CHARTER, BY-LAWS, AND MEMBERS OF THE A MIR I a CA N Geographical and Statistical Society. MIDCCCLXX. AMERICAN og a licaI an iatstiial $otcitg. OFFICERS AND COUNCIL. 1870HON. CHARLES P. DALY, LL. D. lkt-lgaetnts. HENRY GRINNELL, HON. FREDERICK A. CONKLING, REV. JOSEPH P. THOMPSON, D. D. nnorarr g ittetartg. FRANCIS A. STOUT. fortn romoaxlonbng ttmafrg. HON. TOWNSEND HARRIS. anmostitc iomtspanbing ntr~ttarg. W. H. H. MOORE. ttoerbXing itctiarg. E. R. STRAZNICKY. rtxasnurr. HENRY CLEWS. Yihrafnaix. HENRY B. HAMMOND. fouintl. WILLIAM REMSEN, WILLIAM T. BLODGETT, T. BAILEY MYERS, WILLIAM E. CURTIS, THEODORE W. DWIGHT, LL. D., GENERAL GEORGE W. CULLUM, LEWIS M. RUTHERFURD, U. S. A., GEORGE CABOT WARD. CHARTER, BY-LAWS, AND LIST OF MEMBERS OF THE AMER ICAN tgoVlA, l k ato a fatitil*al jim REVISED DECEMBER 9, 1869. NEW YORK: PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY. 1870. PREFACE. To the Mlembers and Foreign Correspondents: During the war of the Rebellion the publication of the Journal has been necessarily suspended, the income of the Society being only sufficient to meet the expenses incurred for the apartments where its collections were placed, and its meetings held, for clerk hire, etc. Throughout this period the meetings were, however, regularly held, and considerable additions were made to the Library and to the valuable collection of maps and charts; but in other respects the Society made comparatively little advance.'Having no endowment or permanent fund, but depending solely upon the small income derived from the very moderate annual dues of members, it was not possible to do more; and this state of things would have continued, but for the liberality of the Trustees of the Cooper Union, who have furnished the Society, free of charge, with the spacious apartments which they now occupy, consisting of a lecture-room, a room for the Library, a map and chart-room, and an office, in the large building of the Institute devoted by its public-spirited founder, Peter Cooper, Esq., to Science and Art. In these apartments, which form a suite of rooms, and are admirably adapted, from their size and contiguity, as well as from the locality of the edifice, to the purposes of the Society, the Library, now consisting of more than ten thousand volumes, is 4 Preface. placed, and so classified that the books relating to any one subject are as nearly as is practicable brought together. The large and very rare collection of maps and charts is arranged in cases with sliding shelves, so that any map or chart that is desired can be instantly referred to, and those mounted upon rollers are systematically arranged upon a series of racks, and labelled so as to be readily accessible. The Library is believed to be the largest and the most valuable in the country in the particular branch of knowledge to which it is devoted; although still inadequate to meet the demands of science, and far from what should exist in the principal maritime and commercial city of this continent, where this branch of knowledge is of constantly increasing importance. In it will be found a large collection of voyages, travels, and other works relating to nearly every part of the habitable globe. An extensive collection of geographical works and gazetteers, from the earliest cosmographies and geographies to those of the present day. A connected series of Atlases from that of Ortelius in 1573 to the beginning of the present century, embracing the large folios and best editions of Ortelius, De Marre, Mercator, Blaeuw, Doncker, Sanson, Van Ioman, Jansen, De Witt, Mortier, Vooght, Van Keulen, Renard, D'Anville, etc., and many others. The transactions of many learned societies in different parts of the world; many works relating to the early history of navigation and of maritime discovery in this country and elsewhere, not to be found in any. other public library in the country; and works upon statistics, meteorology, geology, navigation, commerce, physical geography, and kindred subjects, a complete catalogue of which is now in the course of preparation. Relieved from the payment of rent and other expenses, Pre/face. 5 the funds of the Society during the past two years have been devoted to the fitting up of its different rooms, and in making necessary additions to the Library, especially of important recent works, in which it was deficient. A portion of its income will hereafter be devoted to the annual publication of its Journal. During the last summer a valuable collection of geographical works brought to this country by Mr. Henry Stevens, was purchased by a private subscription, and added to the Library, and during the past two years there has been a large increase of resident members, the whole number now amounting to 478. The Society is free of debt, its expenditures having been kept strictly within its income, and at no period in its past history has its condition and prospects given so flattering an assurance, not only of its permanence, but likewise of its increasing usefulness and prosperity. It remains now only to express the hope, that hereafter some public-spirited citizen, appreciating its importance, will, as has been the case with several institutions of a like character, endow it with a sum of money the annual interest of which will enable the Society to carry out more fully the purposes for which it was founded, NEW YORx, March, 1870. CHARTER OF INCORPORATION. GRANTED APRIL 13TH, 1854. The oenclte of tlte state of XeW ortv, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: ~ 1. George Bancroft, Henry Grinnell, Francis L. Hawks, John C. Zimmerman, Archibald Russell, Joshua Leavitt, Willian C. H. Waddell, Ridley Watts, S. DeWitt Bloodgood, M. Dudley Bean, Hiram Barney, Alexander J. Cotheal, Luther B. Wyman, John Jay, J. Calvin Smith, Henry V. Poor, Cambridge Livingston, Edmund Blunt, Alexander W. Bradford, and their associates, who are now or may become hereafter associated for the purposes of this act, are hereby constituted a body corporate by the name of the 2 8 CGarter of the American American Geographical and Statistical Society, for the purpose of collecting and diffising geographical and statistical information. ~ 2. For the purposes aforesaid, the said Society shall possess the general powers and privileges, and be subject to the general liabilities contained in the third title of the eighteenth chapter of the first part of the Revised Statutes, so far as the same may be applicable, and may not have been modified or repealed; but the real and personal estate which the said Society shall be authorized to take, hold, and convey, over and above its library, and maps, charts, instruments, and collections, shall not at any time exceed an amount, the clear yearly income of which shall be ten thousand dollars. ~ 3. The officers of the said Society shall be a President, three Vice-Presidents, a Corresponding Secretary, a Recording Secretary, a Librarian, and Treasurer, and such Geographical and Statistical Society. 9 other officers as may from time to time be provided for by the By-Laws of the said Society. ~ 4. The said Society, for fixing the terms of admission of its members, for the government of the same, for changing and altering the officers above-named, and for the general regulation and management of its transactions and affairs, shall have power to form a code of By-Laws not inconsistent with the laws of this State or of the United States; which code, when formed and adopted at a regular meeting, shall, until modified or rescinded, be equally binding as this act upon the said Society, its officers and its members. ~ 5. The Legislature may at any time alter or repeal this act. ~ 6. This act to take effect immediately. 10 Charter of the Society. STATE OF NEW YORK, Secretary's Office. I have compared the preceding with the original law on file in this office, and hereby certify the same to be a correct transcript therefrom and of the whole of said original law. Given under my hand and seal of office, at the city of Albany, this 3L. 5. thirteenth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-four. A. G. JOHNSTON, Deputy Secretary of State. BY-LAWS. REVISED DECEMBER 9, 1869. CHAPTER I. TITLE. The title of the Society is, "The American Geographical and Statistical Society." CHAPTER II. OBJECTS. The objects of the Society are, " The collecting and diffusing of geographical and statistical information." CHAPTER III. MEMBERS. The Society shall consist of Resident, Non-Resident, Honorary, Corresponding, and Ex-officio members. 1. Resident members are those residing in the city of New York, or its vicinity. 2. Non-resident members are those residing at least twentyfive miles distant from the city. 3. Honorary members shall be chosen on account of their distinction in the science of geography or statistics, and not more than twelve of them shall hereafter be elected in any one year. 4. Corresponding members shall be chosen from those who have aided the advancement of geography or statistics. 12 By-Laws of the American 5. Ex-officio members shall be foreign diplomatic representatives and consuls, resident in the United States; and United States diplomatic representatives and consuls in foreign countries. 6. Resident, non-resident, corresponding, and honorary members shall be elected as follows: All nominations of candidates shall be openly made in writing at a meeting of the Society, or the Council, by a member thereof, and, together with the name of the member making them, entered on the minutes. The persons thus nominated, when approved by the Council and elected by the Society, shall, on payment of the initiation fee, if nominated as a resident or non-resident member, and without such payment if nominated as a corresponding or honorary member, become members of the Society accordingly. 7. Persons entitled to become ex-officio members of the Society, shall, on the recommendation of the Council, be, by the Society, constituted and declared to be such members. 8. The name of any member of the Society may, on the recommendation of the Council, and by a vote of two-thirds of the members present at a stated meeting of the Society, be dropped from the roll of its members. CHAPTER I V. INITIATION FEE AND ANNUAL DUES. 1. The initiation fee, including the dues for the current year, shall be, for a resident member, ten dollars; and for a nonresident member, five dollars; in both cases to be paid immediately on election. 2. The annual dues thereafter shall be, for a resident member, five dollars; and for a non-resident member, two dollars and a half; both to be paid in advance. 3. Any member of the Society, not in arrears, may commute for life all dues for membership, by the payment at one time, if a resident member, of fifty dollars; and, if a non-resident member, twenty-five dollars. Geographical and Statistical Society. 13 4. The name of any resident or non-resident member of the Society, neglecting for two successive years to pay his annual dues, or at any time wholly refusing to pay them, may, by the Council, be erased from the list of members of the Society. 5. The fiscal year of the Society shall, for all purposes, be the calendar year, that is, commence on the first day of January, and end with the thirty-first day of December, in each year. CHAPTER V. OFFICERS. 1. The officers of the Society shall be a President, three VicePresidents, a Foreign Corresponding Secretary, a Domestic Corresponding Secretary, a Recording Secretary, a Librarian, a Treasurer, and eight Councillors; and these officers together shall form the Council of the Society. 2. The officers of the Society shall be chosen from among its members; they shall be elected annually by ballot, and shall hold their offices respectively until others are elected in their places. 3. All officers of the Society, to be chosen at any election, may be voted for on one ballot. CHAPTER VI. ANNUAL MEETING. 1. The annual meeting of the Society shall be held on the second Tuesday after the first day of January in each and every year hereafter, when the annual election of the officers of the Society shall take place; and if, from any cause, there shall be a failure of the annual election at the time above designated for that purpose, the same may be held on the Tuesday next following, that is, on the third Tuesday after the first day of January in each year, and of which due notice shall be given. 14 By-Laws of the American 2. Every member of the Society, who has been such for twenty days or more, and who is not in arrears for his dues, shall be entitled to vote at the said election. 3. At the annual meeting of the Society, the Council shall present a general report of its proceedings, and of those of the Society during the past year, and the Secretaries and Treasurer shall also present their annual reports. CHAPTER VII. MONTHLY AND SPECIAL MEETINGS. 1. The Society, unless otherwise specially ordered by the Society or the Council, shall hold its stated meetings for the transaction of business, on the second Tuesday of each month of the year, except July, August, and September. 2. The President, or, in his absence, one of the Vice-Presidents, may, and, upon the written request of five members, shall call a special meeting of the Society, by giving three days' notice thereof in two daily newspapers, published in the city of New York. CHAPTER VIII. ORDER OF BUSINESS. 1. At all stated meetings of the Society, for the transaction of ordinary business, the order of proceedings shall be as follows: i. Reading of the minutes. 2. Reports and Communications from officers of the Society. 3. R(po:[s from the Council. 4. Reports from Committees. 5. Nominations of Members. 6. Special Orders. 7. Unfinished Business. 8. Miscellaneous Business. 9. Papers read and Addresses delivered before the Society. Geographical and Statistical Society. 15 2. All propositions presented for the action of the Society, at any of its meetings, shall be in writing when requested by the presiding officer, or any member. A proposition, thus presented, when seconded, and the question thereon stated from the chair, shall be deemed to be in the possession of the Society, and open for discussion; but may be withdrawn by the mover, at any time before amendment or decision. 3. No member shall speak more than once upon the same question until all the other members present, desiring to speak, shall have spoken; nor more than twice on any question without leave of the Society. CHAPTER IX. QUORUM. At all meetings of the Society, nine members present shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. CHAPTER X. COMMITTEES. All Committees, authorized by the Society, shall, unless otherwise specially ordered, consist of three members each, and be appointed by the presiding officer. CHAPTER XI. PRESIDING OFFICER. At all meetings of the Society, on the arrival of the appointed hour, and the presence of a quorum, the President, or, in his absence, one of the Vice-Presidents, or, in the absence of both, a Chairman pro tern., shall immediately take the chair, call the meeting to order, and preside. He shall have only a casting vote. He shall preserve order and decide all questions of order, subject to an appeal to the Society. He shall also, unless other 16 By-Laws of the American wise specially ordered, appoint all Committees authorized by the Society; and, at every annual election, before the opening of the polls, he shall appoint two Tellers of the Election. CHAPTER XII. SECRETARIES. 1. Foreign Corresponding Secretary. It shall be the duty of the Foreign Corresponding Secretary to conduct the general correspondence of the Society with individuals and associate bodies in foreign countries. 2. Domestic Corresponding Secretary. It shall be the duty of the Domestic Corresponding Secretary to conduct the Society's general correspondence with individuals and associate bodies in the United States. 3. Both the Foreign and Domestic Secretaries shall keep, in suitable books to be provided for that purpose, at the Society's Rooms, true copies of all letters written by them respectively on behalf of the Society; ancd shall preserve, on proper files, at the said Rooms, all letters received by them on the same account; and at each stated meeting of the Society or the Council, they shall respectively report their correspondence, and read the same, or such parts thereof as may be required. 4. In case of a vacancy in the office of either of the Corresponding Secretaries, or in the absence or disability of either of these officers, the duties of both may be performed by the other Corresponding Secretary. 5. The Society may designate a particular officer, or appoint a committee to prepare a letter or letters on any special occasion. 6. Recording Secretary. It shall be the duty of the Recording Secretary to give due notice of the time and place of all meetings of the Society, and to attend the same. He shall keep fair and accurate minutes of the proceedings of the Society, and record the same, when approved, in the Society's Journal. He shall give immediate notice to the several officers and commit Geographical and Statistical Society. 17 tees of the Society, of all votes, orders, resolves, and proceedings of the Society, affecting them, or appertaining to their respective duties. He shall prepare a list of the members of the Society entitled to vote, to be handed to the Tellers before the opening of the polls at each annual election. He shall officially sign and affix the corporate seal of the Society to all diplomas, and other instruments or documents authorized by the Society or Council. He shall have charge of the corporate seal, charter, by-laws, records, and general archives of the Society, except so far as they may be expressly placed under the charge of others. He shall certify all acts and proceedings of the Society, and shall notify the Council of the death, resignation, or removal of any officer or member of the Society. He shall have charge of the Rooms of the Society, and shall perform all such other and further duties as may, from time to time, be devolved upon him by the Society or the Council. He shall receive, for his services, such salary or pecuniary compensation as shall be determined by the Society or the Council; but neither in the Society nor the Council shall he have a vote on any question relating to, or affecting, his salary or pecuniary compensation. 7. All documents relating to the Society, and under the charge of the Secretaries respectively, shall be placed in such depositories in the Rooms of the Society as the Council may provide and designate for that purpose. CHAPTER XIII. LIBRARIAN. The Librarian, together with the Council, shall have the charge and arrangement of the books, maps, and collections belonging to the Society. He shall cause to be kept in the Rooms of the Society, a Registry of all donations to the Library or collections of the Society, acknowledge their receipt by letter to the donors, and report the same, in writing, to the Society at itW next stated meeting. 18 By-Laws of the American CHAPTER XIV. TREASURER. The Treasurer shall have charge of, and safely keep, all contracts, certificates of stock, securities, and muniments of title belonging to the Society. He shall collect the dues and keep the funds of the Society, and disburse the same under the direction of the Council; and so often as the said funds in the hands of the Treasurer shall amount to one hundred dollars, he shall deposit the same, in the name of the Society, in some incorporated bank in the city of New York, to be designated for that purpose by the Council; and the said funds, thus deposited, shall be drawn out of the said bank on the check of the Treasurer, countersigned by the Chairman of the Council, and only for the legitimate and authorized purposes of the Society. The Treasurer shall, previous to the annual meeting of the Society, prepare and submit to the Council, for audit, a detailed account of his receipts and disbursements for account of the Society during the past year; and which annual account, duly audited, he shall present, with his general report, to the Society, at its annual meeting. CHAPTER XV. COUNCIL. 1. The Council shall have the management and control of the affairs, property, and funds of the Society; and shall designate an incorporated bank in the city of New York, where the said funds shall, from time to time as they accrue, be deposited by the Treasurer. 2. It may frame its own'By-Laws not inconsistent with the Charter or By-Laws of the Society. 3. It may, from time to time, determine the salary or pecuniary compensation of the Recording Secretary; and shall also appoint the necessary agents, clerks, and servants of the Society, with such powers, duties, privileges, and compensation, as it may, Geographical and Statistical Society. 19 from time to time, determine; and may, at pleasure, revoke such appointments, and make others in their stead. 4. It shall have power to fill, for the unexpired term, any vacancy that may occur in any of the offices of the Society. 5. It shall have power, at its discretion, to declare vacant the seat of any member of its own body (except the President and Vice-Presidents) who shall have been absent from its meetings for three successive months; and also, by a vote of a majority of the whole Council, to remove, from its own body, any member thereof for cause; but in such case it shall be the duty of the Council to report every such vacancy or removal to the Society, at its next stated meeting thereafter, when such cases shall be subject to review by the Society. 6. It shall not, without an approving vote of the Society, at a stated meeting thereof, make any contract whereby a liability in amount above one thousand dollars may be incurred by the Society; nor, without such vote, make any sale or disposition of the property of the Society, exceeding that sum in value. 7. The Council may, in its discretion, remit the initiation fee, or annual dues, of any member of the Society. 8. No member of the Council, except the Recording Secretary, shall receive any salary or pecuniary compensation for his services. 9. The Council shall hold stated meetings for the transaction of business, at least once in every month, except the months of July, August, and September. 10. At all meetings of the Council, five members present shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. CHAPTER XVI. GENERAL PROVISION AS TO DEBT. No debt on account of the Society, beyond the funds in the Treasury for its payment, shall, for any purpose, at any time, be incurred; and if, at any time, it shall appear that there are rest 20 By-Laws of the Society. ing upon the Society, pecuniary obligations beyond the funds in the Treasury for their liquidation, no appropriation of funds from the Treasury whatever, except for the necessary current expenses of the Society, shall be made, until the said pecuniary obligations shall be fully discharged, or the funds necessary for their extinction shall have been set apart for that purpose. CHAPTER XVII. ALTERATION OF THE BY-LAWS. No alteration in the By-Laws of the Society shall be made unless openly proposed at a stated meeting of the Society, entered on the minutes, with the name of the member proposing the same, and adopted by the Society at a subsequent stated meeting, by a vote of two-thirds of the members present. CHAPTER XVIII. ADOPTION OF THE BY-LAWS. The foregoing are hereby adopted and declared to be the ByLaws of the Society; and all By-Laws of the Society heretofore adopted, are hereby rescinded, and declared to be null and void. AMERICAN togapkial ani atatistical ocict. OFFICERS AND COUNCIL. 1870rzsibtznt. HoN. CHARLES P. DALY, LL. D. HENRY GRINNELL, HoN. FREDERICK A. CONKLING, REV. JOSEPH P. THOMPSON, D. D. mntZorarg graetarg. FRANCIS A. STOUT. $ourti1n (omrttsonuiQg itrdreiar. HON. TOWNSEND HARRIS. ounfitc torrrmsQonnq ntt rtarg. W. H. H. MOORE. tuorbiuqg i$rfetarg. E. R. STRAZNICKY. lrxauttr. HENRY CLEWS. HENRY B. HAMMOND. WILLIAM REMSEN, WILLIAM T. BLODGETT, T. BAILEY MYERS, WILLIAM E. CURTIS, THEODORE W. DWIGHT, LL. D., GENERAL GEORGE W. CULLUM, LEWIS M. RUTHERFURD, U. S. A., GEORGE CABOT WARD. 22 Honorary and Corresponding Members of the HONORARY MEMBERS. BURLINGAME, Anson, Envoy Extraor- MrDDENDORFF, Adolph Theodore von, dinary and Minister Plenipotentiary Secretary of the Imperial Academy from the Emperor of China to the of Sciences of Russia, St. Petersburg. Treaty Powers. MURCHISON, Sir Roderick Impey, D.. L. His Imperial Highness the Grand President Royal Geographical SoDuke Constantine of Russia, Presi- ciety, and Director-General of the dent of the Imperial Geographical Geological Survey of Great Britain Society, St. Petersburg, Russia. and Ireland.. London. FREMONT, Jno. Chas., LL.D. PETERMANN, Professor Augustus, PH.D. Mariposa, California. Gotha, Germany. LAYARD, Austin Henry, D.C.L. QUETELET, Lambert Adolphe Jacques, London, England. President of the CentralCommission LIVINGSTONE, David, DD., LL.D. of Statistics of Belgium. Brussels. MCCLINTOCK, Francis Leopold, LL.D. RAWLINSON, Sir Henry Creswicke, London, England. D.C.L.. London, England. MAURY, Matthew Fontaine, LL.D. STRUVE, Otto Wilhelm von, Washington, D.C. St. Petersburg, Russia. CORRESPONDING MEMBERS. ALEXANDER, John Henry, Baltimore, COLOGERAS, Hon. J. B. ALFORD, Benjamin, U.s.A. [Md. Rio Janeiro, Brazil. Ft. Vancouver, Wash. Ter. CooK, Charles W. ARCHBALD, Andrew B., Paris, France. San Francisco, California. BARCLAY, James T., M.D. DELAPLAINE, GEO. P.. Madison, Wis. Jerusalem, Syria. DIXON, Hon. James, Hartford, Conn. BARNARD, Henry, LL.D.,Chief, Depart- DRAPER, Lyman.. Madison, Wis. ment of Education, DUER, John K., Lieut. U.S.N. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. BARTLETT, Jno. Russell, DUNCAN, William H., Hanover, N. H. Providence. R. I. EMORY, Wm. H., U.S.A. B.A, Seilor Don Juan Jose, Governor Washington, D.C. of the District of Mexico. FOETTERLE, Franz, late Secretary of BRADLEY, Daniel B. (Rev.). Siam. the Imperial Royal Geographical BRIGHT, John, M.P. London, England. Society of Vienna, Austria. BUSHNELL, Albert (Rev.) GILMAN, Daniel Coit, LL.D., Librarian Gaboon, Equatorial Africa. of Yale College, New Haven, Conn. CHAIX, Prof. Paul, Geneva, Switzerland. GREEN, Thomas J. Washington, D.C. American Geographical and Statistical Society. 23 GULICK, Luther Halsey, M.D. MARTIN, Rev. Wm. A. P., D.D., ProMicronesian Islands. fessor of the Imperial College at GUYOT, Prof. Arnold Henry, LL.D. Pekin, China. Princeton, N.J. MASON, Charles. Washington,D.C. HEPBURN, Jas. Curtis, M.D.. Siam. MAURY, Louis Ferdinand Alfred, GenHELLWALD, Friedrich von, Member of eral Secretary of the Geographical the Imperial' Royal Geographical Society.. Paris, France. Society, Vienna, Austria. NEGRI, Christoforo, President Italian HINES, Wm. E., U. S. Consul Geographical Society, and Chief of Zanzibar, Africa. the Consular Bureau, Foreign Office HOCHSTETTER, Dr. Ferdinand von, Florence, Italy. Professor in the University of NEWMARCH, Wm., Hon. Sec. of the Vienna, Austria. Statistical Society of HOUGH, Franklin B., M.D., Superin- London, England. tendent of the United States Census NORMAN, Benjamin M. Bureau. Washington, D.C. New Orleans, La. JAMESON, Win., M.D... Quito. NYE, Gideon, U. S. Consul JULIEN, Alexis A. Canton, China. Island of Sombrero, W.I. OLIVIERA, B. de. Rio Janeiro, Brazil. KENNEDY, Jos. Camp. Griffith, late OLBIX, C. S. M., Inspector at Superintendent of the U. S. Census, Godhavn, North Greenland. Washington, D. C. PALMER, Aaron H., Washington. D. C. KOHL, Johann Georg., PH.D. PINHEIRO, J. C. Fernandes, M.D. Vienna, Austria. Brazil. LAPHAM, Increase A. Milwaukee,Wis. RAE, John, M.D.. Hamilton, Canada LACHLAN, R.. Cincinnati, 0. ROMERO, Hon. Mathias, Minister of LEAVENWORTH, Elias W. Finance of Mexico. Syracuse, N. Y. SAPUCACHY, M. le Viscomte, LESSEPS, Ferdinand de, Suez, Egypt. Rio Janeiro, Brazil. LONG, Stephen H., Col. U.S.A. SCHADE, Louis, M.D. Louisville, Kentucky. Washington, D. C. LYONS, Hon. Caleb.. Idaho. SEWABD, Hon. Wm. H., LL.D. MCCARTEE, Divie Bethune, M.D. Auburn, N. Y. Hong Kong, China. SEYMOUR, Hon. Horatio, LL.D. MCCLELL.AND, Robert Utica, N. Y. Washington, D. C. SHAW, H. Norton, M.D., Royal GeoMACLAY, Wm. W., U.S.N. graphical Society, Annapolis, Md. London, England. MALTEBrun, V. A., Honorary Secre- SHANKLAND, Thomas, U. S. Consul, tary of the Geographical Society Island of Mauritius. Paris, France. SIMMONS, D. B., M.D. Yedo, Japan. MANSFIELD, Edward D., Commis- SMITH, Edward R. sioner of Statistics of Ohio, Washington, D.C. Columbus. SOMERVILLE, Mrs. Mary Fairfax, MARSH, Hon. George P., LL.D., U.S. Florence, Italy. Minister.. Florence, Italy. STANLEY, Edward, Earl of Derby, MARTIN, R. Montgomery, F.R.G.S. London, England. London, England. WARNE, Joseph. Oxford, England. 3 24 Mlemnbers of the American RESIDENT AND NON-RESIDENT MEMBERS. FEBRUARY 1, 1870. N. B.-Those having L. M. preceding their names have compounded for life. Year of Election, 1860 Acton, Thomas C., 19 West Fifteenth street. 1869 Aguiar (de) A. W. F., 13 Broadway, 1868 Allen, Charles C., 30 Broad street. 1869 Allen, Jerome, 3 East Thirty-third street. 1853 Alsop, Joseph W., 42 South street. 1868 Appleton, William H., 90 Grand street. 1859 L. M. Arnold, Daniel H., 382 Fifth avenue. 1859 Arnoux, William H., 52 Wall street. 1856 Aspinwall, William H., 54 South street. 1869 10 Auchmuty, Richard Tylden, 61 University place. 1859 L. M. Aymar, William, 37 West Twentieth. 1869 Badean, Gen. Adam. 1869 Bailey, James Muehlenberg, 31 Pine street. 1856 Baldwin, Simeon, 29 Wall street. 1868 Balestier, Joseph N., 35 Pine street. 1856 Ball, Henry, 565 Broadway. 1856 Baker, Francis, 69 Worth street. 1852 L. M. Bancroft, Hon. George. 1868 Banks, David, Jr., 144 Nassau street. 1865 Banvard, John, Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island. 1869 20 Banyer, Goldsboro, 13 West Twenty-first street. 1868 Barlow, Gen. Francis C., 5 Beekman street. 1859 Barlow, S. L. M., 35 William street. 1858 Barney, Danford N., 82 Broadway. 1852 L. M. Barney, Hiram, 111 Broadway. 1868 Barrett, William C., 20 Nassau street. 1869 Barrow, John W., 350 Broadway. 1856 Bayard, Edward, M.D., 8 WVest Fortieth street. 1868 Beardslee, Rufus G., 106 Broadway. 1868 Beckwith, N. M., 4 West Sixteenth street. Geographical and Statistical Society. 25 Year of Blection. 1868 30 Beebe, Hon. Welcome R., 74 Wall street. 1857 Beekman, James W., 5 Eist Thirty-fourth street. 1870 Bell, George, 20 West Twentieth street. 1865 Bellows, Rev. Henry W., D.D., 232 East Fifteenth street. 1859 L. M. Belmont, August, 50 Wall street. 1868 Benedict, Erastus C., 76 Wlall street. 1868 Bennett, James Gordon, Jr., 425 Fifth avenue,. 1868 Bernheimer, Adolph, 101 Franklin street. 1859 Bernheimer, Isaac, 320 Broadway. 1868 Bernheimer, Leopold MI., 101 Franklin street. 1868 40 Bernheimer, Simon, 218 West Fourteenth street. 1856 Berry, Richard, 291 Broadway. 1869 Bickmore, Prof. Albert, M.A., 59 Wrall street. 1869 Bierstadt, Albert, 51 West Tenth street. 1868 Bill, Edward, 2 South street. 1868 Bill, Ledyard, 41 Park row. 1868 Bininger, Andrew G., 92 Liberty street. 1863 Bishop, Nathan, 5 Bible Iouse. 1856 Black, William, 565 Broadway. 1868 Blake, Charles F., 7 Warren street. 1868 50 Bleecker, T. B., Jr., 61 William street. 1860 Blodgett, William T., 252 Pearl street. 1869 Bloomfield, William, 132 Nassau street. 1868 Blunt, George W., 40 Burling slip. 1859 Boardman, Andrew, 128 -Broadway. 1868 Boese, Thomas, 134 East Thirty-eighth street. 1859 Boorman, J. M., Scarborough, N. Y. 1856 Booth, William T., 19 East Fourteenth street. 1857 Booth, William F., 3 West Fourteenth street. 1869 Brace, Charles L., 19 East Fourth street. 1869 60 Bradford, William, 15 7Vest Tenth street. 1868 Brady, Hon. John R., 51 West Thirty-third street. 1869 Bradley, Stephen Rowe, 13 Burling slip. 1856 Brevoort, J. Carson, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1862 Bristed, C. Astor, 49 Lqfayette place. 1854 L. M. Brodhead, John R., 8 West Twenty-first street. 1866 Brown, Ebenezer H., 121 Nassau street. 1859 L. M. Brown, James, 59 Wall street. 1853' Brown, James M., 59 Wall street. 1856 Brown, Stewart, 59 Wall street. 1868 70 Bryan, John, 43 Broad street. 1869 Burdett, Charles P., 174 Water street. 1853 Butler, Charles, 12 TWfll street. 1857 Butler, Henry V., 61 Chambers street. 1861 Butterfield, Gen. Daniel, 391 Fifth avenze. 1855 Camp, Hugh N, 149 Pearl street. 1859 Campbell, Malcolm, 27 Chambers street. 26 Members of the American Year of Election. 1868 Campion, Jeremiah J., 831 Broadway. 1868 Chapman, Joseph H., 51 Wall street. 1868 Carter, James C., 66 Wall street. 1856 80 Carter, Robert, 530 Broadway. 1861 Cary, Lucius E., 90 Pine street. 1863 L. M. Cary, William F., 90 Pine street. 1868 L. M. Catlin, R. W. Stuyvesant, 61 William street. 1855 Chanler, Hon. Jno. W. 1859 Chapin, Rev. E. H., D.D., 44 East Thirty-third street. 1868 Choate, William G., 49 Wall street. 1869 Churchill, Franklin H., 33 Pine street. 1868 Cisco, John J., 59 Wall street. 1859 Clark, Henry E., 460 Broome street. 1859 90 Clason, Augustus W., Union Club, Fifth avenue. 1856 Clay, George, M.D., 56 Clinton place. 1859 Clift, Smith, 15 West Twenty-ninth street. 1864 Clews, Henry, 32 Wall street. 1868 Cochrane, Gen. John, 233 East Twelfth street. 1856 Coffin, Edmund, 77 Cedar street. 1856 Colgate, Charles C., 55 John street. 1856 Coleman, William T., 117 Front street. 1852 L. M. Colton, Joseph H., 73 Beekman street. 1868 Colyer, Vincent. 1869 100 Conger, Hon. Abraham B., 132 Arassau street. 1855 Conkling, Hon. F. A., 170 Broadway. 1856 L. M. Cooley, James E., 78 Fifth avenue. 1856 Cooper, Edward, 17 Burling slip. 1855 Cooper, Peter, 17 Burling slip. 1856 Cornell, William W., 141 Centre street. 1868 Coulter, Samuel, 83 Chambers street. 1862 Cowdin, Hon. Elliot C., 98 Grand street. 1859 Craven, Alfred W. 1856 Crooks, Ramsey, 57 Front street. 1856 110 Crowen, Thomas J. 1869 Cullum, George W., -Maj.-Gen. U.S.A., corner Greene andl Houston streets. 1858 Currie, Gilbert E., 153 Broadway. 1857 Curtis, James L., 48 Pine street. 1856 Curtis, Lewis, 139 Duane street. 1856 Curtis, William E., 74 Broadway. 1856 Dabney, Charles H., 53 Exchange place. 1855 Daly, Hon. Charles P., LLD., 84 Clinton place. 1865 Darling, Cassius, 595 Sixh avenue. 1866 Darling, William A., 69 West Forty-fourth street. 1868 120 Davies, Hon. Henry E., 149 Broadway. 1868 Davis, Ezekiel H., 51 Wall street. 1868 Dawson, H. B., 75 Gold street. Geographical and Statistical Society. 27 Year of Election. 1869 Day, James Geddes, 262 Broadway. 1868 De Costa, Rev. B. F., 316 East Fifteenth street. 1868 L. M. Dennis, Charles, 51 Wall street. 1864 Detmold, Christian E., 111 Broadway. 1856 Detmold, William, M.D., 38 East Ninth street. 1868 DeVoe, Col. Thomas F., 104 West Thirteenth street. 1859 Dickerson, E. N., 62 East Thirty-fourth sthet. 1864 130 Diehl, Israel S. 1869 Dodge, Anson G. P., 61 Wall street. 1869 Dodge, Robert, 12 Wall street. 1856 Dodge, Hon. William E., 13 Cliff street. 1856 Dodge, William E., Jr., 13 Cliff str1t. 1856 Doremus, R. Ogden, aLD., 227 Fourth avemnee. 1856 Douglass, Andrew E., 89 Wall street 1868 Draper, Henry, M.D., 271 Madison amnute. 1868 Du Chaillu, Paul B., 43 East Thirtieth street 1856 Duncan, Wm. Butler, 11 Xassau street. 1855 140 Dunshee, Henry W., 142 West Tenth street. 1868 Duyckinck, Evert A., 20 Clinton place. 1868 Dwight, Prof. Theo. W., LL.D., 43 Lafayetteplace. 1868 Edmonds, Hon. J. W., 271 Broadway. 1852 Elliott, S. M., M.D., 10 Union place. 1856 Ellsworth, Henry, 223 West Fourteenth street. 1856 Ely, Abner L., 22 Pine street. 1868 Emmet, Thomas Addis, M.D., 91 Madison aueaue. 1869 Emott, Hon. James M., 20 Nassau street. 1864 Evans, Walton W., 47 Exchange place. 1859 150 Evarts, Hon. Wm. M., 52 Wall street 1853 Eyre, Henry S. P,, 174 Pearl street. 1864 Faile, Thomas H., 130 Water street. 1856 Fernbach, Henry, 19 Nassau street. 1856 Fiedler, Ernest, 32 Broadway. 1856 L. M. Field, B. H., 127 tWater street. 1854 L. M. Field, Cyrus W., Gramercy place. 1856 Field, David Dudley, 4 Pine street. 1869 Field, Dudley, 4 Pine street. 1860 Field, Rev. H. M., 5 Beekman street. 1852 160 L. M. Field, Hickson W., Europe. 1857 Fish, Hon. Hamilton, 104 East Tenth street. 1859 L. M. Fogg, William H., 32 Burling slip. 1869 Forsyth, Rev. John, D.D., Newburgh, N. Y. 1859 Fowler, Edward P., M.D., 22 West Twenty-ninth street. 1859 Fowler, Frederick R., 142 Front street. 1868 Frohwein, Theobald, 213 Stanton street. 1869 Furniss, William, 35 Wall street. 28 Members of the American Year of Elect i, n. 1869 Ganse, Rev. H. D.,.D., 358 West Twentf-second street. 1853 Gaillard, Joseph, 34 South street. 1868 170 Gambrill, C. D., 6 Hanover street. 1868 Gardner, A. K., M.D., 237 East Thirteenth street. 1868 L. M. Gebhard, William H., Union Club, Fifth avenle. 1869 Gerard, James W., 17 Gramercy Park. 1868 L. M. Gerry, Elbridge T, 164 Nassau street. 1856 Gescheidt, Louis A., M.D., 44 Clinton place. 1869 Gilbert, Clinton, 73 Sixth avenue. 1868 Gillies, James W., 92 Wall street. 1868 Goldsmith, Jacob, 320 Broadway. 1859 Gould, Charles, 58 Wall street. 1869 Gourlie, John H., 26 1West Seventeenth street. 1860 180 L. M. Graham, James L., Jr., 108 Broadway. 1859 Graham, R. M. C., 108 Broadway. 1868 Green, Andrew H., 31 Nassau street. 1868 Greene, Gen. G. S., 119 West Thirty-ninth streef. 1852 L. M. Green, John C., 71 South street. 1857 L. M. Green, John W., M.D., Syosset, L. I. 1856 Greenwood, Isaac I., 214 West Fourteenth street. 1868 Gregory, Dudley S., Jersey City, N. J. 1852 Grinnell, Henry, 45 William street. 1853 Grinnell, Moses H., 111 Fifth avenue. 1859 190 L. M. Griswold, George, 72 South street. 1856 Guernsey, Egbert, M.D., 18 WVest Twenty-third street. 1864 Guernsey, R. S., M.D., 151 Broadway. 1869 Habicht, C. E., 127 Pearl street. 1869 Hadden, Jno. A., 33 Chambers street. 1868 Hall, Elial F., 37 Nassau street. 1868 Hall, Gen. Wmi., 543 Broadway. 1869 Hallock, Mrs. Francis, 140 East Fifteenth street. 1869 Halsted, William M., 378 Broadway. 1864 Hammond, Henry B., 20 N2assau street. 1869 200 Harland, Edward, Norwich, Ct. 1857 Harris, Elisha, M.D., 301 Mott street. 1868 Harris, Hon. Townsend, Union Club, Fitth avenue. 1870 Harrison, Thomas F., 146 Grand street. 1868 Iartt, Prof. Chas. F., M.A., Ithaca,. Y. 1859 L. M. Havemeyer, Jno. C., 335 West Fou. tee)th street. 1868 Hayes, Isaac I., M.D., 20 East Fifteenth street. 1869 Hays, William J., 51 TVest Tenth street. 1869 Hazard, Rowland R., Jr., 110 Broadway. 1868 Hegeman, William, 203 Broadway. 1868 210 Hegeman, William A. Ogden, 55 Pine street. 1859 Henderson, John C., 464 Broome street. 1856 Herring, Silas C., 251 Broadway. Geographical and Statistical Society. 29 Year of Election. 1856 Hewitt, Abram S., 17 Burling slip. 1868 Hewlett, John D., 51 Wall street. 1857 Heye, Ernest, 87 Beaver street. 1869 Hoffmann, Friedrich, PH.D., 64 Sixth avenue. 1868 Hoguet, Robert J., 112 Duane street. 1858 L. M. Holton, David P., M.D., 124 test Fifty-fourth street. 1856 Homans, Sheppard, 146 Broadway. 1868 220 Hoppin, William J., 59 Pine street. 1868 Hoyt, David, 286 Cherry street. 1869 Hoyt, Gabriel, 286 Cherry street. 1865 Hull, Amos G., 41 Park row. 1869 Hull, Col. Harmon D., 11 Water street. 1856 Hunt, Wilson G., 82 White street. 1856 Hunter, James, 220 East Tenth street. 1868 Huntington, Daniel, 49 East Ttcsntieth street. 1868 Hurlbert, William H., TWorld Office. 1869 Hutchins, Waldo, 40 Wall street. 1859 Ireland, John B., 200 Broaduay. 1868 230 Jacob, Ephraim A., 306 Broadway. 1868 Jarvis, Nathaniel, Jr., 124 West Twventy-third street. 1868 James, Julian P., 400 Fifth avenue. 1852 L. M. Jay, John, U. S. Ambassador, Vienna, Austria. 1855 Johnson, Bradish, 110 Front street. 1868 Johnson, Hezron A., 65 Broadway. 1868 Johnson, Henry W., 87 Wall street. 1856 Johnston, James B., 90 Broadway. 1868 Jones, Charles C., Jr., 61 Wall street. 1852 L. M. Jones, John D., 51 Wall street. 1868 240 Joy, Prof. Chas. A., Columbia College. 1870 Kane, I. Grenville, Union Club, Fifth avenue. 1869 Kapp, Frederick, 4 Wall street. 1855 Kearney, Edward. 1869 Kelly, Eugene, 21 Nassau street. 1865 Kennedy, John A., 300 Mulberry street. 1854 Kennedy, Robert L., 29 Nassau street. 1856 Ketchum, Hiram, 29 William street. 1865 King, George, 5 Mercer street. 1863 King, Oliver K., 31 Broadway. 1852 250 Kingsland, A. C., 114 Fifth avenue. 1868 Kirkland, Hon. Charles P., 21 Nassau street. 1853 L. M. Knapp, Shepherd, 33 Wall street. 1862 Lambert, E. W., M.D., 92 Broadway. 1868 Lane, Smith E., 169 Broadway. 1856 Lanier, J. F. D., 29 Pine street. 30 Members of the American Year of Election. 1859 L. M. Lathers, Richard, 29 William street. 1868 Lawrence, Abraham R., 25 Nassau street. 1869 Lawrence, John S., 11 South William street. 1868 Lawson, James, Jr., 62 Wall street. 1852 260 L. M. Leavitt, Rev. Joshua, D.D., 3 Park place. 1868 Lee, Gideon, 76 Irving place. 1854 Lefferts, Marshall, 145 Broadway. 1859 Lenox, James, 53 Fifth avenue. 1868 Leonard, William H., 63 Wall street. 1868 Leslie, Frank, 537 Pearl street. 1860 Lieber, Prof. Francis, LL.D., 48 East Thirty-fourth street. 1852 L. M. Livingston, Cambridge, 145 Broadway. 1856 Lockwood, Le Grand, Jr., 94 Broadway. 1857 Low, A. A., 31 Burling slip. 1869 270 Lydig, Philip M., 34 Laight street. 1868 MacKellar, William, 3 Tryon row 1863 Mackie, Robert, 24 Beaver street. 1869 MacLane, Allan, 59 Wall street. 1869 Maclay, Hon. William B., 9 Nassau street. 1856 Manners, David S., 173 Broadway. 1868 Marsh, Luther R., 170 Broadway. 1856 Marsh, Samuel, 98 Duane street. 1863 Marshall, Chas. H., 40 Burling slip. 1868 Martin, Isaac P., 31 Nassau street. 1869 280 Martine, Randolph B., 31 Nassau street. 1868 Marquand, Henry G., 43 Wall street. 1856 Mason, Sidney, 130.Fifth avenue. 1868 Matsell, George W., 3 Tryon row 1863 May, Lewis, 5 Mercer street. 1868 McClure, George, 550 Broadway. 1868 McLean, James M., 156 Broadway. 1868 McLean, Samuel, 133 Duane street. 1859 McMullen, John, 900 Broadway. 1870 Menzies, William, 31 Nassau street. 1863 290 Merrick, John S., 139 Broadway. 1869 Miller, Charles R., 4745 Broadoay. 1868 Miller, Edmund H., 20 Broad street. 1858 Minturn, R. B., 78 South street. 1856 Minturn, T. R., 115 Pearl street. 1868 Mitchell, Grove P., 51 TVall street. 1856 Mitchill, Samuel L., 30 Broadway. 1856 Monroe, Ebenezer, 565 Broadway. 1868 Montgomery, Archibald G., Jr., 35 WTall street. 1869 Montgomery, Major James E., J.S.A. 1868 300 Moreau, John B.. 14 Secoznd street. 1859 L. MI Moore, Frank, Paris. Geographical and Statistical Society. Year of Election. 1853 L. M. Moore, George H., N. Y. Historical Society. 1869 Moore, Henderson, 51 Greene street. 1863 Moore, W. H. H., 51 Wall street. 1856 Morgan, Hon. E. D., 54 Exchange place. 1865 Morgan, William D., 70 South street. 1859 Morrell, William H., 34 West Twenty-fifth street. 1870 Morris, Harry M., 49 Wrest Thirty-eighth street. 1866 Morris, Robert R., New Rochelle, N. Y. 1868 310 Morrison, Henry, 200 Broadway. 1864 Morton, Levi P., 30 Broad street. 1860 Morse, Prof. Samuel F. B., LL.D., 5 Crest Twenty-second street. 1868 Mount, William S., 150 Duane street. 1869 Mount, Richard E., Jr., 46 Exchange place. 1869 Mumford, John P., 2 East Thirty-seventh street. 1856 Murdock, U. A., 7 Nassau street. 1868 Murphy, Hon. Henry C., Brooklyn, N.Y. 1868 Murphy, Thomas, 38 East Thirty-ninth street. 1852 Myers, Col. T. Bailey, 127 Mercer street. 1870 320 Naphegyi, Dr. G., 26 Park place. 1868 Newberry, Prof. Jno. S., M.D., Columbia College. 1856 Niblo, William, 50 West Twenty-eighth street. 1856 Nichols, Effingham H., 9 Pine street. 1868 Nicoll, Henry, 30 Pine street. 1858 Nicoll, Matthias, 51 Wall street. 1859 Norrie, Adam, 303 Fifth avenue. 1856 Norton, Robert, 1 State street. 1856 Oakley, Edward J., 257 Broadway. 1869 O'Conor, Charles, 61 Wall street. 1868 330 Ogden, Alfred, 51 W'all street. 1859 Ogden, William B., 52 WTall street. 1857 Opdyke, George, 25 INassau street. 1869 O'Rielly, Henry, 24 Pine street. 1868 Pardow, Robert, Jr., 10 Wrall. 1869 Parker, John A., 39 WVilliam street. 1868 Parton, James, 303 East Eighteerth street. 1868 Paulison, Jno. P., 52 lWall street. 1869 Perault, George, 292 Pearl street. 1868 Peyton, George, 10 U'all street. 1868 340 Pleiffer, Carl, 4 Broad street. 1862 Phillips, George W., 92 Broadway. 1860 L. M. Phelps, Royal, 45 Exchange place. 1868 Philbin, Stephen, 707 Broadway. 1855 Pierrepont, Hon. Edwards, 16 Wall street. 1835 L. M. Pierrepont, Henry E., 58 Broadway, 1868 Pierson, Henry L., Jr., 24 Broadway. 32 Members of the American Year of Election. 1852 L. M. Poor, Henry V., 57 Broadway. 1860 Potter, Clarkson N., 61 TVall street. 1868 Powers, William P., 74 Broadway. 1852 350 L. M. Prime, Frederick, 26 Broad street. 1859 L. MI. Prime, Frederick E., 26 Broad street. 1868 Prime, Rev. Wm. C., 76 Beaver street. 1869 Pruyn, Hon. John V. L., LL.D., Albany, V. Y. 1868 Pumpelly, Raphael, 43 Lafayette place. 1859 L. M. Punnett, James, 46 Wall street. 1859 Purser, George H., 82 Nassau street. 1868 Putnam, George P., 661 Broadway. 1856 Randolph, A. D. F., 770 Broadway. 1859 Rapallo, Charles A., 218 Broadway. 1868 360 Raven, Anton A., 51 Wall street. 1859 L. M. Reckendorfer, Joseph, 59 John street. 1866 Reid, Jared, Jr., Perth. Amnboy, N. J. 1868 Redfield, Amasa A., 20 Nassau street. 1869 Reid, Capt. Mayne, 33 Union square. 1856 Remsen, William, 5 Wall street. 1868 Rhinelander, Wm. C., 246 Greeunwich street. 1856 Richards, Joseph W., M.D., 12 Clinton place. 1868 Richmond, Henry A., Buffalo, N. Y. 1856 Riker, John H., 150 Nassau street. 1869 370 Roberton, John, Everett House. 1868 Roberts, Marshall O., 126 Warren street. 1868 Roehrig, F. L. O., PH.D., Ithaca, N. Y. 1861 L. M. Rogers, C. B., 280 Fifth avenue. 1869 Rogers, David L., M.D., 209 Lexington avenue. 1869 Roosevelt, Theodore, 94 Maiden lane., 1868 Rose, Cornelius, 320 Broadway. 1854 Ruggles, Hon. Samuel B., 6 TVall street. 1852 L. M. Russell, Archibald, 21 West Tenth street. 1868 Russell, John A., P. 0. Box 2289. 1854 380 Rutherfurd, L. M., 104 East Tenth street. 1869 Sabin, Joseph, 84 Nassau street. 1856 Sampson, Joseph, 2 Bond street. 1868 Sanger, A. L., 243 Broadway. 1869 Savage, John, 823 Broadway. 1859 L. M. Schell, Augustus, 40 Wall street. 1870 Schell, Richard, 22 West Twenty-first street. 1856 Schermerhorn, W. C., 68 IWall street. 1856 Schieffelin, S. A., 170 Williamn street. 1869 Schmidt, Oscar E., 22 Burling slip. 1856 390 Schuchardt, Frederick, 40 Exchange place. 1868 Schultz, Jackson S., 343 Pearl street. 1859 L. M. Schultz, John H., 9 Spruce street. Geographical and Statistical Society. 33 Year of Electioll. 1856 Sears, Herman B., 18 Maiden lane. 1854 Sewall, Henry F., 78 Sotth street. 1868 Seward, Clarence A., 29 TNassau street. 1868 Shea, George, 54 William street. 1856 Sherman, W. Watts, 11 INassau street. 1868 Sherwood, John D., 35 Wall street. 1869 Slevin, James M., 261 Broadway. 1868 400 Slimmon, Robert, 116 Duane street. 1868 Smales, Holbert, 33 Wall street. 1868 Smith, Augustus F., 31 Nassau street. 1868 Smith, C. Bainbridge, 115 Broadway. 1853 Smith, James O., M.D., 81 Clinton place. 1856 Smith, Uriah J., 30 Broadway. 1868 Spencer, Charles S., 8 Beach street. 1869 Spilthorn, Charles L., 83 Nassau street. 1856 Spofford, Paul N., 23 _Nassau street. 1868 Squier, Hon. E. George, 135 East Thirty-ninth street. 1860 410 Stansbury, Edward A., 231 Broadtway. 1859 Stallknecht, F. S., 37 _Nassau street. 1856 Stebbins, Henry G., 40 Broadcxay. 1870 Stephens, Edward, St. Cloud Hotel. 1864 Sterling, Clarence, Bridgeport, Conn. 1869 Stern, Simon, 35 Wall street. 1859 Stewart, A. T., 355 Fifth avenue. 1860 Stout, Francis A., 21 East Xinth street. 1858 Straznicky, E. R., Astor Library. 1869 Strebeigh, Robert M., Clinton Hall. 1859 420 Strong, Geo. T., 68 Wall street. 1860. Stuart, Alexander, 167 Chambers street. 1855 Stuart, Robert L., 169 Chlambers street. 1856 Sturgis, Russell, 40 Burling slip. 1861 L. M. Suckley, George, M.D. 1868 Suydam, Henry, 51 West Twelnty-second street. 1869 Sweeney, Hon. Peter B., 140 West Thirty-fourth street. 1857 Taylor, Bayard. 1868 Taylor, Douglas, 89 NYassau street. 1869 Tellkampf, Herman D., 65 Broadwvay. 1855 430 Tellkampf, T. A., M.D., 142 West Fourth street. 1856 Tiffany, Charles L., 550 Broadway. 1868 Tilden, Samuel J., 118 East Twentieth street. 1861 Thomson, Wm. H., M.D., 111 West Forty-third street. 1857 L. M. Thompson, David, 52 Wall street. 1854 Thompson, Rev. Joseph P., D.D., 32 WVest Thirty-si;.lh street, 1856 Townsend, Randolph W., 247 Braadway. 1859 Tracy, Charles, 50 Wall street. 1857 Tremain, Edwin R., 54 Broad street.,2r58 Turney, P. W., 110 Broadcaay. 34 Members of the Society. Year of Election. 1868 440 Van Cott, Hon. Joshua M., 15 Nassau street. 1869 Vanderpoel, Aaron J., 291 Broadway. 1868 Van Santvoord, C., 6 Hanover street. 1868 Van Vorst, Hon. Hooper C., 106 Broadway. 1859 Varnum, Joseph B., 110 Broadway. 1859 Verplanck, Hon. Gulian C., 67 University place. 1854 Viele, Gen. Egbert L., 115 Broadway. 1869 Vincent, Rev. J. H., 805 Broadway. 1854 Waddell, Wm. Coventry H., 11 Pine street. 1869 Wadsworth, E. Clifford, Brooklyn, E. D., t. Y. 1859 450 Wainwright, Jno. Howard, 37 Wall street. 1862 Walbridge, Gen. Hiram, 12 Bridge street. 1868 Walker, Wm. Augustus, 62 Wall street. 1869 Ward, Elijah, 59 Broadway. 1859 Ward, George C., 52 Wall street. 1856 Warren, James K., 65 Warren street. 1853 L. M. Watts, Ridley, 22 East Twentieth street, 1854 Webb, William H., 200 Lewis street. 1869 Weber, Leonard, M.D., 33 East Twenty-seventh street. 1870 Webster, Sidney, 243 East Eighteenth street. 1866 460 Wendell, Jacob, 59 Worth street. 1868 Wells, J. H., Fifth Avenue Hotel. 1869 Welles, James H., Fifth Avenue Hotel. 1865 Wells, Samuel R., 389 Broadway. 1856 Wetmore, David, 365 Greenwich street. 1854 L. M. Wetmore, Samuel, 59 Pine street. 1856 Westermann, B., 471 Broadway. 1870 Whitaker, Thomas A., Union Club, Fifth avenue. 1868 White, Alexander M., 63 Broadway. 1868 Whitney, James A., 189 Broadway. 1868 470 Whitewright, Wm., Jr., 88 Wall street. 1860 Winston, Frederick S., 144 Broadway. 1868 Williams, B., 41 East Thirty-eighth street. 1857 Wilson, Harris, Brooklyn. 1854 L. M. Witthaus, G. H., 318 Broadway. 1854 L. M. Witthaus, R. A., 546 Pearl street. 1859 Wolfe, John D., 13 Madison avenue. 1869 Wreaks, Charles F., 54 William street, 1868 478 Zborowski, Martin. THE AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL SOCIETY, COOPER INSTITUTE, NEW YORK. THE AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL SOCIETY wasfounded in 1852, and chartered in 1854. The objects contemplated in the establishment of the Society are: 1. To collect, register, digest, and print, in a cheap and convenient form, such useful and interesting Geographical and Statistical facts as the Society may from time to time acquire. 2. To collect a Library of Geographical works, ancient and. modern, including Voyages and Travels, Gazetteers, and works on the Natural History of the Earth; and to establish a Bureau of Maps and Charts for the benefit of commercial and scientific men, and of the public in general. 3. To form a collection of Statistical works, including Official Publications of the various governments of the old and new worlds; Reports of Societies, Boards of Trade, educational,. charitable, and commercial Institutions, and such Registers,. Digests, Journals and Almanacs as will illustrate any of the, departments of Statistical science. 4. To correspond with similar associations in different parts of the world, and with foreign individuals engaged in Geographical or Statistical pursuits. The number of Honorary, Corresponding, and Ordinary Members is now nearly seven hundred. The Library contains. over ten thousand volumes, and is rapidly increasing. The Publications have been, a BULLETIN in two volumes; twovolumes of a Geograpical and Statistical JOURNAL; and a number of pamphlets. The regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday of every month from October to June. The JOURNAL. of the Society, forming an annual volume of about two hundred and fifty royal octavo pages, is sent gratuitously to all Members.. The initiation fee is five dollars; the annual subscription is five dollars; and life-membership is fifty dollars. NEW YORK, March, 1870.