AD VA NCUE SHEETS OF COMPLETE CA TALOGUE.]..............._... _....... A CATALOG UE OF TIIE PERIODICAIL IPUBLIC(ATIONS IN TIIE }ibrary oj tte $hool o1 o 0n, oolunmbia ollee, JJIY' 1, 1875. PRINTED FOR THE TRUSTEES. J 0 H N W. AMERMAN, PR1 NT VR, No. 47 CEDARn STIEET'. 1875, CATALO GUE OF PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS. A. Transactions of Societies and Institutions. B. Private Journals. C. Reports of Public Officers and Departments of Government. 10 Where figures or numerals, or the names of months are used in this Catalogue, they are to be considered, in all cases, inclusive. The compiler of this Catalogue has inserted in the Index, in a few instances, the abbreviated titles, under which, by license, some of the more prominent Periodical Publications are at times quoted. TRANSACTIONS OF SOCIETIES AND INSTITUTIONS. ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES DE PARIS. See INSTITUT DE FRANCE. ACADEMIE IMPfRIALE DES SCIENCES DE ST. PETERSBOURG. BULLETIN DE L'ACADEMIE IMPERIALE DES SCIENCES. 4to. Published irregularly. St. Petersburg, 1860 to date. Tomes XVIII. and XIX., (Parts 1, 2, 3.) MELANGES PHYSIQUES ET CHIMIQUES TIRES DU BULLETIN DE L'Academie Imperiale des Sciences de St. Petersbourg. Vols. I., 1849 to 1854; II., 1854 to 1856; III., 1856 to 1859; IV., 1860 to 1861; V., 1861 to 1864; VI., 1864 to 1866; VII., 1867 to 1868; VIII., 1868 to 1873. ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES. PHILADELPHIA. JOURNAL OF THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILAdelphia. Second Series. Vols. IV., 4to., (Parts 2, 3, 4,) V., VI., (Part 1.) Philadelphia, 1862 to 1866. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES OF Philadelphia. Vols. I. to XVIII., 1841 to 1866. 18 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia. ACADEMY OF SCIENCE. ST. LOUIS. TRANSACTIONS OF THE ACADEMY OF SCIENCE, ST. LOUIS. Vol. I., 1856 to 1860; Vol. II., 1861 to 1868. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES OF THE STATE OF MIASSACIIUSETTS. ABSTRACT OF THE RETURNS OF THE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES of the State of Massachusetts, for the years 1846, 1856, 1857, 1858. - 4 vols. 8vo. Boston. TRANSACTIONS OF THE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES OF THE STATE of Massachusetts, for the years 1847, 1848, 1849, 1851. 4 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1848 to 1852. 148 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF THE STATE OF WISCONSIN. TRANSACTIONS OF THE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF THE STATE of Wisconsin, for the years 1854, 1855, 1856, 1857. 4 vols. 8vo. Minneapolis. ALBANY INSTITUTE. ALBANY, N. Y. TRANSACTIONS OF THE ALBANY INSTITUTE. Vol. I., 1830; Vol. II., 1833 to 1852; Vol. III., 1855; Vol. IV., 1858 to 1863. 4 vols. 8vo. Albany. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE. UNITED STATES. PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADvancement of Science. First Meeting at Philadelphia, 1848. Philadelphia, 1849. Second " Cambridge, 1849. Boston, 1850. Third " Charleston, 1850. Charleston, 1850. Fourth " New-Haven, 1850. Washington, 1851. Fifth " Cincinnati, 1851. " 1851. Sixth " Albany, 1851. " 1852. Seventh " Cleveland, 1853. Cambridge, 1856. Eighteenth " Salem, 1869. " 1870. Twentieth " Indianapolis, 1871. " 1871. Twenty-First" Dubuque, 1872. " 1872. Twenty-Third Hartford, 1874. Salem, 1875. See, also, Association of American Naturalists and Geologists. AMERICAN INSTITUTE. NEW-YORK. TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE FOR THE YEARS 1863 to 1871. 9 vols. 8vo. New-York, AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF MINING ENGINEERS. UNITED STATES. TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF MINING Engineers. Vol. I., May, 1871, to February, 1873; Vol. II., 1873, to February, 1874. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia. AMERICAN IRON AND STEEL ASSOCIATION. PHILADELPHIA. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE AMERICAN IRON and Steel Association, for the year 1874. 8vo. pp. Philadelphia. BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN IRON AND STEEL ASSOCIATION. Weekly. Philadelphia, 1866 to date. Vol. I. to VIII., 1866 to 1874; Vol. IX., 1875, January to June. 9 vols. 4to. Philadelphia. TRANSACTIONS OF SOCIETIES AND INSTITUTIONS. 149 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. NEWYORK. FIRST ANNUAL REPORT for the year 1870. Vol. XXV., Pamphlets. Octavo series. 8vo. 29 pp. 1870. AMERICAN PUBLIC HEALTH ASSOCIATION. UNITED STATES. PUBLIC HEALTH REPORTS AND PAPERS presented at the Meetings of the American Public Health Association. Vol. I., 1873. 8vo. New-York, 1875. ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN NATURALISTS AND GEOLOGISTS. UNITED STATES. REPORTS, EMBRACING PROCEEDINGS AND TRANSACTIONS of the First and Second Meetings of the Association of American Naturalists and Geologists, held at Philadelphia, in 1840 and 1841; and of the Third Meeting, held at Boston in 1842. 8vo. Boston, 1843. (These Reports have been continued under the title: Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, which see.) BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE. REPORT of theFirst Meeting held at Cambridge in 1831. Second edition. Second " " Oxford, 1832. London, 1835. Third " " Cambridge, 1833. London, 1834. Fourth " "Edinburgh 1834. " 1835. Fifth " " Dublin, 1835. " 1836. Sixth " " Bristol, 1836. " 1837. Seventh " " Liverpool, 1837. " 1838. Eighth " " Newcastle, 1838. " 1839. Ninth " " Birmingham, 1839. " 1840. Tenth " " Glasgow, 1840. " 1841. Eleventh " " Plymouth, 1841. " 1842. Twelfth " " Manchester, 1842. " 1843. Thirteenth " Cork, 1843. " 1844. Fourteenth " York, 1844. " 1845. Fifteenth " Cambridge, 1845. " 1846. Sixteenth " Southampton, 1846. " 1847. Seventeenth " Oxford, 1847. " 1848. Eighteenth " Swansea, 1848. " 1849. Nineteenth " Birmingham, 1849. " 1850. Twentieth " Edinburgh, 1850. " 1851. Twenty-first " Ipswich, 1851. " 1852. Twenty-second " Belfast, 1852. " 1853. Twenty-third " Hull, 1853. " 1854. Twenty-fourth " Liverpool, 1854. " 1855. Twenty-fifth " Glasgow, 1855. " 1856. 150 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENr OF SCIENCE. REPORT of theTwenty-sixth Meeting held at Cheltenham, 1856. London, 1857. Twenty-seventh " Dublin, 1857. " 1858. Twenty-eighth " Leeds, 1858. " 1859. Twenty-ninth " Aberdeen, 1859. " 1860. Thirtieth " Oxford, 1860. " 1861. Thirty-first " Manchester, 1861. " 1862. Thirty-second " Cambridge, 1862. "* 1863. Thirty-third " Newcastle, 1863. " 1864. Thirty-fourth " Bath, 1864. " 1865. Thirty-fifth " Birmingham, 1865. " 1866. Thirty-sixth " Nottingham, 1866.'" 1867. Thirty-seventh " Dundee, 1867. " 1868. Thirty-eighth " Norwich, 1868. " 1869. Thirty-ninth " Exeter, 1869. " 1870. Fortieth " Liverpool, 1870. " 1871. Forty-first " Edinburgh, 1871. " 1872. 40 vols. 8vo. London, 1832 to 1872. CHEMICAL SOCIETY. LONDON. MEMOIRS AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY OF London. Vols. 1., II., III., 1841 to 1847. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1841 to 1848. THE QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY OF London. Vols. I. to VI., 1848 to 1862. New Series, (Mornhly,) under the title: THE JOURNAL OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. Vols. II., IV., VI., VII., VIII., XI., XII., 1863 to 1874. Vol. XIII., 1875, January to June. General Index (subjects and authors) to the First TwentyFive Volumes of the Journal of the Chemical Society, 1848 to 1872; and to the Memoirs and Proceedings, 1841 to 1847. Compiled by Henry Watts. 8vo. 268 pp. London, 1874. CONSERVATOIRE IMPERIAL DES ARTS ET METIERS. PARIS. ANNALES DU CONSERVATOIRE IMPERIAL DES ARTS ET AMEtiers. Vol. VII., 1866 to 1867. VIII., 1870. DEUTSCHEN CHEMISCHEN GESELLSCHAFT. BERLIN. BERICHTE DER DEUTSCHEN CHEMISCHEN GESELLSCHAFT ZU Berlin. Vols. I. to VII., 1868 to 1874; Vol. VIII., 1 875, Nos. 1 to 9, January 5 to May 24. TRANSACTIONS OF SOCIETIES AND INSTITUTIONS. 151 DEUTSCHEN GEOLOGISCHEN GESELLSCHAFT. BERLIN. ZEITSCHRIFT DER DEUTSCHEN GEOLOGISCHEN GESELLSCHAFT zu Berlin. Vols. II., IX. to XXIII., and XXVI., 1849 to 1874. DUDLEY OBSERVATORY. ALBANY. ANNALS OF THE DUDLEY OBSERVATORY. Vol. I., 1866. EDINBURGH GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. TRANSACTIONS OF THE EDINBURGH GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Vol. II., Part 3. ESSEX INSTITUTE. SALEM, MASS. BULLETIN OF THE ESSEX INSTITUTE. Vol. I., Nos. 1, 2, 3, January, February, March, 1869. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ESSEX INSTITUTE. Vols. II., Part 1, 1856-1857; IV., 1864-1865; V., 18661867; VI., 1868. FRANKLIN INSTITUTE. PHILADELPHIA. JOURNAL OF THE FRANKLIN INSTITUTE. First Series, under the title: THE FRANKLIN JOURNAL AND AMERICAN MECHANICS' MAGAZINE. Devoted to the Useful Arts, Internal Improvements, General Science, and the Recording of American and other Patented Inventions. Under the Patronage of the Franklin Institute of the State of Pennsylvania. Edited by THoMAs P. JONES. SVO. Two vols. a year. Philadelphia, 1826,1827. Second Series, under the title: JOURNAL OF THE FRANKLIN INSTITUTE OF THE STATE OF Pennsylvania, and Mechanics' Register. Devoted to Mechanical and Physical Science, Civil Engineering, the Arts and Manufactures, and the Recording of American and other Patented Inventions. Edited by THOMAS P. JONES. 8VO. Two vols. a year. Philadelphia, 1828 to 1840. Vols. XV. to XVIII.; XX., XXI., XXII.; XXIV.-1835 to 1840. Third Series, under the title: JOURNAL OF THE FRANKLIN INSTITUTE OF THE STATE OF Pennsylvania, for the Promotion of the Mechanic Arts. Devoted to Mechanical and Physical Science, Civil Engineering, the Arts and Manufactures. 1841 to date. Edited by THOMAS P. JONES and JOHN F. FRAZER. Vols. 1., II., III., VI., VIII.; and LIII. to LXIX.-1841 to 1875. GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. LONDON. QUARTERLY JOURNAL of the Geological Society of London. Vols. XXIII., XXIV., XXV., 1867, 1868, 1869; XXVII., XXVIII., XXIX., 1871, 1872, 1873; XXX., 1875, parts 1 and 2. 152 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. INSTITUT DE FRANCE. PARIS. ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES. COMPTES-RENDUS hebdomadaires des seances de 1'Academie des Sciences, publi6s, conformement a une decision de 1'Academie en date du 13 Juillet, 1835, par MM. les Secretaires perp6tuels. 4to. Weekly. Two vols. a year. Paris, 1835 to date. Tomes XVI. to LXXX., 1843 to 1875. INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS. LONDON. TRANSACTIONS OF THE INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS. Vols. I., II., III., 1837 to 1842. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1842. IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE. LONDON. JOURNAL OF THE IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE. 1871, Vols. 1, 2; 1872, Vols. 1, 2; 1873, Vol. 1, No. 2; 1874, Vol. 1, No. 2. KAISERLICH AKADEMIE DER WISSENSCHAFTEN. WIEN. SITZUNGSBERICHT DER MATHEMATISCH NATURWISSENSCHAFTlichen Classe der Koniglich Baierischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Erste Abtheilung. Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der Mathematik, Physik, Chemie, Mechanik, Meteorologie und Astronomie. Vols. LXV. to LXVIII., 1$72, 1873; Vol. LXIX., (part 5,) 1874; Vol. LXX., (parts 3, 4, 5,) 1875. Zweite Abtheilung. Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der Mineralogie, Botanik, Zoologie, Geologie und Palveontologie. Vols LXV. to LXVIII., 1872, 1873. Verzeichniss sammtlicher von der Kais. Akademie der Wissenschaften seit ihrer griindung bis letzten October, 1868. Veroffentlichen Druckschriften. 12mo. 300 pp. Vienna, 1869. KAISERLICHEN KONIGLICHEN BERGAKADEMIE. JAHRBUCH DER K. K. BERGAKADEMIEN LEOBEN UND SCHEMnitz und der K. K. Montan-Lehranstalt Pribram. Vol. XV., 1865. Edited by P. Ritter von Tunner. 8vo. Vienna, 1865. KAISERLICHEN KONIGLICHEN GEOLOGISCHEN REICHSANSTALT. WIEN. ABHANDLUNGEN DER KAISERLICHEN KONIGLICHEN GEOLOgischen Reichsanstalt. Vols. I. to VI.; VII., hefts 1, 2, 1852 to 1873. 4to. Vienna. JAHRBUCH DER KAISERLICHEN KONIGLICHEN GEOLOGISCHEN Reichsanstalt. Vols. I.; III.; IX. to XXIV.; 1850 to 1874. 18 vols. Royal 8vo. TRANSACTIONS OF SOCIETIES AND INSTITUTIONS. 153 KAISERLICHEN KONIGLICHEN GEOLOGISCHEN REICHSANSTALT. WIEN. JAHRBUCH DER KAISERLICHEN KONIGLICHEN GEOLOGISCHEN Reichsanstalt. General Index. Vol. I. for Vols. I. to X., 1850 to 1859; Vol. II. for Vols. XI. to XX., 1860 to 1870. 2 vols. Royal Svo. KATALOG DER BIBLIOTHEK DES K. K. HOF.-MINERALIENCabinetes in Wien. Zusammengestellt von Paul Partsch. 4to. Vienna, 1851. MINERALOGISCHE MITTHEILUNGEN. Gesammelt von Gustav Tschermak und herausgegeben als beilage zu der Jahrbuch der K. K. Geologischen Reichsanstalt. 1871, 1872. 2 vols. 4to. Vienna, 1872, 1873. VERHANDLUNGEN DER KAISERLICHEN KONIGLICHEN GEOLOgischen Reichsanstalt. 1867, 1870, 1872, 1873, 1874. General Index (subjects, authors, places and names of palaeontological species) for Vols. I. to XX, 1850 to 1859. KONIGLICHEN BAYERISCHEN AKADEMIE DER WISSENSCHAFTEN. MTiNCHEN. ABHANDLUNGEN DER KONIGLICHEN BAYERISCHEN AKADETIE der Wissenschaften. Matheinatisch-Physikalischen Classe. Vols. VI.; VII., Parts 2, 3; VIII., IX., X., XI., Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 1852 to 1873. 4to. Munich. SITZUNGSBERICHTE DER MATHEMATISCH PHYSIKALISCHEN Classe der Wissenschaften. Vols. I., II.; III., parts 1, 2, 3., 1871, 1872, 1873. 3 vols. 8vo. LYCEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. NEW-YORK. ANNALS OF THE LYCEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY IN THE City of New-York. Vols. 1, 1823 to 1825; II., 1826 to 1827; III., 1828 to 1836; IV., 1836 to 1848; V., 1848 to 1852; VI., 1853 to 1858; VII., 1858 to 1862; VIII., 1863 to 1867; IX., 1868 to 1870; X., Nos. 1 to 3, February to March; 4, 5, July to November, 1871; 10, 11, March to June, 1873; XI., Nos. 1, 2, July, 1874. PROCEEDINGS OF THE LYCEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY IN THE City of New-York. Second Series. No. 1. January 3 to March 3, 1873. No. 2, January 5 to June 1, 1874. 2 Pamphlets. 8vo. CHARTER, CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS OF THE LYCEUM OF Natural History in the City of New-York. 8vo. 28 pp. New-York, 1837. MUSIE DE L'INDUSTRIE DE BELGIQUE. BRUXELLES. BULLETIN DU MUSEE DE L'INDUSTRIE DE BELGIQUE. Vols. I. to LXVI., 1841 to 1874; Vol. LXVII. 1875, January to June. 154 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND ZOOLOGY OF HARVARD COLLEGE. CAMBRIDGE, MASS. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE TRUSTEES OF THE MUSEUM OF Comparative Anatomy of Harvard College in Cambridge; together with the Report of the Director, for the year 1867. Svo. 22 pp. Boston, 1867. NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. UNITED STATES. MEMOIRS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Vol. I., 1866. 4to. Washington. REPORT OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES for the year 1863. 8vo. Washington, 1874. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF WOOL MANUFACTURERS. BULLETIN OF THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF WOOL MANUfacturers, Boston. Vol. I. to IV., 1869 to 1874. 4 vols. 8vo. Boston. OBJECTS AND PLAN OF THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF Wool Manufacturers; its Organization and Articles of Association and By-Laws. 8vo. 20 pp. Boston, 1866. NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. MONTREAL. THE CANADIAN NATURALIST AND GEOLOGIST AND PROCEEDingS of the Natural History Society of Montreal. First Series. Vols. IV. to VIII., 1856 to 1863. Second Series. Vols. III. to VI., 1864 to 1874; Vol. VII., parts 1 to 6; and 8, May, 1872, to July, 1875. NEW-YORK STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. ALBANY. THE JOURNAL OF THE NEW-YORK STATE AGRICULTURAL Society. Vols. XV., XVI., XVII. to XXIII., 1865 to 1873. TRANSACTIONS OF THE NEW-YORK STATE AGRICULTURAL Society for the years 1845 to 1868, (lacking 1846, 1847 and 1851.) NOVA SCOTIA INSTITUTE OF NATURAL SCIENCE. HALIFAX. PROCEEDINGS AND TRANSACTIONS OF THE INSTITUTE OF NAtural Science of Halifax, Nova Scotia. Vol. III., (part 4,) 1874. 8vo. Halifax. PALEONTOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. LONDON. THE WORKS OF THE PALKEONTOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. LONdon. Vols. I. to XX., 1847 to 1866; XXII., 1868; XXIV., XXV., 1870, 1871. 23 vols. 4to. London, 1848 to 1871. (The several mnonographs constituting this series will be found in Catalogue of Books and Pamphlets, under their respective authors.) Addenda, p. 141. TRANSACTIONS OF SOCIETIES AND INSTITUTIONS. 155 REALE ACCADEMIA DELLE SCIENZE E BELLES LETTERES. NAPOLI. RENDICONTO DELLE ADUNANZE E DE' LAVORI DELLA REALE Academia Delle Scienze. Vols. I., 1842, (two parts;) V., 1846, (one part;) VIII., 1849; IX., 1850, (one part.) ROYAL IRISH ACADEMY. DUBLIN. TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL IRISH ACADEMY FOR THE YEAR 1787. 4to. Dublin. ROYAL MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. LONDON. THE MONTHLY MICROSCOPICAL JOURNAL. TRANSACTIONS of the Royal Microscopical Society of London, and Record of Histological Research at Home and Abroad. Edited by HENRY LAWTON. 8vo. Monthly. Two vols. a year. London, 1869 to date. Vols. I. to XII., 1869 to 1874; Vol. XIII., 1875, January to June. SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. WASHINGTON, D. C. ANNUAL REPORT TO CONGRESS OF THE BOARD OF REGENTS of the Smithsonian Institution, showing the Operations, Expenditures and Condition of the Institution for the years 1853 to 1872. 20 vols. 8vo. Washington. SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COIECTION. Vols. I. to XII., 1862 to 1874. (The several papers constituting this series will befound in Catalogue of Books and Pamphlets, under their respective authors, pp. 1-139.) SOCIETt CHIMIQUE DE PARIS. BULLETIN MENSUEL DE LA SOCIETY CHTMIQUE DE PARIS concernant le Proces Verbal des Seances, les Memoires present6s a la Societe, L'Analyse des Travaux de Chimie Pure et Appliquee publies en France et a L'Etranger, La Revue des Brevets, &c. Second Series. Vols. VII. to XXV., 1864 to 1875. SOCIETE DE PHARMACIE DE PARIS. JOURNAL DE PHARMACIE ET DE CIIIMIE CONTENANT LES TRAvaux de la Soci6te de Pharmacie, une Revue Medicale et une Revue des Travaux Chimiques publi6s a l'Etranger. Third Series. Vol. XXVI., July to December, 1854. Fourth Series. Vols. XV. to XVIII., XX., XXI., January, 1872, to June, 1875. SOCIETE DE L'INDUSTRIE MINERALE. PARIS. BULLETIN DE LA SOCIETB DE L'INDUSTRIE MINERALE. First Series. Vols. I. to IV.; VIII. to XV., 1855 to 1870. Second Series. Vols. I. to IV., 1870 to 1874. 156 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. SOCI]T] GEOLOGIQUE DE FRANCE. PARIS. BULLETIN DE LA SOCIfTE GEOLOGIQUE DE FRANCE. Tomes I. to XXIV., 1843 to 1866. SOCI]Tl INDUSTRIELLE DE MULHOUSE. BULLETIN DE LA SOCIfTt INDUSTRIELLE DE MULHOUSE. Vols. XLIII., XLIV., 1873, 1874. Vol. XLV., 1875, January to June. SOCIETY FOR THE DIFFUSION OF USEFUL KNOWLEDGE. LONDON. THE BRITISH ALMANAC AND COMPANION OF THE SOCIETY for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, for the years 1828 to 1868. 41 vols. 12mo. London. UNIVERSITIS DE BELGIQUE. BRUXELLES. ANNALES DES UNIVERSIT;S DE BELGIQUE ou Recueil Contenant les Lois, Arretes et Reglements relatifs a L'Enseignement superieur, les Memoires couronees aux Concours universitaires, et d'autres Documents academiques. First Series. Vols. I. to XVI., 1842 to 1857. Second Series. Vols. I., II., 1858 to 1861. UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW-YORK. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF the State of New-York on the Condition of the State Cabinet of Natural History for the years 1847 to 1873. Appendices D. and E. to the Sixteenth Annual Report for the year 1863. 29 vols. 8vo. REPORT OF THE SELECT COMMITTEE appointed to Investigate the Matters in Connection with the Publication of the State Work on Natural History. 8vo. 178 pp. Albany, 1850. VEREIN DEUTSCHER INGENIEURE. BERLIN. ZEITSCHRIFT DES VEREINS DEUTSCHEN INGENIEURE, Redigirt von Dr. F. Grashof, Dr. R. Weber, R. R. Werner, und H. Ludewig. Vols. XI. to XVIII., 1867 to 1874; Vol. XIX., 1875, January to June. PRIVATE JOURNALS. THE AMERICAN ARTIZAN AND PATENT RECORD. A Weekly Journal of Arts, Mechanics, Manufactures, Mining, Engineering and Repertory of Patents. Folio. Weekly. Two vols. a year. New-York, 1864 to 1874. Second Series, (1865 to 1872.) Vols. I., VI., XVI., XVII., XVIII., 1865-1872. Third Series, (1872 to 1874.) Vol. 1., 1872. THE AMERICAN CHEMIST. A Monthly Journal of Theoretical and Technical Chemistry. Edited by C. F. and W. H. CHANDLER. 4to. Monthly. One vol. a year. New-York, 1870, to date. Vols. I. to V., July, 1870, to June, 1875. AMERICAN EXCHANGE AND REVIEW. A Miscellany of Useful Knowledge and General Literature. 8vo. Two vols. a year. Philadelphia, 1862 to date. Vols. VI., VII., X., XII., XIII., XIV. to XIX., XXI., 1864 to 1872. THE AMERICAN GAS LIGHT JOURNAL AND CHIEMICAL REPERTORY. Quarto. Semi-monthly. One vol. a year. New-York, 1859, to date. Vols. VIII., XI., XII.; XVI. to XXI., July, 1866, to June, 1875. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MINING, MILLING, OIL-BORING, GEOLOGY, Mineralogy, Metallurgy, &c. 4to. Weekly. Two vols. a year. New-York. Vols. I.; IV. to VII., 1866 to 1869. 158 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND ARTS. 8vo. Monthly. Two vols. a year. New-Haven, 1818 to date. First Series, under the title: AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE. Conducted by Benjamin Silliman, Jr. 1818 to 1845. Vols. I. to L., 1818 to 1845. Lacking vols. III.; XI. to XIV., and XXIII. Vol. L. is a General Index (subjects and authors) to the series. Second Series. Conducted by B. Silliman, B. Silliman, Jr., and James M. Dana. 1846 to 1870. Vols. I. to,L., 1846 to 1870. Vols. X., XX., XXX., XL. and L. contain a General Index (subjects and authors) to each ten volumes of the series. Third Series. 1870 to date. Vols. I. to IX., January, 1870, to June, 1875. AMERICAN MEDICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL REGISTER; or, Annals of Medicine, Natural History, Agriculture and the Arts. Conducted by DAVID HOSACK, M. D., and JOHN W. FRANCIS, M. D. 8vo. Monthly. One vol. a year. New-York. Vol. I., 1814. AMERICAN MINING INDEX. Devoted to the Mineral and Metallic Resources of the United States. Folio. Weekly. Two vols. a year. New-York. Vols. I. to V., 1865 to 1867. AMERICAN RAIL-ROAD JOURNAL, AND ADVOCATE OF INTERNAL IMprovements. 4to. Weekly. One vol. a year. New-York, 1831 to 1840. Second Series, under the title: AMERICAN RAIL-ROAD JOURNAL. Devoted to the Interests of Steam Navigation, Banking, Mining and Manufactures. Edited by JOHN H. SCHULTZE. 4to. Weekly. One vol. a year. 1841 to date. Vols. XXIV., XXV., XXVI., 1868, 1869, 1870. THE AMERICAN REPERTORY OF ARTS, SCIENCES AND MANUFACTURES. 8vo. Two vols. a year. New-York. Vols. II., III., IV., 1840 to 1842. AMERICAN YEAR BOOK AND NATIONAL REGISTER. Astronomical, Historical, Political, Financial, Commercial, Agricultural, Educational and Religious. A General Review of the United States, including every Department of the National Government and State Governments, together with a Brief Account of Foreign States. Vol. I., 1869. Edited by David N. Camp. 8vo. 824 pp. Hartford, 1869. PRIVATE JOURNALS. 159 ANNALEN DER CHEMIE UND PHARMACIE. See below. ANNALEN DER PHARMACIE. Edited by J. LIEBIG, F. WOHLER, H. KOPP, E. ERLENMAYER and J. VOLHARD. 12mo. Four vols. a year. Heidelberg and Leipsig, 1832 to date. Vols. I. to XXXII., 1832 to 1839. From 1840, title changed to ANNALEN DER CHEnMIE UND PHARMACIE. Vols. XXXIII. to CXXXVI.; CXLI. to CLVI.; and CLIX. to CLXXVII., 1840 to 1875. Supplemental Volumes, I., II., 1861 to 1863; III., (hefts, 1, 2,) 1864; V., VI., 1867 to 1868; VIII., 1872. Index Volumes, (subjects and authors.) Vol. I for Vols. I. to C., 1832 to 1856; Vol. 2, for Vols. CXVII. to CLXIV., and Supplemental Volumes I. to VIII.-1863 to 1874. ANNALEN DER PHYSIK. Founded by D. FRIEDERICH ALBERT GREN, under the title: JOURNAL DER PHYSIK. (IHalle and Leipsig, 1790 to 1794.) Vols. I. to VIII., 1790 to 1794. Continued under the title: NEUES JOURNAL DER PHYSIK. (1795 to 1797.) Vols. I. to IV., 1795 to 1797. Continued under the title: ANNALEN DER PHYSIK. Edited by D. F. A. GREW and LUDWIG WILHELM GILBERT. Vols. I. to LXXVI., 1799 to 1824. General Index to Vols. to LXXVI. Title changed to: ANNALEN DER PHYSIK UND CHEMIE. Edited by JOHANN CHRISTIAN POGGENDORF. 8vo. Nine Parts — vols. a year. Leipsig, 1824 to date. First Series. Vols. I. to XXX., (LXXVII. to CVI. of the whole series.) 1824 to 1833. General Index. Second Series. Vols. XXXI. to LX., (CVII. to CXXXVI., of the whole series.) 1834 to 1843. General Index. Third Series. Vols. LXI. to XC., (CXXXVII. to CLXVI. of the whole series.) 1844 to 1853. General Index. Fourth Series. Vols. XCI. to CXX. (CLXVII. to CXCVI. of the whole series.) 1854 to 1863. General Index. Fifth Series. Vols. CXXI. to CL., (CXCVII. to CCXXVI. of the whole series.) 1864 to 1873. General Index. Sixth Series. Vols. CLI. to CLV., (CCXXVII. to CCXXXI. of the whole series.) 1874 to 1875. General Index. Supplemental Volumes. I., 1842; V., 1871; VI., 1873. "Jubelband." 8vo. 685 pp., VI. plates. Leipsig, 1874. ANNALES DE CHIMIE, ou recueil de Memoires concernant la Chimie et les arts qui en d6pendent. Edited by L. B. GUYTON DE MORVEAU, A. L. LAVOISIER, G. MONGE, J. H. HASSENFRATZ, D. F.'J. ARAGO and others. 8vo. Four vols. a year. Paris, 1789 to 1815. 160 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. ANNALES DE CHIMIE: First Series. Vols. I. to XCVI., 1789 to 1815. General Index in three volumes. Vol. 1, for Vols. I.-XXX.; Vol. 2, for XXXI.-LX.; Vol. 3, for LXI.-XCVI. Paris, 1801, 1807, 1821. Continued with change of title and editors, as follows: ANNALES DE CHIMIE ET DE PHYSIQUE. Edited by GAY LussAC and D. J. F. ARAGO, 1816 to date. Second Series. Vols. I. to LXXV., 1816 to 1840. General Index in three vols. Vol. 1 for Vols. I. to XXX.; Vol. 2 for Vols. XXXI. to LX.; Vol. 3 for Vols. LXI. to XC. Paris, 1831, 1840, 1841. Third Series. Vols. I. to LXIX., 1841 to 1863. General Index to Vols. I. to XXX. Fourth Series. Vols. I. to XXX., 1864 to 1873. General Index. Fifth Series. Vols. I. to VI., 1874, 1875. ANNALES DES MINES. Founded under the title: JOURNAL DES MINES, ou Recueil des Meemoires sur L'Exploitation des Mines et sur les Sciences et les Arts qui s'y rapportent. Published under the direction of the Minister of Public Works. 8vo. Paris. Two vols. a year. 1794-1815. Vols. I. to XXXVIII., 1794 to 1815. Continued under the title: ANNALES DES MINES, on Recueil des Memoires sur L'Exploitation des Mines. Redig6es par les Ingenieurs des Mines et publiees sous l'autourisation du ministre des travaux publics. 8vo. Two vols. a year. Paris, 1816 to date. First Series. Vol. II., 1817. Second Series. Vols. I. to VIII., 1827 to 1832. General Index. Third Series. Vols. I. to XX., 1833 to 1841. General Index. Fourth Series. Vols. I. to XX., 1842 to 1851. General Index. Fifth Series. Memoirs. Vols. I. to XX., 1852 to 1861. General Index. Administration. Vols. I. to X., 1852 to 1861. Sixth Series. Memoirs. Vols. I. to XX., 1862 to 1871. Administration. Vols. I. to X., 1862 to 1871. Seventh Series. M6moirs. Vols. I. to VII., 1872 to 1875. ANNALES DU GENIE CIVIL, et Recueil de Memoires sur les Ponts et Chaussees, les Routes et Chemins de Fer, les Constructions et la Navigation Maritime et Fluviale, l'Architecture, PRIVATE JOURNALS. 161 les Mines, la Metallurgie, la Chimie, la Physique, les Arts Mecaniques, l'Economie Industrielle, le Genie Rural. Publiees par E. Lacroix et des autres. 8vo. Monthly. One vol., text and plates, a year. Paris, 1862 to date. First Series. Vols. I. to VII., (text and plates,) 1862 to 1838. Second Series. Vols. XVI., (text and plates,) 1867; XVII., 1870 to 1871. ANNALS OF PHILOSOPHY; or, Magazine of Chemistry, Mineralogy, Mechanics, Natural History, Agriculture and the Arts. Edited by THOMA THOM soS. 8vo. Two vols. a year. London, 1813 to 1826. First Series. Vols. I. to XII., 1813 to 1818. Second Series. Vols. VI. to X., 1823 to 1825. This work was afterwards merged in The London, Edinburgh and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science, which see. L'ANNiE SCIENTIFIQUE ET INDUSTRIELLE, ou Expose annuel des Travaux Scientifiques, des Inventions et des principales applications de la Science a l'Industrie et aux Arts, qui ont attire l'attention publique en France et a l'Etranger. Edited by Louis FIGUIER. 16mo. Annually. Paris, 1856 to date. Vols. I. to XVII., 1856 to 1874. General Index to Vols. I. to IX. ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY; or, Year Book of Facts in Science and Art, exhibiting the Most Important Discoveries in Mechanics, the Useful Arts, Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, Astronomy, Meteorology, Zoology, Botany, Mineralogy, Geography and Antiquities, &c., for the years 1850 to 1864. Edited by David A. Wells. 1865, 1866, (one vol.) Edited by Samuel Kneeland. 1870, 1871. Edited by John Trowbridge. 18 vols. 12mo. Boston. ARCHIV FUR BERGBAU UND H-UTTENWESEN. Edited by C. J. B. KARSTEN. 8vo. Breslau apd Berlin, 1820 to 1831. Vols. I. to XX., 1820 to 1831. ARCHIV FUR MIKROSCOPISCH ANATOMIE. Edited by MAX SCHUITZE. Imp. 8vo. One vol. a year. Bonn, 1865 to date. Vols. I. to X., 1865 to 1874. Vol. XI., 1875, hefts 1 and 2, and Supplemental heft. General Index to Vols. I. to VIII. BERG UND HUTTENMANNISCHES ZEITUNG. 4to. Weekly. One vol. a year. Nordhausen and Leipsig. 1842 to date. Vols. I. to XXXIV., 1842 to 1874. (Lacking Vols. XVIII. and XXIII.) Vol. XXXV., 1875. No. i, January 1, to No. 27, July 2. 11 162 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. BERICHTE UBER DIE FORTSCHRITTE DER EISENHUTTEN TECHNIK. Edited by A. K. KERPELY. 8vo. One vol. a year. Leipsig, 1864 to date. Vols. I. to VII., 1864 to 1870. (Pub. 1866 to 1873.) BERICHTE IjBER DIE MITTHEILUNGEN VON FREUNDEN DER WISsenschaften in Wien. Edited and published by WILLIAM HAIDINGER. Vienna. Vols. I. to VII., 1846 to 1850. (Pub. 1847 to 1851.) BERZELIUS' JAHRESBERICHT. See Jahresbericht fiber die Fortschritte der physischen wissenschaften. BIBLIOTHECA HISTORICO-NATURALIS, PHYSICO-CHEMICA ET MATHEmatica. A Classitied Catalogue of all Books on Natural History, Chemistry and Mathematics published in Germany, England, France, Netherlands, etc. Edited by Dr. A. METZGER. 12mo. Two Nos. annually, January and July. G6ttingen, 1851 to date. 1857 to 1874. BIBLIOTHECA MECHANICO-TECHNOLOGICA ODER SYSTEMATISCH GEORDnete iJbersichte alle der auf dem Gebiete der Mechanik und Technik wie der Gesammten Bau-und Ingenieur Wissenschaften in Deutschland und dem Auslande neuerschienen Bucher. Edited by Dr. MULDENER. 12mo. Two Nos. annually, January and July. Gottingen, 1862 to date. 1862; 1867 to 1875. THE BOSTON JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY; devoted to the Science of Home Life, the Arts, Agriculture and Medicine. Edited by JAMES R. NICHOLS and W. J. ROLFE. 4to. Monthly. One vol. a year. 1867 to date. Vols. IV., V., VI., VII., 1870 to 1873. BULLETIN DES SCIENCES NATURELLES ET DE GEOLOGIE. Deuxieme section du Bulletin Universel des Sciences et de l'Industrie publie sous la direction de M. LE BARON DE FERUSSAC. 8vo. Four vols. a year. Vols. I. to IX.; XIII., XIV. i XVI. XVII., 1824 to 1829. THE CANADIAN NATURALIST AND GEOLOGIST AND.PROCEEDINGS OF.the Natural History Society of Montreal.,So0. Montreal, 1856 to date. First Series. Vols. IV. to VIII., 1859 to 1863. Second Series. Vols. IlI to VI., 1864 to 1874; Vol. VII., parts 1 to 6 and 8, May, 1872, to July, 1875. PRIVATE JOURNALS. 163 CARNALL'S ZEITSCHRIFT. See Zeitschrift fur das Berg-Hiitten-und Salinen Wesen in dem Preussischen Staate. CATALOGUE ANNUEL DE LA LIBRAIRIE FRANEAISE. Published by CH. REINWALD. 16mo. Paris, 1858 to date. 1853 to 1867; 1869. THE CHEMICAL GAZETTE. Edited by WILLIAM FRANCIS and HENRY CROFT. *8vo. Monthly. London, 1842 to 1859. Vols. I. to XVII., 1842 to 1859. This Journal was, in 1859, merged in the Chemical News. THE CHEMICAL NEWS. Edited by WILLIAM CROOKES. 4to. Weekly. Two vols. a year. London, 1860 to date. Vols. I. to XI., 1860 to 1865. Vols. XV. to XX., (American Reprint,) 1867 to 1870. Vols. XXV. to XXXI., 1872 to 1875. CHEMISCH-TECHNISCHEN MITTHEILUNGEN. Edited by Dr. L. ELSNER. 8vo. Annually, 1846 to date. Vols. XV. to XXIII., 1865 to 1873. Index (subjects) for Vols. I. to XX., 1846 to 1871. CHEMISCHES CENTRAL BLATT. See Pharmaceutisches Central Blatt. THE CHEMIST. 8vo. London. First Series. Vols. II.; and IV. to VIII., 1841 to 1847. Second Series. Vols. I., II., III., 1849, 1850, 1851. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. Folio. Weekly. Two vols. ayear. London. Vols. XII. to XV., 1866 to 1868. CosMos, Revue Encyclopedique Hebdomadaire des Progres des sciences et leurs applications. 8vo. Weekly. Two vols. a year. Paris, 1852 to date. Third Series. Vols. VI., VII. DER BERG-GEIST ZEITUNG FUR BERG-HUiTTENWESEN UND INDUSTRIE. Folio. Semi-Weekly. One vol. a year. Cologne, 1857 to date. Vols. XVIII., XIX., 1873, 1874; Vol. XX., 1875, No. 1. January 1, to No. 53, July 2. DER BERGWERKSFREUND, 8vo. One vol. a year. Eisleben. Vols. I. to XIX., 1839 to 1856. 164 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. DER BERGWERKS-BETRIEB IN DEN REICHSRATHE VERTRETENEN KoSnigreichen und Landern der Oesterreichisch-Ungarischen Monarchie, 1870. 8vo. 299 pp. Vienna, 1871. DIE BAULINCHEN ANLAGEN AUF DER BERG-HrTTEN-UND SALINENwesen in Preussenm Edited by - SCHOENFELDER. 4to. One vol. a year. Berlin. Vols. I., II., III., 1861, 1862, 1863. DIE FORTSCHRITTE DER PHYSIK. 8vo. Berlin, 1845 to date. Vol. XXI., 1865, (part 1,) edited by H. Kiessling and Dr. A. Kundt. Vol. XXIII., 1867, edited by D. B1. Schwalbe and Dr. G. Quincke. Vol. XXIV., 1869, " " Vol. XXV., 1869, " " " General Index (authors and subjects) to Vols. I. to XX. Edited by W. Barrentin. DIE GEWERBEHALLE. Organ fur den Fortschritt in Allen Zweigen der Kunstindustrie. Editedby JULIrU ScHNORR. 4to. Monthly. Stuttgart, 1863to date. Jahrgang XL, 1873. DINGLER'S POLYTECHNISCHES JOURNAL. See Polytechnisches'Journal. THE EDINBURGH PHILOSOPHICAL JOURNAL, exhibiting a view of the progress of discovery in Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, Natural History, Practical Mechanics, Geography, Statistics, and the fine and useful Arts. Edited by Dr. BREWSTER and Prof. JAEsoON. 8vo. One vol. a year. Edinburgh, 1819 to date. Vols. IX. to XIII., 1823 to 1825. ELSNER'S MITTHEILUNGEN. See Chemisch-Technischen Mittheilungen. THE EMPORIUM OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. Conducted by JOHN REDMAN COXE, M. D. 8vo. Two vols. a year. Philadelphia. First Series. Vols. I., II., 1812. Second Series. Vols. I., II., III., 1813, 1814. Publication discontinued. ENGINEERING: An Illustrated Weekly Journal. Conducted by ZERAH COLBURN, 1866-1869; by W. H. MAW and JAMES DREDGE, 1870to date. Folio. Weekly. Two vols. a year. London, 1866 to date. Vols. V. to XIX., January, 1868, to June, 1875. PRIVATE JOURNALS. 165 THE ENGINEERING AND MINING JOURNAL. Edited by ROSSITER W. RAYMOND and RICHARD P. ROTHWELL. 4to. Two vols. a year. New-York, 1869 to date. Vols. VIII. to XIX., January, 1869, to June, 1875. ERDMAN'S JOURNAL. See Journal fur Practische Chemie. ERFAHRUNGEN IM BERG-UND HUTTENMANNISCHEN MASCHINEN, BAUund Aufbereitungswesen. Edited by P. RITTENGER. 4to. One vol., text and plates, a year. Vienna. 1854, text and plates. 1855, plates. 1856 to 1866, text and plates. 1867, plates. 1868 to 1870, text and plates. 1872, text and plates. 1873, plates. FARBER-ZEITUNG. Organ far Fairberei, Druckerei, Bleicherei, Appretur, Farbwaaren-und Buntpapierfabrikation, Drognenhandel, Spinnerei und Weberei. Edited and Published by M. REIMAN. 4to. Weekly. Berlin. 1875, January 1, to June 26. FORTSCHRITTE DER PHYSIK. See Die Fortschritte der Physik; also, Jahiesbericht fiber die Fortschritte, &c. FRESENIUS' ZIITSCHRIFT. See Zeitschrift fiir Analytische Chemie. GEIGER'S MAGAZINE FUR PHARMACIE. See Magazin far Pharmacie. THE GEOLOGICAL MAGAZINE. Founded under the title: THE GEOLOGIST; a Popular Illustrated Monthly Magazine of Geology. Edited by S. J. MACKIE. 8vo. Monthly. One vol. a year. London, 1858 to 1864. 1862, 1863, 1864. Continued under the title: THE GEOLOGICAL MAGAZINE. Edited by HENRY WOODWARD, Prof. JOHN MORRIS, and ROBERT ETHERIDGE. 8vo. Monthly. One vol. a year. London, 1864 to date. First Series, Vols. IV.; VI. to X., 1864 to 1873. Second Series. Vol. I., 1874. Vol. II., 1875, January to June. HARDWICKE'S SCIENCE GOSSIP. A Monthly Medium of Interchange and Gossip, for Students and Lovers of Nature. 4to. Monthly. One vol. a year. 1865 to date. Vols. I. to X., 1865 to 1875. 166 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. THE INDUSTRIAL MONTHLY. See The Technologist or Industrial Monthly. INDUSTRIE-BLATTER. Wochenschrift fur Fortschritt und Aufklarung in Gewerbe, Hauswirtschaft, Gesundheitspflege. Published by H. HAGER and T. JACOBSEN. 4to. Weekly. One vol. a year. Berlin, 1863, to date. Vols. X., XI., 1873, 1874. Vol. XII., 1875, January 1, to June 26. IRON. The Journal of Science, Metals and Manufactures. With which is incorporated the Mechanics' Magazine, established 1823. Folio. Weekly. Two vols. a year. London, 1873 to date. Vols. I. to IV., 1873, 1874. Vol. V., 1875, January 2, to June 26. THE IRON AGE. A Review of the Hardware and Metal Trades. Edited by JAMES C. BAYLES. Folio. Weekly. Two vols. a year. New-York, 1863 to date. Vols. IV. to IX.; XI. to XIV., 1867 to 1874. Vol. XV., 1875, January 2, to June 26. JAARBOEK VAN HET MIJNVESEN IN NEDERLANDSCH OOST-INDIE. 1872, Parts 1, 2, 1873, Part 1. 8vo. Amsterdam. JAHRBUCH DER CHEMIE UND PHYSIK. See Journal fiir Chemie und Physik. JAHRBUCH FUR DEN BERG-UND HIjTTENMANN; also, JAHRBUCH FUR DEN BERG UND HUTTENWESEN II K6NIGREICHE Sachsen. See Kalender fur der Sachsische Berg-und Hittenmann. JAHRBUCH FUR MINERALOGIE, Geologie and Paleontologie. Edited by LEONHARD and GEINITZ. 8VO. Stuttgart. 1830 to 1857; 1867 to 1871. General Index, (subjects, authors and places,) for the years 1860 to 1869. JAHRESBERICHT UBER DIE BEOBACIHTUNGEN, Versuche, und neuen Einfiihrungen der K. K. Montan-Beamten auf dem Gebiethe.des Berg-und Huttenmannischen-Maschinen-und bauwesens. 1851, text; 1852, text and plates. JAHRESBERICHT UBER DIE FORTSCHRITTE AUF DEM GESAMMTGEBIETE der Agricultur-Chemie. Edited, at different times, by ROBERT IIHorMAN, E. PETERS, TH. DIETRICH, J. FITTBOGEN, J. KONIG. 8vo. Annually. Berlin, 155S to date. Vols. I. to XV., 1858 to 1874. Vols. XIII. to XV., 1870 to 1872, collectively, in three vols.: PRIVATE JOURNALS. 167 JAIRESBERICHT UBER DIE FORTSCHRITTE, &C.: Vol. ]. Die Chemie des Bodens, der Luft und des Diingers. Edited by Th. Dietrich. Vol. 2. Die Chemie der Pflanze. Edited by J. Fittbogen. Vol. 3. Die Chemie der Thiernahrung. Chemisches Technologie der landwirtschaftlichen Nebengewerbe. Edited by Josef. Konig. JAHRESBERICHT UBER DIE FORTSCHRITTE AUF DEM GEBIETE DER Reinen Chemie. Published by WILH. STAEDEL. S8O. Vol. I., 1873. JAHRESBERICHT UBER DIE FORTSCHRITTE DER CHEMIE UND VERwandter Theile anderer Wissenschaften. Published by ALEXANDER NATUMANN and AUG. LAUBENHEIMER, 8vo. Giessen, 1847, to date. 1847 to 1872; 1873, part 1. Index Volumes. I., for the years 1847 to 1856. II., for the years 1857 to 1866. JAHRESBERICHT UBER DIE FORTSCHRITTE DER PHYSIK. Edited by FRIEDRICK ZAMMINER. Svo. Giessen. 1857, 1858. JAIIRESBERICHT UBER DIE FORTSCHRITTE DER PHYSISCHEEN WISSENschaften. Edited by JAcoB BERZELIUS. Translated from the Swedish into German by C. G. GMELIN. Tubingen, 1822. Vols. I. to XXX., 1822 to 1846. General Index for Vols. I. to XXV., 1822 to 1846. JAHRESBERICHT UBER DIE LEISTUNGEN DER CHEMISCHEN TECHNOlogie mit besonderer Beriiksichtigung der Gewerb-statistik. Edited by JOHANNES RUDOLPH WAGNER, 1855 to 1869. RUDOLPH WAGNER, 1870 to date. 8vo. Leipsig, 1855 to date. Vols. I. to XX., 1855 to 1874. JOURNAL DE MATHEMATIQUES PURES ET APPLIQUEES. Published by JOSEPH LIOUVILLE, 1836 to 1874; by H. RESAL, 1875. 4to. Monthly. Paris. Deuxieme Serie. (1856 to 1874.) Tomes XIV. to XIX., 1869 to 1874. Troisieme Serie. Tome I., January to July, 1875. JOURNAL DE PHARMACIE ET DE CEIIIIE CONTENANT LES TRAVAUX de la Soci6t6 de Pharmacie de Paris, une Revue Medicale et une Revue des Travaux Chimiques publi6s a 1'Etranger. 8vo. Semi-Monthly. Two vols. a year. Paris, 1841 to date. 168 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. JOURNAL DE PHARMACIE, &C.: Third Series. Vol. XXVI., July to Dec., 1854. Fourth Series. Vols. XV. to XVIII.; XX., XXI., January, 1872, to June, i875. JOURNAL DER PHYSIK. See under Annalen der Physik. JOURNAL DES MINES. See under Annales des Mines. JOURNAL FUR CHEMIE UND PHYSIK. Founded by FR. W. SCHWEIGER. 8vo. Three vols. a year. Nuremburg, 1811 to 1833. First Series. Vols. I. to XXX., 1811 to 1824. Second Series, under the title: JAHRBUCH DER CHEMIE UND PHYSIK. Vols. XXI. to L., 1821 to 1830. This journal was incorporated with " Journal fur Praktische Chemie," which see. JOURNAL FUR PRACTISCHE CHEMIE. Founded by OTTO LINNE ERDMANN. Two vols. a year. Leipsic, 1830 to date. First Series. Vols. I. to CVIII., 1834 to 1869. Second Series. Vols. I. to XII., 1870 to 1875. Index volumes, (authors and subjects.) 1, for Vols. I. to LX. 2, for Vols. XCI. to CVIII. JOURNAL OF APPLIED CHEMISTRY. 4to. Monthly. One vol. a year. 1866 to May, 1875. Vols. IV. to IX., 1869 to 1874. Vol. X., Jan., to May, 1875. Publication discontinued. THE JOURNAL OF GAS LIGHTING AND WATER SUPPLY AND SANITARY Improvement. 4to. Semi-Monthly. One vol. a year. London, 1849 to date. Vols. XVII. to XXV., 1868 to 1875. KALENDER FUR DEN OBERSCHLESSISCHEN BERGMANN. Edited by R. C. voN CARNALL. 8vo. Tarnowitz, 1845. Vols. I., II., 1845. KALENDER FUR DEN SACHSISCHEN BERG-UND HUTTENMAN-N. 8vo. Annually. Freiberg. 1827 to 1851. Index for the years 1827 to 1840. Continued under the title: JAHRBUCH FUR DEN BERG-UND HUTTEN-MANN. 1852 to 1869. Continued under the title: JAHRBUCH FUR DEN BERG-UND HUTTENWESEN IM KONI G reiche Sachsen. 1870 to 1875. PRIVATE JOURNALS. 169 THE LABORATORY. A Weekly Record of Scientific Research. 8vo. Two vols. ayear. London. 1867. Publication discontinued. LE GENIE INDUSTRIEL. Revue des Inventions Frangaises et Etrangeres. Annales des Progres de l'Industrie Agricole et Manufacturiere, Biographie des Inventions, &c., par Armengaud Freres. 8vo. Two vols. a year. Paris, 1851 to date. Vols. XXIII. to XXXIV., 1862 to 1867, LE NATURALISTE CANADIEN. Edited by L'Abb6 PROYANCHER. 8vo. Monthly. One vol. a year. Quebec, 1869 to date. Vols. IV., V., VI., 1872, 1873, 1874. Vol. VII., 1875, January to June. LES HOUILLIERES. Edited by AXEDEE BURAT. 8vo. text; 4to. plates. Paris. 1867, 1868, 1869, 1872. LES MONDES. Revue Hebdomadaire des Sciences et de leurs Applications aux Arts et a L'Industrie. Edited by M. L'ABBE MOIGNO. 8vo. Monthly. Three vols. a year. Paris. Vols. XXII. to XXXVI., 1860 to 1875. LE TECHNOLOGTSTE, ou Archives des Progres de L'Industrie Franqaise et Etrangere, ouvrage utile aux Manufactures, aux Fabricants, aux Chefs D'Atelier, &c., &c. Published under the direction of M. F. MALPEYRE. 8vo. Monthly. One vol. a year. Paris. Vols. XXX. to XXXIV., 1868 to 1874. Vol. XXXV., 1875, January to June. LONDON AND EDINBURGH PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE AND JOURNAL of Science. iee below. LONDON, EDINBURGH AND DUBLIN PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE AND Journal of Science. The Complete Series of what is now called " The London, Edinburgh and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science," embraces: 1. Nicholson's Journal of Natural Philosophy. 1797 to 1813. First and Second Series. 2. The Philosophical Magazine, edited by ALEXANDER TILLOCH. In 1813, Nicholson's Journal of Science and Tilloch's Philosophical Magazine were merged in one, under the title: "The Philosophical Magazine and Journal." 3. The Philosophical Magazine and Journal. 4. The Annals of Philosophy, edited by THOMAS THOMPsoN. This was, in 1827, merged into the Philosophical Magazine and Journal, forming its " Second Series." 170 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. LONDON, EDINBURGH AND DUBLIN PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE: 5. The Edinburgh Journal of Science. 1824 to 1832. First and Second Series. This was, in 1832, merged with the Second Series of the Philosophical Magazine and Journal, under the title: The Third Series of the London and Edinburgh Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science. This was continued as 6. The Fourth Series of the London, Edinburgh and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science. First Series: The Philosophical Magazine: comprehending the various branches of Science, the Liberal and Fine Arts, Geology, Agriculture, Manufactures and Commerce. Edited by ALEXANDER TILLOCH. 1789 to 1813. Vols. I. to XLII., 1789 to 1813. Second Series: The Philosophical Magazine and Journal: comprehending the various branches of Science, the Liberal and Fine Arts, Agriculture, Manufactures and Commerce. Edited by RICHARD TAYLOR. 1814 to 1826. Vols. XLIII. to XLVII.; Vols. LXII., LXIII., LXIV., LXVI., 1814 to 1825. Third Series: The London and Edinburgh Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science. Edited by Sir DAVID BREWSTER, RICHARD TAYLOR, RICHARD PHILIPS, Sir ROBERT KANE and EDWARD WILLIAM BRAYLEY. Vols. IV., V., VI., VII., XIX., XXI., and XXIV. to XXXVII., 1834 to 1850. Fourth Series: The London, Edinburgh and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science. Edited by Sir ROBERT KANE, Sir WILLIAM THOMPSON and WILLIAM FRANCIS. Svo. Monthly. Two vols. a year. 1851 to date. Vols. I. to XLIX., 1851 to 1875. Supplemental volume to Vols. XXII. to XXVI., 1861 to 1863. ANNALS OF PHILOSOPHY. See Annals of Philosophy. MAGAZIN FUR DIE ORYKTOGRAPHIE VON SACHSEN. Ein Beytrag zur Mineralogischen Kenntniss dieses landes und zur Geschichte seiner Mineralien. Edited by JOHANN CARL FREIESLEBEN. 8vo. Published irregularly. Freiberg, 1828-. Hefts I. to XV., 1828 to 1848. Supplemental Hefts I. to IV., 1843 to 1848. MAGAZIN FUR PHARMACIE UND DIE DAHIN EINSCHLAGENDEN WISsenschaften. Edited by G. F. HANLE, 1823; L. GEIGER, 1824-1831. 12mo. Four vols. a year. Karlsruhe, Heidelberg, 1823 to 1831. Vols. I. to XXXVI., 1823 to 1831. This journal was succeeded by the Annalen der Chemie und Pharmacie, which see. PRIVATE JOURNALS. 171 THE MANUFACTURER AND BUILDER. Edited by P. H. VAN DER WEYDE. 4to. Monthly. One vol. a year. NewYork, 1869 to date. Vols. I. to V., 1869 to 1874. Vol. VI., 1875, January to June. THE MICROSCOPICAL JOURNAL. See The Monthly Microscopical Journal. THE MINING AND SCIENTIFIC PRESS. An Illustrated Journal of Science and Industrial Progress, Mining, Mechanic Arts and Inventions. Published by DEWEY & CO. Folio. Weekly. Two vols. a year. San Francisco, 1860 to date. Vols. XI., XII., XIII.; XVI. to XIX.; XXI., XXIII., XXV., XXVI., XXVII., XXIX., 1865 to 1874. Vol. XXX., 1875, January 1, to June 26. THE MINING AND SMELTING MAGAZINE. Svo. Monthly. London, 1862 to 1865. Vols. I. to VI., 1862 to 1864. Vol. VII., 1865, January, February and March Nos. THE MINING MAGAZINE: devoted to Mines, Mining Operations, Metallurgy, &c., &c. Edited and conducted by WILLIAM J. TENNY, 1853 to 1857; THOMAS MCELRATH, 1858. 8vo. Monthly. New-York, 1853 to 1858. Vols. I. to X., 1853 to 1858. Publication discontinued. LE MON1TEUlR SCIENTIFIQUE. Journal des Sciences Pures et Appliquees. Travaux publies a l'Etranger. Compte-Rendu des Acad6mies et Societes Savantes. Edited by Dr. DUQUESNEVILLE. 4to. Monthly. One vol. a year. Paris, 1856 to date. Second Series. Vol. VII., 1870. Third Series. Vols. I. to IV., 1871 to 1874. Vol. V., 1875, January to June. THE MONTHLY MICROSCOPICAL JOURNAL. Transactions of the Royal Microscopical Society, and Record of Histological Research at Home and Abroad. Edited by HENRY LAWTON. 8vo. Monthly. Two vols. a year. London, 1869 to date. Vols. I. to XII., 1869 to 1874. Vol. XIII., 1875, January to June. NATURE. A Weekly Illustrated Journal of Science. 4to. Two vols. a year. London, 1869 to date. Vols. I. to VII.; Vol. X., 1869 to 1874. Vol. XI., 1875, January 2, to June 26. 172 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. NATURWISSENSCHAFTLICHE ABHANDLUNGEN. Collated and published by WILLIAM HAIDINGER. Vienna. Vols. II., III., IV., 1848, 1849, 1850. 4to. Vienna. NEUES JOURNAL DER PHYSIK. See JOURNAL DER PHYSIK. NOTIZEN ZUR SAMMELUNG VON ZEICHNUNGEN FJUR DIE HUTTE. Quarto. Published annually. Berlin. 1857; 1860 to 1868. OBERSCHLESISCHEN TASCHENBUCH UND KALENDER. 1844, 1845. 2 vols. 12mo. Tarnowitz. OESTERREICHISCHES MONTAN-HANDBUCH. Published by the Minister of Agriculture. 8vo. Svo. 258 pp. Vienna, 1875. OESTERREICHISCHES ZEITSCHRIFT FUR BERG UND HUETTENWESEN. Edited by OTTO FREIHERR VON HINGENAU. 4to. Weekly. One vol. a year. Vienna, 1853 to date. Jahrgang I. to XXII., 1853 to [874; XXIII., 1875, January 2, to June 26. PHARMACEUTISCHES CENTRAL BLATT. 8vo. Leipsig, 1830 to 1855. Vols. I. to XX., 1830 to 1849. Vols. XXI. to XLI., 1850 to 1855, under title Chemisch-Pharmaceutisches Central Blatt. Zweite Folge: CHEMISCHES CENTRAL BLATT. Repertorium fiir reine, pharmaceutische, physiologische und technischen Chenlie. 8vo. Weekly. One vol. a year. 1856 to 1869. Vols. I. to XIV., 1856 to 1869. Dritte Folge: Chemisches Central Blatt. Repertorium f'ir reine, pharmaceutische, physiologische und technischen Chemie. 8vo. Weekly. One vol. a year. 1870 to date. Vols. I. to V., 1870 to 1874. Vol. VI., 1875, January 2, to June 26. PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE; also, PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE AND Journal of Science. See London, Edinburgh and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science. POGGENDORFF'S ANNALEN. See ANNALEN DER PHYSIK UND Chemie. POLYTECHNISCHES CENTRAL BLATT. One vol. a year. Leipsig. Octavo Series, 1835 to 1845. Quarto Series, 1857 to 1874; 1875, January to June. PRIVATE JOURNALS. 173 POLYTECHNISCHES JOURNAL. Edited by E. M. DINGLER. Three vols. a year. Augsburg, 1820 to date. Vols. I. to CCXVI., 1820 to 1875. Index Volumes, (subjects.) Vol. 1. Embracing Vols. I. to LXXVIII., 1820 to 1840. Vol. 2. Embracing Vols. LXXIX. to CLVIII., 1842 to 1860. Vol. 3. Embracing Vols. CLIX. to CXCVIII., 1861 to 1870. POLYTECHNISCHES NOTIZBLATT FUR GEWERBTREIBENDE, FABRIKanten und Kinstler. Edited by RUD. B6TTGER. 8vo. Semi-Monthly. Mainz, 1845 to date. Vols. XXVII., XXVIII., XXIX., 1872, 1873, 1874. Vol. XXX., 1875, January to June. POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Conducted by E. L. YOUMANS. Imp. 8vo. Monthly. Two vols. a year. NewYork, 1872 to date. Vols. I. to V., 1872 to 1874. THE QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF SCIENCE. Edited by WILLIAM CRooKES. 8vo. Quarterly. One vol. a year. London, 1864 to date. Vols. IV., VI. to XI., 1867 to 1874. Vol. XII., 1875, parts 1 and 2. THE RAILWAY WORLD. In which is incorporated the United States Rail-Road and Mining Register. 4to. Weekly. Philadelphia, 1875. Vol. I., 1875, No. 21. REPERTORIUM3 COMMENTATIONUM A SOCIETATIBUS LITTERARIIS EDITarum. Secundum Disciplinarum Ordinein digessit I. D. Reuss. (A valuable collection of the transactions of Philosophical Societies from the earliest times to the date of publication.) 16 vols. 4to. Gottingen, 1801-1821. Vol. I. Scientia Naturalis. Historia Naturalis Generalis et Zoologica. Vol. II. Botanica et Mineralogia. Vol. III., IV. Chemia; Res Metallica et Physica. Vol. V. Astronomia. Vol. VI. Oeconomia. Vol. VII. Mathesis; Mechanica; Hydrostatica; Hydraulica; Hydrotechnia; Aerostatica; Pneumatica; Technologia; Architectura Civilis; Scientia Naturalis; Scientia MIilitaris. Vols. VIII., IX. Historia; Historia Subsidia; Hist. Universalis; Hist. Generalis; Hist. Humani; IIist. Mythica; Hist. Specialis; Hist. Ecclesiastica; Hist. Litteraria. Vols. X.-XIII. Scientia et Ars Medica et Chirurgica. Vols. XIV.-XVI. Therapia Generalis et Specialis. 174 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. REPERTORIUM DER TECHNISCHEN, MATHEMATISCHEN UND KATURwissenschaftlichen Journal-Literatur. Published by F. SCHOTTE. Svo. Monthly. One vol. a year. Leipsig, 1869 to date. 1869, 1870, 1871. Index to vol. for 1870. REVUE DE GEOLOGIE. Edited by MM. DELESSE, DE LAPPARENT and LAUGEL. 8vo. Annually. Paris, 1860 to date. Vols. I., V., VII., VIII., 1860 to 1868. REVUE DES COURS SCIENTIFIQUES DE LA FRANCE ET DE L'~TRANger. Physique, Zoologie, Botanique, Anatomie, Physiologie, Geologie, Palaeontologie, Medecin. 4to. Weekly. One vol. a year. Paris, 1863 to date. First Series, (1863 to 1870.) Vols. I. to V., 1864 to 1868* Second Series: Revue Scientifique de la France et de L'Etranger. Two vols. (two parts each) a year. 1871 to date. Vols. I. to VII., 1871 to 1874. Vol. VIII., 1875, January to June. REVUE HEBDOMADAIRE DE CHIMIE SCIENTIFIQUE ET INDUSTRIELLE. Published under the direction of M. Cn. MENE. 8VO. Weekly. One vol. a year. 1869 to date. Vols. III., IV., V., 1872, 1873, 1874. Vol. VI., 1875, January to June. REVUE SCIENTIFIQUE. See Revue des Cours Scientifique. REVUE UNIVERSELLE DES MINES, de la Metallurgie, des Travaux Publiques, des Sciences et des Arts Appliques l'Industrie. Under the direction of M. CH. DE CUYPER. 8vo. TWO vols. a year. Paris, 1857 to date. Vols. I. to XXXVII., 1857 to 1875. SACHSISCI E BERGWERKS-ZEITUNG. Edited by T. BuscrICR. 8vo. Freiberg. 1852, 1853, 1854. SCHWEIGER'S JOURNAL FUR CHEMIE UND PHYSIK. See Journal fiir Chemie und Physik. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. A Weekly Journal of Practical Information, Arts, Science, Chemistry and Manufactures. Folio. Weekly. Two vols. a year. 1815 to date. First Series. Vols. II. to XIV., 1816 to 1858. Second Series. Vols. I. to XVIII.; XXI. to XXXII., 1859 to 1875. PRIVATE JOURNALS. 175 SILLITMAN'S JOURNAL. See American Journal of Science and Arts. THE STATISTICAL ANNUAL. Containing Full Tabulated Reports on the Leading Branches of Commerce and Finance in the United States. Published by the New-York Daily Bulletin Association. 4to. New-York. Report for 1872. 4to. 110 pp. New-York, 1873. TIHE TECHNOLOGIST, or Industrial Monthly, especially devoted to Engineering, Manufacturing and Building. 4to. Monthly. One vol. a year. New-York, 1870 to date. Vols. I., II., 1870, 1871. Continued under the title: THE INDUSTRIAL MONTHLY: A Practical Journal for Manufacturers, Mechanics, Builders, Inventors, Engineers, Architects. With a Record of Railway Progress. Vols. III., IV., 1872, 1873. THOMPSON'S ANNALS OF PHILOSOPHY. See Annals of Philosophy. TILLoCH's PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE AND JOURNAL OF SCIENCE. See London, Dublin and Edinburgh Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science. UNITED STATES RAIL-ROAD AND MINING REGISTER. Weekly. One vol. a year. Philadelphia, 1856 to 1874. Vols. XVI. to XIX., 1871 to 1874. In January, 1875, this Journal was incorporated in the Railway World, which see. VAN NOST.RAND'S ECLECTIC ENGINEERING MAGAZINE. 4to. Monthly. Two vols. a year. New-York, 1869 to date. Vols. I. to XII., 1869 to 1875. WAGNER'S JAHRESBERICHT. See Jahresbericht fiber die Leistungen der Chemischen Technologie, &c. THE YEAR BooK OF FACTS IN SCIENCE AND ART: exhibiting the most important discoveries and improvements of the past Year in Mechanics and the Useful Arts; Natural Philosophy; Electricity; Chemistry; Zoology and Botany. Editedby JOHN TIn s. 12mo. Published annually. London. 1839 to 1863; 1871. Supplemental Volumes: Vol. 1, fr the year 1851. The Great Exhibition, London, 1851. Vol. 2, for the year 1862. The International Exhibition, London, 1862. 176 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. ZEITSCHIRIFT FiR ANALYTISCHE CHEMIE. Published by C. R. FRESENIUS. 8vo. Quarterly. Wiesbaden, 1862 to date. Vols. I. to XII., 1862 to 1874. Vol. XIII., 1875, January to June. General Index for Vols. I. to X. ZEITSCHRIFT FUR DAS BERG-H1TTEN U. SALINEN-WESEN IN DEM Preussischen Staate, herausgegeben in dem Ministerium fir Handel, Gewerbe und Offentliche Arbeiten. 4to. One vol. per year, published in six parts. Berlin, 1854 to date. Vols. I. to XXII., 1854 to 1874. Vol. XXIII., 1875, January to June. OFFICIAL REPORTS OF DEPARTMENTS OF GOVERNMENT. THE UNITED STATES. THE BOARD OF SUPERVISING INSPECTORS OF STEAM VESSELS. WASHINGTON, D. C. PROCEEDINGS OF THIE ANNUAL MEETINGS of the Board of Supervising Inspectors of Steam Vessels. PROCEEDINGS of the 18th Annual Meeting, January, 1870. 8vo. 268 pp. Washington, 1870. THE BUREAU OF STATISTICS. WASHINGTON, D. C. MONTHLY REPORT of the Director of the Bureau of Statistics, July, 1867, to June, 1875. 8 vols. 4to. Washington. THE CHIEF OF ENGINEERS. WASHINGTON, D. C. ANNUAL REPORTS of the Chief of Engineers for the years i873, 1874, (Vols. 1, 2.) Brig. Gen. A. A. Humnphreys. 3 vols. 8vo. Washington. Appendix R. to Report for 1874. Reports upon Fort Saint Philip Canal and Construction of Jetties for the Mouths of the Mississippi. 8vo. THE COMMISSIONER OF EDUCATION. WASHINGTON, D. C. REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF EDUCATION for the year 1873. 8vo. Washington. THE COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE. WASHINGTON, D. C. REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER of Internal Revenue on the Operations of the Internal Revenue System for the years 1863 to 1867. 5 vols. 8vo. Washington. THE COMMISSIONER OF THE LAND OFFICE. WASHINGTON, D. C. REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER of the Land Office for the years 1866, 1867. 2 vols. 8vo. Washington. 12 178 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. WASHINGTON, D. C. ANNUAL REPORT of the Commissioner of the Department of Agriculture for the years 1861 to 1865. 5 vols. 8vo. Washington. Continued under the title: Monthly Reports of the Department of Agriculture. 1866 to 1874; 1875, January to July. 9 vols. 8vo. Washington. THE UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. WASHINGTON, D.C. ANNUAL REPORTS OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PATENTS. MECHANICAL REPORTS. For the years 1845. 1855, Vols. 1, 2, 1864, Vols. 1, 2. 1847. 1856, " 1,2,3. 1865, " 1, 2. 1848. 1857, " 1,2,3. 1866, 1, 2, 3. 1849. 1859, " 1,2. 186, " 1,2,3. 1850. 1860, " 1, 2,4. 1868, " 1,2,3,4. 1852. 1861, " 1, 2. 1869, " 1, 2, 3. 1853. 1862, " 1, 2. 1854, Vols. 1, 2. 1863, " 1, 2. AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. For the years 1850 to 1861. 12 vols. 8vo. After 1861 the information contained in these reports was published by the Department of Agriculture under the title: Annual Reports of the Commissioner of the Department of Agriculture. OFFICIAL GAZETTE of the United States Patent Office. 4to. Weekly. Two vols. a year. Washington, 1872 to date. Vols. III. to.VII., January, 1873, to June, 1875. Index Volume. 1873; for Vols. III. and IV. of the Official Gazette, and Monthly Volumes, Jan. to Dec., 1873. THE UNITED STATES SIGNAL OFFICE. WASHINGTON, D. C. REPORT OF THE CHIEF SIGNAL OFFICER of the United States Signal Office for the year 1872. 8vo. 292 pp. Washington, 1872. THE UNITED STATES NAVAL OBSERVATORY. WASHINGTON, D. C. ASTRONOMICAL AND METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS made at the United States Naval Observatory. Published by authority of the Hon. Secretary of the Navy. Admiral B. F. Sands, Superintendent. OBSERVATIONS FOR 1867. 4to. 487 pp. Washington, 1868. APPENDIX 1. Harkness, William. Report on the Difference of Longitude between Washington and Havana, Cuba. 4to. 39 pp. Washington, 1868. OFFICIAL REPORTS OF DEPARTMENTS OF GOVERNMENT. 179 THE UNITED STATES NAVAL OBSERVATORY. WASHINGTON, D. C.: PUJAZON, CECILLIO. Observations to Determine the Error of Chronometer Frodsham, No. 2,816, made at Havana, Cuba. 4to. 14 pp. Washington, 1868. APPENDIX 2. Reports of Observations of the Total Eclipse of the Sun, August 7, 1869. 4to. 218 pp., XII. plates. Washington, 1868. APPENDIX 3. Newcomb, Simeon. Positions of Fundamental Stars deduced from Observations made at the U. S. Naval Observatory, between the years 1862 and 1867. 4to. 38 pp. Washington, 1868. OBSERVATIONS FOR 1868. APPENDIX 1. Gilliss, J. M. A Catalogue of 1,963 Stars Reduced to the Beginning of the Year 1850, together with a Catalogue of 290 Double Stars. 4to. 73 pp. Washington, 1870. OBSERVATIONS FOR 1869. APPENDIX 2. Coffin, Prof., and Lieuts. Page and Steedman. Zones of Stars observed at the U. S. Naval Observatory, in the years 1846, 1847, 1848 and 1849. 4to. 331 pp. Washington, 1872. OBSERVATIONS FOR 1870. APPENDIX 1. Harkness, W. R. Report on the Difference of Longitude between Washington and St. Louis. 4to. 39 pp. Washington, 1872. APPENDIX 2. Hall, A., and Harkness, W. R. Reports on Observations of Encke's Comet during its Return in 1871. 4to. 49 pp. Washington, 1872. APPENDIX 3. Newcomb, Simeon. On the Right Ascensions of the Equatorial Fundamental Stars and the Corrections Necessary to Reduce the Right Ascensions of Different Catalogues to a Mean Homogeneous System. 4to. 73 pp. Washington, 1872. OBSERVATIONS FOR 1871. APPENDIX 2. Yarnal, Prof. Results of Observations made at the U. S. Naval Observatory with the Transit Instrument and Mural Circle, in the years 1853 to 1860, inclusive. 8vo. 144 pp. Washington, 1872. OBSERVATIONS FOR 1872. 4to. Washington, 1872. APPENDIX 1. Eastman, John R. Tables of Instrumental Constants and Corrections for the reduction of Transit Observations. 45 pp. APPENDIX 2. Report on the Difference of Longitude between Washington and Detroit, Mich.; Carlin, Nevada, and Austin, Nevada. 180 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. CONNECTICUT. THE CONNECTICUT BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. HARTFORD. ANNUAL REPORT of the Connecticut Board of Agriculture for the year 1868. 8vo. Hartford, 1868. MASSACHUSETTS. THE MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. BOSTON. ANNUAL REPORT of the State Board of Agriculture. Fourth to the Eighth Annual Reports, for the years 1856 to 1860. 5 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1857 to 1861. NEVADA. THE STATE MINERALOGIST. CARSON CITY. ANNUAL REPORT of the State Mineralogist for the year 1867. 8vo. 151 pp. Carson City, 1867. THE SURVEYOR-GENERAL. CARSON CITY. ANNUAL REPORT of the Surveyor-General for the years 1865, 1866. 2 vols. 8vo. Carson City, 1866, 1867. NEW-YORK. THE STATE ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR. ALBANY. ANNUAL REPORT of the State Engineer and Surveyor on the Rail-Road Statistics of the State of New;York for the years 1853, 1863. 2 vols. 8vo. Albany. NEW-YORK CITY. THE CROTON AQUEDUCT DEPARTMENT. ANNUAL REPORT of the Croton Aqueduct Department, made to the Common Council of the City of New-York. Twentieth and Twenty-First Reports for the years 1867, and 1868. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1868, 1869. THE METROPOLITAN BOARD OF HEALTH. ANNUAL REPORT of the Metropolitan Board of Health of the State of New-York. 1866 to 1872. 7 vols. 8vo. New-York. OFFICIAL REPORTS OF DEPARTMENTS OF GOVERNMENT. 181 OHIO. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE OHIO STATE BOARD OF Agriculture, to the General Assembly of Ohio, with an Abstract of the Proceedings of the County Agricultural Societies. Reports for the years 1855,1856, 1858 to 1866; 1868, 1869. 13 vols. 8vo. Columbus. BELGIUM. ANNALES DES TRAVAUX PUBLICS DE BELGIQUE. Vols. XI. to XXVII., (atlas to accompany Vol. XV.,) 1852 to 1869. GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. BRITISH PATENT OFFICE. LONDON. ABRIDGMENTS of Specifications of Patents. See p. 17. SPECIFICATIONS of Patents. See p. 17. THE COMMISSIONER of Patents' Journal. 1872, 1873, 1874. 3 vols. 4to. London. METEOROLOGICAL OFFICE. LONDON. QUARTERLY WEATHER REPORT of the Meteorological Office, London. 1872, part 4. 4to. London. INDEX TO PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS. PAGE Abhandlungen der Kaiserlichen K6niglichen Geologischen Reichsanstalt,.. 152 Abhandlungen der K6niolichen Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 153 Abstract of the Returns of the Agricultural Societies of the State of Massachusetts...................................................... 147 Academie des Sciences de Paris. See INSTITUT DE FRANCE,........ 147 ACADEMIE IMPtRIALE DES SCIENCES DE ST. PETERSBOURG, 147 ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES, PHILADELPHIA............ 147 ACADEMY OF SCIENCE OF ST. LOUIS............................ 147 AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES OF THE STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS,...................................................... 147 AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF THE STATE OF WISCONSIN..... 148 ALBANY INSTITUTE,........................................... 148 American Artizan (The) and Patent Record.............................. 147 AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE, 148 American Chemist.................................................... 157 American Exchange and Review,..................................... 157 American Gas Light Journal,..................................... 57 AMERICAN INSTITUTE, NEW-YOR.................. 14 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF MINING ENGINEERS,............... 148 AMERICAN IRON AND STEEL ASSOCIATION.................... 148 American Journal of Mining, Milling, Oil Boring&, &c.................. 157 American Journal of Science,.........1......................... 158 American Journal of Science and Arts,.........................1....... 158 American Medical and Philosophical Register......................... 158 American Mining Index............................................... 158 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY................... 149 AMERICAN PUBLIC HEALTH ASSOCIATION.................... 149 American Rail-Road Journal,........................................ 158 American Repertory,............................................... 158 American Year Book and National Register,............................ 158 Annalen der Chemie und Pharmacie, (Annalen der Pharmacie,)... 159 Annalen der Pharmacie,................................................ 159 Annalen der Physik; and Annalen der Physik und Chemie, (Annalen der Physik und Chemie,)............................................ 159 Annales de Chimie et Physique,....................................... 160 Annales des Mines.................................................. 160 Annales des Travaux Publics de Belgique.............................. 181 184 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. Annales des Universit6s de Belgique,.................................. 156 Annales du Conservatoire Imperial des Arts et Metiers.................. 150 Annales du Genie Civil,.............................................. 160 Annals of Philosophy,.............................................. 161 Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History in the City of New-York,....... 153 Annals of the Dudley Observatory.................................... 151 Annge Scientifique et Industrielle,................................. 161 Annual of Scientific Discovery........................................ 161 Annual Report of the Regents of the University of the State of New-York, 156 Annual Report of the American Institute of Natural History............ 149 Annual Report of the Commissioner of Education, Washington, D. C.,... 177 Annual Report of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, WVashington, D. C............................................................ 177 Annual Report of the Commissioner of the Department of Agriculture,... 178 Annual Report of the Commissioner of the Land Office, Washington, D. C., 177 Annual Report of the Connecticut Board of Agriculture.................. 180 Annual Report of the Croton Aqueduct, New-York...................... 180 Annual Report of the Metropolitan Board of Health.................... 180 Annual Report of the Regents of the Smithsonian Institution,.......... 155 Annual Report of the Secretary of the Iron and Steel Association,........ 148 Annual Report of the State Board of Agriculture of Massachusetts,........ 180 Annual Report of the State Engineer and Surveyor of the State of NewYork,.......................................................... 180 Annual Report of the State Mineralogist of the State of Nevada,......... 180 Annual Report of the Surveyor General of the State of Nevada,......... 180 Annual Report of the Trustees of the Museum of Comparative Anatomy,. 180 Archiv fur Bergbau und Hittenwesen,.................................. 161 Archiv fiir Mikroskopische Anatomie................................... 161 ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN NATURALISTS AND GEOLOGISTS, 149 Astronomical and Meteorological Observations, (UNITED STATES NAVAL OBSERVATORY,)........................................ 1791 Baulichen Anlagen, (Die Baulichen Anlagen,).......................... 164 Berg und Huettenmannisch Zeitung................................... 161 Berg Geist Zeitung, (Der Berg Geist Zeitung,).......................... 163 Bergwerks Betrieb, (Der Bergwerks Betrieb,).......................... 164 Berichte der Deutschen Chemischen Gesellschaft........................ 150 Berichte fiber die Fortschritte der Eisenhiltten Technik,.................. 162 Berichte iiber die Mittheilungen von Freunden der Wissenschaften,....... 162 Berzelius' Jahresbericht, (Jahresbericht iber die Fortschritte, &c.,)........ 162 Bibliotheca Historico Naturalis,...................................... 162 Bibliotheca Mechanico Technologica,................................. 162 BOARD OF SUPERVISING INSPECTORS OF STEAM VESSELS,..... 177 Boston Journal of Chemistry, (The,)................................... 162 British Almanac and Companion, (SOCIETY FOR THE DIFFUSION OF USEFUL KNOWLEDGE,)................................... 156 BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE, 150 BRITISH PATENT OFFICE....................................... 181 Bulletin de L'Acad6mie Imperiale des Sciences,....................... 147 Bulletin de la Societe de L'Industrie Minerale.......................... 155 Bulletin de la Societe Geologique de France............................. 156 INDEX TO PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS. 185 Bulletin de la Societe Industrielle de Mulhouse,....................... 156 Bulletin des Sciences Naturelles et de Geologie.......................... 162 Bulletin do Musee de L'Industrie de Belgique......................... 153 Bulletin Mensuel de la Societe Chimique de Paris........................ 155 Bulletin of the American Iron and Steel Association,.................... 148 Bulletin of the Essex Institute,........................................ 151 Bulletin of the National Association of Wool Manufacturers,.............. 154 Canadian Naturalist and Geologist, (The,).......................... 162 Carnall's Zeitschrift.................................................. 163 Catalogue Annuel de la Librairie Frangaise.................... 163 Chemical Gazette, (The,)..................................................... 163 Chemical News, (The;)............................................... 163 CHEMICAL SOCIETY, LONDON,.................................. 150 Chemisch-Technischen Mittheilungen,................................. 163 Chemisch Central Blatt............................................... 163 CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, (THE,)..................................... 177 Colliery Guardian, (The,)........................................... 163 COMMISSIONER OF EDUCATION, (THE,).......................... 177 COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE, (THE,)............... 177 COMMISSIONER OF THE LAND OFFICE, (THE,)................... 177 Commissioner of Patents' Journal. See BRITISH PATENT OFFICE,... 181 Comptes Rendus des Seances de L'Academie des Sciences. See INSTITUT DE FRANCE.........................1.................. 152 CONNECTICUT BOARD OF AGRICULTURE, HARTFORD,.......... 180 CONSERVATOIRE IMPERIAL DES ARTS ET METIERS, PARIS,.. 150 Cosmos, Revue Encyclopedique, &c....................................... 163 CROTON AQUEDUCT DEPARTMENT, (THE,)...................... 180 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, (THE,).......................... 178 Der Berg Geist Zeitung............................................... 163 Der Bergwerks Betrieb.............................................. 164 Der Bergwerksfreund...................................... 163 DEUTSCHEN CHEMISCHEN GESELLSCHAFT, BERLIN,........... 150 DEUTSCHEN GEOLOGISCHEN GESELLSCHAFT, BERLIN,......... 151 Die Baulichen Anlagen, &c.......................................... 164 Die Fortschritte der Physik,........................................... 164 Die Gewerbehalle................................................... 164 Dingler's Polytechnisches Journal. See Polytechnisches Journal,........ 173 DUDLEY OBSERVATORY, ALBANY, (THE,)........................ 151 EDINBURGH GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY, (THE,).......................... 151 Edinburgh Philosophical Journal, (The,)............................. 164 Edinburgh Philosophical Magazine. See London, Dublin and Edinburgh Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science..................... 170 Elsner's Mittheilungen, (Chemisch-Technischen Mittheilungen,).......... 163 Emporium of Arts and Sciences, (The,)................................. 164 Engineering, London,.................1.......................... 164 Engineering and Mining Journal, (The,) New-York...................... 165 Erdman's Journal, (Journal fur Praktische Chemie,).................... 168 Erfahrungen im berg und hiittenmninnischen Maschinen-bau, &c.......... 165 ESSEX INSTITUTE, SALEM, MASS.,................................. 151 Farber Zeitung,...................................................... 165 186 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. Fortschritte der Physik. See Die Fortschritte der Physik, 164; also, Jah resberichte fiber die Fortschritte der Physik,......................... 167 FRANKLIN INSTITUTE, PHILADELPHIA,..................... 151 Franklin Journal, (FRANKLIN INSTITUTE,)....................... 151 Fresenius' Zeitschrift, (Zeitschrift fir Analytische Chemie,)............ 164 Geological Magazine, (The,)........................................... 165 GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY, LONDON,................................ 151 Geologist, (The,) (The Geological Magazine,)........................... 165 Gewerbehalle, (Die Gewerbehalle,),.................................... 164 Hardwicke's Science Gossip........................................... 165 Industrial Monthly,............................................... 166 Industrie Blatter,................................................. 166 INSTITUT DE FRANCE,........................................... 152 INSTITUTE OF NATURAL SCIENCES, HALIFAX, (Nova Scotia Institute of Natural Sciences,)...................................... 154 INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS, LONDON,.................. 152 Iron Age, New-York.............................................. 166 Iron, London,........................................................ 166 IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE, LONDON,......................... 152 KAISERLICH AKADEMIE DER WISSENSCHAFTEN. WIEN,....... 152 KAISERLICHEN KONIGLICHEN BERGAKADEMIE, SCHEMNITZ,. 152 KAISERLTCHEN KONIGLICHEN GEOLOGISCHEN REICHSANSTALT, WIEN............................................... 152 KONIGLICHEN BAYERISCHEN AKADEMIE DER WISSENSCHAFTEN, MUNCHEN,............................................ 153 Jaarboeck van het Mijnwesen in Nederlandisch Oost-Indie............... 166 Jahrbuch der Chemie und Physik, (Journal fur Chemie und'Physik,)...... 168 Jahrbuch der K. K. Bergakademien, Leoben u. Schemnitz.............. 152 Jahrbuch der K. K. Geologischen Reichsanstalt,...................... 152 Jahrbuch fur den Berg und Hiittenmann,............................... 168 Jahrbuch fur den Berg und Huttenwesen im Konigreich Sachsen,......... 166 Jahrbuch fir Mineralogie, Geologie, &c................................. 166 Jahresberichte fiber die Beobachtungen, Versuche, &c., des Berg u. Huttenmannischen Maschinen-und Bauwesens,,........................... 166 Jahresberichte uber die Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Reinen Chemie,.. 167 Jahresberichte uber die Fortschritte der Agricultur-Chemie,.............. 166 Jahresberichte fiber die Fortschritte der Chemie und verwandter Theile anderer Wissenschaften,......................................... 167 Jahresberichte fiber die Fortschritte der Physik......................... 167 Jahresberichte iiber die Fortschritte der Physischen Wissenschaften,...... 167 Jahresberichte uber die Leistungen der Chemischen Technologie,......... 167 Journal de Mathematiques pures et appliqu6es,.......................... 167 Journal des Mines,.......................................... 168 Journal de Pharmacie et de Chimie, &c................................. 167 Journal der Physik, (Annalen der Physik,)............................. 159 Journal fiir Practische Chemie,....................................... 168 Journal of Applied Chemistry,.......................................... 168 Journal (The) of Gas Lighting and Water Supply..................... 168 Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia,............. 147 Journal of the Chemical Society, London,.............................. 150 INDEX TO PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS. 187 Journal of the Franklin Institute...................................... 151 Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute................................. 152 Journal of the New-York State Agricultural Society,................... 154 Kalender fur den Oberschlesischen Bergmann........................ 168 Kalender fur den Sachsischen Berg und Hiittenmann,.................... 168 L'Annee Scientifique et Industrielle........................... 161 Laboratory, (The,).............................................. 169 LAND OFFICE REPORTS,............................... 177 Le Genie Industriel,..................................... 169 Le Naturaliste Canadien,........................................... 169 Les Houillerres,........................................... 169 Les Mondes.............................1.......................... 169 Le Technologiste........................................ 169 London and Edinburgh Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science, and London, Dublin and' Edinburgh Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science........................................ 169 LYCEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY, NEW-YORK................... 153 Magazin fur Oryktographie,.......................................... 170 Magazin fir Pharmacie,............................................ 170 Manufacturer and Builder, (The,)...................................... 171 Melanges Physiques et Chimiques, (ACADEMIE IMPERIALE DES SCIENCES DE ST. PETERSBOURG,)............................. 147 Massachusetts Agricultural Societies................................... 180 Memoirs and Proceedings of the Chemical Society of London,............ 150 Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C.,....... 154 METROPOLITAN BOARD OF HEALTH............................. 180 Microscopical Journal, (The Monthly Microscopical Journal,)............. 171 Mineralogische Mittheilungen,...................................... 153 Mining and Scientific Press, (The,).................................... 171 Mining and Smelting Magazine, (The,)...........1.................... 171 Mining Magazine,.......................................... 171 Moniteur Scientifique,............................................. 171 Monthly Microscopical Journal, (The,)................................ 171 Monthly Report of the Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C.,... 178 Monthly Report of the Director of the Bureau of Statistics, Washington, 177 MUStE DE L'INDUSTRIE-DE BELGIQUE, BRUXELLES,......... 153 MUSEUM OB COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND ZOOLOGY OF HARVARD COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE, MASS.,........................ 154 NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, WASHINGTON,............ 154 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF WOOL MANUFACTURERS,......... 154 NATIONAL BOARD (THE) OF STEAM NAVIGATION, (THE BOARD OF SUPERVISING INSPECTORS OF STEAM VESSELS,)....... 177 NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY, MONTREAL,..................... 154 Nature. London.................................................... 171 Naturwissenschaftliche Abhandlungen,............................... 172 Neues Journal der Physik, (Annalen der Physik,)...................... 159 NEW-YORK STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, ALBANY,......... 154 Notizen zur Zammelung von Zeichnungen fur die Hiitte.................. 172 NOVA SCOTIA INSTITUTE OF NATURAL SCIENCE, HALIFAX,... 154 Oberschlesischen Taschenbuch und Kalender.................172 188 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. Oesterreichisches Montan Handbuch.................................... 172 Oesterreichisches Zeitschrift fur Berg-und Huettenwesen,................. 172 Official Gazette of the United States Patent Office....................... 178 OHIO STATE BOARD OF AGRICULTURE.......................... 181 PAL2EONTOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY, LONDON,................. 141, 154 Patent Office Reports, &c. See BRITISH PATENT OFFICE, 181; also, UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE............................. 178 Pharmaceutisches Central-Blatt,....................................... 172 Philosophical Magazine; also, Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science. See London, Dublin and Edinburgh Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science........................................... 169 Poggendorff's Annalen, (Annalen der Physik und Chemie,)............... 159 Polytechnisches Central-Blatt....................................... 172 Polytechnisches Journal..................................... 173 Polytechnisches Notiz-Blatt......................................... 173 Popular Science Monthly,............................................. 173 Proceedings and Transactions Institute of Natural Science of Halifax, Nova Scotia.................................................... 154 Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Science, Philadelphia,........... 147 Proceedings of the Annual Meetings of the Board of Supervising Inspectors of Steam Vessels............................................. 177 Proceedings of the Essex Institute..................................... 151 Proceedings of the Lyceum of Natural History.......................... 153 Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, 148 Public Health Report and Papers, (AMERICAN PUBLIC HEALTH ASSOCIATION,)........................................... 149 Quarterly Journal of Science, (The,).................................. 173 Quarterly Journal of the Chemical Society, (The,)...................... 150 Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society, London, (The,).............. 151 Quarterly Weather Report of the Meteorological Office, London, (The,).... 181 Railway World, (The,)............................................... 172 REALE ACCADEMIA DELLE SCIENZE E BELLES LETTERES, NAPOLI,...................................................... 155 Regents' Report of the University of the State of New-York. See UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW-YORK,................... 156 Rendiconto delle Adunanze e De' Lavori della Reale Academia delle Scienze........................................................ 155 Repertorium Commentationum,..................................... 173 Repertorium der technischen, Mathematischen und naturwissenschaftlichen Journal Literatur.......................................... 174 Revue de Geologie,............................................. 174 Revue des Cours Scientifiques,....................................... 174 Revue Hebdomadaire de Chimie,..................................... 174 Revue Scientifique, (Revue des Cours Scientifiques,)..................... 174 Revue Universelle des Mines, de la Metallurgie, &c....................... 174 Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science,......... 149 Report of the Chief of Engineers, Washington......................... 177 Report of the Chief Signal Officer of the U. S. Signal Office,............. 178 Report of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, Washington, D. C.,.... 177 Report of the Commissioner of Education, Washington, D. C............. 177 INDEX TO PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS. 189 Report of the Commissioners of the Land Office, Washington, D. C.,..... 177 Report of the National Academy of Sciences............................ 154 ROYAL IRISH ACADEMY, DUBLIN,.............................. 155 ROYAL MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY, LONDON..................... 155 Sachsische Bergwerks Zeitung,........................................ 174 Schweiger's Journal fiir Chemie und Physik, (Journal fur Chemie und Physik,)........................................................ 168 Scientific American,................................................. 174 Silliman's Journal, (American Journal of Science and Art,).............. 158 Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. See KAISERLICHEN AKADEMIE DER WISSENSCHAFTEN......... 152 Sitzungsberichte der mathematisch-physikalischen Classe der KSniglich Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, (KONIGLICH BAYERISCHEN AKADEMIE DER WISSENSCHAFTEN,)................ 153 SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, WASHINGTON, D. C.,.............. 155 SOCIETYI CHIMIQUE DE PARIS.................................... 155 SOCItTt DE PHARMACIE DE PARIS.............................. 155 SOCIETY DE L'INDUSTRIE MINERALE, PARIS.................... 155 SOCIETY GEOLOGIQUE DE FRANCE, PARIS....................... 156 SOCIETYl INDUSTRIELLE DE MULHOUSE,........................ 156 SOCIETY FOR THE DIFFUSION OF USEFUL KNOWLEDGE, LONDON......................................................... 156 Statistical Annual, (The,)............................................ 175 STATE ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR (THE) OF NEW-YORK......... 180 STATE MINERALOGIST (THE) OF NEVADA...................... 180 SURVEYOR GENERAL, (THE) OF NEVADA......................... 180 Technologist, (The,) (Industrial Monthly,)......................... 175 Thompson's Annals of Philosophy, (Annals of Philosophy,)............. 161 Tilloch's Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science, (London, Dublin and Edinburgh Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science,) 169 Transactions of the Academy of Science, St. Louis, (ACADEMY OF SCIENCE OF ST. LOUIS,)..................................... 147 Transactions of the Agricultural Societies of the State of Massachusetts,.. 147 Transactions of the Agricultural Society of the State of Wisconsin,........ 148 Transactions of the Albany Institute,.................................. 148 Transactions of the American Institute,............................... 148 Transactions of the American Institute of Mining Engineers............ 148 Transactions of the Edinburgh Geological Society,...................... 151 Transactions of the Institution of Civil Engineers, London.............. 152 Transactions of the New-York State Agricultural Society,.............. 154 Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy, Dublin....................... 155 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE.............................. 178 United States Rail-Road and Mining Register,......................... 175 UNITED STATES SIGNAL OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C.......... 178 UNIVERSITIS DE BELGIQUE, BRUXELLES....................... 156 UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW-YORK,.................... 156 Van Nostrand's Eclectic Engineering Magazine........................ 175 Verhandlungen der K. K. Geologisch Reichsanstalt,.................... 153 VEREIN DEUTSCHER INGENIEURE, BERLIN.................... 156 Wagner's Jahresbericht. See Jahresbericht iiber die Leistungen, &c.,..... 167 190 SCHOOL OF MINES LIBRARY. Washington Astronomical and Meteorological Observations, (UNITED STATES NAVAL OBSERVATORY,)............................. 178 Year Book (The) of Facts in Science and Art............................ 175 Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft,..................... 150 Zeitschrift des Vereins Deutschen Ingenieure,........................... 156 Zeitschrift fiir Analytische Chemie.................................... 176 Zeitschrift fur das Berg Hiitten und Salinen Wesen,.................... 16