburgh........... 1,035 00 1,506 122........ 1,385 95.... 290 263 255 69 450 442 Total......... 4,61 0 1454 8.... 25, 314 20 697 3,254 839 66016 5,874 WASHINGTON COUNTY-(COXTINUED). Argyle.......... 4 3,900 00 435 24........ 4,693 367 C.... ) 6591 40 1,684 1,643 Cambridge............................ 45 775 47.... 260 236 189 86 971 942 Dresden............................ 1,163 40........ 2,590 1 3 11... 250 264 269 32 317 322 Easton.......... 22.......... 2.... 5 24 10 2,402 191..... 341 447 408 66 1,392 1,344 Fort Ann................ 2000 3,505 65........ 4,295 248.... 686 627 680 51 1,257 1,208 Fort Edward..... 8 875 00........................... 2,950 114..... 287 279 327 2 576 568 Granville........................... 3,065 46......... I,638 163..... 480 491 479 12 1,83 1,839 Greenwich)....... 3 350,00 740 3 A 2 2,674 128.' 39 413 323 37 235 1,183 Hampton.................... 2,494 32........ 905 45.... 148 192 137 14 567 553 Hartford.......................... 535 25........ 2,069 132.... 454 529 266 1 860 832:lebron.......... 25 2,64800 7,397 410........ 1,403 92! 496 557 496 1) 1,466 1,404 Jackson.......... 91/ 1,120 00................ 336 1,284............ 311 319 424 45 1,0 928 Kingsbury......................... 100........ 16 2,510 1 3 309 401 188 16 1,092 1,041 Putnam........................... 715 57 2 2,682 94... 346 369 138 12 474 487 Salem.............. 1,990. 346C1 23 1, 685 1191... 369 4431 244 26 9 998 White Creek........................ 63 128 275 2,435 94...I 175 172 296 50 789 708 Whitehall....... 2 32850 1,264 34 375 1,663 4 387 405 466 23 802 863 3 6,84-0,921 538 7,315816863 Total......... 78 9,241 50 I 23,471 1, 3044 1,084 44,653 1,:987:- 6,349 6,845 5,921 538 17,315 16,863 WAYNE COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Arcadia I... 1 20 00 101 38 414 1,413....... 314 334 380 33 1,117 1,186 Butler.................. I.................. 355 405 275 791 1001 13..... 591...,, 0 280{ 70 iI Galen........... 114 889 00 250 37 485 3,010 721....I 858 751 745 32 1,354 1,31'7 Huron............................ 739 33 106 3,315 41.... 401 390 243 50 797 773 -yOns........... 22 2,160 00 10 391 365 1,520 45.... 4 343 317 376 61 912 934 Macedon........ 5 1,88600 1,0057 118 8 1,531 675;....} 307 317 545 76 911 889 Marion................. 1,107 128 1 2,477 5412!... 668 694 293 10 805 794 Ontario............................ 220 32 44 1,0256 IC) 179 266 158 23 630 C)1 Palmyra........................... 167 75 4 1,130 1 | 221 270 298 7 774 741 Rose..................... 5000 442 46 19 1,964 9 I'd 350 335 509 54 974 918 Savannah........ 100 190 10 15 1,341 165....| 165 355 214 35 824 845 Sodus............ 2 30000 147 41.... 4,387 181 773 749 702 90 1,653 1.684 Walmyrah.........................il 167 157 30 667 J 1.2~1..../ 177 { 2 60 13 46 865 7898 Willosen.................. 4800 /4 3/46 102 11 1,602[ 77'....i' 253 j 309 12 509 94 916 SWv,,onth..............0.......1 379 70 750:,02 7 1 70|5....|| 367 4135 39 34 94 934 Sodal........... 42! 54300 5070 |I93 1441..,,55 30,52 1,727t|....|| 57731 I 7,43) 7032 _7 14,256 14.29 Bedfordh....... 2i 9 0).... 3.... 9 2.. 8~42 7 5,4,9 Cortland..... 2i74 00..............i........" 1, 57 09 3r 2.... 51774 4936 1 3137,10 7 3 E s Cistrm o........!.................. 1,0.......! 2408 1 8 4946 Grenh rg.... 4 50 00............. 85....| 23 24/2 3 6 4 Wariolot t........... 650............ 12/,3....... 1 2 5 7 98 Lewisborough.... 47 0 00......... 50 59....... 615 12 28 1,04 1,10 M orr sani...... 150 00............i.....................3... 10 1 9.......2327227 New aste.... 6.......... 23........ 36963.I 7 4 7 4 0 5 New R - -- --— e.............................................. 203i 18-3 1 334 Torth asl e.......... 7 0.................. 4 6.. 7 5 3 7 6 8 North~ 4 5,4m........................................................, 71 6741 12' 5 2671- 1,265 1-,24 Bdordnn..... 71 4 9,0 5 00 1..................................91 5 86 36 0 72 450 455 P l a..................... I....t..................! 8 73 085 Cortlndti g................. 114 1[4 1,45...... 92 8 2067 17 533 154 Eye........... 2 1 7435 00l........]........ 1 59........I 1, 9 1 3...J 151 1 21 80 3 540 Eca st Chese...........:.........| 270 0................!........ 730 0 5........... 33 608 4 173 4 94 i~~~~~~~~ Cotnedo8ag 9. 384 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. ULSTER COUNTY (CONTINUED). NENT^ZE BUTTER. CHEESE. HORSES. SWINE. SHEEP. CATTLE] w S ~~~~~~~~Gallons of TOWNS. / milk sold, I 0 0 Pounds made, Pounds made, 1864. Colts of Colts of Two years,5 Pig- of Season of Slaughtered Poinds of Shorn in Shorn in 1864~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l16. 165 S^ 1864. 1864. 1864. 1865. old and o 1865. 1864 and in 1864. pork made 1865. -g]^ over, 1S65. ^ olderl. 1.864. Saugerties....... 518 103,985....._ _.. 8,880 31 29 1,066....I 1,103 1,056 1,024 221,916 1,0- 5 1,096 Shandaken...... 492 69,626 250......... 9 10[ 329 4 350 189- 354 68,557 869 1,220 Shawangunk.... 170 203,925..................[ 27 38 673 [ 1 2,353 1,127 2,748 359,018 2,185 2,586 Wawarsing...... 345 142,910 410 22,700 34 47 1,069 50 1,017 852 1,116 233,096 1,772 1,914 Woodstock...... 146 51,356 75 12 10 26 278 618 487 490 94,228 1,262 1,413 Total......... 4,585 1,547,217 1,060 1134,099 |l 499 432 10,334 188 18,459 11,677 18,438 2 846,664 19,070 21,708 WARREN COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Bolton.......... 1 95 1 50,37-5 5,590........1. 31 18 271.. 2 23) 140 314 | 64,933 2,197 2i 3,285 Caldwell..... 361 14,57-0 500 3,405 3 2 132.... 136 86 159 39,810 816' 901 Chester.......... 198 65,63,48.......... 316 25 488 107,797 843! 4,424 Haague.......... 13 26,800 862........ 5 7 112.... 51 97 147 36.295 -1,853 2,100 Horicon........ 54 28,645 1,945........ 13 8 175.... 146 135 212 45,282 1,651 2,192 Johnsburgh. 189 85,3 1,550........ 381 41 3. 24357 592 433 97,297 3,021 3,578 Luzerne........ 138 40,130 1,610 12 12 25, Queensbury l518 87,729 39,342 14,080 39 | 32 872 I'12 851 473 782 187,988 3,694 3,951 Stony Creek.......... 8 30,280 85 181 17 103 |/1 109 115 137 33,789 1,027 1,086 Thurman....... 20 |3, 100 8...... 31 19 221.... 201 155 222 48,270 1,143 1,831 Warrensburgh i on 8 13,165 1,405 is...... 1 34 245 1 192 127 213 54,517 2,251 1,912 Total.... 1425 478,085^1 71,139 17,485 |. 239. 223 | 3,186 315 2_860 2,278 326 776,352 7 23,730_|_26,999 WASHINGTON COUNTY-(CONTINUEID). Argyle.......... 232 165,027 100........ 77 59 993 2,091 937 2,197 396,580 5,485 1,678 Cambridge..... 377 91,547 1,645 1,020 62 57 I 850....i 1,472 525 1,828 8 283,169 9,62 8,855 Dresden........ 50 30,877 1,100 50 13 11 159 154 92316 37, 1,10 27616 3,175 Easton......... 188 143,415 576,00........ 63 71 941.... 1 5 1 0,682 348,387 15,625 16,616 Fort Ann....... 101 93,010 62,039 1,450 41 46 671... 596'649 656 166,432 6,824 7,540 Fort Edward. 65 45,020 210 1,034 30 27 389.... 526 446 448 96,829 2,361 3,332 Granville....... I 157 97,972 381,682........ 50 62 837 -1 729 498 641- 159, 585 18,394 10,19.5 Greenwich...... 314 7 118,618 1 0, 07 0 1,815 57 61 9307 8i 1,469 471 1.366 306, 41-8 5,424 7,436 Hampton....... 79 312,000 53,700........ 16 121 195....' 2071 158 207 52,730 4,331 4,215 Hartford........ 123 87,932 24,542 50 38 401 5,94..i 591 339 664 165,5430 11,396 12,8730 Rebron......... 179 135,385 52,650........ 55 52 863 1,251 1,247 896 203,990 5,622 7,772 Jackson........ 169 123,47 1,5..... 4 58 I 590 L. 1,868 1,699 1,463 590,408 6, 695 7,434 Kingbur....... 16 9, 0.. Kingbr.... 16 9,7 104186 8,130 39 4,2 690..I 459) 341 526 124,153 5,981 5,731 Putnam......... 71 58,425 1,940........ 15 30 211 2I 108 176 46,060 2,978 3,783 Salem.......... 190 97,509 14700........ 52 60 617!.... 1,063 479 974 178,359 11,371 10,902 White Creek 113 68,265 11,665........ 3 37 591,5 4 714 581 1,740 143,423 16, 039 IC),1 80 Whitehall....... 80 58,655 27,610 8,270 44 66 538 1I.... 462 520 390 98,303 9,714 11,153 Tota I......... 2,637 13,15,97 807,374 |/21,819..728 791 10,470 ||9.. 15,644.113097 16,014 3,397,559 1530,7825 144,870 WAYNE COUJNTY-(CONTINUED). Arcadia........ 10| 9,0100,535 1,246 678 0....... 8 1,295 1,046 1,343 298,291 9.836 9,540 Butler....... 5 66,965 6,2//......../ 56 4,4 692 i', 781 1,606 735 165,154 7,178 8,619 Greenwich.......... I 116, 618 1 10,072 H 1,815/l 4,] 6016 1 6, 830 99 94 1,461 1,109 1,306288,214 5,991 6,2433 Huron.......... 50 74,520 2,845........ 53 65 631 934 743 852 193,018 4,622 5,272 Lyons.......... 113.68,839 825 36,860 61 81 765 780 761 9071 198,745 6,048 6,190 Macedon........ 123 75,439 10,001 870 56 59 773 21 1,332 1,517 1,248| 258,792 8,811 8,909 Marion......... 79,88 0 14,348 150 62 72 176....1 944 750 966 203,246 6,513 6,888 Ontario......... 66 69 13477 2,605........ 66 43 54 0 543 624 834 199,4796 5,401 6,205 Palmyra........ 50 66,015 8,369 1,0020 58 7 7 803.... 93704 959 247,584 8,970 9,073 P.ose.......... 7 1[ 98,2425!t 12,9 4 6i. 30 61 61 689....! 19 7 108 879 17 9 8,30604 5,291 4. 3,783.Savana.......... 198 849,592 ] 14,7005......../ 52 49, 612/....i 1,06 4791 975 177,442 11,745 5,8 Sds.......... 26 1,89 382 23,0 11 15,3-7 — 6 2,17....... 1,9.4599.,96 9,9 W l o t....... _ 1 4 5 7 1, 5.... /I I....i 53 5"5 7 2,3 4,6, 6,0 Williamson......~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~ 14 830 745....I4 8 6911 9,161,081 248,439 59 5,78207 6 —,571 W AYNH STE COUN TY-(CoNTINUED). Arcaodia.........! 144 56,100,5517 4 il.......... I1746,75 8 I 1,03... 61,4 966 1,643 1,046 2 29,121 72.:36 9,74 ~ -Btlerd........172 5 3/ 6,0965 6,o8.......... 5l2,30 4| 27-25 783 2 9771 659] 7851 157,191 I 71789 240 EaskCestr..n6 1,2.......... 146, 10,2 4016 3,3 5t 9 36 94,_2/'I' 1,73,7 1,29 2 290 5,234{,1 63, 113 Huroenbu........5 329 74,22,005!I..........1,3! 11 65 631 /... 9745 435 1 737 197,7180 |/ 4,1,287 81 Lyrions.......... 115/683,89/85......136,286 i 18 81 766..i 7 80 6 9026 212 98,45 //3,8281 75, 198 /eiboog.. 12 3531 502853 7..t 45 4 9 2,6' 6 9 5lacedon..,.....12/ 751,439/10,4 1 8 70 It o6 /4,785 2 771/- 199324 21,I 1,59 252 4,7927 8,............ Marrioani....... " 50............... 14,48]1500! 1..... 37 / 5 1 7 8 6690...... 94...... One astle............//6,47 27,139......... 1876 66 25 26..../ 38 204 446 8,035 4 N ew~~ochelle.... 23 10,775.......... 19,170!..........524:334 29 47 299 2890, 28 46 1 05........ PalmrtCaste. 93 5,4..............0/6,15,6 1,04 i/5 0717 299.... 792 5 04:95 78 124,5123 1397 19,08 Rorhsaem.... 5 455..........1/ 9,422,46/ 345,196 1 / 1/9 3 I23....I 59 361 ~, 87 198,040 92,6.12 4,5 527 Savannah........ 110 108492,945//.......... 72,4149 ] 62 6{...3509 [4 174/ 177,4423 /5,4050,10 8 Walwort............ 1 1 3 4571,690............../ 1 3 5 71 91 5 110 979 96~, 137 4-,5731.............. Williamson......t 148/ 30 47,420................. 49 68/99 184 11 9 28 11.7 4208 9 28,4352 25,3 0 2,72 Rye............ 1~ ~ ~ ~~I............. 1376!65 40 31 32 o 34 33 6312 0 7 Totrsale........,864 1,20,10439,9. I...... 2,800 13048 1138 35. l!n9 164 5,56,19932-,440t1-,5- 7- 957 WESTCHSTERCUNTY-(ConTinXd n p)39.) AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. 1385 ULSTER COUNTY-(CONTINUED). SHEEP. POULTRY.'~ DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES, 1864. - TOWNS. C Z Lamibs Lambs Pounds of Pounds of Sheep Number Value owned, Value sold, Value of eggs ~ Yards Yards Yards Yards of 18 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 36.2 1865. in 1864. raised in raised in wool shorntvool shorn slaug-h- killed by 1865. 1864. sold, 1864. of fulled of flannel. of linen. cotton and 1864. 1865. in 1864. in 1865. Itered in do-s in'~ cloth. mixed 1864. 18'64. C-,- cloths. Saugerties......... 742 863 3,610 3,609 524 65 i'$4,895 00 $1,488 00 $3,732 00 ~1,676 50 248 2473 6051 56 0Shandaken........ 643 842 2,689 3,5171,00 40300 14960 33700 174 381....... 84 Shawangunk....... 261 224 6,8261! 8,093 120 13 4,96200 2,834 00 4,00500,51500 50 324 86....... Wawarsing ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~1,2..... 1,4 339i2 0 ~~~~~~~,T 0 15030,575~ 509 Wawarsing........ 1,3421,458 5,575 6,095 339 60 3,31500 1,34700 2,33200 1,612 0 0 820 1,731 3141 30 Woodstock........ 9321,132 3,724 4,363 125 11 1,488 00 565 50 6290 00 252 673 324' 143 Total.......... 12,13115472 60,78341 69,482 5 171 484 55292 2 29,277 20 36,6010 19,0 1 7 4,0044-9,7744-6,29i 1,256 WARREN COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Bolton............ 1 2721 1,475 10,727 11,813 139 10 71700 50625 405 50.......... 669 1,3881 338 211 Caldwell.......... 481 557 2,8341 3.291i 109 12 554 50 296 50 271 00.......... 252 640....... 47 Chester........... 1371 2,210 13,092 14,173 314 12 1,123 75 47 050 1800 705 2,749 2823 35 4~~1 70 50 800 01,9 2 21 3 Hague............ 666 744 7,436~1 8,080 46 21 1 336 02 269 64 206 92 50 17 5112 272 166 35 Horicon........... 726 1,032 5,167 7,0363I 103 44 [ 308 00 167 33 91 33........../l 7304' 15423[ 38 30 Johnsburgh....... 1,416 1,747 12,454l 14,083 247 109 / 927 00 356 00 294 00 33 00 6242 1,9611 184....... 356 O0 29 ~ ~ ~ ~4 O0330 li62-1 196-1 14. Luzerne........... 79 972 11 751 7,3781.84 20 1,626 00 1,14600 52300 30400 257 508 49 40 Queensbury....... 2,047 2,196 14,6811 16,226l 244 261 3,176 00 1,503 00 2,844 50 1,554 50 I 5021 1,039 15513 31 Stony Creek....... 489 475 3,667 3,805~ 61 9 557 38 532 00 86 00.......... 397 1,018....... 84 Thurman.......... 789 943 5,603 7,272 144 18 i 1,358 00 580 00 409 00 | 465 1,076 25....... Warrensburgh..... 863 988 6,421 7,189 112 59 396 50 223 00 101 00 138 98 324 660 66....... Total........... 10,91113,339 93,835 100,262_1,603 340 |l,080 15 6,285 58 5,702 75 2,103 65 4,978002,855 1,245 | 513 WASHINGTON COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Argyle............ 2,877i 3,765i 23,966 32,991 200 14 4,704 15 3,980 78 4,829 75 1,831 20 48 65 198....... Cambridge........ 4,006 4,2301 43,707i 39,881 346 17 3,118 00 4.378 60 1,566 00 1,860 25....... 40 105....... Dresden........... 1,0221 1,187 12,048 13,968! 28 17 5,300 00 454 00 123 00 16 00I 21 119.............. Easton............ 5,670' 6,788 62,622 50,823 176 31 4,212 00 4,994 50 2,628 00 317 00 351 155 12....... Fort Ann.......... 2,2901 2,619 29,312 23,385 58 14 1,985 25 1.044 00 1,221 00 21 50 I111 219 245....... Fort Edward...... 916! 1,294 9,695 13,062 54 19 1,594 00 1,260 00 795 00 427 00............................ Granville........ 2,565 3,001 44,317,1 49,618 57 76 2,914 60 2,359 20 1,619 80 540 72 12' 16.............. Greenwich........ 2,230 3,1991 23,9701 30,53011 356 26 3,155 50 2,882 50 2,902 50 2,263 05 18( 20 97....... H1ampton.......... 936 1,2311 20,333 20,601 35 27 684 00 898 00 290 00 330 10....... 3 0....... Hartford.......... 3,343 3,794 58,394 62,313 107 3 2,753 00 2,279 00 2,539 00 363 00....... 40 37....... Hebron......'..... 2,122 2,846! 24,569 32,615 81 23 2,586 00 2,486 00 2,280 00 1,767 00 21 7 7 208 18 Jackson........... 2,922 3,312 32,245 33,167 93 12 2,693 00 3,059 00 2,440 00................. 20 99....... Kingsbury......... 1,657 1,986 20,285 25,060 85 22 1,847 00 1,125 50 1,016 50.......... 19 57 54 11 Putnam........... 1,225 1,373 13,808 17,219 37 4 43310 17485 27415 4150 50 493 45....... Salem............. 3,538 3,839 43,246 46,9802 118 24 3,762 00 3,649 13 2,284 50 2,282 70....... 54 30....... White Creek....... 4,076 5,147 69,564 70,680 86 82 2,169 00 1,908 00 1,306 50 1,00100.............. 20....... Whitehall......... 3,644 4,331 47,650 57,225 11 147 90500 55400 39550 36500....... 45.............. Total........... 457039 53,942'580,7327,1620,119W^1,92| 558 \\40,045 60 i,37,48-7 06 128, 511 20 1_13, 427 02_ _652' 1, 433 1, 180 | 29 WAYNE COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Arcadia........... 3,64413,54046,603 32,145 106 2114,64100 2,6956413,19485 7,01600 58 351 271 40 Butler............ 2,486 3,185 32,264 36,480 15 69 2,575 00 1,872 00 3,633100 234I50....... 248 325....... Galen............. 2,.300 2,800 25,180 28,786 132 104 3,72950 3,08576 3,41813 1 14 4 79 360 68'30 Huron......... 1,8571 2,1921 19,480 21,975 97 441 2,24050 1,43250 2,93400 17250 11 305 104....... 168'i01~~-56 1 2 Lyons............ 2,424': 2, 5521 26,978 29 86 32 i2,566 00. 1, 87300 1,84900 91600 19....... Macedon.......... 2,8251 3,222| 41,314 42,135 Ill 39 3,488 00 5,263 50 2,313 00 3,458 00i....... 12 25....... ~~~~~~5 8 0 0 45 Mariona.......... 2,051 2,449 31,993 32,739 224 19 2,61050 2,21675 3,156795 524 258 51 77 126 6 Ontario........... 2,146 32,658 24,966 27,404 7 5 4 82000 2,45200 1,229 00 124 00 299. 475 476....... Palmyra.......... 2,'8703,25742,143 42,984 102 81 1,905 00'2,927 00 1,74300 1,97380 24 52 35....... Rose.............. 1,992' 2,020 21,082 18,7894 136 20 2,26525 1,678549 3,7897 24431 12 175 2253....... Savannah.......... 1, 17,090 9 1,950 85 1,34490 2,08563 19026 23 3 17450 1,9 202,9010 141 305 131....... WLyons...........2,3414 2,768226,435127,5875 201 9,3.51 00 1,3060 2,849400 28200 68 51 155.... Milacedon.........2,8235 3,22413/4026,8 3/11 39,0 0 3 2,727800 5,429350 23,8200 3,475 73.262 759.... Maron.t........... 2]8|310 7313,1s19 8 3080,0 03240 10 6 2 9....... Totl........ 38,8051 2,449 315,993/2!5,779 24 2,2966104,7950 2,4186754 |4,5795 532' 5i'l79862| 1,1t,48j 268/ 43 Ontarord...........2 598 4631 2,3958 49 1,333 4 7 5 5,955000 i,45,25700 4,267900 12493001 299| 4475...;... Cortlandt........ 215 23| 595 \ 6901 9 1 5,428 5 3,05650 2,43 35 I 1,03250? 20 44............ Palmyhstra........ 9 55 41 27 3 8 3,86 0 6100 920|4,02 50 |............... Grenbugh.. /2, 870 6,76 42,145 ~ 2,9405,9 102 1,750 00 3,527073 2,87200 1,931800 i................. Borrse.......... 89 16 24 67 8..... 4,74 00[1500,80.1 0.............. Lewsboouh.../ 1,562,2 174,5082 68,96 11 1 2,32625 00i,7069 00,11970 861501....... 30 5........... M m rn c............................. o,4 1o0 o 485 00 9 2 0 1 0 |................ S oduisa a......................,........... 15,021 40,09~ 282......... 30200 8 0, 800 1, 3...................... Mlounth..asn.....899.90 2,8601 2,7768 164527,7 018 3,506,43 0600 4,07400 4,24500 8 1,27 00 S................. eWiclastle......../ 783 1,20t26, 1 45 |31,4011 57....,68700 92,250 1,537.00; i488 70 2 75...........1.... WoNorthatl.........124 3,1008 527,3 1/ 71 3,08060 1,80450,2,83400 1178900 26................. North alem...... 4 5 350,25l51 1,002- 9 18,472 0 | 2,03 00 28 00.........11........................ Totalin........... 4 6i459 2,95 5 6 7179041 4575444,7.... 1,850 4690 600 00 I 1,043 50 4 8 4 9............1... Pch m.................'............. 1, 60 0 245 03..... 3 0 i...........!... Bedounridge.. 29!43 1 266 3956 1, 3 95I 18 5 2,33200,2,13100 4,893 00:2:680011 120 44.......l....... Crtel.............. 218234 59 5 301 5,50; 3,05504... 2,4001 00 380 1,481 00 ii 2,07 4 4 II....]..........]..... EarstChestr........ 64 981 55 500 |, 363 10.... 1,832 00 | 1 6000 716 00 |4,0281 00 I.......1.......!.. |.........~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Cotne oooag 39..).. Greenburgh... 58 0, 14,9 ;~86 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. WESTCHESTER COUNTY —(CONTINUED). ACRES. CASH VALUE. ACRES PLOWED. ACRESTN GRASS LANDS. FALLOW. TOWNS. Acres in pasture. Meadow. Improved. Unimprov- Of farms. Of stock. Of tools and 1864. 1865. 1864. 1865. 1865. ed. 1865. 1565. 1865. implemints., 1865. 1864. 1865. Acres. Acres. 1S64. 1865. Somers.............. 16,806|1 2,858 $1,272,553 $208,758 1829,649 2,5575 2,4271........... 8,306 8, 371 5,2231i 5,3731 Westchester~~~~4 3 16 19 7 0 0 8 43 17,4 9 2'` 6............6~ Westchester......... 4,4631 3,165 1,937,000 88,437 17,794 9321 936s...... 15 2,7452 2,571 2;323/ 2,367$ West Farms.......... 2,190s2 706 3,636,250 101.957 12,264 418 548 19 9 546- 574' 1,0321 1,055 Vhite Plains......... 3,262 735 649,500 44,925 20,140 617 641 4 4 892 909 920 934 Yonkers............. 7,157 3,498 3,801,050 102,791 21,201 1,298 1,353 67sj 12 2,714 2,723 1,86312 1,999 Yorktown........... 18,793, 4,9122 1,801,320 224,021 58,7720 4,038 3,8501 6 9 8,1581 8,277 5,9004 6,135 Total.......... 067,414 37,587,333 2,479,275 586,086 3 3 61 757l 555 80,078| 80, -707,96 62,428 63,927 WYOMING COUNTY. Attica............... 15,906 3,941s 760,735 144,325146,660 2,260 2,362 81 58 8,091 8,330 5,276 5,310 Bennington..........23,421 10,094 814,340 142,950 34,936 4,9824 4 872' 69 79 11,749 11,918 5,930 5,882 Castile........ 17,4811 4,197 1,184,980 175,521 36,392 4,8669 4,623 272s 170s 4,949 5,203 3,430 3,473 China............... 19,4131 9,3291 628,760 146,530 24.779 2,150^ 2,185}............ 11,734 11,576 5,374s 5,462~ Covington............ 13,498 2,791 845,591 137,118 30,245 3,914s/ 3,47711 762 7381 3,849s 3,904s 2,888s 3,000 Eagle............... 13,996- 7,504s 483,955 110,531 19,712 2,1671 2,255............ 6,7912 6,9141 4,4181 4,3921 Gainesville.......... 15,787s 5,187 739,499 135,461 28,717 3,2891 3,332[ 27 3 6,029 6,332 4,4391 4,744. Genesee Falls......... 5,850s 3,4181 403,770 56,404 12,658 1,625s 1,643 93 4 2,2241 2,1331 1,339 1,311 Java................ 17,9021 10,388 759,088 154,169 25,963 3,5030s 3,446}1. 8 9,063 9,137 5,542. 5,608 91~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 48 ]1 90 3[, 3Middlebury.......... 17,481i 4,842 1,162,618 162,688[ 31,631 3,5141 3,32311 3001 4271 7,0571 7,139' 4,810s 5,0065 Orangeville........... 15,577i 5,920 577,030 121,303 24,570 1,9081 1,997s18......8,698s 5,096 5,104| ~'.erry............... 1.....:ll 8,70211 8,698~[ 5,0961~ 5,1(hll~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~912 2......... 9 9 Perry............... 18,293 4,281 1,236,603 207,658 35,666 4,155 3,864s[ 489 5851 5,314 5,514 4,763 5,057 Pike................. 13,527 4,838 609,480 116,377 20,302 2,2241 2,1011............ 7,71 6,090 4.2091 4,371 Sheldon.............. 23,5191 7,543 714;099 133,209 32,995 3,0811 2,9121.....' 9 10,308 11,4931 5,36911 5,4341 Warsaw............. 17,214s 4,6041 1,070,398 185,655 30,474 3.154. 3,054 48 49 7,5871 7,770 5,3731 5,396W Wethersfield......... 14,8461 8,247 1,631,220 110,638 62,951 2,2541 2,34241 15...... 6,5251 6,642s 5,140 5,177^ Total............. 263,7161 97,1261 13,622,086 2,240,,!498, 651 149,0521 47,79312,1571-2, 132 117,69 2ll18,7951 73,401 i 74,7281 YATES COUNTY. Barrington........ 17,212 4,933 993,441 147,183 32,130 | 4.3431 4,685'1 419 311 3,97611 4,2861 3,302-1 3,6781 Benton.............. 20,3711 4,7691 1,753,525 199,028 55,681 5,101.1 5,1221 698s- 628s 4,14611 4,672| 3,386 3.7591 Italy................ 15,552 10,349 694,982 144,746 24,287 3,605| 3,6411 21 110 5,584 5,336s 3,3531 3,5521 Jerusalem............. 25,913 7,900 1,722,290 279,359 68,144 7,305 6,835 666s 599 8,522s1 8,130s 6,481 6,441 Middlesex........... 12,414s 5,827s 851,073 113,602 26,060 3,561 3,476 293 305 4,000s/ 4,149 2,074 2,2835 Milo................ 18,294s 4,377 1,356,500 172,007 42,218 6,6441 5,879s' 470 172 4,598|1 4,940i 3,270 3,489~ Potter............... 15,7308| 6,02041 1,172,689 199,405 43,538 5,46141 4,6531'~ 238 301 4,567s~ 4,6141 3,0981' 3,0871 Starkey.............. 15,494s 4,016 1,448,221 174,367 37,936 5,6631 5,137s 440 491s 3,981 4,0111 2,916 3,108 Torrey.............. 10,179 2,761 983,000 114,908 25,336 2,743 2,880 330 340 2,867s 2,844 1,996 2,224 Total.............^15106g50,9531110,9715,721 |l,544,_605 ~355,3|4,284,10357 3,258 ||42,245 42,9851' 29,877 3,2 T tl..............15 0 30 4 1 62 1428-7 42,310c' 3,576~~~.:o~1..............~,~,0~0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~8 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS.387 WESTCHESTER COUNTY-(CONTINUED.) GRASS LANDS. SPRING WHEAT. WINTER WHEAT. OATS. WINTER RYE. Meadow. Acres sown. Acres sown. Acres sown. Acres sown. TOWNS. Bushels Bushels Bushels harvested. harvested. harvested. Tons of Bushels of 1864. 1865. 1864. 1863. 1864. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1864. 1863. 1864. hav.. grass seed. 1864. 1864. Somers............ 6,9081 6........ 4........ 1071 130 1,546 939 882 30,704 3661........ Westchester......... 3,042........ -........ 16 7s 7l 107 197 187 6404 43 54West Farms........ 1,644.......................... 51 3 35 89 94 3155 21 26 White Plains........ 1,344.................... 99 99i 1 845 154[ 162 5097 671 58 Yonkers~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~....,90' Yonkers............ 2,900... 11 I....... 300 21 2 357 3771 347' 7 987 243 1981 Yorktown........... 6,4281 35........................ 24 217 2,458 1,234 1,313|133005 598, 578 Total............. 78,237 58 | 301 36 729 1,8912 18-70 28,214 10,037{ 10,6541| 286,276 5,7455 4,6582 WYOMING COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Attica.......... 5,020 15 553 514 6,601 105 152 1,284 692 787 11,719........... Bennington......... 4,165 38 846i 6521 3,'281 63 1051 707 2,2021 2,197118,109 55 25 Castile............. 4,0261 2531 311 174/ 2,566 1 5511 1, 5541 17,579 1,031/ 1,169 27,1351, 20 ]........ China........... 4,576 38 3271 2059/ 1,971 5 63 56 1,3001 1.3981 24,887.......... Covington........... 2,9363 543 270 1001 2,445 1,0311 1,12621 13,461 3861 594 1 1,461 17 14 Eag~le............. 4,0231 421 4081 3121 2,6341 3........ 20 1,2351 1,361 24,0431......... Gainesville.......... 3,925 70 3583 2791 2,541 68 751 1,009 1/ 5,79~1 1,669 28,130 9........ Genesee Falls........ 1,608 48 185 17814 1,4561 2042 229 1,796 4911 5123 9,501 101........ Java............... 5,451 33/ 6761 593 6,476 32 90 530 1,679 1,6901 35,573........ 4 Middlebury......... 4 4 741 3831 3441 2,5485 8611 9391 11,140 77013 883314,142 4 4 2 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~,4 4 2 1}4 4 91 Orangeville.......... 4,858| 21 483 370 3,486 27.............. Perry.............. 5,415 297 4761' 281 3, 557 1,3481 1,144 15,669 94813 9451 23,402 5.... Pike................ 4,0271 91 3721 3373 3,146 7 39 276 1,039 1,176119,618............. 7~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,q 4 2....... Sheldon............ 4,2741 421 5611 3963 1, 9 63 373 411 4891 16 1,629I1 9351 18,938 351 74 Warsaw............ 6,227 61 411 3901 3,384 158| 191 1,906 1,0761 1,135 21,935 121 4 Wethersfield......... 4,525 861 3641 256 2,5121 70 27 852 1,200 1,254123,559................ Total............. _69,97341 1,266 6,9891 5,386| 50, 605-1 5,5461 5,7231 66,774 || 18,029 19,552 | 325,-044-1 168- 125 YATES COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Barrington.......... 3, 894|1 147 118 85 4751 1,4001 1,665|1 14,730 1,7111 1,908 29,798 199|I 609 Benton.............. 4, 319 304 19 1 160 2,779 2,81441 36,400 1,4751 1,457 31,292 431 38 Italy.............. 3,96041 73 5481/ 4531 3,152 301 439| 2,366|/ 1.4261 1,571| 24,106 1681 211 Jerusalem....... 7,338 311 397| 286! 2,155 2, 369 2,417 24,512 2,772 2,8361 42,281 1,019|1 804| Middlesex............ 2,600| 82 1371 851 1,041 1,900 2,048 20,886 1,008 9841 18,218 122 430 Milo.................. 3, 57341 129 2114 21 128 2,838 2,8501 29,117 1,2771 1,407 19,852 1871 262| Potter.............. 3,714 1771 291 26 182 2,3391 2,1441 25,722 1,414 1,477 28,143 500|I 263 I~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 ~ 31 Starkey.......... 2,920 701 191 4| 145 2,1201 2,048|1 20,363|1 1,231|{ 1,266|20,155 243 108 Torrey............. 2,1851 51................. 2,3214 2,1401 23,722 1,0051 965121,769 10 17 Total............. 34,505 1,344112911 963 | 7,438-1 18,3691 18,5681197,819 13,322 13,873 235,614 2,493 2,5531.......... 34........' 2 2 9 388.AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. WESTCHESTER COUNTY-(CONTINUED). W^INTE BARLEY. BUCKWHEAT. INDIAN CORN. PSTA RY.E. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TOES. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Acres sw./ Acres sown. Acres sown. For the grain. For fodder. pt TO W N S. _______ _______________; __ _____ Bushels Bushels Bushels harvested. harvested. harvested. Acres planted. Bushels Acres sown. 1864. 1864. i865. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1864. harvested. 1864. 1864. I 1864. 1865. 1864. 1865. Somers.................. 3,660....................... 984 71 1,590 8591 34,133 291 27 471 Westchester.............. 679 10 8/ 320 1 1 10 301' 283| 11,766 101/ 51 182A West Farms.............. 670 10 7 300 5 3 60 1161 1171 5,040 4 5 871 W hite Plains............. 1,134 23 24 640........................ 243 280A, 8,830............ 95s Yonkers................. 4,016 9 3 170 241 10 296 381 389 11,530 8 104 174 Yorktown................ 7,1 336................ 277 3 4,3991, 1,128 1,219 53,967 6' 3 724 Total. 75,452 100 169|1 3,015 1,5761 481 11,850||/ 12,8411,3 0 233 ortw...........0].5.. WYOMING COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Attica............................ 149 168 2,703 46 26 472 2441 293 11,243 41 12 1461 Bennington.............. 172 280[ 343 2,838 147 2171 1,102 311 1 4201 7,823 14 381 388 Castile................... 79 1,132 1,488|1 24,402 83i1 421 1,3021 1,1631 1,4204 45,684 32 251 138 79 It 1,13~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~2[ 4 4' 4~ China............................ 64 8114 1,112 22}[ 173/ 242 / 8841 101} 2,504} 14| 238! 2281 Coving-ton................ 197 2453 487 1 3,996 24/ 24 427 696/ 817 23,135 2 7 | 1161 Eage............................. 1241 148} 1,907 70} 561 6891 39| 69h 1,0061 5 10|! 157| aiesvill e,............/........... 2871 300| 5,232 18 5|I 129 1,622- 28314 435 9,698...... 7i 1631 Genesee Falls...................... 189 197 2, 766 351 4a 55 3 33212- 3091,~ 438 10,906 2 212 75 II 12I 416 3,01111 50 20 598'I 219~1 208} 5,724 I 1 2` 24 Javae............................. 1721 2161 3,012 2| Middlebury............... 104 137 3721 2,016 421 601 6871 676I 7798 21,563 275 161 148 Orangeville........................ 7241 821 1,158 89 10 869 591 671 1,721 341 29111 2191 Perry...................... 40 418 75912 8,653 125 104 2,511 7671 1,0861 24,214 4 181 159 Pike.............................. 1191 13914 2,042 93| 891 736 200 2821 6,670 91 15i 145| Sheldon.................. 537 205 634I 2,036 34 381 311 198, 297' 5,,563 101 20' 320 Warsaw................. 166 801 136 1,411 128 149}[ 1,79591. 31914 420 11,202 16|[ 14|1 1991 Wethersfield...................... 664 1181 1,061 688 61| 789 28~ 501 884' 25| 50| 1361 Barrington................ 2,748 1,120| l, 168 I 12, 578 4423 524 I 8,274 685 895 33,481...... 1| 104 Benton.................. 605 1, 179-1, 1,504 22,045 237 1931 4511 l, 607' 1, 901' 56,066 | 2 143 Italy.................... 428 3044 268| 2,7951 349 351 3,o738 3441 4531 16,552 11 1 1222 Jerusalem............... 3,807 7391 748 8,407 464|1 4824' 8, 742 1,247 1,433 35,447 421 441 188 I Middlesex................ 2,065 1, 1861 1,196 18,678 57i 43 863 8591 1,0871 32,024............ 961' Milo..................... 910 8781 1,1371 11,588 274 91 4,583 1, 3661 1,355 62,275 8 7 1041 Potter................... 3,884 1, 080 -1 1, 215 16,460 179 1094 3,452 1, 479' 1, 612 46, 396 5 7 1221Starkey.................. 1,357 1,4192 1,5841 18,145 3351 2351 6,568 1,112 1,27481 34,780 177 3 31 105 Torrey,........ 20 748 I 1,0,81 72578 11 1,016 1811 62,01............ 60 Total.................. 1 8 91 2,4118,719,1 4 T tl.................. 15448 352 1 9 4 1,5 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. 389 WESTCHESTER COUNTY-(CONTINUED). POTATOES. PEAS. BEANS. TURNIPS. FLAX. Acres placteds Acres sown. - Acres'planted. Acres sown. Acres sown. TOWNS. planed..... Bushels Bushels Bushels Bushels Bushels harvested. harvested. h arvested seed. 1865. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1864. 1861. 1865. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1864. Somers............. 4444 57,656........................ 4........ 40 2...... 150.............. W estchester........ 178 17,500 1 5 7........................ 49j 2 9,757.................... W est Farms........ 8641 6,060........................ 1 Is 10 135 6 2,625.................... W hite Plains......................... 2,650.................... Yonkers............ 206j 14,960 4 6 522 k 4 11 20-! 65 4,814.................... Yorktown........... 7891 89,408........................... 21 4 34 8. 270.................... Total............. 6.123-q601,781 || I-I, 10 979 551 211i 262 | 8731 100 92,812 3!| 5! 22 WYOMING COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Attica............ 14441 16,791 86 84-I 1,135 66 96, 9902!...................... I 1 7 Bennington......... 4105 26,094 137~ 1264 1,251 52 50i 469.............. 2 12~] 91 57 Castile............ 11714 20,939 521 40 6561 194 80~ 3,838 2 g1 382 29 31 271...... 46 1 i/ 51 l/ ~/ ~1 60// 1~1 n/ ~ ~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 48' China........ 226 27,735 / 341 46 672 /] 11 51 i 1 60 4 1 3 51 Covington......... 12341 14,345 62 36- 852 1,4331 9361 22,102 81...... 114 4 10 22 Eagle.............. 1651 21,410 58' 56/ 865 10|/ 91 2452-1 1 / 577 111 91 127, Gainesville.......... 1861 19,8441 220 2281 3,173 1264' 55 1,8049 1 1 400 4 Genesee Falls........ 74 9,773 49 3941 669 73' 29N 1,0321!...... 140 ] 5s 48 Java............... 27251 31,670 901 961 1,608 48' 38| 885 1 3 178 I11 2|1 34 Middlebury......... 1411 17,581 93I 1001 1,3001 7751 2122 11,510............. 9 24g1 16~1 194 Orangeville......... 2241 24,063 881 73 1,1871 7 31 1081.............. 90 5[ 21 33 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 ] 1 1 1 Perry.............. 161AI 24,074 287" 2631 12,025'5155 2881 9,549 2 i 275 39d 31 3875 Pike............... 1641i 16,966 951 8941 1,434 351 21| 651 21 1I 776 11 11 82 Sheldon............. 316!1 27,390 1311 1201 1,569 331 238 195...................... 651 68 30 Warsaw............ 20741 25,470 178 1685[ 2,55321 2355I 1795 5,2605 4[ 80 358 39| 299 Wethers-field........ 143jl 9,480 961 1441 1,786 62 17-1 1275- 1 1 175 47-7 32 7661'rotal............. 3,079343,625i 1,760' 1,7141 32,736/ 3,6131 2,046 58,819 l1 s5 3,258 _303[ 192 2,6941 YATES COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Barrington.......... 128 10,602 1| 1 6 8 151 98.............. 126 1 25 8 Benton............. 142! 18.262 51 1 153 294 51 383 1 ~ 134 77 64 756 Italy............... 1371/ 13,569 421 42| 418 9 5 1571 ~ i 110 9 1 165 6 Jerusalem........... 218}1 24,123 41U1 3641 456 60 21 6721'...... 34 241 4 1405 Middlesex........... 92 j 11,250 2k 2i 4 1671 155.............. 15 10...... 120 Milo............... 1201 12,227 6 r 7 53 231 9 354'...... 75 70 4 456 Potter.............. 12712 16,347 41 51 63 172 41 2471 1...... 165 97i 54~1 618i Starkey............ 108| 12,911 3| 37 42 19 6601 5....... 5...... 15 Torrey............. 66- 7,522 71 11 5 4 95I 20 16...... 71 Total............. 1,142'1126,813 115 1055! 1,201- 21241 86 2,824 || 41 679 3101 1451 2,252 390 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. WESTCHESTER COUNTY-(CONTINUED). FLAX. IIEMP. I-OPS. TOBACCO. APPLE ORCHARDS. MARKET _______ ________________ ______________________ G A R D E N S Acres sown. Acres in crop. Acres planted.Acres cultiTOW NS. _____ ____________vated. Pounds of Lbs. of Pounds har- --- Pounds har- Number of Bushels of Barrels of lint. hemp. vested. vested. trees in apples. cider. ------ 1864. 1864. 1865. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1S64. fruit. 1864. 1864. 1864. Somers......................... |.................................. 13,882 28,235 812 19........ W estchester........................................................... 4,301 1,711 49 26 W est Farms.................................................. I.IIII IIIIIII.IIIIIg,IIIII IIII....... 2,533 4,644 45 l W hite Plains...............................!.................................................... 2,751 12,635 846........ Yonkers...................... I................................................................ 10,950 16,518 755 14 Yorktown............................................................... 1 680 23, 356 36, 125 1,0813 3i Total.............. __2,_580_ ^_._^._. ^ ^ \^ ^........I __ 31..... II _ 3^ 7,570 1294,380 497,2523| 16,603 | 1.41 WYOMING COLTNTY-(CONTINUED.) Attica....................................I..................................................... 24,539 33,947 736 2 Bennington.............................................................. I 4 300 21,068 30,025 533........ Castile................ 1,869.................. 3 3 2,274 7i I 4,424 13,079 35,194 5741;~........ China................ 82.................. 6 7t 4, 800...................... 3,003 5,256063 IIIII....... Covington............. 4,000........................................... 714...... 10,600 13,135 28,050 32093l|........I I Eag~le................. 1,590............................................................... 6,009 7,619 26 A........ Gainesville............ 21, 500................................................................ 13,706 27,838 4871-.... Genesee Falls.......... 4, 500.................. 4 4 4, 160...................... 5, 100 10, 767 2634........ Java............................................. 1 6 15 12, 135...................... 13,7531 29,942 211........ Middlebury............ 1501......... 4 4 750 1611...... 22,850 19,7454 44, 695 343.......i Orangeville.............................................................. 2i1 li 3,000 12, 105 22,890 214........ Perry................ 2,083.................. 31U 43' 37,0561i 14i....... 16, 31.2 18,959 36,750 481 1 I~~~ ~ Lb4 mf 8] -- Pike............................................ 5 5 4,400 11...... 1, 600 8,984 17, 899 315........ Sheldon............... 141................................................................ 18, 125 30,340 545........ W arsaw.............. 1, 330.......................................... 6|...... 9,800 17,957 33,205 56012 I........ I W ethersfield.......... 6, 660................................................................ 8, 639 13, 120 160........ Tota............ 44708.................. 69 4 811| 65, 575 | 56 _21 _68, 886_,217, 3930 407,841 5,834j __3 YATES COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Barrington............ 19,000.......................................... 41 314 4,717 11, 581 11, 561 278........ Benton............... 5,640.......................................... 12 4| 14,500 17,.809 17, 831 i 499 8. Italy.................................................................... l...... I 400 13, 855 8, 883 1091........ Jerusalem................................... 1 I 2 2,000 15,223 11, 310 28 4 -........ M iddlesex............. 4,000................................................... 270 8, 753 9,364 134.... I~~~~~~~~~.... M ilo............................................................. 25 8 22,130 11,502 14,711 378 51 Potter................ 15,000.......................................... 941 16,366 24,027 634........ Starkey............... 800............................ 44 20r 67,860 14,216 237553 588 lj Torrey.................................................................. 134' 2 10,900 8,064 10,404 1 251........ Total............... 44,440:.................................... 103' 423 123,718 117,369 131,644 3,1561 15g AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. 391 WESTCHESTER COUNTY-(CONTINUED). MARKET GARDENS. 0 10 * ~ wNEAT CATTLE. a5~~~~~~~~~~~Oc.~ _4 ~ 0 - I::. C' TOWNS. Acs cl L6 hO ^!> I cl Milch Cows. 1865. ~| | | | | |~ ~~ ~-^. ^ JS ^o-S S| 1864. 1865. Somers...... —.......-............... 32 1,583 Westchester..... 29i~, $3,835 00............................................. 180 160 44 93 703 669 West Farms...... 1132,22 00 00...................................... 89 79 27 59 394 389 W hite Plains........ 25 00............................................ 20 8 10 88 234 240 Yonkers........ 14 7,669 00.............................. 311 294 46 109 490 526 Yorktown....... 6 546 00 52 4 7 968 34...... 266 211 141 369 1,413 1,400 Total.......... 1361 37,320 65 11- 662 11,239 341...... 384 3-177 2,409 4,190 16,719 17,154 WYOMING COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Attica..9......... 2 150 00 30,179 79 2 1, 675 102...... 199 247 2041 38 1,250 1,192 Bennington........................ 26,709 174.... 2,039 287...... 253 259 173 113 1,266 1,113 Castile............................ 650 126i 5 2,331 78...... 425 436 650 61 961 929 China.......................... 37 918 160...... 2,760 166..214, 364 341 46 2,015 1,811 Covington.................... 5,659 24...... 156 168 187 34 449 461 Eagle............................. 67,347 182...... 2,248 178...... 227 260 179 59 1,021 859 Gainesville.................., 24785 131...... 2,069 43...... 215 269 249 20 833 862 Genesee Falls.................. 1,080 5...... 274 32...... 155 148 189 10 384 338 Java.............................. 31,415 21...... 350 20...... 399 577 323 98 1.,853 1,828 Middlebury.............. 72 00 29,815 197 205 1,919 173...... 532 456 163 5 877 751 Orange~ville.............. 85 00 22,8710 51 1 1,869 124...... 190 198 143 28 2,006 1,856 Perry........... 1 150 00 18,708 116 100 1,671 80...... 280 5298 286/14 883 859 Pike.................... 30000 29,238 87...... 1375 129..... 262 238 106 13 991 959 Sheldon................. 4,996 00 24,342 202...... 1,505 127.314 62 239 77 2,211 2,019 Warsawy........ 1,87100 18,719 165 III 3,533 1.....53 26 274 50 1,177 1,101 Wethersfield....................... 44,990 143...... 1, 140 102...... 1 228 206 144 54 1,292 1, 391 Total....... 3 1 3 7,624 00 1414,424 _1, 863' | 424 27,088 1 1,79 72... 4, 313 |4, 7i9___^,850 720 19, 499 |18, 329 YATES COUN TY-(CONTINUED). Barrington............... 100 00 230 5 249 10,275 51...... 290 343 301 16 693 679 Benton.......... 8 67041 3,535 173 118 2,498 150..... 32 341 355 22 912 921 Italy............................ 3, 365 105 16 3, 558 137...... 319 269 173 22 652 630 Jerusalem......................... 2,070 105 15 4,182 243...... 444 466 481 48 1,161 1,138 Middlesex......................... 500 26 3 887 36...... 257 258 109 16 529 528 Milo............. 5' 1,100 00 602 77 20 2,415 156...... 288 328 282 14 820 82 Potter................... 200,00 7,817 400 58 1,......,.... 317 305 315 20 811 783 Starkey......... I 40600 635 86 185 1,428 126...... 277 330 297 16 847 840 Torrey............................ 31 62 4 1,509 76...... 177 179 107 12 494 487 Total........ 2,701 2,819 2,420 186 6,919 6, 828 392 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. WESTCHESTER COUNTY —(CONTINUED). NEAT CASTTLEBUTTER. CHEESE. HORSES. SWINE. SHEEP. 11d1 "Gallons of TOWNS. ^milk sold, o'd Pounds made. Pounds made, 1864. Col*s of Colts of Two years ~ Pigs of Season of Slaughtered Pounds of pork Shorn in Shorn in 1864. 1864. 1864. 1865. old and 6 1S65. 1864 and in.'1864. made, 1864. 1864. 1865.'S'S~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~over, 1865. older. Somers........ 207 68,975.......... 359.647 20 10 405.... 827 366 1,013 187,108 1,197 1,388 Westchester 22.... 6,611...... 173,451 31 32 511 7 256 137 245 50,075 67 64 West Farms.... 18 17,955.......... 280 7 10 529 8 132 49 132 21,291 64.68 White Plains... 14,380.......... 7,830 3 1 140.... 162 140 192 36,430 16 4 Yonkers........ 29 18,029 136 42,469 2 6 479 4 390 182 322 60,177 97 99 Yorktown...... 129 102,460.......... 116,561 24 12 584. I,389 500 1,370 230,855 2,049 1,632 Total........ 2U99 7257032 186 249 220 8,930 l07 10,884 6,076 11,606 2,226,120 8,182 7,269 WYOMING COUNTY —(CONTINUED). Attica......... 116 55,528 181,680.......... 36 40 36.... 5420 495 380! 110,019 6,316 6,407 Bennington.... 125 73,010 38,825 43,157 53 67 652.... 158 306 557 124,155 11,592 10,109 Castile........ 160 110,028 45,263.......... 55 39 553 35 715 530 735 177,029 11,194 10,827 China......... 219 159,710 197,159.......... 43 46 524 4 154 291 385 95,511 3,512 3,460 Covington...... 84 44,779.................... 24 26 459 7 2,80 371 426 100,671 11,706 12,451 Eagle.......... 63 84,980 62,519.......... 38 30 342 1 192 218 278 67,771 7,276 7,286 Gainesville..... 131 59,795 53,400.......... 49 60 482 6 335 639 376 95,526 11,551 7,088 Genesee Falls. 96 33,480 4,500.......... 17 12 227.... 173 148 243 62,901 3,315 3,317 Ja'va.......... 142 156,162 78,180..........I 4 47 43 514 2 263 508 592i 145,194 6,294 2,389 Middlebury.... 206 64,495 84,334 10 61 55 452 4 317 376 514 124,742 12,630 14,435 Orangeville 20.. 7 50,435 433,426 I.......... 37 58 4_2.... 244 270 343 81,377 1,753 2, 26 Perry........... 341 70,332 18,059.......... 40 52 777 4 440 458 608 144,756 13,953 15,056 Pike........... 188 62,230 26,642 I.......... 32 31 467.... 180 210 300 78,995 6,175 2,714 Sheldon........ 86 104,471 233,762.......... 62 61 606 2 440 582 636 127,649 5,917 4,248 Warsaw....... 134 86,870 87,087 240 68 43 661 7 261 611 466 121,551 12,338 12,350 Wethersfield... 97 63,456 256,945.......... 27 38 366 6 234 257 1,307 i 63,278 4,460 4,993 Total........ 2,195/i1,279,761, 801,781- 4,407 689 701 8,040 78' 4,806 6_,270 _8,146 1,72_1125 -129,982 119,426 YATES COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Barrington..... 150 74,797 1,371........... 33 36 637 16 688 569 730 151,644 10,283 11,702 Benton....... 176 103,245 4,439 510 46 62 848 2 1,101 760 958 205,611 14,150 10,966 Italy........... 76 80,785 4,944.......... 49 40 505 2 373 397 473 110,420 9723 11,630 Jerusalem...... 220 128,527 5,758 |10,041 56 51 878 39 949 1,348 1,089 203,354 20,753 22,360 Middlesex...... 82 53,305 3,056.......... 28 38 520 2 637 461 482 110,176 9705 9,995 Milo........... 121 75,335 760.......... 51 41 746 2 937 1,011 756 157,364 11,838 10,928 Potter......... 131 83,404 5,228.......... 53 49 641 3 938 768 888 186,040 15,878 15,508 Starkey........ 295 4,561 3,261.......... 44 45 692 4 825 743 889 190,040 9,685 8,947 Torrey........ 78 38,365 1,267.......... 25 19 502 3 533 796 545 115,128 9,486 10,282 Total........ 1,329 642,324 30,084 10,551 385 381 5,969 7 73 6,981 6,853 6,810 1|,429,777 H11,501 112,318 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. 393 WESTCHESTER COUNTY-(CONTINUED). SHEEP. POULTRY. I' DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES, 1864. 30 TOWNS. | *. Lambs Lambs Pounds of Pounds of Sheep Number Value wn'ed, Value of eggs Yards Yards Yards Yards of raised in raised in wool shorn wool shorn slaugh- killed by 1865. 1864. sold, 1864. =.~. of fulled of flannel. of linen. cotion and 1864. * 1865. in 1864. in 1S65. tered in co! in 0;"' cohmie n~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~;= cloth. ]mixed.. 1864,. 1864. -~^^ cloths. Somers.........., 84 65 4,103 4,772. 41 2 e4,423 25 $4,963 37 $2,903 18 $1,56175........................... Westchester...... 19 17 363 276 1 1 45 3,92600 12000 13700 5,47900............................ West Farms....... 41 67 248 349 79 6 2,43700- 1,25000 72500 1,45500.................... White Plains. 18 2 61 15...... 183 2181 5....... 1.......... Yonkers.......... 56 102 300 326 23/...... 2,765 50 719 00 1,285500 2,542 87............................ Yorktown.......... 1,894 1,549 6,579 5,232A 73 31 6,14300 4,348 50 3,70100 1,408 00 9 25.............. Total.......... 5,742 i5,523 25,3981 24,441 1,827 156 |75,643 75 145,068 46 41,346 53 152,328 12 198........ WYOMING COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Attica............ 2,102 2,393 27,909 29,923 I 46 5 1,/039 00 657 00 708 00.......... 14 32 143....... Benington....... 3,245 3,501 48,118 43,273 90 33 1,953 00 1,839 00 1,901 00 45400 222 880 1,078 194 Castile............ 3,329 3,773 46,428I 49,098 62 31' 1,708 00 855 50 2,037 80 2,242 25... 464. 176....... China............. 1,573 1.477 13,731 12,294 78 25 1,9o09o 58000 56900.......... 131 750 323 795 Covington........ 3,512 4,025 60,589 67,523 122 10 1,485 00 785 50 1,198 05 1500 15....... 20....... Eagle............ 1,386 2,465 30,3841] 5,9111t 112 18 85450 36925 396 50.......... 84 9962 776 69 Gainesville....... 3,647 2,767 54,485I 10,209n 72 13 1,18825 48512 788-95 303'00 37 279 348....... Genesee Falls..... 1,125 1,109 15,591 15,123 59 2 57425 27100 446 89 36.9 05....... 73.............. Java.............. 2,364 2,845 25,796 6,312'100 52 972 25' 64900 378 00 37 00 679 1,947 341 67 \Iiddlebury....... 3,816 4,885 62,853% 71,924 69 II. 1,89820 1,16026 1,208 97 6 50 124i/ 2231 234 25 Orangeville...-.... 698 745 7.7981 134 23 85 96800 62000 33344 192 Perry............ 4,60;7 4,996 68,983 74,868I 286 16 1,59725 784 50 1,745 90'0025 30 188 164....... Pike............. 2,257 2,201 26,923 4,403 176.11 67200 246.00 40600 50 49 153 112 40 Sheldon........... 1,924 1,817 20,674~1 16,720i1 112 24[ 1,565 05 1,069 18 1,57279 76 421 657 156 Warsaw.......... 3,973 4,006 47,804~/ 55,672-1 98 40 1,617 50 881 45 92825 2,150'00 57 281 595....... Wethersfield...... 1,389 1,477 19,675,5 17,756 105 29 16317. 5402 6729:200 34 493 617 20 Total... 40,947i44482577,7451i481,145 1610 328 I120164 32 11,306 78 114,686 39 5,586 55 |1,6084 8,230 5, 928 1,558 YATES COUNTY-(CONTINUED). Barrington......... 2,929, 4,123 46 3351 52,6511 413 26 1,791 50 1,370 00 635 90 677 37 112 66 60 42 Benton........... 4,260 4,475 66,805 50,188 183 29 3,236 50 3,671 50. 2,083 72. 870 40 36 45....... 60 Italy............. 3,177 3,834 43 4471 21,491 77 27 1,807 40 1,499 45 95596 112 00 40 1901 38....... Jerusalem......... 5,847 6,451 98,764 105,573 199 18 4,366 25 3,792 50 2,719 15 1,081 60 46 2591 12....... Middlesex......... 2,5462,87046188 47,9511! 171 26 1,431 00 1,74218 1,15333 81177 1 35 10 30 Miloe....... 3,201 3,538 57182 485794 107 21 2,82550 2,473 60 1,343 40 534000 107.............. Potter............ 3,243 3,961 7,262" 721259 105 24 2,885 00 2,746 00 2151 50 1,341 50 99 15 40....... Starey...........24 2,54912 2,63400 2,33864 1,51250 1,35575........ 25 12....... Torrey........... 2,9941 3,063 41,182 44552 72 6 1,58900 1,82700 95600 36425....... 42 10....... Total............ 691135,079449,724 485,171 11,656 22,566 4 132 50 6 189 5 121,460 87 13,51146 7,14864 334 784, 182 RECAPITULA.TION OF AGRICULTURATL STATISTICS. ACRES. CASH VALUE. ACRES PLOWED. Number of persons friom COUNTIES. whom returns 1865. were received. Improved, Unimproved, Of farms, Of stoek, Of tools and im- 1864. 1865. 1865. 1865. 18S65. plements, 1865. Albany........................... 3,509 267,034 64,185 i16,951,183 $1,820,376 $797,486 63,491 66,6964 Allegany.......................... 5,861 310,997 262,280 12,060,648 2,452;233 510,8791 50,7361 50,280 Broome........................... 4,204 230,631 171,6224 11,488,926 1,881,675 460,179 35,1131 38,2971 Cattaraugus................ 5,655 323,7491 387,1721 14,794,861 2,683,220 558,302 41,6864 43,623 Cayuga........................... 5,308 323,1041 97,958 23,270,401 3,304,789 861,917 94,296 94,996 Chautauqua....................... 6,415 380,4132 216,943i 23,705,476 3,659,554 807,4321 44,975} 47,7821 Chemung......................... 2,297 133,982 90,6991} 7,532,007 1,038,536 251,020 36,544 37,635 Chenan-o......................... 5,016 378,8721 147,418 1 16,598,044 3,300,925 675,442 35,776j 40,274| Clinton........................... 3,930 209,808;j 308,916 9,581,023 1,395,376 280,4821 47,9202 47,4561 Columbia......................... 3,301 310,324 72, 81614 22,523,905 2,343,008 724,357 79,5924 176,818 Cortland.......................... 3,137 207,9821 91,0701 10,629,627 2,295,603 439,319 21,149 27,952 Delaware......................... 5,630 427,851} 400,224' 13,636,157 3,168,884 669,451 44,800} 50,342} Dutchess.......................... 3,648 361,344:1 100,109 30,342,547 3,67(,656 831,153 68,475 67,1521 Erie.............................. 8,163 407,302~ 178,4234" 25,314,774 3,079,351 980,779 95,9251 98,364~ Essex............................ 2,857 246,824 442,156' 7,569,289 1,331,255 221,698 28,808 29,559 Franklin......................... 3,492 183 249 735,3431 5,855,802 1,162,088 262,890} 35,6161 38,3931 Fulton............................ 2,193 133,8971 110,502 5,263,697 984,527 249,024 25,585 26,011' Genesee........................... 3,329 226,0941 60,063 16,383,072 2,081,311 480,221 63,780' 57,397 Greene.......................... 3,080 221,2771 153,122) 11,123,502 1,503,101 440,702 33,1431 33,043.~ Hamilton......................... 460 20,685 510,832 1,001,196 114,344 26,832 1,9031 1,976} Herkimer......................... 3.520 278,342 351,375 19,577,636 3,154,553 521,816 32,078f1 34,442 Jefferson.......................... 9,345 514,979 215,180N 26,784,428 3,931,572 855,314 109,968] 111,0231 Kings............................ 433 14,297 4,652) 5,822,640 270,320 175,854 8,4291 9,035 — Lewis............................ 4,217 211,4801 433,934z, 10,424,679 2,062,564 438,952 25,465} 25,4761 Livingston........................ 3,700 281,048| 87,711 18,693,092 394,749 512,3631 66,855 65,7391 Madison.......................... 4,906 285,8761 94,936P 19,357,009 2,719,669 577,617 50,0071 51,246 Monroe........................... 6,255 324,0501 56,269 29,415,992 3,408,109 941,997 101,705 101,0151 Montgomery....................... 2,558 196,722 40,2291 13,621,823 1,807,274 471,921 55,316 55,662 New York......................... 44 779 671 3,531,000 46,390 3,225 199 210 Niagara.......................... 4,279 224,9101 68,4731 17,186,754 2,177,280 598,06141 72,645 69,887 Oneida............................ 8,315 460,6901 219,230 26,944,185 4,254,58771j 907,214 68,7994 73,428} Onondaga......................... 6,418 343,834 109,472 26,591.036 3,607,133 882,40341 99,6881, 97,7605 Ontario........................... 4,549 318,36l j 86,772 21,274,112 3,043,972- 668,637 80,640 78,832 Orange........................... 4,069 303,8581 170,2604 25,552,797 3,580,470 790,65411 44,130Z 43,086} Orleans........................... 2,657 186,3274 43.1341 13,804,'485 1,952,488 460,9671 61,1071 59,277 Oswego........................... 7,264 274,5911 206,7851 15, 630,108 2,773,370 679 322 52,710` 60,"401 Otsego............................ 6,064 435,8155 165,4821. 23,253,671 3,509,123 819,0921 66,8401 74,0331 Putnam.......................... 1,336 87,042 41,777} 7,030,610 953,892 141,823 10,212 10,362 Queens........................... 3,094 119,5171 47,327 19,168,310 1,466,344 609,643 36,484 37,575 Rensselaer........................ 2,637 290,2094 90,663} 21,850,628 2,232,84-7 720,314 67,2191 66,1611 Richmond......................... 511 12,7801 6,3074i 3,483,150 149,890 51,361 2,7612 3,4381 Rockland......................... 1,317 49,434 47,25511 7,482,882 595,524 181,483 10,6141 10,5743 St. Lawrence...................... 8,605 602,2131 785,53111 25,513,032 4,420,093 938,709 111,1691 116,0581 Saratoga.......................... 4,70.4 324,769-1 160,7629 15,918,943 2,114,685 560,892 74,888 70,560 Schenectady....................... 1,426 94,0551 26, 536li 5,118,205 673,582 240,938 30,903 3,659 Schoharie......................... 3,688 253,605- 100,4894 12,229,436 1,997,131 523,649 64,9821 65,289} Schuyler.......................... 2,394 139,1531 54,755i1 7,724,992 1,162,557 273,486 41,5341 41,6991 Seneca............................ 2,785 162,3221 41,220} 12,193,176 1,415,182 373,623 55,894 52,0981 Steuben........................... 7,560 426,838A 343,032 18,533,955 3,564,2861 768,0921 108,026} 106,9621 Suffolk........................... 4,036 148,661 230,5561 13,387,730 1,398,927 407,257 39,131 38,2581 Sullivan.......................... 4,186 156,676 343,6201 6,372,609 1,508,794 284,416 22,506} 19,9761 Tioga......................... 3,149 176,6231 108,0801 7,932,671 1,405,637 316,127 38,434 39,744} Tompkins........................3,905 206,514 71 21611 13,077,138 1,985,060 503,937 59,699g 61,0141 "Ulster............................ 4,90 25,65 32,63 1'15,410,769 2,140,960 614,841 51,787-~ 49,411W arren.......................... 2,38 5,54 28T21U; 3,294,477 648,1281 135,040 18,713 18,6801 -Washing'ton....................... 4,204 338,978 111,204}; 19,857,390 2,593,721 599,278 70,2981 51,694'1 -Wayne...........................5,062 259,588| 84,845|i 19,492,510 2,407,460 661,111 84,1161 85,257 Westchester....................... 4,034 193,0661 67,4141 37,587,333 2,479,275 586,086 34,5171 34,796} WVy oming:......................~. 3,938 263,7161 97,126} 13,622,086 2,240,537 498,651 49,052 47,793} Yates............................. 2,389 151,060~~ 50,9531 10,975,721 1,544,605 355,330 44,428-i 230 Total......................... 242.436 14,827,437 10,411,863 920,349,331 127,072,554 21,181,0994 3,073,2701 3,058,0121 (394:) RECAPITULATION-(CONTIiNUED.) ACRES IN FALLOW. GRASS LANDS. SPRING~ WHEAT. Acres in pasture. Meadow. Acres sown. COUNTIES._____________________________________ Bushels 1864. 1865- harvested. Acres. Acres. Tons of hay. Bushels of 1864. 1664. 1865. 1564. 1865. 1864. grass seed. 1864. 1865. 1864. Albany............ |,552,241l| 59,096,56,392l9 4 Allegany........... 734} 634 1 47,312! 14,958 101,1131 102,741 79,055 1,410 5,565 4,7172 29,7501 Broome........... 1,1161 1,348 121,014| 110,078'74,577g 74,473| 65,6461 3001 3821 394 3,413 Cattaraugus.,...... 374.}[ 420 161,8551 163,4401 103,2071 103,9962 87,744 6201 3,417 2,6081 17,4491 Cayuga............ 5,220} 5,767 104,875.1 105,5371 71,664 72,648.9 74,8831 1,80441 4595 286J 3,8803 Chautauqua........ 6832 31012 204,231.51 205,0701 119,271 123,209 125,960 881 3,234 1,588 16,9071 Chemung.......... 2,053.2 1,74613 46 481 45.642' 33,317~ 34,619 28536 998 1,1121 6,326 Chena n g o ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4354, 288,J314278 Cbenango.......... 690 7351 195,832' 196,344 129,562a 130,997% 112,683' 3171 288' 3111 2,578 Clinton............. 571 395 93,3601 93,9971 61,346.5 62,474' 52,7742 914 4,5841 4,5512 51,235, Columbia.......... 2,7663J 1,903 87,127 85,751 94,746 96,6081 81,372 3241 7914J 251 6761 Cortland............ 815 92 109,2281 108,6101 71,504' 71,5231 75,451 806 315 2664' 2,455,Delaware.......... 2,8425 2,9141 212,971 217,2903 145,3371 145,111 112,7772 556j 6002j{ 662-1 5,119 Dutchess.......... 601 632 145,4313 144,904 107,180 109,1301 107,324 167 1952J 140 2,377 Erie............... 4,389 5,447 145,049 148,406~ 111,289 1 10,278 9 7,9181 6941 4,4381 2,9111 20,342 Ericx............... 4,38 544 145049 I4,402I;4284 Essex............. 350.} 3401 88,5361 93,3961 65,823 63,856 48,712-1 751h1' 3,0601 3,1221 26,3881 Franklin........... 264 352 77,4301 78,173 56,7381 57.5221 42,9241 6381J 7,0281 7,2611 66,3733 Fulton............. 458 420 54,873 54,5124 41,755 43,012 31,704| 72 117 1091 1,012 Oenesee........... 18,995!18;,1861 61,037 61,0691 41,146 40,894 37,6441 7371 7831 4991 3,863} Greene............ 1,41541 3171 74,0921 73,0201 90,683 90,6701 66,277 14911 281 277-1 1,214' Hamilton.......... 974 112 8,147 8,430 9,4351 9,633 5,3001 15 1[ 13 191I 1233. Herkimer.......... 149 99 145,3121 143,567 90,826 91,2271 108,8451 5271 204 181 2,148 Jefferson........... 5951 5921 233,8061 236,067 146,744 149,613 136,28717,7951 17,555118,333 93,0165 Kings............. 72,1017551 7611 3,3191 2,974j 4,961 16151 12 280 Lewis............. 189 3351 102,5611 122,5451 78,6921 79,8751. 78,7801 27011 6321 659 5,208 Livingston.........14,264 12,1541 89,490g 95,9421 62,0321 57,7071 56,0401 1,518 2,5021 1,990 16,199, Madison........... 1,465 1,6071 129,9431 126,305 85.681 88,847 89,040 460 2961 32241 2,3443 Monroe............ 16,6411 18,903 75,121 76,7611 56,'153 5 1,030 681 6493 Montgomery........ 5061 3711 60,8741 60,7801 63,5651 66,425| 59,328 1,556 1 564 465 3,123' New York.................. 141 105 167 167 245.................4......... Niagara.............10,1171 11, 0071 43,3341 45,768| 45,799. I 51,7131 44,3021 3'663 1,600 1,7131 8,343-5 Oneida............. 6911 6281I 220,4161` 219,2431. 159,189 151,2661 147,9214 627`215 342 3761J 3,3481 Onondaga.......... 4,9894 5,427 115,6811 114,7571 82,5791 85,739,5 85,586 1,0011. 3831 4191 2,6501Ontario..... 10,691 12,189 93,3071 95,1101 57,315 59,673 58,182:2,222 2,0101 1,5801 13,480 Orange............. 4241 4481 135,9131 135,3011 98,386 100,0991 118,238 321 16 181,~ 192 Orleans............ 6,8521 8,9941 45,283 46,624-1 35,683 37,0881 37,98041 1,092-1 4541 312 3,0341 Osweo......... 1,2082 1,754 114,269 123,547 85,9011 84,8311 84,1341 5451 730 7031 2,788 Otsego............. 1,41041 7951 197,8361 196,212 138,6751 140,311 114,4947 8931 1,0411 1,0871 8,4551 Putnam............. 44 34 44,5881 44,9714 28,5891 28,3641 28,829I 221 19 275 Queens............ 4,104 3,9751 15,488 15,620j 36,7671 36,356 46,011 1601! 91 331 40 Rensselaer......... 7001 739 114,4641 110,708q 84,339| 85,789 65,688 871 189 133 1,007,Richmond.......... 76 92 2,190 2,1341 4,9961 4,9701 5,750-1 557 120 7651~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 41 4 i202 Rockland.......... 6801 17901 20,2401 20,8221 14,5171 14,6911 16,5331 -j 210 18 St. Lawrence....... 821 1,451 283,9861 288,393 179,198 183,805 149,134 3,8751 23 1331 22,4861 195,688 Saratoga........... 3,1641 2,559 117,1201 119,560 71,397- 73,673| / 57,676.} 359[ 2211 2091 1,366' Schenectady........ 260 291l 26,6151 25,873 27,4191 28,715 19,780 93' 231 21714 1,1931 Schoharie.......... 1,621 1,4731 92,499 90,8571 76,0841 78,4951 49,2931 1,361'11 2151 1,1451 6,037g Schuyler.......... 2,953 2,767 41,307 30,933 31,8641 32 6271 27,7531 2,1541 1,4071. 1,586 8,3101 Seneca............ 6,312 5,270 30,155 30,8741 29,114 31,9071}J 31,149 3,5251' 168 14341 1,718 Steuben............ 3,9061 3,7961 146.5181 149,7151 113,1971 118,2831 103,531 2,447J 11] 4601 10,3151 74,310 Suffolk............ 2,0271 2,4621 46,616 47,5881 34,5771 34,8811 34,7581 1961 ill 11 178 Sullivan........... 9821- 1,0881 56,0131 57,4991 59,549 60,377 47,949 549 331 661 425 Tioga.............. 33}1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4'59' Tiogya.............. 626 461 71,8401 81,8571 47,1221 47,5861 35,700 487 4941 5821 5,572 Tompkins......... 2,0421 1,7061 72,4441 73,6741 50,4341 51,84415J 48,808 1,462>`1 1,39 9571J 6,521t *Ulster............. l,431|i 1,1161tl 75,459 76,285 88,221 89,3721J 88,0831 5351!J 291 381J 1113. Warren........... 7401 391 58,2651 58,954 38,317 37,690 26,3091 4 26 Washington......... 2761 1921}i/ 142,7231 144,423 94,850 10 0,2651 89,037 11 6,174 14 "Io 121 Wye............ 5,2S001 5,91 062 7,31 542 499 4,21 838 25,2 Westcester...... 7571 555 80,0781 80,707 62,428 63,977 J 78,237 58301i 36J 729 Wyomig........ 2,1571} 2,132 J117,6921 118,7951} 73,401 74,72811 69,9731 1,2661JJ6,989ij 5,386]J 50,605 Yates..............t 3,576 3,5 4,4 42,9851 29,877 3,2 450 141 91 63 738 Total..:..........159.985 16,4.51,771,1415,18 —9,6944,237,0851 4,296,720 3,897, —14|5'7,089l!113,115j 104,992j 800,197g (395) RECAPITULATION-(CONTINUED). WINTER WIHEA.T. OATS. WINTER RYE.BARLEY. Acres sown. Acres sown. Acres sown. Acres sown. COUNTIES. Bu s hels so,, / _ " ------— ~~~~~~Bus~hels --------— Bushels ------— Bushels - ------- harvested. harvested harvested. 1.863. 1864. 1864.184. 1865.1864.]S62. 1864. 1864. 1864. 1865. Albany.......... 1531 2331 1,8581 25,7071 25, 7186 1 82 1867 25. 14,586 1,2171 Allegany......... 964 1. 7121' 11,088 25, 848 26195 376, 1645 352i 346 31,921, -,39 Broome.......... 2.048' 2,9971 23,828. 9 Cattaraugus...... 3861 625' 41222,303i 353,4283532 290 3,73851 1,07 9 1 l2992g Cayuga........ 27,210 29, 5321 432, 559 30,4841 31, 0112666,962 509 1 4661-4,739 6,1.786 120,079 Chleautaqu........ 9I4 2.! 08{ 2,4/ 2;6h 7,64/ 5 3 4 / 396I, 6~'39 Chautauqua...... ~2, 5611 3,438 36, 8081i 18, 190 21,570.430, 89 181| 54 637 2,088 27641 Chemung........ 4,137 4,7741 37,085 15,1984 17,179 219,64418 1,242 5 6,3559 2,151/' 2,0 Cattaraugus......] 386;I~~~ 62,1 47 1 I/ 8053/ 2,034 5,2 /3 22 294 2,381 107941,29 Chenango........ 444 6391 6,426: 16,0718 9| 18,95731 300,517 8023 9486 4 8,483 3591, 3979 Clinton..........| 22163-1 18,715 19,621 438,0161 3291 3411 3,528 2,046 2,322| Columbia.... 1454 123|2- 1,525 28, 855 28,241 315,743 34, 5511~ 31,015| 31,84531 401 Cortlandu.......2... 5101 703 8,2161 10,285| 15,742| 208,929921 99856 769 788 Delaware........ 91 1251" 995 21, 529 24, 3201I 367,7-301 4, 0161- 3,9961 41, 502411 29 0|" 323 1,51134 3 3,0~/1,9=2,50 40,9l 8154 DuChemun........ 558 566005 95- 62.......4,518| 4, 7 74 71,935 26, 3771 27,2119| 635,062 1 8022 1,225 19, 129| 228,0915 6 Chenango~~~~~~~~1........ Erie............. 11,4294 12,3323 136,793| 32,374| 35975 484,743 2,5881 3155i2 1 9 Essex........... 8651 89-1 927 1 11,1504 11, 7284 193,9111 6571, 625 6. 368|| 272 262' Franklin.......... 331 2 1 94 193,9071 14,684' 269,816 5 8101 7,582|1 1,0081 9971 19~~~ ~,62 1 8 4318 1,06['32011 834 12,428 I 5,0 4631Fulton........... 58 62 636 | 12,356 12, 652 18, 81 130 I31,2' 0 | 43 Genesee......... 25,880| 26, 6281 434,8301 13,562-'^ 13,4474 258,859,1- 392 2201 2,036 5,687 7, 8901 GCreene.......... 2544 284 2,158 11,451 12,5214 111,7481 8,2491 8,3541 69,919 1 159 ortltona..................................... 1 3 1 7461 1,6141769 174 Herkimer......... 213| 2951 3,806 17,2511 18,842 408,9981 3591 3351 6,016 1,6201 1,741 Jefferson........ 9 3731 1,057 5,4621 33,523 9 4 330 7,717 312,501' 13,97413 26,121| 205.467I Dutchess~~~~~~~~ 2 2 5,052 5,646.1935 26,37~ 12,19; 63,01 25,22 467,1.91 2,8,! t Kings........... 8191 774 15,803330| 399 13,657 155 1641- 3,0981 1 Eriew........... 1 12,312| 12,51351 201,9634| 1,059|| 1,165 9,812| 4,564g 4,2779 Lews.... 2.2/ 11,42911 1233 Livin oston.... 32, 124| 30,265 317,17 3 18,99-25 19,706 403,700 93 6 9031, 7,769 8, 368 |i 12,210|Madison3......... 5,7391 8,600 111,4351 19,4501 21,982 399,918 7 256 2381 2,964| 4,250|1 4,061 Monro 4 24,042 26, ~~~~87 465, 735 1, q, -65 1, 35., ]Essoe.......... 36,1921 35, 11,15 0 597,206887 465,91],6651 1,95 1,6. 3672 2,50 Motomery... 1,45241 1,6411 18,094|-, 27,9607 271,5111 434,466 1, 288g^ 1,392 18, 528 3,7091 3,4873 New York................ 14..2083656 15905 10 Niagara.......... 27,717-1 -17,240i 184,71 23,1041 2,2 41 46,94 179 2,6| 179 09 4,81 Oneida.......... 3,0671 3, 645 1 43306 28, 400 31,48741 579,669,337| 2,1731 14,8541 3,724 3,975|1 Onondaga........ 23,370J 29,3561 405,925 33, 9852 36, 314 606, 979 781|i 22576 ",0 317 Ontario.......... 35,039| 32, 2924 659, 87-0 20,9384 21,781 410,3011 851' 1, 198 8,430 11, 5714i 15, 0481 Orange.......... 47541 5,408 | 71,495- 12,4 07 12,759| 11, 477 181,323 550' 40| Orleans.......... 12,3280 11,,4598 1143,009 17,25813 18,781 25353,9104 685 892 3,492 3,0068 4,9591 Oswego....... 1,7471 1,7471 10,3421 17,556 18,097 171,3381 3,1291 3,24,893| l,079l Otsego.......... 7004 1,0331 9,453|- 35,044j 38,743 53,81 2,59 243 1, 4,552|!' 1,8591 Putnam......... 131. 123| l,717. 2,8431 3,2151| 83, 13 1,649 1,51715420,717421-1I Queens.......... 7,408 7,002 1 14,482 7,3231 8,0101 184,124 5,008 5, 595 7 6, 130 1 65 203 Rensselaer....... 1 7,691 48 22,3004 21 087 2546171 17,0821 16,506 168,0152 5,74 446 Richmond....... 357 581, 6, 3 6521 7 139,059 2561 219 3,768 1 16, 5 Rockland........ 301. 415 4,690 2,329 2,791-1 48,7201 3,101 3,1941- 38,789 61'1~~~~~~~~9 6 126859174 St.- Lawrence.. 128 368| 1,57121 44,8101 40,0241 728,447 1,461 1G6I 41 11,667 11,287 1 Saratoga......... 627~ 81 6,077 24,5437 1 25,174 1 350,49010, 12, 1,93 14,0611 116,472 573 5051, Schenectady...... 128 1401 1,7421 11,1341 10,2501 120,0511 4,4451 5,203 45,41 1 698 1,6701 Schoharie......... 1,5431 1,9081' 19,513 1 30, 1271 -1 29,57241 263,3891) 7,03511 6, 962| 76, 1141t 2,0071 2,044-1 Schuyler......... 7,842 8,109 ~~~~172,032 | 16,1961 17,3131 239,6161 1, 173 1 1, 1581 6,27 9 584911 7, 0151 Seneca........... 26,125| 25,3741 290,20811 15,8831 17,6631 337,8211 562 i 194-1 2,890 72621 9,7721 Steuben......... 9,5091 11,0151 82,18| 4,46 728 4,76,51 2 468 1.9 8,632 8,594 89 I 47 ~1,24 7218 7483,710/ 295521 2,46;:1 7,76 2, 68 92,1 Suffolk.......... 10,5631 10,6621 199,9411: 10,945 10,3331 289,575 5,3521: 4,7791- 61.555-li 498 4821.I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5,93 86 00/ 145'! Sullivan........ 101 2321 11,9887 5,272 5,71 85, 7 1 7,546 5,4141 85,2840 6 11 8| Monroe........... 3,405 3,6631 29,7551 1 7,923| 1,9,0601 3 1,743 2: I,6113 1,9650 1 15,738 448, I A5 Ne orpki..........12,0311 154 1,4 62'"4,1051 24821 4,91,5 2,55 1,57| 4731 6,649 Niagara........... 2,7017 17,228 243,39 1044, 2681 1 /4,9 253,6945 20,106 1,79 51, 296; 1,7991 4,005/4811 6 Oneidan.......... 4 19 | 54 1 5 32 5,9 133' 4 2,,31 l 0 Onondagton...... 39 37 446 281 2, 7 4357 l.L I 1,87 2 24 53 21 Waye....... 23,37061 29,56,700 350,71 31 2,03851 27,9314/ 06,221 4341~I 21,3 1,4811,2'Wyoming........~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~89 5,41573 6,7746 1809 952135,41 6 2 125,7431 5103,14 Onario........... 1,61 1,61 9,1 1,2 1,71 3,1 243,51 584,51 940 Total.......... 399 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~2,7181 40,7 542 81,109,9101 8 1,163,545 1905,31 469l 23,1312,5711 5,048118,21 43 124....... 5,21(3596)~ RECAPITULATION-(CONTINUED). BARLEY. BUCKWHEAT. iINDIAN CORN'.POTATOES. Acres sown. Acres planted. Acres sown. Acres planted. -COUNTIES. Bushels Bushels Bushels harvested. harvested. harvested For fodder. 1864. 1864. 1865. 1864. 1864. 18518564. 1864. 1865. 1864 1865. Alba1 1................;,- 7 8,890410,1321 151,199 46 46 —5,87,248i Allegany.............. 14,381i 3,7185 3,4193 42,231I 4,321 5, 381 125,777 204 82 3,27411 3.460 Broome............... 1,327 6,296 5,2355 92g 8,305 197,242- 53 58 2,814! 3,304| Cattaraugus............ 13,610 1,564] 1,1141 16,5681 6,820 7,755 197,677,~ 945{ 584i 3,536I3 * 3,733; Cayuga................ 314,005 3,8561 3,2271 63,897 26,042 28,378 698,744 3881 96 3,156! 3,4091 Chautauqua............ 33,34641 930 3831 10,986| 13,188 13 594 408,6201 642{ 647 3,5'38 3,9791 Chemung.............. 32,438 6,403 5,2911 95,621 5,438 6,433 174,975 59 9 21 1,3308! 1,411 Chenango.......... 6,001 2,176: 1,9331 33,.091,60589,0 212,543 3143 2871 3,0664 3,393 Clinton................ 42.8843 5,288s 4,5691 72 | 473 4,213- 4,592 116,546 22:1'21 5,33473 Columbia.............. 5,446 5,639 5,2911 88,554 20, 178 20983 344,990 35i 35 5,989, d 6,1051 Cortland.............. 11,0964 1,349 1,214 19,789 4,5831/5,151,590 2281 31 1,730 1,877 Delaware.............. 3,829 9,762 8,6461 154,695 4,333 5,352 1.14,401 593 805 3,8781 4,084 Dutchess.............. 15,152sil 3,5831i 2,7771 60,743 26, 5681 24,906 588,648 173 166 3,536 7,4771 Erie................... 24,231s 1, 7461! 1,844 19,037sI 13,598 18,431 369,544t11,889| 1, 888 8.631~ 9,6153 Essex................. 4,050 2,982|i 2,437 33,110 3,934 4,39 101,324 771 4 3,517 3,745.1 Franklin.............. 17,126 1,530| 1,4331 21,521s11 3,1371 3,713 68,607 14 12 5,1073 5,422q Fulton................ 6,9491s 3,758 3,3601 60,999 4141 4,936s 94,4401 21 2,347-1 2,531g Genesee............... 91,896hs 1,278| 1,297 18,150 14. 109 7,871 462, 785 694 2071 3 38643,693' Greene..................1,342 6,294|; 5,3791{ 99,176 7,465 8,333 132,5951. 97|1 20 2,908W 33,234| Hamilton.............. 153 4061 2661 5,654 234l 2821 4, 513................ 4121]4 44 Herkimer.............. 37,260 2,033s 1,4321/ 39,623 5,206 15,933,, 159,598 351 3768 2,880s 3,0693 Jefferson.............. 255,709 9 92214 95718 10,244 10,905 13,807 266,789 7931 1,3211 4,413 5,064| Kings.................. 22 2........ 50 1,6361 1,7371 56,351 20I 25s 3,4995 3,928 Lewis................. 71,920 6961 7191 8,111 l,467 1,929/ 31,7151 134.s 12111 3,1151 4,630 Livingston.......... 144,204s12 2,966s 2,3531 49,340 15,7208 19,1891 527, 612 511 74Z 2,047 1, 985[i Madison............... 70,176 13,10719 9981 16,315 -/ 9,517 11, 788 246, 480` 2971 327[ 2,7741 3 0731 Monroe................ 1.39,806s- 2,497-1 2,1931 41,77 2 9 6 34589 938,771 i849 238~ 27424 9,604 10,909, n8........... 50,912 6,0401 6,444 138,041 6,667 7138 49 2,006 New York............. 126..........................!22.| 242,125................ i 1517 Nia~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~2~ 2,125........... 15422' 2 8517 Niagara 46,74711 2,8821 1,422~1 35,2511 6,933 2'2, 423s 490,651 2151 148" 3,291 38 Oneida................ 71,846 1,955 1,447 25,9891 16,071s 18,779 391,963 967% 1,132|i 7,375a 7,9571 Onondaga~ ~...~....... 40~184!7 9 7 Onondaga.............. 202,307 2,062/ 2,217 29,289122,106 I 26,121 486,832' 2421 22o01' 4,663| 5,640 Ontario................ 190,854s{ 2,8435 2,379 47,414l! 22,313 25, 495 874,349 192 81 3,1761 4,469 Orange.............. 62,206283 17,510 -16,0166 612 191 269/ 226- 2,531 2,546 Orleans.... 4....- 42;2993 1,5251 1,5991 24,261 1 13,862 132 141 2,3408 2,6802 Oswego................ 10,6591 2,436 1,660 26,04841 14,6941 18,6301 346,718 9791 360s! 5,163[ 6,063g Otsego................ 22,731 6,249 6,518 102,81 9 9,217| 11,213 220,354 321 355s; 4,713 5,2555 Putnam............... 104 1,251 9061 20,603 3,5411 3 599 141,844 64s 51si 1,027 1,041 Queens................ 3,602 2,1721 3561 32,509 14,731~ 15, 223 453,022 2261 111 5,327|. 5,7731 3ensselaer............. 8,896 3,2651 3,3001 51,59114 12,269!13,129s 238,813s 67s 351 12,509s 14,107i Richmond.............. 358 29 40 268 1,0971 1,121 29,875 213s 851' 7,249 252 Rocklana.......................... 1,520o1 1,03211 23,384 3 3,551 634 104,148s 241 25 1,2751 1,371 St. Lawrence........... 153,562 2,1876 2,234 23233 7 0 0 1,8 I 83,4 Saratoga................ 7,059 9,4181 7,03411 122,920 21,3251i 23,562 423,0111 57} 39:1 10,0421 10,6852 Schenectady........... 14,551.ii 4,155 2,465jI 71,531 4,032 4,429! 78,209 84 3 8 2421,53 2 21 4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~2,421' 2,5931 Schoharie.............. 19,169~1 13,22,71 12,3,75a8 216,815! 4,181 4,9127 77,470 41 29 3,044| 3,313 Schuyler............... 76,206 6,851 6,7051 109,300! 5,534 6,7611 173,528 8s 219555 923Seneca................ 128,836 2,1771{ 1,472s 38,612.s} 13,590sI 14,3201 497,75 234 421 Steuben............... 110,1051 15,520| 14,404 238,963s 9,2721 12,284 305,638 181 137 4,.037 4,3941 Suffolk................ 14,095 1,714 14512 22,368 16,4601 17,136 580,015 521 46 3,439s 3,7621 Sullivan................ 2470 6,724IA 1,860,sI 116,2081 4,388s 4,729 113,340 14311 15 2,290 2,2761 Tioga.............. 6,15311 7,166|1 5,941[I137,709~ 7,16 8,8491 20,2911 19011 181 2,0931 229 Tompkns........... 86,218s~/ 8,047~1 6,95051124,343 12,4431 13,798 344,734s 15 23~ 146 1,52 Ulster................. 1,194t 8,7321I 4,2321i153,169s 16,093~!17,0411 381,5015 181 10 4,0151 4,168| Warren................ 139 II3,533sI 2,4281 39,364s 5,036s[5,876 95,161 3 1 2,8541 2,586 Washington............ 6,8941 2,719gI 1,64111 39,853s 18,997 }19,6'58 720,869 971 4g 11,318s 12,4995 Wan................ 141,641~1 2,916|I 2,0351I 48,277 2639 3,7 7083 9 0s 313 336 Westchester............ 3,0151 1,576s1 481si 23,158 11,850s!12,841 426,367 2041I 235,877-| 6,123-g Wyoming.............. 66,3441 1,2451I 1,1011/ 14,487~ 5,606 7,186 189,541 2071I 27 3,0.161 3,079~ Yates................. 1853 2,411|1 2,1151[ 38,044 9,719 11,125 379,040 751I 27 1,047j 1,142~ Total.................3,075,0521 22,612 18,^493~ 3,486,101s 632,2131 721,599s 17,981,76311I4,5798 12,430~! 235,0581!254,403 (397) RECAPITULATION- (CO\TINUED). POTATOES. PEAS. BEANS. TURNIPS. FLAX. COUNTIES. Acres planted. Acres sown. Acres sown Bushels Bushe!s Bushels' Bushels harvested. Iharvestedharvestedharvested. s o 1864. 1804. 1865. 1864. 1864. 1865. 18644. 1865. 1S64. 1S64. Albany....................... 486,448 1,256k 8931 9,3274 342| 1907 2,996- 17 14 0 31,7601 800t Allegany...................... 379,837 1,5872 1,667- 20(,977|81 2981i 1781 4,810: 191 671 4,1371| 93 Broome........................314,746 6012 401 647 91 85- 1,558 75| 7,6 6672 1981 Cattaraugus.................... 396,838 l,022g 1,0781 14,294 1 34 139| 2,275| 48 28 39 838 1,2 1429 25 11311 813-/,25!} 8 Cayu-a............. 357,163 320' 292 3,54911 512d 1831 7,371 68 29 10,626 55 Chautauqua................... 429,832 329 2661 3,428 1474' 915I 2,3471 38 78 4,5511! 337 Chemung..................... 148,7211 46 51 399 1311| 79| 2,1031 12 13- 2,6791| 181 Chenango..................... 315,769 110 1151 1,65611 154A8 138 3,472 564| 321 15,497 92~ Clinton....................... 605,368 1,165 1 18,306 18 1,5433 8835 24,193/ 441 28 8,956 1051 Columbia..................... 98,3011 39| 321 200 I 10 1 109|1 1,166 3 114-| 1 151 14,107 1021 Cortland...................... 211,196 193 1771 3,1371 150] 1773, 2,207 44 30 12, 9350 Delaware..................... 405,723 1198 10i 1,575I 78 10914 1,41941 88 311 18,9721 436| Dutchess...................... 321,324 151 331 302 1161 211 8421 943| 602 56,0331933 Erie.......................... 642,830 5 8 5 06967 I~~~ ~ I ~- 1 Essex........................ 400,574 6761 664 ~ 7,1175 9731 56751 13,94351 55 210 7,72161 Franklin...................... 650,781 696i 738 10,3291 3921I 272 4,90751 50I 4111 5,796 3795 Fulton........... 258,559 266 271 4,083 83 61 2,507~1 32~| 108 3,778 2845 Genesee....................... 836,5251 2,958 1,9644 35,880 4,872 1 2,02811 70,03353 63| 16 4,172 43 4254 81i Greene....................... 263,964 1055 691 652|1 152 86 1, 6595 69^ 22 15,671 861 Hamilton..................... 45,541 5| 10i 38 1651 15| 181 24| 3,639 7 Herkimer..................... 342,250 5861 620 10,1481 61 43-2I 1,115 211 5 i 4,911 123 ~ Jefferson...................... 333,1625 3,772,3,400 29,5041 642. 391-7 10,0260 2454 6442 313,643 1,0 94I Kings......................... 464,887 271 402 27,867 58 75 8,257 518 721 100,016 Lewis........................ 328,822 7501 6565 9,53341 231 38I 6941` 36 215,292 144 Livingston................... 252,089 1,179 678| 10,4121 2,765| 7 5Ii 38,3515 8255 3,096 232g Madison...................... 307, 628 1,19,962 434 271' 6,227 39 335 4,0695 148 Monroe....................... 872,482 2,037-s l312i 19,213 11,269' 3,181i 159,985 99 157 24,101 25 Montgomery................... 185,319 1,4754 1,466i 19,260 3271 1985 3,667 53 9i 4,009 696 N ew York.................... 1,075..................................................I250........ Niagara....................... 282,291 3,070 2,1751 27,0421 6,976' 1,101| 98,153, 1170 1,27 2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~82 2 915 11 79-q 5181' Oneida........................ 727,591 || 814 5 9,9485706 525| 10,9575 1355 881 23,343 3661 Onondaga..................... 502,807 2,782- 1,9821 30,528/ 1,121i 5381i 13,981 3261 664 1 52,901|11,021~ Ontario....................... 359,1265 1,1874 1, 008 14,040l, 1,552I 354-1 18,153 81 453 6,333 243g Orange....................... 260,074 10 15 327 41 2241 548' 193I 61 30,402 23 Orleans....................... 257310 14,42013,198|8 4,8105 61| 81i 23,905 941 Oi~~ ~..... 25,31 197,755 6 S, 2,0 4 Oswego....................... 484,275 6201 5344 5,6535 389-1 2791 6,231 98|, 55-1 18,080 5422 Otsego........................ 475,9651 688 818 10,383 204 201] 3,4725 98 1551 22,525 2143 Putnam....................... 110,528 2 2 20 1| 4 33 53 1 5,669 4~ Queens....................... 469,468 619 6331 36,382 219' 199i 16,1355 1,056| 323i 205.214......... Rensselaer.................... 1,248. 5 211 42, 177 2,2081 Richmond..................... 16,965 4- 5! 151......................... 1291 35 19,703... Rockland..................... 97,127 I 45 3........ 1 23..2,984 2 St. Lawrence.................. 821,015 2,4661 3,021 33,4321 5811 5201 9,8384] 93 56[ 17,286 947 Saratoga...................... 897,475 3831 3041 5,516' 403-1 1791I 4,416 177-1 25q 20,001 3181 Schenectady................... 205,529 5061 396 3,776~11 158|1 81| 1,960 431 15 11,677 429g........~~~~~~~~~~~3 43 45 1 1 6 7 4 9 Schoharie..................... 303,776 1,470 1,3091 10,8511 2127 132| 2,150 34| 57 5,850 6551 Schuyler...................... 110,221 84 651 6301 31351 113 4,3821 85751 2911 Seneca........................ 126,5721 90 61 911 277|{ 1321 3,267 191 151 4,565 1,0541 Steuben....................... 500,693 2,312 2,1161 29,33241 66141 3275 8,054| 71 4311 9,2771 268 Suffolk....................... 292,738 111 191 338 i8851 6241 1,581i 6891 4201 160,4573 Sullivan..................... 242,580 13 121 233 411 3514 908 80 31 14,899 36....258,479 69 74 5 745| 1441 72 1,434| 22A1 5,775 111 Tompkins..................... 166,330 124 11,224}1 4691 1591{ 6,402 1711 1621i 2,894 530-| Ulster........................ 3,3 121 81 92 0 38 61 13 7 3,51 34 Warren....................... 272,3 15| 01 924 25 51 2161 2 3ll2 3 Washington................... 1,351,546 498 40 6,83451 1,2101t 241|/ 14,987 162-~ 36 20,871 5,923 Wayne............ 326,312 4171 28 3,9675111,4801, 493!1'20,7451 41|a~ 12| 8,421 598} Westchester................... 601,781 111 0 97911 551I 2111 262 873i/ 100 92,812 3~ Wyoming..................... 3843,625 1,760|174 32,736~113,6131{ 2,046~ 58,819 111 51,3,258 303~ Yates......................... 126,813 115 05 1,2011 212 I 86/ 2,824 4|I 1 679 3101 Total....................... 23,236,687t 46-401i 407218,82-1 61,821| 24,207] 90-5, —51 8,123g 5,6321 1,282,3381 23,874 (398) RECAPITULATION-(CONTINUED). FLAX. HEMP. HOPS. TOBACCO. Pounds of lint COUNTIES. Acres sown. Bushels of harvested. Acres sown. Pounds of Acres in crop. Pounds Acres planted. seed harvest- 1864. hemp. harvested. --------- ~~ed. 1864. — --- 18 464. --------— 1864. —------ 1265. 1864. 1865. 1864. 1865. 1864. 1865. Albany.................. 597| 3,0681 19,460 14................ 135 1394 46,585 13} 171 Allegany................ 60 471 19,953.................. 223 24 17,112 10 Broome................. 1751 1;2271'43,5103...... 1... 861 121-1 52,682 821 19t Cattaraugus 7675 8,9......................... 1921 113- 66,210 3 22 Cattarau ~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~..... 648 9 422 Cayuga................. 4971 3,992} 92,720.......8 14 211 9,390 933g 347 Chautauqua.............. 1843 2,562 27,0451 Is I.......... 14 30 11,390 19 9 Chemung............... 264 1641 3,898............ 28 43} 15,104 588 2611 Chenango................ 87s 4111 10,1281 171'21} 10,241 1,016| 1,:237| 568,927 1455 75Clinton................. 1041 977i 18,385.. 1 I 173 1~ 11.2~~~~~~' 4.......... 1 7I 1 Columbia............... 1341 326A 1,9851...... 3.......... 19} 221 8,442 19 3g Cortland................ 204 2,577 81,198 2 2 2,000 199} 242 145,31211,320 91 Delaware............... 121s 585 10,922 2 1 2,500 451s 612 258,458 8s 5g Dutchess................ 57 5391 10,842.................. 9 9 6,801 3881 70 Erie.....................51 4021 13,986 3 5 10,000 55 1114 48,357 9' 94 Essex.................. 4 1411 465...................... 3 3 3751[ 1 Franklin................ 313s 2,077 56,864 2s 1 32 517s 536 39,205 39 2i Fulton.................. 594 1,6361 88.428...................... 273] 319| 83,164 414 Genesee................. 461i 534 3,262 1................ go 107' 65,404 145s 26 Greene.................. 751 2931 3,981 1 1.......... 67s 68 27,899 12| 4 Hamilton............... 3~ 25 973...................... 22s 251 4,816................ Herkimer................ 59g 8531 33,329 5...... 200 1,662 1,6231 857,169 80[ 8 j Jefferson................ 5358 2,5661 185,095...................... 104 131 28,825 401 181 King-s.................. I................. K ings.................. 5 1......~~~~~~~~~~~~~.................................................................... Lewis.................. 39| 702. 23,4422 1500 431 71 69,895:....8 Livingston~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~............4i Livingston............... 1531 1,7531 19,509...................... 1381 84,302 168] 24g Madison................. 159g 9561 33,722 1 3' 138 3,993' 4,2261 2,276,4531 732/ 4661 Monroe................. 18 1 781 2,580............ 2,000 51 8 I389 116] Molitgomery............ 5211 3,960 2,553 11 11 3,500 1,0 79| 531,284t 61 159 N ew York......................................................... Niagara.......1 2 8.~, 2:5 2 134 Niagara................. -128s 2,560]325,900 8................ 24 27s 15,515'131i 13 Oneida................. 2258 1,478 145,421 2s U 15 2,151s 2,564A 1,264,827 402-[ 531 Onondaoga............... 534 7,6071 887,739...................... 139 1761 86,93314,218 l,655 Ontario................. 89' 2,5741 42,315...................... 1781 241" 178,164 187 311 Orange................. 7t 65 3,399..................................................... 114 Orleans................. 25s 527s 39,800..............00 634 284 Oswego................. 5981 2,8651 86,724 ~ 2 10 239 3304 140,450 551A! 1201 Otseogo.................. 175| 1,295] 29,181. 4.......... 7,076g 7,605~ 3,451,761 261 31 Putnam................. 1 8 235......................................................6 Q ueens....................................................................................I 2 Rensselaer............... 2,500 12,8411 193,957...................... 61 84 15,511 14 426 R ichm ond.......................................................... Rockland......................... 41.......................'9....... St. Lawrence............ 4941 4,709 25,384.................. 136s 1228 16,823 2 29g Saratoga................ 266| 1,5181 30,274 /................ 181 1461 46,83071 3g Schenectady............. 288 1,674 128,800....... 62 671 34,176 177 5{ Schoharie.... 48,74 391 28001...... Schoharie:.............1.747481,70.......... 21. 2,8011 3,0391 1,315,884 391 201 Schuyler................. 176 2,1071 47,260...................... 15 151 7,731 1 611 Seneca.................. 5561 8,0791 319,000 3................ 3s 30 74 151 Steuben.................. 2732 1,0621 30,019 30 50 8931 131~ 209,125 235 116 Suffolk................. 7 18g430 3...... 500.................... 19 1 4 Sullivan................ 26i 2091 1,6921..................................................11 4 Tlioga.................... 93 8301 8,130...................... 71 9 2,476 771 241 Tompkins............... 6771 4,2501 69,293...................... 4 4 2,320 286g 95g Ulster................... 1041 761g 7,922...................... 191 22s 6,210 221 13j W ar en............ 12i 94 10,008.....................................* * * * * * *1 *Washingfton.............. 5,413~ 28,8831 481,333............ 3 5' 9(00II 27g 12g Wayne................. 400 3,8581 64,752 | g'"10 " 301 44s 21,108 I 445! 801 Westchester............. I 22 2,580............................... o3 *' 111 la 3~ *Wyoming................ 192 2,6941 44,708................ 691 81U 65,57511 56| 2g Yates................... 14 1 2 54,403........................... 1 3 421 Total................. 18,242] 130,318 3,927,914" 102 58i176i438- 2,7 1,4,3s1,8g 464 (399) RECAPITULATION-(CON'TIN UED). TOBACCO. APPLE ORCHARDS. MARKET GARIDENS.-*s| ^ COUN TIES.I,,,^w ^^Acres cuWtivated.^ "'^^ a Pounds har- No. of trees Buisels of Barrels of__ _ Value of pro- ^ ^^ ^ ^ vested. in fruit. apples. cider. 1ducts. P ~'^ ==^ ______ _____________~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1~ G__ 4 _li4. l1fc64. | 64. 1865. 1lb64. ^ ^ s5 S^^ Xlbany................ 14,510 206,949 2717,27 7 8,619 1, 4761i1, 503^ $169,8 |21,520 1, 3-79 365 23, 429 Allegany............... 1,8 1029 5,7 3671, 1, 107 578,265 5, 297 378 54, 652 Broome................ 89,727 145,239 180,1941 5,126' 26 34 7,3 1037095 1,226 85 4,9 Cattaraug-us............ 3,620 195,269 375,59711' 5,261 10 10 2,435 522, 1935I.8,121- 192 61,340 Ca~yuga................. 1,118, 147 276, 134 434,946 10, 86611 40' 85q 10,439' 96, 0215 1, 9045 5,0214 44,428 Chautauqua............ 1557 2544 68,11,971 103j 935| 46,4 2,9791- 2,333 41,7126 Chemung.............. 681,755 75,122 84,342 2,76, 3. 51,9^ 1,3 57 a5 2326 Chei-ango.............. 137,267 248,870 485,518 9,124,1 1 1 I. 377 j 9,2 3, 149 13 5,9 Clinton................ 1,1715 63,536 9607 82 2 20 2, 7 12 127,949 937 1,089 71,942 Columbia.............. 20,387 144,67-9 302,153 14,6735 66' 671 9,829 2,494 873 808 14,511 -Cortland........ 25,096 168,967 282,424 4,620 2 2 1 66 442,383 2,4131 1,301 1 7,1I124 Delaware............. 17,49:4 245,740 368,661 5,846 6 6 1,3195 711,45,16 669 73,156 Dutchess............... 422,885 197,777 420,149 15,593 132, 1434' 12, 695 424 150 117 19,5071. Erie.................. 1,6 328 5726 382 5701 610 6819,9 2-10,282 2,167 6190 47,883^ Essex......... 910 68,705 104,897 1,302 751 3 1.2 9,4 207 192 31,81 rakin.............. 37,488 27,964 17,6015 892H 114, 2, 3 3'5 310,419 1,035 16L 23,648 Fulton................. 2,645 67, 5'21 7 6,565 2,411, 25- 4A 100 43,925 1, 1125 291 13,062 Genesee................ 160,199 222, 054 366,343 7,568 12 13.1 3,345 1 02,69,2 1,2115i 7475 13,916 Greene................ 44,195 -194,093 332,719 9,378j- 77| 96 7,501 163,746 2,832 256 23,9,50 Hamilton.............. 30 9,115 7,3935- 67 5 35 26,183 488591........ -3,66 G5 Herkimer....... 86,160 108,689 164,2805 3,701 12J 10 4,560!179, 306 11,815 522j- 28,71421 Jefferson................ 31,668 129,032 166, 0535 I 2,843 1305 11 0 1 6,703 656,466 5,291 1,131512 51,26 Kings................. 3000 895 1,112 301 110,3 2180......... 75 Lewis................. 410 22,262 19,148 512 4 6 5, 377 551, 103 2, 6185 334 22,441 Livnuston............... 125,936 170,842 335,050 8,9781 397 375- 6,277 26,458 1, 003g 1,611 30,572 Madison............... 1,370,224 196,^18 365,5365 8,25111' 7 4,854 248,618 5,769 386 23,070 MIonroe............... 51434 391,902 498, 6061 11.3035 48, 1^ 186 999,5 12025 1,9 Montgomery............ 60,702 103,886 132,401 4,081') 38 33. 3,766 25,383 2,77 199 I 5 1,124 NJ ew York........................150 150 7 1,012 5~4- 24,595...........................751 Niagara............. 88,211 321,61 3305,691 5,510' 161 1721 29,832 4, 140 ~6991 5,118 21,980 Oneida........... 366,212 236,257 386,419 10,301|1 1331- 1206 i24, 851 1501,21 1,8 23,011 Onondaga............. 4,442,942 284,2`72 583,047 17,660 1 3531, 358 4,1 116,684 2,142 1,4421 40,7. Ontario................ ~~~144,638 268,539 694,512 8,0513 il 441 971 5,680O 63,7157 6,069 6,270 38,563i Orange................ 20,610 153,565 43"2, 9 6 7 9,2041 12 14 010 86 1g5433 23, 515 Orleans................ 879,023 207,511 359,301 4, 8631 lj 65, 1,257 1627 436 232 20,275 Oswego................ 567,942 304,999 376,614' 8,4911 12`71:3 1521 15,318 102,770 1, 695 897 37,819 Otsego........... 22,104 292,236 519,2591 12,7011 6 1-1 441 491,690 13,5721 501 34,251 Putnam................. 35,950 56,197 137,456 5,837, 3-| 1 805 367 56 65 6,122i Queens........ 4...... 484 74,539 108,103 2,3771T 3,24.914'3,278 407.544......... 31 1902 Rensselaer............. 22Q,777 147,563 269,7211 11,0521 331 3251 54,623 46,820 1,544 351 23J712 Richmond.............. 186 4,622 2,973 611 735 701 13,480.................. 4 50 Rockland.............. 1,055 76,399 134,-084 1,954 101 101 48,978 23................ 5, 951 St. Lawrence........... 14,958 92,116 85,5161 5871 391 401 6,178-1 1,156,455 4,649 701 54,912 Saratoga............... 11,860 189,730 283,8601 8,170 2331 26, 9,6 27,141 893 437 46,368 Schenectady............. 17,890 57,149 73,291 2,702 87 84i 5,698 1,549 197 512 14,804 Schoharie............. 32,605 177,161 271,926 6,966......... o................. 182,295 4,508 638 35,165 Schuyler............... 106,570 106, 108 142, 677 3,626 1 1 50 11,389 561 206 16,149 Seneca................. 48,130 148,803 139,971 4,3001 831 1321 8,689 11,285 696 1,4481 17,76 Steuben................ 235,969 28,4 3028 6270 163 20 9,404 205,653 5,746 5,395 108,7187 Suffolk................ 15,019 63,086 78,770 2,347 391 401 4,8341....... 261 2,526 Sullivan................ 451 118,759 134,2301 3,1941 21 21 1,330 38,4101 2,630' 858 65J 36 RECAPITULATION —(CONTINUED). 0lu |NEAT CATTLE. CZ g Number of COUNTIES. C alves of 1864. Calves of 1865. Over one year Working Milch cows. Total number cattle killed for ~'~ ~'~ old, exclusive oxen, 1865........ of neat cattle beef, 1864. of working of all classes. -B.~ ^ foxen and cows 1864. 1865. 1865. _____ ^ ~ S ______________1865._________________ __ Albany............................... 1,5201.... 3,859 2,680 2,129 792 11,080 10,615 16,216 2,746 Allegany............................. 2,707.... 6,740 7,486 7,512 1,434 20,798 18,525 34,957 3,282} Broome.............................. 1,850.... 5,894 7,856 4,650 1,624 22,178 20,696 34,826 3,786 Cattaraugus.......................... 3,707].... 6,571 9,138 7,982 2,420 34,208 30,559 50,099 5,647 Cayuga............................... 2,534.... 6,865 6,523 6,974 724 21,291 21,794 36,015 2,601 Chautauqua........ 9............. 2,706s... 8,406 10,430 9,246 1,780 42,703 40;008 61,464 2,339 Chemung.............................. 1,495.... 3,504 3.512 4,532 708 10,889 9,647 18,399 2,380 Chenango............................. 2,168]3 9,250 11,399 8,262 888 46,734 41,459 62,008 4,698 Clinton......................... 2,445.... 5,204 5,254 6,056 592 12,603 13,96* 25,870 2,236 Columbia...................... 876 10' 4,895 4,718 3,606 2,373 12,266 11,942 22,639 2,100 Cortland............................. 1,188.... 4,797 5,853 5,023 945 29,295 31,920 43,741 3,042 Delaware......................... 4,004.... 13,409 15,812 8,305 2,777 45,217 38,525 65,419 3,940 Dutchess.............................. 1,191... 5,371 5.098 7,668 4,925 20,114 20,014 37,705 3,799 Erie................................. 2,7435 4 5,536 599 7,980 1,370 34,441 31,859 41,808 3,690 Essex................................ 1,192.... 4,739 4,672 6,850 937 9,004 9,219 21,678 2,143 Franklin.............................. 970.... 5,525 4,312 5,246 811 15,847 15,804 26,173 1,327 Fulton............................... 885.... 2,537 2,684 2,461 501 10,234 9,974 15,620 1,378 Genesee............................... 837 19 2,750 2,810 2,900 387 9,193 9,009 15,106 1,573 Greene............................... 1,456-.... 4,371 5,270 4,244 1,084 13,350 12,059 22,657 3,129 Hamilton............................ 254.... 498 423 639 239 1,082 1,043 2,344 258 Herkimer.............................. 1,878.... 4,272 4,788 3,805 281 46,627 45,461 54,335 3,876 Jefferson-.............................. 1,911.... 9,265 8,681 8,882 676 56,551 55,1'98 73,437 5,782 Kings............................................. 239 215 57 21 4,023 4,030 4,323 285 Lewis................................ 1,3801 4,467 4,499 4,341 1,254 30,848 30,639 40,733 2,141 Livingston............................ 1,400.... 5,158 5,194 7,422 411 10,880 10,605 23,632 2.069 Madison............................... 1,8391 18 6,112 5,807 5,903 442 29,093 28,995 41,147 3,463 Monroe............................... 592.... 4,834 5,386 5,954 515 15,058 14,962 26,817 3,247 Montgomery.......................... 3,094.... 3,928 4,773 3,016 196 20,269 19,903 27,888 2,015 New York........................................ 3 12.......... 8 79 86 106 39,756 Niagara................ 654}.... 3,219 4,121 3,901 331 11,793 11,860 20,213 1.509 Oneida............................... 1,695.... 8,963 8,773 10,154 1,200 60,648 58,417 78,544 17,452 Onondaga......................... 2,1031 19 7,307 6,940 6,245 683 24,861 23,730 37,598 3,933 Ontario............................... 1,7375.... 4,088 4,263 4,656 429 13,634 13,411 22,759 3,253 Orange............................... 1,634.... 6,381 6,247 6,183 1,860 40,021 40,096 54,386 6,022 Orleans............... I................ 6441 2,531 3,227 2,295 407 7,136 7,197 13,126 1,481 Oswego.............................. 2,059.... 7,414 6,459 6,968 1,422 29,503 28,393 43,242 6,357 Otsego............................... 2,234.... 8,885 10,868 9,449 605 41,226 36,040 56,962 5,603 Putnam.............................. 137.... 1,951 1,902 1,924 1,448 8,336 8,426 13,700 1,470 Queens............................... 371.... 1,289 1,202 1,558 965 7,628 7,893 11,618 1,856 Rensselaer............................ 1,702.... 4,800 4,551 3,740 1,366 15,405 14,302 23,959 4,073 Richmond....................................... 164 167 98 152 1,195 1,191 1,608 35 Rockland............................. 133.... 775 541 1,372 396 3,610 3,658 5,967 1,207 St. Lawrence.......................... 2,244.... 13,848 12, 142 16,049 1,562 65,262 65,286 95,039 5,269 Saratoga.............................. 1,9901 6 3,836 3,987 3,719 1,182 15,148 14,583 23,471 4,213 Schenectady.......................... 857.... 1,217 1,443 1,266 130 5,374 5,118 7,957 1,708 Schoharie............................. 3,015.... 6,282 8,143 5,123 726 19,461 16,506 30,498 2,997 Schuyler............................. 1,419.... 3,45-8 3,394 3,261 344 7,320 6,897 13,896 1,770 Seneca............................... 1,284.... 2,945 2,939 3,259 145 6,496 6,470 12,813 1,521 Steuben................................ 5,669..... 9,860 10,426 9,388 2,267 24,172 22,785 44,866 4,620 Suffolk............................... 155.... 3,710 3,654 5,366 715 8,538 9,057 18,792 2,447 Sullivan.............................. 4,498 6 6,887 6,918 6,764 3,203 13,487 12,667 29,552 2,653 Tioga................................ 1,428}.... 3,753 4,840 3,707 1,039 14,109 12,672 22,258 2,469 Tompkins............................ 2,0325.... 5,592 5,371 5,120 594 15,878 14,575 25,660 2,629 *Ulster................................ 2,655~.... 5,633 5,998 5,208 3,056 18,561 18,226 32,488 4,585 *Warren.............................. 1,635.... 2,814 2,697 3,254 839 6,016 5,874 ]2,664 1,425 Washington........................... 1,987].... 6,349 6,845 5,921 538 17,315 16,863 30,167 2,637 Wayne................. 1,727}.....5,781 6,143 5,392 671 14,256 14,229 26,435 1,826 Westchester............................ 341.... 3,384 3,177 2,409 4,190 16,719 17,154 26,930 2,199 Wyoming..,.......................... 1,797.... 4,313 4,739 3,850 720 19,4~99 18,329 27,638 2,195 Yates.....,..........'................ l,072}.... 2,701 2,819 2,420 186 6,919 6,828 12,253 1,329 Total............................. 99,749 82 299,129 310,820 301,664 64,486 1,195.481 1,147,251 1,824,221 221,481} 51 (401) RECAPITULATION-(CONTINUED). HORSES. SWINE. Pounds of butter Pounds of cheese Gallons of milkMules COUNTIES, made m 1864. sold in 1864. sold i 1864. Colts of Colts of Two years old Total number owne Pigs of Season of 1864. 1865. and over. of horses of all 1865. 1865. 1864 and 1865. classes. older. 1865. Albany....................... 1,066,196.20,763 464,885 I 443 443 10,129 11,015 57 12,225 11,450 Allegany...................... 1,655,776 1,325,748 250 964 805 8,437 10,206 407 5,058 5,318 Broome....................... 2,291,268 113,922 41,385 90 593 503 6,615 7,711 25 1 6,171 5,521 Cattaraugus................... 2,412,223 3,635,356 12,512 124 891 8,401 9,416 79 5,788 6,731 Cayuga....................... 2,208,049 205,155 91,511 1,054 1,064 15,067 17,185 293 15,110 15,507 Chautauqua................... 105,205 2,105,642 73,085 1,318 1,104 13,352 15,774 81 8,184 10,351 Chemung..................... 105,345 21,747 84,449 368 312 5,000 5,680 95 4,307 4,682 Chenango..................... 4,042,326 2,552,066 11,652 801 761 10,319 11,881 75 9,435 10,657 Clinton....................... 946,725 100,020 6,300 605 591 8,721 9,917 78 5,158 4,917 Columbia..................... 965,064 23,447 231,130 447 475 9,112 10,034 72 19,792 17,130 Cortland...................... 2,683,773 2,074,155 715 556 627 6,256 7,439 72 5,864 7,225 Delaware..................... 5,052,295 35,519 6,046 816 722 8.927. 10,465 57 10,704 10,000 DutChess...................... 1,358,722 11,599 8,964,574 482 446 11,028 111956 52 26,181 ~15,715 Erie.......................... 1,558,573 3,344,734 489,206 1.203 1,296 16,854 19,353 229 9,536 13,551 Essex........................ 654,174 96,255 970 503 408 5,101 6,012 40 2,801 4,390 Franklin...................... 1,226,598 125,732 1,100 672 620 6,076 7,368 14 5,175 5,221 Fulton........................ 706,612 991,002 1,084 261 234 4,235 4,730 2 4,510 4,654 Genesee,............... 763,.082 80,263 104,622 760 696 9,796 11,252 5 9,596 11,785 Greene....................... 1,327,054.16,961 2,192 416 372 6,146 6,934 9 8,832 6,734 Hamilton..................... 96,174. 1,855 100 36 23 402 461....... 261 277 Herkimer................. 953,118 13,893,801,68 498 567 8219 9,284 7 8,566 8,661 Jefferson...................... 3,100,234 5,348,615 278,2371 1,559 1,293 15,306 18,158 122 10,672 14,120 Kings........................... 444,530 22 27 8,414 8,463 100 1,165 990 Lewis........................ 1,663,950 4,755,043 138,126 466 401 5,491 6,358 24 5,121 5,187 Livingston.................... 1,052,804 101,417 33,233 909 912 11,234 13,055 103 12,542 14,137 Madison...................... 1,569,342 3,452,682 13,506 1721 671 / 9,415 10,807 97 8,581 8,260 Monroe....................... 1,.374,890 69,044 358,400 1,022 998 I 16,759 18,779 68 18,933 23,367 Montgomery.................... 1,035,7311 4,207,006 7,885 694 583 6,902 3,179 9 10,079 7,208 New York............................................ 12,650 156075.6812 Niagara.......................'966,286 52,260 25,889 754 844 11,244 12,842 136 10,202 11,922 Oneida........................ 2,868,740 8,108,540 191,698 1,172 1,068 15,823 18,063 156 13,793 13,447 Onondaga..................... 2,149,141 1,844,326 262,946 1,058 1,013 14,952 17,023 93 14;846 15,071 Ontario..................... 1,110,592 119,357 32,020 790 766 2,790 4,346 45 13,174 15,518 Orange................2....... 2,363,6611 132,575 8,835,0523 626 683 10,714 12,023 116 19.549 19,021 Orleans....................... 804,209} 59,598 75 591 671 7,512 8,774 7,932 9,764 Oswego....................... 1,988,060' 2,383,806 69,151 892 893 11,637 13,422 34 9,577 1.0,026 Otsego....................... 2,811,199 3,335,144 18,279 962 988 12,718 14,668 51 10,137 10,276 Putnam....................... 272,924 1,155 2,841,453 92 103 2,265 2,460 22 4,004 3,085 Queens....................... 424.063}'... 929,131 173 162 8,790 9,125 213 7,069 7,068 Rensselaer.................... 1,144,726 528,133 556,638 558 4711 10,322 11,351 59 12,051 9,509 Richmond.................. 23,575............ 4,793 15 17 1,395 1,427 42353 507 Rockland....................... 231,231 650 215,384 124 87 3,236 3,447 125 1,633 1,554 St. Lawrence................... 5,417,779 2,922,001 119,187 1,598 1,724 16,751 20,073 31 15,667 14,627 Saratoga...................... 1,323,024 185;161 115,556 666 517 10,067 11,250 11 13,413 10,627 Schenectady.................. 514,607 82,064 118,094 299 252'3,424 3,975 1 4,503 4,077 Schoharie..................... 1,978,640 143,641 4,235 73 694 8,440 9,907 12 9,607 7,365 Schuyler...................... 737,673 32,948 8,500 378 360 5,181 5,919 25 4,226 4699 Seneca....................... 690,428 12,331 21.394 704 627 6,885 8,216 55 5,547 8,116 Steuben....................... 2,261,034 291,185 22,485 1,039 1,001 12,951 14,991 281 11,~13 14,052 Suffolk....................... 596,184 1,030 22,330 323 256 6,646 7,225 139 11,553 13,344 Sullivan...................... 1,195,868 12,316 8.9,928 404 1 340 4,104 4,848 106 5,862 4,700 Tioga........................ 1,432,650 49,65560 496 347 5,656 6,499 5,024 4,727 Tompkins................'.... 1,676,823 385,697 31;167 I 745 ~ 687 7,876 * 9,308 38 7,288 7,190 Ulster........................ 1,547,217 1,060 134,099 I 499 ~ 432I10,334 11,265 18 18,459 11,677 Warren....................... 478,085{ 71,139 17,485It 239 I 2331 3,186 3,648 1 2,860 2,278 Washington................... 1,817,397 807,374 21,819II 728 [ 791I10,470 11,989 9 15,644 11,397 Wayne....................... 1,320,004 90,591 47,30'51 977 ~1,028I11,330 13,335 35 14,797 15,156 Westchester.................. 525,032 186 2,928,845l 249! 220I 8,930 9,399 10 10,884 6,076 Wfyoming..................... 1,279,761 1-,801,781 43,4071 689 701I 8,040 9,430.7 4,806 6,270 Total........................ 84.584,458 72,195,337 29,631,5215 3,1 320 511,412 584,930 5,6 543,469 533,757 (402) RECAPITULATION-(CONTINUED). SWINE. SHEEP. COUNTIES. Slaughtered Pounds of pork Shorn in 1864. Shorn in 1865. Lambs raised Lambs raised Total number Pounds of wool Pounds of'wool Slaughtered in 1864. made ill 1864. in 1864. in 1865. of sheep and shorn it 1864. shorn in 1865. in 1864. lambs owned in 1865. Albany............ 13,839 2,071,204 39,260 33,543 20,972 23,055 56,598 166, 275i 143,6053 20,595 Allegany........ 6,842 1,645,905 150,955 159,844 57,800 63,813 223,657 613,0311 608',884 4,.280 Broome........... 8,449 1,833,518 40,393 41,535 24,613 29,698 71,233. 134,5414 137,9864 3,522, Cattaraugus....... 8,215 962,1900 74,746 77,682 33,473 36,646 114,328 269,297~ 272,742 4,963 Cayuga.......... 16,458 3,801,775 116,050 124,220 42,300 49,774 173,994 509,2314. 536,236 5,162 Chatauqua.......... 10,968 2,555,695 98,320 89,594 38,329 42,106 131,700 381,1044 329,268 5,217 Chemung........ 5,351 1,136,255 27,091 26,634 12,916 14,203 40,837 138,395 82,951 2,511 Chenango........ 9,959 2,455,66'9 69,897 63,130 33,080 32,'171 95,301 264,9211 222,1481 3,913 Clinton.......... 6,204 1,483,'321 47,926 55,850 21,007 24;613 80,463 184,533 211,'373 4,297 Columbia....... 114,300 2,826,145 80,262 49,209. 36,500 31,439 80,648 311,848 196,611 2,402 Cortland..... 5,964 1,567,973 54,209 37,732 18,215 20,579 58,311 143,258 13,2 3,372 Delaware......... 15;088 2,553,113 57,416 57,363 38,978 40,170 97,533 185,660 181,127% 3,347 Dutchess......... 25,272 4,149,522 69,762 54,805 41,520 42,578.' 97,383 225,627 198,7031 1,984 Erie............. 15,103 3,185,939 80,770 85,482 34,976 40,938 126,420 316,042 327,053 2,581 Essex............ 4,347 942,283 58,882 61,201 22,133 26,191 87,392 253,826 252,2262 2,151 Franklin........... 5,378 1,289,885 33,809 41,685 16,993 20,412 62,097 131,061 152, 479 1,955 Fulton.......... 4,773 1,040,967 18,979 18,227 10,170 11,471 29,698 74,538 71,557( 1.333 Genesee.......... 11,785 2,625,625 146,679 150,262 44,250 48,716 198,978 732, 034' 665,24 1,584 Greene........... 7964 1,741,794 25,717 22,212 13,972 14,610 36,822 96,2711 86,739 4,135 Hamilton........ 306 68,155 2,643 3,195 1,412 1,506 4,701 8,860 16,401 505 Herkimer......... 8,632 2,007,7591 12,610 1.2,027 7,898 8,744 20,771 46,3674 44,83214 1,622, Jefferson......... 13 135 3,266,840 46,951 53,001 26,629 32,020 85,021 179,4124 191,163I 6,459 K ings............ q893 238,310...................................................................... Lesis...... 5,537 1,298,635..16 702' 14 839' 7:594 9;278' 24:l7- 49,412" 54,:06' 1,862, Livingston,........ 11,092 2,621,995 178,637 183;991 63,076 59,313 243,304 786;2584 776,1664 2,413 Madison.......... 10,71 1,952;,180 77,354 64,817 29,813 28,311 93,128 344, 7391 9 7 4, 227` 5,375 Monroe.......... 22,125 4,788,010 139,174 151,288 48,475 55,672 206,960 639,8094 ~0>, 836.4 3,733 Montgomery....... 8,095 1,636,604 20,786 19,596 15,032 15,756 35,352 76,2114 76,854' 2,346 New York..... 73,609 3,200.....................'......................... 18,200, Niagara.......... 13,421 2,910,632 i605; 84' 105,831' 38,739 49.482.155"313'' 448)038' 4'9,624 2,803 Oneida............ 16,630 3,834,544 43,064 40,826 25,724 28,711 69,537 171,220 150,354, 6,990: Onondaga........ 17,231 3,797,685 134,340 136,658 52,438 59,302 195,960 631,096 637,126 5,282. Ontario.......... 14,377 3,030,031 191,478 195,450 71,859 64,292. 259,742 924,793' 921,568 4,871 Orange 23;960 3,615,730 14,954 15,061 9,954 11,092 26,153 52,1301 52,1544 4,065 Orleans.... 9,702 2,347,479 104,082 117,234 33,737 42,714 159,948 472,2121 49-3,611 1,954. Oswego 12,354.2,981,966| 43,786 47,820 26,102 28,474 76,594 167,838.1 175,5401 8,79T Otsego..... 1.1,476 2.806,409 94,959 76,674 51,325 47,656 124,330 358,279 274,769 6,611 Putnam.......... 4,104 789,418 4,050 4,238 3,732 3,847 8,085 13,787 -13,856 167 Odueens 8,941 1,976,224 2,822 2,917 2,067 2,259 5,176 9,511 10,1084 3,316 Rensselaer,....... 13,331 2,838,876 78,336N 662,254 20,738 32,125 94,379 319,258, 250, 0124 10,850. Richmond........ 806 170,272............. 25 25 25 50............................... Rockland. 2; 569 499,372 630 896 410 565 1,461 2,363~ 4,148 717 St. Lawrece... 16,561 4,108,787 71,388 94,464 43,252 54,790' 149,254 295,2094! 364,1871 5,400 Saratoga......... 14, 704 2,936,507 62,862 58,778 27,257 31,383 90,161 254,6101 260,671 9,655 Schienectady...... 4,248 823,857 i11,214 9,476 8,166 8,675 18,151 42,0861 35,867 2,477 Schoharie........ 9,283 1,939,506 46,337 39,107 27,721 27,319 66,426 178,2724 148,590 5,171 Schuyler 4,986 1,079,913 67,270 44,155 23,120 24,822' 68,977 286,068 254,216~ 1,818 Seneca........... 24,210 1583851 47,696 57,840 19,211 22,914 80,754 281,000 263, 200~ 2,180'' Steuben 1.5,085 3:034,800 226 695 233.'823 77:951 87,949 321,772.896,(0671 923,0921, 5,285 Suffolk 13,942 3,060,602 16,245 21,064 7,817 10,430 31,494 51 579' 54, 36 1,940 SUllivan. 8,939 1,6946 16,707 18,786 11,298 12,894 31,680 54,850o 61,8981 3,262 Tioga.......6,236 1405,975 38,982 40,434 19,218 21,841 62,275 131,6394} 135,245'I 3,368 Tomkins.;:.....8,771 1,873,298 66,859 65,679 27,413 29,686 95,365 261,6211 259,187} 4,522 Ulister........18,438 2,846,664 19,070.:~1,708 12,131 15,472 37,180 60,783~ 69,482] 5,171 Warren.........3',326 776,352 23,730?'26,999 10,911 13,339 40,338 93,835 100,262 1,603 W's ington..... 16,:0o4 3,397,559 130,782 144,870 45,039 5,4' 198,812 580,732 620,m 1,928. Wayne.......... 16,115 3,601,743 102,566 106,951 38,805 44,448 151,399 455,661~_ 4'59,7(74 2,295 Westchester11... l,606 222'6,120 8,182 7,269 5,742 5,523 12,792 25,3981 24, 441 1,827' Wyo mng.....:::: 8,46 1,721,125 1-29,982 119,426 40,947 44,482 163,908 577,7451 481,145 1,610 Yates;......... 6,810 1,429,777 |] 1:11,501 112,318 30,691 35,079 _ 147,397.449,7(24 __485,1(1 1,656 Ttl...........70,1 184247 3817437195,7,6 17935,2,1 58990 1526052340 (403) RECAPITULATIOX-(CONTINUED). SHEEP. POULTRY.S DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES, 1864. COUNTIES.'a o a Number Value owned, 1865. Value sold, 1864. Value of eggs sold, Yards of Yards of Yards of Yardg of killed by 1864.tt eS ulled clot1h. flannel. linen. cotton and dogs in ~ mixed 1864. bi cloths. Albany........................ 204 $52,466 30 $31,016 40 $34,957 61 |$21,844 81 4,50511 6,5783 9,1463 880t Allegany...................... 399 25,941 03 9,757 74 8,48405 4,121 70 5,4841 23,5673 14,010 1,958 Broome....................... 488 23,427 04 16,888 93 19,952 45 7,845 95 8,325I 21,2744 13,946 1,2851 Catta-raugus................... 488 21, 2568 12 11,119 81 15,662 23 1,079 35 5,617/I 30,1401 11,7605 3,656 Cayuga'........................ 550 52,911 75 41,696 50 44,772 00 5,676 00 I 2,600I 5,336{I 6,0403 470 Chautauqua..................... 475 28,811 90 12,878 90 16,183 20 3,693 5,7951 28,1381 16,1104 3,6781 Chemung...................... 333 16,287 00 9,183 30 10,532 20 4,515 25 2,477 6,381 4,374 319 Chenango...................... 494 22,242 22 11,707 17 20,847'37 7,382 91 i7,553. 19,326 9,158 1,712 Clinton........................ 471 15,61555 10,44222 10,81217 3,629 20 8,733'1 20,593 2,251 2,148 Columbia....................... 444 59,81600 31,19905 33,12514 15,783 50 362[ 7471 2,0763 503 Cortland...................... 240 16,97930 7,38312 12,03234 2,385 40 2,791 13,427 5,182 705 Delaware...................... 1,257 23,266 73 13,492 78 10,11055 10,09000 21,5451 31,892 13,632 790 Dutchess....................... 321 77,19410 76,32650 52,05950 27,356 00 92 263 690........ Erie.......................... 636 45,109 60 30,135 28 38,99444 4,621 60 4,958 18,1541 7,694 2,134 Essex......................... 479 10,062 60 5,103 50 5,315.00 2,55425 2,2943i 9,602 1,476 23 Franklin................'".. 377 12,17572 6,50829 7,334 50 959 50 9,6604{ 29,926 8,6752[ 4,2871 Fulton............. 185 16,46140 6,47390 9,117 95 2,984 75 2,173 3,002 1,263 238 Genesee........................ 339 26,18160 22,70478 23,134 41 17,581 95 416 1,418s 801 451 Greene........................ 385 26,71800 12,64650 21,225 25 12,526 75 3,852] 7,223 5,534 548' Hamilton..................... 39 1,47450 47000 54305 3100 475 2,901s1 184 154 Herkimer..................... 299 22,63910 7,89605 11,22496 9,537 00 3,9094 6,057 2,831 8821 Jefferson....................... 473 28,76971 14,84760 22,57909 6,38815 20,962 38,841' 20,928 3,666' Kings.................. 5,85100 1,20600 3,63600 1,89017......... Lewis......................... 279 11,32965 2,59508 2,99789 398 30 6,615 18,247s[ 8,147s 4,995} Livingston..................... 540 31,31832 18,23284 22,03723 8,35300 l1,663i 2,757~] 1,857s 141' Madison........................ 338 28,17422 14,09460 25,74013 5,882 75 3,49541 9,922s 3,791s 383 Monroe........................ 527 53,977 33 38,70605 33,74398 18,608 59 918 2,204 446s 91 Montgomery................... 333 24,70100 9,11175 14,40796 11,13100 2,808 2,991s 3,447 256 New York...........................................395 00................................... Niagara................... 1,33 30,76496 19,12799 25,94542 5,88649 1,5731 3,3511 674 3854 Oneida........................ 565 41,533 65 22,813 43 37,887 01 11,705 89 9,717 21,135s 4,1791 1,747i Onondaga....................... 588 49,251 05 34,607"28 45,978 84' 7,203 73 3,8111 7,9141 4,377s 190 Ontario....................... 620 44,55430 45,67194 27,21886 18,74150 517 1,402 1,1031 90 Orange............................... 60'2.... Orleans........................ 153 21,83650 11,51172 16,6277606,391 37 262 434 95 154 Oswego....................... 423 33,48339 24,05707 33,86754 7,25175 14,1971 27,054s 15,313s 2,013 Otseio........................ 646206 28,75285 13,15020 5,8391 12,4191 11,927 990 n 614~~~" 36851.717 Putliam.......................... 74 16,552 83 9,299443 388 25 5,733 70 5 25 [ 178 132........ Queens........................ 90 79,597 00 80,'035 00 45,960 00 6,042 19................................... Rensselaer..................... 235 841,984566 30,961 28 8,00027 18,500390 1,729 1,9811 1,7461 4,77 Richmond..................... 55 7,639 00 2,503 00 4,258 00 9,403 00.................................. Rockland...................... 42 16,81200 7,95925 9,92513 7,53160 25................ St. Lawrence.."................. 772 35,22345 18,53,871 9478,1031 2837 11,28418 Saratoga...................... 418 52,57653 36,50081 45,08291 15,53726 3,050s 4,993 887 165 Schenectady.................... 89 16,170 75 8,100 50 12,099 00 5,28758 1,390 1,3 1915 221 125 Schoharie...................... 337 29,90886 13,474 79 20,39681 6,231 84 10,996 17,2891 29,190 95 Schuyler................... 303 14,742 82 12,050 05 10,898 80 |2,687 84 1,723 3,5081 3, 903s 16 Seneca.......................... 277 27,466 75 22,363053 16,752 97 4,992723 285 1,002 447 22 Steuben....................... 717 32 6, 85677 17 462 36 18,22083 13,21530 8,099 22,564 15,324 2,703 Putliam....................... 25 16,3552 8 9,29430180 8,01 429,7 33 19 Tioga~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~21 3................. 6 2,43 1,21 1,53 9832 467 064 047 5 Toueens.......................21 2987 5757,92 3503 239,01 410 4 Warren..................... 30 1108015,285 5725,03650 45,96000 12,8554124 51 Washington~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~9t...:.]...i:~.;....... 55 4,460 7470 2,120 3470 651,33,80 9 Reynselaer..................... 567 41,7960 41,86 75 4,713 17,996128 18,027168,45009 1,4,218 77' Rischmondr.................... 15 75,643975 45,03006 41,3453 22800 6140198................ Wyocklndg..................... 32 2,63 1,07 1,83 55 55,01 820 598 158 St awrenc...................... 18 2,6615'"21407 35114i67,14864 334 7841. 182. 13 Srtogal...;................... 2,9 1858,7977,2,49 133007 3,05 25,8163,5639576264 ( ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 257 3 3,0 145,89 5572/ 300~I4,) PRODUCTS OF AGRICUL-TURE NOT INCILUDED -IN THE PRECEDING~ TABLE*'1S. ASPARAGUS. BEANS. BEETS. BLACKBERRIES. BROOM CORN. CABBAGES. CARROTS. COUN TIES. ____________ ______ _____ ______ _____________ Bunches. Value. Bushels* Value. Bushels. Value. Bushels. Value. Tons. Value. Number. Value. Bushels. Value, Albany 125 $20........... 400 $80.............. 75 $16,200 24,000 $1,350 2,025 $1,572 Allegany................................ 1,250 310................................................ 1,420 748 Broome........................................ 100 35.............. 41 825 1,250 221 430 175 Cattaraugus........................,........... 22 22..............................2............ 979 438 Caypga............ 1,400 100............ 1,906 813 9 i $0.... 230. 00, 30 — 7 1,685 595...................... 63 34...................... 3,175 215 Chemung~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...27 II....... 10 1,42 0 15 74o Allegany............................................. ohenang.......... 485 206..... 0...130 15 1,963 731 Clintontr u g............................ 545 115.............................. 35 3 1,845 675 Colum.ia..........................................................................................4 Cortland............................ 50 12................................................ 2,147 1,012 Delaware...................................................................................................... 4,684 2,236 Dutchess............ 6,4 0 1,190............ 1,150 455....................................... 4 0.............. Erie................................ 765 638.............................. 53,210 2,703 4,973 2,512 Essexm......................................*...................... 800.........Io.......... 988 409 Fra'nklin........................................ 133 72......8..............;.............*.............. 1,130 375 Fulton..................................... 4 35 14.................................... 965 279 Genesee................................... 410 112................. 3....... 1, 5 7 715 oreenelu.................................................... 250 25 4,860 2,430 Hamilton.................................................................................... 600 37 159 149 H]erkimer................~.................................. 8,725 6,950 339 701 342 Jefferson............. 714, 275...................... 25 30 4 2,872 1,018 Kings..........I.................... 1,030 $1,030 700 525............................ 1,205,000 86,395.. 5........... Lewis.............. 128.................................... 3,320 1,148 Livingston..................................... 830 340 27 214 61 48 847................. 1,680 619 M adison............................170...................... 550.................. 3,372 1,324 Monroe......... 500 300.......3, 235 1,192 897 1,780................ 2,950 145 2,088 759 lontgomery........................ ~..................510 166 Genesee ~~~~~~~~~~~~................................ 1,7... New York................................................ 0................................... 9,000 900.............. Niagara......... 250 17 2.......... 175 200 60 477 205 Oneida............ 2,011 146............ 2,677 966...................... 300 13,511 786 7,750 2,531 Onondaga.................................................... 1 281 750 33 4,625 1,052 Ontariom.................... 3,830 934 8 44........ 275 550 57 2, 095 5839 Orange............... 60................................. 500 70 950 Orleans...................................................... 5,370 528 60 27 Oswego.......................... 20 50 272 100.......................................... 1.. 2o386 1i408 Otsego...................... 20 39 1,586 749 2 9.................................. 5,035 1,868 Putnam........................................ 270 145................................................................ Queens............ 90,00 29,986 2:::: 2:::: 46................ 581,200 41,395 8,849 4,776 Rensselaer......... 700 45............ 450 207 12 31 14 4,622 11,900 300 3,280 1,239 Richm nd...................................................... 16 100.......................... 600 700 100 Rockland.................................... 6-08 2,103................ 2,875 288 3,000 1,635 ~~~~~o.~~~~~81 8.............:..... St. Lawrence................................... 562 142.............................. 435 46 9,332 3,238 Saratoga....................... 572 277 31 298........ 75 23,200 1,542 3,080 1,357 Schenectady, 23 65 57............ 80 50.............. 4,119100,189 700 49 2,255 848 Schoharier.................. 982 355 -Schuyl21.............................. Sc u lr........::..: 0 2 0 Seneca.................'.....:...:.........'........27 866 275....5............................... 75 20 Steuben..................................... 110 52 67 168 1 416 600 47 617 271 Suffolk........................................ 1,091 438 410 1,546 5 220.................. 15,408 7,604 Sullivan....................................................................................... 300 20 270 157'':1~ ~~~~5 18.........::::::7:: i! I Tioga..................................... 56 1............................................... 745 277 Tompkins.................................... 175 61 7 36........ 905.................. 461 193 Ulstera............ 19...... 962 505 Oashington............................................ 7... 30 27025 1, 0, 2 Wayne.......,............... 677..... 300... 68 5 38:11~;I~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ n-r!........- n I IC% Onstariot.................. 97 24',52' 00 30 14........l........I2 l 11,80 671,25 5,045l 2,49 W Orange................................ 600 15......7.................. 5 0: 1 53 Otsego........................... 200 3 9 0 1 586 7 149 2.... 40..............,395. 1,86 Renseaer........... 70,5 2004 3457,..[ 5 0 { 32,47,12 1154350 12,8 16,7232,552 11,903,18 300,11 13,201,4525,79 R~~~~~~~~hs unitcsaeadiinlt hms ie napeedin......................... pl6e ere................... 6alues 70 0 als 10ven................................25,103diio otispout,St. Lawrence........ 31111~~~~~~~~~~405 PRODUCTS OF AGRICULTURE-(Co NTINUED). CHERRIES. CHESTNUTS. CLOVER SEED. CUCUM- CURRANTS. FRUIT AND NUR- FRUITS MISCELLA_ GARDEN SEEDS, B6RS. SERY TREES. NEOUS. COUNTIES. B13ushels. Value; 1ushels. Value. Bushels-. Value. Value. Bushels. Value. Number. Value. Bushels. Value.?bunds. Value. Albany.............. 162. $602. 6 $130 $1,282 15 $57 21,800 $25,300 318 $807. Allegany........................... 79,000 10,250........................... ~oo~~~~~~~~~~~~~.............................,' Broome.......... 25,.......... 80 10..... atttara ugus,... I 126.............................................................................................. Cayuga... 91 115 6 $20. 1,058 15,852,........ 2,405. 4,399 5,178.............. C ~~hau-~tauquat 1 -- ^._- - -" -- Kirkwood.... 1 250............................ AXES AND EDGE TOOLS. M aine........ 2.....................^......................._____________________________________________ ~~~~~Triangle...... 2 415,' 2 350 2 1,200........ ALBANY Co. | |W indsor... 3 2,175................................ Watervliet. 2 250,000 2 158,950 2 351, 0001,~.... 2 CATTARAUGUS. ElioHA tt 1,0 1 40 1 8 8O.. A shford....'.. 2 700 2 300 2 1,500,........ Bruschoe...... 1 12,000 1 16,00 0 1 28,0 00 I HETMUNG Co. Hinsdale..... 1 500 1 250.................... Rotterdam city... 1 1640,000 1 2 0,25000 1 30,000 1... Little Valley..I 800 1 50 0 1 160............... CHENANGO CO. TEUBEN 5 200 T~ENA:GOsC~' Perrysburgh 3 75 3 0 1,950........ Pitcher...... 1 3,0001 1 880 1 2, 00.... I Yorkshire.... 5 930 3 395 5 27730....... CORTLAND Co. |CAYUGA Co.| Homer....... 1 1,555 1 555 1 1,450.. 1 A br... 090 3 197 270... GUC ESC.A b rotn...... 3!0901/1,1 DuTGHE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~s~~~~~o. ~~~~~Brutus....... 4 800; 2 2,700 1...........1........ Pougke_ i. 1,00,0 1 18315,000.... Cathbo.........ne 1 9, 000 1 3,000 1 1,00. ERIE Co. Genoa....... 1 7501 1 188 1 7 600........ Baffalo...... 2 75,000. 2 50,000 2 82,000 - 2.... Ira.......... 3 1,600' 1 Soo 1 2,500.. HERKIMEROCO. Moravia... I 1, 800' -1 150 1 1, 700'........ Little Falls.. 1 4,1000 1 1,600 1 7,0.. 1 7ie.... 235 456 3 1500........ JEFFERSON -CO. - |IOwasco...... 5 2,70506, 5 17800 5 5,400;........ W~ilnia....... I I,000 1 496 1 1, 49'D. I Se pois. 2 0; 225 2 7.... NEW YORK Co. Sennett....... 3 1, 400 3 490 2 1,200......... New York.... 2 10,400 2 4,900 1 10, 000 2.... Sterling...... 2 9001 2 591 2 180.... NIAGARA Co. ]|Victory....... 2 3,000i 2 2,300 2 5,'2 00 (0....... Lockport..... 1 9,300 1 17,060 1 24,500'.. 1 CHAUTAUQUA Co| ANTI-FRICTION METAL 1E!! ~oo~,~E Coo, RENSSELAERCO. Charlotte..... 2 1,600 2 565, 2 1), 2........ Pittstown.... 1 50,000, 1 79,510 1 155,000.... I Cherry Creek. 2 4001........ 2'900....... ST........ I 1 5 1 25 1 200.... ColsvIl 65,30 1104 8 Potsdam I I 000' 1 625 1 1,175 1 3 1 Pots m........................... Troy........ 1 1751 1 200 1, 500....... Canton...... 1 4,000 1 2,234 1 5,500.... I Hanover...... 3 1,0501 2 210 1 6006........ TIOGA C~o. |Portlsanld..... 1 200; 1 240 1 1,........0 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~L~~~~1 7 I I 2,325....5 1:,Berkshire.. 14 006 1,110 1 8,850 I Vleo... 4 1,550 4 700 4 2,510........ Wawarsing.... I1 12,-000'1' 45,000- 1 60, 000' I' Catlin........ 2 400 2 600 2 74005........ Cheioung..... 2 600 1 175 1 550;........ _____________________BELLS<________________BELLS Elmira city... 1 3,000 1 1,650 1 9, 000........ ALBANY Co. -- -- Elmiran....... 3 815 3 549 3 2,250........ W atervliet 1,000 1...1,00 1 orshe........................................ ERIE Co. i Southport~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~":/.... 7,4,7,7........... H ost......] 1[ 10,300 1 5,00 1 20,000... 1 s C o Nr a Go.... NU HEW S. YORi Co. tv Biide...2 3 19, 3 00 3.... New York....e 1 50,000 1 17,250 1 30,000 1...Csoubs.. 1 200' 1 963 1 2,00;..... RENSSE~LAECO Coety.. 2500 1,00 2000 65 22 2,20;.... T..re. 3 160)0 3 2015 3 2,950 4/ 5,300 C — u -- C o. -- - ----- --- — / a0:ncl an..../............. 1 75 1 600. BELL-HANGINGS. Mcaonough.. 20 2,000 2 1,880 2 5,50 0......., -. ----------—, ----------------- Ni e w B e l n. 350 70;....... 3 2, 200 1..... A?^ESO ij j m 1 n nNorwisch.. 2 3,0500 2 1,70 2, 6,000.... AjT lbn y... 1 5,000 ) 1 1,1 z O 4- ith r...; 3 l 4; 5 J O,... Plymouth. 3 1,100! 3 20 3 16......... ALBNYO Co. I I Sherbur. 1 00 1 1,800.:~02 1 I ~/ois 0i2 2212 91 NA AAlbn.... 4 00 2 50 542;.... S yra... 2 1,000; 2' 316 1 1,200..... Bettleh Vley... 14 01 3 1 1,2.......... C INTON Co ~ GuiSSELdERland 2 3100 1 50 1 1,00...... lack Bend... 3 1,400 3 3545i 3 7 1,00..... i sthero...... 3,00 000 ALLEGANY Co. I Pettsburgh.. 3 950 1 1 2 00.. Potsdam 1 1~~~,200 1 395 1 1751 2,73nto 1 50: ~A lCYsh ire.... 1 5 2 1 1 500..... CiOtL.AN CO. 4 50 00 2 2,10 0;...... Clver. 3 1,C0A0 3 1,0 3 200.... Hom er..... 0..l n 1,000 1 100........... Caneadea... 1/.5551 500 10 1, 7 423 540..... I)UST~ESSC O.C - E UT ~ / CenwaBtus...1 1,000 1...0 1 1,00........ G n.. 2 400; 2 50 2 2,00 IndependeCo. 2 400 2 325 2 2,200j........ Green o............75 1. 6500.... ~~ ~ ELS //Emr2ct. 1,801/ 1/ 3,6000 1/.... New Hudson. 1 200, 1 200 1 800to......... 8C..001 1 2,100...... Sox o....... 3! 950ooo 3 1,000 3 3,2.... ~......, n h... 6,400 6 1 4,o000.... JFESNe -C. wsor.... 2i,00 12 5( 1 0,8IClmu 0 0 t 5~ 5,41 001.. WlinaI~Oy l.T In CBfr.... i. oti/ 611 /,0'1~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ 1,800'..Serois..3 ( 25 2~ 95;..3 NEW~~ ~ ~ ~ Yom o.' 40!2,0i " Setv erling.... 00 59 2~ 1,00.. NAGX~M C~o. s~oa V,1 18301Iaoictory....... 3,000 2,00,.. Albany 1 300 oi 4 l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~q50,200... ~~~~LockSIR.poreto....'1I 2 ~ ALBANP CO SO~~~~~~~~~~i ~ 2 50 4 5,1,00"i1!trn...]/ 5: 1 0,0 Bethlehem I~~~~~ 150 ~ 5 3,92,00...: 1 LNON RENSSELER~o'ICharltt... 1 565 I2.00../.. Westrlo 3 10503 1,50 2,800795,510i Ali~~~~ ~~~~Cerr C rek.... 2 I5'900: /OUCI C... gndovr ~ 2 450 350 2, 00; Cer1/t...... 1 10 ~. a n aw a o ~,.2 0,0 0,.. o...t 2 0 1 7 1 2 4,,. o,. o.. Pe Ndot. 1 201 20 01Hsdme....' 1 170 I....0 Sco. 3 903 10,0iI'I1 Gnerryo..... i 340,20~ 1f,50.o..... 422 MANUFACTURES:-CAPITAL, VALUE OF MATERIALS, PRODUCTS AND POWER. CLASSII.-METALLURGY AND MANUFACTURE OF METALS, ETC.-(CONTINUED.) CAPITAL. VALUE. POWER. CAPITAL. VALUE. POWER. o~Of raw materials. Of products~.,.= >Of raw materials. Of products..3 tQ CD ~~~Of raw materials. Of products. =S ~7 F TOWNS. ~~ r, TOWNS. ~~ ~ I. It li I, I I. I, If., -a~L ct) 35 S o8 "5* = 3 O 1 3 C ^, c 3 o ____ Hi c ~.s i &^ ^ ar _JL_ ___ _ _ a^ - Livingston.... 3 $1,400 2 $1,017 2 434........ Cape Vincent. $175 1 $90 1 $300........ Tag-hkanick... 3 6251 3 410 2 250. Clayton...... 2800 2 1,200 2 3,000........ CORTLAND Co. Ellisburh..... 3 2,750 3 1,605/ 2 2,700........ ~3 - Homer....... 1 v250 1 1201 1 800... Henderson 2 500 2 1,000 2 2,400 MRarathon.... 2 1,000 2 1,650 2 4,000........ Le Ray...... 1200 1 120 1 400........ DELAWARE Co. Lyme........ 2 3,300 1 450 1 1,000....... Andes....... 2 250 2 250.................. Orleans...... 5 2,30 2 525 3 3,200.. Bovina....... 3 650 3 504 3 718........ Philadelphia 4 1,200, 2 680 2 1,460. i~~~~~~~~~~~~ I Colchester.... 2 1,800 2 1,140 2 2,500........ Rutland...... 2 2,300 2 1,200................. 1... Delhi......... 2 1, 400I 2 1,800 2 3,~500......... Theresa...... 2 500 2 235 1 25i........ Franklin..... 1 650 1 493 1 1,200........ Watertown.. 1600 1 100 1 600. Hamden...... 2 * 600 2 356 2 800........ Wilna........ 2 350, 2 140 1 800'i' Harpersfield..0 1 300 400 1 800........ KINGS Co. Kortright.... 2 1,200' 2 600 2 1,500........ Brooklyn 10 24,500 7 12,990 8 51,800.... Masonville.... 2 1,400 2 810 2 2,900....... LEWIS Co. Middletown.. 5 2,700, 5 2,670 4 5, 800......... Lewis......... 1400 1 100 1 600........ Roxbury 5 2,300 2 1,480 2 2,100........ Leyden....... 3 1,400' 3 500 3 2,200........ Sidney....... 1 300. 1 146 1 500........ Lowville..... 2 1,900 2 500 1 1,200........ DUTCHESS CO. Mlartinsburgh 3 1,150 3 1,094 3 4, 500I....... Dover........ 1 1,200 1 1.200 1 2,500..... New Bremen.. 2 400| 2 614 2 1,530j........ EastFishkill.. 3 1,300 3 2,350 3 5,000......... Turin........ 2 1,8001 2 2,500 2 3,300........ Fishkill...... 2 1,700 1 300 1R600...... West Turin... 2450 1 275 1 1,000........ La Grange. 5 1,400 4 170 3450......... LIVINGSTON Co. Milan........ 4 2,700 4 1,725 4 4,500......... Avon........ 1 1,750 1 500 1 3,500........ Poughkeepsie. 2 3,000 2 1,050 2 1,750!........ Lima.:........ 1 1,200 1 372 1 1,800........ Red Hook.... 2 900 2 680 2 4, 500........ Mount Morris. 2300 1 30..................... Rhinebeck.... 3 1,200 3 1,200 3 6, 300,.... I.... Morris....... 6 7,050 5 1,540 5 6,300....1. Union ale... 1 400' 1 800 1 2, 000,........ Nunda....... 3 1,0 3 1,225 3 7,7001........ Washington...] 3 1,150 38 3 2,200i...3 Springwater... 3i975 1 140 1 1,700.. ERIE Co.lMADISON Co. Aurora....... 2 1,000 2 1 950 2 2,200........ Cazenovia 3 1,700 3 1,313 4 4,4001........ Brant........ 2 1,100' 2 800 2 3,240........ DeRuyer.... 2 1,050 2 280 2 850........ Buffalo....... 10 7,300'10 4,775 9 14,380........ Georetown.. I 1,000 1 500 1 1,000........ Clarence..... 2 1,00001 2 1,100 2 3,...8. 0ha......i 1200 1 36 1 1,000........ Evans........ 3 1,400 3 700 3 2,500 Lenox....... 2700........................... Grandlsland.. I 400 1 185....,............./. Madison..... 1300 1 200 1 1,000.... Hamburh. 6 2,050 6 1,357 2 1,795........ Nelson....... 2650 2 500 2 1,600........ Holland...... 1 500 1 300 1 1,200........ Sullivan...... 6 2,550' 5 637 5 4,350........ Lancaster.... 2 700 2 1,204 1 1,700........ MONROE Co. Newstead.............................. 1 2,800........ Chili......... 5 1,000. 5 1,100 5 3,700........ Sarrdii... 27 3831 2 800...... Clarkson..... 1500 1 36............. Sarrdiia h 2 ""5"~83 2 ~ 0........... ESSEX Co. Greece....... 1 300 1 500..................... Crown Point.. 3 750 3 428 3 2,000........ Hamlin...... 3800 3 500 3 1,700........ Jay...... 2 850 2 6 2 2,000 Mendon...... 3 3,350 3 6,650 3 19,800........ Keene........ 1 150 1 125 o1 5001o....... Ogden........ 5 2,500 5 2,440 4 2, 700........ Schroon...... 2 400 2,725 2 2,000'........ Penfield...... I 1,000 1 800 1 1,500........ W'estport. 5.... 1 500 _ 300 1 1,000.......... Peirintun.... 3 1,300, 3 ~750 3 2,2500... FRANKLIN Coxb.ri......... 34000........................... F~RANK~LIN CO. Ri~ 2, 00i Bangor.... 4 850 4 878 1 1000d........ Rochester.... 1 150 1 100 1 Chateaugay... 1,500 1 500 1 1,500 Rush........ 3 1,050............................ Constable.... 1 300 10 1.1 500 1 1,.... Wvebster.....| I 100 1 100 1 400........ Malone....... 1 20 1 30 1 300........ MONTGOMERY.. Moira........ 3 350 3 410 3 1,150........ Charleston... 50 3 905 2 1,000...... Westville 1 1,000 1 400 1 600........ Florida....... 2350 2 70 2 2,100 FULTON CO. IGlen......... 2950 2 605............. roadalbin.... I 300......................... Platine...... 260 2 400o 2 1,600........ Caroga........ 1 150 1 200 1 50........ NEW YOR Co Oppenheim..l 4,72.0{ 4 2,950 New Yor 25 55,72515 1,2813 82,600....... OENESEE Co. lNInAGAA Co. Alabama...... 1|...... 3 3,25 3 2,3 2 5 0. Alexander.....l 2 800 2 8001 2 2,800.... Royalton... 4 1i,100! 4 550 4 340.... Batavia......1 6 3,8501( 7 1,945 7 6,000 1 Somerset 150 1 80....... Bergen......... 2 800 2 550 2 1,800 Wilson. 2,200 4 1,435 4 3-,300 Byron.... 3 1,800......Co LeRoyed... 4 101 4,500. August. 1 1000 1 50 1 40.... Oaklands..... 4 2,050........ Boonville..... 3 1,300 2 885 3 3,92.... Pavilionh...... 1 850 1 50 1 500....... Bridgewate r.. 2 500| 2 800~ 2 2, ~400 Pemnbroke.. 5 1,050 5 1,245 4 5,270.... D~eerfield... 4 4,600! 4 1,025 4 6, 100.... Stafford...... 1 463,000 4 383 4 2,100 // or....... 600 2 OREENE Co. < I III'I 2Lee......... I,00'Ashland...... 2 8001.... I~~~~I............................. MarCY.......I O 1600J 12001 1 650.... Athens.......l 1 225 1 3501 1 1,,5~ /........... New Hartford. I 80 1 16 1 50 Coxsackie.... 1 30C, 160 1 60......... 2 30 1 700 New Baltimore I 1,50Cn I 4181 1 1,000.1........ 1 Rome........l 3 2,6001 3 2, 100 3 7,000.... Prattsville....( 2 1,50C 2 2,950 2 3,300. Sanunerfield.... 2 2,500 2 1,800 2 5, HAMILTON o.Trenton....... 3 1,230 3 906 3 3,72 ~ells....... 1, 200........ Sernon.... 1500 1 339 1 1,164.. AERKIMERCO.Verona........ 5 2,150 5 1,502 5 6,800 -F airfield90 2 525 2, 175.......... Cahitestown... 600 1 250 2 2, 0..... Newport.. 2 1,80 2 1,000 2 1,900..... ONONDAGA Co. Salisbury ant. 80 2 3,0/..../....)e R uytr....... 1,200 1 600 1 850.... JEFESON Co.Lafayette.. 77 5 600 5 2,200.... Adams... 5 4,175 5 1,335 5 4,100.... ani s.... 1 200 1 200 1 500 Alexandria,... 2 7501 2, 338 1 9001....].... 11 Harcellus.... 3 1,400, 3 416 3 2,70 Antwerp.s 1 1,7001 1,540 1 6,00 1 Onondaa. 375 2 595 2 1,420........ Bryownville,t.. 31 1,900 3 900 3 3,5000...........1,550 2 800 2 2,500. MANUFACTURES: —CAPITAL, VALUE OF MATERIALS, PRODUCTS AND POWER. 423 CLASS II.-METALLURGY AND MANUFACTURE OF METALS, ETC.-(CONTINUED). CAPITAL. VALUE. POWER. CAPITAL. VALUE. POWER. ~ ~ ~ ~ 1.4 <01 I.' Of raw materials. Of products..Ei.4 TOWNS. ITII I TOWNS. TII I WESTCHESTER. I EFFERSON Co.I Cortlandt.... 1 $400 1 $115 1 $700~.... *1 Theresa................... 1 $350...... <........... I Eastchester... 3 12, 900! 3 3,430 3 16, 600........ MONROE Co. Greenburgh.. 2 9,000 2 2, 5201..................... Rochester..... 1 $30, 000~ 1 2,400 1 $50,000 1.... Lewisboro.... 2 2, 000~ 2 500 2 2,500!. _\10 ONTGOM1E RY. Mt. Pleasant.. 1 l, 000i 1 500 1 1, 000i........ Amsterdam.. 1 7,000 1 2,000' 1 15, 842 1.. Westchester..2 6,500 2 2,500 2 7,400!........ ONT,'TARIO Co.I West Fa'rms. 5 18,415 2 27,115 5 77,560....,.... Hopewell..... 1 3, 500; 1 1,000 1 8,000).... 1 Yonkers...... 1 8,000 1 1,625 1 1, 000........ Seneca....... 1 2,1501 1 2,750 1 4,940~.... I WYOMfING Co.'ST. LAWRENCE. Bennington.. 2 1,000 2. 700 2 2,200......... Rossie....... 1 2, 000. 1 900 1 2,000... I China........ 2 1, 400 2 550 2 1, 400.... I SARATOGA Co. | Covington.... 1 300: 1 175 1 500......... Moreau...... I 10, 000~ 1 5,850 1 17,2121~.... 1 Middlebury.. 1 300! 1 300 1 1,200.....SCHOHTARIE Co. Perry........ 2 1,400: 2 300 2 1,'600.... Schoharie..... 1 60,000 1 5,600 1,38,885i 1I.. Pike......... 1 700 1 1,000 I 2,~2451.... SCHUYLER Co. Warsaw...... 2 10,700; 2 6,381 2 16,150: I.... Hector....... 1, 1, 000, 1 50 1 500W. I Wethersfield.. 2 I,200,1 2 750 2 2,800......... SENECA Co.| YATES CO. Wtlo.. 1 6000...... 6,000;.. 1 Benton....... 3 4,500i 3 3,515 1 7, 500........ To-MPKINS Co. Italy......... I 100i............................ Lansing...... I 2, 500' 1 598 1 3,7771.. 1 Milo......... 3 9, 080; 3 t,105 3 4,900~........ _ULSTER Co..| Starkey...... 2 2,2001 2 1 2,375 2 1 7,650j....I..... Kin gston... I 4,000|~i............. I 1,800i...... --- - - — =- --- ~ ~" -------.-. — — == ^ ~~~~~~ ~~~Lloyd........ 1 3, 000 1 400 1 1, 200| 1.. RUBS. Shawangunk.. I 12500............. 1 600,;.... 1 FRANKLI CO.^ -------------- P —-------------------------—' — WASHINGTO'N. Bangor....;.. I 600i I 100 1 200........ ^ 1?0 0 -0- FULTON00' -i -i ^nn i om ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Milo....*..... 1 3,000 1 Soo 1 4,000... 1 Broadalbin. 1 1,500............. 1 800........ p ^^^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Green ille.......................... I 250 _^... rrey.......2,000 _1 1 _ 204, 1 ___ 1 26-3. ^ SPOKES) FELLOES AND BOWS.WELBROS BRoomFE CO. I ONEIDA CO. Binghamton..2 9,000 2 21,600 1 15,0001 1.... Rome........ I 1,000 1 360 1 1,000.... I Windsor... 1 300, 1 125.............1........ Vernon...... I 1,000~ 1 341 1 900... 1 CAYUGA Co. |ONONDAGA Co. Springport.... I 1,000: 1 6,000 1 14,000,........ Elbridge.... 1 20,000 1 25,000 1 40,000........ CIHAUTAUQITA Co ORANGE Co. Clymer...... 1 125|.................................... -Deerpark..... 1 6,000 1 4, 50 1 14,000,.... I Poland....... 1 2,500. 1 500 1 1,500, 1.... SCRENEGTADY. Portland..... I 1,000 1 200 1 300.... 1 Schenectady..1 7,000 1 3,000 1 5,500 1.... CRENANGO Co. SULLIVAN Co. Afton........ 1 12,000 1 500 1 2,500.... I Forrestburgh.;. I 1,000 1 1,500 1 3,500.. Bainbridge................. 1 80 1 600....- 1 ULSTER, Co. Guilford...... 1 200, 1 1,000 1 1,500.... I _Lloyd.^...... 1 __2,500 1 650 1 3,000........ D UTCHESS CO. ~ - - = = = = ==_ = - - - -- - -^ _ __ Amenia....... 1 4,000 1 5,000 1 10,000.... I WOODEN SLEIGHI SHOES. ERIE Co. ____________________ Newstead...1 2, 5001 1 950 1 2, 6001.... 1 | CHAUTAUQUA Co | Sardinia...... I 1,0(00 1 1,000 1 1,750i|.... I |_Clymer...... 1 ___ 13 1 __ 5 1 1501....... CLASS XI.-HYDRAULICS AND PNEUMATICS. 446 MANUFACTURES: —CAPITAL, VALUE OF MATERIALS~ PRODUCTS AND POWER. CLASS X.-HYDRAULICS AND PNEUMATICS-(CONTINUED). CAPITAL. VALUE. POWER. CAPITAL. VALUE. POWER. Of raw materials. Of products....? Of raw materials. Of products.. z TOWNS. ~I~ ~ TOWNS. ~ ~ ~ 5o v> v> 0 iC) ( 0>(U( 0 0 D, CHAUTAUQUA.| BARREL MACHINES. Charlotte..... I $1, 000i 1 $460 1 81,340.... I MONROE —-------—. Co._____ Poimfret...... I 1,200 1 200 1 800..1 MONROE GO. I ~~~~~~~~CHENA\NGO CO. Rochester.....~~ ~~~~ IJ_,0[ __4^__^ 00 A Norwich....'.. 2 4 000i 2 3,400 1 3,300 2.... Preston....... 1 800' 1 360............. BOXES< ~~~~~~~~~Sherburne.... I 1,000i 1 350 1 1,20;"0.. I'KINGS. Co —-------- ^ —------- Smithville...1 600, 1 130. 1 4501.... I Brooklyn..... 3 75,000 3 127,450 3 230, 000~ 3.... ERIE Co. nn1 iini o^ MONROp CO. Collins........ I 1,000 I 1,1701 1 2,000.... I Sester I 3000 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Elma........ 1 500; 1 7001 1 2,0001 1.. NE^ Yoi~co'1'*" — ******* **** ******** 1 3,000............. I 800^ 1 90 1 2, 700.. I New York...'. 10 123,700- 7 97,135 6. 169,500 8....Hmbgh. 1 2o1 4 1 A^ "" NIAGARA Co. West Seneca. 1 12,000 1I 2,7160 1. 4, 500.... I Canmbria... 150!...... 1 Soo: FULTON Co.I O~~mA~o'''" 50.............. 1 SOO,........ Epratah.... 2 2, 200' 2 400 2 2,000.... 2 New Hartford. I 2,000 1 320 1 1,500.... I Iontw.. 1,0,1 120'0 — ONONDAGA Co. Qppenheim.. 2 3,500 2 2,344 2 6,000.... 2 Geddes....... 1 1,5001 1 600 1 2,000....... ColM biLT a.... 3 70| 4,2 OSWEGO Co.Clmi...3 140 4,2..'Contania............. 3,78 3 3338.......HERKIMER CO. Costantia..............00, 14,785 42,5338........ Little Falls.. 1 17,500, 1 2,000................. I OswegoAr..... 13P00 1 4,0 4 )56 1.. Manhelm.... 1 1,000, I 1, 742....I.........I........ Troy......... I 2001 1 240 1 3,000........ ~Newport..... 1 2,000, 1 1,200 1 2,000!.... I'WYOMING Co..... Norway...... I 1,000, 1 6(10 1 1, 9501.... I "Warsaw....'.. 1 __8,000 1 7,800 1 20,000 1.... Russia....... 3 3,400; 3 4,958 3 7,580- - 13 *.. — ====: -- - -- - __^ ~~~~~~~~~~Salisbury... 1 2, 400, 1 540 1 3,05.... I CAEPENTEE SHOPS. -^ m~~~~W nfeld.._.............................................. 4 _~~~~~~~APNE SHOPS._______________ JEFFEESON Co. I ALBANY CO. - jEllisburgh..... 2 800 1 1,050 1 2,540' 2.... Albany....... 5 15, 100;i 4 8,900 4 16,600.... Theresa................................ I I,000|.... 1 W atervliet.... 1 1,000, I 150.............. I.... W illa........ 1 800 1 995 1 2,189.. IL CHAUTAUQUA Co| LEWIS Co. Clymer....... 2 175~............... 1 500......... Denmark...... I 1,000 1 800 1 2,500,.... 1 RELAWAREECo.I Lowville..... 1 500, 1 130 1 35!.... I Bovina....... I' 150; 1 50 1 125......... Martinsburh. 1 Soo! I 22-5 1 450,.... I DUTCHESS Co.' New Bremen........... 1 710 1 2,200.. 1 Fishkill...................' 1 4,000..................... Turin........ 1 200 1 570 1 1,000.. IL ERIE Co. MADISON Co. Buffalo....... 1 1, 000! 3 7,500 3 21, 000......... Brookfield... 2 3,0001 1 1,600 2 3,50011.... 2 ESSEX Co. Cazenovia.. 1 1,450 1 925 1 2.653 1 Jay........... 1 2,000 1 150 1 800.... De Ruyter.... 1 3, 000i I 1,000 1 3,0(00.... 1 GREENE Co. IGeorgetown......................................... 1I.. Windham.... 1 I,000 I 400 1 900.... I Hamilton..... 2 1,500 1 200 1 850.... I JEFFERSON Co. Stockbridge... 1 600 1 700 1 2,000.... I Wilna........ 1 250............. 1 250........ IMONTGOMERY. KINGS Co. St. Johnsville. I 1, 200 1 800 1 1,800.. I Brooklyn... 8 21,850 7 17`,150 5 23,200........ ONEIDA Co. LIVINGSTON Co.!Deerfield... 1 4001 1 75 1 300.... I Nunda........ 1 1,500 1 616 1 1,300 1.... Floyd......... 1 200 -1 450 1 1,500 1.... MADISON Co. Marcy....... 1 11,2001 1 1,440 1 4, 000.... I Stock~bridge.. 1 250 1 500 1 800.... Marshall..... 1 600 1 600................. I MONROE Co. Paris........ 1 3001 1 17 00 1 2,000.. I Perrinton.... 1 225 1 135 1 240........ Remsen....... I 1 000;.......................... 1 NEW YORK Co. Verona....... 1 2,000, 1 75 1 1,0..1 New York.... 17 36,100 7 4.746 11 62,100 I.... ONONDAGA Co.| OTSEGO Co. Fabius....... 2 2,250, 2 999 2 5,400 1 1 Unadilla...... 1 1,500 1 300 1 1,000.. 1 OSWEGO Co. ORE-NSSEOAE Co Sad Creek.. 1 80 1 1 00( 1 1,50'........WV Tro...... 4 8,15 3 1360 3 4,0'....O SG o ST.AWENEC Eaon.... 1 50 001 100.. Osweatche.. 5 4,00 5 68502 680..1 Mdlfed. 0 0 0.. WESTCHEST MCHINo CHaltera...I 4,0 1 1,0 1 200..1 WestO Carms. I 1g,500i 1.1,000 1 1,0.... STEUEN~G Co. YATES Co. | Gran~~~~~~~~~Sitville...2 3,0,2 2402 680.... MI lo..... 1 0......,50.... Y MN o ----- -- ---- * -- ~ S h l o.... 1,0 0 1,500 1 1,3 5 0 1 3,0 0 0.. 1 CATTRAUGU I ROM C.ll Dayheton..,'. 1 10 1 30 1 150 1..! Bnhm o.. 1 1,00........ ll 2,0,... Famrvle.1 400 6i1 300..1NEW YORK Co. |vtn Freo...1 801 501 76..1New York... 20 3,4000 2 4,0 26 0 9,500........ Otto....... 1 51,0 1 92 1 2800.. 1 1 LONED Co. Yorkeshie. 1 1,500 1 750 1 1:7000.... LTO... CO —_ _L0^1_L __1 O - 448 MANUFACTURES: —CAPITAL, VALUE OF MATERIALS, PRODUCTS AND POWER. CLASS XIV.-LUMBER, INCLUDING TOOLS, ETC.-(CON TIN UE D). CAPITAL. VALUE. POWER. CAPITAL. VALUE. POWER. *"_J Kingsbury.... 1, 0 1,00 1 } 500{ 1 1,530;.. 1 woo~ niu~uNG. ___ Lyons........ 1, 1 0;......'................*... ALBANY Co.i W!/'YOMING-Co. Watervliet.... 2 30,00 2/^ 5,400 2 18,0001.... 1, Warsaw^ ^.......300^^ ^ _ ^ _ _ __ 7! ^ _ CLASS XV. —STONE, CLAY, POTTERY AND GLASS MANUFACTURES. ^^ Moravia..~o~.... 1 1,0:1 21 4.. Albany ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~o......3 1,0.......3 2185,1|2 HUAQGO BROOME Go. I Ellicott~~~~~oo~...... 1 50 1 34 1.1 |- Alban..... 1 0.......... 1 700,. 1 K o o oione... 150 1 40 1,O.... * Auburn..... 1 7,0001l.. ~.... 1 2 9000,i'1* Dunkrkeed.. 1 2,0....... 1 75,00.. * Horse-power. ~i~i MANUFACTURES:-CAPITAL, VALUE OF MATERIALS1 PRODUCTS AND POWER. 453 CLASS XV.-STONE, CLAY, PQTTERY AND GLASS MANUFACTURES-(CONTINTUED). CAPITAL. VALUE. POWER. CAPITAL. VALUE. POWER. Of raw materials. Of products.. Of raw materials. Of products. TOWNS. ~TOWNS. ~ ~ IT. In 4 I. I I CLINTON CO. W~ WAYNE CO. Black Brook I $0 1 $2,400 1 84,000i *'Arcadia.................. 1 $5.... * Champlain..... I 1,000| 1 225 1 1,500!.... 1 WESTCHESTER. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.......'..... Ellenburgh... 1,000 1,500].... C I ortlandt.... 18 193,900 18......... 18 251,125' 2 12 Plattsburgh 1 500............. 1 1,400.... 1 I ~)UTCHESS CO. i ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~BRICKf AND TILE MACIHINES. Fishkill...... 2 9, 000 2 7,100 2 13,300 1 Ag BPoughkeepsie. 1 21.000 1 3,600 1 71,000.... *1 SENECA Co. ERIE Co. Fayette...... I 10,000 1 $4,775 1 5,10 I.... Buffalo....... 3 3,200 1 230,000.... 2 WESTCHESTER.I Clarence.................. 1 400 1 3,200.... * Cortlandt.' 1 5001 1 125 1 5751.... *t Evans............ 3.. 2 2 FULTON CO. [ENAMELED WARE. Johnstown... 1 1,000............. 1 1800.... *1 GENESEE CO. KINGS Co. i ~~~~~~~~~~~~~180 2 340 2 Brookly......~ Batavia........ 1 15,000! 1 9,880 1 I 10, 550_.... GREENE Co. Athens....... 2 6,500, 2 5,500 2 13,600.... 2 FIRE BRICK AND RETORTS. Coxsackie.... 5 65,000 5 15,349 5 108,130........ HERKIMER CO.ALBANY Co. German Flats. 1 300 1 450 1 1,960........ Albany...... 1 150,0001 1 45, 000 1 75,000, German Flt. 1 3 5;90....... I Norway...... 1 l,000l 1 108r1500............ Norway~..... I,00i 1 18 1 50.......C E1N O JEFFERSON Co.1 EvlMi..... 0 000 4 00 3 0,800........ Ellisburgh.... 1i,750...... 8 0001....00~. Wilna........ 1 2,200........ NEW YORK Co. New York.... 3 102,000 2 10,600 1 25,000 Greig........ 175 500....EDA CO. Lowville..... 1 500 1 5 140...... Utica........ 1 12,000 1 16,360 -.1 18,400 1.... Lowville..... 18,0. 5 1400...* MONROE CO. RENSSELAERCO. Brighton 3 85,000 3 11,925 3 51,300....*1 Troy........ 1 20, 000 1 100000 1 MOTGMEYRICHMOND Co. Florida.... 75 1 2,500........ Westfield.... 1 70,000 1 6,000 1 100,000... NIAGXRA CO. WESTCHESTER. Porter....... 1 300i 1 40 1 900........ Cortlandt.... 10, 5 600: _ 16,0 00..,__L ONEIDA Co. Deerfield..... 6 8,85 6 1,375 6 17,800.... * GLASS AND GLASS WARE. Sangerfield....1 1,000 1 350 1 1,000.... *1 ~ ----------------— n -- ONrONDXGE Co. I ONONDAG. ooo0,......... Salircnsa....... 3015 1 2 2 9050.......N OSyracue,O i C........ 1 10 0' * Alexandria.. 1 20,000 1 14,250 1 0,000...... Seneca....... ~~~~~~~~KTNGs Co. / Senec...... I 1, 50 1 1,000 1 2,000........ ORANGECo. Brooklyn..... 11 876,000 8 234,477 9 726,000i 6 *1 Goshen....... 1,000...... MONROE Co. Newburgh.... 6 10,000 6 4,000 6 18,000i.... *4 Rochester... I 10,000.............. 1 30,0001. OSWEGO 8 C. New York05 850 — 1 ^ ^ 2 20,0 00 I 10,000 I 10,000 I.. 504.1?..... 2:000........ ocpr I 10,000 1 10,290 1 30 000........ Riha dI.... I... OTSEGO Co. ONEIDA Co.'Oneonta 1.. 1 500' 1 100 1 800... Verona..... 2 90,000 2 44,275 2 100,.000........ RENSSELAERCO ONONDAGA Co.| Troy......... 1 6,000' 1 4,600 1 12,000.... Syracuse... I 60,000 1 52,101 1 72,000......... "IOCKLAND CoOSWEGO Co. RCANe O.w 18 Constantia 3 25,000 2 90,092 2 162,309........ Stony Point.. 12 90,000 12 15,950 12 171,250; 3 *9 QUEENS CO. ^ n ST.LAWRENCE. Newtown.... 1 20,000.................................. Brasher...... 1 500......I..... 1 1,000........ SARATOGA CO. Lisbon.....1 175....... 1 540, 1.. Green-field.... 1 15,000 1 12,1001 1 40,000oi......... IS^ F I *OolOOooI~ I 1 Genil.... 2,0|1 160 2,6....* AN o Milton.......~~~~ 1 80.........1,40.. RichUlE oBfand............ 1 1,500o~ 1.o 3,000o..... Dix~ ~~ 50{....Lokot...../1 0 1 150,1 500......NEYOKC.I OSEGOC CO.Ne ok.. 1 400,4,0!.... Wat~~~~~~~~~ ero na......} 21 1,000, 1 37 1,5.... ^.LM N E E T Bo~ok vn~.. 1 30 1 5 10...... ALBAY2Co 5|1 Huntingt~~~~~ooo. 1 3,0 1,. 769 1,0..... Ab y...... 1 3,0 1 10,000 1o 7,000|o.....::xOCKAN Co.CYG Co.~| Uly~~~~~~~~~~~~~osset.................n1,0t.. - lir a...... 1 5,00 1 5,80 1 12,3000,...... LStony Poin.. CL15, 9 o. 5 ST.,AWRNC.ewtown.... 2 16,0 2,11,0.... 2 G ay.......,01,7,5;.. * iARE Coschuyer Fal. 1 300........... 1,00..... Qu~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Geenfield.... 2 250 11702,200 1I'UCESC. WASIN TONI ovr...... 1, 1000....... 125....... Greenfield..|10 8 | 90.... H ouhepi. 1 5OO l| 50,1,60....... 1,600 1,60~~~~~~~~ Horsepowe..WAEC O 454 MANUFACTURES'.-CAPITAL, VALUE OF MATERIALS, PRODUCTS AND POWER. CLASS XV.-STONE, CLAY, POTTERY AND GLASS MANUFACTURES-(CONTINTED). CAPITAL. VALUE. POWER. CAPITAL. VALUE. POWER. *~~~~~Of raw materials. Of producs Of raw materials. Of product, a0) bJ TOWNS. ~~~I ~ TOWNS. I g ~ ElRIE Co.I| CA'YUGA Co.i'Amherst... 1 $5,000........... 1 $30, 000;........ Bruts.... 1 200 1 $ 00 1 $2,400.... Clarence..... 1 1,000 1 ~~~$680i I II500 j........ Mentz........ 1 515~ 1 150 1 700........ Newstead.... 3 19,500 3 10,990. 2 27,360 *1 2 CHAUTAUQUA Co FULTON Co. Ellicott....... 1 3,250~ 1 1,500 1 4, 5-00........ Mayfield..... 5 1,500 5 2,265i 5 3,825........ Villenova..... 1 500' 1 300 1 1,000|1........ GENESEE Co. I CHEIMUNG Co. Batavia...... 1 50 1 251 I 125.... *1 Elmira....... 3 7,400,1 3 5,400 3 13,000..... LeRoy....... 2 3,965 2 4,021 2 7,240,........ CIIENANGO Co. HERKT-M R Co.| German...... 1 3,000.............. 1 4,000,........ Manheim...... 1 700 1 140 1 2,9131........ Norwich...... 1 2,0001 1 700 1 3,000........ Winfield...... 1. 1, 000" I 100i 1 2,000,......... CLINTON Co. JEFFERSON Co. Per-L......... 1 500' 1 500 1 1, 000.... Le Ray...... 2 3,000 2 1,527' 2 6,760.... I CORTLAND Co. Orleans....... 1 300 1 1201 1 300,........ Cortlaildville.. 1 3,000............. 1 3,2000i.... KIN~GS Co.I DELAWARE Co. Brooklyn.... 2 10,000! 1 500~ 1 12,000;........ Walton...... I 1, 500:1 1 5,0001 1 8,000.... I MADISON CO.* DIJTCHESS CO.I Stockbridge... I1 1,000 1 80 1 1,200........ TDover........ 2 2, 000; 1 500 2 5, 000-.... I MONROE Co. Fishkill.......1 I 000'; 1 400' 1 1,200......... Rochester..... 1 2,000.................................. Rhinebeck.... I. 21000 1 500 1 2,500 1.. NEW YORK Co. ERIE Co. New York.... 3 23,250 2 3,200 2 12, 000..... BIfralo....... 3 18,000 3 8,200~ 3 31,000'........ NIAGARA Co. 11,vans........ 1 400| 1 1,500' 1 3,000.... Lockport......1 5,000............. 1 1349........ Hamburgh.... 1 100 1 250 1 600..... Niag~ara...... 1 2,500 1 1,600 1 4,000.... GENESEE Co. ONEIDA CO. Batavia...... I 700] 1 100 1 I 1,200 ]....!..... Trenton...... 2 2/500 2 395 2 2,650........ Le Roy....... 1 1,800 1 900 1 2,300..... U~tica.........1 4,000 1 1, 800. 1 4,500.... GREENE Co.| ONONDAdA CO.' Coxsackie.... I 1 1,500 1 1,360 1 3,400...... *Fabius~~~...2,000 1 100 1 800'!........ HERKIMER Co. Manlius...... 1 2,530 1' 4,800 1 ~~~12,600........ German Flats. I 1,00 1 11200 1 5,500......... ONTARIO Co.'JEFFERSON Co. I Canandaigua.. 1 2,300............. 1 7,500........ Clayton...... I 1, 500 1 1,200 1 2,500........ Phelps....... 1 700 1 1,000 1 2,000........ Theresa...... 1 8001 I 1,200 1 3, 400.........'ORANGE Co. Watertown.. 2 8, OO Il 2 8,000 2 19,000,........ Deerpark..... I.............................. W in........ 1 700; 900 1 2,200........ Newburgh.... 1 3,000 1 8,601 7,5..... KINGS Co. | OTSEGO Co. Brooklyn..... 16 143,800s 10 27,250!15' 148, 800, 1 Cherry Valley. 1 3,000 I 1,000 1 3,362..... LEWIS Co. | BENSSELAER..... Lowville..... 1 800| 2, 000, 1 5,0001.... Troy........ 1 30,000 1 13,150 1 19,500........ LivI-N.-GST0,K Co.j ROCKLANDCOo.Lima......... 1 2,0001[ 1 1,500 1 3, 500;......... Ramapo..... 2 2,500 2 1,630 2 3,400........ N. -Dansville.. 1- 1,7500~ 1 2,400 1 5, 0001'..... ^Stony Point. 1 20,000....... 1 40,000 I.. Nunda....... 1 400, 1 533 1 2,200..... ST. LAWRENCE.Mi\ADISON Co.1| Brasher...... 1 200....... 1 2,500...... Cazenovia.... 2 1,575!1 2 950 2 2,300......... Potsdam... 1 2, 400............ I 2,6001.'...... amilton..... 1 3,500! 1 4,500 1 7,500......... SARATOGA Co.I-4 Lenox.... 1 2,500............. 1 3,500,........ Greenfield.. 1 3500~ 1 3,000 1 7,152|...... MORE C. Milton....... 1 500 1 - 25- 3,000'1........ Perrinton.... 1 740W 1 933~ 1 1,530...... SCHORARIE Co.^' Roebester.. 1 15,7181 8,9791 1 21, 977.. i.. Cobleskill.... 2 2001 2 430 2 1,096........ Sweden... I 1,2010 1 1,332 1 3,550....... Middleburgh.. 1 200....... 1 400'...... "Wheatland.. 1 2, 000' l 1;200 1 2,500i....i.|.... SCHUYLER Co.| MONTGOM1ERY. Dix......... I40i 3,5.... idn... 1,000 1 1,400 1 6,000'.... To-MNPKINS Co.v NEW YORK Co.i MANUFACTURES: —CAPITAL) VALUE OF MATERIALS, PRODUCTS AND POWER. 455 CLASS XV.-STONE, CLAY, POTTERY AND GLASS MANUFACTURES-(CONTINUED). CAPITAL. VALUE. POWER. CAPITAL. VALUE. POWER. &0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ j tX o (H~~~Of raw materials. Of products..S.,Of raw materials. Of products..3.5 TOWNS. ~~ ~ Z TOWNS. ~ 0<0 (U 01.' iU iU (U (D31'Osweglatchie. 1 $1,500 1 $2,000 1 $6,000........ ATManlius...... all $28,400| 6 $25,727 6 $53,96o|.... 6 Pierrepont... 1 650 1 1,500 1 4,500......1 Pompey...... 1 2,500 1 6251 900.... SARATOGA, Co. ONTARIO Co. Milton....... 1. 500! 1 1,200 1 2, 200~........ Manchester.. 1 6,000....... 1 1,600.. 1 Saratoga Spr'gs 2 l1,300i I 450 2 1,500,........ Phelps....... 1 2,500....... I 1,050.. 1 SCHOHARIE Co.| Victor....... 1 1,200, 1 1, 200' 1 2,400W. Esperance.... 1 3501 1 200 1 800~........ ORANGECGo.I Schoharie..... 1 8,000 1 1,525 1 6,0..Cete...,0 1 2,001 360.. 1 SCHUYLER Co. ORLEANS Co. Readin.... 1 2,800 1 3,900 1 9,000..... Ridgeway.... 1 3,000' 1 335 1 675 1.... SENECAo. OSWEGO Co.II W aterloo... 1 200.......... 1 2,000........ Volney....... 2 23,.000, 1 4,000 2 297500....i 2 STEUBEN"CO. PUTNAM CO.I B~ath......... 1 1,000. 1 1,0001 1 2,000I....... K n.... 1,200' 1 1,2 1,5.. Corning...... 1 1,500 1 1,100 1 2,000,...... RENSSELAER Co I Horneli'sville... 2 2, 000~ 2 2,0001 2 5, 8781........ Troy........ I 11,7000. 1 6,200 1 10,600.. 1 TIOGA. Co. ST. LAWRENCE. Barton........ 1 6,000 1 4,000 1 10,000......... Potsdam:.. I 17500 1 17200 1 1,800......... TOMPKINS Co. SCHUYLER Co. Ulys-ses....... 1 2,000 1 550 1 800,...... Montour..... 2 4,000 2 37350 2 6,600.... 2 ULSTER CoTyrone...... I 1,000:............. 1 690.. I Saugerties.... 1 1,700 1 700 1 17700,.... SENECA Co.i WARREN CO...... Covert....... 1 2,000 1 6121 1 1,652'I.... I Queensbury... 1 15,000.............. I 47,800',.... 1I STEUBEN Co. I WASHINGTON. Corning...... 1 3, 000! 1 2,400 1 47600i!... I Salem........ 1 35,000............. 1 50,000;.... 1I Erwin....... 1 2,00 2,00 1 3,500.... 1 White Creek.. 1 1,000 1 2,000 1 4,000....1.... TIOGA Co. I WAYNE Co. Tio a........ 2 27270.............. 2 1,080... 2 Galen........ I1 10,000 1 4,000....1................. TOMAPKINS Co. WESTCHESTER. Ithaca....... 1 1,000, 1 228 1 450.. Yonkers....... 1 2,500 1 1,500..................... Ulysses...... 1 2,000, 1 701 A 1,724... WYOMING Co. ULSTER Co.|I China........ I1 1,000 1 2,250 1 3,500....... Lloyd........ 2 5, 000'. 2 17,450 2 3,000......... Warsaw...... I1 300 1 600 1 2,000...... WASHINGTONCO YATES Co.' Easton....... I 3,000' 1 4,000 1 6,000.. 1 Milo......... 1 500 1 400F1I 2,800..... Fort Edward.. 1. 12,000; 1 217,250 1' 23,000.... 1 ~"'~~~ --- ------ — ==== ~~~~~~~~Greenwich.... I 2,000 1 5,600 1 6,600.. 1 WESTCHESTER. __________________PLASTER. ______Cortlandt.... 1 3,000 1 3,350 1 4,800... I -ALBANY Co. - --- - -- - ----- YATES Co. ^Albany....... 2 15,000 1 300 2 10,800 2.... _Torrey...... 1- _ 500 1^ _ 450 _1 __ 70 ^.BROOME CO. Binghamton.. 1 4,000 1 3,000 1 4,200........ PORCELAIN AND CHINA.________ CAYUGA CO.| I G o - - --- - --- - --- - Mentz........ 1 2,5001 1 500 1 675.... 1 Brooklyn..... 1 150,000 1 9,225 1 46,845 1.... Springport.... 2 14,000............. 1 14,900|...... QUEENS Co. CHE.-UNG CO.Newtown.... I1 20,000 1'1,000 I1 16, 000t.... Southport..... 1 2,5001 I 1,718 1 3,060.... 1 = - - - == = - ---.. * -* -- = CHENANGO Co. PTEIS North Norwich I 500 1 2,250 1 3,7500.... 1I_________PTERE._________ Norwich.... 1 2,500 1 1,000 1 4,800.... 1IALBANY Co.||i Sherburne.... 2 1,950 2 2,450 2 3,900 1 1 Albany...... 2 2,000, 1 500 1 5,000'.... *1 GENESEE Co. BROOME Co. Oaklands... 1 3,000 1 861 1 2,231.... 1 Binghamton..1 8,000 1 5,750 1 13,200.... Pembroke..... 1 2,500 1 350 1 740 1.... CATTARAUGUS. GRE ENE Co. Orleans...... I 4,000 1 600 1 3,000.... *1 Durham... 1 2,200 1 1,300 1 1, 80.0.. 1 CHENANGO Co.I HERKIMER CO.. Sherburne.... 1 2,000 1 1,600 1 3,500.... I! 453 MANUFACTURES: —CAPITAL~ VALUE OF MATERIALS, PRODUCTS AND POWER. CLASS XV.-STONE, CLAY, POTTERY AND GLASS MANUFACTURES-(CONTINUED). CAPITAL. VALUE. POWER. CAPITAL. VALUE. POWER. o Of raw materials. Of prodctf raw materials. Of products. Of __________ ra mae i s Of pr d cs.. ______ _ ___ rS TOWNS. ~ ~ ~ * ~ ~ TOWNS. ~; ~ OsT ~ohi. L OTSEGO CO. Oswegatchie.. 1 $3,000 11 $1,000 ] $3,000,........ Springfield... 1 $400............. I $1,500........ SARATOGA CO. REN SSELAERCO.I Moreau...... 1 50: 1 4 1 800,.... * Troy........ 2 21,000 1 $2,500 2 33,500!........ SCIU'YLER Co. I ULSTER Co. Montour... I 4, 200| 1 900 1 9,000'.... King~ston... 1..... I............................... ~ ~~~~~i n...... I.............. SUFFOLK Co. |. / Saugerties.... 1 300,000 1 150,000 1 335,o0001.... Huntington... 1 2,000 1 800 1 2,400'i........ WARREN Co. TOMPKINS Co. Glens Falls..., 1 6000............. 1 9,450.........Ithaca....... 1 3,500 1 1,404 1 7,000.... ULSTER CO. TILES. Wawarsing... 1 3,000- 1 1,500 1 5,000........ ALBAIY CO. ------------------ WASHIiNGTONCO / Albany...... 1 2,000.............. 1 12,000.9...0 Fort E dward.. I 5,000 1 3,900 1 15,0001.... I CAYUGA CO. WAYNE Co. Spring-port.. I 3,000 1 30 1 3,000'.... Arcadia...... 1 3,000 1 500 1 2,500I 1.... Venice.... 1 2,500......... I I 300, Lyons....... I 15,000 1 2,550o 1 10,000o.... EIE'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Evais.................................. I 5'.... *1 ROOFING SLATE. GENESEE CO. - --------------— Oakfield...... I 700............................. WASHINGTON Co| JEFFERSON Co. Graiyville... 9 342,000 1 1,2001 8 76,4431........ Watertown.~. I 1,000 1 200 1 1, 600'.... *1 Hampton.... 3 13,000............. 3 30,000,........ MONROE Co Rebron ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ALA~~..........i'1 Hebron. 1..... |iL............. I,00.. Brighton.;................. 1 480 1 2, 100'.. _W hitehall^ ^ l ^ m... 1 4!......_............. I_. _ IONTARIO Co. Phelps....... I 2,000; 1 120 1 600 1 STONE CUTTING. OSWEGO CO. DUTCHESS Co. —---------------- Richland... 1 12,000, 1 1,000 I 10,000,.... I ~ ~1o^ oo i F 15,000; /t te..... 1 1,000 1 525 1 l,350. Brooklyn...~.. 11 55, 100 11 38,300 9 152,950........ Wateloo. I MADISON Co.' PalyrECo Cazenovia.... I 1,000............. 1 2,500........ P.. II'I MONROE CO. T"' 4EIC. Rochester.... 3 27,000............. 3 22,00..... I1TOBACCO PIPES. NoEW YORK CO. I IGs Co. | New York.... 6 129,500 5 17,500 4 30,5001 1.... Brooklyn..... 1 1,500; 1 2,200 1 16,500 1.... NIAGARA Co. MONROE Co. Lockport..... 1 18,000............. 1 20,500.... 1 50 1 300 1 900 ONEIDA Co. NEW YORK Co.I _Utica........ 1 4,000 1 4,000 1 4,500........ _New Y~ork.... 7,_000 1 __ 250 1^ 5, 0001...... ONONDAGA, Co. WTRL-E Lafayette..... 1 50; 1 400 1 800........ ________WA E LI._________ Manlius.................................. ONONDAGA C Onondam.... 2' 3,500............. 2 6,935........ Onondaga.... 2 2,200 2 4,800 2 12,401 Syracuse... I 3,5001 1 6,000 1 20,000........ Skaneateles.. 2 3,000 2 3,900| 2 16,300... 2 [ONTARIO Co. I ONTARIO Co. Phelps t o.... 1 300.......... I 1,000......... 3 1 200 1 150| 1 1,200.... I CLASS XVI.-LEATHER, AND MAINUFACTURES THEREFROM. BAMKo Conewango... 1 700 1 60 1 1,775!........ HAMILTON Co —------------—. — Ellicottville.. 1 8001 2 1,600; 2 3,200;......... ebron... 14 7,400............ 14 1,0004....... B r ig n..20..._ W -- -^ - - - ---. hitehall.... 235 261 | 2,0 0..... ALBANY Go~~,60)][[:::.__.~ ||Gla.......I._.[ 2 1,500RI 2O 1,0 2 3,5'~.. Coeymans.... ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~1 8,00 1 300 1 601..... Pri.... 2 70 2 2,10 2[,20.... ALLEGANY~~~~~~~~~ OsCo.CYG Co. Amity..... 1o — 00- 1[ Riclan 1 50....Brts..... 1 12,100 2 30 1 1,700....1. Anougheepi....{. 11 900 18,00: 150!.... Cao..... 1 [,0,2 1 710.... Anglcao.. 1 200 1,00 1 350........ G na... 2,3'" 2 Faytt 2 175......]..' Broolfa y n........... 1 97 1 s 3,,27 1.... I w ra......... 4,8 0 4 1, 0 4 2 65.... Bolivar...... 1 600; 1 20 1378.... et..... 3 250,300/ 2 1,600....... Czenorvial... 1 25 2 70 2 1,3........ Moai...... 3,0,40 3 530 i.... Genesee...... ~ ~ ~~1 150 2, 500 1 1000/.... Iie..... 2651/8,20..*. Scio~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~amr........ 1| 403 0,500|.... Sii.... 00 1 400 1 70..... BOMoE'o Co. HUAQ C Rohestil.. 0 00 1 50.... Cy er,.... 4 45 5,1....... Ashford...... 2 400 2~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ 1,1052 300'.... lig.........1 471,200.... Coksportn.... 1 8,00 1...i.... 0,00.............. Barighony...../ 1 250 1 200 156.... ~ a ~00~ /*Horsew-po erk.,0 MANUFACTURES:-CAPITAL7 VALUE OF MATERIALS, PRODUCTS AND POWER. 45T ___ ~CLASS XVI.-LEATHER AND MANUFACTURES THEREFEOM-(CONTINUED). CAPITAL. VALUE. POWER. CAPITAL. VALUE. POWER. ^> v~~~ s* s 0s gs;s I'd.;~1 i;,iq^ ^ ~ Pomfret...... 2 $600 2.500 2 $800........ Elba......... 1 $8650' 1 $600 1 $1, 600'..... Ripley....... 5 340 5 1,720 5 4, 350i........ Le Roy...... 3 1, 570! 4 3,600; 4 6,693;|........ Sherman..... 2 800 2 950 2 1, 5501........ Oaklands..... I1 1, 250W 2,550 1 6,984';........ Stockton..... 1 700i I1 323 1 500';........ Pavilion...... 1 400.............. 1 600;!........ Villenova..... 1 500....... 1 2,000L..... Pembroke.... 2 550! 3 2,658 4 4.925:........ Westfield.... 1 200 1 1,000 I1 1, 500........ Stafford...... 1 100 1 50 1 5001........ CHEMUNG Co. GREE:CE Co. Chemung I. 1 40 1 600 1 1,000.... Coxsackie.... 4,00 4 1,740 4 3,368.... Elmira...... 13 92,600 13 112,970 12 115,'440......... Durham...... I11001 I 50 1 500;......... Horseheads............................. 2 18,000;........ Greenville.... 1 300', 1 300 1 857i!~........ Southport.... 4 475 1 920 1 1,790........ Prattsville.................. 2 1,900 2 3,800Soo!.. Veteran...... 1 800. 1 70 1o I 1, 3001........ Windham... 3 1,600| 3 1,500 3 3,100........ CHENANGO Co. HERKIMER Co.I Columbus.. 1 300; 1 400 1 1,100........ Fairfield 3.. 3 900~ 3 1,530 3 3,000........ Coventry.... 2 1,925 2 1,500 2 2,663...... German Flats. 4 5, 500; 4 3,404 4 9, 641.... Greene...... 2 * 2701 2 150 2 550;........ Little Falls.. 1 2,500.................................. Guilford... 1 600 1 675..................... Newport..... 2 1,100; 2 900 2 1, 475i.... Lincklaen.... 1 800 1 400 1 900........ Stark........ 1 2001 1 400 1 1, 100,1........ McDonough.. 1 100 1 300 1 600........ JEFFERSON Co.| New Berlin... 4 2,750, 2 1,650 2 2,700i........ Alexandria.. 2 1,080 2 900 2 2, 100i........ Norwich..... 4 6,400, 4 3,300 3 4,000........ Antwerp...... 3 5, 700! 3 4,177 3 9,1501.... Otselic....... I 25! 1 300 1 400:........ Brownsville... 1 2,000. 1 1,800 1 2,025'..... Oxford...... 1 1,0751 I 256 1 7001........ Cape Vincent 3 3 1,375 3 1,240; 3 2,900.......... Pitcher...... 1| 100| 1( 250 r| 500........ Clayton...... 2 1,300 2 1,320j 2 2,800........ Plymouth.... 1 200 1 500 1. 1, 500,........ Ellisburgh.... 5 2,500, 5 3,900i 5 6,800'1........ Sherburne.... 2 2,400'2 2,300 2 4,7-i006........ Henderson.... 1 600 1 1,300 1 2,2400......... Smyrna....... 1 50 1 1,650 1 3,154........ Hounsfield.... 1 3,000, 1 2,850 1 4,100;.... CLINTON CO. Le Ray....... 2 1, 100! 2 3,500 2 5,000oi........ Clinton...... I............................................ Lym e........ I1 1,00 O i............................. Dannemora.. 2 100,050 2 200,0001..................... Orleans....... 4 600' 1 500 1 8001........ Mooers...... 3 600 3 730 3 1,4001........ Philadelphia.. 3 1,300 3 12470 3 4,180|......... Plattsburgh.. 3 14,336 4 16,0359 4 36,00.... Rodman...... 1 3,000 1 813 1 1, 5001........ Schuyler Falls. 2 750 2 1,262 2 2,485..... Theresa...... 3 1,425 3 1,852 3 3, 2151|........ COLUMBIA Co., Watertown... 3 2,225 2 2,200 3 51-300........ Copake...... 2 57ar5 2 1,300 2 2,500........ Wilna........ 4 4,050, 4 3,7500 4 7,400..... Hudson...... 1 10,000 1 25,000 1 45, 0001.....KINGS Co. Kinderhook... 4 750 4 1,259 4 2, 7901........ Brooklyn... 11 120,070 7 215,948 7 190, 088| 2.... Taghkanick... 1 25 1 500 1 700........LEr~WIS Co.. CORTLAND Co......... Denmark..... 1 400 1 1,400 1 2, 610;.... Homer....... 1 1 10,500 1 6,000 1 11, 100!~........ Lowville...... 3 16,500 3 6, 500~ 3 11,7000i........ Marathon.... 2 2,800 2 3,400 2 7,200'........ Martinsburh. I1 1,000 1 700, 1 1, 800:........ Preble....... 3 850 3 1,900 3 7,640........ New Bremen.. 5 1,875, 5 2, 277 5 5,07011|........ DELAWARE Co. West Turin... 2 1,450 1 5,300 2 9, 340i........ Andes....... 2 600 2 1,000 1 1,000........ LIVINTGSTON Co. Bovina...... 4 230 4 3,552 4 5,0381;........ Avon........ 2 1,800 2 2,700 2 5, 000........ Davenport.. 1 500 I1 500 1 1,200.... Geneseo...... 3 11,000'................................. Delhi........ I1 1001 1 35 1 200;1........ Leicester... 2 1,500! 3 900 1,000'!........ Franklin.... 1 200 1 500, 1 2,1751.... Lima........| 1 1,200, 1 1,210| 1 3, 000i|.... Hamden...... 2 400 2 390' 2 1,185..... Morris....... 3 4,900, 3 6,500:1 3 14, 800........ Masonville I. 1 100' 2 1,4751 2 3,000i........ N. Dansville.. 5 9, 300i 5 12,00056 20,236'!........ Middletown.. 4 7401! 4 1,710 4 3, 300........ Nunda....... 1 500 2 1,055 2 2, 40011........ Roxbury... 2 2,200! 2 1,750| 2 4,500........ Spart a........ 2 400: 2 600 2 1,355......... Sidney....... 3 550| 3 750 3 1,190,........ MADISON Co. Stamford.... 1 8,000 1 2,500, 1 4,000......... Brook-field.... 2 2,300 1 1, 000 2 39,00011........ DUTCIIESS Co. Cazenovia.... 4 2,900 4 5,012 4 10,072......... Fishkill...... 4 1,450, 1751 2 1,700.... Fenner....... 1 600' 1 600 1 I, 000;........ Milan......... 3 2,400, 3 1,600' 3 3,600......... Georgetown... 2 l1,100.............. 2 2,300.... Pine Plains... I1 2,5001.1 3,0001 1 7,000........ Hamilton... I11001 I 200 1 3001 ~........ 458 MANUFACTURES: —CAPITAL, VALUE OF MATERIALS, PRODUCTS AND POWER. CLASS XVI.-LEATHER, AND MANUFACTURES THEREFROM-(CONTTINUED). CAPITAL. VALUE. POWER. CAPITAL. VALUE. POWER. 0 Of raw materials. Of products. G oOf raw materials. Of products.'~ z TOWNS. t4 T Lee............ 1 82,500........ Hopkinton.... 1 8150 1 8300i 1 $7oL....... New Hartford.......... 1 500 1 I,000.... Madrid....... 2 3,800 2 1,900 2 5,500|........ Rome........ 2 21,000 3 33,000 3 -56,000 Massona...... I 100 1 500 1 90011........ Sangerfield.... 2 2,40 2 27,100 2 50,000........ Morristown... 2 600 2 1,160 1 901....... Trenton... 3 1,025 754 3 4,050........ Norfolk...... I 200 1 500 1 S00,........ Utica........ 11 33,800 10 20,840 9 46,875........ Oswe-atchie 9 46,550' 9 20,200 9 41,500........ Vernon.. 3 550 3 900 3,50... Parishville 2 1,00 1 800 1 1,800!,........ W~hitestown... 2 450 450 2 1,950........ Potsdam 1.1,000 1 600 1 1,500:........ ONONDAGACO.Stockholm. 600.. 2,563. Cicero....... 1 400 3,100 1 6,300......3 Lafayette.... 4 350 1,200 4 2,200....!.... SARATOGACo. Lysander................................. Greenfield.... I 100 1 300 1 45 Manlius...... 3 1, 600i 3 3,630 3 7,839,....... Milton.... I 800 1 400 1 800'.... Manlius~~~~~4 1 5(........ Marcellus.... Northumber I 5 600 1 900........ Onondaga.... 1 500 1 1,015 1 1,180S..... I 300 1 1,000 1 1,800' Otisco........ 1 1,800 636 1 1,220........ Saratoga Spr'gs 3 3,850 3 3,100 3 8,024........ Salina........ 3 3,1001 3 4,000'!........ SCHENECTADY. Skaneateles... 3 900 2,000 3 4,5001....... Duanesburgh 2 1,30 2 8,880 2 17,000j........ Syracuse 1 1,500 Soo 1 2,0001........ Glenville 2 250 2 1,975 1 5,7424! Tully........ 2 200 650 2 1,300..... SCIIOIARIE Co. ONTARIO Co. Espera. 300 1 250 1 500........ Bloomfield.... 1 600 -1 1,500 1 2,24... Richmondville. I 1,000 1 2,000 1 3,00... Bristol....... 170 350 1 806. SCHUYLER Co. Caneadea... 150 300 1 600........ Catharine.... 2 55 2 1,300 2 2,700......... Canandaigua.. 6 10,00 Dix.......... 2 2,200 2 1 2....... Gorham.... Hector.. 2 1,200 2 690 2 1,700 Manchester.. I 800 180 1 6,000'........ Montour................................ 1 2,000|i........ Seneca....... 3 22,0001 3 8,400 3 15,40'.... Tyrone....... 2 1,085 2 3,200 2 6,400......... Victor... 1,500| 1,500 1 2,400........ SENECA Co. ORANGE Co.Covert....... 1 500 1 1,000.................... Chester...... 2 4,000 29,200 2 42,463........ Fayette...... I 100 1 960 1 2,037 Mount Hope.. 1 1,500 1 Ovid.......... 1 6,400 2,646 1 4,610.... New Windsor. 1 500 1 500 1 1,580;..... Seneca Falls.. 1 10,500, 1 7,500 1 13,9.941,....1.... W allill11...... 1.2,000 1 1,420 1 3,080,........ Varick....... 1 50 1 645 1 560;...... ORENSC. STEUBEN Co. Albion....... 2 700 2 2 1.555 2 3,460'!........ Bath......... 1 2, 500............. 1 3, 500 I........ Ridgeway.... 7 7,440 7 9,750 7 14,000'!........ I Cohocto-n..... I 1,000 1 2,000 1 4,000.... Shelby....... 2 1,200 1 2 735 2 1,457... 1 Conn.. 8,800 5 9,640 5 24, 000|.... OSWEGO Co..IErwin....... 1 1,800 1 2,000 1 3, 0001........ Constantia 2. 2 250| 3 3 1,713 3 2, 3207i.........Fremont..... 1 1, 0001 I 1,400................ Hannibal..... 1 600 1 300 1 600,...... Hornellsville.. I 300 1 52 1 30.... Hatn s.... I.........................I........ Howard...... 2 990 267 2 1,6.... 2l1, 26 o o ape..... 0 3 5 3. 6 Mexiconfi d....... 2 3 750 3........ New Haven......,.. Prattsburgh I 800i 1 750 1 2,100 Parish....... 2 450 900 1 1,500..... Rathbone..... 3 2,300'3 4,200 3 7,200; Sandy Creek.. 4 1,400 2,150 4 4,600T a.... 1 225 1 500 1 700. Schroeppel....... 10SUFFOLK Co. OTSEGO Co. Hunting-ton. 3 850 2 950 3 4,1005........ Burlington... 150 170 2225il....... Tslip......... I 100............. 1 400......... Butternuts... 1 500; 1 650 1 1,80.... sothl.... 300 1 150 1 2,500.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Southeast.......... Cherry Valley. 5,235 3 3 225 4 2,100.... SULLIVAN Co. Flush~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ing.......00 Decatur e.... 1 1,000 I 2, 2,000...... Hartwick.... 1 500 1 504 1 1,800o'5........ TIOGACo. Laurens...... 4 1,8501 2,500 1 4,600'.... Newark Valley 2 450 2 750 2 1,300........ 2~~~~~001 Maryland........ Nichols...... 1 6,000 1 250(1 1,20........ rMiddlefield 2 2........ ToMPKINS Co. Morrisi....... I 50C| I 1700 1 3,000........ aroline...... 3 725 1,536 3 2,9. Trw~isbon.. 4 390! 4 1,467 4 2.712........ Dryden...... 6 2,040 6 1....... Oteo.... 1,5017,144! 4 83....... lys.... I60 2 1,3 2 319.... Northfield.... [ 80. 1 1,00 1 6,0.......U SE Co Ramapfor..... 2 80 20 2 90,..... M rb ou.. 12,003970 1,'00....... BrTAshe C.'Suet..... 2, 5,500. 65 2 230.... Canton........151150 1,0...... Wa asn.. 1,00 1 100 1 150.... Hammoing... 2,0....... 2,0.... adw..... 3 5 303/,0.... Hosc.... 27 1,300 2,1|......WA IN O.| MANUFACTURES: —CAPITAL, VALUE OF MATERIALS~ PRODUCTS AND POWER. 459 CLASS XVI.-LEATHER, AND MANUFACTURES THEREFROM —(CONTINUED). CAPITAL. VALUE. POWER. CAPITAL. VALUE. POWER. uOf raw materials. Of products..5 ~o $Of raw materials. Of products. ~. o TUVV1M&. oWNS. TOWNb. 4~~~~~~~ 6 11 I li I **li~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.1:'111 ~ 1 II I l I Marion....... I 1 1,000;. $1,5001. Sherburne.... 2 $775 2 $1,069 2 83,500........ Ontario... 500'1 $300 1 500........ Smyrna...... 175 1 400 1 600.... Sodus 2.... 2 2,250'| 2 2,000j 2 2,900|........ CLINTON CO. W illiamson... 3 2,400 2 1,500 2 5,0001........ Mooers..................... 1 200 1 400..... WESTCHESTER.. Plattsburgh. 3 3 1,800 3 4,800 3 10, 500........ Eastchester... I I. 5001; 1Sh ye al.3-,350..................... Scu lrF ls 300 1 1,100 1 2,150.,....... Greenburgh. 2 13, 00~0 2 3,300 2 5,025........ COLUMBIA Co. I~~~~~~~ Clnront..... Lewisboro 1 5,000 19,00 1 29, 006 I....1.....200 I 100....... Mount Pleasant 5 2, 800' 5 11,052 5 16,7001........ Kinderhook.. 2 *300, 2 3, 300 2 5, 0|..... New castle... 1 l, 7200........-..... 1 8,0001........ New Lebanon. I 500: 1 1,500 1 3,500.... North Castle.. 5 1,100. 5 1,035 5 9,400........ CORTLAND Co. Ossining.... Cincinmatus.. 000; I 1,000 I 1,600. Poundride... 1 6, 000 1. 43,350 1 60,000..... Homer....... I1 1, 8W 50 1 1,000 1 3, 000......... Rye....... 2............................................ M arathon.... 2 l,3001 2 1,900 2 4,200......... "Westchester.. 1 540, 1 700 1' 2,350.... Preble........ I1550J 1 400 1 950........ WYOMING Co.ODELAWARE Co. Attica....... 2 17,000, 2 6,000 2 8,5001........ Bovina I... 1100' 1 508 1 814........ China....... 2 8501 2 1,700 2 3,2600~j........ Delhi...... I1 9, 000; 1 1,800 1 14,000W....... Middlebury. 1 300| 1 300 1 1,000,|........ Franklin..... 11001 1 576 1 950'......... Perry........ 4 8, 000i 4 4,150 4 10,200........ Kortri!-ht.... 1 3001 1 200 1 70( I........ Pike......... 1 150 1 1,500 1 2,904........ Masonville.... 175 1700 I 1 l000j.... Sheldon...... 2!50 2 1,900 2 3,000.... Middletown 2 4,00 2 1,00........ Wethersfield.. 2 1 300 2 1,350 2 2,824..... Roxbury..... 1 1,200/ 1 600 1 2,5001....... YATES Co.bWalton...... I" 1,050 1 700 1 1, 500........ Italy......... 2.......................................... DUTCHESS Co. Milo.... 4 10,500 4 8,300 4 9,290........ Amenia...... 1 2,000 1 2200 1 4,000;........ Potter....... 2 5,0001 2 8,000...............0...... Fishkill...... 1500 1 1 0001.........wStarkey...... 1I 1,800 1,000 1 2,200Cle......... I I I - __ ^_ --- -_, _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _^ - -- -- ^ ^ _^ ^ -- -— ^,. ^ ^^h.... 1 5 800 1 800 1 000;........ HANSSADDLES AND TRUNKS.EREG ~ _ __ _ _ ________________________________________ ~ ~~Aurora....... 1 200i 1 600 1 1,7500|.... ALBANY CO.I Buffalo....... 7 19, 7001 10. 8,'795 10 25, 300'i.... Albany....... 4 9,40 4 71,550; 4 11, 084t........ Clarence..... 2 200: 2 1,0 2 2000';.... Berne........ 1 350' 1 50 1, 1 540....... E.HI-ambu'rgh. 1 800; 1 800 1 1, 800,:i........ Moeymans.... 1 300 1 1 600 131,200........ Evans........ 2250! 2 780 2 1,400........ Rensselaerville 2 7001 2 1,226: 2 2,000......... Hamburgh.... 4 1,750| 4 1,860 4 4,300|...... ALLEGANY Co. ESSEX Co. Belfast....... 1 700'1 1 4701. 1 1000........ Crown Point.. 2 700 2 613 2 1,800'1........ Independence. 1 300 1. 200 1 500........ E rsex......... 1 600 2 930 2 3, 000........ Rushford 0 1,050 80 2 200i........ FRANKLIN Co. BROOMEwCo.angor....... I 600 1 t 25 120 5........ Binghanton 2 4,50 2 3,250 2 9,000........ Fort Covingaton 1125 1 40.............o........ olesville g.... 2 5, 001 500i..n.i. nMtos.... Kirkwood.... 1 150.............o.................... FULTON Co. Triangle.-..'... I 20 1 175 1 500i........ Broadalbin...i 15001 1 280 "1 500,......... CATTARAUGUS. Johnstown.. o........................ Ellicottville.. I1 8001 1 600 -1 2,000...... GENESEE Co. Freedom.....~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 62 10 1 6...... Batavia...... I1 400 118 1 1,200........ Hinsdale.... 1 500 I80 1 1,200....I.... Byron....... 28001......................... New Albion. 125 1 200 1 385........ E 1 300 1 300 1,398'i. Oleant........ 1 o.000 3 1,342 3 3,....... 0errysburgh..i1 125n1 250 1 * 400h....... Oaklands oo.... Persia 2 1 300 2 1,500 2 3, 230t Pavilion.............. I 900100. Yorkshire.... 1 200 1 180 1 4801........ Pembroke.... 3700 3 1,350 3 2,3....... CAYUGA Co.Stafford...... 100 1 300 1 1,5000..... Auburn........GREENE 1o. Mentz....... 1 600 1 1300 1 2,2000..Frnln......'EK M RC ~ Pikes........ 1 10 70 1,5001.... E FE SNC/ Brutus........ 2 5600 1 4i55 1 78l200!15.... 9. Adackie I4004 2 1,075 1 2,0001........ Sherldong...... 1. 1200 1 2 tin C ATUU C.Anwr..... I 290/,100 Mideon"'I 1,10041 2,5 800:. i.... Charloott. 1 50 15 1,0 0....... Eloob rg. 2 1,650, 2,0,0'....!.. Ch= yCre. I 50 10 s 60..... Hen roo.. 1 15 1 450 u.800...!....o Dukik... 2 1o5 2 1,45 2 300..... L....... 1 40 1 o ~ 350I 10.... Elictal...... 2 5 506, 5 2 1 15.......;. ODleanss.... 2 2,00.............!... Hanover.... 1 100 1 100 1,0... Phldlpi. 1 30 1i 450 1 160.... Soer:a,.. 2 220 2 3,10 2 570..!.. Waet... 4 650 5 1,10 5 428!...... Westfield.....!~~~ 2 6,00 2,47.2,000....... W l a.... 2,0, 2 1 20 2 2,0|..... E mr...... 5 2,00 2,01 637501..... B oky... 3,000, 3 790 3 2, 0....!.. Starkeyed..... 1 300 1 20 10 |.....L WSC. | S~~~~~~~~~~~~~~oughkepsie.... 18 1 2045|.......: emr..... 1 20,o 75 1,400|...... Coventry.....~~ ~~~~~~ ~ 1 50...... 124.... Tr in....k.... 1 1,000 1 2, 1 1 3,000...... G~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~Arora....... 1 150 1 20 1,0!. 1.. W s ui.. 20',0,0.... New Berlin... 2 7~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~00 1 200 1 11,5001'...!.1.... IIGTNC. A BNor ih.. 2 350 2,0C900|. 1.. A on.... 1 20, 1 40 1,0...... Otselic....... ~ 1 330~ 1 15 15!....... Gns......94,5001. 2,700 2 P4,700'..... O fr....... 1 80 ooo71, 5'..l.. i a.... I,0,j I, 0,0'.... Pl'uh... 15 1 600] 1901. E vI.. anr s.... 2 l10 2 125 2 190....].... 4609MANUFACTURES: —CAPITAL, VALUE OF MATERIALS, PRODUCTS AND POWER. CLASS XVI.-LEATHER, AND MANUFACTURES THEREFEO-M- (CONTINTUED). CAPITAL. VALUE. POWER. CAPITAL. VALUE. POWER. !S'______________ B ffao...... 1 265,000 1 77,118 1 266,434 1.... New York.... 1 50,000| 1 25,000 1 50,000 1.... Syracuse..... I 12,00.......... 1 50,000...... WrESTCHESTER. OTSEGO Co.i West Farms.. I 20,000. 1 23,1531 1 39,000| 1...Cherry Vall'ey. 2 8,00 2 2,900 2' 6.200 $1 *Horse-power MANUFACTURES: —CAPITAL, VALUE OF MATERIALS, PRODUCTS AND POWER. 465 CLASS XVIII.-ARTS, POLITE, FINE AND ORNAMENTAL-(CONTINUED). CAPITAL. VALUE. POWER. CAPITAL. VALUE. POWER. $, Of raw materials. Of products. ~ Of raw materials. Of products... TOWNS. | TOWVNS. z z 5; 2; c,.r? 0 2 c 0 R PHOTOGRAPHINTG. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, GENERALLY.PHOTOGRAPI. NEWYOR- CHAUTAUQUA. || NewYork 1 $750 1 $800 1 $4,000'....... Dunkirk...... 1 $7,000 1 $1,900 1 3,000........ New York.... 1 $~750 801 8,O.....CEAGC. W ESTCHESTERNNGO CO. WEaSTCHESTE^ R. _W _ 780 Nowc.....- ^ S P 2 4,4002 3,000 2 5,500........ Eastchester I 2,000 I 780 DELAWARE CO. Delhi........ 2 1,150 1 850 1 75...... ORGANS. DUTCIESS CO. ERIE Co. Poughkeepsie. 1 1,500 1 1,500 1 3,000........ Buffalo.......1 15,5001 1 5,000 1 13,400 GENESEE CO.2/0 FULTON~ - CO....... Le Roy....100.. 2 2 000 2 1,400 2 2,000........ JEFFERSON CO. I / J oh n sto w n 1 3, 05 0 0 1 2,0 0 02 2,0 0........ Adams........ 2 2,A000m 2 675 2 2, 800 New York.... 4 48,75 5 28,540 4 43,500 1.... Antwerp... 1 1 1 1,000 1 2,000...... Anw r.....l,0 1 1,00~ 1 2,000i....... LEW~IS CO. ROCKLAND Co. I 0 00 Ramapo...... 1 600 1 160 1 600........ Lowville..... 1,000 1 2,000 1 3,000........ LIVINGSTON CO. I Geneseo....... 1 1,000.......................... PEARL WORK. NEW YORK CO. 70 NEW YORK G- New York.... 6 8,700 2 1,575 2 5,000........ New York.... I 1,000 1 1000............. OswEGo Co.....'.............. " Constantia.... 1 500 1 500 1 1,400....... OTSEGO Co. I PENCIL CASES._____ Cherry Valley. 1 800 1 300i 1 1,500........ DUTCHESS CO. —--------------— 1 —-I Otsego....... 1 4,500 1 1,419 1 4,850,...... Fishkill...... 1 1,000 1 400 1 1,500........ QUEENS C. NEW YORK Co. Hempstead.... I 1,000 1 800 1 2,000....... New York.... I I 15,000............. 1 30,000........ ST. LAWRENCE. = -.... --- =: — ";- Waddington... 1 500 1 350 1 700.... SCHUYLEl CO. PHOTOLITHOGRAPHY.' ~ __OOIH R P Y_ ~Dix......... 2 2,700 2 1,450 2 2,900....... NEW YORK Co. II Montour..... 1 400 1 1,0001 2,500.'...... New York.... I 120,000: 1 50,000............. 1 1.... STEUBEN CO. = =..... -—:....Corning...... 3 3,200 3 2,630 3 4,400....... PIANO FORTES- WAYNE CO..'IAN FO TES Marion....... I 1,000............. 2,000....... ALBANY CO. I WYOMING CO. Albany...... 3 75,5oo 3 59,000 2 131,000 o I. China........ I 1,000i 1 00 1 800.... CHEMUNG CO. Elmira....... 1 15,000.................................. PHOTOGRAPHIC APPARATUS AND MATERIALS. CHENANGO Co. Norwich..... 1 25,0001 1 10,000 2............ CO.' ERIE CO. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Brooklpn1..... 1 25,000 1 11,500 1 26,0W.. ERIE CO. ~~~~~~~~~~~NEW YORK( Co. Buffalo....... 2 28.800 2 24750 2 38000 1..... NE/ YoRKCo: New York.... I I8 o / 1o o I / [ 0'............. 1 New York.... 28 1,471,000 14 270,150 19 1,657,280 9.... P;oRAI ORANGE Co. __________________~ ~~~~~~~~PORTRAITS._________ ORANGE 00O Newburgh... 1 7,700 1 1,900 10,00........ SARATOGA Co. ST. LAWRENCE. SaratoaSpr'gs 1 5001551 8........ Oswegatchie.. 1 2, 500 1 40 1 2,... SUFFOLK CO. PRINTERS INK. Brookhaven.. 1 60,0001............./ 1 25,451 1 /.... KINGS CO. —WASHINGTON.,I 1Brooklyn.......................................... 1.... 1 Kingsbury.. 1 9,5001 1 4,975 1 11,000..... NEW YORK Co.'.e I New York.... 1 200,000 1 100,000.............., PIANO FORTE ACTIONS. RENSSELAERCO...... —------- II ~~Troy........ 1 1,800 1 6,000 1 10,000.... NEW. YORK Co. A r- n1fll - 1 0A r —1111 A New York...l _ 1 4 o,,oo PRINTING AND PUBLISHING.4 PIANO FORTE HARDWARE. Aly..'.... 1 5 0,000 1 130,000 1 000 2.... NIYEW YORK Co.'EY~~P. |) |4.W( 20~ 2 1,0j2. CAY'UGA Co. New York.... 2 34,000.2o22,000o2 11~,ooo| 2o.... Auburn...... 2 25,600 2 26,520 2 55,000 1.... ---- ^ —------------------ ^_ --- - - CHEMUNG Co. PIAN~O POBTE STOOLS. Elmira..... 1 3,000 1 320................. DUTCoESS Co.' CxYuGAxCo.|| [ I [1 I I I [I Fishkill...... 1 900 1/ 400 1 1,600i........ Auburn...... 1I 4,60011 1 2,060 1 4, 0001/.... I ERIE CO. WEsTCHEST^Col / / I I I Buf aI Mtlo...... 12 255, 225! 4 3,807 4 18,241 9.... Greenburgh.. 1 6,000 1 1,850 1 9,200.... 1 MADISON CO......-: -- -'-' —_ oCazenovia.... 1 1,500 1/ 725 1 2, 290........ PICTURE AND MIRROR FRAMES. I[ NEW YORK CO..... _________........__________-_11______New York.... 11 799,200 5 73,700 3 113,500 8.... ALBANY Co. ONEIDA Co. Albany....... 1 5,000........... 1 4,500 I... Boonville...... I 1,200 1 350 1 1,600........ CHAUTAUQUA Co ONONDAGA Co. Dunkirk....... 1 2,500 1 600 1 1,500....... Syracuse..... 1 9,000 1 4,290 1 8,500 1.... ERIE Co. ONTARIO Co. Buffalo....... 1 30,000 2 13,000 2 108,000 11.... C.nandaigu.. 2 10,000 2 2,680 2 10, 000 MONROE Co.. IOAG o Rochester.... 1 700............. 1 800 1.... Goshen...... 2 13,000 2 5,000 1 5,000....... NEW YORK CO. PUTTNaM CO. New York.... 23 526,600 19 336,500 15 859,400i 7 l'"! Carmel...... 2 2,00 2 820 2 4,200....... * Caloric 59 466 MANUFACTURES: —CAPITAL, VALUE OF MATERIALS, PRODUCTS AND POWER. CLASS XVIII.-ARTS, POLITE, FINE AND ORNAMENTAL-(CONTINUED). CAPITAL. VALUE. POWER. CAPITAL. VALUE. POVER. d~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~P, ERrwmaeil. t o ~ Of raw materials. Of products..a Of raw materials. Of products... TOWNS, J Y | TOWNS. | | 0~~~~ 0 I..t 5. SARATOGA Co. Saratoga Spr'gs 1 $8, 000; 1 $2,000 1 $6,600 1.. SENETSAY 1 8000 1.2?000 1 $M00 1 STRINGS AND COVERS FOR MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Schenectady. 1 1 9,000................................... -KINGS Co. --— S —----------— 1\ —-- SCHUYLER CO. Brooklyn..... 2,00......... 1 Montour..... 1 2,500 1 1348 1 3,900 STEUBEN Co. Corning...... 2 5,000 2 1,600 2 6,000........ TAXIDERMY. ULSTER Co. I * ---------. —------------------------------ Sauerties I1 3,5000 1 5004 1 100.........'"...... C~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~omrnn....... I2100 13,600 00.......E~~ PRINTING PRESSES. KINGS CO. TYPE Brooklyn..... 1 60,000 1 4,015 1 10,000 I...._ NEW YORK Co. NEW YORK Co. | New Yorke.... 8002000 _ 150,0 1 00, 000 I New York.... 3 88,000 1 720 CLASS XIX. —FIRE ARMS AND WAR MATERIAL. OKINGS Co. CANNON AND IRON PROJECTILES. Brooklyn.... 1 200,000 1 3,000 1 200,000 1.... - MADISON CO. =-....-= IHamilton..... 1 300 1 79 1 390........ BSooklyn.... 1 15,000 1 56,300 1 90,000 1.... NEWYORCo. NTEW YOnT( CO. NewYok...I8ooB'0011 0,0,1.. ew orky.... 1 250006 1 40,000 1 41,0001 000 1 2,0,0 ONEIDA CO. 3UNA~M, Co. "pUTNA nCO. 1 300,000 1,191,148 12,649,017 1 1 Utica........ 1 80,000 1 43,378 1 325,000 1.... Philipstownn. 1 300, 000' 1 11,191,148 1 j2,649,017j I I TEOC. -ENSSELw AERCO TSEGO. T mro O:',0 1 7,000 1 55,000 1 81,000 e........ Cheyal 1 600 1 50 1 150 2... _____-Troy s...".. 1 1,8002 1 750 1 50...... CrasXX-FRE ARMSAND WASC R MATERIO. tALBANY Co. Broo-Dix......... 1 1 70 1 500........ Albany........ 1 3,000 1 2,000 1 5,000........ STEUBEN Co. BroklHENANGOCO. 5Jasper....... 1 60 1 100 1 20.... Norwich..... 1 500 1 400 1 600........ TOMPKINS Co. NEW YORK Co. Caroline...... 1 3,50 1 1,057 1 2,930 1 New York.. 1 250; 1 2, 000..WESTCHESTER. SULLIVAN CO." Yo............ I, 000, 00 I 50,000 _1 __875,OOQ 1. Forrestburgh 1 300L............ 1 1,000........ MILITARY EQUIPMENTS. FIRE ARMS. NEW YORK O. I New York.... 1 100,000........................ ALLEGANY Co. S' ---- — =====^- ------. ---- Scio.......... 1, 0 1 4 50 1 100........ PERCUSSION CAPS. CHAUTAUQUA. |I KING CO.|O oooo Villenova. 100 1 3501.... 4 30.... CHEMRUNG CO. I* Brooklyn...... Elmirac........, 1 4,0 CORTLAND Co. | __________________ POWDER. Cincinnatus.. I 1.500: 1 800 1 2,500......... GREENE Co. RIE, Co. I Catskill...... 1 800 1 41,000 1 85,0001.... 1 Buffalo....... 1 10,000........................... I........ MONROE Co. I GREENE Co. * i Perrinton.... 1 2, 000, 5,800 1 9,75.... 1 Ctskill...... 00 1 5,000 1RNSSELAERCO. HERKcIMER CO. Schaghticoke... I 100,000 1, 96, 400/ 1 206, 405/.... 1 German Flats. I,000,000,1 387,000 1 1,207,357o1 1 ULSTER Co./ Salisbury..... 1- 80 1...- 42 30...... 1 40,000 1 118, 800 1 300,000.... 1 JEFFERSON Co. Saugerties.... 1 250,000 1 250,000 1 300,000 1 1 pJmelia.......t 1 1 )00 1 WINGTON.`Wilnat ~~.._^. 1 80 * 50 1 _1,00 ^ Hampton... I 40, 000, 1 35,0001 1 50, 000 i.... __1 CLASS XX.-rSURG~ICAL, MltEDICAL AN~D DENTAL INSTRUMENTI1S AND APPARATCUS. ARTIFICIAL LIMBS. I DENTAL FURNITURE. ERIECo.EW Co. Nr~~~~~~~whE Your Co. Caoin.... 1I, I., 1 B l..1 500 1 100 / 1,500 MONROE Co. — - = == = - - -- -—' -- = ==N Rochester k _1 250 1 150 1 1,500........ DEN IsTsRY. ARTIFICIAL TEETH. I CHAUTAUQUACO. I9 /..i.. 2,,, —p -------- ---------------------------- Charlotte..... 1 500,01 113 1 590;........ ALLEGANP CO. zoo 1 600 Dunkirn......0, ~, I o^ i on i o~n Amitv....... 1 400' 1 100 Clymer...... 1 125| 1 30 1 250 i j ~ 0,..... ALEA Y O.''o"* 60........ Du kr..... 130 140 1 200.............. Pouchkeopsie. 1 5,0001 2 1 6,000.. i..... 1 300 1 100 1 600........ ('REENE CO. | K ING PO W id a.. j 20 0 ^ _L.PERC.UM IS SIO N 2A0,......dhm.... I 1 2,o01ooo~[30 1 t,00 ~oioool....l 5j 1 1102 2 0 MANUFACTURES: —CAPITAL, VALUE OF MATERIALS, PRODUCTS AND POWER. 467 CLASS XX.-SSURGICAL, MEDICAL AND DENTAL INSTRUMiNENTS, ETC.-(CONTINUED). CAPITAL. VALUE. POWER. CAPITAL. VALUE. POWER.'~Of raw materials. Of products... Of raw materials. Of products... TOWNS. EI.Y1TOWNS. _C I. l. 1. M.. l o a,. I, I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DELAWARE CO. PUTNAM CO. Roxbury..... 1 $150 1,$90 1 $433..... Carmel....... 1 $800 1 $555 1 $1,500 1......... ERIE Co.SCII01ARIE Co. Buffalo....... 1 150 1 500 1 1, 200i........ Cobleskl... 130 140 1 1500^.... Eden........ 1 500 1 800 1 200.......N Co. GENESEE Co.Jasper....... 1 800 1 500 1 1,00....... Le Roy,... 1 400 1 300 2 900......... TIOGA Co. I JEFFERSON Co.Candor...... 1 50 1 1 1,500. ~,~a co.' s ~~k k E a II I I soo. co.. Adams....... 2 1,500 2 928 2 2,000.... TOMPKINS Co. LivINGSTON Co. Dryden...... 2 1,200 1 1,429 2 3,800......... Geneseo............................... W AY TE Co. Genesoy...... I1 ~T Lima........ 1 800, 1 225 1 590........ Marion........ 1 50 1 500........ MONTGOMERY.WYOMING Co. I Minden...... 1 300 1 500 1 2,500........ ChinaS........ Co 300J I 5001 _ 1,000........ NEW YORK Co.~ ~o~a oo ~, 1 ~ /~~n... New York.... 3 8,500............ 3 25,000 1........ ONEIDA CO. ISURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. Truxton...... 1 80 1 150 1 1,000......... OSWEGO Co.R IEm Co. Schoeppeln....I. 50 0.../ 1C20i.... f 1 3001 5 300 1 1, 0001. CLASS XXI-WEARING APPAREL, ARTICLES FOR THE TOILET, ETC. Roxbury ~1 300; E CE SSEX Co.ESSE CO. New York.... 3 5,8001 2 6,6001 1 10,000.... Ber - 1 4,500 1 3,000 1 4,500 -- "*- -Roy...... 2 5,500, 1 8,000 2 36,2001... BALORA SITS NDSIT.Oakland... 2 2300 00 2 5,900........ ___________________________________HERKIMER Co. ALBANY Co.- I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~German Flats. 3 4,90 4 930 15,80........ ALBANY C. )00 9, 00 4 8001 Albany........ 1 800 1 1; 0001 1 2,000.... Newport...... 1 6,000, 1 4,000 1 5,000,....... ONEIDA CO. JEFFC NERSON Co. Utica.......... 1 7,000 I 16,536 1 25,76 1... Alexandria... 2 1, 850C 1 600 --- - --------—' "' """" ~ ~ ~~~~~~ ~~~Orleans...... 2.................................. |.... CLOTHING. Philadelphia I 2,000 1 3,000............. Truxto_____1 __'___________sW na...... 1 000 1 4 00 1. LBANY C0..o.oo. KINGS. Co. i Albany...... 1 200 1 1,000 1 1,50Broon 4 600 3 19,100 4 40,582"........ Coeeymans 1 1,000 1 2,000 1 4,00........ LEWIS Co. BROOME Co.'Loivville..". 2 17,000' 2 10,000 2 25,000.... Colesville.... 170............ 1 600........ LIVINGSTON Co. NEW YonR:~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ese Co. CEATTARAUGUS.s...7... 2 7 00 2 121,000 2.1... Ellicottvillei.. 800 1 500 1 900........ Morris....... 2 1,700 2 800 2 1,2501........ ON~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GNSEID CO. UGCLINTUET New Albion 1 50, 1 100 1 5.00....... clean........ 2 4,500 2 122700 2 17,300.... MADISON Co. Otto......... 2 1,450 2 3,675 2 7,000........ Cazenovia..... 3 4,400' 3 6,000 3 7,200|j........ Perrysburgh.. 1 700 1 500. 1 650........ Sullivan...... 1 200'| 1 900 1 l,800. i 11 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~8001'. Persia....... 2N925 2 4,900 2 6,950...... MONROE CO., i!smr UORH. O 3 580OI1I -Batav ia...... 1 8,000 7,700 14,567 e Yorkshire.... 1 100.............. 1 175........ Mendo...2 000 1 3,500 1 5,00... CO~AYUGACO.~Le Roygden....... 1 125 1 8,00 1 600. Auburn....... I1 150............. 1 4008........ Perrinton.... 2 1,500 2 3,500 2 6, 100 1 Brutus....... 2 1, 300O........ Rochester..! 2 320,000 1 800 3 551,600;;........ M rva...BALMORAL 3 1 900 1 1........ Sweden...... 1 4 2,23001 3,100 2 5,900....... HEMr.I.E1 CO. ALBAS~ Co ez lt. 4 0 ~,0 581 Ethllicottvill.o 1 3,300 0 3 1 5,300....... CHEMUNG Co.NIAGARASO Co. || ~,~, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I lxndi 1,80 1 10 2 ooo Norwich.. 4,0 1.,000 1,000 1,.,LINTO...... Ne |w....... 1 2,000 1 6,000 1 5,000........ O~DA C o. / J~~~~~~~rrr~RNso Co. Plbatsn r. 1 7,000 1 3,000 1 7,000..... Trenokln...... 11,2 1,001.......,........|58 1.... Co U ~A oiIUtica......... 12!}350i l 4694 1 4,5|.... Hudson..... 3 6,000 3 162,000 3 94,706 I.. A lexandria.... 1 1,508.500 1 2,000........ C ORTLANDylll nsC o.o........ 1,000 1 l 5 0|..... Homer..... 2 4,0 0| 2,500 15,5 0....... O isco..... 1 1,00|1 3,001 1,0 1....... DEOOCLO E CoTHIN.. 2 5,000 2 10,500|1 14,000 i Hamesville 1 70' I~hiadelph l 0......... 1........ ON C. DuATTCHEUS~.. *i Sna.......,00,00,00........ F~lishtill.... 1 1,00' 1 1,000.............. Vitor..... 2 2,0 0 2 4,00 2 10,500;..... e Albn y 7 2....... ERIECo.C...... 1 5001 1,000 12,500......nS Co. Otto~~~[.......,5,7' oo aeoi.. 4 0,0 20 ACeymauro.. 1 5001 1 5001s.... 11 1,000' 1 2,000| 1 4,00........Lwo Buaoolr, Co..' Li99,e6 0017 12000 1',800. M5 000..... de i...... 12 5 7..|......... 1.... 2 6001.2..1.......C e wAbi onur... 8 1 4 2 4 2.lki l... 2 7,500[ 1 1,192'1 9,1.... Brutus 2 ~~~~1,3 nohse.. 230 1 001 i Morri....... hloravia~ ~ ~ ~ ~~!i: 2......l. 13" I~90,40 -vdn.mtrl 2 0 1, 64 ~ o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o~~~~~~~~~~..... Ellicottville.../~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~! 3.a 195033,0137,0....j....l E oKC,4501 2/ 3, 6 7 5 4 4,400I''v!...ver...... 1 ~ 0 0 e ok2 s,10 OO3 72,5 Pelmrrybu 7 4,00l2 1,8 / 9725001' Sullivan.30000.... 00 901 1 800...... CHENANG 2:24906,]]]MOR) Co. New Berli~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~edn......3,7 2, 000) 3,5001 5...... NI C CAYUGAN CO. Ogden.... 125 800I Auburn.... 6600 2 039,00. Perinon... 1,5001 3,2500 1 2, 6,0 17;ndehoo I 0'150'.....OONaG C DE~~~~~hW~~~~~nE~~!!ii.::: I-Xamden I 1,000 I 1,50 Ort;T~~~~4200 13,5 DUTCHESS~ ~ ~~i!t.: I jSnc...... I so 2,0 50: i Rchester 32 50'01 01 00.... Muroravi......i1 50 1 50 901,3~senI 3000.....j1, )O ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Seden, 2 O(ii Dalunkrk... 4 3811,2000''"i;;;4 2,50[ Minden...../ 9,rwg ei0002 7,71 1,8 El~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~Valkiotvll.... 19,563 9,001 7 8 30092 N1 YOlKCo. 468 MANUFACTURES' —-CAPITAL, VALUE OF MATERIALS, PRODUCTS AND POWER. CLASS XX.-WVEAEING APPAREL, ARTICLES FOR THE TOILET, ETC.-(CONTINUED). CAPITAL. VALUE. POWER. CAPITAL. VALUE. POqWER. m Of raw materials. Of products.. Of raw materials, Of products. Tow 3s. TO WNS. ~ ~~?1 TOWNS. ~ ~ 5 3 3aj a a au d) *. a ^ Sc r=; * Pe, O s< a" ^i! 0 Ne Y rk.. a....6 OSWEGO Co. ONEIDA Co. onstantia. 1 600 1 300 1 1,00........ Utica........ 26,500 3 43,928 68,287 Mexico 150 1 940 1 1 10...... 1.. Cherry Valley........ 1,200 3 MITTENS. Morris....... 1' 1 1 2,000 1 2',500|1....... FULTON CO. || ~ ~~ ~am, coo Oneonta..:.... 1 6 153,0000 2 4,60,600 2 22, 350;.... Otsego... 1 00 1 0 1 19 01.. Epr..... 5 7,800 5 5 5 19,50 QUEENS Co. Johnstow' 38 267,800 38 444,014; 38 1,090,047........ Flushing..... 4 2,700................ Perth........ I 20,000i 1 35,000, 1 46,000,i.... I Hempstead... 4 13,30 2 106000 2 140,800........ Mayfield..... 2 300 2 3,031 2 4,154........ RENSSELAEE OO NEW YORK CO. Lansingburgh. 1 3,500............. 1 7000 New York.... 2 4,000 2 4,000 1 1,700...... Troy 1 5..........,000 y 1 25'15 SARATOGA Co. RICH OND Co..P. P rov 2e n,000 1 2,0001 2,00 2, 5001......... Southfield 1 1,200............. 1 900,........ TopKINS Co. ST. R. LAWRENCE. I thaca......... 1 21 25 0 1 250 1 400......... Brausher......, oo i WASHINGTON... |.w oo~I/ /I t pCanton....... 2 8,500 2 1,000 2 20,800...... White Creek.. I 475 I 3251 _ 6751...!. Madi-llorid. 30015,00..../../......~...1 70............-....'......... M adrid...... 1 300 1 4,000 1 5,000|..o --------- - ---- " -- -- " Oswegatchie.. 6 39,0500 59,400........ HAIR. Potsdam..... 1,500 1 2,500 1 3,50......... - __1 2____________ SARATOGA Co. ERIE Co. ira e2........K.o Saratoga Spr'gs 5 72,50 5 18,650 5 34,700........ KI. C20. S~CHO~hARIE Co' nlad~~~~~0[ roody....., 01 (0,0 So rTo...e. 1 4,200 1 1 3,000 2 14,00 0 1........ SconuYltm~ Co.' 11' "'.../woco }/ ] SCHUYLER Co. NEW YORK Co. Dix......... 3 6,000 1 10,3001 New York.... I 1,000i 1I 1,800[ 1 3,000.. SENECA Co......... Ovid.... 1 2,800o 1 2,550 1 1,750,......... HATS AND CAPS. Romulus..... 1 2,000'../........................ 1........ CIEMUN CO * a&.o.... 5, nj -HE U G000. Waterloo....~ 1 500................................... Elmira....... 1 10,000 1 1,500 1 4,500....... STEUBEN Co. Elmira.......,0oo! x 1, o 42..... DUTCTIESS CO. Corning~...... 1 39,000 1 19,000 1 25,600!.....: ~... iShki 2 90,000 2 198000 2 6529,= 2 Hornellsville.. 2 5,50 2 6,500 2 10,000.......... 2^ *0*00 2 81 2 6 b5.... 2 SUPFOLK Co. |Bfao.... 5 5,0 2 300 2 8,500E 1o Huntington.. 1 100 1 2,000 1 3,0.... G0Ip iO jLSTERCO. 1 Prattsville.... 1 4,000 1 8,000................... Saugerties... 5 13,200 5 6,105 5 12,124........i K NG Co. *W~ASHINGTON. | Brooklyn..... 10 681,1001 9 1,069,836 9 1,703,597 4.... Argyle... ~ 5 o~~/.... 3....... 1 35,300.......... o. Camibridge... 1 1,000, 1 3,000 1 4, 000;........i Msr ork- Q 4Q 100 4 8 000 61170 ^00 1 a j,, 5800....Y...ok. 9 4 10 00 6 7 50 Fort Edward.. 1 3,000 1 3,990 1 5,........ IA -~~~7Fr~~~rNE~ CO /) /; O/TIh O White Creek 1 1,000 1 1,325 1 2,3001..,. c........ 1 5,000 1 2,000 1 50,........ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Lokot 1, 5000 1 2,0 / 5000...... WAYYE, CO. ON EI DV~CO 0. 0alen...... 3 19,000d 3 22,500 3 27,000|........ R ^..~:.... 2 7,000 1 1,700 2 31,20IL....... Ca~~~~~~~~~ mbrde......{ 13,000 1 1,700 2 3 100........t Macedon..... 10 6,000 1 1,400 1 2 000........ F~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Vrort Edwar... 1 31,000, 1 6,00 1 2 00 Williamson 2 900" 2 6,000 1 5,5501........ ORANGE Co. WYOhINGe Creo. 1 luo WIi laM l....T ialkill...... 1 25,000 1 27,700 1 42,000 1.... Perry....... 1 2,500 1 1,000 1 1 500!........ p Wxw~, CP o.| YATES., CO. 1,~1, i Southeast.... 1 25,0001 1 28,236 1 89,463o 1 I __~~~~~~~~Starkey ~...... ~1 1, 10,000 1,65,60 1 2,000i 1.... ~~~~INGS CO~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ITINON O Middletown 2 24,000, 2 14,000 2 28,000'I.... Brooklyn... 2~~~~ 5,000;l.... ~~~~~~~ T.. A.AVT................ HIT BLOCKS. NI~EW YORK CO. w~~~o,,~.~oo.~~~~~I t/1,0, o=,,II~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~C T_~/t ~-oo ~! ~so!I' u...I I ~sooI I, ooi x~ 4~oo/.. -Nx ew York......Yo~k........... 2..E Y|. E StE aE.*! _ ew orke..... 2' _^18 0 0^.. I ouhest....~ l/ 1_25,000'1 _~2236 I....631 ~ SCHENECT D. 1 ] HATu~ BODIES.t, u,~ - -,, ~, Schenectady..! 1 _,8 0....|..........1 _85 0 0.......... i~' __'_~_ 1 I C O D UO-.- / I II / -- I_ I|. ]_.................. 1 S HN EW AYO K C. S ___________________________I)IE RICHeMNidertown.. 1 8,000 14,000 1 21,00011........ ACINGS Co.. _ __ —-_____...... It_______Brooklyn..... 25,00 2 6,00 2 190,000...... EY Coj| NEW YORK Co Bro orkln..... 2-~ 2,0|1__ 5gJ __^g ewYr...........00:12 17690:17 457=='-2.. --- ----------- -- I~~-eM-Y~~l~k~~ 1 310,0 —-- / ~c s = DUTC~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-i-iksS Co.i y~~~~~~~~g ~~~~~~HOOP SKIRTMTRAS. *KOSw. N:W YoRK Co. Ne o rklyn..... 1 2 500, 1.0. —. 1 - - -. I ^...60Q_6,_ Fishkill~~~~~~~~~~~~....... 1 1,,:;01.. 15"i~~i e.......{....0, I1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I2 ~EFRO -. I Z(INGS CO~~rooklyn......! 3,0 C4,5Oium Co2100. ], Ie Hork 6 573( 0,oooi.....400; I I 4000 10,0Oi1./...I ItBrooklyn...IN 5, 4010:~1 2( 6,5000 2 107,'00 MANUFACTURES: —CAPITAL, VALUE OF MATERIALS, PRODUCTS AND POWER. 469 CLASS XXI.-WEARING APPAREL, ARTICLES FOR THE. TOILET ETC.-(CONTINUED). CAPITAL. VALUE. POWER. CAPITAL. VALUE. POWER. Of raw materials. Of products.?? $ Of raw materials. Of products..=J TOWNS. ~ I ~ ~? TOWNS. ~ ( | ~ ~ m rn m m,~m 0 M ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3~ HOSIERY. Adams ~~~~....... 3 215 440 3 $,0"...... o,~~ /,~ ~~~~~~~~~ntwerp,............ 70 10 A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~,0..., -.C ^.ALBANY CO. O.... 2 5. W aterlie. 2 n s I 1 I....................... HOSIERA. dams....... 3 2,15 Philadelphia3 4 5.......00.. -. -- ^ —------------------- AOntwerp.......... 1 1,400 1 2,000.... ALBANY Go. ~~~Orleans 2'^01 Watervliet... 2 $310,0001 2 $530,170 2 1,245,540.. 2 Ph1^ 1^;;'*i c2............^.... ALLEGANY OP~~~~~~ ~~~~~~. TV~~-n *************.......... Hume 1 30,00 1 74,000 1 107,000 1 Geneseo...... 1 3,000............. 1 1 200........ COLUMBIA CO. MADISON CO. Claverack.. 7 166,500 7 305,958 7 438,458 5 7 Georetown 1 50 500 1 90........ MADISON CO. Eaton..... 1 30,000 1 50,000 1 88,000. 1 o'9 en..0.... 1 475 1 285 1 750....... NEW YORK iCo. * nP^OK Uticao......... 3 001 0,000 1 88,000 1.... ONONDAGA Co. V O r... 1 0 Co.6 0...... iTE Mox'o Co. Syracuse..... I.100,000.......................... 1.... O G CO. I OSWEGOCOO. Ne b rg1. 1O00..................... Volney....... 1 4,000......................... 01 I ro s1 Co. ENEC.A CO..... 1... ew Yor k....... 1.2,300~.............. Se ca F ls. 1 8,00000 1 25,00 1 901,800.... 1 3 3 00 3....... SUFFOaL. CO 0~~r~xr~O Co. SouthaptonK 0 1 ] 7,_ 50.. I. 1. 57,60 Burlington.. 1 400' 1 4001 1 500i........ feouthampjon. 1 | 7,500...... ^ ^ 1 _57,600 _1_.^ cherry Valley. I 751 1 100 1 500........ Oneonta...... 3 350i 3 2,875 3 4,440,........ LADIES CLOAKS T. LAWRENCE. --— Sy -- p —----------------— Brasher..... 1 700 1 700 1 1,872........ DUTCHESS CO. i ^ ^.............. 4 5,300 3 6,160|........ ~Oswegatchie.. 1 1,500, 1 1,7501 1 27,50011......... Peoburgh.... 4,000..... 0r^ On *al! 85nXJ RSCWYEGO CO. ERswoIE Co. Vouthamptol n c y I 7,500, ~~I~~~~~~~~D.......... 5 400 460 5 70.... Buffalo....... 2 28,000, 3 82,000 3 76,000......... Mo ou.........5....4..8 00 1 70%:::: ON]STEIDA (JO. 1 P Uti Eca......... 3 26;000 3 67,755 3 102670 1 0 800 1 1,600..C.... ORANGEs CO.i Bath....... I 1100 I Soo 1 1;600...... Wallkillsi. I... j..... I 1,01 0,0 seaci,50, 1 170,50 Pibaris h...... 3. 00..................... LAIE, UDR AMET. oPKN CO. SRuffoLK o.,.. 2,0 8 0 ________LDI B urydeEn.A...n. 42 o 2 900/.02'......... NEW YORK Co. WASHINGTON. New York ^.... 2 12,500 2 16,000.................. White Creek.. 1 2,000. 1 3,000 1 4,000........'* --- ------------ ==^ — -----------------------— ** W ESTCHEST 5itCo MILLINERY. Rye.......... 1 1 000.................................. Chberry Valy 75!/ 1 001 LA:D_ E S'_C L AKS._S-. -xYATES Co. ALBANY C~o. |Starkey...... 2 1,600 2 6000 2 6500....... NWesterlo.....~ 1 600 1 1,000 1 1,200.... - CATTARAUGUS. *NECK-TIES. Perrysburgh.. I 1,200 I 1,200 1 1,600.. Persia........ 3 107 3 230 3 1,595........ KINGS Co. 6,| TeYorkshire.... I 100......................... Brooklyn.... 1,500[ 1 7,00 1 18,000....... CAYUGA CO. Auburn...... I 600' 100 I 1,000.....SEWING MACHINES. Ira...........a 2 6050 5 2,00 2 950........ oSterling.... 1 1 00 I20.. 00....... oo Y o o o OHAUTAUOITA _~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~New York.... _ 3 11,060,00 3 -0 456,80 3_u 9-__59,311 _4^ ^ ^Dunkirk..'... 3 3,800 3 5,100 3 8,750.......... Hanover...... 3 1,175 2 800 2 2,400........ SI~IRTS.. CIIENANGO Co. ERIE CO'.| NewBerlin... 2 1,600 1 900 2 2,300........ Bu-t1o...... 1 5,000 1 7 57000 1 8000......... mJEST~~~~~~~~~~~~~Sz~~Co.SER COLUMBIA CO.. I Chatham.'.... I 1......... B 1,000......... 1, 5 1 700 1 6 00........ Kinderhook... 3 1, 3 950 3 5......... YORK Co. DELAWARE o. New Yok...'. 2,000 2 4,00L1 b 5,00........ Bovina.......~~ ~~~ 1 50 18 1 15|........ NIAC.I ~~~~~DITCESSC. UNE' G tENSELER O ER- TOPKIE Co. ----'Bualo...... 4 rn........ M A Evans........ 3 2,150 3 2 6 0 2 1 1 0......_______ _______________ Broaalbi.. 12, 90 1 500 12,00.......... Emr.......i1e 25,000.. 9,2 1 133,000 1.... GENESEE Co. N~~~~~~~~~~EWTCHORKt Co. L ~ ~ ~ ~ MIEl. Roye........ 7,0,0 _10,65............rj ^ ___J O~ _ _ ooi^ _^ w l^ A~~~~mtNAPHBE BLo.CK Stre.... 1, 2 6,00UTCERIN...._________ Berokysnrg. 1 1 15,2000........ 1, 6M L -r Abn.... 00I............ 1 1,2}.... ~~~~~~~ADOersi..... hato... 2290 1,5951 2 020........//~ o WETH SE.[|Ira.......... 1 752....... 1 1000C... Stn erlig'...... 1 5,000( 1 9,QO.......Y~^ ^ MC~z.... 2 2 5'; 2I,8,8l.... 470 MANUFACTURES:-CAPITAL, VALUE OF MATERIALS, PRODUCTS AND POWER. CLASS XXII.-MISCELLANEOUS MANUFACTURES-(CONTINUED). CAPITAL. VALUE. POWER. CAPITAL. VALUE. POWER. b. o to=t Of raw materials. Of products... Of raw materials. Of products.;": rR v, rm m mf m r~r/ TOWNS. TOWNS. | Z, I ____ ^~~~~~~~~~t I5;_ I 4Ii~l__ H" I ^ I i p "~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~2 ~ COLUMBIA Co. SARATOGA Co. [ Chatham..... 3 $1,700 3 $5,100................... Greenfield... 1 4 1 $270 1 $5404........ Clermont..... 1 3,50........................ ULSTER Co. New Lebanon 1 50 1 8,880 1 $10,88.... 5........ DELAWARE Co. Roxbury 1 40 1 870 1 1,210........ CHARCOAL DUST. DUTCHESS CO.' _ EastFishkill. 1,00 4,000 1 5,000........ NEW YORK Co. NeFishkill...... 2 7,700 2 33,532 2 39,582L Newao.. o 1 2,o000 1 25,000............ Lagrange..... I 1,000 1 4, W 500 2........ ROCKLAND Co. Milan........ 1 200 1 850 1 1,275........ IdCarks-town..., 1 __4, 000j! _3,000, 1 1 4900 ^ _1 ERIwE Co. Buffalo....... 4........................................... CIGARS. Evansox ury........ 2 300 2 2,352 1 1,300O........US. xCABESSE Co.o. Elizabethtown. 1 1,2l 400 1 1,680....... AlbanyI...... 4 1,90 4 3,375 4 13Co500 FRANKLIN Co. BROOME Co. Malone....... 1 3,500 1 9,167 1 13,332........ Binghamton. 1 15,000 1 15,000 2 100,000...... ENESEE Co. oColesville............. 1 500........ Pembroke 1 4 232275....1.. 5,CATTARAUGUS. REENE Co. New Albion 33,1 25 1 250 1 1,000e........ Ashland...... 1 200.............................. JEFFERSON G o. Persia...... 100 1 500 1 2, 000,.... o,.... CO Brownville... 2 30 2 2,764 2 3,200.......!C Lyme........ 2 1,50.) 1 2,800 1 4,200........ Mentz........ 1 6,ooo 1 2,000 1 3,000........ KINGS Co. CHAUTAUQUA..~ffalo....... 1 4 30~ 2 2,352 I 1GDui.....5. Brooklyn..... 1 6,0001 I 900 1 9,000........ 2,000 1 MADISON. O.CEUNG Co. Cazenovia, 2 1,20. " 7 13 5... m......... 4 18,500 4 4 21,500........ MONROE Co. CHENANGO Co. Rochester..... I........................................... Norwich..... 2 3,600 1 800 2 24,000;1.........MONTGOMERY. P...... 1 1,00o 1 6,00j 1,000!....... St. Johnsville. 2 10,500 1 25,000 2 42000...... COLUMBIA Co. NEwXORK CO. Kinderhook. 2 2,150 2 668 2 1,o650........ New York.... 23 869,6501 135 4,350,20 2.... CORTLAND Co. ONEIDA CO. Homer.... a... 1 2 5,000 1 2,000 1 5,000........ tica.......... 2 5500.................................. DUTCHESS Co. Verona....... 2 1,700 2 9,760 2 14.405........ Fishkill...... I 10,000 I 7,500 1 000.. ONONDAGA Co. Peroughkee.... 1 1,00 1,000 I 4,000;.........s ~ ~n~ll c o 11 2,6 0011 /[ Manlius...... 2 1,000 2 8,586 2 21,677........ Rhinebeck.. 1 1,000 1,300 1 1,20........ ORANGES CO. ERIE Co. Montgomery. 1 3,000 1 4,000 1 8,000a.........I.... 9 13,500 9 20,940 9 55 780.... OswE GOlCO. Hamburgh..... I 250 1 223 1 2,3.. Oswego...... 1 150 1 6000................. JEFFERSON Co. OTSEGO CO. Watertown... 3 7,500 3 6,780 2 10,000I........ RlnD~so-.-o xxZJJuNx C~' Cherry Valley. 1 200............. 1 5,000........ KINGS Co. PUTNAM CO. *Brooklyn... 7 30,020 6 29,025 6 72,592........ Southeast.... 1 250 1 12, 100...................... LIAIIN~GSTON Co. QUEENS Co.,0Lima........ I 10,000 1 444 1 8,000........ o ushing..... 2 2,000 2 37,000 2 42, 000........ MONTGOMERY. RENSSELAER Co. Minden...... 1 500 1 4 800 1 1,200....... Hoosick...... 1 4,500..................... NEW YORK Co. Lansingburgh. 1 30,00 I 5,000 1 50,000| I.... New York.... 18 84,925 10 51,000 8 130,650........ ST. LAWRENCE. NIAGARA Co. Waddin-ton. 1 500 1 500 1' 1,000:........ Lockport..... 2 8,500 2 6,100 2 15,000 SCOHHARIE Co. ONEIDA Co. SRchoharie.... 1, 00 1 11,750 1 14,700......... Utica........ 1 2,000 1 1,000 1 8,20........ TON~OBrE C. iC OODAGA C~'....'Cornling... 2 5,100 2 32,050 2 54677,025..... Mainlius...... 1 5 00 1 1,90 1 8,7..... TilOGAo.nm pr~ 1 3, 000 1 0 Paclit her....... 1 1,500!l 1 2,000;...... Ser ksire. 150 1 1 00 2 4 12,000......... CoNTARIO Co. | | NUEwYElr CO.'im 2 00 441 8 TOMhKindeCoon... 2 6,000 2 1,500 2 9,500........ l esY. o... 1 3, 0 2 10,690........... O E | WAYNE Co > Bloomy Grove 1 600; 1,00 1 3601....l.... LoCnso... 1o.......,00.. C. 1,000t, 1 50 1 2,30 |....{.... WESTCHESTER. Montgomery................. ~u~~o o ~, Utie a.... 1......................... e b rh.. 1 4 2 0 I3 5 1 1,0.... Westddarms.n 4 1,500 1,2501 2 1,70... skl....... 1 20,000[ 1 850 / 12,00 YHOMAING Co. ORLEANS Co. Vaie ron a........ 10 1 000 t,... CARPET AND3 T BAGS............... 1 375 1 1,25 T___________________________ Pl~ainfel d... 20 1 225|0 1 8,00|.... MADkISONCo.io..... 1 4 1 2 1 1,300........... Le~IPRINo oo, oo I oo.......: 1 1,0 1:: 1 1 2 1PNCo' ORA G.E Co..lio w.. 1 300 1 400 1 1,080........ — nlius - Rhinebpsekd... 1 2,000 1,600 1 2 1,00........ O~~~~as ~ ~ HA CO L _______RCSL E o. * CLIN TON Montgomery.......... 1 8,0 30,0 0. 1 0 8...Bufl.... 9, 13,500.11. 4 2, 4 650 9 15, BITHS o RIwO o.oo Mi?^ ^ 1 750 1 750 1 2,455....... 4 8,800 4 550 4 100 JEFFERSON CO.!' RCLEAND CO. hswilaego...... 1 1 50 1,0070........ JRS O...... 1 N00 1 200 1,000. Plsinfield~/.,...(....( 251 ONu TDA Go. L W E C. 1!0.Oi RDSouens t... 1 125 1 32,000 1 12,001 0.......... Qvenso. oi ima.... 1 1,00f I l/ 8 000yia C Unai~~~illn~ 1.4 Philipstou~ ~~~~~] 11 30 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~Lnsi.brgh i1N Yor.... 18,951 10 5,00 8 130,5000 1,500 4 oooli I Waddntona.. 00 Lokpr..,5001 2[ 6,100,'..... ScE;oaxRSm CO o.~~~DC ONEIDA CO Sw( ~~~~~~14,7100 Schoharie.... Utica........ 1 2,00Oil l/ 1,000 1' 8 2001~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~se ~sthe 2,0 1 3,00 I14,0r MANUFACTURES:. —CAPITAL, VALUE OF MATERIALS, PRODUCTS AND POWER. 471 CLASS XXII.-MISCELLANEOUS MANUFACTURES-(CoNTINUED). CAPITAL. VALUE. POWER. CAPITAL. VALUE. POWVER. B0 bor bo) fc Of raw materials. Of products../. Of raw materials. Of products..... TOWNS. _____________ S 3. O raw S O r c TOWNS. TOWNS. _____ g^ ~~~~~~~I l3^ I ^ I!2! ___ & ^ ^ 1 ^ 0~~~~. Fa ea~~~~~0 I d cC d ^SENECA CO.| ONEIDA CO.| | Corning...... 3 $1,500 4 $1,950 4 435...... Utica..,....'. 2 $6,000 2 $2,400 2 $6,200,.... Corning......4 30.... 0.... Fayette...... 1 1,000 1 144 1 1,440|........ ROCKLAND Co. Seneca Falls 2 4,500 2 1,200 2 r,600 Clarkstow... 100,000 1 50,000!............. I.... TOMPKINS Co. Stony Point....................... Dryden I 1,500 1 1,000 I 9.000........ ULSTER Co. Newfield.... 1 2,000 1 1, 400 1 3,500........ Marlborough 1 14,000 1 2,000 1 20,000........ ULSTER Co. | Saugerties 1 12,000,............. 1 8,000,........ Saugerties 3 105 500 3 15,00 WARREN CO. MEAT VACKING- AND CURING. 3Queensbury... 1 2,000 1 800 1 1,500........ WASHINGTON. I i nw11^nn Greenwich................ 1 56 1 160........ Albany....... 1 100,000 1 150,000..................... WAYNE CO. KINGS CO. 3,nQ Galen'. 1, 3,000 1 600 1 2,56ol.......?Brooklyn..... 2 33,000 1 1,0000 1 200,000........ GaenT^.....?300 00 1 250......... NEW YORK CO. Coreening...;3( $1,800 3 ~1,244..................... New York.... 13 815,000, 11 1,435,594112 384100.00.. Greenburgh'" 4,0 4......... Ossining. 1 400 1 288 1'8001. RENSSELAER CO Senec......'/ ~~1 I' 6,200 YATES Co. Sand Lake.... 1,000............600 D-eMilo......... I09"'.1 0......: 1 1,00 50 1 1,.......:~ o -i'? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~MOTIVE W"ATER-POWER. CIGAR LIGHTERS AND TOOTH PICKS. ALBANY CO.| KINGSel CO. —--------------------------— ||atrlig 1 50, 000i 1 16,000 1 _400,oog01.... Brooklyn o, 00......,0 1 20,000 - __^ ------ ^ -j —?. 1 ------,~ j, ~ ~~~PAPER BOXES. CORKS. | NEW YORK CO.'| KIue1NGS C —-------------— New York,000. 4 6,80 460....... - KINGSNJ CO. Brooklyn.... 2 2 3,00 2 10,7,00 1 10,8000 2.... 1 NEW YORK CO. REFRIGERATORS. New York.... 1 ___800: 1 ___8001............. 1.. "ALBANY Co. —---------------- ---------------------— Al ay................... 1 500 1 1,o o000 FERTILIZERS. NEW YORK CO. NewYork..... 8_20,0001 1 1 1, 700590 1 15,0 ^.... RICHONDS CO. Westfield.... 2 365,000 1 8,000 2 107,00 2.... NY-EWSH C'WRITING. FISHERIES. ERIGE CO. New Y~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Bfaor....... 1 80............. 20 1 )0.. COLUMBIA Co. —-------------— gL- 0' t^-^l- 201_MO._ Livinstony.... 1 3,00003 0...... 1,00. FERTILIZERS. DUTTTCESS Co. iAb Rhinebeck.... 16 2,450 11 2,150 16 7,011........ NEW YORK CO.\ JEFFERSON Co. New York.... 1 5,000 1 6,000............. 1,000 Brownville 19 6,36 19 2,852.... Henderson 2. 2f300............. 2 530 0 TOBACCO. Hounsfield.. 2 2,100........... 2 1,620........ New York....J I 1 800/......... 4.... 37........... MOROECO.'*** 4?900 **** 3,700....... Albany...... 5 155,20 5 313,350 5 453,850 3.... WRieber 3 *....... CAYUGA CO. o Websteb 1 5,0001-,0001 33...8.... I OSWEGOOO95! I [CHEMUNG Yor CO. volney ~ ~~.......~,~o,........... 1 6 ~/IO C oui 0,0ne Psy~E........ 1 20,000 1 50,000 1 82,500 1.... RICHMOND Co..ESS Co Westfield. 7 25,00........ 5 2,500....... F kill.. 5000 1 2,925 1 15000........ SUFFOLK Co..... Souhold:: I 25,^2::::::; 1%::: Buffal o - I 100?000 1 80,000 1 129, 000' I.... Suete s 1.... 1 501.... 1 W tron. 1 0 0.....100 1 4000 1. ^^ESTER..^ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 2470........_9 18~o/1,56:^-, 51~0 0-0,38,o0 6.... BoNvIAGARA. 19o —------- -- ------ -~ —-- ~ V-.-~ —i_ —---— [I —Ne ok.. 244,0 059,3 834011....'~bdesor... 30. l' 53. OB~C Lock t..... 1 3,000,....~............................. o. O Co..U....... NG CO WERTol ooTH IRIINGI. O AG I0O. I HEKIC~ME~r, Co. |UTCRESS I O mirangeto..... i 1 8,000 1 8,0001.... L~Te~~~itte Fal s.. 1 6,t 000 7 00Fskl 1 5,000 1 8,2 1 1,000.....SHYE o DUCESS Co. NEWt Y........ 1 1,500 1 3lmi00........ Naugew ties...Bl Y ork..I..... 1.... TKING S Co. Saugert ~ ~ ~ -iesa...... 4I250 4 3,8 0,3'WESTCHESTER. Belhm..... 19 24, 001..1....... 19 3,50', o~n E CBrooklyn 7....'l0 2/ 307, 5 13000 Rochestner.... 1 107,000 1 31,000 1 550,0001. DUTCHESSR Co.AnTNG ---- *B. - HydeGAR k O.. 1/ 30,000|........................... Uok. DEBTAKEB5,83i 43 40i I O R E E N E C o.ID ______________________________ Catskill... 1 45,,0000. AB YC NEW YORKC 1 300 1 600 1 C6O...... New ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ragt~ York.... 1 10,000 1 4,0............ Guiden.. 1 0.................... HERRIME Horsetle power:,00 ~,~~o i;/o o o~/i 84: Di.....l1 500il 1 3001 1 0 Loewkpork..... 0NSm Co.I Utiaca......../ 26, D00i 2 585 0,3) 1 ~ DUTC~~~~liA RESSIG01AE CO. Hyd~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ewburgh..../ 1 000UNETK CLIENtO CO.i;,0002 Champkilai.. 2,4500]1'-,000~ Wallkil C.... NEW YORK CO. C~~~~~~~~~~~~Toy......,..] 3000 iI-I~~ 00i 1 0'/. Litew Falls. 1 SCH4 00GUYlelLER Co ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ orso owr 4:72 MANUFACTURES:'-CAPITAL, VALUE OF MATERIALS, PRODUCTS AND POWER. CLASS XXII.-MISCELLANEOUS MANUFACTURES-(CONTINUED). CAPITAL. VALUE. POWER. CAPITAL. VALUE. POWER. bjo to On, bo Of raw materials. Of products... Of raw materials. Of products. i~~~i m~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~210 t l 1 9 0 0 i.....l v TOWNS..9 TOWNS I~s^ ~^ ~ ~s ^ a a *i^ ^~ E E ^ g^d E'a E ~,I 239 0 5 w0 5 0< ^ ^ c g ^< ^u g'CAYUGA Co. Mentz........ 1 $1,200 1 $225 1 $800'.... Sandlake..... 1 $500 1 $100 1 $750....... Moravia..... 1 2,000 1 100 1 6OO^....... Troy......... 3 19,500 2 2,100 3 11,900........ CHEMUNGC. Co.ST.LAWRENCC Co Horseheads.... 1 60 239 1 520........ Canton....... 1 500 1'222 1 414........ CIIENANGO CO. SARATOGA CO. New Berlin... 2 400 1 200. 2 900,......... Pro-vide-nce....' 1 200 1 175 1 240........ ERIE Co. SCHARIE Co. Buffalo....... 1 7,000' 1 1,200 1 4,000;....l.... Cobleskil11.... 1 700 1 500 1 1,000........ @AYUGA ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ScoA Co. Hamburgh.... I 100 1 120 1 400i....... STEUBEN Co. GENESEE CO. Corning...... 1 1 540 1 800........ LeRoy...... 1,000 1.... 201....7 SULLIVAN Co. IEHERKIMER CO.. Mamakatin 2 1,000 1 2,000 1 2,00........ Salisbury..... 1 200. 400........ TIOGA Co. JEFFERSON. Co.Newark Valley.......................... 1 250.. Cape Vincent............... 100 1 700........ WAYNE Co. W ilna...... 1 2,000 1 2,150 1 3,50........ Williamson... 1'50 1 100,........ KINGS Co..[ — -_ —--------------- tBrooklyn. 1 800 1 360 1 800........ NE.W YORK CO.NSPECIFIED, New York.... 8 130,30 8 158,722 7 326,000 1.... JEFFERSON Co. I CpONE iDAC eOn.l. 1..../ 0 Hounrsfield.... 1 60 1 150 1 1,000.... 1 Utica......... 2,000 2 3,786 2 13,000........ ONONDAGACO.V Tully........1 00 1 0 1 00VULCANIZERS. OSWF GO Co. ERIE Co. New Haven... 1 500 1 00 1 900........ Buffalo..................... 1. 2,000 1 5,500].... OTSEGO Co.'__ = =Otsego....... 2, 0' 1,FIGURES Westford...... 1 400 1 5 1 300 ENSSELAERCO. NEW YORK CO. Petersburgh.. 50 1 5 001 1 125 1 4,000 ENSSEAER O.I I I I I I I NEWYORKCO.~ I[' W'A![ 1 F] U0i~E. ~~~~ SUMMARY OF PERSONS EMPLOYED, CAPITAL, VALUE OF RAW MATERIALS AND PRODUCTS, AND OF POWERS USED. CLASS I.-AGRICULTURAL TOOLS AND IMPLEMENTS. PERSONS EMPLOYED. CAPITAL. VALUE. POWER. 5'5~~a F: "Of raw materials. Of products. Z MANUFACTURES. I n f * Z~ e. ^o d |E 1^p1?. S'n 1 0O3 P lt~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Agricultural implements generally.... 94 87 1,128- 1 41 10 1,180: 9211,329,640 85 $758,142 83~ 1,547,805I 45 37 Baskets........................... 5 5 15'............... 15; 3 5,094 3 2,585 5 11,010.... I Bran dusters....................... I 1 3................. 3 1 2,500 1 1,000 1 3,800. 1 Cheese presses...................... 2 2 5............ 5. 2 2,600 2 1,240 2 4,153.... I Cheese vats........................ 2 2 15................ 15 2 22,500 2 20,040 2 42,850.... Cotton hay and hop presses......... 3 3 26......26 3 41,80 3 28,225 2 53,O 2 Fanningmills...................... 4 3 5|.......5l 4 3,600 3 2,075 4 5,440 1 Forks............................. 4 3 23i1...... 231 4 32,500 3 38,225 4 86,975. 3 Grain cradles...................... 11 9 37...... 4 4 1.. 11 39,750 10 18,085 9 28,503 1 7 Grain measures.................... 1 2 24 2,495 2 2 (k O)~~~1... ~ ]4,0 1 249 10152 Hay and straw cutters............... 3 3 11...... 4..... 15 3 7,500 1 150 3| 13,400 1 1 Hoes.............................. 5 5 62.......62 5 72,000 4 30,705 5| 76,150 1 4 Horse-powers................................... 16 2 8,500 2 15,080 21 26,000 1 Plows and cultivators............... 38 34 117 1 6 1 125 36 120,900 37 57,865 38 155,888 12 13 Potato hooks....................... I 11 3................ 3 1 800 1 3351 1 1,500.... 1 Rakes................. 42 39 95.....!. 5 21 102'40 55,700 38 20,290 41 99,549 1 34 Reapers and mowers................ 37 341 2,098...... 156.... 2,254 36' 2,001,450 37 1,767,873 374,095,552 20 16 30 E a O" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I O 01 Scoop shovels...................... 1 6................ 6 1 10,500.............................. 1... Sections of mowers and reapers...... 2 2 180 15 6.... 201 2 407,000 2 167,'325 2' 478,500....'1 Scythes................... 3 3 202...... 4..... 206' 3 122,000 3 120,943 3 260,937... 2 Scythe sn'ath~s.......................... 5 5 21................ 21 5 16,100 5 2,798 5.19,260.... 2 Sowers............................ 2 2 11................. 11 2 18,000 2 11,820 2 24,050.../ 2 Threshing machines................. 8 8 155...... 11..... 166 8 142,000 8 97,600 8, 190,950 3 5 Wood work for agricultural implem'ts. 2 2 7...... 3.10 2i 9,800 2 3,500 2 13,000.... 2 CLASS II.-METALLURGY AND MANUFACTURE OF METALS AND INSTRUMENTS THEREFOR. A nti-friction m etal.................. 1|............... 1................ 1400..................................... Axeslsa................ 19, 19 5...... 34 25 56 19 457,855 19 390,909 18 797,345 6 14 Bells............................. 44.... 47 4 134,00 3 193,980 3 410,0001 2 1 Bell-hangings....................... 4...... 5 1 5,000 1 1,910 1 2,300.... Cotton, ha$: and hop presses ~,,-5i3 2% 4'~-: 255 3 4,O 3 22,2961 26 33! 0 7,8,6 8 3 31acksmithing...................... 988, 845 1,427...... 63. 1, 490 9421 555,547 806 328,362 782 1,013,261....| 2 Bolts,.nuts and washers............. 11 23...... 6..... 11 274,300 9 379,905 9 738,939 7i 4 Braiss and copper ware.............. 29 28 339 20 74 6 439 26 523,900 18 281,520 23 736,115 1 ~aint-" icti~ ~'"' ~ 1 7... Britannia ware..................... 2 2 20|...... 922...... 16,000 1 20,460 1 35,000 2. 1 Coppesrsmithingeo s.................... 8 8 52...... 557 8 62,300 7 97,000 8 184,110 2 1 Curry cards and curry combs......... 2' 2 60| 11 37.. 108! 2 21,000 2 47,395 2 129, 800 2;.... Cutlery........................... 3 104 4 26 6 0: 1 96 45,500 5 347808 4 91,335 2 5 Files.............................. 16 4 116 261 34 64 2 361 16 142,1500 13 95,210 14 301,566 2 1 8 Fishhooks....................... 12 2...... 13..... 1 2 4,800 2 3,07 1 12 12,5500.... 1 Fishino tackle...................... 31 3 8| 2 1...... 1, 8060 3 3,816 3 6,585.... I Foundry facings................. 24...... 3 6 7. 2.. 9 3 18,000 3 4,900 2 14,5900 1 24 Furnaces (Special Blank No. 4)...... *67 643,214...... 185.....3,399 605,191,100 653,419,578 4310,711,533 28 37 Galvanized iron..................... 1 d.......10 10, 100 1 40,0001........ Gas fixus -fixturs and plumbing.. 8| 8 254...... 2 280 8 334,300 5 118,00. 3 65,00... Gasc meterse........................ 2 2 2...... 2..... 29 2 412,500 1 8,537 1 30,000 21.... Gold smelting and refining........... 11 1 4|................ 4 1 15,000.............................. ll.. 2'/ 21 20!i I 9[.....29/1,0 Gold leaf........................... 7 7 371 15 8 15 75, 7 20,010: 6 38,484 5 47,680.... Hames........... 1 1, 5W.............. 280 1 3,500 Hammers and skates............... 7 7 2181 2 34. 2,541 7 188,5001 6 60,900 5 242,194 5 2 Threshing machines 8! 8 155 11 1GG 8~~~~~~~~~381 1 2000 4 208 640 48 433 000 3 5.. Hollow ware....................... 4 ~ 4 134....... 4... 3 4 148,00 4 20,4 3,0| 3. Horseshoe -nails.................... 1 I 17|...... 16..... 33 1 40,0000 1 67,849 1 120,0001.... 1 House 1rAr bules hadwre1 XTnp —..... -. - 10 9 213'! 30 136|,?. 20 99' 10 171,400d C) 235,510 o 10 73,20,R5 49f Imitatio brnz....,.................( 241 251423 17...... 1 7.... 24'1 2 204 7,3183, 1 3 132, 945 3 7~81 1 25, 16...!..?Intr lton chans.........,............. 1 1 25................ 25/~~~l~~~~~ 1 8000,1~. ~ 7,200.. ~..~ 1 80,00 1;... Ironfound rg ieos........... 151 14 51 2,23... 17;.2,400 1 452,356,00 1 3 901,54244 132 4,17,399 87 46 Ironl pie.............. 7 7 13.... 6... 3 6 42,000; 3 173,3800 4 50,0600 7'... latKnitthing macin nedls....... 1,2 8.... 8... 1 14 35,001 0 - 12,500 7,1 6,6961. 1 oLathent ndwses..........<.... 2 2 36 2.... 2.. 11 2 174,200 2 1.84905 2 178,5650 2. Leads and lopraea sht.......... 4 8 4 3 10... 8 1 115 3 153,000 38 637,500 23'3,1,40,0 3.. B~~ritnnnia ware 2 2 ~20 Coppersmithlu g.................... 97 97,00 0 7 184,2110 2 1 Curry cards bnd curry combs......... 2 2 31 1 1 2 21,000 2 47,395 2 129,800 21 utaler sh.......................... 10 4 2 1 0 6 45,500/. 5 34,0808. 41 915,335! 2. 5. Moldingsand...................... 1 1 8............ 8 1 11 0....... 1i 6,5 0|.. Presed ad pante tinware....... 1 61 18~ 24 964 3;1 20el 6 4,000/ 1 s 2,5~00 41 o 0~,000~ 1... Fishhooks.......................21 2......3. 0 2 4,800 21 3,070 2 1,000.... 1 Feoishis ng vetacletr............ 1 1 3...... 4.... 3! 3000 1 8,5 21 65,00 1....!l 2100 iSaddlean d cac h hardware.......... 7 5 299 3 6 29 8 37 2 7 229,3000 3,8265 3 3 668.... 1 Foundry f acings...................1 3 7. 2.... 9 3 18,000 8 3 2 4,8900 21 14,4500 1 Furn~~~~~ces~~!pca ln o 4 67il ~43,m~.... 185...3,3991 60 5,191,100 65 3,419,5781 43110, 711,5331 28 37 GSalv anized iron................ I. 1 1 0,000f 1 20,000 1 40,000... Gas fixtures and plumbing......18[ 8] 54...l26... 28o1 8 334,300l 51 118.000 6 3,065,8001 3 Gas meter s...................... 2 2 7 7...... 2..... 2 2 41,500i 1 8, 53 1 30,0009 2.... Gold smelting and refining...... Ii'1 4:........ 4': 1 15,0001. 11 G-~olc leaf..........7" 7* 37 15r8p15 t75 l7 20, 010pr cu ~f vl of rmi -ames...... 1 1 3....... 1,500i6 H-ammers and skates.........7,[7 218i 2 34....254 7 188, 500/ 6 60, 900[ 5/ 242, 194[ 5i 2 Itollowv ware............~ 4'14 134.... 4... 138 4 148,000[ 4 208,640 4! 433,0001 3.. Horseshoe nails.........../11 17.... 16... 33[ 1 40,000il I 67,849 1 120, 000 House builders' hardwyare...... 10i 1j 3 3 0 9i1011~~~ 3,1 0 738,4120] j Imitation bronze.........24/ 1 2.13 I 3,4' 51 Iron buildings.........../21 21 3(0 0 I 300) 2l 304,000/ 142, 200 1II 100,000! 2; Iron ehains.............. t %/ 25 / s,ooo/ 7,ool ~l so,ooo[ Ii Iron foundries............[1511 1411,223. 177.'.. 2, 400. 1415/ 2,356.100 10 1,542,441[ 21 4, 187,3991 871 46 Iron pipes............~. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 7 1....... 8.....! 3 2./7'/ 7 31320 6 t i38,0 Iron railings............[10 10 108..9... 11[9,019, 8[9 2,585 Iron rolling cutting and forging.... 241 23 3,155[, 339..[3,4II94,60 1 9,8 2,1~ 2;412,82,850 203,308,9101 0, 7,913,064, 13''i0 Ja~~anned t~~~n I 19 ~I 3 10,0001 11 30,000/" Knitting machine needles....../1 11 8/. 8.. 16i'"{...300() 1,500 / 1 Lathes 2 9 11 17,20 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1.840[ 2/ 17,5651 i. Lead and le~a shot.................. 1 ] 0/... 1 5,011 213750 17,2001!013 Locks.......................~~ ~.... 91 9/ 107/.... 251.....1 1321 9 82,700~ 22,404[ 8[ 48, 502!' Machinery 10 5,96...... 10..;. ~4 Malleable Iron~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 1 2 34 hletallic ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 / 1akcn n ak 0/ 21.,.. 53 / 40/..... 1 g 10 25,0001/ Ma~ollebeirnf sn 101.......................5 Pressed and painted ti95],2941.. 180/.'.,74/ 93 1 20,00,701[ 2,41,5001/ 7/,51,471 5 Meali uialses................ ].~~~~~~ 1 2 151 5 4 0 100 Reo~~isters and venti{ 2{~ 2! 105 1/..1 41.].. 31141 2 50,000[ 20,000 i 66,000i 1 Sheet ti and coper 1 1 41,.....(..,, 1....\ 40)1 1 3201,0 2 50,000[.9000;i Silver pla,................|2 1 2,000/. P~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3resse oud andy paintred tin wf are.....' 1a I I9 433i 2,0[I 3,00 16000 474 MANUFACTURES: —CAPITAL, VALUE OF MATERIALS, PRODUCTS AND POWER. CLASS II.-METALLURGY AND MANUFACTURE OF METALS, ETC.-(CoCTINUED). o ^ Of ram, materials. Of products5 z~I~~~~ ,58 7 38| 28028 4 5 9,275 45 44063,00!2J1 Stea-m bilIr. ^5 15i 931....I8 _j_166!. 98'31,6 _24 _48,0 3,22370_j2_ 5, 152 _19 2,95,24l|__3h7 Steam~~~~~~~~~~~ Tweny-si oferor th nube use hosepoer Inlin two horse-powers./ 75000 1../ 470 MANUFACTURES: —CAPITAL, VALUE OF MATERIALS, PRODUCTS AND POWER. CLASS X.-LAND CONVEYANCE. FERSONS EMPLOYED. CAPITAL. VALUE. POWER. Of raw materials. Of products. I~~~~~~~~T z MANUFACTURES. A f ~ 3 I~ tL /,I I 3I ~" E.&' I'' Z Axletrees........................ 5 4 40...... 9..... 4 5 72,00 40,235 5 1 3 Cars.s........................... 1 -566.......136 1 1,495,821 2 2,068,823 10 2,88,806 13 1 Car wheels......................... 4325.....- 175, 4 215,2000 3 648,700 4 855,,0 1 2 ~ o 25...... 4 1500 Children's carriages............... I12 12I 0...........3,500 1 6,86... I a a s.... 8 7 31 2 187 2 3i5921 818 1,818,115| 690 1,185,086 70 2,919,4651/ 1 28 78 Coaches and wagons................ 839' 730" 3,4019. Hubs.............................. 3 3 6 1................ 60, 2 2,100 1 100 1 250 3 Spokes, felloes and bows............. 31 27 126...... 4.... 130 29 176,275 27 60,357 27 208,909' 7 19 Wheelbarrows...................... 7 61...... 6..... 67 7 38,500 7 35,351 7 67,900 1 4 Wooden sleigh-shoes................ I 2..... 2 1 13 1 5 1 150|........ 1 i 1.... i _i —__i~j 2'i~ 2/ 5,6sj sooil 771 3s,3s~17(7/ ~7,55,001 Total......................... 9041 788 5,364 21 274 2 564211 880 3,820,8241 747 4,042,157- 760 6,558,93011 511CLASS XI.-HYDRAULICS AND PNEUMjATICS. Bellows.......................... 3 2 13...... 3|..... 16 3; 15,0001 3 2 4,6241 3 41,0451.... 1 Fire engines........................ 6 6 326...... 20..... 3461 6! 271,000 6 165,950; 5 388, 00OL. 4 Hydrants.......................... 1 7i...... I........... 7 1 10,000 I 25,000i 1 36,000i I.... Pumps............................. 40 36 192...... 14..... 206 35 191,000' 33 96,684 33 382,5911 8 12 Steam pumps...................... 5] 5 195....... 15 210 5 265,000| 31 116,900Q 4 280, 000 5 Wooden water pipe and pump logs.. 6 291 I..... 31 5 13,200 61 16,4501 6 34,637| 3 3 Total... 6l|__1 __1[g2|___ 53..... 816, 55! 765,200| 52| 445,608| 521 1,162,67j 17 f20 ~ ~~~~i.........1 53 CLASS XII.-MECHANICAL POWERS. Hoisting wheels and machines........ 335 14..... 49 3 9 9 40,7000 3 15,150 3 66,4001 1 i Hydra ulic presses................... i 35................ 35 1 10,00............... 1 30,00.... Scales............................. 9 8 11i 18.... 1 13 9 124, 5250 54,603 5 3 Total.....~.. ~,,.......... 131 121 187. 2219 13 175,225 11 73,305 13 231,003| 7 4 CLASS XIII.-GRINDING MILLS AND MILL GEARING. ~o~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~......................!~ 5! atdand belting.....4 4 24 2 1|..... 27 3 47,000, 3 100,000| 3 211,250|1..7 Feedmills......................... 13 7 28...... 2!..... 301 13 91,250 9 40,863 53,550 3 Grist mills (Special Blank No. 3)..... 1,793 1,698 3,817...... 319|..... 4,136 11,760114, 358.624,l,46 143,630,650 1,409 45,400,045'6811 117 Millstones........................ 1 1 6............ 6; 1 30,000 1 5,000 1 10,000i....... Mill gearing and machinery....... 1 16 172...... 15..... 187 7 230,500 17 156.555 17 278,730' 51 12 Pearl barley....................... 2 2 8............... 8, 2 20, 000; 2 84.800 2 105,500,.... 2 3[][ 3 35'......~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..... II80, 6 1160 Smut machines..................... 800 66 1,65.... W- indmills..................... 2 1 41...... 1... 5 2 8,000 2 1,609 1 6,00.... 2 Total........................... 1,833!3l,730, 4,060; 21 338..... 4,40O l 799 —4,786,1741 I1,496!44,020,1431,44146,066,725p1689; 144 CLASS XIV.-LUMBER, INCLUDING TOOLS AND MACHINES FOR ITS MANUFACTURE. Barrel machinese................ I 1 6......... 6 i 5,000 1 4,000 1. 9,0007 Boxes.............................. 23 23 206 2 20..... 228 19 240,450 18 275,330 19 475,674 13 1 Carpenter shops.................... 74j 66 320...... 10..... 330 64 105,115 45 140,507 44 203,725 4 4 Cheese box-es...................... 83! 78 210 1 27..... 238 77 100,2150 72 57,493 70 138,109 13 64 kc ar boxes........................ 49 1 1..... 11 4 5,400 3 5,300 4 23,800........ Cooper shops........................ 519 474 2,735...... 175..... 2,910 487 1,205,824 461 1,290,992 485 3,025,327 36 42 Hay hoops................... 3 1 3.............. 3 1 200 3 375 3 1,810........ Heading, hoops and staves........... 120; 110 606 2 343 10 961. 109 473,440| 95 420,288 105 802,5377 56 46 indling wood..................... 20- 19 135 1 180 7 323 19 180,8001 18 137,230 11 244,880l 18 1 Lath................ 34' 31 581...... 1.3..... 71l 26 10,220; 14 3,397 32 31, 247| 1 26 t Lumber mills (Special Blank No. 5).. 4,,124;3,744 9,454/...... 667..... (10,12 1|3,9631 9,445,768|2,987/ 7,154,313[3 3,27i13,987,5 641'36091 383 Patterns................... 27, 1 121........... 13| ~1 4,000 1 5,000 1 15.000;........ Planes.......,..................... 3i 3 54.... 2... 5 3 721,400 3 15,550 3 92, 300i "2 1 Planing mills.................... 129..... 815 63 621,80/ 47 925,817 43 1,153,325 3 23 Saleratus boxes........................... 1..... 3 1 1,800 1 11,420 1 13,500;.... 1 Saws....SB....................... 8 8 160 2 34), 79 177, 100,7 8] 149,549 84 312, 5971 6 1 SawMfrales....................1 8 1 240 1 9........ Saw sets.!.......................... 1 1 3................ 3 1 1,000 1 500 1 6,000..... 1 Shaving boxes...................... 2l 1......1...... 1I 1 2. 2 2, 000 1 6001 1 2,1001.. 1 Shingles........................... 12 192 513| 1 20)71.... 721( 184 276,555 166 186,402 183 514,500/1 421135 Shingle machinesr................ 8 3 24,300 744 3 14,463!... 3 Shooks1.................. 1....... 7 104. 5..... 109 8 8720,500; 7 4855130 7 147,,200 5 1 Toy...................... 4 4 28........ 9 27,000: 10 810 3 33, 700 31.... Truss hoops........................ 2 2......... 9; 4, 150 2 1,400 2 7,350,.... Veneerings................ 21 070; Wood mdg c g r...... 458 197,500 8 44 500 7 129,900 12 2 W~ood turning...................... 69 61 249! 19.... 272 66 166,610 61 103 370 60/ 278,439/ 14 L44 TotaL...................... 5,37'4,9115806 1411,881__19:IT, 72o| 5, 14o(l3, 3M6g, 34, 033|ll,0J O, 90 4, 4'02921^76, 8447 J3875 ~783 CLASS XY~-STONE, CLAY, POTTERY AND GLASS MANUFACTURES. BBrick.....1........................ 153|1 1471 2,349 26~T158 I 12,534;/ 148 765,875;; 112 177,426 15~0 1,370,080:( 16 55 Brick and tile machines............ 2 2 61................ 6i 2! 1000 2 4,900 2 55',... 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ]]]. 2, 8001 66 1;,6750.... 1 Enameled ware.......................... 1 15,0001 98 1 05 ~ire brick and retorts............... 10i 10 296...... 26|...... 322 10 392,000 9 127,816 8 360,000 8 Including eleven usinga horse-power. + Including three horse-powers. t Seventeen reported counties not specified. I Including twelve horse-powers. MANUFACTURES:-CAPITAL, VALUE OF MATERIALS, PRODUCTS AND POWER. 477 CLASS XV. —STONE, CLAY, POTTERY AND GLASS MANUFACTURES-(CONTINUED). ^ ~PERSONS EMPLOYED. CAPITAL. VALUE. POWER.;II ^ ~ ~ *~ ~~~~~~~~~Of raw materials. Of products, MANUFACTURES. a. 0~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ V 0 1, I ^. 1 Z t ^ | d~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~2 d~~. Glass and glass ware................ 29 27 1,222 98 813 571 2,190 2881,356,0001 21 $609,866 23-$1,645,268 -7 1 Glass staining...................... 31................ 3 1 4,00 2 3,140 2 8,50........ Lime and cement................... 83 76 1,218...... 123.....1,341 81 1,405,1251 52 219,092 74 1,655,584 13 9 Looking glasses.................... 3 2 18 2 2..... 22 2 4,400 2 2,950 2 11,000 1.... Marble............................ 132 128 8281...... 45..... 873 132 1,030,953 114 585,28 123 1,544,526 13 6 Plaster............................ 67 66 241!......... 245 72 293,220! 6 149,307 67 297,616 8 57 Porcelain and china................. 2 2 93 2 19 7 121 2 170,000 2 10,225 2 62,845 1.... Potteries.......................... 31 29 183.... 15..... 198 31 218,010, 28 52,451 28 209,3791 2 11 Roolling slate....................... 29.., 1.. 5 Roofing slate....................... 14 14 249|...... 5..... 254 14 359,000! 1 1,200 12 107,443 1 1 Stone cutting...................... 31 31 524...... 14..... 538 35 569,850, 22 219,700 29 641,135/ 2 1 Files.............................. 12 11 451...... 6..... 51 10 27,400, 8 3,405 11 36,000 2 9 Tobacco pipes.................... 10 3 9|...... 1.. 10 3 8,550; 3 2,750 3 22,4001 1.... Water lime........................ 5 5 22.......... 22 5 5,400 5 8,850 5 29,901.... 3 Total.......................... 58 5557,311 1281,231 65 8,735 577,652 1 444 2,188,242 542 8,017902 7 4 155 CLASS XVI. —LEATHER, AND MANUFACTURES THEREFROM. Bark.................. 161................ 1 161 30 1478757 16 57579 30 52,825........ 161 30 14, 8751 16 5,791 30i 52,825 Boots and shoes 8 7/........ 75 Boots and shoes.................... 887' 7994,508 642 886 78 6,114 843 1,856,721' 75512,955,235 772 5,312,342 6.... Harnesses, saddles and trunks........ 851 348 819 676 1 902 365 495,400 345 344,603 344 829,591 2 Hose.............................. 2 4.......... 6 2 41,500 2 10,575 3 213,650....... Lasts, boot trees and crimps......... 1 0 67...... 10..... 77 10 59,350 10 14,060 10 63,900 4 4 Leather dressing................... 10 10 79.... I..... 80 10 89,600 10 261,400 10 446,470 1 2 Morocco............................ 16 15 347 8 14..... 369 16' 242,000 13 820,983 15 1,318656.... Pocket books and porte monnaies..... 11 110 138 20 3 271 9 190,200 4 19,750 5 522,800 1.... Razor strops....................... 12 11 5 18 1 1,800.................... Shoe pegs........................... 3 3 7 1 3..... 11 3 9,500 1 200 3 8, 3 Tanneries (special blanks No. 8)...... 820' 7755,802.... 233..... 6,035 79510,386,639 71613,762,384 7314,971,708 229 411 W hips................... 61 6 29 17 i..... 47 51 3,368 5' 11,730i 5 23,137|.... 2 Total.......................... 2,181`2,01011,9351 8131,247| 83|l4,078 2,08913,390,95311,878|-8,211,2991,928|33,763,804||- 245 424 CLASS XVII.-HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, MACHINES AND IMPLEMENTS FOR DOMESTIC PURPOSES.....r tbls.................... _83,24 831,07'. Beds, mattresses and mattress stuffings, 12 8 88 10 29 - 127 8 49,780 7 14,709 7 69,95112 1 Bedsteads.......................... 25 25 180...... 20 30 230 24 101,350 21 40, 267 20 173,855 6 14 Billiard tables...................... 6 42.... 46 7 49,00 5 21,900 3 74,000........ Brooms............................ 48 45 232 16 46 4 298 45 138,639 46 257,976 44 473,5251 1 Cfe il.......................... 3/1 /4/4 Broom machines............ I................................. 1 100 1 163 1 840........ I~~~~~~~~~ollow ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~l 840/r ar............ Brushes............................ 25 23 359 452 115 73 999 24 404,30 19 249,003 20 666,913 7.... Cabinet ware...................... 37 3512,401 65 180 12,647 370 2,576,581 325 819,172 3302,355,799 42 73 Chairs.............................. 60 55 545 75 320 2531,193 59 429,015 48 187,449 49 664,451 9 22 I~hltr,......,...,....;I. Coffee mills...................... I 1 4................ 4 1 1,500 1 3,500 1 6,500.... 1 Fancy splint baskets and fans................. 17 1 1.000 1 200 1 1,500.... 1 Hollow wooden ware................ 4 3 22.... 26,300 12,910 4 53,000 1 3 I 98j 131/ 1.... 12 9/ 4 1S 26 38000/ 3411, 9101 4153,000 1 I 3 Pails and tubs....................... 12 62 1 8 97 11 96,100 12 29,907 1 90,9751 2 9 Provision safes..................... 1 1................ 1 1 500 1 125 1 320........ Rugs and mats..................... 5 4 40...... 42 8 90 5 50,725 5 84,460 5 133,100........ Traps.............................. 1 25...... 205 50 I1 111, 100 1 70,000 142,193.. 1 Upholstery......................... 5 3 8...... 2..... 10 3 29,00 5 39,740 5 112,580........ Washing machines................ 2 2 31 5 36 2 55,4001 2 14.000 1 27,804 1 1 W illow ware....................... I 1 2. 4 5 11 11 1,500 1 8,750........ 7usica4 90! 51 50,75t 5 84, 4601 73..3,.... Windowshades..................... 7 99 5 62 193 7 111,000 1 7 6 73,500.... Photolithography~~ ~ ~ 4 0....,...... 1 1 2 000, () pTotalster........................... 593 548 4,143 646 847 442608 5754,233,79000 512 3,924,568 51 5,129, 556811 127.... Wgaving and dachisns i................... 1.....| 3: 55,400 2 100 01 1 3 27,8040; ] 1 Winllow ware....................... 2....9 8I|1 3 12 35 2 340,000 2 4;500, 11 8000,....... Gia~ foretold......................3 5 18 1 82 2 70,000 2 _.,_15 2 __,00 2 Jewtuelr...............e............ 34 32 334 49~~~ 44s/ 3.~ 430 24 534,900 182 12 5,005 22 5974,5001 1... Melodeonsp.........................tgahc paau 4'd 4aeis 16l......... 16 48 3285,000 35 80,018; 49 322,64 2 1 Musical instruments, 1g.....1,5801 2 4,800 1,5871... Pearlwork_ I 7,0........... 3. 4 1 00 1 1 1.... P nicae........................ 2 2 9;.... 4 4 2 1 6 2 6,000 140 7 2 3,08.... Photoklininhgraphy b.................. 13 13 191 5 1 45 36 323 1 1000 1 5,0'....... Enraingandfortesinking............... 41 371,0009 1 31 1,42 39,9,000/ 2 37,9; 7184 31 4....1 Pianoforte actions....... ~~38!...........] 4 2...... 1 6 531 4 1,60 4 9 20 3 050 4.. PEintelop esw......................... 60 2 341, 000 2 202,000 2 110,000 2.... Pa fre t ls..................rsp. 2l 2n n ow9811................ 1 31 2 1,0 2 3910 13,200 38/. Pholdgrpens......................... 513 26 7 10 81 4 98 32 45,750 25 2,04001942.... Photographic apparatus and materials. 2 2 30 ~212... 44 2 3,000} 2 215971 2,5000 2.. Jewertyit.......................... 1 1 1........ 1 15 0 15 1 18 0.... Prielers'cink....................... 3 3 17..........{4.....' 17 0,0 0,0; 1 1,0| 2 M u s~~~*inclaingstruenty-i os-oes, tIcuig oeusng ~s- eraly....' 1,5ludin 4,800ve us horse-power 478 MANUFACTURES: —CAPITAL, VALUE OF MATERIALS, PRODUCTS AND POWER. CLASS X~III.-ARTS, POLITE, FINE AND ORNAMENTAL-(CONTINUED). PERSONS EMPLOYED. CAPITAL.. VALUE. POWER. Sa,~~~ "5 S S I Of raw materials. Of products. MANUFACTURES. 4 O * Priting and publishing............. 49| 730! 305 245 98 1,378 43 $1,198,125 28| $254,060 241 $388,531 211. Printin and pubis in............. Printing presses.................... 2' 2 350i...... 27..... 377 860,000 2 154,015 2 610,000, Strings & covers for musical instruments l I...........[ 1 2l 1 2,000.......... 1 6,000 1.... Taxidermy................................ 2 1 4,000 1 3,000 1 3,900 Type............................. 3 2 28| 16 9 6 59 3 88,000 1 21,500 2,72,000, 1.... Total.......................... 254| 236 4,5161 580 703 282| 6,081 2922 6,563,575i _ 6212 78,540, 160 5,9730,8811 _8_l _5 CLASS, XIX-FIRE-ARMS AND WAR MATERIAL. Cannon and iron projectiles.......... 4 4 806i...... 14'..... 820 4 1,122,000 4, 1,501,448 4 4,1220,0171' 3 1 Drums............................ 4...... 2.....! 8 4 4,050, 21 2,400: 4 8,600........ ~'I~~~~~~~~~~ Fire-arms,.......................... 22' 2111,749 20 129.. i1,8981 21 2,9 35, 000 20| 592,676| 20 3,887,277; 5 4 M ilitary equipments................. 11....... I 100 000.......................... Percussion caps.................... li 1 10 30........... 40 1 50,000 I! 10,000i 1. 10,'000; 1....I Powder............................ 6i 6 134................ 134 6 512,000; 61 547,000 6 951,155 1 d~~~~~~~~~~~i-;5d Total.......................... _381 8 36 2,705 5o0 14570 28,900 371 4,723,0505 331 2,653,524 __35 9,077,049| 10 11 CLASS XX-SURGICAL AND DENTAL INSTRUMENTS AND APPARATUS. Artificial limbs.................... 2 2..... 7.. 2 2 3,200015012 3 000. i Artificial teeth..................... 3 2............. 6.9. 3 7,400 3 4,311 3; 8,3...! Dental furniture.................... l 1 3........... 2 1, 000 6 1,000 l 47,000... Dentistry.......................... 27 21 31::...........!'.. 31 28 20,475J 23 9,570 28K 52,063..... Surgical instruments............... 1./.................1........... I 500|l 1 300 IS 1,000..... T russes................................................................... Total o.................... 68 61 51 5 _ CLASS XXI.-WEARING APPAREL AND ARTICLES FOR THE TOILET. OArtificial flowers and plumes 0......... 3i 3 1 3 732: 3 57800 2 5 6,600 1 1070007 Balmoral skirts and skirting......... 2i 1 8 4 1| -6!1 9 2i 7,800| 2 17,596 2 27, 7621 1.... Clothing........................... 304 283 1,916 3,307 571 541 5,3341 286| 1 53,200 234 1,826,605 260 4,048,96ll,.,Collars and cuffs.................... 23 23 853268 7 59 3,419 19 457,300 16 635490 17 1,232,540 1.... Combs............................ 3 3 36 30 30..... 69 3| 2,750 2 650 2 5,500.... 2 Corsets fim.s...................... [ 2:' 2 1 31 l..... 331! 20,007 1 1 500 1 7,500........ Furs................................ 17 15 218 278 53 556! 16 617,900: 11 664,928 11 1,242,787 13. Gaiter uppers...................... 1 ~ 1 6 7 7.......,.. 83J.....1..........!.....,............. Gloves and mittens.................. 92' 54 217 566 8| 20 84l 53l! 323,825; 53 500,396 52;J1, 187, 67-61...... Hair.............................. 6! 6 4 11 21 10 27 5 11,800 2 4,800 4 18,oo00.... Hats and caps....................... 49i 47 754 1,145 1851 1673 3251' 38 1, 238,200 28 1,914,172 30 3,778,2891 12 3.~r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~12.................... Hat blocks...................... 2 is 1.... l..... 19| 18,000........ 1. 15, 000i 2'.... Hat bodies.................. 2 2 193 1 65 5 264 2 275,000................ 1 19,000 2.... I-oop skirts......................... 301 28 39 443 14! 109 6051 24 223,70 to 8I 204,604 23 490,700i 2.. I-oop skirt material................. 9 9 494 690 1411 61 1, 3861 8 948,300 81 2713,400 7 983,900 8|,.. Hosierins........................... 17 17 426 1,164 193 279 206 17 841,000 14 1,822,128 15 3538,39 9 13................ 17 11 13 12 6 55,300 11 157,647 10 189,150........ Ladies' under garments.............. 21; 2 3 18 21. 23 12,500 2 16,000.................... Millinery........................... 9 81- 1`7 287 141 57 375 87 79,907.1 7 9 104,720 82~ 178,369'.... Neck-ties........................... 3 14 1 1,500 1 7,200 1 18,0 __~Tot~~al,3 45 5 7 22,8 2 6 4 2I...., CLASS XX. -EAII AP-PAR ELLANEOUD ARLS NFRATUESTO L. Artificia flowers...pums................. |1[76! 10 1 15,700[ 2,00;.l...... 1 30,0001[... Ba d o e.............. 11 1. 3~ 1......1 4 TA\.I 1 5,000 1 51 9, 50............. Caorrt and skirtin g......... 2 2 428 90 1 6 1 1 9 1 2 7,8000 2 79,500 2 127,12/ 1 1 Charcoal.......................... 7 | 1... 2 1 6 2 5 5, 4 0 9 5.... Colarsoand cufst..................... 23 1 226/ 459;...'.. 34 9 1 45,3000 12 285,490 1 7 4,9002,141 Cigru lihesadtohpcs.... 1 li! 2 4...| 2 0 8 1| 52,000' 000 1 000 1.. Combs......... 30 3 249..... 3 3 24,700 3 1,500 2 10,800l 3.... Fere tiis........................... 2 21 l......... 4| 2 2 5,000'/ 1 1,5 00 1 2 17,5 0 00... i ] Hay r essio n g........... ll~p l| 10....... 0 | 2 5 0 2 0 0 1 2,0.. 40i 1 50,0001 11 10,000, 1 In, 000 1~i Ice...............................9' 7 21.. 175.... 268 8| 21 7,000 5 5,40 5 360,200 1 /:: Me~a t p ackni ge a nd c u ri ng............ 1 8 1 8; 2 6 0...... 2 1..... 2 8 11 17| 9 4 9,0 0 0 | 1 3 1,94 5 5 9 1 1 2 42,7 0 80 0 Gati, e terpp ers.............................. 40 17 50,000' 1 1 7600 1 400,00... Glovesr mittens..................... 1431236j1721 90' 7 8' 59,0001 4' 26,00' 4i 6.00i..;.. - air.............................. 00 1 4,000 1 8,000. 5rtiticiat flo~ers a nd capsum. o.... in. 2 0r e-poe r Btclmoal skits an sklrtng47,1,,145 185 6 t~2167300 2 1,251 2,7G I-Iastr bodie................ 21~~~~ 1";. I 5 124 25,0 iii]]1i7 11,0/ l-Icc p ~ ~ ~ ~~2 skrt 3..............'8 3 91 3443 145,0 109 60 235,700 18/ o0,60 _ 32 490,70 2' r~~~~,,~~~~~~,9 49 4 693; 0 141 611 3,8 94,300 8,.7 40 7/ 98,900/ 8f 2i 1 31 iS 2..... 31 ~ i, S0 ~0,0 00 i 1,;!\.,0 Milinry............... 811 217 278 7 1 5W56'II 79,907: 7913; 25 1 24~, 7-0 1 Gaiter~~~~~~ ~~~~ 31pr z/ 1,~o it 7,20 ~ lso Sloewiang machines........... 5I 40756.... 20....1 42,~ 12,060,000 3 4560,80 3G 959,311'4!.. Sh~irtsi' i 1 2i 1 21 5,800' 5[ 18,301 5 / I 22,00:/1 Ilat ad ap.....r.............. 4 7 10~ 5 90,14 48 17 94(1O" I~~~~~at ~ ~ ~ 6 106ck 13 100 34 ( 251IFl,000/.,, 2i,,,, 1 44,23 7 ~~Mat bodies 21 193 1 6~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t 51 124 7,000] 1 9.00........ ~-i;:~~,~ ~; 2o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o, ~ ~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i~~~~~~i ~;', ~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~iT —~-~!F~,-Z~:~T ~ ~s~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~j22,0 1 04G42340,70 ~~81400p skirt material Y ~~~9 29 9 4I6 ~~l,98300 Alpabet' blocks......'.......... 171 1 313...1 I5-0 57 4 019 5 Badis ndboe grlns 21 2 8 3............2,50 j2 1,0( Neck-ties~ ~ ~. [}l,00:...............,... 12 4,0i1 720 1 1,0 Sewing machines 5 4()5 2~~~~~~~~10,000'1....000 4680.........................: 3 1.....I5,8000 1]S30~ 9 i,5200........... Buthering.......................... 3 7 [ 6 10'290 1 7 iI Carpet~~~~ an d trvein bags...... 441 8 22,oo 27,000 2/, 231 3212,1 1 1 Ca XI. 281 ELAEOJ 90[ 16! 10; R~ Clhrebarco a l.............1 1 [3 1[.... 2 12,55:7 61 9,445) 6/ 20,9'351 Butchering~~~~~~~~ 2' 6,3 o o o G2s5,94~ ooo/ 4,7900 i'" Chroa............ o2, ood....~' C 3;/4 6 2,'"~o ~o o~=~ iihter~s an ooth pioks..... ii 22 s ~500i 000 1 2,0; Corks 31 31 24~~~~1 2I 9.....t 1 51 3 4OI!,0 ) 0! Fertilizers....................... 401..... Fisheries 87' 3471 3/ 191 11 370!~ 86j 9, 6' 0 502 8 79~ Fish propag~ating............... i] 1!,000.......:::: Hlay pressing 1 i j0......... 12,oool1'"i/....~ilooo! 251 2.27' 17 7 2771 281 i 2700 5 5,0 51 60,,200'"1.. nlqeat packing~ and curin g...... 18 18 260.... 21.... 281[/ 18 949,000/ 1 1,745,594/ 13 2,590, 300 Mlotive water power 1!;LCI~ 401......~ 1$........ 400/00j~~j P. aper boxes.............. 13 66i 1071 11 90[ 2,4' 8' 59,000/i 26'~ 4 4, 800,i 41 I Patent powers....... 1..... ~ 3i,...[....... 3j 11 6,000[1 5,9O001 II 8,0001i.. ITne!uding one using horse-power. MANUFACTURES: —-CAPITAL, VALUE OF MATERIALS, PROCUCTS AND POWER. CLASS XXII-MISCELLANEOUS MANUFACTURES-(CONTINUED). I ~ I PERSONS EMPLOYED. CAPITAL. VALUE. POWER. r "5 Ig gOf raw materials. Of products. Refriagerators...................... 12.2 2,00,o 2 $220 2 816, 006 I.... Show card writing................. I 1 200 1 1000.. Tobacco.......................... 1,324 255 22 2, 55 1,553,300 31,918,820 37 394227 32 3 Undertakers....................... 40 35 158i...... 2 1..... 1 9 38 174,964 3S 375,289 1 Unspecifiedr........................ I 1........ J20,000: 150 2 1,000...I Vulcanizers... g.................... I I I 2~................ 1 2,000 1 5,500........ Undrtaers.................. 40 5 18..... 21.... 179 38 181700 36 174964 38, 375,289 1'... Unspecified....................... 1 1 1............ 0, 11 0 1 1 0 0.. Vulcanizers....................... 1 1 1... 1.. 2'...........| 11 2,000 1/ 5,5001..... Wax figures........................ 1 1 2 1 1 4 1 5,000 1 125 1 4,000........ Total ~....................... 4481 408 2,7741 1,561 489 3 73 5, 1971 425 5,035,310 3170,48381 3,489,93 54 8 Total..... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~j,05310 317110, 483,810 360113,489 9t30 1 54' *8 IRECAPITULTATION BY CLASSES. PERSONS EMPLOYED. CAPITAL. VALUE. POWVER. 0 5 I II I Of raw materials. Of products. ~ CLASS, I | I,.1 ~=.. I 1=., II. I., 1J II~';7... 279 257 4,243 17 240 13 4,513 270 $4,476,734[[ 255i $3,322,296 263 $7,248,447 87 138 I....1, 9351 1,794 18,7180 475 I, 93l| 157 21, 343 1, 831 21,081,599, 1,590' 17,325,979 1,546 46,442,0371 331 182........ 515/ 43 6,311 6,9082,1623,006 18,387 479 15,424,5071 395 24,293,569 400 34,609,145 83 374 I~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~17I 1,031! 43,7724t1 1,07 7085 515 11c a; IV....... 1,269 1,166 12,429 1,743 l,132i 802 16,106 1,215 39,540,373 1,031 43,778,919 1,079 70,859,141 331 108 v........ 4......62107...... 1,969 43 2,704,597i 35, 1,515,926 38 4,063,725 31 2 VI...... 6 548......5 8,262 57 5,059,200'i 48 3,135,088 49 9,241,604 51 3 VII....... 1301 110 2,867...... 100...... 2,967 126 1,371,0851 114 1,460,854 95 3,921,6701 11 4 43[ Vill....... 19 1 17 3.. 152 18 150,900o 141 87,606 12 115,322 9......' TX.. 275' 254 4,788 3 166 8 4,965 240 4,223,780| 162 755,152 219 2,950,554 63 73 X....... 9041 788 5,364 2 274 2 5,642 880', 3,820,8241 747 4,042,157 760 6,558,930 51 111 XI....... 61 56 762 1 53.......816 55i 765,200i 52 445,608 52 1,162,679; 1 20 XII....... 13 8 7 18...... 32!...... 219 13| 175,225/ 11 73,305 13 231,003 7 4 XII......'l. oo,! XI....... 1o833| 1,730 4,060 2 338...... 4,400 1,799. 14,786,174 1,49 44,020,143 1,441 46,066,725 1,689 144 XIV....... 5,373 4,921 15,806 14 1,881 19 17,720 5,1,40 13,539,362 4,033 11,060,190 4,429 21,768,447 3,875 783 xv....... 587 555 7,311 12881 2311 65 8,735 577 6,635,283 446 2,188,242 542 8,017,902 7 17,55 XVI........ 2,18l 2,010 11,935 / 813 1,247 83 14,078 2,089 13,390,953 1,878 18,211,299 1,928 33,763,804 245 424 XVI....... 593 548 4,143 646 847 442 6,078 575 4,233,790 512 1,924,568 511 5,129,556 71 127 *XVII....... 254 236 4,516 580 703 282 6,081 222 6,563,5751 162 2,178,540 160' 5,973,881 81 5 XIX....... 38 36 2,705 I 500 145..... 2,900 37 4,723,050 33 2,653,524 35 9,077,049 11 YXX....... 351 26 39 3 32.1 5 6 51 35 30,125 30 15,431 35 68,363...... XXI....... 694 612 5,99012,480 834 926 20,230 59 8,220,582 494 8,847,791 5-31 18,425,443 54 i8 it.... 13 12 171~.. 2..... I1 3 7,2/ 1 3,0 S 3,0 XXII4........ 448 45277,6 40 2774 1561 89 373 5,197 425 5,0353,310/ 3173 l10,483,810 3601 13,489,930 54 8 Total......... 522167 4, 703 12,271 476 8 7081,6,1 4 7,52287 1, a 21,19971,98 4,185,T7it722 1264 _Total ^. 17,/52216,176124,703 j25,42714, 4976,184 j170,811 16,7i6[ 175,952,228 13,855J 201-819,99714,498' 349,185,357! I7,228:2,694 ~ Including one using horse-power. t Including two caloric. $ Including one hundred and forty-five using horse-powers. QUANTITIES OFRAW MATERIAL AND MANUFACTURED PRODUCTS. CLASS I.-AGRICULTURAL TOOLS AND IMPLEMENTS. Towns Establish- Towns EstablishMATERIALS AND PRODUCTS. reported ments re- Quantities. MATERIALS AND PRODUCTS. reported ments re- Quantities. ported. ported. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS GENERALLY. COTTON, HAY AND HOPS, PRESSES. Lumber, feet of....................37 46 2,068,500 Lumber, feet of....................... 3 3 265,000 Iron, kind unspecified, tons of....... 40 54 4,487~ Iron, tolls of...................... 2 2 124 Iron castings, pounds of............ 6 7 1,044,000 Presses, number of.............. 2 2 475 Iron, wrought, pounds of........... 13 15 754,500 FANNING MILLS. Hardware, pounds of................. 3 3 17,100 Lumber, feet of.................... 2 2 50,000 Iron, sheet, tons of................ 1 1.1Fanning mills number of....... 4 4 286 Steel, pounds of................... 4 5 75,600Churns, number of.............. 1 1 105 Babbell metal, pounds of............ 1 1 150 FORKS. Tin, boxes of............... 1 1 10 Lumber, feet of.................... I 1 50,000 Bolts, number of.................. 1 1 10,000 Iron, pounds of.................... 1 1 12,000 Coal, tons of......................20 25 1,721 Steel, pounds of. 1 1 50,000..........................................~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1721 Stel oudso............ Wood, cords of................... 6 6 475 Forks, dozens of............... 1 2,600 Bark, cords of.....................1 1 4Horse forks, number of......... 1 5,000 Leather, pounds of................. 1 1 1,000 Hoes, dozens of................ I 1 2,000 Cloth, yards of.................... 1 1 50 Corn knives, dozens of.......... 1 1 250 Wire cloth, feet of................. 1 1,000 GRAIN CRADLES. Paints, pounds of.................. I 1 2,000 Lumber, feet of.................... 3 4 174,53d Oil, barrels of.....................I 1 1 10 Iron, pounds of.................... 1 1 3,800 Moulding sand, tons of.............. 4 4 410 Scythes, number of................. 2 2 5,110 Spokes, number of................. 1 1 12,000 Handles, number of................ I 1 110 Felloes, number of................. 1 1 360 Wood, cords of.................... 1 1 20 Castings, pounds of............ 8 11 2,509,908 Grain cradles, number of........ 7 8 9,401 Cheese-press screws, number of.. I 1 100 Fanning mills, number of........ 2 2 300 Churns, number of............. 2 2 1,007 Horse rakes, number of......... 1 1 40 Clover mills, number of........ 3 3 32 Rakes, dozens of................ 1 1 400 Corn shellers, number of....... 3 3 680Harrows, number of........... 1 30 Cotton gins, number of......... 2 2 420 ons, number of......... 1 1 6 Cotton openers, number of......1 1 GRAIN MEASURES. Cultivators, number of......... 12 14 859 Lumber, feet of................... 2 2 180,000 Dog powers, number of......... 1 1 56 Iron, pounds of.................... 1 11,200 Fanning mills, number of...... 1 1 7 Grain measures, number of...... 2 2 6,350 Flax mills, number of.......... I 1 9 HAY AND STRAW CUTTERS. Harvesters, number of......... 1 1 800 Lumber, feet of.................... 1 5,000 HIorse hoes, number of......... 1 1 50 Hay and straw cutters, number of 3 3 2,112 Horse rakes, number of........ 2 2 60 HOES. Harrows, number of........... 6 6 248 Steel, tons of...................... 2 4 60 Hay presses, number of........ 1 1 2 Iron, tons of....................... 2 4 7 Horse forks, number of........ 5 5 12,736 Coal, tons of...................... 2 4 380 Mowers, number of............ 6 7 1,780 Lumber, feet of.................... 2 4 51,000 Plows, number of..............15 16 9,975 Handles, number of................ 1 2 6,000 Plow points, number of........ 1 1 1,400 Hoes.......................... 3 5 89,800 Powers, number of............. 5 5 390 Forks........................ 2 4 27,000 Presses, number of............ 1 200 HORSE POWERS. Rakes, number of.............. 2 3 1,142 Lumber, feet of.................... 1 1 65,000 Rollers, number of............. 4 5 15 Castings, pounds of................ 1 1 78,000 Scrapers, number of............ 2 2 155 Horse powers, number of........ 1 1 300 Seed planters, number of....... 1 1 50 PLows AND CULTIVATORS. Seed sowers and drills, number of 4 4 221 Iron, tons of...................... 23 27 825 Straw cutters, number of......... 4 4 760 Steel, pounds of.................... I 1 800 Threshers, number of........... 7 7 123 Castings, tons of................... 6 8 126 Unspecified implements, No. of.. 6 6 7,368 Lumber, feet of.................... 10 13 79,000 Unspecified implements, tons of.. l 1 109 Coal, tons of...................... 8 10 197 Vegetable cutters, number of. 1 1 50 Plows, number of..............18 19 5,301 Wnnowers, number of 2 2 223 Cultivators, number of.......... 8 11 304 Wood mills, number of......... 4 4 133 Hop stoves, pounds of.......... 1 18,751 Other manufactures' Bob sleighs, Harrows, number of............ 3 4 27 16; boxes, 40; condensers, Rollers, number of.............. 1 1 20 121; carts, 300; engines, 4; Engines, number of............. 1 1 2 jack screws, 8; jointers, 26; Plow points, pounds of.......... 3 4 31,786 kettles, 12; ladders, 200; saw Sleigh shoes, pounds of......... 1 5,820 maker, 1; saw mills, 147; POTATO IOOKS. shingle mills, 23; sleigh shoes, Iron, pounds of................... 1 500 2,000 pounds; store trucks, Steel, pounds of.................... 1 1, 500 1,000; stoves, 100; telegraph Potato hooks, dozens of......... 1 1 200 arms, 10,000; truck wagons, 3; RAKES. wagons, 10; well pumps, 140. Lumber, feet of.................... 23 28 472,100 BASKIETS.Iron, tons of...................... 5 5 16G Corn baskets, number of........ 1 3 980 Steel, pounds of.................... 1 1 2,000 CHEES PRESSES. Rakes, number of.............. 14 16 62,577 Lumber, feet of.................... 1 2 7,000 Horse rakes, number of......... 12 15 7,157 Iron, pounds of.................... 1 2 8,400 Grain cradles, number of........ 1 1 36 Paint, pounds of................... 1 1 50 Forks, number of.............. 1 2,000 Cheese presses, number of 1 2 75 Fork and broom handles........ 1 7,000 Cheese press screws, number of.. l 2 79 Horse powers, number of...... I 1 Shingle mills, number of........ 1 1 1Pumps, number of............. 50 CHEESE VATS. Churning machines............. 1 1 3 Tin, boxes of...................... 1 2 150 REAPERS AND MfOWERS. Iron, galvanized, pounds of.........1 1 1,200Lumber, feet of.................... 15 20 2,458,500 Iron, sheet, pounds of 19,000 Iron, tons of...................... 15 18 4,544 Copper, pounds of.................. 1 2 6,500 Iron, wrought, pounds of........... 8 9 6,113,500 Iumber, feet of.................... 1 1,200 Iron and steel, tons of.............. 1 4 60,515 Cheese vats, number of..,,..... 1 2 225 Steel, tons of...................... 5 6 51 MANUFACTURES:-QUANTITIES OF RAW MATERIALS, AND MANUFACTURED PRODUCTS. 481 CLASS I.-AGRICULTURAL TOOLS AND IMPLEMENTS-(Co NTINUED). Towvns Establish-' Towns EstablishMATERIALS AND PRODUCTS. reported ments re- Quantities. MATERIALS AND PRODUCTS. reported ments re- Quantities. ported. ported. REAPERS AND MOWERS-(Continued). SCYTHrES-(Continued). Castings, tons of.................. 3.. 4 438} Corn cutters, dozens of......... I 1 283 Sand, tons of...................... 2 4 1,012 Potato hooks, dozens of......... I 1 239 Coal, tons of.................... 10 133,238 Forks, dozens of............... I 1 2,608 W ood, cords, of.................... 2 2 400 Hoes, dozens of................ I 1 2,414 Oil, gallons of..................... 1 I 20 Axes, dozens of................ 1 1 6,000 Mowers and reapers............ 16 23 25,606 Hatchets, dozens of............ 1 1 4,000 Sec. of mowers and reapers, No. of 1 3 553,000 SCYTHE SNATIIS. Engines, number of............ I 1 6 Lumber, feet of.................... 2 3 16,000 Sickles, number of............. I 1 200 Iron, pounds of.................... 1 1 3,000 Wagon axles, tons of........... 1 1 150 Varnish, gallons of................. 1 1 7 SECTIONS OF MOWERS AND REAPERS. Sticks, dozens of..............1 3 1,960 Iron, bar, tons of.................. 1 2 350 Scythe snaths, number of....... 3 5 31,120 Steel, spring, tons of............... 1 50 Nib woods, number of.......... I 1 7,200 Steel, sheet, tons of................ I 1100 Nibs, number of............... I 1 7,200 Steel, cast, tons of................. 1 1 15 SOWERS Steel, scrap, tons of................ I 1 50 Lumber, feet of.................... 2 2 38,800 Coal, toils of...................... 1, 2 2,000 Iron, tons of...................... 22 58 Coke, bushels of................... I1 1 2,500 Grain drills, number of......... 1 1 300 Grindstones, tons of............... 1 2 150 Sowers, number of............. 1 1 70 Mowing machine cutters, sets of.. 1 1 3,550 THIRESHING MACHIES. Mowing machine knives, No. of.. 1 1 20,000 Lumber, feet of.................... 5 5 702,000 Extra actions, number of....... 1 2 800,000 Iron, tons of...................... 3 3 913 Springs, number of............ 1 2 8,000 Leather, pounds of................. 1 1 2,500 Cast steel, tons of.............. I 1 77 Coal, tons of...................... 4 4 501 Blister steel, tons of............ I 1200 Threshing machines, number of.. 3 3 506 SCYTIES. WOOD WORK FOR AGRICULTURAL IMIPLEIron, pounds of..................... 3 3 943,555 IrENTS. Steel, pounds of.................... 2 2 231,065 Lumber, feet of.................... 2 2 400,000 Emery, pounds of.................. 1 I 2,108 Plow handles, number of........ 2 2 50,500 Coal, tons of...................... 2 2 1,845 Plow beams, number of......... 1 1 20,000 Grindstones, pounds of.............. 1 1 28,946 Drag stuffs, pieces of........... 1 1 20,000 Scythes, dozens of.............. 3 3 12,838 Felloes, number of............. 1 1 6,000 Corn knives, dozens of............ 1 1 286 _ CLASS II.-METALLURGY,AND MANUFACTURE OF METALS AND INSTRUMENTS THEREFOR. AXES AND EDGE TOOLS.BRASS AND COPPER WARE-(Continued) Iron, tons of...................... 10 10 1,327 Coal, tons of...................... 1 1 500 Steel, tons of...................... 11 11 247 Charcoal, bushels of................ I 1 2,000 Steel and iron, tons of.............. 3 3245 Coke, bushels of................... I 1 500 Nails, pounds of................... I 115,000 Brass ware, tons of............ 3 5 117 Lumber, feet of.................... 2 2 235,000 Copper ware, tons of............ 1 1 163i Hickory wood, cords of............. 1 1 120 Buckles, number of............. 1 1 50,000 Coal, tons of...................... 7 7 2,343 Faucets, number of............. 1 1 1,500 Coal, bushels of.................... I1 1 700 BnITANNIA WARE. Borax, tons of.................... 3 3 10 Block tin, pounds of................ 1 1 26,000 Grindstones, tons of................ 2 2 625 Antimony, pounds of............... 1 1 3,120 Grindstones, number of............. I 1 1 Copper, pounds of.................. 1 1 260 Emery, tons of.................... 2 214 Coal, tons of...................... I 1 100 Leather, pounds of................. 1 11,600 COPPERSMITHING. Glue, pounds of.................. I 1 1 750 Copper, tons of.................... 2 4 25] Paper, pounds of.................. 1 5,000 Smelter, pounds of................ 1 1 250 Oil, gallons of..................... I 1 600 Charcoal, barrels of................ I 1 100 Axes, dozens of................ 6 6 13,318 Beer coolers, number of......... 1 1 40 Edge tools, dozens of............4 39,040 Stills, number of............... 1 1 3 BELLS. CURRY CARDS AND COMBS. Copper, pounds of..................1 35,000 Iron, bar, tons of.................. 1 101 Tin, pounds of.................. I 1 1 20,000 Iron, malleable, tons of............. 1 1 124 Copper and tin, pounds of........... 1 1 190,000 Iron, pig, tons of................... 1 600 Mixed metals, tons of.............. I 11,750 Iron, sheet, tons of................. 1 42 Coal, tons of...................... 2 2 630 Iron rivets, pounds of.............. I 1 4,000 Bells, number of............... 1 1 2,000 W ire, tons of...................... 1 6 BLACKSMITHING. | Lumber, feet of.................... 1 30,000 Iron, tons of..................'.... 254 451973 Coal, tons of...................... 11 275 Iron and steel, tons of.............. 24 49140 Curry cards, gross.............. 1 1 600 Iron, steel and coal, tons of......... 4 7 16 CUTLERr. Iron and coal, tons of............... 17 43172 Iron, pounds of.................... 1 4,895 Steel, tons of..........:... i...8.12 208 Iron and steel, pounds of............ 1 1 2,000 Nails, pounds of................... 1200 Steel, pounds of.................... 3 3 38,484 Hardware, pieces of................ 1 1802 Brass, pounds of.................... 1 1,340 Axletrees, sets of.................. 1 1 3 German silver, pounds of............ 1 1 888 Bolts and screws, number of........ 2 34,000 Metals, not specified, tons of....... 1 10 Lumber, feetof................... 6 841,350 Ivory, pounds of................... 1 1 1,798 Coal, tons of...................... 103 2051096 Buffalo horn, pounds of............. 1 1 7,842 Coal, bushels of........,,,............ 9 22 7,766 Deer horn, pounds of............... 1 1 3,218 BOLTS, NUTS AND WASIHERS. Cocoa wood, pounds of.............. 1 1 26 Iron, tons of......................,1 5 7 1 1,708 Ebony, pounds of................. 1 1,280 Iron, wrought, tons of.............. 1 1100 Pearl scales, pairs of................ 1 5,340 Coal, tons of...................... 2 21,000 Tortoise shell, pounds of............ 1 151 Oil, barrels of......*.............. 118 Oil vitriol, carboys, number of....... 1 1 1 Bolts, number of............... 2 2 4,800,000 Oil, gallons of...................... 1 1 172i Screw bolts, nuts and washers, Beeswax, pounds of................ 1 1 46 tons of.,.......,,.............. 2 2862 Lime, barrels of..................... 1 1 Nuts, tons of.................. 1 1 9 Files, dozens of.................... 1 1 39 Washers, pounds of............ 1 126,567 Paper bozes, number of............. 1 15,500 Cold punches, tons of........... 170 Coal, tons of....................... 1 1 47 BRASS AND COPPER WARE. FILES. Brass, tons of..................... 3 8161 Steel, tons of...................... 7 10 194 Brass and copper, tons of........... 2185 Old files, number of................ 4 6 23,050 Base metals, pounds of............ 112,000 Coal, tons of...................... 2 2 353 61 482 MANUFACTURES: —QUANTITIES OF RAW MATERIALS AND MANUFACTURED PRODUCTS. CLASS II.-METALLURGY AND MANUFACTURE OF METALS, ETC.-(CoNTINUED). Towns Establish- Towns EstablishMATERIALS AND PRODUCTS. reported ments re- Quantities. MATERIALS AND PRODUCTS. reported menits re- Quantities. ported. ported. FILEs —(Continued). IMITATION BRONZE-(Continued). Files, dozens of................ 6 9 83,193 Lead, pounds of.................... 1 1 400 Files, recut, number of........... 4 6 22,750 Copper, pounds of.................. 1 1 187 FISH HOOKS. Imitation bronze castings, pieces. 1 1 10,863 Steel wire, pounds of.............. 2 2 8,085 IRON BUILDINGS. Fish hooks, number of.......... 1 18,000 Iron, tons of....................... 1 2 2,400 FISHING TACKLE. Coal, tons of...................... 1 1 150 Hooks, number of.................. 1I 1 150,000 Iron buildings............................................. Wire, pounds of.................... 1 1 200 IRON CHAINS. Plate, pounds of................... 1 1 100 Iron, tons of....................... 1 1 600 Lumber, feet of....................,1 1 1,500 Product not specified....................................... Brass, pounds of................... I 1 200 I-RON FOUNDRIES. Alcohol, gallons of................. 1 1 12 Iron, tons of...................... 76 116 46,2682 Linen thread, pounds of............. 1 1 1,200 Iron and coal, tons of............... 9 15 2,875 Trolling baits, number of....... 1 1 4,400 Iron, wrought, tons of.............. 7 7 104 Fishing rods, number of......... 1 1 258 Pot metal, tons of.................. 1 I 20 Fishing line, pounds of.......... 1 1 1,200 Brass, pounds of................... 1 1 1,095 Nurserymen's labels, number of.. l 1 635,000 Babbell metal, pounds of............ 1 1 802 FOUNDRY FACINGS. Steel, pounds of.................... 1 1 600 Charcoal, bushels of................ 3 56,000 Iron, sheet, pounds of............... 2 2 4,206 Coal, tons of...................... 1 1 350 Zinc, pounds of.................... 1 1 534 Foundry facings, bushels of..... 3 3 28,200 Tin boxes, 28, and tons of.......... 2 2 25 FURNACES. Copper, pounds of.................. 1 1 383 (See Special Blank No. 4). Flues, number of................... 1 1 190 GALVANIZED IRON. Lumber, feet of.................... 7 8 92,000 Zinc and spelter, tons of.............. 1 1 200 Sand, tons of...................... 8 9 996 Galvanized iron, tons of........ 1 1 600 Oil, gallons of..................... 1 1 100 GAS FIXTURES AND PLUMBING. Facings, barrels of................. 1 1 0 Iron, pounds of.................... 1 50,000 Coal, tons of....................... 42 50 5,590 Brass, pounds of................... 1 1 13,000 Charcoal, bushels of................ 1 1' 10 Lumber, feet of.................... 1 1 35,000 Wood, cords of.................... 11 11 620 Products not specified...................................... Castings, tons of............... 48 62 43,070 GAS METERS. Castings pieces of.............. 3 3 330,000 Iron, pounds of.................... 1 2,000 Brass castings, pounds of....... 1 1 1,025 Zinc, pounds of.................... 1 1 300 Babbell metal castings, pounds of. 1 I 802 Tin, sheet, boxes of................ 1 1 150 Hollow ware, tons of........... I 1 22 Tin, block, pounds of............... 1 2,000 Wood work, feet of............. 1 1 20,000 Lead, pounds of.................... 1 1 2,500 Plows........................ 6 7 895 Antimony, pounds of............... 1 1 100 Cultivators.................... 1 1 40 Copper, pounds of.................. 1 1 1,000 Churning machines............. 1 1 75 Brass, pounds of................... 1 1 2,500 Presses....................... 1 125 HOLLOW WARE. Shingle machines.............. 1 1 3 Iron, tons of...................... 3 3 2,401 Wood saws.................... 1 1 8 Iron, sheet, tons of................. I I I Dog powers................... 1 12 Castings, tons of................... I 1 50 Stoves........................ 3 3 410 Wire, pounds of.................... 1 8,000 Boilers....................... 1 1 4 Sheet iron coal scuttle bottoms No. of. 1 1 44,000 Sugar molds, pounds of......... I 1 100,000 Malleable castings, tons of........... I 1 4 Salt kettles.................... 1 1 1,000 Rivets, pounds of.................. I 1 1,000 IRON PIPES. Varnish, gallons of................. I 1 1 400 Iron, tons of....................... 2 2 701 Hollow ware, tons of........... I 1 300 Iron and coal, tons of............. I.. 1 225 Coal scuttles, number of........ 1 44,000 Iron pipe and couplings, pounds of. 1 1 530,000 Oil, gallons of..................... 1 75 Gas and steam pipe, feet of...... 1 1 600,000 Gas meters, number of.......... 2 2 3,800 IRON RAILING. GOLD LEAF. Iron, tons of....................... 4 7 814 Gold, ounces of.................. 3 5 1,078 Iron, wrought, tons of.............. I 1 6 Gold leaf, packs of............. 3 3 5,580 Spikes, tons of..................... 11 1 Gold leaf, ounces of............ I 1 250 Coal, tons of...................... 1 1 35 HAMES. Wood, cords of.................... I 1 20 Iron, tons of...................... 1 1 2 Iron railing, tonlls.............. 1 85 HIames sets, of................ I 1 400 Doors........................ 1 1 1,200 HAMMERS AND SKATES. Gratings...................... 1 1 800 Iron, tons of....................... 44 433' Shutters...................... I 1 1,600 Iron and steel, tons of.............. 2 2 90 IRON ROLLING, CUTTING AND FORGING. Steel, tons.. of-.................... 3 3 39.I Iron, tons of................. 12 16 79,734. Tin, boxes of..................... 1 10 Iron and coal, tons of............... 1 1 21,898 Grindstones, tons of............... 1 1 20 Old rails, number of................ 2 2 57,000 Leather, tons of................... 2 5 18,0761 Lumber, feet of................... 1 1 15,000 Fire brick, number of.............. 1 1 53,300 Coal, tons of....................... 1 1 400 Sand, loads of.................... 1 1 75 Wood, cords of.................... 1 1 50 Coal, tons of...................... 8 9 84,684 Hammers, dozens of........... 2 11,453 Soft coal, tons of................... 1 70,000 Skates, pairs of............... 4 4 50,535 Charcoal, bushels of................ 2 2 42,390 Hydrants, number of.......... 1 75 Wood, cords of................... 2 2 430 HoRsESHOE NrAILS. Bar, sheet and hoop iron, tons of. 5 6 26,497 Nail rods, tons of................ 1 219 N\ails and iron, tons of.......... 2 2 103~ Coal, tons of..................... 1 395 Bar iron and horse shoes, tons of. 1 1 18,400 Horseshoe nails, pounds of..... 1 1 395,033 Nails, spikes and rivets, tons of.. 1 2 1,920 HOUSE BUILDER.S' HARDWARE.. Horse shoes, pounds of......... 1 1 558,600 Iron, tons of...................... 6 9 2,135 Repaired T rails, number of..... 1 4,500 Iron and steel, tons of.......... 1 18 Blooms, tons of................ 1 1 100 Copper, pounds of.................. 1 1 400 KNITTINCG MACHINE NEEDLES. Brass, pounds of................... 1 800 Steel wire, pounds of............... 1 1 1,200 Lumber, feet of.................. 1 30,000 Knitting machine needles, No. of. l 1 1,116,000 Paper, tons of..................... 1 5 LATRES. Coal, tons of...................... 2 2 400 Brass and iron castings, pounds of... 1 1 8,040 Wood, cords of....................,( 1 1 150 Lathes, pounds of....... 1 7,700 Builders' hardware, tons of..... 4 1,400 LEAD AND LEAD SHOT. Butts and hinges, dozens of..... 1 100,000 Lead, tons of....................... 2 3 2,550 Door latches.................. 1 110 Lead and lead pipe, pounds of.. 1 3,070,000 IM6ITATION BRONZE. Sheet lead and shot, pounds of... 2 2 5,000,000 Spelter, pounds of.....,........... 1 1 61,806 LOCKS Zinc, poundsof.................. 1 2 9,000 Tin, pounds of..................... 1 I 1 I 285 | Iron, pounds of................... 1 2 6,500 MANUFACTURES: —QUANTITIES OF RAW MATERIALS AND MANUFACTURED PRODUCTS. 483 CLASS II.-METALLURGY AND MANUFACTURE OF METALS, ETC. —(CONTINUED). Towns stablish-Towns EstablishMATERTALS AND PRODUCTS. reported menrits re- Quantities. MATERIALS AND PRODUCTS, reported ments re- Quantities. ported. ported. LocKs-(Continued). SILVER WARE. Copper and spelter, pounds of....... 1 1 1,196 Bullion, value of, in dollars.......... 2 2 26,750 Locks and knobs, dozens of..... 1 2 2,520 Silver, ounces of................... 1 5 100,676 Padlocks, number of........... I 1 1,036 Silver ware, ounces of........... 1 2 67,816 MACHINERY. Spoons and forks, dozens of..... I 1 300 Iron, tons of..................... 27 52 17,169 ~ Ladies, dozens of.............. 1 1 5 Iron, wrought, tons of.............. 11 13 549 Silver leaf, packages............ 1 1 750 Iron, ~Jieet, pounds of................ 1 1 1,000 STAR ETAL Iron and coal, tons of.............. 1 1 200 Metals, pounds of.................. 1 1 3,000 Steel, tons of...................... 3 4 10 Star metal, pounds of............ 1 1 4,000 Copper, pounds of.................. 2 3 1,250 STEEL. Brass, pounds of................... 3 3 2,230 Steel, tons of.................. 1 1 500 Babbell metal, pounds of............ I 1 2,000 STEEL PENS. Burr blocks, number of............. 1 2,803 Steel, pounds of................... I 1 1 5,000 Lumber, feet of.................... 10 12 162,500 Steel pens, gross of............. I 1 100,000 Sand, tons of...................... 2 2 375 STEEL SPRINGS. Coal, tons of...................... 16 18 2,086 Steel, tons of...................... 4 4 266 Wood, cords of.................... 5 5 996 Car and carriage springs, tons of.. 2 2 1994 Machinery, tons of............. 7 10 912| Steel springs, number of........ 1 1 2,000 Forging, tons of................ I 1 3 TEA TRAYS. Steam engines, number of 3 3 13 Ion, sheet, tons of................ I 1 31 Circular saw mill gears, number of. I 1 3 Varnish, gallons of................. 1 1 914 Looms, number of.............. 1 1 5 Coal, tons of...................... 1 1 70 Stump machines, number of..... 1 1 4 Tea trays, number of............. 1 1 55,000 Wood sawing machines, number of. I 1 6 THIMBLES. Mowers, number of............ 1 100 Thimbles, dozens of............ 1 1 200 Horse rakes, number of......... 1 1 50 TIN FOIL. 1Plows, number of.............. 1 1 20 Lead and tin, tons of............... 1 1 156 Burr stones, number of......... I 1 140 Tin foil, tons of................ 1 1 156 MALLEABLE IRON. TINSMITHING. Iron, tons of..................... 7 8 5,1281 Tin, pounds of....................... 10 13 35,550 Iron, wrought, tons of.............. 1 1 30 Tin, boxes of................... 86 129 30,766 Steel, pounds of.................... 11 250 Tin, sheets of...................... 1. 1 20,000 Lumber, feet of.................... 1 100,000 Iron, pounds of................... 58 78 635,151 Sand, tons of........................ 2 2 225 Iron, bundles of................... 16 18 761 Coal, tons of............ 4 4 2,050 Tin and iron, pounds of............. 5 6 14,000 WVood, cords of.................... 2 2 200 Tin, iron and copper, pounds of...... 9 17 109,460 Malleable iron and castings, tons of. 5 5 1,243 Sheet iron and wood, pounds of...... 2 2 4,004 METALLIC BURIAL CASES. Bar and block tin, pounds of.......... 5 10 654 Iron, tons of...................... 2 2 320 Copper, pounds of.................. 36 53 9,557 Metallic burial cases, number of.. 1 1 1,200 Copper, sheets, number of.......... 3 3 90 PRESSED AND PAINTED TIN WARE. Copper and zinc, pounds of............ 2 3 575 Tin, pounds of...................... 1 300,000 Zinc, pounds of..................... 5 8 1,060 Paint, gallons of................... 1 1,260 Galvanized iron, pounds of.......... 1 1 632 Product not reported....................................... Hardware, pounds of............... 1 1 136 PTINS. [ Lead, pounds of..................... 2 2 800 Brass wire, pounds of.............. 11 48,000 Solder, pounds of.................. 8 10 8,100 Pins, gross of.................. 1 1 48,000 Wire, pounds of.................... 9 10 7,950 REGISTERS AND VENTILATORS. Wire, bundles of................... 6 7 91 Iron, tons of...................... 1 150 Charcoal, bushels of................ 5 5 910 Copper, pounds of.................. 1 1 20,000Tin ware, pounds of............ I 1 7,000 Spelter, pounds of.................. 1 15,000 Boilers, number of.............. 1 1 24 Land, tons.of..................... 1 1 300 Kettles...................... I 1 1 50 Coal, tons of...................... 1 1 50 Stovepipe, pounds of................ 1 1 1,500 Quantity of product not reported..................... Sap pans, pounds of................ 1 1 900 SADDLE AND COACH HARDWARE. Cans, number of............... 1 3 358,400 Iron, tons of..................... 2 2 116 TOOLS. Coal, tons of...................... 2 2 650 Iron, pounds of.................... 3 3 90,230 SAFES. Iron, malleable, tons of............. 1 1 30 Iron, tons of...................... 4 4 2,375 Iron and steel, pounds of............ 1 1 2,500 Iron, wrought, tons of............. 3 3 600 Steel, tons of...................... 1 1 20 Brass castings, pounds of........... 1 15,000 Coal, tons of........................ 1 1 600 Lumber, feet of.................... 1 1 100,000 Auger bitts, dozens of.......... 1 1 12,000 Cement, barrels'of................. 1 1 250 Oil drills, sets of............... I 1 3 Molding sand, tons of.............. 1 1 600 Wrenches, number of........... 1 1 10,000 Coal, tons of..................... 2 2 1,450 Screw wrenches, dozens of...... 1 1 2,000 Wood, cords of..................... 1 75 WTRE AND WIRE WORK. Safes, number of.............. 2 606 Iron, tons of...................... 1 1 1,200 Safes, tons of.................. 1 1 50 Brass, tons of...................... 1 1 100 SILVER PLATING. Copper, tons of................. 1 1 20 Iron, tons of....................... 1 4~ Brass wire, tons of................. 1 1 3 Tin, boxes of...................... 1 1 14 W~ire, pounds of................ 2 2 50,850 Lead, pounds of.................... 1 1 400 Iron wire, tons.............. 1 1,100 Silver, ounces of,................... 1 1 420 Brass wire and sheets, pounds of. 1 1 90,000 Brass, pounds of................... 1 172 Copper wire, pounds of......... 1 1 60,000 Copper, pounds of.................. 1 18 Wire cards, number of....... 1 1 21,000 Silver plated ware, pounds of... 1 1 1,250 Wire screws, number of......... 1 1 6,500 Heddles, number of............ 1 1 1,234,000 CLASS III.-FIBROUS AND TEXTILE SUBSTANCES. BAGGING. CARDING AND CLOTH DRESSING. Yarn, pounds of................. I 1 1 1,200 Wool, pounds of.................. 45 46 353,466 Coal, tons of...................... 1 1 10 Wool, sacks of..................... 1 1 500 Wood, cords of................. 1 1. 7 Cloth, yards of.................... 11 11 38,668 Bagging, pounds of.............. 1 1 1,200 Cloth, pieces of.................... 1 80 BLANKETS: Oil, gallons of...................... 1 18 Wool, pounds of................... 6 8 910,636 Wood, cords of.................... 1 1 15 Wool, hair and rags, pounds of...... 1 1 40,000 Rolls, number of.............. 19 19 204,030 Yar, pounds of................... 1 1 4,000 Rolls, pounds of............... 12 12 100,700 Blankets, number of............ 7 9 191,438 Cloth, yards of................ 20 20 45,943 Blankets, yards of............. I 1 12,000 Yarn, pounds of............... 1 1 3,260 Yarn, pounds of............... 2 2 36,000 Garments dyed, number of...... 1 1 1,500 484 MANUFACTURES: —QUANTITIES OF RAW MATERIALS AND MANUFACTURED PRODUCTS. CLASS III.-FIBROUS AND TEXTILE SUBSTANCES —(CONTINUED). Towns Establish- Towns EstablishMATERIALS AND PRODUCTS. reported. ments re- Quantities. MATERIALS AND PRODUCTS reported ments re- Quantities. ported. ported. CARD BOARD, PRINTING CARDS AND KNIT GOODs —(Continued). FANCY PAPER. RIKnit goods, pieces of........... 3 5 812,250 Paper, reams of.................... I1 1 3,000 Yarn, pounds of............... I 1 1,500 Paper, tons of..................... I 1 300 LINEN CLOTH, TIIREAD AND TWINE. Paper, sheets of.................... I1 1 400,000 Flax, pounds of................... 5 6 795,890 White lead, barrels of.............. 1 1 1,500 Linen cloth, yards of........... 2 2 1,944 Colors, pounds of.................. 1 1,700 Linen thread and twine, pounds of 2 2 143,300 Clay, hogsheads of................ I1 1 9Linen yarns, pounds of......... 2 2 580,000 Printing cards, sheets of........ 1 1 600,000 LooMs AND LOOM HARNESS. Printing cards, number of....... 2 2 444,000 Twine, pounds of................... 1 1 300 CARPETS. Wire, pounds of................... I 1 2,500 Wool, pounds of................... 5 5 1,104,000 Loom harness, sets of.......... 2 2,540 Wool and dye stuffs, pounds of...... I 1 220,000 Reeds, number of.............. 1 1 1,800 Carpets, yards of.............. 5 5 769,259 OAKTTM. Flannel, yards of.............. 1 1 216,800 Oakum, tons of.................... 1 1 I 450 COTTON BATTING, WADDING AND WASTE. PAPER BAGS. Cotton; pounds of.................. 5 5 530,848 Paper, tons of...................... 5 5 339 Rags, pounds of................... 1 1 40,000 Ink, pounds of..................... 1 1 1,050 Log wood, tons of.................. I 1 12 Flour, barrels of................... 1 1 100 Copperas, tons of.................. I 1 2 luslin, yards of................... 1 1 75,241 Coal, tons of...................... 1 1 200 Paper bags, number of.......... 4 4 2,864,659 Wood, cords of.................... 1 1 50 Cotton sacks, number of........ I 1 75,241 Cotton batting, pounds of....... 2 2 36,592 PLAYING CARDS. Cotton wadding, bales of.......... 1 1 400 Paper, tons of..................... 1 1 250 Cotton waste, pounds of........ 1 1 50,000 Paper, reams of.................... I 1 1 15,000 COTTON MILLS. Playing cards, packs of......... 1 1 30,000 (Obtained by Special Blank and given RAG CARPETS. in a separate table.) Rags, pounds of.................... 2 2 9,756 COTTON WARP. Warp, pounds of................... 1 1 1,000 Cotton, pounds of.................. 2 2 550,861 Rag carpet, yards of............ 3 3 6,878 Cotton warp, pounds of......... 1 1 400,000 RIBBONS AND SILK TRIMMINGS. Satinet warp.................. 1 1 91,684 Silk, pounds of..................... 2 5 49,350 FLAX COTTON. Cotton, pounds of.................. 1 2 8,600 Tow, tons of..................... 2 2 118 Ribbons, pieces of.............. 2 3 782,400 Flax cotton, tons of............ 2 2 86 Ribbons, yards of.............. 1 1 312,000 FLAX DRESSING. Neck ties, yards of............. 1 130,000 Flax, tons of....................... 26 36 3,779} ROPE AND TWINE. Flax straw, tons of................. 8 9 1,422 Flax, tons of..................... 3 3 630 Flax and tow, tons of............... 1 1 39 Flax, bundles of.................. 1 1 31,000 Flax, acres of..................... 5 9 2,491 HemCp, tons of..................... 6 15 1,0 82 Flax seed, bushels of............... 1 1 844 Hemp tow and flax, tons of......... 1 145 Corn husks, tons of................. 1 1 13 Flax and yarns, pounds of........... I 1 600 Wood, cords of................... 1 1 150 Hemp and manilla, pounds of........ I 1 3,000 Flax, dressed, tons of...........14 23 1971 Manilla, tons of.................... 2 4 351 Lint, tons of...................... 19 26 4391- Rope, pounds of................ 3 6 6,003,645 Tow, tons of.................. 18 18 974: Twine, pounds of.............. 3 3 51,176 Flax seed, bushels of........... 5 5 10,040 Cordage, tons of............... 3 6 8,028 Batting, pounds of.............. 1 1 574 Tw;ine and shoe thread, pounds of 1 1 409,000 Linseed oil, gallons of.......... 1 1 1,500 Yarns, pounds of............... I 1 12,000 Oil cake, tons of............... 1 32 Yarns and twine, pounds of..... 1 1 175,000 Corn husks, tons of............ I 1 7 SILKS, SEWING SILKS AND TIYIST. FRINGE, GIMP, CORD AND TASSELS. Silk, pounds of.................... 1 2 27,000 Silk, pounds of..............2 2 525Silks, yards of................. 1 1 40,000 Worsted, pounds of................. I 1 2,500 Sewing silks, pounds of......... 1 1 20,000 Cotton, pounds of.................. 1 1 5,000 Twist and organdie, pounds of... I 1 7,000 Fringe, yards of............... 1 1 4,000 SHAWLS. Gimp, yards of................. 1 15,000 Wool, pounds of................... 3 3 1,213,000 Cord, yards of................. 1 1 10,000 Shawls, number of............. 2 2 380,000 Tassels, number of............. 2 2 24,032 Double shawls, number of.... I 1 48,000 HAIR CLOTH AND CURLED HAIR. Long shawls, number of........ I 1 75,000 Hair, pounds of.................... 1 4 337,000 Yarn, pounds of................ 1 1 210,000 Hair cloth, yards of............ 1 90,000 SHODDY. Cleaned and curled hair, pounds of 1 2 255,000 Rags, pounds of................................. 243,000 KNIT GOODS. Shoddy, pounds of............................ 235,550 Wool, pounds of................... 10 22 1,418,212 TAPE AND NETS. Cotton, pounds of.................. 5 11 1,011,901 Cotton, pounds of.................. 1 2 11,000 Wool, cotton and flax, pounds of..... 4 9 743.000 Cotton, spools of...................1 5,000 Shoddy, pounds of.................. I 1 4l-2000 Cotton yarn, pounds of............. 2 2 15,285 Cutch, pounds of................... 1 1 24,528 Twine, pounds of................... 1 1 4,000 Coal, tons of....................... 2 2 224 Tape, spools of................. 2 2 67,500 Wood, cords of.................... 1 1 35 Tape, pounds of................ 1 1 15,000 Shirts and drawers, dozens of... 9 14 112,292~ Mosquito bars, pounds of.......1 1 1,500 Shirts, dozens of............... 2 5 20,884Nets, pounds of.. 1 4,000 Drawers, dozens of........... 1 3 6,300 WOOLEN MILLS. Hose, dozens of................ 2 3 49,200 (Obtained by a Special Blank and given Jackets, dozens of.............. 513,548 separately in a separate table.) CLASS IV. —CHEMICAL PROCESSES, MANUFACTURES AND COMPOUNDS ASHERIES. ]AKT^ERIE S Ashes, barrels of................... 1 1 45,000 Flour, barrels of................... 44 109 128,606 Ashes, bushels of.................. 41 48 286, 115 Rye flour, barrels of................ 1 325 Ashes, tons of..................... 1 1 60 Lard, barrels of.................... 6 7 797 Wood, cords of..................... 14 16 2,333 Lard, pounds of.................... 15 20 197,428 Lime, bushels of.................. 5 6 660 Lard, tierces of.................... 1 36 Black salts, pounds of.1 1 20,000 Meal, barrels of.................... I 1 100 Salt, barrels of..................1. 1 2,000 Soap grease, pounds of... 1 7,200 Saleratus, barrels of................ 1 1 10 Potash, tons of................ 28 32 535 Butter, pounds of 4 8 21,000 Sotash, brrels of.............. 11 1 7,497 Butter, kegs of................ 1 22 Soap, barrels of................ 1 1 60'0 Hops, pounds of................... 1 1 600 MANUFACTURES: —-QUANTITIES OF RAW MATERIALS AND MANUFACTURED PRODUCTS. 485 CLASS IV.-CHEMICAL PROCESSES, MANUFACTURES AND COMPOUNDS-(CONTINUED). Towns Establish- Towns EetablishMATERIALS AND PRODUCTS. reported ments re- Quantities. MATERIALS AND PRODUCTS. reported mcmnts re- Quantities. ported. ported. BAKERIES-(Continued). CANDLES AND soAP-(Continued). Salt, pounds of..................... 2 2 12,000 Coal, tons of..................... 14 970 Sugar, pounds of................... 6 11 50,844 Wood, cords of..................... 4 4 198 Sugar, barrels of................... 8 17 1,543 Lime, barrels of................... 2 2 185 Eggs, dozens of..................... 3 6 4,752 Salt, bushels of.................... I 1 50 Eggs, barrels of.................... I 1 24 Soap, pounds of................ 16 41 6,828,270] Molasses, barrels of................. 5 9 61 Bar soap, pounds of............ 2 2 83,245 Molasses, gallons of................ 3 4 910 Soft soap, barrels of.............. 13 14 4,237 Coal, tons of...................... 3 11 474 "Soap liquid," barrels of....... 1 4,164 Coke, tons of................... 3 84 Soap and candles, pounds of..... 3 3 168,000 Wood, cords of...................... 5 7 842 Candles, pounds of............. 24 35 1,280,784 Bread, loaves of............... 17I 54 4,887,730 Candles, gross of............. I 1 400,000 Bread, pounds of............... 4 11 1,679,900 Tallow, pounds of.............. 1 1 1,710,000 Bread, barrels of............... 1 1 300 Tallow, hogsheads of........... 1 12,000 Bread and cake, pounds of...... 3 3 454,000 Soap fat, pounds of............. I 1 100,000 Rye bread, loaves of............ 1 1 10,400 Wax candles and tapers, Ibs. of..I 1 4,000 Crackers, pounds of............ 8 15 2.304,962 Wax and paraffine candles, lbs. of.I 1 10,000 Crackers, barrels of............ 4 8 10,085 Potash, barrels of.............. 2 2 29 Crackers, cakes and candy, Ibs. of. 1 1 142,000 CHEMICALS. Pies, number of................ 25 15,820 Salt, bags of....................... 1 1 900 Cakes, number of.............. 4 6 2,007,080 Nitrate of soda, pounds of.......... I 1 112,500 Cakes, pounds of............... 2 2 16,058 Vitriol, pounds of.................. I 1 127,500 Candies, pounds of............. 3 3 144,300 Salts, etc., tons of................. 1 1 3,300 BARYTES. Salts and acids, packages of......... I 1 120 Barytes, tons of................... 2 2 2,100 Aqua fortis, pounds of.......... 1 1 155,100 Sulphate of barytes, tons of. 1 1 1,700 Muriatic acid, pounds of........ 1 236,100 BONE BLACK AND BONE MANURE. Sulphuric, nitric and muriatic Bones, tons of..................... 4 6 11,140 acids, pounds of............. 1 6,600,000 Bone black, tons of............. 2 2 475 COFFEE, SPICE AND MUSTARD. Bone dust, tons of............. 2 2 6,125 Coffee and spices, pounds of......... I 1 112,750 Bone grease, tons of............ 1 1 30 Cocoa, pounds of................... I 1 25,000 BONE TURNING. Sugar, pounds of................... I 1 25,000 Bone, pounds of................... 1 1 1,000 Ground coffee and spices, Ibs. of. 3 3 139,750 BREWERIES. Chocolate, pounds of........... I 1 50,000 Barley, bushels of.................. 23 48 692,450,CONDENSED MILK, CIDER AND COFFEE. Barley and hops, bushels of......... 1 1 11,000 Milk, gallons of.........'.......... 4 4 1,437,923 Malt, bushels of................... 27 97 1,188,336 Sugar, pounds of................... 3 3 1,001,908 Malt, pounds of.................... I 1 1,400 Cider, gallons of................... I 1 33,500 Mialt and hops, bushels of........... 1 1 1,500 Cans, number of................... I 1 298,000 Malt and hops, barrels of........... 1 1 100,000 Tin, boxes of...................... I 1 1 2,105 Hops, pounds of................... 25 78 741,889 Coal, tons of...................... 2 2 625 HIops, barrels of................... I 1 700 Condensed milk, gallons of...... 1 1 162,222 Hops, bales of..................... 2 2 44 Condensed milk, pounds of...... 2 2 1,267,914 Hops, bushels of................... 4 5 141,478 Condensed cider, gallons of...... 1 1 4,681 Syrup, barrels of................... I 1 250 Tin cans, number of............ I 1 1,026,816 Sugar, barrels of.................. 1 150 CONFECTIONERY. Pitch, pounds of................... 1 3 2,900 Sugar, barrels of................... 4 6 1,147 High wines, barrels of.............. I 1 100 Sugar, pounds of................... 10 11 339,572 Wood, cords of...................... 9 20 1,927 Flour, barrels of................... 2 2 75 Coal, tons of....................... 8 13 1,801 Milk, gallons of.................... 11 5,000 Coke, bushels of................ 1 2,700 Cream, gallons of.................. I 1 1,000 Beer, barrels of................ 34 98 720,728 Molasses, gallons of................ 1 1 2,000 Lager beer, barrels of........... 17 34 54,690 Syrup, barrels of................... 1 1 300 Lager beer, kegs of............. I 1 770 Coal, tons of...................... 2 2 120 Lager beer, gallons of........... 1 11 225,000 Confectionery, pounds of........ 10 15 545,611 White beer, barrels of.......... 1 50 Syrups, gallons of.............. 1 1 1,920 Porter, barrels of............... I 1 200 Cakes, number of............... 1 1 2,000 Whiskey, barrels of............ 2 2 1,140 Ice cream, quarts of.......... 1 1 2,000 CALICO PRINTING. CRACKER MACIIINES. Cotton cloths, yards of............. 1 1 100,000 Iron, tons of...................... 2 2 330 Cotton cloths, pounds of............ I 1 98,700 Cracker machines.............. 1 80 Cotton cloth, pieces of.............. I 1 832,000 DISTILLERIES. Coal, tons of...................... 1 1 170 Whiskey, barrels of............... 5 8 95,890 Madder prints, number of... 1 1 832,000.ligh wines, barrels of.............. 7 8 1,614 Cotton prints, yards of............ 2 2 850,000 Spirits, gallons of.................. 5 8 883,800 Cottor1n p r I I FA n.nints niln~, nume of........I ( Cotton prints, number of........ 1 1 524,404 Liquors, gallons of................. 2 6,240.CAMPHENE, PARAFFINE, KEROSENE, ETC. Cider, barrels of................... 2 3 1,525 Lard, pounds of................... 1 2 1,200,000 Spirits of turpentine, gallons of...... 1 5,896 Tar, barrels of................. I 1. 1,100 Malt, bushels of.................... 3 3 3,076 Crude oil, barrels of................ I 1 26,000 Grain, bushels of................... 11 12 166,837 Lard oil, gallons of............. 1 72,000 Apples, bushels of................. 10 18 95,823 Stearine, gallons of............. 1 1 450,000 Grapes, pounds of..................000 Paraffine, barrels of............ 1 1 800 Currants, pounds of............. 1,1 1200 Kerosene, barrels of............ 2 2 20,200 Elder berries, pounds of............ 1 1,500 CANDLES AND SOAP. Cherries, pounds of................ 1 900 Tallow, pounds of.................. 24 44 2,758,038 Sugar, pounds of................... 1 1 400 Soap grease, pounds of.............. 24 4,568,200 Molasses, hogsheads of............. 2 2 15,001 Soap grease, barrels of.............. 1 1 12,000 Coal, tons of...................... 2 2 14,150 Tallow and palm oil, pounds of...... 1 1 900,000 Charcoal, bushels of................ 1 36 Wicking, pounds of................ 6 9 9,205 Wood, cords of.................... 5 5 126 Wax, pounds of.................... 1 12,000 Alcohol, barrels of............. 2 3 40,525 Wax and parafine, pounds of........ 1 10,000 Whiskey, barrels of............ 13 1 6,869 Resin, pounds of................... 3 6 163,000 Spirits, barrels of.............. 3 4 6,750 Resin, barrels of................... 5 6 500 Liquors, barrels of............. 2 4 3,800 Potash, tons of................... 2 2 111 High wines, barrels of.......... 2 2 3,200 Potash, casks of................... 1 5 New England rum............. 1 1 1,000 Soda ash, tons of................... 10 11 298i Cider brandy, gallons of.~..... 10 17 28,770 Sal soda, barrels of................ 1 1 24,000 Old homestead bitters, bottles of. 1 1 37,000 Carbonate of soda, pounds of........ 1 1 5,000Vinegar, barrels of............. 1 1 1,000 Palm oil, pounds of................ 1 28,000 Camphene, gallons of........... 1 6,747 Alkali, pounds of................. 1 2 60,000 DaDRUGS AND M]EDICINES. Quartz, tons of.................... 1 1 223 Annatto, pounds of.................. 1 25,000 Ashes, bushels of.................. 6 7 35,320 Brimstone, tons of................. 1 2 150 486 MANUFACTURES: —-QUANTITIES OF RAW MATERIALS AND MANUFACTURED PRODUCTS. CLASS IV.-CHEMICAL PROCESSES, MANUFACTURES AND COMPOUNDS-(CONTINUED). Towns Etalish- Towns EstablishMATERIALS AND PRODUCTS. reported ments re- Quantities.MATERIALS AND PRODUCTS. reported ments re- Quantities. ported. ported. DRUGS AND MEDICINES-(Continued). LINSEED OIL. Copperas, pounds of................ 1 71,218 Flax seed, bushels of............... 11 11249,100 Oil vitriol, pounds of.............. 1 126,924 Flax,.tons of...................... 1 1 80 Tartaric acid, pounds of............ 1 1 300 Coal, tons of...................... 100 Hemlock bark, cords of............. 3 3 2,250 Linseed oil, gallons of.......... 8 8464,010 Elm bark, tons of.................. 10 Linseed oil, barrels of.......... 3 3737 Sugar, pounds of................... 1- 1 8,000 Oil cake, tons of............... 2 2300,020 Syrup, gallons of................... 1 400 Oil meal, tons of............... I 1 40 Wood, cords of................... 2 2 2,500 MACCARONI AND VERMICELLI. Coal, tons of...................... 2 2 454 Flour, barrels of................... 31,090 Extract of annotto, gallons of.... I 1 25,000 Maccaroni, pounds of........... 1 1140,000 Sulphur, tons of................ 2 2 850 Maccaroni, boxes of............ 1 216,100 Superphosphate of lime, tons of.. 1 1 75 MALT. Blue vitriol, pounds of.......... I 1 250,435 Barley, bushels of.................. 18 33 1,145,971 Extract of bark, pounds of...... 2 2 282,000 Rye and barley, bushels of.......... 151,267 Tannin, pounds of.............. I 1 200,000 Coal, tons of...................... 5 66251 Botanic drugs, pounds of....... 2 2 34,000 Coke, pounds of................... 14,000 Pressed herbs, pounds of........ 1 1 10,000 Malt, bushels of............... 16 33 1,114,271 Balsam of life, bottles of........ I 1 18,000 Rye and barley malt, bushels of.. I 151,267 Taylor's liniment, barrels of..... 1 10 MATCHES. DYE-WOODS AND STUFFS. Lumber, feet of.................... 5 5836,000 Logwood, tons of.................. 1 1 2,000 Brimstone, pounds of............. 3 366,316 Archil, pounds of.................. 1 75,000 Phosphorus, pounds of.............. 3 34,506 Plaster stone, tons of............... 1 1 200 Phosphorus, cases of............... 1 1 I Coal, tons of...................... I 1 375 Paper, pounds of................... 3 3180,860 Dye-wood, bags of............. 1 1 200,000 Paper, quires of.................... 1 14,000 Archil and cudbear, pounds of... I 10,000 Straw board, pounds of............. 1 195,200 Dye-woods, tons of............. 1 1 1,000 Gum arabic, pounds of........... 1 1300 FISH OIL. Glue, pounds of.................... 1 250 Bunkers, number of................ 2 13 15,360,000 Whiting, pounds of................. 1 1100 Fish, tons of........I..............1 720 Resin, pounds of.................. 1 50 Fishes, number of.................. 2 10 28,902,000 Flour, pounds of................... 1 18,000 Fish oil, gallons of............. 4 17 195,435 Nails, pounds of................... 19,000 Fish oil, barrels of............. 1 1 50 Twine, pounds of.................. 1732 Fish manure, tons of........... 2 11 2,827 Coal, pounds of.................... 1 1153,000 Scraps, tons of................. 1 1 200 Matches, gross of.............. 4 4350,633 GAS. MINERAL WATERS. Coal, tons of...................... 25 28 113,8061 Sugar, pounds of................... 5 573,300 Lime, bushels of 6 6 139,123 Sugar, barrels of................... 4 4319 Lime, barrels of................... 1I 1 3,000 Syrup, gallons of.................. 1 15,000 Wood, cords of.................... 1 1 35 Carbonate of soda, tons of.......... I 1 4 Gas, feet of.................... 24 26 726,020,429 Vitriol, pounds of.................. 2 26,150 Coke, bushels of............... 2 2 490,000 Vitriol, gallons of.................. 1 1 4 Coal tar, barrels of............. 3 3 9,050 Sulphuric acid, carboys of.......... 2 230 GLUE. Carbonic acid, pounds of............ 1 12,500 Cattles' feet and skins, tons of....... I 1 5,000 Tartaric acid, pounds of............ 1300 Hides, number of.................. 1 6,000 Marble dust, barrels of............. 2 2 2 Hides, pounds of................... 1 1 180,000 Bottles, dozens of.................. 2 21,800 Sizing, tons of..................... 11 50 Corks, gross of.................... 1 1800 Bones, tons of..................... 22 1821 Corks, bales of.................... 2 210 Glue, barrels of................ 1 1 600 Soda water, bottles of.......... 3 4917,000 Glue, tons of.................. 3 3 630 Soda water, gallons of.......... 2 3301,200 Neats foot oil, barrels of........ 1 1 600 Soda water, barrels of.......... 1 4,000 GuMtS. Porter, bottles of.............. 1 110,000 Starch, pounds of.................. I.1 354,050 Sarsaparilla, bottles of......... 1 125,000 Gums, pounds of............... 1 1 283,240 Sarsaparilla, gallons of.......... I 1 1,600 INDIA RUBBER GOODS. | |Hoxsie, gallons of.............. 1 1,200 India rubber, pounds of............. 2 37,911 Root beer, gallons of........... 2 2 75,500 Cotton cloth, cases of............... I 1 45 Root beer, barrels of........... 1 I 100 Buttons, gross of.................. 1 1 340 Mineral waters, doz. of bottles.. 165,000 Buckles, gross of................... 1 1 100 Soda, Sarsaparilla and sassafras, 4 4 17,453 Valves, number of.................... 1 1 1,000 bottles of.................... Sulphur, barrels of................. 1 1 2 OIL CLOTH. Zinc, pounds of............... 11 6,834 Cnvas, yards of................... 4 5358,150 Lampblack, pounds of.............. 1 4,236 Paints, pounds of.................. 1,106,000 hitingo................ 1 on oo.................... 2 340,000 Camphene, gallons of............... 1 246 Linseed oil, gallons of.............. 2 13,200 Naptha gallons of.................. 1 83 Benzine, gallons of................. 1 2 3,400 Asphaltum, pounds of.............. 1 736 Glue, pounds of.................... 1 120,000 Ultramarine blue, pounds of........ 1 33 Coal, tons of...................... 1 20 Flock, pounds of................. 1 1 239 Oil cloth...................... 1 185,000 Litharge, pounds of................ 1 1 260 Floor oil cloth................. 3 5 403,150 White lead, pounds of.............. 1 260 PAINTS AND COLORS. Lard oil, gallons of................. 1 1 39 Lead and'zinc, tons of.............. 1 12,000 Coal, tons of...................1 100 White lead, tons of................ 1 1200 Rubber pants, number of........ 1 1 500 White lead, gallons of.............. 1 130,000 Rubber coats, number of........ 1 1 1,760 Zinc, tons of...................... 1,200 Rubber leggins, pairs of........ 1 658 Sulphate of barytes, tons of......... 1 100 Rubber sheeting, pairs of....... 1 780 Whiting, tons of................... 1 11,000 Rubber piano covers, number of.. 1 1 2. 070 Linseed oil, gallons of.............. 24,725 Rubber air beds, number of..... 1 1 40 Dye stuffs, barrels of.............. 1 14 Rubber pillows, number of...... 1 1 390 Coal, tons of...................... 1 1300 Rubber cart covers, number of... l 1 26 Paints, tons of................. 2 25,500 Rubber hats, number of........ 1 1 72 Mineral paints, tons of.......... 2 2680 Rubber driving suits, number of.. 1 1 15 White lead, tons of........... 150 Rubber door bands, number of... 1 218 Water colors, pounds of........ 300,000 LAMPBLACR AND STOVE POLISH.Oil, barrels of................. 600 Tar, barrels of.................... 3 3 1,700 PAIN'TING AND GLAZINcG. Black lead, pounds of. 1 1 500 hite lead, tons of.............. 2 26 Lamp black, pounds of.......... 3 3 37,000 Oil, gallons of.......... 3 3690 Lamp black barrels of.......... 1 1,000 Paints, barrels of..... 1 300 Water pipe, feet of............. 1 | 1 9,900 PETROLEUM REFINING. Crude oil, barrels of............... 8 14 68,730 MANUFACTURES: —QUANTITIES OF RAW MATERIALS AND MANUFACTURED PRODUCTS. 487 CLASS IV. —CHEMICAL PROCESSES, MANUFACTURES AND COMPOUNDS-(CONTINUED). Towns Establish- Towns EstablishMATERIALS AND PRODUCTS. reported ments re- Quantities. MATERIALS AND PRODUCTS. reported inents re- Quantities. ported. ported. PETROLIUM REFINING-(Continued). SUGAR REFINING-(Continued). Refined petroleum, barrels.......... 8 15 56,603 Refined sugar, pounds of....... 3 7 76,719,000 PRESERVED FRUITS, VEGETABLES AND Refined sugar, barrels of........ 1 110,000 MEATS. I I) IMolasses, gallons of............ 2 2 475,600 Fruits, quarts of................... 1I 1 16,000 Syrup, hogsheads of............ 1 1 1,500 Fruits, pounds of.................. 1 150 Sugar and syrup, pounds of...... 1 1 11,139,920 Vegetables, bushels of.............. I 1 50 TAR AND TURPENTINE. Potatoes, barrels of................ I 1 21,178 Wood, cords of..................... 2 2 900 Cucumbers, number of.............. 3 3 7,900,000 Tar, barrels of................. 2 4 1,870 Sweet corn, bushels of............... 2 2 22,000 Turpentine, barrels of........... 2 2 200 Sweet corn, acres of................ I 1 40 VARNISH. Beans, acres of.................... 1 1 20 Tat, barrels of..................... 1 1 37,500 Cattle, head of..................... 1 1 120 Gums, barrels of................... 3 3 165,000 Beef, pounds of.................... 2 4 627,900 Gum shellac, cases of............... 1 1 10 Mutton, pounds of................. 1 3 30,000 Turpentine, gallons of............... 1 1 1,000 Poultry, pounds of................. 2 4 40,000 Naptha, gallons of................. I 1 9,000 Vinegar, gallons of................. 1 1 20,000 Spirits, gallons of.................. 1 106,900 Salt, bushels of.................... 2 2 3,300 Oils, gallons of..................... 1 4, 70 Tin cans, number of................ 1 1 100,000 Linseed oil, gallons of............... 1 1 6,000 Fruits, dozens of cans.......... 2 2 2,893 Linseed oil and turpentine, gallons of, 1 1 6,000 Fruits, quarts of............... 1 1 15,480 Resin, barrels of................... 1 1 200 Pickles, number of............. 3 3 7,800,000 Barrels, number of................. 1 1 100 Beef, dozens of cans............ 2 4 38,800 Varnish, gallons of............. 3 5 366,000 Mutton, dozens of cans 1 3 500 Varnish, brrels of............. 2 2 35,4r50 Poultry, dozens of cans......... 2 4 3,150 VINEGAR. Sweet corn, dozens of cans...... 2 4 72,000 Cider, barrels of.................... 5 7 5,897 Beans, dozens of cans.......... 1 1 400 Whiskey, barrels of................ 3 4 320 Vegetables and meats, cans of... 1 1 619,500 Molasses, barrels of................. 1 1 5 Catsup, gallons................ 1 30 Vinegar, barrels of............. 6 10 13,895 PRUSSIAN BLUE. WASIIING BLUEING. Scraps, tons of......................1 1 75 Berlin blue, pounds of.............. 1 1 250 11 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " Prussian blue, cwt.............1 70 Fluid blue, barrels of........... 1 1 s18 SALERATUS AND SODA. Dry blue, pounds of............ I 1 200 Ashes, bushels of.................. 1 1 3,000 WIHITE LEAD. Saleratus, pounds of............ 2 2 624,800 Lead, tons of...................... 3 7 2,585 SALT. Zinc, tons of....................... 2 2 7 Coal, tons of...................... 2 25 67,288 Hoop iron, tons of.................. 11 4 Wood, cords of.................... I 1 33,208 Oil, gallons of...................... 1 6,250 Barrels, number of................. 2 29 257,192 Whiskey, gallons of................ 1 1 5,144 Salt, bushels of................ 4 43 2,605,661 Molasses, gallons of................. 1 1 2,400 SALTPETRE. Staves, number of.................. 1 1 4,000 Nitrate of soda and potash, pounds of. 1 1 220,000 Barrels, number of................. 1 1 1,060 Saltpetre, pounds of............ I 1 118,000 I-Hay, tons of....................... 11 15 STAINED PAPER AND HANGINGS. Coal, tons of....................... I 1 300 Paper, tons of..................... 1 2 447 Tanbark, tons of................... 1 1 480 CWaste paper, tons of.............. 4 4 49 Wite lead, tols of........ 3 6 2,920 Rags, tons of...................... 3 3 558 WHITING. Straw, tons of..................... 3 3 645 Chalk, tons of..................... 3 3 3,950 Rope, tons of...................... 1 1 100 Chemicals, tons of................... I 1 40 Resin, barrels of................. 1 1 20 Coal, tons of....................... I 1 600 Soda ash, pounds of................ 1 3,009 Whiting, tons of............... 2 3 3,280~ Coal, tons of....................... 1 800 Paints, tons of................. 1 1 30 Wood, cords of......................... 1 1 400 WRITING INK AND BLACKING. Stained paper, reams of......... 1 1 9,500 Nut-galls, pounds of............... 1 1 400 Paper hangings, tons of....... 5 5 1,310 Copperas, pounds of................ 1 1 540 Paper hangings, feet of.......... 1 1 150,000 Indigo, pounds of................... 1 1 42 Paper hangings, pieces of........ 1 1 1,760,000 Sulphuric acid, pounds of............ I 1 200 STARCH. Spirits, gallons of.................. 1 5,000 Potatoes, bushels of................ 17 31 250,428 Drugs, pounds of...................I 1 2,000 Corn, bushels of..................... 2 2 315,600 Coal, tons of....................... I 1 2 Wood, cords of..................... 1 1 90 Writing ink, gallons of.......... 4 4 11,310 Barrels, number of................. I 1 1 300 Blacking, pounds of............ 1 9,000 Starch, tons of................. 18 33 1,069 Blacking boxes, number of...... 1 1 12,000 Corn starch, bushels of.......... I 1 312,000 Extracts, gallons of............. I 1 200 Corn starch, pounds of.......... 1 1 7,234,254 WINTERGREEN AND MINT DISTILLERIES. SUGAR REFINING. Wintergreen leaves, pounds of....... 3 13 384,000 Sugar, barrels of................... 2 4 896,000 Wintergreen oil, pounds of...... 3 12 2,30 Sugar, pounds of.........-.,......... ~ 3 3 80,880,000 Mint oils, gallons of........... 1 4 3,746 Molasses, gallons of................ 1 1 700,000 Mint oils, pounds of............ 1 2 625 Molasses and sugar, pounds of....... 1 12,531,920 YEAST. Coal, tons of................. 3 5 17,730 Corn meal, pounds of............... 1 1 170,000 Wood, cords of..................... 1 20 Flour, pounds of................... 1 4,800 Bone black, pounds of.............. 1I 1 1,500,000 Hops, tons of..................... 11 1 Bone black, barrels of.............. 1 1 ____ 5,300 ___ Yeast, packages of.............. 1 1 1 ____350,000 CLASS V.-CALORIFICS. GRATES, RANGES AND FURNACES. STOVES. Iron, tons of....................... 2 2 26 Iron, tons of........................ 10 23 22,776~ Grates....................... 1 1 500 Iron, coal and sand, tons of......... 3 3 9,600 Hot water furnaces............. I1 1 1,300 Coal, tons of....................... 6 13 6,550 LAMPS AND LANTERNS. Black lead, pounds of................ 1 1 100 Spelter, tons of................... 1 1 12 Wood, cords of..................... 1 160 Kerosene lamps, dozens......... 1 1 5,000 Lumber, feet of.................... 2 2 15,000 LOCOMOTIVE LAMPS. Sand, tons of...................... 2 4 900 Copper, pounds of.................. 1 1 27,500 Facings, hogsheads of............... 1 1 30 Tin, boxes......................... 1 1 14] Stoves, tons of................. 8 13 21,355 Locomotive head-lights, number Stoves, number of.............. 1 2 42,000 of.......................... 1 1 322 Stoves and hollow ware, tons of.. 2 2 3,460................................................... Stove polish, pounds of.......... 1 1 30,000 488 MANUFACTURES:-QUANTITIES OF RAW MATERIALS AND MANUFACTURED PRODUCTS. CLASS VI. —STEAM ENGINES, BOILERS AND LOCOMOTIVES. Towns Establish- Towns EstablishMATERIALS AND PRODUCTS. reported ments re- Quantities. MIATERIALS AND PRODUCTS, reported ments re- Quantities. ported. ported LOCOMOTIVES. STEAMT BOILERS-(Continued). Iron, wrought, pounds of............ 2 3 1,337,968 Tanks, number of.............. 1 1 23 Iron, cast, pounds of.............. 2 3 1,260,560 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. Iron, sheet, pounds of................ 1 1600,000 Iron, tons of....................... 18 28 12,324 Boiler plate, pounds of........ 1...... 151,892 Iron, wrought, tons of............. 8 10 5,6361 Iron flues, pounds of................. 1 112,420 Iron, brass and copper, tons of...... 2 2 361 Copper flues, pounds of........... I 1 3,360 Iron an steel, tons of.............. 2 2 102 Iron and copper pipe, pounds of...... 1 1 195,000 Brass, tons of...................... 3 4 88 Steel, pounds of..................... 2 265,580 Copper, tons of.................... I 1 60 Babbell metal, pounds of............ 1 I 1,800 Iron and coal, tons of............... 2 2 1,253 Brass, castings...................... 2 3138,285 Iron, sheet, tons of................. 2 2 200 Rubber, pounds of.................. 1750 Flues, number of................... 1 1 516 Lumber, feet of................... 1 2 120,700 Lumber, feet of.................... 1 1 12,000 Coal, tons of..................... 1 960 Oil, gallons of..................... 1 2 350 Locoinotives.................. 2 2 47 W ood, cords of.................... 2 3 1,092 Locomotives rebuilt............ I 1 2 Coal, tons of..................... 8 10 6,325 Boilers, number of............. 1 5 Sand, tons of...................... I 1 750 STEAME BOILERS. ~ Engines, number of............. 9 14 876 Iron, tons of....................... 5 11 1,013 Eng ines, tons of............... 2 3 2,930 Iron, steel and brass, tons of....... 1 140 Boilers number of.............. 2 3 130 Rivets, kegs of..................... 1 1 500 Castings, tons of............... 2 2 934 Oil, gallons of...................... 1 50 Brass castings, tons of.......... I 1 48 Coal, tons of....................... I1 1 75 Tanks, number of.............. I 1 10 Boilers, number of................ 3 3225 Centrifugal pumps, number of.. I 1 84 BRoilers, tons of............... 1 2 585 Lathes number of.............. 1 1 3 CLASS VII.-NAVIGATION AND MARITIME IMPLEMENTS. BLOCKS AND MAST HOOPS. OARS AND SCULLS. Iron, pounds of.................... 1 12,000 Ash, feet of....................... 3 3 275,000 Lumber feet of..................... 4 5101,900 Oars and sculls................ 3 3 275,000 Ship blocks, number of....... 2 4,600 SAILS. Mast hoops, number of......... 1 1 100 Linen, yards of.................... 1 1 6,428 BOAT BUILDING. Cotton, yards of................... 1 1,252 Timber, feet of......................28 62 3,094,000 Cotton and flax duck, yards of....... 1 1 150,000 Iron, pounds of.................... 14 32 223,600 Twine, pounds of.................. 1 240 Spikes and nails, pounds of......... 9 20 93,200 Sails, number of............... 1 34 Spikes and nails, kegs of............ 1 187 Mainsails, number of........... 1 1 2 Spikes, number of................. I 1 2,100 SHIPS. Oakum, barrels of.................. 1 2118 Timber, feet of..................... 7 13 1,398,000 Oakum, pounds of.................. 6 17 23,350 Timber, cubic feet of................ 2 4 230,000 Oakum, bales of.................... 2 8136 Iron, tons of....................... 3 9 1,224 Pitch, barrels of.................... 3 7 73 Iron and spikes, pounds of.......... 1 1 40,000 Pitch, pounds of..................2 54,540 Coal, tons of...................... 11 20 Oil, gallons of..................... 5 17925Vessels, number of}............ 4 7 21 Paint, pounds of................... 4 13 14,900 Ships, number of............... 1 2 3 Boats, number of.............. 6 19 109 Steamers, number of............ 1 2 2 Canal boats, number of......... 9 24 47 Schooners, number of........... 2 5 10 Steam tug, number of........... 1 1 1 Propeller, number of........... 1 1 1 CAPSTANS AND WTINDLASSES.Yacht, number of.............. I 1 1 Oak, cubic feet of................... 1 1 196 Sloops, number of.............. I1 1 Windlasses, number of............ 1 14 Bark, number of............... 1 I 1 LIFE BOATS. SPARS. Iron. tons of................ I 1 25hTimboer, cubic feet of............... 1 1 100,000 Life boats, number of................ 1 1100TREE NAILS AND FELL RAILS 1___________ __ 1 PTree nails, number of............ 1 1 1,000 CLASS VIII.-MATHEMATICAL, PHILOSOPHICAL AND OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS. BAROMETENRS AND THERILMOMETERS. h numTELEGf.RAPHIC INSTRUMENTS. Brass, ounds of.................... 1 196 Sloo, number of...1,000 uickslver, pounds of.......... 1 1 500 aneticire, pounds of............ 1 1 90 Barometers, pounds of.......... 1 1 4, 000 Brass, pounds of................ 1 1 1,000 SURVEYING* INSTRUMENTS.elegraph instruments, number of. 1 1 100 Copper, brass, zinc and iron pounds of. 1 1 30,000 Electro galvanic apparatus, NTo. of. 1 1 300 STrveying instruments, number of. 1 1 111,00 CLASS IX.ACIVIL E GAIAHOEERPINCGA AND ARL CHITENCTUMTRE. GYP:UM QUARRIES. T LE A INS~U~AD MINING. Gypsum, tonspof.1 416,562 Wood, cords of................... I1 2 1,000 ~HOUSE, BUILDING. I I I/, Lead ore, tons of................. 2 2 822 Lumber, feet of..............7 18 4,281,00 Grphite, tons of............ 1 100 Brick, number of................... 1 1 150,000Lead, pounds of................ 1 1 13,375 Nails, tons of............. 2 26i Pig lead, touns of................ 1 1 130 Nails, kegs of Y.1 3174NICKEL MINING. Lime, barrels of.......,............. 1 1850 Nickel ore, tons of........ 1 1 7, 800 Cement, barrels of........... 1 150 SASH, BLINDS AND DOORS. Coal, tons of........... 1 150 Lum-ber, feet of.......... 85 107 13,597,427 Locks, number of..1 1 100 Logs, feet of. 2 2 51,000 Building~s, number of.......... 333 Glass, boxes of........... 3 3 760 IRON MaININUG.Glass, tons of............. 1 1 2 Cood, cords of..2 54,0200 Glass, feet of..........I 1 2,000 Coal, tons of...............1 1,200 Hardware, tons of.................. 1, 4 Iros ore, tons off...............17 29 252,350 Paint, pounds of................. 1 1 3 0O MANUFACTURES: —QUANTITIES OF RAW MATERIALS AND MANUFACTURED PRODUCTS. 489 CLASS IX.-CIVIL ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURE-(CONTINUED). Towns Establish- Towns EstabiishMATERIALS AND PRODUCTS. reported ments re- Quantities. MATERIALS AND PRODUCTS. reported mrnentis re- Quantities. ported, ported. SASH, BLINDS AND DOORs —(Continued) SASH, BLINDS AND DooS —(Continued) Wood, cords of.................. I.. 1 200 Clap boards, feet of............. 1 1 12,000 Sash, number of.................1 11 44,914 Boxes, number of.............. I 1 870 Sash, lights of.................16 18 319,737 VWashing machines, number of... 1 1 100 Blinds, number of................ 21 24 24,952 Sash, blinds and doors, pieces of, 3 3 24,627 Blinds, feet of.................. 1 1 18,359 STONE QUARRIES. Shutters, number of............ I 1 1,085 Stone, feet of.................. 7 11 129,741 5Window frames, number of..... 4 4 3,730 Stone, perches of.............. 7 8 12,286 Doors, number of............ 27 31 52,084 Stone, tons of.................. 2 2 26,000 Shingles, number of............ 1 1 600.000 Stone, cords of................. 3 4 1,450 Mouldings, feet of............. 1 1,500 Stone, cut, feet of.............. 2 2 8,800 Planed lumber, feet of........... 3 3 500, 00 Flagging, feet of................ 5 5 240,200 Flooring, feet of.............. I I 100,000 Slate, number of............... I I 3,000 CLASS X.-LAND CONVEYANCES. AXLETREES. COACHES AND WAGONS-(Continued). Iron, pounds of.................... 3 3 112,605 Coal, bushels of.................... 2 3 40 Steel, pounds of.................... 2 2 7,530 Iron and coal, tons of............... 2 4 18 Emery, tons of.................... 1 1 Steel, pounds of.................... 8 8 10,150 Leather, tons of.................... 1 1 I Iron and steel, tons of.............. 6 6 171 Oil, barrels of...................... I 1 5 Hardware, pounds of............... 1 3,849 Coal, tons of....................... 2 2 123 Springs and axles, sets of........... 1 1 6 Axles, sets of.................. 3 3. 4,974 Springs, number of................. 1 2 200 Couplings, pairs of............. 1 2,390 Axles, number of................ 1 2 180 CARS. S-Spokes, number of.................18 24 29,368 Car axles, pounds of................ I 1 487,500 Hubs, number of..................... 7 11 1,448 Car axles, number of............... 2 2 1,776 Felloes, number of................. 1 2 3,520 Car wheels, number of.............. 4 4 6,539 Leather, pounds of................. 1 1 2,000 Iron, pounds of.................... 10 10 7,404,453 Leather, feet of...................... 2 3 2,696 Iron, wrought, pounds of........... 6 6 575,884 Leather hides, number of............ 2 2 272 Steel, pounds of.................... 3 3 422,051 Cloth, yards of.................... 3 4 1,546 Steel springs, pounds of............. 1 1 250,000 Paint, pounds of................... 6 10 3,665 Steel springs, number of............ 1 47,424 Paint, oils and varnish, gallons of.... 2 3 460 Brass, pounds of................... 3 3 47,328 Oil, gallons of....................... 1 4 143 Brass and copper, pounds of......... I 1 5,205 Oil and varnish, gallons of.......... 2 2 66 Copper, pounds of.................. I 1 9,958 Varnish, gallons of................. 2 3 369 Bronze ware, pieces of.............. 1 1 8,552 Wood, cords of.................... 3 5 69 Rubber springs, number of.......... 1 2 17,200 Coaches, number of............ 1 40 Rubber, pounds of................. 1 1 1,196 Carriages, number of...........14 18 711 Nails, pounds of.................... 1 1 30,000 Sulkies, number of............ 2 2 8 Lumber, feet of.................... 7 8 7,554,709 Wagons, number of............ 23 31 295 Gilt mouldings, feet of.............. 1 1 12,144 Cars, number of............... 2 2 126 Oilcloth, yards of.................. 1 1 334 Cutters, number of............. 12 23 210 Hose, feet of....................... I 1 1.426 Sleighs, number of............. 9 12 395 Glass, boxes of..................... 1 1 70~ Vehicles, unspecified...........175 285 6,094 Stoves, number of.................. I 1 168 Coffins, number of............ 3 4 77 Tanks, number of.................. I 1 142 Horse forks, number of......... 2 2 65 Paints, pounds of................... 1I 1 31,602 Spokes, number of............. 1 1 25,000 Oil, gallons of..................... 1 1 12,600 Felloes, number of............. 1 6,400 Turpentine and naphtha, gallons of... 1 2,700 Wagon woods, sets of.......... 1 1 4 Varnish, gallons of................. 1 1 420 Wheels, number of............. 1 1 40 Coal, tons of....................... 3 3 4,035 HUBS. Wood, cords of.................... 1 1 800 Hard timber, feet of................ 2 2 17,000 Railroad cars, number of........ 3 3 474 Hubs, number of............... 3 3 5,000 Passenger cars, number of...... 3 4 62 SPOKES, FELLOES AND BOWS. Baggage cars, number of........ 1 3 19 Hard timber, cords of............... 8 8 1,300 Cabooses, number of........... 2 2 12 Hard timber, feet of.................. 11 11 366,450 Locomotives, number of........ 1 1 1 Split spokes, number of............. 6 6 176,000 Sleeping cars, number of........ I 1 3 Spokes, number of............. 19 19 886,421 Smoking cars, number of........ 1 6 Felloes, sets of................. 3 3 10,800 Horse cars, number of.......... 2 2 40 Felloes, number of............. 3 3 54,118 Emigrant cars, number of....... 1 1 6 Top bows, number of........... 1 1 600 Box freight cars, number of.... 2 176 Hubs, number of............... 5 5 48,050 Platform cars, number of....... 3 125 Hubs and felloes, number of.... 1 1 25,000 Timber cars, number of......... 1 1 2 Shafts, number of.............. 2 2 4,800 Ore cars, number of........... 1 1 20 Poles, number of............... 2 2 540 Coal cars, number of........... 1 1 87 Neck yokes, number of........ 1 1 900 Gravel cars, number of......... 1 1 25 Sleigh runners, number of...... 1 1 400 Hand cars, number of........... 1 1 1Drill rolls, number of......... 1 400 Car bodies, number of.......... 1 100 Broom handles, number of..... 1 1 4,000 Cars repaired, number of........ 1 64 Fork handles, number of........ 1 1 7,000 CAR WHEELS. Pick handles, number of....... 1 1 52 Iron, tons of...................... 4 10,220 Axe handles, number of........ 1 1 9,708 Lumber, feet of.................... 1 1 10,000 Hatchet handles, number of.... 1 1 9,943 Coal, tons of...................... 2 2 1,000 WHEELBARROWS. Car wheels, number of.......... 3 3 24,988 Iron, pounds of................... 2 2 4,400 COACHES AND WAGONS. Lumber, feet of................... 6 6 128,400 Timber, feet of..................... 248 384 2,703,975 Wheelbarrows, number of...... 5 5 14,500 Timber, cords of.................. 1 2 WOODEN SLEIGH-SHOES. Iron, tons of...................... 103 167 837 Wooden sleigh-shoes, pairs of. 1 1 100 Coal, tons of...................... 37 58 621U CLASS XI —HYDRAULICS AND PNEUMATICS. BELLOWFS. FIRE ENGINES. Lumber, feet of................... 1 1 100,000 Iron, tons of...................... 4 4 2,220 Leather, sides of................... 1 1 15,000 Metals, tons of.................... 1 1 Bellows, number of............ 3 3 1,540 Lumber, feet of.................... 1 1 40,000 62 490 MANUFACTURES: —QUANTITIES OP RAW MATERIALS AND MANUFACTURED PRODUCTS. CLASS XI. —IHIYDRAULICS AND PNEUMATICS-(Co NTINUED). Towns Establish- Towns EstablishMATERIALS AND PRODUCTS. reported inents re- Quantities. MATERIALS AND PRODUCTS. reported] inects re- Quantities. ported. ported. FIRE ENGINES-(Continued). PUMPs-(Continued). Coal, tons of...................... 2 2 475 Water pipe, feet of............. 2 2 40,000 Steam fire engines, number of 2 30 Water drawers and elevators, Hand fire engines, number of.... I 1 7 number of................... 2 2 150 Suction hose, feet of............ I 1 358 Clothes horses, pairs of......... 1 500 Leading hose, feet of........... 1 1 7,000 Butter tubs, number of......... 1 1 400 HYDRANTS. STEAM PUMPS. Iron, tons of....................... 1 500 Iron, pounds of.................... 2 2 142,000 Coal, tons of.................. 1 250 Iron, brass and copper, pounds of.... 1 1 225,000 PUMPS. Brass, pounds of.................... 2 2 21,000 Lumber, feet of.................... 18 20 1,378,950Steam pumps, number of........ 1 1 200 Logs, number of................... 1 25 Steam pumps, pounds of........ 1 1 210,000 Leather, pounds of................. 1 1 150 WOODEN WATER PIPE AND PUMrP LOGS. Iron castings, tons of............... 5 6 74 Scantling, feet of.................. 1 1 125,000 Iron castings, sets of............... I 1 150 Timrber, sticks of................... 1 1 200 Iron and brass, pounds of........... 1 1 725,000 Lumber, feet of.................... 4 4 336,000 Brass and copper, pounds of......... 1I 1 3,000 Pump logs, feet of.................. 3 3 7,000 Wrought iron, tons of.............. 2 3 258 Pump logs, number of.............. 2 2 1,700 Coal, tons of...................... I 1 400 Iron, pounds of.................... 2 2 1,200 Wood, cords of.................... 1 1 170 Iron tubes, number of.............. 1 1 200 Pumps, number of............. 19 37,690 Wood, cords of.................... 1 1 50 Pumps, pounds of.............. 1I 1 721,395 Wooden water pipe, feet of...... 4 4 209,536 Beer pumps, number of......... 1 235 Pump logs, feet of............. 2 2 5, 00 Rotary pumpp s, number of.......... 2 2 1,00 CLASS XII.-MECHANICAL POWERS. HOISTING WHEELS AND MACHINES. SCaLES —(Continued). Fully blocks, sets of............ 1 200 Coal, tons of...................... 2 2 31 HYDRAUIIC PRESSES. Wood, cords of.................... 1 1 50 Hydraulic presses, number of.... 1 400 Scales, number of.............. 5 5 6,594 SCALES. Scales, pounds of............... 1 1 5,200 Iron, tons of...................... 4 4 65 I-ay scales, number of.......... 1 1 25 Iron castings, tons of............... 1 1 25 Weigh locks, number of......... 1 1 1 Iron, bar, pounds of................ 1 1 500 Plows, number of.............. 1 1 25 Brass, pounds of................... 2 2 2,300 Corn hoers, number of.......... I 1 4 Lumber, feet of.................... 2 2 8,000 CLASS XIII.-GRINDING MILLS AND MILL GEARING. BANDS AND BELTING.MILL GEARING, ETC. —(Continued) Leather, skins of................... I 1 15,000 Gigs, number of............... i 1 16 Belting, feet of................ 1 1 40,000 Shuttles, number of............ 1 1 2,500 FEED MILLS. FWa~ste savers, numlber of......... 1 1 100 Rye, corn and oats, bushels of....... 4 4 24,700 / Picking machines, number of.... I 1 20 Coal, tons of...................... 1 1 200 Comb plate for carving machines, Feed, bushels of................ 2 2 209,000feet of...................... 1 1 10,000 GRIST MILLS. t Shearing machines, number of... I 1 40 (See Special Blank No. 3.) Steam engines, number of....... 1 1 5 MILL STONES. Saw mills, number of........... I 1 15 Stone, blocks of.................... I 1 2,000Saw gummers, number of....... 1 1 20 Mill stones, pairs of................ 1 1 50 Saw gates, number of........... 1 1 5 MILL GEARING AND MACHINERY. Pumps, number of............. 1 1 20 Iron, tons of....................... 7 9 539 s W ater pipe, feet of............. 1 1 40 Iron castings, tons of............... 1 4 78 gScales, number of.............. 1 1 225 Iron and brass, pounds of........... I 1 150,000 Agricultural implements, No. of.. I 1 900 Iron, wrought, tons of.............. 3 6 133 PEARL BARLEY. Steel, pounds of.................... 4 7 8,850 B arley, bushels of.................. 2 2 45,250 Brass, pounds of................... I 1 200 Pearl barley, bushels of......... 2 2 7,200 Coal, tons of...................... 3I 8 185 SMUT MACHINES. Wood, cords of................... 1 2 135Sclut macines number of........ 1 1 8 1Mill gear, tons of.............. 1 1 150WlTI-NDMbILLS. Water wheels, number of....... 3 3 225 Iron castings, pounds of............ 1 1 15,000 Burring machines, number of. * 1 538 Iron wrought, pounds of............ 2 2 22,300 Burr packers, number of......... 1 1, 57 II LumBler, feet of.................... 1 1 2,000 Feed rolls, number of........... 1 1 238Wind mills, number of......... 2 2 58 CLASS XIV. -LUMBE~fR INCLUDING: TOOLS AND M~iACHINhuERY~ FOR ITS MIANUIFACTURE. BARREL MACHIINES.JCHEESEI BOXES —(Continued). Iron tons of................ 1 01 40 Logs, number of.........2 2 180 BOXES.Logs feet of....................... 1 80,000 Lumber o, pounds of.................... 5 6 4f1,750 Nailsl gea, kes of..................... 1 1 5 Boxes, packing, number of...... 1 3 125,000 Nails and ticns, pounds of........... 1 2 2,025 Boxes for glass, number of.... 1 3 30,653 Tacks, pounds of............ 1 1 400 Boxes for wagon grease, number of 1 1 50,000 BrLds, kegs of.................... 1 1 2 Boxes for starch, number of... 1 1 240,480 Cheese boxes, miumber of.... 54 67 560,542 Boxes for fruit, number of....... 1 1 24 000Butter boxes, number of........ 1 1 8,480 CARPENTER SHOPS.Planed lumber, feet of.......t.. 2 2 170,000 Lumber, feet of.................... 14 28 1,347,100Broom handles, number of....... 1 1 56,000 Nails, kegs of...................... 1 1 12 CIGAR ES Wood, cords of................... 1 1 4 Cedar lusber, feet of............... 3 4 186,000 Mill curbs, number of... 1 80Ciar boxes, number of......... 3 3 105,000 CHEESE BOXES. COOPER SHOPS. Lumber, feet of 50 64 8,077,500 Staves, number of.................. 157 350 48,724,622 Lumber, cords of...... 1 1 4000 B eadingr, number of........ 138 7,747,698 Heading, numeer of................. 41 1 7 125,00 0 Hoops, number of....,............ 62 175 20,238,500 MANUFACTURES: —QUANTITIES OF RAW MATERIALS AND MANUFACTURED PRODUCTS. 491 CLASS XIV. —LUMBER, INCLUDING TOOLS AND MACHINERY FOR ITS MANUFACTURE —(CoNTINUED). Towns Establish- Towns EstablishM o ments re- QuantitATERIALS AND PRODUCTS. reporpted ments re. Quantities. ported. ported. COOPER SHOPS-(Continued). PLANING MILLS-(Continued). Hoop poles, number of.............. 37 66 693,160 Timber, cubic feet of............... 1 50,000 Hoop iron, pounds of................ 13 38 677,100 CoAl, tons of...................... 1 40 Nails, pounds of........... I I........ 1,000 Dressed lumber, feet of......... 18 18 34,753,414 Rivets, pounds of................ 1 1 500Dressed lumber, pieces of....... 2 2 1,350,000 Tub covers, number of........... 2 32,500 Cheese boxes, number of........ I 1 1 6,000 Staves, heading, hoops, number of....14 23.2,449,000Shingles, number of............ 1 40,000 Stave and heading bolts, cords of..... 14 249,171 Doors, number of. 1 1 2,000 Ash logs, number of................ I 1 60 Blinds, number of.............. I 1 1,000 Logs, feet of....................... 3 3 547,000 Sash, lights................... 1 1 70,000 Lumber, feet of................... 32 38 859,450 Straw cutters, number of....... 1 100 Spruce boards, feet of.............. 1 1 164,500 Fanning mills, number of....... 1 100 Barrels, number of.............91 218 2,485,464 SALERATUS BOXES. Flour barrels, number of........ 18 75 1,047,677 Lumber, feet of.................... 1 1 315,000 Pork, oil and whiskey bbls No. o 4 17 51,442 Nails, tons of...................... 1 1 15 Hogsheads, number of.......... 2 7 1,790 Saleratus boxes, number of...... I 1 45,000 Casks, number of........... 4 9 1,406 SAWS. Half-barrels, number of........ 2 11 14,600 Steel, pounds of.................... 5 7 1,497,500 Firkins, number of.............70 121. 141,063 Coal, tons of...................... 2 2 2,100 Butter tubs, number of.........47 69 60,810 Grind stone, tons of.............. 1 1 15 Kegs, number of............... 11 19 174,873 Saws, number of............... 2 3 99,00 Well buckets, number of........ 3 9 712 Saws, tons of.................. 1 2 622 Wash and cheese tubs, number of. 3 5 170 SAw SETS. Churns, number of............. 5 13 4,555 Malleable iron, pounds of........... 1 I 2,800 Sap buckets, number of......... 6 6 1,640 SHAVING BOXES. Cister'ns, number of............ 2 2 105 Shaving boxes, number of 1 2 34,800 Cheese hoops, number of........ 2 2 60 SHINGLES. Ladders, number of............ 1 11,000 Shingle bolts, cords of.............. 19 54 19,325 Shingles, number of............ 1 1 40,000 Shingle bolts, number of............ 2 3 152,000 Shooks, number of............. 2 2 13,000 Timber, feet of.................. 16 32 2,846,500 Staves, number of..............6 3,785,000 Logs, number of................... 11 19 5,054 Heading, number of 3............ 2 J 3 360,000 Logs, feet of.......................19 31 4,605,800 Cheese boxes, number of........ 1 I 1 3,398 Shingles number of............. 86 180 127,814,000 Vessels, kind unspecified, No. of.16 27 147 320 Shingles, bunches of............ 5 9 1,830 Wood, cords of............... I 1 5,000. Staves, number of.............. I 1 1,000,000 HIAY HOOPS. Heading, number of............ 3 4 637,000 Timber, cords of................... I 1 35 Lath, number of............... 3 7 380,000 Hay hoops, number of.......... 2 3 78,000 Dressed lumber, feet of....... 1 1 21,000 HEADING, HOOPS AND STAVES.'Barrels, number of............... I 1 7,000 Stave and heading bolts, cords of..... 34 6151,299 SHINGLE MACHIINES. Stave and heading bolts, number of... 3 3 38,500 Iron, cast, pounds of............... 2 2 54,212 Shingle bolts, cords of................1 80 Iron, wrought, pounds of........... 2 2 47,040 Lumber, feet of..................... 13 1,102,850 Steel, pounds of.................... 2 2 2,557 Logs, number of............. 4 4.... 5,500 Lead, pounds of.................... 1 1 17 Logs, feet of...................... 3 4 705,000 Saws, number of.............. I 1 1 77 Rough staves, number of............ 4 5 6,014,400 Shingle machines, number of.... 1 33 Rough heading, number of.......... 2 3 1,202,000 Shingle jointers................ 1 7 Rough hoops, number of............ 2 4 3,200,000 Stave equalizers, number of..... I 11 HIoop poles, number of.............. I 1 80,000 SHOOKS. Hoop wood, cords of............. 2 2 110 Staves, number of................. 5 8 2,217,000 Tacks, number of..................I 1 40,000 Timber, feet of..............1 I1 10,000 I-Heading, number of.............18 34 6,912,000 Shooks, number of............. 5 7 75,000 Staves, number of............. 48 79 53,827,000 ToYs. Heading and staves, number of... 7 10 6,041,500 Lumber, feet of.................... 2 3 70,000 Brrrel heads, number of........ 5 6 497,000 Iron, tons of...................... 1 1 2 Hoops, number of............. 6 7 6,180,000 Straw board, tons of................ 1 2 Sieve hoops, dozens of.......... 2 3 27,700 TRUss HooPs. Oyster kegs, number of......... I 1 1,800,000 Hickory, cords of.................. 2 2 55 Shoe-pegs, bushels of.......... 1 2,000 Iron, pounds of..................... 1 2,000 Shingles, number of............. I 1 150,000 Truss hoops, sets of............ 2 2 2,150 Lath, number of............... I 1 1,268,800 VENEERINGS. KINDLING WOOD. Mahogany and rosewoods, feet....... 1 1 600,000 Wood, cords of.................... 4 111,294 Veneerings, feet of............. 3 4 2,640,000 Coal, tons of..........:........... 1 1216 WooD MOLDINGS,CARVINGS AND SCROLLS. Kindling wood, cords of......... 1 21,000 Lumber, feet of..................... 2 6 201,000 Kindling wood, bundles of....... 2 2 1,272,000 Moldings, feet of............... 1 1 400,000 LATH. Carvings, pieces of 1 1 6,000 Pine, cords of...................... 1175 WooD TURNING. Pine, feet of....................... 2 2 9,000 Lumber, feet of................. 30 40 1,459,200 Logs, number of.................... 1 500 Hard wood, cords of................ 6 7 1,145 Slabs, number of.................. 1 2700,000 Soft wood, cords of................. 1 1 70 Lath, number of.............. 21 34 9,511,800 Logs, number of 1 1 450 Lath, bundles of............... 1 3 105,500 Logs, feet of....................... 2 2 50,000 Heading, number of........... 3 8 737,745 Zinc, tons of...................... 1 1 6 Staves, number of.............. 1 3 1,430,847 Glue, pounds of................... 1 1 130 Pickets, number of............ 2 6 114,000 Varnish, gallons of 1 1 Is Broom handles, number of...... 2 5 192,332 Broom handles, number of...... 12 12 2,228,000 Shingles, number of............. 1 150,000 Brush handles, number of....... 2 6 582,000 LUMBER MILLS. Brush blocks, number of........ 1 300,000 (Statistics obtained by a Special Blank Ax helves, dozens of............ 4 5 29,075 and reported in a separate table.) Ax helves and bobbins, number of. 1 1 42,016 PATTERNS..Shovel handles, number of..... 1 1 12,000 Lumber, feet of....................1 6,000 Fork, hoe & broom handles, No. of. I 1 250,000 Pat-terns............,.......... 1I 1 1 ~ 500 Rolls, number of............... 1 1 7,000 PLANES.Map rollers, sets of............. 2 2 202,200 Lumber, feet of.................... 1 130,000 Curtain rods, number of........ 1 40,000 Iron, tons of...................... 135 Bobbins, number of............ 1 1 250,000 Steel, tonls of,....................,.. 1i.I 1 8 Faucets, number of........... 1 1 7,000 Planes, number of.............. 2 235,600 Bed posts, sets of.............. 3 5 7,500 Plane irons, dozens of..12,500 Desk legs, number of........... 1 1 800 Skates, pairs of.............. 1 130,000 Wash boards, dozens of.......... 1 1 9,000 PLANING IMILLS.Hard wood pegs, number of.... 1 1 1,400 Lumber, feet of........ -27 3 52,947,414 Mouldings, feet of.......... 1. 1 20,000 Lumber ieces of.......,..,.|3'3 706,000 Turned stuf[s, feet of........... _ 1 150,000:-.._. —._ —z-_.-_ z-:.:_..~..-: ——.~........: —-~ _u:-.-......................_.rr__ —~_............................................................................................... 492 MANUFACTURES: —QUANTITIES OF RAW MATERIALS AND MANUFACTURED PRODUCTS. CLASS XVI.-STONE, CLAY, POTTERY AND GLASS MANUFACTURES. Towns Establish- Towns EstablishMATERIALS AND PRODUCTS. reported ments re- Quantities. MATERIALS AND PROEUCTS. reported ments re- Quantities. ported. ported. BRICK. LIM E AND CEMET-N-T-(Continued). Clay, yards of..................... 2 13 1,027,500 Linme, bushels of............... 37 48 1,112,285 Clay, tons of...................... 4 5- 20,620 Lime and cement, bushels of.... I 160,000 Clay, loads of...................... 3 8 3.266Cement, barrels of............. 4 15 676,386 Clay and sand, yards of............. 1 1 3,400 Cement, bushels of............. 1 180,000 Clay and sand, tons of.............. 2 13 76, 120 Quick lime, barrels of.......... 1 30,000 Clay and sand, loads of............. 1 1 5,300 Quick lime, bushels of.......... 1 172 Sand, loads of....................... 2 8 7,823 Limestone, feet of.............. I 1 5,000 Wood, cords of.................... 23 68 23,002 Limestone, tons of............. 1 32,000 Coal, tons of...................... 5 37 2,009 Gravel, toils of................ 1 30,000 Coal dust, tons of................. 5 35 4, 845 Lime barrels, number of........ 4 11342,342 Brick, number of............... 69 146 248,585,000 MARBLE. Tiles, number of................ 6 12 294,300 MAlarble, tons of.................... 10 12 756 Lime, bushels of............. 1 900 Marble, feet of..................... 30 36122,740 BRICK AND TILE MACHINES.Marble, cubic feet of............... 9 18 154 834 Iron, pounds of.................................. 150,500 Marble, pieces of................... 3 3 291 Beech lumber, feet of............... 1 1 1,500 Marble and slate, feet of............ 2 2 20,500 Tile machines, number of....... 1 1 10 Limestone, tons of................. 2 2 85 Brick moulds, number of........ 1 1 125 Limestone, feet of.................. 1 1 2,000 Plows, number of.............. I 1 100 Granite, feet of..................... I 1 1,500 Plow points, number of......... 1 1 1,200 Freestone, feet of............... 1 500 ENAMELED WARE. Freestone, pieces of................ 1 100 Broken glass, pounds of............. 1 1 7,000 Wrought marble, tons of........ 1 1 100 Flint, pounds of.................... 1 1 4,000 Wrought marble, feet of........ 6 6 147,900 Borax, pounds of................... 1 1 5,100Wrought marble, cubic feet of... 1 50,000 Alcohol, gallons of................. 1 1 1,100 Wrought marble, pieces of...... 4 9 1)145 Wood, cords of..................... 1 1 30 Black marble, feet of........... I 1 12,000 Coal, toils of....................... 1 1 150 Headstones, sets of............. 9 10 1,562 Enameled sauce pans, number of.. 1 1 7,000 Monuments, number of......... 1 2 4 Enameled pots, number of....... 1I 1 300 Mantels, number of............. 2 2 1,720 Enameled kettles, number of..... I 1 250 Mantels, feet of................ 1 1100,000 FIRE BRICK AND RETORTS.PLASTER. Fire clay, tons of................... 6 6 17,650 Gypsum, toils of................... 50 67 72,017 Coal, tons of....................... 3 3 1,670 Gypsum, cords of.................. 4 6 1,185 Sand, tons of...................... 3 3 830 Limestone, cords of........ 2 6 2,167 Salt, barrels of..................... I 1 60 Limestone, tons of................. 1 50 Kaslin, tons of..................... 1 1 300 Paint stock, toins of................ 1 1 110 W ood, cordsof..................... 1 1 1,3009 Fire clay, tons of.................. 1 30 Fire brick, tons of............. 1 1 3,000 Charcoal, tons of................... 1 162 Fire brick, number of........... 4 4 2,565,000 pCharcoal, barrels of................ 1 I 700 GLASS AND GLASS WARE. Coal, tons of...................... 1 50 Glass, pounds of................... 1 1 1,000 Grain, bushels of................... 1 115,000 Glass, boxes of.................... 11 250 Plaster, toins of................ 52 70 40,416 Clay, tons of....................... 3 6 778 Plaster of Paris, toils of......... 1 557 Soda ash, tons of................... 5 6 1,2261i Lime, bushels of............... 2 2 6,340 Soda, tonsof....................... 2 3 485 W ater lime, bushels of.......... 1 2 72,200 Soda, pounds of.................... I 1 250&Quick lime bushels of........... 1 1 2.000 Soda, barrels of.................... 1 2 16 Cement, bushels of............. 1 5 203,120 Magnesia, barrels of................ I 1 12 Mineral paint, toins of.......... I 1110 Maagnesia, tonsof.................. 1 1 1 Feed, bushels of............... 1 15,000 Red lead, barrels of................. 1 1 12 Coal dust, barrels of............ 1 500 Red lead, kegs of................... 1 1 31 Charcoal dust, barrels of........ 1 875 Red lead and sand, tons of........... 1 1 75 PORCELAIN AIND CHINA. Lead, pounds of.................... 2 2 2,230 Raw materials, tons of.............. 1 1100 Arsenic, keg's of.................... 11 1Clay, tons of...................... I 1 150 Colors, pounds of.................. 11 250 Spar, toins of...................... I 1100 Potash, barrels of.................. 1 1 200 Silex tons of.. 1 1 50 Lime, barrels of.................... 11 250 Bone, tolls of...................... I 1100 Lime, tons of..................... 1 1 208 Coal, tons of...................... 1 1800 Lime, bushels of................... 4 7 35,499 POTTERIES. Sand, tons of...................... 6 9 3,902 Clay, tons of...................... 22 23 5,145 Sand, bushels of................... 2.3 22,000 W ood, cords of.................... 13 13 3,780 Sand, barrels of.................... 1 2 580 Coal, toils of...................... 1 200 Sand, loads of.I 1 1 300 Sand, barrels of.. 1 1320 Salt, tons of............. 1/ 63 Gravel, yiar~ds of........... 1 1370 Sazlt, barrels of........... 3 4 970 Cement, barrels of......... 1 1 160 Coal, tons of............ 6 1 12 9,292 Lime and cement, bushels of.... 1 11,000 W~~ood, cords of........... 4 5 21,500 Stonewar~e, pieces of....... 3 3 224,000 Boxes, number of......... 1 3 19, 334 Cement pipe, feet of...... 3 3 57,991 Glass ware, packagres of..... 1 1 6,000RPOOFINGc SLATE. Glass hollow ware, g~ross of...... 1 6,000 Q&uarries........................... WTindow glass, boxes of..... 4 6 100,224 Roofing slate, feet of....... 1 6 1,489,600 Wiindow glass, feet of...... 2 2 877,000RIed roofing slate, feet of..... 1 18s0,000 Lamp chimneys, number of.... 1 1 80, 000Rnoofing~ slate, squares of.... 2 2 200 Tumblers and chimneys, tons of..l 1 300 STONE CUTTIN\G. Bottles, number of....... 2, 2 1,616,000 Stone, feet of......,.....,........... 7 7 54, 790 Demijohns, number of......1 1 16,500 Stone, yards of........... 1 150 Teleg~raph insulators, number of.. l 1 250,000 Stone, cords of........... 2 2 545 LIMIE AND) CEMIENT.Stone, tons of........... 2 4 93,900 Limestone, tons of.......... 16 23 420,350 Granite, pieces of.......... 1 6 812 Limestone, perches of........ 3 3 12,856 Cut stone, pieces of...... 1 6 838 Limestone, cords of......... 6 7 1,650 Cut stone, tonls of........ 1 1 600 Limestone, cubic feet of........ 2 2 7,600 Cut stone, feet of........ 4 4 27,300 Limestone, bushels of........ 1 1 47,500 Flagging, feet of........ 1 1 20,000 Oyster shells, bushels of....... 1 1 90,000Fllars, number of.........,...... 1 1 300,000 Powder, pounds of......... 2 2805TLS Staves, number of................../.2 1 5 5,37i0,000 Clay, tonls of............ 3 3 1,500 Hoops, number of......... 2 4 1,672,000 Clay, yards of........... 1 1 144 Hoop poles, number of........ 2 4 320, 000 W~Tood, cords of.......... 2 2 178 Headings, number of......... 2 4 817,512 Tiles, number of......... 9 9 1,043,000 Wood, cords of.......... 15 26 20,172FEloor tiles, feet of......... 1 120,000 Coal, tons of............. 8 11 4, 549s2 TOBACCO PIPE~S. Lime, barrels of........1 6 1 11 I 258,300 Clay, tons of............ 1 ].5 MANUFACTURES:- QUANTITIES OF RAW MATERIALS AND MANUFACTURED PRODUCTS. 493 CLASS XVI.-STONE, CLAY, POTTERY AND GLASS MANUFACTURES-(CONTINUED). Towns Establish- Towns EstablishMATERIALS AND PRODUCTS. reported ments re- Quantities. MATERIALS AND PRODUCTS. reported ments re- Quantities. ported. porteid. TOBACCO PIPEs —(Continued). WATER LIME-(Continued). Wood, cords of.................... 1 40 Coal, tons of....................... 1 2 650 Clay pipes, boxes of............ 1 I1 400 Waterlime, bushels of........... 2 4 155,000 WATER LIME. Quicklime, bushels of.......... 1 2 15,000 Limestone, cords of............. 2 372 CLASS XVI.-LEATHER AND MANUFACTURES THEREFROM. BARK.HOSE-(Continued). Trees.,;....................... 1 16 17,670 Harnesses, number of........... 1 1 40 Bark, cords of................. 2 30 3,23 LASTS, BOOT-TREES AND CRIMPS. Logs, number of.............. 2 30 50,323 Last blocks, number of.............. 2 2 72,000 BOOTS AND SHOES. Maple lumber, feet of............... 2 2 30,000 Leather, pounds of................. 182 358 946,742 Maple wood, cords of............... 2 2 540 Leather, sides of................... 22 34 4,890 Lasts, pairs of................. 5 5 58,000 Leather, pieces of.................. 1 3 200 Boot-trees, number of sets....... 3 3 1,700 Upper leather, pounds of............ 6 6 5,900 Crimps, pairs of................ 1 1 2,400 Upper leather, feet of............... 3 3 157,900 Machines, sets of............... 1 1 6 Upper leather, sides of.............. 10 18 32,329 LEATHER DRESSING. Sole leather, pounds of.............. 16 19 193, 685 Leather, rough, sides of............. 1 5 27,720 Sole leather, sides of................ 1 3 485 Leather, rough, pounds of........... 1 1 144,00 Calf skins, pounds of............... 1 1 21,650 Deer skins, number of.............. 2 2 2,00 Calf skins, number of............... 6 8 401 Sheep skins, number of............. 3 3 89,500 Kip skins, pounds of................ I 1 350 Tallow, pounds of.................. 1 9,600 Kip skins, number of............. 3 6 420 Oil, barrels of..................... 11 60 Sheep skins, number of............ 1 1,200 Dressed leather sides of........ 1 5 27720 Skins, number of................... 7 14 1,578 Dressed leather, pounds of...... 1 1 162,000 Morocco skins, number of........... 6 11 19,802 Dressed deer skins, number of... 2 2 2,700 Drilling, yards of.................. 26 5 2,885 Dressed sheep skins, number of.. 3 3 87,000 Muslin, yards of................... 1 1 20,000 MoRocco Lasting, yards of.................. 8 I 1 490 Sheep skins, number of............. 4 6 648,385 Binding, dozens of.................. 1 1 40 Goat skins, number of.............. 2 2 30,00 Copper nails, pounds of............. 1 1 300 Goat and sheep skins, number of..... 1 1 6,240 Pegs, pounds of................... I I 100 Skins, number of................... 2 6 159,000 Coal, tons of....................... I1 150 Sumac, tons of..................... 22 191 Boots and shoes, pairs of........ 174 360 1,522,792 Dye stuffs, tons of.................. 1 1 28 Boots and shoes, cases of........ 2 3 2,800 Coal, tons of....................... 1 1 52 Boots, pairs of................. 3 3 1,000 Morocco, skins, number of..... 4 14 767,864 Boots, cases of.................. 1 1 1,514 Wool, pounds of............... 2 2 543,047 Shoes, pairs of................. 6 10 108,650 POCKET-BOOKS ANDuPORT-MONNAIES. Ladies'shoes, pairs of.......... 2 6 25,000 Leather, pounds of................. 1 500 Children's shoes, pairs of........ 1 7,488 Skins, number of.................. 1 1 900 HARNESSES, SADDLES AND TRUNKS.Pocket-books, number of........ 1 1 4,000 Leather, pounds of................. 152 192 256,987 Pocket-books, pounds of........ 1 800 Leather, sides of................... 14 17 1,837 RAZOR STROPS. Patent leather, feet of............... 2 2 10 ITO Razor strops, number of......... 1 1 1,008 Sheep skins, number of............. 2 3 156 SHOE PEGS. Horse hides, number of............. 1 1 Maple, feet of...................... 1 1 2,000 Cloth, yards of.................... 1 90 Shoe pegs, bushels of........... 3 3 8,350 Thread and twine, pounds of........ 2 2 441 TANNERIES. Hardware, pounds of............ 2 2 450 (Statistics obtained by a special blank, Hardware, sets of, trimmings........ 3 3 102 and given in a separate table.) Lumber, feet of.................... 3 3 155,000 WHIIPS-. Trunk bodies, number of............ 1 1 400 Hickory, cords of................. 1 1 1 Straw, pounds of................... 1 1 4,000 Rattan, pounds of.................. 1 1 60,000 Flag, tons of...S. 1 10 Rttan and bone, pounds of.......... 1 1 6,000 Harnesses, number of........... 115. 147 6,645 Whalebone, pounds of.............. 2 2 525 Harnesses, pounds of........... 2 7 6,200 Leather, sides of................... 3 3 230 Collars, pounds of.............. 2 2 3,200 Thread, pounds of.................. 1 1 400 Saddlesin, u of....................... 1 6 ine, pounds of 1 1 24 Trunksehenmrf.......... 1 1 e, of...................... 1 1 2,000 HOSE. Varnish, gallons of................. I 1 60 Harness leather, sides of............. 1. 1900 Glue, peoundss of............ 1 1 75 Hose? leather, sides of........ 1 1 445 Pitch, barrels of.......... 1 1 14 Brass and couplings, pounds of....... 1 1 1,500 Whips, number of. 2 2 19,000 Hwose, feet of................... 1 51 ( St 3,800 obtained by a special blank CLASS XVII.-HIOUSEHOL;D FURNITURE, MCACHINIES AND IMi~PLEMIENTS FOR DOMESTIC PURPOSES. BEDS, MATTRESSES AND MAATTRE;SS STUFF- BEDSTEADS-(-Con1tinued). INGS.Bass wood, feet of................. 2 2 408,50n4 Bedding material, poundsf of................... 31 1 2,000 Ticking, yards of.............. 1[ 1 9,360 Bedsteads, number of........... 12 16 3,946 Damask, yards of......... 1 1 2,340 Spring bed bottoms, number of.. 1 1 7,500 G~rass, pounds of.......... 1 1 46, 800 WTashing machines, number of.. 1 1 50 Husks, tons of..................... 2 2 50 Iron bedsteads, number of.... 1 24 Flax, tons of...................... 11 4 BILLTARD TABLES. Battings, tons of 1 1 Slate beds, number of............ 1 10 Flocks, pounds of.................. 1 1 20,000 Cloth, yards of.................... 1 1 50 Bedding, pounds of.............. 1 100,0 Raanubber, pounds of......... 1 1 165 Mattres6ses, number of.......... 1 1 1,560 Billiard tables, nmber of..... 2 3 145 Lounges, number of........... 1 96 BOOS. Prepared husks, tos of.... 1 1 14 Broom corn, to7s of... 24 48 704 Tow, tons of s 1 3 Twine, pounds of...........2 3 2,860 Batts, pounds of............... 1 1 900 Le athe, sids of.............. 1 1 50 Flocks, pounds of........... 1 3 1 15135 Tire, pounds of................... 1 1 150 BEDSTEADS. Tacks, number of............ 1 8,000 Lumber, feet of.................... 1 3 885,721 Broom handles, nunber of.......... 5 8 31,50 Masple, feet of.. 2 3 151,206 jj Brush and broo 107 d Gluepound of.................... 1 9,000 491 MANUFACTURES:-QUANTITIES OF RAW MATERIALS AND MANUFACTURED PRODUCTS. CLASS XVII.-HCUSEHOLD FURNITURE, MACHINES, ETC.-(CONTINUED). Towns Establish- Towns EstablishMATERIALS AND PRODUCTS. reported ments re- Quantjties. MATERIALS AND PRODUCTS. reported mnerts re- Quanties. ported. ported. BROOMS-(Continued). CHAIRs —(Continued). Brooms, number of............. 23 46 1,153,948 Paint, pounds of.................. 1. 125 Brooms and brushes............ 1 1 216,000 Chairs, number of.............. 23 37 433,035 Brush brooms, number of....... 1 1 6,000 Chair frames, number of........ 1 5 4,850 BROOM MACHINES. Chair boxes, number of........ 1 1 10,000 Iron castings, pounds of.............1 1,500 Chair bottoms, number of....... 1 1 3,600 Lumber, feet of.................... 1 1 700 Settees, number of............. I 1 540 Broom machines, number of...... 1 28 COFFEE MILLS. BRUSHES. Iron, tons of........................ 11 40 Broom corn, tons of................ 1 2 10 Coffee mills, number of......... 1 1 2,500 Hair and tampico, pounds of........ 1 18,000 IFANCY SPLINT BASIKETS AND FANS. Tampico, pounds of................ 1 1 600 Baskets, number of............. I 1 2,000 Tampico, bales of..................150 Fans, number of............... 1 1 2,000 Hair, pounds of.................... 2 27,000 HOLLOW WOODEN WARE. Bristles, pounds of................. 4 4 77,750 Maple logs, feet of................... 1 1 30,000 Hair and twine, pounds of........... 1 1 2,000 1Cedar, cords of..................... 1 1 300 Cotton yarn, pounds of............. 1 1 25,000 Elm bolts, feet of................... 1 1 10,000 Leather, pounds of................. I 1 2,000 Hollow cedar ware, dozens of.... I 1 5,000 Lumber, feet of.................... 2 2 101,500 Butter ladles, dozens of......... I 1 2,000 HIandles, number of................. 1 1 500 Hollow wooden ware, pieces of...l 1 1,200 Rosewood, feet of.................. 1 1 4,000 PAILs AND TUBS. Glue, pounds of.................... I 1 1 1,400 Lumber, feet of.................. 5 6 1,308,000 Brushes, number of............ 5 9 1,515,284 Cedar, cords of................... I 1 100 Paint brushes, number of....... I I 600 Staves, number of.................. 3 3 46,500 Shoe brushes, number of........ I I 900 Staves and heading, cords of......... 2 2 275 Scrubbing brushes, number of...1720 Hoop iron, tons of................... 3 3 32 Dust brushes, nhmber of........ I 1300 Wire, tons of...................... 1 1 6 Stove brushes, number of....... I 1 150 Paint, tons of...................... 1 1 5 IHorse brushes, number of....... I 1 14,000 Paint, barrels of.................... I 1 I Brooms, number of............. 1 1 9,600 Oil an'd varnish, gallons of........... 2 2 1,340 Mats, number of............... i 6,000 Pails and tubs, number of....... 3 4 43, 600 CABINET WARE. Pails, number of............... 6 6 189,000 Lumber, feet of.................... 149 238 5,505, 360Tubs, number of............... 3 3 6,000 Black walnut, feet of............... 1 1 25,000 Churns, number of............. 2 2 620 Posts, sets of...................... I I 1,620 1 Cheese boxes, number of........ 1 1 2,000 Legs, sets of....................... 1 1 20 iPROVISION SAFES. Iron, pounds of..................... 1' 2500 Lumber, feet of...................... 1 4,000 Flag, pounds of.................... 2 700 W ire, pounds of................... 1 1 150 Hair, pounds of.................... I 1 652 Paint, pounds of................... 1 1 100 Findings, gross of.................. I 1 900 Provision safes, number of...... 1 1 80 Varnish, gallons of................. 6 6 2,185 RUGS AND MATS. Paint, pounds of................... 2 2 550 Cocoa fibre and yarn, tons of........ 3 3 112i Paint, gallons of.................. I 1 110 Manilla jute, tons of................ 3 3 143 Oil, gallons of..................... 2 2 223, Jute hemp, barrels of............... 1 1 100 "White lead, pounds of.............. I I 2,000 Jute yarn, bushels of............... 1 500 Cabinet ware, pieces............ 29 44 23,920 Flax yarn, pounds of................. 1 1 900 Coffins, number of.................. 8 10 740 Cocoa mats, dozens of......... 1 1 288 Chairs, number of.................. 5 6 2,570 Cocoa matting, yards of........ 1 1 75,000 Tables, number of.................. 2 2 86 Manilla jute, yards of.......... I 1 75,000 Extension tables, number of..... 1 2 3,120 Matting, rolls of............... 1 1 800 Stands, number of............. 2 2 520 TRAPS. Desks, number of.............. 2 2 800 Iron, pounds of.................... 1 1 500,000 Sofas, number of............... 2 4335 Traps, number of.............. 1 1 274,517 Bedsteads, number of:.......... 2 2 650 UPHOLSTERY. Bureaus, number of............ 2 2 190 Furniture, pieces of............ 1 1 96 Blinds, number of.............. I I 100 Lounges, number of............ I 1 200 Sash, lights, number of.......... 1 1 2,000 Mattresses, number of.......... 1 1 325 Rakes, number of............1 1 500 WAsHIN G MACINTES. Horse rakes, number of........... 1 40 Lumber, feet of.................... 1 1 170,000 Bee hives, number of........... I 1115 Cork, tons of...................... 1 1 2 CHAIRS. Iron, tons of...................... 1 1 520 Lumber, feet of.................... 23 34 3,633,604 Washing machines, number of... 1 1 3,972 Mahogany, feet of.................. 1 5 16,300 WILLOW WARE. Rosewood, feet of................. 1 5 13,450 Willow shoots, dozens of............ I 1 2,500 Walnut, feet of................... 1 5 11,800 Willow ware, gross of.......... 1 1 1,250 Cane, feet of...................... 1 1 600,000 WTINDOW1 SHTADES. Cane, bales of..................... 4 5 211 Muslin, yards of................... 2 3 48,000 Rattan, sacks of............. 262 Paint, pounds of............... 1 1 150 Varnish, gallons of................. 1 11,000 V__ indow shades, numnber of...... 233,800, CLASS XVIII. —ARTS, POLITE, FINE AND ORNAMENTAL. BOOKBINDING AND BLA.1N'K BOOKS.M IELODEONS. Pa.er, rea s of.............................. 1 1 558,200 Pasteboard, tons of................. 1 1 1 Veneerings, feet of 1 1 90,000 Cloth, rolls of...................... 1 1 15 Ebony, feet of..... 1 1 450 ENGRAVING AND DIE SINKING. Ivory, sets of..... 1 1 2,821 Cast steel, tons of.................. 1 120 Iron, malleable, pounds of 1 1 5,000 Malleable iron, tons of.............. 15 Coal, tons of...................... 1 1 300 Wrought iron, tons of.............. 1 1 4 Melodeons and automatic organs, Dies.................................................. number of................... 1 2,821 E~VELOPES. Melodeons and harmonicon organs, Paper, reams of.................... 1 1 5,000 number of.................. 1 1 550 Envelopes, number of........... 1 1 10,000,000 MIelodeons, number of........... 1 100 GOLD PENS. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Gold,pennywehts o.............. 1 110,400 Glue, pounds of..................... 1 1 150 Silver, ounces of..................1392 Alcohol, gallons of................. 1 1 6 JEWELRY. Guitars, number of............. 1: 80 Gold and silver, pennyweights of.... 15,000 ORGANS. Rings, number of.............. 1 12,500 Metals, tons of.................... 1 1 20 MANUFACTURES: —QUANTITIES OF RAW MATERIALS AND MANUFACTURED PRODUCTS. 495 CLASS XVIII.-ARTS, POLITE, FINE AND ORNAMENTAL-(CONTINUED).' Towns Establish- Towus EstablishMATERIALS AND PRODUCTS. reported ments re- Quantities. MATERIALS AND PRODUCTS. reported mers re- Quantities. ported. ported. ORGANS-(Continued). PIANO FORTE STOOLS-(Continued).Block tin, tons of.................. 1 1 Piano stools, number of......... 2 2 3,300 Lead, tons of...................... I3 3PICTURE AND MIRROR FRAMES. Lumber, feet of.................... 2 348,000 Lumber, feet of.................... 2 11 2,482,500 Church organs, number of....... 3 540 Gold leaf, packages of............... 1 3 2,150 Wood works for organs, number of I 1 2 Whiting, barrels of................ 1 2 850 PENCIL CASES. Glue, barrels of.................... 1 1 220 Silver, pounds of................... I 1 120 Glue, pounds of.................... 1 1 250 Copper, pounds of.................. 1 140 China clay, tons of................. 1 1 20 Pencil cases, gross of........... 1 50 Oil, barrels of...................... 1 1 30 PIANO FORTES. Coal, tons of....................... 1 2 850 Lumber, feet of...................... 6 9 425,500 Picture and mirror frames, No. of 1 3 397,000 Lumber and veneering, feet of....... 1 150,000 IPHOTOGRAPHiING. Veneering, feet of................... 1 2 102,750 || Photographs, number of........ 3 6 59,450 Rosewood, feet of..................I 1 28,000 lPRINTERS' INK. Black walnut, feet of............... 1 135,000 Linseed oil, gallons of.............. I 1 4,000 Piano legs, sets of.................. 1 140 Printers' ink, pounds of......... 1 1 28,000 Piano actions, sets of............... 1 140 PRINTING AND PUBLISIING. Ivory, sets of...................... 2 2 65 Paper, pounds of................... 3 3 473,146 Glue, pounds of.................... I 1 1 10,000 Paper, reams of.................... 7 11 2,349 Varnish, gallons of................ 2 2375 Ink, pounds of..................... 2 4 1,400 Piano fortes, number of......... 8 23 5,303 Coal, tons of...................... I 1 2 10 PIANO FORTE ACTIONS. Newspapers, number of......... 4 6 297,600 Lumber, feet of.................... 1 210,000 Pieces, number of.............. 1 2 120,000 Cloth, yards of.........i............ 2 60 Cards, number of.............. 1 1 12,000 Felt, pounds of.................... 1 2 140 PRINTING PRESSES. Iron, tons of....................... I I Iron, tons of....................... 1 1 108 Piano forte actions, sets of...... 1 2 1,600 Wood, cords of..................... 1 1 20 PIANO FORTE HARDWRE. Coal, tons of....................... 1 1 125 Brass and iron, pounds of........... I 152,000 Printing presses, number of..... 1 1 45 Iron, pounds of.................... 1 1 600,000 TAXIDERMY. Piano forte hardware, pounds of. 1 4,000 Animals, cases of................... I 1 30 PIANO FORTE STOOLS. Stuffed animals, cases of........ I 1 15 Lumber, feet of.................... 2 228,000 TYPE. Iron, pounds of.................... 1 14,000 MTetals, pounds of.................. 1 100,000 Iron screws, number of............. 1 11,600 Coal, tons of....................... 1 1 150 Veneerings, feet of................. I 110,000 Printing type, pounds of........ 1 1 100,000 Varnish, gallons of................. I 150 CLASS XIX.-FIRE-ARMS AND WAR MATERIAL. CANNON AND IRON PROJECTILES. FIRE-ARMs-(Continued). Iron, tons of....................... 4 481,287 Gun stocks, number of............. 1 1 2,000 Iron, bar, tons of.................. 11,032 Guns, number of............... 3 3 13,000 Iron, boiler, tons of................ 1 1250 Rifled muskets, number of...... 1 1 12,000 Zinc, tons of....................... 1 1145 Pistols.......................... 2 2 18,500 Copper, tons of.................... 2 2331 Revolvers..................... 1 1 2,000 Brass, tons of...................... 1 130 Army pistols.................. 1 1 25,000 Lead, tons of...................... I 1 -16,000 Gun barrels................... 1 1 15,000 Coal, tons of....................... 3 311,863 PERCUSSION CAPS. Lumber, feet of.................... I 1 1,512,622 Copper, pounds of.................. I 1 12,000 Cannon, number of............. 1 1672 Fulminating powder, pounds of...... 1 400 Projectiles, number of.......... I 1 436,516 Percussion caps, number of...... I 1' 10, 000,000 Shot and shell, tons of.......... 2 21,810 POWDER. Gun carriages, number of....... I 1 86 Brimstone, pounds of............... 4 4 303,000 DRUMS. Saltpetre, pounds of................ 4 4 1,980,000 W ood, feet of...................... 2 2 2,500 Charcoal, pounds of................ 3 3 325,000 Drums, number of............. 2 21,600 Wood, cords of.................... 1 1 550 FIRE-ARMS. Powder, pounds of............. 2 2 240,000 Iron, pounds. of.................... 2 2340,456 Powder, kegs of................ 2 2 78,000 Steel, pounds of.................... 2 2 285,296 Powder, rifle, kegs of........... 1 550 Iron and steel, pounds of............ 3 3 313,367 Powder, blasting, kegs of....... 1 5.829 Gun barrels, number of............. 2 1 2 I 18,050 Powder, government, barrels of.. 1 1 5,747 CLASS XX. —SURGICAL AND DENTAL INSTRUMENTS. ARTIFICIAL LIMBS. ARTIFICIAL TEE:TH —(Contin ued). Wood, cords of.................... 1 12 Platina springs, ounces of.......... 1 1 Raw hide, sides of.................. 1 150 Platina wire,'pounds of............. 1 1 20 Buck skins, pounds of.............. 8 18 Artificial teeth, number of..... 1 1 600 Brass, pounds of................... 1 18 DENTISTRY. Joints, sets of..................... 110 Rubber, pounds of.................. 2 2 16 Artificial legs.................. 10 Gold foil, ounces of................. 2 2 4 Artificial arms................. 10 Filling, ounces of.................. 1 1 3 ARTIFICIAL TEETH. Teeth, number of.................. 2 2 3,200 Feldspar, pounds of................ 1 1500 Tin foil, ounces of.................. 1 3 Silex, pounds of................... 1 150 Alcohol, gallons of.................. 1 15 Clay, pounds of.................... 1 100 Sets of teeth, number of........ 4 4 157 Titanium, pounds of................ 1 1 25 Teeth set, number of........... 1 11,500 CLASS XXI. WEARING APPAREL AND ARTICLES FOR THE TOILET. ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS AND PLUMES. i CLOTHING. Gums and cotton, pounds of......... 1 1500 Cloths, yards of................... 43 95 719,948 BALMORAL SKIRTS AND SKIRTING. Woolens, yards of.................. 1 10 174,578 Woolen yarn, pounds of............ 2 24,315 Cottons, yards of.................. 1 10 112,960 Cotton yarn, pounds of........ 1 14,704 Linens, yards of............. 1 10 28,.98 Cotton warp, yards of................. 1 1 18,000 Silks, yards of..................., 1 1 9 500 Balmoral skirts, number of...... 1 17,332 Buttons, gross of.................. 2 1,426 Skirting, yards of..............1 1 2,000 Bindings; gross of.................. 1 4 1,450 496 MANUFACTURES: —QUANTITIES OF RAW MATERIALS AND MANUFACTURED PRODUCTS. CLASS XXI. —WEARING APPAREL AND ARTICLES FOR THE TOILET-(CONTINUED). Towns Establish-'rowns EstablishIMATERIALS AND PRODUCTS. reported Qents re- Quantities. IMIATERIALS AND PRODUCTS. reported ments re- Quantities. ported. ported. CLoTHING-(Continued). HATS AND CAPS-(Continued). Thread, dozens of.................. I 1 2,500 Felt hats, pounds of............ 1 2 43,000 Clothing, pieces of............. 29 73 162,141 Wool hats, dozens of........... 2 2 136,029 COLLARS AND CUFFS. Straw hats, dozens of........... 2 2 26,500 Linen, yards of.................... 1 5 95,000 HAT BLOCKS. Cotton, yards of................... 1 5 225,000 Lumber, feet of.................... 1 1 10,000 Muslin and linen, yards of.......... 1 10 658,256 HAT BODIES. Paper, pounds of................... 1 3 212,600 Wool, pounds of................... 1 1 625,000 Colored-paper, reams of............. 1 1 150 Hat bodies, number of.......... 1 1 19,000 Straw board, tons of............... I 1 25 HOOP SKIRTS Collars, dozens of.............. 1 7 273,000 Steel, pounds of.................... 2 2 17,000 Cuffs, pairs of................. I 1 1 4,000 Steel wire, pounds of............... 1 5 96,000 Shirts, dozens of............... 1 1 18 Cotton, pounds of.................. 1 1 6,000 Collars, cuffs and bosoms, doz. of. 1 8 539,000 Cotton tape, yards of............... 1 1 200,000 Paper collars, number of........ 1 2 11,000,000 Trimmings, yards of............... 1 1,600 Paper boxes, number of......... 1 1 300,000 Steel spangles, dozens of............ I 1 2,000 COMBS. Steel clasps, number of............. 1 1 6,000 Horn, pounds of................... 1 10,000 Hoop skirts, number of......... 3 12 243,470 Tortoise shell, pounds of............ 1 1 25 Hoop SKIRT MfATERIAL. Steel............................. Steel wire, pounds of............... 2 5 382,900 CORSETS. Cotton, pounds of.................. 1 2 11,000 Cloth, yards of.................... I 1 12,000 Steel wire and cotton, pounds of..... 1 1 80,000 Corsets, number of................. 1 I 1 4,000 Steel and iron, pounds of........... I 1 600 FURS. Skirt wire, pounds of........... 2 5 992,600 Skins, number of.................. 4 8 103,168 Skirt tape, dozens of........... 1 I 700 Beaver skins, number of............ 1 1 6,000 HosIERY. Nutria skins, number of............ 1 1 12,000 Wool, pounds of................... 8 14 1,712,936 Muskrat skins, number of........... 2 2 17,000 Cotton, pounds of.................. 4 5 629,179 Otter skins, number of............... 1 1 I 5,0 00 Flax, pounds of.................... 1 13,829 Fur goods, pieces of............ I 1 30,000 Wool and cotton, pounds of......... 2 2 751,740 Dressed beaver skins, number of. 1 1 6,000 Coal, tons of...................... 1 1 50 Dressed nutria skins, number of. I 1 12,000 Hosiery, pieces of.............. 3 3 2,504,280 Dressed muskrat skins, number of 1 1 15.000 Army hose, dozens of pairs of... 1 1 240,480 Dressed otter skins, number of.. 1 5,000 Stockings, dozens of........... 3 5 229,400 Muffs, number of............... 2 4 2,969 Socks, pairs of................. 2 2 660,000 Capes, number of.............. 2 4 2,809 Shirts and drawers, dozens of.... I 1 13,000 Collars, number of............. 1 2 295 Yarn, pounds of............... 3 3 115,050 Robes, number of.............. 1 2 42 LADIES' CLOAKS. Silk hats, number of........... 1 2 180 Cloth, yards of.................... 2 5 6,735 Cuffs, pairs of................. 1 2 969 Silks, yards of..................... 1 1 1,200 GLOVES AND MITTENS. Cloaks, number of............. 3 7 3,787 Sheep and deer skins, number of..... 7 49 586,947 Mantillas, number of........... 1 1,000 Cloth, yards of.................... 1 1 2,000 LADIES' UNDER GARMENTS. Gloves and mittens, dozens of... 6 86 278,442 Muslin and linen, yards of.......... 1 2 40,000 Cloth gloves, pairs of........... 1 1 2,500 MILLINERY. Boots and shoes, pairs of........ I 1 300 Silks, yards of..................... 2 3 1,100 HAIR. Ribbons, yards of.................. 1 2 2,000 Hair, pounds of.................... I 1 200 Steel, pounds of.................... 1 1 3,000 Hair goods, pounds of.......... I 1 200 Steel wire, pounds of............... I 1 300 HATS AND CAPS. Cotton, pounds of.................. 1 1 300 Wool, pou~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-nd s nu beof................... Wool, pounds, nmber of...... 6 9............ 11 18 3,670 Fur, pounds of..................... 2 7 139,208 Hat frames and springs, dozens of I 1 10,000 Fur and plush, tons of.............. 1 1 I 11Bonnet wire, pounds of......... I 1 7,000 Furs and plush, pieces of............ I 1 500 NECK TIES. Fur, silk and leather, pounds of..... I 1 50,000 Silk, pounds of.................... 1 1 540 Silks and satins, yards of........... 1 1 25,000 Neck ties, dozens of............ 1 1 1,200 Straw, yards of.................... I 1 250,000 SEWING MACHINES. Dye-stuffs, pounds of............... 2 2 27,000 Iron, tons of...................... 1 100 Rough straw hats, dozens of........ 1 1 15,000 Iron and steel, pounds of............ 1 1 4,000,000 Sheepskins, number of.............. I 1 1,150 Sewing machines, number of..... 1 1 40,000 Thread, spools of................... 1 1 500 Cabinets for sewing machines, No. I 1 4,041 Soap, pounds of.................... I 1 400 SHIRTS. Gum shellac, pounds of............. 1 1 10 Cloth, yards of.................... I 1 7,500 Oil, gallons of..................... I 1 10 Linen, yards of.................... 2 2 1,500 Coal, tons of...................... 3 3 2,300 Linen and muslin, yards of.......... 1 1 572,000 W, ood, cords of.................... 1 1 250 Muslin, yards of................... 2 2 9,400 Hats and caps, dozens of........ 1 1 15,000 Shirts, number of.............. 3 3 51,000 Hats, number of............... 6 11 1,754,992 UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS. Fur and felt hats, dozens of..... 1 1 16,000 Steel wire, pounds of............... 1 1 150,000 Fur hats, dozens of............. 2 4 113,380 Iron wire, pounds o f......, 1 ____ ^i000 CLASS XXII. -MISCELLAN EOUS MANUFACTURES. BAND-BOXES. CARPET BAGS, ETC.-(onltinued). Paper board, tons of............... 1 1 30 Hoop iron, tons of................. 1 1 41 ]BUTCHERING. Trunk board, tons of............... 1 1 20 Animals slaughtered, number of.....31 5 55,030 Coal, tons of...................... 1 1 100 Beef cattle slaughtered, number of... 2 2,745 Traveling' bags, number of...... 2 2 90,000 Sheep slaughtered, number of........ 2 5 16,233 Belts......................... 1 1 65,520 Calves slaughtered, number of....... 1 4 900 CHARCOAL. Hogs slaughtered, number of........ 1 1 18,009 Wood, cords of.................... 5 5 4,200 Meat, pounds of............... 9 11 1,063,590 Charcoal, bushels of............ 5 5 199,300 Beef, pounds of................ 2 5 691,440 CHARCOAL DUST. Mutton, pounds of............. 2 4 31,150 Charcoal, tubs of.................. 1 5,000 Pork, pounds of............... 1 1 2,150 Charcoal, tons of.................. 1 1 157 Poultry, pounds of............. 1 1 1,000 Charcoal dust, tons of.......... 1 1 145 CARPET AND TRAVELING BAGS. CIGARS. Enameled cloth, yards of............ 1 42,000 Tobacco, pounds of.................. 46 76 940,384 Carpeting, yards of................ 1 1,500 Tobacco, boxes of.................. 1 1 7 Japanned leather, feet of............ 1 1 26. 500 Cedar boxes, number of............. 2 2 4,400 Cambric muslin, yards of........... 1 1 61. 500 Cigars, number of.............. 4 81 8,005,459 MANUFACTURES:-QUANTITIES OF RAW MATERIALS AND MANUFACTURED PRODUCTS. 497 CLASS XXII.-MISCELLANEOUS MANUFACTURES-(CoNTINUED)........,, _... Towns Establish-Towns EstablishMATERIALS AND PRODUCTS. reported menrits re- Quantities. MATERIALS AND PRODUCTS. reported ments re- Quantities. portedported. CIGARs —(Continued). MEAT PACKING, ETC.-(Continued). Cut tobacco, barrels of......... 1 1 30 Sausages, pounds of............ 1 1 6,000 CIGAR LIGHTERS AND TOOTHPICKS. Packed meat, pounds of......... I 1 1,500,000 Wood, cords of..................... 1 1 50 Packed pork, pounds of....... 1 1 312,500 Cigar lighters and toothpicks, Cured and smoked meat......... 1 1 1,250,000 number of.................. I 1 400,000,000 Smoked ham, pounds of........ I 1 1,050,000 CORKS. Smoked beef, pounds of......... 1 1 1,010,116 Cork, pounds of................... 2 2 82,500 Pickled and smoked shoulder, W ood, feet of...................... I I1 5,000 pounds of................... 1 1 336,960 Corks, number of.............. 2 2 70,400 MOTIVE WATER POWER. Bungs, number of.............. 1 1 28,800 Unused power (in horse-power).... 1 1 8,000 FERTILMZERS. Used power (in horse-power)... 1 1 20,000 Animal matter, tons of.'............ 1 800 REFRIGERATORS. Poudrette, tons of.............. I 1 800 Lumber, feet of................... 1 1 15,000 FISHERIES. Zinc, casks of.................... 1 1 2 Sloops............................ 1 1 Coal, tons of...................... 1 1 35 Fish, number of............... 1 8 6,200,000Refrigerators, number of....... 2 2 700 Fish, barrels of................ 3 26 1,812 TAGS. Scallops, number of............ 1 10 21,511 Paper, tons................. 1 1 1 Shad, number of............... 1 1 7,500 TOBACCO. White fish, barrels of........... 1 1 8 Tobacco, hogsheads of.............. 3 6 2,431 Herrings, barrels of............. 1 2 270 Tobacco, pounds of................. 17 30 5,263,I50 Oysters, bushels of............. 1 19 11,850 Tobacco, cases of.................. I 1 32 HAY PRESSING. Sugar, barrels of................... 1 25 Hay, loose, tons.................... 1 1 1,000 Liquorice, pounds of................ 2 2 25,900 Baled hay, tons of.............. 1 1 1,000 Lumber, feet of.................... I 1 125,000 ICE..Coal, tons of...................... 3 3 265 Ice stored, tons of.................. 3 4 57,500 Cut tobacco, pounds of.......... 10 17 4,143,547 Ice sold.................. 3 4 104,500 Cut tobacco, hogsheads of....... 1 2 1,000 MEAT PACKING AND CURING. Plug tobacco, pounds of.'....... 2 4 1,840,000 Hogs, number of.................... 2 5 226,000 Plug tobacco, boxes of.......... 1 1 2,400 Cured pork shoulders, barrels of..... 1 1 374,400 Chewing tobacco, pounds of..... 3 6 541,442 Beef and pork, pounds of........... 1 1 1,500,000 Smoking tobacco pounds of..... 3 4 155,340 Fresh meat, pounds of.............. 1 1 1,500,000 Cigars, number of.............. 7 9 2,414,200 Cured beef, pounds of.............. 1 1 1,110,000 Snuff, pounds of............... 1 2 20,000 Cured pork, pounds of.............. 1 1 1,123,200 UNDERTAKING. Beeves, number of................. I 1 750 Lumber, feet of.................... 19 24 1,025,700 SaitltpLeter, tons of..................I 214I ~ Saltpeter, tons of.................. I I1001 Silk, pieces of..................... 17 Pork, barrels of................ 3 4 5,414 Coffins, number of............. 22 30 35,144 Beef, hogsheads of............. 1 1 100 UNSPECIFIED. Beef, barrels of................ 1 1 5,000 Wood, cords of.................... 1 50I 3eef, tierces of................. 1 1 2,000 "Excelsior," tons of........... 1 25 Hams, number of.............. 1 I 1 20,000 WAX FIGURES. Bacon, boxes of................ I 1 500 W ax, pounds of.................... I 1 50 Bacon, pounds of.............. 1 1 620,000 Wax figures, number of........ I I 1_120 63 MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS. CLASS I.-AGRICULTURAL TOOLS AND IMPLEMENTS. CLASS I[. —METAL[,U;R ~ AND MANF. OF METALS. COUNTIES. |~~|2 1 1A Albany~~~~~~. ^.,. I... |. / ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~............... 1 ^ ^- 1 12 Alattray u............ 2...!. 1................................... 2 1 1 1 A lle any.............................. 1.......... 1 1....................... 4 Br~ m e......... 1... J....................... 3i........................... 1 C at ar ueus...... 2.........1.... 1......!................................. 1 2~ ~ ~~~~~~2 Chautauaua......... 9............ 1;..... 1;....... 2............................ 16 Cnem u.g.......... 2................. 1....................... 1...., 6 Aol mbian.............. 2 2 Chenlango............ 2................................................................... 1.....I.]:" AD ela wa re........... 3......................................3.... 1............................................... 28 Coumtba s..................... I................... 2.4................................. I........ 16 Corian d............. 6 1.............. 2..... 2. 2..................... 1................ 31 C haue............................................ 2.................................................... 9 C hra nkln......................... 2..................................................................... 16 C elt non.......................................... 1 2.................................................................. 28 Colu mbia......................................... 2................................................ i........ 29 Cortlan d....... 12......|............ 1................................................................. 1 ~........ 3 De laware........... 3.... I........................ 28 H e k m r........ 1................ 1....................................... 1........ 6 e er so... 3I................. I.... 2 1............................. 1........ 26 E ie...............ri.e...................... 1..................................... 30 Esse x............................................... 9 Franklitn........... 8.............................. 5............................................................ 16 Fult son............ 3................ 2........ 1................................................ 1.................... 20 Genesee............. 8.............................. 12.... 3............... 11................ 33 Greentg e ry.......... I............. 1 I............ 9 NewFYorank......... l i..................... 25 miagara.............n2........................ 1. I ~tamio n........................................... 1.......I......................... H erkin er.................................................... 6 Jeff rso.................................................... 1........................................... 39 K ings I.................... 1.......................... Or ea s............. 2.................................. I............................ 1.................... 50 Lewis o....... 3..................................................................................... 14 Livingsto n............... 1 1........ 2.... 1..... 2......................................... 16 M adison............ 3 2............ 4........................ I..................... 7 M onroe........................................................................... I................. 30 M ontgome ry......... I.......................................... I....................... 9 iN ew Y ork................................. I......................................... I................... 25 N i aara.............. 2............................ I............................................ I........ 3 O n eida.............. 2 23.................1.......................... I............1................ 33 Ononda ga............ I.......... 1........ 2 21 O ntario............................... 2.... I............................................... 30 Or ang e.............. I................................................................... 2 O r leans............. 2.................................. I................................. I.................... 5 O swe go........................................................................................................... 14 Otsego........................... 1................................................... 30 P utnam............................................................................................................... 7 Q ueens............................................................................................................... 11 Rensselaer........................................ I I....... 16 R aichm ond........................................................................................... 2 R ockla n d............... --......................................................... 3 S tLa re c............................................. L a wren e................................... 34 Saratoga............' 3 11 Seneal............. 905 22 3 44 12 3 8 1 2 7 1 2 3 5 2 8 2 1 9 4 1 8 Steuben~~__ __............. 24 Sufolk..........8)1 MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS-(CONTINUED). CLASS II.-METALLURGY AND MANUFACTURE OF METALS, ETC. COUNTIES. | | ~ ~ I ~ ~ Broome..,.......'..,. & *~ d *I.. Albany...... 1 1.................. I........ I............ I.... 1 1.... 2.... 2............ 7......... I A llegany.................................................................................................... 3........... B room e............................................................................................................ Cattaraugus.........................................................................................*.......... Cap iga...................................................................................................... I........ I Chautauqua............................................................................................... 3.... Chem ung.................................................................................................... 2........ I Che-nango........................ I................ 2........................ I........................ 5........... Colinton............................................. 14................................................ 3........... C olum bia........................................... 4........................................... 2........... Cortland................................................ "8'...........].................... ~ *.]........... * D elaw are..................................... i............................................... 5..'..... D utchess.............................2............ 8.................................................. 3............ Erieank n................ I............ I.... I................ I........................ 5.... 1 I E ssex................................................ 18........................................ I.......................... Franklin........I........................................................................................................... Fulton............................................................................................................... G enesee................................................................................................................ G reene................................................................................................ I.......... H am ilton............................................................................................................... H erkim er....................... I............................................ I........................ 3........... Jefferson................................ 1.................................................... 5........ 2 K ings...................... 2 1........................ 1 1................ 2............ 14. 1 2 Lew is................................................................................. Livingston.......................................................................................................... M adison........................................................... 1 4............ M onroe......... 1........................ I............................................................ 43........ I M ontgom ery........................................................................... 1..................... 3.......... New York....20. 4.... 4............ 1 1 7 1.... 4.... 1 I.... 2 1 2 1 16.6 6 4 N iagara............................................................ F........ 1................... 5........... Oneida.............................................. 2........................ I........ 1............ 5........ Onondaga........................................... I........................ 1......................... 5.... 1 1 Ontario............................................................ 3........ I Orange........................ 1 1............ 4.................................................... 2........... O rleans........................................................................................ I........... O sw ego................................................................................................................ O tsego............................................................................................................. P utnam........................ 1........ I.................................................... 4............... Q ueens..................................... 1.................................................... I.................... Rensselaer............... 2.... I........ 2........................................ I............ 4........ 3 R ichm ond............................................................................................................. R ockland........................... 4 1.............................................................................. 2 St. Law rence.......................................... 2.................................................. I........... -Saratoga.... I............................................................................ I............ 2........... Schenectady........................................................................... I.................... I........... Schoharo e...................................................... Sculli..............]]..i]..i..]]..]1..]......................................................................................... Seneca............. 1........................... I............ I................................................ 4......... Tompkins.......... I..........................!....:....... I.... I................. 1................................ 2.............. SWarrek.......... ~~............................ /..... ~...................... 1........................ 1................. Wasingon.....!.................................... 1............................ I.............................. 3...........,ompin,...........................................I........!................1................1........!........ *.......... **** as i g o...........,...........__.........,..... —..... 1.......... _..._...-...-...-...-........................... 3_........_.. Total... 11 29 2 8 2 9 116 2 3 3-l-i- 67 1 8 2 1 7 i1 7 — 4 1 I10 I1 2 1 ]151 7 i10 24 (499) MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS —(CONTINUED). CLASS II.-METALLURGY AND MANUFACTURE OF METALS, ETC. ~'~ COUNTIES. cd I ~ ~~~~~~~~. ctq. cr ^ ~ A iI........ I....... 5 2, 2 1 1 2................ I.... A lb any.....................!........................ Ailegany............ I1 i.........i................ 1........................................ Cattaroome s....................................... i C ayuga.......... 4........ I...................................I............ 1............................ 4.... C hautauqua.......... 3 1..!.................................!........................... I........... 13...4. C hem ung........................ L......I....1.......................I....|..!........................ 5....!. *Chenang[.............. 8.... Cle2int on:............... Colu mb a...............3.........................!..................... I.... 5... Co tlnton............................|.................... ^ ^.......... ^..;'....1^'.\\........................|.... 1....'.'. D elaware............i.......................................... C ou mbias.......... 3...........I...................... 1 L....!.................'...J....1....I........ 6..... C ortla.........................................I.... I......:R se xa ar..........................i.... I..........I.......'.... I....I............ I.... 1.... I... 7...! 1.... Dutebess.".................. E rieo............. I.................1...... l..... I..Jl............. 2... I............!. I....!........!... 22. OEs sex....... I............. i................I.... I..........i................1.......!.... I........8.......' -ik ine............... 2 1.... |..... J........J......1.................'. 1..|.... 3 I..'' H am iltonF......,......................... I............ai........... 2...1........ I....................1:.... S....;............ 1.... H erkome................................... JeFul rson........................... G enesee................... 5...... 1............i....1.... I............ 1........I.. |........ 1.. " GL ew is..... 2...................... I................I...............!........................ 3..'. I......... 6 i..... H ami lgton............................ 1............ Cadisolu..m..b........ia.....L...1..... nrkimer............. 1...................... M ontgomery........................................ Jeff r on.............................. 1.....' K iagas ra...................... I.................. 2. Lre......................... Livn gstog........ 2 1....................... 2.......... 1....... J.......!....... i....!.... 6.... M tad ison 2............ 1.................. MO nron e....... 1..... 1....................... 1........... i. i............................1..!.. 7...... M o tO mrye n.......!......... I I..................!.................. |.............................. N ew Y or. I................... 12.....2.......... I......................i.. I..... 2..............!.. 4... O tsego............!...... 1...........................................................2..: En ssexa........... 3 1................................................ |.................. 1...... O nih oda..... 3........................................ *., ~........!!..L.... G-enesee...................... no L ar ga......................................... O naratog...... 1..... 2...............,.............................!.....................................5 1 Schenectady.....!..1................................................ O. ra oe.......i................".................................. Srleneca.............................................. 3.... OSteuben................. 2........................!............1..............4................ 5....." tSuf olk.................. I..............................I.........!......,..................... l..... 12...... P T no am,..................I............................................................................. 3. i: QiTo ns.............. I.................................... 3 hensselst er........ 3'................................ I 1 W arew...Y.or..k.............. 1..............................1..'. " i.... 12' 6.! R i h mn d........................................... Oeidckla.............. 5................................. 3 yo i............ ~'....i....-...... Orange.............................1.................!..!............... S...... 7.... Total~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~iii:11~1....... 1.... 2^4915|1 791 713 12|51|4 1|1 l (500)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i... MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS —(CONTINUE)). CLASS III. —FIBROUS AND TEXTILE SUBSTANCES. z~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ COUNTIES. I' ] 1 |1' bn 1 ~ ^ ^ I ~ i I ^ ^ H 0 ^ ~ i ~'^ i ^,. Albany..................... 1 1........ 1....... 5 A llepgany........................ 1I........................I....... J.................................................... 2 B room e......................... 2..............................J........................................................ Cattaraugus..................... 3..................................................................................... Cayuga............................. I.... I........ 1I........................ 1................................ 5 Chautauqua..................... 4.................... 1I............................................................ 3 Chem ung....................... 2........................................................................ Chenango....................... 1........ 2.................... I....................... 4 Clinton......................... 2................................................................ 1................ 1 Colum bia........................... 2 7.................... 1................................................ 4 Cortland........................ I.................... 4............................................................ I D elaw are....................... 5................................................................................... 5 D utchess................ I.... 1 2.... 2........................................ 6 E rie........................ 2........................................................ I....... 3................ 3 Essex................................. 3 3 ssex.................. |.................. |................................................................. 3 Franklin........................ 2.................... 4....................................................... 4 Fulton......................... 1................. 1..............................................,....... 3 G enesee.............1....................................................................................... G reene......................... 3..........1........................................................... 8 H am ilton.................................................................................................................. Ierkim er....................... 2........ 3........ 2........................... P................................ Jefferson................ 1 2........ I 1 3.......................................................... 2 K ings............... 1.................................... 3.................... 1........ 3 12........ Lew is.................................................................................................................. 2 Livinsto...........,, Living ton.......................................................................................................... M adison.............'.........'..................................................................... 6 M onroe................... 1....................I............................................. 4 M ontgo........................... l onro.. I....................... New York.................. 4........ 2................ 5 5........ 1 1.... 2.... 9 3........ 2 4 1 N iagara......................... I............I........ I...~.... I............................................... 3 Oneida.......................... 2.... 1 11........ 2........ 3........................................ 1.. Ononda a.................................................. 5 Niagara................. 7......................................................................... On ea s........................................................................................................ On o dg.............. 7............ 2.................................................................... 3 Orlen sm...............................................................................I............................... IL. u ee o r................................................................ go enssl r............. i ho nde...................................... 7.......... I..........................,......................... I........ P utn lam........................ i.................. 2 1....................... ^............/........................-....... 3 St.Lawens e........................ 5.... 1........... 3........................................................* * Rens soga........................: 2.............. 1............ 3 2....................::..:......... R ich mon d..d.................................................. 1............ 2........................ 1.... 1.... |.... 1 Putnhami.................... 2.12........ I... 1.. 1 ock lamnd.................................................................................................... 3 St en ce......................................................................................................... 6 S aratog a........................ 2............... 2............................. 3 Schuyl ea..................................]..................... Se n e c...................... I........ 1........................................... lSteube.................. ] ]] " 2 1] ] ~ i 1~ i'... ]]]..] ]]..".....]i~ 1' " 2..................;................ Tioarr n.................................... 1.................... 1.................................1 * 1 Tompkingt n...................... 1..... 142........................................ 3 W arrne.............................................1................................ WVesthington........................ 1 1 1............"...... 1................... 2']:]"........]:17:2 WVyom ne..................... 1............................................ 3 Y ates..........[".'........ 1 i.................... 1...............................;..* Total.............1|1 8 6 85 8 8 53 23 5!iii!! iiii/ i::::::::::ii i~i: iiii!!i i(501) MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS- (CONTINUED), CLASS IV.-CHEMICAL PROCESSES, MANUFACTURES AND COMPOUNDS. COUNTIES.~~~~~~~~~ r ~Z 0 A l e g n y2.................. I.......1.......... Broome~ ~ ~ ~............. 2.......... 1..... i.......... I ~* ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.............*I....1....... I.........I..... Albany......... 6.... 1.... 24........ 6.... I....I..2 1..J........... 1 1................. 1 C hlem ugan.. 2.............. 1........... 1................................. Che anome................... 2............. I.........1................ 1............................ C attar ugus,...........................!................... 1........I.....................................!.. Co lumba......... 2............ 2........ 3..!...... 2. 1 1............I.............. 1. **''.......I Co ra tland....................... 2I................I...................1...........'............................... Dhelawar....... 2............ 2................................................. 1....k........... 1 1.............. ^\. 1... D utchess... 4 1......2...... 2....... 5...........1.....I......I II II III III III I I..... I I. E rieto....... 2 1.......I..... 28............. 5... 1..... I 2........ i.........................2. E ssexbi...... 2............ 2........ 3..................2.................... 1............... For tankli I...................... 1...................... 1.......... 1........ 3..... D el w ar.................................................................................................... F ultoh s............................ I I.... 5.... 1.......1...................1...................'..'........ GE ese..... 2 8.... 1 2. 8........ 5.... 2......3.. 2 3...........1.... 1 1......... 2. E sse....................................................!.................!................... Green ei.........3.1.............. I..!. \........................... t ~ to n.................................;'..;;;;.;.......... I......;...;...........;;.'*;;;;. O enese..... 2.......... 2..........................1.................... 1.... 2........ I 1.. H am ilton........................,......!.......1.............I...................................... I. H erkim er....... 2............ 2..'...*."........'...'.*............ I |.................. I.............. 1I..'' 4 1 Jefferson.... 4 5............ 2........ I.................. I. *......................... I... I I...IIII.I King~s.......... 3.... 1. 17. 6 7 5........ 2. 8 2.... I1...........37.. 2 1........ I I1...... L ew is..... 3.... 3................................................. I................!................................... Livingston.. I 2 2............ 2.............................. I I............I....!............................ 1. M adison.... 3 1........................ 2...1....... 2.............1.................................. 1. M onroe I..... 1 3............. 19........ 3....I............ 1 3................I.. 1........................... M ontg~om ery... I............ 1I........................|...... 2..............................................I 2. New York...... 64........ 1 39 2 1 26 1 5.... 14 1 11 I 4 4...... 2 3...... I I1.... 3 1 4 N iagara..... I 2................. 3.................................I 1I................ 2............................ Oneida......... 2... 2.I.. 7........ 4................. 2 1........... I............................... Onondaga..... 3...... 7........ 2.................. 4....|............1.............................. 1 1 O ntario...... 2:............... 2........ 1............. I.... 1............ i.... 2............................ Orange......... 4............ 2.........!''/ 2 2.. 11.....1..............................................1. Orleans I.. 2 2.......................... 1.................................................1.......... O sw ego......... 1............ 1.....'.'.. 1..'................................... 1".............. I I. O tsego~.......2................ 1 1.................I........................................................I Cu n m.... 1...................... 1... 1........!. 1................ Queenam....., 31........ 1I............................. 1.................... 2...... 1..................I Rensslaer.... 12.......... 5 1... 4............ 2. 1...1.................... 2.... 2 1 Qe ec mns................. 31........ I......................... 3.... 2........................... R nSe.La eren e 11 3......... 12..2........... 5...........2............ 1................... 2........2 Srich o nda......................... 13........ 2..........................1................................................ Seneca..... 2...........................1.................... 3....1..............................1......I.....1... St. Lawen ce.. 1 1 3............ 2........... 2......................... 1 I.......................... 1. T iog......... I.............................................................................. MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS-(CON,\TILNUED). CLASS IV.-CHEMICAL PROCESSES, MANUFACTURES AND COMPOUNDS. CLASS V.-CALORIPCOUNTIES.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r P..:'Q~~~~~~~~ r. ~ ^ v.4 y, W r, CC0 Cd~~~~~~~~1 -0 b''D. s~~~~b -s i eW |. W biS &o|s~ Id - i - ui!,, I i, 1 1 ^ 0 ^ d~i^^ ^^^w s 02 w 02E^ (>!>? ^ ^ ^-" ^C's A lbany I... I.... 2 5.... 1.............................................................. J..... 7 A llegany......*................ I......................................................................................... B room e................. 1 2.............................................. I............ I...................... Cattaraugus....................................................................... Oayug............................................................................................................ Chayuga a................... I 3.. I..............................................................................I.... Chamuta qu........................ 3. 1................................................................................ Chemungo..............1...................... j.............................................." I........... 1 Clint non................................. I... I...........11...................................................... Col minto............................................!............. 11.... 4............................................. Corlu bad..................................... <..... 24.................................................. D el w a e...............I..................................... 1.................................... C ortland.................................................................................................................. DE l wre............. 1................5......................................... 2 1........................1............ E u chsse....................... 1.......................................................... 1....|.... i.................... Era kine................................... 1...............16....................1....... 2 1..... 1.... I.................. E ssexn........................ I..................................,.......................................... I...... O ene ee......................................................................I.................... F ra nkli.................... 1 2.................. I........ 1...... 6.....................I.................................. Fu mlton.......................................................................................... I..................... H e ki e............. 2..................... 1"...................................... Generseen........................3............................................................................. K iengs..... 2 3............. 2......... 1.......... 4....5....7.....4.3........ 1..... L w i..........................................|....................... H ailigton.... *.... **............. 3................................................................................. M adis n.............. 1 4..... 1............................................................... 1 H e rki er...................... 2 2..........!...............I........................1..............................1 2 Jefferso ry.........................3......................|................................................................. News Yok.... 10.... 4 3... 4.... 6....... 2 I.... 4.... 4.... 710.... 4 3......... 1 1...... 7 2..... Lewisga........................ I.................................................... 1.............. Livn g t............... 91 1...................................................... I...............................2 2 Cnnd g.... 1...... 8........ 4.............................................................. M nad ison....................... 4.......................................................................^.............. Mo nron e....... 2 | 2........... 2 1...... 1 2.......... I................................. I...I.......................... 2' Or entg m r....................... 1...................................................................... Osweg................... 3......................... 1................................................... Ntew or............... 30.... 5 1.... 4.....6.4...... 4 0............................... I I...... 7 2........ uNi agara................................................................................................ Oneida........ 1........ 3 6 2. 4...................1........................ 1..............................2 2 Onon deaga.....1.2.1.... 11.......... 1....47.......... 1............ 1...................................... 6 O trich ond................................................................................... I.....1................. Oro kange................... 1................................................................|................... Or.Le a wrence.................... I.........................................!........................!....................... OSaratoga............ 1........ 10...................................................................................... Osc enecwo... 1.................. 3...........................1................1.............................................. Putnhami...................... 2..........................................!.............................................. Q cu yeen..................... 6............................1...........j....!................1.............................. Sense a.................................. I..................I....I............................................. 6.... R ich mond....................................1........................ 1 2............1........1.... I.................. SuRo lan....................... I..........................................!................i.............................. Stu ll awrn c...................................................................................!.............................. S rti o oa........... I........ 10...................!......... I..............................!............................ U l t r............................................. 2.... 4......... Sch ren............. 2.......................................... I................................ SW oash ing o.................. 4... 3........................... 1.......... i........................................ 0 a n....................I........,............................... MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS-(CONTINUEED). CLASS VI1 -STEAM CLASS VIIL-NAVIGATION AND MARITIME \CLASS VIII. -MNATFHEMAATICAiL IN- r rTTTm^ T CP ENGINES, ETC. IMPLEAMENTS. S, RUMLENTS. ETC. CLASS IX.-C1VIL ENGINEERING, ETC. COUNTIES. tz^ CZ ~ SI U' -ir *Q^ w-S ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ l ^.2! s ~ ^. ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~C A lleany............ I....................... ~. 1................. 7.7 7 ^ 7 ^ ^ ~ 7" 2 Brooeg n....... 1:..... 1.................. 1.............!..............'^'.'. 1'.'. 3.. B r o e. ^..........................................................................^.....{*' "*.....2 C atta-raugus...................................................................................I........!........... 1 Cayuga..... |................................................ 4....''*'"'.... 2 1 Chautauqua.... I........................................................... 4 2 Chemung i...!.. 1................................ \\ \\ Chenango....................................................................................... i............... 5 1~~~~~~~............................................................. C lint no........i.... I..............1............................................................ 2 5*......' 1 ^ C ol mintn................................... I..........J **' * * C ortl n d...............................................i..............,.....'..........'.'...... 2.....*..'..*..'." 2 C olu m bae.............................................................. 2.................. I * *6 * *.......... 2 D utchess................................................................... 2'...2^^ 2 3' ". DE lae............ 2 9.... 2....... 1......................................I........ 2....* ". 1 5 1 E ssex..s....'....I................ 1................................................................ 2 3.......... I E ra kie....................2 2........ I.................................. 23...... E ul tone...............................................................'*..... I I.''..''''''''' * /.'..'..'... I... G e e e.......................,................!.............................................\ F ra nk li.............................................................. *'.. *.. F u mlton...............................................................................|....... G e eer i er.............1............................................................... 2 * * " G re ersne................................................ 1.................I..|3 * **2 ings......... 4 7...... I 1...... 1...................... ^.... |. /''\' i.. /.. 5\\ i. H erkism...............................................................!................* "........ 3 Jefferston....................................I............ 1................I........'...... 2. K ain so............. 1........ 4 1............ ~........ I............. 2............ L.'*''.....* ".'.'..'.".. 24 M onroe........... 1 1... 3.......................... 1,..........'...'.......'.*.'.'...'.*.'.*.'.'.... *. 4 1 L ew is o.................. *...................................1............................. i'. 3I. L vNe gsY ork... 5 3.. 1.....................2...................'....!.'. *.... 2. M ai sonr...................... 2........................................................... 1 2 Mon rei.............. I.... 1...................... J................................ 4......^.......... 4 2 M nont ago ry.......... 2........ 3............................................ 23 O ntario........ 1...................................................................... * *.......... Orn gew..rk....... 1 13 2.*...............,........... I 1'I 2....'....... 8...'...' 3 i........... 7 N iagaan................................................................................;............................. 2 4 On eida............. 2....... 1 2 4.......................................................... 4.. /........... 5 2. O tseon a a..................................................................;...,........,.. 2............ 4. zuna......................................................... *........ 1. Q uenta io..........................1.....................................................!............................. 2.... Orangsel..........I.I............................................. 3..................... 3.. Orleamns............................. 1.................................................. 2 4. O s eo l n............... *....................................................,......,.......I.................. Otseg La r n e...................... 1.... 1....................................... 5....... 4 Sara oga................................................................................ Puten ecam........... *.,...............................................!.................................. I. Q ue h ren.............................................................................................. 2 2 R ensselaer......................................................................................................... 2 R i h mndc............... *...... 1...................... I........................... i................................ I Suf dol............................................................................. 1........... Wo kar e................................................................................ I St a wrengto.e................. 3............. I............................................. 1......... 6....... 2 3. MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTSl"-(COiNTINUED). CLS XT-AND CONVEANCE. CLASS XI.-HYDRNULICS AND CLASS XII.-MEC'HANI- CLASS XIIIL-GRINDING!MILLS AND MILL CLASS X.-LAND CONVEYANCE. PNEUMATICS. CAL POWERS.. GEAR-IN7Gr. COUNTIES. 01 w w a x ~ J~ a w~~QC bo 5. ^ c bo -^ dig g o g ^ Albany.......... 2 1.... 18.......^............................ T....... 1.. 1 27............I..... A llegany..................... 9......................... 1 -...................... ~............. B roo~m e..................... 9.... 3...................................................... 2 19................. Cattaraugus................. 15...........................................................*** 2 21............ i Cayuga.......... I........ 17... 1..................... 2.................................. 39.................. Chautauqua...... I........ 26.... 3.... 1............ 1I.................................. 33................... Chem ung........ I........ 9.................................... I.......................... 20................. Chenango.................... 16.... 3.................... 1I.................................. 35................ Clinton...................... 9................................................................... 19................. Colum bia........... 23............................ 1I.................................. 39......_... *........ Cortland..................... 10....................................................*.............. 25.... - 2.......... D elaw are.................... 20...................................... *....................** * 38...*............... D utch ss... 1........... 4........................* 1.... 67.... * 1.......... Erie ~ ~~....... 1 1.. 24.. 2........ 2....................... 5......... E u chsse................... 64.... I..........................................-*** ** **57........ *. *....... Erai kli..................... 34.... 2.......... 2......... 2........................23.* * ** * l................. E ssexn..................... 65.1............................................................... 4....* *. * * Fran klin..................... 23............................ 3 I.................................. 13.................. Fulton...................... 12 1........................................................... 33.................. G eneseen................... 2............................ 3...**................................. 23*.... * * * *.............. * * G er ieen r..................... 120................................1.... 1................. 1.... 2 43.................. Jeff rso................ 33... 1............... 2....1....................5................... H a i lton............................................................. 1.................. I'l........... H erkimer...................... 8................................................... 4................. Jefferston................... 33.......................... 2.................. 2.................. M adis n.................. 3.............................. 1......................... 6.................. K ings........... 1 1 734...... 1................................... 1.... 8......... M ontgo ery.............. 4........................................*************...... ^.*** 1.. * * * L ewi 19r........ 1........ 11.. 13.................. N i g r..... 1..... 8.............. 1.......................... 29.................. Livn gston..........1.......... 332....... 2.................3............................. 35............... M adison..................... 213.......................i......................*.* ** *.* ^.... 1 * * Ontrioe.................... 1 53.... 2............................1..................... 48 *.............. MOrntgoe ry............. 25........ 1................................................* * 25.... I1..... Orlans.................. 8I.............. 1 4 2............. 2 3.. 2 *..*................. New York........... 19.................. 41...... -................. 5........... N iaegara............... 36............................................................... 46......... O unei a.................. 33........................... *. 3.............** *...................*.. 54......... * * * Quenon s a.................. 21........ 16..................................................*....*, * * * * 49.... *.. *.. * * * R ens elae......... 1... 14........................ 1...........*.... 1........ 2...1.......... O trich on..................... 25 2........................................................** ** -* 50.................. Oro dange...................... 25........................................ *.........................*. 32.................. Or.le a w rns ce................... 26............................ 3.................................. 4......... Osaratoga........... 1.. 19..... 1.................................................. 45..*.* 3...................* Sche ect dy............ 2...... 1......................... * *** ** *. **** ***~....I*. **....* Scho ari e............... 8... 1.............................................*............ 46.................. Osc yego..................... 36...................................................... 11........ P utneam..-.................. 8.... 1.......... 4.......................................... 43.................. Q ueuens...... 1...... 16............................. **................ *... * - - -. * *.................. Rensselaer................ 1 0....14........I................................................... 28.......... Suich and.................... 82.................................................*... *****.... *..........................-r Tioga............................................................................. 24.................. R o lster................................. 3 1.....................................*..... ** 49** **................* * StW a wren c..................... 26........................... 3.......... *.....* **.................... M.. ^..... a shintona..................... 16.... I............................. 39........ 1 * ** ** i * *........ * W yom i g................ 13....................... 1................................*. ^.................. Sc ea et adv.................. 2....10.... I................................... — * _ 1 I I' - - *' * MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS-(CONTINUED). CLASS XIV-LUMIBER, INCLUDING TOOLS AND MACHINES FOR ITS MANUFACTURE. COUNTIES. P ,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'i' ~ CHAUTAUQUA Co ___________________BAPTIST.______________Busti........ 1 $4,000 $1,200 500 300 140 Q500 ALBANY Co. Carroll........ 1 2,000 800 300 150 108 850 Albany...... 7 $131,500 $11,000 3,750 2,600 2,015 9,500 Charlotte. 1 1,500......... 350 100 60 360 Berne....... 1 300....... 250 150 15 65 Chautauqua. 3,000......... 300 100 30...... Knox......... 250 50 50 400 Cherry Creek. I 2,000......... 500 200 80 300 Rensselae~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~inrile120 0.......120 Rensselaerville 2 6,500......... 900 450 284 I 750 Clymer...... 1 600............ Watervliet... 3 22,000......... 1,200 500 298 2.275 Dunkirk......... 700 150 50 700 Westerlo..... 1 2,500......... 400 200 231; 350 Ellery....... 1 2,750 500 3 300 Eilicott...... 1 15,000 800 500 300 275 800 Total...... 15 164,8001 11,000 6,750 3,950 2,893:13340 Hanover..... 4 9,400 1,100 1,050 400 303 1,150 ALLEGANY CO. Harmony..... 3 8,500 300 950 375 00 Allen........ 1 2,000......... 250 150 75 200 Poland................................ 34 400 Almond...... 1 4,000......... 500 180 107 450 Pomfret...... 2 11,500......... 900 250 250 800 Amity........ 1 3,500......... 400 100 50 400 Portland..... 2 3,500 2,200 650 220 115 700 Andover...... 1 2,000......... 250 70 65 450 Ripley....... 1 3,000......... 200 100 50 409 Angelica..... 1 1,500 300 250............. Sherman..... 1 2,500......... 300 175 117 400 Belfast...... 1 12500......... 200 150 60 200 Stockton..... 5,000 100 450 250 150 800 Burns........ 1 3,000......... 500 200 131 500 Westfield.... 1 5,000......... 500 300 120 600 Clarksville...1 2,000 300 250 150 68 400 Cuba...... 1 5,000 1,500 400 300 200 800 Total...... 25 91,250 7,000 -8,650 3,510 12,303 I 9,860 Friends~ip... 1 3,500 1,000 300 130 125 600 C:iEMLNG CO. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~B-Flatnshi.... I 3To0t00l.0 13..... 75 Hume........ 1 2,000......... 250 50 40 300 Big Flats..... 1 3,000 400 400 130...... 725 Independence 1 1,500......... 250................... Choi. l i 0......... 100 30.. Rushford..... 4,000 600 400 100 125 500 Elmira city... 2 13,000......... 1,300 700 320 1,950 Wellsville.... 1 3,000......... 350 250...... 900 Horseheads... 2 2,300 1,900 800 425 240 700 West Union.. 1 1500......... 200 150 45...... Southport.... 2 4,500 1,800 600 200 [ 85 t 660 W~irt........ 1 1,500 500 250 100 83 550 Van Etten.... 1 1,475......... 450 25 15...... Total....... 16 1 41,500 4,200 15,000 2,080 1,174 6,250 Total...... 9 24,875 4,100 3,650 1,5-10 -660 4,035 BECOoE Co. C- -E-xG(w Co.! Binghamton.. 1 10,000......... 600 400 250 2,400 Afton........ 1 2,500......... 500 250 84 300 Chenango.... 1 1,000 800 300 100 33 800 Bainbridge... 3 3.600 300 900 265 144 750 Colesviile.... 2 3,200 400 460 300 192 600 Columbus.... I I;1200......... 400 30 25...... Lisle......... 2 5,000......... 650 175 70 700 Coventry..... 1 2,000......... 250 50 103 400 Maine........ 1 2,000 1,000 250 100 115 400 Greene...... 2 5,000......... 600 300 275 1,150 Sanford......I 1 300/......... 150 40 36 150 Guilford...... 1 500 300 250 75 54 300 Triangle...... I 4 5,800 1,000 900 400 174 1.030 Lincklaen.... I 500......... 250 75 20 100 Vestal....... 1 1,000......... 300 50 30...... McDonough.. 1 1,500......... 400 150 127 400 Windsor..... 1 2,000......... 300 50 60 400 Now Berlin. 2 7,000 1,200 750 325 244 700 North Norwich 1 1,500......... 400................... Total...... 14 1 30,300 3,200 | 3,910 1,615 960 i6,480 Norwich..... 115,000 2,000 1,000 350 433 1,000 O Otselic....... 2 2,200......... 600 120 95 550 CATT-A-RAUGUS CO ~ ~~~~~~~~Oxford....... 1 3,000....:..... 400[ 250/ 217 575 East Otto.... 1 1,500......... 1 ~200 100 38 400 O fr.... 1,0..... 40 250 21 57 Farmersville.. 1 1,400.........1 250 50 40 200 Pharsalia..... 1 800......... 150 30 20 30 Franklinville.. 1 2,000.......... 200....... 641...... Pitcher....... 1 2,000 1,000 400 175 100 500 Freedom...... 2 2,400......... 550 250 202 900 Plymouth.... 1 1,400......... 300 100 75 600 Itinsdale..... 1 3,000.........I 300 200 130 650 Preston...... 1 800 1,000 250....... 70 400 Leon......... 1 2,000.......... 400 50 35 400 Sherburne 2 6,000......... 580 200 141 850 Napoli....1.....I........ 201 44 200 Smithville.... 1 / 8001 600~ 400 50 35 200 Olean.'....... 4,'000 i........! oo 30.......!...... 500 Smyrna...... 1 2I,000......... 500 50 10 200 o Perry sburgh.. 1 500 1,000 i 100 50 [ 30 400- - - - - - -- - -- -- -- Ranolph..... 1 2,000.........1 350 1001 50 400 I. Tota......7 26 5.30 — 400-9,-280'- 2,845;-,72 9,005 Yorkshire.... 1 2,500 600 | 300 85 / 50 /350 |CLIN'TOX. - ~ C....... T ~ _ ___ - - - --- -- -- -- lona... 1, 0........ 10 0 0 Auburn ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~n.'.. 1 18,000t.........I 800 500 35120 - - -- --- -— o - -- -- Brutus~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...... 1 4,0,00 0 5 4 0 | Ttl... 3,200 i.....50 20|6/5 Cat~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~oor........ /,0.... 0 200 120 60 CLBICo Ira~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...... 1 2,00......... 30 10 6 35 Cna......2,50 30 40 10 8 20 Cx ock..... 1Pl0.... 50 20 6 5 C attsamrg h.. 1 23,000,........./ 20 10....... 88.... Auburn....... 1 2,.000 50I0 5 50 65 lvr.....1 00 200. 00 10. 0.0 Montezum00a50.. 5 13,500.........35 52 0 40 Hlsae......1,00.,00 30.10,2-0 Brutus.....Ttl...... 1 3,000......... 400 50 59 150 Ne ea n I 2500 0 0 0 2 0 Semproni4,00 0 1 1,000 40.... 27 50 950 30 0- --- -- -0 - --- -- -- Cannto....1 600 150 30 20 10 00| oa......'2590|4401,6 52 50230 Sprinport.. 1 3,000/......... 47 00[ 43 500|'TLX C Itrlig...a,0......... 30 20 80 50| icnau.. 1 2,000 - 600t0- 10 12 0 Lomer........ 4,2000......... 2500 1 00 60t 250 iChathamdil....1 23,5000 I......... 1,025..... 458 1,60 Mentz....... 1 2,500/ 500 400I 150[ 1250 4750 Freetow.... I 3,520i 5,000 4500 100 72 "400 Veonice..m.... 1 3,500l......... 350 10 72 0I 400 Homl~daer....... 1 8/,000......... 3000 300 322 9500 Seipiory....... 3,5000......... 400 1 00 259 250 Nw ebanon..... 2 2,500 I.....3 00 160 6 6 Se m- -----— pr — --- -- ooni....... 12,000 1......... 300 5 10 65t 958]0 Totaell.:.... 17 6220,4700 6,5_262169781 Tutn... 4,5001 300 50 250 19 70 STATISTICS OF RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 537 i ~~i ~~~ ~| ~,1 % "5I CHURCH GE CS-(CoNTINUED). TOWNS.')2ill. TOWNS. C1 Virogil........ $2, 800......... 500 50 58 $250 Athens....... 1 $3,000......... 200 100 98 $500 W illett..... 1 1,600......... 300 150 36 400 Cairo........ 1500. 250................... -- -------- - --- -- -—.... — Durham...... 1 5,000 $500 900 300 102 4t00 Total.....11 35,070 $1,400 4,725 1,8351,390 5,790 Greenville.... 1 2,000 200 300 150 13"0 600 DELAWARtE Co-. Halcott....... I 500 75 300 50 30...... P'Delhi... 1. 4,000......... 350 60 49 200 Lexinton.... 1 3,000 800 400 100 127 550 Franklin r 1 28,000 2,400 1,100 350315 1070 New Baltimore 2000......... 250 150 65 500 Hancock..... 2,300......... 380 120 104 680 asonville... 1 2,000 1,000 250 150 108 500 Total....... 7 17,000 1,575 2,600 850 552 2,550 Meredith..... 1 2,000 1,500 300 150 98 400HAMILTONr CO. Tompkins.... 2 4,500 1,000 475 200 196 800 Wells........ 1 800......... 100 75 32 200 Walton...... 2 2,100......... 330 160 89 250 HERKIMER Co. -- -- - -- -- - -- ---- - ---- ---- ---- ~~~~~~~~~Frankfort.. I1 4, 500......... 300 250 83 450 Total...... |I 24,900 5,900 3,185 1,190 9593,900 German Flats. 1,200......... 300 100 45 500 400 200 4170 500 DUTHESS CGo.Litchfield..... I 1,1200......... 150 50 20 400 Amenia...... 1 35,00 2,500 300 170 170 800 Little Fails... 1 10,000....... 400 200 120 C 00 Beekman.... 1 3,000 1,500 250 150 100 600 Newport...... 1 4,000 1,500 400 125 110 600 Dover....... 2 8,000 1,500 600 250 2601,100 Norway...... 1 2,500 800 40 0 100N 82 550 East Fishkill.. 2 3,000 1500 550 120 105 400 Salisbury.... 1 1,500......... 200 125 45 420 Fishkill...... 2,17,000.......... 1,000 278 185 1,200 Warren...... 1 3,000 700 350 200 51 450 Hyde Park. 1 2,000......... 200 ~25 15 200 Winfield...... 1 5,000 2,000 450 300 150 1,000Pawling..... I 2 3,200......... 350 130 140 600Pine Plains... 3,000 2,000 300 75 40 500 Total....... 9 327900 | 5,000 2,950 1,450 706 5,-270 Pleasant Val'y I 2,000 600 200 40 18 20 JE,1FFE-RSONC Oo7 Po'keepsie city 2 35,000......... 900 500 334 2,100 Adams....... 3 16,500 1,200 1,225 650 573 2,300 Redhook....[ 1 2,000 500 250 100 58 450 Alexandria 1 2,000......... 400 200 100 400 Rhinebeck.... 1 3,000......... 200 50 30 300 Antwerp... I 1,000......... 250 7,5............ Stanford 2 000..... 0 1500 600 320 136 1,150 Champion.... 1,500......... 250 150 71 300 -- -- - -- - - -- - --- - ---- --- ---- layton...... I 2,000......... 300....... 61 600 Total...... 19 90,700 | 11,600 5,700 2,208 1,591 9,420 870 ERIE~ Clay ton...... 2,000......... 250 70 60 450 Alden........ 1 2,000......... 250 75 73 475 Le ay....... I 1,000......... 300 75 40...... Amherst.... 1 2,500.... 500 150 100 400 Lyme........ 1 2,500 800 500 200 90 500 Aurora....... 1 2,500......... 500 50 40...... rleans....... 1 3,000......... 3 0 0............ Boston....... 1 2,000......... 400 1010 058 400 Wyatertown.......... 500 150 184 1,200 Buffa lo....... 5 46,000 800 2,050 1,159 957 13700 —-- Clarence.... 1 2,000......... 175 100 76 400 Total....... 15 53,500 2,000 | 5,195 2,000 J.538 7, 220 Concord...... 1 3,o 500......... 425 200 150 o.0 85 KINGS Go.Eden........ 1 3,000 1,000 450 200 80 300 Brooklyn...... s 408,300 25,15010,250 6,8904,04428.800 Evans....... 1 3,800 800 400 100 120 5500 —- -- Hollab g....... 3 2,0 oo0e........ 400 Io o 1,000......... 200 50 60 150 Concord....../ 1 23,5000 I............... Leyden....... 1 2,000......... 300.................... Newstead.... 1 2,000 1,000 250 100/ 93 500 LoBvilly...... 2 9,000 3,000 900 250 210 1,300 North Gollins. 1 1,800......... 200 20 20...... Martinsburgh I 2,000......... 350 200 35 500 Sardinia.... 1 2,500 859 600 150 170 475 New Bremen 1 400 25 100 60 33........ - -- - -- -- - -- - ---- 0 ---- ---- ---- Pinckney..... I 14000......... 3 00 0 45 250 wTotal...... 18 76,600 4,459 60900 2. 4,459 2,000,29,047 18550,Isx C0 Total....... 7| 15, 400 3,025 2, 150| 660 383 2,200 Chesterfield.. 1 6,000......... 500 200 175 800 -l vi N GSOT o - -------- --- -- -- Elzbehown Poi2t000I800 400 50 40 420 2500Avon.........' 1 3, 000 1,200 400 100 52 500 ioaethtolins. 1. 2,000L800 ]........ 2,00 02..... 220 50 30 400 * Essex........ 1 2,000......... 400 80 40 500 Limai........ I 10,000 400 500 200 182 1,000 Jay.......... I * 4,000 500.600 100,180 600 Livonia....... 2 1,500......... 300 150 65 500 Mineia..... 1 800 400 200 40 70 150 Mount Morris. 2 6,500......... 600 250 175 1,300 Moriah....... 1[ 1, 5000 60 350 75 95 750 North Danville 1 4,500......... 350 175...... 500 Schroon...... I1 1, 800......... 400 75, 20...... Nunda....... I 1 1,000......... 600 250 238 1,000 Ticenderoga... 1 2,000......... 400-75 60 500 Prg. 1 2 5 2 7 ChestePrfiel..... 1 3,00 70 500 200 1 25 600 225 o5 Wetortanoin.. 10 | 1, 400 00 3, 00 75 60 0 400 2 0, 5,250 Yk.orik......... 1 2,500 600 1 57 7 5 17 5 00 Minteraua.. 1,0........ 300 150... 600 4 7 10 ontorris... 2 11,500 3,00 950 1 0 745 1,275 Dioriahn. 1 200........ 40000 155 0...... 200 NrhDanville. 4,500..... 350 100 80 500 Stchovigon. 1 350 100 20 0 05 00 ao..... 80... 40 745020..Nn&....... 10,000 540 40 1,50 Malone....... 1 6,000.......... 350 200 2~~ ~~~~~~~~258 821ne....,000..... 4 0 10 6 3 0 Tic - ---- o n d _ -- ~ -- --- -- ero gat w... 0 0 2,00 7 0'....rtge..... 3,00 125 1500 7 4 0022'5LT~Go. estport..... 10 16 0 5 604 Yr,200 200 400250 1329 500 Trotalbi. 1 400........ 6140 350 420 300 28 76 0 430 LTot.......- 426,500 00 2 700 3,25 26 1,570 05,2 Buhrke....... 1 1,000........ 3500 12100 40 0 Madisonil..... 1 5,00 1000 700 70 8 00 Johnstown0..... 2 25000 3,00 10 45 3 1, 0 elo....... 1 1,8ova...0000 2000 950 42 00 Northanson... 1 2, 000.30 0 30 150150 400 De Ruyterd... 1,000...... 250 75 2 500 -- -- - -- --, -- - ---- ---- o o ---- S ulli a tn....... 25, 0 30 40 7 0 15 4 11 500 Total~~....... 5 3,0 3,0 2,6 1 0 5 90 3 2 0- - - - - _ - _ - __ __ __ Alaam... 2 580......... 60 20 2,0 M NO ooo —-- Tota lia......[- - 15,00,000...... 500 250 00 3 8 00 C,25 ila Ro....... 2,00 0 600 6 0 25 185 80 BUTO C. ebnon... 1............ 300 12 3 35 Gec....2,00 4.... 00 20 15 0 500 Brohadan..... 1 1,800........ 400 1300 6 48 5 70 Leno....... 1 4500 4,00 300 100, 5 400 Epha tah...... 1 - 00 50 30 10 0 40 e iet.. 2 2,0 190 55 3245 8,7 Elba....... 1 4,000..... 400 151089 500 Mandion...... 1 3000...... 4 00 250 85 00 Jeohnstow... 1 6,000 "56 1,000 425037001947,00 gNelsn....... 8,00 2,00 000 15013 75 Notamptlon... 1 260..... 30 5 15 60 am....g,0 0 5 8 2,0 Pembroke..g, 2 2000 500 600 255 09 95 0 40 Sitfield...... 1 6000.......... 50 2 00 20 900 -- -- - -- ------ - --- - ---- ---- ---- u l l ivnt n.. 1 5, 0........ 500 300 175 0 15,1500 Total....... 1 33202,000 3,77512,26 75 87 1,502it r... 1 450 9.... 05,200 7 0 GENESEE (JO...... 60 538 STATISTICS OF RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. CHURCHTE S —(CONTINUED). Total....... s~ ][ 66 _ 15o 2: 6o__qo s, 5o Ciami......... 1 3,000..... 20 7 0 8 0 Abo... 1 $ o......... 200 100 52 250 R Chetr..l 000.....,5 1 30 I 3 230 A by...... 1 0...... 25/0 60... Swedn..... 273,000......... 3. 00 4 0200 I 0 lni~ l 2 620 $0 60 25 20 0 Webstridge00........ 00 15 I 2 0 I ati- 192,000......... 350 4 1250' 25 Wheatland " 2 2 6,0.0 750 25 1 80 i Mxco o...... 2 5,0...... 42 20 1-9 600^^ ^ Rioa......... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~,;w,- to1 $3,7000......... 250......... $5 0 1 lin... I ^ 0.......20 1 0 52 2 0 Rochestr.. 60,00......... 2,250 1,330 11,030 R 350 |! Palerm o..... 1 24000......... 1 00 60 70 200 AS terdea... 3 17,3000......... 1,600 400 2550 7200 RIchlandibal.... 2 3,2500 2,16 500 21 3900 Chalebstor.. 1 8,000......... 500 200 12 400 Sastnd Cre.. 1 I2, 500......... 250 15 0 25500 Wheatl doo... 2......... 35 175 140 600 T o t a l...... 2 1.................. NEW l... YOR CO 15,0T,0,5,90|,2 1051 s eo ctal.... 2 416,0200 7,00 700 4 508 I,8" I 3265,475 ONIAGARAEC. iPlermoo.... 1 00......... 50 8 70 16 350 Lokprts uterdam... 1 26,000.........50 400 30 0 11cn.... 2 350 210 80 35 23 1,37 Charlesto.... 1 2,00 00.........,5 00 0 00 1700 75 50 P-ompey...... 1 4,000......... 350 175 140 600 Toiagaa...... 2 1 8 0 4,000 8 6000 1,01. 2_ 300 -- — 00 "1E0 2500 Y- La-i ng b 0 0 |h. Porterr...... 24 88,000 22,500 48,00 110,50 L,610e3880 I OTE O. | ~~. I |,0..... 30 20 1(I. 0 NIGRoAlton —---------------— 0 - Brliangto.... 3,0.... 5 7 0 5 Lockport..'... 1 8,~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~000...... 800 200 1001,0 trus.,0.... 0 5 6 0 Skwaneatel..... 4,5000......... 40( 250 170 i 600 li- Edassato...... 2,0 1,00 0 250-0 175 90 00 Syracue. loo 1 0 500 600 4 1,000 6,150 85 500 Somerset... 2 3,0 80 80 25 17 70 iMdlfe.. 1 3,000 500 4 5 0 250 109 4010 i,000 800 75 5 17- 70 1 W heatfield.............. I ilford...... I 1,000......... 400 100 88 40 Wilson I... 10,000 100 40 20 25i60| M r s.... 1 1,200......... 250 150 9 0 500 4,500__ __ ~ _ ____ J ____ _ ____ I ____ I New Lisbon.. 1 1,700......... 500 200. 92 400 Total...... 9 1 33,500 3,025 3,350 o1,250 65 3,400I Oneonta. 6,00........ 550 200 169 Soo *O^ID Co -- ------------ --- -? -— ^- --- - --- --- Q~~~~~~~~~~~~~~teg)o....... 1 2,800........ 3)25 80 36 250 lSem' k....... }'0 40 15 o 15~ Annsvill.... 1~ 1,500 500 400 125 8' 400 * Boonv Ile..... 2 1,3000 1,80 500/Plai,4l 1 2,000.....,.. 3,50 00 52 300 0-0 I~~ichfio,,d.o I o........,00 0 10 4 0 Deerfield... 1 11000......... 300 70 20 200 ^ch el I1). 1, 0.... 0 I4 0 New Hartford. 1 3,0..... 0 0 75 5500jl os~e oom -* 1 1500........ 600 75 37 }00 Paris........ 1 3;000......... 300 150 150 600 (-~ d.. 1 3 000' ^ 3 2( 8 50 Remsen...... 2 -2,750......... 460 200 116 550 _Undilla 2 3)?0 -1,000 2,800 175 II 700 Rome........ 1 5,000......... 500 3)50 250 1,0 00 Westford.... 2 4,100......... Soo 250 185 900 Sanogerfield.. I 3,000 2,000 400 100 75 i600 At'orcester.... 2 6,500......... Soo 400 193 850 Steuben....., 2 6 o o loo7 69,. 100 Trenton...... 3 700 100 80 45 15 00 i Total...... 25 163,900 3,100 11,455 3,410 1,1,985 |9,310 T~~tica........ 2 22,5~i 000..,0... 130 425 5415,700 IP T A o LVtica....... 2 22 00 500 400 15..... 167580 58 i~ Carmel...... 2 8,000 2,00 950 415 449 1,500 Vernon....... 1 4,000........ 400 150 78 40 |Ket7...,0 00 100 3557,5 Verona;...... I 2 G~~~~~~~,~ 0 ao ~01 14a," 0 },500~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Kn........3. 0 400..0. I0l... Vienna....... 1 500........ 3 00......... 31,00 10 130 43, 400 Westmoreland 2 3,500 600 710 0 2900 16C)0 300 ||Philipstown.. 1 4,000 250 300 I2 1101 900 Whitestown.. 2 4,500 2,000 650 375 2261 50 - G _ __'_ _ _ __ 1 __ _ ____! ____ _ ____' ____!! _ Total...... 7 1,600 2,350 2, 550 |1,015 1,159 | 3,950 Total....... 24 66,150 9,600 |o8,530 3,595 o2, 38 9,275 TN o. | -S C o'ONONDAGA Co. ----------------- 1 lushing-... 1 4 0 0 I........ 250 100 40 500 C amillus..... 1 5,000......... 300 125 88 I1000 i Oyster Bay.. 2 3,5500........ 500 90 30 60 Clay......... 1 3,000........... 300 200 82 575...... 3 — - * — o -:Nalbrdes.7,.........3 450 30 / 9253520 1,30 orthied.. abridge...... 2 19,000......... 900 425 155 J, T56 Fabis....... 1 6,000 o 600 250 154 | 850 Manlius..... 2 9,000 2,800 1,100 450 460 J500 Berlin.......I1 4,000 800 500 200 260 700 GMarcellus.... 1 2,000......... 250 125 65 550 G rafton...... 1 2,000......... 350 100 190 400 Onondaina.... 1 3,000 800 220 60 7 300I Hoosick...... 1 1,500......... 450 175 81 500 Ponipey... 1 2,000 800 Low0 100 50 250 Lansinolburgh. 1 2,400......... 300 200 75 600 Skaneateles... 1 4,500......... 600 150 118 500 OrNassau..... 2 2,000......... 60(( 50 2185 200 Syracuse.... 2 28,000 300 1,060 575 370,150 No. Greenbush I 2,000...... 200 75............ Tully........ 2 4,500......... 375 200 134 500 Petersburg. 1 5,000......... 600 125 110 600 VanBuren 2 4,000 2,500 750 275 144 900 Poestenkill...... 1 1,200......... 225 700...... 300 0aLUX___ __ - __ ____ - ____ - ____ ____ Sandnake...... 1 1,00 0 700 200 100 600 Totarl........ 1 9,5 00 4,000 7,455 A 302, |l.897 057 Colton...... I,00 2,000 200 75 69.00... Carlstonl....'... 3,300......... 5 00.......270.D.. Try.... 2l 5,0........ 1,900 3 750 1,0180 3500 Kenndall..... 1,0 35,000..20 F o lr....... 300 200 19 ll00i -- -5 --- ------ — 0 —!Glrhmy...... 3,02 3 00 1,000 500 150 805 700 G otalneu..... 14|8,000 3,800 6,350 3 2, 25 8223,00 Manchester.... 123,500....,540019 500 I2ro...,00.4 7250 10 50HN Co. Shelby........ 321,500 350('2 35 210 1,30 72tfil..6 1,00 Lawrnce.... 1,050 800 420 1,90 0 ~'~_ _______ ___ __ __ J _ - etese........7,000.... 5 0 2 0 13 5 0 ~ard.....,500 ) ))20 270 620 1,00Minismk..... 1 3,000- - Masen....... 30 20 17 00 IOag w.. 4 1,200....... 86 7 35 218 5,00 - ------ - __ __ _ L __ _ Total...... 9 25,500 2,000 4051,68 6 4,251 54ethe. 0 71 3158 215074 STATISTICS OF RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 539 CHUrCHES-(CONTINUED). Tow l 1^s. { I' I 5~ ~ I. TOWNS.. |i i: TOWNS:.1 l - l 0 ^ il ^ il il f'o ^ ~| it ii 11 ^ Parishville... 1 83,000 $800 500 I175 126 8 685 N ew-ark Valley 1 I 800 el, 200 200 7 5 46. 89500 Potsdam..... 1 5,000......... 400 200 125 11,000 Owe-o....... 1 8,000......... 750 300 200 1,000 Russell......! 1, 200......... 600 150......| 400 Spencer...... I 2, 500......... 500 200 295 500 --! — -- -- - -- -- -- Tioga........ 1 2,000 600 150............. Total...... 14 |45,100 4, 800 5,500 12,015 1,365,855_ -- SARATOGA Co. ------------- Total...... 1 1 I 25,900 | 1,500 4,350 1,450 913_ 3, 900 Ballston..... 1 4,000 1,000 400 250 113 700' T P:K 1-s- Co,]~.. Clifton Park.. 1 4,000 700 500 200 220 750 Caroline 300 100 76 525.~~~~~~~2Ie..... 1, 0oo.........., o::: O O o Corinth...... 1 2,000......... 270 70 2 5...... Danb....... 2 2,000......... 3000 150j 60 300 Galway...... 2 6,000o...... 1 2,000......... 300 1o50 V9 300 Greenleldd....... 930 160 165 6...... 93,000 "..... 6o 5 2 100 Ha~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~nieldoo..... I 3,0.... 5 0 2 Halfmoon..... 2 3,000......... 650 300 215!1.050 Groton...... 7,00 1,400 900 300 280 950 Milton....... 1 13,500 800 900 275 293 860 Ithaca....... 1 14,000......... 475 280 189 1,00 Moreau......... 300 100 37 210 Lansing...... 3 5300 1,200 800 255 147 700 Providence... 1,200 700 200 100 100 500 Newfield I I500......... 350 6 0 50 300 Saratoga..... 1 4,.000....... 300 200 158 625 Ulysses...... 1 5.000 60000 0 300 427 600 i/ Saratog~'a Spr.. I 23,000 2,500 800 400 318 1,200 Stillwater.... 2 5,500 4,800 700 325 90511,200 Total...... 13 42,300 3,200 1 4,275 1,645;l,339 4,775 Waterford.... I 4,000......... 300 100 101 600 I'Ut CO. Wilton.......1 1,600 225 25 15...... Kingston...... 2 22,000 7,000 600 290 250 1,600 - -- - -- -- - -- ---- - ---- -- --- ---- i Marlborough.. 2 4,000........ 650 240 116 800 Total...... 19 79,300 10,500 72,237 9,780 23osendale.... 1,500 i, 400 100 60 500 SC ENBCTADY.. ~. Sau"-erties....J 1 4,500......... 250 150 94 00 ~~~~~n] 0....00~ 75 100 Duanesburgh. 500 700 250 175" 120 500 Wawarsing..i 1 1,500......... Soo 0 200 Glenville..... 1 1,500......... 300 90 115 5(0 Woodstock.. 500......... 300 50 35 600 Schenectady "i 1 15,000......... 600 400 300 700 Total...... 8 42,000 7,000 2,500 | 05 655,4,300 Total...... 3 17,000 700 1,150 665 | 535 1,700 WAIREN Co. SCHOIA IE C. Bolton I......... 200 40.... Broome...... 1 200......... 250................... Chester...... 1 1,500......... 250 45 54 300 Esperance.... 1 1,400......... 300 200 153 600 Johnsburo h 1 500......... 300.... Gilboa....... 1 2,500......... 300 100 80 250 Luzerne...... 1 800......... 200 00 21 Jefferson..... 2 1,400......... 700 250 125 200 Queensbury.. 2....... 600 350 252 850 Richmondville 1 1,500......... 300 75 40 200 Thurston. 1 400......... 100 50 70 I-Do Seward...... 1 2,000......... 250 200 50...... Sharon....... I 1.000......... 400 150 60 400 Total...... 7 14,300......... 1,650 545 437 1,300 Summit...... 2 1,800......... 800 300 165 700 VWA xNG,'oX. Dresden...... 1 400......... 150 50 20 100 Total...... 10 11,800.......... 3,200 1,2751 673 2,350 Fort Ann..... 2 5,500 t.......... 650 7 56 200 SCU~YLE I Co. So }cuYLER~o.; l i | Fort Edward.. 2 7,500........ 550 375 308 800 Dix......... 3 7,000.. 850 205 250,2000 0rI......... 400 200 175 600 IHector....... 2 6,000.... 1,'4'0'0i 750 Greenwich...00 2 300 2,500!' 1,15o 50 760 1,650 Orange 2 4,050......... 700 350 150 550 Ilartford. 4,000........ | 1,500 00 221 650 Readi2g...... 11,000.200 100 0 Tyrone...... 4 13,794 3,400 1,112 775 621 z2,236 Kingsbury... 8000 1,300 1,150 32 45,1 100 ---- - --' ---- - --- - -- Salem........ l 2,500 1,000 300 104 525 Total......12 33,844 4,800 3,662 1,830 1,381!5,586 White Creek..I 2 11 000......... 800 258 500 SENECA Co. Whitehall.... 1 8,000......... 0 150 C1 0 0overt....... 2 19,000 3,200 11300 700 412 1,545 Lodi......... I 1,000 1,000 250 200 160 400 Total......1 18 76,200 5,800I 7,1,') 3,'225 [2,5!3 7,82.5 Ovid......... 2 7,000 2,500 550 250 190 800 WAYINE Co. ~ Romulus..... 1 2,500 1,200 300 200 180 700 Arcadia...... 1 1,600............ 500 Seneca Falls.. 1 2,500......... 300 200 75 450 Butler....... 1,800......... 400 200 -175 500 Tyre........ I 1,600 500 300 100 800 350 Galen.... 1 1.200......... 500 1}00 20 600 -- -- - -- -- - -- ---- -!- --- - --— i —-- Lyons....... 1 4,000......... 300 150 70 600 Total...... —8 33,600 8,400 3,000 1,650 1,817,4,245 j' sMacedon..... 2,000 800 300 A0 35 300 STTUEE CO. | "[ Marion........ 1 4,000 575 475 235 650 Avoca....... 1 1,500......... 200 100 75/' 400 Ontario...... 1 1,200......... 400 150 35 350 Bath........ 2 4,650......... 1,000 300 201 800 Palnyra 9,000......... 360 200 202 1,100 Bradfordl..... 1,2,000 1,)0(0 20 0 951 350 |, Rose........., l 3,000......... 375 150 t 140 450 Cameron..... 2,2175..... 50 12 134/ 500 } Sodus........ 1 1,500 70 600 1001 85 500 Catch........ 1 2,000..c. 30 10 71t 400 Walworth.... 2 6,000..... 550 250 / 151 850 Corning...... 1 3,000...... 00[0 3 700 IIWilliamson...!l 3,000'..... 250 100 / 50 400 Erwin..... 2 5,000......... 57 287 31 60 oct...! 2 450..... 5 225 1 24 700 H rb....... 12 1,000! 5~ lo......... 2,50 850 60 301 - ------ - --- - -- -- Io ard..... 2,0 0 0 7 2,5 | oa...... 1514,0,5,6,4,,2,0 aspr......1,0 50I30C........ 30 50 3 95WftiESR — -- ~1 hide... 1.......... 10 7 4 10 B dowad...... 1,00,0 0 0 00 Pratsbugh. 2,000........ 550 280~ 14 T0 ortlad..... 2 41,500..... 770 200~ 1,4 1,000 Jute...,0 70 55 10 7 0 asp hser.. 1,0....... 250 100 78 80 Lindhle y..... 1 3,0....... 300 70 47 40 B redford..:.. 2 1,0 6,00 0 6210 7,0 -- -- -- -- -- -- -; --- - --- --- L wis oro... 1 3,0 0 1, 00 400 8O0 120 0 500 Tottablg..';66..... 20 I 75025 2,0 IC,5,8 161J.4 ortlz)ndt.... 2 7, 500 I...... 370 160 7 e41,005 SUFFOLK ~ 2, 8 0 7 S 7| Ne 30 RoatChester.. 3,2,00 |..... 200 100 53 71,000 Brookhaven.. 2 3,700 S.........I 400 110 139!1,000i Ossining-...../ 1 15,0 5,000 400 200/ 226 8(00 Southold..... 2 7,000 1,700, 800 300 318 1l,300 1 Rye........./ 1 10,000!.... 400 125~ 26 800 -- - - - ---- --- --- - —.. - I W est Far.ms..! 1 1o00o..... 400 100[ 60 1,o00 Total...... 4 10,700| 1,700 i 1,200i 410/ 4-57 ~2,300 t Yonkers...... 1 100 800 0 400 300 130 1,0 o"U LIA o. - ------ -- -- -- -- Yor to.... 1 3 0 0 2 0 0 4 0 1 0 1 0 0 Librty.... 2 2,600..... 450................ — 1 -- - - - -; -- -- - - - Tusten....... 1 1,500...20' 200 60'35 300)' Total...... 15 |68,7001 25,500 |4,915 2,115 1l,327 111,775 _T tl...... 3 4,0 i o 0o 60 6 3 0 Atica....,0......... 30 10 7 0 TIOGA' O^ —----------- ----- --- --- Ben ingto... l 2,500' 1'000) 175 60 40 2,50 Barton....... 2 7,000......... 750 500 205 1,300 Castile......./ 1 4,000..'.... 40 20 29 60 B~erkshire.. 1,0...... o250.......... hn..... 1 180 80 60 20 8 0 Candor ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ch.......4.60 30,300 22 16 00 Geee all 150..... 200 50 25 00 540 STATISTICS OF RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. CHURCHES-(CONTINTUED). ~indsor i~.. i t-g1.... i 20 j, ^ i i i i ~ i TOWNS. TOWNS. ________~~~ ~~~~ S. >^'r S ~^ v ~; ~ ~ ^^ ~ ~ Orangeville... 1 1,200...0 60 40 300 Gera Flats. 1 2,000.. 600 50 20 300 Perry........ 2'1,00 22(0' 8200 30 40,0 ep t... 1 150..... 00 25 0 40 Pike......... 1 3,o00.... 60 20 15 600 ---- she rdo....... 1 2,8 000 700 250 180 50 0 Total....... 3 4,3-. 1,300 235 [~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 700 ERIE CO.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-IEKIE O Warsaw..... 1 6,000....... 500 bi200'10 8 650 -L25S0.....Wethersfield.. 1 1,000......... 2 00 5 00 i......... 20225 150 93 500 Toncotal..... 2 3,200........ -- — 2-12-000 -2-2 -0 --- -— 50- — 0- 1 — 00 Lowville....... 1 5,000......... 300 70 52 400 Txs otl... 146,00 550\595!2001,7025,0 _ _ _* ___! __ __ __ __ PikreSC.I Total...... 2 7,200......... 425 220 1145 900 B neton...... 500.... 300 200 91 500 LBi00N7s0 25 0TOta Co... -- ----— 0 2 Warsaw.o i600......20 I 6... Ietaesily.,0.........2 " 2006 75 4 0866isug,20..... 2 5~15''57 3 50' Sprtai ll,000........ 1... 1 900......... 180 50 16 200 Totuale..... 14 4 30, 0 5.4512, 0 17-0 7-0 iddlsex 1 2500 1,00 30.......'" 300 2,00 910 30 200 110 800 Bent ~ ~ ~.~on66..... 1........................ Sprt P.m....... I/ s900........ 1o 5oo 16 200 Ital.....:... ~ 7oo 3,0 0 2 5 5 5 ooNmol, Co. Milo......... 3 13,000 1,000 1,290 475 79 4 1, 850 Penfield..... I 1, 500........ 30o0 1o o 0 500 Starkey...... 1 5,000.......... 300 150 181 700 Perrinton... 1 3,000......... 250 200 135 800 T Total^i..... __ 26,_800_ 1 2,60g0 3, 115 1080_ 1,213 |4,520J Total....... 4 lo7500 i l,00 l, 200 r 600 414 |2,400 MONTGOMERY. EVANGELICAL BAPTIST. Canajoharie... 1 4,000 1,500 200 225 120 1,500 T_________________________________________ Foot......... 1 2,500.........'. 0.50 30 O LEFW IS C o.'I -- -- - -- -- - -- ---- - --- --- --- Crocghan[...... 1 —.800......... 1, 0 80 304,..0Total.......2 - --- T6,500 1,5 0 0 0275 150 41,600 = ~' ===== = ===~ -==r_- NIAGARA CO. Royalton..... 1 1,500......... 300 50............ FREE WILL BAPTIST.'ONEIDACO.T —— j — ------------------------ BRMC. —--— New Hartford 1 2,0......... 250 150 35 400 i ~~~~~~~i O'ONNTGAMECO. Windsor..... I Soo......... 200 75 63 1 200 OXOND A Co. CAlTTARAUGUxS —---— Fabius —------ I^ L.-..... 1OO......... _n5__0( 58_ 400 Ashford...... 1 3,000......... 250 50....... RIO Co. Dayton....... 1 00......... 200 1005 25 1, 00 Freedom...... 1 1,000 250 350 100...... 30 iORLEANS Co. Humphrey... 1......................... 60 42 10 l Ganes....... I 1,000..... 250........ 12...... 60 42- 10 RoyalIo n....... Little Valley.. 1 300......... 300 50 40... 0 Randolph.... 1 1,200......... 200....... |..'] Shelby....... 1 2,000 j......... 300 90 60 250 Total...... 6 6,500 250 1, 350| 335 | 107 6~50| Total....... 3 8,000!.........| 950 I 19 0 | 132 |_850 CAYUGA CO. O I OEGO Co. Fleming...... 1 4 000......... 300 100 50 300 CoN stantia.... 1 1,000......... 150 50 25 150 Summer Hill.. 1 18200......... 200 50 65 350 Schroeppel... 2 4,500......... 900 250 140 700 Scriba....... 1 1,00 1,000 250 200 50 400 Total....... 2 5,200.........| 500 150 115 I 65 0 IVest Monroe. I 1,500......... 300 70 12...... CHAUTAUQUA COI -, - - - ~ - " - ~ - -- - 1Cherry Creek. 1 1,500......... 500 100 25 200 _Total....... 5l 8'500 1, 000 1, 600 570 227 1, 250 Ellington..... 1 1,600......... 240 ISO 100 400 OTSxRiO Co. Daytoan....... 1,000......... 250 100 5 61 350' Burlington... 1 1,500......... 400 150 41 400 Shredma 00........ 20 1 17 Villenova..... 1 2,000......... 400 150 80 500! Onconta...... 1 3,000......... 35 0 80 51 600 --'2__________ - ____ _ ____ ____ ____ Plainfield.. 1 2,500 800 600 100 40 350 Totalum4 6......... 11,390 530 266!l, 450 - VeteraI..i..... 1,00 0 40 45 250 ENSSELAER Co COHrENA.-N"GO C' Nassau...... 1 400 75 7. Columbusph 1 1500..... Poestekill... 1 1,500 125 250 100 75 300 German...... 1 15,000.........''850 200 175 350 K S:: 1 \ S *::**: l oa...... - OO T150 37|32 0 McTono..... 1 1,3500......... 400 10 4520 30 Newmrlin...... 1 500........ 400 40 30 300 owlrtal...... 4 1,500......... 1500 5 25 150 Sumerbun Hil.. 1, 500..... 170 75 65 300 cLaroencel.....1 1500....... 300 200 180 700 Sm ra.... 1 50...... 25 60...... 20| P rsc v e..,500.........~o 2256 80 60 o 2o00 Total....... 5,200......... 2,30 1590 I 15,450l Tosta.....o.I 3 1,500 I........_ 2 355 7 165...... CORTuLANDcCo. GIULR o Virgi~~~~~~~~~~~~] Ttl..... 1 1,0.... 50 80 6435100hre.. 1 3,00 0..... 2560 157 2'3 2400 Davenprt50 0 5010 2.0200......... 30 10 60i30 — ~-| -- i -- --- -- -- MElldinth.... 1,6 00.....240 580 2 100 IOTS~Ot*l_.^oL*^_.50_1. C5. Toa.... ~,0...... 0 5 0 400 o ute... 0..... 20 10 4 0 "E i~ —- - ------ --- -- -- ~ - R tb n.... 1oo 1, 500...... 300 75 5 40 Boston*....... 1 1,500~o ~,o......... 400 75o 30... T aooa.. 1 100 20 0 0 7 0 ~iord:::~'S:::::^ ^ I oa..... ^^0 -^ o-25~0 — Hamburgh.ooo 4,00.... o~o~..... 120o 75 4 0 T MKN o. Dickinson... 1 200......... Plifel4,00 200..... 300 4 0 WA350TN,:NSE o.- - --- --- -- -- -- -- i Pta....... 1 1,000 200o 200 75 75~ 300 Al.T~~ o oabam.... 7,000 45800 -100 70 500. 132 1,350 5feteran...... 1 1,600 0 4 00, 250 100 45 500 R\ S~X Glo ]t.. 1-,0..... 50 15 8 0 CByrc~ on.-...... 1 3,0......... Nas s a 10 7 30 oct......I 1 1,000!......... 150 750 2 5...... e otaelin.... 3 1,100 1,050 65 0 350 23 l300| Total...... 4 5,500...... 6 1500 375 11 2 4500 STATISTICS OF RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 541 CHURCHES-(CONTI-NUED). g 3 ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ o< - J ^ p" r!~~~~~~~~~~~~ TOWNS. I ~ | p I e ~ TOWNS.; | ____________ g~~0 g3 0g g;S | g- ______ ~ S ^ g -5 ^ WYOMING Co. ISTEUBEN Co. Attica....... I $1,000......... 400 100 50 |$300 lartsville. 1 $3,000......... 300 100 86 S100 Bennington... 1 800......... 200 45 25.. Middlebury... 1 3,000' 600 300 200 185'400 Pike........ 1 300......... 250 150 110 600 CAT1OLIC APOSTOLIC.'Warsaw..... 1 500 300 150 100 40 400 NEW YORK Co. Total...... ^ ^ ^ ""^IT^ I^ "^!^ NewYork I 12,000......... 200 -150 o7o 200 ~ --- --- -----? —-----— \ —--------—? -- ST. L AW REN CE. Potsdam...1 2,000 100 300 50 50 200 Potter....... 2 2,500 700 375 260 165 550 OLD SCHOOL BAPTIST. CHURCH OF CHRIST. CBROOME Co ------------------- ----' --- --- ONONDNGA Co. 1 i B~~~oOTME CO. ~~~~~~~~Syracuse...1 9,000.....450 150 128 1,500 Conklin....... I 2,000......... 2900 __85 _64 350 __yaue_^^^ ^,0^__.^_^^ DELAWARE Co. | Roxbury.... 2 2,500......... 900 300 128....... CURCH OF THE MESSIAH. GREE"NE CO. NE IKC LexinYtonr... 1 2,000......... 500 60 100 50...... New York.... 1 50,000......... 400 300 100 2 — -- NEW YoRK Co.1 New York.... 1 15,000......... 250 100......... CHRISTIAN ISRAELITE. ONEIDA CO.t Trenton..... 1 1,200......... 200 50 20 150NEYOI-C.'ONONDAGA CO. ~~~~~~~~~~New York.... 1 10,300......... 150 100............ Pompey..... 1 1,200......... 500 50 23...... ~ORANGE CO.CHITACONTO. W allkill 1 12500......... 350 150 69...... Warwick.... 1 4,000 4,000 5,000 150 65 350 ALBANY CO.NNCT —Berne........ 3 6,100 $200 950 450 283 750 Total....... 5,500 4,000 5,350 300 134 350 Westerlo..... 1 2,700......... 250 150 90 600 O SW EGO C o. ] -- -- - -- -- - -- - --- - --- ---' --- Palermo..... 1 450......... 200 60 20 100 Total...... 8,800 200 1,200 600 | 373 1,350 OTSEGO Co. BoO()Mi, Co. | Decatur..... 1 1,000......... 400 60 52...... Kirkwood.... 1 1,100......... 300 100 50 300 SCHORARIE Co. i CATTARAUGUS. | Gilboa......, 1 500 25 200 40 19...... Machias._.. 1 1,000......... 250 150 70 400 SCHUYLER CO. CAYUGA CO. Hector...... 1 1,500 500 300 30 25...... Auburn...... 1 2,000......... 300 75 100 600 IULSTTER - o. C -- -------- -- Conquest..... 1 3,000......... 400 100 50 336 Olive........ I 1 200, 500......... 300 125 175 400' ------ =======- -*- - -------- - - - -.-^ -- - - -- ^ Springport..... 1 4,000......... 300 160 25 600 Throop...... 1 1,800......... 300 50 87 300 ______________SEVE NTH DAY BAPTIST.___________ Victory......... 500 150 25 100 AiLLEGANY CO. Alfred....... 2 5,000......... 1,000 550 507 I,100 Total......] 6 14,300......... 2,100 660 462 2,336 Alma........ 1 500 50 200 50 76 200 CHAUJTAUQUA Co Friendship.... 2,000......... 200 100 82 300 Arkwright.......... 300 50 50...... enesee. 2 6,000......... 800 185 216 500 Chautauqua,.. 1 1,400......... 240 90 40 400 Independence. 1 1.500 800 200 100 30 600 Ellington..... 1 3,000 450 100 100 400 Scio......... 000 250 50 20 250 -- -- W irt........ 1 1,700......... 250 75 75 100 Total.... 3 5,600......... 990 240 190 800 ------ --- ----- TENANGO CO. Total...... 9 17,700 850 |2.900 | 1,110 [1,006 |3,050 Otselic........I 1 450....... 250 150 60 200 CHENANGO Co. COLUMBIA Co. Lincklaen.... 1 1,000......... 400 150 96 300 Austerlitz.... I 1,200 1,200 300 100 50 300 Otselic....... 1 1,000........ 250 25 30...... Canaan...... I 2,000......... 200 150 75 500 Preston...... 1 600......... 200 30 40 250 Hillsdale..... 1 1,500 200 300 50 30 300 Total...... 3 2,600......... 850 205 166 550 Total...... 3 4,700 1,400 800 300 155 1,100 Cuylr..... 1 1,200......... 250 50 35 200 Harford....... 1 I 500......... 200 30 6 | 50 Scott........ 1 4,000/..... 300 200.0 5 0 " E ^ A ^ O -- -- ~ ----- -- -- -- Tota - - - - - -- - -- -- --..... i........|, 0......... 2050 4 1 0 Total..... 2 5,200.........| 550 250 8 5 700 Hanmden......1 1 2,000 }......... 300 100 80 400 JEFFERSON. Co. | ~ ~ ~~~ Ilarpersfield..11 1,500 |......... 300 75 40 450 Adams....... 3,500 1,400 500 3120 267 600.. -- -. ------- - -- - - -- Itounsfield... 1 800......... 220 20 30 65 Total......- 3 5,300 |.........| 800 225 | 168 950 Lorraine..... 1 1,500!......... 200 100 54 400 Du c ~s'U C ESCo." - ------ -- -- - -- --------- - --- ---- --- - M ilan........ 1 2,500...... 900 75 100 600 Tota..... 4|5,800 1,400 920 430 [351 |105 Pine Plains... 1 2,000..... 225 100 36 150 LEwIs Co. I Stanfford..... 1 2,800..... 750 250 175 400 Denmak.... 1,000......... 450 50.......... Union Vale... 1 1,400..... 350 125 35 767 Watson.... 1,500......... 200 150 100'|.......- -- ------ -- -- i]- - ------ -- - -- --' -- Total...... —-4 8,700......... 2,225 1 550 346 |1,917 Total.... 2 3,500......... 650 | 200 100 | 4001 "Ealu Co. --- - -------- ------ "MAxso~ Co. "I | Amherst..... 1 600......... 400 120 100 300 Brookfield.... 2 2,800......... 600 385 4001i1,0001 Lancaster.. 1,5..... 150. 25 10...... IDeRuyter.... 1 2, 500..... 400 150 131' 600 Marilia...... 1 1,500..... 300 200 60..........- - --- --- --- -- Newstead.... 1 450..... 100 40 20 100 Total...... 3| 5,300......... 1,000 535 531 |1,600 Tonawanda... 1 3,000..... 400 100 105 500'ONEIDA Co......,- ----- ~- —:-iVerona...... 2 1,900........ 440 130!151 |450 _Total...... —- 5 6,700.....1,350 485- 295 |_900 OTSEGO CO.i FRtANKLIN Co. ||I Edmeston.... 1 1,000 500 200 50 30 |300 Dickinson.... ll2,000 i......... 500 _150_... 200 KENSSELAER CO... ]ULTON Co.I Berlin....... 1 3,000......... 350 150 100 600 33roadalbin....1 1,000......... 500 100 100 250 542 STATISTICS OF RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. CHURCHES-(CONTINUED). TOWNS. TOWNS. GENESEE Co. ISENECA Co. Pembroke.... 1 $1,000......... 300 100 50 $400 Tyre......... 1 $800......... 150 75 60...... Stafford I 300......... 400 100...... 200 W aterloo..... I 1,000......... 200 25 21....... Total...... 2 1,300....... 4 00 200 50 600 Total...... 2 1,800 350 100 81...... GREENE Co. * STEUBEN Co.] Greenville.. 1 3,500 $300 400 250 200 700 Cameron..... 1 330......... 200 25............ New Baltimore 1 4,000 1,200 400 350 75 800 Thurston...... I 1,000......... 200 100 40 $200 -- ----- - - Troupsburgh 1 00......... 200 100 60 150 Total..... 2 750 1,500 800 600 275 1500 Wayland..... 1 1,300......... 200 70 15 75 JEF FERSON CO. — -- 030-...~. -.. -- - — 2- 5 --- -— 2 Hounsfield.. 1.......... 200 o30 5; 150 T Tota........ KINGS CO. TIOGA CO.| Brooklyn.... 1 2,000......... 200 __ 25 _ 6...... Tioga........ 2,0......... 375 16 150 30 LivINGSTON CO.' TOMNPKINS CO. 1 Lima........ 1 1,000......... 200................... I Elnfield....... 1.3,000........ 500 150 53 252 Livonia...... I.......... I........ 200 65 65 220 Groton.... 1 1,000......... 375 50 7-5...... Springwater......... 150 50 40 200 Newfield..... 1 1500......... 200 150 50 2.0 Total.......... 3 2,200..... 550 115 | 105 420 i Total...... 3 5,500 |..... 1, 075 350 178 482 MONROE CO. WAYNE' Co. Greece.... I 1,000......... 400 175 104 400 Arcadia...... 1 5,000......... 300 250 179 500 Me-ndon...... 1 3,000......... 300 170 140 800 1 Butler'... 1 2,500......... 400 250 175 500 Parma....... 1 2,500......... 300 150 107 400 Marion...... 1 5,000......... 800 I 500 | 260 500 Rush........ 1 1,500......... 500 100 75 200 Sodus........ 1 800......... 350! 150 | 25... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~otal 4 1,00 D1 Totalo...... 4 8,000......... l00,85Q l,1500 60 150 MONTGOMERY. AVESTCITESTER1. Charlestown. 1 3,000......... 400 175 375 300 Morrisaoia.. 1 6,000......... 50o 10 35 1,500 Root......... 1 2,500......... 225 90 90...... W YOMIN11-,NG Co. -- -- - -- ------ ---- - ---- - ---- ---- ~~~Castile....... 1 2,000......... 250 50 56 300 Total... 2 5,500......... - ~625 265 465 300 Wethersfield.. 1 1,200..... 200....... 10...... NIAGARA Co. Royalton..... 1 2,500 350 250 75 70 400 Total... 2' 3,200..... 450 50 66 300 "ONONDAGA Co. YATE iS-C-o. Cicero....... 1, 500......... 250 200 250 400 Starkey._..... 2 1 _ 3_,000_._....... 750_ _ 65 __110_ _300 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o(na. --' Ly sander... I 2,800...-...... 300 10 45 400 —------- T —------ Pompey...... I 1,000.......... 250 100 140 600 CONGREGATIONAL. VaBren I 1,000......... 300 60 24 300 ALBANY/CO. Total2...... 4 6,300....... 1,100 460 459 1,700 Albany...... I 40,000......... 1,000 300 308 2,500 O —W~atervliet I 1,0o......... 150 100 15...... W.Bloomfeld 1,250......... 280....... 38...... -ORLEANS Co. j...... -..-2-41,000......... — 400 - 23-2-500 Barre........ 1 1,000......... 400 50 5...... 400 225 6, 0 50 Clarendon.... 1 1200......... 200 100 401500o Shelbv 1 1^00 9^0 100 80 ^00~~~~~~~ Andover. I.. 1,000 $800 200 70 40 500 Shelby~ ~ ~ ~ /....... 1,0.....o 5 o 00 8 0 Springwater.. 1 1,200........ 150 50 |/ouo C40ea20 0...wf1e2,000..........0400010050 19 300 Total...... 3 3 —0...... 850 250 125 800 -New Hudson. 1 1,400......... 450 125 48 500 MoTSEo Co. {[; UTSEGO^O. | Rushford. e I 1,500........ 250....... 30. Hartwick 2 2,00......... 600 350 296 900 11 lrcaia l 1..... Laurens......' 2 2,100......... 550 300 119 1,000 Milford...... 1 1,000... 300 100 50 500... 400 2 50 a77 4 0 r~~~~~m~ ~~~~....... Tota.... 73oo}01 80,5 70342, — Roseboom.... 1 1,500 650 300 150 80 200 o ~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~ioo.lu- o Tntoon1 (o\\~ 07O Barker....... 1 2,000 1,000 400 40 750 Total...... --` iotal.... 6 —— 4-o0 —-- 86500 1,i 500 I 90 o4o 2,6,8 ToaBing...... 1 6,000......... 400 1,00 12 1,200.......ER. CaLisle........ 2 7,000 600 750 300 55 1,200 Berlin...... 1 2,500 30 750 -1 30 0 I 1 3 Brunswick 1 1,600..~~~~~~~ ~~~~........7 5 2 0, Tinl..... 1 1 0 20 30 15 7 0 Poysten il.,0 0 0 0 0 0 i _ ota...... 7-130 380 -270,0 8,7 i ~ ~ ~ ~~ota... u ~ li0u l,)U 70u 401)i01^ 6 T ast Ott..... 31 1,00.........1 450 75 25 400 Ciero.......1 1,500'......... 20 200 I 50 35400 Starkey...... 3,l;0000...'...70 205 110 500 BLy stn... 2 170..... 30 10 8 40 j anderp.... 1 2,500.....100 15 40 400 " Pompe — ~^ --- T^ - ~.,, Moai..'.... 1 5,000 1,000 70 12040 600CO GGAIAL TCOAI o.ta Ttl...... 3 — 63-! - 12,800- 4(1,20 1400590 3 1 7,00 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Abanym...... 1 |41,000......... 1,0 0 500 308 1,00| HUAQ o -- - - ------------ 9N zoCoblsil. 1 9 0.....'7 50 2W0 atryolie..... 1 1,5 0 5 100 5........ 0 0 3 8 W. Blomfndield 1 1,5000......... 300 80 7 0 liot... 000........ 45300 10 8 0 Summit...... 1 1,000 |.........otal50 4 75 000 150 4 ligo... 1 3,0.... 00 160 1 50 00 B arreh...... 1 30I..... 35'0 4 0 am n.... 1 120......... 20 10 6 0 -- ------ -- -- - -- — 1i n o e..,000 1, 00 250 80 650 Toa... | 470| 7,5 | 45 26!,00 Shelbyn...... 1 3,000'1,(5'200 475 10 109 500 Hecor.....1 1,2001.........! 150 100 __ 2 200 Toa.... 7 2,30|,50 2 25 90 54 300 STATISTICS OF RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 54 CHURCHES-(CONTINUED). 6 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~,F]:~O CZo. Bainbridge... I.... - a TOWNS. 2 ~ ~. TOWNS. |S. ^ ~. ~ CHEMTNNNG- Co. HE RKIME I Co. Elmira city.. 1 1,0..... 70 600 220 1,800'Winfield... 1 $3,50....... 400 200 60 $600 CIIENANGO Co.!JEFFERSON Co. Bainbridge.... 1 5,000......... 400 100 50 500 t Champion.... 2 2,800......... 450 175 15 650 Columbus.... I 1,000 s800 400 75 25 -...... Ellisburgh......,5000 139 1,300 Coventry..... 2 6,500 3,000 800 370 346!1, 2)00 Rtodman...... I 4,000......... 300 100 90 500 Greene....... 1 2,500 800 350 125 100 600 Guilford..... 2 4,500 1,000 4175 350 220 600 Total...... 5 11,300......... 1,O00 475 244 2,450 Lincklaen..... 1 1,500......... 500 200 20 300 oKIG Co. B ro1y.. 12!1370 New Berlin.. 1 3,000 1,200 250 150 100 400 Brookly 2 481,800 $22,500 3,0 7,445 4,004 41, 500 Norwich....... 1 10,500 2,500 450 300 175 1,200.... Oxford......... 8400 22......... 2,500......... 250 75 22 500 Pitcher...... 2 3,300 900 850 250 152'998 DiaIna......... 000 25 0 5 22 00...... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Leyden...... 1 3,000..... 300 220 30 400 Sherburne.... 1 8,000 1,500 350 150 150 850 Osceola...... 1 1000......... 200 75 is 1 Smyrna...... 1 2,000......... 450 150 97 500 Turin......... 1 11400......... 250 50 22 250 Total...... 15 55,800 IL, 700 15,675. 2,445 J,535 18, 248 T otalI...... 4 7~900......... "1,000 1 420 92 1,350 CLINTON Co. i LivINGSTON, Co. -- -------- --- -- - Ausable...... I 1 1,300......... 800 250 141 11,000 York........ 2 4,500 1,500 625 170 12-0 1,000 Chazy........ 1 2,200 400 500 100 60 500 MADSO ^ ----' — O? —--------- Peru......... 1 2~~~~~ ~~ ~ ~~~~~~,00000 5 15 0 PeErato.......... 2 8)500......... 800 300 207 1,500 i0Geor~,etown I 1,000 500'300....... 20...... Total...... 900 200 102 600 55,0BIA C 1 1 7 00 1 5 67 5 2 45 To.a Lebano...... 1 7, 400......... 900 200 102 400 Austerlitz.... 1 1,200 1,200 500 100 30 300 Leanon...... 1 3 000......... 400 75 1 400 Canaan...... 1 3,000......... 250 140 100 400 Manon..... 1 3,000 400 200 75 700 Madison ~ i" 1,00o200 40 20 7 0 Chazy -- —.....'i ------ -- ~~ ---- - - -- -- -- StockbridS... 1,000 1,000 400 100 65 400 Total...... 2 4,200 | 1,200 1 7 50 | 240 130 1 700 Sullivan... 1 2,000.........'250 100 35 700 CORTLAsND Co. Cincinnatus.. 3,000 1,000 500 200 121 800 Total...... 10 28,200 3,500 3,700o 1 1,175 758 4,800 Cortlandville. 1 4,000........., 500 200 145 600 MONROE Co., Cuyler....... 1 800........ 180 150.......... Brighton 1 5,000 200 400 150 so 900 Harford...00 I,50.......... 1, 150......... Z-0'...01 8 Homer....... 1 25,0L5,000 1,000 600 443 1,,50 Henrie...... 1 3,000 1,00 0 25 0 040 30 Virgil........ 1 2,500 1500 1 00 70 30 350 ALendox.......1 3,000 o,0 50 75 4 3500 Yrgl......... 50 150 100 400 Madin..... 1,8000..... 500 300 145 1,100 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Pritn.... St cbig..3,000...... 20 100 225 14 100 Total...... 6 35,450 1,250 2: 830 2 0 7 00 2ivan......... 2 |,00 2,400 2 50 300 1 40 13 5 00 DELAWARED C Rochester 1 60,000......... 1,200 450 302 750 Franklin... 1 6,000 2,000 7100 250 169 1,000 _ _ - _ ___ - __ __ __ __ i-nciancock.. 1 3,000......... 300 100 50 600 Total...... 8 90,000,5100 3,430 1,755 991 6,100 uarpersfield 1 1,500......... 300 80 50 280 NEW YORK Co. Masonville... 1,1,500 2,000 50............ 4.,000 20 400,6251,092 11,100 Meredith..... 1 2,000......... 400 125 50 40 40...... 4 - Sidney....... 2 3,000 1,000 400 160 95 600 Cam0ria 1 3000 2000 250 125 105 700 Sita fordg. 1 5 00......... i 1,0 4U 4500 Walton....... 2 4,600'3,200 600 350 365 11400 Lockport...... 1 15,000 15,000 400 250 238 1,000 Walton....... 2 4,6007 _3,200 __6 _350 365 1,40 0 ONiagara...... 9,000......... 400 130 45 1,100 ~~~~~~~~~Roatn 200....:..... 250 1 4 12 3000 Total...... 10 " 24,600 | 8,200 | 3.290" 1,275 880250,1 othal... 1 1,500 1,500 350 100 82 600 R al....... 4 29,1.7,'"o:;10 0 605 400 3,100 P'keLs iWA e city 1 t,0......... Rohse1..6,000 60 250 2200 ONEID CO. Franklepsieciny^ ^OOO^^.^ ^ 600 _250_^usta...'.'A2 7,000 1,000 700 750 400 1.35 1,300 Total...... 2 27,500 13500 |1,350 7 00" 332 2.600 Masonville'"I 1.1,500'"21()()() 35 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Flornce 000 524 - e ok.... 42.....,400.,..5..,9....,10 er Floy......... 1 000 4 (00 1 295I 100 "I0 200 Co. Solden 1 2,000......... 250 100 64 300 Kirland'... 2950...... 5 600 13. EdenC........ 2 40500 2,250 650 250 901,000 Evans.... 3 9,300 1,150. 1,430 200 143 800 MT-arshall...... I,0 Soo::...... 80 210 135 80 North Collds. l 700......... 300 25 15...... Maris........ 2 1 300. 0 0 30 10 60 S Po.apori..... 12 000 50 0 30 0 450 20 700 ~,aLewis......t..! 8 00'':200 1,000 150 70 5 5,0 300 110 30 Total...... 7 1,5 00 30........ 250 10 4 1 2010 ~ hoon...... 1 150..... 30 5 25~..... Wetorln 1,000!,00-0 30 11,0 Ticonderoga.. 1 1,5~~~~y~o........ 1,00 5 o50 400 ~soon.. 2,0.....o 0 o 8 9 5 NorthpoEast...1 1 1,200....... ~5000 80 110......'''_____ - __ __ __ Pokepi ecin ty. 1 86, 00......... 1,50 600 2 250 To00Auutal...... 72 5,000,5,00 I1,55 285 1, 7,314 Tota......,0^20"^ ~65|674 Br~idgwae../: 2,0IS 300I::: 9l0 350 FRANKLIN~~~~~~~~~,0 C. Florence.....1 9,0 150 70 2013 80 Burke.......~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ 1'1,200 00 55 00 7...... Fbu...... 1 5,0...... 60 10 3 70 Malone~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~.... 1 1,000........./'";00 35(,50 L)aet.....1 800 10020 0 06( 65 C olde n........ 12 1,00 1,40 300 40 4 30 n n a a.. 2 3,0..... 4 5.......... ~:d- - - - --- - -- -- -- --- O ic........ 1,00..... 900 400 0 0 __Total...... 3| 12~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,70 1,0Q|,60| 64 |40 l,50 P m e......... 5,00........ 60 12 14 60 FULT~~ ~,o o C~6 ~oo. |o~,o S-yraus.....12,0 55 550....... 32 1,800 Johnstw. 1 20 00........ 75,30,150 2,40 2l,00 -- - - - -- - - --- --- --- -- Alex~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~andrsal..... 1 1,8000/40 0................ ONAR00o Borge.... 2C270 320 70 40 20,0 rsol..... 1 180.... 0 7050 500 Elba........~. 1 4,000..... ri.... 40 10 8 50 a ndi^-a../ 18,ooo 4,0 950 70 362 1,00 -- -----. ----- --- _ ---- --- -- - GRe in en...... 1, 0 1,500...................... Total....... 7 21,500,4.00 21.- 750 10 396 [2,900 544 STATISTICS OF RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. CHURCHES —(CONTINUED). ~~~ hms o.i.... oot oooi g TOAWNS. I I TOWNS. l i I ^ ^: ~~~~~2680 150 IS 1^ IT400313 IS *S^ ^ i Richmond.... 2 ~8,000 $350 800 265 76 $700 Richford I 1 2,000......... 300 80 50 $400 W. Bloomfield 1 4,000 1,000 450 325 130 800 Spencer...... I 3,000 $1,000 400 150 150 450 Total...... 7 — 1 41,300 5,350 3.400 1,760 883 Total...... 70 16,700 5,800 3,800 1,165 979 5,550 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~lTotal...... 1 - ORANGE Co. I TOMNPKINS Co. Bloom'g Grove, 1 5,000 2,500 800 250...... i,200 Dauby....... 1 6,000 800 450 175 145 600 Wallkill..... 2 7,500 3,000 800 475 248',1350 Groton....... 1 5,000......... 500 200 165 1,000 -- -- - -- -- - -- - ---- - --—... - ---- Ithaca....... 1 575 250 25 0 20...... 100 Total...... 3i1 0 Tota.....3 12,500 5,500 1,600 725 248 [2,550 ---- - --- --- --------- ORLEANS CO.- - ------ -- -- -- - _ Total...... 3 11,57 1,050 1, 200 395 310 )1,70 Barre...... 1 4,000 1,200 400 150 78 400 ULSTER CO. Gaines....... 1 3,000 1,300 450 150 78 700 Saugerties... 1 4,500....... 250 150 94 600 Gan s...... 3 00 1 30 45 5-_ I) _- - -- -- _ - -- - - --- _ --- ----; ---- W ASITINGTO " Total..... 2 7,000 2,500 850 300 156 1, 100 Granville.... 2 2,100 900 460 120 50 800 OSWEGO Co. Greenwich... I 6,000 1,500 300 100 60 700 Hannibal..... 1 5,000......... 360 200 1.30 600 H-lartford.. I 4,000......... 500................... Mexico....... 1 10,000 2,000 500 300 200 1,000 Whitehall.... I 5,000 4 300 40 25| 400 New Haven... 2,500 1,400 500 150 100 650 ---- -- Oswego city.. I 30,000......... 600 300 211 500 Total......| 5 17,100 2,800 1,560 260 135,1,900 Parish.......... 350 60...... 200 WAyNE Richland....'. 1 2,000 1,500 500 200 156 800 Marion...... 1 1,800......... 300 150 105 500 Sandy Creek.. I 2,000 1,000 300 100 84 6 50 "W ISTCHESTER. ---------------- - ^ Schroeppel... 1 2,000 100 400 250 80 700 Morrisania... 1 15,000......... 550 250 111 1,500 Volney....... 1 2,000 1,000 500 175 99 550 -WYTMi- --- ---- rn, i ~~r^"-^~^:^ —Tot'TT~rTT'^ir^TTT^" Castile...... 3,500 1,000 400 130 120 500 Total...... 9| 58,000 7,000 4,010 1,735 0!1 6,650 Ch i 2na0......... 350 200 80 600 OTSEGO Co. Ea-le......................... 125...... 200 Exeer........ 1,o0 00 400 75 40 00 Gaiesville 3.......... 500 150 810 500 New Lisbon... 1,000......... 400 75 20 100 Java......... 1 2,000......... 300 10 0 50 500 Pittsfield..... 1 500......... 250 50 25..... Perry....... 1 6,000 2,000 500 200 100 600 Plainfield.... 1 400......... 300 60 40 120 Sheldon..... 2 3,300 750 600 220 83 550 Westford....1 3,500......... 350 150 75 600 Warsaw..... I 8000 450 350 220 1,300 Worcester.... 1 4,000 1,500 500 200 74 300 — i _ —.... -- -- - -- ---- - ---- --- ---- Total...... 9 27,800 3,750 3,100 1,475 |l,463 4,750 Total...... 6 10,400 2,300 122,000 610 274 1,620. QUEE-N~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~rs Co.40 0 2 E Potter....... 1 3,500......... 4000 Flushing... 1 15,000......... 500 175 90 1,250 Jamaica...... 1 1,500......... 150 60 14 150 ___ ___ _ ___' ________ _ _____ ______ _____ __U__ UNION CONGREGATIONAL. Total...... 2 16,500........ 650 235 104 1, 400 ST. LAWRENCE. __Carde.._.... 1 6,000 1,600 600 300 400 900 Canton...... 1 1,100......... 400....... 35 400 De Kalb...... 1 800......... 100 60 30 100 )_15 ~~~~~~EVANGELICAL ASSOCIATION. De Peyster... 1 5,000......... 320 75 50 400 E Hermnon...... 1 1,000......... 150............. ALBANY Co. Hopkinton... 1 3,000 500 500 150 65 700 Albany...... 2 5,300 1,900 550 320 212 1,000 Lawrence.... 2 4,000......... 600 200 93 400 AkLLEGANY CO. Lisbon........ 1 1,200.......... 3000 200 125 650 Grove....... 1,000 100 200 100 80 300 Madrid...... 1 2,500 1,800 300 100 130 100 Massena I 2,500 101050......... 2'50 5 0 7 Massena..... B u f f a l o1...... 2 10,300......... 1,400 520 74:0 800 Morristown.. 1 900......... 200 120 45 0350 g 50..... 20 10 6 37 /~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~s eea 1,500 25.... 050 100 60 33 Parishville...1 3,065......... 330 165 60 680 __1 Stockholm. 2 2,200 __ 300 900 185 91 500 Total...... 3 10,8S00......... 1,600! 620 800 1,137 Total....14 27,265 23605 84 350 1 5522..... Batavia...... 1 1,500......... 200 80 45 450 SARATOGA Co. i — Edinburgh.... 1 1,500 500 400 200 150 400 I I Greenfie~~~d.... 1 3,000 1,500 450 2.00 40 400 __jj~~~~~~~'orellouse. 1 600......... _250 50...... lo0 Areefield....I 4 Grhenectadyi.. 1 3,000 1,500 450 200 47 4 00 1 0 C) (Iore... 1 500.. 50 5 0........0 Saatoghpgt....... 1 200.........20 75 2 50 ohse...2 1,0 80 80 45 20120 Brookhaven ~ ~ ~ ~ 0..6 2602,85....70 350 1,50 i} IAGA~RA Co. Hunt~~~~~~~~~~~~~~inttloFll... 1 1,500..... 50 7 5 201'ig.. 1 1,0.....200 50 45' 400 Toutal......l 3 10,500 2,6000 70 45 0 6 0240 1,750 tEIDs Co. I __ _ - _ -------- --- - --- -- Bro olyn...... 1.0 00.............. 5 50 200 16 0 2 00 Schnetady....22|6,0 i 16,3 I505 345|,21 075 Uia.... 1 3,000......... 100 100 70 600LINGTNo. SULLIoNxg Co. — Spingwate-..-1-00 - I..... —-7 5 --- --— 0 Brom H g an...... 1 5 00 2050.........}5 _ 0 _60 _20 _ oa. ^... 2,0........ M o~~C.1_ 5 30 _S 67 STFiUGUNCo i|ONDA C.| B ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~ enerksir.... 1,50 1,000 0 3 5 5 lSln......1 120 60 125 10 4550 285 Candor......,. 1,000 3,0I0 0 8 0 | S rcs...,0.... 0 7 5 G Newark~~...aly 22,00 500 1,20 300 24170- --- --- — l — -- - Owego....... 1 1,500... ~ ~ ~ o tal...... 12,000 300 2 1,000 Toa4...72320 600 35I25 19, a078 STATISTICS OF RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 545 CHURCHES —(CoNTINUED). 2 I I 2 ^ * g~~~~~~~ 7,, | i...,. S2 35 ~ ^ ^~~~~~~~~~~~ 5,0 1,0 3() 47 S oS ^ s 5 r~'A S1" ^ ^ ^ ^S 3 ^ ^'Q.3 ~ Q ^d TOWNS. Q ^ ^ 8| ~ ~J -TOWNS. ~ RENSSELAER. N; MNROE Co. Sa...........1 $o00.. Roc1,000r 1,000 $1,000 600 800 450 $1,000 SENECA'Co. Rush......... 1,000......... 300 40 30 100 Fayette...... 1 3,000 $900 600 350 50 340 Sweden.... I.... 3100 100...... Fremont..... I 1,000........... 300 100 30 100 — - ----- -- - -- - ---- --- --- -- -- -- - -- ------ ---- ---- - ---- ---- ~~~~~~~~~Total...... 3 13,000 1,000 1,000 870 490 1, 100 Total..... 2 4,000 900 900 450 80 440 MONTGOM ER It- --- --- ~WAYN ~E CGo.Amsterdam... 1 6,000........ 4 2020 160 500 1 900 200 50 300t "~~~4 30 Lyons.............. 300 300 200 468 anajoharie.. 2 7,000......... 620 350 225 1,200 -.....T oal.,38 0- ---- 0-. —0 — Minden...... 3 5,500 [,500 00 475 289 1000 Palatine... 1 4,000 2,00 9040 4 0 170 500 EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN.__ ________ _ __ _ _, __ ___ ALBANY Co.. ---— Total...... 7 22,500 | 3,500 2,320 1,175 844 3,200 Albany..~... 4 42 6000 2250 Amterd8.. I4,000. 400.0 0NW YORK o. BeLyr ~ ~ ~'oo 120 nse 30 60 ewonY....... 1 6,000 0.. 5..2.... 7 2,000 20,8501,790 7,100 uilderland 1 4,500 2,500 500 350 300 750 NIAGARA 4o.00 10 Knox........ 1 3,000 IL,000 700 150 80 500 Lockport.... 2 9,400......... 700 250 100 1,300 Niagara...... I 1,00........, 200 100 80 400 Total...... 7 56,500 10,700 3,950 1 00 01,543 25,850 Ro alton. 2 10,800 2,800 800 550 360 850 ALLEGANY' T ------ -- Wheatfield.. 6 10,300 5,450 2,350 1,250 930 1,750 Wellsville.... I 1,000......... 250 150 35 300 1,20UGUS 5-3 50 —-- --- --- — Y Total...... 11 32,100 8,250 4,050 2,150 1,470 4,300 Alle rlany... 1 1 4,000......... 175 75 20 0 ONEIDA CO. Olean........ 2 1, 10......... -... 1 800......... 168 169 100' 80 __ __ _ __ __ _ __ - ____ _ ____ ____ ____ Rom e........ 1 1,900......... 300 250 400 600 Total...... 2 7 2,300......... 375 175 70 375 4Utica........o y 8,........ 2 1,00' 800 450 435 800 -COLUMBIA Go. --------- --- -- -- erona -...... 1 900......... 200 50 35 90 Ancram...... 4,000 1,500 300 200 200 7006 Claverack.... 1 5,000 2,500. 400 200 200 800 Total..... 5 11,600......... 1,468 919 970 1,570 Germantown.. 1 2,000......... 400 200 200 500 ONO DAGAGo. I Ghent....... 1 4,000 1,500 250 200 170 600 Syracuse..... 3 34,500 2,5800 1,600 1,150 Soo 2,500 Kinderhookta 1 5,000......... 300 200 202 1,500 OSWEGO Co. Livinogston. 1 6,000 1,500 300 150 250 1,200 Oswego Icity. 1 4,500.......... 300 175 138 600 Taghkanic... 1 3,000......... 300 175 60 10 0 OTSEGO.CO. ~ - -- - -- -- - -- ---- ~ ---- ---- ---- Hartwick I 900......... 225 90 45 300 Total...... 7 29',000 7,000 ~2,250 1,250 1,82 5,450 Worcester.... 1 1,300......... 130....... 25...... T~~~~~ ~ o t o ~ l o1...... 7s 2 9' 0oo 7, 0 0o, DUTCHESS Co.- - - - ---- -- - -- -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l...... 2om,200....... 351,9 ~ i 00 Redhook -. -....2 18,000......... 800 625 200 1,000 00 T 00 Rhinebeck.... 3 16,000 6,500 1,275 550 390 2,1250QUEENS CO. -- -- - -- —, ------ ---- --- 3,12 Flushing......I - 2,000......... 180 100 50 300 Total..... 5 3ero na......... 800 100 50 500 Amherst..... 1 1,200 2,500 200 100 80...... Total. 2 3,500 360 200 100 800 Boston....... i 1,000......... 200 40 130 2509RENSSELAER - Buffalo.. 5 35,500 15,700 2,810 2,100 3,927 3-415 Berlin'. 1 1,000......... 165 85 50 150 Claverack~~ 3.... ]51 1,570 Clarence..... 4,00 0 475 535 950 Brunswic 00 1,500 700 00 280 1,000 Eden.. 1 500 100 150 7. 33 150 Poestenkill... I 3,000 500 300 100 120 400 Gelma........ 1 1,500 2 50 150 150 500 Sandlake..... 2 13,000 go 450 295 1,100 Lancaster.... 1 1,800 700 400.160 120 500 Schaghticoke.. 2 8,500 1,800 650 275 170 750 Marilla...... 1 300......... 200 40 60 280 Schodack..... 1 4,000......... 800 400 124 400 Tonawanda 1 3,000 800 500 400 17/5 400West Seneca., 3 1,875 100 550 200 92 425 Total...... 8 41,000 7,700 3,515 1,610 1,039 3,800 Total...... M9iddl,475eto900wM6(7T3,590 5,302 \6,870 ^ Z ~ n0. 1.................. 500 200 50 700 FULTONGCO. Northfield.... I 2,000 800 300 100 300.500 Bleecker I H r i.... 900................... Johnstown 1 4,000......... 350 230,...... 2 2,000 | 800 800 300 350 | 1,200 Tedhoota.....l 2 ] 1 8,00......... 8005 23 0 000...... 42,00 5300 0 0 70 3-5 otalhn..... 3,000.............. 18 0 1 40 300 TotalW.... I2 HERKIER G. 1- - - - *0-[-65-1'05 75'5015 Hempstedvi _1 1,500......... 150 100 6 30 Littl Fall... 1 * 5 0...... 2 4.......... e a d... 2 4, 0..... 85 3 0 2 0 2 0 Am~ - ------ _ -- _ -- -- -- herst...... 3, 0, 0,200 - 450 110 1,7 5 JEFFERSON~~~,5 0 200igt... 130080 Ttl........ 800 25 29 60 Alexandri....1. 1,300oo........ 200 150 64 230- - - - ------- --- _ -. _ Orlean...... 3 52,500 / 5 540 290',4 830 T xota974 1 elin...... 17 5,600 990.,7 2,75 |l04 1,50 Totl... 4 3, 0 25 | 74 44; 29,60 arence....... 3 11,00 1,50 1,600 30 15 Broolyn... 3 31,000 2,000I 8,50[ 435 5352,550 WaBrunswick 11..........5... 00'80 5(3 001 Total,...... 4 54,00 3,000 1,501| 710 5733 50 SaPoestenki... 2 3;0,000 550 00 25 30/,5 LEWIS C....rin... 1,2500........ 200/ 150 150 5300nlae... WencsteTri.. 1 4,00 25 150 6 0 120 40 W osok. 0.... 0 50 10 30 M. ar sills... 2| 6,00 [....... 300[ 401 80....1,50 odal....... 50 5,00.. 4,00 1,0 825 46,00 ~on~v~n~ ~000/ ~a'l~00.. 00... 546 STATISTICS OF RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. CHURCHES-(CONTINUED). TOWNS. | ~ | o ~ =, TOWNS. = bn WAYNE CO.' i! NEW YORK CO. | Arcadia...... 1 2,000......... 300 150 36 375 New York.... $80,000 $50,000 9,000 5,500 375 WESTCHESTER. NIAGARA Co. | Eastchester... 1 4,000......... 200 80 60 500 Hartland..... 3,000......... 400 15,.;.......... Morrisania... 1 3,600......... 300 175 150 8 Lockport..... 1 2,000......... 200 151...... Moria (1....... g Rye......... I..........L........ - 70 50 50 650 Somerset 1 600 200 200 30 | 40...... Tot,,~~~~~~~~~~~70a...... 3-q~~ Total...... 7... 57o05 260 o 1950 Total...... 3 5,6 00 200 800.60 4....... "WYOMING CO."~ 0.EIDA CO. 0(0 ~ 4 Attica....... 1 3,000... 200 1o o 300 W oo~ I,0.........oo 20........ I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~o 1100.......2250orld Sheldo...... 1 1,000 250 100 150 200 0........ 100 50 50...... Total......l-T- 4,000......... 750 300 250 500 _ Total......J 2 1,400.........[ 300 6 72...... YATESCOARO CO. lo|Co. Potter....... 1 1, 500 $700 _200 75 80 350 Farmington.. 3 6,800......... 1,500 290 205...... Bloom'g Grove 1 1,000......... 300 120............ PROTESTANT EVANGELICAL. Cornwall..... 1 2,000......... 300 50............ M_____________00-____ 4501... 900....... 2 90............ C HAUTAUQUA. -- -- - --' -- - -- - ---- - ---- ---- ---- Dunkirk..... 1 2,500......... 350 85 100 550 Total...... 3,900......... 1,050 260..........~~~~~~~~~-,o o T,o o....... 41 05 6.........!...... "E IE Co..jI "ORLEATNSCO.| Buffalo...... 41 22,000 3,600 i 2,240 2,210 ~3, 100 1, 906 Shelby....... I 800......... 200 30 50 West Seneca 2,000 300 80 S...... 0swE'Go Co. --- -- ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ostanitia..iI3... -- - - - _ -, — -- -- - o i. 1 400......... 200 50 35 Total......! 5 24,000 3,900 2,320 2,210 13,100 906 0 SEG('C --- M~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~s(oNO Co. I I Burlington I 0..... 400 30............ Rochester..1 8 000 I.....1 000 300 100......i; 7( ~Eochester_^. __!_ _8,000 ~ ^ --.........300^ _10~ _ ItHartwick.... 1 3,700......... 450 180 94. -- - - -- = ---- - - - - ----- ~ Laurens...... 1 300......... 300 25............ Morris........ I 1,000......... 250 150 60' FRIENDS.... ALBANY CO. —-----------------— Total...... 4 5,200......... 1,400 385 154. Albany...... 1 6,000......... 300 50 90...... Co. Rensselaerville 1,000......... 200 50 50 Flushing...... 2 18,000 I..... 1,000 45.......... W esterlo,................. 400 20 25 H. Hempstead... 1,500;!:::..... 150 25 2...... — __________ ____ ___ - __ -N. H empstead. 3 8,000 I......... 850 320........ Total...... 3 | 7,600......... 900 120 165...... 3 4,500......... 1,000 600 15...... CAYU(-,,~~~~~~~~~~ C~~oyt.y... I! ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~Total.......( 32,000.....3, 000 ~1,395 27 Ledyard..... 3 900 170 140...... 900... 140..... Springport... 2 3000........... Throop...... 3 2,000......... 450 120 136...... Pittstown...... Thr.... 00 300y400.30.40 _ Troy........ II 5,000 1,200 300 20 20 Total...... 8| 11,300........ 2.000 400 276...... Total...... 2 5,600 1, 500 700 50 —-6WCOLUMBIA Co i.. Chatham..... 1 1000 i......... 200 25 100..... 1 ROCKLAND CO. Ghent....... I 1,000 500 200 25 25...... HI averstraw. I 800......... 100 12.......... Hudson...... 1 2,000......... 225 20............ SA AOGA Co.. ------ -- - -- ---- - ----' ---- ---- Galway.... 1 150......... 350 10....... Total...... 3 4,000 500 625 70 125.... G-reenIield' 2 750......... 300 25 o 0...... Saratoga,........0 200 50 120...... Clinton...... 2 2,700......... 400 75.............- --- -- Hyde Park... 1 1,000......... 420 35...... La Grange.... l 2,000.......... 300 50 50...... SCttENECTADY. Pine Plains......... 150................... Duanesburgh. 1 2,000......... 700 100 90...... Pleasant Wal'y I 1,000......... 200 20 30...... ISci Ly,:R Co. Poughkeepsie.. 1 12,000......... 330 100............! Iector...... 1 800......... 200 25 40...... W ashington.. 2 4,500 10,500 1,7100 175............ | SENE,.CA "CO. ------------- -- -- ------ ---- Waterloo..... 1 1,000......... 700................... Total.......9 23,700 10,500 i3,500 | 455!I 80.....'-i5iiix s Co -- - - -- -- -- -.~ _ -.. ERIE Co. - Ulysses.....I 1....................... 20 20 I...... E. Hamburgh. 1 1,500......... 800 30...........-L T RC -------------- -- - Eva.:....... 1 0...... Wo o 20 1.~ o **' ite i'.... 3L,,50..... 0 7 180.... North Collins.j _ 900 7.... 00 26 40 |... ^ l.. 1 50..... 45........... __Total^~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~' latkil... 4 2,500... ^ 0__6_5!^ _Ttl...... 7r 400 27577 1 80^~\ 77[ A th e ns.......~~~~~ 1 Ro0- - - - 6 2 * * "! * t < E se on da...... 1 1,0 0 0..5....... 1 01............ _ Total... T 3 0 -- Q r e l ~ 2 |...i... ie re.,0........ 50 1.......... JEFFERSON, ~0 C.Toa....... 1,0000 10 1,00 7...... Tt,,...... Le~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ Ray00....... 1,7 8001 40 00 3S0...... ^ -c —---- ----- --- - -- Athia enshi..... 1/ 1,200....... 156 _ 0 1......|....... E aston...".... 1 1,00...... 200 50....... KING Co Toal.... 3 3,00 20 | 50 10.....1...... J~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ranvlyleJ 1600....... 6t2000 40i6'30 200.::..".:2::::E^ —---------------- LNew atiS mo Bdore......__21,500...../5 0...... Lo vle... 1 50!....... 20 20........ C rtant.... 1o 2, 50........ 100~k~ 35....... "MADIS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~oN Co.Hri..... 2 300 500 90 2015... De~~~~uyter.... 1 400 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~'~~........ 30,2 5....^NwCsl..3 500 20 50 7 8....'MONROE' Go —-- ----— I~~~~ North ate.. 0 00 20 1......-7...... ~o - Leno Ra y 120........ 13580 400 100 35.. 8crdl.. 2 300........ W200 o.......... Pohiaelphia.'.!. 1 1 2,000......... 150 3............ G aenth se. 2,0......... 3 0 7...... Wheatland... 2 1,~~500[..... 0 5. 6... Y rt.. 1 1800 200 5 0........... Total......~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4,70........ 1,0 6 6!.. oa.. 3|2,80 5,900 2480 435 315........ STATISTICS OF RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 547 CHURCHES-(CONTINUED). TOWNS. TO?W? I l ] OtNS. I s; |i l i Qirkwood.... 2 2,600......... 450 200 o GERMAee PROTESTANT. Ls00.... 200 500 250 100292 450 ONEIDA____________________________- Maine.'. \\'...... 2 I 3,400 700 400 250 140 600 ONeIse Co. 30.10 Nanticoke.... I 1, 600......... 300 150 55 110 I...... 1.................. __100^ __ 3 100_ Port Crane I 1, 500'......... 200 1.50 141 400 Sa —fo-d-...... 2 2200 1,000 400 160 60 500 GERIMAN REFORLMED. Union........ 1 2, 500 1,000 1,000 325 200 750 Vestal....... 1 2,000 1,000 300 200 100 500 600 210 1~ 0 "NEW YORKc Co.'i |Tindsor... 2 1,800......... 600 210 \ 115 70 New York.... I 71,000 $3,500 1,000 600 1 200 1,100 - 25 43800,000 7,20 11, 55 --— ^Total... ^. 252438p ^55 142 7, 900 GERMAN UNITED. CATRUU. i ^ >^ ^ 4 Allegany..... 21 2000......... 300 71) 400 -_k.-. —------------------ Ashford..... 1 1,400......... 600 150 66 200 Dayton....^ 1200......... 40~0 12 70 3O East Ott'o 1 3 000......... 350 200 50 600 JE WISH SYNAGOGUES. I I00 O G1 J.Ellicottville... 1 1,500......... 300 100 30 550 Co.,_ —----------------- Farmersville. 1 1,000......... 3050 50 60 140 A B.Fran inville 1 1,800 500 200 100............ Albany...... 3 22,400 2,000 2,300 9,500...... 102, 850 A5 Hinsdale..... 1 3,000......... 2-0 150 75 600 goEMUNG Co. Ischua....... 1 2,000......... 225 50 I3 80 Elmiracity. 1 2,500 1,500 40 3 25 500 Leon......... 1 4,000 1,000 600 100 150 700 T-ERi BCo. — ----- Little Valley.. I 3,000......... 300 200 60 614 Buffalo...... 2!.27,500......... 500 280......,90 M cis.. 1 3 00 50 500 150 70 500 KvsC —----------------- MN'ansfield.... 1 1,500......... 500 100 30 300 Brolyn 2 20)000....... 500'*250 60 11,200 N Albio0....|,...... 250 60 1 6 J^YSCO:.*14~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ot..........,652,12,19930::: 1 3,50 12'000 40 to 40 60 Troyhs e I 000......... 2 0250 300..... 65 _ 13j,3050 P rir 3 718000......... 1600 200 302.0 2,7000 "ULSTER'CO:1 ""~ Au~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~P rsia s"..'..... 1 4,000......... 250 so 42 3500 ICn Con.otil... 1 400 250'20 3 35 70 B ts1 1,000 2,000 600 40 216 13 1,000 New York. - 14 4134,000 19,000 7,675 2,815 20,0,190 50 751100330 ^ENSSELAEB Co 1; | Ge~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Rndolp...... I 2 3,000......... 2500 l0 40 400 H oik.... 1 1,200 4.... 351 0 I _10........ I9...... 1 1 40.....| 3005 ( Locke..~~ 2..... 2,60071.... 0 150 328 1 0400 SyracuseMTHOIS 2PSOPL 00~ 1'Q 50!g 0 201,0 Albany...... 7 178,800 22,900 3,900 2,2251,2568,200 M~~~~~~otalia...... 51,2500 52,'00,.O lj )I Btroyehem.... 2.4 800 2,75 800 37....... 0 OwCAV sC, A C,. 1 2,00 4,00 300 100 60| 00 Coey ans... 7,002,500 800 380ur 38 1 00 Si o....... 3 1 3,000......... 0 0 U TGuildRlaCO. Aur0,00 40 35 0 0 elpoius.... 1 6520.........120 so 38 350 Kingson...... 3 4,000 2,500 900 320 135 975 ent... 1 130 *****0 25 1. -,;,*000 New~cotland. 3 7,800......... 1,100 275 1251,500 uspr....r... 1 14,000 2,000 400 4500 1o 1, Watervliet... 6 57,500 16,800 3,250 1,750 9875,050 Sterling~ a to........ I 4,150........ 3,00 415 805 400 Westerl....._2 _^,300_ _ 225_ _40_ _30LIBERAL.5 C on Hill.. ^ - 8,0,00 _80J^500 7 10 300 Alien~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~lmn............... 37 3150 540 350'CA70UA 10 400 Al o d... 1 2,400 Genoa.. 30 0 4 0 ut....... 2 3,6000.......500 o5 9 AmoityI 120........ 35 900.... Ir......... 17 1800...0 arol...... 1 100 50 300O 100 7500 60 An~-elica..... 1 800 <>00 500 75 110 390 Chautauqua~~~~~Leyard... 2 43,00......... -590 2,00 1740 1O Belfast....... 1 2,000 600 400 200 60 525 Cherry Creek. Iocke 8..... 1 3, 00.......... 550 1_,50 50 400 Bolivar~~~~~~~M...... EPISCPAL.0 1,0 600 25 118 375 Clmr.... 2 1,0..... 0 8 U Burns....... 2 2,800 800 500 150 200 600 Du~~~~~~ ~~~~~nki rktz...... 2 5,5000...,500 650 45 0 l l) CAL eda. 3 3,0N.... 600Y CO4 Mont0Elezum..... 2 2,000 500 20 10 00 50 Centreville... 1 1,800' 800....... 100 30 450 | Ellic~~~~~~~~ortt..... 3C94,00 ~1,20 400 75I 1,00 A ubany.......7 17880 2,0 3,000 2.... 250 125 1260 8 700 Mligo.. 1 2,5000 2..... 40 20 o 0 Bernendhi..... 3 2,6000 10020 150 750 215 10e2c 595k. Nie 1,0........ 34,00 So41 0 20,4 nu' Granger~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~so...... 1 2,000 60 20 00 40 600Gry...1 1,0... 30 0 ~ GrovIce..... 3 4 700..2..... 00 375....... 300 Haovr... 4 270 1 0 1,00 101 400^i,3 Co meyras...... 1 2.000 3...... 250 380 348 450 Scipiony..... 5 3,000......... 53 0 620 o2 12600 GIndepeandec. 2 6,300 2,000 450 35100 40 500 Smpoi us..... 1 1 700........ 200 U5 65 400 Kn shox....... 3 5,500 1,000 900 3200 130 970 S o fnett...... 2 1,300.......,250 25 1^ N wSciotland. 3 74,000......... 3,00 275 125 4,00 Portland.por 1 3,000 2,000 400 2 o0 148 10 00 Watrvliet 120..... 0 0....... Rply... 6,0.1,500 200 45200 60 650 Wellsille... 1,500 16 800 3, 50 1 200 1001 5, 50 Ster-idn-..... 3 4,1500........0 ^ 70 Weste Alo nd...2 0__,300 225 400 _ _ 010 281 4 7__50 Suhera...l.. 1^ 100 8 250 60^ 1 30 Total...... 28 I 48:250 12,050 I 7,310 | 3,069 ll,694:9,790 Vict ory..... 12 25000..... 1,0 0 200 1 8 BROOME ~ ~~~OL Co. -( A C)~el *) C) tf 1 0 1) I- r_ __ P 1 ___ j. ____A__ I --- 548 STATISTICS OF RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. CHURCHES —(CONTINUED). Towi g s. s,g,,'i'~r ~ Cheun... 00'3)I 00 M i dleow,S00 1,0001s,60 260 24 I" 01^. TOWNS. ^, g ~. ^ TOWNS. ~ S S 1;... 00 10,00 1, 725 662 ]195 Rxur...3 9,00 2,001,75 375 S 20, CHEMUNG- Co. j |Baldwin..... 1 $1,200 $600 225 60 3 0 $~500 Kortrig-ht...1 250,00 30 00 11 50 BigFlats..... 1 2,000 700 400 60....50 Msnvil. 1 12,500 $1,200 200 200 12 1 500 Chemuno.. 1 3,000 Soo 200 8 0 j20, 600 M-\iddlctown.. 2 2,500 1,000 600 260 124,51I,01,1. Elmira city.. 3 18, 500 10,000 1, 250 725 6 621, 925' Roxbury.... 3 9,700 2,000 1, 275 3 75a 208!1, 505 Erin......... I 900......... 150....... 50 75 Sidney........ 2 2,900 600 640 130 75 525 Horseheads.. 2 4,800 1,000 1,050 335 145 620 Stamfbrd..... 4 6,000 1,500 950 420 22_0 1,185 Southport.. 5,000 700/ 830 300 80 450 Tompkins.... 2 2,900......... 450 300 60 | 100 Van Etten.... 2 1,500 500 775 80 85 470 Walton....... 2 3 800 400 250 115 500 Veteran....... 2 3,000 800 700 225 138 600 -- ------ -- - -- i ---- _ ---- _ ---- ---- ~~~~~~~~~~~~Total...... 34 6,0 6 1 0 l0 1 0 I4 320 12,488 114,470 Total...... 16 |39,900 15, 100 |5,580;1,865 11,420 5,800 DUTCHE-SSCO. CHENA.GO Co. Amenia..... 2 7,000 2,000 575 250 140 950 Afton........ 23 2,000 1,4002 750 5 112 338 Beekman. 2,500 1,500 250 150 100 00 Bainbride. 2\ 2,500......... 500 275 170 700 I Dover....... 2 7, 500 1, 800 600 30 110 600 Columbus.... I 1,200......... 200 600 East Fishkill 2 5,000 1,000 700 450 185 700 Coventry..... I 2,000 900 450 100 80 400 Fishkill...... 4 31,00o, 4,500 1700 650 417 2,800 Greene....... 1 |3,000 600 300 200 140 700 11yCe Par.. 2,500 2, 500 20 80 50 400 Guilford.... ~5 10,500 1,000 1,455 800 660 J2,400 La. G range.... I 6,000 200 400 150 100 600 Lincklaen.... l! 1,000........?300 150 40 165.Milan........ 3 4,200 1, 500 70 220 1225 1, 180 McDonough. 1 1,200 300 350 150 60 29751:N-orth East.. l 6,000 1,000 5 5-0 goo so 700 In"................ 0 )O' 5 New Berlin... 2 5,000 Soo 650 325 208 90 -5 Pawvl:ing2...... 2......... TNorth.Norwich 2 11, 500 500 450 150 55 200 Pine Plains... 1 2,00o, 1,000 250 150 70' 1,OO6 Norwich..... I 5,000 1,500 800 450 28 11100 Pleasantallev 2 8,000......... 800 300 100 700 Otselic........ 2 2,5000......... 325 180 7 0 74 Pokeepsictown 2 3,500 200 400 260 80 900 Oxford....... 1 37500 1,500 440 200 140 700 Pokeepsie city. 4 40,900 9.000 2,750 8,000 924 4,000 Pitcher...... 2 0/I, 600 40 250 142 750 Redhook. 2 10,000 1300 700 0 300 145 1,050 Plymouth.... I 2,000. 800 400 200 138 500 Rhinebeck.... 3 23,000 2,000 850 450 211 1,300 Sherburne.... 1 3,5000 1,00/ 300 100 160 600 Staford k.... 1 3,500...00. 30 0 80 30 225 Smithvilleo 2 2000......... 700 100 45 600 Union Vale 2 2,500 1,500 800 250 450 Smyrna...... 1 20,000........ 400 35 0 100 425 Washington.. 1,000......... 250 50 30 400 inTotal...... 29 51,500 11,300 9,370 4,135 12, 647~ 10452 Total..... 37 171,400 30,000 13.275 12460_3,105 ^19,105 CLINTON" Co.? i ERTE Co. Ausable...... 2 3,000 4,00 0 I.20 - 11360 Alden......... 1,200 7 00 40 18...... 3eekmantown. 3 4,000 500 750 160 180 700 Ao herst..... 2 2,300 500 650 1001 700 Champlain... 1 3,000 500 250 1500 108 500 Aurora...... I 1,2-00 600 300 60 50 500 Chazy....... 2 8,500 1,600 750 200 I-1 I 1,000 Boston....... 2 1,500......... 350 110 27 150 D annemora.w 1......... 800.......`75 50 600 Buffalo...... 6 53o,0 600 2,400 1,520 898 5,300 Ellenburgh../. 1 3,500 1,000 300 80 1 290 500 Colden....... 1 1,500......... 250 60 14 Goo Mooers...... 1 1,200 500 300 450 226 550 Collins....... 1 2,000 51,00 20 20 8 2 500 Peru ord...... 1 5,000....... 1.,50 0 5 8000.........asa00alle.50 500 Plattsburgh.. 2 12,000 8,000 700.350 302Il300 E. 1amburgh. 1 1,400......... 200 40 15 100 Saranac 2 5,000 500 750 350 154il,050 Eden........ 1 2,500......... 300 100 45 500 SchuOler Falls. 2 3,500 1,500 400 250 150 800 Elmai......... 2 4,600......... 380 140 71 500 — p. ---------- - ---- _ ---- * ---- - Evans....... 2 4,200 800 850 250 100 950 Total......| 19 |47,700 118,900 5,050 |2,500 11981 1~8, 985 Hamburgh.. 2 3,300 1,000 5 5)0 140 76 630 COLUMB 0T - -" - " ------ -- -- - Lancaster-.. 3 6i,000..... 1,000 13 0 116 1,050 Ancrai...... 2 4,000 1,100 450 90 60 450 Marilla..... 1 2,000......... 250 125 50 600 Austerlitz.... 1 2,500 2,500 500 200 80 400 Nebead.... 1 4,000 1,200 400 250 {98 617 5 Can'a..... 1 4,000... 3 100 80 450 North Collins. 2 3,500......... 500 100 50 750 Smihvll..... 2~ 4307.....(- 5 12050 5 Chatham... 6 11,750 4,800 1,575 825 41.52,872 Sardinia.... 1 1,800 800 500 100 40 500 Claverack.... 2 6,000 700 650 161 1 850 U al e....... 1 2,600 800 230 75 20 500 Copake...... 1 3,500 1,200 400 150 110 800 -- Germantown.. 1 3,000 1,000 200 50 5/ 00 50 nTotal...... 32! 106,500 6,800 16,010. 3,645 1,918 l5,005 Hillsdale..... 4 12.000 1,300 1,2443750 323 1,500 0E8EX 0C. Hudson...... I 18,000......... 750 275 345 11,000,| Chesterfield... l 3,000 1,000 500 175' 160 1,000 Kinderhook......... 600 300 1001,300 Grown Point. 1,500 1,200 35 0 147 500 Livings~ton 2 2700......... 450 100 80 300 1 Elizabethtovn 1 2,000 500 250 60 25 525 "e1Lbaon 3,000 50 4,00 60 529 400 Alde Ese.......... I,0 0 0 100 4 2 E uyeekantow... 1 3,5000 90 5 00 1 5 0 660 10 6 00 Amhrs Ja....... 3[ 5,000 800I 650 2100 160 1,050 Clmmplanik... 1.7,0 3,000/ 400[ 200 1 00 1,0800 Aurora.......i 1,20 600........ 20 50.... 500 Tohal3....... 27 87,9500 17,00170 8,49 1 7 1,670 |,94|22 loston....... 1 1,500....... 3250 100 1715 500 TDneojiN'o- - -—. —------------ lcro.........70}0 00 10 20 0 Cincinnatus ~ 0 0 /...... 1 150 1,00 6 00 12B|10f70falstor...../ 1 53,600 60 00 2,00/ 1,0 82 5,00 Elylenbrgh..... 2 4,500 1,000 600 820' 180 7500 Coldenrg..... 12,500 1,00 35.25.18 75 Mooratho...... 1 4,0 1,20050/ 400 450 12 50 700lBanse.......1 300 70 50 0 8 5 Scott........ 1 3~~~~~~~~~,000......20 10I 40 00I 8hta~.1 200 1,3 0 20... 500 ~ 2 lor......... 1 8,00 300 [300 1650 50 400 Concordl..... 1 7,1000........ 3,00 / 0 42 0 400 Viattsburgh.... 2 2 2,000 70t0 350 11 1,. | ickan urg... 1 1,400......../ 200 / 401 100....... -- ------- - -- --- -- --- o t ov n to.8,000 7, 00 300 1530 * 8 0 Soaraac......| 17 i 40,000 8,00 4,580 2330 1,40 1,.15 Ede Fa li........ 1 8501o......... 30o0 100 75 540 80huyEG " - --- 1 -------- " "" " M loer ll.... 1 3,0 2.0/0 7 1 5 Andes..'.... 21,000 1 4,00 65 250 1750,400 |hn Mo........! 1 4,000.......500 140 12 400 Bovina3501 vas....... 1 42,00 80..... 850 50 55 0C 350.-\- -\- -\ — -- -- avnot.. 3 420........ 1,20 40 14 84IE Loo' oT - Delhi....... 1,000 2,00 400! 00 150 60 1 Lan caser..... 1 60..... 20| 6 0 7 Franklin..... 3 5~~~~~~~~~~~~,300 290100 45 22l,5i raln..1 2500.........oo 400o 300 128o65 2kcamde....../ 1 2,000 7.,100.. 325 0 200 8 1 400 | ai li.p ra.....] [ 3 2,000..........' 750! 175 147 6,00 Hanock..[ 1 1,500/ 1,5010 0;00 350 2411050 ||eohsteown.../ 3 11204,00 0 1,000 400 650 | 2,675 Canan....../. 2 4,8000........ 350 160 110 1 400 N r t Coinsd....[ 2,/3 500......... 3500 2 00 701 2750 STATISTICS OF RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 549 CHURCHES-(CONTINUED). C1 0 78~~~~~30 00 7 40 1 t ^ | ^. 1 1 S 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~bo TOWNS I 1 TOWNS.1 0 7z 0 -z E-Z Cd~250 850 42 Northampton. 3 86,000 $800 800 500 207 e550 New Lots.. 1 83,000......... 20.0 50 30 e500 Oppenheilm.. 1 1,200......... 200 50 25......,New0 Utrecht.. I 300......... 250 150 50 600 2~~~~~~~~~00 500 25 NwUteh ]I_ I 500 22,820 14]670 6,208 37,780 Total......13 -27,100- - 2,800.3,700 o1,985 1,325 14,810 Tot.al... 3 5.... 3 539, 20 0 GENESEE Co.LEWIS Co. ~~~3Alabama... 2 3 0 I..... 50 10 9 40 Cr a2 00........ 210 132 82 600.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~00.... 40Cohn..... 250 7'5 7 Alexander..., 1 2,000 2,000 200 100 60 600 Denmark..... 1 2,000 700 350 175 { 90 700 Batavia...... 1 4,000......... 450 400 220 700 Lowville..0... 1 10000 2,000 450 350 80 80 00 Bergen....... 1 3,000......... 250 150 80 600 Martinsburgh. 3 4,000 400 1,100 400 105 950 Bethany..... 1 800......... 200 40 20 100 New Bremen.. 1I 1200......... 400 200 45 400 Byron........ 1 2,800.......... 300 100 58 500 Pinckney... 2 2100......... 5,000 250 215 600 Darien........ 2 2,100 100 1 13 40 ui... 2,00550 180 130 40 Turin...... 2 7000 900 350 245 1,050 Le Roy...... 1 5,000 2,000 450 225 142 1,200 Watson...... 1 1,600......... 350 50 23 500 Oakfield...... 1 4,000 600 250 150 80 700 West Turin... 2 3,600 00 1,0 0 00 7 1 00 100 5 40 1 I~Tlso.... t 3 6,00[ 1,5000/ 700 1845(10 75 Pavilion...... 2.3.800 [.........{2; 550 160 80 650 Pembroke.... 1 3000......... 400 100 40 500 Total...... 32,000 47 9760 0 10 6,100 15 9,460 ~~~~2,087- 11,04067Stafford.... 1 34....... 60 6 00 0...... 400,LIVINGSTON Co. -- -- - - -- *- -- -- Avon...... 1 3,000 00 325 300 130 625 Total...... 15 34,300 5,600 4,700I 2, 51,005 6,800 Conesus...... 1 800 300 200 75 26 500 ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~1.~r~ Go. 125 2 605 ~~~~GREENE C~o~~. Geneseo...... 1 6 000......... 500 400 200 700 Ashland..... 3 2,500......... 750 235 237 600 Groveland.... 1 3,000 1,400 300 150 125 500 emr o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~ 1.0........ I0 Cairo........ 3 3,400 1,000 650 225 1151,300 Leicester.... I I1,000 i2.400 300 100 28 500 Catskill....... 4 20,000 2,000 1,000 700 255 1,431 Lima........ 1 16,000 250 850 425 140 1,000 Coxsackie... 3 5,000 2,000 750 375 180 1,625 Livonia...... 2 4,000......... 550 300 110 800 l~~~~~urha m~ ~ ~~~~~~~~ 4,0...... ioi;.....6 Durham...... 3 5,700 1,000 960 475 238 1,350 Mount Morris. 2 3,300 1,100 650 200 116 900 Greenville.... 1 2,000 200 250 60 35 100 No. Dansville. 1 2500......... 400 250...... 680 Halcott....... 1 500 100 300 100 30 100 Nunda....... 1 3,000 500 400 300 180 I 700 Hunter..... 1 3,000......... 300 200 80 700 Ossian....... 1 300......... 150 25............ Jewett....... 3 4,500.......... 900 270 145 535 Sparta....... 3 4,800......... 625 18,5 130 975 Lexington.... 1 1,500 800 0 71400 100 40 450 New Baltimore 2 2,5000.........500 120 80 560 York........ 1 2000......... 300 50 35 500 Prattsville... 1 1,800 2,500 250 150 91 1,500 — - Windham.03.... 18 51,700 4,750. 5,950 2,860 1,260 -8,830 3 5 0!20 907s~ — ----— ~ — - -------- — MADISON CO. Total...... 28 55,400 12,500 7,410 3,340 1,685 10951 Brookfield... 1 1,000......... 250 75' 55 375 HAILTON Co.I Cazenovia.... 2 8,500 1,7 00 800 425 362 1,150'....... 125 -2,000.........ot...... Wells........ I o o o..2 75 150 De Ruyter... 2 2.000......... 450 190 95 500'HEiKciMER Co. -- ------ ---- - Eaton...... 3 10,000.......... 1,150 425 290 1,100 Fairfield.....1.... 500 150 50 500 Fenner....... 3 2,500......... 800 425 94 700 Frankfort 3.... 36 o 362......... 250 100 40 300 GermanFlats'. 1 15,000 2,500 450................... Hamilton.... 4 11,000 3,800 1,300 600 267 1,310 Herkimer.... 1 3.000......... 300 125 "80 700 Lebanon.... 1 300........... 200 40 25...... Litchfield.... 2 31500......... 400 175/.60 600 Lenox....... 5 9,800 2,600 1,350 640 356 2,950 Little Falls... 1 3,000 2,000 500 200 200 750 Madison..... 2 4,000 500 550 230 180 800 Manheim..... 1 3,000 750 350 100 75 400 Nelson...... 3 3,300 500 700 425/ 150 750 Newport I1 700 75...... 120 Smithfield... 1 2,000......... 275 150[ 44 500 Norway...... 2 1,500 650 375 150 89 575 Stockbridge.. 1 2,000 1,000 700 150 130 600 Ohio........ 1 300......... 100 25 30 40 Sullivan...... 2 5,500 800 800 300 180 1,100 Russia....... 3 3000.........1,050 310 76- 500 — Salisbury. 1.1,250 1,000 300 125 105...... Total...... 31 66,100 10,900 9,575| 4,175.42,268 12,135 Schuyler 2 3,600......... 700................MONROE Co. Stark........ 2 2,700..... 500 200 104 350 Chili........ 2 8, 500 1,600 4,50 175 140. 1,000 Warren...... 3 6,500 1,700 950 550 125 1,525 Clarkson.. I. 1 1, 500......... 400 100 119 500 WinfSleld r 11,000 400 3 120 600 Gates....... 1 1.400......... 300 125 60 200 -- -- - -- ------ ---- - --— 2- --- ---- Greece....... I 1,000......... 300 80 33 550 Total.......26 61,150 9,600 7,625 2,6751,246 7,820 CHenrietta.... 2 18500 900 500 120 51 600 JEFFERSON Co. -- ------------ ---- ---- - - Mendon...... 1 5,000 1,200 330 180 240 1,000 Adams....... 12 6,500 2,500 4550 22 95 1,200 Alexandria.. 1 2,300......... 350 150 160 400 Penfield...... 1 4,000 800 300 200 143 500 Antwep.... 1 1,50 600 40 200 3 65 Pritn.. 1 2,00 200]18 90 40 300 Brownville... 2 5,000 60 60 25 8 1,06 ated......... 1 1 4,00........ 2600 150 80 6 00 CaeW infient I,00..... 0 6 3 30 i....... 1 350 1200 30 8 0 600 Chmpo.. 2 260 700 0 25 4 30 ohse... 0 9,00 4,000],5,2,6,5 Ellisbu~~~~~ ~~~~ rg.. 3,0 180,0 65 5 180 S edeen...... 1 1,400....... 450 20 10 80 3{5 50 Tedro n.. 1.70........66,5 t960]76550- ~110 467.80 650 Webster..... 4 12500 9 00 1,000 550' 24 1,25 d:EFFERSON~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ITJI:I Co.I O Lndoy...... 1 2, X000 7~~00 [ 400 150 1,00 550 — - - --- Adramse...... 1 250 60 0 000 5 350 Total:...... 233 159 00 19,00 1,520/5,55 I 5 |366 17,800 Alye x a d i.. 40ni l.......2 3, 000 8800 5 00 2 00 813/ 500M0GMEY' PAnterpa..... 1 250 00 0 765 50 Prrntjonai... 1 22,000 4,000 1,00 750[ 321 1500 ]Prwnilad elpi...2 1,20 5) 7 10 0 6 450 i t sfor d..... 1 2,500....... 300 60/ 80I50 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Rigaa..... 2 550 0 40 5 25 80 lrd.... 2 4,000 1,0 600 17 10 55 Capresa1,0 100 5 20 9 610 incent.... 13 8,00 12,00 1,300 0 375 24 16400 Champo.Rcetertow....2 1600085,00 14,000 65 43 1,800 Moak. 1 3,000......, 20 1 650 7,4500 Cilatn...... 4,00 340 30 50 25 1,2 Rusht......... 2 4,000 7.... 4,00 10/ 1110 55 ElWobrt h..... 1........... 0[ 0 10 4 500 — - -;- - - - -- -- -- --! -- - -- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 85 Sweden - -- -- -Toa...... 17 6370 |400.,6 2,660 |l468|690 KING~~~~~~~~~~~~~estC.erw Y k.... 35 9350 19501430 22,10 18,77 |49 00 mnatbuon 4.. 1,0..... 5.......... a bi.'. 1 2 3500 61, 000 350 50 572 6,00 Lorailnes.... 1,0..... 300 60 3 To... arla......3 15 2,00 60 io 1520-0 51005 5-6- 5001Phiadelphia.. 4 620..... 7 50 3 480 riewsto wn.... 2,600..... 300 275 12 500 550 STATISTICS OF RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. CHURCHES —(CONTINUED).' 2 g ^ 2'. ~ S ~ ~ ^ 3. c TOWNS. | J 6 TOWIN S. |, ^ ^ oI 1.1 II II ~. Lockport...... 4 20,300 1,400 1,500 675 3252,325 Mount Hope.. 842,500........ 400 150 103 8 550 Newfane..... 7,500 700 800 300 163 975 Newburgh....7 76,500 89,150 13,350 1,665 1,300 5,600 Niagara...... I11200......... 200 100 70...... New Windsor.' 3 6,000 1.500 925 300 80 1,125 Pendleton.... 180.4 Wallkl..... 2 6,000 2,000 700 4501 260 I 00 Porter....... 3 7,000 800 750 245 82 525 Warwick..... 7 12,050 1,870 1,836 690 292 2,200 lRoyalton..... 2 7,000 1,600 900 400 191 1,200 Wawayanda.. 1 2,000........ 200 60 40 300 Somerset......! 1 2, 700 900 350 300 120 550 Wheatfield... 2 3,500......... 400 175 50 800 Total.......43 173,250) 32,520!13,771 6,655 4,381 21,004 Wilson....... 1o4,000 800 400 125 o80 400 -— L Ev -..-......./ — —........ - ----' — " —--- ---- IBarre......... 2 15,00 0 1,500 850 500 250 1,250 Total...... 21 | 63,600 7, 800 6,900 12,920 11,326'9,075 Carlton...... 1 3,000.........1 250 75 30 i 400 ONEIDA CO. Clarendon.... I 2......... 300 12,5 75 5o00 ~~~~~~~~~~~~40 ]5050..... Annsville... 1 1,000 800 400 1,50 50 500 Kendall....... 2 4,800 700, 550 200......, 800 Auogusta...... 1 1,200......... 250 100 60 475 Ridieway.... 2 15,500 600 600 375 158 1.650 Boonville.... 1 2,500 1,000 400 200 125 500 Shelby....... 3 3,o100.........i 800 220 114 560 Bridgewater... 1 1,000......... 140 50 40 175 Yates........ 2 4,000 1,000 800 400 108 750 Camden...... 1 6,000 1,200 450 300 350 700 Florence..... 1 600......... 300 50 10 300 Total...... 13 47,900 — 3,800 4,150 1,895 735 i 5,910 Floyd........ 1 2,000 600 450 150 90 o500o -swEo__ | Kirkland..... 1 2,000 1,200 300 20 90 800 Albion......... 200 7 5 400 Lee.......... 3 3,800 1,150 1,100 240 98 885 Amboy...... 1 l1,000i 300 350 50 60 450 Marcy....... 2 1,600 300 350 85 35 300'Constantia.. 1 1,700! 800 250 175 150 5\50 Marsh~all... I 2, 500 1,200 400 100 126 600 Hannibal..... 2 7,400 1,200 620 330 228 925 New Hartford.} 1 3,500 1,500 250 150 95 850 Hlastings..... 3 3,100 [......... 800 325 140 1,175 Paris........ 1 6,00( 1,000 400 250 200 550 Mexico...... 3 3,000 1,500 800 450 i 355 1,100 Remsen/...... 2 9,000......... 800 150 67 820 New Haven... I 1,000 700 o200 100 100...... Rome........ 2 10,000......... 1,450 775 405 1,550 Orwell....... 1 600......... 150 75 54 100 Sangerfield... 2 8,0OO......... 600 360 80 80I 0 Oswe.,.o town. 1 800 I 1,000 500 300 75 400 Steuben...... 2 5,000......... 550 300 125 293 Oswego city.. 2 20,0001 4,000 1,250 450 350 1,600 Trenton...... 2 3,800......... 700 180 75 675 Palermo...... 3 3,200......... 750 300 165 530 Utica........ 4 18,500......... 1,660 900 430 2,366 -edield...... I 400 500 350 80 I 2 0 300 Vernon...... 2 5,000 1,600 600 300 206 1,375 Richland.... 2/ 10,850 1,750 800 400 1 305.1 1,050 Verona,...... 3 4,500 2,000 950 430 2621,470 Sandy Creek.. 1 2,000 500 300 250 184 600 Vienna...... 3 4,800 800 950 220| 190 900 Schrooppel.... 2 6,000 800 1,400 600 1g5 1,000 Western..... 4 5,400......... 950 300 255 900 Se....... 3,500......... o400 300 16 6 Westmoreand 2 3,000 1,00 Volney....... 2 4,400....... 800 500 348!,100 Whitestown.. 2 7,100 1,650 I 1,100 200 105 900 Williamstown. I 1,000 1,000 200 100 100 400 00__~ 17,800 ~16,450 6, 310 3, 89'20284 6000,i5100 2,420 Tototal...... 46.117! Tota I 28 \ 71,450 10,050 10,120 4,860 2,954 l2,290 ONOyDAX(~rAi CO. O~rS 1GO^, 0C o."I ox~~~c~~x~ -T - ---- 7- ~- ~ ~- ~ - i 0T~~~~~~~~~~~~~i:;i6 01u_-t - ( -- -'' 350 -- -- -7 Camillus..... 2 5,000 1,000 800 175 73 600 Butternuts... 1 3,000! 1,200 350 150 150 850 Cicero....... 3 2,900 400 775 260 13311,128 Cherry Valley 2 3,500 1,000 650 300 145 600 [a.... 2/ 4,500 800 800 350 148 11,100 Deeatur...... I 000 0 1,000 100 400 CIV~~ 3 5,00/....70 De Witt..... 3 7,000......... 750 260 140 1l.`300 Edmeston.... I 1,500 700 300 100 90 500 Elbridge..... 2 8,000......... 750/ 200 195 1,1.00 Exeter....... 2 2,5001 800 400 100 80 550 Fabius....... 2 4,800......... 800 400 110 |l, 205 1artwick "(....2,3......... 525 280 130.. 900 Geddes...... 1 3,500....../ 3 175 6,_..........30 51o 0 90 300 130 1,200 Lafayette... 2 5,000 500 600 225 170 800 | Maryland.... 3, 3.....150 360 150 700 Lysander...[.. 3 8,000 2,200 9Mi0ddefield. 450 | 200 50 450 Manlius...... a5 8,800 1,500 1,450 505 27011,325 AiIfrd...... 2 2,000......... 500 225 110 7o00 larcellus.... I 7,000 600 500 300 190 800 Morris........ 1 1,200......... 300 200 80 500 Onondaga.... 4'8,800 500 1,175 480 303 1,450 New Lisbon... I 800......... 350 100...... 20 Otisco....... 2 2,000......... 640 175 90 435 Oneonta...... 3 3,650 800 920 185 138 600 Pompey...... 2 1,800......... 500 175 120' 700 Otego........ 1 2,500 800 300 200 134' 325 Salina....... I 7,000 2,000 300 150 100 700 Otsego........ 2 6,500 700 950 400 220 968 Skaneateles. 2 5,300 900 600 140 162 67I 0 Richfield..... 1,000......... 250 50 30 70 Spafford..... 3 4,225 700 1,600 500 143 825 Roseboon.... 4 4,500 1,500 1,350 525 250 935 Syracuse_....._ 3 20,000 2,000 1,2'50 I 850 400 C2,000 Unadilha..... 3 ~ 5, 800 I......... 6251 340 1771 608 Tully........{ 2 4,000/ 800 6001 325 117 /400 Westford..... 2~ 4,500 I1,000 600 325 170 [ 1 000 Van~urn... 1,500 80 400 150 150 [650 Worcester.. 2~ 2,5001..... 600~ 250 110}i 375 T ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~otal......['~ 46|1,2 470-0 l540635,51 |98 Ttl..3}6,5_,0 2,1i20~ 4,690!2,744 1l2,0/ — ONTAR[IO Co.| | UTNA~(-Co.~T: i Bristol.......{ 1 1,200 400 200 60 60 280 {Carmel.......J 2 29,500 i2,700 675 240 124!1,350 Canadice...... 1 1,000......... 250 80 40 700 i Phillipstown..; 3 7,500) 2,500 725 525 380 12,625 C anand aig u. 13,500..... 900 450 220' 800 South E ast..! 1 14,000! 3,000 400 200 230 750 E. Bloomfield. 1 3, 000 2,000~ 400 200 90 1750 -_ _-_ ___ — - -- -- -- Gorham......I 2 3,000 700 450 150 51 15001 Total......~ 6| 51,000 8,200 1,800 965 |73,4 4,725 ttopewell.... 3 9,500 3,000 1,000 300 68 i900 i Qc~:~xsCo. ------— | --' --- " -- Manchester.../ 4 10,000 2,900 1,0 25 305 ~1,600 Flushing-.... 2 130 5,0 50 27 15100 Naple....... 25,000 1,500 1,225 650 555!1,975 ltempstead... 11 4'3.600| 7,000 2,800 1,9801 89_7!3,975 Richmod.... 2,000........ 30 80 50| 600 Jamaica....... 2 6,700!.........! 650 300 200 1,200 Senec....... 15,000 400 1,100 700 470:1,650 Newtown....' 3 16,000)........... 950,580 220 1',400 Victor....... 1 2,500 1,250 600 200 120; 500 N epta,0 0 5 4 8'0, -- -- _ -- ----- ---- - -- - ---- -- -. Oyster Bay..... 9 17,500 1,600 1,916 1,275 i 456 |2 2 539 _Total......~ 21_ 85,700 12,150 I7,425 |3,395 |2,029:10255 i ) __ _~_ _ _ J _ -_'__ - _ ORANG~CO. C o.. — - - Total......! 29 100,200 1:3,900 I7,216 4,550 1,966 l0614 Bloom'g Grove 5 10,500..... 1,5 30 67 66 v sv w o - - - -- ---- - --. - - - Chester...... 3 11~~~~~~,20 300 90 50 11,0 Brunswick...' 2 4,100 800 775 225 70 600 Cornwall..... 4 10,100 2,500 1,100 630 440 2,930 Grafton...... I 100....i00 8..... Craword... 11,000 5,500 30G5 2 4 reenbush...S 1 8,000 3,00 5 5 0 0 Deerpark..... 1 1,50(0 2,0 5 0 21|,9 toosick...J2 6,5070........I900 180 93 1.070 Goshen...... 1 4,000 2,000 30 100 80 750 |Lansinglmrg-h.2 12,900.........I 0 3...I 0 Greenville.... 1 2,000..... 200 100 55 100 Nassau...... 3 5,000.........I 700 245 "95 700 Minisink..... 12 4,000 I..... 750 300 157 i 450 Petersbur~h.. I 4,000....... S 600 150 i104 5i00 Montgomer..y.. 3 8,900 1,000 410 810 210!,00 8 ittw. i7 1,00 2,0t,0 0 5,5 Montgoery.. 5,000| 1,00 400 00 1001 800 poestenkill... I 1,100.......... 200 75 30 150 STATISTICS OF RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 551 CHURCHES —(CONTINUED). f, i.~ TT -&6 1 ^j cc 15 0 M0 TOWiNS. I ^^ S 55 ~ * ~ ^ ^ TOW]\'S. V T N I. I~~~:I ^ ~J ~. ^ ^|,ooot....,k oooC| j...2 250 100 450 130 75 $800 Summit...... 2 $2,00 950 250 325, Sandla~ke 2 12,00.......... Schahticoke.. 3 9,800 2,000 810 300 1751,000 Wriht...... 3,000 $1,000 500 250 200 770 Schodack..... 2 5,000 7,000 1,000 600 210 1,100 35034 50,850a 3,375 111,255 4,635 2,283,648 Troy........ 8 61,600 6,500 3,55-0 2, 195 1,267 7,5 _Total......34 5,0|337 l25465228 768 -- --------- --- --- - CHUYLER Co _ _........ Total...... 35 135,700 22,800 |12,435 5 2Catharine... 1 4,000 o 27 RICH-MOND Co. 1 Dix......... 2 6,000 1,200 575 250 224 1,200 1Castleton I. 8,000 2,000 700 700 240 1,000 Hector.....5 12,500 1,400 1,400 700 336 1,950 Middletown 1 5,000......... 500 125 70 600 Montour..... 1 4,000 1,000 250 120 160 900 Northfield.... 2 9,000 5,000 850 600 323 1,600 Orange....... 1 700 400 300 100 50 300 Westfield.... 3 22,000 6,300 1,500 1,000 524 i2,450 Reading...... 1 2,000......... 225 100 70 400 1 4~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~00 -- ---------.....- --- / — -------- Tyrone...... 2 5,000......... 400 200 700 230 ~~~~ 1300......, 7_3,Total1...... 7 44,000 13,300 3,550 2,425 1,157 5,650 Total...... 34,200 4,800 3,425 1,620 1,680 5480:ROCKLanD Co i 60;8 Clarkstown... 11 5,300 1,500 775 270 135 700 SENECA Co. Haverstraw.. 3 8,300 2,000 800 550 270 1,950 Covert....... 1 1,000......... 300 75 50 200 Orangetown.. 4 14,500 1,500 1,150 665 295 1,450 Fayette...... 1 3,000 800o 200 50 60 830 Ramapo...... 3 7,0,800 950 00 127 1,550 Jnius......... 350 140 86 550 Stony Point.. 4 11,700 500 1.050 700 312 1,800 Lodi........ 2 9,000 2000 900 600 303 17170 ------- ----- ---- ---------- id......... 2 5,500 1200 800 175 120 750 Total...... 15 47,050 7,300 | 4,705 2,785 l,139 j7,450 Seneca Falls.. 1 5,000 1,000 350 200 240 600 ST. LAWRENCE. T I tyre........ 1 1,500 1,200 400 150 95 434 Brasher...... 2 3,500 1,400 650 300 240 660 Varick....... 2 3,000......... 490 225 71...... Canton...... 3 4,600 385 5 0 Wa 231 1,50 ii Waterloo..... 1 10,000 2,000 480 350 207 850 Colton... 1 00....... 1 900 200 100 50 400I --- --- De Kalb...... 2 3,900 350 670 300 130'75 0 Total...... 13 41,600 8, 200 4, 270!1, 965 1, 23'2 5,384 1~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~! ~_1. De Peyster... 1 2,500 300 250 100 88 400 STEUBEN Co. Fowler....... 1 300......... 300 100 30 250 Addison..... 1 2,900 1,000 300 200 115 1,000 Hermon...... 1 1,600 500 300 200 150 600 Avoca....... 1 2,000 700 350 150 136 400 Hopkinton... 1 2,500 500 350 150 107 450 Bath........ 6 9,800 1,150 1,450 675 / 431 1,615 Lawrence.... 2 2,000 1,000 600 300 130 400 Bradford.... I1 1,500......... 200 100 50 200 Lisbon...... 2 2,500 350 500 200 190 800 Cameron..... 2 1,600 300' 550 100 40 255 Louisville.... 2 2,100 850 500 275 125 700 Canisteo..... 1 4,000 1,000 300 130 100 600 Macomb..... 1......... 300....... 100 100 400 Caton....... 1 800 500 300 200 140 500 Madrid...... 1 1,000 700 225 125 120 600 Cohocton..... 3 7,700 1,000 1,000 320 0 290(9 1,200 Massena..... 2 3,500......... 400 125 100 1,000 Corning....... 2 12,000 2,000 950 375 225 1,000 Morristown.. 1 1,500......... 250 100 18 300 Dlansville.... 1 3,000 650 500 100...... 490 Norfolk....... 1 200......... 300 100 100, 500 Erwin....... 2 4,200......... 500 220 136. 575 Oswegatchie.. 3 10,000 1,900 1,400 750 323 1,725 Fremont..... 1 1,000......... 250 60 27 300 Parishville... 1 500 900 300 125 110 615 Howard..... 2 1,700 600 700 375 160 60 Pierrepont... 2 5,000 200 700/ 250 116 400 Jasper....... 1 2,000 700 400 100 130 695 41/ 2,~~~ ~~~~~~~000[ 0 /4 (/ 10 3) 9 Potsdam....' 3 15,300 1,800 1,000 420 305 1,100 Prattsburgh.. 2 1,100......... 350 175 52 1,300 Rossie....... 1 1,500......... 250 50 30 700 Pultney..... 2;:300 1,200 400 200 92 600 Russell...... 1 1,200......... 500 200...... 400 Rathbone.... 2.000......... 500 100 60 800 Stockholm'". 2 3,500 350 650 30t60 197 950 Thurston.... 3 3,800......... 600 185 105 435 Waddington.. 2.................. 500 120 65 400 Wayland.. 2 3,700......... 600 300 60 500 -- ----- ------ ---- -----—.... — ---- Weer....W 1 2,500......... 500 60 28 200 12,250 11, 300 1~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~00 15 00 Total...... 39 69,600 12,250t11,570 5,200 12,985 15750 Woodhull.... 1 2,200 400 300 100 150) 0 SARATOGA Co. ------------ -i —-, Charlton..... 1 3,000 1,000 300 150 64 300 / Total...... 38 71,800 11,200 11,000 4,225 12,527 13,865 Clifton Park.. 3 8,500 2,200 1,000 350 240 1,3755 SUFFOLK Co. Corinth...... 1 1,800......... 264 60 22 550 Brookhaven.. 9 14,000 2,400 2,195 1,185 590 2,320 Day......... 1 1,500......... 250 100 75 300 EastHampton. 2 17,000 2,000 1,300 650 370 11,450 Edinburgh... 2 1,200......... 500 175 150 600 Huntington.. 10 25,200 3,200 2,800 1,135 693 4,429 Galway...... 2 5,000.1........ 600 2'75 137 1,350 Islip........ 2 4,200......... 650 300 70 800 Greenfield..../ 2 3,000 2,000 500 180 129 530 Riverhead.... 2 2,800 800 575 205 110 850 Halfmoon.... 4 6,000......... 950 450 165 875 11 Smithtown... 4 3,500 1,500 600 325 142 { 700 Malta........ 2 2,000 575 900 125 57 500 Southampton. 5 12,000 4,100 } 1,240 710 495 2,675 Milton....'". 2 / 7,ooo. 1,ooo0 8o0 2z75 2301;,150 IISonthoda...../ 4 /13,600 8,500!1,375 / 695 /488 I2,400 M oreau...... 1 800 1......... 20 5 5... /_ _ ___' ---- - - -- }Northumber dt 1 / 1,200 / 900' 600:125 73..:~...~ Total......("38 — 92300/ —-,500 10,75- 5,205 |2,958 15,624 Providence...I 1 1400 /......2... 150 50.........../ISCLLWVAN -Co.~ ] Saraoga.... 8,00 1,00 80 50 237,200 Bethel..... 1 I 1,000 ( 550 /250/ 100/ 60 400 Saratoga Sp'gsI 1| 15,000~........./ 600 500I 375!1,200/ Cochecton':... 21 3,000/ 500/ 5001 175 i 50/ 1,000 Stillwater.... 3[ 6,5001........./ 800 390/ 260[1,550/ Callicoon...../ 2/ 2,400[ 600 400 135 160 {...... Waterford...d 1| 3,500/ 1,000/ 350 200 14[ 6001 Fallsburgh.. 2/ 2'900...... 600 / 130 12l0 / 660' ----— I —--— ~ —-— ~ —-------—, —— il Highland..../ I1 1,000/........./ 250/ 75 601 50,Total.....| 311 75,4501 9,675 9,814 |4,235 12,523 J12350 [ILiberty.... 2/ 2,100/ 1,200 { 750 [ 350/ 100 { 600 SCtiENrCTAD~....! - I I:- — ~1Lumberlknd.':: 3 { 1,900 ~ 100 | 495 / 155 I 55 I150 Glenville..... 1 250"-40 300' 100 100} 660 Mamakating. 5/,0,0,0 8 7,8 Rotterdam...I 1 1,200 /........./ 150 150 75 }500 I/Neversink.,:' 3 / 2,100.......... 680 / 265 }100 / 685 Schenectady..[ 2 15,000[ 1,00011,000 800 59312,000[ Rockland..../a3 2,4oo/........./ 700[ 200o 3 50 -- ----- - -- - - - --- ---- - - - ---- Tho pson.... 2 5,000 ].........{ 800 300 160 / 560 _Total....../4/ 1'8,700[ 1,40011,450 |,050 768 |3,10- 2'usten.... /1 2000...... 250/ 70t 45 30 Blenheim.....I 3[ 6,300] 925/ 855 370 218 240 Total......[| 29[ 32,500 3,950/ 7,3511j2,775 ~1,196 I6,985 Broome......] 3. 850 ]........./ 800 340 80 500 qTIoGA Co~ - [..i Carlisle....../ 1. 1,200].........1 250 200 75 320 Barton.......I 41 14,2001 1,0001 1,6501 1,425!436 /2,800 Cobeskll.. 5/ 9,900[ 600I 850 430 18 925 Berkshire..../ 1 2,000] 400I 300i 130 140.... Conesville....[ 3 / 5;500......... 1,050 325 19 385 Candor......{ 3 {3,600{ 1,500[ 800{ 400{ 248 585 Esperance..../ 2 I 4,000~.........I 1,100 400 15 500 Newark Valley/ 3 / 7,200/ 1,500 /1,125 480I 256I 645 Gilba..... 3 2,600/ 50/ 700 220 13 o78 Nichols......2 4,0 100 60 13 18 50 Jefferson...../ 4 / 6,000 /........./ 2,000 650 251070 Owego......./ 5 /10,700 t 3,350 /2,000 / 555 /422 /1,605 Middleburgh../ 2 [ 3,200[........./ 1,100 550 20 650 Spencer......l I1 3.000 800 /350 I 150 [104 [ 400 Richmondville.t 2 [ 1,800........./ 550 250 10 310 Tioga....'....1 2 2,500.........~ 825 / 150 / 80 I 245 Schoharie....l 1 |2,500 } 800 / 300 200 87 750 1I — ~ —---! —---- --- --- --- -- Seward....../ 2f 2,000~........./ 250 200 30...... Total...... 21t 47,700i 9,55017,650 13,425 11,866 0,780 552 STATISTICS OF RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. CHURCHES-( CONTINUED). TOWvNS. C) p I 2 TOWNS. | z|?, ^. TomPKINS CO.' Caroline... 5 $6,800 $700 I 1,650 30 279 1,385 ossinin...... 1 $15,000 $5,000 700 400 325 $1,200 Danby....... 3 5,200 1,000 650 370 385 750 Pelham...... I 1,800......... 150 P75 25...... Dryden...... 5 10, 100 3,450 2,130 680 345 1,7624 Poundridge... 2,000 1,000 250 100 100 300 Enfield....... 2 4,250 500 650 150 5 5 500 Rye......... 4 29,l200 7, 500 1,600 830 505 3, 500 Groton...... 3 6,500 2,200 925 485 295 1,200 Somers...... 2 2,400......... 330 80 60 400 Ithaca....... 3 14,000 9,200 1,7100 1,100 694 1, 865 Westchester-. 2 2, 500......... 300 85 45 500 Lansing..... 4 6,900 950 1,600 430 213 1,030 West Farnms.. 2 12,000 2,800 550 400 140 600 Newfield..... 2 5,200......... 650 310 3310 900 White Plains. 2 10,000 9,000 900 710 0 216 2,200 Ulysses...... 3 18,000. 2, 500 |1,200 520 447 1,200 Yonkers...3 15,000 2.000 19 00 550'347 2,500 -- ------------ - ---- ---- - ---- ---- ~~~~~~Yorktown... 2 4,400 5, 100 650 400 300 1, 500 Total...... 30 75,950 20,500:11,155 4,385 [3, 043 10454- - - - ----- -- - -- --'ULSTER, Co. --- --- ---- -- -- ---- Total.......54 223, 400 62,700117,690 8,250 |4,970 1,34, 210 Esopus....... 2.3,500.......... 400 200 120 75 WYOMAING Co. Hurley....... I 1,000 1,400 200 100 150 600 Attica....... 1 3, 500......... 450 150 100 400 King-ston... 4 27,800 7,100 1,450 975 725;4, 115 Bennington.. 1 500......... 200 25 25,...... Lloyd......-.. 2 6,300 3,000 700 400 225i!, 750 Castile....... 1 3,500 800 400 250 110 600 Marbletown.. 4 5, 750 1,500 880 410 327 ll457 China........ 1 1,600......... 300 100 60 400 Marlborough.. 3 ~5,000 2,500 850 355 ISI1 1000 Covington.... 1 1,300......... 500 100 30 225 New Paltz.... 2 3,000......... 680 327 80- 450 |Ea-le........ 2 700 i......... 450 17 5 4 5 250 Olive......... 2 21300......... 600 200 17 5 850 Gainesville.. 2 1,800..... 550 2 3 0 100 500 Plattekill...... 3 9,800 1,200 1,035 415 3902,000 Genesee Falls. I 2,500......... 300 70 30 300 Rochester.... 3 4,200......... 650 275 120'500 Java......... I I,000......... 250 100 40 300 Saugerties.. 3 8,000 700 1,050 1,100 420!1, 900 IMiddlebury..1 3.000 800 300 105 110 600 Shanda'ken... 2 2,700o 700 500 140 174 940 Oran-eville I. 1,000......... 200 60 50 350 Shawan-unk. 2 5,0(00......... 800 350 93 610 Perry........ 2 6,000 1,000 600 350 230 1,000 Wawarsino... 4 12,800 3,400 1,800 925 5 742,600 Pike......... 2 7,000 600 650 17 0 118 550 Woodstock.. 2 17,850......... 900 17 5 30 550 Sheldon.... I 1,000......... 300 100 25 140 -- ------ -- ~ -- _ ---- - ---- ----! ---- ~ ~~~~~Warsaw... 1 10. 000......... 500 125 -121 800 Total...... 39 99,000 21,500 12,495 6, 347 13,714 119072 Wethersfield... I 1,000......... 200 40 25 350 W ARREN7 CO. -- - ~ - -------------- --- Bolton....... I 1,000......... 200 50 40 300 _Total...... 20 45, 400 3,^00 6, 150 2, 150 1,219 6, 765 Chester...... 3 2,700 2,000 930 250 180 l 1,150'YATES CO. Horicon....1 600......... 300 50 30 300 B3an _1ingyton... 1 500 500 200 100...... 700 Johnsburg... 2 3,000 800 600 140 180 800 Benton...... 2 7,000 2,200 600 450 280 1,150 Luzerne...... 2 2,400......... 600 270 120 550 Italy........ 2 4,000 500 725 80 60 1,000 Queensbury.. 1 5,000 1,500...... 400, 250 1,000 Jerusalem.... 1 2,000..........300 75 40 400 Stony Creek.. I 1,500 500 200 75 50 450 Middlesex.... 1 5,000 1,000`7 50 300 170 700 Warrens'burgh 1 1,200 800 200 100 80 500 MNilo.......... 2 14,500 2,700 1,000 650 383 1,880 -- -- - -- _ ----- - ---- _. ---- ---- ---- ~~~~~~Potter.... 3 6,000 1,900 8050 370 360 1, 600 Total...... 12 f1 17,400 1 5,600 3,030 1,335| 930 J5,050 Starkey....... 3 7,400 1,000 800 160 135 1,100'WASHINGTO.N. Torrey....... I 2000 400. 400 100 70 450 Argyle....... 1 2,500 1,000 500 200 60 300 I -- --- --- -- -- -- -- Camibridge.. 3 6,300 3,500 900 290 160 868 I__Total.^..... _16 _48,400_ 10,200 5,625 _2,285 ~1,498_ 8,980 Easton.... 1 2,000 1,500 )40 1 0 6 00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - = - - - Fort~ i.., 0;.... 450.................... I Fort Edward.. I 10,000 2 2500 600 375 175' 600 ]AFRICAN METHODIST EPISCOPAL. Granville..... 2 6,000 900 750 275 245 I, 0001_______________________ Greenwich..3 7,400 1,500 742 310 284 1,450 ALBA'NIY Co. Hampton...... 1 ~1,500 100 200 150 96 40 Abay.... I 10,000......... 450 200 60 700 Hartford..... 2 5,000 I......... 880 200 50 500 MWROME Co. i ~ —---- Hebron...... 3 5,000 1,20 50 20 13,0 Binghaitn.,20.... 450 130 100 1,000 Kinogsbury...3 6,800 2,100 1,000 350 245 1,450 iCAYUGA Co.~ -- - - -- --- -- - --- Salem.........2 5,500 1,500 425 275 158 1,050 Auburn...... 1 1,600.......................... 250 White Creek.. 2 10,500......... 715 0 350 297 300 r rV - -----------— ^ --- Whitehall.. 2 _8,800 2, 300 630 _230__ _ 160\ 12 1,0001 Co.... 30 _^ _3 0 Total ^ _j7__79:300 | 19:000 r8,j5^,435_l~~~~~~~~mKinerho.k 1 1,5000......... 300 60 37 200 Totali... 27 249,3000 19000 1,000 3550 2501351023 ~XRIEL-, _._, Butler....... 2 4; 500 800 650 300 150 nnn L~~~~~~ittlekFlls..... 1 1 800...... 200 _j0 0__2l_150 Huo....,0 0 300 100 50500|Broln. ___2_OQ. 200 75 35150 Araco... 2 24500 94 25 1090 600 NeYor.. 4, 11,0 000 2,40 1,840 96 8,550,-, - I STATISTICS OF RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 653 CHURCHES —(CONTINUED). Tow~~s ~ ^ |s | ~ ~:;~. ~ ~ i~~~~~~~~~~ 0 -* i ii ii il li ii I ^ s li ii il It ii STEUBEN CO. ERIE Co. Corning.r. 1 $500......... 80 30 15 $100 Aurora...... 1 $800......... 200 50 25 $300 S^UF'FOLKf CO. — -- ---------------- ---- ---- ---- Buffalo...... 1 6,000......... 450 350 100 550 East Hampton! 2 2,000 $800 300 80 40 350 Newstead.... 1 1,200........ 300 200 65 400 Huntington... 250......... 150 75 28 300 Tonawanda. 80..... 300 150 20 500 AV" ales.....1 2,000......... 200 10 50 410 To tal......2.25 15 68 650 o. 1 1o WESTCHESTER.[ __-~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~Total... 2 240........]_ 2 55 1 0 |88 esn... 00 1.....I 450 150 10 2100 RMye.......... 1 1,000......... 75 40 26 375 Westchester I _........ 125 14 _ Oak.. 1 1,5......... 200 i.... 0 5 25 350 Total..... 2'400 325 55 C 0 G Gr0c....... 2 3400......... 250 15 10 200 M~ ETHODIST PROTESTANT. Chl......... l, 000......... 75 50 30 375 Clrsn.... I 1,000..... 250 65 45 450 CATTARAUGUS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. Gec...... 2 3,500..... 600 10 60 384 New Albion................... 25...... 200 Hamlin...... 1 300... 200 40 12 75 ~xyua-Co. —---------------------------------- Parma....... I 2,090 395 200 79 675 ^ gConquest 509..... 2 3,200.........7001506.. 075 60 O.23 50 Counque-ss Co...... S00 1254,..^-T-T-1 E,000....... CSweden...... 1 900 400' 250 90...... 4 00 oiskbia.... 1 3 000......... 250 500 40 300 Total....... 1 1,000 1400 500 200 80 409 Toa...,0 0C 110 35 90,0 ENECAE Co. 8 0 ~ ~~~~~~~~,9 CO E- --......... 1 2,000. 400 7 50 400 AN Porter...... 1 300......... 100 40 20 150,tE~~~~~~tKI~{E~~~~ ~ONNDG Co. Columbia.... 1 800.......... 200 75 40 300... Moont.o.... 1 200......... 200 100 70 Soo LittleFalls. 1 18,000......... 400 600 160 5MOO otal...... 2 3,575........ Schuyler......... 800 400 -re 4.00 _Hartl n^ ^. 1 _, 000 4..... 200 _ - 0 _3 _ 2 0 ^.... i 1 0' 7 0 3 0 1 0 6 0 Syarre...... 3 0 000 35 900 195 52 700j|S500 20 106 90 KNTARI C o..- -- ^ -=== _ - — [- - Sencaealls... 1 6,000......... 450 200 150 800 Flatlands.... 1 700 200 100............ 350 5o. Total~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...... ~3007.... 60"1Q~2I0;^ ^;. i lo0^...^10 8 ^^ T alerm-I&SToN CO-1 Galen........ 1:0o..... 1 7......... Mount Morris. I1 2,000......... 200 50 25 300 Rose....... I,000 5 300 100 100'40 New York.... 1, 1,000...0 30400 Total...... ~2 3,500 500 1, 000 1 75 20 4 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~woTSEGO Co. ON ID O ertlorkd.... i 1 8 00 0...... 600 10 400 NI1VGA A CO. W'-LN CO. —---------------------— ~ ---- 6amaica.....g 1 1,200......... 200 50 30 46..00 Hartland.... 600......... 200 50 30y Point.......1. 1,500 700 300 100 60 500'COonxa. Co.....AR00A:7TOGA.03' Tota........ 2 3,500 1,050 700 200-16 goo Syracuseta90.........'" 1 50 290 0 - - -~ Mancheogste. I 1, 000......... 2 50 7...... Ricmond 0... 350.0 25 400 INDEPENDEN ONRME METHODIST0 — 2 h m o n 3,000-........ -- --- -ORO E Co. Total..... 3' Perrinton.... 200 so 2 7 0 SCHOHARIE ~ ~ ~ ~ - Co. It]ONNDm Co. Pal...ermo..... 1 700........ 250 30 27 120 Volcaryr...... 1 1800 60 010 60 25..... INeEPNDEN METHODISTS......30 50 2 20 otayl...... 2 2,50:)....... 250 210 11 100 Brooklyn.. 1 9,500.......... 300 75 50 60 Westform.... 4 100 50 6 50 1 T c~~~~~~~ia00;....~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~Rm 1.50........ 150.......... Tt ^ 2,000.....:.... 65 300 85 0 450 *Hurony-pi 1,600.0170 30 45 200 MONROE Co. SAAOGAt::: CO 4,00 2:.:. 50 5 2 60 W ns3... 00......... 700 1650 35 200 alotal...... 9 |1.......' 50 20 1 15 Sarat oga Sp'-. 1 1,000......... 200 150 50 450 Big Flats..... 150o 50.5 25. Miltn....... 1 2500......... 300 200 3 00 5.0 700 2OR METHoDIST. 7~~~0 554 STATISTICS OF RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. CHURCHES-(CONTI-NUED). TOW NS. | ^ ^ ITO WNS. ^ ^ ^? | COLUMABIA~ Co. I _Hudson._..... 1'-5,0 00......... 1, 000 150 __ 0 so i ^360_'WHITFIELD METHODISTS. C r ladville.. I 1,000 i..... 500 14 0 200 Frledom..... II L 00..... 15 70 0 20 Taylor........ I1 1,000 |..... 3 0 1 0 G 300 I|LEWAis'Co.- " ~ - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- ------ -- ~ -- ---- - ---- ~i --- ~ ---- ~~~~~~~~~Turin1........ I ~00k......... 2900 40 115 i...... Total... 2_ 2_,000_......... _ 850_ _290 | 100 J)00 I, Co —. - - - - - - - -- ESSEXCO,, ^1 i -^ -I ~ ^ "Nelson1....'... 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~400 i......... 300 150 40 400 W ilmington.. __ 500 |.........j 150 C) 0 25 2 0 o p - -- - -- - ^ - - -- ^ - - -. - G~E'N E SEE Co0., c~ed' 1 50I 24O 0 3 2 Pavilion... I so C) 800......... __150 _ 60 _3^ _20 F loyd...... I I,800|"" C60' 250' 125 50 100 JEFFERSON Co. i, *;; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Paris........ I 1, 000 i.........| 20 i 100......'...... Antwerp.....i 1 | 1,000'......... 400 i 150 __40j__500 Rc~~~~~~Elmsen...... 4 | 5,1t00;.........| 1,050 I 15 I 165 | 850 LEWIS Co. O I ne ~' R........ 1 I 3),00 I......... 500 100 C)0 I 300 Cro-han.... 1 200........ 100 Soo3) 9 tnhn... 4 400.... 0 515 195 750'MA~~isoN"Co7~1 —--------------------------- " — ~ Trenton...... 1 1, 000 1......... 100......... 150 40 40 220 Sifllivan.. 1 500 L......... 200 40 22 100 "\Ybitcstow~n.. 1 50 150,I)0 NO 100 25 3000 Lockport..... I 1, 500 1.........' 25 125 L...... 3000I T tl... 4 | 1,0 _ 21,4 _1 5 6j ^ 2 Newfanie...... 1 1,800.........j 400 50 17 150 - - - - - - Porter....... 1 2, 000.........I 400 150 60 90 A ENNoyINTE.' __^^*^^^._A^^^^7^TM^~~~~~~~~~~30..... I,0'.,.. 70 25 250.... T oalde...... 3 1, 0.... 050 _326 1 38 15 a c c *" " i?uo!'*'** u _ u.... OEIm c.... 1 5 0..... 1 0 4 C8 30 C otarec....,0......... 200 4 20............ Camento...... 1 1, 200......... 200 260 22 9 150 - - - ^ - ^- - - ^ - ^ Totale...... 3 2, 00......... __640 350 | 78 I 3 0 o 0_______M E Y A S _ __ _ _ _ _ _ Geddes....... 1 600......... 120 60 10 75 ^Brooklyn ^. _1 __10J)OOJ^.^^Tot.-II. 200.........00 2.. 0 2 Syra senton 1 1,200....... 300 150 225 500 O rn'o j - - - - - - - _Total...... 2 4,900......... 640 32C 5 15 0_57 7U m o ~o -' - 8 3~! 0- - - -- - - Ged es..... 1O0...... 12 0 ~0 Broodlvlo.... I 1 0 5 000 I......... 2-00 700........... Syacuseto.. 1 1, 000......... 400 450 123 50 20 U~,,11 "w~s v Co." -" - — ^ - - - - HopewclL.... 1 1,500 ^1,000 350 75 45 450 Salcm~~~~~~~~~tica........! 1 2,400 1.00 200 300 210..... T aples....... 2 41,000...... 5200 210 10 ) 50 175 J) - -^ -'- -^o —---- -- ^ Co~ I-.-. OELENTXIOCO. N-dIeoi d 1 5,0 20 7i ATALQUA I 80 ID Farin gton..... 1 2,000 2.... 00 140 3)0 200 Ch utu a. SI I0...... 10 502N2. Yates......... 1 ~~1,0500...... 350 20 60 20 45mc..... 1 60.... 20 o ^ ~S o^;... 1 1,200!......... 300 75 ^ 900 Tot~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~ale........ I 188( 7 170 9-00 C) r2 Hastins....... 1 12 0 i.... 00 7 3 3 0 ^ o Mexico....... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 2 2000!........ 200 150 5 5 0^ ^* ^ A W ^ * Total 3..3.._3 4,,00L.... 90 300_215 128_850 [NWJ5SLMc i~i(wDXO~~) -OT.- LAWRENCEA_. i Srrr-C T Co~ O — - --- - - -- - --. - Canton...... 1,000 500 30 200! 132 50 Cliathcitaqu.1 1 450. 12 0 16'40 Gainesr....... 1 2 5000......... 400 140...... 60, 5r - --- - i-......... - -- ------ "O ~^:;.::: i...llooo. S...300. S ^ ^ J~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~) Cvnrl... ).....20 ^ Yateshv......... 1 500 50 350 200 60 30 iI-0 Total...... 5 3,000 1,900 1 1,300 635~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'1,1101y.. 307 1,60 | LBK Co.O SKToe ota — --—..... —-— ilia —-......... I 302,00......... 4,00! 390 2,1CO 3 1,0 0 Corinth......~~ 91 800......... 2050 340 120 50 eh em.. 1 400o,0o30i 10 5 2 "Sc~lJYLER'Ccr" —------------------------------— ~^ Guildcrland.. 1 2,000o1-a50.......4.2.................4.5. 0 Boyltorn.... 1 1,200.........! 2500 7 35 2 40 0 R nslevlc I 400....j 40 10 C HastingsC —-- ------------- Wacve.. 1,20..............0 600 23, 300 C,0 Mexio. 0..... 1 2 1,000......... 300 125 75 3 0 50 Carnolce I.. 1 4,20,00..... 500 3510 00 Tothal....... 3 4,400....24. 90 300 18 8 150 |iN E,:: W JEU 00EA CHURCH::1 30~)E B ^ ^G*45 Catona.... I 3,000 *20 3 070" 1650 83 42500 | ^v hihpd -'- I 2, 500........: 1 2-0 4l0 16 400 FoLSER. C. I^ H do 1 500......... 4 00 50 36 25 Lisbon..... Ioa... 7i0 21,00 30 2,00 2,0 1,05 40806KN C.2 4100 Chester...... 1 500......... 150 40..........., ^ FoovrPaiilq Co ~ -, 000.........-,- - --- O- - Maomb....g.. 1 3000........400 200 450 203i,3tn. | 4,00L.... 170 84 5,0 P ari- -------- --- --- - -- --- 500v ll I0 30 400 40 60 00 1 0 150 Total...... 2 2 000.........| 50 | 115 | 50 2 0 Conklin..;;; 1 2^000 L....... 250E125 60 50 STATISTICS OF RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 555 CHURCIIES-(CONTINUE D). TOWNS. ~ I - 1 TOWNS. - t CATTARAUGUS.II Alleogany..... -1 $2,000.......... 250 100 20 8 600 Pleasant Val' 2 $19,000 $5,000 1,000 850 390 $1,700 Ellicottville..1 3,000 i......... 400 100 50 700 PYkeepsic town 2 7,500 450 570 210 100 1,400 Franklinville~~~2.1 2000!.......... 200....... 40' i... okesect 22,000.......... 800 600 350 1,0 Lyndon...... 1 1,500......... 500 80 60..3 0'0 - - - - - -- - ---- -- OClean....... 1 400..... 350 200 1051, 000 Total....... 15 88,450 |16,450 9,720 3,340 1,,836 12,230 Portville.. 1 4,000..... 525- 150 75 1,100 h hEnTzi,- o. - - ------ -- -- - -- ----- - ---- - ---- - --- - ---- I~ ~~~~~~ A den....... 1 2,000 200 325 100 100 650 Total...... 6 16,500.....225 60 30|,0 Amherst..... 2 3,200 850 550 200 75 900 CAYUGA~~~~~~~~~~~o. i | i ~~~~~~~~~~~Buffalo...... 8 360,500 13,000110,0050 4,385 2, 115,~16, 000 Auburn...... 3 47,000.........J 2,400 1,200 4!, 000 4,400 Clarence... 1 800.......... 300 75 i.....J........ Aurelius...2 77600.........' 665 3551 147 9,85 Collins....... 1 3,000 1,500 300 150 i 47 500 Brutus....... I 11,000......... 450 200 162 700 Concord...1 6,1500......... 500 275 141 800 Cato......... 1 4,000 $2,2001 350 250 160 750 E. Hanbuirgh. I 1,000 I........ 200 50 25 500 Genoa....... 3 10,500 4,700 goo0 360 194 2025!Edei..... I 1,000 200 600 100 80 200 Ledyard... 1 20,000.......... 400 120 90 1,000 Elina........ 1 1,600 I......... 240................... Mentz....... 1 4,000 11,500 500 200 120 850 | Lancaster.... 1 4,000!......... 500 90 100 800 Scipio....... 1 2,500 I..... 250 C)0 60 500 i Newstead..... 1 3-,500!..... 00 100 50 550 Springport... 1 3 50-0......... I 300 200 70 800 I Tonawanda... 1 3,0(00.... 250 50 20 500 Victory...... 1 2,000.........I60 10 3 5 etSnc. 0......... 10 10 63 400 Total...... 1 5 I112,100 8,400 \6,8S15 3, 095 -203J26 oa... 139,0 570|425|565 12,816 |21,800 CHAUTAUJQUA CoI ESSEX Co. Dunkirk..... 1 4,000......... 3030 120 80 l, 200 Essex........ 1 8,000!........ 500 80 1-80 1500 Ellicott...... 1 15,000......... 700 3 550 2151 850 Jay.......... 1 4,000........ 3000 100 40 700 Hanover..... 1 7,000......... 300 1715 164!1, 000 AMoriah....... I 6),000......... 9300 150 40 800 Harmony.... 1 2,000 7,000 400 100 89 I67-5 |1- --- - - \ -- -- - - -- Pomfret...... I 8,000......... 500 250 314,00| Total..... 3 18,000 I..... 1,100 3 -33| 26 2,000.Portland... 1 2,500......... 350 150 80' 800 0.NC " —-------- Ripley....... 2 12,000......... 580 300 134 1, 400 |Ban"-oi.... 1 2,500......... 400 1-50 100 500 Westfield.... I 8,000......... 600 400 270,000 Chateau'ay. " 1 2, 5 00 1,200 400 150...... 800 -- ------------ ---- - ---- - ----' ---- ~~~~~Constable.... I 3 50 1,25 3500 5 0 Total...... 9 58,500 7,000 3,7160 1,845 |l,346 7,925 Fort Coyjington! I 4,000 600 400 3000 140 800 _CH E A[ L \T G - 0O. -- ----------- ------ -- Big Flats... 1 2,000 1,500 3000 75...... 650; Total....... 4 12,1350 __3,050_ 1, 550J 700 290 2,500 Elmira city... 2 57,000 9,000 1,500 700 4522'2300 "FULTON CO.- - - Horseheads.. I 2,0 1500 300 160 1351 70 lekr...1 200!.... 05 5...... Southport.... 1 1,200 800 325 100 60 450 Broadalbin.... 1 4,000 I........ 600 100 90 600, -- ------' ------ ---- - ---- ----! ---- ~~~~~~Johnsto-wn... 3'33,000 | 6,000 1,200 975 465 3,200 _Total...... 5| 62,7001 12,800| 2,425 1,035 647 4, 100 -Mayfleld..... 1 4,000'...... 450 200 100 500 CHENANGO~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Co orthamipton. 2 4,500 650 650 200 94 500 Guilford..... I 1, 500......... 300 50 12?75 iPerth.......... 1 2,500 2,000 400 225 110 | 680 Pbarsalia... 1 1,100......... 200 60 55 300 - -- - --- - - -- -- --- -- Sm-ithville I. 2,000......... 200 150 30 70_ Toa...I9 5,O 8, 650 ^3 600 I,i65 _8645 4 _TtalI...... 3 4,600......... 700 260 _9 1,7I Batavia...... 2 3300 i9,0 120 80 25|150 C-LINTON Co —, O'i B e....... 1 6,000|I 1,500! 400 I 5 1.)33 950 Beekinantown. 1 500 1,500 400 150 100 600I Bothainy...... 2 4,000O......... 4- 190 104 1, 150 Black Brook.. 1 4,000.......... 200 60 9 300 1 Byron........ 1 3,000 j1, 200 350 -150 I1.22? 750 Chan-plain.. 1 7,400 1,500 500 200 018 900 |Le Roy....... 1 7,000'...... 70 40 30 1,0 Ellenburgh... 1 22000......... 250 50 41 550 |Oakfi-old...... 1 3, 000 1,500 300 1 0j 61 60 Plattsburngh..2 10,000 5,000 1,200 500 31-2 1!. 800 iPavilion...... 1 2,000......... 300( 75 3 0 -- -- - -- -- - -- ---- - ---- - --- - ---!i ~~~~~~~Pembroke.... I 300......... 300 1510 9j0 700) Total...... 6 23,900 8,000 2,550 960 642 4,150 I- - - - ----- - -- -- -- C~oLUINBiA CO. --------- ~ ----— Total...... lo 58, 300! 13,2900 | 4,040 I2, 165 1, 191 |7,150 Ancram I..,0.... 300 60 15 13005 i:GREE,-NJ Co. Austerlitz I. 1,000 30,000 600 ^200 7I5 17 00 i 1Ashland...... 1 2,500 1,000 300 100 35 250 Canaan...... 1 2,000 1,000 2 5)0 60 35 300 1Cairo........ 1 3,000 1,000 300 75 65..450 Hillsdale.... 1 2,000 1,500 300 50 60 500 Catskill...... 1 10,000.......... 500 250...... 1, 500 Hudson...... 1 22,000.........I 800 375 360 1,500 Durham...... 2 1,800 600 750 75 77 500 Kinderhook. I1 4,500 1,000 575 1715 220 1, 2415 G-reeniville....I 1 5,000 2,000 400 3000 122 600 556 STATISTICS OF RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. CHtURCitES —(Co0NTINUEiD). TOWNS 1 TOWNS. ho ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Tow~ 7;E5 KINGS Co. Brooklyn..... 16 8349,750 $46,450 |12,825 7,150 39!29350 Elbridge..... 1!7,000 i......... 25 0 5 80 800 LEWIS Co..... |2 20,500! $2,500| 800 375 264 700 Greig........ 1 2,500......... 500 50 28 300 Nanlius 2 00 1,200 1,000 380 Lowville...... I 10,000o 2, 000 600 100 120 800 Marcellus.... I 9,'000 2,500 600 300 150 800 Martinsburgh. 1 5,000......... n,1 10,00......... 450 150,92 550 Turin........ 2 1,400......... o00 230 115 500 Pompey...... 1 1,800......... 225 40 38 400 West Turin.. 1,5000 80 50 5-00 Salina....... I 15,000......... 600 250 130 850 I — - - Skanoatles...0 1 5,5s0 200 250 168 800 Total...... 6 20,400 i"2,000 2,700o 660 3 363"'2, 700 Spaff'ord I.. I 1000......... 900 125 1 2 300 LIVINGSTON Co. - Svracuse..... 3 82,000 5,000 2,250 1,275 750 4,7100 A o........ I 1,000 1, 500 500 715 50 500 I- --- - -' -- ---- -- Caledonia.... 1 6,000 3, 500 500 250 120 800 Total... 17 17 5, 800 |15, 100 |8, 675 |3, 638 |2,027 11 3, 200.Geneseo......'2 24,000 6,000 1,400 525 400 ~2,100 O-NTARIO Co. Groveland.... 1 4,000 1,000 500 200 135 700 Gorhani.... 1 2,000 1,200 300 150 74 500 Martinsburgh~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1povl. 400 17,5o 4,8o 4,ooo Leicester.... 1 15000......... 400 20010...... 60 o 1 5 000 1,000 4 Lima......... 1 10,000 600 750 350 250 00 Manchester 100.......... 250 70 5 45...... Li'voniail....... 2 11, 400 2,300 800 350 29 2 11,450 Naples..... 4 32,000 1,050 1, 520 865,453 2,7"I50 1200 4385 Mount~~~~~~~orris. 2 18,50~~~~~~~~~~~~0/ 9,60 1 25500 0 150 Snc.... 4 5 00 1,0,0,5 1,7,8 No. Dansville. 1 5,000.... 450 200 800 South Bristol 1 1500 2,870 300....... 2200 Nundar....... I 10,000......... 600 175 Victor....... 6000 1,500 300 150 125 800 0 s sian........ 1 300 300 200 7 75....... 325 --—, 0-.. — --- - C,6 0 5,8 2,65'2 50/ 1! 850 Portage.......I13 99,100 8,620 |052, 870 ta2,765..2,520 | 9,035 Sparta....... 3 3,800......... 800 240 115/ 750 1ORAN GE3oo —------ Sprin-water.. 1 2,000 700 250 80 50 400 o loooo/ Groveo 2 11,680. 4,500 540 230 98 1,4585 York......... 1 2,500 600 40 -...... I 8,000 5,000 600 450 265 800 -- ------------ - --— / —-- ---- ---- Cornwall. 4 22,000 3,000 I 1, 50 5 420 Total.;..... 20 102,3000 18,000 8 25 0 1,805 Toa...... 1 3 3 5 2 5 Genese~~~~~~~~~~7 rwor.... 7/ 24000 6,0 01000 OM5 200:1,50 2E'oo_MADISON Co. Deerpark... 7.. 600 420 175 1,370 Caeenovia.... 1 7,000 2,500 650 450 250 25 0 950 Ioee...... 1 8,000 I 7,000 750 500 430 1,500 Lemox....... 4 9,0o0o 900 17o300 C2 204 2,400 Hamptonburgh 1 4,000......... 400 250 90 70 Nelson.......... 200 150 i 100 400 2Minisink.. 2 6,000 1,500 707 250 -178 850 Smithfield.... I 1,000 I......... 700 7 5 2 25 500 A13roe.... ~. 1 5,000 3,500 325 250 45 500 -- -- - -- - ----- ---- - ---- - ---- -- Montomery ri. 275-0 550 323 2, 00 Total....... 7 17,600 3,400 2,850 1,300 I 579 14,250 Mount Hope.. 2 50,000.......... 830 2715 1,775 I1,000 MONROE Co. Nswburih.. 3 17, 000......... 2,000,000...6.1 300 Chili........ 1 3,100 1,200 300 75 50 1450 Ne idsr 200 1,0 1 30 60 2 5 500 larkson..... 1 6,000 100 120i 600 aikiol........ 4 21,000 5,000 1,780 0 4,200 Gates......... I 1,500......... 300 100 50 150 Warvick..... 2 7,000 1,200 900 600 3 00 1,400 Ossi~,~~~~~~~,00........29,25 Greece....... 1 300..... 200 100 35!600 Wawvayanda.. 3 16, 000 6, 000 950 325 29 i125 Mendon...... 1 6,000......... 400 150 113 1 00 Ogden....... 1 7,,0000 0000 400 300 2 0 i 22 5 Total....... 931 150 I I 40,900',I125 7,190 4,404 26,155 Parma....... I 1,990 1,050 350 150 125 650 ORLEAS Co. Penfield...... 1 5,000......... 500 100.54 | 00 Barre I 10,000 4,000 800 500 300 1.400 Pittsford..... I 10,000......... 3000 200 100 Go C0 Carleton... 1 2,000......... 240 80 60'600 Rochester... 1 6 243,000......... 5,8,0 3 000 3,317 11850 endall...... 1 1, 500......... 200............. Sweden... 2 18,000 1,200 1,250 500 235 1, 650 Miurr'ay......| I 3,000......... 400 200 1 15 0 700 Webster.... 1 2,500......... 250 100 105 750 RidCeway....| 2 1, 550 3,000 1,000 400 415 1,600 vWheatland.. 1 6, 000 2,500 400 250 175 1,200 Shelby.......! 1 1,200 1,000 300 150 so 400 -- -- ~ -- ---- o _ ---- _ ---- _ -- _~ ---- Y atcs........ 1 2,500......... 50 100 C) 600 Total...... 19 310,090 11,950 |l0,850 i 5,125 14,729 20700 — ONTGOMEIY. -Total...... 21, 8,000 o3, 290 1,.430 I1,065 53 Amsterdam... I 10,000 4,000 600 400 050 1,100,OSWEGO Co. Canajoharie.. 1 1,000......... 500 100 70 |200 Constantia... 2 2,400 600 400 200 9")50 800 -- - - --- --- -- J -- -- Osve 6 city.. 1 20,000......... o1 000 750 375 2,000 Total...... 2 11,0001 4,000 1JOO| 500 4201,300 R cd(cld...... 500 1,000 400 100 25 500 NEW YORK Co. Volney...... 1 5,000 400 500 250 200 800 New York.... 44...620,000 45,00022,800 13,735 7,080 84850 West Monroe. I I,500 600 300 7 10o...... NIAGA0A 1, - -- w5i2,Itamstolnvur. 1 2,000......... 300 1 0 700 t..............- - -o Lo, kp,,... 2 200....... 1,50. 54 6,0 oa...... 7 3,0 260I290I150| 73|480 Totalar...... 7 17,000 2,4000'400 50 141,3000OSGCo P~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ontgoery.... 9,00(0 1,00 0 7 6 700 Cer alyI 400 250 500 25 11,6 -oao 57.. 14 2,50..... 20 7 12 550 Mount tt..... 1 5,000....... 400 17 5 1, 000 5'OmX~t0 ewbrght.... 172,00 1,0 40 15 90 40 Mdife.. 2 2800 1, 000 42320, 4 700 Chili........,16,00 1,200 60 200 46 50 N indsord... 1 0,00 1,000t 400 150 80 00 Clar- -----— ks_ __ _ __ i __ nont...... 13,000!.... 70 25i5 0 Total...... 9~~~~~125,50 5,00 4,1 1,615kil,06l40 tc...... 2 1 17000 3,7000! 1,7070 42 8,400 GatesDro- -------- -~ ---- ~-...fel...... 1,3,00 1,0 3050 150 W a w c k... 0 500 Annsvile.... 1 1,50 600 00 50 0 400 Springield.. 1 4,00j 1,00 500 0 0 90'!,00 Grnvleece. 1,0........ 60 300 15 70 U ail... 1 300..... 20 10 9 0 Kirkla3, 0' ~, 3 6! W wynda.... 1 15000 0,00 800 500 t250100 — ------ i -- i --:- - -- Nen atod. 1 600 260 40 20 56 90 Tona......1 12S4,0] 240j4851185l,4, Paris....... 1 6,000 1,0 40 180 130 7 00'UNA Co' Ogdsen..... 1 50...... 1,00 36~ 220 6,0 T oaml...... 2 154,000 80,000 8315 70 4,5 01682|, 700 aromae........ 1 2,000 2,0 90 500 36 1,905 0 Oi aLIt:A so C...,0'.. 0 0 0 5 Pengefield....1.4,50 2,000 50 25 1 54 800 Barre........ 105,000 4,000 260 150o0 1.24 900 PTretsond...... 1 3000,000 25 16 130t 900 Southeato..... 2, 7,000....... 480 22 1610122 Roheter....... 24 90,000.....2 10 120 70 350'- ------' - - -- -- -- Veron~ ~~~~~~~~,3715012nal...... 1 3,500 20......... 0 0 060QEN C............r Swedeso n. 3 8,0........ 18,700, 6 25 305 1,800 am aica.......1 850 80011,0 0 5,5 -- ---- - _ _ -- _ --- -- --- Ne to n.. 3' 28 00 01.....:. 1, 5 52 2 0 2 8 0 O^ONDAC-A Co. ---- ---- l ---- ---- Oyster Bay... I 4,~~000 2,00 2 50 200 6 0 Camilus.... 2 6,000 7 1,500 She00 193. 48 1,201 00 -- - -- --— 8 — --- - -- 0 — De~~~~~~~~~~itt~~~~~~,t~...... 1 200 40 30 10! 6 0 oa.... 9 s6,005 1 00'. 3500 |,00 1119 i,000 STATISTICS OF RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 557 CHURCHES-I(CONTINUED). I'~~ ~ ~ ~~ " - I In | i,- ] i 1 ~ TOWNS/ ~ ~ ~ I i ~ I =, o: T I. TO WNS S^~~~~~~~' o bo 03 C) W -2 S ^o ^S REN-SSELAER.. Greenbush....1 $3.500......... 350 175 1601,200 Pultney I 1 000 $2,000 275 150 80 $400 Lansingburgh. 2 18,000 8800 900 350.300 l,500 -— I- - --- -—.. —. - Nassau....... 2 5,000 1,800 550 115 50 1,080 T Total...... 14 28,500 7,450 4,400 2,235 |1,197 7,822 Pittstown.... 2 6,000 3,150 300 150 73 900 |iSUiFF-OLK Co_ — iK — -- } —/ —----— ] —----- Sandlake...... 1 2,500....'...... 400 175 70 700 Brookhaven.. 8 2,150 5,200 2.140 1,090 640 2,925 Schaghticoke.. I 10,000......... 450 250 220 700 i! EastHampton. I 4,000 100 300 150 100 650 Stephentown.~ 1 1,800 800 300 100 60 700 I Hmitington.. 6 19,500 6,600 2,750 1,220 657 4,300 Troy........ 7 86,500......... 3,850 2,025 ~1,u091 9,u900 Islip......... 1 2,500......... 200 75 50 500 -- —.. -. -—.. ---- - ---- - ----- ---- j Shelter Island. I 6,000 1,500 365 220 164 750 Total...... 17 133,300 6,550 7,100 3,340 |2,024 116680 I Smithtown... 1 2,500 1,500 250 150 60 600 RUICITMOND Co. |~I Southampton. 4 19, 500 5,000 1,725 97 5 722 3,050 Southfield.... 10,000........... 250 100 501500 Southold 2 8,000 1,000 550 180 213 1,100 BROCKLAND CO. i - -- -- - - - --------- -- Clarkstown.. 2 6,500......... 360 110 87 900 Total...... 24 644,150 20,900 8,280 4,060 i2,605 13,875 Haverstraw.. 2 18,000 2,500 1,100 400 225 2,000! SULLIVAN CO. Orangetown. 3 17,000 7,000 850 415 219 2,100 Bethel....... 1 3,000 1,200 400 300 112 500 Ramapo...... 2:B3,500 30000 70 3 900 [ Cocheecton... 1 2,000......'... 300 75 25 600 Stony Point.. 1 1,600......... 200 75 50 500 Collicoon..... 2 2,000 700 550 210 150 400 Liberty......1 2,000 1,000 500 300 140 500 Total...... 10 |46,600 |12,500 3,060 1,300 651 6, 400 Mamakatin. 1 5,000 1,000 500 150 76 800 S. LAWRENCE.' -- --------- -- - ---; --- l EBockland.... 1 1o500......... 250 80 12...... Brasher < 2 4,500 2,000 650 2 15 0 9, 3 1800 Thompson.... I 5,000......... 600 00 165 900 Canton....... 22 7,500 1,800 700 5 DeaKalb..... 0.....go Total...... 8 20,500 3,900 3,100 1,515 680 | 3,700 Gouverneur.. 1 7,000........ 4 00 30 20'i" 700 TIOGA Co..i i Htammond.... 1 1,400......... 400 175 174 600 Barton....... 1 3,000......... 350 250 125 1,200 Morristown ". 1 3,000 400 300 150 40 300 Nichols...... 1......... 300........ 80 24 400 Norfolk..... I 1 1,500......... 350....... 75 I 500 Owego....... 2 1,500 1,000( 1,150 400 290 1,950 Oswegatchie. 3 17,400 3,200 1,600 880 584:,210.................... Potsdam..... 1 12,00'0.........., 500 350 200'1,000 Total...... 4 4,500 1,300 1,500! 730 439 3,550 Rossie....... 1 1,400......... 300 120 37.......TOMPKI-. -o. Waddinifton. 4,000......... 400 100 45 1 500 Dryden...... 1 7,000 1,500 500 400 225 1,000 - ]roton...... 1 2,000 1,000 375 150 100 400 ~'~~~/.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~....... 1, 00 t6 2 36 1,ooo Total...15 |60,300 7,400 6,000 I2, 575 J1, 628,8,510 Ithaea.... 1 34,000 3,0 60 32 38 150 SARATOdA Co. Lansing... 1 2,000 500 500 150 40 500 Ballston.... 1 5,000 1,000 350 300 90 600 Newfield... 1 4,000......... 500 150 7-7 400 Charlton...... 1 [ 000 1,00 325 2,000 400 200 180 800 Galway....... 500 250 110 650 — - Malta......... 2 2,100 1300 375 100 64 600 Total...... 6 61,000o 8,800o | 2,935 1, 375 9901 4,600 Mailton....... 2 13,000 2,200 900 325 343 1,350 li ULSTER Co. Saxatog~a Sp'gs1 1 40,000......... 1,200 450 280 1,350| Kinigston.... 2 20,000 4,500 900 550 i303 2,000 Stillwater.... 2 7,000 1,000 680 220 213 800 Lloyd........ 1 4,000......... 450 200 140 500 Waterford... I 10,000 3,000 700 350 200 1,000 Marlborough. 2 7,000 2,000 7100 4 70 240 900 — oo ----— o —-— oo ---- - ---- ---- P lattekill,.... I 1,000..... 300....... 50...... Total...... 11 87,100 I 9,700'5,005 I 2,220 11,437 6,950 Sa2g-rties.... 1 2,5000 36 So SCHENECTADY. / — - - -: ------ - -- - -- - -- Duanesburgh. 1 2,000 1,000 300 80 50 400 UTotal...... 7 34,5001 9,500 40 1,320 769 4,200 Princetown... 1 1,500 1,000 500 300 153 560 /' WARREN CO.......! —- - Schenectady. 1 30,00,000 5,00 1,440 900 504 H,500 Bolton...... - aldwell. 1 3,000......... 250 71 9 400 Total...... 3 33,500 7,000 2,240 9 00 1,28 0 I7072,40 Chester...... I 1,000 1,400 200 60 64 700 SCHOHARIE Co. p uzerne,00......... 125 50 25 600 Carlisle...... 1 3,50040 1770..,3001 Queensbnry...1 2,000 4,5 00. 200 200 0oo Ssperance.... 1 7,000........ 400 120 37,000......... 250 605 60 600 Waterford....2,000 200ooorejsbuooo 1 2000 Fult n....... 1 200......... 150 50...... 100 -- --- - - - ------- -- Jefferson...1 3,000 600 800 200 116 500, Total...... 6 10,500 1,400 11,025 550 1368 |3, 100 Sharon....... 1 8,000......... 400 00 0 30 400 WAS0INGTON.-- -- - -- ------ ---- - ----. ---- -— l Ca ebridge... I 1,000......... 500 20 10.............T~ ~2otal 2,25 7 2o 5 i Easto,...... I 1,500......... 200 71 50 300 1 2,000 I1,000 I00 I H0 150 4 500 Orince...... 1,500....... 500 300 ]53 650,'Vxlm C..... 1 1,0.... 5 7 8 0 Sc~_ --- - - - -- -- -- -- heneteally. 1 30005,000...... 600 2504 25 1,5000Blo... Junius...... 1 1,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~000........ 250.0 5 50 Acai......2 1,0 150100 47 20110 Ovid....... 9,000 500 60 300 29 800C aldell.....*. 1 400 250 1000............'Waterloo..... 1 25,~~~~~~~~~~000......70 500 0 100 Oto...1 80..... 0 75 30 400 Tot- -- - ---- -- --- --- -- P lmy a. 2 1, 0 |....... 95[4 1 7 1,75 Total.... 7,55,00 |7,000 3,2400 1,750 7(7020,.,400 Chester.... 1,0.......I 35 1;[60 0 60 5 00 STEUBFN~CO - -- ----------- ~~ --- ---- ~ —p - I Sarnnae.. 1 3.......... 500 105 0 25 600 o ddso..'.. 1 300...... 50]5 01 80 S d s.... 2,0..... 7^ 0 3 0 Bat...oo.... 2~.600 o 5 5 800 300 1,35,Wla o..t; 1, 3,000.......... 200 90 o 36 o 35 %spmanee....I 2,000..... 20 120 6037 0 Warrensb..... 2 1,000 5()0 1,00 4000 9,5 Caonis.-.. 1 2,0........ 275/ 12 0 50- ---— o —- -- - -- -- Je feron.... 1 0....... 1008 i.........o... Total~......! 16 86,900| 16,100!,o76 s 3 301 1,77oo 50 Cohocton..... 1 800' 50 20 0 21o0o ETCTSE. Shaornin...... 8,,000 00[0 20(0 I200 4l,00 Bedfordx~O....,0 0 5 5 5,0 ~ri... To 1 1,0....... 2. 10 -'7-/ 600 2,600 745kd... 2 13.41,00 Eason...... 7,00 550 271 2,00 Morttour...e.. 2e 5,6, 000..... 300 240 15011,000 Kiennrgsl?... 2 2,000 175 0 50 420 12153,00 HOrange..... 1 3,50 00 500 200 7 03 600 S l emibr...........000........ 400 170 180/ 1000'aspe.......... 1W 0 h 0 25 10 97|42ilotehSalle... 2 6,5000 2,00 |2500 400 29 1,1000 558 STATISTICS OF RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. CHURCHES-(CONTINUED). T~~~~~~~. s ow~ a!> ^s ~ n ~ ~ TOWNS. I t, I, II t, I, TOWNS. | | 800 450 155 1,400 Kirkland..... 1 2,500..... 300J 100 8... BEEE o e atavd.ia400........ 25I2 6 0 Bat via.... } 20,000 5,000 650 600 260 1,250 I Paris........ 2 7,000 " 1,2006 750 } 200 / 80 1,075 Le Roy....... 515000 2,500 350t 150 120 /1,000 ]Remsen...... 1 2,000..... 200 50 20 800 Oakfield.... 1.................. 60 22{ 250 Rome........ 1 10,000 "1,000 450 300 202 1,000 Stafford..... 1.0........ 1,000 300....../ 40 S gooil...o 1- 3.500 1,50 300~ 80 70 600 -- ----- 1 -- __ ___ _ ___ _ ___' _ - Trenton.......1 3,250 1,7'50 200 J 80 46~ 700 _Total... 4 26,000 I7,500 2,000 1,110 402 ~2,900 Utica........ 4116,000 20,000 2,400 J900 66 5,250 ^GREENE'CO -- --------- y ---------- ---- --- Westmoreland 1 2,500..... 200 [ 120 40 400 Ashland..... 1 500..... 200 40 60 J500 Whitestown.. 2 400..... 60 20 4 0 Athens........ -1 5 000 2,0 40 12 10 1, 5 — - - - - - ---- - -- -- Cairo.....1 200....l0 5 3 40 ^oa,.. LJ1420 2,40I620|240!,6 1,2..skl...... 1 6000......... 30 2 00....... o tON alAC. Greenville..... 1 5,0 2,045 5 2 15 yadr. I 1 300........ 20 10 4 70 Crattskill...... 1 2000......... 15 7 0... alu... 2 600 120' 5 2 0,5 HERKIMER ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~XNDf Co. ] - --- --- -- ~ — — * — Pratsilleld...... 1 2000 400 40 75 29 0 [. otanlu......1 95000 1,2,00 3,700 2,35 |2,12,1500 Herkimer.... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Slaaetee''3,000.....500 50O 1512 700 660 STATISTICS OF RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. CHURCHES —(CONTITNUED). *^s...:, ^. ~| J,;| - TOTWNS. 0 r, ~SJ o ONTARIO Co. Canandaigua.. 1 $10,000......... 460 300 185 I, 000 iHalfmoon..... 1 $2,000 $2,000 250 75 40 8200 Phelps........ 1 3,000'I,000 150 60 30 200 Saratoga Sp'gs1 15,000......... 600 400 175 1,000 Richmond.... 1 2, 000......... 300 100 30 140 Stillwater.... 1 2,000 1,500 200 40 18 415 Senecah....... 1 35,000......... 600.400 398 1, 000 Waterford.... I 4.000......... 200 160 80 700 Total...... 4 50,000 1,000 1,51Q 860 643 2 40 Total...... 7 42,000 6,700 2,000 1,050 569 3,935 ORANGE CO. SCHIEN'\ECTADY.| C'ornwall...... 2 16,000 2,000 450 ISO 65 140 Duaiiesburgh.1 2, 500 7,000 400 80 50 1,000 Goshen3...... 1 12,000 6,250 350 100 s8 1,000 Schenectady I 20,000 5,000 900 600 180 1,250 Monroe00....-..... 130 64 35......- --- - Montgomery.. 1 3,000 2,000 300 150 70 400 _Total...... 2 22, 500~ 12,0001 1, 300 680 | 23512,250 Newburgh.. 2- 27,400 4,000 900 700 390 12, 500 SGITcoiiARIE CO.'i — New Windsor I 10,000......... 250 75 25...... liddloburgh.. 1 2,000......... 300 100 8...... Wallkill...... 1 12,000.. 0 450 300 120 1,200 Sharon....... 1 5,000 5,000 250 150 23 750 Total...... 9 85,400 14,250 2,830 1,569 |785 46,500 Total...... 2 7,000 5,000 550 250 31 750 ORLE ANS Co. UYLE~iRRCO." Barre........ I 10-,000......... 400 300 140 Soo Catharine.... 1 3,000 1,500 225 100 6 5 500 Ridgeway..., 1 8,0......... 400 200 95 800 Dix.......... 1 1,500......... 200 100 35 500 -- ------ - - -- --- _ ---- _ --- ---- M Newburgh.... 1 8,000......... 200 50 33 700 Total...... 2 18,000......... 0 500 235 17,600 — 0 OSWEGO Co.,Total...... 3 12,500 1,500 625 250 |133 1, 700 Constantia... 1'.,000 200 250 10 ) 30 30 500'ECA7CO Oswegoc..it 2 70,000 4,500 1,350 825 3701,9Io00 Seneca Falls.. 1 6,000 2,000 300 50 l,000 650 Richland..... 1 3,000......... 200 75 39 475 Watehrloo.... 1 25,000......... 5 00 5 1,000 Volney...... 1 4,500......... 350 17 95 5......'"' —-------- ---- - ---- - ----! ---- Total...... 2 31,000 2,000 800 400 1, 200' 1,650 Total...... 5 78,500 4,700 2, 150 I1, 175 5 342,8 7 5 1 TEUBEN CO. —-------- -- -- -- OTSEGO Co. | Addison...... 1 5,000 800 200 50 47 530 Butternuts... 1 2,000 7,000 300 75 60 800j Bath.......... 1 4,000 1,500 300 150 13900 600 Cherry Valley 1 3,000 2,000 300 100 102 800 Bradford..... 1" 200......... 150 60 30 500 Morris...... 1 7s 000....... 1oo 10,000......... 300 60 70 700 Otego........ I 3,500......... 300 150 15 400 Hor-ellsville.. 1 900......... 400 200 90 800 Otsego........ 1 20,000 3,500 460 175 160 800 S —---- -- —. Richfield.....1 3,000 1,800 2500 1 520 600 Total..... 5 20,100 2,300 1,350 520 |0367 3,]80 Unadilla... 1 6,000 3,000 400 250 134 1J,100'SUPFOLK'CO- - --— co. —- ~ -- -- - -- ------------ --— V —-- _ ---- I ---- Brookhaey n........... 350 525 40 300 Total...... 7 44,500 17,300 2,510 1,150 73315,300 East Hampton 1 2,100......... 150 75 12 200 PUTNAM Co.utigo.. I. 8,000......... 300O 200 73 425 Patterson.... 1 3,000......... 400........ 15...... Islip......... 2 3,800......... 275 100 40 i1,000 Phillipstown.a. 3 21,000......... 470 ISO 952,100 Smithtown... 1 2,500 2,500 150 75 32 | 500 Totl....... 7- 87 20,000 2,500 1,1225 975 1 197 5 2,425 QUEENS Co.' | SULLIVAN Co. Flushing... 4 67, 500 15,000 1, 850 1, 130 450 4, 800 Fremont..... I I1,600 1......... 266 100 1 27 390 Hempstead... 3 21,000 13,000 880 450 343 2,000 I Thompson.... 1 5,000 1......... 400 150 100 300 Jamaica..... 1 25,000......... 400 250 154 1, 97 5!- - - - ---- -- -- -- Newtown.... 5 71,000 6,500 1,899 795 005,550 Total....... 2 C,600......... 666 250 227 5690 No.-Hempstead 2 7, 500 5,000 550 225 100 1, 150 -T i OG-A'C —0 —------------- -- -- Oyster Bay... 4 17,000 8,000 2,700 600 252 2,400 Barton....... 1 4,500 500 260 130 50 700 -- -- - -- — u -- ---- ---- t ---- --— e Candor....... 1 2,000 1,000 300 100 34 500 Total...... 19 209,000 47,50 20 599 17875 00 — RESSELAE. — i Total0...... 2 65 00 1560 20. 100......... Greenbush... 1 7, 000......... 300 150 50 600 ITo P i sCO. ---------- -- -- -- Moosick...... 1 3,000......... 9000.............. Caroline 600 110 50 20 250 Lansingburgh. 1 6,000......... 00 350 | 250 il,000 i anby....... I 500................................... Troy......... 4 125,00 150 2 00 20 6000 I 00 00............ U -- -- - -- ------ ---- _ --— a —d _ ----; Ithaca....... 1 30,000 3,500 500 300 130 1,600 S M4Total -. 7 141,000 1-[ 15,00 i 2,51 0 1,50, Middletown...~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ 231,300......... 650 2256 21419O Eo....1 300...... 1007...... N rhil.....1 7300 10,00 60 20 00 3,00 [ ingsoohen...i. 2 2,0,0 0 5 9.5 P ou thfie... 1 1,00 1,0 o 50.... 16 2,0 t arluni town... 1 2,000..... 30 10 4"... Wesfied....2,000........... 70 5 145 55falbruh. 2i 1..1,000. 3,500 350 80 1, 000 Philli p stown. - 3 - - -- ---- - ---- --—', --- 0 Smigcthtow...'1 2,500 1,20 300 75 7 00 Oagtown.... 3 15,000;-......... 37o ~s 350 120oo 30 Codel...... 1 2o,800o 800o 21 120 28 312 Totluhn...... 6! 6,000 2,00 |,8750 1,1025 0 24,400 | Wreonsbg I,0....... 10 9 5 Lisbon.......~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~ 1 2,500...... 300 100 30i2090WSINTN emprrstead...1 3 2,000 0........450 75 3 2,0 400 Thompsona.... 5,000 30 400 150 970 400 JNmriolk...... 1 25,000..... 280 2 50 25| 5004avle.. 3,950......... 30........... Newownda.... 5 712,000 2500'40 1,00 795 800 a,550 To..t1al00......... 28,60 16 50 907 500 Wadding 2..,1 5,00 5.00 45 100 35550 225m.... 1T,50o..... 20 5 o 0' 5 Oys- - - - - - - -- ~ - -- --! hterally... I 17,000 00..0 6 0 22240 atn.......4,05 0 200 100 40 700 T~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Cnotal....... 7I3,000 1,000 3,70 95 20 |4,00 I4 -- 5 0 0 ___ __ - -- -- - SARATOGA 20o.0 ~ — -- 1~ -',^00!-J-L J 45,000 8,50 1,480 53059 2827',5 Ballst~~oo oi.......2 1,0.,0 50 20 14425 iWYEC^ Charlton.....| I 4~~~~~~~~~~,5000 1,0 5 2 2 71 rai.....6,0,00' 225 10 50'650 STATISTICS OF RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 561 CHURC]HES-(CONTINUED). TOWNS.. TOWNS. Li ERIE Co. Galen........ 1 82,500 $2,000 200 150 58 $600 1 Amherst..... 1 8800......... 250 100 50... Lyons....... 1 1,700 2,000 480 180 1,335 ~ 900 Holland...... 1 300......... 100 30 20 Palmyra...... 1 5,000 3,000 350 200 146 900 - Sodus........ 2 2,000 800 600 200 65 3 5 0; _Total......| 2| 1,100......... 3500 130 | 70...... - -- - -- - - - - -- -- FULTON Co. T~~~~~~~~~001. Total....... 6 |34,500 9, 1,855 880 36.54 3 50 20 $100 P~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.0 almr-a.... 5,000........ WESoTCIES TER1. " Ephratah.....1 1 3,000......... 600 250 55 600 Bedford...... 1 2,000 31,000 150 100 83 550 Cortlandt.... 2 15,000......... 500 205 72 900 I Total...... 2,....... East Chester.. 2 271,500 5,000 662 350 120 900 _G I T^ N ]EC 0.- ~ ------ - - --- -- -- Groenburh... 3 42,000......... 960 605 3.204,3 Athens. 2 5,200 $1,000 750 400.165 900 Mamaroiieck. 1 5,000 3,000 300 200 90 800; Catskill.... 3 23,500 2,200 1, 350 7150 140 1,050 Morrisania 2 14,000........ 650 400 122 2,050 Coxsackie.... 2 11,000 200 0 450 500 2, 00 Mt. Pleasant.. 2 8,000......... 450 175 80 00 ]Nw Baltimore I 4,000 2,500 250 220 112 600 Newcastle.... 1 3,000........ 500................. Prattsyille 1 5,000 800 350 200 102 600 New Rochelle. 2 52,000 16,000 900 500 192 1,70_ North Castle.. 2 6,000......... 9 0 450 2 0 11, 9 0 5,350 Ossining... 2 26,000 21,000 475 250 185 2,000I"Eoi^ o" - ------ ----- -- -- Pelhamo...... 2 6,500......... 575 300 70 1,00 | Columbia.. 1 1,200...... 400 100 50 50 y ae.......... 2 17,000 6,000 700 250 60 5 8 Frank9A.... I 1 1,000................0................ ^carsdale..... 1 5,000 3,000 1.50 40 60 5~~~~~~~~~ ~~~00 | German Flats. 2 9,000......... I, 100 200 65 900 Somers...... 1 4,000......... 400 60 3`8 500 I crkiier... 1 9,500... 500 150 1 9 700 Westchester. 1 35,000 9,000 600 400 c2 00 2,500 MAnhi.: 1 6;000 *";56 400 80 74 525 West Fams.. 4 58,000 7,000 1,400 775 315 3,450.0 W hite Plains.. 2 26,000......... 900 350 140 1,200 ar_...._ _ ___....____._0 Yonkers1..... 4 93,500 25,000 1,375 850 485 50, 500 Totaa....... 7 2,700 800 350 80 1 23 5 WYOMING Co. I KTV(^ Co —-~ —-----------------------------------— \, Co aa...... 7 44 8,000 4,000050 3 0 9 866 2 Alexandria.3 80 0 0 | I 23000 10 00 {0 20 3 00 Warsaw "2 0- 200 -OO -p5 01 0 n ad..... 1 4,000 2,000 350 25 16 60000 ^ATES Co. i New ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Lotush..... 2 30,000 110,000 Soo 300 210 1,600 ^Milo...... Prattvi... I 57,090__A 20/__365_ 10(^ _J^ __jO~j New Utl echt. 8,00 30 4 00 3500 2 102 1 00 _____________^FORMED PROTESTANT DUTCH._____________ __Total...... 2 21400 212, 510 155 go 4^^ 300 I Alba2y...... 6 247,5000 1,800 3,800 1,880 1,293 7,400; Crav an.... I 1,040 80 0 30 0 100 I erne....... 3 10,3050 Lots.... 2 1,00 400 23 900 30 20 I0 Mioey......... 1 3,000 2,500 365 120 115 500- No_ __t___tI_ __ ___3_00_70 _350 _15_ ____ Guilderland...1 6,000 5,000 500 350 240 700 Total....... 3 1,740 8002600 23 16 01 40 Kn ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~akort........ 1 150.....2... 0 5 060TTirTNC — -~ -- -- -- -- -- bNe y Scotlan. 6 247,500 1,000 3,800 5080 3 239 1,700 1 on17 7 9 0 Somern e..... 4 68,000 6,5 0 14 1 25 83 4 80 Besthehem.... 1,000 1,000^ _ _ ^|^^ ^^ 1,5 5,000:, 0 owBom n I......... 300 100 50 900 C_ otal...... 2 36 000 12,500 400 80 80 GuilderlanU Totl... 200 0 2ne 350 2,0 00 1 00 230 160 450 Knox armsn..... 1 550......... 400 50 80 50 00 —- - NewScotland. 4 5.000 2,000 300 50 40 600. 5 0 Whiterta.... 2 Soo.......... l i n7 290 300 wsterlo' 1 2 000 120 400 150 712 Soo Caaoae. 000..... 0 0,0 2HAUTAUQUA. Mohawk26. 2 12,0.00......... 300 400 5 500 Clymer...... 1 600......... 140 120 155 5,0 ^ f.~~~~~~~~~Sulivan........,0 2 4 5 00..... 1 500 250 87 600 Totalr.... 25 33,5700 36,506(' 11,37 5 42 360 I.880 mayo........ 1 1,00......... 500 150 50 200 T. -oh. I......42 1,0 2000 1,5 0 400 350 130 1 300 Chataml... 2 45,00 2,000 6 50 4 09-0 08 Roc1he 5te-',763 000 2 600 1 80 3905 32085400 I vra c... 10,000....... 2600 700 343 2580 ii6 Nw_YoT. 17 l0.00_ 44,l I^ ^ ^ ^ E R1Y'" Alexandria... 1 2,000 1,200 400 100 80 350 89E A 23A! 500.. 2 9,0.. 02 Warsawi...... I 4,000......... 300 200 130 300 Cic 2 o........ 700 125 200 1,000 Sterlintown. 1 54000 2,000 400 250 200 90 5.8 Ghent...... 4. 9000 2 0,500 2,350,0,-5-! — 21600 115 Wethersfie l1d000 200 0 50 31 1,000 C.er........ 1 1,0 100 300 150 400 lltbh... ~ivingsto. I 1latands..... 1 000 4,000 50050 740 64 159300 Total...... 2,,000 2,000 800 13550 184 |260 D A A e -sene..... 1 15,000.......... 700 250 7 1,000'fRxT uy..,00 120 40 20S870OAG Co. "Durci~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ewS ots - ------ --- -- - - - Dera.... 2 11,500,00 900 500 199 1,100 I-M t oh wkilo 2 10,00 I......... 9 7,000 400 195 50 0 Fishkill...... 4 39:000 1:600 2,300 1,050 690 3,500 ~~New Utrecht. 1 25000 5,000 1,00 300 435 1,5000 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Total....... 19 511900 6,500 | 51,500 3'1,250 7,772 49,60 |P liso. 13 800.....35 80 34 10.00 kLBANY C O. ~ ~ ~ ~ 7 562 STATISTICS OF RELIGIOUS SOCIETIE0. CHU R CHES -(CONTINUE D). Flushing~~^... o' nohg~.., ^,,,o, ~e~o,_ ^ ~o e >,o Jama~ic.... 3 0 50 11,0 I,0 7 5 35 ]274 I ose1dal.... 2 TOWNS...... il, {....TOWNS. 9 22 / 1 S 1.100 ____ g I1 ^ I1 p ^ I ____ g p 1^.;p p p I~~~~~77, __ C QUEEN-S Co. -I Flushing..... 1 ^-22,500 84,000 450 300 120;!, 900 Rochester.. 3 ^9, 7025 $2, 500 925 510 230 $700 Jamaica...... 2 30, 500 11,800 1,,200 750 353 1'2,740 Roedl.. 2 11, 000......... 950 225 135 1.100 * Newtown..... 5 38,800 7,000 1,750 915 729 9:2,400 Saugerties.... 5 31,500 9,600 2,450 1,250 799 3;150 N. Hempstead 1 7,000 4,000 350 250 61 600 Shandaken... 1 1,500......... 200 40 50 317 Oyster Bay... 2 6,000 2,500 550 280 136 1,000 Shawanmunk.. 3 9,700 4,100" 1,358 725 480 2,000 -- ------------ ---- - ---- - ---- --— ~~~~~~~~~~W W aivarsimg.. 3 15,000 3,500 1,500 650. 3 51 1,650 _Total...... 11 104,800 29,300 | 4,300 1 2,495 J1,399 |8, 640 Woodstock... 1 1,800......... 300 100 40 400 RENSSTMAERP CO *! — - - - -- -- --- - -- - -- - -- *E. Greenbus.lI 1 00 1,000o 500 43 00 1'lo 700 Toal...... 36 212, 125 37,400 16,443 1 8,13 14,300 19,867 Itoosick...... 1/ 3, 000G 2,500 350I 100 80 300 W-s;iXCoy. ------------ ~~~~~~~~~500 Na ssau....... 1 5 800 2,400 15 0 00 300 27 0 950 Greenwvich.. 1 8,000 4,500 400 150 11611, 050 N. Groenbush. 2 7,000......... 650 140 30 500 Jackson...... 1 1,500......... 300.................. Schaghticoke' 1 300 2,5 0............. 1,oSchodack..... 2 10000 11,500 800 600 320 1,900 Total...... 2 9 116 1,050 Total'.....1 8 38,800 19,900 3,050 1,540 856 5,050..... 1 2,000.. 600 100...... 600 ~~~~~~~~~~~1,00Tot-,l,...... 83,0 9903000.... I MN.iarion...... I 1,o 00......... 100 75 50 300 7o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 375 475 9 00 Castleto-n.... 1 25,000 3,000 1,200 350 402,000 Williamson... 2 1,600 I......... 350 375 475 900 Middletown..I1 10,000 10,000 400 I 200 1395 l250 Northtield.... 1 12,000 2,500 800 700 3151,500 Total.......! 1,050 550 525 1800 Southlield.... 1 6,000....... 400 100 40 600 W I I7ShsT EIt..... AWestfield.. 1 30..... 2 28,000 100 1,000 350 140 1,600 Total.1....... | 56,000 715:277500 3.00 1, 4 ":o S.S 0 e 7 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~G 1}lblo 362,000000.( ROCKLAND Co. )i Morrisania.. 2 12,500 500 650 290 161 2,400 Clarkstown.. 1 4,000 4,000 400. 350 I165 G600 Mt. Pkasaiit.. 2 16, 000.6,000 1,100 550 251 1,500) Orangetown... 3 38,000 8,000 1,450 1,000 390o2,600 West Farmsd 2 21,000......... 7 5 0 380 195 1500 Rai-apo...... 2 11,800......... 710 450 102:1,200 Yonkers-... I1 20,000 6,000 650 200 145 2,000 Stony Point. I 7,0 0......... 450 300 62 i 600 1 _ _ - _ _ _ __ - __ __ __ -- -- _ -- -- ---- o --— a —-l —- Total......!1 113.000 20,600 5,630 2,820 2 0 1,468 15,100 Total...... 71 60,800 12,000 3,010 2 10O0 ~ 7197 5, 000 W OI XG"Oy — ---- --------— ~- -'SARA OA.o Belnn-o.. 1 600......... 1.50................ Clifton Park.. 1 800 1,800 350 200 1. 800 - N, orthuiiber'd. 2 2,3000 500 1,80 0 250 87 I7 24,000 Saratogas...... I 10,000 2,000 400 250 1 3 511,000 ROMAN CATHOLIC. W aterford. o..................... 1.. ~ 1,500 __ __ _ __ ______ ____! ____ J ___ I ___ ~~ ~~~~~ALBANY Co. I | Total...... 5 4,000 6 8,00. 1,4 000 68,500 6,900 ill,975 23375 6,400 -goHE~~~~cTADY' -- --- --- -- ------------—'~f ~ - W~~~~~~~~~~vyatervjiet.. 3 271,000 20,200 2, 350 3, 300 *200 1,800 Glemvill...... 2 7100 1020 1,0 50 2 0' iI,3 Nis~kayun11,otal........ 48300 Yokes...0 9' 5. ~1, 20.00 2376,2000 5 ^S~a:: I 6,000 S;0O 50 400 145 1,2000 Princetown 1.. 00....... 400 100 40 200 ALLEGANY Co. Rotterdam... 2 4,500 3,100 550 350 ISO 1,000 Amity....... I So0......... 234 I 125, 125 300 Schenectady.. 3 72,600 6,000 2,000 950 6423,700 Andover......... 150 50 75 150' _ _ _ _. _ _ __ Angelica.. 1 500......... 200.................... Total...... 9 89,400 11,100 4,550 2,370 305 7,425 Birdsll 00................ 50 65...... SarOHaPtI^ Coga -- --- --- --- --- --- - -- --' ---- ^ --- Scio......... 1 500......... 100 10 100 150 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,000 45 480 300 9 5 Blenheimbrd 1 3,000 850 350 150 300 Aellsv'lo.... 1 2 Cobleskill.... 2 4,900 1,000 475 225 100 875 6 4-0 450 —- - ~ 1,1 i4" 625 6 | 1,250 Fulton....... 1 1,200......... 450 100...... 325 Total...... Gilboa....... 2 3,700......... 550 3.50 169gil,250 BiRO00ME Co. Middlebnrgh. 1 1,500 1,500 600 100 70 60~~~~~~0 Binchamton..1 5,000 10,000 1,000 600 400 1,000 Schoharie.... 1 6,000 3,000 500 2 50 120 750 Sanford... 1 1,600 300 150 150 150...... "W right...... 1 3,500 1,000 600 350 93 700 ---- - - - -- - -- -- -- __ __ __ __ __ 1 __ ____ _ ____ _ ____ ____ ~~~~~~~~~~~~Total...... 2 6,600 | 10,300 |1, 150 | 50 5,50 1,000 Total...... 9 23,800 7,350 3,525:1,525| 6044,800 CATTArAUGUS. 8SENECA' Co. -- -- -------- ~ ----------------- A lle-any....... Covert....... 1 9,000 2,000 450 250 15 8 900 Ashford...... I1 70....... I30................... 6s0~o 1,oo:5o7 200 7 200o Lodi......... 1 8,000 2.000 575 400 218 7*00 Dayto..200 1,5 200 Tyren........ 1 1,000 2,000 250 100 71 600 EI~icottville.o. 1.5,00 1,000 50 400 000 00 Tota'...... 2 18,000 6,000 1,510 800 I2, WA 1 1,502 Fallsurgh.. 1 62000 2000 400 854 0000' Ldad... 1 90 **** 8 5 5 0 Neversink...~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~otl 28 3,00 1,700 40 13 87 50 Sp9gpr..^ _,00 100__200.:10263 23070 8,00 Totaletow.... \~ O ~~610 1^ 0^ 60 -2-2' ToALl...... 6i560 700!200,1,8,5 Sne.;.. 301... 400 20 130 4540 2 ukr 4000 5 100 02^ - Eoterac.Amiy.......] 800_,0__50_^0^_^00 234::: 12o..>50. o [0 125 300 Schneta d y _2,70 3.0150 335441450 ~2700 " oo M ^ "^,85 1,500 Gardier... 1 2,100 6,000 2,00 250 610~o7 00 Andovract..... 1 0,00 3,},0,50300_0 Kingston.__..A ng83,00........ 2,000 029 00 0 ow c..... 1 200......... 24 10...... 60 Toarle...... 4 12,00 3,0100 14550 23 01,0005 440 2,15 Oxird.....ll100........ 5 5 0 0 New~~~~altz.... 1 12,~~~~~~~~~~000',0 800 70 391 00! Sebr... 1 80.......! 35 50 65[......... Olive~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~an.nc...... 2,ooo,0 0 3 1080 —-- --- -- -- -- -- Plattkm... 1,000 3,0 70 450 15 0 70 Ttl... 3 380.... | 74 40 520 3,00 C~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ eortski.... o00c0chon STATISTICS OF RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 563 CHURCHES-(CONTUINUED). TOWNS. TOWNS. ^ ^ II l-l il I~~~ ~ ~~~I ~ -~ li ~. 1 I CLINTON CO. Ausable...... 1 $2,000 1, 500 600 300 600 600 Hunter...... 1 82,000......... 200 150 100 6*500 Black Brook.. I 2, 500 250 400 350 400 1,000 Champlain... 3 7, 500 2,200 1,280 1,200 2,000 800 Total...... 3 3,500......... 400 250 150 800 Clinton...... 400....... 100 300 500.... HAMILTON Co. Mooers...... 1 800 150 1150 5 0 M orehouse. 1 500......... 200 30 30 80~~~~~~~~~20'.5 200 25 3 Plattsburgh. 3 41,000 20,000 1,950 1,750 800 I 00 -Ii9:I~ERK E'RCO. Saranac....... 2 5,200'700 750 550 1,250 500 Little Falls.. 1 5,000 e3,000 700 500 500 600 -Newport..... 2 4,800......... S0o 20...... 20 Tot~al...... 12 59,400 24,800 5, 230 4, 600 ~6,050 4,45GO....... COLUMBIA CO Total.... 9,800 3.000 I 1,500 750 500 850 Hudson...... I 10,000......... 800 800.... 0 J F ElitsO Co. —Kinderhook 1. 1 2,000......... 250 225 175 600 Alexandria.. 1,000......... 120 120 250 300 New Lebanon. I 1,500 150 200 150 200 700 | Atep.. I-1 1,00...... 00 20 10 0 Stuyvesant......... 6~~~~~~~~030 30....... LI I, 00......... 40 2500 /0 300 Stuyvesant... 1......... 60 30 30............ ~~Cape Vincent,.1 2 6,500 1 2,500 600 17-5...... 900 -- - _- -- -- - -- ---- - ---- - ---- ---- ~~~~ ~~Clajyton.... 1 2, 500 1 250 300 400 4 00 600 Total...... 4| 13,500 210 | 1,280 1,205 3751,900 HAendria 1 300 0 7 00 50 11ovinfield 3oo......... so6 0 CORTLAND Co. Le Ray...... 1 1.000....... 400 100 30 200 Cortlandville 1 1,500......... 275 300...... 500 Orleans...... I 600 140 60.... Solon..1........ 200. 10..... 176 150 10 1 Truxton.... 1 3,000......... 250 250............ A atertown... 2 36,200.........I1,250o 800 6650 800 -- -- - -- -- - -- --- - ---- - ---- --- W i ia.......... 1,000 900 900 Goo _ Total.. o......... 725 700 150 700 ^DELAWARE Co.Total....... 12 79,900. 2,750 4,466 2,975 2,505 3,926 Hancock.. I.......... 150 70 25 200 I ESs~ol" —Broolyn.....I.. 2,000 598,000 "106,20 Phladelphia.. 2 0 0 6,390 |5 1502'20,9'0' ";00 Doverux........1 2,500 5. 0 50 0...... Flatbush..... I 7,000......... 350 350 700...... East Fishkill. 1 4,000......... 250 200 150 600 New Lots.... 2 13,500 1,900 490 450 95 1,000 Fishk-ill....... 2 14,200 1,600 670 90 00 600 New Utrecht, 1 5,000......... 500 500 400 o00 HydePark... 2 2,800......... 400 17 40 450 Poi eepsietown 1 600 300 200 200 200...... Total...... 24 693,500 2108,100 117,730 0 7,6,936345 2 22,700 Pokeepsie city. 2 24,000 13,000 1,450 2,200 2,200 1,300 LE W-I-S-CO.I Rhinebeck... 1 8,800..... 400 400 4-00 600 Cro"Jhan..... 1 450 400 4050 500:1,000 i 660 -- -- - -- -- - -- ----' ---- -- - ---- D iana........ 1 500 60 150 60 1 00...... BTotal...... 10 56,900 14,0900 3,470 4,120 63,740 3,50 Hairisburgh 1 500 175 150 125 |100 EitI E Co0. 1*1 ew s.... 1.......................... "* Dov e r ~ ~ ~ 2,0.......... Alden........ 1 400 350 400 300 Pinckney.... 1 800......... 160 100 7100 150 Amherst..... 2 3,500 2001 700 600 500 350 Lest Turin..3 1,300 1,600 900 400 |770 700 Buffalo....... 14 388,100 48,200 12,067 11,175 13900 6,350Chictawa-a... I 1,000 500 80 40............ Total......I 8 1 9,550 2,060 1,835 2 I 1, 115 1,610 Clarence. 1 5,000......... I 000 30 0 40 0........... Concord...... 1 500......... 200 70 50 150'Avon........ I 3,000 I 800 300 356 200 600 Eden........ 1 7,500 500 700[ 350 200 6. L........ 24 6,000 1 00,000 6,;0 El-sai c i t y.. 148 00 75 100 7 150 Mount Morris. I 2,60 2,000 400 450,700 I600 Evans....... 1 500......... 200 150 100 150 No. IDansvlle. 2 4,000 J.'.... 450 225...... Goo Grand Island. 1 500......... 200 65............ N\unda....... 1 800......... 100 80 60...... Hamburgh.. 1 4,000 2,500 338 200 600 600 -- - -'- _ __ - __ -- -- Lancaster... 1 8,000......... 650 450 800 600 Total....... 6! 16, 400| 3,800 5,250 | 1,611 |1,660 2.-00, Marilla...... 1 1,500......... 250 50 45.......MADSON CO Newstead.... I 12,00......... 120 140 43 300 Cazeno 7,000 2,000 475 600 600 1..50 900 500 700 6?400 Tortnawainda. 2 5,000 9500 400 300 350' 400 Lenox.. 1 12,000 300 400 3/00 600 G900 Suivana...... 1 1,500......... 400 300 400 300 West Seneca.. 1 4,500 1,225 1,000 500 500 600 _ - _ _ -__ - _ - __ __ -- -- -- -- -- - -- - ---- ---- ---- ---- ~~~~~~ ~~Total.... 3 20, 500 2,300 1,275 |1, 200:,600 2,550 Total...... 32 440,400 55,425 19,205-|l5,315 18688 |m 15 0 M N O'O - -------------- oEssExt o. Chili..... " 1 1,400......... 400 150 200 120 Chesterfield... 1 4,000 500 300 250 300...... G ts.... 1 800 100 60 60... 0 Minerva...... 1 600....... 150 200 200 500 Graeec....... 1 10.000 2,000 400 300...... 600 Moriah. 1000 00 0060 600 1 I, 000 1,000 0od,............. 1...... 500 300 150 250 Alccden....... 1 2,000......... 400 350 1500 300 Perinck ne....! 1 2,000........." D'125 0 7 125'i 600.,'mn ta...... 4 3,600 4,00 1,400 |~ 1,150 11,65 1,800n R h...... 1 1,200.........~~00 001 50I 400 Buff aN lI o.. I Sw0......... 1 5,000 100 300 300 2,50 30 Bictmay.... 1 2,000 8o00-oJ 25...... 2...... 60.000 1 75 125,~, Clarence..... 1 3,000 ~..... 1,500 00 60 3 l 00 700 Wetad.. 2 1,0|......... 800 700- 2,200r 300 Conscblord 1 1,0........ 44 0 0 0 - - - - - - - -- - -- -- -- Ft.Covmton. 1 5,00 J.........J 400 300 300 1 500 _ Tonal...... 18 3,08.00 2,1800 9,305 [ 745l8356 111 180I 0 Fraden....... 7,0 |500 ~. 0 /3C 20 0 i........! 25,0 1,00 24,00 2550O /oTG 7K —— 0 —-----— 300 —--- Evalns....... 51 ) 1700......4 00 / 1,(10 0 1530200 600 Dansvhaie'. 2 4,000!........./ 45 30 1 2... 0035 Gorand....... 5 01,00.........'40 2001 |;............ Florda....... I 1,50 2,00......... 20 Total...... 72,00( 3,500 33440 |3250( 4,20 J2600.................0i~~00~ 70 70 i.....5 Lancaser.... 8,000/......... 26o0/ 45300 200 Tota.. Yr.... 30 1,42,00 3 4,200 53,2800[;15,17 30,95) 32.900 Jontwn.. 1........so t...............................^ ^ C T -----— j -- ------- N owtead....2 1,000 ".........' 1260" 4) 4 30 0 2aeoi..,0,00 | 45 I60 Ig~^:: 00 4I";6o21 1.^34 15 GNorth Colln., 0 [90 0{5 I 7 0 N0 enoxne....... 1 12,000/ 3 00 2 00 200t 200I 600 oadwanda..... 7,000 10,5000 400 500) 500 600 Suivana.....32.0 500155 82 4,0 B erg en.......~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ 1 2,5000.........] 4 00 35 300/ 400/ 3ed e... 1 6 000 I 6 0 2 0 8 152 0 Le Roy......41 5 00/,2200 40!0 1,000]70_'_ _ _ _ _ _ - __ ~- _ - _ Pavilli!l... 0.... 50,7....... _ oa... 9I 7,60 601,00,7,5,6,1 GREENECO. | ~ ~ ~~~~I 5a dn...,00i..... 30 20...'... ooToatkll... I.......................-T-3 Flrnc-.. 6005 - —.......1- -1,.-50 30 40 2, —00 C ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ olsaoo......1 1,0.........20 10;5 30 i 56I STATISTICS OF RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. CHURCHES —(CONTINUED). -^ -- -- -- -- - -^ -j —, - - - -^^ ^ ^ - - - ^ - - ^......d................. TOWNS. TOWNS. ~ ^ s! ii ii0 ^ 11 ^ - i^ ii~~~~~~c i. - C, i Kirkla-nd...... 1. e2,500 $1,800 320 450 300, 2,000 ii Potsdbam.. 1 500..... 600 2.D50 400 ~50 0......~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ oo ooo....... Paris........ I 3,500......... 390 326 780 o......1 Rosie....... 144 180 150...... 700 50 6( Wak~ii-ton, 1 600......20...... Rome........ 2 11,000......... 1,100 700 850)1, 600 Waddington..,000 S1,500) 400 200...... Sangerfield... 1 2,000......... 375 300:30 750''Utica........ 3 47,000 29,000 3,300 2,800 5,500 1,60 Total...... 8 41,100 2,000 4,264 3.060 0 3, 800 Verona...... 2 2,500..........0.0 250 21....... I.SAR TOG.CO.. Vienna....... 100......... 1 0 40 750 42 400l 300..... 4 /00 50 5.... 5,500,001... -- -- - -- ------ ---- - ---- -I ---- ---- ~~~~~~~~~~~Sar.ato-a..., 0........ 50 4 0 70,0 600 Total...... 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~50 775 400 30,00..... ___Total...... 15 77,100 30,800 6,023 5,716'8,842 J7,475 | Saratoga SpW I615,0007i.......7.751S000 700 I1JOO...... ONONSTDAGA Co. |, ] I Itilhvacv..... I......... o400 300 25o0 Sarato~.a Sp ~s: I 15,000i 2,0 So 10 0 01 0 0 Elbridge o 3 0......... 250 150 100 200. 11 Manlius..... 1 1,800 1,200 280 200 340 375 Marcellus.... 1 2,000 600 225 150 500 38o Total...... 1 }~~~~~~~~~~~0 Pompey...... 1 300......... 150 200 3000 0 0 IS I, A k D Y. Skaneateles... 1 2,000......... 2 21,200 7,000 750 750 650 11,200 Syracuse..... 4 54,000 19,000 4,400 5,400 4,500 160 S(r11U-Y1,1_,'Co —--------- - -- -- - Van Buren... 1 2,200......... 232 300 300 450 3 ~:Dix ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~,0............. 350......... Total~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~edm...... 1 I0............ 5 020 0 Total..... 65,800 20,800 6,037 6,800 R6, 540 4, 325......... O7N TARIO CO." Total...... 2 1,500 3,500 200 250 2501 400 E. I?1oomfield. 1,100.. 250 200 200. Manchester... I 3,000 800 208 100............ Seneca Falls..1 1 7,000 2,000 500 8001,000 600 Phelps...... 1 1,500 300 250 180 250...... 80 700 Seneca....... I t10,000 3.... 1 5000 7,000 380 450 25000 Victor....... I 1,000...... 260 100 100 300 Total... 2 12,000 9,000 s880 1,95o0 1,50 | 1,300 Total 5 16, 600 1,400 1, 968 2, 00 —, 550 Ilath.... Bath..... IZI!^!^! ^ 1,500....... 400 250 100 600 ORANGE Co. | ~ nin >00 90 r 7'-5 0 Cornwall.... 1 2,500... 250 200 100 500 Corn ing::':......... 200 7 0 0 Corijill-~~~~70 7-00 600 60 Deer Park.... I 10,000 4,500 250 500 375 1.... 3 00,000 300 15 0 400 G00 Goshen.... 1 2,000........ 200 150....... ~ onellsville.. I 1,500',000 350 500 500 600 15 0 1 C 00.' Monroe...... 1 2,000......... 150'.......0.0.. Troun's)urgh 1 000 400..00..) 400 no I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~5 0 2,000 8,0 /702 2 Newburh.... l__30,00___,'i[ _)0 00 _2, l l W:000 |::i:: 400() 45~0(4)'5 Total...... 5 46, 500 6,020 |2,050 2,9050 jI, 97 Total ^ 1..'T OO] OOI2,5!235"2, 171 3, 500 ORtLEANS Co. ilJo" C TTrT o —. —------------------ Barre' 000......... 400 800 700 600 Smithton. I Soo 100 150 150 150 300 Murray:. l 1 0 250 J 0 ^.... Southod......... 250 1o. o 6oo RidcSew ay Co., [ Comcoon...' 1 1,000......... 2 150 300 300 Tonstalta... 1! 4 6,500......... 2,05 2,0 1, 9750. 3,1 Total......... 1 6,00.. 000 450 250 2 0 500 Tare l...... } 1,000..... 050 2070 600 805000 MOurra 1, 000 3o. 0.........'0 tl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ lidgeway 1 12,00 20 10,00 300 3000 Constantia 600......... 20000......... 250 C00 50 10 PUTNAM-CO. I~~~~~~~~~~~~~alst~iha....... 1 8,000.......... 4-0 40 4 0 0 Mexicso w.... 1 6000......... 6_100 650 600 60 ^...... Frm n Ii I 900......... 2506 250 250 200 tsht.. 10 2,000.,000 97.,700 1,650 -0 Total...... 3 2,500......... 796 00 750 90 I~~empstead... ~~~ 2 8,2000 21,000 2700 3,751 321 I 750o ULT ERO —-,- -— A —- — CO. —--- Totani a...... 1 13 6ton............. 1ewtown.... 4 620,000 2,000 1 750 60 0 70 700 _6T ~~~~~~~~~SE G -O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~1000~- 200 150 300 300 O. N He m d 1 4,00....... 00 3 0 25....... I 2,200......... 475 32 10 A 4o0 PUTNA- - - - - -ithaoa,....... I 4,000......... o 900 400 450 1 00 PhiipstEAE own I- To000........ 70 27.20 40,00 i0...... 4,2,38 5000 oreenbuh......1 1 7,000 1 0 90 70,00 60 2 Otl seing 23,000 6,000 1,00 1,700 1,50 600 Total...... 1 2 l,500......... 5 00 1,50 900 70 H mstea d.. 1 1,000......... 14 50 730 U T... Phetnilli...s1 own...... 9....... K^oolnv 1 1 0 0 5 0 0 Jchama tica k. 1 3,000.........0 600 400 400 625300 2 00 4 1,700 2 8 50 50 150 200 Nig~ CM. NTrowng..... 4 20,000 2,0 00 12010 7 50 |65 1,600 3zOseid:: 1 5000......... 6 7 00 75 00 N. Hempstead... 4 17,000 1,600.1,700 1,.0 700.7 5 110 i 2,050 Jamaicao.....' 10003,05,0,0,0,00wv-^ -- -- ----- -- 13,thfield.. I 800......... 200 100 400 |4 500 1 2 4,000 K in g sn00 50. 4 l.... 2 56,000 | 4,000 1,400,500I C)2 00 40, 0 00 1,700 450, 450'):A: r, 2, ROCKLA D ooo. ijP l ra......... 0,0 40 30l 5 0 Hrnemptead. 4,000 5,0 50 400 30 04,0 25^ | }1180!. 2000ie.........,078 1,20 180 _Total...... 3 1^ 0 1 0 1,0 " 80 0 160| ^ *'; t*;6 > J ST. LAWRENCE, i I | || E~~~~Waarsinget... 2 4,000..... 600 500 450 1,100 Massen-'.. — 1 0-0~..... 5 j 20 00 40 |60||McPesn.|I 7,4001 2,5001 35 3005 3,00 0 Greenbushie.. 172,000 501 2,300 90,60 2,000 W:1I600 C o. * Church in course of erection.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ STATISTICS OF RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 565 CHURCHES-(CONTINUED). Ossinig...... | 0 0 1 ^ ^ B00. 5,00'~:00 30 50 250 A ~x~o TOWNS. 10,00 TOWNS.4000~50 I E F,, cCd OD C.) ok 0 30 H~~~~~~~jl~oosc 1 14,N Berin 2 0 5,50 0..00 ih'tUU r...... 0...... OENECA o. Clo... 1 5300 400 27 0 4 200 Ovid.g........ 1 400......... 15 0 20 1...... - - - - - - - — Tot-l3-,00 3 1,0 -5- — 50 -00 ML STE 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~CTETnTO = Esopus....... 1 800......... 1,00 4 0 COLU BIA Co0. WA S ON Co- Catham..... 1 2,000......... 200 75 5 KRENSgSELAEb y 32,000 500 150 10 0 / L oCha spaiton 1 400......... 1400 10075............ ~~~~Hoeo~~sick ~1 I 1,000\~~T......oa.. 2 2,400......... 350 150 Ellenbu h...,00 0 225 90...... ADVENT CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. CORTLAND CO. O_____________ ______ vi^d.....1 40....... 400..4..................... SUFFOLK Co. Totalor...... 3 1 500 300 250 110075 390 50 300 Southamptoipus......I 1 300.....25 14....... 1 00......... 200 125 40CLU C400 ST. LAWREtNCE. —----— ~ ~ ---- "Andes...... 1 1,2,00......... 300. Hi........ KiV~sngsbury.... 1 3,000 2,000 500 150 100. 500 Living0ston. ^Potsam...... 30 4Total.....2 2,400...3...... 50 150'F r n k l n..... 25 0.................. 5 SPIRITUALISTS. _Total...... 2 3, 700!......... 600 | 60 I 11 900 _& —--------— DYV-ENT -cIIRISTI ~ ASSOCIA TION. Co TIESS Co.'n~,-~1fo,.~t..... t ]i. C^OATTARAUGUS. Clinton-. 1 4 00......250 100 0.........0 Southampansfield..... 1 31000........ 80 25...... 50 P ePlains... 21 21,000......... 200 12530.............W ASHING-TON Co, _ _ _ [ _ _ __ __ __ __ ran ille.....| 1 000........ 300 10......Total...... 3 1,900........300 1,050 132 5 90 00...... SEVENTII DAY' AI)VERTEI~S.Dia ~AE ST.^ EO^ P S T U.H~ BH LAZ?::::;:: "nsI 1,% — 50 300- 1^ O II 50 Caver t..-'Bff0lo....... 1 100 ------ - 0 15 C 5) Potsdam..... I 1 500......... 5 00 40 300 a I. 1 1,5...... 5.. ^So0^.., __1'"^OoT.... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ranlin.... 20 0 0 l 0I^''^ 500 150 SN0U Ls eTS. 1.... Tojal........ 3,7000......... 200 75 11 I 200 Dt;Tcu:~rss Co. ClATTIRkstown. 1lno 3,500...... 334 15 6...IL _ _ _! _ ~ _ __ _ ____ __ Mhansfield... ],0 0 0 ~Cramapo.... 1 1,000......... 50 0 3 100 Total...... 3 4,100 i........n.i 1,00 20 90 ^fdS^1 00 -90 1 740I2 1 300. 300 70 17 4.0 2 71 ~n............ 8.50 200 15 1,10 __otl^ ^^20^^ CO - ^5020 030S ^ ^o 11^2010 E,0 Oas^ AoO I 1,00 00 10 91.. l. I Toal 1 100 050 100 5 0 FULTON ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~E Co. Auora.......I 7 400.. 00 6,00 5G5 452011(0 ^I1!^.^^:^ —L,_li5^^^^^^^ B antskl...... 1, 500 250 |0 200 251 (O}w a resbteanadcongeal....... (,5) S ailosBetel.........G I l n. 50 ROCRLAND CO 3 G "Jay;L 1,100 j~~~~20 75......... 5 7 Toal....~,80000 1 00 365 120 1 00 JohnkstowFn...,500...... 20050 ] 20 25 0.... (4) Bap t,,....i 1 1, UOO /,........ i Chsta erfi ed.oetn t. ( 1,0dis00 5c0 and Pebt.. (to)y Meodist EpEscoa....... 1,10) 50 e0 7 5' 7 e 50 ROCKLAND~~~~~~~~~~~~~IAS(P CO. ~Jay~~ 100...-..... 2,000 20 751550 Cotlarson. 1 3,50)0 334 150 38.... Rama p e ------.... 1 / —----- 1U,000:25 60 300 3~~ "i3()' I 2,400 ___ 200 15 7 4;01"Total...... 3 / 4,00.......... 1,300:zOO 9o I ~.ooo Sharon ~ 1 00 250 650 36 130 Total. 1_. },0 i0 25i 7 7 U) Ttn,0,5 T G,0......-TI —ZI~r 8, I oo: 2'zr.........II,10iiV 10j5 5 Ovid 1. 1,500 ~~~34 20 10 820 FU~O CO Ephata....../ 6000 350 01 75 1 40 M 1)iddleburh.da'Iscpa 800...... 200, 15) 7as 4 0 d......... S~)nehods psoal ro~jlr an......./ 2t,400 ~toia psoa ndCnt~in (3~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~ ~ 5 t'ebtra IidCl~,e:lo~l.()Yio~ ehl (3 Rpts ad eired L-rtetat uch () tthcli Eisopi nd r250trin (j) Mel ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~OpehocitEicpln oa~~ainl 1) ftese n we y~.P iim"an 5uha,00 8 50 200 145 1a, 100Neh I 566 STATISTICS OF RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. CHURCHES —(CONTINUED). S. ^fo S - Eo ^ ^ ^ F1 I i lEU^ I 1 U O O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~j O T~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~mNS, s " I o r,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, TOWNI.NS. TO NV 0 ~ | ONTARIO CO. Coxsackie.. $1,200......... 250 100............ Canandaigua. 1 ~1,500......... 250 60 a> t,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ---- - - - O LEANS Co..Total......... 950 400 112 | 271 Carlton...... 2 2,800....... 1700 200 61 8650 HERKMER CO. "Gaines..... 1 300.......... 400 100 60 600 Danube..... 3,700......... 1,000 180 80 600 1Zidgeway.... 1 1,000.........| 100 40 25...... Fairfield..... 1 4,500......... 1,500 35 50 500 Frankfort.... I 1 200......... 175 50 25 200 Total....... 4 4,100......... 1,200 340 146! 1,250 German Flats. 2, 500......... 275 260 114 1000 OswEGo Co. Manheim..... 2 5,500......... 610 60 47...... Albion....... 2 2,000......... 500 160 125 530 Norway.... 1 2,000 300 450 60 33...... Mexico..... 1,000......... 200 50 50 175 "Ohio........ 1 800 300 250 50 60 500 Orwell...... 1 1,500... 400 850 Russia........ 700 180 86 650 Richland 400......... 2 70705 50......'Salisbury... 3 250 500 1,350 400 183 1,750 _ Stark...... 2 3 00......... 5 250 70 500 Total......00...... 5...1...... 1,300 485 305 1,555 Total....... 3Eo 1 I 6 1 48 xeer...... I 3000......... 250 60 75 550 JEFFERSON Co. Oneonta.... 12500 0 0........ Brownville... 1 2,000......... 300 150 60 2,00` he..... 200 500 100 50 300 Clayton 1 2..... 00.. 275 100 100 300 1i _ - - - - __ ~~iorway 1 2,000/ g$0 5 3 "lxc.........I00 CO 0 50 1F Russis 2~ ~ ~~~27 1,0 70t 1 00 16 300 nclanl / 20'5 [Ellisburgh...5 0 130 40 18 l'5 Ellisburgh... 1 3,000......... 300 70...... 400 Total...... 3I 6,250 |......... 1,000 210 185 850:Henderson.. 1 2,000......... 500 200 80 500 1pUT CO Clayton 1 2,000 275 100 100 300~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Le Ray......1 1,800......... 300 85 110 200 (d,,l... 1 9,000..... ~S 40 95..... -Orleans...... 2 5,500......... 550 150 50 800 Pailielia, I~ ~~ ~ 550010..... 250 4o......... QUI=IS Co. j~m~~~~~~amel~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Nia.....5,500......... 530 300 80 200 PFhiladelphia.. 2 2,600 0 oo......... 900 o 40 350. REN~SSELAERI CO Rutland...... 2 1,900......... 600 280 60 130 ~sS G'Watertown 1 2 000......... 500 80 25 330.Hoosick 2 2,200......... 425 70 108 300 2}60( ____ ___ ___ __ _ l~Pittstown. 1 000......... 500 50......'..... Total...... 13 23/800......... 4.475 1,305 564 3,260 / ~0^: /~120' o300 KHINGS CO. oroklyn -I3 6,0 oo/40 0l, 0 T LAWRE'XCE.li Broo3 16200...3....... Soo 400 02600 7D Klb.. 800 500 250 150 350 -1EVI8 "~0 | ~ ~ -~~ ~~~ ~,, -~~ - 1,~ De Peyster ~ 1 0....... 275..... rElCDenmnark..... 3 6 6200.o........ 900 355 1061,000 e s... 1 1000........ Ediv ds.....:1 1,000 00 50......... Mart sburgh 1 2,000......... 300................... 5...... 125 estTurin.. I 1,000........ 50 5 00....................... 1 00......... 00 1...... KM s.o. 3I 2.00......... 200 100 0 B,, K I n onn i i Tnn gri- inc i nnii Morristown......... 500 250............ Total...... 5 9,200.........i 1,700 355 o1061,000 "potsamll.. 400.. 0 1600 I~OS~i800.......000. 5 0 150 I 352 LIVINwSTON Co J Spara P....... 2 5.......... 50 0 0 ~::::::: J^,OJ1 ^:J| _J o J [ |,^ O - Total...... 8I.......... 2,57 5 75 392 1.1525'Yomrk...... 1 2,000......... 25000 5 30 000 Total... 3 2ar850s........ 600 210 100 3501i M ADISON CO. __ __ _ __ i ____ _ ______ ___ __',TDe uyter. _3 2,900.....,,,800 200 56 500 oo!- o o ^,o ___T~a^ ^ ~ 6,90_........l,60__jg^ _120 95(^ Schenctzdy../ 1 1,5001.........i 200.......... ~M ONROE GO. __ _ _ _ ____ _ __ _ __ i __ ___ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~otal......t — 2'2o 80,7oo 75 0 Hamolin...... 1 1,500......... 400 80 50 350 Total...... 2 2500... 38 2. 150 SCHE —YECTADY.C Mendon~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~M... 1.. 40.... 5..........SnoEG ---- ------------ Ogden....... 11 2, 200 -_ 1,000 2 %00 ) 75 20~1 400 Gro(^l I 1,8000.........1 250 200......... Tl'otal......1 3 4, 100 1:000 85oo 155"o 750 ooo MOil~ NTGOMta ERY. ||otal...... 3 2,800..........i 7000 35 110 I 500 V9St.Johnsv~lel __4.000 1,000 400C200 102.300 SCiUTLliTCO NM W YORK C o. Cayuta......... 500........ o........... 8Hamlin I 1 5~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~1,00.......... 4007 875 30,2 NewYork.....2 5,000......1340 I675 940 3,250 Dix..... 1 800 200 N ITAG ARA G o.'' I |! - -- - - -- - -- - ---'- ---! --- -— O ONID CPe ndletOn.... 1 1,000........ 2Con0 I 100 30 | 100 TtaZ~lT.,.. 2 1,800.......... 00 2.1... Toanville... 1 50........ 200 100 10 440 o 1 800......... 200 50 30 50 1"Bridgewater. 1 1,000......... 250 75 50 i...... PrattsbnnA.. S 2 800 i.....'.... 300 160 54 o16 0 amden....] 1 1,100 250 120 30 |200 ^"Woodhul. 1 2,000'2,500 300 160 60 400 S^eerfield.. 1 2,500 500 300 150 50 300 __ ______ —- __ __ __ Florence 1 1,200..... -150 40.. TotalWtoon...... 4 000 200 7 144 5 11 Lee..........l 1 3,000.........250 100 75 230 pFoLt-Con --—.... 2 2000 —... —-... 450 --- 50Trenton...... 2 2,100.. 550 2150 35 550 Sout70old Total.........8.200^ ^OO l l^OO" ~m~\ 340 11,720 j ^ o*. I 5 I......... 700 100 7 -110 500 e rnlius.... 3,900.......... 00 9 2ichford...... 1 1,500......... 200 50 27 300 Pom pey... 1.500..... 50_0 100....... 1 - -.. - - - - - -- - ----- -- -- SpaffCord... 2,000..... 500 100O 60 40 ^ Pls ~,.,.. n o Syracuse... 2 4,200..... 4^)0 200......... ^ on.'.. 1 1,200..... 200 75...... Tota1 -..... 5 1:~~0 1-^ 0 50 6 0....otl.....^ ^^ 7:.......00. NIA ATot.....CO. /, 1,' 3 00! 120 90 (1) Protestant Episcopal and Presbyterian. i (9) M~ethodist Epilscopa'l and Evangeclicall Luiherani. (2) One Baptist anld Univer~salist; on-e Methodist and Presbyterian and one Baptist (10i) Mletiodlist Bapii~t andl Epliscopaul. Presbyterian and Universalist. i (11) /clhodist Episcop al and Conlrcg-ational. (3) B3aptist andt Presbyteriann 12 r.yeinan ehd~iEicpl (4) Congregatinnal, Methodist Episcopal and Universalist.'I (1.3) Baptist and Methodist Episco pal. (5) Protestant Episcop~al and M~etliodlist Episcopal.| (141) E;. WV. B~aptist and Ev~iang~elical L~utheran. (8) Of these, onet ownied by Presb~yterian andl Vn~iversalist:: valne, ^O2,0;COl~o~; acmm- i (15) M~ethodlist Epli~scopl, i andit ri~otc`l~ll*lat Episicopal. tion, 450; attendtance, 5 0) of each, memberiship, 16 Presbyteria nls andc 40! Un'Ive~r- j (1'7) Congrela:~c, tio na~l and Meltilodtist Episcopail., salists; salaries: Presbyte r~ian, 1^200, Universatlist, ^300. (1S) BaptIist. MeIthlodist E5pi.-copnl andi Prest.~byte r~ian. ('7) M~elhodist Episcopal and. Univ0rsal i0t.( (8j) F. WV. Baptist and MCetliodist Episcopal1. * (i^U) Presbytle rianl and Universall it. STATISTICS OF RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 567 CHURCHIES-(CONTINUED). ~ ~ ~ ~ *~ I ii. I I — I 1 I I I - m cj I ~= m |3 ~ ~ I % TOWNS. o TOWNS. ^ " ~ o I u O,d O a oo ^^ ^ 5^ WARREN~ Co. COLUMBIA CO. - S cc ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o~ Hague....... 1 oo......... 200 30......,...... Hudson.......... 300 150 ~~~~~~~"~~~~~~ I o ~o ~.~: o F o o P~i~t~e...... I I soo I.......~' ao 30 i.....'..... I I~ucson $,000 i.~.....'I83,000 25 25 1,000 W ASHINGTON. Stockport.... 1 600......... 200............. Fort Ann..... 500......... 800 150 40...... —----- WAYNE Co-. _Total...... 2 3, 51,000 --- ------—. ~..;.~..l —— ~- t5-15 10-0Williamson... 1 500 $600 250 100 50 900 CORTLAND CO. WrEST CUHdr ESTER~i` —. - -------------- --- -- Cortlandville.. 1 4,500......... 450 50...... 400'Bedford..... 1,000......... 200 100............ ERIE Co. WCestchester. 1 800......... 225 150......11,800 Aurora....... 1 2,500 $600 400 100 30 900 I --- I I ~~ Boston....... 1 1,200......... 300 50 0...... Total...... 2 1,800......... 425 250......1,800 Buffalo....... 2 52,000 60,000 600 300 150 2,000 Concord...... 1 2,000........ 300 100 500 UNITARIAN. - Total...... 5 57,700 160,600 1,600 550 210 3,400 A LBANY Co. FttA 1TT~rpn ---------------------------------- FRANKLINN CO. Albany.. 1 7,000 500 25 F LC'A.....yMalone...... I 4,500......... 250 150 30 1,000 KINGS CO. * i GE —ESE-E CO. Brooklyn 1 20,000 750 400 Brooklyn.... 20000......... 750 400 753, lexander.... 1 1,800 200 75 500 NEW YORK Co. || Le Roy.. 1 6,000......... 350 150 50 1,000 New York.... 2 140,000......... 1,900 1,300 125 |5,000 Pavillion 1 2200.......... 250............. n~~~~~~~~em~~~~~~ Iok 2 4,20'..... ONEiDA Co. Stafford...... 400......... 500' 8..'... 200 Trenton..... 2 3,700......... 550 60 14 450 Vernon...... 1 5,000......... 250 100...... 600 Total...... 4 10,400......... 1,300 305 50 1,700 -- -- - -- -- ~ -- ~ -— } —-0 —- --- tH ERKLMER Co. Total...... 3 8,700......... 800 160 14 1,050 Frankfort.... 1 1,500......... 225 50...... 728 ONONDAGA Co. German Flats. 1 3,000......... 500 130...... 60 rac~~~~~~~~~~~~ise~~~~~~~ ~ 000 503'300, Syracuse.. 1 15,000......... 528 300 60 1,300 Litchfield.... 2 2,000......... 450 250............ RENSSELAER. Little Falls... 2 7,500......... 700 105 50 500 Troy........ 1 5,000......... 350 100 75 1,000 Newport 1 3,500.......... 400 100 50 400 W ESTCHESTER. R ussia........ I 1,800......... 400 150 24...... Yonkers...... 1 15 000....... 250 120 1,500..... —----------------- _ Total...... 8 19,300......... 2,675 785 124 2,228 UNITED SOCIETY (SHAKERS). JEFFERS'ON Co. Brownville... 2 3,800......... 550.................. ALBANY Co. Ellisburgh.... 1 I 2,000........... 350 100............ Watervliet 1 14,000......... 800 80............,tenderson. 1 3,000......... 600 150 100 500 COLUMBIA C I. I Watertown- 1 12,000......... 480 175 100 1,000 New Lebanon. I 4,000 700 900 500 386...... I ~~~~~~~~~~~~Total.....5 2,0 LTWINGSTON G Total 5 21,800......... 1,980 425 200 1,500 I;IVIKGSTOIY CO ~~~~~~~200 100 100 YGS.. I~C~~ CO. Groveland.... 1 2,000......... 20 10 00...... KIS o.... —---------------------- ---- Brooklyn.... 4 41,000 3,000 2,050 760 160 3,000 UNIVERSALIST. LEWIS Co. ALBANY Co. —----------------------------------- D enmiark... 1 800......... 225.................... ALBANY C..... Albany...... I 9,000......... 400 100 120.................................................. rinTotal.. 2 800 2 0......... 225 I...... Hume....... 1 2,000......... 300 75 30 40 LIVINGSTON CO. 4 Coouo...... I 1,000............................. Independence. 1 2,000......... 250 175 30 550 Lina........ 1 2,000........... 10........0,,W ard........ I 1,000.......... 250................... Toa.. 4 7, 00.........~ 1,0 300" 110 ~1, 0 Total..... 2 3,000......... 200 100...... 500 ^ To tal....... -4 -7-500-......... —------— 0 — ---- --- 0 I M ADISON Co. Binuhamton 1 5,000...................................1 2,000 200 75 520 FTriandsle... 1,000 300. 50 4..... 100... Triangl..... I 170 __......... _00 40 300 Hamilton.... 1 1,000......... 300 100 50 5(0 f otal u....... 6,000.. 300 70 0 Lebanon 1 500......... 300 50...... 500 Totaln..n... 2,000.........-0 70 0 305 50 Nelson....... I 1,000......... 300................... CATTARAUGUS. __ _ _ J ______ __ _ __ _ Freedom..... 1,000......... 196 50 40 350. Yorkshire 1 3,000....... 300 70 32 125 Torshire.... 1 3,000........./ o00 70e 32 125 aoTotal...... 5 7,000......... 1,600} 225 l0 1,520 __________________________ MIONROE Co. ~otal~ o 4,000 40~6 - ~190 79~ 475~Rigfta......... 1 3,50.....20100...... 00 12 800 Total- -^^r- --...... 4b — 12_ —^ -475 I^ ^er. 1 20,000 2 600 250 120 1,200 BAYGOOi Co. Bi~ngha. 15,000......... 800 450 1501,200 mrebster..o.. 1 1,500.........0 200 60 18 400 A r....... 1..30.5,000.........1 1 0 " 410 30,40 sci~ooo':::, 3:00 ^ ^ 2:<> >7::::'' ^5, 0....... 0 5...... Total..... 4H21,500ni........ 1,0 ooo 250,30'iEW ~oR "Co. Choalo.......,000.......... 200 00 50...... I00 Ellery....... 1 2000.......1 300 12 50 1,000 i e1, 0... 23...4,....... 5 0 1 Shema... 1 100...... 35 5 0 00 Royl ton.... 1 3,5000..... 600 2500... 70 Stckoo..... 1 3,000..... 300......... - - - --- -- -- -- - -Westfield.... 1 500 150 50 15 125 3 15,50 i 10 400 42,00 Crmu- -------- -- - --- --- -- ONE DA Co Ch~rENAN C.- -I - - — 000 2 - - Kirkand.. Oxford... 1 2,000.00 50 25 400 Rome..... 1 2,000..... 200 100..... Preston....... 1. 200.. o50..... 1 2,00 100 40 300 50 000 SherTon.. 1 1,500 —......... 20 50.. 0 - -o —o- -- - - - St~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~45 ochete r.. 2,000 6 00 2010 Smtvil...2,00.-.... 00 1 00 0 32 1250 _Total... 5 19,800 1,500 1,5001 63 052000 -- ----- -- - -- --- - --- - --- --- O ONC uDA G C o. CIIE~~rT~hTGO CO Kirklanci.....l ~~1 1,50 00 2 00.6 0'i8' Aubrnh Nrih,0 0 IIral...... 0!i,.iiiiiil 5 1 0 Oxfod......1 15 2000. 0 8 0 2 00 45e1,00 0 0 Preston......l 1 8001~~~~Webter........ 4001,... 0Uia1 1,0,0?0 30 5,0 Sherburne 1 1,500 200 ~~ ~~50 l2500 Smtoil... 2,30i.......1 oo o 1oo 3o 25 o....,, 980 150/,0' 3 0.O) N i l e s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ hO~n-......~I1 100.I 30 500 300.... Total...... 6 9,100........| 1,900 241 t,00 Cicero (1).Presbyteriatl and Methodist Episcopal. | (3) In the absence of r~eport, the numbers of the census of 18c55 are used. (2) Post at Fort Schuyler t I 568 STATISTICS OF RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. CHU C IIES — CONTINUED)). TOWNS., TOWNS. I i' II SARATOGA Co. Ir?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fabius....... 1 81,500......... 200 50 40 Greenfield.._ 00....... 350 50 15 Onondaga.... I 1 1,500......... ISO................. SCIIEXECTADY. t) — Skaneateles... 1 2,000 300 150.... O. ] 6 ) L alncsb ur21. 1 _2,000_..............300................. Syracuse.. 1 15,000......... 300 175 45 |1,000 |}SCiionA]iiE.0v- --- Co. i ro- S a'on...... I 1,500....... 300............. _ Total...... 5 21,000......... 1,280 450 125 2,1G0 C S) r:Yi. ON'TARo Co. 81I i I l I ix......... 1 1,200!......... 350 I 50 35...... Bristol....... 15070 Co Manchester... 1 4,000...I~. T00............ 300 100 44 700 000 300.. I.. TOWNS. c, o ~ = TO~V~"100 TOO 1 t~~~~~~~ ~~~ 5 C~~~~~~~~51 stover t....... 1 7,000 I......... 300.. 0...... 4 EINEIGA Co Se* * * * * * *l ^. ^ 0 0 0 - ^ ^ - -- 3 0 0 1 5 Q ^ J ^ C ^ ^ oneca. 1 5, 0 0 0!......... 3 500 0 300..... Ma0c(eite. 1 4,000 5 3 S.....300 V_^ —ict._l~or^^^^^l~i^^__^^OJ-J}4-^^ Greenwood....I.1.500 i 1700 260 80....o__.600 ORLEAXS~~~~~~ C.j| |_______ _J_____:____~_ Ilr n o }. 1 7,000......... 300 25 0 0.... 00 Victor....... 1 2, 000!......... 300....... 50 4...... S- -Cohoeton....-. I,000......... 350 30 30...... Totnallu...!4 0........ I 2,50 00 50 Dansv.. 2/5O (~ 1 i.. s l I 2....... 0 50 1 o T otal.... 4 1,000......... 1 0 65 3 2 40300 Total.....' 4 20,000 I 1,000" 1,475 | 225 235 600 i AGreenwood 1.... I, 500 2.00 150 80 600 On1LE-NNS Co.~...... Clarendon.... 2,000......... 400 5 0......I T o t a... it 1__^^ -y.-~~~_._1.~~~~~~~~~~~ ^.^ _ 70 71...30 00 t I 11 6 05 go00 G aines........ 2 000......... 400...... 5... -- -- 1 SKprm-iieoa ll.... 1 2,000......... 300-...... 3' 1- 0 __ __ _ __ 1! __ _ __ ____ _ ___ _1 ____ ____ i W Y O M T X G C o.~~-.... oal.. 6 Mo2n................. ---.-_ - -------------------- _ __ _ _ - ^ a sot e... 150I...... 3 0 2000.. 0..... o 4 3o o0 0 Total...... 1 2 000 1,50 00 4 1 50 25; 400 ST. LAWRENCE, i __ __ ___l ______' ____ _ ___WA___ _ C r riadit.....,00.......... 0 0 150 s0 600, I~~~~istol 1 " ~~20000 1, 00 1,4- 5 00 1 I Totals...... i50..50 220 OleI kR~~'Woott...... 1,500.... 300................ | V Tolhey....... 18,000......... 700 150 0 5 0 otl I l...... 2 C, 500.0 0 1O S0 600 -OT i3GO Co. igiiSCl:r. OJ1C 50 A' EST C II ( Edmeston.... I 3,000......... 350........ I...... 0 1 I.... MIorri s....... I 1,000 350....... Iliel~~~~dtiL11 1 2,500.. 2~~~~~~~~~5 I r~~~~i (i1)0 I -orh Saem. I 1 I00i 2 W-)0 30 100 J 4i 00 0 tse,,o~~~~~ ~~~~~.......... Eas Chete. 0......... ]80 20 10 6!00o Ri ihfieldn~ 1 13, 00 1 300 2 5 0 850 1 -)0 1 0-0 2 00 40 t0 0, %ot~'o......... 4 ~0,000 ~0'".......4' 20, O~~~~~~~i) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~,r I " "^^A, O1AI I50 (~,C Polm' lltoml.. 2, 200 O o, 000',00 45........... iideldll......... O, 00....... 4 800 ToFall...... 2, 5 0000 400 2 70 1 0 30 400 Sproyfil...... 1 4000.........0 400200' -:.... To taleyP........ i 0...2. eino....,200 0 2, 4......... 35 20f'Nard...... - I' 0' Ginsvl l.... 200........ 40010 4;; ~~~T~~~~seG-O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~1 Y TS O Tdmro.st... 1 1.000........... 00 00 Jv-,,rusalem000.... I 2 200......; _... C ~'AA,''na c' 3lcry, 500..........00 300 75 7 0 R OS I /...,.....o2 025,... Canto ~...... 6 2 -10,0(.0........ -00 C~~ 1 ii, 000 ~~~~~~,00 SO Tot:~~~~~~625 60 1Total...... 4 14, 000 1,000 1,5550 0 ~~~ 8000 ( nse ~~s 1,000 4 5001 200.....`i,4o=-isto,,.~n. 1 I5 4 00 Osm~ sehie 1, 000..... 00 7 0'!~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1) 1 SUMMARY OF THE STATISTICS OF CHURCHES BY COUNTIES. l'imber of Value of churches T Value of other eal Nrcapable Numler usually Number of coin- Sahlries oFclcrgy, COUNTIES. churches and lots. estate. ol'being seuted. attending. 111ain(amla s or incluidin ht, use ofall sects. inmembiners. of real estale. Albany....................................... 130 $2,09,200 ~$201,675 64,370 51,585 40,064 8102,480 Allegany..................................... 86 166.050 20,450 24,224 9,969 6,140 31,620 Broome...........................:.......... 68 214,200 28,100 21,810 10,230 6,095 29,430 Cattaraugus................................ 72 146,350 12,650 20,988 8,051 5,207 28,544 Cayuga....................................... 108 413,125 44,000 40,005 16,075 12,442 49,921 Chautauqua................................... 114 364,530 47, 730 37,055 16, 060 11,357 49,170 Chcmun..................................... 40 205,775 40,300 14,825 9,255 6,173 21,140 12,970 8,311 3~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,0~~~~~~~~~~~4,0081)1 Chenango..................................... 105 255,050 44,100 35,169 12,9708,31139,030 Clinton......................................'51 169,150 59, 700 17,305 9,470 9,236 22,635 Columbia..................................... 91345,650 78,6 30,819 | 13,5008,66946,772 C~lmbi ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ 91 34'5,650 ~ 866 3(),819 13,5(10 8. 6693 46,772 Cortland...................................... 54 161,920 13,850 18,575 7,885 4, 5524, 440 Delaware.....................................,93 2024, 700 51,215 29,905 14, 770 7,603 a4, 355 Dutchess.................................. 131 762,050 174,350 52,700 31,464 14,703 76,547 Erie.......................................... 184 1,538,275 186,650 86,750 42,610 38,8-16 106,6031 Essex........................................ 47 103,400 19,020 16,865 5,135 4,832 21,825 Franklin..................................... 34 100,900 18,980 13,765 7,510 6,333 15,565 EFulton...................................... 45 169,900 16,250 15,370 7,275 4,282 20,540 Genesee...................................... 63 206,100 45,950 21,190 10,125 6,107 39,056 Greene........................................ 76 205,300 38,475 22,515 9,912 4,903 31,567 Hamilton.................................... 4 2,900.............. 675 230 32 530 Herkimer..................................... 88 225,000 27, 850 30,3 84 9,595 5,230 31,338 Jefferson..................................... 127 420,100 46,480 42,481 17,830 11,372 52,329 K ings......................................... 13,889,950658,100 115, 2,5 66, 267,337251,030 Kiin~s 3,75 3,89,950 6,5,872 67,337 251,030 Lewis..................................... 62 122 190 15,835 16 275 6,632 4,793 18,400 Livingston..................................... 82297,550 47,050,2211,7716 9 2 40,130 Madison...................................... 94 233,800 33,500 35,125 12,942 8,856 42,030 Monroe....................................... 151 1,257,395 85,502 62,473 32,570 32,472 96,644 Montgomery.................................. 57 212,800 30,600 20,885 10,645 6,115 24,275 New York.................................... 258 12,859,500 8,447,800 266,980 161,403 78,674 504,400 N iagara..................................... 86 372,300 55,625 31,190 13,905 10,27039,081 Oneida....................................... 196 765,450 113,160 69,14-6 32,008 24,761 86,651 Ononda-a.................................... 144 729,825 80,150 57, 235 29,193 19,538 75,808 Ontario....................................... 75 382,150 32,870 29,07813,480 9,152 36,780 Orano e....................................... 115 611,630 143,490 47,584 | 24,669 14,601 76,444 h,4!)0 47, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~8id~ 24, G~~~~~~~~~~j!) 76,iI 5 57 4,96 Orleans....................................... 55 190,350 27,600 19,850 8,630 5,51724,960 Oswego....................................... 90 379,900 54,050 32,515 16,017 9,002 41,495 Otsego....................................... 117 286,150 48,650 42, 535 14,525 8,443 43,801 Putnam...................................... 26 138,600 28,550 8,085 3,655 3,215 15,950 Queens...................................... 103 618,300 117,200 34,190 18,895 9,948 53,739 Kansselaer.................................... 123 774,300 127,675 52,045 26,820 35,842 71,050 Richmond.................................... 37 273,900 88,600 16,60 9,126 6,653 36,705 Rockland..................................... 3 3218, 650 471,36098,7624 Rockluild ~~~~~~~53 218, 650 47, 300 15,609I 8,762 4, 304~ 26,2i10 St. Lawrence.................................. 128 329,765 44,850' 43,819 18,755 11,93652,923 Saratoga...................................... 99' 354,100 49,925 35,11!) 16,050 11,422 41,880 Schenectady.................................. 30 216,300 40,700 14,326 7,557 4,572 19,995 Schoharie..................................... 92 175,650 26,920 31,300 12,385 6,125 25,403 Schuyler..................................... 47 122,044 19,900 12,912 5,440 4,224.18,016 Seneca....................................... 47 219,900 41,600 18,365 9,035 7,52 22,019 Steuben....................................... 108 201,355,38,800 31,110 13,857 9,080 40,823 Suffolk....................................... 104 256,850 64,535 27,905 14,635 8,45145,709 Sullivan...................................... 57 88,500 16,150 15,823 5,920 3,507 16,325 Tio a........................................ 50 106,700 19,650 18,895 7,360 4,630 22,380 Tompkins................................... 73 259,725 41,750 25,186 10,500 7,29927,711 Ulster........................................ 117 493,025 131,100 43,468 23,102 17,253 59,233 Warren...................................... 35 5 9,900 23,300 7,875 4,315 2,568 12,562 Washington..... 96 352;500 59,790 36,497 14,614 9,590 40,583 Wayne...................................... 88 322,000 44,097 32,167 14,639 10,552 41,350 Westchester..................................85 1,236,700 293,700 61,489 32,910 18,324 134,330 W yoming.................................... 72 2 2 02 2 06 101,01,6/,4 TT~~~yornin~~~ ~. 79 212,'2.00 22, 250 26, 105 10,90(2 10,66G9 33,440 Xates....................................... 43 124,60021,500 14,105 5,660 4,540 21,750 Total......................................5, ^88 38,238,129 $12,499,809 2,157,173 1,070,662 741,831 $3,T67,452 (569) 72 SUMMARY OF THE STATISTICS OF CHURCHES BY DENOMINATIONS. Number ot Value of churches Value of other real Number capable Number usually Number of corn- Salaries orclergy, DENOMINATIONS. churchlles. and lots. estate, o' being seated, attending. niiuilicants or including- use of members. ]real est;ite. Baptists....................... 74.......$3,722,214 9289,084 275,097 114,656 80,196 $402,296 Baptists, Evangelical........................... 1 800..............160 6030............ Baptists, Free Will............................ 85 151,700 8,125 24,510 8,460 4,659 25,250 Baptists, Old School........................... 14 34,550 4,525 9,500 1,285 729 994 Baptists, Seventh Day...................... 28 49,000 2,750 8,160 3,160 2,606 8,815 Catholic Apostolic......2.......................14,000 100 500 2Q0 125 2,200 Church of Christ............................. 19,000.............. 450 150 128 1,500 Church of the Messiah......................... 1 50,000.............. 400 300 100 2,500 Christian Israelite............................. 1 10,300..........150 100.................. Christian Connection......................... 104 173,730 5,770 32,220 11,160 7,154 31,005 Congregational................................ 280 1,912,190 167,335 117.170 49,105 27,995 191,537 Union Congregational.......................... I 6,000 1,600 600 300 400 900 Evangelical Association........................ 27 98,300 4,800 8,080 4,035 2,920 10,420 Evangelical Lutheran........................ 145 619,675 109,550 52,202 27,169 21,346 " 69,036 Protestant Evangelical......................... 7 34,500 3,900 3,070 2,595 3,300 2,456 Friends...................................... 104258,000 70,500 37,260 11,079 3,015............ German Protestant............................. I........................... 100 30100 100 German Reformed......:....................... 1 71,000 3,500 1,000 600 200 1,100 German United............................... 1500200200 75100 500 Jewish....................................... 28 530,100 26,200 13,020 14,370 2,298 31,850 Liberal....................................... 1 1,200.............. 350 100........................ Methodist Episcopal...........................1,546 5,706,725 955,712 524,414 252,409 135,604 722,035 African Methodist Episcopal................. 32 185,750 38,850 9.430 4,795 2,097 17,380 Methodist Protestant......................... 33 55,250 1,650 8,645 3,020 2,047 7,915 Free Methodist...........................24 53,390 2,802 6,745 2,720 1,195 9,469 Independent Congregational Methodist........... I 1,000.............. 150 80 27............ Independent Methodist..................... 2....5, )0.............. 600 275 80 1,100 Old School Methodist.......................... 2 5,300 1,050 700 165 35 500 Reformed Methodist........................... 3 1,600............. 650 230 79 570 Wesleyan Methodist........................... 49 54,000 4,000 13,150 4,4051,875 11,83 Whitfield Methodist.......................... 17 18,600 210 4,090 1,815 670 3,225 Mennonite............................... 2 2 500........2,500..... 500 290 250............ Moravians...................................; 4 18,400 2,000 1,100 530 271 1,475 UJnited Brethren.............................. 4,080............. 1,250 375 99 930 New Jerusalem Church (Swedenborgians)........ 2 3,500............ 375 90 39 800 Presbyterians.............................. 639 5,877,170 586,860 286,588 133,651 80,037 537,422 Presbyterian Union............................ 1 1,600.............. 250 75............ 50 United Presbyterians.......................... 68 375,20070,605 30,239 17,6909,274 48,175 Protestant Episcopal........................... 428 8,385,190 5,868,316 243,330 95,303 50,156 458,647 Reformed Protestant Dutch...................... 277 3,894,115 3,044,450 133,219 66,538 34,971 247,760 Roman Catholic............................... 383 4,797,050 1,140,265 203,340 205,010 253,919 200,097 Second Advent..................................... 67,500 2,000 1,490 485 194 700 Advent Christian Association................... 1 300.............. 80 25 14............. Seventh Day Adventists........................ 1 500..............300 40 30............ Spiritualist................................... 2,-000..800 210......... 5-0 True Reformed Protestant Dutch................ 9 18,200....2,684 1,060 316 1,410 Union....................................... 157 258,3501,500 50,031 14,2726,337 39,742 Unitarian..................................... 10 210,700.......... 5,078 2,530 399 15,600 United Society (Shakers)...................... 3 20, 00 o 6 1,900 680 * 486 Universalist.................................. 124 527,900 71,900 41,846 12,905 3,929. 57,808 Total....................................5,3885 38,238,129 ~12,499,809 2,157,173 1,070,662 741,831 $3,167,452 (570) STATISTICS OF BOARDIN r ACADEMIES, NOrmINCORPORATEDo ^ ~^i VALUE. Nmrofp AVERAGE ATTEND- NUMjBER OF? z -' ~ A II pit~ tb~~~~~t ~.~,, I1 ~ANCE IN 1864. TEACH-EIt.S. // 0 COUNTIES FROM WHICH REPORTS N, E RE RECEIVED. pt that'an d - t! heacconlil o-1~ { *-5 Real estate. Apparatus. Mllales. Females. Males. PFernales Albany........................................ 1 I 1,000..........1.......... 2 1 $160 Broome........................................ 4 1 - 13,000. 861 o 6 0135 315 8 14 252 Cayuga........................................ 2 6 24,000 3,60020735 164 9 9 312 Chenmung.................:...... 3,500 205010 40...... 2 200 Chenango...................................... 1.......................... 50 12 11 1...... 75 Clinton........................................ 3 2 17,000 25 625 37 254 2 7 113 Columbia..................................... 4 2 22900 / 638 273 40 138 4 9 200 Cortland...................................... 1 2 2,800.......... 20025 50 1 2 175 Delaware...................................... 5 8 14,500 700 I 310 174' 35 5 3 135 Dutchess...................................... 8 45 117, 200 16,8750 2, 725 1,430 426 74 17 270 Erie.............................................3 10,000 50 o 30015 25 1 1 150 Essex........................................... lI....... 1, 500.......... 100 15 2 5 I...... 1...... Genesee........................................ 4 20 15,200 230 520 131 270 2 23 225 Greene......................................... I 1 l500.......... 425 16 1... 75 K ings.........................................30 Monroe........................................ 2 15,000 1,150200 26 50 5 355 Montgomery................................... 2............. 100 43 45 2 1 200 New York..................................... 4 3 150,000 825210105 105 12 11...... N iagara....................................... 1 5 10,000 I1,000 100.......... 90...... 6 150 Oneida......................................... 3 2 5-1 22, 600 650 230 113 71 7 4 1971 Onta,)rio........................................ 4 641- 40,000 1,500 161-70 73. 7 12 288 Or~angoe........................................ 1I.......... 400 100.......... 60 3 3 400 Otse eo........................................ 2 1 1000.......... 11535 40 1 3 175 Putnam...............................il......... 1 20 6,000 60 l 50.......... 30...... 1 150 Queens........................ 550 6 342 Greene ~~~~~~~...................... I 30 25,200 / 20 I/ /'1 / 270 2 3 II 322 Rensselaer..................................... 7 23 57, 200 1, 595 1,150 369 602 10 22 196 Richmond...................................... 4 3/1i 31, 000 2,400 326 120 102 9 8 400 Rockland.......................... 2 131 13, 000 300 145 95.......... 4 4 950 Saratog-a....................................... 5 6i 43,000 650 420 103 149 10 12 245 Schobarie...................................... 1I 10 1,850.......... 300 20 30 1 2...... Schuyler.................................. 1 U 2,000 5007025 25 1 1 130 Steuben...........................................2 5 9,000 50035080 70 3 4 122 Suffolk......................................... 7...... 6,950 850 395 99 154 4 4 158 Sullivan....................................... 1 1800 20022 8 12 1 7575 Tompkins..................................... 1 5 4,200 40012035 48 1 2 150 Ulster......................................... 312,000 5301 85 20 1 13 290 W arren....................................... 1 0......................120.......... 90...... 5 250 W ashing ton..................................... l 4 2.000 10010012 18 1 190 W estchester................................... 12 95 142,000 6,140585202 263 31 34 349 Total..................................... 110 440i 863,70 44,24 11,63 3,693 4,066 228 332...... (571) STATISTICSOF COUNTY POOR HOUSES. "S| ~~~~AVE,'RAGE NUMBEll,'R OF, IN-!C Sg ^ ^ COUNTIES. CITY oR TOWN Al =hi dre^~.nder Q'5 3 3 Malles. Females Males Females. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^ ~~ J^S^RECEIPTS IN 1864, AND SOURCES COUNTY. CITY OR NAME OF INSTITUTION. ~ ~ FROM WHENCE DERIVED. COUNTY. CITY OR NAME OF INSTITUTION. S. g ^ _ TO WHAT SPECIALITY DEVOTED. TOWN, g *............... a> * -=! ~ g.Invested State appro- County. ~ - b funds. priation. Albany..... Albany.... Albany Hospital............... 1849 S. Surgical and non-contagious cases. $1,463 24 81,658 86......... Broome..... Binghamton State Inebriate Asylum......... 1854 S. Medical treatment of inebriates................................. Village Hospital................ 1864 S. Contagious diseases.................................. $300 0 Chemung... Elmira.... Small-Pox Hospital...................... Small-pox cases.............................................. Kings...... Brooklyn.. City Hospital................. 1845 S. Sick and wounded............................................ United States Naval Hospital... 1832...... Personel of United States navy................................. Flatbush... Kings County Hospital............. Indigent sick of Kings county..................... 76,516 00 New York.. New York.. Island Hospital................ 1838...... Indigent sick of New York.................................... W arden Island Hospital........ 1858...... Indigent sick....................................... 86,073 16 New York Eye & Ear Imfirmary. 1820 S. Diseases of eye and ear.......... 3,279 99.................... St. Louis Hospital............. 1858 Both. Diseases generally.............. 3,611 36 W oman's Infirmary............ 1865 G. Female diseases............................................... Small-Pox Hospital........................ Small-pox cases................................... 4,461 99 Oneida..... Utica...... City Hospital................. 1859...... \Diseases generally.......................................... Oswego..... Oswego.... Marine Hospital............... 1859...... Sick sailors.................................................. City Hospital................. 1849 G. Poor, aged and infirm......................................... Rensselaer... Troy....... Marshal Infirmary............. 1851 S. Diseased and insane.................... 4,507 70 7r036 68 Richmond... Middletown Seamen's Retreat.............. 1831 S. Sick'mariners................................................ Westchester. Westchester McDougall General Hospital............... Sick soldiers................................................. S TATIS TICS OF HOSPITALS-(Co>NT IUED). ~: g ~ RECEIPTS IN 1864, AND SOURCES FROMI WHENCE ~ ^ ri ~~~~~~DERIVED [Weekly ex. COUNTY. CITY OR NAME OF INSTITUTION. ~_ ^______________________ oa xed-pnet TOWN.gl ^ -g ---------------------------------- tures in 864. paying pa^2 ^ u City ortown, Subscription. Fairs and Paying pa- Other sources. tients. ^^ ^ bCOT ~~~~~~~~festivals, tients. Albany..... Albany.... Albany Hospital........ 1849 S. $1,000 00 ~655 00........ $1,827 09 $1,950 00 $4,674 04 $5 50 Broome..... Binghamton State Inebriate Asylum.. 1854 S..............................10,000 00..................... Village Hospital........ 1864 S. 1,200 00....................................... 500 00.... Chemung... Elmira..... Small=Pox Hospital................. 60 00....................................... 60 00......... Kings...... Brooklyn.. City Hospital.......... 1845 S.................................................. 50,000 00 5 00 U. S. Naval Hospital.... 1832.................................;.................................... Fiatbush... Kings County Hospital........................................... 578 00.......... 76,516 00........ New York.. New York.. Island Hospital......... 1838.......................................... 115,744 01........ Warden Island Hospital. 1858.................................. 61 15........... 86,134 30 3 00 N.~.Eye& Ear Infirmary 1820 S. 1,000 00.................. 6,213 99........... 5,444 82 6 0( St. Louis Hospital...... 1858 Both........... 4,243 00........ 4,814 00 18,818 20 31,422 11 6 00 i ~~ Woman's Infirmary.... 1865........... 3,000 00........ 218 00.......... 2,985 32 $6 to 18 i ~~Small-Pox Hospital.............................................. 5,194 18.......... 9,656 17 2 50 Oneida......! Utica...... City Hospital.......... 1859................................................................... 2 00 Oswego..... Oswego.... Marine Hospital........ 1859............................................ 81222 1,500 00........ City H ospital...... 1849 G.................................................,.................... Rensselaer... Troy........ Marshal Infirmary...... 1851 S. 4,665 66 300 00......... 1,881 75.......... 30,000 00 $4 to 12 Richmond,.. Middletown Seamen's Retreat.*...... 1831 S..............................483 77 35,481 30r 34,724 75 6 00 W estheser. W escheter Mc~o gal Ge'l osptal................................................................'............... 73 (577) MISCELLANEOUS NOTICES AND REMARKS CONCERNING HOSPITALS. [These returns were too irregular to justify any attempt at their sum- Many of the patients reported come there for treatment, but do not mary, or to afford any data for general comparison. The individual facts reside onil the premises. are given as reported, with such other remarks as are embraced in the The St. Louis Hospital, is a building 50 by 280 feet, and the institufollowing memoranda:] tion is supported chiefly by members of the Protestant Episcopal Church, although open to those of every creed. The household interests are ALBANY.-Albany Hospital is under the care of a Board of Governors. managed by Protestant sisters of charity. The main building, on Eagle street, formerly the county jail, is of brick, The Woman's Infirmary occupies a double house, 70 feet deep. The 61 feet square, three stories high, with abasement. Awing, two stories several dispensaries and public hospitals of New York, reporting to the high, is 41 by 61 feet. A Dispensary is connected. legislature, forwarded their reports in connection with the census, but as these are easily accessable, they are not included in the present BROOME.-The Inebriate Asylum was incorporated in 1854, but has report. only recently been put in operation. Buildings 1,453 feet in length. It receives ten per cent. of the excise money upon liquors in the State. ONEIDA.-The Utica City Hospital occupies a brick building three When completed the Asylum will accommodate 500 patients. stories high, 70 by 100 feet. The village Hospital, of Binghamton, is a wooden building, two stories high, 38 by 48 feet. No regularly paid attendants are employed. OSWEGO.-The Marine Hospital at Oswego, is 24 by 36 feet, with an addition of 18 by 30 feet in the rear. It is owned and supported by the CHEMJUNG.-The Hospital reported is a small building occasionally general government, and is classed as a contract hospital, the price per used as a pest house. The patients are supported by their friends. week, in 1864, having been $4.25. The Oswego City Hospital is controlled by the common council. Main KINGS.-The Brooklyn City Hospital, erected in 1851, is managed by building is of wood, 32 by 60, two stories, with a building 18 by 30 feet a Board. The edifice is of brick, four stories high, 52 by 200 feet, with attached. A pest house on a corner of the grounds is 18 by 24 feet, with an extension of 30 feet in the centre. a kitchen 12 by 12 feet, capable of accommodating eight patients. The U. S. Naval Hospital consists of two buildings, 198 by 100, and 20 by 200 feet, and is managed and supported by the general govern- RENSSELAER.-The Marshal Infirmary, of Troy, is under a Board of ment. Governors. Buildings as follows: One four stories, 45 by 100 feet; one The Kings County Hospital is owned and controlled by the Superin- three stories, 40 by 60 feet; and one three stories, 36 by 125 feet. It tendents of the Poor of Kings County. The main building is of brick, includes three departments, viz.: One for ordinary diseases, one for pesfour stories; 75 by 300 feet; engine house, 35 by 60 feet, three stories; tilential and contageous diseases, and one for the insane. There are also boiler house, brick, 25 by 60 feet; small pox house, brick, three stories, accommodations for lying-in women. The sums reported as received 25 by 40 feet; pest house, framed, 30 by 60 feet, with several other from the city and county, are for the poor. shops and houses connected with the establishment. Paying patients are charged from $2 to $5 per week. The valuation of the hospital is RICHMaOND.-The Seamen's Retreat is under state laws. Main buildembodied in the alms house report. ing 60 by 300 feet. Insane Hospital 50 by 80 feet. NEW YORK.-The Island Hospital building is of stone, four stories, WESTCHESTER.-The McDougall General Hospital, is a temporary 400 feet long. The Warden's Island Hospital consists of two buildings military hospital, entirely under the care and at the expense of the genof stone, 60 by 350, and 30 by 100 feet respectively. Both are on eral government. Blackwell's Island, and are under the care of the Commissioners of The several military hospitals in the state were generally omitted by Public Charities and Correction, as is also the Small Pox Hospital. The the census enumerators, so far as relates to the statistics embraced in latter is a stone building, 50 by 180 feet in size, on the lower point the foregoing table. A Prison for rebels captured by the army, was of the island. established at Elmira in the early part of 1864, and reported 2,858 The Eye and Ear Infirmary is a three story building, 52 by 75 feet. deaths in its hospital. (578) STATISTICS OF ORPHAN ASYLUMS. -~ ~, ~.'~ 6~ ~~~~CAPACITY FOR. AC- AVERAGE NUM-REIVDNDICAEDIDEDN184TOANMBR O.FIMTE ^ S ^'- ^g- ~~~~~COMMODATION. RER OF INMATES 16. 16.O NAE NO AIGO COUNTIES. CITY OR NAME OF INSTI~TUTION. 0. 2 0 IN 1864.184CES. TOWN. - j|ClJ j ----- ----- ---— _________ _____ __.__'^ ffiS c^0 ^ 1) t^S.~Males. Females Males. FemalesIMls eae ae.FmlsMlsFeae Mls eae ae eae Albany..... Albany.... Juvenile Retreat................................. 1853 G. Pr. Ep. $3,000.............. 25 4 20 1 3 8 6...... 2 18 42 St. Vincent's Male Orphan Asylum................ 1852...... R. C. 20,500........ 110...... 105...... 2... 2........ H 0 Albany Orphan Asylum.......................... 1829 S......................... 150 50 70 35 3 8 3 3 1... 0 " 5 9 " 3 St. Vincent's Female Orphan Asylum.............. 1848 G. R. C. 25,000.............. 130...... 110... 15... 5.. 1.... O.12 Cayu~a..... Auburn... Cayuga Orphan Asylum.......................... 1857............... 15,000 $300 64 36 50 30 27 6 70 3 1.. *"5 8 "'4 6 Chautauqua.. Dunkirk.. St. Mary's Orphan Asylum....................... 1857 S. R. C. 2,700 700...... 30...... 10... 15... 1... 2... 22..9 Columbia... Hudson.... Hudson Orphan and Relief Association.......... 1843 S8......... 8,000 19,500 50 50 30 15 1 7 2 6..... 0 3 2' 2 Dutchess.... Po'keepsie. Poughkeepsie Female Guardian Society............. 1852 S......... 15,000 2,500 50 50 48 20 3 1 3 4 2... 0 2 9 1 Redhook... Astor Orphan Asylum............................ 1850 0. Pr. Ep. 5,000 1,000...... 14...... 5... 1.............. 5... Erie........ Buffalo.... St. Vincent's Female Orphan Asylum............... 1848 0G. R. C. 20,000.............. 110...... 128... 5.. 7... 3 " 0 Buffalo Orphan Asylum........................... 1837 S......... 21,500 14,000 50 50 50 30 43 5 42 6 1.......... "00 St. Mary's Lying-in Hospital, and St. Vincent'sS Foundling Asylum............................ 1854 S......... 3,932........ 100 200 250 298 24 30 30 5 40 0 28 30 405 Collins.... Thoma~s Asylum for Orph. and Destitute Ind. children 1855 S......... 7,000 1,000 25 25 20 27 1 2 2 8 4 4 7 2 Jeferson.... Watertown. Jefferson County Orphan Asylum.................. 1859 S..... 500 150 5 0 3 5 1 2 1 6..... 9 1 8 1 Kings...... Brooklyn.. Brooklyn Orphan Asylum........................ 1832 S......... 15,000 5,000 75 75 60 30 3 2 3 7 1... 7 4 0 4 Brooklyn R. C. Male Orphan Asylum.............. 1829 S. R. C......... 1,588 150...... 184...... 70... 39... 11... 25 20 Brooklyn R. C. Female Orphan Asylum............ 1829 S. R. C. 40,000 3,000...... 500...... 460... 68... 5... 2... 47... 46 ~ Homec for Destitute Children..'..................... 1854 G......... 30,000 5,000 40 65 40 68 40 5 35 5 4 5' * 96 * 6 2 Alonroe..... Rochester.. St. Patrick's Femnale Orphan Asylumn............... 1840 S. R. C. 20,000........ 1 180 1 160... 38... 2.. 2151 10 S New York.. New York.. Five Points' House of Industry.................... 1851 G......... 100,000..................................................'1 88 House of Protection for Destitute Catholic Boys..... 1863 0G. R. C. 25,000........ 300...... 300....................... ^^^^^...... New York Orphan Asylum........................ 1806 S................. 4,000 125 125 100'60 2 5 2 5 2 1'2 8*'i6 "*3 u Nursery and Child's Hospital..................... 1854 S................................................................................ Orphans' Home and Asylum of the Prot. Epis. Ch... 1850 S. Pr. Ep. 17,000 5,000 68 88 68 72 8 20 91 4 68'72 *'" 4 a Patriot Orphan Rome............................ 1861 S......... 16,000 4,000 60 60 54 56 88 5 42 5 3 2 88 5 51 6 New York Colored Orphan Asylum................ 1836 S......................... 1.17 87 117 87 2 5 2 7 8 6 11 8 2 0 Roman Catholic Orphan Asylum................... 1817 S. R. C. 40,000........ 600 366 500 361 71 5 50 5 6 5 62 41 57 36 Oneida...... Utica...... Utica Orphan Asylum........................... 1830 S. Protes. 30, 000 28,000 100 100 70 34 46 2 21 5 6 3 10 52...... Ontario..... Canandaigua Ontario Orphan Asylum.......................... 1863 S......... 5,000 1,600 30 30 9 12 1 2 5 3..... 6 1 2 1 Oswego..... Oswego.... Oswego Orphan Asylum.......................... 1852 0G......... 15,000 1,000 55 30 40 15 1 2 8 7 1... 3 2 5 2 Queens... Newtown.. Forrest Orphan Asylum............................................. 3y 000........ 80...... 20........................ Rensselaer.. Troy...... Roman Cat'holic Male Orphan Asylum.............. 1851 G. R. C. 3,000 3,000 162...... 150...... 7... 2... 3... 8''*'*' 4.. St. Vincent Female Orphan Asylum................ 1848 S. R. C. 12, 000 2,500...... 100...... 68... 14... 3...... 7'. " 7 Troy Orphan Asylum............................ 1833 S......... 40,000..................... 75 49.......................... Richnmond... Castleton.. Home for Seaman's Children...................... 1846 S......... 10, 000........ 60 60 66 66...1......... 1... 65 5' 3*" 0 Steuben..... Bath...... Davenport Institution for Female Orphans.......... 1863 S......... 50,000 80,000 1...... 80...... 15... 15.............. 5.... 7 Total....................................................................... 652,632 184,188;2,672 2,766 1J2,517 2,356 9781,1 7 5 7 6 6 9 0,4,7,7 8 In this cotumn G signifies incorporated under the Gonerol Act; S, incorporated under a Special Act, and 0, not incorporated STATISTICS OF ORPHAN ASYLUTMS-(CONTINUED).,5"| ~~~~RECEIPTS FROM VAROSSUCSI 84 COUNTIES. CITY OR NAME OF INSTITUTION. TO WHAT CLASS THIE INSTITUTION IS CZ oalepn TOWN. OPEN. dtrao.5~ Invested State grant. County grant. City or townSbcito.Fisadfs aigi-Ohrsucs 84 ~ funds. grant. ias. mts Albany..... Albany,.. Juvenile Retreat....................... Orphans and destitute............... 11........................ 7644................ 805 St. Vincent's Male Orphan Asylum...... Male orphans....................... 12 $1,189 76.................................................. 1197 Albany Orphan Asylum................ Orphans........................... 9.......... $1,051 43 $3,233 40...................$1258......,380 St. Vincent's Female Orphan Asylum.... Roman Catholic female orphans............................... 250 00.......... 500 4000 1 0$,0 0 8000 Cayuga..... Auburn.... Cayuga Orphan Asylum................ All classes......................... 10 50 30 480 44 1, 800 00.............. 57 9 826 645 4,19 Chautauqua. Dunkirk... St. Mary's Orphan Asylum............. Poor children of all classes........... 10.......... 53305.......... 8592...... 200 170.....,00 Columbia... Hudson.... Hudson Orphan and Relief Association.. Orphans and destitute.................. 1,433 92 1,227 37 1,000 00......... 2100..... 2381 550,734 Dutchess.... Po'keepsie.. Poughkeepsie Female Guardian Society... Orphans and half orphans, 2 to 12 yrs. 12 190 14 917.94 1,475 00......... 9196 853 7209054,841 Redhook... Astor Orphan Asylum.................. Female orphans...................................................................................... 1 4 0 0 Erie........ Buffalo.... St. Vincent's Female Orphan Asylum..... Roman Catholic, children......,....... 10.............................. 977 28..... 945.....,72,19 Buffalo Orphan Asylum................. Orphans............................ 9 339 87 750 00...................4339.....,45,00,35 St. Mlary's Lying-in Hospital, and St. Vin- cent's Foundling Asylum............ Orphans......................................... 1,100 00....................2000............... 6500 Collins.... Thomas Asylum for Orphans and Destitute Indian children..................... Indian children of the State.......... 7.......... 1,800 00...................................2440,5 6 O Jefferson.... Watertown. Jefferson County Orphan Asylum....... Orphan poor........................ 12.......... 1,183 52 1,738 00.............. 198 60 520 3,76 ~ Kings...... Brooklyn.. Brooklyn Orphan Asylum.............. Orphans........................... 12.......... 779 47........................ 260 1,7 51,388 9300 a Brooklyn R. C. Male Orphan Asylum.... Male orphans and half orphans....... 11.............................. 1,080 00 62,32.....1.39 2426 Brooklyn R. C. Female Orphan Asylum.. Female orphans and half orphans..... 11.............................. 2,160 001,764,7 3..... 0019 4943 I-ome for Destitute -Children............ Destitute white children................. 300 00.............................6,05 4362 2370710000 309 7.Monroe..... Rochester.. St. Patrick's Female Orphan Asylum.... Female orphans and half orphans..... 10...........1,012 00 -........ 1,547 74,750,007 4 00 18 94 1562 New York.. New York.. Five Points' House of Industry......... Destitute children.................. 12.......... 1,223 22............................................. House of Protection for Destitute Catholic B oys.................................................................. 12......................................................., 0 0 2 8 3 2 New York Orphan Asylum............... Orphans......................... 12 9,910 00 888 95.......... I, 387 26,04..........0786 2,14 N ursery and Child's H ospital....................................................................................................................... Orphans' Home and Asylum of the Protes- O tant Episcopal Church............... Orphans and half orphans, 3 to 8 years 12 314 94 703 97....................,5 5 575,9 4 9564 3038 Patriot Orphan Home................... Children of dec'sed and disabled soldiers 12.......... 3,923 67...................1,50,40.....254 1 3,64 New York Colored Orphan Asylum...... Colored orphans.................... 12 1,231 90 1,816 04 6,570 00..........3168 2477 9 85,200 9649 Roman Catholic Orphan Asylum......... Orphans and half orphans............ 12.......... 6,000 00 6,000 00.................... 50 3000 6,00 One ida...... Utica...... Utica Orphan Asylum................... Destitute orphans................... 11 1,998 81 745 42 2,765 29.......... 5 2..... 28 61,25 Ontario...Canandai ua Ontario Orphan Asylum................ Orphans and half orphars, and destitute children of soldiers............... 12.......... 809 85...................., 0 7..... 1 0, 6 1, 1 9 Oswe-o...0swego.... Oswego Orphan Asylum................. Orphans and destitute children....... 10 150 00 1,091 77 719 47 1, 616 39 4000..... 750......,552 Rensselaer.. Troy...... Roman Catholic Male Orphan Asylum.... Roman Catholic male orphans........ 12.......... 7-06 14 1,936 00 1, 82338 436 82 2 1,82 793 8947 St. Vincent Female Orphan Asylum...... Roman Catholic female orphans.............................. 354 88 1, 565 85 428 5 3 200,0 0 652 Troy Orphan Asylum.................. Orphans........................,... 12................................................................. Richmond... Castleton.. Home for Seaman's Children............ Children of Seamien.......-.......... 12 9,599 33 888 95....................1754..... 894.,202 9561 Steuben..... Bath...... Davenport Institution for Female Orphans. Support of female orphans........... 12 4,500 00 331 19........................................,500 Total............................................................................. 131,208 97 28,984 79 27,842 04 12,217 19 4,6 22,7 41,5 9b),7 S38588 MISCELLANEOUS NOTICES AND REMARKS CONCERNING ORPHAN ASYLUMS. ALBANY.-The Juvenile Retreat of the city of Albany, occupies a three MAiONROE.-St. Patrick's Female Orphan Asylum, at Rochester, founded story brick building, formerly sustained by the citizens generally, but in 1840, was incorporated in 1845. It occupies a large four story brick having got into pecuniary difficulty, its management was assumed by building, with a wing, and is managed by Sisters of Charity. Free and members of St Peter's (P. E.) church. select schools are attached to the institution. Number of pupils 260. St. Vincent Male Orphan Asylum, conducted by brothers of the Chris- No reports were received from other asylums in Rochester. tian schools, gardening, shoemaklingand tailoring taught. Located about a mile and a half west of the Capitol, on the Cherry Valley road. NEw YORK.-Children's Aid Society. During the previous year 738 St. Vincent Female Orphan Asylum, conducted by Sisters of Charity, boys, 416 girls, 35 men and 46 women had been provided with houses. occupies a four story brick building on North Pearl street. The Society provides lodging rooms and meals for destitute children of Albany Orphan Asylum, established Nov. 17, 1829, and incorporated both sexes, and maintains twelve industrial schools in poor and squalid under a special act in 1831. Its principal building is of brick, 100 by 50 quarters of the city. feet, four stories high, with a brick laundry, 20 by 75 feet, and brick barn, 25 by 30 feet. A public school adjacent supplies educational facilities. Flve Points House of Industry. Established in 1851. Owns tw 2b.et Aplsco, spbrickbuildingsof 45by92, and 60by 80feet. Realestatcworth $100,000. CAYUGA.-The Cayutga County Orphan Asylum, occupies a three story The House of Protection for Destitute Catholic Boys is under the building, 50 by 60 feet, with baseet. The premises are resticea direction of a society, and reports three brick and five frame buildings, bildigl 0b 0fewthbsmn.Tepeie areretiedangd. ill arranged. }on a lot of four acres. The New York Orphan Asylum is managed by a board of ladies, and CHAUTAUQUA.-St. Mary's Orphan Asylum, Dunkirk, has a two story occupies a building 50 by 145 feet, with wings 36 by 72 feet. It is building, 20 by 40 feet, with a kitchen, 10 by 20 feet attached. Needle chiefly supported by annual subscriptions. work is taught to the inmates. The Nursery and Childs' Hospital is managed by a board of lady. r.- trustees. From the published report it appears that, from the year endCOLUMBIA.- Hudson Orphan and Relief Association. This is managed ing March 1, 1865, 501 children had been under care. The Asylum had by a board of ladies, chosen from the several religious sects of the city. suffered from epidemic measles, complicated with diptheria, and five This building is of brick, three stories, 57 by41 feet, and cost about $6,000. deaths had occurred. Their receipts were: Income, $5,941.39; subNo school except Sabbath school taught. scriptions, $1,915.00; donations, $5,091.24; bequest, $5,000; sale of stocks, $7,000; interest on bonds, $793; concert, $3,240, other sources, D3UTCHESS.-Poughkeepsie Female Guardian Society, maintains a home $250.60. Expenses, $29,392.17. for the friendless of all evangelical denominations. Its building is 60 by Orphan Home and Asylum of the Protestant Episcopal Church; 75 feet, with three stories and a basement. Children are received firom founded in 1850; incorporated 1852 and 185 ItAsylum ofthedifie Protestat piscopa Churchstone three to twelve years. It is chiefly conducted by an association of ladies. T 1852and1857 Its edfi 1hree to twelve years. It is chie ~~~faced brick building 650 by 125 feet. Its schools are in operation throughThe Astor Orphan Asylum of Redhook, occupies a building 40 feet th dg s ar pea through square. It is supported by Mrs. William B. Astor, and chiefly limited to h H those living near Redhook. The Patriot Orphan Home is under the care of the New York Ladies' Educational Union, and occupies a three story dwelling, 45 by 52, with ERI.-The Buffalo Orphan Asylum, has one three story building, size a W 37 by 53 feet not reported. The New York Colored Orphan Asylum is managed by the Association The St. Vincent Female Orphan Asylum is conducted by Sisters of for the Benefit of Colored Orphans; formed in 1836, and incorporated in Charity, and occupies three adjacent buildings, connected by passages. 1838. Its premises having been destroyed by a mob in 1863, it occupied Needle work is taught with the common branches of education. The rented buildings. A claim of $73,000, for property destroyed, had been institution is reported as well kept, and in much repute. received, and preparations made for the erection of new buildings. AdThe St. Mary's Lying-in Hospital, and St. Vincent Foundling Asylum, mitted since the opening, 1,310. Number at last report, 208. Admitted is managed by Sisters of Charity. Its building is 50 feet square, four during the year, 53. Number at date of published report of 1864, 121 stories, with three story wings, 40 by 50 feet. Since the beginning, 1,480 boys and 88 girls. Three schools were maintained. Expenses, $19,614.99. inmates have been received, of whom 105 remained at the close of 1864. The Roman Catholic Orphan Asylum was established in 1817, and inThe Thomas Asylum, for orphan and destitute Indian children, is corporated with the Half Orphan Asylum in 1852. Its main building managed by a board of twelve trustees, of whom half are whites and half on Fifth avenue is 60 by 160 feet, with wings 40 by 104 feet. In addition Indians, and is not sectarian. Its cost was mostly defrayed by legislative to this, the society owns a building on Prince street, concerning which no grants, and it receives appropriations from the State, and from the Indian report was received. Department of the general government. The rest is supplied by contributions. Its main building is 46 by 36 feet, two stories and a basement, T ONEIDA. —The U~tica~ Orphan Asylum, was established April 19, 1830, with another 36 by 40, one and a half stories, connected with it. The andtectw e d Ma 2 16 blng 4 b basements are stone and brick, but the rest are of wood. A shop, 26 by with c w as 2 by 1 0 l a8 lb 8 fee. alf orph a by a30 oet 66 feet, with lean-to, 12 by 12; a small barn, 26 by 30 feet, with lean-to 2 28 by8 e Half and oth Ifrieinds able to aid, are charged from 50 cents to 81.00 per week. T~hose 10 by 30 feet; a large barn 30 by 50 feet, and a school house 30 by 40 l count charg ae, pay 5 per wee ehos feet, constitute the other principal buildings of the establishment. They pay 1 pe ek schools were suspended several weeks during the summer of 1864, on account of sickness. An accompanying list of inmates shows that 42 ONTARIO.-The Ontario Orphan Asylum, is managed by a board of were Senlecas, 7 Cayugas, 2 Onondagas, and 1 Oncida. A summary of Pro testa nt trustees and managers, and occupies a building erected for a ages, shows the following ages and sexes: four years, 1 male; five, 2 de1^g ^lth 1 rooms, with basement, dining room, etc. The accounts males; six, 3 males, 3 females; seven, 1 male, 2 females; eight, 1 male, | k or the year eldmin aY 2, IXG4, were as follows: Receipts from 5 females; nine, 3 males, 3 females; ten, 3 males, 2 females; eleven, 5 Canandaigua subscribers, $1,208 76; fairs and festivals, $809.85; other males, 1 female; twelve, 3 females; thirteen, 4 males, 1 female; fourteen, sources 81,681.10 Receipts for the year ending May, 1865, $4,423.88, 1 male; fifteen, 2 males; sixteen, 1 male, 1 female; seventeen, 1 female; notrincludg donations of provisions etc., from Canandaigua and neigheighteen, 1 female; nineteen, 1 female; twenty, 1 female. boring towns. JEFFERSON.-The Jefferson County Orphan Asylum has a brick build- OSWEGO.-The Oswego Orphan Asylum, occupies a building 50 feet ing 52 by 68 feet, three stories with a&D attic, and ample grounds, in a square. Paying orphans are charged ~1.00 per week. grove adjacent to Watertown village. About $1,500 in clothing and provisions had been donated by; citizens during the year, in addition to REssELAER. The Catholic Male Orphan Asylum of Troy occupies a the amount given in the table. e roiek building three stories high, with a wooden attic, 36 by 62 feet. The St. Vincent Female Asylum has a building 25 by 130 feet, and two KINGs. —The Brooklyn Orphan Asylum is not controlled by any of 22 by 100 feet, each three stories high and of brick. particular sect. Its building is 50 by 75 feet, three stories high. The Brooklyn Roman Catholic Orphan Asylum, founded in 1829, was incorporated in 1834. The premises occupied by the males consist of twoR ICnMOND. The Home for seamens children, is managed by a board brick buildings, one three and the other four stories, located corner of of lady mners entitled " The Society for the Relief of Destitute ChilJay and Chapel streets. The female department occupies three buildings,dren of seamen? and chiefly resident i New York cy. The pulished four stories high. Both are under the care of the same trustees. rpo of 181,0hw durig the year endin June, 186^ a total xpe1The Home for Destitute Children is managed by the Brooklyn Indus-dlture of $ 6,496. 9, aside from investments. trial School Association. The building is 50 by 100 feet, four stories and basement. The Association paid, on account of schools, during the year, STEuBEN,.-The Davenport Institution for Female Orphan children, was $3,001.82; of the Home, $11,491.82. Received from collections in incorporated by special act April 15, 1863, and occupies a building 44 by churches, $6,160; from board of children, $2,322.05; f*om festival, 66 feet. It receives by preference, orphans from Steuben, and after this, $3,439.50. Total receipts, including bequests, $23,183. from Allegany county. fame - NEVSPAPERS AND Where published. Title of Periodical. Publishers, etc. ALBANY Co. A lbany.......... Albany Atlas................................................................................................... Albany.......... Albany Atlas (semi-weekly)...................................................................................... Albany.......... Albany Atlas (weekly).......................................................................................... Albany.......... Albany Evening Journal............................. Dawson & Co............................................... Albany.......... Albany Journal..................................... Dawson & Co............................................... Albany.......... Albany W eekly Journal............................. Dawson & Co............................................... Albany.......... Albany Morning Express............................. Stone, Henley & Co......................................... Albany.......... Albany Daily Knickerbocker......................... H. J. Hastings, Editor....................................... Albany.......... Albany Times & Courier............................. W m. Hastings.............................................. Albany.......... Country Gentleman*................................ Luther Tucker & Son........................................ Albany.......... The Cultivator*..................................... Luther Tucker & Son........................................ Albany.......... Albany Evening Post................................ R. M. & E. Griffin.......................................... Albany.......... Frie Blatter........................................ A. M iggael................................................. Albany.......... Bryant, Stratton & Folsom's Alb. Business Coll. Monthly, Bryant, Stratton & Folsom................................... Albany.......... The Journal of the N. Y. State Agricultural Society..... State Agricultural Society.................................... Albany.......... The Teacher........................................ James Cruikshank, Editor................................... Coeymans........ Coeymans Gazette................................... Henry Bronk............................................... W atervliet....... Albany County Democrat............................ Allen Corey................................................ ALLEGANY CO. Angelica......... Angelica Reporter................................... C.F. & G. W. Dickinson.................................... Cuba............ The Cuba True Patriot.............................. Carrier & Stebbins.......................................... W ellsville........ Genesee Valley Free Press....................................................................................... BECOoE Co. Binghamton...... Binghamton Daily Republican........................ Carl Brothers & Taylor...................................... Binghamton... The Broome Weekly Republican...................... Carl Brothers & Taylor..................................... Binghamton...... The Binghamton Standard............................ F. N. Chase................................................ Binghamton...... The Binghamton Democrat.......................... W m. S. Lawyer............................................. Sanford.......... Delaware Courier................................... Lucius P. Allen............................................. Triangle.......... The Broome Gazette................................. G. A. Dodge................................................ Union........... The Union News.................................... Cephas Benedict............................................ CATTARAUGUS CO. Ellicottville...... Cattaraugus Freeman................................ Charles D. Sill.............................................. Ellicottville..... The Cattaraugus Union.............................. Robert K. Shankland....................................... Olean............ The Olean Advertiser................................ James T. Henry............................................ Olean............ Olean Tim es........................................ C. F. Dickinson............................................. Persia........... Gowanda W eekly Bulletin........................... J. HI. M Clv0n............................................... CAYUGA Co. Auburn.......... Auburn Daily Advertiser & Union.................... Knapp & Peck.............................................. Auburn.......... Auburn Journal & W eekly Union..................... Knapp & Peck.............................................. Auburn.......... Northern Christian Advocate......................... REv. D. D. Love, Editor; T. Carlton and J. Porter, Publishers... Auburn.......... The Northern Independent........................... W m. Hosmer............................................... Auburn.......... The Orphan's Friend................................ Mrs. S. M. Reed, Editress.................................... M entz........... The North Cayuga Times............................ C. M arsh.................................................. Moravia.......... Cayuga County Courier.............................. Hicks & Nichols............................................ Springport....... Central New Yorker................................ }t. H. De W olf............................................. CHAUTAUQUA Co. Chautauqua...... M ayville Sentinel.................................... John F. Phelps............................................. Dunkirk......... The Dunkirk W eekly Journal........................ George & Morgan........................................... Dunkirk......... Dunkirk Union..................................... G. R. Dean................................................. Ellicott.......... The Chautauqua Democrat........................... A. B. Fletcher, D. It. Waite.................................. Ellicott.......... Jamestown Journal................................. Bishop Brothers........................................... Pomfret.......... Fredonia Advertiser................................. C. E. Benton............................................... Pomfret.......... The Fredonia Cpnsor................................ W. McKinstry.............................................. W estfield........ The W estfield Republican............................ M. C. Rice, Editor.......................................... CHEMUNG Co. Elmira........... Elmira Daily Advertiser............................. Fairman & Caldwell.......................................... ]lmira........... Elmira W eekly Advertiser........................... Fairman & Caldwel l......................................... Elmfira........... Elmira Daily Gazette................................ F. A. De Voc & Co.......................................... Elmira............ Elmira Weekly Gazette.............................. F. A. De Voc & Co.......................................... CHlENANGO CO. Greene........... Chenango American................................. Denison & Fisher..................>......................... New Berlin....... New Berlin Pioneer................................. Joseph K. Fox.............................................. Norwich.......... Chenango Chronicle................................. Geo. C. Rtice, Elizur tI. Prindle............................... Norwich......... Chenango Union..................................... John F. Itubbard, jr......................................... Norwich......... The Chenango Telegraph............................. B. Gage Berry, Lewis Kingsley.............*................. Oxford........... Chenango County Democrat.......................... J. L. Burris................................................ Oxford........... Oxford "Times...................................... J. B. Galpin................................................ Shcrburne........ Sherburnc Home News............................... S. B. Marsh................................................ CLINToN Co. Plattsburgh...... Plattsburgh Express & Sentinel....................... A. G. Carver........................ Plattsburgh...... Plattsburgh Republican.............................. Rt. G. Stone................................................ Plattsburgh...... Plattsburgh Sentinel................................. W. Lansing................................................. COLUMBIA CO. Chatham 4 Corners The Chatham Courier................................ C. B. Canfield.............................................. Hudson.......... Hudson Daily Star.................................. Alex. N. Wecbb............................................. Hudson........... Hindson Weekly Star................................ Alex. N. Webb............................................. Hudson.......... Columbia Republican................................ Wm. Bryan, F. H. Wecbb..................................... Hudson.......... Hudson Gazette..................................... M. Parker Williams......................................... Kinderhook...... Rtough Notes......................................... J. R. Arrowsmith........................................... OORTLxND Co. Cortland......... The Gazette and Banner............................. Charles P. Cole............................................. Cortland......... The Cortland Democrat.............................. M. P. Callcnder, C. A. Kohler................................ Homer........... Cortland County Republican.......................... J. R. Dixon................................................ Marathon........ The Marathon Mirror................................ B. F. Allcgcr............................................... These two papers were consolidated January 1, 1866, as the "Country Gentleman and Cultivator," a weekly publication. OTHER PERIODICALSo To what object devoted. Interval of publication. Annual sub- When established. Size in inches. Pages to scription price. a number. Politics and news.................................................... D aily................................................. 4 Politics and news.................................................... Semi-weekly........................................... 4 Politics and news.................................................... W eekly...........................................4 Politics and news.................................................... Daily.............. $9 00............... 28. X. 42 4 Politics and news.................................................... Semi-weekly....... 4 00......................... 4 Politics and news...................................................... W eekly............ 2 00.....................4 Politics and news.................................................... Daily.............. 7 50..........1857 22 X 32 4 Politics and news..................................................... Daily......... 6 00..........1845 201X30 4 Politics and news.................................................... Daily.............. 6 00..........1856 201X30 4 Agricultural science.................................................. W eekly............ 2 50............... 26 X40 16 Agricultural science................................................... M onthly........... 1 00......................... 8 Politics and news.................................................... Daily.............. 4 00 Septem., 1865 20 X 30 4 N ew s.............................................................. Tri-w eekly.................................................. Commercial College notices........................................... M onthly.................................... 22 X324 Agriculture. Business of the society................................... Monthly............................... 1851 8vo.12 Education. Organ of Common School Department...................... Monthly.................................... 8vo. 8 News............................................................... W eekly............ 1 50..........1863 201X304 Politics and news.................................................... W eekly............ 2 00.......... 1860 24 X364 Politics and news.................................................... W eekly............ 2 00..........1838 24 X36 4 News............................................................... W eekly............ 2 00.......... 1862 24 X 364 N ew s............................................................... W eekly............................................... 4 Politics and news..................................................................................... 1849 22 X 31 4 Politics and news.................................... Weekly............ 175..... 1822 27 X414 Politics and news.................................................... W eekly............ 1 75.......... I1854 24 X384 Politics and news.................................................... W eekly............ 2 00.......... 1847 27 X424 N ew s.............................................................. W eekly............'........................................ News. (Published at Whitney's Point)9................................ Weekly............ 1 25......... 1858 24 X3 4 News............................................................... W eekly............ 1 50..........1851 22 X32 4 Politics and news................................................... W eekly............ 2 00...........1841 24 X36 4 Politics and news..................................................... W eekly............ 2 00..........1856 23 X33 4 Politics and news.................................................... W eekly............ 2 00..........1856 2 X36 Politics and news.................................................... W eekly............ 2 00.......... 1861 24 X36 4 News. (Published at Gowanda)........................................ Weekly............ 1 50......... 1865 21 X31 4 Politics and news................................................... Daily.............. 8 00..........1846 24 X 364 Politics and news.................................................... W eekly............ 2 00......... 1831 27 X414 Religious intelligence and news. (Methodist)........................... Weekly............ 2 00.......... 1841 26 X404 Religious intelligence and news. (Methodist)........................... Weekly.............. 1 50.......... 1857 25 X344 Interests of Cayuga County Orphan Asylum............................ Monthly........... I 00.......... 1858 21 X288 Politics and news. (Published at Port Byron)........................... Weekly............ 1 50...........1864 22 X324 Politics and news..................................................... W eekly............ 2 00..........1864 24 X364 Politics and news.................................................... W eekly............ 1 75..........1865 211X304 Politics and news................................................... W eekly............ 1 50......... 1835 24 X344 Politics and news.................................................... W eekly............ 2 00......... 1850 25 X364 Politics and news.................................................... W eekly............ 1 50......... 1861 24 X334 Politics and news.................................................. W eekly............ 2 00...........1853 25 X364 Politics and news.................................................... Weekly............ 2 00..........1827 25 X364 Politics and news.................................................... W eekly............ 2 00.......... 1851 25 X364 Politics and news.................................................... Weekly............ 2 00.......... 1821 25 X364 Politics and news.................................................... W eekly........... 2 00.......... 1855 24 X 36 4 Politics and news.................................................... Daily.............. 11 00.........1857 24 X364 Politics and news................................................. Weekly............ 2 00...........1854 27X40 X8 Politics and news.................................................... Daily.................................. 1859 21 X304 Politics and news.................................................... W eekly............ 2 00..........18.29 25 X404 Politics and news.................................................... W eekly............ 1 0 0..........1856 25 X324 Politics and news..................................................... W eekly............ 1 00..........1860 2 19 X274 Politics and news.................................................... WD ely............. 11 00..........1857 24 X384 Politics and news...........................Weekly............ 1 00..........1848 27 X364 Politics and news.................................................... Weeily.............. 50...............1859 21 X404 Politics and news.................................................... W eekly............ 1 00.......... 1864 24 X 364 Politics and news...........................Weekly............ 1 50..........1856 23 X344 Pltcand ews.......................................................... W eekly............ 1 0 0..........1860 19 X274 Politics and news.................................................... W eekly............ 2 50..........1839 26 X404 Politics and news.................................................... W eekly............ 2 00..........184 8 24 X344 Politics and news..................................................... Weekly............ 2 50..........1824 24 X340 Poiisadnews.......................................................... W eekly............ 1 50..........1864 20 X324 Pltcand ews.......................................................... Weekly.............. 5 00..........18397 2 19 X 304 [Newsarclueteprneedcto............................................... Weekly............ 1 25.......... 184 192 X238 Politics and news.................................................... W eekly............ 1 00.......... 1819 25 X434 Politics and news..................................................... W eekly............ 2 00.......... 1823 26 X384 Poiisadnews.......................................................... W eekly............ 1 00..........1854 22 X324 PoiisNn ews.......................................................... Weekly............ 2 50..........1861 24 X364 Politics and news..................................................... W eekly............ 2 00..........1863 25 X432 Politics and news..................................................... W eekly............ 2 00.......... 1855 22 X 324 N~ews............................................................... Weekly............I 1 25 |..........1862 119 X25~ (583) 584 NEWSPAPERS AND OTHER PERIODICALS. NEWSPAPERS AND OTHER Where published. Title of Periodical. Publishers, etc. DELAWARE CO. Delhi........ The Delaware Express............................... Norwood Browne........................................... Delhi............ Delaware Gazette.................................. A.M. Paine............................................... Delhi............ The Delaware Republican........................... Sturtevant & TMclntosh....................................... Kortright......... Bloomville Mirror.................................. S. B. Champion............................................ Middletown...... The Unitarian (Margaretville)........................ 0. M. Allaben.............................................. Tompkins........ Delaware Courier (Deposit)......................... P. Alien................................................ DUTCHEss Co. Amenia.......... Amenia Times...................................... J. W. Hoysradclt............................................ Fishkill.......... The Fishkill Journal..................... G. W. Owen................................................ Fishkill.......... Fishkill Standard..................... J. W. Spraight, Editor; J. E. Member, Proprietor.............. Pine Plains...... The Pine Plains Hterald S T. o................................ Zn z!........... ~~1 J'..Sp r..h.,.Editor;.. E..emer Proprieon............................ Poughlkeepsie..... Poughkeepsie Daily Eagle............................ Isaac Platt Son Poughkeepsie..... Poughkeepsie Eagle................................. Isaac Platt & Son........................................... Poughkeepsie..... The Daily Press................................... B. Osborne.............................................. Poughkeepsie..... The Poughkeepsie Telegraph on.........................rd B.................. Poughkeepsie Eastman National Business College...................................................................... Redhook..... The Advertiser................................... C. A. Reed................................................. Redhook......... Red Hook Journal.................................. ChauL ncey A. Reed.......................................... Rhinebeck........ The Rhinebeck Gazette.............................. homas Edgerley............................................ ERIE Co. Buffalo.......... Buffalo Commercial Advertiser..................... Mtthews & Oarren.......................W................... Buffalo.E.......I Buffnlo Colrcil dvertiser....................... Matthews & Warren......................................... Buffalo.......... Commercial Advertiser............................... Matthe ws & W arren......................................... Buffalo.......... Buffalo Patriot and Journal........................... atthews & Warren....................................... Buffalo.......... Buffalo Daily Courier................................ Joseph W arren & Co......................................... Buffalo.......... Buffalo W eekly Courier.............................. Joseph Warren & Co....................................... Buffalo.......... Taglicher Buffalo Democrat r....................... Brunk & Hreld............................................... Buffalo.......... Der Welthurger............................... Iw Brunk & Held............................................... Buffalo.......... Buffalo Morning Express rl............................. A. t Clap & Co........................................... Buffalo.......... Buffalo W eekly Express.............................. A. M. Clapp & Co........................................... Buffalo.......... D ie Aurora....................................... C. W eickman............................................... Buffalo.......... Buffalo Evening Post................................ eor e J. Bryan............................................ Buffalo.......... Taglicher Buffalo Telegraph.......................... Philip. Bender............................................ Buffalo.......... Taglicher Buffalo Telegraph.......................... Philip H. Bender............................................ Buffalo o.......... nnt gs Zeitung.................................... Philip H. Bender........................................... Buffalo.......... W ochentlicher Buffalo Telegraph...................... Philip H. Bender........................................... Buffalo.. i The Advocate................................... John E. Robie.............................................. Buffalo.......... W estern New York Catholic......................... Bishop Timon............................................... Buffalo.... Buffalo Tee Presse................................. Reinecke & Son.......................................... Buffalo.......... Buffalo Sentinelh..................................... l. a an.................................................. Buffalo s tn...................... Dick's Patent Exositor............................ obert Dick................ Concord......... The Springville N. H. Thurber............................................ ESSEX Co. Chesterfield....... Essex County Republican............................. n C. Boynton.............................................. lizabethtown.... The Elizabethtown Post (KCeeseville)................... C. CHand Livingston...................................... FRANKLIN CO. MaIlone.......... Franklin Gazette................................... F. D. Flanders........................... M alone.......... The M alone Palladium................................ J. &.......Seaver..................................... FULTON CO. Johnstown....... Fulton County Democrat............................ W.. o t Drk............................................... Johnstown....... The Johnstown Independent......................... John D. Houghtaling....................................... ohnstown....... Gloversville Standard............................... George. Heaton.......................................... GENESEE Co. Batavia.......... The Genesee Democrat.................................................... Batavia.......... The Republican Advocate............................ Daniel D. W aite................................................ Batavia.......... Spirit, of the Times.................................. Hecnry Todd................................................ Le Roy.......... The Le Roy Gazette................................. C. B. Thompson............................................. GREENE Co. Catskill.......... Catskill -Democratic Journal............................ Joseph F. Joesbury......................................... Catskillner............. The Examier.......... Marcus H. Trowbridge.................................. Catskill.......... Recorder and Democrat.................... J. all................................................. Coxsackie....... The Coxsackie Union................................ W illiam Joesbury........................................... Prattsville....... The Mountain Sentinel...............................Marsh & Becker............................................ Windham........ The Windham Journal.............................. B. Fish & C. C. Peck................. HERIKIMER Co. }Ierkimer........ The Herkimer Democrat............................. C C. Witherstine........................................... German Flats..... Loyal Citizen (Ilion)............................. S. B. Loomis................................................ Little Falls..... The Journal and Courier..............................R Stebbins. Little Falls...... Little Falls Gazette................................ B. F. M.axso..... Winfield.......... The Standard Bearer................................ C. Ackerman............................................... JEFFERSOlS CO. Adams.......... The Adams Visitor.................................. George C. Bragdon.......................................... Wilna........... The Carthage Republican............................. M. Bichford................................................ Watertown......New York Daily Reformer Ingalls, Brockway & Bigelow Watertown.....The New York Reformer........................... Ingalls, Brockway & Bigelow.. Watertown...... The Jefferson County Union.......................... S. Canfield & Co................................ Watertown...... Le Phare Des Lacs..........C Petit........ Watertown...... Northern New York Journal......................... Budlong & Haddock......................................... KInGS Co. Brooklyn........ The Brooklyn Daily Eagle............................ J. Van Anden............................................... Brooklyn The Brooklyn Daily Programme............ L. E. L. Briggs............................................. Brooklyn. The Brooklyn Daily Times........................... George C. Bennet........................................... Brooklyn....... The Brooklyn Daily Union............................................................................... Brooklyn. The Brooklyn Standard..................... James R. Del Vecchio.............. Brooklyn. The Family Friend........................... J. Willian Van Namee....................................... Brooklyn....... Long Island Anzeiger.......... Ed. Roehr & Son.............................................. Williamsburgh Der Triangel.................................. Ed. Roehr................... LEWIs Co. Lowville......... Journal and Republican.............................. Smiley & Hazen............................................. Lowville......... Lewis County Democrat........................... We Witt C. Finch................................<. LwVINoSTON CO. 2Nortb DP~ivill... The Dansville Advertiser.....,.................. A. 0. Bunnell............................................... NEWSPAPERS AND OTHER PERIODICALS. 585 PERIODI CALS-(CONTINUED). To what object devoted. Interval of publication. Annual sub- When established. Size in inches. Pages to scription price, a number. News.....................................~.......................... Weekly......... 1 50..........18 23 X344 News............................................................. Weekly........... 2 00..........1819 22 32 Politics and news.................................................... Weekly............ 1 50.......... 1859 23 X334 News........................................................................................ cW eekly............ 00..........1850 18 X 23 News.................................................................. Weekly............ 100..........1863 18 X274 Politics and news.................................................... Weekly............ 50.......... 1862 21 X31 Politics and news...........................Wel................................................... Weekly............ 50 1851 24 X36 Politics and news.................................................... Weekly........... 150.........1855 22 X324 Politics and news.................................................... W eekly............ 2 00...........1841 24 X37"T4 News............................................................. W eekly........... 1 50.......... 1858 22 X 324 Politics and news.................................................... Daily.............. 6 00.......... 1860 24 X36 4 Politics and news........................................ Weekly........... 2 00......... 1843 29X464 Politics and news................................................... Daily.............. 6 00.......... 1863 22 X32 4 Politics and news.................................................... W eekly............ 2 00.......... 1825 28 X42 4 Commercial....................................................... Occasional............................. 1853 33 X23 8 News................................. WN eekly............ Gratis........... 1865 13 X1S 4 Politics and news.............................................................. W eekly............ 1 50..........1858 21 X284 Politics and news.................................................... Weekly............ 2 00......... 1848 24 X384 News and politics..................................................... Daily.............. 10 00..........1834 27 X414.....................................Three-weerkly................................................... 4 Politics and n.ews...............,,,,,,.,,Ocainl.... Weekly............ 5 00.......... 1811 27 X41 4 Politics and news.................................................... W eekly.............. 2 00..........1811 27 X414 Politics and news....................................................... Daily.............. 10 00.......... 1835 26 X424 Politics and news.................................................... Weekly............ 150......... 1839 26 X424 Politics and news. (German)......................................... Daily.............. 6 50.......... 1837 213X32 4 Politics and news. (German)........................................ Weekly............ 2 00..........1837 26 X414 Politics and news.................................................... Daily.............. 10 00.......... 1845 27 X414 Politics and news.................................................... W eekly............ 1 50.......... 1845 27 X414 Roman Catholic Religion. (German).................................. Weekly................................ 1851 24 X36 8 Politics and news.................................................... Daily.............. 5 00.......... 1849 21 X294 Politics and news. (German)......................................... Daily.............. 7 80........ 1845 24 X36 4.......................................................I............ Sem i-w eekly.............................................. Novels and news. (German)......................................... Weekly........... 2 00..........1863 18 X.24 4 Politics and news (German)...................................... Weekly...........1 2 00..........1845 27 X41 4 Religious intelligence................................................. Weekly............ 2 00..........1849 26 X40 4 News.............................................................. W eekly............ 2 00..........1863 24 X 36 8 Politics and news. (German)......................................... Wi eekly............. 150.......... 1855 213X324 Workingman's interest, &c............................................. Weekly...........1 2 00.........1864 24 X36 4 Advertising......................................................... Monthly........... 50............... 19 IX 25 4 Politics and news.................................................... Weekly............ 2 00.......... 1865 22 X324 Politics and news................................................... Weekly........... 200..........1839 24 X324 Politics and news.................................................... Weekly............ 150......... 1852 24 X36 Politics and news................................................... Weekly........ 150.......... 1838 24 X344 Politics and news................................................. Weekly............ 200......... 1835 24 X384 Politics and news.....................................................eekl...........1842 24 X374 Politics and news.................................................... W eekly............ 2 00..........1855 24 X364 Politics and news.................................................... Weekly............ 2 00......... 1857 24 X364 Politics and news................................................... Weekly............ 2 00..........1855 23 X344 Politics and news.................................................... W eekly............ 2 00.......... 1811 24 X36 4 Politics and news................................................... Weekly............ 2 50..........1823 24 X36 4 Politics and news.................................................... Weekly............ 2 50..........1827 24 X364 Politics and news.................................................... W eekly............ 1 50..........1860 24 X36 Politics and news................................................ Wteekly............ 200...........1830.26 X384 Politics and news.................................................... Weekly............ 250.......... 180 2 25 X374 Politics and news.............................................. Weely............ 2 00.........18 24 X 3 Politics and news.................................................... Weekly............ 1 5 0..........1859 184X26 Politics and news.................................................... Weekly............ 1 25..........1856 24 X364 Politics and news................................................. Weekly............ 2 00......... 18542 24 X36 4 Politics and news.................................................... Weekly............ I 00..........1842 X2404 Politics and news................................................................ Weekly............. 2 00..........186 24 X364 Politics and news..................................................... Weekly............ 2 00..........182 4 X364 Politics and news....................................... Weekly......... 2 0 0..........1859 24 X344 Politics and news.................................................... Weekly............ 1 0 0..........1833 24 X364 Politics and news.................................................... Weekly............ 1 25..........185 2 2 X324 Politics and news............... Weely............ 2 5 0..........1860 22 X32 Politics and news.................................................... Weekly............ 2 50..........185024 X42 Politics and news.................................................... Weekly............ 2 00..........1835 27 X36 Politics and news................................................... Weekly............ 3 00..........1858 235X364 Politics and news..................................................... Weekly............ 2 00..........1856 27 X42 Politics and news.................................................... kDaily....... 1 0..........1840 25 X364 Theatrical and advertising...... W............ Daily............186215 X2 Politics and news..................... Weely............. 00........'.184722 X34 Politics and news.................................................... Wkly............. 0............1863 26 X374 Politics and news.................................................... Weekly............ 2 0 0.185 | 2 X42 Literature, temperance,............................................ eOthly........... 1 00..........1865 22 X32 16 News.................................................... Weekly.... 2 50...............1 21 X284 Pasonry. ( nd................................................ Semi-monthly...... 3 00..........1854 19 X24 8 Politics and news................................................... Weekly............ 2 00..........1838 24 X4 Politics and news................................................... Weekly............ 2 00..........1856 24 X36 4 Politics and news,,,,,. (French),..,.,....,..,,,,,................... Weekly.,,,........ 3 0.....15 3>3 Politics and news....................................................1 Weekly............ 2 50 I..........1859 2 X3 4 Lieatr, epeace c..........................Motly.......I00......16527X 2 1 586 NEWSPAPERS AND OTHER PERIODICALS. NEWSPAPERS AND OTHER Where published. Title of Periodical. Publishers, etc. LIVINGSTON CO. North Dansville. The Dansville Herald.................................. George A. Sanders............................................ North Dansville. The Laws of Life................................... F. W ilson Hurd & Co........................................ Geneseo......... Livingston Republican............................... James T. Norton.......................................... Mount Morris.... The Union & Constitution............................ Hugh Harding............................................ Nunda........... Nunda News..................................... C. K. Sanders.............................................. MADISON Co. Hamilton.......... The Democratic Republican........................... Edward D. Van Slyck....................................... Hamilton........ Independent Volunteer................................ G. R. WValdron.............................................. Eaton........... M adison Observer (Morrisville)....................... E. Norton................................................. Lenox............ The Democratic Union (Oneida)...................... WV. H. Baker............................................... Lenox............ Oneida Dispatch.................................... John Crawford............................................. MONROE Co. Mendon......... The Mendon Free P}ess (Honeoye Falls).............. S. Francis Jory............................................. Penfield......... The Literary Companion............................. Allie W illiams.............................................. Penfield......... Penfield Extra.......................................... Nellie W illiams............................................ Rochester........ Rochester Beobachter............................... Adolph Nolte............................................... Rochester........ Rochester Beobachter................................ Adolph Nolte............................................... Rochester........ Rochester Daily Democrat........................... D. D. S. Brown & Co........................................ Rochester........ Rochester Semi-Weekly Democrat.................... D.D.S. Brown & Co....................................... Rochester........ Rochester W eekly Democrat.......................... ). D. S. Brown & Co........................................ Rochester........ The Rochester Evening Express...................... C. D. Tracy & Co.......................................... Rochester........ The Rochester W eekly Express....................... C. D. Tracy'& Co........................................... Rochester........ Rochester Daily Union & Advertiser................... Curtis, Morey & Co.......................................... Rochester........ Semi-Wecqkly Union and Advertiser.................. Curtis, Morey & Co......................................... Rochester........ Rochester Republican................................ Curtis, Morey & Co......................................... Rochester........ Tagliches Rochester Volksblatt....................... Louis W m.. Brandt.......................................... Rochester........ Wochentliches Rochester Volksblatt................... Louis Wmn. Brandt......................................... Iochester........ Rural New Yorker....................................... D. D. T. M oore............................................ Sweden.......... The Brockport Republican........................... Horatio N. Beach........................................... MONTGOERPY Co. Amsterdam...... The Amsterdam Recorder............................ X. Haywood & Co........................................... Canajoharie...... The Canajoharie Radii................................ Arkell & Alien.............................................. Glen............. Montgomery Republican (Fultonville)................. T. R. Horton.............................................. Glen............. New York State Radii.......................................................................................... Minden.......... Mohawk Valley Register (Fort Plain)................. Webster & Matthewson...................................... Mohawk......... Mohawk Valley Democrat (Fonda)................... Freeman & Van Antwerp.................................... NEW YORtK Co. New York........ New York Commercial Advertiser.................... Commercial Advertiser Association............................ New York New York Spectator................................ Commercial Advertiser Association............................ New York....... Courrier des Etats Unis............................... Ch. Lassalle.............................................. New York....... Courrier des Etats Unis.............................. Ch. Lassalle............................................... New York....... Courrier des Etats Unis.............................. Ch. Lassalle.................................... New York....... Courrier des Etats Unis............................. Ch. Lassalle................................................ New York....... Courrier des Etats Unis................................. Ch. Lassalle................................................ New York....... La Cronica.................................................. IRafael Alvarez.............................................. New York........New Yorker Demokrat.............................. Friedrich Schwedler......................................... New York N..... New Yorker Demokrat................................. Friedrich Schwedler.......................................... New York....... Beobachter am Hudson.............................. Friedrich Schwedler......................................... New York......... New York Daily Era................................ Harry C. Page............................................... New York....... New York Evening Express.......................... J.,& E. Brooks............................................. New York....... New York Semi-W eekly Express...................... J. & E. Brooks............................................. New York....... New York Weekly Express.......................... J. & E. Brooks....................................... New York........ The New York Herald............................... James Gordon Bennett..................................... New York....... The W eekly Herald................................. James Gordon Bennett...................................... New York....... New York Journal of Commerce...................... Prime, Stone, Hale & Hallock................................ New York....... Journal of Commerce, Jr.,............................ Prime, Stone, Hale & Hallock................................ New York....... Weekly Journal of Commerce........................ Prime, Stone, Hale & Hallock................................ New York....... New Yorker Journal................................ J. Kittig................................................... New York....... New Yorker Journal............................... J. Kittig................................................... New York...... New Yorker Sontags Zeitung......................... J. Kittig.................................................. New York...... Le Messager Franco Americain........................ H. De Maril............................................... New York....... Le Messager Franco Americain........................ H. De Marlil.....:.......................................... New York....... Le Messageir Franco Americain........................ H. De Marlil............................................... New York........ Le Messager Litteraire................................. H. De Marlil New York....... New York Daily News.............................. Benjamin Wood........................................... New York....... New York W eekly News............................. Benjamin W ood............................................ New York....... The Play Bill..................................... Herald office............................................... New York....... The Evening Post................................. Wm. C. Bryant & Co...................................... New York....... The Evening Post.................................. Wm. C. Bryant & C o..................................... New York....... The Evening Post................................... Wm. C. Bryant & 0o New York....... The Sun......................... r.................. Moses S. Beach New York....... The Sun............................................. Moses S. Beach............................................. New York....... New Yorker Abend-Zeitung.......................... Friedrich Rauchfuss........................................ New York....... Atlantische Blatter und New York Kladderadatsch...... Friedrich Rauchfuss......................................... New York....... New Yorker Staats-Zeitung.......................... Oswald Ottendorfer........................................ New York....... Wochenblatt der New York Staats-Zeitung............. Oswald Ottendorfer......................................... New York....... Sonntagsblatt der New York Staats-Zeitung............. Oswald Ottendorfer....................................... New York....... The New York Times............................... Henry J. Raymond & Co New York....... The Semi-weekly Times............................. Henry J. Raymond & Co.................................... New York...... New York Weekly Times............... Henry J. Raymond & Co................................... New York...... New York Daily Transcript.......................... Transcript Association....................................... New York..... New York Tribune................................. Tribune Association......................................... New York....... New York Tribune............................... Tribune Association........................................ New York....... New York Tribune.................................. Tribune Association......................................... New York...... The World New York....... The W orld................................................................................................... New York....... The World................................................... New York....... Shipping and Commercial List....................... Autens & Bourne........................................... New York,...... INew York Price Current......................,... Autens & Bourne........................................... New York....... The Albion.................................... NEWSPAPERS AND OTHER PERIODICALS. 587 PERIODICALS.-(CONTINUED. ) To what object devoted. Interval of publication. Annual sub- IWhen established. Size ill inches. Pages to scription price. a number. Politics and news.................................................... W eekly............ 2 00..........1850 22 X324 Hygiene............................................................ M onthly........... 00..........1857 24 X3816 Politics and news.................................................... W eekly............ 1 50..........1849 24 X34 4 Politics and news................................................. Weekly............ 2 00..........1847 24 X36 4 Politics and news...................................................... Weekly............ 1 50..........1859 22 X324 Politics and news................................................... W eekly............ 2 00..........1834 25 X38 4 Politics and news.................................................... W eekly............ I 5..........865 19 X27 4 Politics and news..................................................... W eekly............ 2 00......... 1821 23 X33 4 Politics and news................................................................. W eekly............ 2 00..........1856 23 X35 4 Politics and news........................................................ Weekly............ 2 00.......... 1853 24 X 36 4 News................................................................ M onthly.......... 25..........1862 19 X244 News.................................................................... Monthly........... 40.........1865 111X18 4 News............................................................... W eekly............ 75..........1861 12 X 184 Politics and news. (German)......................................... Daily.............. 8 45......... 1851 20 X27 4 Politics and news. (German)......................................... Semi-weekly....... 2 50................................ Politics and news.................................................... Daily.............. 10 00.......... 1832 28 X40 4 Politics and news.................................................... Semi-weekly........ 4 00........1860 28 X40 Politics and news........................................................ W eekly............ 2 00..........1826 28 X40 4 Politics and news.................................................... Daily.............. 11 00......... 1858 27 X41 4 Politics and news................................................... Weekly............. 2 00.........1859 27iX41 4 Politics and news.........................:........................... Daily.............. 10 00..........1827 272X414 Politics and news.................................................... Semi-weekly....... 4 00.......... 1827 271X 41 4 Politics and news.................................................... W eekly............ 2 00.......... 1816 27 X414 Politics and news.................................................... Daily.............. 6 00..........1863 21 X284 Politics and news. (German)...................................... eely................. 2 50................................ Agriculture........................................... W eekly............ 3 00..........1849 27 X39 8 Politics and news....................................................................... I W eekly............ 2 00..........1856 23 X36 4 News and politics....................................................... Weekly............ 75..........1853 24 X364 Politics and news.................................................... W eekly............ 2 00..........1835 27 X41 4 Politics and news.................................................... Weekly............ 2 00.......... 1857 24 X36 4 Politics and news.........................................................'0....2'3......85 2X4 Politics and news.................................................... Weekly...2 0.......... 1842 24nX37 4 Commercial intelligence and news...................................... Daily.............. 11 00......... 1794 31 X48. 4 Commercial intelligence and news, semi-weekly of above.................. Semi-weekly....... 4 00..........1794 31 X484 Literature and news.................................................. Daily.............. 12 00.......... 1828 30 X448 Literature and news, special edition for Europe,......................... Weekly............ 6 00............... 22 X304 Literature and news, special edition for the Antilles.......................................... 12 00............... 30 X448 Literature and news, special edition for California, CentralAmerica, and isles of the Pacific.................................................................... 8 00............... 30 X448 Literature and news, weekly edition....................................................... 5 00.........1837 261X40 16 Spanish news........................................................ Daily.............. 16 00.......... 1848 25 X364 Politics and news...................................................... Daily.............. 9 00..........1847 30 X428 Politics and news, weekly edition......................... eely 350............ Weekly............ 3 50.........1847 34 X48 8 Literature and news, Sunday edition...................................................... 00.............. 1847 30 X42 8 News. D.................................................................................. Daily.............. 6 00..........1860 19 X264 Politics and news.................................................... Daily....50..........9 50 1837 28 X42 4 Politics and news................................................... Semi-weekly....... 4 00..... 1837 28 X42 4 Politics and news................................................... W eekly............ 2 00..........1837 28 X42 4 News.............................................................. Daily.............. 14 00........ 1835 32 X 468 News......................................................... W eekly............ 2 00..........1837 32 X46 8 Commercial intelligence and news.................................. Daily.............. 15 00.... 1827 33 X49 4 Commercial intelligence and news...................................... Daily.............. 6 00 1......... 1827 21 X33 4 Commercial intelligence and news...................................... Weekly..........................1827 33 X43 8 News.............................................................. Daily............. 9 00.........1862 24 X364 News, weekly edition................................................ Weekly............. 250..........1862' 34 X48 8 Literature and news, Sunday edition of Journal ekly............ I 50.......... 1862 24 X36 4 Literature and news.................................................. Daily.............. 9 00..........1859 26 X38 4 Literature, special edition for California, Central America, Mexico and Antilles (double or tripple sheets)........................................... Weekly............ 6.00..........1859 26 X38 4 Literature, weekly edition, (double sheets).............................. Weekly............ 5 00.........1859 26 X38 4 Literature........................................................... Wee kly............ 6 00..........1863 24 X3816 Politics and news................................ D y.. 1.. 1857 32X 43 8 POlitics and news.................................................... Weekly............ 2 00..........1857 32 X43 8 Theatrical news..............................1865 16.X234 Literature and news................................................ Daily.............. 12 00..........180 1 31 X474 Literature and news, semi-weekly edition............................... Semi-weekly....... 4 00..........1801 31 X47 4 Literature and news, weekly edition.................................... Weekly............ 2 00..........1801 31 x47 4 News............................................................. Daily.............. 6 00..........1833 19 X244 News.............................................................. W eekly............ I 00..........1836 19 X244 Politics and news................................................... Daily............... 8 00..........1850 24 X384 Literature, Sunday edition of Zeiting................................... Weekly............ 2 00...........1850 24 X38 4 Politics and news.................................................... Daily.............. 9 00..........1834 31 X43 8 Politics and news, weekly edition..................................... Weekly............ 2 50..........1834 31 X43 8 Literature, Sunday edition............................................ Weekly............ 2 00..........1845 31 X43 8 Politics and news................................................... Daily............. 10 00..........1851 32 X46 8 Politics and news.................................................... Semi-weekly........ 3 00..........1851 32 X46 8 Politics and news.................................................... Weekly............ 2 00..........1851 32 X46 8 Official proceedings of city government and news...................... Daily.............. 9 00..........1859 23 X32 4 Politics and news.................................................... Dai ly.............. 10 00..........1841 32 X43 8 Politics and news.................................................... Semi-weekly....... 4 00..........1842 32 X43 8 Politics and news.................................................... Weekly............ 2 00.........1841 32 X43 8 Politics and news.................................................... Daily.............. 10 00 32~X42 8 Politics and news.................................................... Semi-weekly........ 4 00.............. 32 X42 8 Politics and news............................. Weekly............ 2 00............. 8 Commercial intelligence............................................... Semi-weekly........ 10 00...1795 30 X43 4 Prices current.:.................................................... Sl......... 12 Btihan olnal si-Weekly..... 6........X46 12 Ih-itish and Colonial news, literature ac..........:....... W ~ eekly,....... 24~.......i822't3'X 588 NEWSPAPERS AND OTHER PERIODICALS. NEWSPAPERS AND OTHER Where published. Title of Periodical. Publishers, etc. New York....... All About Petroleum................................ C. Pfirshing, & Co.......................................... New York....... American Artisan and Patent Record..................... Brown, Combs & Co........................................ New York....... The American Baptist.................................. J. Duer, for Baptist Free Mission Society...................... New York....... American Medical Times(a).......................... Bailliere Brothers........................................... New York....... American Rail Road Journal......................... John H. Schultz............................................ New York...... The American Statesman............................ G. Z. IHouse, Editor........................................ New York....... The Anglo African.................................. Robert Hamilton............................................ New York....... New Yorker Arbeiter-Zeitung........................ George Degen.............................................. New York....... Army and Navy Journal............................. American News Co.......................................... New York....... The New York Atlas................................ Anson IHerrick & Sons....................................... New York....... New Yorker Belletristisches Journal.................. Rudolph Lexow......................................... New York...... New York Business Mirror........................... Henry Livingston & Co..................................... New York........Christian Advocate and Journal......................... T. Carlton & J. Porter, Publishers; D. Curry, Editor........... New York...... Christian Ambassador............................... Rev. Thomas J. Sawyer, Editor.............................. New York....... Christian Inquirer.................................. Unitarian Association, S. N. Y................................ New York....... The Christian Intelligencer.......................... Elbcrt S. Porter, Editor, Charles Van Wyck, Publisher.......... New York....... The Christian Times................................. Rev. B. F. De Costa, Editor................................. New York....... The Church Journ... New ork...... The Church Journal...... ~........................................................................ New York....... The New York Citizen.............................. Thomas McElrath, Publisher, C. G-. Halpine, Editor............ New York....... New York Clipper.................................. Frank Queen............................................. New York....... The Commercial and Financial Chronicle............... William B. Dana & Co...................................... New York....... The New York Commercial Path Finder............... J. F. Whitney............................................ New York....... El Continental........................................ M. Paolo.................................................. New York...... New York Courier................................. James L. Smith, Editor...................................... New York....... New York Day Book (Caucasian).................... Van Evrie, iHorton & Co..................................... New York....... New York Dispatch................................. A. J. W illiamson........................................... New York....... L'Eco D'Italia.............................. F. Sechi e C li....................................... New-York....... The Emigration.................................... Lucian Sanial.................... New York....... The Evangelist..................................... Henry M. Field'& J. G. Craigend............................. New York....... The Examiner & Chronicle........................... Edward Brighlt & Co........................................ New York....... Field, Turf, Farm:.................................. S. D. & B. G. Bruce........................................ New York....... Frank Leslie's Budget of Fun........................ Frank Leslie............................................... New York........ Frank Leslie's Chimney Corner........................ Frank Leslie............................................... New York....... Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper.................. Frank Leslie.............................................. New York....... Frank Leslie's Illustriste Zeitung...................... Frank Leslie............................................... New York....... New York Freeman's Journal & Catholic Register....... James A. McMaster......................................... New York....... The Funniest of Fun........................................................................................... New York....... New York Handel's Zeitung.......................... M. Meyer.................................................. New York....... Harper's Weekly Journal of Civilization............... Harper Brothers........................................... New York....... Herald of Life and of the Coming Kingdom............ George Storrs, Editor....................................... New York....... Hillyer's Petroleum Recorder......................... John H1illyer............................................... New York....... Hodges' Journal of Finance & Bank Note Reporter...... E. M. Hodges.............................................. New York....... New York Home Gazette........................................................................................ New York....... The Home Journal.................................. W illis & Phillips.......................................... New York....... The Independent......................................... Henry C. Bowen.......................................... New York....... The Insurance Monitor & Wall Street Review........... T. Jones, jr................................................ New York....... The Internal Revenue Recorder & Customs Journal..... P. V. R. Van Wyck......................................... New York....... The Irish American................................. Lynch, Cole & Meehan....................................... New York....... The Iron Age...................................... John W illiams............................................... New York....... The Jewish Messenger.................................. Rev. S. M. Isaacs & Sons.................................... New York....... The Hebrew Leader(e)............................... J. Bondi & J. P. Solomon, Editors............................ New York....... The Index......................................... Rogers & Co................................................ New York....... Katholische Kirchen Zeitung.......................... Benzigen Brothers, Publishers................................ New York....... New Yorker Katholisches Journal.................... G. Hanschef................................................ New York....... The New York Leader.......................... Estate of John Clancey...................................... New York....... The New York Ledger............................... Robert Bonner............................................. New York....... The New York Mercantile Journal.................... New York Mercantile Journal Co.............................. New York....... The New York Mercury............................ Cauldwell & Whitney....................................... New York....... The Methodist...................................... Geo. R. Crooks, Editors..................................... New York....... Metropolitan Bank Note Reporter....................... Gwynne & Day............................................. New York....... Metropolitan Record & New York Vindicator........... John Mullaly.............................................. N ew York....... M rs. Grundy................................................................................................. New York....... Museum............................................ Geo. Degen, Publisher....................................... New York....... New Yorker Musik-Zeitung................................................................................... New York....... The Nation......................................... Joseph It. Richards......................................... New York....... National Anti-Slavery Standard................................................................................. New York....... National Bank Note Reporter & Financial Gazette....... L Mendelson New York National Polfce Gazette............................. Geo. W. Matsell & Co....................................... New York....... Ned Buntline's Own.............................. W~. E. tilton, Publisher...................................... New York....... New Jerusalenm Messenger.......................... General Convention, N. J. in U. S............................. New York....... The New Nation..................................... General G. Cluseret, Editor................................. New York....... The New Yorker.Mates........... C. atthes.................................... New York....... Nicholas' New York Bank Note Reporter.............. Nicholas & Co.............................................. New York....... New York Observer................................. Sidney E. Morse, jr., & Co.................................. New York....... The New York Weekly Path Finder................... J. F. Whitney............................................ New York....... The New York Saturday Press....................... Henry Clapp, jr.............. New York....... The Principia & National Era......................... J. W7. Alden & Co........................................... New York........ N.Y. Produce Exchange Reporter & Prices Current...... W". II. Trafton............................................ New York....... The Progress(/)............................... T. M. M Bien................................................ New York....... La Revista......................................... Felix M. Catala............................................. New York....... New York Weekly Review.......~............ C.B. Seymour, Editor; T. Hagen, Publisher.................. New York....... The Round Table(j)................................ H. E. & C. H. Sweetser..................................... New York....... Scientific American.................................. Munn & Co................................................. New York....... Scottish American Journal........................... A. Mi. Stewart.............................................. New York........ Semaine Litteraire.................................. Ch. Lassalle................................................ New York....... Shoe and Leather Reporter(c)........................ Dexter & Co................................................ New York....... Skandinavisk Post.............................................................................................. New York....... The Star of New York(/)............................ Charles B. & M. A. Smyth................................... New York....... The Stockholder.................................................................... New York........ Street & Smith's New York Weekly..................... S.I..et'&'.lit.......... (,) Pqblication suspended Sept. 3, 1865, on account of advanced prices in printing, (d) Each pnge 8~ by 12. (b) The Examiner began in 1Id-,, lb,' Chr(,icle in l846. (e) CleanIgb Iod n "' ~ The Jewish Record." early in August, 1865. \c) Publishtd also semi-monthly and monthly. (f) Semi-montlfy and monthly editions also published. NEWSPAPERS AND OTHER PERIODICALS. 589 PERIODICALS-(CONTINUED). To cwhat object devoted. Interval of publication. Annual sub- When established. Size in inches. Pages to scription price. anumber. Petroleum interest (in covers and stitched)............................. Weekly............ $5 00.........1864 22 X32 16 Mechanics, manufactures, patents &c................................... Weekly............ 2 50.......... 1865 39 X50 16 Religious intelligence...........k...................................W 2 00.......... 001845 26x38 4 Medical intelligence.................................................. W eekly............ 5 00..........1856 31 X44 16 Railroad news, steam navigation, finance &c. eely.............................. Weekly............ 5 00.......... 1831 36 X46 32 News........................................~...................... W eekly............ 1 50..........1854 23 X334 Interests of Freedmen and the colored race.............................. Weekly 250.....................1862 24 X38 4 Literature............................................ Weekly...... 250.......... 1865 23 X32 8 Military and Naval intelligence......................................... W0eekly..............1864 30 X42 16 Literature............................................. W eekly........... 2 50 1836 32 X468 Literature........................................................... W eekly............ 5 00..........1852 35 X51 16 Business...............*........................................... W eekly............ 2 00......... 1857 24 X36 4 Religious intelligence. (Methodist'Episcopal)........................... eekly............ 3 00..........1826 34 X46 8 Religious intelligence. (Universalist)...................................1 Weekly.....................1841 24 X 34 4 Religious intelligence. (Unitarian)..................................... Weekly............ 300......... 1837 26 X384 Religious intelligence. (Reform Protestant Dutch)....................... Weekly............ 3 00........1830 28 X42 4 Religious intelligence. (Protestant Episcopal)........................... Weekly............ 6 00.........1843 27 X39 8 Religious intelligence. (Protestant Episcopal)........................... Weekly............ 5 00.........1853 27 X36 8 News, literature, municipal reform, &c................................. Weekly............ 3 00..........1864 32 X44 8 Sporting and theatrical news....................eekly............................... Weekly............ 5 00..........1853 31 X438 Finance, commerce, insurance &c., (double sheet)..................... Weelkly........... 10 00..........1865 27 X34 132 Finance, commerce, &c., and daily bulletin.............................. Weekly............ 3 00...........1845 32 X46 4 Politics, literature and commerce...................................... Weekly............ 8 00..........1861 21 X 28 4 News............................................................. W eekly 2 00............00..........1837 32 X43 8 Politics and news.................................................... W eekly............ 2 50..........1852 30 X41 8 -iertread news.............. 5 00 1.......... 1846 36 X52 8 Literature and news.................................................. W eekly............ 5 00..........1846 36 X528 Italian news and literature, &c......................................... W eekly............ 6 00..........1850 23 X33 4 Emigration. (German and English)................................... Weekly............ 2 50 Aug. 12, 1865 212X31 4 Religious intelligence. (N. S. Presbyterian)............................ Weekly............ 3 00......... 1830 33 X46 8 Religious intelligence. (Baptist)...................................... Weekly............ 2 50 (b) 28 X40 4 Sporting intelligence, agriculture, &c................................... Weekly............ 5 00 Aug. 5, 1865 33 X46 16 Illustrated paper.................................................... W eekly............ 4 00.......... 1864 33 X4616 Illustrated paper..................................................... W eekly............ 4 00.......... 1865 33 X4616 Illustrated paper..................................................... W eekly........... 4 00..........1846 33 X4616 Illustrated paper.................................................... Weekly 400........... 4 00..........1848 33 X46 16 Religious intelligence. (Catholic)..................................... Weekly............ 4 00..........1840 32 X468 Comic illustrations................................................... W eekly................................1865 33 X46 16 Trade and finance. (German, in Roman type).......................... Weekly............ 10 00..........1852 35 X50 16 Illustrated paper..................................................... W eekly............ 4 00..........1857 33 X4616 Religious intelligence. (Second Advent)................................ Weekly............ 2 00..........1864 24 X364 Petroleum stocks..................................................... W eekly............ 5 00.......... 1861 32 X46 8 Bank note list. Finance.............................................. Weekly(c) 350......... 1845 (d)32 Literature......................................................... W eekly...1 00..........1857 29 X428 Literature........................................................... W eeldy............ 3 00..........1846 26 X 384 Religious intelligence and news.......................................... W eekly............ 2 50..........1849 36 X558 Insurance and finance................................................ WVeekly................................ 1853 (d)36 Customs and revenue................................................. W eekly........... 5 00..........1865 20 X258 Irish intelligence and news............................................ W eekly............ 2 50..........1849 26 X384 Hardware and iron trade reporter...................................... Weekly............ 400.......... 1864 24 X384 Religious intelligence. (Jewish)........................ Weekly............ 3 00..........1848 24 X38 8 Religious intelligence. (Jewish)....................................... Weekly............3 00..........1860 22X3 Traveler's guide...................................................... W eekly............ 4 00............ 15 X181 Religious intelligence. (Catholic)....................................... eely 50................... 2 50 1846 23 X328 Religious intelligence. (Catholic)...................................... W eekly................................ 1865 29 X368 Literature, news, &c.................................................. W eekly............ 5 00..........1855 38 X508 Literature, news, &c.................................................. W eekly............ 5 00..........1845 29 X43 8 Price lists and mercantile news........................................ Weekly............ 3 00.......... 1864 34 X 504 Literature and news.................................................. W eekly............ 2 50..........1839 29 X438 Religious intelligence. (Methodist Episcopal).......................... Weekly........... 2 50.......... 1860 33 X468 Bank note list and finance............................................ Weekly(f)........ 3 25......... 1858 (g)36 Politics and news.................................................... W eekly............ 4 00..........1859 33 X4516 Comic. (Discontinued).............................................. W eekly................................ 1865 17 X 34 12 Literature, art and news. (German).............'..................... Weekly 500..........1865 (g) 32 M usic.............................................................. W eekly............ 4 00..........1865 24 X 3816 Literature, news, &e................................................. W eekly............ 3 00.......... 1865 () 32 Emancipation. Improvement of condition of Colored race................ Weekly............ 3 00.......... 1840 26 X38 4 Bank note list. Finance.............................................. Weekly(f)........ 4 50.........1 864 (g)48 Police intelligence................................................... W eekly............ 4 00.......... 1846 26 X394 Literature........................................................... W eekly............ 3 00.......... 1865 28 X40 4 Religious intelligence. (Swedenborgean).............................. Weekly............ 3 00...........1855 23 X34 4 Politics, commerce, literature and news............................... Weekly............ 3 00.......... 1864 32 X46 16 Literature and news.................................................. W eekly............ 2 00..........1853 28 X42 8 Bank note list. Finance............................................. Weekly (f)........ 3 00..........1856 (g) 32 Religious intelligence. (Presbyterian)............................... Weekly.....3 50..........1823 25 X36 8 Railroad'and steamboat guide. News.................................. Weekly......... 1848 23 X32 4 Literature........................................................... Weekly............ 3 00.......... 1862 27 X40 16 Politics and news..................................................... W eekly............ 3 00..........1 861 29 X41 8 Prices current.Weekly............ 3 50..........1855 10 X12 2 Religious news. (Jewish)........................................... Weekly............ 5 00..........1865 24 X33 8 Spanish news. Politics............................................... W eekly............ 6 00..........1865 20~X29 8 Literature, musical notices, &e......................................... Weekly............ 4 00.........1850 29 X43 8 Literature.......................................................... Weekly........... 6 00.......... 1865 30 X40 16 Patents and inventions.............................................. Wee kly............. 3 00..........1846 28 X40 16 Literature. Scottish news............................................ W eekly............ 3 00..........1858 29 X42 8 Art, science and literature............................................ Weekly............ 6 00.............. 26^X4032 Shoe and leather trade.,,,,,,,,,,,,,..,,,...W ieekly 5............5 23 508 Sho an lethe tr de............................................... Wiy...... 3 5.....858' 29 X38 4 Swedish news and literature........................................... Weekly............ 3 00......... 1864 22 X32 4 Religious intelligence................... Weekly............3 00.......... 18 8X24 8 Stocks, finance, &c.............................................. W eekly............ 5 00.......... 1863 32 X46 16 Literature........................................ Weekly............ 3 00..........1846 28 X42 8 (g) Pagq 8 x 11~. ({c) Published in Boston, New York and Philadelphia. (h.) Page 10 x 12~. (1) " The Morning Star and Americmn Advertiser " began September 16, 1865, by same (i) Began August 25, 1865. German edition half the size above given. publishers. Folio, same size. (j) Began September 9, 1865. 590 NEWSPAPERS AND OTHER PERIODICALS. NEWSPAPERS AND OTHER Where published. Title of periodical. Publishers, etc. New York....... The Suburban News.................................. T. Towndrow............................................. New York....... Sunday Mercury............................................. Cauldwell & W hitney..................................... New York....... Sunday Times...................................... Noah, Deans & Howard..................................... New York....... New York Tablet.................................... D. & J. Sadlier & Co......................................... New York....... Thompson's Bank Note and Commercial Reporter....... J. Thompson, editor........................................ New York...... The Tobacco Leaf (a)................................ C. Pfirshing................................................ New York....... The Trades' Advocate (b)............................ W orkingmen's Union........................................ New York....... Uncle Sam............................................... American News Co................................... New York....... Underwriters' Weekly Circular....................... Grierson & Ecclesine....................................... New York....... U.S. Economist and Dry Goods Reporter.............. Joseph Mackey............................................ New York....... U.S. Mining Journal................................ John Hillyer............................................... New York....... Watson's Weekly Art'Journal........................ Henry C. Watson.......................................... New York....... W ilkes' Spirit of the Times.......................... George W ilkes.............................................. New York....... The Pacific Index (c).............................. Julius Silversmith........................................... New York....... Advocate and Family Guardian....................... Mrs. Sarah R. J. Bennett.................................... New York....... The American Journal of Photography................ Charles A. Seely............................................ New York....... Appleton's Railway and Steam Navigation Guide....... D. Appleton & Co.......................................... New York....... Boyd's Postal Guide and Shipping Gazette............. Office of Boyd's City Dispatch................................ New York....... Friedrich Gerhard's Deutsch Am. Garterlaube,......... J. H. Bonn, Editor......................................... New York....... The Children's Guest................................ Protestant Episcopal Sunday School Union..................... New York....... Humphrey's Journal of Photography.................. Joseph H. Ladd, Publisher................................... New York....... Der Lutherische Herold.............................. Heinrich Ludwig............................................ New York....... Mining & Petroleum Standard, and Am. Gas Light Journal. James W. Bryant.......................................... New York....... M usic Zeitung...................................... R. Beyer.................................................. New York....... The Sunday School Advocate..............'........... Carlton & Porter............................................ New York....... The Accidental Record.............................. Accidental Insurance Co.................................... New York....... American Agriculturist............................. Orange Judd............................................... New York....... Amerikanischcr Agriculturist........................ Orange Judd................................................ New York....... American Eddcational Union......................... Schermerhorn, Bancroft & Co................................ New York....... The American ttomceopathic Review................... John T. S. Smith & Sons.................................... New York....... Amerikanischer Botshafter........................... American Tract Society...................................... New York....... American Messenger................................. American Tract Society...................................... New York....... The American Mining Gazette........................ Gilbert E. Currie............................................ New York....... The American Missionary............................ American Missionary Association............................. New York........ American Missionary.................................... American Missionary Association............................. New York....... The American Odd Fellow............................ John W. Orr................................................ New York....... American Reporter.................................. American Emigrant Co....................................... New York....... The Anglo African Magazine......................... Thomas Hamilton.......................................... New York....... The Bankers' Magazine and Statistical Register......... I. Smith Homans, Jr........................................ New York....... The Bible Advocate................................ Amnierican and Foreign Bible Society........................... New York....... Bible Society Record................................ American Bible Society...................................... New York....... Le Bon Ton:" Journal De Modes...................... S. T. Taylor............................................... New York....... The Carrier Dove................................... Board of Missions........................................... New York....... The Billiard Cue................................................................................................ New York....... The Catholic W orld......................................... Lawrence Kehoe, Publishers.................................. New York....... The Children's Magazine............................ Protestant Episcopal Sunday School Union.................... New York....... The Child's Paper................................... American Tract Society...................................... New York....... The Child's World.................................. American Sunday School Union............................... New York....... The Christian...................................... John Q. Adams, Editor...................................... New York....... The Christian World................................ American and Foreign Christian Union......................... New York....... Comic M onthly..................................... G. C. Haney............................................... New York....... The Continental Monthly (d)......................... John F. Trow.............................................. New York....... Demorest's Illustrated Monthly...................... Mme. Denmorest............................................. New York....... The-Dental Journal................................. W. B. Roberts.............................................. New York....... Dinsmore's Railroad and Steam Navigation Guide....... Dinsmore & Co............................................ New York....... American Druggists' Circular................................................................................. New York....... The Eclectic Magazine.................................. W. H. Bidwell.............................................. New York....... Federal American Monthly........................... J. P. Robens, Publisher...................................... New York....... The Foreign Missionary.............................. Mission omle.............................................. New York....... The Foreign Missionar y.............................. Mission I-House.............................................. N ew York....... El Porrinier................................................................................................. N ew York........Echo Z. Pulski................................................................................................. New York....... The Foreign Missionary............................... Board of Foreign Missions.................................. New York....... Frank Leslie's Lady's Magazine...................... Frank Leslie.............................................. New York....... Frank Leslie's New Monthly......................... Frank Leslie.............................................. New York....... The Freedman...................................... American Tract Society...................................... New York....... The Freedman's Journal............................. American Tract Society (Boston)............................. New York'....... Friedrich Gerhard's Bank Note Reporter............. Friedrich Gerhard, Agent.................................... NSew York....... Friend of Progress................................... lub Co............. New York....... Gazlay's Pacific Monthly............................ David Mi. Gazlay & Co....................................... New York....... Good News........................................ Carlton & Porter........................................... New York....... Guide to Beauty of Holiness.......................... Foster & Palner, jr., Publishers.............................. New York........ Hall's Journal of Health............................ W. W. Hall................................................ New York....... Harper's New Monthly Magazine..................... IHarper & Brothers.......................................... New York....... Harper's Pictorialtd History of Great Rebellion.......... Harper & Brothers.......................................... New York...... The Herald of Health............................... Russell T. Trail............................................ New York....... The Historical Magazine............................. John G. Shea.............................................. New York....... Hom e M agazine........................................................................................ New York....... The Home Companion............................... ID':. S.'. Giddings New York....... The Home Evangelist................................ American Baptist Home Missionary Society.................... New York....... The Home Missionary...............................American Home Missionary Society........................... New York....... The Horticulturist....".............................. George E. & F. W. Woodward............................... New York........ Hours at Home..................................... J. M. Sherwood............................................ New York....... Hunt's Merchant's Magazine and Commercial Review... William B. Dana........................................... New York........ The Insurance Journal and Real Estate Gazette......... F. & J. Slator.............................................. New York....... The Israelite Indeed................................ G. R. Lcderer.............................................. New York....... Journal of the American Temperance Union........... Revoy John Marsh........................................... New York....... The Ladies' Repository.............................. Rev. W. J. Wildey, Editor................................... New York....... The Life Boat....................................... American Seamen's Friend Society............................ (a) Enlarged to 26 x 38 in September, 196:. (,f) Wilh 294 pages advertisements. (b) Changed to "The Union amd Trades5 Advocate. Ek ht pages, same si:e. (g) Chung'd firom: " The American Gas ILight Journal and Millng Reporter.' (c) Changed, July 3, 1865, to' Americanc Miningr Index." (h/) ['!,e octavo. {d) Medium octavo, in covers. (i) Medium cquarto, in covers. (e) Small quarto, in pocket form. (j) In covers, page 8 x 11^. NEWSPAPERS AND OTHER PERIODICALS. 591 PERIODICALS-(CONTINUED). To what object devoted Interval of publication. Annual sub- When established. Size in inches. Pages to scription price. a number. News....................................................................... W eekly............ $1 50..........1864 23 X324 Literature and news............................................. Weekly............. Weely.... 3 00..........1839 36 X508 Literature and news............................................... W eekly............ 3 00..........1840 30 X464 Religious intelligence. (Catholic)...................................... W eekly............ 4 00..........1857 32 X45 16 Bank note list, finance................................................ W eekly..................................... (g) 36 Tobacco Trade........................................... Weekly............ 2 00..........1865 223X33 4 Interest of the laboring classes............................................... W eekly............ 2 00..........1864 23 X32 4 Literature................................................................. W eekly............ 2 00..........1865 26 X384 Insurance, mining and stock news...................................... Weekly............ 3 00..........1863 19 X24 8 M ercantile news..................................................... W eekly............ 5 00..........1846 37 X54 8 Mining intelligence................................................... W eekly............ 5 00...............1852 28 X42 8 Music, art, literature.................................................. W eekly............ 4 00..........1863 21 X2916 Sporting, army and theatrical news..................................... Weekly........... 5 00............... 31 X46 16 Mineral and other resources of the Pacific states......................... Every ten days..... 5 00..........1865 23 X 32 8 Moral reform....................................................... Semi-monthly...... 1 00..........1835 19 X3612 Photography and allied sciences........................................ Semi-monthly...... 3 00..........1858 (d) 24 Railroad guide and advertisements..................................... Semi-monthly......30c. per No............... (e) 316 Shipping notices..................................................... Semi-monthly...... 2 00.......... 1863 19 X24 4 Literature........................................................... Semi-monthly...... 4 80............... (j) 80 Child's paper, (Episcopal)...................:....................... Semi-monthly...... 25..........1860 15 X22 4 Photography and allied sciences........................................ Semi-monthly..... 3 00......... 1849 (d) (d) 6 Religious intelligence. (Evangelical Lutheran).......................... Semi-monthly...... 1 00.......... 1851 24 X38 8 Petroleum and gas-light investments.................................... Semi-monthly...... 3 00..........1859 28 X40 16 Musical intelligence................................................. Semi-monthly...... 6 00............... 10 X 11....... Child's paper. (Methodist).......................................... Semi-monthly...... 30..........1842 19 X21U 4 Advertising......................................................... M onthly.............................. 1865 14 X 21 4 Agriculture. (Double sheet).......................................... Monthly........... 1 50..........1842 26 X38 32 Agriculture. (Double sheet.) (German).............................. Monthly........... 200............... 26X38 32 Eductation.........onthly 1 50 26~ X 38). 3 Eductation......................................................... M onthly........... 1 50.......... 1864 (d). 32 HIomoeopathy....................................................... Monthly........... 3 00..........1861 (d) 48 Religious reading.................................................... Monthly........... 25..........1865 22 X 30 4 Religious reading.................................................... Monthly........... 25..........1847 22 X30 4 Mining interests, geological science.................................... Monthly........... 5 00.......... 1864 (d) 64 Missions and schools abroad and among freedmen........................ Monthly........... 50.......... 1857 (d) 24 Missions and schools abroad and among freedmen........................ Monthly........... 25.......... 1863 20 X26 4 Odd Fellowship,...............................onthly................................. Monthly 200.......... 1862 (d)32 Intending-emigrant's guide............................................ Monthly......................... 1865 24 X384 History, condition and culture of the colored race..................... Monthly........... 1 00.......... 1864 (d) 32 Banking, statistics, finance, commerce.................................. Monthly........... 5 00............... (d) 96 Bible cause......................................................... M onthly.......................... 186I 19 28 4 Correspondence, receipts, &c., of Society............................... Monthly............................... 1856 (h) 16 Fashions. (French and English. Colored plates).................... Monthly.................................... (i) 16 Child's mission paper. (Protestant Episcopal).......................... Monthly........... 25..........1853 14mX201 4 Billiards............................................................ M onthly...............................1861 13 X 20 4 General literature and science.................................onthl........ 5 00..........1865 (d)144 Child's magazine...................................................... M onthly........... 36.............. 12mo. cover. 24 Child's paper........................................................ M onthly........... 12.......... 1852 15 X21 4 Child's paper........................................................ M onthly........... 12..........1844 13 X21 4 Religious reading, gospel holiness.................................... Monthly............ 1863 (d) 16 Religious intelligence, society business.................................. Monthly........... 1 00..........1850 (d) 32 Comic illustrations................................................... Monthly........... 1 00 1860 33,X46 16 Literature and national policy......................................... Monthly........... 3 00............... (d) 112 Ladies' fashions. (Colored plates, patterns, &c.)........................ Monthly.......... 3 00......... (i) 24 Dental science................................................. Monthly.............................. 1859 (d)72 Railroad guide and notices............................................... Monthly........... 25c. per No.......... 1850 (e) 196 Chemistry, pharmacy, and the drug trade............................... Monthly........... 1 50.......... 1857 29 X42 16 Selections from European reviews..................................... Monthly........... 5 00............. (d) 124 Literature, art, science, politics. (Formerly Knickerbocker Magazine)..... Monthly........... 4 00 5............ (d) 96 Presbyterian missions................................................ M onthly...........................1832 (d) 52 Ten cent paper..............M................... I.......... Monthly.................................... 12mo. 8.......................................... M onthly...................................................................................................................... M onthly..................................................... Miissions. (Presbyterian)................................... Monthly......................... 1842 14 X22 4 Ladies' fashions. (Colored plates, patterns, &c.)............nthly...................... 1850 64 Light literature......................................................... M onthly.......... 15c-perNo.!..........1862 (k) 72 Interests of freedmen................................................. Monthly........... 25..... 18.64 14IX201 4 Interests of freedmen..................................................Monthly........... 25.......... 1865 18 X244 Bank note list, finance................................................ Monthly............................ Literature,,,,,.,.,.,.,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,.,,,,,, l..............Motl2)) L tr t r.................................................. M o t l...... 2 0..... 864' (t)32 Literature, mining, science, &c......................................... Monthly........... 4 00..........1864 (m) 112 Child's paper....................................................... Monthly........... 15..........1 85 6 14 X20 4 Religion, revivals, &c................................................. Mo nthly........... 1 25.......... (m) 36 Medicine and hygiene................................................ Monthly........... 150 1854 (m) 24 Literature........................................................... Monthly........... 4 00..........1850 (m) 144 History of the war. (Illustrated)...................................... Monthly........... 30c. per No............. (n)24 Medicine and hygiene................................................. Monthly........... 1 50 1856 (m) 32 History, antiquities, biography........................................ Monthly........... 3 00..........1856 (o) 32 Literature........................................................... Monthly............................................ Medical notices, &c..................................................... Monthly........... 50......... 16 X239 Baptist missions..................................................... Monthly........... 15..........1850' 20 X28 4 tHome missions...................................................... M onthly........... 50..........1828 (m) 36 Horticulture. Journal of rural art and rural taste...................... Monthly........... 2 50..........1846 (m) 124 Religion, literature................................................... Monthly........... 3 00.......... 1865 (m) 96 Commerce, trade, finance, statistics................................... Monthly........... 5 00........... (m) 72 Insurance......................................................... Monthly........... 1 00...862 23 X33 8 Illustration and defense of Hebrew Christianity......................... Monthly........... 1 00..........1857 (m) 48 Temperance......................................................... Monthly........... 1 00..........1837 36 X46 16 Literature and religion. (Methodist).................................. Monthly........... 3 50.........1841 (p) 64 Improvement of seamen............................................. Monthly............................... 860 9 X12 4 (k) Discontinued. (m] Medium octavo, in covers. (j) Quarto, in covers. (n) In covers, page 11 x 16. (k) Large octavo, in covers. (o) In covers: page 7x 9. (1) Medium quarto, in covers. (p) Super royal octavo, in covers. 592 NEWSPAPERS AND OTHER PERIODICALS. NEWSPAPERS AND OTHER Where published. Title of periodical. Publishers, etc. New York....... The Little Wanderer's Friend........................ Howard Mission............................................ New York....... The London Lancet.................................. Drs. Bennett & W akley...................................... New York....... Masonic Eclectic.................................... John W. Simons............................................ New York....... Merryman's Monthly................................ J. C. Haney & Co........................................... New York........Merry's Museum and Woodworth's Cabinet........... J. N. Stearns, Publisher..................................... New York....... Missionary Advocate................................ Carlton & Porter.......................................... New York....... Monthly Record of the Five Points House of Industry.. House of Industry.......................................... New York....... The M other's 1\IMagazine.............................. Rev. D. Iead............................................... New York....... The Musical Host..............;................... James W. Fortune.......................................... New York....... Musical Pioneer.................................... J. F. TH ntington, Publisher................................. New York...... The National Freedman............................. New York National Freedman Relief Association............... New York....... The National Preacher.............................. W. H. Bidwell............................................. New York....... The New Path...................................... James Miller, Publisher..................................... New York....... The New York Medical Journal...................... M:iller & Matthews.......................................... New York....... New York Monthly................................. Kate J. Boyd.............................................. Ne w York....... Nick-Nax........................................... A. Lewison............................................. New York....... Northern Magazine................................ Frank Bellew.............................................. /New York....... The Old Guard..................................... Van Eyrie, Horton & Co.................................... New York....... The Orpheus....................................... W illialn A. Pond & Co....................................... New York....... The Parish Visitor.................................. Rev. H. Dyer, D. D......................................... New York....... Orphan Home(a)................... Rev. J. B. Waterbury, Editor................................ New York........ Le Petit M essager................................... S. T. Taylor................................................ New York........ The Petroleum Chronicle and Mining Gazette........... Davega & Herbert........................................... New York....... American Phrenological Journal and Life Illustrated.... Fowler & WNells............................................. New York........ The Phunny Phellow............................................................................................ New York........ The Portrait Monthly(f)............................. T. W. Strong............................................... New York........ The Printer.....................................John Greason & Co........................................ New York........ The Pulpit and Rostrum..........................The Pulpit and Rostru... Schermerhorn, Bancroft & Co................................ New York........ The Railroad Times................................. John Bevan and N. C. Iron, Editors........................... New York........ The Rebellion Record................................ Frank Moo re, Editor........................................ New York........ The Sailor's Magazine and Seamen's Friend............ American Seamen's Friend Society............................ New York........ Scientific Labor Advocate............................. Pitkin Ed. M'Ianuf. Institution................................ New York........ The Seamen's Friend................................ American Seamen's Friend Society........ New York........ Shelley's U. S. R. R. Steam Navigation and Mlining Guide, MI. M. Shelley.............................................. New York......... Shelley's Petroleum Oil and Railway Guide............ M. Mi. Shelley.............................................. New York........ The Soldier's Friend............................... WVm. Oland Bourne.......................................... New York..... The Sower............................ Board of Publication Ref. Prof. Dutch Church New York....... The Spirit of Missions............................... Board of issionaries Prof. Episcopal Church.................. New York........ The Standard Bearer................................ Protestant Episcopal Society for Promoting Evangelical Knowledge, New York........ Student & Schoolmate, and Forrester's Boys' & Girls' Mag. Joseph It. Allen............................................ New York........ Sunday School Journal.............................. Carlton & Porter........................................... New York........ The Sunday School World............................ American Sunday School Union............................... New York........ The Tract Journal................................... American Tract Society (Boston)............................. New York........ The True W itness............................................... Rev. T. W alsh.............................................. New York........ The United States Service Magazine.................... Chas. B. Richardson......................................... New York........ The United States Insurance Magazine................. G. E. Currie................................................ New York........ U. S. Mail and Post Office Assistant................... J. Gayler, Editor........................................... New York........ Voice from the Old Brewery.......................... Managers' Ladies' Home Missionary Society.................... New York....... Wall Street Underwriter and General Stock Register.... G-rierson & Ecclestine..................... New York........ W ay-marks in the W ilderness........................ James Inglis................................................ lNew York........ The W itness. Inglis & Co..............................................s...s s..... New York........ The Working Farmer................................ Wm. L. Allison, Editor.......................... New York........ Yankee Notions l.................................... T. W. Stro................................... New York........ Youth's Temperance Advocate........................................................................ New York.........American Life Assurance Magazine..................... G. E. Currie New York........ American Quarterly Church Review.................... N.S. Richardson................................ New York........ American Journal of Ophthamology................... Julus Hamberger, Ecditor..................................... New York........ American Presbyterian and Theological Review......... Henry B. Smith and J. M. Sherwood, Editors.................. New York........ The Bible Union Quarterly........................... American Bible Union........... New York........ Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine.................... Leonard Scott & Co........................................ New York........ Mme. Demorest's Mirror of Fashions............... W... Mine. Demorest............................................ New York. Social Science..... N. Y. Social Science Review......................... Alexander Delmar & Simon Sterns............................ New York........ The Edinburgh Review.............................. Leonard Scott & Co........................................ New York........ Journal of the Institute of Reward for Orphans of Patriots, David P. Holton............................................ New York........ The London Q uarterly Review........................ Leonard Scott & Co........................................ New York........ Methodist Quarterly Review........................ DD.. Whedon, Editor....................................... New York........ North British Review............................... Leonard Scott & Co................................... New York....... The National Quarterly Review....................... Edward I. Sears............................................ New York........ The Scalpel........................................ Edward H. Dixon, Editor.................................... New York...... The W estminster Review..................... Leonard Scott & Co........................................ New York........ Braithwaite's Medical Retrospect...................... WV. A. Townsend........................................... New York........ Scott's Report of American Fashions.................. Genio C. Scott.............................................. New York......... The United States Insurance Almanacc................. G. E. Currier.............................................. New York...... Fred. Gerhard's Familiar Kalender..................... Freerick Gerhard... New York........ The Tribune Almanac............................... Tribune Association......................................... NIAGARA Co. Lockport......... Lockport Daily Bee and Union...................... II. Schaafer................................................ Lockport.......... Lockport Daily Journal and Courier................... SI. C. Richardson........................................... Lockport......... The Niagara Democrat................,............... Henry Shaft............................................. Lockport......... Niagara Intelligencer............................... M.C.. Richardson........................................... Lockport........... Niag/ara Falls Gazette................................ William Pool.... ONE IDA Co. Boonville.... Black River Herald....................H. P..illard Camden. The Camden Journal............................... I. H. unger. Kirkland. The Clinton Courier... at. D. Raymond. Rome........... The Roman Citizen................................. A. Sandford................................................ Rome........... The Ronme Sentinel Beers & Kessinger............... Sangerfield........ Waterville Ti mess............................................................ Steuben......... Y Cenhadorr Americanaidd........................ Robert Everett Utica.. Utica Daily Observer.................. e aWitt C. G rove Utica...... Observer and Democrat.................. De WTitt C. Grove.............................. (a) Medium octave, in covers. (c) Duodecimo. in covers. (b) Large octavo, in covers. (d) Quarto, in covers, page 11x14. NEWSPAPERS AND OTHER PERIODICALS. 593 PERIODICALS-(CONTINUED). To what object devoted. Interval of publication. Annual sub- When established. Size in inches. Pages to scription price. a number. Five Points mission interests........................ Monthly........... $1 00..........1862 (a) 32 Medicine and surgery. (Reprint).................................... Monthly........... 5 00............... (b) 64 Masonic literature............................................ Monthly........... 1 00.......... 1865 (c) 36 Comic illustrations................................................... Monthly........... 1 25......... 1863 Small 4to. 30 Juvenile literature.................................................. Monthly........... 1 50.......... 1841 (a)32 Missions. (Methodist)................................................ 25..........1845 20 X26 8 Five Points mission interests......................................... Monthly........... 1 00..........1857 (a) 16 Duties of the mother............................................... Monthly........... 1 50.........1832 (a) 32 Music........................................................ MlMonthly........... 5 00............ (d) 16 Music.......................................l..................... Mon hy. 50''.......1856 (e) 16 Promotion of the interests of freedmen................................. Monthly........... 1 00.........1865 Octavo. 32 Sermons, religious notices.............................................. Monthly........... 1 00..........1837 (a) 28 Art, literature...................................................... M onthly........... 2 00..........1864 (a) 16 Medicine and collateral sciences....................Monthly...................... thly. 5 00..........1865 (a) 80 Working woman's advocate............................................ Monthly........... 1-25.......... 1864 19 X24 8 Comic illustrations.................................................. M onthly...............................1857 Small 4to. 32 Comic illustrations, literature.......................................... Monthly........... 1 25..........1865 28 X40 16 Literature, science, art.......................................... *. Monthly........... 2 00..........1863 (e)48 Music, art and literature.............................................Monthly........... 1 00..........1865 24 X38 16 Religious intelligence. (Episcopal).................................... Monthly........... 35......... 1852................. Interests of orphans of soldiers....................... Monthly..............................1864 22 X308 Ladies fashions. (French and English colored plates, &c)................Monthly.......... 5 00........ (g 8 Petroleum and mining interests................................. Monthly........... 5 00..........1865 (g 36 Phrenology, physiology, hygiene, & c............................... Monthly........... 2 00..........1844 (g) 32 Comic illustrations................................................... M onthly...............................1858 28 X42 16 Biography.......................................................... Monthly........... 1 50..........1863 24 X38 16 Printing and printing materials....................... Monthly........... 1 50.1860 (a) 16 Sermons, orations, lectures, &c......................................... Monthly...........15c. per No................ Sm. 8 vo. 24 Railroad intelligence, guide, map, &c................................... Monthly 1........... 00............... 29 X43 4 History of the war................................................... Monthly...........60c. per No.......... 1861 (i) 128 Improvement of seamen............................................... Monthly........... 1 00..........1829 (a) 32 M anufacturing........................................................ M onthly...............................1865 23 X32 4 Improvment of seamen............................................... Monthly..............................1858 19 X2416 Traveler's and mining guide.......................................... Monthly........... 5 00............... (a) 28 Guide to oil region, maps, statistics, &c.................................Monthly 50c. per No............... (a)...... W elfare of the soldier................................................. Monthly........... 50..........1864 23 X334 Religious intelligence................................................Monthly...............................1856 21 X28 8 M issions, (Episcopal).................................................. M onthly........... 1 00.......... (a) 40 Child's magazine, (Episcopal)......................................... Monthly..................... 1853 16 mo. cov. 8 Juvenile literature................................................... Monthly........... 1 50..........1849 (a) 32 Sunday schools, (Methodist)..........................................Monthly...............................1865 213X29 8 Sunday schools, (published in New York and Philadelphia)............... Monthly............................... 1861 22 X34 16 Tract cause, (published in Boston and New York)........................Monthly...............................1859 22 X30 4 Religious literature.................................................. Monthly........... 1 25...........1865 (a) 32 Military and naval literature...........................................Monthly........... 5 00..........1863 (a) 96 Insurance, finance..................................................... Monthly........... 5 00..........1856 (a) 72 Post office information................................................Monthly........... 1 00..........1860 22 X294 Five points mission interests............................................ Monthly............................... 1861 14 X20 4 Stocks, finance....................................................... M onthly........... 3 00..........1857 32 X46 8 Religious literature................................................... Monthly........... 5 00...........1862 (a)72 Religious literature.................................................. Monthly........... 50..........1864 23 X34 8 Agriculture......................................................... Monthly........... 1 00..........1849 26 X38 8 Comic illustrations................................................... Monthly........... 1 50..........1852 33 X46 32 Temperance.......................................................... Monthly.......... 37.......... 1840 12 X19 4 Life insurance.......................................................... Quarterly.......... 2 00..........1865 (a)80 Religious literature, (Episcopal)......................................Quarterly......... 3 00..........1857 (a) 168 Diseases of the eye.................................,.... Quarterly.......... 2 00..........1864 (a) 48 Religious literature................................................... Quarterly 3 00..........1863 (a) 160 Bible cause, (Baptist)......................................... Quarterly................................... (a) 16 Literary review, (reprint)............................................. Quarterly.......... 4 00.............. (a) 120 Ladies fashions, (plates, patterns, &c.)................................. Quarterly.......... 1 00..........1864 (a) 8 Political economy, statistics, &c....................................... Quarterly.......... 4 00..........1864 (h) 128 Literary review, (reprint).............................................. Quarterly.......... 4 00........(e) 148 W elfare of soldier's orphans........................................... Quarterly......................... 1865 (a) 16 Literary review, (reprint)............................................. Quarterly..........'4 00............... (e) 160 Literary review, (Methodist) Quarterly............................... (a)160 Literary review, (reprint)............................................Quarterly..........'4 00 (e) 160 Literary review....................................................... 5 00............ () 108 Medicine, surgery, hygiene........................................... Quarterly.......... 2 00..........1854 (a) 48 Literary review, (reprint)............................................. Quarterly.......... 4 00..........(e) 144 Medicine and the allied sciences, (reprint)............................Semi-annual........ 2 50 " 1840 (e)300 Fashions............................................................ Semi-annual........ 4 00................ 8 X12 16 Insurance and statistics.......................... Annual................................................ 204................................................................... A nnual................................................ 128 Staistics....................................................... 72 Politics and news.................................................... Daily............... 8 00..........1865 22 X32 Politics and news.......................;............................ Daily............... 9 00..........1858 24 X36 Politics and news.................................................... W eekly............ 2 00..........1865 27 X40 Politics and news.................................................... Weekly............ 2 50..........1858 275X41 Politics and news.....................................................Weekly............ 1 50..........1853 23~X324 Politics and news.................................................... Weekly............ 1 50..........1854 22 X32 4 Politics and news.......................................... Weekly............. 1 50..........1863 22 X324 Politics and news....................................................Weekly............. 1 50.......... 1856 22 X324 Politics and news................................................ Weekly............. 2 00...........183928 X424 Politics and news..................................................Weekly.,........... 2 00..........1834 27 X404 Politics and news........................-........................... Weekly............ 1 25..........1856 21 X304 (Welch)..................................................Monthly.................................1838........... 32 Politics and news................................. Daily.............. 8 00..........1847 22 X314 Politics and news.................................................... W eekly...............1815 24 X354 (e) Super royal octavo, in covers. (h) In covers, page 10x14. (/') Discontinued 1865. (i) In covers, page 61ax9~, with steel plales. (g) Medium quarto, in covers. r5 94' NEWSPAPERS AND OTHER PERIODICALS. NEWSPAPERS AND OITHER Where published. Title of Periodical. Publishers, etc. Utica............ Utica Morning Herald and Daily Gazette.............. Ellis H. Roberts................................ Utica............ Utica Weekly Herald and Gazette and Courier......... Ellis 1-. Roberts........................... Utica............ Utica Evening Telegraph............................. Franci s A. Crandall......................................... Utica............ Y Drych............................................ J. W. Jones............................................... Utica.......... The Gospel Messenger............................... W illiarn T. Gibson, D. D.................................... Utica............ Y Cyfaill.......................................... W. Rowlands.............................................. Utica............ Oneida Demok rat................................... J. C. Schreiber............................................ ONONDAGA CO. Elbridge......... The Jordan Transcript....... a.................. at urrell............................ Lysander........ Onondaga G azette. (Baldwinsville)................... J. B. Davis..............................................J...avs Skaneateles The Skneateles Democrat..... -I. B. Dodge............................................... Syracuse........ Syracuse Daily Standard............................ Sumlllers & Brother......................................... Syracuse........ Syracuse Daily Journal.............................. Truair, Smith & Miles...................................... Syracuse........ Syracuse WTeekly Journal......................................................................................... Syracuse..... The American Wesleyan............................. A'.Crooks. Syracuse...... Syracuse Daily Courier and Union.................... D. I. Halsteid............................................ Syrucuse........ Juvenile Instructor.................................. Adam Crooks.............................................. Syracuse........ State League....................................... T. L. Carson............................................... Syracuse........ Syracuse Central Democrat.......................... Joseph A. Hofmann......................................... Syracuse........ Syracuse Democrat................................. John H. Bohner............................................ Syracuse........ The Way of Holiness........................ L. N. Stratton & C. Prindle.................................. ONTARIO CO. Canandaigua..... Ontario County Times N.. illien.............................................. Canandaigua..... Ontario Repository and Messenger............................................................................... Seneca.......... The Geneva Courier illia Johnson..........................................Wli Seneca.......... Geneva Gazette.d.ar.Parke..................... Ed ar Pake............................................. Seneca.......... Echo of the Seneca.................................. Edgar Parker....................................................... ORANGE CO. Deerpark....... The Tri-States Union............o................... Daniel Holbrook............................................ Goshen.......... The Goshen Democrat............................... Charles AMead & Son Goshen.......... Independent Republican............................. James J. MIcNally.......................................... Montgomery...... The Standard....................................... Wi illiam It. Smith.......................................... Newburgh........ Newburgh Daily Journal........................... Cyrus B. Martin............................................ Newburgh....... Newburgh W eekly Journal.......................... Cyrus B. MIartin............................................ Newburgh........ Newburgh W eekly Times (a).................................................................................... Newburgh........ Newbu rgh Daily Union.............................. J. V. MIontague............................................. Newbu rg h........ Newburgh Wee kly Telegra ph.................................................................................... W allkill......... Banner of Liberty. (Middletown)................... G. J. Beebe............................................... W allkill......... The Middletown Mercury............................ J IH. Norton............................................... W allkill........ Signs of the Times. (MAiddletown)................... Gilbert Beebe.............................................. WTallkill......... Whig Press. (Middletown).......................... John W. Hasbrouck........................................ ORLEANS Co. Iarre........... Orleans American. (Albion)........................ Burner Brothers............................................ Barre........... The Orleans Republican. (Albion)................... C. G. Beach & Co........................................ Ridgew ay........ Medina Tribu ne.................................... Samuel H. Clark............................................ OSWEGO Co. Mexico.......... The Mexico Independent............................. Humph ies & Scarrit....................................... Oswego.......... Oswego Daily Conmmercial Advertiser and Times....... T. S. Brigham............................................. Oswego.......... Oswego'iWeekly Commercial Advertiser................ T.S. Brigham.............................................. Oswego.......... Oswego Daily Palladium............................ S. H. Parker & Co.......................................... Oswego.......... The Oswego WAeekly Palladium....................... S. II. Parker & Co.......................................... Richland........ Pulaski Democrat.................................. Stephen C. Miller........................................... Schroeppel...... Phoenix Reporter...................................................... Volney.......... Family Visitor (Fulton).................... John T.ewitt...................................... olney.......... Fulton Patriot.................................... Rodney L. Adams........................................... olney.......... The Preacher's Companion........................... J. T. Hewitt............................................... OTSEGO CO. Cherry Valley.... Cherry Valley Gazette S Botsford.................... A. S Bo..sford.. Maryland........Schererus Monitor.................................................................................. Oneonta......... Oneonta Herald...................................... Leman P. Carpenter........................................ Otsego.......... The Otsego Republican (Cooperstown)................ James J. Hendryx.......................................... Otsego.......... The Freeman's Journal (Cooperstown)................ Samuel M. Shaw........................................... Unadilla......... The Unadilla Times.............................. GE. Beadle............................................... PUTNAM CO. Carmel.......... Free Press J................................5illiam J. Blake.. Carmel.......... The Putnam County Courier.......................J. D. Little............................................... QUEENS CO. Flushing......... The Flushing Journal....................................................................... Flushing......... The Long Island Times N,.........'a{[elt/l R. Burling Hempstead..... Hempstead Inquirer......................... Smith'T`. Wiillets Hempstead...... Queens County Sentinel........................ Lott VTandewater Jamaica......... The Long Island Democrat..........................James J. Brenton. Jamaica.......... The Long Island F arm er.................. C............................. Oyster Bay....... G-len Cove Gazette............................................................ RENSSELAER CO. Lansingburgh..... Lansingburgh Weekly Chronicle........ J. D. Co mstock Lansingburgh.... Lansingburgh Gazette........................ Alex. Kirkpatrick. Troy........... The Troy Daily Press...................... A. S. Pease Troy............ The Weekly Press................................... A. S. Pease Troy............ The Troy Daily Times.................... J. WI. Francis & Co Troy............ The Troy W eekly Times...................... J. Francis Troy........ Troy Daily W hig.............................................................................................. Troy........ Troy News........................................ C. L. McArthur..'RIcHMOND Co. Northfield........ The Staten Island Union (North Shore)................. John Gatter................................................ Southfield......... Richmond County Gazette (Stapleton).................. John Bale Southfield........ The Staten Islander (Stapleton).in. IIagadorn, Jun........................................, Southfield........ Staten Island Journal (Stapleton)................... E. C. Hull................................. ROCKCLAND CO. Haverstraw...... Rockland County Messenger (Warren Village).......... Robert Smith............................................... Orangetown.... City and Country (Nyack) Robert Carpenter Orangetown......Rockland County Jourll (Nyack).... Richard P. IEells............................................ a) Since changed to " City Press." NEWSPAPERS AND OTHER PERIODICALS. 595 PERIODICALS-(CONTINUED). To what object devoted. Interval of publication. Annual sub- When established. Size in'inches. Pages to scription price. a number. Politics and news........................................................ Daily.............. 89 00..........1847 26 X38 4 Politics and news...................................................................... W eekly............ 2 00..........1847 32 X44 8 Politics and news.................................................... Daily............... 9 00.......... 1852 22 X31 4 Religious intelligence. (Welch)...................................... Weekly............ 1 50..........1850 252X38 8 Religious intelligence................................................. W eekly............ 2 50..........1826 24 X35 4 Religious intelligence. (Welch)...................................... Monthly.............................. 1836 Octavo. 40 Politics and news.................................................... W eekly............ 2 50..........1853 22 X31 4 Politics and news................................................... W eekly............ 2 00..........1852 24 X324 Politics and news.................................................... Weekly.............. 150..........1847 22 X324 Politics and news........................................................ Weekly............ 1 50..........1839 21 X29 4 Politics and news...................................................... Daily............. 800..........1846 24 X364................................................................. Daily.. 8 00..........1845 24 X36 4...................................... W eekly............ 2 00................................ Religious intelligence................................................ Weekly............ 2 00..........1842 241X 37 4................................................................... D aily.............. 8 00..........1860 24 X 364 Instruction.......................................................... Semi-monthly...... 30..........1844 12 X 18 4 Temperance.......................................................... W eekly........... 2 00..........1858 26 X418 Politics and news. (German)........................................ Weekly........... 2 50..........1857 24 X36 4.................................................................... W eekly...................................................... Religion............................................................ M onthly........... 1 00.......... 1863 Octavo. 32 Politics and news.................................................... W eekly............ 2 00......... 1850 24 X36 4 Politics and news.............................................. Weekly............ 200......... 1801 26 X384 Politics and news.................................................. W eekly............ 2 00..........1829 24 X384..................................................................... W eekly............ 2 00......... 1845 24 X 364.>. *. *.. *. **...................** * ** *. *............................. A innual...................................................... Politics and news...................................................... Weekly............................. 1850 22 X 324 Politics and news.................................................... W eekly............ 2 00.......... 1833 24 364 Politics and news.......................... Weekly.................. 2 00eekly..........1813 24 X36 4 Politics and news...................................................... Weekly........... 2 00..........1859 24 X364 Politics andnews...................................................... Daily.............. 7 00..........1862 23 X 84 Politics and news.................................................... W eekly............ 2 00.......... 1833 28 X41.................................................................... W eekly............................................. 8 Politics and news.................................................... D aily.................................. 1857 22 X32.W eekly................................................ 4 ~~~~~~~~~Politics and news,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,;.'................. eely............. Politics and news.................................................... W eekly........... 2 00..........1858 24 X364 Old School Baptist cause............................................. Semi-monthly....... 1 00..........1832 22 X32 8 Politics and news.................................................... Weekly........... 2 00..........1851 22 X32 4 Politics and news.................................................... W eekly............ 2 00..........1832 24iX396 Politics and news.................................................... Weekly............ 200..........1840 26X39 Politics and news.................................. I................. Weekly............ 200..........1851 24 X364 News......................................................... Weekly............ 150..........1860 23 X324 News.............................................................. Daily.............. 6 00......... 1863 24 X36 Politics and news.................................................... Weekly............ 125........ 1863 26 X404 Politics and news................................................... Daily............. i........................304 Politics and news................................................... W eekly............ 2 00..........1819 27 X414 Old School Baptist................................;............. W eekly....... 0................... Poiisan es............................................................. W eekly................................................. Instruction....................................................... onthly............. 1 25.......... 1860 8vo40 Politics and news.................................................... W eekly............ 2 00.......... 1856 24,X40 4 Religion....................................... Quarterly............ 1 00............... 8vo. 80 News............................................................... W eekly............ 2 00..........1826 22 X32 4 N......ews.. I................................................................. Weekly................ 0.................... 4 Politics and news.................................................... Weekly............ 1 50..........1852 22 X324 Politics and news.................................................... Weekly............ 2 00..........1855 28 X42 4 Politics and news................................................. kly...... Weekly........... 200..........1808 27X42 4 News......................................................................... W eekly............ 50...........1855 24 X364 Politics and news.................................................... W eekly............ 1 50......... 1857 23 X324 Politics and news...................,................... y.............. Weekly...... 2 00 I.. 1841 24 X 4 Newliiosn.......................................................... i]..X.. Politics and news..............................r............. Wee0................... 8e.16 26X38 80 Politics and news...........................................1........... Weekly....1820 23 X324 Politics............................................................. Weekly...............1.50........... 7 23 X32 4 Politics and news.................................................... Weekly............ 2 00..........1855 23 X324 Plts................................................................ 2 00.............8 27 X424 Niws.............................................................. Weekly......................1855 23 X304 Politics and news..................................................... We ekly............ 1 50..........1863 23 X32 4 Politics and news.................................................... Weekly............ 2 00..........1843 22 X38 4 Politics and news.(lg t2X.. )................................................Wely.........................1863 235X324 Politics and news.................................................... Weekly............ 1 0..........1863 26 X384 Politics and news................................ Weely............. D 0..........1852 26 X404 Politics and news....................................... Weekly............ 1 50......... 1857 26 X364 Politics and news.................................................Wekl)............. D 00..........1834 26 X374 Politics andnews..................................................... Weekly. 0.1... 24 X364 N ews..Weekly............. 0...........186 23 X3 0 4 NPis ews............................................................. Weekly........,... 2 50..........1858 23 X354 Pltcan d ews (nagdt 63)................................. D..y..................... Weky...... 00............... 23 X36 4 Pltcand ews.................................<....................... WS eekly............ 12 50.......... 1863 22 X 32 4 News..................................................... Weely. 1 50.......... 1845 26 X38 4 Politics and news (elre o2X8....................... eekly....... 2 50......1865 24 X36 4 Politics and news.................................................... Weekly............ 2 00..........1852 24 X3 3 4 Politics and news.................................................... W eekly............ 2 500..........1837 1 234 X38 | 4 596 NEWSPAPERS AND OTHER PERIODICALS. NEWrSPAPERS AND OTHER,_a=~i-,:. —---.. =;r~~-.,;..- E7 —-.-.-rr —=- -............. x -. - He Where published. Title of periodical. Publishers, etc. ST. LAWRENCE CO. Canton.......... The St. Lawrence Plaindealer........................... J. Van Slyke............................................... Gouverneur...... Gouverneur Times............................... J.... E. Merritt............................................... Oswegatchie..... St. Lawrence Democrat (Ogdensburgh)............... R. M. Skeels............................................... Oswegatchie..... The Daily Journal (Ogdensburgh).................... Henry R. James............................................ Oswegatchie..... St. Lawrence Republican (Ogdensburgh).............. H. R. James................................................ Potsdam......... Courier & Freeman.................................. Baker & Fay............................................... SARATOGA CO. Milton........... The Ballston Journal................................ IH. L. Grose & Son.......................................... Saratoga Springs.. The Daily Saratogian................................ WV. A. Potter & B. F. Judson................................ Saratoga Springs.. The Saratogian..................................... W. M. Potter & B. F. Judson............................... Saratoga Springs.. Republican and Sentinel.......................... Thomas G. Young.......................................... Saratoga Springs.. The W aterford Sentinel.............................. Marten & Clark............................................. SCHIENECTADY CO. Schenectady...... The Schenectady Daily Evening Star and Times.................................................................... Schenectady...... Schenectady Democrat and Reflector.................. Cyrus Thayer.............................................. Schenectady...... Schenectady Republican......................................................................................... SCHOHARIE CO. Schoharie........ Schoharie Republican................................ Sleight & Hunt............................................. Schoharie........ The Schoharie Union........................... Henry E. Abell............................................. SCHUYLER CO. Montour........ The Havana Journal................. Look & Fay............................................... Dix............. Schuyler County Democrat.......................... S. C. Clitzbe............................................... Dix............. W atkins Express................................... Levi M. Gano............................................. SENECA Co. Covert.......... Seneca County Sentinel.............................. Mrs. J. M. Riley.......................................... Ovid........... The Ovid Bee....................................... Corydon Fairchild.......................................... Seneca Falls...... Seneca County Courier.............................. Isaac Fuller................................................. Seneca Falls...... The Seneca Falls Reveille............................ HIenry Stowell.............................................. Waterloo........ The Seneca Observer....................... Charles Sentell............................................ STEUBEN CO. Addison......... The Addison Advertiser............................. Johnson, Dow & Bates...................................... Bath.............. Farmers Steuben Advocate.......................... A. L. Underhill............................................ Bath............ The Steuben Courier....*......................... Hll Bnes................. Corning......... The Corning Star................................... Theolore S. & George E. Pratt.............................. Corning......... Corning Democrat......................................................................................... Corning......... Corning Journal.................................... George W. Pratt......................................... IHornellsville..... The Horlnellsville Tribune............................ E. IHough & Son............................................ SUFFOLK Co. Huntington...... The Suffolk Democrat............................. H nry H. Reid...............................................I. Huntington...... Long Islander......................... G. H. Shepard.............................................. Southold........ Republican W atchman.............................. Henry A. Reeves............................................ Southold........ Suffolk W eekly Times............................... C. D. Elmer................................................ SULLIVAN CO. Thompson....... Sullivan County Republican......................... John W aller, Jr............................................. Thompson....... Republican Watchman............................... William F. & Edward F. Quinlan............................. TIOGA CO. Barton.......... The W averly Advocate.............................. Polleys & Kinney.......................................... Owego........... The Owego Gazette................................. Hiram A. Beebe............................................ Owego........... Owego VW eekly Times........................... Wi llliam Smith.............................................. TOMPKINS Co. Dryden......... Dryden Weekly News....................... A. lapp.................................................. A. Clapp........ Ithaca.......... Ithaca Journal and Advertiser........................ J. H. Selkreg....................................... Ithaca........... Ithaca Citizen and Democrat......................... Spencer & W illiams........................................ ULSTER CO. Kingston......... The Kingston Argus................................. H. G. Crough.............................................. Kingston......... The Ulster Democrat................................ P. Harlow................................................. Kingston......... Kingston Journal.................................. W illiam H. Romeyn......................................... Kingston......... The Kingston Press................................. Daniel Bradbury............................................ Kingston.......... Der Rondouter Volks-Bote.......................... Goeller & Fowks............................................ Kingston......... The Rondout Courier......................... J. P. I1ageman.............................................. Kingston......... The Rondout Freeman.............................. Horatio Fowks.............................................. New Paltz....... The New Paltz Times......................... Charles I. Ackert.......................................... Saugerties....... Saugerties Telegraph................................ G... ting............................................... Shawangunk..... The W eekly Casket (Galeville)....................... L. W infield................................................. Wawarsinr...... The Ellenville Journal...........*............. S. M. Taylor................................................ W ARREN CO. Queensbury...... Glens Falls Messenger.............................. Norman Cole.....................................N Queensbury...... The Glens Falls Republican....................... H................ TWASHINGTON CO. Greenwich.;...... Washington County People's Journal................. John WY. Curtis........................................ Kingsbury....... The Sandy Hill Herald.................... E. D. Baker......................................... Salem.... Salem Press................................... D. B. Cole,....,........................ White Creek..,... Washington County Post (North White Creek)........................................ Whitehall.... Washingt on County Chronicle. *..............ark &.orris............................................. Whitehall.... The WThitehall Times.......................................................................................... WDAYNE CO. Arcadia...... The Newark W eekly Courier......................... Arthur White.......................................... Galen........... The Clyde Weekly Times.................................................... Joseph A. Paine. Lyons......... Wayne Democratic Press.,.................... William Yan Ca..............i.......................p. Lyons....... The Lyons Republican......................... William T. Tinsley...................................... Palmyra.... The Palmyra Courier............... E S. Averill...................................; Williamson...... The Commercial Press (Pultneyville).............................................. Jn.R WVESTCHESTER CO. Cortlandt........ Peekskill Messenger.......................... William Richards..................................... Morrisania....... Westchester County Journal...................... James Stillman.............................. ~orrisania....... Westchester Times.............................. W~illianm Grinton............................. New Rochelle..... The New Rochelle Pioneer.................... WV. H. Dyott....................................... Ossining.... The Republican (Sing Sing)...................................................................................... Ossining.... Westchester Dem. & Hudson River Chron. (Sing Sing), Rye......... The Port Chester MIonitor....................................................J....... White Plains...... tEstern State Journal.......................... Edmund G. Sutherland.......................... NEWSPAPERS AND OTHER rERIODICALS. 97 PERIODICALS-(CONTINUED). To what object devoted. Interval of publication. Annual sub- When established. Size in inches. Pages to scription price. a numher. Politics and news...................................................................... Weekly........... 2 00.......... 1856 24X374 Politics and news...................................................................... Weekly.I 1 75..........1865 22 X324 Politics and news.................................................... Weekly-. 50.......... 1858 22 X304 Politicsand news........................................................ Daily............. 5 00........... 19 X304 Politics and news...................................................... Weekly.............. 2 00......... 1830 28 X404 Politics and news................................................... Weekly.......2 00....... 1852 25 X39 4 Politics and news. (Published in Ballston Spa)......................... Weekly............ 1 75.......... 1846 24 X364 News. (In summer season).............................................................. 1 50.......... 1854 24 X364 Politics and news............................................... Weekly............ 2 00..........1852 26 X364 Politics and news..................................................... Weekly............ 2 00.......... 1843 24 X384.................................................................... W eekly............ 2 00.......... 1855 24 X 384 Politics and news............................................................... Daily.............. 7 00.......... 1854 20 X314 Politics and news.............................................................. Weekly............ 1 50.......... 1855 22X324 Politics and news..................................................... Weekly........... 1 50........... 1857 27 X378 Politics and news........y.................................... Weekly............ 00..........1820 25X38 Politics and news.................................................... Weekly............ 1 50..........1863 25 X374 Politics and news. (Published in IHavana).............................. Weekly........... 2 00.......... 1852 24 X364 Politics and news. (Published in Watkins)............................ Weekly......... 2 00..........1863 24 X364 Politics and news. (Published in Watkins)............................ Weekly............ 2 00..........1853 25gX374 Politics and news. (Published in Farmer).............................. Weekly........... 2 00.......... 1859 21X31 4 Politics and news................................................... Weekly............ 2 00..........1837 22 X324 Politics and news........................................Weekly............ 200.......... 1837 24 X36 Politics and news..................................................... Weekly............ 2 00.......... 1854 24 X364 Politics and news......................................................... Weekly............ 1 50.......... 1828 24 X36 Politics and news.................................................... Weekly............ 1857 24 X38 Politics and news.....................................eely.................... Weekly............ 2 00.......... 1814 24 X37 Politics and news.................................................. Weekly............ 2 00........... 1843 27 X414 News.................................................................... M onthly...........25..........1862 12 X 18.................................................................... W eekly.................................................... Politics and news............................................................. Weekly.............. 2 00.......... 1846 24 X364 Politics and news..................................................... Weekly.......... 2 00.......... 1851 24 X364 Politics and news. (Published in Babylon)............................. Weekly........... 1 50.......... 1846 23 X324.................................................................. CW eekly............ 1 50............... 22 X 324 Politics and news. (Published in Greenport)........................... Weekly............ 1 50......... 1826 23 X324 Politics and news. (Published in Greenport).... eekly..................... Weekly........... 2 00......... 1857 23 X324 Politics and news. (Published in Monticello)........................... Weekly............ 2 00..........1843 24 X364 Politics and news. (Published in Monticello).............................. Weekly......... 2 00.......... 1827 25'X394 Politics and news.................................................... Weekly............ 1 50.......... 1852 24 X364 Politics and news.................................................... Weekly............ 2 00.......... 1813 27 X404 Politics and news........................................................ Weekly............ 2 00.......... 1852 26 X384 Politics and news...................................................... Weekly........... 2 00..........1855 24 X364 Politics and news.................................................... Weekly.......... 2 00.......... 1815 25X374 Politics and news................................................... Weekly........;. 200..........1862 25X374 Politics and news.................................................... Weekly............ 2 00.......... 1861 26 X383 Politics and news................................................... Weekly........................... 1846 22 X32 Politics and news W.,.............................................. W.eekly...... 2 0... 1840 26 X384 Politics and news.................................................... Weekly............ 1 75.......... 1852 26 X38 4 News. (German)................................................... Weekly........... 2 00.......... 1865 16 X23 4 Politics and news.................................................... Weekly............ 2 00.......... 1847 24 X351 4 Politics and news..................................................... Weekly........... 1 75.......... 1858 22X324 Politics and news..........l........................................ Weekly............ 2 00......... 1859 21X324 Politi'cs and news..................;............................... Weekly............ 1 50.......... 1846 24 X364 News............................................... W.... eekly............ Gratis.......... 1864 12 X184 Politics and news................................................... Weekly............ 2 00..........1849 24 X364 Politics and news................................................... Weekly............ 1 50..........1855 24 X38 Politics and news.................................................... Weekly............ 2 00.......... 1843 24 X364 Politics and news.................................................... Weekly............ 2 00......... 1853 21~X31 Politics and news................... eey 5............ 150.... 1823 22 X314 Politics and news.................................................... Weekly............ 1 50..........1849 22 X32 Politics and news.................................................... Weekly............ 1 50.......... 1788 22~X32 Politics and news..................................................... Weekly............ 1 50..........1840 24 X36 Politics and news...................................................... Weekly............. 1 50......... 1860 24 X36 Politics and news............................................ Weekly............. 2 00..........1855 25 X37 Politics and news............................................. Weekly..............200..........1850 24X364 Politics and news........................................:............ Weekly............ 2 00..........1855 24 X,36 Politics and news....................................... Weekly...........1837 24 X36 News............................................................. Weekly............ 2 00..........1841 24 X34 Advertising........................................................ Monthly........... 25..........1860 12 X18i,4 Politics and news.................................................... Weekly............ 2 00.......... 1860 24 X364 Politics and news W.e.ekl............................... Wee.ly..... 1851 24X384 Politics and news..................................................... Weekly.............2 00..........1865 24 X384 Politics and news..................................... Weekly............. 2 00..........1854 23X304.................................................................... Weekly...............................................4......................................*....................... W eekly............................................ Politics and news................... Weekly.. 3 00..........163 26 X391 4 Politics and news.............................. Weekly.............2 00.1 844 24 X384 598 NEWSPAPERS AND OTHER PERIODICALS. NEWSPAPERS AND OTHER Where published. Title of Periodical. Publizhers, etc. Yonkers........ The Statesm an..................................... M. J. Rowe................................................ Y onkers......... The Independent................................................................................................. Yonkers......... The Gazette........................................ H enry B. Dawson.......................................... WYOMING Co. A ttica........... A ttica A tlas........................................ Silas Folsom................................................ China........... The Arcade Enterprise.............................. J. Ellis Fisher.............................................. W arsaw......... W estern New Yorker................................ Dudley & Merrill............................................ W arsaw......... W yoming Democrat................................. John Ransom............................................... YATES CO. Milo............. Yates County Chronicle, (Penn Yan).................. S. C. Cleveland............................................. M ilo............ Penn Yan Dem ocrat................................. Eli M cConnell.............................................. Starkey.......... Dundee Record..................................... James M. W estcott....................................... SUMMARY OF NEWSPAPERS FORM. INTERVALS OF PUBLICATION. COUNTIES. I~~~~~C ct I Z*^ ~ A lbany...................... is 14 1 3......; 6 1 2 5... 4!..... I......'...... -~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. ~......li'.........i......~... Hle gan iiy..................... 3 3.........i.........'...... 3............;.......... B,,room e...........<........................ 7 7 J..................1 1 I............ 6............i.................. C attaraugus................................ 5 5.................................... 5.................[............ C ayu oa.................................... 1 7 )............ I.................. 7 7~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~......... C hautauqua................................ 8 8..............................1....... 8............i.................. Chomm ung.................................. 4 3 1............! 2.......... 2............................. Chenantgo................................ 8 8.................................... 8..........,................. C linton.................................. 3 3........................................... C olum bia.................................. 6 6...............! 1...... 5.............................. Cortland.......................................... 4...... T~~~~~~~~ i:::: i:::::: F, I...............1 ~......................... D elaw are.................................. 6 6..................................... 7.............................. D utebess.................................. 12 11 I...... 12 2............ 9.................. E rie................................. 22..... 3.............. I.................. E ssex..................................... 2 2.............................................. F ranklin............................. 2 2.............................................1............ F ulton................................... 3 3..................... 3....................... G enesee.......................... 4 4....................... 4................:1 -........ G reene.................................... 6 6........................ 6................ H am ilton.............c...........................................................................................1............ H erkim er............................................................ 5.................. |............ Je.fferson.................................. 7.............................. 6.................i............ KDlnwS..................................... 8 6 1 1...... 4............ 2 1 1................... L ew is...........................I.......... 2 2..........|..........1. 2.............................. Livingstoii......~........................... 6 5...... I,..... 1................... 5...... 1.................. M adison.................................... 5 5..................II.................................... M onroe.................................... 17 16 1............!i... 3 7...... 2................. M ontgom ery............................... 5 5..................J................. 5.............................. New York................................. 307 85 75 50 91 21...... 8 128 11 118 16 2 N iagara..................................... 5 4 1............ 3.............................. Oneida.................................... 16 12 2.................. 11...... 1.................. Onondaga................................. 12 9 1............. O ntario.................................. 5 4............................... 4......................... Orange.................................... 13 4........................... Orleans................................... 3 3.................. O rle go...... 1.......................................... O tweg..................................... 6 6...........!......... 6:.........::...:.1......... Livngton.................................. 2 " 2 ~' [..............|.......... 2......!..!...... R ic h m o n............................. 4......i........ j................... ]...... R,,ock a d..... * ~..... *... *.... 3 3....,.............1................ 3......'........~. St. Lawrence~~~i':................... 6 6.........I 1...I... 5...... i.......... Saratoga~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~l"....................... 5|5.........I1...!... 4......I..!...... M oh nrect d............................... 3 | 2 1............' " 1......1.... 2............!... ]...... Tc{n tyo ery................................. 5 | 3........... 5................!........ Senec............................................. (...... I... 5..... 1.. 1...... Steuben ~~ ~.......,.........................H............. 1......... SOfeola..............,..................... 4 I 4....:........~I...,..... 4............... Sullivan~1................... 2 I 2.......,................. 2......!................... Onondga................................... 1 3 3.......... i......J... 3............ 7.....t............ l te. ~..o.,.................... ~ o o.......o.. 1 1 1 1................ ~..~...... o,. 1 1o......,.......... oo. o o.... Onarren.......................... 2...........4.. 1...................... Ornest h s e.......................... 11 9 1....................... 1......!..................... W Or lens...................................'...............!.. |...... oY,,?os.................................. 3!,' 3.................'"..............: 3....:...::...::.....1... Total..................................|.7.41. 2|.8 18.16.|2|.4.48 4| 3 7 NEWSPAPERS AND OTHER PERIODICALS.599 PERIODICALS-(CONTINUED). To what object devoted. Interval of publication. Annual sub- When established. Size in inches. Pages to scription price. a number. Politics and news.................................................... W eekly............ 2 00..........1855 30 X42 8........................................................... W eekly..................................................... Literary notices, politics and' news. W eekly..................................... 36 X42 4 Politics and news..................................................... W eekly 1 50..........1850 24 X32 4 Politics and news..................................................... W eekly............. 1 50..........1865 22 X32 4 Politics and news..................................................... W eekly............. 2 00...... 1840 24qX38 4 Politicsand news...............................O..................... W eekly............ W 2 00..........1862 24 X36 4 Politics and news................................................... W eekly.......... 2 50..........1843 26 X39 4 Politics and news.................................................... W eekly............ 2 00.......... 1818 24 X36 4 Politics and news.................................................... W eekly............ 2 00.......... 1844 24 X36 4 AND OTHER PERIODICALS. TO WHAT OBJECT DEVOTED. TOTAL CIRCULATION AT EACH ISSUE. y M ^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Daily. Tri-weekly. Semni-weekly. Weekly. Semi-monthly. Monthly. ~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r ^ ~ ~ ~ ~ ^ r. ^ S a l * fi 1 * rto* I' o bD Z 0 D 13 3 1............. 2, 7 ~.......... 1 2600 25,......................... 3......................................,250.............:................ 1 800 o......................... 5.......................................................................... 1,856......................... 5 2................................ 1 1 I1,500...................... 6`13,500............ 1 1,250 8............................................................................ 8 6,7528......................... 4........................................ 2 2, 200...................... 2 2, 300......................... 8............................................................................ 7 6, 332......................... 3........................3 2,800......................... 6.........................:............... 1i 8- 0 0........... 4 4,575.......................... 4............................................................................... 4 3,369......................... 6............................................................................. 5 6,200......................... 11........ I............................ 2 2,350.................... 8 8,150......................... 20 1............... 1 6 22,834 1 300 1 4,500 9 182870............ 1 1,000 2............................................................................ 1 850........................ 2........................................................................2 2,050........................ 3...........:.................................................................... 3 1,600......................... 4.............................................................. 2 1,500......................... 6............................................................................ 6 3,820........................'.. \\\//.. \ \.. \.. \\...8 I....................................4,575.................... 7......................................... 1 1,400...................... 5 10,444.......... 5................ 1........ 1,500.......................2 2,800 1 600 2 ".................................. 2 2 124......................... 5.................... I.................................................... 5 4,150......................... 5............................................................................ 5 4,190......................... 16.... 1.............. 3 25,5050................. 5..............................!i3 4i0..................... 55 14 3 11 3 49 10 851. 2 53,000 421,587,500 1 9,.000 11 337000 5......................................... 2 1;700............ 3 3,000.............. 12 3 1............................. 10 13y000............ 1,900 9 I.... I.... 1.................... 3 102700....................... 7 10,800 1 5,000 1 1,200 5............................................................... 4 3,700........... 12 1.................................. 2 200...................... 10 12,442 1 5,000............. 3~ - I- - -1 - - - - - - - - - - - -'o......... 6 ~ ~ ~ [!........................................... 6,33................. 2 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4.............................. o........., 1................. 5....................................... 7 5,19 0................. 8 i i i i i i i l.....................' i 16,50...11 1.............. 5 7,85............... 4.................................................. 3 1,475............. 16..................... 1, o 1,000........... 5 6 9 0............. 3.............................. 3 1 2, 400............. 13,000 "............... 3...................................................... 3 3,00.............. 5 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~:...............o........................ 3,550................. 3.......................................... 4~ 2, 3 2 5! 1 //................. 92: i i i i i i ii i! f~ i i i...................................... 21,9 50................. 2~~~~~~~~~............................................,300.................. 6................................................... 3, 5 5 0................. 5...................................... 5 4,3 62................. 10 i............................................. 11 8 2 2...... 1 1 0 0 4..............................................,000.................. 3............................................ 2,500................. 3936 01 4 51 01 15 7,7 0.......... 3,2,97 41,00 17.343,510 INDIANS. In the Census Report of 1855, we presented a concise historical summary of the several Indian tribes residing upon reservations in the State, with a particular account of the manner in which they had ceded their title to the lands they had formerly claimed. It is, therefore, not deemed necessary to repeat this information in the present report, further than is embraced in the following summaries, which include the principle portion capable of presentation in a numerical form. The Census, shows a slow but steady increase of population, among the Indian tribes of the State, thus opposing facts to the favorite theory, of the gradual and final extinction of the Indian race. The discontinuance of wars, prosecuted for revenge, or for the purpose of replacing deceased members of families, and the protection secured under the laws of civilized life, appear to promise the indefinite continuance of these people among us, and suggest the importance of introducing intelligence and industry, as the surest means of raising them to the degree of improvement, that may entitle them to the duties and privileges of citizens. Whatever may have formerly been the reasons that rendered it proper to secure their lands, as the common and inalienable property of the tribes, or however necessary it may still be to continue this community of interest for a time among them, an enlightened policy, would encourage advancement in civilization, that might prepare them to receive their lands as individual property, and a compensation equivalent to the principal of their annuities. The motives which prompt the independent man to acquire property and a homestead for his family, would then operate with effect, and each individual, as in the community at large, would find that level in society to which his own abilities entitled him. Their present condition tends to keep them stationary. If they leave their reservations, they receive no benefit fromn their common lands, and if they wander far, their paltry share in the annuities, (always less than the earnings of a week, yet still highly prized), is lost. The use of their native language, tends still more to isolate them from society, and prevents that contrast with the world, from which alone they can ever become familiar with the useful arts, and the usages of civilized life. Of the eight remnants of Indian tribes residing in New York, five live upon reservations that were guaranteed to them as proprietors in common, in the cessions of aboriginal title, two occupy in common, lands which they have acquired by purchase or otherwise, and one hold their lands as the individual property of families. The distribution of these Indians, and their location by towns and counties, is as follows: ALLEGANY RESERVATIONS.-Chiefly of Senecas, lying in the towns of South Valley, Cold Spring, Bucktooth, Great Valley and Carrolton, in Cattaraugus county. This reservation extends about 35 miles along both sides of the Allegany river, is about a mile wide on an average, and contains about 42 square miles or 26,680 acres. The bottom lands are good, but liable to overflow. The hills back from the river are less fertile, and are still chiefly covered with native growths of timber. The New York and Erie Railroad, runs through the eastern portion of these lands to the Little Valley, from which point, the Atlantic and Great Western railroad, continues westward down the valley. Several tracts of land have been leased by the chiefs, for depots, village lots and other purposes. The business of rafting lumber upon the river, in which many engage, is thought to retard improvement, by exposing them to the corrupting examples of whites of low character. The Religious Society of Friends has taken much interest in these and other Indiana of the State, and they have a boarding school on a farm adjoining this reservation, at which the native children are received. The census was reported in 1865 by Harrison Halftown, a native Seneca, and secretary of the tribe. CATTARAUOUS RESERVATION.-Thlis tract lies along, Cattaraug~us creek, in the town of Perrysburgh, Cattaraugus county, Collins, Erie county, and Hanover, Chautauqua county, and includes 21,680 acres of fertile land, well adapted to tillage, and a considerable part under improvements. Many of the dwellings are commodious, and the premises around indicate thrift, industry and comfort. A council house has lately been built by the Indian mechanics, at a cost to their nation of $2,500. On the reservation there are, a Baptist, a Congregational and a Methodist Episcopal church, with a total value of $6,610, capable of seating 1,100 persons. Number usually attending, 440; number of communicants, 290; salaries of clergy, $800. INDIANS. 601 The Thomas Orphan Asylum, an institution called into existence by the wants of destitute Indian children, is described on a foregoing page. It is conducted efficiently and vwith economy. An Agricultural Society is sustained upon this reservation, and is composed of members from various tribes. The present Census was taken by Andrew John, a young Seneca of fair education and good judgment. The CAYUGAS have no reservation left, and those that have not removed west of the Mississippi river chiefly reside at Cattaraugus. In 1865, the number drawing annuities were 33 men, 31 women, and 70 children, and the amount received, was $1,093.50. The Cayugas living west, receive from the State annuities from the sale of their reservation, amounting to about $1,i25.00. THE ONEIDAS reside on farms owned by families, in Lenox, Madison county, and Vernon, Oneida county. A majority of these Indians belong to the Methodist denomination. The census was reported by the enumerators of the towns above named, whose districts included these farms.* Thle Oneidas, who emigrated about thirty years since, chiefly reside in Brown county, Wisconsin, where nearly eight hundred of them now live. ONONDAGA RESERVATION.-This lies in the towns of Fayette and Onondaga, Onondaga county. Census taken by William Sabine, a citizen residing in the vicinity, and State agent for the payment of annuities. There are two small churches, supported by the Methodist Episcopal and Wesleyan Methodist denominations respectively, and a school supported by the State. The people are divided into Christian and Pagan poarties, the former prefering a division of the common lands, while the latter would have affairs continue in the way of their forefathers, under the direction of their chiefs. About two-thirds of their lands are leased to the whites. But little is raised by the Indians beyond that needed for their own use; but one mechanic-a shoemaker-is found among them, and the only industrial products sold consist of baskets and beadwork, and these in very limited quantities. But few adults are able to read and write, but many of the children attend the State school, and are making fair progress in learning. Annual Censuts of Onondaga, reported to the Comptroller as a basis for the distributtion of annuities under an act pctssed in 1847. YEARS. Onondaga Allegany \Cattaraug's Tonawai4a Tuscarora Total. YEARS. Ononidag-a Allegany Cattaraug's'Tonawvandal Tuscarora Total. reservation. reservation. reservation. reservation. reservation. reservation. re ti, reservation. reservation. 1847........... 1269 88 32 6 22 417 1857.......... 295 86 42 6 43 472 1848............ 310 94 40 11 21 476 1858.......... 306 90 38 7 34 475 1849............ ~333 89 43 11 24 500 1859.......... 299 95 32 8 38 472 1850........... 309 90 39 13 25 476 1860.......... 303 94 33 7 40 477 1851............ 314 87 25 12 28 466 1861.......... 316 94 32 10 31 483 1852.......... 321 92 41..... 27 481 1862.......... 316 91 32 10 34 483 1853............ 330 [11 11 I 1 505 1863.......... 313 97 33 11 32 486 1854............ 304 92 33 6 29 464 1864.......... 297 102 28 6 36 469 1855........ 309 93 35 9 32 478 1865.......... 302 102 28 7 35 474 1856............ 302 11 11 I 11 462 The annuities of the Onondagas on the Onondaga Reservation amount to about $1,550, and those to other Onondagas, residing on other reservations, varies from year to year. In 1865, it amounted to $887.04. The census is repjrted under the classes of men, women and children. The aggregate of each class in 1865, was, on the Onondaga Reservation, 150 men and 152 women; on the other reservations, 39 men, 41 women and 92 children. ST. REC IS RESERVATION, in the town of Bombay, Franklin county. Census taken by R. C. Smith, a citizen. These people are chiefly descendants of the Mohawks who emigrated to Canada at an early Colonial period, under the influence of the French. They resided at Caughnawaga, near Montreal, before their removal to their present location. An annual census of these people is taken for the purpose of distributing the State annuities. In 1864, the number reported to the Comptroller was 648, and the amount paid was $2,397.60. A large number of American Indians reside on the Canadian side of the boundary line which passes through the village of St. Regis, while numbers of British Indians, receiving formerly the presents of that government, live in this State. The history of these parties, and the domestic laws and regulations observed in the tribe, were fully given in the Census of 1855, and have not since been changed. The * The enumerator who reported a large part of the Oneida Indians it Of these, 160 reported as old settlers, and 109 as returned emiremarked: "It was with much difficulty that I got their report; and as grants. it is, it is more or less imperfect as to their ages, as they cannot tell their ~ Ten deaths the year before-210 residents, and 123 of the emigrant own ages in many cases, and they were very reluctant to give in their party. The latter had been somewhat increased by removals from Catreport till they came together and talked over the matter, and the more taraugus. intelligent explained it to them, when I finally succeeded." || Reported together. t Supported by the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. 76 602 INDIANS. present number of the British party is 760, making the total population of the tribe a little over fourteen hundred. The parties here mentioned are founded upon the distinctions that arose in the war of 1812-15, and the line of -hereditary descent, according to the Indian custom, follows from mother to child. The pagan distinction of bands-as those of the Wolf, Plover, Little Turtle, Big Turtle and Bear-are still retained and descend also on the mother's side. Sixty-one were reported as farmers, 5 as soldiers, 1 as a shoemaker, and 1 as a dressmaker. Many of the young men are employed in the summer months in conducting rafts of timber down the rapids of the St. Lawrence, and some are engaged as pilots. Of the married, 131 were first, 21 second, and 2 third, marriages. Tile prolific tendencies of the St Regis tribe were noticed in the last Census, and the inquiries made on this, show that 15 women had borne one child, 2 two, 11 three, 5 four, 6 five, 3 six, 12 seven, 3 eight, 6 nine, 4 ten, 2 eleven, 3 twelve, 2 thirteen, 1 fourteen and 1 fifteen. The filthy habits of life that prevail among them invites every pestilence that passes, and which have repeatedly swept off great numbers. SHINNECOCK RESERVATION.-This is a tract of about 630 acres of land, in Southampton, Suffolk county, which has been occupied by this tribe from time immemorial. At an early period, they conveyed their lands to the white settlers; but, complaints being made of the unfairness of the transaction, a lease was executed to the Indians on the 16th of August, 1703, for the term of a thousand years, at an annual rent of an ear of corn, and upon condition that "the said Indians do not keep, or cause to be kept, any part or parcel of the said land within fence or enclosed, from the last of October to the first of April, from year to year, during the whole term aforesaid." The Indians also owned an interest in the Shinnecock Hills~ a tract of about 3,200 acres, which was long devoted exclusively to pasturage by certain proprietors in town. By a special act of the Legislature, passed in 1859, the Indians were empowered to release their interest in the Hill tract, in consideration of having in themselves the fee of Shinnecock Neck. The tract thus released was sold by the proprietors at public auction, on the 19th of February, 1861, for $6,250, to a company of people residing in Southampton, chiefly for use as pasturage. The domestic affairs of these Indians are managed by trustees, elected annually. All traces of the native language is lost. There is an intermixture of negroes in many families, and their condition is quite as favorable as could be expected from an equal number of whites, holding land only in common, and without the stimulus to enterprise which is presented in an individual freehold title. They have a small Congregational church and a spacious school house, the latter erected and maintained by the State. Many of the young men go on whaling voyages, and become expert mariners, and the young women are often employed as domestics in families. These people are exempt from taxes, and debarred from the elective franchise. TONAWANDA RESERVATION.-This reservation originally embraced 71 square miles, or 45,440 acres, as surveyed in 1799. It lies in the present towns of Pembroke and Alabama, Genesee county, Newstead, Erie county, and Royalton, Niagara county. The census the present year was reported by Edward M. Poadry, an intelligent Seneca belonging to the reservation, who was chosen to obviate the objections which these people have heretofore raised against inquiries being made upon their reservation, from a jealousy concerning the pre-emption claims of a land company. Yet, this precaution did not fully remove the difficulty, and the enumerator reported: "I commenced and worked three days without being molested. I then met with some that would not let me take the census, in some thirty families. Their excuse was, that I was taking the census, and the value of all the lands and other property, and appraising what they had, so that we could sell the land, and they would have to remove from their homes. They wanted me to wait for a council of the Six Nations, that was to be held on the Cattaraugus Reservation, so that I was obliged to wait for that." To relieve this difficulty, the enumerator was furnished with an official declaration of the objects of the census, to be read as occasion required. The lands are held in common, although the cultivated portions are regarded among themselves as private property. The timber lands are und: r the care of the chiefs, and any member of the tribe may cut wood on any part, for his own use, but not for sale. The occupations were reported as 74 farmers, 24 laborers, 3 gardeners, 3 ax-helve makers and 2 carpenters. It was remarked that many of the women were better farmers than the men at planting corn or hoeing, and many of them work for the whites of the neighborhood, at the same prices as the men. Fruit is scarce among these people, except in the old settlements, where their have plums, peaches and cherries. An improvement was noticed in this regard, and some had set out young orchards of from fifty to a hundred trees. The marriage relation is very lax, and very few were legally married. Most of the men would take to * Howells Early History of Southampton, page 172. INDIANS. 603 themselves a woman, and after living as long as they could agree-" a month, six weeks or a year, as the case maybe." A few were, however, legally married, settlod down and doing well. The custom of naming children is mentioned as opposing a difficulty in reporting the Census. A woman after bearing children to a husband, will naAe them after the grandfather and others, but not so much as formerly. A great number did not know their ages, as they had no records. There was reported on this reservation, one Baptist church Worth $500, capable of seating 200; usual attendance 100; number of communicants 40, and salary of clergy $200. TUSCARORA RESERVATION in Lewiston, Niagara county. Census reported by William Mount Pleasant, a native, and long familiar with the affairs of the tribe. The lands of these people were in part purchased by the Tuscaroras, with mone —,ys received from the sale of lands, anciently held by them in the _1,243 1,37,9_53__70_ 141 201 t3,51 22 9_......L6 Of these Indians there were reported, in 1865, 29 in Chautauqua, renderin~ it impossible to determine the Indian population of this place. 233 in Cattaraugus and 1,085 in Erie county. It is probably about 1,100 in all, including both sides of the line, and all The larger portion of the village of St. Regis lies in Canada. The persons who share in the atomtties and presents of the two govermnents. census of that province, in 1861, reported St. Regis and Dundee together,1 601 INDIANS. CENSUS OF -INDIAN RESERVATIONS-(CONTINUED). AGES, 1855. RESERVATIONS. Under 1 year. 1 and under 5. 5 and under 10. 10 and utnder 15. 15 and under 20. 20 and under 25, 25 and under 30. 30 and under 35. 35 and under 40. Males. Females Mates. Females Males.. Female Males. Females' Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females..les. Females Males. Females Allegany........... 7 13 29 44 64 517 51 54 55 52 3. 34 31 19 14 17 23 23 Cattarauus/....... 11 10 67 75 94 106 71 60 39 56 61 52 42 42 42 49 39 37 Oneida............ 5 1 6 7 11 12 16 9 11 10 7 4 3 5 7 4 1 6 Onondaua......... 6 4 24 I2 17! 1.2 20 22 18 18 16 13 111 14 14 1II 12 12 St. Regis.......... 6 11 32 32 32 39 2 32 2 7 2 7 I16 11 18 12 11 13 8 4 Shinecok..................... 8 5 15 12 13 12 11 5 7 5 6 3 5 8 7 7 Tonawanda........ 7 3 25 30 39 39 I. 31 37 32 32 26 26 11 24 18 15 24 21 Tuscarora......... 8 8 1 4 23 1 9 25 24 1 9 | 15 \ 22 15 21 14 10 11 7 9 6 Total........... 50 50 205 ~~~~~238 291 29,2 246 |245 208 | 222 I184 166 3 2 2 124 123 116 Tota...........! 501 5ot 205 8 n o AGES, 1S55. RESERVATIONS. 40 and under 45. 45 and under 50. 50 and under 60. 60;and under 70. 70 and under SO. SO and under 90. 90 and under 100. 100 and over. Unknown. Males. Females. Males. Females Males.! Femalesl Males. i Females, Males. i Feinales Males. emales Males. Fel ales Males. Females Males. Females Allegrany.......... 17 16 15 13 lo go 12 91 7 3 2 1 1 2 2 i............ ^ Cattaraugus....... 28 25 23 24 33 -34 lo 18 9 10 3 2 2 3.1 I............ Oneida............ 4 6 5 1 7 3 2 2............ I....................... 3 1 Onondaga......... 8 13 8 9 6 7 6 7 4 3 1 4..............I. 2 5 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1............... St. Reogis.......... 9 12 7 6 12 8 7 4... 5 2......... J............................. Shinecck......8..... 24...... 34 2. 6 9 2 3..... Tonawanda..... 14 16 4 15 18 11 10 10 5 4 3 4 i 3 21 21 uscarora......... 6 5 3 5 9 4 4 1...... 3 2..................... Onondaga ~~....... 90 68513 4 1 Total.7 9 2............. 57 26 2 1 3 27 28 AGES, -'865. RESERVATIONS. Under 5. 5 and under 10. 1_0 -and Under 15. 1-5 and under 20. -20 -and uinder 25. 25 and under 300. 30 and under 3'5. 35 and undoor 40. St. Re~^is_...91 —- --- Males. Fernales Males. Females, Males Fenmales; MN2ales, Femrlalesi Males IFenmales~ Males. Femnales AMales. F mae Males. Fernales Allegany9..................... 66 64 69 51 35 53 36 39 42 43 3 26 28 25 21 Cattaraugust.................. 95 3)3 106 97 73 78 84 62 53 55 39 57 42 3)5 43 3 5 Oneida2....................... 11 11 9 8 15 8 8 lo 10 4 6 7 6 5 5 3 Onoidaga...................... 26 31 23 27 19 is 20 2 1 10 20 1 8 13 10 9 St. Regis~..................... 30 33 33 43 33 33 16 32 is 20 15 13 6 7 16 12 Shinecockl'.................... 13 6 6 11 4 3 1 9 11 3 9 8 4 2 7 2 Tonawanda^.................. 25 35 28 35 28 25 3 3 40 13 25 21 22 16 19 9 16 Tuscarora"................... 31 3i3 37 1 3 12 8 | 5 is 16 8 1 9 15 9 9 Total....................... 2.97 246 311 313__ 245__230 216 228 _175 }1 19 155__I' 117^ 124 124_| 107 Alegn *.... 1 0 5 1 7 5 156 5 8 5 1 5 6...... oJ2.....J...... I...... Toatal........... 9937 28 71 97 26 527 19| 20 827 14 17 5 76 4 3 4 52 28 Shi necock|....... 2 74 3322........................, s, s 3, TOneiada1:..... 18 7 1 0 4 1 -............s t Oncaondaga...... 8 4 6 2 4 4 3 2 1 4...... 4 2....... 3 4 2 /....., Total~~ " -....... 10 _ 73 1| 8 2 3_8J _7 27I lO 857 _201 _ 42 _3 101 13 _ 20/| _19/ 8 1 3 _ 10/i 9 _ S 5t o9. Females............ 90to9, 2 3le, 2 3 4 3aes 5to 100, 23 16 85 1to 90.Fml 1: 0t 5, 13ml, I 1 1 6ae: nnw, I12 fhiemales.............. over, 1 /3 1[ 1 13mae [ U9no 1 8male, 7 feae2 ae t~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~8 Unknown 25 maes 33 4*o/n 213l]s 25 females.6 1 ~ Unknown, 1 male. I~ ~ ~~ ~~7 INDIANS. 605 CENSUS OF INDIAN RESERVATIONS-(CONTINUErD). SCHOOLS. CHILDRE'N BETWEEN FIVE CHILDREN ATTENDING CHURCHES. OVER 21 AND UNABLE IjNo wholl Church Number AND SIXTEEN. SCIOOLS. Cost of main- TO XREAD oR WRITE. |adhere to/members pledg-ed RESERVATIONS. taining schools ____na8tive re- of all to temby State, 1865. ligion,'45 sects, 155 perance 1845.. 1845. 1555. 1865. 184 5. 1855. 18.5. 185. 1855. 165. 1855. 1865. 1845 Alleany......... 2 5 6 227 242 232 162 100 156 1 2 2........ 164 603 117 158 Buffalo.......... 117............. 57...... 3,891 19 1................... 436 5 28 C attar augus...... 5 6 9 142 200 312 100 200 350 1 2 3 396 357 865 56 90 Oneida..........1 2 2 59 52 44 20 s80 348 52 I I 1........ 40 133 31 35 Ononda g........ I 1I 169 73 95 40 50 58 204 77. 1 1 2 11 330 38 128 St. Reis............ 2 2 81 132 149...... 34 125 527 59.... 1 1 89 110................... Shinecock...... 54................... 20 109 00.... 1 2................................. Tonawanda...... 1 2 2 126 153 143 40...... 84 218 30 I... 1 244 212 465 40 200 Tuscarora........ 2 2 2 63 91 120 43...... 73 527 59 I.... 2 i 62 51 249 63 231 Total........ 14 21 25 84 997 1,175| 462 I464 866ti: 5,736 47f-| 5 10I 14 / 802 934 1 3, 08 3 50 870 j I WH~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~CIEAT. ACRES U E S VL~) CANVLU FSOCK. IjCASH- VALUE OF TOOLS. WET ACRES OF IMPROVED LAND.! CE N- CASH VALUE'' CASH VALUE OF STO.CAH ALE FTOS.___________________________ IIPROVED. OF LADS.1-Ds RESERVATION. Acres sown. Bushels harvested. 1845. 1655. 1855 5.65, 194'65. 1855. 165. 155. 65. 44. 1854. 1864. 1844. 854. 1864. Allegany.. 2,163. 1,714 2,436 8,317 36,175 $14,155 1818,371 $3,152 $5,272 46 10 8 503 142 50 B uffalo..... 1,914........................................................................................ attaraugus.. 2,439'3 03' 4,9621;1 5,263225,603 27,121 54,081 8,151 17,586 10[ 216 2,02 3,60313,082 Oneida...... 421 3541 22 a'........ 17,890 2,106 1,825 1,0562 645 14 211 21 325 417 264 Onondagi..../ 2,0431 2, 63 ~/3 3, Ononda ga. 2,043' 2,063| 569 |................ 6,9691| 11,956 8,942: 3,096 871 76.88 1,156 2211,107 St. Regis 5914 1,425 1,826 736 64,655 9.503 12,589 2,676 3,308 42 82 2 195 938 831 Shinecock........................ 1,050........ 215.............. 2.............. 71 Shil 3i~, 71...... Tousar oa.... 2,51 200..22 2 5........08,104! 15,526 15,113 2,999 5,688 200 126 153 2,400 1,715 200 Tuscarora.... 2,079 3,9 3,02 3723..1..... 47,021 17,004 25,062 5,781 4,926 405i 745 45611 4,897 8,041 3.4711 t 2~ ~~~~~~~~ilJ~~,0791 3 }92/Total...... 13,867~ 14,1971 15,3981 14,3161499,448 93,42347135,997 32,973 40,521 979,0731,035 I 11,508 15,148 9,0051 OATS. RYE. BARLEY. RESERVATIONS. Acres sown. Bushels harvested. Acres sown. Bushels harvested. Acres sown. 1?414. 1854. 1864. 1865. 1i844. 1854. 1864. 1844. 1854. 1864. 15-65 1844. 1854. 1864. 1.844. 1S54. 3864. 1865. Allegany................ 212| 112 1644 144 4,366 1,951 3,384.... 9 22i 13.... 90 329 6........ 1 Buffalo 1.................... 4,251.......................................... Cattaraugus............. 88 114 458 55310,544 5,147 11,266........ 40...... 96 4 15 12 Oneida................. 28 48 25s 10 720 07 381.............................. 1046......... 90 4 /3814 Onondaga............... 107 75 84 93 2,110 2,076:1 1,655................................ 2............ St. Regis............... 51 63 163 08 290 642 2,5341,...................... 36 "'~~~ ~~5 6 ~1 6 208'.9 ni i I.................. Shinecock.................. 5 0.....0. I............................................. Tonawanda............. 100 87' 149 174 2,500 2,811 3,086 50............ Tuscarora............... 205 193 1781 205 4,085 5,216 3,654.... 3.................... 20 3........ Total............... 907 478 1,224 1,388' 28,86 61 18,70 25,9601 4 9 29, 60 130 37 77 11 79, 96 BARLEY. BUCI~WVitEAT. I CON. RESERVATIONS. Bushels harvested. Acres sown. Bushels harvested. Acres planted. Bushels harvested. 1844. 1854. 1864. 1844. 1854. 1864. 1865. 15H4. 1S54. j 186. 1844. 1854. 164. 1865. 1844. 1854. 1864. Allegany.......... 1 8 1........ 1.706 2,031 4. | 12 8,565 5,534 | 6,260 B uffalo.................!...........! |.. i.. l.......... I.... 163 ~.....~.....,!...... 2,9 5.......... Buffalo 3 C~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2~~~,936 C attar augus... 1,-300 6 90 I' 82 6^1 || | 32... 647 358 -623 535|! ||2 I 62. 71 9,936 16,272, 12,363C Oneida........... 200 419 725..... 5 9~.................... 60~ 55'! 92i 1021 1,458 1,160 100 Onondaga........ 70.............. 2^.............! 50.......1....... 1892 188,1 209 231" 4,492 3,473 3,219 St. Regis................ I 280 8 43! 66~ 23!....... 65 8! 921 142 658 902 1,528 Shinecock...............................I............... i....1....... 39!.............. 1.,530...........................................200 3, 50 3,725 8,1 5 Tuscarorat 43 0, I~1 ~ uscarora........ 4301 60. 1 5 201 5I 85|12 [ 245 [ 128 391 _. 152_. 8 208 2301 3,515 7,225 4,184 Total........... 2,585 1,169 1,087 I'61! 51 288| 8 1,0-4-'2]2' 67-1;1,74317914 1,6741915 5,4,99 -Average daily attendance in the Oneida county school 51, and in I.The Shinecock lands are supposed to contain 630 acres. Madison county school 7. ~ The reservation includes ndout 1.4,000 acres. A portion is leased to'iThe numbers in this column are from the Annual Report of the whites. Superintendent of Public Instruction made in 1866. The Census blanks || Returns incomplete. did not embrace the desired inquiries on this point. 606 INDIANS. CENSUS OF INDIAN RESERVATIONS-(CONTINUED). POTATOES. PEAS. BEANS. RESERVATIONS. Acres planted. Bushels harvested. Acres sown. Bushels harvested. Acres planted. 1844. 1854. 1864. 1865. 1844. 1854. 1864. 1844. 1854. 1864. 1865. 1844. 1854. 1864. 1844. 1854. 1864. 1865. Allegany....... 1461...... 75i 991 3,638 3,966 4,770 18|...... 10, 13| 90 26 178........ 13 133 Buffalo........ 33.................. I1,444................ 181....................................................... attaraugus.... 91 2 124 1591 7,192 7355 11,104.... 4 4 324 43 61.. 1..............'a........ 3 1 2917 1 1 Oneida.32 151 16 841 126 4.0 3I...... 5 3 35 60...... 3 17 13 1 ~~ 1 Onondaga...... 21 21|4 4 5 840 8681 1,217 74 6-...... 91 29...... Buff~~~~~~~~~~~~~e 33 / ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ J....../......I.......,4......-........... St. Regis....... 20 43 55 78 410 2,094 3,760 27 301 46 461 105 336i 486 11 I 63 131 Tonawanda.... 40 29 35 1,150 1,179 3,161 30 5 2 1 5 3 200 44 40 1 I 2 1 Tuscarora...... 31 47 27 26 1,166 2,665 1,468 5...... I 65 5.......... 61 1 Total........ 416 137 331 42 16,681 18,641 25,520 110 42 69 72 910 5391 770 151 6j 45 43 BEANS. TURNIPS. APPLE ORCHARDS. MEADOWS. RESERVATIONS. Bushels harvested. Acres sown. Bushels harvested. Trs in Bushels of apples. Barrels of cider Acres. 1844. 1854. 1864. 1844 1854. 1864. 1865. 1844. 1854. 1864. 1865. 1854. I864. 1854. 1864. I844. 1854. 1864. * 1865. Allegany.209 1321 25.... 2 29 120 47 1,382 3,570 3,462... 24 416. 144 443 463 Buffalo1o..............4 I u lo......................................................._..........._.......................... Oattaraugus........ 528 19041 5)......... 179 110.... 1,994 860 3,405 34 106 251 4 6471 75 Oneida......... 11 841................................... 1,302 40 2,857.......... 17 42 22 22 Onondaga................ 69 I............ 30.......... 221 1,798 265.... 20 1161 841 801n 891 St. Regis....... 18 11 104 1.................. 2.......................................... 4148 1,660 1,801 8hinecock............. 13 30. Shinecock........... 13.................. Tonawanda..... 15 11 20 3 1........ 60 15.... 635 2,071 1,162.... 6 180 1451 1791 1621 Tuscarora.......... 123 591 2...... 55...... 4 3,695 636 1,237.... 10 195 283 589 7061 _~Totazl._^.. ~i ] 44 9~7914 57041 38| a 2| |, 3530 277 51 9,229 8,975 12,3881 34 166 1,350 1,1181 3,6141 4,0021 MEADOWS, ACRES IN PASTURE. ACRES PLOW"ED. ACRES IN FALLOW. POUNDS OF MAPLE- GALLOS OF MA- POUNDS OF SUGAR MADE. PLE MOLASSES HONEY. ~ ~ ~o ~. ~l ~~s~. ~.~ow~. Trees~ inBushels of MADE. RESERVATIONS8. Tons of hay. grass seed. 1854. 1864. 1854. 1864. 1855. 1864. 1865. 1854. 1864,| 1865. 1854. 1864. 1865. 1855. 1865. 1855. 1865. 1S54. 184. Allegany...... 210 43432.... 5...... 2529 3... 3828 799'1 161 921 806 635 7 22311...... 75 b'""J 2 IL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~V3~~~~! f~~~ i 4 B uffalo......................................................... |............................1............................ a ttarauogus. 246 759.............. 1,252!,328i *17 1,40011...... 184 10 1,770 972 52 31 280 393 Oneida....... 402 55........ 16 22 22...... 1073| 1153...... 3...... 60...... 70............ 180 Onondaua. 931 96' 80 1261............ 5781 443 4081 9............ 431...... 21.. St. Regis...... 387 773........ 385 444 8 627 716...... 140 154 340 5................ $hineco@B 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1554. 4 Shinecock..... I................................ 571.................................................................. Tonawand,... 2481 261....... 14 263 279 76 578 4731 27 114 23 14............ 7 4.. Tuscarora.238 591........ 578 518 450 388 849. 694. 485 143. 46 1,702,276 35 43.170 50 T.otal... 1,50412, 921 0 5 73412,693 2,827 11,1844,83414,7143 521 745 325 12,664 3,458 20 450 698 Tol......TOBACCO.....NEAT CATTLE OVER ONE. POUNDS OF I TOTAL NUMBER OF NEAT CALVES OF TH-E YEAR YiI~EAR OLD, EXCLUSIVE Wi'IOEKIN&~ OX;EN\. NUMBER OF COWS MILKED. WAX.'~'.CATTLE. P OS Calves OF iORKING OXEN AND RESERVATIONSI Acres,Pounds of C Tows. planted, har~vested. 1865. 185. 164 1S4. 86. 164. 185. 855 65. 184.1 1~855 85. 184;5 1S55. 186. 85. 1865. 1845. _185 1864. 186i5. _cAllegany a //....I i~ I...~~6~11 sss 4 3,9 36 27..... 104 i 92 78.... 25 63 84 54 169 119 108 90 1Buffa~lo...............~(...,...,......0~ 270 i............ I................................. 87....... Gazttalraugus.. 10... I I 100 450 729 907...153 149 136...576 255 154 136 209 235 206 231 O neidla....... 2 4~ 12 3,500 50 43 332 1..~.. 1 27 3... 42 5....... 28 20 276 264 Onondaga.............. 189 141 137... 33 11 14... 10 42 9 22 82 40 44 48 St. Regis......... 3.- 75 90 161 188 17 30 43 54 16 131 1'7 29 2 42 66 71 72 Shnec~oc k................................~~ ~ 1~6..........~ 2......~~ ~~ l~ ~...... 14 ~..... 4jl 1..~.~....... 10..... Tonalanda.........[-................[ a 305 261 223.... 45 53 57.... 216 50 49 7 88 95 64 56 T;scarora..... 10.................. 336 349 308.... 62 80 81..... 27 37 68 17 98 112 91 93 Total.......20 4 51 2 3,675!2,275!2,089 2 2,472...... 10 117 456. 161,659_ 469 397 238 803 697 860J 854 " Eetu-rns incomplete. INDIANS. 607 CENSUS OF INDIAN RESERVATIONS-(CONTINUED). POUNDS OF BUTTER,. HORSES. SHEEP. Pounds of —------------ RESERVATIONS. made. 1845. 1855. 1864. 1845. 1855. ----- ---- ---— 5. 1-55. —-- Colts of Colts of 2 years Total. Sho rn in S n Lambs abs Total 1864. 1865. old and i 1864. -- 11865. raised. ised. 1865. over. 1864. 1865. Allegany............... 1,740 8,525........ 149 96 15 4 65 84 79 9 20 40 18 15 55 Buffalo........ 41................................... Cattaraugus.... 2,426 2,271 1,855'(....9. 26...1....2.19 2 6 0 285 4 Oneida......... 1,140........ 5,400 75,056 17 18 2 55 60............ 222 200 106 104 304 Onondaga...... 1,150......... 64 42 3 4 52 59 49 44 19............ 15 7 7 St. Regis................ 3,540 5,141........ 50 108 7 5 107 119.................................... Shinecock.............. 410......6...... 6....... Tonawanda..... 3,200 9,540 2,175........ 130 97 12 10 73 95 50...... 182 114 6 38 152 Tuscarora...... 7,537 6,988 9,080........ 153 109 12 10 100 122 215 92 30 37 15 17 54 Total......... 20,341 24,489 36,641 75,056 948 673I 74 97 653 824 839 236 490 401 169 |195 596 WOOL. SWINE. POULTRY. MARKET GARDENS. LO RESERVATIONS. Pounds Pounds. Pork, Ibs., Value owned, [Valie sold, Value of t —^ Acres Acres Value of shorn in shorn in 1845; 1855. 1864. 1865. 1865. egs sold, 1864. 1865. products 1o64. 1865. Pi,s of Season Slaugh- Total 1865. sold, 1864. 1855. of 18964, tered, kept, H or older. 1864. 1865. o Allegany....... 62 127 627 526 108 181 97 289 15,422 $62330 $300 $1900....... I $139 00 131 Buffalo.................... 369.................................... Cattaraugus.... 48 15 991 1,054 219 205 206 424 21,745 913 50 22000 40905 $7500 14 4 4900..... Oneida........ 841 417 46 36 37 36 65 73 14.492 147 00 48 00 183 00....... 2 1 110 00..... Onondaga...... 57...... 327 142 119 127 57 246 11,440.................................................. 489 St. Regis................... 112 142 109 72 75 181 14,460 108 50 31 00 74 00............................ Shinecock................... 32.................................................................. Tonawanda.... 349 469 390 409 139 156 104 295 23,040 420 00 104 00 79 00 3 0................. Tuscarora...... 125 130 596 464 111 206 125 317 15,020 23662 50 00............................... 190 Totall....... 1,482 1,158 3,458 2805 842 983 729'1,825 ll5,619 $2,448 92 456 00 37645 00 691$298 00 $810 F Four sheep slaughtered on Tuscarora Reservation, and 9 killed by dogs on Tonawanda Reservation during the year. STATISTICS CONCERNING THE SERVICE OF TROOPS FROM NEW YORK IN THE MILITARY OR NAVAL SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES DURING THE LATE REBELLION. The present Census coming at the close of a war that had raged with fearful energy for four years, and in which the State of New York had largely participated, it was thought proper to introduce a series of inquiries having reference to the late contest, and to the effect it had produced upon the social and material.,welfare of our population. In reference to this subject, the instructions contained the following suggestions:" The apprehensions of a military draft, or of some scheme of taxation will, it is feared, lead to some misapprehension in the minds of persons not correctly informed upon the objects of the census, that it may have some connection with these dreaded measures. You will take care to remove as far as possible such erroneous impressions, by assuring those who may hesitate on these grounds, that the present census is ordered to be taken under a clause of our Constitution, and in pursuance of a law and usage that has existed since the revolutionary war. The facts will warrant you fully in affirming that it has nothing to do with any military enrollment or plan of assessment whatever, but that its purpose is to obtain the basis of a new apportionment of members in the Senate and Asseimbly of our State legislature, and for collecting such information as may lead to a fair and equal administration of the laws throughout the State. The inquiries concerning those who are or have been in the military service will, if fully obtained, assist materially in settling many facts now uncertain, in relation to the extent of aid afforded by localties in the present war, and tend to secure impartial justice to every town and county." Notwithstanding this assurance, the greatest difficulty was experienced from this source in the large cities, and in many of the towns. The inquiries concerning those who were, or who had been employed in the service, were, in addition to the statistics required of each person relative to age, civil condition, place of birth, occupation &c., as follows: 1. Regiment, battery, battalion or other organization to which the person belonged, whether by voluntary enlistment, conscription ~or as a substitute. 2. Date of entering the service, giving the exact year, month and day, or as nearly as could be ascertained. 3. First term of enlistment in years, or if in months, the fractional part of a year. 4. First rank. 5. Subsequent promotions, transfers and re-enlistments. If re-enlisted, when, where, and for what term. 6. Unexpired term on the 1st of June, 1865. 7. Name of present regiment, and where convenient, the letter of the company to which the person belongs. 8. Present rank. If by brevet the fact to be mentioned. 9. Whether volunteer, drafted, substitute for one liable to draft, or representative recruit in place of a person not liable to draft. 10. If out of service, whether by expiration of term or otherwise. 11. Present condition of health of those who have left the service, with a specification of mutilation by loss of limbs or other wounds. This inquiry did not apply to those reported still in the service. It was desirable to embrace in these inquiries every individual belonging to the State, who had been employed in the army or navy of the United States, since April, 1861, whether he had served in a regiment of this State or another. They would not embrace those who had enlisted in New York regiments, from other states or foreign countries, as these were not entitled to a place in the census. They could not obviously include the men who had no families to answer for them in their absence. As these statistics 77 610 APPENDIX. were obtained from families alone, without the aid of official papers, and usually in the absence of the persons to whom the questions applied, the data were manifestly liable to error through want of information or otherwise. The result gave a total of 123,126 different persons, a number evidently much below the true amount. As many of these served under different enlistments, they would appear several times upon the official returns, and from this cause alone, the totals should be much below official statements. The facts are presented with all the detail of classification that the subject allowed, and it is believed with as much precision as could be obtained under the Census law. DETAIL OF ENLISTMENTS AND SEiRVICE BY CITIES AND TUOWNS. The following abbreviations are used in the following table: I. New York Volunteer Infantry Regiments. A. New York Artillery Regiments. B. New York Batteries. C. New York Cavalry Regiments. Eng. Engineers. M. Militia. M. R. New York Mounted Rilles. Vet. Veteran. Vet. C. Veteran Cavalry Regiments. Regiments of other Statecs and of the United States arc designated by the customary abbreviations. The number of the regiment, &c., is placed before the letter. If unknown, an interrogation mark is used. ALBRANY COUNTTY. 1; 21., 4; 22 T., 8; 24., 2; 25 I.,1; 27I., 1; 30 I., 26; 31., 1; 33 A., 1; 34 I., 10; 37 I., 1; 42 I., 1; 43 1., 15; 44 T., 8; 45 I., 1; 46 I.. 3; ALBANY CITY. —1 I., 5; 2 I., 8; 3 I., 90; 4 I., 5; 5 I., 6; 6 I., 3; 7 I., 47 I., 4; 50 1., 1; 51 I.,1; 55I.,1;62I., 2 64 I, 1; 5I.,1;,67 1., 1; 2; 8 I., 4; 9 I., 12; 12 I., 8; 13 I., 2; 14 I., 7; 15 I., 8; 16 I., 4; 17 I., 69 1., 1; 7.5 T, 1; 76 I., 2; 77 I., 10; 78., 1; 89 I., 1; 91 I., 61; 93 I., 4; 18 I., 45; 19 I., 1; 20 I., 3; 21 I., 4; 22 I., 5; 23 I., 4; 24 I., 3; 25, 61; 93I.,7; 94I.,2; 96I.,1; 97 I.,2; 100 I., 1; 104 I, 9; 107 I., 1; 5; 26 I., 5; 28 I., 2; 30 I., 16; 31 I, 3; 32 I., 1; 34 I,; 35 I., 1; 36 I.,. 1; I., (see 7.); 115 I., 10; 117 I., 2; 120., 1; 123., 1; 3; 38 I., 2; 40 I., 2; 4r., 2; 42 I., 1; 43 I., 136; 44 I., 46; 46 I., 6; 47 125 I., 15; 126 I., 1; 128 1. 2; 134 1., 4; 136 I., 1; 137., 1; 143 I., L; I., 6; 48 I., 1; 49 I., 1; 50 I., 5; 52 I., 2; 53 I., 4; 54 I., 2; 56 I., 2; 58 147 I., 1; 155 I., 1; 15 I., 1; 159 I., 2; 169 I., 10; 173 I., 2; 175 I., 9; I., 4; 59 I., 2; 60 I., 1; 61 I., 15; 62 I., 1; 63 I., 17; 65 1., 2; 67 I., 1; 177 I., 32; 178I., 1; 187 I., 2; 192 I., 12; 19'3 I., 1. 1 A., 2; 3 A., 1; 68 I., 2; 69 I., 3; 73 I., 3; 75 I., 8; 76 I., 2; 77 I., 6; 78 I., 1; 79 I.,3; 4 A., 25; 5 A., 2; 6 A., 1; A., 98; 8 A., 1; 9 A., 1; 10 A., 3; 13 A., 3; 81 I., 1; 82 I., 2; 85 I., 1; 86 I., 2; 88 I., 2; 89 I., 1; 90 I., 2; 91 I., 15 A., 1; 16 A., 9. 23 B., 2. 2 0., 7; 3 C., 1; 5 C., 3; 6., 5; 10 C., 205; 92 I., 2; 93 I., 12; 94 I., 4; 95 I., 2; 96 I., 2; 98 I., 1; 99 I., 4; 1; 12 0., 6; 13 C., 2; 16 C., 2; 18 C., 2; 20 C., 16; 21C., 15; 25 C., 2. 102 I., 3; 103 1., 1; 104 I., 11; 110 I., 4; 113 I., 29; 115 I., 4; 116 I., 1; 2 Vet. C., 1. 1 M. R., 3. 25 M., 3. 5 Cal., 1. 3 Conn., 1; 5 Conn., 1; 117 I., 1; 118 I., 1; 120-I., 1; 121 I., 1; 125 I., 5; 126 I., 1; 133 I., 1; 10 Conn., 1;? Conn., 1. 39 W11., 1; 88 Ill., 1; 93 I11., 1. 23 Ind., 134I., 3; 137 I., 1; 139 I., 1; 140 I., 1; 142 I.,1; 146 I., 3; 147I., 1; 1. 7 Iowa, 1. 15 K., 1. 15 Maine, 1; 25 Maine, 1. 2 Mass, 2; 149 I., 1; 153 I., 3; 155 I., 1; 157 I., 2; 159 I., 1; 169 I., 6; 172 I., 2; 7 Mass., 1; 16 Mass., 1; 17 Mass., 1; 21 Mass., 2; 48 Mass., 1; 3 Mass. 173 I., 1; 175 I., 17; 176 I., 3; 177 I., 143; 190 I., 1; 192 I., 33; 193 I., A., 2; 4 Mass. C., 1. 12 Mo. C., 1. 5 N. H, 1. 9 N. G., 1. 12 Ohio, 6. 1 A., 3; 2 A., 1; 3 A., 2; 4 A., 8; 5 A.,' 2 6 A., 5; 7 A., 155; 8 A:, 1; 39 Ohio, 1; 55 Ohio, 1; 10 Ohio C., 1. 3 Vt., 1; 5 Vt., 1; 7 Vt, 1; 5; 9 A., 9; 10 A., 2; 12 A., 1; 13 A., 12; 14 A., 1; 16 A., 7. 5 B., 3; 9 Vt., 1; 16 Vt., 1. I Wis., 1; 2 Wis., 1; 17 Wis., 1. 4 U. S. I., 1; 7 B., 2; 9 B., 1; 11 B., 47; 12 B., 3; 15 B., 1; 20 B., 1; 23 B., 12; 24 5 U. S. I., 1; 12 T-S.S. I., 2;? U. S., 5. Navy, 25. Unknown, 199. B., 3; 34 B., 2. 1 C., 5; 2 C., 5; 3 C., 4; 4 C., 6; 5 C., 2; 6 C., 3; 8 C., Total, 881. 2; 9 C., 3; 10 C,, 2; 11 C., 2; 12 C., 4; 13 C., 4; 16 C., 1; 18 C., 7; 20 WESTERTO.-3 I., 1 16 I. 1; 20 I., 1; 25 I., 1; 44., 1; 6 IT., 1; 91 Conn, 1; 10 Conn., 1; 14 Conn., 1; 16 Conn., 1; 1 Conln. Cav.,1. 4 Del.,.,; 1- 15., 1 2 C., 1; 18 C., 1. 10 ss., 1. 6 N.. 1. Un1. 23111., 1; 55 Ill., 1; 64 111 1., 1;. ll., 1; 1. at., 1. 47 Ind.,. 62 1 Ka1nsas, I. I Ky., 1. 10 Mass., 2; 15 Mass., 2; 18 Mass., 1; 27 Mass., 3 1; 31 Mass., 1; 34 Mnass., 2; 35 Monass., 2; 154 Msass., 1; 2 54N., COU1TY Mass. Cav.,l. 13 Mich, 1; 32 Mich, 1. 2 N. H., 2; 7 N. H, 1. 4 N. ALLEGANY COUNTY. J., 1; 9 N. J., 1; 33 N. J., 1; 37 N. J., 1;? N. J., 1. 7 Ohio, 1. 9 Pa., ALFRED.-15 T., 1; 23 T., 1; 85 I., 4; 86 I., 5; 104 T., 1; 107 T, 1; 1; 12 Pa., 1; 68 Pa, 1; 102 Pa., 1;? Pa, 1.? R. I, 1. 1 Vt., 1; 7 Vt., 109., 1; 130 I., 14; 141 I., 4; 147 I., 1; 160 I., 2; 171., 1; 1. 4; 1 -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~N - 1. 5 Wis., 1; 9 Wis., 1; i., 1.. S. S., 11.. S I,;? 8 Ill., 1;? 5., 6. 2t.,; Oio, 6. 23 Ohi, 1. 4. y,4. U. S. I., 1; 12 U. S. I., 4; 16 U. S. I., 2;? U. S. I., 2.? U. S. Art., 3. Unknown, 1. Total, 57. Marine Corps, 1. Vet. Reserve Corps, 7. Signal Corps, 1. Pay Dep, AL L E2-27 I., 2; 50 I., 1; 81 I., 1; 85 I., 4; 86 I., 1; 93 I., 1; 104 2. 3 Colored, 1; 6 Colored, 1; 10 Colored, 1; 11 Colored, 1; 20 Coloed,.,; 130 I., 13; 136 I., 1; 160.,; 169 I, 1; 18 I.,. 4 1; 26 Colored, 2; 31 Colored, 3; 38 Colored,. Navy, 53. Unknown, A., 1; 6 A, 2 M.., 2; 1 Mich. M., 1; 2 Mich..,. Navy, 1. 233. Total, 1,977. Unk-nown, 2. Total, 48. BEENE-I. I., 1; 3 I., 1; 5 I.,; I., 1; 13 T,) 1; 15 Ii, 1; 20 T., 2; ALFr. —]5 I, 1; 36 I., 1; 64 I., 2; 67 I., 2; 21 T., 1; 107 I., 1; 130 30 1I, 1; 43 I., 2; 61 I., 4; 77 I., 2; 91., 15; 93 I., 2; 113 I., 8;.125 I i., 2; 141. I14.,; 2.,; 1.,; 1 89 I., 1. 9 A., 1; 0 1; 134 I., 1; 164 I., 1; 175 I., 1; 177 I., 9. 1 A., 1; 7 A., 13; 9 A., 2; A., 1. 28 Bat., 2; 3 C., 1; 10C., 1. 1 Vet. C, 1. Iowa.. Un 13 A., 1; 16 A.,4; 1.1 Bat., 3 3 C., 7; 8 C?., 2. 25., 2. 1,known, i. Total, 27. 64 111, 1. 21 Mass., 1. 8 U. S., I. Navy, I. Unknown, 5. Total, 97. ALMAOND.-23 I., 1; 85 I., 2; 86 I., 8; 108 I., 1; 125 I., 1; 130 T.,, 16; BETHRLEIHEM.-I I., 1; 2 I., 4; 3 I., 12; 4 I., 1; 12 I., 1; 18 T., 3; 23 141. 2; 144 I., 1; 148 I., 1; 160 I., 2; 161., 1; 179 I., 1; 187 I., 1; I., 4; 30 I., 2; 31., 1; 35 I., 1; 41 I., 2; 43 I., 20Cr; 44., 6; 46 e, T I., 5; C- 9 I., 1. 9 i., 3; 14 i., 1. 60 I., 1; 8 G., 1; 10 C., 1. 6 47 I, 1; 58o Ie, 2; 1 Cl., 3; 377 I., 5 Uo A, 1; 85 I., 1. 4; 92 I., 1; 9i3 I., U. S2 Mih. C., 1. Unknow y, 53. 1;113. —I., 1; 15 I, 1; 14 I, 1; 14 I, 1; 165 I,, 1; 175 I., 1; 177 I.,; ArTY.-1-34 I., 1; 53 I., 1; 64 I., 2; 6., 1; 67 I., 1; 76 I., 2; 85 I., 12; 192 I., 4; 193 I., 1. 3 A., 1; 6 A, 1; 7 A., 16; 8 A., 2; 14 A, I. ^- 93 I' 1; 97 I, 2; 104I., 3; 112 I., 1; 124 I., 1; 130 I., 1.; 141 I., 23 Bat., 2; 30 Bat, 1. 2 C1., 1; 7 A., 1; A.,; 25., 1 1. 5 2157 I., 1;. 1; 1 79 I.,1 1;t 18 I. 3.,l. U8 2 3. Rif, 11. 26 M ass., 1. 73 Pa., 1. 1 R. I. Bat., 1.,U. 5 I., 1. k o, 11. TotA, 11. Invalid.Corps, 3. N1 M a yss, 1. 8 U.C., 1. 76 Pean, 1. Unknown, 5. ToCOEYM-IANITS. —3 I.2.; 85 I. 2; 36 I. 8; 10., 1; 12 I., 2; 15 I.,' 1; 3 known,;16. Total,9. IE,6; 44.-I 3; 50 I, 1; 54 I.,1; 69 I.,1; 70 I.,1; 81-1, 1; 911,811;IANDOVER -13I., 1.; 34 I., 1; 50 I., 2; 58 1I.,1; 65 I., 1; 85 I., 13; 114;30I,27; 120I., 1; 135 I., 1; 414 I,21; 156 I,20; 177 I.,; 14;69 I.,; 3 88., 5 1Q3.97I.,1. 9A.L,2; 107A.,. 3; 11 0.,1; 13 I., 19; 141 I.,15; 160 7A.4. 11 Bat, 1. 13U.,1. 9 Gonn, 1.? 111. G, 1. 37 Mass, I. ^4 7;1912.;6A I 6A;?A.3C,1 l'Cis.,1. Navy, 3. Unknow~n, 4. Total, 79. 22 C. 1 -24 C. I. 8 Inld., 1. 12 Mich., 1. 1491 Penn., 2; 41 Penn. C:., 1; 4UIL7ERLAND.- I., 10; 15I., 2; 306., 1; 41, 1; 43 I., 6; 44 1., 1.; 25 Wi.,1; 13. 1 U.S.I., 1. Unknown, 9. Total, 86. 611.,4; 11.,1; 134I., 4; 14 I., 7; 113 I., 1; 12 I., 1; 1 77 I., 4; 19 AI2.~. —1 7. 1; 2 39 I., 1; 57 I., 1; 64 I., 1; 65 I., 1; 85I.,9; 93 A.,1;?iA.,2. 11 B, 2; 23 B., 2. 25 M~l, 3. 14 U. S. I., 1. 26 Col- ^29,1 51^1 6I;14I;19I;11I;14I, ored,2. Unknown,3. Total,71. 130 I., 42; 188 I., 3; 189 I., 1. 24 A., 1; 27 B.,1; 5 A.,2 KNOX.-3S I~,',' 12; 93I., 1; 9 I1.2; 4I., 2; 13 I., 1; 15 I., 3; 18 I., 1. 202 Penn., 1; 11 Penn. Res. I. Unknown, 2. 61 1., 5; 80 I., 1; 9112., 1; 177 I, 5. 7 A,, 8. 11., 1. 32 Total, 75. IowatI. Unknow~n,2. Total, 37. BELF~ti5AST;-10 I., 1; 191., 1; 23 I., 1; 37 I., 1; 28 I., 1; 58., 1; 76 NEW SCOTLAND.-1 i., 1; 26 IMa., 1. 73;.,1. I. I.1 IBa., 1; 130 I., 30; 131., 1; 136 3. 17 U. S. I., I. Unknown, 47. Tlotal,57. I., 2; 138A., 1; 140 I., 1; 141., 2; 160 I., 1; 179 I., 1; 189 Io, 5; 194 RENSSELAERvILLEi4 I, 1; 15 I, 2. 18 I, 1; 23tI, 1. Ka Ia, 1. 1A 2; 4iA,.4; 5A., 1; 6 4. 13 Bo., 1. 2 M.R., 1. 5., 1.- I., 1; 15 76, 1; 911 I., 2; 9 17I 1; 1 1, 1., 1; 31I., 9; 3. avy,. Unknown, 46. otal, 87. 116 I., 1; 177 I., 4. 4 I., 2; 6 A., 1; 7 A., 3. 4 C, 1; 5 C., 1; 10 G., 1 R; ALoL~.- 33 I., 1; 64 I., 1; 85 I., 2; 86 I.,; 104 I., 4; 130 I., 11; 1; 18 C., 1. 26 Colored,1. 19isconsin,I. Navy,l. C.,1.887 Iss., 6. 4,1.,., 6A.,1; 14A.,;?AC., 1. 83 Penn.,1;93 len, Total, 47. 1. ay,3Unknown, 6. Total, 41. WGTERVLIET. —3I., 1; 1 5 I., 2; 3 I., 1; 1 I., B; 43RI., 1; 2 8., 3; 21I1 P5In., 1. is., 1. 1 U S. I., 1; Unlknow,. T72tl;, 8 K2o.10 3I., 1; 129I! 1, 14I., 2; 153I.,1;, 16I.,3; 18 I.,21; 193I.,21; 204I4, 85 I., 20; 104 I., 2; 130 I., 1. 134 I., 1; 136 I., 13; 147 I., 2; 154 I., 1; APPENDIX. 611 179 I., 2; 189 I., 16; 194 I., 1. 9 A., 1. 3 C., 1; 5 C., 1; 8 C., 1; 9 C., 1. Conn., 1; 59 Conn., 1. 7 Ill., 1. 5 Iowa, 1; 27 Iowa, 1. 2 Mlass., 1; 2 Vet. Res., 1. 4 Ill., 1; 75 Ill., 1. 29 Pa., 1; 58 Pa., 1; 210 Pa., 1. 10 Mass., 1; 54 Mass., 4. 14 N. I., 1. 39 N. J., 1. 5 Pa., 1; 12 Pa., Brigade Band, 3. Unknown, 10. Total, 92. 1; 27 Pa., 1; 49 Pa., 1; 50 Pa., 1; 56 Pa., 3; 67 Pa., 1; 132 Pa., 1; 2 Pa. g euand —3I,; 33 Unkow, 1; 4., Total, 92;'_10.6;16,; BURNS.-13 T., 1; 33 I., 1; 64 I., 2; 89 I., 1; 104 T., 6; 106 I., 2; Res., 1; 6 Pa. Res., 1;'? Pa. Res., 1; 1 Pa. C., 1. 14 R. I. B., 4. 3 130 I., 12; 136 I1, 2; 154 I, 2; 188 I., 10. 11 C., 1. Total, 40. Wis. 1 22 Wis., 1. 14 U. S.I.,1; 15U. S.I.,1. 2U.S. Colored, 2; 1'30 ^ I., 12 13 I. 2 157 I. 2 188 I. 10T 11 C. T Toal 420 U. S. Colored, 1; 26 U. S. Colored, 15. Navy, 22. Unknown, 34. CANEADEA.-12 I., 1; 18 I., 1; 27 I., 3; 50 I., 1; 64 I., 4; 73I., 1; Total, 371 931I.,4; 94I., 2; 105I., 2; 130I.,16; 136 I., 4; 140I.,1; 147I.,1; 148 I., 1; 160 I., 7; 179 I., 1; 194 I., 9. 4A.,8; 9A.,3; 13 A.,1. C7'ANO. —17 I., 1; 27 I., 3; 50 I., 1; 51I., 1; 152 I., 1; 64 I., 2; 5 C., 2; 6 C., 2; 9 C., 1; 12 C., 3; 24 C., 1. 1 Vet. C., 2. 2M.. RI., 1; 89I,6; 104 I, 1; 109 I., 7; 111 I., 1; 114 I., 3; 137 I., 15; 6 Ohio, 1; 55 Ohio, 1. 4 Pa. C., 1. 32 Wis., 1. Unknown, 1. Total, 88. 164I., 1; 179I.,3; 185I.,1. 6A.,1; 14A.,3; 16A.,2. 29B.,1. 1 GFC~~~NTRF~VILLE.- ~ ~231.,~~ 1;~. 27 T 8 10I, 1; 3I7 C., 1;? C., 1. 1Vet. C., 1. 50 Ind., 1. 6 Pa., 1. 26 U. S. CEN'ianIEiVILLE. —.,1; 2YI.,1; 33 I., 2; 85,., 2; 1041., 12; 108I.,1; P/lo^ nlinrni T^+ol7 130 I., 17; 136 I., 2; 154 I., 4. 2 A., 1; 4 A., 4. 5 C., 2. 2. Rl, 6. oloe nown 9. otal, 71. 7 Mich., I. Unknown, 2. Total, 58 COLESVTILLE.-27 I.,.9; 44 I., 2; 46 I., 1; 47 I., 2; 49 I., 1; 50 I., 3; CL'RKSVILLE.- 22 I., 1 23 I., 2 72 TI 1: 73 I., 1 85 I., 8 109 I., 3 64 I., 3; 76 I., 1; 81 I., 1; 86 I, 1; 89 I., 14; 90 I., 3; 97 I., 4; 109 I., 136 Ali~lLh. —Z^ I., 7147I. 184I., 1186 I.,, 1. I6i., 1, 6 0 1.5 0,- Unknown 12; 114 I., 5; 137 I. 33; 151 I. 1; 161 I., 1; T 179 I. 1; 189 I., 1. 2 A., 136.,7; 147 I., 1; 1841.,1; 186 I.,1; 189 I.,1. 6 C.,. Unknown, 3. i ib, Total, 31. 1; 5 A., 2; 6 A.,)1; 16 A., 3. 16 B., 3; 19 B., 1. 1 C., 1; 5 C., 8; 6 C., 1; 8 C., 2; 9 C., 1; 10 C., 1; 22 C., 1; 25 C., 3. 1 Vet. C., 7. 6 CuA. —23 I., 6; 49 I., 1; 65 I., 1; 85 I., 2; 104 I., 1; 130 I., 1; 136 I., 13; Pa. C., 1; 50 Pa., 1; 53 Pa., 1; 56 Pa., 1; 57 Pa., 1; 150 Pa., 1. 16 U. 151 I., 1; 189I., 1; 193 I., 1. 4 A., 1; 13A., 5; 15 A., 1. 1 C., 1; S.I., 1. Navy, 1. l Unknown, 14. Total, 157. 5 C.,1; 12 C., 1; 15 C., 1. 2M.R.,3. 26 MCich., 1. 84 Pa., 1. Un-59 I, 1; 61 1; 64, 1; 89 I, 3; 9 liaown,$. Tota1,48. ~~~~~~~Cox~cLrx. —27I., 2; 50I., 1; 59I1., 1; 61I., 1; 64; I., 1; 89 I., 3; 97 known~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~., 4. Total, 48 known, 4. Total, 48' T.) ~~~I.1; 109 I., 4; 137 I., 16; 160 I., 1; 161 I., 2. 6 A.. 1. 16 B.,1I. I FaItIENSIP. —15 I., 2; 23 I.,7; 85 I., 16; 104 I., 1; 130I., 3; 131I., 2; Yet. C., 1. 37 owa, 1. Navy, 2. Uknown, 5. Total, 44. 136 I., 25; 147 I,. 1; 189 I., 2. 5 A., 8; 13 A., 1. 5 C., 3. Unknown, 3. Total,745 7 89L n r8 1;ll5~ < klont KaKwooD. —Vet. 17 I., 1; 18 I., 1; 27 I., 5; 46 I., 1; 50 I., 1; 64 I., 1; 89 I., 5; 90 I., 1; 109 I., 2; 137 I., 12; 140 I., 1; 147 I., 1; 158 I., 1. GENESEE.-23 I., 5; 27 I., 8; 33 I., 1; 52 I., 1; 67 I., 1; 83 I., 1; 14 A., 1; 16 A., 3. 1 C., 1; 3 C., 1; 6 C., 2; 15 C., 1. 1 Vet. C., 1. 85 I., 29; 98 I., 1; 104 I., 1; 109 I., 1; 124 I., 1; 136 I., 4; 141 I., 1; 26 U.S. Colored,. Navy, l. Unknown, 6. Total, 51. 1471.,1; 188I.,1; 189I., 6.!4A.,1. 5C.,2; 12 C, 5; 13C., 1. j..,y 3 \... -., -. 147 Yet 1; 188 I., 1; 189 6. 14 A.., 1. 5 C., 2; 12 C., 5; 13 C., I - LISLE. —15 I., 1; 27 I., 9; 50 I., 6; 76 I., 3; 89 I.,9; 102 I., I; 109 1 Vet. C., 1; 2Vet. C.,I. 1 Pa. Rifes, 2; 105 Pa., 1. Navy, 1. UnI.,22; 137I1., 10; 168 I., 2; 185 I., 3. 16 B., 1; 18 B,, 1. 1-C., 5; 5 C., known, 5. Tlotal, 83. ~~~~known, 5. Total, 83. ~~2; 6 C., 1; 11 C., 7; 21 C.,!. 11 Conn., 1. 53 Pa., 1. Unknown, 4. Gax.NGEl.-85 I., 8; 89 I., 1; 104 I., 7; 130 I., 15; 136 I., 3; 138 I., 1; Total, 7O. 160 I., 1; 184 I., 10; 188 I., 1; 189 I., 2. 4 A., 18. 9 C., 1. Total, 68. iE- I, 2; 27 I., 1; 28 I, 1; 32 I,; 33 I, 1; 48, 1; 50 I iM IA IXE.-15 I., 2; 27 I., 1; 28IT., 1; 3 2I., 1; 3 3I., 1; 48 I., 1; 50I., GROVE.-104 I., 2; 130 I., 8; 188 I., 2; 189 I., 1. 9 A.; 2. Un- 50; 61 i.,1; 76 I, 1; 89I.,8; 100I.,1; 109I., 10; ill I.,1; 115I.,1; known, 44. Total, 59. 137 I., 3; 168 I., 1; 179 I., 1. 16 B., 5; 26 B., 1. 1 Vet. C., 2; 2 Vetv lIuME.-[The names of places were erroneously reported from this C., 1. 50 Pa., 1; 61 Pa., 1. 5 Wis., 1. Navy, 4. Unknown, 5. Totown, instead of the number of regiments. It is uncertain whether these tal, 106. were places of enlistment or of muster:] Albany, 3; Buffalo, 2; Elmira, NXXTICOKE. -15 I., 1; 27 I., 5; 50 I., 15; 51 I., 1; 71 I., 5; 76 I., 5; 26; Geneseo, 11; Geneva, 1; Grand Rapids, Mich., 1;'HIIume, 2; Lock- 89 I., 11; 109 I., 11; 137 I., 9; 157 I,1. 16 B., 7. 1 C., 1; 5 C., 1; port, 3; Milwaukee, 1; New York, 20; Portage, 4; Rochester, 4; St. 6 C., 1; 9 C., 1; 11 C., 1. 1 Vet. C., 3. 141 Pa., 1. Unknown, 1. Louis, 1; Staten Island, 3; Suffolk, Va., 2; Troy, 1; Washington, 4. Total, 76. Unknown, 14. Total, 103. PonRT C1ANt,3. —15 I., 2; 27 I., 3; 50 I., 2; 52 I., 1; 64 I., 1; 76 I., 1; INDEPENDENCE. -52 I., 1; 85 I., 9; 86 I., 1; 130 I., 13; 142 I., 1; 89 I., 13; 90 I., 2; 104 I., 1; 109 I., 6; 132 I., 1; 137 I., 15; 149 I., 3; 160 I., 2; 179 I., 1; 189 I., 8. 13 A., 1; 16 A., 3. 4 Iowa, 1; 46 Pa., 1; 150 I., 1; 161 I., 1; 168 I., 3; 179 I.,5; 185 I., 1. 14 A., 1; 16A.,2. 55 Pa., 1; 149 Pa., 2. Unknown, 16. Total, 61. 16 B, 5. 6 C., 2; 8 C., 3; 10 C., 1; 25 C., 2. 1 Vet. C., 1. Unknown, NEW HUDSON. —15 I., 1; 37 I., 1; 64 I., 4; 76 I., 1; 85 I., 16; 90 I., 1; 6. Total, 85. 93 I., 1; 104 I., 2; 109 I., 1; ISO I., 1; 136 I., 12; 189 I., 10; 194 I., 2. SANFO'RD. —15I, 6; 18 1., 2; 27 I., 5; 40 I., 4; 41 I., 1; 48 I., 1; 50 9 A., 2; 15 A., 1. 5., 7; 6 c., 1; 9 c., 1; 12 C., 1; 22 C., 2; 1 Vet. I., 3; 61 I., 1; 70 I., 2; 72 I., 1; 78 I., 2; 86 I.. 2; 101 I., 2; 109 I., 19; C., 1. 2 M. R., 6. 19 Ohio, 1; 1 Pa., 1; 2 Pa., 1; 150 Pa., 1; 1 Pa. 114 I., 7; 124 I., 1; 128 I., 1; 137 I., 8; 144 I., 14; 179 I., 4. 2 A., 1; R., 1; 8V.R.C., 1. -Unknown, 1. Total, 82. 3 A., 2; 5 A., 7; 6 A., 1; 13 A., 1; 16 A., 2. 16 B., 2; 26 B., i. 1 C., RUSHFORD.-23 I., 1; 27 I., 6; 49 I., 1; 50 I.,'2; 64 I., 12; 76 I., 1; -7; 3 C., 7; 4 C., 1; 5 C., 3; 21 C., 1; 25 C., 8. 2 Vet. C., 2. Serrell's 85 I., 1; 93 I., 1; 97 I., 1; 104 I., 2; 113 I., 1; 120 I., 1; 130 I., 17; Engineers, 1. 56 Pa., 2; 61 Pa., 1; 76 Pa., 1; 187 Pa., 1. 10 111., 1. 136 I., 1; 157 I,, 1; 160 I., 1; 189 I., 3. 1 A., 1; 5 A., 1; 13 A., 3. 14-U. S. I., 2; 16U. S.I., 1. Unknown, 13. Total, 157. 1 C., 1; 5 C., 6. 2 M. R., 4. 13 Mo., 1. 11 Pa., 2. 1 Vermont, 1. TRIANGLE.-15I., 1; 271., 6; 431.,1; 50 I.,4; 63 I.,1; 64 I., 2; 721., Unknown, 7. Total, 80. 1; 76 I, 4; 89I.,14; 94 I., 1; 109I. 14; 111I. 1; 114I. 1; 137 I, 7; Scio.-15I.,1; 23I.,1; 37I.,1; 50 I., 2; 64I.,1; 671.,23; 85 I., 5; 146I., 1; 161I., 1. 1 C., 4; 2 C., 1; 5 C., 1 8C., 1; 10 C., 5. 16 B., 86 I., 2; 93 I., 5; 109 I., 1; 130 I., 11; 137 I., 1; 141 I., 1; 147 I., 1; 5. 1 Yet. C., 11. 21 Conn., 1; 3 Ohio C., 1. 1IMich. Bat., 1. 14 Vet. 148 I., 1; 160 I., 1; 179 I., 1; 189 I., 3. 5 A., 1; 9 A., 1; 10 A.,; Res. C., 1. Navy, l. Hosp. surg., 2. Unknown, 5. Total, 1 00. 13 A., 3; 16 A., 1. 5 C., 9; 6., 1; Vet. C, 1 46 Pa., 1; 149 Pa., 1; UNION.-15 I.,11; 19I.,1; 27I..4; 44I.,1; 50 T.,49; 51I., 1; 52 2Pa. C.,1. 5 Wis. A.,1. 13U. S. A., 1. 2 Colored, 1; 26 Colored, 1; I., 1; 68 I., 1; 76 I., 2; 89 I., 8; 109 I., 6; 120 I., 1; 137 I., 4; 147 I. 3; 31 Colored, 3. Unknown, 7. Total, 97. 154 I., 1; 161 I., 2; 168 I., 2; 179 I., 3; 189 I., 1. 4 A., 1; 6 A., 1;. 10 WARD. —471I.,1; 61I., 1; 64I.,3; 851., 14; 861.,2; 97I.,1; 107 T.,1; A., 1. 16 Bat., 6. 1 C., 8; 5 C., 2; 6 C., 1. 1 Vet. C., 7; 2 Vet. C.,1. 130 I., 8; 136 I., 2; 147 I., 1; 160 I., 2; 161 I., 1; 179 I., 1; 188 I., 1; 12 Ill., 1. 3 Mich., 1; 7 Mich. C., 1. 10 Pa., 1; 48 Pa., 1; 58 Pa., 1; 189 I., 2. 5 A., 1; 13 A., 1; 16 A., 2. 5 C., 1. Total, 46. 145 Pa., 1. Navy, 1. 15 U. S. I., 1;? U. S. I., 1; Surgeon U. S., 1. WELLSViLLE.-5 I., 1; 15 I., 1; 27 I., 2; 34 I., 1; 44 I., 2; 61 I., 1; 8 U. S. Colored, 2. Unknown, 5. Total, 148. 64I., 14; 67 I., 9; 77 I., 1; 85 I., 15; 89 I., 1; 93 I., 6; 105 I., 1; 130 VSTAL. —15 1., 1; 47 I., 1; 50 I., 6; 51 I., 1; 52 I., 1; 89 I., 4; 109 I., 26; 136 I., 1; 141 I, 1; 143 I., 1; 160 I., 20; 161 I., 1; 171 I., 1; I., 2; 137 I., 5; 139 I., 1; 161 I., 3; 169 I., 1; 179 I., 5; 189 I., 1. 179 I., 2; 188 I., 2; 189 I., 5. 2 A., 2; 9 A., 1; 13 A., 7; 16 A., 3. 6 A., 1. 1 C., 1; 10 C., 1; 25 C., 1. 2 Vet. C., 1. Unknown, 13. 3 C., 2; 5 C., 2; 6 C., 1; 15 C., 1; 16 C., 1; 20 C., 1. 1 Vet. C., 2. Total, 50. 5 Ill., 1. 81 Pa., 2; 150 Pa., 2; 210 Pa., 1; I Pa. Rif., 1. 10 R. I., 1. WINDSOR.-15 I., 3; 27 I., 3; 50 I., 1; 76 I., 1; 89 I., 18; 109 I., 1; Brigade Band, 2. Unknown, 32. Total, 180. 137 I., 20; 144 I., 1. 50 A., 1. ]6 Bat., 1; 3 c., 1; 15 C., 1; 25 C., 1. WEST ALOND. —27 I., 1; 85 I., 6; 86 I., 3; 104 I., 3; 130 I., 13; 136 1 Yet. C., 14. 4 Conn., 1. 22 111., 1. 15 N. J., 1. 133 Ohio, 1. 7 I.,1; 160I.,5; 179I.,1; 188 I.,!12; 189 I., 1. 13A.,1; 14A, 2. 5 Pa., 1; 41 Pa., 1; 45 Pa., 1. 15 U. S. I., 1. Navy, 1. Unknown, 7. C., 1; 6 C., 3. 1 Vet. C., 1. 30 Ind., 1. 27Iowa, 1. 1. Wis. C., l. Tot-l, 83. 1Navy, 2. Unknown, 1. ITotal, 60. WILLING..-46 I., 1; 64 I., 2; 85 I., 5; 130 I., 4; 136 I., 8; 160 I., 2; CATTARAUGUS COUNTY. 170 I., 1; 179 I., 1; 188 I., 1; 189 I., 9. 13 A., 4. 172 Pa., 1. Un- ATTFFYV- P.T 1; 901 1; 371 6; 50 1; ^T 1-64I 10I'-inwn 1^ Tnrni ^9 -~~~~~ALLEG-ANY. —12i.,; l,9I., 1; 67i.,; 50,IU., 1; 51.,1; 641.,19;, known, 13. Totia, 52.. 8; 0. 1; 5; I 1 188I.,16. WiVtT. —19 I., 1; 23 I., 4; 28 I., 1; 31 I., 2; 47 I., 1; 48 I., 2; 67 I., 13 A., 1. 5 C., 2; 9 C., 2; 10 C., 1. 83 Pa., 1. 4 Wis., 1. 13 U. S. 2; 85 I., 28; 98 I., 1; 100 I., 1; 109 I., 2; 111 I., 1; 130 I., 3; 136 I., A., 1. Unknown, 14. Total. 89. 6;^-160 I., 6; 189 I., 15; 194I., 1. 13 A., 2; 14 A., 1. 5 c.,4; 6.,2.. 97 T A 1 I T i m 1i rr r ^ 7o T 1i no T 1 nn 56 Ill., 1. 8 Ohio, 1. 210 Pa., 1. 11 Pa. Rif. 1.?R.I.(Coiored),.T 1 IT A 1 U S olord 1 Nvv 1 nknon 1 Ttn1 I.,i; 100I.,)1; 105I., 5; 116I., 5; 117 I.,1; 136I., 1; 154I., 24; 155 1 U. S.A., 1. 8 U.S. Colored, 1. Noavy, C3.1.Unow,;18.Toa, 95. iU~e.A,1.~ Lb. oloed,. Nvy,1. nknwn,1. otai, 5. I., 2; 188 I, 2. 13 A., 1; 16 A., 1;? A., 2; 9CG., 1; 16C., 1.?N.C., 1. 98 Pa., 1. Navy, 1. Unknown, 5. Total, 69. BROOME COUNTY. CArROLTON. —44 I., 1; 52 I, 1; 64 I., 6; 65 I., 1; 72 I., 3; 85 I., 1; BARKER. —4 I., 1; 15 I., 1; 27 I., 1; 89 I., 4; 109 I., 1; 111 I., 1; 137?~ 12 154L5 7; 160 I~j 4; 161 I., 1; 185 1., 1; 1,~ I., 1.1. 13 A., 2. 50 Pa., 1. Navy, 7~. Unknown-, 3. Total, 41. I., 4; 161 I., 1; 185 I, 1; 194 I, 1. 6 A., 1. Unknown, 2. Total, 19. BTNGlh~~TO.- 7I.,1; ~ 1. 5;26.,; 2 I. 41;32.,; 4 I. 1; COLD SP1n.IxG. — 12 I., 1; 15 I., 1; 37 I., l; 64 I., 7; 71 I., 1; 109 I., 1; BimanAM~ox.-7 I., 1; 23 I., 5; 26 I,!; 27 I., 41; 32 I, 1; 40 I, l;. ^ ~ W ^V T7 A,M -^I?)L 45I.,1; 481.,2; 501.,1; 511.,2; 52I.,1; 541.,2; 571.,1; 61 I., 4; 154 I. 6; 17) I 1; 18 I., 1; 194 I 1 13 A 3; 14 A 2; 16 A., 1 68 I., 2; 71 I., 1; 76 I., 2; 79 I., 1; 86 I., 1; 89 I., 26; 95 1., 1; 103 I., 8. 1 M-Rlf l n lch- L Gnknown,7. Total,44. 1; 104 I., 2; 109 I., 37; 112 I., 1; 114 I., 1; 117 I., 1; 120 I., 1; 134 I., 0oxxN:wANGo.-64 I., 9; 111 I., 1; 112 I.; 1; 154 I., 8. 3 A., 1; 13 1; 137 I., 37; 139 I., 1; 146 I., 2; 148I.,1; 155I.,1; 1611.,5; 1621., A., 12. 9 C., 15. 42 111., 1; 45 Ill., 1; 2 Ill. C., 1. 103 Pa., l. Un1; 168 I., 3; 189I., 1. 5 A., 1; 9 A., 1; 10 A., 2; 14 A., 8; 16 A., 2; known., 8. Total, 59. 21 A.,1. 16B.20. 1 C., 3; 3 C., 1; 5 C., 1; 6 C., 7; 80.,5; 10 C., DAYTO.N —44 I., 7; 641., 5; 90I.,3; 1111.,1; 112 I., 1; 115 I., 1; 1; 12 C., 1; 22 C., 1; 24 C., 2; 25 C., 3. 1 Vet. C., 7. 1 M. Rif., 1. 1 154 I., 19; 187 I., 1. Total, 38. 612 APPENDIX. EAST OTTO.-34 I., 1;.36 I., 1; 64 I., 6; 65!1., 3; 70 I., 1; 71I., 1; 76 I., 1; 78 I., 4; 96 I., I; 100 I., 3; 104 I., 1; 105 1. 25; 116 I., 2; 120 116I., 2; 154I., 12. 13 A., 3. 4C.,1; 9 C., 19; 16C.,1. 9 11.,2; I., 2; 129 I., 1; 130 I., 1; 144I.,1; 147I.,1; 154 I., 10; 157 T., 1; 72 Ill., 1. 145 Pa., 1. Unknown, 3. Total, 58. 188 I., 10. 4 A., 1; 9 A., 2; 13 A., 2. 8 C., 2; 9 C., 1; 10 C., 1; ELLICOTTVILLE.-21 I., 1; 37 I., 12; 91I., 1; 97 I., 1; 98 I., 3; 100 1 C. 1; 13 C. I. 2 M. R, 4. 157 Ill., 1. 27 Iowa, 1. 4 Mass., 1; I., 2; 102 I., 1; 105 I., 2; 144 I., 1; 154 I., 28; 159 I., 1; 164 I., 1; 165 40 Mass., 1. I Pa. R, 1;? Pa., 1. 4 Vt., 1. 32 Wis, I. Navy, 1. I., 1; 179 I., 2; 188 I., 6. 3 A., 1; 13 A., 2. 5 C., 2; 6 C., 3; 8 C., 1; Unknown, 5. Total, 108. 9 C., 7; 20 C., 1; 25 C., 3. 2 M. Rif., 1. 102 Ohio, 1. 42 Pa., 1. Navy, 2. Unknown, 2. Total, 90. CAYUGA COUNTY. FARMERSVILLE.-14 I., 1; 64 I., 11; 71 I., 1; 81 I., 1; 85 I., 1; 94 I., 1; 104 I., 1; 105 I., 3; 120 I., 3; 154 I., 4; 161 I., 1; 164 I., 1; 188 I., 4. AUBURIV.-12 I., 3; 19 I., 112; 20 I., 2; 23 I., 1; 24 I., 1; 34 I., 1; 43 2 A., 2; 13 A., 1; 14 A., 1. 5 C., 2. 2 M. Rif., 6. 1 Pa. Rif., 1. I., 1; 50 I., 2; 52 I., 1; 58 I., 1; 63 I., 1; 64 I., 1; 75 I., 49; 76 I., 1;? Wis., I. Navy, 8. Unknown, 5. Total, 60. 85 I., 1; 91 I., 2; 92 I., 1; 94 I., 1; 95 I., 1; 97 I., 2; 99 I., 1; 100 I., 1; FRANKLINWILLE.-21., 1; 36 I., 1; 64 I., 5; 71 T., 3; 85 I., 2; 89 I., 104 I. 105 1 2; 10. 1 1 I. 2; I 37 114 L, 2; 116 L, 1; 122 1; 104 I., 1; 105 I., 1; 154 1 -, 1; 187 I., 3; - 188 I., 2. 4 A., 1; 14 A -, I -1. 2; 1051. 3; 138 I, 11; 143 3., 2; 145 I., 17; 17 I, 21; 149 I, 1; 160 6 C.) 8; 9 C., 1; 13 C., 1; 15 C., 9. 2 M. Rif., 1.? Ill., 1. 14 Ohio, 1. L.' 15; 169 I.,1; 1693 I., 18; 194I.,3. 2 A., 1; 3 A.,117; 4 8U.S.I.,1. Navy, 7. Unknown, 9. Total, 72. A., 1; 9 A., 51; 16 A., 20. 1B.,8; 26B.,3. 3 C.,1; 8 C., 2; 11 C., FREEDOM.-64 I., I, 78 I., 4, 82 i., 1, 80 I., I; 90 I., 1 96 I,,4; 102 2; 12 C., 1; 15 C., 2; 20 C., 1; 22 C., 4; 24 C., 3. 1 M. R., 1. 8 M., I., 1; 105 I., 1; 116 I., 1; 130 I., 1; 154 I., 13; 179 I., 2. 9 A., 1;i. 13 A. 11. 5 C., 3; 9'C., 2o IS C., 1.i 2 TNI. Rif., 4. Vnk own? 6.Kansas, 1; 3 Kansas, 1. 14 Maine, 1. 5 Mass., 1; 6 Mass., 1; 38 Mass., 13 Al, 15. 5 C., 3; 9 C., 2; 18 C., 1. 2 M. Rif., 4. Unknown, 6.1. 9 Ohio, 1;? Ohio, 1.? Ohio S. S., 1. 6 Pa., 1;? Pa., 1.? R. I. Col'd, GREAT VALLEY.-21 I., 1; 23 I., 2; 34 I., 1; 37 I., 12; 64 I., 2; 76 I., 1.? Wis., 1. 1U.S.I., 1;10U. S. I.,2. 26 Colored, 1;? Colored, 2. 1; 85 I., 1; 89 I., 1; 96 I., 1; 100 I.," 1; 105 I., 10; 146 I., 1; 147 I., Paymaster, 1. Navy, 20. Unknown, 44. Total, 622. 2; 154 I., 22; 179 I., 3; 187 I., 17; 188 I., 6; 194 I.,1. 5 A., 1; 13 A., AurELiuS. —19 I., 3; 75 I., 2; 95 I., 1; 109 I., 1; Ill I., 6; 130 I., 1; 6; 14 A., 2. 6 C., 1; 9 C., 8; 10 C., 1. 2 M. Rif., 2. 10 Iowa, 1. 7 10T 1 147 I 1; 193 T 1 3 A 5 9 A 2 16 B 2 24 C. Min., 1. 3 Ohio C., 1. 1 Pa. Riff, 1. 18 U. S. I., 1. Unknown, 3. 1 Vt C 1 1 Pa. Nv 1 Unknown, 20. Total, 50. Total, 114. HINSDA LEL5 15 I., 4; 27 I., 1;,0 I.,; 52 I.-, 1 - 64 I., 2; 65 I., 4; 5 BRUTUS. —19 I., 7; 49 I., 1; 65 I., 1; 75 I., 6; 76 I., 1; 97 I., 2; 111 HINSDALE. —15 I., 4; 27 I., 1; 50 I., 1; 52 I., 1; 64 I., 2; 65 I., 4; 85 - 0 9 -1nI^^A4v\A1 -\ -1 T., 12; 122 I., 2; 193 I., 5. 3 A., 46; 5 A., 1; 9 A., 4; 11 A., 2; 1-6A., I., 10; 105 I., 1; 136 I., 4; 140 I., 1; 154 I., 17; 179 I., 1; 188 I., 1;. 8 B. } 3 C. 1. 8 P ~ ) C 3 k 1 Toal, IQ'/T 1 -R; ft' 91 1' 1 i n~?< i'5? T i524. 8 B., 1. 3 C., 1. 83 Pa., 1. Colored, 1. Unknown, 14. Total, 194 I.,1. 1 Bat., 1. 6 C., 2. 1 Yet. C., 1. 9 111. C., 1.? Iowa, 1. 19? N. C., 1. 73 Ohio, 1. 3 Pa. A., 1.? Vermont, 1. Navy, 13. Un- CATO.- T 7 2,., 2 75., - 77 I., 1; 10, 1; 10 known, 17. Total, 89. T)1 l. 5 2.;18I,1.3A,2;9A,2 0A,3 1 knownH7RTotal 89CETo. —19 I., 7; 27 I., 1; 44 I., 2; 75 I., 18; 77 I., 1; 102 I., 1; 108 iGUnrTaEn. — 37 2; iA 38 1;64IfT ^ 1O I.,1; 111 I.,15; 125 I., 1; 138 I., 18. 3 A., 20; 9 A., 2; 10 A, 3; M~', 3; 65PIE;EYI.,1; 86I.,2;9 A A., 1; 16 A. 12. 12 B 1; 19 B., 1. 3 C., 1; 22 C., 1. 7 Iowa, 1. I., 1; 105 I., 5; 130 I., 1; 147 I., 1; 154 I., 9; 164 I., 1; 187 I., 2; 188 Unknown 4 Total 112 I.,5. 4 A.,1; 13 A., 1. 19 Bat., 2. 6 C., 2; 10 C.; 3. 11 Mich., 1. 3-Pa 1- 1 Pa Rif 1 Navv I Total 4Q COXQUEST.-19 1., 3; 66 T., 1; 75 T., 20; 76 T., 3; 106 I., 1; 111 I., 1. 3 Pa., 1; 1 Pa., Rif.,9 1. Navy, 1T Total, 49 3 A., 7; 9 A., 37; 10 A., 1; 16 A., 4. 11 C.) 1; 22 C., 2. 9 Mich., 1. TSC-UA.-32 I., 1; 85 T., 1; 98 I., 1; 130 I., 1; 136 I., 1; 154 I., 8; 3 Wis. B., 1. 5 U. S. C., 1. Navy, 1. Unknown, 2. Total, 87. 1661., 1; 188 I., 2. 13 A., 11; 15 A., 1. 1C.,1. 5-Wis., 1; Navy, 3. F I, 3 64 T, 1;, Il., 3; A 1 AI Unknown 6 Total 39 ~~~~~~~FLEMIN.G-19 I., 3; 64 I., 1; 75 I., 4; 111 I., 3; 138 I., 4. 1 A., 1; Tnknown, 6. Total,/T 39Q. 7fi T 1 0 T 19 T 1^T 1 3 A., 7. 22 C.,1. 2 M. R., 1. 88 I1l., 1. 4 Mich., 1. 14 U. S. I., 1. LEON. —37., 3; 64 I., 29; 76 I., 1; 93 I., 1; 112 I., 1; 130 I., 1; Navy, 1 Unknown I Total 30 1^4 T 91' 104 T ^ 1 A 9- I9~Nav, A19 9 R QP^ *"'J1 Unknown, 1. Totali, 30. 154 I., 21; 194 I., 5. 1 A., 2; 13 A., 12; 27 B., 1. 9 C.,3; 10 C., 1. 68 M., 1. Unknown, 1. Total 83 GENOA.-19 L., 6; 32 I., 1; 61 I., 1; 64 I., 1; 75 I., 16; 97 I., 1; 100 - T ~',-. 1; 107 I., 1; 109 I., 2; 111 I., 23; 126 I., 1; 138 I., 2; 146 I., 1; 148 LITTLE VALLEY.-18 I., 1; 37 I., 3; 52 I., 1; 64., 7; 89 I., 1; 111 i I A 4; 3 A 11;0 A 10; 15 A 1; 16 A 5 i B 1 10 C I., 2;154T.,11; 166.,1; 188I.,2. 13A.,5. 2C.,1; 50.,1; 6C.,1; I.?Mich., 1. 45 Pa., 1. 26 Ohio, 1. 13 Wis., 1. 43 Colored, 1. 9 C., 15; 10 C., 1. 58 I1l., 1. 3 Iowa C., 1. 67 Ohio, 1. Total, 56. Unknown, 6. Total, 102. LYNDON.-64 T T- 1; 67 I., 1; 81 I.,75; 85 I., ^ T390 I., 1; 96 I., 1; 1 IRA.-19 I., 4; 24 I., 3; 47 I., 1; 75 I., 15; 81 T., 2; 94 I., 4; 101 I., I., 2; 130 I., 4; 136 I., 1; 137 I., 1; 154 I.,; 185 I 1; 189 L,1. 1; 110 I., 3; Il I., 10; 112 I., 1; 122 I., 3; 124 I., 1; 138 I., 11; 189., 13 A.) 4. 5 C.) 2, 6 C.) 2; 12 C., 1. 12 Iowa, l. Navy, 4. (The 1; 193 I., 5. 1 A., 2; 3 A., 11; 9 A., 9; 13 A., 1; 16 A., 7. 1 B., 1. following names of places were reported in the column of regiments, 10 C. 10 C. 1; 24 C., 2. I Vet. C., 1. 3 Ill., 1. 25 Wis., 1. 1 M. R., 1. viz: Cuba, 2; Elmira, 1; Jamestown, 1; Rochester, 1; Washington,.) NavyL Unknown 5. Tota) 109. Total, 48..,,,._.,,_,,_,,. LEDYARD.- 10 I., 1; 19 I., 5; 24 I., 1; 75 I., 9; 89 I., 1; 111 I., 19; MACHIAS.-24 I., 1; 37 I., 1; 104I., 5; 105 I.,; 154 I., 14; 187 I., 1; 148 I., 3. 1 A., 5; 3 A., 12; 5A., 1; 6 A., 1; 9 A., 5; 13 A., 1; 16 A., 188 I., 7. 13 A., 1; 14 A., 4. 10 C., 1. 2M. R.,3. 4 Mich., 1. I. l B., 3. 22 C., 1. 4 N. J., 1. 4 Colored, 1. Navy, 4. Unknown, 6 Mo., 1. 3 Iowa, 1. 21 Ohio, 1. Navy, 1. Total, 51. 7. Total 82. MA>NSFIELD.-37 I., 4; 64 I., 6; 72 I., 1; 86 I., 1; 97 I., 1; 147,11; LocKE-IO I, 4; 38 I, 1; 68 I, 1; 75 I, 6; 109 I, l; Ill I., 3; 160.54I., 10; 179I., 1; 188I., 3; 194I.,1; 199I.,1. 13 A., 1. 9C. 11; T.,5. 3 A. 20; 4 A., 1; 9 A, 2; 16 A., 2. 1 B, 5. 100,2. 4 Mich. 10 C., 1. 20 Conn., 1. 1 Min., 1.? Pa., 1. Navy, 1. Unknown, l. I. 1. 45 Pa., 1. I Wis., l. Unknown, 4. Total, 61. ^l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. 17l. 2Oio,1.5P, 1. Wis, 1. Uknw,4. T o a l 6.y~^^ ^y Total, 48. AT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ENTZ. —19 I., 4; 37 I., 1; 57 I., 1; 75 I., 9; 81 I., l; 97 I., l; 109 I., NAPOLI.-37IT., 1; 52IT., 1; 64 I., 20; 154 I., 10; 179 I., 1; 194 I., 2. 1; Ill1I., 24; 124 I., 2; 138I., 7;!48 I., 1; 156I., 1; 198 L., 1. 3 A., 3 A., 7. 1C.,2; 9 C.,20: 24C., 1.? U. S. I., 1. Total, 66. 28; 5 A., 5; 9 A., 11; 16 A., 15. 1 C., 4; 5 C., 1; 22 C., 1. 1 Mich., NEW ALBTON.-21 I., 1; 37I., 6; 52 I., 2; 64 I., 17; 65 I., 2; 72 I., 2; 1; 2 Mich., 1; 28 Mich., 1. 5 Penn., 1. 20 Colored, 2. Unknown, 12. 90 I., 1; 100 I., 2; 111 I., 1; 116 I., 1; 149 I., 1; 154 I., 14; 165 I., 1; Total, 137. 179 I., 8; 194 I., 2. Vet. 17, 1. 13 A. 6. 14 A., 1. 9 C., 6; 10 C., 1. MONTEZUxA.-19I.) 2; 33 I., 1; 75 I., 1; 97 I., 1; 100 I., 1; 111 I., 25 Ill., 2. 83 Pa.,l1. Navy, 2. Unknown, 7. Total, 88. 4; 138 I., 2. 3 A., 10; 9 A., 9; 14 A. 1; 16 A., 10. 26 B., 1. 8C.,6. OLEAN.-27 I., 2; 31 I., 1; 32 I., 1; 40 I., 2; 54 I., 1; 58 I., 1; 61 11 Mich. C., 1. 200 Pa., 1. 20 Colored, 1. Navy, 1. Unknown, 65. I., 1; 64 I., 3; 81 I., 4; 85 I., 25; 102 I., 1; 136 I., 1; 141 I., 1; Total, 118. 147 I., 2; "T 9 1. 154 C, 1; T IC.,; 1. 6o;C;2.1-2I.1; 19I.,8; 30I.,1; 75I.,5; 76 I.,1; 97 I.,1l; 111 5 Mass. C, 4. 9 Mich., C, 1. 93 Pa., 1; 1 Pa. R., 1; 17 Wis., 1. 20 l., 31; 124 I., 1; 128I., 1; 138 I,4; 160 I, 2; 186 I., 1; 195I., 1. 3 U. S., 1. Unknown, 11. Total, 96. A., 7; 9 A., 13; 10 A., 1. 1 B., 2. 10 C., 1; 24 C., l. Unknown, 4. 0~oTTO-37 I., 2; 47 I., 1; 64 I., 14; 72 I., 1;'85 I., 1; 90 I., 1; 154 Total, 87. I, 9; 169 I., 1; 184 I., 1; 188 I., 1. 13 A., 1; 14 A., 1. 9 C., 7. 2 M. NiLEs.-19 I., 2; 63 I., 1; 75 I., 8; 1111., 1; 138 I., 4; 160 I, 1; 193 R.,1. 20Ohio C.,I. Unknown, 3. Total, 46. I., l. 3 A., 12; 9 A., 6; 16 A., 3. 1 B., 5. 22 C., 2; 24 0., 2. PERRYSBURG. —44 I., 6; 64 I., 8; 72 I., 4; 81 I., 1; 90 I., 1; 112 I., 1; Total, 48. 154 I., 11. 13 A., 2. 9 0., 2; 10 0., 2; 16 C.,!1. 2 M. R., 1. 10 OWASCO.-19 I., 4; 75 I., 9; 111 I., 3; 138 I., 9; 147 I., 1; 185 I., 1. Iowa, 1. Ill Pa., 1. 8 U. S. I., l. Unknown, l. Total, 44. 3 A., 4; 9 A., 5; 16 A., 1. 1 M. R., 2. Unknown, 1. Total, 40. PERSIA. —64 I., 5; 72 I., 3; 90 I., 1; 97 I., 1; 100 I., 1; 1541., 7. Scoip.o-14., 1; 19 I. 7; 38 I., 1; 39 I., 1; 49 I., 1; 75 I., 17; 111 18 Iowa, 1. 103 Ohio, 1. Total, 20. I., 9; 138 I., 5; 157 I., 1. 3 A., 10; 9 A., 22; 10 A., 1; 16 A., 1. 1lB., POaTVILLE.-15 I., 2; 27 I., 1; 811., 7; 85 I., 30; 109 I., 1; 154 I., 2. 3. 10 0., 1; 22 C., 2. Navy, 1. Unknown, 9. Total, 93. 1 A., 2. 14 A., 1. 5 0., 1. 1 Pa. R., l. Navy, 3. Unknown, 39. SE~raoxIus.-15 I., 5; 19 I., 2; 32 I., 1; 50 I., 2; 75 I., 16; 76 I., 1; Total, 90. 111 I, 2; 134 I, 1; 138 I, 2; 157 I., 2; 160 I., 3; 197 I., 1. 3 A, 4; 9 RANDOLPI. —1 I., 1; 35 I., 1; 37 I., 3; 39 I., 1; 49 I., 1; 64 I., 21; A., 5; 16 A., 2. Total, 49. 72 I., 1; I02 I., 1; 112 I., 4; 154 I., 16; 164 I., 1; 169 I., 1; 188 I., 1; SE~NNETT.-12 I., 1; 19 I., 7; 63 I., 1; 65 I., 1; 67 I., 1; 75 I., 10; 86 194 I., 2. 13 A., 12; 14 A. 2. 9C., 15. 34 I11., 1. 7 Mich.,1l. Un- I.,l; 93 I., 2; 97 I., 2; 111 I., 9; 131 I., 1; 138 I., 1; 174 I., 1; 185 I., known, 8. Total, 94. 2; 193 I., 2; 195I., 1. 3 A., 13; 9 A., 5; 10 A., 1; 16A., 2. 5 Mich., SALAMANCA.-27 I., 2; 28 I., 1; 37 I., 4; 49 I., 1; 64 I., 4; 65 I., 1; 1. 4 Wis., 1.? Wis., l. Navy, l. Unknown, 5. Total, 73. 711., 1; 73 I., 1; 85 I., 3; 94 I., 1; 105 I., 2; 112 I., 1; 144 I., 1; 147 SpRiNGPoRT.-13 I., 1; 19 I., 10; 21li., 1; 26 I., 1; 33 I., 1; 56I., 1; I, 1; 1541.,11; 160 I, 1; 164 I, 1; 171 I., 1; 187 I., 1; 188 I., 2. 75 I, 3; 109 I, 2; 111I, 16; 119 I, 1; 137 I, 1 138 I, 1; 157 I., 1; 1 A., 1; 8 A., 1; 13 A., 14; 16 A., 1. 9C0., 2. 2 M. R., 2. 12 Ind. 160 I., 2; 174 I., 1. 3 A, 26; 9 A., 16; 16 A., 4. 110C, 1. 8 Colored, ]3, 1. 1 Mich., 1. 6 Pa., 1; 1 Pa. 0., 1. Navy, l. Unknown, 6. l. Navy, 12. Unknown, 6.'Total, 109. Tota1^ 73- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~STERLING.-14 I., 2; 19 I., 1; 31 I., 1; 65 I., 1; 75 I., 9; 81 I., 7; SOUTH YALLEY.-64 I., 4; 100 I., 2; 112I, 5; 154 I., 4; 179 I., 1; 93 I., 8; 95 I., 1; 97 I., 4; 110 I., 29; 111, I., 42; 122 I., 2; 138 I, 2; 188 I., 3. 1 A, 2; 13 A., 1. 9 C., 10. Unknown, 3. Total, 34. 147 I, 4; 152 I., 1; 160., I., 2; 184 I., 10. 1 A., 7; 3 A., 19; 9 A., 18; Y-o~RsHIRE-19 I., 1; 21 I., 2; 44 I., 7; 50 I., 2; 64 I., 1; 71 I., 2; 16 A., 22. 1lB.,l1; 12 B., 1. 10 C., 1; 22 C., 1. 1I111. A.,1l. 2 Ne APPENDIX. 613 braska C. 1. 3 Ohio 0., 1. 2 Pa., 1. 1 U. S. 0., 1. 2 U. S. A., 1. C., 2. 9 Minn., 1; 83 Pa., 1; 88 Pa., 1; 111 Pa., 3; 145 Pa., 1. Navy, Navy, 2. Unknown, 18. Total, 222. 1. Unknown 1. Total, 41. SUMMER HItLL. —19 1., 2; 33 1., 1; 44 1., 1; 75 I., 14; 76 I., 1; 111I.; POLAND.-27 T., 1; 37 I., 2; 49 I., 7; 64 I., 3; 69 I., 1; 76 T., 1; 79 10; 137 I., 1; 157 I., 5; 160 I., 5; 185 I., 1. 3 A, 5; 9 A., 1. 6 Mass. I., 1; 85 I., 1; 1121., 15; 120 T., 2; 154 I., 1; 187 I., 1. 14 A., 3; 5 C., 1. 2. Nebraska. Unknown,. Total, 50. 1; 9 C., 20. 49 Mich., 1. 181 Ohio, 1. 12 Pa. C., 2. Navy I. Un5 5 ~~~~~~~~known, 6. Total, 71. THaROOP.-19 I., 5; 61 I., 1; 70 I., 1; 75 I., 12; 86 I., 1; 111 I., 3; knn 6 Total 71. 138 I., 6. 1 A., 1; 3 A., 7; 5 A., 1; 9 A., 4: 10 A., 1; 16 A., 2. 8 C., POAIFRET.-3 I., 1; 14 I., 1; 21I., 1; 44 I., 1; 49 I., 11; 72 I., 10; 97 I., 2;? C.,. 1 Missouri 1. 12 U. S. I., I. Unknown, 11. Total, 61. 1; 100 I., 1; 112 I., 58; 116 I., 1. 31 B., 1; 3 C., 1; 9 C., 14; 12 C., 1; VExi -19 I.,T 7; 46 T., 1; 75 I., 14; 85 I., 1; 97 I. 1; 109 I. 1; 22 C., 3;? C., 1.? Conn., 1. 12 I1., 1;? Ill. B., 1; 21 Iowa, 1; 6 Kan. ~Eb-lr~CE. —19 I., 7; 46U I., J,1; 75 I., 14;, 00 I., 1; 97 I.-, 1;- 109u J., 1;,i T cf' " "n <^' 29 Wis 1-? Wis 1 Unknown 6 Total 56 69L.,2; 7 7., 1; 3 i., 4; 91., 10; 92., 4; 95., 1; 962., 29; 9i., 3; " Yvi&, 1,. ~v^., i. ^mviio~n, o. o. 117I., 1; 18 I.,40; 1 I., 2; 153 I,6; 1921., 7; 1931., 2 9., 1; PLYMOUTH. —17 I., 1; 35 I., 1; 44I., 2; 89 I., 2; 114I., 21; 144I.,1; \'.OA 9.A 1' i'o r ^p ^ 4 ^ P'Q5 147I., 1; 157 I, 2. 4A.,2; 5A.,2; 7A.,4;?A.,1. 7 B. 1. 10GC.,: l. Ol O 1; 15 C., 1; 22 C., 9. 7 U. S., 1. Unknown, 2. Total, 55. 0.,1; 2 Vt../7; 2 Vet.,. 13Oonn. 1. Iblans, L I Mine, 1 PRESTON. -34 I., 1; 44 I., 1; 76 I., 1; 89 I., 1; 90 I., 2; 101 I., l;?Mass.1. 2N. 11, 1; 5 N. II, 1.. 28 0.C, 1. 5Vt., 1; 7 Vt., 1; 114 I., 10; 117 I., 2; 161 I, 1. 4 A., 1; 8 C., 1; 10 C., 1; 22 C.,2. 8Vt., 1; 9Vt., 1. 10Vt. 1. 14 U.S., 3; 17 U.S., 4; 28U. S., 1; Total, 25. 2U. S. Art., 1; 4 U. S. A., 1; 30 U. S. A., 1;?U. S., 3. Navy, 2. SYIERBURNE. —2 I., 1; 14 I., 1; 16 I., 2; 17 I., 4; 19 I., 1; 21 I., 1; 26 Unknown, 30. Total, 280. I., 3; 41I., 1; 44 I., 1; 46 I., 1; 47 I., 1; 56 I., 1; 61 I., 12; 62 I., l; S5 I., 16I.,28; 22 I.,1; 44I., 1; 71I., 1; 76 I., 4; 85 I., 1; 89 I., 2; 100 T., 1; 109 I. 1; 114 I., 25; 121 56T. 1; 60I.3; 61I.,1; 63I. 1; 6T.,1; 69I.,2; 77I.,1; 911.,45; I., 1; 131 I., 1; 141 I., 1; 1441., 1; 157 I, 5; 164 I., 1; 176 I., 3; 189 93 I., 1; 95 I., 1; 96 I.,3; 9:8 I., 1; 114i I., 1; 118 I., 40; 122 [:., 1; APPENDIx. 615 176I.,1; 192 I., 3. 1 A.,4; 2 A., 1; 7 A., 1; 16 A., 1. 1 C., 1; 2C., 4; 114 I., 1; 121 I.,1; 122 I., 1; 139 I., 1; 144 I., 1; 157 I., 44; 185 I., 10 C.,1; 16C.,32; 26C.,3;?0C.,3; 2Vet. C.,4. 34 Mass., 1; 59 Mass., 1. 27. 2 A., 1; 3 A., 4; 9 A., 6. 16 B., 1. 1 C., 1; 2 C., 1; 5 C., 1; 8 9 Vt., 1; 11 Vt., 1. 7 U.S.,4; 12 U. S., 1; 5 Ui S. A., 1. Unknown, 16. C., 1; 10 C., 10; 15 C., 1; 22C.,1; 24 C., 1;?C., 1. 26 Conn., 1. 135 Total, 235. Ind., 1. 2 Miich., 1. 11 U.S., 1; 14 U. SS., 1. 2 U.S. C., I. Unknown, 5 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~12. Total, 170. SCHUYLER'S FALLS. —1I., 1; 15 I., 30; 16 I., 10; 22 I., 1; 44 I., 1; 2 To 170. 54 I., 1; 60 I., 2; 62 I., 1; 65 I., 1; 69 I., 2; 91 I., 14; 96 I., 10; 104 I., 1; CuYLER. —9 I., 2; 23 I., 5; 28 I., 1; 44 I., 1; 50 I., 3; 61 I., 4; 76 I., 117 I., 1; 118 I., 15; 123 I., 1; 142 I., 1; 153 I., 2; 192 I., 2. 1 A., 2; 6; 114 I., 1; 149 I., 2; 157 I., 7; 185 T., 5. 9 A., 1. 3 C., 3; 10 C., 4;?A., 1. 2 C., 2; 5 C., 2; 26 C., 2; 2 Vet. C., 1;?Vet. C. 1. 5 Mass., 1; 11 C., 1; 24 C., 1. 7 Pa. C., 1. Unknown, 5. Total, 53. 59 Mass., 1; 2 Mass.., 1 1Pa A. 1. 9 t., 1. 18is.,. 3U. FREETOWN.-12 I., 1; 39 I., 1; 75 I., 1; 76 I., 9; 157 I., 7; 185 I., 11. S. Art., 1. Navy, 1. Unknown, 5. Total, 121. 1 A., 1; 16 A., 1. 10 C., 10. 1 Vet. C., 1. 16 Conn., 1;? Conn., 1. Unknown, 1. Total, 46. COLUMBIA COUNTY. IIARFORD.-5 I., 1; 12 I., 1; 15 I., 3; 32 I., 2; 50 I., 1; 76 I., 11; 109 ANCEAM.-14 I., 3; 91 I., 6; 96 I., I; 125 I., 1; 128 I., 5; 150 I., 3; I., 2; 111 I., 2; 137 I., 1; 148 I., 1; 157 I., 19; 159 I., 1; 185 I., 1. 9 170 I., 1. 9 A., 1; 14 A., 6. 1 C., 1. 28 Conn., 1. Unknown, I. Tlotal, 30. A., 4. 15 C., 4. Unknown, 5. Total, 59. AUSTERLiTz.-7 I., 1; 12 I., 1; 29 I., 1; 911., 1; 128 I., 5. 1 A., 1;-, HOraER. — 6 I., 1; 12 I., 6; 14 I., 1; 50 I., 6; 54 I., 1; 75 I., 1; 76 I., 14A.,1. 6C.,1; 12 C., 4; 18C.,1. 1U.S.S.S.,2; 26U. S., col'd, 2. 20; 107I., I; 137 I., 2; 149 I., 4; 157 I., 45; 185 I., 31; 189 I.,1. 2 Navy, 1. Unknown, 6. Total, 28. A., 1; 9 A., 1; 12 A., 2; 16 A., 8.? B., 1. I C., 1; 10 C.,3; 12 C., 1; A AAhN. —l 1.3, 7J 91., 2; 42 T.,; 43 I., 1; 49., I1; 164 I., 1; 73 I., 1 15 C., 1; 20 C., 1. I al, 1. 2 Cal.., 1. 6 Iowa C., 1. 28 Wis., 1., l ~~~~~~~~~~~88 U. S., C., 1. Na-vy, 3. Unknown, 8. Total, 156. 91 I., 16; 108 I., 1; 120 I., 1; 128 I., 12; 1421., 1; 159 I., 4. 4 A., 1; 88 U. S.,, 1. Nay, 3. Unknown, 8. Total, 15. 9 A., 1. 20 B., 11; 21 B., 4; 28 B., 1. 5 Conn., 2. 27 Mass., 1; LArPEER.-15 I., 14; 50 I., 5; 109 T., 1; 122 I., 1; 137 I., 2; 157 I., 4; 37 Mass., 1. 1 Mich.,.?N. H.,1. 14 Ohio, 1. 11 U. S., 1. Un- 185 T., 4. 5 A., 1; 9 A., 1. 15 C., 1. Total, 34. known, 22. Total, 97. MIARATnox.-12 I., 3; 23 I., 1; 26 I., 1; 44 I., 1; 50 I., 1; 76 I., 4; 89 CHATHAM.-3 I., 1; 11 I., 1; 12 I., 1; 15 I., 4; 18 I., 3; 30 I., 1; I., 2; 157 I., 15; 185 I., 21. 5 A., 1. 16 B., 1. I C., 1; 10 C., 1; 11 44 I., 5; 57 T., 1; 61 T., 1; 77 I., 2; 83 I., 1; 91I., 9; 93 I., 1; 96 I., 1; C., 3; 24 C., 1. 46 Pa, I. Total, 58. 99 I., 2; 118 I., 2; 125 I., 1; 128 I., 21; 159 I., 3; 165 I., 2; 169 I., 2; PREBLE-12 I, 4, 23 1., 1; 76 I., 5; 94 I., 1; 111., 1; 149 I, 1; 157 192 I., 1. 4 A., 1; 5 A., 2; 15 A., 2; 16 A., 5;?A., 2. 2 C., 1; 5 C.,2; I.,1; 185I, 4. 16 A., 1. 10 C., 2. 47 Pa., 1. 46 Wis., 1. Navy, 6 C.,3; 210C.,3;?0C.,1. IN.Y.S.S.,5; 8N.Y. S. S.,2. 1M.R., 10. 1. Unknown, 2. Total, 38. 15 Conn., 1;? Conn., 1. 55 Ill., 1. 5 Mass., 1; 31 Mass., 1; 37 Mass., 1. SCOTT. —12 I., 4; 76 I., 2; 125 I., 1; 157 I, 24; 160 I., 1; 161 T., 1;?Minn.,l1. 26U.S.,1;?S.S.,2. Navy, 4. Unknown, 21. Total, 140. 185I.,5. 3.,; 10.,1; 1 A.,10. 2 C.,1; 10 C.,1. 1Vet.C. CLAVERACK.-14 I., 3; 30 I., 1; 48 I., 1; 71 I., 1; 83 I., 1; 91 I., 7; 2.? Vt., 1. Unknown, 3. Total, 59. 96 I., 1; Ill T., 1; 128 I., 18; 150 I., 1; 157 VI., 1; 159. 15; 192 I., 1. SoLoN. —23 I., 1; 60 I., 1; 76 I., 3; 100 I., 1; 157 I., 20; 185 I., 14. 5 A., 1. 20 B., 1. 4 C., 1; 5 C., 1; 6 C., 3; 12 C., 1. 7 Conn., 1; 10 10 C., 6; 15 C., 1. Total, 47. Conn., 1; 28 Conn., 1. 37 Mass., 1. 3 N. 11., 1. 14 U. S. 1. 1 N. Y. TALOR.- 7 I., 16; 81 T., 1; 89., 2; 157 I., 13; 160 I., 1; 185 I., 9; S. S.,^ 1. Navy, 3 Unknown Total,71193I., 1. 2A., 1; 12 A.,L1. 1 C., 1; 10 C., 10; 15 C, 1. 81 Ohio, 1. CLEnroNT-.Unknown, 2. Unknown, 5. Total, 63. COPAKE.-16 I., 1; 44 I., 1; 911., 13; 104 I., 1; 128 I., 17; 129 I., 1; TRUXTO-. —3 I., 1; 16 I., 2; 22 T., 1; 23 I., 4; 25 I., 1; 33 I., 1; 44 I., 154 I., 1; 157 I., 1; 159 I., 7.? A., 1. 12 C., 1; 21 C., 2. 7 Conn., 1. 1; 76 I., 8; 122 I., 1; 157 I., 1.5; 185 I., 9; 188 I., 1. 6 C., 1; 10 C., 2; 44 Mass., 1. 43 Wis., 1. Navy, 1. Unknown, 4. Total, 55. 22 C., 2. 14 U.S., 1. Navy, 1. Unknown, 2. Total, 54. GALLATIN —15 I., 1; 20 I., 1; 91 I., 7; 113 I., 1; 128 I., 4; 147 I., 3; ViRGIL.-15 I., 2; 32 I., 2; 50 I., 2; 76 I., 8; 94 1., 1; 109 I., 3; 137 159 I.,8.? A.,1. 5C.,1; 12C., 1. 24 Iowa, 1. Navy, 1. Unknown, I.1; 140 I.,2; 157 I.,13; 185 I., 12; 193 I.,1. 9A.,2; 16 A., 1. 15 1. Total, 31. C., 2; 24C., 1. 5 Pa. Res., 1; 16 U. S., 2. Unknown, 9. Total, 66. Gr,,RMAfANT0WN, -1 I., 2; 52 I., 1; 65 I., 1; 125 I., 2; 128 I., 9. Navy, WmILLETT.-44 I., 1; 50 I., 11; 76 I., 2; 79 I., 1; 89 I., 4; 109 I., 2; 2. Unknown, 7. Total, 24. 157 I., 8; 185 I., 2. 10 C., 1. 2 Cal. C., 1. 16 Ind., 1. Unknown, 4. GEnT. —7 I., 1; 10 I., 2; 14 I., 4; 20 I., 1; 66 I., 1; 91 I., 2; 128 I., Total, 38. 1.8; 159 I., 40.? A., I. 1 C., 2; 2 C., 4; 6 C., 4; 7 C., 3. 37 Mass., 1i. Navy, 4. Unknown, 7. Total, 95. DELAWARE COUNTY. GREENPORT. -44 I. 1; 91 T., 1; 128 I., 4; 138 I. 1., 148 I., 4; 159 I., ADES-3 I., 2; 6, 2; I., 1; 89, 1; 101 I.,; 120., 1; 121 1. 7 A., 1. Unknown, 4. Total, 17. ~~~ANEs. —3 I., 2; 56 I., 2; 72 I., 1; 89 I., 1; 101 I., 4; 120 T., 1; 121. 7 A., 1. Unknow~n, 4.~ Tota~l, 17.., 1; 143 I., 1; 144 I., 73. 3 A., 1. 8 B., 19; 16 B, 1. 3 C., 6; 21 HILLSDALE.-30 T., 1; 411., 1; 44 I., 1; 91 I., 3; 128 I., 4; 159 I., 1. C. 1. 2 Ill. A., 1; 22 N. J., 1; 1 U. S. Colored, 1; 9 M., 1. Unknown, 5 C., 1; 6 C., 1; 12 C., 1. 34 Mass., 1. 7 N. J., 1. 9 S. S., 1. Un- 8. Total, 126. known, 15. Total, 32. BovINA.-15 I., 1; 20 T., 1; 144 I., 34.. 8 B., 5. 3 C., 4.? Pa. B., HUDSON CITY. —2 I., 1; 5 I., 1; 14 I., 24; 15 I., 12; 20 I., 1; 43 I., 2; 1. Navy, 1. Unknown, 3. Total, 50. 48 I., 2; 77 I., 1; 80 I., 1; 911 I., 10; 93 I., 2; 95 I., 1; 99 I., 2; 126 I., COLCISTFR.-2 I., 1 15 I., 10 54 I. 1; 56 I., 6 65 T., 2; 68 T., 1 1; 128 IY 36; 146 IJ, 1; 150 T., 2; 15 I., 1; 159., 50; 165 I.,; 71 21; 72 I., 1; 97 I., 6; 101 I., 6; 107 I, 1; 120 I., 1; 140 I., 1; 14 i.; 1. I A., 3; 14 A., 1; 16 A., 1, A., 2. 7 BI., T 1 144 T., 89I5.,5; 165 I A.,;2 A. 3ft A. 109 8 B 2 8 I C.) 2; 2 C.5 2; 5 C., 1; 6 C., 3 1 C. II; 2C. 4C, 6C,3 22C.,2; 2., 1 C.,; 710 Yet. es.., 1.? Wis., 1; 20 U. S. Colored, 1. 11 onn., 1; 14 Conn., 1. 25 Mass., l; 54 Mass., 5; 2 Mass.., 1; 121 avy, 1. Unknown 19. Total, 203 Mi., 1.? Ohio, 1.? U. S. S. S., 1. 93 et., 1. M. R, 1. 20 U.'.,...,, S. Colored, 1; 26 T-. S. Colored, 4. 14 M., 1. Navy, 10. Unknown, 32. DnV"NroT. —1 i. 1';151.,'!16!1: 43 I'.,,.,., ~ Total) 249. iC., 1; 89CT.,23; 5.5 I.,; 1 I41.,11; 10 C.,1; 11C., 1; 2 1.,27 KzINDEHOOK.- I., 1; 2 I., 1; 6 I., 3; 7 I., 1; 9 I., 1; 14 I., 2; 16 CI.,; 14I. s. C.,. B., 2 1 C. 1 3 C.e, 13. 2; 26 I., 1; 30 I., 16; 36 I.~ 1; 37 I., 1; 44 I.~ 1; 49 I1, 1; 60 I, 1; 68Unknown 5 Total,. I 1; 26 I., 1; 30 I., 16; 93 I., 1; 128 I., 23; 1 I., 1; 150 I, 1;601 3 159 I 8 D)EL I " * 3 I., 2; 5 I., 1; 15 I., 2; 46 I., 2; 5C I., 1, 69 I., 1; 72 I., 7; 7; 169 I, 1; 916 I., 7; 793 I., 1. 1 A, 1; 13 I., 1; 16 I, 16. 215 I., 9 I., 1; 80 I., 1; 89 I., 13; 101 I. 2; 144 I., 25. 2 A., 1; 14 A., 1. 8 10. 2.,2; 6., 1; 2.,3. 1 Conn., 1; 2 Conn.,. 65 1 1A., 1. 8 10 3 C., 5; 4., 1; 26 C., 1 6 Pa.,1. Ny, 2. Unknown, 11. Mass., 1. N.H., 1. 11N.J.,1. 19 VP., 1 Va.,. 2 et., 1. 2otal, 91. 9 M.r, l. Navy, 6. Unknown, 16. Total, 174. FRANKLIN-5 I., 1; 15 I., 2; 37 I., 1; 44 I., 1; 51 I., 1; 69 I., 1; 71 LivirjGsio N-14l$ T., 1; 20 I., 1 I 33 ~ I., 1; 91 T., 1; 12 I., 4; 159 I., I, 2, 89 I 2; 90 I 5; 95I..1;101 I, 5 142 I 1; 144 I 61; 157 I 10. 5 C., 1; 60., 1. 1 Conn. 0., 1. 134 111., 2. Navy, 2. Unknown, 1~ 2 A., 2. HB 3. 30C.2; 20 C. 1_ 22 O.,l; 25 0. 1;?0C., 1; 10 6 Total 31 Res. 0., 1. 1 Vet., 1. 13 Pa., 3; 19 Pa., 1; 20 Pa., 1. 9 Pa. 0., 1.' NEW LEBAbOXu'.7-12 I., 1; 44 I., 2; 59 I, I; 911., 5; 94 I., 1; 102 I.,;21iS- Unk.nown) T, 2; 11.27 1; 128 I., 5; 188 I., 1. 5 0=., 1; 12 0., 1; 18 0 5.,.1. HAMDF.^-T he fllowing enlistments were reporte1 viz: A11Clany, 2 Mass., 1; 21 M~ass., 1; 1 Mass. 0., 1; 2 M\ass. 0., 1. 1 U. S. S. S., 5. 1; Delh1' 33; E~lmla, 3; N~ewbur~h, 3 New York city, 1, N\orwvich, 29; 1 N. Y. S. S., 1. 1 Yet. Res., 1. Navy, 4. Unknowvtn, 3. Total, 41. Os~wego, l; Saratoga, 1; Staten Island, 4; Trenton, 1; W~7ashington, 3; i1 risconsin, 1. Unkno.n, 7. ~otal 87. STOCKrPOoT. —1 I., 1; 3., 4; 14 I., 2; 44 I., 1; 54 I., 1; 59 I.,; 12 I., 11; 156 I., I; I., 1 9 A., 1; 16 A., 2 6 Nav 2 n- ACOC.-,1; 424., 1; 49 I., 1; 46 1., 1; 53"., known,23 Totil 52 1; 569., 1; 9 I., 37; 89 I., 1; 90 I., 1; 97 1., 1; 99 1., 1; 101. 0., 7; 112 I., 1; 1453 I., 4; 4. 2., 2 4; 5A., 1. 29., 1; 8 B., STUYV7SNT-5 I.,., T.,1 7 I 1.1. 31 4 C'.40 I., 1; 4 IA.,1; 67 1.,58 111 2; 3 Pa 1; 37 Pa 95 1., 1; llo T., 1; 125 1., 1, 125 1., 6; 144 1., 1; 156 17, 1; 159 1.,;. 1 1. 89 PA., *a p 1.; P. 1 7 p1.2; 145 PA., 157 PA., 1. B., 1; 5 A3., 1; C A., 1; lb A.,;1. 6A., 1. 20avy, 2. 1Unknown, 8 Totl 119. 21 C.,1; 26C.,4. 24nd,l.. 1Conn. 1;028 C., 1. 6 5 I 0l., 1. 8 Ba1ss.,1. 1 M..,1 1 5 1.9M l Nivv 3 UnJnown 9 otal 68. HARPEr L) I.,6;51., 2; 7I.,; 91. I., 1. 91 t., 4; 95 I., 9lM., 1. Navy, 6. U n known, 1 6. T o t a, 6174 Fm~Kmn-. I., 1; 14 I., 3; 7 I., 1; 140 I., 1; 144 I., 15. 4 A., 3. 3 0, 1; 25 0, 1. UnTAGKANsICK. —14 I.,1; 2;9 I.,17; 128 I.,17; lo9 I.,1; 138I,; 115I., 41. A., 5. 6 0., 1. Navy, 1. Unknown, 2. Total, 39. -' ~ - ~.. or ioTom I.oT8IGT.,- 15 I., 5; 51 I., 1; 69 1I., 4; 42 I., 1; 75 I., 1; 89 I., 3; 91 10PTT AN-D POUKY. 5.1; 114 C.,; 121 o. 1; 144 Ill 3., 8 av 5, 13 Unn 1w 25 OORTLAND 1OUNTY. 0., 2; 0., 1; 1 et. C., 1. Unknown, 4. Total, 68. OINODWNATrS.-128 I., 1; 15 I., 1; 67 I., 2; 70 I., 1; 76 I., 4; 86, I., l; MC~ASONVILLE. - 8 IC., 1; 15 T., 4l; 20 I., 1; 42 1., 4; 44 I., 5; 611I., 11; 89 I., 2; 114 I., 1; 157 I., 12; 176 I., 3; 185 I., 3; 193 I., 1. 5 A,1. 72 I., 1; 89 I., 4; 90 I., 5; 91 I., 1; 94 I., 1; 195 I., 1; 101 I., 4; 114 I., 10 L0 a, O. 1 I, 4; 1 P. 0, 1 U S1;5 0, 1; 91 M.., 55; 1461,1. A., 2; 5 A,12; Total, 43. 13 A., 2; 16 A., 3. 3 I., 1. 1 C., 2; 2 0., 1; 3 0., 1; 8 0., 1; 20 C., 1; OORTLAN2DVILLE-I I., 1; 12 I., 4; 15 I., 1; 18 I., 1; 23 I., 12; 30 I., l Yet. 0., 3.? Ohio B., 1; 104 Pa., 1; 176 Pa, 1; 177 Pa., 1; 71 I., 3; 72 I., 1; 76., 18; 98 I., 1; 104., 1; 109 I., 1; 1l. Unknown, 1. Total, 150. 616 APPENDIX. MEEREDITH. —3 I., 1; 15 I., 9; 43 T., 1; 72 I., 2; 89 I., 4; 90 1., 1; 95 I., 3; 124 I., 1; 128 I., 63; 130 I., 1; 132 I., 1; 135 I., 1; 137 I., 1; 141 I., 3; 101 I., 2; 144 I., 44; 152 I., 1; 156 I., 1; 162 I., 1; 172 I., 1. 8 I., 1; 142 I.,1; 143I., 1; 148 I.,1; 150 I., 164; 156 I.,5; 158 I.,1; B., 8. 3 C., 1; 18 0.,2. 30 Wis., I. Unknown, 3. Total, 86. 159 I., 7; 165 I., 1; 168 I., 1; 169 I., 1; 185 I., 1; 187 I., 1; 192 I., 7. MIDDLETOWN.-15 I., 5; 17 I., 1; 20 T., 1; 39, 1; 40 I., 1; 46 I, A2; 2 3.,1, 1; 5 A.,2; 6 A, 3; 7 A.,6; 8A.,2; 9A.,1; 51I.,1; 561I.,5; 57I.,2; 58 I., 1; 71I.,3; 80 I., 1; 891., 1; 90I.,2;10A.,1; 11 A., 2; 14 A, 3; 16A., 40;? A.,1. 1 B, 1; 4 B., 1; 7 B, 2; 1001,1; 101I.,5; 102,1; 127, 1; 137,1; 144178; 150 13 B, 1; 28 B., 1; 29 B.1; 230., 1; 35 1. I C., 2; 2 C., 6; 3 C., 9; 1LA., 1. 8 B., 4. 10C.,1; 3C.,20; 120C.,1; 183C.,1; 20 C.,1; 25 C., 4 C.,2; 50C.,4; 60 C.,3; 80C.,1; 9 C., 3; 11 C., 1; 12 C., 1; 15 C., 1; 1. 20 M., 1. 1 Invalid Corps, 1. 45 Pa., 1; 68 Pa., 1. Unknown, 9. 16 C., 1; 17 C., 1; 18 C., 2; 19 C., 1; 20 C., 17; 21 C., 20; 22 C., 2; 24 Total, 157. C., 2; 26 C., 1;? C., 3. 5 Vet., 1. 6 Vet. Res. 1. 1 Conn., 2; 9 ROXR 8 56 1 69T., 172I., 179I.,T 292T,1 1 C100 onn., 1; 22 Conn., 1; 29 Conn., 1. 19 Ill., 1; 59 Ill., 1. 1 Mass., 1; RoXBURY. —28 I., 1; 56 I., 1; 69 I., 1; 72 I., 1; 79 i., 2; 92 I., 1; 100 Ma I- 94 iQQ 1; 97 Mi^ 1; ^ Mnqq 1; 51 Miqq I I MHQQ 13 T Tass., 1; 24 Mass., 1; 27 Mass., 1; 33 Mass., 1; 51 Mass., 1. i Mass. I., 1; 134 I.,2; 141 I., 19. 1 A., 1; 2 A., 1; 4 A., 5; 6 A., 1; 15 A., 4. Unknown, 18., 59. 1; 2 Mass. C., 1. 5 Maine 1. 2 N. J., 1; 7 N. J., 1; 30 N. J., 1; ~Unl~known, ~. Total~, ~59. 32 N. J., 1. 2 N. J. C., 1. 11 N. H., 1. 103 Ohio, 1. 2 Ohio C., 1. SIDNEY —2 I., 1; 3 I., 1; 15 I., 1; 36 I., 1; 46 I., 3; 48 I., 1; 491., 1; 90 Pa., 1. 150 Pa. C., 1. 11 R. I. A., 1. 1 Va., I. 1 Wis., 1. 1 U. 69 I., 1; 86 I., 1; 89 I., 2; 90 I., 2; 95 I., 1; 101I., 3; 127 I., I; 144I., S., 1; 3 U. S., 1;? U. S, 3. 4 U. S.A, 1.? U.S.,2. 1 U. S. 36; 152 I., 1. 1 A., 2; 13 A., 2; 16 A., 1. 8 B., 1; 27 B., 2. 1 C., 1; Colored, 1; 20 U. S. Colored, 1; 26 U. S. Colored, 3; 31U. S. Colored, 2; 4 C., 1; 8 C., 1; 22 C., 4. 1 Wis., 1; 6 Wis., 1. Unknown, 3. Total, 77. g U.S. Colored, 1. 2 U. S. Colored C., 1. 1 M. R., 1. 7 M., 1; 9 STAMFORD.-3 I., 1; 51 I., 1; 70 I., 1; 72 I., 1; 120 I., 1; 144 I., 23. M., 1; 20 M., 1. Navy, 59. Unknown, 58. Total, 754. 8 A., 1. 3 C., 1, 17 Yet., 1. Unknown, 3. Total, 34. RED HOO. —5 I., 1; 7 I., 1; 15 I., 1; 20 I., 4; 32 I.,\3; 48 I., 1; 56 ToMPKINS.-3 I., 1; 14 I. 2; 15 I., 15; 20 I., 1; 27 I., 17; 40I., 1; 51I, 1; 61 I, 1; 65 I., 1; 91I., 10; 115 I., 2; 128 I., 9; 150 I., 18. 1A., I., 2; 58 I., 1; 64 I., 1; 70 T., 2; 71 I., 1; 74 I., 1; 76 I., 2; 85 I., 1; 89 2; 4 A., 2; 5 A., 1; 6 A., 1. 2 C., 1; 3 C., 1; 4 C., 1. 7 N. J., 6; I., 9; 90 I., 1; 95 I., 1; 100 I., 1, 101 I., 11; 109 I., 5; 114 I., 3; 117 I., N. J., 1. Navy, 3. Unknown, 7. Total, 79. 1; 118 I., 1; 134 I., 1; 143 I., 1; 144 I., 102; 146 I., 3; 157 I, 3; 177 I., RmINEBECK.-3 I., 1; 5 I., 1; 14 T., 1; 15 I., 2; 20 I., 3; 28 I., 1; 32 1; 179 I., 4. 1 A., 2; 2 A., 6; 5 A., 1; 13 A., 10; 16 A., 1. 1 C., 5; 3 I.,1; 44 I., 4; 69, 1; 80 I., 1; 90 I.,,1; 95 I., 1; 96 I., 1; 120 I., 1; C0, 6; 6 C., 1; 8 C., 1;? C., 1; 1 Vet. C., 5; 2 Vet. 0C., 1. 17 Vet., 1.28I.,23; 133 1., 1; 150 I, 34; 186 I, 1. 1 A., 4; 5A,1; 6 A., 1; 1 Cal., 1; 12 Conn., 1; 2 D. C., 1; 15 Mich., 1; 3 Pa., 1; 45 Pa., 2; 56 16A.,3;?A.,3. 21 B.,1. 1 C.,1; 2C., 4; 20C.,5; 21 C.,1;? C.,1. Pa., 1; 6 Pa. Res., 1; 19 Pa. Res., 1;? R. I. A., 1; 31 Wis., I. 3U. S., 28 Mass., 1.? Miss., 1; 1 N. J., 1; 7 N. J., 1. 19 M., 1; 20 M., 5. 1; 11 U. S. 1; 26 U.S. Colored, 1. Maine A., 1. Navy, 1. Unknown, 22. Navy, 1. Unknown, 9. Total, 124. Total, 276. STANFORD. —17 I., 1; 20 I., 1; 30 I., 1; 47 I., 8; 61 I., 1; 91 I., I; 128 WALTON.-15 I., 1; 28 I., 1; 44 I., 1; 51I., 1; 54 I., 1; 71I., 1; 79 I., 15; 150 I., 29. 16 A., 1. 5 C., 2; 12 C., 2; 18 C., 1; 20 C., 1. 29 1. 1; 89 I., 3; 94 I., 1; 101 I., 3; 114 I., 1; 121I., 1; 144 I., 71; 146 I., Conn., 2. 2 Md., 1.? R.I. A., 1.?Vt., 1. Unknown, 11. Total, 80. 2. 1 A., 1; 2 A., 1. 2 B., 1; 7 B., 1; 8 B., 3. 3 C., 5; 22 C., 3; 25 C., UNION VLE.-20 2; 30., 1; 48 I, 2; 78 I., 1; 98 I, 4; 128 I, 10; 1. Unknown, 17. Total, 122, U~1~~E-2I2 0.1 8.2 8,1 8.~ 2I,0 ~1. Unknown, ~7. Total~~, ~122;150 I., 16. 4 A., 1; 7 A., 1; 16 A., 5; 16 C.,. 20 U. S. Colored,'2. Unknown, 5. Total, 51. DUTCHESS COUNTY. WASHIINGTON.-20 I., 1; 22 I., 1; 44 I., 1; 47 I., 1; 61 I., 1; 66 I., 1; MEMIA-5 I., 1; 12 T, 1; 15 I 1; 17TL, 1; 30 T., 1; 32 1 1 48 T 1 95 L.,1; 112 I., 1; 128 I., 7; 150 I., 34; 178I., 1. 3 A., 1; 16 A., 8. -i.V.MJ~~~~~~~~jMIA0~ ~ ~ 2. C.) 3. 1 Con. 10 2 Con. I/ 67 Pa. 1. 126 U. S.i Colred 1,501,1 0 0.( ~i - "^-~ - 64 I., 1; 82 I., 1; 911., 1; 128 I., 6; 130., 5; 150 I., 19. 10 A., 1. 3 2 C., 3 1 Con- 1; 2 Conn., 1. 67 Pa., 1. 26 U. S. Colored, 5. C., 1; 5 C., 1; 6 C., 1; 10 C., 1; 12 C., 5; 16 C., 1. 13 Conn., 4; 19 Navy 1. Unknown, 1. Total, 72. Conn., 1; 30 Conn., 1. 2 Mass., 1. 20 U. S. Colored, 1. 48 M., 1. E O Navy, 1; Unknown, 1. Total, 62.ERIE COUNTY. BEEKMAN. —128 I., 4; 150 I., 13. 14 C., 1. 5 Conn., 1. Unknown, An~iTERST.-3 I., 1; 10 I., 1; 15 I., 2; 19 I., 1; 21 I., 4; 26 I., 3; 27 3. Total, 22.I.,1; 34 I., 1; 40 I., 1; 49 I., 2; 50 I., 3; 51 I., 1; 65 I., 1; 76 I., 1; OLINTON.-20 1.,1; 77 I., 1; 128 1.,5; 150 1.,15.? A, 1. 5 C, 1.^V 1^ ^^^ T8 % T S 0 16 CLINTON. —20 LI., 1; 77 I., 1; 128 I., 5; 150 L, 15.? A., 1. 5 C., 1. 78 1.) 3; 87 I., 1; 94 I., 1; 98 L., 30; 100 L., 6; 102 I., 1; 116 L., 12; Unknown, 3. Total, 27. 120 I., 1; 126 I., 1; 155 I., 1; 187 I., 7. 3 A., 1; 4 A., 1; 8 A., 4; DOVER 44L1 170,1 172T., 191,1 12I 51501 24? A., 1. I B., 1; 11 B., 1; 19 B., 1; 27 B, 10. 1 C., 2; 4 C., 1; 10 C., O2 CE2.- I.,; 1 1., 1;. 13 C onn., 1; 12C I., 1. 49 1., 4. 12; 12 Con 5n 13 C 1 16 CP 1; 21 C. 1; 24 C., 1; 26 C., 2, 1 Vet., 1. 62 N., 2; Oh2 o 13 Connav, 1; 23 Connon, 1; 28 Cotna 1 49 Ma1ss, I.,Vet. C., 1. 2 Ohio, 1; 63 Ohio, 1; 123 Ohio, 1;? Ohio, 1. 9 Ohio C., 1. 6 N.J.,i. 8 Ohio, 1. Navy, 2. Unknown, 6. Total, 51.S. A,1. 2 M.R,1. Unknon,14. Total,156. I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4 U. S. A., 1. 2 M. R., 1. Unknown, 14. Total, 156. EAST FISHKILL.-50 I., 1; 511 L 1, 98 L, 1; 120 T., 1; 121 1, 2; 128 ALDEN.-21 I., 6; 44 I., 2; 93 I., 1; 98 I., 1; 100 I., 2; 116 I., 10; I., 5; 140 I., 1; 150 4. 4 A., 3; 6 A., 1. 21M., 1. Navy, 2. Un-151., 1; 179, 1; 187, 1. 8 A., 5; 9 A., 1; 14 known, 5. Total, 28. A., 1; 15 A.,1;?A.,1.?B.,1. 7 C., 1; 8 C., 2; 12 C., 1; 13 C., 4. FISIKRLL.-3 I., 1; 5 I., 2; 7 I., 1; 9 I., 1; 10 I., 1; 15 I., 11; 16 T., 1M.R., 1. Unknown, 2. Total, 48. 2; 17 I., 2; 18 I., 14; 19 I.,3; 21 I., 1; 35 I., 1; 40 I., 1; 411., 1; 46 AuBpoA-21 I 7; 24 I., 2 26 I., 1 27 I., 1 44 I., 1 50 I 2; 67 T 1 * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~AuSoT x.-2 I4., T4 I>.,2 T6 I7.,r\T 7T1; 27 I0T.,T T1.; jl 44- 1., ( 4. y^ 1; 5, It.,2 167-. -,O.,0 I., 1; 48 I., 1; 54 I., 2; 56 L., 17; 59., 1; 67 1., 1; 69 I., 3; 71I 1; 7; 72., 1; 98 T 4; 100 T 12; 116 T 11; 124 T., 1; 157 T 1 74,1.1 1; 98 L, 1; 103 L,, 1; 115 L, 3; 120 Lr. 1; 124 L, I; 128 I., 49; 2 C., 2; 2 C., 1; 8 C., 1; 9 C., 2; 10 C., 4; 11 C., 41 79L.,1; 132 I., 1; 133 L, 1; 148 L, 1 150., 17; 159, 3; 168., A. 16 C., 2; 17 C. 1; 24 C., 2 26 C., 3 72 Ill., 1 8 Ill. C., 12 40 Iow, 1. 2 A. 1; 4 A., 1; 5 A., 4; 6 A., 9; 7 A., 1; 14 A., 2; 16 A., 8;? A., 2. U.S.,.20 M. It., 1. Navy,. Unknown, 9. Total, 91. 7 B., 1; 31B., 1; 36 B., 2;, 4 C., 7; 5 C., 1; 6 C., 3; 15 C., 3; i29I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~I BSO.,31.; 2132,11; 263I, 1; 368I., 1; 720I.,17; 754I,31;176 L,2; 2C.,; 8 1; 241 C., 13; 26 C.,3 2;^ Il C. 3. T., C 1; C...,1. 4 I, 1. C C., 2. 4 Maine, 1. 3 Mich,. 6 U. S. Colored, 1; 20 U. S. Colored, 7.98 L, 2; 100 L, 4; 116., 14; 193L.,1. 1 A., 1.? B., 2. 8 C., 4;10 19 M., 3; 20 M., 2; 21 M., 8;?M., 1. 1 M. R., 2. Navy, 15. Enlist- C., 21. Mowa.,1. inn.,l 86 Ohio, 3. Unknown, 8. Total, 51. ments occurred at the following places, viz: Albany, 1; Brooklyn, 1; BRANDT.-21 T., 1; 44., 1; 64., 2; 67 T., 5; 78 I., 1; 116., 14; Chicago, I; bs Ferry, 2; Harrisburgh,; artford, 2; udso, 18;., 1; 187, 1. 8 A., 1. 10 C., 9; 24 C., 1. 8 Ill. C., 7 Mich., 1. Kingston, 3; Newburgh 2; New York city, 11; New Jersey 2; Pough- 7 Ohio, 1. 5 Wis., 1. Unknown, 1. Total, 42. keepsie, 29; Staten Island, 1; Syracuse,1; Tarrytown, 1; Troy, 1. BUFFALO.-1 T., 4; 2 I., 2; 3, 3; 4 I., 2; 5 I., 2; 6 I., 2; 7 I., 2; 8 Unknlown, 48. Total, 396.I., 7; 10 I., 8; 11 I, 4; 12., 6; 13., 6; 14, 6; 15, 11; 16, 10; HYDE PARK.-5 I., 2; 15 I., 1; 128., 9; 150., 11. 16 A., 1. 18 17., 3; 18 I., 2; 19 I., 2; 20., 6; 211., 102; 22 I., 1; 23 I., 3; 24 I., t, 1. 20U.rS.,r; 26 U.S. Coloredwn2. plinknown, 12. Total,40. 6; 25 I., 4; 26 I., 3; 27 I., 7; 28 I., 1; 33 I., 9; 34 I, 1; 36 I., 9; 37 I., CLa gRN 1 0; D F, 2; 1 Ti, 1; S., To, 2; Hu S Col, 12; 38 I., 1; 18 T., 1. 0 A., 1. I I., 9; 4 I., 1 I I., 1. 50 - i., 7; 51 IA5 ^ 1~ ^ 6 0^ C l8 C^ 1' 20 C*53 21C*52; 22 (^ 2} 23 Conn., 1; 2 Mich. C. 1; 5 Mich. 6., 1; 14 Rt. I. A., 3. 1 M. R. 6. Unl- p- 1; 24 C., 22; d?. 09. 1 Vet. C'.1; 2 y^G'l. o^ 00? Ulu.1-1 2 known 2. Tota511 0Conn.,.,1. 2 orado0.,1I.,2; 112.,1; 21114.,2; 35 11.,1; 311I., 20 MI'T^ I~r^T iS ^3!51.^ ^^^?I1.,1. Iandy,l; 24Ind,2 33Ind 2. U n knw, 1: 5. Ty, 9.1 T4 I., 1; 1 0 T., 2; 36 1., 1; 4'7 T., 1; 61 I,98 IhT VhLT.-u; 3 T5 I.T 19 4 i.i i~i I Ay.15. 1. 12 Maine, 1; 13 Mine, 1; 14 MIaine, 1:1 M,;aine, 1. 9M ass., l; NoA Ef.-5^., 9; 1 0r I., 1; 12 M., 1; 91 I., 125; 1 50., 1. 1 M., 1; 14 I., 3; 14 I., 2; 51 I., 7; 54 ass., 1; 55 ass., 2; 56 8 A., 2, 16 A., 8. 20 A., 1; 26.., 2. 30 M., 1. Un1nown, 9. Total, 61.1 Cnass., 1; 60 Mass., 1. 4 Ma;ss.., 1I. 1 Mich7, 1; 8 1ich., 1; 12 ich., POUn,;5EEPSIE -Cnn., 3; 1 o., 2; 2 Cn, 1. a 1., 17 I., 4; 2 I. 1; 3I 1: 5I., 4; 16 I., 12; 7 I., 1;. Minn., 1. 3 Mo., 1; 2;97., 1;o11aI, 41: 123I.,2.; 14AI.,51; 15AI., 5; 16AI.,22; 50.,; 6oA., 1.A? M.,;1 2 N. J., 1: 4 N. J., 1; Iw, 9 24 I., 1: 26 I., 1; 28 I., 3; 29 I., 1; 30 I.,14. 4A.,4; 1:5. J. 1;:1A 26 N. J., 1 35 N. J.,1o.; 1: 9 Ohio, 1; 10 Ohio, 1; 411., 2: 43 I., 1: 44 I., 1; 45 I., 2: 46 I., 1; 47 I., 2: 48 I, 1: 50 I., 3:12 Ohio, 1; 15 Ohio, 1: 17 Ohio, 1: 19 Ohio, 1: 82 Ohio, 1: 100 Ohio, 1; 511., 3: 52 I., 5: 54 I., 1; 56 I., 3: 57 I., 7: 58 I., 7: 611., 1: 62 I., 3: 65 103 Ohio, 1; 116 Ohio, 1: 124 Ohio, 3. 1 Ohio A., 1. 1 Ohio C., 1: 3 I., 1; 67 I,1 2 69 I., 1; 15 I.,1 1A., 1; 5 O., 1;?A.,. Ohio. 19Pa., 1. 40Pa.,1; 107Pa.,2; 87 I., 3; 911., 4; 9~ I, 1; 58 I70., 1; 5 0 I., 1; 116 I., i; 10 4 Pa., 2; 188 Pa., 1. 2 PaI. A., 1.?Pa.B.,1. 3 Pa. APPENDIX. 617 C., 1; 6 Pa. C., 1; 14 Pa. C., 1;? Pa.., 1. 5 R. I. A, 1; 14 R. T. A, 104 I., 1; 116 T., 18; 1211., 1; 140., 1; 160 I., 1; 166 I., 1; 178 I., 1; 1. 5 Va, 1. 2 Wis, 1; 4 Wis, 2; 5 Wis, 1. I U. S., 3; 2 U. S., 2; 185 I., 1; 187 1., 1; 188 T., 1. 14 A., 1. 8 C., 1; 9 C., 1; 10 C., 1. 3 U. S., 3; 5 Uf. S., 1; 7 U. S., 2; 8 U. S., 2; 10 U. S., 1; 11 U. S., 5; 13 Unknown,3. Total, 47. U. S., 1; 14 U. S., 5; 15 U. S., 13; 16 U. S., 3; 17 U. S., 8; 19 U. S., 3; TOONAWANDA. -I00I, 2. 10 C., 1; I Vet. C., 1. Unknown, 49. Total, 53. 24U. S.,1. 1U. S. A., 2; 5 U.S.A., 1; 11U. S.A.,1; 15U. S.A., 1; WALS. —8 I., 6; 12 I., 2; 21 I., 1; 94 I., 2; 100 I., 3; 108 I., 1; 16 U. S. A., 1;? U. S. A., 2. 6 U.S. C.,1. 1. I U. S. 5 14 I. 1S9.,1 1401; 1 871. 1 8A. 10,6; S.,1. 1 U.S. Colored, 1; 26 Colored, 3; 31U.S. Colored, 1; 78 U.S. 11C 2; 24C.12. L 7 I 42 Pa.,1. Unknown, 10 Total, 49 1 Colored, 2;? U.S. Colored, 1. Invalid Corps, 1. Signal Corps, 2. 2 MR., 2 MR, 60 16 M 1 17 M 63 M, 65 1 M., I WEST SENECA.-12 I., 1; 21 I., 2; 28 I., 1; 36 I., 1; 50 I., 1; 100 I., 1; 1M. R., 1; 2i 1V. Rt., 60. 10 MV.~ 1; 17 M~., 1; 00 1V.3100U, 1; 65 Mu'., 1; 67 M.,- o 1.- n74M., 2; 98 M., 1. Serrell's Eng. Corps, 1. The following enlistments 116 57;146, 1 1 A 3; 8., 1. 6 C., 1 Mo., 7;1A., 1;., 1; 1 7 6 1, 1. 9.; 8 Al., 1. Unnon C2.Toa, 47. were reported, viz: Albany, 4; Auburn, 2; Buffalo, 24; Chicago,;?o. A, 1. 9 Ohio, 1. nknown, 22. Total, 1;7. Detroit, 1; Elmira, 25; Staten Island, 6. Navy, 154. Unknown, 194. Total, 2,051. ESSEX COUNTY. CaHICTAWAUGA.-I1 I., 1; 21 T., 4; 35 I., 1; 43 I., 1; 44 I., 1; 49 I., 2; CrrESTVERF IELD. -12 I., 1; 14 I., 1; 15 I., 1; 16 I., 1; 22 I., 8; 35 I., 1; 50 I., 5; 64 I., 3; 76 I., 1; 78 I., 2; 93 I., 1; 98 I., 14; 100 I., 5; 116 I., 44 I, 1; 62 I., 1; 69 I., 1; 77 I., 1; 87 T., 1; 91 I. 1; 92 I., 1; 95 I., 2; 5; 155 I., 1; 164 I., 1; 187I.,6. 1A.,4; 15A.,1. 1C.,2; 10C.,2; 96I.,6; 118I.,2; 146.,1; 153 I., 10; 192 I., 4. 1 A., 2; 2 A., 1; 5 24 C., 2. 2 M. R., 2. 65 Ill., 1. 10 111. C., 1. 2 MiC., 1; 11 C., 1; 25 C. 1; 2 Vet. C., 11. 2 1; 28 Wis., 1. 2 Wis. C., 1; 26 Wis. C., 1; 36 Wis. C., 1. 11 U. S., 1; Conn. A., 1; I Conn. C., 1. 5 Mass. C., 1. 23 Mich., 1. 17 Vt., 1; 1 15 U. S., 1. 2 U. S. A., 1. Navy, 1. Unknown, 4. Total, 83. Vt. C., 1. 7 U. S., 1; 16 U. S., 1; 1 U. S. A., 1. Navy,. Unknown, CLARENCE. — 1 I., 2; 4 I., 1; 8 I., 1; 19 I., 2; 27 I., 2; 28 I., 2; 37 I., 12. Total, 92. 1; 48 I., 1; 49 I., 1; 50 I., 1; 7 I., 1; 78 I., 9; 98 I., 9; 100 I., 2; 105 CROWN POINT. —2 T., 1; 9 T., 2; 25 I., 1; 34 I., 9; 39 I., 1; 62 I., 1; I., 2; 116 I., 8; 151 I., 2; 155 I., 1; 169 I., 1; 187 I., 2. 1 A., 1;? A., 1. 65 I., 1; 68 I., 1; 78 I., 1; 83 I., 1; 92 I., I; 93 I., 2; 96 I., 4; 115 I., 1; I B., 1; 19 B., 2; 33 B., 1. 2 C., 1; 4 C., 1; 8 C., 2; 9 C., 1; 10 C., 7; 118 1., 14; 122 I., 1; 192 I., 1. 11 A., 1; 16 A., 1. 2 B., 1. 2 C., 9; 11 C., 1; 12 C., 1; 16 C., 1; 24 C., 1; 26 C., 6. 2 M. R., 3. 18 M., 1; 3 C., 1; 5 C., 53; 25 C., 1. 8 Conn., 1; 1 Conn. A., 1. 9 Ill., 1. 151? M., 1. Signal Corps, 1. 5 Mass., 1. 7 Miich., 1; 10 Mich., 1; 6 Mich. pa,, 1. 7 R. I. C., 1. 1 R., 1; 2 M. R., 1. Unknown, 5. Total, 122. C., 1. 44 Ohio, 1. 1 Wis. B., 1. 10 U.S., 1.? U.S. C., 1. Navy, 3. ELIZABETITOW'.-20 I., 1; 22', 2; 38 I., 11; 69 I., 1; 77 I., 2; 92 I:, Unknown, 20. Total, 116.; 93 I., 1; 95 I., 1; 96 I., 2; 118 I. 11; 122 I., 1; 146 I., 1; 92 I., 1. COLDEN.-8 I., 1; 21 I., 2; 33 I., 1; 100 I., 1; 116 I., 8; 154I., 1; 4 A., 4; 235 1B., 1; 2 C., 1; 5 C., 7; 11 C., 4; 2 Vet. C., 1. 33 Mass., 1. 187., 2. 14A., 2. 33B., 1. 10C.,2; 16C.,1; 24C.,1. 8 Ill., 1; 7 Vt., 4; 11 Vt., 1. 5 U. S. A., 1. 9 MI., 2. Unknown, 42. Total, 23 111., 1; 74 111., 1; 95 Ill., 1.? Minn. B., 1. Unknown, 11. Total, 39. 105. COLLNS.-2 I., 1; 3 1., 1; 10 I., 3; 14 I., 2; 21 I., 1; 64 I., 9; 72I., EssEX.-22 I., 2; 38 I., 1; 77 I., 1; 91 I., 4; 93 I., 1; 96 I., 8; 97 I., 2; 82 I., 6; 116 I., 4; 159 I., 1; 187 1., 5. 9 C., 2; 10 C., 12; 13 C., 1. 1; 118 I., 13; 153 I., 2. 11 A., 1; 16 A., 1. 2 C., 2; 5 C., 1; 9 C., 1; 9 111. C., 1. 18 Ind., 1. 8 Ohio, 1. 145 Pa., 1. 1 Va., 1. 12 Wis.,1. 11 C., 3; 21C.,3;? C.,5. 116 111.,1. 58 Mass., 1. 8Vt.,1. 7 Wis., Navy, 1. Unknown, 1. Total, 58. 1. 1 U.S., 1; 7 U.S., 1. Unknown, 4. Total, 60. CONCORD. —21 I., 1; 27 I., 1; 31 I., 1; 36 I., 1; 44 I., 2; 47 I., 1; 49 JAY.-12 I., 1; 16 T., 1; 22 I., 1; 44 I., 3; 46 I., 1; 77 I., 6; 96 1., 3; I., 1; 641., 3; 67 I., 6; 72 I., 1; 100 I., 10; 114 I., 1; 116 I., 19; 147I., 116., 1; 118 I., 21; 142 I., 2. 14 A., 1. 2 C., 21; 4 C., 1; 11 C., 2.; 2; 154 I., 2; 155 I., 2; 179 I., 1; 187 I.,4. 1A.,1; 8A., 1. 3 C., 1; 13 C., 1; 16 C. 1; 21 C., 1; 22 C., 1; 2 Vet. C., 5;? C., 1. 2 Conn. A., 5C., 1; 9C.,2; 10 C, 2. 36 Ill., 1. 25 ich.,1. T45 Pa., 1. 8 N. 2. 9 Miich. C., 1. 1U. S., 1; 12U. S., 1. Unknown, 13. Total, 93. Y. S.S., I. Unknown, 4. Total, 75. KEENE.- I., 1; 14 I., 1; 15 I., 1; 16 I., 1; 38 I., 1; 44 I., 2; 77 I., 4; EAST HAMBURGH.-15 I., 1; 61 I., 1; 67 I., 11; 69 I., 1; 82 I., 1; 96 I., 5; 116I., 1; 118 I., 7; 176 I., 1; 177 I., 1; 192 I., 1. 2 C., 3; 5 98 I., 2; 1001., 2; 104 I., 1; 116 I., 7; 187 I., 1. 1 C., 1; 5 C., 1; C., 1; 16 C., 1; Vet. C., 2. 5 Vt., 1; 14 Vt., 2. 39 Wis., 1. Un10 C., 3; 12 C., 1. 21 M., 1; 67 M., 2. 23 Mich., I. Navy, 1. Un- known, 9. Total, 47. known, 10. Total, 49.. known, 10. Total, 49.. LEWis.-5 I., 1; 9 I., 1; 10 T., 1; 16 I., 1; 19 I., 1; 20 I., 2; 22 I., 2; EEN. —21I., 1; 28 I., 6; 29 I., 1; 44 I., 4; 45 I., 1; 64 1., 1; 82 I., 1; 33 I., 1; 36 I., 1; 38 I., 9; 46 I., 1; 69 I., 1; 76 1., 1; 77 I., 4; 91 I., 1; 94I., 1; 100I., 3; 1051.,1; 1111.,1; 1121.,1; 116I.,19; 1191.,1; 96 I., 11; 97 I., 1; 98 I., 1; 118 I., 19; 123 I., 1; 153 I., 1; 192, 1871.,2. 1A.,1. 10 C., 1; 16C.,1; 24C., 3. 12 Pa. C., 2. 11 U. I. 1. 1 A., 1; 4 A., 3; 8 A., 1; 10 A., 2. 18 B., 1. 2 C., 12; 11 C., S., 11. Unknown, 7. Total, 60. 3; 25 C., 1;? C., 1; 2 Vet. C., 6. 5 Ill., 1. 7 Vt., 1; 9 Vt., 1. 7 Wis., ELMA.-15 I., 2; 211., 6; 26 I., 1; 44 I., 1; 49 I., 4; 50 I., 2; 51 I., 1; 1. Unknown, 17. Total, 115. 78 I., 2; 82 I., 1; 94 I., 7; 98 I., 3; 100 I., 7; 116 I., 12; 121 I., 1; MINERVa.-15 I., 1; 16 I., 3; 22 I., 6; 30 I., 1; 46 I., 1; 93 I., 8; 151I.,2. t A., 2; 8A.,4; 13 A., 1. 6 C., 1; 10 C., 4; 12 C., 1; 118 I., 4; 142 I., 1; 175 I., 1; 192 I., 1. 16 A., 4. 2 C., 3; 16 C., 1; 16 C., 1; 24 C., 2. 67 M., 2; 98 M., 6. 8 Ill. C., 1; 7 Ky.C., 1. 2Vet. C.,3. 52 Mass.,1. 2N. J.C.,1.?Pa.,1. 2Vt.,l; 5Vt. 1;?Mass., 2. 6Miich. C., 1.?Mo., 1. 14U. S., 1; 15U. S., 1;?U. S.,1. 12 Vt., 1. 1 Wis., 1;? Wis., 1. Unknown, 4. Total, 50. Navy, 2. Unlnown, 2. Total, 89. MoRIA.-1 I., 2; 9 I., 1; 14 I., 1; 15 I., 3; 16 I., 2; 19 I., 1; 22 I., EvA-NS.-16 I., 1; 21 I., 3; 22 I., 1; 29 I., 1; 33 I., 1; 44 I., 1; 49 I., 1; 13; 25 I., 1; 34 I., 1; 40 I., 1; 46 I., 2; 47 I., 1; 63 I., 2; 65 I., 2; 69 I., 64 I., 2; 78 I., 3; 116 I., 51; 147 I., 1; 154 I., 2; 167 I., 1; 187I., 1. 3; 71I.,1; 79I.,1; 83I.,1; 93 I.,4; 96I., 12; 118 I., 18; 142 I., 1; 4 A., 1; 11A., 1; 15 A., 1; 16 A., 1. 3 C., 1; 10 C., 12; 12 C., 2; 192 I., 1. 1 A., 9; 4 A., 1; 6 A., 1; 13 A., 1; 15 A., 6;? A., 1; 22 B., 22 C.,1; 24 C.,5; 26C.,1;?C., 1. 67M.,10. 1Cal., 1. 142 111.,l; 1;? B., 1. 2 C., 7; 4 C., 1; 5 C., 17; 12 C., 3; 16 C., 1; 25 C., 1; 1 156 Ill., 1. 15 Iowa, 1. 7 Mich., 1; 9-Mich., 1; 30 Mich., 1; 11 Mich. Vet. C., 1; 2 Vet. C., 11;? Vet. C., 1. 9 M., 1.? S. S., 1. Unknown, C., 1. 3 Ohio, 1; 7 Ohio, 1; 11 Ohio 1. 10 Pa., 1. 42 Wis., 1; 2 Wis. 16. Total, 157. C., 1; 1 U. S., 1; 6 U. S., 1; 14 U. S., 1. Navy, 6. Unknown, 2. NEwCOMB.-118 I. 3; 192 I., 1. 2 C., 3. Unknown, 1. Total, 8. Total, 135. nT 9T1A T1 9T9 m TA NoRT ELBA.-15 I., 1; 16 I., 1; 26 I., 1; 77 I., 96 I., 7; 97 I., 1; 118 GRAND ISLAND.-9 I., 1; 21 I., 1; 41 I., 1; 82 I., 2; 100 I., 4. I., 9; 192 I., 1. 14 A., 1. 18 Mass., 1.? Vt., 1. 26 Colored, I. Un8A., 1. Navy, 1. Unknown, 9. Total, 20. ow,. Totl,27. 1 ~~~~~~~~~knownr, 1. Total, 27. IHAMBURGHc,. — 3 I., 1; 16 1., 2; 21 I., 2; 24 1., 1; 52 I., 1; 64 I., 2; NoRTH HIUDSON. —22 I., 1; 96 I., 2; 118 I., 5. 5 C., 8. Unknown, 8. 65I., 1; 67 I., 9; 761., 1; 81 I., 1; 98 I., 18; 100 I., 3; 103 I., 1; Total, 24. 106 I., 1; 116 1., 15; 154 I., 1; 160 1., 1; 172 I., 1; 179 I., 1; 187 I., 1. 118 719 1 8 A., 1; 13 A., 1. 4 C., 1; 10 C., 4; 11 C., 1; 24 C., 1; 26 C., 2. ST2C a,;2Vt13.,. 17 V. 1 771; 9 118 7 192 2 Cal., 1. 8 Ill., 1. 2 Mich., 1; 13 Mich., 1. I Mo., 1. 17 Pa., 1; 2 C, 1; 2 Vet.., 1. 17 Vt., 1. Total, 1. 112 Pa, 1. I U.S., 1. 2 M. R., I. Navy, 3. Unknown, 7. Total, 94. SciinooN —22 I., 12; 64 I., 1; 91 I., 1; 93 I., 12; 96 I., 1; 99 I., 1; HOLLAND.-271 1; 36 I., 1; 44 I., 2 51 I., 1 100 I., 2 1161T., 4- 118 I., 19; 142 I., 10; 192 I., 7. 6 A., 1; 16 A., 2. 2 C., 5; 5 C., 4; 11 146 I., 1; 187 I., 1. 8 A., 2. 24 B., 1. 9 C., 1; 10 C., 2; 12 C., 1; ~. ^ 2 -etI CI 1 9 M X 4 U ( A 1 TT1. T otal. (/ 15 C., 1 17 Mich, 1. 14 U.S., 1. Unknown, 1. Total, 24. TicoNDEROGrA. -5 I., 2; 11 I., 1; 22 I., 2; 34 I., 3; 61 I., 1; 62 I., 2; TANCASTER. —~, 31 10, 19 1-211, 1 281 3-5 78 1., 2 1001., 1; 77 I., 1; 96 I., 21; 98 I., 1; 118 I., 9. 9 A., 1; 11 A., 1;? A., 1. 2 C., 116 I., 15; 134I., 1; 1471., 1; 157 1., V wf I.. 1A, 2; 16 A, 1. 27; 5C.,29; 16C.,1; 21 C.,1; 25 C., 1; 2 Vet. C., 6. 11 Vt., 2. 5 110 1., 10, 16'-}: 1~~~~~U..C,lt.,1 0., 1Navy.,2^. L. 1,iU.J.T nk1 MTr Tnorwn, 19. Toanl, 128. 80.,2; 12C.,1.?Ind. B., 1. 2 Mich.,1. 24 Ohio, 1. 16U. S.,2. U.8.,1. Navy, 2 Unknown 12. lotal, 12h Enlistments occurred in the following places, viz: Buffalo, 19; Detroit, 1; TftTor t \ 18 7 \m T 1 9 I i' P' 1'P T New York, 2; Utica, 1; Wisconsin, 1. Navy, 1. Unknown, 3. Total, 68. 5' t' C.: 2;' Ta, 11 0" 4; 18? T 9~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~., 10; T6 I. 972; 1P6 I., 1; 1-18 I,7 19 ITi 1'LSOUG.- 21., 2; 4~ 1., 1; 11i 1., 1,4;.,11..l. 2 Vet. C., 5. 9 Vt., 1. Navy, 1. Unknown, 16. Total, 5 U. MaNELLA. — 8 I., 1; 64 I., 1; 92 I., 1; 100 I., 5; 105 I., 1; 116 I., 43; 1871., 2; 193 I.,1. 27B., 1. 1 C., 1; 10 C., 1; 18 C, 1. 40 IllA, 6;.^lulls-m^ ^ ^ 38 P.i 3' 70' 1. 2'T P 9 9 Pn T PsooA.9.1. 97.,1; 92 P 1 * ^ f 9 8 P 2., 1; 12 1I.,-. 1., 1 4iss C.a 1. Unknown, 81 Total, 356' M. 0'IowaC.,1; 7 Ohiich., 1; 20 1ich. 1. 1I.., 1. 20 U. S., 1. 1 U. S. NEWS10 D. —12 I., 1; 14 I., 3; 21 I, 3; 28 I., 11; 40 I., 1; 44.., 8; SM.., 5. Navy, 1. Unknown, 9. Total, 43. 49 T., 1; 54 I., 1; 74 I., 1; 78 I., 2; 100 I., 7; 116 I., 25; 129 I., 3; NoRT1.Ho NS.- 171T, 1; 211,1 414; 49 1,3; 641.,5s; 714,1; 1531,,1c;1601o~-. I,; 1 I6. 1; 0 1; 77., 5; 96 I.,9; 118 I.,12; 19 I., 15; I., 2; 79 I., 1; 21 A., 1; 512 A., 1; 1 I., 4; 130 I., 1; 1VtA 2. 4 Vt.,6 1; 1 Vt, 1. Unnw, 54. Ta, 8. 187 I., 1.13 A., 1; 15 A., 1. i 27~, B. 12Q I~, 2;? j BC s, 1. 9 Cu~1., 1; 1 N. H.B 1; 5 C., 4; 89 I.,1; 60 t I., 2. 65 Inn., 1. 92 I, 4; 9 16A,4. 1;?A.4. 20hio,1 8 1.., 2;?8 I.,1.; 106 IC 10;,1143 I,; 14 I, 19 2Nt.H.,l;5. tt.,1. 91Vt. C,1. Nvy. Unkrnown,154. Total, 64. 12C.,; 1 3CA.,4; 15CA., 1 2.;?C.,1. 12 Il., 1 1. 16 Mass., 1; ELI~r.-1 4M; Gich4 4.,I1; 6.;6.;9.; Toa,165C,.2~ih,. BhloaC,. — 60.,I 2;n.l 96~In.3 1, 1; 98 I., 91; 106 I., 10 22.; 142 I., 4;13.; 1649., 1; 9 8 S.S., 1.? N.Y.S.S.S., 1. 98 Militia, 1. Unknown, 5. Total, 59. I., 3. 5A., 1; 6A., 2. 5C., 1; 14C.,2; 16 C.,2;26C., 5. 2Vt., 1. SxARDIIA. —5 I., 1; 9 I., 1; 441., 5; 511., 1; 721., 1; 78I., 1; i00I., 3; i Unknown, I. Total, 82. 78 6 18 APPENDIX..BoMBAY.-12 I., 1; 16 I., 1; 39 I., 1; 60 T., 2; 92 I., 6; 9 1., 2; 97 I., 5; 129 I., 2; 142 I., 2; 162 I., 1; 192 T.,. 2., 1; 4 A., 28; 6A. 1; 1; 98 1., 8; 142 I., 3; 152 I., 1; 193 I., 2. 6 A., 8. 18 C., 3; 26 C., 2. 7 A., 1; 13 A., 1; 16 A., 1. 3 C., 1; 5 C., 3; 10 C., 3; 11 C., 1; 13 C., 14 Conn., 1. 34 Mass., 1. 12 Ohio, 1. 5 Pa. C., 1. 4 Vt., 1. Un- 2; 16 C., 1; 2 Vet., C., 1. 11 Conn., 1; 1 Mo., 1. Navy, 1. Unknown, known, 2. Total, 48. 6. Total, 103. BRANDON.-15 I., 1; 16 I., 4; 50 I., 1; 60 I., 1; 83 I., 3; 93 I., 1; 96 OpENIHEi-.32 I.,; 34 I., 2; 81 I., 1; 95 I., 1; 97 I., 11; 114 I., 1; I,1; 98 I., 15; 106 I, 2; 142I., 16; 193 I., 5. 6 A., 4; 13 A., 1; 14 A., 115 I., 10; 121 I., 2; 152 I., 3; 153I, 19; 171 I., 1; 176 I., 1. 2 A., 1; 1. 10 C., 1; 13 C., 1; 26 C., 1. 6 Mass., 1. 2 Vt., 1; 10 Vt., 1; 14 13 A., 8; 14 A., 4; 16 A., 16. 18 B., 1; 25 B., 1. 20 C., 1. 19 Mich., Vt., 1. 2 Vt. B., 1. Total, 64.,1. Unknown, 5. Totat, 91. BRImHTON.-16 I., 1; 60 I., 1; 92 I., 1; 98 I., 1; 118 I., 3; 192 I., 1. PERTr-18 I., 1; 32 I., 3; 115 I., 4; 121 I., 1; 153 I., 2; 162 I., 1. 17 C.,1. Total, 9. 2 A., 1; 7 A. 1. 12 B., 1. 2 C., 1; 11 Ill. C., 1. Unknown, I. Total, 18. BURKE. —16 I., 3; 46 I., 2; 60 I., 1; 98 I., 16; 106 I., 1; 118 I., 1; 142 STRlATFORD.-34 I., 3; 46 I., 1; 97 I., 11; 98 I., 1; 115 I, 5; 121 I., 6; I., 11; 193 I, 4; 196 I, 2. 1A.,1; 4A.1; 16A.,1. 6 B. 3. 1 C. 134I. 1; 153 I., 4; 181 I., 1; 189 I., 1; 191 I., 1. 2 A.,1; 3 A., 1; 16 1; 2 C., 2; 3 C., 3; 20 C., 1; 21 C., 1. 1 Conn. A., 1. 1 Conn. C., 1. A., 10. 25 B. 4. Oneida C., 1. Unknown, 2. Total, 54. 19 Mich., 1. 5N. H. 1. Navy, 1. Unknown, 4. Total, 65. CqATEAUGAY. -15 I., 12; 16 I., 8; 56 I., 1; 60 I., 1; 92 I., 3; 96 I., GEiNESE COUNTY..8; 98 I., 2; 106 I., 3; 142 I., 2; 193 I., 10. 1 A. 1; 2 A., 9 A.2; 14 A., 2. 2 C., 1; 5 C., 1; 9 C., 1; 17 C., 1; 26 C., 1;? C., 1. 2 Con, ALABAMA.-24 I., 1; 28 I., 4; 31 I., 1; 61 I., 1; 104 I., 2; 120 I., 1; 1. 57 Mass, 1;? Mass., 1. 5U.S.C.,1. Unknown, 16. Total, 82. 29. 10; 140I., 1; 151I., 1; 164I. 1; 179 I., 3. 1. A.,2; 8A., 14. CONSTABLE.-15 I., 1; 16 I., 3; 60 T., 3; 96 I., 2; 98 I., 14; 102L1 1; 17[B., 2;18B, 3p19 -. I; 25 B., p10 C? C., L 77 m' I 17 3 Bc.,; 18., 1 9 B., C. 1; 7 5 O B., 1. I Pa.,;?C., 1. Nav IH.Uik wi, 2; 106 I., 3; 142 I., 15; 169 I., 1. 1 A., 1. 1 B., 1; 6 B., 3. 3 C., 17; 5? 1 1 o; Oo; 1 PTo ~al Nayj I nown. C., 1; 15 C., 1; 16 C., 1; 22 C., 1. 17 Ill., 1. 1 Conn., 1. 37 Mass., otalE I.'1 1. 3 Vt., 1; 9 Vt., 1. 14 U.S., 2. Unknown, 1. Total,77. ALEXANDtER-.12 I., 2; 14 I., 2; 36 I., 1; 76 I., 1; 102 I., 2; 104 I., 1; DICKINSON. —7 I. 1; 16 I., 1; 39 I., 3; 48 I., 1; 60 I., 5; 91 I., 1; 2151 1 1 A 8 A 18 9 A 30 2 I., 5; 95 I., 1; 96 I., 2; 98 I., 17; 106 I., 7; 142 i,, 15; 192 I., 2; 103, i h.., 1; I lV-is. V 1 I l __IIv^, 6. Total, 5. 1. 6 A., 9; 9 A., 1; 14 A., 4. 8 C., 3; 11C.,1; 13C.,1; 20 C., 1; 26 BATAVix.-12 I., 17; 14 1., 3; 24 I., 1; 26 I., 1; 28 I., 6; 33 T., 1; 38 C.,1. 1 Yet. C.,1. 5 Mass.,l. 8 Mich., 1. 3 Mo. C.,1. Unkiinown, I.,; 44 I., 1; 45 i., 1; 49 I., 4; 64 I., 2; 74 I., I 78 I., 1; 96 I., 1; 100 37. Total, 124. I., 2; 104 1., 4; 105 T., 10; 108 I., 3; 112 I., 1; 116 I., 1; 121 I., 1; 129 I., 24; 136 I., 1; 1401., 1; 151 I., 23; 155 I., 1; 179.L, 1; 187I1., 1. I DuANE.-60 T., 1; 911I., 4; 92 I., 1; 98 I., 9; 106 T., 1; 118 I., 2; 142 L I., 1; 176 I., 1; 193 I., 2. 6 A., 1. 2 C., 1; 26 C., 1. 34 Mass., 1; 57 A5 8 75 3 1 A 18 p 2 3 3 Maiss., 1 5 Vt., 1 Unknown 4. Total 32. 1; 5 C., 1; 8 C., 1; 10 C. 2; 14 C., 1;? C., 1. 11 Mich., 1; 15 Mich., 1; FORT CoviNGTON-.15 I., 5; 16 I., 3; 34 I., 1; 60 I., 2; 77 I., 1; 92 I., 1 3U SC 143o? U S. 1 1 2 Color1d Bi" B;81-.,d 1; 93 I.';2; 98 I." 19; 142 I., 6; 176 I., 1; 193 I., 2. 3 A., 2; 4 A 6.,. 1;.S1.1 6USA5.2Clrd.BiaeWd 1. Navy, 2. Unk Tnown,* T0. Tot'al,200. A.,1; 10A., I 14 A., 5; 15 A., 1. 6B., 1. 3 C., 1; 4C., i; 12 C., 1; 21 C., 1; 26 C., 2. 9 N. H., 2. 9 Vt., 1; 17 Vt., 1. I U.. AS 1. IAL2 1.,; 12 1. 1A A..,; A4;.,; A Ntlvy ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~tln~.~1 Inionl.~ loa,80 1;., 5; 231.,12; 27I., I; 51I).,; 89I.,1 NaVy, 1. Unknown, 13., Total, 80;'-1 01T 1 0 T 1 AP T 1 O T 1 l~\ T f* FT- T fi f-\-l ) -Ltly -fc -. 22 B ^\J jL>J., 1 5; 24 B., I; 2'B., 1. 3C., 0 8 C., 2; 21 C., 1; 220., 4. FANKLIN-. 8 I., 1; 38 I., 1; 46 I., 1; 53 I., 1; 60 I., 6; 77 I., 6; 91 1. 22ic., C l U 5 T f> Ti > 3 TMich C. I U nknown' 5 Total, 65. 1., 5; 96 I.,5; 97 I.,2; 98 I., 1; 106 I., 1; 118 I., 27; 142., 7; 193 i.,' 13 T l AG T.; 4 T 3 7 T. 1; 105 T' 13 1., 2 1 1 A 4..9 A "I- 0 A 1- 1- A 9 ^ 1 9 P 1 ^ P 9:' BEHAXY.-13 1., 4; 46 I., 1; 64 1., 3; 87 l., l; 105 I., 6; 1301I., 2; _. 1A., 4; 2 A-.,1; 10 A., 1; 14A.,2. 8 B., 1. 2 C.,1; 5 C., 2. 1 151I.,;17., 1; 194 I., A 9 A., 11 22B., 6. 8., 9 Vet. C., 1. 3 N. H., 1. 5 Vt., 1; 9 Vt., 1. Navy, 1. Unkntowvn, 6. C.,"4; I'D C., 1; 24 C., 2. R., 1.13Il., 1I 13 k, c. B., 1" 4 U. Total, 90. S. L.,;. Unkno2M, 1. TotaI3 II. HARRIETSTOWN.-S3 I., 1; 96 I., 3; 98 I., 1; 118 I., 6. 16 C.. 1;, 1;. Total,. C., 2. Unknown, 3. Total, 17." ~~~C.,2. Unk~~~~ownS. Total~~~~ABrloE. —28 I., 5; 105 I., 1; 129 I., i9. Total, 25. MALONE.-14 I., 1; 15 I., 2; 16 I., 19; 26 I., 1; 34 I., 1; 35 5 - I. 2; 22 I.; 4., 1; 64 I., 1; 69 I., 1; 74. 1; 100 I., 1; 60 I., 12; 83 I., 2; 92 I., 1; 95 I., 1; 96 I., 3; 97 I., 2; 98 I., 118; 3; 105 I 6 129 130 3 131 17 187 " ",'. 4A.., 1;'JA, 7 Il-,'. 2.;2 3, 2 5B,1 106I.,33; 110 I. 1; 142I.,37; 1461., 1; 1591I.,1; 164 I., 1; 185!., 1; U S 193 I., 9; 196 I., 1. 9 A., 1; 13 A., 2; 14 A., 4; 16 A., 1. 1.. 3 C 1; 14 C., 1. 14 ll., 1; 8 -Mich. 1. 2 M R- 2. s. 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C., 3; U., S. A.) i1., 1; 8,. hen, 275. Toal 64.6U.12 C., 1; 5 C., 1; 8 C., 2; 11 C., 2; 12 C., 1; 13 C., 3; 16 C., 6; 20 C., 2; U.S. A.,. Unknow, 7. Total, 64. 26 C., 18;? C., 1. 1 Yet.'C., 1; 2 Vet. C., 1. 20 Mass., 1. 1 Mass. C., ELBA.-12 I., 5; 13 I., 1; 14 I., 1; 26 I., 1; 28 I., 1; 49 I., 2; 78 T., 1; 1. 1 Mich., 1; 3 Mich,., 1; 10 Mich. 1. 2 M. R.1. 14 U. S.,1. 1I t, 105 I., 7; 129 I.,11; 140 I., 1; 151 I., 4. 4 A., 1; 8 A.,29. 18 B., 1;!; 17 Vt., l. 6 Wis., 1. Navy, 1. Unksown, 7. Total, 316. 25 B., 2. 3 C., 1; 22 C., 1. 6 Minn. 1. Unknown, 5. Total, 76. MOIRmA. —15 I., 1; 24 T., 1; 26 1., 1; 32 I., 1; 39 I., 3; 41 I., 1; 60 I., LE oY.-12 1I., 1; 14 I., 2; 21 1., 4; 26 I., 1; 27 T., 3; 33 I., 1; 49 I., 1; 76 I., 1; 91 I., 1; 92 I., 4; 95 I., 1; 96 I., 2; 98 I., 8; 106 I., 7; 142 2; 50 1., 1; 76 I., 1; 78 I., 1; 81 i.,1; 100 I., 23; 104 I., 6; 105., 7; I., 6; 193 I., 5. 13 A., 3;14 A.,3. 100., 1; 16 C., 2. 37 Mass.,1;57 108I.,1; 129.,9; 130I.,1; 131I.,1; 136 151I. 24; i5 I Mass. 2. 23 Ohio, l. 12 Wis. 1. 8Vt.,1; 9Vt.,3. 17 U.S.,I.1. 4 A., 3; 8 A., 16; 12 A., 1; 13 A., 1; 14 A., 1. 22 B., 2; 25 1B., 1.,6 Unknown, 1. Total, 64. C., 1; 8 C., 3; 9 C., 2; 12 C., 2; 15 C., 2. 12 Ind., 1; 31 Mass., 1; 8 WESTViLLE.-12 I., 1; 15 I., 6; 16 I., 1; 42 I., 1; 60 T., 9; 98 1. 39; AMich., 1. 93 M-., 1.- 1 M.R., 1. 7 Ohio, 1; 18 Ohio, 1; 83 Pa., I; 15 Wis., I 1; 23 Wis. 1. 1 U. S. S. S. I. 15U. S., 1; 16 U. S. 1; 17U'-. S. 2. 1061.,1; 121I.,1; 123 I.,1; 142 I. 11; 143I.,1; 193 1. 1. 1 A., 1; 6..S.C, 6 IT. S. C.,,1; 6. S1;17.Tta, 23 A., 1; 6 A., 1; 9 A., 1; 10 A., 1. 1 B.,1; 16 B., 1. 2C., 1;3 C., 2; 6 U. S. C., 6;? U. S. C., 1. 6 U. S., 1. Unknown, 6. Total, 15. 5 C., 1; 12 C., 1; 16 C., 2; 18 C., 3. 11 Mass., 1; 27 Mass., 1; 57 Mass., OAiTELDm.-12 I., 1; 14 I., 1; 22 I., 1; 28 I., 5; 36 T., 1; 44 I., 1; 40 1. 5 Ohio C.,1. 2 R.I. A.. 5Vt., 1; 8Vt., 1; 9Vt., 1; 11 Vt., 1.; I. 4., 1; 90 I., 1; 93 I., 1; 99 I., 1; 104 I., 2; 105 I., 5; 126 I., 1; 8 Wis., l. Unknown, 10. Total, 110. 129 I., 11; 179 I., 2; 192 I., 1; 194 I., 1. 8 A., 5. 2 B., 1; 22 B., 15; 25 B., 1; 28 B., 1. 3 C., 1; 9 C., 1; 22 C., 1. 2 M. R., 7. Navy, 1. FULTON COUNTY. Unknown, 3. Total, 73. PAxvIo L —14 I., 1; 15 T., 1; 21 I., 3; 28 I., 1; 100 I., 1; 105 T., 1; BLEECKER.-Unknown, 20. 129 I., 1; 140 I., 1; 151 I., 13. 1 A., 2; 3 A., 1; 4 A., 1; 8 A., 11. BROADALBIN.-18 I., 1; 32 I., 1; 47 1., 1. 51 I., 1; 77 I., 4; 84 TI., 1; 3 C., 1; 9 C., 2; 12 C., 2. 1 M[. R., 1. 6 U. S. C., 1. Unknown, 2. 91I., 1; 92 I.,'1; 93 I., 4; 941., 1; 95 I., 1; 96 I., 1; 105 I., 1; 1151., Total, 47. 27; 117 I.,2; 150 I., 1; 153 I., 4; 159 I., 1; 177 I., 1; 192 I., 1. 2 A., PErMBOE- 1. TI., 1; 14 I., 7; 25 I., 1; 28 I., 2; 49 I., 1; 74 I., 1; 78 2; 3 A. 4; 4 A., 2; 10 A.,2; 13 A., 8; 14 A., 2;? A., 2. 17 B., 1.04I.,4; 108.,1; 116I.2; 119I., 1; 129 C., 1; 10 C., 10; 25 C., 1;? C., 1. 2Vet. C.,1. 26 Colored, 1. Un- I.,7; 136I.,1; 144I.,1; 151I.,4; 161I.,1; 1941., 2. 1A.2; 4A.,2; known, 15. Total, 109. 8 A. 28. 12 B., 1; 17 B., 1; 19 B., 4; 21 B., 1; 22 B., 4: 25 B., 3. CAROGA-.77 I., 1; 81 I., 1; 91I., 1; 115 I., 15. 1 A., 4; 2 A., 2; 4 1 C., 1; 8 C., 2; 9 C., 1; 10 C., 1; 15 C., 1. 8 Ill. C., 1. 25 Mich., 2. A., 1; 14 A., 1;? A., 1. 54 Mass., 1. 26 Colored, 1. Unknown, 3. f 5. R. 4. 3 U. S., 1. Navy, 1. Unknow-n, 10. Total, 112. Total, 32. STAFFORD.-28 I., 1; 78 I., 1; 93 I., 1; 104 I., 2; 105 I., 1; 112 I., 1; EPEATAH.-14 I., 1; 43 I., 1; 44 I., 1;.,77 1., 1; 91 I., 1; 94 I., 1; 97 130 I., 1; 147 I., 1; 151 I., 11. 17 Vet., 1. 4 A., 1; 8 A., 12; 11 A. 2. I.,13; 104I. 1; 115 T., 15; 144., 1; 153 1.,24; 1621.3. 2A., 4; 5 25 B., 3. 8 C., 1; 9 C., 1; 12 C. 1; 15 C., 1. 1 Vet. C.,2. 1M.., 1. A., 1; 7 A. 1; 13A., 13. 2 Kansas, l. Unknown, 4. Total, 87. 1 ll. A., 2. 41 Ohio, 1.? Wis. 1. 6 U. S. C., 2. Navy, l. M5fedical JOHNSTOWN-.3 I., 1; 4 I., 1;. 18 I.; 2; 32 I., 11; 43 I., 3; 44 I., 2; 48 Cadet, 1. 1nknown, 2. Totl, 56. I., 1; 52 I., 1; 69 I., 1; 77 I., 17; 91 I., 2; 95 I., 1; 100 I., 1; 102 I., 1; 104 I., 1; 113 I., 1; 115 I., 27; 117 I. 1; 121 I 1; 142 I., 4; 143 I GRtEENE COUNTY. 1; 146 I., 1; 153 I., 75; 162 I., 2; 183 I., 1; 192 I., 2. 1 A., 6; 2 A., 6; AsLhXND.)- 4 I., 2; 15 I., 3; 20 I., 1; 44 I., 1; 51 I., 1; 80 I, 4; 91 3A.,4; 4A., 1; 6A., 1; 10 A., 1; 13 A., 2; 14 A., 4; 16 A., 1. 24 B., T., 1; 9 4A.,4; 9 A.1; 15 A.,7. 1. 1 C., 1; 2 C., 3; 6 C., 1; 7 C., 1; 11 C. 1; 2 Vet. C., 1. 1 D. C., 1. 4 C., 1; 5 C., 1; 18 C. 2. 61 Mass., 1. 33 N. J., 1. Unknown, 5. 23 111., 1; 8 I11C. 1; 34 Ind., 1, 27 Iowa, 1;?Mo.,1;? N. H., 1; 5 N. Total, 47. J. 1; 3 Ohio, 1;? Ohio, 2; 3 R. I. C., 1; 12 U.S. A., 1; 20 Colored, 3. Navy, 2. Unknown, 111. Tot~al,327. Navy, 2. Unknown, 111. Total, 327. ~~~39 I., 1; 46 I., 1;5 47 I., 2; 51 I., 1; 54 I.'i1; 56 I.,'; 6 I.,I;5 69 I., I1; MAFIELD.-8 I.,1; 13 I., 1; 21 I., 1; 32 I., 3; 44 I., 2; 46 I., 1; 47 71 I., 1; 80 I., 5; 91 I., 4; 93 I., 1; 94 I., 1; 95 I., 1; 112 I., 1; 120 I. 4; I., 1; 48 I., 1; 59 I., 1; 67 I., 1; 77 I., 4; 83 I., 1; 97 I., 2; 11.5 I., 21; 133 I.,1; 143 I.,1; 146 I.1; 159I.,5; 168 I.2. 4A., 1; 5A.,1; 117 I.,1; 120 I.,1; 126 I., 1; 134 I., 1; 142 I., 3; 153 I., 4; 176 I.1; 7 A., 1; 8 A., 1; 15 A., 1. 5 C., 4; C., 1; 8 C., 1; 9 C., 3; 11 C., 1. 184 I; 1; 192 I., 4. 2 A., 3; 3 A., 6; 4 A., 2. 2 C., 1; 7 C., 9; 10 C., lConn.,1. 1 I11. A.. 8 Iass.,. Navy, 3. Unknown, 19. Total, 85. 31; 260.,1. 1 ^. t.,1. 15111., 1; 3 Mich. C., 1; 1 0 Pa. It., 1; 495.1; WVC~is.l 1; 12 U. S. I.I 1. Unknlownl, 7. Total, 124. 102 I., 6; 120 1., 16; 121 i., 1; 128 I., 1; 156 I., 2; 159 I., 1; 176 I., 1. NoRTHAMPToN. —2 I., 1; 18 I., 1; 20 I., 1; 32 I., 1; 44 I., 1; 69 I., 2; 5 A., 7; 16 A., 1. 6 C., 2. 9 Mass. B., 1. Navy, 2. Unknown, 1 77 I., 2; 91I., 4; 93 I., 19; 95 I., 1; 96 I., 1; 97 I., 2; 112 I., 1; 115 I., Total, 60. APPENDIX. 619 CATSKILL. —5I.,1; 6I.,1: 15 I.,4; 18 I.,1; 25 I., 3; 431.,6; 44 Mich. C., 1. 5 Mo., 1. 1 Minn. 1. 23 Mich., 1. 14 R.I.1. 3 U.S., I., 2; 57 I., 1; 69 I., I; 80 I., 9; 90 I., 1;'91I., 3; 95 I., 3; 102I., 4 1; 11 U. S., 1; 1 U. S. S. S., 1. Unknown, 7. Total, 143. 107 I., 1; 115 I., 1; 120 I., 14; 125 I., 1. 1 A., 1; 4 A., 10; 5 A., 18; LITCHIE LD.-3 I., 1; 50 I., 1; 121 I., 12; 152 I. 6. 1 A., 2; 2 A., 4; 8 A., 1; 10 A., 1; 15 A., 2; 16 A., 1;? A., 3. 4 C., 1; 5 C., 1; 16 C., 1. 6 A., 1. 7 0., 1; 8 C., 1; 10 C., 1. 4 Conn., 1. 7 Wis., 1. 26 Colored, 9 Mass., 1; 49 Mass., 1; 54 Mass., 6;? Mass., 1. 25 N. J., 1. 1 U. S. 1. Total, 33. A., 1;. I U. S. C., 1. Illvalid Corps, 1. 20 Colored,.3; 26 Colored, 2. Nav 1; 1 UCe. S. C.t ai op, 1. kow.20 Colored,3; 26 Colored, 2. Toa,16ITTLE FALLS.-10 I., 1; 14 I., 3; 15 I., 1; 26 I., 1; 33 I., 1; 34 I., 33; N\avy, 2. Cadcet, 1- Unknown, 28. Total, 146. 57 I., 2; 61 I., 1; 81 I., 1; 97 I., 10; 108 I., 1; 115 I., 1; 119 I., 1; 121 CoxsACKiE.-15 I., 1; 38 I., 4; 44 I., 8; 47 I., 3; 80 I., 3; 95 I., 1; I., 37; 131I., 2; 151I., 1; 152 I.,26; 157 I., 11; 189 I., 1; 192 I., 2; 193 120 1., 26; 143I.,1. 1A.,1; 5A.,1; 7A.,1; 9A.,2. 5 C.,2; 6C.,1; l., 1. A.,6; 2 A., 16; 6 A., 1; 7 A., 1; 10 A., 1; 14 A., 2; 16 A., 13. 18 C., 3. 1 M. R., 1. 17 Vet., 1. 29 Conn., 4. 3 Wis. C., 1.? U. S. 1 B., 1; 27 B., 1. 2 C., 1; 8 C., 1; 13 C. 1; 18 C., 2;? C., 2. 2 Vet. A., 1. 20 Colored, 2. Navy, 5. (Albany, 2; Kingston, 14; Pough- C., 1. 8 Conn., 1. 10 Mass., 1; 14 Mass. A., 1. 27 Maine, 1. I M. keepsie, 4.) Total, 92. R., 2; 2 M. R., 6. Oneida C., 1. 6 Pa. Res., 1.? U. S. I., 1. 20 DURnAM. —3 I., 1; 15 I., 2; 30 I., 1; 43 I., 1; 44 I., 1; 56 I., 2; 80 I., Colored, l. Navy, 14. Unknown, 7. Total, 215. 11; 91 1., 2; 113 I., 1; 120 I., 9; 144 I., 2; 146 I., 1; 156 I., 4; 191 I., 1; MANx EIM.-26 I., 1; 34 I., 2; 47 I., 1; 77 I., 1; 81 I., 1; 97 I., 10; 121 193 I., 1. 2 A.. 1; 4 A., 1; 7 A., 3; 14 A., 1;? A., 1. 20 B., 1. 21 I., 12; 152I.,8. 2 A.,3; 16 A.,2.? B.,1. 9 Maine, 1. 2 M.R.,2. C., 2. Navy, 2. Unknown, 12. Total, 64. Unknown, 2. Total, 47. GREENVILLE.-6 I., 1; 7 I., 1; 10 I., 2; 12 I., 1; 15 I., 6; 26 1., 1; NEWPOrT.-16 I., 2; 34 I., 5; 37. 1; 44 I., 1; 65 I., 1; 97 I., 4; 121 43 I., 1; 80 I., 9; 91 I., 25; 97 I., 1; 100 I., 1; 102 I., 2; 120 I., 7; 126 I., 4; 152 I., 7; 164I.,1; 181I.,1; 186I.,2. 2A., 3; 10 A., 3; 16 A., I.,1; 1391., 3; 1561., 8; 1591.,1; 171I.,1. 4 A., 1; 7 A., 1. 18C.,6. 1. 11 C., 1. 3 R.I.C., 1. 1 U. S. S. S., 3. Navy, 1. Unknown, 6. 8 Pa., 1. 26 Colored, 1. Unknown, 4. Total, 86. Total, 48. HALCOTT. —15 I., 1; 34 I., 1; 80 I., 1; 122 I., 1; 144 I., 2. 5 A., 1. NoRwAY.-29 I., 1; 34 T., 9; 81 I., 4; 89 I., 1; 97 T., 3; 121 I., 1; 152 Unknown, 4.. Total, 11. I., 5; 186 I., 8. 2 A., 1; 16 A., 4.? B., 1. 15 C., 1. 34 Mass., 1. 16 HUNTER.-15 I., 36; 45 I., 2; 46 I., 1; 47 I., 1; 52 I., 1; 54 T., 1; 56 Minn. 1. 29 Ohio, 1. 11 U. S., 2; 1 U. S. S. S., 9. Unknown, 1. I., 1, 79 I., 1; 80 I., 26; 91 I., 4; 120 I., 12; 154 I., 1; 174 I., 1. 4 C.,4. Total, 54. 1 Pa. C., 1. Navy, l. Unknown, 10. Total, 104. Omo. —34 I., 6; 59 I., 2; 81 I., 1; 97 I., 2; 152 I., 5; 186 I., 3. 10 JEWETT.-9 I., 1; 48 I., 2; 80 I., 13; 90 I., 4; 102 1., 1; 120 I., 10. A., 1; 16 A., 3. 10 C., 1. Unknown, 24. Total, 48. 1A.,1; 4 A., 1;? A.,1. 4C., 6. 2 Vet. C., 1. 21.N. J.1. Navy, 1. Russ rI. —14 I., 1; 22 I., 1; 34 1., 2; 57 I., 1; 81I., 6; 97 I., 8; 121I., Unknown, 1. Total, 44. 9; 146 1., 3; 152 I., 4; 154 1., 1; 181 I., 1. 1 A., 1; 2 A., 1; 3 A., 1. LEXINGTON. —15 I., 2; 16 I., 1; 71 I., 1; 80 I., 45; 89 I., 1; 100 T.,;. 3 21 C., 1. i U. S. S. S., 11. 8 U. S., 1. Unknown, 1. 120 I., 7; 1211., 1; 126 I., 1; 133 I., 1; 134 I.,1; 177 I., 2. 4 C., 2; 15 Total, 57. C., 2. 1 M. R., 1. Unknown, 4. Total, 73. SALISBURY.-3 I., 1; 26 I., 1; 34 I., 19; 56 I., 1; 68 I., 1; 77 1., 1; 81 NEW BALTiAoRE.-5 I.. 1; 15 I., 1; 16 T., 1; 43 I., 1; 44 I., 1; 61 I., I., 1; 91 I.,3; 97 I., 26; 100 I., 1; 120 I.,1; 121 I., 19; 152 I., 3; 153 1; 79I., 1; 80 I., 2; 911., 2; 100 I., 1; 120 I., 8; 122 T., 1; 144 I.,2; 1,22; 158 I., 1; 186 I., 6; 13 I., 1. 2 A.,2; 16 A.,18. 18 B., 1. 2 156 I., 1; 177 I., 1. 1 A., 1; 5 A., 1; 7 A., 4; 9 A., 1. 2 C., 4; 16 C., C 1. 2 ned. 3 Unknon, 3. Total, 1. 1; 17C., 1; 18 C., 1. 28 Conn., 1. 61 Mass.,2. 20 Colored. Navy, 1. SCIUTLER. —14 I., 1; 26 I., 1; 34 I., 1; 44 I., 2; 117 I., 1; 121 I., 8; Unknown, 10. Total, 54. 146 I., 1; 152 I., 3. 2 A., 8; 3 A., 1. 22 C., 1; 24 C., 2;?Ill., 1. PRATTSVILLE. -2 I., 2; 15 I., 1; 30 I., 1; 44 I., 1; 51 I., 2; 80 I., 7; Unknown,1 7. Total, 38. 90 I., 1; 91 I., 2; 92 I., 1; 101 I., 4; 120 I., 12; 128 I., 1; 134 I., 3; 144 S'TAnrK.-12 I., 1; 57 I., 1; 95 I., 1; 97 I., 1; 122 I., 1; 152 I., 9. 1 I.,2;.177 I.,2. 4 A.,9; 5A., 10; 6 A., 1; 15A., 10. 2C., 1; 3 C., 1; A., 7; 2 A. 1; 6 A., 1; 16 A., 1;? A., 1.? Mich., 1. Navy 2. Un18 C., 4; 22 C., 1. 20 Colored, 3; 26 Colored, 2. 1 Colored C., 2 known, 5.'[The following names of places where enlistments occurred 1 Mich., 1. Unknown, 14. Total, 101. have been given, viz: Albany, 10; Elmira, 2; Fonda, 2; Geneva, 1; MIoIDA ha., 2; 47 I., 1; 50 Ik, 1; 5 I., 4; 80 I.,, 9; Monticello, 1; Schenectady, 1; Watertown, 1.] Total, 60. 120 1., 8; 121 I., 1; 131I., 1; 150 I.,1. 1 A, 2.; 4A., 4; 15A.3. 4C., W E-131.,1; 15 I.,1; 24I.,I; 34I.,1; 76I.,1; 121 I., 11. 4; 15 C., 1. 2M. R., 1. Total, 57. 1 A., 3; 2 A., 12; 11 A., 1; 16 A., 1, 5 C., 1; 6 C., 1; 24 C., 1. Navy, 1. Unknown, 2. Total, 39. AI O CUM.U -27 I. 1; 81 i., 2; 152., 3. 2 A., 1; 16 A. 1. 20 C., 1. HiAkiILTQN COUNTY. Total, 9. ARIETTA.- -97 I., 3. 2 A., 1. Total, 4. WVINFELD. — -26 1., 3; 34 I., 3; 44 I., 1; 46 I., 1; 81 I., 2; 1011 I., 2; BENSON.-56 I., 1; 97 I., 3; 115 I., 2. 2 A., 1; 4 A., 4; 16 A., 2. 121I., 12; 152 I., 13. 2 A., 1. Unknown, 5. Total, 43. Total, 13.,1i OPE. —32 I; 2; 44 I., 1; 64 I., 1; 69 I., 2; 77 I., 1; 97 I., 1; 115 I., JEFFERSON COUNTY. 3; 140 I., 1; 142 I., 3; 169 I., 1; 184 I., I. 1 A., 1; 2 A., 4; 4 A., 4; 9 ADMS.-4 I., 4; 34., 2 35., 11; 44 I., 3 59 I., 1; I., 1; 94 A 1.1Q \ 1* "I'"> A 1QT? 1? \ 1 1 1T T> ^T A.viLA~tot.-2 I., 4 34.,; 3, 0 1 I., i, O 1 1; 44I,-tt.,; 59 I J.,; 66IJ., 1; 94 A., 1; 13 A.,1; 15 A.,. 18 B., 1.? A., 1. 1 M. R.,1. Navy, 1.' 2 Unknown, 2. Totall 35. ~~~~~I., 13; 1421I., 1; 162 I., 1; 186 I., 30; 192I.,'2. 1 A.,1; 2.1; 9 A.,1; Unknown, 2.. Total, 35. 3 3 1 3 3 10 A., 58; 13 A., 1; 14 A., 3. 21 B., 1. 1C.,I1; 3 C., 1; 13 C., 1; 18 INDIAN LAtKE.-22 I., 1; 46 I., 1; 93I., 1; 175 I.,2. 2A.,1; 5.,1. C,; 24 C.,2; 26 C., 1. 8 111. C., 1. 4 Mich., 1. 8 U: S., 1; Total, 7. 11 U.S., 1;? U. S., 1. 1 Vet. Res. C., 1. Navy, 3. Unknown, 10. LAKE PLEASANT.-Unknown, 12. Total, 163. LoNG LAKE. —93 I., 5; 118 I., 1. 1 A., 3; 2 A., 2. Total, 11. fAL,eXANDIRIA1x.-2 I., 1; 11 I., 1; 12 I., 1; 24 I., 1; 25 I., 1; 35 1.,23; 40 MOi~mrIOUSE. —81I., 1;9~7 I., 8. 16 A., 1. 1 U. S. S. s., 2. Unknowvn, I.,1; 54I., 2; 59) I., 4; 60 I., 1; S3I., 3; 94 I., 10; 97 I., 1; 102I., 1;; MoRETousE.-81 I., 1; 97 I., S. 16 A., 1. I U. S. S. S., 2. Unknown,. 54I 9L?60LV 3 4? \ 1? L. Total, l3. 142 I., i; 152 I., 1; 186 1., 30; 193 T.,3. 1A., 3; 5 A., 3; 10 A., 84; I."r~ Totcal,~~~~~ 13~ T o T I T Ti T 12 A., 1; 14 A., 6. 16 C., 1; 18 C., 8; 20 C., 31; 26 C., 4; 2 Vet. C., 1. WELLS.-11I.,1; 12I.,1; 32 I., 1; 34 I., 3; 44I.,1; b54I.,; 77 I., 1;? S1- 3 Mich C 1 I Ohio A l 15 Wis 1; 38 Wis13? nss,; T 0iCh. TC., 1T. 1 Ohio I.,11. T I 0 1; 3 Wlis. 93 1., 2; 96 1., 1; 97 I., 3; 115 I.,,7; 142 I., 1; 146 I., 1. 4 iA., 9. 2 C 1 nknown, 2. Total 236 "TT j- /^l 0~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 10Tj 1 1 TC T 1 T (V.~. Unknown VVl-, 21 ToU tal, 236->. Vet. C., 2. 12 Vt., 1. 16 U. S., 1. Unknown, 6. Total, 43.' ANTwERP.-21 I., 1; 35 I., 12; 39 I., 1; 67 I., 1; 92 I., 1; 94 I., 8; 102 I.,1; 106I.,1; 142I., 5; 186 I., 2. 1 A., 16; 2 A., 3; 10 A., 33; HERKIMER COUNTY. 14 A., 8; 15 A., 1; 10 C., 1; 20,C., 18. 124 Ill1., 2. 5 Wis., 1; 22 CoLnA. —34 1., 5; 39 1., 1; 44 I., 1; 52 I., 1; 121 I., 6; 132 I., 1; Wis., 1; Wis. C., 1. Unknown, 4. Total, 122. 147 I., 1; 152 I., 6. 2.,; 3A., 1; 44., 5; 52 I.,; 1 et. Ro N iL - 31I.,1; 35 12 I.,20; 9 I., 1; 94 I., 18; 147 C., 1. Navy, 2. Total, 34. I., 1; 186 I., 47; 193 I., 4. 5A.,1; 10A.,115; 11A., 1; 13A.,4; 14 DANuE. —[The names of places where enlistments occurred, were A., 1. 10 C., 1; 16 C., 1; 18 C., 12; 20 C., 18; 21 C., 1; 26 C., 3. 2 Yet. reported in the column of regiments, viz: Albany, 1; Auburn, 1; Bur- C, 1. 2 Cal., 1. 2 Conn. A., 1. 1 U. S. S. S., 1. Navy, 2. Unfalo, 6; Carondclet, 1; Camp Schuyler (German Flats), 7; Harts Island, known, 31. Total, 288. 1; Little Ealls, 2; New York, 1; Utica, 3; Washington, 1; Watertown, 3. CAPEr VYINENT. —18 I., 1; 24 I., 1; 34 I., 2; 35 I., 7; 38 I., 1; 39 I., 1; Total, 27.] 94: I., 13; 102 I., 4; 104 I., 1; 106 1., 1; 110 I,, 3; 122 I., 1; 130 1., 1; FAxrrELD. —34I.,7; 42L I.1; 44I.,1; 97 I., 2; 1151.,1; 121 I., 14, 138.,1; 186.,0; 193,9. 1A.,5; 3 A.1.5 A,2 9A. 1; 10 152 I., 7; 160 I., 1; 181 I., 1; 186 I., 1. 9 A., 1. Total, 37. A., 48; 14 A., 4; 16 A., 1. 11 C., 1; 15 C., 1; 20 C., 14; 25 C., 1. 14 FTMNKUORT 14T 5-39 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ll. 1.-3 1-7T -)T111 f-n-1 Mass., 1. 8 Mo., 1. 103 Ohio, 1. 6 Wis,B., 1. 12 U. S. Fl^rAOn T. —14 I., 5; 39 1., 1; 53., 1; 57 I., 1; 94 1., 1; 121 1., 16; -. Mow -j. ITnV owu S Otll "1 ^7 162 1., 15; 184I., 1. ~~~~~I., 1 Navy, 1; U'nknowrn, 3. Total, 157. 152 I, 15; 184I,1. 1A.,2; 2 A., 38; 3 A., 3; 4 A., 1; 9 A., 1; 14 A.,''' 1. 17 B.,1. 8 C.,1; 15 C.,1;?C.1. Navy, 6. Unknown, 8. To- C. ^ mo~~. —135.,1; 24I.,1; 35 I.,7; 94 I.,7; 1 I..1. 1 A., 3; tal, 105. 2 A., 3; 5 A.,4; 10 A., 16; 14 A., 3. 8 C., 1; 20 C., 9. Unknown, 5. Total, 76. GERMAN FLATS. —3 I., 1; 4 I., 1; 14 1., 3; 20 1., 1; 24 1., 1; 26 I., 3; 27I., 1; 34 T. 9; 35I. 3; 44 I. 5; 49 I., 6; 61 I., 1; 65 I. 1 75; I., l; CLAYTON-2 T., 4; 10 I., 1; 12 I., 1; 35 I., 7; 40 I., 2; 60I., 1; 86 CLYO.- I.,4 10 I.,; 12!,; 3 5 I.,7 4 0.,; I,; 781.:!^ 81I~~~~~~~~~~~.:4 4;;11,1;12i;13I:1 1.2;9il T I. L, 9; 107I., 1; 146 I.1,1;79 I.,1; 1861.,25. 1 A.,5; 2A.,3; I., 1; 121 I., 13; 134 I., 1; 146 I., 1; 152 I., 18; 157 I., 2; 186 I.. 1. l1 5 A.,l; 9 A.,1; 10 A., 57; 14 A.,14; 160A.,1. 6 C.,2; 9C0., 1; 10 A., 2; 2 A., 21; 6 A. 1; 10 A., 3; 14 A., 1. 6 C., 1; 18. 1; 20 C6.., 3; 18 C., 1; 20 C., 10. 2 M.R. 1. 11U. S.I., l. Unknown, 12. 2 Conn., 1; 4 Conn., 1; 5 Conn., 1. 1 Del., 1; 4 Del., 1. 17 11., 1; 22 Total, 167. 11., 1; 8 Ill. C., 1. 1 Mass., 1; 3 Mass., 1; 10 Mass., 1; 27 M{ass., 1; 46 ELnismURGi.-24 I., 31; 35 I;, 8; 39 I., 1; 50 I., 1; 51 I., 1; 56 I., 1; Mass., 1. 3 Mich., 1. 3 Minn, 1. 1 M. R., 1; 2 M.R.. 11Pa., 1; 59 I., 4; 64 I., 1; 81 I., 1; 91 I., 3; 94 I., 43; 97 I.,1; 1211., 1; 122 1., 1;? Pa., I. 1 R. I., 1; 3 R. I. A., 1. 16 Vt.,1. 8 U. S., 1. Navy, 30. 142 I., 1; 147I.,2; 151 I.,1; 185 I.,4; 186 I.,10; 193 I.,1. 1A.,1; Unknown, 22. Total, 198. 5 A., 1; 10 A., 111; 14 A., 10; 16 A., 2. 1 C., 1; 17 C., 1; 18 C., 1; 20 HERIME.R-15 I.,1; 34 I.,25; 43 I.,1; 44 I.,3; 8'1 I.,7; 95 I.,1; C., 26; 21 C.,2; 24 C., 5. 1Vef. C., 2. 6 Mich., 1. 11 Minn., 1. 122 97 I., 4; 117 I., 2; 121 I.,.20; 123 I., i; 152 I., 35; 153 I., 1; 1S6 I., 2. Oio 1. I U.S.;?. S 1. Unknown, 19. Total, 304. 1 A.,4; 2 A., 10; 3 A.,I; 14 A.,1; l16 A, 7. 16 C., 1; 26 C., 1. 4 j H~rENESoN. —4 I., 4; 341. 1; 35 I., 3; 65 I., 1; 93 I., 1; 94 I., 6; 620 APPENDIX. 113 I., 1; 140 I.,-1; 179 I., 1; 186 I., 28. 1 A., 1; 5 A., 2; 10 A., 45;? B., 2. 1 M. It., 11. Serrell's, 3 1 M., 1; 2 M., 10; 3 M., 1; 5 M., 5; 13 A., 1; 14 A., 6. 18 C., 12; 19 C., 1; 20 C., 9. Navy, 1. Unknown, 4. 6 M., 1; 7 7M., 21; 8 M., 16; 9 M., 5; 11 M., 3; 12 M,, 17; 13 M., 98; 14 Total, 126. TM., 3; 20 M., 1; 21 M., 1; 22 M., 5; 23 M.,17; 26 M., 1; 28 M., 85; 30 M., HOUNSFIELD. —21 I., 1; 35 1., 13; 81 I., 2; 94 I., 9; 121 I., 1; 1421.,1; 1; 33 M., 1; 37 M., 3; 41 M., 1; 47 M., 58; 48 M, 2; 52 M., 5; 55 M, 4; 147 I., 1 184 I., 4; 186 I., 28; 194 I, 1. 5 A., 1; 10 A., 60; 14 A., 3. 56 M.,45; 63 M., 1; 69 M., 4; 71 M.,19; 72.M.,2; 78 M., 1; 79 M.,2; 84 21 B., 1. 1 0C., 1; 5 C., 1; 18 C., 9; 20 C., 16; 26 C., 1; 28 C.,'. Inv. M., 10; 93 M., 1;? M., 4. 1 Carolina A., 1. I Conn., 1; 2 Conn., 1; 3 corps, 1. 1 M. R., 1. 9 Pa., 1. 10 Wis., 1; 29 Wis., 1. 16 U. S., 1. Conn., 2; 5 Conn., 6 Conu.,; onn., 6; 8 Conn.,3; 9 Conn., 3; 10 Conn., 9; ll11 Conn., 8 Colored, 1. Navy, 3. Unknown, 4. Total, 169. 9; 13 Conn., 1; 14 Conn., 1; 15 Conn., 2; 16 Conn., 2; 17 Conn., 3; 20 LE RAY.-35 I., 8; 50 I, 1; 76 I., 1; 92 I., 1; 94 I., 8; 98 T., 1; 120 n 21 o; 22.1; 23; Co. 1; 27 CoCn I, 1; 121 I., 1; 147 I., 1; 152 I, 1; 185 I., 1; 186 I., 2; 193 I., 2. 1 A., 119. C 1 17 29 I Conn., 17 31 Conn., 17? Conin., 17 I Conn. Ak., 2; i Conin. C., l1; 15; 2 oA. 1. 1nA A., 5 12 A., 1 14 A., In \ 1 A. 2 P C. 1; P Conn. 2.,1. 3 Del, 1. 8 ill., 1; 11 Ill., 1; 13 Ill., 1; 14 Ill., 1; 51 20 C., 24. 3 Conn., 17 7 Conn., 1. 50 Ill., 2. 4 Vt., 1. Navy, 2. ll 1; 108 Ill., 1; Ill. C., 1; 11 Ul. C,, 1; 16 Ill. C., 1. 2 Incl., 1; 3 ~~~Unknown~~i~-. 4 Tlotil144. ~~~~ ~'Ind., 1 5 Ind., 17 6 Ind., 1; 12 Ind., 17 27 Ind., 17 29 Tnd., 17 4 Ihd. known. 4. T~ot~al,144n 1~ 01AT., 1. 7 TowTa, 1; 10 Iowa, 1; 12 Iowa, 1; 16 Iowa, 1; 20 Iowa, 1; 29 LORRRAINE.-24 I., 2; 59 I., 1; 81 I., 1; 94 I., 12; 106 I., 1; 184 I., 1; I lom-a C., 1. I Knsas, 1 5 Knsas, 1. 2 a., 185 I., 3 186 I., 6; 193 i., 1. 1 A., 1; 10 A., 20; 14 A., 5. 18 C. 1; 1 6 aine 1; 7 Maine, 1; 9 aine, 1; 10 M7aine, 1; 16 Maine, 1; 25 20 C., 15. 1 Mich. C., 1.? Pa., 1. 11 U. S., 2. Unknown, 5. To- - 33 L ^ 3 5 ^ 4 M.,aine, 17 33 MYaine, I; 1i aine B., 1. I iM,-d., 17'a Aid., 17 9 Md,; 4 tal, 79. ~~~~~tal5,~~~~ /y-7~ hMd. A., 1. 1 Mass., 2; 2 Mass., 1; 3 Mass., 1; 4 Mass., 2; 5 Mass., 1; LYnME. —24 I., 2; 35 I., 12; 51 I., 2; 93 I., 1; 94 I., 4; 102 I., 1; 147 7 Mass., I; 8 Mass., 1; 10 Mass., 2; 11 Mass., 2; 12 Mass., 1; 13 Mass., T., 2; 186 I., 5; 193 I., 1. 1 A., 1.; 10 A., 68; 14 A., 4.? B., 1. 6., 2, 15 Mass., 2; 17 Mass., 1; 18 Mass., 1; 19 Mass., 3; 20 Mass., 1; 21 2; 7 C., 1; 18 C., 10; 20 C., 5; 26 C., 12. 72 Ill., 1.? Mass., 1; 3 Mass., 2; 22 Mass., 3; 23 Mass., 2; 24 Mass., 1; 26 Mass., 2; 27 Mass., Mich. C. 1 11 U. S. I., 1;?U. S. I., 1. Unknown, 3. Total, 142. 2; 30 M, 2; 2 ass., 2; 3332 M a ss., 11; 34 Mass., 4; 42 Mass. 1~; 44 ORLEANS.-19 I., 1; 35 I., 10; 31 I., 3; 94 I., 16; 186 I., 21. 1 A., 5; 5'fss, 4; 48 M:ass., 1; 54 Mass., 1; 56 MTass., 1; 58 Mdass., 1.-;? Mass., I 5 A., 1; 6 A., 1; 10 A., 61; 14 A., 3. 6 C., 1; 13 C., 1; 18 C., 4; 20 C., 1 Jass. A., 1; 3 ss..,; 14ass. A.,1; 1_Mass. B., 1; 2 Mass B., 5;? C., 1. 13 Mich., 1. 3 Wis., 1. Navy, 1. Unknown, 4. Total, 1; 1 Mass. C., 2; 2 Mass. C., 2; 4 Mass. C., 1. 2 Mich., 1; 8 M:ich., 1; ~141.? Mich. C., 1. 10 Minn., 1;? Minn., 1. 1 Mo., 1; 9 Mo. 1; 11 Mo., 1; PAELTA-35 I., 14; 40 I, 1; 60 I, 2; 68 I, 1; 94 I., 12; 106 I., 1; 9-,,IA.,1; 1 C., 3 N I.. 2 4 N. I 110I.,1; 117I.,1; 1491., 1; 186I.,21; 193I.,2. 1A.,.4; 2 A., 1; 4 1; 12,1 I N. J., 7; 2 N. J,; 10 N. J., 1; 4 T J A., 1; 10 A, 40; 13 A, 2. 11 C, 1; 13 C, 2; 15 C, 1; 18 C, 2; 20 C., 3; 5. J., 4; 7 N. J. 5; 8 N J., 3 9 J., 3; 10 N. J., 3; 11 N. J5.2 141 1 9 Pa 21Wis 1 8 U S 14 U t 12 N. J., 2; 13 N. J., 2; 14 N. J., 5; 15 N. J., 2; 17 N. J., 1; 21 N J., 4. 141 Ill.,I. 9 Pa~,. I-)s,. US,; 4US,1 V 5 A) I. 21 Wis., 1. 8 U ~ ~ 12. S.,21; 14U1.3.2 o.1 2 N. J., 2; 23 4N. J.,5; 33 5N. J., 2; 3 17N. J.-,I; 31 5 N J.;37N,. C -.1. 80 Colored, 2. Navy, 3. Unknown, 11. Total, 137. 1 22. J.,; 23 N. J.,; 33 N..,2; 340 I' T 1.,; 35 N.., 3; 37N J. "... T ^ no T e n l T -~ n^ T i i o/. T i -i 4 J., 1; 39 N. J., 1; 40 N. J., 3; 67 N. J., 1; 1 N. J. A., 1; 3 N. J. B., I; PHTTILAELP11TA 5 I., 6; 92 I., 5; 94 I., 1; 97 I., 1; 186 I.,. 1 A., J.C., 4; 2 N. J.C.,5; 3 N. J. C.,2;?N.J.C., 1. 5Ohio 2; 10 13; 2 A., 2; 10 A., 367 13 A., 6; 14 A., 7. 20 C., 9. 5 Mich., 1. 41 ^ ^'o^Q 5 <- 1 VT^ A 7> o20.97?n Mlch- 1< 41 Ohio, 1; 19 Ohio, 17 23 Ohio, 17 30 Ohio, 1; 31 Ohio, 17 60 Ohio, l; 80 WVis., 1; 2 U.S., 1. Navy, 1, Unknown, 3. Total, 97. Ohio, 2; 8 Ohio, 1; 88 Ohio, 1; 103 Ohio, 1; 142 Ohio, 1; 15 Ohio, I; Ohio, 2; 84 Ohio, 17 88 Ohio, 17 103 Ohio, 17 142 Ohio, 17 195 Ohio, 17 RoDMAN. —35 I., 7; 94 I., 17; 122 I., 2; 186I., 4. 5 A., 2; 10 A., 32;? Ohio,,2; 6 Ohio B., 1; 31 Ohio B., I. 1 Pa., 1; 3 Pa., 4; 6 Pa., 1; 15 13 A., 1; 14 A., 4. 15 C., 1; 18 C., 1; 20 C., 3. 6 Ill., 1. 1 Mich. C., Pa., 1; 19 Pa., 1; 22 Pa., 1; 28 Pa., 2; 45 Pa., 1; 52 Pa., 1; 53 Pa., 1; 1; 2 Mich C., 1. 13 U.S. I., 1. Unknown, 2. Total, 80. 56 Pa., 1; 58 Pa., 1; 67 Pa., 1; 69 Pa., 1,; 72 Pa., 1; 74 Pa., 1; 81 Pa., RUTLAND.-35 I., 13; 94 I., 9; 100 I., 1; 185-1., 1; 186 I., 14. 1 A., 1; 98 Pa., 1; 99 Pa., 2; 100 Pa., I; 109 Pa., 1; 110 Pa., 1; 115 Pa., 1; 11; 4 A., 1; 10 A., 51; 13 A., 1; 14 A., 3. 11 C., 1; 20 C., 3. 1Wis., 116 Pa., 1; 117 Pa., 2; 147 Pa., 1; 150 Pa., 1; 169 Pa., 1; 196 Pa., 1. Unknown, 5. Total, 115. 1; 206 Pa., 1;? Pa., 8; 1 Pa. C., 1; 2 Pa. C., 1; 3 Pa. C., 1; 7 TnERE A. —141~ 1; 1, I., 1; 24 I., 1; 31 I., 1; 35 I., 20; 42 I., 1; O160 Pa. C., 1; 11 Pa. C., 1; 16 Pa. C., 1; 22 Pa. C., 1;? Pa. C., 1; 44 Pa. I.,1; 94I.,4; 143I.,1; 146I.,1; 186I.,12; 193 I.,2. 1 A., 6; 2 A., M. 1 IR 3 T 9 1 3 R A 1 5 RT\I. 1 8 R. I 2; 9 I 1; 5 A. 1; 6 A., 1; 10 A, 54; 13 A., 2; 14 A., 8. 2 C, 2; 20 C., 197 1 1 A 3R R.; Mich.Eng.,l; 1Mich., 1. Navy, 4. Unknown, 3. Total, 149. R. I. A.,7; 1R.I. C., 3. 2Tenn., 17 3Vt., 17 5 Vt.,I; 68 Vt., 1. 12 IATER'TOWN.- 9'' Va1., 1; 1 2I., 1; 2.,; 34., 1; 22 Wis., 41; 47 is., 1; 9 Wis. C., 1..,; 2W., 147 1; W.., 1. VYATEETOWN. —9I., 1; 14 I., 1; 241.,1; 341.,17 35 I', 41; 43 I., 17 -9T -^T T^i^n^i.T^i TQi U.IS.,; 2 U. S - 4 3 U Q S, 5 S U.S.,4 3U..S,0U. S., I7 6 U. S.,; 7U.S., 1; 44 I., 1; 59 I., 1; 64 1., 3; 0 I., 1; 85 1., 1; 89 I., 1; 91 I., 1; 94 I., 32;.. 10 S 8 11 S 1 12 S 15 14 4 mT 1 * 1 01 T 1 * 1 ^/l T 1~~SU..,6; T U.S. 1 7T0U. S 1 T1.,S;~ T1 1U. S.,1 1U, U. S., 11 U.0,,11U 0,1 U. 1(5, 1 U. 8.,.47116I., 17 121 I., 1, 134I., 1; 136 I., 1; 147 I., 2; 149 I., 1; 150 I., 1;. S 10 T S.. 1. 1 1 15U. S., 1 16U. S.,12 IS U. S.,170 TU. S., T; 41 U. S., 6 GIJU. S., 1; 152 I., 1, 1841., 1, 185 I., 3 186 I., 31; 192 I., 1; 193 I., 1. 1 A., 4;; I. 3 S A 1 4 T S? 1 U. S. A., 2; 2 U. S. A.,5; 3U. kS. A., 1; 41 T. S. A., 3; 5 2A., 5, 3 A., 2; 5A., 2; 7 A., 2; 9 A., 1; 10 A., 85; 11 A., 1; 12 A., 1; 4? S 2 1 S C 1 2 U S C 3 3 U 4 U..A. /S. A 1? 1 S. A 2 1 U..S. C., 1; 2U.S..,7 S. C 3 9 I S. C.),2 4 3 A., 12, 14 A., 14 16 A., 5. 1 B., 2; 21 B., 1. 1 C., i; 3 C., 1; 6 U S C. 1; 5 U S C., 2; 6 T. S C., 2; 8 U S C., 1? U S., 1; I r< o-QP1 1~~~~~~~~~~~.S1r.Co'.,1; o ^100 oo 5U. S.C.,27 6U.S.C o.,.7.U.,.C.,I;u.U.S.C., 1, l, 2 8 C., 1, 11 C., 1; 12 C., 1; 18 C., 11; 20 C., 13; 21 C, 3; 22 C., S. S S., 4; UT. S. Eng.,2; Marine Corps, 3; 2 U., S. Coloredl 1; 9U. i;* 26C.,2. 0 Conn^.,1. 4f7 Ind. 1. 14R. ITA.,1. 6 TQn1 *'''' "5^~ i ^U.p& 0, C.,0.(JOU,1,. 1; 26 C., 2. 20 Colin., 1. 47 Id., 1. 14 R. I. A., 1. 6T U.s0 S. C-1. s. Colored, 1; 11 U. S. Colored, 1; 25 U. S. Colored, 1;? Colored, 2; 1 12 Vet. R., I. 3 U.S. A., 1. Navy, 6. Unknown, 18. Total, 337. Colored C., 1. Navy, 1,332. Unknown, 585. Total, 6,707. WILNA. —15 I., 17 25 I., 17 35 I., 167 52 I., I; 54 I., 17 94 I., 137 97 FLATBUSIT.- 51 L, 1; 67 I, 1; 70 I., 1: 71 I., 1; 139 I., 9; 159 1. I I T~o^T1!5^V5!1^ I3 ^ l^ I52^1^'I4 ^f ^ ^ I97FLAT —SU —51., 17 67 1., 7 70 I. I1 76 I., 1; 139 I., 9; 159 I., 1; I., 4; 102 I., 1; 106 I., 1; 117 T., 2; 142 I., 1; 146 I., 1-177 I., 17 185 I., 163I.,17 176I., 1 1C., 1. Navy, 2. Iotal, 19. I' 1861 31- 193 I 4 31 1 16 M 1- I 10 8 312 163 1.5 1; 176 I., 1; 15 C., 1. Navy, 2. Total, 19-. 2; 186 I., 317 193 I., 4. 1. A., 167 2 A., 127 5 A. 2; 10 A., 58; 13 A., 2; 14 A., 7. 1 B., 1 1 C., 1; 2 C., 1; 3 C., 1; 7 C., 4- 10 C., 1; 18 C., 1; FLATLANDS. — I I., 1; 6 I., 1; 1-1 I., 1; 12 I., 1; 13 I., 2; 20 I., 1; 39 7A. 7 lB.,1. 1C^., 1; 2C., 17 3<., 17 7C^.,47 10Cv.,7 1,8C /., 1, i *./QT1.^lT1.P1T1.7 T1Q(T1O 20 C., 46. 3 Conn., 1; 26 Iowa, 1. 56 Ohio, 1. 79 Pa., 1. 1 U. S.1; 40., 1; 4A.,'; 48 I., 1; 56 T., 1; 61., 1; 67"., I., 8 1 1; 87 1.? U. S, 1. Navy, 1. Unknown, 3. Total, 244. I.,2; 90 I., 9; 115 1., 1; 7I., 4; 127 T., 4; 132 T., 1; 159 I., 1; 69I., ~ 2' 1"T 5 I.,;5.,;9., 9., 8. 13I 17 15I., 1. 17 Vet., 1. Ill.,1. 55 ass.,1. 8Minn.1. 7N.HT-.,1. WYonIH. —25 I., 17 54I1., 17 57 I., 17 92 I., 17 94I1., 107 1S66I.,97; 1933 14 [Pa., 1. MI T. LR., 1. 20 Colored, 5; 26 Colored, 0.. 50 M., 3; 56M2A., 2.., -2. 1 A., 1 10 A., 12. 6 C.,2;20C.,5. 29 Conn., 1. 2 Mass., 1. Navy, 9. Unknown, 5. Total, 76. 28 Wis., 1. Unknown, 3. Total, 51. G-RVESEND. —1 I., 1; 5 I., 3; 9 I., 17 11 I., 1; 15 I., 1; 67 I., 1; 86 I., 1; 133 I.,17 1;39 I., 6; 158 I., 2; 159 I., 1.? A., 1. 20 Colored, I; KINGS COUNTY. 26 Colored, 2; 29 Colored, 1; 31 Colored, 1. Navy, 5. Unknown, 1. Total, 31. BROOKLYN:~. — 1 I., 32; 2 I., 18; 3 I., 40; 4 I., 51; 5 I., 61; 6 T., 28; 7 Tota 31 T., 46; 8., 23; 9 I., 52; 10 I., 50; 11 I., 20; 12., 24; 1 75; 14 I., NEW LOTS.-2 I., 1; 3 1., 3; 5 T., 1; 7 I., 1; 8 I., 2; 9., 2; 15 I., 2; 1., 40, i, 26, 1.,.3, 10 1.,W, ii 1, 20, 12128 I., 2;1, 15;T., 1; 37 Lo 01; 38 T., 6;1 41 I., 1;A 4T 7 I., 4T; 52 T., r l 54 117 15 I., 60; 16 I., 2; 17 I., 9; 18 I., 3; 19 I., 2; 20 T., 40; 21 I., 4; 22 22., 2 31 I 17 37I 1 8 I 6; 41 17 4 7.,47 52 I 5; 54., 1; - -r I " " -' " Y 1 P1Y " " U I Cny -F- InII.,8 23 I., 13 24 I., 2 25 I., 13 26 I., 1 27 I., 107 98 I 9 ^Q T by 1; G3 bo, 2; uy i^ 1; 70 1^ 2; bl L5 1; 9S I? lub I., 2; 146 I., 1; 117 30I., 31I.,147, 3 32 1., 87, 33 1., 97 34 I., 37 35l., 27 36 I., 10; 37 Ziy l Q 1 0 I., T 1. I.T 1 1 T^ T I I I; T 1. 17 T I O 11-'^O T - ^1 ^4 —^9 T - r^ Q-' T ^-^^1T981.,27 163!.,17 1I66I.,l17I 1 73I.,17I 11751 I.,17 117 6 I.,1. 2AI.,2172 4 2; I, 18; 38 I., 11; 39 I., 16; 40 I., 38; 42 I., 19; 43 I., 6; 44 I., 6; 45 I., a*, A 5 2'i 1; G 5? ^ T ^ 1 v i i? 2r 1. 24; 46I., 77 47 I 10 T ~- 51 T *W 59 T 13 L., 1. l2 N. K-? 1. *' Pa.,.1.? n. I. C., 1. 6 I.,27 5; 11., 1; 2^, 40.1., i (, 4^ i, liU, 40 i.131iV,.4 1., 2,2N., oH., o,0 1.,?a.,..?RQ^ 1.I.C r-.,c - 1. 6M., l; o11 M.,^ITQ1; 57; 53 I., 12; 54 I., 18; 55 I., 12; 56 I., 46; 57 I., 15; 58 I, 15; 59 I., 1 M-1 S., o' 17; 61I.,17; 621.,12; 631.,21; 641.,4; 65I.,22; 661.,11; 671.,56; 14US51; r7 U' S", 1; o u S. C5 2. Nay, n Lnknown 36- Io68 I., 11; 69 I., 62; 70 1.; 7; 71 I., 34; 72 I., 5; 73 I., 35; 74 T., 8; 75 Lal5 15/I., 5; 76 I., 4; 78 I., 5; 79 I., 32; 80 I., 1; 81 I., 24; 82 I., 15; 83 I., 20; NEW- UTIEECHT.- I I., 1; 3 I., 1; 6 I., 1; 13 I., 2; 14 I., 1; 26 T., 1; 28 84 I., 285; 85 I., 1; 86 I., 1; 87 I., 37; 88 I., 9; 89 I., 1; 90., 53; 91 I., 1; 66 I., 2; 67 I., 4; 84 I., 2; 90 I., 1; 99 I., 1; 123 I., 1; 124 I., 1; I., 3; 93 1., 5; 94I., 5; 95 I., 19; 96 I., 6; 97 I., 5; 98 I., 4; 99 I., 11; 139I.,5; 158I.,3. 1C.,1. 5B.,1. 1N.J.,l; 4N.J.,l; 8N.J.,1. 100 I., 7; 102 I., 19; 103 I., 5; 104 I., 1; 106 I., 5; 107 I.,57 108I, 17 3IR. I., 1; 14 R. I.A.,1. 6U.S.7; 8 U. S., 1; 0 U. S., 2; 11 U.S., 1; 111 I., 17 112 I, 57 113 I, 17 114 I., 27 115 I., 37 116 I, 17 117 I.,6 12U. S.22; 17 U. S, 2; 1 U. S.,; 2 U. S. A., 1; 3. S. A., 3, 4 119 I., 7; 120 I., 2; 121 I., 5; 122 I., 1; 123 T., 3; 124 I., 3; 125 I., 2; U. S. A., 1; 5 U. S. A., 2; 13 U. S. A., 1;? U. S., 2. Navy, 6. Un126 I., 1; 127 I., 23; 128 I., 4; 129 1., 1; 130 I., 1; 131 I., 40; 132 I., known, 9. Total, 101. 21; 133 I., 78; 135 I., 4; 136 I., 1; 137 I., 6; 138 I., 3; 139 I., 229; 142 I., 7; 143 I., 2; 144 I., 1; 145 I., 11; 146 I., 5; 147 I., 2; 148 I., 3; 149 LEWIS COUNTY. I., 3; 150 1., 6; 154 I., 1; 155 I., 6; 156 I., 1; 157 I. 3; 158 I., 131; 159 1o ~., 1, l35j I., 87 17O I., 17 l4 1., 5; 197 1., 17 101 1., 6193 17 T 11;;193 T.,17 170 T. 177 172 T. 2; 173 T. 1507 174 T. 17 175 T. 5; 176i TI., J' 2 iA5; ~ " "' "} " "' L'' "( * 1 4A)i0 - Li 178 I., 10; 179 I., 1; 183 1.,1; 1851.,2; 186I.,1; 190 I., 2; 191 1., 3; 193 2 u 0 5 11- 1. 1otal, 12o. I., 3; 196 I.,17 1 A., 14; 2 A., 11; 3 A., 14; 4 A., 24; 5 A., 110; 6 A., 7; D~:ax Km. — 25 I., 1; 25 I., 9; 49 I., 1; 94I;, 2; 97 I., 2; 142 I., 1; 7 A., 4; 8 A., 2; 9 A., 2; 10 A., 3; 11A., 1; 12 A., 1; 13 A., 1; 14 A. 153 I.,1 186 I. 18. 1A.,27 5A., 29; 10 A., 8; 14 A., 3. 3 B., 1; 20 157 15 A., 15; 16 A., 5;? A., 6. 1 C., 29; 2C., 13; 3 C., 6; 4 C., 10; 5 B, 1. 1 C, 1; 7 C., 2; 20 C., 20; 26 C., 3. 1 Mass. C., 2. Total, 107. C., 14; 6 C., 21; 7 C., 3; 8 C., 4; 9 C., 6; 16 C., 6; 11 C., 13; 12 C., 1; DINA. —18 I., 1; 35 I., 1; 94 I., 4; 147 I, 1; 186 I.,8. 1A.,1; 2 13 C., 13; 14 C., 6; 15 0., 1; 6 C., 4; 18 C., 10; 20 C., 3; 21 C. A; A 5A.,; 10A.,18 7 14c., 17 1.3 C., 2; 18 C., 1; 20 C., C., 2; 23 C., 1; 24 C., 1; 25 C., 14; 26 C., 1;?C., 2. 1 Vet. C., 2; 2 8. 2 Yet. C., 1. 20 Vet. IRes., 1. 10 Vet. Res. C., 1. 7 Conn., l. Yet. C., 1;? Yet., 26. 1 B. 2; 3 B., 1; 5 B., 8; 6 B., 4; 10 B., 1; 13'Tie reinaining9 enlistments were reported as occvirring at the following B., 3; 20 B., 5; 23 B., 1; 24 B., 1; 25 B., 2; 28 B., 2; 30 B., 2; 31 B., 2; places, viz: Albany, 2; Auburn, 2; Boonville, 4; Elmira, 8; Malone, 1; APPENDIX. 621 New York city, 1; Ogdensburgh, 2; Potsdam, 1; Rochester, 1; Russel, 1; C., I. 1 Conn. A., 1. 1 Mlich. C., 1. 54 Ohio, 1; 61 Ohio, 1;? Ohio, Sackett's Harbor, 12; Troy, 1; Watertown 1. Unknown, 2. Total, 101. 1. 52 Pa., 1; 1 Wis., 1; 6 Wis., 1; 13 Wis., 1; 1 Wis. A., 1. 58 MLI., 1. GREIG.-I I., 1; 5 I, 11; 14 I., 14; 42 1., 1; 51 I., 1; 59 I., 4; 75 I., 13 U. S. Colored,. Navy, 2. Unknown, 7. Total, 165. 1; 87 I., 1; 97 I., 14; 106 I., I; 112 I., 1; 117 1., 5; 146 I., 3; 152 I., 1; NUNDA.- I., 1; 11 I., 1; 13 I., 3; 21 I., 1; 33 I., 18; 50 I., 1; 52 I., 1861, 21. 1A. 6; 3A., 1 5 A, 30; 10 A, 1; 14 A, 3. 21 B., 1. 3 1; 65 I., 1; 85 I., 4; 86 I., 1; 89 I., 1; 104 I., 12; 108 I., 1; 117 I., 1; C., 1; 4 C., 1; 20 C., 4; 21 C., 4; 26 C., 1. 20 M., 1. 46 Iowa, 1. 1 130 I., 29; 136 I., 10; 140 I., 1; 141 I., 1; 147 I., 1; 184 I., 1; 188 I., 6. Wis., 1. Unknown, 8. Total, 144. 4 A., 2; 8 A., 1; 16 A., 1. 1 Vet. C., 6. 47 Ill., 1. 1 Mich., 1; 8 Mich., HARRTSBTRGH.-II I., 1; 35 I., 11; 94 I., 2; 97 I. 1; 186, 1. I A 1. 1 Minn. B., 1. 46 Pa., 1. 2 M. R., 1. Navy, 1. Unknown, 2. 4; 5 A., 22; 10 A., 2; 14 A., 4. 34 B., 1. 11 C., 1; 20 C., 7. Navy, 1. Total, 115. lUnknown, 2. Total, 70. OssIAN-3 I., 1; 12 I., 2; 26 I., 1; 64 I., 1; 89 I., 1; 91 I., 1; 101 I., HIGiiMARKET.-14 I., 2; 59 I., 2; 186 I., 1. IA.,; 3A, 1; 5 A, 1. 1; 130 1., 3; 136 I., 10. 4 A., 1. 4 C., 1; 12 C., 2; 16 C., 1; 21 C., 1. 7 0., 1; 21 C., 1. 1 M., 1. Unknown, 10. Total, 21. 6 Ohio, 1. 82 Pa., 1; 211 Pa., 1. Unknown, 11. Total, 41. LEWIS.-15 I., 3; 46 I., 1. 2 A., 1. Unknown, 5. Total, 10. PORTAGE.-33 I., 5; 104 I., 5; 105 I., 1; 111 I., 1; 130 I., 13; 136 I., LEYDEN. —3 I., 2; 14 I., 8; 75 I., 1; 97 I., 1; 144 I., 1; 146 I., 3; 186 1 9 1; o I 4 I.,4. 1 A., 1; 5 A., 13; 3 C., 1; 4 C., 1. 6 V. R. C., 1. 14 Vet. Res., Ohio5 1. 2 Vis.) 1. 2 M. R.3 1. Unkown,. Total, 48. 1;? Vet. Res., 1. 3 Cal., 1. 189 U.S., 1. Unknown, 7. Total, 48. SPARTA. —13 I., 11; 47 I., 1; 85 I., 1; 104 I., 1; 109 I., 1; 130 I., S; LowTVILLE.-14 I., 5; 24 I., 1; 59 I., 7; 92 I., 1; 94I., 3; 97 I., 5; 104 1361., 21 147I., 3 148., 1; IS T.,. 11 A.,. 8 C., 1; 21 C., A' I., 1; 121 I., 2; 142 I.,1; 149 I., 1; 157 I., 1; 186 I., 5; 194 T., 1. 1 A., 17 Ill. C.). 1 Mch. 1; 3 Mich. 1; 7 Mich. C., 1. 3 Wis., 1. Un5; 3 A., 1; 5 A., 48; 6 A., 1; 10 A., 1; 14 A., 2. 18 B.,1. 1C., 1; 3 known, 3. Total, 66. C., 2; 4 C., 1; 7 C., 3; 26 C., 11. 112 Ill1., 1. 24 Wis., 1. Unknown, SPRINGWATER. —13 I., 2; 45 I., 1; 49 I., 2; 70 I., 1; 85 I., 9; 88 I., 2; 5. Total, 118. 104 I., 17; 107 I. 1; 108 I. 2; 112 I. 4; 113 I. 1; 122 I. 1; 126 I. 1; M~ARTI~NSBURn- 5 T1 26; 7 I. 2; 14 I. 3; 34 I 1; 59 I. ^ 94 P I 130; I., 7; 136 T., 15; 138 I., 1; 147 I., 2; 148 I., 2; 188 I., 19; 189 I., 1. T97 I NS BR1G4 IT - 1. 2646 I 7 2 I., 2; 14 I., 3;3,1 59 2; 94; 14A. 97, 1. 18 B., 2. 2 C., 1; 3 C., 1; 6 C., 1; 8 C., 1; 21 C., 19. 20 Ind. B., 1. 16 1. l.ich., 1. 4 Ohio, 1. 58A.,15. 1M.R.,2. Navy, 1. 1; 14A., 3. 3C., 2; 24 C., 2; 26 C.,7. Unknown, 2. Total, 112. ^ l 16 4 0l 5M"15 1 "2 NavyU o MONTAGUE.-94 I., 3; 97 T., 1; 186 I., 4. 5 A., 8; 10 A., 2; 13 A., 1; WEST SPARTA.-I I. 11;I uTT^^T^O? I" ^ ^ ^\ Mkn8^ 1" lo~lW' sTSPAaTx. —.1', 1 13 I., 3; 14 I., 1; 27I.,,2; 50 I., 4; 96 I., 1; 14 A., 8. 35 B., 1. 20 C., 6.? Vet. C., 3. Unknown, 2. Total, 39. 5 T,3, 130., l; 136., 13; 145 I., 1; 146 I., 1; 188., 1. 11 A.) 1; 13 A. 1; 8- NEW KB1 E^-3 92I, 1 34I, 5;1 S9; 10 I;. 1; 14 I., 9; 44 I 1; 18.9 5. 1; 14 A., 2. 3 C., 1; 18 C., 1; 21 C., 3. Unknown, 4. Total, 52. 81IT., 1; 92I1., 1; 94 I.,6G; 97IT., 10; 106 I., 1; 117 I., 1; 186I1., 5. 1Ai., 7 3 B' 1 a8 B. 126G3 32 Wi'is" I Navw I Uunkww^ 3' YoK.-S I., 1; 13 I., 2; 27 I., 1; 33 I., 4; 104 I., 4; 130 I., 4; 136 I., I 3 B.,; B., 1. 26 0., 32 Wis., L. Navy, 1. Unknown, 3. 3 B.5 1; 28 B., 1 26 C., 3.67; 169 I., 1; 188 I., 1. 1 A., 1; 2 A., 3; 14 A., 3. 3 C., 2; 8 C., 9; 16 C., 1; 23 C., 1;? C., 1; 1 Vet. C., l; 105 Ill., l; 26 Inl., B., 1. I 1Mich., OSCEOLA. —i5 I., 1; 26 I., 1; 30 I., 1; 32 I., l; 35 I., 2; 81 T., 1; 86 I.,'2; 1; 3 Alich. C., 1. 39 Wis., 1. Navy, 1. Unknown, 5. Total, 58. 97TI., 2; 116 I., 1; 146 I., 1. 6 A., 1; 10 A., 12; 14 A., 2; 16 A.,`2. 8 C., 1; 11 C., 2. IS V.. C., 1. 1 U.S., 1. Navy, 1. Total, 36. MADISON COUNTY. PINCKNEY. —35 I., 7; 94 I., 1; 97 I., 1; 185 I., 1; 186 I., 9. 5 A., 12., T 1 T T T 10 A., 7; 14 A., 4. 3 C., 2; 18 C., 2; 20 C., 5. 2 UTT S. C., 1. Un- T., 3; 46 I., 1; 5. 6., 3; 69 I., 1; 76 I., 1; 81 T., 2; 93 I., 1; 110 A 7- 14 A4 ^ P 9- 1R 9- 90 P ^ 9IT S C 1 U RtOOK-FIELD.-6 I., 1; 9 I., 1; ]4 I., 1; 26 I., 6; 40 I., 1; 42 I., 1; 44 known, 3 Total, 55. I, 3; 46 I., l; 57 I., 1; 61 I., 3; 69 i., 1; 76 I., 1; 81 I., 2; 93 I., 1; 101 I., 1; 114 I., 24; 117 I., 8; 124 I., 1; 146 I., 4; 147 I., 1; 152 I., 1; 154 TURIN. —14 I., 9; 59 I., 1; 60 1.5 1; 67 I., 6; 186 T., 7. 1 A., 2; 2 A., 1.51; 157 I., 2; 176 I., 8; 184 I., 1; 189 I., 39. 1 A.,`24; 7 A., 4; 14 A., 1; 5 A.540. Unknown, 6. Total,73. 3. 25 B., 1. 24 C., 1. 6 Conn. 1; 8 Conn., 1; 1 Conn. C., 1. 19 WATSON. —1 I., 1; 3 I., 2; 5 I., 28; 35 I., 1; 49 I., 1; 59 I., 2; 94 I., Wis., 1. Total, 152. 1; 97 I., 1; 193 I.,1. 1 A., 1; 2 A., 1. 6 C., 4; 26 C., 3. Navy, 1. CAZEovIA.- I., 1; 12 I., 4; 14., 1; I7 I. 1; 24., 1; 25 I. 1; 30 -Unknown, 2. Total, 50. ~~~~Unknm~~owf~~n, 2e~. Total,50~1., 2; 35 I., 11; 44 I., 2; 49 I., 1; 50 I., 1; 61 I., 3; 75 I., 1; 76 I., 3; 81 WEST TuIux. —5 I.. 2; 14 I., 3; 23 I., I; 57 I., 7; 94; I., 2; 97 I., 2; I., 5; 911., 1; 101 T., 1; 112 I., 1; 114 I., 43; 126 I., 1; 129 I., 1; 147 98 1; 147I., 1; 14 86 I. 2. 1 A., 4; 3 A., 1; 5 A., 23; 14 A.,4. 18 1.,1; 149I. 2; 157I. 3; 161I. 1; 176I.,1; 185I. 1. 1 A. 1; 2 A., B., 1. 16 C.,1; 20 C.,3;22C.,1.?'et. Cav.,l. 50hio, 1;29 Ohio, 2; 3 A., 1; 9 A., 1; 11 A. 1. 8 B., 1. 2 C., 16; 3 C., 8; 6 C., 2; 8 C., I. Unknown, 3. Total, 65. I; 10 C., 1; 15 C., 1; 20 C., 1; 22 C., 10. 1 Vet. C., 1. 17 Conn., 1; 29 Conn., 1. 9 Ind., 1;? Ind. C., 1. 10 Mass., 1. 11 Ohio, 1; 1 Ohio ~LIVY~INGSTON COUNTY~~., I. 46 Pa., 1; 143 Pa., 1. 6 Wis., 1;? Wis., 1. Navy 2. Unknown3 11. Totai, 169. AvoN. —13 I., 5; 15 I., 4; 21 I., 1; 26 I., 1; 27 I., 3; 33 I., 1; 50 I. 4; DE RuYTE.-12 I., 1; 19 I. 1; 23 I., 1; 44 I., 1; 50 I., 1; 64 I., 1; 64 I., 1; 65 I., 1.; 97 I., 1; 99 I., 1; 104 I., 3; 105 I., 1; 108 I., 2; 130 1., 76 1., 15; 101 I., 1; 114 I., 18; 122 T., 2; 144 I., 1; 157 I., 13, 184 I., I; 185 1; 136 I. 18; 140 I., 2; 188 I., 2. 4 A., 2; 8 A., 4; 14A., 2. 26 B., 2; I. 3; 193 I., 1. 17 Vet., 1. 1. A.,1; 2 A.,5. 2 C., 5; 3 C., 14; 10 C., 3; 15 27 B., 1. 8 C., 11; 9 C., 1; 10 C., 1; 13 C., 1; 16 C., 2; 21 C., 1; 24 C., C.,6; 20 C., 1; 22 C., 3. 1 M. R., 1. 1 Ill. A., 1; 2 Ind. A., 1. 21 1. 1Vet. C., 1.? C.,1. 146 111. 1. 21 Mich., 1. 34N. J., 1. Un- Toa, 1; IowaC.,1. Ind. A., 1. 1Wis.,1;13Wis.,1; 16 Wis.,1. known, 1. Total, 87. 1 U.S. S. S., 1. Unknown, 5. Total, 115. CALEDONIA. —1 I., 2; 27 I., 1; 44 I., 5; 100 I., 4; 129 I., l; 136 I., 4; EATvro.-14 I., 1; 26 I., 3; 44 I., 2; 47 I., 1; 48 I., 2; 61 I., 1; 76 I., 179 I., 1. 4 A., 3; 8 A., 1; 26 B., 1. 8 C., 11; 21 C., 1. 4 Mich. C. 1 81I.,3; 91 I., 1; 97I., 2; 114 I., 18; 117 I., 1; 140 I., 1; 144 I. 1; 1. 12 Wis.,1. 6 N.Y.S.S.,5. Navy, 1. Unknown, 3. Total, 46. 146 I., 2; 147 I., 1; 157 I., 7; 176 I., 21; 184 I., 3; 189 I., 5. 1A. 4; -CONEsusS.-Navy, 2. Unknown, 39. Total, 41. 2 A., 1; 3 A.; 1; 4 A., 1; 16 A., 1. 23 B., 1. 3 C., 1; 10 C., 18; 11 C., GENESEO.-13 I., 1; 25 I., 1; 26 I., 1; 27 I., 1; 33 1., 15; 47 I., 1; 50 3; 15 C., 1; 22 C., 1. 2 I1l. C. 1, 1 oa 1. 2 Mich., 1. 157 Pa., 1; I., 1; 51 I., 1; 64 I., 1; 86 I., 2; 89 I., 1; 98 I., 1; 100 I., 2; 104 I., 11; *1 Pa. C. 1. Navy, 1. Unknown 14. Total, 130. 105 I., 1; 111 I., 1; 130 I., 8; 136 I., 42; 154 I., 1; 160 I., 1; 188 I., 1. FE'NER.-14 I., 1; 15 I. 1; 16 I., 1; 35 I., 2; 44 I., 1; 50 I., 1; 71 I. 2 A., 1; 4 A., 1; 8 A., 5; 13 A., 1; 14 A., 16;? A., 1. 3 C., 2; 8 C., 2; 1; 81 I., 2; 114 T., 5; 149 I., 1; 157 I.,2. 1 A. 1. 2 C., 9; 15 C., 2; 12 C., 1; 16 C., 1. 1 Vet. C., 3. 1 Cal. 1. 54 Mass., 1. 8 Mich. C., 22 C., 2. 17, Vet. 1. Unknown, 2. Total, 35. 1. 7 Ohio, 1; 19 Ohio, 1. 47 Wis., 1.? U. S. Colored, 1. 58 M., 1. GEOTGETOWN.-15 I., 1; 35 I., 2; 36 I., 1; 76 I., 10; 96 I., 1; 114 I., Navy, 2. Unknown, 15. Total, 154. Navy, 2. Unknown, 15. Total, 154. 3; 117 I., 1; 157 I., 10; 177 I., 1; 184 I., 3. 1 A., 1; 5 A., 1; 9 A., 1. GROVELANDX.-33 I., 1; 44 I., 1; 104 1., 1; 130 I., 6; 136 I., 4; 147 I., 2 C., 1; 20 C., 1. Oneida C., 3. Navy, 1. Unknown, 2. Total, 44. 1. 8 A., 2; 14 A., 4. 8 C., 5; 24 C., 1. 9 Mo., 1. 4 Mio. C., 1. Un- HAMILTON.-7 T., 1; 12 I., 1; 14 I., 2; 21 I., 1; 26 I., 4; 44 I., 2; 61 known, 15. Total, 43. I.,3; 64I.,1; 76I.,1; 89 I.,1; 91I., 1; 96I.,1; 114 I.,14; 117I. 3; LEICESTER.-26 I., 2; 89I.-, 2; 96 I., 1; 104 I., 3; 130 I., 8; 136 I., 10. 132 I., 1; 148 I., 1; 157 I., 22; 176 I., 10; 184 I., 1; 185 I., 1; 189 I., 9. 147 I.,2. 2 A.,1; 6 A., 1; 14 A., 1. 21 B., 1; 24 B. 2;? B., 2. 22 1 A.1; 2 A., 3; 3 A.,2; 13 A., 1; 16 A., 1. 12 B., 1. 3 C.,1; 8 C., C., 1; 24 C., 3. 31 Ill., 1. 1 U. S. S. S., I. Unknown, 17. Total, 59; 1; 10 C. 1; 11 C., 2; 12 C., 1; 15 C., 1; 20 C, 1; 22 C. 5; 24 C. 1. LIM{A. -10 I., 1; 13 I., 4; 15 i., 9; 18 I., 1; 26 I., 1; 27 I., 17; 50I., O""idaC. 3. Unknown, 9. Total, 11. 1; 69 I., 1; 70 I., 1; 76 I., 1; 108.I., 6; 126 I., 1; 130 I., 1I; 136 I., 14; LEBA.-NON-22 I. 1; 26 I., 5; 44 I., 1; 61 I., 5; 86 I. 2; 101 T., 3; 114 140 I., 2; 146 I., 1; 147I., 1; 148I., 3; 188 I., 2; 192 I., 1. 1 A., 3; 8 I.,16; 157I.,11;176I.,1;184I.2;189I.,5. 1A.,2; 3A.,1; 16A.1. A., 7; 9 A.,1; 14 A., 1. 18 B.,1;?B.1. 2 C. 1; 21 C., 2. 1 Vet. 8 C., 1; 11 C., 1; 21 C., 1. 2 U. S., 1. Unknown, i. Total, 61. C.,8. 26 Ind.B.,1. 9Mich.,1. 14 Mo., 1. 17 Wis., 1. I U.S.S. LExOX-3 I.,I; 5I.1; 1`2I.,14; 14I.,6; 15I.6; 16I.,2; 18I.,1; S.,1. 1-M. R.,1. Unknown, 4. Total, 114. 24 I. 2; 26 I., 3; 28 I.,1; 32 I., 1; 33 I., 1; 35 I., 5; 37 I., 1; 44I., 1; LVONIA. —11 I., 1; 13 I., 7; 21 I., 1; 27 I., 2; 30 I., 1; 52 I., 1; 100 50 I., 6; 76 I., 1; 78 I., 3; 81I., 1; 97 I., 7; 101 I., 4; 104 I., 1; 110 I., I., 1; 104I., 5; 126 I., 1; 130I., 7; 136 I., 34; 188I.17. 1A.,1; 4A., 1; 111I.,1; 112 I.,1; 114 I.,1; 117I., 1 21I.,7; 125 I.,2; 1281. 2; 14 A.,1. 1 C., 3; 21 C.,16; 22 C., 6. 1 Vet. C., 1;? Vet. C.,. I 1; 1401.1; 1461.2; 147I.,1; 149I.,4; 157I.,96; 1611.1; 1761.,i; M.R.,4. 11 Mich. 1. Navy, I. Unknown, 10. Total, 125. 185 I., 1; 189 I., 19; 193 I., 1. 1 A., 8; 2 A., 5; 3 A.,9; 4 A., 1; 9 A., MoUNT MoRars.-10 I., 1; 24 I., 2; 27 I., 20; 331., 4; 39 I., 1; 50I. 1; 14A.. 1B., 1 2B.,1 3].;`21B.5. 2 2; 3C.,1;8., 1; 581,1; 64I.,1; 75 I., 2; 89 I., 6; 94 I.,; 97I.,2; 102 I.1; 104 1., 2; 10 C., 1; 15 C., 6; 22 C.,8. OneidaC., 53. 2 Yet. C., 1. 1 M. R., 4; 105 I., 1; 111 I. 1; 113 I., 1; 130 I. 16; 136 I., 35; 146 I. 1; 157 I. 11. 6 Conn., 1; 24 Conn., 1. 112 ill., 1. 19 Ind., 1. 21 Iowa, 1. 9- 1S: T, 3. 4 A, 1; I1 A., 9. 14 A. 3 24 R 3, 1; 8 C.; 9- Q?;y, 1. 27 Mass., 1. 6 Mich. 1; 9 Mich., 1; 12 Mich., 1; 7 Mi-ch. C., C.,1; 24 C., 14; 26 C.,1;? C., 1.?Ill.,1. 57 Ind., 1. 2 Ind. B., 1. 1. 3 Minn., 1. 2 N. I.,1. 50 is.,. 16U. S. I.,15; 20 U. S., 1. 27 Mass., 1; 54 Mass., 1. 13 Mich. C., 1. 7 N. J., 1. 4 Ohio A. 1. ^7. 9. 31Colored,1. Cnknown,25. Tota1,405. 58 M., 20; 104 M., 1. 26 U.S. Colored, I. Unknown, 13. Total, 179. MADIrso. — 26 I., 5; 30 I., 1; 34 I., 1; 61 I., 1; 81 I., 2; 97 I., 1; 104 NoaPTT DAXSVTTLLE. — 3 I., 1; 17 I., 21; 15 I.,1; 17 I.,1; 20189 I. 1. 3 I., 2; 24I., 1; 27 I., 2; 35 I., 2; 47 I., 1; 74I. 2; 76 I., 1; 97 I., 1; 100 A., 5; A., 1; 16 8 C.,`2; 10.,6; 22 C., 3. 00 RI-ss., i I., 1; 104 I. 3; 107 I., 1; 108 I., 1; 130 I. 36; 136 I., 25; 140 I., 2; 141 Ohio, 1. 16 U. S. I., 2. Unknown, 5. Total, 63. I., 2; 158 I., 1; 161 I., 4; 169 I., 2; 188 I., 8; 189 I., 1. 3 A.,1;1II A., NELSO.12 I., 2; 35 I., 4; 81 I., 1; 114 1., 8; 117 I., 1; 119 I., l; 1; 13 A., 1; 14 A., 3;? A., 1; 5 C., 1; 6 C. 2; 10 C., 1; 21 C., 8; 1Vet. 141 I. 1; 5176 I.3; 192 I.,1. 2A.,2; 8A.,1; 14 622 APPENDIX. A., 1. 1B.1;11B.5. 15 C., 1; 16 C., 1; 22 C., 4; 24., 1. Oneida 189 I., 1; 93 I., I. 1I A.4; 4 A.,2. 26 B., 1. 6., 1; 8 C., 2; 21 C., C., 1. Unknown, 7. Total, 50. 1; 22 C., 1, 24 C.. 1 1 M. R., 1. 10 Kansas, 1. 40hio, 1. Total, 31. SMITIFIELD. —15 I., 1; 35 I., 2; 78 I., 1; 811 I., 1; 86 I., 2; 114 I., 1; Ri 13 1; 105 1571.,18. 1A.,4; 2A.,1. 2 B., 2; 9 B., 1. 2 C., 2; 8 C., 1; 10 C., 13;140 I I11 m 2. 1 A. 2;2 A. 4A. A., 1 A; A.1. I B.) I; 22 B.) I. 3 C. 1; 8C., 3; 18 C., 1; 22 C., 4. 1 N. Y. 3; 15 C)., 3; 22 C., 3. 19 AVis. 1. Total, 47. 0 1-. ^ 1l i Ct i i i o TT r T "OCBIG. TA 2 3 I. T 5 L, T 6 L, 2 o 1 " i 94 I. S.S., 1. 1 M. u., 1. 21 Conn., 1. 193 Pa., 1. 2 U.S. C.,. UnSTOCKBRIDGE.-14 I. 2; 35 I., 1; 58 I., 1; 64 I., 2; 81 I., 1; 94 1., 1; known 3 Tot 7"? known, 3. Total, 72. 104I., 3; 114 I., 5; 117I., 1; 146 I., 1; 1571., 10; 1756I., 1. 1 A., 30; 2 A., 1; 3 A., 1; 13 4., 1. 10 C., 2. 1 M. R., 1. Unknown, 2. To- ROCHESTER.-3z I., 2; 5 T., 1; 125., 3; 13 T., 163; 14 I., 2; 16 I., 2; 18 "al "7 L,' I,; 20 I., 2; 21 T., 3; 22 I., 1; 23 I., 1; 25 I., 1; 26 I., 39; 27 L, 11; tal, 67. 28 T. 2; 29- I., 2; 30 I., 1; 33 I., 24; 34 I., 1; 35 I., 1; 36 I., i; t1 I., 1; SULLIVAN.-3 I., 2; 12., 7; 14 I., 4; 15 I., 5; 22 I., 1; 24 I., 2; 35 40I 2; 44I 9 46 I., 1; 47 T., 2 48.,3 49 T 6; 50. 7; 53 I 1; 40 I., 2; 44 I., 2; 46 I., 1; 4I LT, 2; 48 I., 3; 49 I., 6; 50 L~, 7; 53 I., 1; I., 2; 39 I., 1; 44 I., 1; 50 1., 4; 64 I., 1; 68 I., 1; 76 I., 1; 81 I., 2; 86 55 1 57I 1 58I1 60I1 61I2 64I3 67 I 6911 5; 97; 100 i.,2; 101 I. 15; 115 I 1; ^17 I.,2; 122 I., 6; 126 70.L 4; 74I 1; 75 1 2' 77i: 1; 786I; 7; 81 I., 3; 89 I., 12; 90 L 2; L, 5; 97 I., 1., 100 L, 2; 10 T., 5 115 I., 1; 117 I., 2; 12L6 2, - 70 I., 4;74 I., 1; 0' -., 1.,,2; -17 L, 1;., 78 I.., 7; 81., I,3 89. 0.,2 L.,1; 149 I., I.,; 19 I.,7; 19 L, 550; 164.,; 1.,; 1 I 185 91 I., 3; 94 I. 4; 96 I., 1; 97 I., 1; 98 I., 5; 100 I., 6; 101 I., 2; 102 I., L, 2; 186 I., 1; 189 I., 9; 194I.,1. IA.,4; 2 A., 19; 30A.,13; 4 A., 1; 6; 103 L, 1; 104I.,1; 105I., 12; 105I.,125; III I.,3; 115 I.,1; 116 9 A., 3; 10 A., 1; 11 A., 3; 16 A., 1. I B., I; 21.B,..1;., 3; 17., l;'., I., 2; 126.,; 18.,; 1 1 30.1; 133I., 3; 6 C., 1; 10 C., 7; 11 C., 3; 15 C., 6; 22 C., 2; 24 C., 1; Oneida C., 1; -I 1; 1361., 1; 1139I).,!1; 1401I., 254; 141 I., 3; 145 I., 1; 147I., 2; 148IT.,? C., 1. I M. R.- 1. 45 111., 1; 90 111., 2; 140111 1. 22 ich., 1; 1 2; 150 I, 2; 151 I., 30; 157 I., 1; 160 I.,'2; 161 L, 3; 168 T., 1; Mich. A., 1. 19 Pa., 1. 4 Wis., 1; 14 Wis., 1. 11 U. S. I., 1; 14 U. 16 L 3 1 L 4; 1S4I2;185 L 2; 186 L 2 187 I 1 188 I S. I., 2; 16 U. S. I., 4; 6 U. S. C., 1; U. S. Staff Officer, 1. Navy, 3. 19 19; 194 I A., 28; 2 A., 2; 3 A., 6; 4 A., 31; Unknown, IS. Total, 257 3 2019I.,;19.;14I,1 8.;3A,6. 1 ~~~~~Unknown~~l8. Totn1,2j7.~5A., 1; 6 2., 1; 8 A., 18; 9 A., 4; 10 A., 2; 11 A., 8; 12 A., 1; i4 A., 3; 16 A., 2;? A., 2. 1 B.,7; 3 B.,1; 5 B.,3; 10 B.,1; 17B., 4; 18 IVONVROE COUNTY. BI., 68; 20 B., 2; 25 B., 2; 26 B1. 1; 27 B.,1; 28 B.,1.;?., 2. 1 0.,6; 2 C., 3; 3 C., 45; 4 C., 2; 5 C., 1; 6 C., 12; 8 C., 95; 10 C., 5, 12 C., 6; BRIGHTON.-13 I., 5; 17 T., 1; 33 I., 1; 54 I., 5; 64 I., 1; 74 I., 1; 93 13 C., 6; 14 C., 1; 16 C., 3; 20 C., 1; 21 C., 34; 22 0., 68; 23 C., 1; 24 I., 1; 100 I., 2; 105 I., 1; 108 I., 6; 140 I., 8; 142 I., 1; 175 I., 1; 189 I., C.,10; 25 C.,2; 26.,1;?.,1. 1 Vet. C., 17. 1 M. R., 3; 2 M. R., 1; 196 I., 1. 1 A., 1; 4 A., 2; 8 A., 1.. 18 B., 8; 27 B., 2. 2 C., 1; 3 4. i N. Y. S. S., 9. 54 ML., 90. 7 Conn., 1; 23 Conn., 1. 10 I1l., 1; C., 1; 8 C., 10; 21 C., 5; 22 C., 1; 26 C., 1. 7 Ill. C., 1. 11 Ind., 1. 20.,; 24., 1; 74.,;.., 1; 12.,C.,1. 12Ind.,; 20 23 Mich., 1; 24 Mich., 1. 3 Mich. C., 1. 124 Pa., 1. Navy, 2. Un- Ind., 1; 21 nd.,1 a 1. 4IoMa, 1. 4Md.,1. 1 Mass., 1; 18Mss 1; 51. known, 11. Total, 88..Mass., 1; 54 Mass., 1;? Mass., 2. 4 Mich., 1; 9 MAich., 1; 27 Mich., 1; LL.-7 I., 1; 13 I., 11; 14 I., 1; 21 I., 1; 36 T., 1; 49 I., 2; 69 I., 1; 2 Mich., C., 1; 4 Mich., C., 1; 5 Mich., B., 1;? Mich., 1. 2 N. J. C., 1..76 I., 1; 77 I., 1; 98 I., 1; 100 I., 1; 108 I., 15; 120 I., 1; 140 I., 23. 1 4 Ohio, 1; 5 Ohio, 1; 12M (lio, 1; 33 Ohio, 1; 541 Ohio, 1; 8(6 Ohio, 1; 103 A., 4; 4 A., 11; 5 A., 1;? A., 1. 18 B., 2; 27 B., 1; 34 B., 1. 3 C., 3; Ohio, 1; 10 Ohio B3., 1; 3 Ohio C., 1; 10 Ohio C., 1;? hio, 3. 8 Pa., 1l 8 C., 6; 10 C., 1; 13 C., 1; 21 C., 1; 22 C., 2. S. S., 1. 2 Ohlio C., 1; 29 Pa., 1; 45 Pa., 1; 67 Pa., 1; 71 Pa., I; 82 Pa., 4; 100 Pa., 1; 111Pa., 11 Ohio C., 1. Marine Corps, 1. Navy, 1. Unknown, 5. Total, 106. 1; 6 Pa. A., 1; 48 Pa. A., 1I; 5 Pa. C., 3; 12 Pa. C., 1;? Pa., 2. 15 It. CLARKSo.-13 I., 1; 21 T., 1; 50 I., 2; 66 I., 1; 105 I 3 108 I., 2 L - 1 8 Vt., 1. IVVis., 1; 13 Wis., 1; 25 Wis., 1; 29 Wis., 1 2 132 I.,1; 138 TI., 1; 140., 11 8 A., 1. B.,. 3., 4; 5., 1; U. S. I., 1; 3 U. S. I., 2; 4 U. S5 I., I; 5 U. S I., I; A0'U. S.., 1; II U i6Z i., 1, i6Q 1~~~~~~~U..,.,; 14U1.S 1. I.,; 1U.S.I1.,1 5U.S0.,1; ^1 10. T.TI 11U* < T T1.1ATT T1'TT T^ S. I., 5; 12 U. S. 1.,; 13 U. S. I., 14 U. S. I.,!0. 15 U. S. L,5; 16 C., 1; 18 C., 1; 22 C., 1;? C., 1. 100 Ill., 1. 7 Mich 1; S. S.,., 5 - Unknown, 3 Total 48. U. S. I.,4; 4U I. S. 1., 1; 3 U.. A., 1; 2 U. S. C.,2; 6 I. S. C., 7; U. S. C.,1;?U.S.4; 1 U.S.S.S.,9. 22 V. R. Corps, 1. 8 Colorcd, 1. GATES.-13., 1; 25 I., 1; 108 I., 11; 140 I., 15; 151 I., 1; 168 I., 1. Navy, 25 _nknown 183 Total 870 I ay,2. 1knvn 183. Tota~l, 1,870. 4A.,2; 14A.,2. B., 1. 3 C, 1; 8 C, 6; 22 C, 3. 117 11l., 1. 140 Pa., 1. 15 Vt., 1. Unkiiov S. Total' 56 RusT. —13 I., 6; 18I., 1; 216I., 3; 42 I., 1; 50T., 4; 104L., 4; 10 SI.,?a, 1. 15YVtl1. Unknown, 8. Total, 56., ^ T~^ ^ T 8 f. 11; 109 I., 1; 140 T: 14 L, 1; 151 I., 1; I 1; 187 I., 1; 188 I., 1. GRPEECE.-13 I., 8; 25 I., 1; 26 I., 1; 50 I., 5 52 1., 1; 61., 1; 89, i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~4.2 18 ]3.!; 26. I.'- 1C,5:22.,1 O26/0T,1/ 1"0. 1 Q''5U^ 5 -. SL~. I..,1;, 1; 100 I., 1; 105 I., 1; 108 I., 25; 140 I., 16; 164., 1; 1709 I., 1; 188 I.,. 2. L Unknown I Total 53 3; 193I.,1. 1A.,1; 4A.,4; 8 A., 1; 13 A., 1; 14 A., 1. 8 B., 3; 26'' SwEI)Ex.-l3,I., 12; 15 I., 1; 48 I., 1; 50I.,1; 52 I., 1; 541., 1; 76., 1. 3 C.,8; 6 C., 2; 8 C., 10; 21 C., 4; 24 C., 6. 100 Ohio, 1. 100 Pa., 1. 15 U.S. I., 1. U. S, Eng., I Nnvy, 3. Unknown, 4. I5 1 y 4 L', 1; 1., 1; 15., 7 IL, 11; 140 L, 27;,1O L, 1.'1190 Uk.,2; 3 A., 1; 4 A., 1; 8 A., 2; 11 A., 1; 14 A., 1; 16A.,1. 18 B.,2; Total, 1.20. T 9T 4 4 T ^ 1.9 B,.,1; 24IB, 1. 30,29; 6C,1; 80,14; 11 0., 1; 15 0., 1; 21 0., HAMLrN. -B1I., 4; 28 I., 1; 52.I., 1; 54L., 1; 64 T., 1; 104 I., 2; 105 7;9 B., 1; 24 1. 3 C., 2 1 S 7; 22C.,9; 24C.,1;?C.,1. I Vet. C.,1. 2M.R.,2. 1N.Y.S.S.,1. I., 2; 118 I., 12; 126 1., 1; 129 I., 5; 140 1., 3; 147 I., 2; 188 1., 1; 1931 IL 2; 194 L, 1. 5 A., 1; 8 A., 2; 14 A., 1. IS B., 2; 21 B., 1; 22 B., 7 Ill. C?IIl. C.; 1. 17 Ill., 1. 15 Ind., 1; 12 Bid.,'l; 22 Ind., 1. I.,2; 194I.,1. 5 A.1; OPA,2; 1.9A.,9. 90 P B.2 2 P 1 ]3.,i; 22B...19 Mich.,1IicE, 1.. I J- 7 05 5^ 5-5 2. A,3 u3Al.,-, 1; A,40 A.6 14.,;?A,2. lB.~, -1; 1081., 108 I., 4; 130 1., 2; 140 1., 2; 151 1., 1. 1 A., 1; 4 A., 1. 18 B., 7. 2 2 0 3 0 1 1 1 1 C. 1; 3 C., 3; 8 C., 2; 11 C., 1; 16 C., 1; 21 C., 1; 22 C., 1. 17 U.S.C 1 C,..,1. I.1; Navy, o; 8 kow, "DI.;11ota;1, 67, 210 1, 2 C,1.17US.45 111., 1. 12 Mich, 2. 26 N. II., 1. 103 Ohio, i. I Ohio B., 1. 14 I., l. Navy, l. Unknown, 31. Total, 67.T.. ^ 15 jj. g^ T ^ ^^ 4^ Uno^ g. Total,152.'U. S.I., 1; ID' U. S. I., 1. Navy, 4. Unknownv, 8. Total, 152. IRONDEQUOIT.-46 I., 1; 68 I., 1; 78 I., 1; 83 I., 1; 87 I., 1;'r.89., 1; 7 I., 1; 13., 2; A7., - 1 1., 1; 67 I. 1 69 94 I., 2; 100 I., 1; 104 i., 2; 108 I., 11; 140 I., 6; 151 I, 1; 188 I, W.. T, 3; 7. I., 1; 1., 1 0 I., 1;., 1; 08 I., 10; 140 I 2 I I o, 1 7( A I0. 8 5 I. 1; 8 Q I~ -. O1 T? 4 I? 5 5') 5 ^~ 1" -, 1 10 5u 1': -,' I -- * i A., 3; 14 A., 2; 1 8A., 1. 18 3., 1; 21 B., 1. 1 C., 1; 3 C., 1; 6 C., _9 18 I 10 96 P> 2] 0 15 [.2. QA.); 4PA.,2; 8A.,1; 9 A., 1. 18B., 2; 2 6 I.,3. C., 2; 8 C., 9; 21 C., 1; 22 C., 1; 24 C., 1. 1 N. Y., S. S., 1; 6 N. Y. S. S., 1. 13 58 9 1 6 Y 1. 12 Ill. C.,. I.. 1 26 Pa., 1. 2 U.S. 1; 12U. S., U i.24 Pa.,9 T; 3'.,1. 6 U. S S. C., 1. I4 L P2 T LO*T Q ^ \ "TTI ^ nAY'-n3'' ~~L 3?N-ichU 1. I AMieh. En^n^. 1 46 Pa-. 1; 8" Pa., 1. 6 U. S. C., I. S., C., 1; 6 U.S. C., 1. Unknown, 5. Total, O.? U..., 1. I U.. S.S. 1. ay, 6. nown,7. Toal, ~~~~~~~~~~U..L1.S.S.nav,6 iknown, 7. Total, 1 MENDoo. —13 I., 17; 15 I., 7; 26 I., 1; 27 I., 6; 50 I., 3; 52 L., 1; 56 I., 1; 75 I., 1; 86 I., 2; 98 I., 3; 105 I., 1; 108 I., 29; 140 I., 6; 146 I., MPY C TY 1; 188 I., 2; 189 I., 1; 194 1., 2. 4 A., 1; 8 A., 2; 14 A., 1. 17 B., 1; 18 B3, 1. 3 0., 1; 8 0., 19; 9 C., 2; 21 C., 3; 22 0., 1; 24 C., 2. 1 Yet. AMfSTERAM.- - -25 1.,.2; 32 I., 29; 42.,1; 44I.,1; 447 I., 1; 48., 1; 0.,3. 18 Iowa, 1. 14 Pa. C.,1. 11 Wis.,1. 1 Wis. C.,1. 1U. S. 50I, 1; 51I,2; 621.,2; 64I., 1; 66I, 1; 77I., 1; 91I,7; 92T.,1; I., 1;? U.S. I., 1. Navy, l. Unknown, 12. Total, 140. 98 I., 1; 104 I., 1; 115 I., 24; 118 I., 1; 142 1., 1; 150 I., 1; 153 I., 4; 155 ODEN.x-3 I., 2; 13 I., 4; 15 I., 1; 27 I., 1; 50 I., 1; 54 I., 1; 88 T., 1; I., 3; 1621I., 2; 192I., 2. 1 A., 1; 2 A., 3; 3 A., 5; 6A., 1; 7 A., 3; 13 891.,1; 92I.,1; 931.,2; 98 I.,1; 104 I.,2; 105 I.,1; 108 I., 16; 136 A,5; 14A., 3; 16 A., 1. 12., 1. 3C., 1; 100.,3; 110.,2. 2 Yet. I., 1; 140 I., 12; 166 I., 1. -1lA., 2; 4 A., 5; 9 A., 1; 14 A.,. 18 B.,., 2. 8 ll.,l; 58 111.,1. 2Iowa, 1. 9Mass., 1;?Mass., 1. 2 \is:, 1. 3 C., 9; 5 C., 1; 8 C., 12; 20 0., 1; 21 0., 6; 22 C., 2; 27 C., 1.. 10 L 2 ^is^ ~-1- ^vy. 10- Unkow-n, 53 Tota,192. Mass. C., 1, 1 Mich. C., 2. 2 Mich., 2; 16 Mich., 1. 11 U. S. I., 2; 14 CiVxjoiiAi.-12 I, 1; 18 I, 1; 20 I., 1; 32 I., 2; 34 I., 1; 43 T, 16; U. S. I.,. Navy, 5. Unknown, 4. Total, 109. 44I., 3; 46 I., 1; 47 1., 3; 60 I., 1; 61 I., 2; 64 I., 1; 76 1., 5; 91 I., 2; PAMA.-13I., 24; 26 I.,4; 501. 4; 54I.,1; 69 I., 1;78 I.,2; 100 I., 1; 102 I, 1; 105 1, 1; 108 1, 17; 140I, 6; 155 I, 1; 161 I, 1; 189 I., 2. 4 143 I1.,1; 153 1, 191; 157.,1; 162., 3; 192 I., 2. 1 A., 2; 2 A., 7; 10 A.,I; 8 A., 4; 22.1. 1., 2; 2 0., 1; 3 o., 8; 80.,18; 13 0., 1; 21 A, 1; 16 A.,4;?A., 1. 5 0., 1; 20., 1. 4 11.,C.,1. 24 Mass., 1; 0.,2. 5 N.Y. S.S.,.I.?Io wa, 1. 14U.S. I.1. Navy, 4. Unknown, 8. 54 Mass., 3. 20 Mich., 1. G Mich. C., 1. 5 Mo., 1. 26 Colored, 1. Total, 1i9. Total 119. ~~~~~~~~~~~Marine Corps, l. Navy, l. Unknown, 14. Total, 148. PEFIELD.-I I., 1; 13 I., 5; 26 1., 1; 44 1., 1; 49 I., 1; 50 I., 5; 671. CtARoET.N-33 I, 1; 64.,2; 91.,1; 93I.,1; 95I.,1; 103T.1; 1; 691.,1; 981.,1; 1081.,18; 109 1.,1; 111I., 1; 140 I., 17; 160., 1; 188-I., 1. 3 A. 1; 4 A., 3; 9 A., 7. 11 B., 1; 18 B., 5. 3 C., 1; 7192.2. 13A,4. Unknown. 9. Total, 47. 1; 8 C., 27; 12 C., 1; 22 C., 4. 4 Mich., 2; 21 Mich., 1;? Mich., 2. 2 FLORIDA-10I.,!; 18I.,1; 22[.,1; 30I.,1; 321.,3; 43I.1; 44I., Ohio, 1. 18 U. S. 1., 2. Navy, 4. Unknown, 3. Total, 122. 5; 68 I., 1; 69 I., 1; 115 1., 9; 134 T., 1; 144 I., 1; 153 I., 20. 8 A. 3. PER~IITON-12 I, 1; 13 I. 1,5; 15 I., 3; 27 I., 1; 33 I., 9; 34 I.,;13 A., 3; 14 A., 1. 11 B., 1; 27 B., 1. 2C., 3; 6 C., 1; 10 C., 1; 12 50 I., 17; 64 I., 1; 89 I., 1; 105 I., 1; 108 I., 16; 125 T., 1; 126 1., 1; 14:0 r^ L 111.,l; 49 Mass l Navy,l. Unknown, 10 Total,7~ I. 15; 152 I., 2; 169 I., 1; 188 I., 1. 4 A., 1; 14 A., 2. 18 B., 1; 27 GLxE.-18 I., 3; 32 I., 5; 44[ T. 1; 52 T., 2; 66i., 1; 69 I., i; 95 T, 1; B., 1; 32 B3., 1. 3 C., 6; 6 C., 1; 8 C., 13; 9 C., 1; 21 C., 2; 22 C., 4; 97i., 1; 115I., 16; 144 1, 2; 153I., 23; 176 I., 1; 192., 1!. 2 A., 3. 23 0., 1; 24 C., 1; 25 C., 1. 2 M. R., l. 1 Vet. C., 1. 9 Ind., 1. 6 5 C., 1; 10 C., 2; 12 C., 1; 16 C., 1. 2 Yet. C., 4. 27 Conn., 1. 54 IMich. C., 1. 29 Ohio, 1; 69 Ohio, 1. 5 Vermont, 2. 4 U. S. i., 1; 16 M[ass., 1. 5 Pa. R-es., 1. 14 U. S. I; 16 U.S., 1. Navy, 1. Unknown, U. S. I., 1; 2 J. S. A., 1; 6 U. S. C., l. Navy, l. Unknown, 7. To- 7. Total, 83. tal, 143. MirND:. —14, 1; 18I., 2; 39 T3 44 T'3 47., 1; 5.2IT 1; 601 PITTSPORD. —13 I., 4; 33 I., 2;'50 I., 1; 108'I. 4; 140 I., 1; 188 I., 1; 1; 75 I., 1; 9i I., 2; 114 I., 1; 115 1., 12; ]21 I., ]; 143., 1; 153, 22; APPENDIX. 623 177 I., 1; 186 L., 1; 192 T, 6; 193 I., 1. 1 A., 12; 2 A., 22; 3 A., 1; 7 Mich, 2. 2 Mich. C., 1; 7 Mich. C., 1; 10 Mich. C., 1 2 Miinn., 2. 36 A.5 1; 8 A., 1; 13 A., 1. 16 B., 1. 6 C., 3; 20 C., 1. I Mich., 1; 2 Miss., 1. 2 -Mo., 3; 6 Mo., 1; 30 Mo., 1. I N. II, 1; 3 N. H., 1; 4 N. Mich.).; 4 Mich., 1;? Mich., 1. 5 N. H., 1. 14 R. I., 1. 14 U. S. I., 11., 2; 5 N. H., 3; 7 N. HI., 3; 1.0 N. H., 2;? N. 11., 1. 10 N. H., A., 1. 1. 20 Colored, 2; 26 Colored, I. Navy, 4. Unknown, 18. Total, 136. 1 N; J., 5; 2 N. J., 15; 3 N. J., 5; 4 N. J., 8; 5 N. J., 4; 6 N. J., 2; 7 MO1HAWK.-11 I., 1; 14 I., 1; 26 I., 1; 115 I., 2; 153 I., 8. 14 A., 1; N. J., 6; 8 N. J., 16; 9 N. J., 9;'0 N. J., 6; 11 N. J., 3; 12 N. J., 5; 13? A., 1. 3 C., 2; 20 C, 2. 2 Vet. C. 2. Unknown, 24. Total, 45. N. J., 4; 14 N. J., 2. 15 N. J., 4; 17 N. J., 1; 20 N. J., 1; 21 N. J., 2; PALATINE. 18 T. 2; 44 T.5 1; 76 T., IL; 77 I., 1;'100 LI 2; 10921 T. 2;22 N. J., 4; 23 N. J., 2; 24 N. J., 1; 25 N. J., 1; 26 N. J., 1; 27 N. J., 2; 28 N. J.5 1; 29 N. J., 2; 30 N. J., 3; 31 N. J., 1; 32 N. J., 1;- 33 N. 115 1., 12; 145 I., 1, 153 1., 10. 1 A., 1; 2 A., 1; 3 A., 2; 1 A., 0, 16J. 4; 34. J. 6; 35 N. J. S;'08. J.2 39 N. J. 2 40 N. J 8; 43s A.) 2;? A- 99 J5* ^ OJ 1" J ^ b^ iZ. 5J, <5 ob N. J., 2, oy IN. J., 2C 4, xN. U o, 2, T6 A., 2, A. 2. 20.,1. Unrnow~n, 2. Total,49.;TN. J., 1; 45 N. J., 1; 77 N. J., 1; 132 N. J., 1. 1 N. J. A., 1; 3 N. J. ROOT.-18 I., 2; 34 IL, 2; 43 I., 2; 52 I., 1; 61 L., 2; 76 I., 2; 98 I., 4; A., 2; 4 N. J. A., 1. 3 N. J. B., 1; 5 N. J., B., 1. 2 N. J. C., 9; 3 N. 1021,1; 1I51,8; 1341,1; 1421,1; 1531,19; 1691,1; 1821,1.. o, 3.? N. J., 7. 4 N. C., 1. 4 Ohio, 1; 5 Ohio, 3; 6 Ohio, 2; 7 1 A., 2; 2 A., 5; 16 A., 1. 5 C., 1; 6 C., 1. 2 Mass. C., 1. 9 Mich.,1. Ohio, 2; 8 Ohio, 1; 10 Ohio, 1; 14 Ohio, 1; 16 Ohio, 1; 18 Ohio, 1; 23 1 Minn.,. Unknown, 2. Total, 62. I Ohio, 1; 52 Ohio, 1; 60 Ohio, 1; 68 Ohio, 1; 69 Ohio, 2; 80 Ohio, 1; 84 ST. JoHNsVILLE.-46 I., 2; 59 I., 1; 81., 1; 89 L., 1; 97 I., 2; 115 I., Ohio, 1; 98 Ohio, 1; 103 Ohio, 1; 124 Ohio, 1; 125 Ohio, 1; 188 Ohio, 1. 18; 121 I., 1; 134 I, 1; 140 I, 1; 152 I, 3; 153 I, 9; 175 I., 1. A., 7; 4 Ohio B., 1. 10 Ohio C., 1.? Ohio,'l. I Oregon, 1. 1 Pa, 2; 3 Pa., 2 A., 1; 6 A., 1; 16 A., 11;? A., 1. 1 B., 3. 1 C., 1. 1 Conn. A, 1. 2; 5 Pa., 1; 6 Pa., 1; 7 Pa., 1; 9'Pa., 2; 12 Pa., 1; 13 Pa., 1; 16 Pa., 1;? Colored, 1. Unknown, 21. Total, 89. 20 Pa., 2; 21 Pa., 1; 22 Pa., 1; 23 Pa., 1; 26 Pa., 1; 27 Pa., 1; 28 Pa., 1; 29 Pa., 3; 43 Pa,3 3; 4 3; 47 Pa., 4; 48 Pa., 4; 50 Pa., 1; 51 Pa., 2; 52 P a., 2; 53 Pa.5 1; 55 Pa., 1; 56 Pa., 3; 57 Pa., 1; 58 Pa., 1; 62 Pa., NEW YORK COUNTY. 1; 67 Pa., 1; 6~8 Pa., 1; 70 Pa., 1; 71 Pa., 4; 72 Pa., 2; 73 Pa., 1; 74 Pa., NEW YORK.-I I., 110; 2 I., 67; 3 I., 43; 4 L., 72; 5 I., 204; 6 I., 80; 2; 75 Pa., 1; 76 Pa., 2; 81 Pa., 2; 82 Pa., 2; 90 Pa., 2; 91 Pa., 1; 95 Pa., 7 I., 179; 8 I., 99; 9 I., 167; 10 I., 161; 11 I., 103; 12 I., 90; 13 T., 40; 1; 98 Pa., 1; 99 Pa., 2; 100 Pa., 1; 104 Pa., 1; 105 Pa., 2; 106 Pa., 2; 141, 36; 15 1., 292; 16 T., 27; 17 I., 75; 18 I., 13; 19 I., 11; 20 I., 93; 111 Pa., 2; 116 Pa., 1; 119 Pa., 1; 127 Pa., 2; 133 Pa., 1; 137 Pa., 1; 142 21 I., 9; 22 I., 19; 23 I., 4; 24 I., 3; 25 I., 52; 26 I., 14; 27 I., 11; 28 Pa., 1; 145 Pa., 2; 147 Pa., 1; 151 Pa., 1; 153 Pa., 2; 191 Pa., 1; 198 Pa., 1, 9; 29 I, 63; 30 I., 8; 31 I, 61; 32 I., 36; 33 I., 7; 34 I., 8; 35 L, 14. 1; 199 Pa., 1;? Pa., 1.? Pa. B.,'. 1 Pa. C., 1; 2 Pa. C., 1; 3 Pa. C., 36 I., 33; 37 I., 69; 38 I., 44; 39 I., 76; 40 L., 59; 41 I., 62; 42 I., 80; 3; 5 Pa. C., 1; 6 Pa. C., 1; 9 Pa. C., 1; 11 Pa. C., 3; 12 Pa. C., 1; 13 Pa. 43 I., 15; 44 I., 7; 45 I., 142; 46 I., 53; 47 I., 48; 48 L., 53; 49 1., 3; 50 C., 2; 103 Pa. C., 1;? Pa. C., 1. I R. T., 1; 2 R. T., 5; 3 R. I., 3; 4 R. I., 10; 51 I., 60; 52 I., 77; 53 I., 10; 54 L., 65; 55 I., 46; 56 1., 22; 571; II R. 1, 1; 12 R I., 1; 14 EL I., 5; 155 R. T., I., 13; 58 I., 40: 59 I., 35; 60 I., 1; 61 L., 45; 62 L., 96; 63 L., 33; 64 I., 1;? R. T., 1. I R. I. A., 3; 5 R. I. A., 1; II R. I. A., 1; 14 R. T. A., 1; 9; 65 I.,42; 66 I, 74; 67 I, 11; 68 I, 78; 69 I, 276; 70I., 28; 71I.,43;? R. I. A, 1. I R. I. C., 1; 3 R. I. C., 1. 11 R. I. Col'd, 3; 14 R. I.'72 I., 21; 73 I., 81; 74 1., 21; 75 I., 14; 76 I, 2; 77 I., 6; 78 IT, 4; 79 Col'd, 1; 9 Tenn, 1;.10 Tenn., 1;? Tenn., I. I Tenn. C., 1. 6 Vt., 1; I., 154; 80 I., 4; 811., 8; 82 I., 54; 83 I., 30; 84 I., 30; 85 1, 2; 86 I., 7 Vt., 1; 11 Vt., 1; 16 Vt., 1; 46 Vt., 1;? Vt., 1. 3 Vt. C., 1. 5 Vt. 3; 87 I., 12; 88 I., 67; 89 I., 3; 90 I., 31; 91 I., 19; 93 I., 19; 94 I., 7; Col, 1. 16. Va., 1. 3 Wis., 1. 5 Wis., 1; 6 Wis., 2; IS W is., 1; 24 95 I., 50; 96 I., 10; 97 I., 17; 98 I., 1; 99 I., 33; 100 I., 11; 101 T., 3; Wis, 2;? Wis., 2. 1 Wis. A., 1 Wash. Ter, 1. Navy, 1,265. UnI It.', ~~~~~~ais,2ij;~~;~lJIG3 1 Toa,11,9374. 102 T., 49; 103 T., 54; 104 I., 6; 105 I., 5; 106 I., 21; 107 I., 7; Ds I. non, 1,690. Total,117 4; 1111., 4; 1121., 10; 1131., 3; 1141., 3; 115I., 10; 116 I., 3; 117 I, 7; 118 I., 1; 119d I., 63; 120 I., 8; 121 I., 6; 122 1T, 3; 123 I., 4; 124 T., 6; 125 I., 8; 126 1., 2; 127 L, 50; 128 I., 6; 129 I., 2; 130 I., 2; 131 NIAGARA COUNTY. I., 54; 132 I., 59; 133 I., 114; 134I., 1;135., 5; 133., 3; 1'7., 5; 139: I., CAMBRIA.-17 I., 1; 28 T., 10; 44 I., 2; 50 L, 1; 100 T., 1; 105 I., 1.; 19; 140 I., 10; 141 I., 1; 142 I., 11; 143 L, 2; 144 I., 5; 145 L, 32; 146 116 L, 1; 117 L, 1; 147 I., 1; 151 L, 7. 1 A., 1; 8 A.5 17; 13 A, 1. 19 I., 16; 147 1, 1; 148 I., 2; 149 I., 4; 150 I., 16; 151 I., 3; 152 I., 5; 153 B., 2; 23 B., 10; 34 B., 1; 35 B., 1;? B., 1. 2 C., 1; 3 C., 2; 8 C., 1. L, 3; 155 I., 46; 156 I., 11; 157 I', 2; 158 I., 44; 159 L, 8; 160 L., 1; 15 p11, 1.;79 Pa., 2. 6 U. S., 1; 7 U. S., 1; 15 UI S., 1. 2 M. R., a. 162 I, 58; 163 L, 11; 164 L, 45; 165 I., 61; 166 I., 5; 167 IL, 2; 168 I-, Navy13. 3Uknonwn, 11 Total, 88. 2; 169 I., 4; 17 0 1 -, 70; 1792 I., 3; 1 73 11., I6; 1'74 I., 2)0; 1 75 L., 19; 1 7 6Tan- 2.'; ~1,2 5I,2 6T,;9 [,3 i:I,2!., 22; 177 I., T t7 L, 4 L 1 8 1 I., 1 18 HLA -28 I, 10; 49 I. 2; 75 T., 2; 76 T., 2; 90 T., 3; 94 L, 2; I., 2; 188 I., 3; 190 LT 7; 191 T., 8; 192 I., 5; 193 I1. 4. 1 A., 29; 2 A.3 lo., 1; 151 I., 6; 19i4 I., 1. 4 A.) 1; 8 A., 24. 1 B., 1; I 7 -u. 4; 19 46; 3 A., 26; 4 A., 61; 5 A., 112; 6 A., 35; 7 A., 3; 8 A., 4; 9 AI, 2; 10. B., 3; 25 B., 18. 3 C., 3; 5 C., 2; 6 C., 1; 7 C., 3; S C., 18; 16 C., 2. S 5 Ill1., 1. I Mich., 1. 2:3 Nfich., 1. 33 N. J., I. 7 U. S., I.? U. S. C., A, 6; 11 A, 3; 12 A, 2; 13 A, 42; 14 A, 6; 15 A, 99; 16 A, 23;? A.) r^MPT"^ 23Mlc 3. J-51, 1 u c 101 BB9; 2 B,3; 3 B,8; 4 B, 3; 5 B,7; 6 B:, 5; 7 B, 1; 8B1; L 2 MI R7 Navy L Unknown, 13. Total, 136. 9 B., 4; 12 B., 3; 13 B, 6; 14 B., 1; 15 B., 2; 16 B., 1; 18 B., 2; 290 B., LEWISTON.-31 I., 1; 50 I., 1; 76 I., 2; 78 T., 3; 104 I., 1; 105 I., 2; 9; 23 B., 1 28 B., 9; 30 B., 6; 31 B., 1; 32 B., 4;? B., 7. 1 C., 94; 2 124 I., 1; 147 I., 1; 151 I, 6; 169 I., 1; 194 1., 1. I A., 3; 7 A., 1; 8 A., C., 26; 3 C., 16; 4 C., 36; 5 C., 30; 6 C., 41; 7 C., 4; 8 C., 12; 9 C., 9; 17; 14 A, 3. 18 B., 1; 19 B -, 6; 23 B., 11. 3 C, 1; C) C, 1; 10 C., 3; 10 C., 3; 11C., 14, 12 C., 14; 13 C., 32; 14 C., 10; 15 C., 4; 16 C., 29; 22 C., 3; 26 C., 4. 2 Mic5h. C., 1. 7 U. S., 1. 5 U. S. Col'dC., 1. 2 17 C., 2; 18 C., 23; 19 C., 1; 20 C., 2; 21 C., 2; 22 C., 8; 24 C., 9; 25 A-1 Rl., 4.? S. S., I. Navy, 2. Unknown, 10. Total, 94. C,-, 32; 26 C., 3;? C., 11. 3 Yet., 4; 6 Yet., 2;? Yet., 2;? Yet. C., 6. LOCKPORT.-M.4 I., 1; 15 I., 2; 16 I., 1; 21 I, 1; 23 I., 1; 25 L., 2; 27 10 Invalid, 1; 14 Invalid, 1. I M., 9; 2 M.5 14; 3 MN., 3; 4 M., 14; 5 MT., IL, 1; 28 L., 71; 34 IL, 1; 36 I., 1; 44 I., 2; 47 T., 6; 48 I., 1; 49 I., I11; 71; 6 M., 53; 7 M., 64; 8 M., 83; 9 M., 30; 10 M., 2; 11 M., 63; 12 M., 52 I., 1; 56 I., 1; 62 I., 1; 64 I., 1; 65 L, 2; 72 I., 1; 76 I., 1; 88 I., 1; 52; 13 M., 1'; 14 M., 6; 15 M., 1; 17 M.5 1; 20 M., 3; 22 ML, 40; 23 M.dL, 89 I., 1; 93 I., 2; 94 I., 1; 96 I., 2; 97 I., 1; 100 I., 2; 104 I., 1; 105 I., 2; 25 M., 2; 28 M., 3;- 37 M., 48; 41 M., 1; 45 LAI., 1; 47 M., 2; 52 -M., 1; 15; 108 I., 1; 112 L, 1; 116 L, 2; 117 I., 4; 124 I., 1; 125 I., 1; 126 I., 55 M., 4; 56 MA., 1; 693 M., 61; 71'M., 84; 74 MA., 1; 77 M2., 3; 79 MA., 13. 1; 129 I., 10; 138 I., 1; 140 L., 6; 147 I. 2; 150 I., 1; 151 I., 38; 152 I., 82 M., 2; 83 M., 1; 84'M., 25; 91 M., 1; 93 M., 10; 95 M., 1; 99 M., 5; 1; 164 I. 8; 169 T., 6; 175 I., 1; 178 I., 1; 179 T., 1; 184 T., 2; 187 I., 2; 102 M, 6; 190 M., 1;? M., 5. 1 U. S., 6; 2 U. S., 13; 3 U. S., 7; 4 U. -194 I, 4. 1 A., 4; 2 A., 1; 3 A., 2; 8 A., 45; 9 A., 1; 14 A., 5; 15 A., S., 16; 5 U. S., 4;- 6 U. S., 12; 7 U. S., 6; 8 U. S., 5; 9 U. S., 1; 10 U. 1;? A., 1. 1 B., 12; 3 B., 1; 4 B., 2; 12 B., 1; 19 B., 19; 22 B., 1; 23 S., 11; 11 U. S., 2; 12 U. S., 10; 13 U. S-, 3; 14 U. S., 15; 15 U. S., 7; B., 8; 25 B., 1; 27 B., 2; 28 B., 1; 31 B., 1;? B., 1. 2 C., 2; 3 C.' 16 U. S., 7; 17 U. S., 3; 18 U. S., 1; 28 U. S., 1;? U. S., 58; 1 U. S. 10; 7 C., 2; 8 C., 3; 9 C., 1; 10 C., 5; 13 C., 1; 15 C., 3; 21 C., 3; 26 A., 11; 2 U. S. A., 3; 3 U. S. A., 3; 4 U. S. A., 11; 5 U. S. A., 2; 6 U. C., 1;? C., 1; 2 Yet. C, l. Signal Corps, l. 2 MA. R., 44. 24 Con.., S. A., l; 11 T-. S.- A., 1; 14 U.- S.- A., 1; 24 U. S. A., 1;? U. S. A., 1; 1; 8 Del., 2. 11 Ill., 1; 19 111., 2; 72 Ill., 1; 73) Ill., 1; 4 I'll. C., 1;? 1 U. S. C., 5; 2 U. S. C., 3; 3 U. S. C., 3; 4 U. S. C., 5; 5 U. S. C., 5; Ill. 1; 17 Ky., 1. 16 -Mass., 1. 2 Mich., 1; 16 Mich., 1; 1 Mich. A., 1; 6 U. S. C., 1; 15 U. S. C., 1; 18 U. S., C., 1; 103 U. S. C., 1; I U. S. 8 MAich. C., 1. 35 Miss., 1. 8 N. J., 1. 55 Ohio, 1; 66 Ohio, 1; 86 Colored, 1; 2 U. S. Colored, 1; 8 U. S. Colored, 1; 9 U. S. Colored, l; Ohio, 1.? Pa., 2. 2 W, is., 2. 7 U. S.,-1; 8 U. S., 1; 11 U. jS. A., l; 14 U. 8. Colored, 1; 15 U. S. Colored, 1; 19 U. S. Colored, 1; 20 Ui. S. 11 UI. S. Colored, 1; 31 U. S. Colored, 2; 51 U. S. Colored, 1. 10 InColored, 8; 26 U. S. Colored, 3; 31 U. S. Colored, 1; 79 U. S. Colored, 2. validl,l. Navy, 10. Unktnown, 50. Total, 512. 1 M. Rt., 42; 2 M. R., 2;? M. R., 7. Marines, 3. 1 U. S. S. S., 10; 2 NEWFANE. —I T., 1; 28 I., 4; 493 I., 1; 811., 1; 94 I., 1; 100 I., 1; 104 U. S. S. S., 5;? S. S., 1.' 3 Ark., 1; 24 Ark., 1. 9 Cal., 1. 1 Conn., l.^ l; 105 I., 1; 108 I., 1; 110 I., 1; 129 I., 2; 1.47 I., 1; 151 I., 18; 157 5; 2 Conn., 2; 3 Conn., 1; 4 Conn., 2; 5 Conn., 12;; 6 Conn., 12; 7 l, l; 159 I., 1; 164 I., 2~; 193 I., 1. 8 A., 15,; 14 A., 1. 1 B, 1; 12 B., Conn.,'7; 8 Conn., 4; 9 Conn., 3; 10 Conn., 9; 11 C~onn., 4; 12 Conn., 2; 13; 19 B., 12; 23 B3., 3; 28 B3., 1; 33 B., 1;? B., 1. 3 C., 2; 7 C., 3; 8 13 C'onn., 2; 14 Conn., 5; 15 Conn., 6; 16 Conn., 1; 17 Conn., 7; 19 0, 1; 10 C., l; l Yet. C., 1. 45 111., 1. 33 Ind., 1. 7 M~ich., 1; 6 Conn., 1; 21 Conn., 3; 22 Conn., 2; 23 Conn., 1; 241 Conn., 1; 215 Conn., ic.C,18MchC,1;?ic,1.2 Mo0., 1. 55 Ohio, 1. 112 U. S., 3; 293 Conn., 1; 31 Conn., 1; 34 Conn., 1; 57 Conn., 1; 69 Conn., 1; 2; 2~3 U. S., 1; 2 U. S. A.,1.2MR,1.Nayl.Uko,19 106 Conn., 1;?Conn., 3; 1 Conn. A., 8; 6 Conn. A., l; 12 Conn. Ai., l; Total, 138. r27 Coni. A.,l;? Conn. A., 1;?Conn. B., 1; l Conn.t., 5. 2D. C. 3; Niu^R4 —.- 13 I. 1; 28 1. 10; 361I. 1; 441I. 2; 561. 1- 58 I. 1; 76 t D. C., i. 1 Uei., /, 2 Del., Z, 4 Del., 2. i lIn, 1, o 1Ui., 1, U1 UIl, i, -r 1. 70 I., 1^ y6 I. 0;C7 T. T. -IQO I 2; 105 I. 1; 140 I. 9- 151. T. T") ^ V^ ^ Tn T ^ tn5 ^ T5 7 T- Tn 15 n TI' \ i^'n 5169 L. 1. 8 A^, 16. 10 A-. 1; 14 A-. 3. 5 B-. 1; 23 B-. 2; 0 C>. 11; 1.2 1, 1.50 ill., 1, 11 111. C., 1, 14 111. C., 1. / Ind., l, y Ind., 2, jyich (jl 1 1 N J.,;?N. r. 61 Ohio, 1 3P 11' 22 Ind. 2; 32 Ind., 1; 49 Ind., 1; 72 Ind., 1; 84 Ind. 2; 136 Ind., p~ 1? Ii., 1.'1U S. t'^U 1 S. 2- ^u sr c. v c -;? Ind. C.I. 2 Iow-a,1. 1 Ky., 1; 2 Ky.,2; 14 Ky, 1;? Ky., 1. 5 2^ R 2. Navv~l 1 Unknown 15. Total 116. La., 1. 1 Mve., 2; 9 Mle., 1; 15 Mie., 1; I17 Mle., 1; 19 Me., 3; 31 Mre., 1. "-L' *'ay ui owJ^Toi-T,10T-.1 Md,; 2 Md 1; 4Md, 1;5 Md,1; 1 M. C,;? d. C., 2; ~1 PF.^TON.- I. I; 2QI 4; 10.A 2; 10 B0; I.^T, 1; 4'7Mid. Rt., 1. 1 Mass., 2; 2 M\ass.,5; 3 Mass., 4; 6 M~ass., 2; 7 Mass., 1; 1, l69 L., 1; lr9Ll lu4 L;1~I, 1. 0 A-, 5. 1 B., \^^ \9B, 23 B.5 4; 9 Mass., 1; 11 Mass., 1; 12 Mtass., 2; 14 Mass., 1; 15 M\ass., 1: 16 Mass., 35 -B^ 6, 3 C.; 0 C., 1; 23 C^. i- 2 M. K^, 4. uo M., 2. Unknown, 2; 17 Mass., 1; 18 Mass., 1; 19 Mass., 1; 20 M~ass., 1; 21 Mass., 1; 4:< lotal, 5l' 25 Miass., 1; 27 M~ass., 2; 28 M~ass., 3; 29 Mi~ass., 1; 30 MIIass., 3; 32 PORTER.-15 I., 2; 20 I., 1; 21 I., 1; 28 I., 12; 47 I., 1; 48 I., 1; 4:9 I., Mass., 2; 33 M\ass., 3; 34 Miass., 1; 36 Mass., 1; 44 Mass., 2; 51 Maiss., 1; 5; 50 I., 1; 65 I., 1; 77 I., 1; 93 I., 8; 94 I., 1; 97 I., 1; 105 I., 3; 117 54 Milass., 1; 55 Mlass., 1; 59 Miass., 1. 2 M~'ass. A., l. 1 Ma~ss. C,, 3; 3 2.;10I,1 5.;19I,1 7.;14I,1. 1., 2 Mass. C., 3; 3 Mass. C., 1; 4 Mass. C., 1; 5 Mass. C., 1; 6 Mass. C., 1. 15; 2 A., 1; 8 A., 27; 9 A., 1; 14 A., 3. 11 B., 1; 19 B., 6; 23 B>., 11; 25 Milass. Col d, l; 54 MaIss. Col'd, l. 1 Manss. S. S., 1. 4 MIich., 2; 241 28 B3., 1. 7 C., 2; 10 C., 2; 16 C., 1. 5 Mich., 1; 11 Mtich., 1; 14 Mi\ich., 624 APPENDIX. 1; 7 U.S., 2; 11U. S., 1; 16 UT. S., 1;? U. S. Colored, 1. 2 M. R.. 5. 1; 97 I., 10; 100 I., 2; 117 I., 21; 46 I., 16; 153 T., 1; 157 I., 1; 186 I., Navy, 3. Unknown, 10. Total, 152. 1; 189 I., 3. 2 A., 1; 3 A., 1; 11 A., 1; 14 A., 2. 3 C., 2; 20 C., 1. I1Cal-, 2. 1 Conn. A., 1. 16 Mich., 1. 3 Ohio, 1. 20 AYis., 1. Navy, 3. ROYALTON.-12 I., 2; 25 I.,1; 28 I.,4; 47 I.,1; 49 I.,2; 65 I.,1;68.2. 1Con..,. 6ich.,. Ohio,. 2Wis.. Nvy,3. Unknown, 7. Total, 94. I., 1; 78 I., 1; 100 I., 1; 104 I., 1; 105 I., 4; 129 I., 2; 147 I., 2; 150 T., Unknown, 7. Total, 94. 1; 151 1., 33; 157 I., 1; 169., 2; 178 I., 1; 179 I., 1. 1 A., 1; 8 A., ROME.-3I.,3; 12I.,1; 14I.,10; 15.,14; 22., 1. 26 I., 4; 30 I., 43; 9 A., 1. 19 B., 1; 2 B., 1; 12 B., 3; 17 B., 7; 19 B., 3; 23 B., 3; 1; 32 I., 1; 44 I., 1; 45 I., 1; 49 I., 1; 50 I., 33; 54 T., 2; 81 I., 10; 89 24 B., 1; 35 B., 1. 3 C., 13; 6 C., 1; 8 C., 16; 10 C., 1; 15 C., 4; 1 I., 1; 94 I., 1; 97 I., 6; 104 I., I; 108 I., 1; 117 I., 28; 126 I., 1; 146 I., Vet.., 1; 21 C., 1. 2M. R., 6. 2 Conn. A., 1. 15 Ill., 1. 1 Mich., 24; I47I.,1;149 1, 1; 152I.,I; 167I., 1; 176I., 1; 189I., 1; 192I., 1. 1; 27 Mich., 1. 4 Pa. Res., 1. 2 U. S., 1; 8 U. S., 1; 1 U. S. Colored, 1 A., 5; 2 A., 4; 3 A., 22; 6 A., 1; 7 A., 1; 10 A., 3; 15 A., 1; 16 A., 2; 2. Navy, 1. Unknown, 15. Total, 175.?A., 2. 24 B., 1; 37 B., 1. 1 C., 1; 3 C., 1; 11 C., 1; 12 C., 1; 14 C., SOMERSET.-27 I. 1; 28 I., 5; 49 I., 2; 65 I., 2; 75 I., 6; 76 I, 1; 2; 15 C., 2; 16 C., 1; 22 C.,2; 24 C., 8. Oneida C. 1. 13 Cal., 2; 9 117I., 1; 129I.,1; 1491., 1; 151I.,11; 159 I., 1; 1641., 4. 1 A., 2; 11 1; I Conn. C. 1. 94111.1. 7ans 1 ass.,. 7 Vt., 3 A. 1; 8 A., 8; 9 A., 3; 14 A., 1. 19 B., 2. 1 C., 1; 8 C. 2. 1 M. R. 1; 3 Wis., 1 8 Wis. 1. 1 U.S. A. 1. 26 U. S. Colored, 3. 1 R. 1. 1; 2M.R.,4. Unknown,1. TotalM1.IM.R.,. avy, 4. Unknown, 24. Total, 260. WnEATFiELD.-28 I., 1; 49 I., 1; 97 I., 1; 100 I., 12; 102 I., 1; 1511., SANGEpiELD.-26 T. 5; 44 1., 1; 61I., 1; 81 T. 2; 97 I. 1; 114 I., 1; 1. 8 A., 14;? A., 1. 23 B., 9;? B., 1. 2 C., 1; 10 C., 4; 12 C., 1; III., 6; 14 I., 6; 157 I. 3. 14 A. 3. 11 C. 1; 24 C., 1. 11 Ill., 1. I ~~~~~~~~~~~~Navy, 2. Unknown, 6. Total, 40. 24 C.) 1. 11 U. S., 1; 16 U. S., 1. 2 M. R., 7. Unknown, 35. ^V. 2. Unknown, 6. Total, 40. Total, 73. STEUBEN.-14 I., 2; 26 I., 2; 34 I., 1; 97 I., 3; 117 I., 10; 146 I., 7. WILSON.-28 I., 16; 49 I., 3, 61 1., 2; 76 I., 1; 86 I., 2; 93 I., 1; 100 3 A. 1; 16 A., 2. 32 Iowa, I. Unknown, 2. Total, 31. I., 1; 104 I., 1; 123 I., 1; 129 I. 5; 140 I., 1; 147 I., 1; 151 I., 8; 164 I., TREXTON.-2 I., 1; 8 I., 1; 14 I., 1; 26 I., 5; 44 I., 1; 57 I., 1; 65 1., 1. 1 A., 42; 3 A., 1; 8 A., 22; 9 A., 1; 10 A., 1. B., 9; 19 B., 11; 1; 90 I., 1; 97 I., 15; 117 I., 26; 121 I., 1; 125 I., 1; 146 I., 2; 152 I., 23 B., 13; 28 B., 1. 2 C., 1; 3 C., 2; 7 C., 1; 8 C.,1. 11 Mich., 1; 21 1; 165 I., 1; 189 I.1. 1A. 2; 2 A., 12; 3 A., 1; 7 A., 1; 14 A., 5. 3 Mich., 1; 1 Mich. A., 1. 15 U. S., 1; 20 U. S. Colored, 1. Navy, 1. C., 2; 5 C., 1; 6 C., 1; 8 C., 1; 11 C., 1; 13 C., 1; 20 C., 1; 24 C., 1. Unknown, 20. Total, 176. 6 Vet. C., 1. 105 111., 1. 1 U. S. S. S., 5. INavy, 2. Unknown, 13. Total, 112. ONEIDA COUNTY. UTICA CITY.-3 I., 3; 6 I., 1; 9 I., 1; 10 I., 1; 12 I., 1; 13 I., 1; 14 I., 96; 15 I., 2; 16 I., 4; 18 I., 1; 19 I., 1; 20 I., 3; 26 1., 50; 30 I., 1; 32 ANNSVILLE. —14 I.,2; 15 I.,12; 22 I.,1; 26 1.,9; 471I.,1; 50I.,2; I., 2; 36I.,1; 371.,2; 391., 1; 40I.,2; 41I.,1; 42I.,2; 44 I., 2; 47 60 I., 1; 81I., 23; 97 I., 13; 117 I., 17; 146 I., 10; 152 I., 1. 1 A., 2; I. 1; 49 I., 1; 50 I., 1; 52 I., 1; 53 I., 1; 61 I., 2; 62 I., 2; 63 I., 1; 64 2 A., 9; 3 A., 4; 9 A., 1; 14 A., 2; 16A.,1. 24C.,3. Ill.,1. 2R..1; 68I.,1; 69L,3; 71L,1; 76I.3; 77 I.,1; 78.L,2; 80 I.,1; I. I. 16 U. S. 1; 18 U. S., 1. Navy, 2. Unknown, 7. Total, 127. 81., 2; 88 I., 2; 91 I., 2; 93 1. 1; 94 I. 1; 96 I., 1; 97 I. 10; 100 I., 3; AUGUSTA.-24 I., 1; 26 I., 8; 70 I., 1; 81 1., 3; 97 I., 2; 116 I. 1; 117 101.,2; 102I. 1; 103I. 1; 1061.,1; 110 L, 2; 111 I. 1; 113I.,1; I., 6; 146 I., 10; 157 I., I. 1 A., 5; 3 A., 1; 8 A., 2; 16 A., 5. 8 C., 7; 114 I., 3; 115 I., 3; 116 I., 1; 117 I., 103; 121 I., 4; 122 I., 1; 124 I., 1; 11 C., 1; 22 C., 1; 24 C., 1. 16 Ill., 1. 23 Ohio, 1;? Ohio, 1. Total, 59. 126I. 2; 131I.,1; 132I. 1; 134 I.,1; 140I. 1; 144I., 1; 146I.,71; AvA. —7 I., 1; 15 I., 1; 50 I., 1; 81 I., 1; 97 I. 4; 117 I., 4; 126 I.,1; 147 I. 1; 149 I. 1; 152 I. 1; 153 I., 1; 155 I. 1; 163 I., 1; 164 I., 1; 1.89 I., 6. 3 A., 2; 14 A., 1. 7 C., 1; 9 C., 1. Unknown, 2. Total, 26. 173 I., 1; 176 I., 1; 185 I., 4; 193 I., 2. 1A.,13; 2A.,54; 3A.,45; 4 BooNVILLE..-3 I., 1; 14 I., 15; 26 I., 1 43 I., 1; 501., 1 761. 1 A. 3; 5 A., 1; 10 A., 4; 12 A., 2; 13 A., 1; 14 A.,24; 16 A., 16;? A., 4. 20XB.) 1; 2613.., ]; 311B., 1. 3 C., 3; 5 C., 1; 6 C., 1; 8 C., 5; 10 C., 3; 97 I., 46; 114 I., 1; 117 I., 33; 121 I., 1; 124 I., 1; 136 I., 1 146 I., 31, 1 BC, I; 12 C., 1; 14 C. 1. 6 C., 1; 1 C., 1; 1 C., 1; C., 1;20 C., 147 I.,1; 157 I., 1; 179 I., 1; 189 I., 12; 193I.,2. 2 A.,1; 3 A., 1; 4 12 52 C., 12 4 C.5 20 12 C., 3;? C., 2 2., 1 8 C., 1 I A8. 1; 5 A., 1; 10 A., 2; 14., 2. 1 C., 1; 3., 6; 1.,; C 7.,1; 0 CC.,; 1; 2 Co, 2; 0C.,; C^,; COm. 2 17 CP., 1. 2 Del., 1. AJ.,1; 5 A.,1 1,0- A.,2 14,ItA.,2A. J1 X., 0; C^.0,; 5C., 1; 1llC,.,1;21r i/> ^ 1^r \i'- \ 1 r \-^ -0 -1-A P1 i ^P1 1P19 1,-.4 J 0 0 6bo r0,2 e.0..bOi. C.) 8; 24 C., 1;? C., 1.? Ill. B., 1. 116 Ind., 1. 307 Mass., 1. 1 Mich., 1Il 1;8Il.1 22ll,.2Td,1 Ian,210Kn.I ~.,8-24 0 1; C ~ Ill B 1 116Ind 1. 37 Mass 1 1 1Mich.; Gonn., 1; 5 Conn., 1; 6 Conn., I; 7 Conn., 2; 17 Conn., 1. 2 Del., 1. 1M R 1. Unknown, 11. Total 194 11I11.1; 88111.1; 122111.1. 2 Ind. 1. 1 Kan. 2; 10 Ian. 1. 1'. I M.R., 1. Unknown U1 Total,14 Told.) M-1. 1 Mass., 1; 6 Mass., 1; 22 Mass., 1; 25 Mass., 1; 49 Mass., 1; RIDGEWATE.-3 I., 1; 26 I., 2; 28 I., 1, 44 I., 1; 97 I., 1; 101 1, 1; 54 Mass., 1;? Mass., 1. 2 Mich. C., 1; 7 Mich. C., 1. 1 Mo. C., 1. 2 117 T., 3; 121., 1; 122 I., 1; 14A L, 18; 149 L, 1; IA., 1; 2 A., 2; 3 IN. J. 1. 7 Ohio, 1; 19 Ohio, 1; 28 Ohio, 1; 95 Ohio, 1. 19 Pa., 1; 103. 2; 10A.,; 16A.,1 50.,1; 1. 4 Mich., 1. 11 R I.,1; 1 Pa,. 14R. I A.1. 1 Wis., 2; 22 Wis. 1. 2 U. S. 2; 6 U. S. 1; E~~~~.. A., ~. 6Ws, ~ U.S.,. M.,. Ukon.Ttl R.I. A. 1. 6Wis.l. 1U.I. 7U.,1. EM.l 1. Unknown, 9. Total, 55. 12 U. S., 3. 1 U. S. Colored, 1; 4 U. S. Colored, 1; 7 U. S. Colored, 1; CAMDEN.-14 I., 8; 15 I., 21; 32 I., 2; 50 I., 5; 76 I., 1; 81 I., 7; 93 10 U. S. Colored, 1; 26 U. S. Colored, 3; 31 U. S. Colored, 2. 2 M. 1; I., 4; 94 I., 1; 97 I., 1; 117 I., 36; 146 I., 21; 147 I., 3; 168 I., 1; 184 20 M., 8; 25 M., 1;? Militia, 1. 2 M. R. 1. 1U. S. M. R.,1. 1 U.S.., 1; 189 I., 3. 1 A., 1; 2 A., 6; 3 A., 1; 6 A., 1; 14 A., 3; 16 A., 1. S.S., I. Navy, 25. Unknown, 105. Total, 873. 8C.,2; 20 C.,1;?C., 1. 59Vet., 1. 4 Pa., 1. 2Vt., 1. 14 U.S.Col'd, VENON.- 3 1 12; 14I., 1; 2S I., 1 441., 1; 50., 591., 1 751. 1~; 20 U.S. Colored,1; 29 U. S. Colored, 1. Unknown, 10. Total, 148. l;l1 1. 1.; 20 U. S. Colored, 1; 29 U. S. Colored, 1. Unki I 26; 121 I., 1; 146 I., 14; 148 I., 1; 149 I., 2; 157 I., DEEFIELD. —2 I. 1; 3 I., 2; 14 I., 3; 16 I., 1; 26 I., 4; 611., 1; 81 2. 1 A., 1; 2 A., 3; 3 A., 6; 6 A., 1; 9 A., 1; 14 A., 6;? A.,1. 8 B.,., 1; 97 I., 2; 101., 1; 116 I., 1; 117 I., 8; 140 I., 1; 146 I., 4; 153 I., 1; 9 B., 1; 16 B., 1; 22 B., 1; 27 B., 1. 10 C., 1; 15 C., 3. 8 V. C., 1. 1; 164 I., 1; 197 I., 1. 1 A., 1; 2 A., 3; 3 A., 2; 4 A., 2; 5 A., 1; 14 Oneida C., 1. 3 Cal., 1. 95 Ill., 1. 30 Iowa, 1. 1 Mich. Eng., 1. 15 A., 2; 16 A., 2. 26B. 1. I C.,1. 20 M.,1. I U. S. S. S., 2. Un- N. J., I. Unknown, 5. Total, 106. known, 6. Total, 57. VERo A. —3 I., 1; 10 I., 2; 13 I., 1; 14 I., 4; 15 I., 1; 26 I., 5; 36 I., FLOEirNCE. —-21 I., 1, 26 I., 1.; 32 I., 1; 50 I., 4; 81I., 4; 87 I., 1; 93 1; 38 I., 1; 44 T., 1; 46 T., 2; 50 I., 9; 57 I., 3; 76 I., 1; 81 I., 1; 91 I., I., 3; 97 I., 1; 110 I., 1; 117 I., 4; 146 I., 13; 152 I., 1; 186 I., 2; 189 2; 97 I., 8; 117 I.,42; 121 I., 1; 122 I., 2; 146 I., 8; 148 I., 2; 153 I., 1; I. 10; 193 I., 2. 3 A., 1; 10 A., 5; 12 A., 1; 14 A., 1; 16 A., 1. 8 C., 157 I., 2; 170 I., 1; 189 I., 5; 192!., 1; 193 I., 1; 197 I., 1. 1 A., 5; 2 1. 26 U. S. Colored, 1. Unknown, 6. Total, 66. A., 23; 3 A., 7; 14 A., 1; 16 A., 5. 1 C.,2; 3 C., 3; 5 C., 1; 6 C., 1; FLOYD.-12 I., 1; 14 I., 2; 50 I., 2; 57 I., 1; 97 I., 2; 117 I., 12; 146 15 C., 2; 16 C., 1; 20 C., 2; 22 C., 5; 24 C., 4;? C., 2. 9 Mich., 1; 14 I.,2. 1A.,2; 3 A.,2; 14A.,2. 15 Conn., 1. Navy, 2. Unknown, 1. Mich., 1.- N. J.,1. 11 Pa.C. 1. 1M.R.,5; 2M. R.,2. Navy, 2. Total 32. Unknown, 6. Total, 193. KIKLAND.-14 I., 9; 18 I.,1; 26 I., 6; 47 I., 1; 57 I., 13; 76 I. 1; VIENNA. —2 I., 1; 14 I., 2; 15 I., 6; 19 1., 1; 20 I., 1; 26 I., 7; 48 I.; 78 I., 2; 86 I., 1; 1011.73; 115 I., 1; 117 I., 22; 146 I., 21; 147 I., 1. 1; 49 I., 1; 50 1. 17; 54 I., 1; 57 I., 3; 77 I., 1; 81 I., 20; 91I., 1; 93 I A., 9; 2 A., 7; 3 A., 2; 7 A., 1; 10 A., 1; 14 A., 3; 16 A., 5. 8 C., 7. 1. 1; 97 I., 2; 98 I., 1; 101 I., 2; 110 I., 4; 117 I., 40; 122 I., 2; 146 I., 11 C., 1. 1 M.. R. 3. 12 Pa., C., 1. 11 R. I. A.,1. 16 Wis., 1; 1 6; 147 I.,3; 189 I., 7; 193 I., 1. 1 A., 2; 2 A., 29; 3 A., 3; 4 A., 1; 6 Wis. C.,1. Unknown, 8. Total, 133. A., 1; 8 A. 1; 9., 1; 3I A., 4; 16 A., C9. 8 C., 3; 12 C., 1; 15 C., 1; LEE.-5 I. 1; 14 I., 1; 15 I. 21;26 I., 3; 50 I., 1; 80 I., 1; 81 I., 10; 22 C- L Oada C. 3. 3 R. I. C. 1. 8 U. S. 1; 16 U. S. 1. Nav~y, 1. Unknown, 8. Totall, 204. 87I.,l;89I.,1;93I.,1;97I.,2; 1I.,2; 112I.,2; 113I.,;l;114I:L 5L ^ ^ ^ 1., rT94 1;, 117 I.,11; 14I.,2; 1 4 6I.,10; 1., 6; 3A.,21; 5 A., 2 4s6E. —3 I., 4; 9 I., 1; 13 I., 1; 14 I.,6; 16 I., 1; 26 I., 2; 40 I., 3; 7 A., 2; 14 A., 1; 16 A., 3;? A., 1. 2 C., 1; 22 C., 2; 24 C., 1. 1; 60 I., 1; 61 I., 1; 76 I., 1; 81I., 4; 97 I., 5; 100 I., 1; 117 I. 11; 122 Oneida C.,4. 17 Mich., 1. 55 Pa., 1. 14 U. S.,; 1 U. S. S. S., 1. I., 1; 126 I., 1; 140 I., 1; 146 I., 5; 159 I., 1; 189 I. 3; 192 I., 1. 2 A., Unknown, 50. Total, 172. 4; 5 A., 1; 10 A., 1; 12 A., 1; 14 A., 2; 16 A., 4. 7 C., 2; 24 C., 1.. MAEY-12I1; 14.1; 11.2;971.1 111.1; 171.13 121Oneida C., 1. 74111.1, 1;147111l.,1. Unknown,4_. Total, 76. MllrlcY. —12 I., 1; 14 I., 1; 81i., 2; 97 I., 1; 111 I., 1; ll17I, 13; r "'"U~ 7"-127' ~~7'"~"4't~R I., 1; 146 I., 9 152 I., 1. 1 A., 1; 2 A., 3; 3 A., 2; 14 A. 3;? A., I. WESTMOaELAND.-3 I., 4; 5 I., 1; 15 I., 1; 26 I., 5; 37 I., 1; 57 I.,I; 11 C.,1; 15 C., 2;? C., 1. Navy, 1. Unknown, 11. Total, 56. 75I.1;'77I.1; 811.4; 971.1; 1001.1; 101I. 111I.1; 117 I., 36; 125 I., 2; 146 I., 9; 189 I., 3. 2 A., 8; 3 A. 3; 4 A., 1; 14 A., MARSHALL.-J 4I.,3; 26 1., 5; OU I., 1; 8 1I., 6; 101 I., 2; 117 I., 22; 1 11 ^P 1P 1- ^P 19 ^OP 1;;T 1 991A.1;P P fP1 A., 1,A. 17., 1. 5C., 1, C.,1; 15, 0.,1; 146<., 13. 2A., 1; 13 A., 2; 14A.,1. 1C.,1; C.,15; 11 C.l.? 9. 94.P 1 Q R P 9 M R 1 Nl 1 Oneida, C., 1. 9 Ill., 1. Navy, 1. Unknown, 6. Total, 88. Unknowin, 8. TIlotal, 119. NEW HARTFORD. —14 I., 9; 26 I., 7; 34 I., I; 57 I., 3; 64 I., 1; 691. nul wn' \\ 9\ i I.T 1., T I. 99 T I9H 1^ 1. 77 T 14; 815 TT. Q9 T57 \', Q7 T64 I. 11 T 7IITESTOWN.-21., 3; 5 I., 1; 13 I., 1; 14 I., b,; 21., 1; 2 1., 13; 1; 77 I., 1; 8 1., 1; 93 1., 1; 9 17.., 17; loo 1., 1; 1., 7; 133 I., 6; 14bI.,14; 12 I.,1; 15 I., 14, I., 1. 1A., 1; 2 A., 1; 5,;. 1;7; A., 657. 1; 1451 6 AP19 I., o 10.,1; 115I. 1; 117I.,2; 13.,,14I., 1I.,1; A., 1; 10JA.,1; 14 A.,; 1,lbA.,50. Q8C.,; 1,2., 1; 15Cb., 1. 1COal.,1. |T191r9T9.|QQTf A1.9AQ4A1 7A1 4 9 T, t TT U. 9 9n?T8 31B1. 5 C., 10; 20 C., 1; 24 A., 2. 1 Ca., 1.; 7.11 1. 15 Con. 5 8Il.,I1; 72 Ill., 1; ll. A.,1 10. S11.,; 1.S.; 12..,;16S.20M.,1. Navy, 3 Unkrnown, 5. Tkotal, 122. 3PL,1? Ill. 1U., 1. 38 Ind.,1.? Iowa, 1. 10 Mass., 1. 83 Pa. 1; 145 Pa. 1. ~PARIS. —3 I.,2; 14 I., 9; 15 I., 1; 26 I., 6; 34 I., 1; 46 I., 1; 76 I.,1; 1; W is., 1.? W is. B., 1. 14 U.S., 1. Navy, 2. Unknown, 19. 911., 2; 97 I., 2; 100 I., 3; 1011., 1; 107 I., 1; 110 I., 1; 114 I.,2; Ttl14' T'otal, 164. 117 I., 43; 126 I,, 1; 136., 1; 140 I., 1; 141 I., 1; 146 I., 21. 1 A., 3; 2 A., 9; 3 A., 6; 4 A., 1; 6 A., 2; 13 A., 1; 14 A., 5; 16 A., 2. 1 C., 1; 8 C., ONONDAGA COUNTY. 4; 11 C., 1; 24 C.; 1. 1 Cal., 1; 2 Conn. A.,I 23 111., 1; 92 111. 1;12 CAILLUS. —12 I., 1; 15 I.,8; 19 I., 1; 63 I., 1; 91 I., 1; 101 I., 1; 111.1. IMasis.l. 7U.S.2. 1US.A.1. 20 M. 7;? M. 1. Un- 117 I.I; 122I.,33; 149 I.,2; 185 1.,1; 193I.,2. 1A.1; 3A.,1. 3 known, 6. Total, 160 B.,1. 1 C., 1; 2 C.,1; 3 C., 4; 11 C., 2; 12 C., 1; 15 C., 5; 21 C., 1; REMSEN. —5 I. 1; 14 I., 4; 15 I., 1; 26 I., 3; 50 I., 4; 76 I., 1; 81I., 22C.,6; 24C.,2. 5Pa.1. 14U. S.,1. Unknown, I.~ Total, 81. APPENDIX. 625 CICERO. —12 I., 7; 13 I., 1; 15 I., 9; 24 I., 1; 34 I., 1; 40 1., 1; 101 9 C., 1; 10C., 7; 11 C., 7; 120 C., 3; 15 C., 56; 16 C., 1; 200C.,2; 220 C., 4; I., 7; 122 I., 23; 130 I., 1; 140 I., 2;.149 I., 37; 157 I., 2; 169 I., 1; 185 24 C., 2; 26 C., 1; I Vet. C., 2. 5 Cal., 1. 23 Conn., I. I Del., 1. I., 11; 193 I., 1. 2 A., 4; 3 A., 6; 5 A., 1; 9 A., 9; 11 A., 1; 16 A., 1.11 Ill., 1; 22 Ill., 1;? Ill., B., 1. 2 Ky., 1. 5 Maine, 1; 11 Maine, 1. 2 C., 10; 3 C., 2; 11 C.,2; 15 C., 1; Oneida C0,I;? C., 1. 1 Vet.., 1. 27 Mass., 1; 46 Mass., 1; 49 Mass., 1. 21 Mich., 1; 7 Mich., C., 1. 5 Mich. C., 1. 58 Pa., 1. 14 U. S. 1. 1 Vet. Corps, 1. Navy 1. Un- 14 Ohio, 1; 63 Ohio, 1;?Ohio, 1. 16 Pa., 1; 83 Pa., 1. 5 R. I., 1. known, 5. Total, 155. 22 Wis., 1. 6 U. S., 1; 7 U. S., 3; 14 U. S., 1; 15 U. S., 1;?U, S., 2; CLAY.-12 I., 4; 54 I., 1; 122 I., 10; 149 I., 5; 175 I., 1; 179 I., 1; 14 U. S. A., 1; I U. S. C., 1; 5 U. S. C., 1; 3 U. S. R., 1; 1 U. S. S. S., 1; 185 I., 6; 193 I., 2. 1 A., 1; 2 A., 3; 3 A., 1;? A., 1. 2 C., 2; 11 C.,1 U. S. Colored, 1. I M. R., 7; 2 M. R., 1.?Militia, 1. Navy, 18. 3; 12 C., 1; 15 C., 2. 14 U. S., 1;? U. S., 1. Unknown, 27. Total, 73. The remaining enlistments occurred at the following places, viz: Albion, 1; DE WITT. —10 I., 2; 12 I., 1; 15 I., 1; 77 I., 1; 101 I., 2; 105 I. 1; klyn, 1; N Y city, Onondaga, 8; Syracuse, 10. Unknown, 152. BSrooklyn, 1; N. Y. city, 2; Ono0ndaga, 8; Syracuse, 10.Unow,52 Ill I., 1; 112 I., 1; 122 I., 12; 140 I,,2; 142 I., 1; 149 I., 10; 178 I., 1;Total, 1?004. Total, 1,004. 185 I., 3; 193 I., 2. 1 A., 1; 3 A., 8; 9 A., 5; 16 A., 1. 2C., 16; 3C., TULLY. —I I., 1; 3 I., 2; 9 I., 1; 10 I., 1; 12 I., 2; 14 I.,2; 15 I., 2; 2; 8 C.,1; 10 C.,2; 11C.,4; 20 C., 1; 22C., 3.? Mich, 1. 3U.S.1;50I.,1; 75I.,1; 76I.,2; 101 I., 2; 102 I.,1; 117I.,1; 122 I., 21; 153U. S.,1; 3U.S. Colored, 1. Navy, 1. Unknown, 12. Total, 102. 149 I.,3; 157 I., 1; 176 I., 1; 185 I., 5. 2 A., 2; 14 A., 1; 16 A., 1. ELBRIDGE.-3 I., 1; 10 I., 1; 19 I., 1; 50 I., 1; 64 I., 1; 75 I., 2; 10122 B., 5 27 ohio, 1 4 Pa. 1 Unknown, 4. Total, 65. I., 3; 111 1., 2; 122 I., 14; 147 I., 1; 149 I., 1; 160 I., 1; 188 I., 1; 193 VAN BuRE. —3 I., 4; 12 I., 1; 14 I., 3; 15 I., 6; 18 I., 1; 75 I., 1; I., 6. 1 A., 1; 3 A., 11; 9 A., 4; 14 A., 1. 3 B., 2; 19 B., 1; 27 B., 1. 81 I., 4; 101 I., 6; 112 I., 1; 122 1., 30; 149 I., 22; 185 1., 29; 193 1., 1. 10 C., 2; 12 C., 1; 15 C., 1; 22 C., 2; 23 C., 1. 16 U.S., 1. Unknown, 1 A. 6; 3 A., 10; 9 A., 6; 16 A., 1. 1 B., 1; 23 B., 1;?B., 2. 1 C., 1; 78. Total, 143.11 C., 5; 15 C., 10; 20 C., 2; 22, 6. 2 V. R.C., 1. 114 I11., 1. FABIUS.-9 I.,2; 12I.,5; 151I.,2; 23 I.,2; 61 I.,15; 76 I.,1; 1122 IO 1 5 hio 2 Pa.,1. 14 U.S.. Unknown, 9. Total, 175. I., 1; 114 I., 3; 122 I., 1; 140 I., 1; 149 I., 4; 157 I., 2; 171 I., 1; 184 I., 1; 185 I., 21. 2 A., 1; 9 A., 5. 1 C., 1; 2 C., 2; 3C., 2; 10 C., 3; ONTARIO COUNTY. 15 C.,1; 22 C.,5. 2 Mich. 1. I Pa. 1; 149 Pa., 1. Unknown, 4. BRISTOL.-15 I., 3; 18 I., 2; 28 I., 1; 33 I., 1; 50 I., 1; 85 I., 2; 97 Total, 89. I.,3; 98 I., 1;' 126 1., 3' 148 I., 4; 160 I., 2. 1 A., 1; 4 A., 13; 16 A, GEDDES. —12 I., 5; 47 I., 1; 61 I., 1; 75 I., 1; 88 I., 1; 95 I., 1; 100 6. 3 C., 2; 10 C., 1; 15 C., 1; 21 C., 2; 24 C., 1. M.R.,3; 2M.R., I., 1; 101I., 2; 122 I., 6; 140 I., 2; 142 I., 2; 149 I., 10; 185 I. 21. 1 2. Navy, 2. Unknown, 1. Total, 58. A., 4; 2 A., 1; 6 A., 1; 9 A., 6; 10 A., 1; 11 A., 1; 12 A., 1; 14 A.,1. CANADICE.-13 I., 2; 28 I., 1; 76 I., 1; 85 I., 2; 104 I., 1; 126 I., 1; 11 C.,1; 13C., 1; 15 C.,1; 220C.,2; 240C.,1. 14U. S.,1; 7U.S.A., 147I.,2; 160 I.,1; 188 I.,4. 4 A., 1; 14 A., 1. 210C.,2. 1M.R., 1. Unknown, 12. Total, 90. 8. Navy, 1. Unknown, 9. Total, 37. LA FAYETTE.-8 I., 1; 12 I. 10; 15 I., 1; 23 I., 1; 44 I., 2; 50 I., 1; ANANDAIGUA-I I, 2; 2 I., 2; 4 I., 9; 9 I., 1; 11 I., 2; 12 I., 1; 14 54I.,1; 101 I.,2; I1 I., 1; 1225I.,8; 146 I., 1 49I.,; 15 I., 15.1; 18 I., 15; 27 I., 1; 28 I., 11; 33 T., 9; 38 I., 2; 40 I., 1; 185 I.,3. 1 A., 1; 3A.,5; 4 A.,1; 9 A.,7; 14 A.). 1C.,1; 2 C., 1; 44I., 3; 48 I.,3; 50 I.,12; 61I., 1; 64LI., 1; 85II.,5; 93 1.,1;97I.,1; 3C.,2; 15C.,4; 21C.,1; 22 C.,4; 24 C.,. 1 M.R.,13.7 Ill. C., 98I.,11; 100 I.,3; 108I., 1; 111I., 1;116I., 1;120I., 1; 125 I., 1;1261,; 19 Ill. C, 1. 7 U.S., 1. 4U.S. A.,I. Navy, 1. Unknown, 6. 25; 136 I.,1; 140,2; 1 42.,1; 148.,33; 149I.,1; 1601., 13;162I., 1; Total, 92. 188 I., 4; 194 I., 1. 1 A., 1; 3 A., 2; 4 A., 23; 5 A., 1; 7 A., 1; 10 A., LSANDER. —3 I. 1; 12 I., 1; 13 I., 1; 14., 2; 16 I., 1; 19 I., 2; 24 1; I1 A., 1; 16 A., 11. 22 B., 1; 26 B., 3; 31 B., 1. I C., 2; 2 C., 8; I.,1; 28I.,1; 49I., 1; 50I., 4; 61I.,4; 751.,3; 79I.,1; 811.,1; 97 3 C., 2; 8 C., 9; 9 C., 2; 14 C., 1; 15 C., 12; 22 C., 1; 24 C., 5. 7 1.,1; 101 I.,1; 111I.,3; 114TI.,1; 122I.,30; 149 I.,A19; 150 I.,1; Iowa, 1. 1Mass. A., 1. 4 Mich., 1. 3U.S., 1; 5 U.S.,2; 14 U.S., 84 I.,2; 185 I., 42; 193 I., 5. 1 A.,38; 2A.,2; 3 A., 7; 9 A., 2; 1G6 1.?U. S, 1. 18 U. S. Col'd, 1; 26 U. S. Col'd, 2; 31 U. S. Col'd, 2; A., 2. 21 B., 2. 2 C., 3; 3 C., 6; 10 C.,1; 11 C.,16; 12C.,3; 43 U. S. Col'd, 1.?U.S.S., 1. 2M.R.,1. Navy, 1. Unknown, 47. 5 0.,12; 22 C., 1. I Conn., 1. 12 I11. C., 1. 2 Mich, 1. 20 Ohio, I. Total, 349. 16 U.S., 2. 11 U. S.,A.,I. 20 U.S. Colored, 1. Navy, 3. Unknown, r, r^ rr T 7oT TA T 16 T-.nS-. 2. 11 U. S., A., I. 20 U.S. Colored, I. Navy, 3. Unknown, EAST BLOOMFPIELD.-5 1., 1; 15 I., 7; 26 I, 1; 33 I., 4; 50 I., 1; 65 50n T -. -,r~T ^ -.. T o -,.-rI., 1; 85 I., 2; 108 I., 1; 126 I., 11; 129 I., 1; 136 I., 1; 148 I., 4; 160 I., MANIUS.-I I., 1; 12 I., 7; 14 I., 3; 16 1; 38 I., 1; 40 I., 1; 44 2; 188 I., 2; 194 I., 1. 3 A., 1; 4 A.,3; 12 A., 1; 14 A., 1; 16 A., 4. I., 1; 50I., 3; 61 I.,5; 73 I. 1; 81I., 1; 86 I., 1; 101 1., 8; 111 I., 1; I C. 1; 2 C., 2; 8 C., 4; 11 C., 1; 24 C., 2. 2 Kan., 1. 1 Mich, 1. 8 114T1., 1; 122I., 33;!46 I.,M1; 147I.,2; 149I.,44; 157I., 2; 169 I.,1; Mich. C., 1. 2 U.S.R., 1. 1 S. S., I. 1 M. R., 1. Unknown, 4. 185 I.,1; 193 I.,3. 2. A., 1; 3 A., 13; 11 A., 1; 13 A., 3; 16 A., 11; Total, 70.? A., 2. 21 B., 1. 1 C., 1; 2 C., 78; 3 C., 4; 6 C., 4; 10 C., 1; 11 C., FARAINGTO N.-B I., 1; 18 T., 1; 26 T., 1; 28 1., 1; 46 1., 1; 50 I., 2; U~lio V^ t~i^O^-^To3 l0'' O6 (7'' ^4 y G" ^ ^ GFxlt~INCTONr.-13 I., 1; 18 I., 1; 26 I., 1; 28 I., 1; 46 I., 1; 50 I., 2; 1; 12C., 1; 130., 1; 15. 10; 21C.,1; 22C.,7; 24 C. 1.?, 1. 76. 1; 85I., 1; 1 120 I.,; 1.; 126 I.,1; 1 46., 1 48 1., 154 20 Ohio, 1; 100 Ohio, 1. 14R. I. A., 1. A 5 Wis., I. 11 U.S., l; 14 U. A 2 1 12C2 7 S.,2. BU.S.C.,I. l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~., 1;160.,1 Nv, Uko al Tt 30. 11Ah., 2;16sA., 5. 28 B., 1. 8 C., 1; 24 C.,2a. 7.U. S., 2. 2 U. S. C., 1 IM. R, 1. Navy, 3. Unknown, 12. Total, 300. S., 1. Unknown, 4. Total, 32. MARCELLUS. —12 I., 8; 14 I., 1; 18 I., 1; 40 I., 1; 75 I., 3; 97 1., 1; GoR2A8.1 A —19 I., 1; 28 I., 4; 33 I., 2; 50 I., 2; 64 I., 1; 85 I., 2; 98 111I.,1; 112 I.,1; 122I., 31; 138 I.,2; I46 I., 2; 185 I.,5. 1 A., 1; T 2A.,2; 3A.,5; 8A., 1; 9A.,3. 10B.,2. 30,2; 15C.,2. 87Ind.,); 2A.,2; 3A.,5;8A.,I; A.,3 10B CA2; 15C.,2. 87 Ii 1; A., 1; 9 A., 1; 11 A., 1; 14 A., 2; 16 A., 4. 1 C., 1; 8 C., 8; 15 C., 4; 5Kan.C,1. 8Mich,l. 2 Minn.,I1; 6 Min.,I1; 11 Minn, 1.? Ohio 1;1 -,1 1'1;4A 2 lbA?4 0'1;. 0'S-G'4 Kan. C., 1. 8 Mich., I. 2 Minn.,; 6 Minn.,; 1Miinn.,.? Ohio,; 22 C., 1. I Vet. C., 1.? Ill., 1. 9 Mich., 1; 30 Mlich., 1.. 19 Minn., Navy, 2. Unknown, 3. Total, 87. 1. 14 Pa. C., 1. Unknown, 4. Total, 81. ONONDAGA.-3 I., 2; 12 I., 6; 14 I., 1; 24 I., 1; 25 I., 1; 34 T., 1;; HOPEWELL.-15 I., 1; 18 I., 1; 28 I., 5; 44 I., 1; 50 I., 4; 85 I., 1; 86 44 I, 4 61I.,1; 5 I. 11 81I.,1; 6 I. 2;101 1. 4;104 I.,. 1; 108 I., 1; 126 I., 3; 128 I., 1; 147 I., 1; 148 I., 14; 181 I., 1; 188 122I., 44; 149I., 17; 157 I., 1; 184I.,2; 185 I., 6. 2 A., 6; 3 A., 5; 4 A., 3; 8., 1; 11 A., 1; I A., 3. 1 C. 2; 2., 1; 3., 8 A., 1; 9 A., 7; 10 A., 1; 13 A., 1; 14 A., 1;? A., 1. 18 B. 1. I C., 2; 24 C.,. 2 Vet. C.,. 9 ich. C., 1. 3 U. S. A., 1. 1 U. S. A., 1. 2 C., 1; 3 C., 3; 6 C., 1; 8 C., 1; 12 C., 2; 15 C., 13; 22 C., 1; 26 C., 2; 1 U. S. Colored,. avy,.'i nown,. Total 57. Oneida C., 1. 15 111., 1; 8 Il1l. C., 1. 14 U.S., 1; 14 U.S. Colored, 1. Navy, 1. Unknown, 17. Total, 179.' MANCHESTER.-15 I., 4; 17 I., 1; 18 I., 3; 26 I., 1; 28 I., 2; 33 I., 5; 50 I., 2; 51 I., 1; 64 I., 1; 85 I., 2; 93 I., 1; 111 I., 17; 126 I., 26; 147 OTiSCO. —12 I., 6; 15 I., 1; 44 I., 4; 51 I., 1; 52 I., 1; 75 I., 8; 101., 1; I., 1; 148 I., 14; 160 I., 2. 3 A., 4; 4 A., 5; 9., 1; 14.,;., 4. 11. I., 2;,122 I., 4; 149 I., 4; 160 1, 1; 185 I., 4; 193 I., 2. 2 A., 1; 18 B.,)4; 27 B., 1. 2 C.,)1; 3 C., 1; 8 C., 5; 13 C., 1; 15 C., 2; 24 C., 3iA 6; 9A.,5.?B., 2. 15 C., 4. 1 Conn. C., 1. 3 U.S.,1; I U.: I1 Vet. C., 1. I Vet. Res. Corps, 1.? Ill., 1. 2 N. J., 1. 13 S. A., 1; 5 U.S. C., 1. Unknown, 4. Total, 65. Mich.) 1. 14 IU. S., 1. 20 U. S. Col'd, 1; 26 U.S. Col'd, 1. 2 M. R., POMPEY. —2 I., 11; 14 I., 1; 23 I., 1; 35 I., 3; 49; 61., 9;. avy, Unknown, 24. Total, 159. ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. Nvy. Unkown,24.1^ Total, 159.2 201 ^^ ^^ y, 81I., 1; ITllI., 1; 114I., 2; 152. 311; 1491. 2 I., 17; 1852I, 3; 189I., 1. NAPLES.-13 I., 3; 17 I., 1; 27 I., 1; 50 I., 5; 61 I., 1; 67 I., 5; 69 I., 3 A., 6; 9 A., 3;., 1. 2 C., 36; 3 C.,; 10 C., 1; 12 C., 1; 15 C.,; 1; 85I., 10; 100 I.,1; 102 I., 3; 104I., 1; 120 I.,1; 126 I., 18; 130 I., 8; 11A., 1; 16 A., 2. 28 B.,01. 1 c., 1; 4C.,,;6c.,53;8C.,C1;., S1L39.-3 I., 1; 1 2 I., 1 2; 1 4 I., 1; 1 50., 4; 24 I., 1; 43 I., 1; 1 01I., 2; 2. 13 M 1.ich., 1; 16 Mich., 1; 20 Mich., 1. i R., 1; 2 P., 1. I M. R., 4. 122 I., 5; 149 I., 5; 185 I., 9; 193I., 1. 2A., 8; 3 A., 4; 9 A., 5; Post Band, 2. Unknown, 3, Total, 126. 16A20.,. B., 1. 2 C., 1; 3 C., l4; 1 I4 C.R., 8; 1 C., 2; 2., 1. 8n-J-1 1 C)Q _1. 136PL. 114.. 5I:1;8.,; 19T.,1 A. ISR T — NOT-.,1; 28.,1T;3IA.A 112 Pa., 1. Unknown, 10. Total, 82. "^ *l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 0., 1 75I.,;!' 85,1; 1I,CA 2.* 1; 93 I.,1;t: 9 I,2;-| 98 I.,5:;;'^ 1~i.11, SYCNEAcnES. —12 I., 2; 15 I., 3; 19 I., 9; 22 I, 1; 23 I., 1; 24 I., 1; 2., 13; 126 I., 21; 130-I., 1; 1T8 I., 2; 148 I., 62; 16 0 I., 5; 1T8 I., 2. 3 34 I., 1; 35 I., 1; 51I., 1; 75I., 9; 81I., 1; 97 I., 1; 99 I.,1I; 101I., 1; A., 5; 4 A., 1; 9 A., 5; 13 A.,1I; 16Ah., 3 1 C., 4; 6 C., 1; 8 C., 17; 9 111I.,2; 112I.,2; 114I.,2; 121., 1; 122I.,15; 129.,1; 138I.,10; C., 2; 10C.,2; 15 C.,; 23C.,1; 24C.,5;? C.,. V. C., 3. 18V. 139 I., 1; 140I1., 1; 149 I., 14; 150 I., 1; 160 I., 1; 195 I., 1. 1A., 2; R. c., 1. I Vt., 1. 13 Ill. c., 1. 6 Mlich., 1; 9 Mich,, 1. 15 Pa., 1. 2 A.,1; 3A., 15; 9A.,17.;1 B.,1. 1., 2 1; 6 C., 1; 15 C.,2?; 1U. S.,2;14U. S.,3. 1M.R.,3. MIarineCorps, 1. Navy, 2. Un22 C., 1;?C., 1. 5 Mich.,1; 6Mich.,1. 134Ohio,1. 12a.C.1. kn own, 8. Total, 226. 3 U. S., 1; 33 U. S. Coloredi, 1. Navy, 1. Unknown, 15. Total, 152. carN.- 1 3 0, 6, 02. I 0.; 6. 5 8A~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~RC~tN.,8~34A.,23;7A0.,81;69A.,1;023IO., 1; 120 A., 1; 13A I,;14;2 7 1 11id l~c l l ~ ~ B l? SPAFFOa~. —12 I., 1; 76 I., 2; 122I., 16; 149 I., 2; 157 I.' 1; 185 I., 3; 13.;18I,1 7.;18I,1. 4 A., 3; 6 A., 1; 8 A., 1; 9 193i1., 1. 3 A., 2; 4 A., 1; 9 A., 3. 15 C., 4; 22 C., 1. 1Mn.Ra., 1. A., 1; 16 A., 3. 6 M~ich., 1. 6W~is., 1. 21U. S. Colored, 1. 1M. 32 Iowa, 1. 2 U.S. A., 1. Unknown, 3. Total,43. R., 7. Total, 47. SzaACUSE. —lI., 2; 3 I., 3; 12 I., 48; 14 I., 9; 15 I., 1; 19I., 2; EEB- I;. 1, 6.; 3, 8.; 4, 20 I., 3; 24I., 3; 27I.,1I; 33I., 3; 40 I., 1; 41I., 1; 44I., 1; 47 I., I; 1; 48 I., 1; 50 I., 20; 51 I., 1; 52 I., 1; 67 I., 1; 69IP., 1; 76 I., 1; 81 50 I., 2; 61i., 1; 69 I., 1; 75 I., 2; 79I., 3; 81I., 2; 86I., 3; 89I., 1;. 93 I~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~., 1; 801;32.5I., 1; 91I,2I 1I,;12., 1; 100I.,21 1;02I6., 9 36.; 104I., 1; 105II., 4; 16. 1 I 1 188I., 2 930 I., 1; 101 I., 32; 12. 05 2 I., 1; 127I,1 10 I., 2; 11 1 I., 1 83.~; 1124 I..., 1 A 4;14a,7;sA,17 I., l; 1 ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;126 I., 259; 1361. I;17., 2;!47 I., 1; 148 I., 46; 166.,5; IT., l; 1;9 I3., 1; 188 I., 2; 1..1I.;1.;1 ~;2 B,3 1 120.,1; 121 I., 2; 122 I.,801; 124 I., 1; 127 I., 14. n a;?,140I., 1; 1.,44I. 2 oc.,;15.; i. V 1. 8;4 A,2.;9I.,159; 155I.,13; 157I.,61; 16I., 1; 175I, a c.,. 11d,; Ind, 176Ic.,5; 177I.,1;3RIB.I 15 A., 1; 16 A.,9;? A., 3. 17 B., 1; 26 B., 1. 1 C.,4; 2 C., 1; 8 0.: 4;9 Vt.. I. 5, i. 1; 40;Wil, 1 10 A-S; 8, l.; 4, 8 S.179 626 APPENDIX. ored, 1; 20 U. S. Colored; 26 U. S. Colored, 2; 29 U. S. Colored, 1; 43? R. I., 1. 5 U. S. A., 1; 8 U. S. A., 1. 1 U. S. C., 1. 1 U. S. S. S., 1. U. S. Colored, 1. 54 M., 5. 1 M. R., 1. 1 N. Y. R., 1. Navy, 12. 14 U. S. Colored, 4; 20 U. S. Colored, 4; 26 U. S. Colored, 8; 31 U S., Unknown, 73. Total, 322. Colored 1. 2 M., 1; 3 M., 1; 7 M., 1; 12 M., 1; 19 M., 39; 20 M., 1; SOUTHt BRISTOL.-12 I., 1; 18 I., -2; 58 I., 1; 98 I., 1; 100 I., 1; 124 71 M. 5. I l. R. 1. 21 Vot. Res., 1. Post Band, 2. Medical Staff, I. SOUTR:~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~7 MRSO., 5.1M., 21 Vet. R1es., 1. Post B2and, 2. ~,Iedical1 Stcaff 1. I., 1; 126 I., 2; 130 I., 5; 140 I., 1; 146 I., 1; 148 I., 7; 188 I., 7. 3 Nav y,43. Unknown, 48. Total, 562. A., 1; 4 A., 5. 6 C., 1; 12 C., 1; 15 C., 5; 22 C., 1. 3 Mich., 1; 4 NEW WINDSOt.-303I., 1; 19 I., 2; 40 I., 1; 56 I., 8; 71 I., 2; 98 1., 2; Mich., 1; 11 Mich., 1. 153 Ohio, 2. Post Band, 2. Navy, 1. Un- 124 I., 9; 128 I., 1; 168 I., 7; 186 I.,1. 6 A., 1; 7 A., 1; 10 A., 1; 15 known, 1. Total, 52. A., 1. 7 B., 2. 2 C., 2; 3 C., 1; 18 C., 1. 12 M., 1; 19 M., 3. 26 U. VICTOR. —13 I., 4; 18 I., 1; 28 I., 5; 33 I., 4; 50 I., 2; G7 I., 1; 76 I., S. Colored, 1. Navy, 4. Unknown, 7. Total, 60. 1; 85 I., 1; 98 I., 1; 102 I., 1; 104 I., 1; 114 I., 1; 126 I., 5; 154 I., 1; WALLKILL. — 2 I., 1; 14 I., 1; 1 I., 1.0; 28 I., 1; 36 I., 1; 51., 1; 54 179 I., 2. 4 A., 4. 1 C., 2; 8 C., 2; 20 C., 1; 21 C., 2; 24 C., 7. 1 I., 1; 56 I., 36; 69 I., 1; 70 I., 1; 71 I., 1; 115 I, 1; 121 I., 1; 124 I., Mass., 1. 4 Mich., 1; 7 Mich., 1; 6 Mich. C., 1. 105 Ohio, 1. I M.R. 45; 141 T., 1; 142 I., 1; 143 I., 2; 156 I., 1; 158 I., 1; 159 I., 1; 168 I., 11. Unknown, 12. Total, 77. 15; 176 I., 3; 192 I., 2; 198 I., 1. 4 A., 11; 6 A., 1; 15 A., 4; 16 A., 1. WEST BLOOM FIELD. -13 I., 2; 15 I., 9; 27 I., 5; 33 I., 2; 35 I., 1; 50 7 B., 2; 20 B., 1; 28 B., 1. 1 C., 1; 3 C., 1; 5 C., 2; 6 C., 1; 15 C., 10; I.- 3; 77 I., 1; 108 I., 2; 126 I., 9; 148 I., 16; 188 I., 1. 1 A., 6; 4 A., 25 C., 1. Inv. Corps, 1. 3 Maass. C., 1. 6 Pa., 1; 28 Pa., 1; 178 Pa., 1; 7. 1 B., 2. 3 C., 1; 8 C., 2; 22 C., 1. 1 Vet. C., 1. 4 ich. C.,. 21 Pa.,. 14 U. S. Colored, 3; 20 U. S. Colored, 13; 26 U. S. Col6U.S.,1. ored, 5;? Colored, 1. 9 M., 1: 22 M., 1. 1 M. R., 5. Navy, 7. Unknown, 33. Total, 242. ORANGE COUNTY. WARWICK.-2 I., 1; 15 I., 5; 17 I., 1; 18 I., 1; 41 I., 1; 48 I., 1; 50 BLOOMING GROYE.-3 I., 1; 15 I., 9; 18 I., 1; 30 I., 1; 34 I., 1; 40 5 154 L.,1; 164 I., 3; 1-6 I., 6. 5 A., 1; 71A[., 3; 0IA., I. 26 B., 1; 28 I., 1; 56 I., 14; 63 I., 1; 69 I., 1; 71 I., 1; 124 I., 36; 158 I., 1; 168I., 5 41. 166 I.,3; 1., 6, 1; 7 A.,1. 2.1; T 4; 170 I., 2; 173 I., 1; 176 I., 2. 5 A., 1; 14 A., 2. 8 B., 1. 4 C.,;. i; B.,1. 2., 2; 5 C.,6; 10 C., 1; 13.,1; 15., 1;~ 2 C., 1. 6C.,2; 18C.,1 2Vet. C., 1. 124 ll., 1. 8U.S. Colored,; 0U i Con. A.,1. Tlr., 1; 15 N. J., 1; 35 N. J., 1. 214 Pa., 1; 26 U. 2T'et.C.,1. 124I11.,S. olord, 8.Navy3. Unnown 17. otal 154 S. Colored, 5; 56 U. S. Colored, 1. 21 M., 1. Navy, 7. Unknown, 7 S Colored,1. Navy 3. Unknown,!7. Total, 154. Total, 109. A WAWTAYANDA.-3 I., 2; 18 I., 2; 30 I., 1; 54 I., 1; 56 I., 6; 69 I., 1; CHESTER. —1 5 I., 2; 18 I., 2; 48 I., 1; 54 I., 1; 56 I., 2; 68 I., 1; 74 9 L 12 l 15, 8 B0 4 et C 1 8IR., 1; 124.,2 M 4.,. 15.. 28B.iovi,. 1e. Tota, 49.1. I., 1; 90 I., 1; 115 I., 1; 124 I., 11; 176 I., 4. 15 A., 1. 33B.,3. 15 R.,1. 1tM0.,1. Unknown, 11. Total, 49. C., 2; 20 C., 1; 25 C., 1. 19 Ind., 1. 3 Mass. C.,1. 139 Pa., 1. 2 U. n1TZEA \TS CONTTY S.A., 1. 14 R. I.Colored, 8. 20 U.S. Colored, 6; 2G U.S.Colored, 1. Navy, 1. Unknown,3. Total,58. BARRnnE.-3 I., 1; 4 I., 2; 13 I., 3; 21 I., 1; 27 I., 21; 28 T., 10; 49 1., CORNWALL.-1 I., 1; 2 I., 2; 3 I., 4; 5 I., 4; 14 I., 1; 15 I. 3; 19 I, 50I.,; 64I.,I; 65I. 1. 1; 89I. 1; 90a.6; 96.2;116I., 2; 24 I., 1; 25 I., 1; 36., 1; 38 I.,1; 51 I., 1; 56I.,4; 76I., 1;f 81., 1; 117 2I8I., 1; 1 94 I., 1; 125., 1;29 19 149., A; 151 9.; 2; 95I.,3; 981.,5; 115 I., 5; 117 I., 2; 1211., 1; 1241., 28; 12GI I.,.; I., I;194.-1. 2 A,, 1; 4A., 15; 8 A., 5; 9 129 I, 1; 130 I, 6; 140 I, 1; 142 I. 5 150 IA, 1; 159 1A, 5 17 B 19 23 B 2 1 3 C. 5; 8 - 2 169 ILI. 1 I; 198I. 1 1A 1;2A 3; 3A,8; 4A 1 12A 2; 12 C., 2; 16 C, 4; 21 C, 1; 22 C., 3 44 Ill., 1.? Maine A., 1. 1 1;?A.35. 97B.7; 26 B.I., 1 2.,; A..,S; 2 A.,; 52,;?C., Mich. C., 1; 3 Mich.C C.,1; 8 Pa., 1. 4 Wis. 1; 4 Wis. C., 1. 14? A., 35.S7 B., 71 26 B., 1; 6B., 1. 2 C., 5; 5 C., 3; 1Navy, 0 C., 14. 2Con., 1; 27Conn., 1. 2 Mass. C, 1. 9 Mich. C.,1 2N. J.,' -1; 6 S. S., 2. 1 M.', 2; 2 M. R., 9 Navy, 6. 14. 2 Col 1; 27 Co a; Unknown~, 3' Tal, ~3,1' I. 11 R. I. A., 1. I U. S., 1; 4 U. S. A., 1; 5 U. S. A., 1;? U. S, 33; 37. Total, 314. i U. S. Colored, 1; 14 U. S. Colored, 1; 20 U. S. Colored, 1; 26 U. S. CARLETOX.-4 I., 1; 17 I., 2; 23 T., 1; 24 I., 1; 26 I., 1; 27 I., 7; 28 Colored, 1;? U. S. Colored, 4. Cadet, I. Band, 23. Post Band, 2 I., 3; 76 I., 4; 94 I., 3; 102 I., 1; 108 I., 1; 115 I., 1; 127 I., 1; 129 I., Medical Staff, 3. Ordnance Corps, 3. Engineers, 43. U. S. Eng., 9 3; 130 I., 1; 151 I., 19; 157 I., 1; 164 I., 1. I A., 1; 4 A., 3; 8 A., 21; Navy, 6; Unknown, 36. Total, 355. 13 A.,; 14 A., 12. 12 B., 3; 17 B., 7. 3 C., 10; 6 C., 1; 8 C., 5. 3 CRAWFoxRD. —1 I., 1; 15 I., 2; 18 I., 1; 20 I., 1; 27 T., 1; 35 I., 1; 40 Cal., 1. 4 Iowa C., 1. 4 Mich., 1. 3 U. S., 1; 14 U. S., 1. 1 N. Y. S. I.,1; 50I.,1; 561.,7; 69 I.,1; 911.,1; 115I.,1; 1241., 6; 168 I., 16. S, 2. 2 U. S. S. S., 1. 2 M. Pt., 3;? R., 2. Unknown, 11. Total, 25 B., 1. 2 C., I. 10 Ohio, 2. 19 M. 1. Total, 46. 140. DEEEPARK.-3 I., 1; 6 I., 1; 14 I., 1; 15 I., 2; 18 I., 1; 12O I., 1; 4 C o —-4., 1; 13., 5; 28 I., 1; 105 I., 6; 111 I., 1; 129 I., I., 1; 25 I. 1; 28 I., 1; 45 I. 1; 56 I. 10; 60 1. 1; 70 I., 9; 71I, 12; 140 I.,; 151 I., 15; 187 I., 1. 4 A., 1; 8 A., 3; 10 A., 1;7 B., 1; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, 87 I., 1; 88 I. 1, 100 I., 1; 101 I., 1; 104 I., 1; 109 I., 2; 115I., 1; 124 24 B., 1. 3 C., 1; 8 C., 2; 21 C., 1; 24 C., 1 2 U. S. 1. Unknown, I., 35; 127 I., 1; 128 I., 1; 142 I., 14; 143 I., 5; 144 I., 1; 149 L.,; 1. Total, 60. 158 I., 1; 168 I., 1; 169 I., 2. 7 A., 1; 10 A., 3; 15 A., 2; 16 A., 4; GAINs. —l I., 1; 15 I., 1; 27 I., 1; 28 I., 2; 90 I., 3; 100 I., 1; 104? A., 2. 20 B.17; 27 B., 1. 1 C., 4; 2 C.,3; 3 C., 1; 5 C., 1; 15 C., I.,1; 105I. 1; 111I., 1; 120 I., 1; 140 I., 1; 146 I., 1; 151 I., 13; 160 7; 21 C.,1;? C.,1. 8 Conn., 1. 11 111., 1; 119 Il1. I., 1; 162 T., 1; 164 I., 1; i.12 I., 1. 4 A., 3 8 A., 14; 9 A., 1. I B., 1; 7; 21 C., 1;? C., 1. 8 Colin., I. 1111. 1; 11 RLi, 1; 4 Ell. C'., I I? N. C., 2. 1 N. J.,2; 7 N. J., 2; 23 N. J., 1; 27 N. J., 1; 105 N. J., 9 B., 1; 17 B., 7; 19 B., 1. 8 C., 1; 24 C., 1. 22 ii., 1. 188 Pa., 2; 1 N. J. C., 3;?N. J., 1. 17 Pa., 1; 45 Pa., 1; 53 Pa., 1; 141 Pa., 1;; 11 U. S., 1; 2 U. S. A., 1; 4 U. S. A., 1. 2 S. S., 1.?N. Y. S.S., 17 Pa. C., 1.? Va. C., 1.?U. S., 1; 26 U. S. Colored, I. 20 M., 1. 1; 2 M. R.,4. Unknown, 6. Total, 79. Invalid Corps, 1. 1 M. R., 2. Navy 7. Unknown ot 1; 27 I., 3;448 I., 2; Total., 1; 93 L1., 1; 94 I., 1; 105' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~Kzoz.-13 I.; 7., K;28I, 2; 76LI.,I T;9.,1;9.1;05 GosHEN.-3 I., 1; 151., 2; 18 I., 4; 56 I., 7; 76I., 1; 124 I., 18; 126 I., 3; 108 L.,2; 129 I., 3; 151 I., 8. 1 A., 1; 4 A., 4; 8 A., 15; 12 A.,.,1; 16.,1; 16I.,2. 7A.,. 2.,. Vet.,1..,. 14 1; 14 A., 1. 12 B., 8; 17 B., 1; 3 C., 4; 8 C., 2; 21 C., 2; 22 C., 4. I U. S., Colored, 3; 20 U.S. Colored, 2. 7 M., 1. Navy, 1. Unknown, I11. B., 1. 7 ich., 1; 17 Mich., 1;? Mich. C., 1. 2 M.-R., 2;? M. R., 12. Total, 60. 1.- Navy, 1. Unknown, 2. Total, 78. GGRENiZLLE. —15 I., 2; 18 I., 1; 27 I., 1; 56 I., 4; 70 I., 1; 77 T., 1; MuiRiY. —27 I., I; 28 I., 1; 45 I., 1; 93 I., 1; 97 I., 2; 105 I., 8; 129 86 I. 1; 124 I., 5; 128 I., 1. 4 A., 1; 5 A., 3; 7A., 1; 10 A., 1. 28 i, 2; 140 I., 1; 141 1., 1; 151 I., 22. 1 A., 2; 8 A., 13; 14 A., B., 3. 1 C., 1; 6 C., 1; 15 C.,1. 1 Conn., 1; 4 N. J. 1; 9 N. J. 1. 2; 14 B., 1; 17 B., 1; 18 B., 1; 19 B., 1. 3 C., 1; 6 C., 1; 8 C., 2; 22 Unknown, 2. Total, 34. C.,. 12 ass., 1. 20 Mici.,. is. 1 S. S., 2. 2 M. R., 2. HAMPTONBURGH. —56 I., 4; 124 I., 9; 150 I., 1; 168 I., 4; I76 I., 1. Navy, 1. Unknown, 2. Total, 76. 5 A., 1. 4 N. H., 1;? N. H. 1. 26 U. S. Colored, 1. Unknown1 7 RIDGEWAY.-13 I., 2; 14 I., 2; 15 I., 1; 21 I., 1, 27 I., 1; 28 I., 18; Total, 30. 35 I., 1; 36 I., 1; 501., 1; 641., 1; 65 I., 3; 74I., 1; 761., 2; 90 1., 33; 1MINSI:.-ISI., 1; 61I., 124I.3 7A1?A 1 3 91 I., 1; 93., 1; 94 I., 1; 97., 1; 100., 1; 11 I, 1; 129 I., 11; 142 1. 26 U.S. Colored, 1. Unlknown, 7. Total, 16.,.; 1. 1. 1; I, 0; 4I.,16.;,; MoH oE. —3 I., 1; 5IL., 1; 15.,5; 18., 7; 2721., 1; 40 I., 1; 481., ]3., 41; 22B.,.1; 2 3 ] I~n3.126 13,3,1;8,5!5.,;16, 1;. 284I, I.,1; 130I.,; 156 I., 1; 158., 1; 1661.,2; 170.,1; 176 Midi. I; I4idi.C.l; 3Mid:C.,l; 6 Midi. C. 1;? Midi. 1. 33 N.; 21C,,1; 22C., 1. I a i., 2; 4Cl,.124 Ohio, 1. 2 Pa. C., 1; 102 Pa. Res., 15.,21; 184C.,1; 15C.,1. 185iMss.,1. Navy,3. Unknon,18. To 1. 11 U. S., 1; 14 U. S., 1;, 3 U. S. Coloed, 1; 8 U. MiS. Colohe., 1; 26 U., S. Colored, 1; 54 Ui. S. Co;ored, 1. M. 2 M. MONTGOMERY-15 I., 13 A.,1; 3A I, 1; A56I., 20; 591 I., 3; 2R. 2. Navy, 4. nnown, 34. Botal, 291. 1; p6 I., V; 69 1; 719 3; 124 I 0 j.68 1 4. 5 A., 9. 28 B, 2. SiiELY-8J 1. 2; 21 I., 1; 27 I., 1; 28 I. 4; 30 I., 1; 49 I. 1;'I., 1^P50 ^ ^?5!? 1 ^^^-1- 3Iowa0-^ 2 Midi.. 1; 9081.19; 971.2; 116, 1; 129.4; 151. 7; 171as.,1 1 a., 6 14 nk,X;26U5 S T oota? ^ 4n.,1 1 ^^,. ^Z I.? E2. Navy, 3. 3 i., I; 4 A., 2; 8 A., 16; 14 A., 4. I B:, 2,; 8 B.,l; 17 3. 34; 25 B~.: Unknown,. To-.10. 11U. S., 1; 4U.,., 1; 2. Colored, 1; 3 U. S. C olorect,;U MOUNT HOPE. —23 I., 1; 56 I., 3; 63 I., I; 115-1., 1; 124 I., 4; 143 T. 1l 2 Mr.ed 1;12U.. 8 MiCd. Cd., 1. Un..noren, 6. Toal, 142. MownoT xY;7A' 15C.52< 1M.R.3. Navy,2. Un- Y1; 1s.-9 I., 1; 21 I., 1; 27 I.; 1; 28 I., 9; 33 I., 1; 36 2., 1; 49 I., Known, o.'Po~tal, 6(j. g 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~; 66I.,13; 69I 1.,11; 711.,3;. 124I.,300; i6 Ii.4 5 A.,. 283 Bi.,2; NE cH.-II. 1; 31. 42; 5 1., 5; 7 I., 3; 81., 1; 9 1.,4; 101.,3; 10 A., 1; 14 A.I 4. 1,7 B1., 19.. 3 C., 8. Navy, 2. 18 Mid;., 3. 1201., 1; 13CI., 1; 15CI.,23; 186I., 2; 19 I., 7; 24 I., 1; 25 I., 1; 28 1 U Total, 131. 30 I., 1; 36I., 22; 37I, 1; 40 I., 1; 411.,4; I511., 1; 148.,. 5 5 I., 141P 65., 1 2;6..oor, 69 I., 1; 19.,3.? 1.. y, 1; 8. OSWEGO COUTY. 3A^TON.-,19 I., 1; 24 A., 5; 2 I., 2; 35., 1; 37 I., 1; 4. 1; 50 I., UnknownAll' 10 A "l'il A \ \}^ L3 2; 168 I" 19; 176 L' L 6 7. 52 I- 1. 64 I., 1; 5 I. To t 6 al, 1; 78 I. 12. t'-R 4; 7 A., 11; 10 A., ^; 1 14, 1; 15 A? 3; 16 a., 1;? A, L, I; 2B., 1; 3., 5; 8C.,2;.1; 2, 1; 2 3 2T.,2 I.1; 17 I. 13; 152 1 B., 1o 7 B. 14; 27 B. 1;?. 1. 2 C., 11; 5 C. 3; 6 C. 1 8 C11 51 I., 1; 14 I., 4; 13 I., I. 1. 1R., T1 8 i., 1. Unknow, S. T ta, 15. ronn A., 15 C." 190I.,2; 1 29., 15 A^; 35 1I.,7. AA., 3; 4 A. 1; 1 A. 4; 14 A., 8; 16 A. 2;? A., 1. 2 C., 1; EOhioT l,;; 5 I.,5; O7I,3;.,1; 9.,4 10 1.3; 22 C., 1; 24 C., 4. 1 Yet. C., I. 13y11,. 16 U. S. 1. 1 17.Oo; 1,; 125IO.,o; 1 8.,2; 9.,7Pa; 2 Pa.,1 1;R.I. 2;4R. I.,I; 2 if. Unknon,8. Total, 191. I.,1; 14~ ~ ~ 7 I&.,; 15,; 15 I a.,915 I.,2 168.I.,19; 16I1 APPENDIX. 627 AMBOY.-15 I., 4; 24 I., 6; 32 I., 3; 81 I., 1; 93 I., 12; 110 I., 11; 24 C., 9. 1 Vet. C., 1. 87 Ind., 1. 2 Wis., 1. Navy, 1. Unknown, 117 I., 2; 119 I., 1; 121 I., 1; 147 I., 12; 149 I., 1; 184 I., 4; 189 I., 1; 12. Total, 145. 1 A., 2; 2 A., 5; 14 A., 3; 15 A., 2. 23 C., 1; 24 C., 12. Total, 84. ScROEPPEL.-3 I., 1; 14 I., 2; 24 I., 8; 35 I., 1; 50 I., 1; 64 I., 1; 79BOYLSTON. —24 I., 3; 35 I., 1; 61 I., 1; 75 I., 1; 94 I., 2; 110 I., 12; I., 1; 81 I., 16; 88 I., 1; 94 I., 1; 100 I., 3; 101 I., 1; 102 I., 1; 110 I., 147 I., 7; 152 I., 1; 184 I., 12; 186 I., 2; 193 I., 4. 10 A., 2; 16 A., 1. 17; 147 I., 5; 149 I., 8; 160 I., 1; 184 I, 65; 185 I., 1; 189 I., 1; 192 2 C., 1; 20 C., 1; 24 C., 1. Ill Pa., I. Unknown, 2. Total, 55. I., 1; 193I., 11. 1A.,5; 2 A., 4; 3 A., 3; 9 A., 6; 14 A., 1. 21 B., 20; CoNsTxNriA. —1 4I.,2; 24I.,1; 25I.,1; 26 I., 1; 27 I., 1; 31 I., 1; 24 B..,.,,1 C., 1;15C2;20C1;24C.,11 11 I 24 B., 3;? B., $.8C. 1; 11 C. 1; 15 C. 2; 20 C. 1; 24 C. 11. 11 32I.,2; 43I.,1; 44I., 1; 50I., 1; 52I., 1; 59.,1; 81.,10; 931., 3; Conn. 1. 3 Iowa, 1. 7 Kansas, 1. 27 Mass., 1; 34 Mass., 1. 10 97.,3; 101., 2; 110I., 27; 114., 1; 117 I., 2; 122 I., 2; 130I.,1; Mich., 1; 2 Mich. C., 1; 3 Mich., C., 1; 4 Mich. C., 1. 13 Mo. C., 1. 147I,273; 149I,32; 157,12; 189I.,7; 193I.,1. 1A.,9; 2.,8; 40 Wis.C., 1. 16U.'S.,2. 11 U.S.A.,1. 20 U. S. Colored, 2. 1 M. 3 A, 2; 10 A., 1; 13 A., 3; 14 A., 1. 3C., 1; 7C., 1; 120C., 1; 18 C., 1. ay,. nknon, 21. Total,. 1; 24 C., 3. Oneida C.,1. 1 Del, 1. 13 Md.,1. 1 Mass. C., 1; 4 ScRxiBA. —12 I., 1; 16 I., 2; 24 I., 5; 27 I., 1; 33 I., 1; 50 I., 1; 81 I., Mass.., 1. 6 Minn,. 71 Pa, 1 U. S., 1. 16 U. S. A., 1, 5 34; 84 I., 1; 98 I., 1; 110 T., 32; 123 I., 1; 127 I., 1; 147 I., 24; 157 I., TU. S. Colored,!; 20 U. S. Colored, 1. 1 M. R., 2;? M. R.,1. Un- 1; 184 I., 38; 193 I., 4. 1 A., 3; 2A., 3; 3 A., 1; 4 A., 2; 9 A., 17; 10 known, 25. Total, 204. A., 3; 16 A., 1. 21 B., 6. 1 C., 1; 12 C., 1; 15 C., 1; 21 C., 1; 24 C., GRANBY.-12 I., 1; 24 I., 10; 40 I., 1; 48 I., 1; 50 I, 3; 69 I., 1; 75 11. 15 N. C., 1. 10 Ohio, 1; 55 Ohio, 1. 16 U. S., 1;? U. S., I. 1 I., 1; 76I., 1; 81I., 7; 100I., 2; 104I., 1; 110 I., 18; 111I., 1; 119 I U.. S., 1. Navy, 3. Unknown, 9. Total, 217. 1; 122 I., 3; 138 I., 4; 146 I., 1; 147 I., 18; 149 I., 1; 154 I., 1; 157 I., VOLNEY —2 I., 3; 3 I., 2; 5 I., 1; 10., 2; 12 I., 9; 15 I.,1; 24 I.,37; 1; 184 I., 40; 185 I., 1; 193 I., 30. 1 A., 4; 7 A., 1; 9 A., 3; 14 A., 1; 27 I., 1; 41 I., 1; 46 I., 1; 49 I., 5; 50 I., 6; 54 I., 1; 59 I., 2; 64 I., 1; 16A.,1. 21 B, 2. 11C., 3; 12 C.,9; 15C., 1; 24 C.,18. 36 11., 1. 75 1., 1; 76I.,1; 79I.,1; 81I.,26; 89 I., 1; 100 I., 1; 110 I., 54; 111 7 Mich. C., 2.'50 Pa., 1;? U. S., 1. 1 M. R., 1. Unknown, 34. I., 2; 142 I., 1; 147 I., 29; 149 I, 2; 157 I., 1; 180 1., 1; 184 I., 65; 185 Total, 232. I., 2; 186 I., 1; 193 I., 6. 1 A., 5; 2 A., 6; 3 A., 1; 4 A., 3; 9 A., 3; HANNIBAL.-19 I., 1; 24 I., 10; 30 I., 1; 32 I., 1; 44 I., 1; 75 1., 3;? A., 2. 11 B., 1; 20 B., 1. 2 0., 1; 9 C., 3; 11 C., 4; 12 C., 11; 22 C., 811.,13; 84I.,2; 94I., 1; 110 I., 45; 111 I., 5; 122 I., 1; 125 I., 1; 1 40;? C., 0C 2. 26 Conn., 1. 45 Del 1.?.Minn,; 13 Wis.,1. 142 I, 1; 147 I, 7; 148 I., 1; 149 1, 1; 157 I, 1; 179 I, 1; 184 I., 72; 3 U. S., 1; 6 U. S., 1. 11 U. S. A., 1. I U. S. C., 1; 11U. S. C., 1. 193 I., 11. 1 A., 3 3 A. 6; 9 A.6 16A., 1;? A., 2. 2 C., 1; 12 C.,2; Unknown, 30. Total, 389. 15 C., 1; 21 C., 1; 24 C., 11. 25 Il1., 1; 89 I1l., 1. I Mich., 1. 5 Wis., 1. WEST MoNUOEm.-97 I.,.1; 100 I., 1; 110 I., 2; 147 I., 3; 149 I., 2;?U.S.A.,3. Navy, 1. Unknown 27. Total, 259. 184 I., 9; 185 I., 1; 188 I., 1; 189 I., 1. 1 A., 4. 21B., 1. 20 C., 1; HASTINGS.-24 I., 6; 81 I., 1; 93 I., 2; 101 I., 8; 110 I., 33; 111 I., 1; 22 C., 1. 8 Mich., 1. 14 U. S., 1. Unknown, 33. Total, 63. 118 1., 1; 122 I., 1; 147 I., 5; 149 1., 15; 184 I., 44; 189 I., 2. 1 A., I; WILLANMrsToWN. -2 I., 1; 24 I., 3; 32 I., 1; 81 I., 3; 93 I., 1; 97 I., 3 A., 2; 9 A., 1;? A, 1. 3B.,1;21 B, 11;? B., 1. 3 C., 1; 15 C., 1; 3; 110 I., 5; 121 I., 1; 147 I., 6; 184 I., 3; 186 I., 4; 189 I., 3. 3 A., 2; 21C., 1; 22C., 1; 24C.,17. 104 Ohio, 1. 16 U. S.,1. Unknown, 36. 14 A.,3;? A., 1. 21B13.,2. 20 0C., 1; 24C.,2. OneidaC.,1. 42 2Ill., Total, 196. 1. 11 Wis., 1. 1 M. R., 1. Navy, 2. Unknown,. Total, 52. MExICo. —8 I., 1; 10 I., 1; 18 I., 2; 24 I., 14; 26 I., 1; 35 I., 1; 40 I., 1; 59 I., 2; 65 I., 1; 81 I., 11; 90 I., I; 93 I., 1; 110 I., 34; 121 I., 2; OTSEGO COUNTY. 142 I., 1; 147 I., 11; 184 I., 18; 187 I., 1; 189 I., 1. I A., 26; 2 A., 3; 1 4A.,3; 5A.,2; 9A.,3; 10 A., 3; 12 A., 1; 14 A., 3;? A., 1. 21 B., 2. T 9 7 1 3 0., 1; 7 C.,2; 8C., 1; 10C., 1; 11C.,1; 120C.,4; 150C.,1; 22C.,1; 152C 4. 1.,1; A 3; 3A.T 1; cA.8 1. 20 S 1; 124 C,, 1. 6 Conn., 1. 3 111. C., 1. 46 Pa.,I. 1U.S.A.,1. Navy,I1. 24C.,5. 113111.,1. IMass.,l. 2 Mass.C.,1. 5 Mich.C.,1. 12 24Ck1o Gwonn,, l 3IllC 461aI. lU.b.AZ. Nalvy,,. OhioB., 1. 14U. S., 6? U.S. Colored, 1. Navy, 14. Unknown, 15. UmO. ota 4 Total, 210.. ]JBUTTERNUTS.-17 I., 1; 37 I., 1; 43 I., 1; 44 I., 1; 51 I., 5; 71 I., 1; Nsw HAVEX. —8IT., 2; 811., 1;' 24 T., 1; 59 1., 1; 65 I., 1; G9 I., 1; 89 1., 4; 90L., 2; 95!T., 1; 114T., 7; 121 I., 12; 152 I., N; 185 I., 1. NEW HAVEN.-8 T., 2; 21 I, 1; 24 I., 1; 59 I., 1; 65 I, 1; 69 I, 1; 811.,1; 101I.,2; 105I.,1; 110 I, 9; 144I., 1; 1471.,8; 184 1., 29; 2 A.) 24. 16 B) 1. 0 C, 1; 22 C, 1. Unknown, 5. Total, 86. A.2.1B.1. 2.,; 702I.,. Unnon 5.6 T.,al136 186 1., 2. 1 A., 3; 4 A., 2; 9 A., 2; 10 A., 1; 13 A., 3; 16 A., 2; 24 C., CHERRY VALLEY.-6 I., 1; 27 I., 1; 39 I., 1; 44 I., 2; 70 I, 1; 76 I, 13; 6. 25 Mass, 1; 52 Mass., 1. Navy, 1. Unknown 6. Total, 88. 91 I., 1; 95 I., 1; 104 I, 1; 121 I., 17; 134 I., 1; 152 I., 1; 153 I., 1; -OTWPTT~~~ 94 T 17~~-'192 I., 1. 1 A., 1; 2 A., 1; 3 A., 2; 6 A., 2; 12 A., 1. 6 C., 16; ORWELL. —24., 17; 50 I., 2; 51 I., 1; 59 I., 1; 81 1.,.2; 9, 4; 1 n 1 V 1 1 U. S. S. S., 2. Navy, 4; Tn 22 C., 1. 20 Ind., 1. 8 Vt., 4. UnI., 1; 110 I., 28; 142 I., 1; 147 I., 6; 184 I., 1; 185 I., 1; 186 I., 3; 189 -m n To 8 T., 22; 193 I., 2. 2 A., 2. 7 C., 5; 12 C., 1; 20 C., 11; 24 C., 8. k EOCT, i. T.i, L,. 3 Kan., 1. 16 U. S., 1. 3 U.S. A., 1. Navy, 1. Unknown,. DcT. —3 I., 1; 51I.,1; 54 I., 1; 76 I., 3; 871, 1; 121I.,3. Total, 126. 10 A., 2. 3 C., 10. Unknown, 6. Total, 28. OSWEGO TOWNT.-24 I., 8; 29 T., 1; 75 I., 1; 76 I., 1; 811., 12; 97 I, EDSTO-2 I, 2; 17 I., 1; 126 1., 1; 1142 I., 2; 121, 5; 152 I., 1; 1; 110I., 22; 111I., 2; 133 I., 1; 147I., 14; 149 I., 1; 184I., 51; 193 161I.,1. 1A.2; 2A.,4. 7B.,1. 22C.,1. Signal Corps, 1. UnI., 2. 1 A., 1; 2 A., 4; 4 A., 1; 9 A., 3; 16 A., 1. 21 B., 1. 10 C., 1; known, 15. Total, 37. 11C.,1; 120C.,2; 150 C.,1; 20 C.,1; 240C.,13. 19 Ind., 1. 8 Mich., 1. EXETER. —2 I., 1; 91I., 1; 15 I., 3; 34 I., 1; 101 I., 1; 121 I., 5; 23 Mich., 1. 3 Mich., C., 1; 13 Mich. C., 1. 1 R.I., 1. 8 Wis., 1; 20 152 I., 3. 1 A., 1; 2 A., 4; 16 A., 1. 1 B., 1; 6 B., 6. 2 Wis. B., 1. Wis., 1 16 U.S., 6. Navy, 5. Unknown, 13. Total, 179. Unknown, 14. Total, 43. OSWEGO CITY.-5 I., 3; 10 I., 1; 12 I., 2; 14 I., 1; 16 I., 4; 21 I., 1; tARTW-CK-3 I., 2; 17 I., 1; 18 I., 1; 43 T., 1; 90 1., 1; 114 1., 1; 24 I., 68; 32 I., 2; 35 I., 2; 38 I., 1;.40 I., 1; 64 I., 1; 76 I., 2; 81 I., 82; 121 I., 5; 144 I., 1; 152 I., 19. 1 A., 3; 3 A., 2; 5 A., 1; 7 A., 1; 84I.,1; 941.,2; 100I.,1; 110 1.,55; 117I.,2; 133 I., 1; 139 I., 1; 16 A., 1;?A., 1. 3 C., 1; 6 C., 7;? C., 1. 11 Mich., 1. U SA,; 147 I., 103; 155I., 1; 158 1., 2; 181 I., 1; 184 I., 100; 185 I., 2; 186 I.,?U.S., 1. Navy, 2. Unknown, 5. Total, 60. 2; 193 I., 23. 1 A., 7; 2 A., 6; 3 A., 1; 4 A., 3; 9 A., 10; 14 A, 1; 16 LUS.-34 I 1; 43 I, 1; 50 I, 1; 76, 3; 114 T., 3; 121 I, 17; A., 11;? A., 4; 1 B., 1; 11 B., 1; 21 B., 17; 24 B., 1; 26 B., 1;? B., 2. "52 I 7 15 I.,;., 2',., ~, ~ ~~~~~~~152 T., 7; 157I., 1; I176I., 2. 2 A., 12; 16'A., 1. 3 C., 1; 22 C. 2. 1 C.,4; 60C.,1; 90C.,1; 11C.,1; 120C.,20; 150C.,7; 160C.,1; 180C.,2; Unknown 1. Total 53 200C.,8; 210C.,6; 240C.,36; 260C.,2;? C.,2. 11 Conn., 1. 35 1,1. 11 11 46 1 1 20 1 69 1 2 I11.A., 1. 9 Ind.,l 1. 23Iowa,L.? Mass., 1. 17 Mich., 1; 23 Mich,' " f 1 " "2 " " 1. 21 Ohio, 1. 64 Pa., 1; 77 Pa., 1. 4 Wis., 1. 14 U. S., 5; 16 U. S., 50; 49 La I 10 ~ 1. LTTS114US,9 a, noi1 99 U.S., 1;? U.S, 2. 1 U.. A. 1; 2U..A. S. S..,1. 1. 5 1. U.., 1; 14 U. S,. ay,. Unko, 12. S. Res., 1. I U. S. Colored, 1; 8 U. S. Colored, 1;? U.S. Colored, 3. Enlistments occurred at the following places, viz Auburn, 1; Buffalo, 2; MIDDLEFIELD.-3 I., 2; 15., 3; 46 I., 1; 51 I.; 1; 52., 1; 76 L, 3; Ogdensburgh, 1; Oswego, 27; Rochester, 2; Syracuse, 1; Watertown, 1. 90 I. 3; 114 I., 1; 121 I., 10; 152., 3; 176., 1. 3 A., 3; 16 A.,. Navy, 19. Unknown, 105. Total, 863. 19 B., 1. 6 C., 5; 22 C., 1. 7 Mich., 1. 31 Wis., 1. 14 U. S., 1; PALERMO. —24 I., 4; 50 I., 1; 59 I., 7; 61I., 1; 64 I., 1; 76 I., 1; 81 1 T-S S S-? ^ 1 LS>Colored? 2 nknown 8. Tot; 55 I., 9; 94 I., 1; 101 I., 2; 110 I., 21; 112 I., 1; 140 I., 1; 144I., 1; 147 MnILFo.). - 15 I, 6; 36 I, 1; 37 1., 1; 40 1., 1; 42 I., 3; 43 I., 3; I.,14; 149I.,2; 184I.,37; 193I.,1. 1A., 1; 3 A., 1; 5 A.,2; 9 A, 59Ii, 1; 69I,1; 761.,4; 80I.,1; 891.,1; 90I.,2; 931.,2; 981z.,1; 3; 10 A.,1; 12 A.,1; 16 A.,1. 1C.,1; 7C.,2; 24C., 12. 27 Mass., 121 I., 13;!43I, 1; 144 I.,1; 152 I, 7; 169 I, 1; 193 I, 1. 2:A.,2; 1; 46 Mass., 1.? Mich. C., 1. 16 U. S., 2. Unknown, 1. Total, 136. 16 A., 1. 3 C., 1; 6 C., 3; 20 C., 1; 22 C., 1;?C., 1. 95 11, 1. Px~sa. —24 I., 5; 44 I., 1; 81 I., 1; 94 I., 1; 110 I., 7; 1471 I., 12; 9a, 1.SS,. rko n~- tdG3 pATTT-94 ^ 4T 1-^ T 1 04 1. HT 7.147 19.29 Pa., 1. 1 U. S. S.S, 1. Unknown, 4. Total, 69. 149 I., 5; 152I.,i 175I.,1; 184I.,25; 185.,1; 186.,1; 187I.,1; MoRns.- 69I., 1; 89 I., 4; 114 I., 6; 1211., 9; 144 I., 1; 147 1., 1; 189 I., 2. 1 A., 4; 2 A., 2; 3 A., 1; 4 A., 1; 9 A., 1. 10 C., 1; 21C 152 I., 31. 1 A, 1; 2 A., 2. 3 C., 1; 10 C., 2; 20 C., 1; 22 C., 1. 1; 24 C., 8. 33 Wis., 1. Unknown, 5. Total, 89. Unknown, 7. Total, 68. REDriELD.-24 I., 1; 35 I., 1; 59 I., 4; 60 I., 2; 81 T., 1; 93 I., 3; 97 NE;w LrsBoN. —3 I., 2; 15 I., 1; 26 T., 1; 90 I., 1; 101 I., 1; 121 I., 5; I., 2; 110 I., 4; 147 I., 5; 186 I., 9; 189 I., 3. 2 A., 1;5 A., 3; 10 A, 1521.,5. 1 A., 1. 3C., 2; 8 C., (1 i Mich. C., 1. Unknown, 21. 2. Unknown, 4. Total, 45. Total, 47. RmiHLAxD.-9 I., 1;' 12 I., 1; 24 I., 7; 26'I., 1; 35 I., 1; 37 1., 3; 41 ONE~OxTA. —3 I., 1; 15 I., 16; 25 1., 1; 43 I., 10; 44 I., 2; 46 I., 1; 1., 1; 50I.,1; 541.,1; 59I.,1; 69I.,1; 761., 1; 81 1., 4; 94I.,4; 511.,1; 761.,7; 951,2; 1001,1; 101I.,5; 113I.,1; 101 I., 1; 104I, 2; 1101I, 39; 111 I.,1; 121I,.1; 147 I, 28; 160I.,1; 114 1.,1; 127 T., 1; 144I., 2; 150 I., 1; 152, 9; 176 I., 1. 183 I., 1; 184 I., 35; 189 I., 4; 193 I., 4. 1A.,3; 2A.,3; 4A.,2; 10 2 A, 3; 5 A, 1; 15 A., 2. 8B.,3. 3 C., 29; 5 C., 1;8 C., 1; 22 C.3. A.,2; 14A.,3. 2C.,1; 7C.,1; 8C.,1; 11 C., 1; 12C.,1; 20C.,2; 12 Ill., 1. 28 Mass., 1. 6 U. S., 1. 20 M., 2. Navy, 1. Unknown, 12. 24 C., 7. 13 Conn., 1. 12111., 1; 39 111., 1. 9 Ind., 1. 2 Minn:, 1; Total, 145. 5 Wis., 1; 39 Wis., 1. 11U. S., 1; 14U. S., 1. 3U. S.A., 1. 2Res. TEO. —3 I., 1; 15 I, 5; 22 I., 1; 43 1., 1; 76 I., 2; 90I., 4; 101 I., 1; Corps,1. Navy, 3. Unknown, 16. Total, 202. 121 I., 5; 122 1., 1; 152 I., 3; 156 I., 2. 16 A., 1. 83 I11., 1. 32 Wis., 1. SANDY CREER. —24 I., 28; 34 I., 1; 35 I., 1; 89 I., 1; 94 I., 6; 110 Unknown, 6. Total, 35. I., 6; 111 I., 1; 147 I., 24; 184 I., 3; 185 I., 1; 189 I., 4; 193 I., 9. 2 OTSGO. —1 I., 2; 9I., 1; 14 I., 3; 15 I, 3; 34 I., 2; 43 I., 5; 44 I., 2; A., 1; 4 A., 1; 10 A., 10. 2. C., 1; 3 C., 1; 7 C., 13; 11 C.,1; 20 C., 7; 51I., 1; 76 I., 2; 86 I., 1; 91 I., 1; 120 I!, 1; 121 I., 17; 125 I., 1; 146 628 APPENDIX. I., 3; 152 I., 18; 176 I., 1. 1 A., 5; 2 A., 4; 3 A., 3; 7 A., 4; 16 A., 4. 13 M., 3; 27 M., 1; 47 M., 1; 69 M., 1; 71 M., 1. 20 U. S. Colored, 2;,3 B., 2. 1 C., 1; 3 C., 3; 6 C., 7; 8 C., 1; 20 C., 2. 2 Vet. C., 1. 2 41 U. S. Colored, 2. Construction Corps, 1. Navy, 19. Unknown, 6. Miich. C.,I. 110 Pa., 1. 1 Wis., 2. 14U.S.Eng., 1.? U.S., 1. Un- Total, 182. known, 8. Total, 115. NEWTOWN.-4 I., 2; 9 I., 2; 10 I., 1; 11 I., 1; 13 I., 1; 14 I., 1; 15 PITTSFIELD.-2 I., 6; 14 I., 1; 76 I., 2 90 I., 1; 114 I., 8; 121 I., 6; 1,22; 24 I.,1; 25 I.,1; 34 I.,1; 36 I.,1; 38I.,1; 39I., 1; 40I.,1; 146 I., 1; 152 I., 5; 153 I., 1; 169 I., 2. 1 A., 1; 2 A., 1; 15 A., 1. 15 44 I., 1; 45 I., 1; 47 I., 4; 51I., 1; 52 I., 1; 54 I., 1; 58 I., 1; 59 I., 1; B.,1. 8Ind., 1. 61 Pa., 1. Unknown, 5. Total, 44. 62 I., 1; 65 I., 1; 66 I., 3; 67 I., 1; 68 I., 1; 69 I., 3; 71I., 1; 73 I., 2; PLAINFIELD:-11 I.,1; 13 I.,1; 26 I.,1; 44 I.,1; 46 I., 1; 76I., 1; 74 I 1; 79 I 1; 80 I 181 87 I 2 88 1; 99 I, 1 102 I 1 4103 I.,1; 123 I., 1; 124 1., 1; 127I.,25; 133 I., 3; 136 I., 1; 138I., 2; 961.,1; 1001I.,1; 1141I,6; 121 I., 10; 1261I.,1; 1321I.,1; 1461I,1;10 -li^ o irT 1 T T ^'. 189 I., 4. 1 A., 2; 2 A., 5; 13 A., 1; 14 A., 4; 15 A., 2. 7 B., 1; 18 139 I., 2; 145 I., 2; 150 I., 1; 155 I., 1; 158 I., 3 13 I., 5; 176 I., 1; B.) 1. 10 C., 1. 11 Mich., 1. I R. I.,1. 13 Wis. 1. 1 M. R, 1. 186 I., 1 1A.,1;2 A., 1; 3 A., 1;5 A., 3;6 A., 1; 10A.,1; 13 A., 2. Unknown, 20. Total, 72. B3., 1; 11 B., 3; 36 B., 1. I C., 3; 4 C., 1; 5 C., 1; 6 C., 1; 7 C., 1; n nown D.- - 7 1 I,2 1 I, 3., 3. 4. 9 9 C, 1 11 C., 2; 13 C., 1; 14 C., 1. 2 Conn., 1; 3Conn., 1. 2 11.,1; I~CHFI"ELD.-51. 1;16 L,2;17 1, 34I 1;35 L,1;44^^ 16 I11., 1; 30 Ill., 1. 2 Mass., 1. 2 N. H., 1. 21N. J., 1. 3 Pa., 1; I., 1; 76 I., 2; 78 I., 1; 94 I., 1; 101 I., 2; 121 I., 8; 147 I., 1; 152 I., 1. 7 P2 I A.) 12A., 3 A., 3 16 A, 1 26, 1 2 147 Pa., 1; 13 Pa., C., 1. 20 Tenn., 1. 2 Va., 1.? U. S., 1; 1. U. S. 1A.,1; 2 A., 8; 3 A., 3; 16 A., 1. 2b B., 1. 2 c., 2. 66 Ill., 1. 3 Unknown 25 To" S.S.,l; 3U. S. Colored, 1.? MI.,1. Navy, 17. Ukon o Wis., 1. I U. S. S. S., 2. 14 U. S. Col'd, 1. Unknown, 1. Total, 46.? 7 tal, 186. ROSEBOOM.-9 I., 1; 50 I., 1; 76 I., 1; 101 T., 1; 115 I., 1; 121 I., 17; N\T - TJ I. 1 9 T. I;1 T 12; 26 T 1; 40 T 2; 74 9NORTH HErPSTEAD. —2 I., 1; 5 I., 8; 15 I., 12; 26 1., 1; 40 I., 2; 74 152 I., 15. 1 B.,2. 6 C., 2. 124 Ohio, 1. 3 U. S., 1; 14 U. S. 1. i I I., 1; 80 I., 1; 119 I.,7; 133 I., 1; 139 I., 1; 145 I., 7; 158 I., 2; 159 U. S.-S.S.),2. 1 M.-R.),3. Navy, 1. Unknown, 1. Total, 502. U.S.S.S.,2. 1M.R.3. Navy,. Unkno.I.,1; 176 I., 1. 5 A., 11. 25 B., 1; 32 B., 1; 34 B., 4. 2 C., 10; 13 SPRINGFIELD. —12 I., 1; 34 I., 1; 76 I., 4; 115 I., 1; 121 I., 3; 152 I., C.,1. 8 N.J., 1; 2 N. J.C.,1. 34 Ohio, 1. 1 Pa., 1. 14 U. S. Col17; 154 I., 1; 191 I., 1; 192 I., 1. 1 A., 1; 2 A., 1; 3 A., 1; 16 A., 6. ored, 3; 26 U. S. Colored, 1; 31U. S. Colored, 1. Navy, 4. Unknown, 20.,5; 6 C.,1; 10 C., 1; 13 C., 1; 24 C., 7. 18 111., 1. 1 U. S. S. S., 6. Total, 93. 1. Unkinowcn, 5. Total, 61. I~~~. Unknown, 5. Total, 61. ^~OYSTEgi BxAY. —1 I., 1; 2 I., 1; 3 I., 1; 4 T., 1; 5 I., 2; 12 I., 2; 14 UNADILLA.-2 I., 1; 3 I., 1; 14 I., 1; 15 I., 6; 19 I., 1; 20., 1; 34 I., 1; 15 I., 1; 17 I, 1; 22 I, 1; 41 I, 1; 47I.,1; 90I.,1; 95I.,2; 102 1; 43 I., 1; 44 I., 2; 51I., 1; 61 I., 1; 76 I., 2; 89 I., 11; 90I., 6; 94I., I., 2; 103 L.,1; 107I.,1; 117I.,1; 119 I., 1; 122 I., 1; 127 I.,7; 132 1; 101I., 1; 114 I., 5; 117 I., 1; 121 I., 11; 127 I., 2; 144 I., 16,; 146I., I. 1; 145 I., 2; 158 1.,1; 159 I., 5. 5 A., 5; 6 A., 2; 11 A., 1;? A.,3. 3; 151 I., 1; 152 I., 3; 161 I., 4; 168 I., 1. 2 A., 2; 3 A., 4; 13 A., 2. 31 B., 1. 1 C., 2; 2 C., 42; 3 C., 1; 13 C., 1; 24 C.,1;? C., 3. 5 31 B., 1. 3 C., 2; 10 C., 7; 20 C., 1; 21 C., 1; 22 C., 1. 28 Conn., 1. Conn., 2. 1 V. S. S. S., 1; 20 U. S. Colored, 4; 26 U. S. Colored, 1. 49 Mass., 1. 1 N. H., 2; 69 M., 1. Unknown, 8. Total, 119.? Rifles, 1. Navy, 10. Unknown, 35. Total, 156. WESTFORD.-8 I., 1; 15 I., 3; 51 I., 1; 93 I., 1; 121 I., 6; 152 I., 1. 1 B., 1. 3 C., 2. 207 Pa., 1. 31 Wis., 1. Unknown, 1. Total, 19. RENSSELAER COUNTY. WORCESTEa. —3 I., 1; 5 I., 1; 10 I., 1; 14 I., 1; 511I., 6; 611I., 1; 75 _,- iT.0 7 nT sT 14T919 T^1R TW0O CESTE.-9 I.,T 1; 5 I., 1; 10 I., 1; 14., 1; 51 T., 6; 61 I, 1; 75 0 BERLIN. —1 I., 1; 2 I., 7; 30 I., 1; 80 I., 1; 104 I., 2; 125 I., 25; 128 I., 2; 76 I., 2; 90 I., 1; 91 1., 3; 121 I., 7; 130 I., 1; 132 I., 1; 134 I., 2; 1441., 3; 1521., 1. 1 A., 1; 7 A., 1; 10A, 1. 5 B., 3; 8 B, 1;? B., 1; 146., I; 16 51I.,1; 159I.,1; 1693 I., 28; 1 88 121., 1; 1922., 2 1. 3 C., 1. 1 Pa. A., 1. Unknown, 10. Total, 54. 1; 7 A. 1 1., 3 2 C; 9 Cs., 1; I 12.,; 31 Mas, 2; 34 1. 2 Ind. C., 1. 1 Mass., 1; 8 AMass., 1; 19 M~ass., 1; 31 Mass., 1; 34 Mass., 5; 37 Mass., 1; 61 Mass., 1; I Mass. A., 1; I Mass. C., 1; 4 Mass. P.UTNAM COUNTY. C., 1;? Mass., 1. 12N.J., 1. 188 Pa., 1.?Vt.,l 1. 8 U.S. Colored, 1. CARMEL.-18 I., 1; 38 I., 2; 59 I., 8; 69 I., 1; 95 I., 1; 128 I., 1; 135 Navy, 1 Unknown,22. Total, 109. I., 3; 150 I., 1. 4 A., 1; 6 A., 7. 8 C., 1; 10 C., 1. 1 Wis., 1. 18 M., BRuNswcIK. —2 I., 7; 15 I., 1; 30 I., 3; 67 I., 1; 77 I., 1; 91I., 1; 94 1. Navy, 2. Total, 32. I., 1; 104 I., 1; 125 I., 15; 169 I., 15;' 173 I., 1; 188 I., 2; 192 I., 2. 15 KFENT. —5I.,1; 28 I., 1; 38I., 1; 44 I.,1; 56.,1; 591., 1; 95 TI., 1. A,2. 6 C., 1; 16 C., 2; 21 C., 6. 8 N. H., 1. 2 R. I. C., 1.? U. 6 A, 26. 15C.31. 17Conn.,. Total,35. S., 1. 14 M., 1. I M. R., 1. 1 Vet. Res., 1; 22 Vet. R. C., 1. Unknowrn, 2". Total, 71. PATTERSON.-2 I., 1; 44 I., 1; 96 I., 1; 128 I., 1; 135 I., 2; 176 I.,. kn n 2 Total 7. 4 A., 11; 6 A., 18; 10 A., 1. 11 Conn., 1; 23 Conn., 1. 2 U. S. A., 1. EAST GEENBUST.-3 T., I 4, 1; 43 1,1; 911, 2, 92 I, 1, 169 I., 71 M., 1. Unknown, 5. Total, 46. 1; 177 I., 1. 23 C., 2. 15 Vt., l. Total, 11. PHILLIPSTOWN. — 1 I., 2; 5 I., 2; 6 I., 8; 7 I., 1; 15 I., 1; 16 I., 1; 17 GmAFTON.-46 I., 1; 70 I., 1; 104 I., 1; 125 I., 18; 169 I., 4; 170 I., 1; 188 I., 6. 8 A., 1. 21 C., 7- 22 C., 1. 7 Conn.,1. 31 Mass., 1. uln-, 1; 20 I.,1; 32I.,1; 38I.,1; 441.,1; 551.,1; 68 I.,1; 95 I.,1; 124 188kI., 6. 8TA, 1. 21., 7; 22.,1. 7Oonn.,1. 31 Mass.,. UnI., 1; 135 I., 2; 150 I., 1; 186 I., 1; 192 I., 1; 196 I., 1. 4 A., 1; 6 A., k Iow, 18. Tot3l, 61. 34; 9 A., 1. 15 C., 1; 17 C., 1. 1 Conn., 1. 5 N. J., 1; 14 N. J.,l; GREEXBUS- I.,2; 3I.,2; 9I., 10.,1; 11I.,1; 14.,1; 17., 15 N.J.,2. 7 Ohio, 1. 3 U. S. A., 1.? U. S., 4. 1 U. S. Eng., 1. 1; 18 I., 5; 19 I., 1; 22 I., 3; 25 I., 7; 31 I., 2; 32 I., 1; 38 I., 1; 41 I., 19 M., 1. Navy, 6. Unknown, 40. Total, 127. 1; 43 I., 15; 44 I., 3; 45 I., 1; 46 I., 1; 52 I., 1; 53 I., 1; 59 I., 1; 711., PUTNAM VALLEY.-40 I., 1; 47 I., 1; 51 I., 2; 151 I., 2. 6 A., 2. 1 1; 81 I, 2; 86 I., 1; 91 I., 13; 99 I, 1; 103 I., 1; 113 I, 1; N. Y. R, l. Unknown, 2. Total, ll. 115 I. 2; 120I., 1; 125 1., 5; 145 I., 1; 146 I., 1; 157 I., 1; 159 I., 1; ~a EAT 2 I., 1 5 I. 1 1 T. 1; T I. 2; T IA4 73 T. 1 103 T "'169 I., 2. 2 A., 1; 7 A., 1; 9 A., 1; 10 A., 1; 14 A., 1; 16 A., 1. 23 SonEasT- 2 II, 1; 5176I; 14 7 A 4., 1; 48 2; 59 I, 4; 73 I, 1 103 Ci, B 1 7 C., 6; 12 C., 1; 13 C., 1; 18 C., 7; 20 C., 3; 21C., 2; 26 C., 3. ~~~~1; 1501., 1 1$6 1.,1. 4 n.,24 Vet C.,1. Vet. Res, 1. 9Conn.,1. 10 U. S., 1; 16 U. S., 1. 9 M., 1; 7 Conn., 6; 8 Conn., 1; 17 Conn., 1. 13 Ind., 1; 16 Ind., 1. 54 1 1 3. Unknown, 12. Total, 149. Mass., 1. 4 Mich. A., 1. 15 N. J., 1. 20 U. S. Colored, 1; 26 Col- "rpri 9 18 M 1 1 M "R''nknown' Toal HIloosIcK. —2 I., 4; 11 I., 1; 12 I., 1; 20 I., 1; 30 I., 7; 64 I., 1; 89 T., ored, 2. 18 M., 1. 1 M. R., 2. Unknown, 3. Total, 88. ored,. 18 l., 1 I M.R., 2 Unknwn, 3 Tota, 88.1; 93 I., 2; 104 I., 1; Ill I., 1; 112 I., I"1; 123 I., 3; 125 I., 23; 161 I., QUEEN COUNTY.1; 1l69 1., 10. 1 A.,1; 2., A., 1; 4 A., 1; 7 A., 5; 14 A., 2; 16 A., 3. 18 Q ~UEENS COU~NTY. B., 4. 2 C., 2; 3 C., 1; 7 C., 1; 19 C., 1; 21 C., 7; 26 C., 1. 1 Vet C., FLUSHIIING. —2 I., 3; 3 I., 1; 5 I., 4; 6 I., 1; 9 I., 5; 10 I., 1; 12 T., 1; 3; 2 Vet. C.,1.2 111. A., 1; 9 Ill. C., 1;? Ill 1. 10 Mass., 1; 37 Mass., 15 I., 20; 17 I., 2; 19 I., 1; 26 I., 1; 29 I., 2; 35 I., 1; 37 I., 1; 44 I., 1; 1; 56 Mass. 1. 11 Mich., 1. 5 Pa., 1. 3 Vt., 1; 7 Vt., 1; 11 Vt., 1; 46 I., 1; 52 I., 1; 57 I., 1; 58 I., 1; 61 I., 3; 63 I., 2; 64 I., 2; 67 I., 5; 14 Vt., 1. 20 M., 1. Unknown, 10. Total, 115. 68 I., 1; 71 T., 1; 74 I., 11; 75 I., 1; 79 I., 1; 80 I., 1; 112 I., 1; 133 I., 2; 21 T., 1; ^ W ^ ^ t11.5 ^V^7^1'^80!^1^^^1^31.5^ ~~LA~SvGBURGH.-2 1, 6; 11 1, 1; 131I, 1; 151I, 1; 201I, 1; 21 I, 1; 145 I., 1; 158 I., 1; 161I., 1; 165 I., 2; 174 I., 1. 2 A., 1; 5 A., 3; 6 30 I 34- 46 I 2 59 I., 2 1 I., 1; 64 I., 1; 69 I., 1; 76., 1; 79 I., 1; 30 I., 34; 46 I., 2; 59 I., 2; 61IT., 1; 64IT., 1; 69 I., 1; 76IT., 1; 79 I., 1; A, 2; 13 A, 1; 15 AA, 17. 1 B, 1; 2 2B., 5; 25 B2, 1; 34 PI, 21. 2 90, —90.,-; 91I., 1; 93I., 1 -; 1 02 A I.,; 104 I.,6; 1; 125 L, 22; 132 1; 3 0., 1.? Yet. 0, 1. 1 Ol., 1. 11 Oon, 1; 21Oonn.l. 1 Del., f, 1; 142I.,2; 153 I., 1; 155 I., 1; 159I., 1; 169 I., 19; 177I., 1; 192 1. 12 Ill.,C.,1. 22 Mass., 2; 55 Mass., 1. 3 N. J., 1; 29 N. J., I; i'tA a a l 37 N. J., 1;? N.J.1. 1 Pa. A.,1; 2 Pa. Res., 1. 3 R. I., 1;? R. I , o i O l O l^OO l. O. Yet.O.l. Yet. 3. 4 U. S., 1; 12 U. S., 1; 8 U. S. Colored, 1; 11U. S. Colored, 1; 14 14N J. 1 1Yt, 1;? t,1. 12 Wis,1. U. S. ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~Colrps, 3;4. 21 Mich.oe, 1;?. 14. J.lre,1. 1Vts,;?V.,1 12 Wisi., 1. U.S. Colored, 6; 41 U.S. Colored, 1;?U.S. Colored, 1. 7M.,2; 14 11U.S.,1; U. S.,. 8U. S. Colored, 1; 11U. S. Colored, 1. 2M. M., 1; 15 M., 14; 22 M., 1. Navy, 20. Unknown, 22. Total, 231. n.,l.^y,3 Unknown,15: Tot, 191..HEMPSTEAD.-11., 5; 4 I., 2; 5 I., 1; 7 I, 1; 13 I, 1; 14 I., 3; 15 I., 1; 44 I., 1; 63 I., 1; 811., 1; 2; 28 I., 1; 39 I", 1; 40 I., 3; 43 I., 2; 47 I., 2; 48, 4; 54 I., 1; 56 I, 91 9 I 2 1 1 125 I 9 134 I, 1; 169 I., 11; 175 I., 1; 199 2; 1I., 1; 66 I., 1; 67 I., 1; 69 I., 1; 73 I., 1; 75 I., 2; 78 I, 1; 80 J L 1 A I? A 1' 18 B 1 2 1; 6 0, 1; 7 0, 5; 12 0, 3; I., 1; 87 I., 1; 90 I., 3; 95 I., 1; 102 I., 1; 119 I., ^ ^ 3 20 1 10MassI 20 Mass., 1; 57 1Mass A., l. 3 Wis., 1. 44; 121I., 1; 127 I., 4; 128 I., 1; 129 I., 3; 132 I., ir a g g Y 1 N Y S S' 1 1; M 2. Navy, 1. Unknown, 39. 18; 14516.,3; 1581.,; 18B.,59., 2; 165.,1; 173.,; 10 C., 3; 4A., 11; 5 A,1 2; 9 A., 1; 15 A.I. 7 BI., 1; 3 BI., 14; 72 3., 2; 9121.,4; 101.,1; 129I.,3; 2413.,; 1 43 I., 1; 44., 5111U.0.,.1.,1. 12N.Y..J.,.; 3N.J.O.,2. 95 Pa., 1; 13 Pa. Un kn' Tiown.I C., 1. 20 U. S., 1; 1 U. S. A., 1; 14 A. S. Colored, 4; 20 U. S. Colored, 122 I., 3; 125 I. 5, 134 I 1; 169 II, 1, 2, 192 I., 1. 7.;6, Ino26 t; S C lore,. 1 MI. R" 5. Matrine Corps'1- Navy' 12 U- u in' 1; e^.12 h. ^ I A.l, *4 IT., S18 as B.?:' 1~' Il. 79:0 Tk rAnpAOa GgT EN T.-*QT, 2;7. 1 9 I7T., 1; 10 I., 1; 24 I.;., 1; 61 I. 1; 9 I,1; 124 I., 1; JAMAICA.-6 1., 1, 0 T., 5; 7 C.,,; 11 C., 1; 13 1., 1; 15 1., 17; 15 1., 3. f Co n n., 1. 99 A 1A 18 120 1 9 9l. T., 1M,1 T.T 125 N.,l; 31 1.,9. 951 P., 1; 17b P. 6; i50., 1.; 6 I.,; 1I.,1; 12 I.,2; 10 I., 1. 13 I.,;. 1 I., 1; T 4C 48 T 1; 51 T 1; 5 I- W T 9 6) T 1 66 T 1- 67 T 1 80 7 0., 1; 12 C., 1. 27 M.ass., l,. oloreass, 4 2ass. S, I. o llor, i. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~122 I-,^.,; 1,25 I.,5; 0 134., 1,; 169 I6 V.,; 177 IU.,; 1,2 UI.,1.,OU _ 7 A.,6;?f Tol^ T., 1. 1 M.T.,5. 10n T 1- Na Ty 1 T, 12. Un- 1.,3; 10A Y.,; 16A,1. 18 B.,1; M. B.,K., t0 Il. 1ota1, ho. l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~., 6, Vt., 1; 13 lt.,;10, U.S., 1.Nv, 7., Unknown, 6,1^., To, 79i., >3 —^, 2; 1321I. - 2; 133 I., 1; 158 I., 3; 19 I., 1; 1 15 I., PiTTSTOW^- 2 I., 10; 28 I., 1; 43 5 I., 1; 45 I, 17 93 I., 1 4; 169 I:, 1; 175 I., 2. 4 A., 2; 5 A.: 3;5 8 A, 1; 141~ A, 15; 16 AE, 1; 1041TE, 2; 110 I., 1; 115 1.7 2; 123 I., 1; 124 I6 1.12 1; 9., 10; 134 I., 1; A;, 1. 13 B., 1 2; 3., 1; 28 B., 1; 34 B., 1; 1 2., 1;.,2; 7 19 I., 13; 16I 1., 1; 192 1., 1. 16 A., 1. 11 B., 1. 2 C., 2 1; ^ ^ 2; 132.~;13, 1; 13 9., 5; 1450I, 1; 18 5 8I., 15; 29 Conn., 2; 30 Conn2., 1; 4 5., 1; 18 0., 1; 91 0., 1; 1;~~3 13 Cs., 1; 26 C.. 5 on., 1; onn., ]; Con., 2; 30 Chonn, 2;!2 7 C., 1; 15 C., 1 8,; 1C,4;?C,1 13 Ill. C., 1. 19 Mass.,?Conn., 1. A.I; 1N.J.O.I; 98 Ohio, 1; 126 1; 5 Mass., 0., 1.? Pa.,C 1 1R. I. C., 1. 7 Vt., 2. Unknown, 5. Ohio, 1. 1 Wis. 0, 1. 3 U. S.,l1; 1 U. S. S. S., 1. 6 M., 1; 11 M.,l; Total, 74. APPENDIX. 629 POESTENKILL.-2 I., 1; 11 I., 1; 12 1., 2; 30 1., 4; 91 I., 1; 93 I., 1; 1; 94 I., 1; 95 I., 43; 99 1., 1; 115 I., 1; 127 I., 1; 143 I., 2; 172 I., 1. 104 I., 1;:.108 I., i; 125 I., 17; 169 I., 10; 188 I., 1; 192 I., 2. 1 A., 1; 6 A., 17; 15 A., 1; 16 A., 1. 6 C., 3.? Mass., 1. 3 Minn., 1. 2 N. 5 A., 1; 7 A., 17; 8 A., 1; 12 A., 1; 15 A., 1; 12 B., 1. 2 C., 1; 7 C., J., 1; 5 N. J., 1; 25 N. J., 1. 49 Ohio, 2. 1 R. I., 1. 4 U. S. Colored, 1; 11 C.,4; 21C., 1. 115 Pa., 1. 5Vt., 1. 4 Wis.,C., 1. 1 S. S. 2. 1; 26 U. S. Colored, 4. 17 M., 13. Navy, 10. Unknown, 16. Total, 171. Navy, 1. Unknown, 7. Total, 85. ORANGETOWN. —5 I., 1; 8 I., 1; 15 I., 7; 17 I., 11; 19 I., 2; 22 I., 7; SANDLAKE.-30I., 5; 43 I., 2; 54 I., 1; 77 I., 1; 79 I., 1; 91I., 3; 93 27 I., 1; 35 I., 1; 37 I., 1; 39 I., 1; 48 I., 1; 50 I., 1; 59 1., 1; 65 I., 2; I., 1; 104 I., 3; 113 I., 1; 125 I., 13; 126 1., 1; 169 I., 19. 5 A., 1; 7 67I.,1; 801.,1; 82I.,1; 88I.,1; 91I.,1; 95I.,1; 115I.,3; 1271. A., 1; 8 A., 1; 10 A., 1; 13 A., 3. 5 C., 1; 6 C., 1; 12 C., 1; 18 C., 1; 14; 135 I.,1; 1381.,1. 6 A.,8; 7A.,1. 6 B.,1; 28B.,1. 1 C., 3. 21 C., 5.?Mass., 1. 25 M., 3. Navy, 2. Unknown, 7. Total, 80. 1 Conn., 1. 59 111., 1.? Ill. C., 1. 2 Kansas, 1. 2 Mass., 1; 5 Miich. SCHAGI-ITICOKE.-2 I., 2; 8 I., 4; 15 I., 1; 27 I., 1; 77 I., 1; 102 I., 1; C1. N J 1; 5N. J., 1 22 N J., 2; 30 N J 1. 1 N J C., 1, 104 I., 1; 123 I., 2; 125 I., 24; 169 I., 2; 192 I., 1. 7 A., I; 14 A., I. 97 Pa, 1. 12 U. S., 1. 26 U. S. Colored, 1. 7 Militia,;? Militia, 1. 11 B., 1. 1 C., 1; 2 C., 2; 7 C., 1; 21 C., 1; 22 C., 1. 1 Conn. A., 1. Navy, 15. Unknown, 14. Total, 123. 54111.,1. 18 Ind.,l 1. 8Kan.,l 1. 49 Mass., 1. 7Vt., 1. 1 U.S. A, RAMApo. —lI.,3; 2I.,2; 5I.,2; 6 T., 5; 7 I., 1; 8 I., 1; 9 I., 1; 12 1. 1 M.R.,1. Navy, 6. Unknown, 9. Total, 72. I.,1;15I.,14;19I.,1;22I.,1;24 I, 1;25I.,1;45I.,1;53 I, 1;54I., SCHODACK.-21 1; 3 I., 3; 5 I., 1; 9 I., 1; 10 I., 3; 111., 1; 14 I., 1; 2; 56I., 2; 57 I., 1; 61 I., 1; 63 I., 1; 74 I., 4; 78 I., 1; 89 I., 2; 90 I., 18 I 43 I 44 1 91 I 12; 93 I, 1; 94. 1; 101, 1; 104 I. 1; 95 I., 10; 112 I., 1; 114 I., 1; 124 I, 14; 127 I., 4; 133 I., 2; 142 I., 1; -113 I., 1; 115I., 1; 120 I., 1; 125I., 11; 150 I., 1; 167 I., 1; 1695 A., 16 4; 192 I., 1; 197 I. 7 A., 1; 11 A, 1. 12 C., 2; 16 C., 1. 18 R. I. A, 6; 7 A., 5; 15 A.,1. 1 B., 1; 19 B., 1;? B.,. 3 C., 1; 15 C., 1. 1. 26 U. S. Colored, 1. 20 M., 1; 37 M., 1. Navy, 3. Unknown, 9. 1 Minn., 1. 13 N J, 2; 14 N. J., 1; 22 N. J., 1; 33 N. J.,1; 40 N. J, Total, 73. 1. 30 Pa., 1. 12 M., 2; 17 M., 31. Telegraph Corps, 1. Marine Corps, 1. Navy, 1. Unknown; 10. Total, 163. STEPHENTOWN.-16 I., 1; 50 I., 1; 69 T., 1; 95 I., 1; 99 I., 3; 125 I., Navy. Unknown; 10 Tota 163 -21; 142 I., 1; 169 I., 7. 13 A., 2; 12 B., 1. 7 C., 1; 20 C., 2; 21 C., 2. STONT POINT.-3 I., 1; 6 s 1; 48 I., 1; 51I., 1; 61I., 1 65 I., 1; 69 8 Ill., C., 1. 1 Mass., 1; 3 Mass., 1; 31 Mass., 1; 34 Mass., 3; 61 Mass., I, 1; 95 I., 9. 6 A., 5. 1 C.,1. Navy, I. Unknown, 4. otal, 27. 3; 69 Mass., 2; 1 Mass. C., 1. Unknown; 1. Total 58 LAWRENCE COUNTY. ST. LhtAWRENCE COUNTY. TROY CITY.-2 I., 166; 3 I., 5; 5 I., 2; 6 I., 2; 8 I., 1; 9 I., 4; 10 1., - 2; 11 I., 1; 12 I., 2; 13 1.3 1; 14 I., 2; 15 I., 13; 18 I., 1; 19 I., 1; 20 I.,1.) 1 ]13 60RASHER. - I., 1; 15 I., 2; 91 I., 7; 17 T., 1; 96 I., 2; 35 I., 1; 48 2; 21 I., 1; 22I., 2; 23 I., 1; 25 I., 1; 26 I., 1; 28 1.,3; 29 I., 2; 30 I., 1; 5 I., 1; 60 I, 15; 61 1.,; I., 1; 1 92., 2; 96 I, 1; 98 I., 3;,7; 33 I., 1; 34 I., 3; 40 I., 3; 43 I., 4; 44 I., 2; 47I., 1; 48 I., 2; 50., 1; AI., 17; 169., 1; 1 0., 3; 12 I., 1; 14 A., 2; 39 I., 1; 16.,; 1 T 1;g^U J^^ ^^ t~ ~t^;::. 06, I17I65.,2; 1405.,3; 45I5.,1; 143 6.,; 62 93., 416 A., 2; 6 I 37; 67 I., 3; 68 I., 4; 69 I., 8; 74 I., 1; 75 I., 1; 76 I., 1; 77 I., 8; 81I., 2 C, 2; 6 C., 3; 7 C., 1; 11 C., 1; 12 C., 1; 13 C., 2; 16 C., 1. 10 Conn., 1; 82 I., 2; 831., 1; 86 I., 1; 881., 1; 90 I., 4; 91., 8; 92I., 1; 93 I.,? I11., 1. Vt., 1; 17 Vt., 1. 8 Wis, 2; 14 Wis., 1. Navy, 1. 28; 104 I., 18; 113 I., 2; 115 I., 5.,; 121., 2; 123., 2; 124 IA., 3; 125., Unkown,. Total, 149. 140; 127 I., 1; 128 I., 1.; 134 I., 1; 142 I., 1; 144 I., 1; 145 I., 1; 150 I., CANTON.-10 I., 4; 13 I., 1; 15 T., 10; 16 I., 2; 17 I., 1; 18., 2; 34 1; 153 I1. 2; 157 I.,; 1., 6; 161.,; 162 1; 164., 1; 169 I., 1; 35 I., 1; 44 I., 1; 50 I., 1; 59 I., 1; 60 I., 39; 69 I., 2; 71 I., 1; 78 136; 170 I., 1; 174 I., 1;175 I., 14; 177 I., 2; 179 I., 1;182 I., 1; 192., I., 1; 83 I., 2; 92 I., 17; 93 I., 2; 94 I., 1; 95 I., 2; 96 I., 5; 97 I.,; 21;193 I., 1. 1 A. 1 2 A., 8; 3 A., 1; 4 A., 6; 5 A. 3; 7 A.,;; 8., 106 20; 124 I., 1; 142 I., 2; 152 T., 1; 1164., 1; 193 I., 1. 1 A., 8; 2; 12 A., 2; 13 A., 6; 14 A., 1; 16 A 4; i A.,. 2 B., 4; 7 B., 2; 11 3 A., 1; 7.,; 10., 1; 11 A., 1; 13 A., 1; 14 A., 16; 16 A., 1. 2 C., 3., 1; 12 B., 11; 13 B., 1; 18 B., 1; 19 B., 1. 2 C., 16; 3 C.,; 4 C., 1; 4 C., 1; 6 C., 3; 9 C., 4; 11 C., 59; 13 C., 6; 16 C., 1; 20 0., 1;?., 1; 5 C., 3; 6 C., 5; 7 C., 2; 9 C., 1; 10 C., 1; 12 C., 11; 14 C., 2; 16 C., 2. 12 Iowa, 1. 16 Mass., 1. 2 Mich. 0., 1; 4 Mich. C., 1. 13 Pa., 1. 6; 20 C., 3; 21 C., 72; 22., 1; 26., 1. 2 Conn., 1; 7 Conn., 1; 9 5 Vt., 1. 1 t. C., 1. 2 Wis., 1. 17 Wis., 1. 3 U. S., 1; 12. S., 1. Conn., 2; 10 Conn., 1; 11 Conn., 2; 13 Conn., 1; 15 Conn., 1; 16 Conn., Unknown, 16. Total, 278. 1. 2 Conn. A., 1. 1 Conn. C., 1. 15111., 1; 10 Ill. C., 1. 2 Iowa, I; COLTON-15 I., 1; 16 I., 8; 17 I., 1; 22 I., 139 I., 1; 50 I., 1; 60 T., 3 Iowa, 1. 1 Ky. 1. 2 La. C., 1. 2 Mass., 1; 3 Mass., 1; 4 Mass., 2; 5; 92 I., 14; 106 T., 10; 142 I., 1; 156 I., 1; 169 I., 1; 176 I., 2; 193 I., 10 Mass., 2; 19 Mass., 1; 21 Mass., 1; 34 Mass., 1; 37 Mass., 1; 48 8. 14 A., 1. 9 C., 1; 11 C., 19; 13 C., 13; 26 C., 1. 9,t., 1. 14 U. Mass., 1; 53 Mass., 1; 2 Mass. B., 1; 9 Mass. B., 1; 4 Mass. C., 1. S., 1. Nasvy,. Unknown, 6. Total, 99. 19 Maine, 1. 3 Mich., 1. 2 N. H., 3; 4 N. H., 1; 9 N. n., 2; 12 NInE 2LB.- 8 T., 1; 35 1; 16 T., 1; 26 T., 1; 35 I., 1; 46 T., 1; 60., H., 1. 2 N. J 30., 11. 12 Ohio, 1. 5 Pa1., 1; 527.,; 72 19; 83 I., 1; 95 I., 1; 106 I., 27; 115 I., 1; 122 I., 1; 142 I., 26; 144 I., Pa., K; 90 Pa., 1; 183 Pa.,1; 5 Pa. C., 1; 18 Pa.., 1. 3. I. C.,1; 1 PI A., 21; 2 A., 3; 4 A.,.1; 6 A., 1; 10 A., 6; 12 2it., 2; 4 Vt., 1. 10 Wis., 1. 4 U. S., 1; 14 U. S., 1;? U. A., 1; 14.,1; 1 A., 3. 4 C., 1; 6 C., 4; 11 C., 18; 19 C., 1; 20 C., S., 1; 31 U. S., 1; I U. S. A., 1; 2 U. S. A., 3; 11 U. S. A., 1; 13 U. S. 5; 22 C., 1;? C., 1. 2 Conn. A., 8. 7 Pa. C., I. 1 Wis.,l. I U. S. A., 1; 3 U. S. C., 1; 4 U. S., C., 1; 20 U. S. C., 1; 14 U. S. Colored, 4; S S., 1. Navy, 1. Unknown, 20. Total, 200. 31 U. ine,. CMioh, 1.; 2 U..,; S.Eg IU.S S. 1 I ShS. 1 I DE P..STE;.-15 T., 1; 16 T., 13; 60 I., 13; 97 I., 1; 106 I., 12; 142 R.,4;?M.R., I. Yet Res. Corps, 121 Yet. Corps,. Ordnance, I, 6. 14 A, 1; 16 A, 2.? U. S., 1. Unknown, 40. Total, 90. Navy, 55. Unknown, 101. Total, 1,177. Navy, 55. Unknown, 101. Total, 1,177. HEDWARDS.- 11., 2; 16 I., 2; 60 I., 11; 68 I., 1; 69 I., 9; 91 I., 1; 92 I., 9; 97 I., 1; 106 I., 18; 183 I., 1; 186 I., 1; 193 I., 2. 2 A., 3; 14 A., RICHMOND COUNTY. 1; 16 A., 1. 9 C., 4; 11 C., 1; 13 C., 1; 18 C., 2; 20 C., 12..1 Wis, 1. CASTLETON.-I I., 2; 2 I., 2; 10I., 3; 12 I., 1; 15 I., 1; 31 I., 1; 39 Total, 76. I., 1; 55 I., 1; 59 I., 1; 611I., 1; 66 I., 1; 69 I., 1; 71T1., 1; 73 I., 2; 77 FINE.-42 I., 1; 60 I., 2; 81 I., 1; 92 IT, 1; 94 I., 1; 142 I., 5; 186 I., I., 1; 79 I, 7; 82 I, 3; 96 I., 1; 97 I., 1; 124 I. 1; 127 I., 1; 132 I., 5; 1. A., 1; " A., 3. 6 A., 3. 9 C., 1. 6; 18 C, 5; 20 C., 1. 8 Wis., 1. 133., 7; 135 I., 1; 136 I., 1; 156 I., 16; 175 T., 11. 4 A., 14; 5 A., 2; H U.S., I. Navy, 1. Unknown 2. Total, 34. 13 A.,3; 14A., 1. IC.,; 2C.,1. Marine Corpsl. 14Conn.,1 FOWLER.-16 IT., 10; 35 I., 3; 43 I., 1; 60 I., 5; 81 I., 1; 92 I., 4; 93 46 Ill., 1. 5 N. J. A., 1. 3 N. J. C., 1; 9 N. J. C., 1;.. A.. 14;;;, 4; 193., 2. 1 A., 13; 2 A, 4; 3 A, 1; Wis, 1. 35 U. S. Colored,. Navy, 12. Unknown, 33. Total, 151. 5 A., 1; 10 A., 1; 13 A., 2; 14 A., 2; 16 A., 14. 11 C., 11; 16 C, 1; 18 MIDDLETOWN-2 I., 1; 4 I., 1; 5 I., 1; 6 I., 2; 13 I, 1; 14 T., 1; 15 I, C, 5; 20 C., 24. 2 Conn. A,. 3 Mich. C, 1. 1 Mich. S. S, 1. 103 E; 18 T., 1; 29 I., 2; 39 I., 1; 41 I., 1; 46 I., 1; 53 I., 1; 61 I., Ohio, I. Total, 121. 1; 6S 7^ 71! 2.16 TI., 1; 78 I., 1; 179., 9; 82 I., 1; 121 I., 1; 12 I., 2; 129 I., 1; 132.,8; I., 7; 133A.,1.; 145 I.,4I; 11C6 I, 8; 13'.,1; 178 I.,;2. 1 A. 3; 14isA. 6G-0UVER;,,uR1-I0 T., 2; 15 I. 1; 1I. 7; 1 I.,; 60T.; 9T CASTLETO7.-133 6,45 I., 2; 5 I., 1; I., 3; 142 I, 7. 1 A, 32; 2 A., 1; 3 A., 1; 6 A, 1; 9 A., 1; 16 A, 1.1 B., 1. 2 C., 1; 4 C., 1; 6 C., 1; 12 C., 1; C., 4- 61 - 10 A., 3; 13 A., 1; 14 A.,1 41; 16.,; 18 A., 1. Conn., 1. 10 Mass., 1. 2 N. J., 1; 5 N. J., 1. 4 N. J. B., 1.? N...,; 18 C., 1; 20 C., 13. 15 111. 3 iss. 1 100 U S., 1. Un1. 67 Ohio, 1; 1 Ohio, 1; 98 Pa., 1 P. AB.,1.? U. S.C., 1. 3 U. known 33 Tota, 146. S. Colored, 1. 1 Militia, 1;,1. Militine C or, 1. CUnnown, 26. m ~ -, 14.9 H-IaMMcOwN. — 10I., 1; 14 I.,; 16 I., 1; 35 I., 5; 59 I., 1; 60 I., 16; 91 NoRT46FiL 1 I1.,1. 5.A., 1...C.,; 9 I., 1; 41.. 1. 14; I,1; 94I,3; 816 1.,4; 193 I., 1. A 4, 1; 9 A., 5; 10 A, 4; 14 A.,; 32 I, 1; 7 I. 1; 71 I.; 122 5. 1; m3 L., l; M45 I., 1; 16?. 4 16 A-, 3. 23 B-, L 2 ~^, 1 9 C., 1 20 C., 10. 36 wis^, L 3 Wis> A., 1. A 5 U.. ReserveCorps, 1. Navy, 2. Unknown,6. (^ I gU.^i. Unknown,7. Total, 100. 5otal, A., 3; 47 I., 1; 60 A., 11; 92 A., 11; 106 A., 16; 142 I., 1; SOUTHFIELD. —I I., 2; 6 I., 1; 75 I., 1; 6q i., 2; 1 I., 1; 14 I., 1; 150 I., C., 5; 2 C., 24., 2 Co A., 1. 3 M h., 1. 1 M ih. SA., 1. 1.,1; 5A I,139.I;?A I.2; 4C.,1;6C1I. 5N.H.3. 2N.J. 1; known, 3. Total, 4. 9 N. J.I. 11 M.I. Navy, 5. Unknown, 10. Total, 40. ~,,,.-. _. i; 6 6 T., 1; 7r I., 1; 79 I, 9;82I., 1; 121., 1; 127., 2; 1OPINTO I., 1; 111,2 GOUVE~N. —1 I., 2; 15 I., 1; 16 I., 7; 1 9 I., 1; 40 I., 8; 92 I., 1; WESTFIELD.- I., 1; 59 I., 1; 881I., 1; 1211.,1. 13 A.3; 1 4A I., 36I.,1; 14 I.,3; 12. 832 2 1;92I 1' 931 1; I 10; TA., 9A 10; 153 I. 1; 15., 3; 165 I., 5 168, 1; 173 I., 1; 199 I., 1. 140 I., 1; 142 I., 1; 146., 1; 176 I., 1; 193 I., 5; 198 1., 1. A., 1; L. 6 (V<~ rpa 143 V - 1;4 -t? a'3L Nv - [n, 3; 7 A., 2; 14 A., 5. 2 C., 2; 8 C., 1; 9 C., I; 11 C., 8; 13 C.; 2. known 1, 3. 5 N.JI.,1; 6 N.H.,1. 72 Ohio, 1; Ohioss., 1. Unknown, 5. Total, 121. ROCKLAND COUNTY. LAmRONC.E-10 I., 2; 16 I., 10; 18 I., 1; 39 I., 5; 44 I., 1; 60 I., 26; CLARKSTOWN.-9 I., 1; 10 I1., 1; 64 I., 1; 915 I., 1; 92 I., 2; 911 I., 1; 91 I., 2; 82 I., 6; 106 I., 26; 51TrID.,1;-56I., 1; 62 I,21; 64I,91; 911.,1; 958I.,18; 1211., 1; 124I.,1; 1; 1408I.,12; 1426I.,3; 146 I.,. 1;5164A., 1; 9 I., 1; 192 I., 1; 193 I. 12. 127 I., 5; 128 I., 4; 135 I., 2; 174 I.,1; 1; 3 6 A., 4; 145I.,1; 5. A., 1. 33 B., 1. 2 C., 1; 8 C., 2; 13 CW, I. A., 2; 11 C., 1. 17 Conn., 1. 20 Mass. 1; 4 M. C., 1. Resere MCopsB, 1. 1avy, 2. nn 1 iss, 1. N. J., 1; 34 N. J. 1..C 1. 27 Pa., 1. 26 R. II. C., 3. 14 U. 6 N. H-., 1. 10>0 Ohio, 1.. 1 Yt., 1; 3 Yt., 1; 6 Yt., 1; 12 Yt., 1; S. Colored, 1. 1 S. S., 1. Na~vy,3. Unknown, 4. Total, 74. 17Yt. 1. 5T~js.,l; Wis 5T~is., 148 Wis. C., 1. Unknown, 4. Total, 158. HAVERSTEAWCT~.-I~ I, 3; 2 I., 1; 3 I., 1; 5 I., 2; 6 I., 4; 14 I., 1; 151., ISBON. —16I., 5; 18 I., 1; 39 I., 27; 42 I., 11; 60 I., 12; 61 I., 1; 3; 17 I.. 6; 25 I, 1; 3 I, 6; 37 I., 3; 43 I, 1; 50 I., 1; 54 I., 2; 61 I, 91I., 1; 92 I, 23; 95 I., 1; 98 I. 1; 106 I., 24; 123 I., 1; 139 I., 1; 1 5 I.,1 79. 1 8., 1; 9 A., 1; 93 6., 1; 16 I., 1; 183 A., 1; 19 A., 8 2 A., 1; 630 APPENDIX. 6A.,9; 9A.,1; 12A.,1; 14 A., 5; 16 A., 1;?A.1. 30 B., 1. 6C.,4; 140 I.,2; 175 I.,1. 4A.,3; 14A.,3. 11 B.,1. 2C.,7. 2Vet. C.1. 11., 1; 18 C., 1; 19 C., 1; 24 0., 1; 26 C., 1;?C., 1. I Ill., 1. 1 N.J. C.1. 46 U. S. Colored, 1. Unknown, 1. Total, 43. I Wis. C., 1; 8 Wis., 2; 29 Wis., 1. Navy, 1. Unknown, 46. Total, 221. DAY-30 I, 6: 59 I., 1; 69 I., 1; 77 I., 1; 93 I, 2; 115 I., 7; 131 I., LOUISVILLE.-16 I., 2;'60 I., 6; 83 1., 1; 91 I., 7; 92 I., 14; 98 I., 1; 1; 142 I., 1; 169 I., 5; 192 I., 1. 2 A., 1; 4 A., 5; 5 A., 1; 13 A., 3; 106 I., 16; 142 I., 5; 193 I., 7. 1 A.,1; 14A. 3. 11C.,2; 18 C.,I; 14 A., 1; 16 A., 2. 27 B., 1. 2 C., 5. 59 Mass., I. Unknown, 4. 26 C., 1. 13 Mass., 1. Unknown, 10. Total, 78. Total, 50. MiACOMB. —IO I., 1; 16 I., 2; 18 I., 1; 60 I., 26; 90 I., 2; 92 I., 4; EDINBURGH.-14 I., 1; 18 I., 1; 30 I., 6; 32 I., 1; 77 I., 3; 92 I., 1; 100 1, 1; 106 I.,15; 142 I., 10; 160 I., 1; 183 I., 1; 186 I., 19; 193 I., 13'. 93 1., 2; 94 I., 2; 102 I., 1; 115 I., 9; 153 I., 3; 169I.,1; 192I.,1. 4 1 A.,3; 2A., 1; 6 A., 1; 14 A., 9; 16 A., 1;?A.,1. 2 C., 1; 11 C., 1; A., 21; 13 A., 2; 14A., 2. 10C.,1. 2Vet. C.,1. 2 R.I., 1. Navy, 3. 20 C., 8. 68 Ohio, 1. 98 Pa., 1; 198 Pa., 1. Unknown, 5. Total, 130. Unknown, 2. Total, 65. MADRID.-9 I., 1; 16 I., 1; 18 1., 1; 40 I., 1; 42 I., 1; 51 I., 1; 57 I., 1; GALWAY.-17 I., 1; 23 I., 1; 32 I., 2; 43 I., 2; 62 I., 1; 77 I., 14; 79 60 I., 16; 64 I., 1; 83 I., 1; 92 I., 14; 106 I, 28; 142 I., 8; 164 I., 1. I, 1; 91 I, 1; 93I., 1; 112I, 1; 115 I, 5; 117I., 1; 121 I., 1; 146 I., 6 A., 3; 7 A., 1; 8 A., 1;? A., 1. 27 B., 1. 18 C., 2;? 0., 2. 2 Mass., 1;; 152 I., 1; 153I.,6; 161I.,1. 2A., 1; 6 A., 1; 7 A., 1; 10 A., 5; 11 4 Mass. C., 1. 11 Mich. C., 1. 5Vt., 1. Post Band, 5. Unknown, 1. A., 2; 13 A., 11; 16 A., 1. 10 C., 1. 76 Pa., 1. 1 M. R., 1. UnTotal, 97. known, 5. Total, 71. MASSENA.-II I., 1; 15 I., 3; 16 I., 8; 60 I., 6; 61 I., 1; 79 I., 1; GREENFIELD. —7 I., 1; 12 I., 1; 18 I., 1; 30 I., 11; 34 I., 1; 51 I., 1; 83 I., 1; 91 I., 1; 92 I., 30; 93 I., 2; 106 I., 31; 142 I., 10; 192 I., 1; 53 I., 1; 61I., 1; 62 I., 2; 77 T., 26; 115 I., 17; 116 I., 1; 118 I., 1; 121 193 I., 7. 1 A., 4; 6 A., 12; 14 A., 3; 16 A., 1. 30 B., 1. 5 C., 2; I., 1; 140 I., 1; 145 I., 1; 153 I., 24; 175 I., 1. 1 A., 1; 4 A., 2; 7 A., 11 C., 2; 14C., 1; 16 C., 1; 18 C.,7; 26 C., 5. 8 Iowa, 1. 2 Mass., 1; 2; 10 A., 1; 13 A., 5; 16 A., 6;? A., 2. 1 C., 1; 2 C., 1; 6 C., 1; 13 4 Mass., 1; 17 Mass., 1. 2 Vt. B., 1, 6 Wis., 1. Navy; 3. Total, 151. C., 1. 2 Vet. C., 2. 5 Mass. C., 1. 1Vt., 1; 3Vt., 1. I. I., 1. MORRISTOWN. —11 I., 1; 16 I.,1; 18 I., 1; 24 I., 1; 60 I., 6; 93 I., 1; 2 S. S., 1. Navy, I. Unknown, 9. Total, 133. 106 I., 22; 142 I., 3; 160 I., 1; 193 I., 1. I A., 7; 14 A., 17; 16 A., 3. HADLEY.-22 T., 1; 30 I., 3; 113 I., 1; 115 I., 3; 118 I., 2; 142 I., 2; 18 B., 1.? C., 1. 11 U. S., 1. Unknown, 4. Total, 72. 145 I., 1; 148 I., 1; 169 I., 3; 175 I., 1; 192 I., 2. 6 A., 1; 13 A., 4; NORFOLK. —1I., 1; 6 I., 2; 10 I., 1; 15 I., 2; 16 I., 5; 39 I., 1; 59 I., 1; 14A., 1; 16 A., 3. 25 C., 1. 2VetC., 6. 5 Mass., 1. 5 Mich. C.,I. 60 I., 2; 69 I., 1; 92 I., 24; 98 I.,4; 106 I., 6; 115 I., 1; 1211., 1; avy 1. Total, 9. 142 I., 5; 193 I., 1. 3 A., 1; 6 A., 12; 9 A., 1; 13 A., 1; 14 A., 6; ttALFMOON.-30 I., 2; 62 I., 1; 77 I., 11; 93 I., 1; 115 I., 1; 153 I., 1. 16 A., 2. 24 B.,I. 60C.,1; 13C.,1; 160 C.,1. 6 Mass., 1; 13 Mass., 1; 2 A., 2; 7 A.; 1; 13 A., 2; 16 A., I. 14 C., 1; 20 C.,1; 21 C., 5; 25 56 Mass., 2; 57 Mass., 1; 9 Mass. B., 1. Unknown, 12. Total, 103. C., 1. 2 Vet. C., 2. 14 Conn., 1. 1 Maine., 1.?U.S.A., I. Navy, 2. OSWEGATCniE.-6 I., 1; 11 I., 3; 12 I., 1; 15 I., 1; 16 I.,19; 18 I., 11; Enlistments occurred, viz: Albany, 7; Auburn, 2; Elmira, 4; Fonda, 15; 30 I., 2; 31 I., 1; 34 I., 1; 36 I., 1; 39 I., 1; 48 I., 1; 50 I., 1; 60 I., 15; Saratoga, 3; Staten Island 1; Troy, 1. Unknon, 16. Total, 87. 65 I., 1; 78 I., 1; 85 I., 1; 87 I., 1; 91 I., 1; 92 I., 1; 93 I., 1; 94 I., 1; M]ALTA.-18 I., 1; 30 T., 1; 44 I., 1; 61 T., 1; 77 I., 8; 91 I., 1; 102 98 I., 1; 1 I., 4; 106 I., 30; 109 I., 2; 112 I., 2; 113 I., 1; 116 I., 2; I., 1; 115 I., 7; 123 I., 1. 6 A., 1; 7 A., 1; 13 A.. 6. 7 C., 1; 25 0., 2. 123 I., 1; 128 I., 2; 142 I., 86; 149 I., 1; 160 I., 2; 164 I., 1; 186 I., 1; 2 Vet. C., 3. 2 Mich. A., 1. 1 Vt., 1. I Al. R., 1. Unknown, 2. To193 I., 5. 1 A., 1; 2 A., 4; 5 A., 1; 6 A., 1; 7 A., 4; 10 A., 2; 12 A., 5; tal, 41. 14 A., 18; 16 A., 3. 1 C., 2; 2 C., 1; 6 C., 6; 9 C., 1; 11 C., 1; 13 C., ITo. —4., 5; 10 I., 1; 12 I., 2; 20 I., 1; 22 I., 4; 27 I., 1; 30 I., 1; 12; 14 C., 1; 16 C., 2; 20 C., 1; 24 C., 11; 26 C., 33. 82 Ill., 1. 3 Iowa 40 I., 1; 43 I., 2; 44 I., 2; 46 I., 1; 51 I., 1; 62 I., 1; 69 I., 1; 75 I., 1; 77 C., 1. 17 Mass., 1. 16 Mich., 1. 7 Minn., 1. 5 N. H., 2. 3 Wis.,; I.) 49; 82 I., 1; 93 I., 1; 115 I., 24; 123 I., 1; 125 I., 3; 130 I., 1; 153 12 Wis., 1; 28 Wis., 1. 5 Wis. S. S., 1. 7 U. S., 2; 11 U. S., 1; 12 U. I,4; 159 I., 1; 169 I, 1; 188 I,., 1; 192.2. 1 A., 3; 4A.,9; S.,3. 11Rifies, I. Navy, 8. Unknown, 25. Tot213D al,36.7A 3; 11 A., 2; 13 A., 34; 14 A., 1. 11 B., 2.' 12 C., 1. 2 Vet. C., 2. PARISHVITLLE.-15 I., 4; 16 I., 6; 28 I., 1; 35 I., 1; 39 I., 4; 48 I., 1; 19 Ill1., 1; 115 ill., 1. 32 Mass., 1; 34 Mass., 1; 54 Mass., I. Navy, 3. 49 I., 1; 50 I., 6; 60 I., 8; 81 I., 1; 92 I., 16; 95 I., 1; 98 I., 3; 106 I., Unknown, 6. Total, 189. 12; 115 I. 1; 160 I. 1; 193 I., 7. 1 A., 6; 6 A., 3; 7 A., 5; 13 A., I;!MOREAT.-21 I., 1; 22 I., 3; 44 I., 1; 46 I., 1; 51 I., 1; 54 I., 1; 57 14 A., 5 9 C., 2; 11 C., 17; 13 C., 11; 18 C., 1. 11 11l. C.,1. 1 Mich., i.1; 61 I, 1; 77 I,3; 92I.,1; 93I. 4; 96 L, 1; 102I, 1; 115I., 14; 1. 6 Vt., 1; 10Vt, 1; 19 Vt, 1. 1Vt. A, 1. Navy, 1. Unknown, 3. 118. 4; 119I., 1; 122I., 1; 123I. 3; 142 I., 1; 153 I., 1; 162 I., 2; Total, 135. 169 I., 4; 175 I., 5; 196 I., 1. 2 A., 1; 7 A., 1; 13 A., 1; 16 A., 4. PIERREPONT.-15 I, 3; 16 I., 2; 44 I., 1; 50 I., 11; 60 I., 14; 72 I., 1; 2 C., 1; 12 C., 1; 18 C., 1; 26 C., 1; 2 Vet. C., 4;? C., 1. 1 Ind. C., 1. 83 I., 3; 90 I., 1; 91 I., 1; 92 I., 12; 95 I., 1; 96 I., 1; 106 I., 14; 142 3 Minn., 1. 5 N. H., 1. 2 Vt., 1. 9 U. S. C., -1I. Navy, 1. Uni., 11; 143 I., 1; 164 I., 1; 169 I., 1; 193 I, 12. 1 A., 2; 6 A., 1; 7 A., known, 3. Total, 92. 2; 10 A., 2; 11 A., 1; 14 A., 8. 9 C., 6; 11 C., 16; 13 C., 15; 18 C., 1. NoRTHTUMBERLANDp.-11 I., 1; 30 I., 1; 31 I., 1; 77 I., 31; 81 T., 2; 16 Vt., 1. Navy, 2; Total, 148. 93 I., 1; 100 I., 1; 115 I., 6; 125 I., 2. 2 A., 1; 13 A.; 1; 16 A., 3. PITCAIRN.-60 I., 7; 94 I., 2; 106 I., 3; 186 I., 1; 193 I., 1. 1 A., 15; 2 C., 1; 5 C., 2; 2 Vet. C., 3. Navy, 2. Unknown, 2. Total, 61. 5 A., 1; 10 A., 3; 14 A., 1; 16 A., 1. 11 C., 3; 13 C., 1; 20 C., 9. PROVDENm,,,.-5 I., 1; 18 I., 1; 23 I., 1; 29 I., 1; 32 T., 1; 34 I., 1; Unknown, 2. Total, 50. 44 I., 1; 56 I., 1; 77 I., 14; 90 I., 1; 91 I, 2; 93 I., 12; 111 I., 1; 115 POTSDAMr.-11I., 6; 13 I., 1; 14 T., 1; 15 I., 4; 16 I., 49; 48 I., 1; 49 I., 6; 141 I., 1; 157 I., 1; 162 I., 1; 169 I.,1; 192 I., 1. 4 A., 3; 7 A., ], 1; 50 I., 21; 60 I., 11; 61 I., 1; 69 I., 2; 78 I., 1; 81 I., 1; 92 I., 63; 2; 9 A., 1; 13 A.,7. 32 B, 1. 10 C., 2; 2 Vet. C., 1. 43 U. S., 1. 106 I., 33; 121 I., 1; 140 I., 1; 142 I., 14; 146 I., 1; 149 I., 2; 160 I., 1; Navy, 3. Total, 70. 164 I., 7; 193 I., 7. 1 A., 1; 2 A., 2; 6 A., 2; 7 A., 4; 13 A., 4; 14 A., SARATOGA. —2 I., 1; 30 T., 7; 44 I., 7; 77 I., 54; 84 I., 1; 91 I., 1; 96 25. 6 C., 1; 8 C., 1; 9 C., 1; 11 C., 31; 13 C., 9; 15 C., 1; 16 C., 1; I., I; 110I., 1; 115 I, 2; 116I, 1; 118 I, 1; 1.21I, 1; 123 I, 5; 192 18C.,1; 19C.,1; 20C.,1.? Vet. C.,1. 3Vt.,l; 7Vt.,l. 9 Mass., L, 2. 7 A., 1; 11 A., 2; 13 A., 8;? A., 1. 2 B., 1; 11 B., 1. 2C., 1; 2. 3 Mass. C., 1. Navy, 13. Unknown, 2. Total, 337. 8 C., 1; 21 C., 1. 7 Mich., 1. 15 N. J., 1. Navy, 6. Unknown, 7. RossIE.-16 I., 3; 35 1. 1; 60 I., 3; 92 I., 1; 94 I., 1; 95 I., 1; 106 I., Total, 117. 3; 133 I., 1; 142 I., 11; 147 I., 1; 185 I., 1; 186 I., 1. 1 A., 6; 10 A., 5; SARATOGA SPINGS.-2 I., 5; 3., 2; 5 I., 1; 8 I., 1; 10 I., 2; 12 I., 14 A., 5; 16 A., 2. 2 C., 2; 6 0., 1; 9 C., 1; 20 C., 12. 5 Iowa C., 1. 1; 16 I., 2; 22 I., 1; 26 I., 1; 30 I., 49; 32 I., 1; 38 T., 1; 39 I., 1; 44 2 N. J.C.. 14 Pa. C.. PaP. 2 W.,1. 2 i., 1.? UW., S.,1.? S.S., I., 3; 47 I., 2; 53 I., 6; 62 I.,1; 63 I., 1; 64 I., 1; 69 I., 1; 77 I., 74; 1. Unknown, 5. Total, 74. 83 T., 1; 87 I., 1; 91 I., 1; 93 I., 2; 96 I., 1; 106 I., 2; 113 T., 1; 115 I., Ru,; T, 6 I.T Q 4T 1; A4 <, T; i ~ I~ 1? 24; 123 I., 1; 127 T., 1; 142 I., 1; 153 I., 3; 192 I., 2; 193 I., 1. 3 A., RUSSELL.-6 I., 1; 11 I., 1; 16., 3; 41 L., 1; 44 I.,4; 60 I., 16,; 75 I.4 A I 7 A 1 A - n A 14A A1I 11 A4 1I., 1; 3 I.,1; 1I., 1; 198 I., I, p A i;10 I.,1;110.,1;149 T., 14 1I.,; -r 5 1?' A' ~' ~ A 15 1? 4 5' 5'? f 146I1., 1; l1931.,7; 199I., 1. 1 A.,36;, 2A., 1; 10 A.,3;, 14 A., 10;.??(.o.9\^0f.Pm * 9Pmn1 nn ift ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~I A2. P9.H i nP" tA^nni J^^ * 5 C ~ 6;/* 26 C 1; 2et- C 4 Conn., 1; 12 ~orm. 1; 2 Conn. 16 A., 1. 3 C:, 1; 6 C., 1; 9 C., 22; 11 C., 4; 20 C.,.8 Min.,.""'" A., 1; 1 Conn. B., 1 2 Il. 1 22 Mass., 1; 28 Mass., 1; 19 Ohio, 1. N~avy, 1. Unknow~n, 1. Total, 153. 52 Mass., 1; 54 Mass., 1; 4 Mass. A., 1. 1 Mich., 1; 11 Mich., 1; 3 STOCKRHOLM. —15 I., 7; 16 I., 18; 39 I., 2; 50 I., 2; 60 I., 19; 61 I., I; Mich. C., 1. 3 N. H., 1; 4 N. II., 1; 7 N. II., 1. 14 R. I. A., 2. 9 91I., 2; 92 I., 22; 106 I., 20; 142 I., 31 164 I., 1; 193 I., 5. 1 A., 3; 6 Vt., 1. 7 U. S., 1; 12 U. S., 1; 3 U. S. A., 1; 26 V. S. Colored, 1. A., 10; 7 A., 1; 14 A., 7; 16 A., 1. 1 C., 1; 5 C., 1; 6 C., 4; 8 C., 2; 2 Vet. Corps, 1. 1 Rifles, I. Navy, 10. Unknown, 34. Total, 315. 11C.,6; 130.,11; 150.,1; 16C., 2; 20C.,1. 4 Mass., 1. 6 N. H.,11. STmLLWA'SR. —35I.,1; 51 I., 1; 69I.,3; 771.,28; 93I.,1; 115I.,8; 7 Vt., 1; 8 Vt., 1. Navy, 9. Unknown, 5. Total, 171. 123 I., 1; 125 I., 2; 132 I., 1; 142 I., 1; 192 I., 1. 3 A., 1; 7 A., 2; 10 WADDmNGTO. —6 I., 1; 16 1., 9; 18 I., 1; 60 I., 12; 92 I., 7; 93 I., 1; A., 1; 13 A., 2. 2 C., 3; 5 C., 1; 13 C., 1; 20 C., 1; 21 C., 1. 33,94 I., 2; 95 I., 1; 98 I., 2; 100 I.,'i; 106 I., 3; 108 I., 1; 140 I., 1; 142 wls-. Nav^ L Unknown, 5 Total, 6. I., 21; 1931., 7. 6A.,1. 14 A., 2. 2 0., 1; 9 0,4; 11 0., 2; 18 O.,. WATEFtORD. —2I., 2;6 I., 1; 22 I., 9; 301., 1; 431., 1; 44I., 1; 50 5N.H.A., 1. 9 Militia, I. Navy, I. Unknown, 14. Total, 98. I., 1; 77 I., 1; 93 I.,3; 104 I., 1; 115 I., 11; 125 I., 6; 169 I., 3; 175 I., 1; 192 I., 9; 197 I., 1. 2 A., 1; 10 A., 1; 12 A., 1; 16 A., 13;? A., 1. 22 ]B., 1. 1 C., 1; 20 0., 1; 21 C., 2. 5 Conn., 2. 4 M]ass., 1. 13 SARATOGA COUNTY. Vt, 1; 15 Vt., 1. Navy, 6. Unknown, 13. Total, 98. BLLSTo. —7 I., 1; 32 I., 1; 44 I., 1; 4 I., 1; 4 I., 1; 77 I., 8; 91,.-22 I 1; 30, 43 1,1 44 I. 1 51, 1 9 2 77 2; 115 I, 3; 118 I., 1; 153 I., 3. 4 A., 5; 7 A., 1; 13 A., 10; 16A., 1. L 115 V18 L51> 153L5 2; 1G9 -1; 192 L 2 (^ 2; 5 C'5 1 Rifles, 4.? S.S.,1. Navy, 1. Total 45. 1; 25 C., 1. 8 Mich. C., 1. Unknown, 3. Total, 56. CmhRLTOX. —3 I., 2; 18 I.,2; 77 I,8; 78 I., 1' 82 I., 1; 115 I., 4; 134I., 1; 153 1., 1, 4 A, 2; 13 A., 11; 16 A., 1. Unknown, 1. Total, 35. SOIIN TADY COUNTY. CLIFTON PARE. —13 I., 1; 18 I., 2; 22 I., 2; 30 I., 1. 38 I., 1; 49 I;, DUANESPBURGCn. —3 I., 2; 24 I., 1; 30 I., 1; 44 I., 2; 52 I., 1; 91 I., 2; 1; 77 I., 11; 114 I., 1; 115 I., 15; 123 I., 1; 125 I., 1; 128 I., 2~ 134 I 93 I., 2; 95 I., 1; 115 I., 3; 117 I., 1; 134 I., 19; 135 I., 1; 144 I., 1; 162 1; 153 I., 3; 192 I., 1. 2 A., 1; 7 A., 3; 13 A., 7; 15 A, 1; 16 A., 2. I, 1. 1 A., 2; 3 A., 3; 5 A., 1; 7 A., 1; 13 A., 1; 14 A., 1. 3C0., 1; 11 B., 1; 18 B., 1. 9 C., 1; 10 C., 1; 12 C., 1. 1 N. J. C., 2. 14 U. 26 C., 2. Navy, I. Unknown, 24. Total, 75. S, 1. 1 R., 1. Navy I. Unknown, 4. Total, 72. GLx-VILLn~:. — 6 I., 1; 9 I., 1; 18 I., 4; 32 I., 1; 69 1,-1; 77 I., 3; 82 COriNTii. —30 I., 5; 44 I., 1' (;, I.: 1; 77 I., 2; 115 I, 12; 118 I1., 1; 91I 12; 104I 1; 115i 1; 1531 2; 185 APPENDIX. 631 I., 1; 192 I., 3. 1 A., 3; 2 A., 1; 3 A., 2; 4 A., 10; 7 A., 1; 9 A., 1; CAYUTA.-15 I., 1; 50 I., 2; 61 I., 1; 64 I., 3; 76 I., 2; 85 I., 1; 107 13 A., 10; 14 A., 1. 11 B.) 1; 20 B., 1. 2 C., 2; 3 C., 1; 7 C., 1; 10 I., 2; 124 I., 1; 137 I., 5; 141 I., 7; 164 I., 1. 5 A., 8; 9 A., 1; 14 A., 1. C., 1; 2 Vet. C., 3.? M. R, 3. 8 Ill., 1. Unknown, 9. Total, 119. 2 M. R., 1. Unknown, 3. Total, 40. NISKAYUNA.-91 I., 1; 1241., 1; 1341., 6. 13 A., 2. 5.,1. 1 M. Dix.-3I. 12; 14 I., 2; 15.,; 23 I., 11; 26., 1; 33 I., 2; 34., 1; R., 1. Navy, I. Unknown, 1. Total, 14. 40I., 1; 48I.,1; 49I., 1; 50I.,4; 52 I., 1; 61I., 1; 64I., 1; 86I. 1; PRINCETOmWN.-44 I., 1; 115 I., 3; 1181., 1; 134 I., 12; 142 I., 1; 9 89 I-. 2; 103 I., 3; 104 I., 1; 107 I., 13; 126 I., 2; 137 I., 3; 141 I., 15; A., 3; 16 A., 1;? A., 1. Unknown, 6. Total, 29. 147 I., 2; 148 I., 2; 159 I., 1;: 160 I., 1; 161 I., 13; 179 I., 12; 188 I., 1. ~ROTTEBRDA;M.~ 3T. 1;10 T.~ 1 18T I. 43 T., 12; 1 A. 2 4 A., 1; 5 A., 15; 7 A., 1; 8 A., 1; 14 A., 11;? A., 1. 24 B.,1. R TIEbDAM. —01 3 1. 10 T., 1; 18 LI, 1; 43 L 1.; 91 T., 4; 102 L, 3 1 C., 3; 8 C., 2; 10 C., 3; 15 C., 1; 16 C., 1. I Vet. C., 1. pet. Res. 104 I.) 1; 113 I, 1; 115 I., 1; 134 I, 11; 142 I, 4; 146 I, 1; 162 I., 1. A., 1; 8., 1; 9 A., 1; 13 3. 23.,. 2 C., 1.? Vet. C C.. 5 8Mass. C1., l;? Mass. C., 1. 45 Pa., 1; 137 Pa., 1; 150 Pa., 1. 1. Unknown, 2. Total 42. 26 U. S. Colored, 1. Post band, 1. Navy, 1. Unknown, 8. Total, 173. SCHENECTADY CITY.-4 I., 1; 5 I., 3; 9 I., 1; 17 I1.,; 18 I., 27; 22 I., 25;., 1; 20 I., 1; 2 I., 7; 31.,12; 32 I., 2; 39 L., 1; 48 1., 1; 50 0I.,27; 58I., 1; 59I., 1; 61 1; 30 I.,7; 34 I., 1; 36 I., 1; 42 I., 1i; 43 1., 4; 44 I., 1; 46 1., 1; 47 I.,. 1 T T 1 7 1 8 1 1 T'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. 4; T3 9I., 1; 6 T. 1;* 75 T. 1; 76 IttT7 i i -(4T 151 01?1 )~' ^., 1; 79 i i Vr~~r~wn 11 T~~nl 110 -~IsLir. —1I1., 1; 31., 1,; 1 5I,2 9I., 4;, 101.,; 12 l I.,; 14:, I'-., 1; 15 1. Unknowvn, 11. Total, 119. ^I.,1; 39 I., 1'; 48I., 1; 66., 1; 70 I., 1; 73 I., 1; 84 I, 1; 91 I., 1; 99 HowARD. —II., 1; 3 I., 2; 14I., 2; 18I.,1; 191I., 1;. 19., 1; 2 I, 1; 43 I I., 1; 139 I.,6; 158 1; 641., 1; 76 I., 3; 85 I., 2; 86 I., 18; 104 I., 3; 107 I., 8; 108 I., 1; I., 11; 159 I., 1; 173 I., 1; 188 I., 1. 2 A., 1. 20 B., 1; 31B., 1. 2 109 I., 1; 1411., 11; 142 I., 3; 144 I., 2; 161I., 16; 179 I., 7; 188 I., 3; C., 11; 4 C., 11; 6 C., 2; 7 C., 1; 14 C., 1; 25 C., 1. 11 Conn., 1. APPENDIX. 633 8 N. J., 1; 9 N. J., 1; 14 N. J., 1. 2 Ohio, 1. 17 Pa., 1. 14 R. I. CANDOR.-5 I., 1; 15 I., 2; 25 I., 1; 26 I., 3; 30 I., 1; 32 I., 1; 64 I., A., 1. 14 U. S., 1; 1 U. S. S. S., 1; 5 UI. S. Colored, 1; 8 U. S. Col- 1; 71 I., 1; 76 I., 2; 86 I., 3; 89 I., 1; 104 I., 1; 109 I., 51; 126 I., 1; ored, 1; 20 U. S. Colored, 2; 116 U. S. Colored, 1. Navy, 27. Un- 137 I., 27; 149 I., 1; 157 I., 1; 179 I., 9; 194 I., 1; 197 I., 1. 6 A., 5; known, 10. Total, 121. 13 A., 5; 14 A., 1; 16 A., 4. I C., 11; 5 C., 8; 6 C., 1; 8 C., 1; 9 C., 1; RIVER IIEAD.-I I., 1; 5 I., 5; 6 I., 1; 8 I., 1; 9 I., 1; 10 I., 1; 12 I., 21 C., 8; 25 C., 1; 26 C., 1. I7 111. C., 1. 11 Pa., C., 1. 8 Wis., 1. 6; 39 I., 1; 45 I., 1; 69 I., 1; 127 I., 20; 131 I., 1; 158 I., 1; 159 I.,1; 2 U.S.A., 1; 5 U.S.A.,1. 2M. R., 1. Unknown, 33. Total, 196. 164 I., 1; 169 I., 1; 176 I., 2. 2 C., 1. 2 Conn., 1. Navy, 5. Un- NEWARK VALLEY.-15 I., 2; 44 I., 1; 50 I., 17; 64 I., 1; 76 I., 5; 89 known, 8. Total, 61. I., 2; 107 I., 1; 109 I;, 17; 114 I., 1; 124 I., 1; 137 I., 13; 143 I., 1; 147 SHELTER ISLAND. —14 I., 1; 81i., 1; 93I., 1; 127I.,1; 132I., 1; 139 I.,1; 148I.,1; 157 I.,1; 179 I., I; 185I.,1. 14A.,1. 16 B., 6. 5 I.,1; 165I,1. 5A,1. C.I. 1 R.I,.,2. Navy, 1. Total, 12. C., 6; 10 C., 1; 21 C., 4; 26 C., 1; 1 Vet. C., 4. 141 Pa., 1;? Pa., 1. I M. R., 1. Total, 93. SAITHTOWN.-9 I., 1; 311 I., 1; 102 I., 1; 139 I., 3. 3 B., 1. 5 Conn., MN R51' Total T 93 2 1; 29 Conn., 1. Navy, 1. Unknown, 1. Total, 11. NTC6OLS. —3 I., 1; 5 I., 2; 15 1., 1; 23 I., 6; 50 I., 1; 52 I., 1; 157 SOUT1AMPTON.-11 I., 1; 12 I., I; 27 I., 1; 36 I., 1; 47 I., 2; 48 I., 6;., 1; 0972; 13 I.,1; 11I,31795 I.,; I., 3; 97 I 104 SOOUTUAMPTOJ-. —111., 1; 12I1.,; 1,7I., 1; 001., 1; 47I.,; 48I'0.,6;.-O )\ n'11T^ 17T^ 1zIT^ /7T0 66 I.,2; 81 I., 27; 99I., 1; 127 I., 43; 133 I., 1; 139 I., 2; 165 I., 1; 176 1r 1; 158 I., 17 17Q., T 17 1., Q; 1 I., A 1., 10 A., 2; 14 A T"9- 170 T 1 8 A 1-lfiA' 9'"~ "R 1 9 P 1 * P -11? I.,1; 158 I.,1; 172I.,I; 179 I., 1; 194 1., 1. o A., 10 1 A., 2; 14 A., I., 2; 179 1., 1. 8 A., 1; 16 A., 7. 25 B., 1. 2C.,1; 6 C., 10; 11 C.,. o 3 r P 1 9 P 1 6; 13C., 1; 22 C., 1;? C., 1. 6Conn., 1; 9 Conn. 1; 16 Conn., 1; 90, M.., 1. a., 1 Pa., 1; 50 Pa., 1; 4 R. I., 1. 14 U. S., 1. I U. S. C., 2. 20U. S. Colored,. 1 Pa., 1. 8Va. C., 1. Unknown, 39 Total, 133. M. R., 1 Navy, 21. Unknown, 3. Total, 155. OWEGO. —I I., 2; 3 I., 11; 5 I., 12; 12 I., 1; 15 I., 6; 19 I., 1; 23 I., M. 1Navy, 212 UnknownI 34T14 Total, 1 45 T1; 25 I., 1; 27 I., 1; 30 I., 1; 32 I., 1; 37 I., 1; 43 I., 2; 44 I., 1; 49 I., SOUTIOLD. —9I., 2; 12 I., 3; 41 I., 1; 44 I., 1; 45 I., 1; 57 I., 3; 71 I.,1; 127i.,56; 150 I., 1; 157 I., 1; 163 I., 1; 165 I., 16; 170 I.,2. 63 3 64 69 A., I 5C 1; 6. C0 O., 1,C Conn., 18 20 in., 1, 21 Conn, 1/.. 1; 72 I., 1; 76 I., 1; 87 I1., 1; 90 I., 1; 109 T., 88; 116 IT., 2; 137I., 40; A., l. 5 C., 1, b l., o. o Conn., 1; 20 Conn., 1; 21 Conn., 1. o M., 1. 17 AI 1; Navy'' "' 139I.,1; 144 I., 1; 150I.,1; 179 I., 4; 189 I., 1; 194,. A., 1; 3 JNavy 3. Unknown, 3. Total, 109. ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^p^^^p A.,)1; 14 A., 2; 16 A., 2. 16 B., 7; 30 B., 1. 5 C., 17; 10 C., 1; 20 C., 1; 21 C., 2; 25 C., 1; 26 C., 2;?C., 1. 3 Mass., 1; 9 Mass., 1; 5 Pa., SULLIVAN COUNTY. 1; 6 Pa., 1; 18 Pa., 1; 37 Pa., 1; 7 Pa. Res., 1. 1 Wis., 1; 5 Wis., 1. BETHEL. —4 I., 1; 5 I., 1; 7 I., 1; 10 I., 4; 15 I., 3; 28 I., 9; 46 I., 1; 12 U. S., 1; 15 U. S., 1;? U. S., 1;? U. S. S.S. S, 2. 2 Vet. Res., 1. 54 I., 1; 56 I., 12; 63 I., 1; 67 I., 1; 87 I., 1; 97 I., 1; 102 I., 1; 106 I., Navy, 4 Unknown, 31. Total, 365. 1; 120 I., 1; 121 I., 5; 143 I., 25; 147 I., 1. 2 A., 1; 5 A., 1; 9 A., 4; RICHFORD.-I- I., 1; 3 I., 4; 15 I., 4; 19 I., 1; 22 I., I; 26 I., 1; 27 I., 1; 15 A., 5;? A., 1. 8 B., 1; 18 B., 1. 5 C., 1; 6 C., 1; 15 C., 1; 25 C., 32 I., 3; 50 I., 12; 68 I., 1; 76 I., 8; 104 I., 2; 109 I., 11; 137 I., 17; 2. 67 Pa., 1. 2 M. R., 5. Total, 96. 143 I., 1; 146 I., 1; 149 I., 1; 157 I., 2; 161 I., 1; 179 I., 1; 185 T., 6. CocECTON.-2 I., 1; 7 I., 1; 28 I., 1; 37 I., 1; 38 1; 50 T., 1; 54., 5 A, 1; 16 A.,2. 5 C., 1; 15 C., 3; 20 C., 1. 21 C., 2; 1Vet. 0., 2. 2; 56 I., 16; 70 I., 2; 73 I., 1; 77 I., 1; 100 1., 1; 107 I., 1; 143 I, 17; 46 Pa. 1; 7 Pa. C., 2 26 TT. S. Colored, 1; 31 U. S. Colored, 1. Navy, 164 I., 1. 3 A., 1; 5 A., 1; 15 A., 2. 23 B., 1. 1 Ohio, 1; 15 U. S. 1. Unknown, 2. Total, 100. A.). 1 M. R., l. Navy l. Unknown, 4. Total, 61. j SPENCER. —14 I., 1; 15 I., 1; 22 I., 1; 23 I., 1; 26 I., 7; 32 I., 1; 50 I., OLLICOON.-I I., 1; 3 I., 6; 11 I, 1; 15 I, 4; 26 I, 1; 28 1, 4; 29 1; 64 I., 3; 75 I. 2; 76 I., 1; 109 I. 27 126 I, 2; 137 I., 12; 141 I., 2; I., 1; 36 I., 1; 38 I., 1; 39 I., 1; 54 I., 1; 56 I., 26; 59 I., 1; 61 I., 2; 143 1. 1; 179 I., 2; 185 I., 1. 3A., 1; 5 A., 1; 14 A., 1. C., 2;5., 711., 2; 102 I., 1; 112 I., 1; 143 I., 41; 144 I., 1. 3 A., 1; 5 A., 1; 15 2. 47 hiol. 14 U. S., 1. M., 1 Unknown, 1. Total, 77. A.,3. 51 Pa., 1; 67 Pa., 1; 112 Pa.,A.,1. 2 U.S.A.,1. 2M.R., 1. TIOGA. —I I., 1; 3 I., 5; 5 I., 9; 15 I., 2; 23 I., 9; 26 I., 2; 32 I., 1; Navy, 1. Unknown, 8. Total, 116. 50 I., 12; 59 I., 1; 63 I., 1; 64 I., 8; 67 I., 1; 71 I., 1; 86 I., 5; 94 I., 1; FALLSBURGH. —II., 1; 3 I., 1; 5 I., 1; 20 I., 1; 54 I., 4; 56 I., 71; 79 95 I., 1; 104 I., 4; 109 I., 38; 119 I., 1; 137 I., 8; 141 I., 1; 164 I., 1; I., 3; 95 I., 1; 101 I., 1; 115 I., 1; 124 I., 2; 143 I., 47; 144 I., 2; 156 179 I., 8 190 I., 1; 194I., 3; 199., 1. 4., 1; 6 A., 1; 13 A., 1; 14 I., 4; 168 I, 1; 169I, 1. 5 A, 1; 7 A, 1; 8 A, 1; 15 A, 10. B,. A 3 1 C., 1; 5 C., 12; 6 C., 1; 21 C., 3. 1 Vet. C., 1. 110 Pa., 1; 2 C., 1; 20 C., 6; 22 C.,1; 25 C., 3. 14U. S.,2. 1M. R.,6; 2M.R.,7. 1 26 U. S. Colored,. Unknown, 10. Total, 163. Unknown, 2. Total, 184. FORRESTBURGH. —2 I., 1; 15 I., 1; 40 I., 1; 56 I., 3; 70 I., 2; 75 I., 1; TOMPKINS COUNTY. 124 I. 1; 143 I., 14; 158 I., 1. I A.,2. 16 B.,32. 2 C., 1; 5C., 1; CAROLINE.-8., 1; 19 T., 1; 26 I., 1; 32 I., 2; 50 I., 9; 51 I, 1; 60 15C., 1. 84 Pa., 1. 4 Wis. C., 1. 4 U. S. Colored, 2. 1 M. R., 6;, 1; 64 I, 3; 76, 3; 109 I., 19; 137 I, 11; 161 I., 1; 179 I, 8; 185 I, M. R. 5. Total, 47. 6; 193 I., 1. 5A.,1; 6 A., 5; 16 A., 2;?.A., 1. 16 B., 1. 1 C., 1; 5 FREMONT. —1 I., 1; 15 I., 2; 19 I., 1; 44 I., 1; 45 I., 2; 46 I., 1; C., 3; 15 C., 8; 21 C., 3; 26 C., 1. 2 Cal., 1. 1 M. R., 1. Unknown, 54 I., 2; 56 I., 22; 71 I., 1; 121 I., 2; 132 I., 1; 143 I., 21; 144 I., 1. s18. Total, 114. 8 A., 1. 7 B., 1; 8 B., 2. 7 C., 1; 25 C., 1. 52 Ind., 1. 5 Pa., 1. 8 A;. ~7 B 1 8 B,2. 7., 1; 25 C.~ 1 52n 5 Pa 1 DANBY.-15 I., 2; 23 I., 2; 32 I., 1; 50 I., 2; 64 I., 3; 75 I., 1; 109 I., 7 Wis.,i.?U.S., 1. Navy,. Unknown, 4. Total, 73. 19; 111 I., 1; 137 I., 19; 179 I., 24. 6 A., 1; 16 A., 3. 15 C., 1; 21 C., HIGHLAND.-54 I., 1; 56 I., 13; 65 I., 3; 87 I., 1; 124 I., 4; 143 I., 7; 4. 1 Vet. C., 1. 5 Pa. Res., 1. 1 M. R., 2. Unknown, 2. Total, 89. 168 I, 2. 26 U. S. Colored, l. Navy, l. Unknown, 4. Total, 37. DRYDEN. —3 I., 1; 15 I., 1; 19 I., 2; 23 I., 2; 27 I., 1; 32 I., 5; 50 I., LIBERTY.-1 I., 2; 2 I., 4; 3 I., 3; 5 I., 2; 15 I., 2; 28 I., 3; 54 I., 1; 3; 58 I., 1; 64 I., 4; 75 I., 1; 76 I., 26; 79 I., 1; 83 I., 1; 85 I., 1; 89 I., 56 I., 27; 69 I., 1; 87 I., 1; 90 I., 1; 117 1, 1; 120I.,1; 1211.,1; 1; 90I.,1; 97 I, 1; 99 I., 1; 103 I, 1; 107 I, 1; 109 I., 29; 119 I., 1; 142 T., 1; 143 I., 57; 156 I., 1. 7 B., 1. 2 C., 1; 25 C., 4. 2 Iowa, 1. 120 I., 2; 136 I., 2; 137 I., 1; 139 T., 1; 143 I., 36; 144 I., 1; 145 I., 1; I M.R.,1; 2M.R.,2. Unknown, 4. Total, 123. 155 I.;1; 169 I, 1; 179I.,5; 192I.,1; 193I.,1. I A.,1; 9 A.,1; 15 LUMBERLAND.-39 I., 1; 50 1., 4; 56 I., 4; 143 I., 4. 16 A., 3. A., 1. 27 B., 1. 1 C., 2; 10 C., 1; 15 C., 21; 21 C., 10; 22 C., 1. 7 15 C., 1; 18 C., 1. Navy, 1. Unknown, 10. Total, 29. Ill., 1; 106 Ill., 1. 24 Ohio, 1. 12 Wis., 1. 1 Wis. A., 1. 8 U. S. MAMAKATING.-1 I., 1; 2 I., 1; 10 I., 1; 15 I., 9; 18 I., 3; 19 T., 1; Colored, 1; 26 U.S. Colored, 1. I M. R., 1. Unknown, 7. Total, 193. 20 I., 4; 24 I., 1; 28 I., 2; 29 I., 1; 50 I., 1; 54 I., 2; 56 I., 38; 68 I., 1; ENFIELD. —32 I.; 1; 52 I., 1; 64 I., 2; 109 I., 5; 137 I., 1; 140 I., 1; 81 I., 1; 98 I., 2; 112 I., 1; 115 I., 2; 118 I., 1; 124 I., 8; 143 I., 49; 169 I., 1. 14 A., 1; 16 A.,I. 15C.,1; 21 C., 1. Total, 16. 156 I., 1; 168 I., 3; 186 I., 1. 4 A., 2; 6 A., 1; 7 A., 1; 15 A., 8;? A., 1. GROTON.-3 I., 2; 23 I., 4; 32 I., 2; 75 I., 1; 76 I., 24; 89 I., 2; 94 I., 15 C., 8; 25 C., 3;? C., 1. 1 N. C., 1. 6 Ohio, 1; 31 Ohio, 1. 7Pa., 1. 1; 109 I., 23; 120 I., 2; 122 I., 1; 137 I., 21; 143 I., 1; 154 I., 1; 157 I., 2 U. S. A., 1; 26 U. S. Colored, 5. 2 Militia, 1; 20 Militia, 1. Un- 1; 160 I., 1; 176 I., 1; 179 I.,2; 185 I.,3; 189I.,1;193I.,1. 3A.,2; known, 16. Total, 188. 6 A., 1; 9 A., 12; 16 A., 1. 1 B., 1. 1 C., 2; 2 C., 1; 6 C., 3; 10 C., 2; NEVERSINK. —2 I., 1; 5 I., 1; 7 I., 1; 15 I., 1; 20 I., 5; 54 I., 1; 11 C., 1; 15 C., 1; 21 C., 2. 10 Ill., 1. 1 Iowa C., 1. 1 R., 2. Navy, 56 I., 37; 81 T., 1; 92 I., 1; 97 I., 2; 99 I., 1; 120 I., 7; 143 1., 46; 1; Unknown, l. Total, 130. 155 I., 1; 156 I., 6. 7 A., 1; 9 A., 1. 23 B., 2; 34 B., 1. 1 C., 1; ITHACA. —5 I., 1; 15 I, 1; 25 I, 1; 32 I., 33; 37 I., 2; 38 I., 1I 39 I., 3C,1; 20C.,3; 25,14.?Pa.,. 1Rif.,14. Unknown, 6. Total, 157. 1; 42,1; 43 [.,1; 50,3; 52,1; 54 I.,; 58I.,1; 61I.,1; 64., ROCLAND.-Q I., 1; 8 I., 1; 15 I., 1; 23 I., 1; 28 I, 2; 54 I, 1; 15; 65 I., 1; 75I., 3; 76 I., 4; 91I., 1; 94 I., 1; 97 I., 2; 101I., 1; 102 56 I., 18; 91., 1; 101 I., 6; 141 I., 3; 143 1., 4. 2 A., 1. 8B. 1.3., 1; 1.; 136 11 C., 1; 15 C., 14. 2 Vet. Corps, 1. 18 Iowa, 1. Unknown, 16. I., 1; 137 I., 35; 1411., 2; 143 I., 25; 149 I., 1; 157 I., 2; 179 I., 6; 184 Total, 116. I., 1; 185 I., 1; 189 I., 1; 193 I., 4. 3 A., 5; 5 A., 5 6 A., 3; 13 A., 1; TnOMPSON.-51 1-181 9- 90 T 1- 98 T 10- 541 4- ^T ^ 14A,1; 16 A., 1;? A., 4. 29 B., 2; 31 B., 1;? B., 1. 2 C., I; 15 C., 63 I., 1; 87 I., 1; 124 I., 1; 143 I., 47; 173 1., 1; 176 1., 1. 2 A., 2; r^ 2i r- 3ir 21 i o 6rr r 1 O TTCI^I 1. 1 Mich 5 A., 4; 8 A., 1. 7 B., 1. 25 C., 1. 28 Iowa, 1. 67 Pa., 1. 14 U. S., 1; C- 5 Mlch. (-, 1. S C- L 26 XL S. Colored, 15. Navy? 4. IU.S.'S.S. 1. 1 M.R.1; 2M.R.,14. Unknown, 18. Total, 161. Unknown,24. Total,298. " ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~LxNsIN. — 19 I., 1; 23 I., 1; 27 I., 2; 32 I., 9; 35 I., 1; 46 I., 1; 50 TUSTE~.-56I, 3; 1431I, 9. 6 C, 1; 9 C, 1. Unknown, 4. Total, 18. \ T 1 fc! 9I9 nh 6 TUSTN.-56 r, 3 143I.,9. 6C.,1; 9C). 1. nknwn,. Ttal,18.I., 1; 51 I., 1; 64 I., 5; 75 I., 4; 76 I., 2; 109 I., 9; 111 I., 2; 138 I., 5; 143 I., 6; 149 I., 1; 174 I., 1; 179 I., 4. 3 A., 6; 9 A., 10; 16 A., 5;? A., TIOGA COUNtrY. 1; 10 C., 5; 12 C., 4; 13 C., 1; 15 C., 5; 21 C., 4. 124 Ill., l. Navy, 1. BARTo.-1 I., 3; 2 I., 1; 3 I., 3; 5 I, 1; 10 I., 2; 15 I., 1; 16 I., l; Unknown, 5. Total, 104. 23 I., 19; 26 I., 1; 28 I., 1; 40 I., 1; 46 I., 2; 50 I., 14; 64 I., 2; 69 I., NEWFILD. —15 I., 2; 32 I., 4; 47 I., 1; 50 I., 4; 64 I., 2; 73 I., 1; 76 1; 75 I., 2; 86 I., 1; 89 I., 2; 103 I., 3; 107 I., 3; 109 I., 25; 111I., 1; I., 3; 89 I., I; 107I., 1; 109 I., 29; 137 I., 21; 140 I., 2; 143 I., 1; 147 120 I., 2; 121 I., 1; 137 I., 3; 141I., 1; 143 I., 1; 147 I., 7; 154 I.,1; I., 1; 179 I., 34; 194 I., 1. 3 A., 2; 6 A., 1; 14 A., 1; 16 A., 2. 1 B., 161I.,11; 179I.,4. 5A.,3; 6A.,2; 8A., 2; 10A.,1; 14A.,8. 20 1. 2 C., 1; 10 C., 1; 15 C., 2; 21 C., 8. 3 Mich.,1. 10 Wis., 1. 16 B., 3. 1 C., 1; 3 C., i; 5 C., 10; 6 C., 2; 10 C., 7; 25 C., 1. 7 Mich., U.S., 1;? U.S., 1. Navy, 3. Unknown, 2. Total, 136. 1. IPa.,l; 17Pa.,l; 20Pa.,l. 1 Pa.C.,1. 6 U.S.A.,1. Un- ULYSSES. —2 I., 1; 3 I, 2; 22 I., 1; 23 I., 1; 26 I., 1; 32 I., 10; 37 I., known, 15. Total, 184. 2; 46 I., 1; 48 I., 1; 50 I., 8; 58 I., 6; 75 I., 3; 85~1., 1; 86I., 1; 89I., BEKSHIRE. —19 I., 1; 26 I., 1; 50 I., 2; 76 I., 3; 109 I., 13; 1211., 1; 109 I., 33; 1111., 2; 124 I., 1; 126 I., 3; 132 I., 137 I., 18; 147 I., 1; 185 I., 1; 189 I., 1. 2 A., 1; 6 A., 1. 5 C., 6;? 1; 136I,1; 137I.,22; 1411.,2; 143I.,1; 148 I,,2; 149 I.,1; 1611, C., 2. Unknown, 3. Total, 55. 1; 164 I., 1; 174 I., 1; 179 1., 12. 1 A., 1;'3 A., 2; 5 A., 2; 6 A., 4; 9 80 634 APPENDIX. A., 1; 10 A., 3; 14 A., 1; 16 A., 7. 3 B., 1. 12 C., 1; 15 C., 2; 21 C., WARREN COUNTY. 18. 7111.,1. 39 Iowa, 1. 4 Miich., 1. 6 Pa., 1. 5 Pa. C., 1.? Pa., 1 87 Wis.1 1. 309Iwisa 1 Unk4icown. 486 Total. 2331 PaC.1?a, BoLTON.-16 I., 1; 22 I., 4; 46 I., 2;, 64 I., 1; 93 T., 23; 96 T., 6; 1. wis.1. 30 Wis,. Unknown, 48. Total, 2. 118 I., 11; 123 I., 1; 142 I., 5; 169 I., 1; 175 I., 1. 8 A., 4; 16 A., 2. ULST"ER COUNTY. 23B.,7. 2C.,5; 6.,1; 9 C.,1; 1 Vet. Cav.,4. Unknown,. Total, 81. -DENNING.-I I., 1; 12 I., 1; 15 I., 3; 56 I., 13.,; 29 I., I; 80., 1; CALD LL-22., 4; 2 T., T; 44 I., 1; 46 I., 1; 75 I., 1; 91 I., 1; 120I.,13; 143I.,3; 156I.,3. 1A.,4. 22C.,1. 1M.R.,1. Navy,. 931.,6; 96I.,2; 118I.,1; 169I.,8. 16A.,3. 2C.,1; 5C.,1; 13.,1. Unknown,. Total, 56. 1 Ohio, 1. 11 U.S., 2. Navy, 1. Unknown, 7. Total, 43. SOP 71 2; 30 I 1 41I 1 59I 1. 69 I 9 711 2 80 I CESTER.-22 I., 14; 46 I., 6; 64 I., 1; 83 I., 1; 91I., 2; 93 I., 22; Esli~op~us. —7~ I96I.,2; 109 I.,1; 81 1 I.,16; 1231.,3; 1421I, 4; 148I., 1; 153I I.,;., 1336 87 I.; 156I.,20. 4 115A., 1 120 I., 6 124., 1 127 1 18 - 9 2 1 I I 1 2 I. 4 4 4 1 T r 156 I., 20 4 A. 1 6 A., 1 5 B 1. 11 C., 1; *' I' 157 I., 1; 175 I., 11. 6 A., 1; 9 A.,1; 16 A., 5. 12 C., i; I Vet. Cav., 1; 133L1OO 16J~ C~ 1(S 2 1Vet.. r Cav.,4. 7 U. S., 1. 3 U. S.C.,1 1 I. R., 1. Unknown, 2. 2 Inv. Corps, 1. 17 N. J., 1. 4 U. S. A., 1; I U. S. C., 1;? U: S. 2Yt T otal 1 4- -s -3u -~ L 1M - nnw,2 C., 1. 9 M.,1. 1 M.R.,1. Navy, 5. Unknown, 11. Total, 106. IotaT693. GARDINER.-2 I., 1; 24 I., 1; 44 I., 1; 48 I., 2; 56 I., 5; 80 I., 9; 1501. I., 3; 156IE. 18; 4 162 I., 1. 10 C., 1., 5 Con., 1; 52.,; 1.,. 23 Un., 33. 2 C1, 1; 5 C., 7; 8 C., 1; 1 Vet. I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a.,315 I., 18; 16I,. 10.,1I. 5 Cnoncn,1 Id. Un-l,64 known, 4. Total, 48.' " tI-omcoN. —22 I., 8; 51 I., 1; 54 I., 1; 74 I., 1; 93 I., 9; 118 I., 14; HARDENBURG.-28 I., 1; 46 I., 1; 56 I., 3; 80 I., 5; 102 I., 3; 144 I., o. 22 8; 51 1; 54 1; 74 93 8 14; 2. 8B.,2. 3 C.,1; 25 C.,1. 2 Conn. A., 1. 8 Ind. A.,1. 55 Pa, 1. 123;., 5 16 A., 3 2.,; 2 et.., 3. Unknown, 7.?Pa., 1. Unknown, 2. Total, 25.' T. r.fT.0.9T T9 OI 7 JoiNSBURGH.-13 I., 1; 19 I., 1; 22 I., 4; 69 I., 1; 91 I., 1; 93 I., 14; tHURLEY.-15 I., 1; 26 I., 1; 40 I., 1; 52 I., 1; 56 T., 2; 59 I., 1; 71 T., o y- - 1 1 1g, 0 1 * 17; T I., 1 19 I., 1.1 I., 3. 4; ^7 I.,T~ 1; 80 I.,T 291 1029 ~ ~ ~9 I., 1; 120 I., 3; 116 I., 10; 17 I., 2; 1745 1.,2 10;5 1 I.,. I.,1 A., 3.1 4; 7.,1; 80I.,1 21; 102I,5; 120.,34; 156., 1C0; 1758I.,I2; 179I., 32B., 1. 5 C., 2; 2Vet. Cav., 2 Navy, 1. Unknown, 31. Total, 103. 1; 180 I., 1. 4 A., 1; 15 A.,1 4C,;C: 1. 17 Ind.,1 1U. "".. S., 1; 20 U. S. Colored, 3. Navy, 3. Unknown, 12. Total, 110. sT 51"^' Y4 T i 7 2;A1' LUzE1NE.-5 T., 1; 12 I., 1; 14 I., 2; 22 T., 4; 30 I., 1; 77 I., 2; 91 I., 1;'; 20 U''. Colored, 3. Navy, 3. Unknown, 12. Total, 110. 93 I., 6; 95 1., 1; 118 1., 9; 123 T., 2; 148 I., 1; 175 L., 1. 9 A., 1; KINGSTON. —2 I., 3; 3 I., 1; 5 I., 1; 6 I., 1; 8 I., 1; 10 I., 2; 14 I., 1; 1 A 1 1A 5. 16 A., 1C 1;2 C 1 2 Vet Cav Q_ Navy 1 13A.,1; T4A.,5; 16A.,1. TC., 1; 2 C.,1; 2Vet. Caw9. Navy, 1. 15I., 10; 30 I., 1; 32I., 1; 40 I., 1; 43 I., 1; 46 I.,3; 50 I., 1; 51 I., 1; nkno n Total, 61. 52 I., 2; 56 I.,4; 59 I., 3; 66 I., 1; 69 I.,2; 70 I., 1; 80 I., 138; 87 I.,2; Ui w 9 ot 90 I., 2; 94 I., 2; 102 I., 2; 103 I., 2; 106 I., 1; 112 I., 2; 115 I., 2; 117 QuEE sNBmtY. -2 I., 2; 3 I., 1; 5 I., 1; 11 I., 1; 17 I., 1; 22 I., 36; I., 1; 120 I., 51; 121 I., 1; 128 I. 2 132 I., 2; 134 I., 1; 140 I., 2; 143 30 T 3; 32 I,; 3 I., 1; 46 I., 1; 511., 2; 63., 1; 69 I., 4 76 I, 1; I., 1; 150 I., 3; 156., 37; 158., 2. 3 A., 1; 4 A., 4; 5 A., 4;, 1; 77., 2; 0 I., 1; 91., 1; 93 I., 1 6.4; 96 I., 6; 115 I., 3; 1181.35; 7 A., 1; 9 A.,31. 5 C.,3; 15 C., 1; 22 C., 1;? C., 1. 2 onn, I. 9 119 1. 1; 121. 1; 1231., 13; 133., 2; 153., 12; 169 I.,7; 1751., 24; Mass., 1. 19 Maine, 1. 6 Mich., 1. 3 N. H., 1. 11 N. J, 1; 35 N. J., 1; 176 I., 1. 185; 1; 86 I., 1; 192 I.,; 9 I., 6; 9 A5., 2; 10 AI., 1; 7~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~1.;1 A., 10; 9 A., 2. 5 B., 3; 45 B., 1; 22 C., 3; 3 C., 1. 2' Con., 1. 23 Pa., 1; 25 Pa.,;1. 5 Pa. C., 2; 11 Pa. C., 2; A Pa., 12; I 0Vt., 1.; 15., 1;? Wis., 1. 20 U. S. Colored, 7. 1 U. S. Eng., 1. Navy, 23. Un- 25 C. 1? C., 3; 2 Vet. Cav., 29. 3O Ind., 1;? Ind. C., 1., 2 Iowa C., 1. known, 32. Total, 394. 10 J.,J. 3. 136a.,. N6avy,..nown,3 24. Total, 278. LLOYD.-2 I., 1; 44 I., 4; 56 I., 1; 62 I., 1; 80 I., 9; 87 I., 1; 91 I., 4; STONY CREEK.-91 I, 2; 96 I., 2; 115 I., 3. Unknown, 19. Total, 26. ~~~~~98 I.~~~~~, ~~~1761 I.,1; 15I., 1; 116 I., 1; 19, 2; 1318 I., 10; 142 I., 1; 169 I., 1; 164 I., 1; 192 I., I 9A. 6.,A1. 95 A. I 2C., 1; 1, 16 A. 11.,5. 1A.,6. 2 AC.,..,Unknown, 5. Total, 55. C0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~1., 1; 16 A., 1;?21., 1. i- I., 1; 75 1., 1; 93 I., 3; 96., 10; 118 1., 3; Total, 76. 123 I., 2; 142 I., 4; 146.., 1; 192., I. 16 A., 3. 2 C., 2; 5 C., 1; iMARBLETOWN.-3 T., 1; 15 I., 5; J41., 2; 48 I., 1; 56 T., 1; 59 I., 1; 2 Vet. Oav., l. Unknown, 32. Total, 65. 71 I., 1; 80 I., 34; 96 I., 1; 100 I, 1; 102 1., 2; 112 I., 2; 120 I., 4l0; 121 I., 3; 156 I., 12; 162 I., 1. 4 C., 1; I5., 1; 6 C., 1. 2 U. S. A., 1. WA7;NTON COUTY.; 31 U.. S. olored, 4. Unknown, 7. Total, 123. ASING TON COUNT..MALBOEOUGH —3 I, 3; 5 I., 4; 12 I., 1; 15 I., 2; 61 T., 1; 80-1i., 1; AnYLEno-22I T., 1; 44 I., 1; 46 I., 1; 77 I., 1; 85 T., 1; 93 I., 6; 118 91 I., 2; 120 I., 5; 124 I, 2; 127 I, 1; 128 I., 1; 156 I, 8. 16 A, 1. I., 1; 123 I, 61; 175 I., 1. 1 2., 5; 18 0., 1; 26 C., 7 B., 3. 2 C., 3; 18 C., 1; 20 C., 1;? C., 2. 1 MiR. 1.. Navy, 5. 1;?., 1. 113 111., 1. 124 Pa., 1. 2 Vt., 1., 11 t, 1. 12 U. S, 1; Total, 48. Navy, 2. Unknown, 5. Total, 108. NEW PALTZ.-5 l. 1; 44 I., 3; 51 I., 1; 57 I., 1; 80 I., 7; 87 T., l; CAM0BRIDGE.-2 I., 1; 22 I., 1; 30 I., 1; 44 T., 2; 77 T., 1; 91 T., 1; 93 102 I., 1; 120 I., 6; 156 I.,39; 162 I.,1. 1 N. J.., 1. Unknown, 2. I.,; 123 I., 36; 151 I., 1. 16 A., 1;? A., 1. 2 C., 2; 3 C., 1; 7 C., 3; Total, 64. 2 Yet. C., 2. 2 Conn. a, 5. 3 Md., 1. 44 N,. J., 1. 10 Vt., 1; 11 Vt., OtIVE.-15 I., 13; 39 1, 1; 40., 1; 44 I., 1; 50 I., 1; 56 I., 1; So I., U? U. S. A 1. Navy, 1 Unknown, 6. Total, 68. 36 102 I., 1; 115 I., 1; 120 I., 26; 144 I., 1; 156 I., 4. 3 A., 10; 10 DRESDE.N-14 1., 1; 22 I., 1; 43 I., 2; 44 I., 1; 78 I., 1; 86 1., 1; 87 A., 1. 15 C., 2. 2 Yet. av.,2. 17 Pa.,l. Navy, l. Unknown, 5. I., 15; 93 I., 1; 123 I., 18; 169 I., 2. 9 A., 1. 22 C., 1; 1 Yet. C., 1. Total, 109. 2 Conn.,. 11 U. S.,1;? U.,1.. Tota, 1 t 49. PLATTEKILL — 7 I, 1; 10 I., 1; 15 I., 2; 17 I., 1; 4 T., 1; 48 I.; EAST —2 1; 22., 3; 0., 1; 47 I., l; 77 I., 7; 92 I., 1; 93 I., 56 I, 2; 62 1., 1; 124 1., 4; 156 I., 25; 168 I., 1; 193 I., 1. 3.,1; 1 97 I, 1; 112 1.,1; 123 I., 14; 169 I., 2; 179 I., 1; 192., 1;, 16 A., 2., 2. 3 Militia, l. Serrell's Eng., l. Unknown, l. Total, 47. 1. 2 C., 1; 26 C., 1. 33 Mass., 1. 10 Vt.,l. Navy, 1. Unknown, 7. ROCESTER-15 I., 1; 24I., 1; 56., 1;; 59 I., 1; 80 I, 27; 102 I., 1; Total, 48. 109 I., 1; 120 I, 17; 132 I., 1; 156 I., 12; 168 I., 1. 5 A., 1; 8 A., 1; Fo8T. —2 I., 3; 43 I., 3; 44 I., 1; 469 I., 1; 77 I., 1; 93 I., 1; 96? A., 3. 3 C., 1;?', 1. 5 Conn., l.? 11. B, 1. 13 Mass. C., 1. 62., 1; 123 I, 27; 153 I., 1; 169 I., 13. 4 A., 1; 16 A., 6. 2 0, 1; 5., Ohio, l. Unknown, 13. Total, 100. 2; 12 C., 1; 18 C., 1. 2 Yet. C., 2. 51 Mass., 1. 96 Pa., 1. 5 Vt., 1; RoSENDALE.-15 I., 2; 39 I., 1; 41 I., 3; 49 T., 1; 80 I., 45; 96 I., 1-, 6 Vt.) 1. 1 U S. Colorec, 1;? U. S. Colored, 2. 1 M. R., 1. Un99 I.,1; 120 I., 7; 131 I.,1; 156 I., 2.? A., 2. 5., 1; 12., 1. 2 Aown, 55. Total, 127. Mich. C., 1. 4N.J..,1. Unknown, 7. Total, 77. FORT EDWARD-15 I., 1; 16 I., 1; 22 I., 17; 30 I., 1; 32 I., 1; 43 I., SAUGETIES- I, 3; 2 I, 1; 3 I., 1; 5 I., 9; 7, 1; 9 I 2; 44 I, 4; 50 I.,1; 52I., 1; 53I.,1; 56 I., 1; 61I.,1; 77 I., 1; 78 I., 15.,44; 191.,1; 41I.,2; 421.,1; 44I.,1; 49I.,1; 56I.,3; 571I., 1; 64I.A1; 65I.,5; 69I.,2; 70I.,1; 71A.,2; 80 lI., 34; 88 I.( II I;, fi 1 - -1 2 IMT I 1W. I J2 T, 1 92 T., 1.; 16 oI, 1.T; 1T AI,23; 7 2 A, 2; 8A 1.7B, 1; 10 B., 1. 2 0., 4; 5 a, 1; 13 0.. 1; 5 as1s., 1. 8 MId, 1. 1 t., 1; 15 Y., 1l2 I. 1av, 7. U own., 1. 1; 1502I,7; 1180,1; 101. Mas.,1;?1N. To17., 168. J.,1. 1 Pa., l. Navy, 16. Unknown, 15. Total, 249. GnyviLLE- 6A I., 1; 11AI., 3; 13 1., 1; 22 I., 3; 30,I., 3; 43 I., 1; 44 S2ANDAEN.,; 15 II.,; 1 1;., I; 16I.,1;'16 34 I., 1; 40 A.,2;: A., 1; I; ~471I, 1; 481I, 1; 511I, 1; 561I, 1; 71 1.,1; 801I, 69; 931I,1; 1021H, 2; n18 L^ 123 L5,50; 120 L, l; 12bL^, 169., 3; 175 I.,; 179 P., 1041I.,21; 112.,1; 120.,15; 1 1431,2C., 1; 1 C., i; 15Vet. C.,2. 16 Co.,1. 10 G 176 I., 1. 1, 2; 3 A., 1; 4., 8; 15 A., 3. 4 C., 1; 5 C., 1; 15 C., 4. 1; 5 Yt^ ^ 7 Vt- ^ n Yt~, L? M- R Unknown, 1. Total, 121. 1 Mid. 0, 1. 50 Pa., 1. 1 Pa. A., 1. 2 Wis, 1. avy, l. U- GREENWICH- 2 I., 2; 9 I., 1; 14 I., 1; 22 y, 10; 30 I., 1; 43 1., 4; known, 16. Total, 156. 44GItAXILL I., 1; 1 I., 3; 84 1., 1; 93 I., 5; 9 0 I., 1; 102 I., 1; 113 I., SHAWAND. —21,1; 31I.,1; 211.,1; 46I., 1; 48 I.,1; 53I.,21; 561I., 14-.1; 154I., 1; 1561., 9 168 I. 2, 1; 2 A., 2; 4 A., 5; 6 A., 1; 16 A.. 7. 18 B., 2; 25 B., 3; 7 0., 1; 13 6 0:1; 20 0, 1: Navy,l 1:Unknowvn, 25 Total; 68. 5., I 18 G }, 121 03. 3; 2 Yet. 0.,2. 22 Oonn. 1; 147 111. 1; 42 W47IR.,s;I.,1; I.,1; 41I.,1; 51I.,1; 101.,61; 151.,6; 301,1; 41 10 HT. iu -2I.,; R 2 TnI61.,1I 4; 50I 1.,10; 645I.,2; 656I, l; 169I.,Tot15., 17., 754I.,1; 802I,90; 951I.,1; 96I.,12; 97I.,2; 98I1.,1; 1035I.,T; 1; 115 IA, 3B., 22; 121I., 3; 1241, 2; 127 I 1 130 II5 143 I HAMPTON.-2 I., 1; 5I., 4; 7 1., 1; 11 I., 3; 93 I., 5; 96 I., 1; 123 I., 9; 148 I., 1; 150 I.,; 3., 1; 154 A., 3 8; 164 A., 3. 194 I., 1; 5 t., 2; 11 Yt., l. Unknown, 2. Total, 25. 1 A., 3; 2 A., 1; 4 A., 1; 5 A., 2; 6 A., 1; 7 A., 3; 15 A,, 7; l.G 1. 5 Vt., 7; 7 At, 2; 441., 3; 93 I., 4; 123 I., 58; 169 I., T. 16 A., 7 B.Mih; 33 B.I, 1.., 20 Wi., 4 2; 80. 1; 1504; 24., 1; 20 1., 1; 12 0., 1; 22 t., 1l., 1; Nav I.ota, 79. knwetn,1. o 6Mass.,2. 15N.J.1; 67Pa.,1. 2U. HEBRON.-5 I., 1; 22 I., 4; 328I., 1; 93 I., 1; 1011., 1; 123 I., 34. 6 S.A.1. 20U.S.olored,; 3.,; 2 I.,1; 4U.S.Colored,1. A., 1; 163A.,; 1.6N.I.,; 1. 5It.,1; 176 Y.,1; 192I. 2 13t.I.,1. 6M.R.,14; 2M.I.,5;?1M. R.,1; 25I. 1 68I 2..Unknown, Unknon,3. Total,55. 23. Total,396. JACKSON.-22 I., 2; 46A., 1; 93 I., 2; 118 1., 1; 123 I., 38; 125I., 1. WOODSTOC6.-15 I., 12; 120 I., 9; 156 I., 3. Unknown, 10. 15 A., 1; 16 A., 6; 21 C., 1; 2 Ve t. C., 2 Y. 02,C2..7 Iowa, 1; 22 Iowa, Total, 66. | l. 5 Yt., l. Unknown, 9. Total, 64. APPENDIX. 635 KINGSBUnRY.-2 I., 1; 11 I., 1; 22 I., 27; 30 I., 1; 43 I., 3; 44 I., 4; WILLTAMNsoN.-17 I., 7; 44 I., 1; 48 I., 1; 76 I., 1; 90 I., 1; 97 I., 1; 46 I., 1; 93 I., 1; 96 I., 4; 116 I., 1; 118 I., 2; 122 I., 1; 123 I., 28; 169 98 I., 4; 111 I., 18; 122 I.,1; 135 I.,9; 146I.,1; 160I.,5. 9A.,8. 6 I., 8; 192 I., 2. 1 A., 1; 5 A., 1; 7 A., 1; 16 A., 26. 2 C., 3; 8 C., 1; C., 2; 8 C., 13; 21 C., 1. 55 Ill., 1. 8' Iowa, 1. Navy, 1. Unknown, 18 C., 1; 2 Vet. C., 8. 5 Pa., 1; 111 Pa., 1. 5 U. S., 1; 2 U. S., Colored, 1. 10. Total, 87. NTavy, 2. Unknown, 9.'Total, 142. CWOLCOTT.-19 I., 7; 24 I., 2; 27 I., 1; 61 I., 1; 65 I., 8; 68 I., 2; 75 PUTNAM. —40 I., 2; 44 I., 1; 54 I., 1; 75 I., 1; 87 I., 4; 93 I., 1; 123 I., 21; 76 I., 1; 81 I., 5; 95 I., 1; 96 I., 10; 97 I., 3; 98 I., 1; 111I., 7; I.,16; I77I.,1. 5C.,3; 20C.,2. 5Vt., 1. Unknown, 10. Total, 43. 121 I., 1; 138 I., 40; 152 I.,1; 160I.,3; 184I.,1; 193 I.,1. 3A.,10; SALEM.-22T., 9; 43 I., 1; 84 I.,1; 93 I., 7; 104 I., 1; 123 I., 21; 126 9 UA.,57; 16 A.,1. 8 C.,1; 10 C.,1; 12 C.,1; 21 C.,1. 29 Ohio, 1. I., 1; 169 I., 2; 192 I,, 1. 16 A., 5. 7 B., 1. -2 C., 1; 7 C., 5. 1 Vet. Unknown,22. Total, 212. Cav., 1. 1 Conn. A., 1. 36 Ill., 1. 14 Vt., 1. 1 M.R.,1. Navy, 1. Unknown, 13. Total, 75. W TC T C NT W7CESTCHE1STER COUNTTY~. WHITE CREEK.-15 I., 1; 22 I., 10; 31 I., 1; 44 I., 1; 75 I., I; 88 I., 1; 91 I., 1; 93 I., 15; 96 I., 1; 123 I., 45; 125 I., 1; 146 I., 2. 4 A., 1; BEDFORD. —5 I., 1; 15 I., 1; 48 I., 1; 49 I., 1; 511., 3; 79 I., 1; 150 16 A., 6. 2C., 1; 15 C., 1; 20 C., 5; 21 C., 1;? C., 3; 1 Vet. C., 1; 2 I., 1; 4 A., 8; 5 A., 3; 6 A., 16. 29 B., 1. 1 C., 1. Navy, 3. UnVet. C., 2. 10 Mass., 1; 49 Mass., 1; 51 Mass., 1; 55 Mass., 1. 1 Mo. known, 32. Total, 73. C., 1. 8 N. J., 1. 9Vt., 1; 11Vt.,1. 1Vt. C.,1. Unknown, 12. CORTLAhDT.-I I., 1; 21., 7; 4 I., 2; 5 I., 2; 9 I., 13; 10 I., 3; 12 I., Total, 122. 1; 13I., 1; 15I.,1; 17I.,2; 18I.,2; 25I.,1; 27I.,8; 32I.,1; 36I., WHITEHALL. —2 I., 3; 5 I., 1; 22 I., 5; 57 I., 1; 69 1., 1; 77 T., 1; 87 1; 38 T., 2; 39 T., 1; 40 I., 2; 43 I., 1; 47 I., 2; 48 I., 4; 50 I., 1; 52 I., 1; 93 I.,2; 123I.,36; 142I.,2; 146 I., 1; 169I.,7; 176 I.,1. 14 I., 2; 57 I., 1; 59 I., 16; 67 1., 1; 68 I., 1; 69 T., 1; 70 I., 2; 90 I., 1; 91 A., 1. 1 C., 1; 5 C., 9; 20 C., 1; 2 Vet. C., 7. 25 Ill., 1. 25 Mass., 1. 1. 2; 95I.,9; 96I.,1; 112 I, 1; 121I.,2; 135I., 1; 145 I., 1; 155 I., 1Pa.,1. 2Vt.,l 1; 9Vt.,l 1; 14 Vt., 1; 15 Vt., 1. 8 U. S., 1; 11U. 2; 165 I., 1; 168 I., 6; 176 I., 4. 1 A., 1; 2 A., 1; 4 A., 1; 5 A., 2; 6 S.,2;?U.S., 1. Navy, 4. Unknown-, 30. Total, 126. A., 107; 9 A., 1. 1 C., 1; 2 C., 11; 5 C., 1; 6 C., 3; 13 C., 1; 16 C., 1; 18 C., 1. 6 Conn., 1; 17 Conn., 1;? Conn., 1. 3 Mass., 1; 54 Mass., 1. ~WAYNE COUNTY. 1 N. J.,1; 39 N. J., 1. 2 Pa., 1; 28 Pa., 1. 19 U. S.,1. 11 U. S. ~VVBY^~l: COUNI~Y. ~ Colored, 1; 20 U. S. Colored, 4; 31 U. S. Colored, 1. 19 M., 1. Navy, ARCADIA.-12 I., 1; 15 I., 1; 17 I., 12; 27 I., 1; 33 I., 3; 44 I., 1; 76 34. Unknown, 43. Total, 340. I., 1; 78 I., 1; 81I., 1; 89 I., 1; 91 I., 1; 94 I., 2; 97 I., 1; 98 I., 4; 100 EAST CESTER. —l I., 1; 3 I., 1; 5., 3; 6 I., 1; 7 I., 2; 9 I., 2; 11 I., 1; 111 I, 50; 118 I., 1; 148 I, 1; 149 I., 1; 160 I., 44; 161I.,1; 193., 1; 132 I., 1; 15 I., 5; 29 I., 1; 38 I., 1; 45 I., 2; 48 I., 1; 51 I., 1; 52 I.,1; 194I.,1. 1 A, 1; 9 A.,1;14A.,7. 18B.,1;25B.,1. 2C.,1; I.,2; 58 I.,1; 61I., 1; 64 I-.,1; 67 I.,1; 69 I., 2; 71 I., 2; 79 I., 1; 83 8 C., 11; 10 C., 3; 22 C., 5. 1 Mich., 1; 2 Mich, 1; 16 Mich, 1. 11 I., 1; 103I.,1; 119I.,1; 126I.,1; 127I.,1; 132I., 1; 135 I., 1; 175 U.S. 1. 2 M.,1. 2 lM.R.,24. Navy, 3. Unknown, 11. Total, 206. I, 1. 6 A., 20; 8 A., 4; 15 A., 4; 6 A., 1. 1 C., 2; 2 C., 1. 19 Conn., 3UTLER. —3 I., 1; 16 I., 3; 50 I., 4; 75 I., 5; 76 I., 2; 93 I., 1. 96 I., 1. 2 Iowa, 1; 39 N. J., 1; 35 Ohio, 1; 101 Ohio, 1. 14 U. S., 1. 1 7; 97 I., 1; M11 I., 3; 128 I., 1; 138 I., 6; 193 I., 2. 9 A., 29. 27 B., 1. M. RIt., 5. 2 M., 1. 7 M., 4; 8 M., 1; 9 M., 2; 12 M., 1; 17 M. 11; 47i Unknown, 6. Total, 72. M., 1. Navy, 10. Unknown, 11. Total, 127. GALEN.-15 I., 1; 27 1., 4; 28 I., 1; 311., 1; 37 I., 1; 47 I., 1; 50 I., GREENBURG.-I1 I., 2; 2 I., 1; 5 I., 1; 6 I., 2; 7 I., 1; 8 I., 1; 9 1., 4; 58 I., 3; 67 I., 3; 75 I., 3; 76 I., 1; 81 I., 1; 90 I., 11; 91 I., 2; 94 I., 4; 13 I., 1; 17 I., 5; 18 I., 1; 22 I., 1; 27 I., 3; 32 I., 10; 33 I., 1; 36 I., 1; 96 I., 2; 97I., 3; 98 I., 1; 100 I., 1; 105 I., 2; 111 I., 31; 115 I., 1; 1; 37 1., 3; 38 I., 1; 41 I., 1; 42 I., 1; 48 I., 2; 51 I., 2; 56 I.,2; 57 I., 126 I.. 1; 138 I., 4; 148 I., 1; 156 I., 1; 160 I., 1; 162 I., 1; 193 I., 1. 6; 62 I., 1; 69 I., 4; 72 I., 1; 95 I., 7; 102 I., 2; 111I., 1; 127 I., 1; 132 1. A., 1; 2 A., 1; 3 A., 1; 8 A., 1; 9 A., 82; 16 A., 2. 1 B., 1; 7 B., 1. I., 1; 135 I., 3; 139 I., 2; 157 1., 1. 2 A., 2; 3 A., 1; 4 A., 1; 5 A., 1; 2C.,2; 3C., 1; 8C., 3; 10 C., 3; 22 C., 1; 25 C.,1. 23 11.1. I. 17 6 A., 32; 7 A., 9. 5 B., 1; 23 B., 2. 1 C., 3; 11 C., 1; 22 C., 1; 25 C., Mich., 1; 21 Mich., 1;? Mich., 1.? Ohio, 1. 22 Pa., 1. 14 R. I., 2. 1. 14. Conn., 1; 22 Conn., 1; 28 Conn., 1. 2 Conn. A., 1. 36 Ill., 1;? U.S., 1. Navy, 2. Unknown, 27. Total, 228. 72 111., 1. 10 Mass., 1. 4 Mass., C., 1; 5 Mass. C., 1. 22 N.J., 1. 1 TURON.-44I., 1; 75 I., 10; 90 I., 1; 97 I.,4; 98 I., 2; 101I., 1; 108 N. J. A., 1. 12 R. I., 1. 7 U. S., 1. 3 U. S. C., 1. 5 M., 3; 7 M., 2; I, 1; Il I., 2; 138 T., 3; 160 I., 1; 184 I., 1. 2 A., 2; 3 A., 8; 9, 4 8., 1; 9 M., 1; 69 M., 1; 71 M., 1; 79 M., 2; 84 M., 1; 93 9A1l. Navy1 10 C., 2; 22 C., 1. 7 Mo., 1. 14 R. I., I. Navy, 2. Unknown, 3. 6. Unknown, 33. Total, 198. Total, 88. IA3lIsoN.-Unknown, 3. Total, 3. LYONS.-5 I., 1; 15 I., 1; 22 I., 2; 25 I., 1; 27 I., 21; 38 I., 1; 57 I., LEVwISBURG. —7 I., 1; 12 I., 1; 38 I., 1; 41 I., 1; 44 I., 2; 48 I., 1; 2; 75 I., 1; 76I., 1; 86 I., 1; 91I., 2; 94 I., 2; 98 I., 3; 111 I., 21; 117 711., 1; 125 I., 1; 127I.,1; 156I.,1; 170I., 1. 2A., 1; 4A., 12; 6., i; 138 I., 12; 142 I., 1; 160 I., 35; 194 I., 1. 3 A., 3; 8 A., 1; 9 A., A., 2. 1 Conn., 2; 2 Conn., 3; 6 Conn., 2; 9 Conn., 1; 10 Conn., 2; 13 29; 13 A., 1; 14 A., 1. 1 B., 1; 27 B., 1. 3 C., 1; 8 C., 1; 10 C., 2; Conn., 2; 17 Conn., 9; 19 Conn., 1; 23 Conn., 1. 2 Conn. A., 1; 3 22 C., 18. 1 Vet. C., 1. 1 Cal., 1. 9 Mass., 1. 2 Mich., 1. 29 U. S. Conn. A., 1. 10 Mass., 1. 5 Ohio, I. Total, 54. Colored, 2. 2 M. R., 2. Navy, 10. Unknown, 24 Total, 211. MATARONECK-5 I., 1; 26 I., 1; 39 I., 1; 47 I., 1; 55 I., 1. 6 A., 1. MAcEDoN.-8 I., 1; 13 I., 1; 28 I., 1; 33 I., 3; 52 I., 1; 78 I., 1; 89 31 B., 1. 12 Conn., 1; 123 Conn., 1. 6 R. I., 1. Navy, 5. Unknown, I., 1; 98 I., 1; 1Il1., 6; 117 I., 1; 124 I., 1; 126 I., 3; 128 I., 1; 148 I., 7. Total, 22. 1; 160I., 7. 3A.,2; 9 A., 14; 11A.1. 1. 4 1. I C, 1. 1 Vet. C.,1. MoRRISaN-t — I., 6; 4 I., 1, 5 I., 7; 6 I., 1; 7 I., 2; 10 T., 1; 12 T., 140 111., J. 1 Iowa C., 1. 11 U. S., 1. Remaining enlistments occurred 6; 13 I., 1; 14 I., 1; 15 I., 5; 17 I., 13; 20 1., 7; 22 I., 2; 27 1., 1; 34 1., at the following places, viz: Auburn, 12; Detroit, 1; Elmira, 4; Roch- 1; 37 I., 1; 38 I., 3; 39 I., 2; 40 I., 2; 42 I., 2; 44 I., 1; 45 I., 1; 46 I., ester, 3. Unknown, 9. Total, 82. 3; 47 I., 1; 51 I., 1; 52 I., 1; 53 I., 1; 54 I., 1; 55 I., 3; 58 I., 4; 63 I., 1; MARION.-2 I., 1; 3 I., 1; 17 I., 1; 33 I., 2; 50 I., 2; 85 I., 1; 97 I., 65 TI., 1; 66 I., 2; 67 I., 2; 68 I., 1; 69 I., 3; 74 I., 1; 75 I., 1; 79 I., 1; 1; 98 I., 7; 1111., 15; 121I., 1; 160 I., 15; 194 I., 11. I A., 2; 9 A., 82 I., 5; 91 TI., 1; 93 I., 2; 95 I., 5; 99 I., 1; 102 I., 3; 103 I., 1; 104 I., 1; 15. 3C.,1; 8C.,5; 9C., 1. 55 Ill., 1.? Mo., 1. 2 M.R.,2. Navy, 2. 115 I., 1; 119 I., 2; 122 I., 1; 125 I., 2; 128 I., 1; 131 I., 2; 133 I., 1; 135 Unknown, 45. Total, 133. I., 10; 136 I., 1; 142 I., 1; 165 I., 1; 170 I., 1; 178 I., 1; 191 I., 1. 2 A., 1; ONTARIO. — 5 I., 1; 8I.,1; 12.,1; 13 T.,2; 22 I., 1; 27 T., 1; 33., 3 A., 1; 5 A., 2; 6 A., 10; 15 A., 3; 16 A., 1;? A., 1. 6 B., 3. 1 C.,4; 4; 44 I., 1; 49 I., 2; 65I.,6; 75 I.,1; 76 I., 2; 93I.,1; 96 I., 8; 97 1., 4C., 1; 60C.,5; 14 C.,1; 20 C., 1; 24 C., 1; 25 C., 2. 1 Cal., 1. 3 2; 981., 1; 108 I., 3; 111 I., 7; 138 I., 21; 140 I., 4; 160 I., 1; 196 I., 1. Conn., 1; 10 Co., 1; 12 onn., 1; 25 Conn., 1; 28 Con., 1;? Conn., 4 A., 1; 9 A., 31. 1 B., 1. 3 C., 3; 8C.,12; 22 C.,2; 26 C., 1. 1 Vet. 1 De., 1; 34 Ill., 1; 82 Ill., 1; 9KansasC., 1; 4 Maine, 1; 2 Mass., C.,3. 8Ill. C.,1. 2 1Mo.,1. 14R. I.,3;?R. I.B,1. 14Wis.B.,1. 1; 16 Mass., 1; 32 Mass., 1. 2N. J., 4; 5 4 N.J., 1; 22 N.J., 1. 1 N. 2M.R, 1. NIavy., l. Unknown, 5. Total, 137. J.C., 2. 23 Ohio, 1. 74 Pa., 1. 5R.I.,1;?R.I.,1 1 1Tenn.1. 6 " ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~U. S., 1. 4LU. S.A.,I1; 5 U. S.A., 1. 2Ma., 5; 5M n., 2; 6 M;, 1; 7 PT?127 T1 T9I., T91; 148T.,9 1; T 1., 15; 194 I.,4 T U.. 4 U.. A., 10; 3 U.. A., 1; 4 A., 2; 6, 1, 7 A.,6; 14.,A1; 16RA.,1. 26 T.,1. I T 1; 3C.,1; 8C.,9;9 o PLS. —I.,1; 3.,1; 6 I.,3; 15 I., 1; 32 I., 15; 37 I., C., 1; 11 C., 1; 15 C., 1; 22 C.,2a. 1 Yet. C., 10. 9M~ich., 1. 6 Mich. 1;~.33 I., 2; 39IX., 1; 40 I., 2; 46 I., 1; 48 I., 2; 47I1., 1; 49 I., 1; 56 I., C., 1. 22 Ohio, 1. 3bloC.,1. 20 Pa. C.,1. 10U. S. Colored, 1;20 1; 57 I., 1; 5915., 1; 15 I., 1; 954.,7; 1272.,3; 133 I., 1; 135 I., 3; 192 U.S. Colored,,. 2JM.RL., 2. Navy, 1. Unknown, 20. Tota,203. 1 I.,1. 1A.,1; 1., 1; 41.,; 6.,1; 7A., 1; 14 a., 1. 24 B., 1;?B., 1. 1 C., 3; 2 C., 1; 13 C.,1; 16.,1; 25 C9., 1. 1 53 Pa., 1. 3 RosC. —2 5 I., 1; 27 I., 4; 44 I., 1; 61 h., 1; 67 I., 4; 75 I., 2; 90 I., 4. 56 I., C ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~S, 1. 22Oi,1. 3. Ohio., 1. 20MP. C., 1. 12 U., S. Colove, 1;2115. UnL oL' 5L 2 ^ 13- ^15L 98 I., 6; 105 I., 1; 111 I., 22; 188 I., 1. 3 A., 13; 9 A., 60. 26 B., 1; To/n l, "o C., 1; 10 C., 9; 21 C., 1. ~known, 9 Ttl 2 8 C.,1;10C,9;21C,1. 12 Ill.. 1. 46 Pa., 1. 15 Pa.C., 1. 5 Wis.,'' 1. 2 M. R., 1. Unknown, 2. Total, 139. NEw CASTLE. —6 I., 4; 6 I., 3'; 17 I., 3; 22 I., 1; 57 I., ]; 61 I., 1; 150 T., 1. 15 A., 1; 6 A., 5. 17 B., 1. Unknown, 11. Total, 32. Sni^Twtr. —15 1., 3; 19 1., 2; 33 I., l.; 50 I., 7; 75 I., 3; 76 1., 2; 111I. 23; 113,I., 1; 134 I., 1; 138 I., 2; 147 I., 1; 193 I., 3. 3Ad., 1; ). -,. 4 A., 1; 9 A., 21; 10 A., 1. 19B 1.,. 8 C., 1; 11 C., 1. 2 Mich., 1. 38, 1; 43., 1; 48I., 1; 59., 1; 2 I., 1; 63 I., 2; 67., 1; 73 I. 4; 1 Wis.,1. Navy, 3. Unknown, 15. Total,96 78 I. l; 82 I.; 95 I. 1; 106 T.; 130 L. 1; 132 L. 1 158 I. 1 12.,1; I6 2.,17 3.271; 1., 5. 1-44 4I -7 B.,4. 6 C., 2; 22 C., 1. Vet. So10 s. —14 75 I 7 17 QPT 3; Q7 T 1; 33 I., 1; 44 I., 2; 48 I., 1;es. Co1rs, 1. 2 Conn., 2. 2 Mass., 1. 93 Pa., 1. 10 10; 75 I., 1; 7b I., 1; 96 I., 3; 97 I., 1; 98 I., 16; 105 I., 2; 111 I., 32; p y i ii 1 TT ^ S ^ 1 ^ M 1; 7 M 9 o M A 121 I., 1; 148 1., 1; 160 I., 15. 3 A., 6; 9 A., 31; 11 A.,1; 16 A.; 1. 7 T n-n 19 Tntnl <^A 21B.,1. 3 C., 1;8 C., 4; 22 C.,4. 1Vet. C.,2. 33 Ill., 1. o Nay 7lo 1. 23Mich., 1. 23hio C., 1. 25hPa, 1 7U S Colored 1; 8 U S NORTH CASTLE-2 I., 1; 5 I., 1; 27 I., 3; 38 I., 2; 49 I., 7; 95 I., 3; Colored, 1. 2 M. R., 2. Navy, 3. Unknown, 22. Total, 178. ]20 I., 1; 164 I., 1. 4 A., 1; 5 A., 10; 6 A., 15; 14 A., 2. 24 B., 1. 20 c,3 1. 10 Conn., 2; 15 Conn., 2; 29 Conn., 5; 49 Conn., 1. 20 U. WYaltwo aT. —13 I., 1; 18 1., 1; 27 I., 1; 33 1., 2; 59 I., 2; 64 I., J; n ^1 I- I t.r 8R Q,- TTnknoTvi 11 tnl 00 65 I., 1; 75 I., 1; 105 I., 1; 107 I., 1; 108 I., 2; 111 I., 11; 120 I., 1; 140..'' I., 2; 147 I., 2; 149 I., 2; 160 I., 5; 194 I., 3. 1 A., 1; 4 A., 5; 9 A.,.NORTHt SaTLEM. —38 I., 1.? U.S., 12. Unknown, 10. Total, 23. 29. 18 B., 1. 2 C., 1; 8 C., 5; 10 C., 1; 22 C., 3. 1 Vet. C., 2. 29 OsstxiG. —2 I., 1; 5 I., 1; 9 I., 1; 11I.,2; 15 I., 2; 17 I., 13; 19 I., Ind., 1. 15 Mass., 1. 97 Pa., 1. 2 Tenn, 1. 8 U. S. Colored, 1; 14 1; 37 I., 1; 41 I., 1; 51 I., 1; 55 1., 1; 59 I., 2; 69 I., 2; 81I., 1; 95 I., U.S. Colored, 2; 31U. S. Colored, 1. Unknown, 3. Total, 99. 5; 97I.,1; 125I.,1; 127 I.,2; 133I., 1; 170I., 1. 4A.,4; 5 A, 2; 6 636 APPENDIX. A. 30. 1 C., 3; 2 C., 2; 4 C., 1; 6 C., 1; 11 C., 1; 13 C., 2. 2 Conn., I. GENESEE FALLS. —33 I., 1; 104 I., 1; 105 I., 1; 107 I., 1; 126 I., 1;?Mass., 1. 101 Ohio, 1; 17 Wis., 1. 4 U. S., 1. 26 U. S. Colored, 1. 130 I., 14; 136 I., 5; 149 I., 1; 154 I., 1. 4 A., 6; 7 A., 1; 13 A., 5. 1 Navy, 13. Unknown, 36. Total, 142. Vet. C., 1. 122 Pa., 1. 12 Wis., 1. 1 M. R., 1; 2 M. R., 2. Unknown, PELHAM.-8 I., 4; 14 I., 1; 17 I., 1; 25 I., 1; 102 I., 1. Navy, 2. 1. Total, 45. Total, 10. JAVA-44 I., 3; 61 I., 1; 93 I., 1; 97 I., 1; 104 I., 7; 115 I., 1; 130 I., POUNDRIDGE.-4 I., 1; 6 I., 12; 11 I., 1; 20 I., 1; 41 I., 1; 170 I., 1. 5; 136 I., 1; 140 I., 1; 147 I., 2; 175 I., 1; 179 I., 1; 187 I., 12; 193 T., 1 Conn., 4; 2 Conn., 2; 6 Conn., 9; 8 Conn., 2; 13 Conn., 6; 17 Conn., 1. 8 A., 1; 9 A., 1. 8 C., 1; 9 C., 7. 15 Ill., 1. 35 Ind., 1. 21 Wis., 6; 19 Conn., 1; 28 Conn., 9. Unknown, 7. Total, 63. 1. 2 M. R., 1. Unknown, 5. Total, 57. RYE.-2 I., 1; 5 I., 1; 15 I., 3; 17 I., 12; 38 I., 1; 39 I., 1; 46 I., 1; MIDDLEBURY. —17 I., 9; 104 I., 1; 105 I., 7; 116 I., 1; 129 I., 1; 130 49I., 6; 511.,1; 57I.,1; 62I.,1; 76 I., 1; 90 I.,1; 95 I.,2; 103.1; I., 136 1, 6; 160I.,1. 8 A., 3. 18 B., 4; 22B.,1. 5C, 1; 9C. 1271., 1; 135 I., 18; 158 I., 2; 165 I., 1; 170 I., 1; 193 I., 1. 5 A., 2; 15. 7111. C., 1. 2 Iowa,. ch., 1; 14 Mic., 1. 9 Michnn, 1. 3 6A.,10; 13A.,1. 2 B., 1. I C., 1; 8 C., 1. 2 Conn., 2; 6 Conn., 1; Wis., 1. 14 U. S., 1. 6 U.S.,A.,1. 6U.S. C.,1. 2 M. R., 1. 67 10 Conn.,'2; 17 Conn., 2; 28 Conn., 3; 29 Conn., 3;? Conn., 1. 4 Mass., M., 1. Unknown, 5. Total, 85. 1; 45 Mass., 1. 13N. H.,1. 55 Pa., 1. 5 U. S. 1. 4U.S. A., 1. 20 ORANGEVILLE. —17 I., 1; 49 I., 1; 105 I., 1; 130 I., 3; 136 I., 10; 160 U. S. Colored, 1. 1 M. R., 4. 18 M., 14;? M., 1. Navy, 11. Marine I., 1. 8 A., 1; 9 A., 2. 24 B., 1. 2 C., 2; 9 C., 34.? Vet. C., 1. 1 A., 2. Unknown, 34. Total, 161. Wis., 1; 3 Wis., 1. 2 M. R., 1;? M. R., 1. Unknown,. Total, 63. SCARSDALE.-51 I., 1; 95 I., 1; 135 I., 4; 178 I., 1. 5 A., 1. 2 Kan- PERRY.-17 I., 1; 27 I., 1; 47 I., 1; 89 I., 3; 104 I., 1; 111 I., 1; 117 sas, 1. 7 M., 1. Navy,- 1. Unknown, 3. Total, 14. I., 2; 130 I., 14; 136 I., 8; 141 I., 1; 194 I., 1. 4 A., 5; 8 A., 2; 11 A., 1; SoMERs. —l I., 2; 6 I., 4; 17 I., 1; 38 I., 1; 59 I., 1; 95 I., 1; 150 I., 1. 13 A., 2. 24 B., 8. 3 C., 1; 8 C., 1; 9 C., 20; 22 C., 1. I Vet. C., 1. 4 A., 11; 6 A., 10. 2 C., 1. 17 Conn., 1; 2 Conn., A., 1. 55 Mass., 1. I Ill., 1. 13 Mich. B., 1. 1 Ohio A., 1. 17 Pa. C., 1. 2 M. R., 5. 26 U.S. Colored, 1. 19 M., 1. Unknown, 2. Total, 40. Navy,. Unknown, 11. Total, 97. WESTCHESTER.-2 I., 1; 3 I., 1; 5 I., 1; 7 I., 3; 10 I., 2; 13 I., 2; 15 PIKE.-12 I., 1; 27 I., 1; 33 I., 5; 35 I., 1; 78 T., 6; 104 I., 21; 105 I., I, 1; 17 I., 1; 22 I., 1; 27 I., 1; 36 I., 1;'37 I., 1; 39 I., 3; 47 I., 1; 48 1; 129 I., 1; 130 I., 15; 136 I., 19; 188 I., 1. 4 A., 7; 13 A., 2. 18 B., L, 5; 51I., 1; 551. 1; 57 I., 1; 61., 2; 62 I., 1; 65 I., 1; 66., 6; 69 1; 24 B, 1; 25 B, 1. 5 C., 9; 9 C., 3. 102 Pa, 1. 2 M. R, 13. UnI., 1; 71I., 5; 72 I., 1; 84 I., 4; 99 I., 2; 101 I., 1; 103 I., 1; 107 I., 1; known, I. Total, 111. 133 I., 2; 135 I., 1; 136 I., 1; 140 I., 1; 149 I., 1; 164 I., 1; 165 I., 1; SIELDON.-21 I., 3; 44 I., 1; 49 I., 2; 129 I., 1; 130 I., 5; 136 I., 15; 174 I., 1; 176'I., 1. I A., 1; 4 A., 1; 5 A., 3; 6 A., 5; 14 A., 1; 15 A., 151 I., 2; 160 I., 1; 179 I., 1; 188 I., 1. 8 A., 16. 25 B., 5. 5 C., 2; 2. 28 B., 1. 2 C., 1; 4C., 1; 5 C., 1; 14 C., 1. 1 Cal., 1. 15 Conn., 8 C., 2; 9 C., 30; 13 C., 2. 55 Ill., 1. 67 Ind., 1. 8 Mich. C., 1. 11 1. 32 11., 1. 25 Ind., 1. 3 Maine, 1. 24 Mass., 1. 10 N. H., 1; 12 U.S.,1. 2 M.R.,1. 67 M.,1. Unknown, 7. Total, 102. N. H., 1. 2 N. J., 1. 29 Pa., 1; 118 Pa., 1. 2 Vt., 1; 5 Vt., 1. 4U. WARSAW. —9 I., 1; 17 I., 20; 21 I. 1; 26 I., 1; 37 I., 1; 63 I., 1; 69 S., 1; 7 U. S., 2; 12 U. S, 1; 14 U. S., 2; 16 U. S, 1; 17 U. S.,WAS - 1. 1; U104 I. 2; 10 I., 1; 129 ", 1; 130 I, 22; 136 6,,',',',', ~ ~ I~~~~1? -., 1; 75 L., 1; 100 I., 1; 104 I., 2; 108 I., 1; 129 I., 1; 130 I., 22; 136 I., S., 1; 4U. S. A., 1. 6 M., 1; 7 M., 2; 37 M., 1; 71 M., 2. 1 M. R., 2. 22; 151 I., 1; 162 I., 1; 187 I., 1. 8 A., 7; 13 A., 1; 14 A., 1. 26 B., Navy, 25. Unknown, 16. Total, 154. 1; 31 B., 2. 1 C., 1; 5 C., 3; 9 C., 13. 1 Vet. C., 1. 152 Ind., 1. 1 WEST FARMS.-I I.,2; 3 I., 1; 4 I., 2; 5 I., 6; 7 I., 3; 10 T., 1; 11 I., Ind. C., 1. 6 Mich., 1. 1 Mich. A., 1. 2 N. H., 1. 13U. S., 1. 2 U. 2; 12 I., 2; 14 I., 1; 15 I., 1; 17 1., 6; 22 I., 1; 25 I., 1; 26 I., 1; 28 I., S. Colored, 1; 26 U. S. Colored, 1; 54 U. S. Colored, 1. 2 M. R., 1. 1; 38 I., 1; 39 I., 1; 41 I., 1; 43 I., 1; 45 I., 1; 48 I., 1; 54 I., 1; 57 I., Navy, 1. Unknown, 12. Total, 132. 1; 58 I., 1; 65 I., 1; 69 I., 1; 71I., 2; 72 I., 1; 79 I., 2; 82 I., 1; 84 I., WETHERSFIELD-. —15 I., 2; 35 I., 4; 67 I., 1; 130 I., 5; 136 I., 7; 187 1; 91I., 1; 95 I., 1; 102 I., 3; 121 I., 1; 125 I., 2; 127 I., 1; 135 I., 40; i 1. 8 A, 2. 6 0, 1; 9 0, 1;? 0, 1. 12 Ind, L 171 Pa, 1. 11 137 1., 1; 152 I., 1; 158 I., 1; 162 I., 1; 165 I., 1; 174 I., 1; 176 I., 1; U., 1. Unknown, 3. Total, 31. 177I.,1. 1 A., 1; 2 A., 1; 4 A., 1; 6 A., 13; 9 A., 1; 15 A,, 3. 1 C., 4; 2 C., 1; 6 C., 1; 8 C., 2; 14 C., 1; 15 C., 1;? C., 1. 5 Conn., 2; 11 NT Conn., 2; 12 Conn., 2. 1 Conn. B., 1. 19 Ill., 1; 32 Ill., 1; 134 Ill., 1; TES COUNT. 38 Ky., 1; 80 Pa, 1; 70 Maine, 1. 4 Md., 1. 20 Mass., 1; 1 Mass. C., BARRINGTON. —2 T,, 1; 3 I., 2; 15 I., 2; 23 I., 1; 33 I., 3; 34 I., 1; 44 1. 13N. J., 1. 35 N. J., 1; 3 N. J, C., 1. 47 Ohio, 1;? R. I. A, 1. I., 1; 50 I., 4; 76 I-, 1; 85 I., 1; 86 I., 1; 89 I., 1; 107 I., 1; 126 I., 9; 3 U.S.,I; 12 U. S., 1;? U.S.S. S., 1. 2M.,2;6M.,1;7M.,2; 8 M., 147 I., 1; 148 I., 8; 184 I., 1. 9 A., 1. 23 B., 1. 2C.,1. 13 MIich., 1. 3; 22 M., 3; 37 M., 4; 69 M., 2; 71 M., 1; 84 M., 1; 93 M., 1. Navy, U.S.S.S. 1. Unknown, 6. Total, 50. 26. Unknown, 21. Total, 228. BENTO. —3 I., 1. 15 I., 1; 23 I., 1; 33 I., 3; 35 I., 1; 38 I., 3; 44 I., WHITE PLAINS.-27 I., 1. Unknown, 7. Total, 8. 5; 50 I., 7; 58 I., 1; 86 I., 1; 89 I., 1; 100 I., 2; 102 I., 1; 108 I., 1; 111 YONKERS. —1 I., 1; 3 I., 4; 4 I., 3; 5 I., 10; 6 I., 1; 7 I., 1; 9 I., 2; I., 1; 126 I., 11; 128 I., 1; 146 I., 1; 148 I., 23; 179 I., 1; 188 I., 2; 194 12 I., 1; 17 I., 14; 19 I., 1; 25 I., 1; 37 I., 2; 40 I., 1; 45 I., 2; 47 I., 1; I., 3; 3 A., 1; 13 A., 1; 14 A., 7; 15 A., 3; 16 A., 1.' 3 B., 1; 28 B., 1. 49 I., 1; 50 I., 1; 52 I., 1; 57 I., 1; 65 I., 1; 72 I., 1; 79 I., 1; 91 I., 2; 1 C0., 1; 6 C., 1; 8 C., 1; 9 C., 1; 16 C., 1; 20 C., 2; 22 C., 1. 1 Vet. 95 I., 2; 96 I., 1; 100 1, 1; 104 I., 1; 106 I., 1; 115 I.,1;117I, 1;133 C, 2. 11 Pa. C., 3. 1 U. S. S. S., 3. 1 M. R, 1; 2M. R, 1; 58 M.,2.., 1, 135 I., 1; 146 I., 2; 151 I., 1; 165 I., 1. 1 A., 1; 2 A., 5; 3 A., 1; Unknown, 24. Total, 131. 4'A., 3; 5 A., 1; 6 A., 45; 8 A., 1; 16 A., 2;? A., 1. 1 C., 2; 2 C., 1; ITALY.-3 I., 1; 15 I., 1; 44 I., 20; 50 I., 2; 77 I., 1; 96 I., 1; 100 I., 6 C., 2; 18 C., 2; 22., 4; 24 C., 1. 1 Conn., 1; 4 Conn., 1; 5 Conn., 1; 102I;,4; 111I.,1; 126I.,5; 130I.,1; 144I.,1; 161.,1; 179I.,1; 1; 14 Conn., 1; 22 Conn., 1. 6 N. J., 1;? N. J., 1. 11 Pa., 1; 102 Pa., 188 I., 22; 194 I., 3. 3 A., 1; 4 A., 6; 8 A., 1; 14 A., 1; 16 A., 2;? A., 1; 131 Pa., 1; 14 R. I., 1. 35 U. S. Colored, 1. 9 M., 1; 13 M., 1; 17 1. 10C.,1; 22C.,1. 5 Wis., 1. 2M.R.,2; 58M.,2. Unknown, 7. M., 8; 20 M.,1. 1 M. R., 5. Navy, 25. Unknown, 61. Total, 254. Total, 92. YORKTOWN. —10 I., 1; 12 I., 1; 17 I., 1; 19 I., 1; 27 I., 1; 47 I., 2; 59 JERUSALEM.-3 I., 1; 12 I., 1; 13 I., 1; 15 I., 5; 18 I., 1; 22 I., 1; 23., 1; 72 I., 1; 79 I., 1; 95 I., 5; 114 I., 1; 127 I., 1; 168 I., 2. 4 A., 2; I., 1; 25 I., 1; 27., 1; 33 I., 2; 34 I., 1, 44 I., 4; 50 I., 17; 58 I., 2; 5A.,1; 6A.,15; 13A.,3;?A.,I. 2C. 3. 1U.S. C., 1. 18 M., 14. 64I., 1; 76I.,1; 85I.,2; 105I.,3; 124I., 1; 126I.,24; 136I.,1; 148 Navy, 4. Unknown, 4. Total, 67. I., 17; 161 1., 3; 179 I., 4; 188 I., 1; 192 I., 1; 194 I., 15. 4 A., 2; 13 A., 1; 14 A., 13. 1 B., 2. 1 C., 1; 6 C., 1; 22 C., 1. 1 Vet. C., 1. 7 lWYOMING COUNTY. Mich.,3 1.1 U.S. S.S., 2. 7 U.S., Unknown, 13. Total, 152. 1 ~~' MtiMIDDLESEX.-13 I., 1; 28 I., 1; 33 I., 2; 34 I., 1; 48 I., 1; 76 T., I; 85 ATTICA. —49 I., 1; 105 I., 3; 109 I., 1; 120 I., 1; 130 I., 8; 136 I., 1; I. 2; 86 I., 1; 93 I., 1; 100 I., 1; 111 I., 1; 126 I., 5; 148 I., 11. 4 A., 160I.,7; 184I., 1. 1 A.,1; 8 A.,1; 9 A.1. 5 C., 2; 8 C., 1; 9 C., 2. 6; 14A., 1; 16 A., 1. 26 B., 1. 8 C., 1; 15 C., 1; 22 C., 1. 12 Mich., 46 Mass., l. 2M. R.3. Navy,1. Uniknown, 5. Total, 41. 1. I Oregon 0., 1. 9 Pa., 1; 76 Pa., l. Unknown 2. Total, 47. BENNINGTOX. —9 I., 1; 14 I., 4; 21 I., 1; 28 I., 2; 49 I., 2; 81 I., 1; MILO. —3 I., 1; 5 I., 1; 15 I., 2; 33 I., 13; 35 I., 1; 44 I., 9; 50 I., 12; 94 I., 1; 98 I., 1; 101 I., 1; 105 I., 8; 116 I., 1; 129 I., 4; 130 1., 8; 51 I., 1; 59 1. 1; 64 I., 2; 69 I., 1; 81 I., 1; 85 I., 2; 89 1., 1; 97 I., 1; 136 I., 8; 153 I., 1; 160 I., 2; 187 I., 3. 2 A., 1; 8 A., 14; 15 A., 1. 100I., 1; 102 I., 4; 104 I., 1; 125 I., 3; 126 I., 16; 136 I., 1; 147 I., 2; 1 B.,1; 18 B.,1; 25 B.,1. 8 C.,2; 9C.,2; 10C.,2; 13C.,1; 16C.,1; 148I., 17; 179 I., 1; 187I.,1; 188I.,1; 189I.,1; 1941.,4. 3 A., 3; 18 C., 1. 42 Ind., 1. 9 Ohio, 1. 14 Wis., 1. 2 M. R., 1. Navy, 1. 5 A., 1; 8 A., 1; 14 A., 17; 16 A., 2. 1 B., 1;? B., 1. 20 0., 1; 24 C., Unknown, 5. Total, 87. 1. 12 111., C., 1. 9.Kansas C., 1. 11 Pa. C., 3. 5 U.S. C, 1. I U. CASTILE. —27 I., 1; 75 I.,.1; 94 I., 1; 104 I., 3; 108 1., 1; 130 I., 22; S. S. S., 2. 26 U. S. Colored, 3. 2 M. R., 1. 58 M., 7. Post Band, 1. 136 1., 3; 140 1., 1; 160 I., 1. 8 A., 5. 9 C., 2. 9 Conn., 1. 24 Ind. Navy, 6. Unknown, 14. Total, 170. B.,1. 2 Mich.,I; 3Mich 1. 83 Pa., 1. 51U. S.A.,1. 1 M.R.,2; POTTER. —15 I., 8 23 I., 1; 26 I., 1; 28 I., 3; 33 I., 1; 34 I., 2; 44 I., 2; 2 M.R.,12. Unknown, 10. Total, 71. 48 I., 1; 50 I., 6; 58 I., 1; 64 I., 1; 85 I., 2; 91 I., 1; 100 I., 2; 124 I., 1; CHINA.-21 I., 1; 44 I., 1; 52 I., 1; 641., 1; 78 I., 6; 81 I., 1; 102 I., 3; 126 1., 8; 146 I., 1; 148 I., 26; 188 I., 1; 190 I., 1; 194 I., 4. 1 A., 1; 3 A., 104 I., 1; 105 I., 1; 120 I., 2; 130 I., 20; 136 I., 4; 154 I., 3; 160 I., 1; 1; 4 A., 3; 14A., 4; 16 A., 4. 26 B., 4; 28 B., 1. 2 C., 1; 8 C., 6; 15 164 I, 1; 188 I., 1. 3 A., 1; 8 A., 3. 24 B., 3. 9 C., 2; 13 C., 1. C.. 3; 24 C., 1. 42 Ill., 2. 2 Mich., 2; 3 Mich., 1; 4 Mich., 1. 7 Mich. 7Ind.,l. 14 Mich., 1. 149 Pa., 1. 2U.S.,I. Unknown, 5. Total, 67. C., 1. 8 Wis. C., 1. 1 U. S. S. S., 2. 58 M., 1. Navy,1. Unknown, COVNGTON. —17 I., 2; 33 I., 1; 64 I., 2; 100 I., 1; 104 I., 1; 105 I., 3; 12. Total, 127. 108 I., 1; 130 I., 4; 136 I., 7; 194 I., 2. 8 A., 1. 24 B., 1. 3 C., 1; STAKEX-Y-3 I., 2; 14 I., 1; 15 I., 1; 17 I., 1; 23 I., 1; 26 I., 1; 33I., 9C.,6. 6U.S.C.,1. 2 M.R.,4. Navy, l. Unknown, 7. Total, 46. 3; 50 I., 2; 77 I., 1; 76 I., 5; 85 I., 4; 86 I., 3; 89 I., 3; 100 I., 1; 103 EAGLE. —33 1., 2; 76 I., 1; 78 I., 3; 104 I., 13; 130 1., 13; 136 I., 9; I., 2; 104 I., 1; 107 I., 1; 121 1., 2; 126 I., 14; 148 I., 25; 161 I., 1; 179 154 I., 1. 4A., 1; 13 A., 9. 5 C., 5; 9 C., 1; 15 C., 1. 2 M. R., 9. I., 9; 194 I., 3. 1 A., 1; 5 A., 1; 14 A., 6. 3 C., 1; 12 C.,; 1 Vet. C., Unknown, 2. Total, 70. 1. 9 Pa. C., 1. 7 Wis., 1. 14 U. S., 4. 8 U. S., Colored, 1; 21 U. S. GAIESVILLE. —8.,1; 211.,1; 501.,1; 10)41,4; 1211, 1; 130 I., 20; Colored; 1. Post Band, 4. Navy, 1. Unknown, 7. Total, 118. 136I.,11. 8 A., 3. 24 B.I. 2C,1; 5C, 4; 9C., 3; 16 C., 1; 20 C., 1; TobEoY. —50 I. 1; 59 1., 1; 85 I., 2; 126 1., 7; 148 I., 5; 179 I., 2; 188 1Vet. Cav.,2. 16 Mich., 1; 11 Pa., 1; 47 Pa., 1. 16 Vt., 1. 8U.S.,1. I.,1; 1921.,1; 194I., 2 0 C., 1,. 7 Mich., C., 1. 41 2 M.R.,I. Unknown, 6. Total, 67. Wis., 1. Unknown, 6. Total, 32. REGIMENTS INTO WHICH ENLISTMENTS OCCURRED. [This Table (which is a summary of the preceding pages) does not show the total number of enlistments by counties or regiments, but only those living at the time the Census was taken, as reported by the families to which they belonged. Those who had died in the service, or from wounds or disease acquired in the service, will be given in a subsequent table. Non-resident recruits in New York regiments, and those without families to give statistics in their absence, are necessarily omitted. The deficiencies were further increased by the neglect, inability or unwillingness of families to give information.] NEW YORK INFANTRY REGIMENTS. COUNTIES. 1. 9 3. 4L. 5. 6. 7. S. 9. 10. II. 13. 13. 14r. 15. 16. 17. is. Albany........... 8 65 122 7 9 5 2 5 17 1....... 10 4 9 23 7 4 57 A llegany......................................................... 1...... 1 4...... 6............ I Broom e................. 1.......................................... 28...... 1 3 Cattaraugus......................................................................... 2...... 1 7............. I Cayuga................. 1.......................................... 1...... 5 1 3 5.................. Chautauqua....... 1 1 5...... 3...... 1...... 7........................ 1 47 1....... I Chemung......... 6 1 10..... 4...... 2 2 1............ 7 3 8 14 2 1 1 Chenango......... 1 1............ 2 1...... 6 1 2 1 3...... 4 4 4 17..... Clinton........... 4 7 2 1 11 2 2 4 9 6 2 4...... 1 62 135 7 1 Columbia.......... 9 2 5...... 2 3 3...... 3 2 1 3...... 43 17 3...... 3 Cortland.......... 1..... I...... 1 1............ 2............ 24...... 1 21 2...... 1 Delaware................ 2 8 2...... I I................. 1...... 2 81...... 1 2 Dutchess.......... 4 2 4...... 18 2 3 4 3 3 1 2...... 4 21 4 4 14 Erie.............. 6 3 9 a 3 2 2 16 2 12 5 10 6 11 16 13 4 2 Essex............ 3 3............ 5.................. 5 2 2 2 1 3 7 11............{ Franklin....................................... 1 1........................ 2...... I 30 48........... Fulton.................. 1 1 1.......................................... I I.................. Genesee........... I......... I.................................................. 26 6 24 1................. Greene................. 3 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 2...... I............ 66 2...... 1 H am ilton..................................................................... 1 1.................................... Herkimer..................... 3 1.............................. 1...... 1 1 13 3 2............ Jefferson............. 3.................................... 1 1 1 2 1 2 1........... 2 Kings............ 35 19 44 51 65 30 49 25 55 50 22 25 79 12 63 2 9 3 Lewis............ 2...... 7...... 106...... 2...... 1 1 l............ 53 4............ 1 Livingston......... 4...... 2........................ 1...... 2 3 2 59 1 14...... 1 1 Madison...................... 1 1 1...... 1............ 29...... 18 14 3 1 1 Monroe........... i 1 4. 1...... 2........................ 4 295 3 12 3 1 2 M ontgomery................................................................... 2...... 11 New York........ 110 67 43 72 204 80 179 99 167 161 103 90 40 36 292 27 75 13 Niagara........... 1............................................................ 2 1 1 4 1 1...... Oneida................. 6 33...... 4 1 1 1 2 3...... 4 4 194 81 6...... 2 Onondaga......... 3...... 14........................ 1 3 4 1 138 2 23 38 2...... 2 Ontario........... 2 2 1 9 1............ 1 1...... 3 2 15 1 56 1 2 28 Orange........... 3 4 53...... 10 1 3.1 4 3...... I 1 3 36...... 1 33. Orleans....................... 1 4.................... I...... 11 3 2...... 2...... Oswego................. 4 3 2 4. 3.1......... 14...... 3 5 6...... 2 Otsego............ 3 9 12...... 2 1...... 1 3 1 1 1 1 6 93 2 4 1 Putnam........... 2 2.......... 4 8 1.......................................... 2 1 2...... Queens........... 6 5 3 5 18 1 1...... 8 2 2 4 2 5 74...... 5...... Rensselaer........ 3 205 15 1 3 2 2 5 7 7 6 5 2 4 16 1 1 8 Richmond......... 3 5...... 9 2 2..... 1 1 4 1 1 I 1 3............ 1 Rockland......... 6 3 2...... 5 10 1 2 2 1...... 1...... 2 25...... 21...... St. Lawrence....... 3........................ 6...... 1 1 10 14 1 3 2 42 209 3 22 Saratoga................ 8 4 5 2 1 2 1...... 3 1 4 1 1...... 2 1 8 Schenectady...... 3 1 3.............. 2 1.................................... 1 32 Schoharie......... 1 1 3.... 2 1 1 1...... 1 1...... 1 2 13............ 3 Schuyler...................... 31 1 10............ 1...... 6............ 1 4 29 1........... Seneca........................ 2...... 1.................. 1...... 1............. 4. 49.................. Steuben........... 32 1 6...... 2 8 1 1...... 2..... 4 20 3 41...... 2 5 Suffolk........... 3 1 1 2 13 1 1 1 8 3 2 40...... 4 6................. Sullivan........... 5 8 11 1 6...... 3 1...... 5 2.................. 23............ Tioga............. 7 1 24...... 25......................... 2,-..... 1...... I 19 1............ Tom pkins............... I 5...... 1 I........... 1.................................... 6.................. Ulster............ 4 7 8 1 18 1! 4 1 3 6...'.., 2...... 1 118 1 1...... W arren................. 2 1...... 2............... 1 1 1 2...... 1 1..... W ashington............. 9............ 6 1 1....... 1...... 7....... 1 2 2 1....;.. W ayne................. 1 3...... 4............ 2................... 2 6 2 11 1 23 1 Westchester....... 16 12 8 9 42 27 14 5 23 8 6 13 5 3 21...... 72 3 W yom ing.............................................. i..... 1 2............ I 1...... 4 2...... 33...... Yates.................... 1 8...... 1.I....... <.................. I 2 1 20...... I 1,.Total........... 299i 4801| 530 | 19 | 632 203[ 286 201 349 325 |194 501 582 |539 11,696 [506i 303i 283 NEW YORK INFANTRY REGIMENTS. COUNTIES. ________________________________________________ 19.~ 20. 31.122. 23. 34. 3 5. 362. 3 7_ 38. 39. 30. 31. 33 33. 34:. 35. 36. Abn...... 2 7 9 1 11 5 7 1 1 2...... 46 7 1 11i Allegany............ 1 3................ 79 3...... 2... 5 9 3...... Broome..... 1............. 5!....... 1 97 6............ 2 1........... Cattaraugus.... 2..............''1 1......: 12... Cayuga...........: 21.... 1 6.... 1 1........ 1''' 2.......... Chautauqua............ 9 3 1....... "''..........1'...... Chemung........ 5' 1' 1 6 2 1' 2 1.'i..... 3[ Chenango......... 1 7 1 1...... 1 1 4 13..'. 2...... 1.... 1 8... ~ Changed to 3d regiment of artillery. (637) 638 APPENDIX. REGIMENTS INTO WHICH ENLISTMENTS OCCURIZED-(CONTINUED). NEW YORK INFANTRY REGIMENTS. COUNTIES. 19* 201. 2. 3. 24:. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 3.5. 36. C linton................. I...... 13...... I................................................ 20............ Colum bia............... 4 1........................ 1............ 1 20................... Cortland............................ 1 24...... I I...... I...... 1........................ 4Delaware............... 4.................................... 17 3.......................................... 2 IDatchess....... 3 3. 10 1....... i...... 1...... 4 1 35 1 5...... 2 1 1 Erie.............. 6 6 145 2 3 9 4 9 13 24 2...... 1 1 2 1 13 Essex............ 2 3...... 50............ 2 1.................. 1......... 1 13 1 1 Franklin........................................ 1...... 2............................. I...... 2 1...... Fulton.................. 1 1............................................................ 20...... 5............ Genesee....................... 7 2 1 2 1 3 4 25............ 2. 2 Greene........... 1 1........................ 3 2.................. 3 1 i....... I1........... H am ilton........................... 1............................................. 3...... 3............ H erkimer............... 1...... 1...... 2...... 10 2.................... Jefferson.......... 1...... 2............ 48 4............................. 2............ 6 258...... Kings............ 2 41 4 8 13 2 13 2 10 29 11 7 35 8 9 3 2 10 Lewis.................................... 1 1 1 1.................. 1I...... I....... 1 39...... Livingston.............. 1 5............. 3 1 6 47............ 1I........ 48...... 2...... Madison...........1...... 1 2 1 5 1 26'............ 3...... I 1 29 1 Monroe................. 2 5 2 1...... 3 51 22 3 2 1 1...... 36 2 1 2 M ontgomery............. I...... I............. 2 1...................... 42 1 3............ New York......... 11 93 9 19 4 3 52 14 1 9 63 8 61 36 7 8 14 33 Niagara................. 1 3...... I...... 32 147............ 1...... 2 Oneida...... I...... 153 2 2...... 6...... 4 1 2 Onondaga......... 15 3...... 1 5 8 1...... 1..............' 3 4...... Ontarioe........... 2................................... 3 8 31........................ 45...... 1...... Orange.......... 12 2............ 1 3 3...... 3 3...... 3............... I 1 24 Orleansnt y...... 1 1...... 1 36 50...... I............ I...... 1 12 ~~~~~~~~~~3~~~~~~~ ~........ Oswego......... 2...... 2............ 247 1 5 1 9 1 1 9...... Otseigo........... I...... 1............ 1 3 1.................. I............ 7 11 Putnam................. 1I.......................................... 1I.................. 101........................ Queens........... I...... 1...... 2 2..... 2........... I Rensselaer........ 2 4 2 5 1 1 8 1 1 4 2 81 2 1 1 3............ R ichm ond........................................ q............................ I...... I I..... I....... 1I...... Rockland......... J 3............ 8...... 1 2...... I1.................. 6.................. I... St. Lawrence...................... 1...... I...... 1...... 1............ 2 11 Saratoga..........I21 2............ 1 1 2........... 1 6...... 2 9I...... Schenectady......................... 1...... 1...... 8...... I...... Schoharie............... 2.....................1 I............ Schuyler................ I............ 33............ I 1.................. 2 2 2 3............ Seneca............ 18 1............ 1I............ 1...... I I.................. 68............I...... Steuben1........... 3 2...... 4 99 4............ 3 2...... 1 I 9 43 25 1 Suffolk............................................................ I1.................. 2............. I Sullivan.......... 2 11.............,.... 40 2.................................... Tioga................. 2 36...... 2...... 7................. P. Tompkins...:.-..,. 4............ I 10...... 1 2 3....................... 67............ 1..... U lster............ 1.. 2.4 5...... 1.......... W arren........... I............ 76................................... 1 4...... 1 1 1..... W ashington......................... 98........................................... 8 1 2................. W ayne........... 9 1...... 2 2...... 34 2............ 2...... 37................ W estchester....... 3 2...... 3 W yom ing...................... 2..... 2................... 9...... 5...... YatesR.................. I 1....... 1 2....... 1 2 1....... 2 [...... Total............ 339 250 238 356 381 369 40 4 98 438 113 NEW YORK INjFANTRY REGIMENTS, COUNTIES. _ _ _ _ ________________________________________ _ __ _ _ 37. 38. 39. 4:0. &I1: 4:3. 4:3. 4:l. 4:5. 1-G. 4:7. 4:8. 4:9. 50. 51. 5. 53.-I 541. Ala I -............ 2...... I...... 9i. 2 1 8. 2 11 2 4 Saratoga y........ 2...... 11212............ 1... 1... 1 2 9 9 2 10[6[......] 21 1......... Broome.......................... 5..... 1 4..... 2 soh ttay gu....... 6......... 1...... 1... 2............... s 1...... l 2 4....../ 7I...... 1 Cayuga........... 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~2 1............ 1 2...... 1 1..... 1 4...... 1......... C a t u u....... 4..................... 1... 1...... 4 10 3...... 3....... 2 Schuyler............. 1 2......2...... 3......... 8... Chen ngo w.......... 1............. 3...... 2 29...... 1 1......]5]11................ Seineca.................... 6 8 2...... 5....]]2........ 1........] Colum ia........ 1............ 1 1 1 3 2............ 1 3......... 2... 1 Stelawaen......... 1.... 2 2...... 4 49 8...... 8...... 3..1/ 1 1...... 1 5 1 Dutchess..........~............ 1 3... 1 13 2 2 8 8 1 5 4 5... 3 E i.............. 2 1...... 5 1......t1 4... 9 2... Es e...........::27:1:1..................................... ulo..........................1.... 4 6...... 1...... 1 1......... Geese........... 1................ -'2 " - - 1......... 1 1 1......... Greene................. 4 1 1............ 9 15 2 2 7 2...... 1 4 1...... 2~f..... Suffolton............................................... 2... 1...................... Sulliv e...... 1.... 2............ 1 1 1...... 1 1...... 6 1..... 1... 1 Tier on............ 1 3 4..... 1...............]....]..... 2 3 1.... Kings~~~~~ 3....... 19 17 151 0 21 7 15 10 2. 3[35 62:2 1 Tompins.^........................ 1.... 1...... 1 2 3............ 2..... 6 7............... Uliv n ster............ 1............2...... 1..... 6 1...... 4...... 2 12......1...... Washingon.......... 1.... 1...... 1...... 1...... 12 1 3................... M n o...........8.... 1....2......| 1...... 3...... 2 2 4 9 5......| 5 10 Westc~~~~~ hanedsto d gmn fatlery.......r1d.... in.......... 4 o 181...... 6 2 1.... APPENDIX. 639 REGIMENTS INTO WHICH ENLISTMENTS OCCURRED-(CONTINUED). NEW YORK INFANTRY REGIMENTS. COUNTIES. 37. 38. 39. 4:0. 4:1. 4:3. 4:3. 4:4:. 4::5. 46. 4:7. 4is. 49. 50. 51. 53. 53.* 5&. M ontgomery.................................... 1 19 14...... 3 5 1...... 1 2 4............ New York....76 59 62 80 15 7 142 53 48 53 3 10 60 77 10 65 Niagarak 6.......................................... Oneida............ I/ 1 3 1 2 1 9 1 3 3 1 3 84...... 1 1 3 Onondaga........... 2 1...... 2 12 2 1...... 2 Ontario................. 6...... I.................. 5...... I...... 4...... 66 2 1............ Orange........... I I...... 5 2.................. I 1...... 9...... 2 2............ O rleans............................................................ 1I.................. 5 2........................ Oswego........... 4 1...... 3 2...... 1 3...... 1...... 2 3 23 1 2...... 22 Otsego............ 1.1.. 1 2...... 1 Putnam................. 4...... I1.................. 3............ 1 2............ 2.................. Queens........... 2 5 2 11 I 1 2' 2 1 3 11 5............ 2 2...... 3 Rensselaer.............. I...... 3 2...... 25 " 13 2 4 1 2...... 3 1 2 3 Richm ond..................... 2...... 2........................ I I.................. 1 2 1...... Rockland......... 4...... 1.................. 1..... 1............ 1 4 St. Lawrence................... 42 1 1 4 1...... I 1 4 2 52 1.................. Saratoga....... 2 19....... 6 2..... 1.... 1 5...... 2 Schenectady..................................... 1...... I 1 2............ 1 I...... Schoharie..................... 1 1 1......................21..... 1 2............ 2 Schuyler...................... I I.......................................... 3 1 47...... I............ Seneca.................. 3.............................. 11............ I 1 2 143........................ Steuben........... 1 1 2 1...... I 1 7............ 5 1...... 149 3 4 3 1 Suffolk.... 3...................... 1 4 Sullivan.......... 1 2 2 11.............. 1 2 2.................. 6.................. 20 Tioga............. I............ I1............ 2 2...... 2............ 1 130 8 1 I..... I Tompkins......... 4 1 1............ I I............ 2 1 1...... 30 2 2...... I Ulster....................... 2 5 9 1 1 11...... 5 2 7 2 3 3 4 1 1 W arren'................................... I............ 1...... 10........................ 3............ I W ashington......................... 2............ 14 20...... 3 1............ I...... 1 3 1 W ayne....I....... 1 I.............................. 7............ 1 2 2 I7...... I............ Westchester....... 9 17 10 7 5 3 3 3 6 5 9 18 11 6 1.... W yom ing......... I..................................... 5. I...... 1............. Y ates................... 3 41............................. 1.................. Total........... 200 170 188 195 107 224 351 545 193 239 286 298 305 1,381 221 224 53 179 NEW YORK INFANTRY REGIMENTS. COUNTIES. _________________________________________________ 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 63. 63. 641. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. Albany........... 1 2...... 6 4 1 33 3 17 1 3...... 2 2 5 I............ Allegany...................... 1 2............ 3............ 49 3...... 37.................. 2 Broom e....................... 1...... I...... 7...... 11 10.................. 3...... 2 [ 1 2 Cattaraugus......................... I............ 1............ 206 19 1 12............ 1 9 16 Cayuga................. 1 1 1 1...... 2...... 3 3 3 1 1 1...... I............ Shatauqua................................................ 45 4 1 1 184 Chem ung............... 3...... I1............ 2............ 8 1.............................. I1...... Shenango............... I 1.................. 27 4........................ 2 2 2...... I I Clinton................. I.................. 32 2 4 1 4 6............ 1 9.................. Columbia..................... 1...... 2 1 1............ I I 1 2 1 1...... 1...... Cortland...................... I............. 1 4.......................... 2............ 1 3 1 Del ware k............ 11............ 1 2........... Dutchess.......... 21 7 7...... 7,3...... 1 2 7 3...... 6 2 3 2 Erie.................... I........................ 3............ 28 14 2 38 2 2 1....... 8 Essex................ 1 5 2 1 3............ 1 7...... I...... Firaniklin................ 1I.................. 50........................ I.......................................... Fulton.............................................. I...... 3.................. G enesee.............................................. 1............ 6........................ I.................. G reene..........:.....:.... 1...... I............................. 2............ Hamilton............... 1......1 Herkimer.... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~............ 1 5...... 2... 2......... 2......1............ Wayeff r o............... 1 2.... 1 7 5............ 1 1.................. Kins........ 21 7 1 0 15 18... 18 12 2 46 2 131 63 11 63 8 3 o L Wyoing....................... 19 1....................................... Madison...................... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 6 1 1......... 16............ 5.......... 1 1...... Mot rs........... 1 1 1 1...... 1 4.... i 16 6...... q 1 —'' 1,3 — -1 /- 1 5/ 4...... New~~~~'"~~:::::::ork:/:::.......4 221 40 3 1 459 33 9 4 74 1 7826 8 43 1 Oneida........................ ~ ~ ~ ~ 2...... 2 2 6 1 2............ 1 4 1 1...... Tontali................... 1......... 2............ - 3, - -... 7............. Or n e........... 2 6....... 1 1.... 170.... 1 3.... 1 6 11 28 Orl ans................................................. K 4....................... N T.... Renssle........~ 1............ 3.... 3/ 4t~ 3/- T - - -- -- - 3 3..... 4 4 1...... ic m n..... 1 1............ 27.... 2............ 2......... 2... Rockland~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~........... 3 1.......... 6...... 5... 1 1 1......... St a rooce.......... 1...... 3 36 5.................... Cayutga.............. 1' 1... 1...... 3 1 6 1 2............... 1 9.............. Scheungcad.............. 1' 7............ 1 3...... 1...... 2............ 4...... 1...... SClinona i..........| 3............ 3 1' 1 8........................ 1 9I............|......... Columbia'........::::::....2' 1......eredIoIt2i1 he...... if.1862 640 APPENDIX. REGIMENTS INTO WHICH ENLISTMENTS OCCURRED-(CONTINUED). NEW YORK INFANTRY REGIMENTS. COUNTIES. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70 71. 72. Schuyler........................... 1...... 4...... 1 7.................. I........................ Seneca........................................... 2........ 2............................... Steuben.................. 1...... 2 1 1 3...... 2 20............ 1 2. 1 2...... 3 1 Suffolk...................... 5............................................ 1 3 1...... 1 1 1.... Sullivan................ 326............ I...... 2...... 2...... 3...... 1 1 4 3..... Tiog.a..................... 2...... 1...... 1...... 4 22............ 1 1 3...... 2 1 Tompkins......................... 8........... 1 1............ 44 1......................................... Ulster.................. 169 2...... 8...... 1 2...... 3 6 1.II.......... 6 2 10...... W arren................................................. 1 2........................ 5.................. W ashington............. 1 1............ 1 1........................................... 4.................. W ayne..................... 2 3 3...... 2............ 2 25...... 7 2....................... Westchester....... 6 3. 13 6 21...... 4 4' 3 1 5 8 5 2 14 2 10 5 W yom ing............................................................ I......I............... Y ates............................... 4 2........................ 4............ 1...... 1.................. Total........... 69 850 120 1131 184 465 300 153 116 500 180 239 226 175 395| 781 194 271 NEWV YORK INFANTRY REGIMENTS. COUNTIES. 73. 74. 75. |76. 77 78. 79. 80s. Si. 83. 83. 84 5. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. Albany 3 9 5 19 2 3 1 2 2............ 2 2..... 2 2 2 Allegany.......... 2............ 5 1...................... I...... 231 26............ 4 12,Broome............................. 21... 2 1...... I........................ 4............ 143 6 Cattaraugus....... I............ 4...... 8............ 18 1............! 81 2............ 3 9 Cayuga....... 286 8 1................. 10.................. 2 2............ 1 Chautauqua............. 3 2 2 1 1 2...... 2.................. 1 3 1............ 32 Chemung.1 3.................... 1 1...... 2 26............ 15 1 henango.............. 47............ 1 2 5...... 1...... 1.................. 70 26 Clinton............................ 1 9..................... 1I...... Columbia......... 1............. 3............ 1............ 2.......................................... Cortland...................... 2 116............ I...... I...................... 1............ 1 0...... Delaware............... 1 3............ 6 2....................... 1 1............ 46 17 D utchess.......... 2 1.................................... 5................. Erie.................... 33 1 8 1 33 2...... 4 11.................. 2 1...... 1 1 Essex....... 1.......35 1 1.................. 2................................... Franklin............................ 1 7.............................. 6......................................... Fulton................................. 29.................. 2...... 1 I.................................... Genesee......2........ 2................ 12....... 1 G reene............................................... 2 159................................................ 1 7 H am ilton............................. 2.................. 1...................................................... H erkimer..................... 1 1 2 1...... 29...................................... Columbia ] ]] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...........' Jefferson.................................. a....................... Kings............. 37 8 5 5...... 5 32 1 25 15 20 288 1 2 39 9 1 63 Lew is....................... 2 1........................ 2 2 1.................. Livingston.............. 2 2 2....................................... 14 3...... 2 11 Ml adisoin................... 1 33...... 4.......... 20.......... 9............ 1...... Monroe................. 2 3 2 2 15............ 3...... 1 1 2 1 1 18 2 Montgcomery........... 216' 2.......... 1..................................... 1...... New York........ 81 21 14 2 6 4 154 4 8 54 30 30 2 3 12 67 3 31 Niagara....................... 3 8 1 5.........'.... 1.................. 2...... 1 1 3 Oneida........................ 2 16 4 4...... 2 102........................ 1 2 2 2 1 Onondaga......... 1...... 41 5 1...... 4...... 11....................... 6...... 1 I...... Ontario 4...............'I.................. 30 1................ Orange................. 4 1 2 1...... 1 12 3........................ I I 11 Orleans............... 7.......................................... 1............ 1 63 Oswe(go....................... 8 8...... 1 2...... 245............ 4.................. 1 2 1 P utnam........... 1.................................................................... ueens...... 1 1.....'................................ 5 1. 17 Rensselaer.......... 2 1 4 2 1....... 2 1 1 5 Richmond.......!.:.................. 2 1 8.4 Rockland;..................... 1 1 1...... 2 1 1 2 1 St. Lawrence......................... 3 1...... 4...... 11 1...... 1............ 3 Saratoga.1...... 381 1 1...... 2 2 1 1........... 1 ~............ 1 1chenectady 1 12 1...... 19.............. Schoharie............. 1 25 1 2 1 1 Schuyler................................ 10......... 29 Seneca........... 1............ 26 3 1.... 1 2 5 1 Steuben.......... 1 2 3 24 2 14......1..... 5 1 2 11 5 2 1 12 Suffolk n........... 1. 2 3 Sullivan.......... 11 3.................... 4 1 Tiog~a......................... 41 20............................................ 17 1..... 5 1 Tompins..........:::::...... 13 62'i..... 12 1 Ulstery....................... 5 1 3 W8arren 1 2 1 4........................ 1.. 1 ashington.......... 2........ 2 1 1 20 1.. Wayne.......... i.... 48 12..... 2.8 ~........... 1 1..... 2 17 Westchester............. 1 7. 11............... 2 W yomingt............... 2 1.. 5.......... 2 i"....................._...._......... 3 Yates...........................8.......... 15 6............ __ 6 Total...........142 10 0 556 565 139 255 814 549 104 93 335 410 375 106 94 443 355 Punm..... APPENDIX. 641 REGIMENTS INTO WHICH ENLISTMENTS OCCURRED-(CONTINUED). NEW YORK INFANTRY REGIMENTS. COUNTIES. 91. 92. 93. 94:. 95. 96. 97. 98 99. 109. 101. 102. 103. 101-L. *105. 1106. 107. ]10S. 109. 110. Albany................. 349 3 22 6 2 3 3.1 4 2..... 3 1 20.......... 2.......... 5 Allegany............................ 28 7 1 1 5 4.. I1............... 53 3 2 6 2 11... Broome........................................... 1 2 1 1 4 134 Cattaraugus............: I 2 3 9 3 4 1 15 4..... 10 -............... 3 Cayuga.................1 60..... I 6..... 1 2 1 1 1 9 33 Chautauqua........................ I............... 4 1..... 28..... I..... I.......... I............... Chem'ung................ 2..... I.................... I 8 I.......... 173..... 7 1 Chenango.......... I 1 2 1 3 6 1...................... I3. Clinton................. 94 11 2 6 2 197 11 7 1............... 3 1.......... Columbia................ 125..... 4 1 2 3..... 4.....'..... 1.. 1............... I1.......... Cortland.............................. 2............... 1...... 1............. 1......... Cor lan...........I... Delaw~are................ 6 1... 2 9... 7..... 1 3 56 1..... I1.......... 1I.. 6..... Dutchess................ 30 1.......... 2 14 I 2 I Broome ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~~................ 4[.....{..... I...... i3...... Erie.................... 2 1 6 26..... 9 85 1 224 1 5 1 11 I 3 1 Essex.................... 7 4 29..... 8 98 3 2 1............................... I.................... Fra kl in..............304............... 1I [ 3...... 71.................... Fulton.................. 9 1 23 2 4 2 39 1.... I..... 1......................... GeneseeCu..................... I I 1 32 2..... 21 45.......... 7.......... Greene...................' 1 3 4 13..... I...................... H am ilton........................... 8................................................................. H erkim er............... 3.' ".. 7o 5......................... 1.......... Jefferson............... 4 9 2 274.......... 7 1..... I 8..... I 6 1.......... 4 K ings................... 3..... 5 5 19 6 5 5 12 7......19.5.1...... 1........... Lew is......................... 2... 30.......... 6.1 1.........................'2..... 2.................... Livingston................ 1..... 2 4 1 1 8 1 1..... 69 4..... 2 12 1. M adison'................. 3 I..... 2 1............. 5......................... I Monroe........ 3 I..... 3 1 4 7......... 358 2 Montgomery............. 1.... New York............... 19... 1 7 50 10 17.1 33 11 3 49.54 6 5 21 7 4.......... Niagara............................ II 5... 3 4.......... 22 I.... 5 32...... 2 I.. Oneida.................. 8..... II 3... 1 146 1... 10 12 1 I I I.. 1 2..... 10 Ono'ndaga............... I I....... I..... 3 I.. 1 74 1..... 1 2.......... Ontario................. I 1 1 3............... 6 21... 7..... 8... 4 5........... 5..... Orange...................... 1.................... 2 Orleans................. 3.......... Oswego............................ 22 23.......... 12 2 8 16 1 3 1.................... 516'Otsego.................. 5... 3 2 4 2..... I..... 3 12.......... I.......... I............... P utnam..............<....................... 3 1.............................. I................................... Queens....................................... 3............... I I I1, 9 3............... I............... Rensselaer............... 59 2 36 2 1............... 6... 1 5 1 36............... I1..... I R ichm ond.......................... I.......... I I................................................................. Rockland................ 3..... 1 1 81............... I....... St. Lawrence............ 1 443 2 1 Saratoga................ 8 2 30 2.., 3............ I...... 3 I.... 2....:.......... I Schenectady............. 59..... 5....... 1'................................. 5 2 4~............... 2.......... 8choharie............... 72..... 7 2.......... I............... 1 4............................... I.. Schuyler............................................... 1 2.......... I 14 1 1 1 69 4 Seneca........... I... 5..... 5 1..... 2 5 4 1 6 2 1 6 StFuben................. 1...... 5 12 10 4 30 2 214 8 6..... Suffolk.................. 3 2 1i.................... I............... Sullivan................. 1 I........................ Tiooa................ 1 2 1 1......................... 3 8........... 4 236 Tompkins............... I.......... 2.......... 3..... I I 1 3..... I 2..... 177..... Ulster.................. 6 1 2. 1 5 2 2 1 2 24. 3' i........... I W arren............................... 1..................'........ W ashington............. 4 1 86.......... 19 1............... 1 I1 1 1............. W aynei............. 2..... 25............ 7 Westchester.... 6..... 2..... 3 1 1 9 4 2..... 2 1 W yomings................ 1 2..... 1..... I..... 2 3 25 Y ates........................ 1............. 1.......... Total............... 005 | 550 586 80 446 251 247 119 396 266 563 506 426 683.578 Tot, 434 525 1 1466 1150 6 New Yorku u....... 7 1.......... 1 11~' 1"~ {::....... 5..... 1............. 1 Cayug.............. 336' " 1... 2.... 1....... 1...... 9' 4 14 5' " 7' 1....m u g............... 2 2 1 1/ 1............ 2........ 1.....: 5..... Oneidang................... 1a' i.... 335' 23....~. 3..... 7 1.............=.....o Olntario................4........ 1.,.. 25...... 7........ 4 1 1 1............ Co um i............... 1........ 1...... 2... 1............ 0 Costad..........o........... 3 "................ 1 3.........'............. ~...... Delaware ~ ~ ~ ~........... 1...... 7......... 3 6............. 4 1. Duthes...............'i1............::::........ 6 2......... 2...... i 1 21 Erie................. 3...... 3 1 41 2... 1 1 2..... 2....... ossego............................... 1 2...1 87........ 2 1.............. F rank lin................................... "9........ I ~: 1' i 1.:........ ~..........i........ ~ulto.................... 1 1 1 1 9... 4..... 1 10.......... 1..... 2 O e n ese................ 2.......... 4.................. 1..... 0 GRichmnd................... 1'...... 1........... 1 1 4 2......... R o slida ted....... th 9,t' in hespin ]o 1'863/.' ~ l ~h e.to ~t ariler. "h n e o~h atley 81 arne...::'~~/,~, "':::::'"'::'i..~ 642 APPENDIX. REGIMENTS INTO WHICH ENLISTMENTS OCCUERED-(CONTINUED). NEW YORK INFANTRY REGIMENTS. COUNTIES. 111. 112. 113.-* 114. 115. 11G. 1 118. 119. 130. 131. 133. 133. 134t. 135. 136. 1. 138. 139.+ H am lton..... 1 "...................................... H erkim er................. 1 2 2...... I................................... Jefferson....................... " 3............. 1 4....................................... Kings........ 1 5 1 2 4 1 10...... 7 2 5 1 4 4 1 1 27 4 1 Lew is.............. I.................. 1 6.................. 2............................................... Livingston.......................... "".............. 3.......... I Madison...... 7 2...... 1 2 2...... I I M onroe......2.................. 1 3 1...... 2...... 2............ 1 3...... 1 5 M ontgomery... 1............ 1 148 1...... I............ 3 1........................................ New York..; 4 10 3 3 10 3 7 1 63 8 6 3 4 6 8 2 50 6 2 N iagara............. I. 1.................. 3 9.............................. 1 2 1 1...... 1 21 Oneida........ 4 2 2 8 5 3 626......... 1............ Onondaga...... 17 7...... 9............ 3............ 1 3 427...... I1................ I Ontario....... 33............ I................... 4...... 1 I Orange........ 1. 1 1........... 403 2 1 6 1 Orleans....... 2.................. 1 3 1............ I I.................. I...... I...... 72 Oswegoara........ 1.......... Otsego.......2............ 1 41 2...... I............ 2 227 1............ I 1 3.......... P utnam..................................................................................... I................. 2 Queens............. I........................ I 1 52...... 2 1 1 1............. 18 1 3 Rensselaer.... I 1 7... 11...... 1............ 2 2 3 9 5 371 1 1 2.... Richm ond........................................................... 2 1...... I............ 7...1 Rockland........... I...... 1 4.............................. I............ 15............ 24 St. Lawrence 2 1...... 3 2 2.................. 2 2'i.................. 2.... Saratoga.... I 1 2 1 185 2 1 1 1 1....o 1...... 1 2.... Schenectady..:............ 2...... 12 1 1 1 1........................ 2 1...................... Schoharie................. 2 1 3 1.................. 2 5 2...................... I'. Schuyler.................. 1s...... 5.................. 3................ Seneca...... 37........ 1..... I2 1........... 3...... 123...... I 4 Steuben... 5 8 1 1 1....... I............ 2 1 2.......... Suffolk.............. e.................................... 1 1............ I..'. 1 e....... 222.......... Sullivan............. 2............ 3...... I 1I...... 9 8............ 16......................... Tiogae......... " I 1...... 2............ 1 2 2............ I...... 3................ Tom pkins..... 8...................................... 1 5...... 1...... I...... 3 1...... 1 Ulster.............. 6 7.................. 29P 7............ 14 1...... 3 7....'W arren................... |............ 7............ 115 1...... 1I... 23.................................. W ashington......... I I I...... I...... 6.................. 2 573...... 3 3............1.... W ayne........ 295...... I...... I...... 2 1...... 1 3 1...... I...... 5 1 2.. W estchester - - - I.'' "....... 1...... 3 1 3 1............ 6 1 11 I W yoming' 1..... 1............ I...... I............ 8 Y ates......... 3.....'................................................ 2 4...... I Rocklan...... 639 i 101 607 619 468 140 |555 502 639 518 451 469 379 481 1 238 NEW YORK INFANTRY REGIMENTS. COUNTIES. __________________________________________________ 130. T 131. 1334. 133. 134-. 135.~ 130. 137. 138.11 1-39. 14:0. 1441. 1432. 1413, 1144:. 14:5. 14.6. 14-7. 148. Albanywrence........................ 2...... 1 1 2 1 2...... 3 2. Allegany...... 3..... 1...... 107 1 2...... 2 23 1 1 1............ 3 Broom e................... I1'...... I...... 198............ 2 1.................. 15...... 3 94 1 C attaraugus... 9.............................. 8 2............ I 1 1........... 3...... 1 9.... Cayuga....... 1............ 1............ 2 102...... I............. 2...... I 1 7 6 Chautauqu/.................. I............... Chemung 2 -1 8....................... 4 2...... 16 5 Chenangod y.................. I...... 9 3............ 16...... 2 2.... Clintonh............. I.......... 10........................ I.... Cortland...................................!..1 i...... 6............ 1......... Delaware~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~................... 6...... 1...... 2... 6 82 1 6..... Dutches2............................... E mi a........................., 1............ 1 3.. ESchyer............................................ 15................. Ge e e... 1............ 3......!... 4................ 1 2.......... 2.. s ren e;..c.......... 2 4................. i................ 2..... H a it n..................................... 1.................. 12.......... H erkimer ~ 3''....... 2 1.... 11..................................... 5 1.. Jef r o................... 1... 1... 1...... 1...... 1......... 3 9.. K~ings...... 1 0 22 7...... 4 1 6 3 29...... 7 2 1 1 Le i........................................... 1...... 9 2.. M ds n................. 1 ~ 2........................... 2 2 1...... 2...... 9 4 1 Monroen...... 3.... 1 1............ 12...... 2 1 45...... 1...... 1 1' " 2 New~~~ YorkI.... 2 5 9 14 7 5 3 5..... 1 10 1 1 2 5 32 6 1 2 Oneida~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.......... 1...... 2......... 5 1...... 3 1 37 1 Ono dag....r...................................... 12 1 9.......... 1... 4.... Onta io....6 [i. 2 3............................................... 2 5 23 Oarenge...... 6...... 1......................... 3 1 20 9 1....... 1.. O r e n...........*.I......................... 5.. 1... 3 1 1......... 1 2.... Osweg........ 1............ 2... 11................... 4 | 1 I...... 5...... 2... 1 38 1 * Changed to 7th artillery. ~ Changed to 6th artillery..... ~~........................... C'ag2 to 99.....er. 1|1hne o9l rilr. $ hne o1t aar n u~qetyt:::: N..daon.. APPENDIX. 613 REGIMENTS INTO WHICH ENLISTMENTS OCCURRED.-(CONTINUED). NEW YORK INFANTRY REGIMENTS. COUNTIES. ______________________.______________________ *130. 131. 132. 133. 131, l3,5. 136. 137. 1l38. 139. 149. 141., 14:8. 14r3. 144. 14:5. 146. 117. 148. Otsego........... 2.... 2.... I.............. 1 29..... 8 2... P utnam.............................................................................................. Queens................... 2 26.............................. 16................ R ensselaer................. 1...... 4.......................................... 4...... 1 2 2.......... Richmond.................. 26 13...... 1 1............. 1............... Rockland......................... 2 1 2............... St. Lawrence..................... I.............................. I 10...... 311 1 2 I.6 I Saratoga....... I I I...... 2.............................. 3 1 6............ 2'1...... I Saratoga~~~~~~~~~~........................ Schenectady.................. 1.... 5........ Schoharie............................. 180...... 2 1 13 1 15 Schuyler....... 1I I.................................. 11........... 4 88...... 2................ 3 6,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~................. Senecady....... 1........... 2 2 1........... I.......... 2 193 Steuben........ 37................ 8 7 Suffolk........ 1 5 2 11.................. 7...... 13.................. I...... 9.............. Sullivan...................................I............................. 3 1 430 4.......... I.... Tioga.......... 1 3.......................... 141...... I...... 7...... 4 1 I 11 I Tompkins.................. 2.................. 4 131 5 1 3 4...... 70 1 1...... 1 2 U lster......... I 1 4 3 1........................... 1 7................ I W arren.......................... 2............................. I...... 2 W ashington........... I................4I...., 2...... 3.......... W ayne............ 8............ 1................ 1 3 5 W estchester.... 1 2 3 6...... 82 2 1...... 2 1...... 2............ 1 2.......... W yom ing.......................7 0 1 1............................ 2.... Yates........].................................. 2..3 132 Total........ 7. 248 4 5 230 327 570 565 |638 570 990 98 494 546.. Totashlo...............437 F ~11 76 31 F2 NEW YORK INFANTRY REGIMAENTS. COUNTIES. ___________________________________________________ 14:9. 150. 1.51. 15 f. 153. 1541, 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. I1a1. 162. 1630-. 164:. 165. ~166. \1G7. Albany............................ 3............. Allegany................... 1............ 7.... 2............ 67 5................................ Broome........ 3. 1 1............ I...... 2 16 2...... I................ attaraugus.... 1.................i....... 376 2...... I...... 1 2 1............ 6 2 2...... Cayuga........ I.............................. 1 9............ 38...................................... Chautauqua......... 3.................. 91...... 2 3...............................:.... 2................ Chem -Ling........................ 2 2 4...... I............ 1 79........... 1............... Chenango........................ 5 1.................. 32.................. 10............ 1................ Clinton...................... 94.................. I............ I I I.......................... Colum bia........ 7'...............I....... 2 3...... 169........................... 3............ Ya rtesnd........ 7................................ Cortland.~~~~~~ 1...................... D elaw are............. I...... 2.................. 2 4........................ I.......................... Dutohess............. 471.............................. 5...... 1 14 1.......... 1............ Erie................. 1 14............ 7 62...... 3 1 1 4.............. 10 I 1 12 E ssex.................................. 13..................................................................... I............ "Franklin....... I............. I I.............................. I................... 2............... Fulton............... 1...... 3 132.......................................... 7.......................... Genesee.................. 82.................. I...... I I. 2....... I I....... G reene................... I............................................................... Hamilton..................................................................................................................... Herkom er.................. 1 73 3 1............ 3 1...... 1.................. 1................ Jefferson....... 3 1 1 3...................................................... I.......................... Kings.......... 3 6.................. 1 6 1 3 138 52...... 1 9 7 6 19 1 1 Lew is.......... 1......I..... 1 1.................. 1........................................................ Livingston.................................... I............ 2 1...... 1 4................................ M adison........ 14............ 1 1 1............ 258.................. 28.................... M onroe........ 1 2 38 2................. 4 4............ I.... 1...... M ontgomery............... 3...... I........................ 6.......................... lnton..................... 94.......... 16............ 46 11 2 4 8 1....... Columbia........ 1 2 52 1.....1...i............... 2...... 2 3............... 156........ Corlned.......... 7.....'....... 9 4...... 1...... 12........'........ 2 8...... 1....21 3......' 1]] ]] ] ] ] [] ] ] De ln awar.......3 1...... 1...... 2............ 1...... 154............ 3 1............ 1................ Ontarios.... 1................71...... 2........................ 5...... 27 3............ 1........... Orin e'......... 1 5........... 1 14...... 11...... 7 62...... 3114................... 2 1 5...... Ossexn........ 1 I 16............ 1............. 13............ 2 1 1...... 2......................... Osreg........ 41............ 3................ 2...................................... Outse o............... 1 1 72 2 1...... 2 1.................. 5............ 1....1 i....;:........... Putnese.............. 3 2......82.................. 1.....................................*........... Greene............... 2..................... 1I...... 2 1...... 15.............. 7......... Hamltnss l................................ 1 ~:eric m er.............................i' i 3....... 31..........................................]]'5 ] ] ] ] ] ] i......... Jefrsoc l nd............................... 1........................................................ St.s L re c.. 3........... 1 6.................. 1................' 592......... " 4........ Lwsar t g.......... 1......;....... 1 51.................. 2... 1... 1 3....................... iinschona i... 4 3..... 2 3.............................. 1............ 1 1............. Schuyler........ 14.......................... 1.... 1 2 9............ 15................]] ]] i" i ]] ] Monrec......... I 1 3......'...... I...... I............... 4............ 3.......... 4........... Ntew Yor.............~ 4 1 4........ 17....... 4 "'0'"...... 2' 1i' 4 5... 1 Siugarlk.............. 1 52 1......I................. 1......I 1 1 7............. 2 l 1/ 1.....']...... Su li an................................. 1~ 12...i............... 1........ Tioga~~ ~ ~......'2 1............ 1...... "..' 5 1......... 1......... 1........ Ono pkndaga.. 3............... a1 2...... 3............ 1 2.......... 15....].......... Or~~~~~~~tCanged....o..... arilley 644 APPENDIX. REGIMENTS INTO WHICH ENLISTMENTS OCCURRED-(Co NTINUED). NEW YORK INFANTRY REGIMENTS. COUNTIES. 14:9. 150. 151. 1 153. 154?. 155. 156. 157. 158. | 159. 160. 1 61. 162. 163. 1641. 165.`1166. f 167.1 UIster 11................... 1...... 270...... 6......1............ 3...... 2 1.......... W arren.................. 13.................. 1.......................................................... W ashington................ 1..................... I..............1 1.......... W ayne 3...................... 1............. 147 1 1....i........................ W estchester. 1 3 1 1........... 2 1 1 4............... 2...... 2 6..... W yoming I.. 1...... 3...... 1 5............................ 14 1...... 1...... Y ates.....................................................................'otal...... 495 550 470 395 478 508 138,371 | 644i 263 286 343 | 551 F010 IF 10g_ 31_0 15. 8 NEW YORK INFANTRY REGIMENTS. COUNTIES. 168. 169. 170. 1714 172.~ 173. 171.11 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. I IS.m 1 81.I-?- 183.** 18-. 185. 1 8.18 Albany............ 16........ 2 3...... 28 3 230 1.............................. 2 A llegany........ I 1 2.............1.............................. 19 J........................ 11.... I Broom e...... 13 1............................................... 22........................... 6........ Cattaraugus........ 2..................I........................ 20!....... 1 l |.... 25 Cayuga...... I 1......................... 2...................................................... 10 7 1 2 Chautauqua........................................................................................................ 41 Chemung.... 1.......... 1 1 1 29........................ 1 2.... henango.... 4 1........................... 2 15...... Clinton...... 1......... I........ 1.............. Colum bia.... 1 3 1................................................. Cortland.............................................. 3................. 158........ D elaw are................. I....I..........1 I. 4........................................ D elaware. I........................................... Erie............... 3' I 3 1 5 1 2...... 217 Essex 1.................................... Franklin.......... 1 2...................................... I..... Fulton................... 1 3 1..... i....... 1........ 1............ Genesee,....... 7............................ C~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ G reene...... 2........................................ HIamilton.......... I 2'.' I............... Herkimer I G...................... Herkimer "............................3...... 1............ 23 Jefferson................ I................................................................ 6 14 396.... Kings............. 2 17...... 2 151 1 7 27...... 10.................. 1 2.... Lew is................................................................................................ 1 3....131 ivingston....... 1....................................................................... I............ M adis'on................I...................................... 53 1.................................... 16 8 1 1 M onroe...... 2 4.............................. 1..... 4 1............... 2 2 2 2 M ontgomery........ I................................ 1 2.... n~~~~~ew York~~~~~~~~~~~~~...... ~' / vNew York.... 2 4 70 4. 3 16 20 19 22.................... 2 Onondaga........ 2.................. 2 6 1 2 1 1................... 7 290 1 Ontario......................... 2...... 1........................... Orange...... 73 3 3........... I............ 33............ I.......................... 1 Orleans............ 2.............................................. 2 Oswego....................................... I....... 1 675 11 26 2 O tsego...... 1 3................................... 5............................................. 1........ Putnam...................................................... 2.............. 1 Mueens............ 1 6 Q ue n.......... 1............. I 1 2 2................................................. 1.. Rensselaer......... 271 2............ 1 1 15 2 6........................................ R ichm ond........................... 2 1 16......................................................... R ockland.... I.................. 1.................................................................... St. Law rence........ 15................................... 3.................................... 3.... 2 29 Saratoga........... 19.............................. 8............................................................... Schenectady........ 4.2 3..1.... Schoharie.... I....., 1 i. 2................. 4..... 2....... Schuyler....' "......1 24 Sencca~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~ 1 Steuben........... 2 Sullidag a.... " 2. 6.............. 1......... 1............................... 1.. T iFog................................ 1.................................... 3.... Tompkino....... 2. 1 1 ai ngo...... TOrleans.... 2 I9i1 O"w a e........................o...................................... 2......'West e.. e..... Otseom i g......................... 1' 1 2 1............ 2............,........ 1 Putnam........................................... 8............ 1..'. _...~~~ osliae wt h 159t.* C noiae w itte....h ReCnsolaer.....ed Richmonso d... e. i'] t t i Wasin~to 4i..... 8 5 I ~ ~~~~ ~~2 "'1] 7 ]...[ Wayne~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~....3 ]]2... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ St. Larence.. 15.............. Wyoming ~ ~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.. 1211................. iii~~~~~~~~~26~~~ 46 141sI ~ 412232Or 5 S~~~~~~ _~~~= —---- I __~ — ~ LY —---— chnc1tady.. ~ —— ~~ x Cnsoidtedwit....6t. Cnoiae!i:l........... ~ ~ ~ ~~tCnoti,,~ei ithth... 1. iTCnoldtc.....]]' ]]]].... 2 osldLetwt h 1rt.............nnzed ~ osoinldwthtle~;iltllr -~-.jt........ APPENDIX. 645 REGIMENTS INTO WHICH ENLISTMENTS OCCURRED-(CONTINUED). NEW YTORIK INFANTRY REGIMENTS. NEWV YORK ARTILLERY REGIMENTS. COUNTIES. 188. 189. 190. 191. B.9. 1 193. 194. 1. i 4. 5. 6.f 7.t 8.~ 9.11 10. 11.1T 13.** Albany............. 54 8.... 11 1 4 36 4 8 327 8 12 6...... I Allegany....... 45 101.............. 14 7 3 1 38 19 7...... 1 14 2............ Broome.. 4.......................... 2 2 1 11 7............ 1 3............ Cattaraugus.... 74 1.................... 15 7 2 1 3 1............ 1 3.................. Cayuga....... I.. 34 3 22 1 432 2 8 1............ 280 10 2...... Chautauqua.... 2.............. 1...... 4 3 2........................ 1 1 26 1............ Chemung...... 3 4.............. 1 17 34..... 8 3 39 4 1 16 2 1 2...... Chenango............ 6............... 1...... 17 9' 7 18 102...... 7...... 3............ 1 Clinton u........................... 40 14...... 20 8...... 3 1...... 11 3 1 6.................. Columbia............. 1 3............ 4...... 5 3 4 1 4...... 3................ Cortland........ 1 1.............. 3....3 7...... 3.................. 15 1...... 3 D elaware............................................ 10 18 3 9 15 1...... II.........-............... Dutchess............................. 8............ 11 3 2 11 12 16 8 4 1 3 2....... Erie.......... 1...................... 72 1 7 4 2............ 35 1 1 2 Essex.............................. 22............ 12 1...... 8 2 2 5 1 3. 2 3...... Franklin........................... 3 51. o.... 8 2'3 2 1 26............ 5 3....... Fulton............... I....1 1 9~............ 10 21 15 34r 1 2 3............ 3'..... Genesee........ 1...... 4 11...... 1 9.................. 195 53...... 3 1 Greene......................... 1........ 1...... 6 1....... 31 39 1 10 2 4 1........... Hamilton............ 1........................... 4 9...... 17 1.................. 1.................. herkimer............ I... 2.. 7 126 7 6... 1...... 2 8 1...... Jefferson........................... 3 32 1 112 32 3 2 23 2 2...... 4 1,189 2 3 Kings...................... 2 3...... 3...... 14 13 14 25 101'7 4 2 2 3 1 JLew is................................... 3 1 42 5 4....... 287 3.................. 72............ Livingston..... 65 2........ I1............ 5 5 1 21...... 1...... 21 1..;... 5...... Madison............. 79........ 1 2 1 81 39 24 3 1...... 4 1 7 1 4...... Monroe...... 35........ 1 5 4 57 3 9 134 4 1.... 33 19 2 10 Montgomery................. 13 1......1 25 42 8G....... 2 4 4...... 1 New York... 3..... 3 8.... 7 5...... 29 46 26 61 112 35 3 4 2 6 3 2 Niagara.................................. 1 8 68 2 4 1............ 1 253 7 2............ Oneida............... 61 5 6...... 56 204 144 10 7 6 6 4 3 18.. 4 Ontario......... 42 5.................... 9 9...... 17 84 1 1 1 4 9 1 7 1 Orange.................... 2............ 2 3 9 18 16 6 22............. 6...... Orleans........ 1...... 2.... 1.... 2 36 1 1 31......:............. 159 5 2...... I Oswego........ 1 81........ 1 116...... 96 56 21 19 7...... I1...... 68 29...... 2 Otsego............... 4.... 1 2 1...... 21 77 19...... 2 2 7............ 3...... 1 Putnam............................ 1.............................. 37 1 103............ I I............ Queens.................................. 2 3 1 13 27 5...... I 1 1...... Rensselaer.... 10.............. 34 1...... 4 10 I 10 5...... 70 5 2 2 4 5 Richmond...................................................... 1 22 3........................................... Rockland............................I..................... 11 4................................. St. Lawrence....................... 2 135...... 182 22 4 1 4 81 20 1 10 38 2 8 Saratoga.................. 23 1 5 11 2 51 1 2 20 1 1 10 6 1 Schenectady........................ 10............ 17 9 5 12 1 1 4 1 7................. Schoharie. I I 12 8 19 42 2... 56....... 2 1 1 1 Schuyler....... 1 8............I.............. 5...... 5 2 37 2 1 1 4............ Seneca.. - I............. 3 2 1 9 1 1 1..... 2 24...... 2...... Franli~1n.... 12 29 Steuben........ 128 2 9.................... 6 41 2 13 17 10 5...... 2 10....... 1...... Suffolk........ 1................................ 2- 3 1 1 4 1...... I1............ II..... Sullivan.............................................4 2 2 8 1 3 3 5.................. Tioga................ 2 1................ 6...... 2 3 1 5 9....... 2...... 3............ Tompkins............ 2........ 1 7 1 2...... 17...... 8 - 15............ 24 3........... Ulster............................. I 1- 1 10 1 13 15 9 3 8 2 2 1............ W57 arren............................. 4 3...... 1.................. 2 1...... 4 4 1............ F ashington...................... 11 I.. 1 3....... 7 1 2 2...... 1.................. Wayne.... 8 20 15 3 45 8.................. 2 454' 1 2...... "W estchester.................... I I 1....... 6 11 4 47 29 356 20 5 2.................. W yoming...... 3.......................... 3 2 1 1 19.. 3 1 55 4...... I...... Yiates......... 28 1.... 2 34 2...... 6 17 2............ 2 1.............Total........ 1 449 651 14 17 269 496 157 1,340 869 1,54 981 987 _796 639 853 1,229 1,447 72 __40 N. Y. ARTILLERY REG'TS. | h NEW- YORZ ]BATTE:RIES. COUNTIES.'"_' ~ ___________I ~t } 1 i i 113. 14. 15. 16. g^E Fe 1. /". 3. I 4. 5 6 7. 8. 9.1-ft 10.U) -11 1:. 13. 1Q. 15. 16. 17 Albany Is...... I 3 2 3 Alleon. 30....... 3. 1Broome..... 1 13... 4..............................J...... 6... Cayuga........ 2 2 1 146 2 Cattar~~~~~~uf~~us1 10115 1 C hautauqlua... 7 6 2.... 3..............................i......-....... Chemung.... 2 35 1 15 5.......................................... Chenango....... 2....../ 4 2 1....................~~~ 5 8.......................... Clinton..... 3 II... 4 7 1 1I 1........................... 1... Col~umbia.... 1 8 2 27 8............ 1........................ Delaware....... 1 4 5...... 2 1 63 nutchess.... 1 6 77 10 1 1 3 Erie....6 20 19 10 14 12 1 Essex.... 1 3 6 9 2. 1. Franklin........ 7 21 1...... 3................ 7.... 1.... 1. ** Changed from 19th infantrv. Il Tralsf~erredl to 3d regiment artillery. +Chang1ed fr~om 135.th infaintr~y. ~ff Consoiidatcd wlth~ tlie 4th reg-imesnt alrtillery. N~~" gewerork.....d r Changedt from 113th infantry. 2 4v o ~ Changed from 138th inlfantry. ++'lransferred to 7thl artillery. 646 APPENDIX. REGIMENTS INTO WHICH ENLISTMENTS OCCURRED-(CONTINUED). N. Y. ARTILLERY REG'TS.'Zi NEW YORK BATTERIES. COUNTIES. ___________~ S ___ _ _ _ _ ____________________________ 13. 14r. 15. 16. h-';S 1. 3. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. S. 9.* 10. II. 1. 1 13. 15. 16. 16. Fulton.......... 32 11...... 28 3............I................................ 1........................ 1 G enesee..... 1. 3.......................................................... 3 ^G reene................ 1 23 2 5................................................................I............. H am ilton........ 1I...... 1 3 1~............................................................................ H erkim er....;....... 4....... 52 I 1I.................................................................... I Jefferson........ 32 126 1 11...... 3.......................................................................... K ings......-..... is 15 15 5 7 1... 1,.... 9 -4............ 1........ 3........................ Lew is........... 1 49...... 2 1........ 2................ I..............I...... I........................ Livingston....... 3 39...... 1 2.............................................................................. M adison......... 2 5...... 5 1...... 3 3 1................ 1 1.... 5 1.............................. M onroe.......... 1 45...... 3 5 9.. 1.. 3 1................. I I........................... 5 M ontgom ery... 19 5...... 1 9 5 3..................................................... 1...... New York... 42 6 9 3 1 9 7~1 4..... 3 6, 2..... Niagara 1 2 1.....1.16.1.......,1 17........................ 11 Oneida.......... 1........... I I............................... I Onondaga....... 5 7 1 28 8 4........................ 2................................ 2 Ontario......... 2 12.... 47...... 5.................................................. I............ I Ora ltne.......... 2 3 14 6 41 1............ 27 1............................................. Orleans.......... 1 35............ 1 4'........................ I I.... 1 11...... 1............ 130 Oswego......... 6 24 2 21 12 1 1...........................i..................... Otsego.. 1........ 3 6 2 4............................ I 1.... Queens.......... 3 1 18 1 4 1 5 1............ 1............ 3.... 2 1.................. Rensselaer....... 11 5 6 22 3.... I................ I............ 3 14 1........................ R ichm ond....... 7 2...... I 1 1.......................................................................... R ockland.................... 2 2...... 1I................ I...................................................... St. Lawrence.... 12 180 1 44 4.... 1............ 1...................................................... Saratoga......... 123 9 1 41 5................I............... 5.................................. Schenectady.s.... 20.4 1 11 2.................................... I I.................................. Schoharie....... 10 2 1 19 8 1.... 2................ I1........ 6 1.............................. Schuyler.............. 42...... 4 1........................................ I................................................................... Seneca............ 2...... 1.................................. Steuben......... 7 30 1 29 2 8............ 2 1....... Suffolk...................... 1 11.............. 1................................................................ Sullivan........... 28 3 2 1...,.........I........ 3 4.................................. 2...... T ioga... 6 19................................................................ 13...... Tom pkins....... 1 4 1 22 6 2.......................................................... I...... U lster...................... 12 13 6 1.................. 5 2.... I...................................... W arren......... 6 5.... 37 2........ I I.............................................................. W ashington..... 1 1 1 104 1........ 1.......... 1................................................... W ayne.......... 1 9...... 5...... 3........ 1...... 1................................................ W estchester..... 4 4 12 3 3.... I. I..........1.......... 5 W yom ing....... 19 1 1............ 1.................................................... Y ates........... 2 50 3 10 i 1 3.... 1I....................... 1..J...................................... Total......... 6351,0131 2991,138 1 221 145 22 32 8 32 28 54 91 8 6 85 54 14 4 4 8 160 NEW YORK BATTERIES. /2 N. Y. CAVALRY. COUNTIES. _______________________________________ ~________ 111-1. I1!iii....... io 1......... 128, &9.| 30. 31. 3. | 33. 34. 35. 36.'i' 13. Albanyg.................... I...... 2............... 5 13 16 llegany............................. I.... 1........................ 2...... 5 Broom e......... 1 I...... I.................2........ I............I........................ 28 1 10 Cattaraugus.......... 2...................................................... 1........................ 3 1 1 C ayuga............... I.......... I............ 4........................|........I................. 4.... 3 Chautauqua........................... 2.................. I Chemungo................ 3 3 6 2 I............. 12 2 1 Chenango............................ |........................... 3 4 3 ns linton....................................................................... —. —--—. —....... 3 Columbia~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~................ 15 14....................1............ 5 9... Rchorlnd............................... 1................. 1 4 23 Du c es..../........ 1.........../. 11........... 1 2 1 3 161 ERie............... 3...... 1~ 1 i 1ii.... 28~ 11 1 1.............. |II....... 11 0 49 S Oratoga......... 5 15 1 1 47. 1 15 1:: 1'..: 1...................... 1......:1:]"5 6 Schenec.. t.............. 1.......................................................... 1 1 chohrki er....... 10...................... 1.... 2......................... 1....... 6...... Schuyerso................................................ 4...1...13 Ki g............ 5..... 1 1 2........ 2.... 2 2..........!..... 2 30 16 Lewis~~~ ~~ ~~~~........... 2]...i.:1 1.]........1:.. 1...............].....'...... 8 Livingst n.... 3...... 1....'.. 2 1......................... 3 3 1 M adisolk.................. "4...~.... 1................................ 53 2 Sulivnro......... 1 3 1 2 3 13... 2 7/............4.... 1....!...... 4 1 4 Ne or.... 2 9......... 1.......... 9..I............. 7 9 26 1 Topiagr...... 1 7......... 1 7 1 20....6 "2 4.... 1... 1 1 7"... 1 5 3 On~eid................. 1.. 1.. 1.. 2 1...... 2........... 1 7 1 1 Onondaga~6 ~........':.... 3 5........i......................... 4 12 52 3 On a i...................................... 3 1 Orange ~ ~................ 18 "........... 1................ 3.......1... 4. 7 2 W Tasfrren o t Arilr...Te2.a..4..reognzd scmaie o oce atlin onoiae t rnferdto3 r irwt h dAtley Werasferdtoc9hAtler Cosoldter....'t2' 3..3'2di Batte.. APPENDIX. 647 REGIMENTS INTO WHICH ENLISTMENTS OCCURRED —(CONTINUED). NEW YORK BATTERIES. N.Y. CAVALRY REGITS. COUNTIES. ~_ ='~ _ IS. 19. 310. 31; 22.*~ 33 24.f 25. 326. 37. 38. 39.t;1 30'. 31. 32. 33. 34i. 35. 36. g^ 1. 3. Orleans........... 1 2........ 1 3 I I I.... 1I...................................... I...... 50 Oswego.......................'I 64.......... 4.. I........................................ 4 6 64 Otsego............ 2 1.........:.................. I.... 1........ I................... I 1 7 108 P utnam................................................................. 1.................................................... Queens................ 1I...................... 2........ I I'll,..... I I.... 26.... I1...... 7 59 2 Rensselaer........ 10 1I............ 2......................................................... 1 27 5 Richm ond................................................... **..... I.......I.............. 1 1 *. R ockland............... 1.................................. 1................ 1,.5..... St. Lawrence....... 1I.................. 1I 1........ I.....!.... 2........ 1.................. 4 1 Saratoga.......... 1........ I... 1.................. 1............... 1...................... 2 1 181 Schenectady............................................... S ch e n ect ad y.............[ 2........... i................................................................... 4 28 Sc o a ie...................... Schuyler........................ I 1.................................................... 211 Seneca.................................................. 1I........I............................. 17............ Steuben.............. 1 3........ I.... 39 7 2 1 1 5 24 22 5 Suffolk..................................... I............ 333...... Richmond~~~~~~~~~~3.:............. Sullivan............ 1...... 3 Tioga..................................................... I........................|' 15...... 1 Tom pkins.................................. 2.... I.................... 1 5 3...... U lster....................... I................... 1 12 2 W arren4............................ 40............ I W ashington a d y............................... 3............. I 2 2 1 W ayne........... 2 1 1..... 1 2 2............................ 4 5]8 W estchester............................... 2 2............'..... 1I 1 21...... -W yoming......... 6.............. I. 1 7 1............ 2................ 1 3 2 Y ates................................ 1.................... 2 2 1 Total.......... 113 65 199 175 155 42 63 42 52 85 51 13 17 8 4 69 433 805 71 NEW YORK CAVALRY REGIMCNTS. COUN TIES. __________________________________________________ 4:. 5. 6. 7.~ S. 9. 10. it. 13. 13. 14.111 115. 16, 17.** is. 19.,^ 30. 31. 23. Z3. Albany............ 7 6 8.........4.4 2 10.7.....4......73 12...... 23 15.................. Allegany....... 2 49 13...... 3 4 2 2 11 1............... Broome........... I is 15 1 11 2 9 8 I 2......................... 2 2.... Cattaraugus....... 1 12 20...... 3 161 13 1 2 2...... I................ Cayuga........... A.....11...... 8 6 1........ 2................... 1...... 14.... Chautauqua............... 4 1 1 3 250 8 4 4. 1 13 1.... 10 ] 1.... 1 To mpking................ 2............ 10 1 21 1............ ~.............. Chenango...... 77...... 75 3 1.... 1 2................... 46...... 24.... Clinton........... 6 22 1 2...... 20 2 7 3 1.... 7 90..... 2...... 3...... 4.... Columbia.......... I 8 25 3............1............ 20....................... 4...... 2 6.......... Cortland........:........ 1 6...... 8...... 54 4 1......... 7................... I...... 3.... Delaware...... I 4................. 1 2................... 3...... 3 2 10 Dutchess...... 1 3 1 1 9 1 4 3 1 5 1 33 34 2.... Erie.............. 3 4 4 1 25 14 114 32 78 16.... 8 38 1 2...... 3 3 3 1 Essex............. 3 129.................. 2...... 8 3 1.......... 6............... 5...... I.... Tranklin.......... 1 7............ 5 1 2 4 3 6-2 1 14 2 9...... 4 2 1 Fulton.................... 4 1 10............ 44 2.... 2.......... I........... 1........ Genesee................. I I...... 11 11 3...... 5.... 2 6........................ 1 6... Greene1............ 18 8 4...... 1 1 3 2 63... 5.. 2 17 H am ilton.........I................................................................................ Herkimer.......... 2 2 1 3....... 7 1 1.... Jefferson................ 1 9 5 2 1 6 4 1 5.... 3 2 1 76 1 304 6 1.. Kings............. 10 14 22 3 4 6 6 13' 1 1 3 7 2 4...10...... 3 1 2 1 Lewis............. 3...... 4 6 2............ 3.... 2.......... 1I.. 5...... * 64 5 1.... Livingston......... I I 3...... 42 3 2...... 3 1.......... 5...... I1............ 39 7 1 M adison....................... 3...... 8...... 42 9 1........ 27 1................ 4 1 41.... Oneda<............ 6 4 3 54 1 4 2 4 3 1 1..... 1 5.... Onondaga~~~~~~................ 6...... 2 1 17 5 13 2 1 31 1........ 6 3 4 1 Ontrio........ 1 5.... 5 8 4 1 1. 1 2................... 2 Broome......... 1 5 5.... 2....'..... 1... 4 2... 5.... 1 1..... Orleans ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1............ 22... 4 2.......1....... 11........... 0.. Os eo............... 1 24 3 4 3 1 52.... 15 1... 3... 33 0 5 1 O s g.......... 1 4.... 8... 11 1.. 1.................... 6:1: 1.... Qu en........ 1 2 1 3..... 1 1 2.. 5......................:...... " i'........ R nsle........ 1 4 14 2...... 2 1 5 2 0... 9 1 9 13 6 2 R ich mond.........8 4...... 3....................................................... St. La rec..... 2 3 28 1 6 5.... 26 1 8 2 2 10...2 4 12.... 1.. Cheatoga............... 42 8 1 1 5.............. 1.... 2...... 7 1013. S h h re......... 75.. 1 1... 1.............. 3.... 1 6 4..... 4... 5........ S n c............ 1... 1.... 2 3 1 1 2...... 1............ 4 6,. Ste ben............. 10 21........ 1 2...... 12....... 3 1........ 9.. Suffolk........... 2 2 54 1......... 1. 6........................ 6...... 1.. Sulliawae................. 2 2 1.... 1... 1......... 2......... 1...... 9...... 1.2.13 utc Thes....... a 24t....re oraie as copne... a roke batlin an cosiae 1 Cosliae wit the 183aal.............d.te. 114 th 32d 7ater 16~....idte.it the 1s3eeacvly 648 APPENDIX. REGIMENTS INTO WHICH ENLISTMENTS OCCURRED (CONTINUED). NEW YORK CAVALRY REGIMENTS. COUNTIES. ____________________________________________________ 4. 5. 6. 7.1# S.. 9. 10. II.' 19.1. 13. 14I. 15. 16. 171. 18S. 1QD.~ 30. 821. 2. 813. Tioga.............. 66 4...... 1 1 9................... 3.................... 2 22 3.... Tompkins.......... 8 3.................. 4 1' 5 1.... 51........................ 87 1.... Ulster........ 5 8 3...... 1...... 1 2 1 1.... 12 2.... 2.. 2 2 2..... W arr6n............ 12 1 1............ 1 1.................................................. W ashington8..... 10 3.................. 2 1.... 2...........5.... 8 7* 2.... W ayne............ 2...... 66 2 21 2 1.......... 1.......................... 3 36.... W estchester.. 3 2 15...... 3............ 2...... 4 3 * 1 2.... 3.... 2..... 6.... W yonming...... 26 1...... 7 141 2............ 4.... 1 2.... 1.... 1...... 1.... Yates................... 8 1 1...... 1.......... 4 1.............. 4 4 4.... Total...... 133 540 414 122 875 727 601 471 313 220 44 482'257 11 242 10 752 50 8 455 11 NEW YORK CAVALRY REGIMENTS. 0 i Z COUNTIES- I * | | 1. O ~'1 1 II ~4.'5. ~6. |.l | | |i 11 o ~ ^| IS?% -'1 * 0,: C) a) T!3 ^;- > g ^^ Albany....... 1 2.......... I 1 2 I 1 -.... 16 15 10 1 155 1085 522 Allegany 29....................... 11 zn~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.............. Broome...... 2 18.......... 55 5 1 I...... 9 22...... 2 59 33 131 Oa-ttaraugus... 1 3.......... I...... I 25 2.... 5............ I 1 77 55 179 Cayuga::: I 4 2.... 8 15.......... 3 81 46 257 Chautauqua............................... I...... 8 3 32 6 4.......... 56. 188 65 242 Chemuno..... 12...... 3.... 42 1........... 1....I 22 17........ 3 75 9 67 Chenango...........I...... I.... I...... 3 1.10.. 2 9.................. 3813 94 Clinton....... I 1 47.... 1 29 1...... 11.... 43 1 1............ 82 6 268 Columbia........... 10................ 12...... 2 1 3 7 1.... 4 79' 44 182 Cortland...... 4................ - 3.... I...... I.... 8......................18 559 Delaware....... 3 2 3...... 2 2 506 242 Dutchess... 2...... 6.... I...... 12.... 9.... 11'26.......... 11 89 86 287 Eric......... 43...... 14. 3 1 2 11 3 9 8 1 4 25 192 176 524 Essex............... 5.................................. 8.... 11 I.......... 4 55 6202 Franklin................. 32... 3 3...... 1 2.... 6........................ 65 4159 Fulton.............. 1...... 3 1 I 2 5.................. 283 174 Genesee...,.... 2................. 2...... 3, 15 2 -. 22 1...... 1 2 33666 Greene...........<........................ 1 2 1.......... 3 16- 1 1......... 29 16 132 Hamiltona u1. 2.................................. 1121 I -eki er... 3... 1 4 1 1 3 1 1 * 3.... 7 2...... 4.... 38 56 155 Herkii ~ ~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ 3..... 6 4-4.......... 6 Jefferson..... 7 1 23... 2 3 1 1 2.... 20 3 3...... 58 28 154 Kings........ 1 14 1.... 2s 1 12...... 4.... 153 23 26 4 509 382 1, 365 636 Lewis..... 2.... 28........;. 22 17............... I 3 6 7 10.... 2 12497 Chenan g o ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~.............. 2.9.................. 9 Livingston 19...... I.... 21...... 7 2 5 3 1.... 38 61 11 156 Madison...... 4.: 6. I..... 27 1......] 2........ 54 16 101 Monroe....... 23 3 - 3.... 23...... 5 7 5 17 84 2 1.... 90 133 58 323 M ontgomery............................ 8..............................3017160 owmYork.... 9 32 3.... 8...... 5 1 7 16.... 4 798 674 1,265 1 2690 Niagara...... I...... 5.... I I I 98 2.... 28 9 1 1 2 63 23 208 Oneida....... 45...... 3 11...... I 11 4 1.... 22 16.......... 22 113 51 345Onondaga.... 7...... 3 23 1 2 37 5 2. 453 Ontario....... 37;........ 1 l1 40 5 1.... 22 16 3.... 5 43 21 192 Orange............. 5.......... I...... 13 1 1 17.... 40 75 3 1 64 72 87 267 Orleans...... 2............................ 4, 36...... 9 9 5 1.... 1 391499 Oswego...... 234............ 2 2...... 7..... 4.... 98 5 2....... 79 51 441 Otsego... 8...................... 1 4....... 2.... 11 3....... 3 3 38 10191Putnam....................................... 3................. 6 3...... 424 850 Qu 3en........................ 3 6 3 25 57 82 147 Quen....... 2...;... 22 4 Rensselaer................. 5.... 3 3 15 1 2 4 20 13 8.... 12 146 89 263 Richmond..e.............................. I....... 4............ 3 1.... 6 23 49 78 Rockland.......................................:.......... 1 7........ 38 40348 St. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, L wec. 12... 41.. 1........... 8.. 1 1.......... 16 420~ Saao a........: 1 1 i..... 3... 26 3 1........ 415 Sctole... 2......' "i.' 3................ 297~ Se e a....... 2 2............. 1........:.... 588 Su li a.......... 28............ 1 4 1.... 299 Tioga.............. 3 4/.... 5 2 2 1 3.... 9 3.1....... 054 Greek ne............. 3.. 1...... 1.. 7......... 2 -107 Ulstime..... 1 2.....'...... 3 9 1 4.. 6 25 1 1 3 4628 W arn................ 4 4 1..... 55............73 Jefersne.......... 1 1.. 9...... 34.......0........ 1 50 41 241 Wenst ese.. 2 4..................... 1... 3 1 11.. 15 21 240 ewyo isg................:... 4 5.. 10 3..... 2 448 Yates........ 2................. 4...... 10 * 4....... 6 9.....2789 Toa...... 50.51 27 1.291 20. 358 46 7 5 128 55 11 2,6,4 471 1 3,341 * utee uti Mrh 16. Oignll h 10hInaty afewrsc nedo18hN wY kDaon. t Conolidaed wth th 18t Caval.. Cnoiae wihte1h te nCvlr..... SUMMARY OF ENLISTMENTS IN REGIMENTS, ETC., OF OTHER STATES, AND OF THE UNITED -STATES, BY PERSONS CLAIMING RESIDENCE IN NEW YORK, AS REPORTED BY FAMILIES IN THE PRESENT CENSUS. [This Sum mary includes only those reporlted as living at the tihe the Census was takcen.] ARKANSAS. — I.,2..4; 26 I.,2; 27 1. 3; 28 I.,1. 1 A.,3; 3 A., 2; 4 A., 1; 5 A., 1. 1 C., 16; 2 C., 19; 3 C., 8; 4 C., 1. 7 24. CALIFORNIA.-1I., 17; 2 I., 3; 3 I., 3; 4 I., 1; 5 I., 3; 7I., 1; 8 I., 1; " 4,. 24. NoRTH~ CtAROLINt.-IlI., 2; 4 I., 1; 15 I., 1. 7 5. 9 I., 1; 11 I., 1; 13 I., 2; 211I, 1. 1 C., 1; 2 C., 4. NOHnR CIROLINA- 1 I, 2; 4 I., 1; 5 I, 1..., CONNECTICUT. — I., 30; 21.,34; 31.,10; 4I.,7; 5 I., 29; 6 I., 38; CONNETICU.-I.., 3; 2 I, 34 3 I. 10;4 I.,76;5I.,I2,46;.,038.6, 7;I. 1 1[.,2I., 72I.,.,82;124I,, 3; 4 I. I.,3; I.,3 6I16I.,-;117..,22 71., 20; 8 I., 16; 9 I., 15; 10 I., 35; 11 1. 23; 12., 8; 13 TI., 21; 14I 9 I 1 I.; 1 2 I 6I., I 2 l 1 16; 151., 20; 16 1., y 17 I., 37; 19 I., 7; 20i., 6; 21 I., 7; 22 I., 17; 23 IQ T.. 1 TI. T I., 8; 24 I., 5; 25 1, 5; 26 1.,5; 27 I., 3; 28 I., 21; 29I.,; 30 I., 3; 2 2; 27 I., 3; 28., 1; 29., 5; 30 2; 31 I., 3; 33, 1; 34 I., 1; 35 I., 31 I 2 34 I 1 1 A 18 2 A 253 A 1? A 6 1 18, 4 1; 39 I3 2; 40 I., 1; 41 I., 2; 44 I., 1; 47 I., 3; 49 1., 2; 50 I., 1; 51 I., 1;?3Ionn., 2 352., 1; 54I., 2; 55 I., 6; 56 I., 1; 60 I., 2; 61 I., 3; 62 TI., 1; 63 I., 2;?'~~~ Con-~~~~~n -,~ 25 T ^ or o o A T64 I., 1; 66 I., 1; 67 I., 2; 68 I., 2; 69 I., 3; 72 I., 1; 73 I., 1; 75 I., 2; 77 I., DELAWARE.-l I., 62I,33I,;4I; 2 I., 3; 8 I., 2; 82 I., 4; 3. 1; 84 I., 2; 86 I., 5; 88 I., 1; 90 I., 1; 93 I., 1; ILLINOIS. —1-., 3; 2I.,1; 3I.,1; 4I., 1; 5I., 3; 6 T., 1; 7I.,4; 8 951.,1; 98T.,2; 1001.,4; 101I.,2; 102I.,2; 103I., 11; 104I.,2; I., 6; 9 I., 3; 10 1., 4; 11 I., 8; 12 I., 6; 13 I., 5; 14 I., 4; 15 I., 8; 16 105 I., 2; 116 I., 1; 122 I., 1; 123 I., 1; 124 I., 6; 125 1, 3; 126 I., 2; I., 2; 17 I., 7; 18 I.,2; 19 I., 7; 20 T., 3; 22 I., 3; 23 I., 7; 24 I., 3; 25 133 I.; 1; 134 I., 2. 1 A., 5; 4 A.,. 1. C., 2; 2 C., 5; 3 C., 7; 4 C., 1; I., 3; 30 I., 1; 31 I., 1; 32 I., 3; 33 I., 4; 34 I., 3; 35 I., 2; 36 I., 7; 39 5 C., 2; 8 C., 1; 9 C., 2; 10 C., 3; 11 C., 1.? 44. I., 4; 42 I., 6; 44 I., 1; 45 1., 4; 46 I., 1; 47 I., 3; 50 I., 2; 51., 1; 52 OREGON.- -1I., 1 1C.,1; 2C.,6. I,3; 54I.,1; 55I.,5; 56I.,2; 57I.,2; 58I.,6; 59I.,2; 63I.,1; 64 I.7 2; 651L, 4; 6 6I., 2; 72 I., 7; 73 1., 1; 74 I., 3; 75TI.,,1; 76 I., 1; 77 PENISYL-VNI A.-I I., 11; 2 T., 4; 3 T., 11; 4 T., 1; 5 I., 17; 6 T75'10; 1.2 1 6 27.7.. I~ 7I' 7 I., 3; 8., 7; 9 1., 7; 10 I., 3; 11 T., 11; 12 I., 4; 13 I., 6; 14 I., 2; 15 I., 2; 81 I., 1; 82 I.,3; 84 I., 2; 86 1., 1; 88 I.,2; 89 I., 3; 90 I., 4; 92, 2; 1 I., 3; 17 T., 6; I T, 2; 109., 5; 20 I., 4; 21., 2; 22, 3; 23 I.,2; 93 I.,1; 95 I.,3; 96 I., 1; 97 I., 1; 100 I.,3; 105 I., 3; 106 I., 1;7 40 108 I., 1; 109 I., 1; 112 I., 3;'113 I., 2; 114 T., 1; 115 I., 2; 116 I., 1; 5 I 2 2 2 I 2 I 6 5., 1; 41I., 2; 42I.,4; 43 I., 3; 45 I., 18; 46 I., 12; 47 T., 6; 48 I., 6; 117I., 1; 119 I., 1; 122 I., 1; 124 1, 3; 126 I., 1, 127 1., 2; 128., 1; 49 1. 1; 50 I., 9; 51 T., 3; 5 I., 5; 53 I., 5; 54, 2; 55 6; 5 I., 14; ~~~~~129 I.T,~~~~~~~~~~ 1;~4 130 9., 1, 5 I., 25 10I., 2,; 1.,5; 14., 1; 62 I., 1; 16I.,, 8; 6 8 I., 3;14 145 I., 1; 146 I1, 1; 147 I., 2; 11 1., 1, 156 I., 1; 157., 1. A 69 I., 1; 70 1; 71 I., 7; 72 I., 4; 73 I., 2; 74 I., 4; 75 T 1; 76., 7; 3;? A., 3 1 C., 3; 2 C., 3; 3 C., 1; 4 C., 4; 5 C., 1 7 C. 4; 8 C 5I.,; 8I., 1; 7 I;4 I., 4; 5 1., 1; 87 1., I; 1I 9 C., 5; 10 CI., 2; 11C., 5; 12 C., 5; 13 C., 2; 14 C., 1; 16 C., 1; 88 I., 3; I.,1; 0 I.,; 1 I., 1; 93, 3; 95 I., 2; 96 I, 1; 97 I, 3; C..,o, 3~ 19C., I?98 I., 5; 99 I., 4; 100 I., 4; 102 T., 6; 103 I., 2; 104 I, 2; 105 I., 4; 106 INDIANA.-1I., 1; 2 I., 4; 3 I., 3;, 5 1; 6., 1; 3.,; 7, 3; 8, 2; 115. 2; 116 I.;1.;1 I. ^ ^ r 4; 13 I., 2; 14 I., 1; 15 I., 1; 16 1.5 2; 17 I., 2; 18 T. 2; 11 I., 2 118 I. 1; 119 I., 1; 121 T., 1; 122 I., 2; 124 I., 3; 127 2; 19 I., 3; 20 I., 3; 21., 1; 23 I., 1; 24, 3; 25 1; 27 I., 3; 2 I., 2; I., 3; 130I., 1; 1311., 1; 132I., 2; 133 I., 1; 136 I., 2; 137I., 7; 140 30 I., 2; 32., 2; 33 1; 34 I., 1; 5 1; 38 1; 42 1; 44., 1; 47 T., 1; 141., 4; 142 I., 3; 143 I., 2; 145 T., 15; 147 I., 3; 149 I., 9 150., 2; 49 1., 2; 5 1., 1; 52T., 1; 54 I., 1; 57 I., 1; 67 I., 1; 72 I., 1; 73 I; 151. 4; 153 1., 3; 157 I., 3; 169 I., 2; 171 I., 1; 172 I. 2; 176 1; 84 I., 2; 87 I. 2; 116.1, 113,5 1.5 1; 136 L1. 138 1;1 52L 17 1^.5 1; 178 T., 1; 181 I., 1; 183 I.5 1; 187 I., 1; 188 I.5 65; 191 I.,J 138.; 152C.,. L26 1. 2 A., l; A., 1. 1 C., 4; 3 C., 1; 12 C., 2.? 13. 1. 2; 193 T., 2; 198 I., 2; 199 I., 3; 200 I., 1; 202 I., 1; 206 I., 1; 207 IOWA.-2 I., 2; 3 I., 7; 41.,.4; 5 I, 1; 6 I, 2; 7 I., 1; 4 I., 5; 6 I., 2 I, 5; 210 I, 3;- 211 1, 3; 214 I., 1. 1 A., 6; 2 A., 3; 3 A, 6; 6 A, 1. 7 I., 2; 8 I, 2; 10 I., 1; I, 1; 17 I., 3; 211, 2; 22 1., 1; 23 I., 2; 24 I C., 11; 2 C., 10; 3 C., 7; 4, 4; 5 C., 8; 6 C., 3; 7 C., 8; 9 C., 1; 10 I., 1; 26 I.,; 27 I., 5; 28 1., 1; 30 1., 1; 32 I., 2; 37 I., 2; 39 I., 1; 40 C 6; 12 C., 17; 13 C., 13; 14 C., 4; 15., 7; 16 C., 3; 17 C., 3; 18., T., 1; 429I, 1; 441I,1; 461 1I I C.,7; 2 C.,2; 3 C., 3; 5 C., 1; 6 C 2; 1 C.,; 21 C.,1; 22 C., 2; 23 C., 1. Unknown, 91. 2; 9 C., 1.? 9. RHODE ISLAND.-,; 1I., 6; 2 I., 9; 3 I., 6; 4 4; 5 I.,; 6 1I., 1; 8 I., KANSAS.-1 I., 6; 2 I4,; 3 I.,; 7 1., 2; 7.3 j 1, 2; I., 1 A.,1 7; 2 A, 1; 1 I.,; 1., I., 4.? 7. 2; 4 A., 1; 5 A. 3. 1 C. 6; 2 C0, 1; 3 C., 5.? 40. KENTUCKY.-1 I, 4; 2 I., 2; 5 I., 1; 16 I, 1; 38 I., 1. 7 C., 1.? 3. TENNESSEE.-1 I, 1; 2 I., 2. Unknown, 4. LoUISIANA-2 I., 1; 5 I., 1. 2., 1. VERMONT.- I., 9; 2 I., 13; 3 I., 10; 4 1., 6; 5 I., 24; 6 I., 8; 7 I., MAINE. —I I., 4; 2 I,) 1; 3 T., 1; 4 I., 1; 5., 3; 6 I-, 1; 71 1;9 19; 8 I., 8; 9 I., 20; 10 I., 10; 11 I., 14; 12 I., 4; 13 I., 3; 14 I., 6; 15 3;10,1 111;12,1 1L1;14i,2 15 9,1 i6, 1I. I., 6; 16 I., 6; I7 L, 7; 19 I, 1. I A., 2. 1 C., 6; 3 C., 1.? 13. 3I; 1 I.,1; 193I.,1; 128I.,21; 13I.,31; 140I., 1; 202I.,1; 2066I.,I.1; I0 I1; 19 I., 5; 25 I., 1; 27 I., 1; 31 I., 1; 33 I., 1.? 2. 0; VIRGIIA-,11AI., 2; 3 I.,1; 5 I., 1; 6 I., 1; 12 I.,1; 16 1.5 3. 80C., 1.? 1. iMARYLAND. —I. I., 5; 2 I., 2; 3 I., 2; 4J., 3; 5 I., 1; 9 I., I13 I., 1. ISCONSIN- I, 27; 2 1., 1; 3 I.,11; 4 I., 6; 5 I., 15; 6 I., 10; 7., 1 C., 1; 2 C., 1.? 2. 4; 8 I., 11; _9 I., 1; 10 I., 4; 13 I., 2; 14 I., 7; 15 I., 10; 16 L, 6; 17 I.) MIASSACHUSETTS.-I I, 14; 2 I., 20; 3 I., 16; 4 T., 9; 5 I, 7; 6 T., 1; 2.; 18., 6; 19 I., 6; 20 I., 2; 21 I., 4; 22 I., 5; 23; 1; 24 I., 3; 25 I., 7 I., 4; 8 I., 4; 9 I., 9; 10 I., 20; 11 I., 6; 12 I., 7; 13 I.,; 14 I, 4; 15 3; 28 I., 5; 29., 5; 30., 2; 3 I., 3; 32., 4; 331., 2;.36 I., 2; 3 1., 1.,6; 16 I., 7; 17 I., 7; I., 8; 1., 9; 2., 6; 21., 8; 22., 7; 23 1; 39., 4; 40., 2; 1 I., 3; 42 I., 1; 43 I., 1; 43 I.,1I., 47 I., 2; 50I., I21. I A., 5; 5 A.,11. I C., 10; 2 C., 5; 3 C., 5; 4 C., 3; 5 C, 1; 8 I., 2; 24 T., 6; 251I., 4; 26 I., 5; 27 I., 14; 281.,7; 29 I.,1; 30 II., 5.; 31 C., 1; 9., 1.? 2 I., 12; 32., 9; 33 I., 7; 34 I., 25; 35 1., 2; 36 I.,; 1 3;., 1.,11; 38 I., 1; 39 I., 1; 40 I., 1; 42 I., 2; 44 I., 7; 45 T., 2; 46 I., 4; 48; 49 I., 7; 495WASHINGTON TERRITORY.-IT., 1. 51 I., 6; 52 I., 3; 53 I., 2; 54 I., 35; 55 I., 7; 56 I., 5; 57 I., 6; 58T., DISTRICT or COLUMBIAT-1 I., 1; 2 I., 5.? 1. 2; 59 I., 2; 60 I., 1; 61., 7; 69 I., 2. 1.,; 2 A., 1; 3 COLORADO TERRITORY.-2 1. 7 A., 1; 14.,. 1 0., 16; 2 C0. 15; 3 0.,4; 4, 10; 5 0., 1; 6 0.,; 1 23 10.,I; 11.27 UNITEDI STATES I1FANTR;1Y.-1 I5, 29,; 216.,3; 1 I., 31; 37I,4;4 I., 25; 5 I., MICHI; N' II 24-21 91. ^ T 19., 5; 90.2^T 4 fiT 7T 15; 6 I., 34; 7, 42; 8., 30; 9 I., 2; 10 I., 35; 11 I., 75; 12., 70; 13 MJ ~-.4, 1., i U, i I d9 13 1.,, 1; 1 1., 1 0; 3 I., 61; 4 I., 5; 5., 1 5; 6 I., 1; 7 9., IC, 1; 16CI, 13; 172."5; 1II, 3; 9 I., 3; 20 I.,I; 3 I.,2; I1 I.,; 2 5 I., 10; I.,6; 31 M~s~~uE~S.-1.14 2.,0;3I,1;4I,9 5.,; I,0;; 1I,;1I,;I.,.,; 211.,,4; 22 I.,5;2 23., 1;4.,3 15I., I., 7; 24 I, 6; 25 I.,; 27 I., 6; 28 I., 4; 30 I, 2. 1 A., 5; 2; A., 1; 47 A., 1. 1 0., 14; 2 0., 17; 3 0., 13; 4 0., 11; 50C., 6; 6 63, 11; 7 0., 12;,5;., 3 T't 1 I.,3; A. 1.; 3 3I., 2; 4 6., 2 A; 3 8I., 1 8., 8; 9 0., 5; 10., 2; 11., 3; 13 0., 20 6; 21 8;A 3; 7 A;, 1; I A2, 81I.; 2., 1; 13 A., 4; 15 A., 4; I A., 2; 17 i., 1~INS T.2; 24., 6; 25.4 6I.,59; 27I.,14; 28I, 7;2, 1 30.51 M ^ TA^ I 6^,^ ^ ^ ^1. 6A,4; 7.I, 3. 8 1, 2; ^ L^Y 1 C., 10; 2 C., 1; 3 C.,; 4 C., 7; 5 C., 13; 6 0, MI.,ISSIP1 I-^ 32; 8 ~ 132I.,; 4 5 5., 3; 37 I,11; I20.,;.,?;., 15. 39 SS - I, 5; 42 I., 1;54 1 2;344 I, 7; 45 I., 2; 46 I, 4; 47 I, 3; 49 I,; 9 s T IOOTEs-lst 142; 2d E;?O.-1., 13 51 I., 6; 51, 1; 5 3 I., 2; 54 I, 1; 55 I., 7; 5 6 I, 5; 57 I., 1; 58 I., 1; 4 I.DE5 -2. I, 1; 43 I.,. 1; 6 I., 7; A I., 2,. 1., 5; 2 A., 1; 3 A., 1; 4 A., 2;? 7. STAPF OFFICR-1. NEBRASKA. —2 I., 1. 2 0., 1. U. S. ENGINEERtS —T57. NEW HAMPSHIRE.-1., 5; 2 I., 12; 3 I, 8; 4 I., 7; 5 I., 14; 6 I, 8; VETERAN RESERVES-107. " I", 7; " I1;9I1;1I;11312I4;3I2;1I1;6 U. S. COORED TROOPS. — I., 16; 2 I, 10; 3 I, 5; 4 I, 6; 5 I, 5; 6 I., I.,2. 1 A., 2. 1 0, I; 2 0, 1. 6I9. 2; 7 I., 2; 8., 24; 9 I., 4; 10 I.,3; 1 1I., 5; 14 I.,0; 43; NEW JERSEY. —I, 20; 2 I., 26; 3 I., 16; 4 I., 16; 5 I., 16; 7 I., 5 l 7 I., 22; 8 I., 25; 9 I, 18; 10 I., 0; 111., 7; 12 I, 10; 13 I; 9; 14 1 2; I., 156; 29 T., 7; 30 T., 2; 11 I., 36; 33 I., 1; 35 I, 2; 310, 1; 41 2;1I.,14; 17, 3; 2I.,;I 2;2I,74; 24,1; 2.,; 1; 46115, 1;5 Unknown, 46. 82 (649) STATISTICS OF THOSE WHO HAVE ENTERED THE MILITARY OR NAVAL SERVICEOF THEUNITED STATES. [This table, and those following, relating to time of entering the service, nativities and professions before enlistment, embrace only those persons who were reported by the families to which they belonged, as living at the time the census was taken.] CIVIL CONDITION. AGES. COUNTIES. Total. I-Colored. - Single. Married. Widowers. Not re- E1 3. 13-6.1 - 15. 7. 1i. 19. 0, 13. 15. 16. 17. 1~. 19. e8 ported. Albany............ 3,509 1,713 1,269 55 472 30 1...... 2 4 14 55 91 178 198 185 Allegany........... 2,061 961 896 30 17 10...... I 1 7s20 48 84 89 104 9,0~~~~~~~~~~~_ Broome............I 1,588 749 601 16 222 39. I I 1 33 53 86 70 Oattaraugus........ 2,019 865 1738 21 395............ 2 19 34 65 72 89 Cayuga............ 2,700 1,020 1,079 54 5 547 38 2...... 4 8 30 58 107 126 123 Chautauqua........ 2,255 1,054 859 40 302 9 1 16 38 55 74 91 Chemung........... 1,490 664 661 11 154 5 3............ 1 5 12 27 48 60 78 Chenango.......... 1,466 689 516 1 10 2..... 1 1 44 11 27 38 43 73 Clinton............. 1,992 1,010 732 1 249 1............ 4 8 26 78 120 119 124 Columbia........... 1,277 612 391 15 259 21 1........... 2 7 20 21 56 49 7 Cortland........... 984 493 332 10 149................. 2I9 18 35 39 64 Delawcare.......... 1,975 944 686 27 318 2..............3 1 39 7 65 62 777 Dutchess.......... 2,097 l 988 703 31 375 49.................. 24 28 67 91 111 Erie............... 3,804 1,987 1,210 37 570 13 3 2 5 14121 16 196 233 Essex........... 4439117 ssex.............. 1,306 600 472 9 225 3 1............ 14 34 48 58 64 Franklin........... 1,349 657 596 13 83.......................... 4 19 56 82 87 86 Fulton............. 965 491 411 16 47 19 1...... 1 7 22 13 40 51 43 Genesee............ 1,081 650 358 14 59 3.................. 5 7 22 43 64 63 Greene............. 1,024 581 391 16 36 41............ 1 4 8 25 37 58 60 Hamilton........... 138 72 55 1 10.................. 1 5 5 3 6 4 IHerkimer.......... 1,354 675 543 21 115 5............... 5 9 22 56 54 66 Jefferson........ 3,524 1,795 1,378 37 4...... 15 38 74 170 171 205 Kings.............. 7,091 3,437 3,3390 95 3 169 845 2...... 9 31 70 167 283 301 313 Lewis.............., 8 815 352 11 903 17 25 55 60 57 Livingston.......... 1,53 865 512 30 130.. 3 16 23 45 72 7 Miiadison............ 1,711 958 682 25 46 3......... I...... 5 24 31 65 104 120 Monroe............ 3,745 1995 1,9319 52 379 131...... 2 2 8 50 97 148 195 202 Montgomery........ 925 548 302 20 55 16............ 2 6 7 22 46 48 45 New York.......... 11,974 4,823 6,049 154 948 129 1 1 14 39 124 237 413 460 494 Niagara............ 1,812 1,096 601 27' 88 10............ 4 4 15 38 87 102 98 Oneida............. 3,767 2,178 1,357 48 184 32......I...... 3 9 30 78 149 175 220 Onondaga........... 3,392 1,805 1,284 70 233 19............. 3 6 39 82 127 164 204 Ontario............ 1,766 1,035 608.21 102 34. 5 11 45 71 92 111 Orange............. 2,258 1,157 1,021 42 38 112............ 3 4 27 36 106 92 115 Orleans............ 1,311 816, 443 17 35 8..1..... 4 17 40167 82 83 Oswego............ 4,271 2,064 1,930 46 231 19 1 1 24 59 129 171 255 23 3,76711 2,178 i 1,3~~~~~~~~~~~~~~57 7 8 249 Otsego............ 1,601 824 686 34 57 2................. 1 9 26 50 69 90 Putnam........... 339 190 131 8 1( 4.................. 2 2 7 7 12 19 Queens.............,125 625, 451 1,3 36 62 1...... 1 3 10 21 52 58 71 Rensselaer.......... 2,. 1,077 45 200 1..... 4 13 44 73 107.124 134 R.ichmond.......... 433 227 156 3 47 5................. 1 7 14 19 21 38 Eockland........'... 558 1 269 255 11 23 7 19... I I...... 9 10 27 25 22 St. Lawrence........ 4,053 1,943 1,679 53 378 2........ 1 15 57 121 215 217 221 2 1 1~ 17 401 65 821 83 Saratoga.......... 1,747 951 685 23 88 20............ 4 13 27 45 76 90 105 Schenectady........ 693 247 418 10 18 71.................. 4 7 11 31 35 51 Schohaoie.......... 878 488 336 13 41 14............ 1 5 11 21 43 45 51 Schuyler........... 854I483 320 10 41 9i I 1 7 13 29 44 48 Seneca............ 1,328 o 527 624 11 166 13................. 14 24 44 57. 73 Steuben.......... 3,357 1,590 1,442 286 17...... 3 9324 60 141 0163 162 Suffolk.......... 929 444 303 11 171 2 4 5 10 21 25 55 Sullivan............ ~ 1,406 784 510 2 8 8 28...... ( 1 7 20 33 55 64 70 Tiogs............. 1,36611 632 561 13 160 1...... 15 34 49 46 73 Tompkins.......... 1,313 68/7 534 i 17 775 15.. l. 10 19 42 56 70 Uonlster............ 2,318 1,209 841 38 230 37... 2 5 27 56 111 110 113 W~arren............ 944 435 460 20 29............. 5 1 1 4 44 45 WaP~shington 1,5~4 926 584, 30 54 16 ii.....j............. 3 16 32 59 6 90 ayne....,......... 2, 171 1, 120 821 31 199 21...... 2 2 8 15 37 88 89 136 oestckester....,.. 2,677 1,315 1,083250 229 56 3 5 27 57 95 125 160 Wyoming......;.'.. 1,172 678 426 18 50 6....29.. 1 155 Yates............ 919 515 325 12 7 6...... 1 4 9 1 3 39 53 T~otal.....,....... 123,126161, 214 49,435 1 10,796 1,227 16 21 1,336 2,745 4,948 5,731 6,467 (650) STATISTICS OF THOSE WHO HAVE ENTERED THE MILITARY OR NAVAL SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES-(CONTINUED). AGES. COUNTIES. 311. 32. 323. 34:. 325. 801. 3'r. 38a. 39. 30. 31. 32. 33. 341. 35, 36. Albany........................ 242 227 187 181 220 153 109 118 72 141 5258 64 97 43 Allegany....................... 145 141 126 127 121 99 84 76 78 58 42 51 43 46 56 53 Broome........................ 113 105. 111I 99 85 68 56 67 36 54 31 39 25 26 28 34 Cattaraugus.................... 102 122 120 98 97 112 92 79 58 69 39 53 50 45 36 42 Cayuga........................ 190 150 143 125 149 133 101 90 81 99 54 55 38 49 48 47 Chautauqua.................... 148 170 157 135 5 106 84 84 62 77 62 53 53 42 64 46 Chemung...................... 104 92 92 76 68 55 42 46 47 33 32 19 35 30 25 Chenango...................... 98 101 91 85 84 70 47 66 42 66 23 26 25 18 34 19 Clinton........................ 130 125 102 82 84 72 57 54 73 21 37 20 29 38 27 Columbia...................... 89 89 79 51 52 36 40 37 22 48 15 14 12 14 0 15 Cortland....................... 80 67 58 54 6 50 34 3 31 18 1619 1117 Delaware...................... 114 123 132 121 106 71 64 90 61 68 28 30 48 41 45 39 Dutchess....................... 153 125 134 100 110 91 61 74 51 78 27 31 30 28 52 26 Erie........................... 267 255 260 219 187 151 118 16 105 119 55 55 59 58 75 57 Essex.......................... 74 6 85 57 74 60 53 45 32 40 16 29 30 19 26 27 Franklin........................ 87 78 80 61 61 49 42 43 40 33 22 33 33 20 33 23 Fulton......................... py7 7 77 75 60 44 34 3 0 3 6 22 34 26 2 3 17 18 26 it Genesee........................ 74 7 5 6 7 81 55 57 40 47 36 2 6 17 24 23 21 18 15 Greene........................ 75 74 80 67 71 52 39 32 21 371 19 20 12 15 24 14 Hamilton...................... 848 8 13 10. 7 10 33 3...... Herkimer...................... 8 81 115 84 75 62 53 54 37 26 25 25 26 25 Jefferson..-o..................... 264 215 267 203 187 150 126 105 100 108 68 65 59 57 63 63 Kings......... 403 464 388 355 353 300 270 320 179 305 114 165 135 116 131 146 Lewisto................... 853129 75 77 66 64 55 43 30 36 20 14 21 25 34 30 Livingston..................... 104 108 93 92 11061 52 4 7 55 21 24 30 28 28 22 Madison....................... 11'7 120 101 119 102 80 68 75 57 58 37 37 35 30 43 24 Monroes........................ 264 275 284 226 217 182;125 130 92 120 5159 Montgomery................ o.... 80 65 67 76 41 38 31 41 31 30 17 23 1 7 11 15 10 New York...................... 572 625 573 538 512 451 403 469 291 611 222 315 251 228 456 316 Niagara........................ 139 153 109 149 105 99 60 62 47 46 30 28 5 31 28 31 Oneida......................... 252 286 259 247 213 177 159 157 907 134 53 81 71 64 81 50 Onondaga.....I................. 267 225 212 204.181 18 121 154 76 117 50 61 50 55 81 51 Ontario........................ 140 111I 112 122 105 102 68 83 47 75 334 39 22 30 38 21 Orang~e........................ 161 151 135 111I 133 103 74 108 65 10 7 43 53 51 39 64 60 Orleans........................ 108 94 86 96 71 61 50 49 44 44 24 17 26 19 24 21 Oswego........................ 277 260 241 244 191 151 147 147 115 135 80 103 101 79 106 907 Otsego~.......................... 94 106 107 109 98 92 65 72 55 52 34 37 38 39 20 38 Putnam...................... o 26 19 21 27 29 2 22 14 15 12 17 6 6 4 3 8 5 Queens........................ 95 83 66 64 67 45 36 36 25 39 16 28 24 17 35 21 Rensselaer..................... 181 157 156 1439 106 109 105 96 59 112 45 39 44 41 71 61 -d...................... / i.... Richmodr 3..... 25 25 22 19 17 9 18 15 17 8 13 6 3 1 ockland....................... 45 40 38 29 28 33 21 29 13 24 9 17 8 8 13 11 St. Lawrence.......... 288 280 251 218 216 180 180 157 140 127 69 80 81 71 81 6 9 Saratoga....................... 140 106 114 120 116 61 54 53 57 66 33 51 27 20 39 3 Schenectady.................... 46 24 56 52 25 36 26 29 26 25 12 1.6 10 14 17 15 Schoharie...................... 48 79 54 55 40 58 26 34 25 31 18 1013 20 12 Schuyler........................ 60 71 60 69 42 40 44 39 21 32 9 19 18s 17 16 16 Seneca......................... 77 75 86 74 68 62 50 46 37 64 23 29 17 17 27 31 Steuben................g.. 222 221 204 194 189 158 114 115 90 109 58 66 78 66 93 65 SuffolkI......................... 72 058 61448 43 40328 19 26 28 13 20 19 11 25 14 Sullivan........................ 104 9 81 95 76 79 67 55 58 45 53 30 32 19 15 0 21 Tioga...................... 78 104 65 77 72 63 66 61 33 35 28 28 18 23 28 22 Tompkins.............. - -...... 82 98 79 96 77 67 54 37 36 40 29 30 21 26 32 29 lse..................... 16 14 4 152102 8 86 52 9 25 5 9210/5 1 4 7 55t 1 2 4 5 35 6 8 2 4 22 Warn................. 57 1 7 8 51 2 2 0 4 4 1 2 2 2 2 24 Madshigon................. 1174/ 1209 1023 114 94 8 0 6 5 62 51 53 22 2 29 2 37 283/ 35/ a Wan.................. 14 16 16 1 15 12 6 6 5 3 4 4 3 2 5 2 Montgomsery................ 156 11 13 13 13 07 1 0 68 2 4 3 4 9 5 5 *Wy min................... 88 6 0 6 7 5 44 60 34 3 2 - 2 2 2 2 1 NeYorks............. /.... 672 6 72 65 63 8 73|5 38 351 14 39 9 /6 1/ 22131 125 18 18 4 16 1 Toa.................. 814,02 68,993 641,4 4,9 460,46,0 211 267,7 210 292,5 60~~~~~~~~~61 STATISTICS OF THOSE WHO HAVE ENTERED THE MILITARY OR NAVAL SERVICE OF THE UNITED S'TATES-(CONTINUED). A GES. COUNTIES. 37. 3. 39. 4:0. 41.1.. 4-3. 4. 4:5. 6. 49. 50. 51. 53. Albany............0............. 34| 49 36 73 14 29 25 21 45 20 24 23 IS 32 1 15 Allegany........................ 35 32 30 28 22 17 14 28 19 14 14 11 12 7 2 5 Broome........................... 18 15 16 23 6 4 17 7 21 11 11 7 7 15 8 5 Cattaraugus....................... 37 35 25 18' 15 27 20 12 23 9 6 8 8 4 3 5 Cayu............................ 45 46 36 49 13 31 16, 28 33 21 14 15 11 17 5 11 Chautauqua.................... 44 34 28 35 19 19 17 11 22 15 6 13 3 7 2 4 Chemung........................ 20 24 20 26 13 11 11 13 17 10 7 7 5 7 3.... Chenango........................ 19 18 10 20 6 10 13 8 13 10 10 7 3 3 3 4 Clinton.......................... 18 27 23 33 14 8 11 12 15 12 13 13 8 9 5 8 Columbia........................ 10 24 A 10 26 7. 7 4 5 19 5 7 13 5 7 1 Cortland......................... 19 11 15 10 3 9 6 6 7 4 5 4 4 2 3 Delaware......................... 41 30 22 30 9 17 14 17 18 7 8 10 8 4 5 5 Dutchess........................ 27 23 11 35 14 19 11 18s 19 10 11 10 9 21 5 8 Erie.......................... 54 59 42 69 17 32 22 -29 51 21 18 17 13 18 8 8 Essex............................. 23 13 15 16 12 8 13 9 13 7 4 7 8 6 1 2 Franklin......................... 20 35 19 22 11 19 10 13 27 7 15 5 6 13 3,3 Fulton......................... 15 19 18 11 7 11 4 9 10 15 8 5 8 8 3 3 Genesee........................ 11 18 20 1 8 6 5 5 12 7 11 4 2 6. Greene............................ 20 13 17 14 2 8 9 8 15 1 5 4 6 8 6 5 Hamilton................................ 1 5 1....... I 1 1 2 1 Herkimer.................... 32 18 15 is 10 C 9 10 15 14 11 1 3 9 2 7 Jefferson.......................... 47 62 42 56 31 24 38 24 32 25 21 18 17 26 4 10 Kings............................ 127 139 104 208 40 72 86 144 51 48 54 39 71 12 23 9 Lewis............................ 27 25 1-6 24 T10 11 10 13 10 10 7 8 7 7 1 1 Livingston......................... 20 34 15 23 15 16 10 7 17 10 13 4 4 7 2.... Madison.......................... 23 28 21 28 9 12 15 17 15 6 13 7 4 6 5 3 Monroe.......................... 46 59 39 58 15 36 43 21 45 19 15 22 13 22 3 7 Montgomery....................... 6 12 14 15 5 2 9 5 11 6 5 3 4 5 1 New York........................ 224 285 1744 499 94 155 100 90 246 116 101 111 52 ~166 14 42 Niagara.......................... 14 19 14 29 5 13 9 19 12 7 20 8 7 10 7 1 Oneida,............................. 48 51 45 66 18 34 24 28 43 30 29 17 14 24 3 10 Onondaga......................... 55 58 42 73 25 22 24 20 42 24 1-9 18 20 24 13 11 Ontario...........:.............. 24 32 16 27 9 10- 6 12 15 5 10 11 4 10 2 7 Orange................................ 40 42 20 58 18 17 12 21 40 20 12 13 7 8 7 4 Orleans.......................... 24 21 12 18 8 3 7 6 13 7 5 8 2 1 2 2 Oswego........................... 80 72 53 561 32 72 37 50 46 42 33 24 16 20 7 5 Otsego........................... 30 31 17 21 14 16 15 15 14 6 12 7 7 10 2 4 Putnam.......................... 5 10 3 9 3 3 1 1 5 3 1 1 2 1 2... Queens........................... 20 17 12 21 5 7 8 6 18 13 8 12 6 6 3 3 Rensselaer......................... 39 36 23 57 15 5 32 20 29 30 23 20 9 11 22 2 7 Richmond........................ 2 6 3 15 3 4 1 1 6 3 3 3 3 7 3 Rockland........................ 10 10 4'10 2 3 5 4 13 3 5 2 1 4 2 4 St. Lawrence...................... 68 63 32 56 37 27 34 36 45 22 23 18 22 17 7 10 Saratoga......................... 20 28 22 31 8 16 11 15 23 26 8 6 4 10 4 9 Schenectady.................... 7 17 8 17 8 4 4 5 8 6 1 6 3 4 2.... SChoharie........................ 9 16 1 i 9 9 6 6 8 6 6 4 7 1 7 3 2 Schuyler......................... 13 19 9 8 10 7 8 7 7 3 7 4 2 5 3 Seneca...........I.............. 20 29 18 28 3 14 8 12 10 7 5 10 2 9 1 2 Steuben.......................... 62 63 42 55 33 28 27 26 31 23 22 12 9 17 4 7 Suffolk............................ 11 18 10 11 6 5 5 5 11 6 1 4 6 3 3 3 Sullivan........................... 22 26 9 22 7 11 6 13 15 11 11 8 5 10 1 4 Tioga............................ 17 13 10 20 15 4 12 17 9 7 9 4 2 2 8 3 Tompkins....-................. 23 22 12 16 7 13 8 13 12 11 10 6 1 3 2 5 Ulster.......;.............,..... 27 ~ 36 23 50 16 21 1.3 18 26 19 10 7 5 12 4 7 Warren........................,.. 21 27 18 11 9 6 10 10 11 5 7 4 3 5 3 3 *Washington......................, 18 26 17 38 9 13 10 12 7 11 8 7 4 10 2 6 W~ayne........~.,................. 27 32 32 35 13 17 22 23 21 10 15 14 4 9 5 3 W7~estchestcgr......................, 39 51 24 61 14 18 21 19 37 25 12 13 12 21 4 12 WOyomino......................... 171 18 10 10 9 81 - 9 7 9 6 12 7 5 4 5 3 Yates............................ ~ 9 11 8 8 3 7 8 3 7 11 3 2 5 4 4 2 Total.....................~~~...1,91 2,108 1,440 2,429 815 1,090 954 1,052 11,434 8~6/I2 782 68 510'754i 236 322~ (652) STATISTICS OF THOSE WXO HAVE ENTERED THE MILITARY OR NAVAL SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATE S-(CONTINUED). AGES. COUNTIES. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. Q26. 63. 64. 67O. 6 60. 6 | 7. Unknown. Albany................... 7 7 7 3 11 1 7 | 1 1 2 2 2 229 Allegany.................. 4 3 4 2...... 1 2 2 1 1............ 1..50 Broome............... 3 4 3 1 3.................. 1 I........... 2...... 147 Cattaraugus................. 5 4 2 5...... 1 3...... 2 2...... 4..... J...... 241 Cayuga................... 9 5 7 2 3...... 2 3 3 1 1 1...... 1 260 Chautauqua............... 4 4 1 3...... 2 2 1 2................................. 244 Chemung.................. 6 2 6 1 1 1 1 2 1.................. 2...... [...... 153 Chenango................. 3 4...... 1 1...... I................................. 212 Clinton.................. 7 7 5 3 3 5 3 4 1.................. 1.......... 224 Columbia.................. 1 6 5 2 2 2 2 1................... i........ 227 Cortland........................ I 1 2................................... 106 Delaware................. 3 4 3 4 4 2 1............ 1........ 259 Dutchess.................. 6 4 4 1 2 3.... 4 1 2 1 2 2............320 Erie................... 9 3 7 3 2 5 3 2...... 1 2 1 1 t 345 Essex..................... 2 1 2...... 2 3.... 1............ 1.................. I 1 172 Franklin.................. 6 2 3 2 3 5 2 2 1 2............................. 1 Fulton.................... 2 1 3 4 1...... 1 2........... ~... I................... Genesee.................. 3 1 2 3 3 t 1...... I 1.......................i..... 53 Greene..................... 2...... 3 3..... 1 1............ 1...... 1............I.....26 H am ilton.............. 2..................................................... 1 Herkimer................. 3 2 3 4 1 1 1........................................... 106 Jefferson.................. 7 12 7 7 2 5 3 5...... 2 4 1 1 2!......212 Kings..................... 11 24 13 7 5 5 11 1 4 2 4 5 2............. 450 Lew is...................... 4 5...... 3............ I I...... 1 2.................. 30 Livingston................. 3 2 1 2 1...... 2 5...... 2............................131 M adison................... 3 2 4 2 2 2 4 2 1.............................23 M onroe................... 6 8 6 7 7 3 3 4 3............ 1 1............ 187 M ontgomery............... 2 3 1 3 1............ 1...... I.................................... 42 New York................. 29 32 29 13 13 14 7 21 6 4 11 8 3...... 2697 Niagara................... 4 5 5 1 4 1.................. I............ I........... 96 Oneida................... 4 10 8 8 2 5 22 1 3...... 2180 Onondaga.............. 4.. 6 6 5 8 3 6 3 5............ 1 1 4............ 186 Ontario................... 3 1 6...... 2............ 1...... I...... 2 1............ 65 Orange................... 3 8 8 3 5 5 2 2 2 1...... I 1.................. 38 Orleans......................... 2 1 1...... 1 1 1..........................................38 Oswego................... 10 10' 12 5 8 2 4 4....... 4...... 1...... 4...... 209 Otsego.................... 2 2...... 1 2 3 3 2...... 1...... 2 1............ 60 Putnam......................... I............ I I............ 1,...10 Queens.................... 2 2 1 2 4 1...... 2 2............................ 30 Rensselaer................. 6 4 6 3 4 1 1 5 2 2 2............ 1129 Richmond................. 2 1 1...... 1................................... 19 Rockland.....'........... 2 1 2 1 1............ I............ I............................... 11 St. Lawrence.............. 7 8 14 10 7 8 2 3...... 2 2 4 2...... 3 129 Saratoga.................. 8 5 4 4 2 1...... 2...... I.................. 31 zn ~ ~~~~~...... i 2........ 3 Schenectady............... 1 3 6 2 1 2...... 2.......'...................8 Schoharie................. 4............ 3...... 2 2..................i..............................32 Schuyler.................. I...... I,.... I..... 1................."' *...........22 Seneca.................... 2.... 1....... 3 3............... I..................143 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.........................i Steuben................... 6' 3 4 3 1 2 3 3...... 1 2 1.................. 261 Suffolk.................... I......I................. 1...... 1...............................172 Sullivan................... 1 2 I 3 3 3......|........................ 2 2 1 394 Tioga..................... 1 4...... 2 2 1...... I...... 1............ I.......74 Tompkins................. 4 2 3 2.... 2 4 1 2 1 2 1'.'........... 83 Ulster.................... 2 7 32 2 1 2............ 1 1 I 1 I............ 199 W arren........................ 1 2 2....... 3 2.....................2 W ashington... ~........... 3 2 3 2...... 1 1 1 1............. 56 W ayne.................... 4 4 6 3 4 2...... 1 3 3 2: 1.................. 155 -W estchester................ 7I 4 1 9 9z 4... 7... 2 2 4 1......188 W yoming...........~~~~...... 2 i "'4 1............................42 Yates..................... 2 3...... 2 i.... 1..................,............6 Total................. 25' —1 260 261'I 179 147 135 90 134~ 43 47 57 53 42 12 148,1 (653) CLASSIFICATION OF PLACE OF BIRTH OF THOSE WHO ENTERED THE MILITARY OR NAVAL SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES. UNITED STATES. COUNTIES.. - i.. | S c! I~~~~~~~~~ I g 4' s~.iiI.I 1 WI ^ -~ ^ i ~ ^ ~ -M f ~ i -i *~.!?'^ I -- t ~ ~ ~ J Albany.......... 1........ 13.... 1.2.. 4'~-4- - 2 2 4 8 1 3 Allegany.................... 16.. 5....... I.. 16... 5 8......... 8 1 1, 613... J-1r o oM....................... 19........................ 1...... 3 2 5 5....... 3 6 1. 185.... 5 Cattaraunus........... 6.... 1 22......... 2..~~~~~~~.......:::::::::.... Cayuga....: 26 2.............. I 1 5 36 11...... 4 16 1,828 2 6 ta qua....... 1 1.... 23 Cattaau gus1.... 4 3........IChem in.................. 1.... 2 1........ I I 11 3 Cbenan-o...'................... I I a. 1 112 1 2 C linton............... 7......................... |...... 1 4................. 6......i 1, 149.... I Columbia............... 10. 8................................ 6 2''........ 1, 1 |........ Cortland..................... 6.... I..x. ooz.... I _ 7 0o D ela"NTare.................... 11...................!..... 1..... 9 1.............. 14 1.5317!. 3 D utchoss.........I............ 39............................ 1 2 11 3................... 12 1;364 1. 5 Erie.............!............ 9.... 6............ 1I 2 2 27 1 6........ 1 4 5 1 65 8 2 29 ESssex....................... I........................... 2...... 7................. 11...... 812 1.. 2 Franklin.............................................................H1............ I18 1 7f21... 3 Fulton...................... 2............................ 1...... 4........... 2 2 762(.... 1 G enesee.............!.... 7........i 1.............. I....... 2 7 11.................. 1 723 |. 3 Oreene...................... 11.... I1.................... 2 1 4 1.................. 3 87 H am ilton........................I....,...................... 2 1............ I...... 107.... H erkimen r..,..!........ 11!............................ 2 1 1 1 "i........ 1 2 940... 3 Jefferson........~........ 8... 6 1 1............ 3)...... 27 4............ 9 I1 2, 581.. 7 K ings........... I........ ~109 7 5 3........ 4 2 2 25 13.... 7 1 2,4 6 1 Lewis..................... I............ 1 2...... 1 I........ 6...... 90.... 2 Livingston........... 1.. 2 2 1............ I I1 10 6....... 4 14 1,y057 1.. 7 MT adison...................... 19.. 2... I.... I.... 1 2 10 8............ 3 5 1, 321.. 3 M onroe....... I.............. 20... 3 2............ 1 3 4 3 17........ 1 9 17 T 2,041 I.. 18 M ontgomlery.......... 1........................................ 8 I I.............. 5 70....New York....... 3........ 92 4 4 1........ 5 14 34 37, 106 6.... 1 2 10 221 3,523 7 26 Niagara.......... I 1I.. 5.... 1 3 1............ 1 2 7 11............ 4 10 1,128... 17 Oneida.................... 922 1 3 1........ I1 2 5...... 2 4 0.. Ononda-a.................... 1..... 3 2... 1.... 3 2 25 10........... 5 10 2,226 1 8 Ontario................. 14........ 2....... 1 2 1 1 14........ 2 3 15 1,299... 11 Orange............. 1 1 18........ I... 1 2 4 7 1........... 1 1 l 5 l Orleans...................... 2.... I I......... I.... I...... 8 2............ 3 7 959.. Oswe o...................... 20.... I.... I............. 14 3 33 9.... I.... 7 15 3,069 -... 20 Otseg~o...................... 10.... I................ 2 1 12.................. 2 1 1, 378.... 3 P utin-am..................... 8........................ 2...... 1......... I............... 1 26C)4........ Queens...................... 6.... 1............ 1.... 4 2 12 1............ 1 18 716.... 4 Rensselaer.................. 22............ 3.... 5 4 54.................. 6 10 1,570.... 4 Richm ond................::.... 3... 1.............. 1 4........................ 6 181.... 2 Rockland............ *.... 4.... I.... I.... I........ 1 4................. 32 405........ St. Lawrence............... 2.... I.... I............ 9 1 41 3............ 23 2, 687.... 7 Saratog-a..................... 8.... 3 2........ 1I.. 3 2 26 3 1............ 5 8 1, 326 1 1 Sc en c ad.............. 2................................... 1 4 7.... Sch ha ie................ 1................ 1.... 2..... 1...,... 296...] Schuyle................... 2.... 1................. 1 5 3... 1... 1 12 71....I Seneca................... 7..........!........................ 8................ 14 899....l Steuben.................... 15.... 2........ 1.... 4 1 19 16........... 3 35 2,585.... 1 Sufok............. 1.. 1.......... 1....... 9............ 0 721 *Washington..... " 1'......' 1~..........!.. 1 2...... 25 2.... 1.... 3 1, 130.... 2,C o lm bi......... 2..... 1 3.... 3....!............ 4... 1 6...,.. 0, 6.. 1 W sc etr............... 83.... 2 1........ 3..... 10 25 o.... 1.... 9 3 1 38 1 5 W yo i g................. 14.. 1 4!...... 2......... 17 8......... 4 6 8 9.. 8 Y ates~............ 8............!......... 1 1 36..... J.. 1 8 7 4.. 3 Total........... ~ 3........3 0 3 3 26 10,48 22 3 11 1 2 1,1 7,90 3 6 (654)9.... CLASSIFICATION OF PLACE OF BIRTH, ETC.-(CONTINUED). UNITED STATES. FOREIGN COUNTRIES. COUNTIES... (d d.f3 i= d< rt ^ ^ E^?> >~~~~~~ r^ f-C Cs < < C4 u t Hdo c lc ~ ~ Cd C lc E W 0 (1) "I (1 c) e at z Cd cdE Albany.............. 15 3.... 1... 22 3 2.... 2,043........ 3.... 62 1 1 124 5 324 Allegany............ 53 7............ 26 3 1........ 1,795................ 17........ 23 1 49 Broom e............. 92 2.............5 352........................ 6...... 7 attaraugus......... 61 7............ 29 1 1........ 1,594................ 15........ 19 5 58 Cayuga.............. 28 1............ 11 4 1 1.... 1,986................ 39...... 79...... 54 Chautauqua........... 106 3 1.... 1 43 3 9........ 1,642................ 20 1.... 52 1 65 hemung............ 115 2 1........ 10 3.... 1.... 1 163................ 16..../.... 24 3 20 Chenango............ 15 7.... I.... 10 2............ 1,174............................ 13 2 10 Clinton.............. 3 1............ 123............. 1,295........................... 338........ 20 2 2 Columbia............ 3.................5...... 1 1.... 871.................. 11.... 1 26...... 23 Cortland............ 7 3............ 6...............793................ 6........ 1 I0...... 5 Delaware............ 32 1............ 2................. 1 612....................... 3 1.... 20 1 25 Dutchess............ 6 3 1........ 3...... 1453............. 3 1......... 40 1 86 Erie................ 33 3 1 26 3 4 1.... 1,839........ 3 3 87........ 123 93 909 Essex............... 3 2........ 1 131.................. 971................ 76........ 16...... 2 Franklin.................. /..... 195................. 952................. 210........ 17 1 4 Fulton.............7....... 2............ 7................. 785............... 8 1........ 1 6 3 28 Genesee............. 9 3.......... 8 2 4........ 781................... 2 2 58 7 60 Greene.............. 3 1.... 1............1 1....906................ 6........ 9 1 26 H am ilton............................................... 116................ 2........ 2...... 4 H erkimer............ 8 1............ 11...... 1 I........ 999................ 8........ 51 7 75 Jefferson............ 7.................. 49.................. 2,705................ 230 1..... 56 5 40 Kings............... 96 24 8 1 1 17 26.... 5 5 3,693.... 1 18 10 38 11 2 364 49 1,000 Lewis............... 2.................. 12................. 944.... 1 2 58........ 19 35 67 Livingston........ 32..1 I. 4 1,175.............. 22................ 1 30 M adison............. 12 5 1.............. 1,406................ 3 15........ 48 6 23 Monroe,.............. 25 2 1 1.... 34 3 1 2242......... 19 12 145....3 3... 193 22 389 Montgomery........... I.. 4. 2........ 739............ 2....... 19 3 50 New York........... 115 16 9 1.....17 17 2 11 4 4,291 1 7 4 1 69 17 2 406 71 2, 84 Niagara............. 30 1............ 28 2......1,253........ I.... 100 I 97 4 77 Oneida.............. 12 6 3 1.... 21 1 4........,626........ 1.... 42 1.... 219 30 240 Onondaga............ 16 5 [............. 18 5 3 1........ 2,355.... 1........ 56....|.... 152 14 267 Ontario...... 11............,:.............. 8 3 1 1.... 1,402............ 17........ 77 6 36 Orange...4....... 42 2........ I 9........ 56 13 109 Orleans............. 11 I 1........ 16 1 3........ 1 025................ 47........ 93 1 20 Oswego.............. 23 10.... I.... 54 3 2........ 31287............... 217..... 1 99 24 55 Otsego.............. 7 1............ 8 1............ 1,428................ 3........ 42...... 10 Putnam.....................1.............. I I............ 279.............................. 7...... 4 Queens.............. 13 1............ 2 5............ 787................ 4 1..... 45 2 120 Rensselaer............ 6 3.... I.... 58 2 2........ 1,753................ 47 1 1 90 4 119 Richmond..o... 4 2......... I.. 205............ 3... 26 1 37 Rockland............ 4 1............ 1 1............ 456.................... 1.... 15 1 25 St. Lawrence. I............ 295 1 1........ 3,074................ 92 1.... 75 3 3 Saratoga............. 5 5.... 1.... 55 1 1........ 1,457..................... 20........ 37 1 29 Schenectady......... I........... 1......... I 1............ 505................ 2........ 18 1 103 Schoharie............ 4...... 2........ 1.................. 813................. 1........ 1 I 11 Schuyler............ 19..................... 3 1.... 1.... 776................. 6 1.... 8 1 3 Seneca.............. 24................... 5 6............ 969................ 5.... 1 35 3 23 Steuben.............. 116 5............ 16.................. 2,832................ 16........ 28 1 82 Suffolk.............. 4 3............. 1 2............ 753....I............ 2........ 26 1 13 Sullivan............. 34 1............. 1.................. 1,135....I............ 2........ 10 2 70 Tioga............... 101 1............ 2 1 2....1.... 1,137................................. 14 1 8 Tompkins........... 29.................. 2 2 1 1 1,160................ 6........ 21...... 3 Ulster............... 14 1 1........ 3 2.... 1.760............. 5........ 23 3 124 -Arre n....7................................ 79.......... 1.... 799................ 48........ 13.... 1'W ashington.......,... 5 1............~ l 122..................~~I 1,301............. 55 i........l 10 1 6 WTayne,............ 12 2............~ 1 12 1 1........, l 1,670 1....1....1..~...... 23........,1 92 7i 96 W7estchester.........1 22 6..2..7 6,,... 1.... 1,617 1....1....1....1....I 15 3....~1112 16 189 WnTyoming..,........ 11 1............~~1 22 ~......1.... 1 1.,... 949 1..........1......~. 16........~l 22 16 | 54 Yates.,............. 10..................~~(2 3............~~ l 803................~~~ 7 2....,1 16 3 i 17 Totl............i1,480 160j 30 11 51,63 129 5 28 1 185,446 ~-1 10 52 26 2,799 44 11 3.463 485 ( 8,223 (655) CLASSIFICATION OF PLACE OF BIRTH, ETC.-(CONTINUEID). FOREIGN COUNTRIES. s i c. ^ t' i 1 COUNTIES. * ^1* Albany............... 12 1 629............ 28....... 6 2 A llegany........................1~2......................... I...................... 8.................. 2 Broom e........... I.... 45.................................................. 9 Cattaraugus................ I.............................. 14............ 1 14 Cayuga............... 2.... 234.................................... 2........ 20............ I I Chautauqua............ 17.... 62............ I........ 2........ I........ lo........ 38 3 2 Chem ung........................ 61.................................... 2i........ 4............ 2 10 Chenango....................... 37.................................................. 4............ I.......... Clinton......................... 77............................................ 8.................. 1 Colum bia.............. I.... 77........................ I I.... I........ 5.................. C ortland........................ 18........................ I.................................... I............ D elaw are.............. 31......................... ".................... Dutchess..................... 1 119............................ 1I.... 1I........ 11............ 2.......... Erie.............. I...... 1 242............. 1........ 5 2.... 18........ 24........ I 1 9...... 1 E ssex........................... 45................................................... 2............................ Franklin..................... 72 |............. I....... 1I...................... 7...................... Fulton................ 2.... 26.... I.... I.......... 1I.... 1I........ 5........... 2.......... G enesee.......................... 76............| 2.................................. 4............ 3........ G reene................*........... 37.............................. 1I..................................... H am ilton........................ 1 I.............................................................................. H erkim er........................ 92.... 3.... I........ 2..................... 5........ I...... 6.. Jefferson........................ 141........................I............ I.. 2 15............ 7 2.. Kings............. 5 8 4 1,482 9........ 4 8 4 6 5... 17 2.... 87 17 3 10 16 9 5 Lew is............................ 53 1................................ 3........ 2............ 9 19.... Livingston............. 2.... 130.................................................. 3......................... M adison........................ 95.................................................. 3............ I 19.. Monroe........... 4 26.... 377 1........ 4.... 2 1........ 7 1.... 31 1 1.... 29 2 1 M ontgom ery........... 2.... 34.................................. 6 1 1.... 9............................ New York............. 8 8 3,195 2 1 5 3 6 7 17.... 35 8.... 184 5 5 21 33 8 11 N iaogara,......................... 90.... I.... I.............. 59........ 10 4...................... I............~ Oneida.......................... 265.............. 1........ 2.....2 1... 22 14.............. 86.. Onondaga.............. 266 1....................... I I 1....... 6 4 5 Ontario.......... 3.... 125.............................. 15 1........ 3.......... Orange........ 218............ I............ I....... 18............ 3...... 2 Orleans.......................... 60.... 1.... 1... 2............ 3........................I Osw ego............... 3.... 247.................... I I........ 43........ 16............ 4 3.... O tsego................................... I...................... 5.................. 7.... PutHam. o................... 1....................................... Q ueens................. 1 3.................................... 2........ 7............ I Hensselae3............ 9.... 35................ Ren seae....................... 3.. R ichm ond....................... 88 1......................................I...................... 1I.. R ockland........................ 36........................ I I..........| 1.. 6................. 1.. -n L w en e.................... 206 1........ 3........ 2................. 31.................. 4.... St. Lawre ~ ~ ~ ~'~........ Sara-toga............... 2.139.....................................I........ 3....................... Schenectady..................... 33.......................................... 6....................... Schoharie....................... 10................................... 4...................... 1............Si.... Schuyler......................... 26.... I..................................1........ 1I.......................!.. Seneca...................... 1 128........................ 1I........ 3........ 6............ 2....!.. Steuben......................... 91........................................... 6............ 2......!.. Suffolk.......................... 31............ I...... 1......... 3.................. Sullivan.......................... Sulste................ 5 3.... 4......... ashing ston...... 130..................... 9. I W esT choo tea................ 4........ 30.1... o in g I.........I I i Yoato m.... ~....... - - - - - * - -* - * _ l_ __ I - " * - -' Te~oral.......... 1 1817,11 22 9 13 41 34 0 4 2 824 0j7 10 21 2 (6 ~ ~ ~156)5 $ L9'' 3...8 CLASSIFICATION OF PLACE OF BIRTH, ETC.-(CONTINUED). FOREIGN ODD STATES AND FOREIGN COUNTRIES NOT GIVEN. COUNTRIES. bit~~i COUNTIES. I |.. I~~~ ~ t5, I | tI ^ * *. i s i A lbany.......................... 1,213 253 3................................................................ 3,509. A llegany.......................... 163 103.................................................................... 2,061 B room e.......................... 7 1 165................................................................... 1,588 Cattaraugus...................... 174 251............ I........................................ 2,019 Ca uga................. 3 2 1.................. 1............ I, 0 C a t u u.......................2 7 3....... 1 1....................... 1.......... 2, 5 Ohemung......................... 14 2 818................................................... 2,4900 Chea nta qua........................ 2 77 225...............................................................,255 Cli mnton.......................... 449 2 41 8........................,...............!.......................... 1,4992 Columban o........................ 147 2259.................................. I.............................. 1,27746 Clinton......................... 410 2 148...............................1................. 992 D elawbare............ 1 24.......... 1.......... |..........................1, 7 Cortland.......................... 4265 379........... I.......................................................... 2,984 Erie.~~ ~...... I.......... 4i..... 1 5 5 2 1.................'.........!, 0 Dselaw re........................... 121 1942..................................................I................. 1,306 D uranklin.......................... 315 3 84 9....................I............ 2.........,....I...:............... 21,3497 E r to........................94 8.................. 3 3.................................... I............. 3 965 OEs sex............. 3 * 6..............................1 1 1 4..........1............................ 1,3081 F ra nkli.......................... 80 384.................................................... J 1,024 Fu mlton................... I....... 10 1 94 8................................... |5 H erki e.................... 25104.................................................................. 1,35 Generseen.......................... 500 319...................................................................i I,524s Grengs............................ 3 2 18 1 38................................... 21...,024 H amilto........................... 269 55.................................................................. J 1 32 8 Livings on.................... 21 143..............................................................I.. 1 3 Jeffe son......................... 210 3 95...................................................1............. 3|,524 K ings................I..............32 11.................... 7........"......................... 3,74 Lewiso........................... 1269 60............................................ I......................... 91 2 58 Livingston....................... 7,005 678 3......... 4 1 7......................... 1 1............ 2 1 1,534 M ai sona.................. 1 450 0 95...... I.....2 1.............. I....................................1 1,7121 Mon re d..................4....... 278 225....................J...................................... 3,745 Mnont agomery..................... 7 8 25....... i..................................|..........,9 2 OntaYrko...................... 280 5 678................. 1............I I........'.......... 1,766'4 Orangea....................... 4503 62.... I.... 2 1......................................!...........I. 2,825 Onleian................... I....... 9 6235 51........................................................1............ 13 1 Onondg a........................... 778 3069.................2............ 2.... 1 1............................ 43,2711 Ontario........................... 1185 55......... 1...................................................... 1,601 Putnam....................... 43 176...............................:.............................3 9 Oraeens.......................... 28 5........ 1............................. 1,1258 Orleans..er............... 2 1........65 1 3 1............................ 3................................ 2,5651 Oswemo0.......................... 56 8 73 0.......................... 2...... I................................ 4 337 ROtsego........................... 1 88 14.................. >....................|.............................5580 Putnawrence...........,............ 821 158.................................................................... 4,053 Saratoga........................ 1 2865 52............. 1... I................................................ 1,125 Rcens eltaer.................. 6 8 20 153..................................................................,693 Rich mo ndr...................... 29 367.................................................................... 878" R ocku land.......................... 47 314.................................................................... 8548 St.e awenca.......................... 82 18 151...................................................................... 1,032 Sart ogae......................... 235 299..<.......... I................................................... 3,3574 Suffolk ad...................... 16 20....81 5.................................................................... 6929 Sull aivan......................... 53 11....................................................................,406 Schu ler........................... 347 319.................................................................... 1,366 Seneca...........................'67 865.................................................................... 1,2323 lsteub............................ 3196 299.............. 1.................................................... 23,357 Suffolk........................... 95 50...........................^............................ *............9449 Su liash ngton........................ 226 671........................ I.......................................... 1,540 Tioga,........................... 3 70 192.................................................................... 2,171) C eTompki s........................ 784 7 5 8 1.......... 4................ 1......................... I............ 21,313 U lster g........................... 173 5 2 39.................................................................. 1,3172 W arres............................ 953 63..................................................................... 944'XTotl...... 8- 62,45,3 23- 601 9 22. 10 9 2 11 1 2 123,12 oo83(657 OCCUPATIONS OF THOSE WITO ENTERED THE MVILIT'R-Y O —- i NAV-AJ SERJVICE OF THE UNITED STATES DURING THE RECEN~~T WfA-R, AND WI-O WEREl- LIVING AT T11E TIME.1 THE CENSUS WAS TAKEN..CO, NTIES. 1 1. | I | |. Albany........... 1 7 l 3 2 1...... 2 I... 15 I5............ | 1 4 4 I. 1.. A llegany.................. 2 2......I 2.. J...... 2......!... 1 1........................... B room e...................... I I............... 2 I.-......... 2...... 1 6..................|.... Cattarauffus............ 1...... 2.......... l...... i 1............ 3 1 1.............. Cayuga................... 3 3 2.............J...... 5 1..J 8 2 2.....:.c,... Chautauqua.........I......... 4......|.1..........J 2 1 1; 1 1,., i..... Ghem 1un0g................1............ 3...... 3 4......... 3 | 3.................... C henango..................1....................................1...... 1...................1 3 1I....................... Clinton............. L...........1 1 1........................ j. J 2...... 1............. Colum bia.......-... I..................... 1....... 4.... 1 1 1 1....:..... Cortland............. 2............................................. 1.... ~..... J......J.. D utches........................................... 3 j 1..... t 5 1............!..... Eric.............. 1 3 1......5.......L... I 1.. J... 1..... J 51 3.... E sse................. 1 i..............L.... 1... J.... J....J...... 1.... I...................... D elaw are.................. 3............ t...................... 2..............21 1.........:.......J.... ulton............................. 1......... 3........................ i 1 | 1........i.......... GEric............ 1 4...... 1 3...... 1 1l... 1...... 1......4 1 3......!............ E ssexn..................... 2....-................ L.......... J..........................1.1......|.. i..;.. F rami l o............J...J...................................................... 2............. G enkis cr................! 2 4............ I........ I I........... 1...........1 2 1.................... G refeneo.................... 2.............I....................... 1............. 1................. H a milton...................J.............................. J.................................................... H eri mer to.................i 2... | 1............ 2.......... 1;......... 2......! 1.,......... JM adio son.......... 1...!......1...... 2 1.................. J. 2 1.................. M onr e...............I 11 1..... 2 2..... 3....I..... 2 1...... 8 4...... 1 i.....'.... ont omer................. 21 2...... 2............1...... 12 1........ 136 1 1..7..'........'.. New York...........| 5 | 16...... 2 1 2.... 133... 5 | 47 43.. 7.2.... L e i sgar.............. l i...............I........ L..!......! 1...... I.. vinei t............!...... 4........ -...............I 1 8... | 2......... Li ndag........... 1... 2 5i.....2 5 2.... 14....... i...,.. O ntar o....................................... 3......... 3........... I 3......!......... Orad onge............... 3 ].......... 1 3.............. 5..... 2... 1 2................. MO nrl on............. 2...... 2 2............ 1 4... 4.......... 1 2................ 1 Mo ntgomer............. 2..... 2... 1 6............ I......!... 5 2!................. N tew ork........................ 24 4........ 2 1................5...7......2 2 1........ uNi aga a................... I............................... 1...;.......... Q uen s.................... 2 3........................................ | 1........... O en ssed a er............... 1 5I...... 3 4................. 7...... 1 2 1...... 2........ Lich mon...........!........... I.................. 2.. 5 1.... 2......... I 4;.............. O otario...... *.... 4.... 2...1.................................................... 2 |.............. St.r a wn ene........... 5 2 2...!... 1................... 2 2............ Sarlatoga............!...... 21 3........I............. I...... 4............ 1 2 2 3........... 0s Av e ta0....................1......2...... 2...........................1...... 3 2............ tsch ohai.............I............... 2....... 2......... 1.......... 1........................|.... P cutim m................ |........................ 2........................ Seneca.................!.................I.................................... 1 1..................-.... Q ue bens...........J..... 4!....... 2 4................ 7... 1...... 1 2.......................|...~ 1-eSuff olk r......'.................I..!................... 3...... I.................. 1 2.........i.... Sul iva................... 1.........1......... 1..........................1......|............ R ich o ia....... I.............. 1............... 3I............. 1.................... *T om pkins........................................................ 1........,.......... R ocls anr................ 4............ 1......................4........................................ StW a wren c........................ 1 2............ 1I.............................. 2 2..... 1.............. S a shinto n.a.................. 3...... 2............ 1............ 2............ 1 2.................J.. Schenectady.......... 1............... 2......................... 3.......... i.. WS tchh teri.................... 3 5 2 2 2...... 9 1.... 4 3 3............ W yomnl......... 3.... 1.......! 2...r................... 1........... Y tSc.......................................J...................... 2.......................... i.................. Senec a l............. I..0..9....7.._109...46. II-6 - 8- ^ 7. 3 7 I-^ ^ -L -..................... Su ~ ~~~~~~~~...... t ^'^ APPENDIX. 6`9 CLASSIFICATION BY OCCUPATIONS, ETC.-(CONTINUED.) c~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ * I |m' ====- ===- -- == s I III~ F cr ed~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~C COUNTIES. * | ~ | | | |, 1 | 1 I 1 Cd codm r' I.i? i ~ -r. i i~~~ ~~~~. I i 1 i 1 Q C 1 1 0 0 Clinton......................... 21............ 1 1......I................ 15.................. 5..... Colum bia..........................15...... I................................. 13............ I................ Cortland...-......... 12......1............ 1I............ 1I...... 21................................ D elaw are'.............. 24................................................ 16.................................. Dutch ss.................... 27............ 1 25............ 3...... 28...... I1 1 1 -. Erie............:............... 62............ 2 9 7 1 25...... 56...... 1 T3 5.......... E ssex.......................... 24.................. 24............ 2...... 13.............................. i.... Franklin........................ 19.......................<............. 1I...... 9................... I.......... Fulton.......................... 9................. 2........................ 13.................................. G enesee.......................... 17.................. 2............ 2...... 13.................. 1..... Greene......................... 11.................. 26............ 1I...... 15........................ 1.. H am ilton........................................................................*....... *... *...*. *........................... H erkimer....................... 25.................. 8....... 4...... 22 4...... I 1........ Jefferson........................ 58.................. 3 I...... I 1I...... 50 I............................'Kings.......................... 77...... 2 8 20 36 32 53...... 142 8 16 11............ 33 Lew is.......................... 22.................. I.........................*. *....................... Livingston...................... 28............ 1 2............ 5...... 20.................. 1.......... M adison........................ 33............ 1 16 1 1 2... 29 3...... 1.......... Monroe......................... 69...... I 7 20 2 2 12 1 139 1 2 1 3.......... M ontgom ery..................... 20.................. 12........................ 1~'.................. 1...... I New York................. 1 147 3 7 2 39 44 51 84 8 325 17 36 41 5 6 19 N iagara......................... 25............ 3 17............ 7...... 21............ 1...._............ Oneida.......................... 61... 1 2 97 4 2 10...... 58 1.... I..... 1 3..... Onondaga..................... 81...... I 1 46............ 6 1 47 3 1 2.......> Ontario........................ is.................. 5.................. 1 19.................. 3...... Orange................. 63............ 4 22 5...... 2 1 33.................. 3 1.. Orleans........................ 15.................. 10............ I 1 13............ 1................ Oswego.......................... 61 3...... 7 89 1...... 4...... 37.................. 5.......... Otsego.......................... 38.............................. 21.................. I......... Putnam......................... 5......... 1 3.......... 14.................. 1I.......... Queens....................... 1 8................. 1 7............ 1...... 2 4.................................. Rensselaer...................... 3 3............ 1 22 4 3 3 1 3 7............ 2 2.......... Richm ond...................... 3.................. 20 1.................. 6............ 1I............ I R ockland...................... 1 2.................. 8........................ 3 3.................. 2.......... St. Lawrence.................... 60.................. 1I............ 1I...... 40............ 1I................ Saratoga................. 23............ 3 14...... 1 5...... III7...... 1...... 1.......... ^Schenectady..................... 13.................. I...... 2...... 7............................... Schoharie....................... 10............................................... 15.................................. Schfiyler........................ 18............ 4 14........................ 19............................ Seneca................. 26.................. 5............ I i...... 16................. 2..... Steuben.............. 63.................. 12............ 3...... 34............. 1........ Suffolk......................... 6.................. 9............ 1I...... 4.................................. Sullivan........................ 23......... 23..1 12......1.................. 17................................ T iooa........................ 21................................................ 12.................................. Tompkins....................... 27............ 8........ 19......... 1 1.. Ulster.......................... 23............ 1 65 2...... 3...... 26.................. 3.......... W arren......................... 8.................. 20.... 4............ 9.................. 1I.......... W ashington..................... 20.................. 36............ 2... 31.................................. W ayne..................... I.... 30.................. 4............ 2.... 26.................. I........., W estchester..................... 38.................. 20 2 1 12...... 120...... 4 5 8...... 5 W yom ing....................... 23.......................................... 16............................... 1'Y ates........................ is.......... 1.................. 25................................. Total.............." 1 I1 1,879 6 14 | 65 871^ 119 110 29 6 14 12,07 36 6 9 4 0 6 COUNTIES. J l | ~ 2 I 1 i i I ~ ~~~i li 3 I l I I I l i _C~ A-J J-A-A i ii-A A lL Albany~~~~~L......... 1~a.... 51... 0... 1.... 2... 3...... A le an................. 2....... 6'.... 47.................. **. * ** * * B r o e................ 4....... 2... 4....................- * * * * * * Oa ta au u..................... 4:.. 5.............. *. * * * * * * - * Ca u a................. 10....... 8 1 100.... 2................ 1 Ch ut uq a................. 8................ 6.............. ** *.* ** ** ** * ** ** ** * Columbia.............j.....,l..... 1......1 1 j......~......j......j......l~ ~j,~ 20..... 1.............. *. * * * * * ortland........................ 52.... 25................... * * * * * * * D elaw are................ 1...... 3............. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Dutchess................ 10....... 15....1.... 69....... 2.,.1 2 2............. 1 Erie........ 1....... 19....... 15.... 9... 4.... 3...... 1 1... Franklin........../.............,... 9...,. 2,,,/..... I.. ~~..... 2 ~..... 29.................. * * * - - * Ili ulton................. 1...... 2...... ~ ~~~ 14~~ ~~~ ~ ~................... * *. * * * * G~enesee................. 4........ 4....1.,.,1 6 21................... * ** * ** * ** * * G~reene............(................ 1...... 3.......... 6.... 9....... 20......... 25 4............ HIam ilton.............................. 1......... * * * * * * * * * * * *' * *. - Hsr ierkimer............. 2.....1 2......l. 6........ 2 2 1...1..... ~ 4 4................... 1 \......... Jefferson....................... 9 i...... 1 0 l......l 1............... i * 660 APPENDIX. OCCUPATIONS, ETC.-(CONTINUED). ft TO-^ w S- ^COUNTIES. i || - | | S | -',. Kings............ 2 2 4 61...... 7 47...... 238 1 46 11 8 I...... 2 5 7 Lew is................................................. 3...... 35.....................................*.............. Livingston.......................... 6............. 7...... 43....... 3.....i...............................*.< 91 I.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I M adison............................. 4...... 2 3...... 40..... 1.................. Monroe........... 1 2 1 27............ 17...... 124...... 5 5 I............. 1 2 M ontgomery...... 4.....;....... 2~............ 3 1 27 2.............................. I... New York........ 1 12 8 185 2 9 139 1 386 2 191 67 26 13 J...... 3 2 7 N iagara...................... 1 3............ 3....... 34................. 2................. 1 Oneida.................. I...... 21...... 11...... 117...... 3...... 3......1............ 2 Onondafa........................... 14...... 2 13...... 104...... 1I................. |.................. 2 Ontario............................................... 4...... 37...... 1I.......................................** Orange................. 1 1 14............ 6...... 100...... 4 1.................. 1 2 Orleans.............................. 8............ 2 |...... 38...... I....................................... Oswefo................. 1 2 20............. 13.... 130...... 4 |...... 13............ Otsego.............................. 8............ -1.... 47....................................*.......... ** Putnam............................ 2............ 1I...... 12................................ - * * Queens......................... 10......... I...... 48 1 2.................... 3 2.... ~~~~~~~~ Rensselaer.............. 35...... 17............ 9...... 67...... 1 2...... 2............ 2 2 R ichm ond........................................... 3...... 8......I.................................... I.. Rockland........................... 1I........... 1I...... 30...... 1I..................I............ 1I.. St. Lawrence.................. 1 6............ 12...... 92....... 2............................... **. * * Saratoga............................ 5 I............ 7...... 38.................. I........................... zn 4 C a t r Schenectady........ 6 1...... 3............ 4...... 25.................................................... Schoharie........................... 1I............ 2...... 27........................................ * - * * * Schuyler.......... I............ 3............ I...... 37....................... 1 1 Seneca.............................. 3......................... 49..................... Steuben........................ 2 4............ 5...... 60...... I...... 1.................. 2 1 Suffolk............................................... 1I... 25...... 1I...... I.................. 1.. Sullivan............................. 1I............ 2...... 40.................. I......................... Tioga............. 2 1...... 4............ I...... 36...... I................................... 2 Tom pkins........................... 3............ 10...... 39...... 1I...... 2........................ I U lster.............................. 18............ 16...... 54...... 3...... 2... 2.....I....... I W arren............................................................ 14...... 4....................................... W ashington....... I........... 4............ 3...... 45...... 2.............................. 2.... W ayne............................. 5............ 9...... 45................................................. 2 W estchester.................... 3 21............ 8.... 106...... 2 5.................. 1 1.. W yom ing........................... 7........... 3...... 23 1.......................................... 2 Y ates.............................. 2..........I............ 31.............................................. _ I Total............ 24 57 ~23 642 2 _24__516 _ 3 _3,432_ _ 7 _311 _100 _71 ^ 22 - 2 3._ ^ 1 -54;. rfl k Lc. C,'"""T T " COUNTIES. t s I, | I ______ J^ Ij |i._j _^ P ~ I I.I Albany.......... 143 4................. 10..................... 3 1 2 30 5............. I A llegany......... 12 7...... 2...... 13.......................................... 8...................... Broom e........... 19 2.................. 7.............................. I....... 1........... Cattaraugus...... 16 4.................. 9.......................................... 10....... * *. *, Cayuga...........: 36 4.... 2...... 12.................................... 1 17.............. Ohautauqua...... 47 10...... 1....... 13........................ I............ 25....................... Chautlauqua........ 47 lo............ 7...................I.2........... D eaw r...... 17 *~ 3......... 1........,...!.......6........... *D u che s....... 41............. 14............. 4....... 2.......... Ere....... 71 2 1....... 11............. 1. 4......... Es ex....... 7............. 2...................... 2........... N Fr nk in...... 15 2.......... 1~.............!...... ~s............. Fu to....... 10 1.......... 1............ i.................... KEiings............. 51 2 2 2 4a.... 5.....1 23.... 4 2... 4...... Livingston..... 21 33.... 1... 1....................... 1...|........ M~adison...... 32 5.... 1......~ l~~ ~~D~ ~ 7.................. 1 8........... Monroe...... 91 3.......... 32 1 1 2...... 2 2 1 62.... 1...... Miont g~o m ery.... 18 2......'.. 1................ 1 5...... *. * * * New York.... 659 8 48 4.... 35 3........ 3 2 19 2 62 7 3.... 13 ~Ni agr a...... 21 5...... 3...... 9.......................... 43.......... 12 O neida....... 8 6.......... 17...................... 23 1......... Onondaga..... 52f 4.............. 16..............1.......1......... 63 3........ Onta rioo...... 11.... 1........................... 0........... O rle ans,.........I.... 23............. 6............ 2............ 19 1................ 4 /,,,,/ 1 Os wego...... 53 7.........1.......1 5.................. 1... 1 1 6........... APPENDIX. 661 OCCUPATIONS, ETC.-(CONTINUEID). -~ ~' ii''o: ~ ji {/ i /j, Ti.M i|! il I I 11 i ji I ~~~~~~~~~s 1; I I | |d Otsego............ 24................. 17.......................................... 26................ P utnam........... 11 I................................................................................................ Queens...... ~..... 33............. I...... 3.................. 4...... 1.................................... Rensselaer........ 63 2...... 3...... 12........................ 5...... I 3 4 1............ Richmond......... 14 1................ 2 1.................. R ockland......... 5........................ 3.................................... I............ 1............ St.uLa r en s.......................................... 291. t.La r lI....... 41............ Saratoga.......... 34 3...... I...... 12..................................... I 10...... 2............ Schenectady....... 19 1 *.................. 3....................................... i................................ Schoharie........ 3........................ 6.......................................... 6...... 3............ Schuyler.......... 9 2..:................ 1I.......................................... 2........................ -1eca~...... 17....I Se eca.........1................. 6......................................... 12................... Steubend........... 47 6.................. 10......................................... 5........................ Suffolk........... 9 1................. 3.......................................... 6........................ Sullivan.......... 15 I................... 5.......................................... 3......................... Tioga............. 13 3................. 4.............................. i:... I........ 13......................... Tom pkins.......... 14 2.................. 4......................................... 5........................ U lster............ 1 I........................ W arren........... 2.... 2.1.............................. 9........................ W ashingtog a.................. 7.............................. I...... 4......................... W ayne........... 28 2.................. 14.......................................... 18 1...... W estchester 57 6 1........57.6 1........................ I...... 2 9......... 2 W yom ing............. 8.......................................... 5 17 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1............ 6.......... Y ates............ 11 4.................. 13.......................................... 10....................... Sullivanl.......... 2737155 135...... l 522 10 | I 4 56 11 27 948 16.25 32 To~~~~~mpkis...... 14 2... *~~..... ]] ]. "'(Vestchest er.... 57 6 ~/..... o... z~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ] COUNTIES-. * ~ S^^ *1," Albany........... 1 I...... 29 I I...... I...... A llegany.......................... 3........................ 5............I...... 1,07-6 1........................ B room e.................................. 2...... t............ 6.................. 546........................ 1 Cattarau-us....................... I <....................... 6............I...... 827.............................. ayu ates..................... 1 47........... 1 657 2 1 1 1...... Chautauqua................. 1 2...... 1...... 11............. 2 811 1............ 4 ] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~......... Chem ung....................... 1............ I 1 3...... I...... 312 2......1............ 1 Chenango......................... I................................................ 64.6 I........................ Clinton......................................................... 2................ 494 1......1I.................. Colum bia................... 1.............................. 4...... 38 100........................ 1 C ortland.................... 2 1...............'.............. 390.............................. D elaw are............................... 2.......................................... 766.............................. Dutchess.................... 3 1 7...... 4...... 19...... 1 4 235 1...... 13 1 1 Erie........................ 4...... 5/...... 1 3 18 3 2 |...... 515 2...... 1 3. 1 Etssex......................................................... 7.................. Franklin.................... 2.............................. 2.................. 645.............................. Fulton......................................... 1 I 2...... 224.................. O enesee.......... 5 1........................ 339............i.................. G reene.................... 1.............................. 2............ 2 327......................... H am ilton..'............................................. I.................. 39 I H erkim er............. 3 3...... 1.................. I............ 7 228 1.................... Jefferson........... 1 2 2...... I.................. 4...... 1 7 1,203 2...... Kings............. 5/47 2......]55 1 4 1 6 2 3...... 5.... 1 Lewis~~~~~~~~~.................................................... 56............... Dutchesso...................... a 2 7............ 4...... 19.... 456..........4.......'.. Madison ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~76................. 3...............,.......... 1 67............ Monroe........... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~3... 3 I........../.. 2a 1 5 3 2...... 53............. 1 Erigo er......................... 1...... 2......... 3 1118.............. New York~t............. 2 1 3 7 0 4 9 6 2 5.............. 2 1 N iagara........................... 1.................5....... 6............. 45 3 1.........; JO sexd............ 5 3.......... 3...... 5 7 9 2... 1' 1 3 O o d g................ 1.............................. 1 - 1...... 2 4 0.........,........... Ont rio.................. 2 1......... 1.......... 3 8............... Frankli................ 2..... 4 6 1i...... 1... 1 5 2 7 1... Oswego~~~ ~~2........................... 4 -......... 1....... 2 1,140/......... Otsego.........I................................. 4 5 5...............,enssl e.:::::::::..................... 2 2 1 1 2 12............ 5 8............ 2...... 1 H aich t ond.......... 1 1 1......... 2.......... 4................. Jeffersn d.................!................:....... 6......... 5......... St. Lawrence................ 2 1 1................ 3............... 1,664~ 2..................... Saratgs..................... 5 44.......... 1...... 1 9........... 1 Sc e ect dy...... 1....... 3\........... 1......... 11................. S h ar e...........................'......................... 8.................. Schuyler...........~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~;........... 1j......... 4......1... 27 3......... Livn gston................. 1:::............ 2~......l......... 2 2...../.......... Madison................... 1................ ~:................!... 1, 4 43 7................ 2 Sufontg m er..................................................I...... 14.....,............ 662 APPENDIX. OCCUPATIONS, ETC.-(CONTINUED.) COUNTIES, - Cd CT~ ~ ~ Su lv n............................34 9 1............ Tioga.................................I:...... 2 3............. Tompkins........................ 31............. I Ulster..'.......................... 3 2...... 2. "4.... I...... 3 W arrev n.............................................................. i............. 4269........................ Wasi ngto n.............. I 1 Tomp ins......................................... 3....... 1. W ayner......................... 3............I......]...... I...... 1 6 11...... 4 2 4............ 1...... 3 W estchester........... I 1 18...... 3..... 1 19 6 1...... 161............ 11...... 2 W yorming............. 2...... 3..................I...... 2.................. 563 I.................. I I Y ates................................................... I.................. 285....................... 2............. ~o~ ~~~~~~~~~ 99........ 4 55 63 1.. 1 10 Total........... 39 1 18 475 47 5 215 26,887 1 37 COUNTIES. 7 0 I 2 41 4 5 5 2 - I- - i ^ I ^ rsi..... ~ ~............................... 2 ~ I ^s ^ s.^ g -^ ^ ^^^~~~Cd o C)^ % A lbany................. 2................................................ Allegany................................. B room e...................................................................................................................... C attarauzus........................................................................ |.......................................... ~ayuga................. 3.................................... 2...... n~~~~~ 2:.......::: Chautcauqua............. 7...................................................... Chem utg.................................. 1........................ 3................................................ Chenango.................................. C linton............................................................................... Colum bia.................................................. Cortlumbiand...............'........... Cortland...................... D el aware...........~...................................................................... E rihe ss................ I....................... I 1...... I3...... 4 I............ 1............................... E riex......................... 2......................... E rsse................................................................................ Fr lto n.................. 1.......................................... 1.............................. F ultson..................................................... 1................................................ G renes e.................................................................... 2............................................. e lton.................................................................................................................. H am ilto........................................................................................................1...... H erkiers..................................................... Jefferson................ 14............ 1 6............... 25 1......I I......28...... 3............ 2...... uee s........................... 1....... 3........ 16........... Kiin 28..................... L ew iso................................I........................ 3............................................................ L i i gs o................. 3................................................................................. on o er................ 2....................................................................................]............ MN rew............... 3......................... 15 8 83225 1......131............................ M nia g omr y..o.......2........................................... 1............ 1........................ 1...... 1...... ONewda.York........................................ 3 1 3 1...... 22 25 1......13............ ONionara................. n...... I............... 1.1........... 1........... 1 O n ewid.................................... 12.................. Onodsago................. I............ I21............1.......... 1.................. Ontario......................................... 2 I................................................. Monreen...........'...... 10 1...... 1[::................... 4::: 1: [[.......f.....................' R ensselaer............. 1..... 1........................... 3 3..................................... ic M ond.............................................................. B o kl n..3................................................................. St. Law ren e.................................. 2........................... Saratoga'' 4'..5............8......8........22....25.......i'. 2 2 1' " i.....i...........i......!...... 1 Sch nrc ad................................... 1................................ Schuyler~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~......................................... 2.............................. S e n e a.................................................... I..............'..i..................... One i d a.................................... 1...... 1 | 2..................... Sufolkg~............... 18 i...................................................... Sullivan...........:::........................................................ Tioga~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~........................................ j........................ Tomp i.................. I.................. 1.......1........................... W arren................ 1................................................................................. Oras ngeo.... 1............... "'i.............I.........'. 1............'............................. Orlavns........ 1....................... 1i 2........ 1 2......... W estc ester..........' 5......~... t.................. 2 1............. 1...... W y om ng....................................................... 1.................................... Y a e.................................... 4:.... i............................... __otl_....._..._.:::::: 79:_1... 3. 5 _ 9 S8 -8 28 _8 _1 _2|_4__ 26 j _ 5^ _ APPENDIX. 663 OCCUPATIONS, ETC.-(CONTINUED). COUNTIES.All'ka-ny _............. 2.. 2 7 3 2......! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...............1 Aba n y.............. 4... 1.......................................... CA tlega ny 4............ ].......'................::...... *Iyuga...... 1........... 2. ~............................. Ch u a qu............... 7................. 4....................... I........ Che gro m................ Chenango................................................................ II - Clinton ~ ~ ~............................... I 2 1................ 8 2 Cortlan d..................... 2 7.......3........................ 2.......... A ll gan..........................2...... 1........................ 3............................................ 3 D utche.s............................. 4... 1...... 1 1.................................................I Cattar augus................. 3............ 1......I................................. 1 Cayuga.............................. 2............... 2........ 3...................................... 2 Chautauqua..........................................................4............................... 1.'........... Chem un~......................................2........................................... 10' Chenango.............. I............ 2........................................................................ 1 C li nton.......... I............................... 1..............................28. 2 C olum bia........ *i...................................................................... Cortland............... I............................................... D elaw ar e........................... 3............... I.........................'3 D utches s.......... 3 1... 9...... 21 3....................................... 1 1 Erie............... 11...... 2...... 5.................. 1...... "1' I..... E ssex........... 2........................... 1...............................23..... F ra nklin.................................................................................................... FM lton.... 2...... 3................................................... 1 G eene r............. 1............ I........................................................... NewmiYork............ 2 N eieaan.......... 7.................. 1.................. 3................... I........... O neida................ I I....... 4................... "'..'.. Oeno is g............. 1.............................. 2.............................. 1 Jenterion............................................................... 2...........................................2 Oranges............................................ 4 7...... 7 5...... 8.................. 5 3 2 OLe ans............... I............ I................................. I....................................... I Livingston.................... 3 1 3...................................... 1 M adis on............................... 2.....................3.................................... I M o nroe............................. 1....................................................1.5 M ontgome ry........... 1..................................................... New York........5 24............ I...... 3 1.4 2 2 I..1 2 7 Rich mond.................................................... 2........................................... 1.......... o cklad...............................................1...... 4....................................... 6 4 St. en ce............. 4........................... 2................1............ 2 2 O nar ito a................................................................. 2............................................ O Nadg y............................. 3.............................................. I O rleans............ 1......... 3 1..................................... 1 Schuyler............I.................. 41.......................................... I Oos e g. 2........................ I........................................... 1 Ont ar i o................................................. I...... 3................... I....................... Sue oe l.............................. 1. 1.......................................................... 1 R enSul lv an....................... I I............................................ Tic og n d................................. 2.......................................... 1 TOs weok n............ 7. 1.............. 2................................... 1....... Sts eg o............. 4............ 4.......................................... 1 2 War reng.............................. 23.............................. 2............................................ sh n tn...am......................... 3............................................... W ayn e........................... 1... 3...... I I..................................... Rensselaer............................. 1 1 3...... 2...................1...... "'' "3............... We stc hester....................... 1............................................... RocT land.............. 5 - - - 3 -. 1 - St.Lliawrnc..... [....4 ] ] ].~]1....3................................ 1~ ~........................... Srtioga...................... 2......................... 2..................................... 3 Schek n e c t ady................ 2................... 2............................................ ls thh rer........................ 4................ 3................................... 3 1 Schylrre.......................................... 1.......................................... 1 Seeash n t n.................... 1..................... 3......................................... Steubn..................... 5............ 1...... 13.................. 1............... WSu ch sor..k..... 1......... 8: 2...... 5... 8...............i W y m n........i............................. 2...... 1.................................. Y a e........................ 1.................................................................. Ulsterl........... 10 5i _1 29 3 _8 1 9 1_ 17 _ _ _ 5 1 _2 1 4 0 Wayne~~~~~~~~...... 5 ~1 Westchester~|.........'S |' Wymn........:S I I ^ I.... I 2 & I 1^ A b n...... 1.. 41.......... 1.................. ~ 1 35,..... 2... " 5 C Totala g s....... 1 1......... 6...................... 514 3....../ 10....9:ha tau a............ 132.................. 12............................ 5 14 2... 1 Chenango................ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ 115.......... 6............ 1:... 3............... Clin oon.................. 241.................. 11........................... 3... 2....... 1 Colarnusbi............... 167.................. 3................................. 1 4.... i.....i'.....: 8 C~~~ ~: ootlnd...../.......... 3..........:.. 41.....I...........:1................................./ hlawtaure.............. 792.................. 6............................. 9....... 3......... 4 D ut he s...........: 255 ~.........../.....:. 5 /.....:1...................l....../ 35................ 20 Coumiae............... 1 7..;.... 2 5............ 3 5........... 1.................. 32...... 4............ 2 6 64 APPENDIX. OCCUPATION, ETC. —(CONTINuED). 4 COUNTIES. IL4 ^ a~~~o ~4.^ ^ ^.~~C s C)0^ ^'- ct d Cs C do Essex.................. 81............ 6 1....................... 1 2 3 Franklin.................... 114............ 5...6.... FultoD....................... I176.........................................I............ I...... 5...... 1 5 Genesee..................... 196............ 5...... 2...... 9 G rlto.............t7....~. ~ 1 i.......... Oreene...........1...... I........................ 4...... 5 H am ilton................... 31................................................................. 1..!...1 Herkimer................... 214.... 1I.. 2................ I...... 1 13...... 3...... 10 8~ ~ ~ ~~~~I................... 1 Jefferson.................... 257............ 8.... 1.................. 1 18...... 2. Kiiigs............ 4.... 66()............ 20....... 6 2 3 1 123...... 28...... 2 113 Lewis.................. 95...1........ 4................ I...... 3 1 3...... 5 Living1ston........ Z i........... 261............ 12.................................. 7.................. 1...... 4 M adison.................... 275............ I...................... I...... 2......I...... 8 M onroe..................... 446 2........ 13.... I.................. 1 49...... 2............ 45 M ontgom ery................. 170............ 3....i........................ 3 9 1.................. 10 New York......... 6.14 3....91 1]1[1[34........ 15 6 4 4 202 2 27 1 1 174 N iagara................. 3 208............ I......................... 1 9........................ 10 Oneida..........[ ].................. 21....................... 34 4 5............ 32 Onondaga............. 1 555............ 10................ 2...... 2 23 8............ 1 30 ~,~s~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I............. O ntario..................... 206........... 7.............................. I...... 8........................ 4 Orange............................. 2 28...... 1............ In 447 7 I 1261 4 3 Orleans..................... 196............. 4............ I...... 1 9........................ 5 O sw-ego..................... 245....... 14............................ 7 9...... 2............ ^ 25 0ao............t O tsego...................... 207............ 5....!.............................. 2........................ 6 P utnam...................... 1:' "' i'...:::................................... 8........................ 3 Queenst gom. 196............. I.......... I I............ 6....................... 16 Rensselaer.................. 196............ 5............................ 4 51...... 9...... I 1 5 R ichm ond...................................................................... 15 Rockland................... 143............ 3.... 2........................ 3...... 2............ I10 St. Lawrence................ 354........ 13............................ 3 7...... 5 1...... 9 Saratoga..............1....1611......1......................... 8...... I...... 1 15 Schenectady................. 161............ 2.................................. 26...... 2............ 4 Schoharie................... 1 77............ 1................................ 2....................... i 5 Schuyler.................... 73............ 1:.......................... 16 Seneca...................... 211............ 4....4............ I............ 3[0...... I............ 8 Stegben..........255............ 8............................ 1t3 9...... I............ 22 Suffolk.................... 69............... I.............................. 2........................ 7 Sullivan..................... 1,80......I......... 16'................ I.. 17............ 1I............ 12 T ioga....................... 92............ 9......:.......... 2...... 2 1 I....................... 6 Tompkins..........134............ I............... I..... 7 4........................ 13 IRnster...................... 476............ 6................ I...... 6 4...... 1............ 12 W arrend..........98............ 5........................... 1 I...... 2............ 5 W ashingtow...... 7... 2................ I...... 4 4...... 2............ 8 W ayne,..................... 247............ 7................. 2...... 3 6.................. 1 12 W estchestera....I...... 1 1 1 1 15...... 5............ 32 W yom ing................... 92............ 6.................................. 2...... 4............ 9 T akes................... 4........................ 8 Total........... 12 13,387 3 2 395 2 6 25 29 14 140 950 18 150 4 9 1,038 Wasingon. 218 ~ s I to ^ 1...... ~ S2...... g3 A l a y........ 1 5........... 4 93 7............ 2................... W aynme............. 5 2............................ 1...... Oayuga~~~24........ 1 11.......... 8 2................. 1...... C,~ thatauq.......... 21 15 7 1::......... 7::............................ Wyoming......... 19... 8 2 2 9.... <.. 3 2......... 1............ Yatesa g............. 19i....... 2 1........................... Columbia............. 5 4 5 1.......... 8 1............ 1............ D th s............. 8 11_~ /: 7: 5...... 1.............................. COUNTIES. Q) I d Erie. 1 1. E s....... 42.. 9.............. 2........... H erkimer.............. 38 5.......................... 3........................................................... Jlegf rs ny............ 24 4 1:........ 7 1........................... Kings~~~~~ ~........ 9 6 4 1 2..... 3 17 1 3 6......... 2...... Lewis~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~.............'2 1.......... }................................... Li in soon............ 12 7: 1............................ 4...... Madison~........ 19 6...................................... i................... Cayuga............... 6 10'"'1 2:.......:95....................:0... M o t om r........ 2 1................ 3 I. o............ *............... APPENDIX. 665 OCCUPATIONS, ETC.-(CONTINUED). C 3 * ~Ld COUNTIES..| 96o........... New York..... 2 17 46 6 1 1 4 8 63 6... 4..... 3 2...L..... 1 N iagara........................ 3........................ 4 3................. N iagara................. I........ 1 I Oneida............. 25 11 13 2....................................... Oneidario....... 34 7 14 1.................... O nondag a.......... I I........ O tarlean.............. i 7......' 1' i 5....1 0.6 26...................................... Orange............ 2 7 8...... 2..... 21 Orlen sm............. 3 3 3 2..................... I...................................................... OQ eenso............ 6 4................................................. R nsegl........ 22 4 8 1 1........... 2...... 1........................ 1 Putnamon........... 2 1 2........................... 2...... 1.................................................... ru leans.......................................................................... RenS selaer........ 2 4 7 2 2............ I...... Sar atnoga..........7.................................... I........................I....................... R cklane td.......... 1 2 7 1...........................6.......................................... 1.......... St. L awri e........... 2 1 5 14 2............... 3 5............ -............................................ Sar oega............ 13 6 2.................. 6 4........ Scenec ta d........... 7 2 3...................... 19 1..... 1......................................... Schohari............ 5 14 2............................ 4.................................................. Scu yf ler............. 2 6 7............................. I.......................................... 2.......... Sullivan..................... 4 5. 3........................ 1........................It......................... Steube............. 3 14 2........................ 3 1............................................... ^.S fo lpk.............. 32 1 6............................... 6............ 1........................................ Sulls an..................1 10 4 2 1..... 5 3........................ I.................. I............................ W arren............. 3.... 4......................... 3 1....... 2,..................................*....**** Tompkin ston......... 3 15 6....................... 3 -1 1.......... I........................................ U lst er.............. I29 5 3..... 3............ 5.......................................................... W a h n t n........ 2 6 1..................i....1...................... W aynam............ 2 3.... 3....... 5......I........................ W estchester....3 23...... 1....... 79 5.............................................. W yom ingd............................... 4 1........................................... Y ates............... 4 3 2........................ 1 3................................................... Schenectady... _3542 516 311 56 69 8 11......I...... 6 2 15 Tchotarle.............. 3 1.. 2 4 214 7. COUNTIES. ^ 2 ^ | "d^~ Albanyle........ 2 1 1............7 2........ 10 8... A llegany.................................. 2............ 1 I...... 3.................. 8......... Broom e............. I.................. 11........................................................... 9.......... Cattaraugus................................. 5..................................... 4.................. 9.......... Cayug,,a.................................... 47........................ 3.................. 10......... Chautauqua..:............................... 29.................................... I.................. 18.......... Shemung........... 2.................. 19............ 2...... 2............ 4 6 1 Shenango........... 2.................. 7.................................. I.................. lo.......... C linton............................................................................................. I........... 8.......... Colum bia................................... 14........................ 1 5.......... Cortland..................................... 7................................. 1.................. 6.......... D elaw are........... I.................. 13..................................... I.................. 11.......... DOutchess................................. 31............ 3..........\........ I............ 1 6 1.. Erie..........l...... 5 2............ 50...... I....................... 8............ 2 11 3.. E ssex........IJ.................................................................................................. 2.......... Top kin....... 4.I....:...... I 9 I..... L ewi............................... 4................................. 2....... Li i g t n.............. 1...... 4...!...... 1............. 11..... M o ro.... 2 3........ 3 56.... 1... 1.............................. 1 New~~~~~~~ ~~~ Yr......1......1 4 623 512...... 45 1 21i9 3..... O neid a............. 3 1............ 47....... 1......... 1 5...... ~ ~ 7..... Onolagaer..... 1 1....... 37............ 5............. 2...... 2 14 3.. O n a io...................... 1.......|........................ 0..... Osa yego......... 1,... 1 31... 2............................... 16..... Q ueens.......... 1 7...... 2........ 1... I 1............ 2..... ~e s eae..... 1 2 1 1 38..... 4........ 3 1......,..... 1 5,......... Rih on...... 1........... 1 i..................................... 2...... Yo k ates...... J.............. 6............................. 1 |... 3.......... ~ ~~.~,~~.~ = 84 666 APPENDIX. OCCUPATIONS, ETC.-(CONTINUED). ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t I A| ^ ^ i ^ 2 - ~ ~. s i ^~~~~~I. COUNTIES. *.:| | ^ | I | I 1. | I | St. Lawrence............................... 20......I...... 2.................. 4................ 71.... Saratoga............. 2 1............ 21............ 6......... 4......... 7.... Schenectady.....:................................... 2............ I...... 1I...... 1I.................1... Schoharie............... I............ 7...... i...... 2.................. 2......I............... Schuyler................................ 7............................ |......1...... 1...... I5....... Seneca.................................. 17........................ 1...... 3................ 1........ Steubena.......................................... 8............ I.................. 1...... 2 1.... Suffolk............................. 12................................................... 6.... Su li a.................... i.......... 4............................................ 6 * * - * Suivgan...................... 8................................. 2........... 4....... U lt er........... 2........... 1...... 1......... 2............... 9........ W a r n......... i.....1.................... 7........................ *. * * * * * * * *' 5 < * * * Toash'p ington.............................I....... 13............ 2'................................ 2 9........ U lst er.........!......1...... 2............1...... 20.............................. 1 3............ 1 10........ W est hest r.................... 2..... 52................... 3..... 2..........1 1..4... W yom ing..........!....... I.. 1............!...... 7......I.................................................... W aytes........................1.................. 20.................................... 2................. Total...........I 2 52 I 28 | 27 I 11 11,427 __5LL 34 _63 _6- 30 ^8 159 3 60 523 38 10 COUNTIES. I.~g!Ii.gi!!! Albany.............. 5 8...... 5...... 6...... 2...... 46...................*..........*.......** 10 A llegany................................. I................. I............ 7....................................** 3 Broom e............................................... 2................... 4............*.......... *.............. I Cattaraugus................... I....................... I 1...... 2......,................................ I Cayuga................................... I...... 1.................. 8..........!............. *..................* Chautauqua.................................................. 1 I........... 12..........................*.....** * * * * * 23 Chem ung...................... 2............................... 2...... 9............ I I................... 10 Chenango,...................................................... 2...... 5.............*............................. Clinton..........:..................................... 2:::.......I................. 1............*.............** ** * * * Colum bia............................................. 1I............ 4............................ 1 * * 2 Cortland.............................................................. 4...................................... *** *.. D elaw are..................... 1I...................... 4:...........*. *........................... D utchess.......................................................... 3.....................................*....*.* Erie.......................... 4. 1 2.................. I...... 18........................*.. *............ E ssex........................................................................ 2.................. I................* *....... Franklin..................................................................... 3 1............. *.......................- * * * Fulton................................................................ 4.................... -*** ** G enesee............................................. I................ 7....................* * *** -lee e............................................................................. *... * H am ilton............................................. I..........................................................* *...............* * H erkim er........,.....................................*..*.............*..*...... 3.........................* **.*... *......... Jefferson...............................................,................. 8.......................................... * K ings......................... 37 6 26.... 29...... 5...... 87...... 1I...... 8...........*-**...... L ew is.................................... 1................................ 22....................................... ** * Livingston..........................,..............,1................ 6 1............ 1..*............ ~ M adison............................................................ 12...................................... ~ M onroe................ 2............ 2... 3.................. 27 1 1 12......**** 3 M ontgom ery................................................. I............ 5............ I 2..... 36** - **' New York........ 7 83 6 45....... 981...... 2....... 168 5 2..... 3 APPENDIX. 667 OCCUPATIONS, ETC.-(CONTINUED). COUNTIES. ~.: W ayne......................................... 3........... 1...... 7.............. 4 W estchester................... 3...... I... 1 4............ 12...... 2........................... 7 W yom ing......................... 1.................. 4.......................................... ates..............................I............................. 2...... 2.......................................... Y ates................~~............................ Total........... 1 i 23 I147 13 93 3 154 111 23 4 641 18 11 3 13 1 40 4 257 ~~~~~~,, - ~, t.s COUNTIES. S ^SH a i?~ S & & S ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^, S Albany................... 2............ 1............ 14...... 1 6...... 4..... 2............ ~ ~............ A llegany....................................... 8............ I........................ 27...... I Broom e................................. 3............ 5...... 2............ 7............ Cattaraugus...................................... 8............ 4...... 2........................ 4............ Cayuga........................................ 18............ 7...... 3...... I............ 5........... Chautauqua.............'.................. 1 4............ 12...... 3...... 7............ 2............ Chem ung...................................... 9............ 3...... 7.................. 5............ Chenango....................................... 9............ I 3 ~~~~~...................... Clinton......................................... 2......... 23'....:............ Colum bia....................................... 8............ 7...... 3.......................................... Cortland................................ 4....................................................................... D elaw are..................................... 8............ 3.................................... 7............ D utchess......................................... 10............ 8...... 6 5............ 2............ Erie.........................' I 1... 24............ 16...... I............ 4............ E ssex.......................................... 3............ 2 2.............................. 2...... 2 Franklin....................................... 2...................................................... 7............ Fulton....................... 5............ 1............ G enesee......................... I......................................... G reene......................................... 7...................................................... 2............ H am ilton............................................................................................................. H erkim er....................................... 2...... 3........................ 2............ Jefferson........................................ 13, 52............. 2............ 6 K ings.................. 15................. 170...... 36 313...... 15...... 13............ 21 Lew is.......................................... 6............................................... 8...... Livingston...................................... 11............ 3......................................... M adison........................................ 8................................................ 4............. M onroe........................................ 14............ 6 2 3...... 3............ 8 1...... M ontgom ery.............................. 1 9............ 4.................. I.............................. New York.............. 5 15 7...... 50 2 23 447 16 80...... 9...... 2 13 1 3 N iagara......................................... 8....... 2...... 2............ Oneidag........................ I.. 119.................. 5.................. Ononda-a........................... 16............ 10 1 3 9.................. 5............ Ontario......................................... 9............ 5.................. 2.............................. Orange....................... 2............ 19............ 8 1 3...... 3 2.................. 6 Orleans......................................... 3............ I...... 2........................ 2............ Oswego......................................... 15...... 4 81...... 2............ 14............ Otsego.......................................... 9............ 3..... 2...... 3.............................. Putnam......................................... I............ 2...... 1....................... Queens....................... 1 4...... 1 22............. 5....................... Rensselaer........ I I....... 3 3................. I...... 2............ 1............ R ic mo d................................... 1.... 1............................. R o k a d........................... 2..................................... S.L aw enscl e......................... 12....... 4........................ 14......... Saratoga...................... 1 2 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~......................... 1...... 7...... Richmone t d................. 14:::......' 4.............. 2:....................... Rocklhand....................... 1....... 1 1.....!........... 1..i... S h y e............................ 5................. 2.... |......... 1...... S~.Lwenec..... *........................ 4.......................................... Steube................................... 8 i................ 1... 1....... 8...... Srtiog a......................................]: 75..... 6........ 3 7............... 1 Schek necad.......................... 1 ~...... 1.............. 4...... Sc oarien........................ 2....... 1.................. 20...... Washington~~~~~~~ ~~~~~........................................... W avne ~~~~~}i }...........'...........'............ 1............ 1...... WS tch st r........................... 8... 3............... 4...... W yo in......................... 8................................ 4...... Y tsu..................................:.......:..:. 2.........................'" 1......... Total ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1..............2 25 1'..6.2 71137 7 9 9 8 J 4_ 2...... 668 APPENDIX. ___________________OCCUPATIONS, ETC. —(CONTINUE-D). COUNTIES. 2 CD. 5C4^< ^ A lleany............................................ 22.............................. 6 4 13 10.. Brooeg n............ 1................................................. I............ 10.. B roo e.........................,...................... 1............................. 3...... 5 Cayt ruga........................,..................1 4.................... ^........................ O3 ayugtauqu.....................................................................'.........'.........'.'...'.^.'. " 4. ^.......... 1^ 3 l. Ohaut uqua.................... 1...... 1...... 2 1...... 1.................. 1............ 1 Chem ung................. 3 1 1 3...... 1 4...........*''''**'******..-...... 14'.*... Chenaiigo................. 2........................................... 10... C olu mbia..... 1.......... 1.................................................................. 1 3.. O r l n.. *..................................................................................... 3............ 11....\ D elaw are..................................................................................... 1............9 D utchess,...... 1............................... I......^.......^.... 8.......... 12 Erie......... 1....................................................... 1 2 1 2 5.. E riex........... 1................................................... 12......... F r n l n.*...............,... 32.............,..........................*......'.'...... 9. E ssex..... *............................................... 1........... 3I F ran klin.............................................!......................... /....................... 8.. G r e e....... 1............ 1.................................^..... 4.. F a mlton................................................................................ G enesee r...................................................................... 3....... 1 Jefferson~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.................. 1 3.................. 1 4.............^............* 4...... 9 [. G ren e;........ 1............ 75. 1............ 5...................... 18 44 1 14.. H aw isto................................................................................................................... H eriv m ert.........................................................................!...... 1...................... 15.. Jeffe son..................... 1 3..........\ \.'........\.'.......\ 1 4 4/. K ingse....... 16............ 754............ 5...... 2 1...... 1...... L..... 2 4 1...... 18 49... 1 Lewisg.............................1..... 1................................. 6......2.... L vNew sYork....68............47 1........ 2 1.........12 1 3 1...... 1 M ai sonr......................... 1............................................................. 2.. O neida............ o.................................. 17................................7.2.2 12 Mon roed............... 4 2 1...I 2...... 4........'...1.^ /'...... 1 2 \. O nta i...................... 4 7 1................................................. 26.. OrN gew.............. 68............ 3-...............'. 2.'..'......' 1 * 12 1063'... 11 12.. N iagaans............................ I....................................I.................. 4....... 12 Onseida.......................................... 1 2.........17..................... 2....... 25.... Onondaa.................................... Queens...... 1............ 2 1...................... 4...............................4......3 1 24.....4 O ent eario...................... 3......... 1 3 4......... 2 4 1 1.. Oric nge....................... 7.......................... 2...... Or cle ans........ 2...... 4 3........................... 11......L. Ost.Lw rego ce.... I....... 3......24.......I.............I-... 3.. 1............. 5....... 3 Osc ego ad............................................... 1.... 2....................... 2 Que h re............ I............ 1................................... 3....... 4 Rensselaer..... 2............................................................. \... \ 2 4... 12.. 1.... R ich m ond............................2...... 2 1..................... 3.. Stekband.................................. 4................... 3.......... 5.. Stffolawr nc.........................2........................ 1..................... 311...... 3.. Sullivan............ 2 1.... 1............................ 3.. Sch necad.................................................... I.......,......................... 2 4...... 3.. Sco haries... 2.......................... 2 3.................62.... 6.. U lster........ 1........... 1................. 1................................. 14..........,.. 6.. W arene a........................ 3................................. 1...... 1 W ash ngto................... 3....... 1....... 2......'........^...*''....*..... 6.. Steubne........................... 2......................................... 2............ 3.... W estchester... 5............ 4 1 1...... 1 1............................. 3.............. W yomp ins.......................................... 2........................................... 56.. -Ulter..........................................................!.................. 14............ 5.. W oarrn............. 32.........15 6.3.01 1.|2 I | 3 3 7 _3 _ _36 44 W as in ton........................ 2................. W sChesTIEr... I ~1 I is I ~ 41.t I A v mlbany............................ ------------------- 1 1.... 3 2.......... APPENDIX. 669 OCCUPATIONS, ETC.-(CONTINUED). COUNTIES. S.'g. ~ 2 I, *2, ~ W~~~~~~~~~~~ co ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. lc ^ a~~~~tO ^ ^ E-f ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^~~~~E1 E4 - -4E —4 E-i - Essex.......................... 1............ 2 17.......................... Franklin.............................. Fulton............. 18...... 5............ 2.... Ge nesee................. 3 1...... 2...... 1 1. Gre ne...................... 1 1 1.................... H amilton................ 1....................... H erkim er................... 4 12...... 6 3 1 3.............................. 1................ Jefferson........................ 10 2....... 16 4 2 12 4...............................I.............. Kings.................... 1 189 11 3 6 7 3 47 83....... 4 1 3 3 Lew is.................. I.................. 2 1 1.................................. Livingston................. 6............ 6 2 1 5...... M adison........................ 6 3...... 4 2 1 2...."..:........ M onroe......................... 36 3...... 10 12 5 12 13.................. 5................ M ontgom ery..................... 4.......................................... I.... New York...... 178 2 1...... 3 15 2 3 7 N iag~ara......................... 5 3...... 3 2...... 6 2.................. I...................... Oneida........ 2............ 21 29...... 11 10 3 4 is 2...... 1 3 6................ Onondaga... 4............ 11i 3...... 7 8 1 12 26........................ 2................ Ontario:........ I.. 3 2 6 1.... 6 2 3 3........................ I 1.... Orange...... - 3............ 14 4...... 6 12 1 9 14 3...... 1 2 3.......... Orleans....... I............ I I1...... 3 3...... 2................................... 2 ~~...... 2t...............i Oswego........ 18 14 3 6 1 1...... I...... I I................ Otsego... 1...... I 1...... 3 1...... 7 3............1...... 2...................... Putnam............. I I...... 2...... 1 2 1........'............................. Queens....... I............ 10 I...... 4..... 1 11 2............................................. Rensselaer.... 3............ 13 3...... 4 25 1 8 12............ I...... I............ R ichm ond...................... 3............ 2............ I I.............................................. R ockland................... 2........................................................ St. Lawrence... 4...... 1 3 1...... 13 2 2 1............................................. Saratoga.. -.... 2............ 4............ 3 5 1 2.................................................... Schenectady.................... 3............ 2 1...... 1 2............................................... Schoharie........................ 3............ 6 3 1 1............................... 1................ Schuyler....................... 3............ 4 1............ I............................................... Seneca....... 3....... 3............ 7 3...... 1I...........L........... 1 1................ Steuben................... 6 1 2 3...... 2............................ Suffolk....... 1............ 2....................... Sullivan.................................. 6 6 1.......................................................... Tioga............. 2...... 2 2...... 2.............................................. Tom pkins... 4....... 2........................ I................'Ulster........ 2............ 6 30....... 4 5............................ "W arren...................... 3............ 2............ 2 1........................ I............|.... W ashington............. 4 2...... 3 1...... 5.................................................... "W ayne................... 1 6.............................................. W estchester.. 5...... 28 1 1 7 6 1 15 9.................. I I............ I W yom ing.... 3........... 5 2...... 2 1.............................................. Y ates.......................... 7. 3................................................ Total......., 43 3 1 3 803 167 10 304 1 283 69 286 1 505 _24 _2 5 IS 68 __3 8 13' St. Law r e nce... II..... 13; 21.:~c~~~~~~~~n~~~~c~~~~y~ ~............ COUNTIES. I i id1 ^ ^ i - 1 Albany........... 2 1 1............. 2........................ 4 1 A llegany........................................ 2........................ B roomeil................................ 2 3................................... Oat aru gu.............................. 3........................................... Sa u ffolk........... 2................ 5 1... 1..................... 3... C h e n m........... 1...................'........... 1[:......'.................. C lin oga..................................... 7...............................;......... Tompkin s.................................................................... D el wa e...................................... 12...... 8................................. Dustch s....................... 6 2o...............................l 2~ ~...... E s e............................... 1................................. Fra kln........................ 1 ~....i'..1 3......i~: 1i................................' W ahinton................................................................ G ea nes e........... 1................ 5......................................... Wresester............................; 8..................................... 3".... Herkiner................... 5 2.................................. 1...... Yaterso..... 1............' 3.......... 3................................... K i gs........ 2 9.... 5 7 6.... 4 6................... 3...... 1...... Lewis......~~~~~ ~~~~ *..............***..*..*...........................t........ Lov in s o......*...****.. 1 **.... 1................. —.....Y -.......................... AM bnro...y........ 2...... 2 1 3 1 2................8................... M ontg mery......................................................................... 1... 670 APPENDIX. OCCUPATIONS, ETC.-(CONTINUED). I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I " ~ I ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ [ [ ~"n | -- | ~ ~ | ~ ===| ^| \ ~ 75~~~~~~~~~~~c Q 5d Wf c 7S0 COUNTIES ~ I. i'3 ^ ^-1 ri ^'S ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ -h *?! S -S ~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~0 0 o0 < 0 M3 New York'.. 4 28............ 9 12 24 17..... 5 4...... 40 4|...... I...... 1.. N iagfara........... I........................ I..... 1...........i............... ~.. Oneida............. 4...... I............. 4........................................................... 2 1 Onondaga.........................................................................................................1.... Ontario......................*................................................................................................. Orang~e............................. 2 3 8.................................... 1I......... 1 O rleasa..............................**..........:................................................................................................................... Osw ego............................... I............ I.................................... 2...... <............ I O tsegfo............................... I...... I...................................................................... Putnam....................................................................................................................... Queens............................... I...... 2 10.................. I........................................ R ensselaer.......... I................... 2 3...... 3................................................ 4.... R ichm ond.......... I............................. I................................................................ R ockland......................................... 1 6............................................................... St. Law rence...................................... 1 14.................................... I...................... Saratoga.......................................... I............................................... I...... 2.......... Schenectady................. **.......................... I................................................................ Schoharie......................................... I...................................................................... Schuyler...... I........................ 2...........:.....:.............:..............:...:.................... Seneca........................................... I............................................................ Steuben.............................. I...... 2 2..........................................1..................... Suffolk.......................... *....................... 4............................................................... Sullivan.......................................... 3............................................ Tioga............................................................................................ T ofihpkins......................................................................................... 1...................... U lster................................ I..........................................................I......................... W arren.............................. 1............ 2............................................. 1..... W ashington.......................................... 1...... I......................................................... W ayne........................................... I.......................................... 2...................... W estchester.............. 3...... I1...... 10 5...... 2............ 2.................. I1.......... W yom ing................ i:.................. I I................................................................. 2.. Y ates....................................................................................................................... Total....... 11 55 4 1 29 39 106 112 9 12 10 1 46 4 9 4 4 30 4 MONTHS AND YEARS IN WHICIt ENLISTMENTS OCCURRED. 1861. 1862. COUNTIES. March. Anril. May. June. July. August. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. July. August. Sept. Albany...... 5 171 14 37 32 93 108 65 35 42 27 21 20 15 34 29 52 328 160 Allegany.... 2 23 55 15 1 8 1 72 39 15 11 18 6..... 3 2 12 323 170 Broome...... 5 34 51 13 18i 48 85 74 22 11 8 16 107 8 20 20 96 Cattaraugus.. 2 16 57 26 5 74 180 119 27 33 12 19 5 5 4 2 41 213 184 Cayuga...... 7 133 75 9 9 48 154 52 80 12 16 22 14 5 4 5 41 427 182 Chautauqua.. 21697 23 44 106 164 77 26 12 3 6 4 2...... 7 42 352 378 Chemung.... 2 37 67 18 27 44 67 42 1 9 10 8 12 8 5 9 12 113 205 78 Chenango.... 1 22 31 13 5 35 92 80 28 1 6 1 2 5 2 4 22 313 147 Clinton...... 12 37 63 11 3 24 79 72 41 28 14 18 24 10 5 7 30 237 43 Columbia.... 1 15 33 19 9 20 57 25 13 3 2 4 3 3 7 3 12 98 162 Cortland..... 2 17 34 5 6 9 66 61 17 10 1 2 3 1 3 3 9 143 123 Delaware.... 1 9 21 42 17 4 8 7 111 17 ~~~~~~~~4219/ 27 1 7 4 3 2/..... 2 1` 37 Dutchess..... 3 3 3 44 23 12 43 80 37 17 6 10 6 4 8 5 9 11 170 323 Erie......... 0 6 5 100 35 28 85 140 128 49 24 35 15 24 11 2 18 46 378 327 Essex........ 3 25 48 18 4 20 49 37 26 13 10 17 26 1 5 2 17 145 33 Franklin..... 1 9 30 6 6 17 45 97 86 33 11 10 3 1 4 2 16 177 59 Fulton............ 17 25 4 2 23 35 38 21 8 4 5 4 1 2 1 7 81 52 Genesee...... 1 28 45 8 5 24 28 42 20 20 12 9 7 1 3 6 17 327 66 Greene..0 3.. 66 360 36... 26136 6 7 9 2 6 21 3 161 371 Hamilton....... 1 2............. 4 11 6 1 41...... 2 23 3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I 8 Herkimer.... 41 60 34 9 17 49 93 38 12 6 13 2 2 6 2192 Jefferson.... 6 51 111 32 18 49 123 134 55 42 34 31 17 7 4 6 26 422 583 Kings....... 18 513 338 168 139 251 237 130 66 55 52 52 8 69 83 632 353 Lewis.......... 7 27 20 5 31 42 58 31 19 12 6 10 2 2 2 16 141 248 Livingston... 1 30 58 11 12 21 59 57 17 10 4 11 3.4 1 14 327 149 Madison...20 49 13 23 36 111 56 38 10 10 12 4 5 12...... 34 282 164 Monroe...... 10 137 118 37 37 99 88 92 63 42 34 25 23 22 22 29 142 954 216 Montgomery..... 11 32 1 6 28 12 32 9 10 6 1 2 3 3 2 5 176 36 New York.... 40 803 629 438 251 403 365 232 117 79 122 104 82 92 167 165 172 606 41,0 Niagara........... 53 71 11 13 52 42 95 23 27 13 1 6 5 3 2 36 300 83 Oneida........... 171 144 20 21 67 132 142 71 45 36 17 10 10 9 9 87 753 213 Onondaga..... 3 115 56 1 22 80 67 59 48 38 3 1 23 14 13 11 2 44 568 293 Ontario...... 2 29 61 8 5 58 34 47 27 24 9 4 1 4 2 2 25 309 194 Orange...... 6 70 49 16 26 74 72 47 14 11 32 7 7 1 1 9 8 1 5 188 283 Orleans...... 4 47 16 8 8 58 27 22 24 15 10 2 2 3 3 1 41 366 57 Oswego...... 8 78 84 12 13 126 203 111 47 33 24 12 1 5 14 9 4 3 1 418 282 Otsego....... 1 20 4 9 6 74 56 103 3 3 12 1 1 4 1 1 5 2 1 10 275 100 Patnam........... 11 5 2 3 9 26 9 2 6 1 2 2...... - 2 2 3 43 8 1 Queens...... 5 16 7 30 14 48 28 27 13 6 9 8 4 7 3 10 * 15 275 98 RensseTaer... 7 130 150 40 16 48 73 47 42 92 -40 1 1 1 8 1 5 1 5 8 32 425 180 Richmond.... 1 10 20 4 9 8 19 6 3 3 4 5 1 1 4 5 6 7 6 3 3 Rockland......... 16 21 6 8 26 14 40 21 1 0 4 2 4 3 3... 4 64 33 St. Lawrence. 12 59 107 13 7 114 214 317 88 57 33 31 15 8 10 5 56 602 245 Saratoga..... 3 30 55 18 5 34 117 72 64 28 16 11 10 4 6 5 22 320 157 Schenectady... 1 6 36 7...... 10 15 6 10 5 6 7 3...... 3 2 12 138 94 Schoharie.... 2 2 6 1 1 17 21 42 15 7 8 3 4 1 3...... 9 123 90 Schuyler..... 2 17 49 7 9 18 38 21 10 2 7 8 3 2 2 3 35 107 82 Seneca....... 1 29 48 9 5 36 32 42 13 10 9 4 3 3 4 1 17 279 129 Steuben... 5 48 113 39 13 102 178 92 37 14 28 18 22 6 7 9 72 477 224 Suffolk..... 6 8 17 6 6 28 44 24 36 14 8 2 2 1 5...... 4 132 212 Sullivan 6.. 6 8 54 8 5 41 159 64 16 17 7 13 3 3 3 1 7 195 55 Tioga........ 1 15 46 8 5 38 32 35 20 6 2 1 11 10 15 3 16 278 69 Tompkins.... 1 19 49 10 6 28 53 58 19 8 4 5 3 4 9 1 8 274 82 Ulster........ 2 85 38 16 14 71 200 74 20 12 16 12 6 10 11 3 24 372 122 Warren........... 8 18 32 4 10 41 25 30 13 7 4 3 2 3 1 13 148 47" Washington.. 1 35 45 27 8 49 55 33 42 38 10 15 5 3 9 3 23 315 283 Niagar........... 366, 1 151 4 31 75624 35 3 19 5... 45 32 18 WOneida..........1,1449 0I26146982167232458 Yates....... 2 20 29 7 5 26 28 22 10 10 7 10 7 6 6232 1 1 5 8 TOntario.. 2 ]9 [61.... 26,1 4,74153,6 3254i 11,3 198,80 4 79 8 44 3 49,021,39,700 4~~~~~~~~~~(71 MONTH AND YEARS TN WHICH E-NLISTAMENTS OCCURRED-(CONTINUETD). COUNTIES.18G~. COUNTI~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~rh.Arl Aly.De. n Feb. I___1______________________.~.~_ __._ ___. |c. prl M__________ _ -, Oct. Nov. Dec Jan. Feb. March, I Apr il. May. June. July. Augmmst. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Fel. March. April. May. Albany...... 119 44 40 20 12 7 2041 721 48 i 56 36 25 25 16.Alle-anv... 31 25 2 10 4 2 3 4 4 33 27 16 3 8 66 I 8 50 16 6 2 Broome........ 16 12 I 1' 6 I4 17 II 5 23 34 2 40 216 4 1 Oattavau1,10,as 10 9 3; 2 3 3 2 1 3 5 42 23) 14 8 3' 2 20 18 9 1 0 Cayuga.....o... 190 5 10 14 9 it 1 4 25 37 22 15 19 133 | 1 1 401 I7 4 Chautatqua.... 12 18 32 2 2 88 8 24 19 6 3 44 | 26 33 14 12 1 Chemung.......!0 7 4 10 11 2 6 8 9 25 23I 222 12 10 8 || 24 6 Chenango..... "' 2 7 822 3 2 I 76 33 5 3 26 1107 16 2 Clinton........ 17 10 \ 12 14 7 11 1 10 4!.... 32 16 12 12 15 93 5 3 23 21 13. 10 Columbia...... 70 28 11 11 3 2 12 6 8 0 13 6 Cortland........ 2 1 1...4772 41 elaware... 25 11 6 7 9 l. 1 2 5 1 38 3 5 6 7' 43/ 9 5 2 Dutchess....... 240 13 1 5 1 1 4-6 3 7204 67 16 l10 13 14 2 It C) 0 i 00 2 1142 Erie-. 4 2 26 35 10 17 12 19 98 29 99 50 27 35 |1 74 45 28 20 Essex......... i1 81 11 5 3 7 6 1.9 8 it It 2 Franklin....... 6 15 1 35 10 27 5 5 6 15 319 21 1 4 *Fulton......... 120 3 8 2.... 14 1.. 2 4 3 7 2 27 6 8 1.0 8, 2 GO 0nnsee........ 45 7 13 3 74 2 3 6 8 18 6 5 4 86 | 28 131)1 I5 4 Greono........ 6 1 7 9 2.... 1 3 4 10 7 7 2 61 8 5 5 25 7 1 am ilto....... 2............ I...... 1 O Herkimer......'6 2 3 215 726 5 Jefierson....... 27 7I 14 26 1 6 2 3 27 124 159 9 69 98 54 32 7 8 Kin-'s......... 45I 2 6 1 20 34 114 64 87 44 43 40 84 6 72 "Lewis......... | 7 4 I 10 5 |"2 1 2 1..... 4 2 4 45 9 10 38 1 5 5 2 1 14 6I I Livingston.... 15 7 8 3 1 2 2 6 I19 3 22 9 8 49 76 23 14 2 3 Madison..... 18 44 12 7 3 1 2 2 1 8 42 1 ) 12 i 354 2 3 1 7'Monroe........ 31 4 22 27 10 7 10 5 1S 25 82 48 34 27 14 84 41 38 15 6 Mon101ltIomery 59 32 9..... 2 3 I..... 5 21 8 4 2 37 50 8 5 4 3 New0AA Yo0rk 1,.. 5 17 93d 551 | 2 6 61 65 87 I30 03 184 153 77 49 8 | 1)19 122 142 1O | 101 Niag'ara........ 98 13S 13 it 4 6' 1 4 29 3 4 12 20go 1 8 93 4-8 2 3 5 Oneida.........i 137 30 6 34 21 4 1 10 10 31 50 33 14 7 Onond~aga......! 21 1 1 3 25|1 10 4 51 2 2 9 5 2 2 6S 4 9 5 40 1-2 1 Ontario........ 13 9 13 4 3 3 7 21 41 2 7 3 t1 64 68 32 12 7 Orleans...... 27 2 1 16 5 7{ 1...(14 1 76 5 1 1 orane-c........ 40 i 3 8 1 4 1 02 8..... 12....7....... 0 19 7 9 2 63 2 9 7..8 Putnam............ 2 4 1 6~~~~~ I..52 Queens........ 1 192 4 56 38 17 I2 14 16 1 9 2 0 8 6 Ilonssclaer..... J1827 6 21 1 3 9 3 5 5 3 1 5 8 3 28 8 11 icho nd........... 12'2!.............6 5 1 I 1 }lockland...... 2 6......... 4 1' 7 2 I.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~' Ricmod.... 33224 4 I0 ~" } 10.... St. Lawrence 40 22 15 271 13 8 7 12 1 72 8 9 41. 4 40 150 I 136 50 i 33 11 0 Sarato-a.......! 27 9 6 22 5 1 1 1 9 11 45 26 1 13 | 27 | 97 20 19 7 5 Schenectady.... 4 4 1 3o3 1 4 3 25 8 4 4| 12 20 1 3 3 4 Schoharie...... 4 3 1 1 6... 1.... 3 1 5 13 8 7 27 8 21 10o 5. Schuyler....... 201 10 3 3 13 9 2 8 3j 26" 38 2 15 6 2 Seneca......... 4 2 30 6 8 2 1 4 1 7 3 238 81 | 42 27 2 7 4 Stouben........ 9 3 6 5 121 1 5 7 3 3 11 31 50 53 21 151 |10 57 38 17 7 Suiffolk......... 34 4 3 5.. 4 2 1 29 95 8 1 1 10| 7 3 Sullivan....... 150 I 8 3 1 6 3 4............... 2 9) 4 24 13 23 7 72 27 9, 5 Tioo-a,.........! 18 2 18 8.. 4 8I 2 | 32 04 6 5 4-7 23 5 5 Tonm-pkins..... J 44-1 7 6 I 15 16 1 1 1 155 1 5 7 3 1.. 6 Ulster.........!~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 26 40 9 |l 6 I 7I Oi 30 2 4 5 6 2 0i 0 10 5 4 2 Warn..... 7 4 4 5 2 4... 14 4 1 41 36 52' Washngto.... 17 /1 ~ 1 1 1 3 2 1 85 4 4 8 3 1 Wayne~~ ~ ~..... 2 2 0 9 2 7 2 2 3 3 1 9 11 2 1 0 1 Wctccser... 3 8 9 9 6 7 7 7 4 26 3 1 13 71 7 3 36 15 1 Wymig.... 0 2 2 3... I l4 1 9 842| 6 32 8 Suhanes....... o4.... 2 4 2..... 1 3 5 1 13 5 8 6 0 8.....75 Tiotal.......... 2158'"79 10 8^ 3[ 298.24.28 83 1052,03 1 3 0 8I59 702 3264 \2,2,,6 36 65 51'Ulte......t(672) 15 1 2 05 MONTHS AND YEARS IN WIHICH ENLISTMENTS OCCURRED-(CO-NTINUED). 1864-.~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~1805 iSfRECAPITULATMON. COUNTIES. ________________ _________ — - ---, —------------ --- June. July. Au-List. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan.! Feb. AMareli. April. May,[Jjnn.ic.! 1S61. 1.,6 2. 1G.1S(% 1.8_ _1S6,5 U"^~nkn.Nn Alb-any.......... 1 7 -2 153 305 29 1 ~0~ 24S 1{9 30 3 8 3T.3 2| 750 94 297 744 138 6 It6 Allegany...... 7 3 56 312 26 1 2 2 9 17 26 -.... 474 0604 181 560 56 186 Broome......... 6 10 90 128 2 2 1 3 9 18 4 1 5.... 373 482 184 a385 3(1 127 Cattaraugus... 3 4 68 337 32 2 4 2 9 31 50 2 1 557 509 141 37 99 1(T6 Cayuga....... 5 9 247 300 4 2 12 6 15 41 1 0 1....I 590 467 295 "(88 75 485 Chautauqua..... 6 7 68 178 15 5 4 2 7 1 6 7.... I 1 601 826 209 372 334 213 Chemung.... 4'6 45 109 11 4 3 4 8 20 9 5 1 346 481 227 264 48 124 Chenango....10 5 54 162 3 3 4 3 3 2 1.... I1 33 8 556 123; 379 1 357 Clinton...... 8 10 107 183 12 8 9 38 67 75 34 8 3 418 459 237 4(3 243 162 Columbia....... 1 9 63 107 15 3 4 1 2 7 3 1..I 2 437 9 0 287 172 Cortland........ 2 2 39 171 3 2 1 1 9 3............1 4 359 0 146 Delaware....... I.... 78 469 12 5 5 2 2. 1 4........ 45 4 14 1 1100 Dutchess........ 5 5 56 151 7 41 20 9 15 18 8 2 3 351 852 228 412 68 18 Erie............. 25 18 153 116 122 21 21 24 62 45 36 7 4 75 1,34 57 01 86_ E ss e x........... 4 4 88 140 5 4 3 3 11 44 6 2 2.... 263 304 172. 307 i1.90 Franklin......... 1 3 40 110 2 2 8 9 41 38 17 11 1 l 337 314 131 294 110 163 Fulton.............. 3 54 65 1 1 9 6 2 12 2' 1.178 383) 78., 227 26(73 Genesee......... 6 4 9 19 8.... 4 1 3 8 5 1.... 225 517 154 11ll 20 54 Greene.......... I 1 34 110 10.... 7 4 11 14 10........ 200 262 58 335 41 12 Hamilton............ I1 11 12 1.... 2....................23872 Herkimer....... 4 1 64 69 8 5 1 2 2 6 3.... 380 477 115 244 17 12 Jefferson........ 6 7 231 387 7 3 16 13 30 31 6 2 1 | 673 1,189 540 856 88 17 Kings,........... 45 107 140 136 65 31 45 55 72 113`75 144 4 2,409 1,836 728 1,021 331 -T1 5 Lewis........... 2 1 63 132 1 2 i 3 7 35 2.......... 2 47 464 153 3-04 45 Livinpgston....... 5 2 56 116 30 21 | 5 25 5........ 289 545 161 336 39 169 Madison......... 5 6 72 19 7 3 4 9 4 7 2.... I| 6 66 6 41 50 Monroe......... 21 76 88 89 32 8 37 19 36' 53 14 1 1 785 1,602 446 5 133 226 Montgomery..... 2 27 40 2 ll 5 5 5 23 17 1... 141 298 92 147 51 16 New York........ |129 174 195 250 118 91!86 114 1 05 1,95110 14 3 3 4,137 2,588 1,422,1,762 5 l, 494 Niagara......... 7 8 28 67 8 1 1 1 09 2 5 65 15.... I 38 586 245 246 115 2o3 Oneida.......... 10 9 32 20| 3 4 1 9 5 9|9| 1 1 857 1,3'50| 475 (7 7i Onondaga.............12 105 493 13 3 8 17 16 22 12 2 2.... 542 1,080 359 935 75 401 Ontario......... 1 3 56 180 20 1 8 2 6 26 5........ 321 585 228 397 42 193 Orang-e.......... 1 9 86 88 16 11 3 14 35 49 5 1.... 473 674 268 454 113 276 Orleans......... 2 2. 23 113 21 3 4 2 11 21 7 1.. 21 1 13 4 4 Osweg-o..... 3 13 557 609 14 6 17 17 40 88 20 1.. 775 910 392 1,595 180 419 Otsego..... 4 8 92 170 2 2 7 6 8 7 6........ 328 565 107 393 30 178 Putnam............. 2. 7 14 1 2 1.......... 4 3......... 81 153 19 48 830 Queens.......... Is. IS8 20 34 8 4 6 6 11 18 4........ 224 469 105 171 39 117 Rensselaer........ 10 17 99 131 18 4 11I 19 11 25 20 3 2 612 852 304 464 99 234 Richmond........ 3 3 13 5...... 3 2 3 4 6 2........ 97 161 39, 4,3 1677 Rockland........ 2 4 11 29 12 2 6 1 " 7' 12 4 1.... I1T77 140 86 4,00 28 27 St. Lawrence.... 4 12 142 438 24 4 12 32 90 9 3 17 1 3111,030 1,107 525 *41) 254 251; Saratoga......... 101 6 69 107 9 3 2 12 7 21 11 I I 1 4571 611. 181 * 3 e6,C) 5587 Schenectady...... 3.... 31 68 5 1 1 7 6 12 6 3....| 100 276 71 153 3657 Schoharie........ 3 5 61 137 6 4 5 1 2 7 4.........I 125 261 84 325 1568 Schuyler........ 2 1 31 116 2 1 4 1 4 5 2 1.... 182 2714 100 243 1342 Seneca.......... 5 2 78 165 1.... 11 I1 1 5 14........ 237 467 184 367 26 47 Steuben......... 8 7 129 579 66 6 10 6 9 10 8........ 675 982 285 1,056 39 320 Suffolk........... 3 8 21 3 21 1 3 3 4 8 1.. 22 2 64 4 1 Sullivan......... 6 2 23 98 20 I 1 1 9 28 6' 25....32 4602947 Tio'a..... 7.... 64 77 3 3 8 3 11 5 2........ 217 431 188 303 250 Tompkins.... 1 3 50 133 4.. 6 l 2 2.. 2.. 274 451 152 33 2 16 88 *Ulster......:.... 16 9 47 -136 40 15 i 14 13 23' 40 31.... 3 3 569 675 150 6I1 119 174 WXarrn..... 2 1 59~ 1329'4...I. 1.... in 10 4 I 1I.... 181 1 243 71T6 2'8 5 17 142 ORIGINAL RANK, POLITICAL CONDITION, AND NUMBER OF ILLITERATE. [This table includes only those reported as living at the date of the Census. The limitations are the same as those stated at the head of page 63T7.] RANK AND FILE. LINE OFFICERS. FIELD OFFICERS. REGIMENTAL. STAFF OFFICERZS. COUNTIES.I - j:Privates. Music'nsFarriers. rtificers Corpo- Sergnts. First Second First Captains Major.. CAssistant Adjutant Quarter1 rals.serg'nls.[ Lieut. Lieut.Colonel. Surgeon masters Albany................. 57 9 5 32 54 38 5 1 2 3............ 2 Allegany...... 1 4.. 0 7 9...... I...... I.1............... Broome........ 1,311 1 is 1 1 32 20 4 8 13 9.................. 3 4 1 2...... Cattaraugus... 170526 79 14 -..... 2 Cayuga........ 2,134 1i 1 2 61 81 8 21 32 27 1 1 2 2 5 2 1...... Chautauqua....... 49 55 2 24 20 22 1 2...... 4 2...... 4 3 (Chemang 1,222 32 1 2 46 47 4 1a 23l 10o'...... 2................... 2 Chenangotts....,.. 33 25 3 2 7 4...... I...... 5 5............ I Clinton........| 1,718 17 2.... *38 28 3 8 9 15 1 1...... 5 1...... 2 1 Columbia....... 897 20 4...... 27 31 8 7 9 6 1......... 1I...... 1I..... I Cortland.... 808 2 2 1 is8 26 1 3 6 7 1............ I 3............ 2 Delaware...:... 1,504 24 1...... 47 34 1 5 8 14. 8 I...... 1 93 4...... I I Dutchess....... 1,624 33...... 1 47 54 15 17 25 19 2...... 1 3 5 1...... I Erie........... 2,906 54 7 1 93 99 10 25 55 34 3 2 3 1 6 2 4 1 Essex.......... 1,052 8 2...... 24 30 1 5 11 5................................................ Franklin....... I,062 10............ 25' 4...... 2 13 10 I...... I I I Fultonauq a............. 20, 19 1 7 8 2 1............ I 1...... 2...... Genesee........ 927 19............ 12 17 4 11 13 3 3 1...... 3 2 1............. Greene......... 877 1011...... 2 9 3 1...... I........................ H am ilton....... 120.................. 2 1..............................................................,.......... Herkimer...... 1,064 21......o...... 25 24 2 10 19 10 2 2 3 1 4...... I...... Jefferson....... 1 2 5...... 2 2 Kings.......... 4,490 171..... 2 174 200 33 63 136 93 13 2 13 18 12 4 10 6 Lewis........... 1,089 15 1....... 36 33 3 8 7 10 I...... i............ 1...... Livingston...... 1,212 17 I...... 39 2 10 9 19 20 2...... 4 4 1 1 4 1 Madison........ 1,389' 19 1 2 50 41 3 T 9 - 11...... 1 3 6............ 2 Monroe........ 2,925 60 4 1 99 126 10 20 44 46 4 3 3...... 11 1 2 2 Montgomery.... 694 10............ 16 12 4 3 12 3 1............ 3 2 1.... 2 New York...... 8,320 257 3 3 186 316 46 73 175 135 10 8 14 24 14 6 17 8 iagara.... 1 4 2 4 2...... 1.... 3 4...... 2 1 1\~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~ 9 4 12 1......'; Oneida......... 3,101 39 2 1 77 80o 9 24,~ 45 18 3 1 3 4 4 1 3 1 Onondaga....... 2,631 34 6 1 88 99 11 25 36 25 2 1 2 3 6 1......' I Ontario........ 1,452 13 1 1 30 39 1 14 16 9...... I...... I...... Orawre......... 1,733 30 1 2 51 41 3 35 17 24...... 1 2 6 3 2 2 2 Orleans........ 1,105 14 2...... 31 29 5 4 13 10...... I I...... 3............... Oswego........ 3,443 70 7...... 115 24 36 37 1...... 3 7 2 4- 2 2 Otsego......... 1,358 12............ 20 24 2 6 9 6 2 1............ 3...... 1...... Putnam....... 284 17............ 8 6 1 3 3 2........ 1...... 3 Queens......... 854 8 3 1 6 1-9 2 3 14 12............ I I I 1 1...... Rensselaer. e 2,000 51 5...... 44 67 10 17 28 25 2...... 1 3 3 1 2 1 Richmond...... 291~21 41............ 7 8 1 6 2 8 1...... 2 1 2.................. "Rockland....... 471 11............ 12 10 2 3 10 6.............................. 1............ St. Lawrence... 3,520 35 3...... 68 69 5 13 24 25 2...... 1 4 8 1 2 2 Saratosa....... 1,425 16............ 39 38 8 8 22 1. 2 3...... 2 2 Schenectady.... 570 8............ 5 223...... 1...... I I...... 1 I Schoharie..o 5/ l............ 3 5 1 6 2 2.............................. I........... Schuyler....... 742 7....... 1 25 13 2 7 3 8........................ 2............1 Seneca......... 1,166 8 1 2 30 21 5 2 11 11 1I...... I...... 2............. 1 Steuben........ 2,780 36 1 3 92 89 11 24 25 ~23 1 1 1 1 3.... 2 2 Suffolk......... 720...... I...... 10 14 2 9 9 3........ I......... 2 3............ 2 Frnking........ 1,11 1 0 2 1. 32 2 4 7 9 5.... 1 1 11..i 1' Ultr......... 1,969 19:1...... 4 4 2 1 2 14 3... 2 3 2 1 1 1 Ware.....2590...... 1 1 3 1 2... 1...... 2......... W ashngtn., 7 1.......... 37 34 1 15 4.............. 2l 7:.....'....... Wane.'".. 1,787...... 3. 4 6 1 5 8 2... Wethstr..,8 31........ 5 6 11 25 3 8 4 1 6 5 4...... 3 G yo{ing... 7 1B 9 6 1............... 1......i Hamiton..... 5 1...... 1 2 236 15............... 1 2............. Total~~:ll......9682,2 99 5 2,62,1 34'74120 9 87 4 81 10 12 7 84 6 ~i: 674)~ i~ ~t.. ORIGINAL RANK, ETC.-(CoNTINUED). NON-COMMISSIONED STAFF. MISCELLANEOUS. POLITICAL CONDITION. COUNTIES. --- -------— S Sergeant Commis- Quarter- Hospital] Pay- Cornmis- Staff offi- Sit-nal aine ay U no. Voters. Aliens. Unknown. ^ major. sary ser- master steward. masters. saries. cors not corps corps. - geant. ser.eant _ specifiedc Albany...................................-...-......... 1 74..455. 2,237-261 1,011 54 Allegany............. 1...................................... 198 1,610 23 428 14 Broom e............................................................................ 21 140 1,132 16 440 16 attaraugus........................... I I...................... 48 180 1,459 28.532 6 Cayuga................................. 4 4.............................. 22 271 1,889 105 706 57 Chautauqua............................... 19 237 1,646 76 533 13 Chemung.............................. 5 75 1,051 33 406 9 Chenango......................... I I................... 6 98 1,013 5 448.. Clintonr.................... 2...... I 1...... 2.................. 5 132 1,231 15 746.4 Columbia................... 2...... I 1........... 1 2 16 240 753 23 501 4 Cortland................................. I I......................... / 478 6955 284 1 Delaware.............................................. 2 314 1,448 10 517 1 Dutchess................................ 3 3 1.................. 1 50 191 1,388........ 709 8 Erie.................................... 4 2.............................. 93 399 2,625' 8 1,171.... Essex....................... I I........................................... 3 163 911........ 395 4 Franklin.......................... I............ 1 185 902 76 371 81 Fulton a u.................................................... 79 741 10 214 39 O eneSee..................... 1.......1.2................. 3 58 779 46 2563 5 Greene.............................................. I........................ 1 792 74 819 257 25 H am ilton...... —........................................................................15 105....... 33.... Herkimer................................ 2.................................... 4~5 125 1,002 36 316 5 Jefferson................ I I 1 3 1.. I.. 4............... 11 196 2 416 150 958 11 Kings........................... 2.......1365 266 5,093 782 1,216 100 Lewis.................................. 2................................... 159 92332 313 10 Livingston................... I I........................................... 3 162 1,136 34 367 8 M adison..................... I I 1 3.............................. 6 152 1, 256 55 400.... Monroe..................... 2 3 5 1............ 3 42 327 2,517 195 1033.... Montgomery......................./............ 3 158 679 28, 218 1 New York................... 6 4 7 2 2...... 1,249 1,081 8,679 1,396 1,899 188 Niagyara............................ 1...... 2.............12 20 1,23169 122 421 1 Oneida............................ 2 3 4.............................. 22 320 2,782 117 868 3 Onondaga................... 2 3 3I.................. 20 390 2,403 162 827 | 2 Ontario......1................ 1 2 1 2............................. 13 162 1 194 77 495 2 Orange..................................... 51 247 1,635 124 499 4 ODleans............................ 1 1 2........................ 31 9,448 18 518.... Oswego..................... 1 1 5 2 2 1............. 2 23 362 2,985 208 1,078 4 Otsegoss...................................................... 4 535 26 Putnam.... 1................................................... 7 6 20 260 1861... Queens...................................... 3.............. 5 58 135 747 81 297 6 Rensselaer......................... 1......................... 2. 3 65 234 1,712 146 77 1 Richmond................... 2 1......................................... 43 53 1 258 27 148. Rockland...................................... I 1...................... 11 511 47126..12 St. Lawrence......... i. 2...... Saratoga.......................... 2...... 3 1....................... 15 145 1,296 47 404 4 Schenectady..................................................................7 58 51426 153 2 Gechohaie............................ I......................... 6 58 4 633 2 243 5 7 Schuyler.......................................................................... 241 6737 174 2 Seneca.................................................. 1 12 53 916 47 365 6 Steuben..........................................................................8 254 2,47334 850 9......................................................... 5 71 79 595 26 308 6 Sullivan...................................................... 2 86 1,031 22 353 9 Tioga........................................ 3 146 9588 400.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.. I........................?11 Tompkins................... 1...... 3 I5.......i...... I7 79 1 0029 302 1 Ulster........................................ 1 2 1.................. 41 137 1,57266 680 10 W arren.............'.............]...... 3 130 712 36 196 1 W ashington......,...................... 2........... 1172 1,213 61 3206 7 Madisne....................... 2................17 45 13 4 4 Westchester ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 31.....'............I....../..,.. 1...... 2 2... 1553 35 1, 274 27 66 3 Yae...................... I..!......1 [.....'1!...... ]...........3 273 68,17 /9. 229 733 Toa.................... 279 31 614 2 5 7,6 1,8939 8715,8 3,5 2......... [diin2 h bvteewr eotd2cdes rgde eeas n ao eeas Niagar......... 1..... 2]1....d...~ d...........)03}t 1, 675)12I 21 PROMOTIONS WHILE IN THE SERVICE. [This table includes only those reported as living at the date of the Census. The limitations are the same as those stated at the head of page 637.] PRIVATES. CORPORALS. COUNTIES. I I | Albany...............,..... 1,868 1 2 14 2 37 20 2....... 3 7... 3 3 Allegan-y ]2 ~.................. 147 74 s 7 2 2 2.... 37 2 2 1 1 0 ^ -^ ^ *-] (U.g 2 i. o' M ) 072 ~ ~~~~~~~~~~ -:...... Br e............... i 74 24. I Cattaraugus.............. 141 74 7 34 1 22 17 4...... 23 4........... Chbauta qu............*........ 1,3828 119 1210 30 5 37 20 25 |............ 37 7.... 3 3 1 Alleg ny...................... 1,4719 74 80 7 11 2 21 2 4.12 2 Chen g,...................... 1 7 0 72 7 5 1 3 7............1 244............ 1... 2 Cattaraugus.................... 1,416 74 763 19 22 4............. 23................. Cayugba....................... 17 3148 37 3...... I91 4 3 1. Choutlandqu.................... 560382 1 379 10 3 019 2 5 13............32 9 95 Chemuna...................... 94 8 66 59 19 1.................. C henango..................... 1 76 72 511 1 1 8..................1 3 1...... I Clinton............................. 19 9 1 4 1 48 1'IT Columb............. 833 1...... 1..... Cortlank l...................... 560 56 37 13 10 12 7............ 16................. Delaware....................23 1 1, 7 3 509 1 14 5 23..... Gencesee...................... 71232 8 76 42 2 18 11 18 2............ 1 2 31...... 1..... ie.......................16 19 217 93 Esre............................... 1 Hramilton...................... 878 0 4 5 9 5 107........................ 16 2........................ H erkimer....................... 67 3 31 1 6 8................ 9...........829. 47 55 18 10 23 9 3............ 1 Jefferson....................... 2, 345 156 137 52 20 38 16 3......!./...... 63 21 6 3 2 1 Kings......................... 3, 585 227 288 60 34 73 46 6 3 3 107 21 10 3 2 1 Lewis..................... ]... 841 51 49 7 4 12........8 Livingston..................... 871 63 73 20 7 23 8 2........ 20 8 2 1 -1 2 Madison....................... 1, 141 65 63 22, 8 16 8 3........... 3 8 4 1 2...... Monroe........................ 2,198 177 179 68 27 51 22 4 1 2 63 17 5 3 lo 4 Montgomery................... 491 32 22 10 5 5 3.................. 6 5 2................. New York...................... 6,687 295 496 102 46 129 54 9 2 2 127 27 9 4 5 4 Niagara........................ 1,058 102 90 22 16 24 14........... I 1 8 2 4 3 Oneida......................... 2,298 192 177 64 31 54 34 4 1 2 43 19 1 2 7 Onondaga...................... 2, 131 131 126 41 20 46 18 2............ 50 19 2 1 8 Ontarioe....................... 1,088 116 83 28 21 32 11............ I 1 9 7 2.............. Orange........................ 1,349 92 92 31 13 24 9 2............ 27 8 7................. Orleans....................... 900 60 47 20 13 22 13 1........... 17 8 1 1 2..... Osweeno....................... 2,799 170 162 40 5 1. 1, 3 2 Otsego........................ 1,095 54 81 24 9 19 9 1...... 2 9 5 2...... I Putnam........................ 1199 18 20 2 1 6 3.................. 7 7.............. Queens........................ 583 42 45 12 11 15 7.................. 4 1......... 1... Rensselaer..................... 1,552 100 98 37 11 29 11 3............ 26- 13............. 7..... Richmond..................... 185 15 13 6 5 6 2 1............ 6............I............ I Rockland...................... 374 26 29 5 3 5 4............ 1 9 |...... I................. St. Lawrence.................. 2,829 1 76 188 45 13 34 16 4...... i 40 16 6 1 5... Saratoga...................... 1,079 95 82 28 7 20 6 1............1 22 6 3 1 1..... R ch.1te f cAA y.................... 446 24 22 3 3 6 4...... I1...... 4 1............... Steuben~10............. 2,4 1 7 9 3 7 8............ 4 5 2 1... 1 Sufol................. 50 5 43 610............I1 1... Wahn tn................... 9 8 5 7 1 1 2 9 2 l.....| 5 5 ile rkier........... 130 2 79 2 1 8 5 18..... 19 8 2..... Westc82h4755.............143 0 0 4 2 3 1 2 1 Wyoming~.................. 7 7 2 5 2 6 01 1.... 02......... Kings.......................... 4 4 307 5 2 2 I. ~... 1 5 1... Total...................... 764 1,3 4,9 1.4 64,15 1 6 1 / 2,3 49 4 2 17 "3 ______________ _ __ ____~ _ ___8411___ 5 1 _ _ 4 9 __ _ (676)~~~~~~~~41...I.......f 3 PROMOTIONS WHILE IN THE SERVICE-(CONTINUED). CORPORALS. SERGEANTS. FIRST SERGEANTS. COUNTIES. i ~ ~ ^ ~'-~o ~ -~. ~ ro'^ *~ ~ 0 0 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ O O O OO O0OC O 0 Albany..............................62 4 11............ 41 A llegan y................................... 22....................... 2.............. All egany............................... 14.2. Oa troo ue.................................... 220 2 2 4 2.................. 4I............ 1.....** Catt rug us................................... 4 22 2 2 2 6.................. II 4 1. o ~ ~u~~ ~ ~~....O................ 5.... I Cayuga............. 4............ 4 6 2 Chautauqua..................... 30 3 3 5 3............ 13 1 2 2.... Chemung................................... 26 3 5 7 2............ 4 1 4 1.......... Chenango.................................. 17 1 2 2 2................... 2............ Clinton..............................12 1 2 3 1............ 9 1 1 2'..... Colum bia............................... 14................ Cortland...................... 14 2..................... D elaw are.................................. 8.................. 4............ 2...... Outchess................................... 36 2 1 6 5 1....... 6 2 7 2........ Erie................................... 60 4 5 9 7.................. 12 2 2 1........ Essex..................................... 21 2 1 1. "...... Franklin............................................................... Fulton.......................... 2............. Genesee............................. Greene................... 51 2........................!................................ H am ilton.................................. I...................................................................... Herkimer.................................. 5 6 1 2 2....... 1..... Jefferson....................................43 3 7 30 5...... 13 2........... Kings.........................|.......... 156 14 10 24 10 2 2 1 29 3 9 6.......... Lew is............................... I:...... 22 I...... Hamilton~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3............ 7............. Livingston.................................. 12' 4......... 41.. M adison..................... 2.................... 6 1 2 2..... Monroe................................. 65 12 5 11 11 I1...... 12 4 4 2 3 | M ontgom ery.................. 7............ 2............ I............ I...... 3- 2... Ie4w7 1 2 5............ 43 2 13 Niagara......................... 5 1 1 1....... Oneida..........39 6 2 6 4.................. 11 3 9 1...... Onondaga....................... 1' 31 1........ Ontario................................... 1'22...... 3 2 1 Orange.................................... 22 1 2 5 4.................. 8 8...... 1 3.......... Orleans..................../................. 15 1 1 9 2.................. 3...... 2...... 1 Oswewo.................................... 60 5 4 9 4 1............ 22 2 8 6.......... Otsego..................................... 16 3 1.............................. 2...... 2............ Putnam.................................... 2 1 2.............................. 1 1.................. Q ueens....................................: 11... 1 2 1................................................. Rensselaer................................. 32 5 4 11 2..................1 9 2 3 2 1.. R ichm ond................................ 7 1............. 1I.................. 1............... R ockland.................................. 6 1.............................. 2...... I 1I......'.*.. St. Lawrence............................... 37 15 2'4 5...............1 6 I 1 5 1 Saratoga................................... 25 1...... 5...................... II...... 5 2..... Schenectady................................ 13...... 1 3 2................ 3 1................ Schoharie...................... 1... 3 I...... 1..... 1.. 1 1................. Seineca...................................... S hu yolk. 1 I............................... 3 1.... S o nrec.................................. 25 1 7 1................ 3 3..... lste rbe..................................... 2 56 4 3 2 4......!......|.................... 2......!..... Woao n r............................ 1 1 1....1....| 8 1........ N ew t eotrk................! 3 7 2 8............ 1 11 4 3 4......!... Total...................... 1 1 166 17 16 24 13 2 6 2! 38 54 24 6 10 /'"13i/~ ~~~~~(77 PROMOTIONS WHILE IN THE SERVICE-(CONTIIN-UE). SECOND LIEUTENANTS. FIRST LIEUTENANTS. CAPTAINS. COUNTIES. ~~,ua" C O C g ~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~C' GT I 3 -S ^ ~ *" 2 S | ~; ~ "~ "S S i- Tl~~nT^""^"^"^^^ ~13 7 —7 2.......^.\~ ^ 99 2 1I...... 21 8 -- Albany............::........ I' 10 I::: i.::::: t S..2:::'!:: ". Alle- ny...................... 2 3 2........ 1.:: 4j 5.................. 6 9 a ~~uoua- - - -::.......... 4 1::::::....'. O. 13 4:::......:..... 5...2 Broome..;:.'.'..'. - -....... 1 4 1............. I 12 6............^.....6 Cattaaugus............* * * * * * * * 2... 1........._.511 I...... 1.... 5 2..........I... _3...3. Cayugan........................ 4.... I................... 21 6........ ^.... l 2.... Chautbauq a...................... 7... 3 1... 1... 0 3 * * * 1......... Cortland.~~~~~~ ~ 4........... * - 4........................ 14 \.................. 7...... Dhela are.......................... 3 2 Z...... 1.................. 12............... _.......b... 2...... Thitrhess..................7 I..................... 19 5............. 1...... 13 2 C lm bi.................. 21 4 4...... 311...... I...... 48 16 I........... 2 3 1 Cortl and........................... 2 1....................... 7 1 2.................. 4 1........ D ea ware........................... 2 1........................i 14 1.................... 6........ 3Bt51 n I., 1. Unknown, 2. "oa,1.kon.ttl 8 HAt~uERSmuv. —44 I, 1; 65 I., 2; 134 1., 2; 144 I., 5; 146 I., 1. 4 COLUMBIA COUNTY. A., 1. Total, 12. ANCRAx.-91 I., 3; 128 I., 3; 159 I., 1. 14 A, l. Navy, l. Un KoRT~iGH.-72 I., 1; 144 I., 9. 8 Ind.:Bat., 1. Unknown, 2. known, 1. Total, 10. Total, 13. 700 APPENDIX. MASONVILLE.-44 I., 1; 52 I., 1; 59 I., 1; 61 I., 6; 89 1, 3; 144 I., 5; CONCORD.-44 I., 1; 64 I., 2; 100 I., 1; 116 I., 3; 147 I., 1; 187 L, 1. 1461., 2; 179 I., 1. 2 A., 1; 5 A., 3; 16 A., 1. 5, 1; 22 C, 1;?., 3 A., 1. 4C., 1. Unknown, 1. Total, 12. 1; I Vet. C., 1. Unknown, 6. Total, 35. EAST HAMBURGT.-44 I., 1; 49 I., 1; 64 I., 1; 1041., 1; 116 I., 5. MEREDITH.-72 I., 2; 89 I., 3; 107 I.,1; 144 I., 3. 8 Bat., 1. Un- 2 M. R., 1. Total, 10. known, 4. Total, 14. EDEN.-21 I.,2; 44 I., 1; 64 T., I; 116 I., 5. 24 C., 3. I Pa. R., 1. MIDDLETOWN.-56 I., 3; 80 I., 4; 90 I., 1; 100 T., 2; 101 I., 2; 144 I., Unknown, 2. Total, 15. 9; 146,, 1.? A., 2. 2 C., 1; 3C.,5; 9 Iowa C., 1. Unknown, 2. ELrMA.-44 I., 1; 49 I., 2; 94 I., 2; 100 I., 1; 116 I., 6; 179., 1. 8 Total, 33. A., 2; 26 A., 1. 26 Bat., 2;? Bat., 2. 10 C., 1.? Ill., 1.? Mich., 1. RoxBURPY.-95 I., 2; 144 I., 5. Unknown, 1. Total, 8. Total, 23. SIDNEY.-22 1., 2; 57 I., 1; 89 I., 4; 104 I., 1; 144 I., 4. 5 A., 1. 1 - EVANs.-21 T., 2; 44 I., 1; 95 I., 1; 100 T., 1; 116 I., 14. 5 A., 1. 5 Vet. C., 2. Unknown, 4. Total, 19. C., I; 10 C., 3; 24 C., 3. 2 M. R., 1. 5 Mich., 1. 3 Min. B., 1. 3 STAMFORD.-120 I., 2; 144 I., 4. 4A., 1. 2 C., 1;? C., 1. Marine Ohio 0., 1. 7 Ohio, I. Unknown,1. Total, 33. A., 1. Total, 10. GRAND ISLAND. —10 I., 1; 100 I., 1. 2 M{. R., 1. Total, 3. TOMPKINS.-15 I., 1; 27 I., 2; 40 I., 3; 56 I., 1; 71 I., 1; 73 I., 1; 101 HAMBURGUH.-64 I., 1; 100 I., 2; 116 I., 2. 11 C., 2. Total, 7. I., 2; 109 I., 1; 137 I., 1; 144 I., 14; 146 I., 1. 3 A., 1; 6 A., 1; 13 A., HOLLAND.-44 I., 4; 100 I., 1; 116 I., 6. Total~ 11. 1. 3 C., 2; 25 C., 2 7 Conn., 1. 6 Pa., I. Unknown, 2. Total, 39. LANCASTER.-28 T., 1; 31 I., 1. I A., 1. 2 C., 1; 10 C., 1. UnWALTON.-15 1., 1; 25 I., 1; 43 1., 1; 49 I., 1; 51 I., 1; 56 1., 1; 59 known, 2. Total, 7. 1; 7 I I.,; i89 L, 1; 101 I., 1;144^ I., 15; 146 I., 1. 5 A., 1. 8 MARILLA.-92 I., 1; 100 I., 2; 116 I., 4; 187 I., 1.? Miss. C., 1. Bat., 1. 6 Pa., 1. Unknown, 4. Total, 33. Total, 9. NEWSTEAD.-28 I., 2; 30 I., 1; 36 I., 1; 44 I., 1; 49 I., 1; 74 I., 1; 78 DUTCHESS COUNTY. I., 1; 98 I., 1; 100 I., 7; 104 I., 1; 105 I., 2; 116 I., 4; 151 I., 1. 8 A., AMENIA-481., I; 82 I., -1 128 I., 3; 150 I., 7. 6 A., I 14 A., 4. 25 B.) 1. 3 C.) 1; 13 C., 1. 52 Ill., 1. 6 Mich., 1; 18 Mich., 1. AMENIA. —481.,1; 82I, 1; 18,3 150Ii o., 7. 06A., 1; 14 A.,1I. ncnw Tf 7 2 Conn., I; 5 Conn., 1. Navy 1. Unknown, 2. Total, 19. Unknown 3. Total, 37. -RWTCMAN 1) T 1- O T 11^0 4. T l ftNORTH COLLiNS.-3 I., 1; 44 I., 1; 49 I., 1; 64 I., 2; 116 I., 2. 2 C., BEEKMAIAN.-16.1., 1; 90 1., 1; 150;,4. Total, 6. 110 C., 4. 7 Wis., I. Nayy, 1. Unknown, 1. Total, 15. CLINTON.-12 I., 1; 441., 1; 80 I., 1; 150 I., 2. Signal Corps, 1. SARDINIA-21 I, 1; 54 L, 1; 90 I., 1; 94 I, 1; 105 1, 1; 116 I, 3. Total, ~5 4 A.) 1. 24 B., 1.'Total, 10. DOVER.-4 I., 1; 77 I., 1; 91 I., 1; 128 I., 2; 150 I., 5. Unknown, 1. WALES. —21 T., 3; 24 T., 2; 49 T., 1; 100 T., 3; 116 T., 1. 8 A., 1. 25 Total, IL. 05 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~B., 1; 27 B., 1. Total, 13. EAST FISHKILL.-56 I., 1; 128 I., 2; 150 1.,3. Unknown, 2. Total, 8. B, S A 27 2. I A 1. 1... FISHKiLL.-8 I., 1; 16 I., 2; 17 I., 1; 18 I., 3; 49 L., 1; 54 I., 1; 56 1., 1; 57 I., 2; 65 I., 1; 67 I., 1; 98 I., 1; 128 I., 10; 146 I., 1; 148 I., 1; 150 I. 5; 156 I., 1. 1 Conn. C., 1. 4 Bat., 1. I S. S., 1. Navy, 1. Un — ESSEX COUNTY. known, 4. Total, 41. CHESTERFIELD.-12 I., 1; 16 I., 1; 22 1., 1; 77 I., 1; 96 I., 3; 106 I., HYDE PARK.-20 I., 1; 44 I., 1; 57 1., 1; 128 I., 2; 150 I., 2. 5 C., 1; 11 I., 3; 153 I., 4. 2 Vet. C., 8. 9 Mass., 1; 34 Mass., 1. 6 Vt., 1. Unknown, 2. Total, 10. 1; 9 Vt., 1. 1 U. S. A., 1. Total, 28. LA GRANGE.-128 I., 4; 150 I., 2. 20 Colored, 1. Total, 7. CROWN POINT.-16 I., 1; 34 I., 4; 62 I., 1; 63 I., 1; 83 I., 4; 85 I., MILAN. —20 I., 2; 34 I,1; 87 I., 1; 111I., 1; 159 I., 2. 3 U. S. C., 1; 118 I., 8. 5 C., 19. 1 Vt., 1; 5 Vt., 1. Unknown, 3. Total, 44. 1. Total, 8. ELIZABETITOWN.-30 I., 1; 38 I., 4; 93 I., 1; 95 I., 1; 118 I., 3. 4 A., PAWLING.-16 I., 1; 90 I., 1; 95 I., 1; 128 I., 10. 4 A., 5. Total, 18. 1. 5 C., 2. 2 Vet. C., 3. 5 Vt., 1; 9 Vt., 1; 14 Vt., 1. Total, 19. PINE PLAI1NS.-47 I, 1; 128 I., 1; 150 I., 1. 7 A., 1; 14 A., 1. 19 EssEx.-38 I., 1; 53 I., 1; 62 I., 1; 93 I., 1; 96 I., 3; 115 I., 1; 118 C., 1. Total, 6. 1., 3; 153 I., 1. 1 Ct. C., 1. 1 Vt. C., 3. Total, 16. PLEASANT VALLEY.-61 I., I; 128 I., 5; 150 I., 5. Unknown, 1. JAY.-12 I., 1; 23 I., 1; 77 I., 4; 89 I., 1; 96 I., 1; 118 I., 5. 2 Vet. Total, 12. " C., 9. 2 Mass., 1. Unknown, 2. Total, 25. POUGHIKEEPSIE.-16 I., 1; 48 I., 1; 57, 1; 128 I., 1. Unknown, 1. KEENE.-38 T., 1; 96 I., 1; 118 I., 2. 2 A., 1; 16 A., 1. 5 C., 1. 2 Total, 5. - Vet. C., 1. Unknown, 1. Total, 9. POUGHKEEPSIE CITY —5 I., 1; 16 I., 1; 20 I., 15; 30 I., 2; 44 I., 1; LEwIs.-38 I., 1; 69 I., 2; 77 I., 1; 93 I., 1; 96 I., 3; 114 I., 1; 118 47I., 1; 481.,2; 51I., 2; 52I., 1; 561., 1; 57I., 1; 58I.,2; 61I.,2; I., 6; 153 I., 1. 2 A., 2. 5 C., 2; 11 C., 1; 25 C., 1. 2 Vet. C., 5. 1 65 I.,1; 67 I., 1; 87 I., 2; 91I., 1; 95 I., 1; 98 1., 3; 102 1., 1; 120 1., Vt., 1; 7 Vt., 1; 11 Vt., 1; 17 Vt., 1. Unknown, 4. Total, 35. 1; 128 I., 11; 129 I. 1; 150 I., 13; 159 I., 1. I A,5 1; 13 A., 1. I B., MINERVA.-16 I., 3; 62 I., 1; 93 I., 1; 118 I., 3; 175 I., 1. 5 C., 2. 1. 2 C., 1. 7 Coanl. 45 Pa., 1. 20 Colored, 3. Unknown, 2. 2 Yet. C., o Total, 80.. MORIAH.-43 I., 1; 51 1., 1; 69 I., 2; 77 I., 1; 82 I., 1; 96 L., 2; 117 REDuOOK. —52I.,1; 80I.,2; 91I.,3; 128I.,3; 150I.,3. 7 N. J., I.,1; 118I.,14; 146I.,I. 5 C., 2. 2 Yet. C., 3.? Mass., 1. 15 Pa. 2. Unknown, I. Total, 15. C.) 1. Unknown, 3. Total, 34. RHINEBECK.-44 I., 2; 80 I., 2; 91 T., 3; 128 I.,8; 150 I., 7. 5 A., I; NEwcoMB-118 I, I. Total, 1. 6 A., I.? C., I. 4 Mich. C.) I. Total, 26. NORTH ELBA.-30 I., 1; 96 I., 2; 118 I., 2. Unknown, 1. Total, 6. STANFOD.-12 LI, 1; 47 1., 1; 80 I., I.; 128 L, 2; 150 I., 7. 15 A.,2.7 29 Conn,,~ "'' SCIIOON..22 1. 1; 83 I., 2; 93 I, 2; 96 I., 1; 118 I., 9; 142 T., 4; UNION- VALE. —48 I., 1;'Is I., 1; 128 I., 1. 20 Colored, 1. Total, 4. 192 T., 1. I A., 1. 5 C., 2; 21 C.-, 1. 2 Vet. C., 3. Unknown, 1. WASHINGTON.-44 1., 1; 56 I.; 1; 128, 3; 150 I., 3. 5 Conn., 1. Total 28 Unknown, 3. Total, 12." TTCONDEROGA —22 I., 2; 24 I., 1; 34 1., 3; 61 I., 2; 62 I., 2; 81 I., 1; 82I., 1;96I., 14; 118., 3. 24 B., 1. 5 C., 10. 2 Vet. C., 2. 7 Yt., ERIE COUNTY. ]. 5 M. I., 1. Unknown, 1. Total, 45. ALDEN.-14 I., 1; 21 I., 1; 36 I., 1; 78'I., 2; 116 I.,2.1 -1 WESTfOnT.-12 I., 1; 38 I., 1; 77 I., 9; 96 I., 2; 118 I., 7. 11 C., 1.., 1. Unknown, 2. Total, 11. 1 o V., 1,. y Unknown, 2. Total, 24. AMrHERST. —94 I., 1; 100 I., 2; 116 I. 1. 5 A. 1; 6 A. 1. 21 C I WiLLSBOR~OUGH.~21 I., 1; 69 I., 1; 83 I., 3; 96 I., 3; 118 I., 5. 11 2M.R.,1. 10U.S.I.,1. Unknown, 2.' Total, 11. C.,I. 2Yet. C,1. 7 Mich, 1. 1 Yt. C.,1. Total, 17. ARoRA. —10 I., 2; 24 I., 1I; 98 1., 1; 100 I., 10; 116 I.,5. 901, WhittINGTOn.-16 I., 1; 77 I., 1; 96 I., 4; 118 I., 1. 2 0., 1; 5 0., 10 Mich., 1. 1 U. S. I., 1; 6 U. S. I., 1. Unknown, 3. Total, 26.' 6; 9 Yet., 1 Unknown, 1. Total, 16. BosToN. —64 I., 1; 100I., 1; 116 I., 3. 2 M. R 1. 6 Wis., 1. Un known, 3. Total, 10. "FRANKLIN COUNTY. SLO^TI 1/ TO'I }' ^T1'!5' l.24/0"^ ^T..BANGOR.-16 I., 1; 47 I., 1; 60 I., 1; 98 I., 4; 106 I., 2; 142 I., 1; 193 BUFFALO. —7I.,1; 10I.1; 111.,1; 121.,7; 131.,1; 15 1.,1; 21 l,.iB.101 e.0.Ttl 7 64] I.,I 67 I. 1 69I. l1; 5I.;93I,1; 4.,1; 100I,16;5 16.,16 BELLMONT. —16 I 1; 391.,1; 60I,2; 691.,1; 921.,4; 961;1 98 122 I,;]55I,3 1:571,;10.1 6.4 I,;19.2. 3; 0,1;142I., 1. 14A.,1. 2Vt.,. 1Vt*'C.,1 Unknown, 2. 1C. 0 C./,' 2; 1^&2C^.,3;24.,3. 2.R,4 Bra's..,.BoMBAY.-181.,1; 541.,1; 921.,1; 98 1.,4; 142 1.,2. Unknown,?0Cal,1. 23111l, 1. 4 Mass. C.,1. 14 Mlich., 1. 3 Wis., 1; 23 Wis., 2. Total, 11. 1. 1 D..0.0, 1. 5 U. S.C.,I. 3 U. S.I., 1; 11 U. S. I, 1; 17 U. S. BRANDON.-60I., 1; 92I., 1; 98I., 5; 118I., 1; 142 I., 3; 193 I, 1. I, 1. Navy, 5. Unknown, 31. Total, 186.' 14 A., 2. 9C0., 2. 3 N. II., 1. 1 N. H.0., 1. 6 0. B., 1. 5 Yt., 1; OHICTAWAUGA.-IOO0 I., 2; 116 I., 4. 8 A. 1; 26 ]Bat., 1. 16 0. 1. 6 Vt., 1. Total, 21. 65111l, 1. Total, 10. " BRIGHTON. —96 I., 1; 98 I., 1. Total, 2. CLARENOE. —211I., 1; 78 I., 4; 94 I., 1; 116 I[, 3; 129 I., 1; 151 I., 2. BURIKE.-98 I., 3; 106 I., 2; 142 I., 6. 14 A., 2. 4 Yt., 1. Total, 14. 2 M. R., 1. 55 111., I. nknown, I. Total, 15. OHTEAUGAY.-15 I., 1; 16 I., 1; 92 I., 3; 96 I., 5;'98 I., 2; 106 I., 1; OOLDEN~. — 211.,1; 76I.,1; 851.,1; 1161.,1; 1291.,2. 15 A,13I1;64I1.1A, 1,1 4A;1,1 7Ms,1 1. Unknown, 3. ^ Total, 10. ~~~? N. H., 1. 7 Yt., 2. Unknown, 2. Total, 26. OOLLINS.-IO0I., 3; 641, 2; 69 I., 1; 72 I., 2; 116 I, 4; 154 I, 1. 2 CONSTAB.E-98 I, 1; 142 I, 3. 6B, 1. 3 0.,4. 8 U. S.,1. 51 M. R.,I. 55 Ohio, 1.? Iowa, 1. Total, 16. Mass, 1. Total, 11. APPENDIX. 701 DIOKINSON. —60 I., 1; 83 T., 1; 92 I., 2; 98 I., 4; 108 T.) 1; 142 T., 1. DURHUAMI-80 I., 1; 120 T., 6; 125 T., 1; 156 T., 1; 193 I., 1. 7 A., 1. 6 A., 1; 7 A., 1; 14 A., 1. 23 Ken., I. Unknown, 31. Total, 45. Unknown, I. Total, 12. DUANE.-60 T., 1; 92 I., 1; 98 T., 2; 106 I., 1. 14 A., 2. 57 Mass., GREENVILLE.-80 I., 2; 120 T., 5; 156 T., 4; 173 I., 1. 5 A., 1; 7 A., 1. Total, 8. 2; 11 A.) I. Unknown,5 1. Total,5 17. FORT OOVINGTON.-98 I.5 2; 142 I., 1. 14 A., 1. Unknown, 1L ITALCOTT.-1441I., 1. Total, I.' Total, 5. HUNTER.-15 I., 6; 611T., 3; 65 T., 1; 80 T., 5; 911T., 1; 120 I., 4. 4 FRANKLIN.-60 I., 2; 76 I., 1; 77 I., 3; 83 I., 2; 96 T., 1; 106 I., 1; A.5 2; 5 A., 2. Total, 24. 1181I.,5; 1421T. 2. 59 Mass., 1. 2 Mass. A., 1. 3 N. H., 1. 7 Vt., JEWETT.-80T, 1; 90IT11; 1201I., 5. 4 A., 2. Total, 9. I Navy, 1. ^B1^- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~LEXINGTOI..15 I.,1; 51 I.,1; 80 I., 10; 93 I.,1; 120-I.,1; 177 I., 2. ^HARIETSTOWN.-98 I., 1; 106 I., 1; 118 IL, I. Yet. S. S.,. A 1. 65 11. 1. Total, 18. MALONE —16 L, 3; 47 I., 1; 60 I., 3; 92 T., 1; 98 T., 29; 106 T., 7; N^BLIOE10I,3 2...7AI oa,5 110 I., 1; 142 T., 6. 1 A., 2; 6 A., 1; 14 A., 2. 2 Mass., 2. 11 N. H., PRATTSVILLE.-5 I., 2; 9 T., 1; 33 T., 1; 80 T., 2; 120 T., 4; 144 I.i 1; 1. 2 U. S., 1. Total, 60. 17 T., 1. 4 A., 4. Unknown, I. Total, 17. MOIRA.-16 I.) 1; 60 T., 1; 92 I., 2; 98 I., 2; 106 I., 7; 142 I., 4. 14 WINDHAM.-80 T., 3; 120 I., 4; 143 T., 1. 2 A., 1; 4 A., 2; 7 A., 1; A., 1. 7 Yt,5 3. 1I Mich. C., 1. 15 N. H., 1. Total, 23. 14A.) 1; 15 A., 1; 16 A., I. Total, 15. -WESTVILLE.-IS I.5 1; 60 T., 1; 83 I., 1; 98 I., 14; 142 I., 1; 152 T., 1. 160C.)1. 2YVt.,l. Total, 21. HAMILTON COUNTY. ARIETTA.-34 T., 1; 97 T., 3. Unknown, 1. Total, 5. FULTON'COUNTY. BENSON.-95 I., 2. Unknown,-. Total, 3. BLEECKE, P.-641,)1; 77 L, 5;116 I,51; 153 I, 2; 162 I, 1. 2 A., 1. H1OPE.-32 I, 1; 115 I. 2. 4 A. 5. Total, 8. Unknown, 2. Total, 13. -INDIAN LAKE.-16 A., 1. Total, 1. BROADALBiN.-211T., 1; 77 T., 1; 93 I., 1; 115 I., 2; 153 I., 1;'192 I., Ly AE18I,1 oa,1 1. I A.) 1; 2 A., 1; 3 A., 1; 4 A.. 1; 14 A., 1. 10 C., 4. 2 U.- S., 1. MoR-ETousE-97 I.., 2. 1 U. S. S. S., I. Total, 3. Total, 17. WELLS.-61 T., I; 93 I., I; 97 T., 4; 115 T., 4; 133 I., 1; 169 I., 2, CAROGA.-115 I., 6; 153 I., 1. 20 C., 2. 2 M. R., 1. Total, 10. 2 Yet. C., 1. 9 Mich., 1. Unknown, I. Total, 16. EPHRATAIL-18 I., 1; 32 T., 1; 77 T., 1; 97 I., 9; 115 L, 5; 153 I., 8. 2 A.) 1; 7 A., 1; 9 A., 1; 13 A., 2. Total, 30. HERKIMER COUNTY. JOHNSTOWN.-49 T., 1; 54 T., 1; 77 T., 10; 93 T., 1; 115 T., 7; 142 T., COLUMTBIA.-34 T., 2; 44 T., 1; 1211I, 1; 125 I., 1; 152 T., 1. 21A.,1; 1; 153 I., 27; 162 T., 1. 2 A., 4; 4 A., T; 7 A., 1. 9 [11., 1; 39 111., I; 16 A. I Total, 8. 47111l, 1. 4I11L.C.,1. 34 Yet., 1. Unknown, 4. Total, 64. IAI Ltio -,,,, ^, MAYFIELD.-43 I., 2; 77 T., 5; 89 I., 1; 93 T., 1; 115 I., 2; 123 TI-, 1 NB.5 I 2;12I2Ukon oa,8 149 I., 1; 153 T., 1; 162 T., 2; 191 I., I. 2 A., 1; 3 A., 1. 2 C., 1; 1-0 Toal 14.iL-4I,2;11. 2. 12I,3 nnw,1 C.,7. Total, 27. Total, OT4 T.14.I,1;11T,5 16I,1 52T,3. NORTHAMAPTON.-14 I., 1; 33 T., 1; 511T., 1; 69 T., 2; 93 I., 4; 115 T., -FAKOT-4*;5?^11I 2'^12I -2A 4; 169 T., 1. 2 A., 1; 4 A., 9; 7 A., 1; 14 A., 1. 1 1 C., 1. 2 S.- S.,- 1. 12. 15 C., 1 Unknown, 1. Total, 925. Total, 28.'" GERMAN~ FLATS.-14 T., I; 34 T., 1; 50 T., I; 121 T., 6. 2 A., 6. 6 OppENIIEIAM-34 IL, 1; 48 T., 1; 81 T., 2; 97 I., 3; 115 T., 8; 153 T., 5. C., I. Minn., 1. Navy, 1. Unknown, 2. Total, 20. 16 A., 3. 5 C., 1. Oneida C., 1. Total, 25. HERKIMTER.-14 I., I; 304 I., 4; 44 I., 1; 76 I., I; 81 I., 2; 0971I., 2; PERTH.-32 I., 1; I21 I., 1; 153 I., 3. 14 A., 1. 1 Conn. C., 1. 146 I., 1; 152 I., 8. 2 A., 2; 14 A., 1; 16 A., 3. 14 Conn., 1. I S. S., Total, 7. 1. Unknown 1. Total, 29. STRATFORD.-34 I., 5; 49 1, 1; 97. I., 10; 115 I., 1; 121 1, 1; 153 I., LITC-TFIELD.-34 I., I; 117 I., 1; 121 I., 4; 152 I., 4. 2 A., 1. 1. 16 A.3 I. Total, 20. Total, 1 1 LITTLE, FALLS.-3 T., 1; 34 I., 6; 43 T., 1; 57 I., 1; 97 I., 4; 110 I., 1; 121 I., 16; 125 T., I; 152 T., 3. 2 A., 4; 4 A., 1; 16 A., 3.? Bat., 2, GENESEE COUNTY. 2 Al., R., 2. 180C., 1. 8111l, 1. 5 Mich., 1. Sig. Corps, 1. 12 U. ALABAMA. 19T. 1; 15 T. 1. 2 OT. 1. 28 TA. 4; 10 T. 1; 12 T. 1. S' L 2 U.S. C.)I. Unknown, 1. Total,53 14... 3;1. 1 9B 2 5B,.2..lf~ n } 2k?M.'R:. MANTEiM-34 I, 1; 971T, 3; 1211I, 4; 1521T, 2; 1861I,1I. 16 A., 1. Unknown,!. Total, 30. ~~~~1. Unknown, 1. Total, 14. ALEXANDER.-491,1"; 1051T, 1; 1301I, 1; 1361I., 1. 8 A., 8; 9 A.3A, 1 1 A."",4 I1.'Br ans S. Il S., 4. Unnon 1. Toal 14.2L?1 4. 1 Drag., 1. 2 M. R., 2. 6 Mich. C.) 1. "Total, 20. 3A51NoRW AY.3 I. 3;da 81 I. 2S19., 4. Unknown, 1. 152tal, 214U.S.. BATAVIA.-12 T., 5; 28 I., 1; 44 T., 2; 49 T., 2; 96 I., 1; 100 T., 1; 101 SORWAY.-34tal, 3;81227.;11I.;12I,.1U.S I., 1; 129 T., 2; 139 T., 1; 140 I., 1; 151 I., 6; 160 T., 1. 8 A., 10; 9 A., >3 Ttl12 1; 13 A., 1.? B., 1.? C., 1. I Dr~ag.) 1. 2 M. R., 3. 31 Conn., I. OIO.-81 T., 4. 16 A., I. Total, 5. 12 Ind., 1. 24 Wis., 1. 17 U. S., I.. Unknown, 3. Total, 49. RUSSIA.-26 T., 1; 57 T., 1; 81 T., 3; 97 T., 6; 117 I., I; 121 L-) 9. 1 BERGEN.-140 I., 2. 8 A., 5; 9 A., 3. 22 B., 1. Unknown, 3. Yet. C., 1; U. S. S, S., 2. Unknown, 4. Total,'S. Total, 14. SALISBURY.-34 I., 9; 44 T., 1; 69 T., I; 81 I., 1; 97 T., 9; 121 I., 11; BETHANY.-16 I., 1; 22 T., 1; 64 I., 1. 8 A., 2; 9 A., 3; 14 A., 1; 22 186 I., 1. 16 A., 4. Oneida C., 3. Total, 40. A., I. Unknown, I. Total, II. SCHUYLER.-24 T.I1; 34 T., 1; 44 T., 1; 97 T., 1; 121 T., 5; 152 T., 1. BYRON.-16 I., 1; 140 I.) 3; 146 I., 1. 8 A., 6. Unknown, 1. 3 A.) 3. Total, 13, Tota1'12' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~STARK.-78 TI, 1; 121 I., 1; 152 I., 5. 16 A., 1. 24 C., 1. 92 Ill., 1. DARI:EN.-IOO I., 1; 140 T., 1. 9 A., 1. 3 C., 1. Unknown, I. Unknown, 2. Total, 12. Tota15 5< "~~~~~~~~~~~~WARREN.-2 A., 1. 2 U. S. 1,, 1. Navy, I. Unknown, I. Total, 4. ELB'A — 14 T-I.,1;2 IN T 1; 1 05 I 1. I 8 A. 19. Totail, 15.TT- ----- W R -81., -1; 97 iI., 1;15 I, 2.- 16 1A. 2. Total,6. 702 APPENDIX. HENDERSON.-24 I., 1; 25 I., 1; 35 I., 2; 44 I., 1; 76 I., 1; 94 I., 2; WEST TURIN.-57 I., 4; 97 I., 2. 5 A., 2; 14 A., I. Unknown, 1. 186 I., 3. 10 A., 7. 2 B., 1. 18 C., 2; 20 C., 2. 34 1l., 1. Total, 24. Total, 10. HouNSFiELD.-81 I., 1; 94 I., 1; 163 I., 1; 182 I., 1; 186 I., 4. 10 LIVINGTON COUNTY A., 11. 12 C., 1; 18 C., 4; 20 C., 2. Unknown, 2. Total, 28. LE RAY.-32 I., 1; 60 I., 1; 91 T., 4; 110 I., 1. 2 A., 1; 10 A., 7; 14 AvON.-27 I., 3; 104 I., 3; 136 I., 8; 140 I., 1. 8 A., 1; 14 A., 1. 8 A., 4. 20 C., 2. Unknown, 3. Total, 24. C., 3. Total, 20. LORRAINE. —24 I., 5; 94 I., 4. 2 A., 1; 10 A., 7. 20 C., 1. Unknown, CALEDONIA.-41 I., 1; 100 I., 2. 4 A., 1. 8 C., 8; 24 C., 1. 7 U. 4. Total, 22. S. Colored, 1. Total, 14. LYnnE.-35 I., 3; 51 I., 1; 80 I., 1; 94 I., 3; 186 I., 1. 10 A., 12. 16 CONESUS.-104 I., 1; 130 I., 3; 136 I., 4. Unknown, 7. Total, 15. B., 1. 6 C., 1; 18 C., 2; 20 C., 1. 126 Ill., 2. Unknown, I. Total, 29. GENESEO.-33 I., 2; 50 1., 1; 104 I., 1; 130 I., 5; 133 I., 1; 135 1., 1; ORLEANS.-35 I., 4; 94 I., 3; 186 I., 2. 10 A., 11; 14 A., 6. 2 U. 136 I., 7. 2 A., 2; 8 A., 4; 14 A., 2. 1 C., 1; 6 C., 1. 24 Iowa, 1. S. C., 1. Unknown, 1. Total, 28. Unknown, 2. Total, 31. PAELIA.-77 I., 1; 79 I., 1; 94 I., 4. 1 A., 1; 10 A., 7; 14 A., 2. GnOVELAND. —13 I., 1; 89 I., 2; 130 I., 3. 6 C., 1; 8 C., 2. 9 N. J., 11 C., 1; 18 C., 3; 20 C., 1.? Ill. C., 1. 7 R. I., 1. Total, 23. 1. 59 111., 1. 1 Mich. C., 1. Unknown, 1. Total, 13. PHILADELPHIA.-76 I., 1; 92 I., 2; 186 I., 1. 2 A., 1; 10 A., 3; 13 LEICESTER.-26 I., 1; 33 I., 2; 51 I., 1; 130 I., 3; 136 I., 1. 14 A., A., 2; 14 A., 2. 18 C., 1; 20 C., 1. Unknown, 1. Total, 15. 1. 21 Bat., 1; 24 Bat., 8;? Bat., 1. Unknown, 2. Total, 21. RODIVAN.-94 I., 5; 186 I., 1. 10 A., 6; 14 A., 2. 18 C., 1. Un- LIMA.-13 I., 1; 15 I., 1; 27 I., 12; 130 I., 5; 136 I., 2; 147 I., 2. 8 known, 1. Total, 16. A., 7. 26 Bat., 1. 22 C., 1. 24 C., 1. I Vet. C., 2. S. S., 1. 83 RUTLAND.-16 I., 1; 24I., 1; 35 I., 2; 44 I., 1; 94 I., 1; 121 I., 1; 186 Pa. L Inv.CI. Unknown, 3. Total, 41. I., 2. 10 A., 9; 13 A., 1; 14 A., 1. 11 C., 1; 18 C., 1; 20 C, 2. Un- LIVONA.-13 I., 2; 33 I., 1; 35 I., 1; 97 I., 1; 100 I., 1; 104 1., 2; known, I. Total, 25. 130 I., 3; 136 I., 5; 140 I., 1. 8 A., 1; 14'A., 2. 24 Bat., 1; 26 Bat., THERESA.-35 I., 7; 94 I., 4; 186 I. 1. 2 A. 1; 6 A., 1; 10 A., 13; 6 2~ nno,3.Ttl27 1, 6 C.-,1; 22 C., 1; Unknown, 3. Total, 27. 14 "3 20"C 4 Navv nknown 2 Mou3 MoRRI6s.,-24 I., 1; 27 I., 10; 28 I., 1; 44 I., 1; 52 I., 1; 85 I., 14 A., 3. 20 C.) 4. Navy, 1. Unknown, 2. Total, 37. 10NMo s.2I. 14A.3. 200,4 * ^y * ^kow Tota, 373; 104 I, 2; 130 I., 1; 136 T., 4; 157 I., 2. 11 Bat., 1; 24 Bat., 2. 24 ~WATERTOWN.-12 I., 1; 15 I., 1; 22 I., 1; 34 I., 2; 35 I., 2; 81 I., 1; C 1 21 C olored, 1; 24 Colored, 2. Navy, I. Unknown, 4. Total, 38. 941., 2; 97 I., 2; 1861., 3; 193I., 1. 1 A., 1; 2 A., 1; 6 A., 1; 10 A., " - 2' 10 2 C 2 T i 7n 47 T' 01. 5; 1 A 2; 14 A 9 11 C - 1; P 4; 20 C 1;? C 1 34 11 1 NORTH DANSVILLE-13 T., 10; 27 I., 2; 64 I., 1; 70 I., 1; 87 I., 1; 97, nvalid AC, Unknown, 2. Tota., 1, lo ^., 4,39U U.,', I.,1 1; 104 1, 2; 126 T., 1; 130 L, 5; 136 I., 7; 140 I., 2; 1.61 L, 1. 4 InvalidC.,"1. Unknown,2. Total, 39. A.., 1;A 4A.,2. 21 C.,1; 22 C., 1. Wis., 1. ToWILNA. —9 I., 2; 35 I., 6; 60 I., 1; 186 I., 1. 1 A., 1; 2 A., 3; 10 A., t 421 8; 14 A., 2., 2. 11 Iowa, I. Unknown, I. Total, 27. NuNDA-33 L, 5; 49 I., 1; 97 I., 2; 104 I.; 9; 126 I., 1; 130 I., 6; 1~6 WORTH.-94 I., 1; 186 I., 2. 6 A., 2; 10 A., 2. 20 C., 1. Unknown, 1. 3; 188 I, 1. 24 A., 1. 6 C., 1; 22 C., 1. 1 Vet. C., 5. 1 Mich., 1. 1. Total, 9. Unknown, 2. Total, 39. KINGS COUNTY. OssIAN.-74 I., 1; 124 I., 1; 130 I, 1. 14 A., 1.' 6 C., 1; 21 C., 1. BROOKLYN.-1 I., 4; 2 I., 5; 3 I., 5; 4I., 5; 5 I., 15; 6 I., 6; 7 I., 8; Total, 6. 9 I., 7; 10 I., 7; 11 I., 3; 12 I., 2; 14 I., 5; 15 I., 4; 17 I., 4; 19 I., 2; PORTAGE.-23 I., 1; 33 I., 4; 85 I., 4; 104 I., 2; 120 I., 1; 130 I., 8; 22 I., 2; 25 I., 3; 26 I., 1; 28 I., 3; 29 I., 1; 30 1., 1; 31 I., 3; 33 I., 1; 136 I., 3; 146 I., 1; 169 I., 1; 188 I., 1. 4 A., 3. 7 Mass., I. Total, 30. 35 I., 1; 36 I., 1; 37 I., 2; 38 I., 6; 40 I., 9; 42 I., 2; 43 I., 1; 45 I., 4; 136 I 5; 188 46 I., 7; 47 I., 12; 48 I., 18; 51 I., 13; 52 I., 10; 54 I., 1; 55 I., 1; 561., (* ^ T 4 W 9- T - ^1T 9-fi9T 4-fi' T ^ (I.,T1.(\ 14 1 Unknown, 1. Total, 15. T; 57 I., 4; 58 I., 2; 59 L., 3; 61 1., 2; 62 L, 4; 63 1., 5; 64 1., 1; 65 T., "''. T A. 1. T 1. Ttlfi -' 67 T 10; 68 I. 1; 69 T 14; 71 I 2; 73 T 8; 78 T 1; 79 T., 9; $1 SPRINGWATER.-13 T. 3; 85 I., 7; 104 I., 8; 107 L, 1; 130 T., 1; 136 1, 67 1 68.,;, 69 I.,.;~, 2 73. L, 8;.,', 2.,A'I., 1; 82 I., 4; 83 I., 6; 84 I., 46; 86 I., 1; 87 I., 7; 88 I., 3; 90 I., 14; L' 3 148 L, 1 188 I 3 A.) 1 4 A., 1. 21 C. 4. Total 31. 91 1., 1; 95 I., 2; 99 I., 5; 102 I., 4; 103 T., 1; 105 I., 2; 112 I., 1; 115 WEST SPARTA —13 L., 2; 104 I., 2; 130 I., 3; 136 I., 2. 8 C., 1; 21 I., 1; 116 I., 1; 119 I., 3; 123 I., 1; 127 I., 3; 131 L., 8; 132 I., 1; 133 C., 1. Unknown, 1. Total, 12. i., 11; 138 I., 2; 139 I., 22; 145 I., 1; t46 I., 3; 148 I., 1; 149 I., 1; 150 YORK.-104 I., 1. 4 A., 1; 8 A., 1; 14 A., 1. 26 Bat., 1. 8 C., 5. L, 1; 155 I., 3; 158 I., 10; 159 I., 9; 163 I 1; 164 I., 6; 165 I., 2; 168 7 Miich.,. Unknown, I. Total, 12. I., 2; 170 I., 4; 173 I., 13; 174 I., 1; 175 I., 2; 176 I., 3; 178 I., 2. 2 A., 3; 3 A., 1; 4 A., 1; 5 A., 6; 15 A., 1; 16 A., 1. 1 C., 4; 3 C., 1; 5 MADISON COUNTY. C., 1; 11 C., 1;? C., 5. 1 M. R., 1. 13 M., 1. 3 Ark. C., 1. 2 Conn., op-L 3 01 L n 1 T 2 117 1.3 1 14 T 2 161 T ^ 8 Con 1- 9 onn 1 4 111 1 113 11 1 1 Miss 2 1 Mich ROOKFIELD.-26 I., 3; 81 I., 1; 114 I., 2; 117 I., 1; 146 I., 2; 161 I., 2; 8 Conn., 1; 9 Conn., 1. 42 EL, 1; 113 Ill., 1. I Mass., 2. 16 M.Tich 7. 1, 2 13 A A 1 1 P I - P 1 9 1. 3 Maine, 1; 5 Maine, 1. 3 N. H., 1; 5 N. II., 1; 7 N. H., 3. 1 N. 2; S 176., 189. now,. 1.,;1.,;4A. Tot.,1;5.1 27 J., 2; 8 N. J., 1; 9 N. J., 1; 28 N. J., 1; 40 N. J., 1;? N. J., 1. I N. J.'C., 1. 177 Ohio, 1. 13 Pa. R. C., 1. 81 Pa., 1; 118 Pa., 1;? Pa., 1. CAZENovu.-12 I., 2; 18 I., 1; 22 I., 4; 35 I., 1; 61 I., 4; 76 I., 1; 5, R. I,1 1. 5 Tenn., 1. 4 Vt.) 1; 7 Vt., 1; 10 Vt., 1. 4 U. S. I., 2; 6 81 I., 1; 89 I., 1; 114 1., 20; 115 I., 1; 151 I, 1; 161 I., 2; 181 I., 1.'. S., I, 1; 12 U. S., I., 1; 14 U. S.; I., 1. Navy, 35. Unknown, 65. 3 A., 2; 7 A., 1. 8 C., 1; 12 C., 1; 20 C., 1; 22 C., 6. 1 Yet. Cav., I. Total, 629. 22 Ohio, 1. Unknown, 2. Total, 56. FLATB'USH.-47 I., 1; 73 I., 1; 139 I., 3. Total, 5. DE RuYTER.-12 I., 1; 13 I., 1; 15 I., 1; 44 I., 2; 76 I., 3; 109 I., 1; FLATLANDS.-5 I., 1; 40 I., 1; 67 I., 1; 87 I., 1; 90 I., 1; 127 I., 2.1; 147 15;'17 L, 1 1. 2 C 1;3C,1 11 C.) 1;18S C.,1. Unknown, 1. Total, 10. 10 C.) 1. 9 Iowa, 1. 105 Pa., 1. 8 Wis., 1. Unknown, 2. Total, 33. NEw LOTS.-5 I.,2; 10 I., 1; 20I1., 1; 28 1.1; 36 I.,1; 4117 L, 8 2 A., 1; L, 1; 66 I., 1; 129 I., 1.? A., 1. 11 Conn., 1. Total, 12. 4A.1. 10 c. 7. Unknown, 5. Total, 29. FENNERn.-75 I, 2; 81 I., 1; 86 I., 1, 114 I., 3; 157 I, 2. 1 Bat., 1. 146N —,1. 5 N.J. 1. 12 U.S. 1,1. Total, 12. GEORGETOW.N.-76 I., 3; 114 I., 1. 9 C., 1. Unknown, 2. Total, 7. LEWIS COUNTY. HAMILTON.-26 I., 2; 44 I., 1; 61 L, 6; 101 I., 1; 114 I., 8; 147 I., 1; T157. 6. 176I, 6T 185 I., 1; T I 1 T I. A. 1, 2A., 1. 2C C. 1; CoR~xxA.-l1o 1., 1; 2 1., 1; 35 1., 1; 59 1.,; I,97 1., 2; 186 I.,1I ~o iiiT.i1 T+14 2 A., 1; 10 A., 2. 20 C., l. Unknown, 3.'oa,1.8C,1 0C,1 2C,1 1hd.ttl ^ DENMRK 4 I 1 59 1- 86 1 1A 1-5 A - 14A 2 LEBANoN.-61 I., 4; 86 I., 2; 114 I., 6; 157 I., 3. 22 C., 3; 24 C., 1. -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"UnLS A kn.- owln1,I9 4; 15 C 1 Unknown, 9. Total, 18 4. 3 R. I. A., 1. 14 U. S. I., 2. Unknown, 1. Total, 69. -, "' 4' 15 C i, unknown 2. Total, 18. HAA~tPTONBURG. —124 I., 1; 168 I., 1. Total, 2. _MARCELLUS.-12 1., 1; 14 I., 1; 75 I., 1; 122 I., 11; 148 I., 1; 185 I., 1. 9 A., 1; 16 A., 1.? 111. I., 1. 18 Conn., 1. Total, 20. MINISINK-124 I, 3. 9 A., l. Total, 4. ONONDAGA.-12 I., 3; 14 I., 1; 44 I., 1; 75 I., 7; 101 1, 1; 122 I., 2; 9 1; 151, 180T, 5196 nn74I; 76I,1 149 I., 5; 160 I, 1; 185 1., 1. 3 A., 2; 9 A., 1. 15 C., 3; 22 C., 2. 5 U. S. A.) 1. Unknown~, 1. Total, 32. -' Unknown, 2. Total, 41. OTiSCO.-12 I., 2; 44 I., 1; 75 I., 1; 85 I., 1; 101 I., 3; 121 I., 1; 122 MONTGOMERY.-18 L 1; 56 I., 2; 124 I., 14; 168 I., 2. 16 A.) 1. I, 2; 149 I., 2; 185 I., 2. 2 A., 1; 3 A., 1; 9 A., 1. 15 C., 2; 22 C., 1. unknown, 2. Total, 22. 10 Wis., 1; 22 Wis., 2. Total, 24. MOUNT HoPE.-106 I., 1; 124 1., 3; 161 I., 1. 4 A., 4. 15 C., 1. POMIPEY. —12 I., 2; 15 I., 1; 61 I., 1; 85 I., 1; 98 I., 1; 112 I., 1; 122 Unknown, l. Total, 11. I., 3; 149 I., 5; 185 I., 1. 3 A., 1; 9 A., 1. 22 C., 3. Total, 21. NEWBURG.H-3 I., 2; 21 I., 1; 48 I., 4; 56 I., 12; 63 I., 2; 69 I., 1; 71 ^ATTWA 1 T 9- 1^ 9- 199T 9-14Q 1 9 A 211 0 1-1., I; 79 I., 1; 80 I., 2; 83 I., 1; 90 I., 2; 98 I., 2; 124 I., 18; 128 I., 1; bAIA-15 C., 1,.1Un1nown, 11.,, Ttl4y1, 12. A..1,1,'? > KPT lQT nT 15 C 1 Unknown ] Total 12 ~~~~~~~129., 1; 133 I., 1; 143 I., 1; 148 I.,; 156 I., 1; 168 I., 3. 19 M., 1. ^'5' ^(- T nn T im T in T ioo T^ i QQ7 A., 1. 1 ~., 1; 2 C., 2; 6 C., 2; 15 C., 1. 4 N. J., 1. 45 Pa., 1;? SKAN-EATELES. —75 I. 3; 99 I., 4; 101 I, 1; 111 I., 1; 122 I., 5; 139 p ^ lUSI11USC12 ooe av2U I, 1^; 149I., 1. 3 A, 3; 9 A., 4;? A., 2. 3C., 1; 13 C., 1. 1 M.R, knwn 4. Total, 78:.y 1. Total, 28. -,,... ^Q. i ^T 1 1^1 1 4 A NEW WINDsoR.-48 I., 1; 56 I., 3; 98 I., 2; 124 I., 6; 1281I, 32168 SPAFFORD. —122I.,2; 143 I, 1; 149I., 1; 157 I, 1; 185 1, 1. 4 A, ^^H., 1,1,1,1,1 5C;1,1 1; 9A., 2. Total, 9. Total, 23. SYRACUSE. —8 I., 1; 12 T., 4; 15 I., 1; 21 T., 1; 241I., 1; 31 I., 1; 40.TT _1T 6T 0T2 24T - 9T14A T 1 C T 1 ai T ^Q 1. A T. Q^T 1 *QP, 0- 11 T z WA-L~i-LL. —10 I., 1; 56 1., 3; 80 1., 2; 124 1., 8; l120 1., 1. 4: A., 3. 1., 1; bo31., 1; 641., 1; b9 I., 1; 7b 1., 1; 85 I., 1; 8b 1.,; 1,1., 14;, 2 Pa. 0.,1. 14 R..,1. 57 Mass., 1. 26 Colored, 2;? Colored, 1. 106 I., 1; 109 I., 1; 110 I., 2; 117 I., 1; 122 I., 11; 149 I., 27; 157 I, 1; Unnown 1. Total, 25.' 1831.,1; 1841.,1; 1851.,7. 1 A, 4; 3 A, 3; 9 A, 4; 14 A, 1. 9C, u~on1 oa'0 1; 10 6.,1; 11 C., 5; 12 C., 1; 15 0., 4; 22 0., 3. 1 M. R., 2. Unknown, ~WRIK-5L >5 ^ -i *''4 14~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ A. 1; 15. 197 5 C.," 1. 14 R. I., 1.^>^'^^ Unknown, 2. Total, 29. TULLY.-15 L., 2; 611I., 1; 75 I., 1; 76 I., 1; 122 I., 5. Unknown, 3. wAND -2I.5.8BaI.lMB,.Tol,7 Total, 13. VAN BURtEX.-40 I., 1; 101 1., 3; 122 I., 1; 126 I., 1; 149 I., 7; 185 ORLEANS COUNTY. I.,3. 1 A., 3; 3 A.,1. 11C.,2; 240.,1. Total, 23. -._,.,_.. ) s ) ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~B~ARE.-27 I., 3; 105 I., 1; 140 I., 1; 151 I., 3. 4 A., 3; 8 A., 13; ONTAPTO POTTNTY u 14A., 1 17 Bat. 3. 3C.,51; 8 C.,3. 2 M.R.,2. 20 Md., 1.? N. ONTARIO COUNTY~~~~~J, 1. 1 3 Wis. 1.^? U.S., 1. Unknown, 4. Total, 42. BamSTOL.-15 I., 1; 18 I., 2; 67 I., 1; 85 I., 8; 98 I., 1; 126 I., 1; 146 C~ALTON.-23 I., 1; 28 I., 1; 46 I., 1; 129 I., 1; 147 I., 1; 151 I., 3; I., 1; 148 I., 2. 4 A. 4. Unknown, l. Total, 22. 161 I, 1. 8 A., 13; 14 A., 4. 17 Bat., 2. 8 C., 2. 17 Vet. I., 1. 2 CNAAmCE.-13 I., 5; 85 I, 3;' 104 I., 1; 144 I., 1; 185 I, 1. 21C., M. R, I. 1 N.Y. S.S, 2; 6 N. Y. S. S,2. 16 U. S.I, 1. 5 Minn., 2. 1 M. R., 1.? Mich., l. Unknown, 1. Total, 16. 1. Unknown, l. Total, 39. CANAND~iGUx.-5 1., 1; 15 I., 2; 18 I., 2; 28 I., 1; 33 1., 3; 50 I., 1; CLARENON.-94 I., 1; 129 I., 1; 140 I., 1; 1511I, 5. 8 A., 9; 14 A., 85 I., 5; 98 I., 1; 108 I., 1; 126 I., 11; 148 I., 11; 149 I, 1; 160 I., 1; 1. 25 Bat., 1. 80., 1. 146I111.,1l. Unknown, l. Total, 22. APPENDIX. 705 GAiNES.-76 I., 1; 151 I., 3. 4 A., 1; 8 A., 8. 3 C., 1. Navy, I. M[DDLEFIELD.-14 I., 1; 39 I., 1; 42 I., 1; 51 T., 1; 76 I., 1; 114 I., 1; Unknown, 1. Total, 16. 121 I., 9; 134 I., 1; 145 I., 1; 152 I., 1. 7 A., 1. 2 C., 1; 6 C., 1. KENDALL.-94 I., 1; 108 I., 1; 129 I., 1; 140 I., 1; 150 I., I. 4 A.) 78 Ohio, 1. 5 Pa. C, 1. Unknown, I. Total, 24. 1; 8 A., 8. 12 Bat., 1. 8 C., 1. Inv. Corps, 1. Total, 17. MILFORVD.-22 I., 1; 40 I., 1; 43 I., 2; 44 I., 2; 46 I., 1; 76 I., 1; MURRAY.-22 I., 1; 28 I., 1; 96 I., 1; 105 I., 7; 151 I., 4. 8 A., 5. 83 L, 1; 100 L, 1; 114 L, 1; 121 L, 4; 140 L, 1; 144 I., 1; 152 I, 2. 12 Bat. 1/30.1; 21 C.,; 22 0,1. 2 M. R.I. 8 Miss, 1. Total, 25. 16 A, 1;? A., 1. 11 C., 1; 160C,1. 9511,1. Unknown, 2. Total, 26. 1AMis., l T; 121A.,1. 152 I., 17; 176 I., 1. 25 Al.,13. 28non Wi.Toa,2. RiDGEWAY.-2 I., 1; 28 I., 2; 49 I., 1; 129 I., 1; 147 I., 1; 149 I., 1; Mo1~. --.;1I,5 520 Colr., 7;176 Nav, 1. Total, 31. 2. 151 I., 11. 8 A., 7. 14 A., 7. 17 Bat., 3. 3 C., 2; 8 C., 1. N. Y. S. S., 1. 6 Mich. C., 1. 18 Ohio, 1. Unknown, 5. Total, 46. NEw LISBOX.-87 1., 1; 90 I., 2; 121 I., 15; 143 I., 1; 152 I., 2. 2 STELBY.-28 I., 1; 100 I., 1; 151 I., 3. 1 A., 2; 8 A., 12; 14 A, 3. A., 2. 3 A, 1. 8 C, 1. 11 Ind, I. Total, 26. 17 Bat., 4; 25 Bat., 2. 8 C., 2. Unknown, 2. Total, 32. ONEONTA. —34 I., 1; 40 T., 1. 43 I., 3; 76 I, 2; 121 I., 10; 152 I., 1. YATES.-28 I., 2; 49 1., 1; -90 I., 1; 151 I., 4. 8 A., 13. Unknown, 5 A., 2. 10 A., 1; 16 A., 1. 3 C., 1; 22 C., 1. Total, 24. 1. Total, 22. OTEGO. —76 I., 1; 89 I., 1; 90 I., 1; 121 I., 2; 152 L., 1; 156 I., 1. 2 A., 1. 102 Pa., 1. Total, 9. OSWEGO COUNTY. O OTSEo.-3 I, 1; 43 I., 3; 44 I., 1; 51 I., 1; 76 1., 1; 121 I., 13; 143 ALBiON.-24 I., 3; 37 I., 1; 50 I., 2; 76I., 1; 81 I., 7; 110 I., 8; 147 I., 1; 152 I., 7; 176., 1. 2 A., 2; 3 A., 1; 16 A., 2. 3 C., 1; 6 C., 1; I, 6; 148 I., 1. 1 A., 3: 2 A., 2; t4 A., 5. 16 Bat., 1. 24 C., 1. 8 C., 1; 22 C., 1. 14 U. S. I., 1. Unknown, 4. Total, 43. Unknown, 2. Total, 43. PITTSFTLD.-152 I., 1. Unknown, 9. Total, 10. AIBOY.-24 I., 1; 32 I., 1; 93 I., 1; 110 T., 6; 115 I., 1; 147 I., 7. 2 PLAIXPTELD.-26 T., 1; 44 L, 1; 46 I., 1; 97 I., 1; 121 I., 3. 2 A., 1; A.,2; 14A.,2. 240.,6. 5 U. S. I., 1. Total, 28. 14 A., 1. 26 Iowa, 1. Total, 10. BOYLSTON.-35 I., 1; 61.1I, 1; 94 I., 1; 110 I., 5; 147 I., 1; 193 I., 1. iciiFiELD-76 I., 1; 121 I, 2; 152 I., 1. 2 A., 6; 7 A., 1. 13 C., 10 A., 2. 240., 2. Total, 14..1. S. S., 1. 3 U. S. Colored C., 1. Total, 14. CoNsTxNTi.-1 4 I., 2; 26 I., 1; 50 1., 1; 81 I., 4; 97 I., 1; 1014, 1; RosEBOOM-76 I, 2; 94 I, 1; 121 I., 10; 152 I., 6; 153 I., 1. 2 U. 110I., 1.; 147I,10; 189 I., 4. 1 A., 2; 2 A., 5; 13 A., 1; S. C., 1 U. S.S.S, 1. 59 Yet. Res. Corps, 1. Total, 23. 14 A., 1. 22 C., 2. i M. R., 1. Unknown, 3. Total, 57. S,1 9Vt e.Crs.Ttl 3 SPRINGFIELD.-76 I., 4; 121 I, 2; 152 I., 2. 24 C., 1. 1 U. S. S. S., GIRANBY.-14 I., 1; 15 I., 1; 24 T., 1; 81 I., 1; 110 I., 4; 122 T., 1; 1. Total, 10. 132 I., 1; 143 I., 1; 147 I., 6; 184 I., 1; 185 I., 1. 3C., 1; 12 C., 3; 24 UXADILLA.-27 I., 1; 49 I., 1; 51 L, 1; 76 I., 1; 89 I., 4; 90 1, 4; 95 C., 5. Unknown, 5, Total, 33.., 1; 114 I., 2; 121 I., 4; 161 I., 1. 2 A., 2. 5 Conn., 1. Navy, 1. HANNIBAL.-44 I., 1; 50 I., 1; 64 I., 1; 75 I., 5; 81 I., 4; 91 I., 1; 94 Unknown, I. Total, 25. I, 1; 110 I., 13; 142 I., 1; 147 I., 2; 184 I., 3. 3 A., 1; 4 A., 1; 9 A., WESTFOD.-14 I., 1; 34 I., 1; 51 I., 3; 87 1., 1; 93 I., 1; 121 I., 1; 6; 16 A., 2; 24 A., 1. 24 C., 8. Unknown, 6. Total, 58. 144 L, 1. 7 A., I. Total, 10. HASTINGS.-101 I., 2; 110 I., 9; 147 I., 1; 149 1., 4. 21 A., 1. 24 WORCESTER. —91 I., 1; 121 I., 2; 151 I., 1. 6 C., 1. Unknown, 6. C., 2. Total, 19. Total, 11. MEXico.-14 I., 1; 24 I., 2; 76 I., 1; 81 I., 7; 110 I., 13; 147 I., 8; 184I., 1. 1 A., 9; 4A., 3; 6 A., 1; 9 A., 1. 12 C., 4; 24 C., 2. 2 PUTNAM COUNTY. Mich., 1. Navy, 2. Unknown, 3. Total, 59. Mich., 1 Navy,. Unknow, 3. Toal 559.CARTAE. —38 I., 2; 5.9 T., 2; 56I., 1; 147 I., 1. 6 A., 2. 12 U. S. NEW HAVEN.-15 I., 1; 24 I, 2; 59 I., 2; 60 I., 1; 69 I., 1; 81 I., 2; I 1. l, 97 110 I., 5; 147 I., 4; 184 I., 1. 1 A., 1; 9 A., 1; 10 A., 2; 14 A., 1. 12 C., 2; 20 C., 1; 24 C., 1. 8 Ill., 1. Total, 29. KENT.-38 L, T; 59 I.5 5. 6 A.5 3. 5 Conn, I. Unknown, 4. ToORWELL.-24 I., 9; 76 I., 1; 110 I., 9; 147 I., 1; 152 I., 1; 164 I., 1; al) 14 186 I., 1; 189 I., 2. 14 A., 1. 24 C., 5. Unknown, 2. Total, 33. PATTERSOx.-82 I., 1. 6 A., 5; 9 A., 1. 11 Conn., 2. Total, 9. OSWEGO.-81 I., 5; 110 I., 1; 147 I., 5. 9 A., 2. 12 C., 3; 13 C., 1; PHILLIPSTOWN.-5 I., 1; 59 I., 1; 168 I., 1. 6 A., 5; 7 A., 1. 11 C., 24 C., 6. Total, 23'..2. Navy, 1. Unknown, 1. Total, 13. OSWEGO CITY —15 I., 2; 24 I., 13; 34 I., 1; 81 I., 16; 110 I., 16; 117 PUTNAM VALLEY.-6 A., I. Total, 1., 1; 146I, 1; 147I., 23; 149I., 1; 184 I., 3. 1 A., 3; 2 A., 1; 3 A., SOUTHEAST.-9 I, 1; 59I.,1. 4A. 4; 6A.,4. 7 Conn., 1. Total, 11. 1; 9 A., 5; 10 A., 1;? A., 1. 21 B., 3. 12 C., 4; 15 C., 1; 22 C., 1; 24 C., 15. 11 111. C., 1; 53 1l., 1. 11 Mass.,1. 27 Mich.,1. 16 U.S. QUEENS COUNTY. I, 3. Unknown, 8 Total,128. FLUSHING.-4 I., 1; 5 I., 2; 7 I., 1; 9 I., 1; 15 I., 2; 29 I., 1; 33 I., PARISH.- O0I, 5; 149I, 1; 193 I., 1. 10 A, 1; 13A, 1; 14A,. 1; 40 I., 2; 52 I., 1; 58 I.,2; 61 I., 3; 63 I., 1; 64 I., 1; 67 I., 3; 69 I., 24C.,5. 1 Vet. C.,1. Total, 16. 2; 74 I., 6; 791L, 1; 1311L,1; 158I.,I. 2A.,2. 34 B., 2. 11 Mass., RICHLAND.-15 I., 1; 24 I., 1; 81 I., 2; 94 I., 1; 105 I., 1; 110 I., 7; 1; 22 Mass., 1.? R. I., 1. Navy, 2. Unknown, 7. Total, 49. 147IT., 9; 186 I.,1I. I1A., 2; 2 A., 3. 24 C., 1. 21 Wis., 1. 14 U. S.I 17I., 9 178U.S. I., 1. 1Nav, 2; 2 known 3 T.o24t0a, 36. 1. T1S MvPSTEUD.-5 I., 1; 67 I., 1; 90 1, 1; 102 L, 1; 119 I., 5; 139 I., 5; L.,1; 17 U. S.I,1I. Navy, 1 Unknown, 3. Total, 361581,1. 4A.4. 2 C, 1.' M. R, 3. 1 Conn. C., 1. 11 R. I., 1. SANDY CREEK.-24 T., 6; 76 I., 1; 81 I., 2; 94 1., 1; 101 I., 1; 110 I., 20 Colored, 3. Navy, 1. Unknown, 17. Total, 46. 7; 147 I, 12; 184 I., 2; 193 I., 1. 10 A., 1. 7 C., 1; 20 C., 2; 24 C., 3. JAMAICA.-5 I., 2; 6 I., 1; 15 I., 1; 39 I., 1; 40., 1; 49 I., 1; 61 I., Unknown, 12. Total, 53. 1; 67 I., 1; 69 I., 1; 87 I., 1; 90 I., 2; 102 I., 1; 109 I., 1; 158 I., 4; 165 SCHROEPPEL.-40 I., 1; 76 I., 1; 81 1., 8; 110 I., 5; 122 I., 1; 147 I., 1; I., 3. 2 C., 1; 5 C., 1; 6 C., 1; 18 C., 1. 31 Conn., 1. 1 Wis., C., 1. 184 I., 3. 3 A., 2; 9 A., 1; 18 A., 1. 21 B., 3. 15 C., 1; 24 C., 2. Unknown, 2. Total, 30. 27 Wis., 1. Navy, 1. Total, 32. NE'A, WTOWX. —124 I., 2; 127 I., 1; 145 I., 1. Unknown, 6. Total, 10. SCmIBA.-14 I., 1; 24 I., 3; 81 I., 12; 84 I., 1; 106 I., 1; 110 I., 8; NORTHi HtEMPSTEAD.-119 I., 2. 44 Mass., 1. 14 R. I., 1. Total, 4.!47I., 10. 2A., 2; 4A., 1; 9 A., 2; 211., 1. 180., 3; 24 0., 3. ~ ^ 1Tii ir 1Ti- r 147I., 1 2A.,24A., 17 A., 2 21 A., IS Co.ored 3I 2nk4ow C Tol 53 OYSTER -BAY.-4 I., 1; 40 I., 1; 65 I., 1; 71 I., 1; 72 I., 2; 90 I., 1; 50 111., 1; 97 Ill., i. 29 Wis., 1. 20 Colored, 1. Unknown, 1. Total,5. 53. 102 1., 3; 1-45 i., 2. I A., 1; 5 A., 2. I C., 1; 2 C., 13. 33 Mass., 1. VOLNEY.-24 I., 7; 59 I., 3; 76 I., 1; 81 I., 4; 110 I., 7; 1o8 I., 1; 20 Colored, 2. Unknown, 4. Total, 36. 147 I., 12; 184 I, 6. 1 A., 1; 4 A., 3; 9 A., 3. 12 C., 10; 20 C., 1; 24 0., 15. 105 111., 1. Unknown, 2: Total, 77. RENSSELAER COUNTY. WEST MONaOE.-40 I., 1; 44 I., 1; 81 I., 1; 1101I., 2; 111 1.,1; FOT 9T14T14 T110T1lT1016T 7 147 T^- 1Q T 4 184T I A 1- A 1-1fi A1-?A I bERLtX. —I., 1; 41., 1; 461., 1; 104I., 1; 1205..,10;.16IOJJ.,5. 7 147 i., 5; 149yI.,4;! 184t I., 1. 1 A., I, 2 A.,1I, 106A., I;?rA., 1. *,.i,?1^ ra ~Int~n^T^'l^ B., 1. 20 C. 1; 24 C. 1. Unknonr 1.T~l9 A.,; 16 A., 3. 5 C. 1. ~1 Mass., 2.- Unknown, 3. TotlU, 30. ^ ^ ^ t~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~lmxst~.- I.,1; 5T 18II., 1; 25 I~.-2,1;5. 0L 125 I., 5; 109 I. 3. Total, 11. Mich. 1. Total, 14. EAtsT GREENBUSH. —121 I.; 1; 125 I., 1; 169 1., 1. Total, 3. OT^PO POTTNTY ~~~~~GmRATOX.-125 I., 8; 188 I., 1. 16 A., 1. 20 0., 1. 2 Vet. 0., 1, OTSEGO COUNTY. ~~~~Unknown, 3. Total, 15. BURLINGTON-44 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~G nxus.,;4.;8.;11. 3;2A,3 REBS-3 I., 1; 13 T., 5; 44 I., 1; 81 I., 1; 115 I., 1; 125 I., 3; 8 0, 5. Total, 17. ~~~~~~~134 I., 1; 147 I., 1; 169 I., 1; 177 I., 1. 7 A., 7; 8 A., 1. 13.Bat., 1. B UTTEXNUTS.-64I., 1; 721I., 1; 121 I., 4; 1521I., 3. 2 A., 3. Un- 180C, 3. Unknown, 3. Total, 31. known, I. Total, 13. ~~~~~~~HoosxCK.-30 I., 1; 93 I., 1; 125 T., 1; 169 I., 4. 1 Bat., 1; 37 CHERRY VALLEY. —44 I., 1; 76 I., 2; 121 I., 4; 123 I., 1. 2 A., I; Mass., 1. 5 Vt, I. Unknown, 2. Total, 12. 6 A, 1. 1C., 1; 6C., 1. 6 Mich. C.,1. 1 U. S. S. S,2. Total, 15. AiNBRn 2I2;3I.7;4I,2;6I,110I,3;25I DECATUR.-13 I., 1; 46 I., 2; 152 I., 1. 10 A., 1. 3C0., 1. Total, 6. 9; 169 I., 6. 4 A., 1; 7 A.,'2. 3 B., 1. 21 0., 2. 5 Iowa, 1. 97 EDuEsToN. —21, 2; 1141I, 1; 1211., 4; 1521I., 1. 2 A., 1. 2 Wis. Pa., 1. 10 Ohio, 1. 1 Vt. Bat., 1. 14 U.S. 1.,1. Navy, 1. Total, 42. C., 2. Total, 11. NAssAu.-2 I.,'l; 3 I., 1; 43 I., 1; 44 I., 1; 46 I., 1; 58 I., 1; 91 I., 2; EX~ETER-44 I., 2; 78 I., 1; 118 I., 1; 1211., 2; 152 I., 1. 2 C., 5; 115 I., 1; 125 I., 3; 169 I., 13. 12 0., 1. 34 Mass., I. Unknown, 6. 22 C., 1. Total, 13. Total, 33. HARTwICK. —40 I., 1; 43 I., 1; 89 1., 1; 1211I., 3; 152 I., 1. 2 A., 1; NOR~TH G-REEBsrr.-91 I., 1; 113 I., 2. 7 111., 1. Total, 4.?A., 1; 5 A., 1. 1C0., 1. 1 M. R., 1. 14 R. I., 2. Unknown, I. P:TERSBUaGU.-2 I., 1; 25 I., 3; 169 I., 5. 16 A., 2. 1 M. R.,1I. Total, 15. 34 Mass., 3. Total, 15. LAURENs. —43 1., 1; 101 I., 1; 1211I., 7; 152 I., 4, 2 A., 4; 5 A., 1. PiTTSTOWNW. —97 I., 1; 104 I., t; 125 I., 10;.169 I., 4~ 7 A., 1. 2 0. 6 B.,I. 37 Wis., 1. Unknown, 1. Total, 21. 1. 2 U. S. I., 1.? Vt., 1. Total, 20. MARYLAND.-10 I., 1; 15 I.,2; 51 I., 4, 121 I., 1; 144 I., 1i 152 T., 1. PoZSTENXi.L.-]25 I., 4; 169 I., 2. 7 A., 3. 11 C., 1; 12 0., 1. 30 7 A., 1; 16 A., 1, 3 0., 3. Total, 15. Wis., 1. Total, 12. oa[1J I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1A14.5, 16; I.1. A., 1; 14 A. 4. 6 on., 2; Unknown,121. 1;Total, 19 CEET YCUT.' 18 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~W~x-7 C., 1. 17,et 1., 11; Mass., 1. 8 Vet sa., 1. Unknown, 4... - otlmmx-3 44 NSUGI.,-;44 I., 1; 95 I., 2; 121 1.;9., 1; 106 1., 8; 140.,i LOIVLE1I., 1; 601.4;22I.,51; 969I.,61 0.,;12I,7A52 on51 Total, 23. 6;13I,1 1C,;18 C.,I.5NI,16N.H 1. 1, Yet.Re. 1. SGtEETAY ONTYL-3.,;4.;6.;9.;il1,i ^. Unkown 3.Totl, 9.1011. 4Mass;., 1;1A. I. isYe.,Cv 1. Unknown, 3. ToaCOBE,1 I4. 2;xF s35~~-4 I., 1; 60 I., 2; 831 I., 1; 106 I., 8; 142 I., 9;1.ta^3 186 I L. 1.12 A., 1; 60 A., 3. 1C; 20 C., 1.; 96non 2.,NSAUA 14I 1; 107 I.,1 21 C.- 1.Toa, 3 Total, 32. P~~~~iNCETOWN-44 I~7., 2;132. 5. Uonn.w, 2. Total, 93. 6;~i-1 I9.,. 1C,; 60I.,. 7;. I2I.,13; 106 I.,4;14I.5. 14t Ae.,12. GOTTERDA-1340I.,; 44.,1 2 6Ye.,1 C 1., 1 2 11.Toa,; 3.,0 Unknown, I. Total, 23. 160nNCTDY 1 I., 2;31. 2; 48A., 1; 77 A., 1; 91 A., 8; 10 Ie. a., 1.;nnw,3 MoMASSEN-1i6 I., 4; 3451;9 I., 1 3; 106 II; 4., 2; 863. 1 1 I., 1; 109 I., 1;14T 8; 172 I., 1;17I.2.4A,;7A,1;1 14 I., 1. 9 A., 1; 11 A., 1;3. 1;18 C..1 1., 1; 30 Wi., 1. Unnon A., 1.s 2 C.,. 1;4 C., 1; 187 C., 1. 21 Yt C., 2. Ukownl, 6. 4nnon Mas.To, 44. Total, 22. APPENDIX. 707 SCHOHARIE COUNTY. 102 I., 1; 107 I., 7; 141 I., 1; 147 I., 6; 154 I., 1; 161 1., 20; 189 I., 7. i A.) 3; 16 A., 3. 22 C., 6. Unknown, 74. BLENTHE IM.-134 T.,I4; 144 I., 1. Total, 5. BRADFORD.-50 I., 2; 86 I., 2; 141., 1; I161 I., 7. 1 Pa. Reserves, 1. BROWNIE.-76 I., 1; 911I, 2; 134 I., 3. 7 A., 15; 16 A., 1. Unknown, T BRAkFown, 0T 1. To 6l 14 4. 6.7-1p ^sre,1 1 Total 23~~~~~~~~~~~~Unknown, 1. Total, 14. 1. Total, 23. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~CAMrERO-N.-31 I., 2; 85 I., 1; 86 I., 1; 107 I., 1; 161 I., 4; 186 I., 1. CARLISLE.-34 I., 1; 43 I., 1; 61 I., 1; 91 T., 1; 98 I., 1; 134 I., 3. 7 1 A., 5L 2 C. 1. Ta 168 A., 1. Total, 9.1 A 5. 2.,1 Total, 16. COBLESKILL. 134- T. 4; 175 I., 1. 7 A., 29 23 B., 29 Total, 9. CAAMPBELL.-IO I., 1; 15 I., 1; 34 I., 1; 46 I., 1; 50 I., 1; 86 I., 3; 97 COBLESa:ILL.-134 I. 4; 1751I. 1. 7A., 2. 23 B., 2. Total, 9 ^ 015 111 4.,;17.! 412 4. CONESVILLE.-41 I., 1; 91 I., 1; 134 I., 5. 4 A., 3; 7 A., 7. Un- no1n 1. Iotal I. knovwn, 1. Total, 24. known, 1.'Total, 18. CA:,STEO.-86 I., 10; 107 I., 1; 141 T., 4; 149 I., 1; 161 I., 1; 188., ESPERANCE.-91 I., 1; 115 I., 1; 134 I., 4. 18 Mich., 1. Unknown,I. 6 C. 7 Mich.) 1. Unknown, 2. Total, 22; 1. Total, 8. -iQT -9/T - A1 A -A * i CATO\.-23 I., 1; 38 I., 1; 50 I., 5; 141 I., 5; 159 I., 1. 16 A., 1. 3 FULTON.-44 I., 1; 84 I., 1; 134 I., 1. I A., 1; 2 A., 2; 10 A., 1. 16G 1; 24 C 1 Unknown 5 Total 21'U. S., I., 1. Unknown, 2. Total, 10. CoRNING.-2 I., 1; 23 I., 2; 35 I., 1; 50 I., 1; 64 I., 1; 65 I., 1; 86 I., GILBOA.-109 I., 1; 134 I., 8. 4 A., 12; 7 A., 3. Unknown, 5. 7; 89 I., 1; 107 I, I; 124 I., 1; 141., 4; 161 I., 8; 189 I., 1. 13 A., 1; Total, 29. 14 A. 3. 5 C. 3; 21 C., 1. 1 Vet. C., 1. 141 Pa., 1; 13 Pa., C., 1. JEFFERSON.-91 I., 3; 134 I., 2; 144 I., 1. 3 C., 3. 126 Ill., 1. 11 U.S. A., 1. Mass. Colored, 1. 2 Vet. Res. Corps, 2. Unknown, 5. Total, 10. Total, 50. * MIDDLEBURGf.-43 I., 1; 44 I., 1; 50 I., 2; 61 I., 1; 76 I., 11; 91 I., COHOCTON.-33 I., 1; 35 I., 2; 86 I., 1; 102 I., 1; 104 T., 3; 107 I., 1; 1; 134 I., 12; 144 I., 1; 156 I., 1; 177 I., 1. 7 A., 4; 20 A., 1. 2 Pa. 108 I., 1; 161 I., 9; 179 I., 1; 189 I.,5. 4 A., 1; 14 A., 1. 6 C., 2;'10 C., 1. Unknown, 1. Total, 39. C., 1. Unknown, 2. Total, 32. RICHTMONDVILLE-122 I., 1; 134 I., 2. 7 A., 1. 16 C., 1. Total, 5. DANVSVILLE.-5 I., 2; 104 I., 2; 130 T., 4; 136 T., 1; 141 I., 5; 161 I., SC1o101ARIE.-14 I., 1; 76 I., 1; 91 I., 3; 118 I., 1; 134 I., 2. 7 A., 3; 3; 188 I., 1. 6 C., 2; 13 C., T. 1 Mich., 1. Uniknown, 3. Total, 25. 10 A., 1. 3 C., 3. Vet. Res., 1. Unknown, 3. Total, 19. ERWIN.-I I., 1; 23 I., 1; 50 I., 4; 86 I., 4; 107 I., 1; 112 I., 1; 141 SEWARD.-40 I., 1; 44 I., -5; 134 I., 2. 18 C., 1. Unknown, 2. I., 3; 161 I., 1; 171 I., 1. 14 B, 1. 11 R. I., 2. Invalid Corps, I. Total, 11. Total, 21. SHARON.-102 I., 1; 115 I., 1; 134 I., 1. 1 A., 2; 3 A., 1; 5 A., 1. FEMONT.-86 I., 2; 88 I., 1; 141 I., 3; 161 I., 1; 189 I., 1. Total, S. Unknown, 2. Total, 9. GREENWOOD.-86 T., 1; 107 I., 2. 5 A., 2. Unknown, 1. Total, 6. SUMAMI.-51 I., 1; 91 I., 4; 134 I., 2. Unknown, 1. Total, S. HARTSVILLE.-3 I., 1; 33 I., 1; 76 I., 1; 86 I., 4; 107 I., 2; 130 I, 5; WRIGHT.-3 I., 1; 18 T., 1; 76 I., 1; 91 I., 1; 93 I., 2; 134 I., 4; 177 141 I., 2; 179 I., 1. 1 C., 1. Unknown, 2. Total, 20. I., 1. 7 A., 2. 24 B., 1. Total, 14.HOR110INoY.-50 I., 3; 86 I., 1; 107 I., 3; 141 I., 4. 5 A., 1; 9 A., 1. 10 C., 2; 11 C., 1. Total, 16. SCHUYLER COUNTY. HORNLLSVILLE.^, 1., 1; 76 I., 1; 86 I., 4; 107 L., 4; 130 I., 1; 141 OATIIARINE.-14 I., 1; 21 I., 1; 38 I., 1; 50 I., 2; 89 I., 3; 103 I., 1; 07I, 3; 134 I., 1; 141I,3; 161 I., 1; 169., 1,1 1A.,; 5 A.,; H OWARD.-50 I., 1; 79 I., 1; 86 I., 4; 104., 1; 107 1., 4; 141 1., 4; A., 3. 9C.,1; 24 C., 1. 6 Mich., 1. Total 26. 161., 3; 179 I., 1; 130 I.,3. I A., 1. 1 ihA.,l; CAYUTA.-3 I, 1; 137 I., 2; 141 I, 2. Total, 52 M 53 Pa., I. 17 Vot. Res. Corps, 1. Total1 30. " "' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~J-sr:~Sl. —50 I., 1; 7 4I., 1; 8 6 I., 5; 97" I., 1; ~0:, 1; 141 L., 2; 148 Dix.-23 I.,1; 50 I.,3; 76I., 1; 89 1., 1; 103 I.,2; 107I., 6; 141 0., 1; I61I., I13; 18 5I. 1; 18 9 I. 1. 16 A., 1 2C. 3. 2 Vet. C.)~., 5; 161 I., 4; 179 I., 2. 1A., 1; 4A., 1; 5A.,3; 6A 1; 8A,1; 111 1. T 184. 14 A., 4. 10 C., 1. 11 Pa. C., 1. Total, 38.L EY.-50 I., 64. HECTOR. —3 I, 1; 11 I., 1; 33 I., 1; 50 I., 3; 76 I., 1; 89 I., 1; 103 k? 2. Ta 14. I., 5; 107 I., 3; 110 I., 1; 111 I., 2; 120 I., 2; 141 I., 5; 143 I., 1; 147 I, 1; 161 I., 8; 179 I., 1. 3 A.) 1; 5 A., 2; 14 A.. 2. 10 Wis., 1. PRIATTSBURG:L-14 I., 1; 76 I., 2; 9)7 I., 1; 101 I, 1; I02 I., 1; 107 Unknown, 3. Total, 46. I., 3; 126 I., 2; 130 I., 2; 141. I., 1; 148 I., 2; 161 L, 6; 188 I., 4. 20 MoNTOUR.-3 I., 1; 89 I.. 2; 103 I., 1; 126 I., 1; 141 T., 1; 161 I., 1.~ 2. 2 - R., L 28 B., 1. Unknown 6. Total, 36. 179 I., 1. 5 A., Ij 6 A., 1; 14 A., 1 Unknown, 3. Total, 14. PULTNEY~-34 I., 2; 50 I., 1; 126 I., 1; 141 I., 1; 161 I., 9; 179 I., ORANaE.-50.L,1; 761.,1; 86 I.,3; 89 I., 1; 1071.,3; 141I.,7; Totl, 22. 177 I., 1; 189 I., 1. 5 A., 1. 00C.,1; 24 C., 1; 1 Vet. C., 1. 3 Iowa, 1. Total, 23. RATiBONE.-23 I., 1; 34 I., 1; 86 I., 3; 107 I., 6; 141 I., 1; 147 I., 1. READN.-23 I., 1; 64 I., 1; 107 I., 1; 126 1., 1; 141 I., 3; 148 1., 1;6 C.3 L 2 Vet. C., 1 Pa. A., L 5 U. S. C.5 L Tota17 161 1., 1. 6 A., 1; 14 A., 1. 1 Wis., 1. Unknown, 1. Total 13. THuRSTON.-50 I., 1; 76 I., 1; 78 I., 1; 86 I., 1; 95 I., 1; 97 I., 1; I1021., 1; 107 I., 5; 141 I., 2; 148 I., 1. 1 A., 1; 16 A., 1. 22 C., 1. TYRONE —33 I., 1; 34 I., 1; 64 I., 1; 76 I., 1; 79 I., 1; 85 I., 1; 86 U o 5. l, 23 I., 1; 89 I., 1; 107 I., 4; 141 I., 4; 148 I., 2; 1611., 6; 189 I.,1. 9' U'. 67I A., 1. 10 C., 1. 8 Mich., 1. Urknown, 3. Total) 31.TloursBu~6n-34 I., 1; 61 1,1; 75 I., 1; 76 I., 2; 86 I., 15; 90 I., 1; 96 I, 1; 107 I., 3; 114 I., 1; 161 I., 2; 188 I., 2; 189 I., 1. 14 A., 2. 136 Pa., 1. Tot-al, 34. SENECA COUNTY. Tu SCARORA.-34 I., 9; 50 I., 1; 86 I., 2; 107 I., 2; 141 J., 9; 188 I., CovERT.-50 I., 3; 75I., 4; 89I.,1; Ill I., 7; 126 I., 5; 148 I., 3. 1. 1 A., 1. 2 Vet. C., 5. 2 Pa., 1; 1 Pa. Rifles, 1. Total, 32. 1 A.5 1; 5 A., 1; 9 A., 1. 6 C.) 1. Total, 27. WAYLAND.-13 I., 1; 85 I., 2; 104 T., 2; 107 I., 1; 112 I., 1; 136 I. FAYETTE.-15 I., 1; 28., 1; 33 I, 1; 44 I, 1;. 49 I., 1; 126 I., 7;1; 141 I., 1; 157 I., 1; 161 I., 1; 179 I., 3; 188 I., 5; 189 I., 1. 14 A. 147. 1; 148 I.,9. 3A. 1; 4A.,1; 16 A.,2. 8 C.,3. 16,1. Unknown,. Total, 23. 17 Pa., 1. Unknown, 2. Total, 33. LODIT-27 1.u T1 T 50 I.,?2; 75 1. 1; 108 1. 1; 126 I., 4; 141 I., 1; 14 WAYNE.-3 I., 1; 85 I., 1; 89 I., 1; 107 I., 1; 141 I., 1; 161 I., 1. 83 LorI.-27 I., 1; 50 I., 2; 75 I., 1; 108 I., 1; 126 I., 4; 141 I., 1; 148p I Toa7 I, *8,, -_2. 1 BatPa., 1. Total, 7. t1. 7. 3 A., 3. 26 B., 1. 8 CP 1 21 C., 1;? C.., 1. Pa. R., 1. nknowI TotEa, 2 ALS.3 Iz~;uo.-., 8; 50I.,12; 756I., 1; 975I.,21;8126.,22;0. 1;8 *Ttl 5 I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~101, 11; 1521I 1.3A, 3; 4,1; I., 1; 169 A., 2. 12 0., 1. 2Unknown, 2.N T W.-2 Q o7 I.n\, 5;0 51 t1; 36 I., i; 4412 I., 1; 139 I., 1; 150 I., 1; 159 I., 1; 1651,1.-IA.., 1 1, rf. 6 A.,!; y A., 1. Unknown, 1. ~~Total, 15.Q ^ 4 30,1 60. 4 asI n n w,1. T tl 8 YAIK-3,1;41,; 121I.,52; 136 I.,16; 148 I,8 3A.,; 1. EAS IAT.x4I,21; 8115 4.,12 I35.8A.50, 1; Tota2.WAT~ERLOO-15 I., 1; 103 I., 8; 49 I., 1; 141 I., 1; 165 I., 4; 198 I.,1;. otl2. U.S~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. 1 Bt,1. Unknow, 8. 7oal 62.Unnon 3. Total, 19. ~~~~~TTTROMUTvvLUS. —5 I., 1; 48 1., 1; 73 I., 1; 54 I., 1; 124 I., 1; 139 I., 2;19I 126 so -6 I., 1; 186 I., 1; 148 II 9; 144I.1 A., 1. 2 YetC1. To ODIUL-1., 1; 5. 2;8I., 0 Un- I., 2; 1 I,5;18. knw,1toal, 29.,iEiE 2I;5I,2 2I,2 4I,1 7I,1 7I,1 2 Avoi~~~ "A'".- I., 1; 23et I.,. 2; 86a., 1; 145 I., 1;2107 T., 2;112I1 4. 4 A-1 Nv1 Unknown,2. otl16 SENECA. 1 AL. T tl 3.3S in ~ x 4 I., 1; 50 I.,1; 102 I., 2; 127 I., 1;. 129 I., 2; 148A: B ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.O~ATH~.-23 I., 1; 24 I., I,36I; 50 I., 1; 578., 3; 65 I., 1; 17 I., 1; 1 oa,9 708 APPENDIX. SOUTITAMPTON. —12 I., 2; 40 I., 1; 44 I., 1; 76 I., 1; 81 I., 2; 89 I., 1;ULSTER COUNTY 112 1., 1; 127 I., 13; 145 1., 1; 159 1,1. 2 C., 1; 11 C., 2. 5 Conn., 1, 75111., 1.? U.S. 0., 1. Unknown,1. Total, 31.DENN..-25 I., 1; 56 1., 2; 62 I., 1; 93 I., 1; 120 I., 2; 127 I., 1; 143 I., 2"; 156 I., 2. Total, 12. SOUTHOLD.-4 I., 1; 32 I., 1; 47 I., 2; 127' T., 9; 158 I., 1; 165 I,5 6; L?2 5 - - Tt1 2 1701.,1; 176I.,2. 2C, 1. 6 U.S. 0,2. Total, 26.Esopus-9I, 1; 80I,3; 120 I., 4; 140 I., 1; 156 I,1. 210,1. Navy, 1. -Total, 12. SULLIVAN COUNTY. GARDNER.-44 I., 2; 80 I., 2; 120 I., 2; 156 I., 6. 5 U. S. I., 1. Unknown, 1. Total, i4. BETHEL. —28 T., 2; 56 I., 4; 124 I., 1; 143 I., 15; 154 I., 1. I A.,1 tmEn~Gr~7I,1;5.;81,4 0. 1;14I.'. 8 A., 1. 2 M. R.,1I. 76 Pa.,. Pa. Rif, 1. Total 28.102.,; 1441., 8 B., 1. Total, 9. T ota l,-37 I. 1; 56 I" 1; 73 L> 1; 69 I." 1; 100 I. 1; 143 T. 2. HURLEy.-80 T., 7; 102 I., 1; 120 I., 13; 128 I., 1; 156 I., 1; 176 I., 1. CoLLmOO. -56 I, 6. 15 A.) 1. 3 C., 1. 28 Conn., 1. 20 Colored, 2. Unknown, 3. Total, 32. COLICON. 56.,6; 32.51; 43I.,7. 2 A. 2; 3 A., 2; 15 A. 1. Total, 19. " " " KINrGSTON.-10 I., 1; 43 I., 1; 52 I., 1; 59 I., 2; 73 I., 1; 80 I, 19; 87 I.'.1; 102 1., 1; 114 1., 1; 120 I., 12; 137 I., 1; 153 I., 1; 156.1, 6; FALLSBURGI-T.-48 I., 2; 56 T.) 14; 80 A.5 3'' 83 A' I' 84 T., 1; 120 T 159., L; 176 1. 1, 4 A., 1. 41 Ill., 1; 55 Ill., 1. 9 Mass., 1. Navy, 1. 1; 124I., 1; 143. 13. 4 A. 1; 7 A., 2; 15 A. 5. 6 C., i; 20 C 1; Unknown, 4. Total, 59. i; 25C.,2. 1 M.R.1; 2M.R.,4. Unknown, 4. Total, 57.LLOYD 31 1 441 1;80 T 1;87T 1;01 T 98 T 1;120I 6; FORRESTBURG. —143 I., 3. 4 A.,1. 1 M.R.,2; 2 M.R. I. Un-1. 77I.'i yO1; 1C, 1 kotl k n ow n,^ ^ 5 1, 4 T o al 1, 1 9 0 I 1; 1 3 1 5 4 A I. o; 1 0' 8 1 5'. 10 2 1 -)1; 1 2 0 I.,1 4; 1 5 6 I.,3. 3 1 C o lo r ed, 1. FREMONT.-1~~~~~~~~56 I., 1776I. 4 9. 1; 10C 1') 1 14.. Unknow, 3. Total, 24. known, 1..H31 Total, 8 ""' "' - M\ARLBOROUGH.- 48 I., 1; 80 I., 1; 112 T., 1; 120 I., 3. 4 C)..2;. HIGHLA D.-38 I,1; 54.1L); 56 1)l; 70 I-l; 124 I.,l. Total, 5. 6C.)3. Unknow\ n,' 4. Total, 15. LIBERTY-143 I., 2. Total, 2.EW PALTZ.-44 I., 1; 80 I., 1; 91 I., 1; 120 I., 2; 131 I., 56 I., 2. LuMNIBERLAND.-50 I., 1; 143 I., 1. 100,.3 1. Unknown, 1. Total, 4. Unknown,. Total, 9. MAMAKATINGr-56 I., 6; 120 I., 1; 124 1.) 1; 142 I.) 1; 143 I., 14; I176 OLIVE.-9 T., 1;' 15 L, 1; 80 I., 11; 90 T., 1; 102 I., 1;.120 I., 9; T., 1. 15 A.) 1;? A.) 1. 2 C., 1; 15 C.) 1; 16 0.5 1. I M. E. 1. 7 156 1.) 3. 5 A.) 5. 20 Colored, I. Unknown, 2. Total, 35. Pa.4 5., 1; k0 I., 3; 112 I., 1; 615 I., 6. 4, 2;1. NEVEBSIXK.-54 I., 1; 56 1., 9; 80 I., 1; 120 I., 1; 124 I., C. 1. Total, 13. 15 n156 I., 4. 7 C., 1; 7 I., 1; 25 Iw, 4; 1201., 3. 16 A, 1. Total, 10. 1; 2 Tll.-4 It., 2. Total, 40.'ROCKLAND. 0T., 2; 56 I., 6; 101 I., 2; 1430 I., 5. 15 C., 4. Un- SUGRTES-I.,1 15.,7;4 I. 1 566 I. \ 1; 62' I. 1 65T. 1; known, 1. Total, 2AL TZ.-4 I., 1; 10 I., 7; 94 I., 1; 510 I., 1; 120 I., 1; 156 I., 61 LUMSB-.LX2D.,50 I., 1; 143 I.,6. 5. 10 C., 1. Unkn, 1. 5Nal, 4. Unknown, 4. Total, 48. 2M. TR.6.,; 0 A 134 T., 1; 122 I, 32 1., 1; 1 56., 1; 1; I., 1 1; 80., 17; 1202 1.,91; 140 I., 1. lUSTEN.-56 I, 3, 143 I, 9. 6 A., I;? Al1. 4 A.,1; 15 A, 1; 56 A.,1. 4 C., 1; 15 A., 1. 40 Colod, 1.2 et. CavU, I. Total, 36. SITAWANGUNK.-48 L, 3; 56 I., 3; 66' I., 5; 109 I., 1; 124 I., 3. 137 I., TIOGA COUNTY.1; 143 I, 1; 156 I., 16. T B, 1. 25 C., 1. Unknown, S. Total, 43. BARTO-N.-33 I., 1; 50 I5 1; 109I 4;147I 2; 1 61 T., 4. 1 A. 1; 6 VAWP X1LNG.-7 I. 1; I5 I, 1; 36 I., I; 56 I., 15; 80 I., 17; 95 T., 1; A, vu~s~xr. — 5 1 I., 4; 14 A., 9,; 10 I, 1; 124 I., 1; 156 I., 19 168 A., 1. 3 A., 1. To C., 1; A.,5; 15 A.,. 7;14A.,1. 7BC.,13; 7 B C.,1. 1 C. 1; 62 P.C.,I. 2MR. Pa. S. S., 1. 10 Mich. C., 1.? U. S. C., 1. Unknown, 1. Totual, 32. 25 C., 1. 31 Colored, 1; 36 Colored, 1. I M. R., 1. Unknown, 2. BE,,RKS1IRE.-76 T., 2; 109 I., 4; 137 I., 8; 185 I., 3. 22 C., 1. Total Total, 18. WOODSTODCLK. —15 I., 4; 80 I., 2; 120 1., 7; 156 I., 2. Total, 15. CANDO.R —50 I., 2; 64 T., 1;'76 I. 1; 85 I., 1; 86 I., 1; 97 T.) 1; 104 I., 1; 105 I., 1; 109 I., 9; 114 I., 1; 137 I., 12; 143 I., 1; 47 I., 2 179WARREN COUNTY. I,1. 6 A,, 2;, 1 0 A. I 1; 26 A.) 1;? A., 1.- 5 C0, 5; 21 C.) 1.? S. S., BoLTOX,22 T., 2; 46 I., I; 93 T., 5; 96 T., 2; 118 I., 10; 142 I., 2. 1. 18 Coln.) I. Unknown, 2. Total, 50.3 A., 1; 8 A, 1. 23 B, 3. Total, 27. NEWARK VALLEY7-50 T., 4; 76 I., 1; 109 I., 5; 111 I., 1; 1ALDWELL.-22 I., 2; 30 I., 1; 44 1 I., 1; 96 I., 1;; 118 I., 1; 157 I., 1. 16 Bat., 3. 5 C., 2; 22 C., 1. Total, 29.123 I., 1; 169 I., 3. 5 C., 1. Total, 12. NiCHOLS-19 I., 1; 23 I., 1; 50 I., 2; 64 I., 3 26 I.2 Un 3n o., 2; 84CI., 8 I.ER. T, 42; 118 I.. 1 A.1,. 5 C, 1; 21 C., 4; 26 C., 1. Un- w 9; 142 I, 1; 148 I., 2; 157 I., 1; 175 T., 2. 16 A., 2. Total, 40. known, S. T, 7; 34.HAGUE-22 I., 1; 40 I., 1; 968 I., 2; 123 I., 2; 1., 2; 16 OWEGO. 3 I., 1; 50 T., 6; 51 I.,., 1; 109 I, 28; 137 I, 4; 179 A., I. 23 B., 2; 24 B, 1. 5 C., 3. Unknow, I.. Total, 16. I. 7., 1;;21., 1; 22 C., 1. 9 Mass., 1. 6 6omcoN-22 I, 3; 93 I., 8; 96 I., 1; 118 I., 5; 138 I., 1. 16A., 1. Pa., T. UnknownT 1. Total, 63. 2 ot., C. Y. 4t. C, 2. Total, 22. RICHFORD.-I 1. 1; 26. 10 40 I., 1; 4 7 I., 1; 6 T., 1; 6 I, 1; 137 I., 6; 45 I., l; 9 3 I., 7; 96 T., 4; 118 I., 18; 128 T., 1; 148 A.,4; 81A., 1; 14 I.,. 15 I., 3; 10 I.,2; IS C., 1. 6 A.I., 5. 1 C., 20;., 1; 0,.I., T.; R.A., 1. A., 1 5 Total, 40. SP. S.S., 1. Unnown 1. 6 T.) tl 104 U n know, 1. TotaT, 32 I5 T. 1. I Colored, 2; 3 I., 118 I., 3. Total, 7. B^arcs"mE. —76 I., 2I'i~r^^lT^5 Q.-NuR-221,9; 83 I., 1; 911,1; 931,8; 96 I, 1; 118 I, 1o37 I, 48. 1 "' I ". 3 A., 1TO2IA.,3I I., 1; 15 I., 4; 153 I., 4; 1 96 I., 1. 13 A-, 1. I R. I. B, 1. CTbOGa. —50., 2; L2 I., 1; 7 Y.e 0, 3; 64 I., 1; 10 I.nw,.; 2 oa.,; 254..,1; 109 I., 17; 1309 1., 9; 179 I., 2; 63 A., 12; 1 43 A., I; 1 4 7 A., T; 1 WARE COUNTY. 1 Oregonn, 1 4 P. 1 I. I -Unknown, Total, 41 STO BROOK.-82 I., 1; 9 T. 6; 8 IA. 3, 175 I., 2. Total, 12. NEWX, Vi. —50 I, 4; 7.T6mrn -22 I., 1; 93 I., 3; 96 T., 4; 118 I., 2; 142 T., 4; 186 I., 2. kn o wn16 A., 1. Total, 22. TOMPKiNS COUNTY. WARRENSBURGt. —22 T., 2; 93 I.,'2; 96 T., 7; 118 I., 2; 123 I., 2; 142 AOW IE-19 3 I.,1; 220I.,; 51;2I.,81; 645I., 1; 1 019 I.,21; 1 09I.,4;8; I., 1. 16B,2 A 4., 1. 5 0., 3 n nw, 1. Total, 18.,1.37 I.,6;143 I1;65 I.,1; 179 I., 5. 21 A., 1; 6 A., 1. 19 as., 1. 16 PA.,4., 1.Iv Crs. Unknown, 5. Total, 39.ASIGOCUNY T inaFre).-1^ 59 l., 1;6'; 2 I., 1'2 6L 1;4109 - A &L.4 I., 1; 73 I., 1; 123 I., 12; 143 1,1I Vt., 2.;1 C* 1' alP'-9' J-tl'2' e^'5~~onxm~m. —2I,;1! 96 Ba., 1. 93 0.,14; 6 A, 3., 18 128s. C, I; Tot:21 43., 1; 149I.^ 2, 6;71,1; 159I., 14; 1379I,21; 143.,2 1A,1. 5C~t1.2.: I1- 19L'213L 92 Cn' |~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~., 1; 175.1?1O,I2. A..McA\,19t^T 1. 5C. 1.2;%L'1 18 3 Pa.C.1. 4.1.9 Ttl, 40.v 26 olre, 1. Unknown, 3. Total, 69kow3; oal/ GiiOTON-1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~L'ua~-5 I, 1; 23 I., 2;76I610I7 37I315I2 9 EATN4'I 7I;13 I., 1; 169 I., 2. Total, 7. SAFXE~.-., 1; 50 I., 1; 6' 1., 1; 104 [,2 3Cl oa,3.'FMAN9, 1; 109 I, I; 123I;169 I., 3.21e.0;2 ITHAOA~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~u]ns~~.-8I2,2 21.,; 321I. 4; 441 1I 641 93 7. 8 6 T 1; 108 T tL 2;309I, 2; 141 I.,1. 12A I,; *12I;17I1 4 18 AR 9I.,1 1; 22 1; 43 IC 3. Total, 2; 61 I' 1; 77 I"2 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~"1; 159 I., 1; 1853 I.,46 1.,6 166., 1. 93A.,1. 501 2 "1 10 9'3 16.I.BmL'1. 6 - -2~;3c'1 e-c'1 2. 2 Pa, ~~~~~~~~~~~~0., 1;2tC.,Navy, 1. Unkow,1. Ttl'3' Unknown, 2. Total, 28. 1; s~e 1 I09., 27; 33.2; 17I,2. 0 - 1I 2 641 5 ST I GiAsvLE 4., 1; 790I.,; 1;4A.,1;23I., 11519.,1. 8 6 Orgo, 1. 97xB~or~~2 I,; 9109 I6; 18l I,3; 1721 I2 f13I:3A:toi'L7v"1 Total, 12 9~~~4 A., 2. 10 U.S. 1;2I. 1. Unknown, 1. Total, 3GE WI -2I.1;43 ". 2; 44 " 3;'6I,1 7I,1 7I,4 NEWFIELD ~ ~ ~ " ~ r~:A.-322 I., 1; 94 I., 2; 10 -19 16- 3 8., 14; - 118 I. 2>; 142 I., 4; 17I'1 6A 32 ~ 186!. 2.148 I, 2; 179 I, 7. 3 A, 1; 1~~~~6 A, 5. 951; 15C22 "1 nw., 4. Total, 39. 76111,1.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~xm~xsuc Navy-2 UnnwnI.Toa, 39.'''APO93 I.,'3; 96 I, 7; 115 I.,21; 123 I., 3 20;.7t 142 CU~LYSSES.32 I., 1; 50.,12; 64.,1;6 17I. 2; 891 2. 1 109 T.;-1 It., 1. 13 At., 1. U5know, 3. Total, 16. 137I,68; 141 I.,1; 179I.1; 17.. 1A.',1; 66 A, 2. 150 1 C'' ATOR 22I 2;9 I.,11; 123I63 8.. 1,. A., 4;~l? A.RI 3 111. 3In.. Cors,. Unknown, 4. Total, 18. W ~INT NCUT C.O~,^.EK N -2 I; 5. 10C., 2. U knw2. Total, 89. APPENDIX. 709 JACKSON.-77 I., 1;- 93 I., 1; 123 I., 5. 16 A., 1. 2 Yet. C., 1. Un- POUNDRIDGE.-6 I., 6; 57 T., 2. 4 A.) 1. I Conn., 1; 2 Conn., 1; 6 known I. Total 10. ~~~~~~~~~~Conn., 1; 7 Conin., 1; 8 Conn., 2; 13 Colin., 2; 17 Conn., 2. Unknown, 3. KINGSBURY.-221., 1; 931T,J; 96IT.,1; 118IT., 1; 123 I.,1; 169 1,51. Tt1 2 1 A.) 1; 16 A.5 1. 2 C., 2; 16 C., 2. 1 M. R., 1. 13 Iowa, I. IYE.-8 L, 1; 49 I., 1; 59 T., 1; 82 I., 1. 6 A., 1. 6.-Conn., 2; 28 Total, 14. Conin., I. Unknown, 5. Total, 13. PUTNAM. —44 I., 2; 93 I., 1; 123 I., 9. Total, 12. SCARSDALE.-6 A., 1. Total, I. SALEM.-131I, 3; 1231I, 9. 16 A,5 2. 2 C., 2.. 2 U. S. S. S., 1.,SOMERS.-32 I., 1. 4 A,5 4; 6 A., I. 1 C.,1. 2 Mass., I. UnUnknown, 1. Total, 18. known, 2. Total, 10. WHITE CREEK.-22 I., 3; 93 I., 3; III11., 1; 123 I., 5; 125 I., 1. 16 I., CESER 6 1.., 1; 66 C. 5;8, 1; 1 44 C., 2; 25 Con, 1.7Pa, 2172 A,~ 1. 2 C., 1; 7 C., 1; 2 Vet. C.' 1. Total, 17. Pa. L 7 U. S. T~. 1. Unknown 1. Tota^l, 21cm 1 1p.^ WHFITEIIALL.-221L, 1,571I, 1,1231T, 6,1691I, 1. 2 Vet. C., 2. p-.S,1 nnw,1 oa,2.,, _ 100 Ind.> 1. 5 Vt.:, I. lo Wis., I. Unknown) 3. Total, 17. 671-;9.;10L 1^; 15151. 9; 10 ^A.,1.5., 17f WAYNE COUNTY. Vet.3 1. 12 U. S. 1.} 1? Mass., 1. I Vet. Res. C., 1. Unknlown, 1. TLotal, 29t. ARCADIA.-12 I., 1; 17 T., 5; 34 I,5 1; 57 T., 1; 86 I., 1; 90 T., 1; 9 6 WHITE PLAITNS.-Unknown, 1. Total, 1. I., 2; 98 I,5 2; III I., 26; 123 I., 1; 146 I., 1; 147 I., 1; 160 I., 22; 188 VTR 11 7I1 2 -19I12A1 I., 1. 8 A., 1; 9 A., 1; 14 A., 2; 18 A., 1. 8 B., 1. 2 C., 1; 3 C., 1; YON1ERS.- 1.)1;'T, 1 123^^ I., 1; 159I,7.;6A,7 8 C.,5. 1 Vet. C.,I. 2 M. R.,3. 2 Mich., 1; 4 Mich., 1. 4 Ohio, 1. 22 C.5 I. IS Coom15 1. Unknon, 3. Total, 17. Navy 1. Total 87. ~~~~~~~~YORKTOWN.-59 I., 1. 6 A., 1. Unknown, 5. Total, 7. BU-TLER.-50 LY 1; 75 I,5 3; Ill I., 3; 138 T., 1. 9 A., 5. Total, 13. GALEN.-67 I., 5; 75 1.5 1; 105 I.5 2; Ill1I.5 15; 122 IL, 1; 128 I.5 1. WYOMAING COUNTY. 9 A., 15. 8 C., 1. 7 Colin., I. Unknown, 3. Total, 45. ATTICA.-49 I., 1; 51 I., 1; 94 I., 1; 105 T., 2; 130 I., 9; 149 T., 1; HURON.-27 L, 2; 65 I., 1; 75 I., 3; 90 I., 2; 98 L, 1; 108 1L, 1. 9 160 I., 8. 8 A., 1. 9 C., 1. 2 M. R., 1. Unknown, 5. Total, 31. A. 9. 6 C, 1; 10 C. 1; 22 C, 1. 11 Conn., 1. 30 Ind.5 1. 97 U. S. BENNINGTON.-1 I., 4; 491I, 1; 871L, 1; 1001I, 1; 1051I, 1. 1161I, Colored, i. Iotal, 25. ^ ^~~~~~1; 30 I., 3; 136 I., 3; 140 I., 1; 1.87 I., 1. 8 A.5 6;? A., 1. 19 C., 1. LYONS.-27 T., 4; 57 T., 2; 98 IL, 1; 102 I., 1; 108 I., 1; 1111.L, 9; 160 17 11I.) 1. Unknown,5 1. Total, 27. I, 8. 2 A.) 1; 9 A., 4. Total, 31. CASTILE.-17 I., 1; ~33 I., 1; 130 I., 6; 136 I., 1. 4 A., 1, 24 Bat., MACEDON.-331.I. 3; 85 IL, 1; 90 IL, 1; 111 I., 2; 148 I., 1; 160 I., 4. 4. 2 M. R., 2. 1 -Wis. C., 1. Total, 17. 1 A., 1; 3 A.5I; 9 A., 2. 1 B.51. 30C, 1. Total, 18. CHIINA.-78 L, 2; 102 I., 1; 130 I., 4. 8 A., 1. 24 Bat., 2. 50C, 1. MARION.-17 T., 1; 69 T., 1; 98 1.5 4; 104 T., 1; Ill I;, 2; 146 I., 1; Unknown, I. Total, 12. 160 I., 6. 2 A., 1; 9 A,5 3. Unknown, I. Total, 21. COVINGTON.-33 T., 1; 136 I., 2; 151 IL, 1. 14 A., 1. 9 C., 3.'UnONTARIO.-85 I., 1; 97 IL, 1; 108 I., 2; Ill I., 4. 2 A., 1; 4 A., 1. 9 known, I. Total, 9. A., 13. 8 C., 3; 22 C0., 1. 2 Mich., 1. Navy, I. Unknown, I. Total, 30. EGE 2,1 0,2 3.;16I,2 7.;17I,1 PALMTYRA- 17 I., 1; 33 I., 5; 49 I., 1; 77 I., 1; 97 IL, 1; Ill IL, 17; 5 C., 3. 1 Vet. C0.5 1. 2 M.- R, 2. T otal, 17. 160T.,5. l9 A,2..,1 7 C.,7 1 8 C. 2.1 et. C., 1 145 I1l5l GAINESVILLE.-17 I.,1; 104 1, 2; 130 I.,3; 136 I.,1; 1401,.51. 8.I~ich~l 13Pa~l. 1 R.I, 2. Total, 43.A., 1. -24 Bat., 2. 5 C., 2; 9 C.,1; 21 C., 1. 16 Wis., 1. Unknown, ROSE.-27 I. 2; 90 I,~ 2; 95 I., 1; Ill I., 11; 160 T., 2. 3 A., 1; 9 1. Total,5 17. A.11I. 100C, 1. 2 Mich., 1. Unknown, 1. Total, 33. GNSEAS13 If416,. oa,7 9 AVNA..,1 I. 1; C., Toa, 21; 5I,3 1.; 2.3AI JAVA.-44 I.) 1; I100 I., 1; 104 I., 2; 136 I., 2; 187 I., 1. 8 A., 1. 9 yA,5. 8 C.I. Total, 21. ^~~~~~~C.,2. 15111l, 1. Total, I11. SODUT.-7 1.5 27' T., r 1; 44 1 T. 1; 6/T5 1. 1l9 98DLB 1 I,5 2; 728 T., 1; Ill II1.301,3 16I 1 26; 129 L, 2; 138 I,5 1; 156 I., 1; 160 I., 13; 17 6 I., 1; 194 I., 1. 9 A., MID25EBatY 1 I. 9 2 72 Iowa 1; 5I, 13I. Wis 0 106 I. S 0 A. 6. 8 C0., 5; 240C., 1. 6 Mich., 1. 6 Tenn.,l. I Colored, 2; 8 Colored, Ttl1 1. 11 U. S. T.,1. Unknown, 2. Total, 78. Toal 19. nno m 10 T - QQ T. E^T -1AOT-. 1 1-. T AF.A ^ ORANGEVILLE. —17 I.1. 90.,-2. Total, 3. WALWORTH.-131I, 1; 331I, 1; 591I,1I; 1081I.,1; Ill11, 4. 9 A.,9. pERY-2 I.,213 I,., 7; 16 T 1)I QA. 1. 24 Bat, 17 9OP. 3 U. S. 1,)1. 8 Colored, 1. Total, 19. 1.IM t,1 M. R., 1. IOT I'I U. \S. I., Bat Navy 90Ukow WILLiA-TSON.-17I.,IT;90 I.,l;98 I.,l;lllII.,15; 146 I.,l;160I., Total, 34.;5 1U.I. ay! nnw,1 3. 9A.,5. 30 C.2; 8C., 1. I Vet. C., 1. Total, 3 1. PIKE.-78 I,) 1; 104 L, 3; 130 L, 9; 136 T., 6; 24 Bat., 3. 1C, 2; 6 W^OLCOTT.-44 T, 1; 751I, 4; Ill11, 4; 1601I, 1. 3 A., 2; 9 A., 17. C.,2. 2 M. R., 2. 2 U. S. I., I. Unknown, 2. Total, 32. 14 0, 1. Unknown, 5. Total, 35. ~~~SIIELDON.-21 I., 1; 44 I., 1; 49 L, 2; 100 I, 1; 136 I., 2. 8 A., S. WESTCHESTER COUNTY. 25 Bt., I 5 C., 1; 9 C., 4. 2 Comln A., 1. 55 Ill,1. Unknown, 1. BEDFORD.-133 I., 1; 150 I., 1; 170 I., 1. 4 A., 2; 6 A., 1;5? A., 2. WVARSAW.-17 I., 1; 22 I., 1; 130 I., 3; 136 T., 4; 154 T., 1. 8 A.5 4. 1 C.)1. Unknown, 4. Total, 13. 24 Pat., 1. 9 C., 4; 24 0,5 1. I M. R.,I. 2 Wis. C.,I. Unknown, 4. OORLANDT.-I I.) 1; 9 I., 2; 26 I., 1; 27 I., 1; 43 I.5 1; 48 I.5 2; 51 Total, 26. I., 1; 55 I., 1; 59 I., 4; 62 L., 1; 73 I., 2; 88 I., 1; 90 I., 1; 95 IL, 1; 140 WETHERSFIELD.-104 I., 1; 130 I., 4; 136 I., 1. Total, 6. I.I; 168 1,52. 6 A.,15. 2 C.,3; 20 C.,I. Unknown, 1. Total, 43. EAST CHESTER,.-2 A., 1; 6 A., 3. 1 C., 1; 2 C., I. I Mass., 1. 14 N. J., 1. Unknown, I. Total, 9. YATES COUNTY. GREENBU'RGT-H-32 T., 1; 57 I., 4; 65 I., 1; 79 I., 1; 83 I.5 1; 94 I.5 1; BARRINGTON.-33 I., 2; 44 I., 1; 76 I., 2; 85 I., 1; 126 T., 4. 3 A., 1. 115 I., 1; 135 I., 1; 145 I., 1. 5 A.5 3; 6 A.5 3; 7 A., 2. 9 Conn, 1; 3 22 C., 1. Unknown, 2. Total, 14. Coinn A., 2. 36111l, 1. 14 R. L, 1. 119 Pa., 1. Unknown, 5. To- BET.-3 3;4 25Il16I8 48, 11Il tai} OJ- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~179 I., 3. 3 A., 1; 14 A., 1. 4 C., 1; 8 C., 3; 22 C., 2. 1 S. S., 1. LEWISBORO'.-44 I., 1. 4 A., 3; 6 A., 1. 11 C., 2. 28 Conn., 1.,1Mich., 1; 20 _Mich.,J. Unknown, 2.- Total, 38. Tota5l R-. ITAY 4.;4.;7.;12I,3 4.;18I,3 R'EGIMENTS TO WHICH THE DECEASED BELONGED AT THE TIME OF DEATHAS REPORTED BY THE FAMILIES TO WHICH THEY HAD BELONGED BEFORE ENTERING THE SERVICE. NEW YORK INFANTRY REGIMENTS, COUNTIES.. a. 3. 4:. 5. 6. 7.- S. 9. 10, 11. 1 1. 13. 14:. 15. 16. 17. 18. Albany............ 9 3 1..................4.... 2........ A llegany.......... I.................. 1........................................... Broome..... 2................... I..... 1... 1 Cattaraugus................... 1....................................................... 1 Cayuga................................................................. 1 2 3............ C hautauqua...o................................................................................................................ Chem ung........................... I...................................................... 1 2.................. Ch n n o................. 0...:::............................................................. Clinton.......................................... I............ 1.................. 2 11 43............ C olum bia..................... 2 1.................................................. 1 2........................ Cortland................................................................ 7...... 7............ I................... D elaware.... 1 2........................ 1 4 1............................. 7.................. Dutchess................2.................. 6 1 2 Erie.......................... I.............................. 8 1 7 1 1 1.................. E ssex.............................................................. 2.................. 6...... I Franklin................................... 1 7...... 2 Fulton......................................................................................... 1................1 G enesee.............................................................................. -7............ 1 2 1...... G reene.................. 2...... 1...... I........................... 10.................. H am ilton....................................................... H erkim er..................... I.................. i................................. 3........................ Jefferson.......... I1........................... 2............ I... 3 1 2............ Kin-s............ 4 5 5 6 18 6 8...... 7. 8 3 2....... 4...... 4.... Lewis ".' "..........'.......................... Livingston............................................ I. ".'. 20...... I............... M adison..................... I................................................ 7 1 2 3............. I M onroe............ 1...... 1......................... 56 1........................ Monop er.............. I......'.'I'............. M ontg y........................................................... New York......... 10 11 5 12 25 8 9 2 13 10 4 10 4 5 14 3 6...... N iagara................................................................... I...... I........................... Oneida.......................................... I...... 2...... 15 9 1............ Onondaga.................... 1 1............ 25...... 3 7...... 1...... O ntario........................................................... 7...... 4............ 10 Orange........... I...... 2........................*.... 2.............................. 6............ 5 O rleanse....................................................................... I........................... Osweg o........................................................................................ 5 5.................. Otsego.................. 2 1..................::::............. 1............ 1 2 2................. Putnam ilton............................ I................. I..................................................... Queens........................... 2 5 1 1...... I.............................. 3.................. ~ensselaer.............. 11 I 1....................... i..................................... 3 R ichm ond................................. 3......................... *.......... *................................. -......... R ockland......... I........... I........I...................... 1.......................................... 1...... St. Lawrence.o..o...........................I......1........................ 1 4 83...... I Saratogas............... 1...................'............ Saraneto a................................X........................................ 22 chenectady~~ ~~ ~......2 Schohari'........................................................... ch h re...................78324... Schuyler...................... 3....................... Seneca........I......................................................................................... 4.................. Steuben........... I 1 3...... 2......................... I............ I I 2.................. Suffolk.......... I1...... 1 3.... I............. I. 1............ 10 I.. 1....................... Sullivan......................................................... I.............................. I.................. T ioga.................................................... WIonro esth s 1....... 12 8 6.,-..........I.......... 1...... "7'.... A I~W'yorkn...*.*.*.* *.*.*.i'5...*. i2''.25"~. * * ** *. * *. * **. *.. * *. ~ * * *'.......4'. ** * N iagara.............................................................. 1........,....... TOneal............ 25....... 43.... 78.... 25 1 39 44 12 87 10.6.12 12 9 4 A b nyo...........!1 1 1 l...... 2 2 1...... 1............ 5..... 1......... Allegany..................................~~~ 1............ 7............................. O a t range............... 1...... 1............. 1........................ 6 ~................ Oayugai~! i~...... 8 1 2.............:................................ 1. "....... Orlansuq a...................... 2...... 1.............................. P e utnam...................':: 1.............1................................................. Chuenang.................... 1......... I.... 3.........'.................. 3.....................c^. Ricmod......(71...... APPENDIX. 711 REGIMENTS TO WHICH DECEASED BELONGED-(CONTINUED). NEWV YORK INFANTRY REGIMENTS. COUNTIES. 19. 30. 21. 22. 23. |/ 341. 35. 36. 3'S. 38, 39. 30. 31. 33. 33. 34. 35, 36. Clinton................ I........ 1............................... Columbia...... 3 1............... 2 1.................. 3.................................... C l.............. 2........................................... I.................. Cortland....................................... Delaware................ 1 2.............. 1 2.............. 2 1 2....... I...... I )utchess............... 18.................................. 2.............................. Erie......................... 1............... 23.......... S............ 3 Essex............................... 2.................. 7............ F ranklin...................................................................................................................... F ulton........................ I........................................................... 2 1 6............ Genesee.......................................2 [ iI...... 6 1.................... Greene...................................... I I......... I....................................... H am ilton.............................................................................................. 1 1............ H erkim er....................................... 1...... I.......................................... 31............ Jefferson......................2......... I...... 28 1................ I...... 3 41 1 Kings 2....... 2...... 2....... 3 1...... 4 1 1 4...... I...... 1 2 L ew is....................................................... I................................................ 3...... Livingston~ ~ ~ ~ l............... I...... 1 29 1........................ 14...... 1...... M adison................... 3 4I................ 5................................C 3...... M onroe......................... 2 1............. 4 11 7 1......".....i............. 8............ M ontgom ery.................................................. 1.............................. 12........................ Imi lYor.......................... 1 8......1..... 1 N iagara............ I....... 1 2 1...... I...... 26................................................ Oneida............................ 29....................... 2 4 1.................. Onond ga............. 1......... 3.......'......'............'.......... I 1 Ontario................................................... 1 5 2........................ 15.................. Orange........................ 1 1.............................................................................. Orleans................................. 1 1...... 3 7.......................................... Oswego.......................... 4... I............................. I.. 1 1..... Otsego.......................... 1.................................................. 2............ Putnam........................................................... Queens York., 1................................................................................... Queens............'"I.....'.:i~..... Hensselaer........................ I............ 3........................ 13............................. Richm ond..................................................... 1.............................................. Kockland.................... 1...................................................... 2................. St. Lawrence............I........... 1.... 1.............................................. 2 3.... Sarato a............................ 5.......................................... 19.................. 1...... Schenectady......................................................................... 3.................................... Schoharie................................................................................................... 9............ Schuyler.................... 1...... 2...................................................... 2 1............ Seneca........................................................ 22.................. Steuben.............................. 9 1................................... 2...... 2 15 3...... Suffolk........ "........................ Sullivan............................. i....................... Sulivamnd................,~. 3...................... T ioga................................ 2........... 2................................... 1.................. Tompkins......... I............. 1 2........... 1.............................. 16....................... U lster................................... 4 1...................................................... W arren........................ 29........................................................... W ashington......................... 13................................................................. W ayne..................1.................... 9................................ 9 1............ W estchester.............,... 1 2........................ 4........................ W yom ing...................... 1 1........................ 3.......................I....... 2.................. Yaltes....................................... 1.................. 8 1...... Total............. 23 29 44 77 35 99 24 72 | 109 56_ 8 _54 26_ 44_106 97 60 16 NEW YORK INFANTRY REGIMENTS. COUNTIES. 37. 38. 39. 4:0 1. 4:3. 43. 4.4 5 16.. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 53. 53. 5;:. Topis..... "i'P3' Albany......................... I.... 19 14...... 6 1 A llegany.................................. I~1............ 1.............................. 1..................... Broome....:......].' 29......................... 1 /attr.ugus............ 1.................. 10............... 3 Cayughaster......./. I.(..................... 1...... Ghautauqua.........................( 1......j......(.....1 3 I......(......j......j......l 67 1.....1..~..... 4...... Chem ung........... 5..............................~~ I 1............................<.(~ 10......... I... Ghenango........................ 1......I 1 9 1 ~ ~........................ 1............~~ 3......... Clointo.................................................... 1 2. 1. Colurmbia.........................-......................I 1 5..................~~ 1......... 1 1..... Cortland.....,.....I......i. o.......... I........................ 3 1.....1.............. 6 1......... Delaware..............'....... 2 1..... 1...... 4 1~ Dutchess.......... I...................<..................., 6.......1..... 1 31 5 1 1 21 2... 1 Erie...................i.......................... 12. Essex 3.....i....9....... I.96 8.............. 1........ 1................6.................. E'ranklinz......,...I..........,... 1 I......................................................... FEulton.,..................~...I.............~.....I.......1 2...,................. 1...... G~enesee....,................-..I.... U.......I.............1...~... 3 1.....1,....1........ 4................ Greene..................................... 1........... 1 4.....~ ~~~..... 2.................. 1~ I 1...... H-erkimer.....,............~..............I.......I....... 1 6......~~ 1 1........ 1.... 1....L.. Kifesng.. -....I....... 2 6...... 11 11 2 1 1......1 4 7 14 18.,.....,......1 13 10 ~...... 1 Lew is......................................... 1....... 2.......... Livingsto n 1. 1 l.....|.. adison................. 712 APPENDIX. REGIMENTS TO WHICH DECEASED BELONGED.-(CoNTINUED). NEW YORK INFANTRY REGIMENTS. COUNTIES. 37. 38. 39. 40.I. 4:. 413. 4:. 4t5 4:6. 47. i8. 4L9. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. ionroe........................ 1.................. 2....................... 5 7...... l............. M ontgomery..................... -...-.... 4.... I...... -....'............ 1...... New Y, ork,........ 10 5 5 9...... 10 4...... 10 8. 6 6 1.... 7 13 1 2 N iagara...................................................... 6................. 7.......................... Oneida.............................. 1...... 4 1.................. 1 7.................... Onondaga........................... 4............ 1 2................................... O nar.................................... O nt rio............................................... 5................................ Orange................................................ 2 2.............................. Orleans........... 1,.....'"i.... I....../....., I,,,,.,/,,,'...2............... O rleaa s...............................:..................... Osw ego........... 1............ 2.................. 2......................... 4......................... Otsegko......................... 1 3....... 1 10 8....... 6 - v................. 10.................. Putnam.............. 3..................................................................................... Q ueens....................... 1 4............................................... 1............ 1...... Rensselaer.............. 1....................... 10 7...... 1I...... 3.................................... Richmond............................. 1........................ nOCklanlld......... I,,,,,,/,,.,,, 6.......................................................... O.o La nd ce........... 3.............;3................................ " "Sa.rat................................. 2............ 5.................... Stch awre ne.................. 3........................... ]....3................'2 Sc oharie........................... 1....... 2 7........ I............. I............. Schuyler y................ 1................................. 4.................... 9.......................... Senec a............ "'...........,...... 2 5......................... 2 1.'................... Steuben......1.............I...... I.................. 2........................ Suffolkn a.............................................. 1............ 4............................ Sul-iva n................. " I...................................... I.................. 1......... 2 Suffio lka.. 1...................:............. 4.............. 1 8............. S l nslan r......... I I...... 2............................ I.................. 2 Richmond........................ T ioar e............................ 1......L........... 1...... 17................................. T...... I...... 3....... alsterh t.............................. |..... 7......:::::....''........................: W arren.........1...........................1................... "...'.......'.......... W ashi ngt on..................!......................... 7 7.......................... Wchoay ne................................................ 2...................:......::::.................. iWTTestchester....... 1 2 1...... I............ 2 1............2......2 3 1........... W yominge.............................................. 2......................... 3.... 1 Sullivan........i.....'][' Yates.................................... 10............ 3...... Totl........... 27I 35 12 56 3 182 1 35 138 73 42 2 13 NEW YORK INFANTRY REGIMENTS. COUNTIES. 5,. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 6. 63. 6,1 6 I 66. 67. 68S. 69. 0. 0 71. 7. Albany.................... 16 1.....I......................... Westchester ~~~~~.............................. Allegany............................. 32 3...... 10.. 1 Broom e............................. i..]...... 4...... 1...............................3...... 1 1 1. Cattaraugus................... I.................................... 94............ 2............ 1 2 2 Ca3yugya.......................................................................................... Chautauqua...............................................................I...... 76 Chem ung...................... I..............................*..... 1............................................... Chenango...............i.......... 14..,..........................................1 Clinton.................................... I 9................................ I................. Columbia......................................................................... Cortland..................................... 1........................................... Delaware.............. 11...... 2............. 1 2.............................. 7 16 D utchess............... 3 5 2............ 3.................. 2...... 2............................. Erie.......................................................... 11................. 2............ 2 Essex................................... 2 5 1.............................. 5.................. Franklin..............'...................... 13........................... Delanwar.,e. I.,\.,,............ i...................................1 lton............................................................................................ HErie r..........,......... 4 Geneseo n.................................................................................. Frankings............ 15 1 1 13 1 14 14 2 I Flet is................... 4... 8 1....,....................................... Li i g t n.................................................... 1..... Grees ne.................................. 16.................................... Hm ilonr e...............................................1.......... 2............... NtErkim er.......4...... 7 124 Oneida~~ ~ ~................ 9.... 1... 1.................... i... 2......... Jefferson................'4 Orangs............... 47............. 1... 4........... 1.... 1 6 1... Oswego'................... 5 1 1........ 11.............3......... L e wis............. 1............... ivin g.ston......................... Qu eens o~............ 2............ 4......1. 5. 3.. 1 2 Renssela!............... 1 1 i....... 1 1 2............... 1 2...... Richm ond.......:.!.......................... R c ln.......... 1 1........... 2'............ 1'' 1.....................' St. Lawrekc.................... <.. 8......... 1............ 2......... Sara tog a................................. 1 1........ S eNic agar............. ]....................... i....... 1i.............................. S o ar e............. t.. 1..................... 2.....,.......................... tsch yle r..........T......1......!.............,....1........................ 2........ <........1.............................. Oenta!~ri........!...... iI......,,,I,~ I ~~"~ nd....~ i..... j,,,.......... j.. ~l. ~~.~ ~! ~~1~ Saratoga~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ Ii ~~l~~~,r+~l ~~~i~~~~~........ Schenectady::::::::::::::: ~ ol~~ ooi~~~e Ii~~~ ~~~~~..... o~.~le Io........ ~...../I ~"" APPENDIX. 713 REGIMENTS TO WHICH DECEASED BELONGED-(CONTINUED). NEW YORK INFANTRY REGIMENTS. COUNTIES. 55. 56. |57. 158. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63 ~ WV: 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 7a. Seneca............................................... Steuben.............................. 3............. 1.................. S eu b.............o........................ I................. 1.................. Suf ln.k.............:............................................................................ T iog a n.................................................3.6.......................................... Tom pkins................................. 1........................ 16.... U lster.................. 25 2...... 2............ 2........... 1 5......!.............................. W arren........................................................... 1.......................................... W ashington................... 1.................. 1..................I............ I.............................. W ayne........................ 3...... I.............................. 2...... 5...... I.................. W estchester....... 1...... 6......... 1............................. W yom ing.............................................................................................................. Y ates.....................................................................I.................. ~~~3.......10330 2 01 7 IOI3F1 19 Total......... 10 153 50 10 49 112 24. 182 NEW YORK INFANTRY REGIMENTS. COUNTIES. _________________________________________________ 73. 74:. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. so. 81. I 83~. 83. 841. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. V 0, Albany................ 1 6 1...... I...... 1 1.................. 1...... 1...... A~legany............................ I...... I.................................... 147 7............ 1I...... Broom e............................. 14................................................2................. 63 2 Cattaraugus.................................... 2.................................... 29............ I............. Cayuga................. 1 73 5......................... 4..................................................... Chautauqua............. 2....|....................................................................,,..........i 1 Chem ung......................................................................... 4..... 2......... 2...... Chenango............................ 14............ 1.................................... 2...... I,. 19 8 Clinton......................... 6.................... 1......1............................. Colum bia................................................... 3.1...................................... ^.................. Cortland............................. 51....................................1.......... 1............................ D elaw are......... 2.................................... 6............i1................................. 17 i 5 D utchess................................. 1 1...... 6...... 1........................ 3............ i 2 Erie.................... I I...... 7.................................... 1I........................ I 1 Essex.................................... 17.................. 1 2 9...... 1.................. 1...... Franklin............................ 1 3.............................. 4............................... Fulton.................................... 22.................. 2.......................................... 1....... C enesee.............................................. 1............................................................... Greene..................................................... 30................................................... 1 1 H am ilton....................................................................................................... H erkim er............................ I...... 1........... 13................................................ Jefferson.......;..................... 3 1 1 1 1 2....................... 1.............................. Kings............ 9............. I1............ 2....... 1 4 6 47...... 1 8 3...... I Lew is............................................................ I.............................. 1I.................. Livingston............... 1............................................................ 14!...... 1I...... 2...... M adison...................... 2 8........................ 6........................ 5............ l |...... M onroe............................. 2 1 3...................................................... 1...... 1I... M ontgom ery...... I............ I....................................................!........................ New York........ 11 3............ 1 2 19............ 15 9 1........... 2 16.... 2 N iagara...................... 1 6...... 2....................................................................... Oneida (................. I....... 2............... 41........................... I.............J............ Onondaaa............. 154................................................ 3 3............1............ Ontario............................................................. 41.................!........... range- ~................. 3...... 11...........0 1.5... 3 103 Orlange....3............. 1............ I......................................................... 1 Orl as::::................... I...................... 7....... 1.................. O tse o........................ 1..... 1........................ 1............................ Osweut o 5n 6............ 75:............ I.... 1... 1....................0 Queens........ 1. I.................. 6............. 1 7 4 P lbany..............1............ I AR ich mony.................................................... 1............ QCuee ns........' "..................................... 2............ 4 CSt eLa ere........................ 2................... 1. 12............ 2.............. Sa ao ga.......................: 115................ 2.... 2...... I........ Sc hene ao......................... 1...!.........................i........ Schoharie ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i:.............. 14.........1................. 1:::.................,.; Schuyler............................~~~~~~~ 4................................. S ec............... 1.......................................... 1... Steuhen~~~~~~~~~~ ~............ 12 1......' 4 1I.................. 6 9.... 1 9 3 8 Clintolk.................... 1........................ I 6...... 1......,.......... 16 Cou mbi v a n........./....................................... 11............ T m k n..................... 4:~ i 24i ~............................... 1............ 2...... Corlster............ 1.................. 0.................. 2...... Wc ashngon.................. 1'1'..'1..........'.......... 2 |......... W athes................ 14................................ 22......... W es che ter..-.... 2.............i................. 1......' 57 1............... W o i g........................... 3......................... 1......... Frates.................... 1 5............................ 13................. HToamltn........... 2 23 13 21 18 29 3 1 15 15 321 5 601 29 11 _ j_ 2 _ 13 _7 Ite k i m r....... "':]]] ]]]...i90 714 APPENDIX. REGIMENTS TO WHICH DECEASED BELONGED-(CONTINUED). COUNTIES. ~~~~~~~~NEW YORK INFANTRY REGIMENTS. 91. 92. 93. 94:., 95, 96. -97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 10%. 103. 104:. 105. 106. 1L07. 108S. Albany........... 46...... 7 2...... 2 2............ 2...... I1.............................. I Allegany....................... 7 1...... 1..............!.................. 22...... I I...... B room e........................................ 1.................................... 2 1.................. Cattaraugus......................... 4 1...................... 7...1........... I 10................. Cayuga........... 1............ 1............ 3..... 1...... 1................. I................. Chautauqua........................... 4:............ 14.................. 2........................ Chemung................:............................................... 1 1...... 19...... Chemung..................................... I............................... 1............................. 1... Clinton........... 19 3 1 1 2 55 3 3........................ I1............ 4............: Colum bia......... 13...... 1...... 1I...............................................................** * *. *......... Cortland................................................ i............................................ 1.................. D elaware............... 1..................... 1............ 2 15............ 1............ 1...... D u tchess......... 8.................. 2...... 4............ I........................*..... Erie.................... 1 1 6 1............ 2...... 52.................. 2 3......... E ssex.......................... 6...... 1 39..........................................' * I.................... Franklin................ 15.................. 8...... 77.......................................... 23...... 6 Fulton........................ 7................. 22.................................................* * *. *........ Genesee............................ 2...... 1.................. 8 1............ 4 3...... I... Greene............ 2..... 1I...... 1I.................. I........... 2.................................... H am ilton...................... 1...... 2...... 9 I.................................................. H erkim er............................................. 29..................................................... Jefferson................. 2...... 71............ 2............ 1 1.........I................................ K ings............. 1I.................. 2.................. 5............ 4 1.... 2.................. Lew is............................... 5...... 1 18..........................................*...... 1............ Livingston.............................. 4............ 3.................. 33............ I...... M adison........... 1............... 2................. 2....................................... Monroe........... 1 0 <..... 3 5 1 4...... 2...... 5 2...... 3 124 M ontgom ery....... 3.............................. I 1I...... 1I.............~.....I.. *.... *........ I............ New York............... 1 3 2 6....... I...... 2 2...'3 3 1 1 1 3...... N iagyara............................. 7.............................. I 1...... I 1...... 1 2......,....,. Oneida................... I I I............ 30............ 1 2 1...... I...... 2...... 1 Onondaya......................................... 2...... I....... 29........................ i........... Ontario..................................................... 4...... 1I.................. 4............ 15 O rang~e.................................... 4............ 5................................ 2. * * * * * * * * * ^............ Orleans.......................... 2...... I.................. I........................ 7.......... Oswego........... I..... 1. 4......I1.......... 4................ 1 1....... zne o...... 1... 1... 1 I............................................... O utsego................. I.................... I...... 1................ I.................. I....................... P ueenam............................................................................5...................................... Quensse ae......... 1.....................................1......2...... 1............8........................ R ich mo d....................................... 1............ 1.....................* * * * * * * * *....... Re nssela er............................................ I............................................ Ric mon L w e c....... 1 13 2 2 2 5 2 13........................................ I........... 1 3................... 7...... Sr aok an.................................. 15...................................................................... St. awene c ead....... 2 2......... 2.....3...................1 *....................... 1 3................o. Sarao gari..............7...... 2.......................1.................................................. *....... Schuyere t d......... 9............................................... I........................ 9..................20...... Senecari.................................................. 1........................................................ Schuyler.................................................1 1 5.................. 9 4...... 9............ 20.... Senecak.................................................... I I.............5..............................I...... S ulliv n..................................................I 1 2..................... 1 4...... 9............ 6 Sufo lk...................................... I............ I................. 5..................... 4 1............... Sull kiv n.......................................... 1.......2.......................................... U lster.................................. 1........ 1... 1.'.'............... 6............. -- ---............ *..... Tompkin s............. 1...... 55............ 23.............................. I...... 2........... **. * * *-.. *..... I...... U lstern.............. 4........ 22.............5.......... I................................*...*......................... W ayne....................... 1 3 2 15.................. I....... 1 2............ 6 W estchester................. 5.................. I 1I...... I....................... I........... W yom ing(.................. I 1I.........................3...... 1...... 10 3.................. Y ates............................ 1............ I........1 1........................ __ 5...... Totl........ 1 9 1 0 1 3 24 _5jJ:4 __ 52 _ 34_ _18 _1 7, ^ _.......13 __4........_..- - 14 139. 160. 133 113.1 1149 1152 116 IS 118. 119 13 0. 21 18 ToAlba y........................... 124..... 1...7... 2 1........... 1.....6 APPENDIX. 715 REGIMENTS TO WHICH DECEASED BELONGED-(CONTINUED). NEW YORK INFANTRY REGIMENTS. COUNTIES.......... 109. 110. Ill. 119. 113. 11ll. I115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 130. 121. 122. 123. 134l. I 5. 1326. Jefferson............... 2................................... 1.................. 1 1......................... K ings................. 1............ 1 1............ 3.................. 1.................. Lew is............................ 2................................................ Livingston.......................................................................... I 1.................. 1...... 2 M adison.......... 1........................ 62 1...... 2........................ 1........................ M onroe........... 1...... 3.................. 2................................... 4............ 1...... M ontgom ery.............................. 1...... 37................................ 6 1........................ New York........ 1 1......................... I 1............ 8 1.................. 2 1...... N iagara...................................................... 1........................................................... Oneida...... 1............ 1 4............ 172......!............ 5 1........... 2 2 Onondaga......... 1/ 3 3 1...... 4............ 2.................. 2 98.................. 2 Ontario....................... 16.................................................................................... 72 O range............................................................................................................... Orleans................................................................................................................... Osw ego................. 143 1.................. I...... 3......I.................. 2............ Otsego.......................................... 7.................. I............ 110...... 1................. P utnam.................................................................. 1............ Putnam ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~........... l......1............................ [.... J....... Q ueens........... 1...................................................... 5........................ 2............ Rensselaer................................ 2...... 2....................... I I........... 1 128...... R ichm ond.............................................................................. R ockland........................................................ 2..... I............ St. Law rence........................................................................... 7.............................. Saratoga.................................. 1 1 72............ 4........................ 1...... 3...... Schenectady................... 1.................. 1................. 1...... 1.............................. Schoharie......... 1.............................. 2............ I.................. 1........................ Schuyler.]]]]]]]]].............. 2: 2.......:22:.:.::::::................':::::......... 2............................. 2 Seneca........................ 14.................................................................................... 47 Steuben....................... 1 3...... 1................................................... 1...... 3 Suffolk...........i.................. 2...................................... 1............ Sullivan.......... 1.................................................................. 3......'............ 5............ Tioga:........... 80...... 2...... I...... 1....................................................................... Tom pkins......... 56.... 2................................. 2............ 1............ U lster............ 1...... 1............................. 110...... W arren....................................................... ~........ 67........................ 5.................. W ashington............ 2...... I...... I............. 2........................ 107..... 1...... W ayne....................... 145................................................. I I............ 2 W estchester......... 1 1............ 1..... 1........ W yom ing............................................................................................................. Y atesom....................................................................................................... 45 Total............~192 1 323 246 8I 235 169 111 192 244 18 1 26 1 14 7 NEW YORK INFANTRY REGIMENTS. COUNTIES. 1121. 138. 149. 130. 131. 133!. 133. 1341. 13.5. 136. 137. 1138. 139. 1410. 14-1. 142^. 14:3. M1,4r. Albany......... 3............... I.......................................... 2...... 1 A llegany....................... 27....................... 6.................. B room e........... 1...................................................... 74.................. I........... 3 Cattaraugus.......................... 3.............................. 2........................................ I Cayuga.............................'3 8....... I...... I...... I Ohautauqua................................................... 2................... Chemungo................... I........... I...........................:........ 2.................. 28.................. 1 C hein to n......................................................... C olu mbiao............................................... I............................................................ C lnton,..................................................................... 2 1...................... 3............. Columbia.........' 58'........ 2............................... 2 Cortland................ I....... 1.............................. Dut wre.......................................... Eri ex.................................................................................... E rs ie..................................................................................... E s nse.................................................................................................... 4............ Frengs.................. I...... 3 1.............. Haili g ton......................... 1.... 1i4......1... 4............ Herdimern.......... 1.............................. 1:::......I......:2:1............'...... Jefronr e.................. 1....... i................................ 1 0......... 1 Kintgsm r......................:.:............ 8'.......i.......................: 1....'... New isr.................'' 10 16 1 " 1 1.... 2......... 1... N a a a.......................... i.......; 11.............................. 1.... 1...... O n i a.......................... 1............t 1!....................... 1 11 Onondaga.....~....:..............::::::........::............1...I... I...... 1... Mont rio.................... 1~;.......i........' -.. 1...... | 1.... 2......... Or n e............. 5 1.............. 1......I.........!...............,.. 2...... Oswegor....: ]! ~i!+.............................. 1......!....''".!...:..... " "............ 1i... Niaeg a ra...........................'..... 1...!....................... 3 P t a.............................................................................................. "......... Queens ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~........... 1............ 1.................................. i.................... R e s e a r.............. 1i........................ I 3.................I... 1............... Or ac m nge............................. 4 1 I..................L......................... 1.......e....... Or o lean s...........................!'......... /......I.........................1......!......1 3...... 716 APPENDIX. REGIMENTS TO WHICH DECEASED BELONGED-(CONTINUED). NEW YORK INFANTRY REGIMENTS. COUNTIES. _ __ _______________ I 17'. 138. -to. 130. 131. 132. 133..134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 14:0. 1-4r. 14*2. 143. 1-44. St. Lawrence.................................................... 1............ 3...... 142.:.......... Saratoga............................!......................................................... Schenectady.......................................... 40.......................................... I............ Schoharie................................................... 51 Schuyler........................................ 1............. 2...... 30...... 1...... Seneca........................................... 1..................................................... Steuben............ 13.......I I.......... 2............ 1 75.................. Suffolk........... 47......... i.". "6'.............................. Sullivan........................................ I...................................................... 1 106...... Tioga................................................ 49.................. 1...... 2...... Tompkins....................................... 1.................. -. 49............ 2 1 18' U lster............ I I............ I.............................. 2............ 2............ 3 1 W arren.......... |...... I............................... 1.................. 8............ W ashington....... I......................................'y.....,.. 1 2................................................................ W estchester.......1................. 1 1 1... 3........................ I.................. 2 W yom ing.........,,. i...... 59........................... 28.................. 2......................... Y atc.........,-,,...,................................... I..................I............ 1......... 1 Total........... 63 140 19 209 21 21 34 107 1- - 9 16 6- 1-6 44 183 146 99 147 t 176 NEW YORK INFANTRY REGIMENTS. COUNTIES. 14:5. 146. 1417. 1148. 14-9. 150. 151. 15;Z. 1-53. 154:. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. A lbany.................................................................................................. A llegany...................... 3...... 1........................ 4......'......................... 34 3...... Broom e................. I...... 1 2............................................ 1 3...... Cattaraugus........ 1 7................................. 122.............................. i I...... Cayuga.........'i....... I. 1 2............. 1............................. 2............ 12 1...... Chautauqua....... I I 1...... 1.' I................ 33................................................ Chem ung..................... 2 1.............................. 1.............................. 10...... Chenango..................... 2........................ 2 1.................. 12...... 1...... 12...... Clinton........................................................... 22................. 1.................. Colum bia............... 1........................................................................ 46.................. Cortland................ I 1...... I.................. I'............,]Delaw are. *.............. 7................................................................................... I...... D utchesse l......... I...... I...... 69............................. I.......... 3................ Erie.......................... 1........... 3............ 1 13..... I.... 1............ E ssex............ I.............................. 6...................................................... Franklin............................................. 1............................................................ Fulton.................................... I................. 49................................................ 4 G enesee................. I I.................. 23.............................................. 1............ Greene............. 6..........',Ier k lmer......................................................... H am ilton.............4.'.'....................................................................................... Hlerkim er............... 1.............................. 39............................................................ Jefferson...................... 2 1....I................................................................................ K ings............ 1 4...... I I 1........................ 3............ 10 9................. L ew is...................................'...................................................................... Livingston.............. 1 2 1............................................... 2.................. 1...... M adison.................3 3....................................................... 45...... Monroe.......... 1.............. M ontgomery.......... 2..'......... 2..... 4............ M ont~gom ery............ 1 1............. 1........... 24................................................ 2 New York........ 4...... 2...... 1 1 1 2............ 5 3...... 3 1............ 9 N iagara................ 1 2...... I...... 39.................. 2.................................... On ida.................. 131 3 1............ 1 2....... 2......... Onondaga.................... 1 1 81.................. 11................. 5............ 1............ Ontario................. 3...... 63 1........................ I.............................. 4........... Orange............ I........ I................................. 4 1...... I Orleans..................' 3...................................................... I...... Putnam o I.......................... I.......................... Queese...... 1..................... 1 3 1......... 1!........... 1...... Renseaer................ 1...............................'.............:...:...:.......... Richmnd........... 3............................................ 6........................ Re sear.............. 1 1..............!....... ~.... 1!........................!.. t arnchm n..e...............i........................................ Sraogk an...................i................................ <....................... St.hLawrence................!..............................:.............................. Saratoga...................~~ ~~~~~........ 1............ 1i 1...... 1............!............ Schuyere t d................!....................................................................... S nch o ari..............................................:.................................... Steuylen...............................'.......................1... 94....... 1... Sene a.................... 1 62...... i............ 1................................ Steuben.................~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.... 8 1 1................. ~................ 1......:4... Sullivan...................................!|............. 1... 4....... 1.............. Tioga.................. I 4'... 1............................... 2.................. 4... Tom pkins...................:......'3'.................. 1...... 2...... 1............'...... U lster........................................... 1.......... 8o......!...... 1............ WVarren......................... 3..................... 4........... 1!............... W ashington.......!.......... ]..........i....................................... W ayne...........I...... 3 1 1....................... i...............::............:::::::: W estchester....... 1 i........ 1 1.................................... 2............:...... W yoming...........................' 1 1....... 1.................. 8 1......: ates................ 1 2 2 1...................................................: "......:::Total:4:::..:.:.I __:!5[ 169!!188-...200 L 196 i75 1.1_7 I106 125 165 I30 I 105 1361I 20 73!'131 |161 1I APPENDIX. 71 REGIMENTS TO WHICH DECEASED BELONGED-(CONTINUED). NEW YORK INFANTRY REGIMENTS. COUNTIES. 163. 1641. 165. 1166. 168. 169. 170. 11711. 1.72. 173. 1741. 1175. 1176. 177. 178. 179. 181. 18. A lbany................................. 4 1........................ 6 6 51.................. A llegany..................... 1.......... I....... 1...... 16............ B room e.................................. 2............................................................ I............ Cattaraugus............. 1............................................................................. 8...... Cayuga............ I........................................................................ Chautauqua............................................................................................................. Chem ung................................................................................................... 6............ Chenango................................................................................. I.............................. C linton..................... I......................................................... 1........................ Colum bia..................................... 3.......................................... 2........................ C ortland.......................... I.............................................................................. Delaware..................... Dutchess.......... E rie.................................................................. 3............ E sse................................................................................................................. E elsx........................................................... Franklin............... Fulton...........................:................................... G enesee...................................................................................................................... G reene................................................................. I............ 2 3........................ H am ilton....................................... 2........................................................................ H erkim er............................................................................................................. Jefferson.......... I....................... I.................................................................. Kings............ 1 6 2.....'. 4..........2' 2.................. L ew is...................................................................................................................... Livingston........ t I........... I........................................................................ M adison........................................ I.................................... 15.................. I...... M onroe. I................................................................................................ M ontgomery............,..................... New~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~i- York.........'i~........... New York......... 2 9 6 1........... 9 1:............ 4.................. N iagara................. 6............ I.................. 1.................................... Oneida 4........................................................................ Onondaga................................................................................. I.............................. O ntario...................................................................................................... Orange.................................... 9...... 2.............................. 11.............................. O rleans....................................................................................................................... O sw ego.............".'............................................................................................. Otsego.................................................................................... 2.............................. P utnam............... i.............................................................................. Q ueens....................... 3............................................................ 5........................ R ensselaer...................................... 82.............................. 2.................................... R ichm ond.................... I.................. 1........................ 3.................................... R ockland..................... I......................................................................................... St. Law rence............. 6.................. 7.................................... 1I.............................. Saratoga........................................ 8.............................. I...... 3........................ Schenectady....................................................... 1........................ 2........................ Schoharie................................................. I.......... Schuyler....................................... 1...... 4........... Seneca...... 3................................................................................................. Steuben...................................................... I.......................................... 11............ Suffolk....................... 7.................. 1............................ 2.............................. Sullivan................................................................................. I................. T ioga...................................................................................................... 6............ Tom pkins..................... 1.................................................................. 16............ U lster.................................... 2............ I........................ 2.............................. W arren........................................ 9..:........................... 5............................. W ashington.................................... 14........................................................................ W ayne................................................................................... 1.............................. W estchester...... 1...... 2'.3......'I.............................. I 2.................. W yom ing................................................................................................... I............ Y ates..............................................................................I........................ 12 Total.......... 5 40 25 2 21 135.21 __2 _2__1J 22 50 70| 9 _8 1 1 Total.......... I 2 I 14 Ale a y.................. 1 1.......... 1 1....... 1...:.. B r o o m e...................... 1............................... 7 0... 9 2...... Che ang................ 1 1......... 1.......... 4 5... 7 28... 5 Dleganyr............................................. 3 5...... D utches........................................... 1....... E ri... ~. ~....... ~e ~. 1.......... 5. e. ee~~~, ~~~ ~................................... 3... 1 1 2 1...... Est ragse............................... 1....... 9 3... 1............ Frankli...........:........................'....~......::::..................::.:..:::::1 Fu t n................................' 1 1.......... 1 8 3 1...... Gene ee.............................. 1...................................... 3'.......... 10 G reene~~~~...19........................................................ 1... 13 4... 5 H amint on............................................................................ 5.......... Delawa rer..................,... 2................................................' 7 4 1......... 718 APPENDIX. REGIMENTS TO WHICH DECEASED BELONGED-(CONTINUED). NEW YORK INFANTRY REGIMENTS. NEW YORK ARTILLERY REGIMENTS. COUNTIES. _____ - _ _ _ ______________________ _________ 183. 1184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 191. 1932. 193. 194r. 11. 2. 3. 41. 5. 6. 7, Jefferson...................... 2 39............................ 12 10.................. 4...... K ings................................................................................. 3 1 1 6............ Lew is.............................. 10............................................ 6 1 2 3 33............. Livin ston......'............................... 4.................................... 2 1 7...... I...... M adison.....I..................... 12 6 15 2 1............. ~~~............... ~.~............. M oewi..................... 3........... 7...... 1 29.................. M ontgomery.........................'....... 3.......6' NewgYork;............................. 3 2 5 4 4...... N iagara................................... 1..........,......................... 5............. 2............. I Oneida........................... 1............ 4............ I...... 2 52 18 1...... I...... 2 Onondaga......... I I 24................................................ 19 5 21 2 3...... Ontario........................ I............................. 1 2 31................. Oran e....................................................... 8 2 2 3 O rleans. A............................................................................1 2............ 5.........I......... Oswego.................. 21 1 2............ 6............ 3......[ 22 16 4 8...... 1I... Otsego........................I...........................................:............ 2 30 3...... 4 14 Pu.tnam....................... 4...... 20 1 Niagara ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~............... Queens............................................................................ I 2...... 4 2............ Rensselaer.................................................................. I...... 2 30 R ichm ond............................................................................i...... 1.............................. R ockland....................................................................................... 17 2 2 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i........... St. Lawrence............ 2.............................. 4....... 15 1 I................. 16 Saratoga.....................'................... 4...... 1....... 6 11 Schenectady............................................................................................ 2............ 4 Schoharie.......... 3 2 1 4:...... 38 Schu lerg.................................... 2..... Seneca0........................................................................ 1...... 15 2 1 1...... Steuben............ I...... 20 22............................. 15...... 2 2 4............. Suffolk....................I...............................................................1...II.............. Sullivan......................................................... 1 2 2 3 4 1 3 Tiogaer............... 5........................................... 6 1 Tom pkinsd...................................................................... I 1 2...... 1 7...... U lster....................................................................... 1 2 6 1...... W arren...................................................... I....................... W ashington......................... 1.......................................... 1............................. W ayne.................................... 1 2 3 5 1.................. W estchesterc........................................ 1 2...... 12 6 65 6 W yom ing................................ 3................................................. I.............. Y ates.......................................... I........................................... 4 1............ Total........... 27 63 38 55 38 2 4 12 _4 |_l16 215 173 248_ 130 |179 374 NEW YORK ARTILLERY REGIMENTS. 1S NEW YORK BATTERIES OF ARTILLERY. COUN TIES. _________________________ ^______________________ S. 9. 10. II. 1-2. 13. 14r. 15. 16. ~ -^ 1. 3 3. 4. 6. 7'. 8 1 Albany........... I I I.............................. I Suffolk~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~............................... A llegany............ 6............ 2.................................... Broom e.......... I.................................... C a-ttaraugus,..................................... 12 2................................................................... Cayuga.......... 1 77........................ 1...... 13...... 15.................................... I Chautauqua.................................... 3 2............... 1............ 1........................ Chem ung......... 5 2........................ 13........................................ I........................ C henan'o......... 1 3........................ I 1.....:....................................................... C linton............................. I................ 2...... I................................................ Colum bia.............................1.................. 1....... 1................. Cortland.................................... 4...... 1...... D elaw are.................................... I...... I 1 3............ I.................. 5...... D utchess....................................... 1 2 2............ I........................ E rie............. 9........................ 2 1 3 2...................................................... Franklin~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~.......................... 4 1............... 1......... W ulto.............'.............. 4..........................., reome............... 1............ 1 1 1............................. H er ime.............. 1"......... 1.... 1..............'.............. Y ings........... 1.................. ~........................... M adison~~~~~.................l............I.... 1..................... M n o........... 11 1.... 2.... 3 8- -'................................................. Abnew Yo k.... I................ 1 2I 4 1.................................... Oneida........... 4 1 2............ 1 31...... 1........................ Onondaga~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~.............. 24 1.................. 41... 2 2........................ Olegnta i......y.................... 8........................... Oran e.............. " 1................ 1 1 2.................... Orleans~ ~ ~...... 8............... 6........../I.............................. Oswego~~~~~.............. 21........... 2 1.... 3 | 2.... 1.................. roomeg................ 2 /......... 1.... 4 1.............2............ Putnam ~ ~............ 1.................................................../............................... Q uee s..,..,............................/....../....../......I.... I................./......I......,.................. Chautauaua.......|.... /......|......|....../........ 3 / 1...... 6 j...... I l......// 1 [..................... ihe mu n d......................................... 13................................................... K ~.ock a d...........................11......t3....../)..........~ ~......1......!........./............1..... APPENDIX. 719 REGIMENTS TO WHICH DECEASED BELONGED-(CONTINUED). NEW YORK ARTILLERY REGIMENTS. | INEW YORK BATTERIES OF ARTILLERY COUNTIES. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 1a. 15. 16. 2 CZr 1. 3 4:. 6. 7. 8. 11. St. Lawrence............ 2 8............ 2 79...... 4....................... Saratoga..................... 2............ 13 2...... 3................... Schenectady.................................... 1............ 1.......................................... Schoharie.................... 2 ~.............................. I......I I Schuyler......... 1 1........................ 11............................... Seneca............ 1 3.................................... 8................................... Steuben................ 1I.................. 1 8...... 8...... 2....................................... Suffolk........... 2................................................' "....................... Sullivan.......... 1.................................... 7 1 1.............................. I............ Tiooga............ 2...... 2.................. 5............ 1. "...................... Tom pkins.............. 7.............................. 2 11'2.......................................... -lTerg......... U lster..................................................... 3 1.................................... 1...... W arren.......... 3......................... 1............ 11........................ I............................. W ashington..................................................... 1....................... I W ayne............ 1 107........................ 2.................. I........... I...... W estchester............ I 1...... I I]I.... 2.........1............................... W yom ing......... 22 1........................ I............ 2................................................ Y ates............ 1........................ 1 17...... 2.......... Wyoming ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~............ 7 9 218 4 1 62.35 159 21~~~~~17. Total.......... 327 279 218 4 I 62 328 159 [ 32 51 2 3 8 3 NEW YORK BATTERIES OF ARTILLERY. COU N TIE S. __________________________________________________ _ 1a. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. is. 19.- 20. S1. 22. 23. 2.. 215. 26. 27. 28. 34:. Albany...................................... 1................. A llegany..................................................................................... 3 room e................................... 10......t...... I............I..................................................... Cattaraugus....................................................... C ayuga........................................................................ Chautauqua.................................................................................. Chem ung.................................................................................... Cbenango.............................................!........................................................................ Clinton....................................................................................................................... C olum bia....................................................................................... I............................. Cortland..................................................................D elaw are............................................................................................. |........................ D elaw are..................................................... D utchess..................................................................... E srie.......................................................... 1 2 2 4 I' E ssex............................................................................................... I...... Fr nlt n............................................................................ Fulnk in..........'............................................................... GFenes............................................................... 2.................................... G r iene............................:........................................................................................... H ar i et n.:...................................................................... fei mieron........................................................ I........................................................... erkin g s......e............................................................ Jefferson......................'....... K in gs........................................................................3................... M adison........................................................................................................... M on gso n.......................................................................... 1'.................. M ontgom ery............................................................................................................. N ewroer........................................... 4.................. N iagara........... 3........................ 2...... 11...........................2...... 6...... on ti omery....................................... On ondaga......... "..................................................... Ontario........... 3.................. Orange.............................. 1......... 2...... Orle ans............."..'...| I.............. 12............................. ots ego....................... 1................ ~.........i.......................... Ont ndag a............................................................................................................ O uenta................................................................. ueens.................................................................................. 2 R ensselaer........................................ I................................................ R ichm ond............................................|........................................... Or le anr a......................... 12................................................................. S c nw e nca.................................... I.................. I.............................. Saratori e......................................... |......... i.............................. Schuyere t d.......................i.......................................... S ncho ari...................................'..... i|...... 2................... Steuylen...........................................................}..............::::..........' Suffolk..........................................!...'......... 1......... St ullivn.................'...............................................o....... 2... Tifoga................'.......................................................................... Tompkiv n................................. ~........!............................. 1 ]...... Ulster.......................... 3................................... 1................. Washnton................................................................... W aynen............................................ 5]] ]] ] 1.............. i........... W estchester.................'.................................I.................. W o i g............................................. 9 2............ Y ates..*...... *..................................................................... 720 APPENDIX. REGIMENT TO WHICH DECEASED BELONGED-(CONTINUED). |,?>>NEW YORK REGIMENTS OF CAVALRY. COUNTIES. 2' ~ ~,a 1. 3. 3. 4:. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 110. 11. 12. 13 14:. 15. 16. 17. A lbany.............................. I............ 2............ I...... A llegany........................................ 14 4......................... 2.................. 1...... Broom e....................... 4 1 1 3.................. 1 1...... 2...... I...... Cattaraugus................... 2............ 1 16............ 19 1...... 1 1...... 3............ Cayuga............................. 1...... I............ 1............ 1 1 I...... 2...... 1........ Chautauqua................... I........................ 2...... 68............ 1............ 2............ Chem ung............... 1 1.............................. 2...... 4.......................................... Chenango............. 1............ 1............ 22...... 22 7............ I...... Clinton.................... 3............ 1 3............ 7...... 2.................. 1 2 1 Colum bia. 3.............................. 5...... I.................. Cortland.......... 1................................ 1........................ 8............ D elaw are............... 1 2 13...... I.............................. I.................................... D utchess...................... 1............ 1........................................................................ Erie.............. 2 2 2 1 1 1...... I........... 1 11 2 3 2 1...... 2...... E ssex......................... 1............ 46.............................. 3.................................... Franklin............................ 4.............................. 2...... I........................ I...... Fulton........................ I.................................... 11 I.................................... G enesee........... I............ I.............................. G reene............................................................................................................ H am ilton.................................................. I....................................... H erkim er......... 2.............. I............................................... 1............ Jefferson.............................................. I.................. 3 1............................... K ings.................. 4...... I...... 1............................ 2................................... L ew is...................................................................................................... 1 Livingston........ 1 I...................... 5...... 19...... i......................................... M adison................ 1 4 1...... 1.....I....... 2 6 11 I 1 1.............................. M onroe........... 2 1 1 18...... 1 4...... 51 1...... 1............ 1.................. M ontgom ery.................................................................. 1 I................................... New York............... 3 1.............. 1......4............ 2...... 3..... N iagara....................... 1 6............................1 8............ 1....................... Oneida.................. 2 1.............................. 8...... 1 8 | 1............ 5...... 1 Onondaga............... I 11 3............ I............ 1 7 20 2 1...... 16........... Ontario........ 1 2 1..... I...... 22...... 1 2.................. 5 1..... Orange.............. 9...... I 22...... I 1.................................. 5.......... O rleans............................. 5...... I................. 10......!................................................ Osw ego....................... I................................... 26 1...... 2.......... Otsego................... 2 6 6.......... 4...... 7... 7............ I...... P utnam........................................................................ 2.................. 1.................. Q ueens.................1 1............ I I....................................................... Rensselaer................ 2............ I...... I...... 1 3........................ Rihonsd~o.........!...././ / / / / t / //I 1 R ichm ond.....................................................................................1....... *... R ockland...................... I................................ I................................................ St. Lawrence.... I I I I..... 1I' 1...... 1' 9...............I.. ]1' 21'......'....... Saratoga...................... 9............ 1 2............ 12 1...... I............................. Schenectady............................ I.................. Schoharie........................... 6........................................................... Sc uyler......................................................................... Senecau......r...........:..............I............. 1...... 5 1 3.....1. 1................................. S en eca.,..........''i I..... 1 2...... i........................ Steuben................. ~ ~ ~~~1 2..... I....1 1................ Suffolk...................... 3...... 2 4........................ 6...... I........................ Sullivan................. 1 1............ 1 1.................. 1........................ 5 1 T ioga................... 23........................ 4 1........................ 1...... Tom pkins........................... 1.:........... 2 3..... 8............ U lster........................ 1 3 3.................. 2 1.................. 1 1...... W arren /........................................................................ W ashington...........'8 1...... I.......... 2...... W ayne........................ 1 4............ 2 1 18...... 2...:.:.................. W estchester............. 4 5............ 2.............................. 2.................. 1...... W yom ing............... 2............ 6 2............ 20........................................ Y ates.........................'I.'" I 7........................ "7.'..... Total........... 10 32 106 81 8 124 82 7 191 137 106 158 53i 33 12 55i 25 3 NEWV YORK CAVALRY REGIMENTS. NEWV YORK NEW' YORK VETMOUNTED RIFLES. ERAN CAVALRY. d COUNTIES. ________________________________ ______________ 18. / 19. 3 0. [ 31. 3 2. 33./ 34:. 345- 3 6. /Oneida /Regiment 1. 3. 1 ]. - Cavalry. un known. _ Albe any......................... 1.......::::::: /::::...... i........................ 1' 9 3.......... ]Broo ne............................ 1,...... 3....................1....... Cattaraugus................................................. 6:::: 1:::::::....... 6' * O y g............................. 1.... 2................... 1 i.................. Chautauqua........*........ *......*...................................... 1...................... Chcm ung.............'................ z.......................4....... Chenango......... ""'1::..... 8'...... i'::............................................ Clinton......,................. 1.........................................'"... 19....... Colum bia......... 1............ 4.....................................:1:............. 3'......::: Cortland...........,'.... 2.............................................................. Del war................................. 1........ 2........:::::...... 2 1....... i':::::3.......... D utchess................ 1.............................................. 1.....................*. E i............................. 1::::::.......... 9::::..................... 1........ I... E s x.................... " 2:::............. 1!i.......................... 38:.. rulton..................:::::::........... 1'::..........' 1........................ en s e...................... 1i i:................: 1.... 10.............. H am ilton..................:|.....::|......:::...............:...:....:....:....:......:. 1 I.... APPENDIX. 721 REGIMENTS TO WHICH DECEASED BELONGED-(CoNTINUD). NEW YORK CAVALRY REGIMENTS.! NEW YORK NEW YORK VETMOUNTED RIFLES ERAN CAVALRY. COUNTIES. 1. Is. 119. "I0. 81. f a. 8,3. 24-. 2,5. G6. Oneida Regiment 1. 3. 1. ~ ~. Cavalry unknown.!] H erkim er......... 1..................I.......... 1......... 3............... 2....... Jefferson.....................2...... 1 I........ 34.................. 2 1...... K ings...................... 5........................ I...... Lew is............ 4..... 12.......................................................... Livingston................... I. 1.. 3....... I............ i.............. M adison................................ 3 l......................... 1.............. Monroe........................33...... 1 23...... I........ I 1 3.............. M ontgom ery.................................................................................. N ew York.... 2..... 1......!.. (...... 1........ 3........................... 1... N iagara.....'..... 1I............... 1............................................. 3..................... Oneida....................... 2 3 I 1...... 14...... 2................t 2.............................. Ononda% a...................... 1....... 17...... 1.............................! 5 |....................... Ontario.......... 1 I........... 4 1...... 1................ 5 6........6...... Orange.......... I...... 1......................................... O rleans............................ I 1............!............................!........ 4................1 O sw ego............ 3...... 5...... 3 1...... 8 4 11............................| I........ 1........I....... O tse o................................... 3... 1...................................i...... irens................... Q ueens.................................................... Q ueenssela........................................... i......... Oswh mond............................................................' R enssela er.............. 2........................................... L o nd..................................................................1........ Saratoga...................... 1................................................................ 14...... Schenectady....... I............. 1...................... 5...... ~.... Schoharie......... I...................................................... Schuyler................................... S e eckand..................... 1................................. 1.1......... 5.............. Ste ue na.......... i........... 1...... 1............................ 1. Suffolk.......... Stuli n.............. 1 L.:.!:.............................................. Suftogal............ 6 3........................ 2........................................... Schenectva d................. 1.... 4........ 1. o....I 1...... ls hohae.......1.... 1 "............................................I........ T om pkin s................................. J..............J.................. I.............................. U lshingtoe................................ 2..................... W arren..............3.3.............. W astchiegton................................................................... ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..................i W Stc ester..........'......... I..............):...... W yom ing..................................................... 29........ Yatesuf....................... i............... 1........ I................ ~........... Total........... 66 _4_. 97 58 118 1 140 16 9 5 24 38 104 45 117 INDEPENDENT COMPANIES "r' T' SHARPSHOOTERS. OTHER REGIMENTS. Io COUNTIES- I.... 1'......I 1. 6. 7. ^ || " ^ ~ r Alan...... Albany.......... 1..................... 27............ 17 ^ llegany.....~~~~.............................................. 10.................. 1...... is I.... 1 1 B room e........................................................... 10......................... 13.......... I Cattaraugus,...................................................... I...... 10..................... 12 1 1... 8 Cayuga........................................................:........ 18.....:.............. 10 2.... 2 1 Chautauqua............................ I......'........................ 38 5........ 6 Chem uns...................... 7........................ 7 2............ Chen ngo....................................'.......... 13.............. 1 12 4 3,. 1 Wyoingo................................ 21................ 26 10...i Colu bia............................................1....:2.............. Cortland ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ 2'...........'...........,...'...... 1.................... 8 2...... Erie~...................................... 5............ 6 7 1.. E s s e x...'....................................... 1 9.....................,2......... Franklin ~~~~~~1....~................................ 3............ 8 3.... H e k m r......................................... 16...... 1...t.. K ings,,,:,... ~.....,........................................... 66 1........... 37..~..... 3 Livin-agu st n............................... 2.................. -.. M onroe~~~~~~~ ~........................................... 4.............. 25 1..... 5 Neo Y r................. 1.......................... 1...' 2 1" / 2..... 12 Niagara~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~l................................... 27::................ 1 1.......2 CO mnei a... g............................. 3........... 1.... 18 5:.. O n n ag..... 1............................ 0...........'... ~........... Chntario...................................... 22..........'...... 15... 0 2 O an e................................ 26...... 1........... 14 2... Orleans~~~ ~~........................... 1.... I........... 1 8 2.... 1 Oolum~i~.........1 722 APPENDIX. REGIMENTS TO WHICH DECEASED BELONGED-(CONTINUED). INDEPENDENT COMPANIES OTHER R?7IMETS. 0 SHARPSHOOTERS. OTHER REGIMENTS. COUNTIES.. c |^| It co~,~~ ~ ~:l S ^ I S; | t ^ ^ I ____________ ____ ____. 5 ~ 7Sg ~ ^ 5 ^ 0~~ Oswego................................................J.......... 48....................... 14 I1 6.... 1 4 Otsego................................................................. 25......I............ 1 14 7.... 2 3 Putnam........................................ |............ I............ 5................. 4 I........ 1 oueens.........................................o...........|......... 35........................ Queenssel er,.................................................................. I I.... 1 6 R ec mnss l e......................................1......................... 83......|................... 3 25....... 3 R ich mond...............................................9........................5...... 8........ 3 RockLa rn ce..................................................... 73.................. 1 3 83....:r o a.................................... St. Lawrence....................................1....................... 11...................... 1................ Sarao gari...................................... |........................ 129............... 1 3 | 2........... SchPu e ta............................................................6 I............... Schoh iee............................................................. 1.................... 3............ Schuye r...........................................|............................ 4.....1.... Senseclaer....................... 4 15 S ullivan......................................|............................................. 5........... Tioga...........2............ 1. Suffo lpk.............................................. I........ 4 Sulliva..............................I............!..!... 3!.................I.......5 1....6 4 ~oarren........................ si no n.....................::::::::::..................i'...... 1..........:. To in s...................................... 5.... 5 2 U Steratg........'.......................'.21 Schenectady ~~........ 3 j...................... 6 8coar ien....................... ]........................ 3:...............!!1....... W asthington......................!............................. 431.................. 1 33 3.......... W ayomne.......................................................... 13 I............1............ 9 7 2...... 1 W Stchuyler...........'........................ I...... 43............... I3....... S 1o 0.............................' "..... Suer,.......... 0::::::... ~ omi.....17......... 9 7....... I Y ates..................................................................|............ 8 6............ Total........ 4 3 9 1 1:5:7:1 1,438 1 1 6 18 802 181 12 59 159 Wa y n e __ _ _.-.... _ _ _ __ - ^ _. - _ _. _., SUMMARY OF ENLISTMENTS IN REGIMENTS, ETC., OF OTHER STATES, OR OF THE UNITED STATES, BY PERSONS CLAIMED AS HAVING BEEN RESIDENTS OF NEW YORK STATE. [This summar}? includes those reported by their families as having died in the military or naval service of the United States, or from wounds or disability acquired while in said service.] ARKANSAS.-3 C., 1. I., 1; 103 I., 1; 113 L., 2; 120 I., 1; 177 I., 1. 6 B., 1. 3 C., 2. UnCALIFORNIA.-2 I., 2. Unknown, 1. known, 1. CONNECTICUT.-1 I., 4; 2 L., 8; 5 I., 8; 6 I., 5; 7 I., 7; 8 I., 4; 9 T., 3; OREGON.-1 I., 1. 10 I., 3; 11 I., 5; 12 I., 1; 13 I., 2; 14 I., 6; 15 I., 1; 17 I., 4; 18 I., 3; PE~NSYLVANA.-1 I., 3; 2 I., 2; 4 T., 1; 5 I., 1; 6 I., 4; 7 I., 2; 10 19 I, 1; 20 I, 1; 21 I., 4; 26., 1; 28 I., 4; 29 I., 7; 31 I., 2; 38 I, 1. I.)3; 11 T, 1; 12 I., 1; 13 I., 1; 14 I, 1; 16 I., 1; 17 I., 1; 22 I., 1; 29 2 A., 8. 1C., 4. Unknown, 1. I., 2; 36 I., 1; 49 I., 1; 53 I., 2; 56 I., 2; 58 I., 1; 67 I., 1; 71 I., 4; 72 DELAWVARE.-4 I., 1. IT. 1; 76 I., 3; 78 I., 1; 81 I., 2; 83 I., 5; 85 I., 1; 86 I., 1; 93 I., 1; 97 TLLINOIS.-21., 1;71., 18TL, 8;91 9 T. 111T., 1. 12 I., 1; 14 I., 9 T., 1; 102 I., 1; 105 I., 3; 111 I., 8; 116 I., 1; 118 I., 1; 119 I., 1; 121 5I., 1; 17 I 1; 19 T 2; 21 T 1; 23 T 1; 3 T 2; 3 4 9. 2; 3 6 1. 2. 12 T., 1; 19T 1; It' 1 I.,L) 132 I., 2, 136 I., 1; 141 I, 13. 145.o i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.,2 122I.,; 129 I,-(., 1; 1301.1, 00 132 I,; 136' I.,100 141,1 1,45 i oi mT1 n 1 37I., 1; 39 I., 2; 41 T., 1; 42 I., 2; 43 I., 1; 45 I., 1; 47 I.,4; 50 I.. 1; V'PI1PT P9 9^<2 721.1 1; 3 9 L,2; 4131,12; 431I., 1; 45 L, 1; 9 7 I., 1; 211 I., 2. 1 A., 3. 2 C., 52I., 2; 753I., 1; 764I., 1; 7851.,1; 889I., 1; 91 I., 2, 72 I.,2; 951I., 1; ~ 0c eevs ils.Ukon2 4; 5 C., 1; 11 C., 4; 12 C., 1; 13 C.-,2; 14 C., 2; 15 C., 1; 16 C., 1; IS 521.,21; 753I., 1; 546I., 1; 78 I., 3; 598I., 1; 69 I.,21; 72 I., 2; 751., 1; C C. 1; 20 C., 1. Reserves, 3 1 Rifles, 7. Unknown 2. 96 I.,I; 97 I., 1; 99 I., 1; 102 I., 1; 105 I., 1; 108 I., 1; 113 I., 1; 126 RnODEIsLAND-2I,2; 4 I.,1; 5 I, 1; 7I., 1; 11 I., 5; 14 I.,11. I, 3; 129 I., 1; 134 I., 1; 142 I., 1; 145 I., 1; 146 I., 1; 161 I, 1. 3 3A., 1; 5 A., 1; 8 A., 1;? A., 1. 1 B., 1; 10 B., 1. 2 C., 1. UnA_.I 1. 4 C.5 l; 11 C, 2;? C.) 1. Unknown, 7. known, 1. INDIANA.-8 I., 1; 9 I., 1; 11 I., 2; 12 I., 1; 30 I., 1; 52 L., 1; 56 I., TENNESSEE.-5 I., 1; 6 I., 1. 1; 92 I., 1; 100 I., 1; 123 I., 1. 8 B., 1. 9 C., 1. V~rMoNT-1I,R3; 2, 4.,4\4; 5 I,1; 6I., 6; 7I., 11; 8I,1; IOWA.-I I., 1; 2 I., 2; 3 I., 3; 5 I., 1; 9 I., 1; 11 T., 1; 12 I., 2; 13 9 I, 2; 10 I, 3; 11 I., 3; 13 I., 1; 14 I, 2; 17 I., 2; 18 I, 1. B, 1. I.,1; 23I.,1; 24I., 2; 261.,1; 391,1; 40I.,1. 9C.,1. Unknown, 2. 1 C., 8. Unknown, 1. KANSAS.-I I., 1. 6 C., 1. WEST VIRGINIA.-2 I., 1. KENTUCKY.-23 I., 1. WISCONSIN.-1 I., 2; 3 I., 2; 4 I., 1; 5 I., 2; 6 I., 1; 7 I., 2; 8 I., 2. 9 I., 1; 10 I., 4; 11 L, 2; 13 L, 1; 14 I., 2; 16 I., 2; 18 T., 3; 21 I. 1I Lou1S -2 I., 1.171^ 22 L, 3; 23 T., 2; 24 L, 1; 25 I., 2; 26 L, 1; 27 I., 1; 28 I., 1; 29 L' 2' MAINE.-o I., 1; 5 I., 1; 17 I., 3. 3 3 30 I., 3; 33TI.,71; 37.,1. I1C.),5; 20., 4; 5 C., 1;? C.-,1. Unknown, 2. MARYLAND.-14 I., 1; 20 I., 1. 4 C., 1. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA-1 C, 1. MASSACHUSETTS.-I I., 3; 2 I., 7; 4 L, 1; 5 I., 1; 6 I., 1; 7 I., 2; 9 I., TED STATES INFANTRY-1st, 5; 2d, 8; 3d, 4; 4th, 5; 5th, 7; 6th, 2; 11 L, 4; 15,2; 19I.,2; 20 I.,T1; 22I,1; 27I.,3; 28 T.,2; 29 T, 3; 7th, 3; 8th, 2; 10th, 2; 11th, 9; 12th, 22; 14th, 17; 15th, 1; 16th, 7; 2; 30IT., 5; 32IT., 1; 33 I., 7; 136T., 2; 44IT., 1; 47 L., 1; 49I1., 1; 50 I.,17h4;8t,.Nospcfe,; 1; 51 l~l!^I::S~ofct^.::^ K ~ i::^^ ^^ 7th, 4; 185, 2. Not specified, 4; 3; 51 I.C 2; 52 I., 2; 54nI.,o3n 5 6 I., 2; 5 7 I -, 5; 5 9 L, 2 A 4. C., UNITED STATES ARTILLERY. —1st, 4; 4 th, 1; 5 th, 1; 6th, 1; 11th, 3. 3; 4 C., 2; 5 C., 2. Unknown, 5. Ntseiid1 MICIIGAN.-lII., 7; 2I., 8; 31., 1; 4I.,4; 5 I., 4; 6 I., 5; 7 I., 8; U.T1 S S CAALY - o 0d o 3d, 1 4t, 1 5h o 6t, 9 8 I., 5; 9 I, 3; 10 I., 2; 11 I., 2; 13 I., 1; 14 I., 1; 15 I., 1; 16 I., 2; 17 t 1; STAE 1. 2; spdchfe, I., 1; 18 I., 2; 20 I., 1; 21 I., 1; 24 I., 1; 25 I., 2; 26 I., 2; 27 I., 3; 30 I., 1. 6 A., 1. 11 B., 1. i C., 4; 3 C., 1; 4 C., 1; 6 C., 5; 7 C., 1; 10 UNITED STATES SHARP SHOOTERS.-1st, 22; 2d, 3. Not stated, 11. C., 1;? C., 1. Unknown, 3. MARINE CORPS-3. MINNESOTA.-2 I., 3; 5 I., 2; 9 I., 3; 11 I., 1. 3 B., 1;? B., 1. 2 E\GIN EERS- 1. C., 1. 1 Engineers, I. CADETS-1. MIssIssIPPI.-8 I., 1. ARTISANS —2. MIssouiRI —5 I., 1; 6 I., 1, 7 I., 1; 8 I., 1; 11 I., 1; 25 I., 1. 2 C., 1. HOSPITAL NURSES-2. NEW HAtMPSIsRE.-2 i., 2; 3 I., 4; 5 I., 5; 6 I., 1; 7 I., 4; 11 1., 1; POST BVND-1. 12 I, 2; 14 I., 1; 15 I., 1; 21 I., 1; 26 I., 1. 1 C., 1. Unknown, 1. NEW JERSEY.-I I., 2; 2 21. 1; 4 L, 1; 5 I., 4; 7 I, 2; 8 I., 6; 9 I., 4; TEA SAES COLOE-1s6 I U-N1TD STATES COLORtED. —lst, 3; 2d, 1; 4th, 1; 6th, 3; 7th, 2; 8th, 11 I., 1; 13 L., 1; 14 T., 2; 15 L., 2; 16 L., 1; 19 T., 3; 22 T., 1; 28 L.,1 33 I I 40 I A5 I4 It I - I 4% 1i C1 " 201 302 Unknown I 2; 11th, 2; 20th, 18; 21st, 1; 24th, 2; 26th, 11; 29th- 1; 31st, 4; 36th, 331.,2J, 40 1;, 1,5^I 4. 1C0. 1; 2C0. 1; 3C 2.. Unknown, 2. 3t,1Unow,4 OaIo. —1 I., 1; 4 I., 1; 7 I., 4; 8 I., 2; 10 I., 1; 14 T., 1; 22 I., 1; 25 CLRDCY IY 3 L, 1; 26 I., 1; 46 I., 1; 55 I., 2; 66 I., 1; 78 I., 1; 83 I., 1; 84 I., 1; 95 CLRDLVLI Oi (723) PLACES OF BURIAL OF THOSE WHO HAVE DIED IN THE MILITARY OR NAVAL SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES DURING THE LATE WAR, OR FROM WOUNDS OR SICKNESS ACQUIRED WHILE IN SUCH SERVICE, AS REPORTED BY THE FAMILIES TO WHICH THE DECEASED BELONGED. Place of burial. Number. Place of burial. Number. Place of burial. Number. Place of burial. Number. Place of burial. Number. Academy, Va........ i Baldwin, N. Y....... 4 Bloomington, 111..... I Camp Bell.......... i Central Square, N. Y.. 1 Adams, N. Y........ 13 Baldwinsville, N. Y.. 7 Blue Ridge Bluff, Va. 3 Campbell, N. Y...... 3 Centreville, La....... 1 Addison, N. Y....... 4 Ball's Bluff, Va...... 5 Bolivar, N. Y........ 3 Campbell Hos., D. C. 6 Centreville, N. Y..... 9 Afton, N. Y........ 2 Ballston Spa., N. Y.. 20 Bolivar Heights, Va.. 11 Camp Bliss......... 1 Centreville, Va...... 17 Akron, N. Y........ 5 Baltimore, Md....... 171 Bolton, N. Y........ 4 Camp Butler........ I Champ Hills........ 1 Alabama (place not Barancas, Fla........ 1 Boonsborough, Md... 3 Camp Chase, 0...... 1 Champion N. Y...... 3 specified)......... 3 Bangor, N. Y........ 2 Boonville, N.Y.... 8 Camp Church, Va.... 1 Champlain, N.Y..... 4 Alabama, N.Y...... 1 Barbersville, Ky..... 1 Borodino, N. Y...... 1 Camp Clarkson...... I Chancellorville, Va... 180 -Albany, N.Y....... 99 Barker, N. Y........ 5 Boston, Mass........ 4 Camp Cross, Texas... 1 Chantilly, Va....... 5'Albany Cem~et'y, N.Y. 11 Bark's Ford, Va..... 1 Boston, N. Y....... 4 Camp Dennison, 0... 2 Chapel Point, Md.... 1 Albany German Ceme- Barnes Corners, N. Y. 3 Bottoms Bridge, Va.. 7 Campfield........... 1 Chapin's Farm, Va... 33 tery, N. Y......... 3 Barnegat, N. Y...... 1 Boughton Hill....... 1 Camp Ford, Texas... 2 Charity Hospital.... 1 Albion, N. Y........ 17 Barre, N. Y......... 3 Boulton Station...... 1 Camp Getty, Va..... 2 Charles City C. H., Va. 5 Aldie, Va........... 1 Barrington, N. Y.... 4 Bonnett Carre, La.... 16 Camp UGriffin, Va.... 6 Charles Co., Md..... 1 Alexander, N. Y..... 5 Barryville, N. Y..... 1 Bowling Green, Ky.. 2 Camp Griffith....... 1 Charleston, S. C..... 56 Alexander, Tenn...... 1 Barton, N. Y........ 4 Boylston, N. Y...... 2 Camp Gross........ 1 Charleston, Va....... 3 Alexandria, N. Y...-. 10 Batavia, N. Y....... 12 Boynton Road, Va... 2 Camp Harrison, Va.. 1 Charlestown, Mass... 1 Alexandria, Va..... 387 Batchelor's C'k, Va.. 21 Bradford, N. Y...... 6 Camp Haskins, Va... 1 Charlestown, N. Y... 5 Alfred, N. Y........ 4 Bath, Md........... 1 Bradford Co., Pa..... 2 Camp Hopkins...... 1 Charlotte, N. Y...... 2 Allen, N. Y.......... 2 Bathesda Church, Va. 2 Branch City........ 1 Camp Huber, La..... 1 Charlotte, N. C.... 2 Allegany, N. Y...... 9 Baton Rouge, La..... 203 Branchport, N. Y.... 4 Camp Jessie, Va...... 1 Charlton, N. Y...... 4 Algiers, La.......... 1 Battle-field, Va..... 25 Brandon; N.Y....... 4 Camp Lawton, Ga.....3 Chase Farm, Va..... 1 Alma, N. Y......... 3 Battle-field (not speci- Brandt, N. Y........ 3 Camp Love......... 1 Chase River......... 1 Almond, N.Y....... 4 fied)............. 27 Brandy Station, Va.. 26 Camp Lowell, Va.... 2 Chateaugay, N. Y.... 2 Altay, N. Y......... 1 Baxter's Farm, Va... 1 Brandywine, Pa.... 1 Camp McKenzie, Miss. 1 Chatham, N. Y...... 9 Alton, N. Y......... I Bay Cemetery, N. Y.. 2 Brashear City, La.... 46 Camp Mansfield.... I Chatham's Farm, Val. 1 Altona, Tenn........ 2 Bayou Boeuf, La..... 1 Brasher, N. Y...... 16 Camp Parapet....... 4 Chattanooga, Tenn... 109 Altoona, Pa......... 1 Bayou —, La.... 1 Brazil City, Ark..... 1 Camp Morris........ 1 Chaumont, N. Y..... 1 Amber, N. Y........ 1 Bay Point, S. C..... 1 Breesport, N. Y.... 2 Camp Nelson, Ky.... 1 Chautauqua Co., N.Y. 9 Amboy, N. Y........ 6 Bealton, Va......... 1 Breuzie, Miss........ 1 Camp Scott......... 1 Chazy, N. Y......... 9 Amelia C. H., Va.... 2 Beaufort, N. C. 14 Brewerton, N. Y. 8 8 Camp Shaw......... 1 Chemung, N. Y...... 2 Amenia, N.Y....... 4 Beaufort, S. C.......91 Bridge Hampton, N.Y. 4 Camp Stoicon........ 1 Chenango, N.Y...... 6 Americus, Ga....... 1 Beaumont, N. C..... 2 Bridgeport, Ala...... 9 Camp Stoneman, Va.. 8 Cherry Creek, N. Y.. 7 Amity, Allegany Co., Beaver Dams. N. Y.. 1 Bridgeport, N. Y..... 3 Camp Stone, B.C.... I Cherry Valley, N.Y.. 4 N. Y............. 4 Bedford, Pa......... 1 Bridgeville, N. Y.... 3 Camp Suffolk, Va.... 1 Chester, Orange Co., Amity, Saratoga Co., Bedford Hospital.... 1 Brighton, Franklin Co. Camp Sumpter, Ga... 7 N. Y.............. 3 N. Y............. I Bedloe's Island, N.Y. I N. Y............. 4 Camp Washington... I Chester, Warren Co., Amsterdam, N. Y.... 10 Beekmantown, N. Y.. 2 Brighton, Monroe Co., Camp Wool, Md..... 6 N. Y............. 8 Ancram, N.Y....... 4 Belfast, N. Y........ 10 N. Y.......... I Camp York......... I Chester, Pa......... 3 Andersonville, Ga.... 867 Belle Island, Va..... 30 Bristol, N. Y........ 6 Canaan, N.Y........ 4 Chesterfield, Va.......3 Andes, N. Y......... 6 Belle Plain, Va...... 30 Bristol, Pa.......... 8 Canada............. I Chester Station, Va.. 4 Angelica, N. Y....... 5 Bellfour Hospital.... 1 Bristow Station, Va.. 17 Canadice, N. Y...... 4 Chestnut Hill, Pa.... 6 Annapolis, Md....... 199 Bellona, NN. Y........ 8 Broadalbin, N.Y..... 2 Canajoharie, N. Y.... I Chittenango, N.Y.... 2 Antietam, Md....... 181 Bellville Hospital.... 1 Brockport, N. Y..... 11 Canandaigua, N. Y... 24 Chicago, II1......... 22 Antioch Church, Va.. 1 Beltsville, Md....... 2 Brock's Station...... 1 Canasaraga, N. Y.... 3 Chickahominy, Va... 12 Antwerp, N. Y...... 11 Bendersville, Pa..... ] Brookfield, N. Y..... 10 Candor, N. Y........ 6 Chickamauga, Tenn.. 6 Appomatox C. H., Va. 3 Bennettsburgh, N. Y. 1 Brookhaven, N. Y.... 1 Caneadea, N. Y...... 6 Chili, N. Y.......... 2 Aquia Creek, Va..... 39 Bennettsville, N.Y... 2 Brooklyn, N. Y...... 54 Cane River Crossing, China, N. Y......... 1 Argusville, N. Y.. 1 Bennington, N. Y.... 7 Brooks Station, Va... 7 La............... I Churchville, N. Y.... 5 Argyle, N. Y........ 9 Benton, N. Y........ 9 Broome Co., N. Y.... 1 Canisteo, N. Y....... 1 Cicero, N. Y......... 6 Arkansas (place not Benton Row......... 1 Brownville, N. Y..... 11 Cannelton, Va....... 1 Cincinnatus, N. Y.... 1 specified)......... 3 Bentonville, Va....... 1 Brunswick, N. Y..... 4 Cainonsville, N.Y... 4 City Point Cemt'y, Va. 279 Arlington Heights, Va. 88 Bergen, N. Y........ 5 Brutus, N. Y........ 1 Canoga, N. Y........ 2 Clarence, N. Y....... 7 Arm ory Square Hos- Berkley Springs, Va.. Brn,. V - 6 Canton, N. Y........ 8 Clarence, S. C-....... 1 ~pital, D. C........ 6 Berkshire, N. Y..... 6 Budd's Ferry, Md.... 1 Cape Htenry, Va..... 2 Clarendon, N. Y..... 4 Arvoca, Ga......... 1 Berlin, N. Y......... 8 Buffalo, N. Y........ 31 Cape Vincent, N. Y.. 3 Claring-ton, Pa....... 1 Ashby's Gap, Va..... 3 Bermuda Hundred, Va. 31 Buffets Prison....... 1 Carlisle, N. Y....... 4 Clarkson, N. Y...... 8 Ash Grove Gem., Md. 1 Berne, N. Y......... 8 Bull Run, Va........ 237 Carlisle, Pa......... 1 Clarkstown, N. Y.... 3 Ashland, N. Y....... 1 Berryfield, Va....... 1 Buralert, N. Y....... 1 Carlton, N. Y........ 2 Clarksville, Pa...... 3. Ashland, Va........ 1 Berryville, Va........ 7 Bunker Htill, Ira..... 1 Carmel, N. Y........ 6 Clarksville; Termn..... 2 Ashville, N. Y....... 1 Berwick City, La.... 5 Bunker!Hill, Md..... 2 Caroline, N. Y....... 8 Clary ville, Md........ 1 Aspenwall.......... 1 ielnL..... Burke, N. Y......... 1 Carroll, N. Y........ 4 Clavecrack, N. Y...... 3 Atchafalaya It., La... 1 Bethany, N. Y...... 2 Burk Station, Va.... 1 Carrolton, La...... 7 Claverville, Md...... 1 Athens, N. Y........ 1 Bethel, N. Y....... 4 Burksville, Va....... 8 Carrolton, N. Y...... 4 Clay, N. Y.......... 1 Athes, a........ 2 Bethel Church, Va.. 2 Burlington, N. Y..... 10 Cartersville, Ga..... 2 Clayton,:N. Y....... 1 Athens, Tenn........ 1 Bethlehem, N. Y..... 4 Burns, N. Y......... 1 Carthage, N. Y...... 3 Clayville, N. Y...... 1 Atlanta, Ga......... 98 Beverly, N. Y........ 1.Burnt Hills, N. Y.... 3 Carver Hospital, D.C. 3 Clear Spring tics., Md. 2 Attica, N. Y......... 8 Beverly Ford, ~a.... 4 Burroh's Ford, Va... 1 Cassvillc, Mo........ 2 Cleavehmnd, 0........ 2 At sea.............. 103 Beverly ttosp., N. J.. 11 Bush Land.......... ] Castile, N. Y........ 3 Cleaveland, Termn..... 1 Auburn, N. Y....... 23:Big Flats, N. Y..... 1 Busti, N. Y......... 5 Castle Creek, Va..... 1 Clermont, N. Y...... 3 Auburn, ~a......... 1 Binghaimton, N. Y... 15 ZButler, N. Y........ 7 Cattaraugus Co., N.Y. 2 Clifton Park, N.Y... 1 Augur Itospital,.... 2 Birds Point, Me..... 2 Cairo, 11....... 6 Catharine, N. Y... 5 C1liton Springs, N. Y. 2 Augusta, N. Y....... 6 Black Brook, N. Y... 3 Cairo, N. Y.......... 2 Callell Station, V;a. 2 Clinton Co., N. Y.... 3 Aurora, N. Y........ 9 Blackburns Ford, Va. 1 Caiway Isle.......... 2 Carlin, N. Y......... 3 Clock ville, N. Y...... 1 Ausablc, N.Y....... 2 Bla~ck Creek, N. Y5... 8 Caldwell, N. Y...... 8 Ca~to, N. Y.......... 1 Cloud's Station, Va.. 2 Austcrlitz, N. Y..... 1 Black Water, Va.... 3 California............ 1 Catch, N.Y..... 6 Cloves tHill, Va...... 1 Averysburgh........ 2 Blackwcll's Is. N.Y.. 7 Calvary Cemet'y, N.Y. 38 Catskill, N. Y........ 1 Clyde, N. Y.......... 6 Aveca, N. Y.......,. 11 Blacks & Whites, Va.. 2 Cambria, N. Y....... 5 Cayuga Co., N. Y.... 3 Clymcr, N. Y........ 7 Avon, N. Y......... 3 Bleecker, N. Y...... 1 Cambridg~e, N. Y..... 8 Cazcnovia, N. Y...... 7 Coal Htill............ 1 Backville Island, S. C. I Blicks Station..... 1 Camden, N. Y....... 13 Cedar Creek, Va..... 97 Cobb, Ga......... 1 BaconmHill.......... 1 Block House Ptc., Va. 1 Cameron, N. Y...... 2 Cedar Mountain, Va.. 26 CoblcskiU, N. Y..... 1 Bainbridge, N. Y..... 4 Blockville, N. Y..... 1 Camillus, N.Y....... 2 Cedarville, Va....... 2 Coeymans, N. Y..... 4 Bakersville, Md...... 4 -Bloomfield, N. Y..... 3 |Camp Bclger, Md.... 2 Centralia, 11Ill... 1 |Cohocton, N. Y...... 9 (72 ) APPENDIX. 725 Place of burial. Number. Place of burial. Number. Place of burial Number. Place of burial. Number. Place of burial. Number. Cohoes, N. Y........ 9 Depauville, N. Y..... 5 Falling Waters, Va... 1 Franklin, La........ 11 Greenville, Greene Colchester, N. Y..... 1 De Peyster, N. Y.... 2 Fallsburgh, N. Y..... 5 Franklin, Franklin Co. Co., N. Y......... 5 Cold Harbor, Va..... 395 Delphi, N. Y........ 1 Falls Church, Va..... 32 N. Y............. 5 Greenville, Orange Cold Spring, N.Y.... 3 De Ruyter, N. Y..... 6 Falmouth, Va........ 80 Franklin, Delaware Co., N. Y......... 1 Cole's Island, S. C... 2 Detroit, Mich........ 1 Farmer, N. Y........ 7 County, N. Y..... 9 Greenwich, N., Y... 7 Colesville, N. Y...... 6 Devaux Neck, Va... 1 Farmer's Mills, N. Y. 1 Franklin, Va........ 1 Greenwood Cemetery, Collamer, N. Y...... 1 Dexter, N. Y........ 4 Farmsville, N. Y..... 4 Franklinton, N. Y... 2 N. Y............. 95 Callicoon, N. Y...... 1 Dranesville, Va...... 1 Farmersville, Va..... 2 Franklinville, N. Y... 1 Greenwood, Steuben Collins, N. Y........ 3 Dresden, N. Y....... 2 Farmington, N. Y.... 4 Frederick City, Md... 65 Co., N. Y......... 2 Colton, N. Y........ 6 DrummondtoWn..... 1 Fauquier Co., Ya.... I Fredericksburgh Cem. 269 Greig, N. Y......... 5 Columbia, Ga........ 1 Drury's Bluff, Va.... 35 Fayette, N. Y....... 4 Fredonia, N. Y...... 2 Griffin's Corners.... 2 Columbia Hospital... 3 Dryden, N. Y....... 10 Fayetteville, N. C.... 1 Freedom, N. Y...... 5 Groton, N. Y........ 3 Columbia, N. Y...... 2 Diana, N. Y......... 2 Felts Mills, N. Y.... 1 Freeman's Station.... 1 Grove, N. Y......... 2 Columbia, S. C...... 6 Dickersonville, N. Y. I Fenner, N. Y........ I Freemont, N. Y...... 2 Grove Cemetery..... 1 Columbus, Ga....... 2 Dickinson, N. Y..... i Fernandina, Fla...... 2 Freeport, III......... 1 Groveland, N. Y..... 4 Columbus, N. Y..... 1 Dingle's Mills, S. C.. 1 Finley's Hos., D. C.. 2 Freeport, N. Y...... 3 Groveton, Va........ 3 Concord, N.Y....... 2 Dinwiddie C. I., Va. 2 Fisher's Hill, Va..... 8 Freetown, N. Y..... I Guilderland, N. Y..... 3 Conesus, N. Y....... 4 Dispatch Station, Va. 1 Fishkill, N. Y....... 5 Frey's Bush, N.Y... 3 Guilford, N. Y....... 2 Conesville, N. Y..... 1 Dix, N. Y........... 5 Five Corners, N. Y... I Friendship, N. Y.... 2 Gulf of Mexico...... 6 Connewango, N. Y... 3 Donaldsonville, La... 18 Five Forks, Va...'... 12 Friendship, Wis..... 1 Gypsum, N. Y....... 1 Conquest, N. Y...... 2'Douglass Hosp., D. C. 5 Flatbush, N. Y...... 22 Front Carmel....... 1 Hackensack, N. J.... 1 Conneaut, 0......... 1 Dover, N. Y......... 4 Fleming, N. Y....... 2 Front Royal, Va..... 4 Hadley, N. Y.........3 Connecticut (place not Downville, N. Y..... 1 Florence, S. C....... 126 Frostburg, -Md....... 1 Hagerstown, Md.... 27 specified)......... 4 Doyle's Plantation, La. 1 Florida (place not spe- Fulton, N. Y........ 10 H1ague, N. Y........ 2 Constable, N. Y..... 3 Duanesburgh, N. Y.. 2 cified)............ 22 Gaines' Mills, Va.... 73 t1alfinoon, N. Y...... 3 Constantia, N.Y..... 3 Durham, N. Y....... 1 Flushing, L I., N. Y. 10 Gainesville, N. Y.... 6 Halfway Brook, Va.. 2 Cooksburgh, N.Y.... 1 Dunkirk, N. Y...... 14 Fluvanna, N. Y...... 1 Gainesville, Va...... 13 I-all's Hill, Va..... 1 Corn Mountain, Va.. 1 Durhamville, N. Y... 1 Fly Creek, Va....... 1 Galen, N. Y......... 3 tlamburg, N. Y...... 2 Cooper's Plains, N. Y. 2 Dutch, Gap, Va...... 4 Flynn Hospital...... 1 Galesburgh, Mich.... 1 ttamden, N. Y....... 1 Cooperstown, N. Y... 10 Dutchess Co., N. Y.. 15 Folly Island, S. C.... 86 Gallatin, N. Y....... 1 Hamilton Hospt.... 1 Coosahatchie, S. C... 2 Dumfries, Va........ 1 Fondy, N. Y........ 1 Gallatin, Tenn....... 1 Hamilton, N. Y...... 12 Copake, N. Y........ 4 Dundee, N. Y....... 7 Fordham, N. Y...... 1 Gallopolia, Ohio..... 2 Ilamlin, N. Y........ 5 Copenhagen, N. Y.... 1 Eagle, N. Y......... 1 Ford Tavern, Va..... 3 Gallupsville, N. Y... 2 Hammond Hospt..... 2 Corinth, Miss........ 4 Earlville, N. Y...... 1 Forrestbuirgh, N.Y.. 1 Galveston, Texas.... 2 Hammond, N. Y..... 6 Corinth, N. Y....... 4 East Bloomfield, N. Y. 10 Forest Lawn......... 1 Galway, N. Y....... 4 IHammond Cross, Md. 1 Corning, N. Y....... 8 East Chester, N. Y... 1 Forestville, N. Y.... 4 Gas Station, Va...... 1 Haampton, N. Y...... 1 Cornwall, N. Y...... 3 East Colesville, N. Y. 1 Forestville, Va...... 1 Geddes, N. Y........ 2- t1ampton, Va........ 118 Cortland, N. Y...... 7 East Genoa, N. Y.... 1 Fort Anderson, N. C. 1 Genesee Co.-N. Y.... 3 Htamptonburgh, N. Y. 3 Cortlandville, N.Y... 9 East Hamburgh, N.Y. 3 Fort Ann, N. Y...... 4 Genesee Falls, N.Y.. 4 Hancock, Md........ 2 Coupen's Isle........ 1 East Hampton, N. Y. 1 Fort Baker, Md..... 1 Geneseo, N. Y....... 13 Hancock Station, Va.. 1 Coventry, N. Y...... 4 East Maine, N. Y.... 3 Fort Barancas, Fla... I Geneva, N. Y........ 15 Hannibal, N. Y...... 11 Covert, N. Y........ 2 East New York, N. Y. 2 Fort Bernard, Va.... 2 Genoa N. Y......... 6 Hanover, N. Y....... 11 Coving'ton, Ky....... 1 Easton, N. Y........ 1 Fort Caroline.I..... 1 Georgetown Cemetery Hanover C. I,., A'. 21 Covinfton, N.Y..... 1 East Otto, N.Y...... 4 Fort Caswell........ 1 1). C............. 47 Hanover Junction, Pa. 1 Coxsackie, N. Y..... 5 Eastport, MissN....... 1 Fort Comfort....... I2 GFt.eorgia (place not spe- Hanson Landing..... 1 Crampton Gap, Md... 7 East Windsor, N. Y.. 1 Fort Corcoran, Vat... 2 cified) 44 Harford, N. Y....... 5 Craney Island, Va... 8 Eatonville, N. Y..... 1 Fort Darling, Va.... 11 German Flats, N.Y.. 2 ttarmony, N. Y...... 9 Crawford, 0......... 1 Eckington Hospital... 1 Fort Delaware, Pa... 3 German Ford, Va.... 1 Harper's Ferrv, Va.,. 133 Crescent Hill........ 1 Eden, N. Y.......... 1 Fort Donaldson, Lat.. 5 Gerry, N. Y......... 2 Ilarpersfield, N. Y... 2 Croghan, N. Y....... 1 Edensburgh, Va...... 1 Fort Iuncan, Md.... 558 Iarrington Plantat'n, Cross Keys, Va...... 1 Edenton, N. C....... 1 Fort Edward........ 7 Glen Wild, N. Y..... 1 La............. 1 Cross Lane, 0....... 1 Edgemiont I., Fla..... 1 Fort Ethan Allen, Va. 7 Ghent, N.Y.. 2 Harrisburgrh, N. Y.. 2 Croton, N. Y........ 3 Edinburg'h, N. Y..... 4 Fort Fisner, N C.. 82 Giler' s 2 Harrisburgh, Pa.... 4 Crown Point, N. Y.. 8 Edmeston, N. Y.,. 4 Fort Gains, D. C.... 1 Gilboa, N. Y........ 4 llarrisonburgh, Va... 1 Cuba, N. Y......... 4 Edwards, N.Y...... Y Fort Gibson......... 1 Gillison's Plantation. 1 Harrison's Landing, Cuba, W. I.......... 1 Edwards Ferry, Va.. 3 Fort Gilmore........ 1 Glafford............ I Va.............. 50 Culpepper C. tI., Va. 28 Edwardsville, N. Y... 1 Fort Grieg.. 2 Glen Cove, N. Y..... 2 Hartford, N., Y...... 3 Cumberland, Md..... 6 EgYpt, N. Y......... I Fort Hamilton, N. Y. 4 Glendale, Va........ 1 Hartsville, N. Y.... 4 Cumberland, Va..... 9 Elba, N. Y.......... 3 Fort HIarrison, Va... 6 Glenns Falls. N.Y... 9 llartland, N. Y...... 6 Cuvyer, N. Y........ 4 Elbridge, N. Y....... 1 Fort Ifaskell, Va.... 1 Glenville, N. Y...... 5 Hartley, C. E...... 1 Cyprus Hill, L.I., N.Y. 69 Elice Mills, Va...... 1 Fort Hazlet......... 1 Glenwood Cemetery, Hart's Island, N. Y.. 14 Cyprus Grove Ceme- Elida, 0............ 1 Fort Hell, Va....... 1 Philadelphia, Pa... 3 Hartsville, Mo........ tery, N. 0., La..-.. 3 Elk Horn, Wis...... 1 Fort Ilenderson..... 1 Gloucester Point, Va. 6 tlartwick, N. Y...... 1 Diacotah............ 2 Elk Ridge, Va....... 2 Fort Renry......... 1 Gloversville, N. Y.... 8 Ilarvarid, N. Y....... 1 Dale, N. Y.......... 1 Elktown, Md........ 1 Fort Jackson, La.... 3 Goldsborough, N. C.. 11 ilarwood Ilospt..... 4 Dallas, Ga.......... 25 Ellenburgh, N. Y.... 7 Fort Jefferson, Fla... 4 Golgotha, Ga........ 1 atcher's Run, Va... 47 Dallas, Va.......... 2 Ellicott's Mills, Md.. 1 Fort Jervis, Fla..... 1 Good Ground, N. Y.. 1 ftatteras, N. C...... 13 Dalton, Ga.......... 2 Ellicottsville, N.Y... 4 Fort Kearney, D. C.. 2 Gordonso N. Y...... 1 Havana, N.Y....... 2 Danby, N. Y........ 7 Ellisburgh, N. Y..... 12 Fort Keyes Hospital.. 2 Gordonsville, Tenn... 2 ilaverstraw, N. Y.... 7 Danfield, Ga..'....... 2 Ellswortch, N. Y..... 1 Fort Lyon, Va....... 1 Gordonsville, Va..... 10 tHaw'e de Grace, MId.. 2 Danfuskie Isle, S. C.. 1 Elma, If. Y......... 4 Fort Leavenw'th, Ark. 2 Gorhanm, N. Y....... 15 tHawkinsvi~le, N. Y... 2 Dansville, N. Y...... 11 Elmira, N. Y........ 55 Fort MeGruder, Ira.. 5 Oouverneur, N.Y.... 4 Ilawley Springs..... i Danville, Ga......... 1 Elizabethton, Ky.... 1 Fort ~Metenry, MId.. 10 Governor's Is., N. Y.. 5 Ilebron, N. Y....... 3 Danville, K~y........ 2 Elizabethtown, N. Y. 9 Fort Macon, N. C.... 1 Gow'mda, N. Y...... 3 tielena, Ark......... 2 Danville, Tenn....... 1 Emerald tHospital.... 1 Fort M1ansfield...... 1 |Grafton, N. Y....... 2 itellena............. i Danville, Va..... 71 |Emoryttos. B.G.,D.C. 4 Fort Marshall.....'.. 1 |Graffton, Va.......... 4 lHemmingsford, Va... 1 Darbytown Road, Va. 3 |Ephratah, N. Y...... 6 Fort Mercer..........1 i G rahanl's Creek, S. C. 1 Hempstead, N. Y.... 5 Darien, N. Y........ 5 IErie Co., N. Y....... 5 Fort 5lyers.......... 1 |Granby, N. Y....... 4 ttenderson, N. Y..... 8 IDarnstown, Md..... 2 Erin, N. Y.......... 2 ]Fort Piekens, Fla.... 2 IGranger, N. Y....... 5 Itemrietta, N. Y...... 5 Davenport, Iowa.... l Erwin, N. Y......... 4 Fort Pillow......... 1 IGrant's Hos., N. Y... 2 Ilerkimer, N. Y...... 8 Davenport, N. Y..... 2!Esperance, N. Y..... 2 Fort Plain, N. Y..... 61i Granville, N. Y...... 4 i:ermitage, N. Y..... 1 David's Island, N. Y. 49 |Essex Co., N. Y..... 5 Fort Pulaski, G a..... 1I Gravel Run, Va...... 5 H~ermitagje Plantation, ])avisoh's Plantation, |Etna, N. Y.......... 1 Fort }landall........ 1 (I ravescnd, N. Y..... 2 Miss.............. 3 Va................ 1 |Evans, N. Y......... 9 Fort lieno, 1). C...... 2 Gray Mill, Va........ 1 liefmen, N. Y....... 7 Daw's.Corners...... 1!Evans Mills, N. Y.... 2 Fortress Monroe, Va. 234 IGreat Bridge, Va.... 1 Ileuvelton, N. Y...... 12 Day, N. Y.......... 1 IEva~nsville, Ind...... 1 Fort ]lingold........ 3 Great Valley, N.Y... 2 IHighland Mills, N.Y. 2 Dayton, N. Y........ 2 Evergreen Cem., N.Y. 8 Fort Schuyler, N. Y.. 21 Greece, N. Y.,....... 2 Itillsboro', Va........ 1 Deansville, N. Y..... 2 Eversbore', N. C..... 1 Fort Smith, D. C.... 1 Greenbush, N. Y..... 7 Hill Top, Md......... 1 Decatur, N. Y....... 1 Exeter, N. Y........ 1 Fort Steadma~n...... 4 Greene, N. Y........ 2 IfHilton Head, S. C.... 103 Deep Bottom, Va.... 20 Fabius, N. Y........ 6 Fort Stevens, D. C... 10 |Greene Co., N. Y.,... 2 IiHmneth, N. Y....... 2 Deep Creek, Va... 1 Fairfax Cemetery, Va. 13 Fort Sireonz, Va.... 1 |Greensbor', MId.....'2 IHa's adn.. Deerfi;Jd, N. Y...... 2 |Fairfax C. II., Va.... 47 Fortsville, N. Y...... 1 Greensburgh, N. Y... 3 |Holland, N. Y........ 1 DC Kaib, N. Y....... 15!Fairfiax Seminary, Va. 18 Fort Waaner, S. C... 2 Green's Cliff, Va.... 1 | Holly, Mich..... 1 Delani, NY....... 1 Fairfi./[, N. Y....... 4 tFort Warren, Mass.. 1 Greenfield, N. Y...... 12 |Holy Cross Cemetery, Delaware City....... 1 Fair Oaks, Va........ 140 SFort Washington, MId. 2 |Green Lots.......... 2 | N. Y............. 2 Delaware Co., N. Y.. 2 Fairmount, Va....... 2 I Fort Winda, Ga..... 1 I Gree-nport, N. Y..... 21 Ieomr, N. Y......... 14 Delhi, N. Y..... 6 IFait'port, N. Y....... 1! Fowlimr, X. Y.... 5 | Green's S~ettlement, i Honey Hill, S. C... 16 Denmark, N.Y... 6 |Fairville, Pa........ 1 I F'rankofrt, N. Y...10 I N. Y....... 5 |iloneoyo F'alis, N. Y.. 3 726 APPENDIX. Place of burial. Number. Place of burial. Number. Place of burial. Number. Place of burial. Number. Place of burial. Number. Hope, N. Y......... 2 Kinderhook, N. Y.... 4 Luther Creek........ I Milton, Sar. Co., N. Y. 6 New Scotland, N. Y.. 4 Hope Cemetery, Steu- Kingsbury, N. Y.... 2 Lyme, N. Y......... 5 Mincden, N.Y........ 2 New Town, Va...... 10 ben Co., N. Y.... 3 Kings county, N.Y.. 10 Lynchburgh, Va. 7 M.ine Run, Va....... 6 New Utrecht, N. Y... 2 Hope Landing, Va.... 5 King's Ferry, N. Y... 3 Lyndenville, N.Y.... 1 inerva, N.Y....... 3 New Vernon, Pa..... Hopkinton, N. Y..... 5 Kingston, Ga........ 7 Lyndon, N,. Y........ 7 Mfississippi (place not New AWindsor, N. Y.. 3 Horicon, N.Y...... 2 Kingston, N. Y...... 10 Lyons, N. Y......... 11 specified)......... 11 New Woodstock, N.Y. 1 Itornby, N. Y....... 9 Kingston, N. C...... 5 Lysander, N. Y...... 6 Missionary Ridge.... 1 New York, N. Y..... 166 Hornellsville, N. Y... 5 Kirkland, N. Y...... 9 McDonough, N. Y.... 4 Missouri (place not NNew York Bay CemeHorseheads, N. Y... 2 Kirkwood, N. Y...... 4'McDowell Hospital... 2 specified)......... 2 tery.............. 1 Noerton Town,....... 1 Knowlsville, N. Y.. 2 5lacedon, N.Y....... 3 Mobile, Ala.........18 New York Mills, N.Y. 1Iounsfield, N. Y..... 5 Knox, N. Y......... 7 cLean, N. Y....... 5 N..onra, NY......... Norfolk, N. Y....... 3 Howard, N. Y....... 11 Knoxville, Tenn. 11. McNalo Grove. I Monelet............ 1 Norfolk, Ya........48 Howlett Mill, N.Y... I Kortwright, N. Y.... 1 5Iacomb, N. Y....... 3 $ Mon 1 aup Valley, N.Y. 3 Normanda, Term..... Hudson, N. Y....... 15 La Fargeville, N.Y... 1 Macon, Ga.......... 5 Mouoccacy, d...... 34 Northampton, N. Y.. 3 ihghsonville, N. Y... 1 Lafayette, N. Y...... 9 Mladison, Ind........ 4 5ionroe, N. Y........ 5 North Ann, Va...... 4 HUm11e, N. Y......... 2 Lafourch Cross'g, La., 1 Madison, Wis......,onsy, ind... 1 North Benton, N. Y.. 3 uhmphrey, N. Y..... 1 Lairdsville, N. Y..... 2 Madrid, N. Y........ 7 M[ontgomery, Ala.... 1 North Branch, N. Y.. 1 Humphries' Farm... 1 Lake City, Fla....... 1 )Magnolia Cemnet'y, 111. 1 Montgomery, N. Y... 3 North Carolina (not Hunter, N. Y........ 6 Lake Mahopc, N.Y.. 1 M Iagnolia, N. C...... 1 Monticello, N. Y..... specified).........23 11untington, N. Y.... 3 La'ke Michigan....... 1 Maine, N. Y......... 5 Montour, N. Y...... I North Castle, N. Y... 5 Huntsville, Ala...... 1 Lakeview Cemetery, iMaine Bridge, N.Y.. 3 Mooers, N. Y........ 9 North Collins, N.Y.. 3 Hurley, N. Y........ 3 Jamestown, N. Y.. 3 Mailden Bridge, N. Y. 1 Moravia, N. Y....... 9 Northeast, N. Y..... Huron, N. Y........ 9 Lakewood Cemetery.. 1 Malone, N. Y........ 7 Morgan's Bend, Miss. 1 North Dansville, N. Y.11 Hyde Park, N. Y.... 2 Lamb's Corners, N.Y. 4 M!alta, N. Y........ 3 Mon-anzia, La....... 26 North Hector, N. Y.. Illinois (place not spe- Lancaster, N. Y...... 3 Malvern Hill, Va.. 406 5orehead City, N. C. 8 North Hludson, N.Y.. 1 cified)............ 5 Lansing, N. Y....... 5 Manassas Junc, Va... 27 oriah, N. Y........ 7 North Mfountain, Va..10 Independence, N.Y.. 1 Lansingburgh, N. Y.. 11 M, anchester, N. Y.... 9 M.orlcy, N. Y...... 1 North Port, N. Y.... Indiana (place not spe- Lansingville......... 2 Manchester, Va...... 1 Morris, N Y........ 3 North Rido'e Cemet'y 3 cified)............ 3 Laona, N. Y......... 3 )Manheim, N. Y...... 4 orrisania, N. Y.. 3 North Rhush, N.hY., 1 Indiana, Joe Holt Lapir, N. Y......... 2 Manlius, N. Y....... 14 Morris Island, S. C... 35 North Salem, N. Y... 1 -lospt............ 2 Lassellsville, N. Y... 1 Mannsville, N. Y..... 4 Morristown, N. Y.... 8 lNorth Settlement, Indianapolis, Ind..... 9 Laurel Hill Cemetery, Mansfield, N. Y...... 4 Morrisville, N.Y..... 1 N. Y............. 1 Indian Village, La.... 1 Md.............. 14 Mansfield Hospital... 2 Morton's Ford, Ya... 3 Northville, N.Y..... 6 Iowa (place not speci- Laurens, N. Y....... 2 AMarathon, N. Y... 7 Moscow, N. Y....... 3 INorthwest Landing, fied)............. 1 Lawrence, Kan....... 1 I Marbletown, N. Y.. 4 Mound City, 111... 12 Ya................ r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ira, N. Y........... 2 Lawrenceville, N. Y.. 2 iMarcellus, X. Y...... 9 M,_[ount Edna........ 1 Norway, N....... 5 Ireland, Va.......... 1 Lawtonville, Ga...... 1 Marcy, N. Y......... 1 M[ount Element....... 1 Norwich, N. Y....... 8 Irish Bend, La.,.. 6 Leav'orth City, Kan. 1 Marietta, Ga........ 12 Mount Hope, N. Y.. 6 XottawayC II., Ya.. 1 frondequoit1, N. Y.... I2 Lebanon, N. Y:...... i Marillion Sta., Va.. 1 Mount Morris, N. Y.. 11 Niagara Falls, N. Y... 4 Ischua, N. Y........ 3 Ledyard, N. Y....... 6 Marion, N. Y........ 3 Mount Olivet, Md... 1 Nichols, N. Y....... 5 Islip, N. Y.......... 4 Lee, N. Y........... 5 Mtarion, S. C........ 1 Mount Pleasant lHos- Nicholville, N.Y..... 1 Italy, N. Y.......... 1 Lee's Mills, Va...... 1 MarlborouIh, N~ Y... 3 pital, 1). C........ 19 Nickersville, Ya...... 1 Ithaca, N. Y........ 7 Legrange, N.Y...... 2 Marshall, N. Y...... 1 Mount Vernon, Ky... 2 Niles, N. Y.......... 3 Juka, Miss.......... 1 Lenox, N.Y......... 9 Martinsburgh, N. Y.. 3 Mulli-en's Bend..... 1 Nio, Ya............ I 17~~~~~~~~~ Jackson, Mich....... 1 Leon, N. Y.......... 8 hfartinsburgh, Ya.... 23 M\urfresboro, Tenn.. 16 Niskayuna, N. Y..... Jackson, Miss........ 4 Leonardsville. t lle, N.Y. 3 YUIry, N. Y........ 4 Nunda, N. Y........14 Jacksonville, Fla..... 13 Le Ray, N. Y........ 6 Maryland (place not Mumfinrd, N. Y...... 6 Nyack Cemetery, N.Y. 1 Jacksonville, N. Y.... 1 Le Roy, N.Y........ 8 specified)......... 42 Nanticoke, X. Y..... 1 Oakfield, N. Y....... 4 Jamaica, L. I., N.Y.. 10 Lewis, N. Y......... 5 Maryland, N. Y...... 1 Naples, N. Y........ 8 Oak Hill, N. Y..... 2 James City, Va...... 2 Lewisborough, N.Y.. 3 Mffaryland Hill....... 6 Napoli, N. Y........ 6 Oakland Cemetery, James House, Va..... 1 Lewisburg, Ark...... 1 Masons Isle, D). C.. 3 Nashville, Tenn...... 100 N. Y............. 3 James Island, Va.,... 6 Lewiston, N. Y...... 5 Masonville, N. Y..... 1 Nassau, N. Y........ 5 Oaks Corners, N. Y.. James River, Va.....20 Lexington, Ky....... 1 Massena, N.Y....... 4 Oakwood Cemetery, Jamestown, N.Y...,21 Lexington, N. Y.... 4 Mat Island, Texas... 1 Natchitoches, La..... 1 Troy, N. Y....... Janesville, Wis....... 1 Lexington Junction.. 3 Mattewan, N. Y..... 1 National Cemet'y, Ya. 3 Ocoquan Creek, Ya... Jarvis Hospital, Bati- Liberty Hall, Va..... 1 Mayfield, N. Y....... 5 Naval B. G., Va...... 2 Ogden, N. Y......... more, Md......... 1 Lima, N. Y.......... 7 Mayport Mills, Fla... 1 *Nepanock, N. Y...... 1 Ogdensburgh, N.Y...13 Jasper, N. Y........ 4 Lincoln Hospt., D. C., 11 Mayville, N. Y...... 5 Neperan, N. Y....... 1 Ohio (place not speciJav, N. Y........... 5 Lindleytown, N. Y... 3 Mechaniesville, N. Y.. 3 Nelson's Farm....... 1 fied)............. 5 Jeft~~~~~,rsoii, TNTO......~~~~~~~~~~~.. 2 If ii laed)?\ Y...... IN.Y.......... I Jefferson, Mo........ 2 Linklaen, N. Y....... 7 Mechanicsville, Ya.b.. 4 Nettie Valley, N Yt...1 Ohio, N. Y........... Jefferson county, N.Y. 5 Lisbon, N. Y........ 8 Mecklenburg, N. Y,.. 5 RNeversink, N. Y..... 5 -Olcott, N. Y......... 2 n~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jefferson city, Miss.. 3 Lisle, N. Y.......... 10?deade Station, Ya... 6 New Albany, Ind.... 4 Old Church, Va...... Jeffersonville, Ind.... 5 Litchfield, N. Y...... 3 Medina, N. Y........ 9 New Albion, N. Y... 5 Olive, N. Y......... 6 jeffersonville, N.Y... 1 Little Falls, N.Y...16 Melica Bend........ 1 Newark, N. J....... 5 Olustee, Fla... 16 Jersey City, N. J.... 1 Little Rock, Ark..... 1 Memphis, Temn...... 46 NBewark, N. Y....... 12 Oneida, N. Y.......14 Jerusalem, N Y..... 1 Little Valley, N. Y... 7 Mendon, N. Y....... 3 Newark Valley, N. Y. 5 Oneida Castle, N. Y.. 1 Jettersville, Va...... 1 Little Wash'ton, N. C. 11 5fentz, N. Y......... 2 New Baltimore, N. Y. 1 Oneonta, N. Y....... 2 Jewett, N. Y........ 1 Little York, Ky...... 2?,[erchantsville...... 1 New Baltimore, Va... 2 Onobansie, N. Y-.... Johnsburgh, N. Y.... 13 Liverpool, N. Y...... 2 Meridian, N.Y...... 2 New Berln, N. Y.... 8 Onondaga, N. Y..... Johnson's Creek, N. Y 1 Livingston, N. Y..... 3 Meridian Ilil!, D.C.. 2 N'ew Bremen, N.Y... 3 Ontario, N. Y........ John's Island, S. C... 7 Livingston Co., N. Y., 1 Meridith, N. Y...... 2 New Brid,~,e, Va......1 Ontario Co., N. Y.... 4 Johnson's Isle....... 1 Livingston Parish, La. 1 Meriem Station...... 1 Newbin'yN. Y...... 25 Opeqnan, Va......... Johnstown, N. Y....1I0 Livonia, N. Y........ 8S Mexico, N. Y........ 10 ~Newbern, N. C.......178 Oppenheim, N. Y..... 4 Johnsonville, N.Y... 1 Lloyd, N. Y......... 4 Michigan (place not:New City, Pa.........I Orange, N. Y........ 5 Jonesbore, Ga........3 Locke, N. Y..... 2 specified)......... 4 New Creek Sta., Ira.. 8 Orange Co., N. Y.... 4 Jone Ladin...... 5,,oprt N.Y....2 iddleburdih,N.Y... 7 INewf'me, N. Y....... 7 Orang'e Grove....... 1 Jones' Mill, Ga...... 1 Locust Grove, Va.... 9 5liddlebury, N. Y.... 3 New-field, N. Y...... 6 Orangeport, N. Y.... 3 J~onesville, Ga........1 Lodi, N. Y........... 3 Middle-field, N. Y..... 4 New H~artford, N. Y.. 6 Orang-e Sprinffs, Va... 2 Jonesville, N. Y...... 3 Long Island, N. Y.... 21 Middleport, N. Y..... 2 N:ew H~aven, Ct.......8 Ora n~,eville, N. Y..... 2 June Htill........... 1 Lookout Mountain, Middlesex, N. Y.... 5 New Htaven, N. Y.... 7 Orient, N. Y......... 2 Kralamazoo, Mieh..... 1I Term............. 19 iMiddletown, Va.... 8 New H:ope Church.. 1 Oriskany Falls, N. Y. 5 Kalorama, D. C...... 5 Lookout Valley, Tenn. 11l Middletown, ])el. Co., New lindson, N. Y... 4 Orleans, N. Y........ 5 Kanawha, 11......... 1 Loon Lake, N. Y......3 N. Y..............6 New Hlurley, N. Y... 1 Orleans Co., N. Y.... 7 KeeneN. Y......... 1 Loop Creek.......... 1 Middletown, Orange New lberia, La.......12 Orwell, N. Y......... 5 Keesville, Md........ 1 Lotrain, N. Y........ 5 Co., N. Y........ 1 6 New Jersey......... 8$ Osag'e Landing, Mo... 1 Keesvile,.Y.... 6 Los lPinos, N. M.. 1 Middletown, iRichm'd New Kent C. It., Ira.. 3 Ossarooltony Creek.. 1 Kelly's Ford, Ia.... 5 L~ost Mountain, Va... 1 Co., N. Y......... 45 New Lebanon, N. Y.. 2 Ossian, N. Y......... Kendall, N. Y........7 London, Tenn........2 51ilfiord, N. Y........ 4 Necvw Lisbon, N. Y.... 4 Ossining', N. Y....... 1 Kenesaw Mr., Ga.... 3 London Park Cemete- Mill Creek, Va........6 New Lots, N. Y...... 3 Oswegatchie, N. Y7...1l0 ]{eokuk,*Iowa........1 ry, Md............ 8 Milledg-eville, Ga......1 New 5Market, Va..... 6 Oswego, N.Y........37 Keomoh............ 1 |Louisiana (place not Millen Prison, Ga.... 23 New Mexico........ 1 Otego, N. Y......... 3 Kentucky (place not specified)......... 37 Millenville, N. Y..... 1 New Orleans, La..... 589 Otisco, N. Y......... 6 specified)......... 9 Louisville, Ky....... 13 3.illport, N. Y....... 1 New Paltz, N. Y..... 2 Otseg-o Co., N. Y..... 6 Kentucky Col. }lospt., 1 Louisville, N. ~Y...... 5 Millville, N. Y....... 1 Newport, N. Y.......2 Otselic, N. Y........ 7 Kenyonville......... 1 Louisville, Va........ 2 Millville, Va......... 1 Newport Hospt.......1 Ottawa, 111.......... 1 Ketchumville, N.Y... 1! Lovell Hospt., Rt.I... 3 Milo, N. Y..........,5 Newport News, Va....31 Otto, N. Y.......... 5 Kettle Run, Va...... 2.Lowville, N.Y........4 Milton, Ga...........1 New Rochelle, N. Y.. 2 Ottowa Bridge, Va... 1 Key West, Fla....... 78 Ludlowville, N. Y... 2 Milton, Ulster Co., New School Htospt. Ovid, N. Y.......... 1 Kilawah Isle, S. C.... 3 Luray Valley, Va..... 5 N. Y............. 4 Cemetery.......... 1 Owa~sco, N. Y........ 2 APPENDIX. 727 Place of burial. Number. Place of burial. Number. Place of burial. Number. Place of burial. Number. Place of burial. Number Owego, N. Y........ 11 Point Peninsula, N. Y. 3 Rondout, N. Y...... 7 Shenandoah Val., Va. 37 Summerville, Va..... 1 Oxbow, N. Y........ 2 Point Hospital...... 1 Roper's Church, Va.. 1 Sherburn, N. Y...... 6 Summit, N. Y........ 1 Oxford, N. Y........ 6 Poland, N. Y........ 3 Roseboom, N. Y..... 1 Sheridan, N. Y...... 3 Sumpter Hill, Va..... 1 Oyster Bay, N. Y.... 3 Porefret, N. Y....... 2 Rose Cottage Hos.... 1 Sheridan Hospital.... 1 Sumpterville, S. C.... 3 Paduca, Ky......... 4'Pompey, N. Y....... 5 Rosendale, N. Y..... 3 Sherman, N. Y...... 7 Suspension B'ge, N.Y. 2 Painted Post, N.Y... 2 Poolsville, Ind....... 2 Rose Valley, N. Y... 6 Sheshequin, Pa...... 1 Susquehanna, N.Y... 1 Palatine, N. Y....... 1 Poplar Lawn Hos., Va. 2 Rotterdam, N. Y..... 2 Shin Creek, N. Y.... 1 Swansborough, N. C.. 1 Palmyra, N. Y....... 13 Portage, N. Y... 9 Rowlsburgh, Va..... 1 Ship Island, La...... 4 Sweder, N. Y........ 3 Pareella, N. Y....... 4 Portageville, N.Y.... Rxbury, N.Y...... 3 Ship Point, Va...... 7 Syracuse, N. Y....... 30 Pamunky R., Va..... 3 Port Byron, N. Y.... i Royalton, N.Y...... 6 Shortville, N.Y...... 1 Tabatoo, La......... 1 Panama, N. Y....... 2 Port Crane, N. Y.... 2 Royster Farm, a... 1 Sidney, N. Y........ 5 Taberg, N. Y........ I Paris, N. Y......... 1 Porter, N. Y........ 1 Rush, N. Y......... 9 Sinclairville, N. Y.. 2 Tallahassee, Fla..... 2 Parish, N. Y........ 4 Port Gibson, N. Y... 4 Rushford, N. Y...... 1 Simmsport, La....... 1 Tappantown, N. Y.... 1 Parish Port, Tenn.... 1 Port Hospital, Va.... 1 Rushville, N. Y...... 3 Sing Sing, N. Y.... 7 Tarboro, N. C....... l Parishville, N. Y..... 11 Port Hudson, La.... 156 Russel, N. Y........ 5 Sions Farm, N. J.... 1 Tarrytown, N. Y.....10 Parkersburgh, Va.... 1 Port Jefferson....... 1 Russel Spring, Va... 1 Skaneateles, N. Y.... 10 Taylor, N. Y........ 6 Park Station, Va..... 3 Port Jervis, N. Y.... 5 Russia, N. Y........ 3 Skidmore's Yard. 2 Tennallytown, D.C.. 3 Parma, N. Y........ 3 Portland, N. Y...... 3 Rutland, N. Y....... 4 Skipworth Landing, Tennessee (place not Passaic, N. J........ 1 Port Republic, Va.... 5 Rye, N. Y.......... 3 Miss. R........... 1 specified)......... 24 Patchogue, L.I., N.Y. 2 Port Royal, S..... 10 Sabine Cit3.......... 1 Sloatsburgh, N. Y... 1 Texas (place not spePatrick Station, Va... 7 Port Royal, Va...... 1 Sabine Cross R'ds, La. 2 Smithborough, N. Y.. 3 cified)............12 Patterson, N. Y...... 6 Portsmouth, Va.....55 Sabine Pass, Texas..10 Smithfield, N. Y.. g Theresa, N. Y.......1.1 Pattersonville, La.... 1 Portsmouth Grove, Sabinet Roads....... 1 Smithfield, N. C.... 1 Thibodeauville, La.... 9 Paul's Church, Va... 1 R. I.............. 14 Sackett's Harb., N. Y. 5 Smithfield, Pa....... 3 Thoroughfair Gap, Va. 2 Pavilion, N. Y....... 7 Port Tobacco, Md... 3 Saco, Tern.......... 1 Smithland, Ky...... 3 Throopsville, N. Y. 2 Pawling, N. Y..... 2 Potomac, Va........ 12 Sagendaga, N. Y..... 1 Smithville, N. Y..... 5 Thurnim, N. Y...... 5 Paw Paw, Va....... 1 Potsdam, N. Y...... 16 Sag Harbor, N. Y.... 3 Smoketown, Md..... 9 Thurston, N.Y...... 2 Peach Orchard, Va... 2 Potter, N. Y........ 8 Sailor's Rlun, Va..... 7 Smyrna, N. Y...... 4 Ticonderoga, N. Y.... 8 Peach Run, Ga....... 1 Pottersville, N. Y.... 1 St. Augustine, Fla... 5 Snicker's Gap,'a...13 Tiffianyviile.......... 1 Peachtree Creek.....12 Pottsville, Pa........ 1 St. Armand, N. Y... 1 Snow Hill, N. C..... 1 Ticrsville, La....... 1 Peachtree Ridge..... 2 Poughkeepsie, N. Y.. 15 St. Charles, A....... 1 Sodus Center, N. Y.. 18 Tiollnmantown, Mdd. 1 Peekskill, N. Y. 7 Poughquag, N. Y.... 1 St. Elizabeih }los.... 1 Solon, N. Y.......... 1 Tio, Ga........... 1 Perch River, N. Y... 4 Poundridge, N. Y.... 5 St. John's Hos., M[d.. 1 Soldler's Home, D. C.,47 Tio?. county,.Y... 7 Pierrepont Manor, Prairie Grove, Ark... 2 St. John's Parish, La. 1 Somers, N. Y........ 1 Tioga cou.nty, Pa.....).1 N. Y............ 4 Prattsburgh, N.Y... 10 St. Johnsville, N. Y.. 3 Somerset, N. Y.... 5 Tivoi Station, N.Y.. 1 Pekin, N. Y......... 3 Prattsville, N. Y.... 6 St. Louis, Me..... 10 South Ann,-f a.......a1To4 - Tavern, a... 4 Pembroke, N. Y... 8 Preble, N. Y........ 4 St. Louis los, d... 12 Southampton, N. Y... 8; I: y Creekl.... lPendleton, N. Y..... 2 Prison Factory, Va.. 2 St. lMarks, Fla...... 1 South Bristol, N. Y.. 1 To::: i::7:,s, N. Y...... Penfield, N. Y....... 5 Prospect, N. Y...... 1 St. Mark's Corn.', N.Y. 2 South Carolina (place,'''!:sCo., N. Y.. 2 Peninsula, Va...... 1 Prospect Hill, Va.... 1 St. Mtarv's Ch'ch, Va. 1 not specified)...... 21 j <,,, X. Y........ 1 Pennelville, N. Y 1 Providence, N. Y.... 3 Salem, N. Y......... 12 Southca~st, N Y...... 2 Toit:;as, Fla........ 5 Pennsylvania, (place Pulaski, N. Y...... 2 Salem Church, Va.. 9 Southerland Station, Townsend, N. Y.... 3 (not specified)..... 10 Pultney, N. Y....... 8 Salem 1eights, Na. Y.............. 1 Township, Ya........ Penn Yan, N. Y..... 13 Pungo Landing, Va.. 1 Salisbury, N. C...... 471 South Mountain, AId.. 25 Traveler's Station,Va. 2 Pensacola, Fla....... 7 Putnam, N. Y....... 5 Salmon River, N.Y.. 1 Southold, N. Y....... 1 Travillian Station, Va. 12 Perington, N. Y..... 1 Putnam Co. N. Y.... 2 Salt Point, N. Y..... 2 Southport, N. Y.. 6 Trenton, N. J....... L Perkinsville, N. Y 4. 3\rnon 1 4 Quaker Farm, Va.... 1 Saltville, Va......... I South Side R. R.,Va., 3 Trenton, N. Y........3 Perry, N. Y......... 7 Quarentine Sta., La... 3 Sandburgh, N. Y..... I South Valley, N. Y... I Triangle, N. Y....... 3 Perrysburgh, N. Y... 4 Queensbury, N. Y.... 7 Sand Key, Fla....... 2 South Woods........ I Tribes Iill, N. Y.... 2 Perryville, Ky....... 3 Queens C. H., Ya.... I Sandlake, N. Y...... 8 Sparrowbush, N.Y... I Trinity Hospital, D. C. 3 Perryville, Mo....... 1 Queens Co. N. Y..... 8 Sand's Hill, Ga...... 1 Sparta, N. Y......... 1 Troupsburgh, N.Y...1i Perryville, N. Y..... 2 Quincy, III.......... 1 Sandy Creek, N. Y... 13 Spencer, N. Y....... 6 Troy, N. Y.......... 23 Perryville, Va....... 1 Racine, Wis......... 1 Sandy Hill, N. Y.... 3 Spencerport, N. Y.... 3 Trumansburgh, N. Y., 9 Perth, N. Y...... 4 Raleigh, N. C....... 19 Sandy Hook, Md..... 11 Sperryville, Va....... 2 Truxton, N. Y...... 1 Peru, N. Y......... I Ramapo, N. Y....... 2 Sanford, N. Y 2 Spottsylvania C. H., Tully, N. Y......... 5 Petersburgh, N.Y... 5 Rapidan, Va........ 7 Sang'erfield, N. Y.... 2 Va............... 171 Tunnel Hill, Ga...... 1 Petersburgh, Va..... 757 Rappahannock, Va... 15 Santa Rosa Isle..... 5 Spring'brook, N. Y.. 2 Turin, N. Y.......... 9 Pharsalia, N. Y...... 3 Raymond, Mo....... I Saranac, N. Y....... 7 Spring-field, Ga....... 2 Tuscarora, N. Y.... 5 Phelps, N. Y........ 4 Reading, N. Y....... 2 Saratoga, N. Y...... 26 Springfield, N. Y..... 2 Tyler, Tex.......... 3 Phelps Cemetery, N.Y. 8 Ream's Station, Va... 34 Sardinia, N. Y...... 2 Springhill, Term.. I Tyre, N. Y.......... 4 Philadelphia, Pa..... 146 Red Creek, N. Y..... 5 Saugerties, N. Y..... 16 Springowater, N. Y.... 2 Tyrone, N. Y........ 4 Philmont, N.Y...... 1 Red Hook, N. Y..... 1 Sauquoit, N. Y...... 3 Stafford, N. Y.... 1. Ulster county, N.Y.. 9 Phoenix, N. Y....... 3 Red River, La....... 17 Savage Station, Va... 22 Stafford Heights, Va., 12 Unadilla, N. Y....... 5 Piedmont, Va....... 6 Redwood Cem., N. Y. 2 Savannah, Ga....... 52 Stamford, Ct........ 1 Union, N. Y......... 13 Pierpont, N. Y...... 5 Reed's Corners, N. Y. 1 Savannah, N. Y...... 3 Stamford, N. Y...... 1 Union Cemetery, N.Y. G Pike, N. Y.......... 7 Relay House, Md... 2 Savill, N. Y......... 1 Stanford, N. Y....... 1 Union Centre, N. Y... 2 Pike Pond, N. Y.... 1 Remsen, N. Y....... 5 Savona, N. Y........ 5 Stanton Hospt., N. C., 3 Union Chapel Hospt.. 1 Pilatki, Fla......... 1 Rensselaer Co., N. Y. 3 Saybrook, Conn..... 1 Stark, N. Y.........'3 Union Corners, N. Y.,) Pillar Point, N. Y... 1 Rensselaerville, N.Y. 4 Schaghticoke, N. Y... 6 Starkey, N. Y....... 1 Union Grove, Va..... 1 Pilot Knob, Tenn.... 1 Resaco, Ga.......... 25 Schenectady, N. Y...16 Staten Island, N.Y... 5 Union Lod-e Cem'try, 1 Pinckney, N. Y...... 2 Reynoldsville, N.Y.. 2 Schenevus, N. Y..... 2 Staunton, Va........ 7 Union Mills, Ya,..... 4 Pine Bluff, A h, )N. Y..... 3 Schodack, N. Y...... 1 StephCntown, N.Y... 6 Union Springs, N... 1 Pine Grove, Ya...... 2 Rhode Island........ 4 Schoharie, N. Y..... 8 Sterling, N. Y........5 Union Village, N. Y... 1 Pine Knob, Ga...... 2 Rice's Station....... 1 Schroon, N. Y........1 Steuben county, N.Y., 2 Unionville, N. Y......1 Pine Mountain, Va... 1 Richburgh, N. Y..... 3 Schuyler* Co., N. Y... 1 Stevensburgh, Va.... 2 U. S. Ford, Va....... 1 Pine Plains, N. Y.... 3 Richfield, N. Y...... 3 Schuyler Falls, N. Y. 3 Stevenson, Ala....... 6 University Hospt., La. 2 Pineville, N. Y...... 2 Richford N. Y........1I Schuyler ville, N. Y... 1I Stillwater, N. Y...... 1I Upton Hill, Va....... 11 Pitcairn, N. Y....... 2 Richland, N. Y...... 2 Solo, N. Y.......... 7 Stockbridg'e, N. Y.... 1I Urbana, N. Y........ 1 Pitcher, N. Y........ 4 Richmond, Va....... 406 Scotia, N. Y........ 2 Stockholm, N. Y..... 10 Utica, N. Y..........60 Pittsburg, Pa....... 3 Richmondville, N. Y.. 1I Scipio, N. Y......... 7 Stockport, N. Y...... 4 Valatie, N. Y........ 3 Pittsburgh, Landing.. 3 Richville, N. Y...... 4 Scott, N. Y.......... 3 Stockton, N. Y....... 3 Van Buren, Meo...... 1 Pittsford, N. Y...... 9 Ridgebury, N. Y'... 1 Scottsville, N. Y..... 6 Stonemnan's Hospital.. 1 Van Buren, N. Y.... 2 Pittstown, N. Y..... 5 Ridgeway, N. Y..... 6 Scriba, N. Y'..'.'''.10 Stoneman's Switch, Va 1I Vandecar's Run..... 1 Plainfield, N. Y...... 2 Riga, N. Y.......... 4 Sempronious, N. Y Stone Mills, N. Y.... 2 Varick, N. Y........ 2 Plaquemine, La...... 1I iker's Island, N. Y.. 4 Seneca, N. Y........ 7 Stony Creek, Va..... 6 Venice, N. Y........ 9 Plattekill N. Y...... 1I Ringgold, Tenn...... 3 Seneca Falls, N. Y... 10 Stony Point, N. Y.... 2 Vermont............ 1 Plattsburgh, N. Y.... 17 Ringgold, Va........ 1 Sennerr, N. Y....... 2 Strasburg, Va........6 Vernon, N. Y........ 16 Pleasant Hill, La..... 17 RipIcy, N. Y........ 4 SetaUGo, Tenn........ 1 Stratford, N. Y...... 2 Verona, N. Y........ 5 Pleasant Hill, Va.... 5 Risingville, N. Y..... 1 Seven Pines, Va..... 6 Strawberry Camp.... 1I Vestal, N. Y......... 2 Pleasant Plains, N. Y. 1 Riverhead, N. Y..... 5 Seward, N. Y....... 3 Strangsville, Ohio.... 1 Veteran, N. Y....... 1 Pleasant Valley, N. Y. 6 Roanoke Isle, N. C... 23 Shandaken, N. Y..... 5 Strykersville, N. Y... 1I Vicksburgh, Miss.....39 Pleasantvill1 N... Rochester, N.Y.. 82 Sharon Springs, N.Y. 5 Suffoik, Va.......... 57 V~ictor, N.Y......... 5 Plessis, N. Y........ 1I Rock Hospital........2 Sharpsburgh, Md.... 11 Suffolk county, N. Y., 2 Victory, N. Y....... 2 Plymouth, N. Y..... 10. Rockland Co., N. Y.. 7 Shavertown, N. Y.... 1I Sugar Grove, Pa..... 1 Vienna, N. Y........ 15 Plymouth, N. C..... 19 Rockyfaced Ridg~e, Ga. 5 Shawangunk, N. Y... 5 Sullivan, N. Y....... 5 Vienna S~tation, Va... 1 Pocotaligo BridgeS.C. 1 Rodman, N. Y.......4 Shawnee, N. Y...... 1 Sullivan county, N. Y. 1 Villenova, N. Y...... 4 Poestenkill, N. Y.... 1 Rolla, Meo........... 1 Shelby, N. Y........ 9 Sulphur Springs, Va.. 1 Virgil, N. Y......... 2 Point Lookout, Md... 45 Rome, N. Y......... 12 Sheldon, N. Y....... 5 Summer Hill, N. Y... 3 Virginia (place not Point of Rocks, Va....67 Romulus, N. Y...... 6 Shell M~ound, Tenn... 2 Summerville, S. C.... 1 specified)......... 287 728 APPENDIX. Place of burial. Number. Place of burial. Number. Place of burial. Number. Place of buriad. Number. Place of burial. Number. Virma, Va........... 2 Waterloo, Va........ 1 Westfield, Richmond White Road, Va..... 1 Windmill Point, Va.. 5 Volney, N. Y........ 14 Waterport, N. Y..... 2 county, N. Y...... 2 White Sulphur Spr'gs, Windsor, N. Y....... 7 Waddington, N. Y.... 10 Watertown, N. Y.... 17 Westford, N. Y...... 2 Va............... 3 Winfield, N. Y...... 1 Wales, N. Y......... 4 Watervliet, N. Y..... 2 West Haven, Vt.... 1 Whitesford, Va...... I Winsburgh.......... 1 Walhatchie.......... 2 Waterville, N.Y..... 3 West Junius, N.Y... 1 Whitestown, N.Y... I Wirt, N. Y.......... 1 Walingford, Ct...... I Watkins, N. Y....... 2 West Kendall, N.Y.. 1 Whitesville, N. Y.... 1 Wisconsin........... 2 W~allersville, Miss.... 1 Watson, N. Y....... 2 West Hill, N. Y..... i Whitney, N. Y...... I Wolcott, N. Y....... 11 Waltham June., Va.. I Waverly Cem., Tioga West Monroe, N.Y.. 2 Wieford, S. C....... I Wolcottsville, N. Y... 1 Walton) N. Y........ 3 county, N. Y...... 3 Westmoreland, N.Y.. 3 Wilderness, Va...... 448 Woodhaven, L. I..... 1 Walworth, N. Y..... 6 Wayland, N. Y...... 3 West Point, N. Y.... 3 Willard's Point...... 1 Woodhull, N. Y.. 9 Wampsville, N. Y.... 1 Wayne, N. Y........ 1 West Point, Va...... 11 Willet, N. Y......... 2 Woodstock, N. Y..... 1 Warren, N. Y........ 1 Wayne Co., N. Y.... 6 Westport, N. Y...... 5 Willet's Point, N.Y.. 9 Worcester, N. Y..... 1 Warren, Pa......... 2 Waynesboro', N.Y... 2 West Seneca, N.Y... 1 Williamsburgh, N.Y. 14 Worth, N. Y........ 1 Warren Station, Va.. 2 Weaversville, N. Y... 2 West Troy, N. Y.... 2 Williamsburg'h, Va... 46 Worthington, Mass... 1 Warrensburgh, N.Y., 8 Webster, N. Y....... 5 West Turin, N. Y.... 3 Williams' Landing, Va. 1 Wright, N. Y........ 1 Warrenton, Va.......17 Weedsport, N. Y..... 8 West Union, N. Y.... 2 Williamsport, Mdd.... 1 Wurtsborough, N.Y.. 1 Warrenton June., Va., 6 Weldon R. R.,Va.... 34 West Virginia (place Williamsport, Va.. 4 Wyoming Co., N. Y.. 4 Warsaw, N. Y....... 9 Wellsville, N. Y..... 5 not specified)..... 3 Williamson, N. Y.... 5 Yardville, N. J...... 1 Warsaw Station, N.O. 1 West Almond, N. Y.. 2 West Wincon, Va.... 1 Villiamstown, N. Y.. 1 Yates, N. Y......... 4 Warwarsing, N.Y... 1 West Bainbridge, N.Y. 2 Wethersfield, N.Y... 2 Willsborouoh, N.Y.. 4 Yellow Tavern, Va... 3 Warwick, N. Y...... 4 West Bloomfield, N.Y. 6 Wheatfield, N. Y..... 1 Willing, N.Y........ 3 Yonkers, N. Y....... 8 Warwick C. H., Va... 2 Westbury, N. Y. 2 Al~2 heatland, N. Y..... 3 Wilmington, N. C.... 57 York, N. Y.......... 7 Washington, D.C.... 1153 Westchester Co., N.Y. 10 White Creek, N. Y... 3 Wilna, N. Y......... 2 York, Pa............ 10 Washington Co., N. Y.'1 West Dayton, N.Y.. 1 Whitehall, N. Y..... 5 Wilson, N. Y........ 8 Yorkshire, N. Y..... 1 Washington Junction, Westerlo, N. Y...... 3 White House, Va..... 52 Wilson's Creek, Mo.. 1 Yorktown, N. Y..... 1 Md.............. 1 Western, N. Y....... 1 White Oak Church,Va.18 5iisoh's Landing, Va. 2 Yorktown, Va.......151 Washingtonville, N.Y. 4 West Farms, N. Y... 3 White Oak Swamp,Va. 7 Wilton, N. Y........ 9 Young's Point, La.... 1 Waterford, N. Y..... 2 Westfield, Chautauqua White Plains, N.Y... 3 Winchester, Va...... 157 Youngstown Cemetery 1 Waterloo, N. Y......19 county, N. Y...... 15 White Post, Va. I W1indham, N. Y] 1 BURIAL OF SOLDIERS WHO HAVE DIED IN THE SERVICE. Since the return of peace, the Governiment has taken measures for preserving records of the burial of Union soldiers. Several of these lists have been published by the Quartermaster General's Department, and others are in course of preparation. They are arranged alphabetically, and give the company, regiment and State, and the date of death. The general summary of these, so far as they have come to our notice, is as follows: Prison Pen of Andersonzville, Ga.-The record published officially by the Quartermaster's Department, contains 12,461 names, of which the rtnk, regiment, company and date of detath are given, leaving 451 with the sad inscription-" Unknown U. S. Soldiers." Of the above number, 2,5 1 8 belonged to New York. National Cemnetery at Alexandria.-Number of interments 3,601, of which 3,367 were white soldiers, two of the United States navy, one white citizen, two white femnales, and 229 colored soldiers. Number belonging to New York regiments or batteries, 888. National Cemzeteries at Fortress Monroe a Tnd ]ampton, Va.-This list contains 2,328 names of white soldiers buried at Hampton, and 308 at Fortress Monroe. In addition to these there are ten names of whites, who died previous to the rebellion, and nine colored soldiers of 1864. Number of New York soldiers, 5G9. National Cemneteries at Washington, D. C.-This document, of 194 pages, contains the record of 10,877 white soldiers buried in the Military Asylum, Harionly, Battle and New National cemeteries. The number has beeh increased since the date of publication (June 30th, 1865,) by many who have since died in hospitals. The number of New York soldiers in the list is 3,018. National Cemneteries in 3Iaine, Minnesota, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Arkansas, Mississippi, Florida, Louisiana and Colorado Territory.-This contains the record of 7,354 soldiers, of whom 1,129 were from New York. Battle-fields of th Willderness and Spottsylvania Court House, Va.-This list contains 759 names, of which 86 were of New Yorkl soldiers. These remains not having been interred until the summer of 1865, the exposure to the weather for more than a year rendered every trace of identification impossible in many cases. Eastern District of Texas; Central District of Texas; Rio Grand District, Departmient of Texas; Camp Ford, Tyler, Texas, and Corpus Christi, Texas.-This list contains 1,352 names, of which 566 are of whites, and 786 colored. Two hundred and thirty-two of the former died as prisoners of war at Camp Ford. Number of New Yxork soldliers, 48. National Cemvetery at Gettysburgh.-Thle numbers of inlterments of Unlionl soldiers in thlis cemetery, is reported as 3,509, of which 860 were New York troops. The names and regiments to which each belonged, so far as could be ascertained, were published in the report of the Board of Managers of the New York State Soldiers' Depot, in 1864. Cold Harbor, Va.-A list containing 654 names, published in the New York Tlibune, July 24, 1866, and said to have been prepared by government authority, has 173 names of New York soldiers. National Cemetery, Seven Pines, Va.-A list of l54 names frol the same source has 20 New York names. 92, (729) 311SCELLANEOUSo NUMBER OF MALES REPORTED FROM EIGHTEEN TO FORTY-FIVE. [The classification into periods of five years, adopted in the present Census, was extended in the period between 15 and 20 for males, by noting separately those from 15 to 18, and from 18 to 20. The latter, added to the next five columns for males, (as given on pages 18 to 68 of this volume,) produced the following column, which represents the numbers within the ages that had been liable to a draft in the several cities and towns.] ALBANY CO. Towns. Males, 18-45. Towns. Males, 18-15. Towns. Males, IS-15. DELAWAIIE CO. Towms. MaVes, 18-45. ~ estal.......... 329 CtIAUTAUQUA Co. Smyrna........ 310 Towns. M'ales, IS-45. Albany city: Windsor........ 448 Arkwright..... 205 Andes......... 528 1st ward... 1,623I ]usti.......... 353 Total......... 7,089 Bovina......... 227 2fd ward... 892 Total......... 7,069 Carroll......... 2!98 — - Colchester...... 438 3d ward... 884 Charlotte....... 308 Davenport...... 413 4th ward... 764Chautauqua. 290 CLINTON Co. Delhi.......... 521 5th ward... 424 CATTARAUGUS Co. Cherry Creek 2 4 3 Altona........ 282 Franklin....... 5.6 6th ward... 639 Allegany........ 379 Clymer....... 257 Ausable........ 4'9 Ilamden........ 346 7th ward... 1,014 Ashford........ 30 5 Dunkirk........ 1,618 B]eekmantown... 461 Hancock........ 59 8th ward... 1,589 Carrolton....... 203 Ellery......... 3(08 Black Brook.... 4 69 tfarpersfield.... 259 9th ward... 1,584 Cold Spring.... 141 Ellicott......... 1,212 Cham plain...... 961 K'Ortriglht...... 3i61 10th ward.. 2,251 Conewango...... 254 Ellinton.......:288 Clazy......... 552 51asonville...... 333 Dayton......... 228 Fronch Creek... 160 Clinton......... 261 Meredith....... 269 Total, city..... 11,664 East Otto....... 240 Gerry.......... 216 Dannemora..... 545 Middletown..... 56(7 Berne........... 528 Ellicottsville.... 289 Hanover........ 745 Ellenburgh...... 498 IRoxbury....... 410 Bethlehem...... 1,124 Farmersville.... 205 Harmony...... 6(75 A1ooers......... 644 Sidney......... 344 Cooymans...... 683 Franklinville.... 255 Kiantone....... 106 Peru........... 507 Stamford....... 293 Guilderland..... 589 ]Freedom........ 248 Mina.......... 206 Plattsburgh.... 1.263 Tompkins...... 733 Knox.......... 305 Great Valley.... 279 Poland......... 294 Saranac........ 577 AWalton......... 526 New Scotland..: 606 Hinsdale........ 283 Pomfret....... 718 Schuyler Falls..~. 3 13 Rensselaerville... 464 Humphrey...... 144 Portland........ 320 Total......... 7,733 W atervliet...... 4,583 Ischua.......... 156 Piipley........ 309 Total......... 7,772 - Westerlo........ 455 Leon........... 262 Sheridan........ 301 - - - Little Valley.... 190 Sherman........ 248 DUTCHESS Co. Total......... 21,001 Lyndon......... 176 Stockton....... 331 Amenia......... 534 Machias........ 210 Villenova....... 246 COLUMBIA CO. Beckman....... 219 Mlansfield....... 217 Westfield....... 657 Ancram........ 350 Clinton........ 0325 ALLEGANY Co. Napoli.......... 229 Austerlitz...... 234 Dover.......... 3!;9 Alfred.......... 236 New Albion..... 332 Total......... 11,145 Canaan........ 363 East Fishkill.... 576 Alien........... 161 Olean........... 525 Chatham....... 799 Fishkill........ 1,737 Alma........... 105 Otto............ 255 Claverack....... 596 llyde Park...... 519 Almond........ 312 Perrysburg..... 235 CtHEMUNG Co. Clermont....... 197 La Grange...... 332 Amity.......... 375 Persia.......... 257 Baldwin....... 175 Copake......... 372 Milan.......... 279 Andover........ 323 Portville........ 303 Big Flats....... 368 Gallatin........ 257 Northeast....... 394 Angelica........ 288 Randolph....... 367 Catlin......... 256 Germantown.... 234 Pawling........ 307 Belfast......... 283 Salamanca...... 363 Chemung....... 351 Ghent......... 487 Pine Plains..... 266 Birdsall........ 108 South Valley.... 110 Elmira......... 221 Greenport...... 197 Pleasant Valley.. 328 Bolivar......... 194 Yorkshire....... 312 Elmira city: Hillsdale....... 364 Poughkeepsie... 624 Burns.......... 207 1st ward... 353 Hudson city: Po'kecpic city Caneadea.. 324 Total......... 7,952 2d ward... 862 1st ward... 255 I ~ vard... 644 Centerville...... 233 3d ward... 619 2d ward.. 4 w. o, I 4 Clarksville...... 162 CAYUGA1CO. 4th ward... 337 3d ward... 272 /-., ^J,0-'LYUGA Cocj~~~~i ^ o-nA^ ^ oork ^~~ d ward.. 272i Cuba........... 381 CAUbr A Ci. 5th ward... 379 4th ward... 380'" ~ar. 4-n Friendship.... 305 Itwr. 5 t tr 1 Friendship 305 Auburn city'__ __"_ 4th w ard... 470 G-enesee..;......; 175 1st ward.... 4436 Total Elmira.. 2,.841 Total Hudson.. 1,296 6th ward ** I'9 Grangxer........ 17-3* - d ward I *-1 * *Erin........... 209 Kinderhoole..... 696'" Grove......... 69 od wam * * * 4I torseheads..... 563 Livingston...... 375 m ip p^ ~ TT nr\- ~~~~4th ward... 02^3 j i o i i< r talKepe,0 Hume........ 3~> -tuvvcu...., u- Southport...... 633 New Lebanon... 340 - - -, "c" T I n d pdce-. —--!k-erihoJJ-okp 1 ~- ICl O v........ 538 Indepndenc.... 210 r ~ * r o Van Etten...... 256 Stockport....... 261 m koCA New Hudson.... 247 T l ***2G Veea..... 49 tyeat... 42 ^****" Rushf~~~~~~~ord.... 31 ueu **** 45 — tagl, ity.... 246,083* ** Scio....~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~Ve e rn........ 3209 rStuyvs...... 46 T~...... 6,3 —02^ o'"l -W~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~Sanfrd......... 1542....... 05-_ - oa.....806 ^almtn.. ~ Wellsvill....... 5urelqies........ 465^^ ^, ~T.etAmn... 17 aig........ U1^nion CoToale........ 11,89 SWilln..... 22 e.......... 48 A tn...... 3272-0" Wirt........Bru t u 29 a........... 467 anrde... 1C RL N o — __ Ledyard........ 3o4 Columbu~~~~~~~Wsh.... 24 ingtonna..... 21546 ~ Toal.... 7,0 E ce..... 1 oety.... 27 C rtadvlc.. 90 dn.......... 158 Ca _ - Meto........... 40 5 G r a........ 19 u lr...... 2 8 A h rt.... 6 Wellsvilleezma.............. 576 reon....384uoa.*** 2 BECOMEConquesti........ 3ol51 or...... 46 Hrod....... 14 Bso *..* 9 Bakr.....W3 Fiest....... A 5 clmc... 19 ome.... 5 rnd...... 268 B~~~~~~~Feinghmo..... 198 wso**** i~ cooph....21 247tale......... 1431,fal7cty Chenango....... 320xGO Co.* *** 0 evBeln..... 46 Ma thn...... 281s wad. 2, 4 Woesillin....... 61 fe po u.... 2012^ N r ih. 1S P el...... 242 ad.,5 Conkli....... 222 ennt.....Noawc.... 89 ct.......... 234d2ad.. 1,9 Kirkwood...... 25 ^pringort.....418 *f tslc..... 24 oon.......... 203t2w7..,9 Lisl..... 9 v rtin h'..... 4 4 xod......... 56 a lr..... 2 35hw d.. 2,7 Main........ 325 9 1111 40ll... 19 lainbridg....... 20816o C........ 00' t C o r.. 1, 2 Natck....... 10 hop....... 22edityrd........ 20 Vri3.....5337hw rd.4,6 Port Crae...... 77 V~mcQ *....... o60 lmobuth....... 272 WCinenatus....... 20381w9d.,7 Sanf~~~~~~ord.... 7 Vcker........ o5 pctn...... 2105 — t ad.,6.rage........ 39', ~TMT S erunt.... 51 oa......... 4,410thw r..6,8 U~~~~~~~~~~~~~Geneo.......... 480]?eeownl........!10,94Aurorall...... 24__, lhwr... 85 nm~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2 APPENDIX. 731 Towns. Males, 18-45. Towns. Males, 18-45. Towns. Males, 18-,!5. Towns Males, 18-45. Towns. Males, 18-45. 12th ward... 872 Pavilion........ 305 6th ward.. 5,087 Irondequoit..... 520 Bridgewater.... 225 13th ward..~ 398 Pembroke....... 481 7th ward... 2,783 Meindon........ 577 Camden......... 699 Stafford......... 334 8th ward... 1. 828 Ogden.......... 520 Deerfield....... 368 Total Buffalo.~ 17,557 9th ward... 4,043 Parma.......... 548 Florence........ 368 Chictawauga.... 370 Total......... 5,656 10th ward... 5,400 Penfield......... 548 Floyd.......... 214 Clarence....... 637 -lth ward... 3,831 Perrinton.... 626 Kirkland....... 681 Colden......... 204 12th ward... 2,464 Pittsford....... 353 Lee............. 458 Collins......... 415 GREENE Co. 13th ward... 3,695 Riga........... 3-5 Marcy.......... 281 Concord........ 500 Ashland........ 197 14th ward... 2,930 Rochester city: Marshall........ 3$8 East t1amburgh.. 383 Athens.......... 565 15th ward... 2,118 1st ward... 568 New Hartford... 582 Eden........... 373 Cairo........... 395 16th ward... 4,328 2d ward... 722 Paris........... 637 Elma........... 436 Catskill........ 1,182 17th ward... 2,007 3d ward... 897( Re}cmsen......... 570 Evans.......... 476 Coxsackie....... 677 18th ward... 1.138 4th ward... 644 Itome.......... 1,71 3 Grand Island.... 209 Durham........ 390 19th ward... 1, 588 5th ward... 791 Sangerfield...... 442 Htaraburgh...... 485 Greenville...... 406 20th ward... 2,644 6th ward... 653 Steuben........ 259 Holland........ 273 Halcott......... 78 7th ward... 458 Trenton......... 542 *Lancaster....... 596 Hunter........ 283 Total, city.... 57,310 8th ward... 726 Utica city: Marilla......... 315 Jewett......... 197 -- 99th ward... 829 1st ward... 274 Newstead...... 596 Lexington...... 256 Flatbush........ 532 10th ward... 459 2d ward... 524 North Collins 283 New Baltimore.. 509 Flatlands....... 439 1lth ward... 688 3d ward...,qI 5 Sardinia........ 330 Prattsville....... 268 Gravesend...... 371 12th ward... 521 4th ward... 658 Tonawanda..... 515 Windham....... 273 New Lots....... 922 13th ward... 514 5th ward... 554 Wales.......... 229 N-ew Utrecht.... 684 14th ward... 564 6th ward... 1, (0(01 West Seneca... 513 Total......... 5,676 77th ward... 627 Total......... 60,258 Total Rochester, 9,034 Total......... 27,729 Rush........... 348 Total Utica.... 4,233 1tA-MLTON CO. Sweden......... 719 Vernon......... 50[ Arietta......... 16 LEW, IS Co. Web )fLr......... 496 Verona......... 1,097 ESSEX Co. Benson......... 58 Croghan........ 386 Wheatland...... 486 Vienna.......... 65 I Chesterfield..... 416 Hope........... 102 Denmark....... 424 Western........ 398 Crown Point.... 482 Indian Lake. 29 Diana.......... 294 Total......... 18 690 Westmoreland 487 Elizabethtown.. 296 Lake Pleasant... 48 Greig'........... 395AWhitestown..... 64:2 Essex.......... 241 Long Lake...... 48 arrisburgh... 237 Jay............ 347 Morthouse...... 36 tHigh Market.... 1 68 MONTGOERY CO.Total......... 18,295 Keene.......... 127 Wells.......... 146 Lewis.......... 186 AAmsterdam..... 956 Lewis.......... 307 Gilnan............. Leyden.......... 349 Canajoharie..... 764 Minerva........ 305 Lowville........ 547 Charlestown.... 328 ONONDAGA Co. Moriah......... 964 Total......... 483 Martinsburgh.... 462 Florida......... 558 Camillus........ 466 Newcomb...... 32- Montague....... 102 Glen........... 505 Cicero.......... 595 North Elba 66 New Bremen.... 305 Minden......... 06 Clay........... 56 North Hudson... 105 HRI~rcMER Co. Osceola......... III Aioha.wk........ 551 lDe Witt........ 5;; St. Armand..... 60 Columbia....... 349 Pincknev....... 24[9 Palatine........ 457 Elbridge......... 7; Schroon........ 317 Danube,........ 272 Turin.......... 3r19 Root............ 468 Fabius......... 435 Ticonderoga.... 491 Fairfield........ 364 Watson......... 187 St Johnsville... 437 Geddes......... 5600 Westport....... 267 Frankfort....... 566 West Turin..... 400 La Fayette...... 447 Willsborough... 218 German Flats.... 1,097 Total......... 5,930 Lysander....... 937 Wilmington.... 120 Herkimer....... 549 Total......... 5,121 Manias........ 1,140 Litchfield....... 245 -~' Marcllus....... 450 Total......... 5,161 Little Falls..... 1,073 NEw YORK Co. Onondaga....... 9348 -Manheim....... 330 LIviNGSTON Co. New York city:Otisco.......... 295 Newport........ 329 Avon........... 597 1st ward... 2,157 Pompey........ 618; FRANKLIN CO. Norway........ 193 Caledonia....... 317 2d ward... 271 Salina.......... 514 Bangor......... 374 Ohio........... 152 Conesus........ 231 3d ward... 905 Skaneateles..... 749) Bellmont....... 258 Russia.......... 337 Geneseo........ 541 4th ward... 3,724 Spafford........ 297 Bombay........ 241 Salisbury....... 371 Groveland...... 232 5th ward... 4,410 Syracuse city: Brandon....... 131 Schuyler........ 306 Leicester......... 304 6th ward... 4,182 1st ward... 668 Brighton....... 33 Stark.......... 305 Lima........... 466 7th ward.... 7,997 2d ward... 820 Burke.......... 299 Warren......... 323 Livonia......... 477 8th ward... 6,519 3d ward... 470 Chateaugay..... 466 Wilmurt........ 24 Mount Morris... 6769th ward... 8,159 4th ward... 838 Constable...... 243 Winfield........ 270 North Dansville.. 613 10th ward... 7,347 5th ward... 798 Dickinson...... 316 N — unlda.......... 486 1 lth ward... 10,928 6th ward... 804 Duane......... 47 Total......... 7,455 Ossian.......... 173 12th ward... 4,761 7th ward... 1,104 Fort Covington.. 383 Portage......... 214 13th ward... 5,160 8th ward... 536 Franklin...... 183 Sparta.......... 249 14th ward... 5,088 Harrietstown... 45 JEFFERSONT CO. Springwater..... 438 15th ward... 5,652 Total Syracuse. 6,038 Malone......... 1,056 Adams......... 642 West Sparta.... 260 16th ward... 7,783 Tully.......... 303 Moira.......... 260 Alexandria...... 630 York........... 455 17th ward... 16,063 Van Buren...... 602 Westville....... 247 Antwerp........ 629 18th ward.. 8,958 ----- Brownville...... 700 Total......... 6,729 19th ward... 7,371 Total......... 17,256 Total......... 4,582 Cape Vincent.... 578 20th ward... 11,506 --- Champion....... 390-21st ward... 6,755' ~ ~ ~Clayton........ 784 MADISox Co. 22d ward... 8,594ONTARIO CO. FULTO~ Co. Ellisburgh...... 973 Brookfield....... 683 —- Bristol......... 299 Bleecker........ 148 Henderson...... 390 Cazenovia....... 705 Total......... 144,290 Canadice....... 162 Broadalbin..... 327 Hounsfield...... 539 De Ruyter...... 362 —- Canandaigua.... 1,213 Caroga......... 104 Le R~ay......... 540 Eaton.......... 7'37 East Bloomfield.. 394 Ephrata........ 377 Lorraine........ 271 Fenner.......... 246 NIAGARA~ Co. Farming-ton..... 335 Johnstown...... 1,850 Lyme......... 436 Georgetown..... 275 Cambria........ 396 Gorham........ 460 Mayfield........ 362 Orleans......... 486 Htamilton....... 614 Iartland........ 601 Iopewell....... 338 Northampton... 327 Pareela.... 467 Lebanon........ 299 Lewiston........ 495 Manchester..... 6!5 Oppenheim...... 419 Philadelph~ia'....i 335 Lenox.......... 1,625 Lockport....... 2,531 Naples......... 413 Perth........ 173 Rodman....... 308 Madiso'........ 40 efn........ 68 hls........ 7 Stratford....... 197 Rutland........ 398 Nelson.......... 295 Niagara........ 1,095 Richmond...... 284 ----- Theresa........ 452 Smithfield...... 249 Pendleton...... 280 S~eneca......... 1,49)5 Total......... 4,284 Watertown...... 1,513 Stockbridge..... 363 Porter.......... 409 South Bristol.... 1847 - Wilna........... 732 Sullivan......... 987 1oyalton....... 929 Victor.......... 440 Worth........ 126 —- Somerset....... 333 West Bloomfield. 289 GExEsEE C0.- -— Total......... 7,880 Wheatfield...... 562 —Alabama........ 362 Total......... 12,319====~ ilson......... 617 Total......... 7,895 Batavia......... 1,105 lM xxo nR Co. Total......... 8,916 Bergen......... 332 KINGs Co. Brig'hton........ 659 —- ORANG.E Co. Bethany........ 319 Brooklyn city: Chili........... 411 Blooming Grove.. 477 Byron......... 324 1lst ward... 1,402 Clarkson....... 327 OxNmx Co. Chester......... 383 Darien......... 370 2d ward... 1,976 Gates.......... 435 Armsville....... 477 Cornwall........ 794 Elba........... 384 3d ward....! 1,890 Greece......... 842 Augusta........ 35,5 Crawford....... 35(; Le Roy......... 733 4th ward... 2,548 Iamlin......... 462| Ava............ 198 Deerpark....... 1,676 Oakfield........ 284 S th ward... g, 607 HIenrietta........ 404t Boonville....... 829 ~Qeshen......... 60! 732 APPENDIX. Towns. Males, 19,15. Towns. Males, 1 —45 Town.s. Males, 18-45. Towns1. Ma..es, 15-45. Towns. Males, 18-45 Greenville...... 205 QUEENS Co. SARJATOGA Co. Campbell....... 325 Kingston....... 3,205 Hamptonburgh.. 225 Flushing....... 1,924 Balston........ 305 Canist.o........ 380 Lloyd......... 452 Minisink....... 227 Hempstead..... 1,913 Cha'lion........ 285 Caton.......... 279 Marbletown.... 634 Monroe......... 854 Jamaica........ 1,315 Clifton Park.... 495 Cohocton....... 455 Marlborough.... 454 Montgomery..... 628 North Hempstead 1,166 Corinth........ 270 Corning'......... 1,294 New Paltz...... 360 Mount Hope.... 347 Newtown........ 2,o5'30 Dav............ 216 Dansiite....... 369 Olive.......... 599 Newburgh...... 3,513 Oyster Bay..... 1,615 Edinburgh...... 250 5 Erwin.......... 391 Plattekill....... 357 New Windsor... 543 Galway........ 317 Fremont...... 188 Rochester....... 631 Wallkill........ 1,381 Total......... 10,463 Greenfield...... 499 Greenwood...... 1S8 Rosendale...... 506 Warwick....... 1,143 - Hadley......... 181 Hartsville....... 178 Saugerties...... 1,588 Wawaya-.da.... 305 Halfmoon....... 250,-,]ornby......... 235 Shandaken..... 546 RENSSELAEt CO. AIalta.......... 213 1iornellsville.... 1,143 Shawangunk.... 500 Total......... 13,658 Berlin.......... 394 Milton......... 816 | ioward......... 44 2 W awarsing..... 1,4,44 -—'-*-i Brunswick...... 618 )loteanu.......... 403 I Jasper.......... 314 Woodstock..... 297 ORLEANS Co. Clinton......... 325 Northumberland. 287 Lindley......... 186 Barre........... 1,286 Grafton........ 267 Providence...... 218 Prattsburgh..... 482 Total......... 13,456 Carlton......... 462 Greenbush....... 824 Saratog4a........ 644 Pultney.......... 263 Clarendon...... 3 13) Hoosick........ 941 Saratoga Springs. 1,251 lathboe....... 254 Gaines......... 455 Lansingburgh... 1,061 Stillwater....... 525 Thurston.. 219 WAR1RE Co. Kendall........ 354 Nassau......... 488 Waterford....... 626 Troupsburgh.... 373 Bolton......... 212 Murray......... 456 North G reenbush 457 Wilton......... 234 Tuscarora....... 268 Caldwell........ 16(8 Ridgeway....... 1,027 Petersburgh..... 294 --- rbana,......... 350 Chester......... 413 Shelby.......... 575 Pittstown...... 667 Total......... 8,285 Wayland........ 436 Ila ue......... 119 Yates.......... 398 Poestenkill..... 339 3 * Wayn4.... 1ei......... o32 Sandlake...... 413 West Union..... 383 Total......... 5,326 Schaghticoke.... 563 SCTIEXECTADY CO. WY heeler....... 250 Luzerne........ 9 201 - Schodack' 776 Duavnesburgh.... 57;3 Woodhull....... 361 Queensbury.... 1,302 Stephentown.... 342 Glenville........ 559 Id Stony Creek.... 138 OSWEGO Co. Troy city: Ni:kayuna...... ] 50 Total......... 12,349 T]ur n....... 1h89 Albion......... 419 -1st ward.....723 Princetown...... 181 Y- * arrensbur-h 256 Amboy......... 265 2d ward.... 959 Rotterdam...... 405 - Boylston....... 157 3d ward.... 486 Schencetady city: SUFFOLK CO. Total........ 3,613 Constantia...... 645 4th ward.... 711 1st ward.... 246 Brookhaven..... 1,740 i Granby......... 694 5th ward.... 518 2d ward.... 315 Easthampton.... 404 Hannibal....... 599 6th ward.... 588 3d ward.... 454 Hunting-ton..... 1,430 \ WASHINGTON CO. Hastings....... 547 7th ward.... 957 4tlrward.... 508 Islip............ 733 Argyle......... 531 Mexico......... 683 8th ward.... 941 5th ward.... 389 Riverhead....... 610 Cambridge...... 420 New Haven..... 334 9th ward.... 882 Shelter Island 1. 08 Dresden........ 141 Orwell......... 264 10th ward.... 940 Total Sch'dy.. 1,912 Smithtown...... 310 Easton......... 502 Oswego......... 527 Southampton.... 1,068 Fort Ann....... 534 Oswego city: Total Troy.....7,705 Total......... 3,780 Southold........ 1,186 Fort Edward.... 788 1st ward... 817 Granville....... 742 2d ward.'.. 762 Total........ 16,474 Total......... 7,589 Greenwich...... 763 3d ward... 1,066 -- SCoxA-RIE Co. - iampton....... 169 4th ward... 870 Blenheim........ 205 ]Hartford....... 403 -RICHMOND CO. Broome......... 2(368 SULLIVAN CO. Hebron......... 491 Total Oswego.. 3,515 Castleton....... 1,378 Carlisle......... 299 Bethel.......... 442 Jackson........ 329 Palermo........ 399 Middletown..... 1,207 Cobleskill........ 438 Coehecton....... 482 Kingsbury...... 687 Parish......... 327 Northfield...... 916 Conesville... 227 Callicoon........ 416 Putnam........ 150 Redfield........ 177 Southfield....... 779 Esperence....... 238 Fallsburgh...... 571 Salem.......... 619 Richland....... 789 Westfield... 719 Fulton.......... 460 Forrcstburgh.... 165 White Creek.... 469 Sandy Creek.... 455 ----- Gilboa.......... 428 Fremont........ 358 Whitehall...... 775 Schroeppel...... 792 Total......... 4,999 1Jefferson........ 305 Hiighland. 135 Scriba.......... Mid.... 436 Total......... 8,513 Volney......... 1,188 Richmondville.... 441 Lumberland...... 189 West Monroe.... 237 ROCKLAND Co. Schoharie....... 551 Mamakating..... 771 Williamstown... 435 Clarkstown..... 642 Seward......... 338 Neversink...... 44* WAYNE Co. -- Haverstraw..... 768 Sharon.......... 479 Rockland 348 Arcadia........ 961 Total......... 14,038 Orangetown..... 1,034 Summit......... 317 Thompson....... 624 Butler........ 366 Ramapo........ 809 Wright......... 280 Tusten.......... 157 Galen.......... 990 Stony Point..... 504 -- Huron.......... 379 Burlington T CO. T otal......... 5,03 Total......... 5,542 Lyons.......... 852 Butterngton....... 4 239 - I Total........ 3,757 -^ A=Macedon....... 444 Chterryt ale..... 0 Cherry Valley... 441 T====:, Marion......... 394 Decatur........ I15a" 7 SCITInYLER Co. TIOGA Co. Ontario......... 433 Edmeston.....* "16 " * o- ~ ST. LAWRENCE Co. Catharines...... 2=75 Barton......... 789 Palmyra....... 741 Exeter.;....... 244 Brasher........ 520 Cayuta......... 129 Berkshire...... 196 Rose........... 438 THartwik.......,394 Canton......... 971 Dix............ 680 Candor......... 786 Savannah....... 350 T-^ ***** ~^ It Colton......... 261 Hector........... 916 Newark Valley.. 385 Sodus.......... 823 M~vlnrrl'****.of De Kalb........ 558 Mentour........ 368.-Richels......... 366 WYalworth...... 381 MiddS "' * 5W Do Peyster...... 234 Orange.......... 388 Owego......... 1,726 Williamson..... 455 Milfod..;;;;; 437 Edwards........ 205 Rteading......... 290 Fichford........ 230 Wolcott........ 596 Mnrnd ""'*** 372 Fine........... 77 Tyrone......... 420 Spencer........ 335 —NeT~bon:::: 299 Fowler......... 328 Tioga.......... 594 Total......... 8,603 0,,p^~ ~4173 Gouverneur... 533 Total......... 3,4-06 —- ==== O~~~o 355 Htiaameond...... 328 === Total......... 5,407 ^ ~' ********Hermen..... 307 - ===== WESTCrrESTEa CO. Pittfiel' * " * 268 Hopkinton...... 321 SENE~CA CO. Bedford........ 588 Pimnfplrl"***' ooq Lawrence....... 472 Covert.......... 420 TOMfPKINS Co. Cortlandt...... 1,781 Richfe~d *" *" 303 Lisbon......... 809 Fayette......... 671 Caroline........ 427 East Chester.... 9655 *Rnyphnm'" " 3290 Louisville....... 351 Junius.......... 264 Danby......... 364 Greenburgh..... 1,536.~^^^^^^^ 472 5aceomb........ 292 Lodi............ 336 ])ryden........ 897 Harrison....... 287 Unadlla..'.;;;; 559 Madrid......... 380 Ovid............ 414 Enfield......... 326 Lewisbore...... 307 Wp~tfrd *'*'* OOQ Massena........ 457 Romulus........ 337 Groton.;........ 618 Mamaroneck.... 245 *Wnrpp~pr'""* 4^7 Morristown..... 327 Seneca Falls..... 1,261 Ithaca.......... 1,397 Morrissanta..... 2,040 *' * **'__ * Norfolk........ 311 Tyre........... 239 Lansing'........ 573 Mount Pleasant.. 774 rp~i Q-P,-] Owegatche..... 1,975 Variek.......... 333 Newfield........ 523 New Castle..... 312 J- ******t ^101 Parishville...... 372 Waterloo........ 739 Ulysses......... 659 New Rochelle... 671 Pierrepont...... 392 -- ---- North Castle.... 371 PUTNAM Co. Pitcairn........ 90 Total......... 5,014 Total......... 5,784 North Salem.... 281 Carmel....... 399 Potsdam........ 1,149 -- -. Ossining....... 1,548 Kent......... 255 Rossis.......... 315 Pelham........ 210 Patteson...... 252 Russell.......... 4'30 STEUBEN' CO. ULSTERt CO. Poundridge..... 230 Philpston... 1030 Stockholm...... 624 Addison......... 330 Denning....... 172 Rye........... 873 PutnamValley. 249 Waddington.... 475 Aveca.......... 373 Esopus......... 823 Scarsdale....... 141 Southeast....... 552 _ ---- Bath........... 1,187 Galrdiner:....... 367 Somers......... 314 m ~~~......T Total *........ 13,864 Bradford........ 219 Hardenbergh.... 89 lWestchester.... 766 Total........_ 2,737 ^^. Cameron.... 264 Hurley..... 432 West Farms... 1,402 APPENDIX. 733 Towns. Males, 18-45. Towns. Males. 18-45. Counties. Males, 18-45. Counties. Males, 18-45. Districts. Males, 18-45. White Plains.... 396 Benton......... 466 Franklin........ 4,582 Schoharie....... 5,903 Seventh......... 26,991 Yonkers........ 2,574 Italy... 269 Fulton......... 4,284 Schuyler........ 3,466 Eighth.......... 27,219 Yorktown...... 456 Jerusalem...... 511 Genesee........ 5,656 Seneca.......... 5,014 Ninth........... 20,726 Middlesex...... 244 Greene......... 5,676 Steuben......... 12,349 Tenth.......... 25,562 Total......... 19,068 Milo........... 776 Hamilton....... 483 Suffolk.........'7,589 Eleventh........ 19,200 Potter.......... 420 Ierkimer....... 7,455 Sullivan........ 5,542 Twelfth......... 19917 Starkey........ 459 Jefferson....... 12,319 Tioga........... 5,407 Thirteenth....... 19,134 WYOMTNG Co. Torrey.......... 257 |Kings.......... 60,2958 Tompkins....... 5,784 Fourteenth...... 26,907 Attica.......... 417 Lewis.......... 5,121 Ulster........... 13,456 Fifteenth........ 24,987 Bennington...... 399 Total......... 3,691 Livingston...... 6,729 Warren......... 3,613 Sixteenth....... 16,546 Castile......... 370 = == Madison........ 7,880 Washington.... 8,513 Seventeenth..... 18,446 China.......... 327 Monroe......... 18,690 Wayne......... 8,603 Eighteenth...... 22,762 Covington....... 220 RECAPITULATION BY Montgomery..... 5,930 Westchester..... 19,068 Nineteenth...... 23,973 Eagle.......... 240 COUNTIES. New York...... 144,290 Wyoming....... 5,291 Twentieth....... 24,895 Gainesville...... 302 Counties. Males. IP-45 Niagara......... 8,916 Yates........... 3,691 Twenty-first.... 18,295 Genesee Falls... 200 Albany......... 21,001 Oneida......... 18,2955 Twenty-second.. 21,918 Java........... 355 Allegany....... 7,307 Onondaga....... 17,256 Total......... 712,805 Twenty-third.... 21,804 Middlebury..... 329 Broome......... 7,069 Ontario......... 7,895 Twenty-fourth... 24,131 Orangeville..... 253 Cattaraugus.... 7,952 Orange......... 13,658 Twenty-fifth.... 18,315 Perry..... 423 Cayuga......... 10,514 Orleans......... 5,326 RECAPITULATION BY Twenty-sixth.... 21,726 Pike.......... 335 Chautauqua..... 11,145 Oswego.........14,038CONR E SSI D\ S Twenty.seventh.. 25,988 Sheldon........ 7 Chemung....... 6,332 Otsego.......... 9,151 TiyTwenty-eighth... 24,016 Tt{ICTS. Warsaw........ 483 Chenango....... 7,089 Putnam......:.. 2,737' Twenty-ninth.... 19,863 Wethersfield.... 251 Clinton......... 7,772 Queens......... 10,463 l)istrict. Malcs. 1~-45. Thirtieth....... 27,729 - Columbia$....... 8,046 Rensselaer...... 16,474 First........... 23,051I Thirty-first...... 19,097 Total......... 5,291 Cortland........ 4,548 Richmond....... 4,999 Second.......... 32,171 Delaware....... 7,733' ockland....... 3,757 Third.......... 28,087 Total......... 712,805 Dutchess....... 11,871 St. Lawrence....13,864 Fourth......... 22, 168....... YATES Co. Erie............ 27,729 Saratoga........ 8,285 Fifth........... 25,592 Barrington...... 289 Essex.......... 5,161 Schenectady..... 3,780 Sixth........... 21,594 EFFECT OF THE WAR UPON PRICES, BUSINESS AND THE SOCIAL CONDITION OF THE POPULATION. The Census of 1865, coming at the close of an active war of four vears' duration, in which the State of New York had been largely interested, it was thought proper to insert among its miscellaneous inqUiries, questions having reference to the influence of this war upon prices, the relative amount of indebtedness, the manner of conducting business, and the relative amount of pauperism and crime. From their nature, these questions admitted of but very general answers, and to the expression of opinions by imen' who had enjoyed opportunities for ob~servingr every portion of the State. The only numerical statement of which these returns admitted, was limited to a classification of these estimates by counties. The blank for receiving' this information was as follows: "IWhat is the average monthly pay (including board) of farm laborers through the summer months?.... What by the year?..... What were these wages in 1860?..... Has the price of farming lands increased since 1860?..... State the relative increase...... How has the war affected the amount of debt between individuals?..... What effect has it had upon credit?..... Has it tended to promote prompt payments?..... How has it influenced the amount of crime?..... How has it influenced pauperism?..... What other changes in the social condition of the people have you observed since 1860?7 INFLUENCE OF THE WAR UPON THE PRICES OF FARM LABOR AND LANDS, UPON THE RELATIVE AMOUNT OF INDEBTEDNESS, UPON CREDIT, AND UPON CRIME AND PAUPERISM. IMEAN MONTItLY WAGES. i MEAN ANNUAL WAGES. INCREASE OF FARM INCREA.SE IN PRICE OFf EFFECT OBSERPVED ON AMOUNT t t' 1865. 1865. xxWAGES SINCE 1860. FARM LANDS..OF INDEBTEDNESS Total hum-! COUNTIES. berofenu-1 -- merators. Number Rate at Number Rate at Number Mean per Number Per cent oel Number Report no Report reporting. farm labor. reporting. fa/rm labor. reporting. cent of in- reporting. increase. reporting. change. decrease. crease. Albany......................... 67 31 ($25 00 31 ^218 31 932.0 || 27 15.2. 30 5 25 17 00 7i — - i Allegany........................ 31 30 28 77 i 27 265 0 22.5 28 12.0 29 2 27 Broome.......................... 23 20 32 10 19 290 19 45.0 20 16.6 20 1 19 Cattaraugus...................... 34 32 28 00 29 253 32 21.0 31 19.2 27 2 25 Oayugra......................... 30 27 2550 23 247 26 30.5 25 18.0 27....... 27 Chautauqua..................... 38 38 29 48 35 269 38 32.3 38 31.4 37....... 37 Chemuno....................... 18 14 26 16 13 ] 242 14 41.1' 15.6 15 1 14 Chenango....................... 28 28 2735 26 250 28 671.2 27 18.4 21....... 21 Clinton.......................... 21 21 28 86 20 258 21 52.6 15 11.6 19 1 8 Columbia 30 22 3091 20 254 22 59.6 17 15 0 20 2 18 Cortland......................... 20 18 3100 15 266 18 76.8 17 18.5 16....... 16 Delaware....................... 32 32 27 00 29 259 31 [ 70.9 28 18.6 29 1 28 Dutchess....................... 41 36 3045 32 280 37 73.0 31 17.0 35 5 30 Erie............................ 67 39 25 00 I 32 234 38 70.0 36 2362 37 3 34 Essex.......................... 21 1 9 31 32 19 290 18 77.5 16 16.1 19....... 19 Franklin........................ 21 19 26 80 18 278 18 90.0 12 1.5 16 1 15 Fulton.......................... 16 13 32 23 13 300 13 73.0 12 17.5 11....... 11 Genesee........... 16 16 26 00 15 242 16 77.3 14 26.0 25 1 24 Greene......................... 22 22 27 00 21 250 21 56.4 19 22.0 19 3 15 Hamilton........................ 8 8 34 00 5 268 7 84.3 1 25.0 2....... 2 Herkimer....................... 24 23 27 50 20 245 22 80.0 20 21.1 21 2 19 Jefferson........................ 49 47 2448 44 234 45 66.0 22 11.7 37 30 Kings.......................... 187 14 26 14 13 252 14 77.7 9 23.3 44 14 30 Lewis.......................... 26 23 3000 20 267 23 "l71.6 [ 19 18.7 is 3 15 Livingston...................... 26 24 24 33 21 232 22 80.0 18 12.5 20 I 20 Madson.................. 32 31 / 28 00 / 30 / 293 [/ 31 / 80.0 I! 30 25.3 27...... 27 Monroe......................... 51 30 / 25 57 it 28 242 30 O 68.2 il 28 20.0 27 125 Montgomery.................... 24 23 / 28 75 // 20 / 250 23 585 2i0. 2 41 New York...................... 445 1|50 1 8 50.5.........!2 72 Niagara......................... 2 22 { 24 40 /[ 22 237 l[ 22 74.0 21'20.0' 20 3 16 Oneida.......................... 5 46 30O00I 41 258 [ 44 73.0 40 15.9 51 249 Onondaga....................... 5 43 / 281 40 243 7.28 18714 23 Ontario................ 2 26 27 50 II 25 256 26 73.0 23 20.0 26 12 Orange......................... 40 6 36 28 83!1 36 } 250 I/ 35 70.0 34 20.0 38 3 35 Oren......................... 16 1 8 0 15 [ 273 15 7.01t2. 15.... 1 Oswego........................ 41 3 ] 5 6 2 5 31 71. o 30 15.7 34 23 Otseo..................... 3 3 7 0 3 259 3 67.0 29 17. 28..... 2 Otseens......................... 23 18 25900/ 16 03298 6. 2 1. 4 21 R ockland ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3............ 1316677026 0 5.09 2.5138 Purtnam........................ 229 4 0 27 418 7.0 23 7926 52 Queens ad....................... 2 2 0 1 2 2 7.81 2.0 15 2 11 Schoharie~~~~~~............ 22 90 243 20 2324 20 64.0 12 17.3 19 16 Rensselaer....................... 143 281 12 54 3 54. 10 21.5 12 2 10. Rihmneca......................... 19 2 4 0 1 2 5 1 50 17 2. 7 21 Steube..................... 40 4 27725 35 242 39 77.2 9 3 11.06 4 32 SuRoclan........................ 30 2100 2326 2 20 1 2.' 2 - 82 Sullian.................... 24 2 25 70 2 0 { 2643 23 1 0 2.0 11 16.5 II 2 8 12 Tioga~........................ 21 1I80 1 7 9 7. 8 1. 7.... 1 Saratoga........................ 14 1 24740 14 227 141 64. 14 1.0 21 7 4..... 14 Scuylser......................... 39 36100 3 250! 136 5 3. 5 1 0 213.76 5 3 Sarenea......................... 16 2 0 12 2 4 7.3 12 2.2|23 31 (~~~~~~~~~~~72354)1 7. 7 0 0 1 APPENDIX. 735 INFLUENCE OF THE WVAR UPON, THE PRICES OF FARM LABOR, ETC.-(CONTINUED.) MEAN MONTHLY WAGES.1 MEAN ANNIUAL WAGES INCREASE OF FARM INCREASE IN PRICE OF EFFECT OBSERVED ON AMOUNT Total num 18'65. 1865. WAGES SINCE ly. FARM LANDS. OF INDEBTEDNESS. /Total num-,II l/ COUNTIES. berofenu —------------— I —------------- ------ merators. Number Rate at Nurnber, Rzate at Number AMean per I Number'Per cent of Number Beport no! Report reporting. farm labor. reporting. farm labor., reporting. cent of in-i reporting. increase. reporting. change. }decrease. crease. Washington..................... 32 31 29 97 / 27 2G3 31 75.0 31 24.1 30 2 28 Wavne......................... 28 27 27 40 25 245 26 70.0 26 21.6 24 1 22 Westchester..................... 51 46 28 54 45' 252 43 56.0 37 22.3 42 11 30 Wyoming.-.................... 20 19 26 45 18 260 19 72.0 18 14.2 19 1 18 Yates.......................... 17 16 25 75 15 252 16 79.0 11 2.2 16....... 16 Total.......................... 321 1,485 27 4 I. i EFFECT OBSERVED UPON CREDIT. i EFFECT OBSERVED ON AMOUNT OF CRIME. EFFECT OBSERVED ON AMOUNT OF PAUPERISM. _ Observe a COUNTIES.! tendecly I -- | ---—.Number re- No change. Tendsc rte. D ec roapt Number re-t No change. Increase. De ecrease. porting time and lesseni!^ payments. \\porting Ijporting'. amount. Albany.................... 28 8 20 0 27 14 5 8 5 2 10 Allegany................... 28 1 8 27 14 5 8 27 15 2 10 Broome.................... 21 2 19 20 1 18 7 1 lo0 19 5 3 11 Cattaraugus................ 32 2 30 | 32 | T27 18 4 5 28 15 5 8 Oayuga....... 27 2 25 I 28 25 8 3 14 26 8 5 13 Chautauqua.3. 4 2 32 37 31 15 6 10 33 11 6 16 Cheimun.............. 16 2 14 12 12 2 73 10 2 5 [. 3 Chenaigo.................. 24 3 21 26; 20 8 4 8 20 8........ 12 Clinton.... 20 18 19 14 3 5 6 15 5 3 7 Columbia.................. 20 4 16 19 19 8 1 1 0 18 8 2 8 Cortland................... 14........ 14 18 13 5 1 7 12 8 2 2 Delaware.................. 25 3 22 28 26 15 1 10 25 14 4 7 utchess1................... 34 6 28 35 35 18 2 15 34 12 5 17 Erie....................... 37 3 34 43! 26 13 2 11 31 11 6 14 Essex...................... 7 1 16 17 17 4 3 10' 17 8 3 6 Franklin................... 15 1 14 17 13 4 2 7 15 5 5 5 Fulton..................... 11 1 10 11 10 2 1 7 it 24 5 Genesee.................... 16 1 15 16 13 6......... 7: 15 6 3 6 Greene:.................. 18 4 14 19' 21 10........ 11 18 8 5 5 H am ilton.................. 5........ 5.................................. Herkimer.................. 20 2 18 22 I 18 11 I..........7 18 7 6 5 Jefferson................... 40 8 32 39 37 18 9 10 41 9 30 2 Kings...................... 55 11 44 46 | 49 12 17 20 50 15 14 21 Lewis...................... 18 3 15 19 17 12........ 5 1 3 3 2 6 Livingston................. 22 4 18i 20 18 8 5 5 0 8 1 11 Madison................... 27 5 22 27 26 14 3 9 25 9 7 9 Monroe.................... 30 2 28 29 29 11 6 12 31 8 13 10 Montgomery................ 20 2 18 21 | 20 9 6 5 20 9 6 5 New York.................. 39 3 36 37 43 8 30 45 16 21 8 Niagara.................... 19 2 17 1 9 19 11 5 3 19 7 93 Oneida...................... 52 10 42 50 48 16 4 28 46 18 7 21 Onondaga.................. 43 5 38 41 36 9 7 0 42 8 19 15 Ontario.................... 25 4 21 24 24 8 13 3 22 7 6 9 Orange.................... 35 2 33 40 1 34 15 6 13 33 14 7 12 Orleans.................... 12........ 12 15 I 10 1 1 8 15 6 2 7 Oswego.................... 35 2 33 31 10 6 1 12 6 17 Otsego..................... 29 2 27 1! 27 24 14 4 6 10 6 7 Putnam3.................... 6 3 3 5 4 3........ 1 4 3........ 1 Queens.................... 15 2 13 14 14 5 2 7 | 1 7 2 4 B e, I la er............... 30 4 26 1 33 1 31 6 11 15 | 1 11 10 10 Richmond.................. 6 3 3 | 6 6 12 3 1 7 41 2 Rockland................... 10 3 71 9 10 5........ 5 10 8 1 1 St. Lawrence............... 47 4 43 2 6 49 14. 35 45'a 15 21 9 Saratoga................... 2 3 20 21 23 7 2 14 21 5 6 30 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Schenectady................ 12 5 7 1 10 13 9~~~~........ 41 Schoharie~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.............. 19 210 1 3 9 1 Qc uyeenr................... 1221}1 1 352 1 Seec.............. 1 5 2 1 3 17 16 5 2 L 0 18 2 8 5 P, ue nsear.................. 25 43 31 1 3 31 18 3 1 l 3 2 Suliva............... 21 1 1 20 / 3 1 10 26 2 UltRihod.................... 35 30 1 6 30 11 2, 17 314 7 15 Rockarrnd.................... 1 0 7] 0 5'........ 1 | 1 2 | 327 1 1 Washington................~ 28 42 | 3 I 28 125 1/ 2 10 St awrnce.................. 2 47, 7 I 5 i 2 - 1 27 W Sartchesae.................'39 920 i| 38 7 39 148 5 16 313510 Schenctady................. 19.....1959 1 7 1 4 73 16........ 4 109 Yc oaries.^.................. 19.... 17 |0 16 18 15 2 [.... 11 0 1 5..... 4 Schuyler.................... 1,3529,5 | 1 4 8 |,3 48 2 4 | 5 5 i,5 3 3 8 Sndteubn............. be5r it bega1n.3 0 ~ 1 GENERAL OFFICIAL SUMMARY OF PAUPERISM DURING FIFTEEN YEARS. TOWN AND COUNTY PAUPERS RELIEVED OR SUPPORTED YEARS Whole number lNumber of coun- Number of lown }Number of per- Expenses connected!Expenses of ad- Whole expense of'Amount pa I to AAmount paid to [Am'nt paid to of paupers re- ty paupers re- paupers relieved sons temporari- with the county nministering tern- support of county sUperintendents keepers and constables lieved or sup- lieved or sup- orsupported. ly relieved. poor-house. porary relief, paupers for the or'.the poor for poor-house offi- and other ported during ported. year. their services. cers. officers. the year. 1851.. 125,473 115,374 10, 099 85, 301 $492,768 82 $345,098 09 $857,866 91 I.~39,366 9 7 28,243 45 1 3, 837 20 1852.. 151,399 138,720 12,679 63,590 586,112 19 405,774 09 991,886 28 40,58317 28, 659 11 5, 535 45 1853... 130,027 112,058 10,453 94,209 641,955 57 367,792 08 1,009,747 65 22,553 16 50,288 29 1,791 74 1854.. 137,347 122,347 13,593 95,986 750,427 84 371,476 95 1,121,904 79 28,71345 53,654:53 1,367 63 1855.. 204,161 84,934 18,412 159,092 899, 694 80 480, 264 71 1 3'79,959 51 0,,901 97 62,594 39 1 1212 43 1856.. 179,040 71,153 15,145 138,146 1,353,439 20 413,393 65 1,769,332 85 31,438 94 70,778 95 1,028 09 1857.. 173,249 63,371 12,023 118,019 896,7004 41 457,675 49 1,354,383 90 31,127 54 80,910 73 1,489 35 1858.. 261,155 103,499 23,205 207,207 884,119 78 607,271 50 1,491,391 28 27,61987 91,764 40 3,24153 1859.. 228,517 192,830 25,021 279,787 774,106 89 560,859 62 1,334,966 51 47,48946 74,087 40 2,665 81 1860.. 223,485 46,080 3,002* 174,403 839,556 29 524,943 15 1,365,499 54 30,439 21 106,287 80 3,029 17 1861.. 314,797 49,461 2, 2111 262,725 911,670 15 470, 890 48 1, 382,560 63 34, 38937 96,349 92 1,716 23 1862.. 257,354 230,195 20,398 217,366 833,12655 485,35533 1,318,48188 36,;52097 93,73432 86400 1863.. 261,252 228,507 29,830 218,071 927,26467 535,838 37. 1,463,10304 43:,98133 99,91869 1,06850 1864.. 265,816 235,608 30,208 222,117 1,177,.598 58 667,216 63 1,853,906 36 35,895 99 104,539 37 1,659 81 1865.. 278,558 247,641 30,917 227,049 1,569,67520 770,39010 2,339,86530 39,11113 135,45342 1,42248 TOWN AND COUNTY. OFFICERS RELIEVED OR SUPPORTED. ITEMPORARY RELIEF. YEARS Aounont paid to lAmount paid to Amount paid for Total expenses supplies Io r the! the transportation | physicians for at- itniseellaneous ex- penditures for!overseers of poor jistices of the relieving- indigent for temporary county poor- of paupers. tendance and medi- penditures con- town anI county or services. peace for secr- persons tempora- relief. houses. cines. ilected with tile ipoor. vices. ril y. poor-houses. j l 1851.. 0365,330 47 ~9,061 53 8-14,980 95 $31,948 25 8492,768 82 i44,896'95 81,730 24 8298,450 90 $345,078 09 1852.. 412,958 02 11,157 56 13,275 20 73,943 68 622,026 97 38,149 19 1,884 01 365,740 93 405,774 13 1853.. 434,031 16 10,377 16 14,297 95 108,616 11 741,955 57'35,3S6 48 1,806 13 330,599 48 367,79'2 10 1854.. 505,32349 11,22312 27,85250 122,29312 750,427 84 38,3 2.409 1,35974 331,79312 371,47695 1855.. 683,610 33 11,739 27 35,637 12 73,999 29 899,694 80 40,211 36 2,847 11 437,206 24 480,264 71 1856.. 704,09700 8,62013 32,05745 75,80717 923,82873 40.05053 1,41175 375,75051 425,74025 1857.. 664,201 80 10,232 94 37,692 26 74,433 13 900,OS7 75| 41,292 80 877 32 411,862 01 454,032 13 1858.. 649,86491 12,07314 34,26443 65,30150 884,12978 57,30911 2,55042 547,41197 607,27150 1859.. 575,21742 10,78467 30,73534 33,36474 774,106 89 51 53,55925 8,50625 498,79412 560,85962 1860.. 631,52268 11,19565 29,24759 27,83919 839,556 29 53,90704 3,69 972 467,36639 534,94315 1861.. 672,37800 10,71760 36,82959 59,28888 911,670 15 43,35483 22,470 70t 405,05795 470,89048 1862.. 602,013 88 10,927 44 38,793 49 47,125 60 833,126 55 47,160 74 3,087 93 425,046 95 425,046 68 1863.. 675,25807 9,70498 42,74428 64,82822 927,264671 48,05671 2,47442 472,82791 535,83837 1_864.. 888,109.44 10,17134 55,34428 76,11982 1,-177,598 58 57,34739 1,85893 567,57000 667,21663 1865.. 1,183 63 10,895 33 68,452 79 118,580 12 1,569,475 20 50,901 03 2,504 19 698,824 62 770,390 10 Report from 1C counties only. f Report from 9 counties only. $ Manifestiy an error. CoNVICTIO=NS IN COUR'T OF I{ECORID.A.S REPO,~TED BY COIJNTY CLER~KS. RSL$O ^ ^ ^ ^ s OSES0 3 | PROS GENERAL OFFICIAL SUMMA~~~~I{EXUT OF' CRDIMTET ADUR CXVCIONG FUPON YEARS.SS(> 11 1 * p i ~ r! ^ ^ ^ e... --; 185... 844 [8 18 57 |52 553 1,.50 | 7 1,05 5,2 17.2 0 18541.... 1,48 409 1489 5875 49 3 401 1,0 79i 365 24 782 53 3,459 123157 296 1856.... 1507 42.5 248 -7 4 212 125 80 323 38i 5,1 8,090 10 27 277 1857... 1554 375 340 607 63 168f,8 6 300 22 839. 7 7,460 30 13 193 1858.... 1712 434 329 5'77 90 2061,6 89 358 20 849 390,'0339 22 21 233 1859.... 2091 425 341 439 89 5051,6 90 410 20 1292 55 7,796 13 79 92 I860....2,212 599 381 566 121 545,5 1 392 31 963 55 8,561 3 8 92 1862. I, 1616 377 25 449 75 500( 9 7 237 20 966 L1 2, 933:8 87 1863.... 1,644 433 241 540'68 362 6 8 218 |22 1080 4 [ 0.92O 2 6 71 184..1,430 416 169 436 60 349! 2 2 276 20 961 655 12459 2 1 116.1865.... 2,036 417 289 907 |52 271,9 9 391 16 1472 1,0 11,2'25,2 131 (736) APPENDIX. 737 The question, "What other changes in the social condition of the people have you observed since 1860,"? proved to be too indefinite for tabular deduction, although answered in a great majority of cases. The general tendency of these remarks, although expressed in an infinite variety of forms, might be summed up as follows: An increase of intelligence and habit of thought on subjects of national policy and questions of government, An enlarged acquaintance with our national geography and resources, and liberal views with reference to the necessary expenditures which the war has incurred, with a willingness to bear the burdens thus occasioned. An increased love of country, a new confidence in our form of government, and a growing appreciation of the necessity of education to meet the requirements of the citizen. A marked improvement in the condition of the poor, and the clearing off of debts, from the abundance of money, and the high prices paid for bounties during the later period of the war. An increase in the expenditures, in many cases relatively greater than the difference of prices before the war, with a tendency to luxuries, especially among those with newly acquired wealth. In some localities on the principal lines of travel, and in the suburbs of large cities, an increase of dissipation, idleness and crime was observed, from the presence of soldiers who had returned from the war, with morals depraved. It is but just to record, that the number of this class is relatively very small, and that much the greater portion quietly returned to the avocations of civil life with an industry in no degree impaired by their recent life in the field. At least nine-tenths of those who reported answers to the inquiry, under our notice, speak cheerfully of the change which the war has wrought, upon the social condition of the people, and the future prospects of the country. The introduction of labor-saving machines, the establishment of factories throughoutthe dairying sections, for the making of cheese with great economy of labor, and an increased knowledge of our domestic resources, may be counted among the permanent benefits that have resulted from the necessities which the war imposed., The providential succession of two seasons of extraordinary'abundance has tended materially to restore prosperity and happiness to the country. 93 INDEX. PAGE9. jPAGE. iPACE, Academies, unincorporated.............. 571 Baptist churches.......... cxxii, 536, 570 Britannia ware........... 424, 473, 481, 499 Accidental causes of death.............. 252 Evangelical, churches........ 540, 570 Broadcloths............................ 534 Acres of land improved and unimproved, 274 Free Will, churches.... cxxii, 540, 570 Brooms............. 410, 461, 477, 493, 508 394 Old School, churches......... 541, 570 Broom machines.......... 462, 477, 494, 508 Advent Christian Association....... 565, 570 Seven Day, churches.... cxxii 541, 570 corn............................ 405 Adopted children in families............ 1xvi Bark........... 411, 456, 477, 493, 507, 530 Brushes................. 462, 477, 494, 508 African Methodist Episcopal church. 552, 570 Barley, spring, acres sown and bushels Buckwheat, acres sown and bushels harAges, remarks concerning............... Ivii harvested............ 276, 396, 605 vested............... 276, 397, 604 comparison, 1855 and 1865,.... Ivii, Iviii winter........................... 410 Burial, bodies of soldiers sent home for... 685 evasion by reporting as over 45 in Barometers and thermometers.. 438, 475, 488 Burial-places of soldiers................ 724 males........................ lvii 504 Business, effects of the war upon......... 734 over 100 years, names of.......... lviii Barrels................................ 410 Butcheries............... 469, 478, 496, 511 number and percentages....... lix Barrel machines.......... 447, 476, 490, 506 Butter, pounds made.......... 280, 402, 607 of children....................... Ix Barytes................. 432, 474, 485, 502 Cabbages............................. 405 of those dying of consumption...... c Baskets............. 410, 419, 473, 480, 498 Cabinet ware............. 462, 477, 494, 508 diphtheria................... ci Battle, number killed in................ 684 Calico printing............ 433, 474, 485, 502 of population, 1865, by towns...... 18 Beadwork........................... 410 Calves, number raised......... 279, 401, 606 by counties.................. 66 Beans, acres planted and bushels harvest- Camphone, kerosene, paraphine and steaof deaf and dumb............... 211 ed.............. 277, 398, 405, 606 rine.............. 433, 474, 485, 502 of blind......................... 214 green............................ 410 Candles and soap......... 433, 474, 485, 502 of insane........................ 217 and peas.................... 410, 606 Candle wicking..................... 519 of idiotic........................ 219 Beds, mattrasses, and mattrass stuffings.. 461 Canned sweet corn..................... 410 of those married year previous...... 222 477, 493, 508 Cannon and iron projectiles, 466, 478, 495, 509 dying year previous...... 226, 229 Bed spreads........................... 410 Caps.................... 468, 478, 496, 510 of Indians....................... 604 Bedsteads............... 461, 477, 493, 508 Capstans and windlasses... 439, 475, 488, 504 of volunteers..................... 650 Bed ticking........................... 410 Card board, printing cards and fancy paat which deaths of soldiers occurred 692 Beef, cattle killed for.............. 280, 401 per.............. 429, 474, 484, 501 of males 18 to 45, in 1865.......... 730 Bees, young swarms................... 410 Carding and cloth dressing, 429, 474, 483, 501 Agricultural districts, stationary popula- Bee hives............................. 410 Carpenter shops.......... 447, 476, 490, 506 tion in...................... lxxiii Beets................................ 405 Carpets............. 411, 430, 474, 484, 501 implements......... 418,473, 480, 498 Bellows.................. 445, 476, 489 505 rag............ 411, 434, 474, 484, 501 wood work for... 421, 473, 481, 498 Bells.................... 421, 473, 481, 498 Carpet and traveling bags.. 470, 478, 496, 511 statistics, remarks concerning...... cii Bell-hangings................. 421, 473, 498 Carrots............................... 405 comparison of 1855 and 1865... cii Belting.....I............ 446, 476, 490, 505 Carrot seed........................... 410 comparison of 1850 and 1860... ciii Billiard tables............ 461, 477, 493, 508 Cars.................... 442, 476, 489, 505 by towns................ 274 Births, proportion of sexes.............. Ivii Car wheels............... 442, 476, 489, 505 by counties.............. 394 number by months................. lix Carving.............. 452, 476, 491, 506 of Indian reservations....... 605 comparison by counties, 1850 to 1865, 1xiii Cassimieres............................ 534 Alexandria, burials of soldiers at........ 729 percentage of to population........ Ixvi Casualties of volunteers................ 680 Aliens, percentage of by counties, 1865.. xlviii relative, with women of American Catholic Apostolic churches........ 541, 570 remarks concerning.............. lxxvi and foreign birth.............. 1xvii Cattaraugus Indian reservation.......... 600 allowed to hold lands on declaring reported by Indian census......... 603 Cattle, diseases among.................. cvi intentions.................. lxxvii Birthplace, 1865, byjtowns............. 69 killed for beef, number of...... 280, 401 decrease of, and the cause therefor, lxxvii by counties...................... 183 Cauliflowers........................... 410 number by counties, 1825 to 1865, Ixxviii of Indians...................... 603 Cayuga Indians....................... 601 percentage of same.............. lxxix of volunteers..................... 654 Cedar posts........................... 410 by towns........................ 1 Blackberries.......................... 405 Celery................................ 410 by counties...................... 17 Blacking................. 437, 475, 487, 503 Cement.................. 453, 477, 492, 507 volunteer........................ 675 Blacksmithinug........ 410, 421, 473, 481, 498 Cemeteries of soldiers.................. 729 citizens who were................ 683 Blankets........ 411, 429, 474, 483, 501, 535 Census of colonial period............... iii Allegany reservation................... 600 Blind, remarks concerning........... lxxxvii ot electors under first constitution.. iii Almshouses, returns of................. 573 hereditary tendency............ l xxxvii of city of New York, 1805 and 1816, iv notes concerning............. 574, 576 causes which rendered.......... lxxxvii constitutional requirement relating Alphabet blocks.............. 469, 478, 511 comparisons with former retmrns, xc, xci to...........,................. v American women, children borne by.... lxviii xcii total of each from 1790 to 1865, by Andersonville, burials at................ 729 sex, civil, condition and nationality.. 213 towns and wards.............. vi Anti-friction metal............ 421, 473, 498 ages of................-......... 214 by counties firom 1790 to 1865.. xlii-xliv Antwerp raspberries................... 410 occupations of................... 221 Centralization of population in cities... Ixxiii Apples, trees in fruit and quantity raised, 278 Blinds.................... 440, 475, 488, 504 Chairs................... 463, 477, 494 508 400, 406 Blocks and mast hoops.... 432, 475, 488, 504 Chair bottoms......................... 410 Area of State..... *.................... cii Boarding' academies, unincorporated...... 571 Charcoal............ 470, 478, 496, 511, 411 Artificial flowers......... 467, 478, 495, 510 Board of agriculture, statistics attempted used in iron furnaces.............. 522 limbs.............. 466, 478, 495, 510 by..*......................... c;iidust................ 470, 478, 496, 511 teeth............... 466, 478, 495, 510 Boat buildlng............. 439, 475, 488, 504 Cheese, pounds made.......... 280, 402, 607 Asheries................. 432, 474, 484, 502 Bolts, nuts and washers.... 424, 473, 481, 499 boxes.............. 447, 476, 490, 506 Asparagus............................. 405 Boneblack and bone manure, 432, 474, 485, 502 Dutch........................... 410 Assembly, ratio of representation in.. lxxxiii Bone turning.............. 433, 474, 485, 502 factories, summary of returns... cvi, 415 counties, how represented in..... Ixxxiii Book-binding and blank books, 464, 477, 494 special returns of 133 factories...... 416 Asylums, orphan, statistics of...... 579, 581 508 presses............ 419, 473, 480, 498 Axes and edge tools...... 421, 473, 481, 498 Boot-trees................ 461, 477, 493, 507 vats................ 419, 473, 480, 498 Axe helves........................... 410 Boots and shoes...... 411, 456, 477, 493, 507 Chemicals............... 434, 474, 485, 502 Axle trees............... 442, 476, 489, 505 Boxes.................... 447, 476, 490, 506 Chestnuts............................ 406 Bran dusters................. 419, 473, 498 Cherries.............................. 406 Bagging................. 429, 474, 483, 501 Brandy............................. 410 Chickcry............^............... 410 Bakeries................ 432, 474, 484, 502 apple............................ 410 Children, number in fatmilies............ lxv Blahnoral skirts and skirting', 410, 467, 478 Brass and copper wire..... 424, 473, 481, 499 number borne by women of American 495, 510, 535 Breweries................ 433, 474, 485, 502 and foreign birth.............. lxvii Band boxes.............. 469, 478, 496, 511 Brick.................... 452, 476, 492, 507 ages of.......................... lix Bands and belting........ 446, 476, 490, 505 Brick and, tile machines.... 453, 476, 492, 507 i ages, by counties, under 5 years.... Ix 7]40 INDEX. PAGE. PPAGE. PAGE. Children, Indian...................... 604 Cows, supplying cheese factories.... 415, 417 Enlistments, by counties................ 637 of deceased soldiers............... 685 milch, number of........ 279, 401, 606 in regiments of other states........ 649 Children's carriages....... 442, 476, 489, 505 Cracker machines......... 434, 474, 485, 502 of deceased soldiers, dates of....... 686 China ware.............. 455, 477, 493, 507 Cranberries........................... 410 mnoths and years of.............. 671 Christian Connection churches...... 5 41, 570 Credit, effect of war on................. 735 Enumerators, number by counties....... 734 Israelite churches............. 541, 570 Crime, effect of war on"................ 735 Evangelical association churches..... 544, 570 Church of Christ, churches......... 541, 570 official summary for fifteen years.... 736 Lutheran churches...... cxxiii 545, 570 Church of the Messiah, churches..., 451, 570 Crimps.................. 461, 477, 493, 507 Envelopes................ 464, 477, 494, 508 Churches, statistics of....... cxx, cxxii, 536 Crops, yield of, 1864................ civ, cv summary, by counties............. 569 Cucumbers............................ 406 Failure of crops in 1864................ cv denominations................ 570 Cultivators............... 419, 473, 480, 498 Fallow, amount of land in...... 274, 395, 606 Cider........................ 278, 400, 411 Currants............................. 406 Families, percentage of by counties, 1865, xlviii Cigars.............. 410, 470, 478, 496, 511 Curry cards and curry combs... 424, 473, 481 number of children in............. lxv Cigar boxes............. 447, 476, 490, 506 499 with percentages......,...... lxvii Cigar lighters and tooth picks...471, 478, 497 Cutlery............. 424, 473, 481 499 remarks concerning............... ci 511 number of, by towns.............. 1 Cisterns and tanks............ 440, 475, 504 Dandelion root........................ 410 by counties.................. 17 Cities, tendency to increase of......... lxxiii Deaf and dumb, remarks concerning... lxxxv Indian.......................... 603 Citizens, deceased soldiers who were..... 683 1xxxvi Fancy splint baskets and fans.. 464, 477, 494 Civil condition, percentage of, 1865, by hereditary influences in causing.. lxxxvi 508 counties..................... xlviii causes and ages at which it occur- Fancy work........................ 410 remarks and deductions.......... 1xxiv red........................ lxxxvi Fanning mills...... 419, 473, 480, 498 number and percentages in different comparisons with former returns, xc, xci Farms, cash value of............... 274, 394 countries.................... lxxv xcii number of, by counties............ 394 of population, by towns............ 1 total, sex, civil condition and nation- Farm labor, effects of the war upon...... 734 by counties.................. 17 ality......................... 210 Feathers.............................. 410 of deaf and dumb................. 210 ages of.......................... 211 Federal censu:- returns.................. v of blind......................... 213 occupations of.................... 221 Feed mills............... 446, 476, 490, 505 of in"sane........ *................. 216 Deaths, remarks concerning............ xcvii Females, white and colored, by towns.... 1 of idiotic........................ 218 of rebel prisoners................ xcvii by counties.................. 17 before marriage................... 224 comparative number, 1850 to 1865, xcviii percentages of.................. 1xviii of those dying year previous....... 230 from consumption....... Fertilizers............... 404, 481, 497, 511 of Indians...................... 603 from diphtheria.................. ci Files.................... 424, 473, 481, 499 of volunteers..................... 650 in year previous, by counties, ages.. 226 Fire arms............... 466, 478, 495, 509 of deceased soldiers............... 683 recapitulation of.............. 229 Fire brick and retorts..... 453, 476, 492, 507 Civil magistrates solemnizing marriages... 225 ratio and percentages of........... 229 Fire engines.............. 445, 476, 489, 505 Classes of manufactures............... 418 civil condition.................... 230 Firkin tubs........................... 410 Clergy, salaries of............ 557, 569, 570 color, months.................... 230 Fisheries................ 471, 478, 497, 511 Clergymen solemnizing marriages........ 225 seasons.......................... 231 Fishing-tackle............ 424, 473, 482, 499 Clocks and watches........... 439, 475, 504 nativities and occupations, by coun- Fishing and trapping. cot <............... 410 Cloth, flannel................. 281, 404, 412 ties......................... 232 Fish-hooks............... 424, 473, 482, 499 fulled.................. 281, 404, 412 cause of......................... 244 Fish manures......................... 410 linen.,................. 281, 404, 412 of Indians....................... 603 Fish oil.................. 435, 474, 486, 502 for shawls....................... 410 of volunteers..................... 682 Fish, propagating of........... 471, 478, 511 Clothing................. 467, 474, 495, 510 manner of........................ 684 Flannel, yards of......... 281, 4 04, 534, 535 Clover seed...................... 406, 410 of soldiers, dates of............... 689 Flax, acres sown and bushels of seed, 277, 399 Coaches and wagons...... 442, 476, 489, 505 of soldiers by towns.............. 697 cotton.............. 430, 474, 484, 501 Cocoons, pounds raised for silk...... 279, 401 by counties.................. 710 dressing............ 430, 474, 484, 501 Coffee, spice and mustard.. 434, 474, 485, 502 Debts, effects of the war upon........... 734 seed............................. 410 Coffee mills.............. 464, 477, 494, 508 Dental furniture.............. 466, 478, 510 Flouring and grist-mills................ 520 Cold Ilarbor, Va., burials of soldiers at... 729 Dentistry............... 466, 478, 495, 510 Flower-pots........................... 410 Collars and'cuffs..... 410, 468, 478, 496, 510 Dependent survivors of deceased soldiers,.. 684 Foreign-born women, children borne by.. Ixix Colonial census returns.............. iii Diagrams; comparison of ages and sexes, Forges.................. 426, 473, 482, 499 Colored persons, qualified suffrage to... lxxvii 1855, 1865.................... lviii Forks................... 419, 473, 480, 498 percentage of, in. 1865, by counties,:lviii Die sinking.............. 464, 477, 494, 508 Fortress Monroe, burials of soldiers at.... 729 not taxed, percentage of, by counties, Diphtheria, deaths from, classified...... ci Foundry facings.......... 424, 473, 482, 499 1865........................ xlviii Discharges of volunteers............. 4.. 680 Freeholders, numbers of.............. lxxvii by towns.................... I Diseases, classification of............. xcviii Freemen allowed to vote under constituby counties.................. 17 by counties...................... 244 tion of 1777................. lxxvii not taxed, by towns............... 1Iamong cattle.................... cvi Free Methodist churches........... 553, 570 by counties.................. 17 Distilleries............... 434, 474, 485, 502 French settlers....................... lxxii soldiers..................... 650, 683 Districts, Senate.................... lxxxiii Friends.......................... 546, 570 Color of those dying year previous....... 230 Divorced, statistics of................. lxxv Fringe, gimp, cord and tassels, 431, 474, 484 Colors, manufacturers of... 336, 474, 486, 503 Doeskin cloths....................... 535. 501 Colts, number raised............... 280, 402 Dogs, sheep killed by.............. 281, 404 Fruits, miscellaneous................... 406 Combs................... 468, 478, 496, 510 Domestic manufactures........ cvii, 281, 404 Fruit and nursery trees................. 406 Comforters.......................... *. 410 Doors................... 440, 475, 488, 504 Fruits, dried, not specified.............. 410 Condensed milk, cider and coffee, 434, 474, 485 Drawers.............................. 410 Fulled cloth, yards of.............. 281, 404 502 Dried apples.......................... 412 Furnaces, for reducing iron ore........ 522 Confectionery............ 434, 474, 485, 502 Drouth of 1864........................ civ heating............. 438, 475, 487, 503 Congregational churches....... cxxii, 542, 570 Drugs and medicines...... 434, 474, 485, 502 Furs.................... 468, 478, 496, 510 Conscription, ages of males who were Drums.................. 466, 478, 495, 509 ~liable to.......................... 730 Dutch cheese.......................... 410 Galvanized iron........... 424, 473, 482, 499 Consumption, deaths from, classified..... c Dwellings, remarks and percentages..... ci Garden products.................. 278, 400 Constitutional qualifications of voters... Ixxvi number, material and value, by Garden seeds.......................... 406 Constitution, requirements of, concerning towns........................ 254 Gas..................... 435, 474, 486, 5C2 census........................ v by counties............,...... 271 Gas-fixtures and plumbing, 424, 473, 482, 499 Convictions for crime during fifteen years, 736 - unoccupied.....\...:.. 233 Gas-meters.............. 424, 473, 482, 499 Cooper shops............. 448, 476, 490, 506 Indian.......................... 603 German Protestant churches........ 547, 570 Copper smithing.......... 424, 473, 481, 499 Dyeing and bleaching.... 335, 474, 486, 502 German Reformed churches......... 547, 570 Cord and tassels.......... 431, 474, 484, 501 Dye woods and dye stuffs.. 435, 474, 486, 502 German settlers..................... Ixxii Corks................... 471, 478, 497, 511 Educational statistics................. cxxv German United churches........... 547, 570 Corn, acres planted and bushels harvested, 276 Eggs, value sold................... 287, 404 Gettysburgh, burials of soldiers at....... 729 397, 605 Elecampane root....................... 410 Gimp.......... 431, 474, 484, 501 acrs swn or oddr.......276, 397 Elections, annual results of, by counties, Glass, and glassware...... 453, 477, 492, 507 oses.................. 468, 478, 496, 510 since 1826.................... Lxxx j staining................ 453, 477, 507 Cotton batting, wadding and waste., 430, 474 actual and comparative results of, lxxxii Glazing.................. 436, 474, 486, 503 484, 501 Electoral census returns........... iii, lxxvii Gloves and mittens... 410, 468, 478, 496, 510 cloth, yards of.............,.. 281, 404 Electors, qualifications of............... iii Glue................... 435, 474, 486, 502 hay and hop presses.. 419, 473, 480, 49~ ~mery and sand paper......... 435, 474, 502 Gold leaf..................... 424, 473, 499 mills, statistics of................ 519 Emigration, effect of on proportion of pens................ 464, 477, 494, 508 ~ warp........430, 474, 484, 501 sexes......................... lvii smelting and refining of... 424, 473, 499 Counties, population of, from 1790 to 1865, xlii Employment, usual place of, if away fi'om Gooseberries.......................... 410 xliv home........................ Ixxvi Grain cradles............. 419, 473, 480, 498 in order of population, 1790 to 1865, xlvi Enamelled ware........... 453, 476, 592, 507 measures............ 419, 473, 480, 498 Counties and countries, in order of hum- English settlements................... Ixxii Grape wine....................... 270, 400 hers, as a source of population.. Ixxiv Engraving and die sinking.. 464, 477, 494, 508 Grapes............................. 407 Coverlids....c......................... 410 iEnlistments by regiments and towns..... 610 Grapevines............................ 4.07 IN.DEX. 741 PAGE.PAGE. PAtGE P. Grandchildren in families............. lxvi mining........... 440, 475, 488, 504 Mattrasses............ 461, 477, 493, 508 Grass lands, acres of............ 274, 294 pipes............... 426, 473, 482, 499 Mats.................... 464, 477, 494, 508 Grass-seed, bushels of......... 275, 395, 410 railing............... 426, 473, 482, 499 Meadow, acres of............. 274, 395, 606 Grates, ranges and furnaces, 438, 475, 487, 503 rolling, cutting and forging, 426, 473, 482 Meat packing and curing... 471, 476, 497, 511 Green corn............................ 410 499 Medicines................ 434, 474, 485, 502 Grist and flouring mills................ 520 Medicinal herbs........................ 410 Groceries............................ cxxv Japanned tin................. 426, 473, 501 Melons.............................. 407 Gums................... 435, 474, 486, 502 Jewelry................. 464, 477, 494, 508 Melodeons............... 467, 477, 494, 508 Gypsum quarries......... 440, 475, 488, 504 Jewish synagogues................ 547, 570 Mennonite churches............... 554, 570 Jury, aliens may serve on in certain Metallic burial- cases.... 427, 473, 483, 500 Hair..................... 468, 478, 496, 510 cases....................... lxxvii casks, tanks and milk cans, 427, 413, 500 Hair cloth and curled hair.. 431, 474, 484, 501 sashes................... 427, 473, 500 Hames....................... 424, 473, 499 Kerosene................ 433, 474, 485, 502 Methodist Episcopal churches. cxxiii, 547, 570 Hammers and skates.......... 424, 473, 499 Kerseys.............................. 535 Methodist Protestant churches...... 553, 570 Hampton, Va., burials of soldiers at...... 729 Kindling wood........... 450, 476, 491, 506 Migration, westward, tendency of...... lxxiii Harnesses, saddles and trunks.. 459, 477, 493 Knit goods................ 431, 474, 484, 501 Military ages, evidence of, evasion in re507 Knitting-machine needles.. 426, 473, 482, 500 porting....................... Ivii Hat blocks............... 468, 478, 496, 510 equipments......... 466, 478, 495, 509 Hat bodies............... 468, 478, 496, 510 Labor, farm, effect of the war upon...... 734 service, statistics of............... 609 Hats and caps............ 468, 478, 496,.510 Ladies' cloaks............. 469, 478, 466, 510 Milk, gallons sold.................. 280, 402 palm-leaf........................ 410 under garments..... 469, 478, 496, 510 used in cheese factories........ 415, 417 straw........................... 410 Lambs, number raised.............. 281, 403 cans.................... 427, 483, 500 Hay, tons of...................... 275, 395 Lampblack and stove polish, 435, 474, 486,502 Milletseed.:.......................... 407 hoops.............. 449, 476, 491, 506 Lamps and lanterns....... 438, 475, 487, 503 straw........................... 407 and straw cutters.... 419, 473, 480, 498 Lands, may be held by aliens in certain Millinery................ 469, 478, 496, 510 pressing................ 471, 487, 511 cases........................ lxxvii Mill gearing and machinery, 446, 476, 490, 505 Heading, hoops and staves. 449, 476, 491, 506 acres improved and unimproved, 274, 394 stones.......... 446, 476, 490, 505, 520 Health of volunteers.................... 680 attached to poor-houses........... 572 number of runs of........... 520 Hemp, acres sown and pounds raised, 278 399 increase of value since the war...... 734 Mineral water............ 436, 474, 486, 503 Hickory nuts................. 410 Lanterns................ 438, 475, 487, 503 Mint distilleries..... 438, 475, 487, 503 Hoes.................... 419, 473, 480, 498 Lasts, boot-trees and crimps, 461, 477, 493, 507 oils (not specified)................ 410 Hoisting wheels and machines.. 446, 476, 490 Lath................ 450, 476, 491, 506, 526 Mittens............. 412, 468, 478, 496, 510 5'05 Lathes. 426, 473, 482, 500 and socks.................... 412, 413 Hollanders, first settlers............... lxxii Lead and lead shot....... 426, 4~73, 482. 500 Molasses, maple.............. 279, 400, 606 5tellow ware............. 425, 473, 482, 499 Lead mining............. 440, 475, 488, 504 sorghum......................... 143 wooden ware..... 464, 477, 494, 508 Leather, statistics of manufacture.... 410, 530 Months in which births occurred........ lix Honey, pounds collected........ 279, 400, 606 dressing.......... 461, 477, 493, 507 in which deaths occurred from conHoops................... 449, 477, 494, 506 Lettuce............................... 410 sumption..................... c Hoop-skirts.............. 968, 478, 496, 510 Liberal......................... 547, 570 in which deaths occurred from diphH,:toop-skirt materials..... 468, 478, 496, 510 Life boats................ 439, 475, 488, 504 theria.......................... ci Hops, acres in crop and pounds harvested, 278 Lime................................. 410 in which marriages occurred....... 224 399 and cement.......... 453, 477, 492, 507 in which deaths occurred.......... 230 Hop poles............................. 410 Linen cloth, thread and twine, 431, 474,484, 501 in which enlistments occurred...... 671.Horses, number owned........ 280, 402, 607 yards of..................... 281, 404 of enlistment of deceased soldiers.. 686 Horse-powers............ 419, 473, 480, 498 Linseed oil............... 435, 474, 486, 502 in which deaths of soldiers -occurred, 689 Horseradish........................... 410 Lint, pounds raised................ 278, 399 Moravian churches................ 554, 570 Horseshoe nails........... 425, 473, 482, 499 Locks................... 426, 473, 482, 500 Morocco.................. 461, 477, 493, 507 HIose..................... 461, 477, 493, 500 Locomotives.............. 438, 475, 488, 504 Molding sand................. 427, 473, 500 Hosiery................. 469, 478, 496, 517 Locomotive lamps......... 438, 475, 487, 503 Moldings, wood.......... 452, 476, 491, 506 Hospitals, statistics of................. 577 Looking-glasses.............. 454, 477, 507 Motive water power......... 471, 478, 497, 511 notes concerning........ 578 Looms and loom harness, 431, 474, 484, 501, 519 Mules owned...................... 280, 402 House-building........... 440, 475, 488, 504 Lumber mills, statistics of......... 410, 523 Musical instruments generally.. 465, 477, 494 House-builder's hardware.. 425, 473, 482, 499 508?Iubs.................... 445, 476, 489, 505 Maccaroni and vermicelli... 436, 474, 486, 502 Mustard................. 434, 474, 485, 502 Huguenots, settlements of............. lxxii Machinery................ 426, 473, 483, 500 Mutilations of volunteers............... 680 Hungarian grass and seed............... 410 Majorum.............................. 410 Myatt wine........................... 414 Hydrants................ 445, 476, 490, 505 Males, white and colored, by towns...... 1 Hydraulic presses......... 446, 476, 490, 505 by counties.................. 17 Nationality of those dying of consumption, c 18 to 25, by towns................ 730 of deaf and dumb................ 210 Ice.................. 471, 478, 497, 511 by counties................. 733 blind............................ 213 Idiotic, remarks concerning the....... lxxxix Congressional districts......... 733 insane........................... 216 hereditary tendency............ lxxxix Malleable iron............ 427, 473, 483, 500 idiotic........................... 218 causes which rendered...... lxxxix, xc Malt..................... 436, 474, 486, 502 of population at different periods... lxxi comparisons with former returus, xc, xci Mangle wurtzel........................ 410 of population, counties, States and xciii Manufactures, remarks concerning........cvii countries, in the order of...... lxxiv sex and nationality............... 218 domestic......................... cvii ofwpopulation, by towns........... 69 ages of......................... 219 since 1825.................... cvii by counties.............. 183 occupations of.................... 221 comparison of 1850 and 1860.. cvii, cxix of those dying year previous....... 232 Illiterate, percentages of, by counties, classes of........................ 418 of volunteers..................... 654 1865................. xlviii, lxxxiv summary of persons, capital and Naturalization by State laws.......... lxxvii by towns........................ 1 values of materials and producg.. 473 recent law concerning........... lxxvii by counties...................... 17 recapitulation by classes......479 Neat cattle, total number of........ 401, 606 who entered military service....... 675 quantities of materials and product.. 480 Neckties................. 469, 478, 496, 510 Immigration, remarks on.............. Ixxi distribution of, by counties........ 498 Nets.................... 431, 474, 484, 501 Implements, value of............... 274, 294 persons employed,/No. by counties.. 512 Nlew England, element of population.... lxxiii Imitation bronze.......... 425, 473, 482,.490 wages of men................. 512 New Jerusalem (Swedenborgian) churches, 554 Increase of population, rate of....~...... lxvii wages of women......... *.... 517 570 Independent Congregational Methodist Manures and fertilizers, value bought, 281, 404 Newspapers..................... cxxv, 582 churches................. 553, 570 Marble.................. 454, 477, 492, 507 list of............................ 582 Independent Methodist churches..... 553, 570 Market gardens, acres cultivated and value tabular summary of..,............. 598 India rubber goods........ 435, 474, 486, 502 of products.......... 279, 400, 607 New York city census, 1805 and 1816.... iv 1indtan census................... cxxvi, 600 Married, by towns..................... 1I Nickel mining............. 440, 475, 488, 504 Indictments for crime during fifteen years, 736 by counties... *............... *...17 Nomenclature of diseases............. xcviii Ink, writing.....,........ 437, 475, 487, 503 Marriages, remarks concerning.......... xcix Nurseries............................. 410 Inns................................ cxxv statistics of in other counties...... xciv Insane, remarks concerning the...... lxxxviii comparison with former returns.... xciv Oakum.........., *..**..... 431, 474, 484, 501 hereditary tendency........... Ixxxviii previous civil conditions........... xcv Oars and sculls........*... 439, 475, 488, 504 causes which rendered......., Ixxxviii months of........................xcv 0ats, acres sown and bushels harvested, 275, 396 comparisons with former returns, xc, xci comparison of ages............... xcvi on Indian reservations............ 605 xciii mean.age....................... xcvi Occupations, remarks and comparisons... lxxv sex, civil condition and nationality... 216 ages of husband and Wife.......... 222 of population, 1865, by counties.... 195 ages of............................* 217 previous civil condition, and months. 223 of deaf and dumb, blind, insane and occupations of.................... 221 manner of solemnization............224 idiotic........................ 221 in poor-houses..........,........ 572 among Indians.................... 603 of those dying year previous....... 232 Iron buildings............ 425, 473, 482, 499 Married, number of times.............. xcvi of volunteers..................... 658 chains.............. 425, 473, 482, 499 Mast hoops.............. 439, 475, 488, 504 Oi clt.~........46 7,46 0 foundties........... 425, 473, 482, 499 Matches................. 436, 474, 486, 502 mint............................ 410 furnaces for reducing' ore.......... 522 Mathematical instruments...... 439. 475, 504 of peppermint.................... 410 742 INDEX. PAGE. PAGE. IPAC. Oil of worm seed...................... 410 Porte-monnaies........... 461, 477, 493, 507 Saleratus boxes........... 451, 476, 491, 506 of wormwood.................... 410 Portraits..................... 465, 477, 509 Salsify................................ 410 Old School Methodist churches...... 553, 570 Potash............................... 410 Salt..................... 437, 475, 487, 503 Oneida Indians........................ 601 Potatoes................ 277, 397, 410, 675 Saltpetre refining......... 437, 475, 487, 503 Onions................................. 407 Potatoe hooks............ 420, 473, 480, 498 Sand paper................... 435, 474, 502 Onion seed............................ 410 Potteries................. 455: 477, 492, 507 Sash, blinds and doors..... 440, 475, 488, 504 Onondaga Indians, annual census of...... 601 Poultry, value owned and value of eggs Satinets............................... 534 reservation....................... 601 sold................. 281, 404, 607 Saw frames.................. 451, 476, 506 Optical instruments........... 439, 445, 504 Powder.................. 466, 478, 495, 509 logs............................. 412 Ore, iron, furnaces for reducing.......... 522 Power used in manufactures, summary of, 473 mills, statistics of................ 523 Organs................... 465, 477, 494, 509 Presbyterian churches....... cxxiii, 554, 570 sets................ 451, 476, 491, 506 Orphan asylums, statistics of............ 579 Presbyterian Union churches........ 558, 570 Saws.................... 451, 476, 491, 506 notes concerning.................. 581 Preserved fruits, vegetables and meats... 437 number of, in saw mills........... 526 Osier willow........................... 407 475, 487, 503 Scales................... 446, 476, 490, 505 Over 21 who cannot read or write, by towns, I Pressed, stamped and painted tin ware..... 427 Scoop shovels................. 420, 473, 498 by counties...................... 17 474, 483, 500 Scotch settlements.................... lxxiii percentages of................. xlviii Preston, J., statistics collected by........ cii Scroll sawing............ 452, 476, 491, 506 Owners of land, percentages of, by coun- Prices, effect of the war upon........... 734 Scythes.................. 420, 473, 481, 498 ties, 1865...... xlviii, lxxxiii, Ixxxiv Printing ink.............. 465, 477, 495, 509 Scythe snaths............ 420, 473, 481, 498 by towns......................... I presses............. 466, 478, 495, 509 Seasons in which deaths occurred........ 231 by counties...................... 17 and publishing...... 465, 478, 495, 509 Second Advent churches............ 565, 570 Oxen, working, number of..... 279, 401, 606 Prisoners, death of.................... 683 Senate, ration of representation in.... Ixxxiii Prisons, deaths in..................... 729 districts...................... l xxxiii Pails and tubs............ 464, 477, 494, 508 Professions, remarks and comparisons... lxxv Settlements, origin of.................. lxxii Painting and glazing....... 436, 474, 486, 503 and occupations of population, 1865, Seventh Day Adventers............ 5(65, 570 Paints and colors......... 436, 474, 486, 503 by counties................... 195 Sewing machines......... 469, 478, 496, 510 Paper bags............... 431, 474, 484, 501 of deaf and dumb, blind and insane, 221 Seven Pines, burials of soldiers at....... 7-9 boxes................... 471, 478, 511. of volunteers.................... 658 Sexes, percentages of 1865, by counties.. xlviii hangings............ 437, 478, 487, 503 of those dying year previous....... 232 remarks concerning............... Ivi mills........................... 527 Projectiles, cannon........ 466, 478, 495, 509 comparison of 1855, 1865...... lvii, Iviii Paraffine................ 433, 474, 485, 502 Promotions of volunteers............... 676 summary and percentages of 1820 to Parasols.................. 469, 478, 496, 510 of deceased soldiers............... 695 1865......................... Ivii Pardons for crime during fifteen years.... 736 Property qualification of voters........ xxvii and colors, by towns.............. 1 Parents of deceased soldiers............. 684 Protestant Episcopal churches...... 558, 570 by counties.................. 17 Parsnips.............................. 407 Evangelical churches.......... 546, 570 of deaf and dumb................ 210 Pasture, acres of.......... 274. 395, 410, 606 Provision safes........... 464, 477, 494, 508 of blind.......................... 213 Patent powers............ 471, 478, 491, 511 Prussian blue............ 437, 475, 487, 503 of insane........................ 216; Patterns.................. 450, 476, 491, 506 Pumpkins............................ 410 of idiotic........................ 218 Paupers, returns of..................... 57 Pumps.................. 445, 476, 490, 505 of those dying....................229 Pauperism, effect of war on.............. 735 Pump logs................ 446, 476, 490, 505 of Indians......'................ 603 official summary for fifteen years... 736 Shaving boxes............ 451, 476, 491, 506 Payments, effect of war on.............. 735 Quilts................................ 410 Shawls.......... 413, 431, 474, 484, 501, 535 Peaches............................... 408 Quinces.............................. 408 Sheep, number owned......... 280, 403, 607 Pearl work................... 467, 477. 509 number slaughtered........... 281, 40-4 Pearl barley.............. 446, 476, 490, 505 Radishes............................. 410 number killed by dogs........ 281, 404 Pears................................ 408 Rag carpets.............. 431, 474, 484, 501 total number of.............. 280, 403 P>eas, acres sown and bushels harvested, 277, 398 Railroad ties.......................... 412 Sheet tin and copper.......... 427, 473, 500 green........................... 408 Rain, amount in summer of 1864........ civ Shingles........ 413, 451; 476, 491, 506, 526 and beans........................ 410 Rakes................... 4'20, 473, 480, 498 Shingle machines......... 452, 476, 491, 506 and oats......................... 408 Ranges.................. 438, 475, 487, 503 Shinecock reservation.................. 602 on Indian reservations............. 606 Rank, original of volunteers............ 674 Ships.................... 439, 475, 488, 504 Pencil cases............. 465, 477, 495, 509 original of deceased soldiers........ 695 Shirts.................... 469, 478, 496, 510 Percussion caps........... 466, 478, 495, 509 at time of death of ditto.......... 696 Shoddy.................. 431, 474, 484, 501 Perfumery................... 436, 474, 503 Raspberries........................... 408 Shoes.................... 456, 477, 493, 507 Periodical press.............. cxxv, 582, 598 Antwerp......................... 410 Shoe pegs................ 461, 477, 493, 507 Perry................................. 410 Ratio of representation in Legislature.. lxxxiii Shooks.................. 452, 476, 491, 506 Petroleum refineries....... 436, 475, 486, 503 Razor strops.............. 461, 477, 493, 507 Shot.................... 426, 473, 482, 500 Photographic apparatus and materials, 465, 477 Reapers and mowers.. 4220, 473, 480, 481, 498 Show-card writing............ 471, 479, 511 495, 509 sections of...... 420, 473, 480, 481, 498 Sickness, deaths of soldiers fr'om........ 684 Photographing............ 465, 477, 495, 509 Reformed Methodist churches...... 553, 570 Silk printing................. 437, 474, 503 Photolithography............. 465, 477, 509 Prof. Dutch churches... cxxiv, 561, 570 Silks, sewing silk and twist, 431, 474, 484, 501 Pianofortes............... 465, 477, 495, 509 Refrigerators............. 471, 479, 497, 511 trimmings........... 431, 474, 484, 501 Pianoforte actions........ 465, 477, 495, 509 Ilegiments into which enlistments occurred, Silver plating............. 427, 473, 483, 500 hardware.......... 465, 477, 495, 509 by towns..................... 610 ware............... 427, 474, 483, 500 stools.............. 495, 477, 495, 509 recapitulation by counties......... 637 Single, by towns....................... 1 Pickles............................... 410 of deceased soldiers, by towns..... 6957 by counties..................... 17 Picture and mirror frames.. 465, 477, 495, 509 by counties.... 710 Sisters of deceased soldiers.............. 685 Pigs raised...................... 278, 402 of other states, 723 Skirts, Balnoral, 410, 467, 478, 495, 510, 5:34 Pile timbers........................... 410 Registers and ventilators... 427, 473, 487, 500 535 Pins.................... 427, 473, 483, 500 Relatives of deceased soldiers............ 684 Slavery in New York................ iii, iv Pipes, wooden............ 446, 476, 490, 505 Registration of births, marriages and deaths Smut machines........... 446, 476, 490, 505 Places of burial of soldiers............. 724 needed....................... Ivii Soap.................... 434, 474, 485, 502 Planes.................. 450, 476, 490, 506 Representation, ratio of.............. Ixxxiii Social condition, effect of war upon....... 734 Planing nil~ls.............. 450, 476, 491, 506 Resignations of volunteers.............. 6;80 Society for the Promotion of Agriculture, Plaster.............. 410, 455, 477, 492, 507 Retorts.................. 453, 476, 492, 507 Arts and Manufactures......... cii Plants (not specified).......... 410 RFevolution, settlements broken up by.... lxxii Socks........................ 4-13, 535 Playing cards............ 431, 474, 484, 501 Rhubarb.............................. 408 and mittens..................... 413 Plowed land, acres of.......... 274, 394, 606. Ribbons, silk trimmings, neck tics, etc., 431 Soda.................... 437, 475, 487, 503 Plows and cultivators...... 419, 473, 480, 498 474, 484, 501 Sorg;hum molasses..................... 413 Plum.........................408 Roman Catholic churches..... cxxv, 562, 570 Sources of population.............. Ixxii Pocket-books and porte-monnaies.... 461, 477 Roofing...................... 440, 475, 504 Sowers.................. 420, 473, 481, 498] 493, 507 slate................ 456, 477, 492, 507 Spars.................... 439, 475, 488, 504 Poor-houses, county................... 572 R!ope................................. 410 S1pecial blanks, list of.................. evil notes concerning.................. 574 Rope and twine........... 431, 474, 484, 501 Spectacles.................... 439, 475, 504 Pop-corn............................ 410 RIugs and mats............ 464, 4'77, 494, 508 Spice.............'....... 434, 4-74, 485, 502 Population by towns and wards, 1790 to }Rutabagas............................ 409 Spinach.............................. 410 18G5......................... vi Rye, acres sow~n and bush. harvested.. 275,'396 Spiritualistic, churches of......5G;5, 570 by counties, 1790 to 1865...... xlii, xliv spring'........................... 409 Spokes, fellows and bows.. 4'45, 476, 489, 505 relative number by counties, 1790 to on Indian reservations............. 605 Spottsylvania, burial of soldiers at...... 729 1865........................ xlv Squashes............................. 410 counties, in order of............... xlvi Saddles.................. 459, 477, 493, 507 Stained paper and hangings, 437, 475, 487, 503 of villages, 1855, 1865............ xlix Saddlcry and coach hardware, 427, 473, 483, 500 Star metal................ 4127, 474, 48,3, 500 sources of........................ lxxii Safes.................... 427, 473, 493, 500 Starcht......,............ 437, 475, 487, 503 stationary in agricultural districts, Ixxiii Saffron, blossoms of.................... 410 States, persons born in, number and pertotal, by towns.........,.......... 1 Sage................................. 410 centages...................... lxxi by counties.................. 17 Sails.................... 439, 475, 4[88, 504 in order as sources of the population, lxxiv Poreelatin ware.......,.... 455, 477, 493, 507 St. Recdis re,~-ervation................... 601 Staves............... 4:13, 449, 476, 491, 506 Pork, pounds made................ 280, 403 Saleratus and soda........ 4t37, 4t75, 487, 503 and heading.................. 526, 4t13 INDEX. 743 PAGE. PAGrE. PAGE. Steam boilers............. 438, 475, 488, 504 Towel, cloth.......................... 410 Washing blueing....... 437, 475, 487, 503 engines and boilers... 438, 475, 488, 504 Toys.................... 452, 476, 491, 506 machines............ 464, 477, 494, 508 governors............... 438, 475, 504 Trapping............................. 410 W ashinoton, burial of soldiers at........ 729 pumps.............. 496, 476, 490, 505 Traps.................. 464, 477, 494, 508 Water lime.............. 456, 477, 493, 507 Stearine................. 433, 474, 485, 502 Trees, ornamental..................... 410 W atches..................... 429, 475, 504 Steel.................... 427, 474, 483, 500 Tree nails and fell rails.... 439, 475, 488, 504 Wax, pounds of, collected.......... 279, 401 grinding and polishing.... 427, 474, 500 True Reformed Prot. Dutch church.. 565, 570 Wax figures.............. 472, 479, 497, 511 pens.............,.. 427, 474, 483, 500 Trunks.................. 459, 477, 492, 507 W elch settlements.................... lxxiii springs............. 427, 474, 483, 500 Truss hoops.............. 452, 476, 491, 506 Wesleyan Methodist churches....... 553, 570 Stock, farming, cash value of........ 274, 394 Tubs.................... 464, 477, 494, 508 Westward tendency of migration....... lxxiii Stone................................ 410 Turned articles....................... 410 Wheat, spring, acres sown and harvested, 275 cutting............. 456, 477, 492, 507 Turning, wood............ 452, 476, 491, 506 395, 605 quarries............ 441, 475, 489, 504 Tuinips, acres sown and bushels har- winter, acres sown and harvested, 275, 395 Stoves.............. cxxv, 438, 475, 487, 503 vested........... 277, 398, 409, 606 Wheelbarrows............ 445, 476, 489, 505 Stove polish.............. 435, 474, 436, 502 Tuscarora reservation.................. 603 Whips.................. 461, 477, 493, 507 Straw................................ 410 Tweeds.............................. 535 stocks.............. 410 Strawberries.......................... 409 Twine................... 431, 474, 484, 501 Whisky.............................. 410 Strings and covers for musical instruments, 466 Twins reported, 1855, 1865........ lxiv, lxvi White clover seed...................... 410 478, 509 Twist................... 434, 474, 484, 501 White lead.............. 436, 475, 487, 503 Sugar, maple, pounds made..... 279, 400, 606 Type.................... 466, 478, 495, 509 Whitfield Methodist churches....... 554, 570 refining............ 437, 475, 487, 503- Whiting................ 437, 475, 487, 503 Surgical instruments..:............ 467, 510 Umbrellas and parasols.... 469, 478, 496, 510 Widowed, by towns.................... 1 Surveying instruments.... 440, 475, 488, 504 Undertaking.............. 471, 479, 497, 511 by counties...................... 17 Surviving friends of deceased soldiers.... 684 Union Congregational churches...... 544, 570 Widowers, number of times married.... xcvii Sweet corn............................ 409 Union churches.................... 565, 570 soldies who were............. 650, 683 potatoes......................... 410 Unitarian churches................ 567, 570 Widows, number increased by the war.. lxxiv potatoe plants.................... 410 United Brethren churches.......... 554, 570 number of times married.......... xcvii Swine, number of............. 280; 402, 607 United Presbyterian churches, cxxiv, 558, 570 of soldiers....................... 684 number slaughtered........... 280, 403 United Society (Shakers)........... 567, 570 Wilderness, burials of soldiers at........ 729 Universalist churches............. 567, 570 Willowware.............. 464, 477, 494, 508 Tags.................... 471, 479, 497, 511 Unspecified manufactures.. 472, 479, 497, 511 Windlasses.............. 439, 475, 488, 504 Tallow............................... 410 Upholstery............... 464, 477, 494, 508 W indmills............... 446, 476, 490, 505 Tanks...... 427, 440, 473, 475, 483, 500, 504 Usual place of employment if away from Window shades........... 464, 477, 494,.508 Tanneries, statistics of................. 530 home........................ lxxvi W ine, blackberry...................... 413 Tansey.............................. 410 cherry.......................... 410 Tape and nets............. 431, 474, 484, 511 Value of lands, stock and implements, 273, 394 currant.......................... 414 Tar and turpentine........ 437, 475, 487, 503 Varnish................. 437, 475, 487, 503 elderberry....................... 414 Taxidermy............... 466, 478, 495, 509 Vegetables (not specified)............... 409 grape-...................... 279, 400 Tea trays................ 427, 474, 483, 500 Veneerings.............. 452, 476, 491, 506 rhubarb......................... 414 Teasels............................... 409 Ventilators............. 427, 473, 483, 500 not specified..................... 414 Telegraph instruments..... 440, 475, 488, 504 Vermicelli................ 436, 474, 486, 502 Wintergreen and mint distilleries, 438, 475, 487 poles............................ 410 Villages, population of 1855, 1865........ xlix 503 Texas, burial of soldiers in............. 729 Vinegar.............. 410, 437, 475, 487, 503 Wire and wire work...... 429, 474, 483, 500 Thermometers............ 439, 475, 488, 504 Voters, percentages of, by counties, 1865, xlviii Wood................................ 414 Thimbles................ 427, 474, 483, 500 remarks concerning.............. lxxvi and bark........................ 414 Thomas Orphan Asylum................ 601 number, by counties, 1825 to 1865, 1xxviii and lumber...................... 410 Thread, linen and silk.................. 410 percentage of ditto.............. lxxix molding, carving and scrolls 452, 476, 491 Threshing machines....... 420, 473, 481, 498 number who have exercised privilege 506 Tiles.................... 456, 477, 492, 507 of, since 1826, by counties..... lxxx turning.............. 452, 476, 491, 506 Timber.......................... 410, 526 by towns......................... I W ooden sleigh shoes...... 445, 476, 489, 505 Tin foil.................. 427, 474, 483, 500 by counties...................... 17 ware............... 464, 477, 494, 508 smithing............ 428, 474, 483, 500 volunteers....................... 675 water pipes and pump logs, 446, 476, 490 ware, japanned...... 426, 473, 482, 499 Votes on amendments of Constitution... lxxvi 505 pressed & painted, 424, 473, 483, 500 Vulcanizers................... 472, 479, 511 Wool, pounds sheared......... 281, 403, 607 Tobacco................. 471, 479, 497, 511 Woolen cloth, not specified.............. 410 acres planted & pounds harvested, 278, 399 Wages of men.......................... 512 mills....................... 501, 533 raised by Indians................. 606 of women........................ 517 Wounds of volunteers......... 680, 681, 684 pipes............... 456, 477, 492, 507 effect of the war upon............. 734 Writing ink and blacking.. 437, 475, 487, 503 plants........................... 410 W agons............. 410, 442, 476, 449, 505 Yarn................................. 414 Tomatoes.............................. 409 War, influence of, on proportion of sexes, Ivii made at factories............. 519, 535 Tomato plants......................... 410 lviii, lix Yeast.................... 438, 475, 487, 503 Tonawanda reservation................. 602 has increased the number of widows, lxxiv Yield of crops, 1864.................... civ Tools.................... 429, 474, 483, 500 remarks on statistics of.......... cxxvi Tools and imple'ts, cash value of, 274, 394 605 statistics of............... 609