ALPHA BETICAL CATALOGUE OF TITE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. AvIUT IE 0 RS. WASHINGTON. GOVERTNM\ ENTr PRINTING OFFICE. 1864. NOT E. The last general catalogue of the Library of Congress was issued in 1861, and embraced the accessions to the close of the year 1859. Four general catalogues, besides numerous annual supplements, had been published previously; viz., in 1815, 1831, 1839, and 1849, respectively. Since the last issue, in 1861, nearly twenty thousand volumes have been added to the Library, and five annual supplements to the catalogue have been issued. To consolidate all these catalogues into a single volume, and to facilitate reference by reducing the multifarious alphabets of former general catalogues to one alphabetical arrangement, is the object of the present volume. All former general catalogues of this Library have been arranged upon a system of classification prepared by Thomas Jefferson, and based upon Lord Bacon's division of knowledge. This classification, however well adapted, in some respects, to a small library, like that of Mr. Jefferson when adopted in 1815 as the basis of the present collection, is wholly unsuited to the necessities of readers consulting a large library. It was never designed by its author as a bibliographical system, but rather as a scientific arrangement of the various 4 branches of human knowledge. No further illustration of its defects need be given than the fact that in the last catalogue of the Library of Congress the titles are distributed through a series of one hundred and seventy-nine distinct alphabets, arranged in an arbitrary sequence, and without an index. Few readers have the leisure, and fewer still the inclination, to study the intricacies of such a system of classification. In abandoning it for a more simple method, the officers of the Library are assured that they have consulted the convenience as well as the wishes of Congress, and of other frequenters of the Library. In the arrangement of any catalogue of books, the chief desideratum, next to accuracy of description, is facility of reference, and to this end all minor considerations should be sacrificed. This volume embraces the present contents of the Library, arranged in all cases under the names of the authors, when known, anonymous works being entered, for the most part, under the leading word of the subject they treat of. This method, while it is a departure from the more uniform rule of entering anonymous works under the first word of the title, as practiced by some bibliographers, is unquestionably of greater utility to the general reader, and is not without high bibliographical authority. To complete the plan adopted, the present alphabetical catalogue of authors will soon be followed by an analytical catalogue of subjects, also arranged alphabetically, and covering the whole field which the works embraced in the present volume illustrate. Those consulting the library will thus have before them the means of determining, by a single reference, whether the Library contains any work, if the author's name is known; and also, by a single reference, whether it contains any book of which the subject is known. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, September, 1864. CATALOGUE. ABXLARDUS ET HELOISSA. Epistolae; a State of New York; and adapted to the new prioris ecitionis erroribus purgatce, et cum practice in Missouri, California, Wisconsin, cod. MS. collatie curn Ricardi Rawlinson. Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, Alabama, Oregon, 80. Londini, 1718. and Minnesota, and the Island of NewfoundABAILARD ET HELOISE. Lettres. Grec et land; with copious notes and authorities. Latin. Traduites sur les manuscrits de la 8~. New York, 1858. Bibliotheque Royale, par E. Oddoul; pre- Reports of Practice Cases, determined cedees d'un essai historique par M. et Mme. in the Courts of the State of New York. Guizot. Illustrde par J. Gigoux. 2 v. 80. 15 v. 80. New York, 1855-63. (2 copies.) Paris, 1839. - The same. V. 1. 80. New York, 1855. ABBECOURT, (Abbe d') Ni Banqueroute, ni Reports of Cases in Admiralty in the Papier-Monnoie. 80. Paris, 1790. (Pol. District Court of the United States for the Pamp., v. 8.) Southern District of New York, 1847 to 1849. ABBOT, (Abiel.) History of Andover, from its 80. Boston, 1857. (2 copies.) settlement to 1829. 120. Andover, (Mass.,) ABBOTT, (Charles.) Treatise on the Law relat1829. ing to Merchant Ships and Seamen; with the Letters written in the interior of Cuba, copious annotations of Joseph Story. 3d between the mountains of Arcana and of Am. ed. 80. Exeter, (N. H.,) 1822. Cusco, in 1828. 80. Boston, 1829. The same. 4th Am., from the 5th LonABBOT, (Abiel and Ephraim.) Genealogical doned., edited byJ. H. Abbott; with annotaRegister of the Descendants of George Abbot, tions containing the principal American auof Andover; Arthur Abbot, of Ipswich; thorities, by Joseph Story. 80. Boston, 1829. George Abbot, of Rowley; Thomas Abbot, The same. 7th edition. By William of Andover; Robert Abbot, of Brentford; Shee. 80. London, 1844. and George Abbot, of Brentford. 80. Bos- - The same. 6th Am., from the 8th Lonton, 1847. don ed., by William Shee; with the notes of ABBOT, (Joel.) Trial of Lieut. Joel Abbot, by Justice Story and J. C. Perkins. 80. Boston, the General Court Martial, on Allegations 1850. made against him by Capt. David Porter. The same. 7th Am., from the 8th Lon80. Washington, 1822. don ed. 80. Boston, 1854. (12 copies.) - The same. With an appendix of docu- ~ The same. 9th edition, with a supplements in relation to the management of affairs ment containing the Merchant Shipping Act, on the Boston Station. 80. Boston, 1822. 1854, and the Merchant Shipping Repeal Act, ABBOTSFORD LIBRARY. Catalogue. 40. Ed- 1854; by William Shee. 80. London, 1854. inburgh, 1838. ABBOTT, (E. L.) Notes on the Epistle to the ABBOTT, (Benjamin V. and Austin.) Digest Hebrews. In the Karen language. 120. of New York Statutes and Reports, from the Tavoy, 1851. earliest period to the year 1860; comprising ABBOTT, (Jacob.) History of Alexander the the adjudications of all the courts of the State, Great. 160. New York, 1848. together with the statutes. V. 1-4. 80. History of King Charles the First of New York, 1860-63. (2 copies.) England. 160. New York, 1848. Collection of Forms of Pleadings in History of King Charles the Second of actions under the Code of Procedure of the England. 160. New York, 1849. ABBOTT. ABERCROMBIE. ABBOTT, (Jacob.) History of Darius the Great. ABBOTT, (John S. C.) Kings and Queens; or, 160. New York, 1850. Life in the Palace. 120. New York, 1850. History of Queen Elizabeth. 160. Napoleon at St. Helena. 80. New New York, 1849. York, 1855. History of Hannibal the Carthaginian. - History of King Philip, Sovereign Chief 160. New York, 1848. of the Wampanoags; including the early History of Julius Coesar. 160. New history of the settlers of New England. 160. York, 1849. New York, 1857. --- History of Mary, Queen of Scots. 16'. - History of Madame Roland. 160. New New York, 1848. York, 1850. History of Nero. 160. New York, South and North; or, impressions re1853. ceived during a trip to Cuba and the South. History ofPyrrhus. 160. New York, 120. New York, 1860. 1854. ABBOTT, (Orrin.) Adam's Fall refuted by History of King Richard the Second of Earth's Rocky Records, &c. 120. Buffalo, England. 160. New York, 1858. 1855. History of King Richard the Third of - Peep into Sacred Tradition; with the England. 160. New York, 1858. evidence and arguments on both sides of the History of Romulus. 160. New York, question. 80. Buffalo, 1852. 1852. ABD ALLATIF'S Relation respecting Egypt. History of Xerxes the Great. 160. (Pinkerton's Voyages, v. 15.) New York, 1850. ABDY, (Edward S.) Journal of a Residence Hoary Head and M'Donner. 120. New and Tour in the United States in 1833-'34. York, 1855. 3 v. 120. London, 1835. A Summer in Scotland. 120. New - Water Cure; cases of disease cured by York, 1848. cold water. Translated from the German, The Teacher; moral influences em- with physiological illustrations from orthoployed in the instruction and government of dox medical authors, addressed to people of of the young. 120. New York, 1856. common sense. 2d edition, with corrections, ABBOTT, (James, M. A.) Hand-Book of Idiot- 80. London, 1843. cy; showing the idiot's condition, the causes of A'BECKETT, (Gilbert Abbot.) Comic Blackidiotcy, and the most experienced methods of stone; illustrated by Cruikshank. 4 parts training and educating the idiot, as success- in 1 v. 120. Philadelphia, 1844. fully adopted by the continental govern- ABEKEN, (Bernard Rudolf.) Account of the ments of Europe and America. 120. London, Life and Letters of Cicero. Translated from 1856. the German, and edited by Charles Merivale. ABBOTT, (Maj. James.) Narrative of a Journey 120. London, 1854. from Heraut to Khiva, Moscow, and St. Pe- ABEL, (A.) Preservation of Food, from "Aus tersburgh, during the late Russian invasion der Natur" of Abel. Ed. by E. Goodrich of Khiva. 2d ed. 2 v. 80. London, 1856. Smith. 120. Hartford, 1857. ABBOTT, (John S.C.) Confidential Correspond- ABEL, (Niels Henrik.) CEuvres completes; ence of the Emperor Napoleon and the avec des notes et dcveloppements. R6dig6es Empress Josephine. 120. New York, 1856. par B. Holmboe. 2 v. in 1. 40. ChrisGeschichte des Burger Krieges in Ame- tiania, 1839. rika. V. 1. 80. Norwich, (New York,) ABEL-REMUSAT. See R6musat, J. P. Abel. 1863. ABELL, (Lucia Elizabeth.) Recollections of History of the Civil War in America. the Emperor Napoleon, during the first three V. 1. 80. New York, 1863. years of his captivity on the island of St. History of Henry the Fourth, King of Helena. 120. London, 1844. France and Navarre. 160. New York, 1856. ABERCROMBIE, (John.) Inquiries concerning History of Hernando Cortez. 160. New the Intellectual Powers and the InvestigaYork, 1855. tion of Truth. 120. New York, 1832. History of Maria Antoinette. 160. New The same. 13th ed. 160. London, York, 1849. 1849. ----- History of Napoleon Bonaparte. 2 v. The same. 180. New York, 1842. 80. New York, 1855. (Harper's Fam. Library, v. 42.) 7 ABERCROMBIE. ACADIMIE. ABERCROMBIE, (John.) Philosophy of the ABREU Y BERTODANO, (Jos6 Antoni6 de.) Moral Feelings. 6th ed. 160. London, Coleccion de los Tratados de Paz, Alianza, 1841. &c., de Espania, 1598-1700. 12 v. Folio. The same. 8th ed. 16~. London, 1849. Madrid, 1740-52. The same. 180. New York, 1842. ABREU Y BERTODANO, (F. J. de.) Tratado (Harper's Fam. Library, v. 63.) Juridico-Politico sobre Presas de Mar, y ABERCROMBY, (Patrick.) Martial Atchieve- calidades que deben concurrir para hacerse ments of the Scots Nation; being an account legitimamente el corso. 4~. Cadiz, 1746. of the lives, characters, and memorable ac- ABRIDGMENT, General, of Cases in Equity, tions of such Scotsmen as have signalized argued and adjudged in the High Court of themselves by the sword, at home and abroad. Chancery, with several cases never before 2 v. Folio. Edinburgh, 1711-15. published. 4thed. 2v. Folio. London, 1756. ABERNETHY, (Rev. John.) Discourses con- ABRIDGMENT of the Common Law. Folio. MS. cering the Being and Natural Perfections ABRIDGMENT of the Laws in force and use in of God. 2 v. 12~. London, 1757. her Majesty's Plantations, viz: Virginia, JaScarce and Valuable Tracts and Sermons. maica, Barbadoes, Maryland, New England, 120. London, 1751. New-York, Carolina, &c. 80. London, 1704. - Sermons on Various Subjects. 4 v. ABSCHIED der ordentlichen eidgenossischen 12~. London, 1748. Tagsatzung des Jahres 1847 und 1848. 4 v. ABERNETHY, (John, M. D.) Surgical Observa- Folio. Bern, 1847-8. tions on the Constitutional Origin and ABU TALEB KHAN, (Mirza.) Travels in Asia, Treatment of Local Diseases, and on Aneur- Africa, and Europe, during the years 1799isms. 8th edition. 80. London, 1825. 1803. Translated by C. Stewart. 3 v. 160. ABINGDON, (Willoughby Bertie, Earl of) London, 1814. Thoughts on the Letter of Edmund Burke, ABULFEDA, (Ismael.) Annales Muslemici (Ara esq., to the Sheriffs of Bristol, on the Affairs bic6 et LatinS.) Opera J. J. Reiskii; sumof America 6th ed. 80. Oxford, 1777. tibus atque auspicis P. F. Suhmii; nunc ABOUT, (Edmond.) King of the Mountains. primum edidit J. G. C. Adler. 5 v. 40. From the French, by Mary L. Booth, with Hafnire, 1789-94. introductionby EpesSargent. 120. Boston, ACADEMIE FRAN(AISE. Histoire et M6moires 1861. de l'Acad6mie des Sciences, depuis son The Roman Question. Translated from dtablissement en 1666, jusqu'en 1768. 102 v. the French, by H. C. Coape. 120. London, 40. Paris, 1731-70. 1859. M6moires de l'Acad6mie Royale des Tolla; a tale of modern Rome. Trans- Sciences del'Institut de France. 1816-1854. lated from the French, by L. C. C. 160. 24 v. 40. Paris, 1818-54. Edinburgh, 1855. M6moires de l'Academie des Sciences ABRAHAM A ST. CLARA. Sammtliche Werke. de l'Institut Imperial de France. V. 27, 20 v. 160. Passau & Lindau, 1835-46. premiere partie. 40. Paris, 1856. ABRAHAMS, (N. C. L.) Description des Manu- M6moires de l'Acad6mie des Sciences scrits Frangais du Moyen Age de la Biblio- Morales et Politiques de l'Institut de France. theque Royale de Copenhague. 40. Copen- V. 9. 40. Paris, 1855. hague, 1844. Memoires' pr6sentes par divers savants ABRANTEs,(LaurePermonJunot, Duchessed'.) a l'Acaddmie Royale des Inscriptions et Histoire des Salons de Paris; Tableaux et Belles-Lettres de l'Institut de France. 4 v. Portraits du Grand Monde sous Louis XVI., 40. Paris, 1844-54. le Directoire, le Consulat et l'Empire, la - Memoires prdsent6s par divers savants Restauration et le RIgne de Louis Philippe I. a l'Academie des Sciences de l'Institut Impe6 v. 80. Paris, 1837-8. rial de France.-Sciences Mathdmatiques et Memoires, ou Souvenirs Historiques sur Physiques. V. 15, 16, et 17. 40. Paris, Napoleon, la Revolution, le Directoire, le 1858-62. Consulat, l'Empire et la Restauration. 18 v. Recueil des Harangues prononcees par 80. Paris, 1831-35. Messieurs del'Academie Francoise dans leurs Memoirs. 8v. 80. London, 1831-35. receptions,et end'autres occasions diff6rentes, Memoirs of Celebrated Women of all depuis l'etablissement de l'acad6mie jusqu'a Countries. 80. London, 1834. present. 40. Paris, 1698. 8 ACAD]EMIE. ACKERMANN. ACADPMmIE FRANTAISE. Table gen6rale et ACCOUNT of the Reasons of the Nobility and methodique des Memoiies contenus dans les Gentry's Invitation of the Prince of Orange recueils de l'Acadcmie des Inscriptions et into England. Folio. London, 1688. (Col. Belles-Lettres et de l'Academie des Sciences Pam., v. 6.) Morales et Politiques. Par E. de Roziere et ACCOUNT of the Societies for Reformation of E. Chatel. 40. Paris, 1856. Manners. 5th ed. An Account of the ProACADtMIE Universelle des Jeux; contenant gress of the Reformation of Manners. 14th les rdgles des jeux de cartes permis; celles d. 2 12~. London, 1701-06. du billard, du mail, dn trictrac, du revertier, AccuM, (Frederick.) Chemical Amusements. etc. Avecfigures. 3 v. 160. Lyon, 1805. With additios, by Thomas Cooper. 160. ACADEMY of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Philadelphia 1818 See Philadelphia. - ~ Culinary Chemistry; exhibiting the ACARETE du Biscay, (M.) Voyage up the.. ce River de la Plata and overland to Peru. scientific principles of cookery. 120. LonRiver de ia Plata and overland to Peru. d 181 120. London, 1698. (Voyages in South don, 1821. America.) System of Theoretical and Practical America.) ACCADEMIA DELLA CRUSCA. Dizionario della Chemistry. 2v. 80. London, 1807. Lingua Italiana. 7 v. 4. Padova, 1827-30. ACERBI, (Joseph.) Travels through Sweden, Vocabolario. 4a impressione. 6 v. Finland, and Lapland, to the North Cape, in Folio. Firenze, 1729. the years 1798 and 1799. 2 v. 40. London, Vocabolario; oltre le giunte fatteci 1802. finora, cresciuto d'assai migliaja di voci e ACEVEDO, (Alonzo de.) De la creacion del modi de'classici, le pih trovate da Veronesi; Mundo. 80. Madrid, 1854. (Biblioteca de Ant. Cesari editore. 7 v. 40. Verona, Autores Espanoles, v. 39.) 1804-6. ACEVEDO. See Antunez y Acevedo; also, ACCARIAS DE SERIONNE, (Jos.) Interets des Azevedo. Nations de l'Europe, ddvelopes relativement ACHARD, (Claude Fran9ois.) Cours le6menau Commerce. 2v. Small 40. Leipzich, 1766. taire de Bibliographie; o -la science du ACCOUNT, Historical, Political, and Statistical, bibliothecaire. 3 v. in 2. 80. Marseille, of the United Provinces of Rio de la Plata. 1806-7. With an appendix concerning the usurpation ACHERLEY, (Roger.)' Britannic Constitution; of Monte Video by the Portuguese and Bra- or, the fundamental form of government in zilian governments. Translated from the Britain. 2d ed. Vith a supplement, conSpanish. 80. London, 1825. taining reasons for uniformity in the state. ACCOUNTI of a Late Conference on the occur- 40. London, 1741. rences in America. 80. London, 1766. Free Parliaments; or, an argument on (Col. Pam., v. 1.) their constitution, proving some of their The same. (Col. Pam., v. 6.) powers to be independent; with an appenACCOUNT of Lord Bacon's Novum Organon dix touching the right of the Duke of CamScientiarum. 80. London, 1844. bridge to sit in Parliament. 80. London, ACCOUNT of several late Voyages and Discove- 1731. ries: 1. Sir John Narbrough's Voyage to the ACHILLES TATIUS. De Clitophontis et LeuSouth Sea, by the command of King Charles cippes Amoribus. Gr. et Lat. (Didot's Gr. II. 2. Captain J. Tasman's Discoveries on Classics, v. 13.) the Coast of the South Terra Incognita. ~ Loves of Clitopho and Leucippa. Trans3. Captain J. Wood's Attempt to Discover lated by R. Smith. 120. London, 1855. a North-East Passage to China. 4. F. Mar- (Bohn's Class. Lib'y, v. 35.) ten's Observations made in Greenland and ACHILLI, (Giacinto.) Dealings with the Inother Northern Countries. Illustrated with quisition; or, Papal Rome, her Priests and exact charts and unrious figures. 80. Lon- her Jesuits; with important disclosures. don, 1711. 2d ed. 120. London, 1851. ACCOUNT of the Expedition to Carthagena. 80. ACKERMANN, (C.) The Christian Element in London, 1744. Plato, and the Platonic Philosophy unfolded. ACCOUNT of the Great Whig Festival held at Translated from the German by Samuel R. Baltimore, Nov. 12, 1835. 80. Baltimore, Asbury. With introductory note, by William 1835. (Misc. Pam., v. 34.) G. T. Shedd. 80. Edinburgh, 1861. 9 ACKERMAN. ACTON. ACKERMANN, (Rudolph.) History of the ACT for Limiting the Time of Service in the Abbey Church of St. Peter's, Westminster; Army, passed 21st June, 1847; and an Act its antiquities- and monuments. 2 v. 4~. for Punishing Mutiny and Desertion, and for London, 1812. the better payment of the Army and their History of the Colleges of Winchester, Quarters, passed 20th April, 1852; together Eton, and Westminster; with the Charter- with Rules and Articles of War. 12mo. House, the Schools of St. Paul's, Merchant London, 1852. Taylors, Harrow, and Rugby, and the Free ACTA CONCILII TRIDENTINI, anno 1562 et School of Christ's Hospital. 4~. London, 1563, usque in finern Concilii Pio IV. Pont. 1816. Max.; et alia multa circa dictum concilium History of the University of Cambridge, Fragmenta a Gabrielle Cardinale Paleotto its colleges, halls, and public buildings. 2 v. descripta. Nunc primum in lucem vindicata 40. London, 1815. e codice MS. olim penes Fridericum Comitem History of the University of Oxford, de Guilford; edente Josepho Mendham. 8vo. its colleges, halls, and public buildings. 2 v Londini, 1842. 40. London, 1814. ACTA ERUDITORUM, annis 1682-1731 pubMicrocosm of London. 3 v. 40. Lon- licata. 50 v. Sm. 40. Lipsiae, 1682-1731. don, 1811. ~ Actorum Eruditorum, qume Lipsie pubACLAND, (Henry Wentworth.) Memoir on licantur, Supplementa. 10 v. Sm. 40. Lipthe Cholera at Oxford in the year 1854, with sire, 1692-1734. considerations suggested by the epidemic. -NovaActaEruditorum, annis1732-1755 40. London, 1856. publicata. 24 v. Sm. 40. Lipsise, 1732-55. and RUSKIN, (John.) The Oxford Ad Nova Acta Eruditorum, qume Lipsiae Museum 120. London, 1859. publicantur, Supplementa. 7 v. Sm. 40. ACOSTA, (Christoval.) Tractado de las Drogas Lipsire, 1735-54. y Medicinas de las Indias Orientales, con sus - Indices Generales auctorum et rerum Plantas debuxadas al biuo. 120. Bvrgos, Actorum Eruditorum quae Lipsire publican1578. tur, nec non Supplementorum. 6 v. Sm. 40. ACOSTA, (Jose d'.) Naturall and Morall His- Lipsire, 1693-1745. toie of the East and West Indies. Translated ACTA ToMICIANA-Epistole, Legationes, Refrom the Spanish. Small 40. London, 1604. sponsa, Actiones et Res Gestae Sigismundi ACRELIUS, (Israel.) New Sweden; or, the I. Regis Polonie. Per S. Gorski collecte et Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. 80. in tomos 27 digeste. V. 1-8, A. D. 1507New York, 1841. (New York Hist. Coil., 1526. 6 v. Folio. Posnanie, 1852-57. v. 1. Second series.) (V. 7 wanting.) ACROPOLITA, (Georgius.) Annales. Gr. et ACTA TRACTATUUM Praeliminarium circa Neo Lat. 80. Bonnae, 1836. (Byzantinse Hist. gotium Pacis Generalis inter S. S. Cres. Corpus, v. 26.) Majest. et Confcederatos ex una, ac Regem ACT (1 and 2 Victoria, c. 110,) for Abolishing et Regna Galliue et Sveciem, eorundemque Arrest on Mesne Process in Civil Actions; Confcederatos, ex altera parte sanciendae. for Extending Remedies of Creditors against 180. Irenopoli, 1643. the Property of Debtors, &c. 12mo. Lon- ACTES ET MtMOIRES concernant les N6gociadon, 1838. tions qui out eu lieu entre la France et les ACT for Repealing the Duties on Tobacco and ltats-Unis de l'Am6rique, depuis 1793 jusq'd Snuff, and for granting new duties in lieu la conclusion de la convention du 30 Septhereof. Folio. London, 1789.-Act for tembre, 1800. 3 v. 120. London, 1807. Regulating the Importation and Exportation ACTON, (Eliza.) English Bread-Book for doof Corn. Folio. London, 1791. mestic use; containing practical receipts for ACT for Repealing the Stamp Duties on Deeds, many varieties of bread; with notices of Law Proceedings, and other written or adulteration, and its consequences; and of printed instruments, and the duties on fire improved baking processes abroad. 16~. insurances, and on legacies and succeisions London, 1857. to personal estate upon intestacies now pay- - Modern Cookery, in all its branches, able in Great Britain, and for granting other reduced to a sytenf of easy practice, for the duties in lieu thereof. (July 11, 1815.) 8vo. use of private families. 10th ed. 160. Edinburgh, 1815. London, 1850. 2 10 ACTON. ADAM. ACTON, (Thomas Harman.) Reports of Cases Official Documents. 2 v. 80. London, argued and determined before the Lords 1845. Commissioners of Appeals in Prize Causes. ADALBERT, (Heinrich Wilhelm, Prince of Also on Appeal to the King's most Excellent Prussia.) Travels in the South of Europe Majesty in Council, 1809 to 1811. 80. and in Brazil, with a voyage up the Amazon London, 1812. and the Xingu. Translated by Sir Robert ACTON, (William.) Functions and Disorders H. Schomburgk and John E. Taylor. 2 v. of the Reproductive Organs in Youth, in 80. London, 1849. adult age, and in advanced life; considered ADAM, (Alexander.) Classical Biography. 2d in their physiological, social, and psycho- ed. 8~. London, 1802. logical relations. 80. London, 1857. Compendious Dictionary of the Latin Practical Treatise on the Diseases of Tongue. 2d ed. With an English and the Urinary and Generative Organs, in both Latin Dictionary. 80. Edinburgh, 1814. sexes. 2d ed. 80. London, 1851. Roman Antiquities; or, an Account of Prostitution, considered in its moral, of the Manners and Customs of the Romans. social, and sanitary aspects, in London and Revised: with notes and additions, by P. other large cities; with proposals for the Wilson. 80. New-York, 1819. mitigation and prevention of its attendant ~ The same; with notes, indices, &c., evils. 8~. London, 1857. by James Boyd. 2d ed. 120. London, ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. SS. Apostolorum 1839. Acta et Epistolme JEthiopicee. Small 40. ADAM, (Murimuthensis.) Chronica Sui TemLondini, 1837. poris. Nunc primum per decem annos aucta, ~ — Acts of the Apostles, in the Mood lan- (M.ccc.III.-M.CCC.XLVI.) cum eorundem guage. 120. Bombay, 1847. Continuatione (ad M.CCC.LXXX.) a quodam ACUNA, (Cristoval d'.) Relation de la Rividre anonymo. Edidit et recensuit Thomas Hog. des Amazones. Tradvite sur l'original Es- 80. Londini, 1846. (Eng. Hist. Society.) pagnol, par feu Mr. de Gomberville; avec ADAM, (Rev. Robert.) Religious World Disune dissertation sur la Riviere des Amazones, played; or, a view of the four grand systems pour servir de preface. 2 v. in 1. 180. of religion, Judaism, Paganism, ChristianParis, 1682. ity, and Mohammedism; and of the various Relation of the Great River of Amazons existing denominations, sects, and parties, in South America. 180. London, 1698. in the Christian world. 3 v. 80. Phila(Voyages in South America.) delphia, 1818. - Discovery of the River Amazons. 1639. ADAM, (Robert, Architect.) Ruins of the Pal80. London, 1859. (Hakluyt Society, v. 24.) ace of the Emperor Diocletian, at Spalatro, ADA; a Tale, by Janvier. 120. Philadelphia, in Dalmatia. Folio. London, 1764. 1852. ADAM, (Thomas.) Exposition of the Four ADAIR, (James.) History of the American Gospels, of which those by St. Mark, St. Indians; particularly those nations adjoin- Luke, and St. John have never before been ing to the Mississippi, East and West Flor- published. With a memoir of the author, ida, Georgia, South and North Carolina, and by A. Westoby. 2 v. 80. London, 1837. Virginia. 40. London, 1775. ADAM, (William.) Blair-Adam Garden. 80. ADAIR, (James Makittrick.) Philosophical Edinburgh, 1834. and Medical Sketch of the Natural History ~ Law and Custom of Slavery in British of the Human Body and Mind. 80. Bath, India. In a series of letters to Thomas F. 1787. Buxton. 120. London, 1840. --- Unanswerable Arguments against the ADAM, (W. J.) Journal of Voyages to MarAbolition of the Slave Trade. 80. London, guaritta, Trinidad, and Maturin, with travels 1790. across the Llaneros and descent of the Ori---- The same. (Slavery Pam., v. 2.) noco, in 1819-20; comprising interviews ADAIR, (Sir Robert.) Historical Memoir of a with Bolivar, and characteristic anecdotes. Mission to the Court of Vienna, in 1806; 80. Dublin, 1824. with a Selection from his Despatches. 80. ADAM, (W. P.) Thoughts on the Policy of London, 1844. Retaliation, and its probable effect on the ----- Negotiations for the Peace of the Dar- consumer, producer, and ship-owner. 120. danelles, in 1808-'9; with Despatches and London, 1852. 11 ADAMS. ADAMS. ADAMS, (Abigail.) Journal and Correspond- Philosophy. 2d ed., with corrections and ence of Miss Adams, daughter of John additions, by William Jones. With plates, Adams, second President of the United and index. 5 v. 80. London, 1799. States; written in France and England, in - Micographia Illustrata; or, the Micro1785. Edited by her daughter. 2 v. 12~. scope Explained, &c. Likewise, a Natural New-York, 1841-42. History of Aerial, Terrestial, and Aquatic ADAMS, (Amos.) Concise Historical View of Animals, &c.. 4th ed. 8~. London, 1771. the Difficulties, Hardships, and Perils which ADAMS, (Hannah.) Dictionary of all Reliattended the planting and progressive im- gions and Religious Denominations. 80. provements of New England; with a partic- Boston, 1817. ular account of its long and destructive ADAMS, (Jasper.) Elements of Moral Philoswars, expensive expeditions, &c. 120. ophy. 8~. Cambridge, (Mass.,) 1837. London, 1770. ADAMS, (Rev. John.) Elegant Anecdotes and ADAMS, (Arthur.) Zoology of the Voyage of Bon-Mots of the greatest princes, politicians, H. M. S. Samarang, under the command of philosophers, orators, and wits of modern Sir Edward Belcher, during the years 1843- times. 2 v. 16~. London, 1792-4. 1846. By John Edward Gray, Sir John ADAMS, (John, Esq.) Answer to Paine's Richardson, Arthur Adams, Lovell Reeve, Rights of Man. 80. London, 1793. (Misc. and Adam White. 4~. London, 1850. Pam., v. 27.) BAIKIE, (W. B.;) and BARRON, ADAMS, (Dr. John.) Anatomy and Diseases (Charles.) Manual of Natural History, for of the Prostate Gland. 2d ed. 80. Lonthe use of travellers. Being a description of don, 1853. the families of the animal and vegetable ADAMS, (John, Barrister.) Treatise on the kingdoms; with remarks on the practical Principles and Practice of the Action of study of geology and meteorology. 120. Ejectment, and the Resulting Action of London, 1844. Mesne Profits. With references to AmeriADAMS, (Charles.) Words that Shook the can decisions, by Philo Ruggles. 80. New World; or, Martin Luther his Own Biogra- York, 1821. pher. 120. New-York, 1858. The same. With notes of the decisions ADAMS, (Charles B.) First, Second, Third, made by the Supreme and Circuit Courts of and Fourth Annual Reports on the Geology the United States, and by the Courts of the of the State of Vermont. 80. Burlington, several States, by John T. Tillinghast. 80. (Vt.,) 1845. Albany, 1830. ADAMS, (Edwin.) Geographical Word-Expos- The same. With annotations and refitor; or, names and terms occurring in the erences to more recent American decisions, science of geography, etymologically and by Thomas W. Clerke. Collated with the otherwise explained. 2d ed. 120. London, latest London edition, corrected by the author. 1856. With additional notes of decisions in the ADAMS, (F. C.) Manuel Pereira; or, the sov- Courts of the several United States to the ereign rule of South Carolina; with views of present time, by William Hogan. 80. New southern laws, life, and hospitality. 120. York, 1846. Washington, 1853. ~ The same. With copious notes and - he same. 120. London, 1854. references to the American and English ADAMS, (George.) Astronomical and Geo- decisions, by J. L. Tillinghast, T. W. Clerke, graphical Essays; with the use of the and W. Hogan. 4th ed. With additional globes, planetarium, tellurian, and lunarium. notes to the present time, by T. W. Waterman. 6th ed., corrected and enlarged, by W. Jones. 80. New York, 1854. 80. London, 1812. Doctrine of Equity; being a commen--- Essay on Vision; intended for those tary on the law as administered by the Court whose eyes arc impaired. 2d ed. 80. Lon- of Chancery. 2d Am. ed. With notes and don, 1792. references to the latest American chancery Geometrical and Graphical Essays; decisions, by J. R. Ludlow and J. M. Collins. with problems. 4th ed., corrected and en- 80. Philadelphia, 1852. larged, by W. Jones; with plates. 2v. 80. ~ The same. 3d Am. ed. With the notes London, 1813. and references to the previous edition of J. Lectures on Natural and Experimental R. Ludlow and J. M. Collins; and addi 12 ADAMS. ADAMS. tional notes and references to the recent points of controversy between Great Britain English and American decisions, by Henry and her colonies. With Letters lately writWharton. 8~. Philadelphia, 1855. ten by President Adams to Win. Tudor. 8~. ADAMS, (John, Barrister.) The same. 4th Boston, 1819. Am. ed. 80. Philadelphia, 1859. (2 copies.) ADAMS, (Mrs. John.) Letters. With Memoir ADAMS, (President John.) Works; with a by her grandson, Charles Francis Adams. Life of the Author, notes and illustrations, 2d ed. 2 v. 19~. Boston, 1840. by his grandson, Charles Francis Adams. - - The same. 4th ed. With the Letters 10 v. 80. Boston, 1856. (7 copies.) addressed by John Quincy Adams to his Son on the Study of the Bible. 120. Boston, CONTENTS. 1848. Autobiography, v. 2-3. ADAMS, (John Quincy.) Duplicate Letters, Constitution of the U. S., Defence of, 1778, v. 4-5. Constitution of the U. S., Three Letters on, v. 6. the Fisheries and the Mississippi.-DocnCorrespondence, General, v. 9-10. ments relating to transactions at the NegotiaDavila, Discourses on, v. 6. Debates in the Continental Congress, 1775-6, v. 2. tion of Ghent. 80. Washington, 1822. Diary, v. 2-3. Extrct from Address on Texas, in Dissertation on Canon and the Feudal Law, v. 3. Extract from Adess on T as, in Essays, v. 3. English, French, and Spanish. 80. WashGovernment, Four Letters on, v. 6. Government, Thoughts on, v. 4. ington, 1842. (Misc. Pam., v. 19.) Instruction of the town of Braintree to their Rep- - Jubilee of the Constitution; a discourse resentative, 1765, v. 3. Instruction of the town of Boston to their Repre- delivered before the New-York Historical sentatives, 1768-9, v. 3. Judiciary, On the Independence of; a controversy Society, in the City of New-York, the 30th of between W. Brattle and J. Adams, 1773, v. 3. April, 1839, being the 50th anniversary of the Letters to John Taylor, of Caroline, (Va.,) in reply to strictures on the Defense, v. 6. inauguration of George Washington as Life, by C. F. Adams, v. 1. President of the United States. 80. New Notes on Debates in Senate of U. S., v. 3. Novanglus: a History of the Dispute with America, York, 1839. fron 1754, v. 4. Lectures on Rhetoric and Oratory. 2 v. Official Letters, Messages, and Public Papers, v. 7-9. 80. Cambridge, (Ms.,) 1810. Report of a Constitution for Massachusetts, 1779, v. 4. Letters from Silesia, written during a Review of Mr. Hillhouse's Propositions for Amend- tour through that country in the years 1800, ing the Constitution, v. 6. 1801. 80. London, 1804. ~- - Collection of State Papers, relative to ~ Letters on the Masonic Institution. 80. the first Acknowledgment of the Sovereignty Boston, 1847. of the United States of America, and the Re- Letters addressed to his Son on the ception of their Minister Plenipotentiary by study of the Bible. (In appendix to Mrs. the States-General of the United Netherlands. Adams' Letters.) Likewise, an Essay on Canon and Feudal Lives of James Madison and James Law. 80. London, 1782. Monroe; with historical notices of their Correspondence on the British Doctrine administrations. 120. Buffalo, (N. Y.,) of Impressment. 80. Baltimore, 1809. (Pol. 1850. Pam., v 109.) New England Confederacy of 1643. -- Defence of the Constitutions of Govern- 80. Boston, 1846. (Mass. Hist. Coll., v. 9. ment of the United States of America. 2 v. Third series.) 80. London, 1787. Oration on the Life and Character of ~ — History of the Dispute with America, Gilbert Motier de Lafayette. 80. Washfrom its origin in 1754. 80. London, 1784. ington, 1835. ~ — Letters, addressed to his Wife. Edited Poems of Religion and Society; with by his grandson, Charles Francis Adams. notices of his life and character, by John 2 v. 160. Boston, 1841. Davis and Thos. H. Benton. 180. Auburn, Thoughts on Government, applicable (N. Y.,) 1854. to the present state of American Colonies. - Speech on Removal of the Deposits. 160. Philadelphia, 1776. (Pol. Pam., v. 16.) (Suppressed by thePrevious Question.) 8~. ~- -and ADAMS, (Samuel.) Correspondence Washington, 1834. (Pol. Pam., v. 117.) on the subject of Government. 80. Boston, Vindication of his Oration. 80. Con1802. (Pol. Pam., v. 102.) cord, (N. H.,) 1821. - and LEONARD, (Daniel.) Novanglus - Sketch of his Life; to which is and Massachusettensis; or, Political Essays, added, Letters of Tell. 80. Washington, in the years 1774 and 1775, on the principal 1824. (Pol. Pain., v. 109.) 13 ADAMS. ADDISON. ADAMS, (John S.) Answers to Objections riages; their origin, history, varieties, mateagainst Spiritual Intercourse. 12~. New rials, construction, defects, improvements, York, 1853. and capabilities. With an analysis of the Rivulet from the Ocean of Truth. 80. construction of common roads and railroads, Boston, 1854. and the public vehicles used on them. 80. Spirit Manifestations. Review of Rev. London, 1837. Charles Beecher. 12~. New York, 1853. ADAMSON, (John.) Memoirs of the Life and Town and Country; or, life at home and writings of Luis de Camoens. 2 v. 8~. abroad, without and within us. 120. Bos- London, 1820. ton, 1855. ADANSON, (Michel.) Families des Plantes. ADAMS, (Joseph.) Memoirs of the Life and 2 v. 8. Paris, 1763. Doctrines of the late John Hunter, Founder - Histoire Naturelle du S6n6gal-Coquilof the Hunterian Museum, at the Royal lages; avec la Relation abr6ge d'un Voyage College of Surgeons in London. 8~. Lon- fait en ce pays pendant les ann6es 1749-'53. don, 1817. 40. Paris, 1757. Observations on Morbid Poisons, Chronic Voyage to Senegal, Island of Goree, and Acute. 2d ed. 4~. London, 1807. and River Gambia. (Pinkerton's Voyages, Popular View of Vaccine Inoculation. v. 16.) 18~. London, 1807. (Bound with Aikin ADDAMS, (Jesse.) Reports of Cases in the on Cow Pox.) Ecclesiastical Courts, 1822 to 1825. 2 v. ADAMS, (Nathaniel.) Annals of Portsmouth, 80. London, 1823-25. New Hampshire. 80. Portsmouth, 1825. The same. 1825 and 1826. V. 3, part ADAMS, (Nehemiah.) Christ a Friend. Thir- 1. 80. London, 1826. (2 copies.) teen discourses. 80. Boston, 1855. ADDISON, (Alexander.) Reports of Cases in Communion Sabbath. 80. Boston, the County Courts of the Fifth Circuit, and in 1856. the High Court of Errors and Appeals, 1791 Friends of Christ in the New Testament. to1799. 80. Washington, 1800. (2 copies.) Thirteen discourses. 80. Boston, 1853. - Trial of Alexander Addison, PresiSermon on the death of Daniel Webster. dent of the Courts of Common Pleas, in the 80. Boston, 1852. Circuit consisting of the Counties of WestSouth-Side View of Slavery; or, three moreland, Fayette, Washington, and Allemonths at the Southin 1854. 120. Boston, ghany, on an Impeachment, by the House 1854. of Representatives, before the Senate of the ADAMS, (Robert.) Narrative of R. A., a Sailor, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Taken in who was wrecked on the Western Coast of short-hand by Thomas Lloyd. 2d ed., with Africa in 1810, was detained three years in additions. 80. Lancaster, (Pa.,) 1803. slavery by the Arabs of the Great Desert, ADDISON, (C. G.) The Knights Templar. and resided several months in Tombuctoo. 3d ed. 80. London, 1852. By S. Cock. 40. London, 1816. ~ Treatise on the Law of Contracts, and ADAMS, (Robert, M.D.) Treatise on Rheumatic Rights and Liabilities Ex-Contractu. 2d Gout, or Chronic Rheumatic Arthritis of all ed. 80. 2 v. London, 1849. the Joints. Illustrated by wood-cuts and an The same. 2d American from the 4th Atlas of plates. 80. Atlas, folio. Dublin, English edition; with notes and reference. 1857. to American decisions, by Edward Ingersoll. ADAMS, (Thomas F.) Typographia. A brief 80. Philadelphia, 1857. (2 copies.) sketch of the origin, rise, and progress of the The same. 5th ed. 80. London, 1862. Typographic Art. 120. Philadelphia, 1847. Wrongs and their Remedies; being a ADAMS, (W.) Bridges, Roads, and Rails, and treatise on the Law of Torts. 80. London, their sequences, physical and moral. 120. 1860. London, 1862. ADDISON, (Joseph.) Works: with notes, by ADAMS, (William.) Cheerful Temper; a dis- Richard Hurd. 6 v. 80. London, 1811. course. 120. New York, 1859. CONTENTS. Three Gardens-Eden, Gethsemane, and Cato; a Tragedy, v. 1. Paradise; or, man's ruin, redemption, and Dialogues on Medals, v. 1. Drummer; a Comedy, v. 6. restoration. 120. New-York, 1856. Freeholder, v. 6. ADAMS, (William B.) English Pleasure Car- Guardian, v. 5. Lover, The, v. 5. 14 ADDISON. ADHIiMAR. ADDISON, (Joseph.) Works-continued. who are confined in the Mason's Lodge by Poems, v. 1. virtue of a general warrant. 8~. PhiladelPresent State of the War, v. 5. Remarks on Italy, &c., v. 2. phia, 1777. (Col. Pam., v. 17.) Spectator, v. 3.5. ADDRESS to the Landed, Trading and Funded Tatler, v. 2. Whig-Examiner, v. 5. Interests of England on state of Public Freeholder; or, political essays. 16~. Affairs. 80. London, 1786. (Pol. Pam., London, 1751. v. 29.) Poems. 160. London, 1790. (John- ADDRESS to the people of America, on the son's Eng. Poets, v. 30.) Prospect of War with France; recommended The same. 80. London, 1810. (Chal- to the perusal of the people of Great Britain, mer's Eng. Poets, v. 9.) by a true friend to his country. 80. London, The same. 16~. Chiswick, 1822. (Brit. 1798. Poets, v. 26.) ADDRESS to People of Great Britain on abRemarks on several parts of Italy, in staining from West India Sugar and Rum. the years 1701-1703. 80. London, 1705. 12~. London, 1791. Sir Rogerde Coverly. By The Spectator. ADDRESS to the Representatives in Parliament The notes and illustrations by W. Henry upon the State of the Nation. 8~. London, Wills; the engravings by Thompson, from de- 1779. signs by Fred. Taylor. 12~. London, 1850. ADDRESS to a Young Student on his entrance Truth of the Christian Religion. 80. into College. 240. Oxford, 1829. London, 1785. (Watson's Theol. Tracts, ADDRESSES of the Philadelphia Society for the v. 5.) Promotion of National Industry. 120. PhilADDISON, (Lancelot.) Account of West Bar- adelphia, 1819. bary. (Pinkerton's Voyages, v. 15. ) ADELMANN, (G. F. B.) Untersuchungen ADDRESS and Recommendations to the States, tiber Krankhafte zustande der Oberkieferby the United States in Congress assembled. hohle. 40. Dorpat, 1844. 80. Philadelphia, 1783. ADELUNG, (Johann Christoph.) Historical The same. 40. Hartford, 1783. Sketch of Sanscrit Literature; with copious ADDRESS, Resolutions, and Questions, to the bibliographical notices of Sanscrit works English Roman Catholics, by the Protestant and translations. Translated from the GerUnion. 80. London, 1813. (Theol. Pam., man. 80. Oxford, 1832. v. 14.) ~ Mithridates, oder allgemeine SprachenADDRESS to the House of Representatives of kunde, mit dem Vater Unser als SprachUnited States, on Lord Grenville's Treaty. probe in beynahe fiinf hundert sprachen 80. Philadelphia, 1796. (Misc. Pam., v. 1.) und mundarten. 4 v. 8. Berlin, 106. ADDRESS to the Freeholders of West-Chester ADET, (Pierre Auguste.) Le9ons E16menCo., N. Y., recommending S. Van Rensselaer taires de Chimie. 120. Paris, 1804. as Governor, and J. Watson as Lieutenant ADHEMAR, (Joseph Alphonse.) Traite de Governor. 80. New York, 1801. (Pol. Charpente. 2e 6d. 80. Atlas, folio. Paris, Pam., v. 101.) 1854. ADDRESS at Havre de Grace, on a Pamphlet Trait6 de la Coupe des Pierres. 4e denouncing June 4, 1812, as the day of Awful 6d. 80. Atlas, folio. Paris, 1853. Visitation of theAlmighty. 80. Baltimore, Traite de G6om6trie, de l'espace et 1812. (Pol. Pam., v. 110.) plane, avec planches. 3 v. in2. 80. Paris, ADDRESS of the Democratic Republican Com- 1843-44. mittee of New Castle County, Delaware. 80. - Trait6 de Geom6trie Descriptive. 3e (n. p., 1803.) (Pol. Pam., v. 104.) 6d. 8~. Atlas, folio. Paris, 1846. ADDRESS of the Society of Constitutional Supplement au Traite de Gdom6trie Republicans of Philadelphia to Republicans Descriptive, contenant exercises, revolutions of Pennsylvania. 80. Philadelphia, 1805. de la mer, et perspective des objets 6loignes. (Pol. Pam., v. 103.) 4 v. in 1. 80. Atlas, folio. Paris, 1846-52. ADDRESS on the Relations of the United States ~ Traite de Perspective. 2e 6dition, corto France by anticipation. 80. New York, rigeeet augmentee. 8o. Atlas, folio. Paris, 1803. (Pol. Pam., v. 104.) 1846. ADDRESS to the Inhabitants of Pennsylvania Traite des Ombres. 2e edition, revue by those Freemen of City of Philadelphia etaugmentee. 80. Atlas, folio. Paris, 1852. ADLER. 2ESCHINES. ADLER, (G. J.) Dictionary of the German of Cases in the Court of King's Bench, 1834 and English Languages, compiled from the to 1841. 12 v. 80. London, 1835-42. (2 works of Hilpert, Fligel, Grieb, Heyse, and copies.) others. 4th ed. 80. New-York, 1853. The same. New series, 1841 to 1852. Practical Grammar of the Latin Lan- 18 v. 80. London, 1843-56. (2copies.) guage; with perpetual exercises in speaking ADORNO, (Juan Nepomuceno.) Introduction and writing. 120. Boston, 1858. to the Harmony of the Universe; or, prinKey to the Exercises in Adler's Prac- ciples of Physico-Harmonic Geometry. 8~. tical Grammar. 120. Boston, 1858. London, 1851. - Notes on the Agamemnon of _Eschylus. ADSHEAD, (Joseph.) Prisons and Prisoners. 80. Chambersburg, (Pa.,) 1861. 80. London, 1845. ADLUM, (John.) Memoir of the Cultivation ADVENTURER, The. By Hawksworth, Baof the Vine in America, and the best mode thurst, Johnson, etc. 3 v. 160. London, of making wine. 160. Washington, 1823. 1823. (British Essayists, v. 19-21.) ADMINISTRATION and the Opposition, ad- ADVENTURES in Borneo. 120. London, 1849. dressed to citizens of New Hampshire. 80. ADVENTURES of Hunters and Travellers, and Concord, (N. H.,) 1826. Narratives of Border Warfare. 120. PhilADMINISTRATION of Affairs of Great Britain, adelphia, 1852. Ireland, and their Dependencies at the com- ADVICE on Diet and Regimen. By a Physimencement of 1823, stated and explained. cian. 80. London, (n. d.) (Pol. Pam., v. 3ded. 80. London, 1823. (Pol. Pam., v. 68.) 67.) ADVICE to Solicitors on the Passing of Private ADMIRALTY Administration; its faults and Bills through Parliament; with the Standdefaults. 2d edition, revised, (with a post- ing Orders and Table of Fees. 80. Loncript.) 80. London, 1861. don, 1826. ADMIRALTY, The. Laws, Ordinances, and ADVOCATES' Library, (Edinburgh.) CataInstitutions of the Admiralty of Great Bri- logue of Law Books. 80. Edinburgh, 1831. tain, Civil and Military. 2 v. 80. Lon- ADYE, (John.) Defence of Cawnpore by the don, 1746. Troops under the Orders of Major-General ADO. Martyrologium, ab Heriberto Rosweido; Charles A. Windham, in November, 1857. opera et studio Dominici Georgii. Accessere 80. London, 1858. Martyrologia et Kalendaria aliquot ex Vati- Review of the Crimean War, to the cana eruta. Folio. Romae, 1745. winter of 1854-55. 80. London, 1860. ADOLPHUS, (John.) History of England, ADYE, (Ralph Willett.) Bombardier, and from the Accession to the Decease of King Pocket Gunner. 160. Boston, 1804. George the Third. 7 v. 80. London, ADYE, (Stephen Payne.) Treatise on Courts 1840-45. Martial. Also, an Essay on Military Pun- History of France, from the year 1790 ishments and Rewards. 8th ed. 120. Lonto the Peace concluded at Amiens in 1802. don, 1810. (2 copies.) 2 v. 80. London, 1803. JELIANUS, (Claudius.) Varise Historie libri. -~. Memoirs of John Bannister, Comedian. XIV. Item, Rerumpublicarum Descriptiones 2 v. 80. London, 1839. ex Heraclide; cum Latina interpretatione Political State of the British Empire; Justi Vvlteij Wetterani, vtrique d regione containing a general view of the domestic accommodata, et ad Graecum exemplar and foreign possessions of the crown; the multo quAm antehac emendatius, nunc laws, commerce, revenues, offices, and other denuo quam diligentissim6 recognita. 320. establishments, civil and military. 4 v. 80. Lvgdvni, 1587. London, 1818. Varia Historia, ad MS. codices nunc ADOLPHUS, (John Leycester.) Letters to primum recognita et castigata; cum versione Richard Heber; containing critical remarks Justi Vulteji, sed innumeris in locis ad on the series of Novels, beginning with Grsecum auctoris contextum emendata, et "Waverley," and an attempt to ascertain perpetuo commentario Jacobi Perizonii. their author. 80. London, 1821. 2 v. 80. Lugduni in Batavis, 1701. Letters from Spain in 1856 and 1857. ZESCHINES. Epistolse ut circumferuntur duo120. London, 1858. decim, Grrece, quas i recensione Jo. Taylori, -and ELLIS, (Thomas Plower.) Reports cum ejusdem et variorum notulis, a prima 16 ~ESCHINES. AGASSIZ. AldiManutii Venetiis 1499 impressa editione, ic, Greece, et Latin6; edidit A. Alsop. 12~. edidit Johann Samuel Sammet. Accessit Oxonice, 1698. l2schinis Socratici epistola. 8~. Lipsire, - Fables of 2Esop and other eminent 1771. mythologists; with morals and reflections. AESCHINES. Orationes; (Grsece.) 80. Lon- By Sir Roger L'Estrange. 2 v. in 1. Small dini, 1828. (Oratores Attici, v. 12.) folio. London, 1692-99. The same. (LatinS.) (Oratores Attici, - Select Fables of JEsop and other Fabuv. 16.) lists. 160. Birmingham, 1761. Orations of Asschines and Demosthenes - - Fables. With a life of the author. on the Crown. In Greek. With modern 2 v. in 1. 8~. London, 1793. Greek prolegomena, and English notes, by -- Select Fables of ZEsop and other fabuAlexander Negris. 80. Boston, 1829. lists, by R. Dodsley. 160. London, 1809. In Ctesiphontem Oratio. Graece et - Fables of _Esop, and others. With Latind. 120. Glasgue, 1779. designs on wood, by Thomas Bewick. 2d,ESCHINES Socraticus. Dialogi Tres; Gr. et edition. 80. Newcastle, 1823. Lat., vertit et notis illustravit J. Clericus. -- Fables. A new version, by T. James; 80. Amstelodami, 1711. with illustrations, by J. Tenniel. 80. New 2AlSCHYLUS. TragcediEe qume extant septem. York, 1848. Grece et LatinS. Cum Versione Latina, et -- Fables. Avec celles de Philelphe. lectionibus variantibus. Small 40. Glas- Traduction nouvelle, par M. de Bellegarde. gum, 1746. 2 v. 16~. Amsterdam, 1708. Tragoedime quee supersunt, ac deperdi- - - Fables. Mises en Francois, avec le tarum fragmenta. Graece. Recensuit Chris- sens moral, en quatre vers, et des figures A tian. Godofr. Schiitz. 5 v. 80. Hale, chaque fable. Nouvelle 6dition, revue, cor1799-1821. rig6e, et augmentee de la vie d'Esope ecrite en Tragoedime. Greece. Recensuit Godo- Grec par Planudes le Grand, avec figures et fredus Hermannus. 2 v. 80. Lipsie, 1852.. les quatrains de Benserade. 160. Rouen, Tragoediae. Ex editione Stanlii LatinB 1768. redditre et ad editionem Greecam Schutzii AFFECTIONATE address to inhabitants of the accommodatse. 80. Oxonii, 1819. British Colonies in America. By a Lover Tragoedie et Fragmenta. Gr. et Lat. and Friend of Mankind. 80. (n. p.,) 1776. 80. Paris, 1846. (Didot, Bibiioth. Gr. v. 1.) (Col. Pam., v. 15.) Tragedies. Translated by R. Potter. AFFIDAVITS and Depositions Relative to the 2d edition. 2 v. 80. London, 1779. Commencement of Hostilities at Concord CONTENTS. and Lexington, April 19, 1775. 80. (n. p.,) Agamemnon, v. 2. 1775. (Col. Pam., v. 13.) Choephorxe, The, v. 2. AFRICA. Colonization of the Western Coast Furies, The, v. 2. Persians, The, v. 2. of Africa by Free Negroes of United States. Prometheus Chained, v. 1. Seven Chiiefs against Thebes, v. l 8~. New York, 1850. (Misc. Pamp., v. 2.) Supplicants, The, v. 1. - Report of the Naval Committee to S-even Tragedies. Literally translated House of Representatives, July, 1850, in into English prose, from the text of Bloom- favor of a line of mail steamships to Western field and Schutz. 80. Oxford, 1822. Coast of Africa, &c. 80. Washington, - Tragedies. Literally translated by 1850. (Misc. Pam., v. 2.) T.A. Buckley. 120. London, 1849. (Bohn's -- Map of Africa. Published by H. S. Class. Lib'y, v. 1.) Tanner. Philadelphia, 1824. _ Agamemnon. Translated from the AGASSIZ, (Louis.) Bibliographia Zoologire Greek, by H. S. Boyd. 80. London, 1823 et Geologie; a general catalogue of all - Agamemnon. Translated by John books, tracts, and memoirs on zoology and S. Harford, with a dissertation on Greek geology. Corrected, enlarged, and edited tragedy. 80. London, 1831. by H. E. Strickland and Sir William Jar- Prometheus Vinctus. In the original. dine. Printed for the Ray Society. 4 v. To which is subjoined a Greek ordo, a 8~. London, 1848-54. literal prose translation, and notes. 8. ---- Classification of Insects from embryoLondon, 1822. logical data. 40. Washington, 1851, (SmithJEsoP. Fabularum Delectus: Hebraicc, Arab- sonian Contributions to Knowledgej v. 2.) 17 AGASSIZ. AGUILAR. AGASSIZ. (Louis.) Contributions to the Natural AGINCOURT. See SEROUX D'Agincourt. History of the United States of America. AGNEL, (H. R.) Book of Chess; containing V. 1-4. 4~. Boston, 1857-62. the rudiments of the game, and analyses CONTENTS. of the most popular openings, from the best V. 1-2. Essay on Classification. sources. 120. New-York, 1858. North American Testudinata. AGNEW, (D. Hayes.) Practical Anatomy. Embryology of the Turtle. A n V. 3. Acalephs in general. A new arrangement of the London Dissector. Ctenophore. 120. Philadelphia, 1856. V. 4. Discophora. IHydroidc. AGNEri, (H. C.) Letter fiom Alexandria, on Homrologies of the Iadiata. the evidence of the practical application of -- Description des fchinodermes Fossiles the Quadrature of the Circle, in the configurde la Suisse. 2 v. in 1. 4~. Neuchatel, ation of the great Pyramids of Gizeh. 4~. 1839-40. London, 1838. - - Etudes Critiques sur les Mollusques AGNEW, (John Holmes.) Manual on the Fossiles. 4~. Neuchatel, 1840. Christian Sabbath. With introductory essay, - - Journey to Switzerland, and pedestrian by S. Miller. 16~. Philadelphia, 1852. tours in that country; including a sketch of AGRESTI, (Michel.) Id6es sur le Perfectionits history, and of the manners and customs nement de la Legislation Positive. 4~. of its inhabitants. 80. London, 1833. Paris, 1804. - Lake Superior; its physical character, AGRICOLA, (Georg.) Opera de l'Arte de Mevegetation, and animals, compared with talli; e de gl'Animali di Sotto Terra. Trathose of other and similar regions. With a dotti in lingua Toscano da M. Michelangelo narrative of the tour, by J. Eliot Cabot; Florio Fiorentino. Folio. Basilea, 1563. and contributions by other scientific gentle- AGRICULTURAL Pamphlets. Various authors. men. 80. Boston, 1850. 1 v. 80. 1798-1808. -- Memoire sur les Moules de Mollusques, AGRICULTURAL Society of England, Royal, vivans et fossiles.-Premiere partie; Moules Journal of. Vols. 1-24. 8~. London, d'Acephales Vivans. 40. Neuchatel, 1839. 1840-1863. -- Monographies d'Echinodermes, Vivans AGRICULTURE, Journal of. May, 1828, to et Fossiles. 40. Neuchatel, 1838. March, 1863. V. 1-23. 80. Edinburgh, - Nomenclator Zoologicus, continens 1828-63. nomina systematica generum animalium AGRICULTURE. Report from Select Comtam viventiumn qutm fossilium. 2 v. in 1. mittee of House of Commons on Depressed 40. Soloduri, 1842-46. State of Agriculture. 80. London, 1821. - Recherches sur les Poissons Fossiles. (Pol. Pam., v. 66.) 5 v. in 2. 40. Atlas: 5 v. in 2. Folio. AGRIPPA, (Henricus Cornelius.) Opera, in Neuchatel, 1833-43. duos tomos concinne digesta. 2 v. 120. and GOULD, (A. A.) Outlines of Com- Lugduni, 1531. parative Physiology; touching the develop- -- Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy. ment of the races of animals, living and Translated into English by R. Turner. extinct. 120. London, 1855. Small 40. London, 1655. AGATHIAS. Historiarumn Libri V. cum ver- Philosophie Occulte. Traduite du sione Latina et annotationibus B. Vulcanii. Latin, par Levasseur. 2 v. 120. La B. G. Niebuhrius Grreca Recensuit. 80. Haye, 1727. Bonnae, 1828. (Byzantine Hist. Corpus., -- Vanity of Arts and Sciences. Transv. 1.) lated fiom the Latin. 120. London, 1676. AGE Reviewed; a satire, in two parts. Also, AGUEROS, (Pedro Gonzalez d'.) Descripcion The Runaways. A political dialogue. 80. Historial de la Provincia y Archipielago de London, 1827. Chil6e, en el Reyno de Chile, y Obispado AGG, (John.) History of Congress; exhibit- de la Concepcion. 40. Madrid, 1791. ing a classification of the proceedings of the AGUESSEAU. See D'AGUESSEAU. Senate and the House of Representatives. AGUILAR, (Grace.) Days of Bruce. 160. V. 1. From March 4, 1789, to March 3, London, 1851. 1793; embracing the first term of the admin- Essays and Miscellanies. Selected by istration of Washington. (No more pub- her mother, Sarah Aguilar. 120. Philadellislhd.) 8~. Phl hiadelphia, 1834. phi, 1853. 9S 18 AGUILAR. AINSWORTH. AGUILAR, (Grace.) Home Influence. 160. plement, by R. H. Evans. 12~. London, London, 1851. 1810. Mother's Recompense. 16~. London, Select Works of the British Poets; 1] 52. with biographical and critical prefaces. New Vale of Cedars. 16~. London, 1852. edition, with a supplement, by Lucy Aikin. Woman's Friendship. 16~. London, 80. London, 1852. 1852. ATKIN, (John,) and BARBAULD, (A. L.) EvenWomen of Israel; or, characters and ings at Home. 16~. London, 1847. sketches from the Holy Scriptures and Jewish AIKIN, (John,) and others. General Biography; history; illustrative of the past history, lives, critical and historical, of the most present duties, and future destiny of the eminent persons of all ages, countries, conHebrew females, as based on the word of ditions, and professions. 10 v. 4~. London, God. 2d ed. 2 v. 16~ London, 1852. 1799-1815. AHIMAN REZON; or, book of the constitu- AIKIN, (Lucy.) Life of Joseph Addison. 2v. tion, rules, and regulations of the Grand in 1. 12~. London, 1843. Lodgeof Pennsylvania. 8~. Philadelphia, Memoir of John Aikin, M. D.; with a 1857. Selection of his Miscellaneous Pieces. 2 v. AHN, (F.) Practical Dutch Grammar. 12~. 8~. London, 1823. London, 1854. Memoirs of the Court of Queen Elizabeth. AID to Domestic Worship. 2 v. in 1. 8~. 2 v. 8~. London, 1826. New York, 1855. Memoirs of the Court of King James AIDE-MEMOIRE a l'Usage des Officiers d'Artil- the First. 2 v. 8~. London, 1823. lerie de France attaches au Service de Terre. - Memoirs of the Court of King Charles 4e 6dition, revue et augment6e. 2 v. 8~. the First. 2 v. 8~. London, 1833. Paris, 1809. AIKMAN, (William.) Future of the Colored Thesame. 2e6dition, (1844,) deuxidme Race in America. 80. Philadelphia, 1862. tirage. 8~. Paris, 1851. Government and Administration. A AInE-MfMOIREtotheMilitarySciences; framed sermon. 12~. Wilmington, (Del.,) 1863. from contributions of officers of the different AINSLIE, (Charles P.) Cavalry Manual. 2d services, and edited by a committee of the ed. 24~. London, 1843. corps of Royal Engineers in Dublin, 1845- AINSLIE, (George Robert.) Illustrations of the 1846. 3 v. 8~. London, 1846-52. Anglo-French Coinage. 4~. London, 1830. AIDS TO FAITH. A series of theological essays, AINSLIE, (John.) Treatise on Land Surveying. by several writers. Edited by William Enlarged edition, embracing railway, miliThomson, Lord Bishop of Gloucester and tary, marine, and geodetical surveying, by Bristol. 8~. London, 1861. William Galbraith. 8~. With plates, 4~ AIKEN, (Asa.) Reports of Cases in the Supreme Edinburgh, 1849. Court of Vermont, 1825 to 1828. 2 v. 8~. AINswoR'H, (Robert.) Latin Dictionary. Windsor, 1827-8. Improved and enlarged, by Dr. Thomas AIKIN, (Arthur and Charles R.) Dictionary Morell and John Carey. 2d edition. 4~. of Chemistry and Mineralogy,with an account London, 1823. of the processes employed in many of the The same; revised and improved, most important chemical manufactures. by Alexander Jamieson. 8~. London, 2 v. 4~. London, 1807-14. 1847. AIKIN, (Charles Roguson.) Concise View of AINSWORTH, (William Francis.) Researches all the most important Facts which have in Assyria, Babylonia, and Chaldaea; forming hitherto appeared concerning the Cow Pox. part of the labors of the Euphrates expedition. 180. London, 1801. 8~. London, 1838. AIKIN, (John.) Annals of the Reign of King ~Travelsin theTrack of the TenThousand George the Third; from its commencement Greeks; being a geographical and descripin the year 1760, to the general peace in the tive account of the expedition of Cyrus, year 1815. 2 v. 8~. London, 1816. as related by Xenophon. 12~. London, Essays on Song-Writing; with a Col- 1844. lection of such English Songs as are most AINSWORTH, (W. Harrison.) Rookwood. eminent for poetical merit. A new edition, 16~. London, 1850. (Bentley's Stand. with additions and corrections, and a sup- Novels, v. 60.) 19 AIRY. ALABAMA. AIRY, (George Biddell.) Astronomical Obser- AKBER. Ayeen Akbery; or, the institutes of vations made at the Observatory of Cam- the Emperor Akber. From the Persian, bridge, from the year 1828 to 1835. 8 v. in by F. Gladwin. 3 v. 40. Calcutta, 3. 40. London, 1829-36. 1783-86. Astronomical Observations made at the AKENSIDE, (Mark.) Pleasures of Imagination, Royal Observatory, Greenwich, from the and other Poems. 2 v. 160. London, 1790. year 1836 to 1842. 7 v. 40. London, (Johnson's Eng. Poets, v. 63-4.) 1837-44. ~ The same. 2 v. 160. Chiswick, 1822. Gravitation; an elementary explanation (Brit. Poets, v. 52-3.) of the principal perturbations of the solar The same. 80. London, 1810. (Chalsystem. 120. London, 1834. mers' Eng. Poets, v. 14.) ~- Mathematical Tracts on the lunar and Poetical Works. With a life by Alexplanetary theories, the figure of the earth, ander Dyce. 16~. London, 1845. precession and nutation, the calculus of AKERMAN, (John Yonge.) Ancient Coins of variations, and the undulatory theory of Cities and Princes, geographically arranged optics. 2d edition. 80. Cambridge, 1831. and described-Hispania, Gallia, Britannia....- Reports of the Astronomer Royal to the 80. London, 1846. Board of Visitors; read at the annual visita- - Archaeological Index to remains of tions of the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, Antiquity of the Celtic, Romano-British, in the years 1836 to 1851. Royal 40. Lon- and Anglo-Saxon Periods. 80. London, don, 1836-51. 1847. Six Lectures on Astronomy. 80. Coins of the Romans relating to Britain. London, 1849. 80. London, 1844. - Treatise on Trigonometry. 40. Lon- - Descriptive Catalogue of rare and undon, 1845. (Ency. Metropolitana, v. 1.) edited Roman Coins; from the earliest period AISLABIE, (John.) Case of the Right Hon. J of the Roman coinage, to the extinction of Aislabie, as concerned in the Great South-Sea the empire under Constantinus Paleologus. Scheme; with his two defensive speeches, 2 v. 80. London, 1834. made in the House of Lords, against the Glossary of Provincial Words and bill for raising money upon the estates of Phrases in use in Wiltshire. 160. London, the South-Sea directors. 80. London, 1842. 1721. Introduction to the Study of Coins. AITKEN, (R.) General American Register 160. London, 1848. and Calendar for the year 1774. 240. Phila- - Legends of Old London. 160. London, delphia, 1774. 1853. AITON, (John) Lands of the Messiah, Ma- NumismaticIllustrations of the narrative homet, and the Pope; as visited in 1851. 2d portions of the New Testament. 80. London, ed. 80. London, 1852. 1846. Owen's Objections to Christianity and - Numismatic Manual. 80. London, New View of Society and Education refuted. 1840. 2d ed. 80. Edinburgh, 1824. (Pol. Pam., - Remains of Pagan Saxondom. 40. v. 68.) London, 1855. AITON, (William.) Hortus Kewensis; or, a Tradesmen's Tokens, current inLondon Catalogue of the Plants cultivated in the and its vicinity between the years 1648 and Royal Botanic Garden at Kew. 2d ed., 1672; described from the originals in the enlarged by William Townsend Aiton. 5 v. British Museum, and in several private col80. London, 1810-13. lections. 80. London, 1849. AITON, (William Townsend.) Epitome of the ALABAMA. Acts of the General Assembly of second edition of Hortus Kewensis, &c. Alabama, 1819 (its first session) to 1830-31; 120. London, 1814. extra and annual sessions 1832-33; 1834-35; AKBER. Philosophical Rhapsodies, fragments 1835-36; 1836; called session, June, 1837; of Akber of Betlis; containing reflections 1837; 1839-40, (2 copies;) 1841-42, and on the laws, manners, customs, and religions 1842-43, (2 copies;) 1844-45; 1849-50, (2 of certain Asiatic, Afric, and European copies;) 1851-52, (2 copies;) 1853-54; and nations. Collected by Richard J. Sullivan. 1857-58. 21 v. 80. Huntsville, Tuscaloosa, 3 v. 80. London, 1784-85. and Montgomery, 1820-58. 20 ALABAMA. ALBANY. ALABAMA. Code of Alabama; prepared by J. guacion de los Delitos de que fueron acusados J. Ormond, A. P. Bagby, and G. Goldthwaite, los Ex-Ministros D. Lucas Alaman, D. Rafael 1852. 80. Montgomery, 1852. (2 copies.) Mangino, D. Jos6 Antonio Facio, y D. Jos6 Digest of the Laws of Alabama; con- Ignacio Espinosa. 40. Mexico, 1833. (2 taining the statutes and resolutions in force copies.) at the end of the general assembly, in Jan- ALARCON, (Juan Ruiz de.) Comedias. 80. uary, 1823. By Harry Toulmin. 80. Madrid, 1852. (Biblioteca de Autores EspaCahawba, 1823. noles, v. 26.) Digest of the Laws of Alabama; con- ALASCO; an Indian tale; two cantos; with taining all the statutes of a public and general other poems. 120. Philadelphia, 1857. nature in force at the close of the session of ALAUZET, (Isidore.) Commentaire du Code the general assembly, in January, 1833; with de Commerce et de la Legislation Commera supplement, containing the public acts for ciale. 4 v. 80. Paris, 1856-57. 1833-34, and 1835. By John G. Aikin. 2d - Histoire de la Possession et des Actions edition. 80. Mobile, 1836. Possessoires en Droit Francais. Precede Digest of the Laws of Alabama; con- d'une introduction sur le droit de propri6t6. taining all the statutes of a public and general 80. Paris, 1849. nature in force at the close of the session of ALBAN, (Ernst.) High-Pressure Steam Enthe general assembly, in February, 1843. gine; an exposition of its comparative merBy C. C. Clay. 80. Tuscaloosa, 1843. its, and an essay towards an improved system (2 copies.) of construction. Translated from the Ger-- Map of Alabama. Constructed from man, with notes, by William Pole. 80. the surveys in the General Land Office, and London, 1848. other documents, by John Melish. Philadel- ALBANY, (N. Y.) By-Laws of Board of Educaphia, 1820. tion and Acts relating to Public Schools. 80. ALABAMA REPORTS. Reports of Cases, at Albany, 1858. law and in equity, in the Supreme Court of - Albany Director and City Register, for Alabama, by the judges of the court, 1840 1845-46. By L. G. Hoffman. 120. Albany, to 1847. 11 v. 80. Tuscaloosa, 1841-47. 1845. (2 copies.) Albany Directory and City Register, - The same. V. 12 to 15, by J. J. Ormond. for 1853-54. By J. Munsell. 120. Albany, 8~. Tuscaloosa, 1848-9. (2 copies.) 1853. The same. V. 16, 17, and 18, by N. - Albany Directory, for the years 1857 W. Cocke. 80. Montgomery, 1849-51. (2 and 1858. 2 v. 80. Albany, 1857-8. copies.) Minutes of Fiftieth Anniversary Pres- The same. V. 19, 20, and 21, by J. W. byterian Synod of Albany. 80. Albany, Shepherd. 80. Montgomery, 1852-3. (2 1853. copies.) Minutes of the Particular Synod of The same. V. 22 and 23, by the judges. Albany, (Reformed Dutch.) 80. Albany, 80. Montgomery, 1853-4. (2 copies.) 1862. The same. V. 24 to 33, by J. W. Shep- - Report of Committee of Classis of Alherd. 80. Montgomery, 1851-59. (2 copies.) bany on Ministerial Support. 80. Albany, ALAMAN, (Lucas.) Disertaciones sobre la 1854. Historia de la Republica Megicana, desde la - Report to Vestry of St. Peter's Church epoca de la conquista que los Espagnolas of Delegates who attended Diocesan Conhicieron a fines del siglo xv. y principios del vention at N. York. 80. Albany, 1845. xvi. de las Isles y Continente Americano Review of Trade and Commerce for hasta laindependencia. 3v. 80. Megico, 1861. 80. Albany, 1862. 1844-49. Albany Young Men's Association. Cat- Historia de Mejico, desde los primeros alogue of Library. 80. Albany, (N. Y.,) movimientos que prepararon su indepen- 1853. dencia, en el ano de 1808, hasta la 6poca - Albany Young Men's Christian Associpresente. 5 v. 80. Mejico, 1849-52. ation. First Annual Report. 80. Albany, ALAMAN. Proceso Instructivo formado por la 1858. Seccion del Gran Jurado de la Cdmara de - Albany Hospital. By-Laws, Rules, and Diputados del Congreso General, en Averi- Regulations, &c. 80. Albany, 1851. 21 ALBANY. AL'COCK. ALBANY Penitentiary. Tenth and Twelfth ALBON, (Claude Camille Fran9ois, Comte d'.) Annual Report. 80. Albany, 1859-61. Discours sur l'Histoire, le Gouvernement, Albany County (N. Y.) Bible Society. les Usages, la Litterature et les Arts, de Forty-eighth and Fiftieth Annual Report. plusieurs Nations de l'Europe. 4 v. 16~. 120 and 80. Albany, 1859-61. Geneve, 1782. Albany University. Constitution, ALCALA, (Jeronimo de.) See YANEZ, J. de Rules, and Orders of Associated Congress Alcala. of the Law Department. 8~. Albany, ALCANTARA, (Miguel Lafuente.) Historia de 1862. Granada, comprendiendo la de sus cuatro ALBEDYHILL, (Gustave, Baron d'.) Recueil Provincias Almeria, Jaen, Granada y M1ldes Memoires et autres pieces authentiques, aga, desde remotos tiempos hasta nuestros relatives aux affaires de l'Europe, et partic- dias. 4 v. 80. Granada, 1843-46. ulierement celles dunord, pendant la dernitre The same. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1852. partie du 18me siecle. 120. Stockholm, (Coleccion de Autores Espanoles, v. 1, 2.) 1798.. ALCARAz Y CASTRO, (Isidoro.) Breve InALBEMARLE, (George Thomas, Earl of.) Me- struccion del Metodo y Practica de los moirs of the Marquis of Rockingham and his Quatro Juicios, Civil Ordinario, Sumario de Contemporaries; with original letters and Particion, Executivo, y General de Concurso documents, now first published. 2 v. 80. de Agreedores; anotados con las especies London, 1852. mas ocurrentes en los tribunales; util para ALBERT, (Prince.) Addresses delivered on los pasantes de las juntas de practica, y different Public Occasions. Published by abogados principiantes. 3a edicion. Small the Society of Arts. 40. London, 1857. 40. Madrid, 1781. ALBERTI, (Leon Battista.) L'Architettvra; The same. 5a edicion, corregida y tradotta in lingva Fiorentina da Cosimo Bar- adicionada considerablemente por Santiago toli. Small 40. Venetia, 1565. de Alvarado y de la Pena. 40. Madrid, Architecture, in ten books; Painting, 1828. in three books; and Statuary, in one book. ALCINOUS. Introduction to the Doctrines of Translated from the Latin into Italian, by Plato. (Plato's Works, v. 6, in Bohn's C. Bartoli. 2d ed. Translated from the Class. Lib'y, v. 60.) Italian, by J. Leoni. 3 v. in 1. Folio. ALCIPHRON. EpistolSe quarum major pars London, 1739. nunc primum editur. Grrec6 et Latine. ALBERTI DI VILLANOVA, (Francesco de.) Recensuit, emendavit, versione ac notis Grande Dizionario Italiano-Francese, et illustravit Stephanus Bergler. 80. Lipsire, Grand Dictionnaire Francais-Italien. 2d 1715. ed. 2 v. 40. Milano, 1840-41. - Epistles; in which are described the ALBERTUS MAGNUS. Opera omnia quse hac- domestic manners, the courtesans and partenus haberi potuerunt. Sub Thoma Turco, asites of Greece. Now first translated from Nicolao Rodulphio et J. Bapt. de Marinis in the Greek, by Messrs. Monro and William lucem edita, studio et labore Petri Jammy. Beloe. 80. London, 1791. 21 v. in 15. Folio. Lugduni, 1651. Lettres Grecques; ou anecdotes sur les ALBIN, (Eleazar.) Natural History of Birds. moeurs et les usages de la Grace. Traduites Illustrated with 205 copperplates; with pour 1a premiere fois en fran9ois, avec des notes and observations, by W. Derham. 3 v. notes historiques et critiques, par Jer6me 40. London, 1738. Richard. 3 v. 120. Amsterdam, 1784-85. Natural History of English Insects. ALCOCK, (John C.) Registry Cases received Illustrated with 100 copperplates; with for consideration and decided by the Twelve large notes and many curious observations, Judges of Ireland —1832 to 1841. Parts by W. Derham. 40. London, 1749. I-III. 80. Dublin, 1837-41. ALBINUS, (Bernhard Siegfried.) Tables of the and NAPIER, (Joseph. ) Reports of Cases Skeleton and Muscles of the Human Body. in the Courts of King's Bench and Exchequer Translated from the Latin. Folio. London, Chamber, in Ireland, 1831 to 1833. 80. 1749. Dublin, 1834. ALBION RESTITUTA; or, a Plan for a Period- ALCOCK, (Sir Rutherford.) The Capital of the ical Abolition of all Taxes. 3d ed. 80. Tycoon; a narrative of a three years' resiLondon, 1796. (Pol. Pam., v. 46.) deuce in Japan. 2 v. 80. London, 1863. 22 ALCOCK. ALEMBERT. ALCOCK, (Thomas.) Essay on the Use of ALDERSON, (M. A.) Essay on the Nature and Chlorurets of Oxide of Sodium and of Lime, Application of Steam, with an historical noas powerful Disinfecting Agents, and as a tice of the rise and progressive improvement remedy in the treatment of hospital gangrene, of the steam-engine. 8S. London, 1834. and other diseases. 8~. London, 1827. ALDKICH, (Henry.) Compendium of Logic. ALCORAN (L') DES CORDELIERS. Tant en Translated and abridged, by John Wesley. Latin qu'en Fran9ois; ou recueil des plus With notes, by Thomas Jackson. 180. notables bourdes et blasphemes impudens de London, 1836. ceux qui ont os6 comparer St. Fran9ois a ALDRIDGE, (John.) First Trip to the German Jesus Christ. Trad, par Badius du grand Spas and to Vichy; with an essay on the livre des conformites de frere Barthelemi de nature and uses of natural spas, and a tabuPise, cordelier en son vivant. 2 v. 160. lar view of the composition of several natural Amsterdam, 1734. waters. 160. Dublin, 1856. ALCOTT, (A. Bronson.) Conversations with ALDROVANDUS, (Ulysses.) Serpentum et DraChildren on the Gospels. 2 v. 120. Boston, conum Historire libri duo. B. Ambrosinus 1837. concinnavit. Folio. Bononiae, 1640. Confessions of a School Master. 180. ALEGRE, (Francisco Javier.) Historia de la Andover, (Ms.,) 1839. Compania de Jesus en Nueva-Espaia, al ALCOTT, (WilliamA.) The House ILive In; or, tiempo de su espulsion. Publicala Carlos popular illustrations of the structure and func- Maria de Bustamante. 2 v. 8~. M6xico, tions of the human body. Edited by Thomas 1841-42. C. Girtin. 9th ed. 240. London, 1857. ALEMAN, (Mateo.) Vida y Hechos del Picaro Laws of Health; or, Sequel to "The Guzman de Alfarache. 80. Paris, 1847. House I Live In." 120. Boston, 1857. (Coleccion de Autores Espaioles, v. 32.) -~- Moral Philosophy of Courtship and ~ Vie de Guzman D'Alfarache. Traduite Marriage. 120. Boston, 1857. de l'Espagnole, par G. Bremond. 3 v. 120. Physiology of Marriage. 160. Boston, Paris, 1696. 1856. ALEMBERT, (Jean le Rond d'.) CEuvres. 5 v. ALCUlNUS, seu ALBINUS, (Flaccus.) Opera. 80. Paris, 1821-22. Post editionem A Andrea Quercetano cura-CONTENTS tam, de novo collecta, cura Frobenii. 2 v. tamlio. de nooollecac n. 2 v. Abus (1') de la Critique en Matiere de Religion, v. 1. Folio. Ratisbonce, 1777. Apologie de 1' ltude, v. 4. ALDEN, (Timothy.) Collection of American Bacon, Traduction des Pensees de, v. 4. Calcul (le) des Probabilites, v. 1. Epitaphs and Inscriptions, with occasional Cause (la) g6nerale des Vents, v. 1. notes. 2d ed. 5 v. 18~. New-York, 1814. Correspondance avec le Roi de Prusse, v. 5. notes. 2d ed. 5 v. 108. New-Iork, 1814. Correspondance avec Voltaire, v. 5. ALDEN, (T. J. Fox.) Index to the Reports of the Correspondance Particuliere, v. 5. Description Abr6gee du Gouvernement de Genove, Decisions of the Supreme Court of the United v. 4. States, from Dallas to 14 Howard, inclusive. Destruction (la) des Jesuites en France, v. 2. Dialogue entre Descartes et Christine, v. 4. 3 v. 80. Philadelphia, 1854. (13 copies.) Dialogue entre la Poesie et la Philosophie, v. 4. Discours a l'Academie Francaise, v. 4. ALDER, (Joshua;) and HANCOCK, (Albany.) Discours prlliminaire de 1' Encyclopedie, v. 1. Monograph of the British Nudibranchiate Eledmens de Philosophie, v. 1. Elocution (l') Oratoire, v. 4. Mollusca; with figures of all the species. eloge de D'Alembert, par Condorcet, v. 1. Folio. London, 1845. Eloges Historiques, v. 2-3. Essai sur la Societ6 des Gens de Lettres et des ALDERSEY, (Laurence.) Voyage to the cities Grands, v. 4. of Jerusalm ad Triplis, ad to A - Explication du Systene des Connaissances Hu. of Jerusalem and Tripolis, and to Alexa n- maines, v. 1. dria and Cairo, 1581-6. (Hakluyt's Voy- Harmonie (1') des Langues, v. 4. Joueur (ie) dans sa Prison, v. 4. ages, v. 2.) Latinite (la) des Modernes, v. 4. ALDERSON, (Edward Hall.) Selections from Lettre a J. J. Rouss-au, v. 4. Libert6 de la Musique, v. 1. the Charges and other detached Papers of M6langesLiti6raires, v. 4. Mdmoires et RJfiexions Sur Christine, Reine de Baron Alderson. With an introductory no- sutede, v. 2. tice of his life, by Charles Alderson. 80. Poesie, Reflexions sur la, v. 4.'ndon, 1858. Pr6cession (la) des Equinoxes, v. 1. London, 1858. Pr6face du troisi6me volume de 1' Encyclop6die, v. 4. ALDERSON, (James.) Brief Outline of the his- Reflexions sur le Gout, v. 4. It(fiexions sur 1' Histoire, v. 2. tory and progress of Cholera at Hull; with tRflexions sur 1 Inoculation, v. 1. Synonymes, v. 4. remarks on the pathology and treatment of Systeme duMonde, v. 1. the disease. 80. London, 1832. Tacite, Morceaux Choisis de, v. 4. the disease. 50. London, 1832. Tacite, Morceaux Choisis de, v. 4. 23 ALEMBERT. ALEXANDER. ALEMBERT, (J. le Rond d'.) Elemens de ALEXANDER,(Sir J. E.) L'Acadie; or, Seven Musique, theorique et pratique, suivant les Years' Explorations in British America. 2 v. principes de M. Rameau, eclaircis, develop- 120. London, 1849. pes et simplifies. Nouvelle edition, corrigee, Sk Sketches in Portugal, during the Civil et augmentee. 80. Lyon, 1762. War of 1834; with observations on the presSelect Eulogies of Members of the ent state and future prospects of Portugal. French Academy. Translated by J. Aiken. 80. London, 1835. 2 v. 120. London, 1799. Transatlantic Sketches; comprising visALESSIO da Somavera. Tesoro della Lingua its to the most interesting scenes in North Greca-Volgare ed Italiana, cive ricchissimo and South America, and the West Indies; dizzionario Greco-Volgare et Italiano, ed with notes on Negro slavery and Canadian Italiano e Greco-Volgare. Opera postuma, e emigration. 2 v. 80. London, 1833. posta in luce dal Padre Tomaso da Parigi. Travels to the Seat of War in the East, 2 v. in 1. 40. Parigi, 1709. through Russia and the Crimea, in 1829; ALEXANDER VI. Copia de la Bula de la Con- with sketches of the imperial fleet and army, cession que hizo el Papa al Rey y a la Reyna personal adventures, and characteristic anecnuestros senores, de las Indias. Latin text, dotes. 2 v. in 1. 80. London, 1830. with an extract from the will of Queen Isa- ALEXANDER, (James Waddell.) Life of Archbella, in Spanish MS. Folio. 1493. ibald Alexander, D.D. 80. New-York, 1854. ALEXANDER Aphrodisiensis. De Fato; et Patience. 180. Phila., 1853. Am. Hermiae in libri Aristotelis de Interpre- ALEXANDER, (John Henry.) Experiments on tatione sect. seculdam Commentarius. Gr. Mr. Babbage's method of distinguishing et Lat. 180. Londini, 1658. light-houses; reported to a committee of the ALEXANDER, (Archibald.) Biographical United States Light-house Board. 80. Sketches of the Founder and principal Washington, 1861. Alumni of the Log College; together with Index to the Calendar of Maryland an account of the revivals of religion under State Papers. 80. Baltimore, 1861. their ministry. 120. Philadelphia, 1851. - International Coinage for Great Britain Canon of the Old and New Testament and United States. 80. Baltimore, 1855. ascertained; or, the Bible complete, without Universal Dictionary of Weights and the Apocrypha and unwritten traditions. Measures, ancient and modern, reduced to 120. Philadelphia, (n. d.) the standards of the United States of Amer~- History of Colonization on the Western ica. 80. Baltimore, 1850. Coast of Africa. 80. Philadelphia, 1846. ALEXANDER, (Joseph Addison.) Earlier History of the Israelitish nation, from Prophecies of Isaiah. 80~ New-York, 1846. their origin to their dispersion at the de- ~ Later Prophecies of Isaiah. 80. Newstruction of Jerusalem by the Romans. 80. York, 1847. Philadelphia, 1853. ~ Psalms, translated and explained. 3 v. ~- Outlines of Moral Science. 12~. New- 120. New-York, 1850. York, 1853. ALEXANDER, (T. S.) Summary of the PracPractical Sermons, to be read in fami- tice of the Court of Chancery, and County lies and social meetings. 80. Philadelphia. Courts, as Courts of Equity in Maryland. Thoughts on Religious Experience. 80. Baltimore, 1839. With an appendix, containing "Letters to ALEXANDER, (William.) Digest of the Decisions the Aged," &c. 3d ed. 120. Philadelphia, of the Supreme Court of Texas; fiom January (n. d.) term, 1840, to the close of the spring term, ALEXANDER, (Charles A.) Fall of Aztalan; 1853. O8. Philadelphia, 1854. (3 copies.) and other poems. 80. Washington, 1839. ALEXANDER, (William, M. D.) History of ALEXANDER, (Sir James Edward.) Expedition Women, from the earliest antiquity to the of Discovery into the Interior of Africa, present time. v. in 1. 40. London, 1779. through the hitherto undescribed countries ALEXANDER, (William.) Picturesque Repreof the great Namaquas, Boschmans, and sentations of the Dress and Manners of the Hill Damaras; performed under the auspices Austrians, Chinese, English, Russians, and of H. M. Government, and the Royal Geo- Turks; illustrated in colored engravings, graphical Society. 2 v. 12o. London, with descriptions. 5 v. 80. London, 1838. 1813-14. 24 ALEXANDER. ALISON. ALEXANDER, (Wm. ) See STIRLING, (Earl of.) Alfred's Poems, by M. F. Tupper; History and PolitALEXANDER, (William Lindsay.) Anglo- ical State of Europe during age of Alfred, by T. Forester; Description of Alfred's Jewel, by J. A. Giles; Catholicism Not Apostolical. 80. Edin- The Danes, by C. Hook; Alfred's Charters, translated from originals, by J. A. Giles; Alfred's Will, by J. burgh, 1843. A. Giles; Domestic Manners and Habits of the AngloMemoirs of the Life and Writings of Saxons, by G. Soane; firaces of the Danes in England, by T. Forester; Grimbald's Crypt, by J. A. Ralph Wardlaw. 80. London, 1856. Giles. ALEXANDRE, (Albert) Encyclopedie des v. 2. Orosius English translation of Alfred's version of, by J. Bosworth. Echecs, ou resume comparatif, en tableaux Bede's Ecclesiastical History, literally translated from synoptiques des meilleurs ouvrages 6crits Alfred's version, by E. Thomson. synoptiques des meilleurs our rages erits Boethins. English translation of Alfred's version, by sur ce jeu. 40. Paris, 1837. S. Fox. V. 2-Part 2. Alfred's Hand-Book, by R. Pauli. ALEXANDRIA, (D. C.) Tammany Society. Geography of Alfred, from his version of Orosius. Long Talk at the First Anniversary Meet- Essay on, by R T. Iamlpson. Gregory's Pastoral Care. Anglo-Saxon version of, by ings. 80. Alexandria, (D. C.,) 1804. (Pol. H. W. Norman. Pam.,~ v. 1fA04\~'Blossom-Gatherings from St. Augustine. English verPam., v. 104.) sion of Alfred's. by E. Thlomson. ALEYN, (John.) Select Cases, 1646 to 1649. Laws of Alfred, by J. A. Giles. Gregory's Dialogues. Alfred's Preface to the AngloFolio. London, 1681. Saxon version of, by S. Fox. ALFIERI, (Vittorio.) Opere Scelte, publicato per cura di G. Zirardini. 80. Parigi, 1847. ALFRED'S APOLOGY; with a dissertation on Madness, (on the marriage of the Prince of CONTENTS. VtCOd NTENTS. Wales, afterwards George IV.) 80. London, Vita, scritta dal Autore. 1 Tragedie. 178. Commedia. ALGAROTTI, (Conte Francesco.) Letters to Satire. Sonetti. Lord Hervey and the Marquis Scipio Maffei, L'America ibeea Lettee. containing the state of the trade, marine, Del Principe e. della Lettere. Panegirico di Plinio a Traiano. revenues, and forces of the Russian empire; Panegirico di Plinio a Trajano. 80. with the history of the late war between the Parigi, 1787. (Pol. Pam., v. 20.) Russians and the Turks, and observations on __ Tragedie. 6 v. 80. Firenze, 1820-21. the Baltic and the Caspian seas. To which is added, a dissertation on the reigns of the CONTENTS. seven kings of Rome, and a dissertation on Agememnone, v. 2. Merope, v. 3. Agide, v. 5. Mirra, v. 5. the empire of the Incas; by the same author. Alceste, v. 6. Oreste, v. 2. Alceste, v. 6. Oreste, v. 2. Translated from the Italian. 2 v. in 1. 180. Antigone, v. 1. Ottavia, v. 3. Antonio e Cleopatra, v. 6. Polinice, v. 1. London, 1769. Brnto SPrino, v. 5. Rosmundla, v. 2. Letters, Military and Political. From Bruto Secoudo, v. 6. Saul, v. 4. Congiura de' Pazzi, v. 4. Sofonisba, v. 5. the Italian. 160. Dublin, 1784. Don Garzia, v. 4. Timoleone, v. 3. Filippo, v. 1. Virginia, v. 2. ALGER, (William Rounseville.) The Poetry of Maria Stuarda, v. 4. the East. 120. Boston, 1856. Vita, Scritta da Esso. 2 v. 120. ALGERIA. Rapport du ministre de la Guerre Londra, 1807. sur le Gouvernement et l'administration des.... Autobiography. Translated by C. Ed- Tribus Arabes de l'Alg6rie. 80. Paris, 1851. wards Lester. 2d ed. 120. New York, 1845. ALHOY, (Maurice;) et LURINE, (Louis.) Les ~ — Tragedies. Translated from the Ital- Prisons de Paris. Histoire, Types, Mceurs, ian, by Charles Lloyd. 3 v. 160. London, Mysteres. Edition illustr6e. 80. Paris, 1846. 1815. ALI BEY. Travels in Morocco, Tripoli, Cyprus, ALFONSO X., (El Sabio.) La Gran Conquista Egypt, Arabia, Syria, and Turkey, between de Ultramar. 80. Madrid, 1858. (Biblioteca the years 1803 and 1807. 2d American from de Autores Espanoles, v. 37.) 1st London edition. 2 v. 80. Philadelphia, ALFRED TIIE GREAT, (King.) Whole Works; 1816. with preliminary essays illustrative of the ALISON, (Alexander.) Philosophy and History history, arts, and manners of the ninth cen- of Civilization. 80. London, 1860. tury. Jubilee edition. 2 v. 80. London, ALISON, (Rev. Archibald.) Essays on the Na1858. ture and Principles of Taste. 80. Hartford, CONTENTS. (Conn.,) 1821. V. 1. Harmony of the Chronicles during life of Alfred, ALISON, (SirArchibald.) England in 1815 and by J. A. Giles; Sketch of the Anglo-Saxon Mint, by J. 1845; or, a sufficient and a contracted curY. Akernmsau; Description of the Coins of Alfred now remaiunig, by D. Haigh; Metrical English Version of rency. 80. London, 1845. 25 ALISON. ALLEN. ALISON, (Sir Archibald.) Essays, political, ALL THE YEAR ROUND; a weekly journal, conhistorical, and miscellaneous. 3v. 80. Edin- ducted by Charles Dickens; with which is burgh, 1850. incorporated Household Words. Vols. 1-8. The Future; or, the science of politics. 80. London, 1859-63. 120. London, 1852. ALLA, (P.) Manuel Pratique des Tribunaux - History of Europe, from the commence- Militaires, contenant, 1~. Le Code de Justice ment of the French revolution to the Resto- Militaire pour l'Armee de Terre; 20. Un ration of the Bourbons, in 1815. New edi- Extrait de Code d'Instruction Criminelle; 3~. tion. 14v. 80. Atlas, sm. fol. Edinburgh, Le Code Penal Ordinaire; 4~. Les Lois 1849. speciales, les decrets, arrets de la Cour de - The same. 4 v. 80. New York, 1842. Cassation applicables aux Tribunaux MiliEpitome of Alison's History of Europe, taires; 5~. Un formulaire des actes de la from the commencement of the French Rev- procedure militaire; pr6c6d6s d'un dictionolution, in 1789, to the Restoration of the naire sur l'organisation, la competence et la Bourbons, in 1815. 6th ed. 120. Edin- procedure des tribunaux militaires. 80. Paris, burgh, 1852. 1860. -.... History of Europe, from the Fall of ALLA, (Pere et Fils.) Le Practicien des TriNapoleon, in 1815, to the Accession of Louis bunaux Militaires, ou code d'instruction Napoleon, in 1852. 9 v. 80. London, criminelle et code p6nal militaires. 2e 6d. 1852-59. 80. Lyon, 1852. ----- Life of John, Duke of Marlborough, ALLAH, (Habeeb Risk.) Thistle and Cedar of with some Account of Contemporaries, and Lebanon. 120. London, 1853. of the War of the Succession. 2d edition, ALLAN, (Robert.) System of Pathological greatly enlarged. 2 v. 80. Edinburgh, and Operative Surgery, founded on Anatomy. 1852. Illustrated by drawings of diseased structure Lives of Lord Castlereagh and Sir and plans of operation. 3 v. 80. EdinCharles Stewart, the second and third Mar- burgh, 1821-24. quesses of Londonderry; with annals of ALLAN, (Thomas.) Mineralogical Nomenclacontemporary events in which they bore a ture, alphabetically arranged, with synoptical part. 3 v. 80. London, 1861. tables of the chemical analysis of minerals. Practice of the Criminal Law of Scot- 80. Edinburgh, 1819. land. 80. Edinburgh, 1833. ALLDRIDGE, (W. J.) Goldsmith's Repository, Principles of the Criminal Law of Scot- containing a concise elementary treatise on the land. 80. Edinburgh, 1832. art of assaying metals. 8C. London, 1789. Principles of Population, and their - Universal Merchant, in theory and pracconnexion with human happiness. 2 v. 80. tice. Improved and enlarged. 1st American Edinburgh, 1840. edition. 80. Philadelphia, 1797. ALISON, (S. Scott.) Medication of the Larynx ALLEGATIONS in behalf of Mary, Queen of and Trachea. 160. London, 1853. Scots, touching the succession of the Crown. ALISON, (William Pulteney.) Outlines of Hu- Folio. London, 1690. (Pol. Pam., v. 6.) manPhysiology. 3d. ed. 80. London, 1839. ALLEINE, (Joseph.) Alarm to Unconverted ----- Outlines of Pathology and Practice of Sinners. 180. New York, 1850. Medicine. 80. Edinburgh, 1844. ALLEN, (Alexander.) Etymological Analysis ALKEN, (Henry.) Analysis of the Hunting of Latin Verbs. 120. London, 1836. Field; being a series of sketches of the prin- ALLEN, (Amzi.) Comprehensive Interest Table. cipal characters that compose one. With Small folio. Springfield, (Ms.,) 1858. illustrations. 80. London, 1846. ALLEN, (Ann H.) Young Mother and Nurse's - Art and Practice of Etching; with Oracle, for the benefit of the uninitiated. directions for other methods of light and en- 160. Cincinnati, 1858. tertaining engraving. 80. London, 1849. ALLEN, (Benjamin.) Letter to Bishop Hobart. Beauties and Defects in the Figure of 80. Philadelphia, 1827. (Theol. Pam.,v. 11.) the Horse, comparatively delineated. 80. ALLEN, (Bird.) Sketch of the Eastern Coast London, 1816. of Central America. Compiled from notes of - National Sports of Great Britain; with Captain Richard Owen and the officers of descriptions, in English and French. Folio. H. M. S. Thunder and schooner Lark. 80. London, 1821. London, 1841. 4 26 ALLEN. ALLEN. ALLEN, (Charles.) Reports of Cases in the into the life and character of King Eadwig. Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts. 80. London, 1849. V. 1-4. 8~. Boston, 1861-63. (2copies.) ALLEN, (John.) Principles of Modern Riding, ALLEN, (C. Bruce.) Cottage Building; or, for Ladies. 8O. London, 1825. hints for improving the dwellings of the ALLEN, (John Fiske.) Practical Treatise on laboring classes. 160. London, 1849-50. the Culture and Treatment of the Grape ALLEN, (David 0.) India, Ancient and Vine. 3d ed. 12~. New York, 1853. Modern, Geographical, Historical, Political, - Victoria Regia; or, the great water lily Social, and Religious; with a particular ac- of America; with an account of its discovery count of the state and prospects of Christi- and cultivation. With illustrations, by W. anity. 80. Boston, 1856. Sharp. Folio. Boston, 1854. ALLEN, (E.) Epitome of the History of Eng- ALLEN, (Joseph.) Battles of the British Navy, land, from the invasion of Julius Cmesar to from 1000 to 1840. 2 v. 16~. London, 1842. the reign of George the Fourth. 2 v. in 1. - Memoir of the Life and Services of Ad18~. London, 1823. miral Sir William Hargood. Compiled from ALLEN, (Ethan.) Narrative of Col. Ethan authentic documents, under the direction of Allen's Captivity; containing his voyages Lady Hargood. 8~. Greenwich, 1841. and travels, interspersed with some political ALLEN, (Julian.) Autocracy in Poland and observations; written by himself, and now Russia; including the experience of an exile. published for the information of the curious 12~. New York, 1854. in all nations. 120. Walpole, (N. H.,) 1807. ALLEN, (J. M.) Practical Anatomist; or, the The same. 16~. Boston, 1845. student's guide in the dissecting-room. 12~. - Capture of Ticonderoga, and his Cap- Philadelphia, 1856. tivity. Written by himself. 8~. Burling- ALLEN, (Lewis F.) American Herd Book; ton, (Vt.,) 1849. containing pedigrees of Short Horn Cattle. ~ —- Reason the only Oracle of Man. 12~. To which is prefixed a concise history of Bennington, (Vt.,) 1784. English and American Short Horns, compiled.... Vindication of the Opposition of the In- from the best authorities. V. 1-2. 8~. habitants of Vermont to the Government of Buffalo, (N. Y.,) 1846-55. New York, and their right to form into an Rural Architecture; being a complete Independent State. 8~. Burlington, (Vt.,) description of farm-houses, cottages, and 1779. (Col. Pam., v. 19.) out-buildings. 12~. New York, 1852. ALLEN, (Rev. Ethan.) Maryland Toleration; ALLEN, (Matthew.) Essay on the Classificasketches of early history of Maryland to year of the Insane, and Allen versus Dutton. 8~. 1650. 8~. Baltimore, 1855. London, 1833-37. ALLEN, (Henry E.) Doctrina Copularum Lin- ALLEN, (Nathan.) Opium Trade; including guse Latinae; sive de vi atque usu elegan- a sketch of its history, extent, effects, &c., tiori particularumn, ac, atque, et, que, deque as carried on in India and China. 2d ed. 8~. earum formulis, commentarius. 12~. Lon- Lowell, (Ms.,) 1853. dini, 1830. ALLEN, (Otis.) Duties and Liabilities of ALLEN, (Ira.) Natural and Political History Sheriffs, in their various relations to the of the State of Vermont. 8~. London, 1798. public and to individuals, as governed by Particulars of the Capture of the Ship the principles of common law, and regulated Olive Branch, laden with a cargo of cannon by the statutes of New York. 8~. Albany, and arms; with an appendix, proposing a 1845. Ship Canal from Lake Champlain to the ALLEN, (Paul.) History of the American river St. Lawrence, &c. With a narrative Revolution. 2 v. 8~. Baltimore, 1822. of Col. Ethan Allen's captivity from 1775 to ~ History of the Expedition under the 1778. V. 2. 8~. Philadelphia, 1805. command of Captains Lewis and Clark, to ~- Statement respecting the Capture of the the Sources of the Missouri; thence across Olive Branch, 1796, by the English. (Pol. the Rocky Mountains and down the River Pam., v. 104.) 8~. (n. p.,) 1803. Columbia to the Pacific Ocean. Performed ALLEN, (John, Esq.) Inquiry into the Rise during the years 1804-'5-'6, by order of the and Growth of the Royal Prerogative in government of the United States. 2 v. 8~. England. New edition; with biographical Philadelphia, 1814. notices, &c.; to which is added an inquiry -- The same. 2 v. 8~. Dublin, 1817. ALLEN. ALLIX. ALLEN, (Paul.) The same. Abridged by A. ALLEN, (Wm., Capt., Brit. Navy,) and THOMMcVickar. 2v. 180. New York, 1842. SON, (T. R. H.) Narrative of the Expedition (Harper's Fam. Library, v. 154-5.) ) sent by Her Majesty's Government to the river ALLEN, (Richard L. ) Analysis of the principal Niger in 1841, under the command of Captain mineral fountains at Saratoga Springs; em- H.D. Trotter. 2 v. 80. London, 1848. bracing their history, properties, and use. ALLEN, (William, Quaker.) Life; with selecWith remarks on the natural history, etc., tions from his correspondence. 2 v. 80. of the county of Saratoga. 240. New York, Philadelphia, 1847. 1858. ALLEN, (Z.) Philosophy of the Mechanics of -....- Domestic Animals. History and de- Nature, and the source and modes of action scription of the horse, mule, cattle, sheep, of natural motive power. 80. New York, swine, poultry, and farm dogs; with direc- 1852. tions for their management, breeding, cross ALLETZ, (Pons-Auguste.) Ceremonial du ing, rearing, feeding, diseases, and remedies. Sacre des Rois de France. 160. Paris, 1775. With directions for management of the dairy. ALLEYN Papers; original documents illustra120. New York, 1859. tive of the Life and Times of Edward Alleyn ALLEN, (Robert.) Manual of Mineralogy, com- and of the early English Stage, 80. London, prehending the more recent discoveries in 1843. (Shakespeare Soc'y Pub., v. 10.) the mineral kingdom. 80. Edinburgh, ALLGEMEINEMilitar-Zeitung. 4 v. 4~. Leip1834. zig, 1852-55. ALLEN, (Thaddeus.) An Inquiry into the -Thesame. 4v. 40. Darmstadt, 1858-61. views, principles, services, and influences of ALLGEMEINE Zeitung. 6 v. 40. Augsburg, the leading men in the organization of our 1847-48. Union, and in the formation of our Govern- ALLGEMEINER Zolltarif fir den Europaischen ment. 8~. Boston, 1849. Handeldes Russischen Kaiserreichs und des ALLEN, (Thomas.) History and Antiquities K6nigreichs Polen d. d. Zarstoje-Selo, den of London, Westminster, Southwark, and 28 Mai, 9 Juni, 1857. 40. Berlin, 1857. parts adjacent. 5v. 80. London, 1837. ALLIBONE, (S. Austin.) Critical Dictionary ---- History and Antiquities of the Parish of English Literature, and British and Amleand Palace of Lambeth. 8C. London, rican authors, living and deceased, from the 1827. earliest accounts to the middle of the 19th --- New and complete History of the County century. V. 1. 80. Philadelphia, 1858. of York. Illustrated by N. Whittock. 6 v. ALLIES, (Jabez.) Observations on certain 80. London, 1828. curious Indentations in the Old Red SandALLEN, (Rev. Thomas.) Discourse on Death stone of Worcestershire and Herefordshire, of his Son, T. Allen, jr. 8~. Boston, 1806. considered as the tracks of Antediluvian (Theol. Pam., v. 7.) Animals; and the objections made to such Sermon on Death of Mrs. Elizabeth an hypothesis refuted. 80. London, 1835. White. 2d ed. 80, Pittsfield, (Ms.) 1799. ALLINGHArI, (William.) The Music Master; (Theol. Pam., v. 6.) a love story; and two series of day and night ALLEN, (William, D. D.) American Bio- songs. 160. London, 1855. graphical and Historical Dictionary. 8o. ALLIOT, (Paul.) Reflexions Historiques et Cambridge, 1809. Politiques sur la Louisiane; ecrit en 1803-'4. The same. 3d ed. 80. Boston, Memoire sur les lgtats-Unis de l'Amerique. 1857. Folio. MS. ALLEN, (William.) History of Norridgewock, ALLIOTT, (Richard.) Psychology and TheMaine; comprising memorials of the aborigi- logy; or, psychology applied to the invesnal inhabitants, &c. 120. Norridgewock, tigation of questions relating to religion, 1849. natural theology, and revelation. 120. LonALLEN, (William, Capt., Brit. Navy.) Dead don, 1855. Sea, a new route to India; with other frag- ALLISON, (Thomas.) Voyage from Archangel, ments and gleanings in the east. 2 v. 120. 1697. (Pinkerton's Voyages, v. 1.) London, 1855. ALLIX, (Peter.) Reflections upon the Books Picturesque Views on the river Niger, of the Holy Scriptures to establish the truth sketched during Lander's last visit in 1832- ofthe Christian Religion. 8.. Cambridge, 33. Oblong folio. London, 1840. 1785. (Watson's Theol. Tracts, v. 1.) 28 ALLIX. ALSTEDIUS. ALLIX, (Peter.) Remarks upon the Ecclesi- ALMANACH Imp6rial, pour les ann6es 1807, astical History of the Ancient Churches of 1808, 1809, et 1854-62. 12 v. 80. Paris, the Albigenses. A new edition. 80. Ox- 1806-62. ford, 1821. ALMANACH Royal, pour les ann6es 1785-1788, Some Remarks upon the Ecclesiastical et 1791. 5 v. 80. Paris, 1784-90. History of the Ancient Churches of Piedmont. ALMANACH Royal et National, pour les annees 80. Oxford, 1821. 1838-1852. 13 v. 80. Paris, 1837-52. ALLNATT, (Charles B.) Practical Treatise on ALMANACIT de l'Universit6 Royale de France, the Law of Partition. 80. London, 1820. et des divers 6tablissements d'instruction pubALLNUT, (George S.) Practice of Wills and lique, 1846, 1847, et 1848. 3v. 80. Paris, Administrations. 4th edition. 120. Lon- 1846-48. don, 1860. ALMANACKS for the years 1745-'51-'54-'55, and ALLOM, (Thomas.) Character and Costume'59, by Andrews, Coley, Gadbury, Saunders, in Turkey and Italy; designed and drawn White, and others. 5 v. 80. London, from nature. With descriptive letter-press, 1751-59. by Emily Reeve. 40. London, 1849. ALMON, (John.) Anecdotes of the Life of China, in a Series of Views, drawn by William Pitt, Earl of Chatham; with his T. Allom; with descriptions, by G.N.Wright. speeches. 4v. 80. London, 1792. 4 v. 40. London, 1843. ALMON, (John.) Biographical, Literary, and Views in the Tyrol, from drawings after Political Anecdotes of several of the most original sketches by Johanna v. Isser Geb. eminent persons of the present age; with Grossrubatscher; with letter-press descrip- appendix of original and scarce papers. 3 v. tions, by a companion of Hofer. 40. Lon- 80. London 1797. don, 1836. Collection of the most interesting Tracts, ALLONVILLE, (Comte A. F. d'.) See MEfMOIRES lately published in England and America, on d'un Homme d'Etat.) the subjects of taxing the American Colonies ALLOUEZ, (Claude.) Narrative of a Voyage and regulating their trade. 6 v. 80. Lonmade to the Illinois. 80. New York, 1852. don, 1766-9. (Col. Pam., v. 1-6.) (French's Hist. Coll., Louisiana, v. 4.) Complete Collection of the Lord's ProALLSTON, (Washington.) Lectures on Art; tests, from the first upon record, in the reign and Poems. Edited by Richard Henry of Henry the Third, to the present time; Dana, Jr. 120. New-York, 1850. with a copious index. To which is added, Monaldi. 120. Boston, 1841. an Historical Essay on the Legislative Power The same. 120. Boston, 1856. of England. 2 v. 80. London, 1767. Outlines and Sketches. Engraved by Correspondence of the late John Wilkes J. & S. W. Cheney. Oblong folio. Bos- with his friends. Printed from the original ton, 1850. manuscripts, in which are introduced meALLYN, (Avery.) Ritual of Freemasonry; moirs of his life. 5 v. 120. London, 1805. illustrated by numerous engravings; with a - Trial of John Almon, Bookseller, upon key to the Phi Beta Kappa, the Orange, and an information, filed ex officio, by William Odd Fellows' Societies. 120. New York, De Grey, Esq., his Majesty's Attorney-Gen1860. eral, for selling Junius's Letter to the K-; ALMANAC. Southern Methodist Almanac for in the Court of King's-Bench, June 2, 1770. 1860. 120. Nashville, (Tenn.,) 1860. 80. London, 1770. Tradesman's and Mechanic's Almanac ALSOP, (Samuel.) First Lessons in Algebra. for 1831. 120. London, 1831. (Pol. Pam., New edition, with a key. 2 v. 120. Philav. 77.) delphia, 1853. ALMANACH de Belgique, pour l'an 1840. - Key to a Treatise on Algebra. 120. Classe et mis en ordre par H. Tarlier. 80. Philadelphia, 1855. Bruxelles, 1839. Treatise on Surveying; in which the ALMANACI de Gotha; pour les ann6es 1844, theory and practice are fully explained. 1848, 1850, 1851, 1853, 1855-1863. 14 v. With a key. 2 v. 80. Philadelphia, 1857. 320. Gotha, 1844-62. ALSTEDIUS, (Joannes Henricus.) Templum ALMANACH et Directorium Frangais des 1tats- Musicum; or, Musical Synopsis. Translated Unis, pour les annees 1852jusq'a 1858. 7 v. out of the Latin, by J. Birchensha. 180. 120. New-York, 1852-58. London, 1664. 29 ALSTON. AMERICA. ALSTON, (A. H.) Seamanship, and its asso- AMADIS DE GAUL. A poem, in three books; ciated duties, in the Royal Navy; with a freely translated from the first part of the Treatise on Nautical Surveying. 120. Lon- French version of Nicolas de Herberay, don, 1860. Sieur Des Essars; with notes, by William ALSTON, (J. W.) Hints to Young Practi- Stewart Rose. 160. London, 1803. tioners in the Study of Landscape Painting; AMADIS OF GAUL, by Vasco Lobeira. From to which are added, instructions in the art the Spanish version of Garciordonez de Monof Painting on Velvet. 8~. Edinburgh, talvo, by Robert Southey. 4 v. 16~. Lon1804. don, 1803. ALTACALIFORNIA. (Daily,) 1850 to 1854. 7 v. AMALIE, (Princess.) Six Dramas Illustrative Folio. San Francisco, 1850-54. of German Life. Translated from the GerALTEund Neue Studenten-Soldaten und Volks- man. 12~. London, 1848. Lieder, mit Bildern und Singweisen. Her- AMARI, (Michele.) History of the War of the ausgegeben von L. Richter, A. G. Marschner, Sicilian Vespers. Edited by the Earl of F.Pocci, undA.Jurgens. Small 4. Leipzig, Eilesmere. 3 v. 12~. London, 1850. 1847. AMAZONS. Expeditions into the Valley of the ALTHAUS, (Julius.) The Spas of Europe. Amazons, 1539, 1540, 1639. Translated by 8~. London, 1862. C. R. Markham. 8~. London, 1859. - Treatise on Medical Electricity, Theo- (Hakluyt Society, v. 24.) retical and Practical; and its use in the treat- AMBASSADEUR. S'il est Permis de faire Arreter ment of Paralysis, Neuralgia, and other un Ambassadeur qui passe sans Passeport diseases. 8~. London, 1859. par les litats de celui avec qui son maitre est ALTON TRIALS. Winthrop S. Gilman, who en Guerre. Small 4~. (Without place,) 1745. was indicted with Enoch Long, and others, AMBLER, (Charles.) Reports of Cases in the for the crime of riot, November, 1837, while High Court of Chancery, with some few in engaged in defending a printing press from other courts, 1737 to 1783. 8~. Dublin, 1790. an attack made on it at that time by an armed The same. 2d edition, with corrections mob. Also the trial of John Solomon, and from the registrar's books, &c., by J. E. others, for a riot committed in Alton, Novem- Blunt. 2 v. 80. London, 1828. (2 copies.) her, 1837, in unlawfully and forcibly enter- AMBLER, (Jacqulin.) Treatise on the Culture ing the warehouse of Godfrey, Gilman & of Lucerne. 24~. Richmond, (Va.,) (n. d.) Co., and breaking up and destroying a (Agric. Pam., v. 1.) printing press. By William S. Lincoln. 12~. AMBLER, (R. P.) Elements of Spiritual New York, 1838. Philosophy. 80. Springfield, Mass., 1852. ALVARADO, (Pedro de.) Lettres A Fernand AMBROSIUS Mediolanensis, (St.) Opera, emenCortes. 8~. Paris, 1838. (Ternaux, Voyages, data studio monachorum ordinis S. Benedicti. Relations, etc., de l'Amerique, v. 10.) 2 v. Folio. Parisiis, 1686-90. ALVAREZ, (Francisco.) Voyage into the Court AMELOT DE LA HOUSSAYE, (Abraham Nicolas.) of Prete Ianni, the great Christian Emperour Memoires, Historiques, Politiques, Critiques, of Ethiopia. (Purchas, v. 2, page 1026.) et Litt6raires. 2 v. 18~. Amsterdam, 1731. ALVAREZ de Toledo, (Fernando.) Puren -Pr6liminaires des Traitez faits entre les Indomito. Publicada bajo la direccion de Rois de France et tons les Princes de l'Europe Diego Barros Arana. (Biblioteca Americana. depuis le regne de Charles VII. 240. Paris, Vol. I.) 8~. Leipzig, 1862. 1692. ALVAREZ, (Jose Maria.) Instituciones de AMERICA. Collection of Maps of America. Derecho Real de Espana. 2 v. Small 4~. Folded, folio. London, 1606-1794. Madrid, 1829. - Collection of Maps of America. Folded, -- The same. 2a edicion. 2 v. in 1. folio. London, 1710-1777. Small 4~. Madrid, 1839. AMERICA; or, an exact Description of the West ALVIMAR, (Comte d'.) Mentor des Rois. 8~. Indies; more especially of those Provinces Paris, 1826. which are under the dominion of the King ALVORD, (B.) Tangencies of Circles and of of Spain. Faithfully represented, by N. N., Spheres. 4~. Washington, 1806. (Smith- gent. 2 v. 16~. London, 1655. sonian Contributions, v. 8.) AMERICA and the West Indies, geographically AMADiS DE GAULA. 8~. Madrid, 1857. (Bib. described. By George Long, G. R. Porter, de Autores Espaioles, v. 34.) and George Tucker. 8~. London, 1845. 30 AMERICAN. AMERICAN. AMERICAN Academy of Arts and Sciences. AMERICAN CHARTERS; granted by Charles the Memoirs. 1st series. 4 v. 4~. Boston and II., William and Mary, and George II., viz: Cambridge, 1785-1821. Connecticut, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, The same. New series. Vols. 1-8. Massachusetts Bay, and Georgia. Folio. 10 parts. 40. Boston, 1833-63. London, (n. d.) Proceedings, selected from the records. AMERICAN COLONIZATION SOCIETY. Address Vols. 1-5. May, 1848, to May, 1862. 80. to the people of United States. 80. WashBoston, 1852-62. ington, 1832. (Slavery Pam., v. 16.) AMERICAN Adventure by Land and Sea; being - The same. (Slavery Pam., v. 19.) remarkable instances of enterprise and forti- And the Colony at Liberia. 80. Bostude among Americans; shipwrecks, Indian ton, 1832. (Slavery Pam., v. 19.) captivities, &c. 2 v. 180. New York, 1841. And the Colony at Liberia, statement (Harper's Fam. Liby., v. 159-160.) of facts respecting. 2d ed. 80. Princeton, AMERICAN Almanac, and Repository of Useful (N. J.,) 1831. (Slavery Pam., v. 19.) Knowledge, for 1830-1861. 32 v. 120. ~ Third Annual Report. 80. WashingBoston, 1830-61. ton, 1820. (Slavery Pam., v. 18.) AMERICAN Annals of Education and Instruc- Sixteenth Annual Report. 80. Washtion. 6 v. 80. Boston, 1831-36. ington, 1833. (Slavery Pam., v. 19.) AMERICAN Annual Cyclopmdia and Register - 14th, 15th, 19th, and 20th Annual of Important Events, for the years 1861 and Reports. 80. Washington, 1831-6. (Slavery 1862. V. 1-2. 8~. New York, 1862-3. Pam., v. 16.) AMERICAN Antiquarian Society, Proceedings. 29th, 43d, and 45th Annual Reports. 80. Boston, 1854. 80. Washington, 1846-62. See ARCHnEOLOGIA Americana. - Controversy between Caius Gracchus AMERICAN Anti-Slavery Society. Annual Re- and Opimius in reference to. Georgetown, port by the Executive Committee for the year (D. C.,) 1827. (Slavery Pam., v. 16.) ending May 1, 1859. 80. New York, 1860. AMERICAN Commercial Daily Advertiser. BaltiAMERICAN APOLLO. Boston, 1793-1794. (In- more, 1826-1828. (Incomplete.) 1 v. Folio. complete.) 1 v. Folio. AMERICAN Convention for Abolition of Slavery. AMERICAN ARCHIVES; consisting of a collection Address to free people of colour. 80. Philaof authentic records, State papers, debates, delphia, 1819. (Slavery Pam., v. 18.) and letters, and other notices of public affairs. AMERICAN Criticisms on Mrs. Trollope's The whole forming a documentary history of "Domestic Manners of the Americans." 2d the origin and progress of the North American ed. 80. London, 1833. Colonies; of the causes and accomplishment of AMERICAN CYCLOPEDIA, New. A popular dictheAmericanRevolution; andoftheConstitu- tionary of general knowledge. Edited by tion of Government for the United States, to the George Ripley and Charles A. Dana. 16 v. final ratification thereof. Published by M. St. 80. New York, 1860-63. Clair Clarke and Peter Force. 4th series, v. AMERICAN Daily Advertiser, for the years 1792, 1-5. Folio. Washington, 1837-44. (5 copies.) 1793, 1794, and 1797. 4 v. Folio. PhilaAMERICAN ART-UNION. Transactions for delphia, 1792-97. 1845-'6-'7-'8. 80. N. Y., 1845-8. AMERICAN Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac; Bulletin, Tri-Monthly. Parts for 1848-9. for the years 1855-1864. Published by au(Imperfect.) 80. N. Y., 1848-9. thority of the Secretary of the Navy. 10 v. AMERICAN Association for the Advancement of 80. Cambridge, (Mass.,) 1852-62. Science; proceedings of the second, fourth, AMERICAN Ethnological Society. Transacand sixth meetings-1849, 1850, and 1851. 3 tions. 2v. 80. New-York, 1845-48. v. 80. Boston and Washington City, 1850-52. AMERICAN and Foreign Bible Society. Ninth AMERICAN ATLAS; or, a geographical descrip-. and sixteenth Annual Reports. 80. New tion of the whole continent of America; com- York, 1846-53. posed from numerous surveys, several of AMERICAN Form Book and Legal Guide; being which was made by order of government, a complete assistant to merchants, mechanics, Folio. London, 1776. farmers, and all classes of men who wish to AMERICAN Board of Commissioners for Foreign transact their business properly. By a memMissions. Report presented at the thirty- her of the Cincinnati bar. 120. Cincinnati, ninth annual meeting. 80. Boston, 1848. 1852. 31 AMERICAN. AMERICAN. AMERICAN Fowl Breeder; containing full inform- AMERICAN LITERATURE; Chinese and Egypation on breeding, rearing, diseases, and man- tian writing; from the Foreign Quarterly agement of domestic poultry. Byan associa- Review, No. XLII. 80. London, 1848. tion ofpracticalbreeders. 180. Boston, 1850. AMERICAN MAGAZINE; or, monthly view of AMERICAN GAZETTE; being a collection of all political state of the British Colonies; fox the authentic addresses, memorials, letters, March, 1741. 80. Philadelphia, 1741. &c., which relate to the present disputes (Misc. Pam., v. 24.) between Great Britain and her colonies; con- AMERICAN Military Pocket Atlas; a collection taining many original papers never before of correct Maps of the British Colonies; published. Numbers 1 to 5, in 1 v. 120. especially those which are, or probably may London, 1768-69. be, the Theatre of War. 80. London, 1776. AMERICAN GAZETTEER; containing a distinct AMERICAN MUSEUM; or, repository of ancient account of all the parts of the New World; and modern fugitive pieces, prose and poetitheir situation, climate, soil, produce, former cal, 1787 to 1792. 12 v. 80. Philadelphia, and present condition; commodities, manu- 1790-92. factures, and commerce. 3. v. 160. Lon- American Museum; or, annual register don, 1762. of fugitive pieces, ancient and modern, for AMERICAN Geographical and Statistical Soci- the year 1798. 80. Philadelphia, 1799. ety; objects, organization, charter, and by- AMERICAN NAVAL BATTLES; being a complete laws. 80. New York, 1856. history of the battles fought by the Navy of AMERICAN Home Missionary Society. Second the United States, from its establishment, Report; constitution, and list of auxiliary in 1794, to the present time. 80. Boston, societies. 80. New York, 1828. (Misc. 1837. Pam., v. 15.) AMERICAN ORATORY; or, selections from the AMERICAN Institute of the City of New York. speeches of eminent Americans. 80. PhilaTransactions: Annual Reports for the years delphia, 1842. 1843, 1844, 1846-1851, 1854-1861. 16 v. The same. 80. Philadelphia, 1853. 80. Albany, 1843-62. AMERICAN Oriental Society, Journal. Vol. 1, AMERICAN JEST BOOK, The; containing a No. 1. Vols. 2, 3, and vol. 4, No. 2. 5 choice selection of jests, anecdotes, bonmots, parts. 80. New York, 1850-54. stories, &c. 120. Harrisburg, (Pa.,) 1796. AMERICAN Pharmaceutical Association. ProAMERICAN Journal of Education, 1826-30. 5 ceedings at the ninth annual meeting, Sept., v. 80. Boston, 1826-30. 1860. 80. Philadelphia, 1860. AMERICAN Journal of the Medical Sciences. AMERICAN Philosophical Society, for promoting Edited by Isaac Hays, M. D. First series, useful knowledge. Transactions. Ist series. Vols. 1-17. New series. Vols. 8-16, Vols. 1-2. 40. Philadelphia, 1786-9. 18-38, 41, and 42. 49 v. 80. Philadel- - The same. New series. Vols. 1-12. phia, 1827-61. 40. Philadelphia, 1818-63. AMERICAN JURIST and Law Magazine. Edited - Proceedings. Vols. 1-8. 80. Philaby C. Sumner, L. S. Cushing, G. S. Hillard, delphia, 1838-62. (Vol. 1 imperfect.) and S. F. Dixon. 28 v. 80. Boston, 1829-43. Laws, regulations, and charter of the AMERICAN LABORER; devoted to the cause of society, and a list of its members. 80. Philaprotection to home industry. 80. New York, delphia, 1860. 1843. Transactions of the Historical and AMERICAN LAW JOURNAL. New series. V. Literary Committee. V. 1, 2, and 3. 80. 1-3. 80. Philadelphia, 1849-51. Philadelphia, 1819, 1838, 1843. AMERICAN LAW MAGAZINE. April, 1843, to AMERICAN PIONEER; a monthly periodical, January, 1846. 6 v. 80. Philadelphia, devoted to the objects of the Logan Historical 1843-46. Society; or, to collecting and publishing AMERICAN LAW REGISTER; from November, sketches relative to the early settlement and 1852, to November, 1863. Editors: Asa F. successive improvement of the country. 2d Fish and Henry Wharton. V. 1-11. 80. ed. 2 v. 80. Cincinnati, 1842-43. Philadelphia, 1853-63. (2 copies of v. 1.) AMERICAN Publishers' Circular and Literary AMERICAN Literary Gazette and Publishers' Gazette. Vols. 1-8. September, 1855, to Circular. Octavo series. Vol. 1. May to February, 1863. 8 v. 40. New York, November, 1863. 80. Philadelphia, 1863. 1855-63. (Imperfect.) 32 AMERICAN. AMES. AMERICAN Quarterly Register and Magazine; AMERICAN Tract Society. Fourteenth and conducted by James Stryker. 6 v. 80. Twenty-sixth Annual Reports. 8~. New Philadelphia, 1848-51. York, 1839-51. AMERICAN Quarterly Review. 22 v. 8~. AMERICAN Traveller; being a new historical Philadelphia, 1827-37. collection, carefully compiled from original AMERICAN Question. Correspondence relative memoirs in several languages, and the most to. 80. London, 1812. (Pamphleteer, v. 2.) authentic voyages and travels, containing a AMERICAN Question, The. Secession, tariff, complete account of that part of the world slavery. 12~. London, 1862. (Pol. Pam., now called the West Indies. 120. London, v. 92.) 1743. AMERICAN Question: Why are we still at war? AMERICAN Wanderer, through various parts Considered in a series of rejected essays. 8~. of Europe; in a series of letters to a lady, London, 1814-15. (Pamphleteer, v. 4 and 6.) interspersed with a variety of interesting AMERICAN Rail Road Journal. Published and anecdotes. By a Virginian. 16~. Dublin, edited by D. K. Minor and Henry V. Poor, 1783. from 1832 to 1863. V. 1-36. (11 v. 80 AMERICAN War; historical journal of, 1765and 25 v. 40.) New York, 1832-63. 1783. 80. Boston, 1810. (Mass. Hist. Coll., AMERICAN Remembrancer; or, an impartial v. 2. First series.) collection of essays, resolves, speeches, &c., AMERICAN War; a letter to an English friend. relative, or having affinity, to the treaty with 80. New York, 1863. Great Britain. 3 v. 80. Philadelphia, 1795. AMERICAN'S Guide; comprising the DeclaraAMERICAN Review; a Whig journal of politics, tion of Independence; the Articles of Conliterature, art, and science. 2 series. 16 v. federation; the Constitution of the United 80. New-York, 1845-52. States, and the Constitutions of the several AMERICAN Revolution. Report on the ex- States composing the Union. 12mo. Philachange of prisoners during. 80. Boston, delphia, 1833. 1862. (Mass. Hist. Soc'y Proc'd., v. 3.) The same. 120. Philadelphia, 1849. AMERICAN State Papers. Documents, legis- AMERICANS defended by an American; being lative and executive, of the Congress of the a letter in answer to inquiries concerning the United States, from 1789 to 1859, selected late imputations of dishonour upon the United and edited under the authority of Congress. States. 80. London, 1844. First series, 21 v. Second series, 17 v. Folio. AMERICANUS Examined, and his principles Washington, 1832-61. (2 copies.) compared with those of the approved advoCONTENTS. cates for America. By a Pennsylvanian. Claims, 1 v., 1789-1823. 80. Philadelphia, 1774. (Col. Pam., v. 12.) Commerce and Navigation, v. 1-2., 1789-1823. AMERIQUE (1') Delivr6e: Esquisse d'un poeme Finance, v. 1-5., 1789-1828. Foreign Relations, v. 1-6., 1789-1828. sur l'Independance de l'Amerique. 2 v. in 1. Indian Affairs, v. 1-2., 1789-1827. 8 Amsterdam 1783. Military Affairs, v. 1-7., 1789-1838. Miscellaneous, v. 1-2., 1789-1823. AMES, (Fisher.) Works. With notices of his Naval AOffirs, v. 1-48,1789-1836. life and character. 8vo. Boston, 1809. Post Office, 1 v., 1789-1823. Public Lands, v., 1-8., 1789-1837. The same. With a selection from his - The same. In relation to the Public speeches and correspondence. Edited by Lands, March 4, 1789, to June 15, 1834. his son, Seth Ames. 2 v. 8. Boston, Selected and edited, under the authority of 1854. the Senate of the United States, by Walter CONTENTS. Lowrie. V. 3, 4, and 5. Folio. Wash- Essays, Political and Miscellaneous, v. 2. ington, 1834. Letters, v. 1. Mgemoir, by J. T. Kirkland, v. 1. AMERICAN Statistical Association Collections. Speeches, v. 2. (Vol. I, Part I.) 80. Boston, 1843. (Pol. AMES, (Joseph.) Typographical Antiquities; Pam., v. 118.) or, history of printing in England, Scotland, AMERICAN Sunday-School Union. Thirtieth and Ireland. Begun by Joseph Ames; augAnnual Report. 80. Philadelphia, 1854. mented by William Herbert; and with copious AMERICAN Telegraph Company; statistics, cir- notes, by T.F.Dibdin. 4v. 40. London cular, and remarks of R. W. Russell in reply 1810-19. to statements made at stockholders' meeting. AMES, (Nathan.) Pirate's Glen, and Dungeon 80. New York, 1860. Rock. 180. Boston, 1853. 33 AMESBURY. ANAYA. AMESBURY, (Joseph.) Practical Remarks on ANACREON. Odaria. Griec. Ad textus BarDeformities of the Spine, Chest, and Limbs, nesiani fidem emendata. Accedunt varime Muscular Weakness, Weak Joints, Muscular lectiones curL Edvardi Forster. Editio Contractions, and Stiff Joints. With plates. altera. 120. Londini, 1813. 40. London, 1840. The same. Grmece et LatinS, summa Practical Remarks on the Nature cura et diligentia, ad fidem etiam vet. MS. and Treatment of Fractures of the Trunk Vatican. emendatus. Item Anacreontis vita. and Extremities. 2 v. 80. London, Opera et studio JosuEe Barnes. 160. Can1831. tabrigi-e, 1705. AMI (1) des Patriotes, ou le ddfenseur de la - First Twenty-Eight Odes, in Greek Revolution. No. 44. 80. Paris, 1791. (Pol. and English; and in both languages in prose Pam., v. 7.), as well as in verse; with notes and a lexicon. AMIENS, (Traite d'.) Pidces Officielles rela- By J. B. Roche. 80. London, 1827. tives aux Preliminaires de Londres et au Odes and Epigrams. Trans. by F. Traitd d'Amiens. 80. Paris, 1803. Fawkes. 80. London, 1810. (Chalmers' The same. 40. Paris, 1803. (Pol. Eng. Translations, v. 2.) Pam., v. 3.) - The same. 160. Chiswick, 1822. (Brit. The same. (Pol. Pam., v. 5.) Poets, v. 89.) AMMIANUS MARCELLINUS. Rerum Gestarum Odes. Translated into English verse, qui de xxxi. supersunt, libri xviii. ope Mss. with notes, by Thomas Moore. 10th edition. codicum emendati ab Henrico Valesio, et 2 v. in 1. 160. London, 1820. auctioribus adnotationibus illustrati. Folio. The same. Literally translated into Parisiis, 1681. English prose, with the original Greek, the Idem, ex recensione Valesio-Gronovi- metres, the ordo, and English accentuation, ana; indicem dignitatum nec non glossarium by T. W. C. Edwards. 120. London, Latinitatis adiecit A. G. Ernesti. 3 v. 80. 1830. Lipsiae, 1773. Bion, and Moschus, with other trans- Roman History, during the reigns of lations, by Thomas Stanley. First printed the Emperors Constantine, Julian, Jovianus, 1651. 160. London, 1815. Valentinian, and Valens. Translated by C. - Anacreonte. Tradotto in versi Italiani, D. Yonge. 120. London, 1862. (Bohn's da vari; con la giunta del testo Greco, e'Classical Library, v. 2.) della versione Latina di Giosue Barnes. AMORY, (Thomas.) Life of John Buncle, Esq. Small 40. Venezia, 1736. 3 v. 120. London, 1825. ANAGNOSTES, (Joannes.) De Extremo ThesAMORY, (Thomas C.) Life of James Sullivan. salonicensi Excidio Narratio. Gr. et Lat. With Selections from his Writings. 2 v. 80. 80. Bonnee, 1838. (Byzantine Hist. Corpus, Boston, 1859. v. 33.) AMos, (Andrew.) ObservationsontheStatutes ANALES de la Universidad de Chile, 1843of the Reformation Parliament in the Reign 1851. 8v. 80. Santiago de Chile, 1846-52. of King Henry the Eighth. 80. London, ANAS. The French Anas. Translated into 1859. English. 3 v. 160. London, 1805. Ruins of Time exemplified in Sir Mat- ANASTASIUS, (Bibliothecarius.) Historia Ecthew Hale's History of the Pleas of the clesiastica, sive Chronographia Tripertita. Crown. 80. London, 1856. Ex. rec. 1. Bekkeri. 80. Bonnse, 1841. ---- and FERARD, (J.) Treatise on the Law (Byzantinre Hist. Corpus, v. 35.) of Fixtures, and other property, partaking ANATOMICAL REMEMBRANCER; or, Complete both of a real and personal nature. 80. Pocket Anatomist; a concise description of London, 1827. the structure of the human body. 2d Am. - The same. ]st Am. ed.; with notes from 4th Lond. ed. By C. E. Isaacs. 160. and references to American authorities. 80. New-York, 18:5. New-York, 1830.'ANAYA, (A.) Essay on Spanish Literature, ----— The same. 2d ed. By William Hogan. containing its history from the twelfth cen80. New-York, 1855. tury. 120. London, 1818. AMPaRE, (J. J ) Promenade en Amerique. - Grammaire Italienne; avec des thbmes lItats-Unis - Cuba-Mexique. 2 v. 80. suivans les rlgles; et un supplement. 2e Paris, 1855. edition. 80. Londres, 1819. 5. 34 ANBUREY. ANDERSON. ANBUREY, (Thomas.) Travels through the tains, Saxon Switzerland. Translated from Interior Parts of America; in a series of the Danish, by C. Beckwith. 120. London, letters. 2 v. 80. London, 1791. 1848. ANCELL, (Henry.) Treatise on Tuberculosis, The Sandhills of Jutland. 12~. Boston, the constitutional Origin of Consumption 1861. and Scrofula. 80. London, 1852. Story of My Life, a sketch. Translated ANCELOT, (Marguerite Chardon.) Theatre. by Mary Howitt. 16~. Boston, 1847. 12~. Paris, 1841. Tales and Fairy Stories. Translated ANCHORAN, (John.) Gate of Tongues Un- by Madame DeChatelain. 18~. London, locked and Opened; or else, a seminary or 1862. seed-plot of all tongues and sciences. 4th ANDERSON, (Adam.) Historical and Chronoedition, much enlarged. 16~. London, 1639. logical Deduction of the Origin of Commerce, ANCIEN RIWLE; a treatise on the rules and from the earliest accounts. Revised and duties of monastic life. Ed. by J. Morton continued to 17b9, by Mr. Coombe. 6 v. Sm. 4~. London, 1853. (Camden Society, 8~. Dublin, 1790. No. 57.) ANDERSON, (Sir Charles Henry John.) Eight ANcIENT British Drama. 3v. 8~. London, Weeks' Journal in Norway, &c., in 1852; 1810. with rough outlines. 12~. London, 1853. ANCIENT Cornish Drama. Edited and trans- ANDERSON, (Christopher.) Annals of the Englated by Mr. Edwin Norris. 2 v. 8c. Ox- lish Bible; with index. 3 v. 8~. London, ford, 1859. 1845-48. ANCIENT History, English and French, exem- Native Irish, and their Descendplified in a regular dissection of the Saxon ants. 3d edition, improved. 12~. London, Chronicle; preceded by a Review of Whar- 1846. ton's Utrum Elfricus Grammaticus; Malmes- ANDERSON, (David.) Canada; or, a view of bury's Life of St. Wulstan; and Hugo Can- the importance of the British American didus's Peterborough History. 12~. London, Colonies. 8~. London, 1814. 1830. ANDERSON, (Edmund.) Reports, 1534 to 1604. ANCIENT History of the Jews, and of the Folio. London, 1664. minor Nations of Antiquity. To which are ANDERSON, (Florence.) Zenaida. 12~. Philaprefixed, the various theories of the creation; delphia, 1858. and a general history to the birth of Abra- ANDERSON, (George and Peter.) Guide to ham. 2 v. 8~. London, 1834. the Highlands and Islands of Scotland, inANCIENT Irish Histories. By Spenser, Cam- eluding Orkney and Zetland. 3d ed. 16~. pion, etc. 2 v. 8~. Dublin, 1809. Edinburgh, 1851. ANCIENT Testimony and Principles of the ANDERSON, (James.) Collections relating Quakers Reviewed, with respect to the King to the History of Mary, Queen of Scotand Government. Folded4~. Philadelphia, land. 4 v. 4~. Edinburgh and London, 1776. (Col. Pam., v. 16 ) 1727-28. ANCIENT Universal History. 21 v. 8~. Lon- Royal Genealogies; or, the Genealogidon, 1747-54. cal Tables of Emperors, Kings, and Princes, ANCILLON, (Fr6deric.) Tableau des Revolu- from Adam to these times. 2d edition. tions du Systeme Politique de l'Europe, Folio. London, 1736. depuis la fin du quinzilme siecle. 4 v. 8~ ANDERSON, (James, LL. D.) Interest of Great Paris, 1823. Britain with regard to her Colonies considANCKER, (G. F.) Engelsk-Dansk Parleur, ered. 80. London, 1782. og Progressive Ovelser til Oversmettelse pat Observations on Slavery: its effects on Engelsk. 160. Kjobenhavn, 1851. the British Colonies in the West Indies. ANDERSEN, (Hans Christian.) Danish Fairy 4~. Manchester, 1789. (Slavery Pam., Legends and Tales. 2d edition, enlarged. v. 4.) 16~. London, 1853. ANDERSON, (James S. M.) History of the Improvisatore; or, Life in Italy. 160. Church of England in the Colonies and ForLondon, 1847. (Bentley's Stand. Novels, eign Dependencies of the British Empire. v. 110. ) 3 v. 80.' London, 1845-56. ANDERSEN, (Hans Christian.) Rambles in Memoir of (Alexander William) the the Romantic Regions of the Hartz Moun- Chisholm. 16~. London, 1842. 35 ANDERSON. ANDREWS. ANDERSON, (John.) Acheen, and the Ports on River; a narrative of travel, exploration, the north and east coasts of Sumatra; with and adventure. 8~. London, 1861. notices of the trade in the eastern seas, and the ANDILLY, (R. Arnauld d'.) (See ARNAULD aggressions of the Dutch. 80. London, 1840. d'Andilly.) Mission to the East Coast of Sumatra, ANDOCIDES, Orationes, (Graece.) 80. Londini, in 1823. 8~. Edinburgh,1826. 1828. (Oratores Attici. v. 1.) - Wanderings in the Land of Israel and -- The same. (LatinS.) (Oratores Attici, through the wilderness of Sinai, in 1850-51. v. 13.) 160. Glasgow, 1853. - (Orationes.) Gr. et Lat. Ed. C. MuilANDERSON, (John, M. D.) Sketch of the ler. (Didot, Biblioth. Grecque, v. 51.) Comparative Anatomy of the Nervous Sys- ANDOVER Theological Seminary. Outline of tem; with remarks on its development in course of Study. 80. Andover, (Ms.,) 1825. the human embryo. 40. London, 1837. (Theol. Pam., v. 11.) ANDERSON, (John, Esq.) Reminiscenses of ANDRADA, (Jacinto Freire de.) Vida de D. Thomas Chalmers. 120. Edinburgh, 1851. Jodo de Castro, Quarto Viso-Rei da India. ~ — History of Edinburgh, from the earliest Nova ediIlo emendada, e acrescentada corn period to 1850; with notices of remarkable a vida do autor. 160. Paris, 1818. individuals. 80. Edinburgh, 1856. ANDRAL, (Gabriel.) Clinique Medicale; or, ANDERSON, (Robert.) Rudiments of Tamul Reports of Medical Cases. Condensed and Grammar. 40. London, 1821. translated by D. Spillan. 80. London, 1836. ANDERSON, (Robert, Maj.) Evolutions of - Treatise on Pathological Anatomy. Field Batteries of Artillery. Trans. from Translated from the French, by R. Townthe French, and arranged for the army of the send and W. West. 2 v. 80. Dublin, 1829-31. U. S. 240. New York, 1860. ANDRgf, (John.) Proceedings of a Board of ANDERSON, (Rufus.) Observations upon the General Officers, held by order of Gen. Peloponnesus and Greek Islands, made in Washington, respecting Maj. J. Andre. 80. 1829. 120. Boston, 1830. Philadelphia, 1780. (Col. Pam., v. 18.) ANDERSON, (William.) London Commercial ANDRE, (J. F.) Observations sur les PretenDictionary, and Sea-Port Gazetteer, exhibit- tions Reciproques des trois ordres du Roy ing the commerce and manufactures of all aume. 80. Paris, 1789. (Pol. Pam., v. 16.) nations. With tables, and an appendix of ANDRE d'Arbelles. Memoire sur la Conduite duties. 80. London, 1819. de la France et de l'Angleterre A l' gard des ANDERSON, (Rev. William.) Apology for Neutres. 120. Paris, 1810. Millennial Doctrine; in the form in which ANDREOSSY, (Comte Francois.) Histoire du it was entertained by the Primitive Canal du Midi, ou Canal de Languedoc. 2 Church. 80. Philadelphia, 1840. (Liter- v. 40. Paris, 1804. alist, v. 2.) ANDREW, (James.) Hebrew Dictionary and ANDERSON, (William, Esq.) Popular Scotch Grammar, without points; with a brief Biography; being lives of eminent natives sketch of Chaldee grammar. 80. London, of Scotland. 80. Edinburgh, 1842. 1823. ANDERSON, (Rev. William.) Sketches of the ANDREW, (Thomas.) Cyclopsedia of Domestic History and Present State of the Russian Medicine and Surgery, etc. 80. Glasgow, Empire; with political and personal me- 1845. moirs of the Imperial Court. 80. London, ANDREWES, (Lancelot.) Sermons, and Minor 1815. Works. 6 v. 80. Oxford, 1841-46. ANDERSON, (William.) (Writerin Edinburgh.) ANDREWS, (Alexander.) The Eighteenth CenSpeeches and Judgment of the Lords of tury; or, illustrations of the manners and cusCouncil and Session in Scotland, upon the toms ofourgrandfathers. 120. London, 1856. important cause, George James, Duke of - History of British Journalism, from HI-amilton, and others vs. Archibald Douglas. the foundation of the Newspaper Press in 80. Edinburgh, 1768. England, to the repeal of the stamp act in ANDERSSON, (Charles John.) Lake Ngami; or, 1855; with sketches of press celebrities. 2 explorations and discoveries during four v. 120. London, 1859. years' wanderings in the wilds of south- ANDREwS, (C. C.) Digest of the Opinions of western Africa. 120. New York, 1856. the Attorneys General of the United States. ANDERSSON, (Charles John.) The Okavango 8~. Washington, 1857. (2 copies.) 36 ANDREWS. ANECDOTES. ANDREWS, (C. C.) Practical Treatise on the ANDREWS, (James Pettit.) History of Great Revenue Laws. 80. Boston, 1858. (2 copies.) Britain, connected with the Chronology of - Minnesota and Dacotah; in letters de- Europe; with notes, anecdotes of the times, scriptive of a tour through the north-west, in lives of the learned, and specimens of their 1856. 2d ed. 120. Washington, 1857. works. 2 v. in 1. 40. London, 1794. ANDREWS, (Ethan Allen.) - Copious and criti- ANDREWS, (John.) Analysis of the Principal cal Latin-English Lexicon, founded on the Duties of Social Life; written in imitation larger Latin-German lexicon of Dr. William of Rochefoucault. 120. London, 1783. Freund; with additions and corrections from -- Essay on Republican Principles, and on the lexicons of Gesner, Facciolati, Scheller, the inconveniences of a commonwealth in a Georges, etc. 80. New-York, 1853. large country and nation. b8. London, 1783. -- Slavery, and the Domestic Slave Trade The same. (Pol. Pam., v. 28 ) in the United States. 160. Boston, 1836. - History of the War with America, - - and STODDARD, (S.) Grammar of the France, Spain, and Holland, commencing in Latin Language. 65th ed. 120. Boston, 1775 and ending in 1783. 4 v. 80. Lon1857. don, 1785-86. ANDREWS, (George.) Reports of Cases in the ANDREWS, (Joseph.) Journey from Buenos Court of King's Bench, 1733 to 1740. Folio. Ayres, through the Provinces of Cordova, London, 1754. Tucuman, and Salta, to Potosi, Arica, SanANDREWS, (G. H.) Modern Husbandry; a tiago de Chili, and Coquimbo. 2v. 120. practical and scientific treatise on agricul- London, 1827. ture. 80. London, 1853. ANDFREWS, (Stephen P.;) and BATCHELOR, ANDREWS, (Henry C.) Botanist's Repository, (George.) New and Comprehensive French for New and Rare Plants; containing col- Instructor. 120. New-York, 1855. oured figures of such plants as have not ap- ANDREWS, (William Eusebius.) Critical and peared in any similar publication; botani- Historical Review of Fox's Book of the Marcally arranged, after the sexual system of tyrs, showing the inaccuracies, falsehoods, Linnaeus. In English and Latin. 10 v. 40. and misrepresentations in that work of deLondon, 1797-1814. ception. 2 v. 80. Baltimore, 1825. -- Coloured Engravings of Heaths; draw- ANDREWS, (W. S.) Illustrations of the West ings taken from living plants only; with the Indies. Vol. 1. Sailing directions for the character, description, native place of growth, Caribbean sea, Gulf of Mexico, and Florida. and time of flowering of each. In Latin and Oblong 40. London, 1861. English. 4 v. Folio. London, 1802. ANDRONICUS RHODIUS. Paraphrase of an -- Geraniums; or, a monograph of the Anonymous Greek Writer, (hitherto pubGenus Geranium; containing colored figures lished under the name of Andronicus Rhoof all known species. 40. London, 1805. dius,) on the Nicomachean Ethics of Aristo-- Roses; or, a monograph of the Genus tie. Translated from the Greek, by Win. Rosa; containing colored figures of all Bridgeman. 40. London, 1807. known species. 40. London, 1805. ANDROS, (A. C.) Pen and Pencil Sketches of - The Heathery; or, a monograph of the a Holiday Scamper in Spain. 120. London, Genus Erica; containing coloured engrav- 1860. ings, with Latin and English descriptions, ANDROS, (Sir Edmund.) Papers relative to dissections, &c., of all known species. 2d the Usurpation in New England, 1686. 80. ed. 6v. 80. London, 1845. Boston, 1838. (Mass. Hist. Col., v. 7. Third ANDREWS, (Israel D.) Report on the Trade Series.) and Commerce of the British North American ANDROS, (R. S. S.) United States Customs Colonies, and upon the trade of the great Guide. 120. Boston, 1859. lakes and rivers; also, notices of the inter- ANDRYANE, (Alexander.) Memoirs of a Prisnal improvements in each State, of the gulf oner of State in the Fortress of Spielberg; of Mexico and straits of Florida, and a pa- with Appendix, by Maroncelli, the Companion per on the cotton crop of the United States. of Silvio Pellico. Translated by Fortunate 2 v. 80., with maps. Washington, 1854. Prandi. 2 v. 120. London, 1840. ANDREWS, (James Pettit.) Anecdotes, &c. ANECDOTES of the American Indians, illustratAncient and Modern; with observations. 80. ing their eccentricities of character. 160. London, 1790. Hartford, 1850. 37 ANECDOTICAL. ANNALES. ANECDOTICAL OLIO; a collection of literary, ANGELL, (Joseph K.;) and DURFEE, (Thomas.) moral, religious, and miscellaneous anecdotes, Treatise on the Law of Highways. 80. selected and arranged by Messrs. Hoes & Boston, 1857. (2 copies.) Way. 80. New York, 1856. ANGELo,(Michael;) and DE CARI,, (D.) VoyANGELL, (James B.) Hand-Book of French age to Congo, 1866-7. (Pinkerton's VoyLiterature; historical, biographical, and ages, v. 16.) critical. 12~. Philadelphia, 1857. Thesame. (Churchill's Voyages, v. 1.) ANGELL, (Joseph K.) Inquiry into the Rule ANGLESEY, (Arthur Annesley, Earl of.) Meof Law which Creates a Right to an Incor- moirs; intermixt with Moral, Political, and poreal Hereditament, by an Adverse Enjoy- Historical Observations. Published by Sir ment of Twenty Years; with remarks on the Peter Pett. 8~. London, 1693. application of the rule to Light, and in cer- - Privileges of the House of Lords and tain cases to a Water Privilege. 80. Boston, Commons argued and stated, in two confer1827. (2 copies.) ences between both Houses, April 19 and 22, -- Practical Summary of the Law ofAssign- 1671. 160. London, 1702. ments in Trust for the Benefit of Creditors. ANGLO-CHINESE CALENDAR for the year 1848, With an appendix offorms. 120. Boston, 1835. corresponding to the year for the Chinese -- Treatise on the Common Law in relation cycle era 4485; being the 28th year of the to Water Courses. 80. Boston, 1824. reign of Taukwang. 80. Canton, 1848. -- The same. With appendix, containing ANGLO-SAXON Homily on St. Gregory's Day; Statutes of Flowing, and Forms of Declara- with an English translation, by Elizabeth tions. 4th ed. 80. Boston, 1850. Elstob. 80. London, 1839. - The same. 5th edition, revised, with ANGOULEME, (Charles de Valois, Duc d'.) references to many new adjudged cases. 80. Memoires. 80. Paris, 1790. (Coll. des M6Boston, 1854. moires Relatifs A l'Hist. de France, v. 62.) -- Treatise on the Law of Carriers of - Thesame. 80. Paris, 1838. (Michaud. Goods and Passengers, by land and by water. Coll. Mem. Hist. France, v. 11.) 80. Boston, 1849. - The same. 80. Paris, 1824. (Petitot, -- The same. 2d ed. 80. Boston, 1851. Coll. M6m. Hist. France, ser. I, v. 44.) -- The same. 3d ed. Revised and en- ANNA COMNENA. Alexiadis Libri XV. Gr. et larged. 80. Boston, 1857. Lat. Rec. L. Schopenus. V. I. 80. Bonnse, -Treatise on the Law of Fire and Life 1839. (Byzantinae Hist. Corpus, v. 46 ) Insurance. 80. Boston, 1854. ANNALEN der Koniglichen Sternwarte bei The same. 2d ed. 8~. Boston, 1855. Miinchen, auf offentliche Kosten, herausge--- Treatise on the Limitations of Actions at geben von Dr. J. Lamont. 6 v. 80. lMunLaw and Suits in Equity. 80. Boston, 1829. chen, 1848-53. - The same. 2d ed. 80. Boston, 1846. - Beobachtnngen des Meteorologischen -- The same. 4th edition, revised and Observatoriums auf dem Hohenpeissenberg greatly enlarged, by John Wilder May. 80. von 1792-1850, auf offentliche Kosten, herBoston, 1861. (2 copies.) ausgegeben von Dr. J. Lamont. Supplement- Treatise on the Right of Property in band zu Annalen der Munchener Sternwarte. Tide Waters, and the Soil and Shores thereof. 8~. Miinchen, 1851. 80. Boston, 1826. ANNALER for Nordisk Oldkyndighed og His- The same. 2d ed. 80. Boston, 1847. torie, udgivne af det Kongelige Nordiske -- and AMES, (Samuel.) Treatise on the Oldskrift-Selskab; 1852-1860. 9 v. 80. Law of Private Corporations Aggregate. 80. Kjibenhavn, 1852-63. Boston, 1832. ANNALES ANTIQUITATIS. Chronological Ta- The same. 2d ed. 80. Boston, 1843. bles of Ancient History; synchronistically - The same. 3d ed. 80. Boston, 1846. and ethnographically arranged. Folio. Ox-- The same. 4th ed. 80. Boston, 1852. ford, 1835. (2 copies.) ANNALES de Chimie et de Physique: -- The same. 6th ed. 80. Boston, 1858. le serie. 96 v. in 48 v. 8~. Paris, 1789-1815. (2 copies.) 2C2esrie. 75 v. 83. Paris, 1816-40. -~ — The same. 7th edition, revised, cor- 3 ie V. 1-69.. Pari, 1843. rected, and enlarged, by John Lathrop. 80. Table G6nerale. le serie, 1789-1815. Boston, 1861. (2 copies.) 3 v. 80. Paris, 1801-21. 38 ANNALES. ANNUAL. ANNALES de Chimie et de Physique. Table ANNET, (Peter.) Life of David; or, history Generale. 2eserie, 1816-40. 3v. 80. Paris, of the man after God's own heart. (2d ed.) 1831-41. 240. London, 1772. Table Gendrale. 3e serie, V. 1-30. ANNUAIRE des Deux Mondes. Histoire Gene1841-50. 80. Paris, 1851. rale des divers ]tats. Annees 1l50-61. V. ANNALS and Magazine of Natural History; or, 1-11. 80. Paris, 1851-62. Magazine of Zoology, Botany, and Geology. ANNUAIRE Diplomiatique de 1' Empire Franuais (Being a continuation of the "Magazine of pour 1' ann6e 1862. 5e Ann6e. 120. Paris, Zoology and Botany;" and Sir W. J. Hook- (Strasbourg,) 1862. er's "BotanicalCompanion.") Conducted by ANNUAIRE de l']conomie Politique et de la Sir WV. Jardine, P. J. Selby, Dr. Johnston, Statistique; pour 1846, 1861 et 1862. 3 v. Sir W. J. Hooker, Richard Taylor, and 180. Paris, 1846-62. others: ANNUAIRE Historique Universel, pour 18181st series, 20 v. 80. London, 1838-47. 1852.- Fonde par C. L. Lesur. 35 v. 80. 2d series, 20 v. 80. London, 1848-57. Paris, 1825-54. 3d series, v. 1-12. 80. London, 1858-63. ANNUAIRE du Journal des Mines de Russie, ANNALS of Administration; containing the 1835-1840. 6 v. 80. Saint-Petersbourg, genuine history of Georgiana, the Queen- 1840-42. Mother, and Prince Coloninus, her son: a ANNUAIRE de la Marine et des Colonies. 1862. biographical fragment, written about the year 80. Paris, 1862. 1575. 80. London, 1775. (Col. Pam., v. 9.) ANNUAIRE de l']tat Militaire de France, pour ANNALS of the Astronomical Observatory of les annees 1837, 1846 et 1847. 3 v. 120. Georgetown College, D. C.; containing the Paris, 1837-47. description of the Observatory, and the de- ANNUAIRE Militaire de la R6publique Franscription and use of the transit instrument gaise, pour l'anne 1852. 120. Paris, 1852. and meridian circle. 40 New York, 1852. ANNUAIRE Militaire de 1' Empire Francais ANNALS of the Kingdom of Ireland, by the pour 1' ann6e 1862. 120. Paris, 1862. Four Masters, from the earliest period to the ANNUAIRE Oriental et Am6ricain. Publie year 1616. Edited from MSS. in the library avec la concours et sous les auspices de la of the Royal Irish Academy and Trinity Socidet d'Ethnographie Americaine et OrienCollege, Dublin; with a translation, and co- tale. Pour les ann6es 1860, 1861 et 1862. 3 pious notes, by John O'Donovan. 7 v. 40. v. in 1. 12~. Paris, 1860-62. Dublin, 1851. ANNUAIRE de la Pairie et de la Noblesse de ANNALS of Phrenology. 2 v. 80. Boston, France, et des Maisons Souveraines de l'Eu1834-5. rope, publie sons la direction de M. Borel ANNEKE, (Fritz.) Der zweite Freiheitskampf d'Hauterive, (1846 A 1852.) 6 v. 120. der vereinigten Staaten von America. V. 1. Paris, 1846-52. 120. Frankfort, 1861. ANNUAL ANTHOLOGY. 1799 and 1800. 2 v. ANNESLEY, (James.) Researches into the 16. Bristol, 1799-1800. causes, nature, and treatment of the more ANNUAL Biography and Obituary, from 1817 to prevalent diseases of India, and of warm 1837. 21 v. 80. London, 1817-37. climates generally. 2 v. 40. London, ANNUAL REGISTER; or, a View of the History, 1828. Politics, and Literature, for the years 1758The same. 2d ed. 80. London, 1841. 1862. 103 v. 80. London, 1777-1863. Sketches of the most prevalent diseases General Index, from 1758 to 1780. 80. of India; comprising a Treatise on the Epi- London, 1783. demic Cholera of the East. 2d ed. 80. General Index, from 1758 to 1819. 80. London, 1831. London, 1826. ANNESLEY. Trial in Ejectment between ANNUAL Reports of the British and Foreign James Annesley and Richard, Earl of An- Anti-Slavery Society, from 1840 to 1845. 80. glesea, before the Barons of His Majesty's London, 1840-45. Court of Exchequer in Ireland, November ANNUAL Reports of the Commissioners of Emi1743. 120. (Imperfect; wanting pp. 1-26, gration of the State of New York, from the &c.) organization of the Commission, May 5, ANNESLEY, (William.) New system of Naval 1847, to 1860, inclusive. 80. New York, Architecture. 40. - London, 1822. 1861. 39 ANNUAL. ANTHOINE. ANNUAL Reports of the Registrar-General, of ANSTED, (David Thomas.) Geology; introBirths, Deaths, and Marriages, in England. ductory, descriptive, and practical. 2 v. 8~. lstto23d. 1839-1860. 22 v. 8~. London, London, 1844. 1839-62. (12th Report wanting.) Gold-seeker's Manual; a practical and ANOIS, (Countess d'.) See AULNOY, (Corn- instructive guide to persons emigrating to tesse d'.) California. 120. New York, 1849. ANQUETIL, (Louis Pierre.) L'Intrigue du Scenery, Science, and Art; being exCabinet, sous Henri IV. et sous Louis XIII., tracts from the note-book of a geologist and terminee par la Fronde. 4 v. 12~. La mining engineer. 80. London, 1854. Haye, 1780. and LATHAM, (R. G.) The Channel The same. Nouvelle 6dition. 2 v. 8~. Islands. 8~. London, 1862. Paris, 1819. ANSTEY, (Christopher.) New Bath Guide; or, -- Histoire de France, depuis les Gaulois memoirs of the B-n-r-d family, in a series jusqu'a la Mort de Louis XVI. Nouvelle of poetical epistles. New ed., with preface, edition, revue et corrigee. 10 v. 80. Paris, and annotations, by John Britton. 120. 1817. London, 1832. The same. Continuee depuis la Revo- ANSTEY, (Thomas Chisholme.) Guide to the lution de 1789, par Leonard Gallois. Nou- History of the Laws and Constitution of velle edition, augmentee d'une table alpha- England. 120. London, ]845. betique des matieres. 5 v. 8~. Paris, ANSTRUTHER, (Alexander.) Reports of Cases 1842-44. in the Court of Exchequer, 1792 to 1797. The same. Nouvelle edition, revue et 3 v. 8~. London, 1796-7. continuee jusqu'A nos jours, par Louis de o The same. 2d ed. 8~. London, 1817. Maslatrie. 6 v. 8~. Paris, 1845. ANSWER to the Reply to the Supposed Treasury - The same. Depuis la Mort de Louis Pamphlet. 8~. London, 1785. (Pol. Pam., XVI. jusqu'au Traite de Paris du 20 Novem- v. 29.) bre, 1815. Par. J. P. Gallais. Pour servir de ANSWER to War in Disguise; or, remarks on suite A l'Histoire de France de M. Anquetil. the new doctrine of England concerning 3 v. 8~. Paris, 1819. neutral trade. 80. New York, 1806. (Pol. L'Esprit de la Ligue, ou Histoire Poli- Pam., v. 78.) tique des Troubles de France pendant les ANTEPARA, (J. M ) South American EmanciXVIe et XVIIe Siecles. 2 v. 8~. Paris, pation: documents, historical and explana1818. tory, shewing the designs which have been Louis XIV., sa Cour et le Regent. 2 v. in progress, and the exertions made by Gen8~. Paris, 1819. eral Miranda for the attainment of that ob- Prcis de l'Histoire Universelle; ou ject, during the last twenty-five years. 8~. tableau historique, pr6sentant les vicissitudes London, 1811. des nations, leur decadence, et leurs catas- ANTHING, (Frederick.) History of the Camtrophes, depuis le temps oiu elles ont com- paigns of Count Alexander Suworow Rymmenc6. A etre connues jusqu'a la fin du nikski; with a preliminary sketch of his XVIIIe Siecle. 8 v. 80. Paris, 1818. private life and character. Translated from Memoirs of the Court of France, during the German. 2 v. 80. London, 1799. the Reign of Lewis XIV. and the Regency ANTHOINE, (Antoine Ignace.) Essai Historof the Duke of Orleans. Translated from ique sur le Commerce et la Navigation de la the French. 2 v. 80. Edinburgh, 1791. Mer-Noire. 80. Paris, 1820. ANSELMUS Cantuariensis. St. Opera. Nec ANTHOINE DE SAINT-JOSEPH, (Baron Frannon Eadmeri Historia Novorum, et alia 9ois.) Concordance entre les Codes de Comopuscula. Labore D. G. Gerberon, mon- merce Frangais: contenant le texte des codes achi Cong. S. Mauri, expurgata. 2a editio, et des lois commerciales des etats suivants; correcta et aucta. Folio. Lutetise Paris- Amerique du Sud, Anhalt, Autriche, Bade, iorum, 1721. Bavibre, Breme, Brunswick, Danemarck, ANSLEY, (E. A.) Elements of Literature; an Deux-Siciles, Espagne, 1tats de l'Eglise, introduction to the study of rhetoric and Etats-Unis, France, Franefort, Grande-Brebelles-lettres. 120. Philadelphia, 1849. tagne, Grace, Haiti, Hambourg, Hanovre, ANSPACH, (F. R.) Sepulchres of Our Departed. Hesse-Electorale, Hollande, Hongrie, Iles120. Philadelphia, 1854. Ioniennes, Lombardie, Lubeck, Malte, 40 ANTHOINE. ANTIQUARIAN. Mecklenbourg, Mexique, Nassau, Norvege, on the Laws of England; to which is preParme, Prusse, Portugal, Russie, Sardaigne, fixed an Essay on the Study of the Law. 8~. Saxe, Saxe-Weimar, Suede, Suisse (Can- Philadelphia, 1832. tons,) Toscane, Tunis, Turquie, Valachie, ~ Law of Nisi Prius; being reports of Wurtemberg. Edition augment6e de la Loi cases determined at Nisi Prius, in the Sug6n6rale sur le Change, en Allemagne, du preme Court of New-York, with notes and 24 Novembre, 1848, comparee avec le Titre commentaries on each case. 8~. New-York, VIII du livre Ier du Code de Commerce 1820. Frangais. 40. Paris, 1851. The same. 2d ed., with additional -- Concordance entre la Loi G6n6rale sur notes and cases in the supreme and superior le Change en Allemagne du 24 Novembre, courts. 8~. New York, 1858. 1848, et le Titre VIII du Livre Premier du ANTHONY, (Elliot.) Digest of Cases in the Code de Commerce Franuais. 120. Paris, Supreme Court of the State of Illinois, from 1851. 1819 to 1854. 80. Philadelphia, 1855. Concordance entre les Codes Civils ANTICIPATION of Marginal Notes on the Dec-:trangers et le Code Napoleon. 2e 6dition, laration of Government of 9th January, 1813, entierement refondue et augmentee de la in the American National Intelligencer. 80. concordance de la legislation civile de plus London, 1813. (Pamphleteer, v. 1.) de quarante pays. 4 v. 80. Paris, 1856. ANTICIPATIONS of the Future, to serve as les-- Manuel de Droit de l'lRtranger en sons for the present time. In the form of Angleterre. 160. Paris. letters from an English resident in the United Manuel de Droit de l'1tranger en States to the London Times, from 1864 to Angleterre. 160. Paris, 1852. 1870. With an appendix, on the causes and ANTHOLOGIA GRAECA. Cun versio Latina consequences of the independence of the Hugonis Grotii. Edita, cum observationi- South. 120. Richmond, 1860. bus notisque, ab Hieronymo de Bosch; qui- ANTIENT and Modern Scotish Songs, Heroic bus accedunt Cl. Salmasii notre inedite: Ballads, &c. 2 v. 160. Edinburgh, 1791. opus Boschii morte interruptum David Ja- ANTIGUA and the Antiguans; a full account of cobus van Lennep absolvit. 5 v. Folio. the colony and its inhabitants, from the time Ultrajecti, 1795-1822. of the Caribs to the present day; interspersed ANTHOLOGY. The Greek. Translated in prose, with anecdotes and legends. 2 v. 80. Lonby S. Burges. 120. London, 1854. (Bohn's don, 1844. Class. Library, v. 34.) ANTI-INFIDEL, (The.) Part I, No. II. 80. ANTHOLOGIA HIBERNICA; or, monthly collec- (n. d.) (Pol. Pam., v. 60.) tions of science, belles-lettres, and history. ANTI-MASONIC DOCUMENTS. 80. Boston, 4 v. in 2. 80. Dublin, 1793-4. 1849. ANTHON, (Charles) Classical Dictionary; ANTI-MASONIC REVIEW, and Magazine. By containing an account of the principal proper Henry Dana Ward. 2 v. in 1. 80. Newnames in ancient authors, and geography, York, 1828-30. history, biography, mythology, and fine arts ANTIPHON. Orationes. (Gr. et. Lat.) Ed. C. of the Greeks and Romans, &c. 80. New- Muiller. (Didot, Biblioth. Grecque, v. 51.) York, 1841. Orationes. (Grmec6.) 80. Londini, Latin-English and English-Latin Dic- 1828. (Oratores Attici, v. 1.) tionary, for the use of schools. 120. New- - The same. (Latina.) 80. Londini, York, 1852. 1828. (Oratores Attici, v. 13.) -- Manual of Grecian Antiquities. 120. ANTIQUARIAN REPERTORY. A miscellaneous New-York, 1852. assemblage of topography, history, biogra~- Manual of Greek Literature, from the phy, customs, and mann'ers; intended to earliest periods to the close of the Byzantine illustrate and preserve several valuable reera. 120. New-York, 1853. mains of old times. By Francis Grose, Manual of Roman Antiquities. 120. Thomas Astle, and other antiquarians. 4 v. New York, 1851. 40. London, 1807-9. System of Ancient and Mediaeval Geo- ANTIQUARIAN and Topographical Cabinet; graphy. 80. New-York, 1850. containing a series of elegant views of the ANTHON, (John.) Analytical Abridgment of most interesting objects of curiosity in Great the Commentaries of Sir William Blackstone, Britain 6 v. 80. London, 1817-19. 41 ANTIQUITATES. APOLLODORUS. ANTIQUITATES Americanre, sive Scriptores ANTONINUS Liberalis. Transformationum SynSeptentrionales rerum Ante-Columbianarum agoge. Gr. et Lat. 16~. Parisiis, 1675. in America. 4~. Hafnire, 1837. (Gale's Hist. Poet. Scriptores.) ANTIQUITES MEXICAINES. Relation des trois ANTONIO, (L. L.) Della Necessita de Riforexpeditions du capitaine Dupaix, ordonn6s mare la Legislazione. Small 40. Filadelfia, en 1805, 1806, et 1807 pour la recherche des 1804. antiquits du pays,notamment celles de Mitla ANTUNEZ Y ACEVF.DO, (Rafael.) Memorias et de Palenque. Avec des notes explica- Hist6ricas sobre la Legislacion, y Gobierno tives et autres documents, par MM. Bara- del Comercio de los Espaholes con sus Coloddre, de St. Priest, et plusieurs voyageurs nias en las Indias Occidentales. 8~. Madrid, qui ont parcourn l'Amerique. Texte. 2 v. 1797. Atlas des planches, I v. Folio. Paris, ANVA-I SUHAILI; or, the Lights of Canopus: 1834. being the Persian version of the fables of ANTIQUITIES OF IONIA. Published by the Pilpay, or the book "Kalilab and Damuah," Society of Diletta!ti. Part the second. rendered into Persian by Husain Vaiz UlkaFolio. London, 1797. shifi. 80. Hertford, 1854. ANTISELL, (Thomas.) Hand-Book of the ANVILLE, (Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d'.) Useful Arts. 80. New-York, 1852. Analyse Geographique de l'Italie. 40. Paris, Manufacture of Photogenic or Hydro- 1744. carbon Oils, from coal and other bituminous APEL, (Heinrich.) Grammar of the German substances capable of supplying burning Language. 120. London, 1840. fluids. 80. New-York, 1860. APERqu HISTORIQUE; suivi de quelques ObANTOINE de Saint Gervais, (A.) Histoire servations sur les Intdrets Commerciaux des des Emigres Fran9ais. 3 v. 80. Paris, Puissances du Continent par rapport aux 1828. Droits Bbusifs des Anglois contre les Neutres. ANTOMMARCHI, (Francesco.) Last Days of 120. Berlin, 1809. Napoleon: Memoirs of the last two years APES, (William.) Experience of William of Napoleon's exile; forming a sequel to the Apes, a native of the forest. 2d ed. 180. Journals of Dr. O'Meara and Count Las New York, 1831. Cases. 2d.d. 2 v. 80. London, 1826. APIANUS, (Petrus.) Cosmographicus liber. ANTONI, (Alessandro Vittorio Papacino d'.) Small 40. Landshut, 1524. Treatise on Gunpowder; a treatise on Fire- and GEMMA Frisius, (R.) CosmoArms; and a treatise on the Service ofArtillery graphia; sive, descriptio vniversi orbis. in time of War. Translated from the Italian, Cujus huic editioni additus est De Astrolabo by Captain Thomson. 80. London, 1789. Catholico libellus, M. Euerarthoin epitomen ANTONINUS, (Marcus Aurelius.) Commentarii contractus. Small 40. Antverpim, 1584. quos ipse Sibi scripsit. Grrece et Latine. APICIAN MORSELS; or, Tales of the Table, 2 v. 160. Lipsiae, 1775. Kitchen, and Larder; containing a new and Commentarii. Gr. et Lat. 80. Paris, improved code of eatics, select epicurean 1840). (Didot, Biblioth. Grecque, v. 46.) precepts, etc. 120. New York, 128. - Eorum qum ad Seipsum libri XII., post APICIus, (Coelius.) De Opsoniis et CondimenGatakerum ceterosque recogniti et notis illus- tis; sive Arte Coquinaria. Cum annotationtrati a R. J. Grecd et Latina. 160. Glas- ibus M. Lister, et notis variorum. 80. Longuse, 1744. dini, 1705. Meditations. Newly translated from APOCRYPHAL New Testament. 2d ed. 80. the Greek, with notes, and an account of his London, 1821. life. 2 v. 160. Glasgow, 1742. APOLLODORUS Atheniensis. Bibliotheese libri The same. Translated byMeric Casau- tres; ad codd. MsS. fidem recensiti a Chr. G. bon. 5th ed. With the life of Antoninus, Heyne; ac ejusdem notre ad Apollodori Biband select remarks on his Meditations, by liothecam; cum Commentatione de ApolloMons. and MadameDacier. (Never before in doro argumento et consilio operis: et cum English.) 160. London, 1692. Apollodori Fragmentis; atque Epistola CritiThe same. Translated by R. Graves. ca in Apollodrum ad Heyne. 4 v. 120. 120. Bath, 1792. Goettingve, 1782-83. Thoughts. Translatedby George Long. Bibliotheca. Gr. et Lat. 160. Pari160. London, 1862. siis, 1675. (Gale's Hist. Poet. Scriptores.) 6 APOLLONIUS. APPLETON. APOLLONIUS Pergmeus. Inclinationum libri APPERLY, (Charles James.) Life of a SportsII. Grrece et Latin6. Restituebat Samuel man. Illustrated by Henry Alken. 8~. Horsley. 40. Oxonii, 1770. London, 1857. APOLLONIUS Rhodius. Argonauticorum libri - Memoirs of John Mytton, of Halston, quatuor. Grawc. Priorum editorurn et in- Shropshire, formerly M. P. for Shrewsbury, terpretum notis selectis accedunt variorum with notices of his hunting, shooting, driving, animadversiones. Edidit Joannes Shaw. racing, eccentric and extravagant exploits. Editio 2a. 2 v. 80. Oxonii, 1779. 3d ed. 80. London, 1851. The same. Gr. et Lat. 80. Paris, ~ Sporting. Embellished by engravings 1840. (Didot, Biblioth. Grecque, v. 24.) and vignettes, illustrative of British field ~- - Argonautics, in four books; by Francis sports. Folio. London, 1838. Fawkes. Revised by Henry Meen. 80. APPIA, P. L. AmbulanceSurgeon; or, practiLondon, 1780. cal observations on gunshot wounds. Edited The same. 80. London, 1810. (Chal- by T. U. Nunn and A. M. Edwards. 160. mers' Eng. Translations, v. 2.) Edinburgh, 1862. Argonautic Expedition. Translated APPIANUS Alexandrinus. Historise Romance, from the Greek, into English verse, by Edward Gr. et Lat. Alexander Tollivs, utrumqne Burnaby Greene. 2 v. 120. London, 1780. textum multis in locis emendavit, conrexit et The same. Translated by W. Preston. Henrici Stephani, ac doctorum quorundam 2 v. 160. Cheswick, 1822. (Brit. Poets, virorum selectas annotationes adjecit. 2 v. v. 90-91.) 80. Amstelodami, 1670. APPEAL to American Christians on the Practice - Ronmanarum Historiarum que supersunt. of War. By Pacificus. 80. New York, Gr. et Lat. 80. Paris, 1840. (Didot, 1830. (Misc. Pam., v. 15.) Biblioth. Grecque, v. 2.) APPEAL to the Government and Congress of Delle Gverre de' Romani, cosi esterne the United States, against the depredations come civili. Tradotte da M. Alessandro committed by American Privateers on the Braccio. Con l'Istoria della Gverra Illirica, Commerce of Nations at Peace with us. By e di quella contra Annibale, del medesimo an American citizen, 80. New-York, 1819. autore,nuouamenteritrouata in lingua Greca, APPEAL to the Ladies of Great Britain, in etradottainItaliano dalS. Girolamo Rvscelli. behalf of the American Slave, by the Com- 18g. Venetia, 1567. mittee of the Glasgow Female Anti-Slavery ~ History: in two parts; the first consistSociety; with the constitution of the society. ing of the Punick, Syrian, Parthian, Mith120. Glasgow, 1841. ridatick, Illyrian, Spaish, and Hannibalick APPEAL to the People of England in behalf of Wars; the second containing five books of the West India Merchants and Planters. 80. the Civil Wars of Rome. Made English by London, 1793. (Pol. Pam., v. 56.) J. Davies. 2d ed. Folio. London, 1692. APPEAL to the People of United States, by a APPLETON, (Jesse.) Works. With a memoir Freeholder. 80. Boston, 1831. (Pol. Pam., of his life and character. 2 v. 80. Andover, v. 116 and 118.) (2 copies.) (Mass.,) 1836-37. APPENDIX to the Present State of the Nation; TENT CONTENTS. reply to the observations on that pamphlet; also, Remarks on the Appendix. 80. Lon- Lemoire of Appleton, v. 1. don, 1769. (Pol. Pam., v. 26.) Sermons, v. 2. Theological Lectures, v. 1-2. APPEtKLY, (Charles James.) ("Nimrod.") ---- The Chase, the Turf, and the Road. - Annual Addresses before Bowdoin Col2d ed. 80. London, 1843. lege, 1808-18; with sketch of his character. - The Horse and the Hound, their various 80. Brunswick, (Me.,) 1820. uses and treatment; with instructions in APPLETON, (John.) Rules of Evidence, stated horsemanship, and a treatise on horse-deal- and discussed. 80. Philadelphia, 1860. ing. 2d ed. 120. Edinburgh, 1843. APPIETO!N, (John L.) New and Practical --- Hunting Reminiscences; comprising Method of Learning to Read, Write, and memoirs of masters of hounds, notices of Speak the English Language. 120. Philathe crack riders, and characteristics of the delphia, 1857. hunting countries of England. 80. Lon- APPLETON, (Nathan.) Remarks on Currency don, 1843. and Banking. 80. Boston, 1841. 43 APPLETON. ARAGO. APPLETON, (Samuel.) Memorial of Samuel AQUINAS, (Saint Thomas ) See THOMAS Appleton, of Ipswich, (Mass.;) with genea- Aquinas. logical notices of some of his descendants. ARABIANNIGHTS' Entertainments. Thousand Compiled by Isaac Appleton Jewett. 8~. and One Nights. A new translation from Boston,.850. the Arabic, with copious notes, by Edward APPLETON'S Cyclopedia of Drawing; a text- William Lane. Illustrated by William Harbook for the mechanic, architect, engineer, vey. 3 v. 83. London, 1841. and surveyor. Edited by W. E. Worthen. The same. 80. London, 1853. 80. New Yolk, 1857. The same. From the 2d London ediAPPLETON'S Dictionary of Machines, Mechan- tion. 2 v. 12~. New York, 1848. (2 ics, Engine-Work, and Engineering. 2 v. copies.) 80. New-York, 1852. The same. Translated by Edward APPLETON'S Illustrated Hand-Book of Ameri- Forster, with six hundred engravings. 80. can Travel; a full and reliable guide, by London, 1847. railway, steamboat, and stage, to the cities, M Mille et Une Nuits, contes Arabes, tratowns, &c., in the United States and the duits en Frangais par Galland. Nouvelle British Provinces. By T. A. Richards. 120. editlon, revue, accompagnee de notes, augNew York, lc59. mente de plusieurs contes traduits pour la APPLETON'S Library Manual; containing a premiere fois, ornee de 21 gravures, et pubcatalogue raisonn6 of upwards of twelve liee par M. Edouard Gauttier. 7 v. 80. thousand of the most important works in Paris, 1821-23every department of knowledge, in allmodern The same.'edJition illustr6e, revue et languages. 80. New-York, 1847. corrigee sur l'dition princeps de 1704; avec APPLETON'S New Catalogue of American and une dissertation par,M. Silvestre de Sacy. English Books, in every department of litera- 3 v. 80. Paris, 1850. ture and science; with an index. 80. New- ARABIAN NIGHTS' Entertainments, New. SeYork, 1 55. lected from the original Oriental nss., by APPLETON'S New American Cyclopaedia. 16 Jos. von Hammer; and now first translated v. 80. New York, 1860-63. into English by George Lamb. 3 v. 160. APPLICATION Of some general Political London, 1826. Rules to the Present State of Great ARABS in Spain. 2 v. 120. London, 1840. Britain, Ireland, and America. 80. Lon- ARAGO, (Fran9ois.) (Euvres Completes. don, 1766. Publiees d'apres son ordre, sous la direction The same. (Col. Pam., v. 3.) de J. A. Barral. 17 v. 80. Paris, 1854-62. The same. (Col. Pam., v. 6.) CONTENTS. APTHORP, (H. O.) Grammar of Elocution; Astronomie Popllaire, v. 13-16. being a digest of the principles of vocal A6lie ifiqes, v. 1 0-1.. delivery. 120. Philadelphia, 1858. Notices Biographiques, v. 1-3. Notices Scientifiques, v. 4-8. APULEIUS. Opera omnia. Ex Editione On- Notices Scieabl tifiques, v. 4-. dendorpiana. 7 v. 80. Londini, 1825. Voyages Scientifiques, v. 9. (Valpy's Delphin Classics, v. 83 —89.) ~ Biographies of Distinguished Scientific - -- Golden Ass, God of Socrates, Florida, Men. Translated by Admiral W. H. Smyth, and Discourse on Magic. Translated, with the Rev. Baden Powell, and Robert Grant. Gurney's Cupid and Psyche,and Mrs. Tighe's 80. London, 1857. Psyche. 120. London, 1853. (Bohn's Class. Historical Eloge of James Watt. TransLib'y, v. 3.) lated from the French, by J. P. Muirhead. ------ Metamorphoses; a romance of the 80. London, 1839. second century. Tran'slated from the Latin, History of my Youth. 160. London, by Sir G. Head. 120. London, 1851. 1862. _ Metamorphosis; or, Golden Ass; and - Leqons d'Astronomie professees a l'Ob, Philosophical Works. Translated from the servatoire Royal. Recueillies par un de ses original Latin, by Thomas Taylor. 80. elves. 4th ed. 160. Paris, 1845. London, 1822. Meteorological Essays; with an introOn the Doctrines of Plato. (Bohn's duction. by Baron Alexander von Humboldt. Class. Lib'y, v. 60.) Translated under the superintendence of See GURNFY, (Hudson.) Colonel Sabine. 80. London, 1855. 44 ARAGO. ARCHBOLD. ARAGO, (Francois.) Popular Astronomy. ARCHIEOLOGIA; or, Miscellaneous Tracts reTranslated from the original, and edited by lating to Antiquity; published by the society V. H. Smyth and Robert Grant. 2 v. 80. of antiquarians of London. V. 1-34. 4~. London, 1855-58. London, 1804-46. ~- Popular Lectures on Astronomy, de- - Index, v. 1 to v. 30, inclusive, 2 v. in livered at ihe Royal Observatory of Paris. 1, 40. L,ndon, 1809-44. Translated, with notes, by Walter K. Kelly. Catalogue of the Printed Books in the 8~. London, 1841. Library of the Society of Antiquaries of LonThe same. 5th edition, revised to the don. Prepared by Nicholas Carlisle, Sec. present time, by T. Tomlinson. 160. London, 40. London, 1816. 1854. ARCILEOLOGIA Americana. Transactions and ARAGO, (Jacques.) Narrative of a Voyage ColL.ctions of the American Antiquarian SoRound the World, in the Uranie and Physi- ciety. V. 1-3. 80. Worcester, 1820, and cienne corvette, commanded by Captain Cambrid]ge, 1836-50. (Duplicate of v. 2.) Freycinet, 1817-20. Translated from the ARCHBOLDI, (John F.) Act for Abolishing French. 40. London, 1823 Inmprisonment for Debt, (1 and 2 Victoria, c. ARAM, (Eugene.) Trial and defence for the 110;) with a practical introduction, notes, murder of Daniel Clarke, 1744. 80. Lon- forms, &c. 120. London, 1838. don, 1824. (Pamphleteer, v. 23.) Collection of the Forms and Entries in ARATUS Solensis. Phaenomena et Prognostica. the Courts of King's Bench and Common (Didot,Biblioth. Grecque,v.44.) Pleas. 80. New York, 1828. ARBLAY, (Madame.) See D'AIlBLAY. ~ Digest of the Law of Pleading and EviARBOUSSET, (Thomas;) and DAUMAS, (F.) dence in actions real, personal, and mixed. Narrative of an Exploratory Tour to the 80. New York, 1824. North-East of the Colony of the Cape of Good Law and Practice of Bankruptcy, as Hope. Translated from the French, by John founded on the recent statutes. 11th edition, C. Brown. 16~. London, 1852. by John Flather. 120. London, 1856. ARBOUVILLE, (Sophie de Bazancourt, Com- - Law of Nisi Prius, comprising the dectessed'.) Three Tales: Christine Van Am- larations and other pleadings in personal berg, Resignation, and the Village Doctor. actions, and the evidence necessary to supTranslated fiom theFrench, by Maunsell B. port them. 3d Am., from the 2d London cd., Field. 120. New York, 1853. with notes referring to the latest American ARBUTHNOT, (G.) Herzegovina; or, Omer decisions, by John K. Findlay. 2 v. 80. Pacha and the Christian Rebels. With a Philadelphia, 1853. brief account of Servia, its social, political, - New Law of Bankruptcy, with the and financial condition. 80. London, 1862. general orders on the bankruptcy court and ARBUTHENOT, (John.) Tables of Ancient county courts, and a supplement comprising Coins, Weights, and Measures, explained the decided cases on the subject to Sepand exemplified, in several dissertations. 40. tember, 1862. 2d edition. 120. London, London, 1727. 1862. ARCANA of Nature. A new theory and popular New Statutes' relating to Lunacy, conexplanation of the more mysterious, though prising the law relating to pauper lunatics, general and fundamental phenomena of the with the practice and practical forms; also, physicalworld. 80. Lexington, (Ms.,)1833. the law respecting lunatic asylums, public (Misc. Pam., v. 32.) and private, with the duties of the commisARCANA of Science and Art; or, an Annual sioners inlunacy and visiting justices. 120. Register of Useful Inventions and Improve- London, 1854. ments, from 1828 to 1838. 10 v. 120. Lon- - Practice of the Court of King's-Bench don, 1828-38. in Personal Actions and Ejectments. 2 v. in ARCANA Parliamentaria; or precedents con- 1. 80. New York, 1823. cerning elections, proceedings, privileges, - The same 6th ed, by T. Chitty, inand punishments in parliament; by R C.; eluding the Praciile of the Courts of Concontaining memorials of the method and mon Pleas and Exchequer. 2 v. 80. Lonmanner of proceedings in parliament in pass- don, 1838. ing bills, by Henry Scobell, etc. 180. Lon- ~ The same. 11th ed., by Samuel Prendon, 1685. tice. 2 v. 80. London, 1862. 45 ARCHBOLD. ARCHIVO. ARCHBOLD, (John F.) Practice of the Court medicine, perfumery, &c. Square 16~. of Quarter Sessions, and its jurisdiction; London, 1853. with forms of indictments, notices of appeal, ARCHER, (Thomas G.) Index to the Unre&c. 2d ed. 12~. London, 1857. pealed Statutes connected with the adminisSummary of the Law relative to ap- tration of the law in England and Wales, peals, against orders of removal, against 1830 to 1850. 8O. London, 1851. rates, and against orders of filiation; to- ARCHER, (William Henry.) Statistical Reggether with the practice of the Court of ister of Victoria, from the foundation of the Quarter Sessions, in appeals. 12~. London, colony. With an astronomical calendar for 1826. 1855. 80. Melbourne, 1854. ~- Summary of the Law relative to Plead- ARCHIBALD Cameron; or, heart trials. 160. ing and Evidence in Criminal Cases; with New York, 1832. precedents of indictments, &c., and the evi- ARCHIMEDES. Opera, quae quidem extant, dence necessary to support them. 1st Amer- omnia, nuncque primuim et Greece et Latin6 ican edition. 8~. New York, 1824. in lucem edita. Adiecta quoqlue sunt EuThe same. 3d Am., from the 5th Lon- tocii Ascalonitse in eosdem Archimedis libros don ed., by John Jervis. 8~. New York, commentaria, item Grsecd et LatinS, nun1835. quam antea excusa. 2 v. in 1, 40. Basileae. ~~ — The same. 12th edition, including the 1544. practice in criminal proceedings generally, Quee supersunt Omnia. Cum Eutocii by W. N. Welsby. 80. London, 1853. Ascalonitse commentariis. Ex recensione The same. Comprising the " New J. Torelli, cum nova versio Latina. AcceSystem of Criminal Procedure, Pleading and dunt lectiones variantes ex codd. Mediceo Evidence," by Mr. Archbold. 6th ed., by et Parisiensibus. Folio. Oxonii, 1792. Thomas W. Waterman. 3 v. 80. New ~ Arenarius; et Dimensio Circuli. EuYork, 1-53. tocii Ascalonitse in hanc commentarius. ARCIIDALE, (John.) Description of that fer- Cum versione et notis Joh. Wallis. 180. tile and pleasant province of Carolina, (Lon- Oxonii, 1676. don, 1707.) 80. New York, 1836. (Carroll's Arenarius. Translated from theGreek; Hist. Coll. S. Carolina, v. 2.) with the dissertation of Christopher Clavius ARCHDALL, (Mervyn.) Monasticon Hiberni- on the same subject; translated from the cum; or, an History of the Abbies, Priories, Latin; by G. Anderson. 80. London, 1784. and other Religious Houses in Ireland. 40. ~ (Euvres. Traduites litteralement, avec London, 1686. un commentaire, par F. Peyrard. 40. Paris, ARCHER, (Armstrong.) Compendium of Sla- 1844. very as it exists in the United States. 120. ARCHITECTURE, &c. Treatises on ArchitecLondon, 1844. ture and Building, by William Hosking; ARCHER, (C. P., Jr.) Analytical Digest of - Masonry and Joinery, by Thomas Tredgold; all the Reported Cases in the several Courts and Carpentry, by Thomas Young. 40. Edof Common Law in Ireland, from the earliest inburgh, 1 46. period to the present time, including registry ARCHIV fur die Offiziere der Koniglich Preusappeals and numerous criminal cases. 80. sischen Artillerie und Ingenieur Corps. Dublin, 1842. Redaktion von From, Hofflnann, und NeuARCHER, (Gabriel.) Relation of Gosnold's mann. V. 31-44,80. Berlin, 1852-58. voyage to north part of Virginia, 1602. ARCHIVES des Decouvertes et des Inventions (Mass. Hist. Coll., Third Series, v. 8.) Nouvelles, faites dans les sciences, les arts et ARCHER, (James.) Inaugural Essay on the, les manufactures, tant enFrance que dans les Effects and Modus Operandi of the Carbon- pays etrangeres. 1808-39. 31 v. 80. Paris, ates of Lime, Magnesia, and Potash, in the 1809-41. cure of general and local diseases. 80. Phil- ARCHIVES de Droit et de Legislation. 4 v. 80. afelphia, 1804. Bruxelles, 1837-41. ARCHER, (Thomas Croxen.) Popular Eco- ARCHIVES Statisques du Ministdre des Tranomic Botany; or, desc iptionof te botan- vaux Publics, de l'Agriculture et du Comical and commercial characters of the prin- merce. 40. Paris, 1837. cipal articles of vegetable origin, used for ARCHIVO Mexicano; Documentos para la Hisfood, clothing, tanning, dyeing, building, toria de Mexico. 2v. 80. Mexico, 1852-53. 46 ARCHIVIO. ARISTOPHANES. ARCHIVIO Storico Italiano ossia raccolta di ARGOU, (Gabriel.) Institution au Dro tFranOpere e Documenti finora inediti o divenuti l ais. lie edition, revue, corrigee et augrarissimi risguardanti la Storia d'Italia. 25 ment6e, conformmeent aux nouvelles ordonv. in 29. 80. Firenze, 1842-53. nances, par A. G. Boucher d'Argis. 2 v. Nuova Serie. V. 1-16. 80. Firenze, 120. Paris, 1787. 1855-62. ARGUMENT in Defence of the Exclusive Indice tripartite della prima serie, cioe Right claimed by the Colonies to Tax dei xvI. tomi di esso Archivio, e dei IX. dell themselves. With a review of the laws Appendice. 80. Firenze, 1857. of England relative to representation and ARCTIc Expeditions. Report of the committee taxation. To which is added an account appointed by the Lords Commissioners of the of the Rise of the Colonies. 80. London, Admiralty to inquire into and report on the 1774. recent Arctic expeditions in search of Sir ARmsTO, (Ludovico.) OrlandoFurioso; CinJohn Franklin. Folio. London, 1852. que Canti; e Rime e Satire. ConannotazARCTIC Miscellanies; a souvenir of the late ioni. 8 v. 80. Firenze, 1823-24. polar search; by the officers and seamen -- Orlando Furioso, in English heroical of the expedition. 2d ed. 80. London, verse, by Sir John Harington. Now thirdly 1852. revised and amended, with the addition of AnrfrIN, (Pierre.) Oeuvres Choisies. Tra- the author's epigrams. Small folio. Londuites de 1Italien, avec des notes, par Paul don, 1634. Lacroix. 120. Paris, 1845. -- The same. Translated into English ARETINUS, (Leonardus Brunus.) Epistolarum verse, with notes, by W. S. Rose. 8 v. 12~. libri VIII. Prgemissa Poggii Florentini London, 1823-31. oratione recusi, curante Jo. Alberto Fabricio. -- The same. Translated by John Hoole. 160. llamburgi, 1241. 80. London, 1810. (Chalmers' Eng. TransAitEY, (Mrs. H. E. G.) Household Songs, lations, v. 3.) and other poems. 120. New York, 1855. AlISTA N lETUS. Epistolm Grecre. Cum LatARFWt'DSON, (C. D.) United States and ina interpretatione et notis. 3a editio, emenCanada, in 1832-1834. 2 v. 80. London, datior et auctior 8. Parisiis, 1610. 1834. -- Love Epistles. Translated from the ARGENs, (Jean Baptiste De Boyer, larquis Greek into English metre, by R. B. Sheridan d'.) Letters of a Jewish Spy; being a phi- and N. B. Halhed. 12~. London, 1771. losophical, historical and critical correspond- - Thesame. 120. London, 1854. (Bohn's ence between certain Jews in Turkey, Italy, Class. Lib'y, v. 69.) France, &c. 2d ed. 5 v. 160. London, ARISTOPHANES. Comcedise undecim, Grmece 1744. et Latine, ex codd. MSS. emendatee, cum Impartial Philosopher; or, the Philo- scholiis antiquis, inter quse scholia in Lysissophy of Common Sense; containing ra- tratam ex cod. Vossiano nunc prinium in tional dissertations upon the uncertainty of lucem prodeunt. Omnia collegit et recenhuman knowledge. To which is added M. suit, notasque in novem comoedias, et quaMaupertuis' Disserlation upon Gravity, etc. tuor indices adjecit Ludolphus Kusterus. Translated from the French. 2 v. 120. Folio. Amstelodami, 1710. London, 1749. - The same. Grmec. Ex optimis exARGENSON, (Rene Louis de Voyer de Paulmy, emplaribus emendate studio R. F. P. Brunck. Marquis d'.) Les Loisirs d'UnMinistre; ou 4 v. 80. Argentorati, 1781-83. essais dans le gofut de ceux de Montaigne. -- The same. Grrce. Cum scholiis et 2 v. 80. Li6ge, 1787. varietate lectionis, recensuit Immanuel BekMemoires. 80. Paris, 1825. (Berville kerus. Accedunt versio Latina, deperditaet Barriere, Coll. Mem. Rev. Franqaise. V. rum comocdiarum fragmenta, index locu42.) pletissimus notseque variorum. 5 v. 80. Essays; after the manner of Montaigne. London, 1828. 120. Worcester, (Mass.,) 1797. - The same. Grmece. Textum ad fidem ARGENTREP, (B. d'.) Commentarii in Patrias optimorum librorum emendatum, notulisque Britonum Leges, seu consuetudines gener- subinde criticis exornatum,usibus scholarum ales antiquiss. Ducatis Britanime. 5th ed. accommodabat indicem nominumn ad.junxit Folio. Parisiis, 1640. H. A. Holden. 80. Londini, 1848. 47 ARISTOPHANES. ARISTOTLE. ARISTOPHANES. Comcedia Plutus. Graece. ophi Ethicen exacte enucleans; variasque Adiecta sunt scholia vetusta, recognovit ad enodationes, questiones, objectiones, et diluveteres membranas, variis lectionibus ac tiones proponens. Adjecto ubique Aristonotis instruxit, et scholiastas locupletavit tells contextu Greeco-Latino. 80. FrancoTiberius Hemsterhuis. 80. Harlingae, 1744. furti, 1614. - - Joannis Caravelle Epirote Index Aris- Great and Endemian Ethics, Politics, tophanicus, ex codice Bodleiano olim Aske- and Economics. Translated by Thomas viano nunc primfnul editus. Grece. 80. Taylor. 4~. London, 1811. Oxonii, 1822. Ethics and Politics. Translated into -- Scholia Graeca in Aristophanem. 80. English, by John Gillies. 2 v. 80. LonParis, 1842. (Didot, Biblioth. Grecque, v. 5.) don, 1813. Comedies. Translated into familiar - Ethics. Illustrated with essays and blank verse, with notes, preliminary obser- notes, by Sir Alexander' Grant. 2 v. 8~. vations to each play, etc., by C. A. Wheel- London, 1857-58. wright. To which is added, a dissertation Nicomachean Ethics. A new translaon the old Greek comedy, from the German tion, mainly from the text of Bekker, with of Wachsmuth. 2 v. 8~. Oxford, 1837. explanatory notes, by D. P. Chase. 80. CONTENTS. Oxford, 1847. Acharnians, The, v. 2. The same. Translated by R. W. Birds, The, v. 1. Browne. 12~. London, 1853. (Bohn's Clouds, The, v. 1. Female Haranguers; The, v. 2. Class. Lib'y, v. 9.):Frogs, The, v. 1. lniglhts, The, v. 1. History of Animals, and Treatise on Lysistrata, V. 2. Physiognomy. Translated by Thomas TayPeace, The, v. 2. Plutus, v. 1. lor. 4~. London, 1809. Thesmophoriaz us, v. 2. History of Animals. Translated by R.'Wasps, The, v. 2. Cresswell. 120. London, 1862. (Bohn's Comedies. Translated by T. Mitchell. Csswell. 1 Lodon, 1862. (Boh 2 v. 8 e~. Class. Lib'y, v. 7.) 2 v. 8. London, 1820-22. 2 Lod,18-. Metaphysics; with notes, in which the CONTENTS. Pythagoric and Platonic dogmas respecting Acharnianis, The, v. 1. Clouds, The, v.. numbers and ideas are unfolded; with a disDicast, The Turmed Gentleman, v. 2. sertation on nullities and diverging series. Knights,' he; or, The Demagogues, v. 1. Wasps, The, v. 2. Translated byThomas Taylor. 40. London, The same. Translated, in prose, by W. 1801. J. Hickie. 2 v. 120. London, 1853. (Bohn's Metaphysics. Translated by J. H. McClass. Lib'y, v. 4-5.) Mahon. 120. London, 1857. (Bohn's Class. - The Acharnians, Knights, Wasps, and Lib'y, v. 8.) Birds. Translated into English prose, by a Organon; or, Logical Treatises. Transgraduate of the University of Oxford. 80. lated by Thomas Taylor, with elucidations Oxford, 1830. from the commentaries of Ammonius and ARISTOTLE. Opera. Grmece. 5 v. Folio. Simplicius. 40. London, 1807. Venetise, 1495-98.. The same. Translated by O F. Owen. Opera. Gr. et Lat. 3 v. 80. Paris, 2 v. 120. London, 1853. (Bohn's Class. 1848-54. (Didot, Biblioth. Grecque, v. Lib'y, v. 11-12.) 5-7 ) Politics and Economics. Translated De Poetica. Greece. Accedunt versio by E. Walford. 120. London, 1853. (Bohn's Latina Theodori Goulstoni et insigniores lec- Class. Lib'y, v. 10.) tiones variantes. 120. Glasguse, 1745. Rhetoric, Poetic and Nicomachean Histoire des Animaux; (in the original.) Ethics. Translated by Thomas Taylor. 40. Avec la traduction Fran9oise, par M. Camus. London, 1811. 2 v. 40. Paris, 1783. The same. 2 v. 80. London, 1818. De Virtutibus et Vitiis libellus. Plet- Rhetoric; with an introduction and thonis de Virtutibus libellus. Greece et appendix explaining its relation to his exact Latind. Recensuit Edvardus Fawconer. philosophy, and vindicating that philosophy, 160. Oxonii, 1752. by proofs that all departures from it have Joannis Magiri Corona Virtutum Mor- been deviations into error. By John Gillies. alium, universam Aristotelis summi philos- 80. London, 1823. 48 ARISTOTLE. ARLINCOURT. ARISTOTLE. Rhetoric. Literally translated 1845-46; and 1848-49. 6v. 80. Little Rock, from the Greek, with notes and an analysis, 1840-49. by Thomas Hobbes. 2d ed. 8~. Oxford, Digest of the Statutes of Arkansas; 1833. embracing all the laws of a general and perTreatise on Rhetoric and Poetic. Trans- manent character in force at the close of lated by T. Buckley. 12~. London, 1853. 1846; with notes of the decisions of the Bohn's Class Lib'y, v. 6.) Supreme Court upon the statutes. By E. H. Treatise on Government. Translated English. Examined and approved by Samuel from the Greek, by William Ellis. 40. H. Hempstead. 80. Little Rock, 1848. London, 1778. Journal of the Senate and House of Treatises on the Parts and Progressive Representatives, for the 12th session of the Motion of Animals; Problems; and Treatise General Assembly of the State of Arkansas, on Indivisible Lines. Translated by Thomas 1858-59. 2 v. 80. Little Rock, 1860. Taylor. 40. London, 1810. Laws of Arkansas Territory, compiled Treatise on Poetry. Translated; with and arranged by J. Steele and J. McCampnotes on the translation and on the original; bell. 80 Little Rock, 1835. and two dissertations on poetical and musical Reports of Cases at Law and in Equity imitation, by Thomas Twining. 40. Lon- in the Supreme Court of Arkansas, 1837 to don, 1789. 1844, by Albert Pike. 5 v. 80. Little Rock, - Treatises on the Soul; on Sense and 1840-45. (2 copies.) Sensibles; on Memory and Reminiscense; The same. V. 6 to 13, by E. H. Engon Sleep and Wakefulness; on Dreams; on lish, 1845 to 1853. 80. Little Rock, 1846-53. Divination by Sleep; on the Common Motion (2 copies.) of Animals; on Length and Shortness of - The same. V. 14 to 21, by L. E. Life; on Youth and Old Age, Life and Death, Barber, 1853 to 1860. 80. Little Rock, and on Respiration. Translated by Thomas 1854-60. (3 copies.) Taylor. 40. London, 1808. Revised Statutes of Arkansas, adopted On the Vital Principle. Translated, at the October session of the General Assemwith notes, by Charles Collier. 120. Cam- bly, A. D. 1837, by W. McK. Ball and S. C. bridge, 1855. Roane. With notes and index, by Albert - Lettre A Alexandre sur le Systedne du Pike. 80. Boston, 1838. (2 copies.) Monde. Avec la traduction Fran9oise et de ARKLEY, (Patrick.) Reports of Cases before Remarques, par M. l'Abbe Batteux. Gr. et the High Conrt and Circuit Courts of JustiFr. 80. Paris, 1768. (In Batteux, Hist. ciary in Scotland, during the years 1846des Causes, v. 2.) 1848. 80. Edinburgh, 1849. Les Politiques. Traduictes de Grec en ARLINCOURT, (Vicomte Victor d'.) Anneaux Francois, par Loys le Roy; avec expositions d'une Chaine. 2 v. in 1. 80. Paris, 1845. prises des meilleurs autheurs. Augment6es - Brasseur Roi; chronique flamande du du ix. et x. livres, composez en Grec au 14e siecle. 2 v. in 1. 80. Paris, 1834. nom d'Aristote, par Kyriac Strosse; traduicts Charlemagne, ou la Caroleide; poeime et annotez par Frederic Morel. 40. Paris, epique en 24 chants. 2 v. in 1. 80. Paris, 1600.: 1818. Poetica de Aristoteles dada a lengua Chateau de Chaumont. 80. Paris, Castellana por A. 0. das Seijas y Tobar. 1851. Anadese nuevamente el texto Griego, la DoubleRegne; chronique dul3e siecle. version Latina y notas de Daniel Heinsio, y 2e edition. 2 v. in 1. 80. Paris, 1835. las del Abad Batteux traducidas del Frances. ~ ~toile Polaire. 2 v. in 1. 80. Paris, 160. Madrid, 1778. 1843. ARITHMETIC AND ALGEBRA. With a Key to Etrangdre. 2 v. in 1. 80. Paris, 1825. the Senate-House Examination Papers. 2 v. Fiances de la Mort; histoire contempoin 1. 80. Cambridge, (Eng.:) 1835-36. raine. 80. Paris, 1850. ARKANSAS. Acts of the General Assembly of - Herbagere du Chatelet. 6e Edition. the Territory, 1818 to 1820, 1821, 1823, and 2 v. in 1. 80. Paris, 1837. 1825. 80. Arkansas and Little Rock, 1821-26. -- Ida et Nathalie. 2 v. in 1. 80. Paris, ~- Acts of the General Assembly of Ar- 1841. kansas, 1840, 1842, 1843, (2 copies,) 1844-45; — Ipsiboe. 2 v. in 1. 8~. Paris, 1823. 49 ARLINCOURT. ARMSTRONG. ARLINCOURT, (Vicomte Victor d'.) Ismalie, adventure during nearly five years' continuous ou la mort et l'am)ur; roman-poeme. 2 v. service in the Arctic regions while in search in ]. 80. Paris, 1828. of the expedition under Sir John Franklin. - Le Plerin. 8~. Paris, 1842. 80. London, 1857. - Rebelles sons Chailes V. 3 v. in 1. ARMSTRONG, (C. E.) Tar of the last War; 80. Paris, 1832. being the Services and Anecdotes of Sir - Le R6negat. 8~. Paris, 1844. Charles Richardon, Vice-Admiral of the -Le Solitaire. 80. Paris, 1844. White. 120. London, 1855. -~- Tache de Sang. 2e edition. 5 v. in 2. ARMS'rORNG, (George D.) History of the Yel8~. Paris, 1847. low Fever in Norfolk, Virginia, A. D. 1855. — ~ Trois Chateaux; histoire contempo- 180. Philadelphia, 1856. raine. 2v. in 1. 80. Paris, 1840. ARMSTRONG, (Jacob D.) Life and Adven- Trois Royaumes. 2v. in 1. 8~. Paris, tures. 80. New York, 1852. 1844. ARMSTRONG, (John, Esq.) History of the ARMENGAUD, (Jules P1douard.) Expos6 des Island of Minorca. 80. London, 1752. Chemins de Fer Atmosph6riques Actuels. ARMSTRONG, (John, Poet and Physician.) 80. Paris, 1847. Art of Preserving Health. With a critical ARMENGAUD, (J. G. D.) Les Galeries Pub- essay on the poem, by John Aikin. 160. liques de l'Europe.-Rome. 3 v. Folio. London, 1796. Paris, 1856. Miscellanies. 2 v. 160. London, 1796. ARMIN, (Robert.) Nest of Ninnies. 80. Lon- Poems. 160. London, 1790. (Johndon, 1842. (Shakespeare Soc'y Pub., v. 1.) son's Eng. Poets, v. 71.) ARMINUITS, (Jacobus.) Works. Translated - The same. 80. London, 1810. (Chalfrom the Latin; with Brandt's life of the mer's Eng. Poets, v. 16.) author. Edited by James Nichols. V. 1-2, l The same. 160. Chiswick, 1822. 80. London, 1825-28. (Brit. Poets, v. 67.) CONTENTS. CONTENTS. ARMSTRONG, (John, M. D.) Lectures on the Morbid Anatomy, nature, and treatment of Apology or Defense against 31 Articles, v. 1-2.nature, and treatment of Disputations, Public and Private, v. 2. Acute and Chronic Diseases. Edited by Dissertation of the Seventh Chapter of Romans, Joseph Rix. 8. London, 1834. v.2. Letter addressed to Hyppolytus a Collibus; like- Morbid Anatomy of the Stomach and wise, Certain Articles to be Diligently Examined Bowels; with explanatory letter-press, and and Weighed, v, 2. Bowels; with explanatory letter-press, and Letter on the Sin against the Holy Ghost, v. 2. a summary of the symptoms of the acute Life of Arminius. Ed. by J. Nichols, v. 1. Lif of Atio n s by J. Nihology, v. 1. and chronic affections of the above-named Questions given to each of the Professors of Di- organs 4 London 1838. vinity, and the answer given by Arminius, v. 2. oga. ARMSTRONG, (Gen. John.) Life of Richard Life of James Arminius, D. D. Com- Montgomery. 160. Boston, 1834, (Sparks' piled from his Life and Writings, as pub- Am. Biog., v. 1, first series.) lished by James Nichols. By Nathan Bangs. Life of Anthony Wayne. 160. Boston, 160. New-York, 1843. 1835. (Sparks' Am. Biog.,v. 4, first series.) ARMISTEAD, (Wilson.) Tribute for the Negro;- Notices of the War of 1812. V. 1. 120. being a vindication of the moral, intellectual, New-York, 1836. and religious capabilities of the coloured por- The same. 2 v. 120. New-York, tion of mankind. 80. Manchester, 1848. 1840. ARMITAGE, (John.) History of Brazil, from ARMSTRONG, (Lebbeus.) Signsofthe Times; the period of the Arrival of the Braganza or, the origin, nature, tendencies, and allianFamily, in 1808, to the Abdication of Don ces of the present popular efforts for the Pedro the First, in 1831. Compiled from abolition of Capital Punishment. 120. New state documents, and other original sources. York, 1848. 2 v. 80. London, 1836.- The Temperance Reformation; its ARMSBY, (J. H.) Annual Address before Al- history, to the adoption of the liquor law of bany County Medical Society. 80. Albany, Maine, 1851. 120. New York, 1853. (N Y.,) 1853. ARMSTRONG,(Richard;) MACARTNEY,(John;) ARMSTRONG, (Alexander.) Personal Narra- OGLE, (John Craven.) Reports of cases, tive of the Discovery of the Northwest Pass- Civil and Criminal, argued and determined age; with numerous incidents of travel and at Nisi Prius and the Commission, in Dublin, 7 50 ARMSTRONG. ARNAULD. respectively, from the commencement of ARMY, British. Medical Reports. Statistical, Michaelmas Term in the Fourth, to the end sanitary, and medical reports for the year of Trinity Term in the Sixth year of Queen 1860. 80. London, 1862. Victoria, 1840-42. 80. Dublin, 1843. ARMY, United States. Army Register, (OffiARMSTRONG, (Robert, C. E.) Essay on the cial,) for 1815, 1821, 1823, and 1826 to 1863, Boilers of Steam Engines; their calculation, inclusive, (1835, 1855, and 1856 wanting.) construction, and management, with a view 38 parts. 120. Washington, 1815-63. to the saving of fuel. 80. London, 1839. - Compilation of Registers of the Army of Modern Practice of Boiler Engineering; the United States, from 1815 to 1837, inclusive. observations on the construction of steam By W. A. Gordon. 80. Washington, 1837. boilers, and furnaces used for smoke preven- - General Orders from 1827 to 1843. 3 v. tion, with a chapter on explosions. Revised 120. (v. d.) by John Bourne. 160. London, 1856. - Rules and Articles for the better governARMSTRONG, (Robert, Mi. D.) Influence of ment of the troops of the United States of Climate on the Constitution. 80. London, America. 120. Washington, 1800. (2 1843. copies.) ARMSTRONG, (R. A.) Gaelic and English and ~ General Regulations, or Military InstiEnglish and Gaelic Dictionary; in which the tutes. 80. Washington, 1825. words are illustrated by quotations from the - Regulations for the Army of the United best Gaelic writers, and their affinities traced States, 1857. 120. N. Y., 1857. in most languages with a new Gaelic Gram- ~ Revised Regulations, 1861, with a full mar. 40. London, 1825. index. By authority of the War Department. ARMSTRONG, (T. B.) Journal of Travels in 80. Philadelphia, 1861. (2 copies.) the Seat of War, during the last two cam- - The same; with appendix containing paigns of Russia and Turkey. 80. London, the changes and laws affecting army regula1831. tions and articles of war to June 25, 1863. 80. ARMSTRONG, (William H.) Speech on com- Philadelphia, 1863. mutation of Tonnage Duties. 80. Harris- Regulations for the Medical Departburgh, (Pa.,) 1862. ment. 80. Washington, 1856. ARMSTRONG. Case of the Private Armed Brig - Regulations for the Quartermaster's of War Gen. Armstrong; containing letters Department. 80. Washington, 1855. and documents referring to the history of the ~ Regulations for the Subsistence Departclaim; brief of facts and authorities cited; ment, 80. Washington, 1855. arguments of Charles O'Connor, P. Phillips, - Sickness and Mortality during the first and S. C. Reid, Jr.; and brief of the U. S. year of the war. 8~. Washington, 1863. Solicitor, before the United States Court of - See CRoss, (T;) CALLAN, (J. F.) Claims at Washington, D. C., with the de- ARMY Meteorological Register, for twelve cision of the court. Reported and edited by years, from 1843 to 1854 inclusive, from obS. C. Reid, Jr. 120. New York, 1857. servations made by the officers of the medical ARMY, British. Army List. Published by department of the army, at the military posts authority, monthly. Jan. to Sept., 1844; of the United States. 40. Washington, 1855. Nov., 1852; Nov. and Dec., 1854; Jan., ARMY and Navy Chronicle. New series. V. Feb., Oct., Nov., and Dec., 1855-56; Dec., 2-7, in 3 v. 80. Washington, 1836-38. 1857; 1858, 1859, 1860, 1861; Jan., Feb., ARNAULD, (Abb6 Antoine.) Eclaircissements Mar., 1862. 74 v. 160. London, 1844-62. sur l'Autorit6 des Conciles Gdenraux et des List of the Officers of the Army and of Papes; ou explication du vrai sens de trois the Corps of Royal Marines, on full, retired, decrets des Sessions IV. et V. du Concile and half pay. 1824-53. 29 v. 8C. Lon. General de Constance, &c., contre la disdon, 1824-52. sertation de M. de Schelstrate. 120. (HolNew Annual Army List, and Militia lande,) 1711. List. By Henry G. Hart, 1840-61. 17 v. I Historia et Concordia Evangelica. 160. 80. London, 1840-61. (1845, 1847, 1851, Parisiis, 165:3. 1853, and 1856, wanting.) M6moires, contenant quelques anecGeneral Regulations and Orders for the dotes de la cour de France, depuis 1634 British Army, Jan'y, 1816. 80. London, jusq'a 1675. 80. Paris, 1838. (Michaud. 1816. Coll. Mem. HFist. France, v. 21.) 51 ARNAULD. ARNOLD. ARNAULD, (Abb6 Antoine.) The same. 80. ARNOLD, (J. L.) Lectures on Anatomy, Paris, 1824. (Petitot, Coll. Mem. Hist. Physiology, and Hygiene. 12~. Cincinnati, France, ser. 2, v. 34.) 1850. and NICOLE, (Pierre.) La Logique, ARNOLD, (J. Muehleisen.) Ishmael; or, a on l'Art de Penser. 5th ed. 160. Paris, natural history of Islamism, and its relation 1683. to Christianity. 80. London, 1859. Port-Royal Logic. Translated from the ARNOLD, (L. M.) History of the Origin of all French, with introduction, notes, and appen- Things; including the history of man, from dix, by T. S. Baynes. 2d ed., enlarged. 12~. his creation to his finality, but not to his end. Edinburgh, 1851. 2 v. in 1. 80. New York, 1852. ARNAULD, (Henri.) Glorious Recovery, by the - Life of Jesus of Nazareth, spiritually Vaudois, of their Valleys. Translated from written. 80. (n. p.,) 1853. the French, with a compendious History of ARNOLD, (Matthew.) On Translating Homer. that People, by D. H. Ackland. 80. London, Three lectures, given at Oxford. 160. Lon1827. don, 1861. -Negociations A la Cour de Rome, et en ARNOLD, (Richard.) Customs of London, Diffdrentes Cours d'Italie, sous le Pontificat otherwise called Arnold's Chronicle; condu Pape Innocent X. pendant les ann6es taining, among divers other matters, the 1644-1648, dans lesquels on voit la situation original of the celebrated poem of the Nutdes affaires de l'Europe, et plusieurs lettres Brown Maid. Reprinted from the 1st edition, de Louis XIV., &c. Publie par M. Burtin. with the additions included in the 2d. 40. 5 v. 160. Paris, 1748. London, 1811. ARNAULD D' ANDILLY, (Robert.) Memoires, ARNOLD, (Samuel Greene.) History of the derits par lui meme. 80. Paris, 1839. State of Rhode Island and Providence Plan(Michaud. Mem. Hist. France, v. 21.) tations. 2 v. 8c. New York, 1859-60. ------ The same. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1824. - Spirit of Rhode-Island History; a dis(Petitot, Coll. M6m. Hist. France, s6r. 2. course. 80. Providence, 1853. V. 33-34. ARNOLD, (S. G.) Life of Patrick Henry, of ARNAY, (Prof. d'.) De la Vie Privde des Ro- Virginia. 160. Auburn, (N. Y.,) 1854. mains. 180. Lausanne, 1757. ARNOLD, (Thomas.) History of Rome, to the ARNDT, (Ernest Moritz.) Spirit of the Times. end of the Second Punic War. 3 v. 80. Translated from the German by P. W. 80. London, 1838-45. London, 1808. (Pol. Pam., v. 53.) History of the later Roman CommonARNDT, (John.) True Christianity; wherein wealth, from the end of the Second Punic is contained the whole economy of God to- War to the death of Julius Caesar; and of wards man, and the whole duty of man the reign of Augustus; with a life of Trajan. towards God. Translated from the high 2 v. 80. London, 1845. Dutch by A. W. Boehm. 3 v. 80. London, Introductory Lectures on Modern His1712. tory, delivered in 1841-2. 2d ed. 80. LonARNETT, (John Andrews.) Inquiry into the don, 1843. nature and form of the Books of the An- - Fragment on the Church. 80. London, cients; with a history of book-binding. 120. 1845. London, 1837. - Miscellaneous Works. Collected and ARNOLD, (A. C. L.) Rationale and Ethics of republished. 80. London, 1845. Freemasonry; or, the Masonic institution - Sermons. 6th ed. 3v. 80. London, considered as a means of social and individ- 1850. ual progress. 120. New York, 1860. - Sermons; chiefly on the interpretation ARNOLD, (Edwin.) Address to Parents and of the Scriptures. 3d ed. 80. London, 1851. Youth on choice of a Profession. 80. New Sermons: Christian Life. 5th ed. 2 v. York, 1852. 80. London, 1849. ARNOLD, (Edwin.) The Marquis of Dalhousie's ARNOLD, (Thomas, M. D.) Observations on administration of British India. Vol. 1; con- the Nature, Kinds, Causes, and Prevention taining the acquisition and administration of of Insanity. 2d ed. 2 v. 80. London, 1806. the Punjab. London, 1862. ARNOLD, (Thomas James.) Manual of the Law ARNOLD, (Frederick.) Public Life of Lord with regard to Public Meetings, and Political Macaulay. 80. London, 1862. Societies. 120. London, 1833. 52 ARNOLD. ARROWSMITH. ARNOLD, (Thomas James.) Reports of Cases ARNOULD, (Auguste.) Les Jdsuites, depuis in the Court of Common Pleas, and upon leur origine jusqu'h nos jours; histoire, Writs of Error from that Court to the Ex- types, oce.urs, imysteres. 2 v. 80. Paris, chequer Chamber —183 and 1839. V. 1 and 1846. Y. 2, parts 1-1I. 8~. London, 1840. and ALBOIZE DE PUJOL, (E.) Histoire -- Treatise on the Law relating to Muni- de la Bastille, depnis sa Fondation, 1374, cipal Corporations. 12~. London, 1851. jusqu'a sa Destruction, 1786. 6 v. 8~. ~- and HODGEs, (W.) Reports of Cases Paris, 1844. in the Court of Queen's Bench, 1840 and ARNOULD, (Joseph.) Treatise on the Law of 1841. Parts 1-5. 8~. London, 1841. Marine Insurance and Average; with referARlNOLD, (V. D.) Oakfield; or, fellowship in ences to the American cases, and the later the east. 2d ed. 2 v. 16~. London, 1854. continental authorities. 2d ed., with annoAIlNOT, (D. H.) Gothic Architecture applied tations, by J. C. Perkins. 2 v. 80. Boston, to Modern Residences. 40. New-York, 1851. 1850. ARNOT, (lugo.) Collection and Abridgement -- The same. 2d ed. 2 v. 8~. London, of the Celebrated Criminal Trials in Scot- 1857. land, from ]536 to 1784; with historical and ARRETE de Messieurs les Prev6t des Marcritical remarks. 40. Edinburgh, 1785. chands, et lchevins concernant la convocaLetter to the Freeholders of the County tion des 1Etats Generaux. 80. Paris, 1789. of Fife on Reform. 80. London, 1812. (Pol. (Pol. Pam., v. 16.) Pam., v. 52.) ARRIANUS. De Expeditione Alex. Magni, ARNOT, (Neil.) Elements of Physics; or Historiarum libri VIII. ex Bonavent. VolNatural Philosophy, general and medical. canii Brvg. nova interpretatione.-AlexWith additions, by Isaac Hays. 80. Phila- andri Vita, ex Plvt.: eivsdem libri II. de delphia, 1848. Fortvna vel virtute Alexandri; Gr. et On the Smokeless Fire-Place, Chimney- Lat., cura H. Stephanus. Folio. Parisiis, Valves, and other means, old and new, of 1575. obtaining healthful warmth and ventilation. - Expeditionis Alexandri libri septem, et 80. London, 1855. Historia Indica, Graec. et Lat., cum annota- Survey of Human Progress, from the tionibus et indice Graeco Georgii Raphelii: savage state to the highest civilization yet accedunt Eclogre Photii ad Arrianum pertiattained. 80. London, 1861. nentes, cum lectionibus variantibus Dav. ARNOT, (Sandford.) Sketch of the Indian Hoeschelii; curaJacobiWetstein. 80. AmPress for the last ten years; with a disclos- stelmcdami, 1757. ure of the conduct of J. S. Buckingham; and De Expeditione Alexandri, Historia a Biographical notice of Indian Cobbetf, alias Indica, et Fragmenta, (Gr. et Lat.) Ed. F. "Peter the Hermit." 80. London, 1829. Diibuer. 80. Paris, 1846. (Didot, Biblioth. (East India Pam., v. 2.) Grecque, v. 8.) ARNOT, (William.) Race for Riches, and some History of Alexander's Expedition. of the pits into which the runners fall. Six Translated from the Greek, with notes, by lectures, applying the word of God to the Mr. Rooke. 2 v. 80. London, 1814. traffic of men. American edition, with pre- ARRIAZA, (Juan Bautista de.) Ensayos Po6tface and notes, by S. Colwell. 120. Phila- icos. 180. Palma en Mallorca, 1811. delphia, 1853. ARRILLAGA, (B. J.) See MEXICo. ARNOULD, (Ambroise Marie.) Histoire Gene- ARRIVABENE, (Count Charles.) Italy, under rale des Finances de la France, depuis le Victor Emmanuel. A personal narrative. commencement de la monarchie. 40. Paris, 2 v. 80. London, 1862. 1806. ARRIVABENE, (Count John.) An Epoch of my ~ — R6sultats des Guerres, des Negociations Life. Memoirs of Count John Arrivabene; et des Traites qui ont precede et suivi la with documents, notes, and six original letCoalition contre la France; pour servir de ters of Silvio Pellico. Translated, with supplement au "Droit Public de l'Europe," notes, by C. Arrivabene. 80. London, de Mably. 120. Paris, 1803. 1862. Systeme Maritime et Politique des Eu- ARROWSMITH, (Aaron.) Compendium of Anropeens, pendant le dix-huitibme Sitcle. 120. cient and Modern Geography. 80. London, Paris, 1797. 1831. 53 ARROWSMITH. ARTICLES. ARROWSMITH, (Aaron.) Geographical Diction- ART UNION and Journal; a monthly journal of ary of the Holy Scriptures; including, also, thefinearts. First series. 23v. 4~. Newseries. notices of the chief places and people men- Vol. 1, for 1862. 24v. 40. London, 1839-62. tionedcin the Apocrypha. 8~. London, 1855. ARTAUD, (Alexis Fran9ois.) Machiavel, son London Atlas of Universal Geography, G6nie et ses Erreurs. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1833. exhibiting the physical and political divis- ARTAUD de Montor, (A. F.) Italie. 8~. Paris, ions of the various countries of the world. 1835. (L'Univers, v. 44.) Folio. London, 1847. ARTEAGA, (Stefano.) Rivoluzioni del Teatro and LEWIS. General Atlas. 40. Bos- Musicale Italiano, dalla sua origine fino al ton, 1805. presente. 2d ed. 3 v. 80. Venezia, 1785. ARROWSMITH, (John Pauncefort.) Art of in- ARTHUR, (T. S.) Angel of the Household. structing the Infant Deaf and Dumb; with 160. Philadelphia, 1854. the Method of Educating Mutes of a more ~ Heart-Histories and Life-Pictures. 160. mature age practised by the Abbe de l'Epee. New-York, 1853. 80. London, 1819. Iron Rule; or, tyranny in the houseART (1') d'Assassiner les Rois, enseigne par les hold. 80. Philadelphia, 1853. Jesuites a Louis XIV. et Jaques II. 320. - Shadows and Sunbeams. 160. PhilaLondres, 1696. (Bound with MBMOIRES de delphia, 1854. Mr. D. F. L.) Sparing to Spend; or, the Loftons and ART de la Correspondance Commerciale; ou Pinkertons. 160. New-York, 1853. nodles de lettres pour toutes sortes d'oper- - Ten Nights in a Bar-Room, and what I ations mercantiles a l'usage des personnes saw there. 120. Philadelphia, 1854. qui se destinent au commerce Franaais et Two Merchants; or, solvent and insol Espagnol. 4th ed. 160. Paris, 1852. vent. 80. Philadelphia, 1853. ART and Industry as represented in the Exhi- Three Eras of a Woman's Life; the bition at the Crystal Palace, New-York, maiden, the wife, and the mother. 120. 1853-4; showing the progress and state of the Philadelphia, 1855. various useful and esthetic pursuits. From What can Woman Do? 120. Philathe New-York Tribune; revised and edited delphia, 1856. by Horace Greeley. 120. New-York, 1853. - The Withered Heart. 120. PhiladelART and Nature under an Italian Sky. By M. phia, 1857. J. M.D. 2d ed. 120. Edinburgh, 1853. -- and CARPENTER, (W. H.) Histories ART of Beauty; or, the methods of improving of various States. See CARPENTER, (W. H.) and preserving the shape, carriage, and com- ARTHUR, (William, Il. A.) Etymological plexion; together with, the theory of beauty. Dictionary of Family and Christian Names; 180. London, 1825. with an essay on their derivation and import. ART of Ieraldry; explaining the origin and 120. New York, 1857. use of arms and armorial bearings. 240. ARTHUR, (William.) Italy in Transition; pubLondon, 1834. lic scenes and private opinions in the spring ART of Improving the Voice and Ear; and of of 1860. 120. London, 1860. increasing their musical powers, on philo- ARTHURE, (La Mort d'.) History of King sophical principles. 80. London, 1825. Arthur and of the Knights of the Round ART of Rigging; an alphabetical explanation Table. Compiled by Sir Robert Malory, Knt. of the terms, directions for the most minute Edited from the text of the edition of 1634; operations, and the method of progressive with introduction and notes by Thomas rigging; with tables of the dimensions and Wright. 3 v. 120. London, 1858. quantities of the rigging of all ships and Thesame. From Caxton's ed. of1485. Edvessels. 80. London, 1818. itedby R. Southey. 2v. 40. London, 1817. The same. New edition, revised by ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION and Perpetual George Biddlecombe. 80. London, 1848. Union between the States of New-HampART of War; containing: I. The duties of shire, Massachusetts-Bay, Rhode-Island and military officers, by M. de Lamont. II. The Providence Plantations, Connecticut, Newduties of soldiers, by a French officer. III. York, New-Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, The rules and practice of the greatest gene- Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South r s, by the Chevalier de la Valliere. 80. Carolina, and Georgia. Sm. 40. WilliamsPhiladelphia, 1786. burg, (Va.,) 1778. 54 ARTICLES. ASHE. ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION, &c. The ASCHAM, (Anthony.) Discourse: wherein is same. 160. Annapolis, (Md.,) 1776. (Bound examined what is particularly lawfull during with Maryland Declaration of Rights.) the confusions and revolutions of governARTICLES of Peace and Alliance, between the ment; or, how farre a man may lawfully most serene and mighty Prince Charles II. conforme to the powers and commands of and the States General of the United Neth- those who, with various successes, hold erlands, concluded the 21-31 day of July, kingdomes divided by civill or forreigne 1667. 80. London, 1667. warres. 160. London, 1648. ARTICLES of the Synod of Dort. Translated ASCHAM, (Roger.) English Works. With from the Latin, with notes, by Thomas Scott. notes and observations, and the author's life, 120. Philadelphia, 1856. by James Bennet. 40. London, 1761. ARTILLERY. De l'Organisation de l'Artillerie, CONTENTS. au point de vue du service de la flotte et de Life of Ascham. la defense des colonies et des c6tes. 80. Report of Affairs of Germany an the Emperor Charles' Court. Paris, 1853. Toxophilus; or, School of Shooting. - Instruction for Field Artillery. (Official, The Schoolmaster; a proper way of bringing up. Instruction for Field Artillery. (Official, youth, illustrated by the late learned Mr. Upton. U. S. Army.) 120. Philadelphia, 1860. Letters to Queen Elizabeth. Instructions and Regulations for the Familiarium Epistolarum libri III. Royal Horse Artillery, 1844. 120. Wool- Quibus adjunctus est epistolarum ab eodem wich, (Eng.,) 1844. conscriptarum, liber unus. Accesserunt J. ARTIS, (Edmund T.) Antediluvian Phytology, Sturmii, H. Osorii, aliorumque epistolve ad illustrated by a Collection of the Fossil Re- R. Aschamum aliosque nobiles Anglos mains of Plants peculiar to the Coal Forma- missse. Addita sunt pauca quedam R. tions of Great Britain. 40. London, 1825. Aschami poemata. Omnia collecta opera Ed. ARTIZAN CLUB. Treatise on the Steam Engine Grant. 240. Colonize Allobrogum, 1611. in its application to mines, mills, steam navi- As GOOD AS A COMEDY; or, the Tennessean's gation, and railways. Edited by John Story. 120. Philadelphia, 1852. Bourne, C. E. Illustrated. New ed. 40. ASH, (C.B.) Poetical Works. 2v. 80. LonLondon, 1851. don, 1831. ARTMAN, (William;) and HALL, (L. V.) ASH, (John.) New and Complete Dictionary Beauties and Achievements of the Blind. of the English Language. 2 v. 80. London, 120. Dansville, (N. Y.,) 1854. 1775. ARUNDALE, (F.) Illustrations of Jerusalem ASHBURNHAM, (John.) Narrative of his atand Mount Sinai; including sites between tendance on Charles I. from Oxford to the Grand Cairo and Bierout; with an account Scotch Army, and from Hampton-Court to of his residence in those countries. Folio. the Isle of Wight; with a vindication of his London, 1837. character. 2 v. 80. London, 1830. ARvIEUX, (Laurent d'.) M6moires; contenant ASHBURTON, (Alexander Baring, Lord.) Fises Voyages i Constantinople, dans l'Asie, nancial and Commercial Crisis Considered. la Syrie, ia Palestine, lI'gypte, et la Barba 3d ed. 80. London, 1847. rie, la description de ces pais, les religions, ASHBY AND WHITE; or, the great question, les moeurs, les coutumes, etc. Recueillis de whether an action lies at common law for an ses memoires originaux avec des reflections, elector, who is deny'd his vote for members par Jean-BaptisteLabat. 6v. 160. Paris, of Parliament? debated and resolved. To1735. gether with the Case of Jay and Topham; ARVINE, (Kazlitt.) Cyclopredia of Anecdotes, and the defence made by Sir Francis Pemof Literature, and the Fine Arts; containing berton and Sir Thomas Jones for their judga copious and choice selection of anecdotes mnt given therein. 120. London, 1705. of the various forms of literature, the arts, ASHE, (Capt. Thomas.) Commercial View and architecture, &c. 3d edition. 80. Boston, Geographical Sketch of the Brazils in South ~~~~~~~1859. ~America, and of the Islands of Madeira. 80. - Cyclopaedia of Moral and Religious London, 1812. Anecdotes. 80. New York, 1848. H- istory of the Azores, or Western IslASCARGORTA. Compendio de la Historia de ands; containing an account of the governEspana. 80. Paris, 1838. (Coleccion de ment, laws, and religion; the manners, cereAutores Espanloles, v. 8.) monies, and character of the inhabitants; and 55 ASHE. ASSIENTO. demonstrating the importance of these valu- ASHTON, (T. J.) Treatise on the Diseases, able islands to the British empire. Edited Injuries, and Malformations of the Rectum by Jos. T. Haydn. 40. London, 1813. and Anus. 8~. London, 1854. ASHE, (Capt. Thomas.) Memoirs and Confes- ASHWELL, (Samuel.) Practical Treatise on the sions; including his visit to America. 3 v. Diseases Peculiar to Women. 2d Am. ed., 12C. London, 1815. with notes, by P. R. Goddard. 80. PhilaTravels in America; performed in 1806, delphia, 1848. for the purpose of exploring the rivers Alle- Practical Treatise on Parturition, comghany, Monongahela, Ohio, and Mississippi, prising the circumstances and diseases of the and ascertaining the produce and condition pregnant and puerperal states. 8~. London, of their banks and vicinity. 120. Newbury- 1828. port, (Mass.,) 1808. ASIATIC ANNUAL REGISTER; or, a View of the -- The same. 80. London, 1809. (Phil- History of Hindustan, and of the Politics, lips' Voyages and Travels, v. 10.) Commerce, and Literature of Asia, for the ASHER, (G. M.) Bibliographical and Historical years 1799-1811. 12 v. 80. (No more pubEssay on Dutch Books, relating to New lished.) London, 1800-12. Netherland and the Dutch West India Corn- ASIATIC JOURNAL, and Monthly Register for pany. Part I. 40. Amsterdam, 1854. British India and its Dependencies. 1st seASHLEY, (Alfred.) Art of Etching on Copper. ries, v. 21-28. 2d series, v. 1-40, (v. 24 Oblong 40. London, 1849. wanting.) 3d series, v. 1-3. 50 v. 80. ASHLEY, (Henry.) Doctrine and Practice of London, 1826-44. Attachment in the Mayor's Court, London. ASIATIC RESEARCHES; or, transactions of the 2d edition. 80. London, 1819. society, instituted in Bengal, for inquiring ASHLEY, (John.) Memoirs and Considerations into the history and antiquities, the arts, concerning the Trade and Revenues of the sciences, and literature of Asia. 20 v. 40. British Colonies in America. 120. London, Calcutta, 1788-1836. (Index in v. 18.) 1740. ASIATICK MISCELLANY; consisting of original ~ Some Observations on a direct Exporta- productions, translations, fugitive pieces, tion of Sugar from the British Islands; with imitations, and extracts from curious publiAnswers to Mr. Toriano's Objections to it. cations. 2 v. 40. Calcutta, 1785-86. In a letter from a gentleman in Barbadoes, to ASIATIC SOCIETY (Royal) of Great Britain and his friend in London. Small 40. London, Ireland. Journal. V. 1-10. 80. London, 1735. 1834-47. ASHLEY, (J. M.) Rebellion; its causes and Transactions. 3 v. 40. London, consequences. A speech. 80. Washington, 1827-35. 1861. ASMAR, (Maria Theresa.) Memoirs of a BabyASHMEAD, (John V.) Reports of Cases in the lonian Princess, written by herself. 2 v. Courts of Common Pleas, Quarter Sessions, 120. London, 1844. Oyer and Terminer, and Orphan's Court, of ASPIN, (J.) Familiar Treatise on Astronomy. the First Judicial District of Pennsylvania; 80. London, 1825. with notes and references, 1808 to 1841. 2 v. ASPINWALL, (William.) Brief Description of 8~. Philadelphia, 1831-41. the Fifth Monarchy, or Kingdome, that ASHMORE, (Harriette.) Narrative of a Three shortly is to come into the world. Small 40. Months' March in India; and a residence in London, 1853. the Dooab. 120. London, 1841. ASPLAND, (Robert.) Sermon on Death of ASHMOLEAN MUSEUM CATALOGUE. 80. Ox- Charles James Fox. 80. London, 1806. ford, 1836. (Theol. Pam, v. 4 ) ASHMUN, (Jehudi.) Memoir of the Life and AssAM; sketch of its History, Soil, and ProCharacter of Rev. Samuel Bacon. 80. Wash- ductions; with the discovery of the teaington, 1822. plant; and of the countries adjoining Assam. ASHTON, (Robert.) Memoir of Rev. John 80. London, 1839. Robinson. 8~. Boston, 1852. (Mass. Hist. AssEY, (Charles.) Trade to China and the InColl., v. 1. Fourth series.) dian Archipelago. 80. London, 1819. (Pol. AsHTON, (T. J.) Treatise on Corns, Bunions, Pam., v. 62.) and Ingrowing of the Toe-Nail; their cause ASSIENTO or Contract for allowing to the and treatment. 12c. London, 1852. sulbjects of Great Britain the liberty of 56 ASSIGNY. ATHENAEUM. Importing Negroes into the Spanish America; ASTOR LIBRARY, (of New York.) Catalogue signed by the Catholick King, at Madrid, or alphabetical index, with short titles, of the 26th of March, 1713. Small 4~. London, the books now collected and of the proposed 1713. accessions, as submitted to the trustees of ASSIGNY, (Marius d'.) History of the Earl the library for their approval, Jan., 1851. and Earldom of Flanders, from the first 80. New-York, 1851. Establishment of that Sovereignty to the Catalogue or alphabetical index. In Death of Charles II. of Spain. 120. Lon- two parts. Part I. Authors and Books. 4 v. don, 1701. 8. New-York, 1857-61. ASSISES DE JERUSALEM, OU Recueil des Ouv- -- Catalogue of Books, relating to the rages de Jurisprudence composes pendant le languages and literature of Asia, Africa, XIIIe Siecle dans les Royaumes de J6rusa- and the Oceanic Islands. 8~. New York, lem et de Chypre. Publiees par M. le Compte 1854. Beugnot. 2v. Folio. Paris, 1841-43. ASTORGA, (Marquis de.) Catalogue of his exAsso, (1. J. de;) y MANUEL, (M. de.) Insti- tensive and very valuable Library; comtuciones del Derecho Civil de Castilla. 7a prising an extraordinary and unique collecedicion, par J. M. Palacios. 2 v. 8~. Mad- tion of Spanish and Portuguese literature. rid, 1806. 8~. London, 1825. - Institutes of the Civil Law of Spain. ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS made during Translated from the Spanish, with notes, an the years 1845-1850, at the National Obappendix, and index, by Lewis F. C. John- servatory, Washington, under the direction ston. 80. London, 1825. of M. F. Maury. 5 v. 40. Washington, ASSOCIATION PAPERS. Part 1. Publications 1846-59. of the Society for Preserving Liberty and ASTRUC, (John.) Treatise on all the Diseases Property against Republicans and Levellers. incident to Children; with instructions to Part 2. A collection of tracts printed at the mothers, midwives, and nurses. 120. Lonexpense of that society. 80. London, 1793. don, 1746. ASTEXANUS DE AST. Summa de Casibus ad Treatise on the Diseases of Women. honorem Dei. 2 v. folio. Venetiis, 1478. Translated from the French. 3 v. 80. LonASTLEY, (Thomas.) New General Collection don, 1762-67. of Voyages and Travels, in Europe, Asia, ATCHESON, (Nathaniel) American EncroachAfrica, and America. 4 v. 40. London, ments on British Rights; or, observations on 1745-47. the importance of the British North AmeriCONTENTS. can Colonies. 80. London, 1808. Vol. 1. First Voyages of Portugueze to India, 1418- - Points to be discussed in treating with 1545. the United States of America. 80. London, First Voyages of the English to Guinea and East Indies, 1552-1598. 1815. (Pamphleteer, v. 5.) Voyages to Africa and the Islands by Cadam- ATHANASIUS, (Saint,) Festal Epistles. Transosto and others, 1455-1721. Vol. 2. Voyages and Travels along West Coast of lated from the Syriac. 80. Oxford, 1854. Africa. French Voyages, 1637-1716. (Library of the Fathers, v. 1.) English Voyages, 1620-1735. Historical Tracts. Translated. 80. Voyages and Travels to Guinea and Benin, 1i66-1726( Oxford, 1843. (Library of the Fathers, Desciiption of Guinea. v \ Vol. 3. Voyages and Travels to Guinea. V..) i " to Benin. Select Treatises in controversy with the,, " to Kongo and Angola. Description of Loango, Kayo, Angola, Ben- Arians. 2 v. 80. Oxford, 1842. (Library of guela, and adjacent countries. the Fathers, v 3-4.) Description of East Coast of Africa, from Cape of Good Hope to C. Guarda Fuy. ATHENAEUM, (The.) A magazine of literary Vol. 4. Asia. and miscellaneous information. Conducted Voyages and Travels in China, 1655-1722. miscellaneous inforation. Conucted Description of China. by John Aikin. 5 v. 80. London, 1807-9. " of Korea, East Tartary and Tibet. Travels through Tartary, Tibet, and Bukha- (No more published.) ria, to and from China, 1246-1698. ATIIENAEUM, (London;) journal of literature, ASTON, (R.) Placita Latine Rediviva; a Book science, and the fine arts, for the years of Entries. Small 40. London, 1661. 1833-1862. 42 v. 40. London, 1833-62. ASTOR LIBRARY, (of New York.) Annual Re- ATIIENAIUM, (of London.) Catalogue of the ports for 1850-55 and 1861. 80. Albany, Library of the Athenseum. 80. London, 1859-61. 1845. 57 ATHEN2EUM. ATKINSON. ATHENXEUM, (of London.) Supplement to the practical treatise on the office of sheriff, underCatalogue of the Library of the Athenaeum, sheriff, bailiffs, etc. 4th ed. 8~. London, printed in 1845. With a classified index of 1861. subjects. 80. London, 1851. -Worthies of Westmoreland; or, notable ATHENAEUS. Dipnosophistarvm, sine Coene persons born in that county since the reformaSapientum libri xv. Natale de Comitibvs tion. 2 v. 12~. London, 1849-50. Veneto nvnc primum e Groeca in Latinam ATKINSON, (George Francklin.) Campaign in linguam uertente. Folio. Venetiis, 1556. India, 1857-58; from drawings made during Deipnosophistarum Libri XV. Ex re- the great mutiny, illustrating the military censione Gulielmi Dindorfii. 3 v. 80. Lip- operations before Delhi; with descriptive siae, 1827. letter-press. Folio. London, 1859. Deipnosophists; or, Banquet of the "Curry and Rice," on Forty Plates; Learned. Translated by C. D. Yonge. 3 v. or, the ingredients of social life at "our sta12~. London, 1854. (Bohn's Class. Lib'y, tion" in India. Sm. folio. London, 1859. v. 13-15. ) ~ Indian Spices for English Tables; being ATHENIAN LETTERS. 2 V. 4~. London, 1810. the adventures of" our special correspondent" ATHENIAN ORACLE; being an entire collection in India. Oblong folio. London, 1860. of all the most valuable questions and an- ATKINSON, (Henry G.,) and MARTINEAU, swers in the old Athenian Mercuries. 4 v. (Harriet.) Letters on the Laws of Man's 8~. London, 1728. Nature and Development. 12~. London, ATHERLY, (Edmond G.) Practical Treatise 1851. of the Law of Marriage and other Family ATKINSON, (James.) Expedition into AfghanSettlements. 8~. London, 1813. istan; notes and sketches descriptive of the ATHERTON, (Charles.) Capability of Steam country, contained in a personal narrative Ships, based on the mutual relations of dis- during the campaign of 1839-40, up to the placement, power, and speed; illustrated by surrender of Dost Mohammed Khan. 12~. tables adapted for mercantile reference. 2d London, 1842. ed. 8.' Woolwich, 1854. Medical Bibliography.-A and B. ATHERTON, (William.) Narrative of the 8~. York, (Eng.) 1833. Sufferings and Defeat of the Northwestern ATKINSON, (Jasper.) Letter on Report on the Army under General Winchester; massacre High Price of Gold Bullion. 2d ed. 8~. of the prisoners; sixteen months' imprison- London, 1811. (Financial Pam., v. 6.) ment of the writer and others with the In- ATKINSON, (John, F.L. S.) Compendiumof the dians and British. 16~. Frankfort, (Ky.,) Ornithology of Great Britain, with a reference 1842. to the Anatomy and Physiology of Birds. ATKINS, (John.) Voyage to Guinea, Brazil, 8~. London, 1820. and the West Indies. 8~. London, 1735. ATKINSON, (John.) Key to the Latin LanATKINS, (John T.) Reports of cases in the guage. 8~. London, 1827. High Court of Chancery in the time of Lord ATKINSON, (John Augustus;) and WALKER, Chancellor Hardwicke, 1837 to 1854. 2d ed. (James.) Picturesque Representations of 3 v. 8~. London, 1781-83. the Manners, Customs, and Amusements of The same. 1st American, from the 3d the Russians; with an accurate explanation London edition, revised by W. Sanders. 3 v. of each plate, in English and French. 3 v. 8~. New-York, 1826. in 1. Folio. London, 1803-4. ATKINS, (Robert.) See ATK:NS. ATKINSON, (Solomon.) Common Forms and ATKINSON, (A.) Ireland Exhibited to Eng- Precedents in Conveyancing. 8~. London, land, in a political and moral survey of her 1830. population, and in a statistical and sceno- ~ Practical Points in Conveyancing, from graphic tour of certain districts. 2 v. 8~. the Manuscripts of Butler, Preston, and London, 1823. Bradley. 8~. London, 1829. Ireland in the Nineteenth Century, and - Practical Treatise on Conveyancing; seventh of England's dominion. 8~. Lon- comprising a digest of the laws of real don, 1833. property. 2 v. 8~. London, 1829. ATKINSON, (Emma Willsher.) Memoirs of ATKINSON, (S.) Second letter to W. Huskisthe Queens of Prussia. 8~. London, 1858. son, on the Effects of Free Trade. 8~. LonATKINSON, (George.) Sheriff-Law; or, a don, 1827. (Pol. Pam., v. 71.) 8 58 ATKINSON. AUBURN. ATKINSON, (Thomas Witlam.) Oriental and ATTEMPT to ascertain a Theory for determinWestern.Siberia; seven years' explorations ing the value of Funded Property. 8~. in Siberia, Mongolia, Chinese Tartary, and London, 1809. (Financial Pam., v. 5.) part of Central Asia. 80. London, 1858. ATTEMPT to elucidate the Pernicious ConseTravels in the Regions of the Upper quences of a Deviation from the Principles and Lower Amoor, and the Russian acquisi- of the Orders in Council. 8~. London, tions on the confines of India and China. 1809. 8~. London, 1860. v ATTEMPT to strip Negro Emancipation of its ATKINSON, (William.) The Church; an ex- Difficulties as well as its Terrors. By a planation of the meaning contained in the Merchant. 80. London, 1824. (Slavery Bible. 2 v. 80. London, 1854. Pam., v. 9.) Principles of Political Economy. 80. ATTERBURY, (Francis.) Sermons and DisLondon, 1840. courses on several subjects and occasions. ATKINSON, (W. C.) Historical and Statistical 2 v. 120. London, 1723. Account of New Brunswick. 3d ed. 160. ATWATER, (Caleb.) Description of the AnEdinburgh, 1844. tiquities discovered in the Ohio and other ATKYNS, (Sir Robert.) Defence of Lord Rus- Western States. 80. Worcester, (Mass.,) sel; with an argument concerning election 1820. (Archreologia Americana, v. 1.) of members to Parliament. Folio. London, - Writings. Western Antiquities; Tour 1689. (Pol. Pam., v. 6.) to Prairie du Chien; and Tour to WashingEnquiry into the Power of Dispensing ton. 80. Columbus, (0.,) 1833. with Penal Statutes; with animadversions ATWOOD, (Thomas.) History of the Island upon Sir Edw. Herbert's "Authorities in of Dominica, (topographical and civil.) 80. Law." 2d ed. Folio. London, 1689. (Pol. London, 1791. Pam., v. 6.) ATWOOD, (William.) Superiority and Direct.-.. - Parliamentary and Political Tracts. 2d Dominion of the Imperial Crown of England ed. 80. London, 1741. over the crown and kingdom of Scotland, Power, Jurisdiction, and Privilege of asserted. In answer to Sir Thomas Craig's Parliament; and the antiquity of House of Treatises of Homage and Succession. 120. Commons. Folio. London, 1689. (Pol. London, 1704. Pam., v. 6.) AUBENAS, (Jean Adolphe.) Histoire de MaATLANTIC MONTHLY. A magazine of litera- dame de Sevigne, de sa Famille et de ses ture, art, and politics. V. 1-12. 80. Bos- Amis; suivie d'une notice historique sur la ton, 1857-63. Maison de Grignan. 80. Paris, 1842. ATLANTIC NAVIGATOR. 4th ed., improved AUBER, (Peter.) Analysis of the Constituand enlarged. 80. London, 1854. tion of the East India Company, and ATLANTIC TELEGRAPH. A history of prelimi- of the laws passed by Parliament for the nary experimental proceedings, and account government of their affairs, with a brief of the present state and prospects of the history of the company. 2 v. 80. London, undertaking. Published by order of the 1826-28. directors of the company, July, 1857. 80. - The same. V. 1. 80. London, 1826. London, 1857. ~ China: an outline of its government, ATLAS, (Boston Daily.) 1842 to 1857. 31 v. laws, and policy; and of the British and Folio. Boston, 1842-57. foreign embassies to, and intercourse with, ATLAS GEOGRAPHUS; or, a compleat system that empire. 80. London, 1834. of geography, ancient and modern. 5 v. AUBERY, (Antoine.) Histoire du Cardinal Small 40. London, 1711-17. Mazarin. 4 v. 160. Amsterdam, 1751. ATLAS SUISSE; embracing seventeen maps. - Memoires pour l'Histoire du Cardinal Folio. Aarau, 1802. Due de Richelieu. 5 v. 240. Cologne, 1667. ATLEE, (Walter F.) Notes of M. Bernard's AUBIGNE, (J. H. Merle d.') See MERLE Lectures on the Blood. With appendix. d'Aubign6. 120. Philadelphia, 1854. AUBREY, (John.) Miscellanies, upon various ATSON, (William.) Heart Whispers; or, peep subjects. 4th ed. 160. London, 1857. behind the family curtain; with sketches of AUBURN (N. Y.) State Prison. Report of a tour through nine Southern States. 120. Agent and Keeper. 80. Albany, 1828. Philadelphia, 1859. (Pris. Disc. Pam., v. 2.) 59 AUCHER. AULDJO. AUCHER, (Paschal;) and BRAND, (John.) (Septemberto November, 1848.) Translated Dictionary, English and Armenian. 2 v. from the German, by J. E. Taylor. 16~. 80. Venice, 1821. London, 1849. AUCKLAND, the Capital of New Zealand; and AUGER, (Abbe Athanase.) Discours de Lythe country adjacent; including some ac- curgue, d'Andocide, d'Isee, de Dinarque, count of the gold discovery. 12~. London, avec un fragment sous le nom de Deinade, 1853. traduits en franoois par M. l'abbe Auger. AUCKLAND, (William Eden, Lord.) Some 80. Paris, 1783. Remarks on the apparent circumstances of AUGER, (Edouard.) Voyage en Californie, the War, in the fourth week of October, 1852-53. 160. Paris, 1854. 1795. 80. London, 1795. AUGHEY, (John A.) The Iron Furnace; or, Journal and Correspondence; with a slavery and secession. 12~. Philadelphia, preface and introduction, by the Bishop of 1863. Bath and Wells. 4 v. 80. London, 1861-62. AUGUSTINUS, (St. Aurelius.) Opera. Studio Speech in House of Peers on Duties monachorum ordinis S. Benedicti. 11 v. in upon Income. 80. London, 1799. (Pol. 8. Folio. Parisiis, 1679-1700. Pam., v. 80.) Of the Citie of God; with the learned AUDELAY, (John.) Poems. (PercySoc'y Pub., comments of Io. Lodovicus Vives. Englishv. 14.) ed first by J. H., and now in this second AUDIN, (Jean Marie Victor.) Histoire deLdon edition compared with the Latine originall. X., etdesonSitcle. 3d ed. 2 v. 80. Paris, Folio. London, 1620. 1850. Confessions. With a continuation of Histoire de la Vie, des ecrits, et des his life to the end thereof, extracted out of Doctrines de Martin Luther. 5th ed. 3 v. Possidius, and the father's own works. 80. Paris, 1845-46. Translated into English by Abraham WoodHistoire de la Vie, des (Euvres, et des head. 120. London, 1679. Doctrines de Calvin. 5th ed. 2 v. 120. The same. Revised from a former Paris, 1850. translation, by E. B. Pusey, with illustraHistory of the Life, Writings, and tions from St. Augustine himself. 80. OxDoctrines of Luther. Translated by W. B. ford, 1840. (Library of the Fathers, v. 5.) Turnbull. 2 v. 80. London, 1854. Expositions on the Book of Psalms, 1AUDUBON, (John James.) Birds of America; 125. Translated. V. 1-5. 80. Oxford, fiom original drawings. 4 v. Great folio. 1847-53. (Library of the Fathers, v. 11-15.) London, 1827-38. - Homilies on the Gospel of St. John and The same. Vol. 1. Folio. (Title his First Epistle. Translated. 2 v. 80. wanting.) Oxford, 1848-9. (Library of the Fathers, The same. From drawings made in v. 9-10.) the United States and their Territories. 7 v. Sermons on Selected Lessons of the 80. New-York, 1856. New Testament. 2 v. 80. Oxford, 1845. Ornithological Biography; or, an (Library of the Fathers, v. 7-8.) account of the habits of the birds of the CONTENTS. United States of America. Accompanied by V. 1.-St. Matthew, St. Mark, St. Luke. descriptions of the objects represented in the V. 2.-St. John, Acts, Romanas, I. Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, I. Thessalowork entitled, The Birds of America; and nians, I. Timothy, Titus, James, and I. interspersed with delineations of American John. scenery and manners. 5 v. 80. Edin- Seventeen short Treatises; translated, burgh, 1831-39. with notes and indices. 80. Oxford, 1847. and BACHMAN, John. Quadrupeds of (Library of the Fathers, v. 6.) North America. 2d ed., illustrated. 3 v. AUGUSTINUS, (A.,) Archbishop of Tarragona. 80. New-York, 1852-54. De Legibus. (Grevius, Thesaurus Antiq. Viviparous Quadrupeds of North Amer- Rom., v. 2.) ica. 3 v. 80. New-York, 1846-53. De Familiis Romanorum. (Grmvius, Plates to the same. 3 v. Folio. New- v. 7.) York, 1845-48. AULDJO, (John.) Journal of a Visit to ConAUERBACH, (Berthold.) Narrative of events stantinople, and some of the Greek Islands, in Vienna, from Latour to Windischgritz; in 1833. 80. London, 1835. 60 AULDJO. AUTHORS. AULDJO, (John.) Narrative of an Ascent to the AUSTIN, (Benjamin, Jr.) Constitutional Resummit of Mont Blanc. 4~. London, 1828. publicanism, in opposition to fallacious FedSketches of Vesuvius; with short ac- eralism; as published in the "Independent counts of its principal eruptions, from the Chronicle," under thesignature of "Old commencement of the Christian era to the South." 8~. Boston, 1803. present time. 8~. London, 1833. AUSTIN, (David.) National "Barley Cake." AULNOY, (Marie C. J. de Berneville, Corn- Discourses and Letters. 8~. Washington, tesse d'.) Fairy Tales. Translated by J.R. 1802. (Theol. Pam., v. 6.) Planche. 16~. London, 1855. AUSTIN, (Gilbert.) Chironomia; or, a treatise The same. 2 v. 320. London, 1817. on rhetorical delivery. 40. London, 1806. Ingenious and Diverting Letters of the AUSTIN, (James Trecothie.) Life of Elbridge Lady's ~ Travels into Spain; describing Gerry; with contemporary letters to the close the devotions, nunneries, humour, customs, of the American revolution. 2 v. 80. Boston, laws, militia, trade, diet, and recreations of 1828-29. that people. 7th ed. From the French. 80. AUSTIN, (John.) Province of Jurisprudence London, 1708. Determined; or, the philosophy of positive AURELIUS VICTOR, (Sextus.) Historia Ro- law; and Lectures on Jurisprudence; being mana. 2 v. 80. Londini, 1829. (Valpy's the sequel to "The Province of JurispruDelphin Classics, v. 115-16.) dence Determined." 3 v. 80. London, AURORA, (Daily,) from 1797 to 1822, (1800 1861-63. wanting.) 25v. Folio. Philadelphia, 1797- AUSTIN, (Sarah.) Characteristics of Goethe; 1822. from the German of Falk, Von Muller, and AURORA, (Weekly.) V. 1-11. From 1810 to others. 3v. 120. London, 1833. 1821. 10 v. Folio. Philadelphia, 1810-21. Germany, from 1760 to 1814; or, (v. 5 wanting.) sketches of German life, from the decay of AUsoNIUs, (Decimus Magnus.) Opera. J. the empire to the expulsion of the French. Tollius ex vett. codd. restituit. 320. Am- 120. London, 1854. stelredami, 1669. AUSTIN, (William.) Essay on the Human - Opera omnia. Ex editione Bipontina. Character of Jesus Christ. 120. Boston, 3 v. 80. Londini, 1823. (Valpy's Delphin 1807. Classics, v. 66-68.) Letters from London, written during AUSTEN, (Jane.) Emma. 3v. 160. London, the years 1802 and 1803. 80. Boston, 1804. 1816. AUSTRALIAN NEWS, and Record of CommerThe same. 160. London, 1851. cial Progress in Australia for the year 1853. ~ — Mansfield Park. 3 v. 160. London, Folio. Glasgow, 1853. 1814. AUTEROCHE, (Chappe d'.) See CHAPPE D' The same. 160. London, 1847. (Bent- AUTEROCHE. ley's Stand. Novels, v. 7.) AUTHENTIC Account of the Proceedings of the Northanger Abbey. 4 v. 160. Lon- Congress held at New York in 1765 on the don, 1818. Subject of the American Stamp Act. 80. - The same. 2 v. 12~. Philadelphia, London, 1767. (Col. Pam., v. 1.) 1833. AUTHENTIC Details of the Valdenses in PieThe same. 160. London, 1848. (Bent- mont and other countries. 80. London, ley's Stand. Novels, v. 28.) 1827. Persuasion. 160. London, 1848. (Bent- AUTHENTIC Memoirs concerning the Portuley's Stand. Novels, v. 28.) guese Inquisition; with remarks on the inPride and Prejudice. 2d edition. 3 v. famous character given of the British nation, 160. London, 1813. by a late apologist for that horrid tribunal. The same. 160. London, 1833. (Bent- 80. London, 1761. ley's Stand. Novels, v. 30.) AUTHENTIC Memoirs of the Revolution in Sense and Sensibility. 2d edition. 3 v. France, and of the Sufferings of the Royal 160. London, 1813. Family; deduced principally from accounts The same. 2 v. 120. Philadelphia, by eye-witnesses. 80. London, 1817. 1833. AUTHORS. Address to Parliament of Great The same. 160. London, 1846. (Bent- Britain on the Claims of, to their own Copy ley's Stand. Novels, v. 23.) Right. London, 1813. (Pamphleteer, v. 2.) 61 AUTHORS. AYCKBOURN. AUTHORS and Books. Observations on, for d'autre, en l'ann6e 1644. 2 v. in 1. 24~. the formation of a small library. 8~. Lon- Paris, 1650. don, 1813. (Pamphleteer, v. 2.) AVAUX, (Jean Antoine de Mesmes, Cornte d'.) AUTHOR'S Printing and Publishing Assistant. Negociations en Hollande, depuis 1679 jus7th ed. 120. London, 1852. qu'en 1688, publie6s par l'abbe Edme Mallet. AUTOBIOGRAPHY. A collection of the most 6 v. 16~. Paris, 1752-53. instructive and amusing lives ever pub- AVECILLA, (Pablo.) Lejislacion Militar de lished; written by the paities themselves; Espana. 2d ed. 4 v. in 2. 8~. Madrid. with brief introductions and compendious (n. d.) sequels, carrying on the narrative to the AVELLANEDA,(A.F. de., Pseud.) ElIngenioso death of each writer. 33 v. 18~. London, Hidalgo Don Quijotedela Mancha. (Quinta 1826-32. parte.) (Bib. de Autores Espailoles, v. 48.) CONTENTS. _ _- Continuation of Don Quixote. TransBareith, Margravine of, v. 20-21. lated by W. A. Yardley. 8.' London, 1784. Barri, Mde. dL, v. 29-32. Cellini, Benvento, v. 16-17. (Novelist's Magazine, v. 16.) Charke, Mrs. Charlotte, v. 7. AVERY. Report of the Trial of Rev. Ephraim Cibber, Colley, v. 1. Creichton, John, v. 11. K. Avery, before the Supreme Judicial Court Dodingto, George Bubb, v. 22. of Rhode Island, on an indictment for the Drury, Itobert, v. 5. Ellwood, Thomas, v. 11. murder of Sarah Maria Cornell. By Richard Eugene, Prince, v. 8. Ferguson, James, v. 6. Hildreth. 2d ed. 80. Boston, 1833. Gibbon, Edward, v. 14-15. AVEZAC, (M. A. P. d',) LACROIX, (P. L.,) and Gifford, William, v. 11. Goldoni, Carlo, v. 23-4. YANOSKI, (J.) Afrique, Carthage, Numidie, Herbert, Lord Edward, of Cherbury, v. 8. etc. 8~. Paris, 1844. (L'Univers, v. 11.) Holberg, Lewis, v. 12. Hume, David, v. 2. Iles de l'Afrique. 8~. Paris, 1848. Kotzebue, Augustus von, v. 9-10. ( Lackington, James, v. 18. (L'Umvers, V. 16.) Lilly, William, v. 2. AVILA, (Juan de.) Espocicion. (Coleccion de MIlarmontel, J. F., v. 3-4. Robinson, Mrs. Mary, v. 7. Autores Espanoles, v. 18.) SamTpson, WiliamWe, v. 33. Epistolario Espiritual. 80. Madrid, Tone, Theobald Wolfe, v. 19. Vaux, James Hardy, v. 13. 1850. (Bib. de Autores Espanoles, v. 50.) Voltaire,. de, v. 2.5 AVILA Y ZUNIGA, (Luis de.) Comentario de Voltaire, I. deo, v. 2. Whitefield, George, v. 6. la Guerra de Alemania, hecha por Carlos V. AUTOBIOGRAPHY of an English Soldier in the (Bib. de Autores Espanoles, v. 42.) United States Army. 2 v. 120. London, Avis de Plusieurs Bons Citoyens ci toutes les 1853. Assemblees d'election aux Etats-G6n6raux. AUTOBIOGRAPHY of an Indian Army Surgeon; 80. Paris, 1788. (Pol. Pam., v. 16.) or, leaves turned down from a journal. 120. AvIsoN, (Charles.) Essay on Musical ExpresLondon, 1854. sion. 180. London, 1752. AUTOBIOGRAPHY of Lutfullah, a Mohamedan AYCARD, (Marie.) Le Comte de Horn. (RoGentleman, and his Transactions with his mans Populaires, v. 16.) Fellow Creatures; with remarks on the Madame de Linant. (Romans Popuhabits, customs, and character of the people laires, v. 25.) with whom he had to deal. Edited by E. B. Mademoiselle Potain. (Romans PopuEastwick. 2d ed. 120. London, 1857. laires, v. 23.) AUTOGRAPH Etchings by American Artists. Monsieur et Madame Saintot. (RoProduced by a new application of photo- mans Populaires, v. 21.) graphic art, under the supervision of J. W. - La Saurel. (Romans Populaires, v. 20.) Ehninger. Illustrated by selections from William Vernon. (Romans Populaires, American poets. Folio. New York, 1859. v. 17.) AUTOGRAPHS forFreedom. 120. Boston, 1853. AYCKBOURN, (Hubert.) Practice of the High AUVERGNE. Proces-Verbal des Seances de Court of Chancery, as altered by recent l'Assemblee Provinciale d'Auvergne, tenue statutes and orders, and by the abolition of a Clermont-Ferrand. Aout, 1787. 40. Cler- the masters' offices; comprising proceedings mont-Ferrand, 1787. (Pol. Pam., v. 87.) by bill, claim, summons, special case, and AvAUx, (Claude de Mesmes, Comte d';) et SER- under the Charitable Trusts Act; with forms. VIEN, (Abel.) Lettres concernantes leurs 5th ed. Revised by Thomas H. and H. Diff6rents et leurs Responses de part et Ayckbourn. 2 v. 120 London, 1855. 62 AYEEN. AZEVEDO. AYEEN AKBERY; or, the institutes of the currents between England and Scotland, Emperor Akber. Translated from the origi- from King William the Conqueror, until the nal Persian of Abu'l Fazl, by Francis Glad- happy Union of them both in our Gratious win. 3 v. 40. Calcutta, 1783-86. King James; with abriefe declaration of the AYERS, (Elisha.) Journal of Travel in dif- first inhabitants of this island. Square 12~. forent parts of the United States, including London, 1607. anecdotes, remarks, adventures, &c. 8~. AYTON, (Richard.) Voyage around Great Preston, 1847. Britain, undertaken in the summer of the AYLESBURY ELECTORS. Letter giving some year 1813, and commencing from the Landsaccount of the Proceedings in the Court of End, Cornwall; with a series of views, illusQueen's Bench, in the case of the Aylesbury trative of the character and prominent feaElectors.-Proceedings in relation to the tures of the coast, drawn and engraved by Aylesbury Men, committed by the House of William Daniell. 8 v. Folio. London, Commons; and the report of the Lords' jour- 1814-25. nal, &c. 2 v. in 1. Folio. London, 1704-5. AYTOUN, (William Edmondstoune.) BothAYLIFFE, (John.) New Pandect of Roman well; a poem, in six parts. 12~. Boston, Civil Law, as anciently established in that 1856. Empire, and now received and practised in - The Ballads of Scotland. 2 v. 12~. most European Nations; with many useful Edinburgh, 1859. observations thereon, shewing wherein the Lays of the Scottish Cavaliers; and law differs from the municipal laws of Great other poems. 120. New-York, 1852. Britain, from the canon law in general, and ___ The same. 13th ed. 120. Edinburgh, from that part of it now in use here with us 1861. in England. Folio. London, 1734. - Life and Times of Richard the 1st, sur- Parergon Juris Canonici Anglicani; named Coeur de Lion. 180. London, 1840. or, a commentary, by way of supplement to (Murray's Fam. Library, v. 43.) the Canons and Constitutions of the Church -- and MARTIN, (Theodore.) Book of Balof England; not only from the books of the lads. Edited by Bon Gaultier. New edition. canon and civic law, but likewise from the 120. New York, 1852. statute and common law of the realm. 2d AZAIS, (H.) Des Compensations dans les edition. Folio. London, 1734. 1)estin6es Humaines. 3d ed. 3 v. in 1. 80. AYLMER, (George James.) Key to Bridge's Paris, 1818. Algebra. 2d edition. 80. London, 1824. AZARA, (Felix de.) Apuntamientos para la AYORA, (A. A. de.) Tractatus de Partitionibus Historia Natural de los Quadrfipedos del Bonorum Communium inter Conjuges, Pa- Paraguay y Rio de la Plata. 2 v. 80. Marentes, et Liberos, eorumque Hreredes. Nova drid, 1802. editio correctior. 40. Colonire Allobrogum, -- Apuntamientos para la Historia Natural 1756. de los Pdxaros del Paraguay y Rio de la AYRE, (Joseph.) Researches into the Nature Plata. 3 v. 80. Madrid, 1802-5. and Treatment of Dropsy in the Brain, Chest, -_ Voyages dans l'Am6rique M6ridionale. Abdomen, Ovarium, and Skin. 80. Lon- Publids d'aprs. les lMSS. de l'auteur, avec don, 1825. une notice sur sa vie et ses 0crits, par C. A. Report of the Method and Results of the Walckenaer; enriches de notes par G. CuTreatment for the Malignant Cholera, by vier, suivis de l'Histoire Naturelle des Oisesmall and frequently repeated doses of calo- aux du Paraguay et de la Plata, par le meme mel. 80. London, 1833. (Med. Pam., v. 1.) auteur. Traduite d'aprds l'original EspagAYRES, (Henry.) Financial Register of Brit- nol, et augmentee d'un grand nombre de ish and Foreign Funds, Banks, &c., for notes, par M. Sonnini. 4v. 120. Planches, 1857. 80. London, 1857. (2 copies.) 40. Paris, 1809. AYscOUGHr, (Samuel.) Index to the Remark- AZEVEDO, (Alphonso de.) Commentarii Juris able Passages and Words made use of by Civilis in Hispanire Regias Constitutiones. Shakspeare; calculated to point out the dif- 6 v. in 3. Folio. Lugduni, 1737. ferent meanings to which the words are ap —- Consilia. Post ejus obitum perfecta, plied. 80. London, 1790. atque congesta, copioseque indicata, ac AYscu, (Edward.) Historie, contayning the numerata, per Joannem de Azevedo. Folio. Warres, Treaties, Marriages, and other Oc- Lugduni, 1737. 63 AZUNI. BACON. AZUI, (Domenico Alberto.) Recherchespour BACCIUS, (A.) De Conviviis Antiquorum. servir a l'Histoire de la Piratie, avec un prd- (Gronovius, Thesaurus Grsec. Antiq., v. 9.) cis des nioyens propres A l'extirpation des De Thermis Veterum. (Groevius, Thepirates barbaresques. S~. Genes, 1816. saurns Ant. Rom., v. 12.) - - Sistema Universale del Diritto Marit- BACHE, (Alexander D.) Discussion of Magtimo dell' Europa. Edizione 2a, riveduta ed netic and Meteorological Observations at aumentata dall' autore. 2 v. 80. Trieste, Girard College, 1840-1845. Part I. 40. 1796-97. Washington, 1859. (Smithsonian Contribu- - Systeme Universel de Principes du tions, v. 11.) Droit Maritime de l'Europe. Traduit de -- Report on Education in Europe, to the'Italien, par J. M. Digeon. 2 v. 80. Paris, Trustees of the Girard College for Orphans. 1797. (2 copies.) 80. Philadelphia, 1839. ~- - Maritime Law of Europe. Translated BACHE, (B. Franklin.) To Democratic Repubfrom the French. 2 v. 80. New York, lican Electors of Pennsylvania. Folded 8c. 1806. Philadelphia, 1804. (Pol. Pam., v. 104.). BABBAGE, (Charles.) Economy of Machinery BACHE, (Franklin.) Observations on the Penand Manufactures. 4th ed. 160. London, itentiary System, in a letter to Robert 1.841. Vaux. 80. Philadelphia, 1829. (Pris. Disc. Exposition of 1851; or, views of the Pam., v. 2.) industry, the science, and the government of BACHE, (Richard.) Notes on Colombia, taken England. 80. London, 1851. in the years 1822-23. With an itinerary of -- Ninth Bridgewater Treatise. A frag- the route from Caracas to Bogotd. 80. Philment. 80. London, 1837. adelphia, 1827. -- Reflections on the Decline of Science in -- View of the Valley of the Mississippi; England. 80. London, 1830. or, the emigrant's and traveller's guide to -- Table of the Logarithms of the Natural the west. 2d ed. 180. Philadelphia, 1834. Numbers, from 1 to 108000. 2d ed. 80. BACHELER, (Origen.) Mormonism Exposed. London, 1831. 120. New York, 1838. (Theol. Pam., v. 9.) -— Thoughts on the Principles of Taxation BACHIUS, (J. A.) Historia Jurisprudentie with reference to a Property Tax, and its Romance. Editio 6ta, novis observationibus exceptions. 80. London, 1848. (Pol. Pam., auxit A. C. Stockmann. 80. Lipsie, 1807.. 82 ) BACHMAN, (John.) Experiments made on the -- The same. 2d ed. 80. London, 1851. Habits of Vultures inhabiting Carolina, the BABEL: publication de la societ6 des gens de Turkey Buzzard, and Carrion Crow. 80. lettres. 4 v. in l. 160. Paris, 1840. Charleston, (S. C.,) 1834. (Misc. Pam., BABINGTON, (Charles Cardale.) Manual of v. 7.) British Botany; containing the flowering BACK, (George.) Narrative of the Arctic plants and ferns, arranged according to Land Expedition to the mouth of the Great the natural orders. 2d ed. 120. London, Fish River, and along the shores of the 1847. Arctic Ocean, in 1833-1835. 80. London, BABINGTON, (Richard.) Treatise on the Law 1836. of Auctions. 80. London, 1826. - Narrative of an Expedition in H. M. S. -- Treatise on the Law of Set-Off and Terror, for Geographical Discovery on the Mutual Credit. 80. London, 1827. Arctic Shores, in 1836-7. 80. London, BABSON, (John J.) History of the Town 1838. of Gloucester, Cape Ann; including the BACKHOFF, (Feodor I.) Voyage into China. Town of Rockport. 80. Gloucester, (Ms.,) (Churchill's Voyages and Travels, v. 2.) 1860. BACKHOUSE, (James.) Narrative of a Visit BABYLON the Great; or, men and things in to the Australian Colonies. 80. London, the British Capital. 2d ed. 2 v. in 1. 120. 1843. London, 1828. - Narrative of a Visit to the Mauritius BACALLAR Y SANNA, (Vicente.) M6moires and South Africa. 80. London, 1844. pour servir A P'Histoire d'Espagne sous le BACON, (Delia.) Philosophy of the Plays of Rdgne de Philippe V. Traduits de l'Espag- Shakspere unfolded. With a preface, by nol, par De Maudave. 4 v. 160. Amster- Nathaniel Hawthorne. 80. Boston, (Londam, 1756. don,) 1857. 64 BACON. BACON. BACON, (Francis, Lord.) Works: a new edi- Apopththegms, (Eng.,) v. 7. tion, by Basil Montagu. 16 v. 8~. London, Arguments of Law, (Eng.,) v. 7. tion, by Basil Montagu. 16 v. C8. London, olor et Frigus, (Eng.,) v. 3. 1825-34. Christian Paradoxes, (Eng.,) v. 7. Cogitata et Visa, (Lat.,) v. 3. CONTENTS. Cogitationes de Scientia IHunmana, (Lat.,) v. 3. Colours of Good and Evil, (Eng.,) v. 7. Advancement of Learning, v. 2. Confession of Faith, (Eng.,) v. 7. Advertisement touching an Holy War, v. 7. Description of the Intellectual Globe, (Lat.,) v. 3; Alphabet of Nature, v. 15. (Eng.,) v. 5. Apophthegms, v. 1. Discourse upon the Commission of Bridewell, v. 7. Augmentis Scientiarum, De, (Latin,) v. 8-9. E bb and Flow of the Sea, (Lat.,) v. 3; (Eng.,) v. 5. Charges, v. 6. Elizabethae, in Felicem Memloriam, (Lat. and Eng.,) Colours of Good and Evil, v. 1. v. 6. Discourse in praise of Queen Elizabeth, v. 7. Elogium in Henricum Principem Wallie, (Lat. and Ebb and Flow of the Sea, (English,) v. 15; (Latin,) Eng.,) v. 6. v. 11. Essays; or, Counsels Civil and Moral, (Eng.,) v. 6. Elements of the Common Laws of England, v. 13. Filum Labyrinthi, (Eng.,) v. 3. Essays, (English,) v. 1; (Latin,) v. 15. Fragment of Abec-darium Naturae, v. 5. Essay on Death, v. 1. Historia Soni et Auditus, (Lat.,) v. 3. lssex, Papers relating to Earl of, v. 6. History of Dense and Rare, (Lat.,) v. 2; (Eng.,) v.5. Fable of Cupid, (English,) v. 15; (Latin,) v. 11. History of treat Britain, beginning of, (Eng.,) v. 6. Felicities of Queen Elizabeth, v. 3. History of Life and Death, (Lat.,) v. 2; (Eng.,) v. 5. History of Density and Rarity, (Historia Densi et History of the Reign of Henry VII. and VIII., Rari,) (English,) v. 14; (Latin,) v. 10. (Eng.,) v. 6. History of Great Britain, (fragment,) v. 3. History of the Winds, (Lat.,) v. 2; (Eng.,) v. 5. History of Henry VII. and VIII., v. 3. Imago Civilis Augusti Cesaris (Lat. and Eng.,) v. 6. History of Life and Death, (Historia Vite et Mor- Imnago Civilis Julii Caesaris, (Lat. and Eng.,) v. 6. tis,) (English,) v. 14; (Latin,) v. 10.'Index-Philosophical Works, v. 5. Literary and History of Sound, (English,) v. 15; (Latin,) v. 11. Professional Works, v. 7. History of Winds, (Historia Ventorum,) (English,) Inquiry respecting the Magnet, (Lat.,) v. 2; (EiBg.,) v. 14; (Latin,) v. 10. v. 5. Inquiry respecting Light, (De Luce et Lumine,) Inquisitio Legitima de Motu, (Lat.,) v. 3. (English,) v. 15; (Latin,) v. 10. Instauratio Magna, (Lat.,) v. 1-4; (Eng.,) v. 4-5. Instauratio Magna, (English,) v. 14; (Latin,) v. 9. Interpretatione (de) Naturac Proemium, (Lat. ) v. 3. Intellectual Globe, (English,) v. 15; (Latin,) v. 11. Letter to Sir Henry Savill, touching helps for the Interpretation of Nature, (English,) v. 15; (Latin,) intellectual powers, (Eng.,) v. 7. v. 10. Letters and Life; with occasional works, v. 8-9. Law Cases and Tracts, v. 13. Life of Bacon, by William Rawley, v. 1. Lawfulness of War for Propagating Religion, v. 7. Maxims of the Law, (Eng.,) v. 7. Letters, v. 12-13. Meditationes Sacroe, (Lat. and Eng.,) v. 7. Letters on Legal Subjects, v. 7. Natural and Experimental Iistory, (Lat.,) v. 2; Letters relating to Chief Justice Coke, v. 7. (Eng.,) v. 5. Life of Bacon, by Basil Montague, v. 16. New Atlantis, (Eng.,) v. 3. Maxims of the Law, v. 13. Novum Organurn, (Lat.,) v. 1: (Eng.,) v. 4. Meditationes Sacrae, v. 1. Ordinances in Chancery, (Eng.,) v. 7. Miscellaneous Tracts upon Human Philosophy, v. 1. Partus Instaurationis Secundae Delineatio, (Lat.,) Natural History, v. 4. v. 3. New Atlantis, v. 2. Phaenomena Universi, (Lat.,) v. 3. Novum Organum, (English) v. 14; (Latin,) v. 9. Physiological and Medical Remains, (Eng.,) v. 3. Observations on a Libel, v. 5. Prayers, (Eng.,) v. 7. Ordinances in Chancery, v. 7. Preparative towards a Natural and Experimental Phenomena of the Universe, (English,) v. 15; (Latin,) History, (Lat.,) v. I; (Eng.,) v. 4. v. 11. Preparation for the Union of Laws, (Eng.,) v. 7. Physiological and Medical Remains, v. 7. Plinciples and Origins, according to the Fables of Prayers, v. 7. Cupid and Ccelum, (Lat.,) v. 3; (Eng.,) v. 5. Proposal for Amending the Laws of England, v. 5. Promus of Formularies and Elegancies, (Eng.,) v. 7. Psalms, Translation of certain, v. 7. Sententiae XII. de Interpretatione Naturae, (Lat.,) Speeches, v. 6-7. v. 3. State of Europe, v. 3.. Short Notes for Civil Conversations, (Eng.,) v. 7. Statute of Uses, Reading upon, v. 13. Statute of Uses, Reading on, (Eng.,) v. 7. Sylva Sylvarum, (Eng.) v. 4. Sylva Sylvarum; or, anatural history, (Eng.,) v. 2. Theological Writings, v. 7. Temporis Partus Masculus, (Lat.,) v. 3. Theory of the Firmament, (Thema Coeli,) (English,) Theory of the Heaven, (Lat.,) v. 3; (Eng.,) v. 5. v. 15; (Latin,) v. 11. Thoughts on the Nature of Things, (Lat.,) v. 3; Thoughts on the Nature of Things, (English,) v. (Eng.,)v. 5. 14; (Latin,) v. 10. Topics of Inquiry respecting Light and Luminous Tracts relating to England, v. 5. Matter, (Lat.,) v. 2; (Eng.,) v. 5. Tracts relating to Ireland, v. 5. Translation of certain Psalms into English Verse, Tracts relating to Scotland, v. 5. v. 7. Tracts relating to Spain, v. 5. True Greatness of Britain, (Eng.,) v. 7. True Greatness of Britain, v. 5. Use of the Law, (Eng.,) v. 7. Union of England and Scotland, v. 5. Valerius Terminus of the Interpretation of Nature, Use of the Law, v. 13. (Eng.,) v. 3. Wisdom of the Ancients, (English,) v. 3; (Latin,) Wisdom of the Ancients, (Lat. and Eng.,) v. 6. v. ll. ^v'~~. 11. ~___- Advancement of Learning. Small folio. ----— Works. Collected and edited by James London, 1670. Spedding, Robert Leslie Ellis, and Douglas De Augmentis Scientiarum; or, the Denon Heath. 9 v. 80. London, 1857-62. Arrangement, and General Survey of KnowCONTENTS. ledge. Translated from the Latin, by Peter Advancement of Learning; or, De Augmentis Sci- Shaw. 2 v. 120. London, 1803. entiarum. (Lat.,) v..; (Eng.,) v. 3-5. Essays. 180. London, 166 Advertisement touching a Holy War, (Eng.,) v. 7. Answers to Questions touching the office of Con- -- The same. Edited by Basil Montagu. stables, v. 7. Aphorismi et Consilia, (Lat.,) v. 3. 36~. London, 1836. 65 BACON. BAGSHAW. BACON, (Francis, Lord.) Essays. With an- Laws and Government of England, from the notations, by Richard Whately. 3d ed. 80. first times to the end of the reign of Queen London, 1857. Elizabeth. 5th ed. 40. London, 1760. Law Tracts. 2d ed. 80. London, 1761. BACON, (William.) Salvation Sought in EarnNovum Organumn; or, true suggestions est; a series of sermons. 120. New York, for the interpretation of nature. 160. Lon- 1857. don, 1850. BACON'S Rebellion in Virginia; beginning, Philosophical Works. Methodized, and progress, and conclusion of, in 1675-6. 80. made English, from the originals; with occa- Washington, 1835. (Force's Hist. Tracts, sional notes to explain what is obscure, &c., v. 1.) by Peter Shaw. 3v. 40. London, 1733. BACSTROM, (S.) Voyage to the North, 1767-8. Reading upon the Statutes of Uses. (Pinkerton's Voyages, v. 1.) New edition, with very full notes and expla- BADCOCK, (Lovell.) Rough Leaves from a nations, by William Henry Rowe. 80. Lon- Journal kept in Spain and Portugal, 1832don, 1806. 34. 80. London, 1835. Sylva Sylvarum; or, a Naturall Histo- BA)GER, (George Percy.) Nestorians and rie; in ten centuries. Published after the their Rituals; with the Narrative of a Misauthor's death, by William Rawley. 2d ed. sion to Mesopotamia and Coordistan in 1842Folio. London, 1628. 44, and of a late visit to those countries in Two Books; of the Proficience and Ad- 1850. 2 v. 80. London, 1852. vancement of Learning, divine and human. BADHAM, (Charles David.) Prose Halieutics; 160. London, 1852. or, Ancient and Modern Fish Tattle. 120. BACON, (James.) Life and Times of Francis London, 1854. the First, King of France. 2d ed. 2 v. ~ Treatise on the Esculent Funguses of 80. London, 1830. England. 80. London, 1847. BACON, (John.) Conjectures on Prophecies- BADNALL, (Richard.) View of the Silk Trade. 80. Boston, 1805. (Theol. Pam., v. 7.) 80. London, 1828. (Pol. Pam., v. 39.) BACON, (John Francis.) Six Years in Biscay; BAECKER, (Louis de. ) De la Religion du Nord comprising a personal narrative of the sieges de la France avant le Christianisme. 80. of Bilbao, in 1835-36; and the principal Lille, 1854. events in that city and the Basque Provinces, BAGAY, (V.) Nouvelles Tables Astronomiques 1830-37. 80. London, 1838. et Hydrographiques. 40. Paris, 1829. BACON, (Leonard.) Thirteen Historical Dis- BAGE, (Robert.) Barham Downs. 8. Loncourses. 80. New Haven, 1839.. don, 1824. (Ballantyne's Novelists, v. 9.) BACON, (Matthew.) New Abridgment of the — Hermsprong; or, Manashe is not. 160. Law. 5th ed., by Henry Gwillim. 7v. 80. London, 1820. (Barbauld's Brit. Novelists, London, 1798. v. 48.) The same. 7th ed., with large additions, --- James Wallace. 80. (Ballantyne's including the latest statutes and authorities, Novelists' Lib'y., v. 9.) by Henry Gwillim and Charles Edward ~ Mount Henneth. 80. (Ballantyne's Todd. 8 v. 80. London, 1832. (10 copies.) Novelists, v. 9.) The same. With notes and references BAGEHOT, (Walter.) Estimates of some Engto American law and decisions, by John lishmen and Scotchmen. A series of articles, Bouvier. 10 v. 80. Philadelphia, 1856. principally from the National Review. 80. (2 copies.) London, 1858. BACON, (Nathaniel.) Historical Discourse of BAGH o Bahar; or, Tales of the Four Darwesh; the Uniformity of the Government of Eng- translated from the Urdu tongue of Mir Amland, from the first times until the end of the mon, of Dihli, by Lewis F. Smith. New reign of Queen Elizabeth. With a preface, edition, revised by Duncan Forbes. 8~. being a Vindication of the Ancient Way of London, 1851. Parliaments in England. 2 v. in 1, small 40. BAGLEY, (William.) Practice at the Chambers London, 1647-51. of the Judges, of the Courts of Common Law, The same. Collected fiom some man- in Civil Actions. 120. London, 1834. uscript notes of John Selden. 2 v. in. Folio. BAGSHAW, (Edward.) Rights of the Crown London, 16b9. of England, as it is established by law. 160. Historical and Political Discourse of the London, 1660. 9 66 BAGSTER. BAILLEUL. BAGSTER, (Samuel.) Management of Bees. chiefly in reference to the writings of Mr. RiWith a Description of the "Ladies' Safety cardo and his followers. 12~. London, 1825. Hive." With forty engravings. 3d ed. Discourses on Various Subjects; read 16~. London, (n. d.) before literary and philosophical societies. BATKIE, (R.) Observations on the Neilgher- 8~. London, 1852. ries; including anaccount oftheirtopography, Essays on the Formation and Publicaclimate, soil, and productions, and of the tion of Opinions; and other subjects. 160. effects of the climate on the European con- Philadelphia, 1831. stitution. Edited by W. H. Smoult. 80. Essays on the Pursuit of Truth, and Calcutta, 1834. on the Progress of Knowledge. 160. PhilaBAIKIE, (Wllliam Balfour.) Narrative of an delphia, 1831. Exploring Voyage up the Rivers Kw6ra and The same. 2d ed. 80. London, 1844. Binue, commonly known as the Niger and Letters on the Philosophy of the Human Tshdda, in 1854. 80. London, 1856. Mind. First series. 8~. London, 1846. BAIL Court Reports. See SAUNDERS, and Money, and its Vicissitudes in Value, LOWNDES. as they affect national industry and pecuniBAILEY, (Henry.) Reports of Cases in Equity ary contracts. With a Postscript on Jointin the Court of Appeals of South Carolina, Stock Banks. 80. London, 1827. 1830 and 1831. 80. Charleston, 1841. On the received text of Shakespeare's * —~ Reports of Cases in the Court of Ap- dramatic writings, and its improvement. 80. peals of South Carolina, on Appeal from the London, 1862. Courts of Law, 1828 to 1832. 2 v. 8~. Questions, in political economy, poliCharleston, 1833-34. (2 copies.) tics, morals, metaphysics, polite literature, BAILEY, (Isaac.) American Naval Biography. and other branches of knowledge; for dis120. Providence, 1815. cussion in literary societies, or for private BAILEY, (J. W.) Microscopical Observations study. 120. London, 1823. off Atlantic Coast, and in S. Carolina, Rationale of Political Representation. Georgia, and Florida. 40. Washington, 80. London, 1835. 1851. (Smithson. Cont. to Knowledge, v. 2.) Theory of Reasoning. 80. London, ~ - New Species of Microscopical Organ- 1851. isms. 40. Washington, 1855. (Smithsonian BAILEY, (Thomas.) Annals of NottinghamCont. to Knowl., v. 7.) shire. History of the County of NottingBAILEY, (Nathan.) New Universal English ham, including the Borough. 4 v. 80. LonDictionary; containing not only explana- don, 1853-55. tions in the English language, but also their Records of Longevity; with an introetymologies from the ancient and modern ductory discourse on vital statistics. 120. languages: the etymology of all terms de- London, 1857. rived from the Greek, Hebrew, Arabic, and BAILEY, (William) Advancement of Arts, other Asiatic languages, being revised and Manufactures, and Commerce; or, descripcorrected, by Joseph Nicol Scott. New ed. tions of the useful machines and models conFolio. London, 1764. tained in the repository of the Society for Universal Etymological English Die- the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, tionary. 24th ed., enlarged and corrected, by and Commerce.'40; with plates, folio. LonEdward Harwood. 80. London, 1782. don, 1772. BAILEY, (Philip James.) The Angel World; BAILEY, (William.) Records of Patriotism. and other poems. 160. Boston, 1850. 80. Washington, 1826. Festus; a poem. 10th Am. ed. 120. See BAILY, and BAYLEY. Boston, 1851. BAILLET, (Adrien.) Jugemens des Savans sur International Policy of the Great Pow- les principaux Ouvrages des Auteurs, corriers. 160. London, 1861. ges et augmentes par de la Monnoye; avec BAILEY, (Robert.) Life and Adventures. 80. l'Anti-Baillet, par Mdnage. 8 v. 40. Paris, Richmond, (Va.,) 1822. 1722-30. BAILEY, (R. W.) EnglishGrammar. 10thed. BAILLEUL, (Jacques Charles.) Histoire de 120. Philadelphia, 1854. Napoldon, ou sont d6veloppees les Causes de BAILEY, (Samuel.) Critical Dissertation on son 1levation et de sa Chute. 4 v. 80. the Nature, Measures, and Causes of Value; Paris, 1838-9. 67 BAILLI 6 BAILY. BAILLIF, (Joanna.) Dramas. 3 v. 80. Lon- scripts, by David Laing. 3 v. 8~. Edindon, 1836. burgh, 1841-42. CONTENTS. BAILLY, (A.) Expos6 de l'Administration g6nAlienated Manor; a comedy, v. 1. erale et locale des Finances du Royaume-Uni Bride, The; a llalome, v. 3. de la Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande. 2 v. Enthusiasm; a comedy, v. 2. Henriques; a tragedy, v. 1. 8~. Paris, 1837. Homicide; a tragedy, in prose, v. 3. Martyr, The; a drama, v. 1. BAILLY, (Jean Louis Amand.) Notices HisIMatch, The; a comedy, v. 3. toriques sur les Bibliothbques anciennes et Phantom; musical drama, v. 2. Romiero; a tragedy, v. i. modernes. Suivies d'un tableau comparatif Separation; a tragedy, v. 2. des produits de la presse de 1812 a 1825, et Stripling; a tragedy. v. 2. Witchcraft; a tragedy, in prose, v. 3. d'un recueil de lois et ordonnances concernDramatic and Poetical Works. 80. ant les bibliotheques. 80. Paris, 1828. London, 1851. BAILLY, (Jean Sylvain.) Essai sur les Fables, CONTENTS. et sur leur histoire. 2 v. in 1. 80. Paris, Alienated Manor; a comedy. 1799. Basil; a tragedy. ~ Histoire de l'Astronomie, ancienne, Beacon, The; a serious musical drama. Bride, The; a drama. moderne, Indienne et orientae. Avec la Constantine Paleologuls; a tragedy. suite, par M. Voiron. 6 v. 40. Paris, Country Inn; a comedy. De Monfort; a tragedy. 1775-1810. Electioam, The; a tragedy, in prose. Lettres sur l'Origine des Sciences, et Election, The; a comedy. Enthusiasm; a comedy. sur celle des Peuples d'Asie, adressees A M. Ethwald; a tragedy. Family Legend; a tragedy. de Voltaire, et prce6d6es de quelques lettres de Heniriquez; a tragedy. M. de Voltaire A l'auteur. 80. Paris, 1777. Homicide, The; a tragedy, in prose. Martyr, The; a drama. M6moires. 3v. 80. Paris, 1821. (BerMatch, The; a comedy. Metrical Legends. ville et Barriere, Coil. Mem. Rev. Fran9aise, Miscellaneous Poetry. v. 8-10. Orra; a tragedy. Phantom,- The; a musical drama. Letters upon the Atlantis of Plato, and iRayer; a tragedy. the Ancient History of Asia; intended as a Romielro; a trlagedy. Second Marriage; a comedy. continuation of Letters upon the Origin of Separation, The; a tragedy. Siegetion, The; a tcom edy. the Sciences; addressed to M. de Voltaire. Siege, The; a comedy. Stripling, The; a tragedy, in prose. Translated by James Jacque. 2 v. 120. Trial, The; a comedy. Verses on Sacred Subjects. London, 1801. Witchcraft; a tragedy, in prose. BAILY, (Francis, F. R. S.) Account of the BAILLIE, (Marianne.) Lisbon in the years Rev. John Flamsteed, the first Astronomer1821-23. 2d ed. 2 v. 160. London, 1825. Royal. Compiled from his own manuscripts, BAILLIE, (Matthew.) Morbid Anatomy of some and other authentic documents; with his of the most important parts of the Human British catalogue of stars, corrected and enBody. 80. London, 1797. larged. 40. London, 1835. ~ Series of Engravings; with explana- Astronomical Tables and Formulae. tions to illustrate the Morbid Anatomy of With the Elements of the Solar System. 80. some of the most important parts of London, 1827. the Human Body. 2d ed. 40. London, -- Catalogue of those Stars in the Histoire 1812. Celeste Frangaise of Jerome De Lalande, for BAILLIE, (Neil B. E.) Moohummudan Law of which tables of reduction to the epoch 1800 Inheritance, according to Aboo Huneefa and have been published by Professor Schuhis followers. 80. Calcutta, 1832. macher. 8~. London, 1847. ~ — Moohummudan Law of Sale, according New Tables for facilitating the computo the Huneefa Code; from the Futawa Al- tation of Precession, Aberration, and Nutaumgeeree, a digest of the whole law, pre- tion, of 2881 principal Fixed Stars; with a pared by command of the Emperor Aurung- catalogue of the same, reduced to January 1, zebe Alumgeer. 80. London, 1850. 1830. 40. London, 1827. BAILLIE, (Robert.) Dissuasive from the Er — On the New Method of Determining rours of the Time. Sm. 40. London, 1646. the Longitude by the Culmination of the Letters and Journals of Robert Baillie, Moon and Stars; with appendix and a list of Principal of the University of Glasgow, stars, applicable to the purpose, for the year 1637-1662. Edited from the author's manu- 1825. 40. London, 1824. 68 BAILY. BAKER. BAILY, (Francis, of the Stock Exchange.) Epi- BAINES, (Peter A.) Faith, Hope, and Charity; tome of Universal History, Ancient and Mod- a sermon. 80. Philadelphia, 1843. (Theol. ern, from the earliest authentic records to Pam., v. 9.) the commencement of the present year. 2 v. B.AINES, (Thomas.) History of the Commerce 80. London, 1813. and Town of Liverpool, and of the rise of BAILY, (Francis.) Journal of a Tour in unset- manufacturing industry in the adjoining tied parts of North America, in 1796-7. 80. counties. 80. London, 1852. London, 1856. BAIRD, (Henry C.) Protection for Home LaBAILY, (John.) Central America; describing bor and Home Productions, necessary to the each of the States of Guatemala, Honduras, Prosperity of the American Farmer. bo. N. Salvador, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica. 120. York, 1860. (Misc. Pam., v. 13.) London, 1850. BAIRD, (Henry M.) Modern Greece; a narraBAILY, (Laurence R.) General Average, and tive of a residence and travels in that counthe Losses and Expenses resulting from gene- try. 120. New-York, 1856. ral average acts, practically considered. 80. BAIRD, (Robert.) Impressions and Experiences London, 1851. of the West Indies and North America in Perils of the Sea, and their Effects on 1849. 120. Philadelphia, 1850. Policies of Insurance, practically considered. -- Religion in the United States of Amer80. London, 1860. ica. 80. Glasgow, 1844. BAIN, (Alexander) Applications of the Elec- - Religion in America; with notices of tric Fluid to the Useful Arts. With a vindi- the unevangelical denominations. 80. Newcation of his claim to be the first inventor of York, 1856. the electro-magnetic printing telegraph, and BAIRD, (Robert H.) American Cotton Spinelectro-magnetic clock, by J. Findlayson. ner, and Managers' and Carders' Guide; a 80. London, 1843. practical treatise on cotton spinning. 160. Emotions of the Will. 80. London, Philadelphia, 1851. 1859. BAIRD, (Samuel J.) Collection of the Acts, ---- The Senses and the Intellect. 80. Lon- Deliverances, and Testimonies of the Sudon, 1855. preme Judicatory of the Presbyterian Church, -~ — - On the Study of Character; including an from its origin in America to the present estimate of phrenology. 80. London, 1861. time. 80. Philadelphia, 1856. BAIN, (Donald.) Letter to Lord Althorp on BAIRD, (Spencer F.) Catalogue of North Settlement of Charter of Bank of England. American Birds, chiefly in the Museum of 0b. London, 1833. (Pol. Pam., v. 75) the Smithsonian Institution. 80. WashingBAIN, (William.) Essay on the Variation of ton, 1859. (Smithsonian Misc. Collections, the Compass. 80. Edinburgh, 1817. v. 2.) BAINBRIDGE, (Richard.) Guide to the Con- _ — and GIRARD, (C.) Catalogue of North servatory. 160. London, 1842. American Reptiles in the Museum of the BAINBRIDGE, (William.) Practical Treatise Smithsonian Institution. Part I. Serpents. on the Law of Mines and Minerals. 80. 80. Washington, 1853. (Smithsonian Misc. London, 1841. Collections, v. 2.) The same. 2d ed. 80. London, 1856. BAIRD, (William.) Cyclopdia of the Natural BAINES, (Edward.) History of the County Sciences. Map and numerous illustrations. Palatine and Duchy of Lancaster; the bio- 80. Glasgow, 1858. graphical department by W. R. Whatton. ~ Natural History of the British Ento4 v. 40. London, 1836. mostraca. 80. London, 1850. -- History of the Wars of the French BAKER,(AnneElizabeth.) Glossary of NorthRevolution, from 1792 to 1815. 2 v. 40. amptonshireWords and Phrases; with examLondon, 1817. pies of their colloquial use, and illustrations BAINES, (Edward, Jr.) History of the Cotton from various authors: to which are added, Manufacture in Great Britain; with a notice the customs of the country. 2 v. 160. of its early history in the east, and in all the London, 1854. quarters of the globe. 80. London, 1835. BAKER, (A. R.) Catechism Tested by the BAINES, (Henry.) Flora of Yorkshire. With Bible. A question book on the topics in the the supplement. 2 v. in 1. 80. London, assembly's shorter catechism, in 2 parts. 1840-54. 180. Boston, 1849. 69 BAKER. BALCARRAS. B:KER, (Daniel.) Revival Sermons. 2d se- notes, forms, and practical instructions. ries, with an appendix. 12~. Philadelphia, 2d edition. 120. London, 1857. 1854. BAKER, (William M.) Life and Labors of BAKER, (D. E.;) REED, (Isaac,) etc. Bio- Daniel Baker. 80. Philadelphia, 1858. graphiaDramatica. 3ded. 4v. 8~. London, BAKEWELL, (Robert.) Introduction to Geolo1812. gy; intended to convey a practical knowlBAKER, (George E.) Life of William H. edge of the science, and comprising the most Seward; with selections from his works. important recent discoveries. 5th ed. 8~. 120. New York, 1855. i London, 1838. BAKER, (Henry.) Medulla Poetarfim Roman- ~ Introduction to Mineralogy; with conorum; or, the most beautiful and instructive versations explaining the principles of the passages of the Roman poets; with trans- science and the elements of chrystallography. lations of the same into English verse. 2 v. 8~. London, 1819. 80. London, 1737. Observations on Wool, and the ManageMicroscope Made Easy.; 3d ed. 80. ment of Sheep. With notes, by Lord SomerLondon, 1744. y ville. 80. London, 1808. Natural History of the ^olype. 120. ~ Travels; comprising observations made London, 1743. during a residence in the Tarentaise and BAKER, (Henry F.) Banks and Banking in various parts of the Grecian and Pennine the United States. Part 2. 80. Cincinnati, Alps, and in Switzerland and Auvergne, in 1854. the years 1820-22. 2 v. 80. London, 1823. BAKER, (John M.) View of the Commerce of BALANCE of Power in Europe, plan for establishthe Mediterranean. 80. Washington, 1819. ing. 80. London, 1814. (Pamphleteer, v. 4.) View of the Commerce between the BALBI, (Adrien.) Abrege de G6ographie, reUnited States and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. dig6 sur un nouveau plan d'aprds les deniers 80. Washington, 1838. traites de paix et les decouvertes les plus -- View of the Commerce of the United rcentes. 3e edition. 80. Paris, 1850. States and the Mediterranean Sea-Ports, in- ---- Balance Politique du Globe en 1828. eluding the Adriatic and Morea; with maps Sheet, folded 40. Paris, 1828. of the principal harbours in those seas. From Essai Statistique sur les Bibliotheques the manuscript, by his son, Louis Baker. de Vienne. Pr6ecdd de la statistique de la 80. Philadelphia, 1847. Bibliotheque Imperiale comparee aux plus BAKER, (Osmond C.) Guide-Book in the Ad- grands etablissenlens de ce genre anciens et ministration of the Discipline of the Metho- modernes. 80. Vienne, 1835. dist Episcopal Church. 160. New-York, BALBI, (Gasparo.) Voyage to Pegu, 1579. 1855. (Pinkerton's Voyages, v. 9.) BAKER, (Rachel.) Devotional Somnium; or, BALBIRNIE, (John.) Philosophy of the Watera collection of prayers and exhortations Cure; a development of the true principles uttered by Miss Rachel Baker, in the City of health and longevity. 160. Bath, 1845. of New-York, in the winter of 1815, during ~ Water-Cure in Consumption and Scrofher abstracted and unconscious state. With ula. 80. London, 1854. a notice of her life, & c., by several medical BALBO, (Cesare.) Life and Times of Dante gentleman. 12~. New-York, 1815. Alighieri. Translated from the Italian, by F. BAKER, (Sir Richard.) Chronicle of the Kings J. Bunbury. 2 v. 120. London, 1852. of England, from the Time of the Romans BALBOA, (MiguelCavallo.) HistoiheduPerou. Government, to the Death of King James 8~. Paris, 1840. (Ternaux, Voyages, Relathe First; with a continuation to thie year tions, etc., de l'Am6rique, v. 15.) 1660, by E. Phillips. Whereto will be added BALBUENA, (Bernardo de.) El Bernardo, 6 Vica second continuation, to the end of the reign toria de Roncesvalles. (Biblioteca de Autores of King George the First, by an impartial Espafoles, v. 38.) hand. Folio. London, 1733. BALCARRAS, (Colin Lindesay, Earl of.) AcBAKER, (S. W.) Eight Years' Wanderings in count of the Affairs of Scotland relating to Ceylon. 80. London, 1855. the Revolution, 1688. 2d ed., corrected by Rifle and the Hound in Ceylon. 80. the assistance of two Mss. To which is London, 1854. added, a short History of the Revolution in BAKER, (T.) Laws relating to Burials; with Scotland. 160. Edinburgh, 1754. 70 BALCH. BALL. BALCH, (William S.) Ireland, as I saw it; BALDWIN, (Thomas.) Universal Pronouncing the character, condition, and prospects of the Gazetteer; containing topographical, statispeople. 120. New-York, 1852. tical, and other information of all the more BALDOE S, (Philip.) Description of the Coasts important places in the known world, with of Malabar, Coromandel, Isle of Ceylon, population according to the census of 1850. and also the idolatry of the East Indian Pa- 12c. Philadelphia, 1852. gans. (Churchill's Voyages, v. 3 ) and THOMAS, (J.) New and Complete BALDASSERONI, (Ascanio.) Dizionario Ragi- Gazetteer of the United States. 80. Philaonato di Giurisprudenza Marittima, e di Com- delphia, 1854. mercio. 4 v. 4~. Livorno, 1811-14. and others. Lippincott's Complete ProBALDWIN, (Charles N.) Universal Biographi- nouncing Gazetteer of the World. 80. Philacal Dictionary. 80. Richmond, (Va.,) 1826. delphia, 1855. BALDWIN, (Ebenezer.) Annals of Yale Col- BALDWIN, (William Charles.) African Huntlege, from its foundation, to the year 1831; ing, from Natal to the Zambesi, including with an appendix, to 1838. 2d ed. 80. New Lake Ngami, the Kalahari Desert, &c. Haven, 1838.' From 1852 to 1860. 80. London, 1863. BALDWIN, (Edward.) Book of Fables; selec- The same. 120. New York, 1863. tions from JEsop and other authors. 120. BALE, (John.) Kynge Johan, a play. Ed. New York, 1856. by J. P. Collier. Small 40. London, 1838. BALDWIN, (Henry.) General View of the (Camden Soc'y, No. 2.) Origin and Nature of the Constitution and BALFOUR, (Clara Lucas.) Sketches of EngGovernment of the United States, deduced lish Literature, from the fourteenth to the from the political history and condition of present century. 160. London, 1852. the Colonies and States, from 1774 until 1788; BALFOUR, (Sir James.) Historical Works. and the decisions of the Supreme Court. 80. Annales of Scotland, 1057-1652. 4 v. 80. Philadelphia, 1837. (5 copies.) Edinburgh, 1824-25. - Reports of cases in the Circuit Court BALFOUR, (John Hutton.) Class Book of of the United States, in and for the Third Botany, being an introduction to the study Circuit, comprising the Eastern District of of the vegetable kingdom. 80. Edinburgh; Pennsylvania, and the State of New-Jersey. 1852. 80. Philadelphia, 1837. (3 copies.) The same. 8c. Edinburgh, 1854. BALDWIN, (Joseph G.) Party Leaders; sketch- Manual of Botany; being an introduces of Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, tion to the study of the structure, physiology, Andrew Jackson, Henry Clay, John Ran- and classification of plants. 2d ed. 120. dolph, of Roanoke, including notices of many London, 1851. other distinguished American statesmen. BALIOL, (MarthaBethune.) (Pseuedonym.) See 120. New-York, 1855. MANNING, (M. A.) BALDWIN, (P. C.) RedemptionofSinners bythe BALL, (B. L.) Rambles in Eastern Asia, inFree Grace of God. 120. Philadelphia, 1849. eluding China and Manilla, during several BALDWIN (Samuel.) Survey ofthe British Cus- years' residence. 120. Boston, 1855. toms; containing the rates of merchandize; Three Days on the White Mountains. with tables ofthe net duties, drawbacks, boun- 120. Boston, 1856. ties, &c., payable thereon. 40. London, 1770. BALL, (Charles.) Slavery in the United States; BALDWIN, (Samuel D.) Armageddon; or, the a narrative of the life and adventures of overthrow of Romanism and Monarchy; the Charles Ball, a black man, forty years a existence of the United States foretold in the slave. 120. New York, 1837. Bible, its future greatness, &c. 120. Cin- BALL, (Eli.) Manual of the Sacred Choir. cinnati, 1854. 180. Philadelphia, 1849. Dominion; or, the Unity and Trinity BALL, (Isaac.) Analytical View of the Aniof the Human Race; with the divine politi- mal Economy. 120. New York, 1808. cal constitution of the world, and the divine BALL, (John.) Peaks, Passea, and Glaciers; rights of Shem, Ham, and Japheth. 120. a series of excursions by members of the Nashville, (Tenn.,) 1858. Alpine Club. 12. London, 1859. BALDWIN, (Rev. Thomas.) Thanksgiving Ser- BALL, (Samuel.) Account of the Cultivation mon, Nov., 1804. 8'. Boston, 1805. (Theol. and Manufacture of Tea in China, from 1804 Pam., v. 7.) to 1826. 80. London, 1848. 71 BALL. BALMES. BALL, (T.;) and BEATTY, (F.) Reports of BALLANTYNE, (James R.) Hindustani Seleccases in the High Court of Chancery in Ire- tions, in the Naskhi and Devanagari Characland, during the time of Lord Chancellor ter; with a vocabulary of words. 80. LonManners, 1807 to 1814. 2 v. 80. London, don, 1810. 1813-24. (2 copies.) - Grammar of the Hindustani Language; BALLADS. Collection of Old Ballads, from with brief notices of the Braj and Dakhava the best and most ancient copies extant. dialects. 2d ed. 8~. London, 1842. (By Ambrose Philips.) 3 v. 16~. London, ~ Practical Oriental Interpreter; or, hints 1725. (Imperfect.) on the art of translating readily from Eng--- English and Scottish Ballads; selected lish into Hindustani and Persian. 80. Edinand edited by F. J. Child. 8 v. 160. Boston, burgh, 1843. 1857-59. BALLARD, (Edward.) Physical Diagnosis of BALLANCE, (John.) Brief Reply to Second Diseases of the Abdomen. 120. London, Pamphlet of R. Badlall, Jr., on Silk Trade. ]852. 80. London, 1829. (Pol. Pam., v. 72.) BALLARD, (George.) Memoirs of several Ladies BALLANTINE, (James.) Chronicle of the Hun- of Great Britain, who have been celebrated dredth Birthday of Robert Burns. 80. Edin- for their writings or skill in the Learned Lanburgh, 1859. guages, Arts, and Sciences. 40. Oxford, - Treatise on Painted Glass; showing 1752. its applicability to every style of architecture. BALLINGALL, (George.) Outlines of Military 80. London, 1845. Surgery. 5th ed. 80. Edinburgh, 1855. BALLANTINE, (William.) Treatise on the BALLINGALL, (James.) Mercantile Navy ImStatute of Limitations, (21 Jac. I. c. 16.) proved; or, a plan for the greater safety With references to American decisions. 80. of lives and property in steam vessels, New-York, 1812. packets, smacks, and yachts. 80. London, BALLANTYNE, (James.) Refutation of Lock- 1832. hart's Misstatements in his Life of Sir V. BALLOU, (John.) Lady of the West; or, the Scott, respecting Messrs Ballantyne. 80. Gold Seekers. 120. Cincinnati, 1855. London, 1838. (Pol. Pam., v. 76.) BALLOU, (Maturin M.) History of Cuba; or, Novelist's Library. With prefatory notes of a traveller in the tropics; a politmemoirs, by Sir Walter Scott. 10 v. 80. ical, historical, and statistical account of the Edinburgh, 1821-24. (V. 5 wanting.) island, from its first discovery. 120. Boston, CONTENTS. 1854. Amelia, by Fielding, v. 4. Julia de Roubign6, by BALLOU, (Moses.) Divine Character Vindiarbham Downs, by Bage, Macenzie, v. 5. cated; a review of some of the principal v. 9. Launcelot Greaves, by Castle of Otranto, byWVal- Smollett, v. 3. features of Rev. Dr. E. Beecher's " Conflict pole, v. 5. Man of Feeling, by Mac of Ages." 12. New-York, 1854. Castles of Athlin and Dun- kenzie, v0.5.-York, 1854. bayne, by Mrs. Rad- Man of the World, by BALLOW, (Henry.) Treatise of Equity. Folio. cliffe, v. 10. Mackenzie, v. 5. Charles Grandison, by Mount Henneth, by Bage, London, 1737. Richardson, v. 8. v. 9. ____ See FO Chrysal; or, the Adven- Mysteries of Udolpho, by E. tures of a Guinea, by Mrs. Radcliffe, v. 10. BALMAN, (Thomas.) Researches and ObservaJohnston, v. 4. Old English Baron, by Clarissa Harlowe, by Mrs. Reeve, v. 5. tions on Scrofulous Disease of the External RDichrdson, v. Sti-. Paela, by Richardson, Lymphatic Glands; with cases, showing its Devil on Two Sticks, by v. 6. Le Sage, v. 4. Peregrine Pickle, by connection with pulmonary consumption and Don Quixote, by Cervan- Smollett, v. 2. tes, v. 3. Rasselas, by Johnson, other diseases. 8. London, 1852. Ferdinand CountFathom, v. 5. BALMANNO, (Mary.) Pen and Pencil; literary by Smollett, v. 3. Roderick Random, by Gil Bias, by Le Sage, v. 4. Smollett, v. 2. and art papers. Illustrated. Small 4. New Gulliver's Travels, by Romance of the Forest, Yolr 1858 Swift, v. 9. by Mrs. Radcliffe, v. 10. Henry, by Cumberland, Sentimental Journey, by BALME, (J. R.) American States, Churches, v. 9. Sterne, v. 5. Humphry Clinker, by Sicilian Romance, by Mrs. and; Slavery. 12o. Edinburgh, 1862. Smnollett, v. 2. Radcliffe, v. 10. BALMES, (James.) Fundamental Philosophy. Italian, by Mrs. Radcliffe, Tom Jones, by Fielding, v. 10. v.. 2 v. 120. New York, 1850. James Wallace, by Bage, Tristram Shandy, by ~ Protestanism and Catholicity Compared v. 9. Sterne, v. 5. Jonathan Wild, by Field- Vanillo Gonzales, by Le in their effects on the Civilization of Europe. ing, v. 1. Sage, v. 4. Joseph Andrews, by Vicar of Wakefield, by Written in Spanish. Translated from the Fielding, v. 1. ith.. Frolsmich., ve. 80. Baltimore, 1851. BALTIMORE BANCO. BALTIMORE Baptist Association. Minutes et David, v. 8. Pierre Grassou, v. 11. Meeting. 80. (n. p.,) 1808. (Theol. Pam., Facino Cane, v. 10. Pierrette, v. 5. Meeting. 8^ (n~p.,)l~0~. (iheol.^am., Fausse Maitresse, v. 1. Les Proscrits, v. 16. v. 7.) Femme Abandonnee, v.2. La Recherche de lAbsolu, BALTIMORE Board of Trade. EleventhAnnual Femme de Trente Ans, v. 14. Report. 80. Baltimore, 1861. Femme Sup6rieure, v. 11. Les Ressolurces de QuiGambara, v. 15. nola, (Drame,) v. 19. BALTIMORE Director; by R. J. Matchett, for La Grande Breteche, v. 4. Les Rivalites, (La Vieille 1829, 1831, 1833, 1835-6, 1840-1, 1842, 1845, La Grenad, v. 2. tiq, Le Cabinet des Gobseck, v. 2. Antiques,) v. 7. 1847, 1849, 1851, 1853, and 1855-6. 12 v. Histoire des Treize, v. 9. Sarrazine, v. 10. Honorine, v. 4. Sc6nes de la Vie de Cam120 and 80. Baltimore, 1829-55. Illusions Perdes, v.. Spagne, v. 13-18. Wood's Baltimore Directory, for 1856-7, L'Illustre Gaudissart, v. 6. Scenes de la Vie Militaire, and 1858-9. 2 v. 80. Baltimore, 1856-58. Jsus-Christ en Flandre, Scenes de la Vie ParisiBALTIMORE Literary and Religious Magazine, v. 14. enne, v. 9-12, and 17-18. Louis Lambert, v. 16. Sc6nesde la Vie Politique, for 1835, 1839, and 1840. Conducted by LeLysdanslaVallee,v.7. v. 18. Robert, J.-^ Breeinri a' d Andrew B. CJross Madamne Firmiani. v. 1. Scenes de la Vie Priv6e, Robert J. Breckinridge and Andrew B. Cross. Maison du Chat-qui-pe- v. 1-4. V. 1, 5 and 6. 80. Baltimore, 1835-40. lote, v. 1. Scenes de la Vie de ProvMaison Nucingen, v. 11. ince, v. 5-8. BALTIMORE Patriot and Mercantile Advertiser. Maitre Cornelius, v 15. Secrets de la Princesse 1 v. Folio. Baltimore, 1827-31. (Incom- La Matre, (Drame,) v. Se6aphita, v. 16. plete.) 19. Splendeurs et Miseres des Massimilla Doni, v. 15. Courtisanes, v. 11-12, BALTIMORE Republican. 1 v. Folio. Balti- Medecin de Campagne, and v. 18. more, 1835-36. (Incomplete.) v. 134. Thtre, saviev. 19. Melmoth Rdconcili6, v. 14. Un D6butdansla Vie, v. 4. BALTIMORE & Ohio R. R. Co. 6th and 9th M6moiresdeDeuxJeunes Un Drame aun Bord de la Annual Reports to Stockholders. 80. Balti- MaLries, v. 2. UnMer., v.nd Ho15. me more, 1832-35. (Misc. Pam., v. 34.) Messe de l'Ath6e, v. 10. Province a Paris, v. 8. Modeste Mignon, v. 4. Un M6nage de Garqon, BALTIMORE & Susquehanna R. R. Co. 8th Muse du D6partement, v. 6. Annual Report to the Stockholders. 80. v. 6. Un Prince de la Bohdme, Paix du M6nage, v. 1. v. 12. Baltimore, 1836. (Misc. Pam., v. 34.) Pam6la Giraud, (Drame,) IUne Double Famille, v. 1. BALTIMORE, (Frederick Calvert, Lord.) Tour Le Parents Paures, v. Unc Pasiondans le D to the East, in the years 1763 and 1764; with 17. ert, v. 13. Parisiens en Province,v. 6. Une Tenebreuse Affaire, remarks on the city of Constantinople and Les Paysans, v. 18. v. 12. the Turks; also, select pieces of Oriental wit, La Peaa da Chagrin, v.14. Ursle Mironet, v. 5 P6re Goriot. v. 9. Vautrin, (Drame,) v. 19. poetry, and wisdom. 120. London, 1767. Petites Miseres de la Vie La Vendetta, v. 1. BALY, (William;) and GULL, (W. W.) Re- Conjugale, v. 18. El VerdugO, v. 15. BALY, (William;) a~nd GFULL, (W. W. ) Re- Physiologie du Mariage, Z. Marcas, v. 12. ports on Epidemic Cholera; drawn up at the v. l6. desire of the Cholera Committee of the Royal Petites Misdres de la vie Conjugale. College of Physicians. 80. London, 1854. Illustr6es par Bertall. 80. Paris, 1845. - and KIRKES, (W. S.) Recent Ad- BALZAC, (Jean Louis Guez de.) Aristippe, ou vances in the Physiology of Motion, the de Cour. 240. Leide, 1658. Senses, Generation, and Development. 80. BAMFORD, (Samuel.) Dialect of South LanLondon, 1848. cashire, or Tim Bobbin's Tummus and Meary: BALZAC, (Honore de.) (Euvres completes; with his rhymes, and a glossary of words and avec une memoire sur sa vie, par George phrases, chiefly used by the rural population Sand. 20 v. 80. Paris, 1853-55. of South Lancashire. 2d ed. 160. LonCONTENTS. don, 1854. Adieu, v. 15. Derniere Incarnation de BAMPFYLDE, (John.) Poems. 160. ChisAlbert Savarus, v. 1. Vautrin, v. 18. wick 1822 (Brit. Poets v 73.) L'Auberge Rouge, v. 15. Les Deux Poetes, v. 8. ) 1 Bal de Sceaux, v. 1. L'tlixir de Longue Vie, BAMPTON Lectures. Sermons preached before La Bourse, v. 1. L'tnfant Maudit, v. 15. the University of Oxford, at the lecture-room Catherine de Medicis, v. L'Envers de l'Histoire founded by John Bampton, for the years 15-16. Contemporaine, v. 12, Les CWlibataires, v. 6. and v. 18. 1780-1863. 82 v. 80. Oxford, and LonCdsar Birotteau, v. 10. Episode sous la Terreur, don 1780-1863. (1818 wanting.) Chef-d'Euvyre Inconnu, v. 12. 1780-1863. (1818 wanting.) v. 14. Etude de Femme, v. 1. NOTE.-No lectures delivered in 1834, 1835, and Les Chnouans, v. 13. Autre Etunde de Femme, 1841. The subjects are given in the Catalogue under Colonel Chabert, v. 10. v. 2. the names of the respective authors. Contes Drolatiques, v. 20. Btntdes Analytiques, v. 16 Contrat de Mariage, v. 3. and 18. BAN (Tnzo diR B 7zrrie PolUtihe~nouer Le Cousin Pons, v. 17. etudes de Mcersv. 1-13. BANCO, (Orenzodi.) Bizzarrieroiticne, ouer, La Cousine Bette, v. 17. otundes Philosophiques, v. Raccolta delle piul notabili Prattiche di Stato Le Curd de Tours, v. 6. 14-16, nil Chi.i,. a. 240 F c 1658.,Le Cure de Village, v, 13. Eugunie Grandet, v. 5. noa Christianita. 240. Franechera, 1658. 73 BAlNCROFT. BANKERS. BANCROFT, (Aaron.) Life of George Wash- BANGS, (Nathan.) History of the Methodist ington. 2 v. 160. Boston, 1825-26. Episcopal Church. 3d ed. 4v. 160. New BANCROFT, (Edward.) Essay on the Natural York, 1844. History of Guiana, in South America. 120. BANTIER, (Abbe Antoine.) Mythology andFaLondon, 1769. bles of the Ancients, explained from History. Experimental Researches concerning Translated from the French. 4v. 80. Lonthe Philosophy of Permanent Colours; and don, 1739. the best means of producing them, by.dye- BANIM, (John.) Anglo-Irish of the Nineteenth ing, calico printing, &c. 2d ed. 2v. 80. Century; anovel. 3v. 120. London, 1828. London, 1813. Bit o' Writin; and other tales. 2 v. Remarks on the Review of the Contro- 120. Philadelphia, 1838. versy between Great Britain and her Colo- Canvassing. 120. Philadelphia, 1835. nies. 80. London, 1769. - The Denounced. 2v.inl. 120. New BANCROFT, (Edward Nathaniel.) Essay on York, 1830. the Disease called Yellow Fever. 80. Lon- - Mayor of Wind-Gap. 120. New York, don, 1811. 1835. Sequel to an Essay on the Yellow Fever. The Smuggler. 160. London, 1849. 80. London, 1817. (Bentley's Stand. Novels, v. 29.) BANCROFT, (George.) History of the Ameri- BANK Bills, or Paper Currency, and the Bankcan Revolution. V. 1 and 2. 80. London, ing System of Mass. 8~. Boston, 1856. 1852. (V. 4-5 of Bancroft's U. S.) BANK of England. Digest of the Evidence - History of the Colonization of the United on the Bank Charter, taken before the ConStates; abridged by the author. 2 v. 120. mittee of 1832. 80. London, 1833. Boston, 1841. - The Unclaimed Dividend Books of the - History of the United States, from the Bank of England; containing the names discovery of the American continent to the and descriptions of upwards of twenty thoupresent time. V. 1-8. Boston, 1834-60. sand persons entitled to various sums in the (2 copies.) public funds, amounting to many millions ~- Literary and Historical Miscellanies. of money, which have been accumulating 8~. New York, 1855. during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuBANCROFT, (Richard.) Dangerovs Positions ries. 120. London, 1851. and Proceedings, published and practised BANK of Pennsylvania. Robbery of the Bank within this iland of Brytaine, under Pre- of Pennsylvania in 1798. The Trial in Sutence of Reformation, and for the Presbite- preme Court of Pennsylvania, upon which riall Discipline. Sm. 40. London, 1593. the president, the cashier, and one of the BANDINEL, (Rev. James.) Sermons preached directors and another person were sentenced 1780. 80. Oxford, 1780. (Bampton Lec- to pay Patrick Lyon twelve thousand dollars tures.) damages, for a false and malicious prosecuBANDINEL, (James, Esq.) Some Account of tion against him. Reported from notes, by the Trade in Slaves from Africa, as connected T. Lloyd. 80. Philadelphia, 1808. with Europe and America. 80. London, BANK Secrets of the Bank of Columbia. 40. 1842. (n. p.,) 1801. (Pol. Pam., v. 101.) BAXDURT,(D.Anselmus.) NumismataImper- BANK of Tennessee. Report to General Asatorum Romanorum A Trajano Decio ad sembly. 80. Nashville, 1853. Palmelogos Augustos. Accessit Bibliotheca BBANK of the United States. Observations on. Nummaria, sive auctorum qui de re numma- 80. Annapolis, (n. d.) (Misc. Pam., v. 4.) ria scripserunt. 2 v. Folio. Lutetiae Paris- BANK of the United States vs. Osborn and others. iorum, 1718. State of the Case and Argument for the AppelBANFIELD, (T. C.) Industry of the Rhine; lants, in the Case of the Bank of the United agriculture and manufactures; embracing a States versus the Auditor and Treasurer of the view of the social condition of the rural and State of Ohio and others, in the Supreme Court manufacturing population of that district. of the United States. 80. Cincinnati, 1823. 160. London, 1846-48. BANKER'S Case. Argument of the Lord Keeper ~- and WELD, (C. R.) Statistical Corn- Sommers, on his giving judgment in the panion, for 1848, 1850, and 1854. 3 v. 160. Banker's Case: delivered in the Exchequer London, 1848-54. Chamber, June 23, 1696. 40. London, 1733. 10 74 BANKERS. BARBADOES. BANKER'S Magazine and Statistical Register, count of the lives, public employments, and by J. S. Homans. ist series. July, ]846, most memorable actions of the English noto June, 1851. (Wanting January to June, bility, who have flourished from the Norman 1851.) 5 vols. in 6. 80. Baltimore and Conquest to the year 1806, &c. 4 v. 4~. Boston, 1846-50. New series. July, 1851, London, 1807-25. to June, 1863. (Wanting March and April, BANNATYNE. Ancient Scottish Poems. Pub1859.) 12v.in14. 80. NewYork, 1851-63. lished from the manuscript of George BanBANKES, (George.) Storyof CorfeCastle, and natyne, 1568. 80. Edinburgh, 1770. of many who have lived there. Collected BANNERMAN, (Henry.) Modern Sabbath Exfrom ancient chronicles and records. 120. amined. 80. London, 1832. London, 1853. BANNISTER, (J. T.) Pictorial Geography of BANKIER, (James.) Essay onthe Origin, Pro- the Holy Land. 80. Bath, (Eng.,) 1854. gress, and Treatment of Cholera; with re- - Survey of the Holy Land; its geomarks on Berriberri, and diet, as connected graphy, history, and destiny. With an inwith endemics and epidemics. 120. Madras, troduction, by W. Marsh. 80. London, 1835. 1853. BANKING Association and Uniform Currency BANNISTER, (S.) British Colonization and Bill. 80. (n. p.,) 1863. Coloured Tribes. 120. London, 1838. B~ANKRUPTCY and Insolvency Reports; being BANVARD, (Joseph.) Plymouth and the Pilreports of cases in the Court of Appeal in grims; or, incidents of adventure in thehistory Bankruptcy, the Court of Bankruptcy, and of the first settlers. 240. Boston, 1853. the Court for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors, Wisdom, Wit, and Whims of Distinwith reports of cases carried by appeal from guished Ancient Philosophers. 120. New the Court of Appeal in Bankruptcy to the York, 1855. House of Lords. V. 1. 80. London, 1855. BANTVELOS yCarrillo, (H.) Relation des Isles BANKS. Report fiom the Secretary of the Philippines. (Thevenot, Relations, v. 1.) Treasury on the present System of Keeping BAPTIST Reporter, and Missionary Intelliand Disbursing the Public Money, 1834. gencer. V. 26 and 27. 80. London, 1852-53. Letters from the Secretary of the Treasury, BARALT, (Rafael Maria;) y DIAZ, (Ramon,) transmitting statements showing the condi- Resimnen de la Iistoria de Venezuela, desde tion of the State Banks, 1835, 1836, and 1841. el descubrimiento de su territorio por los 2 v. 80. Washington, 1834-41. Castellanos en el Siglo XV., hasta el ano de BANKS, (Henry.) Sketches Recommending 1797. 80. Paris, 1841. an Independent System of Banking, &c. Resfmen de la Historia de Venezuela, 80. Richmond, (Va.,) 1811. (Pol. Pam., v. desde el anoe de 1797 hasta el de 1830; y un 110.) breve Bosquejo Historico que comprende los BANKS, (Henry, Esq.) Civil and Constitu- anos de 1831 hasta 1837. 2 v. 80. Paris, tional History of Rome, from its Foundation 1841. to the Age of Augustus. 2 v. in 1. 80. BARANTE, (A. G. Prosper Brugiere, Baron de.) London, 1818. Des Communes etde l'Aristocratie. Nouvelle BANKS, (John.) Treatise on Mills. 80. Lon- edition. 80. Paris, 1829. don, 1795. 1 tudes Historiques et Biographiques. BANKS, (Sir Joseph.) Short Account of the 2 v. 80. Paris, 1857. Cause of the Disease in Corn, called by - Etudes Litt6raires et Historiques. 2 v. farmers the Blight, the Mildew, and the Rust. 80. Paris, 1858. 80. London, 1805. - Histoire du Directoire de la Rdpublique The same. 80. London, 1815. (Pam- Francaise. 3 v. 80. Paris, 1855. phleteer, v. 6.) Le Parlement et la Fronde. La Vie de BANKS, (Thomas Christopher.) Baronia An- Mathieu Mole, et M. le Comte Mold. 80. glica Concentrata; or, a concentrated account Paris, 1859. of all the baronies, commonly called baronies BARBADOES. Acts of Assembly, passed in the in fee, deriving their origin from writ of island of Barbadoes, 1648 to 1718. Folio. summons, and not from any specific limited London, 1721. (2 copies.) creation. 2 v. in 1. 40. Ripon, 1844. Short History of Barbados, from its Dormant and Extinct Baronage of Eng- first discovery and settlement, to the end of land; or, an historical and genealogical ac- the year 1767. 120. London, 1768. 75 BARBARITIES. BARBIER. BARBARITIES of the Enemy, exposed in a Re- BARBR-MARBOIS, (Francois de.) Itat des port of a Committee of the House of Rep- Finances de St. Domingue, 1785-88. 4~. resentatives of the United States. 12~. Port-au-Prince, 1788. (Pol. Pam., v. 1.) Troy, (N. Y.,) 1813. History of Louisiana, particularly of BARBARO, (J.) Viaggio della Tana et the Cession of that Colony to the United nella Persia. (Ramusio, Navigationi, v. 2.) States of America. With an essay on the BARBAROIIX, (Charles.) Memoires. 80. Paris, constitution and government of the United 1822. (Berville et Barriire, Coll. Mem. Rev. States. Translated fiom the French. 8~. Franuaise, v. 47.) Philadelphia, 1830. BARBAROUX, (Charles Oger.) Histoire des BARBEE, (William J.) Physical and Moral itats-Unis. Continude depuis l'annee 1825 Aspects of Geology. 12~. Philadelphia, 1861. jusqu't nos jours, par T. S6ron. 240. Phil- BARBER, (James.) Overland Guide-Book; a adelphia, 1854. complete vade-mecum for the overland travBARBAULD, (Anna Letitia.) Works. With a eller. 80. London, 1845. Memoir, by Lucy Aikin. 2 v. 8~. London, BARBER, (John Warner.) Connecticut Histor1825. ical Collections, &c. 80. New-Haven, 1846. CONTENTS. Historical Collections; interesting facts, Vol. J-Poems. Vol. II.-Corespondence and Miscellaneous Pieces. traditions, biographical sketches, anecdotes, --- Biographical Account of Samuel Rich- &c., relating to the history and antiquities Biographical Account of Samuel Rich- Y ardson. 12. London, 1809. (V. of Rich- of every town in Massachusetts; with geoardson's Correspondence.) graphical descriptions. 8". Worcester, ardson's Co rrespondence.)1844. British Novelists; with an essay, and (M ) 1844 prefaces, biographical and critical. 50 v. 160. stoy ad ntiquities of New Haven, London, 1820. Connecticut. 120. New Haven, 1831. London, 1820. History and Antiquities of New EngCONTENTS. land, New York, and New Jersey. 8~. Almoran and Hamet, by Hawkesworth, v. 26. Worcester, (Ms.) 1841 Belinda, by Miss Edgeworth, v. 49-50. o e Castle of Otranto, by Walpole, v. 22. History of the Amistad Captives. 80. Cecilia, by Miss Burney, v. 40-4. Charles Grandison, by Richardson, v. 9-15. ew Haven, (Conn.,) 1840. Clarissa -larlowe, by Richardson, v. 1-8. Incidents in American History, &c. Evelina, by Miss Burney, v. 38-39. Female Quixote, by Mrs. Lennox, v. 24-25. 12~. New-York, 1847. Griselda, by Miss Edgeworth, v. 50. ____ an HOWE, (Hnry.) Historical ColHumphry Clinker, by Smollett, v. 30-31. Joseph Andrews, by Fielding, v. 18. lections of the State of New Jersey, &c. 80. Julia Mandeville, by Mrs. Brooke, v. 27. New-Yor, 186. Julia de Roubigne, by lMackenzie, v. 29 -, 16. Man as He is Not, by Bage, v. 48. Historical Collections of the State of Mlan of Feeling, by Mackenzie, v. 29. Mysteries of Udolpho, by Mrs. Radcliffe, v. 45-47. New-York, &c. 80. New-York, 1846. Nature and Art, by Mrs. Inchbald, v. 27. BREBEYRAC (Jean.) Histoire des Anciens Old English Baron, by Mrs. Reeve, v. 22. Old M]anor House, by Mrs. Smith, v. 36-37. Traitez, oui recueil historique et chronoloPopey the Little, by Coventry, v. 23.ue des tra pans ans ls auteurs Rasselas, by Johnson, v. 26.ue des tr Robinson Crusoe, by Defoe, v. 16-17. Crecs et Latins et autres monumens de Romance of the Forest, by Mrs. Radcliffe, v. 43-44. Simple Story, by Mrs. Inchbald, v. 28. l'antiquite, depuis les tens les plus reculez, Spiritual Quixote, by Graves,. ves peeu Charlem. 2 pa3ts'roes Jones, by Fielding, v. 193 —21. jusques.5 l'enpereur Charlemagne. 2 parts Tom Jones, by Fielding, v. 19-21. Vicar of W akefield, by Goldsmith, v. 23. in 1 v. Folio. Amsterdam, 1739. Zeluco, by Moore, v. 34-35. ~_ Recueil de Discours sur diverses maBARBAZAN, (Etienne de.) Fabliaux et Contes tilres importantes. 2 v. 160. Amsterdam, des Poetes FranCois des XI., XII., XIII., 1731. XIV. et XVe siecles, tir6s des meilleurs au- - Spirit of the Ecclesiasticks of all Sects teurs. 2e ed. augmente par D. M. Meon. and Ages. Translated from the French. 8~. 4 v. 80. Paris, 1808. London, 1722. (Misc. Pam., v. 31.) BARBLe-MARBOIS, (Fran9ois de.) Complot BARBIER, (Antoine Alexandre.) Dictionnaire d'Arnold et de Sir Henry Clinton contre les des Ouvrages Anonymes et Pseudonymes Etats-Unis d'Am6rique et contre le General composes, traduits ou publies en Fran~ais et Washington. Sept., 1780. 80. Paris, 1816. en Latin, avec les noms des auteurs, traduc~- - Comptes Generaux du Trdsor Public; teurs et 6diteurs; accompagn6 de notes hisrecettes et depenses pendant 1803-4. 40. toriques et critiques. 2e6d. 4v. 80. Paris, Paris, 1803-4- 1822-27. 76 BARBIER. BARCLAY. BARBIER, (AntoineAlexandre.) NouvelleBib- BARCLAY, (Alexander.) Cytezen and Uplonliotheique d'un Homme de Gout, entierement dysllman. (Percy Soc'y Pub., v. 22.) refondue, corrigde et augmentde; contenant BARCLAY, (Alexander.) Practical View of the des jugemens tirds des Journaux les plus Present State of Slavery in the West Indies. connus et des critiques les plus estimds, sur 8~. London, 1826. les meilieurs ouvrages.'' 5 v. 8~. Paris, BARCLAY, (A. W.) Manual of Medical Diag1808-10. nosis; being an analysis of the signs and BARBOSA, (0.) Libro dell' Indie Orientali. symptotis of disease. 160. London, 1857. (Ramusio, Navigationi, v. 1.) Treatise on Deliriuml Tremens. 80. BARBOT, (Jeanne.) Description of the Coasts London, 1860. (Holmes' Surgery, v. 1.) of North and South Guinea; of Lower Ethi- BARCLAY, (D. Robert.) Digest of the Decisopia; and a Voyage to Congo River, &c. ions of the Supreme Court of the State of (Churchill's Voyages and Travels, v. 5.) Missouii, contained in the first twenty-seven BARBOUR, (John.) The Bruce; or, the metrical volumes of reports. 8~. St. Louis, 1859. history of Robert I. King of Scots. Published (2 copies.) from a manuscript dated M.CCCC.TLXXXIX; BARCLAY, (H.) Agricultural Tour in the with notes, and a memoir of.the life of the Unlted States and Upper Canada, with misauthor, by John Jamieson. 4~. Edinburgh, cellaneous notices. 12~. Edinburgh, 1842. 1820. BARCLAY, (James.) Complete and Universal BARBOUR, (Oliver L.) Analytical Digest of English Dictionary; illustrated by numerous Equity Cases, in the Courts of the several engravings and maps. Revised by Henry States, and of the United States; in the W. Dewhurst. 4~. London, 1841. Courts of Chancery and Exchequer in Eng- BARCLAY, (James J.) Address at Organizaland and Ireland, and in the English Privy tion of Normal School at Philadelphia. 8~. Council and House of Lords, since the year Philadelphia, 1848. 1836. 80. Springfield, 1843. (12 copies.) BARCLAY, (John.) His Argenis; or, the Reports of Caces in the Court of Chan- Loves of Polyarchus and Argenis. Faithcery of the State of New-York, 1845 to 1848. fully translated out of Latin into English, 3 v. 80. New-York, 1847-49. (2 copies.) by Kingsmiil Long. 2d ed. Small 40. Reports of Cases in Law and Equity London, 1636. determined in the Supreme Court of the State BARCLAY, (John, 1M. D., F. R. S.) Inquiry of New York, 1847-63. V. 1-37. 80. Albany, into the Opinions, ancient and modern, con1848-63. (2 copies.). cerning Life and Organization. 80. EdinTreatise on the Criminal Law of the burgh, 1822. State of New-York; and upon the jurbidic- Introductory Lectures to a Course of tion, duty, and authority of justices of the Anatomy. With a memoir of the Life of tho peace, and, incidentally, of the power and Author, by George Ballingall. 80. Edinduty of sheriffs, constables, &c., in criminal burgh, 1827. cases. 2d ed. 80. Albany, 1852. (2 copies.) BARCLAY, (John, M. D.) Ale, Wine, Spirits, ~- Treatise on the Law of'Set-Off. With an and Tobacco. Alecture. 2d ed. 80. Lonappendixof precedents. 80. Aibany, 1841. don, 1861. Treatise on the Practice of the Court of BARCLAY, (John.) Sequel to the Diversions of Chancery. With an appendix of precedents. Purley: containing an essay on English 2 v. 80. New-York, 1843. verbs, with remarks on Mr. Tooke's work, - and HARRINGTON, (E. B ) Analytical and on some terms employed to denote soul Digest of the Equity Cases decided in the or spirit. 80. London, 1826. Courts of the several States, and of the BARCLAY, (J. T.) City of the Great King; or, United States; and of the Decisions in Jerusalum as it was, as it is, and as it is to Equity, in the Courts of Chancery and Ex- be. 80. Philadelphia, 1858. chequer in England and Ireland, and the BARCLAY, (Robert.) Apology for the True Privy. Council and House of Lords; and Christian Divinity; being an explanation forming, with the 3d edition of Bridgemaa's and vindication of the principles and docDigest, a complete abstract of American, trines of the people called Quakers. 40. English, and Irish equity reports, to 1836. Birmingham, (Eng.,) 1765. 3 v. 80. Springfield, (Ms.,) 1837. (12. The same. 80. Providence, (R. I.,) copies,) 1840. 77 BARCLAY. BARLAAM. BARCLAY, (Robert.) Apologie. (In German.) IBARING, (Alexander.) Inquiry into the Causes 80. Germantown, (Pa.,) 1776. and Consequences of the Orders in Council; Truth Triumphant through his Spiritual and examination of the conduct of Great Warfare, Christian Labours, and Writings. Britain towards the Neutral Commerce of Folio. London, 1692. America. 80. London, 1808. BARD, (SamuelA.) Waikna; or, Adventures on ~ The same. (Pol. Pam., v. 35.) the Mosquito Shore. 12~. New-York, 1855. BARING, (Daniel Eberhard.) Clavis DiploBARDEL, (M.) El6ments d'Arithmetique, de- matica, singula tabulis reneis expressa. montrds d'unemaniere nouvelle. 12~. Paris, Prremissa est bibliotheca scriptorum rei 1827. diplomaticae. 40. Hanoverae, 1754. BARDWELL, (William.) Temples, ancient and BARKER, (Edmund Henry.) Five Letters on modern; or, notes on church architecture. the Authorship of Junius's Letters. 12~. 80. London, 1837. London, 1928. BAREITH, (Frederica Sophia Wilhelmina, Mar- Literary Anecdotes and Contemporary gravine of.) Memoirs, written by herself. Reminiscences of Professor Porson and 2 v. 240. London, 1828. (Autobiography, others. From the manuscript papers of the v. 20-21.) author. 2 v. in 1. 8~. London, 1852. BARiRER DEVIEUZAC, (Bertrand.) Liberte des Parriana; or, Notices of Rev. Samuel Mers, ou le gouvernement Anglais d6voile. Parr, LL. D. Collected from various sources, 3 v. 12~. Paris, 1798. printed and manuscript, and in part written. - Memoires de B. Bardre, membre 2 v. 8~. London, 1828-9. Constituante, de la Convention, du Comite de BARKER, (F.;) and CHEYNE, (John.) Account Salut Public, et de la Chambre des Repr6- of the Rise, Progress, and Decline of the Fever sentants. Publics par MM, Hippolyte Car- lately epidemical in Ireland. 2 v. 8~. not et David (d'Angers;) precedes d'une Dublin, 1821. notice historique par H-. Carnot. 4 v. So. BARKER, (J.) Complete List of Plays, exhibitParis, 1842-44. ing at one view the title, size, date, and BARETTI, (Joseph.) Dictionary of the English author, from the commencement of theatrical and Italian Languages. With an Italian and performances to 1803. With a continuation English Grammar. 9th ed., corrected by to the Theatrical Remembrancer. 120. LonCharles Thomsoon, 183v. Ldon, 189. on, 1804 BARGAEUS, (P. Angelio.) De Privatorun BARMKEI, (Jacob.) Brief and Speech in U. S. Publicorumque Edificiorum Urbis Romre Court of Claims. 80. Washington, 1857. Eversoribus: de Obelisco Commentarius. BARKER, (Joseph.) ControversialPamphlets, (Graevius, Thesaurus Antiq. Rom., v. 4.) viz: BARGILLIAT, (J. A.) Notes sur le Droit 1. Account of my Religions Experience. Commercial Maritime. 80. Saint Nazaire, 2. Address on the Death of T. Ilhan. 3. Bible Contradictions. 8~. 1860. 4. Causes of Infidelity. BARHAM, (Francis.) Life and Times of John. Concessions of Christians in favor of Infidelity. 6. Hell. Renchlin, or Capnion, the Father of the 7. Human Progress. 8. Jonah and the Whale. German Reformation. 12~. London, 1843. 9. Noah's Flood. BARHAM, (Richard Harris Dalton.) Ingoldsby 10. Paine and his Calumuiators. 11. What advantage has the Believer over the UnLegends; or, mirth and marvels. (With a believer in the approach of Deadt? memoir of the author, in the 3d series.) 3 12. What has the Bible done for Woman? series in 3 v. 12~. London, 1855. (Misc. Pam., v. 13.) ~- Life cnd Remains of Theodore Edward BARKER, (W. Burckhardt.) Practical GramHook. 2 v. 12~. London, 1849. mar of the Turkish Language; with diaSome account of my Cousin Nicholas. logues and vocabulary. 1e,~. London, 1854. 16~. London, 1846. (Bentley's Stand. BARKER, Vermilya, and Davis. Trial of Novels, v. 103.) Jacob Barker, Thomas Vermilya, and MatBAR-sAM,.(Thomas Foster.) Philadelphia; or, thew L. Davis for Alleged Conspiracy. By the claims of humanity; a plea for social and Hugh Maxwell. 8~. New York, 1827. religious reform. 120. London, 1858. BARLAAM e GIOSOFAT. Vita del S. Giosafat BARHAM, (William.) Descriptions of Niagara; convertito da Barlaam, ristampata, e di varie selected from various travellers. 8~. Graves- figure adornata. 16~. Messina, 1678. (Title end, (Eng.,) 1847. wanting, and imperfect.) 78 BARLACE. 8 BARNARD. BARLACE, (James George.) Historical Sketch Timber, founded upon experiments performed of the Progress of Knowledge in England, at the Royal Military Academy, on specifrom the Conversion of the Anglo-Saxons to mens selected from the Royal Arsenal and the End of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. H.M.'s Dock Yard, Woolwich. 3d ed. 80. Small 40. London, 1819. London, 1826. BARLATUS, (Caspar.) Rerum per octennium ~ Treatise on the Strength of Timber, in Brasilia et alibi nuper gestarum, sub Cast and Malleable Iron, and othermaterials. Prmfectura illustrissimi Comitis J. Mauritii New edition, revised by J. F. Heather. 80. Historia. Folio. Amstelodami, 1647. London, 1851. The same. Editio 2a; cui accesserunt ~ New Mathematical and Philosophical G. Pisonis tractatus. 160. Clivis, 1760. Dictionary. 80. London, 1814. Brasilianische Geschichte. Erstlich in - Treatise on Geometry, and Theory of Latein beschreiben. 180. Cleve, 1659. Numbers. 40. London, 1845. (Ency. BARLOW, (F. W.) On Fatty Degeneration. Metropolitana, v. 1.) 80. London, 1853. BARNARD, (Capt. Charles H.) Narrative of BARLOW, (George Hilaro.) Manual of the his Sufferings and Adventures in a Voyage Practice of Medicine. With additions, by Round the World, during the years 1812D. F. Condie. 80. Philadelphia, 1856. 1816; with an account of the seizure of his BARLOW, (Joel.) Advice to the Privileged vessel at the Falkland Islands. 80. NewOrders in the several States of Europe, re- York, 1829. suiting from the necessity and propriety of a BARNARD, (Daniel D.) Address before Rutgeneral revolution in the principle of govern- ger's College, N. Y. 80. Albany, 1837. ment. Parts 1 and 2. 120. New York, - Lecture on the Character and Services 1792-94. (Misc. Pam., v. 14.) of James Madison. 80, Albany, 1837. The same. Part I. 2d ed. Part II. (Misc. Pam., v. 16.) 80. London, 1792-95. (Pol. Pam., v. 121.) BARNARD, (FrederickLamport.) ThreeYears' The same. Part II. 80. New York, Cruise in the Mozambique Channel, for the 1794. (Pol. Pam., v. 85.) Suppression of theSlave Trade. 120. LonThe same. Part II. 80. London, 1793. don, 1848. (Pol. Pam., v. 123.) BARNARD, (George.) Continental Drawing The same. Part II. 2d ed. 80. Lon- Book. Oblong folio. London, 1837. don, 1795. (Pol. Pam., vw. 119.) Theory and Practice of Landscape Columbiad. 40. Philadelphia, 1807. Painting in Water Colours. 80. London Letter to National Convention of France 1855. on the Defects of the Constitution of 1791; BARNARD, (Henry.) National Education in with the Conspiracy of Kings: apoem. 80. Europe; being an account of the organizaNew York, (n. d.) (Pol. Pam., v. 85.) tion, administration, instruction, and statisThe same. (Misc. Pam., v. 14.) tics of public schools of different grades in Letter addressed to the People of Pied- the principal States. 2d ed. 80. New York, mont, on the Advantages of the French Rev- 1854. olution, and the necessity of adopting its ~ Normal Schools and other institutions, principles in Italy. 80. London, 1795. agencies, and means for professional educa(Pol. Pam., v. 119.) tion of teachers. 80. Hartford, (Conn.,) ~- The same. 120. New York, 1795. 1851. (Misc. Pam., v. 14.)- Object Teaching and Oral Lessons on Two Letters to the Citizens of the social science and common things, with the United States, and one to Gen. Washington, principles and practice of primary education on our Political and Commercial Relations. as adopted in the model and training schools 180. New Haven, (Conn.,) 1806. of Great Britain. 80. New York, 1860. ~- - Vision of Columbus. 5th ed.; with the ~ Reformatory Education; papers on preConspiracy of Kings. 120. Paris, 1793. ventive, correctional, and reformatory instiBARLOW, (Peter.) Encyclopaedia of Arts, tutions and agencies in different countries. Manufactures, and Machinery. With an 8~. Hartfoid, (Conn.,) 1857. introduction, by Charles Babbage. 40. Lon- BARNARD, (Rev. John.) Autobiography, 1766. don, 1851. 80. Boston, 1836. (Mass. Hist. Coll, v. 5. Essay on the Strength and Stress of Third series.) 79 BARNARD. BARONIUS. BARNARD, (J. G.) Phenomena of the Gyro- BARNES, (William.) Philological Grammar, scope. 8~. New York, 1858. grounded upon English, and formed from a The C. S. A., and the Battle of Bull comparison of more than sixty languages. Run. Withfivemaps. 80. NewYork,1862. 80. London, 1854. _ Dangers and Defenses of New York. BARNEWALL, (Richard Vaughan,) and ALDER80. New York, 1859. SON, (E. H.) Reports of Cases in the Court Notes on Sea-coast Defenses; consist- of King's Bench, 1817 to 1821. 4 v. 80. ing of sea-coast fortifications; the 15-inch Boston, 1820-22. gun; and casement embrasures. 80. New -- The same. 1822. V. 5. 80. London, York, 1861. 1822. BARNARD, (Samuel.) Polyglot Grammar of -- The same. 1817to 1822. 5v. 80. Lonthe Hebrew, Chaldee, Syriac, Greek, Latin, don, 1818-22. (2 copies.) English, French, Italian, Spanish, and Ger- and CRESWELL, (C.) Reports of Cases man Languages. 80. Philadelphia, 1825. in the Court of King's Bench, 1822 to 1830. BARNARDISTON, (Thomas) Reports of Cases 0 v. 80. London, 1823-32. (2 copies.) in the High Court of Chancery, 1740 to 1741. - and ADOLPHUS, (J. L.) Reports of Folio. London, 1742. Cases in the Court of King's Bench, 1830 _ Reports of Cases in the Court of King's to 1834. 5 v. 80. London, 1831-34. (2 Bench; together with some other cases, 1726 copies.) to1735. 2 v. Folio. London, 1744. BAImNEY, (Joshua.) Biographical Memoir of BARNES, (Albert.) Church and Slavery. 120. the late Commodore Joshua Barney, from Philadelphia, 1857. autographical notes and journals, &c. _- _How shall Man be just with God? 120. Edited by Mary Barney. 80. Boston, 1832. Philadelphia, 1855. BARNFIELD'S Affectionate Shepherd. (Percy ---- Inquiries and Suggestions in regard to Soc'y Pub., v. 20.) the foundation of Faithin the Word of God. BARNUM, (H. L.) The Spy Unmasked; or, 120. Philadelphia, 1859. the history of Enoch Crosby, alias Harvey - Inquiry into the Organization and Gov- Birch. 120. New-York, 1828. ernment of the Apostolic Church, particu- BARNUM, (Phineas Taylor.) Life, written by larly with reference to the claims of Episco- himself. 120. New-York, 1855. pacy. 160. Philadelphia, 1855. BARON, (John.) Inquiry illustrating the Na-- Miscellaneous Essays and Reviews. 2 ture of Tuberculated Accretions of Serous v. 120. New-York, 1855. Membranes; and the origin of tubercles and -- Notes, critical, illustrative, and prac- tumors in different textures of the body. 80. tical, on the Book of Job; with a new trans- London, 1819. lation, &c. 3d ed. 2v. 120. New York, -- Illustrations of the Inquiry respecting 1845. Tuberculous Diseases. 80. London, 1822. - - Notes, critical, explanatory, and prac- -_ Life of Edward Jenner, M. D.; with tical, on the Book of Isaiah; with a new illustrations of his Doctrines, and Selections translation. 3 v. 80. Boston, 1840. from his Correspondence. 2 v. 8~. Lon-- Prayers for the Use of Families, chiefly don, 1838. selected. With a selectionof hymns. 120. BARON, (Samuel.) Description of Tonqueen. Philadelphia, 1850. (Churchill's Voyages and Travels, v. 6.) -- Way of Salvation. 120. Philadelphia, _ - The same. (Pinkerton's Voyages, v. 9.) 1855. BARON and FEME. A treatise of Law and BARNES, (Charlotte M. S.) Plays, Prose, and Equity, concerning husbands and wives. Poetry. 120. Philadelphia, 1848. 3d ed. 80. London, 1738. BARNES, (Euphemia.) Ellen Durand. 120. BARONIUS SORANUS, (Cresar.) Annales EcCincinnati, 1855. clesiastici. Una cum Critica historico-chroBARNES, (Henry.) Notes of Cases in Points nologica Antonii Pagii. 19 v. Folio. Lucre, of Practice taken in the Court of Common 1738-46. Pleas, 1732 to 1756. 3d ed. 80. London, - Iidem, ab anno MCXCvmI. ubi desinit 1790. Cardinalis Baronius, auctore Odorico RayBARNES, (Josiah, Jr.) The Old Inn; or, the naldo. Accedunt in hac editione notse, auctravellers' entertainment. 120. New-York, tore Joanne Dominico Mansi. 15 v. Folio. 1855. Lucre, 1747-56. 80 BARONIUS. BARRON. BARONIUS SORANUS, (CGesar.) Annalium Ec- tirely on the principle of relations. 12~. clesiasticorum CGesaris Baronii, cum Critice Boston, 1859. subjecta Antonii Pagi, continuatione Odorici BARRI, (Giraldus de.) See GIRALDUS, (CamRaynaldi, notisque Dominici Georgii et Joan- brensis.) nis Dominici Mansi in Pagium et Raynaldum BARRINGTON, (Archibald.) Familiar IntroApparatus. Folio. Lucre, 1740. duction to Heraldry; explaining the princiIndex universalis rerum omnium qume ples of the science, and its application to the in Baronii, ac Pagii Apparatibus, in Baronii study of history and architecture. 160. Annalibus, Pagii Critica, Annalibus Ray- London, 1848. naldi, notisque Georgii et Mansi continentur. Plain Hints for Understanding the Ge3 v. Folio. Lucre, 1757-59. nealogy and Armorial Bearings of the SoverBAROZZI, (Giacomo.) Ordini di Architettura. eigns of England; with a description of the 160. Firenze, 1837. different styles of British architecture. 18~. BARRAU, (Th6odore H.) Histoire de la Revo- London, 1843. lution Franaise, (1789-1799.) 12~. Paris, Pocket Manual of Foreign Architec1857. ture; presenting, at one view, a series of BARRAULT, (ilmile.) Occident et Orient; examples of the five orders of architecture. etudes politiques, morales, religieuses, pen- 18~. London, 1844. dant 1833 —834 de l'ere chrdtienne, 1249- BARRINGTON, (Daines.) Miscellanies. 4~. 1250 de l'hegyre. 80. Paris, 1835. London, 1781. BARRE, (W. L.) Life and Public Services of - Observations on the more Ancient Millard Fillmore. 120. Buffalo, (N. Y.,) Statutes, from Magna Charta to 21 James I.; 1856. with a proposal for new modelling the BARRE DE SAINT-VENANT, (Jean.) Des Colo- statutes. 40. London, 1796. nies Modernes sous la Zone Torride, et par- - Possibility of Approaching the North ticulierement de celle de Saint-Domingue. Pole asserted. New edition; with an appen80. Paris, 1802. dix; by Col. Beaufoy. 80. London, 1818. BARREAU FRAN-AIS. Collection des chefs- BARRINGTON, (George.) Voyage to New d'ceuvre de l'eloquence judiciaire en France, South Wales; with a detail of his life, trials, recueillie par MM. Clair et Clapier. 16 v. speeches, &c. 2 v. 80. London, 1810. 80. Paris, 1823-24. BARRINGTON, (John Shute, Lord.) Essay on BARRERA, (iadamen de.) Gems and Jewels; the Teaching and Witness of the Holy their history, geography, chemistry and Ana, Spirit. 80. London, 1785. (Watson's Theol. from the earliest ages down to the present Tracts, v. 4.) time. 120. London, 1860. BARRINGTON, (Sir Jonah.) Historic Memoirs Memoirs of Rachel. 2 v. 120. Lon- of Ireland; comprising secret records of the don, 1858. national convention, the rebellion, and the BAARPRRE, (Pierre.) Nouvelle Relation de la union. 2d ed. 2 v. 40. London, 1835. France:lquinoxiale. 160. Paris, 1743. Personal Sketches of his Own Times. See BARERE. 2d ed. 3 v. 80. London, 1830-32. BARRESWIL, (Charles Louis,) and SonBRERO, BARRON, (Arthur,) and ARNOLD, (Thomas J.) (A.) Appendice A tons les Trait6s d'Analyse Reports of Cases of Controverted Elections, Chimique. 80. Paris, 1843. before committees of the House of Commons, BARRETT, (Benjamin.) Life of Cardinal Xim- in the 14tb Parliament of the United Kingenes. 80. London, 1813. dom, and of cases upon appeal from the BARRETT, (Joseph H.) Life of Abraham decisions of revising barristers in the Court Lincoln; with a condensed view of his most of Common Pleas, from 1843 to 1846. V. 1. important speeches. Also, a sketch of the 80. London, 1846. life of Hannibal Hamlin, of Maine. 120. and AUSTIN, (Alfred.) Reports of Cincinnati, 1880. Cases of Controverted Elections, in the 14th BARRETr, (Samuel.) Discourse before the Parliament of the United Kingdom. 80. A. H. Artillery Company of Massachusetts, London, 1844. June 6, 1831. 80. Cambridge, (Ms.,) 1831. BARRON, (James.) Proceedings of the Gen(Theol. Pain., vF. 12.) eral Court Martial convened for the Trial of BARRETT, (Solomon.) New Inductive Gram- Commodore James Barron, Captain Charles mar of the English Language, founded en- Gordon, Mr. William Hook, and Captain 81 BARRON. BARROW. John Hall, of the United States Ship Chesa- BAlROW, (Sir John.) Memoir of Peter the peake, in the month of January, 1808. 80. Great. 3d ed. 180. London, 1839. (MurWashington, 1822. ray's Fain. Library, v. 42.) BARRON, (William.) History of the Coloniza- -- The same. 18c. New York, 1841. tion of the Free States of Antiquity, applied (Harper's Fam. Library, v. 70 ) to the contest between Great Britain and her Some Account of the Public Life, and American Colonies. 40. London, 1777. a Selection from the Unpublished Writings, (Col. Pam., v. 23.) of the Earl of Macartney. 2 v. 40. LonLectures on Belles Lettres and Logic. don, 1807. 2 v. 80. London, 1806. Travels in China; containing descripBARROS, (J. de.) Historia, appartenenti alla tions, observations, and comparisons, at the cosmografia. (Ramusio, Navigationi et Vi- imperial palace of Yuen-Min-Yuen, and on aggi, v. 1.) a journey from Pekin to Canton. 2d ed. 40. BARROW, (Sir George.) Ceylon; past and London, 1806. present. Post 80. London, 1857. Voyage to Cochin China, in 1792-3; BARROW, (Isaac.) Theological Works. 8 v. with an account of a journey in 1801-2 to the 80. Oxford, 1830. Booshuana nation, in Africa. 40. London, CONT,NTS.1806. BARROW, (John, Jo-. ) Excursions in the North Discourse concerning the Unity of the Church, v. 7. ( ) Excursions in the North Doctrine of the Sacraments, v. 6. of Europe, through parts of Russia, Finland, Exposition of the Creed, Lords' Prayer, and the Sweden, Denmark, and Norway. 12. LonDecalognue, v. 6. Opuscula Theologica, Orationes, Poemata, v. 8. don, 1835. Sermons on the Creed, v. 4-6. Sermons on Several Occasions, v. 1-4. Tour round Ireland, through the seaTreatise on the Pope's Supremacy, v. 7. coast counties, in the autumn of 1835. 120. Works. 3 v. in 2. Folio. 5th ed. London, 183&. London, 1741. Visit to Iceland, by way of Tronyem, CONTENTS. in the "Flower of Yarrow" yacht, in the Exposition of the Lord's Prayer, Creed, &c., v. 1. Summer of 1834. 12~. London, 1835. Sermons preached on Several Occasions, v. 1-3. BARROW, (John, Esq.) Life, Voyages, and Sermons upon all the Articles in the Apostles Creed, E s of A S a v. 2. Exploits of Admiral Sir Francis Drake; Treatise of the Pope's Supremacy, v 1. with original letters from him and the Lord Treatise on the Pope's Supremacy. 2d High Admiral to the Queen and great officers Am. ed. 80. New-York, 1844. of State. 80. London, 1843. BARROW, (Sir John.) Auto-Biographical Me- Memoirs of the Naval Worthiesof Queen moir; including reflections, observations, and Elizabeth's Reign. 80. London, 1845. reminiscences, at home and abroad, from early BARROW, (John Henry.) Digest of the Parlife to advanced age. 80. London, 1847. liamentary Papers for the session 1837-'8; Chronological History of Voyages into. being an abstract and summary of all the the Arctic Regions; undertaken chiefly for reports, returns, accounts, &c., printed by the purpose of discovering a northeast, north- order of both houses of Parliament. 80. west, or polar passage between the Atlantic London, 1839. and the Pacific. 80. London, 1818. Mirror of Parliament. January 29, Eventful History of the Mutiny and 1828, to October 20, 1831. Vols. 1-14. Piratical Seizure of H. M. S. Bounty. 180. Folio. London, 1828-31. London, 1831. (Murray's Fam. Library, The same; for the first session of the v. 58.) thirteenth Parliament. Nov. 15, 1837, to The same. Pitcairn's Island and its Aug. 16, 1838. 2d series. Commencing Inhabitants. 180. New York, 1842. (Har- with the reign of Queen Victoria. Vols. per's Fam. Library, v. 34.) 1-8. 80. London, 1838. Life of George Lord Anson, Admiral BARROW, (William.) Essay on Education; of the Fleet, Vice-Admiral of Great Britain, merits and defects of the discipline and inprevious to and during the Seven Years' War. struction in our academies. 2 v. 160. Lon80. London, 1839. don, 1802. -- Life of Richard Earl Howe, Admiral Sermons containing Answers to Objecof the Fleet, and General of Marines. 80. tions against Christian Religion. 80. OxLondon, 1838. ford, 1799. (Bampton Lectures, 1799.) 11 82 BARRUEL. BARTHTILEMY. BARRUEL, (Abbe'Augustin de.) Memoires pour to explain and illustrate the physiology of servir A l'Histoire du Jacobinisme. 4 v. 80. fruit trees, the theory and practice of propaLondres, 1797-8. gation, transplanting, pruning, and training Memoirs illustrating the History of of orchard and garden trees. 12~. NewJacobinism. Translated from the French, York, 1852. by R. Clifford. 4 v. 8~. London, 1797-99. Theory and Practice of International BARRY, (David.) Experimental Researches Trade of the United States and England, on the Influence exercised by Atmospheric and of the trade of the United States and Pressure upon the Progression of the Blood Canada. 8~. Chicago, 1858. in the Veins, upon that function called Ab- BARRY, (William ) History of Framingham, sorption; and upon the prevention and cure (Mass.,) including the Plantation, from 1640 of the symptoms caused by the bites of rabid to 1847; with a notice of Sudbury and its or venomous animals. 8~. London, 1826. first proprietors; also, a register of the inhabBARRY, (Sir Edward.) Observations, histori- itants of Framingham before 1800, with cal, critical, and medical, on the Wines of genealogical sketches. 80. Boston, 1847. the Ancients; and the analogy between them BARRY, (William Whittaker.) Treatise on the and modern wines. 4~. London, 1775. Statutory Jurisdiction of the Court of ChanBARRY, (Rev. Edward.) Necessity of Adbpt- eery; with an appendix of precedents. 80. ing some Measures to reduce the Number of London, 1861. Dogs; with a short account of hydrophobia. BARSTOW, (George.) History of New Hamp80. Reading, (Eng.,) 1795. (Pol. Pam., shire, from its discovery, in 1614, to the v. 49.) passage of the Toleration Act, in 1819. 8". BARRY, (James.) Case of Tenures upon the Concord, 1842. Commission of Defective Titles, argued by BARSTOW, (W. A.) See BASHFORD vs. BARSall the judges of Ireland, with their resolu- TOW. tions. Folio. Dublin, 1639. BART, (T. M.) Considerations Philosophiques BARRY, (James, Artist.) Works. 2 v. 40. et Politiques sur le Regime des Colonies. London, 1809. 80. Bordeaux, 1801. CONTENTS. BARTELL, (Edmund,) Hints for Picturesque Improvements in Ornamental Cottares. 80. Account of the Pictures in the Great Room of the C Society of Arts, &c., at the Adelphi, v. 2. London, 1804. Correspondence with Mr. Burke from France and BARTELS, (Albert.) Modern Linguist; or, Italy, v. 1.Modern Linguist; or, Fragment on the Story and Painting of Pandora, conversations in English, French, and Gerv. 2. Inquiry into the Obstructions to the Acquisition of man; with rules for the pronunciation of Arts in England, v. 2. Arts in Etigland, v. 2. German. 160. London, 1550. Lectures on Painting, delivered at the Royal Acad- m. onon 0. emy, v. 1. BARTER, (Charles.) The Dorp and the Veld; Letter to the Dilettanti Society on Public Taste, o s m i N. v. 2. or, six months in Natal. 16~. London, 1852. Letter to the Society for Encouragement of Arts, BARTH, (Henry.) Travels and Discoveries in Manufactures, and Commerce, v. 2. Observations on different Works of Art in France North and Central Africa; being a journal of and Italy, v. 2. an expedition undertaken under the auspices Remarks on the Paintings of the Orleans Gallery, 1798, v. 2. of H. B. M.'s Government, in the years 1849~- OPIE, (John.) and FUSELT, (Henry.) 55. 5v. 80. London, 1857-8. Lectures on Painting. Edited, with an in- -- The same. (Abridged,) with notes, by troduction, by R. N. Wornum. London, anAmericaneditor. 120. Philadelphia,1859. 1848. BARTHE, (J. G.) Le Canada Reconquis par la BARRY, (John Stetson.) Genealogical and France. Suivide pieces justificatives. 80. Biographical Sketch of the Name and Family Paris, 1855. of Stetson; from 1634 to 1847. 80. Boston, BARTIHELEMY, (Jean Jacques.) Voyage du 1847. Jeune Anacharsis en Grece, dans le milieu - Historical Sketch of the Town of Han- du quatrigme sigcle avant l'6re vulgaire. 2e over, (Mass.:) with family genealogies. 80. 6d. 7 v. 8~. Atlas, small 40. Paris, 1789. Boston, 1853. Travels of Anacharsis the Younger, in BARRY, (M. J.;) and KE:OGH, (W.) Treatise Greece, during the middle of the Fourth Cenon the Practice of the High Court of Chan- tury before the Christian Era. Translated cery of Ireland. 80. Dublin, 1840. from the French. 1st Am. ed. 4 v. 80. BARRY, (P.) Fruit Garden; a treatise intended Philadelphia, 1804. 83 BARTHEMA. BARTON. BARTHEMA, (Ludovico.) Itinerario, (in In- a journey from Cairo to Mount Sinai and Pedia, etc.) (Ramusio, Navigationi et Viaggi, tra. 2d ed. 8~. London, 1856. v. 1.) Jerusalem Revisited. 80. London, BARTHES ET LOWELL. Catalogue gne6raldes 1855. Livres Frangais, Italiens, Espagnols, etc., - The Nile Boat; or, Glimpses of the tant anciens que modernes. 8~. Londres, Land of Egypt. 3d ed. 8~. London, 1852. 1857. Pilgrim Fathers; or, the Founders of BARTHOLINUS, (B.) De Poenula. (Grmvius, New England in the Reign of James the Thesaurus Antiq. Rom., v. 6.) First; withillustrations. 80. London, 1853. BARTHOLOIMEW, (Alfied.) Specifications for Scenery and Antiquities of Ireland; Practical Architecture. 8~. London, 1841. from drawings by W. H. Bartlett; the literBARTHOLOMEW de Cotton. Historia Angli- ary portion of the work by N. P. Willis cana; (A. D. 449-1298.) N6cnon ejusdem and J. Stirling Coyne. 2 v. 4~. London, liber de Archiepiscopis et Episcopis Anglice. 1842. Edited by Henry Richards Luard. 8~. Lon- BARTLETT, (William H. C.) Acoustics and don, 1859. (Chronicles and Memorials of Optics. 80. New-York, 1852. Great Britain.) Elements of Analytical Mechanics. 8~. BARTLETT, (C. L.) Guano; a treatise on its New-York, 1853. history and economy as a manure. 8~. Elements of Synthetic Mechanics. 6th Boston, 1860. ed. 80. New-York, 1857. BARTLETT, (David W.) ModernAgitators; or, Elementary Treatise on'Optics. 80. pen portraits of living American reformers. New-York, 1839. 120. New-York, 1855. - Spherical Astronomy. 80. New York, BARTLETT, (Elisha.) History, Diagnosis, and 1855. Treatment of the Fevers of the United States. BARTLETT, (William S.) Frontier Missionary; 3d ed. 80. Philadelphia, 1852. a memoir of the life of the Rev. Jacob BaiBARTLETT, (John.) Selections from the Views ley. 80. Boston, 1853. of the Residences and Country Seats of the BARTOL, (B. H.) Treatise on the Marine BoilNobility and Gentry, illustrating the man- ers of the United States. 80. Philadelphia, sions of England and Wales. Oblong folio. 1851. London, 1851. BARTOLI, (Daniel.) History of the Life and BARTLETT, (John Russell.) Dictionary of Institute of St. Ignatius de Loyola. TransAmericanisms; a glossary of words and lated by Mad. Calderon de la Barca. 2 v. phrases usually regarded as peculiar to the 120. New-York, 1855. United States. 2d ed. 80. Boston, 1859. Histoire de Saint Ignace de Loyola et Personal Narrative of Explorations and delaCompagnie de J6sus. Traduite de l'ItalIncidents in Texas, New Mexico, California, ien. 2 v. 80. Versailles, 1844. Sonora, and Chihuahua, connected with the BARTOLI, (Pietro Santi.) Vetervm Sepvlcra, United States and Mexican Boundary Comn- sen mavsolea Romanorum et Etrvscorum mission, during the years 1850-53. 2 v. cum explicationibus J. P. Bellorii. Folio. 80. New-York, 1854. Lvgdvni Batavorum, 1702. (Gronovius, Progress of Ethnology. 80. New Thesaurus Gruecarum Antiquitatum, v. York, 1848. (Am. Eth. Trans., v. 2.) 12.) BARTLETT, (R. Montgomery.) Commercial- Veterum Lucernae Sepulcrales. Gronoand Banking Tables. 40. Cincinnati, 1852. vius, v. 12.) Interest and Discount Tables. 40. Cin- Colonna Trajana. See CIACCONE. cinnati, 1851. BARTON, (Benjamin Smith.) Discourse on BARTLETT, (Thomas.) Treatise on British Natural History, and on the best means of Mining; with a digest of the Cost Book Sys- promoting the study of this science in the tem, Stannarie and general Mining Laws. United States. 80. Philadelphia, 1807. 80. London, 1850. Memoir concerning the Fascinating BARTLETT, (Washington A.) Defence before Faculty which has been ascribed to various Naval Court of Inquiry. 120. New York, species of Serpents. 2d ed. 80. Philadel1857. phia, 1814. BARTLETT, (William Henry.) Forty Days in - Remarks on the Speech attributed by the Desert on the Track of the Israelites; or, Jefferson to Logan. 80. Philadelphia, 1798. 84 BARTON. BASNAGE. BARTON, (Benjamin Smith.) Some Account BARTON, (William P. C.) Treatise containing of the Siren Lacertine, and other species of a Plan for the Internal Organization and the same genus of amphibious animals. 8". Government of Marine Hospitalsin the United Philadelphia, 1808. States. With a scheme for amending and BARTON, (Bernard.) Poems and Letters. 2d systematizing the Medical Department of the ed. 16~. London, 1853. Navy. 80. Philadelphia, 1814. BARTON, (Charles.) Elements of Conveyanc- BARTRAM, (John.) Observations on the ining, with cursory remarks upon the study of habitants, climate, soil, rivers, productions, that science. 2d ed., revised, with great ad- animals, and other matters worthy of notice ditions. 5 v. 80. London, 1810-22. in his travels from Pensilvania to Onondago, Historical Treatise of a Suit in Equity; Oswego, a'nd the Lake Ontario, in Canada. from the commencement of the suit to the 120. London, 1751. decree and appeal. 80. Dublin, 1796 BARTRAM, (William.) Travels through North The same. Revised and enlarged, by and South Carolina, Georgia, East and West James P. Holcombe. 80. Cincinnati, 1847. Florida, the Cherokee country, the extensive BARTON, (Charles, Jr.) Concise Precedents in territories of the Muscogulges, or Creek conConveyancing, and also of Mercantile Form, federacy, and the country of the Choctaws. with practical essays, notes, and observa- 80. Philadelphia, 1791. tions, adapted to the present state of the law. The same. 80. London, 1794. V.. 80. London, 1836. BASCLE DELAGRPZE,, (Gustave.) DroitCrimiBARTON, (Edward H.) Cause and Prevention nel a l'Usage des Jur6s. 2d ed. 8~. Paris, of Yellow Fever at New Orleans and other 1854. Cities in America. 3d ed., and supplement. BASCOME, (Edward.) History of Epidemic 80. New-York, 1857. Pestilences, from the earliest ages, 1495 years ~- - Report of the Sanitary Commission of before the birth of our Saviour, to 1848; with New Orleans on the Epidemic Yellow Fever of researches into their nature, causes, and 1853. Published by authority ofthe City Coun- prophylaxis. 80. London, 1851. cilofNew Orleans. 80. New Orleans, 1854. BASELEY, (Thomas.) Glory of the Heavens; Report to the Louisiana State Medical or, reflections on the analogy between the Society, on the Meteorology, Vital Statistics, works and word of God. 2d ed. 80. Lonand Hygiene of the State of Louisiana; with don, 1810. appendix, showing the experience of Life BASHFORD vs. BARSTOW. Trial in the Supreme Insurance Companies in Louisiana, with Court, of the Information in the nature of a Tables of Mortality, &c., by H. G. Heartt. Quo Warranto filed by the Attorney General, 80. New Orleans, 1851. on the relation of Coles Bashford vs. W. A. BARTON, (J. Graeff.) Outline of the General Barstow, contesting the right to the office of Principles of Grammar. 180. New-York, Governor of Wisconsin. 80. Madison, 1855. (Wis.,) 1856. (2 copies.) BARTON, (William.) Dissertation on the Free- BASHFORTH, (Francis.) Practical Treatise on dom of Navigation and Maritime Commerce, the Construction of Oblique Bridges, with and such rights of states relative thereto as spiral and with equilibrated courses. 80. are founded on the law of nations, adapted London, 1850. to the United States. 80. Philadelphia, 1802. BASILIUS Magnus, (Saint.) Opera omnia que (2 copies.) exstant, Gr. et Lat. Studio J. Garnier, monaMemoirs of David Rittenhouse; with chi Benedictini. 3v. Folio. Parisiis, 1721-30. an appendix of philosophical and other pa- BASKERVILLE, (Alfred) Poetry of Germany; pers. 80. Philadelphia, 1813. selections from upwards of seventy of the BARTON, (William P. C.) Flora of North most celebrated poets, translated into English America. Illustrated by coloured figures verse. 3d ed. 120. Philadelphia, 1856. drawn from nature. 3 v. 40. Philadelphia, BASNAGE, (Henri.) La Coutume Reformee du 1821-23. Pais et Duche de Normandie. V. 1, folio. Hints for Naval Officers Cruising in the Rouen, 1694. West Indies. 180. Philadelphia, 1830. - (Euvres; contenant ses Commentaires Outlines of Lectures on Materia Med- sur la Coutume de Normandie, et son Traite ica and Botany, deliverd in Jefferson Medi- desHypothdques. 4e d. 2 v. Folio. Rouen cal College, 2 v. 160. Philadelphia, 1827. et Paris, 1778. 85 BASNAGE. BATES. BASNAGE DE BEAUVAL, (Jacques.) Histoire lated by W. B. Hodgson. 180. Manchester, des Provinces-Unis, depuis la paix de Mun- (Eng.,) 1859. ster, jusq'a celle de NimBgue. 2 v. Folio. BASTILLE IN AMERICA; or, Democratic AbsoLa Haye, 1726. lutism. By an Eye Witness. 8~. London, ~- aHistory of the Jews, from Jesus Christ 1861. (Pol. Pam., v. 92.) to the present time; being a supplement and BATCHELDER, (Eugene.) Border Adventures; continuation of the History of Josephus. or, incidents of a New-England Town, and Translated from the French, by Thomas other poems. 1]2. Boston, 1851. Taylor. Folio. London, 1708. BATE, (George.) Elenchus Motuum NupeBASS, (J. H.) Greek and English Manual rorum in Anglia; or, a short historical acLexicon to the New Testament. 24~. Lon- count of the late troubles in England. To don, 1851. which is added-Motus Compositi; or, the BASSINI, (Carlo.) Art of Singing; an analyti- history of the composing the affairs of Engcal, physiological, and practical system for land by the restauration of K. Charles the the cultivation of the voice Edited by R. Second. Made English from the Latin. 3 Storrs Willis. 4~. Boston, 1857. parts in 1 v. 80. London, 1685. BASSNETT, (Thomas.) Outlines of a Mechani- BATEMAN, (Edmund.) Sermon preached before cal Theory of Storms; containing the true the honourable Trustees for establishing the law of lunar influence, with practical in- Colony of Georgia, in America, at their anstructions to the navigator, &c. 12~. New- niversary meeting, March 19, 1740-41, at the York, 1854. parish church of St. Bride, in Fleet-street, BASSOMPIERRE, (Fran9ois de.) Ambassade en London. Small 40. London, 1741. Espagne, l'an 1621; et Negociation en An- BATEMAN, (James.) Orchidaceae of Mexico gleterre de la part du Roy Tres-Chrestien, and Guatemala. Folio. London, 1837-42. l'an 1626. 2 v. in 1. 18~. Cologne, 1668. BATEMAN, (Joseph.) Laws of Excise; being Mmoires; contenant l'Histoire de sa a collection of all the existing statutes relavie, et de ce qui s'est fait de plus remarkable tive to the revenue of excise; with practical A la cour de France pendant quelques annees. notes and forms, and an appendix of select 2 v in 1. 240. Cologne, 1666. cases. 8~. London, 1843. Nouveaux Memoires, recueillis par M. BATEMAN, (Josiah.) Life of the Right Rev. Henault, et publids par M. Serieys. 8~. Daniel Wilson, D. D., late Lord Bishop of Paris, 1802. Calcutta. 2 v. 80. London, 1860. M6moires; Journal de ma Vie. 1597- BATEMAN, (Thomas.) Delineations of Cuta1640. 80. Paris, 1837. (Michaud. Coll. neous Diseases; exhibiting the characteristic Mem. Hist. France., v. 18.) appearances of the principal genera and speThe same. 3 v. 80. Paris, 1822-3. cies in the classification of Dr. Willan; and (Petitot, Coil. Mem. Hist. France, s6r. 2, completing the series of engravings begun v. 19-21.) by that author. 40. London, 1849. - Memoirs of the Embassy of the Mar- ~ Reports on the Diseases of London, and shal de Bassompierre to the Court of Eng- the State of the Weather, from 1804 to 1816. land, in 1626. Translated, with notes. 80. 80. London, 1819. London, 1819. BATES, (David.) Poems. 120. Philadelphia, BAST, (Amed6e de.) Nell Gwynne. 40. (Ill. 1853. Lit. of all Nations.) TheEolian. 120. Philadelphia, 1849. BASTIAT, (Frederic.) CEuvres Completes. BATES, (Mrs. D. B.) Incidents on Land and 6 v. 80. Paris, 1855. (V. I wanting.) Water; or, four years on the Pacific coast. Harmonies of Political Economy. 120. Boston, 1857. Translated from the French, with a notice BATES, (Ely.) RuralPhilosophy. 80. Lonof the-lite and writings of the author, by don, 1811. Patrick James Stirling. 0S. London, BATES, (George.) Elenchus, etc. See BATE. 1860. BATES, (Samuel P.) Address on Popular EdPopular Fallacies regarding General ucation. 80. Lancaster, (Pa.,) 1857. Interests. Translated, with notes, by G. R. BATES, (William, D. D.) Whole Works. ArPorter. 160. London, 1849. ranged and, revised, with a memoir of the ~- ~ What is Seen, and What is Not Seen; author, by W. Farmer. 4 v. 80. London, or, Political Economy in one lesson. Trans- 1815. 86 BATES. BAUHINUS. CONTENTS. ston to the Batturein front of the suburb St. Danger of Prosperity, v. 2. Mary, by M. Thierry, P. Derbigny, &c. Divite MeCritation, v. 3 o. French and English. 40. New-Orleans, Divinity of the Christian Religion, v. 1. Everlasting Rest of the Saints in Heaven, v. 3. 1807-8. Fear of God, v. 3. Four Last Things: Death, Judgment, Heaven, Hell, Memoirs and Opinions in relation to the v. 3. Right of the United States to this property, Great Duty of Resignation, v. 2. Harmony of the Divine Attributes, v. 1. and in defence of Edward Livingston's claims Memoir of Bsstes, by W. Farmer, v. 1. to the same; by Julien Poydras, Moreau de Sermons; with Dr. Bates' Funeral Sermon, v. 4. Sermons on the Forgiveness of Sins, v. 2. Lislet, M. Thierry, P. S. Duponceau, P. Spiritual Perfection unfolded and inforced, v. 2. Derbigny, Edward Livingston, Edward Sure Trial of Uprightness, v. 2. Derbigny, Edward Livingston, Edward Treatise on the Existence of God and Immortality Tilghman, and W. Lewis. French and Engof the Soul, v. 1. lish. 3 v. 120. Washington and NewBATES, (William, D. D.) Harmony of the Di- Orleans, 1808-9. vine Attributes, inthecontrivance andaccom- BATTY, (Espine.) Reports of Cases argued plishment of Man's Redemption by the Lord and determined in the Court of King's Bench Jesus Christ. 80. Wilmington, (Del.,) 1771. in Ireland from the commencement of MiBATES, (Rev. William.) College Lectures on chaelmas Term, 1825, to the end of MichaelEcclesiastical History. With completelists mas Term, 1826. 80. Dublin. 1828. of Cambridge, Dublin, and Durham Univer- BATTY, (Robert.) Campaign on the Left sity Examination Papers. 120. London, Wing of the Allied Army, in the Western 1844. Pyrenees and South of France, in the years BATES, (W. C.) The Stars and Stripes in 1813-14, under Field Marshal the Marquess Rebeldom. 160. Boston, 1862. of Wellington. 40. London, 1823. BATHGATE, (William.) Essays on the Char- BAUCHER, (F.) Method of Horsemanship, acteristics of a Superior Popular Literature. founded upon new principles. Translated 160. London, 1844. from the 9th Paris edition. 120. PhiladelBATITS and Wash-Houses for the Laboring phia, 1851. Classes. 40. London, 18524. BAUDEAU, (Nicolas.) Avis au Peuple sur son BATTARA, (J. A.) Fungorum Agri Arimi- premier besoin, de l'enliire et parfaite Libnensis Historia. 4~. Faventire, 1759. (With erte du Commerce des Bleds. 160. AmsterLinnmsus, Musa Cliffort.) dam, 1774. BATTEL, (Andrew.) Adventures in Angola. Explication du Tableau lEconomique. (Pinkerton's Voyages, v. 16.) 120. Paris, 1776. BATTEUX, (Charles.) Histoire des Causes Id6es dun Citoyen sur l'administration Premieres; ou exposition sommaire des pen- des Finances du Roi. 80. Amsterdam, 1763. sees des philosophes sur les principes des (Pol. Pans., v. 86.) 6tres. 2 v. 120. Paris, 1769. BAUDIER, (Michael.) History of the Court of BATTHENY, (M.) L'Archiviste Francois; ou the King of China. (Osborne's Coll. VoyMethode sure pour apprendre a arranger les ages, v. 2.) archives, et dechiffrer les anciennes ecritures. BAUDRIMONT, (A.,) etc. Dictionnaire de l'In2e ed. 40. Paris, 1775. dustrie, Manufacturiere, Commerciale et AgBATTLE-FIELDS of the South; from Bull Run ricole. 10 v. 80. Paris, 1833-41. to Fredericksburg. With sketches of Con- BAUDRY DES LOZIERES, (Louis Narcisse.) federate commanders, and gossip of the Voyage a la Louisiane, et sur le Continent camps. By an English combatant. 2 v. de l'Am6rique Septentrionale, fait dans les 120. London, 1863. annees 1794 a 1798. 80. Paris, 1802. BATTLE SONGS, Book of: a collection of the BAUER, (Francis.) Genera Filicum; or, Illuswar songs of various nations. By C. A. Fan- trations of the Ferns, and other allied genera. shawe. 80. London, 1858. With additions, and descriptive letter-press, BATTUR, (Georges Bonaventure.) Traite de by W.J. Hooker. Large 80. London, 1842. Droit Politique et de Diplomatic, applique a BAUHINUS, (Caspar.) Pinax Theatrum Bo1'etat actuel de la France et de l'Europe. 2 tanici, sive Index in Theophrasti, Dioscorv. 8~. Paris, 1822. idis, Plinii, et botanicorum qui A seculo BATTURE at New-Orleans. Memoirs and Ex- scripserunt opera. 40. Basilire, 1623. amination of the Claim of the United States, Prodromus Theatri Botanici. 40. Franand of the pretensions of Edward Living- cofurti ad Moenum, 1620. 87 BAUHINUS. BAYARD. BAUHINUS, (Joannes.) Historia Plantarum Divine Life, v. 13. Directions and Persuasions to a Sound Conversion, Universalis, nova, et absolutissima, cum con- v. 8. se-nsu et dissensu circa eas; quarm recesu*it Directions for Weak, Distempered Christians, v. 18. sensu et dissensu cia eas; qaDying Thollgts, v. 8. et auxit Joh. Hen. Cherlero et Dominicus Gildas Salvianus: the Reformed Pastor, v. 14. Chabrus Jris ver publici fecit Francis.- ~ God's Goodness Vindicated, v. 8. ChZabrus, Juris vero publici fecit Ftrancis. IiKnowleldge and Love Compared, v. 15. Lud. a Graffenried. 3 v. Folio. Ebroduni, Life of Baxter, by W. Orme, v. 1. Life of Faith, v. 12. 1650-51. Making Light of Christ and Salvation, v. 16. BAULDWIN, (William.) Treatise of Morrall Mischiefs of Self-Ignorance and Benefits of SelfAcquaintance, v. 16. Philosophie. 6th ed., by T. Palfieyman. Moral Prognostication, v. 15. ~180. London,- J ~1596.~ Mother's Catechism, v. 18. f18. London, 1596. Now or Never, v. 7. BAUME, (Antoine.) Chymie Experimentale et Obedient Patience, v. II. One Thing Necessary, v. 10. Raisonn6e. 3 v. 80. Paris, 1773. Poor Man's Family Book, v. 19. BAUMGARTEN, (Martin.) Travels in Egypt Preface to "Alleine's Alarm," v. 13. Reasons of the Cllristian Religion, v. 20-21. and Arabia. (Churchill's Voyages and Redemption of Time, v. 13. Travels, v. 1.) Reformed Liturgy, v. 15. iTlraveliSX, YV. 1~.) ~RightMlethod for Peace of Conscience and Spiritual BAUSSET, (Louis Fran9ois de, Cardinal.) His- Comfort, v. 9. Saints' Everlasting Rest, v. 22-23. toire de F6nelon, Archeveque de Cambrai. Saint or a Brute, v. 10. Composee sur les manuscrits originaux. 3e Sermons, v. 17-18. Treatise on Conversion, v. 7. 6d. 4 v. 8~. Versailles, 1817. Treatise on Self-Denial, v. 11. of Cambl. True Catholic and Catholic Church Described, v. 16. - Life of Fenelon, Archbishop of Cambrai. Unreasonableness of Infidelity, v. 20. Compiled from original manuscripts. Trans-e, to Turn and Call to the Unconverted, to Turn and lated from the French, by William Mudford. Live. 1. New-Yor, (n.d.) 2 v. 80. London, 1810. ~ Divine Life. 2 v. 12~. London, 1825. BAUTAIN, (Louis Eugene Marie.) Art of Ex- _ Justific. Sm l London tempore Speaking. Hints for the pulpit, the 1658. senate, and the bar. Translated from the Saints' Everlasting Rest; or, atreatise French. 2d ed. 160. London, 1859. on the blessed state of the Saints in Heaven. Morale de l'Evangile comparee aux 1~. Philadelphia, (n. d.) divers systdmes de morale. 80. Paris, 1855.he sae. Abidged by Benjamin BAVERSrOCK, (James.) Treatises on Brewing. Faweett. 16. New York, (n. d.) WVith notes and sketch of the author. 8 F With notes and sketch of the author. BAXTER, (William.) British Phmnogamous London, 1824. Botany; or, figures and descriptions of the BAXTER, (Andrew.) Inquiry into the Nature genera of British flowering plants. 6 v. 80. of the Human Soul; wherein the immate- 1834-43. riality of the soul is evinced from the prin- BAXTER, (illiam Edward.) America and the ciples of reason and philosophy. 3 v. 80. Ameicans. 16. London, 1855. Americans. 160. London, 1855. London, 17'45-50. - Tagus and the Tiber; or, notes of travel BAXTER, (John.) Library of Practical Agri- in Portugal, Spain, and taly, in 1850-51. culture; a work of reference to farming, o 120. London, 1852 breeding, grazing, dairy management, gard- BAY, (Elihu H.) Reports of Cases in the Supeening, and rural affairs, &c. 4th ed. 2 v. rior Courts of Law of South Carolina, since the 80. Lewes, (Eng.,) 1851. revolution. v. 80. New-York, 1809-11. BAXTER, (Richard.) Practical Works. With BAARD, (Ferdinand Maie) Voyage dans a life of the author, and a critical examina.'Interieur des 1tats-Unis, A Bath, Winchestion of his writings, by William Orme. 23 v. ter, dans la Vallee de Shenandoha, pendant 80. Oxford, 1830. 1'e6t de 1791. 12~. Paris, 1797. CONTENTS. - Voyage de Terracine a Naples. 16~. Cain and Abel Malignity, v. 10. Paris, 1803. Call to the Un convlted, v. 7. BAYARD, (James.) Brief Exposition of the Catechising of Families, v. 19. Catholic Unity, v. 16. Constitution of the United States. 120. Character of a sound, confirmed Christian, v. 8. Christian Ecclesiastics, v. 5. Philadelphia, 1833. Christian Econsomics, V. 4. BAYARD, (James A.) Address of Ajax to. Christian Ethics, v. 2-3. Christian Politics, v. 6. 80. (n. p.,) 1802. (Pol. Pam., v. 102.) Compassionate Counsel to Young Men, v. 15., ( n F s.) a. Confirmation and Restauration the means of Re-BAYARD, (Jean Francois.) Theatre. Prdformation, v. 14. cede d'une notice par M. Eugene Scribe. Crucifying of the World by the Cross of Christ, v. 9. Divine Appointment of the Lord's Day, v. 13. 12 v. 16~. Paris, 1855-58. 88 BAYARD. BAYLIE. BAYARD, (Lewis P.) Memorial. Edited by R6ponse du Nouveau Convertiau Refugie Franqois, v. 2. J. W. Brown. 120. New-York, 1841. Reponse pour Mr. Bayle a Mr. Le Clerc. V. 3. BAYARD, (PierreDuTerrail, Clhevlier.) His- Part2. tor d Ben. Ch e Systeme Abreg6 de Philosophie, v. 4. (Lat. et Fr.) toire du Bon Chevalier sans Peur et Sans Reproche. 2 v. 8~. Paris, 1786. (Coil. Critique Ge6nrale de l'Histoire du Caldes M6moires Relatifs a l'Hist. de France. vinisme de M. Maimbourg. 240. VilleV. 14-15.) franche, 1683. ~ The same. 80. Paris, 1837. (Michaud, Dictionnaire Historique et Critique. 3e Coll. Mem. Hist. France, v. 4.) edition, revue, corrigee, et augment6e, par The sae. 2 v. 8. Pais, 180.'auteur. 4 v. Folio. Amsterdam, 1720. (Petitot, Col. m. His. France, ser. I, v. Dictionary, Historical and Critical. 2d 15-16.) edition, carefully collated with the several BAYARDI, (Ottavio Antonio.) Prodromodelle editions of the original; in which many Antichitacl'Ercolano. 5v. Small 40. Napoli, passages are restored, and the whole greatly 1752. augmented, particularly with translation of BAYER, (Francisco Perez.) De Numis He- the quotations. To which is prefixed the Life broeo-Samaritanis. 40. Valentise, 1781. of the Author, revised, corrected, and en- Numorum Hebrmo-Samaritanorum Vin- larged, by Mr. Des Maizeaux. 5 v. Folio. dicie. 40. Valenti, 1790. London, 1734-38. BAYLDON, (J. S.) Treatise on the Valuation of General Dictionary, Historical and Property for Poor Rates. 80. London, 1828. Critical; in which a new and accurate transBAYLE, (Antoine Laurent Jesse;) and HOL- lation of that of the celebrated Mr. Bayle is LARD, (IHenri.) Muannal of General Anatomy; included; with reflections on those passages or, a concise description of the primitive of Mr. Bayle which see to favour sceptitissues and systems which compose the ci and the Manichee syste. By John organs in man. Translated from the French, Peter Bernard, Thomas Birch, John Lockby Henry Storer. 240. London, 189. man, 1and other hands. 10 v. Folio. London, BAYLE, (Gaspard Laurent.) Researches on 134-41. Pulmonary Phthisis. Translated from the ~ Pensees diverses, 6crites A un Docteur French, by W. Barrow. 80. Liverpool, de Sorbonne, a l'Occasion de la Comete qui 1815. parut au mois de Decembre, 1680. 5th ed. BAYLE, (Pierre.) CEuvres Diverses, contenant 4 v. 16. Rotterdam, 1721. tout ce que cet auteur a publie sur des ma- Philosophical Commentary on Luke xiv. ti6res de theologie, de philosophie, de cri- 23. 2 v. 16~. London, 1708. tique, d'histoire, et de litt6rature; except6 BAYLEE, (John T.) Statistics and Facts in son Dictionnaire Historique et Critique. 4 referenceto the Lord's Day. 160. London, v. in 5. Folio. La Haye, 1727-1731. 1852. BAYLEY, (F. W. N.) Four Years' Residence CONTENTS. in the West Indies in 1826-9. 3d ed. 8~. Avis an petit anteur des petits livrets sur son Phi- London, 1833. losophe D6grade, v. 2. Avis important aux Refugiez sur leur prochain re- BAYLEY, (John.) History and Antiquities of tour en France, v. 2. Cabale (la) Chimerique, v. 2. the Tower of London; with biographical Comnmentaire Philosophique sur ces paroles de anecdotes of royal and distinguished perIT' vangile,'et contr~ait-les d'en tre?," etc., v. 2. Critique de 1'Histoire du Calvinisme de MI. Matim- sons, deduced from records, state papers, bourg, v~. 2. and manuscripts. 40. London, 1821. Discours Historique sur la Vie de Gustave Adolphe,ip London, 121. Roi de Suede, v. 4. BAYLEY, (Sir John.) Summary of the Law Entretiens de Maxime et de Themiste: r6ponsesa MIM. Le Clere et Jaquelot, v. 4. of Bills of Exchange, Cash Bills, and PromFrance (La) toute Catholique sous le Regne de issory Notes. 80. London, 1822. Louis le Grand, v. 2. JanuaCoelorum Reserrata cunctis Religionibus a J. The same. 5th ed., with additions, by Le P. Jll ie, v. 2. Francis Bayley. 80. London, 1830. Lettres, v. 4. Nouvelles de la Republique des Lettres, v. 1. The same. 2d Am., from the 5th LonNouvelle Heresie dans la Morale, touchant la haine du prochain, prech6e par M. Jurieu, v. 2. don ed, with notes and references, by W. Opuscules de M. Bayle, v. 4. Phillips and S. E. Sewall. 80. Boston, 1836. Pensees Diverses a l'occasion d'uLn Comete, v. 3. Part 1. BAYLEY, (Rev. John.) Treatise on the ElePrefaces, etc., de M. Bayle, v. 4. ments of Algebra. 8. London, 1830 R6ponse aux Questions d'un Provincial, v. 3. Part 2. BAYLIE, (R.) See BAILLIE, (Robert.) 89 BAYLIES. BEARDSLEY. BAYLIES, (Francis.) Historical Memoir of the BEAGLE. Zoology of the Voyage of H. M. S. Colony of New-Plymouth, from 1620 to 1692. Beagle, 1832-36. Edited by C. Darwin. 5 v. 2 v. 80. Boston, 1830. 40. London, 1839-43. BAYLY, (Thomas Haynes.) Songs, Ballads, BEALE, (Lionel J.) Laws of Health, in relaand other Poems. With memoir. 2 v. 120. tion to Mind and Body. From an old practiLondon, 1844. tioner to a patient. 120. London, 1851. BAYNE, (Peter.) Essays in Biography and BEALE, (Thomas.) Natural History of the Criticism. 1st and 2d series. 2 v. 120. Bos- Sperm Whale; with a sketch of a South-Sea ton, 1860. whaling voyage. Post 80. London, 1839. The Christian Life, Social and Indi- BEAMES, (John ) Brief View of the Writ of vidual. 120. Boston, 1859. Ne Exeat Regno; with practical remarks BAYNES, (Thomns Spencer.) Essay on the upon it as an equitable process. With notes New Analytic of Logical Forms; being that of the recent English and American decisions, which gained the prize proposed by Sir Wil- by H. W. Warner. 80. New-York, 1821. liam Hamilton in 1846, for the best exposi- Elements of Pleas in Equity; with tion of the new doctrine propounded in his precedents of such pleas. 8~. London, 1818. lectures. 80. Edinburgh, 1850. General Orders of the Iigh Court of BAZANCOURT, (Cesar, Baron de.) Histoire de Chancery, from 1600 to the present period. la Sicile sous la Domination des Normands, de- 80. London, 1815. puis la Conquete de l'Ile jusqu' l']itablisse- Sketch of the Doctrine relative to CommentdelaMonarchie. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1846. mitments in Bankruptcy. 80. London, 1827. BAZANCOURT, (Victor Bonou, Baron de.) Le BEAMISH, (North Ludlow.) DiscoveryofAmerMexique Contemporaine. 120. Paris, 1862. ica by the Northmen in the Tenth Century; BAZINGHEN, (Francois Andre Abot de. ) Trait6 with notices of the early settlements of the Irish des Monnoies, et de lajurisdiction de la cour in the Western Hemisphere. 80. London, 1841. des monnoies, en forme de dictionnaire. 2 v. Cavalry. See BISMARK. 40. Paris, 1764. BEAMISH, (Richard.) Memoir of the Life of BAZLEY, (Thomas.) Cotton as an Element of Sir Marc Isambard Brunei, Civil Engineer. Industry, its confined supply, and its extend- 80. London, 1862. ing consumption by increasing and improv- BEAN, (Richard Lewis.) Anatomy, for the ing agencies. 160. London, 1852. use of Artists. 80. London, 1841. BAZOT, (E. F.) Manuel du Franc-Ma9on. 2d BEANS, (E. W.) Manual for Practical Surveyed. 180. Paris, 1812. ors, containing methods indispensably necesBEACIT, (Wooster.) American Practice Con- sary for actual field operations. 120. Philadensed; or, the family physician; being the delphia, 1854. scientific system of medicine on vegetable BEARD, (Charles.) PortRoyal; acontribution principles. 14th ed. 80. New-York, 1848. to the history of religion and literature in Family Physician and Home Guide for France. 2 v. 12C. London, 1861. the treatment of the diseases of men, women, BEARD, (John R.) Life of Toussaint L'Ouverand children, on reform principles. 80. ture, the Negro Patriot of Hayti. 120. LonCincinnati, 1859. don, 1853. -- Improved System of Midwifery; adapt- People's Dictionary of the Bible. 2 v. ed to the reformed practice of medicine. 40. 80. London, 1847-49. New York, 1854. Revised English Bible, the want of the - -Medical andBotanicalDictionary; giv- church and the demand of the age; coming a definition of the terms used in the va- prising a critical history of the authorized rious branches of medical sciences. 80. New- version and corrections of numerous misYork, 1848. translations. 120. London, 1857. Treatise on Anatomy, Physiology, and BEARDMORE, (Nathaniel.) Hydraulic Tables, Health. 80. New-York, 1847. and Tide Tables. 80. London, 1852. BEADLE, (Delos W.) American Lawyer, and BEARDSLEY, (Levi.) Reminiscences; personal BusinessMan's FormBook. 120. New-York, and other incidents; early settlement of Ot1851. sego County; notices and anecdotes of pubDer Amerikanische Sachwalter, oder lic men; judicial, legal, and legislative matRechtsformen-BuchfurDeutsche. 120. New- ters; field sports; dissertations and discusYork, 1852. sions. 80. New-York, 1852. 12 90 BEASLEY. BEAUMARCHAIS. BEASLEY, (Frederick.) Search of Truth in the ing essays on the cultivation of corn, hemp, Science of the Human Mind. 80. Philadel- tobacco, wheat, etc., and the best method phia, 1822. of renovating the soil. 120. New York, BEASLEY, (Henry.) Druggist's General Re- 1843. ceipt Book. 2d ed. 180. London, 1852. BEATTY, (Charles.) Journal of aTwoMonths' BEASLEY, (Mercer.) Reports of cases in the Tour, with a view of promoting religion Court of Chancery, and, on appeal, in the among the frontier inhabitants of PennsylCourt of Errors and Appeals of the State of vania, and of introducing Christianity among New Jersey, 1858 and 1859. V. 1. 80. Tren- the Indians to the westward of the Aleghton, 1860. (2 copies.) genymountains. 80. London, 1768. BEATON, (Patrick.) Creoles and Coolies; or, BEATTY, (Francis.) Reports of Cases in the Five Years in the Mauritius. 120. London, High Court of Chancery in Ireland, during 1859. the time of Lord Chancellor Hart; with a BEATSON, (Alexander.) Tracts relative to the few in the time of Lord Chancellor Manners, Island of St. Helena; written during a resi- 1814 to 1830. 80. Dublin, 1847. dence of five years. Illustrated with views, BEAUCHAMPS, (Alphonse de.) Life of Ali &c. 40. London, 1816. Pacha of Jannina, late Vizier of Epirus, BEATSON, (Robert.) Chronological Register surnamed Asian, or the Lion; including a of both houses of the British Parliament, compendious history of Modern Greece. 2d from the union, in 1708, to the third parlia- ed. 80. London, 1823. ment of the United Kingdom of Great Britain BEAUCHESNE, (Alcide Hyacinthe Du Bois de. ) and Ireland, in 1807. 3 v. 80. London, Louis XVII., his Life, his Suffering, his 1807. Death; the captivity of the royal family in - Political Index to the Histories of the temple. Translated and edited by W. Great Britain and Ireland; or, a complete Hazlitt. 2 v. 120. London, 1853. register of the hereditary honors, public The Bourbon Prince; the history of the offices, and persons in office, from the Royal Dauphin, Louis XVII. of France. earliest period to 1806. 3 v. 80. London, 160. New-York, 1853. 1806. BEAUCLERK, (George.) Journey to Morocco. BEATTIE, (James.) Elements of Moral Science. 80. London, 1828. 3d ed. 2 v. 80. Edinburgh, 1817. BEAUFOY, (Henry.) Speech to British Society -~ Essay on the Nature and Immutability for extending the Fisheries, &c. 80. Lonof Truth, in opposition to sophistry and don, 1788. (Pol. Pam, v. 29.) scepticism. 7th ed. 80. London, 1807. BEAUFOY, (Mark.) Nautical and Hydraulic - Essays; on poetry and music, as they Experiments; with numerous scientific misaffect the mind; on laughter, and ludicrous cellanies. V. 1. 40. London, 1834. composition; on the utility of classical BEAUJOUR, (Louis Felix, Baron de.) Tableau learning. 80. Edinburgh, 1778. du Commerce de la Grece, form6 d'apres une Minstrel and other Poems. 160. Chis- annee moyenne, depuis 1787, jusqu'en 1797. wick, 1822. (Brit. Poets, v. 78.) 2 v. in 1. 80. Paris, 1800. The same. 80. London, 1810. (Chal- Sketch of the United States of North mers' Eng. Poets, v. 18.) America, from 1800 to 1810; with statistical — ~- Poetical Works. With memoir, by Al- tables and a new map. Translated from the exander Dyce. 160. London, 1831. French, with notes, by William Walton. 80. ---- Theory of Language. Part I: of the London, 1814. origin and general nature of speech. Part BEAULIEU, (Augustin.) Memoires d'un VoyII: of universal grammar. 80. London, age aux Indes Orientales. (Thevenot, Rela1788. tions, v. 1.) BEATTIE, (William.) Castles and Abbeys of BEAUMARCHAIS, (Am6lie Eugenie Caron de.,) England, from the national records, early (wifeofAndre ToussaintDeLaRue.) Claim chronicles, and other standard authors. 1st on the United States. (Pol. Pam., v. 102.) and 2d series. 2 v. Small 4. Glasgow, 1842. Folded 40. Richmond, 1801. (V. 1 wanting ) BEAUMARCHAIS, (P. A. C. de.) (Euvres Com---- Journal of a Residence in Germany in plates. Prce6d6es d'une notice sur sa vie et 1823-26. 2v. 120. London, 1831. sesouvrages, parLaHarpe. 6v. 80. Paris, BEATTY, (Adam.) Southern Agriculture; be- 1826. 91 BEAUMARCHAIS. BEAUPLAN. CONTENTS. BEAUMONT, (George.) Law of Fire and Life Barbier (le) de Seville; comedie, v. 1. Insurance. 8~. London, 1833. Beaumarchais a Lecointre sou Dnonciateur, V. 5. BEAUMONT, (Gustave de.) Ireland, Social, Compte Rendu de l'Affaire des Anteurs Dramatiques, v. 6. Political, and Religious. Translated from Deux (les) Amis; drame, v 1. t r. it.. r Essai sur le Genre Dramatique S6rieux, v 1. the French. Edited by W. C. aylor. 2 v. Eugegdie; drame v. 1. 120. London, 1839. Lettres, v. 6. Mriage (le) de Figaro; com6die, v. 2. and TOCQUEVILLE, (Alexis De.) On Melanges, Vers et Chansons, v. 6. the Penitentiary System in the United States, M6moires, v. 3-5. Mere (la) Coupable; drame, v. 2. and its application in France. Translated Tarare; opera, v. 2. from the French, with notes, by Francis LieBEAUMARCHAIS, (P. A. C. de.) Theatre. Pr6 ber. 80. Philadelphia, 1833. c6d6 d'une notice sur sa vie et ses ouvrages, BEAUMONT, (J. F. Albanis.) Travels from par M. Auger. 120. Paris, 1851. France to Italy, through the Lepontine Alps. BEAUMONT, (Arthur J.) An American's De- Folio. London, 1806. fence of his Government, in an appeal to the Travels through the Maritime Alps, common sense of the nations of Europe. 80. from Italy to Lyons, across the Col de Tende, London, 1831. by the way of Nice, Provence, Languedoc, - De la Constitution Am6ricaine, et de &c. Folio. London, 1795. quelques calomnies dent elle a 6t6 l'objet de Travels through the Rhmetian Alps, in nosjours. 80. Paris, 1831. the year 1786, from Italy to Germany, through BEAUMONT, (Barber.) Essay on Provident or Tyrol. Folio. London, 1792. Parish Banks for the Security and Improve- BEAUMONT, (Jean Louis Moreau de.) Melent of Savings. 80. London, 1816. moires concernant les Impositions et Droits (Pamphleteer, v. 7.) en Europe. Avec des supplements, &c., par BEAUMONT, (Francis.) Poems. 80. London, Nicolas Louis Juste Poullin de Vieville. 5 1810. (Chalmers' Eng. Poets, v. 6.) v. 4 Paris, 1787-89. and FLETCHER, (John.) Comedies and BEAUMONT, (Sir John.) Poems. 80. London, Tragedies. Never printed before, and now 1810. (Chalmers' Eng. Poets, v. 6.) published by the authour's originall copies. BEAUMONT, (Joseph.) Law and Practice of Folio. London, 1647. Bills of Sale, and bills of sale of ships, under Works. With an introduction and ex- the recent statutes, with precedents, &c. planatory notes, by Henry Weber. 14 v. 80. 12. London, 1855. Edinburgh, 1812. BEAUMONT, (Joseph, D. D.) Psyche; or, CONTENTS. Love's Mystery, in xxiv cantos; displaying Beggars' Bush, v. 3. Mad Lover, v. 4. the intercourse betwixt Christ and the soul. Bonduca, v. 6. Maid of the Mill. v. 13. Bloody Brother, v. 7. Maid's Tragedy, v. 12. 2d ed. Folio. Cambridge, (Eng.,) 1702. Captain, The, v. 9. Masque, A, v. 14. BEAUMONT, (J. T. Barber.) Injustice and Chances, The, v. 7. Monsieur Thomas, v. 6. Coronation, The, v. 14. Nice Valour, v. 4. Remedy of the present system of PublicCoxcomb, The, v. 9. Night-Walker, v. 14. House Licensin. 8 London, 1817. Cupid's Revenge, v. 11. Noble Gentleman, v. 7. Licensing. Custom of the Country, Philaster, v. 10. (Pamphleteer, v. 9.) v. 2. Pilgrim, v. 5. Double Marriage, v. 8. Poems of Beaumont, v. - Criminal Jurisprudence, with a draft of Elder Brother, v. 12. 14. the Penal Code. 8. London, 1821-2. Fair Maid of the Sun, v. 9. Prophetess, The, v. 7. Faithful Friends, v. 1. Queen of Corinth, v. 10. (Pamphleteer, v. 18-19.) Faithful Shepherdess, v. 4. Rule a Wife and I-lave a BA OT iles T St etn r. False One, v. 5. Wife, v. 2. BEAUMONT, (Miles Thomas Stapleton, Lord.) Four Plays in One, v. 11. Scornful Lady, v. 2. Austria and Central Italy. 2d ed. 80. LonHonest Man's Fortune, v. Sea-Voyage, The, v. 7. 11. Spanish Curate, v. 3. don, 1849. Humorous Lieutenant, v. Thierry and Theodoret, BEAUMONT, (William.) Experiments and Ob3. v. 12. Island Princess, v. 6. Two Noble Kinsmen, v. servations on the Gastric Juice, and the Killg and No slKing, v. 12. 13. Kniglt of Malta, v. S. Valentinian, v. 4. Physiology of Digestion; with notes, by AnKnight of the Burning Widow, The, v. 14. drew Combe. 12. Edinburgh ]838. Pestle, v. 1. Wife for a Month, v. 8. Laws of Candy, v. 3. Wild-Goose Chase, v. 10. BEAUMONT-VASSY, (Ficonmte Edouard de.) Little French Lawyer, v. Wit at Several Weapons, Histoire de Mon Temps. Premiere s6rie, 5. v. 11. Lover's Progress, v. 13. Wit without Money, v 2. Regne de Louis-Philippe: seconde, RepubLove's Cure, v. 8. Woman-Hater, v. 10. la Pi r, ipLove's Pilgrimage, v. 13. Woman's Prize, v. 5. lique; 1830-1851. 4 v. 80. Paris, 185-58. Loyal Subject, v. 6. Women Pleased, v. 9. BEAUPLAN, (Guillaume le Vasseur de.) Descrip- Works. With an introduction,. by tion of Ukraine. (Churchill's Voyages and George Darley. 2 v. 8O. London, 1840. Travels, v. 1.) 92 BEAUPOIL. BECCARIA. BEAUPOIL DE Saint Aulaire. Lettre a M. de tive passages, selected for meditation, fiom Bergasse, sur l'Histoire de M. de Latude, the sacred writings. 160. London, 1856. et sur les ordres arbitraires. 80. Potsdam, BEAUTY'S COSTUME; a series of female figures 1787. (Pol. Pam., v. 14.) in the dresses of all times and nations; conBI'AUPRE. See BEAUTEMPS-BEAUPRfI. taining engravings by the first artists, with BEAURAIN, (Jean de.) Histoire des Quatre original descriptions, byLeitch Ritchie. 4~. Derniers Campagnes du Marechal de Tu. London, 1838. renne, en 1672-75. Folio. Avec atlas, folio. BEAUVAIS, (C. T., etc.) Victoires, Conquetes, Paris, 1782. Desastres, Revers et Guerres Civiles des BEAUREPAIRE, (Quesnay de.) Memoire, Frangais, de 1792 A 1815. Par une societ6 Statuts et Prospectus, concernant l'Acad6mie de militaires et de gens de lettres. 2 v. 8~. des Sciences et Beaux Arts des T:tats-Unis Paris, 1817-21. de l'Amdrique, 6tablieh Richemond, Capitale -- Monumens des Victoires et Conquetes de la Virginie. 8C. Paris, 1788. des Frangais. Recueil de tons les objets BEAUSOBIRE, (Isaac de.) Histoire de la Refor- d'arts, arcs de triomphe, colonnes, bas-reliefs, mation; ou origine et progrds du Luth6ran- routes, canaux, tableaux, statues, m6dailles, isme, daos l'empire et les etats de la Con- consacr6s i c6lbrer les Victoires des Franfession d'Augsbourg, depuis 1517, jusqu'en 9ais, de 1792 a 1815. Oblong folio. Paris, 1530. 4 v. 8". Berlin, 1785-6. 1822. - - Histoire Critique de Manichee et du BEAUVERNET, (M.) Mdmoires sur la RdvoluManicheisme. 2 v. 40. Amsterdam, 1734-39. tion de la Pologne. Trouv6s'a Berlin. 8~. -- Remarques Historiques, Critiques et Paris, 1806. Philologiques, sur le Nouveau Testament; BEAVAN, (Charles.) Ordines Cancellari;e; avec la vie de l'auteur. 2 v. in 1. 40. La being a selection of General Orders of the Haye, 1742. High Court of Chancery, fiom the year 1814 - - and L'ENFANT, (J.) Introduction to to the present time. 12~. London, 1842. the Reading of the Holy Scriptures, intended - Reports of cases in Chancery in the chiefly for young students. 80. Cambridge, Rolls Court, 1838-1862. 30 v. 80. London, 1785. (Watsn's Theol. Tracts, v. 3.) 1840-63. BEAUSSANT, (A.) Code Maritime; ou lois de BEAVER, (Philip.) African Memoranda; relala marine marchande, administratives, de tive to an attempt to establish a British commerce, civiles et penales, r6unies, coor- settlement on the island of Bulaina, on the douneesetexpliqu6es. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1840 western coast of Africa, in the year 1792. BEAUTEMPS-BEAUPRt, (C. F.) Introduction 40. London, 1805. to the Practice of Nautical Surveying, and BEAWES, (Wyndham.) Lex Mercatoria Redithe construction -of sea charts. Translated viva; or, the Merchant's Directory; being a from the French, by R. Copeland; with an complete guide to all men in business; conappendix of Dalrymple's Essay on Marine taining an account of our trading companies Surveying. 4~. Plates, 40. London, 1823. and colonies, with their establishments, and - Methodes pour la Levee et la Construe- an abstract of their charters; the duty of tion des Cartes et Plans Hydrographiques. consuls, and the laws subsisting about aliens, 40. Paris, 1811. naturalization, and denization. 2d ed. Folio. et DAuSSY,(Pierre.) Expos6 des Travaux London, 1761. relatifs a la Reconnaissance Hydrographique -- The same. 6th ed. Enlarged and imdes C6tes Occidentales de France; Precis des proved, by Joseph Chitty. 2 v. in 1. 40. operations g6od6siques qui ont servi de base London, 1813. aux cartes et planstdes trois premieres parties -- Civil, Commercial, Political, and Lite du Pilote Frangais. 40. Paris, 1829. rary History of Spain and Portugal. 2 v. in BEAUTEMPS-BEAUPRE, (C. J.) De la Portion 1. Folio. London, 1793. de Biens Disponible, et de la Reduction. 2 BECCARIA, (Cesare Bone Sana, M1archesa de.) v. 80. Paris, 1835-36. Opere. 2 v. 80. Milano, 1821-22. BEAUTIES of England and Wales; or, delinea- -- Dei Delitti e delle Pene. Con note, tions, topographical, historical, and descrip- comenti ed osservazioni di Filangieri, Montive, of each county. By J. Britton and tesquieu, Voltaire, Diderot, Mirabeau, Benothers. 18 v. in 25. 80. London, 1801-15. tham, ed altri insigni autori. 80. Parigi, BEAUTY of Holiness illustrated by 2,000 reflec- 1829. 93 BECCARIA. BECKET. BECCARTA, (Cesare Bone Sana, Marchesa de.) flowering and fern-like plants found in those Des Delits et des Peines. Nouvelle 6dition States. 2d ed. 120. New-York, 1856. avec une commentaire. Par F. Helie. 120. Gazetteer of the States of Illinois and Paris, 1856. Missouri. 80. Albany, 1823. - - Meditazioni sulla Economia Politica. -Mineralogy of New York. 40. Albany, 120. Genova, 1771. 1842. (New York Nat. History, part 3.) - Essay on Crimes and Punishments, BECK, (Theodoric Romeyn and John B.) Eletranslated from the Italian; with a commen- ments of Medical Jurisprudence. 5th ed. tary, attributed to Mons. de Voltaire, trans- 2 v. 80. Albany, 1835. lated from the Frellch. 80. London, 1785. ~ The same. 7th ed. 80. London, 1842. -- The same. 120. New York, 1S09. - The same. 10th ed. 2 v. 80. Albany, BECHARD, (Ferdinand.) La Commune, l'lEglise, 1850-51. et l'Vltat, dans leurs rapports avec les Classes ~ The same. 11th ed. With notes, by an Laborieuses. Premibre partie. Des Lois association of fiiends of Dr. Beck. Revised dePrevoyance. 120. Paris, 1849. byC. R. Gilman. 2v. 8~. Philadelpha, 1860. --- Droit Municipal dans l'Antiquit6. 80. BECK, (Wilhelmine von.) Personal Adventures Paris, 160. during the late War of Independence in --- Droit Municipal au Moyen Age. 2 v. Hungary. 2 v. 120. London, 1850. 80. Paris, 1861-62. BECKER, (Abraham.) Address before New BECIHER, (A. B.) The Landfall of Columbus York Conference Seminary, July 5th, 1852. on his first voyage to America. With a trans- 80. Albany, 1852. lation of Baron Bonnefoux's history of his BECKER, (A. C.) Consumption Treated previous life, and chart showing his track Homceopathically. From the German. 180. friom the landfall to Cuba, and an outline of New-York, 1847. his subsequent voyages. 80. London, 1856. - Dentition, according to some of the best - - The Storm Compass; or, seaman's and latest German authorities. 240. Newhurricane companion; containing a familiar York, 1848. explanation of the-hurricane theory. 2d ed. Diseases of the Eye, treated Homceo120. London, 1054. pathicaliy. From the German. 180. New- - Tables of Mast-head Angles, with their York, 1847. application to nautical surveying. 13. BECKER, (George J.) Ornamental PenmanLondon, 1854. ship; a series of analytical and finished BECHER, (John Thomas.) Antipauper System. alphabets. Oblong 80. Philadelphia, 1854. 80. London, 1828. (Pol. Pam., v. 39.) Treatise on the Theory and Practice BECIISTEIN, (Johann Mathias.) Chamber of Book-keeping by Double Entry. 80. Birds; their natural history, management, Philadelphia, 1851. habits, food, diseases, treatment, breeding, BECKER, (Karl Friedrich.) Grammar of the and the methods of catching them. Trans- German Language. 2d ed. Edited by lated from the last German edition. 16C. Bernhard Becker. 160. London, 1851. London, 1848. - Weltgeschichte. 6e ausgabe, von W. — The same. Translated from the German, Loebell; mit den Fortsetzungen von J. G. with considerable additions, &c., by H. G. Woltmann und K. A. Menzel. 14 v. 80. Adams. 120. London, 1853. Berlin, 1828-9. BECK, (Christian Daniel.) Index Graecitatis BECKER, (Wilhelm Adolph.) Charicles: illusEuripidese. Editio accuratior, cui nunc trations of the Private Life of the Ancient primum accedit prsecipuarum editionur, Greeks; with notes and excursuses. From quoad versuum notationem attinet, collatio. the German, by Frederick Metcalfe. 120. 80. Cantabrigite, 1829. London, 1854. BEcK, (John B.) Lectures on Materia Medica - Gallus; or, Roman Scenes of the Time and Therapeutics, delivered in the College of Augustus. Translated by Frederick Metof Physicians and Surgeons of the University calfe. 80. London, 1849. of the State of New-York. Prepared for the BECKET, (Andrew.) Concordance to Shakepress, by his friend, C.R. Gilman. 80. New- speare; in which the distinguished and York, 1851. parallel passages in the plays are methodiBECK, (Lewis C.) Botany of the United cally arranged; with three hundred notes and States North of Virginia; descriptions of the illustrations, entirely new. 80. London, 1787. 94 BECKET. BEDEL. BECKHT, (Andrew.) Dramatic and Prose Mis- BECQUEREL, (Antoine C6sar.) Traite de Physcellanies. Edited by WilliamBeattie. New ique consider6e dans ses rapports avec la edition. 2 v. 120. London, 1838. Chimie et les Sciences Naturelles. 2 v. 80. - Public Prosperity; a plan for raising Paris, 1842. and loaning to necessitous and industrious BEDA Venerabilis. Opera omnia. 8 v. in 4. persons six millions sterling. 80. London, Folio. Coloniae Agrippinre, 1688. 1813. (Pamphleteer, v. 2.) Complete Works, in the original Latin, BECKET, (Thomas A.) Life and Martyrdom. collated with the manuscripts, and various (Percy Soc'y Pub., v. 19.) printed editions; with a new translation of BECKFORD, (William.) Biographical Memoirs the historical works and a life, by J. A. Giles. of Extraordinary Painters. 2d ed. 160. 12 v. 8~. London, 1843-4. London, 1780. Opera Historica. Ad fidem codicum Italy; with sketches of Spain and manuscriptorum recensuit Josephus StevenPortugal. 2 v. 80. London, 1834. son. 2 v. 80. Londini, 1841. Memoirs of. 2 v. 120. London, 1859. - Ecclesiastical History of the English Recollections of an Excursion to the Nation, from the coming of Julius Cresar Monasteries of Alcoba9a and Batalha. 80. into this island, in the 16th year before the London, 1835. incarnation of Christ, till the year of our Vathek. 160. London, 1834. (Bent- Lord 731. Carefully revised and corrected ley's Stand Novels, p. 41.) from the translation of Mr. Stevens, by J. A. -- Vathek. (In French.) 80. Londres, Giles. 8~. London, 1840. 1815. - Historical Works. 80. London, 1853. BECKFORD, (W., Jr.) Descriptive Account of (Church Historians of Eng., v. 1, pt. II.) the Island of Jamaica; with remarks upon BEDARRIDE, (J.) Droit Commercial. Comthe cultivation of the sugar-cane, and reflec- mentaire du Code de Commerce. Livre II. tions upon the consequences of an abolition du Commerce Maritime. 5 v. 80. Aix, 1859. of the slave-trade, and emancipation. 2 v. ~ Des Achats et Ventes. 80. Aix, 1862. 80. London, 1790. Des Bourses de Commerce, Agents de ~ S- Situation of Negroes in Jamaica. 80. Change et Courtiers. 80. Aix, 1862. London, 1788. (Slavery Pam., v. 3.) Des Commer9ants. Des Livres de BECKHAUS, (M. J. H.) On the Tropical Lan- Commerce. 80. Aix, 1854. guage of the New Testament. 160. Edin- De la Lettre de Change, des Billets a burgh, 1833. (Biblical Cabinet, v. 14.) Ordre, et de la Prescription. 2 v. 80. Aix, BECKLEY, (Hosea.) History of Vermont; 1861. with descriptions,physical and topographical. Des Societes; suivi d'un Commentaire 120. Battleboro', 1846. des lois des 17-23 Juillet, 1856, sur l'ArbiBECKMANN, (Johann.) History of Inventions trage force et les Soci6tes en Commandite and Discoveries. Translated from the German, par Actions. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1857. by William Johnson. 3d ed. 4 v. 8o. ~ Traite des Faillites et Banqueroutes, ou London, 1817. Commentaire de la loi du 28 Mai, 1838. BECKWITI, (George C.) Book of Peace; a Quatrieme edition, revue et mise an courant collection of essays on war and peace. 120. de la doctrine et de la jurisprudence. 3 v. Boston, 1845. 8. Aix, 1862. - Peace Manual; or, war and its remedies Trait6 du Dol et de la Fraude en matiere 180. Boston, 1847. civile et commerciale. 3 v. 80. Paris, 1852. BfCOT, (J.) De l'Organisation de la Justice BADARRIDE, (Marc.) De l'Ordre Ma9onnique Repressive aux principales epoques histo- de Misraim, depuis sa creation jusqu'A nos riques. 80. Paris, 1860. jours; de son antiquit6, de ses luttes, et de BECOURT, (A. de.) Art de Fabriquer toutes sor- ses progres. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1845. tes d'Ouvrages en Papier. 160. Paris, 1828. BEDE. See BEDA. ---- Art de Construire en Cartonnage toutes BEDE, (Cuthbert.) (Pseudonym.) See BRADsortes d'ouvrages d'utilit6 et d'agr6ment. LEY, (Edward.) 3e ed., revue parL. D. A. 160. Paris, 1834. BEDEL, (G.,) and COLLINS, (T.) Scrinia BECQUEREL, (Antoine Cdsar.) Elements Sacra: Secrets of Empire, in Letters of d'Electro-Chimie appliqu6e aux Science Illustrious Persons. A supplement of the Naturelles et aux Arts. 8~. Paris, 1843. Cabala. Small 40. London, 1654. 95 BEDFORD. B1GAT. BEDFORD, (Francis, Duke of.) Speech in BEECHEtR, (Lyman.) Works. 3 v. 12~. House of Lords on Negotiation for Peace. Boston, 1852-3. 8~. London, 1798. (Pol. Pam., v. 33.) CONTENTS. BEDFORD, (Gunning S.) Clinical Lectures on Intemperance, Lectures on, v. 1. Lectures on Political Atheism, &c., v. 1. the Diseases of Women and Children. 8~. Remarks on the Princeton Review, v. 3. New-York, 1855.'Sermons on various occasions, v. 2. Trial for Heresy before Presbytery, v. 3. BEDFORD, (John, Fourth Duke of.) Corre- Views of Theology: in three sermons, v. 3. spondence; selected from the originals at - Views of Theology, as developed in Woburn Abbey. With an introduction, by three sermons, and on his trials before the Lord John Russell. 3 v. 8~. London, presbytery and synod of Cincinnati, June, 1842-46. 1835; with remarks on the Princeton ReBEDINGER, (Daniel.) Letter to Robert Smith, view. 12~. Boston, 1853. Secretary of Navy. 12~. Norfolk, (Va.,) BEECHEY, (Frederic William.) Narrative of a 1808. (Pol. Pam., v. 105.) Voyage to the Pacific and Behring's Strait, to BEE; or, Literary Weekly Intelligencer. Edited co-operate with the polar expeditions, perby James Anderson. 18 v. 120. Edin- formed in H. M. S. Blossom, in the years burgh, 1791-93. 1825-28. 4~. London, 1831. BEE, (Jonathan.) See HINDS, (John.) Zoology of the Voyage in H. M. S. BEE, (Thomas.) Reports of Cases in the Dis- Blossom. By J. Richardson, etc. 40. Lontrict Court of South Carolina. With appen- don, 1839. dix, containing decisions in the Admiralty Voyage of Discovery towards the North Court of Pennsylvania, by Francis Hopkin- Pole, performed in H. M. S. Dorothea and son; and cases determined in other districts Trent, under the command of Captain David of the United States, 1792 to 1805. 80. Buchan, R. N., in the year 1818. 80. LonPhiladelphia, 1810. (3 copies.) don, 1843. BEECIIER, (Catharine Esther.) Common Sense - and Henry William. Proceedings of the applied to Religion; or, the Bible and the Expedition to explore the northern coast of people. 120. New-York, 1857. Africa, from Tripoly eastward, in 1821-2; com-.... Letters to the People on Health and prehending an account of the Greater Syrtis Happiness. 180. New-York, 1855. Cyrenacia, and of the ancient cities composing BEECHER, (Charles.) The Incarnation; or, the Pentapolis. 40. London, 1828. pictures of the virgin and her son. With in- BEECKIMAN, (Daniel.) Voyage to Borneo, 1714. troductory essay, by Mrs. H. B. Stowe. 160. (Pinkerton's Voyages, v. 11.) New-York, 1849. BEEDEL, (Edwin.) British Tariff, for 1846-62. BEEChIER, (Edward.) Baptism, with reference 10 v. 160. London, 1846-62. to its import and modes. 120. New-York, BEESTON, (William.) Hieronymian Hebrew; 1849. or, a grammar of the sacred language on the Conflict of Ages; or, the great debate system disclosed by the writings of Saint on the moral relations of God and man. 3d Jerome. 8~. London, 1843. ed. 120. Boston, 1853. On the Etymology and Prophetic CharConcord of Ages; or, the individual acter of the Proper Names found in the Old and organic harmonyof God and man. 12~. Testament; being a key to the Masoretic New York, 1860. punctuation of the Hebrew Scriptures. 80. Narrative of Riots at Alton, in connec- London, 1843 tion with the death of Rev. Elijah P. Love- BEETHOVEN. Life of Beethoven, including his joy. 160. Alton, (Ill.,) 1838. Correspondence with his Friends. Edited by BEECHER, (Henry Ward.) Address on Mental IgnaceMoscheles. 2v. 12~. London, 1841. Culture for Women. 120. New York, 1859..Songs of Beethoven; with the original Eyes and Ears. 120. London, 1862. text. Edited and adapted to English words, Life Thoughts, gathered from extem- by William Hills. Folio. London, (n. d.) poraneous discourses. 120. Boston, 1858. B:EGAT, (Pierre.) Expose des Operations GeoStar Papers; or, experiences of art and desiques relatives aux Travaux Hydrographnature. 12~. New York, 1855. iques executes sur les C6tes Septentrionales ~ New Star Papers; or, views and expe- de France par les ingenieurs hydrographes de riences of religious subjects. 120. New la marine, sous la direction de M. BeautempsYork, 1859. Beaupr6. 40. Paris, 1839. 96 BEGBIE. BELGIUM. BEGBIE,(M.) Partnership "EnCommandite;" Todos los Autos Accordados de la Real or, Partnership with Limited Liabilities, (ac- Audiencia y Sala del Crimen de esta Nueva cording to the commercial practice of the Espana, y Providencias de sn Superior Gocontinent of Europe, and the United States of bierno. 2 v. Folio. Mexico, 1787. America,) for the employment of capital, the BELFAST, (George Hamilton Chichester, Earl circulation of wages, and the revival of our of.) Two Generations; or, birth, parentage, home and colonial trade. 8~. London, 1848. and education; a novel. 2 v. 12~. London, BEGIN, (ilmile Auguste.) Histoire de Napo- 1851. leon, de sa Famille et de son Epoque, au BELFAST POLITICS; or, a collection of the depoint de vue de l'Influence des Idees Napo- bates, resolutions, and other proceedings of leoniennes sur le Monde. 5 v. 8~. Paris, that town, in the years 1792-93; with stric1853-4. tures on the test of certain of the societies of BEHEMOTH. A legend of the Mound-Builders. United Irishmen. Also, Thoughts on the 120. New York, 1839. British Constitution. 120. Belfast, 1794. BEKE, (Charles T.) Origines Biblicee; or, Re- BELGIOJOSO, (Christine Trivulzio, Princesse searches in Primeval History. 80. London, de.) Oriental Harems and Scenery. 120. 1834. New York, 1862. Who discovered the Sources of the - - Scnes de la Vie Turque. 160. Paris, Nile? 80. London, 1863. 1858. BELANEY, (Robert.) Massacre at Carmes in BELGIUM. Bulletin de la Commission Centrale 1792, when an archbishop, two bishops, and de Statistique. 40. Bruxelles, 1843. about two hundred priests suffered martyr- -- Catalogue Systematique de la Bibliodom for the faith. 80. London, 1855. theque de la Chambre des Representants. 80. BELANGER, (Jean Baptiste.) Rdsume de Le- Bruxelles, 1844.:ons de Gdom6trie Analytique et de Calcul -- Compte Rendu de l'Exposition des ProInfinitesimal. 80. Paris, 1842. duits de l'Industrie, en 1835, par MM. Faure, BELCHER, (Sir Edward.) Last of the Arctic Gressin-Dumoulin, et Valerius. 80. BruxVoyages; a narrative of the expedition in H. elles, 1836. M. S. Assistance, under command of Captain -- Documents Parlementaires de Belgique, Sir E. Belcher, in search of Sir John Frank- sessions 1846-7 et 1847-8. 11 v. 40. Bruxlin, during the years 1852-54; with notes on elles, 1847-8. the natural history, by Sir John Richardson, -- Documents Statistique de la Belgique. Professor Owen, Thomas Bell, J. W. Salter, 2 v. 40. Bruxelles, 1836-41. and Lovell Reeve. 2 v. 80. London, 1855. -- Enqute sur l'Industrie Liniere. 2 v..~- Narrative of a Voyage Round the 40. Bruxelles, 1841. World, performed in H. M. S. Sulphur, dur- -- tat de'Instruction Primaire en Beling the years 1836-42, including details of gique, 1830-40. Budget des Recettes et the naval operations in China, in 1840-41. Depenses du Royaume de Belgique, pour 2 v. 80. London, 1843. l'Exercice, 1841. Commission des Materiaux ~- Narrative of the voyage of H. M. S. Indigenes-Ardoises. Statistique des TriSamarang during the years 1843-46, em- bunaux de la Belgique, pendant les ann6es ployed surveying the islands of the Eastern 1826-30, par A. Quetelet et Ed. Smits. Archipelago; accompanied by a vocabulary Arretes et Reglements concernant le Peniof the principal languages. With notes on tencier des Femmes A Namur. 5 v. in 1. 40. the natural history of the islands, by Arthur Bruxelles, 1833-42. Adams. 2 v. 80. London, 1848. - La Meuse. Navigation de la Belgique BELCHER, (Joseph.) Historical Sketches of vers Paris. 2 v. in 1. 40. Bruxelles, 1840. Hymns, their writers, and their influence. - Lois Communale et Provinciale. 120. Philadelphia, 1859. (D'apres le Bulletin Officiel.) 120. Brux-- Religious Denominations in the United elles, 1837. States; their history, doctrine, government, Manuel renfermant la constitution de and statistics. 80. Philadelphia, 1854. la Belgique, les rbglements de la Chambre BELDAM, (Joseph.) Recollections of Scenes des Reprdsentants et du Senat, les lois electoand Institutions in Italy and the East. 2 v. rale, provinciale et communale, etc. Imprime 120. London, 1851. pour l'usage des membres de la Chambre des BELENA, (E. B.) Recopilacion Sumaria de Representants. 120. Bruxelles, 1848. 97 BELGIUM. BELL. BELGIUM. Rapports sur les Canaux, les Che- writings. Collected and arranged by his mins de Fer, et les Routes de la Belgique. grand-daughter. 180. New-York, 1847. 3 v. in 2. 4~. Bruxelles, 1837-42. BELL, (Alexander.) Stammering, and other -Rapports sur les Mines de Belgique, Impediments of Speech; the meaus to effect 1839-42. 40. Bruxelles, 1839-42. a complete and permanent removal of all - Rapports et Documents de l'Exposition obstructions. 16~. London, 1836. de l'Industrie Belge en 1841. 8~. Bruxelles, BELL, (Alexander Melville.) New Elucidation 1842. of the Principles of Speech and Elocution. -- RegRlement pour la conservation du Ca- 8~. Edinburgh, 1849. dastre du Royaume de la Belgique. Folio. BELL, (Andrew.) Analysis of the Experiment Bruxelles, 1835. of Education made at Egmore, near Madras. - Reglement du Senat de Belgique. 2e 3d ed. 8~. London, 1807. (With Lancas6d. 180. Bruxelles, 1839. ter's Education.) -- Releve du Commerce de la Belgique, BELL, (Andrew.) Historical Sketches of Feu1840. Folio. Bruxelles, 1841. dalism, British and Continental; with nu- Renseignments sur les March6s Etran- merous notices of the doings of the feugeres. 40. Bruxelles, 1841. dairy in all ages and countries. 120. Lon- Statistique Territoriale de la Belgique. don, 1852. Folio. Bruxelles, 1839. BELL, (A. W.) State Register; comprising - Tableau G6neral du Commerce de la an historical and statistical account of LouBelgique. 7 v. Folio. Bruxelles, 1836-42. isiana, from its earliest settlement as a terriBELGIUM, the Rhine, Italy, Greece, and the tory down to its present period as a State; Shores and Islands of the Mediterranean, with a list of all State and parish officers. illustrated in a series of engravings, by 80. Baton Rouge, (La.,) 1855. Thomas Allom, and others; with historical, BELL, (Sir Charles.) Anatomy and Philosoclassical, and picturesque descriptions, by phy of Expression as connected with the G. N. Wright, and L. F. A. Buckingham. Fine Arts. 4th ed. Royal 80. London, 2 v. 40. London, 1848-9. 1847. BELIDOR, (Bernard Forest de.) Architecture Anatomy and Physiology of the Human Hydraulique; ou l'art de conduire, d'elever, Body. 3 v. 80. London, 1829. et de m6nager les eaux pour les differents ~ Anatomy of the Brain explained in a besoins de la vie. 4 v. 40. Paris, 1737. series of Engravings. 40. London, 1802. Bombardier Fran9ois, ou nouvelle m6- Dissertation on Gun-shot Wounds. 80. thode dejetter les bombes avec pr6cision. 40. London, 1814. Paris, 1731. Series of Engravings explaining the --- La Science des Ingenieurs, dans la con- Course of the Nerves. 40. Philadelphia, duite des travaux de Fortification et d'Arch- 1818. itecture Civile. 40. Paris, 1813. The Hand, its Mechanism and Vital BELISLE, (D. W.) History of Independence Endowments asevincing Design. 80. LonHall; from the earliest period to the present don, 1834. (Bridgewater Treatises, v. 5.) time. 120. Philadelphia, 1859. See BELL, (John and Charles.) BELTSLE, (Orvilla S.) The Arch Bishop; or, BELL, (Evans.) The English in India. LetRomanism in the United States. 4th ed. ters from Nagpore, written in 1857-8. 120. 12~. Philadelphia, 1855. London, 1859. BELKNAP, (Jeremy.) American Biography. BELL, (George.) Digest of Cases determined 2 v. 80. Boston, 1794-98. in the Superior Court of Judicature of The Foresters; an American tale, being New-Hampshire, and reported in Newa sequel to the History of John Bull, the Hampshire Reports, 13, 14, 15, 29, and Clothier. 180. Boston, 1792. Foster's Reports, 1-11. 80. Concord, 1858. History of New-Hampshire. 3 v. 80. (2 copies) Philadelphia, 1784. BELL, (George Joseph.) Commentaries on the The same; with notes, &c., by John Laws of Scotland, and on the Principles of Farmer. V. 1. 80. Dover, (N. H.,) 1831. Mercantile Jurisprudence. 5th ed. 2 v. Life of Jeremy Belknap, D. D., the 40. Edinburgh, 1826. Historian of New-Hampshire; with selec- The same. 6th ed., by Patrick Shaw. tions from his correspondence, and other 2 v. 40. Edinburgh, 1858. 13 98 BELL. BELL. BELL, (George Joseph) Illustrations from BELL, (John, M. D.) Mineral and Thermal Adjudged Cases of the Principles of the Law Springs of the United States and Canada. of Scotland. 3 v. 80. Edinburgh, 1838. 120. Philadelphia, 1855. Principles of the Law of Scotland. 3d - Report on the Importance and Economy ed. 80. Edinburgh, 1833. of Sanitary Measures to Cities. 80. New BELL, (G. M.) Country Banks and the Cur- York, 1860. rency; an examination of the evidence on BELL, (John, Surgeon, of London.) Engravbanks of issue, given before a select com- ings of the Bones, Muscles, and Joints. mittee of the House of Commons, in 1841. First American from the second London 160. London, 1842. edition. 2 v. 40. Philadelphia, 1816. Currency Question; an examination of BELL, (John and Charles.) Anatomy of the the evidence on banks of issue, given before Human Body. 3d ed. 4 v. 80. London, a select committee of the House of Commons, 1802-4. in 1840. 160. London, 1841. BELL, (Robert, LL. D.) Cases decided in the Philosophy of Joint Stock' Banking. Court of Session from November, 1790, to 80. London, 1840. July, 1792. 80. Edinburgh, 1794. - The same. 2d ed. 80. London, 1855. Cases decided in the Court of Session BELL, (Henry G.) Life of Mary Queen of during Summer Session, 1794, Winter SesScots. 2 v. 180. New York, 1841. (Har- sion, 1794-'5, and Summer Session, 1795. pers Fam. Library, v. 24-5.) Folio. Edinburgh, 1796. BELL, (Henry Nugent.) Huntingdon Peer- System of the Forms of Deeds used age; comprising a detailed account of the in Scotland.- 3d ed., enlarged and improved. evidence and proceedings connected with 7 v. 80. Edinburgh, 1811-14. the recent restoration of the earldom; to- BELL, (Robert, Bookseller.) Address to every gether with the report of the Attorney Gen- Free Man on Tyrannical Embargo laid upon eral; with a genealogical and biographical the Free Sale of Books by Auction. 80. historyof the illustrious house of Hastings. Philadelphia, 1784. (Pol. Pam., v. 95.) 2d ed., with additions. 40. London, 1821. BELL, (Robert.) Ancient Poems, Ballads, and BELL, (James.) System of Geography, popu- Songs of the Peasantry of England; taken lar and scientific; or, a physical, political, down from oral recitation, and transcribed and statistical account of the world and its from private manuscripts, rare broadsides, various divisions. 6 v. 80. London, 1834. and scarce publications. 160. London, 1857. BELL, (James Stanislaus.) Journal of a Resi- History of Russia to 1807. 2 v. 160. dence in Circassia, during the years 1837, London, 1836-8. (Lardner's Cabinet Cyc., 1838, and 1839. 2 v. 80. London, 1840. v. 1-3.) BELL, (John, of Antermony.) Travels from -- Lives of English Poets. 2 v. 160. St. Petersburg, in Russia, to divers parts of London, 1839. (Lardner's Cabinet CycloAsia. 2 v. 40. Glasgow, 1763. pedia, v. 4-5.) -'- The same. (Pinkerton's Voyages, -- Life of the Rt. Hon. George Canning. v. 7.) 120. London, 1846. BELL, (John.) British Theatre. 120. 22 v. Songs from the Dramatists. 160. Lon180. London, 1791-2. (V. 3 wanting.) don, 1854. BELL, (John, Bookseller.) Classical Arrange- - Wayside Pictures through France, Belment of Fugitive Poetry. 16 v. in 8. 160. gium, and Holland. 80. London, 1849. London, 1789-94. BELL, (Samuel.) On the Report of Justices of ~ — New Pantheon; or, historical dictionary the SuperiorCourtonthe Question of Granting of the gods, demi-gods, heroes, and fabulous New Trials. 80. Concord, (N. I.,) 1819. personages of antiquity; also, of the images BELL, (Sydney Smith,) Cases in the House of and idols adored in the pagan world, &c. Lords, on Appeal from the Courts of Scotland, 2 v. in 1. 40. London, 1790. 1842 to 1850. 7 v. in 4. 80. Edinburgh, BELL, (John, Esq.) History of the First Revo- 1843-52. lution in France, 1787 to 1802. b~. London, Colonial Administration of Great Bri1831. tain. 80. London, 1859. BELL, (John, Surgeon, of Edinburgh.) Obser.- - Dictionary of the Decisions of the Court vations on Italy. 2d ed., corrected and of Session from November, 1808, to Novemenlarged. 2 v. 80. Naples, 1835. her, 1833. 2 v. 40. Edinburgh, 1841-42. 99 BELL. BELLIEVRE. BELL, (Sydney Smith.) Law of Property as jus temporis hereticos. Variorum operum arising from the Relation of Husband and ad fidei controversias spectantium collectio: Wife.' 8. London, 1849. adjiciuntur etiam vindicime viti Erbermanni. BELL, (Thomas.) Crown Cases reserved for Explanatio in Psalmos. De scriptoribus ecConsideration and Decided by the Judges of clesiasticis liber unus. 7 v. Folio. Venetiis, England; with a selection of cases and notes 1721-28. of cases relating to indictable offences argued BELLAY, (Guillaume et Martin Du.) Meand determined in the Court of Queen's moires, mis en un nouveau style. Auxquels Bench and Courts of Error, from Michaelmas on a joint les Memoires du Marechal de Term, 1858, to Michaelmas Term, 1860. 8~. Fleuranges, et le Journal de Louise de SaLondon, 1861. voye; le tout accompagne de notes critiques BELL, (Thomas, F. R. S.) History of British et historiques, et de pidees justificatives pour Reptiles. 2d ed. 8~. London, 1849. servir a l'Histoire du REgne de Francois — History of the British Stalk-Eyed Crus- Premier, par M. l'Abbe Lambert. 7 v. 120. tacea. 80. London, 1853. Paris, 1753. BEIL, (William.) Dictionary and Digest of Memoires Historiques, 1515-1547. 5v. the Laws of Scotland; with short explana- 80. Paris,1786. (Coil. des MemoiresRelatifsa tions of the most ordinary English law terms. l'Hist. de France, v. 17 —21.) 80. Edinburgh, 1838. -- The same. 80. Paris, 1838. (Michaud, - The same. Revised and corrected, Coll. Mdm. Hist. France, v. 5.) with numerous additions, by George Ross. - The same. 3 v. 80. Paris, 1821. 8. Edinburgh, 1861. (Petitot, Coll. Mem. Hist. France, sdr. I., BELL, (William E.) Carpentry Made Easy; v. 17-19.) or, the science and art of framing, on a new BELLEGARDE, (I'Abbe J. B. M. de.) Histoire and improved system; comprising, also, a Univetselle des Voyages faits par Mer et par system of bridge building; with estimates of Terre, dans l'Ancien et dans le Nouveau cost, &c. 80. Philadelphia, 1858. Monde. Pourelaircirle geographieancienne BELLE SCOTT; or, liberty overthrown; a tale et moderne. 240. Amsterdam, 1708. for the crisis. 120. Cincinnati, 1856. Reflexions upon Ridicule; or, what it is BELL'S Weekly Messenger, 1836 to 1862. 26 v. that makes a man ridiculous, and the means Folio. London, 1836-62. to avoid it. 3d ed. 2 v. 160. London, 1717. BELLAMY, (George Anne.) Apology for the BELLENDEN, (William.) De Statu libri tres. Life of. Written by herself. 2d ed. 5 v. Editio 2a, long6 emendatior, cum proefatione 120. London, 1785.'Samuelis Parr. 80. Londini, 1787. BELLAMY, (John.) The Anti-Deist. Part II. BELLENGER, (William A.) Dictionary of 80. (n. p.,) 1819. (Pol. Pain., v. 62.) Idioms, French and English. 2d ed., by T. BELLAMY, (Joseph.) Works. 3v. 8C. New Haigh. 80. London, 1826. York, 1811. - Modern French Conversation; containCONTENTS. ing elementary phrases, and new easy diaBlow at the Root of Refined Antinomianism, v. 3. logues in French and English, on the most Early Piety c Recommended, v. 3. familiar subjects, &c. 21st ed. 120. LonElection Sermon, 1762, v. 1. Essay on the Glory of the Gospel, v. 2. don, 1852. F'iuneral Sermon, by N. Benedict, v. 1. Great Evil of Sin, v. 3. -One Hundred Choice Fables, imitated Half-way Covenant; a dialogue, v. 3. from La Fontaine, for the use of all persons Law our School-master, v. 3. Millennium, The, v. 1. beginning to learn the French language; Reply to lMather's "Visible Church in Covenant with a dictionary of the words and idiomatic with God," &c., v. 3. There is but One Covenant, &c., v. 3. phrases. 160. London, 1852. Theron, Paulinus, and Aspasio; or, Letters and Dialogues, v. 2. BELLEIRS, (Fettiplace.) Delineation of UniTreatise on Divinity of Christ, v. 1. versalLaw. 40. London, 1754. True Religion Delineated, v. 1. Wisdomn of God in the Permission of Sin; with BELLEWE, (Richard.) Ans du Roy Richard vindication of same, v. 2. II., hors de les Abridgments de Statham, BELLANGER, (Stanislas.) Trois Ans de Prom- Fitzherbert et Brooke. 160. London, 1585. enades en Europe et en Asie. 2 v. 80. BELLIEVRE, (Pomponne de,) et BRULART DE Paris, 1842. SILLERY, (Nicolas.) Mdmoires, contenant BELLARMINUS, (Robertus.) Disputationes de un Journal concernant la Negociation de la Controversiis Christianse Fidei adversus hn- Paix traitee'a Vervins l'an 1598, entre Henri 100 BELLI]VRE. BEN-EZRA. IV. Roi de France et de Navarre, Philippes Revolution, 1688, to the conclusion of the II. Roi d'Espagne, et Charles Emanuel, Treaty of Amiens, 1802. 12 v. 8~. London,'Due de Savoye. 2 v. 180. La Haye, 1696. 1805. BELLIEVRE, (Pomponne de,) et BRULART DE ~ Memoirs of the Reign of George III., SILLERY, (Nicolas.) The same. 2v. 18C. from the Treaty of Amiens, A. D. 1802, to Paris, 1700. the termination of the Regency, 1820. 2 v. BELLIN, (Jacques Nicolas.) Description Geo- 8~. London, 1824. graphique de la Guiane. Avec des re- -- Memoirs of the Kings of Great Britain marques pour la navigation, et des cartes, of the House of Brunswic-Lunenburg. 3d plans, et figures. 40. Paris, 1763. ed. 2 v. 80. London, 1800. L'Hydrographie Francoise; recueil des BELT, (Robert.) Supplement to the Reports cartes g6nerales et particulieres qui ont 6te in Chancery of Francis Vesey, Sr., during faites pour le service des vaisseaux du Roy, the time of Lord Chancellor Hardwicke. 2d par ordre des ministres de la marine, depuis ed.,with considerable additions. 80. Lon1737 jusqu'en 1765. 2 v. Folio. Paris, don, 1825. 1737-65. - The same. 1st American, from the last - Le Neptune Francois. Folio. Paris, London edition. 80. Philadelphia, 1831. 1753. BELTRAMI, (J. C.) Pilgrimage in Europe and BELLONIUS, (Petrus.) See BELON, (P.) America, leading to the discovery of the BELLOT, (Ernest.) La Question Am6ricaine; sources of the Mississippi and Bloody River. suivie d'un appendice sur le coton, le tabac, 2 v. 80.- London, 1828. et le commerce g6enral des anciens Etats- Defence of his "Discovery of the Unis. 4e 6d. 80. Paris, 1861.. Sources of Mississippi." 80. New York, BELLOT, (Joseph Rene.) Memoirs; with his 1825. (Misc. Pam., v. 18.) Journal of a Voyage in the Polar Seas, in Le Mexique. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1830. search of Sir John Franklin. 2 v. 120. BELTZ, (George Frederick.) Memorialsof the London, 1855. Garter, from its foundation to the present BELLOT, (P. F.) Expose des Motifs de la Loi time; with biographical notices of the sur la Procddure Civile pour le Canton de knights in the reigns of Edward III. and Gendve. l partie. 80. Geneve, 1821. Richard II. 80. London, 1841. BELLOWS, (Henry W.) Religious Liberty: BELZONI, (Giovanni Battista.) Narrative of asermon. 80. Washington, 1852. the Operations and recent Discoveries within BELOE, (William.) Anecdotes of Literature and the pyramids, temples, tombs, and excavaScarce Books. 6v. 80. London, 1807-12. tions, in Egypt and Nubia; and of a journey --- Sexagenarian; or, the Recollections of to the coast of the Red Sea, in search of the a Literary Life. 2d ed. 2 v. 80. L dodon, ancient Berenice; and another to the Oasis of 1818. JupiterAmmon. 3d ed. 2 v. 80; plates, BELON, (Pierre.) De Admirabili Operum folio. London, 1822. Antiquorum, etc. (Gronovius, Thesaurus BEMENT, (C. N.) American Poulterer's Corn Grec. Antiq., v. 8.) panion; a practical treatise on the breeding, Observationes Plurimarum singularium rearing, fattening, and general management et memorabilium Rerum in Grmecia, Asia, of the various species of domestic poultry. Aegypto, Iudea, Arabia, ab ipso conspec- Square 8~. New-York, 1856. tarum. Folio. 1605. (With CLusius,Exotici.) The Rabbit Fancier; a treatise upon BELSHAM, (Thomas.) Vindication of his new the breeding, rearing, feeding, and general Translation and Exposition of Epistles of management of rabbits; with remarks upon Paul from strictures of Quarterly Review. their diseases, and remedies. 120. New80. London, 1824. (Pol. Pam., v. 68.) York, 1857. BELSHAM, (W. J.) Chronology of the Reigns BEMENT, (R. B.) Kingdom of Brass; or, the of George III. and IV.; with a general history of the world from the birth of Alexchronology from the earliest records. 320. ander the Great to the birth of Christ. 120. London, 1828 Cincinnati, 1856. BELSHAM, (William.) Essays; philosophical BEN-EZRA, (Juan J.) Coming of the Messiah and moral, historical and literary. 2 v. 80. in glory and majesty. Translated from the London, 1799. Spanish, with a preliminary discourse, by History of Great Britain, from the Edward Irving. 2 v. 80. London, 1827. 101 BENAVENTE. BENJAMIN. BENAVENTE Y BENAVIDIES, (Christoval de.) BENETT, (John.) National Interests considAdvertencias para Reyes, Principes, y Eni- ered: or, relative importance of agriculture baxadores. Small 4~. Madrid, 1643. and foreign trade. 2d ed. 80. London, BENDER, (Johann Heinrich.) Grundsatze des 1827. (Pol. Pam-, v. 38.) Deutschen Wechselrechts; mit steter bertick- BENEZET, (Anthony.) Caution to Great Britsichtigung der gesetzgebung und wissen- ain and her Colonies, in a short representaschaftdes auslandes. 2 v. 16~. Darmstadt, tion of the calamitous state of the enslaved 1828. negroes in the British dominions. New Grundsiitze des Engeren Handlungs- ed. 8~. London, 1784. Rechts, ohne riicksicht auf das wechselrecht. The same. (Slavery Pam., v. 4.) 160. Darmstadt, 1824. The same. (Slavery Pam., v. 14.) BENDLOE, (Gulielme.) Reports des divers Some Historical Account of Guinea; Resolutions et Judgments donne par les with an inquiry into the rise and progress of Reverendes Judges de la ley, en le temps the slave trade. Also, an extract from. a del raigne de Hen. VIII., Edw. VI., Phil. representation of the injustice of slavery, by et Mar., Eliz., Jac. I., et Car. I. Folio. G. Sharp. 80. Philadelphia, 1772. London, 1661. BENGAL and Agra Annual Guide and Gazetteer, Reports des divers Pleadings et Cases for 1841.' 3ded. 2v. 80. Calcutta, 1841. en le Court del Common Bank, en le several BENGER, (Elizabeth Ogilvy.) Memoirs of the roignes de Hen. VII., Hen. VIII., Edw. VI., Life of Anne Boleyn, Queen of Henry VIII. et le roignes Mary et Elizabeth. Folio. 2d ed. 2 v. 120. London, 1821. London, 1689. The same. From the 3d London ediBENECI, (Raymond Osmin.) M6langes de tion; with a Memoir of the Author, by Miss Droit et d'Histoire. Publi6s sous les aus- Aikin. 120. Philadelphia, 1850. pices do l'Acad6mie de Legislation, et pr6- - Memoirs of Elizabeth Stuart, Queen of cedes d'une notice sur la vie et les travaux Bohemia, daughter of King James the First; de l'auteur. 80. Paris, 1857. including Sketches of the State of Society in BENECKE, (William.) Treatise on the Princi- Holland and Germany, in the 17th Century. pies of Indemnity in Marine Insurance, Bot- 2 v. 120. London, 1825. tomry and Respondentia, and on their prac- -- Memoirs of Mary, Queen of Scots. 2 v. tical application in effecting those contracts, 12~. London, 1823. and in the adjustment of all claims arising The same. With Anecdotes of the out of them. 80. London, 1824. Court of Henry II. 2 v. 120. Philadelphia, BENEDICT, (David.) Fifty Years among the 1851. Baptists. 120. New-York, 1860. BENJAMIN, (Asher.) Architect; or, Practical General History of the Baptist Denom- House Carpenter. Illustrated by sixty-four ination in America, and other parts of the engravings, which exhibit the orders of archiworld. 2 v. 8~. Boston, 1813. tecture, and other elements of the art. 40. BENEDICT, (Erastus C.) American Admiralty; Boston, 1851. its jurisdiction and practice; with practical Practice of Architecture; containing forms and directions. 80. New-York, 1850. the five orders of architecture, and an addi(2 copies.) tional column and entablature, with all their - A Run through Europe. 120. New elements and details explained and illustraYork, 1860. ted. 7th ed. 40. Boston, 1851. BENEDICT, (Joel T.) Elements of Algebra. BENJAMIN, (J. J., 2nd.) Eight years in Asia Part 1. 120. New-York, 1857. and Africa; from 1846 to 1855. With preBENEDIX, (Roderich.) Gesammelte Drama- face by Dr. Berthold Seemann; with a map tische Werke. 8 v. in 4. 160. Leipzig, and corresponding notes from Benjamin of 1846-54. Tudela, R. Petachia, Pedro Teixeira, and BENESKI, (Charles de.) Narrative of theLast Ritter's Erdkunde. (In English, German, Moments of the Life of Don Augustin de French, and Hebrew.) 80. Hanover, 1859. Iturbide. Translated from the Spanish. 80. BENJAMIN, (J. P.;) and SLIDELI., (T.) Digest New York, 1825. of the Decisions of the Superior Court of the BENET, (S. V.) Treatise on Military Law late Territory of Orleans, and of the Supreme and the Practice of Courts-Martial. 80. Court of Louisiana. 80. Philadelphia, 1840. New York, 1862. (2 copies.) (2 copies.) 102 BENJAMIN. BENNETT. BENJAMIN DE TUDELA, (Rabbi.) Voyages en whales, the whale fishery, and the natural Europe, en Asie et en Afrique, depuis 1'Es- history of the climates visited. 2 v. 8~. pagnejusqu'h la Chine. Traduits de l'H6- London, 1840. breu, et enrichies de notes et de dissertations BENNETT, (George.) Gatherings of a Naturalhistoriques et critiques sur ces voyages, par ist in Australasia; being observations prinJ. P. Baratier. 2 v. 24~. Amsterdam, 1734. cipally on the animal and vegetable producTravels from Spain to China, 1160-73. tions of New South Wales, New Zealand, (Pinkerton's Voyages, v. 7.) and some of the Austral Islands. 8~. LonBENNER, (Enos.) Lebensbeschreibungen simm- don, 1860. tlicher Unterzeichner der Unabhaingigkeits Wanderings in New South Wales, BaErklitrung der Vereinigten Staaten von Nord- tavia, Pedir Coast, Singapore, and China; Amerika. 12~. Sumnytown, (Penn.,)1858. being the journal of a naturalist in those BENNETT, (C. W.) Digest of the Laws and countries during 1832,1833, and 1834. 2 v. Resolutions of Congress relative to Pensions, 80. London, 1834. Bounty Lands, Pay of the Army, Mileage, BENNET, (James Henry.) Practical Treatise Horses, or other property lost or destroyed in on Inflammation, Ulceration, and Induration the military service, expenses of Volunteer of the Neck of the Uterus. 120. London, Force, Patents, &c.; with the opinions of 1845. the attorneys general, and decisions of the Practical Treatise on Inflammation of secretaries of war and interior, and of the the Uterus, its cervix and appendages, and accounting officers of the treasury, with forms on its connexion with uterine disease. 3d of application. 8~. Washington, 1854. (2 ed. 80. London, 1853. copies.) Review of the Present State of Uterine BENNETT, (D.K.) Chronology of North Car- Pathology. 80. London, 1856. olina, showing when the most remarkable BENNETT, (John.) Arcanum; comprising a events connected with her history took place, concise theory of Geometry. 80. London, from the year 1584 to the present time; with 1838. explanatory notes. 120. New-York, 1858. Artificers' Complete Lexicon, for Terms BENNETT, (Edmund H.;) and HEARD, (Frank- and Prices. Adapted for gentlemen, engilin F.) Massachusetts Digest; being a di- neers, architects, &c. 80. London, 1833. gest of the decisions of the Supreme Judi- - Millwrights' and Engineers' Pocket Dicial Court of Massachusetts, from the year rector. 160. London, 1838. 1804 to the year 1857. 2 v. 80. Boston, - Original Geometrical Illustrations; or, 1862-63. (3 copies.) the book of lines, squares, circles, triangles, - Selection of Leading Cases in Criminal polygons, &c. 40. London, 1837. Law: with notes. 2 v. 80. Boston, 1856- BENNETT, (John C.) History of the Saints; 57. (2 copies.) or, an expose of Joe Smith and Mormonism. BENNETT, (Emerson.) Artist's Bride; or, the 120. Boston, 1842. pawnbroker's heir. 120. New-York, 1856. BENNETT, (John Hughes.) Treatise on the Bride of the Wilderness. 120. Phil- Oleum Jecoris Aselli, or, Cod Liver Oil, as a adelphia, 1854. therapeutic agent in certain forms of Gout, Clara Moreland or, adventures in the Rheumatism, and Scrofula; with cases. 80. far south-west. 120. Philadelphia, 1853. London, 1841. Ella Barnwell; an historical romance BENNETT, (John Whitchurch.) Ceylon and of border life. 80. Cincinnati, 1854. its Capabilities; an account of the natural Ellen Norbury; or, the adventures of resources, indigenous productions, and coman orphan. 120. Philadelphia, 1855. mercial facilities; to which are added, details - Forest Rose; a tale of the frontier. of its statistics, pilotage, and sailing direcNew edition. 80. Cincinnati, 1852. tions. 40. London, 1843. Heiress of Bellefont. 80. Philadel- Selection from the most remarkable phia, 1855. and interesting Fishes found on the Coast of BENNETT, (Frederick Debell.) Narrative of a Ceylon. 40. London, 1830. Whaling Voyage Round the Globe, from the BENNETT, (S.) New Explanation of the Ebbyear 1833 to 1836; comprising sketches of ing and Flowing of the Sea, upon the Polynesia, California, the Indian Archipel- Principles of Gravitation. 80. New-York, ago, &c.; with an account of southern 1816. 103 BENNET. BENTHAM. BENNET, (W. H.) Dissertation on the nature. the superintendence of his executor, John of the various Proceedings in the Master's Bowring. 11 v. 8~. Edinburgh, 1843. Office in the Court of Chancery. 80. Lon- CONT'ENrS. don, 1834. Anarchical Fallacies, v. 2. Bentham's DrauLght for JudicialEstablishments, v. 4. ----- Practical Treatise on the Appointment, Bt fJdicalEstalishmets, v. 4. Book of Fallacies, v. 2. Office, and Duties of a Receiver, under the Brougham, Lord, displayed, v. 5. Chrestomatha; design of an institution for instrucHigh Court of Chancery. 8~. London, tion, v. 8. 1849. Circulating Annuities, v. 3. Codification and Public Instruction, v. 4. BENNISON, (W.) Cause of the present Money Codification Proposal, v. 4. 7' ~ ^ ~ i', i ll 1 Commentary on Htumphrey's Real Property Code, Crisis explained, in answer to the pamphlet Co t phy al Poperty Code, v. 5. of J. H. Palmer, and a remedy pointed out. Constitutional Code, v. 9. Correspondence of Bentham, v. 10-11. 80. London, 1837. Defense of Usury, v. 3. BE BIBLIOGRAPHIE de la France, ou journal gene'- Conducted by B. B. Edwards, E. A. Park, ral de l'imprimerie et de la librairie, et de. V. 1 An r ad, c. V. 1-16. 80. Andover andNew-York cartes g6ographiques, gravures, lithogra- 1844-59 phies, et ceuvres de musique, 1835-1861. 34BBLT UE de Campagne; o amusemens,, tJ..~~ BTBLIOTHmtQUEde Campagne; ou amusemens v. 8~. Paris,:1835-61. de l'esprit et du cceur. 12 v. 120. BruxBIBLIOTECA de Autores Espanoles, desde la elles, 1785. formacion del lenguaje basta nuestros dias. B LIT itie t Militae. P v. 1-52. 8~. Madclrid 1831-58. V. 1-M, 1. Liskenne et Sauvan. 7 v. 80. Avec Atlas, CONTENTS. oblong 40. Paris, 1851-53. Alfonso (el Sabio.) Conquista de Ultramar, v. 37. BIBLIOTHlEQUEImperiale. Catalogue del'HisAlarcon y Mendoza, Juan Ruiz de. Comedias, v. 2;. Calderon de la Barca, Pedro. Comedias, v. i-i tore de France. Publie par ordre de l'EmCastellanos, Elegias, v. 35. pereur V. 1-3. Folio. Paris, 1855-56. Cervantes. Obrai, v. 46. Curiosidades Bibliograficas, v. 33. BIBLIOTIhEQUE Physico-lEconoique, instrucDramaticos Contemporaneos a Lope de Vega, (2 v.,) tive, et amusante, and6es 1784-1790. 12 v. v. 12-13. Dramaticos posteriores a Lope de Vega, v. 14-15. 160. Paris, 1785-90. Epistolario Espahlol. Coleccion de eartas de Esp - nolesilustres antiquosy modernos, (v..,) v. 50. BBBLIOTHEQUE (Nouvelle) Universelle des Escritores en prosa anteriores al Siglo XV, v. 31. Romans; dans laquelle on donne lanalyse Escritores del Siglo XVI, v. 44-45. Fajardo de Saavedra. Obras, v. 30. raisonnee des romans anciens et modernes Granada, Luis de. Obras, v. 16-18. Historiadores Primitivos de Indias, v. 51-52. flanCais, OU traduit dans notle langue, avec Historiadores de Sucesos Particulares, v. 42-43. anecdetes et des notices historiques et 123 BICHAT. BIGELOW. critiques, concernant les auteurs ou leurs BIDDLE, (Nicholas.) Address before the Alumouvrages, &c.; par MM. Mabille, Noel, ni of College of New Jersey. 80. Princeton, Mme. Be Genlis, Deschamp%, Desfontaines, (N. J.,) 1835. Fi6vee, Keratry, Legouve, Mollin, Vigee, BIDDLE, (Richard.) Memoir of Sebastian &c. 111 v. in 55. 160. Paris, 1799-1805. Cabot; with a Review of the History of BICHAT, (Xavier.) General Anatomy applied Maritime Discovery, illustrated by docuto physiology and medicine. Translated ments from the rolls, now first published. from the French, by G. Hayward. 3 v. 8~. London, 1831. 80. Boston, 1822. BIDEN, (Christopher.) Naval Discipline; subPhysiological Researches on Life and ordination contrasted with insubordination. Death. Translated from the French, by F. 80. London, 1830. Gold. 80. London, 1815. BIDLACK, (B. Alden.) Address on the PatriotBICKERSTETH, (Edward.) Works. 16 v. in ism and Military Services of the first Settlers 8. 16~. London, 1852. of Wyoming. 80. Washington, (D. C.,) CONTENTS. 1842. (Misc. Pam., v. 19.) Baptism, Treatise on, v. 10. BIDLAKE, (John.) Sermons on the Truth of Chief Concerns of Man, v. 7. Divine Revelation. 80. Oxford, 1811. Christian Hearer, v. 4. Christian Student, v. 5-6. (Bampton Lectures for 1811.) ChristiWan Tuth, v. 9.1 BIE, (Jacobus de.) Imperatorum Romanorum Divine WTarning to the Church, v. 14. Family Expositions of Scripture, v. 16. a Julio Coesare ad Heraclium usque NumisFamilv Prayers, v. 12. Jews, Re:toration of, v. 11. mata Aurea. 40. Antwerpite, 1615. Lord's Supper, Treatise on, v. 3. BIEC, (Juan Maria;) y GARAVANTES, (J. V.) Prayer, Treatise on, v. 2. Promised Glory of the Church, v. 13. Suplemento al Diccionario Razonado de Prophecies, Practical Guide to, v. L8egislacion y Jurisprudencia de Don JoaSigns of the Times in the East, v. 15. Scripture Help, v. 1. quin Escriche. 40. Madrid y Santiago, Appeal to the Gentile Churches in be- 1851. half of the Jews, 80. Philadelphia, 1840. BIEDERMANN. Trait6 d'Utrecht R6clam6 par (Literalist, v. 2.) la France; ou coup-d'ceil sur le systeme Practical Guide to the Prophecies. 80. maritime de Napoleon Bonaparte. 80. LeipPhiladelphia, 1841. (Literalist, v. 4.) sic, 1814. Second Coming, the Judgment, and the BIELFIELD, (Baron Jacques Frederic de.) Kingdom of Christ; being lectures delivered Instituciones Politicas: obra en que se trata during Lent, 1843, by twelve clergymen of de los reynos de Portugal, y Espana. Trathe church of England. 2d ed. 160. Lon- ducida al Castellano, por Val. de Foronda. don, 1844. Small 40. Burd6os, 1781. ~- Treatise on Baptism. 120. London, 1840. - Instituciones Politicas: obra en que se BICKHAM, (George.) Universal Penman. 2 trata de la sociedad civil; de las leyes, de la v. Folio. London, 1741. policia; de la real hacienda; del comercio, BICKHAM, (W. D.) Rosecrans' Campaign y fuerzas de un estado. Traducida al Caswith the Fourteenth Army Corps, or the tellano, por D. de la Torre y Mollinedo. Army of the Cumberland; with official 4 v. 80. Madrid, 1767-81. reports of the battle of Stone River. 120. BIET, (Antoine.) Voyage de la France IEquiCincinnati,; 1863. noxiale en I'Isle de Cayenne, en l'ann6e 1652. BICKLEY, (George W. L.) Adalaska; or, the 40. Paris, 1664. strange and mysterious family of the cave of BIGARURES (Les) d'un Citoyen de Genbve, et Genreva. 80. Cincinnati, 1853. ses Conseils Republicains dedies aux Am6ri~- History of the Settlement and Indian cains; avec quantite d'anecdotes amusantes Wars of Tazewell County, Virginia. 80. interessautes et autres pour servira terminer Cincinnati, 1852. l'histoire des J6suites. 2 v. 160. "PhilaBIDDLE, (G. W.;) and MCMURTRIE, (R. C.) delphie, (London) aux depens du CongresGeneral Index to the English Common Law G6neral en Amerique," 1776-77. Reports, v. I to 83, inclusive. 2d ed. 2 v. BIGELOW, (Erastus B.) The Tariff Question; 8~. Philadelphia, 1857. (2 copies ) considered in regard to the policy of England BIl)DLE, (John B.) Review ofMateria Medica, and the interests of the United States; with for the use of students. 16~. Philadelphia, statistical and comparative tables. 4~. 1852. Boston, 1862, 124 BIGELOW. BILTON. BIGELOW, (Jacob.) Florula Bostoniensis. de France, depuis le 18 Brumaire, (NovemA Collection of Plants of Boston and its bre 1799,)jusqu't le Deuxidelme Restauration. vicinity 3d ed., enlarged, and containing Redigee et terminee par A. Ernout. 14 v. glossary of botanical terms. 12~. Boston, 8. Paris, 1829-50. 1840. BIGSBY, (John J.) Shoe and Canoe; or, picBIGELOW, (John.) Jamaica in 1850; or, the tures of travel in the Canadas; illustrative of effects of sixteen years' freedom on a slave their scenery and of colonial life. 2 v. 12~. colony. 12~. New York, 1851. London, 1850. BIGELOW, (John P.) Abstract of Massachu- BIGSBY, (Robert.) Miscellaneous Poems and setts SchoolReturns for 1836. Oblong folio. Essays. 80. London, 1842. Boston, 1837. -- Visions of the Times of Old; or, the... Statistical Tables of the products of antiquarian enthusiast. 3 v. 8~. London, certain branches of Industry in Massachu- 1848. setts, for the year ending April 1, 1837. 80. BILLARD, (Charles Michel.) Treatise on the Boston, 1838. Diseases of Infants; with notes, by Dr. OlliBIGELOW, (J. R.) American's Own Book; vier, of Angers. From the French, with or, the Constitutions of the several States of appendix, by James Stewart. 80. Newthe Union. Embellished with the seals of York, 1839. the different States. 2d ed. 80. New- BILLARD, (Pierre.) Le Chrdtien Philosophe. York, 1848. Small 40. (MS.) BIGELOW, (Lewis.) Digest of the Reported BILLARD DE VEAUX, (Alexandre.) Memoires; Cases in the Supreme Judicial Court of ou Biographie des Personnes Marquantes de Massachusetts. 80. Cambridge, 1818. la Chouannerie et de la Vendee, pour servir The same. 80. Boston, 1825. ia l'Histoire de France et detourner les HabiDigest of Pickering's Reports; being a tans de l'ouest de toute tentative d'Insurrecsupplement to the digest of the previous tion. 3 v. 80. Paris, 1832. volumes of the Massachusetts Reports. 80. BILLING, (Archibald.) Practical Observations Boston, 1830. (2 copies.) on Diseases of the Lungs and Heart. 80. BIGG, (Henry Heather.) Localized Move- London, 1852. ments; or, muscular exercises, combined BILLING, (S.;) and PRINCE, (A.) Law and with mechanical appliances, for the treat- Practice of Patents and Registration of Dcment of spinal curvature and other deform- signs; with the pleadings, and all the ities. 120. London, 1859. necessary forms. 8". London, 1845. (2 BIGG, (James.) Standing Orders of the Lords copies.) and Commons relative to Private Bills, as BILLINGHURST, (George.) Judges Resoluamended in July, 1856. With a Table of tions upon the several Statutes concerning Fees charged at the House of Commons. Bankrupts. 120. London, 1676. 120. London, 1856. BILLINGS, (Robert William.) Baronial and BIGGS, (James.) History of Don Francisco Ecclesiastical Antiquities of Scotland. 4 v. de Miranda's Attempt to effect a Revolution 40. Edinburgh, 1845-52. in South America. By a gentleman who BILLINGTON, (John.) Architectural Director; was an officer under that general. 12~. being a guide to builders, draughtsmen, Boston, 1808. students, workmen, in the study, design, and BIGLAND, (John.) History of England, from execution of architecture. 2d ed. 80. the earliest period to the close of the year London, 1834. 1812. 2 v. 80. Boston, 1814. BILLROTIR, (Gustav.) Commentary on the -- History of Spain, from the earliest Epistles of Paul to the Corinthians. Transperiod to the close of the year 1809. 2 v. lated by W. L. Alexander. 2 v. 160. 80. London, 1810. Edinburgh, 1837-8. (Biblical Cabinet, v. Sketch of the History of Europe, from 26-27.) the Peace of 1783 to the present time. 2 v. BILTON, (Samuel F.) Law and Practice of the 80. London, 1810. Sheriff's Court of the City of London, as BIGLER, (William.) Address at the New constituted for the recovery of debts and White Department of House of Refuge. 80. damages under the London (City) Saiall Philadelphia, 1854. Debts Extension Act, [June 17, 1852.] 120. BIGNON, (Louis Pierre Edouard.) Histoire London, 1861. 125 BINDLEY. BINNS. BINDLEY, (Charles.) "Harry Hieover." Things BINGHIAM, (Peregrine.) The same. 2d AmerWorth Knowing about Horses. 160. Lon- ican, from the last London edition; with don, 1859. notes and references to English and American The HuntingField. ByHarryHieover. cases, by E. H. Bennett. 8~. Burlington, 180. London, 1850. (Vt.,) 1849. Treatise on the Proper Condition for Law and Practice of Judgments and all Horses. 2d ed. 160. London, 1852. Executions. 8~. London, 1815. BINGHAM, (Anson;) and COLVIN, (Andrew J.) BINGLEY, (William.) Biography of Celebrated Treatise on Rents, Real and Personal Cove- Roman Characters. 120. London, 1824. nants and Conditions. 80. Albany, (N. Y.,) Musical Biography; or, memoirs of the 1857. lives and writings of the most eminent muBINGHAM, (Caleb.) The Columbian Orator; sical composers and writers who have flourselected pieces, with rules for the art of elo- ished in the different countries of Europe quence. 160. Troy, (N. Y.,) 1803. during the last three centuries. 2d ed. 2 v. BINGHAM, (Hiram.) Residence of Twenty-one in ]. 80. London, 1834. Years in the Sandwich Islands; or, the civil, BINGLEY, (William.) North Wales; its scenereligious, and political history of those ry, antiquities, customs, natural history. 2 v. islands. 2ded. 80. Hartford, (Conn.,) 1848. 80. London, 1804. BINGHAM, (Joseph.) Works. 2 v. Folio. BINNEY, (Amos.) Documents relative to the London, 1726. investigation, by order of the Secretary of CONTENTS. the Navy, of the official conduct of Amos Discourse concerning the Mercy of God to Penitent Binney, upon the charges made by Lieut. Sinners, v.'2. Dissertation on the Eighth Nicene Canon, v. 2. Joel Abbot, and others. 80. Boston, 1822. Fieeach Church's Apology for the Church of Eng- BINNEY, (Amos.) Terrestrial Air-Breathing land, v. 2. Origines Ecclesiastice; or, Antiquities of the Mollusks of the United States, and the adjaChlristian Church, v. 1-2.. Scholastical History of Lay-Baptism, v. 2. cent Territories of North America, described an d illustrated. Edited by Augustus A. Origines Ecclesiastice; or, the Antiqui- A ustus A. ties of the Christian Church, and other works; ould. Wiplates. 3v. Boston 1857. with the quotations at length, in the original BINNEY, (C. J. F.) History and Genealogy of languages, and a biographical account of the the Prentice or Prentiss Family, in New author. 9 v. 80. London 1843-45. England, from 1631 to 1852. 80. Boston, 1852. CONTENTS. Di s o t eCONTENTSf v. BINEY, (Horace.) Inquiry into the Formation Discourse on the Mercy of God, v. 8. S Dissertation on the Eighth Nicene Canon, v. 8. of Washington's Farewell Address. 8~. French Church's Apology ior the Church of Eng- Philadelphia, 1859. land, v. 9. Life of Binghamn, by R. Bingham, v. 9. -- Privilege of the Wlit of Habeas CorOrigines Ecclesiastice; or, Antiquities of the Christian Church, v. 1-7. pus under the Constitution. 2 parts. 80. Scholastical History of Lay-Baptism, v. 8. Philadelphia, 1862. (Habeas Corpus PamSermons and Letters to Lord Bishop of Winchester, concerning Absolution, v. 8. phlets.) Sermons, Prefaces, v. 9. __ Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court BINGHAM, (J. Elliott.) Narrative of the Expe- of Pennsylvania, 1799 to 1814. 6 v. 80. dition to China, from the commencement of Philadelphia, 1809-23. (2 copies.) the war. 2 v. 12~. London, 1842, BINNEY. See MILITIA REPORTER. BINGHAM, (Peregrine.) Reports of Cases in BINNING, (Robert B. M.) Journal of Two the Court of Common Pleas and other Courts, Years' Travel in Persia, Ceylon, &c. 2 v. 1822 to 1834. 10 v. 80. London, 1824-34. 80. London, 1857. (2 copies.) BINNS, (Edward.) Anatomy of Sleep. 120. ~ — New cases in the Court of Common London, 1842. Pleas, and other Courts, 1834 to 1840. 6 v. BINNS, (John.) Recollections of the Life of 8~. London, 1835-41. (2 copies.) John Binns; written by himself; with anecBINGHAM, (Peregrine.) Digest of the Law of dotes, political, historical, and miscellaneLandlord and Tenant. 80. London, 1820. ous. 120. Philadelphia, 1854. Laws of Infancy and Coverture. 1st - Justice; or, Magistrate's Daily ConAmerican, from the last London edition, im- panion: a treatise on the office and duties of lroved by notes, and references to American aldermen and justices of the peace in the decisions. 80. Exeter, (N. H.,) 1824. commonwealth of Pennsylvania, including 126 BINNS. BIOT. all the required forms of process and docket BIOGERAPHIE MODERNE. Lives of Remarkable entries, and embodying not only whatever Characters who have distinguished themmay be deemed valuable to justices of the selves from the commencement of the French peace, but to landlords, tenants, and general Revolution to the present time. Translated agents. 3d ed., revised, corrected, and from the French. 3 v. 8~. London, 1811. greatly enlarged, by F. C. Brightly. 8~. BIOGRAPIIIENOUVELLEDESCONTEMPORAINS, Philadelphia, 1850. par MM. Arnault, Jay, Jouy, Norvins, &c. BINNS, (John.) The same. 4th ed. By Fred- 20 v. 80. Paris, 1820-25. erick C. Brightly. 80. Philadelphia, 1851. BlOGRAPHIIE UNIVERSELLE, Ancienne et Mod- The same. 6th ed., revised and en- erne; rclige par une Soci6t6 de Gens de larged, by FrederickC. Brightly. 8~. Phila- Lettres et de Savants; avec le Supplment. delphia, 1855. 85 v. 80. Paris, 1811-62. BINNS, (John A.) Treatise on Practical Farm- le E6rie, v. 1-52. ing. 80. Frederick-Town, (Md.,) 1803. (Ag- Partie Mythologique, v. 53-55. ic. Pam., v. 1.) Supplement, Aagard-Villeneuve, v. 56-85. BINNS, (Jonathan.) Miseries and Beauties of BIOGRAPHIE UNIVERSELLE. See FELLER. Ireland. 2v. 120. London, 1837. BION. Idyllion. (Gr. et Lat.) Rec. C. F. BIOCHE, (C. J. A.) Dictionnaire de Procedure Ameis. 80. Paris, 1851. (Poete Bucolici, Civile et Commerciale, contenant lajurispru- Didot, Biblioth. Grecque., v. 41.) dence, l'opinion des auteurs, les usages du ~ Idyllia. Translated by R. Polwhele. palais, le timbre et l'enregistrement des 16~. Chiswick, 1822. (Brit. Poets, v. 92.) actes, leur tarif, ct lers formules. 3e 6di- Idylls and Fragments. Translated by tion, considerablement augment6e. 6 v. 80. F. Fawkes. 80. London, 1810. (Chalmers' Paris, 1850-52. Eng. Translations, v. 2.) Nouveau Formulaire de Procedure Civ- - Idylls. Translated (in prose) by J. ile, Commerciale, et Criminelle. 2e tirage. Banks; in verse, by J. M. Chapman. 120. 80. Paris, 1852. London, 1853. (Bohn's Class. Lib'y, v. 81.) BIOGRAPHIA BRITANNI{CA; or, the Lives of the -- and MOSCHUS. Idyllia, and other poems most Eminent Persons who have flourished that are extant. Translated from the Greek in Great Britain and Ireland, from the earli- into English verse. 180. London, 1825. est ages down to the present times. Col- Que Supersunt. Grmce et LatinS. lected from the best authorities, both printed Notis Johannis Heskin. 80. Oxonii, 1748. and manuscript, and digested in the man- BION, (Nicolas.) Trait6 de la Construction et ner of Mr. Bayle's Historical and Critical des Usages des principaux Instruments de Dictionary. 6 v. in 7. Folio. London, Math6matiques. 4e ed. 40. Paris, 1752. 1747-66. BIONDELLI, (B.) Saggio sui Dialetti GalloBoOGRAPHIA DRAMATICA; or, a Companion Italici. 80. Milano, 1853. to the Playhouse. Containing historical and Bior, (Jean Baptiste.) Essai de G6ometrie critical memoirs of British and Irish dramatic analytique, appliquee aux Courbes et aux writers, &c., by D. E. Baker, Isaac Reed, Surfaces du Second Ordre. 8e ed. 120. and Stephen Jones. 4 v. 80. London, Paris, 1834. 1812. Notions 6lementaires de Statique. 80. BIOGRAPHIA GALLICA; or, the Lives of the Paris, 1829. most Eminent French Writers, of both Precis Itlementaire de Physique Expesexes. 2 v. 160. London, 1752. rimentale. 3 ecd. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1824. BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY, (New and Gene- - Recherches experimentales et matheral.) An historical and critical account of matiques sur les Mouvemens des Molecules the lives and writings of the most eminent d de la Lumiere autour de leur Centre de Grapersons in every nation, particularly the vit6. 40. Paris, 1814. British and Irish. New ed. 12 v. 80. Lon- Recherches surplusieurs points del'Asdon, 1784. tronomie Egyptienne, appliquees aux monuBIOGRAPHIE DES HOMMES VIVANTS, ou His- ments astronomiques trouves en Egypte. toire par ordre Alphab6tique de la Vie Pub- 120. Paris, 1823. lique de tous les Hommes qui se sont fait Traited llmentaire d'Astrono:nie PhysRemarquer par leurs Actions ou leurs ecrits. ique. 3e edition, corrigee et augment6e. 5 v. 5 v. 80. Paris; 1816-19. 80; avec planches, 40, Paris, 1841-57. 127 BIOT. BIRKBECK. B[OT, (Jean Baptiste.) Elementary Chapters BIRD, (Golding.) Lectures on Electricity and in Astronomy, from the "Traite le1mentaire G-alvanism. 16". London, 1849. d'Astronomie Physique." Edited by Harvey Urinary Deposits; their diagnosis, paGoodwin. 80. Cambridge, 1850. thology, and therapeutical indications. 2d - et ARAGO, (Fran9ois) Recueil d'Ob- ed. 12~. London, 1846. servations Geoddsiques, en Espagne, en - and BROORE, (Charles ) Elements of France, en Angleterre, et en Ecosse. 4~. Natural Philosophy; or, an introduction to Paris, 1821. the study of the physical sciences. 18~. BIRCH, (John.) Appeal to the Public on the London, 1860. Hazard and Peril of Vaccination; otherwise, BIRD, (Miss Isabella.) Aspects of Religion in Cow-Pox; also, Serious Reasons for uni- the United States of America. By the author formly objecting to Vaccination. 3d ed. 80. of "The Englishwoman in America." 16~. London, 1817. (Cow-Pox Tracts, v. 3.) London, 1859. ~- Report of the Cow-Pox Experiment at -- Englishwoman in America. 120. Lonclose of year 1809; with an appendix, by don, 1856. Dr. Jenner. 8~. London, 1817. (Cow-Pox BIRD, (James.) Historical Researches on the Tracts, v. 3.) Origin and Principles of the Bauddha and BIRCH, (Samuel) History of Ancient Pottery; Jaina Religions; embracing the leading illustrated with coloured plates and numer- tenets of their system; illustrated by acous engravings. 2 v. 8". London, 1858. counts of the sculptures in the caves of WestBIRCH, (Thomas.) Court and Timesof James ern India. Folio. Bombay, 1847. the First; a series of historical and confiden- BIRD, (Robert Montgomery.) Adventures of tial letters on the public transactions and Robin Day. 2v. 120. Philadelphia, 1839. events in Great Britain during that period. - Calavar; or, the knight of the conquest: 2 v. 8~. London, 1849. a romance of Mexico. New ed. 2v. 12~. Heads of Illustrious Persons of Great Philadelphia, 1847. Britain, engraved by Mr. Houbraken and ~ Hawks of Hawk-Hollow: a tradition Mr. Vertue; with their lives and characters. of Pennsylvania. 2 v. 120. Philadelphia, New ed. Folio. London, 1813. 1825. Historical View of the Negotiations Nick of the Woods; or, the Jibbenainbetween the Courts of England, France, and osay: a tale of Kentucky. New ed. 12~. Brussels, from the year 1592 to 1617. 8~. New-York, 1853. London, 1749. BIRDs. Book of Exotic Birds. A series of Life of Robert Boyle. 4~. London, richly-colored plates, accompanied by de1772. (V. of Boyle's Works.) scriptions. 8". London, (n. d.) Life of Sir Walter Raleigh. 8~. Ox- BIRKBECK, (Morris.) Letters from Illinois. ford, 1829. (Raleigh's Works, v. 1.) 2d ed. 8~. London, 1818. (In Birkbeck's Life of Dr. John Tillotson, Archbishop Tours.) of Canterbury. 8~. London, 1752. Extracts from a Supplementary Letter Memoirs of the Reign of Queen Eliza- from the Illinois; an Address to British Embeth, from 1581 till her death. 2 v. 4~. igrants; and a Reply to the Remarks of London, 1754. William Cobbett. 2d ed. 8". London, BIRcH, (Thomas E.) Virginian Orator; being 1819. (In Birkbeck's Tours.) a variety of original and selected poems, ~ Notes on a Journey in America, from orations, and dramatic scenes; to improve the coast of Virginia to the Territory of Illithe American youth in the ornamental and nois; with proposals for the establishment useful art of eloquence and gesture. 160. of a colony of English. 160. Philadelphia, Richmond, 1808. 1817. BIRCH, (ThomasL ) Address toPresbyterians - The same. 2ded. 8~. London, 1818. of America. 80. Washington, 1806. (Theol. (In Birkbeck's Tours.) Pam., v. 7.) Notes on a Journey through France, BIRCH, (W. J.) Inquiry into the Philosophy 1814, describing the habits of the people, and and Religion of Shakspeare. 12~. London, the agriculture of the country. 3d ed., with 1848. appendix. 80. London, 1815. BIRD, (Golding.) Elements of Natural Phi- The safie; with appendix. 8~. Lonlosophy. 3d ed. 12~. London, 1848. don, 1814-15. (In Birkbeck's Tours.) 128 BIRKETT. BIZOT. BIRKETT, (John.) Diseases of the Breast, and I the aid of which every female may, in whattheir treatment. t,. London, ]850. ever silnation, understand her legal course Treatise on Injuries of the Pelvis. 8~. and redress, and be her own legal adviser; London, 1861. (Holmies' Surgery, v. 2.) containing the laws of the different States BIRMINGHAM. Post Office Directory of Bir- relative to marriage and divorce, &c. 12G. mingham, with the principal towns in the New-York, 1858. hardware and pottery districts. 8~. Lon- BISHOP, (Sir Henry Rowley.) Selection of don, 1856. Scottish Melodies; with symphonies and Blrur, (William Radcliff.) Handbook of the accompaniments for the piano forte; and Law of Storms; a digest of the principal words by Horace Twiss. Folio. London, facts of revolving storms, for the use of 1812. commanders in Her Majesty's navy and the BISH-OP, (Joel Prentiss.) Commentaries on mercantile marine. 80. Liverpool, 1853. the Criminal Law. 2 v. 8~. Boston, 18)6-58. Hurricane Guide; an attempt to con- The same. 2d ed., revised and ennect the rotatory gale or revolving storm with larged. 2 v. 8~. Boston, 1858. atmospheric waves. 12~. London, 1850. Commentaries on the Law of Marriage BISCHOF, (Gustav.) Physical, Chemical, and and Divorce, and evidence in Matrimonial Geological Researches on the Internal Heat Suits. 8~. Boston, 1852. of the Globe. 8~. London, 1841. The same. 2d ed. 80. Boston, 1856. BISCHOFF, (James.) Comprehensive History BISHOP, (John.) Researches into the Pathology of the Woollen and Worsted Manufactures, and Treatment of Deformities in the Human and the natural and commercial history of Body. 80. London, 1852. sheep, from the earliest records to the present BiSHOP, (J. Leander.) History of American period. 2 v. 8~. London, 1842. Manufactures, from 1608 to 1860; comprising _____ Sketch of the History of Van Diemen's annals of the industry of the United States Land; and an account of the Van Diemen's in machinery, manufactures, and useful arts. Land Company. 80. London, 1832. V. 1. 80. Philadelphia, 1861. BISCOE, (Robert.) Merchant's Magazine; or, BISMARK, (Frederick Guillaume, Cornte de.) factor's guide. 8~. London, 1743. Uses and Application of Cavalry in War; BISHOP, (Ablraham.) Connecticut Republi- with practical examples, selected from ancanism: an oration on extent and power of cient and modern history, by N. L. Beamish. political delusion. 80. New Haven, (Conn.,) 80. London, 1855. 1800. (Pol. Pam., v. 100.) BISSELIUS, (Joannes.) Argonauticon AmerOration before the Republicans of Con- icanorum; sive historie periculorum Petri necticut on the election of Jefferson and deVictoriaacsociorumejus. 240. Monachii, Burr, 1801. 80. New Haven, (Conn.,) 1801. 1647. (Pol. Pam., v. 101.) BISSET, (Andrew.) Memoirs and Papers of -- Proofs of a Conspiracy against Chris- Sir Andrew Mitchell. 2 v. 80. London, tianity and Government of United States. 1850. 80. Iartford, 1802. (Pol. Pam. v. 102.) --- On the Strength of Nations. 12~. LonBIShOP, (Daniel.) Introduction to the Study don, 1859. of the Mind. 1'~. London, 1849. BISSET, (James.) Abridgment and Collection BiSHoP, (F.) Illustrated London Cookery of the Acts of Assembly of the Province of Book. 80. London, 1852. Maryland, at present in force; with a small BISHOP, (George, Quaker ) New-England choice collection of precedents in law and Judged, by the Spirit of the Lord. Some- conveyancing. 80. Philadelphia, 1757. what abbreviated, by Joseph Grove. 120. BISSET, (Robert.) History of the Reign of London, 1703. George III., to the termination of the late BISHOP, (George, F. R. S.) Astronomical Ob- war. 6 v. 80. London, 1803. servations, taken at the Observatory, South ~ Life of Edmund Burke. 2d ed. 2 v. Villa, Inner Circle, Regent's Park, London, 80. London, 1800. during the years 1839-51. 40. London, Sketch of Democracy. 80. London, 1852. 1796. BIsnoP, (George.) Every Woman her own BIZOT, (Pierre,) Histoire Mdtallique de la Lawyer; a private guide in all matters of Republique de Hollande. Nouvelle dition. law of essential interest to women, and by 3 v. 80. Amsterdam, 1688-90. 129 BJORNSTJERNA. BLACKMORE. BJORNSTJERNA, (Count M.) British Empire in BLACK BOOK. The same. New ed., greatly the East. Translated from the Swedish, by enlarged and corrected. 80. London, 1835. H. C. Lloyd. 8~. London, 1840. BLACK HAWK. Life of Ma-ka-tai-me-she-kiaTheogony of the Hindoos; with their kiak, or Black Hawk. Dictated by himself. system of philosophy and cosmogony. 8C. EditedbyJ. B. Patterson. 12~. Boston, 1834. London, 1844. BLACKBURN, (Isaac.) Treatise on Ship BuildBLAAUW, (William Henry.) Barons' War; ing. 4~. London, 1817. including the battles of Lewes and Evesham. BLACKBURN, (John.) Nineveh; its rise and Square 120. London, 1844. ruin, as illustrated by ancient scriptures and BLACK, (Adam and Charles.) Atlas of North modern discoveries. Newed. 160. London, America; with a complete index. Folio. 1852. Edinburgh, 1856. BLACKBURNE, (Francis.) The Confessional; Economical Tourist of Scotland. 5th inquiry into the right, utility, edification, ed. 16~. Edinburgh, 1849. and success of establishing systematical conGuide to Dublin and the Wicklow fessions of faith and doctrine in Protestant Mountains. 18~. Edinburgh, 1854. churches. 3d ed. 8~. London, 1770...- Guide to Killarney and the South of BLACKER, (Valentine.) Memoir of the OperaIreland. 18~. Edinburgh, 1854. tions of the British Army in India, during Picturesque Guide to the EnglishLakes. the Mahratta War of 1817-19. Illustrated. 5th ed. 16~. Edinburgh, 1851. 2 v. 4~. London, 1821. Picturesque Guide through North and BLACKERLEY, (Samuel.) Justice of the Peace, South Wales and Monmouthshire. 16~. his Companion; the first part a summary of Edinburgh, 1851. all the acts of Parliament; the second part, Picturesque Tourist, and Road and or cases in law (wherein justices of the Railway Guide Book through England and peace have jurisdiction) which have been Wales. 2d ed. 16~. Edinburgh, 1851. determined by the judges from Edward III. -Picturesque Tourist of Ireland. 18~. to 1734, with some modern cases never before Edinburgh, 1854. published. Digested in an alphabetical order, Picturesque Tourist of Scotland. 9th and revised, by N. Blackerley. 2 v. 12~. ed. 16~. Edinburgh, 1851. London, 1730-34. BLACK, (C.) Pathology of the Bronchio-Pul- BLACKFORD, (Isaac.) Reports of Cases in monary Mucous Membrane. Parts 1 and 2. the Supreme Court of Judicature of Indiana, 8~. Edinburgh, 1853-55. 1817 to 1847. 8 v. 8~. Indianapolis, BLACK, (George.) Estimate-Book of Rents, 1830-50. (2 copies.) Interests, and Dividends. 8~. London, (n. d.) BLACKHAM, (J.,) DUNDAS, (William J.,) and BLACK, (Jeremiah S.) Observations on Doug- OSBORNE, (Robert W.) Reports of Practice las's Territorial Sovereignty. 80. Wash- and Nisi Prius Cases, (including registry ington, 1860. and civil bill appeals,) decided in the SupeReports of Cases argued and determined rior Courts of Law, in Ireland, and in the in the Supreme Court of the United States after sittings, from Easter Term, 1846, to at December Term, 1861. V. 1. 80. Wash- Trinity Term, 1848, inclusive. 8~. Dublin, ington, 1862. (20 copies.) 1849. BLACK, (John.) Life of Torquato Tasso; with BLACKIE, (W. G.) Imperial Gazetteer; a an historical and critical account of his general dictionary of geography, physical, writings. 2 v. 4~. Edinburgh, 1810. political, statistical, and descriptive. 2 v. Paleoromaica; or, historical and philo- 8~. Glasgow, 1855. logical disquisitions. 80. London, 1822. BLACKLOCK, (Ambrose.) Treatise on Sheep; BLACK, (Joseph.) Lectures on the Elements with a chapter on wool. 12th ed. 24~. of Chemistry. 3v. 80. Philadelphia, 1807. London, 1853. BLACK, (William.) Practical Treatise on BLACKLOCK, (Thomas.) Poems. 80. LonBrewing. 2d ed. 80. London, 1844. don, 1810. (Chalmers' Eng. Poets, v. 18.) BLACK BOOK; or, Corruption Unmasked Be- BLACKMORE, (John.) London by Moonlight ing an account of places, pensions, and sine- Mission; being an account of midnight cures, the revenues of the clergy and landed cruises on the streets of London during the aristocracy, &c. 2 v. 8~. London, 1820-23. last thirteen years; with memoir of the au~- The same. Newed. 8~. London, 1831. thor. 12~. London, 1860. 17 130 BLACKMORE. BLAIKIE." BLACKMORE, (Sir Richard.) Creation: apoem. BLACKSTONE, (William.) The same. Book 160. London, 1790. (Johnson's Eng. Poets, the second: Rights of Things. 33d ed. Inv. 35.) corporating the alterations down to the present The same. 8~. London, 1810. (Chal- time, by James Stewart. 8~. London, 1854. mers' Eng. Poets, v. 10.) Law Tracts. 2 v. 80. Oxford, 1762. ~- The same. 16~. Chiswick, 1822. Reply to Dr. Priestley's Remarks on (Brit. Poets, v. 22.) the Fourth Volume of the Commentaries on BLACKSTONE, (Henry.) Reports of Cases in the Laws of England. 80C. Philadelphia, the Courts of Common Pleas and Exchequer 1773. Chamber, 1788 to 1796. 2d Am. ed. 2 v. Reports of Cases in the several Courts 80. Philadelphia, 1819. of Westminster Hall, 1746 to 1779. 2 v.....- The same. 4th ed., with additional 80. Dublin, 1789. notes and references to the subsequent de- ~ The same. 2d ed.; with copious notes. cisions. 2 v. 80. London, 1827. (2 copies.) and references, including some from the MSS. BLACKSTONE, (William.) Commentaries on of the late Mr. Serjeant Hill, by Charles H. the Laws of England. 4 v. 40. Oxford, Elsley. 2v. 8vo. London, 1828. (2 copies.) 1765-69. BLACKWATER CHRONICLE; a narrative of an The same. 4th ed. 4 v. 40. Oxford, expedition into the land of Canaan, in Ran1770. dolph county, Virginia, by "the Clerke of The same. With notes of reference to Oxenforde." 120. New-York, 1853. the constitution and laws of the federal gov- BLACKWELL, (Anna.) Poems. 160. London, ernment of the United States, and of the 1853. commonwealth of Virginia, by St. George BLACKWELL, (Elizabeth.) Laws of Life, with Tucker. 4 v. in 5. 80. Philadelphia, 1803. special reference to the Physical Education (2 copies.) of Girls. 120. New-York, 1852. The same. 16th ed.; with the last cor- BLACKWELL, (Robert S.) Practical Treatise rections of the author, and notes, by John on the Power to Sell Land for the Non-payTaylor Coleridge. 4 v. 80. London, 1825. ment of Taxes assessed thereon; embracing (2 copies.) the decisions of the federal courts, and of the The same. With an analysis by Barron supreme judicial tribunals of the several Field. New ed.; with notes, by Christian, States. 8~. Chicago, 1855. Archbold, and Chitty. 2 v. 80. Philadel- Reports of Decisions of the Supreme phia, 1827. Court of the State of Illinois, from the DeThe same. With life of the author, and cember Term, 1819, to the February Term, notes, by Christian, Chitty, Lee, Hovenden, 1841, inclusive, which were embraced in and Ryland; and references to American Breeze, and volumes one and two Scamcases, by a member of the New-York bar. 4 mon's Reports; with notes, referring to prior v. in 2. 80. New-York, 1844. and subsequent decisions illustrating the The same. With the last corrections doctrine of the text. V. 1. 80. Chicago, of the author, and notes, from the 21st Lon- 1862. don edition. With copious notes explaining BLACKWELL, (Thomas.) Enquiry into the the changes in the law effected by decision Life and Writings of Homer. 3d ed. 80. or statute down to 1844, by J. F. Hargrave, London, 1757. G. Sweet, R. Couch, and W. N. Welsby. BLACKWOOD'S Edinburgh Magazine. Vols. Together with notes adapting the work to 1-94. 80. Edinburgh, 1817-63. the American student, by John L. Wendell. General Index. Vols. 1-50. (1817 to 4v. 80. New-York, 1847. (13 copies.) 1841.) 80. Edinburgh, 1855. - The same. 4 v. 80. New York, 1862. BLADES, (William.) Life and Typography of * —- The same. With notes selected from William Caxton, England's first printer. 2 v. the editions of Archbold, Christian, Coler- 40. London, 1861-63. idge, Chitty, Stewart, Kerr, and others, BLAGDON, (Francis William.) New DictionBarron Field's analysis, and additional notes, ary of Quotations, on an improved plan. and a life of the author, by George Shars- 160. London, 1819. wood. 2 v. 80. Philadelphia, 1860. BLAIKIE, (Alexander.) Philosophy of SectaThe same. 2 v. Philadelphia, 1862. rianism; a classified view of Christian sects (2 copies.) in the United States. 120. Boston, 1854. 131 BLAIN. BLAKISTON. BLAIN, kJacob.) Death Not Life; or, the theo- thousand articles of American biography. logical hell and endless misery disproved; 13th ed. 8~. Philadelphia, 1856. and the doctrine of destruction established, - History of the American Revolution. by a collection and explanation of all pas- 180. New-York, 1847. sages on future punishment. 12~. New-York, BLAKE, (William.) Observations on the Ex1853. penditure of Government during restriction BLAINE, (Delabere P.) Canine Pathology; or, of Cash Payments. 8. London, 1823. a full description of the diseases of dogs. (Pol. Pam., v.,63.) 80. London, 1817. On the Principles which Regulate the - Encyclopaedia of Rural Sports. New Course of Exchange, and on the Depreciated ed. 80. London, 1852. State of Currency. 8~. London, 1810. (Fi~ Outlines of the Veterinary Art; anat- nancial Pam., v. 6.) omy, physiology, and curative treatment of - The same. 80. London, 1857. (Fithe diseases of the horse, cattle, and sheep. nancial Pam., v. 22.) 5th ed. 8~. London, 1841. BLAKE, (William J.) History of Putnam BLAINVILLE, (Henri Marie Ducrotay de.) County, (N. Y.) 120. New York, 1849. Manuel de Malacologie et de Conchyliologie. BLAKESLEY, (Joseph Williams.) Four Months 2 v. 80. Paris, 1825-27. in Algeria; with a visit to Carthage, and - M6moire sur les Belemnites, considt- maps and illustrations after photographs. r6es zoologiquement et geologiquement. 40. 80. Cambridge, (Eng.,) 1859. Paris, 1827. - - Life of Aristotle; including a critical BLAIR, (Adam.) History of the Waldenses. discussion of some questions of literary 2v. 80. Edinburgh, 1833. history connected with his works. 80. (CamBLAIR, (Hugh.) Lectures on Rhetoric and bridge, (Eng.,) 1839. Belles Lettres. 3 v. 80. Basel, 1788. BLAKEY, (Robert.) Essay showing the IntiSermons. 5v. 80. London, 1814-15. mate Connexion between our Notions of BLAIR, (John.) Chronological and Historical Moral Good and Evil, and our conceptions of Tables, from the Creation to the present the freedom of the divine and human wills. time. New ed. 80. London, 1851. 80. Edinburgh, 1831..- The same. Revised and enlarged; com- Hints on Angling; with suggestions prehending the chronology and history of for angling excursions in France and Belthe world to the Russian Treaty of Peace, gium. By Palmer Hackle, Esq. 80. LonApril, 1856, by J. Willoughby Rosse. 160. don, 1846. London, 1856. - Historical Sketch of Logic, from the BLAIR, (Rev. Robert.) The Grave, and other earliest times to the present day. 80. Lonpoems. 80. London, 1810. (Chalmers'Eng. don, 1851. Poets, v. 15.) Historical Sketches of the Angling The same. 160. Chiswick, 1822. (Brit. Literature of all Nations. 160. London, Poets, v. 58.) 1856. The same. With account of his life, - History of Moral Science. 2 v. 80. and observations on his writings, by Robert London, 1833. Anderson. 160. Edinburgh, 1826. History of Political Literature, from BLAIR, (Robert, M. D.) Scientific Aphorisms. the earliest times. 2 v. 80. London, 80. Edinburgh, 1827. 1855. BLAKE, (D. T.) Historical Treatise on the History of the Philosophy of Mind; Practice of the Court of Chancery of New- embracing the opinions of all writers on York. 80. New-York, 1818. mental science, from the earliest period to The same. 2d ed.; with the practice of the present time. 4 v. 80. London, 1850. the several District Equity Courts. 80. Al- BLAKISTON, (John.) Twelve Years Military bany, 1824.. Adventure in Three Quarters of the Globe; BLAKE, (John L.) Family Text Book for the memoirs of an officer who served in the Country; or, the farmer at home. 120. New armies of his Majesty and the East India York, 1859. Company, between 1802 and 1814; with the General Biographical Dictionary. 2d campaigns of Wellington in India, Spain, ed. 80. New-York, 1839. and the South of France. 2v. 80. Lon---- The same, Including more than two don, 1829. 132 BLAKISTON. BLANE. BLAKISTON, (Peyton.) Practical Observations BLAND, (Miles.) Algebraical Problems, proon Diseases of the Chest, and on the Prin- ducing simple and quadratic equations, with ciples of Auscultation. 80. London, 1848. their solutions. 7th ed. 8~. Cambridge, BLANC, (Jean Joseph Louis.) Histoire de la (Eng.,) 1837. Revolution FranCaise. 12 v. 8~. Paris, Elements of Hydrostatics, with their 1847-62. application to the solution of problems. 8~. ~- Pages d'Histoire de la Revolution de Cambridge, (Eng.,) 1824. F6vrier. 120. Bruxelles, 1850. Geometrical Problems deducible from -- Historical Revelations: 1848. Inscribed the First Six Books of Euclid, arranged and to Lord Normanby. 12~. London, 1858. solved. With appendix, containing the EleHistory of Ten Years, 1830-1840. 2 v. ments of Plane Trigonometry. 3d ed. 80. 80. London, 1844-45. Cambridge, (Eng.,) 1827. BLANC, (S. H.) Dictionary of the Spanish and Mechanical Problems. Adapted to the English Languages. Spanish-English and course of reading pursued in the University English-Spanish. 2 v. in 1. 120. Paris of Cambridge. 80. London, 1828. and Lyons, 1852. Problems in the different branches of -- Grammaire de la Langue Basque, Philosophy, adapted to the course of reading d'apr6s celle du P. Manuel de Larramendi pursued in the University of Cambridge. intitulee El Imposible Vencido. 160. Ro- 80. London, 1830. anne, 1854. BLAND, (Robert.) Collections from the Greek BLANCARD, (Stephen.) Lexicon Medicum Anthology; and from the pastoral, elegiac, Renovatum. Editio novissima. 80. Lug- and dramatic poets. 80. London, 1813. duni Batavorum, 1735. The same. New ed. With fragments -- Physical Dictionary. 7th ed. 120. of early lyric poetry, specimens of all the London, 1726. poets included in Meleager's Garland, by J. BLANCHARD, (Calvin.) Essence of Science; H. Merivale. 120. London, 1833. or, catechism of positive sociology, &c. 120. and MERIVALE, (J. H.) Translations, New York, 1859. chiefly from the Greek Anthology; with BLANCHARD, (Claude Francois.) Repertoire tables and miscellaneous poems. 120. Lon G6n6ral des Lois, Decrets, Ordonnances, don, 1806. R6glements et Instructions sur la Marine. Proverbs; chiefly taken from the Ada80, Paris, 1849. gia of Erasmus, with explanations. 2 v. in BLANCHARD, (J.,) and RICE, (N. L.) Debate 1. 120. London, 1814. on Slavery; held in October, 1845, inthe city of BLAND, (Theodorick.) Reports of Cases in Cincinnati. 4th ed. 120. Cincinnati, 1857. the High Court of Chancery of Maryland. BLANCHARD, (Laman.) Life and Literary 3 v. 80. Baltimore, 1836-41. (2 copies.) Remains of Letitia Elizabeth Landon. 2 v. The same. V. 3. 80. Baltimore, 1841. 120. London, 1841. BLAND Papers; being a selection from the - Sketches from Life; with memoir of manuscripts of Colonel Theodorick Bland, the author, by Edward Bulwer Lytton. 3v. Jr., of Prince George County, (Va.;) with 120. London, 1846. a memoir. Edited by Charles Campbell.' BLANClHET, (P. H.) Complements de Math6- V. 1. 80. Petersburg, (Va.,) 1840. (No matiques Sp6ciales. Methodes pour la dis- more published.) cussion des courbes Alg6briques de degr6s BLANDIN, (Philippe Fr6d6ric.) Treatise on sup6rieurs donn6es par des Equations Reso- Topographical Anatomy in its relations with lues. 80. Paris, 1838. surgery and operative medicine. From the BLANCHET, (S. A.) Cours 1l16mentaire et French, by A. S. Doane. 80. Plates, 40. Pratique de Droit Commercial. 120. Tou- New-York, 1834. louse, 1855. BLANE, (Sir Gilbert.) Causes and Remedies BLANCS (les) et les Noirs en Am6rique, et le of the Scarcity and High Price of Provisions Coton dans les Deux Mondes. 80. Paris, and distresses of Agriculture and Commerce 1862. (Pol. Pam., v. 94.) for the last three years. 80. London, 1817. BLAND, (Humphrey.) Treatise of Military (Pamphleteer, v. 9.) Discipline; the duty of the officer and sol- Elements of Medical Logic; or, Philodier, through the several branches of the sophical Principles of the Practice of Physic. service. 4th ed. 80. London, 1740. 3d ed. 80. London, 1825. 133 BLANE. BLESSINGTON. BLANE, (Sir Gilbert.) Select Dissertations on canarum; a digest of the principles of Engseveral subjects of Medical Science. New lish law; arranged in the order of the Code ed. 2 v. 8. London, 1833. Napoleon, 80 London, 1839. BLANQU-I, (Jerome Adolphe.) Histoire de BLAYNEY, (Andrew Thomas, Lord.) Narrative l'Economie Politique en Europe. Suivie of a Forced Journey through Spain and d'une Bibliographie raisonnde des principaux France, as a Prisoner of War, in 1810-14. ouvrages d'economie politique. 2e ed. 2 v. 2 v. 80. London, 1814. 8~. Paris, 1842. BLAYNEY, (Benjamin.) Jeremiah and Lamen~ — — Lemons sur les Banques, les Routes, tations. With notes. 8~. Edinburgh, 1810. l'Instruction Publique, les Vers et Fontes, la - Literal Translation of Jeremiah and Houille, le Coton, la Soie, la Laine, les Lamentations. 8~. London, 1836. (Prophets, Chales, les Toiles, les Betteraves, l'Industrie Literal Translation of, v. 2.) Parisienne. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1837-8. BLAYNEY, (Frederick.) Practical Treatise on BLANQUI, BONTEMPS, BURAT, etc., (MM.) Life Annuities. 80. London, 1817. Encyclop6die du Comnmergant; dictionnair6 d Practical Treatise on Life Assurance; du commerce et des marchandises, contenant with the Laws of Joint-Stock Companies. tout ce qui concerne le commerce de terre et 2d ed. ]20. London, 1837. de mer. Nouvi 6d., par Edmond de Granges. BLAZE DE BURY, (Marie Pauline Rose Stewart, 2 v. 80. Paris, 1855. Baronne.) Germania, its courts, camps, BLANSHARD, (William.) Treatise on the and people. 2v. 80. London, 1850. Statutes of Limitation. 80. London, 1826. -- Memoirs of the Princess Palatine, PrinBLAQUIERE, (Edward.) Greece and her claims. cess of Bohemia; with her correspondence, 80. London, 1826. (Pamphleteer, v. 26.) and memoirs of the Court of Holland, under The Greek Revolution; its origin and the Princess of Orange. 120. London, 1853. progress. London, 1824. - Voyage en Autriche, en Hongrie, et en -- Historical Review of the Spanish Revo- Allemagne, pendant les 6venements de lution, including some account of religion, 1848-9. 120. Paris, 1851. manners, and literature in Spain. 80. Lon- BLEDSOE, (Albert Taylor.) Essay on Liberty don, 1822. and Slavery. 120. Philadelphia, 1856. Letters from Greece; with remarks on A Theodicy; or, vindication of the the treaty of intervention. 80. London, divine glory, as manifested in the constitu1828. tion and government of the moral world. Letters from the Mediterranean; a civil 80. New York, 1854. and political account of Sicily, Tripoly, BLESSINGTON, (Marguerite, Countess of.) Tunis, and Malta; with biographical Confessions of an Elderly Lady. 120. Lonsketches. 2 v. 8~. London, 1813. don, 1838. Present State of the Greek Confedera- ~ Conversations of Lord Byron with the tion. 80. London, 1823. (Pampheteer, v. Countess of Blessington. 80. London, 22.) 1834. BLASHFIELD, (J. M.) Selection of Vases, Country Quarters. 2d ed. 3 v. 120. Statutes, Busts, &c., from Terra-Cottas. London, 1852. 40. London, 1857. Desultory Thoughts and Reflections. BLASIS, (Charles.) Notes upon Dancing, his- 180. London, 1839. torical and practical. Edited and translated - Femme de Chambre. 3 v. 120. Lonfrom the original French and Italian, by R. don, 1846. Barton. 80. London, 1847. Governess. 2 v. 120. London, 1839. BLATCHFORD, (Samuel.) Reports of cases in - Idler in France. 2 v. 80. London, 1839. the Circuit Court of the United States for the Idler in Italy. 3 v. 80. London, 1839. Second Circuit, 1845 to 1853. 2 v. 80. Lottery of Life. 3 v. 120. London, Auburn, 1852-59. (4 copies.) 1842. and HOWLAND, (Francis.) Reports of Marmaduke Herbert. 3v. 120. Loncases in the District Court of the United don, 1847. States for the Southern District of New-York, - Meredith. 3 v. 120. London, 1843. 1827 to 1837. V. 1. 80. New-York, 1855.. Repealers. 2d ed. 3 v. 120. London, (2 copies.) 1834. BLAXLARD, (George.) Codex Legumn Angli —- Strathern. 4 v. 120. London, 1845. 134 BLESSINGTON. BLOOMFIELD. BLESSINGTON, (Marguerite, Countess of.) Two BLOME, (Richard.) Geographical Description Friends. 3 v. 12~. London, 1835. of the Four Parts of the World, taken from ~ — Victims of Society..3 v. 12~. Lon- the notes and works of the famous Monsieur don, 1837. Sanson, geographer to the French king, and BLETTERIE. See LA BLETTERIE. other eminent travellers and authors. Folio. BLEWERT, (W.) Tables for calculating the London, 1670. value of Stocks and Annuities, and for aready Present State of His Majesty's Isles despatch of business in the public funds. 3d and Territories in America. 12~. London, ed., by J. B. Brize. 24~. London, 1847. 1687. BLEWITT, (O.) See MURRAY'S Hand-Book of BLOMFIELD, (Ezekiel.) Lectures on PhilosoItaly. phy of History, accompanied with notes, BLIGH, (Richard.) Reports of cases in the and illustrative engravings. 4~. London, House of Lords, on Appeals and Writs of 1819. Error, 1819 to 1821. 3 v. and v. 4, part 1. BLONDEAU, (Auguste L.) Histoire de la Mu80. London, 1823-27. sique Moderne, depuis le premier siecle de ~- New Reports of cases in the House of l'ere chr6tienne jusqu'a nos jours. 2 v. 8~. Lords, on Appeals and Writs of Error, 1827 Paris, 1847. to 1837. 10 v. and v. 11, parts 1, 2, and 3. BLONDEL, (David.) Treatise of the Sibyls, 80. London, 1829-39. so highly celebrated as well by the ancient BLIGH, (William.) Voyage to the South Sea, heathens as the holy fathers of the church. undertaken by command of His Majesty, for Translated by J. Davis. 4~. London, 1661. the purpose of conveying the Bread-Fruit BLONDEL, (Evarist.) Monographie AlphaTree to the West Indies, in H. M. ship the b6tique de l'Extradition. 80. Paris, 1858. Bounty; including the mutiny on board the BLONDEL, (James A.) Strength of Imaginasaid ship. 4~. London, 1792. tion in Pregnant Women Examined. 8~. BLIND GIRL of Wittenberg; a life picture of London, 1727. the times of Luther and the reformation. Powers of the Mother's Imagination From the German, by John G. Morris. over the Foetus Examined. 80. London, 120. Philadelphia, 1856. 1729. (Bound with above.) BLISS, (George.) Fruit Grower's Instructor. BLONDIN, (J. N.) Manuel de la Purete du 22d ed. 160. London, 1841. Langage; ou, recueil alphab6tique du corrig6 BLISS, (Leonard.) History of Rehoboth, des barbarismes, des neologismes, &c.; Bristol County, (MIass.,) and other towns. suivid'untraitc de prosodie, &c. 80. Paris, 80. Boston, 1836. 1823. BLISS, (Philip.) Catalogue of the first portion BLOOD, (Thomas.) Remarks on the Life and of the extensive, interesting, and valuable Death of the Fam'd Mr. Blood. Small 40. library formed by the late Rev. Philip Bliss, London, 1817. (Smeeton's Tracts, v. 1.) D. C. L., principal of St. Mary's Hall, Ox- BLOOD, (William.) Mission to the Indians of ford. 80. London, 1858. Orialla, South America. With sermons and BLISS, (Mrs.) PracticalCookBook; contain- reflections. 160. London, 1853. ing upwards of one thousand receipts. 120. BLOODGOOD, (S. De Witt.) Treatise on Roads, Philadelphia, 1850. their history, character, and utility. 80. BLOCK, (Maurice.) Dictionnaire de l'Admin- Albany, 1838. istration Frangaise. 80. Strasbourg, 1856. BLOOMFIELD, (Robert.) Farmer's Boy; a BLODGET, (Lorin.) Climatology of the United rural poem. 2d ed. 80. London, 1800. States, and of the temperate latitudes of the Poems. 3 v. in 1. 240. London, 1831. North American Continent. 80. Philadel- May Day with the Muses. 160. Lonphia, 1857. don, 1822. ---- Proposed Navy Yard at League Island, - Remains. 2 v. 160. London, 1824. (Del.) 80. Philadelphia, 1862. Rural Tales, Ballads, and Songs. 5th BLODGET, (Samuel.) Economica: a statisti- ed. 160. London, 1806. cal manual for the United States. 80. ~ Wild Flowers; or, pastoral and local Washington, 1806. poetry. 160. London, 1806. BLOIS, (John T.) Gazetteer of the State of BLOOMFIELD, (Samuel Thomas.) Greek and Michigan. With statistical tables, and English Lexicon to the New Testament. 120. directory for emigrants. 12~. Detroit, 1838. London, 1840. 135 BLOOMFIELD. BLUNT. BLOOMFIELD, (Samuel Thomas.) Recensio BLOXAM, (Richard.) Regulationstobeobserved Synoptica Annotationis Sacrme; a critical di- in the conduct of business at the Chambers of gest and synoptical arrangement of annota- the Master of the Rolls and the Vice-Chanceltions on the New Testament. 8 v. 80. Lon- lors; with explanatory notes. 80. London, 1857. don, 1826-28. BLUE-BOOK. See UNITED STATES REGISTER. BLORE, (Edward.) Monumental Remains of BLUMAUER, (Aloys.) Gesammelte Werke. 5 Noble and Eminent Persons, comprising the parts in 3 v. 18~. Stuttgart, 1841. Sepulchral Antiquities of Great Britain; with BLUMENBACH, (Johann Friedrich.) Manual of historical and biographical illustrations. 80. the Elements of Natural History. From the London, 1826. 10th German ed., by R. T. Gore. 80. LonBLOUET, (Abel.) Rapport sur les Penitenciers don, 1825. des 1tats-Unis. Small folio. Paris, 1837. Short System of Comparative Anatomy. BLOUNT, (Charles.) Miscellaneous Works. From the German, by W. Lawrence. 80. 120. London, 1695. London, 1807. BLOUNT, (Henry.) Voyage into the Levant. BLUMTAL, (J.) Buds from the Opera. Folio. (Pinkerton's Voyages, v. 10.) Philadelphia, 1854. The same. (Osborne's Voyages, v. 1.) BLUNDELL, (John W. F.) Medicina MechanBLOUNT, (Thomas.) Fragmenta Antiquitatis; ica; or, the theory and practice of active and or, Ancient Tenures of Land, and Jocular passive exercises and manipulations. 80. Customs of Manors. With additions, by London, 1852. J. and H. M. Beckwith. 40. London, BLUNT, (Charles.) Essay on Mechanical 1815. Drawing; comprising an elementary course Law Dictionary and Glossary, inter- of practice in the perspective delineation of preting such difficult and obscure words as machinery. 40. London, 1811. are found either in our common or statute, BLUNT, (Charles F.) The Beauty of the Heavancient or modern laws. 3d ed. By W. ens; a pictorial display of the astronomical Nelson. Folio. London, 1717. phemomena of the universe; from original ~- Glossographia; or, a Dictionary, inter- drawings, paintings, and observatory studies, preting the hard words of whatsoever lan- 4th ed. London, 1849. guage, now used in our refined English BLUNT, (Edmund M.) American Coast Pilot; tongue; with etymologies, definitions, and containing directions for the principal harhistorical observations on the same. 3d ed. bors, capes, and headlands on the coasts of 120. London, 1670. North and South America. 18th ed., by E. BLOUNT, (Thomas Pope.) De Re Poetica; or, and G. W. Blunt. 80. New-York, 1857. Remarks upon Poetry; with characters and BLUNT, (Mrs. Ellen Key.) Bread to my Chilcensures of the most considerable poets, dren. 120. Philadelphia, 1856. whether ancient or modern. Extracted out BLUNT, (I. J.) Sketch of the Reformation in of the best and choicest criticks. Small 40. England. 6th ed. 180. London, 1843. London, 1694. (Murray's Fam. Lib'y, v. 2.) BLOUNT, (William.) Report of the Committee BLUNT, (John Elijah.) History of the Estabof the House of Representatives of the United lishment and Residence of the Jews in EngStates, appointed to prepare and report arti- land; with an enquiry into their civil eles of impeachment against William Blount, disabilities. 80. London, 1830. a Senator of the United States. 80. Phila- BLUNT, (John James.) Essays contributed to delphia, 1797. the Quarterly Review. 80. London, 1860. Proceedings on Impeachment of. 80. - Undesigned Coincidences in the writPhiladelphia, 1799. (Imperfect.) ings both of the Old and New Testament an BLOW at Priestcraft and a Stab at the Devil. argument of their veracity. 3d ed. 80. 80. (n. p.,) 1805. (Theol. Pam., v. 7.) London, 1850. BLOWPIPE. System of Instruction in the prac- BLUNT, (Joseph.) American Annual Register, tical use of the Blowpipe. 120. New-York, 1825to 1833. 8v. 80. New-York, 1827-35. 1858. Historical Sketch of the Formation of BLOXAM, (Matthew H.) Principles of Gothic the Confederacy, particularly with reference Ecclesiastical Architecture; with an expla- to the provincial limits and the jurisdiction of nation of technical terms, and a centenary of the General Government over Indian tribes, ancient terms. 8th ed. 160. London, 1846. and the publicTerritory. 80. New-York, 1825. 136 BLUNT. BODENHAMER. BLUNT, (Joseph.) Shipmaster's Assistant, and BOARDMAN, (Henry A.) New Doctrine of InCommercial Digest; containing information tervention tried by the teachings of Washingnecessary for merchants, owners, and masters ton. 80. Philadelphia, 1852. of ships. 5th ed. 8,. New-York, 1851. BOARDMAN, (James.) Vocabulary in the Eng----— The same. 9th ed. 8~. New York, 1857. lish, Latin, German, French, Italian, Span~ —- Speeches, Reviews, Reports, &c. 8. ish, and Portuguese Languages. 12~. LonNew York, 1843. don, 1811. BLUNTSCHLT, (Johann Caspar.) Geschicte des BOASE, (Henry S.) The Philosophy of Nature. Schweizerischen Bundesrechtes von den ers- A systematic treatise on the causes and laws ten ewigen Biinden bis auf die Gegenwart. of natural phenomena. 80. London, 1860. 2 v. 8~. Zirich, 1849. BOBBIN, (Tim.) See BAMFORD, (Samuel;) BLUTEAU, (Raphael.) Vocabulario Portuguez, also, COLLIER, (John.) e Latino. 8 v. Folio. Coimbra e Lisboa, BOBlERE, (Adolphe.) Trait6 de Manipulations 1712-21. Chimiques, &c. 80. Paris, 1844. Supplemento ao Vocabulario Portuguez, BOCCACCIO, (Giovanni.) Des Dames de Renorm, e Latino. 2 v. Folio. Lisboa Occidental, nouvellement traduit d'Italien en langage 1727-8. Frangais. 160. Lyons, 1551. BLYDEN, (Edward W.) Vindication of the - I1 Decamerone. Di nuovo emendato African Race. 80. Monrovia, (Liberia,) secondo gli antichi essemplari, per giudicio 1857. et diligenza di pin autori, con la diversity di BLYDENBURGH, (J. W.) Treatise on the Law molto testi posta per ordine in margine, et of Usury. With the statutes of the several nel fine con gli epitheti dell' autore, esposiStates relating to interest, and a digest of tione de proverbi et luoghi difficili, che nell' all the decisions. 80. New York, 1844. opera si contengono, con tavole et altre cose BOADA, (Pedro.) Adiciones y Repertorio Gen- nobili et molto utili alli studiosi della lingua oral de la Practica Universal Forense de los volgare. 80. Vinegia, 1546. Tribunales Superiores e Inferiores de Espana - Decamerone. 4 v. 80. Livorno, 1812. 6 Indias. 2 v. 80. Madrid, 1793. Decameron. Translated from the ItalBOADEN, (James.) Inquiry into the Authen- ian, with remarks on the author's life and ticity of Various Pictures and Prints, which, writings, by Edward Dubois. 80. London, from the decease of the poet to our own 1820. times, have been offered to the public as por- - Contes; (le D6cameron.) Traduits do traits of Shakspeare. 80. London, 1824. l'Italien, et precedes d'une notice historique, ~- Life of Mrs. Jordan; including original par A. Barbier. Vignettes par Tony Johanprivate correspondence, and anecdotes of her not, etc. 80. Paris, 1846. contemporaries. 2 v. 80. London, 1831. BOCCIUS, (Gottlieb.) Fish in Rivers and Memoirs of Mrs. Inchbald; including Streams; a treatise on the production and her correspondence with the most distin- management of fish in fresh waters, by artiguished persons. 2 v. 80. London, 1833. ficial spawning, etc. 80. London, 1848. Memoirs of Mrs. Siddons; interspersed BODE, (Clement Augustus, Baron de.) Travels with anecdotes of authors and actors. 2 v. inLuristanandArabistan. 2v. 8. Lon80. London, 1827. don, 1845. - Memoirs of the Life of John Philip BODE, (John Ernest.) Absence of Precision in Kemble; including a history of the stage the Formularies of the Church of England, from the time of Garrick to 1825. 2 v. 80. scriptural, and suitable to a state of probaLondon, 1825. tion. 80. Oxford, 1855. (Bampton LecBOAG, (John.) Popular and Complete English tures, 1855.) Dictionary, exhibiting the pronunciation, Ballads from Herodotus; with an introetymology, and explanation of every word ductory poem. 160. London, 1853. usually employed in science, literature, and BODENHAM, (John.) Politeuphuia; Wits' art. 2 v. 80. London, 1850. Commonwealth. (A collection of sentenBOARDMAN, (A.) Defence of Phrenology. tiousmaxims.) 240. London, 1678. 120. New-York, 1847. BODENHAMER,(W.) Practical Observations BOARDMAN, (Henry A.) Bible in the Counting- on some of the Diseases of the Rectum, House. A course of lectures to merchants. Anus, and Contiguous Textures. 2d ed. 8(. 120. Philadelphia, 1853. New-York, 1855. 137 BODERIE. BOGATZKY. BODERIE. See LEFIVRE DE LA BODERIE. BOERHAAVE, (Hermann.) Method of Studying BODICHON, (Eugene.) Consid6rations sur l'Al- Physic. Translated from the Latin, by Mr. g6rie. 80. Paris, 1845. Samber. 80. London, 1719. - - Etudes sur l'Alg6rie et l'Afrique. 80. - New Method of Chemistry, laid down Alger, 1847. on mechanical principles, and accommodated BODIN, (Jean.) Six Livres de la Republique. to the uses of life. Translated from the origReveue, corrigee et augment6e de nouveau. inal Latin, with notes, by Peter Shaw and 160. Paris, 1580. E. Chambers. 40. London, 1727. - Six Books of a Commonweale. Out of - The same. 3d ed. 2v. 40. London, 1753. the French and Latine copies, done into - Treatise on the Powers of Medicines. English by Richard Knolles. Folio. Lon- Translated from the most correct Latin edidon, 1606. tion, by John Martyn. 80. London, 1740. De Republica libri sex. Latine ab BoETHUs, (AniciusM. T. S.) DeConsolatione auctore redditi, multo quAm antea locuple- Philosophie. 160. Glasgue, 1751. tiores. Editio 5a. 12~. Francofurti, 1609. - The same. ExeditioneVulpiana. 80. BODLEIAN LIBRARY, Oxford. Bibliothecse Londini, 1823. (Valpy's Delphin Classics, Bodleianae codicum manuscriptorum orien- v. 65.) talium Catalogus, a Joanne Uri, Alex. Nicoll, De Consolation et de Philosophie. De atque E. B. Pusey confectus. 2 parts in 3 v. nouvel translate de la Latin en Francois, en Folio. Oxonii, 1787-1835. rime et prose, par Jehan de Meun. 120. — ~- Catalogus librorum impressorum Bibli- Paris, 1520. othecae Bodleianae in Academia Oxoniensi. ~ Consolations of Philosophy. Made into 3 v. Folio. Oxonii, 1843. English, with notes, by Lord Richard Pres- Catalogus impressorum librorum qui- ton. 120. London, 1695. bus aucta est Bibliotheca Bodleiana, annis - - Anglo-Saxon version of the Consolation 1835-47. Folio. Oxonii, 1851. of Philosophy, translated into English. (AlBODLEY, (Thomas.) Address to People of Ken- fred's Works, v. 2.) tucky concerning Humphrey Marshall. 80. Metres on the Consolation of PhilosoLexington, (Ky.,) 1808. (Pol. Pam., v. 105.) phy. King Alfred's Anglo-Saxon version; BOECE, (Hector.) See BOETIIUS, (H.) with an English translation, and notes, by BOECKH, (August.). Public Economy of S. Fox. 80. London, 1835. Athens; with a dissertation on the Silver- BOETHIUS, (Hector.) Scotorum Historie a Mines of Laurion. From the German. 2 v. prima gentis origine, cum. aliarum et rerum 80. London, 1828. et gentium illustratione non vulgari. Prre- The same. Translated from the 2d missa epistola nuncupatoria, tabellisque amGerman ed., by Anthony Lamb. 80. Bos- plissimis. Folio. Paris, 1526. ton, 1857. - History and Chronicles of Scotland. BOECLERUS, (J. H.) De Legione Romana. Written in Latin, and translated by John (Greevius, Thesaurus Antiq. Rom., v. 10.) Bellenden. 2 v. Small 40. Edinburgh, 1821. De Scriptoribus Grrecis et Romanis. - Buik of the Chronicles of Scotland; or, (Graevius, Thesaurus Grrec. Antiq., v. 10.) a Metrical Version of the History of Hector BOEHMEN, (Johann Gottlob.) Groschen Cab- Boece, by William Stewart. Edited by inet. 13 v. in 6. 160. Leipzig, 1749-65. William B. Turnbull. 3 v. 80. London, BCEHMER, (Georges Gillaunle.) La Rive 1858. (Chronicles and Mem. of G. Britain.) Gauche du Rhin, Limite de la Republique BOETTICHER, (J. G.) Geographical, HistorFranqais. 120. Paris, 1795. ical, and Political Description of the Empire BOERHAAVE, (Hermann.) Historia Plantarum of Germany, Holland, the Netherlands, quae in Horto Academico Lugduni Batavo- Switzerland, Prussia, Italy, Sicily, Corsica, rum crescunt. Editio altera. 2 v. 160. and Sardinia. From the German, with a Londini, 1731. supplementary table, by W. Playfair. 2 v. - Institutiones Medicae. 160. Parisiis, in 1. 40. London, 1800. 1747. BOGATZKY, (Carl Heinrich von) Golden - Aphorisms concerning the Knowledge Treasury for the Children of God, consisting and Cure of Diseases. Translated from the of select texts, with practical observations in Latin edition printed at Leyden, 1722. 80. prose and verse, for every day in the year. London, 1724. From the German. 160. Philadelphia, 1858. 18 138 BOGUE. 1BOID. BOGUE, (D.) Belgium and the Rhine; a Guide Propertius, Petronius Arbiter, Johannes Secundus, and Aristenetus; edited by W. I. Kelly, v. 69. for Travellers. With maps. 180. London, Quintilian, by J. S. Watson, (2 v.,) v. 70-71. 1852. Sallust, Florus, and Velleius Paterculus, by J. S. Watson, v. 72. -- Switzerland and Savoy. A Guide for Sophocles; Oxford translation, v. 73. Travellers. 180. London, 1852. S. CStraboby H. C. Hamilton, and W. Falconer, (3 v.,) BOGUE, (David,) and BENNETT, (James.) Suetonius, by A, Thompson, v. 77. Tacitus; Oxford translation, (2 v.,) v. 78-79. History of Dissenters, from 1688 to 1808. Terence, and Phedrus, by H. T. Riley, and C. 4 v. 80. London, 1808-12. Stnart, v. 80. Theocritus, Bion, BMoschus, and Tyrtseus, by J. BOHL DE FABER, (Juan Nicolas.) Floresta Banks, and J. M. Chapman, v, 81. de Rimas Antiguas Castellanas. 3 v. 80. Thucydides, by H. Dale, v. 82. Virgil, by Davidson, revised by T. A. Buckley, Hamburgo, 1821-25. v. 83. Xenophon, by J. S. Watson, and H. Dale, (3 v.,) v. BOHLEN, (Peter von.) Introduction to the 84-86. Book of Genesis; with a commentary on the - Hand-Book of Games; comprising new opening portion. Edited by James Hey- or carefully revised treatises on Whist, Piwood. 2 v. 80. London, 1855. quet, Ecart6, Lansquenet, Boston, Quadrille, BoHN, (Casimir.) Hand-book of Washington. Cribbage, and other card games; Faro, 180. Washington, 1852. Rouge et Noir, Hazard, Roulette; Backgam~- The same. 240. Washington, 1860. mon, Draughts; Billiards, Bagatelle, Amer- Manual of Etiquette in Washington, icanBowls,etc. 120 London, 1850. and the other Cities of the Union. 240. Hand-Book of Proverbs; an entire eWashington, 1860. publication of Ray's collection of English BOHN, (Henry G.) Atlas of Classical Geo- proverbs; with his additions from foreign graphy. 80. London, 1861. languages, and a completeindex. 120. Lon~- Catalogue of Books. 1 v. in 2. 80. don, 1860. London, 1841. - Polyglot of Foreign Proverbs; contain~- Catalogue of Greek and Latin Classics, ing French, Italian, German, Dutch, Spancommentaries, and translations. 80. Lon- ish, Portuguese, and Danish, with English don, 1850. -translations. 120. London, 1857. Classical Library, English translations BOHN, (James.) Catalogue of ancient and 81 v. 120. London, 1849-57. modern Books, in all languages, on sale. CONTENTS. 80. London, 1840..Eschylus, by T. A. Buckley, v. I. BOHUN, (William.) Collection of Debates, Ammianus Marcellinus, by C. D. Yonge, v. 2. Reports, Orders, and Resolutions of the Apuleius, v. 3. Aristophanes, by W. J. Hickie, (2 v.,) v. 4-5. House of Commons, touching the right of Aristotle, by R. W. Browne, 0. F. Owen, T. Buck- electing members to serve in Parliament. ley, A. M'Mahon, and Edward Walford, (7 v.,) v. 6-12. Folio. London, 1702. Athenneus, by C. D. Yonge, (3 v.,) v. 13-15. or, the Course of C-esar's Commentaries, v. 16. Cursus Cancellarie; or, the Course of Catullus and Tibullus, by W. K. Kelly, v. 17. Proceedings in the High Court of Chancery. Cicero, by C. D. Yonge, C. R. Edmonds, and J. S. Watson, (8 v.,) v. 18-25. 2d ed. 80. London, 1723. Demosthenes, by C. R. Kennedy, (5 v.,) v. 26-30. English Lawyer; showing the nature Dictionary of Latin Quotations, v. 31. Diogenes Laertius, by C. D. Yonge, v. 43. and forms of original writs, processes, and Euripides, by T. A. Buckley, (2 v.,) v. 32-33. Greek Anthology, by G. Burges, v. 34. mandates of the courts of Westminster. 80. Heliodorus, Longus, and Achilles Tatius, by R. London, 1732. Smith, v. 35. Herodotus, by H. Cary, v. 36. Institutio Legalis; or, an Introduction Hesiod, Callimachus,andTheognis,byJ.BankF,v.37. to the Study and Practice of the Laws of Homer, by T. A. Buckley, (2 v.,) v. 38-39. sorace, by C. Smart, v. 40. England, as now regulated and amended by Justin, Cornelius Nepos, and Eutropius, by J. S. Watson, v. 41. severallate statutes. 4thed. 80. London, Juvenal, Persius, Sulpicia, and Lucilius, by L. 1732 Evans, and W. Gifford, v. 42. Livy, by D. Spillan, C. Edmonds, and W. A. Me- -- Law of Tithes. 3d ed., corrected. 80. Devitte, (4 v.,) v. 44-47. Lond Lucan, by H. T. Riley, v. 48. London, 1744. Lucretius, by J. Watson, and J. M. Good, v. 49. Privilegia Londini; or, the Rights, LibMartial, Epigrams, v. 50., Ovid, by H. T. Riley, (3 v.,) v. 51-53. erties, Privileges, Laws, and Customs of the Pinda, by D. C THevir a G. Brges (6) City of London. 3d ed. 80. London, 1723. Plato, by H. Cary, H. Davis, and G. Burges, (6 v.,) v. 55-60. BOID, (Captain Edward.) Description of the Plautus, by H. T. Riley, (2 v.,) v. 61-62. pliny, Natural History, by J. Bostock, and H. T. Azores, or Western Islands. 80. London, Riley, (6 v.,) v. 63-68. 1835. 139 BOILEAU. 1BOLINGBROKE. BOILEAU, (D.) Introduction to the Study of BOISGELIN, (Louis de.) Travels through DenPolitical Economy; or, an elementary view mark and Sweden. With a historical acof the manner in which the wealth of nations count of the Hanseatic league. 2 v. 4~. is produced, increased, distributed, and con- London, 1810. sumed. 80. London, 1811. BOISMONT, Brierre de. See BRIERRE de Bois-- Key to the German Language, and mont. Conversation. 2d ed. 16~. London, 1833. BOISSARD, (Jean Jacques.) Theatrum Vitoe - Nature and Genius of the German Lan- Humanae, A Th. Bryio illustrum. Small 40. guageDisplayed. 160. London, 1843. Metis, 1596. -- and PICQUOT, (A.) New Dictionary, BOISTE, (Pierre Claude Victoire.) Dictionin French and English, and English and naire Universel de la Langue Frangais; avec French, combining the Dictionaries of le Latin et l'6tymologie; manuel encycloBoyer and Deletanville, with additions and p6dique de grammaire, d'orthographie, de improvements. New ed. 80. London, vieux langage, et de n6ologie. 13e 6d. 40. 1848. Paris, 1851. BOILEAU, (J. T.) New and complete set of BOITARD, (Joseph ]ldouard.) Le9ons de ProTraverse Tables; shewing the differences of c6dure Civile, contenantle Commentaire comlatitude and the departure to every minute of plet du Code de Procedure. Publi6es par the quadrant, and to five places of decimals, Gustave de Linage. Revues, annot6es, with a table of the lengths of each degree of compltt6es, et mises en harmonie avec les latitude and corresponding degree of longi- lois r6centes, par G. F. Colmet-Daage. 7e tude from the equator to the poles. 80. 6d., contenant l'indication de la jurispruLondon, 1839. dence des Cours Imp6riales et de la Cour de BOILEAU-DESPRI AUX, (Nicolas.) (Euvres Cassation. 2 v. 80, Paris, 1858. Completes. 3 v. 8~. Paris, 1810. Le9ons sur les Codes Penal et d'InCONTENTS. struction Criminelle. Publi6es par Gustave Art (1') Potique, v. 1. de Linage, annot6es, compl6tees et mises en Chansons, Epitaphes, Sonnets, etc., v. 2. harmonie avec les lois nouvelles. 7e 6d. Dissertation Critique sur l'Aventure de Joconde, v. 2. 80. Paris, 1856. lVpigrammes, v. 2. BOITARD, (Pierre.) Art de Composer et Ddlpftrcs, v. 1. Heros (les) de Roman; dialogue a la maniere de corer les Jardins. Nouvelle 6d. Oblong Lucien, v. 2. Lettres I diverses personnes, v. 3. 8~. Paris, 1855. Lettres de Boileau;i Brossette, v. 3. BOITEAU D'AMBLY, (P.) Les Cartes Jouer, Lettres de Boileau et de Racine, v. 3. Longin, Trait6 du sublime, traduit du Grec., v. 2. et la Cartomancie. 160. Paris, 1854. Lutrin, le r s v. 2. BOIVIN, (Franoois de. Baron du Villars.) Morceaux divers en prose, v. 2. Reflexions Critiques sur Longin, v. 2. Memoires, 1550-61. 5 v. 80. Paris, Satires, v. 1. 1787-8. (Coll. des Memoires Relatifs a -The same. 5 v. 120. Amsterdam, l'Hist. de France, v. 33-37.) 1772. The same. 3 v. 80. Paris, 1822-3. -- The same. Pr6c6d6s des oeuvres de (Petitot, Coll. M6m. Hist. France, s6r. I, v. Malherbe, suivies des ceuvres poetiques de 28-30.) J. B. Rousseau. 80. Paris, 1840. The same. 80. Paris, 1838. (Michaud, - Dictionary of French Homonymes; a Coil. M6m. Hist. France, v. 10.) collection of French expressions, similar in BOKER, (George H.) Plays and Poems. 2d sound, but differing in signification, illus- ed. 2 v. 120. Boston, 1857. trated by numerous anecdotes, jeux de mots, ~ The Podesta's Daughter; and misceletc. 80. London, 1821. laneous poems. 120. Philadelphia, 1852. BOILLOT, (L. A.) Cours complet d'Arith- BOLINGBROKE, (Henry St. John, Lord.) m6tique. 3e 6d. 160. Paris, 1840. Works; with life, by O. Goldsmith. 8 v. BOISGELIN, (Louis de.) Ancient and Modern 8c. London, 1809. Malta; an account of the present state of CONTENTS the islands of Malta and Goza; History Answer to the London journal, 1728, v. 2. of the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem; Answer to the Defence of the Enquiry into the and narrative of the capture of these islands Co t Great Britain, &c., v. 2. and narrative of the capture of these lands Dissertation upon Parties, v. 3. by the French, and their conquest by the Essay concerning Authority in matters of Religion v. 6-7. English. 2 v. 40. London, 1805. Essays, v. 5-7. 140 BOLINGBROKE. BONAPARTE. BOLINGBROKE, (Henry St. John, Lord.) BOLLAND,(Richard.) DraughtoftheStraeights Works-Continued, of Gibralter. (Churchill's Voyages and Fragments or Minutes of Essays, v. 7-8. Travels, v. 4.) Idea of a Patriot King, v. 4. Letter on Archbishop Tillitson's Sermon, v. 5 BOLLES, (William.) Explanatory and PhonoLetter on the Spirit of Patriotism, v. 4. graphic Pronouncing Dictionary of the Letter to Sir William Windham, v. 1. Letters on the Study and Use of History, v. 3-4. English Language. 80. New-London, Letters, or Essays addressed to a Pope, v. 5. (Con.,) 1847 Letters to Mr. de Pouilly, v. 4. Life of Bolingbroke, by Goldsmith, v. 1. BOLLMANN, (Erick.) Letter to Thomas Brand, Occasional Writer, v. 1. Plan for a Geeral History of Europe, v. 4. on the Practicability and Propriety of a ReReflections on the Present State of the Nation, v. 4. sumption of Specie Payments. 8~. NewReflections upon Exile, v. 1. Remarks on the HIistory of England, v. 2. York, 1819. State of Parties at Accession of George I, v. 4. BOLTON, (James.) Filices Britannic; an True Use of Retirement and Study, v. 4. History of the British Proper Ferns. 4~. ~____ Memoirs of the Life and Ministerial Leeds, (Eng.,) 1785-90. Conduct, with some free remarks on the - History of Funguses growing about political writings of Lord Viscount Boling- Halifax. 4v.inl. 40. Huddersfield, (Eng.,) broke. 80. London, 1752. 1788-91..- Philosophical Works. Published by BOLTON, (Richard.) Justice of Peace for David Mallet. 5 v. 120. London, 1754. Ireland. Folio. Dublin, 1683. Reflections concerning Innate Moral BOLTON, (Robert.) History of the County of Principles. (French and English.) 160. Westchester, from its first settlement to the London, 1752. present time. 2 v. 80. New-York, 1848. Memoires Secretes sur les Affaires BOLZIUS, (Rev. Mr.) Journals in Georgia in d'Angleterre, depuis 1710 jusqu'en 1716, et 1734. (Force's Hist. Tracts, v. 4.) plusieurs intrigues a la Cour de France. BOMBAY. Life in Bombay, and the neighborTraduitesde l'Anglais. 240. Londres, 1754. ing out-stations. 80. London, 1852. BOLINGBROKE, (Henry.) Voyage to the Dem- BOMBET, (Louis Alexandre C6sar.) Pseuerary; with statistical account of the settle- donyme. See BEYLE, (Henri.) ment of Guyana. 40. London, 1807. BONALD, (L. G. A., Vicomte de.) CEuvres.The same. 80. London, 1809. (Phil- Essai Analytique sur les Lois Naturelles de lips' Voyages and Travels, v. 10.) l'Ordre Social; Du Divorce, consid6r6 au BOLLAN, (William.) Ancient Right of the XIXE sidcle relativementa l'etat domestique English Nation to the American Fishery, et A l'6tat public de societ6; Pensees sur examined and stated; with a map of the Divers Sujets; Discours Politiques. 8~. lands, islands, gulph, seas, and fishing Paris, 1847. banks, comprising the whole. 40. London, BONAPARTE, (Charles Lucien.) American 1764. Ornithology; or, the natural history of birds Colonre Anglicane Illustratse; or, the inhabiting the United States, not given by acquest of dominion, and the plantation of Wilson. 4 v. Folio. Philadelphia, 1825-33. colonies made by the English in America; - Geographical and Comparative List of with the rights of the colonists examined, the Birds of Europe and North America. 80. stated, and illustrated. 40. London, 1762. London, 1838. (Bound with the above.) Iconografia della Fauna Italica per le..- Free Briton's Memorial, to all the free- quattro classi degli animali vertebrati. 3 v. holders, citizens, and burgesses, who elect Folio. Roma, 1832-41. the members of the British Parliament, pre- BONAPARTE, (Jerome.) Appel du jugement sented in order to the effectual defence of de la premiere Chambre du Tribunal de pretheir injured right of election. 40. Lon- mitre instance de la Seine, du 15 Fevrier don, 1769. 1861. M. Jerome Napoleon Bonaparte et Petitions of Mr. Bollan, Agent for the Mme. IElizabeth Patterson contre S. A. I. Council of the Province of Massachusetts Le Prince Napoleon. 40. Paris, 1861. Bay, lately presented to the two houses of BONAPARTE, (Joseph Napoleon.) M6moires Parliament. With an introduction relating et Correspondance Politique et Militaire du to the law of nature, the authority of human Roi Joseph. Publies, annotes, et mis en orrulers, and the subject's common right of dre, par A, Du Casse. 10 v. 80. Paris, defence. Small 40. London, 1774. 1853-4. BONAPARTE. BONNET. BONAPARTE, (Joseph Napoleon.) Biographi- BONIFACIUS VII., (Pope.) Sextus Liber Decal Sketches of Joseph Napoleon Bonaparte, cretalium in Concilio Lugdunense, casus Count de Survilliers. 2d ed. 8~. London, litterales et notabilia Helie Regnier com1833. plexus; cum additionibus ex novella JohanBONAPARTE, (Louis.) Answer to Sir Walter nis Andree depromptis. Clementis V. ConScott's History of Napoleon. Translated by stitutiones, una cum apparatu Johannis AnW. H. Ireland. 8~. London, 1829. dree casus litterales complexe. Extrava-- Historical Documents and Reflections gantes xx. Johannis xxII., cum interpretaon the Government of Holland. 3 v. 8~. tione Zenzelini. Extravagantes Decretales London, 1820. Communes qume a diversis Romanis PontifiBONAPARTE, (Louis Napoleon.) See NAPOLION cibus post Sextum emanaverunt. Opera III. T. Kerver. 40. Parisiis, 1507-8. BONAPARTE, (Lucien.) Revolution de Bru- BONIFACIUS, (Sanctus.) Opera quse extant maire, ou Relation des principaux Ive6ne- omnia. Nunc primum in Anglia, ope codiments des Journees de 18 et 19 Brumaire. cum manuscriptorum, editionumque optima2e 6d. 80. Paris, 1846. rum, edidit J. A. Giles. 2 v. 80. Londini, -- Memoirs of the Private and Political 1844. Life of Lucien Bonaparte, Prince of Canino. BONJEAN, (L. B.) Trait6 des Actions; ou exTranslated from the French. 2 v. 80. position historique de l'organisation judiLondon, 1818. ciaire et de la procedure civile chez les RoBONAPARTE, (Napoleon.) See NAPOLEON I. mains. 2 6d. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1845. BONAR, (Andrew A.) Memoir and Remains BONN, University of: its rise, progress, and of the Reverend Robert Murray M'Cheyne. present state; with an account of the college 12~. Dundee, 1845. life of Prince Albert. 120. London, 1845. --- and MCCHEYNE, (Robert M.) Narra- BONNECHOSE, (]miie de.) Histoire de France, tive of a Mission of Inquiry to the Jews from depuis l'Origine jusqu't la Revolution de the Church of Scotland, in 1839. 2 v. in 1. 1848. 8e 6d. 2 v. 120. Paris, 1848. 120. Edinburgh, 1848. History of France, from the invasion BONCHAMPS, (La Marquise de.) M6moires, of the Franks, under Clovis, to the accesrldig6s par la Comtesse de Genlis. 80. sion of Louis-Philippe. 120. London, 1839. Paris, 1823. (Berville et Barriere, Coll. ~ Reformers before the Reformation. 80. M6m. Rdv. Francaise, v. 38.) New York, 1844. (Misc. Pam., v. 16.) BOND, (Henry.) Genealogies of the Families BONNEFOUX, (Baron de.) Vie de Christophe and Descendants of the Early Settlers of Colomb. 80. Paris, 1853. Watertown, Mass., including Waltham and Life of Columbus. Translated. (Becher, Weston; with the Early History of the Town. Landfall of Columbus.) 2 v. in 1. 80. Boston, 1855. BONNEFOUX ET PARIS, (MM.) Dictionnaire BOND, (J. Wesley.) Minnesota and its Re- de Marine a Voiles et A Vapeur. Marine a sources. 120. Chicago, 1856. Vapeur. 80. Paris, 1856. BOND, (Thomas E.) Practical Treatise on BONNER, (Edmund.) Life and Defence of the Dental Medicine. 80. Philadelphia, 1851. Conduct and Principles of; with the best BONE, (August Hypolito.) Vierfacher Bey- mode of again changing the religion of this trag zur Erlauterung und angenehmern nation. 80. London, 1842. Gebrauch des Ao. 1727, emanirten Konigli- BONNER, (T. D.) Life and Adventures of J. chen Preussischen See Rechts. Small 40. P. Beckwourth, Mountaineer, Scout, and Konigsberg, (n. d.) Chief of the Crow Indians. 120. NewBONELLI, (L. Hugh de.) Travels in Bolivia; York, 1856. with a tour across the Pampas to Buenos BONNET, (Charles.) (Euvres d'Histoire NatuAyres. 2 v. 120 London, 1854. relle et de Philosophie. 18v. 80. Neuchatel, BONER, (Charles.) Chamois Hunting in the 1779-83. Mountains of Bavaria. 80. London, 1853. BONNET, (J. E.) Essai sur l'Art de Rendre BONGARS, (Jacques de.) Lettres de Jacques les Revolutions Utiles. 2e 6d. 2 v. 8~. de Bongars, Resident et Ambassadeur du Paris, 1802. Roy Henri IV.; (Lat. et Fr.) Traduites par ~ R6ponse aux principales Questions qui l'Abbe de Brianville. Nouvelle ed. 2 v in peuvent etre faites sur les 1Etats-Unis de 1. 16c. La Haye, 1695. l'Amdrique. 2 v. 80. Lausanne, 1795. 142 BONNEVILLE. BOOTH. BONNEVILLE, (A.) Do lAm6lioration de la BONNYCASTLE, (Sir Richard Henry.) Spanish Loi Criminelle, en vue d'une justice plus America; a descriptive, historical, and geoprompte, plus efficace, plus genereuse, et graphical account of the dominions of Spain plus moraliste. 80. Paris, 1855. in the western hemisphere. 80. Philadel~.- De la Rdcidive, ou des moyens les plus phia, 1819. efficaces pour constater, rechercher et r6pri- BONTIUS, (Jacobus.) Historire Naturalis et mer les rechutes dans toute infraction a la Medicre Indie Orientalis Libri Sex. Folio. loipenale. 8~. Paris, 1844. Amstelmedami, 1658. (With Piso's India.) BONNEVILLE, (Alphonse.) EncyclopedieMon6- BONUCCI, (Carlo.) Pompei; precis historique taire; ou nouveau trait6 des monnaies d'or des excavations depuis 1748jusqu'a nosjours. -et d'argent, en circulation chez les divers Traduit de la 3me ddition Italienne. 80. Napeuples du monde. Folio. Paris, 1851. pies, 1828. BONNEVILLE, (Nicolas de.) De la Maonnerie BONYNGE, (Francis.) Future Wealth of ecossoise Comparde avec les trois professions America; a glance at the resources of the et le secret des Templiers du 14e sidcle.-Me- United States, and the advantages of cultimete des quatres voeux de S. Ignace, et des vatingtea, coffee, &c. 12~. New-York, 1852. quatres grades de la Ma(onnerie de S. Jean. BOOK of 1,000 Comical Stories; to which is 160. Orient de Londres, (Paris,) 1788. added, Laughing Gas. 12~. New York, 1859. L'Esprit des Religions. 2v. 80. Paris, BOOK of Favorite Modern Ballads. Illustrated. 1792. 80. London, 1860. BONNEVILLE, (Pierre Francois.) Traite des BOOK of Vagabonds and Beggars; with a Monnaies d'Or et d'Argent qui circulent chez vocabulary of their language. Edited by les diff6rents peuples. Folio. Paris, 1806. Martin Luther, in the year 1528. Now first BONNIER, (Idouard.) Traite thdorique et translated into English; with notes, by J. pratique des Preuves, en droit civil et en Camden Hotten. Small 40. London, 1860. droit criminel. 2 edc. 80. Paris, 1852. BOOKSELLER, The; a Hand-Book of British BONNIN, (Pascal.) Commentaire de la L6gisla- and foreign literature. Vols. 1-6. 80. Lontion Commerciale, contenant l'explication de don, 1858-63. chaque article du code de commerce, un BOOLE, (George.) Investigation of the Laws abr6g6 des assurances terrestres, de la con- of Thought, on which are founded the trainte par corps, de la competence, et des mathematical theories of logic and probabilijuridictions commerciales. 80. Paris, 1845. ties. 80. London, 1854. BONNYCASTLE,(John.) Elements of Geometry; BOOSEY, (Thomas.) PiscatorialReminiscences containing the principal propositions in first and Gleanings, by an old Angler and Biblisix, and the eleventh and twelfth books of opolist; with a catalogue of books on angEuclid. 6th ed. 80. London, 1818. ling. 160. London, 1835. ~-~ Introduction to Arithmetic. 80. Lon- BooT and Shoemaker's Assistant; containing a don, 1810. treatise onclicking and lasts, with engravings..- Treatise on Algebra. 2d ed. 2 v. 80. and pattern plates. Folio. London, 1853. London, 1820. BOOT and Shoemakers of Philadelphia. Trial ---- Introduction to Astronomy. 9th ed.; on an indictment for a combination and conwith additions, by J. R. Young. 160. Lon- spiracy to raise their wages. Taken in shortdon, 1839. hand, by T. Lloyd. 80. Philadelphia, 1806. - Introduction to Mensuration and Prac- BOOTE, (R.) Historical Treatise of an Action tical Geometry; with Key. 2 v. 160. Lon- or Suit at Law; with an historical treatise of don, 1812-17. the Courts of King's Bench and Common - Treatise on Plane and Spherical Trigo- Pleas, by George Crompton and J. Sellon. nometry. 3d ed. 80. London, 1818. 80. London, 1823. BONNYCASTLE, (Sir Richard Henry.) Canada BOOTH, (Barton.) Memoirs of the Life of; and the Canadians, in 1846. 2 v. 80. Lon- with his character, and several poetical don, 1846. pieces. 80. London, 1833. Canada, as it was, is, and may be. BOOTH, (David.) Analytical Dictionary of the With additions, by J. E. Alexander. 2 v. English Language, in which the words are 120. London, 1852. explained in the order of their natural affinity, Newfoundland in 1842: a sequel to "The independent of alphabetical arrangement. 40. Canadasinl841." 2 v. 120. London, 1842. London, 1836. 143 BOOTH. BOREL. BOOTH, (David.) Principles of English Corn- BoPP, (Franz.) Vergleichende Grammatik position. 120. London, 1840. des Sanskrit, Zend, Griechischen, LateinisBOOTH, (David.) Art of Brewing. 8~. Lon- chen, Litthauischen, Gothischen und Deutdon, 1833. schen. 40. Berlin, 1833. ---— Art of Wine-Making; with appendix - Uber die Verwandtschaft der Maconcerning Cider and Perry. 80. London, layisch-Polynesischen Sprachen mit den 1834. Indisch-Europaischen. 40. Berlin, 1840. BOOTH, (David.) Letterto T. R. Malthus,being Comparative Grammar of the Sanscrit, an answer to the criticism on Mr. Goodwin's Zend, Greek, Latin, Lithuanian, Gothic, work on Population. 80. London, 1823. German, and Sclavonic Languages. TransBOOTII, (George.) Manual of the present State lated from the German, by E. B. Eastwick. of the Law of Wills, adapted as a guide for 2d ed. 3 v. 80. London, 1854. their preparation in simple cases; with forms BORDA, (Jean Charles.) Description et Usage for ordinary use. 120. London, 1861. du Cercle de Reflexion, avec diff6rentes BOOTH, (George.) Nature and Practice of m6thodes pour calculerles observations nauReal Actions, in their writs and process, both tiques. 2e ed. Small 40. Paris, 1802. original and judicial. Folio. London, 1701. Memoire sur la Courbe D6crite par les The same. 2d ed. With notes of Boulets et les Bombes en ayant 6gard A la George Hill. 80. London, 1811. resistance de Pair. 80. Paris, 1846. BOOTH, (James.) On the Applicationof a New Tables Trigonometriques D6cimales; Method to the Theory of Curves and Curved ou table des logarithmes des sinus, secantes, Surfaces. 80. Dublin, 1840. et tangentes. Augmentees et publiees, par BOOTH, (James C.) Memoir of the Geological J. B. J. Delambre. 40. Paris, 1801. Survey of the State of Delaware; including BORDAS-DEMOULIN, (Jean Baptiste.) Melanthe application of the geological observations ges Philosophiques et Religieux. 80. Paris, to agriculture. 80. Dover, (Del.,) 1841. 1846. - and MORFIT, (Campbell.) Encyclopedia BORDEAUX. Catalogue des livres composant la of Chemistry, practical and theoretical. 80. Bibliotheque de la ville de Bordeaux. HisPhiladelphia, 1850. toire. 80. Bordeaux, 1851. ~- - Recent Improvements in Chemical Arts. - Rapport a une Assembl6e d'Negocians 80. Washington, 1852. (Smithsonian Misc. et Capitalistes de Bordeaux. 40. Bordeaux, Collections, v. 2.) 1790. (Pol. Pam., v. 1.) BOOTH, (John.) Epigrams, Ancient and BORDEAUX Wine and Liquor Dealers' Guide; Modern, humourous, witty, satirical, moral, a treatise on the manufacture and adulterapanegyrical, monumental. 160. London, tion of liquors. 120. New-York, 1857. 1863. BORDELON, (l'Abbe L.) History of the Ri---- Lexicon of the Primitive Words of the diculous Extravagancies of Monsieur Oufle; Greek Language. 80. London, 1820. occasioned by his reading books treating of BooTH, (Mary L.) History of the City of magic, the black art, &c.; with multitudes New-York, from its earliest settlement to the of quotations out of those books. From the present time. 80. New-York, 1859. French. 80. London, 1711. BOOTIBY, (Sir Brooke.) Observations on the BORDEN, (Simeon.) System of Useful ForAppeal from the New to the Old Whigs, and mule, adapted to the practical operations of on Mr. Paine's Rights of Man. 80. Lon- locating and constructing railroads. 80. don, 1792. Boston, 1851. BOOTHBY, (Richard.) Discovery of Madagas- BORDWINE, (Joseph.) Memoir of a Proposed car. (Osborne's Coll. Voyages, v. 2.) New System of Permanent Fortification. BOOTT, (Francis.) Memoir of the Life and 40. London, 1834. Medical Opinions of John Armstrong; with BORE, (Eugene.) Armenie. 80. Paris, 1838. an inquiry into those forms of fever attributed (L'Univers, v. 34. ) to malaria. 2 v. 80. London, 1834. BOREL, (Fran9ois.) Formulaire des Consulats. BoPP, (Franz.) Glossarium Sanscritum, in 80. Saint-Petersbourg, 1808. quo omnes radices et vocabula usitatissima L'Origine et des Fonctions des Consuls. explicantur et cum vocabulis Graecis, Lat- 80. Saint-Petersbourg, 1807. inis, Germanicis, Lithuanicis, Slavicis, Celt- BOREL D'HAUTERIVE. See ANNUAIRE de la icis comparantur. 40. Berolini, 1847. Pairie. 144 BORGNIS. BOSSET. BORGNIS, (J. A.) Trait6 complet de Mecan- BOSANQUET, (Charles.) Practical Observa ique Appliquee aux Arts. 10 v. 40. Paris, tions on the Report of the Bullion Committee. 1818-23. 80. London, 1810. (Financial Pam., v. 7.) BORJA, (Francisco de.) Napoles Recuperada. BOSANQUET, (James Whatman.) Metallic, 80. Madrid, 1854. (Biblioteca de Autores Paper, and Credit Currency, and the means Espafoles, v. 39.) of regulating their quantity and value. 80. BORLASE, (William.) Antiquities, historical London, 1842. and monumental, of the county of Cornwall. BOSANQUET, (John Bernard,) and PULLER, 2ded. Folio. London, 1769. (Christopher.) Reports in the Courts of - Observations on the Islands of Sicily, Common Pleas and Exchequer Chamber, and their importance to the trade of Great and in the House of Lords, 1796 to 1807. Britain. 40. Oxford, 1756. 5 v. 80. Philadelphia, 1804-09. BORN, (Ignatius Edler von.) Catalogue Me- - The same. New ed.; with notes and thodique et Raisonnd de la Collection des Fos- references, by Thomas Day. 5 v. 80. Hartsiles de Mlle. Eleonore de Raab. 2 v. 80. ford, (Conn.,) 1820. Vienne, 1790. BOSANQUET, (S. R.) "Vestiges of the Natural BORNEO, Adventures in. 120. London, 1849. History of Creation;" its argument examined BOROUGHS, (John.) Soveraignty of the Brit- and exposed. 2d ed. 80. London, 1845. ish Seas; proved by records, history, and the BOSCH-SPENCER, (H.) Statistique Commermunicipall lawes of the kingdom; written in ciale du Chili, de la Bolivie, du Perou, de the yeare 1633. 120. London, 1651. l']quator, de la Nouvelle-Grenade, do BORRI, (Christopher.) Account of Cochin- l'Amerique Centrale et du Mexique. 80. China. (Churchill's Voyages and Travels, Bruxelles, 1848. v. 2.) BosIus, (J. A.) De Pontifice Maximo Romne ~ — The same. (Pinkerton's Voyages, v. 9.) Veteris Exercitatio. (Graevius, Thesaurus BORRICHIUS, (O.) De Antiqua Urbis Rome Antiq. Rom., v. 5.) Facie Dissertatio. (Grmevius, Thesaurus BOSMAN, (William.) New and Accurate DeAntiq. Rom., v. 4.) scription of the Coast of Guinea. From the BORRIE, (Peter.) Companion to the Improved Dutch. 80. London, 1705. Log Book for Steam Vessels. Folio. Lon- -Thesame. (Pinkerton'sVoyages, v. 16.) don, 1849. BOSQUET, (Abraham.) Series of Essays on BORROW, (George.) Bible in Spain; or, the several New Systems and Inventions. 80. journeys, adventures, and imprisonments of London, 1818. an Englishman, in an attempt to circulate -- Treatise on Duelling, together with the the Scriptures in the peninsula. 160. Lon- Annals of Chivalry. 80. London, 1818. don, 1843. (Pamphleteer, v. 12.) Lavengro; the scholar —the gypsy- BOSQUILLON. Code National, dedi6 auxEtats the priest. 3 v. 12~. London, 1851. Generaux. 80. Geneve, 1788. (Pol. Pam., ~- The Romany Rye; a sequel to "La- v. 15.) vengro." 2 v. 120. London, 1857. BOSSANGE, (Adolphe.) Des Crimes et des The Zincali; or, an account of the Peines Capitales. 80. Paris, 1832. Gypsies of Spain; with an original collec- BOSSANGr, (Hector.) Catalogue de Livres tion of their songs and poetry, and a copious Frangais, Anglais, Allemands, Espagnols, dictionary of their language. 2 v. 120. Grecs et Latins, Italiens, Portugais, OrientLondon, 1841. aux, etc.; suivi de prix courants; avec deux BORROWS, (William.) Sacred Maxims. 180. supplements. 3 v. in 1. 80. Paris, 1845-48. London, 1852. The same. Avec trois supplements. BORTHWICK, (J. D.) Three Years in Califor- 4 v. in 2. 80. Paris, 1845-50. nia. 80. Edinburgh, 1857. - Ma Bibliothdque Frangaise. 160. BORY DE SAINT-VINCENT. (J. B. G. M.) Paris, 1855. Histoire et Description des Iles de l'Ocean. BOSSET, (Charles P. de.) Parga, and the 80. Paris, 1839. (L'Univers, v. 25.) Ionian Islands; a refutation of the misBos, (Lambert.) Greek Ellipses abridged and statements of the Quarterly Review and of translated into English, with notes, by John Lieut. Gen. Maitland; with a report of the Seager. 80. London, 1830. (With Her- trial between that officer and the author. mann's Elements of the Doctrine of Meter.) 80. London, 1821. 145 BOSSI. BOSTON. BossT, (Luigi.) Della Istoria d'Italia, Antica BOSSUT, (Charles.) Histoire Generale des e Moderna. 19 v. 18~. Milano, 1819-23. Mathdmatiques, depuis leur origine jusqu'a Vita de Christoforo Colombo, con un l'ann6e 1808. 2 v. in. 12~. Paris, 1810. appendice di documenti rari o inediti. 80. - - Trait6 Elementaire d'Arithietique. Milano, 1818. 120. Paris, 1775. BossOII, (Carlo.) Kingdom of Sardinia; a - Traites de Calcul Diffdrentiel et de bird's eye view, looking from Lombardy. Calcul Int6gral. 2 v. 8~. Paris, 1798. Map, folded 8~. London, 1859. -- Trait6 Elmentaire de M6chanique. 8~. Bossu, (J. A.) Nouveaux Voyages aux Indes Paris, 1775. Occidentales; une relation des differents - - Traite Th6orique et Experimental d'Hypeuples qui habitent les environs du grand drodynamique. Nouvelle d. 2v. 8~. Paris, fleuve Saint-Louis, appell6 vulgairement le 1796. Mississipi; leur religion, leur gouvernment, General History of Mathematics, from leurs moeurs, leurs guerres et leur commerce. the earliest times to the middle of the 2 v. 160. Paris, 1768. eighteenth century. From the French. 80. Travels through that part of North London, 1803. America formerly called Louisiana. Trans- BOSTOCK, (John.) Account of the History lated by J. R. Forster. 2 v. 80. London, and Present State of Galvanism. 80. Lon1771. don, 1818. BOSSUET. (Jacques Benigne.) CEuvres. 4 v. -- Elementary System of Physiology. 4th 80. Paris, 1841. ed. 80. London, 1844. CONTENTS. -- Sketch of the History of Medicine, from Connaissance de Dieu et do soi-mme, v. 1. gits origin to the commencement of the nineD6fense de tl Tradition et des Saints Peies, v. 1. teenth century. 80. London, 1835. Discours sur i'Histoire Universelle, v. 1. ilevations sur les Mysteres, v. 4. BOSTON. Documents of the City of Boston Exposition de laDoctrine de l'Eglise, v. 1I. for theyear 186. 2 v. 80. Boston, 1863. Histoire des Variations des Eglises Protestantes, v. 4. Instruction Pastorale sur lea Prolmesses de l'Eglise, - Report of the Births, Marriages, and v. 4. Maximes et R6flexions sur la Comedie, v. 1. Deaths. Years 1855, 1857, and 1862. 80. Meditations sur l'Evangile, v. 3. Boston, 1 86-63. Oraisons Funebres, v. 2. Pan6-Fyriqes, v. 3. - Resolutions of the Republican Citizens Pemsses tChiriennnes et morales, v. 4. of Boston, Dec., 1808. 120. Boston, 1808. Politique tirde de l'criture, v. 1. Sermons, v. 2-3. (Pol. Pam., v. 107.) Trait6 du Libre Arbitre, v. 1. -- Topographical and Historical DescripDefensio Declarationis celeberrimm tion of, in 1774. 80. Boston, 1810. (Mass. quam de PotestateEcclesiastica sanxit clerus -list. Coli., v. 3. First series.) Gallicanus, 19 Martii, 1682. 2 v. in 1. 40. -- Votes and Proceedings of the FreeholdLuxemburgi, 1730. ers and other inhabitants of the town of Discours sur l'Histoire Universelle. Boston, in town meetings assembled, accord10e ed. Continuation de l'Histoire, par ing to law. Published by order of the town. Jean de la Barre, depuis l'an 800 jusqu'a l'an 12~. Boston, 1772. 1687. 2 v. 160. Amsterdam, 1710-14. BosToN Athenmum. Catalogue of Books. 80. The same. Nouvelle edition, avecsuite. Boston, 1827. 2 v. 16~. Paris, 1752. BOSTON Board of Trade. 1st to 9th Annual Exposition of the Doctrines of the Reports, 1855-63. 8v. 80. Boston, 1855-63. Catholic Church. With notes, by John BOSTON Book; being specimens of metropolFletcher. 240. Baltimore, 1829. itan literature. 120. Boston, 1837. ~- E History of the Variations of the Pro- - - The same. 120. Boston, 1841. testant Churches. Translated from the BOSteON Directory, for the years 1857, 1858, French. *2 v. 120. New-York, 1842. 1860, and 1863. 4 v. 80. Boston, 1857-63. --- The same. 2 v. 80. Dublin, 1836. BOSTON Gazette. 2 v. Folio. Boston, 1802-5. --- Universal History, from the Creation of (Incomplete.) the World to the Empire of Charlemagne. BOSTON Herald, from 1856 to 1859. 6 v. From the French. 80. London, 1778. Folio. Boston, 1856-59. BossUT, (Charles.) Cours de Math6matiques. BOSTON Massacre. Orations on the Massacre Geom6trie, et application de l'algebre i la at Boston, March 5, 1770. 120. Boston, g6ometrie. 120. Paris, 1794. 1807. 19 BOSTON. 0BTFIELD. BOSTON Massacre. Short Narrative of the BOSWELL, (James.) Life of Samuel Johnson. horrid Massacre in Boston, perpetrated in the 4 v. 80. Oxford, 1826. evening of the 5th day of March, 1770, by -- The same. Including a Journal of his soldiers of the 29th regiment, with the several Tour to the Hebrides. New ed.; with addidepositions. 80. London, 1770. tions and notes, by John Wilson Croker; -— The same. (Col. Pam., v. 10.) with two supplementary volumes of John-— The same. Republished, with notes, soniana, by Hawkins, Piozzi, Murphy, and &c., byJohn Doggett, Jr. 80. New-York, others. 10 v. 160. London, 1851-59. 1849. BOSWORTH, (Joseph.) Compendious AngloBOSTON Mercantile Library Association. 32d Saxon and English Dictionary. 80. Lonand 36th Annual Reports. 8~. Boston, don, 1849. 1852-56. - Elements of Anglo-Saxon Grammar. BOSTON Patriot. 20. Folio. Boston, 1809-11. 80. London, 1823. (Incomplete.) Essentials of Anglo-Saxon Grammar; BOSTON Prison Discipline Society. First, with an outline of Professor Rask and Second, Third, and Thirteenth Annual Re- Grimm's systems. 80. London, 1841. ports. 80. Boston, 1826-38. (Pris. Disc. -- Origin of the English, Germanic, and Pam., v. 2.) Scandinavian Languages, and Nations; with -- Report of the Minority of a Special a sketch of their early literature. 80. LonCommittee. 80. Boston, 1846. (Pris. Disc. don, 1848. Pam., v. 1.) BOSWORTH, (Joseph S.) Reports of Cases BOSTON Public Library. Annual Reports (1st argued and determined in the Superior Court to 10th, inclusive) of the Trustees. 80. of the City of New York. 7 v. 80. Albany, Boston, 1852-62. 1859-63. ---- Index to the Catalogue of Books in the BOSWORTH, (Newton.) Hochelaga Depicta; Lower Hall. 80. Boston, 1858; with 6 a new picture of Montreal. With addenda. supplements, to September 1, 1863. 120. Montreal, 1846. -- Index to the Catalogue of Books in the BOTANICAL and Physiological Memoirs; edited Upper Hall. 80. Boston, 1861. by Arthur Hienfrey. 80. London, 1853. Proceedings on Laying the Corner (Ray Society Pub.) Stone. 80. Boston, 1855. CONTENTS. ---- Rules and Regulations. 8~. Boston, — Rules and Reguli, 1. Phenomenon of Rejuvenescence in Nature, espe1859. cially in the life and development of Plants, by BOSTON Traveller, 1857 to 1859. 4 v. in A Bran. Translated byA. Henfrey. BOSTON Traveller, 1857 to 1859. 4 V. in 5.. Animal Nattire of the Diatomer, by G. MeneFolio. Boston, 1857-9. ghlini. Translated by C. Johnson. 3. Natural History of Protococcus Phlvialis, by BOSTON, (Thomas.) Whole Works; including Ferdinand Cohn. Edited by G. Busk. his memoirs, written by himself. Edited by BOTANIST'S Guide through the Counties of Samuel McMillan. 8 v. 80. Aberdeen, Northumberland and Durham. 2 v. in 1. 1848-50. o80. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1805-07. CONTENTS. BOTANY. Conversations on. 9th ed. 160. Christian Religion, Doctrines of, v. 1-2. London, 1840. Explication of the Assembly's Catechism, v. 7. Elements of the Science, as established Man's Fourfold State, v. 8.~ Elements of the Science, as established 1Man's Fourfold State, v. 8. Marrow of Modern Divinity, v. 7. byLinnaeus. By R.D. 3d ed. 3 v. 120. Sermons, v. 3-6. Soliloquy on the Art of Man-Fishing, v. 5. London, 1812. View of the Covenant of Grace, v. 8. BOTERO, (Giovanni.) Della Ragione di Stato, BOSTWICK, (Homer.) Complete Practical libri dieci; con tre libri delle Cause della Work on the Nature and Treatment of Ve- Grandezza delle Cittak.-I Prencipi; con el nereal Diseases. 40. New York, 1848. aggionte alla Ragion di Stato. 3 v. in 1. BOSWELL, (George.) Treatise on Watering 16C. Venetia, 1601. Meadows. 3d ed. 8C. London, 1792. - Relations of the Most Famous KingBOSWELL, (James.) Account of Corsica, doms and Common-Wealths thorowout the journal of a tour to that island, and me- World. Translated out of the Italian, byR. moirs of Pascal Paoli. 3d ed. 80. London, J. Small 40. London, 1630. 1769. BOTFIELD, (Beriah.) Notes on the Cathe--- Letters, addressed to Rev. W. J. Tern- dral Libraries of England. 80. London, pie. 80. London, 1857. 1849. 147 BOTFIELD. BOUCIHER. BOTFIELD, (Beriah.) Prgefationes et Epistolse BOUCHARLAT, (Jean Louis.) Thdorie des Editionibus principibus auctorum veterum Courbes et des Surfaces du Second Ordre; pryepositoe. 40, Cantabrigire, 1861. ou traitd complet d'application de l'algebre BorTHo, (Cr.) Cronecken der Sassen. Folio. la g6omdtrie. 3e dd. 120. Paris, 1845. Mentz, 1492. Elementary Treatise on the Differen-- Chronica der Sachsen undNidersachsen; tial and Integral Calculus. Translated from bis auff diese Zeitcontinuiret und volstrecket, the French, by R. Blakelock. 8~. Cametc., durch Johannem Pomarium, mit einer bridge, (Eng.,) 1828. vorrede D. Sigfridi Sacci. Folio. Witten- BOUCHAUD, (Mathieu Antoine.) Commenbergk, 1589. taire sur la Loi des Douze Tables. 2e 6d. BOTT, (E.) Laws relating tothe Poor; edited 2v. 40. Paris, 1803. by F. Const. 6th ed., in which the statutes - De l'Imp6t du Vingtibme sur les Sucand cases, to Hilary Term 1827, are arranged cessions, et de l'impot sur les Marchandises, under their respective heads, by John Tidd chez les Romains; recherches historiques. Pratt. 2 v. 80. London, 1827. 80. Paris, 1772. BOTTA, (Anne C. Lynch.) Hand-Book of BOUCHER. Histoire de la Dernidre Guerre, Universal Literature, from the latest and best entre la Grande-Bretagne et les Rtats-Unis authorities. 120. New York, 1860. de l'Amerique, La France, l'Espagne, et la -- Poems. 80. New-York, 1849. Hollande, 1775-83. 40. Paris, 1787. BOTTA, (Carlo.) Storia della Guerra deli' In- BOUCHER, (John.) Volunteer Rifleman, and dependenza degli Stati Uniti d'America. 4 the Rifle. 160. London, 1854. v. 80. Parigi, 1809. BOUCHER, (Jonathan.) Supplement to Dr. _- History of the War of the Independence Johnson's Dictionary of the English Lanof the United States of America. Translated guage; or, a Glossary of Obsolete and Proby G. A. Otis. 3 v. 80. Philadelphia, vincial Words. 40. London, 1807. (With 1820-21. Thomson's Etymons of English Words.) - History of Italy during the Consulate View of the Causes and Consequences and Empire of Napoleon Bonaparte. Trans- of the American Revolution, in thirteen dislated from the Italian. 2 v. 80. London, courses. 80. London, 1797. 1828. BouCHER, (P. B.) Consulat de la Mer; ou BOTTA, (P. E-) Illustrations of Discoveries pandectes du doit commercial et maritime, at Nineveh; with descriptions. 80. London, faisant loi en Espagne, en Italie, h Marseille 1850. et en Angleterre, et consultee partout ailBOTTA, (Vincenzo.) Discourse on the Life, leurs comme raison ecrite. Traduit du CataCharacter, and Policy of Count Cavour. lan en Frangais, d'apres l'edition originale de 8c. New York, 1862. Barcelonne de 1494. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1808. Public Instruction in Sardinia. 80. ~ Institution au Droit Maritime; ouvrage Hartford, (Conn.,) 1858. complet sur la legislation maritime, ayant BOTTARELLT, (F.) New Italian, English, and pour base l'ordonnance de 1681, a laquelle French pocket Dictionary. New ed., by P. sont adaptees les lois de l'ancien et du nouR. Rota. 3 v. Oblong 80. London, 1820. veau regime; des rdflexions, des jugemens BOTURINI BENADUCf, (Lorenzo.) Ideade.una etayes des autorites les plus respectables; Neueva Historia General de la America Sep- notamment d'Emdrigon, Valin, et Pothier; tentrional; fundada sobre material copioso des formules de divers actes, traitds, comptes; de Figuras, Symbolos, Caracteres y Gero- des instructions nouvelles sur la course mariglificos, Cantares, y Manuscritos de Autores time. 40. Paris, 1803. Indios, ultimamente descubiertos. Small 40. Institutions Commerciales, traitant de Madrid, 1746. la jurisprudence marchande et des usages du Tezcoco en los Ultimos Tiempos de n6goce, d'apres les anciennes et nouvelles sus Antiguos Reyes 6 sea relacion tomada lois. 40. Paris, 1801. de los manuscritos ineditos de Boturini; re- BOUCHRIE DE LA RICHARDERIE, (Gilles.) dactados por D. M. Veytia. Con notas y BibliothequeUniverselle des Voyages; notice adiciones para estudio de C. Maria de Bus- complete et raisonnde de tous les voyages antamante. 80. Mexico, 1826. ciens et modernes dans les diff6rentes parties BOUCHARLAT, (Jean Louis.) Elemens de du monde, class6s par ordre de pays dans leur Mecanique. 30 6d. 120. Paris, 1840. serie chronologique. 6 v. 80. Paris, 1808. 148 BOUCHETTE. BOUILLON. BOUCHETTE, (Joseph.) British Dominions in BOUGUER, (Pierre.) De la Manoeuvre des North America; a topographical and statis- Vaisseaux; traite de mdcanique et de dynatical description of the provinces of Lower mique. 4~. Paris, 1757. and Upper Canada, New Brunswick, Nova Figure de la Terre, d6terminee par les Scotia, the islands of New-Foundland, Prince observations de Messieurs Bouguer, et de la Edward, and Cape Breton. 2 v. 40. Lon- Condamine, envoyes par ordre du Roy au don, 1832. Pdrou, pour observer aux environs de l'dquaTopographical Dictionary of the Prov- teur; avec une relation abrdgee de ce voyince of Lower Canada. 4~. London, 1832. age. 40. Paris, 1749. BiUCHOT, (Auguste.) Histoire du Portugal Nouveau Traitd de Nav;gation, conteet de ses Colonies. 12~. Paris, 1854. nant ]a thdorie et la pratique du pilotage. 4~. BOUCHUT, (Eugene.) Practical Treatise on Paris, 1753. the Diseases of Children, and Infants at the - The same. Revu et abr6gc par l'Abb6 Breast. From the French; with notes and de la Caille. 3e ed., augmentde deplusieurs additions, by Peter H. Bird. 8~. London, notes et additions, par M. de La Lande. 80. 1855. Paris, 1792. BoUCICAUT, (Jean le Maingre, lIare'chal de.) Traitd d'Optique sur la Gradation de la Memoires, ou Livre des Faits. 8~. Paris, Lumi;re. 4~. Paris, 1760. 1785. (Coil. des Memoires Relatifs a l'Hist. Traitd du Navire, de sa construction de France, v. 6.) et de ses mouvements. 4". Paris, 1746. - The same. 80. Paris, 1836. (Michaud, - Voyage to Peru, 1735. (Pinkerton's Coll. Hist. France, v. 2.) Voyages, v. 14.) The same. 2v. 8~. Paris, 1819. (Peti- BoumnER, (J.) Coutumes du Duch6 de Bourtot, Coil. Mem. Hist. France, sdr. 1, v. 6-7.) gogne; avec les anciennes coutumes, tant BOUDINOT, (Elias.) Age of Revelation; or, generales que locales, de la meine province, the age of reason shown to be an age of infi- non encore imprimees, avec les observations. delity. 80. Philadelphia, 1801. 2 v. Folio. Dijon, 1742-46. ----- Star in the West; a humble attempt to BOUIIER DE L'ECLUSE, (Robert Constant.) discover the long lost ten tribes of Israel, De l'Ttat des Pretres en France: itat Civil, preparatory to their return to their beloved Mariage, Adoption. 80. Paris, 1842. city Jerusalem. 80. Trenton, (N. J.,) 1816. Bouiouls,-(Dominique.) Life of St. Francis BOUGAINVILLE, (Jean Pierre.) Dissertation: Xavier, of the Society of Jesus, Apostle of Quels dtoient les Droits des Metropoles Grec- India. From the French. 120. Philadelques sur les Colonies; les devoirs des colo- phia, 1841. nies envers les metropoles; et les engage- Life of St. Ignatius, Founder of the mens reciproques des unes et des autres. Society of Jesus. From the French, by a 160. Paris, 1745. Catholic clergyman. 12~. Philadelphia, BOUGAINVILLE, (Louis Antoine de.) Voyage 1840. Round the World, performed by order of His BOUILLI, (Frannois Claude Amour, Mfarquis Majesty, in the years 1766-69. Translated de.) Memoires sur la Rdvolution Franuaise. from the French, by John Reinhold Forster. 80. Paris, 1821. (Berville et Barriere, Coll. 40. London, 1772. Mem. Rev. Franqaise, v. 45.) BOUGAINVILLE, le Jeune, (Baron de.) Jour- - Mdmoire sur le depart de Louis XVI. nal de la Navigation autour du Globe de la Juin 1791. 80. Paris, 1823. (Berville et Fregate la Thdtis et de la Corvette l'Espe- Barriere, v. 41.) rance, pendant les annees 1824-26. 2 v. BOUILLET, (Marie Nicolas.) Dictionnaire 40; atlas folio. Paris, 1837. Classique des Nomns Propres de l'Antiquit6, BOUGEANT, (Guillaume Hyacinthe.) His- Sacree et Profane. 2 e6d. 2 v. 80. Paris, toires des Guerres et des Negociations qui 1826-28. Prdecddrent le Traitd de Westphalie. Corn- BouILLIER, (Francisque.) Histoire de la Philoposee sur les Memoires du Comte d'Avaux. sophie Cartesienne. 2v. 80. Paris, 1854. 2 v. 160. Paris, 1727. BOUILLON, (Pierre.) Musde des Antiques. - Histoire des Guerres et des Ndgocia- Avec des notices explicatives par J. B. de tions qui pr6c6derent le Traitd de Westphalie; Saint-Victor. 3 v. Folio. Paris, 1810. et l'histoire du Trait6 de Westphalie. 6 v. BOUILLON, (Duc de.) See LA TOUR I)'Au16~. Paris, 1751. VERGNE. 149 BOULAINVILLIERS. BOURGOING. BOULAINVILLIERS, (Henri de.) Historical 1762. Auxquels on a joint une relation imAccount of the Antient Parliaments of partiale des campagnes de M. de Broglie. France, or States-General of the kingdom. 3 v. 80. Paris, 1792. Translated by Charles Forman. 2 v. 8~. BOURDALOUE, (Louis.) O(Evres completes. London, 1739. Publies par Eug6ne Genoude. 16 v. 80. BOULANGER, (Nicolas Antoine.) CEuvres. Paris, 1822-26. 10 v. 180. En Suisse, 1791. CONTENrs. CONTENTS. Dominicales, v. 5-7. Antiquit6 (1') Ddvoil6e par ses Usages, v. 1-4. Exhoriatious, v. 12-13. Christianisme (le) Devoile, v. 7. Mysteres, v. 8-9. Dissertation sur Elie et Enoch, v. 6. Paingyriques, v. 10-11. ]Esope Fabuliste, v. 6. Pens6es, v. 14-15. Essai Philosophique sur le Gouvernement, v. 10. Retraite Spirituelle, v. 16. Examen Critique de St. Paul, v. 8. Sermons pour l'Avent, v. 1. (Euvros Meles, v. 9. Sermons pour le Carelme, v. 2-4. Recherches sur l'Origine du Despotisme, v. 5. Table Geunrale des Matieres, v. 16. Trait6 Math6matique sur le Bonheur, v. 6. Sermons. Publies par F. Bretonneau. Christianisme D6voile. See HOLBACHI. 17v. 160. Paris, 1716-78. Recherches sur l'Origine du Despotisme BOURDEILLE, (Andre de.) (Euvres, viz: Oriental. 160. Paris, 1761. Maximes et Advis du Maniement de la Ricerche su' l'Origine del Dispotismo Guerre: Lettres. 80. Paris, 1823. (BranOrientale. Tradotto da Bellini. 40. (MS.,) tome, CEuvres, v. 8.) 1766. - BOURDEILLE, (P. de.) Spanish Rhodomon. ~ Origin and Progress of Despotism in tades; a collection of witty conceits, jests, the Oriental and other Empires of Africa, tales, &c. 8~. London, 1744. -Europe, and America. 8~. Amsterdam, BOURDIN, (Mark A.) Exposition of the Land (London,) 1764. Tax, its assessment and collection. 12~. BOULAY-PATY, (P. S.) Cours de Droit Corn- London, 1854. mercial Maritime, d'apres les principes et BOUtDON, (Louis Pierre Marie.) Application suivant l'ordre du code de commerce. 4 v. de l'Alg6bre h la G6ometrie. 80. Paris, 1825. 80. Rennes, 1821-23. El1ments d'Algebre. 10e ed. 120. Traite des Faillites et Banqueroutes; Paris, 1848. suivi de la revendication et d'uu essai sur - Eldments d'Arithm6tique. 28e 6d. 120. la deconfiture et les sursis. Nouvelle edition, Paris, 1853. mise en rapport avec la legislation et lajuris- ~ Arithmetic. Translated, by C. F. Venaprudence du royaume des Pays-Bas. 80. ble. 12~. Philadelphia, 1858. Bruxelles, 1834. BOURDOT DE RICIEBOURG, (C. A.) Nouveau BOULDEN, (James E. P.) American among Coutumier General, ou corps des coutumes the Orientals. 120. Philadelphia, 1855. generales et particuliares de France, et des BOULLENOIS, (Louis.) Traite de la Person- Provinces connues sous le nom des Gaules. alit6 et la Realit6 des Lois, Coutumes, on Avec les notes de T. Chauvelin, J. Brodeau, Statuts, par forme d'observations. Auquel et J. M. Ricard; jointes aux annotations de on a ajout6 l'ouvrage Latin de Rodenburgh, C. Du Molin, F. Ragueau et G. M. de la intitule, De Jure quod oritur 6 Statutorum Rochemaillet. 4 v. Folio. Paris, 1724. Diversitate. 2v. 40. Paris, 1766. BoURGEOIS, (Louise, diteBoursier.) Nais:ance BOUQUET, (Dom Martin, etc.) Recueil des de Louis XIII. 80. Paris, 1826. (Petitot, Historiens des Gaules et de France. 20 v. Coll. M6m. Hist. France, s6r. I., v. 49.) Folio. Paris, 1738-1840. BOURGEOIS, (M.) Voyage aux EItats-Unis BOUQUET, (Pierre.) Lettres Provinciales, ou d'Am6rique, et description des mnceurs, couexamen impartial de l'origine, de la constitu- tumes et usages de ses habitans. Traduit tion, et des revolutions de la monarchie Fran- de l'Anglais. 80. Paris, 1834. poise. 80. La Haye, 1772. BOUIJGERY, (Jean Marc.) Traite Complet de BOURASSE, (J. J.) ArcheologieChretienne, ou l'Anatomie de l'Homme, comprenant la precis de l'histoire des monuments religieux Mdedecine Operatoire; avec planches lithodu moyen age. 2e ed. 80. Tours, 1842. graphiees d'apres nature, par N. H. Jacob. BOURBOURG. See BRASSEUR de Bourbourg. 8 v. Folio. Paris, 1832-54. BOURCET, (Pierre Joseph D ) Memoires His- BOURGOING, (Jean Francois.) Historical and toriques sur la Guerre que les Fran9ois ont Philosophical Memoirs of Pils VI. Transsoutenue en Allemand depais 1757 jusqu'en lated fron the French. 2v. 80. London, 1822. 150 BOURGOING. BOVADILLA. BOURGOING, (Jean Francois.) Tableau de BOURRIENNE, (Louis Antoine Fauvelet de.) l'EspagneModerne. 4e d. Jusqu'Al'annee Private Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte, 1806. 3 v. 80; atlas, 40. Paris, 1807. during the periods of the Directory, the Modern State of Spain. Translated from Consulate, and the Empire. 4 v. 80. Lonthe last Paris edition of 1807; with Essays don, 1830. on Spain, by M. Peyron; and the Book of BOUSQUET, (J.) Dictionnaire des Contrats et Post Roads. 4 v. 80; atlas, 40. London, Obligations, en matiere civileet commerciale. 1808. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1840. Travels in Spain. (Pinkerton's Voyages, - Nouveau Dictionnaire de Droit; resume v. 5.) gen6ral de la legislation, de la doctrine, et The same. 80. London, 1808. (Phil- de la jurisprudence, en matiere civile, comlips' Voyages and Travels, v. 9.) merciale, criminelle, administrative, canonBOURGUIGNON, (C. S.) DictionnaireRaisonne ique, politique, et fiscale. 2e dd. 1 v. in 2. des Lois Penales de France. 2 v. 80. Paris, 80. Paris, 1847. 1811. BOUSSINGAULT, (Jean Baptiste Joseph DieuManuel du Juri; ou commentaire sur donne.) Rural Economy in its relation with la legislation relative A l'organisation du juri, Chemistry, Physics, and Meteorology. Transl'examen et an jugement par jur6s. Prd- lated by George Law. 80. London, 1845. cede de la th6orie dujuri. 80. Paris, 1827. BOUTCHER, (William.) Treatise on ForestBOURKE, (Thomas.) Concise History of the Trees; the best methods of their culture, and Moors in Spain, from their invasion of that plain directions for removing them. 40. kingdom to their final expulsion from it. Edinburgh, 1775. 40. London, 1811. BOUTEKOE. Voyage aux Indes Orientales. BOURNE, (Benjamin Franklin.) Giants of (Thevenot, Relations, v. 1.) Patagonia; his captivity among the savages BOUTELL, (Charles.) Christian Monuments of Patagonia. Also, Capt. Gardiner's Mission in England and Wales. 80. London, 1854. to Patagonia, in 1850-51. 180. London, 1853. - Manual of British Archeology. Square BOURNE, (George.) Picture of Slavery in the 160. London, 1858. United States of America. 180. Boston, 1838. Monumental Brasses of England. 80. BOURNE, (H. R. Fox.) Memoir of Sir Philip London, 1849. Sidney. 80. London, 1862. BouTERWEK, (Friedrich.) History of Spanish BOURNE, (John.) Treatise on the Screw Pro- and Portuguese Literature. From the Gerpeller, with various suggestions of improve- man, by Thomasina Ross. 2 v. 80. Lonment. 40. London, 1852. don, 1823. Treatise on the Steam Engine. By the BOUTHILLIER, (Le.) See RANCE. Artizan Club. 40. London, 1851. BOUTON, (A. M.) Lecture upon Matrimony, Treatise on the Steam Engine, in its &c, 120. Stamford, (Conn.,) 1856. various applications to mines, mills, steam BOUTON, (Nathaniel.) History of Concord, navigation, railways, and agriculture. 5th (N. H.,) from 1725 to 1853. 80. Concord, ed. 40. London, 1861. 1856. BOURNE, (William Oland.) Gems from Fable BOUTWELL, (George S.) Manualof the Direct Land; a collection of fables, illustrated by and Excise Tax System of the United States; facts. 16~. New York, 1853. including the forms and regulations estabPoems of Hope and Action. 80. New lished by the Commissioner of Internal RevYork, 1850. enue, etc. 80. Boston, 1863. (4 copies.) BOURNE, (Vincent.) Poemata Latine, partim Thoughts on Educational Topics and redditapartimscripta. 160. Londini, 1840. Institutions. 120. Boston, 1859. BOURNON, (Jacques Louis de.) Traite de BOVADILLA, (Castillo de.) Politica para CorMineralogie. le partie; lintroduction a la regidores y Sefiores de Vasallos, en tiempo mineralogie en general, la theorie de la cris- de paz y de guerra, y para Prelados en lo tallisation, l'etude de la chaux carbonatee espiritual y temporal entre legos, Jueces de proprement dite, et de l'arragonite. 3 v. in 2. Comision, Regidores, Abogados, y otros 40. Londres, 1808. oficiales pfblicos. V. 1. Folio. Barcelona, BOURNS, (Charles.) Principles and Practice 1624. of Engineering, and other Surveying; with The same. Esta aladida y emendada an appendix. 3d ed. 80. London, 1846. por el autor. 2 v. Folio. Madrid, 1775. BOVEE. BOWLES, BOVEE, (C. N.) Intuitions and Summaries of BOWEN, (Eli.) Pictorial Sketch-Book of PennThought. 2 v. 120. Boston, 1862. sylvania. 80. Philadelphia, 1853. BouvIER, (HannahM.) FamiliarAstronomy; United States Post-Office Guide. 80. or, an introduction to the study of the heav- New-York, 1851. ens. 80. Philadelphia, 1857. BOWEN, (Emanuel.) Complete Atlas; or, disBouVIER, (John.) Institutes of American tinct view of the known world; exhibited in Law. 4 v. 80. Philadelphia, 1851. (2 68 maps. Folio. London, 1752. copies.) BOWEN, (Francis.) Documents of the Con- Law Dictionary, adapted to the Consti- stitution of England and America, from tution and Laws of the United States of Magna Charta to the Federal Constitution of America, and the several States of the Amer- 1789. 80. Cambridge, (Ms.,) 1854. ican Union; with references to the civil and Lifeof Benjamin Lincoln. 160. Boston, other systems of foreign law. 2 v. 80. 1847. (Sparks' Am. Biog., v. 13, second Philadelphia, 1839. (4 copies.) series.) The same. 3d ed. 2 v. 80. Phila- - - Life of James Otis. 160. Boston, delphia, 1848. 1844. (Sparks' Am. Biog., v. 2, second The same. 4th ed. 2 v. 80. Phila- series.) delphia, 1852. - Life of Sir William Phips. 160. Bos-The same. 11thed,revised, andgreatly ton, 1837. (Sparks' Am. Biog., v. 7, first enlarged. 2 v. 80. Philadelphia, 1862. series.) (3 copies.) - Life of Baron Steuben. 160. Boston, BOWDEN, (John William.) Life and Pontificate 1838. (Sparks' Am. Biog., v. 9, first series.) of GregorytheVII. 2v. 80. London,1840. — Principles of Political Economy. 2d BOWDICI-, (T. Edward.) Excursions in Ma- ed. 80. Boston, 1859. deira and Porto Santo, and Voyage to Africa, BOWEN, (G. F.) Mount Athos, Thessaly, and in 1823. 40. London, 1825. Epirus; diary of a journey from Constanti~ — Mission from Cape Coast Castle to nople to Corfu. 80. London, 1852. Ashantee; with notices of other parts of BOWEN, (Henry L.) Memoir of TristamBurinterior Africa. 40. London, 1819. ges; with selections from his speeches and B)WDITCH, (J.) Treatise on the History, writings. 80. Philadelphia, 1835. Revenue, Laws, and Government of the BOWEN, (T. J.) Adventures and Missionary Islands of Guernsey and Jersey. 80. Lon- Labors in several countries in the interior of don, 1836. (2 copies.) Africa, from 1849 to 1856. 120. Charleston, BOWDITCH, (Nathaniel.) New American Prac- (S. C.,) 1857. tical Navigator. Continued by his son, J. - Grammar and Dictionary of the Yoruba Ingersoll Bowditch. 28th ed. 80. New- Language. 40. Washington, 1858. (SmithYork, 1859. sonian Contributions, v. 10.) BOWnITCH, (Nathaniel Ingersoll.) History of BOWER, (Alexander.) History of the Univerthe Massachusetts General Hospital. 80. sity of Edinburgh. 3 v. 80. Edinburgh, Boston, 1851. 1817-30. Memoir of Nathaniel Bowditch. 2d ed. -- Life of Luther. 80. London, 1813. 40. Boston, 1840. BOWER, (Archibald.) History of the Popes, ~ — Suffolk Surnames. 2d ed., enlarged. from the foundation of the See of Rome to 80. Boston, 1858. the present time. 7 v. 40. London, 1749-66. BOWEN, (Abel.) Naval Monument; official BOWER, (Mark Noble.) Memoranda on Anatand other accounts of all the battles fought omy, Surgery, and Physiology. 240. Newbetween the navies of the United States and York, 1848. Great Britain during the late war; and an BOWERBANK, (James Scott.) History of the account of the war with Algiers. 80. New- Fossil Fruits and Seeds of the London Clay. York, 1838. 80. London, 1840. ~ — Picture of Boston. 3d ed. 180. Bos- BOWERS, (James.) Deceivers made Manifest: ton, 1l38. inthree discourses. 80. Salem, (Ms.,) 1805. BOWEN, (Eli.) CoalRegions of Pennsylvania; (Theol. Pam., v. 7.) a geological, historical, and statistical review BOWLES, (William Lisle.) Increase of Crimes of the anthracite coal districts. 80. Potts- and the Education of the Poor. 80. Lonville, (Penn.,) 1848. don, 1819. (Pamphleteer, v. 15.) 152 BOWLES. BOYD. BOWLES, (William Lisle.) Letters to Lord BowYER, (George.) Commentaries on the Byron. 8C. London, 1821. (Pamphleteer, Modern Civil Law. 8~. London, 1848. v. 18.) Comlnentaries on Universal Public Law. - Letters on Pope, Poetry, &c. 8~. Lon- 80. London, 1854. (2 copies.) don, 1822. (Pamphleteer, v. 20.) - Dissertation on the Statutes of the Cities -- Poetical Character of Pope. 8~. Lon- of Italy; and a translation of the pleading don, 1821. (Pamphleteer, v. 18.) of Prospero Farinacio in the defence of BeatReply to the Reviewer of Spence's An- rice Cenci and her relatives; with notes. ecdotes in the Quarterly Review. 8~. Lon- 8~. London, 1838. don, 1820.- (Pamphleteer, v. 17.) BowYER, (John.) Readings delivered before BOWLKER, (Charles.) Art of Angling; or, the Honorable Society of the Middle Temple, complete fly and bottom-fisher. 12~. Lon- in the year 1850. 8~. London, 1851. don, 1806. (WithBest, (T.) Artof Angliig.) BOWYER, (William.) Critical Conjectures and BOWMAN, (Anne.) The Kangaroo Hunters; Observations on the New Testament, color, adventures in the bush. 12~. Boston, lected from various authors, as well in regard 1861. to words as pointing. 4th ed. 4~. London, BOWMAN, (Henry.) Songs for 1, 2, and 3 1812. voyces. Folio. London, 1677. Origin of Printing; in two essays: 1. BOWMAN, (John E ) Introduction toPractical Substance of Middleton's dissertation on the Chemistry, including Analysis. 16~. Lon- origin of printing in England. 2. Meerman's don, 1854. account of the invention of the art at HarBOWRING, (Sir John.) Ancient Poetry and leim, and its progress to Mentz. 2d ed; with Romances of Spain. Selected and translated. supplement, by John Nichols. 80. London, 12~. London, 1824. 1776-81. -.- Cheskian Anthology; history of the Box, (James.) Letter to Proprietors of the poetical literature of Bohemia, with trans- Gas Light and Coke Company. 8~. Lonlated specimens. 16~. London, 1832. don, 1837. (Pol. Pam, v. 76.) - Decimal System, in numbers, coins, and BOXHORNIiUS, (Marcus Z.) Apologia proNavaccounts. 120. London, 1854. igationibvs Hollandorvm. 320. Lvgduni - ingdom and People of Siam; with a Batavorum, 1633. (With Grotius, De Mari narrative of the mission to that country in Libero.) 1855. 2 v. 8~. London, 1857. ~~- Dissertatio de Typographicm Artis InMatins and Vespers; with hymns and ventione, et Inventoribus. Small 40. Lugdevotional pieces. 2d ed. 180. London, duni Batavorum, 1640. 184. -- Qumestiones Romanue quibus sacri et Poetry of the Magyars; preceded by a profani ritus, plurima etiam antiquitatis sketch of the language and literature of monumenta explicantur. (Grevius,'TheHungaryand Tansylvania. 120. London, saurus Antiq. Rom., v. 5.) 1830. BoYD. See BolD. Prisons in Spain and Portugal. 80. BOYD, (Andrew K. H.) Leisure Hours in London, 1824. (Pamphleteer, v. 23.) Town. 120. Boston, 1862. Servian Popular Poetry, translated. Recreations of a Country Parson. 160. 160. London, 1827. London, 1862. Specimens of the Polish Poets; with BOYD, (Charles.) British Tariff, and Cornnotes on the literature of Poland. 16~. Lon- mercial Guide; an abridgement of the laws don, 1827. of the customs. 6th ed. 80. London, Specimens of the Russian Poets. Trans- 1826. lated; with remarks and biographical notices. - The same. 7th ed. 80. London, 1828. 2d ed. 2 v. 160. London, 1821-23. BOYD, (Major Charles.) Turkish Interpreter; -- Visit to the Philippine Islands. 80. a new grammar of the T'urkish language. London, 1859. 8~. Paris, 1842. ~ — and VAN DYK, (H. S.) Batavian An- BOYD, (James R.) Eclectic Moral Philosophy. thology; specimens of the Dutch poets; with 120. New-York, 1846. remarks on the poetical literature and lan- Elements of Logic; on the basis of guage of the Netherlands. 160. London, lectures, by William Barren. 1.. New1824. York, 1856. 153 BOYD. BOYNE. BOYD, (John McNeill.) Manual for Naval BOYLE, (Robert.) Works. With life of the Cadets. 160. London, 1857. author. A new edition. 6v. 40. London, BOYD, (Percy.) Book of Ballads; from the 1772. German. 8. DubIlin, 1849. CONTENTS. BOYD, (Robert.) Judicial Proceedings before Aerial Noctiluca, v. 4. the High Court of Admiralty, the Supreme Air, General History of, v. 5. Atmospheres of Consistent Bodies, v. 3. Commissary Court, and the Sheriff, Bailie, Boyle's Receipts, v. 5. Dean of Guild, Justices of Peace, Baron, Causes of the Insalubrity and Salubrity of the Air, V.5. and Small Debt Courts, in Scotland; by Christian Virtuoso, v. 5-6. " Alexander Frazer. 80. Edinburgh, 1814. Cold, Experimental History of, v. 2. Cold, Tracts about, v. 3. BOYD, (Walter.) Letter to W. Pitt on the Considerations about Subordinate Forms, v. 3. of. issues of specie at Bank of Eng- Considerations touching Experimental Essays in stoppage of issues of specie at Bank of Eng- General, v. ]. land; with remarks on the publication of Sir Discourse of Things above Reason, v. 4. Disquisition about Final Causes of Natural Things, F. Baring. 2d ed. 80. London, 1801. v. 5. Pol Pa. vP 31) Effects of even Languid Local Motion, v. 5. (Pol. Pam., v. 31.) Effluviums, Essays on, v. 3. BOYDELL, (John.) History of the River Essay about the Origin and Virtue of Gems, v. 3. Essay of the Intestine Motions of the Particles of Thames. 2 v. Folio. London, 1794-96. Quiescent Solids, v. 1. Picturesque Scenery of Norway. Folio. BEssays of the Porousness of Animal and Solid Bodies, v. 4. London, 1820. Examen of Hobbes's Dialogus Physicus de Natura (and Josiah.) Collection of Prints A ntiperistasis, v. 2. from pictures painted for the purpose of Experimental History of alours, v. 1. Experimenta et Observationes Physicre, v. 5. illustrating the Dramatic Works of Shaks- Experiments Physico-Mechanical, v. 1. peare, by the artists of Great Britain. 2 v. Experiments Physico-3echanical touching the Spring of Air, v. 3. Folio. London, 1803. Experiments touching the Spring of Air, v. 1. Am.A ed., restored and pub Flame and Air, Relation between, v. 3. The same. Am. ed., restored and pub- Heat and Cold, Mechanical Origin of, v. 4. lished, with original descriptions of the History of Firmness, v. 1.'.tt [ History of Fluidity, v. 1. plates, by Shearjashub Spooner. 2 v. Folio. History of Particular Qualities, v. 3. ~New-York, 1852.. Holy Scriptures, Considerations touching the Style Graphic Illustrations of the Dramatic Hydrostatical Discourse, v. 3. oHydrostatiecal Paradoxes, v. 2. Works of Shakspeare, consisting of a series Enquiry into the Received Notion of Nature, v. 5. of one hundred prints. Folio. London, (n. d.) Letters to and from Boyle, v. 6. Life of Robert Boyle, by T. Birch, v. 1. BOYE, (Martin H.) Treatise on Pneumatics. Martyrdom of Theodora, v. 5. 30o Philadelphia, 1855. Medicinia Hydrostatica: an Essay, v. 5.. epiaen's Inorance of the Uses of Natural Things, BOYER, (Abel.) Dictionnaire Royal, Fran- v. 3. Nouvelle. Mineral Waters, Experimental History of, v. 4, 9ois-Englois, et Anglois-Fran9ois. Nouvelle Natural History of Human Blood, v. 4. ed., par Louis Du Mitand. 2 v. in 1. 40. Natural Philosophy, usefulness of, v. 2. Observations on the Diamond, v. 1. Londres, 1816. Occasional Reflections, v. 2. BOYLE, (Henry.) Chronology of the Eigh- Origin ofl Forms and Qualities, v. 3. XBOYLE, (Henry.) Chronology of the Egh- Physico-Chymical Essay on Salt Petre, v. I. teenth and Nineteenth Centuries, compre- Pihysico-3Meehanical Experiments, v. 4..dn... Pneunmatical Experiments about Respiration, v. 3. bending' every important transaction from Producibleness of Chynmical Principles, v. 1. 1700 to 1825. 80. London, 1826. Reason and Religion, v. 4. Reconcileableness of Specifc Medicines to the Cor. Universal Chronolog'ist and Historical puscular Philosophy, v. 5. Register, from the Creation to 1825; com- Serpial CyL et, v. 1. prising elements of general history, from the Swearing, Discourse against, v. 6. Temperature of Subterranean Regions, v. 3. French of St. Martin; with detail of the Theology, Excellency of, v. 4. events of the French Revolution. 2 v. 80. Tlerinm etrical Experiments, v. 2. Usefulness of Experimental Philosophy, v. 3. London, 1826. Usefulness of Machical Discipline to Natural Philosoply, v. 3. BOYLE, (James.) Treatise on Moxa, as appli- Unsueeeding Experiments, v. 1. cable more particularly to stiff joints; with Veneration Man's Intellect owes to God for his s..11. ^ T i Wisdom and Power, v. 5. observations on spinal disease. 80. London, Wisdom and Po, 1825. BOYLE, (Roger.) See ORRERY, (Earl of.) - Treatise on the Epidemic Cholera of BOYLE, (W. R. A.) Practical Treatise India. 80. London, 1821. on the Law of Charities. 80. London, BOYLE, (M.) Fashionable Court and Country 1837. Guide, and Town Visiting Directory. 180. BOYNF, (M.) Relation de la Chine. (Theve. London, 1843. not, Relations, v. 1.) 20 154 BOYNTON. BRADDON, BOYNTON, (C. B.,) and MASON, (T. B.) BRACKENRIDGE, (Henry M.) Views of LouisJourney through Kansas; with sketches of iana. Together with a journal of a voyage Nebraska; describing the country, climate, up the Missouri river, in 1811. 12~. Pittssoil, mineral, manufacturing, and other re- burgh, (Pa.,) 1814. sources. 12~. Cincinnati, 1855. Voyage to South America; performed BOYSE, (Samuel.) New Pantheon; or, history by order of the American government, in the of the heathen gods. 12~. London, 1753. years 1817-18, in the frigate Congress. 2 v. -- Poems. 8~. London, 1810. (Chalmers' 8~. London, 1820. English Poets, v. 14.) BRACKENRIDGE, (Hugh Henry.) Incidents of Poems. 16~. Chiswick, 1822. (Brit. the Insurrection in Pennsylvania, in 1794. Poets, v. 59.) 8~. Philadelphia, 1795. BOYVIN, (Francois de.) See BOIvIN. Law Miscellanies. 8~. Philadelphia, BOZMAN, (John Leeds.) Sketch of the History 1814. of Maryland during the First Three Years -- Modern Chivalry; or, the adventures after its Settlement. V. 1. 8~. Baltimore, of Captain Farrago and Teague O'Regan. 1811. 2d ed. since the author's death, with bioHistory of Maryland, from its first set- graphical notice, etc. 2 v. 12~. Philatlement, in 1633, to the Restoration, in 1660. delphia, 1851. 2 v. 8~. Baltimore, 1837. (2 copies.) BRACKENRIDGE, (William D.) Botany: CrypBIRABAZON, (E. J.) Russia and her Czars. togamia: Filices: including Lycopodiacese 12~. London, 1855. and Hydropterides. 4~. With atlas, folio. BRABAZON, (Luke Brabazon.) Soldiers and Philadelphia, 1854-56. (Wilkes' U. S. Extheir Science. 12~. London, 1860. ploring Expedition, v. 16.) BRACE, (Charles Loring.) Home-Life in Ger- BRACKETT, (Albert G.) General Lane's Brimany. 12~. New-York, 1853. gade in Central Mexico. 12~. Cincinnati, Hungary in 1851; with an experience 1854. of the Austrian police. 12~. New-York, BRACTON, (H. de.) De Legibus et Consuetu1852. dinibus Angliae. Small 4~. Londini, 1640. The Norse-Folk; or, a visit to the BRADBURY, (Henry.) Ferns of Great Britain homes of Norway and Sweden. 12~. Lon- and Ireland. Nature-Printed. Text by don, 1857. Thomas Moore and J. Lindley. Folio.. The Races of the Old World; a manual London, 1855. of ethnology. 8~. New York, 1863. - Nature-Printed British Sea-weeds. A BRACKENBURY, (Geo.) Descriptive Sketches, history, accompanied by figures and dissecillustrating Simpson's Drawings of the Seat tions, of the Algse of the British isles. The of War in the East. 1st series. 40. London, text by William G. Johnstone and Alexander 1855. Croall. 4 v. 8~. London, 1859. BRACKENRIDGE, (Henry M.) Essay on Trusts ~ Nature-Printing; its origin and objects. and Trustees; in relation to the settlement 4~. London, 1856. of real estate-the power of trustees-and BRADBURY, (John.) Travels in the Interior involving many of the most abstruse ques- of America, in the years 1809-10-11; intions in the English and American law of eluding a description of Upper Louisiana, tenures. 8~. Washington, 1842. together with the States of Ohio, Kentucky, ---- History of the Late War between the Indiana, and Tennessee, with the Illinois United States and Great Britain. 12~. Bal- and Western Territories. 8~. London, timore, 1817. 1819. - The same. 12~. Philadelphia, 1846. BRADBY, (James.) Treatise on the Law of History of the Vestern Insurrection in Distresses. 2d ed.; with additions, by John Western Pennsylvania, commonly called the Adams. 8~. London, 1828. Whiskey Insurrection; 1794. 8~. Pitts- BRADDOCK'S Expedition. History of an Exburgh, 1859. pedition against Fort du Quesne, in 1755, North American Pamphlet on South nnder Major-General Edward Braddock. American Affairs. 8~. London, 1818. (Pam- Edited from the original manuscripts, by phleteer, v. 13.) Winthrop Sargent. 8~. Philadelphia, 18)5. - Recollections of Persons and Places in BRADDON, (M. E.) Aurora Floyd. 5th ed. the West. 12~. Philadelphia, 1834. 3 v. 12~. London, 1863. BRADDON. BRADY. BRADDON, (M. E.) Lady Audley's Secret. Northwest, or valley of the upper Mississippi. 10th ed. 120. London, 1863. 120. New-York, 1846. ~- The same. 160. Leipzig, 1862. BRADLEY, (Edward.) (" Cut hbert Bede.") BRADFORD, (Alden.) Biographical Notices of Photographic Pleasures, popularly portrayed ^Distinguished Men in New-England. 120. wvith pen and pencil. 8~. London, 1855. Boston, 1842. BRADLEY, (Eliza.) Authentic Narrative of - - History of Massachusetts, from 1764 to her Shipwreck and Sufferings among the July, 1775. 80. Boston, 1822. Arabs, on the coast of Barbary, in 1818. _- The same. From July, 1775, to 1789, 160. Boston, 1823. inclusive. 80. Boston, 1825. BRADLEY, (Mrs. J. S.) Housekeeper's Guide; -- History of the Federal Government for a new, plain, and economical Cook-Book. Fifty Years; from March, 1789, to March, 120. Cincinnati, 1852. 1839. 80. Boston, 1840. BRADLEY, (Richard.) Country Gentleman ~-__ Memoir of the Life and Writings of and Farmer's Monthly Director. 3d ed. 80. Rev. Jonathan Mayhew, pastor of the West London, 1727. Church and Society of Boston. 80. Boston, ~ Country Housewife and Ladies' Direc1838. tor. Pp. 1-176. (Imp.) 80. London, 1728. ~- (Ed.) Speeches of Governors of Mas- (With above.) sachusetts, 1765-75; and other Papers re- - - New Improvements of Planting and lating to the Dispute between this country Gardening; explaining the motion of the and Great Britain. 80. Boston, 1818. sapp, and generation of plants. 3d ed. 3 BRADFORD, (Alexander W.) American An- parts in 2 v. 80. London, 1719-20. tiquities, and Researches into the Origin and BRADSHAW'S Hand-Book to the Bombay PresHistory of the Red Race. 80. New-York, idency, and the North-Western Provinces of 1841. India. Square 160. London, 1860. -- Reports of Cases in the Surrogates BRADSHAW'S Railway Through Route and Court of the County of New-York, 1849 to Oyerland Guide to India, Egypt, and China. 1857. 4 v. 80. New York, 1851-57. (2 160. London, 1860. copies.) BRADSHAW'S Shareholders' Guide, Railway BRADFORD, (Annie Chambers.) Nelly Bracken; Manual and Directory, for 1859 and 1860; a a tale of forty years ago. 120. Philadel- handbook for companies and shareholders. phia, 1855. 2 v. 160. London, 1859-60. BRADFORD, (Duncan.) Wonders of the Hea- BRADSTREET, (Martha.) Memorial praying vens; a popular view of Astronomy. 40. for the impeachment of Alfred Conkling, U. Boston, 1837. S. Judge of the Northern District of New BRADFORD, (T. G.) Comprehensive Atlas, York. 80. New York, 1829. Geographical, Historical, and Commercial. BRADY, (James T.) Address on Mental Cul40. Boston, 1838. ture for Women. 120. New York, 1859. BRADFORPD, (Gov. William.) History of Ply- BRADY, (John.) Clavis Calendaria; a commouthPlantation. 80. Boston, 1856. (Mass. pendious analysis of the Calendar; illusHist. Coll., v. 3, fourth series.) trated with ecclesiastical, historical, and - History of Plymouth Colony. (Mor- classical anecdotes. 2v. 80. London, 1812. ton's N. E. Memorial.) BRADY, (Robert.) Complete History of Eng— The same. 80. Boston, 1841. (Young's land, from the first entrance of the Romans Chronicles of the Pilgrims.) to the end of the reign of Richard the Se-- Governor Bradford's Letter Book. 80. cond. 4 v. Folio. London, 1684-1704. Boston, 1810. (Mass. Hist. Coil., v. 3, first -- Historical Treatise of Cities and Boseries.) roughs. Folio. London, 1704. ~_- and WINSLOW, (Edward.) Relation or - - Introduction to the Old English I-IisJournal of the English Plantation at Pli- tory, comprehended in three tracts, viz: 1 moth, in New England, 1622. 80. Boston, Answer to Mr. Petyt's Rights of the Com1841. (Young's Chronicles of the Pilgrims.) mons Asserted; and to a book intituled Jani BRADFORD, (William, Esq.) Inquiry how far Anglorum Facies Nova. 2. Answer to a the Punishment of Death is necessary in book intituled Argumentu mAntinormanicum. Pennsylvania. 80. Philadelphia, 1793. 3. Exact History of the Succession of the BRsADFORD, (William J. A.) Notes on the Crown of England. Folio. London, 1684. 156 BRADY. BRAND. BRADY, (William.) Kedge-Anchor; or, young CONTENTS. sailor's assistant. 6th ed. 80. New-York, Castigations of Mr. Hobbes' Animadversions, v. 4. 18352 CCatchig of the Leviathan, v. 4.'1859^^'a ~~~~~. ~Consecration of Protestant Bishops Vindicated, v. 3. BRAHIE, (Tycho.) Opera omnia. 2 v. in 1. Discourses on Miscellaneous Subjects, v. 5. Fair Warning of Scottish Discipline, v. 3. Small 40. Francofurti, 1648. Just Vindication of the Church of England, v. 1. BRAHMI, (William Gerard de.) Atlantic Pilot. Life of Bramhall, Letters and Sermon preached at his funeral, by J. Taylor, v. 1. 80. London, 1772. Protestants' Ordination Defended, v. 5. - -Levelling Balance and Counter-Balance; Replication to ishop of Calcedon, v. 2 Sctismn Guarded, v. 2. method of observing, by the weight and Serpent-Salve, v. 3. height of inercnry, on any place of terra- Victory of Truth; or, an epistle of M. de la Milleheight of mercury, on any place of ter terr iere, and answer to the same, v. ]. firma, the exact weight and altitude iiatinde of the Viditi f Gr s and Episcopalians from Popery, v. 3. atmosphere below and above the place of Vindication of True Liberty against Mr. Hobbes, observation; thereby to ascertain how much v the horizon of the sea is lower than the place BRAMIAM, (James W.) Correspondence with whereon the observation is made. Folio. Gov. Williams. 120. Natchez, (Miss.,) London, 1774. 1808. (Pol. Pam., v. 106.) BRAHM, (John William Gerar de.) Time an BRAMSEN, (John.) Travels in Egypt, Syria, Apparition of Eternity. Voice of the Ever- Cyrprus, the Morea, Greece, Italy, &c. 2d lasting Gospel. 2 v. in 1. 80. Philadel- ed. 2 v. 80. London, 1820. phia, 1791-2. BRAMWELL, (George.) Manner of Proceeding BRAHMINS and Pariahs. An appeal by the on Bills in the House of Commons. 40. indigo manufacturers of Bengal to the Bri- London, 1837. tish government, parliament, and people, for BRANAGAN, (Thomas.) Beauties of Philanprotection against the Lieutenant-Governor thropy. 180. Philadelphia, 1808. of Bengal. 80. London, 1861. Beauties of Philanthropy; and guardian BRAIM, (Thomas Henry.) History of New genius of the Federal Union. 120. New South Wales, from its settlement to the close York, 1839. of the year1844. 2v. 120. London, 1846.- Essay on the Oppression of the BRAINERD, (David.) Life, Remains, and Exiled Sons of Africa. 120. Philadelphia, Letters; with his journals, detailing the rise 1804. and progress of a remarkable work of grace ~ Serious Remonstrances addressed to the among the Indians. 180. Aberdeen, 1845. Citizens of the Northern States and their BRAITHWAIT. See BRATHWn AIT. Representatives on the recent revival of the BRAITHWAITE, (Joseph Bevan.) Memoirs of slave trade; with a plan for colonizing the Joseph John Gurney; with selections from free negroes. 120. Philadelphia, 1805. his journal and correspondence. 2d ed. 2 BRANCH, (Thomas.) PrincipiaLegis etlEquiv. 120. Norwich, (Eng.,) 1855. tatis; an alphabetical collection of maxims, The same. 2 v. 80. Philadelphia, principles or rules, definitions, and memora1854. ble sayings in law and equity. 1st Am. BRAITHWAITE, (Thomas W.) Oaths in Chan- from 4th London ed., with additions and eery; practical directions to "commissioners corrections, by W. WV. Hening. ~0. Richto administer oaths in chancery;" a collec- mond, (Va,) 1824. tion of officially recognized forms of jurats BRANCIA, (F.) Tesoro della Poesia Italiana, and oaths, with explanatory notes and ob- antica e moderna, ossia antologia Italiana. servations. 160. London, 1854. 80. Parigi, 1840. BRAITHWAITE, (William and J.) Retrospect BRAND, (Charles.) Journal of a Voyage to of Practical Medicine and Surgery; being a Peru, and journey across the Andes and the half-yearly journal, containing a retrospect- Pampas. 80. London, 1828. ive view of every discovery and practical im- BRAND, (John.-) Description of the Orkneys provementin the medicalsciences. V. 1-46. and Shetland. (Pinkerton's Voyages, v, 120. London, 1840-62. 3.) BRAMAN, (D. E. E.) Information about Texas. BRAND, (John, M. A.) Observations on Pop120. Philadelphia, 1857. ular Antiquities; including the whole of BRAMHALL, (John.) Works. With a life of Bourne's Antiquitates Vulgares, with adthe author, and a collection of his letters. denda to every chapter of that work. 80. 5 v. 80. Oxford, 1842-45. London, 1810. 157 BRAND. BRASSEUR. BRAND, (John, M. A.) Observations on the BRANDT, (G6rard.) Vie de Michel de Ruiter; Popular Antiquities of Great Britain; chiefly ofi est comprise l'histoire maritime des proillustrating the origin of our vulgar and pro- vinces Unies, depuis l'an 1652 jusques a 1676. vincial customs, ceremonies, and supersti- TraduitedluHollandois,parM.Aubin. Folio. tions; revised and enlarged, by Sir Henry Amsterdam, 1698. Ellis. 3 v. 120. London, 1853-55. BRANDT, or BRANT, (Sebastian.) DasNarrenBRANDAINES, (Saint.) See BRENDAN, (Saint.) schiff, nebst dessen freiheitstafel. Mit BRANDE, (William Thomas.) Descriptive Anmerkungen versehen von A. W. Strobel. Catalogue of the British Specimens deposited 8. Quedlinburg, 1839. in the Geological Collection of the Royal BRANDT, (William.) Treatise on the Law, Institution. 80. London, 1816. Practice, and Procedure of Divorce and MatDictionary of MateriaMedica and Prac- rimonial Causes under the Act 20 and 21 tcal Pharmacy. 80. London, 1833. Vict., c. 85; containing the act, also the Dictionary of Science, Literature, and rules, orders, and forms issued thereunder; Art; comprising the history, description, and with precedents. 120. London, 1858. scientific principles of every branch of human BRANNAN, (John.) Official Letters of the Miliknowledge; with derivation and definition tary and Naval Officers of the United States of all the terms in general use. 80. New- during the War with Great Britain, 1812-15. York, 1851. 80. Washington, 1823. The same. 2d ed.; with supplement. BRANTOMIE, (Pierre de Bourdeille, l'Abbe de.) 80. London, 1852. (Euvres Completes, avec les (Euvres d'Andre ~ —- Manual of Chemistry. 6th ed. 2 v. de Bourdeilles; remarques historiques et cri80. London, 1848. tiques par Le Duchat, Lancelot, et Prosper _ Outlfnes of Geology. 80. London, Marchand. Nouvelle edition, par L. J. N. 1817. de Monmerqu6. 8 v. 80. Paris, 1822-23. Subject-matter of Ten Lectures on Arts CONTENTS. connected with Organic Chemistry. 160. Belles Retraits d'Armes dAr des Diverses Nations, v.6. London, 1854. Bourdeille, (Andre de.) Lettres, v. 8. Maximies et Advis du Maniement do la Table of Chemical Equivalents and Guerre, v. 8. Notation. 80. London, 1833. Gentilesses et Rodomontades Espaignolles, v. 6., Memoires touschaut les Duels, v. 6. Tables in Illustration of the Theory of Opuscules, v. 5. Definite Proportionals. 80. London, 1828 Sermens et Juremens Espaignols, v. 6. Vies des Dames Galantes, v. 7. Third Dissertation on the Progress of Vies des Dames Illustres Fran9oises et trangdres, v. 5. Chemical Philosophy. 80. Boston, 1818. Vies des Hommes Illustres et Grands Capitaines BRANDIN, (Abel Victorino.) De la Influencia Etrangeres, v. 1. Vies des Hommes Illustres et Capitaines Francois, de los differentes Climas del Universo sobre v. 2-4. el Hombre, y en particular de los Climas de Vies des Dames Illustres Fran9oises et la America Meridional. 120. Lima, 1826. Etrangeres. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1790. (Coll. BRANDON, (Woodthorpe.) Inquiry into the des Memoires Relatifs it l'Hist. de France, Freedom of the City of London in Connec- v. 63-64.) tion with Trade, and into the laws and ordi- Vies des Dames Galantes. 2 v. 80. nances within the city respecting wholesale Paris, 1790. (Coll. des Memoires Relatifs A and retail traders, and the power of the cor- l'Hist. de France, v. 64-65.) porationoverpersons carrying ontradewithin BRASSE, (John.) Greek Gradus; or, Greek, the city not being free. 80. London, 1850. Latin, and English prosodial lexicon. 8~. BRANDRET-I. Trials of Jeremiah Brandreth, London, 1828. William Turner, Isaac Ludlam, George BRASSEUR DE BOURnOURG, (I'Abb.) HisWeightman, and others, for High Treason, toire des Nations Civilisees du Mexique et de under a Special Commission, at Derby, Oc- l'Amerique-Centrale, durant les Siecles Antetober, 1817. Taken in shorthand, by W. B. rieurs A Christophe Colomb; ecrites sur des Gurney. 2v. 80. London, 1817. (2 copies.) documents originaux et entierement inedits, BRANDT, (Gerard.) History of the Reforma- puises aux anciennes archives des indigenes. tion, and other ecclesiastical transactions, in 4 v. 80. Paris, 1857-59. and about the Low Countries, from 700 down - Voyage sur l'Isthme de Tehuantepec to the Synod of Dort. 4 v. Folio. London, dans l'Itat de Chiapas et la rdpublique de 1720-23. Guatemala, dans 1859-60. 80. Paris, 1861. 158 BRATHWAIT. BREBAN. BRATHWAIT, (Richard.) Barnabae Itinera- Fitz of Fitz-Ford; a legend of Devon, v. 4. Barnbee Jourl 7 e- I Henry de Pomeroy; or, the eve of St. John: a rium; or, Barnabee's Journal. 7th ed.; legend of Cornwall and Devon, v 9. with an account of the author, a biblio- The Protestant; a tale of the reign of Queen Mary, v.3. graphical history of the editions of the work, The Talba; or, Moor of Portugal, v. 5. and notes. 160. London, 18.8. Trelawny of Trelawne; or, the prophecy: a legend and notes. 16~. London, 1818. of Cornwall, v. 7. Essays upon the Five Senses. From Trials of the Heart, v. 8..Warleigh; or, the fatal oak: a legend of Devon, edition of 1625. 4~. London, 1815. (Brydges' v. 6. Archaica, v. 2.) The White Hoods; an historical romance, v. 1. AlU~clio,, S V..) es h g d The White Rose; a domestic tale, v. 9. BRAuNSCHWEYGISCHE Kriegshandlung; das, B r s n da s 3 1 i - BRAY, (Charles.) Education of the Feelings. ist, Kurze beschreit und erzehlung des beli- d.d,., ^ ^..., 2d ed. 12~. London, 1849. gerung der statt Braunschweig im jahr Philosophy of Necessity. 2 v. 8. Christi 1615. 40. 1616. (With Ens, West- oo, London, 1841. und ost Indische Lustgart ) und ost Indische L ) BRAY, (William.) Tour into Derbyshire, &c. BRAVARD-VEYRIERES, (Pierre.) Explication i'-,. ^ -,. -, "r. ^ 1777. (Pinkerton Voyages, v. 2.) Analytique et Synth6tique des Lois Nouvelles 1. inern Vyae, v..) BRAYB3ROOKE, (Wm. Leman.) Diary whilst sur les Commandites par Actions, l'Arbitrage BRAYBROOE,. Leman. iary wh,et les Concordats par Abandon. (Ap- serving in Bulgaria, to the Battle of the Force, et les Concordats par Abandon. (Ap-, orc6^,. Alma. 16~. London, 1855. pendice au Manuel de Droit Commercial.) 8~. Paris, 1857. BRAYER, (A.) Neuf Annees a Constantinople; 80. Paris, 187. Mne, do Droit Commesur la topographic, l'hygiene et les mceurs, - Manuel de Droit Commercial, conte-,conte lIslamisme, la peste, les quarantaines et les nant un trait6 sur chaque livre du code de lazarets. 2 v. 8~. Paris, 1836. commerce, l'indication du dernier etat de la a, 1 36..,, i' \ BRAYLEY, (Edward Wedlake.) Delineations, jnrisprudence, des formules pour tous les n.sueanay, do tons los aticls d I Hiistorical and Topographical, of the Isle of actes, une analyse de tons les articles du actes,.-,.. -, lThanet and the Cinque Ports. 2 v. 8~. code r6duits en questions, le texte des ordon-,,^~~ - \ ~London, 1817. nances de 1673 et 1684, et celui du code rap- Loni. p' en regar. 5,' - ~ Londiniana; or, reminiscences of the proches et mlis en regard. 5e ed. 80 British metropolis. 4 v. 160. London, Paris, 1855. Traite de Droit Commercial, cours pro- -- London and Middlesex; or. survey of fess6e la Faculte de Droit de Paris. Publie the metropolis of Great Britain, and its enviannote, et complete6 par Ch. Demangeat. rons. v. London, 1810-16. 0 t, rons. 5 v. 8~. London, 1810-16. V. I and 3. 80. Paris, 1862. --- and BrITTON, (John.) Topographical BRAVO, (Santiago, Conde.) Guia Annal teo- BRA'O, (Santiago, Conde.) Gnuia Anual to- Description of Surrey. The Geological secrico-practica de los Ayuntamientos. 3 v. tion byGideonMantell. 5v. 8~. London tion by Gideon Mantell. 5 v. 8<. London, Small 40~. Madrid, 1826. 1841-50. BRAXTON, (Carter.) Address to the Conven- L TH (illia.) Ancient tion of the Colony of Virginia on Govern- a, W 2 v. in 1. Castles of England and Wales. 2 v. in 1. ment in General, and recommending a par- 40 Lo n, 1825. ticular form to their consideration. 160. B (J ) BEAUTIES Philadelphia, 1776. (Col. Pani., v. 16.) OFENGLAND AND WALES. BRAY, (Anna Eliza.) Description of the Part ) R s o C i BRAYTON, (Williamlll) Reports of Cases in the of Devonshire bordering on the Tamar and S C o V 1 t Supreme Court of Vermont, 1815 to 1819. the Tavy; its natural history, manners, cus- 8 Middlebury, (Vt.,) 1821. toms, superstitions, scenery, antiquities,; IL. Codgo Brasiliense, o colleccao d, "', o, v., BRAZIL. Codigo Brasiliense, ou colleccao das in letters to Robert Southey. 3 v. 120. leis, alvaras, decretos, cartas regias, &c.; London, 1836.. London hms tthr, 1836.l 0 promulgadas no Brasil desde a Feliz Che~ — Life of Thomas Stothard. Slmall 40... gada do Principe Regente N. S. a estes London, 1851. London, 181. *estados, desde 1808 ate 1821. 3 v. Folio. Mountains and Lakes of Switzerland; Ro d Janio 1811-21 with sketches of other parts of the continent.' - 3 ~ Treatise of Brazil, written by a Portu3 v. 12~. London, 1841. 3'vLodo,184. gall which had long lived there. (Purchas's Tovels and Romances. 10 v. 16~.. Pilgrims, v. 4, page 1289.) London, 1845-46. BREBAN, (James M.) Interest Tables; exhibCONTENTS. iting the interest on any sum, at any rate, Coyrteiay of Walreddon; a romance of the west, from three to twenty-four per cent. 80, Philav. delhia 1. De Fuix; an historical r omance, v. -2. dellphia, 1850. 159 BRECgK. BRENT BRECK, (Joseph.) Flower-Garden; in which BREESE, (Sidney.) Reports of Cases at Colnare described all the hardy herbaceous pe- mon Law and in Chancery, in the Supreme rennials, annuals, shrubby plants, and ever- Court of Illinois, 1819 to 1830. 8~. Kas. green trees, desirable for ornamental pur- kaskia, (Il1.,) 1831. (2 copies.) poses. 12~. Now-York, 1858. BREMER, (Fredrika.) Bondmaid; with Axel BRECK, (Samuel.) Discourse before Society and Anna. 8". London, 1844. of Sons of New England. 8~. Philadelphia, - Brothers and Sisters. Translated by 1845. (Misc. Pam., v. 20.) Mary Howitt. 3v. 12~. London, 1848. Historical Sketch of Continental Paper - Diary; and Strife and Peace. TransMoney. 80. Philadelphia, 1843. (Am. lated by Mary Howitt. 2 v. 12~. London, Philosophical Society: Trans. of Hist. and 1844. Lity Cor., v. 3.) Easter Offering. Translated by Mary BRECKINRIDGE, (Robert J.) Memoranda of Howitt. 160. London, 1850. Foreign Travel; notices of a pilgrimage H- Family. Translated by Ma.ry through western Europe. 2 v. 120. Balti- Iowitt. 2 v. 12~. London, 1844. more, 1845. - Hertha. Translated by Mary Howitt. Papism in the XIX. Century, in the 120. London, 1856. United States; select contributions to the -- Homes of the New World; impressions papal controversy during 1835-40. 120. Bal- of America. Translated by Mary Howitt. timore, 1841. 3 v. 120. London, 1853. Presbyterian Government and Ordina- - Midnight Sun. Translated by Mary tion. 80. Baltimore, 1843. Howitt. 120. London, 1849. Second Defense against Calumnies of Neighbours. 3d ed. Translated by Robert Wickliffe. 80. Baltimore, 1841. Mary Howitt. 2 v. 120. London, 1843. (Misc. Pam., v. 21.) - President's Daughter; and Nina. TransBREE, (Charles Robert.) History of the Birds lated by Mary Howitt. 3v. 120. London, of Europe, not observed in the British Isles. 1843. V. 1-3. 80. London, 1859-62. - Two Years in Switzerland and Italy. Species not transmutable, nor the re- Translated by Mary Howitt. 2 v. 120. sult of secondary causes; critical examina- London, 1861. tion of Darwin's "Origin and Variation of BREMNER, (Robert.) Rudiments of Music. Species." 120. London, 1860. 3d ed. 160. London, 1763. BREE, (John.) Cursory Sketch of the State of BREMNER, (Robert, Esq.) Excursions in Denthis Kingdom, during the 14th Century; mark, Norway, and Sweden. 2 v. 80. with an account of the campaign of Edward London, 1840. III. in Normandy and France, in 1345-6, to- - Excursions in the Interior of Russia; the taking of Calais. 40. London, 1791. character and policy of Nicholas, scenes in St. BREE, (J. H. de.) Navigatio versus Indiam Petersburgh, &c. 2 v. 80. London, 1839. Orientalem. (Bry, Collectiones, series II, BRENAN, (Justin.) Composition and Punctuapars 8.) tion. 6th ed. 240. London, 1849. BREEN, (Henry H.) Modern English Litera- BRENCMANNUS, (Henricus.) Historia Pandecture; its blemishes and defects. 80. Lon- tarum seu Fatum Exemplaris Florentini. don, 1857. Accedit gemina dissertatio de Amalphi. 40. BREEN, (James.) Planetary Worlds; the topo- Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1722. graphy and telescopic appearances of the sun, BRENDAN, (Saint.) La L6gende Latine de S. planets, moon, and comets. 120. London, Brandaines; avec une traduction in6dite en 1854. prose et en po6sie Romanes. Publiee par BREES, (S. C.) Illustrated Glossary of Prac- A. Jubinal. 80. Paris, 1836. tical Architecture and Civil Engineering. BRENDLAH, (Madame.) Tales of a Jewess. 80. London, 1853. 1st series. 120. London, 1838. Railway Practice; a collection of work- BRENT, (Charles.) Compendious Astronomer. ing plans and practical details of construe- 120. London, 1740. tion in the public works of the most cele- BRENT, (Daniel.) Biographical Sketch of the brated engineers throughout the kingdom. most Rev. John Carroll, first Archbishop 1st, 2d, and 3d series. 4 v. 40. London, of Baltimore; with select portions of his 1837-47. writings. 120. Baltimore, 1843. 160 BRENTON. BREWSTER. BRENTON, (Edward Pelham.) Life and Cor- BRETT, (W. H.) Indian Tribes of Guiana. respondence of John, Earl of St. Vincent. 16~. New-York, 1852. 2 v. 8~. London, 1838. BREVARD, (J.) Reports of Judicial Decisions Naval History of Great Britain, from of South Carolina, 1793 to 1816. 3 v. 8~. 1783 to 1822. 5 v. 80. London, 1823-25. Charleston, 1839-40. BRENTON, (Sir Jahleel.) Memoir of Captain BREWER, (E. Cobham.) Sound and its PheEdward Pelham Brenton. 8~. London, 1842. nomena. 240. London, 1854. BRENTON, (James J.) Voices from the Press; BREWER, (Henry.) Voyage to Coast of Chili. sketches, essays, and poems, by practical (Churchill's Voyages and Travels, v. 1.) printers. 80. New-York, 1850. BREWER, (James Norris.) Beauties of Ireland; BREQUIGNY, (L. G. Oudard-Feudrix de.) Re- delineations, topographical and biographical, cherches sur les Communes et sur les Bour- of each county. 2 v. 80. London, 1825-6. geoisies en France. (Leber. Coll. Hist. ~ Introduction to the Original DelineaFrance, v. 20.) tions, topographical, historical, and descripBRERETON, (John.) Brief Relation of Dis- tive, intitled the Beauties of England and covery of North part of Virginia, by Captain Wales. 80. London, 1818. B. Gosnold, 1602. (Mass. Hist. Coil., third See BEAUTIES OF ENGLAND AND series, v. 8.) WALES. BRERETON, (John A.) Flore Columbianme BREWER, (T. M.) North American Oology. Prodromus, exhibens enumerationem plan- Part 1. 40. Washington, 1859. (Smithtarum quse hactenus exploratse sunt; or, sonian Contributions, v. 11.) Prodromus of the FloraColumbiana, exhib- BREWER, (William.) Jesuitism; a review of iting a list of all the plants which have as Montalembert's treatise, "l'Avenir Politique yet been collected. 180. Washington, 1830. del'Angleterre." 120. London, 1859. BREREWOOD, (Edward.) Enquiries touching BREWERTON, (G. Douglas.) War in Kansas; the Diversity of Languages and Religions a rough trip to the border. 120. New-York, through the chiefe parts of the world. Small 1856. 40. London, 1614. BREWSTER, (Charles W.) Rambles about BRESSANI, (P. F. J.) Relation Abregee de Portsmouth. Sketches of persons, localities, quelques Missions de Peres de la Compagnie and incidents of two centuries. 80. Portsde J6sus, dans la Nouvelle France. Traduit mouth, (N. H.,) 1859. de l'Italien et augmente, par F. Martin. 80. BREWSTER, (Sir David.) Letters on Natural Montr6al, 1852. Magic. 160. London, 1832. BRETON, (Ernest.) Pompeia Decrite et Des- - The same. 5th ed. 180. London, since. Suivie d'une notice sur Herculaneum. 1842. (Murray's Fam. Library, v. 1.) 80. Paris, 1855. The same. 180. New York, 1842. BRETON, (Nicholas.) Characters upon Essays, (Harper's Fam. Library, v. 55.) moral and divine. Fronm edition of 1615: - Martyrs of Science; lives of Galileo, and the Good and the Bad, from edition of Tycho Brake, and Kepler. 180. New York, 1616. 40. London, 1815. (Brydges' Ar- 1842. (Harper's Fam. Library, v. 130.) chaica, v. 1.) Memoirs of the Life, Writings, and - -- Melancholike Humours. With a criti- Discoveries of Sir Isaac Newton. 2 v. 8~. cal preface, by Sir E. Brydges. 40. Kent, London, 1855. 1815. - Thesame. 180. London, 1831. (MurBRETON, (William Henry.) Excursions in ray's Fam. Library, v. 41.) New South Wales, Western Australia, and -- The same. 180. New York, 1842. Van Diemen's Land, during the years 1830- (Harper's Famn. Library, v. 29.) 33. 2d ed. 80. London, 1834. - More Worlds than One, the Creed of ---- Scandinavian Sketches; or, a tour in the Philosopher and the Hope of the ChrisNorway. 80. London, 1835. tian. 3d ed. 120. London, 1854. BRETON DE LOS HERREROS, (Manuel.) Obras The Stereoscope; its history, theory, Escogidas. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1853. (Colec- and construction, with its application to the cion de Autores Espanoles, v. 50-51.) fine and useful arts and to education. 120. BRETT, (Thomas.) Dissertation on the An- London, 1856. cient Versions of the Bible. 80. Cambridge, Treatise on the Kaleidoscope. 12~. (Eng.,) 1785. (Watsou's Theol. Tracts, v. 3.) Edinburgh, 1819. 161 BREWSTER. BRIDGMAN. BREWSTER, (Sir David.) Treatise on Mag- Grace for Grace, v. 1. Justification by Faith, v. 5. netism. 120. Edinburgh, 1837. Lifting up for the Downcast, v. 2. Treatise on New Philosophical Instru- Loyal Convert, v. 5. Remains: Eight Sermons, v. 5. ments; with experiments on light and col- Righteous Man's Habitation, v. 1. ours. 80. Edinburgh, 1813. Satan's Power to Tempt, v. 1. ours. 8~. Edinburgh, 1813. Scripture Light the Most Suie Light, v. 1. Treatise on Optics. 160. London, Seasonable Truths in Evil Times, v. 3. Sermons on various subjects, v. 4. 1831. Sinfulness of Sin and fulness of Christ, v. 5. ------- The same. 160. London, 1849. (Lard- Spiritual Life, v. 1. Truth of the Times Vindicated, v. 5. ner's Cabinet Cyclopedia, v. 6.) Word to the Aged, v. 5. BREWSTER, (Francis E.) Philosophy of Hu- Wounded Conscience Cured, v. 5. man Nature. 12~. Philadelphia, 1851. BRIDGEMAN, (Thomas.) Fruit Cultivator's BREWSTER, (Margaret Maria.) Household Manual; adapted to the climate of the UniEconomy; a manual intended for female ted States. 120. New-York, 1857. training colleges and girls' schools. 120. Inscriptions on the Grave Stones in the Edinburgh, 1858. Grave Yards of Northampton, Springfield, BRIALMONT, (A.) History of the Life of Ar- Amherst, Hadley, Hatfield, Deerfield, &c.; thur, Duke of Wellington. From the French; with brief annals of Northampton. 12~. with emendations and additions, by G. R. Northampton, (Mass.,) 1850. Gleig. 4 v. 8~. London, 1858-60. Pilgrims of Boston and their DescendBRIAND, (J.,) et CHAUDfi, (Ernest.) Manuel ants; also inscriptions from monuments in Complet de Medecine L6gale, ou resum6 des the Granary burial ground, Tremont Street. meilleurs ouvrages sur cette matibre, et des 8~. New-York, 1856. jugements et arrets les plus recents. 6e ed. BRIDGES, (George Wilson.) Annals of Ja80. Paris, 1858. maica. 2 v. 8~. London, 1827-8. BRICE, (John.) Selection of all the Laws of BRIDGES, (Matthew.) Romfan Empire under the United States relative to Commercial Constantine the Great. 8~. London, 1828. Subjects. 8~. Baltimore, 1814. (2 copies.) See BRYDGES. The same. To the close of the second BRIDGEWATER Treatises, on the Power, Wissession of the 21st Congress, March 3, 1831. dom, and Goodness of God as manifested in 80. Baltimore, 1831. (6 copies.) the Creation. 12 v. 8~. London, 1833-36. BRICENO, (Mariano de.) Menmoir Justificatory CONTENTS. of the Government of Venezuela on the Isla de GAes question. 8Ve. Wl on to, L Bell, (Sir C.) The Hand; its mechanism and vital Isla de Aves question. 8~. Washington, endowments, v. 5. 1858. Buckland, (W.) Geology and Mineralogy, v. 8-9. Chalmers, (T.) Adaptation of external nature to BRICKELL, (John.) Natural History of North the moral and intellectual constitution of man, Carolina; with an account of the trades, v. 1-2. Kidd, (J.) Adaptation of external nature to the manners, and customs of the Christian and physical condition of man, v. 3. Indian inhabitants. 80. Dublin, 1737. Kirby, (W.) Creation of Animals, and their history, habits, and instincts, v. 10-11. BRIDALL, (John.) Ars Transferendi Domin- Prolt, (W.) Chemistry, Meteorology, and the -Function of Digestion, v. 12. ium; a sure Law-Guide to the Conveyancer. Roget, (P. M.) Animal and Vegetable Physiology, Second part. 80. London, 1698. v. 6-7. Whewell, (W.) Astronomy and General Physics, BRIDAUILT, (Jean Pierre.) Moeurs et Coutumes v. 3. des Romains. 2 v. 120. Paris, 1754. BRIDGMAN, (John.) Reports, 1614 to 1621. BRIDGE, (Bewick.) Compendious Treatise on Folio. London, 1659. the Elements of Plane Trigonometry. 3d BRIDGMAN, (Orlando.) Reports and Judged. 80. London, 1822. ments, 1660 to 1667. Edited from the HarTreatise on the Three Conic Sections. grave Manuscripts, by S. Bannister. 8~. 3d ed. 80. London, 1831. Lndon, 1823. -- Treatise on the Elements of Algebra. BRIDGMAN, (R..) Digestof ReportedCases 11th ed. 8~0l. Lorn.don, 1 v843. p on Points of Practice and Pleadings in the BRIDGE, (William.) Works. 5 v. 8. Lon- Courts of Equity in England and Ireland, don, 1845. eand of the rules and orders of the same CONTENTS, courts, from the earliest period to the present Christ and the Covenant v. 3. X Christ in Travail n, v. 3. time; intended as a companion to BridgChrist in Travail, v. 3. Christ's Priestly Office, v. 1. man's Equity Digest. 8~. London, 1824. Faith, Sermons on, v. 2. Freeness of Grace and Love, v. 2. The same. 80. New-York, 1829. 21 162 BRIDGMAM. BRILLAT. BRIDGMAN, (Richard Whalley.) Analytical BRIGGS, (John.) Present Land Tax in India, Digoest of the Reported Cases in the Courts considered as a measure of finance. 8~. of Equity, and the High Court of Parliament. London, 1830. With the decisions of the Courts of Equity BRIGHT, (James.) Practical Synopsis of Disand Parliament of Ireland. 3d ed., by R. 0. eases of the Chest and Air Passages. 2d ed. Bridgman. 3 v. 80. London, 1822. 80. London, 1854. ~.' The same. 1st Am. from the 3d London BRIGn-T, (J. E.) Treatise on the Law of Hused. 3 v. 8~. New-York, 1828. hand and Wife, as respects Property. With Short View of Legal Bibliography; con- notes and references to the American decistaining critical observations on the authority ions, by R. Lockwood. 2 v. 8~. Newof the reporters and other law writers. 80. York, 1850. London, 1807. BRIGHT, (Michael.) Report of the Trial of Thesaurus Juridicus; containing the Gen. Michael Bright and others, before decisions of the several Courts of Equity, Washington and Peters, in the Circuit Court and of the High Court of Parliament, upon of the United States for Pennsylvania, on an petitions and appeals. 2 v. 80. London, indictment for obstructing the execution of 1799-1800. the writ of arrest, issued out of the District BRIEF Account of the Moral and Political Acts Court of Pennsylvania, in the case of Gideon of the Kings and Queens of England, from Olmstead and others, against the surviving William the Conqueror to the Revolution in executors of David Rittenhouse By Thomas 1688; with reflections tending to prove the Lloyd. 80. Philadelphia, 1809. necessity of a reform in Parliament. 80. BRIGHT, (Richard.) Travels from Vienna London, 1793. through Lower Hungary; with remarks on BRIEF Remarks on the War with France, W. the state of Vienna during the congress, in Pitt, and Bonaparte, &c. 80. St. Christo- 1814. 40. Edinburgh, 1818. pher, 1808. (Pol. Pam., v. 108.) BRIGHTLY, (Frederick C.) Analytical Digest BRIEF and Impartial Review of the State of of the Laws of the United States, from the Great Britain, at the commencement of the adoption of the Constitution to the end of session of 1783. 3d ed. 80. London, 1783. the Thirty-fourth Congress, 1789-1857. 80. BRIEFE Discourse of the Troubles begun at Philadelphia, 1858. (5 copies.) Frankeford, in Germany, A. D. 1554, about Practical Treatise on the Law of Costs the Booke of Common Prayer and Ceremo- in Pennsylvania. 80. Philadelphia, 1847. nies, and continued by the English men there - Reports of Cases decided by the judges to the end of Queen Maries raign. First pub- of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, in lished in 1575. 40. London, 1642. the Court of Nisi Prius at Philadelphia, and BRIENNE, (Henri Auguste de Lomenie, Cornte also in the Supreme Court; with notes and de.) M6moires; contenantes les vene6mens references to recent decisions. 80. Philadu Regne de Louis XIII. et de Louis XIV. delphia, 1851. jusqu'A la mort du Cardinal Mazarin. 3 v. Treatise on the Equitable Jurisdiction 160. Amsterdam, 1719. of the Courts of Pennsylvania. With notes The same. 80. Paris, 1838. (Michaud, of pleading and practice in equity, and an Coil. Mem Hist. France, v. 25.) appendix of practical forms. 80. Philadel~ — The same. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1824. phia, 1855. (Petitot, Coll. Mem. Hist. France, ser. 2, BRIGHTWELL, (Cecilia Lucy.) Life of Linv. 35-36. neus. 160. London, 1858. BRIERRE DE BOTSMONT, (Alexandre J. F.) Memorials of the Life of Amelia Opie. Hallucinations; or, the rational history of 80. Norwich, 1854. apparitions, visions, dreams, ecstasy, mag- BRIGNON. Les Cabinets et les Peuples, 1815netism, and somnambulism. 1st Am. from 22. 80. London, 1823. (Pamphleteer', v. 22.) 2d Paris ed. 80. Philadelphia, 1853. BRILLAT-SAVARIN, (Anthelme.) Physiologie BRIGGS, (Charles F.,) and MAVERICK, (Au- du Gout. Illustree par Bertall. Avec une gustus.) Story of the Telegraph, and His- notice biographique, par Alphonse Karr. tory of the Great Atlantic Cable. 120. New 80. Paris, 1852. York, 1858. Physiology of Taste; or, transcendental BRIGGS, (John.) Letters addressed to a Young gastronomy. Translated by Fayette RobinPerson in India. 120. London, 1828. son. 120. Philadelphia, 1854. 163 BRINE. BRITAIN. BRINE, (Mrs. Anne.) Choice Experience, BRISSOT DE WARVILLE, (Jean Pierre.) Diswritten by herself. 80. London, 1750. cours aIl'Tlection21Avril, 1789. (Pol. Pam., (Theol. Pam., v. 15.) v. 12.) BRINKLEY, (John.) Elements of Astronomy. -— Discours sur la Raretec du Nulmraire et 2d ed. 80. Dublin, 1819. sur les Moyens d'y Remedier. 80. Paris, BRINLEY, (Francis.) Life of William T. Por- 1790. (Pol. Pam., v. 17.) ter. 120. New York, 1860. L'Ind6pendance des Anglo-Americains BRINSMADE v. Jarves. Report of the Case of demontree Utile a la Grande-Bretagne. 80. Peter Allen Brinsmade vs. James Jackson Paris, 1782. (Pol. Pam., v. 130.) Jarves, for alleged libellous publications. Lettre a l'Auteur du Mercure Politique. 80. Honolulu, 1846. 160. Bouillon, 1787. (Pol. Pam., v. 130.) BnINTON, (Daniel G.) Notes on the Floridian ~ Lettre i M. Barnave, sur ses Rapports Peninsula; its literary history, Indian tribes, concernant les Colonies. 80. Paris, 1790. and antiquities. 120. Philadelphia, 1859. (Slavery Pam., v. 15.) BRINTON, (William.) Diseases of the Stomach, Memoire sur les Noirs de l'Amdrique with an introduction to its anatomy and Septentrionale. 80. Paris, 1789. (Slavery physiology. 120. London, 1859. Pam. v. 15.) On the Pathology, Symptoms, and ~Motifs des Commissaires, pour adopterle Treatment of Ulcer of the Stomach. With plan de Municipalte, lus a l'Assemblee Genean appendix of cases. 80. London, 1857. rale. 40. Paris, 1789. (Pol. Pam., v. 1. ) BRISBANE, (Albert.) Social Destiny of Man; - Moyens d'Adoucir la Rigueur des Loix or, association and reorganization of industry. Penales en France sans nuire i la stirete pub120. Philadelphia, 1840. lique. 80. Chalons-sur-Marne, 1781. BRISBANE, (Sir T. M.) Observations in Mag- Nouveau Voyage dans les Etats-Unis netism and Meteorology made at Makers- de l'Amerique Septentrionale, fait en 1788. toun, in Scotland, 1841-46. 3 v. 40. Edin- 3 v. 80. Paris, 1791. burgh, 1845-49. (Edin. Roy. Soc'yTrans., Plan de Conduite pour les Deputds du v. 17-19.) Peuple aux E tats-Generaux de 1789. 80. BRISSON, (Barnabe.) Theorie des ombres et Paris, 1789. de laperspective. 40. Paris, 1847. (With -- Point de Banqueroute; lettre sur les MoNGE, Geometrie Descriptive.) moyens de ramener le credit. 80. Londres, BRIssoNIUS, (Barnabas.) Ad Legem Juliam (Paris,) 1787. de Adulteriis liber; de Spectaculis et Feriis. - Testament Politique de l'Angleterre. (Gronovius, Thesaurus Grrc. Antiq., v. 8.) 160. Paris, 1780. (Pol. Pam., v. 130.) De Formulis et Solennibus Populi Theorie des Loix Criminelles. 2 v. Romani Verbis libri viir. Ex recensione F. 120. Berlin, 1781. C. Conradi, cum vita et elogiis B. Brissonii. - New Travels in the United States of Accessere curm nove atque animadversiones America, performed in 1788. 2d ed. 2 v. 80. J. A. Bachii. Folio. FrancofurtietLipsiae, London, 1794. 1754. BRISTED, (Charles Astor.) Five Years in an De Verborum quoe ad Jus Civile perti- English University. 2d ed. 120. Newnent Significatione, seu dictionarium juridi- York, 1852. cum. Cura J. G. Heineccii, cumprmefatione Letter to the Hon. Horace Mann. 160. J H. Boehmleri. Folio. Halae Magdeburgi- New York, 1850. ce, 1743. Upper Ten Thousand: sketches of ~ — etHotmannus, (A. etF.) DeVeteriRitu American society. 120. London, 1852. Nuptiarum etJureConnubiorum. 120. Lug- BRISTED, (John.) Resources of the British duni Batavorum, 1641. Empire. With a view of the probable result BRISSOT DE WARVILLE, (Jean Pierre.) Adresse of the present contest between Britain and l'assemblee Nationale, pour l'abolition de France. 80. New-York, 1811. la Traite des Noirs. Par la Societe des Resources of the United States; a view Amis des Noirs i Paris. 80. Paris, 1790. of the agricultural, commercial, manufactur(Slavery Pam., v. 15.) ing, financial, political, literary, moral, and Denonciation d'un nouveau Projet religious character of the American people. d'Agiotage. 80. Londres, (Paris,) 1786. 80. New-York, 1818. (Pol. Pam, v. 14.) BRITAIN. See GREAT BRITAIN. 164 BRITAINE. BRITISH. BRITAINE, (William de.) Humane Prudence; most elegant flowering plants. 6 v. 8~. or, the art by which a man may raise him. London, 1856. self and his fortune to grandeur. 9th ed. 16~. BRITISII Gallery of Historical Portraits; a colLondon, 1702. lection of about 300 authentic portraits, with BRITISH ALMANAC, and Companion to the the autography, seals, &c., of illustrious Almanac, for the years 1831 to 1834, 1836 to personages in English history and literature, 1842, 1845 to 1848, 1850-1863. 29 v. 160. from 1420 to 1750. 4 v. 80. London, 1854. London, 1830-62. BRITISH Journal of Homceopathy. Edited by BRITISH-AMERICAN GUIDE-BOOK; a gazet- J. J. Drysdale, J. Rutherfurd Russell, and teer, directory, and guide to Canada, the R. E. Dudgeon. V. 3-20. 80. London, Western States, and the principal cities on 1845-62. the seaboard. 80. New York, 1859. BRITISH Military Library; a complete body BRITISH AMERICAN MAGAZINE; devoted to of military knowledge, consisting of original literature, science, and art. May to October, communications, with selections from foreign 1863. V. 1. 80. Toronto, (U. C.,) 1863. military publications. 40. London, 1799. BRITISH ANNUAL, and Epitome of the Progress BRITISH MUSEUM. Historical and Descripof Science, for years 1837-39. Edited by R. tive. 120. Edinburgh, 1850. D. Thomson. 3 v. 180. London, 1837-39. - Additions to the collections during the BRITISH ARMY. See ARMY, British. years 1831-35. 5 parts. 80. London, BRITISH ASSOCIATION for the Advancement of 1833-39. Science. Reports of the first to thirtieth -- Additions to the manuscripts in the meetings, from 1831 to 1860. 29 v. 80. years 1836-45. 2 v. 8c. London, 1843-50. London, 1833-61. - Annual List of Donations and Bequests BRITISH CABINET in 1853. 160. London, 1853. in 1828-30. 3 parts. 40. London, 1829-31. BRITISH CATALOGUE of Books published from -- Catalogue of Arundel and Burney Oct., 1837, to Dec., 1852. With supplements Manuscripts, and Index. 3 parts. Folio. to 1855. By Sampson Low. 2 v. 80. London, 1834-40. London, 1853-55. - Catalogue of Maps, Charts, Plans, and -Index to the British Catalogueof Books Topographical Drawings. 2 v. 80. Lonpublished during the years 1837 to 1857, don, 1844. inclusive. 80. London, 1858. - Catalogue of the MSS. of F. Hargrave. BRITISH CATO to the British People. 80. 40. London, 1818. London, (n. d.) (Pol. Pam., v. 119.) - Catalogue of Manuscript Music. 80. The same. (Pol. Pam., v. 120.) London, 1842. BRITISH Code of Duel; a reference to the laws - - Catalogue of Maps, Prints, Drawings, of honor, and the character of a gentleman. &c. Forming the geographical collection 160. London, 1814. in the King's library. 2 v. 80. London, BRITISH COLUMBIA. See COLUMBIA. 1829. BRITISH DRAMA. A collection of the most -- Catalogue of Printed Books. V. 1. esteemed tragedies, comedies, operas, and (Letter A.) Folio. London, 1841. farces, in the English language. 2 v. 80. -- Catalogues of Zoological Collections. Philadelphia, 1850. 141 v. 160, 80, and 40. London, 1843-62. BRITISH EMPIRE. Political Essays concern- CONTENTS. ing the Present State of the British Empire. Acanthopterygian Fishes, by A. Glinther, v. 1-4. 40 1. London, 77. 81859-62. Amphibia. Part 1, Batrachia Salientia. By A. GiinBRITISH ESSAYISTS; with prefaces, historical ther. 80. London, 1858. Amphibia. Part 2, BatrachiaGradientia. 160. Lonand biographical, by Alexander Chalmers don, 1850. 38 v. 160. London, 1823. Amphipodous Crustacea, by C. S. Bate. 8~. London, 1862. CONTENTS. Apodal Fish, by J. J. Kaup. 8~. London, 1856. Auriculidm, Proserpinide and Truncatellidee, by L. Adventurer, v. 19-21. Mirror, v. 28-29. Pfeiffer. 16~. London, 1857. Connoisseur, v. 25-26. Observer, v.:32-24. Birds of the Tropical Islands of the Pacific, by G. Guardian, v. 13-15. Rambler, v. 16-18. R. Gray. 8~. London, 1859. Idler, v. 27. Spectator, v. 5-12. Birds, Genera and Sub-genera of, by G. R. Gray. Index, v. 38. Tatler, v. 1-4. t)~. London, 1855. Looker-on, v. 35-37. World, v. 22-24. Birds, Specimens of, by G. R. Gray. Part 3 sec. 1, Lounger, v. 30-31. Ramnphastidm. Sec. 2, Psittacid-e. Part 4, Columbe. 16~. London, 1855-6. BRITISH FLORIST; or, Lady's Journal of Hor- Bones of Malmnalia. 8~. London, 1862. British Animals. Parts 1, 2, 4-9, and 11-17, 16~. ticulture. Illustrated by a selection of the London, 1848-55. 165 BRITISH. BRITISH.I BRITISH MUSEUM. Catalogues of Zoological Pulmonata. Part1. 16~. London, 1855. Collections-Continued. Shells of the Canaries, by A. D'Orbigny. 16~. London, 1854. Coleopterous Insects. Parts 5-9. 16. London, Shells of Cuba, by A. D'Orbigny. 16~. London, 1851-6. Coleopterous Insectof eira, by. V. Wolls- Sells of Madeira, by T. P. llas-Carpenter. 160. ton. 8eo~on. London, 1.857. ton. 80. London, 1857. Coleoptera, Nomenclature of, Part 4. 16~. Lon. Slls 160. don, 1849. London, 1854. ColnuriLe Snakes, by A. Gi ther. 160. London, Snakes, Specimens of, by J. E. Gray. 16~. Lon1858. don, 1849. onchifera, or Bivlve Shells, by M. Desayes. Shield Reptiles. Part, Testudinata. By J. E. Conchifera, or Bivalve Shells, by MI. Deshayes. Gray. 4~. London, 1855 Parts 1-2. 160. London, 1853-4. Gray. 4. London, 1855. stacea, Specimens of. 160. London 1847. Tortoises, Crocodiles, and Amphisbsenians, by J. E. Crustacea, Catalogue of. Part 1 16~. London, Gr 1855. Curculionidte, List of, by J. Walton. 16~. Lon- Catalogus Codicum Manuscriptorum don, 1856. Orientalium. 4 parts. Folio. London, Diatomaceae, List of British, by W. Smith. 16~. London, 1859. 1838-47. Dipterons Insects, List of Specimens of, by F. Wal- Description of Ancient Terra Cottas. ker. Parts 1-7. 160. London, 1818-55. Echinida, or Sea Eggs. Part 1. 16~. London, 1855. 40. London, 1810. Entozoa, or Intestinal Worms. 163. London, 1853. Fish, Catalogue of, by L. T. Gronow. 16~. Lon- Description of the Collection of Ancient don, 1854. Marbles. Parts 1-2. 40. 1812-61. Fish, Catalogue of Lophobranchiate, by J. J. Kaup. 16~. London, 1856. Description of the Greek Papyri. Part Fish, List of Specimens, by J. E. Gray. Part 1. 1. 40. London, 1839. 160. London, 1851. Halticid.e, by H. Clark. Part 1. 8~. London, 1860. - Guide to Autograph Letters, ManuHemipterous Insects, by W. S. Dallas. Parts 1-2. 16~. London, 1851-2. scripts, Original Charters, &c., in the DeHispide, by J. S. Baly. 8~. London, 1858.. partment of Manuscripts. 80. London, 1862. HoImopterous Insects, by F. Walker. Parts 1-4, and supp. London, 1850-58. Guide to Drawings and Prints in the Hymenoptera, Catalogue of British, by F. Smith. Iing's Library. 8. London, 1862. Pait 1, Bees. 16~. London, 1855. Hymenopterous Insects, by F. Smith. Parts 1-7. Guide to the Exhibition Rooms of Nat160. London, 1853-59. Hymenopterous Insects, by F. Walker. Parts 1 uralHistory and Antiquities. 8~. London, and 2. 16~. London, 1846-8. 1862 Hymenoptera, Formicidae, and Vespidae, Fossorial, by F. Smith. 16~. London, 1858. Guide to Pinted Books. 8~. London, Ichneumonidoe, British, by T. Desvignes. 16~. Lon- 1862. don, 1856. Lepidopterous Insects. Part 1, Papilionidse. By ~ Inscriptions in the Cuneiform character, G. R. Gray. 4~. London, 1852. ___-2ded. 16~. London, 1856. from Assyrian monuments; discovered by A. -- Part 3. Appendix to Papilionidme. 1848. H.Layard. Folio. London, 1851. Lepidopterous Insects, by F. Walker. Parts 1-27. 16~. London, 1854-63. Inscriptions in the Himyaritic characLizards, Specimens of, by J. E. Gray. 160. Lon- ter; discovered chiefly in southern Arabia, don, 1845. Lyceenide, Specimen of a Catalogue of, by W. C. and now in the British Museum. Oblong Hewitson. 4~. London, 1862. Mamnmalia, by J. E. Gray. Part], Cetacea. Part folio. London, 1863. 2, Seals. Part 3, Ungulata Furcipeda. 16~. List of the Books of Reference in the London, 1850-52. Mammalita, Specimens of, by J. E. Gray. 16~. Lon- Reading Room. 8~. London, 1859. don, 1843. Phenician Inscriptions from Crthage; Mammalia and Birds of New Guinea, by J. E. Gray. Phonician Inscriptions from Carthage; 8~. London, 1859. deposited in the British Museum. From the Malnnmals, B;rds, Reptiles, and Fishes of Nepal and Thibet. 2d ed. 16~. 1863. researches of Nathan Davis, in the years Marine Polyzoa, by G. Busk. Parts 1 and 2. 160. 1856-58. Oblong folio. London, 1863. London, 1852-4. Mollusca, Catalogue of, by J. E. Gray. Parts 1, 2, ~ Select Papyri in the Iieratic character. anti 4. 16>. London, 1849-53. 168pl. Folio. Londo 1841-44. Mollusca, Catalogue of Bivalve. Part 1. 16~. Part. 168 pi. Folio. London, 1841-44. London, 1850. Part 2. Plates 1-19. Folio. London, 1860. Mollusca, List of, by J. E. Gray. Part 1,Volutidm. 16~. London, 1855. BRITISH NAVY. See NAVY, British. Mollusca and Shells. 16~. London, 1855. BRITISH PLUTARCI. By Francis VWrangham MIolluscous Animals and Shells, Nomenclature of. Pait 1. 16'. London, 1850. 6 V. 8~. London, 1816. Mollusca, Guide to Systematic Distribution of, by BRITISHPOTS; including translations. 00 J. E. Gray. Part 1. 8~. London, 1857. BRITISH POETS; including translations. 100 Myiiapoda, by G. Newport. Partl. 16~. Lon- v. 16. Chiswick, 1822. don, 1856. Neuropterous Insects, by H. Hagen. Part 1. 160. Vignette Title-page Illustrations of the London, 1858. British Poets; drawn by Westall, and pubNeuropterous Insects, by F. Walker. Parts 1-4. 16~. London, 1852-3. lishedbyJ. Sharpe. 160. London, 1816-17. Orthopterous Insects. Part 1, Phasmide. By J. colc o ii O. Westwood. 40. London, 1859. O. Westwaood. 4~. London, 1859. BRITISH PULPIT; a collectlon of 350 original Osteological Specimens. 16~. London, 1847. sermons, by the most eminent divines of the Phaneropneumlona; or, 1errestial operculated mollusca. 16~. London, 1852. present day. 6 v. 8~. London, 1839. 166 BRITISH. BROCKEDON. BRITISH SOLDIERS. Trial of the British Sol- BRITTON, (John, F. S. A.) Cathedral Antidiers of the 29th Regiment for the murder of quities. 6 v. 4~. London, 1836. Crispus Attucks, Sam'l Gray, Sam'l Maver- Dictionary of the Architecture and ick, James Cald well, and Patrick Carr, on Archmology of the Middle Ages; illustrated Monday evening, March 5, 1770, before the by engravings, by J. Le Keux. 8~. LonHonorable Benjamin Lynde, John Cushing, don, 1838. Peter Oliver, and Edmund Trowbridge, Jus- ~ Fine Arts of the English School; illustices. 12~. Boston, 1824. trated by a series of engravings, from paintBRITISH TARIFF for 1846-62; containing cus- ings, sculpture, and architecture, of eminent toms and inland revenue duties and draw- English artists; with ample biographical, backs; with tables of statistical information. critical, and descriptive essays, by various Compiled by Edwin Beedell. 10 v. 16~. authors. 40. Chiswick, 1812. London, 1846-62. - Picturesque Antiquities of the English BRITISH TIIEATRE. By John Bell. 22 v. 180. Cities. 40. London, 1836. London, 1791-92. (V. 3 wanting.) Union of Architecture, Sculpture, and BRITISHYear-BookfortheCountry, for 1856; an Painting; exemplified in the house and annual of agriculture, horticulture, floricul- galleries of John Soane. 4~. London, ture, and arboriculture. Edited by C. McIn- 1827. tosh and T. L. Kemp. 160. London, 1856. and BRAYLEY, (Edward W.) DevonBRITISH and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society. shire and Cornwall Illustrated, fromi original Proceedings of the General Anti-Slavery drawings by Thomas Allom, W. H. Bartlett, Convention in London in 1840 and 1843. 2 v. &c.; with historical and topographical de80. London, 1841-43. scriptions, by J. Britton and E. NV. Brayley. BRITISH and Foreign Bible Society. Reports, 40. London, 1832. with extracts of correspondence, &c., for HEistory of the Ancient Palace and late the years 1805 to 1857, inclusive. 18v. 8~. Houses of Parliament at Westminster. 80. Chelsea and London, 1810-57. London, 1836. ~ 22d Anniversary. 80. London, 1826. Memoirs of the Tower of London. 120. (Pol. Pam., v. 69.). London, 1830. BRITISH and Foreign Medico-Chirurgical Re- ~ and PUGIN, (Augustus.) Illustrations view. V. 11. 80. London, 1853. of the Public Buildings of London; with BRITISI and Foreign Review; or, European historical and descriptive accounts of each Quarterly Journal. Vols. 1-18. 80. Lon- edifice. 2 v. 80. London, 1825-28. don, 1835-44. (No more published.) See BBAUTIES OF ENGLAND AND WALES. BRITISH and Foreign State Papers, 1812 to BROACKES, (William.) Diseases of the Di1837. Compiled by the librarian and keeper gestive Organs and Constipation, treated of the papers, foreign office. 25 v. 8~. Homoeopathically. 2d American, from the London, 1841-53. 3d London ed.; with preface and additions, BRITTON, (John.) AncientPleas of the Crown. by A. C. Becker. 240. New-York, 1848. 2d ed., faithfully corrected according to Practical Observations on Homoeopathy. divers ancient manuscripts of the same booke, 80. London, 1836. by E. Wingate. 12~. London, 1640. BROADHURST, (Thomas.) Funeral Orations ~- Thesame. 3ded. Translated, andillus- in praise of Military Men; translated from trated, with references, notes, and antient the Greek of Thucydides, Plato, and Lycias; records, by R. Kelham. 80. London, 1762. with explanatory notes, and some account of See ROBINSON, (P. F.) the authors. 8". Bath, 1811. BRITTON, (John, F. S. A.) Architectural An- BROADLEY, (Robert.) Lectures on the Sertiquities of Great Britain. 5 v. 40. Lon- vices, Creeds, and Offices of the Church of don, 1807-26. England. 80. London, 1836. ~- - AAuthorship of the Letters of Junius BROC, (A. F.;) etLAVENAS, (P. C.) Nouveau elucidated; with a memoir of Col. Barre. Code des Poids et Mesures, contenant les lois, 80. London, 1848. ddcrets, ordonnances, circulaires et arretes ~ — Beauties of Wiltshire, displayed in sta- ministeriels. 80. Paris, 1834. tistical, historical, and descriptive sketches; BROCKEDON, (William.) Handbook for Travwith anecdotes of the arts. 3 v. 80. Lon- ellers in Italy, from London to Naples. 80. don, 1801-25. London, 1838. BROCKEDON. BROMLEY. BROCKEDON, (William.) Illustrations of the BRODEIRP, (William John.) ZoologicalRecrePasses of the Alps, in which Italy commu- ations. 12~. London, 1849. nicates with France, Switzerland, and Ger- ~ and BINGHAiM, (Peregrine.) Reports many. 2 v. 4~. London, 1838. of Cases in the Court of Common Pleas, and Italy, classical, historical, and pictu- other courts, 1819 to 1822. 3 v. 8~. Lonresque. 40. London, 1843. don, 1820-22. (2 copies.) Journals of Excursions in the Alps; the BRODHIEAD, (John Romeyn.) Address before Pennine, Graian, Cottian, Rhetian, Lepon- N. Y. Historical Society. 8~. New York, tian, and Bernese. 12~. London, 1833. 1844. (Misc. Pam., v. 20.) BROCKENBROUGH, (John W.) Reports of - History of the State of New-York. Cases decided by thelate Chief Justice John First Period, 1609-64. 8~. New-York, Marshall, in the Circuit Court of the United 1853. States for the District of Virginia and North BRODHURST, (Bernard E.) On the Nature Carolina, 1802 to 1833. 2 v. 80. Phila- and Treatment of Club-Foot, and analogous delphia, 1837. (2 copies.) distortions involving the Tibio-Tarsal ArBROCKENBROUGH, (W.;) and HOLMES. Col- ticulation. 8~. London, 1856. lection of Cases decided by the General Court BRODIE, (Sir Benjamin Collins.) Lectures on of Virginia, 1789 to 1826. 2 v. in 1. 80. the Diseases of the Urinary Organs. 3d ed. Philadelphia and Richmond, 1815-26. (2 80. London, 1842. copies of v. 1.) Lectures illustrative of various subjects BROCKENBROUGH, (W. H.) History of Vir- in Pathology and Surgery. 8~. London, ginia, from its first settlement to the year 1846. 1754. 80. Richmond, 1835. (Martin's and BRODIE, (Walter.) Remarks on the Past and Brockenbrough's Virginia ) Present State of New Zealand. 80. London, BROCKETT, (John Trotter.) Glossary of North 1845. Country Words, with their etymology, and BRODIE, (William.) Trial of William Brodie affinity to other languages. 3d ed. 2v. 120. and of George Smith, before the High Court Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1846. of Justiciary, at Edinburgh, 27th August, BROCKHAUS, (F. A.) BibliothbqueAmericaine. 1788, for breaking into the General Excise Catalogue Raisonne d'une collection de livres Office at Edinburgh. By JEneas Morrison. prdcieux sur l'Am6rique, parus depuis sa 80. Edinburgh, 1788. decouverte jusq'a lan 1700, en vente chez BRODIGAN, (Thomas.) Botanical, Historical, F. A. Brockhaus a Leipzig. (Redige par and Practical Treatise on the Tobacco Plant. P. Tromel.) 80. Leipzig, 1861. 80. London, 1830. BROCKLESBY, (John.) Views of the Micro- BRODRICK, (Thomas.) Compleat History of scopic World. Small 40. New York, the Late War in the Netherlands. 2 v. 80. 1851. London, 1713. BROCKWELL, (Charles) Natural and Political BROGDEN, (James.) Illustrations of the History of Portugal, from 1090 to the present Liturgy and Ritual of the United time. With the history of Brazil, and all Church of England and Ireland; being other dominions subject to the crown of Por- discourses of eminent divines during the tugal. 120. London, 1726. seventeenth century. 3 v. 120. London, BROCQUIERE, (Bertrandon de la.) Voyage 1842. d'Outremer et retour de Jerusalem enFrance BROME, (Alexander.) Poems. 80. London, par la voie de terre, 1432-3. (Hakluyt's 1810. (Chalmers' Eng. Poets, v. 6.) Voyages, v. 4.) BROMLEY, (Clara Fitzroy.) A Woman's WanTravels to Palestine, and his return derings in the Western World. 120. Lonfrom Jerusalem overland to France, during don, 1861. the years 1432-3. Translated by Thomas BROMLEY, (Henry.) Catalogue of Engraved Johnes. 80. Hafod, 1807. British Portraits, from Egbert to the present BRODEAU, (Julien ) Coustume de la Prevoste time. With an appendix of portraits of foret Vicomtd de Paris, commentde. 2e ed. eigners. 40. London, 1793. 2 v. Folio. Paris, 1669. BROMrLEY, (Thomas.) The Way to the Sabbath BRODERIP, (William John ) Leaves from.he of Rest; or, the soul's progress in the work Note Book of a Naturalist. 120. London, of the new birth. 80. Germantown, (Pa.,) 1852. 1759. 168 BROMWELL. BROOKS. BROMWELL, (William J.) History of Immi- 3. Letter to an Honorable Lady, &c. 4. Letter of Tranell. gration to the United States, from 1819 to 5. Tragedie of Alaham. 1855; and an appendix, containing the nat- 6. Tragedie of Mustapha. 0o 7' "7. Treatie of Humane Learning. uralization and passenger laws of the United 8. Treatie of Warres. States. 80. New-York, 1856. BROOKE, (Henry.) The Fool of Quality; or, BgO{N[ArtT, (Adolphe.) Enumeration des BRONGNIART, (Adolphe.) Enumeration des the history of Henry, Earl of Moreland; with Genres de Plantes cultives au Mulseuxm Genres de Plantes cultivs Musum introduction, by W. P. Strickland, and biod'Hist!ire Naturelle de Paris. 2e ed. 16~. diHisti-re Naturelle de Paris. 2e d. 160. pgraphical preface, by Charles Kingsley. 2 v. Paris, 1850. 120. New York, 1860. Histoire des Vegetaux Fossiles; ou re- Poems. 8~. London, 1810. (Chalcherches botaniques et geologiques sur les mers' En. Poets v..) ve6gtaux renfermls dans les diverses couches Cg BROOKE, (Henry.) Guide to the Stars; an du globe. Vol. 1. 4. Paris, 1828. easy method of knowing the relative posiBRONGNIART, (Alexandre.) Traite des Arts os B~raGiqRT, (Alexandere.)Tr2it des Artsue tions of all the fixed stars, particularly those Ceramiques, ou des Poteries. ed., revue useful for finding the longitude at sea. 40. et augmentde, par A. Salvetat. 2 v. 8~0; London, 1820. Atlas, oblong 40. Paris, 1854. BROOKE, (Henry James.) Familiar IntroducBRONSONT, (C. P. ) Elocution; or, mental and tion to Chrystallography; with an explanation vocal philosophy. 24th ed. 80. Louisville, of the goniometer. 8~. London, 1823. of the goniometer. 8~. London, 1823. (Ky.,) 1845. BROOKE, (James Williamson.) Democrats of BRONSON, (Henry.) History of Waterbury, Marylebone. 80. London, 1839. (Conn.;) with an appendix of biography, BROOE, (Richard.) Liverpoolasitwasduring genealogy, and statistics. 8~. Waterbury, genealogy, and statistics. 80. Waterbury, the last quarter of the Eighteenth Century, Caot)J1858.yr;n 1775 to 180.0. 8o. Liverpool, 1853. BRONTE, (Charlotte.) Jane Eyre; an autoBRONT, (Charlottyto- BROOKE, (Robert.) Le Graunde Abridgement. biography. 120. London, 1862. 2 v. in. 40. London, 1586. The Professor; a tale. 2 v. 120.. Thedon, Proesor5atae 2. 12. Reading upon the Statute of LirmitaLondon, 1857. tions. 32 H. VII., c 2. 80. London, 1647. Shirley. 8~ New York, 1850. hirley. 10. New York, 1850. BROOKE, (BT. H.) History of the Island of St. Villette. 12%. New York, 1858. ltt(El 1. Nw York, 1858. HHelena, from its discovery by the PortuBRONTE, (Elizabeth.) Wuthering Heights. 8. London, 20 New Yozk,1848guese to the year 1806. 8c. London, 120. New York, 1848. 1808. BROOK, (Benjamin.) History of Religious Mannes ad C s',~~~~ ^ ^' "BROOKES, (John.) Manners and Customs of Liberty, from the first propagation of Chris-.. "',~ ~~ JI& ^Qth English Nation, from the invasion of tianity in Britain to the death of George III. E N f t i 2 v.. London, 18. Julius Caesar to the present time. 120. 2 v. 80. London, 1820.:8 London, 1859. - - Lives of the Puritans, from Queen London, R19. Elizabeth to 1662. 3 v.. London, 1813 BROOKES, (R.) Art of Angling; improved Elizabethto 1662. 3v. 80. London, 1813. and formed into a dictionary. 160. London, BROOrE, (Arthur de Capell.) See CAPELL- 17 1766. BROOKE, (A. de.) BROOI:KE, (A. lde.) S i o th BROOKES, (Richard.) General Gazetteer. ReBROOKE, (Charles.) Synopsis of the Principal corrected to the present period, by Formue anRsutsofPue atvised and corrected to the present period, by Formulm and Results of Pure Mathematics. AGFindlay. 80. London 1851. A. G. Findlay. 8~. London, 1851. 80. Cambridge, (Eng.,) 1829.. CambridBROOKES, (Samuel.) Introduction to the Study BROOKE, (Charlotte.) Reliques of Irish Poetry; ofonchology;cludingobservationsonthe of Conchology; including observations on the consisting of heroic poems, odes, elegies, andera, and on the arrangement of Linnman genera, and on the arrangement of songs. Translated into English verse, with M r r M. Lamarck; a glossary, and a table of Engnotes. 40. Dublin, 1789.. notes, 1789. ~ ^. lish names. 40. London, 1815. BROOKE, (Frances.) History of Lady Julia B OKFancesi. History, of L Jr-i BROOKEVILLE Academy. Faculty, Rules, Mandeville. 16~. London, 1820. (Bar- Q Mandeville. 10. Lo, 1. ( - Names of Students, &c., 1835. 12C. (n. d.) bauld's Brit. Novelists, v. 27.) auld's Brit. Novelist, v. 2) BROOKLYN City Directory, for 1852-3 and BROOKE, (Fulke Greville, Lord.) Certaine 1 b W. 2 1854-5, by W. H. Smith. 2 v. 120 Learned and Elegant Workes, written in his. ^^.-,?.'.- c,. ^. Brooklyn, 1852-54. youth, and familiar exercise with Sir Philip B,. BROOKS, (Charles.) History of the Town of Sydney. Folio. London, 1633. Sydney. Folio. London, 1633. Medford, Middlesex county, Mass., from its CONTENTS. 1CinicxCONTENTS. settlement in 1630 to 1855. 80. Boston, 1. Celiica, containing cIx Sonnets. 2. Inquisition upon Fame and Honour. 1855. 169 BROOKS. BROUGHAM. BROOKS, (Charles T.) German Lyric Poetry; BROOM, (Herbert.) Practice of the Superior songs and ballads, translated from the best Courts of Common Law, with reference to German lyric poets. 160. Philadelphia, matters within their concurrent jurisdiction. 1863. V. 1. 80. London, 1850. BROOKS, (J. W.) Advent and Kingdom of - Selection of Legal Maxims, classiChrist and Events connected therewith. fled and illustrated. 2d ed. 80. London, Part I and II. (Literalist, v. 1 and 4.) 1848. Elements of Prophetical Interpreta- - The same. 3d ed. 80. London, tion. 80. Philadelphia, 1841. (Literalist, 1858. v. 3.) BROoME, (William.) Poems. 160. London, BROOKS, (L.) Short and easy method of oh- 1790. (Johnson's Eng. Poets, v. 44.) taining the average time upon bills of mer- - The same. 80. London, 1810. (Chalchandise, notes, accounts, &c. 8~. 1851. mers' Eng. Poets, v. 12.) BROOKs, (Maria.) Zophiel; or, the Bride of - The same. 160. Chiswick, 1822. Seven. 160. Boston, 1833. (Brit. Poets, v. 39. ) BROOKS, (Nathan Covington.) Complete His- BROSSES, (Charles de.) Histoire des Navigatory of the Mexican War; its causes, con- tions aux Terres Australes. 2 v. 40. Paris, duct, and consequences. 80. Philadelphia, 1756. 1849. BROTHERHEAD; (William.) American Notes BROOKS, (Shirley.) The Silver Cord; a novel. and Queries. 80. Philadelphia, 1857. 80. New York, 1861. - General Fremont, and the injustice BROOKS, (S. H.) City, Town, and Country done him. 80. Philadelphia, 1862. Architecture. Folio. London, 1847. and SMITH, (John Jay.) Book of the ~- Designs for Cottage and Villa Archi- Signers: containing fac-simile letters of the tecture. 40. London, 1840. signers of the Declaration of Independence. Modern Architecture; designs for street Illustrated with 61 engravings of their resielevations, shop fronts, buildings adapted for deuces, portraits, &c. Folio. Philadelphia, towns, and the embellishment of gentlemen's 1861. demesnes, for labourers' cottages, &c.; with BROTHERS, (Samuel.) Wool and Woollen specifications, estimates, quantities, prices, Manufactures of Great Britain; historical etc. 40. London, 1852. sketch of their rise, progress, and present - Rudimentary Treatise on the Erection position. 80. London, 1859. of Dwelling-Houses; or, builder's compre- BROTHERS,(Thomas.) United States of North hensive director. 120. London, 1860. America as they are, not as they are geneBROOKS, (William Alexander.) Treatise on rally described; being a cure for radicalism. the Improvement of the Navigation of Riv- 80. London, 1840. ers; with a new theory on the cause of the BROUEZ, (P.) Une Colonie Beige dans existence of bars. 80. London, 1841. l'Am6rique Centrale; ou relation du voyage BROOKSHAW, (George.) Horticultural Repos- et du sejour de M. P. Brouez A Santo Thomas itory; delineations of the best varieties of de Guatemala. 80. Mons, 1846. English fruits. 2 v. 80. London, 1823. BROUGHAM, (Henry, Lord.) Works. V. 1-10. New Treatise on Flower Painting; in- 120. London, 1855-57. structions for acquiring a perfect knowledge CONTENTS. of drawing flowers with accuracy and taste. Dissertations and Addresses, Rhetorical and Lite40. London, 1818. rary, v. 7. -— Plan rtnzc;a_______ _-oco T>'+11 Dissertations, Historical and Political, v. 8. Pomona Britannica; a collection of the Lives of Men of Letters, in time George III., v. 2. most esteemed fruits, selected from the Royal Lives of Philosophers, in time of George III., v. 1. Natural Theology, v. 6. gardens at Hampton Court, and the most Speeches, Social and Political, v. 9-10. celebrated gardens round London; accurately Statesmen in the time of George III., v. 3-5. drawn and coloured from nature, with full Addresses on Popular Literature, and descriptions. Folio. London, 1812. on the Monument to Sir Isaac Newton. BROOM, (Herbert.) Commentaries on the 180. London, 1858. Common Law, designed as introductory to - Appendix to the Concise Statement of its study. 80. London, 1856. the Question regarding the Abolition of the Practice of the County Courts. 120. Slave Trade. 80. London, 1804. (Slavery London, 1852. Pam., v. 6.) 22 170 BROUGHAM. BROWN, BROUGHAM, (Henry, Lord.) LordBrougham's BROUGHIAM, (John.) Basket of Chips. 120. Acts and Bills, from 1811 to the present time, New-York, 1855. now first collected and arranged, with an BROUGHTON, (Elizabeth.) Six Years' Resianalytical review showing their results upon deuce in Algiers. 12~. London, 1839. the amendment of the law, by Sir John E. BROUGHTON, (John Cam Hobhouse, Lord.) Eardley Wilmot. 8~. London, 1857. Historical Illustrations of the Fourth Canto British Constitution. 8~. London, 1844. of Childe Harold; containing dissertations The same. Its history, structure, and on the ruins of Rome, and an essay on Italworking. 2d ed. 8~. London, 1861. ian literature. 8~. London, 1818. - Discourse of the Objects, Advantages, Imitations and Translations from the and Pleasures of Science. 8~. London, Ancient and Modern Classics; with original 1827. (Misc. Pam., v. 12.) poems never before published. 8~. London, ~- Discourse on Natural Theology; show- 1809. ing the nature of the evidence, and the Italy; remarks made in several visits, advantages of the study. 120. London, from the year 1816 to 1854. 2 v. 12~. 1835. London, 1859. Historical Sketches of Statesmen who ~ Journey through Albania, and other flourished in the Time of George III. With provinces of Turkey in Europe and Asia, to remarks on the French Revolution. 2 v. Constantinople, during the years 1809-10. 120. Philadelphia, 1854. 2 v. in 1. 40. London, 1813. Inquiry into the Colonial Policy of the -- Substance of some Letters written by an EuropeanPowers. 2v. 8~. Edinburgh, 1803. Englishman resident at Paris during the last Letter to Sir Samuel Romilly, M. P., reign of the Emperor Napoleon. With appenupon the Abuse of Charities. 80. London, dix of official documents. 2 v. 80. London, 1818. (Pamphleteer, v. 13.) 1816-17. Opinions, on politics, theology, law, BROUGHTON, (Thomas.) BibliothecaHistoricoscience, education, literature, &c., as ex- Sacra; or, historical library of the principal hibited in his speeches and writings. 120. matters relating to religion, ancient and London, 1837. modern. 2 v. Folio. London, 1737. ~- The same. 2 v. in 1. 120. Philadel- BROUGHTON, (William Grant.) Examination phia, 1839. of the Hypothesis advanced in "Paleoro~ — Political Philosophy. 2d ed. 3 v. 80. maica," maintaining that the text of the ElLondon, 1849. zevir Greek Testament is not a translation Vol. 1. Principles of Government. Monarchical from the Latin. 80. London, 1823. VoG2ris c. Aristocratic Government. BROUGHTON, (William Robert.) Voyage of Vol. 2. Aristocracy. Aristocratic Government. Vol. 3. Democracy. Mixed Monarchy. Discovery to the North Pacific Ocean; perThe same. Vol. 1. 80. London, 1842. formed by H. M. Sloop Providence, and her Speech on the Present State of the Law. tender, in the years 1795-98. 40. London, 80. Philadelphia, 1828. 1804. ~- - Speech before House of Commons, BROUN, (John A.) See BRISBANE, (Sir T. M.) against orders in Council. 80. Philadel- BROUTTA, (A. F.) Le9ons de Droit Militaire. phia, 1808. (Pol. Pam., v. 35.) 2e d. 80. Paris, 1842. ~ Speech in House of Lords on Bill to BROUWER, (P. Van Limburg.) See LIMBURG Amend the Poor Laws. 80. London, 1834. BROUWER. (Pol. Pam., v. 75.) BROWN, (Aaron V.) Speeches, congressional -- Speech upon the Ashburton Treaty in and political, and other writings. 80. House of Lords, April 7, 1843. 80. Lon- Nashville, (Tenn.,) 1854. don, 1843. (Pol. Pam., v. 126.) BROWN, (Alexander C.) Colony Commerce; ~- Speeches upon questions relating to or, reflections onthe commercialsystem. 80. public rights, duties, and interests; with London, 1792. (Pol. Pam., v. 96.) historical introductions, and a critical dis- BROWN, (Andrew.) Philosophy of Physics; sertation upon the eloquence of the ancients. or, process of creative development, by which 4 v. 80. Edinburgh, 1838. the first principles of physic are proved, and -- and ROUTH, (E. J.) AnalyticalView their effect in the formation of all physical of Sir Isaac Newton's Principia. 80. Lon- things made comprehensible. 80. Newdon, 1855. York, 1854. 171 BROWN. BROWN. BROWN, (Archibald.) Reports of Cases be- BROWN, (Hugh.) True Principles of Gunnery fore the High Court and Circuit Courts of investigated and explained. 4to. London, Justiciary in Scotland, during the years 1777. 1842-45. 2 v. 80. Edinburgh, 1844-46. BROWN, (Humphrey, and others.) Report of BROWN, (Captain C.) Narrative of the Ex- the Trial of the Information filed by Her pedition to South America, which sailed Majesty's Attorney-General against Humfrom England in 1817, for the service of the phrey Brown and others, Directors and GenSpanish patriots. 8~. London, 1819. eral Manager of the Royal British Bank, BROWN, (Charles Armitage.) Shakespeare's before Lord Campbell and a special jury, Autobiographical Poems; being his sonnets at Guildhall, 13th February, 1858. By clearly developed; with his character, drawn J. C. Evans. 80. London, 1858. chiefly from his works. 12~. London, BROWN, (Isaac Baker.) On some Diseases of 1838. Women admitting of Surgical Treatment. BROWN, (Charles Brockden.) Address to Con- 8~. London, 1854. gress on Restrictions upon Foreign Corn- BROWN, (James.) Class Book of Criticism on merce. 80. Philadelphia, 1809. (Pol. the Old Theory of English Grammar, and Pam., v. 107.) the writings of its compilers. V. 1. 80. American Register; or, general re- Philadelphia, 1854. pository of history, politics, and science, First and Second Books of the Rational 1806-09. 5 v. 80. Philadelphia, 1807-09. System of English Grammar. 2 v. 120. The same. Continued by Robert Philadelphia, 1854. Walsh. 2 v. 80. Philadelphia, 1810-11. Grammatical Reader; a class book of ~ Arthur Merwyn; or, memoirs of the criticism on the old theory of English gramyear 1793. 2 v. 12~. Philadelphia, 1857. mar. 120. Philadelphia, 1854. Edgar Huntly; or, memoirs of a sleep- BROWN, (James.) The Forrester; treatise walker. 120. Philadelphia, 1857. on the planting, rearing, and general manThe same. 160. London, 1842. (Bent- agement of forest trees. 2d ed. 80. Edin-,ley's Stand. Novels, v. 10.) burgh, 1851. JaneTalbot. 120. Boston, 1827. BROWN, (James Baldwin, Barrister.) Memoirs - The same. 120. Philadelphia, 1857. of John Howard, the Philanthropist. 2d Ormond; or, the secret witness. 120. ed. 80. London, 1823. Philadelphia, 1857. BROWN, (James B.) Views of Canada and Wieland; or, the transformation. 120. the Colonists. 2d ed. 160. Edinburgh, Philadelphia, 1857. 1851. BROWN, (David Paul.) The Forum; or, forty BnowN, (James D.) Collection Laws of the years' full practice at the Philadelphia Bar. Several States, and the District of Columbia; 2 v. 80. Philadelphia, 1856. comprising, in a condensed form, the laws BROWN, (Freeman G.) Oration before Eno- relating to imprisonment for debt, attachsinian Society of Columbian College, July 4, ment, judgment and execution, jurisdiction 1835. 8~. Washington, 1835. (Pam. Ad- ofjustices of the peace, exemption, the statute dresses, v. 2.) of limitation, rights of married women, inBROWN, (George.) Personal Adventure in terest and usury, &c. 80. Philadelphia, South Africa. 160. London, 1855. 1855. BROWN, (George W.) Origin and Growth of BROWN, (John, D. D.) Estimate of the ManCivil Liberty in Maryland; a discourse. ners and Principles of the Times. 160. 80. Baltimore, 1850. (Misc. Pam., v. 2.) Dublin, 1757. BROWN, (Goold.) Grammar of English Gram- BROWN, (Rev. John, of Haddington.) Conmars; with an introduction, historical and cordance to the Holy Scriptures of the Old critical. 80. New-York, 1851. and New Testament. 180..London, 1811. BROWN, (Henry.) History of Illinois, from - Dictionary of the Bible. 2 v. 80. its first settlement to the present time. 80. Pittsburg, (Pa.,) 1807. New-York, 1844. BROWN, (John.) Anecdotes and Characters Narrative of the Anti-Masonic Excite- of the House of Brunswick, illustrative of ment, in the western part of New York, the Courts of Hanover and London, from the during the years 1826-29. 120. Batavia, Act of Settlement to the youth of George the (N. Y.,) 1829. Third, &c. 80. London, 1821. 172 BROWN. BROWN. BROWN, (John.) NorthernCourts; containing BROWN, (Richard.) Principles of Practical original memoirs of the sovereigns of Sweden Perspective; rules for shadowing, and the and Denmark, since 1766, including the extra- elements of painting.'d ed. 4~. London, ordinary vicissitudes in the lives of the grand- 1835. children of George the Second. 2 v. 80. Rudiments of Drawing Cabinet and London, 1818. Upholstery Furniture. 2d ed. 40. LonBROWN, (Rev. John.) Compendious History don, 1822. of the British Churches in England, Scotland, Sacred Architecture; also, elements of Ireland, and America. With a Sketch of the Church Design. 40. London, 1845. history of the Waldenses, and an account of BROWN, (Robert.) Treatise on Agriculture and the Secession. 2 v. 80. Edinburgh, 1823. Rural Affairs. 2 v. 80. Edinburgh, 1811. BRowN, (John, Mathematician.) Mathematical BROWN, (Samuel R.) Views of the CamTables. 4th ed., enlarged, by J. Wallace. paigns of the Northwestern Army, under 80. Edinburgh, 1826. Generals Hull and Harrison; an account of BROWN, (John, of Cambridge, Eng.) Sixty the naval conflict on Lake Erie; military Years' Gleanings from Life's Harvest. A anecdotes; abuses in the army, etc. 160. genuine autobiography. 120. New-York, Philadelphia, 1815. 1859. BROWN, (Thomas, "the facetious".) Works; BROWN, (John, F. R. G. S) The Northwest serious and comical, in prose and verse; Passage and the plans for the search for Sir with his life and character, by James Drake. John Franklin. 2d ed. 80. London, 1860. 8th ed. 4 v. 120. Dublin, 1778. BROWN, (John, M. D.) Spare Hours, (Horse BROWN, (Thomas, M. D.) Inquiry into the Subsecivze.) 120. Boston, 1862. Relation of Cause and Effect. 4th ed. 80. BROWN, (John J.) American Angler's Guide; London, 1835. complete fisher's manual for the United - Lectures on Ethics. 80. Edinburgh, States. 4th ed. Illustrated. 120. New- 1846. York, 1857. Lectures on the Philosophy of the Mind. BROWN, (J. Newton;) and TAYLOR, (William 3 v. 80. Andover, (Ms.,) 1822. B.) Obligation of the Sabbath; a discus- BROWN, (Capt. Thomas.) Elements of Conchsion. 120. Philadelphia, 1853. ology; according to the Linnean system. 80. BROWN, (Jonathan.) History and Present London, 1816. Condition of St. Domingo. 2 v. 120. Phila- Book of Butterflies, Sphinges, and delphia, 1837. Moths. 2d ed. 3 v. 160. London, 1834. BROWN, (Josiah.) Reports of Cases upon BROWN, (Thomas, M. P. S.) Complete Modern Appeals and Writs of Error, determined in Farrier: a manual of veterinary science; the High Court of Parliament. 2d ed., with comprising instructions for the cure of all notes and additional cases, to 1800, by T. E. diseases incidental to horses, cattle, sheep, Tomlins. 8 v. 80. London, 1803. swine, and dogs. 80. London, 1847. BROWN, (J. H.) Mercantile Navy List, and BROWN, (Thomas.) Account of the People annual appendage to the commercial code of called Shakers. 120. Troy, (N. Y.,) 1812. signals of all nations. 80. London, 1858. BROWN, (Thomas.) Pseudonyne. Twopenny BROWN, (M. P.) General Synopsis of the Post-Bag. See MooRE, (Thomas.) Decisions of the Court of Session, from its BROWN, (Thomas N.) Labour and Triumph; institution until November, 1827. 4 v. 40. the life and times of Hugh Miller. 3d ed. Edinburgh, 1829. 160. Glasgow, 1859. Supplement to the Dictionary of the BROWN, (Thomas Richard.) Grammar of the Decisions of the Court of Session. 5 v. 40. Hebrew Hieroglyphs applied to the Sacred Edinburgh, 1826. Scriptures, containing the history of the BROWN, (Peter.) New Illustrations of Zoology; creation of the universe, and the fall of man. 50 coloured plates. (French and English.) 80. Southwick, 1840. 40. London, 1776. BROWN, (William, D. D.) Antiquities of the BROWN, (Richard.) Domestic Architecture. Jews; compiled from authentic sources, and 40. London, 1842. their Customs illustrated fiom modern travElucidation of the Principles of Draw- els; with a dissertation on the Hebrew laning Ornaments, exemplified on seven plates. guage, from Jennings's Jewish Antiquities. 40. London, 1822. 2 v. 80. Philadelphia, 1823. 173 BROWN. BROWNE. BROWN, (William.) New Zealand and its BROWN, (William Wells.) Three Years in Aborigines. 123. London, 1845. Europe; or, what I have seen and people I BROWN, (William.) Select Views of the Royal have met. 160. London, 1852. Palaces of Scotland; with descriptions of their BROWN-SEQUARD, (C. E.) Treatise on Dissituation, appearance, and antiquities, by eases of the Nerves. 80. London, 1862. John Jamieson. 2d ed. 40. Glasgow, 1840. (Holmes' Surgery, v. 3.) BBOWN, (Rev. William.) History of the Prop- BROWN UNIVERSITY. Catalogue of the Liagation of Christianity among the Heathen, brary, in Providence, Rhode Island. 80. since the Reformation. 3d ed. 3 v. 80. Providence, 1843. Edinburgh, 1854. BROWNE, (Arthur.) Compendious View of BROWN, (William.) Entering Clerk's Vade the Civil Law, and of the Law of the AdMecum; being an exact collection of prece- miralty; substance of a course of lectures dents for declarations and pleadings in most read in the University of Dublin. 2d ed. actions. 80. London, 1678. 2 v. 80. London, 1802. - Formulae Ben6 Placitandi; a Book of The same. 1st Am. from 2d Lond. ed. Entries, containing variety of choice prece- 2 v. 80, New-York, 1840. dents. Folio. London, 1671. BROWNE, (Augusta.) Hamilton, the Young ~- - Modus Intrandi Placita Generalia; the Artist; with an essay on sculpture and Entering Clerk's Introduction. 3d ed. 2 painting, by Hamilton A. C. Browne. 180. parts in 2 v. 80. London, 1702-3. Philadelphia, 1852. Praxis Almme Curiae Cancellaria; a BROWNE, (Causten.) Treatise on the ConCollection of Precedents, by bill and an- struction of the Statute of Frauds, (29 Car. swer, plea and demurrer, in the High Court II., cap. 3,) as in force in England and the of Chancery, for more than 30 years past United States; with appendix, containing 3d ed. 2 v. 80. London, 1714. the existing English and American statutes. - Privilegia Parliamentaria; being re- 80. Boston, 1857. (2 copies.) marks upon the acts of parliament, "for BRowNE, (Charles T.) Life of Robert Southey. preventing inconveniences that may happen 16~. London, 1854. by privilege of parliament." 120. London, BROWNE, (Daniel Jay.) American Bird Fan1704. cier; the breeding, rearing, feeding, manBROWN, (William, Barrister.) Reports of Cases agement, and peculiarities of cage and house in the High Court of Chancery, during the birds. 120. New-York, 1851. time of Lord Chancellor Thurlow, and of the ~ American Muck Book. 120. New-York, several Lords Commissioners of the Great 1852. Seal, and Lord Chancellor Loughborough. American Poultry Yard; origin, his1778 to 1794. 4th ed., by R. H. Eden. 4 v. tory, and description of the different breeds 80. London, 1819. of domestic poultry. 120. New-York, 1851. The same. 5th ed.; with additions, by Sylva Americana; description of the R. Belt. 4 v. 40. London, 1820. forest trees indigenous to the United States, The same. 1st American from the 5th practically and botanically considered. 80. London ed.; with notes and references to Boston, 1832. American and later English cases, by J. C. Trees of America, native and foreign, Perkins. 4v. 80. Boston, 1844. (2copies.) pictorially and botanically delineated, and BROWN, (W. Kerr.) On Neutral Trade and scientifically and popularly described. 8'. Right of Search; with an essay on a revision New-York, 1846. of the law of nations. 80. London, 1857. BROWNE, (E. Harold.) Exposition of the BROWN, (William Lawrence.) Essay on the Thirty-NineArticles. 2ded. 80. London, Natural Equality of Men; on the rights that 1854. result from it, and on the duties which it BROWNE, (George.) History of the British imposes. 2d ed. 120. London, 1794, and Foreign Bible Society, from its instituBROWN, (William Wells.) Narrative of W. tionin 1804 to 1854. 2v. 80. London, 1859. W. Brown, a fugitive slave. Written by BROWNE, (Henry.) OrdoSeclorum; treatise himself. 120. Boston, 1847. on the chronology of the Holy Scriptures, The Black Man; his antecedents, his and the indications therein contained of a genius, and his achievements. 2d ed. 120. divine plan of times and seasons. 80. LonNew York, 1863. don, 1844. 174 BROWNE. BROWNELL. BROWNE, (James.) History of the Highlands BROWNE, (R. W.) History of Greek Classiand of the Highland Clans; with a selection cal Literature. 2 v. in 1. 8~. London, from the inedited Stuart Papers. 4 v. 80. 1853. Edinburgh, 1849-50. History of Roman Classical Literature. BROWNE, (John.) Practice of the High Court 8~. London, 1852. of Chancery under the New-Orders, from the BROWNE, (Sir Thomas.) Works; including filing of the bill to the termination of the his life and correspondence. Edited by Sisuit, particularly in the master's office; with mon Wilkin. 4 v. 80. London, 1836. the evidence and proofs admitted at the CONTENTS. hearing, and in the different stages of the Antiquities of Norwich, v. 4. Braimpton Urns, v. 3. cause. 2 v. 80. London, 1830. Browne's Journey with Dr. Plot, v. 4. BROWNE, (Rev. John.) Sermons preached, Christian Morals, v. 4. Common Place Books, Extracts from, v. 4. 1806. 80. Oxford, 1809. (Bampton Lec- Correspondence, v. 1. X+ures fE i QDG \ Enquiries into Vulgar and Common Errors, v. 2-3. tures for 1806.) G(arden of Cyrus, v. 3. BROWNE, (J. Houston.) Lives of the Prime Hydriotaphia; or, Urn Buri, v. 3. Letter to a Friend, v. 4. Ministers of England, from the Restoration Memoirs of Browne, v. 1. to the present time. V. 1. 80. London, Relgly Tracts, v. 4.'eligio Medici, v. 2. 1858. Unpublished Papers, v. 4. BROWNE, (J. Ross.) Etchings of a Whaling Pseudodoxia Epidemica; enquiries into Cruise; with notes of a sojourn on the island very many received tenets and commonly of Zanzebar; with a brief history of the presumed truths. 3ded. Small folio. Lonwhale fishery. 80. New-York, 1850. don, 1658. ---- Yusef; or, the Journey of the Frangi: - Religio Medici. 5th ed.; with annotaa crusade in the East. 12~. New-York, tions upon obscure passages, and observa1853. tions, by Sir Kenelm Digby. 18~. London, See CALIFORNIA. Report of Constitu- 1659. tional Convention. BROWNE, (Thomas, LL. D.) British Cicero; BROWNE, (Patrick.) Civil and Natural His- a selection of the most admired speeches in tory of Jamaica. Folio. London, 1789. the English language. 3 v. 8~. PhilaBROWNE, (Peter.) Procedure, Extent, and delphia, 1810. Limits of Human Understanding. 80. Lon- ~ Classical Dictionary of the Mythology, don, 1729. History, Geography, Manners, Customs, Things Divine, Supernatural, conceived &c., occurring in the Greek and Roman by Analogy with things Natural and Human. authors. 6th ed. 120. London, 1827. 80. London, 1733. BROWNE, (Rev. Thomas.) Testimonies of BROWNE, (Peter A., LL. D.) Classification Heathen and Christian Writers of the first of Mankind by the Hair and Wool of their two centuries to the Truth of the Gospel. Heads. 80. Philadelphia, 1852. 160. London, 1837. Lecture upon the Naturalization Law BROWNE, (William.) Works; containing Briof United States. 80. Philadelphia, 1845. tannia's Pastorals; with notes, by W. ThompReports of Cases in the Court of Com- son; the Shepherd's Pipe, the Inner-Temple mon Pleas of the First Judicial District of Masque, and other poems; with life of the Pennsylvania, 1806 to 1813. 2 v. 80. author. 3 v. 180. London, 1772. Philadelphia, 1811-13. Britannia's Pastorals and other poems. ~- Trichologia Mammalium; treatise on 80. London, 1810. (Chalmers'Eng. Poets, the organization, properties, and uses of hair v. 6.) and wool; with an essay on raising and BROWNE, (W. G.) Journey to Dar-Ffir, 1793. breeding of sheep. 40. Philadelphia, (Pinkerton's Voyages, v. 15.). 1853. Journies in the Interior of Africa. BROWNE, (R. J.) Practical Treatise on Ac- (Pinkerton's Voyages, v. 16.) tions at Law; embracing the subjects of BROWNELL, (Henry Howard.) Discoverers, notice of action; limitation of actions; ne- Pioneers, and Settlers of North and South cessary parties to and proper forms of actions, America, from the earliest period to the presthe consequence of mistake therein; and the ent time. 80. Boston, 1853. law of costs with reference to damages. 80. - People's Book of Ancient and Modern London, 1843. History. 80. Hartford, (Conn.,) 1851. 175 BROWNING. BRULLIOT. BROWNING, (Colin Arrott.) The Convict Ship; BROWNRIGG, (William.) Art of Making Cornnarrative of the results of Scriptural instruc- mon Salt. 8~. London, 1748. tion and moral discipline on board the "Earl BROWNSON, (Orestes A.) Boston Quarterly Grey." From4thEng.ed. 12~. Philadel- Review. V. 4-5. 80. Boston, 1841-2. phia, 1850. - Brownson's Quarterly Review. V. 3, BROWNING, (Elizabeth Barrett.) Aurora for 1846. New series: V. 2, for 1848. Leigh. 120. New York, 1857. New York Series, v. 1-4, 1856-59. 80. Essays on the Greek Christian Poets, Boston and New York, 1846-59. and onthe EnglishPoets. 160. NewYork, - Charles Elwood; or, the infidel con1863. verted. 120. Boston, 1840. Poems. 2 v. 120. New-York, 1850. - The Convert; or, leaves from my ex(2 copies.) perience. 120. New-York, 1857. Last Poems. 120. London, 1862. -- Essays and Reviews, chiefly on theology, BROWNING, (G.) Domestic and Financial politics, and socialism. 8~. New York, 1852. Condition of Great Britain; her foreign BRUCE, (Alexander.) Decisions of the Lords policy; with statistics and politics of France, of Council and Session, in most cases of Austria, Russia, and Prussia. 80. London, importance, for the months of Nov. and Dec., 1834. 1714, and Jan., Feb., June, and July, 1715, BROWNING, (Robert.) Men and Women. 120. and the acts of Sederunt made in that time. Boston, 1856. Folio. Edinburgh, 1720. Poems. 2 v. 160. London, 1849. - - Institutions of Military Law, ancient BROWNING, (W. Ernst.) Practice and Pro- and modern. 80. Edinburgh, 1717. cedure of the Court for Divorce and Matri- BRUCE, (George.) Specimens of Printing Types, monial Causes; with forms of practical pro- and Ornaments. 80. New York, 1828. ceedings, the acts, rules, and orders, tables BRUCE, (James.) Travels to Discover the of fees, and bills of costs. 120. London, Source of the Nile, in the years 1768-73. 1862. 5 v. 40. Edinburgh, 1790. BROWNING, (W. S.) History of the Hugue- BRUCE, (James.) Classic and Historic Pornots during the Sixteenth Century. 2 v. traits. 2 v. 120. London, 1853. 80. London, 1829. BRUCE, (John.) Annals of the Hon. EastThe same. New ed., continued to the India Company, from their establishment, in present time. 80. London, 1840. 1600, to 1708. 3 v. 40. London, 1810. BROWNLOW, (John.) Memoranda; or, chron- BRUCE, (John Collingwood.) Bayeux Tapesicles of the Foundling Hospital; including try Elucidated. 40. London, 1856. memoirs of Capt. Thomas Coram. 8~. Lon- -- The Roman Wall; an account of the don, 1847. barrier of the Lower Isthmus. 80. LonBROWNLOW, (Richard.) Brevia Judicialia; don, 1851. or, an exact collection of approved forms BRUCE, (Michael.) Poems. 160. Chiswick, of all sorts of judicial writs in the Common 1822. (Brit. Poets, v. 60.) Bench. Folio. London, 1662. (2 copies.) BRUCKER, (Jacobus.) Historia Critica Philo- Latine Redivivus; a Book of Entries. sophime a mundi incunabilis ad nostram usFolio. London, 1693. (2 copies.) que aetatem deducta. 2d ed. 6 v. 40. Reports of Divers Famous Cases in Law. Lipsice, 1767. Second part. 2d ed. 40. London, 1675. BRUE, (Andre.) Voyages aulong des Cotes Occiand GOLDESBOROUGH, (John.) Re- dentalesd'Afrique, 1697-1722. 40. LaHaye, ports of Divers Choice Cases in Law. First 1747. (Prevost, Hist. des Voyages, v. 3.) part. 3d ed. 40. London, 1675. BRUEN, (Matthias.) Memoirs of the Life and BROWNLOW, (W. G.) Sketches of the Rise, Character of Rev. Matthias Bruen. 80. Progress, and Decline of Secession; with a New-York, 1831. narrative of personal adventures among the BRUFF, (Peter.) Treatise on Engineering rebels. 120. Philadelphia, 1862. Field-Work. 2d ed. 80. London, 1840. - and PRYNE, (A.) Ought American BRULLIOT,(Fran9ois.) DictionnairedesMonoSlavery to be Perpetuated? A debate grammes, Marques figurees, Lettres Initiales, between W. G. Brownlow and A. Pryne, Noms abreges, etc., avec lesquels les peinheld at Philadelphia, September, 1858. 120. tres, dessinateurs, graveurs et sculpteurs ont Philadelphia, 1858. designe leurs noms. 40. Munich, 1832. 176 BRUM. BRUYS. BRUM, (Jean.) Triomphe du Nouveau Monde. BRUNO, Nolano, (Giordano.) Opere. Oraper 2 v. in 1. 8~. Paris, 1785. la prima volta raccolte e pubblicate da Adolfo BRUMOY, (Pierre.) Theatre des Grecs. Nou- Wagner. 2 v. 8~. Lipsia, 1830. velle edition, enrichie de trbs belles gravures, BRUNO, (Ludger.) Legislation et Jurispruet augmentee de la traduction entiere des dence du Notariat, resumees en 100 tableaux pieces grecques dont il n'existe que des ex- synoptiques; avec observations sur la pratraits dans toutes les editions precedentes; tique et la doctrine, plan d'etude, et biblioet de remarques nouvelles, par MM. De graphie. 40. Riom, 1857. Rochefort et Du Theil. 13 v. 8~. Paris, BRUNIQUELLIUS, (J. S.) Historia Juris Ro1785-89. mano-Germanici, a primis Reipublicse Ro- - Greek Theatre. Translated by Mrs. manre atque Germanicse initiis ad nostra Charlotte Lennox. 3 v. 4~. London, 1759. usque tempora, ex suis fontibus deducta, et in usum auditorii adornati. Accessit disserCONTENTS. tatio prmeliminaris de linguarum, philosohylus: Agmemno.. phie, antiquitatum, et historiarum studio The Coepheres, v. 1. ~- The Persians, v. 2. cun jurisprudentia jungendo. Editio 3a. Prometheus, v. 2. Seven Chiefs against Thebes, v. 2. 80. Amstelkedami, 1738. Aritophane Te Achaness, v.3. BRUNT, (Jonathan.) Extracts from Locke The Birds, v. 3. and others, containing a defence of natural - The Clouds, v. 3. The Feasts of Ceres, v. 3. rights. 80. Frankfort, (Ky.,) 1804. (Pol. -- The Female Orators, v.. Pam., v. 104.) The Frogs, v. 3. The Knights, v. 3. BRUNTON, (Mary Balfour.) Works; contain- Psace, v. 3. ing a memoir of her life, by Alex. Brunton. Plutus, v. 3. 7 v. 120. Edinburgh, 1820. — The Wasps, v. 3. Discourses upon the Theatre of the Greeks, the CONTENTS. original of Tragedy, and the parallel of the Thea- Discipline, v. 5-7. tres, v. 1. Emmeline, v. 1. Dissertation upon the Greek Comedy, v. 3. Memoir of Mary Biunton, v. 1. Euripides: Alcestis, v. 2. Self-Control, v. 2-4. - Andromacbe, v. 2. - The Bacchanalians, v. 3. Discipline. 160. London, 1849. (BentElectrl, v. 1. ley's Stand. Novels, v. 16.) -- Electra, v. 1. -- Hecuba, v. 3. - Self-Control. 80. Edinburgh, 1839. H — Helena, v. 3. _ The Heraclidc, v. 3. ---- The same. 160. London, 1849. (Bent_- lerclules Mad, v. 3. ley's Stand. Novels, v. 15.) --- ippolitus, v. 1. --- on, v. 3. BRUNTON, (Robert.) Compendium of Me-- Iphigenia in Tulis, v. 2. chanics. 4th ed. 120. Glasgow, 1828. Iphigenia in Tauris, v. 2. -- Medea, v. 2. -- The same. 12~. Boston, 1830. -- Orestes, v. 2. -- The Phenicians, v. 2. BRUNTON and HAIG. Historical Account of -- Rhesus, v. 2. the Senators of the College of Justice, from.- The Snpplialnts, v. 2. --- The Trojan Captives, v. 2. its institution in 1532. 80. Edinburgh, 1832. -ophocles: ja, v. 2. BRUSSELS. Relation Exacte de la Prise de -- Antigone, v. 2. E — lectla, v. 1. Bruxelles, par ses Habitans. 80. Bruxelles,... Oedipus, v. 1. Philoctetes, v. 1. 1789. (Pol. Pam., v. 12.) - The Trachiniennes, v. 2. BRUTON, (William.) Newes from the East BRUNET, (Jacques Charles.) Manuel du Li- Indies; or, a voyage to Bengalla, 1638. braire, et de l'amateur de livres, contenant: (Hakluyt's Voyages, v. 5.) 10 un nouveau dictionnaire bibliographique; - The same. (Osborne's Voyages, v. 2.) 20 une table en forme de catalogue raisonne. BRUTUS, (S. Junius.) Pseudonyme. See 4e 6d. 5 v. in 10. 80. Paris, 1842-44. LANGUET, (Hubert.) - The same. Cinquibme edition origi- BRUYERE, LA. See LA BRUYERE. nale, entibrement refondue et augmentee BRUYERE, (Louis.) etudes relatives a l'Art d'un tiers par l'auteur. V. 1-4. (8 parts.) des Constructions. 2 v. Folio. Paris, 80. Paris, 1860-63. 1823-28. BRUNNMARK, (Gustavus.) Introduction to BRUYN. See LE BRUN. Swedish Grammar, adapted to the use of BRUYS, (Fran9ois.) HistoiredesPapes, depuis Englishmen. Revised by J. P. Wihlin. Saint Pierre jusqu'A Benoit XIII. 5 v. 40. 160. London, 1825. La Haye, 1732-34. 177 BRUYS. BRY. BRUYS, (Fran9ois) Memoires, historiques, a Capitaneo Johanne Schmidt. Folio. Oppencritiques, et litteraires; avec la vie de'an- Ael'. Si. 161. d ptadmi diite Americm p1r s XI. Seu descriptio admirandi itinel is teur. 2 v. 16~. Paris, 1751. a Guillielmo Schouten peracti; qua ratione in mT leridionali plaga freti Magellanici novnun hacBRY, (Theodorus, Joannes T., et Joannes I. tenusque incognitnm in Mare Australe transitunl de,) et MERIAN, (M.) Collectiones Pere- patefecerit. Oppenheimii, 1619.-Americe tomi undecimi appendix, seu admirande navigationis a grinationum in Indiam Orientalem et Indiam Georgio a Spilbergen per fretum Magellanicumn et Occidentalem, XXV partibus comprehense. MIMare Meridionale descriptio, anctore M. Gothardo Artlhvsio. Folio. Francofvrti, 1620. Omnia cartis atque figuris in res incisis Novi orbis pars XII. Sive descriptio India Occidentalis, auctore Antonio de Herrera. Accesseillustrata. Series I. (Grands Voyages.) runt et aliorum India Occidentalis descriptiones. 13 v. Viz: Quibus cohterent paraliponena Americae. Folio. Francofvrti, 1624. CONTENTS. A.merice Dreyzehender Theil, das ist: Fortsetzung Americle pars I. Admiranda narratio, fida tamen, der Historien von der Newen Welt, oder Nidergande comlodis et incolarum ritibus Virginia, nuper gischen Indien, waran es auff diese Zeit nocl admodum ab Anglis invents. Alnglico scripta alnhero ermangelt. Folio. Franckfurt, 1628. sermone 6 Thoma Hariot nuCn autem prilmun r Latio donata a C. C. A. Folio. Francoforti ad Series II. (Petits Voyages.) 12 v. Moenum, 1590. Viz The same. 2d ed. Folio. Francoforti, 1590. America, pars II. Brevis narratio eorum que in Indiae Orientalis pars I. Regnum Congo, hoc est, Florida Americae provicia Gallis acciderunt, se- vera descriptio regni Africani, qvod tan ab incolia cunda in illamn nauigatione duce Renato de Lau- quaimLuisitanisCongus appellatur. PerPhilippvml doniere anno BIDLXIII. Auctore Iacobo le Moyne, Pigafettam, olim ex Edoardi Lopez acroamlatis cui cognomen de Morgues; Latio verl donaita a lingua Italicc excerpta; nunc Latio sermlone doC. C. A. Folio. Francoforti ad Moenum, 1591. nata ab Avgvst. Cassiod. Ieinio. Folio. FranThe same. 2ded. Folio. Francoforti, 1591. cofurti, 1598. Americe pars III. Miemorabilem provincise Brasilime The same. 2d ed. Folio. Francofvrti, 1624. historiam continens, Germanico primuim sermone Cun Appendix regni Congo. qua continentur scriptamn a Joane Stadio, nunc auteli Latinitate navigationes quinque Samuelis Brunonis. Folio. donatam a Teucrio Annmo. Addita est narratio Francofvrti, 1625. provectionis Ioannis Lerii in eamden provinciam. Indit Orientalis pars II. In qua Iohan. Hvgonis Folio. Francofurti, 1592. Lintscotani nauigatio in orientem, item regna, The same. 2d ed. Folio. Francofurti, littora, portus, flumina, apparentiae, habitus mno1592. resque Indorum et Lusitanoruem pariter in oriente Americe pars IV. Sive, insignis et admiranda his- degentium, accurate proponuntur. Nunc Latin6 toria de reperta primum Occidentali India a reddita enunciauit Tevcrides Annuevs Lonicervs. Clhristophoro Columbo anno mICCCCXCI, scripta Folio. Franefordii, 1599. ab Iieronymo Benzono. Folio. Francofurti, India Orientalis pars III. Qua continentur, I. Se1594. cunda pars nauigationum a Joanne H-Ingone LintsAmericce pars V. Nobilis et admiratione plena chotano in orieentem susceptarum. II. Nauigatio Hieronymi Benzoni secunde sectionis (hia;) His- Hollandorum in insulas orientales, Iavan et Smnatpanorum tudm in Nigrittas seruos sues, tUrn in rain. III. Tres nauigationes Hollandornul in Indos crudelitatem, Gallorumque, piratarumL de mod6 dictam Indiamn per Septentrionalem seu Ilispanis toties reportata spolia; aduenteum item Glacialem Oceanum. De Germanico in Latinum IHispanorum in Nouam Indiae continentis Hispa- tra.nslata Bilibaldo Strobeo. Folio. Franconiain, eorumq contra incolas elus regionis saeuitiam fvrti, 1601. explicans. Folio. Francofurti, 1595. Indie Orientalis pars IV. Qva primtm varii geneThe same. 2d ed; Folio. Francofurti, 1595. ris animalia, fructus, arbores; item aromata seu America parsVI. Sive lhistorie ab Hieronymo Ben- species et materialia, etc., accurate describuntur. zono scripte, sectio tertia. In hae enimi reperies, Per Ioannemn Hvgonemn Lintschotanunm, et nonqua ratione Hispani opulentissimas illas Peruali nullos alios. Secvndo; nouissima Hollandorum regni provincias occuparint. Folio. Franco- in Indiam Orientealem nauigatioexpoinitur. Omnia furti, 1596. ex Germanico Latinitate donata, studio et opera The same. 2ded. Folio. Francofurti, 1596. Bilibaldi Strobei. Folio. Francofurti, 1601. Americae pars VII. Verissima et jvcvndissima de- Indiae Orientalis pars V. Qua continetur vera et scriptio praecipvarvm qvarvndail Indite regionuen accurata descriptio vniuersae nauigationis illius, et insularuLm jam primmil ab Vrico Fabro in- quain Hollandi curm octonis nauibus in terras oriventie. Ex (iermanico in Latinull sermonern entales, prmecipe vero in Javanas et Moluccanas conuersa autore M. Gotardo Artvs. Folio. Fran- insulas, Bantam, Bandanl et Ternatem, etc., susfvrti, 1599. ceperunt. Latio donatum a Bilibaldo Strobteo. The same. 2ded. Folio. FraPncofvrti, 1625. Folio. Francofurti, 1601. Americe parsVIII. Continensprimo, descriptionemn Indite Orientalis pars VI. Veram et historicam detrivm itinervn Francisci Draken. Secundo, iter scriptionem avriferi regni Gvinera, ad Africam perThomae Candisch. Tertio, duo itinera, Gvaltheri tinentis, qvod alias littus de Mina vocant, contiRalegh, nec non Lavrentii Keyms. In Latinumn nens. Latinitate ex Germainico donata studio et sermonem conversa, auctore MI. Gotardo Artvs. opera M. Gotardi Arthus. Folio. Francofurti ad Francofvrti, 1599. I Mcenm, 1604. -- The same. 2d ed. Folio. Francofurti, 1625. Indiue Orientalis pars VII. Nauigationes duas, priAmericce pars IX. Qva de ratione elementorvm; maam, trium annorum, a Georgio Spilbergio, ann. de novi orbis natvra; de hvivs incolarvm svper- 1601, ex Selandia in Indiam Orientalem suscepstitiosis cultibus, deq., forma politiet ac reipubl. ta-n: alteram, nounem annorum, a Casparo Balby, ipsorumLn copioe pertractatur. His accessit desig- anno 1579, ex Alepo Babyloniam versus, et inde natio illivs navigationis, quam 5 nanes Hollandicae porro ad regnum Pegu vsque continuatam, contianno 1598, per fretum Magellanum in Moluccanas nens. Auctore M. Gotardo Arthus. Folio. Franinsulas tentarunt. Addita est tertio, navigatio cofurti, 1606. recens, qvam 4. navivm praefectus Olevier a Indiae Orientalis pars VIII. Navigationes qvinqve, Nooit proxime suscepit. Omniua e Germanico prirnam, a Iacobo Neccio: securidam, a Iohanne Latinitate donata. Folio. Francof., 1602. Hernanno de Bree: tertiam, a Cornelio Nicolai: - The same. 2d ed. (of the 2d and 3d books quartani, i Cornelio de Vena: quintam, sub Steonly.) Folio. Francofurti, 1633. phano de Hagen, in Indiam Orientalem susceptas Americe pars X. Qua continentur, I. Dum naviga- et peractas, contilnens. Auctore M. Gotardo Artiones Dn. Americi Vesplutii. II. Solida narratio thus. Folio. Francoforti, 1607. de moderno provincie Virginiae statu, authore Indie Orientalis pars IX. Historicam descriptionema Raphe Hamor Ii.. erya desTeiptio N ovi Angliae, ianigationis ab Hollandis et Selandis il lIndiaml 23 178 BRY. BRYDGES. BRY, (Theodorus, Joannes T., et Joannes I. BRYANT, (William Cullen.) Letters of a de,)etMERIAN,(M.) Series II —Continued. Traveller; or, notes of things seen in EuOrientalem, sub imperio Petri Guilielmi Verhuffii rope and America. 3d ed. 8~. New-York, susceptae et peractce, etc., continens. Auctore M. 851. Gotardo Arthusio. Francofurti, 1612. Supplementum nonce partis. Auctore M. Gotardo Ar- - Letters of a Traveller. Second series. thusio. Folio. Francofvrti, 1612. Le Indit Orientalis pars X. Qua continetur, historica Letters from Spain, and other countries. relatio sive descriptio novi ad aqvilonem transitus, 12. New York 1859. svpra terras Americanas in Chinam atq. Japonem ducturi, quemadmodum is ab Henrico Hudsono Poems. With illustrations, by E. nuper inuentus est. Item disevrsvs ad Sereniss. Leutze. 6th ed 80 Philadelphia, 1850 -Iispani_ Regem, super detecta nuper quinta orbis parte, terra nempe australi incognita, i Petro The same. Collected and arranged by Ferdinando de Quir, etc., conscriptus. Addita descriptione regionun Siberie, etc., quse nuper a the author. Illustrated with seventy-one Moscis detected occupatce sunt. Auctore M. Go- engravings. Small 4~. London, 1858. tardo Arthusio. Folio. Francofvrti, 1613. India Orientalis pars XI. Qua continetur, I. Dua- Selections from the American Poets. ruin navigationumn quas in Indiam Orientalem 1 Yok 1. (Hrper Fa ann. 1501. Dn. Americus Vesputius instituit, his- York, 1840. (Harper's Famly toria. II. Vera atque hactenus inaudita Angli Library, v. 111.) cujusdam relatio, qui nave quadam, cui Ascensionis nomen, in extremam Indiae Orientalis oram BRYCE, (James.) Ten Years of the Church of Camnbajam vectus, multa observavit. II[. De- Scotland, from 1833 to 1843; with a historiscriptio regionis Spitzbergse. Folio. Oppenhemnii, 1619. cal retrospect from 1560. v. 80. EdinXIII. Der dreyzehende Theil der Orientalischen burgh 1850. Indien, darinnen beneben etlichen newen ged- enckwiirdigen Sechiffarthen und Reysen, so von BRYDALL, (John.) Jus Sigilli; or, the Law uuderschiedlichen Voickern, sonderliclhden Por-nd tcing Hi' r tugesen, Englischenund Hollandern,inOstlndien, of England touching His Majesty's Four und dem anstossende Konigreich, von Jahr 1615. Principal Seales, viz: the great seale, the biss uff 1628. verrichtet worden. Folio. Franck- furt am CMayn, 1628. private seale, the exchequer seale, and the BRYAN, (Daniel.) Mountain Muse; compris- signet. 240. London, 1673. ing the adventures of Daniel Boone; and c Jus Imaginis apud Angles; or, the Law the power of virtuous and refined beauty. of England relating to the Nobility and Gen160. Harrisonburg, (Va.,) 1813. try. 16. London, 1675. BIIYAN, (Hugh.) Diary and Letters. 160. BRYDGES, (Sir Samuel Egerton.) Archaica; London, 1760. (With "Living Christianity containing a reprint of scarce old English Delineated.") tracts; with prefaces, critical and biographiBRYAN, (Michael.) Biographical and Critical cal. 2v. 4~. London, 1815. Dictionary of Painters and Engravers, to the CONTENTS. present time. New edition, revised and en- Brathwayt, (R.) Essays upon the Five Senses, v. 2. larged, by George Stanley. 80. London, Breton, (N.) Characters upon Essays, Mloral and o M' Divine, and the Good and the Bad, v. 1. 1849. Greene, (R.) Philomela: the Lady Fitzwater's BRYANT, (H. B.,) and STRATTON, (Henry D.) Nighltingale, v. i., —- Arcadia; or, Menaphon, v. 1. Commercial Law for Business Men, includ- Harvey, (G.) Four Letters and Sonnets touching Robert Greene, v. 2. ing merchants, farmers, mechanics, etc., and - iers Supererogation; or, a New Praise book of reference for the legal profession, of the Old Ass, v. 2. _ --- New Letter of Notable Contents, v. 2. adapted to all the States of the Union. By Nash, (T.) Christ's Tears over Jerusalem, v. 1. Amos Dean. 89. New York, 1863. Southwell, (R.) Triumphs over Death, v. 1. BRYANT, (Jacob.) New System, or Analysis Arguments in favour of relieving Ableof Ancient Mythology; wherein an attempt Bodied Poor. 80. London, 1818. (Pamis made to divest tradition of fable, and to phleteer, v. 11.) reduce the truth to its original purity. 2d Autobiography, Times, Opinions, and ed. 3 v. 40. London, 1775-76. Contemporaries. 2 v. 80. London, 1834. Observations and Inquiries relating to British Bibliographer. By Sir Egerton various parts of Ancient History. 40. Cam- Brydges and Joseph Haslewood. 4 v. 80. bridge, (Eng.,) 1767. London, 1810-14. Observations upon the Plagues inflicted Censura Literaria; containing titles, upon the Egyptians. With a discourse con- abstracts, and opinions of old English books, cerning the Grecian colonies from Egypt. with original disquisitions, articles of bio80. London, 1794. graphy, and other literary antiquities. 10 v. - The same. 2d ed. 80. London, 1810. 80. London, 1805-1809. BRYANT, (John D.) Redemption; a poem. Imaginative Biography. 2 v. 12~. 120. Philadelphia, 1859. London, 1834. 179 BRYDGES. BUCHANAN. BRYDGES, (SirSamuelEgerton.) Letters from BUCHAN, (Peter.) Ancient Ballads and Songs the Continent. 80. Kent, 1821. of the North of Scotland, hitherto unpubLetters on the Character and Poetical lished. 2 v. 12~. Edinburgh, 1828. Genius of Lord Byron. 12~. London, 1824. BUCHAN, (William.) Domestic Medicine; Memoirs of the Peers of England during treatise on the prevention and cure of disthe Reign of James the First. 8~. London, eases by regimen and simple remedies. 8~. 1802. London, 1840. Reasons for a Further Amendment of the BUCHANAN, (A. C.) Emigration Practically Copyright Act of Queen Anne. 8~. Lon- Considered. 8~. London, 1828. (Pol. don, 1817. (Pamphleteer, v. 10.) Pam., v. 38.) Recollections of Foreign Travel, on BUCIIANAN, (Claudius.) Christian Researches life, literature, and self-knowledge. 2 v. in Asia. With notices of the translation of 12~. London, 1825. the Scriptures into the Oriental languages. Restituta; or, titles, extracts, and 4th ed. 8~. London, 1811. characters of old books in English literature, - Colonial Ecclesiastical Establishment revived. 4 v. 8~. London, 1814-16. of Great Britain. 2d ed. 8~. London, 1813. What are Riches, Examination of. 8~. — Eras of Light, and Christian Researches London. (Pamphleteer, v. 20.) in Asia. 8~. Boston, 1811. BRYDGES, (Sir Harford Jones.) Account of - Sermons. 8~. London, 1812. the Transactions of His Majesty's Mission BUCHANAN, (David.) Inquiry into the Taxato the Court of Persia, in the years 1807-11 tion and Commercial Policy of Great Britain; 2 v. in 1. 8~. London, 1834. with observations on the principles of curDynasty of the Kajars. Translated rency, and of exchangeable value. 8~. from the original manuscript presented by Edinburgh, 1844. his majesty Faty Aly Shah to Sir H. J. BUCHANAN, (Francis.) Journey fiom Madras Brydges. With a succinct account of the through the countries of Mysore, Canara, History of Persia previous to that period. 8~. and Malabar. 3 v. 4~. London, 1807. London, 1833.. - The same. (Pinkerton's Voyages, v. 8.) BRYDONE, (James Marr.) Narrative of a Voy- BUCHANAN, (George.) De Jure Regni apud age, with a party of emigrants, from Sussex, Scotos; dialogue concerning the due priviin 1834, to Montreal; thence up the river lege of government in the Kingdom of ScotOttawa and through the Rideau -Canal, to land, betwixt George Buchanan and Thomas Toronto, Upper Canada, and afterwards to Maitland. Translated out of Latin. 24~. Hamilton. 8". Petworth, (Eng.,) 1834. Philadelphia, 1766. BRYDONE, (Patrick.) Tour through Sicily - History of Scotland. Translated from and Malta; in a series of letters. New ed. the Latin, with continuation, by John Wat2 v. 8~. London, 1775. kins. 8~ London, 1827. The same. 8~. Edinburgh, 1840. The same. New ed., by James AikBRYENNIUS, (Nicephorus.) Commentarii. Gr. man. 6 v. 8~. Edinburgh, 1829-30. et Lat. Rec. A. Meineke. 8~. Bonne, BUCHANAN, (James.) Sketchesof theHistory, 1836. (Byzantine Hist. Corpus, v. 23.) Manners, and Customs of the North American BRYSON, (Alexander.) Report on the Climate Indians. 8~. London, 1824. and Principal Diseases of the African Sta- BUCHANAN, (Robert.) Culture of the Grape, tion. 8~. London, 1847. and Wine-Making. 12~. Cincinnati, 1852. BUCANIERS OF AMERICA. See ESQUEMELING, BUCIANAN, (Rev. Robert.) Ten Years' Con(John.) flict; being the history of the disruption of BUCHAN, (David Stewart Erskine, Earl of.) the Church of Scotland. 2 v. 8~. GlasAddress to Americans at Edinburgh on gow, 1849. Washington's Birthday, 1811. 8~. (n. p.) BUCHANAN, (Robertson.) Practical and De1811. (Pol. Pam., v. 110.) scriptive Essays on the Economy of Fuel, Essays on the Lives and Writings of and Management of Heat. 8~. Glasgow. Fletcher of Saltoun, and the Poet Thomson. 1810. 8~. London, 1792. Treatise on Economy of Fuel, and and MINTO, (Walter.) Account of the Management of Heat, especially as relates Life, Writings, and Inventions of John to heating and drying by steam. 8~. GlasNapier of Merchiston. 4~. Perth, 1778. gow, 1815, 180 BUCHANAN. BUCKINGHAM. BUCHANAN, (Robertson.) Practical Treatise BUCK, (J. W.) Reports of Cases in Bankon Propelling Vessels by Steam, &c. 80. ruptcy. 8~. London, 1820. Glasgow, 1816. BUCK, (William J.) History of Montgomery ---- Practical Essays on Mill Work and County, Pennsylvania, within the Schuylother Machinery. 2d ed.; with additions, by kill Valley. 8~. Norristown, (Pa.,) 1859. T. Tredgold. 2 v. 80. London, 1823. BucKE,(Charles.) On the Beauties, HarmoThe same. 3d ed.; with additions, by nies, and Sublimities of Nature. 3 v. 8~. George Rennie. 80. London, 1841. London, 1837. Atlas, byGeorge Rennie. Folio. Lon- The same. Abridged by W. P. Page. don, 1850. 18~. New York, 1842. (Harper's Fam. BUCHANAN, (Thomas.) Illustrations of Acous- Library, v. 145.) tic Surgery. 8$. London, 1825. Life of John Churchill, Duke of MarlPhysiological Illustrations of the Organ borough. 180. London, 1839. (Murray's of Hearing. 80. London, 1828. Fam. Library, v. 35.) BUCHANAN, (William.) Memoirs of Painting; - Ruins of Ancient Cities. 2 v. 180. with a history of the importation of pictures London, 1840. (Murray's Fam. Library, by the great masters into England since the v. 3-4.) revolution. 2 v. 80. London, 1824. The same. 2 v. 180. New York, Reports of certain Remarkable Cases 1841. (Harper's Fam. Library, v. 134-5.) in the Court of Session, and Trials in the BUCKHURST, (Lord.) See SACKVILLE, (ThonHigh Court of Justiciary. 80. Edinburgh, as.) 1813. BUCKINGHIAM, (James Silk.) America, historBUCHANAN, (William, of Auchmar.) Inquiry ical, statistical, and descriptive. 3 v. 8~. into the Genealogy and Present State of An- London, 1841. cient Scottish Surnames; with the origin and ~ Authentic Statement of the destruction descent of the Highland clans, and family of of the property of Mr. Buckingham by the Buchanan. 80. Edinburgh, 1775. arbitrary measures of Lord Amherst. 80. BUCHANAN, (W. M.) Technological Dictibn- London, 1825. (E. India Pam., v. 2.) ary; explaining the terms of the arts, sciences, Autobiography; including his voyliterature, professions, and trades. 180. Lon- ages, travels, adventures, speculations, sucdon, 1846. cesses, and failures. V. 1-2. 120. LonBuCHEZ, (P. J. B.;) et Roux, (P. C.) His- don, 1855. toire Parlementaire de la R6volution Fran- - Canada, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, 9aise; ou Journal des Assemblees Nation- and the other British provinces in North ales, depuis 1789 jusqu'en 1815. 40 v. 80. America; with a plan of national colonizaParis, 1834-39. tion. 80. London, 1843. BUCHON, (Jean Alexandre.) Chroniques Eastern and Western States of AmerEtraingeres relatives aux Exp6ditions Fran- ica. 3 v. 80. London, 1842. 9aises pendant le XIIIe Siecle. Publiees - Heads of Lectures on the Eastern pour la premiere fois, elucidees et traduites. World. 80. London, 1829. (E. India Pam., 80. Paris, 1840. v. 2.) BUCK, (Charles.) Anecdotes, religious, moral, - History of the Public Proceedings on and entertaining. 120. Boston, 1848. the E. Indian Monopoly. 80. London, 1830. Theological Dictionary. 80. Phila- (E. India Pam., v. 2.) delphia, 1818. History and Progress of the Temperance -- Treatise on Religious Experience. 120. Reformation, in Great Britain and other New-York, 1855. countries; with a plea for the Maine law. BUCK, (Daniel Dana.) Our Lord's Great Pro- 12~. London, 1854. phecy, and its parallels throughout the Bible, Slave States of America. 2 v. 80. harmonized and expounded. 80. Auburn, London, 1842. (N. Y.,) 1856. BUCKINGHAM, (George Villiers, Duke of.) BUCK, (George Watson.) Essay on Oblique Historical and Biographical Memoirs of. Bridges. 40. London, 1839. Small 40. London, 1819. (Smeeton's Tracts, BUCK, (John.) New, General, and Algebraical v. 1.) Solution of the Higher Orders of Equations. Poems and Songs on the Assassination 80. London, 1823. of. (Percy Soc'y Pub., v. 29.) 181 BUCKINGHAM. BUFE ON. BUCKINGHAM, (John Sheffield, Duke of.) Me- BiUCKMINSTER, (J. S.) Sermons; with a memoires sur le Regne de Charles II. et la moir. 80. Boston, 1814. Revolution de 1688. 80. Paris, 1824. (Coll. BUCKNILLn (John Charles;) and TUKE, (D. H.) des Memoires relatifs a la Revolution d'An- Manual of Psychological Medicine; the hisgleterre, v. 21.) tory, nosology, etc., of insanity. 8~. LonPoems. 160. London, 1790. (John- don, 1858. son's Eng. Poets, v. 32.) BUDD, (George.) Diseases of the Liver. 2d ~ — The same. 80. London, 1810. (Chal- ed. 8~. London, 1852. mers' Eng. Poets, v. 10.) Organic Diseases and Functional DisBUCKINGHAM AND CHANDOS, (Richard lIan- orders of the Stomach. 80. London, 1855. tagenet, etc., Duke of.) Memoirs of the BUDGE, (John.) Practical Miner's Guide. 3d Court and Cabinets of George III. From ed. 80. London, 1854. original family documents. 4 v. 80. Lon- BUDGET. Inscribed to the man who thinks don, 1853-55. himself minister. 3d ed. 40. London, 1764. ~- Memoirs of the Court of England, dur- BUDS AND BLOSSOMS. Sacred melodies, with ing the Regency, 1811-20. From original brilliant variations for the piano. By Charles family documents. 2 v. 80. London, 1856. Grobe. 2 v. 40. Philadelphia, 1852. - Memoirs of the Court of George IV., BUEL, (Alexander W.) Speech at Detroit in 1820-30. From original family documents. Defence of Constitution and Union. 80. 2 v. 80. London, 1859. Washington, 1851. Memoirs of the Courts and Cabinets of BUEL, (Jesse.) Farmer's Companion; essays William IV. and Victoria. From original on the principles and practice of American family documents. 2v. 80. London, 1861. husbandry. 2d ed. 12~. Boston, 1840. ~-_ Private Diary. 3 v. 120. London, BUENOS AYRES. Authentic and Interesting 1862. Description of the City of Buenos Ayres, BUCKINGHAM, (Joseph T.) Personal Memoirs and adjacent country; including an account and Recollections of Editorial Life. 2 v. 16~. of its capture, July 2, 1806. 120. London, Boston, 1852. 1806. Specimens of Newspaper Literature; Coleccion de Documentos Oficiales with personal memoirs, anecdotes, and re- sobre la Mision de los Ministros de S. M. miniscences. 2 v. 120. Boston, 1850. Britanica, y S. M. el Rey de los Franceses BUCKINGHAM, (L. Stanhope F.) Memoirs of cerca del Gobierno de Buenos-Aires, encarMary Stuart, Queen of Scotland. 2 v. 80. gado de las Relaciones Exteriores de la ConLondon, 1844. federacion Argentina. 40. uenos-Aires, BUCKLAND, (Francis T.) Curiosities of Nat- 1845. ural History. 1st and 2d series. 5th ed. ~ Diario de Sesionas de la Convencion 2 v. 160. London, 1860-61. del Estado, encargada del Examen de la BUCKLAND, (William.) Geology and Mineral- Constitucion Federal. 80. Buenos Aires, ogy considered with reference to Natural 1860. Theology. 2v. 80. London, 1836. (Bridge- Five Years' Residence in, during the water Treatises, v. 8-9.) years 1820-25. By an Englishman. 2d ed. The same. 2ded.; with additions, and 8~. London, 1827. memoir. 2 v. 8. London, 1858. BUENOS-AYREs. See COLECCION. BUCKLE, (Capt. E.) Memoir of the Services BUFF, (Henry.) Familiar Letters on the of the Bengal Artillery. Edited by J. W. Physics of the Earth. Edited by A. W. Kaye. 80. London, 1852. Hoffmann. 160. London, 1851. BUCKLE, (Henry Thomas.) Essays; with a BUFFIER, (Claude.) First Truths, and the biographical sketch. 120. New York, 1863. Origin of our Opinions Explained. From - History of Civilization in England. the French. 80. London, 1780. 2 v. 80. London, 1857-61. BUFFON, (Georges Louis Leclerc, Comte de.) BUCKLER, (Thomas H.) Etiology, Pathology, (Cuvres Completes; mises en ordre et preand Treatment of Fibro-Bronchitis and cedees d'une notice historique par M. A. Rheumatic Pneumonia. 80. Philadelphia, Richard. Suivies de deux volumes sur les 1853. Progres des Sciences Physiques et Naturelles BUCKLEY, (Theodore Alois.) History of the depuis la mort de Buffon, par Baron Cuvier. Council of Trent. 12~. London, 1852. 32 v. in 17. 80. Paris, 1827-28. 182 B UFFON. BULLARUM. BUFFON, (Georges Louis Leclerc, Comnte de.)- BULENGERUS, (Julius Cesar.) De Triumphis, Continued. spoliis bellicis ac trophceis. (Gronovius, CONTENTS. Thesaurus Grgec. Antiq., v. 11.) Animauxs, Histoire dces, v. 10-29. DeLudis privatis: de oraculis et vatilus. )iscours Acadinmiques, v. 1. lpoques do la Nature, v. 5. (Gronovius, v. 7.) Jlistoire Naturelle, v. 1-28. Homine, Ilistoire de 1', v. 10-13. - De Pictura, Plastica, Statuaria. (Gro-lin6raux, Histoire des, v. 3-9. novins, v. 9 ) Oiseaux, v. 18-28. Th6orie de la Terre, v. 1-2. BULFINCH, (Stephen Greenleaf.) Lays of the V6getaux, Exp6riences sur les, v. 10. Gospel.. Boston 1845. Complement des (Euvres de Buffon. BULFINCH, (Thomas.) Ageof Chivalry. Part Histoire Naturelle g6n6rale et particuliere 1. Sir Arthur and his Knights. Part 2. des Mammiiferes et des Oiseaux decouverts The Mabinogeon; or, Welsh popular tales. depuis 1783, par R. P. Lesson. 10 v. in 5. 12~. Boston, 1l59. 80. Paris, 1828-37. - Age of Fable; or, stories of gods and BUFFUM, (E. Gould.) Six Months inthe Gold heroes. 12~. Boston, 1855. Mines; three years' residence in California, BULKELEY, (John;) and CUMMINS, (John.) in 1847-49. 120. London, 1850. Voyage to the South-Seas, in the years BUGEAUD DE LA PICONNERIE, (T. R.) Aper- 1740-1; containing a faithful narrative of cus sur quelques Details de la Guerre. 160. the loss of His Majesty's ship the Wager, Paris, 1832. on a desolate island in latitude 470 S., De l'Organisation Unitaire de l'Armee. longitude 81~ 40' W. 80. London, 80. Paris, 1835. 1743. BuGG, (George.) Scriptural Geology; in an- BULKLEY, (John.) Inquiry respectingIndian swer to an essay on the Theory of the Earth, Rights to Lands in America, 1724. 80. by M. Cuvier. 2 v. 80. London, 1826. Boston, 1795. (Mass. Hist. Cell., v. 4, first BUGNYON, (Philibert.) Legum Abrogatarum series.) et Inusitatarum in omnibus curiis, terris, BULL, (B.) Compendious System of Veterijurisdictionibus, et dominiis regni Francire nary Instruction. 80. London, 1835. tractatus. Editio 3a. Folio. Bruxellis, 1702. BULL, (George.) Works concerning the Holy BUILDER, Apology for the: a discourse show- Trinity. Translated, with the notes of Dr. ing the cause and effects of the increase of Grabe, by F. Holland. 2 v. 80. London, building. 80. London, 1685. (Reprint, 1730. 1859.) (Corn. Pain., v. 7.) CONTENTS. BUILDER, The. An illustrated weekly mag- Defence of the Nicene Faith, v. 1-2. Judgement of the Catlholick Church, v. 2. azine, for the architect, engineer, operative, Prilmitive and Apostolic Tradition, v. 2. and artist. V. 1-20. Folio. London, 1843-62. Works. Collected and revised, by E. BUILDER'S DICTIONARY; or, gentleman and Burton; with life of Bishop Bull, by R. architect's companion. 2 v. 8~. London, Nelson. 7v. in8. 120. Oxford 1827 1734. CONTENTS. BUIST, (Robert.) Family Kitchen Gardener; CONTENTS. -BUISTinnplain and accuilyKirate descrneor;s Animadversiones in Tractatum Gilberti Clerke, v. 6. containing plain and accurate descriptions Apologia pro aHarmonia, v. 4. of all the different species and varieties of Corruptions of the Church of Rome, v. 2. Iefensio Fidei Nicmene, v. 5, parts 1-2. culinary vegetables; also, the descriptions Discourses, v. 2. and characters of the most select fruits, Elxai en Censure, in librum "Harmonia Apostolica," v. 4. their management, &c. 120. New-York, HaIlronia Apostolica, v. 3. 01855 Judiciuml Ecclesim Catholice, v. 6. 1854. Life of Bull, by R. Nelson, v. 8. BULENGERUS, (Julius Csesar.) De Circo Ro- Prinmitiva et Apostolica Traditio, v. 6. Sermons, v. 1. mane, Ludisque circensibus; de venatione State of Man before the Fall, v. 2. circi et amphitheatri, ac de theatre. (Gr~e- Vindication of Church of England, v. 2. vius, Thesaurus Antiq. Rom., v. 9.) BULL, (Jired.) See CHASE and FELLOWS. De Tributis et Vectigalibus Populi BULLAR, (Joseph and Henry.) Winter in the Romani. (Grevius, v. 8.) Azores; and a summer at the Baths of the De Conviviis. (Grevius, v. 12.) Furnas. 2 v. 80. London, 1841. De Sortibus, auguriis et auspiciis, BULLARUM Privilegiorum ae Diplomatum Roominibus, prodigiis, terre motu et fulmini-' manorum Pontificum, &c. 51 v. Folio. bus. (Grmevius, v. 5.) Rom.e, 1739-57. 183 BULLEN. BULWER. BULLEN, (Edward.) Practical Treatise on the BULLOCK, (William.) Six Months' Residence Law of Distress for Rent, and of Things and Travels in Mexico. 8~. London, 1824. Damage-Feasant; with forms. 12~. Lon- - Sketch of a Journey through the don, 1842. Western States of North America, from New BULLER, (Francis.) Introduction to the Law Orleans to New York, in 1827; with a derelative to Trials at Nisi Prius. 6th ed. 80. scription of the new and flourishing city of Dublin, 1791. Cincinnati, by B. Drake and E. D. MansBULLET, (J. B.) Recercrhes Historiques sur field. 12~. London, 1827. les Cartes a Jouer. (Leber, Coll. Hist. BULOW, (Adam Heinrich von.) Prinz IHeinFrance, v. 10.) rich von Preussen. Kritische Geschichte BULLETIN des Annonces et des Nouvelles seiner Feldztige. 2 Theile in I v. 8~. Scientifiques; et Bulletin Universel des Berlin, 1805. Sciences et de l'Industrie. Publie sons le Histoire de la Campagne de 1800, en direction du Baron A. F. de Ferussac. 170 v. Allemagne et en Italic. Traduit de l'Allein 121. 80. Paris, 1823-31. mandparC. L. Sdvelinges. 8~. Paris, 1804. BULLETIN des Arrets de la Cour de Cassation BUL STR(DE, (Edward.) Reports of Divers rendus en Matiere Civile, de l'an 7 jusques Resolutions and Judgments, given with great et y compris 1861. 63 v. 80. Paris, 1825-62. advice and mature deliberation by the grave, (2 copies of v. 49, 50, and 51.) reverend, and learned judges and sages of Table Alphabetique de la partie civile the law, of cases and matters in the law, du Bulletin des arrets de la Cour de Cassa- 1609 to 1639. 2d ed. 3 parts in 1 v. Folio. tion, depuis 1792 jusqu'a 1824, inclusive- London, 1688. ment,parE. Longchamp. 80. Paris, 1826. BULTEAU, (C. De la.) Presseance des Rois BULLETIN des Jugemens du Tribunal de Cas- de France, sur les Rois d'Espagne. 40. sation rendus en Matiure Criminelle, de'an Paris, 1674. (Misc. Pam., v. 29.) 7 jusques et y compris 1861. 66 v. 80. BULWER LYTTON, (Sir Edward.) Alice; or, Paris, 1818-62. (2 copies of v. 52, 53, and the Mysteries. 120. London, 1854. (V. 54.) 2 of Ernest Maltravers.) BULLETIN de la Socidtd de Gdographie. See ~ Athens; its rise and fall; with views GEOGRAPHIE. of the literature, philosophy, and social life BULLETINS and other State Intelligence, for of the Athenian people. 2 v. 80. London, the years 1811 to 152, (1814 wanting.) 42v. 1837. 160. London, 1811-52. - Calderon the Courtier. 120. London, BULLTARD, (Pierre.) Trait6 de la Chasse aux 1853. Oiseaux, et de toutes les ruses dont on se The Caxtons. 120. London, 1855. sert pour les prendre. 120. Paris, 1818. The same. 2 v. 120. Philadelphia, BULLION. Report fiom the Select Committee 1860. of theHouse of Commons on the High Price Confessions of a Water-Patient. 160. of Gold Bullion, (madein 1810.) 80. Lon- London, 1845. don, 1857. (Financial Pam., v. 22.) Critical and Miscellaneous Writings. BULLION, (Thomas.) Internal Management 2 v. in 1. 120. Philadelphia, 1841. of a Country Bank. 160. London, 1850. Devereux. 120. London, 1852. BULLIONS, (Peter.) Principles of Greek Gram- The Disowned..12. London, 1860. mnar. 25th ed. 120. New-York, 1853. England and the English. 2d ed. 2 v. Principles of Latin Grammar. 49th ed. 120. London, 1833. 120. New-York, 1853. Ernest Maltravers. 120. London, BUL.ITT, (J. C.) Review of Binney's "Privi- 1854. lege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus under The same. 120. London, 1851. theConstitution." 80. Philadelphia, 1862. Eugene Aram. 120. London, 1854. (Habeas Corpus Pam.) The same. 160. London, 1833. (BentBULLOCK, (Charles.) Historical and Descrip- ley's Stand. Novels, v. 34.) tive Account of the Battle of Poictiers: on Godolphin. 120. London, 1854. exhibition, 209 Regent street. 80. Lon- The same. 120. London, 1850. don, 1826. (Pol. Pam., v. 69.) Harold; or, the last of the Saxon kings. BULLOCK, (John.) History and Rudiments of 12~. London, 1854. Architecture. 120. New-York, 1853. - The same. 80. New York, 1848. 184 BULWER. BUNN. BULWER LYTTON, (Sir Edward.) Last of the BULWER LYTTON, (Lady Rosina. ) Cheveley; Barons. 2 v. 12~. Philadelphia, 1861. or, the man of honour. 3 v. 12~. London, Last Days of Pompeii. 2 v. 120. 1839. Philadelphia, 1860. - Memoirs of a Muscovite. 3 v. 12~. ~- The same. 16~. London, 1849. (Bent- London, 1844. ley's Stand. Novels, v. 72.) - Miriam Sedley: or, the tares and the Leila; or, the siege of Granada. 12~. wheat; a tale of real life. 3 v. 12~. LonLondon, 1853. don, 1851. Lucretia. 123. London, 1853. - The Peer's Daughter; a novel. 3v. My Novel; or, varieties in English 12~. London, 1849. life. 2 v. 12~. London, 1854. -- School for Husbands. 8~. PhiladelThe New Timon; a poetical romance. phia, 1852. 4th ed. 12~. London, 1846. BULWER LYTTON, (Robert.) See LYTTON, ~ —-Night andMorning. 160. London, 1859. (E. Robert Bulwer.) Paul Clifford. 12~. London, 1848. BUNBURY, (Sir Henry.) Correspondence of Thesame. 16~. London, 1835. (Bent- Sir Thomas Hanmer, with memoir. 8~. ley's Stand. Novels, v. 47.) London, 1838. Pelham. 12~. London, 1855. Narratives of some Passages in the Pilgrims of the Rhine. 12~. London, great War with France, from 1799 to 1810. 1854. 8~. London, 1854. ~- Poetical and Dramatic Works. 5 v. BUNBURY, (Selina.) Life in Sweden; with 16~. London, 1852-54. excursions in Norway and Denmark. 2 v. CONTENTS. 12~. London, 1853. Beacon, v. 1. Rides in the Pyrenees. 2 v. 12~. Constance; or, the portrait, v. 1. London, 1847. Corn-Flowers, v. 3. Duchess De La Valliere, v. 4. BUNBURY, (William.) Reports of Cases in the Earlier Poems, v. 3. Court of Exchequer, 1713 to 1741. Folio. Eva, v. 1. Fairy Bride, v. 1. London, 1755. King Arthur, v. 2-3. Lady of Lyons, v. 4. BUNGAY, (George W.) Off-hand Takings; or, Lay of the Minstrel's Heart, v. 1. crayon sketches of the noticeable men of our M:ilton, v. i. Money, v. 5. age. 12~. New-York, 1854. Narrative Lyrics; or, the Parce, v. 1. BUNGENER, (Louis Felix.) France before the Neow Timon, v. 1. Not so Bad as We Seem, v. 5. Revolution; or, priests, infidels, and HugueRichelieu, v. 4. Ric~helienu, v. 4 nots in the reign of Louis XV. Author- Rienzi, the Last of the Tribunes. 12~. ized translation. 2 v. 12~. Edinburgh, London, 1848. 1854. The same. 12~. London, 1854. Histoire du Concile de Trente. 2e ed. -- A Strange Story. 2 v. 120. London, 2 v. 12~. Paris, 1854. 1862. History of the Council of Trent. From The Student; a series of papers. 2 v. the French. 12~. Edinburgh, 1852. 12~. London, 1835. The same. Edited from the 2d Lond. - VWhat Will He Do With It? 4 v. 12~. ed., with summary of the acts of the CounEdinburgh, 1859. cil, by John M'Clintock. 12~. New-York, - Zanoni. 12~. London, 1862. 1855. BULWER, (Sir Henry Lytton.) France, social, BUNKER HILL. Sketches of the Battle and literary, political. 2v. 12~. London, 1834. Monument of. 18~. Charlestown, (Ms.,) - Monarchy of the Middle Classes; 1843. France, social, literary, political. Second BUNKLEY, (Josephine M.) Testimony of an series. 2 v. 12~. London, 1836. Escaped Novice from the Sisterhood of St. - The Lords, the Government, and the Joseph, Emmettsburg, (Md.) 12~. New Country. 8~. London, 1836. York, 1855. BULWER LYTTON, (Lady Rosina.) Bianca BUNN, (Alfred.) Old England and New EngCapello; an historical romance. 3 v. 12~. land, in a series of views taken on the spot. London, 1843. 2 v. 12~. London, 1853. Budget of the Bubble Family. 3 v. The Stage; both before and behind the 12~. London, 1840. curtain. 3 v. 12~. London, 1840. 185 BUNNER. BURCHELL. BUNNER, (R.) Discourse on the Genius and C list a Complete Saviour, v. 2. Christian Behaviour, v. 4. Spirit of the People. 80. New-York. Come and Welcome to Jesus Christ, v. 2. 1834. (Pam. Addresses, v. 2.) Desire of the Righteous Granted, v. 3. Divine Emblems, v. 5. BUNNETT, (Henry Jones.) Description of Doctrine of the Law and Grace Unfolded, v. 7. Gc. innL 1T~~ 1~ io *Elegies on his death, Epitaph and Acrostic, v. 8. Genoa. 120. London, 1844. Exhortation to Peace and Unity, v. 4. BUNSEN, (Christian Carl Josias.) Analecta Familiar Catechism, v. 8. Fear of God, v. 4. Ante-Nicena. 3 v. 80. Londini, 1854. Grace abounding to the Chief of Sinners; an acConstitution of the Church of the count of the Life of Bunyan, written by himself, and continuation of the same by one of his Future; a practical explanation of the cor- friends, v. 8. Greatness of the Soul, v. 1. respondence with the Rt. Hon. Wm. Glad- Heavenly Footmen, v. 5. stone, on the German Church, &c. Trans- Holy Life the Beauty of Christianity, v. 4. Israel's Hope Encouraged, v. 6. lated from the German. 120. London, Jerusalem Sinner Saved, v. 2. 1847. Justification by an Imputed Righteousness, v. 7. Law and a Christian, v. 7. Egypt's Place in Universal History; New Birth, The. Bunyan's last sermon, v. 2. Pastoral Letters, v. 8. an historical investigation. Translated from Paul's Departure and Crown, v. 3. the German, by Charles H. Cottrell. V. 1-4. Pisee and the Pblica, v. 5. Prison Meditations; a poem, v. 8. 80. London, 1848-59. Resurrection of the Dead and Eternal Judgment, and His Age; or, the doe- v. 1. -- Hippolytus and His Age; or, the do- Saints Privilege and Profit, v. 3. trine and practice of the Church of Rome Saved by Grace, v. 7. Sighs from Hell, v. 1. under Commodus and Alexander Severus; Spirit of Prayer, v. 3. and ancient and modern Christianity and Strait Gate, v. 5. Trinity and a Christian, v. 7. Divinity compared. 4 v. 12~. London, Unsearchable Riches of Christ, v. 3. 1852. Water of Life, v. 6. Work of Jesus Christ as an Advocate, v. 6. The same. 2d ed. 2 v. 80. London, - Pilgrim's Progress. With a life of 1854. John Bunyan, by Robert Southey. 80. - - Outlines of the Philosophy of Universal London, 1830. History, applied to Language and Religion. The same. With a life of the author, 2 v. 80. London, 1854. by Thomas Scott. 120. London, 1850. ~- Signs of the Times. Letters to Ernst The same. With a memoir of the auMoritz Arndt on the dangers to religious thor, by G. B. Cheever. Illustrated from liberty in the present state of the world. designs by Harvey. 80. London, 1851. Translated from the German, by Susanna BUOMMATTEI, (Benedetto.) Della Lingua Winkworth. 80. London, 1856. Toscana; rivisto e corretto dagli Accademici BUNTING, (Edward.) Ancient Music of Ire- della Crusca. 40. Venezia, 1761. land, arranged for the piano forte. To BUONAPARTE, (Napoleon.) See NAPOLEON I. which is prefixed a dissertation on the Irish BUONARROTI, (Michel-Agnolo.) Lithographic harp and harpers, including an account of Print of the Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, by the old melodies of Ireland. 40. Dublin, Michael Angelo. Executed and printed in 1840. colours. Folio. Berlin, 1852-53. BUNTING, (Thomas Percival.) Life of Jabez BURAT, (Jules.) Exposition de l'Industrie Bunting, D. D.; with notices of contempo- Frangaise, ann6e 1844. 2 v. 40. Paris, rary persons and events. V. 1. 120. Lon- 1844. don, 1859. BURCH, (Samuel.) General Index to the Laws BUNYAN, (John.) Allegorical Works. 3 v. of the United States, from March 4th, 1789, 120. Philadelphia, 1853. to March 3d, 1827, including all treaties CONTENTS. entered into between those periods. 80. Holy War, v. 3. Washington, 1828. (6 copies.) Pilgim's Progress theRuin of Anti-Christ, v. BURC. Report of the Burch Divorce Case. Practical Works. 8 v. 120. Phila- 80 New York, 1860. delphia, 1852. BURCHARD, (S. D.) Daughters of Zion. 120.'; CONTENTS. New-York, 1853. Acceptable Sacrifice, v. 6. BURCHELL, (William J.) Hints on EmigraAdvice to Sufferers, v. 8. tion to Cape of Good Hope. 8~. London, Barren Fig Tree, v. 5. Bunyan's Dying Sayings, v. 8. 1820. (Pamphleteer, v. 17.) Bunyan's Relation of His Imprisonment, v. 8. Travels in the Interior of Southern Caution to Stir up the Soul to Watch against Sin, v. 4. Afiica. 2 v. 4. London, 1822. 24 186 BURCKHARDT. BURGESS BURCKHARDT, (John Lewis.) Arabic Pro- exercised by the Courts of the Queen in verbs; or, the manners and customs of the Council and the House of Lords. 80. Lon modern Egyptians, illustrated from their.don, 1841. (2 copies.) proverbial sayings current at Cairo. 4~. BiRGER, (Gottfried August.) Simmtliche London, 1830. Werke. Neue original-ausgabe. 4 v. 12~. ~- Notes on the Bedouins and Wahibys. Gottingen, 1844. 2 v. 80. London, 1831. CONTENTS. Travels in Arabia. 2 v. 80. London, Anthia und Abrokomas, v. 2. 1829. Bellin, v. 3. Biographie und Charakteristik Burgers, v. 4. Travels in Nubia. 2d ed. 40. Lon- Briefe, v. 4. don, 1822 Burger, von A. W. von Schlegel, v. 4. don, vO.. Dido; eiu episches gedicht, v. 2. Travels in Syria and the Holy Land. England, Die Republik, v. 4. Fragmente und Herzensergiessungen Uiber Poesie 40. London, 1822. und Kunst, v. 3. BURDELL MURDER CASE. Abstract of the Fragmente iber Deutsche Sprache und Schreibart, v.3. evidence, with comments, a demonstration Freimaurer-Reden, v. 3. of the innocence of the accused, etc. 80. Gedichte, v. 1. the innocence o te accused, etc. Homer's Ilias; proben einer Uebersetzung in lamNew York, 1857. ben und in Hexametern, v. 2. Macbeth; uebersetzung, v. 3. BURDER, (Henry Forster.) Memoir of the Rev. Ossians Gedichten, proben einer uebersetzung von, George Burder. 80. London, 1833.. 3. BURDER, (Samuel.) Memoirs of Eminently Leonora. Translated from the GerPious Women of the British Empire. 3 v. man, by W. R. Spencer; with designs, by 80. London, 1815. Lady Diana Beauclerc. 2d ed. 40. Lon---- Oriental Customs; an illustration of don, 1809. the sacred scriptures. 2 v. 80. Philadel- - The same. Translated by Julia M. phia, 1807. Cameron; with illustrations, by D. Maclise. BURDER, (William.) Religious Ceremonies 40. London, 1847. and Customs. 80. London, 1841. BURGES, (Sir James Bland.) Dramas. 2 v. BURDETT, (Charles.) Life and Adventures of 80. London, 1817. Christopher Carson, the celebrated Rocky BURGES, (Tristam.) Battle of Lake Erie, Mountain hunter, trapper, and guide. 120. with notices of Commodore Elliott's conduct Philadelphia, 1860. in that engagement. 120. Philadelphia, ~- Margaret Moncrieffe; the first love of 1839. Aaron Burr. A romance of the Revolution. BURGESS, (Ebenezer.) Address to the Ameri120. New York, 1861. can Society for Colonizing the Free People -- SecondMarriage; or, a daughter's trials. of Color, Nov. 21, 1818. 80. Washington, 120. New-York, 1856. 1818. (Slavery Pai., v. 18.) BURDIN, (Charles,) et DUBOIS, (Frederic.) BURGESS, (John Cart.) Practical Essay on HistoireAcademiqueduMagnetismeAnimal. Flower Painting. 80. London, 1811. 80. Paris, 1841. Useful Hints on Drawing and PaintBURDON, (William.) Materials for Thinking. ing. 120. London, 1818. 5th ed. 2 v. 80. London, 1820. BURGESS, (Joshua.) Medical and Legal ReBURDY, (Samuel.) History of Ireland, from lations of Madness. 80. London, 1858. the earliest ages to the union. 80. Edin- BURGESS, (Richard.) Greece and theLevant; burgh, 1817. diary of a summer's excursion, in 1834. 2 v..... Life of Rev. Philip Skelton. 80. Lon- 180. London, 1835. don, 1816. (Lives of Pocock, etc., v. 2.) Topography and Antiquities of Rome; BURGE, (William.) Commentaries on Colonial including the recent discoveries made about and Foreign Laws generally, and in their the Forum and the Via Sacra. 2 v. 80. conflict with each other, and with the law London, 1831. of England. 4 v. 80. London, 1838. BURGESS, (Thomas H.) Climate of Italy in (2 copies.) Relation to Pulmonary Consumption. 120. --- Commentaries on the Law of Surety- London, 1852. ship, and the rights and obligations of the Eruptions of the Face, Head, and parties thereto. 80. London, 1849. Hands; with the latest improvements in ~ — Observations on the Supreme Appellate treatment of diseases of the skin. 80. LonJurisdiction of Great Britain, as it is now don, 1849. 187 BURGH. BURKE. BURGH, (A.) Anecdotes of Music, historical tion, on the 28th of May, 1778; with an apand biographical; in a series of letters from pendix, containing General Washington's a gentleman to his daughter. 3 v. 12~. letter to General Burgoyne, &c. 80. LonLondon, 1814. don, 1778. BURGH, (James.) Account of the First Settle- - The same. 80. Dublin, 1778. (Col. ment, laws, form of government, and police, Pam., v. 17.) of the Cessares, a people of South America. - Reply to Lieut. General Burgoyne's 80. London, 1764. Letter to his Constituents. 3d ed. 8~. Lon— ~- Dignity of Human Nature. 2 v. 80. don, 1779. London, 1767. BURIGNY, (Jean Levesque de.) Life of the Political Disquisitions; an enquiry into truly Eminent and Learned Hugo Grotius; public errors, defects, and abuses. 3 v. 8~. containing a copious and circumstantial hisPhiladelphia, 1775. tory of the several important and honourable BURGH, (William de.) Compendium of He- negotiations in which he was employed; brew Grammar. 2d ed. With the first eight together with a critical account of his works. psalms in Hebrew. 8~. Dublin, 1850. Written originally in French. 80. London, BURGHLEY, (W. Cecil, Lord.) Collection of 1754. State Papers relating to affairs in the reigns BURK, (John.) History of Virginia, from its of Kings Henry VIII., Edward VI., Queens first settlement to the present day. 3 v. 80. Mary and Elizabeth, from 1542 to 1i596. Petersburg, (Va.,) 1804-5. From original letters and other authentic T-Thesame. Continued by Skelton Jones memorials never before published. Ed. by andLouisHue Girardin. 4v. 80. PetersSamuelHaynes andW.Murdin. 2v. Folio. burg, (Va.,) 1804-16. London, 1740-59. BURK, (John D.) Oration at Petersburg, BURGON, (John William.) Inspiration and March 4, 1803, to celebrate the election of Interpretation; an answer to "Essays and Jefferson. 80. (n. p.,) 1803. (Pol. Pam., Reviews." 8c. Oxford, 1861. v. 104.) Life and Times of Sir Thomas Gres- BURK, (M. M.) History of Spain and Portuham; with notices of his contemporaries. gal, from B. C. 1000 to A. D. 1814. 80. 2 v. 80. London, 1839. London, 1833. Portrait of a Christian Gentleman; BURKE, (2Edanus.) Considerations on the memoir of Patrick Fraser Tytler. 120. Lon- Society of Cincinnati, by Cassius. 80. Phildon, 1859. adelphia, 1783. (Pol. Pam., v. 95.) BURGOYNE, (Lieut. Gen. John.) Dramatic BURKE, (Edmund.) Works and Correspondand Poetic Works. With memoirs of the ence. 8 v. 80. London, 1852. author. 2 v. 160. London, 1808. CONTENTS....~ Letter to his Constituents upon his LateLetter to his Constituents upon his Lte Account of a Late Short Administration, v. 3. Resignation; with correspondence between Address to British Colonists in N. America, v. 5. the Secretaries of War and him relative to Address to the King,. 5 Affairs of Ireland, v. 6. his return to America. 4th ed. 80. London, Appeal from New to the Old Whigs, v. 4. Conduct of the Minority, v. 5. 1779. Considerations on Present State of Affairs, 1792, v. 5. ------ Orderly Book; from his entry into the Correspondence, v. 1-2. Essay on Abridgement of English History, v. 6. State of New York until his surrender at Fragments and Notes of Speeches, v. 6. Saratoga, 16th Oct., 1777. From the original Hastings, Articles of Charge against, v. 6-7. Saiatoga, 16th Oct., 1777. From the original Hastings, Report of Committee on Trial of, v. 8. manuscript, deposited at Washington's head- Hastings, Speeches on the Impeachment of, v. 7-8. Hints for an Essay on the Drama, v. 6. quarters, Newburgh, (N. Y.) Small 40. Letter on American Affairs, v. 3.Albany, (N. Y.,) 1860. Letter on Duration of Parliaments, v. 5. X~Albandy, (N^.i.~, io. Letter on the Penal Laws against Irish Catholics, v. 4. -~- State of the Expedition from Canada, Letter to a Member of National Assembly, v. 4. Letter to a Noble Lord, v. 5. as laid before the House of Commons, by Letter to Dandas, with sketch of Negro Code, v. 5. Lieutenant-General Burgoyne, and verified Letters and Reflectio ons on Execution:of Rioters 1780, v. 5. by evidence; with a collection of authentic Letter to Empress of Russia, v. 5. documents, &c. 40 London, 1780. Letters on a Regicide Peace, v. 5. documents, &c. 4. London, 170. Letters on Trade of Ireland, v. 3. - The same. 80. London, 1780. Letters to Elliot, Bingham, Fox, Rockingham, Substance of General Burgo Perry, Burgh, and Merlott, v. 5. ~ S~ubstance of General Burgoyne's Letters to Smith, Langrishe, and R. Burke, v. 6. Speeches, on Mr. Vyner's Motion, on the Observations on the Present State of the Nation, v. 3 Policy of the Allies, v. 5. 26th of May, and upon Mr. Hartley's Mo- Preface to M. Brissot's Address, v, 5. 188 BURKE. BURKE. BURKE, (Edmund.) Works and Correspond- BURKE, (Edmund.) Correspondence, between ence-Continued. the year 1744 and his decease, in 1797. 4 v. Reflections on French Revolution, v. 4. 8C. London, 1844. Reports from Committee of House of Commons on -_ Epistolary Correspondence of the Right Affairs of E. India Company, v. 6. Representation to his Majesty, 1784, v. 3. Hon. Edmund Burke and Dr. French LauSpeeches at Bristol, v. 3. Speech on American Taation, v. 3. ence. From the original manuscripts. 80. Speech on Army Estimates, v. 4. London, 1827. Speech on Conciliation with America, v. 3. Speech on Fox's E. India Bill, v. 3. Letter from One of the Representatives Speech on the Independence of Parliament, v. 3. in Parliament for City of Bristol, to John Speech on the Nabob of Arcot's Debts, v. 4. Sublime and Beautiful, v. 2. Farr and John Harris, Esqrs., Sheriffs of Thoughts on Fren Affait, v. 4. that city, on the affairs of America. 80. Thoughts on the Cause of the Present Discontents, London, 1777. v. 3. Tracts relative to Laws against Popery in Ireland, ~ Letter to Duke of Portland, on the coni. 6. N l S v 2 duct of the minority in Parliament, containVindication of Natural Society, v. 2. VWork. 9 v. 8. Boston 1839. ing 54 articles of impeachment against C. J., 1Fox. 80. London, 1797. (Pol. Pam., v. 48.) CONTENTS. ~ —Speeches. 80. London, 1848. (ModAccount of a Late Short Administration, v. 1. en Orator ) Account of European Settlements in America, v. 9. Address to British Colonists in N. America, v. 5. Speeches in the House of Commons, Address to the King, v. 5. and in Westminster Hall. 4 v. 80. LonAffairs in Ireland, v. 5. Appeal from New to the Old Whigs, v. 3. don 1816. Conduct of the Minority, v. 4. Considerations on Present State of Affairs, 1792, v. 4. Speeches on the Impeachment of WarCorrespondence, v. 9. ren Hastings. Edited by Walker Rochester. Essay on Abridgement of English History, v. 5. Fragments and Notes of Speeches, v. 5. 2 v. 160. London, 1857. Hastings, Articles of Charge against, v. 6. Speech on A ican Taxation, April Hastings, Report of Committee on Trial of, v. 7. Speech o American Taxation, April Hastings, Speeches on the Impeachment of, v. 7-8. 19th 1774. 2ded. 80. London, 1775. Hints for an Essay on the Drama, v. 5. Letter on American Affairs, v. 2. The same. 4th ed. 80. London, Letter on Duration of Parliaments, v. 5. 1775 Letterson the PenalLaws againstIrish Catholics,v. 3. Letter to a Member of National Assembly, v. 3. The same. 3d ed. 80. Philadelphia; Letter to a Noble Lord, v. 4.775. (Col.P 11.) Letter to Dundas, with sketch of Negro Code, v. 5. 1775. (Co. am., v. 1. Letter to Empress of Russia, v. 5. Speech on Moving his Resolutions for Letters and Reflections on Execution of Rioters, 1780, v. 5. Conciliation with the Colonies, March 22, Letters on a Regicide Peace, v. 4-5. 1775. 8. New-York, 1775. (Col. Pam., Letters on Trade of Ireland, v. 2. Letter to W. Elliot, v. 4-5. v. 13.) Letters to Bingham, Fox, Rockiugham, Perry, Thoughts on the Cause of the Present Burgh, Merlott, Smith, Langrishe, and R. Burke, v. 5. Discontents. 5th ed. 80. London, 1775. Observations on the Present State of the Nation, v. 1. Preface to M. Brissot's Address, v. 4. The same. 2d ed. 80. London, 1770. Reflections on French Revolution, v. 3. am v 2 Reports from Committee of House of Commons on (Pol. Pm., v. 26.) Affairs of E. India Company, v. 6. Thoughts on the Prospect of a RegiRepresentation to his Majesty, v. 2. Lo n, 17. Speeches at Bristol, v.. cide Peace. 80. London, 1796. (Pol. Speech on American Taxation v.. Pam., v. 48.) Speech on Army Estimates, v. 3. Speech on Conciliation with America, v. 2. Thoughts on Scarcity. 8~. London, Speech on Fox's E. India Bill, v. 2. 1859 Com Pam v 7. Speech on the Independence of Parliament, v. 2. 1. Co. am., v. 7. Speech on the Nabob of Arcot's Debts, v. 2. Two Letters on the Proposals for Peace Sublime and Beautiful, v. 1. Thoughts on French Affairs, v. 4. with the Regicide Directory of France. 80. Thoughts on Scarcity, v. 4. London, 1796. (Pol. Pam., v. 48.) Thoughts on the Cause of the Present Discontents, v. 1. The same. (Pol. Pam., v. 57.) Tracts relative to Laws against Popery in Ireland, Lettres A un Membre de la Chambre v. 5. Vindication of Natural Society, v. 1. des Communes du Parlement d'Angleterre, Account of the European Settlements in sur les Negociations de Paix ouvertes avec America. New ed. 2v. 16c. London, 1766. le Directoire. Traduit de l'Anglais. 120. - - Appeal from the New to the Old Whigs, Paris, (n. d.) relative to the French Revolution. 80. New Wisdom and Genius of Edmund Burke, York, 1791. (Misc. Pam., v. 1.) illustrated in extracts from his writings and --- The same. 80. London, 1791. (Pol. speeches; with a summary of his life, by Pam., v. 56.) Peter Burke. 120. London, 1845. 189 BURKE. BURLAMAQUI. BURKE, (Edmund.) Retort Politic on Master the Extinct and Dormant Baronetcies of Burke, occasioned by his two letters on a England, Ireland, and Scotland. 2d ed. regicide peace; from a tyro of his own 80. London, 1844. school. 8~. London, 1796. (Pol. Pam., - Heraldic Register, 1849-50; with an v. 48. ) essay on heraldry, and an annotated obituary. BURKE, (E. P.) Historical Essay on the Laws 8~. London, 1850. and the Government of Rome. Designed - Historic Lands of England. 8~. Lonas an introduction to the study of the civil don 1849. law. 2d ed. 8~. Cambridge, (Eng.,) -- Illuminated Supplement to the Heraldic 1830. Illustrations, with annotations. 8~. LonBURKE, (John.) Genealogical and Heraldic don, 1851. History of the Commoners of Great Britain -- Selection of Arms Authorized by the and Ireland enjoying territorial possessions Laws of Heraldry. 8~. London, 1860. or high official rank, but uninvested with -- Vicissitudes of Families. First to third heritable honours. 4 v. 80. London, series. 3 v. 120. London, 1859-63. 1835-38. Visitation of the Seats and Arms of the Portrait Gallery of Distinguished Fe- Noblemen and Gentlemen of Great Britain. males, including beauties of the Courts of V. 1-2. 80. London, 1852-53. George IV. and William IV.; with memoirs. BURKE, (J. F.) British Husbandry: exhibit2 v. in 1. 80. London, 1833. ing the farming practice of various parts of The Patrician; a heraldic, historical, the United Kingdom. 3 v. 80. London, and miscellaneous chronicle. 6 v. 80. 1834-40. London, 1846-56. BURKE, (Peter.) Celebrated Trials connected a- nd BURKE, (Sir John Bernard.) En- with the Aristocracy in the Relations of cyclopedia of Heraldry; or, general armory Private Life. 80. London, 1849. of England, Scotland, and Ireland, 3d ed. - Celebrated Trials connected with the 80. London, 1851. Upper Classes of Society in the Relations of Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary Private Life. 80.- London, 1851. of the Peerages of England, Ireland, and - Criminal Law and its Sentences, in Scotland, extinct, dormant, and in abeyance. treasons, felonies, and misdemeanors. 160. 8~. London, 1840. London, 1845. Heraldic Illustrations, 1844-45-46. - Romance of the Forum; narratives, 3 v. 80. London, 1844-46. scenes, and anecdotes from courts of justice. ~- Royal Families of England, Scotland, 2 v. 120. London, 1852. and Wales, with their descendants, sove- - - Supplement to Godson's Practical Treareigns, and subjects. 2 v. 80. London, tise on the Law of Patents for Inventions, 1848-51. and of copyright in literature, the drama, BURKE, (Sir John Bernard.) Anecdotes of the music, engraving, and sculpture; and in Aristocracy, and episodes of ancestral story. ornamental and useful designs for sale and 4 v. 120. London, 1849-50. exhibition. 80. London, 1851. - Book of Orders of Knighthood and Treatise on the Law of Copyright in Decorations of Honour of all Nations; his- Literature, the drama, music, engraving, and torical account of each order, military, naval, sculpture; and in designs for ornamenting and civil; with illustrations of the insignia articles of manufacture; including the recent of the various orders. 80. London, 1858. statutes. 120. London, 1842. (2 copies.) -- Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary BURKE, (Richard.) Charge to the Grand Jury, of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain and held at Bristol, April 6, 1793. 80. Bristol, Ireland, for 1852. 2 v. 80. London, 1852. 1793. (Misc. Pam., v. 27.) -- The same. 4th ed. 80. London, BURKE, (William.) Mineral Springs of Vir1863. ginia; with remarks on their use, and the -Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary diseases to which they are applicable. 120. of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Richmond, (Va.,) 1851. Empire. 7th, 14th, 15th, 16th, and 18th to BURKHARDT, (C. B.) Fairy Tales. 120. 25th eds., inclusive. 12 v. 80. London, New-York, 1853. 1843-63. BURLAMAQUI, (Jean Jacques.) ld6ments du Genealogical and Heraldic History of Droit Naturel. 160. Paris, 1850. 190 BURLAMAQUI. BURNES. BURLAMAQUI, (Jean Jacques.) Principes du BURN,(Richard.) Thesame. 9thed.,including Droit de la Nature et des Gens, et du Droit the statutes and cases to the present time, by Public General. Nouvelie edition, avec les R. Phillimore. 4 v. 80. London, 1842. additions et les notes du Professeur Felice; Justice of the Peace, and Parish revues et augmentees de reflexions nouvelles Officer. 11th ed. 4 v. 8~. London, et d'exemples tires de l'histoire, par M. Co- 1770. telle. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1821. (2 copies.) BURN, (Robert.) Naval and Military TechPrincipes du Droit Politique. 40. nical Dictionary of the French Language; Amsterdam, 1751. in two parts; French-English, and EnglishPrincipes du Droit Naturel, et Prin- French; with explanations of the various cipes du Droit Politique. 2 v. in 1. 40. terms. 120. London, 1852. Genave, 1754-56. BURN, (Robert Scott.) Dwellings for the The same. Nouvelle 6dition, revue et Working Classes. 40. Edinburgh, 1853. corrigee. 3 v. 12~. Gendve, 1764. Practical Ventilation as applied to The same. Nouvelle 6dition. 120. public, domestic, and agricultural structures; Paris, 1850. with remarks on heating, etc. 120. EdinElementos del Derecho Natural. Tra- burgh, 1850. ducidos al Castellano, por D. M. B. Garcia Year-Book of Agricultural Facts, for Suelto. 2 v. in 1. 180. Burdeos, 1834. 1859-62. 4 v. 120. Edinburgh, 1860-63. Principles of Natural and Political BURNABY, (Andrew.) Travels Through the Law. Translated by Thomas Nugent. 2 v. Middle Settlements in North America, in 80. London, 1763. 1759-60. 3d ed. 40. London, 1798. The same. 7th ed. 2 v. 80. Phila- The same. (Pinkerton's Voyages, delphia, 1830. v. 13.) The same. 2 v. in 1. 80. Phila- BURNAP, (George W.) Christianity, its Esdelphia, 1830-32. sence and Evidence. 120. Boston, 1855. BURLEIGH, (Charles C.) Thoughts on the Expository Lectures on the Principal Death Penalty. 120. Philadelphia, 1845. Passages of the Scriptures which relate to BURLEIGET, (Joseph B.) American Manual; the Doctrine of the Trinity. 120. Boston, a commentary on the Constitution of the 1845. United States. 120. Philadelphia, 1848. - Life of Leonard Calvert. 160. BosLegislative Guide; containing all the ton, 1846. (Sparks' Am. Biog., v. 9, second rules for conducting business in Congress; series.) Jefferson's Manual; and Citizen's Manual;. Popular Objections to Unitarian Christwith notes and references. 120. Philadel- ianity Considered and Answered. 2d ed. phia, 1852. 120. Boston, 1848. BURMEISTER, (Hermann.) Manual of Ento- Sectarianism, both Catholic and Protestmology. Translated from the German, by ant; a lecture. 80. Baltimore, 1835. W. E. Shuckard. 80. London, 1836. (Misc. Pam., v. 34.) Organization of Trilobites, deduced BURNE, (John.) Practical Treatise on the from their living affinities. Edited from Typhus or Adynamic Fever. 80. London, the German, by Prof. Bell and Prof. E. 1828. Forbes. Folio. London, 1846. (Ray So- Treatise on the Causes and Consequenciety.) ces of Habitual Constipation. 80. London, BURN, (Jacob Henry.) Descriptive Catalogue 1846. of the London Traders, Tavern, and Coffee- BURNES, (Alexander.) Cabool; personal narHouse Tokens current in the 17th Century, rative of a journey to and residence in that presented to the Corporation Library by H. city, in 1836-38. 80. London, 1842. B. H. Beaufoy. 80. London, 1855. Travels into Bokhara. Also, narrative BURN, (John Southerden.) History of the of a voyage on the Indus. 3 v. 80. LonFrench, Walloon, Dutch, and other Foreign don, 1834. Protestant Refugees settled in England, fiom BURNES, (James.) Narrative of a Visit to the the reign of Henry VIII. to the revocation of Court of Sinde; history of Cutch, from its the Edict of Nantes. 80. London, 1846. first connexion with the British government BURN, (Richard.) Ecclesiastical Law. 2 v. to 1819; and remarks on the medical topo40. London, 1763. graphy of Bhooj. 80. Edinburgh, 1839. 191 BURNET. BURNEY. BURNET, (Gilbert.) Exposition of the Thirty- BURNET, (John.) Rembrandt and his Works; nine Articles of the Church of England. his principles and practice of design, light, Folio. London, 1700. shade, and colour; illustrated from his etch-- The same. With appendix, containing ings. 40. London, 1849. the Augsburg Confession, Creed of Pope - Treatise on Painting; consisting of an Pius IV., &c.; with notes and references, essay on the education of the eye, and hints by James R. Page. 8~. London, 1837. on composition, chiaroscuro, and colour. 40. History of his Own Time; from the London, 1850. Restoration of Charles II. to the Peace of - Turner and his Works; illustrated with Utrecht. 2 v. 8~. London, 1850. examples from his pictures, and critical reHistory of the Reformation of the marks on his principles of painting. 40. Church of England. 3v. Folio. London, London, 1852. 1681-83. BURNET, (Thomas.) Archoeologim PhilosoThe same. Revised and corrected, phicae; the ancient doctrine concerning the with notes, by E. Nares. 4 v. 8~. Lon- origin of things. Translated from the Latin, don, 1830. by T. Foxton. 2 v. in 1. 80. London, The same..New ed., with notes. 2 v. 1729. 80. London, 1850. - Sacred Theory of the Earth; containHistory of the Reign of King James ing an account of the original of the earth, the Second. Notes by the Earl of Dartmouth, and of all the general changes which it hath Speaker Onslow, and Dean Swift. 80. undergone, or is to undergo till the consumOxford, 1852. mation of all things. 6th ed. 2 v. 80. History of the Rights of Princes in London, 1726. the Disposing of Ecclesiastical Benefices and BURNETT, (Charles M.) Insanity Tested by Church Lands. 120. London, 1682. Science, and shown to be a disease rarely Lives, Characters, and an Address to connected with permanent organic lesion of Posterity. With introduction and notes, by the brain. 80. London, 1848. John Jebb. 80. London, 1833. BURNETT, (Gilbert T.) Outlines of Botany. - Lives of Sir Matthew Hale and John, 80. London, 1835. Earl of Rochester. 180. London, 1829. BURNETT, (Peter H.) Path which Led a ProMemoirs of the Lives and Actions of testant Lawyer to the Catholic Church. 80. James and William, Dukes of Hamilton and New-York, 1860. Castle-Herald. 80. Oxford, 1852. BURNETT, (T. P.) Reports of the Supreme ~- Memorial Offered to the Princess Sophia, Court of the Territory of Wisconsin for 1842 containing a delineation of the Constitution and 1843. 80. Madison, 1844. and policy of England. With letters from BURNETT, (William.) Practical Account of Burnet and Leibnitz. 80. London, 1815. the Fever commonly called the Bilious Re~- Histoire de Mon Temps. 4 v. 80. mittent, as it appeared in the ships and hosParis, 1827. (Coll. des Memoires relatifs a pitals of the Mediterranean fleet. 80. Lonla Revolution d'Angleterre, v. 17-20.) don, 1814. BURNET, (Jacob.) Notes on the Early Settle- BURNEY, (Charles.) Account of the Musical ment of the North-Western Territory. 80. Performances in Westminster Abbey and New-York, 1847. the Pantheon, May and June, 1784, in comBURNET, (John.) Essay on the Education of memoration of Handel. 40. London, 1785. the Eye with reference to Painting. 2d ed -- General History of Music, from the 40. London, 1837. earliest ages to the present period. 4 v. 40. Landscape Painting in Oil Colours London, 1789. Explained. 40. London, 1849. -- Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Practical Essays on Various Branches the Abate Metastasio; with translations of of the Fine Arts. 120. London, 1848. his letters. 3 v. 80. London, 1796. Practical Hints on Portrait Painting; - Present State of Music in France and illustrated by examples from the works of Italy. 80. London, 1771. Vandyke and other masters. 40. London, -- Present State of Music in Germany, the 1850. Netherlands, and United Provinces. 2 v. Progress of a Painter in the 19th Cen- 80. London, 1773. tury. 120. London, 1854. BURNEY, (Frances.) See D'ARBLAY. 192 BURNEY. BURRITT. BURNEY, (James.) Chronological History of versary of the Birth of Robert Burns, by the the Discoveries in the South Sea, or Pacific Boston Burns Club, January 25, 1859. 12~. Ocean, from its earliest discovery to 1764. Boston, 1859. 5 v. 40. London, 1803-17. BURNS CENTENARY. Account of the proceed- Chronological History of North-Eastern ings and speeches at the various banquets Voyages of Discovery; and of the early and meetings throughout the kingdom. 160. eastern navigations of the Russians. 80. Edinburgh, 1859. London, 1819. BURNS Club of Washington City. Celebration -- History of the Buccaneers of America. of the Centennial Anniversary of the birth of 40. London, 1816. Robert Burns. 80. Washington, 1859. BURNEY, (Miss.) Romance of Private Life. BURNSIDE, (Robert.) Religion of Mankind. 3 v. 120. London, 1839. 2 v. 8C. London, 1819. BURNLEY, (William Harden,) Observations Remarks on the Different Sentiments on the Present Condition of the Island of Entertained in Christendom relative to the Trinidad, and the experiment of negro eman — Weekly Sabbath. 120. London, 1825. cipation. 80. London, 1842. BURR, (Aaron.) Examination upon the charges BURNOUF, (E.,) et LASSEN, (C.) Essai sur of High Misdemeanor and Treason. 80. le Pall, ou Langue Sacree de la Presq'Ile Richmond, (Va.,) 1807. (Pol. Pam., v. 105.) au-dela du Gauge. 80. Paris, 1826. Private Journal during his residence BURNS, (Anthony.) Boston Slave Riot, and of four years in Europe; with selections from Trial of Anthony Burns; containing report his correspondence. Edited by Matthew L. of the Faneuil Hall meeting, murder of Davis. 2 v. 80. New-York, 1838. Batchelder, Theodore Parker's lesson for the - Trial for Treason and Misdemeanor, in day, speeches of counsel, Judge Loring's the Circuit Court of the United States for the decision, and account of the embarcation. 80. District of Virginia. 80. (n. d. Title page Boston, 1854. wanting.) BURNS, (John.) Principles of Midwifery; in- - Trial of Col. Aaron Burr, on an indictcluding the diseases of women and children. ment for Treason, before the Circuit Court of 9th ed. 80. London, 1837. the United States, held in Richmond, (Va.,) - - Principles of Surgery. 2 v. 80. Lon- May Term, 1807. By Thomas Carpenter. don, 183S. 3 v. 80.. Washington, 1807-8. BURNS, (Robert.) Works. With account of BURR, (Fearing, Jr.) Field and Garden Vegehis life, and criticism on his writings, &c., tables of America. 80. Boston, 1863. by James Currie. 8th ed.; with additions, BURR, (Frederick ) Elements of Practical by Gilbert Burns. 4v. 80. London, 1820. Geology as applicable to mining, engineerCONTENTS. ing, andarchitecture. 2d ed. 160. London, Correspondence with Thomson, v. 4. 1838. Letters, v. 2. BURRELL, (John Palfrey.) Official Bulletins Life of Burns, by J. Currie. v. 1. Poetical Works, v. 3-4. of the Battle of Waterloo, in the original -- Poems. 2 v. 160. Chiswick, 1822. languages, with translations into English. (Brit. Poets, v. 75-76.) 80. London, 1849. ~ — Poetical Works. With memoir, by BURRIDGE, (John.) Address on the Naval Dry Sir H. Nicolas. 3v. 160. London, 1839. Rot. 80. London. 1824. ~- WVorks. With life, by Allan Cunning- Improvements in Civil Architecture. ham. 80. London, 1840. (2 copies.) 80. London, 1825. ~- Works. By James Currie. 80. Phil- BURRILL, (A. M.) Treatise on the Nature, adelphia, 1850. Principles, and Rules of Circumstantial Evi- Reliques; consisting chiefly of original dence, especially that of the presumptive letters, poems, and critical observations on kind, in criminal cases. 80. New-York, Scottish songs. Collected by R. H. Cromek. 1856. (2 copies.) 4th ed. 80. London, 1817. BURRITT, (Elihu.) Works. 160. London, 1848. ~- and M'LEHOSE, (Agnes Craig.) Cor- Year Book of the Nations, for 1855. 2d respondence between Burns and Clarinda. ed. 160. London, 1855. Edited by her grandson, W. C. M'Lehose. BURRITT, (Elijah H.) Geography of the 120. New York, 1843. Heavens, and Class-Book of Astronomy. Celebration of the Hundredth Anni- 160; atlas, folio. New-York, 1853. 193 BURROUGH. BURTON. BURROUGH, (Samuel.) History of the Chan- Choicest Lyrical Productions of the most eery; relating to the judicial power of that celebrated German Poets. 2d ed. 80. court, and the rights of the masters. 12~. Leipzig, 1855. London, 1726. BURTIN, (Fran9ois Xavier de.) Treatise on BURROUGH, (Stephen.) Voyages to the River the Knowledge necessary to Amateurs in Ob, Russia and Persia, 1556-71. (Hakluyt's Pictures. Translated and abridged from the Voyages, v. 1.) French, by Robert White. 8~. London, BURROW, (Edward J.) Elements of Conchol- 1845. ogy, according to the Linneean system. 12~. BURTON, (Charles.) Lectures on the Deluge London, 1818. and the World after the Flood. 8~. LonBURROW, (James.) Reports of Cases in the don, 1845. Court of King's Bench, 1756 to 1772. 5 v. Lectures on the World before the 80. Dublin, 1785. Flood. 80. London, 1844. The same. 5th ed. 5 v. 80. London, BURTON, (Charles James.) View of the Crea1812. tion of the World, in illustration of the Series of the Decisions of the Court of Mosaic record. 80. London, 1836. King's Bench upon Settlement Cases. 2 v. BURTON, (Edward.) Description of the Anti40. London, 1768. quities and other Curiosities of Rome; from BURROWES, (George.) Commentary on the personal observation during a visit to Italy Song of Solomon. 120. Philadelphia, 1853. in the years 1818-19. 2d ed. 2 v. 120. BURROWs, (George.) Disorders of the Cere- London, 1828. bral Circulation; and connection between History of the Christian Church, from affections of the brain and diseases of the the ascension of Jesus Christ to the converheart. 80. London, 1846. sionof Constantine. 1st Am. ed.; with notes, BURROWS, (George Mann.) Commentaries on by G. W. Doane. 160. New-York, 1839. the Causes, Forms, Symptoms, and Treat- - Lectures upon the Ecclesiastical Hisment, Moral and Medical, of Insanity. 80. tory of the First Three Cenituries. 2 v. 80. London, 1828. Oxford, 1839. Comparative Mortality of Paris and Sermons on the Heresies of the AposLondon. 80. London, 1815. (Pol. Pam., tolic Age. 80. Oxford, 1829. (Bampton v. 59.) Lectures for 1829.) BURROWS, (John.) National Prejudices; BURTON, (John Hill.) Benthamiana; or, setheir good and bad effect. 80. London, lect extracts from the works of Jeremy Ben1817. (Pamphleteer, v. 9.) tham. 80. Edinburgh, 1843. BURROWS, (J. L.) The Christian Merchant: The Bookhunter, &c. 160. Edinburgh, a memoir of James C. Crane. 120. Charles- 1862. ton, (S. C.,) 1858. History of Scotland, from the RevoluBURSLEM, (Rollo.) Peep into Toorkisthan. tion to the extinction of the last Jacobite 80. London, 1846. insurrection, 1689-1748. 2v. 80. London, BURSOTTI, (Giovanni.) Guide des Agents 1853. Consulaires. Ouvrage sp6cialement consa- Life and Correspondence of David cre6 l'utilite des consuls de Sa Majeste le Hume. 2 v. 80. Edinburgh, 1846. Roi du Royaume des Deux-Siciles. 2 v. 80. Lives of Simon Lord Lovat, and DunNaples, 1838. can Forbes, of Culloden. 120. London, BURT, (Alfred.) Life Assurance, Life Policies, 1847. Friendly Societies, and Savings Banks. 80. Narratives from Criminal Trials in London, 1849. Scotland. 2 v. 120. London, 1852. BURT, (Edward.) Letters from a Gentleman Political and Social Economy; its in the North of Scotland to his Friend in practical applications. 120. Edinburgh, London. 5th ed. With the history of Don- 1849. aid the Hammerer, by Sir Walter Scott. 2 v. BURTON, (Richard.) History of the Kingdom 80. London, 1822. of Scotland, from 424 to 1602. 40. WestBURT, (John T.) Results of the System of minster, 1813. Separate Confinement, as administered at BURTON, (Richard F.) The City of the Saints, the Pentonville prison. 80. London, 1852. and across the Rocky Mountains to CaliforBURT, (Mary Anne.) Specimens of the nia. 80. London, 1861. 25 194 BURTON. BUSH. BURTON, (Richard F.) Falconry in the Valley BUSBEE, (Perrin.) Reports of the Cases at Law of the Indus. 12~. London, 1852. in the Supreme Court of North Carolina. 80. First Footsteps in East Africa; an ex- Raleigh, 1853. (2 copies.) ploration of Harar. 80. London, 1856. BUSBEQUIUS, (Augerius Gislenius.) Omnia Goa, and the Blue Mountains; six quae extant. Legationis Turcicse Epistola months of sick leave. 120. London, 1851. IV. Exclamatio, sive de re Militari contra ~- Lake Regions of Central Africa; a pic- Turcam instituenda consilium. Solimanni tureof exploration. 2 v. 80. London, 1860. Turcarum Imp. Legatio ad Ferdinandum Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Roman Csesarem, an. 1562. Legationis GalEl-Medinah and Meccah. 3 v. 80. Lon- lice ad Rudolphum II. Epistole LIII. don, 1855-56. (V. 1 wanting.) Praemissa est vita auctoris. 160. Basileae, Sindh, and the Races that inhabit the 1740. Valley of the Indus. 80. London, 1851. BUSBY, (C. A.) Collection of Designs for BURTON, (Robert.) Anatomy of Melancholy, Modern Embellishments, suitable to parwhat it is; with all the kindes, causes, lours, dining and drawing rooms, folding symptomes, prognostickes, and severall doors, chimney pieces, verandas, friezes, &c. cures of it; in three maine partitions, with Oblong 40. London, 1808. their severall sections, members, and sub- BUSBY, (James.) Journal of a Recent Visit to sections; philosophically, medicinally, his- the Vineyards of Spain and France. Also, torically, opened and cut up. By Democritus directions for the culture of the olive. 3d Junior. 1st ed. Small 40. Oxford, 1621. ed. 120. London, 1840. The same. 3d ed., corrected and aug- BusBY, (Richard.) Gruece Grammaticre Commented by the author. Folio. Oxford, 1628. pendium. 80. Londini, 1807. The same. 6th ed., corrected, and Grammatica Busbeiana, auctior et enriched by translations of the classical ex- emendatior; id est, rudimentum grammatracts. 80. Philadelphia, 1854. ticse Grreco-Latinme metricum. 80. Lon~ — The same. 80. London, 1855. dini, 1807. BURTON, (Robert.) English Empire in Amer- BUSBY, (Thomas.) Concert Room and Orchesica. 2d ed. 180. London, 1692. tra Anecdotes of Music and Musicians, ancient BURTON, (Thomas.) Diary, whilst a Member and modern. 3 v. 16. London, 1825. in the Parliaments of Oliver and Richard BuscI-, (A. L.) Reduction of the Observations Cromwell, 1656-59. With an account of made by Bradley at Kew and Wansted, to the Parliament of 1654, from the journal of determine the quantities of aberration and Guibon Goddard. Edited by John T. Rutt. nutation. 40. Oxford, 1838. 4 v. 80. London, 1828. BUscHING, (Anton Friedrich.) New System BURTON, (William E.) Cyclopaedia of Wit of Geography; with a general account of the and Humor; selections from the writings of situation and limits, manners, history, and the most eminent humorists of America, constitution of the several kingdoms and Ireland, Scotland, and England. 2 v. 80. states in the known world. Translated from New-York, 1858. the German. 6 v. 40. London, 1762. BURY, (Lady Charlotte,) and others. Diary G6ographie abreg6e dans les objets les illustrative of the Times of George IV., in- moins int6ressans, et augmentde dans ceux terspersed with original letters from the late qui out paru l'6tre. Retouch6e par-tout, et Queen Caroline, and from various other dis- orn6e d'un precis de l'histoire de chaque 6tat, tinguished persons. Edited by John Gait. par Mr. Berenger. 32 v. 80. Lausanne, 4 v. 80. London, 1838-39. 1776-82. BURY, (Richard de.) Philobiblon: a treatise BusEY, (Samuel C.) Immigration, its evils on the love of books; written in 1344, and and consequences. 12~. New-York, 1856. translated from the first edition, 1473, with BUSH, (Mrs. Forbes.) Memoirs of the Queens some collations. 80. London, 1832. of France; including a memoir of Her Ma----— The same. Latin and English. Edited jesty, the late Queen of the French, (Marie by Samuel Hand. 120. Albany, (N. Y.,) Amelie.) 2 v. 120. Philadelphia, 1851. 1861. BusI, (George.) Anastasis; or, the doctrine BUSBEE, (Perrin.) Reports of Cases in Equity of the resurrection of the body, rationally in the Supreme Court of North-Carolina. 80. and scripturally considered. 120. NewRaleigh, (N. C.,) 1854. York, 1845. 195 BUSH. BUTLER. BUSH, (George.) Life of Mohammed. 180. BUSTAMANTE, (Carlos Maria.) Apuntes para New-York, 1841. (Harper's Fam. Library, la Historia del Gobierno del General D. Anv. 11.) tonio Lopez de Santa-Anna, desde principios Notes, critical and practical, on the de Octubre de 1841 hasta 6 de Diciembre de Book of Genesis. 2 v. 12~. New-York, 1844, en que fue depuesto del mando por 1843. uniforme voluntad de la nacion. 80. MexNotes, critical and practical, on the ico, 1845. Book of Exodus. 2 v. 120. New-York, 1843. Campaftas del General D. Felix Maria Notes, critical and practical, on the Calleja, comandante en gefe del ejercito Book of Leviticus. 120. New-York, 1843. real de operaciones, llamado del centro. 80. Notes, critical and practical, on the Mexico, 182?. Books of Joshua and Judges. 120. New- Cuadro Historico de la Revolucion de York, 1838. la Am6rica Mexicana, comenzada en 15e de BUSuBY, (Henry Jeffreys.) Widow-Burning; Septiembre de 1800, por el ciudadano Miguel anarrative. 120. London, 1854. Hidalgo yCostilla. Continuacion: epocade BUSINAN, (J. Stevenson.) Homoepathy and laIndependencia. 6v. 80. Mexico, 1823-32. theHomcepaths. 160. London, 1852. E Gabinete Mexicano durante el SeFishes, particularly their structure and gundo Periodo de la Administracion del economical uses. 120. Edinburgh, (n. d.) Exmo. Senor Presidente interino D. Anasta(Jardine's Nat. Library, v. 35.) sio Bustamante, hasta la Entrega del Mando BUSHNELL, (Charles L.) An arrangement of al Exmo. Seilor Presidente Interino D. Antradesmen's cards, political tokens, also, tonio Lopez de Santa-Anna, y Continuacion election medals, medallions, &c., current in del Cuadro Historico de la Revolucion Mexthe United States for the last sixty years. icana. 2 v. in 1. 80. Mexico, 1842. 80. New York, 1858. — Mainanas de la Alameda de Mexico. 2v. BUSHNELL, (Horace.) The Fathers of New 8~. M6xico, 1835-36. England: an oration, Dec. 21, 1849. 120. BUTIUS, (Vincentius.) De calido, frigido, New York, 1850. ac temperato Antiquorum Potu. (Grmvius God in Christ. Three discourses; with Antiq. Rom., v. 12.) a preliminary dissertation on language. 120. BUTLER, (Alban.) Lives of the Fathers, MarHartford, (Conn.,) 1849. tyrs, and other principal Saints. Compiled Nature, and the Supernatural, as to- from original monuments and other authentic gether constituting one system of God. 80. records. 12 v. 80. London, 1854. New YQrk, 1860. BUTLER, (Caleb.) History of the Town of BUSK, (Hans.) Navies of the World; their Groton, (Mass.,) including Pepperell and present state, and future capabilities. 120. Shirley, from 1655. 80. Boston; 1848. London, 1859. BUTLER, (Rev. Charles.) Feminine MonThe Rifle, and how to use it. 8th ed. archie; treatise concerning bees, and the 160. London, 1862. due ordering of them. 180. Oxford, 1609. RifleVolunteers; how to organize and BUTLER, (Charles.) Works. 5v. 80. Londrill them. 160. London, 1859. don, 1817. BUSK, (Mrs. William.) Medimval Popes, Em- CONTENTS. perors, Kings, and Crusaders; or, Germany, Church of France, v. 5. Confessions of Faith, v. 4. Italy, and Palestine, from A. 1). 1125 to 1628. Essays and Orations, v. 4. 4 v. 12~. London, 1854-56. Horn Biblice, v. 1. Horm Juridicem Subsecive, v. 2. BUSSARD, (F. M.) Elelmens de Droit Naturel Germanic Empire, Revolutions of, v. 2. Priv6. 8. Fribourg en Suisse, 1836. OLives of Fenelon, Bossnet, Bnmdon, DeRance, A. Pive. ~. Fllbourg en Suisse, 1836. Kempis, and Alban Butler, v. 3. BuSSEY, (George Moir.) History of Napoleon. Mansfield, Sketch of Professional Character of, v. 2. 2 v. 8~. London, 1840. - Address to the Protestants of Great and GASPEY, (Thomas.) Pictorial His- Britain and Ireland. 80. London, 1813. tory of France and of the French People, to (Pamphleteer, v. 1.) the French Revolution. 2v. 80. London, -- Book of the Roman Catholic Church. 1843. 80. London, 1825. BUSSY-RABUTIN, (Roger, Conite de.) Tlistoire - Connected Series of Notes on the Chief Amoureusedes Gaules. 5v. 1'~. Paris, 1754. Revolutions of the Principal States which Memoires. 2 v. 40. Paris, 1696. composed the Empire of Charlemagne, from 196 BUTLER. BUTLER. his coronation in 814, -to its dissolution in BUTLER, (Frederick.) Complete History of 1806; on the genealogies of the imperial the United States of America, from the dishouse of Habsburgh, and of the six secular covery of North America to 1820. 3 v. 8~. electors of Germany; and on Roman, Ger- Elizabethtown, (N. J.,) 1822. man, French, and English nobility. 8~. BUTLER, (George.) Principles of Imitative London, 1807. Art. 120. London, 1852. BUTI.ER, (Charles.) Historical Memoirs of the BUTLER, (Henry.) Letter to the Electors of English, Irish, and Scottish Catholics, since England on necessity of Reform. 8~. LontheReformation. 3ded. 4v. 80. London, don, 1809. (Pol. Pam.,v. 52.) 1822. BUTLER, (Henry D.) Family Aquarium; or, - Historical View of the Principal Reli- Aqua Vivarium. 16~. New-York, 1858. gious and Military Orders of the Roman- BUTLER, (John.) Travels and Adventures in Catholic Church. 80. London, 1815. (Pam- the Province of Assam, during a residence phleteer, v. 5.) of 14 years. 80. London, 1855. -- Hore Juridicse Subsecive; a connected BUTLER, (Joseph.) Works. 80. London, series of notes respecting the geography, 1828. chronology, and literary history of the prin- CONTENTS. cipal codes and original documents of the Analogy of Religion. Correspondence with Dr. Clarke. Grecian, Roman, feudal, and canon law. 2d Dissertations on Personal Identity, and Nature of ed. 80. London, 1807. Virtue. ed. 8~0.~ London, 1807'. Life of Dr. Butler, by S. Halifax. -- Legality of Impressing Seamen. 80. Sermons. London, 1824. (Pamphleteer, v. 23.) -- Analogy of Religion, natural and re-- Life of Erasmus; with historical re- vealed, to the constitution and course of marks on the state of literature between nature. 80. Boston, 1793. the tenth and sixteenth centuries. 80. - The same. 8~. Hartford, (Conn.,) London, 1825. 1819. - Life of Hugo Grotius; with brief min- - - The same. With an analysis, by Routes of the civil, ecclesiastical, and literary bert Emory and G. R. Crooks. 120. Newhistory of the Netherlands. 80. London, York, 1852. 1826. - -The same. With discourses on per-- Life and Writings of James Benigne sonal identity and nature of virtue; with an Bossuet, Bishop of Meaux. 120. London, introduction, notes, &c., by Howard Mal1812. com. 120. Philadelphia, 1857. -- Memoir of Henry Francis D'Aguesseau, -Ethical Discourses. Edited by JoChancellor of France; and of his ordon- sephC.Passmore. 120. Philadelphia, 1855. nances for consolidating and amending the BUTLER, (Mann.) History of the CommonFrench law; and an historical and literary wealth of Kentucky. 120. Louisville, 1834. account of the Roman and canon law. BUTLER, (Piers Edmund.) Rationality of Re4th ed. 80. London, 1830. vealed Religion; with an essay on modern Reminiscences. 2d Am., from the 4th fiction, and a lecture on the diffusion of Lond. ed. 120. New-York, 1825. knowledge. 12~. Ipswich, 1835. Succinct History of the Geographical BUTLER, (Samuel.) Hudibras; with annotaand Political Revolutions of the Empire of tions and preface, by Z. Grey. Illustrated Germany, &c., from 814 to 1806. 80. Lon- with Hogarth's plates. 3d ed. 2 v. 8~. don, 1812. London, 1772. Vindication of "The Book of the Ro- Hudcibras and other Poems. 2 v. 160. man Catholic Church," against George London, 1790. (Johnson's Eng. Poets, Townsend's "Accusations of History against v. 13-14.) the Church of Rome." 8~. London, 1826. Thesame. 80. London, 1810. (ChalBUTLER, (Clement M.) Address at the Funeral mers' Eng. Poets, v. 8.) of those who lost their lives by the explosion The same. 2 v. 160. Chiswick, 1822. of the Princeton. 80. Washington, 1844. (Brit. Poets, v. 21-22.) Our Country and our Washington: a The same. 2v. 160. London, 1835. discourse. 80. Washington, 1852. Genuine Remains, in verse and prose; BUTLER, (Frances Anne Kemble.) See KEM- with notes, by R. Thyer. 2v. 80. London, BLE. (Frances Anne.) 1759. 197 BUTLER BYNKERSHOEK. BUTLER, (Samuel.) Genuine Remains. BUTTMAN, (Philip.) Intermediate or Larger CONTENTS. Greek Grammar. Translated from the GerCase of King Charles I., v. 1. man Edited by Charles Supf. 3d ed. 8~ Characters, v. 2. London, 1848. Poems, v. 1. Miscellaneous Remains, v. 1. Lexilogus; a critical examination of Speeches in the Rmp-Parlia v. the met, vning and etymology of numerous BUTLER, (Samuel.) Praxis on the Latin Pre- reek words and passages, principally for positions; with a key. 2d ed. 2 v. in 1. Homer and Hesiod. Translated and edited 80. London, 1825-31. by J. R. Fishlake. 3d ed. 80. London, 1846. BUTLER, (Thomas B.) Philosophy of the BUXTON, (Charles.) Memoirs of Sir Thomas Weather; and a guide to its changes. 120. Fowell Buxton, Bart. Edited by his son. New-York, 1856. 12th ed. 80. London, 1855. BUTLER, (William Archer.) Lectures on the Slavery and Freedom in the British History of Ancient Philosophy. Edited from West Indies. 16. London, 1860. the author's MSS., with notes, by'W. H. BUXTON, (Richard.) Botanical Guide to the Thompson. 2 v. 80. Cambridge, (Eng.,) Flowering Plants, Ferns, Mosses, and Alge, 1856. found indigenous within 16 miles of Man- Letters on Romanism, in reply to Mr. chester. 160. London, 1849. Newman's Essay on Development. Edited BUXTORF, (John.) Lexicon Hebraicum et by Thomas Woodward. 80. Cambridge, Chaldaicum. Accesserunt, lexicon breve (Eng.,) 1854. Rabbinico-philosophicum, et index Latinus. Sermons, Doctrinal and Practical. 1st 8~. Glasguoe, 1824. and 2d series. Edited by T. Woodward and - Manuale Hebraicum et Chaldaicum. T. A. Jeremie. 4th ed. 2 v. 80. Cam- 12~. Oxonii, 1807. bridge, (Eng.,) 1857. BYAM, (George.) Wanderings in some of the BUTLER Hospital for the Insane, (Providence, Western Republics of America. 8C. LonR. I.) Report for 1852. 80. Providence, don, 1850. 1852. Wild Life in the Interior of Central BUTT, (George.) Suggestions as to the Con- America. 160. London, 1849. duct and Management of a County Contested BYERLEY, (J. S.) ("Stephen Collet.") Relics Election; with an appendix of the statutes of Literature. 80. London, 1823. on county election. 80. London, 1830. BYERLEY, (Thomas,) and ROBERTSON, (J. C.) BUTT, (Isaac.) History of Italy, from the abdi- Percy Anecdotes, original and select. 20 v. cation of Napoleon I.; with references to that 180. London, 1820-23. of earlier times. 2 v. 80. London, 1860. BYFIELD, (Nathanael.) Account of the Late BUTTERFIELD, (Carlos.) United States and Revolution in New England. London, 1689. Mexican Mail Steamship Line; and statistics (Reprint, Force's Hist. Tracts, v. 4.) of Mexico. 80. New-York, 1860. BYLES, (John Barnard.) Sophisms of Free BUTTERFIELD, (Daniel.) Camp and Outpost Trade and Popular Political Economy exDuty for Infantry; with standing orders, amined. 8th ed. 120. London, 1851. extracts from the army regulations, rules for Treatise on the Law of Bills of Exhealth, maxims for soldiers, and duties of change, Promissory Notes, Bank-Notes, officers. 180. New York, 1862. Banker's Cash-Notes, and Checks. 3d Am. BUTTERWO1ITH, (Henry.) General Catalogue from 6th Lond. ed.; with notes illustrating of Law Books, including all the reports. the law and practice in this country, by G. 160. London, 1850. Sharswood. 80. Philadelphia, 1853. BUTTERWORTIH, (John.) New Concordance - The same. 4th Am. from 6th Lond. ed; to the Holy Scriptures. 80. London, 1812. with additional notes. 80. Philadelphia, BUTTMAN, (Philip) Catalogue of Irregular 1856. Greek Verbs. Translated and edited by J. ~The same. 8th ed.; with notes from the R. Fishlake. 80. London, 1837. 4th American edition. 80. London, 1862. - Greek Grammar for the use of High BYNKERSHOEK, (Cornelius van.) Opera. 6v. Schools and Universities. Revised and en- 40. Lugduni-Batavorum, 1752. larged by his son, Alex. Buttman. Trans- DeForo Legatorum, tam in causa civile lated fiom the 18th German ed., by E. Rob- qualm criminali, liber singularis. Small 40. inson. 80. New-York, 1851. Lugduni-Batavorum, 1721. 198 BYNKERSHOEK. BYRON. BYNKERSHOEK, (C. van.) De Foro Legatorunm. BYRNE, (Oliver.) Method of Calculating the 18~. Lugduni-Batavorum, 1721. Logarithm of any given Numner, and the Treatise on the Law of War. Trans- number corresponding to any given logalated from the original Latin, with notes, by rithm. 12~. London, 1849. P. S. Du Ponceau. 8~. Philadelphia, 1810. - - Short Practical Treatise on Spherical (3 copies.) Trigonometry. 80. London, 1835..~- Traite du Juge Competent des Ambas- BYROM, (John.) Poems. 8~. London, 1810. sadeurs. Traduit du Latin, par Jean Bar- (Chalmers' Eng. Poets, v. 15.) beyrac. 8~. La Haye, 1723. BYRON, (George Anson, Lord.) Voyage of H. BYRD, (William.) Westover Manuscripts; M. S. Blonde to the Sandwich Islands, in containing history of the dividing line be- the years 1824-25. 4~. London, 1826. twixt Virginia and N. Carolina. 8~. Pe- BYRON, (George Gordon Noel, Lord.) Works. tersburg, (Va.,) 1841. With his letters and journals; and his life, by - The same. (Misc. Pam., v. 21.) Thomas Moore. 17 v. 160. London, 1847. BYRN, (M. Lafayette.) Detection of Fraud (V. 17 wanting) and Protection of Health; a treatise on the CONTENTS. adulteration of food and drink. 12~. Phila- Age of Bronze, v. 14. A r I' lt3SP2rQ.~ ~Beppo; a Venetian Story, v. 11. delphia, 1852. Blues, The; a literary eclogue, v. 12. -- Complete Practical Brewer. 12~. Phila- Bride of Abydos; a Turkish tale, v. 9. Cain; a Mystery, v. 14. delphia, 1852. Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, v. 8. Repository of Wit and Humor; more Corsair a tale, v. 9. Curse of Minerva, v. 9. than one thousand anecdotes, etc. 120. Deformed Transformed, v. 13. Domestic Pieces, v. 10. Boston, 1853. Don Juan, v. 15-17. BYRNE, (Bernard M.) Essay to prove the Dream, The, v. 10. cti characte of Mal t English Bards and Scotch Reviewers; a satire, v. 7. contagious character of Malignant Cholera; Giaour, The; a fragment of a Turkish tale, v. 9. with instructions for its prevention and cure. Heaven and Earth; a Mystery, v. 13. Hebrew Melodies, v. 10. 2d ed. 80. Philadelphia, 1855. Hints from Horace, v. 9. dins of a Court-M tial r te Hours of Idleness; a series of poems, v. 7. Proceedings of a Court-Martial for the Island, The, v. 14. Trial of Surgeon B. M. Byrne, held at Fort Lament of Tasso, v. 1. Lara; a tale, v. 10. Moultrie, (S. C.,) March 24, 1859. 8~. Life and Letters of Byron, by T. Moore, v. 1-6. Charleston, (S. C.,) 1859. Manfred; a dramatic poem, v. 11. Marino Faliero, Doge of Venice; historical tragedy, BYRNE, (J. C.), Twelve Years' Wanderings in v. 12. Mazeppa, v. 11. the British Colonies, from 1835 tdo 1847. Miscellaeos Pieces, i prose, v. 6. 2 v. 80. London, 1848. Morgante Maggiore of Pnlci, v. 11. Napoleon Buonaparte, Ode to, v. 1.0. BYRNE, (James P.) Handy Book of the Law Occasional Pieces, v. 7, 10, 11, 12. and Practice of Patents for Inventions, and O on nc, v.. Registration of Designs; with rules, forms, Prisoner of Chillon, v. 10. Prophecy of Dante, v. 11. and statutes to the latest period, and direc- Sardanapalus; a tragedy, v. 13. tions respecting foreign patents. 2d ed. 120. Siege of Corinth, v. 10. Sheridan, Monody on Death of, v. 10. Londcn, 1860. Two Foacari; an historical tragedy, v. 13. Handy Book; or, the new law of divorce Vision of Judghymn, v. 12. Waltz, The; an apostrophic hymn, v. 9. and matrimonial causes; with the acts 21 Werner; a tragedy, v. 14. and 22 Vie., c. 85, and 21 and 22 Vie., c. 108; Complete Works. With additions, and the practice of the divorce court popu- notes, and a life, by Henry Lytton Bulwer. larly explained. 120. London, 1860. 80. Paris, 1835. BYRNE, (Oliver.) Calculator's Constant Com- - - Poetical Works. With notes, by Moore, panion, for practical men, machinists, me- Jeffrey, Scott, &c. 80. New-York, 1848. chanics, and engineers. 160. Philadelphia, The same. With life and notes, by 1854. William Anderson. 2 v. 80. Edinburglh, - Doctrine of Proportion; or, the fifth 1850. book of Euclid, simplified. 80. London,- - The same. With all the notes, etc. 1841. 80. London, 1851. -- Handbook for the Artisan, Mechanic, - The same. With life and notes, by and Engineer. 80. Philadelphia, 1853. Allan Cunningham. 120. London, 1854. Mechanics' Manual. 240. New York, - Childe Harold's Pilgrimage. 12~. 1856. London, 1853. 99 BYRON. CABRERA. BYRON, (George Gordon Noel, Lord.) Letter of Pachymeres, Georgius, v. 21-22. Paulhs, Silentiarius, v. 29. Expostulation to, on his Pursuits, Writings, Petrus Patricius, v. 11. &c. 80. London, 1822. (Pamphleteer, v. Photis, v. 11. Phrantzes, Georgius, v. 33. 19. ) Priscianus, v. 11. a_ _ ~^!^^^n^. /rT~~~~~iPriscus Panites, v. 11. See MOORE, (Thomas.) Procopits, v. 15-17. BYRON, (John, Corn.) Narrative of the Great Scylitzes, Joannes, v. 31-32. Symeon Magister, v. 30. Distresses Suffered by Himself and Compan- Syncellus, Georgius, v. 9-10. ions on the Coast of Patagonia. )d ed. 8. Theodosius Diaconus, v. 5. Theophanes, v. 11. London, 1768. Theophanes Isaurus, v. 34-35. Theophanes Isaurus continuatus, v. 30. - Voyage round the World, 1764-66. 4~. Theophyans saus Scotinatus, v. 30. Theophylactus Simocatta, v. 19. London, 1773. (Hawkesworth's Voyages, Zonaras, Joannes, v. 41-42. Zosimus, v. 27. V.)'BYZANTINE Historime Scriptores Tres, GroecoBYSSHE, (Edward.) Art of English Poetry;. Latini: — Nicephori Gregorelibri Xl.; Laonici a collection of natural, agreeable, and sub- Chacocondyl istoria; et Georgi Logo-''. (halcocondylme Historia; et Georgii Logolime thoughts in the best English poets. thetm Chronicon Constantinopolitanum. 7th ed. 2 v. 16~. London, 1725. 7th ed. 2 v. 160. London, 125. Folio. Colonime Allobrogum, 1615. BYTIEwVOOD, (W. M. ) Selection of PreceBYTEWOOD,.(. M.) Selection of Pre CABALA, Mysteries of State, in letters of the dents, from the best modern manuscript col- s of g Jmes a lections, and drafts of actual practice; form- great m ers of King Jmes and in Charles; wherein much of the publi que maning a system of conveyancing; with disser- nage of affaires is related. Small 4~. Lontations, and practical notes. 2d ed.; with 1 don, 1654. additional precedents and notes, by Thomas C --'"Cabala, sive scrimnia sacra; mysteries of Jarman. 11 v. 80. London, 1829-36. Jran. 1 8 Lono, 1. state and government, in letters of illustrious BYZANTINAE Historite Corpus Scriptorum, Gre et L. Edi- persons and great ministers of state, as well Graece et Latin. Edlitio emendatior et copioircoiio.. -iioeb.urio. itia ac- foreign as domestick, in the reigns of Henry, sior, consilio B. G. Niebuhrii instituta, auctiori tatel'. Litterarum Rn ueg, Bous- Elizabeth, James, and Charles. 3d ed., with toritate Academice Litterarum Regie Borusa second part. 4~. London, 1691. sicre continuata. 45 v. 80. Bonnre, 1828-44. _____ BDE (G.)andCLLNS, (T.) ---- See BgDEL, (G.) and COLLINS, (T.) CONTENTS. CABANIS, (Pierre Jean Georges.) Rapport du Acropolita Georgius, v. 26. Physique et du Moral de l'Homme. 2 v. 80. Agathias, v. 1. Anagnostes, Joannes, v. 33. Paris, 1802. Anastas a, (vol. I,).46. CABET, (ltienne.) Voyage en Icarie. 120. Anna Coninena, (vol. I,) v. 46. Bryennius, Nicephorus, v. 23. Paris, 1848. Careeniata, Joannes, v. 30. Caneaniaus, Jolannes, v. 33. CCABINET CYCLOPADIA. See LARDNER. Candidus Isanrus, v. v. 2 CABINET LAWYER; a popular digest of the Cantacuizenus, Joannes, v. 2-4. Cedrenus, Georgius, v. 31-32. laws of England, with the criminal law of Chalcoconldylehs, Laicus, v. 38. England. Also, a dictionary of law termls. Chronicon Paschale, v. 13-14. Cinnamus, Joannes, v. 23. 160. London, 1838. Codinus, Georgius, v. 39-40. Constantinns Porphyrogenitus, v. 6-8. The same.. 19th ed. 160. London, Corippus, Flavius Cresconius, v. 25. 1863. Dares Phrygius, v. 25. Dexippus, P. Herennius, v. 11. CABINET Library of Scarce and Celebrated Ducas, Michael, v. 18. Tracts. 8~. Edinburgh, 1837. E]phraemius, v. 36. Ennapius, v. 11. CABINET Portrait Gallery of British Worthies. Eustathius, v. 37. Londo, Genesius, Josephus, v. 19. 9 V. in 3. 24~. London, 1845-6. Georgius Monachus, v. 30. CABOT, (Sebastian.) Nauigatione nelle parte Georgius Pisida, v. 29. Glycas, Michael, v. 24. Settentrionali. (Ramusio, Navigationi, v. 2.) Gregoracs, Nicephorus, v. 43-44. Voyages to America, taken from RaIHierocles, v. 8. Joannes Lydus, v. 28. musius, Martyr, Gomara, Fabian, Adams, Joels, v. 26. and Butrigarius. (Hakluyt's Voyages, v. 3.) Leo Diaconus, v. 5. ai Leo Grammaticus, v. 37. CABRERA, (Paul Felix.) Description of the Luitprandus, v. 5. Malalas, Joannes, v. 12. Ruins of an Ancient City discovered near Malchues, ti v. 11. Palenque, in Guatemala. Translated from:rlanasscs, Constantinns, v. 26. Menander, Protector, v. 11. the MS. report of Antonio del Rio. Followed Merobaudes, Flavius, v. 25. Nicephorus Patriarcha Cp., v. 9, 29 by Teatro Critico Ameuicano; or, a critical Nicetas Chouiates, v. 20. investigation and research into the history Nonnosus, v. 11. Olympiodorus, v. 11. of the Americans. 40. London, 1822. 200 CADAHALSO. CAINES. CADAHALSO, (Jos6.) Cartas Marruecas. 80. CGESAR, (Caius Julius.) Les Commentaires. Madrid, 1850. (Bib. de Autores Espanoles, De la traduction de Nicolas Perrot. 16~. v. 50.) Amsterdam, 1708. CA DA MOSTO, (Luigi.) Nauigatione. (Ra- et HIRTUS, (Aulus) Que exstant musio, Navigationi et Viaggi, v. 1.) omnia. Recensuit ac selectis Petri CiacSee ZURLA. conii, Francisci Hotonmailni, Joannis Brantii, CADELL, (W. A.) Journey in Carniola, Italy, Dionysii Vossii et aliorum notis suas addidit and France, in 1817-18. 2 v. 80. Edin- Joannes Davisius. Acceduntejusdem curm burgh, 1820. secundme nec non Metaphrasis Grsca libroCADET DE VAUX, (Antoine Alexandre..) In- rum viI. de Bello Gallico. 2 v. Small 40. struction sur l'Art de faire le Vin. 80. Cantabligie, 1727. Paris, 1800. CAFFARO. Annales Genuenses 1100 —1293. CADOGAN, (William.) Essay upon Nursing (Muratori,RerumItalicarumScriptores,v.6.) andManagementof Children. 80. London, CAHAGNET, (L. A.) Celestial Telegraph; 1748. (Misc. Pam., v. 3.) secrets of the life to come revealed through CADRES, lE(mile.) Code de Procedure Com- magnetism. 120. London, 1851. merciale mis en rapport avec la doctrine et CAHIEN, (Samuel.) Manuel d'Histoire Unila jurisprudence, suivi des lois organiques et verselle. 240. Paris, 1836. des dispositions riglementaires. 80. Paris, CAHIER de l'ordre de la Noblesse de Mantes et 1844. Meulan. 80. Paris, 1789. (Pol. Pam. v. 21.) Traite des Enfants Naturels mis en rap- CAILLARD, (Ant. Bern.) Memoire sur la Report avec la doctrine et la jurisprudence. volution deHollande. 80. Paris, 1824. (S680. Paris, 1846. gur, Euvres de, v. 6.) CJEDMON. Fall of Man; or, Paradise Lost of CAILLEAU,'(C. A.,) et DUCLOS. Dictionnaire Ccdmon. Translated in verse from the Bibliographique. 4 v. 80. Paris, 1790Anglo-Saxon, by W. H. F. Bosanquet. 120. 1802. London, 1860. CAILLIE, (Rene.) Travels through Central CAESAR, (Caius Julius.) Quae exstant. In- Africa to Timbuctoo, and across the Greatterpretatione et notis illustravit Joannes God- Desert to Morocco, in 1824-28. From the vinus, in usum Delphini, juxta editionem French. 2 v. 80. London, 1830. Parisiensem. Editio 3n. 8C. Londini, 1719. CAINES, (Clement.) History of the ConvenOpera Omnia, ex Editione Oberliniana. tion of the Leeward Islands, for the purpose 4v. 80. Londini, 1819. (Valpy, Scriptores of meliorating the condition of the slaves. Latini, v. 10-13.) 80. St. Christopher, 1804. The same. Ad optimorum exemplarium Reflections on the Embargo. 120. St. fidem recensita, studio Joannis Dymock. Christopher, 1808. (Pol. Pam., v. 108.) Editio 9a. 160. Edinburgi, 1832. Sketch of the Saxon Heptarchy. 120. First Six Books of Caesar's Commen- St. Christopher, 1810. (Pol. Pam, v. 108.) taries on the Gallic War, adapted to Bul- CAINES, (George.) Cases in the Court for the lions' Latin Grammar, by Peter Bullions. Trial of Impeachments and a Correction of 4th ed. 120. New-York, 1847. Errors, in New-York, 1801 to 1805. 2 v. in Commentaries. Translated into Eng- 1. 80. New-York, 1810. lish; with a discourse concerning the Ro- - -Thesame. V. 1. 80. New-York, 1805. man art of war, by William Duncan; also, Enquiry into the Law Merchant and A. Hirtius Pansa's Commentaries of the Al- Maritime of the United States; or, Lex exandrian, Afiican, and Spanish Wars. 2 v. Mercatoria Americana, on several heads of 80. London, 1819. commercial importance. 80. New-York, Commentaries on the Gallic War. From 1802. the text of Oudendorp; with a selection of - New-York Term Reports of Cases in notes from Dionysius Vossius, Drs. Davies the Supreme Court of that State, 1803 to and Clarke, Oudendorp, and other editors 1805. 2ded. 3v. 80. New-York, 1813-14. arid philologists, by E. H. Barker. 120. (2 copies.) London, 1831. The same. V. 3. 80. New-York, 1806. Commentaries on the Gallic and Civil - he same. 3d ed.; with additional Wars, literally translated. -120. London, notes, by W. G. Banks. 3 v. 80. New1853. (Bohn's Class. Library, v. 16.) York, 1854. 201 CAINES. CALDWELL. CAINES, (George.) Practical Forms of the CALDERON DE LA BARCA, (Pedro.) ComeSupreme Court of New-York, from Tidd's dias. QuesacaaluzJ.F. deApontes. 11v. Appendix. 80. New-York, 1808. in 10. Small 40. Madrid, 1760-63. CAIRD, (James.) English Agriculture in 1850- -- Autos Sacramentales, Alegoricos, y His51. 80. London, 1852. toriales. Obras posthumas, que saca a luz Prairie Farming in America; with notes Juan Fernandez de Apontes. 6 v. Small by the way on Canada and the United States. 40. Madrid, 1759-60. 120. London, 1859. Comedias. Hecha por J. E. HartzenCAIRNES, (John E.) Character and Logical busch. 4v. 80. Madrid, 1851. (Biblioteca Method of Political Economy. 120. Lon- de Autores Espanoles, v. 1-4.) don, 1857.. —Dramas, tragic, comic, and legendary. The SlavePower; its character, career, Translated from the Spanish, by D. F. Mcand probable dangers; an attempt to explain Carthy. 2v. 160. London, 1853. the real issues involved in the American con- - - Six Dramas. Freely translated, by E. test. 80. London, 1862. Fitzgerald. 160. London, 1853. CAIRNS, (William.) Treatise on Moral Free- CALDERON DE LA BARCA, (Madame.) Life in dom. 80. London, 1844. Mexico, during a residence of two years in CALABRIA during a Military Residence of Three that country. 80. London, 1843. Years. By a general officer of the French CALDERWOOD, (Henry.) Philosophy of the army. 80. London, 1832. Infinite; in answer to Sir William Hamilton CALAIS. Chronicle of, in the reigns of Henry and Mr. Mansel. 80. London, 1854. VII. and VIII. to the year 1540. Edited by CALDWELL, (Charles.) Autobiography; with J. G. Nichols. Small 40. London, 1846. notes, by Harriot W. Warner. 80. Phila(Camden Soc'y. Pub., No. 35.) delphia, 1855. CALAMY, (Benjamin.) Sermons. 120. Lon- Discourse on the Genius and Character don, 1687. of Rev. Horace Holley. 80. Boston, 1828. CALAMY, (Edmund.) Historical Account of Discourse on the First Centennial Celemy own Life, with some Reflections on the bration of the Birth-Day of Washington. Times Ihave lived in; (1671-1731.) Edited, 80. Lexington, (Ky.,) 1832. (Misc. Pam., with notes, by J. T. Rutt. 2 v. 80. Lon- v. 22.) don, 1829. Essays on Malaria and Temperance. CALANCHA, (Antonio de la.) Coronica Moral- 12g. Lexington, (Ky.,) 1831. izada del Orden de San Augustin en el Peru, Memoirs of Life and Campaigns of con sucesos egenplares vistos en esta Mon- General Nathaniel Greene. 80. Philadelarquia. Folio. Barcelona, 1639. phia, 1819. CALCUTTA Medical and Physical Society - Phrenology Vindicated, and Anti-phrenTransactions. 7 v. 80. Calcutta, 1825-35. ology Unmasked. 120. New-York, 1838. CALDCLEUGH, (Alexander.) Travels in South Prize Essay on the Malaria or Noxious America, in 1819-21; with account of the Miasma, from which originate what are called present state of Brazil, Buenos Ayres, and Bilious Diseases. 80. Philadelphia, 1831. Chile. 2 v. 8~. London, 1825. (Misc. Pam., v. 7.) CALDECOTT, (R. M.) Life of Baber, Emperor Thoughts on the Original Unity of the of Hindostan. 80. London, 1844. Human Race. 2d ed. 12~. Cincinnati, CALDECOTT, (Thomas.) Reports of Cases 1852. relative to the Duty and Office of a Justice CALDWELL, (James.) Debates in the House of the Peace, 1776 to 1785. 80. London, of Commons of Ireland, relative to the affairs 1790. of Ireland, in the years 1763-4. 2 v. 8C. CALDER, (F. W. Grant.) Practical Hints on London, 1766. the Cure of Squinting by Operation. 8~. CALDWELL, (John.) Sermon preached at New London, 1841. London-Derry, October 14, 1741, on John, CALDER, (Sir Robert.) Minutes of the Pro- iv., 1. Small 40. Williamsburg, 1746. ceedings at a Court-Martial assembled on CALDWELL, (J. S.) Treatise on the Law of board his Majesty's ship Prince of Wales, in Arbitration, with precedents. 2d Am. fron Portsmouth harbor, Dec., 1805. for the trial last Eng. ed.; with notes and references, by of Sir Robert Calder, Bart., Vice-Admiral of Chauncey Smith. 80. Burlington, (Vt.,) the Blue. 80. London, 1806. 1853. 26 202 CALDWELL. CALIFORNIA. CALDWELL, (William W.) Poems, original CALENDAR of Letters, Despatches, and State and translated. 120. Boston, 1857. Papers, relating to the negotiations between CALEF, (Robert) More Wonders of the In- England and Spain, preserved in the archives visible World; or, the wonders of the invisi- at Simancas, and elsewhere. Vol. 1. Henry ble world displayed; with postscript relating VII. 1485-1509. Edited by G. A. Bergento a book entitled "The Life of Sir Wm. roth. 80. London, 1862. Phips." 12~. Salem, (Ms.,) 1823. CALEPINUS, (Ambrosius.) DictionarivmVndeCALENDAR of the Journals of the House of cim Lingvarvm: respondent autem Latinis Lords, from the beginning of the reign of vocabulis, Hebraica, Grseca, Gallica, Italica, Henry VIII. to 30th August, 1642; and Germanica, Belgica, Hispanica, Polonica, from the restoration in 1660, to 21st January, Vngarica, Anglica; onomasticvm vero; hoc 1808. Folio. London, (n. d.) est, propriorvm nominvm. Folio. BasileEe, CALENDAR of the Journal of the House of 1598. Peers, from 25 Henry VIII. to 43 Elizabeth; Septem Linguarum Calepinus, hoc est 1662 to 1675; 1688 to 1702. By Charles Lexicon Latinum, variarum linguarun interReynell. Folio. (MS.) pretatione adjecta. Editio 8" (Facciolati.) CALENDAR of the State Papers preserved in 2 v. in 1. Folio. Patavii, 1758. the State Paper Department of Her Majesty's CALHOUN, (John Caldwell.) Works. Edited Public Record Office. Domestic series, of by Richard K. Crallb. 6 v. 8". New-York, the reigns of Edward VI., Mary, Elizabeth. 1854-57. 1547-1580. Edited by Robert Lemon. 80. CONTENTS. London, 1856. Constitution and Government of the United States, v. 1. The same. Domestic series, of the Disquisition on Government, v. 1. reign of James I. 1603-1625; with ad- Reports and Public Letters, v. 5-6. South Carolina Exposition, v. 6. denda. Edited by Mary Anne Everett Green. Speeches in Congress, v. 2-4. 4 v. 8~. London, 1857-59. Disquisition on Government; and a DisThe same. Domestic series, of the course on the Constitution and Government reign of Charles I. 1625-1633. Edited by of the United States. 80. Charleston,(S.C.,) John Bruce. 5 v. 80. London, 1858-62. 1851. - — The same. Domestic series, of the - Life; presenting a condensed history reign of Charles II 1661-1665. Edited by of political events from 1811 to 1843; with Mary Anne Everett Green. 4 v. 80. London, selection from his speeches and writings. 1861-63. 80. New-York, 1843..- The same Colonialseries. 1574-1660. - Obituary Addresses in Senate on his Edited by W. Noel Sainsbury. 80. London, Decease; with funeral sermon, by C. M. 1860. Butler. 80. Washington, 1850. - - The same. Colonial series. East Indies, CALIDASA. See KALIDASA. China, and Japan. 1513-1616. Edited by CALIFORNIA Academy of Natural Sciences; W. Noel Sainsbury. 80. London, 1862. Proceedings. V. 2. 1858-62. 80. San ~- The same. Foreign series, of the reign Francisco, 1863. of Edward VI. 1547-1553. Edited by CALIFORNIA CHRONICLE, (Daily,) January to William B. Turnbull. 80. London, 1861. July, 1854. Folio. San Francisco, 1854. - - The same. Foreign series, of the reign CALIFORNIA. Compiled Laws of California; of Mary. 1553-1558. Edited by W. B containing all the acts of the legislature of a Turnbull. 80. London, 1861. public and general nature now in force, The same. Foreign series, of the reign. passed at the sessions of 1850-53, by S. Garof Elizabeth. 1558-1559. Edited by J. field and F. A. Snyder. 80. Benicia, 1853. Stevenson. 80. London, 1863. (2 copies.) - The same. Scottish series, of the reigns Digest of the Laws of California; conof Henry VIII., Edward VI., Mary, Eliza- taining all laws of a general character which beth. 1509-1589. By Markham John will be in force on the first day of January, Thorpe. 2 v. 80. London, 1858. 1858, by Wm. H. R. Wood. 80. San FranCALENDAR of the State Papers relating to cisco, 1857. Ireland, of the reigns of Henry VIII., Ed-, Law Establishing and Regulating ward VI., Mary, and Elizabeth, 1509-1573. Common Schools in California, by John G. Edited byH. C. Hamilton. 80. London, 1860.'`Irvin. 2d ed. 80. San Francisco, 1853. 203 CALIFORNIA. CALLANDER. CALIFORNIA. First and SecondAnnualReports CALIFORNIA. The same. 1852 and 1853. 2 v. of the Superintendent of Public Instruction. 80. San Francisco, 1852-53. (In Spanish.) 8~. San Francisco, 1852-53. CALIL,A DYMNA. (Bib. deAutores Espaioles, Journals of the Assembly and Senate v. 31.) of the State of California, first to fourteenth CALKINS, (Marshall;) and NEWTON, (Calvin.) sessions, inclusive; with appendix to each. Thoracic Diseases; their pathology, diag42 v. 80. San Jos6, San Francis, nosisc, and treatment. 2d ed. 80. PhiladelSacramento, 1850-63. phia, 1858. Noticias de la Provincia de Californias; CAIL, (Daniel.) Reports of Cases in the en tres cartas de un sacerdote religioso hijo Court of Appeals of Virginia, 1700 to 1818. del Real Convento de Predicadores de Valen- 6 v. 8. Richmond, 1801-33. cia a un amigo suyo. 160. Valencia, 1794. - The same. 2d ed., by J. Tate. 6 v. Transactions of the California State 80 1824-33. Agricultural Society, during the years 1858- CALLAN, (John F.) Military Laws of the 59. 2 v. 80. Sacramento, 1859-60. United States, relating to the army, marine Report of Debates in Convention on corps, volunteers, militia, and to bounty the formation of the State Constitution, in lands and pensions; from the foundation of 1849, by J. Ross Browne. 80. Washing- the government to the year 1858. 80. Balton, 1850. timore, 1858. (3 copies.) Relacion de los Debates de la Conven- The same, to the year 1863. 80. cion de California, sobre la Formacion de la Philadelphia, 1863. (2 copies.) Constitucion de Estado, en 1849. 80. and RUSSELL, (A. W.) Laws of the Nueva-York, 1851. United States relating to the Navy and MaReports of Cases in the Supreme Court rine Corps; from the formation of the govof California. V. 1, byN. Bennett. 1850-51. ernment to 1859. 80. Baltimore, 1859. (2 80. San Francisco, 1851. copies.) The same. 2d ed.; with notes, by R. CALLANDER, (John.) Terra Australis CogA. Wilson. V. 1. 80. San Francisco, 1853. nita; or, voyages to the Southern Hemi(2 copies.) sphere, during the 16th, 17th, and 18th cenThe same. V. 2-4, by H. P. Hepburn, turies. 3v. 80. Edinburgh, 1766-68. 1852 to 1854. 80. Philadelphia and San CONTENTS. Francisco, 1854-56. (2 copies.) Anson, (George.) Round the World, v. 3...- The same. V. 2. 80. Philadelphia, Bouvet, (Lozier.) To Magellanica, v. 3. Brewer, (Henry.) To Magellanica, v. 2. 1854. (2 copies.) Brignon, (Henry.) To Magellanica, v. 3. __ The same. V 5 by W G. Morris Byron, Byn(John.) To the South Seas, v. 3. Camearjo, (Alphonso de.) To Magellanica, v. 1. 1855. 80. Sacramento, 1857. (2 copies.) Cantova, (Antony.) To Caroline Islands, in East The same. V. 6-8, by H. T. Boo- Indies, v. 3. Carjaval and Ladrilleros. To Magellanica, v. 1. raem, 1856-57. 80. San Francisco and Cavendish, (Thomas.) To Magellaniea, v. 1. Clipperton, (John.) To the South Seas and East Sacramento, 1858. (2 copies.) Iudids, v. 3. __- The same. V. 9-12, by Harvey Cowley, (Capt.) To Magellanica and Polynesia, 1683, v. 2. Lee, 1858-59. 80. San Francisco, 1858-60. Dampier, (William.) To Magellanica and Polyne(2 copies.) sia, v. 2-3. Drake, (Sir F.) To Magellanica and Polynesia, The same. V. 13-15, by John B. v. 1. Fenillee, (Louis) To South Seas, v. 3. Harmon, 1859-60. 80. San Francisco, Fenton, (Edward.) To Magellanica, v. 1. 1860-61. (2 copies.) Fouguet and Perce. To the South Seas, v. 3. Frezier, (A. F.) To Magellauica, v. 3. The same. V. 16-19, by David T. Funnell, (William.) Voyage Round the World, Bagley, 1860-62. 80. Scrmento,861-6. v. 3. Gaetan, (Juan and Torre, B. della.) To Polynesia, (2 copies.) v. 1. V. 2 nrtis J. Gennes, (M. de.) To Magellanica, v. 3. - The same. V. 20 and 21, by Curtis J. Gonneville, (Binot Panlmier de.) To Australasia, Hillyer. 8. San Francisco, 1862-63. (2 v. 1. XS n 186 3. Gouin, (Beauchesne.) To Magellanica, v. 3. copies.) Gualle, (Francisco de.) To Polynesia, v. 1. Statutes of California, 1849-50, (2 Hawkins, (Sir Richard.) To Magellanica, 1593, copies,) 1852; 1853 to 1860, (2 copies,) Hermite, (Jacques de.) To Polynesia and Australatsi, v. 2. 1862 and 1863. 2 v. 40, and 21 v. 80. San Hurtado, (Diego.) To Polynesia, v. 1. Jose, San Francisco, and Sacramento, 1850- La Barbiais, (G.) Round the World, v. 3. Le LMaire, (James,) and Schouten, (W.) To Magel63. lanica, Polynesia, and Australasia, v. 2. 204 CALLANDER. CALLISTRATUS. CALLANDER, (John.) Terra Australis Cog- CALLENDER, (John.) Historical Discourse on nita-Continued. the Civil and Religious Affairs of the Colony Loaisa, (Garcia de.) To Magellanica and Polyne- f hode-Island and Providence Plantations, sia, v. 1. Magellan, (Ferdinand.) To Magellanica and Poly- in New England. 80. Providence, 1838. nesia, v. 1. nesia) v. i. (R. I. Hist. Coil. v. 4. ) Marian, or, Ladrone Islands, manners and customs.. Hist. Col., v. 4.) of the inhabitants of, v. 3. The same. 3d ed. 80. Boston, 1843. Mendoza, (Alvar de.) To Polynesia, v. 1. Narborounh, (Sir John.) To MIagellanica, v. 2. CALLER, (J.M.) SystemaPhoneticumScripNodal, (Garcia de.) To Magellanica, v. 2. tur'e Sinicme. 2 v. 80. Macao, 1841. Pelsart, (Francis de.) To Australasia, v. 2. Phillipine Islands; New History of, v. 3. Dictionnaire Encyclopedique de la LanPool, (Gerard.) To Australasia, v. 2. gue Chinoise. V 1. 8. Macao 1844 Quiros, (Fernand de.) To Polynesia and Austral-. asia, v. 2. et YVAN, (Baron Melchior.) L'InsurRogers, (Woodes.) To the South Seas and Round Cin d i ii the World, v. 3. the WIorld, v. 3 rection en Chine, depuis son Origine jusqu'a Roggewein, (Jacob.) Round the World, and ac- la Prise de Nankin. 120. Paris, 1853. count of Dutch settlements in India, v. 3. Saavedra, (Alvar de.) To Polynesia and Austral- CALLET, (August.) L'Enfer. 120. Paris, asia, v. 1. 1861. Sarmiento, (Pedro.) To Magellanica, v. 1. Sharp, Bartholomew. To Magellanica, 1680, v. 2. CALLET, (Fran9ois.) Tables Portatives de Shelvocke, (George.) Ronnd the World, v. 80. P Silva, (Nuno da.) To Magellanica, v. 1.Logathmes. 8. Paris, 1825. Spilberg, (George.) To Magellanica and Polyne- CALLICOT, (Theophilus Carey.) Hand-Book sia, v. 2. Tasman, (Abel.) To Australasia, v. 2. of Universal Geography. 80. New-York, Ulloa, (Antonio de.) To South Seas, v. 3. 1853. Ulloa, (Francisco de.) To Northwest of California, v. 1. CALLIERES, (Francois de.) De la Maniere de Vaz, (Lopez.) Account of Drake's Voyage to Magellanica, v. 1. egocier avec les Souverains. 2 v. in:. Vesputio, (Americo.) Voyages to Magellanica, v.. 160. Londres, 1750. Villegagnon, (N. D. de.) To South America, v. 1. Wafer, (Lionel.) To Magellanica, v. 2. Art of Negotiating with Sovereign Winter, (John.) To Magellanica, v. 1. Princes. From the French. 3d ed. 180. CALLCOTT, (John Wall.) Musical Grammar. London, 1738. 2d ed. 120. London, 1809. CALLIERGI, (Zaccaria.) Magnum EtymoloCALLCOTT, (Maria.) Short History of Spain. gicum Graecoe Lingure, nunc recens summa 2 v. 120. London, 1828. adhibita diligentia excusum, et innumeraCALLENDER, (G. W.) Treatise on PySemia. bilibuspenedictionibutslocupletatum. Folio. (Holmes' Surgery, v. 1.) 80. London, Venetiis, 1549. 1860. CALLIMACIHUS. Qume Supersunt. Edidit C. Treatise on Diseases of Veins. 80. J. Blomfield. 80. Londini, 1815. London, 1862. (Holmes' Surgery, v. 3.) Works. In English verse; the hymns CALLENDER, (James T.) History of the and epigrams from the Greek; with the Coma United States, for 1796; including a variety Berenices from the Latin of Catullus; with of interesting particulars relative to the the original text, and notes, by H. W. Tytler. federal government previous to that period. 40. London, 1793. 80. Philadelphia, 1797. Hymns. In English verse; with his ~ Political Progress of Britain; or, an select epigrams and Coma Berenices, Six impartial history of abuses in the government Hymns of Orpheus, and the Encomium of of the British Empire, in Europe, Asia, and Ptolemy by Theocritus. By William Dodd. America, from 1688 to the present time. 40. London, 1755. Part II. 80. Philadelphia, 1795. Hymns and Epigrams. Translated (in The same. Part II. (Pol. Pam., v. 97.) prose) by J. Banks. (In verse,) by H. W. Political Register; or, proceedings in Tytler. 120. London, 1856. (Bohn's Class. the session of Congress, commencing No- Library, v. 37.) vernber 3d, 1794, and ending March 3d, CALLIS, (Robert.) Reading upon the Statute 1795. V. 1. 80. Philadelphia, 1795. of Sewers, 23 Hen. VIII., c. 5. 4th ed.; --- Prospect Before Us. V. 1. 80. Rich- with additions and corrections, byW. J. Bromond, (Va.,) 1800. derip. 80. London, 1824. Short History of the Nature and Con- CALLISTHENES. (Pseudonyme ) Historia Fabusequences of Excise Laws. 80. Philadel- losa. (Gr. et Lat.) Ed. C. Miiller. (Didot, phia, 1795. (Pol. Pam., v. 97.) Biblioth. Grecque, v. 8.) Sketches of the History of America. CALLISTRATUS Descriptiones. (Gr. et Lat.) 80. Philadelphia, 1798. (Didot, Biblioth. Grecque, v. 32.) 205 CALMET. CALVIN. CALMET, (Augustin.) Great Dictionary of the CALVIN, (John.) Commentary on the Harmony Holy Bible. Together with Sacred Geogra- of the Evangelists, Matthew, Mark, and phy, by Edmund Wells. Edited by C. Tay- Luke. Translated by William Pringle. 3v. lor. 5 v. 40. Charlestown, (Ms.,) 1812-17. 80. Edinburgh, 1845-6. Dissertation sur les Duels. (Leber, Commentary on the Gospel according Coil. Hist. France, v. 6.) to John. Translated by William Pringle. Phantom World; the history and philos- 2v. 80. Edinburgh, 1847. ophy of spirits, apparitions, &c. From the -- Commentary upon the Acts of the French, with notes by Henry Christmas. 2 Apostles. Edited from the translation of v. in 1. 120. Philadelphia, 1850. Christopher Fetherstone, by H. Beveridge. CALMSTORM, the Reformer; a dramatic cor- 2v. 80. Edinburgh, 1844. ment. 240. New York, 1853.- Commentary upon the Epistle of Paul CALONNE, (Charles Alexandre de.) L'Itat to the Romans. Edited from the translade la France, pr6sent et A venir. 80. Lon- tion of Christopher Rosdell, by H. Beveridge. dres, 1790. 80. Edinburgh, 1844. Requete an Roi: 1Eclaircissemens et - The same. Translated by John Owen. pieces Justificatives. 80. Paris, 1787. (Pol. 80. Edinburgh, 1849. Pam., v. 21.) - Commentary on the Epistles of Paul CALTHROP, (H.) Reports of Special Cases to the Corinthians. Translated by John touching severall Customs and Liberties of Pringle. 2 v. 80. Edinburgh, 1848-9. the City of London. 120. London, 1655. -- Commentary on the Epistles of Paul CALTON, (Robert Bell.) Annals and Legends to the Philippians and Colossians. 160. of Calais; with sketches of Emigr6 Notabili- Edinburgh, 1842. (Biblical Cabinet, v. 40.) ties, and memoir of Lady Hamilton. 120. -- Commentaries on the Epistles of Paul London, 1852. to the Galatians and Ephesians. Translated CALVERT, (Edward Killwick.) Conservation by W. Pringle. 160. Edinburgh, 1841. and Improvement of Tidal Rivers. 80. (Biblical Cabinet, v. 34.) London, 1853. - Institutes of the Christian Religion. CALVERT, (George H.) Introduction to Social Translated by Henry Beveridge. 3 v. 80. Science. 120. New-York, 1856. Edinburgh, 1845. Oration delivered on 40th Anniversary -- The same. Translated from the Latin, of the Battle of Lake Erie. 80. Providence, and collated with the author's last edition in (R. I.,) 1854. French, by John Allen. 3 v. 80. London, ~ — Poems. 160. Boston, 1847. 1813. CALVERT, (Sir Harry.) Journals and Corre- - Letters. Compiled from the original spondence, comprising the campaigns in manuscripts, and edited, withfhistoricalnotes, Flanders and Holland, in 1793-4. 80. by Jules Bonnet. Translated from the Latin London, 1853. and French, by David Constable. 2 v. 80. CALVERT, (John.) Gold Rocks of Great Britain Edinburgh, 1855. and Ireland; with a treatise on the geology - Necessity of Reforming the Church. of gold. 80. London, 1853. Presented to the Imperial Diet at Spires, CALVERT, (Robert.) Reflections on Fever. A. D. 1544. Written in Latin, and now first 80. London, 1815. (Bound with Burnett, translated into English, by H. Beveridge. (W.,) on Fever.) 18C. London, 1843. CALVIN, (John.) Commentaries of the first -- Tracts. Translated from the Latin and Book of Moses, called Genesis. Translated French, by H. Beveridge. 2 v. 80. EdinbyJohn King. V. 1. 80. Edinburgh, 1847. burgh, 1844-49. - Commentaries of the Book of Psalms. Translated by James Anderson. v. 80. Vol. I. Tracts relating to the Reformation; with his life, by Theodore Beza. Edinburgh, 1845-49. Vol. II. Treatises on the Sacraments, Catechism -~- omet0 s onte wlv inr of the Church of Geneva, Forms of Prayer, and Commentaries on the Twelve Minor Confession of Faith. Prophets. Translated by John Owen. 5 v. 80. Edinburgh, 1846-49. - Treatise on Relics. From the French. Vol. I. Hosa. 16~. Edinburgh, 1854. Vol. II. Joel, Amos, Obadiah. - Institution de la Religion Chrestienne. Vol. 1II. Jonah, Micah, Nahum. Vol. IV. Habaklkk, Zephauiah, HIaggai. 8. Geneve, 1559. Vol. V. Zechariah and Mlalachi. - See SERVETUS. 206 CALVINUS. CAMDEN. CALVINUIS, alias KAHL, (J.) Lexicon Juridi- CAMDEN SO'IETY PUBLICATIONS. 83 numcum Juris Cesarei, simul et Canonici, feu- bes in 45 v. Small 40. London, 1838-63. dalis item civilis, criminalis, theoretici ac CONTENTS. practici. Cum praefationibus D. Gothofredi, Ancren Riwle; on the rules and duties of monastic life. Edited by James Morton. (No. 57.) et I. Vulteii Folio. (n. p.,) 1669. Anecdotes and Traditions, illustrative of early CALZADA, (Bernardo Maria de.) El Triunfo English history and literature. Edited by W. J., (Bernard Maria de.) Thons. (No. 5.) de la Moral Christiana; 6 los Americanos; Bale, (John.) Kynge Johan. Edited by J. P. Coltragedia Francesa. Small 40. Madrid, 1788. lier. (No. 2.) Bramston, (Sir John.) Autobiography. (No. 32.) CAMIHRELENG, (C. C.) Examination of the Calais, Chronicle of, to the year 1540. Edited by J. New Tariff proposed by the Hon. Henry GC Ni scel. (Nly. 35.) Camden Miscellany. Vols. 1'4. (Nos. 39, 55, 61, Baldwin 80. New-York, 1821. and 73.) Carew, (Lord George.) Letters to Sir Thomas CAMBRIDGE, (Richard Owen.) Account of Roe, Ambassador to the Court of the Great Mothe War in India, between the English and guI, 1615-17. Edited by John Maclean. (No. 76.) Cartwright, (Thomas.) Diary, 1686-7. Edited by French, on the coast of Coromandel, from J. Hunter. (No. 22.) 1750 to 1760. 4O. L ondon 1761. Chamberlain, (John.) Letters written during the o7 50 to 70U. 4. JLondon, 1761. reign of Elizabeth. Edited by Sarah Williams. -- Poems. 80. London, 1810. (Chal- (No. 79.) Charles I. in 1646. Letters to Queen Henrietta mers' Eng. Poets, v. 18.) Maria. Edited by J. Bruce. (No. 63.) CAMBRIDGE Chronicle. Folio. Cambridge, Charles, (Nicholas.) Visitation of theCountyof Huntingdon, in 1613. Edited by Sir I. Ellis. (No. 43.) (Md.,) 1832-39. (Incomplete.) Chronicle of the Grey Friars of London. Edited CAMBRIDGE, (Eng.) Astronomical Observa- by J. G. Nichols. (No. 53.) Chronicle of Queen Jane, and of two years of tions, by G. B. Airy and James Challis, Queen Mary, and especially of the rebellion of Sir Thomas Wyat. Edited by J. G. Nichols. 1828-54. 19 v. in 9. 4~. London and (No. 48.) Cambridge, 1828-61. (V. 18 wanting.) Chronicon Petroburgense. Curante T. Stapleton. (No. 47.) - Cambridge Essays; contributed by Cronica Maiorum et vicecomitum Londoniarum. T~pm~pr^ n TYn*~. 1~. -Curalnte T. Stapleton. (No. 34.) members of the University; 1855-58. 4v. Curante T. Stapleton. (No. 3.) memDers oi the Unielty; 1 -. 4V. Davies, (Rowland.) Journal, 1688 to 1690. Edited 80. London, 1855-58. by Richard Caulfield. (No. 68.) - e C cio o te Eis Dee, (John.) Private Diary. Edited by J. O. - Complete Collection of the English Halliwell. (No. 19.) Poems which have obtained the Chancellor's Domesday of St. Paul's of the year 1222. Edited by W. H. Hale. (No. 69.) Gold Medal in the University of Cambridge. Ecclesiastical Documents. Now first published by 120. Cambrilge, 1859. Joseph Hunter. (No. 8.) 1 ~. CamblridCge, 859J. Edward IV., Historie of the arrival of, in England. - Examination of Students who are not (No. 1.) Egerton Papers. Edited by J. P. Collier. (No. 12.) Members of the University. Examination Elizabeth and James VI. of Scotland: Letters. Papers, Class Lists, &c., for the examina- Edited by John Bruce. (No. 46.) Papers, Clas.t,, fr England, Relation of the Island of, about 1500. tion in 1858. 80. Cambridge, 1859. Translated from the Italian, by Charlotte A. CAMBRIDGE Mathematical Journal. 4 v. 80. Sueyd. (No. 37.) CAMBRIDGE Mathematical Jornal 4v. 8. English Chronicle of the Reigns of Richard II., Cambridge, 1841-46. Henrys IV., V., and VI. Edited by J. S. Davies. (No. 64.) CAMBRIDGE Problems proposed at the General Foxe, (John.) Narratives of the Days of the ReExaminations, from 1801 to 1820. 80. formation. Edited by J. G. Nichols. (No. 77.) Galfridus. Promptorium Parvulorlum sive ClericoCambrid e, 1821. rum: lexicon Anglo-Latinum princeps. Edited CAMBRIDGE University Calendar for the year bs., from te Crowl duing te R n Grants, &c., from the Crown during the Reign of 1859. 120. Cambridge, 1859 Edward V. Edited by J. G. Nichols. (No. 60.) D. H Son o Ca Grey, (Arthur, Lord.) Services and Chacrges of CAMBRIDGE (Mass.) High School. Cata- Wm., Lord Grey, of Wilton. Edited by Sir logue (Classed) of the Library of the Cam- Grey Egerton. (No. 40.) Guylford, (Sir Richard.) Pilgrymage to the Holy bridge High School; with an alphabetical Land, 15(6. Edited by Sir H. Ellis. (No. 51.) index. 80 Cambridge, (Ms.,) 1853. Harley, (Lady Brilliana.) Letters. Edited by Thomas T. Lewis. (No. 58.) CAMDEN, (William.) Annales Rerum Angli- Hayward, (Sir John.) Annals of Queen Elizabeth. Edited by John Bruce. (No. 7.) carum et Hibernicarum regnante Elizabetha. Ireland, Narratives of the Contests in, 1641 and 80. Amstelodami, 1677. 1690. Edited by T. C. Croker. (No. 14.) James VI., of Scotland. Correspondence with Sir - Britannia; or, a chorographical des- Robert Cecil, etc., during reign of Elizabeth. cription of Great Britain and Ireland, with Edited by John BruLce. (No. 78.) cription of Great Britain and Ireland, with Jocelin de Brakelond. Chronica. Curante J. G. the adjacent islands. Translated into Eng- Rokewode. (No. 13.) Kemp, (William.) Nine Daies Wonder. Edited by lish, with additions. 2d ed. Revised by A. Dyce. (No. 11.) Edmund Gibson. 2 v. Folio. London n, et Proceedings in the County of, in 1640. Edited by L. B. Larking. (No. 86.) 1722. Knights Hospitallers in England. Edited by L. B. - History of Queen Elizabeth. 4th ed. Larking and John M. Kemble. (No. 65.) Kyteler, (Dame Alice,) Narrative of the ProceedFolio. London, 1688. ings against, for Sorcery, in 1324. Edited by Thomas Wright. (No. 24.) 207 CAMDEN. CAMPAN. CAMDEN SOCIETY PUBLICATIONS-Continued. CAMDEN SOCIETY PUBLIC 4TIONS-Continued. Leycester, (Robert Dudley, Earl of.) Correspondence during his government of the Low Countries, Whitelock, (Sir James.) Liber Famelicus. Edited in 1585-6. Edited by John Bruce. (No. 27.) by J. Bruce. (No. 70.) London, Croniques de, depuis la'n 44 Hen. III., Wickliff's Apology for Lollard Doctrines. Edited jusq' a l'an 17 Edw. III. Edited by G. J. Ann-. by J. I. Todd. (No. 20.) gier. (No. 28.) Wills and Inventories of Bury St. Edmund and Machyn, (Henry.) Diary, from 1550 to 1563. Edited by Samuel Tymms. (No. 49.) by J. G. Nichols. (No. 42.) Wills of Eminent Persons in the Court of CanterMapes. (Wlter.) De NugisCuialium Distinctiones bury, selections fom, 1495-1695. (No. 83.) V. Edited by ThomNas Wright. (No. 50.) Yonge, (Walter.) Diary, from 1604 to 1628. Edited - Latin Poems. Edited by Thomas Wright. by George Roberts. (No. 41.) (No. 16.) Maydiston, (Richard.) Alliterative Poem on the CAMENIATA, (Joannes.) De Excidio ThessaDeposition of King Richard II. Edited by L e, 1 Thomas Wright. (No. 3.) lonicensi. (Gr.etLat.) 80. Bonn, 1838. Middleham. Documents relating to the Collegiate (Byzantine Hist. Corpus, v. 30.) Church of Middleham, York. Edited by William Atthill. (No. 38.) CAMERARIUS, (J.) Hippocomicus, seu CuranMilton, (John.) Original Papers, illustrative of his dis Euis. (Gronovius, Thesaurus G life and writings. Edited by W. D. Hamilton. qui. (roo, esaus G. (No. 75.) Antiq., v. 11.) Monasteries, Letters relating to suppression of. (No. 26.) De Comicis Versibus Diatriba. (GroMoneys for Secret Services of Charles II. and novius, v 8.) James II. from 1679 to 1688. Edited by J. Y. Akerman. (No. 52.) De Historia Rei Nummariae. (GroNorden, (John.) Historical Description of the County of Essex. Edited by Sir Henry Ellis. BOViUS, V. 9.) (No. 9.) CAMERON, (D.;) and NORWOOD, (W.) Cases Nucius, (Nicander.) Second Book of Travels; - Greek and English. Edited by J. A. Cramer. Ruled and Determined by the Court of Con(No. 17 ) ference of North Carolina, 1800 to 1804. 80. Original Letters of Eminent Literary Men of the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries. With notes, by Sir Raleigh, 1805. Henry Ellis. (No. 23.) CAMOENS, (Luis le.) Os Lusiadas, poema Parliamentary Debates in 1610. Edited by S.. CAMOEN, (Luis de.) Os Lusiads, poema Gardiner. (No. 81.) epico. Restituido a' sua primitiva linguaPerth, (James, Earl of.) Letters to his Sister. Edited by W. Jerdan. (No. 33.) gem, auctorisada corn exemplos extrahidos Plumpton Correspondence. Edited by T. Staple- dos escriptores cotemporaneos a Camoens. ton. (No. 4.) Political Songs of England, from the Reign of John 80. Paris, 1846. to Edward II. Edited and translated by Thomas Lusiad: translated from the PortuX^riglht. (No. 6.) -Lusiad: translated from the PortuWVright. (No. 6.) Protestants. Lists of Foreign Protestants and guese, by William J. Mickle. 3d ed. 2 v. Aliens resident in England, 1618. Edited by W. D. Cooper. (No. 82.) 80. London, 1798. Reines, (Phillippe de.) Romance of Blonde of Ox- - The same. 80. London, 1810. (Chalford and Jehan of Dammartin. Edited by M. Le Roux de Lincy. (No. 72.) mers' Eng. Translations, v. 3.) Rishanger, (William de.) Chronicle of the Barons' Wars. Miracles of Simon de Montfort. Edited -- The same, translated, with notes, by Sir by J. 0. Halliswell. (No. 15.) T. L. Mitchell. 120. London, 1854. Roll of the Household Expenses of Richard de Swinfield. Edited by John Webb. (Nos. 59 and - Poems. From the Portuguese; with tj~-)..> ^- ^.^ -^notes, &c., by Lord Viscount Strangford. Rous, (John.) Diary, from 1625 to 1642. Edited by, Mary Anne E. Green. (No. 66.) 16. London, 1824. Rutland Papers, illustrative of tihe Times of Henry CAMP, (Geo. Democracy. 180. NewVII. and VIII. Edited by W. Jerdan. (No. 21.) AMP, (eo..) emocracy. ew Savile Correspondence. Edited by W. D. Cooper. York. 1841. (Harper's Family Library, v. (No. 71.) Smyth, (Richard.) Obituary of all such persons as 138.) he knew in their life, from 1627 to 1674. Edited CAMP-MEETING HARP: Selection of Stirring by Sir H. Ellis. (No. 44.) Symonds, (Richard.) Diary of the Marches of the Hymns. 320. Wilmington, (Del.,) 1854. Royal Army during the Great Civil War. (No. CAMPAIGNAC, (Antoine Bernard.) De l'tat 74.) Thornton Romances. Edited by J. O. Halliwell. actuel de la Navigation par la Vapeur. 2 v. (No. 30.) Three Early Metrical Romances. Edited by John in 1. 40. Paris, 1842-45. Robson. (No. 18.) CAMPAN,(JeanneL.H. Genet, Madame.) M6Trevelyn Papers prior to 155S. Edited by J. P. Collier. (No. 67.) moires sur la Vie Priv6e de Marie Antoinette. Twysden, (Sir Roger.) Considerations on the Gov- 8 aris 18 (rll arrr ernment of England Edited y J. dit b. K(emble. 18. e lleet a e, (No. 45.) Coll. Mem. Rev. Franiaise, v. 13-15.) Vergil, (Polydore.) English History. Vol. 1. Edited by Sir. H. Ellis. (8 books.) (No. 36.) Memoirs of the Private Life of Marie The same. (First 3 books.) Edited by Sir Antoinette, Queen of France and Navarre; H. Ellis. (No. 29.) Verney Papers. Notes on the Long Parliament. with recollections, sketches, and anecdotes, Edited by J. Brace. (No. 3l.) - The same. Letters and Papers of the Ver- illustrative of the Reigns of Louis XIV., ney Family. Edited by J. Bruce. (No..56.) Louis XV., and Louis XVI. 2d ed. 2 v. Warkworth, (John.) Chronicle of the Reign of Edward IV. Edited by J. O. Halliwell. (No. 10.) 8~. London, 1823. 208 CAMPANELLA. CAMPBELL. CAMPANELLA, (Thomas.) De Civitate Solis. CONTENTS. 240. Ultrajecti, 1643. (With Hall, (Joseph.) Ecclesiastical History, v. 5. Gospels, Dissertations on the, v. 3-4. Mundus Alter et Idem.) Miracles, Dissertation on, v. 1. Discourse Touching the Spanish Mon- Pastoral Character, v. 6. Pulpit Elolquence, v. 6. archy. Small 40. London, 1654. Rhetoric, Philosophy of, v. 2. CAMPANIUS, Holnensis, (Thomas.) Short De- ste ieo logyns,. 1. Systematic Thcolsgy, v. 6. scription of the Province of New Sweden:; Dissertation on Miracles, Sermons, and now called, by the English, Pennsylvania, Tracts. 80. Edinburgh, 1812. in America; compiled from the relations and - Lectures on Systematic Theology and writings of persons worthy of credit, and Pulpit Eloquence. 80. London, 1824. adorned with maps and plates. Translated ~ Philosophy of Rhetoric. 2 v. 8~. Lonfrom the Swedish, by P. S. Du Ponceau. 8~. don, 1776. Philadelphia, 1834. CAMPBELL, (George) ModernIndia; a sketch CAMPBELL, (Alexander;) andOWEN, (Robert.) of the system of civil government. 80. Debate on the Evidences of Christianity. London, 1852. 80. London, 1839. CAMPBELL, (Henry Fraser.) Essays on the CAMPBELL, (Hon. Archibald.) Doctrines of Secretory and the Excito-Secretory System a Middle State. Also, a Preservative against of Nerves, and TyphoidalFevers. 8~. Philseveral Errors of the Roman Church. Folio. adelphia, 1857. London, 1721. CAMPBELL, (Hugh.) Case of Mary, Queen of CAMPBELL, (Archibald.) The Sale of Authors. Scots, and of Elizabeth, Queen of England. A dialogue, in imitation of Lucien's Sale of 8. London, 1825. Philosophers. 180. London, 1767. - Love Letters of Mary, Queen of Scots, CAMPBFLL, (Archibald, of Glasgow.) Voyage to James, Earl of Bothwell; with her love Round the World, from 1806 to 1812; in sonnets and marriage contracts, explained by which Japan, Kamschatka, the Aleutian Is- the state papers, etc. 80. London, 1824. lands, and the Sandwich Islands, were CAMPBELL, (Hugh Y.) Ossiana; or, Fingal visited. 80. Edinburgh, 1816.. ascertained and traced in Ulster. 80. LonCAMPBELL, (Prof. Archibald ) Enquiry into don, 1819. (Pamphleteer, v. 15.) the Original of Moral Virtue; wherein it is CAMPBELL, of Ardkinglas, (Sir James.) Meshown (against the author of the "Fable of moirs, written by himself. 2 v. 8C. Lonthe Bees," &c.,) that virtue is founded in don, 1832. the nature of things, is unalterable and eter- CAMPBELL, (James ) Excursions, Adventures, nal; with reflections on Hutcheson's Enquiry and Field-Sports in Ceylon; its importance, into the original of our ideas of beauty and and advantages to the British emigrant. 2 v. virtue. 80. Edinburgh, 1833. 80. London, 1834. CAGMPBELL, (Charles.) History of the Colony I Ireland: its history, past and present, and Ancient Dominion of Virginia. 80. elucidated. 80. London, 1847. Philadelphia, 1860. CAMPBELL, (James R.) Missions in Hindufs---- Introduction to the History of the tan; with a descriptiori of the country, and Colony and Ancient Dominion of Virginia. of the moral and social condition of the inSmall 40. Richmond, 1847. habit nts. 120. Philadelphia, 1852. ----— (Editor.) Orderly Book of that portion CAMPBELL, (Jane C.) Money-Maker; and of the American army stationed at or near other tales. 120. New-York, 1854. Williamsburg, Virginia, under the coremmand CAMIPBEiLL, (John, LL. D.) C6mpleat History of General Andrew Lewis, from March 18, of Spanish America; containing a distinct acto Aug. 28, 1776. Small 40. Eichmond, count of the discovery, settlement, trade, and (Albany,) 1860. condition of New Mexico, Florida, Guatimala, CAMPBELL, (E. S. N.) Dictionary of the Mil- Cuba, Hispaniola, &c. 80. London, 1742. itary Science; explanation of terms used in Spanish Empire in America. With an mathematics, artillery, and fortifications; exact description of Paraguay. By an Engalnd substance of regulations on courts mar- lis nerchant. 80. London, 1747. (The tial, pay, pensions, allowances, &c. 120. same as above, with new title page.) London, 1830.. Lives of the British Admirals; conCAUTPBELL, (George, D. D.) Works. 6 v. tinned by Dr. Berkenhout, H. B.Yorke, and 80. London, 1840. Win. Stevenson. 80. London, 1815-17. 209 CAMPBELL. CAMPENHAUSEN. CAMPBELL, (John, LL.D.) Military History CAMPBELL, (John Wilson.) Biographical of Prince Eugene and the Duke of Marlbo- Sketches; with other literary remains. Comrough. 2 v. Folio. London, 1736-7. piled by his widow. 80. Columbus, (O.,) Political Survey of Britain; reflections 1838. on the situation, lands, inhabitants, reve- ~ History of Virginia, from its discovery nues, colonies, and commerce of this island. till 1781. 120. Philadelphia, 1813. 2 v. 40. London, 1774. CAMPBELL, (J. F.) Popular Tales of the CAMPBELL, (John, Barrister.) Reports of West Highlands, orally collected; with a Cases at Nisi Prius, in the Courts of King's translation. 4v. 160. Edinburgh, 1860-62. Bench and Common Pleas, and on the Home CAMPBELL, (Mrs. N. W.) Why am I a PresCircuit, 1807and1808. V. 1. 80. London, byterian? or, a vindication of church order, 1809. doctrine, and practical holiness, as enjoined ~ — The same. 1809 to 1816; with notes in that portion of Christ's heritage. 160. and references to American authorities, by S. Philadelphia, 1852. Howe. V. 2, 3, and 4. 80. New-York, CAMPBELL, (Samuel.) Something New, in 1811-21. eight letters. 160. Newark, (N. J.,) 1799. The same. 1807 to 1816. 4 v. 80. CAMPBELL, (Thomas.) Complete Poetical New-York, 1810-21. Works. 80. London, 1854. CAMPBELL, (John, Lord.) Lives of the Chief - The same. With biography, and notes; Justices of England, from the Norman Con- by Epes Sargent. 120. Boston, 1860. quest till the death of Lord Tenterden. 3 v. Poetical Works. 160. London, 1840. 80. London, 1849-57. Essay on English Poetry; with notices The same. 2d ed. 3v. 80. London, of the British poets. 120. London, 1848. 1858. - Gertrude of Wyoming; or, the PennLives of the Lord Chancellors and sylvanian Cottage; with illustrations. 80. Keepers of the Great Seal of England, from New York, (London,) 1858. the earliest times till the reign of King George Letters from the South. 2 v. 80. LonIV. 7 v. 80. London, 1845-47. don, 1837. The same. 2d ed. 7v. 80. London, Life and Letters. Edited by William 1846-7. Beattie. 3 v. 80. London, 1849. ~- Shakspeare's Legal Acquirements Con- -- Life of Mrs. Siddons. 2 v. 80. Lonsidered. 80. London, 1859. don, 1834. - Speeches at the Bar, and in the House -- Life and Times of Petrarch; with noof Commons; with an address to the Irish tices of Boccaccio and his illustrious contembar as Lord Chancellor of Ireland. 80. poraries. 2d ed. 2 v. 80. London, 1843. Edinburgh, 1842. -- Specimens of the British Poets; with bioCAMPBELL, (Rev. John.) Travels in South graphicaland critical notices, and an essay on Africa; undertaken at the request of the Mis- English poetry. New ed. 80. London, 1845. sionary Society. 3d ed. 80. London, 1815. CAMPBELL, (Capt. Walter.) The Old Forest Narrative of a second journey in the Ranger; or, wild sports of India. 2d ed. interiorof SouthAfrica. 2v. 80. London, Small 40. London, 1845. 1822. CAMPBELL, (William.) Treatise on the EpiCAMPBELL, (John, Bookseller, of Phila.) Ne- demic Puerperal Fever, as it prevailed in gro-Mania; being an examination of the Edinburghin 1821-2. 80. Edinburgh, 1822. falsely assumed equality of the various races CAMPBELL, (William W.) Annals of Tryon of men. 120. Philadelphia, 1851. County; or, the border warfare of New-York CAMPBELL, (John.) Selections of Anthems, during the revolution. 80. New-York, 1831. doxologies, sanctuses, &c., arranged for four The same. 120. New-York, 1849. voices, (treble, alto, tenor, and bass,) with Historical Sketch of Robin Hood and accompaniment for the pianoforte or organ. Captain Kidd. 120. New-York, 1853. 80. Glasgow, 1851. Life and Writings of De Witt Clinton. CAMPBELL, (J. D.;) and CAMBRELENG, (S.) 120. New-York, 1849. American Chancery Digest; a digested index CAMPENHAUSEN, (B. von.) Travels through of all reported decisions in equity, in United Several Provinces of the Russian Empire. States courts, and the courts of the several 80. London, 1808. (Phillips' Voyages and States. 80. New-York, 1828. Travels, v. 7.) 27 210 CAMPION. CANADA. CAMPION, (Edmund.) Historie of Ireland, of Parliament; an index to the classified writtenin 1571. 8~. Dublin,1809. (Ancient catalogues printed in 1857 and 1858, and to Irish Histories, v. 1.) books added to March 1, 1862. 80. Quebec, The same. Folio. Dublin, 1693. (With 1862. "Historie of Ireland.") Census of the Canadas, 1851-2. V. I. CAMPION, (Henri de.) Extrait des Memoires Personal census. V. II. Agriculture, prode. 8~. Paris, 1838. (Michaud, Coil. Mem. duce, mills, manufactories, houses, schools, Hist. France, v. 25.) public buildings, places of worship, &c. The same. (Petitot, Coil. M6m. Hist. 8~. Quebec, 1853. France, ser. 2, v. 51.) Collection of the Acts passed in the CAMPION, (Thomas.) Art of Discant; or, Parliament of Great Britain, particularly composing of musick in parts. 16~. London, applying to the province of Upper Canada, 1674. (With Playford on Musick.) and of such ordinances of the late province CAMPLIN, (John M.) On Diabetes, and its of Quebec as have force of law therein. 40. Successful Treatment. 160. London, 1858. York, 1818. CAMPOMANES, (P. R.) Tratado de la Regalia - Consolidated Statutes of Canada. Prode Amortizacion. 80. Gerona, 1821. claimed and published under the authority of CAMPOS, (Ramon.) De la Desigualdad Per- the act 22 Vict., cap. 29, A. D. 1859. 80. sonal en la Sociedad Civil. 120. Paris, Toronto, 1859. 1823. - Consolidated Statutes for Lower CanCAMUS, (Armand Gaston.) Histoire et Pro- ada. Proclaimed and published under the cedes du Polytypage et du Stereotypage. authority of the act 23 Vict., cap. 56, A. D. 120. Paris, 1802. 1860. 80. Quebec, 1861. Lettres sur la Profession d'Avocat, sur - Consolidated Statutes for Upper Canles etudes relatives A cette profession, et sur ada. Proclaimed and published under the la maniere de l'exercer; avec un catalogue authority of the act 22 Vict., cap. 30, A. D. raisonne des livres de droit. 120. Paris, 1859. 80. Toronto, 1859. 1777. Canada Directory, for 1851-2, and for ---- M6emoire sur la Collection des Grands 1857-8. 80. Montreal, 1851-57. et Petits Voyages des De Bry, et sur la Col- - Documents relating to the Resignation lection des Voyages de Melchisedech Theve- of the Canadian Ministry in September, 1854. not. 40. Paris, 1802. 80. Quebec, 1854. CANADA, (Conde de la.) Instituciones Prac —- Edicts, Ordinances, Declarations, and ticas de los Juicios Civiles, asi ordinarios Decrees relative to the Seigniorial Tenure, como estraordinarios, en todos sus tramites, required by an address of the legislative segun que se empiezan, continuan, y acaban assembly, 1851. 80. Quebec, 1852. en los tribunales reales; y observaciones -- ldits, Ordonnances Royaux, Declarapracticos sobre los recursos de fuerza. 1a tions et Arrets du Conseil d'ltat du Roi conedicion Mexicana. 2 v. 40. Mexico, cernant le Canada. 80. Quebec, 1854. 1850-51. Few Words upon Canada, and her ProCANADA. Abstract of those parts of the custom ductions in the Great Exhibition. 120. Lonof the viscounty and provostship of Paris don, 1851. which were received and practised in the Geological Survey of Canada. Report province of Quebec, in the time of the French of progress, for the years 1853-54-55-56. government. Folio. London, 1772. Printed by order of the Legislative Assembly. -~ Annual Report of the Normal Model 80. Toronto, 1857. and Common Schools, in Upper Canada, for Geological Survey. Figures and dethe years 1851, 1852, 1854, 1855, and 1857. scriptions of Canadian organic remains. 5 v. 80. Quebec and Toronto, 1852-58. Decade III. 80. Montreal, 1858. - Catalogue of the Library of Parliament, General Index to the Journals of the Canada. General library. 80. Toronto, Legislative Assembly of Canada in the 1st, 1857. 2d, and 3d Parliaments. 1841-51. By - - The same. Works relating toAmerica. Alfred Todd. Folio. Montreal, 1855. Pamphlets and manuscripts. Index to au- - General Report of the Commissioners thors and subjects. 80. Toronto, 1858. of Public Works, for the year 1858. 80. ~- Alphabetical Catalogue of the Library Toronto, 1859. 211 CANADA. CANADA. CANADA. Importance of Canada considered; in Wolfe, Amherst, &c., 1759-60. (Smith, two letters to a noble lord. 120. London, D. W. Gazetteer of Canada.) 1761. - Patents of Canada, from 1824 to 1849 -- Index to the Statutes in force in Lower 80. Toronto, 1860. Canada, at the end of the session of 1856. Plans of various Lakes and Rivers beBy G. W. Wicksteed. 8~. Toronto, 1857. tween Lake Huron and the River Ottawa, Index to the Statutes in force in Upper to accompany the geological reports for 1853Canada, at the end of the session of 1854-5. 54-55-56. 40. Toronto, 1857. By G. W. Wicksteed. 80. Toronto, 1856. Public Accounts for the Province of - Journals of the Legislative Council and Canada, for 1857 and 1858. 2 v. 80. Assembly of the Province; with appendix, Toronto, 1858-9. or sessional papers. Queen's Bench and Practice Court Reports, v. 2, by J. H. Cameron; and v. 3 to CONTENTS. 13, inclusive, by J. L. Robinson. 13 v. 80. Council. V. 1. 1841. Folio. Mongtoeal. Toronto, 1846-56. (V. 1 wanting.) Council. V. 4. 1844-5. Folio. Montreal. Council. V. 5. 1846. Folio. Montreal. The same. V. 14, Nos. 1 to 9, inclusive. Council. V. 6. 1847. Folio. Montreal. Council. V. 7. 1848. Folio. Montreal. 8~. Toronto, 1857. Council. V. 8. 1849. Aunsbly. V. 8. 1849. 5 v. Folio. Montreal, Remarks on the Proceedings as to CanAppendix. V.. Pts. 1-3 1849. ada in Parliament, by one of the commissionCouncil. V.9. 1850. Assembly. V.9. 1850. 4 v. Folio. Montreal,.ers, 10th April, 1837. 80. London, 1837. Appendix. V. 9. Pts. 1-2. - Report on the Exploration of the Council. V. 10. 1851. Assembly.... 1851. v. Folio Montreal, Country between Lake Superior and the Red Appendix. V. 1.Pts.1-4.' River Settlement. 80. Toronto, 1858. Council. V. ]1. 1852-3. ) V. so, Assembly. V. 11. Pts. 1-2. 1852-3. bee, 1852-3. Report of Walter Shanly on the Ottowa Appendix. V. 11. Ptsl 9. bee,1852-3. Council.. 12. 1854 8 uebec. Survey. 80. Toronto, 1858. Council. V. 132 1854. Q Council. V. 13. 1854-5. Report of the Postmaster General, for Assembly. V. 13. With in- 18 v. 8". Quebec, dex. Pts. 1-3. 18I54-5. 1854-5. the year ending 30th September, 1859. 80. Appendix. V. 13. Pts. 1-14. J Quebec 1860. Council. V. 14. 1856. 8. Assembly. V. 14. 1856. 185v.8 Toonto, - - Report of the Superintendent of Edl — Appendix. V. 14. Pts 16. 1856. Aouncil. V5. 1. 185-7 cation for Lower Canada, for the year 1857. Assembly. V. 15. 87.1857. 8180. Toronto, 1858. Appendix. V. 15. Pts. 1-10.. Toront, Council. V. 16. 1858 12. 8.) To- Report from the Select Committee of Apeiy. V. 16. Pt. 1-9 1858. Ironto, 158'. the House of Assembly of Upper Canada on Appendix. V. 16. Pts. 1 —9. Cosuncil. V. 17. 1859. 6v. 80. 1v. Folio. Grievances. 80. Toronto, 1835. Appendix V. 17.Pts. 1-85. Toronto, 1859. - Report from the Select Committee of the Council. V 18. 1860. ssCouncil. V. 18. 1860. 6 v. 8~. Que- Legislative Council of Upper Canada, on the Sessional Paper. V. 18. Pts. 1-4.. State of the Province. 80. Toronto, 1838. Assembly. V. 19. 1861. 1861 CoJncil; V. 19. 1 861. t6 v. 8~. Que- Reports of the Commissioner of Crown SessionalPapers. V. 19. Pts.. bee, 1861 Lands and Public Works of Canada, for ACoucil. V. 20. 1862. 7.. Quo- 1857-8. 2 v. 8; with maps. 40. Toronto, Assembly. V. 20. 186bee, 1862. Sessional Papers. V. 0. Ps. 1-5.'. 1857-59. Council. V. 21. 1863. (1st session.) - Revised Acts a rdinaces of LowerAssembly. V. 21. 1863. RevisedActsndOrd ncesofLowerSessional Papers. V. 21. Pts.1-6. bee, 1. Canada. Published under the superintendCouncil. V. 22. 1863. (2d session. ) 3 8v. $. QueAssembly. V. 22. bee, 1863. ence of the commissioners for revising said Sessional Papers.' V. 22. b 1 acts and ordinances. 80. Montreal, 1845. Lower Canada Reports. Decisions des- - Sketch of a Plan for Settling in Upper Tribunaux du Bas-Canada. Redacteurs, Canada a portion of the Unemployed LaMM. Leliivre et Angers. 7 v. 80. Qu6bec, bourers of England. By a settler. 80. 1851-57. London, 1821. Map of the North West part of Canada, -- Statistical Sketches of Upper Canada, Indian Territory, and Hudson's Bay. By for the use of emigrants. By a backwoodsThomas Devine. Folded, in 40 case. To- man. 160. London, 1862. ronto, 1857. - Statutes of the Province of Canada, Official Documents relative to the Ope- 1840 to 1862. 5 v. 40, and 8 v. 80. Kingston, rations of the British Army employed in the Montreal, Toronto, and Quebec, 1841-62. Reduction of the Canadas, under Maj. Gen. (2 copies of 1852, 1853, and 1858.) 212 CANADA. CANDOLLE. CANADA. Statutes of the Province of Upper CANAYE, (Phillippe de la.) Lettres et AmbasCanada; with such British statutes, ordi- sade. Avec un sommaire de sa vie. 3 v. nances of Quebec, and proclamations, as Folio. Paris, 1635-6. relate to the said province. Revised by CANCRIN, (F. L.) Jurisprudence Gen6rale des James Nickalls, junior. 4~. Kingston, 1831. Mines en Allemagne. Traduite, avec des - Statutes of Upper Canada, passed in annotations, par M. Blavier. 3 v. 8~. the 2d, 3d, and 4th sessions of the 11th Pro- Paris, 1825. vincial Parliament, and in the 1st session of CANDID and Impartial Considerations on the the 12th Provincial Parliament, 1831 to 1835. Nature of the Sugar Trade, etc. 80. Lon40. York and Toronto, 1832-36. don, 1763. - Statutes of Upper Canada, to the time CANDIDIUS, (George.) Account of the Island of the union. V. 1. Public acts. 40. To- of Formosa, and Remarks on Japan. ronto, 1843. (Churchill's Voyages and Travels, v. 1.) Table of the Provincial Statutes in CANDISH, (Thomas.) Voyage into the South force or which have been in force in Upper Sea and Round the World. 1586-88. (HakCanada, in chronological order. With a con- luyt's Voyages, v. 4.) tinuation of the index to the end of the ses- CANDOLLF, (Alphonse de.) Introduction A sion of 1856, by G. W. Wicksteed. 80. l'Etude de la Botanique. 2 v. 80. Paris, Toronto, 1856. 1835. Tables of the Trade and Navigation of - Monographie des Campanulees. 40. the Province of Canada, for the years 1850, Paris, 1830. 1857, 1858, and 1859. 4 v. 80. Toronto CANDOLLE, (Auguste Pyrame de.) Astragaand Quebec, 1851-60. logia, nempe Astragali, Biserrulke et OxytroThoughts on the Canada Bill now de- pedis; nec non Phacae, Coluthse et Lessertime pending in Parliament. 80. London, 1791. Historia,iconibusillustrata. Folio. Parisiis;, Titles and Documents relating to the 1802. SeigniorialTenure, 1851. 80. Quebec, 1852 - Botanicum Gallicum. Editio 2%' J. Upper Canada Jurist; containing orig- E. Duby. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1828-30. inal and selected articles on legal subjects; Essai sur les Propri6tes Medicales des some important decisions in bankruptcy and Plantes compar6es avec leurs formes ext6riechancery in Upper Canada. Also, King's ures et leur classification naturelle. 2e ed., Bench and Practice Court Reports, (old revue et augmentee. 80. Paris, 1816. series.) 5 v. 80. Toronto, 1845-55. Icones Selectee Plantarum quas in sys- The same. V. 6. Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4. temate universali, ex herbariis Parisiensi80. Toronto, 1857. bus, prresertim ex Lestertiano, descripsit; ex CANADA PAPERS. Appendix to the, relating archetypis speciminibus A P. J. F. Turpin to the Convention Army after its arrival near delineate, et editre a Benj. de Lessert. 5 v. Boston, in 1777-8. 80. London. 40. Parisiis, 1820-46. CANADA REBELLION. Report of the State M6moire sur quelques Especes de CacTrials, before a General Court-Martial held t6es, nouvelles ou pen connues. 40. Paris, at Montreal in 1838-9; exhibiting a complete 1834. history of the late rebellion in Lower Canada. Memoires sur la Famille des L6gumi2 v. 80. Montreal, 1839. neuses. 40. Paris, 1825. CANADA under Successive Administrations. Physiologie Vegetale. 3 v. 80. Paris, From the Port Folio for September, 1844. 1832. 80. London, 1845. Prodromus Systematis Naturalis Regni CANADIAN ALMANAC, and Repository of Useful Vegetabilis. 13 v. 80. Parisiis, 1824-52. Knowledge, for the years 1850-51, by Scobie Recueil de Memoires sur la Botanique. and Balfour. 2 v. 80. Toronto, 1850-51.'4~. Paris, 1813. CANADIAN CRISIS, and Lord Durham's Mis- Vegetable Organography; an analytical sion to the North American Colonies. 80. description of the organ of plants. Translated London, 1838.. by B. Kingdon. 2d ed. 2v. 80. London, 1841. CANANUS, (Joannes.) De Constantinopoli ~and S'RENGEL,(Kurt.) Elements of the anno 1422, oppugnata Narratio. (Gr. et Philosophy of Plants; containing the princiLat.) 80. Bonnie, 1838. (Byzantinre ciples of scientific botany, &c. Translated Hist. Corpus, v. 33.) from the German. 80. Edinburgh, 1821. 213 CANGA. CAPE. CANGA, (Jos6.) Diccionario de Hacienda. Cruz, and the rich discovery of New Mexico. 5 v. 8~. Londres, 1827. (Halluyt's Voyages, v. 3.) CANGE, (Du.) See Du CANGE. CANONS of Criticism, extracted from Maty's CANINI, (J. A., et M. A.) Les Images des Review. 2d ed. 80. London, 1782. (Pol. Heros et des grands hommes de l'antiquite, Pam., v. 56.) dessinees sur des m6dailles, des pierres anti- CANOVA, (Antonio.) Opere Scelte, incise da ques, etc., gravees par Picart le Romain. 4~. reveil e dilucidate da Domenico Anzelmi. Amsterdam, 1731. Folio. Napoli, 1842. CANNIBALS' PROGRESS; or, the desolation of Works in Sculpture and Modelling, Suabia by the French troops in 1796. 160. engraved in outline, by H. Moses; with de(n. d.) (Pol. Pam., v. 98.) scriptions, by the Countess Albrizzi, and a CANNING, (Elizabeth.) Trial for wilful and memoir, by Count Cicognara. 3 v. 8~. corrupt perjury, at Justice Hall in the Old- London, 1849. Bailey, 29 April, 1754. Taken in short- CANOVAI, (Stanislao.) Viaggid'AmerigoVeshand, by Thomas Gurney, etc. Folio. Lon- pucci, con la vita, l'elogio e la dissertazione don, 1754. giustificativa di questo celebre navigatore. CANNING, (George.) Life; with a brief review 80. Firenze, 1817. of his premiership. 80. London, 1827. (Pol. CANSECO, (Jos6 Juan.) Justa Represalia en Pam., v. 71.) desagravio del honor nacional, contra la Select Speeches. With a biographical malignidad, inexactitud e injusticia con que sketch, etc. Edited by Robert Walsh. 80. el Baron Deffaudis se expresa denigrando el Philadelphia, 1835. caracter do los Megicanos. 80. Mexico, Speeches. With a memoir, by R. 1839. (Pol. Pam., v. 131.) Therry. 6 v. 80. London, 1828. CANTACUZENUS, (Joannes.) Historiarum Li- Speeches delivered on Public Occasions bri IV. (Gr. et Lat.) Cura L. Schopeni. in Liverpool. 80. Liverpool, 1825. 3 v. 80. Bonnme, 1828-32. (Byzantinre Speeches during the Election in Liv- Hist. Corpus, v. 2-4.) erpool in 1818. 80. London, 1818. (Pol. CANTICUM Canticorum, reproduced in facPam., v. 62.) simile; with historical and bibliographical Speech at the Liverpool Dinner, March introduction, by J. Ph. Berjeau. Folio. 18, 1820. 80. London, 1820. (Pol. Pam., London, 1860. v. 63.) CANTILLON, (Philip.) Analysis of Trade, Speech on Continental Alliances. 80. commerce, coin, bullion, banks, and foreign London, 1799. (Pol. Pam., v. 33.) exchanges. 80. London, 1759. The same. (Pol. Pam., v. 80.) CANTU, (Cesare.) Histoire de Cent Ans, de Speech on Ameliorating the Condition 1750 h 1850, (histoire, sciences, litt6rature, of Negro Slaves in the West Indies. 80. beaux-arts.) Traduit del'Italien, avec notes, London, 1824. (Slavery Pam., v. 9.) par Amedee Renee. 4 v. 160. Paris, Speech on the Suppressing of Unlawful 1854. Associations in Ireland. 80. London, 1825. CANTUS Diversi ex Graduali Romano, pro sin(Pol. Pam., v. 84.) gulis solemnitatibus, dominicis, festis et -- Suppressed Letter to Geo. Canning, and feriis per annum. 180. Lugduni, 1724. Mr. Canning's Answer. 80. London, 1818. CANTWELL, (Edward.) North Carolina Mag(Pol. Pam., v. 61.) istrate; a practical guide to the laws of the CANNON, (Charles James.) Dramas. 120. State, and the decisions of the Supreme New-York, 1857. Court, defining the duties and jurisdiction CANNON, (Richard.) Historical Records of of justices of the peace out of court under the British Army; comprising the history the revised code, 1854-55, with full instruc. of every regiment in her Majesty's service. tions and numerous forms and precedents 28 v. 80. London, 1834-52. 80. Raleigh, (N. C.,) 1856. CANNON, (William.) Inaugural Address as CAPADOSE, (Henry.) Sixteen Years in the Governor of Delaware. 80. Wilmington, West Indies. 2 v. 120. London, 1845. (Del.,) 1863. CAPE, (Jonathan.) Course of Mathematics. CANO, (Bartholomew del.) Letter from Mexico, 4th ed. 2 v. 80. London, 1850. 1590, to F. Hernandes, concerning the build- Mathematical Tables.. 2d ed. 80. ing of forts in S. John de Ulloa and Vera London, 1847. 214 CAPE. CARACCIOLI. CAPE of Good Hope Almanac, 1854. 12~. digo de las Costumbres Maritimas de BarceCape Town, 1853. lona. (Libro del Consulado.) 2 v. 4~. CAPE of Good Hope. Guide to. 80. Lon- Madrid, 1791. don, 1819. (Pol. Pam., v. 62.) CAPPE, (Catherine.) Desirableness andUtility CAPEFIGUE, (Baptiste Honore Raymond.) of Ladies visiting the Female Wards in HosCharlemagne. 2 v. in 1. 8~. Bruxelles, pitals and Lunatic Asylums. 8~. London, 1842. 1816. (Pamphleteer, v. 8.) L'Europe pendant le Consulat et l'Em- - Memoirs of her Life; written by herpire de Napoleon. 10 v. 80. Paris, 1840. self. 80. Boston, 1824. - Le Gouvernement de Juillet, les Partis CAPPER, (Benjamin Pitts.) Topographical et les Hommes Politiques, 1830 a 1835. 2 Dictionary of the United Kingdom; containv. 80. Paris, 1835. ing every city, town, village, hamlet, parish, Louis XV. et la Societe du XVIIIe district, object, and place, in England, Siecle. 12~. Paris, 1854. Wales, Scotland, Ireland, and the islands CAPELL, (Edward.) Notes and Various Read- dependent. 80. London, 1826. ings to Shakspeare; and the School of Shak- CAPPER, (James.) Observations on the Winds speare; with preface, and index of books and Monsoons. Illustrated with a chart. extracted. 3 v. 40. London, 1779-80. 40. London, 1801. Prolusions; or, select pieces of antient CAPPER, (John.) Emigrant's Guide to Auspoetry; containing the Notbrowne Mayde; tralia. 2d ed.; with three new maps of the Master Sackvile's Introduction; Overbury's gold field. 120. Liverpool, 1853. Wife; Edward the Third, a play; and Nosce - Three Presidencies of India. History Teipsum. 80. London, 1760. of the British Indian Possessions, from the CAPELL BROOGE, (Arthur de.) Travels earliest records to the present time. 80. through Sweden, Norway, and Finmark, to London, 1853. the North Cape, in 1820. 40. London, CAPPER, (Samuel.) Acknowledged Doctrines 1823. of the Church of Rome, as set forth by es- Winter in Lapland and Sweden; with teemed doctors of the said church. 80. observations relating to Denmark and its in- London, 1850. habitants. 40. London, 1826. CAPPS, (Edward.) The National Debt FinanCAPERaN, (Thomas.) Mighty Curative Powers cially Considered. 120. London, 1859. of Mesmerism. 180. London, 1851. CAPRON, (Carrie.) Helen Lincoln. 120. CAPGRAVE, (John.) Chronicle.of England. New-York, 1856. Edited by F. C. Hingeston. 80. London, CAPRON, (E. S.) History of California; with 1858. (Chronicles and Mem. of G. Britain.) journal of the voyage from New-York, via Liber de Illustribus Henricis. Edited Nicaragua, to San Francisco, and back, by F. C. Hingeston. 80. London, 1858. via Panama. 160. Boston, 1854. (Chronicles and Mem. of G. Britain.) CAPRON, (E. W.) Modern Spiritualism; its Book of the Illustrious Henries. Trans- facts and fanaticisms, its consistencies and lated from the Latin, by F. C. Hingeston. contradictions. 120. Boston, 1855. 80. London, 1858. (Chronicles and Mem. CAPTIVITY of two Russian Princesses in the of G. Britain.) Caucasus; including a seven months' resiCAPITAL Punishment. Essays from Poulson's dence in Shamil's Seraglio. Translated from (Phila.) Daily Advertiser. 160. Philadel- the Russian, by H. S. Edwards. 120. Lonphia, 1811. (Pol. Pam., v. 110.) don, 1857. ~ — Report to the House of Representatives CAQUERAY, (G. de.) Explication des Pasof Massachusetts, by a committee appointed sage de Droit Priv6 contenus dans les CEuvres to consider the expediency of abolishing cap- de Ciceron. 80. Paris, 1857. ital punishments. 80. Boston, 1836. CARIACCIOLI, (Charles.) Life of Robert Lord - Strictures on the Right and Expedience Clive, Barron Plassey. 4 v. 80. Lonof. 80. London, 1814. (Pamphleteer, don, 1775-6. v. 3.) CARACCIOLI, (Louis Antoine.) La Pologne, CAPITOLINUS, (Julius.) Vitm Imperatorum telle qu'elle a ete, telle qun'elle est, telle Romanorum. 120. Lugduni Batavorum, qu'elle sera. 160. Paris, 1775. 1671. (Hist. Augusti Scriptores.) CARACCOLI, (T.) OpusculaHistorica. (MuCAPaIAN Y D)E MONTPALAU, (Antonio.) Co- ratori, Rerum Italicarum Scriptores, v. 22.) 215 CARACCIOLUS. CAREY. CARACCIOLUSDE LITTO, (Robertus.) Sermones CARDOZO, (J. N.) Notes on Political Econode Timore Judiciorum Dei. Folio. Neapoli, my. 80. Charleston, (S.C.,) 1826. 1473. CARDWELL, (Edward.) Documentary Annals CARADEUC DE LA CHALOTAIS, (Louis Rene.) of the Reformed Church of England; a colCompte Rendu des Constitutions des Jdsu- lection of injunctions, declarations, orders, ites, les 1, 3, 4, et 5, D6ceinbre, 1761. 80. articles of inquiry, &c., from 1546 to 1716. Paris, 1826. 2 v. 80. Oxford, 1844. CARADOC, ofLhancar-van. Historie of Cambria, - History of Conferences and other pronow called Wales; written in the Brytish ceedings connected with the Revision of the language aboue two hundreth years past. Book of Common Prayer, from 1558 to 1690. Translated into English, by H. Lhoyd. 2d ed. 80. Oxford, 1841. Corrected, augmented, etc., by Dauid Powel. Lectures on the Coinage of the Greeks 80. London, 1693. and Romans. 80. Oxford, 1832. - The same. 40. London, 1811. - Synodalia; a collection of articles of CARAFA, (Carlos Maria.) El Embaxador religion, canons, and proceedings of convoPolitico-Christiano. Small 43. Palermo, cations in the province of Canterbury, from 1691. 1547 to 1717. 2 v. 80. Oxford, 1842. CARATE, (Augustin de.) See ZARATE. The Two Books of Common Prayer, CARATHEODORY, (:Etienne.) Du Droit Inter- set forth by authority of Parliament, in the national concernautles grands Cours D'Eau. reign of Edward VI., compared with each:tude th6orique et pratique sur la liberte de other. 2d ed. 80. Oxford, 1841. la navigation fluviale. 80. Leipzig, 1861. CARE, (Henry.) English Liberties; or, the CARATZULUS. See CARACCIOLUS. fiee-born subject's inheritance. 80. LonCARBUCCIA, (J. L.) Du Dromadaire comme don, 1719. Bete de Somme et comme Animal de Guerre. CAREME, (Marie Antonin.) Le Maitre-d'Hotel 80. Paris, 1853. Fran9ais; on parallele de la cuisine, ancienne CARD, (Henry.) Dissertation on the Antiqui- et moderne. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1822. ties of the Priory of Great Malvern, in Wor- Royal Parisian Pastrycook and Concestershire. 40. London, 1834. fectioner. Edited by John Porter. 120. History of the Revolutions of Russia, to London, 1834. the Accession of CatharineI. 2d ed. 80. CAREW, (Bampfylde-Moore.) LifeandAdvenLondon, 1804. tures of the King of the Beggars, BampReign of Charlemagne, considered fylde-Moore Carew. 160. Bath, 1802. chiefly with reference to religion, laws, CAREW, (George, Lord.) Letters to Sir Thomas literature, and manners. 80. London, 1807. Roe, Ambassador to the Great Mogul, CARDANUS, (Hieronymus.) Arcana Politica, 1615-17. Small 40. London, 1860. (Camsive de prudentia civili liber singularis. 320. den Society, No. 76.) Lugduni Batavorum, 1635. CAREW, (Thomas, Esq.) Historical Account CARDENAS, (Bernardin de.) Histoire de la of the Rights of Elections of the several Pers6cution de deux Saints Eveques par les counties, cities, and boroughs of Great Britain. Jesuites; l'un, Dom Bernardin de Cardenas, Collected from the public records, and jourEveque du Paraguay dans l'Am6rique Me- nals of Parliament, to 1754. Folio. Lonridionale;- l'autre, Dom Philippe Pardo, don, 1755. Archeveque de l'EglisedeManile, metropoli- CAREW, (Thomas.) Poems. 80. London, taine des Isles Philippines, dans les Indes 1810. (Chalmers' Eng. Poets, v. 5.) Orientales. 12. (n. p.,) 1691. CAREY, (George G.) Astronomy, as it is known CARDELL, (William S.) Essay on Language, at the present day; with an account of the as connected with the faculties of the mind, nature and use of astronomical instruments, and as applied to things in nature and art. the manner of calculating the notes of the 160. New-York, 1825. calendar, the distances and magnitudes of Philosophic Grammar of the English the planets, and a number of other useful Language. 160. Philadelphia, 1827. and interesting calculations in astronomy. CARDONNEL, (Adam de.) Numismata Scotime; 80. London, 1825. a series of the Scottish coinage, from the CAREY, (Henry C.) American Labor versus reign of William the Lion to the union. 40. British Free Trade. 80. Philadelphia, Edinburgh, 1786. 1855. 216 CAREY. CARIBBEE. CAREY, (Henry C.) Camden and Amboy Rail- Navigation of the United States, natural and road Pamphlets. 80. Philadelphia, 1848-50. artificial, present and prospective. With (Misc. Pam., v.. 9.) maps. 80. Philadelphia, 1826. ~- Commercial Associations of France and - - Debates and Proceedings of the General England. 8~. New York, 1845. (Misc. Assembly of Pennsylvania, on the memorials Pam., v. 9.) praying a repeal of the law annulling the Credit System in France, Great Britain, charter of the Bank of North America. 80. and the United States. 80. Philadelphia, Philadelphia, 1786. 1838. - Letters on the Colonization Society; Essay on the Rate of Wages; with an with a view of its probable results. 3d ed. examination of the causes of the differences 80. Philadelphia, 1832. (Slavery Pam., in the condition of the laboring population v. 16.) throughout the world. 120. Philadelphia, -- The same. 2d ed. (Slavery Pam., 1835. v. 19.) - French and American Tariffs compared. -- Olive Branch; or, faults on both sides, 80. Philadelphia, 1861. federal and democratic; a serious appeal on.-. How to Have Cheap Iron. 80. Phila- the necessity of mutual forgiveness and hardelphia, 1852. (Misc. Pam., v. 9.) mony. 2d ed. 120. Philadelphia, 1815. ------- Letters on International Copyright. -- New Olive Branch; or, an attempt to 80. Philadelphia, 1853. establish an identity of interest between ----- The same. (Misc. Pam., v. 9.) agriculture, manufactures, and commerce. Letters to the President, on the foreign 80. Philadelphia, 1820. and domestic policy of the Union, and its On Dr. Rush's Inquiry into Origin of effects, as exhibited in the condition of the the late Epidemic Fever in Philadelphia. people and the State. 80. Philadelphia, 80. Philadelphia, 1793. (Misc. Pam., v. 1.) 1858. - Philosophy of Common Sense. 180. Money; a lecture before the New York Philadelphia, 1838. Geographical and Statistical Society. 80. -- Short Account of the Malignant Fever New York, 1857. lately prevalent in Philadelphia; with a -- The North and the South. 80. New statement of the proceedings that took place York, 1854. on the subject in different parts of the United The Past, the Present, and the Future. States. 4th ed. 8b. Philadelphia, 1794. 80. Philadelphia, 1848. -- The same. 2d ed. 80. Philadelphia, Principles of Political Economy. 3 v. 1793. (Misc Pam., v. 1.) 80. Philadelphia, 1837-40. -- Three Letters on the Present Calami__- Principles of Social Science. 3 v. 80. tous State of Affairs; addressed to J. M. Philadelphia, 1858-60. Garnett. 80. Philadelphia, 1820. ---- Slave Trade, domestic and foreign; -- Vindicia Hibernicae; or, Ireland Vinwhy it exists, andhowitmay be extinguished. dicated: an attempt to expose the errors and 120. Philadelphia, 1853. misrepresentations respecting Ireland, in the -- True Policy of the South. Remarks histories of May, Temple, Whitelock, Boron an article in the Austin (Texas) State lase, Rushworth, Clarendon, Cox, Carte, Gazette. 80. (n d.) Leland, Warner, Macauley, Hume, and - - Working of British Free Trade. 80. others. 3d ed. 80. Philadelphia, 1837. New York, 1852. CAREY, (P. M.) Concise View of the EvidenCAREY, (John, LL. D.) Practical English ces and Corruptions of Christianity. 80. Prosody andVersification; descriptions of the London, 1838. different species of English verse, with CAREY. See CARY. exercises in scanning and versification; with CARIBBEANA: Letters, Dissertations, and Poeta key. 2 v. 160. London, 1816. ical Essays; chiefly wrote by several hands CAREY, (Mathew.) AutobiographicalSketches; in the West Indies. (Reprinted from the in a series of letters, addressed to a friend. Barbadoes Gazette. Ed. by Sam. Kerver.) V. 1. Containing a view of the rise and 2 v. Small 40. London, 1741. progress of the American system, etc. 120. CARIBBEE Islands. Acts of Assembly, passed Philadelphia, 1829. in the Charibbee Leeward Islands, 1690 to -- Connected View of the whole Internal 1730. Folio. London, 1734. 217 CARKESSE. CARLYLE. CARKESSE, (Charles.) Act of Tonnage and age to Congo, 1666-7. (Churchill'sVoyages Poundage, and Rates of Merchandise. Folio. and Travels, v. 1.) London, 1726. The same. (Pinkerton's Voyages, CARLE, (P.J.) Histoire de fra Hieronimo v. 16.) Savonarola. 8~. Paris, 1842. CARLI,(J. R., le Comte.) Lettres Americaines; CARLEN, (Emilie Flygare.) Gustavus Lin- avec des observations et additions du traducdorm; or, "lead us not into temptation." teur, Lefebvre de Villebrune. 2 v. 8~. From the Swedish, by Elbert Perce. 12~. Boston, 1788. New-York, 1853. CARLIER, (Auguste.) De'Esclavage dans ses - Ivar; or, the Skjuts-Boy. From the rapports avecl'UnionAm6ricaine. 8~. Paris, Swedish, by A. L. Krause. 80. New-York, 1862. 1852. Le Maiage aux ]ttats-Unis. 160. - The Whimsical Woman. From the Paris, 1860. Swedish, by Elbert Perce. 120. New-York, CARLIER, (Claude.) Dissertation sur l':tat du 1854. Commerce en France, sous les Rois de la 1e CARLETON, (Sir Dudley.) Letters from and et de la 2e race. (Leber., Coll. Hist. France, to Sir Dudley Carleton, during his embassy v. 16. ) in Holland, from 1615 to 1620. 40. Lon- CARLILE, (Richard.) Manual of the Three don, 1757. First Degrees of Free-masonry; with an in- Lettres, Memoires, et Negociationes du troductory key-stone to the royal arch. 160. Chevalier Carleton, Ambassadeur de Jacques New-York, (London,) 1860. I. aupres des litats-Generaux des Provinces- CARLISLE, (George W. F. Howard, Earl of.) Unies, dans le tems de son Ambassade en Diary in Turkish and Greek Waters. 3d Hollande, depuis 1616 jusqu'en 1620. ed. 120. London, 1854. Traduits de lAnglois, par G. J. Monod. 3 v. -- The same. Edited by C. C. Felton. 160. La Haye, 1759. 120. Boston, 1855. CARLETON, (Henry.) Liberty and Necessity; CARLISLE, (James M.) Oration at Washingthe laws of association of ideas, the meaning ton on 4th July, 1855. 80. Washington, of the word will, and the true intent of pun- 1855. ishment. 120. Philadelphia, 1857. CARLISLE, (Nicholas.) Concise Account of CARLETON, (James Henry.) Battle of Buena the several Foreign Orders of Knighthood. Vista; with the operations of the "Army of 80. London, 1839. Occupation" for one month. 160. New- -- Historical Account of the Origin of the York, 1848. Commission appointed to inquire concerning CARLETON, (William.) Art Maguire. 160. Charities in England and Wales. 80. LonDublin, 1841. don, 1828. Denis O'Shaughnessy going to May- -- Topographical Dictionary of England. nooth. 160. London, 1845. 2 v. 40. London, 1808. Fardorougha the Miser; or, the convicts -- Topographical Dictionary of Ireland. of Lisnamona. 160. Dublin, 1846. 40. London, 1810. Fawn of Spring Vale. 3 v. 120. Dub- - Topographical Dictionary of Scotland, lin, 1841. and of the Islands in the British Seas. 2 v. The Black Prophet; a tale of Irish 40. London, 1813. famine. 120, London, 1847. - Topographical Dictionary of the DominThe Squanders of Castle Squander. ion of Wales. 40. London, 1811. 2 v. 120. London, 1852. CARLOIX, (Vincent.) M6moires de la Vie de Traits and Stories of the Irish Peas- Fran9oise de Scepeaux, Sire de Vieilleville antry. 2 v. 80. London, 1852. et Comte de Duretal, contenants plusieurs The same. 5 v. 160. London, 1853. Anecdotes des Regnes de Fran9ois II. et Valentine McClutchy, the Irish agent; Charles IX. 5 v. 120. Paris, 1757. or, the chronicles of Castle Cumber. 80. CARLYLE, (Alexander.) Autobiography of Dublin, 1848. Rev. Dr. Alexander Carlyle, Minister of CARLEVALIUS, (Thomas.) Disputationes Juris Inveresk. 80. Edinburgh, 1860. Varid deJudiciis. 2v. inl. Folio. Lug- CARLYLE, (Joseph Dacre.) Specimens of duni, 1745. Arabian Poetry. 2d ed. Royal 80. London, CARLI, (Denis de,) and ANGELO, (M.) Voy- 1810 28 CARLYLE. CAROLINE. CARLYLE, (Thomas.) Chartism. 120. Lon- CARMICHAEL-SMYTH, (William.) Hindoodon, 1840. stanee Interpreter; containing the rudiments - Critical and Miscellaneous Essays; col- of grammar; an extensive vocabulary; and lected and republished. 3d ed. 4 v. 12~. a useful collection of dialogues; with a London, 1847. (V. 1., Boston ed.) naval dictionary of technical terms, and sea ---— The French Revolution; a history. phrases, by Thomas Roebuck. 2ded. 8~. 2 v. 120. New-York, 1859 London, 1841. German Romance; specimens of its CARMONTELLE, (N.) Conversations des Gens chief authors; with biographical and critical du Monde, dans tous les tems de l'annee. notices. 2 v. 120. Boston, 1841. 80. Paris, 1786. CONTENTS. CARNARVON, (Henry J. G. Herbert, Earl of.) Army-Chaplain Schmelzle's Journey to Flitz, by Portugal and Galicia; with a review of the Richter, v. 2. Basque Provinces. 3d ed. 160. London, Aslauga's Knight, by Fouqu6, v. 1. Dumb Love, by Musaus, v. 1. 1848. Elves, The, by Tieck, v. 1. __- Recollections of the Druses of the LebFair-Haired Eckbert, by Tieck, v. 1. Goblet, The, by Tieck, v. 1. anon, and notes on their religion. 2d ed. Golden Pot, by Hoffman, v. 2. 120. London, 180. Libussa, by Msa, v. 1. Lonon, 1860. Life of Quintus Fixlein, by Richter, v. 2. CARNE, (Louis Comte de.) E1tudes sur 1'HisMelechsala, by 3Musaus, v. 1. Runenberg, by Tieck, v. 3. toire du Gouvernement Representatif en Trusty Eckart, by Tieck, v. 1. France, de 1788 a 1848. 2 v. 8o. Paris, 1855....- -History of Friederich II. of Prussia, CARNE, (John.) Exiles of Palestine; a tale called Frederick the Great. V. 1-4. 80. of the holyland. 3 v. 120. London, 1831. London, 1858-64. ---- Letters from the East. 80. London, ~._- Latter-Day Pamphlets. 120. Boston, 1826. 1855. -- Letters from Switzerland and Italy, - - Life of Friederich Schiller; compre- during a late tour. 80. London, 1834. hending an examination of his works. Edited - - Lives of Eminent Missionaries. 3 v. by Charles Follen. 12~. New-York, 1837. 160. London, 1833-35. -- The same. 2ded. 120. London, 1845. CARNOT, (Lazare Nicolas Marguerite, Comte.) Life of John Sterling. 120. London, De la Ddfense des Places Fortes. 3e ed. 1851. 40. Paris, 1812. Oliver Cromwell's Letters and Speeches; - Memoires Historiques et Militaires. 80. with elucidations. 2 v. 80. New-York, Paris, 1824. (Berville et BarriBre, Coil. 1845. Mem. Rev. Frangaise, v. 51.) -- Occasional Discourse on the Nigger - Memorial addressed to the King, July, Question. 2d ed. 160. London, 1853. 1814. 80. London, 1815. (Pamphleteer, -— On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the v. 5.) Heroic in History. Six Lectures; with - Reponse A M. Raoul-Rochette. 80. emendations and additions. 120. New-York, Paris, 1850. (Misc. Pam., v. 44.) 1859. CAROLINA; or, a description of the present ---- Past and Present. 80. London, 1843. state of that country. 1682. 80. New--- Sartor Resartus. 12~. Boston, 1846. York, 1836. (Carroll's Hist. Coil. South CARLYON, (Clement.) Early Years and Late Carolina, v. 2.) Reflections. 2 v. 120. London, 1843. CAROLINA, on the Coasts of Florida: brief -- Scripture Notices and Proofs. 0b. Lon- description of the province of. 1666. 80. don, 1838. New York, 1836. (Carroll's Hist. Coil. CARMICHAEL, (Andrew.) Memoir of the Life South Carolina, v. 2.) and Philosophy of Spurzheim. 1st American CAROLINA Law Repository; biographical ed., with notes. 16c. Boston, 1833. sketches of eminent judges, opinions of AmerCARMICHAEL, (Mrs. A. C.) Domestic Man- ican and foreign jurists, and reports of cases ners and Social Condition of the Population in the Supreme Court of North Carolina. of the West Indies. 2 v. 12~. London, 2 v. 80. Raleigh, 1814-16. 1833. CAROLINE of Brunswick, (Princess.) Journal CARMICHAEL, (James.) Antient and Modern of an Illustrious Traveler, including meScotch Songs, Ballads, &c. 2 v. 160. moirs; and anecdotes of her court. 80. Edinburgh, 1791. London, 1821. (Pol. Pam., v. 64.) 219 CAROLINE. CARR. CAROLINE, (Queen of England.) Historical CARPENTER, (W. H.) History of Tennessee. Fragment relative to. 80, London, 1824. 160. Philadelphia, 1854. (Pol. Pam., v. 68.) and ARTHUR, (T. S.) History of ConLife. 3d ed. 80. London, 1820. necticut. 160. Philadelphia, 1854. (Pol. Pam., v. 63.) History of Georgia. 160. PhiladelReport of the Proceedings in the House phia, 1852. of Lords on the Bill of Pains and Penalties History of Illinois. 160. Philadelphia, against the Queen. 3 v. 80. Edinburgh, 1854. 1820. History of Kentucky. 160. PhiladelCARON, (Franz.) Relation de l'Empire du phia, 1852. Japon. (Thevenot, Relations, v. 1.) History of New Jersey. 160. Phila-Account of Japan, 1631-38. (Pinker- delphia, 1853. ton's Voyages, v. 7.) History of New-York. 160. PhiladelCARPANI, (Joseph.) Life of Joseph Haydn, phia, 1853. from the French of Bombet. (Henri Beyle.) ~ History of Ohio. 160. Philadelphia, 80. London, 1818. 1854. CARPENTER, (Mary.) Juvenile Delinquents, THistory of Pennsylvania. 160. Philatheir condition and treatment. 120. Lon- delphia, 1854. don, 1853. History of Vermont. 160. PhiladelCARPENTER, (Stephen Cullen.) Memoirs of phia, 1853. Thomas Jefferson. 2 v. 80. New-York, History of Virginia. 160. Philadel1809. phia, 1852.. Select American Speeches, forensic and CARPENTER, (William W.) Travels and Adparliamentary; a sequel to Dr. Chapman's ventures in Mexico, in journeys of upwards "Select Speeches." 2 v. 80. Philadelphia, of 2,500 miles, on foot. 120. New-York, 1851. 1815. CARPMAEL, (William.) Law of Patents for CARPENTER, (Thomas.) American Senator; Inventions, familiarly explained for the use report of the debates in the Congress of the of inventors and patentees. 3d ed. 80. United States, in 1796-7. 3 v. 80. Phil- London, 1842. (2 copies.) adelphia, 1796-7. The same. 4th ed. 80. London, 1846. CARPENTER, (William.) Anecdotes of the - Law Reports of Patent Cases 2 v. 80. French Revolution of 1830. 240. London, London, 1843-51. 1830. CARPUE, (J. C.) Account of Two Successful - Comprehensive Dictionary of English Operations for Restoring a Lost Nose from Synonymes. 4th ed. 240. London, 1853. the Integuments of the Forehead. 40. LonCARPENTER, (William Benjamin.) The Mi- don, 1816. croscope, and its revelations. 160. London, -- History of the High Operation for the 1856. Stone by Incision above the Pubis. 80. --- The same. With the applications of London, 1819. the microscope to clinical medicine, &c., by CARR, (Sir John.) Stranger in France; a tour Francis G. Smith. 80. Philadelphia, 1856. from Devonshire to Paris. 40. London, --- Physiology of Temperance and Total 1803. Abstinence; effects of the excessive, mode- Tour through Holland, to the south of rate, and occasional use of alcoholic liquors Germany, in 1806. 40. London, 1807. on the healthy human system. 160. London, CARR, (Thomas Swinburne.) Classical Pro1853. nunciation of Proper Names; with an appen- - Principles of Human Physiology, with dix of Scripture proper names. 120. London, their chief applications to psychology, pa- 1842. thology, therapeutics, hygiene, and forensic -- History of Greece. 2d ed. 120. Lonmedicine. Edited by Francis G. Smith. don, 1849. 80. Philadelphia, 1855. - Manual of Roman Antiquities. 120. - Principles of Physiology, General and London, 1836. Comparative. 3d ed. 8~. London, 1851. -- Manual of Classical Mythology; de- -Zoology. 2 v. 12C. London, 1847. signed to explain words, phrases, and epithets, CARPENTER, (W. H.) History of Massachu- from the fables and traditions to which they setts. 160. Philadelphia, 1853. refer. 120. London, 1846. 220 CARRANZA. CARTER. CARRANZA,(DomingoGonzalez.) Geographical inal Court, crown cases reserved, 1842 to description of the Coasts, Harbours, &c., of 1853. 2 v., and v. 3, parts I and 2. 80. the Spanish West Indies. 80. London, 1740. London, 1845-53. CARRASCOSA, (Ge'eral.) Memoires Histo- CARROLL, (Anna Ella.) War Powers of the riques, Politiques et Militaires, sur la Revo- General Government. 8~. Washington, 1861. lution du Royaume de Naples, en 1820-21, et CARROLL, (B. R.) Historical Collections of sur les causes qui l'ont amenee. 80. Lon- South Carolina; embracing many rare and dres, 1823. valuable pamphlets and documents relating CARRE, (G. L. J.) Les Lois de la Procedure to the history of that State, from its discovCivile. 2e ed. 3 v. 40. Paris, 1829. ery to 1776. 2v. 80. New-York, 1836. CARRE, (N.) LaTaxe en Matihre Civile; con- CARROLL, of Carrollton, (Charles.) Journal tenant les Tableaux de chaque procedure, during his Visit to Canada, in 1776, as one avec l'indication des d6bourses et 6molu- of the Commissioners from Congress. With ments de tons les actes pour Paris et pour memoir and notes, by Brantz Mayer. 80. les departements; les lois, d6crets, et ordon- Baltimore, 1845. nances sur les frais et d6pens, les droits de CARSON, (Alexander.) Baptism, in its mode greffe, les droits d'hypothlque, etc. 80. and subjects. 80. London, 1844. Paris, 1839. CARSON, (James.) Inquiry into the Causes of CARREL, (N. Armand.) Histoire de la Contre- the Motion of the Blood. 80. Liverpool, 1815. Revolution en Angleterre, sous Charles II. CARSON, (Joseph.) Illustrations of Medical et Jacques II. 80. Paris, 1827. Botany; and descriptive letter-press. 2 v. History of the Counter-Revolution in 40. Philadelphia, 1847. England, for the re-establishment of Popery, Synopsis of Course of Lectures on under Charles II. and James II. 120. Lon- Materia Medica and Pharmacy. 8c. Philadon, 1846. delphia, 1851. CARREn O, (Manuel Antonio.) Manual de CARSWELL, (Robert.) Pathological AnatUrbanidad y Buenas Maneras; en el cual se omy; illustrations of the elementary forms encuentran las principales reglas de civilidad of disease. Folio. London, 1838. y etiqueta que deben observarse en las diver- CART, (J. J.) Lettres a Bernard Demuralt, sas situaciones sociales. 120. Nueva-York, Tresorier du Pays de Vaud, sur le Droit 1859. Public de ce Pays, et sur- les 6venements CARRIERE, (Joseph.) De Contractibus. 3 v. perpetuels. 120. Paris, 1793. 80. Parisiis, 1844. CARTA sobre Contribuciones. 80. (n. p.,) o DeJustitia et Jure. 3 v. 80. Parisiis, 1798-1800. (Pol. Pam., v. 19.) 1839. CARTA sobre lo que debe Hacer un Principe CARRILLO Y SANCHEZ, (Pedro.) Prontuario que Tenga Colonias a gran Distancia. 80. Alfabetico de Legislacion y Practica. Small Philadelphia, 1803. (Pol. Pain., v. 19.) 40. Madrid, 1840. CARTE, (Thomas.) History of the Life of CARRINGTON, (F. A.) Supplement to all the James, Duke of Ormonde; with a collection Modern Treatises on the Criminal Law. 120. of letters written by Charles I., Charles II., London, 1826. and others. 3v. Folio. London, 1735-6. and PAYNE, (J.) Reports of Cases at The same. Containing an account of Nisi Prius in the Courts of King's Bench, the most remarkable affairs of his time, and Common Pleas, and Exchequer; with cases particularly of Ireland under his government. tried on the circuits and in the Central 2d ed. 6 v. 80. Oxford, 1851. Criminal Court, 1823 to 1841. 9 v. 80. CARTEE, (Cornelius S.) School Atlas of PhysLondon, 1825-41. ical Geography. 80. Boston, 1856. and MARSIHMAN, (J. R.) Reports at CARTER, (Mrs. Elizabeth.) Letters to Mrs. Nisi Prius in the Queen's Bench, Common Montagu, between 1755 and 1800, chiefly Pleas, and Exchequer; with the cases tried upon literary and moral subjects. 3 v. 80. on the circuits and in the Central Criminal London, 1817. Courts, 1841-2. 80. London, 1843. Series of Letters between Mrs. Elizaand KIRWAN, (A. V.) Reports of Cases abeth Carter and Miss Catherine Talbot, at Nisi Prius in the Courts of Queen's Bench, fiom 1741 to 1770; with letters from Mrs. Common Pleas, and Exchequer; with cases Carter to Mrs. Vesey, 1763-87. 4 v. 80. tried on the circuits and in the Centre Crim- London, 1809. 221 CARTER. CARUS. CARTER, (Harry William.) Short Account of CARTHEW, (Thomas.) Reports of Cases in the some of the Principal Hospitals of France, Court of King's Bench, 1686 to 1700. Folio. Italy, Switzerland, and the Netherlands, London. 1728. with remarks upon the climate and diseases CARTIER, (Jacques.) Prima Relatione della of those countries. 8~. London, lb19. Terre Nuova detta la Nuova Francia: seCARTER, (James G.) Letters to the Hon. conda relatione, della Navigatione per lui William Prescott, on the Free Schools of fatta all' Isole di Canada Hochelaga Saguenai New England. 80. Boston, 1824. e altre. (Ramusio, Navigationi, v. 3.) CARTER, (John.) Specimens of the Ancient Discovery of Island of New France, Sculpture and Painting now remaining in 1534. (Pinkerton's Voyages, v. 12.) this Kingdom, from the earliest period to CARTWRIGHT, (George.) Journal of TransacHenry VIII., consisting of statues, basso tions and Events during a residence of nearly relieves, brasses, paintings on glass and on sixteen years on the Coast of Labrador. 3 v. walls, &c. New ed.; with notes, by Dawson 40. Newark, (Eng.,) 1792. Turner, Sir S. R. Meyrick, and others. CARTWRIGHT, (John.) Preacher's Travels to Folio. London, 1838. the East Indies. (Osborne's Coll. Voyages, Specimens of Gothic Architecture and v. 1.) Ancient Buildings in England. 4 v. in 2. - Voyage from Aleppo to Hispaan and 160. London, 1824. backe againe. (Purchas's Pilgrims, v. 2, CARTER, (J. M.) Select Views in Gibraltar. page 1422.) Folio. London, 1846. CARTWRIGHT, (Major John.) Appeal, civil CARTER, (Nathaniel Hazeltine.) Letters from and military, on the subject of the English Europe; journal of a tour through Ireland, Constitution. 80. London, 1799. England, Scotland, France, Italy, and Swit- The same. 80. Boston, (Eng.,) 1797. zerland, in the years 1825-27. 2 v. 80. (Pol. Pam., v. 50.) New-York, 1827. Rights of the Commonalty Vindicated; CARTER, (Owen B.) Series of the Ancient or, take your choice; representation and Painted Glass of Winchester Cathedral. 40. respect; imposition and contempt; annual London, 1845. parliaments and liberty; long parliaments CARTER, (Robert Brudenell.) Pathology and and slavery. 2d ed. 80. London, 1777. Treatment of Hysteria. 12~. London, 1853. - Life and Correspondence. Edited by CARTER, (Samuel.) Lex Vadiorum; the Law F.D. Cartwright. 2v. 80. London, 1826. of Mortgages. 80. London, 1706. CARTVRIGHT, (Peter.) Autobiography of ~- - Treatise concerning Trespasses Vi et Peter Cartwright, the backwoods preacher. Armis. 80. London, 1704. Edited by W. P. Strickland. 120. NewReports of several Special Cases in the York, 1857. Court of Common Pleas, 1664 to 1672. Folio. CARTWRIGIIT, (Thomas, Bishop of Chester.) London, 1688. Diary, from August, 1686, to October, 1687. CARTER, (Thomas.) Curiosities of War and Ed. by J. Hunter. Small 40. London, Military Studies; anecdotal, descriptive, and 1843. (Camden Society, No. 22.) statistical. 120. London, 1860. CARTWRIGHT, (William.) Comedies, tragiCARTERET, (Philip.) Voyage Round the comedies; with other poems. 120. LonWorld, 1766-69. 40. London, 1773. don, 1651. (Hawkesworth's Voyages, v. 1.) Poems. 80. London, 1810. (ChalCARTEROMACO, (Nicolo Fortequerri.) First mers' Eng. Poets, v. 6.) Canto of Ricciardetto. From the Italian, CARUS, (Carl Gustav.) Introduction to the with notes, by Lord Glenbervie. 80. Lon- Comparative Anatomy of Animals. Transdon, 1822. lated from the German, by R. T. Gore. 2v. CARTHAGENA. Account of the Expedition to; 80. Plates, 40. London and Bath, 1827. with explanatory notes and observations. King of Saxony's Journey through Eng80. London, 1743.. land and Scotland, in the year 1844. TransThe same. 3d ed. 80. London, 1743. lated by S. C. Davison. 80. London, 1846. (Misc. Panl., v. 6.). Traite Elelentaire d'Anatomie ComOriginal Papers Relating to the Expe- parde. Avec planches. Traduit de l'Alledition to Carthagena. 80. London, 1744. mand, par J. L. Jourdan. 3 v. 40. Brux(Misc. Panm., v. 6.) ellcs, 1838. 222 CARUTHERS. CASE. CARUTHERS, (E. WV.) Interesting Reyolu- lineation of the turnpike roads of England tionary Incidents and Sketches of Character, and Wales. 120. London, 1810. chiefly in the "Old North State." 120. CARY, (Samuel.) Review of a book entitled Philadelphia, 1854. " The Grounds of Christianity Examined by The same. 2d series. 120. Philadel- Comparing the New Testament with the phia, 1856. Old, by George B. English." 12~. Boston, Sketch of the Life and Character of 1813. the Rev. David Caldwell. 8~. Greensbo- CARY, (Thomas G.) Letter on the Result of rough, (N. C.,) 1842. Manufactures at Lowell. 80. Boston, CARVAJAL, (Lorenzo Galindez.) Anales 1845. Breves del Reinado de los Reyes Cat6licos Memoirs of Thomas Handyside PerD. Fernando y Doia Isabel. Small 4. Ma4 a- kins; containing extracts from his diaries drid, 1851. (Coleccion Doe. Hist. Espaila, and letters. 80. Boston, 1856. v. 18.) CASALIUS, (J. B.) De Tricliniis, Conviviis, CARVAJAL, (Luis del Marmol.) See MARIOL. Hospitalitate, Thefliis, Balneis, Insignibus, CARVALIIO, (S. N.) Incidents of Travel and Anulis, etc., Veterum Exercitationes. (GroAdventure in the Far West with Col. Frd- novius, Thesaurus Grec. Antiq., v. 9.) mont's last expedition: three months' resi- De Ritu Nuptiarum; de tragcodia et dence in Utah, and a trip across the great comledia. (Gronovius, v. 8.) American desert. 120. New York, 1857. CASANOVA DE SEINGALT, (Jean Jacques.) CARVER, (Jonathan.) Travels through the Memoires, ecrits par lui-mueme. Ecdition interior parts of North America, in the years originale, la seule complete. 6 v. 120. 1766-68. 2d ed. 80. London, 1779. Bruxelles, 1860. CARWITHrEN, (J. B. S.) History of the Church CASAR, (F.) Hand-Lexicon des Preussischen of England. 2 v. 8~. London, 1829. Civilrechtes und Civilprozesses, ffir alle Sermons on the Brahminical Religion. stinde. 80, Erfurt, 1858. 80. London, 1810. (Bampton Lectures CASAREGIS, (J. L. M.) Discursus Legales de for 1809.) Commercio. 4 v. in 3. Folio. Venetiis, CARY, (Alice.) Clovernook; or, recollections 1740. of our neighborhood in the west. 120. CASAUBON, (Meric.) Credulity and IncreNew-York, 1852. dulity in things Divine and Spiritual. 160. The same. 2d series. 120. New- London, 1670. York, li53. Treatise concerning Enthusiasme, as and CARY, (Phoebe.) Poems. 160. it is,n effect of nature; but is mistaken by Philadelphia, 1850. many for either divine inspiration or diabolCARY, (George.) Reports, or Causes in Chan- ical possession. 160. London, 1655. eery. 120. London, 1650. CASAUx, (Charles, Marquis de.) ConsiddrCARY, (Henry.) Testimonies of the Fathers ations sur quelques parties de Mecanisme of the First Four Centuries to the Doctrine des Socidets. 80. Londres, 1785. and Discipline of the Church of England, as CASE of Great Britain and America, addressed set forth in the Thirty-Nine Articles. 80. to the King and both Houses of Parliament. Oxford, 1835. 2d ed. 80. London, 1769. (Col. Pam., Memoir of the Rev. Henry Francis v. 10.) Cary; with his literary journal and letters. CAsE of our Fellow-Creatures, the oppressed 2 v. 120. London, 1847. Africans, recommended to the serious con-- Memorials of the Great Civil War in sideration of the legislature of Great Britain, England, from 1646 to 1652. Edited from by the people called Qualkers. 80. Lonoriginal letters in the Bodleian Library. 2 don, 1784. (Slavery Pam., v. 4.) v. 80. London,1842. CASE1 of the Planters of Tobacco in Virginia, CARY, (Henry Francis.) Early French Poets; as represented by themselves. 12~. Lonnotices and translations. With sketch of the don, 1733. history of French poetry, by Henry Cary. CAS:E stated of the Jurisdiction of the House 160, Londol, 1846. of Lords in the point of Impositions. 160. CARY, (John.) Essay on National Credit. London, 1676. 12o. London, 1696. (Pol. Pam., v. 22.) CASE upon the Statute for Distribution. 80. CARY, (John.) Traveller's Companion; a de- Richmond, (Va.,) 1796. 223 CASES. CASTELL. CASES in the Court of King's Bench, at WNest- CASSELBERRY, (Evans.) Digest of all the Deminster, in the 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th years cisions of the Supreme Court of Missouri, of George II., during which time Lord Hard- contained in the first fifteen volumes of the wicke presided in that court; with soume de- Missouri Reports. 8c. Saint Louis, 1853. terminations of Chief Justice Lee; and two (2 copies.) equity ones, by Lord Hardwicke. Folio. CASsrLL, (John.) Art Treasures Exhibition; London, 1770. engravings of the principal masterpieces of The same. 2d ed., corrected, by the English, Dutch, Flemish, and German Thomas Lee. 8~. London, 1815. schools; with sketches of the painters. 4~. CASES and Resolutions of Cases adjudged in London, 1858. the Court of King's Bench, concerning set- CassIN, (John.) Illustrations of the Birds of tlements and removals, 1710 to 1727. 80. California, Texas, Oregon, British, and RusLondon, 1729. sian America; and descriptions of all North CASES Argued and Decreed in the High Court American birds not given by former American of Chancery, 1660 to 1693. 3d ed. 3 parts authors. 40. Philadelphia, 1856. in 1 v. Folio. London, 1735. Mammalogy and Ornithology; 40, with The same. From the 2d London ed., atlas, Folio. Philadelphia, 1858. (Wilkes' carefully corrected. 80. New-York, 1828. U. S. Exploring Expedition, v. 8.) (2 copies.) CASSINI, (Jacques.) 1Elments d'Astronomie. CASES, with opinions of eminent council in 40. Paris, 1840. matters of law, equity, and conveyancing. CASSINI, (Jacques D., Conzte de.) Voyage to 2 v... Dublin, 1791-93. Newfoundland and Sallee, to make experiCASEY, (Charles.) Two Years on the Farm of merits on Le Roy's Time Keepers. 80. LonUncle Sam; with sketches of his location, don, 1778. (With Chappe d'Auteroche, Voynephews, and prospects. 80. London, age to California.) 1852. CASSINI DE THURY, (C6sar Francois.) RelaCASEY, (Silas.) Infantry Tactics, for the in- tion d'un Voyage en Allemagne, qui comstruction, exercise, and manceuvres of the prend les operations relatives h la figure de soldier, company, line of skirmishers, bat- la terre et a la g6ogaphie particuliere du Patalion, brigade, or corps d'arm6e. 3 v. latinat, du Duche de Wurtemburg, du Cercle 240. New York, 1862. de Souabe, de la Baviere et de l'Autriche. CASLON, (William.) Specimen of Printing Fait par ordre du Roi. Small 40. Paris, 1775. Types, by W. Caslon and Son, Letter CASSIODORUS, (Magnus Aurelius.) Opera Founders in London. Small 40. London, omnia. Studio J. Garetti, monachi Benedic1764. tini. 2 v. Folio. Rotomagi, 1679. ~ — Specimen of Printing Types, and Cast CASTALIO, (Sebastianus.) Dialogorum SaOrnaments. 80. London, 1785-6. crorum libri Iv. 180. Londini, 1722. CASS, (Lewis.) Discourse before the American CASTANEDA DE NAGERA, (P6dro.) Relation Historical Society. W8. ashington, 1836. du Voyage de Cibola, entrepris en 1840. 80. (Misc. Pam., v. 19.) Paris, 1838. (Ternaux's Voyages, Relations, France, its King, Court, and Govern- etc, de l'Amieique, v. 9.) ment. 3d ed. 80. New-York, 1848. CASTANHEDA, (Fernando Lopez de.) Historia - Remarks on the Policy and Practice of del Descubrimiento y Conquista de la India the United States and Great Britain in their por los Portugueses. 120. Anvers, 1554. Treatment of the Indians. 80. Boston, Os Liuros quarto & quinto da Historia 1827. do Descobrimento & Conquista da India Examen de la Question aujourd'hui pelos Portugueses. Folio. Coimbra, 1553. pendante entre le Gouvernement des Etats- CASTELL, (Edmund.) Lexicon Heptaglotton, Unis et celui de la Grand-Bretagne concern- Hebraicum, Chaldaicum, Syriacumn, Samarant le Droit de Visite. 80. Paris, 1842. itanum, AEthiopicum, Arabicum, conjuncCASSAN, (Stephen Hyde.) Lives of the tim; et Persicum, separatim; cui accessit Bishops of Winchester. 2 v. 80. London, brevis et harmonica grammnlatic omnium 1827. preecedentium linguarum delineatio. 2 v. CASSAS, (L. F.) Travels in Istria and Dal- in 1. Folio. Londini, 1669. matia. 80. London, 1805. (Phillips' Voy- CASTELL, (Robert.) Villas of the Ancients ages and Travels, v. 1.) illustrated. Folio. London, 1728. 224 CASTELLANE. CASTNER. CASTELLANE, (Louis Charles Pierre, Comte de.) CASTILLE, (Hippolyte.) La Chasse aux ChiMilitary Life in Algeria. Translated from meres. (Romans Populaires, v. 27.) the French. 2 v. 12~. London, 1853. LeContrebandier. (Romans Populaires, CASTELLANOS, (Juan de.) Elegias de Varones v. 22.) ilustres de Indias. 2' ed. 8~. Madrid, Les Compagnons de la Mort. (Ro1850. (Biblioteca de Autores. Espanioles, mans Populaires, v. 26.) v. 35.) Histoire de la Seconde R6publique CASTELLANUS, (P.) Vite Veterum et illus- Frangaise. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1854-5. trium medicorum qui toto orbe, usque ad Le Markgrave. (Romans Populaires, saculum XIII. floruerunt. (Gronovius, v. 22.) Thesaurus Grec. Antiq., v. 10.) Les OiseauxdeProie. (Romans PopuDe Esu Carnium: de mensibus Atticis. laires, v. 13. (Gronovius, v. 9.) CASTILLO-SOTOMAYOR, (Joannes del.) QuoDeFestis Grecorum. (Gronovius, v. 7.) tidianarum Controversiarum Juris. Nova CASTELLIS, (Benedetto.) Mensuration of Run- editio, ab innumeris veteris preli mendis ning Waters. Trans. by T. Salusbury. expurgata. 8 v. Folio. Colonima AllobroFolio. London, 1661. (Salusbury's Math. gum, 1726-7. Coil.) Repertorium Generale rerum notabilioEssai sur le Systeme Silurien de l'Ame- rum seu materiarur omnium, qume in libris rique Septentrionale. 4~. Paris, 1843. seu tomis octo Quotidianarum ControversiaCASTELNAU, (Francis de.) Expedition dans rum Juris continentur. Opera et singulari les parties Centrales de l'Amerique du Sud, studio Nicolai Antonii. Folio. Colonis de Rio de Janeiro a Lima, et de Lima au Allobrogum, 1726. Para; ex6cutee par ordre du gouvernement - S. Rote Romane Decisiones RecentisFrangaise, pendant les annees 1843 A 1847. sima nunquam antea inlucem edite. Folio. 6 v. 8~; 5 v. 40; 2 v. folio. Paris, 1850-55. Colonise Allobrogum, 1728. CONTENTS. Joannis Pauli Melii additiones et observationes ad Castillum de Alimentis. Cum le Partie. l~istoire cldu Voyage. 6 v. 8~. 2e Partie. Vues et Scenes, in 4~. S. Rotre Romane Decisionibus. Folio. 3e Partie. Acntiquit6s des Incas et autres Peuples Colonis Allobrogum, 1727. Anciens, in 40. 4e Partie. Itineraireset CouLpe G6ologiqule,in folio. CASTLE, (Henry James.) Elementary Text5e Partie. G6ographie, in folio. 6e Partie. Botanique. V. 1. 4~. Book for young Surveyors and Levellers, 7e Partie. Zoologie: contenant Anatomie, Mam- with copiousfield notes plans and diagrms. i~res, oiseaux, Poissons, Reptiles. V. 12. 40 w ith copious field notes, plans and diagrams. miferes Oiseaux, Poissons, Reptiles. V. 1-2. 4~. 12~. London, 1846. CASTELNAU, (Michel de.) Memoires, 1559- ~ Engineering Field Notes on Parish and 1569. 6 v. 80. 1788. (Coll. des M6moires Railway Surveying andLevelling; withplans -Relatifs t l'Hist. de France, v. 41-46.) and sections. 2d ed. 80. London, 1847. The same. 80. Paris, 1838. (Mi- CASTLE, (Thomas.) Medical Botany. 180. chand, Coll. M6m. Hist. France, v. 9.) London, 1829. The same. 80. Paris, 1823. (Petitot, Synopsis of Systematic Botany, acColl. M6m. Hist. France, ser. I., v. 33.) cording to Linnmus and Jussieu. 4~. LonCASTERA, (Jean Henri.) Histoire de Catha- don, 1833. rine II. Imperatrice de Russie. 3 v. 80. CASTLE, (William.) Short Discovery of the Paris, 1800. (V. 3 wanting.) Coast and Continentof America. (Osborne's CASTI, (Giambatista.) Gli Animali Parlanti, Coll. Voyages, v. 2.) e Poesie scelto. (Poeti Italiani Contempo- CASTLEREAGH, (Robert Stewart, Viscount.) ranei.) Memoirs and Correspondence, Despatches CASTIGLIONE, (Baldesare, Conte.) Il Cortegi- and other Papers. Edited by his brother, ano; or, the Courtier; Italian and English; Charles W. Vane, Marquess of Londonderry. together with several of his celebrated pieees, 12 v. 80. London, 1850-53. and life of the author. 40. London, 1727. CASTLEREAGH, (CharlesW. Stewart, Viscount.) CASTIGLIONI, (Luigi.) Viaggio negli Stati See LONDONDERRY. Uniti dell' America Settentrionale, fatto negli CASTNER, (J.) De Obitv Henrici Loriti Glaanni 1785-87. 2v. 120. Milano, 1790. reani, Epicedion, et Epigranmmata. Small CASTILLE, (Hippolyte.) L'Ascalante. (Ro- 40. Basilee, 1563. (With Glareanus, De rmans Populaires, v. 15.) Geographia liber.) 225 CASTOR. CATALOGUES. CASTOR. Reliquise. (Gr. etLat.) (Didot, CATALOGUE des Specifications de tons les Biblioth. Grecque, v. 23.) Principes, Moyens ct Proc6des pour lesquels CASTRENSIS. See CASTRO, (Paulus de.) il a 6t6 pris des Brevets d'Invention, de PerCASTRO, (Adolfo de.) History of the Jews in fectionnement et d'Importation, depuis 1791 Spain. Translated by E. D. G. M. Kirwan. jusqu'en 1840. 17 v. 8'. Paris, 1826-41. 120. Cambridge, (Eng.,) 1851. CATALOGUES.-NOTE. For Catalogues of Li- History of Religious Intolerence in braries, and Bibliographies, general and Spain. From the Spanish, by T. Parker. special, see: 80. London, 1853. Abbotsford Library. Halliwell, J. O. Spanish Protestants, and their Persecn- Agassiz, (L.) Harleian Library. Albany Young Men's As- Haller, A. von. tion by Philip II. From the Spanish, by sociation. Horne, T. H. Thomas Parker. 160. London, 1851. Alliboe, (S. A.) Sennet, W. Appleton. La Serna de Santauder. CASTRO, (Alonzo Nuniez de) Libro Historico Archciologia. Leyden University LiAstor Library. brcary. Politico, s6lo Madrid es Corte y el Cortesano Astorg a. Libri, G. en Madrid. 3a impression, con diferentes Athenleum, London. Linonian Society, Yale Atkinson, James. College. adiciones. 40. Madrid, 1675. Barbier, A. A. Liskenne. FiSTtfn /'T^QY. do.) Discursos Criticos Barth6s et Lowell. Loganian Library. CASTRO, (Juan 1. de.) Discursos Criticos Belgium. London, House of Comsobre las Leyes sus Interpretes. 2 v. 80. Bibliographie. mons. Bibliotheca. London Catalogue. Madrid, 1829. Bliss, Philip. London Library. - The same. 29a edicion. 2 v. 8~. Bodlean Library. London, Corporation of. Bohn,(H. G.,)and(James.) Lowndes, W. T. Madrid, 1829. Bordeaux, Ville de. Ludewig, H. E. CASTRO, (Paulus de.) In Secundam Infortiati Bossange, H. McCulioch, J.. Boston Athenmum. Mlaittaire, M. partem Patavinae praeleotiones, Illustris. J. Boston Mercantile Li- Manchester Athenaeum. V. D.ranc u -i. brary. Marsden, W. V. D. Franc. Curt. aliorumque omnium Boston Public Library. Martin, B. qui in id hactenus insuddrunt, quhmdoctiss. BoucherdelaRicharderie. Martin, J. -X^''. British Catalogue. Mass. Hist. Society. adnotationib. illustratse et ad vetustiss. ex- British Museum. Mayans. empl. manu typ6que editorum veritatem Brown University. Middlesex Mechanics' sBennet, J. C. sociation. nouissim6 recognitce. 4 v. in 1. Folio. Butterworth, Henry. Moss, J. V. T~~Lugduni, 1545.'Cambridge, (Ms.,) High Moule, T. Lugduni, 1545. School. Manne A. E. de. CASTRUCCI, (Giacomo.) Cenno Storico sulle Cambridge, (England,) New Orleans Lyceum. Queen's College Li- New York Historical SoLeggi Romane; con brevi notizie delle leggi brary. ciety. patrie. 8~. Napoli, 1846. Canada Parliament Li- New York Mercantile Library. brary. CASWALL, (Henry.) America, and the Ameri- Charleston, (S. C.,) Li- New York Society Library Society. brary. can Church. 12~. London, 1839. Charlestown, (Ms.,) Pub- New York State Library. The same. 2d ed. 120. London, 1851. le Library. OCallaghan, E. B. Chethaim, H. Oettinger, E. M. City of the Mormons; three days at Cincinnati Mercantile Li- Ompteda. Nauvoo, in 1842. 2d ed. 180. London, bray. Orme, iW. Cincinnati Ohio School Paris, Bibiothdque Imp61843. Library. riale. oth 1h C n th rLise Clarke, Adam. Paris, Cour de Cassation. Prop o the 19th Century; the rise, Clarke, John. Parr, (Samuel.) progress, and present state of the Mormons. Clement, D. Payne and Foss. Conde, J. A. Peabody Institute. 80. London, 1843. Congress, Library of. Peignot, G. Western World Revisited. 16~. Ox- Cooper, C. P. Pennsylvania State LiCotton, Henry. brary. ford, 1854. Dana, D. Philadelphia Academy of De Bure, G-. F. Natural Sciences. CASWELL, (A.) Meteorological Observations Dibdin, T. F. Philadelphia Library Co. at Providence, R. I., 1831-60. 40. Wash- Dryander, J. Philadelphia Mercantile I)uclos, Abbe. Library. ington, 1860. (Smithsonian Contributions, East India Company. Pigoreau, A. N. v. 12.) Edinburgh. Pinelo, A. de L. Edinburgh Faculty of Ad- Pressac, M. CASY, (Joseph Gregoire.) Organization du vocates. Putzel, S. A. Personnel d'u Vaissean. 80. Paris, 1840.~ Edinburgh, University of. Putnam, G. P. Personnel d'u Vassea. 8 Paris, 1840. Ebert, F. A. Providence Athenaum. CATALOGUE of the Army Medical Museum, Engelnann, W. Quaritch, B. Fagel, G. Qu6rard, J. M. Surgeon General's Office, Washington, (D. Figaniere, M. Redwood Library. C.) 80. Washington, 1863.. Fou nse, H.. eid, J. (-as s ttt, H. IReinwald, C. CATALOGUE of British Vertebrated Animals, "Geographical Society, Rich, 0. the Names derived from Bell's British Quad- GodJ. Rodbh,. A. Godd6, J. Roorbach, 0. A. rupeds and Reptiles, and Yarrell's British Gough, R. Royal Society Library. Grenville, T. St. Louis Mercantile LiBirds. 80. London, 1845. Griswold, R. W. brary. 29 226 CATALOGUES. CATS. CATALOGUES-Continued. CATLIN, (George.) The Breath of Life; or, Sandhurst Royal Military Triibner, N. Mal-Respiration, and its effect upon the enShoberl, T. U. S. Naval Academy. JOY College. U. S. Naval Yca~deeademY joyments and life of man. 8~. London, Smithsonian Institution. Upcott, W. 1861. Smith, J. R. Vermont University. Sotheby and Wilkinson. Viollet le Due. Letters and Notes on the Manners, South Carolina College. Voorst, Van. Customs, and Condition of the North AmerStevens, H. Warden, D. B. Stirling, W. Watt, R. ican Indians; written during eight years' Stowe Library. Willis and Sotheran. Tennessee State Library. Wilmington Libraryn travel amongst the Indians in 1832 to 1839. Techener, J. 2 V. 80. London, 1841. CATANEO, (J. de.) La Source, la Force, et Notes of Eight Years' Travels and Resile veritable Esprit des Lois. On y joint dence in Europe, with his North American aussi un Essai sur l'Origine Naturelle des Indian collection. 3d ed. 2 v. 80. London, Gouvernements Politiques dans la soci6t6 1848. humaine. 120. Berlin, 1752. CATLOW, (Agnes.) Drops of Water; their CATECHISM for the use of the Evangelical marvellous and beautiful inhabitants disLutheran Churches. 240. Albany, 1855. played by the microscope. 160. London, CATECHISM on the Corn Laws; with a List 1851. of Fallacies and the Answers. 10th ed. - Popular Conchology; the shell cabinet, 80. London, 1829. (Pol. Pam., v. 72.) arranged according to the modern system. CATECISMO de la Doctrina Christiana puesto 2d ed. 120. London, 1854. en el idioma Totonaco, por Francisco Domin- - Popular Field Botany; description of guez. Puebla, 1837.-Catecismo breve en the plants most common to the British Isles. el idioma Mejicano. Orizaba, 1842.-Devo- 3d ed. 160. London, 1852. cionario en Mejicano. 180. Orizaba, 1842. and Maria E. Sketching Rambles; or, CATEL, (Charles Simon.) Treatise on Har- nature in the Alps and the Appenines. Illusmony. From the French. From the English trated by the authors. 2 v. 120. London, copy, with notes, by Lowell Mason. 120. 1861. Boston, 1832. CATLOW, (Maria E.) Popular British EntoCATESBY, (Mark.) Hortus Britanno-Ameri- mology; description of the insects most canus; a curious collection of Trees and common to the British Isles. 2d ed. 160. Shrubs, the produce of the British Colonies London, 1852. in North America, adapted to the soil and CATO, (Dionysius.) Disticha Moralia; et Lilii climate of England. 40. London, 1763. Monita Paedagogica. Cura J. Stirling. 3d ~- HIlortus Europae Americanus. 40. Lon- ed. 160. London, 1738. don, 1767. CATO, (Marcus Porcius.) De Re Rustica. 160. Natural History of Carolina, Florida, Parisiis, 1543. (Libri de Re Rustica, v. 1.) and the Bahama Islands. (French and Eng- - Fragmenta de Originibus. (With Belish.) Revised by Mr. Edwards. 2 v. Folio. rosus, Antiquitates.) London, 1771. CATO'S Letters. See GORDON, (Thomas.) CATHARINE II. Memoirs, written by herself; CATROU, (Fran9ois.) Histoire des Anabapwith preface, by A. Herzen. From the tistes; contenant leur doctrine, etc. 180. French. 120. London, 1859. Amsterdam, 1699. CA THCART, (George.) Commentaries on the - History of the Mogul Dynasty in India, War in Russia and Germany in 1812 and from its foundation by Tamerlane, in 1399, 1813. 80. London, 1850. to the accession of Aurengzebe, in 1657. CATHEREWOOD, (F.) Views of Ancient Monu- From the French. 80. London, 1826. ments in Central America, Chiapas, and and ROUILLI, (Pierre-Julien.) Roman Yucatan. 25 plates, folio, in case. New History; with notes, historical, geographical, York, 1844. and critical. From the French, by R. Bundy. CATHOLIC Almanac and Laity's Directory, for 6 v. Folio. London, 1728-37. the United States, 1859-60. 2 v. 120. CATS, (Jacob.) Alle de Wercken. 2 v. in 1. Baltimore, 1859-60. Folio. Amsterdam, 1726. CATHOLICS. Considerations on the Penal and FARLIES, (R.) Moral Emblems; Laws against Roman Catholics in England, including aphorisms, adages, and proverbs and the new acquired Colonies in America. of all nations; with illustrations. 40. Lon80. London, 1764. don, 1860. 227 CATTEAU. CAUSSIDIERE. CATTEAU-CALLEVILLE, (Jean Pierre Guil- CAUGHEY, (James.) Triumph of Truth, and laume.) Histoire de Christine, Reine de continental letters and sketches, from his Suede, avec un Precis Historique de la journal, letters, and sermons, as illustrated Suede, depuis les Anciens Tems jusqu'a la in two great revivals in Nottingham and Mort de Gustave-Adolphe-le-Grand. 2 v. 8~. Lincoln, (England.) 160. Philadelphia, 1857. Paris, 1815. CAULFIELD, (James.) History of the GunTableau des Stats Danois envisages powder Plot; with historical circumstances sous les rapports du Mecanisme Social. 3 v. connecting the plots of the Roman Catholics 80. Paris, 1802. to re-establish Popery in this kingdom. 120.....- Tableau de la Mer Baltique, consid6rde London, 1804. sous les rapports physiques, geographiques, -- Portraits, Memoirs, and Characters of historiques, et commerciaux. 2 v. 80. Paris, Remarkable Persons, from 1688 to the end of 1812. the Reigh of George II. Collected from the...- Voyage en Allemagne et en Suede, most authentic accounts. 4 v. 40. London, contenant des observations sur les phdnome- 1819-20. nes, les institutions, les arts et les moeurs; CAULIN, (Antonio.) Historia coro-graphica, des traits historiques sur les monumens et natural y evangelica de la Nueva Andalucia, les endroits remarquables. 3 v. 120. Paris, Provincias de Cumand, Guayana, y Verti1810. entes del Rio Orinoco. Folio. Madrid, 1779. CATTERMOLE, (Richard.) Book of the Car- CAULKINS, (Frances M.) History of New Lontoons of Raphael; with engravings by War- don, (Conn..) from 1612 to 1852. 80. New ren. 80. London, 1837. London, 1852. Great Civil War of Charles I. and the -- History of Norwich, (Conn.,) from its Parliament. 2 v. Royal 80. London, settlement in 1660 to 1845. 120. Norwich, 1841-45. 1845. ---- Literature of the Church of England, CAUMONT, (Aldrick.) Dictionnaire Universel in selections from the writings of eminent du Droit Commercial Maritime, ou repertoire divines; with memoirs. 2v. 80. London, mdthodique et alphab6tique de legislation, 1844. doctrine et jurisprudence nautiques. 2e ed. CATTON, (Charles.) The English Peerage; 80. Paris, 1857. with chronological account of such titles as CAUSES and Consequences of the Present Monhavebecome extinct. 3v. 40. London,1790. etary Crisis. 120. London, 1857. CATULLUS, (Caius Valerius.) Opera Omnia. CAUSES Amusantes et Connues. 2 v. 120. Ex editione F. G. Doeringii. 2 v. 80. Berlin, 1769-70. Londini, 1822. (Valpy, Scriptores Latini, v. CAUSES Celebres Etrangbres. Publiees en 49-50.) France pour la premiere fois, et traduites de - Carmina. Varietate lectionis et per- l'Anglais, de l'Espagnol, de l'ltalien, de petua adnotatione illustrata A F. G. Doering. l'Allemand, etc., par une soci6t6 de juriscono 80. Londini, 1820. suites et de gens de lettres. 5 v. 80. Paris, - Poems. Translated, with notes, by 1727-8. George Lamb.- 2 v. 160. London, 1821. CAUSES Criminelles C6lbres du 19e Sincle. -- Erotica. Poems of Catullus and Tibul- R6digdes par une societe d'avocats. 4 v, 80. lus, and the Vigil of Venus. Literal prose Paris, 1827-8. translation, with notes, by Walter K. Kelly. CAUSES Politiques Celbres du 198 SiBcle. Also, the metrical versions of Lamb and Redigees par une societe d'avocats et de Grainger, and a selection of versions by oth- publicistes. Paris, 1827-8. ers. 120. London, 1854. (Bohn's Class. CAUSEUS, (M. A. de la Chausse.) De InsigniLib'y, v. 17.) bus Pontificis Maximi: Deorum simulacra, Tibullus, et Propertius. Opera. 40. etc. (Graevius, Thesaurus Ant. Rom., v. 5.) Birminghamiae, 1772. - De Vasis, Bullis, Annulis, etc.: de CAUCHE, (Frangais.) Voyage A Madagascar. Mutini Simulacris; de aeneis antiquorum 40. Paris, 1651. (Relations de Madagascar lucernis. (Greevius, v. 12.) et du Bresil.) --- De SignisMilitaribus. (Graevius, v. 10.) CAUCHY, (E.) Les Pr6cedents de la Cour des CAUSSIDIERE, (Marc.) M6moires de CaussiPairs, recuellis et mis en ordre. 80. Paris, dikre, Ex-Prefet de Police et Representant 1839. du Peuple. 2 v. 80, Paris, 1849. 228 CAUSTEN. CAZEAUX. CAUSTEN, (J. H.) Review of Veto Message CAVENDISH, (Sir Henry.) Government of Canof President Pierce on bill relating to French ada. Debates of the House of Commons, in Spoliations. 80. (n. p.,) 1855. the year 1774, on the bill making more CAUSTIC, (Christopher.) Pseudonyme. See effectual provision for the government of FESSENDEN, (T. G.) the province of Quebec. 80. London, CAVALARIO, (Domingo.) Instituciones del 1839. Derecho Can6nico. Traducidas del Latin CAVENDISH, (Henry, F. R. S.) Statement of al Castellano por Juan Tejada y Ramiro, e the Public Accounts of Ireland. 8~. Lonilustradas con lo correspondiente al Derecho don, 1791. Can6nico Espanol, por Antonio Rodriguez CAVENDISH, (Thomas.) Iter, (in Americse de Cepeda. 4a ed., por Vicente Salve. 3 v. regionibus.) (Bry, Collectiones, series I, 120. Valencia, 1846. pars 8.) CAVALLIER, (John.) Memoirs of the Wars of CAWSE, (John.) Introduction to the Art of the Cevennes, under Col. Cavallier, in de- of Painting in Oil Colours. 3d ed. 80. fence of the Protestants persecuted in that London, 1840. country. 12~. London, 1727. CAWTHORE, (James.) Poems. 8~. London, The same. Extracts from. 80. Lon- 1810. (Chalmers' Eng. Poets, v. 14.) don, 1775. (Col. Pam., v. 13.) The same. 16~. London, 1790. (JohnCAVALLO, (Tiberius.) Elements of Natural or son's Poets, v. 65.) Experimental Philosophy. 5th Am. ed., by The same. 160. Chiswick, 1822. (BritF. X. Brosius. 80. Philadelphia, 1832. ish Poets, v. 60.) History and Practice of Aerostation. CAXTON, (William.) Game of the Chesse. 80. London, 1785. Reproduced in fac-simile; with remarks on CAVALRY. Regulations for the Instruction, Caxton's typographical productions, by VinFormations, and Movements of the Cavalry. cent Figgins. 40. London, 1860. 120. London, 1861. CAYET, (Pierre Victor Palma.) Chronologie CAVALRY Sword Exercise. 160. London, 1845. Novenaire; histoire de la guerre sous la CAVE, (Laurence Trent.) The French in Af- r6gne de Henry IV. 6 v. 80. Paris, 1789. rica. 80. London, 1859. (Coil. des M6moires Relatifs i l'Hist. de CAVE, (William.) Antiquitates Apostolicre; France, v. 55-60.) lives, acts, and martydoms of the Holy The same. 80. Paris, 1838. (Michaud, Apostles. 2 v. 160. London, 1834. Coil. Mem. Hist. France, v. 12.) Lives of the Most Eminent Fathers of The same. 6 v. 80. Paris, 1823-4. the Church in the first four centuries. With Petitot, Coll. Mem. Hist. France, ser. I, an account of the state of Paganism under v. 38-43.) the first Christian Emperors. Revised by CAYLEY, (Arthur.) Life of Sir Walter Raleigh. Henry Cary. 3v. 80. Oxford, 1840. 2 v. in 1. 40. London, 1805. ~ —- Primitive Christianity; the religion of Memoirs of Sir Thomas More; with a the ancient Christians in the first ages of the new translation of his Utopia, his History of Gospel. With lives of Justin Martyr and Richard III., and his Latin Poems. 2v. 40. St. Cyprian; with notes, by Wim. Trollope. London, 1808. 2 v. 120. London, 1834. CAYLEY, (Edward Stillingfleet.) European CAVELER, (William.) Select Specimens of Revolutions of 1848. 2 v. 120. London, Gothic Architecture. 2d ed. 40. London, 1856. 1839. CAYLUS, (Marthe Marguerite de Valois, IarCAVENDISH, (George.) Life of Cardinal Wol- quise de Vdllette.) Me6moires, ou Souvenirs. sey. Small 40. London, 1852. 80. Paris, 1839. (Michand, Coll. Mem. CAVENDISH, (Sir Henry.) Debates of the Iist. France, v. 30.) House of Commons, during the thirteenth The same. 80. Paris, 1828. (Petitot, Parliament of Great Britain, commonly Coll. IMm. Hist. France, ser. 2, v. 66.) called the unreported Parliament. With CAZALET, (Jean Andre.) Theorie de la Naillustrations of the parliamentary history of ture. 80. Bordeaux, 1796. the reign of George III. Drawn up from CAZEAUX, (Paulin.) Theoretical and practical original manuscripts by J. Wright. Vol. I Treatise on Midwifery. 2d Am. from the May 10, 176,, to May 3, 1770. 80. London, 5th Prench ed. By Wim. R. Bullock. 8~. 1841. Ptiiladelphia, 1857. 229 CAZENAVE. CENT-ET-UNE. CAZENAVE, (P. L. Alphee.) Diseases of the Gandensis Enarrationes. Small 4~. LugHuman Hair. From the French, with a de- duni Batavorum, 1592. scription of an apparatus for fumigating the Medicinoe libri VIII., ex recensione L. scalp, by T. H. Burgess. 12~. London, 1851. Targae. Prmefixa de Celsi Vita dissertatione. and SCHEDEL, (H. E.) Manual of Concinnavit, indice jam Delphiniano auxit Diseases of the Skin. From the French, E. Milligan. Ed. 2'. 80. Edinburgi, 1831. with notes and additions, by T. H. Burgess. On Medicine, in eight books, Latin 2d Am. ed., with notes, by H. D. Bulkley. and English. Translated from L. Targa's 8~. New-York, 1852. edition. Life of the author, notes, &c., by CEBA, (Ansaldo.) Citizen of a Republic. Alexander Lee. 2v. 80. London, 1831-36. Translated by C. E. Lester. 120. New- CENNINI, (Cennino.) Treatise on Painting; York, 1845. directions for painting in fresco, secco, oil, CEBES. Tabula. (Gr. et Lat.) 80. Paris, and distemper, with the art of gilding and 1840. (Didot, Biblioth. Grecque, v. 46.) illuminating manuscripts. Translated by See EPICTETUS. Mrs. Merrifield. 80. London, 1844. CECIL, (Richard.) Works. With memoir, re- CENSUS of Great Britain in 1851. 80. London, vised. By Josiah Pratt. 4th ed. 2 v. 80. 1854. London, 1838. Population Tables. Number of the inCONTENTS. habitants in the years 1801, 1811, 1821, 1831, Bacon, (J.) Memoirs of, v. 1. 1841, and 1851. 2 v. Folio. London, 1852. Cadogan, (W. D.) Memoirs of, v. 1. Memoir and Letters of Cecil, v. 1. Index to the Parishes, Townships, and Newton, (John.) Memoirs of,. 1i. Places in the Population Tables of Great Religious Miscellanies, v. 1. Sermons and Remains, v. 2. Britain. Folio. London, 1852. CECIL, (Sir Robert.) Secret Correspondence CENSUS of the United States, First Decennial, with James VI., King of Scotland. Now for 1790. 80. Washington, 1802. (Pol. first published, by Sir David Dalrymple. Pam., v. 102.) 160. Edinburgh, 1776. The same. Second census. 1800. 80. CEDRENUS, (Georgius.) Compendium Histo- Washington, 1802. (Pol. Pam., v. 102.) riarum, a mundo condito usque ad I. Com- - The same. Fourth census. 1820. Folio. nenium Imperatorem. (Gr. et Lat.) Rec. I. Washington, 1821. Bekkerus. 2 v. 80. Bonnie, 1838. (Byzan — The same. Sixth census, for 1840. tine Hist. Corpus, v. 31-32.) Folio. Washington, 1841. CELEBRATED TRIALS, and Remarkable Cases of The same. Seventh census, for 1850. Criminal Jurisdiction, from the earliest rec- 40. Washington, 1851. ords to the year 1825. 6 v. 80. London, 1825. - Population of the United States in 1860. CELLA, (Paolo della.) Narrative of an Expe- Compiled from the original returns of the 8th dition from Tripoli to the Western Frontier census. By J. G. C. Kennedy. 40. Washof Egypt, in 1817, by the Bey of Tripoli. ington, 1864. Translated from the Italian, by A. Aufrere. Preliminary Report on the eighth Cen80. London, 1822. sus, 1860. By J. C. G. Kennedy. 80. CELLARIUS. Drawing-Room Dances. 160. Washington, 1862. London, 1847. Report of Joseph C. G. Kennedy, Su- Fashionable Dancing. With designs perintendent of the Census, for December 1, by GavarnB. Small 40. London, 1853. 1852; with report for Dec. 1, 1851. 80. CELLINI, (Benvenuto.) Memoirs, written by Washington, 1853. himself, containing a variety of information Statistical View of the United States; respecting the arts, and the history of the being a compendium of the seventh census. 16th century. 3d ed., with notes of G. P. With the results of every previous census, Carpani. Translated by Thomas Roscoe. beginning with 1790. (By J. D. B. De Bow.) 2 v. 80. London, 1823. 80. Washington, 1854. (2 copies.) The same. 2 v. 240. London; 1828. Statistical View of the Population, from (Autobiography, v. 16-17.) 1790 to 1830. Folio. Washington, 1835. CELSUS, (Aurelius Cornelius. De Re Medica CENT-ET-UNE NOUVELLES. Nouvelles des libri VIII. Accessere in primum ejusdem, cent-et-un, ornees de cent-et-une vignettes, Hieremice Thriveri Brachelii Commentarii; dessign6es et gravees par cent-et-un artistes. iu reliquos verb septem, Balduini Ronssei 2 v. 80. Paris, 1833. 230 CENTLIVRE. CERVANTES. CENTLIVRE, (Susanna.) Works. With anew devroit avoir pour le bonheur de l'humanit6. account of her life. 3 v. 16~. London, 160. Londres, 1780. (Col. Pam.,v. 24.) 1760-61. CERUTTI, (Angelo.) New Italian Grammar. CONTENTS. 2d ed. 80. London, 1833. Artifice, v. 3. Basset Table, v. 1. CtRUTTI, (A. J. J.) Memoires pour le Peuple Beaux's Duel, v.. Franais. 2e ed. 80. Paris, 1778. (Pol. Bickerstaff's Burial, v. 3.r Bold Stroke for a Wife, v. 3. Pam., v. 16.) Buly Body, v. 2. CERVANTES, (Alejandro Magarinos.) Estudios Gamester, v. 1. historicos, politicos y sociales sobre el Rio de Gotham Election, v. 3. Love at a Venture, v. 1. la Plata. 160. Paris, 1854. Love's Contrivance, v. 2. CERVANTES SAAVEDRA, (Miguel de.) Obras. Man's Bewitch'd, v. 3. Marplot in Lisbon, v. 2. Nueva edicion, con la vida del autor, por M. Perplexed Lovers, v. 2. F. deNavarrete. 4 v. 80. Paris, 1841-45. Platonic Lady, v. 2. Perjur'd Husband, v. 1. (Coll. de Autores Espanales, v. 27-30.) Stolen Heiress, v. 1. Wife well Managed, v. 3. OTT Wonder, a Woman Keeps a Secret, v. 3. CENTREVILLE Times and Eastern Shore Pub- Don Quixote, v. 1. Galatea, v. 3. lic Advertiser. Folio. Centreville, (Md.,) Novelas Ejemplares, v. 2. 1832-34. (Incomplete.) Novelas de Doia Maria de Zayas y Sotomayor, v. 2. Obras Dramaticas, v. 3. CERE, (Paul.) Manuel du Fonctionnaire Persiles y Sigismunda, v. 4. Viaje al Parn~so; po6mna, v. 3. charg6 de la Police, judiciaire, administra-so;, v. tive, et municipale. 12~. Paris, 1854. Obras. 3a ed. 80. Madrid, 1851. Manuel du Garde Champetre, forestier (Biblioteca de Autores Espaioles, v. 46.) ou particulier. 120. Paris, 1853. - El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quixote de Manuel du Juge de Paix, et du justicia- la Mancha. Nueva edicion, corregida por la ble de la justice de paix. 12~. Paris, 1854. Real Academia Espailola. 4v. 4~. Madrid, Manuel du Maire de l'Adjoint et du 1780. Conseiller Municipal. 5e ed. 12~. Paris, The same. Nueva edicion, con nuevas 1853. notas, con nuevas estampas, con nuevo anaet BLONDEUX, (EugBne des.) Manuel lisis, y con la vida de el autor nuevamente du Clerge et du Culte Catholique pour le aumentada, por J. Antonio Pellicer. 5 v. reglement des choses du temporel. 12~. 8~. Madrid, 1797-8. Paris, 1854.' The same. Nueva edicion, conforme CEREMONIAL; for the use of the Catholic en todo ala de la Real Academia Espanola, Churches in the United States of America. hecha en Madrid en 1782. Edicion hecha 2d ed. 12~. Baltimore, 1852. baxo la direccion de Jose Ren6 Masson. 7 v. CEREMONIAL de 1'Empire Frangais, par L. I. 8~. Paris, 1814. P. 8~. Paris, 1805. - The same. Comentado por Diego CleCEREMONIES et Coutumes Religieuses de tons mencin. 6 v. Small 4~. Madrid, 1833-39. les Peuples du Monde; representees par des The same. Nueva edicion clasica. figures dessinees de la main de Bernard Pi- Enmendada por Francisco Sales. 2 v. 12~. cart; avec une explication historique, et Boston, 1836. quelques dissertations curieuses; avec le Trabajos de Persiles y Sigismunda, hissupplement et les superstitions anciennes et toria setentrional. 2 v. 80. Madrid, 1802. modernes. 11 v. Folio. Amsterdam, 1736-42. - Don Quixote de la Mancha. Translated CERFBERIR, (Alphonse E.) Des Condamnes from the Spanish, by Mary Smirke; with Liberes. 12~. Paris, 1844. pictures by Robert Smirke. 4 v. 8~. LonCERISIER, (Antoine Marie.) Histoire de la don, 1818. Fondation des Colonies des Anciennes R6- - The same. Translated by CharlesJarvis; publiques, adapt6e A la Dispute pr6sente de with designs by Richard Westall. 4 v. 16~. la Grande Bretagne avec des Colonies Am6r- London, 1820. icaines. 12~. Utrecht, 1778. The same. From the Spanish, by Le Destin de l'Am6rique; dialogues Motteux. 5v. 12~. Edinburgh, 1822. pittoresques dans lesquels on developpe la. The same. From the Spanish, by T. cause des even6mens actuels, la politique et Smollett; with memoir of the author, by T. les int6rets des puissances de l'Europe rela- Roscoe. Illustrated by G. Cruikshank. 3v. tivement k cette guerre, et les suites qu'elle 16~. London, 1833. 231 CERVANTES. CHALMERS. CERVANTES SAAVEDRA, (Miguel de.) Don CHAIS DE SOURCESOL. Mandement du Ciel Quixote de la Mancha. Translated by T. aux Iglises ]gardes. 12~. Paris, 1804. Smollett. 80. (Ballantyne Novelist's Libra- (Bound with above.) ry, v. 3.) - L']vangile Iternel; Fin du Livre des ~- The same. (Jarvis's translation revised.) Manifestes. 160. Paris, 1806. (Bound 80. London, 1842. with above.) - The same. Jarvis's translation. With -- The same. 160. Paris, 1806. illustrations by Tony Johannot. 2 v. 80. CHALCOCONDYLES, (Laonicus.) Historiarum Philadelphia, 1852. Libri X. (Gr. et Lat.) Ex rec. I. Bekkeri. El Buscapie; with the notes of Adolfo 80. Bonnee, 1843. (Byzantinae Hist. CorDe Castro. From the Spanish, with life of pus, v. 38.) the author, by Thomasina Ross. 120. Lon- CHALES, (Claude Francois Milliet de. Cursus don, 1849. sen Mundus Mathematicus. Editio altera,..- Exemplary Novels; with El Buscapie; opera et studio A. Varcin. 4 v. Folio. or, the Serpent; and La Ta Fingida: or, Lugduni, 1690. The Pretended Aunt. From the Spanish, by CHALLICE, (Doctor.) Secret History of the Walter K. Kelly. 120. London, 1855. Court of France, under Louis XV. Edited Wanderings of Persiles and Sigismunda. from rare and unpublished documents. 2 v. From the Spanish, by L. D. Stanley. 160. 120. London, 1861. London, 1854. CHALLIS, (James.) Astronomical ObservaL'Ingenieux Hidalgo Don Quichotte tions made at the Observatory of Cambridge, de la Manche. Traduit et annote par Louis for the years 1846-48, and 1852-54. V. 16, Viardot. 4 v. 180. Bruxelles, 1839. 17, and 19. Cambridge, 1848-61. ~- The same. Vignettes de Tony Johan- CHALLONER, (Richard.) Memoirs of Missionnot. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1840-50. ary Priests; and other Catholics who sufCiSPEDES Y MENESES, (Gonzalo de.) El fered death in England on religious accounts, Espanol Gerardo, y Fortuna del Soldado from 1577 to 1684. 2d ed. 80. London, Pindaro. (Bib. deAutores Espanoles,v. 48.) 1844. CEVALLOS, (Pedro.) Exposition of the Ma- CHALMERS, (Alexander.) General Biographchinations which led to the Usurpation of ical Dictionary; containing an historical the Crown of Spain. 80. New York, 1808. and critical account of the lives and writings CHABERT, (Joseph Bernard, Marquis de.) of the most eminent persons in every nation, Voyage fait par ordre du Roi en 1750 et 1751, particularly the British and Irish, from the dans l'Amerique Septentrionale, pour recti- earliest accounts to the present time. New fier les Cartes des Cbtes de l'Acadie, del'Isle ed. 32 v. 80. London, 1812-17. Royale et de l'Isle de Terre-Neuve; et pour - History of the Colleges, Halls, and en fixer les principaux points par des obser- Public Buildings attached to the University vations astronomiques. 40. Paris, 1753. of Oxford, including the Lives of the FoundCHABOULON. See FLEURY de CHABOULON. ers. 2 v. 80. Oxford, 1810. CHABROUD, (Charles.) Rapport de la Proc- -- Works of the English Poets, from dure du Chatelet, sur l'affaires des 5e et 6e Chaucer to Cowper; including the series Octobre. 80. Paris, 1790. (Pol. Pam.,v. 8.) edited, with prefaces, by Dr. Johnson; the CIIADWICK, (William.) Life and Times of additional lives by A. Chalmers. 21 v. 80. Daniel De Foe. 80. London, 1859. London, 1810. CHAIDE, (Pedro Malon de.) La Conversion - English Translations, from Ancient and de la Madalena. 80. Madrid, 1853. (Bib. Modern Poems, by various authors. (V. 19 de Autores Espafoles, v. 44.) to 21 of Chalmers' English Poets.) 3 v. 8~. CHAILLY, (Honore.) Practical Treatise on London, 1810. Midwifery. Translated from the French, by CHALMERS, (Charles.) Electro-Chemistry, G. S. Bedford. 80. New-York, 1844. with Positive Results; and notes for inquiry CHAIS DE SOURCESOL. Livre des Manifestes, on the sciences of geology and astronomy. ou l'on trouve developpe quelles sont les ver- 80. London, 1858. itables causes de notre etonnante revolution; CHALMERS, (George.) Apology for the Bequelle doit en tre l'issue. 120. Paris, 1800. lievers in the Shakspeare Papers, which were -- La Clef des Oracles. 120. Paris, 1801. exhibited in Norfolk-street. 80. London, (Bound with above.) 1797. 232 CHALMERS. CHAMBERS. CHALMERS, (George.) SupplementalApology CHALMERIS, (Thomas.) Posthumous Works. for the Believers in the Shakspeare Papers; 9 v. 80. Edinburgh, 1848-52. a reply to Mr. Malone's answer. 8~. Lon- CONTENTS. I, 1799. Butler's Analogy; Lectures on, v. 9. dIon, D79. Daily Scripture Readings, v. 1-3. Appendix to the Supplemental Apology Hill's Lectures in Divinity; Notes on, v. 9. Institutes of Theology, v. 7-8. for the Believers in the supposititious Shaks- Paley's Evidences oi Christianity; Lectures on, peare Papers; being the documents for the v. 9. n^~~~~ * ~ Principal's Addresses, v. 9. opinion that Hugh McAuley Boyd wrote Sabbath Scripture Readings, v. 4-5. Junius's Letters. 8~. London, 1800. Sermons, v 6. Caledonia; or, an account, historical - Adaptation of External Nature to the and topographical, of North Britain, from the Moral and Intellectual Constitution of Man. earliest times. 3 v. 4. London,180-24. 2 8 London, 1807-24.835. (Bridgewater Collection of Treaties between Great Treatises, v. 1-2.) Britain and other Powers. 2 v. 80. Lon- ~ Discourses on the Application of Chrisdon, 1790. tianity to the Commercial and Ordinary Considerations on Commerce, bullion, Affairs of Life. 80. New-York, 1821. and coin; circulation, and exchanges. 2d ed. Discourses on the Christian Religion 80. London, 1811. (Financial Pam., v. 3.) Viewed in Connexion with Modern AstronIntroduction to the History of the Re- omy. 12o. Edinburgh, 1852. volt of the American Colonies; being a com- Introductory Essays to Select Christian prehensive view of its origin, derived from Authors. 120. Glasgow, 1838. the state papers contained in the public - Political Economy, in connexion with offices in Great Britain. 2 v. 80. Boston, the moral state and moral prospects of society. 1845. 8. Glasgow, 1832. Opinions of Eminent Lawyers on va- Sermons, preached in the Tron church, rious points of English Jurisprudence, chiefly Glasgow. 80. New-York, 1819. concerning the colonies, fisheries, and corn- Life of Thomas Chalmers, D. D. Ed. merce of Great Britain. 2 v. 80. London, by James C. Moffat. 2d ed. 120. Cincin1814. nati, 1853. Opinions on interesting subjects of Pub- CHALONER and FLEMING. Mahogany Tree, lic Law and Commercial Policy, arising from in the West Indies and Central America; American Independence. 80. London, 1784. with notices of the projected interoceanic Tbe same. (Com. Pam., v. 4 ) communications of Panama, Nicaragua, and Poetic Remains of some of the Scottish Tehuantepec. 80. Liverpool, 1851. Kings. 120. London, 1824. CHALYBXUS, (Heinrich Moritz.) History of Political Annals of the present United Speculative Philosophy, from Kant to Hegel. Colonies, from their settlement to the peace From the German, by Alfred Tulk. 120. of 1763. 40. London London, 1780.1854. CHALMEtPS, (Lionel.) Account of the Weather CHAMBAUD, (Lewis.) Grammar of the French and Diseases of South Carolina. 2 v. in 1. Tongue. Revised and corrected, by M. Des 80. London, 1776. CarriBres. 120. London, 1846. CHALMERS, (Thomlas.) Works. 25 v. 120. ~ Idioms of the French and English Glasgow, 1836-42. Languages. 160. London, 1814. COTETS Nouveau Dictionnaire Fran9ois-Anglois, et Anglois-Fran9ois; corrige et augApplication of Christianity to the Affairs of Life, ment6, par J. B. Robinet. 2v. 40. Paris, 1776. v. 6. Christian and Economic Polity of a Nation, v. 14- CHAMBERLAIN, (John.) Letters written durChch and College Estalishments, v. 17. ing the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. Edited by Church Extension, v. ]8. Sarah Williams. Small 40. London, 1861. Congregational Sermons, v. 8-10. Discourses on Christian Revelation in connection (Camden Society, No. 79.) with'Modern Astronomy, v. 7. wwith'Modern Astllonomy, v. 7. CHAMBERLAYNE, (Edward.) L'Estat Present Evidences of Christian Revelation, v. 3-4. Introductory Essays to Christian Authors, v. 13. de l'Angleterre; avec plusieurs reflexions Lectures on Paul's Epistle to the Romans, v. 2- r son ancien estat. Trduit d Ani 25.sur son ancien estat. Traduit de lAnglois. Moral and Mental Philosophy, v. 5. 3 ed. 2 v. 240. Amsterdam 1571-2. Natural Thleology, v. 1-2. Paroct ial System, v. 21. CHAMBERS, (A. H.):Exposure of the Fallacy PoliticalEcohnomy, v. 19-20. of the Sinking Fund. 80. London, 1819. Sermons Preashed on Public Occasions, v. 11. Tracts andl Essays, v. 12. (Pamphleteer, v. 15.) 233 CHAMBERS. CHAMBERS. CHAMBERS, (A. IH.) Thoughts on the Resump- CHAMBERS, (Robert.) History of the Rebeltion of Cash Payments; and on the corn bill, lion in Scotland in 1745-6. 4th ed. 2 v. as connected with that measure. 80. Lon- 180. Edinburgh, 1830. don, 1819. (Financial Pam., v. 9.) The same. 160. Edinburgh, 1840. CHAMBERS, (Charles Harcourt.) Treatise on Life of James the First. 2 v. 160. the Law of Landlord and Tenant, compiled Edinburgh, 1830. in part from the notes of the late Sir Wi. Popular Rhymes of Scotland. 160. David Evans; with appendix of precedents. Edinburgh, 1841. 80. London, 1823. Scottish Songs. Collected and illusCHAMBERS, (Daniel.) Act for the Amend- trated. 2 v. 120. Edinburgh, 1829. (Vol. ment and better administration of the Laws 1 wanting.) relating to the Poor, in England and Wales. Traditions of Edinburgh. 160. EdinLikewise the act to facilitate the conveyance burgh, 1847. of workhouses, &c. 160. London, 1836. Walks in Edinburgh. 160. EdinCHAMBERS, (Ephraim.) Cyclopmedia; an uni- burgh, 1825. versal dictionary of arts and sciences. 4th See VESTIGES of Creation. ed.; with a supplement. 4 v. Folio. Lon- CHAMBERS, (Sir Robert.) Treatise onEstates don, 1741-53. and Tenures. Edited by Charles Harcourt CHAMBERS, (James.) Bishop Heber and In- Chambers. 80. London, 1824. dian Missions. 160. London, 1846. CHAMBERS, (Talbot W.) Noon Prayer MeetCHAMBERS, (John.) General History of Mal- ing of the North Dutch Church, Fulton st., vern, with plates, intended to comprise all New-York; its origin, character, and prothe advantages of a guide, with chemical, gress, and results. 120. New-York, 1858. mineralogical, and statistical information. CHAMBERS, (William.) American Slavery and 80. Worcester, (Eng.,) 1817. Colour. 80. Edinburgh, 1857. CHAMBERS, (John D.) Complete Dictionary - Book of Scotland. 120. Edinburgh, of the Law and Practice of Elections of 1830. Members of Parliament, and of election pe- Something of Italy. 160. Edinburgh, titions and committees, for England, Scot- 1862. land, and Ireland. 80. London, 1837. Things as they Are in America. 12~. ~- Practical Treatise on the Jurisdiction of London, 1845. the High Court of Chancery, over the persons Tour in Holland; the counties on the and property of infants. 80. London, 1842. Rhine, and Belgium, in 1838. 2d ed. 80. CHAMBERS, (Robert.) Ancient Sea-Margins, Edinburgh, 1842. as memorial of changes in the relative level Tour in Switzerland, in 1841. 80. of sea and land. 80. Edinburgh, 1848. Edinburgh, 1842. (With Chambers' Hol~- Biographical Dictionary of Eminent land.) Scotsmen. 4 v. 80. Glasgow, 1840. CHAMBERS, (William and Robert.) EdinCyclopaedia of English Literature; a burgh Journal, from commencement, in history, critical and biographical, of British February, 1832, to December, 1843. 12 v. authors, from the earliest to the present in 6. Folio. London, 1833-44. times. 2 v. 80. Edinburgh, 1844. The same. New series, Jan., 1844, to - Domestic Annals of Scotland, from the Dec., 1853. 20 v. in 10. Royal 80. LonReformation to the Revolution. 2d ed. 2 v. don, 1844-54. 80. Scotland, 1859. - Journalof Popular Literature, Science, History of Scotland, from the earliest and Art. V. 1-18, in 9 v. 80. Edinburgh, period to the present time. 2 v. 120. Lon- 1854-62. don, 1832. - Gazetteer of Scotland. 2 v. 80. Ed~- History of the Rebellions in Scotland inburgh, 1833. under the Marquis of Monmouth and others, - Hand-Book of American Literature, from 1638 till 1660. 2 v. 180. Edinburgh, historical, biographical, and critical. 120. 1828. Edinburgh, 1856. History of the Rebellions in Scotland Information for the People. 2 v. 80. under the Viscount of Dundee and the Earl Edinburgh, 1849. of Mar, in 1689 and 1715. 180. Edinburgh, Miscellany of Useful and Entertaining 1829. Tracts. 18 v. in 9. 160. Edinburgh, 1847. 30 234 CHAMBERS. CHANDLER. CHAMBERS, (William and Robert.) Papers for United States of America, with a view to the People. 12 v. 120. Edinburgh, 1850-51. their future Commercial Regulations. 2d ed. CHAMBERS, (Sir William.) Plans, elevations, 80. London, 1784. sections, and perspective views of the gardens CHAMPLAIN, (Samuel de.) Voyages; oujourand buildings at Kew, in Surrey. Folio. nals es decouvertes de la Nouvelle France. London, 1763. 2 v. b8. Paris, 1830. Treatise on the Decorative Part of Civil Voyage to the West Indies and MexArchitecture. 3ded. Folio. London, 1791. ico, in 1599-1602. Trans. by A. Wilmere. Desseins des Edifices. Meubles, Habits, 80. London, 1859. (Hakluyt Society, v. 23.) Machines, et Ustenciles des Chinois. Folio. CHAMPOLLION-FIGEAC, (J. J.) ligypte AnLondres, 1757. cienne. 80. Paris, 1839. (L'Univers, CHAMBRE, (de la.) See LA CHAMBRE. v. 12.) CHIAMBRE, (Major William.) Recollections of CHAMPOLLION LE JEUNE, (Jean Francois.) West-End Life; with sketches of society in Dictionnaire Egyptien, en Icriture HiiroParis, India, &c. 2 v. 120. London, glyphique; publi6 d'aprgs les manuscrits 1858. autographes, par M. Champollion-Figeac. CIAMEROVZOw, (Louis Alexis.) Chronicles Folio. Paris, 1841. of the Bastile; an historical romance. 5th Grammaire /gyptienne, ou principes ed. 80. London, 1847. gne6raux de l'ecriture sacrde 3]gyptienne CHAMICH, (Michael.) History of Armenia, appliquee e la representation de la langue from B. C. 2247 to the year of Christ 1780, parlee. Folio. Paris, 1836. or 1229 of the Armenian era. From the L'Egypte sous les Pharaons, on recheroriginal Armenian, by Johannes Avdall. ches sur la g6ographie, la religion, la langue, 2 v. 80. Calcutta, 1827. les 6critures et 1' histoire de 1' 2gypte. 2 v. CHAMIER, (Frederick.) Ben Brace. 160. 80. Paris, (Grenoble,) 1814. London, 1850. (Bentley's Stand. Novels, v. Monuments de'E]gypte et de la Nubie, 77.) d'apr s les dessins ex6cut6s sur les lieux sous Life of a Sailor. 160. London, 1850. la direction de Champollion-le-Jeune, et les (Bentley's Stand. Novels, v. 120.) descriptions autographes qu'il en a rddig6es. Review of the French Revolution of 4 v. Folio. Paris. 1835-45. 1848. 2 v. 80. London, 1849. Pr6cis du Systeme Hi6roglyphique des CHAMISSO, (Albert von.) Peter Schlemihl. Anciens Egyptiens. 2e ed., augmlenteedela Translated by Sir J. Bowring. Illustrated lettre a M. Dacier relative a l'alphabet des by George Cruikshank. 3d ed. 120. Lon- hieroglyphes phonetiques employ6s par les don, 1861. egyptiens sur leurs monumens de l'epoque CHAMLAY, (Jules Louis Bau6l, Marquis de.) romaine. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1827-8. Memoires, ou Essai pour servir t l'Histoire CHAMrPOMIER, (P. A.) Statement of the Sugar de F. M. Le Tellier, Marquis de Louvois, Crops made in Louisiana, in the years 1844 Ministre et Secr6taire d'Etat de la Guerre to 1855-7. 160. New-Orleans, 1845-57. sous le Riggne de Louis XIV. 180. Am- CIAMPONNIEnRE, (M.) DelaPropri6te desEaux sterdam, 1740. Courantes, du Droit des Riverains, et de la CHAMPAGNE, (J. F.) La Mer Libre, et la Mer Valeur Actuelle des Concessions F6odales; Fermee; analyse de Grotius et de Selden. ouvrage contenant l'expos6 complet des in80. Paris, 1803. stitutions seigneuriales et le principe de toutes CHAMPEAUX, (G. de.) Recueil Gendral du les solutions de droit qui se rattachent aux Droit Civil Ecclesiastique Frangais, depuis lois abolitives de la f6odalite. 80. Paris, le commencement de la monarchie jusqu'a 1846. nos jours; avec des notes de concordance, CHANCE, (Henry.) Treatise on Powers. 2 v. l'indication des lois et reglements actuelle- 8~. London, 1831. mentenviguer. 2eed. 2v. 80. Paris, 1852. CHANDLER, (Daniel H.) Reports of Cases in CHAMPIGNeY, (Jean, Ctevalier de.) Memoir the Supreme Court of the State of Wisconsin, of Present State of Louisiana. From the 1849 to 1852. 4 v. in 2. 80. Milwaukee, French. 80. New York, 1853. (French's 1850-54. (2 copies.) Hist. Coll. Louisiana, v. 5.) CHANDLER, (George.) Sermons on the Scheme CHAMPION, (Richard.) Considerations on the of Divine Revelation. 80. Oxford, 1825. present situation of Great Britain and the (Bampton Lectures for 1825.) 235 CHANDLER. CHANSONS. CHANDLER, (Joseph R.) Address before CIANNrING, (Walter.) Treatise on Etheriza"Girard Brotherhood." 8~. Philadelphia, tion in Childbirth. Illustrated by 581 cases. 1855. 80. Boston, 1848. Address on the Public Schools of Wash- Physician's Vacation; or, a summer in ington. SO. Washington, 1850. (Misc. Europe. 12~. Boston, 1856. Pan., v. 2.) CHANNING, (W;illiam E.) Works. 7th comAddress delivered before Marshall Col- plete edition. 6v. 120. Boston, 1847. lege, Sept. 24, 1839. 80. Philadelphia, CONTENTS. 1839. (Misc. Pain., v. 3-2.) 18339. (Misc. Pami., v. 32.) Abolitionists, The, v. 2. Civil and Religious Equality; an Ora- Address delivered at Lenox, Aug. 1, 18,12, v. 6. tion, May 15, 1855. 80. Philadelphia, 1855. Asocixtion of R as to te Uit t,. Associations, Remarks on, v. 1. Grammar of the English Language; Calvinism, Moral Argunmet against, v. 1. Catholicism, Letter on, v. 2. adapted to the schools of America. 12O. Charges at Ordinations, v. 5. Philadelphia, 1848..Church, The; a discourse, v. 6. Philadelphia^, 1848. Creeds, Letters on, v. 2. Speech on the Temporal Power of the Duty of the Free States, v. 6. Pope. 120. New York, 1855. (Writh Education, inemarks on, v. 1. iElevation of Laboring Classes, Lectures on, v. 5. McClintock's Temporal Power.) Einancipation, v. 6 Fenelon, Character and Writings, v. 1. CHANDLER, (Peleg W.) American Criminal Follen, C., Discourse on the death of, v. 5. Trials. 2 v. 120. Boston, 1851-2. Milton, John, Character and Writings, v. 1. ti3iscellanies, v. 5. CHANDLER, (Richard.) History and Proceed- Napoleon, Life and Character, v. 1. ings of the ose of Commons, from tne res- Ntional Literature, Remarks on, v. 1. hlg's of the House of Com lmons, f rom th e res- IPresent Age, The; an address, v. 6. toration to the present time. 14 v. 80. Religious Discourses, v. 3-4. Self-Culture, Address on, v. 2. London, 1742-44. (2 copies.) Slavery. v. 2. History and Proceedings of the House Slavery Question, Renmaks on, v. 5. T inperance, Address on, v. 2. of Lords, from the restoration to the present Tuckermail, J., Life and Character of, v. 6. time. 7 v. 80. London, 1742. Union,' her, v. 5. War, Lecture on, v. 5. CHANDLER., (Richard, D. D.) History of Ilium, War, Two Discourses on, v. 3-4. or Troy; including the adjacent country, Discourse in Commemoration of Good and the opposite coast of the Chersonesus of ness of God in delivering the ChristianWorld Thrace. 4~. London, 1802. fiom Military Despotism. 80. Boston, 1814. Travels in Asia Minor and Greece. 2d (Theol. Pam., v. 12.) ed., corrected by N. Revett; with memoir, - Discourses. 120. Boston, 1832. by R. Churton. 2 v. 8~. Oxford, 1825. Discourses, Reviews, and Miscellauies. CHANDLER, (Samuel, D.D.) H-istory of Per- 80. Boston, 1830. secution, from the patriarchal age, to the -- Election Sermon, 1830. 80. Boston, reign of George II. 2d ed., with Buchanan's 1830. (Theol. Pam., v. 12.) Inquisition at Goa, Hints on the recent Per -- Letter to Henry Clay, on the annexasecutions in the British Empire, and the tion of Texas to the United States. 12~. New Toleration Act, by C. Atmore. 8c. Glasgow, 1837. Hull, 1813. L etter to Rev. S. C. Thacher, on the Plain Reasons for being a Christian. aspersions on the ministers of Boston and 80. Cambridge, 1785. (Watson's Theol. vicinity. 2d ed. 80. Boston, 1815. Tracts, v. 3 ) Slavery. 12~. Boston, 1835. CIANRDLER, (Thomas B.) Further Defence of - Remarks on Dr. Channing's Slavery. his Appeal in behalf of the Church of Eng- By a Citizen of Massachusetts. 3d ed. 80. land in America. 80. New York, 1791. Boston, 1835. (Slavery Pam., v. 16.) (no title page.) (Misc. Pam., v. 10.) CIIANNING, (William Ellery,.Jr.) Poeimts. CHANDLESS, (William.) Visit to Salt Lake; First and second series. 2 v. in 1. 16c. a journey across the plains, and a residence Boston. 1843-47. in the Mormon settlement at Utah. 12C. CHANNING, (William Henry.) Memoir of WilLondon, 1857. liam Ellery Channing; with extracts from CHANNING, (Edward T.) Lectures read to the his correspondence and manuscripts. 3d ed. Seniors in Harvard College. 120. Boston, 3 v. 120. Boston, 1848. 1856. CIHASO-NS Nationales et Populaires de France. - Life of William Ellery. 16~0 Boston, Par Marion Dumersan. 15C ed. 320. Paris, 1836. (Spark's Am. Biog., v. 6, first series.):857.:18. 236 CHANSONS. CHAPTAL. CHANSONS et Rondes Enfantines. Contes et at Washington. 80. Washington, 1840. Fables en Chansons. 80. Paris, 1858. (Misc. Pam., v. 20.) CHANTAGREL, (J.) Droit Administratif The- Elements of Art; a manual for the orique et Pratique. 2ae d. 80. Paris, 1859. amateur, and basis of study for the profesCHANTELOUP, (Cointe de.) See CHAPTAL. sional artist. 40. London, 1848. CHANTREL, (J.) Annales Ecclesiastiques de CHAPMAN, (Lucretia.) Trial of Lucretia Chap1846 A 1860. Ouvrage complementaire de man, otherwise called Lucretia Espos y l'histoire universelle de l'6glise Catholique, Mina, who was jointly indicted with Lino par Rohrbacher. 80. Paris, 1861. Amalia Epos y Mina, for the murder of WilCIAPIN, (E. H.) Characters in the Gospels, liam Chapman, Esq., in the Court of Oyer illustrating phases of character at the present and Terminer, held at Doylestown, for Bucks, day. 160. New-York, 1852. December, 1831; continued to February Humanity in the City. 120. New- Term, 1832. Prepared for publication by York, 1854. William E. Du Bois. 80. Philadelphia, CHAPMAN, (B.) History of Gustavus Adol- 1832. phus, and of the Thirty Years' War, 80. CHAPMAN, (L. L.) Principia; or, Nature's London, 1856. First Principles; theory of Universal ElecCHAPMAN, (Charles.) Matthew Henry; his tro-Magnetism simplified. 2d ed. 160. Phillife and times; a memorial and a tribute. adelphia, 1855. 160. London, 1859. CHAPMAN, (Nathaniel, M. D.) Lectures on CHAPMAN, (Edward J.) Brief Description of the more important Diseases of the Thoracic the Characters of Minerals, &c. 12~. Lon- and Abdominal Viscera. 80. Philadelphia, don, 1844. 1844. Practical Mineralogy; a compendium Lectures on the more important Erupof the distinguishing characters of minerals. tive Fevers, Hemorrhages and Dropsies, and 80. London, 1843. on Gout and Rheumatism. 80. PhiladelCHAPMAN, (Fredrik Henrik.) Treatise on phia, 1844. Ship-Building. From the Swedish, with (Editor.) Select Speeches, forensick notes, by James Inman. 40. Cambridge, and parliamentary; with prefatory remarks. (Eng.,) 1820. 5 v. 80. Philadelphia, 1808. CHAPMAN, (Ienry S.) Thoughts ontheMoney CHAPMAN, (William.) Treatise on the Preand Exchanges of Lower Canada. 80. Mon- servation of Timber from Premature Decay. treal, 1832. 80. London, 1817. CHAPMAN, (Henry T.) Atlas of Surgical Ap- CHAPONE, (Hester.) Letters on the Improveparatus; delineations of the most important ment of the Mind. 160. London, 1822. mechanical auxiliaries of surgery. 40. Lon- CHAPPE D'AUTEROCHE, (Jean.) Journey into don, 1832. Siberia, made by order of the King of France; - Brief Description of Surgical Appara- an account of the manners and customs of tus. 80. London, 1832. the Russians; the natural history, and geoTreatment of Ulcers on the Leg without graphical description of their country, etc. Confinement, and best mode of effecting the From the French. 40. London, 1770. permanent cure of Varicose Veins. 120 - Voyage to California, to observe the London, 1848. Transit of Venus; with description of the CHAPMAN, (Isaac A.) Sketch of the History route through Mexico, and the natural history of Wyoming; with a statistical account of of that province. 80. London, 1778. the valley. 120. Wilkesbarre, (Pa,) 1830. CHAPPELL, (Edward.) Narrative of a Voyage CHAPMAN, (John, M1. D.) Chloroform and to Hudson's Bay. 80. London, 1817. other Anaesthetics; their history, and use Voyage to New Foundland and South during childbirth. 80. London, 1859. Coast of Labrador. 80. London, 1818. CHAPMAN, (John.) Cotton and Commerce of CHAPPELL, (W.) Collectionof National EngIndia, in relation to the interests of Great lish Airs, harmonized for the pianoforte; Britain. 80. London, 1851. with an essay on English Minstrelsy. Folio. CIHAPMAN, (John G.) American Drawing- London, 1840. Book. 40. New-York, 1858. CHAPTAL, (Jean Antoine, Comte de Chante--- -Description of Picture of Baptism of loup.) AL6mnens deChimie. 3v. 80. Paris, Pocahontas in the Rotunda of the Capitol 1796. 237 CHAPTAL. CHARLEVOIX. CHAPTAL, (Jean Antoine, Cortte de Chante- CHARLES V., (Enperor of Germany.) Correloup.) Des Douanes et des Prohibitions. 80. spondence of the Emperor and his AmbassaPhiladelphia, 1819. dors at the Courts of England and France. De l'Industrie Franaaise. 2 v. 8~. Edited by William Bradford. With the EmParis, 1819. peror's Itinerary, from 1519 to 1551. 80. CHARADES, Enigmas, and Riddles, collected London, 1850. by a Cantab. 2d ed. 240. Cambridge, CHARLES VII., (King of France.) Journal d' 1860. un Bourgeois de Paris, sous le Regne de. CHARnuY, (Fran9ois Nicolas.) Abrege Chro- 80. Paris, 1850. (Michaud, Coil. Melm. nologique de l'Histoire des Juifs, jusqu'h la Hist. France, v. 3.) Ruine de Jerusalem par Tite sous Vespasien. CHARLES, (Louis de Lorraine, Archduke of 160. Paris, 1759. Austria; known as Prince.) Principes de la CHARDIN, (Sir John.) Travels through Min- Grande Guerre, suivis d'exemples tactiques grelia and Georgia into Persia. (Knox's raisonnee de leur application. Tradnit de Coll. Voyages, v. 6.) l'Allemand par Ed. De la Barre Duparcq. The same. (Pinkerton's Voyages, v. 9.) Folio. Paris, 1851. CHARDON, (M.) Traite du Droit d'Alluvion; - Principes de la Strategie, develloppes avec figures. 80. Paris, 1830. par la relation de la campagne de 1796 en The same. 2e ed. 80. Paris, 1840. Allemagne. Ouvrage traduit de l'Allemand, CHARITON Aphrodisiensis de Chaerea et Cal- et attribue h L'Archiduc Charles. 3 v. 8S; lirrhoe. (Gr. et Lat.) (Didot, Biblioth. cartes et planches, Folio. Paris, 1818. Grecque, v. 13.) CHARLES DE VALOIS. See ANGOJULEME, CHARKE, (Mrs. Charlotte.) Narrative of Life. (Duc d'.) Written by herself. 240. London, 1827. CHARLES, (William.) Visitation of the County (Autobiography, v. 7.) of Huntingdon, under authority of Win. CHARLES I., (King of England.) Court and Camden, King of Arms, A. D. 1613. Edited Times of; illustrated by authentic and con- by Sir H. Ellis. Small 40. London, 1849. fidential letters. Edited by Folkstone Wil- (Camden Society, No. 43.) liams. 2 v. 80. London, 1848. CHARLESTON Book: a miscellany in prose and King Charles I.'s Declaration to his verse. 120. Charleston, (S. C.,) 1845. Subjects, concerning lawful sports to be used CHARLESTON Library Society. Catalogue of on Sundays. 1633. Reprinted, small 40. Books. 80. Charleston, (S. C.,) 1845. London, 1860. CHARLESTOWN Public Library. Catalogue. Letters to Queen Henrietta Maria. 80. Charlestown, (Mass.,) 1862. Edited by J. Bruce. Small 40. London, CHARLESWORTH, (Edward.) See MAGAZINE 1856. (Camden Society, v. 63.) of Natural History. Proces de. 80. Paris, 1827. (Coil. CHARLESWORTI, (J. N.) House-Painter, des 16eoires relatifs A la Revolution d' An- Sign-Writer, Paper-Hanger, and Grainers' gleterre, v. 9.) Assistant; receipts for imitating woods and Reliquim Sacrte Carolinte; or, the marbles. 120. Mount Pleasant, (O.,) 1854. works of that great Monarch and glorious CHARLEVOIX, (Pierre Francois Xavier de.) martyr. 180. Hague, 1650. Histoire et Description Generale du Japon. CHARLES II., (King of England.) Mdmoires 2 v. 40. Paris, 1736. sui sa fuite apres la Bataille de Worcester, - Histoire de l'Isle Espagnole, ou de S. ecrits par lui-m6me. 80. Paris, 1827. (Coll. Domingue. 4v. 160. Amsterdam, 1733. des Memoires relatifs a la Revolution d' An- - Histoire du Paraguay. 3 v. 40. Paris, gleterre, v. 9.) 1756. ~- Secret History of the Court and Reign Histoire et Description Generale de la of Charles II., by a Member of his Privy Nouvelle France; avec le journal historique Council. To which are added, introductory d'un voyage fait par ordre du Roi dans sketches of the preceding period, from the l'Amerique Septentrionale 3v. 40. Paris, accession of James I., with notes, &c. 2 v. 1744. 80. London, 1792. I-istorical Journal addressed to the CHARLES V., (Emperor of Germany.) Autobi- Dutchess of Lesdiguieres. From the French. ography. Translated by Leonard F. Simp- 80. New York, 1851. (French's Hist. Coll. son. 120. London, 1862. Louisana, v. 3.) 238 CH ARLE OIX. CHASLES. CHARLEVOIX, (Pierre Francois Xavier de.) CT.Is, (Jean,) et LEBRUN, (M.) Histoire Journal of a Voyage to North America, con- Politique et Philosophique de la R6volution taining the geographical description and de 1'Amderique Septentrionale. 8~. Paris, natural history of that country, particularly 1801. Canada. From the French. 2v. 80. Lon- CHASE, (David T.) Trials of David T. Chase don, 1761. and John W. Fellows for an alleged conCIIARLTON, (Edwin A.) New Hampshire As spircy, &c., and of Jired Bull on a:n indictIt Is. 8~. Claremont, (N. H.,) 1855. ment for perjury, in the Court of Sessions. CIIARLTON, (Robert M.) Reports of Decisions Reported by J. S. Carpenter. 8G. New made in the Superior Courts of the Eastern York, 1829. District of Georgia, 1811 to 1837. 80. Sa- CHASE, (Elisha.) Science of Development of vannah, 1838. (2 copies.) the Human Family. ~0. Detroit, (Mich.,) CIIARLTON, (Thomas U. P.) Oration at Savan- 1859. nah, July 3, 1805. 80. Savannah, (Geo.,) CHASE, (Francis.) Gathered Sketches fronm 1802. (Pol. Pami., v. 102.) the Early History of New HIampshire and Reports of Cases in the Superior Courts Vermont. 120. Claremont, (N. H.,) 1856. of the Eastern District of Georgia, 1805 to CHASE, (George Wingate.) History of Haver. 1811. 8~. New-York, 1827. hill, (Mass.,) froml 1640 to 1860. 80. HaverCHARLTON, (William Henry.) Life of William hill, (Mass.,) 1861. Cecil, Lord Burghley; with a description of CHASE, (Henry,) and SANBORN, (C. H.) The Burghley House. 8~. Stamford, 1847. North and the South; a statistical view of CHARNL OCKI, (John.) History of Mafrine Arch- the free and slave States. 12~. Boston, itecture. 3 v. 40. London, 1800-1802. 1857. CHARNOCK, (Richard.) Act (1 and 2 Victoria, CHASE, (John Centlivres.) Cape of Good c. 110) for Abolishing Arrest on Mesne Hope and the Eastern Province of Algoa Process in Civil Actions; with explanatory Bay, &c. Edited by J. S. Christophers. 160. notes. 120. London, 1838. London, 1843. CIARNOCtr, (Richard Stephen.) Local Ety- CHASE, (Lucien B.) History of the Polk Admology; a derivative dictionary of geograph- ministration. 80. New-York, 1850. ical names. 80. London, 1859. CHASE, (Philander.) Reminiscences. 2 v. CInARNOCK, (Stephen.) Works. With memoir, 80. New-York, 1844. by Edward Parsons. 9 v. 80. London, 1815. CIIASE, (Pliny E.) Intellectual Symbolism; CHARPENTIER-CoSS'IGNY, (J. F. de.) Moyens'a basis for science. 40. Philadelphia, 1863. d' Am6lioration et de Restauration proposes (Am. Philosophical Transactions, new ser., au Gouvernement et aux Habitants des Col- v. 12.) onies. 3 v. 80. Paris, 1803. CHASE, (Samuel.) Trial of Samuel Chase, an _ Recherches Physiques et Chimiques sur associate justice of the Supreme Court of the la Fabrication de la Poudre t Canon. 2 v. of the United States, impeached by the H-ouse 12o. Paris, 1807 —8. of Representatives, for high crimes and misCIIARREL's, (J.) Trait6 des Magnaneries.. ~. demeanors, before te e Senate of the United Paris, 1848. States. Taken in shorthand, by S. H1. Smith C HARRIN, (Pierre Joseph.) A Month of 1830; and T. Lloyd. 2 v. (S~. Washington, 1805. historical sketches composed and drawnu upon (2 copies.) stone, by Victor Adam; wit notes and sum- ClAS,, arren.) Lectures on Harmonial mary of the French revolution from 1789 to Philosophy. 80. Cleveland, (0.,) 1856. 1830. Oblongg folio. Paris, 1830 —31. iHIASLLS, (Michael.) Two Geometrical MeC1IAKRtoN,(Pierre.) OfWVisdom. Translatedby mnoirs on the general properties of Cones of Samuel Lennard. Small 40. London, 1830. the Second Degree, and Spherical Conies. - The same. Made English by George From the French, by C. Graves. 80. DubStanhope. 3d ed. 3 v. 80. London, 1729. lin, 1841. CHARTER HOUSE, Chronicles of, by a Carthu- AC:SLa:s, (Philarete.) Etudes surl'Allemagne sian. 80. London, 1847. Ancienne et Moderne.-lItudes sur I'AlleCHARTERS of the British Colonies in Amerlca. magne au 19e Siecle. v. 160. Paris, 80. London, 1777. 1 854-61. C -ARTS of the Coasts of America. Folio. Anglo-American Literature and ManBoston, 17'89. ners. 120. New-York, ]852. 239 CHASSAN. CHATELAIN. CIIASSAN, (M.) Traite des Delits et Contraven- CHATEAUBRIAND, (Rend Francois Auguste d. ) tions de la Parole, de l'IEcriture et de la Memoiresd'Outre-Tombe. 12v. 80. Paris, Presse. 3v. 8~. Colmar, 1837. 1849-50. CHASSANT, (L. Alphonse.) Dictionnaire des - Proposition faite ta la Chambre des AbbLrviations Latines et Franqaises, usitees Pairs, et tendante ia ce que le Roi soit humdans les inscriptions lapidaires et mtalliques, blement supplid de faire examiner ce qui les manuscrits et les chartes du Moyen Age. s'est passe aux dernieres Elections. 8~. 160. Evreux, 1846. Paris, 1816. Paleographie des Chartes et des Manu- Aben-Hamet, the Last of the Abencerscrits du XIe au XVIIe Slecle. 4e ed. 120. ages. 160. London, 182-. Paris, 1854. Beauties of Christianity. From the CnAssRtAJU, (Frederic Victor Charles.) Prd- Fienich, by Shoberl. With notes, by Henry cis Ilistorique de la Marine Franqaise, son Kett. 3 v. 80. London, 1813. Organisation et ses Lois. 2 v. 80. Paris, - Genius of Christianity; or, the spirit 1845. (2 copies.) and beauty of the Christian religion; with CHASTE, (De.) Voyage to Tercera, 1583. notes, by Charles J. White. 80. Baltimore, (Pinkerton's Voyages, v. 1.) 1856. CIIASTEL, (Stephen.) Olharity of the Primi- Buonaparte and the Bourbons, and the five Churches. From tie French, by G. A. necessity of rallying around our legitimate Matile. 120. Philadelphia, 1857. princes. 80. London, 1814. (Pamphleteer, CHASTE,LLUX, (Francois Jean, Mlarqztis de.) v. 3.) De la Felicitd Publique; ou considdrations - - he Congress of Verona; comprising a sur le sort des hommes dans les diffdrentes portion of the menoirs of his own times. epoques de l'histoire. 2e ed. 2 v. 120. 2 v. 8s. London, 1838. Bonillon, 1T76. - Last of the Abencerages. 160. LonVoyages dans l'Amerique Septentrio- don, 1850. (Bentley's Stand. Novels, v. 49.) nale, doans les annees 1780-82. 2 v. s8. ~ IMemoirs, from his birth, 1768, to 1800. Paris, 1786. W5tritten by himself. 16~. London, 1848. - - Travels in North America, in the years - T'he Monarchy according to the Charter. 1780-82. From the French, with notes, by 80 London, 1816. J. Kent. 2 v. 80. London, 1787. The Natchez; an Indian tale. 3 v. CIATrEAUBRIAND, (Rend Francois Auguste de.) 16. London, 1827. (EUvres Completes. 36 v. 80. Paris, 1838. On the Censorship of the Press. 80. (V. 14 wanting.) London, 1824. (Pamphleteer, v. 24.) - - Political Reflections on the True InterCONTENTS. ests of the French Nation, and on some pubAnalyse de l'Histoire de France, v. 6-7. lications which have lately appeared. 80. Atala; Rene; les Abeicerages, V. 18. Aventures du dernier Abencerage, v. 18. London, 1814. Discours sor la chute de l'Empire IRomani, v. 4-5.eport on the State of France, made E~ssni s itsIc2 Lislratule Angiise, V. -:3_4. - Report on the State of France, made Essai sur la Littirature Anglaise, v. 33-34. Essai sur les Rgvolutions Anciens et Modernes, to Louis XVIII. 2d ed. 80. London, 1815. dans leurs rapports avec la Revolution Franqaise, With v. 2-3. ( With above.) EssLi sur la Vie et les Ouvrages de Chateaubrand, Sketches of English Literature; with Etudes Historiques, v. 4-7. considerations on the spirit of the times, Genie du Christiainiame, v. 14-17. mean Itinrasire de Paris a Jerusalem, v. 9-11. men, and revolutions. 2v. 8. London, Masrtyrs, Les, v. 19-21. 1836. Mlielanges llistoricues, v. 25. Iel6anuges Litteraires, v. 8. Travels in America and Italy. From iBelanges Politiques, v. 25-28. the ench. 2. 80. London 1828. Beiloires sur le Due de Berry, v. 25. M1eImoires sur les Ruines de l'Ohio, v. 11. Travels to Jerusalem and the Holy Ncatchez, Les, v. 22-23. cutres D ierses, v. s 31. Land, through Egypt. From the French, by Paladise Perdu de lMilton; traduction en prose, p. Shoberl. 2 V. 120. London, 1835. v.:5-36. Pellnes, Reflexions, et MIlaximes, v. 18. CHATEAUNEUF, (A. de.) Architectura DomesPoniques, v. 28-29. tica. German and English. Folio. LonPolemique, v. 28-29. Politique; opinions et discours, v. 29-31. don, 1839. tue11i, Le. i u. CHATELAIR, (Anatole Julien, Chevalier de.) Table des Matieres, v. 32. Rambles Through Rome. 80. London, Voyage en Amerique, v. 12. Voyage en Italie, en Suisse, etc., v. 13. 1851. 240 CHATFIELD. CHAUDON. CHATFIELD, (C.) Compendious View of the lations on the Origin and History of Playing History of the Darker Ages. 80. London, Cards. 8~. London, 1848. 1824. Rambles in Northumberland, and on ~- Teutonic Antiquities; explanatory of the Scottish Border, by Stephen Oliver, the the origin and progress of the Goths, Wisi- younger. 12~. London, 1835. goths, Ostrogoths, Vandals, Lombards, Thu- CHAU, DE LA. See LA CIIAU. ringians, Burgundians, Bavarians, Franks, CHAUCER, (Geoffrey.) Workes of Geffray and Britons. 80. London, 1828. Chaucer newly printed, with dyuers workes CHATHAM, (James.) Speech on Commutation whiche were neuer in print before; as in the of Tonnage Duties. 8~. Harrisburg, (Pa.,) table more playnly dothe appere. Small 1862. Folio. London, 1542. CHATHAM, (William Pitt, Earl of.) Corre- Works; compared with the former edispondence. 4 v. 8~. London, 1838-40. tions, and many valuable Mss. out of which Speeches. 80. London, 1848. (Modern three tales are added which were never beOrator.) fore printed; by John Urray; with glossary, ~ — Celebrated Speeches of Chatham, Burke, by J. Thomas. Folio. London, 1721. and Erskine. 80. Philadelphia, 1836. Poetical Works. With memoir, by Sir The same. 80. Philadelphia, 1852. Harris Nicolas. 6 v. 160. London, 1845. Letter to Earl of Chatham concerning CONTENTS. his Speech and Motion in House of Lords on Assembly of Foules, v. 5. 30th of May. 80. London, 1777. (Col Booke of the Dutchesse, v. 5. Pam.,* v 9.Canterbury Tales, v. 2-3. Pam., V. 9.) Canterbury Tales, Introductory discourse on, v. 1. CHATRE, (Claude de la.) M6moires sur le Compla't Driem, k ni, v. 6. Complaint of the Black K night, v. 6. Voyage du due de Guise en Italie, etc. 80. Court, of Love, v. 6. Pais, 1788. (Coil. des Mem. Rlatifs Essay on the LLanguage and Versification of Chaucer, Paris, 1788. (Coll. des M6m. Relatifs'a by T. Tyrwhitt, v. 1. 1Hist. de France, v. 40.) Flower and the Leaf, v. 6. House of Fame, v. 6. The same. 80. Paris, 1838. (Michaud, Legend of Good Women, v. 5. Cell. Mdm. Hist. France, v. 8.) Life of Chaucer, by Sir H. Nicolas, v. 1. MIiscellaneous, v. 6. The same. 80. Paris, 1823. (Petitot, Praise of Women, v. 6. Queen Alniielida and False Arcite, v. 6. Coll. Mem. Hist. France, ser. I, v. 32.) Rornaunt of the Rose, v. 4. CIHATRE, (EIdme, Cornte de la.) Me6moires, Troilus and Creseidi, v. 4-5. sur le Regne de Louis XIII, et Louis XIV. -- Poetical Works. 80. London, 1810. 1638-43. 8~. Paris, 1838. (Michaud, (Chalnmers' Eng Poets, v. 1.) Coil. Mem. Hist. France, v. 25.) - The same. 5 v. 160. Chiswick, The same. 80. Paris, 1826. (Petitot, 1822. (Brit. Poets, v. 1-5.) Coll. Mem. Hist. France, s6r. 2, v. 51.) The same. With notes and glossary, CHATTERTON, (Lady Henrietta Georgiana.) by T. Tyrwhitt. 80. London, 1843. Home Sketches and Foreign Recollections. - Poems; modernized, by Wordsworth, 3 v. 120. London, 1841. Leigh Hunt, etc. 160. London, 1841. Memorials, Personal and Historical, of - Canterbury Tales. Published by Mr. Admiral Lord Gambler, G. C.B. 2 v. 80. Ogle. 3 v. 80. London, 1741. London, 1861. - Canterbury Tales. New text. (Percy Pyrenees; with excursions into Spain. Socy. Pub., v. 1, 2, 3, 24, 25, and 26.) 2 v. 80. London, 1843. - Canterbury Tales. A new text; with Rambles in the South of Ireland, in illustrative notes, by Thomas Wright. 80. 1838. 2 v. 120. London, 1739. Glasgow, 1853. CHATTERTON, (Thomas.) Miscellaneous CHAUDON, (Louis Mayeul.) Historical and Works, in prose and verse. 3 v. 80. Lon- Critical Memoirs of the Life and Writings don, 1803. of Voltaire. From the French. London, CONTENTS. 1786. Life of Chatterton, by G. Gregory, v. 1. - et DELANDINE, (F. A.) Dictionnaire Miscellaneous Poems, v. 1. Prose, Miscellaneous Pieces, v. 3. Universel, listorique, Critique et BiblioRowley, Poems attributed to, v. 2. graphique. 9e dd., augmente de 16,000 Poems. 80. London, 1810. (Chal- articles environ, par une Soci6et de Savans mers' Eng. Poets, v. 15.) Francais et etrangers. 20 v. 8C. Paris, CHATTO, (William Andrew.) Facts and Specu- 1810-12. 241 CHAUFFOUR. CHELTENHAM. CHAUFFOUR-KESTNER, (V.) Ulrich von Hut- Place Book of Prose; extracts from American ten, imperial poet and orator; the great authors. 120. Boston, 18.28. knightly reformer of the 16th century. Trans- - Defence of Capital Punishment. 120. lated by A. Young. 120. Edinburgh, 1863. New-York, 1846. CHAUNCY, (Charles.) Sermon preached July God against Slavery; and the freedom 18th, 1745, being a day of Thanksgiving for and duty of the pulpit to rebuke it as a sin the Reduction of Cape-Breton. 120. Lon- against God. 120. New York, 1857. don, 1745. The Hill Difficulty, and some expeCHAUNCY, (W. Snell.) Dissertations on Un- riences of life in the plains of ease; with accomplished Prophecy. 80. London, 1838. other miscellanies. 120. New York, 1849. CHAUSSE, (M. A. C. de la.) See CAUSEUS. Journal of the Pilgrims at Plymouth, CHAUVENET, (William.) Great Circle Pro- in New England, in 1620; with historical tractor; with description and application. and local illustrations. 2d ed. 120. New40. Annapolis, (Md.,) 1855. York, 1849. CHAUVET, (Achille.) Album des Boiseries Lectures on the Pilgrim's Progress, Sculptees du Choeur de Notre-Dame de Paris, and on the life and times of John Bunyan. connues sous le nom de Vceu de Louis XIII. 3d ed. 80. New-York, 1845. Polio. Paris, 1855. - Wanderings of a Pilgrim in the Shadow CHAUVIN, (L. P. L.) Nouveau Systeme de of Mont Blanc. 120. New-York, 1852. St6nographie. 80. Paris, 1836. Windings of the River of the Water of CHAVANNES, (D. Alexandre.) Expose de la Life, in the development, discipline, and Methode 6elmentaire de H. Pestalozzi. 120. fruits of faith. 120. New-York, 1849. Paris, 1805. CHEEVER, (Henry T.) Island World of the CHEDWORTH, (John, Lord.) Notes upon some Pacific; personal narrative of travel through of the obscure Passages in Shakspeare's the Sandwich Islands, etc. 120. New York, Plays. 80. London, 1805. 1854. CHEETHAM, (James.) Annals of the Corpora- - Voices of Nature to her Foster-Child, tion relative to the late Contested Elections, the Soul of Man. 120. New York, 1852. by Lysander. 80. New York, 1802. (Pol. CHEFS d'(Euvre des Auteurs Comiques. 8 v. Pam., v. 103.) 160. Paris, 1845-6. Letter concerning theTen Pound Court, CHEFS d'(Euvre du Theatre Espagnol. Train City of New York, by Mercer. 80. New duction nouvelle, avec des notes, par DamasYork, 1803. (Pol. Pam., v. 103.) Hinard. 3 v. 160. Paris, 1841-2. -~ — Letter to a Friend on the Conduct of CHEFS d'CEuvre des Theatres trangers, Althe Adherents to Mr. Burr. 80. New York, lemand, Anglais, Chinois, Danois, Espagnol, 1803. (Pol. Pam., v. 127.) Hollandais, Indien, Italien, Polonais, PortuLetters on our Affairs with Spain. 80. gais, Russe, Swedois. Traduits en FranNew York, 1804. (Pol. Pam., v. 104.) AIS (Les) Peints parEux-Memes. En- de la jurisprudence et de la legislation, par cyclopedie morale du dix-neuvieme siecle. MM. A. F. Teulet, D'Auvillers, et Sulpicy. 9v. 8C. Palis, 1841-50. Nouveau tirage, mis au courant de la docFRANCATELLI, (CharlesElmde) ModernCook; trine, de la legislation et de la jurisprudence. practical guide to the culinary art, in all its 2 v. 40. Paris, 1856-57. branches. 10th ed. 80. London, 1856. Codes Francais collationnes sur les FRANC-MAqON, Le; Revue mensuelle, publiee editions officielles; contenant la conference par Dechevaux-Dumesnil. 6 v. in 3. 80. des articles entre eux; sous chaque article, Paris, 1848-56. les textes tant anciens que nouveaux qui les FRANCE. Bulletin des Lois, Arret6s, Decrets, expliquent, les completent ou les modifient; Ordonnances, rendus depuis 1789jusques et un suppledment par ordre alphabetique et y compris, 1863. 217 v. 80. Paris, 1789- chronologique renfermant, outre les lois les 1864. (2 copies of 1847 to 1851 in 22 v.) plus usuelles, celles exigdes pour les theses, Table Generale, du 5 Mai, 1789 au ire et les textes anciens qui sont encore en viAvril, 1814. 4 v. 80. Paris, 1816. gueur; une table chronologique et une table Table Decennale du Ire Avril, 1814 au alphabdtique renvoyant chacune aux lois et 31Decembre, 1833. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1827-35. aux pages otu ces lois sont reproduites, et le The same. Depuis le re Janvier, 1844 seul of sont rapportds les textes du droit jusqu'au 31 Decembre 1853. 80. Paris, ancien et intermddiaire necessaires a l'intel1856. (2 copies.) ligence des articles; par L. Tripier. 80. Collection Complete des Lois, Decrets, Paris, 1852. Ordonnances, Reglements, et Avis du Con- - Codes de la Ldgislation Fran'aise, seil d'Etat, 1789 a 1830, et continue depuis contenant, outre le code politique et les codes 1830 jusqu'a Decembre 1861. Par J. B. Du- ordinaires, des codes speciaux sur chacune vergier. 61 v. 80. Paris, 1834-61. des autres matieres du droit; de plus, sous.-.- Table General, analytique, et raisonee une rubrique distincte, les lois, decrets et des Lois, 1788 a 1830. 2 v. 80. Paris, ordonnances sur les matieres qui n'ont pu 1834-38. etre codifides; des annotations sur les lois 437 FRANCE. FRANCE. les plus usuelles; la ddfinition et l'explication teme p6nitentiaire, par G. Abel Blouet. 2 v. des termes de droit; et enfin la corrdlation in 1. Folio. Paris, 1841-43. complete des articles des codes, avec des - Instruction relative t la Comptabilit6 tables chronologique et alphab6tique. ]d. des Economes dans les Hospices et Hopitaux nouvelle, refondue, par N. Bacqua de La- civils. 4~. Paris, 1836. barthe. 8~. Paris, 1854. Nouveau Voyage Pittoresque de la FRANCE. Projet de Code Civil: prdsente par France; orne de 360 gravures, et reprdsentla commission nornmee par le gouverne- ant des vues des principales villes de France. ment le 24 Thermidor, an 8. 120. Paris, 3 v. 40. Paris, 1817. 1801. Proces-verbaux resumes des Conseils Tableaux-Lois, ou code usuel des cam- Generaux de l'Agriculture, du Commerce et pagnes. 12 cartes. Paris. (n. d.) des Manufactures. Session 1837-38. 40. Lois et Actes du Gouvernement, depuis Paris, 1838. Aofit, 1789, jusqu'au 18 Prairial, an II. 8 v. Rapport du Comite de Constitution, 80. Paris, 1834-35. sur l'Organization du Pouvoir Judiciaire. Budget des D6penses de l'Instruction 80. Paris, 1790. (Pol. Pam., v. 8.) Pnblique pour l'Exercice 1847. 40. Paris, Resumne des Travaux Statistiques de 1846. l'Administration des Mines, en 1834-1836, - Budget de l'Exercice 1848-projets de 1838-1845. 11 v. in 3. 40. Paris, 1835-46. lois pour la fixation des recettes et des Statistique de la France. Administradepenses de l'exercice 1848. 40. Paris, tionPublique; Agriculture; Commerce Ex1847. tdrieur; Territoire; Population. 8 v. Folio. Collection de Comptes-Rendus, pieces Paris, 1837-44. authentiques, etats et tableaux, concernant Tableaux Generaux du Commerce avec les finances de France, depuis 1758 jusqu'en ses Colonies et les Puissances Etrangeres, 1787. 2 v. 40. Lausanne, 1788.' pendant les annees 1843 et 1844. 2 v. Folio. Compte ddfinitif des Recettes de lExer- Paris, 1844-45. cice 1845. 40. Paris, 1847. Tarif General des Douanes de France. Compte General des Travaux du Con- 40. Paris, 1844. seil d':ltat et de ses Comites, pendant les History of France, from the first estabanndes 1840-1844; presentd au Roi, par lishment of that monarchy, including a comM. Le Garde des Sceaux. 40. Paris, plete Narrative of the late Revolution. New 1845. ed. 3 v. 80. London, 1793. La Constitution Frangaise. (Comme o History of the Revolution in France. presentde a l'Assemblee Nationale, et au Roi: Collection of Documents relating to. (Sedeux 6ditions.) 80. Paris, 1791. (Pol. lected by Thomas Jefferson.) 7 v. 80. Pam., v. 7.) Paris, 1789-95. (Pol. Pam., v. 7-13.) - Ddclaration d'une partie des Ddputds - Papers relative to the Negotiation with aux Etats Gdneraux, touchant l'Acte Consti- France; presented to Parliament, 22d Dec., tutionnel et l'dtat du royaume. 80. Paris, 1806. (Fr. and Eng.) ~8. London, 1807. 1791. (Pol. Pam., v. 7.) Sketch of the History of France, from - Documents Divers publids par les Mi- 1792, to 1815. With official papers. 80. nistres, pour la session de 1846, en exdcution London, 1817. de differentes lois. 40. Paris, 1846. FRANCE, (la) le Mexique, et les ltats ConfdeDocuments Statistiques sur la France, rds. 80. Paris, 1863. publies par le Ministre du Commerce. Folio. FRANCE Littdraire. 36v. in 20. 80. Paris, Paris, 1835. 1832-39. Dictionnaire des Postes aux Lettres. The same. Litt6rature, sciences, arts. Instruction gdenrale sur le service des postes. Nouvelle sdrie. 14 v. in 7. 80. Paris, 6 v. Folio. Paris, 1832-39. 1840-43. Instruction et programme pour la Cons- FRANCE Politique; ou ses dessins exdcutez et truction des Maisons d'Arret et de Justice- a exdcuter sur le plan des passez. 240. Projets de Prisons Departementales, par MM. Charleville, 1671. Blouet, Harou-Romainet Horeau, architectes. FRANCE; her Govermental, Administrative, Projet de Prison Cellulaire pour 585 con- and Social Organization, exposed and condamnes; prdcede d'observations sur le sys- sidered. 2d ed. 80. London, 1847. 438 FRANCE. FRANC(EUR. FRANCE Illustrated; exhibiting its landscape social relations and revelations. 1820-45. scenery, antiquities, military and ecclesias- 2 v. 80. London, 1851. tical architecture, &c. Drawings by Thos. FRANCIS, (John W.) New-York during the Allom. Descriptionsby G. N. Wright. 3 v. Last Half Century. Discourse on the 53d in 1. 40. London, (n. d.) anniversary of the New-York Historical SoFRANCHERE, (Gabriel.) Narrative of a Voy- ciety, Nov. 17, 1857. 80. New-York, 1857. age to the Northwest Coast of America, in Old New-York; or, Reminiscences of 1811-1814, or the first American settlement ofthepast Sixty Years. (An enlarged edition on the Pacific. Translated by J. V. Hunt- of the above.) 120. New-York, 1858. ington. 12c. New-York, 1854. FRANCIS, (J. T.) Change of Climate conFRANCIA, (Francis.) Trial for High Treason, sidered as a remedy in Dyspeptic, Pulmoat the Sessions House in the Old Baily, Jan. nary, and other Chronic Affections. 12~. 22, 1716. Folio. London, 1717. London, 1853. FRANCIS, (Convers.) Discourse in Commem- FRANCIS, (Sir Philip.) Letter to Earl Grey oration of Landing of the Pilgrims. 8~. on Policy of Great Britain and Allies towards Plymouth,(Mass.,)1832. (Misc.Pam.,v.22.) Norway. 8~. London, 1814. (PamphleDiscourse: on Dust to Earth, the teer, v. 4.) Spirit to God. 8~. Boston, 1833. (Misc. Letter to Lord Howick, on the State of Pam., v. 22.) the East India Company. 80. London, 1807. ---- Historical Sketch of Watertown, Mass. (Pol. Pam., v. 52.) 80. Cambridge,. (Mass.,) 1830. (Misc. Reflections on the Abundance of Paper Pam., v. 22.) in Circulation,and Scarcity of Specie. 2d ed. - Life of John Eliot, the Apostle to the 80. London, 1810. (Financial Pam., v. 3.) Indians. 160. Boston, 1836. (Sparks'Am. FRANCIS, (Richard.) Maxims of Equity, colBiog., v. 5, first series.) lected from and proved by cases out of the - Life of Sebastian Rale. 160. Boston, books of the best authority in the High Court 1845. (Sparks' Am. Biog., v. 7, second of Chancery. Also the case of the Earl of series.) Coventry, concerning the defective execution FRANCIS, (George Henry.) Sir Robert Peel; of powers. Folio. London, 1728. the Right Honourable Benjamin Disraeli; - The same. 2d ed. Folio. London, 1739. and Henry, Lord Brougham and Vaux; crit- The same. 1st Am. ed., with referical biographies. 160. London, 1852-53. ences to modern authorities, British and _- Opinions and Policy of Viscount Pal- American, by W. W. Hening. 80. Richmerston, as minister, diplomatist, and states- mond. (Va.,) 1823. man. 80. London, 1852. FRANCIS'S Metallic Life-Boat Company. 80. FRANCIS, (George W.) Chemical Experi- New-York, 1852. ments, illustrating the theory, practice, and FRANCK, (Richard.) Northern Memoirs, calapplication of the science of chemistry. 80. culated for the meridian of Scotland. Also Philadelphia, 1850. the contemplative and practical angler; writ - Dictionary of the Arts, Sciences, and in 1658. New ed. 80. Edinburgh, 1821. Manufactures. 80. London, 1846. FRANCKLIN, (William.) Tour from Bengal to - Dictionary of Practical Receipts; con- Persia, 1786-7. (Pinkerton's Voyages, v. 9.) tauinig the arcana of trade and manufacture; FRANCKLYN, (G.) Answer to Clarkson's domestic economy, &c. 80. London, 1851. Essay on Slavery and Commerce of the HuFRANCIS, (James B.) Lowell Hydraulic Ex- man Species. 80. London, 1789. (Slavery periments; on hydraulic motors, on the flow Pam., v. 2.) of water over weirs, and in canals. 40. Observations occasioned by the AtBoston, 1855. tempts made in England to affect the FRANCIS, (John.) Chronicles and Characters Abolition of the Slave Trade. 80. Lonof the Stock Exchange. With stock tables don, 1789. (Slavery Pam., v. 2.) from 1732 to 1846; dividends on bank of FRANCCEUR, (Louis Benjamin.) Astronomie England stock from 1694 to 1847. &c. 80. Pratique: usage et composition de la ConBoston, 1850. naissance des Temps. 12e 6d. 120. Paris, ----- History of the Bank of England, its 1840. times and traditions. 2v. 80. London, 1847. Cours Complet de Math6matiques ----- History of the English Railway, its Pures. 4C 6d. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1837. 439 FRANCCEUR. FRANKLIN. FRANCCEUR, (Louis Benjamin.) Dessin Line- with regard to her Colonies, and the acquiaireet Arpentage. 5e d. 8~. Plates, folio. sitions of Canada and Guadaloupe. 2d ed. Paris, 1841. 80. London, 1761. Slemens de Statique. 8~. Paris, 1810. Letters on the Conduct of the Execu16llemens de Technologie. 80. Paris, tive and the Treaty with Great Britain. 80. 1833. Philadelphia, 1795. (Pol. Pam., v. 97.) Geodesie, ou trait6 de lafigure de la terre M emoirs, written by himself. With et de ses parties. 2e ed. 80. Paris, 1840. other writings. 2 v. 180. New-York, 1842. Goniometrie. 80. Paris, 1820. (Harper's Fain. Lib'y, v. 93-4.) Uranographie, ou trait6 6l1mentaire ~ Political, Miscellaneous, and Philosod'astronomie. 4e ed. 80. Paris, 1828. phical Pieces. Now first collected, with exComplete Course of Mathematics. planatory plates, notes, and an index to the Translated from the French, by R. Blake- whole. 80. London, 1779. lock. 2 v. 80. Cambridge, (England,) - and FRANKLIN, (William.) Historical 1829-30. Review of the Constitution and Government FRANK, (Louis.) Tunis. 80. Paris, 1850. of Pennsylvania. 80. London, 1759. (L'Univers, v. 2.) and WHATELY, (George.) Principles FRANK WARRINGTON. By the author of of Trade. By a Well-wisher to his King "Rutledge" and the "Sutherlands." 12~. and Country. 2d ed. 80. London, 1774. New York, 1863. (Corn. Pam., v. 2.) FRANKL, (Dr.) The Jews in the East. From ~ Letters to Benjamin Franklin, from his the German, by P. Beaton. 2 v. 120. family and friends. 1751-1790. 80. New London, 1859. York, 1859. FRANKLAND, (Charles Colville.) Narrative ~ ] loge sur,-lu A la seance publique de of a Visit to the Courts of Russia and Swe- l'Academie des Sciences, le 13 Nov., 1790. den, in 1830-31. 2 v. 80. London, 1832. 80. Paris, 1791. (Misc. Pam., v. 23.) Travels to and from Constantinople, in FRANKLIN, (James.) Philosophical and Pothe years 1827-28. 2 v. 80. London, 1829. litical History of the thirteen United States FRANKLAND, (Thomas.) Annals of King of America. 120. London, 1784. James and of King Charles the First, both Present State of Hayti, (St. Domingo;) of happy memory. Folio. London, 1681. with remarks on its agriculture, commerce, FRANKLIN, (Benjamin.) Works. Containing laws, religion, finances, population, &c. 12~. several political and historical tracts not London, 1828. included in any former edition, and many FRANKLIN, (Sir John.) Narrative of a Jourletters official and private not hitherto pub- ney to the shore of the Polar Sea, in the lished; with notes and life, by Jared Sparks, years 1819-22. With appendix on various 10 v. 80. Boston, 1840. subjects relating to science and natural hisCONTENTS. tory. 40. London, 1823. Autobiography; and Life continued, by J. Sparks, The same. 80. Philadelphia, 1824. v. 1., The same. 3d ed. 2 v. 8~. London, Bagatelles, v.. Constitution and Government of Pennsylvania, v. 3. 1824. Correspondence, v. 7-10. - Narrative of a Second Expedition to the Essays and Tracts, Historical and Political, before the American Revolution, v. 3-4. shores of the Polar Sea, in the years 1825Essays on Politics, Commerce, and Political 2 i a a o Economy, v. 2. 27; including an account of the progress of Essays on Religious and Moral Subjects, and the a detachment to the eastward, by John Economy of Life, v. 2. Letters and Papers on Electricity, v. 5. Richardson. 40. London, 1828. Letters and Papers on Philosophical Subjects, v. 6. _____ The same. 80. Philadelphia, 1828. Political Papers during and after the American same. Philadelphia, Revolution, v. 5. FRANKLIN. See FRANCKLIN. Autobiography. And a narrative of his FRANKLIN INSTITUTE. Journal of the Frankpublic life and services, by H. Hastings lin Institute, of Pennsylvania, for the ProWeld. 80. New-York, 1849. motion of the Mechanic Arts. 68 v. 8~. Examination of Dr. Benjamin Frank- Philadelphia, 1826-59. lin, relative to the Repeal of the American 1st series, 4 v., 1826-1827. 2d series, 26 v., 1828-1840. Stamp Act, in 1766. 80. London, 1767. 3d series, v. 1-38, 1841-1859. The same. (Colonial Pam., v. 2.) Report ofthe22dExhibition. 8~. Phila- Interest of Great Britain considered, delphia, 1852. 440 FRANKLIN. FR1,D/RIC. FRANKLIN INSTITUTE. Report of the Corn- ern; a history of the Ottoman Empire. 120. mittee of the Franklin Institute of the State Edinburgh, 1854. of Pennsylvania, for the Promotion of the FRASER, (Simon.) Reports of the Proceedings Mechanic Arts, on the Explosion of Steam before select committees of the House of Boilers. Part. 80. Philadelphia, 1836. Commons, in cases of controverted Elections. FRANQUESNAY. See LASARRAZ du FRAN- 2 v. 80. London, 1793. QUESNAY. FRASER. See FRAZER. FRANSCINI, (Stefano.) Neue Statistik der FRAUNCE, (Abraham.) Lawiers Logike; exSchweiz. Mit Nachtrag. 3v. 8~. Bern, emplifying the precepts of logike by the 1848-51. practice of the common lawe. Small 40. Nuova Statistica della Svizzera. 3 v. London, 1588. 80. Lugano, 1847-51. FRAYSSINOUS, (Denis de.) Defence of ChrisFRASER, (Alexander Campbell.) Essays in tianity, or conferences on religion. From Philosophy. 120. Edinburgh, 1856. the French, by John B. Jones. 2 v. 80. FRASER, (Donald.) History of Man; view of London, 1836. the virtues and vices of human nature in FRAZAER, (Mary.) Early Engagements; and both sexes. 80. New-York, 1806. Florence, a sequel. 120. Cincinnati, 1854. FRASER, (James ) History of Nadir Shah, FRAZER, (Augustus Simon.) Letters written formerly called Thomas Kuli Khan, present during the Peninsular and Waterloo CamEmperor of Persia. 80. London, 1742. paigns. Edited by Edward Sabine. 80. FRASER, (James.) Handy Book of Patent London, 1859. and Copyright Law, English and Foreign, FRAZER, (Robert W.) The Kirk and the for the, use of inventors, patentees, authors, Manse; sixty illustrative views of the most and publishers. 80. London, 1860. interesting parish kirks and manses in ScotFRASER, (James Baillie.) Historical and De- land. 40. Edinburgh, 1857. scriptive Account of Persia. 160. Edin- FRAZER. See FRASER. burgh, 1834. FREDERIC II, (King of Prussia.) (Euvres. The same. 180. New York, 1842. 15 v. Folio. Berlin, 1846-50. Harper's Farn. Library, v. 74.) CONTENTS. The Kuzzilbash; a tale of Khorasan. Anti-Machiavel, (1',) v. 8. 3 v...London 828. Avant-Propos de l'abr6eg de Fleury, v. 7. V. 120. London, 18vanat-Propos de l'Extrait de Bayle, v. 7. Persian Adventurer; being the sequel Consid6rations sur l'Etat Present du Corps Politique "r tiThe Kuzzilbash. 3 v. 120. London, Tde l'Europe, v. 8. of "The Kuzzilbash." 3 v. 12. London, Correspondance de l'Emperellr avec le Roi au sujet 1830. de la succession de la Baviere, v. 6. Correspondance de Frederic avec le Roi de Pologne, Mesopotamia and Assyria, from the v. 45. earliest ages. 3d ed. 180. Edinburgh, 1846. Dislogue de Morale, v. 9. Discours de l'utilit6 des Sciences et des Arts dans *- Narrative of a Journey into Khorasan, un lta.t, v. 9. Discours str les Satiriques, v. 9. in 1821-22. 40. London, 1825. Discours sur les Libelles, v. 9. - Narrative of the Residence of the Per- Dissertation sur lInnocellce des Erreurs de l'Esprit, v. 8. sian Princes in London, in 1835-36; with Dissertation sur lesRaisons d'Etablir ou d'Abroger account of their journey from Persia. 2d lE Loies, v. 7....uges, V.37. ed. 2 v. 120. London, 1838. Essai sur l'Amour-propre, v. 9. Esai sur les Formes de Goavernement, et sur les Travels anc Adventures in the Persian D6voirs des Souverains, v. 9. Provinces on the Southern Banks of the Cas- Exarme Critique du Syst6ne de la Nature, v. 9. Examen de l'Essai sur les Pr6jugds, v. 9. pian Sea. With notices of geology and Expos6 dui Gouvernement Prussien, v. 9. Histoire de la Guerre de Sept Ans, v. 4. commerce. 40. London, 1826. Histoire de mon Temps, v. 2-3. - Travels in Koordistan, Mesopotamia, Instruction pour l'Acadinie des Nobles a Berlin, v. 9. &c.; with sketches of the character and Lettres et Pieces Diverses, v. 15. manners of the Koordish and Arab tribes. Lettre surl'lodcation, v. 9. Lettre sur l'Amour de la Patrie, v. 9. 2 v. 80. London, 1840. Litterature (de la) Allemande, v. 7. Winter's Journey from Constantinople elmloires depuis 1763 jusqu'a 1778, v. 6. Winter's Journey fo Costantnople Mmoires pour servir a l'Histoire de la Maison de to Tehran; with travels through various Brandebourg, v. 1. ilitaire (du) sous le grand Electeur, etc., v. 1. parts of Persia. 2 v. 80. London, 1838. MIeurs, Coutunmes, etc., v. 1. FRASER, (Patrick.) Conflict of Laws in Cases I sLeoir'es d la G uerre de 1778, v. 6. Miroic des Princes, v. 9. of Divorce. 80. Edinburgh, 1860. (ELuvres Philosophiques, v. 8-9. FRASER, (R. W.) Trkey, Ad- (Euvres Poetiques, v. 10-14. PFRASER, (R. W.) Turkey, Ancient and Mod- Portrait de M. de Voltaire, v. 15. 441 FRgDIWRIC. FREEDLEY. FREDERIC II, (King of Prussia.) (Euvres- No. 2. The King of Prussia's answer to the Imperial'rollt~nn' -I. do~cl~~decree at the Diet of Ratisbonne. Continued. No. 3. A Memoriai in Vindication of the King of Reflexions sur le caractere et sur les talents de Prussia from the false imputations of the Charles XII., v. 7. Court of Saxony. Reflexions sur los R6flexions des G6om6tres sur la No. 4. A Memorial setting forth the Conduct of the Po6sie, v. 9. Courlts of Vienna and Saxony towards the Reputation du Prince de Machiavel, v. 8. King of Prussia. Relation de la Bataille de Chotusitz, v. 2. With appendix of documents. 40, London, Supplrstithion (l a et Ia edoligio,. 1.o Testament dn Roi, v. 6. 1756. (Euvres Primitives. 6 v. 160. Berlin, FREDERICK the Great, his Court and Times. 1791. Edited, with an introduction, by Thomas CONTENTS. Campbell. 2 v. 120. London, 1844. Anti-Machiavel, (I',) v. 3. Commentaire Theologique sur Barbe-Bleue, v. 6. FREDERICK; Trial. See WILLIAMS, (John.) Correspondance, v. 3. FREDET, (Peter.) Ancient History; from the Correspondance avec M. de La Motte Fouqu6, v. 4. Discours, v. 3. dispersion of the sons of Noe to the battle of Discours sur la Guerre, v. 6. Discours sur il'istoire si6atique,. Actium and change of the Roman republic Discours sur l'Histoire Eccl6siastique, v. 6. Dissertation sur les Raisons des Loix, v. 6. into an Empire. 4th ed. 12~. Baltimore Eloge de Voltaire, v. 6. 1854 1iloges, v. 6. Exainen de l'Essai sur les Pr6jugts, v. 6. l odern History, from the coming of Instructions 3Militaires, v. 4. Instruction pour l'Education des Nobles, v. 6. Christ and the change of the Roman repubLettres a Voltaire, v. 2. Lettres stur I'Aimour de la Patrie, v. 6. lie into an empire, to the year 1854. 10th Lettre sur l'Educatiou, v. 6. ed. 120. Baltimore, 1854. Litt6rature (de la) Allemande, v. 6. Meimoires de Brandebourg, v. 5. FREE English Territory in Africa. 8. LonPo6sies, v. 1-2. don 1-90 Reflexions sur Charles XII., v. 6., -1. h ouvrens Costhumes. 15 v. 16g. Ber- FREE-NEGROISM; or, Results of Emancipation --— ~ (Euvres Posthumes. 15 v. 16~. Berns 1789.v. 160 Ber in the North and West India Islands. 80. CONTENTS. 1n 79 CONTFENTS. New York, 1862. Avant-propos sur la Hunriade, v. 6-8. FREE, Remarks on the Spirit of the Federal Consid6rations l ur 1Ktat da Corps Poitique do Constitution, the practice of the Federal l'Europe, v. 6. Corresponcdance, v. 8-15. Government, and the obligations of the Corlespondiane an sojet doe la Baviere, v. 5. Union, respecting the exclusion of slavery Dialogues des M51orts, v. 6. Dissertation surl'Innocence desErreurs de l'Esprit, from the Territories and new States. By a v.6. Essai sur ]es Formes de Gouvernement, v. 6. Philadelphian. 80. Philadelphia, 1819. Examen Critique du Systelne de la Nature, v. 6. (lavery Pam., v.. Histoire de la Gturre de Sept Ans, v. 3-4. -listoire de mon Temps, v. 1-2. FREE Thoughts on the Proposed Bank of In. Mimoires depuis 1763 jusq'a 1778, v. 5 dia. 80. Liverpool, 1837. (Financial Lettres a M. D'Alerobert, v. 11-12. Lettres de M. D'Alembert an Roi, v. 14-15. Pam., v. 20.) Lettres du TMarquis d'Argens al Rot, v. 13. Lettres a M i. de Voltaire, v. 8-10t. 1 FREEg Trade Convention. Journal of ConvenPoesies, v. 6. tion held in Philadelphia, September and Anti-Maclhiavel; on essai de critique October, 1830, and Address to the People of sur le Prince de Machiavel. Publi6 par M. the United States. 80. Philadelphia, 1831. de Voltaire. 120. Copenbague, 1740. (Pol. Pam., v. 128.) The same. Examen du Prince de FREEDLEY, (Edwin T.) Leading Pursuits Machiavel; Avec des notes historiques et and Leading Men; treatise on the principal politiques par Anmelot de la Houssaye. 3e trades and manufactures of the United States. 6d., enrichee de plusieurs pieces nouvelles 80. Philadelphia, 1856. et originales, la plnpart fournies par Voltaire. Legal Adviser; or, how to diminish 2 v. 120. La Haye, 1741. losses, avoid lawsuits, and save time, trouThe same. Corrig6 d'apres le mann- ble, and money, by conducting business scrit original. 80. Hambourg, 1834. according to law, as expounded by the best Secret Strategical Instructions. Trans- and latest authorities. 120. Philadelphia, lated from the German, by C. H. Smith. 40. 1857. Coventry, 1811. --- Opportunities for Industry, and the Four pieces, containing a full vindica- safe Investment of Capital; or, a thousand tion of his Prussian Majesty's conduct in the chances to make money. 12~. London, present juncture. 1859. No. 1. Memorial to the States General, by M. de Philadelphia and its Manufactures, in Hellen, his Frussian Mlajesty's Minister at the Hague. 1857. 120. Philadelphia, 1858. 56 442 FREEDLEY. FRIMERY. FREEDLEY, (Edwin T.) Practical Treatise on ments, and all the pleadings in every form of Business; or, how to get, save, spend, give, action at law. V. 1. 80. Chicago, 1861. lend, and bequeath money. 2d ed. 12~. FitEEMAN, (0. S.) Letters on Slavery, adPhiladelphia, 1852. dressed to the pro-slavery men of America, FREEMAN, (Edward A.) Essay on the Crigin showing its illegality in all ages and nations. and Development of Window Tracery in 120. Boston, 1855. England 8~. Oxford, 1851. FREEMAN, (Richard.) ReportsofCasesargued ~- History of Architecture. 80. London, and adjudged in the Courts of King's Bench 1849. and Common Picas, from 1670 to 1683. Re- History of Federal Government, from vised and published by Thomas Dixon. the foundation of the Achaian League to the Folio. London, 1742. disruption of the United States. V. 1. Gen- The same. 2d ed., with notes and refereral Introduction: History of the Greek ences, by Edward Smirke. 80. London, 1826. Federations. 80. London, 1863. Cases argued and decreed in the High ---- Notes on the Architectural Antiquties Court of Chancery, from 1676 to 1706. Reof the District of Gower, in Glamorganshire. vised and published by Thomas Dixon. 80. London, 1850. Folio. London, 1742. Remarks on the Architecture of Llan- T'he same. 2d ed., by J. E. Hovenden. daff Cathedral. With an essay towards a 8~. London, 1823. (3 copies ) history of the fabric. 80. London, 1850. FRi:EH, (Martha Walker.) Elizabeth de VaFnEEMAN, (Gage Earle,) and SALVIN, (F. H.) lois, Queen of Spain, and the Court of Philip Falconry; its claims, history, and practice. II. 2 v. 120. London, 1857. 120. London, 1859. Henry III., King of France and PoFRE.EM:AN, (James.) Sermons and Charges. land: his Court and Times. 3v. 120. Lon120. Boston, 1832. don, 1858. FREEMAN, ( Rcv John.) Life of the Rev. Wil- ~ History of the reign of Henry IV., King liai Kirby, Rector of Barham. 80. London, of France and Navarre. 2 v. 120. Lon1852. don, 1860. F.nRE^MAN, (John, Esq.) Reply to the Memo- Henry IV. and Marie de M6dici; Part randum of the East India Company; or, an 11 of the History of the Reign of Henry IV., insight into British India. 80. London, King of France and Navarre. 2 v. 120. 1858. (E. India Pam., v. 5.) London, 1861. FREEMAN, (,John D.) Reports of Cases in the Life of Jeanne d'Albret, Queen of NaSuperior Court of Chancery of the State of varre. 2 v. 120. London, 1855. Mississippi. V. 1, 80. Cincinnati, 1844. LifeofMarlgueriteD'Angoulgmnlc, Queen (2 copies.) of Navarre, sister of Fralncis 1., King of FiEEMAlN, (J. J.) TourinSouthAfrica; with France. 120. London, 1854. notices of Natal, Mauritius, Madagascar, FREESE, (John Henry.) Everybody's Book; Ceylon, Egypt, and Palestine. 160. Lon- gleanings, serious and entertaining, in prose don, 1851. and verse. 120. London, 1860. and JoHNS, (D.) Narrative of the Per- FRIEGIER, (I-I. A.) Des Classes Dangereuses secution of the Christians in Madagascar; de la Population dans les Grandes Villes, et with details of the escape of the six Chris- des Moyens de les rendre meilleures. 2 v. tian Refugees now in England. 160. Lon- 8~. Paris, 1840. don, 1840. FREH, (Arthur.) Ludwig Kossuth und UnFREEMAN, (Norman L.) Illinois Digest; a garns Neueste Geschichte. 3 v. in 1. 160. full compilation of all the decisions of the Mannheim, 1849. Supreme Court of Illinois, fiom Breese's FREILIGRATH, (Ferdinand.) Gedichte. 3e Reports to the fifteenth volume of Illinois auflage. 120. Stuttgart, 1856. Reports, inclusive. 2 v. 80. Cincinnati, FREKE, (L.) Origin of Species by means of 1856. (2 copies.) organic affinity. 80. London, 1861. Treatise on Pleadings and Practice in FRELIGH, (Martin.) Homoeopathic Practice of Civil Actions, adapted to the various Courts Medicine. 120. New-York, 1853. of Re(ord in the State of Illinois, comprising FREMERY, (A.) Etudes de Droit Commerforms of writs, declarations, demurrers,pleas, cia], ou du droit fonde par la coutume unireplications, orders, rules, motions, judg- verselle des coummergants. 80. Paris, 1833. 443 FREMINVILLE. FRESCCHOT. FREMINVILLE, (E. de la Poix de.) La Pra- by the Duchess of Angouleme. 2. Narrative tique Universelle, pour la Renovation des of a Journey to Bruxelles and Coblentz in Terriers et des Droits Seigneuriaux. 5 v. 1791, by Louis XVIII. 3. Private Memoirs 40. Paris, 1762. of what passed in the Temple, fiom the imFRtEMOIRE. See LA FRE.MO1RE. prisonment of the Royal Family to the death'FREMONT, (Jessie Benton.) Story of the Guard; of the Dauphin, by the Duchess of Angoua chronicle of the war. 16~. Boston, 1863. leae. With historical and biographical FRAEMONT, (John Charles.) Narrative of the illustrations, by the translator. 8~. LonExploring Expedition to the Rocky Moun- don, 1823. tains, in 1842; and to Oregon and North Cal- FRENcaH Spoliations, prior to 1800. 80. (n. d.) ifornia, in 1843-44. 80. New-York, 1856. (Pol. Pam., v. 118.) -MessageofthePresidentcommunicating FREND, (H. T.;) and WARE, (T. H.) Prethe proceedings of his Trial, with his defence, cedents of Conveyances and other instruand speeches and documents on the California ments relating to the transfer of land to Claims, 1846-7. 80. VWashington, 1848. Railway Companies. 80. London, 1846. FRENCH, (Benjamin Franklin.) Historical FREND, (William.) National Debt in its true Collections of Louisiana; embracing trans- colours, with plans for its extinction. 80. lations of many rare and valuable documents London, 1817. (Pamphleteer, v. 9.) relating to the natural, civil and political his- ~ Principles of Taxation; or, contribution tory of that state. Parts 1-5, in 5 v. 80. according to means. 80. London, 1804. New-York and Philadelphia, 1846-53. (Financial Pain., v. 2.) History of the Rise and Progress of the FRENEAU, (Philip.) Miscellaneous Works, Iron Trade of the United States, from 1621 containing his essays and additional poems. to 1857... New-York, 1858. 120. Philadelphia, 1787. FRENCH, (George.) Answer to a scurrilous - Poems, written between the years 1768 Libel intitled, a Letter to Mr. G. French, and 1794. 80. Monmouth, (N. J.,) 1795. occasioned by his History of Col. Parke's Poems, written between 1797 and the Administration, &c. 80. London, 1719. present time. 2 v. 180. NSew-York, 1815. FRENCH, (George Russell.) Ancestry of her FRRRE, (Charles.) Treatise on the Practice Majesty Queen Victoria, and of his Royal of Committees of the House of Commons, HighnessPrince Albert. 80. London, 1841. with reference especially to Private Bills. FRENCH, (Gilbert J. ) Life and Times of 80. Westminster, 1846. Samuel Crompton, inventor of the spinning FRERE, (James Hatley.) Combined View of machine called the mule. 2d ed. 120. the Prophecies of Daniel, Esdras, and St. Manchester, 1860. John. 80. London, 1815. FRENCH, (Henry F.) Farm Drainage. Prin- FRERE;1, (Nicolas.) Lettre de Trasibule ciples, processes and effects of draining land Leucippa; ouvrage critique, historique, m6with stones, wood, plows, ditches, and es- taphysique; oi l'on nie la v6rite de toutes pecially with tiles. 120. New-York, 1859. les religions, l'existence de Dieu, et l'immorFRENCH, (J. H.) Gazetteer of the State of talit6 de l'ame. 40. (MS.) New-York; view of the geography, geology, CEuvres Philosophiques. 80. Lonand general history of the state; and a his- dres, 1776. tory of every county, city, town, village and FRERON, (Louis Stanislas.) Memoire Hislocality. 8th ed. 80. Syracuse, 1860. torique sur la Reaction Royale, et sur les FRENCH Dictionary, Pictorial; illustrated with Masaacres du Midi. 80. Paris, 1824. (Ber760 characteristic engravings. 80. Lon- ville et Barriere, Coll. Mem. R6v. Francaise, don. 1841. v. 46.) FRENCH Revolution. Copy of a Letter from FRESCHOT, (Casimir.) Histoire Amoureuse an American officer in Paris to his friend in et Badine du Congres et de la Ville d'Utrecht, Virginia. Written 11th November, 1792. en lettres 6crites par le Domestique d'un des (Ms.) (Pol. Pam., v. 1.) Plenipotentiares. 240. Li6ge, 1715. Critique on the late French Revolution. Intrigues S6crbtes du Due de Savoye, 80. London, 1793. (Pol. Pam., v. 49.) avec une relation fidele des Mauvais traite-. Royal Memoirs on the French Revolu- ments qu'en a reufi Mr. de Phelipeaux Amtion: containing, 1. Narrative of the Journey bassadeur de France, contre les droits des of Louis XVI. and his Family to Varennes, gens. 240. Venise, 1705. 444 FRESCHOT. FRIES. FRESCHOT, (Casimir.) Compleat History of FREZrER, (Amadde Francois.) Voyage to the the Treaty of Utrecht, as also that of Gertruy- South Sea, and along the Coasts of Chili and denburg. With the treaties of Radstat and Peru, in 1712-14. 4~. London, 1717. Baden. 2 v. 80. London, 1715. FRICK, (Charles.) Renal Affections; their diFRESEKIUS, (C. Remigius.) Elementary In- agnosis and pathology. 120. Philadelphia, struction in Chemical Analysis. With pre- 1850. face by Professor Liebig. Edited by J. L. FRIEDRICH. See FREDERICK. Bulloch. 80. London, 1843. FRIENDS' LIBRARY; comprising journals, docSystem of Instruction in Quantitative trinal treatises, and other writings of the Chemical Analysis. Edited by J. L. Bul- members of the religious society of Friends. loch. 2d ed. 80. London, 1854. Edited by William and Thomas Evans. - System of Instruction in Qualitative 14 v. 80. Philadelphia, 1837-50. Chemical Analysis. 5th ed. Edited by J. CONTENTS. L. Bulloch. 80. London, 1859. Alexander, Mary, v. 13. Hull, Henry, v. 4. FRESNEL, (R. F.) Que l'Europe soit Atten- Ashbridge, Elizabeth,v.4. Jordan, Richard, v. 13. Andland, J, v. 5. Latey, Gilbert, v. 1. tive aux Evenements Possibles en Amerique. Bangs, Benjamin, v. 4. Letters, &c., of Early 80. Paris, 1862 (Pol. Pam., v94.) Baks,John, Journal,v.2. Friends, v. 11. 8. 186. (Pol. Pam., v. 4.) Barclay, John. Letters Lucas, Margaret, v. 13. FBEVAL, (Claude Franlois Guillaume de.) and Memorandums,v.6. ]Marshall, Charles, v. 4. Barnardiston, Giles, v. 4. Moore, W., v. 4. Histoire raisonnee des Discours de M. T. Bownas, Samuel, v. 3. Neal, Salmuel, v. 1I. Cierlon; avee des notes critiques, histori- Bell, Deborah, v. 5. Neal, Mary, v. 11. iceon, ae esntsCtueio Brayton, Patience, v. 10. Oxley, Joseph, v. 2. ques, etc. Publi6e par M. Goulin. 160. Barnyeat, John, v. 11. Pearson, Jane, v. 4. P' 1765l. Burrough, Edward, v. 14. Pemberton, John, v. 6. Paris, 175. Camin,AnneandThomas, Peiin, Williaml, v. 5. FRtV1LLE, (A. F. J.) Beaux traits du Jeune v.-. Penn, W. No Cross, No Cainmm, J., v. 5. Crown, v. t. Age, suivis de l'histoire de Jeanne d'Arc et Capper, Mary, v. 12. Phillips Catharine, v. ii. du Pantheon des enfants celebres. 160. Caton, William, v. 9. Philly, J.. 4. Chalkley, Thomas, v. 6. Phipps, Joseph. Original Paris, 1818. Churchman, John, v. 6. aiid P1esent State of FREY, (Alfred A.) Report of the Case of the Collio, lizabet. v. P11. Man, v. 1. Crook, John, v. 13. Pikei, Joseph, v. 2. Canadian Prisoners. With introduction on Crisp, isamuel, v. 13. Reckitt, Willitam, v, 9. Crisp, Stepnen, v. 14. lichiardson, John, v. 4. the Writ of Habeas Corpus. 80. LondCon, Croker, John, v. 14. Rigge, Ambrose, v. 12. 1839. Crouch, William, v. 11. Roberts, John, v. 8. -.^'~839 ~. ~Crowley Ann, v. 7. Ronth, Ma.rtha, v. 12. FRtEY, (Joseph Samuel C. F ) Hebrew Gram- Davis, Richard. Account Sansom, Oliver, v. 14. mar in the English Language. 10th ed of. Dewsvbuey William,. 12tgod,Tioas,v.8. en. Dewsbury. Willian, v. 2. hcattergoud, jliomas,v.8. 80. Londo, 1839. Dickinson, James, v. 12. Scott, Sanuel, v. 9. Ddley, Mary, v. 1/. Sharpley, I,aac, v. 13. H- ebrew, Latin, and English Dictionary; Ednmnldson, William, v. 2 Slillito, Tliomnas, v. 3. contaninig all the Hebrew and Chlaldee Ellwood, Thomas, v. 7. Spalding, Joho, v. 13. oFollows, Ruth, v 4. Stanton, Daniel, v. 12. words used in the Old Testament. 2 v. 8~. Fothergill, John, v. 13. Stephenson, Sarah, v. 4. Fothergill, Samuel, v. 9. Stiri edge, Elizabeth, v. 2. London, 1815. ~Fox, George, v. 1. Story, Christopher, v. 1. FREYCINET, (Louis de.) Voyage autour du Googh, James, v. 9. Story, Thomas, v. 10. G rattoa, John, v. 9. Thomas, Abel, v. 13. Monde, sur l'Uranie et la Physicienne, pen- Griffith, John, v. 5. Thompson, Thomas, v. 1. dant les annGes 1817-1820. Grubb, Sarah, v. 12. WVebb, Elizabeth. Letter Hagger, Mary, v. 7. to A. W. Boehm, v. 13. Magnetisme Terrestre. 4~. Paris, 1842. IHall, David, v. 13. Wheeler, Daniel, v. 7. Mieteorologie. 4~. Paris, 1844. IHayes, Alice, v. 2. Whitehead, Geo. ChrisNavigation et Hydrographie. 2 v. 4~. Atlas, Hiitory of the Origin of tian Progress of, v. 8. folio. Paris, 1826. thie Discipline, v. 1. Wilson, Thomas, v. 2. Hoskens, Jane, v. 1. Woolhnan, John, v. 4. FREYHEIT der Schifffahrt und Handlung neu- FRIENDS' TRACTS. Memoirs and Essays on tralerV6lkerim Kriege. 12~. Leipzig, 1780. Moral and Religious Subjects. Published FREXTAG, (George William.) Lexicon Ara- by the Tract Association of Friends. 120. bico-Latinum. Accedit Index vocum Latin- Philadelphia. (n. d.) arum locupletissimus. 4 v. 40. Halis FRIENDS. Report of the Trial of Friends, at Saxonum, 1830-37. Steubenville, (Ohio,) from the 15th to the FREYTAG, (Gustav.) Debit and Credit. 26th of October, 1828, before the Hon. JereTranslated fiom the German, by L. L. C.; miah H. Hullock. By M. T. C. Gould. 80. with preface by C. C. J. Bunsen. 2 v. 120. Philadelphia, 1829. Edinburgh, 1857. FRIES, (John.) Two Trials, on an indictment __- Pictures of German Life in the 15th, for Treason; with a brief report of the trials 16th, and 17th centuries. Translated by of several other persons for treason and inMrs. Malcolm. 2 v. 120. London, 1862. surrection, in the counties of Bucks, North 445 FRIESS. FRONTO. ampton, and Montgomery, (Pa.,) in the Cir- FROGER, (Fran9ois.) Relation d'un Voyage cuit Court of the United States. 80. Phila- de la Mer du Sud, detroit de Magellan, Brddelphia, 1800. (2 copies.) sil, Cayenne, et les Isles Antilles; (avec FRIEss de Col nna, (C.) -listoire de la Corse. l'Escadre de M. de Gennes) ou l'on voit les 8~. Paris, 1833. (L'Univers, v. 65.) observations que l'auteur a fait sur la reliFRIEZE, (Jacob.) Concise H-istory of the ef- gion, ineurs et coftumles des peuples. 18~. forts to obtain an Extension of Suffrage in Amsterdam, 1715. Rhode Island, from 1811 to 1842. 12~. Piovi- Voyage on the Coasts of Africa, 1695-7. dence, 1842. (Osborne's Coll. Voyages, v. 2.) FRIGN;:T, (Ernest.) Traite des Avaries Corn- FROISSART, (Sir John.) Antient Chronicles munes et Particulieres suivant les diverses of England, France, Spain, Portugal, Scotlegislations maritimes. 2 v. 8~. Paris, 1859. land, Brittany, Flanders, and the adjoining FRISBIE, (Levi.) Miscellaneous Writings; countries. Translated from the French, at with notices of his life and character, by An- the command of King Henry VIII., by drews Norton. 80. Boston, 1823. John Bourchier, Lord Berners. 4 v. 8~. FRIscH, (Johann Leonhard.) Vorstellung der London, 1814. Vogel in Deutschland und beiltiufig auch - Chronicles of England. France, Spain, einiger frenmden, mit ihren natiirlichen Far- and the adjoining countries, from the latter ben. Classe 1-12. 2 v. Folio. Berlin, part of the Reign of Edward II, to the 1733-63. Coronation of Henry IV. Newly translated FRISELL, (W.) Constitution de l'Angleterre. from the French editions, by Thos. Johnes. 80. London, 1826. (Pamphleteer, v. 27.) 2d ed. 12 v. 80; with plates, 40. LonFRISI, (Paolo.) Treatise on Rivers and Tor- don, 1805-1806. rents; with the method of regulating their The same. With life of the author, an course and channels. Also, an essay on navi- essay on his works, and a criticism on his gable canals. From the Italian, by John history. 2 v. 80. London, 1855. Garstin. 40. London, 1818. FROLAND, (Louis.) Memoires concernants la FRISWELL, (James Hain.) Russian Empire; Nature et la Qualit6 des Statuts. 2 v. 40. its history, and present condition of its peo- Paris, 1729. ple.o 1~2. London, 1854. FROM Hay-time to Hopping. By the authcr FRit[, (John.) See TYNDALE, (William.) of "Our Farm of Four Acres." 120. LonFRITHIOF SAGA, The. A Poem. Translated don, 1860. from the Norwegian versions of Foss and FROME, (Edward.) Outline of the Method of Monsen, by R. Muckleston. 120. London, Conducting a Trigonometrical Survey. 8G. 1862. London, 1840. FRITOT, (Albert.) Cours de Droit Naturel, FROMONDUS, (Libertus.) Meteorologicorum Public, Politique et Constitutionnel. 4 v. libei VI. Cui accessit Thomse Fieni et Lib. 240. Paris, 1827. Fromondi Dissertationes de Cometa anni -- Science du Publiciste, ou trait6 des 1618; et clarorumvirorum Judicia de Pluvia principes elementaires du droit considdre Purpurea Bruxellensi. 2 v. in 1. 160. dans ses principales divisions. 11 v. 8~. Londini, 1670. Paris, 1820-23. FRONTIER Lands of the Christian and the Espilitu del Dorecho y sus applica- Turk; travels in the regions of the lower clones a la politica y organizacion de la Danube, in 1850-51. 2d ed. 2 v. 80. monarquia constitucional. Traducido al London, 1853. Castellano, por D. J. C. Pages. 3 v. 120. FRONTINUS, (Sextus Julius.) StrategemaParis, 1825. ticon, sive de Solertibus Ducum Factis et FRITZSCHEN, (S.) Nachricht vom Westphit- Dictis libri IV. Samuel Tenullius illuslischen Frieden. 160. Leipzig, 1748. travit. 1.20. Lugduni-Batavorum et AmFKOBISHER, (Martin.) Three Voyages for steledami, 1675. Discovery of North West Passage, 1576-78. 1 The same. 160. Lugduni-Batavorum, (Pinkerton's Voyages, v. 12.) 1592. (With Vegetius, De Re Militari.) FROEBEL, (Julius.) Seven Years' Travel in FRoNro, (Marcus Cornelius.) Opera Inedita. Central America, Northern Mexico, and the Cum Epistulis item ineditis Antonini Pii, Far West of the United States. 80. Lon- M. Aurelii, L. Veri, et Appiani; nec non don, 1859. aliorum veterum fragmentis, invenit et com 446 FRORIEP. FRYE. mentario prsevio notisque illustravit Angelus FROST, (John.) Trial for High Treason, under Maius. Cui adduntur seu edita sen cognita a special commission held at Monmoutb, in ejusdem Frontonis opera. 2 v. 80. Medi- Dec., 1839, and Jan., 1840. Taken in shortolani, 1815. hand by J. and T. Gurney. b8. London, FRORIP, (Robert) Therapeutic Application 1840. of Electro-Magnetism in the treatment of FROST, (Thomas.) Complete Narrative of the Rheumatic and Paralytic Affections. From Mutiny in India. Compiled from the most the German, by R. M. Lawrance. 80. Lon- authentic sources. 2d ed. 8~. London. don. 1850. (n. d.) (East India Pam., v. 4.) FROST, (Isaac.) Two Systems of Astronomy; FROTHINGIAM, (Nathaniel L.) Celebration first, the Newtonian; second, the system in of the close of the second century since the accordance with the Holy Scriptures. 40. establishment of the Thursday Lecture. 80. London, 1846. Boston, 1833. (Misc. Pam., v. 22.) FROST, (J.) Art of Swimming; with Dr. Memoir of Rev. Thaddeus Mason HarFranklin's treatise, and anecdotes respecting ris. 80. Boston, 1854. (Mass. Hist. Coll., swimming. 80. New-York, 1818. v. 2. fourth series.) FROST, (John.) Beauties of French History. FROUDE, (James Anthony.) History of Eng160. New-York, 1845. land, from the Fall of Wolsey to the Death Book of the Army; a general military of Elizabeth. 6 v. 80. London, 1856-60. history of the United States. 12~. New- The Nemesis of Faith. 2d ed. 120. York, 1845. London, 1849. Book of the Colonies composing the FRY, (Edward.) Treatise on the Specific PerUnited States, from the tenth century to the formance of Contracts, including those of commencement of the revolutionary war. public companies, 80. London, 1858. 120. Philadelphia, 1846. The same. 2d Am. ed.; with notes, Book of the Indians of North America; and references to receat English and Ameritheir manners, customs and present state, can cases, by William S. Schuyler. 80. 120. New-York, 1845. Albany, 1861. BookoftheNavy. 80. New-York, 1842. FRY, (Elizabeth.) Memoir, with extracts from Border Wars of the West, &c. 80. her Journal and Letters. 2d ed. 2 v. 8~. Auburn, (N. Y.,) 1856. London, 1848. -- Grand Illustrated Encyclopedia of Ani- FRY, (Henry Phibbs.) System of Penal Dismated Nature. 40. Auburn, (N.Y.,) 1855. cipline. With report on the treatment of Great Events in Modern History. 80. prisoners in Great Britain and Van Dieman's Philadelphia, 1851. Land. 80. London, 1850. Heroes of the Revolution. 3d ed. 180. FRY, (John.) Observations on the Unfulfilled New-York, 1844. Prophecies of Scripture. 80. London, 1835. Heroic Women of the West. 120. FRY, (J. Reese.) Life of Zachary TaylSr. Philadelphia, 1854. 120. Philadelphia, 1847. The Omnibus; or, general repository FRY, (Joseph Storrs.) Concise History of the of instruction and entertainment. 80. Phila- Tithes. 80. London, 1819. (Pamphle delphia, 1857. teer, v. 15.) Pictorial Ancient History of the World, Essay on the Construction of Wheel from earliest ages to death of Constantine. Carriages, as they effect both the roads and 80. Philadelphia, 1846. the horses. 80. Bristol, 1820. Pictorial History of Mexico and the FRY, (William H.) Complete Treatise on Mexican War. 80. Philadelphia, 1848. Artificial Fish-Breeding. 120. New-York, ------ Pictorial Life of Andrew Jackson. 80. 1854. Hartford, 1847. FRY, (W. W.,) POINDEXTER, (P. B.,) and Pictorial Life of George Washington. SmIITH, (S. B.) Analytical Digest of the 80. Philadelphia, 1847. Decisions of the Court of Appeals of KenPictorial Modern History; from the tucky. 80. Cincinnati, 1852. (2 copies.) discovery of America by Coiumbus to the FRvE, (Joseph.) Journal of the Attack of present time. 80. Philadelphia, 1846. Fort William Henry, on the 3d of August, -- Wild Scenes of the Hunter's Life. 120. and the Surrender of it on the 9th of the New-York, 1855. same month, 1757. Small 40. (MS.) 447 FRYXELL. FULTON. FRYXELL, (Anders.) History of Sweden..FULLER, (Henry.) Causes and Consequences Translated by Anne von Schoultz. Edited of the Civil War in America: an Address. by Mary Howitt. 2 v. 120. London, 8~. London, 1861. (Pol. Pam., v. 91.) 1844. FULLER, (Henry William.) On Rheumatism, FucHis, (August ) Uber die Sogenannten Un- Rheumatic Gout, and Sciatica; their patholrvgelnmJtssigenZeitwSrterindenRomanischen ogy, symptoms, and treatment. 2d ed. 80. Sprachen. 80. Berlin, 1840. London, 1856. FUERO JUZGO. See SPAIN. PULLER, (Margaret.) SeeOssoLT, (M. Fuller.) FUEIRO VI.JO. See SPAIN. FULLER, (Metta Victoria.) Lives of Female FULBECKE, (William ) Par-allele, or Confer- Mormons; a narrative of facts strauger than ence of the Civil, Canun, and Common Law fiction. 120. Philadelphia, 1860. of this Realne of England. 80. Lon- FULLER, (Thomas; D. D.) Church History of don, 1618. Britain, from the birth of Jesus Christ until The same. Second part. 40. London, the year 1648. 3 v. 80. London, 1837. 1602. (Bound with the preceding volume.) History of the IHoly War. 160. LonPandectes of the Law of Nations; con- don, 1840. taining several discourses of the questions, History of the University of Campoints, antd matters of law, wherein the bridge, and of Waltham Abbey; with the nations of the world doe consent and Appeal of Injured Innocence. New edition, accord. 40. London, 1602. (Bound with with notes, by J. Nichols. 80. London, preceding). 1840. FuLCHER, (George Williams.) Life of Thomas History of the Worthies of England. Gainsborough. 160. London, 1856. With notes, by J. Nichols. 2 v. 40. London, FULL and exact Account of the Proceedings of 1811. the Court of Lirectors and the Council-Gen- FULLER, (Thomas; M. D.) Introduction to eral of the Company of Scotland Trading to Prudence; or, directions, counsels, and cauAfrica and the Indies, with relation to the tions, tending to the pru!ent management of Treaty of Union now under parliament's affairs in common life. 6th ed. 180. Lonconsideration. Small 40. Edinburgh, 1706. don, 1815. FULLARTON, (John.) On the Regulation of Pharmacopoeia Extemporanea; or, a Currencies. 80. London, 1844. body of medicines, containing a thousand FULLER, (Andrew.) Complete Works. With select prescripts, answering most intentions a memioir of his life, by A. G. Fuller. 5 v. of cure. 5th ed. 80. Lundon, 1740. 80. London, 1837. FULLER, (T.) Essay on Wheel Carriages; CONTENTS, their origin, and a description of the variety Apology for the late Cnristian Missions in India, now i use. 8~. London, 1828. v. 5. Calvilistic and Socinian Systems examined and FULLER, (William.) Epheineris Parliamentcomptarid, V. 1. Citcular Letters. v. 4. aria; faitlull register of the t!ansactions in i)ialogues and Letters between Crispus and Gas, Prlient in the 3d and 4th years of Ki,K v. 2. Ecelesiastical Polity. Essays and Letters on, v. 5. Charles. Folio. London, 1654. Expositiols of Genesis, Apocalypse, Sermon on the FIJILERTON (Layr Geogiana.) Countess do Mi.unt; of passages apparently contradictory, &e.,v. 3. Bonneval; her life and letters. 2 v. 120. Gospel its own Witness, v. 1.. r Gospel worthy of all Acceptation, and defence of London, 18s8. the same, v. 2. FULLOM, (S. W.) History of Woman, and her Letters to Dr. Ryland respecting controversy with the Rev. A. Booth, v. 2. connexion with religion, civilization, and Letters to Mr. Vidler on Doctrine of Universal Sal- domestic manners, from the earliest period. vation, v. 1. Memoir of Fuller, by A. G. Fuller, v. 1. 3d ed. 16G. London, 1855. Miscellaneouus'i racts,,ssays, Letters, &c., v. 5. Pearce, Sannuel. Memoirs of, v. 5. - Marvels of Science, and their testimony Reality and Efficacy of Divine Grace, v. 2. to Holy Writ. 6th ed. 120. Londn, Remarks on Martin's " thoughts on the Duty of Man relative to Faith in Jesus Christ," v. 2. 1853. Reviewmons and Fuitive ieces, v. 5. FULTON, (Justin D.) Outlook of Freedom; Sermions and Stretctes, v. 4. Strictures on SandeimanianisIn, v. 2. or, the Roman Catholic element in American Systematic Divinity. Letters on, v. 4. l'houglits on Preaching, v. 4. history. 12. Cincinnati, 1856. FULLER, (Francis.) Five Years' Besidence in FULTON, (Robert.) Torpedo War, and SubNew Zealand; or, observations on coloniza- marine Explosions. Oblong 40. lNew-York, tion. 12~. London, 1859. 1810. FULTON. 4GABRIEL. FULTON and EASTMAN. Practical System of FUSELI, (Henry.) Life and Writings; the Book-Keepingby Single Entry. 2d ed. 16~. former written, and the latter edited, by J. New-York, 1848. Knowles 3 v. 80. London, 1831. FUN and Earnest. 120. New-York, 1853. Twelve Lectures on Painting, delivered FUNES, (Gregorio.) Ensayo de la Historia at the Royal Academy. 4~. Loiidon, 1830. Civil del Paraguay, Buenos-Ayres. y Tucu- - The same. 12~. London, 1848. man. 3 v. 80. Buenos-Ayres, 1816-17. Fuss, (Johann D ) Roman Antiquities. FUNNELL, (William.) Voyage to the South Translated by A. W. and B. Street. b~. Sea, &c. 80. London, 1729. (Dampier's Oxford, 1840. Voyages, v. 4.) FUTURE Destiny of Israel. By a Clergyman FURBER, (George C.) History of Mexico; of the Church of England. 80. Philadelcontinued from the capture of Vera Cruz to phia, 1840. (Literalist, v. 2.) the termination of the war with the United Fux, (Joannes Josephus.) Gradus ad ParStates; being a continuation of "Young's nassum, sive manuductio ad compositionem History of Mexico." 80. Cincinnati, 1848. Musice regularem, methodo nova ac certA Twelve Months Volunteer; journal of nondum antd tam exacto ordine in lucem a private in the Tennessee regiment of cav- edita. Folio. Viennue, 1725. alry in the campaign in Mexico, 1846-7. 80. FYEKS, (Captain.) Notes on the Defensive Cincinnati, 1848. Resources of Great Britain; with suggestions FURMAN, (Richard.) Independence Sermon, for the formation of a militia artillery. 120. July, 1802. 80. Charleston, (S. C.,) 1802. London, 1852. (Theol. Pam., v. 6.) FYFE, (Andrew.) Anatomy of the Human FUaNALD, (Amos.) Trial for the Murder of Body; illustrated by 158 plates, taken partly Alfred Furnald at Dover, (New Hampshire, ) from the most celebrated authors, partly from on the first Tuesday of February, 1825. nature. 2v. 80. Plates, 40. Edinburgh, Reported by R. Ela. 80. Concord, 1825. 1830. FURNEAUX, (John.) Abridged History of the Compendium of the Anatomy of the Principal Treaties of Peace, with reference Human Body. 4v. 80. Edinburgh, 1812-13. to the question of the Nentral Flag protect- Elements of Chemistry. 2d ed. 80. ing the Property of an Enemy. 80. Lon- Edinburgh, 1830. don, 1837. System of the Anatomy of the Human FURNEAUX, (Philip.) Letters to Mr. Justice Body; illustrated by upward of 250 tables, Blackstone, on his Exposition of the Act of taken partly from the most celebrated auToleration, and some positions relative to thors, am d partly from nature. 4th ed. 3v. Religioqs Liberty, in his Commentaries on 40. Edinburgh, 1820. the Laws of England. 2d ed. 80. London, FYNN, (Robert.) British Consuls abroad; 1771. their origin, rank, and privileges, duties, The same. Small 40. Philadelphia, jtrisdiction and emoluments. 160. London, 1773. (With PRIESTLEY, (J.) Remarks on 1846. Blackstone.) FYSII, (Frederic.) History of the French FURNESS, (William H.) Jesus and his Biog- Revolution; with special reference to the raphers; or, remarks on the four gospels. fulfilment of the Prophecy. 80. London, 8~. Philadelphia, 1838. 1852. - Julius, and other tales from the German. GABBIETT, (Joseph ) Treatise on the Criminal 120. Philadelphia, 1856. Law; comprehending all crimes and misdeFURNISS, (William.) Landvoieglee; or, Views meanors punishable by indictment, and ofacross the Sea. A new edition of the'iOld fences cognizable summarily by magistrates; World." 120. New York, 1850. with the modes of proceeding upon each. FURNIVALL, (John James.) Diagnosis, pre- 2 v. 80. Dublin, 1843. vention, and treatment of Diseases of the GABRIEL, (Claude Louis.) Essai sur la NaHeart, and of Aneurism; with observations ture, les diffdrentes espbces, et les divers on Rheunalism. 6,0. London, 1845. degres de force des Preuves. 2 v. in 1. FiJRsi ENERiUS, (C-esarinus.) De Jure Supre- 160. Bouill.n, 1790. matus ac Legationis Pdincipumu Germanire. GABRIEL'S Insurrection in Virginia; Execu160. Norimbergire, 1677. tive Documents relating to. Folded, Folio. The same. 240. Norimbergise, 1679. Richmond, 1800. (Pol. Pam., v. 100.) 449 GADBURY. GALE. GADBURY, (John.) Doctrine of Nativities; GAILLARD, (Thomas.) History of the Reformwhole art of directions, annual revolutions, ation in the Church of Christ, continued and tables for calculating the planets' places fiom the close of the fifteenth century. 80. for any time, either past, present, or to come. New-York, 1847. Folio. London, 1658. GAINES' Universal Register; or, Columbian GADDIS, (Maxwell P.) Brief Recollections of Kalendar for the Year of our Lord 1793. Rev. George W. Walker. 120. Cincinnati, 240. New York, 1793. 1857. GAIRDNER, (William.) Essay on the Effects Conversion of a Skeptic, a Member of of Iodine on the Human Constitution. 80. the Bar. 160. Cincinnati, 1858. London, 1824. Foot-Prints of an Itinerant. 120. Cin- On Gout; its history, its causes, and cinnati, 1855. its cure. 2d ed. 12~. London, 1851. GAEL, (Samuel H.) Practical Treatise on the GAISFORD, (Thomas.) Etymologicon MagAnalogy between Legal and General Corn- num, seu verius lexicon saepissime vocabuposition; an introduction to the drawing of lorumn origines indagans ex pluribus lexicis legal instruments, public and private. 80. scholiastis et grammaticis anonymi cuiusdam London, 1840. opera concinnatum. Folio. Oxonii, 1848. GAERTNER, (Josephus.) DeFructibusetSem- Scriptores Latini rei Metricse. ManuinibusPlantarum; et Supplementum Carpolo- scriptorum codicum ope subinde refinxit T. gio C. F. Gaertner. 3v. 40. Lipsie, 1801-5. Gaisford. 80. Oxonii, 1837. GAETE, (M. M. Charles Gaudin, Dzc de.) M6- GAfUS, (Titus.) Institutionum Commentarii moires, Souvenirs, Opinions, et Ecrits. 2 v. IV. Traduites en Frangais, par J. B. E. 80. Paris, 1826. (Berville et Barriere, Coll. Boulet, avec des notes destinies a faciliter Mem. Rev. Franuaise, v. 36-37.) l'intelligence du texte. 80. Paris, 1827. GAGE, (John.) History and Antiquities of GAJANI, (Guglielmo.) Roman Exile. 120. Suffolk; Thingoe Hundred. 40. London, Boston, 1856. 1838. GALARDI, (Ferdinand de.) R6flexions sur les GAGE, (Thomas.) New Survey of the West Memoires pour les Ambassadeurs; et reIndies; or, the English American, his travel spouse au Ministre Prisonnier, (Wiquefort.) by sea and land; containing a journal of 180. Ville-Franche, 1677. 3300 miles within the main land of America. Trait6 Politique concernant l'Import2d ed. Folio. London, 1655. ance dn Choix Exact d'Ambassadeurs HaThe same. 4thed. 80. London, 1699. biles; avec l'utilite des ligues, et du retas Nouvelle Relation, contenant ses Voy- biissement des ordres militaires en Espagne. ages dans la Nouvelle Espagne, ses diverses 240. Cologne, 1666. aventures, et son retour par la province de GALBRAITH, (George.) Cotton Spinners' Nicaragua, jusques A la Havane. Traduite Companion. 120. Glasgow, 1836. de l'Anglais. 4e 6d. 2 v. 160. Amster- GALBRAITH, (William.) Mathematical and dam, 1720. Astronomical Tables, for students in mathe-- IRelation du Mexique. (Thevenot, Re- matics, practical astronomers, surveyors, lations, v. 2.) engineers, and navigators. 2d ed. 80. GAGE, (Thomas, General.) Instructions and Edinburgh, 1834. Narrative of Occurrences, 1775. 80. Boston, - Trignometrical Surveying, Levelling, 1816. (Mass. Hist. Coil., v. 4, second series.) and Railway Engineering. 80. EdinGAGERN, (HI. C. F. von.) Critik des Volker- burgh, 1842. rechts. 80. Leipzig, 1840. GALE, (Charles James.) Treatise on the Law GAILHABAUD, (Jules.) Monuments Anciens of Easements. 3d ed. By W. H. Willes. et Modernes; collection formant une histoire 80. London, 1862. de l'architecture des differents peuples A and DAVISON, (H.) Reports of Cases toutes les 6poques. 4 v. 40. Paris, 1850. in the Court of Queen's Bench, and upon GAILLARD, (G. H.) Histoire de la Rivalite Writs of Error from that court to the Exde la France et de l'Angleterre, avec le sup- chequer Chamber, 1841 to 1843. 3 v. 80. p16ment. Histoire de la querelle de Philippe London, 1842-43. de Valois et d'dlouard III, continuee sous ~ and WTHATLEY, (T. D.) Treatlse on the leurs successeurs, pour servir de suite A la Law of Easements. With American notes, rivalitd. 11 v. 16. Paris, 1798. by E. Hammond. 80. New-York, 1840. 57 450 GALE. GALLAIS. GALE, (George.) Practical Forms; with notes Dialogo dei Miassimi Sistemi, v. 1. Difesa contro I1 Capra, v. 11. and references, adapted to the revised statutes Discoriso delle Cometie di Mario Guiducci, v. 4. of Wisconsin. 3d ed. 80. Iacine, 1850. Discorso intoro i Galleggianti, v. 12. Discorso intorno il Flusso e Keflusso, v. 2. GALE, (John.) Reflections on Mr. Wall's His- Fraimmente Astionolici, v. 5, part 2. tory of Infant Baptism. 8 Lettera a T'lonmeo Nozzolini, v. 12. tory of"tLInt Baptism. 80. LonLdon,ere. ettere, v. 6-10. GALE, (Theophilus.) Court of the Gentiles. Lettere a FrIlcesco Rincecini, nelle quali si paragona il l'asso coil' Ariosto, v. 15. 2 v. 8malla 4. Oxford and London, 1671-77. Lettere luedite diretti a Galileo, v. 17. GALE, (Thbmas.) Historire Poeticre Scriptores Lettere intorl' lle Mocclii Solari, v. 3. Lettere intorno le Apparenze lella Luna, v. 3. Antiqui. (Gr. et Lat.) Ace. breves notr Lettere intorno al Sistemat Copernicano. v.2. etindices necessari. 120. Parisiis, 1675 Lezioni intorno la Figura, site e Grandezza dell Inet inclies necessarii. 12e. Parisiis, 1675. fe-mo di Dante, v. 15. GALERIA de Espanoles Celebres Contempora- Lezioni intoino la Stella Nuova del 1604, v. 5, part 0. neos, 6 Biografias y Retratos de todos los Operazioni Astronomoiche; v. 5, part 2. Personages Distinguidos de nuestros dias, O oi el Compasso Geoletrico e Militare, &C. Publicad(as por N. Pastor Diaz y Opere Fisico-Mafematiche, v. 14. Osservazioni Originali, v. 5, part 1. Francisco de Cardenas. 9 v. 12. Ma- Postille, al discorso dei Lt Galla de Phoenlominis in drid 1841-46. (orbe Luinae et de Luce et Luinloe, v. 3. drid," 1841-46.*'.~ Postill e lle sercitazioli del Rocco, v. 2. GALERIE du Palais Royal; grav6e d'apres les Postille all opera di Lottario Sarsi de Ratione ponderum Librae ac Simbellae, v. 4. _ableaux des differentes 6coles qui la cor- Poile Libra Atrobllc i Lottao Ssi, Postille alia Libra Astronomiea di Lottario Sttrsi, posent, avec descriptions par l'Abb6 de v. 4. Postille e Correzioni all' Orlando Furioso, v. 15. Fontenoi. 3 v. Folio. Paris, 1786-1808. Postille al Discorso di Lodovico delle Colombe, v.. GALES and SEATON. See CONGRESS. Processo di Galileo, v. 17. SeieIza Meccanica, v. 11. GALFRIDUS. Promptorium Parvulorum; Lexi- Scrilture varie relative alle opere e alle Opinioni nAngloLati anm rincps. P Astronomiche di Galileo, v. 5, part 2. con Anglo-Latinum princeps. Cur. A. Way. Sernones de Motu Gravini, v. 11. 2 v. Small 40. London, 1853. (Camden Risposta otto nomie dol P. Costelli alle opposizioi del Colornbe e del Grazia, v. 12. Society, Nos. 25 and 54 ) Sydereus NUneius, v. 3. GALIANI, (Ferdinando.) De' Doveri de' Prin- Tavle dei MotiMedj,. 5, parti. Trattato della Sfera, o Cosmografia, v. 3. cipi Neutrali verso i Principi Guerreggianti, Trattato di Fortificazione, v. 11. e di questi verso i Neutrali, libri due. 40. Opere. 13 v. 80. Milan, 1808-11. Milan, 1772. Authority of Scripture in Philosophical Recht der Neutralitit. Aus dem Ita- Controversies. Translated by T. Saluslienischen fibersetzt, und mit einem Corn- bury. Folio. London, 1661. (Salusbury's mnentar versehen von Karl A. CGsar. 2 v. Math. Collection.) 80. Leipzig, 1790. Systeme of the World. Translated GALIBERT, (Leon.) Histoiredela PRpublique by T. Salusbury. Folio. London, 1661. de Venise. Small 4~. Paris, 1847. (Salusbury's Matlhematical Coll.) et PELLE, (C.) Angleterre. 4v. 80. GALINDO, (Juan.) Description of the Ruins Paris, 1842-44. (L'Univers, v. 27-30.) of Copan, in Central America. (Archreologia GALIFFE, (James Augustus.) italy and its Americana, v. 2.) Inhabitants: account of a tour in that coun- GALL, (Franz Joseph.) Works on the Functry in 1816-17. 2 v. 80. London, 1820. tions of the Brain, &c. Trans. from the GALIGNANI, (A. and W.) New Paris Guide, French, by Winslow Lewis. 6 v. 120. for 1855; compiled from the best authorities, Boston, 1835. revised and verified by personal inspection. GALL, (Johann Joseph;) et SPURZHEIM, (C.) 160. Paris, 1855. Recherches sur le Systeme Nerveux en geGalignani's Grammar and Exercises, n6eal, et celui du Cerveau en particulier. in 24 lectures on the Italian language. 3d. 40. Paris, 1809. ed. By A. Montucci. 80. London, 1818.; VIMONT, (J.;) and BROUSSAIS, (F. GALILEI, (Galileo.) Opere. 1i edizione com- J. V.) Functions of the Cerebellum. Trans. pleta, condotta sugli autentici manoscritti from the French, by G. Combe. Also, AnsPalatini. 15 v. in 17 v. 80. Firenze, wers to the Objections urged against Phre1842-56. nology, by G. and A. Combe. 80. EdinCONTENTS. Abbozzo di ulio Commedia, v.. 15.bugh, 138. Bibliografia Galileiaiia, v. 15. GAILAIS, (Jean Pierre.) Histoire de France, Calcoli ed Effemeridi, v. 5, part 1. Capitolo in Biasino della Toga, e quatro Sonetti, depuis la mort de Louis XVI. jusqu'a 1815. v. 15. 3 v. 80. Paris, 1819. (In Anquetil, HisConsiderazioni alla Gerusalemme Liberata, v. 15. Dinloghi delle Nuove Scienze, v. 13. toire de France, v. 11-13.) 451 GALLATIN. GALLOWAY. GALLATIN, (Albert.) Autobiography, 1798. Circuit, 1812 to 1815. 2 v. 80. Boston, 8o. Portland, 1859. (Maine Hist. Coll. 1815-17. v. 6.) The same. 2d ed., with additional Considerations on the Currency and notes and references. 2 v. 80. Boston, Banking System of the United States. 80. 1844. (2 copies.) Philadelphia, 1831. GALLO, (Antonio.) Opuscula Historica de Geographical Notices of Indians of Rebus Gestis Populi Genuensis, et de NaviAmerica, and Ancient Civilization of New gationeColumbi. (Muratori, Rerum ltalicaMexico. (Am. Ethnol. Trans., v. 2.) rum Scriptores, v. 23.) - Memoir on the Northeastern Boundary, GALLOIS, (J. G.) Geschichte der Stadt Hamin connection with Mr. Jay's map; with burg; nach den besten quellen bearbeitet. Webster's speech on the subject before N. Y. 2 v. 80. Hamburg, 1853. Hist. Society, April 15th, 1843. 80. New GALLOWAY, (Elijah.) History and Progress York, 1843. of the Steam Engine. With an extensive Right of the United States of America appendix, by Luke Hebert. 8~. London, to the North-Eastern Boundary claimed by 1830. them. 8~. New-York, 1840. On the Archimedean Screw, or submaSketch of the Finances of the United rine propeller. 40. London, 1842. (TiedStates. 80. New-York, 1796. (2 copies.) gold's Steam Engine, appendix.) - Speech on the Validity of Elections in GALLOWAY, (Joseph.) Candid Examination Four Western Counties of Pennsylvania held of the Mutual Claims of Great Britain and 14th Oct. 1794. With appendix on the her Colonies. 80. London, 1780. (Pol. Whiskey Insurrection. 80. Philadelphia, Pam., v. 54.) 1795. (Pol. Pam., v. 97.) - The same. (Pol. Pam., v. 83.) Synopsis of the Indian Tribes of North * Considerations upon the American InAmerica. (Archeologia Americana, v. 2.) quiry. 3d ed. 80. London, 1779. Views of the Public Debt, Receipts and ~ Examination of Joseph Galloway, Esq., Expenditures of United States. 80. New late Speaker of the House of Assembly of York, 1800. (Pol. Pam., v. 100.) Pennsylvania, before the House of Commons, Letter to, on the doctrine of Gold and in a Committee on the American Papers. Silver, and evils of the Present Banking Sys- With notes. 80. London, 1779. tem, by Publicola. 80. New York, 1815. The same. (Col. Pam., v. 17.) (Pol. Pam., v. 109.) The same. 2d ed. 80. London, 1780. GALLATIN, (James.) Letter on the Proposed (Pol. Pam., v. 83.) United States Banking System. 80. New ~ The same. Edited by Thomas Baleh. York, 1863. 80. Philadelphia, 1855. (Seventy-six Soc'y National Finances and the Currency. Pub.) 80. New York, 1862. Letters to the Right Honorable Lord GALLENGA, (Antonio.) Country Life in Pied- Viscount H(ow)e, on his Naval Conduct in mont. 12~. London, 1858. the American War. 80. London, 1779. History of Piedmont. 3 v. 120. Lon- Letters to a Nobleman on the Conduct don, 1855. of the War in the Middle Colonies. 80. LonSee MARIOTTI, (L.) don, 1779. GALLERY of Portraits; with Memoirs. 7 v. The same. (Col. Pam., v. 18.) 80. London, 1833-37. The same. (Pol. Pam., v. 54.) GALLICK REPORTS; or an historical collection Plain Truth; or, a letter to the author of criminal cases, adjudged in the supreme of "Dispassionate Thoughts on the Americourts of judicature in France. A work can War." 80. London, 1780. equally instructive and entertaining. 120. ~ Reply to the Observations of Lieut. London, 1737. Gen. Sir William Howe, on a Pamphlet enGALLIEN de Salmorenc. Br6viaire des Politi- titled Letters to a Nobleman. 80. London, ques. 80. Londres, 1769. 1780. GALLINI, (Giovanni Andrea.) Treatise on the Speech in Answer to J. Dickinson, in Art of Dancing. 80. London, 1772. House of Assembly of Pennsylvania, May GALLISON, (J.) Reports of Cases in the Circuit 24, 1764. 80. London, 1765. (Pol. Pam., Court of the United States for the First v. 83.) 452 GALLOWAY. GAND. GALLOWAY, (Joseph.) Rdflexions Impartiales y menores, y mercedes de agua. 4a ed. 4~. sur les Consequences qui doivent resulter Mexico, 1851. pour la Grande Bretagne, de l'Ind6pendance GALVANO, (Antonio.) DiscoveriesoftheWorld des Amdriquains; sur les ddpenses qu'elle a from the first to 1555. 8~. London, 1862. faites pour l'6tablissement et la conservation (Hakluyt Society, v. 30.) de ses colonies de 1'Am6rique; enfin, sur GAMA, (Vasquez de.) Voyage to the East l'importance dont ces m6mes colonies Amdri- Indies. (Knox's Coil. Voyages, v. 2.) quaines et les Indes Occidentales sont pour GAMBA, (Pietro.) Narrative of Lord Byron's l'empire Britannique. Traduit de l'Anglois. Last Journey to Greece. 8. London, 1825. 120. Londres, 1780. (Col. Pam., v. 24.) GAMBADO, (Geoffrey.) Academy for Grown GALLOWAY, (Robert.) First Step in Chemis- Horsemen. 3d ed. Folio. London, 1808. try. 3d ed. 180. London, 1860. GAMBIER, (James, Lord.) Minutes of a CourtGALLOWAY, (Samuel.) Ergonomy; or, Indus- Martial on 26th July, 1809, on the trial of the trial Science. 120. Princeton, (N.J.,) 1853. Right Hon. Lord Gambier, Admiral of the GALLOWAY, (William Brown.) Gate of Pro- Blue, &c. Taken in shorthand by W. B. phecy; being the revelation of Jesus Christ Gurney. 2d ed. 80. London, 1809. by St. John, theologically and historically GAMBLE, (John.) Sketches of History, Poliexpounded, and shown to elucidate various tics, and Manners in Dublin and the North prophecies of Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, &c. of Ireland, in 1810. 80. London, 1826. 2 v. 80. London, 1846. GAMBOA, (F. Xavier de.) Commentaries on GALPINE, (John.) Synoptical Compend of the Mining Ordinances of Spain. From the British Botany, arranged after the Linnrean original Spanish, by Richard Heathfield. system. 4th ed. 160. London, 1834. 2 v. in 1. 8~. London, 1830. GALT, (John.) Annals of the Parish, and GAME-FISH of the Northern States of America Ayrshire Legatees. 160. Edinburgh, 1850. and British Provinces. By Barnwell. 120. Autobiography. 2v. 80. London, 1833. New York, 1862. Lawrie Todd; or, the Settlers in the GAME LAWS. Considerations, &c. (No title Woods. 16~. London, 1849. (Bentley's page.) 80. (Pol. Pam., v. 46.) Stand. Novels, v. 21.) GAMMELL, (William.) Life of Samuel Ward. Life of Byron. 180. New York, 1841. 160. Boston, 1846. (Sparks' Am. Biog., (Harper's Fam. Library, v. 10.) v. 9, second series.) Life and Studies of Benjamin West, Life of Roger Williams. 120. Boston, prior to his arrival in England. 80. Phila- 1846. delphia, 1816. Thesame. 160. Boston, 1845. (Sparks' Life and Administration of Cardinal Am. Biog., v. 4, second series.) Wolsey. 3d ed. 80. Edinburgh, 1824. GAMON, (Achille.) M6moires, 1560-1586. Lives of the Players. 2 v. 120. Lon- 80. Paris, 1788. (Coll. des M6moires Redon, 1831. latifs i'Hist. de France, v. 46.) - Sir Andrew Wylie, of that Ilk. 160. ~Thesame. 80. Paris, 1838. (Michaud, Edinburgh, 1841. Coll. M6m. Hist. France, v. 8.) The Entail. 160. Edinburgh, 1850. - The same. 80. Paris, lb23. (Petitot, Voyages and Travels in 1809-1811; Coll. M6m. Hist. France, ser. I, v. 34.) containing statistical, commercial, and mis- GAND, (M.) Codes desltrangers, Souverains, cellaneous observations on Gibraltar, Sar- Souveraines, Princes, Princesses, Legations, dinia, Sicily, Malta, Serigo, and Turkey. Consulats, et simples particuliers, ou etat 40. London, 1812. civil et politique en France des etrangers de GALTON, (Francis.) Narrative of an Explorer in tout rang et de tout condition, leurs droits et Tropical SouthAmerica. 120. London, 1853. leurs devoirs. 80. Paris, 1853. - Vacation Tourists and Notes of Travel - Traite de la Police et de la Voirie des in 1860. 80. Cambridge, 1861. Chemins de Fer, et de la Legislation des GALVAN RIVERA, (Mariano.) Ordenanzas de Locomotives qui les desservent. 80. Paris, Tierras y Aguas, 6 sea formulario geometrico 1846. judicial para la designacion, establecimiento, I Traite General de l'Expropriation pour mensura, amojonamiento y deslinde de las case d'Utilite Publique en France, d'aprds poblaciones y todas suertes de tierras, sitios, la loi du 3 Mai, 1841, et la legislation actucaballerias y criaderos de ganados mayores elle. 80. Paris, 1842. 453 GANDILLOT. GARDINER. GANDILLOT, (R.) Essai sur la Science des dimens de la Langue Hindoustani. AppenFinances. 80. Paris, 1840. dice, contenant, outres quelques additions GANDS, (P.) Key to the Exercises in Ollen- a la grammaire, des lettres Hindoustani origdorff's new method of learning the the Ger- inales, accompagn6es d'une traduction et man language. 160. London, 1850. defac-simile. 4~. Paris, 1829-33. The same. 160. Frankfort, 1853. GARDE, (Richard.) Practical Treatise on the GANILH, (Charles.) Des Systdmes d'1cono- General Principle and Elementary Rules of mie Politique, de la valeur comparative de the Law of Evidence. 1'2. London, 1830. leurs doctrines, et de celle qui parait la plus GARDEL, (lMrs. J. S. H.) Conversations on favorable aux progres de la richesse. 2e dd. Italy; inEnglish and French. 2d ed. 120. 2 v. in 1. 80. Paris, 1821. Philadelphia, 1858. Essai Politique sur le Revenu Public GARDEN, (Alexander.) Anecdotes of the Revdes Peuples de 1'Antiquite, du Moyen Age, olutionary War in America. 8~. Charleston, des Siecles Modernes, et specialement de la (S. C.,) 1822. France et de l'Angleterre, depuis le milieu GARDEN, (Conmte de.) Histoire Gen6rale des du 15e siecle jusqu' 19e. 2 v. 80. Paris, Traites de Paix, et autres transactions prin1806. cipales entre toutes les puissances de l'EuFinancial Situation of France in 1816. rope depuislapaixdeWestphalie. Ouvrage 80. London, 1816. (Pamphleteer, v. 7.) contenant les travauxde Koch, Schoell, etc., Inquiry into the Various Systems of entirement refondus et continues jusqul' co Political Economy. Translated by D. Boi- jour. 12 v. 80. Paris, 1849-51. lean. 80. New-York, 1812. Traite Complet de Diplomatie, ou theDiccionario Analitico de Economia orie generale des relations exterieurs des Politica. Traducidoal Castellano, connotas, puissances de l'Europe. 3 v. 80. Paris, por M. Jos6 Sicilia. 3 v. 120. Paris, 1827. 1833. (2 copies.) GANNETT, (Ezra S.) Discourse at Ordina- GARDEN, The. Pocket Manual of Practical tion of A. B. Muzzey. 80. Boston, 1830. Horticulture. 120. New York, 1858. (Theol. Pam., v. 12.) GARDEN of the World, or the Great West; its Religion conducive to Prosperity in history, its wealth, its natural advantages, this Life; a Sermon. 80. Boston, 1861. and its future. By an old settler. 120. GANS, (Eduard.) Das Erbrecht in weltges- Boston, 1856. hichtlicher Entwickelung. Eine abhand- GARDENER'S Magazine of Botany, Horticullung der Universal-Rechtsgeschichte. 4 v. ture, Floriculture, and Natural Science. Jan. 80. Berlin. StuttgartundTiibingen, 1824- 1850, to Dec., 1851. 3 v. 80. London, 1835. 1850-51. GARBETT, (James.) Sermons on Christ, as GARDIN-DUMESNIL, (Jean Baptiste.) Latin Prophet, Priest, and King. 2 v. 80. Ox- Synonyms, with their different significations. ford, 1842. (Bampton Lectures, for 1842.) Translated, with additions, by J. M. Gosset. GARCIA, (Francisco Gregorio.) Origin de los 3d ed. 80. London, 1825. Indios de el Nuevo Mundo, e Indias Occi- GARDINER, (Allen F.) Narrative of a Journey dentales. Folio. Madrid, 1729. to the Zoolu Country, in South Africa, in GARCIA DE LA HUERTA. See HUERTA. 1835. 80. London, 1836. GARCILASSO D)E LA VEGA, (the Inca.) Histoire - Visit to the Indians on the Frontier of de la Floride; ou relation de ce qui s'est Chili. 120. London, 1841. passe dans la d6couverte de ce pais, parFer- GARDNER, (Lion. I.) Relation of the Pequot dinand de Soto. Traduite en Francais, par Warres. 80. Cambridge, 1833. (Mass. Sr.PierreRichelet. 2v. 160. Leide, 1731. Hist. Coil., v. 3., third series.) Histoire des Guerres Civiles des Espag- GARDINER, (O. C.) The Great Issue; or, the nols dans les Indes. 4 v. 80. Paris, 1830. three presidential candidates, (Taylor, Cass, Royal Commentaries of Peru. In two and Van Buren;) a historical sketch of the parts. Folio. London, 1688. Free-soil question in the United States from GARCILASSO DE LA VEGA, (the Poet.) Works. the Congress of 1774 and 1787 to 1848. 80. Translated into English verse; with essay New York, 1848. on Spanish poetry, and life of the author, by GARDINER, (Sir Robert.) Cursory view of the J. H. Wiffen. 120. London, 1823. present Crisis in India. 80. London, 1857. GARCIN DE TASSY, (Joseph Heliodore.) Ru- (East India Pam., v. 4.) 454 GARDINER. GARROW. GARDINER, (William.) Melodies from the GARLTCK, (Theodatus.) Treatise on the ArtiMusic of Nature. 8~. London, 1835. ficial Propagation of certain kinds of Fish. ~- - @Music and Friends; or, pleasant recol- 8~. Cleveland, (O.,) 1857. lections of a dilettante. 2 v. 80. London, GARNEAU, (Francois Xavier.) Histoire du 1838. Canada, depuis sa d6couverte jusqu'a nos lMusic of Nature; attempt to prove jours. 3v. 80. Quebec, 1845-48. that what is passionate and pleasing in the GARNER, (Robert.) Natural History of the art of singing, speaking, and performing County of Stafford; comprising its geology, upon musical instruments is derived from zoology, batany, and meteorology; also, its the sounds of the animated world. 80. Bos- antiquities, topography, manufactures, &c. ton, 1838. 80. London, 1844. GARDINER, (William, A. L. S.) Flora of For- GARNETT, (John.) Tables requisite to be farshire. 120. London, 1848. used with the Nautical Ephemeris, for findLessons on British Mosses. 2 v. in 1. ing the Latitude and Longitude at Sea. 80. 160. London, 1849-52. New-Brunswick, (N. J.,) 1806. GARDNER, (Augustus K.) Causes and Cura- GARNIER, (F. X. P.) Regime des Eaux; ou tive Treatment of Sterility. 80. New-York, trait6 des eaux de la mer, des fleuves, rivi1856. eres navigables et flottables, et autres eaux de The French Metropolis: Paris, as seen touteespece. 3e d. 4v. 80. Paris, 1839-42. during the spare hours of a medical student. GARNIER, (Jean Jacques.) Traite de l'Origine 2d ed. 80. New York, 1850. du Gouvernement Fran9ois. (Leber. Coil. GARDNER, (Charles K.) Dictionary of all Hist. France, v. 5.) Officers who have been commissioned, or GARNIER, (Jules.) Nomenclature Chimique have been appointed and served, in the Army Franqaise, Su6doise, Allemande, et Synonyof the United States, fiom 1789 to 1853. mie. 12~. Paris, 1844. 120. New-York, 1853. GARNIER-PAGES, (L. S.) (Redactcur.) DicGARDNER, (Daniel.) Treatise on International tionnairePolitique. 80. Paris, 1860. Law, and explanation of the jurisdiction and GARRARD, (Lewis H.) Chambersburg, in the duty of the government of the United States. Colony and the Revolution. 80. Phila120. Troy, (N. Y.,) 1844. delphia, 1856. Institutes of International Law, Public GARRATT, (Alfred C.) Electro-Physiology and Private, as settled by the Supreme and Electro-Therapeutics; best methods for Court of the United States, and by our Re- the medical use of electricity. 80. Boston, public; with references to judicial decisions. 1860. 80. New York, 1860 (2 copies.) GARRATT, (G.) Marvels and Mysteries of Treatise on Law of the American Re- Instinct; or, curiosities of animal life. 2d bellion and our Policy. 80. New York, 1862. ed. 160. London, 1857. GARDNER, (George.) Travels in the Interior GARRETT, (C. B.) On East and North-East of Brazil during 1836-41. 2d ed. 80. Lon- Winds, the nature, treatment, and prevendon, 1849. tion of their suffocative effects; embracing GARELLA, (Napoleon.) Projet d'un Canal de also diet and digestion. 160. London, 1855. Jonction de l'Ocean Pacifique et de l'Ocean GARRICK, (David.) Poetical Works. With Atlantique a travers l'Isthme de Panama. notes by George Kearsley. 2v. 160. Lon80. Paris, 1845. don, 1785. GAR(.AS, (Pierre Andr6.) Contract Social, ~ Private Correspondence with the most surnome UnionFranc-MaR one. 80. Toulon, celebrated parsons of his time. 2 v. 40. 1797. (Pol. Pam., v. 18.) London, 1831-32. GARIBALDI, (Giuseppe.) Life, written by him- GARRISON, (William Lloyd.) Selections from self; with sketches of his companions in his writings and speeches. 120. Boston, arms. 120. New York, 1859. 1852. GARIBAY Y ZAMALLOA, (Estevan.) Los XL. Thoughts on African Colonization. libros d'el CompendiloHistorial delas Chroni- Part I and II. 8. Boston, 1832. (Slavery cas y Universal Historia de todos Reynos Pam., v. 19.) d'Espafla. 3 v. Folio. Anveres, 1571. GARROW, (David W.) History and Antiquities GARLAND, (Hugh A.) Life of John Randolph of Croydon; also, sketch of the life of John of Roanoke. 2 v. 120. New-York, 1851. Whitgift. 80. Croydon, 1818. 455 GARROW. GASSENDUS. GARROW, (David W.) Sermons, comprising Cambridge, from 1830 to 1846. 8~. Cammatters of doctrine and practice. 8~. Lon- bridge, (Eng.,) 1847. don, 1820. Solutions of the Trigonometrical ProGARSTON, (Edgar.) Greece Revisited, and blems proposed at St. John's College, sketches in Lower Egypt, in 1840; with a Cambridge, from 1829 to 1846. 8~. Camcampaign in Greece, in 1825. 2 v. 8~. bridge, 1847. London, 1842. GASPARIN, (Adrien l. P.; Comte de.) Rapport GARTH, (Sir Samuel.) Dispensary: a poem au roi sur les Hopitaux, les Hospices et les in six cantos. 9th ed. 16~. London, 1726. Services de Bienfaisance. 4~. Paris, 1837. (Poinfiet's Poems, etc.) GASPAtIN, (Agenor Etienne; Comte de.) Dispensary and other Poems. 16~. L'Am6rique devant l'Europe; principes et London, 1790. (Johnson's Eng. Poets, v. 28.) interets. 8~. Paris, 1862. The same. 8~. London, 1810. (Chal- Une Parole de Paix sur le Diffdrend ners' Eng. Poets, v. 9.) entre l'Angleterre et les Itats-Unis. 80. The same. 16~. Chiswick, 1822. Paris, 1862. (Pol. Pam., v. 94.) (Brit. Poets, v. 27.) - America before Europe; principles and GARVEY, (Michael Angelo.) Silent Revolu- interests. Translated by Mary L. Booth. tion; or, the future effects of steam and 12~. London, 1862. electricity. 16~. London, 1852. Treatise on turning tables, the superGASCHON, (J. B.) Code Diplomatique des natural in general, and spirits. Translated Aubains, ou du droit conventionnel entre la by C. W. Robert; with introduction, by France et les autres puissances relativement Robert Baird. 2 v. 12~. New York, 1857. i la capacit6 rdciproque d'acquerir ou de The Uprising of a Great People: the transmettreles biens, meubles, ou immeubles, United States in 1861. Translated by Mary par actes entre vifs, par dispositions de der- L. Booth. 12~. New York, 1861. niere volonte, et par succession ab intestat. GASPARIN, (N. Boissier, Comtesse de.) The 120. Paris, 1818. (2 copies.) Near and the Heavenly Horizons. 16~. GASCOIGNE, (George.) Poems. 8~. Lon- Edinburgh, 1861. don, 1810. (Chalmers' Eng. Poets, v. 2.) GASPEY, (Thomas.) Life and Times of the GASCoOIGNE, (Mrs.) Next-Door Neighbours. goodLord Cobham. 2v. 12~. London, 1844. 3 v. 12~. London, 1855. GAss, (Patrick.) Journal of the Voyages and GASKELL, (Mrs. E. C.) A Dark Night's Work. Travels of a Corps of Discovery, under com12~. London, 1863. mand of Lewis and Clarke, from the mouth Life of Charlotte Bronte. 2d ed. 12~. of the Missouri to the Pacific Ocean, during London, 1857. the years 1804-6. 12~. Pittsburgh, 1807. - Mary Barton; a tale of Manchester GASSENDUS, (Petrus.) Opera omnia. 6 v. in life. 160. London, 1855-57. 4. 8~. Lugduni, 1658. Right at Last, and other tales. 120. CONTENTS. New-York, 1860. Animadversiones in decimum librum Diogenis Lacr_________i-t,~ n -r~ tii, qui est de Epicuro, v. 5-6....- Ruth; a novel. 160. London. Astronomica, v. 4. GASKELL, (John.) Sense and Sound, as they Commllntarii de Rebus Ccelestibus, v. 4. Epicuri Ethice, v. 6. reciprocally form any sign of mind. 80. Epistolse de Apparente Mlagnitudine Solis, v. 3.'PL*or^^1^-ln 1^"/l Epistolc de Motu, v, 3. Philadelphia, 1854. Ethica, v. 2. GASKELL, (P.) Artisans and Machinery; condi- Exercitationes Paradoxicim adversus Aristoteleos, v. 3. tion of the manufacturing population consid- Dubitationes et Inst antie ad CartesiiMetaphysicam ered with reference to mechanical substitutes t L posinsa, v. 3. Logica, v. 1. for human labour. 16~. London, 1836. Opuscula Philosophica, v. 3. Manufacturing Population of England, Phllosophim Epicuri Syntagma, v. 3. its condition, and the changes from the use Syntagmnatis Philosophici, v. 1-2. of steam machinery. 8~. London, 1833. Mirrour of true Nobility and Gentility; GASKILL and CoPPER. Patterns of Rolls, being the Life of the renowned Nicolaus Stamps, Scrolls, and connecting Lines for Or- Cladius Fabricius, Lord of Peiresk, Senator namenting the Covers of Books. 40. Phil- of the Parliament at Aix. Englished by W. adelphia, 1847. Rand. 18~. London, 1657. GASKIN, (Thomas.) Solutions of Geometrical Vanity of Judiciary Astrology; or, Problems, proposed at St. John's College, Divination by the Stars. 18~. London, 1659. 456 GASSETT. GAVAZZI. GASSETT, (H.) Catalogue of Books on the GAUME, (J.) Manuel des Confesseurs. 8e Ed. Masonic Institution, in public libraries of 80. Paris, 1859. twenty-eight States of the Union; anti- Paganism in Education. From the Masonic in arguments and conclusions. 80. French of "Le Ver Rongeur des Societes Boston, 1852. Modernes." Translated by Robert I-ill. GASTALDI, (Louis B.) De la Liberte Cor- 16~. London, 1852. merciale, du Credit, et des Banques; avec GAUNTLETT, (Henry.) Sermons. With meprojet d'une banque generale du credit et de moir of the author. 2 v. 8~. London, l'industrie. 80. Turin, 1840. 1835. GASTINEAU, (Benjamin.) Reign of Satan. GAURET, (M.) Stile Universel de Toutes les 4~. (Illus. Lit. of all Nations.) Cours et Jurisdictions du Royaulle, pour GASTON, (J. B., Duc d'Orleans.) See ORLEANS. l'Introduction de Matieres Criminelles, GASTON DE FOIX; a romance of the sixteenth suivant l'Ordonnance de Louis XIV. 4~. century. 3 v. 120. London, 1844. Paris, 1695. GATARI, (Andrea de.) Chronicon Patavinum, GAUss, (Carl Friedrich.) Theoria Motus; Italica lingua conscriptum, 1311-1406. theory of the motions of the heavenly (Muratori, Rerum Italicarum Scriptores, v. bodies moving about the sun in conic sec17.) tions. Translated by C. H. Davis. 40. GATES, (Sir Thomas;) SOMMERS, (Sir G.;) Boston, 1857. NEWPORT, (Capt.,) and others. Discovery GAUSSEN, (S. L. R.) Theopneustia; the of Bermudas, 1609, called the Isle of Divels. plenary inspiration of the Holy Scriptures. (Hakluyt's Voyages, v. 5.) Translated from the French. 180. EdinGATES and House-Doors in Paris. Oblong 40. burgh, 1850. Paris, 181Q. GAUTHEY, (Emilian Marie.) Traite de la GATONBE, (John.) Voyage to the North-West Construction des Ponts; et Memoires sur Passage, 1612. (Churchill's Voyages and les Canaux de Navigation. Publide par M. Travels, v. 6.) Navier. 3 v. 40. Paris, 1809-16. GATTY,(Alfed.) TheBell; itsorigin, history, GAUTIER, (M.) Traite de la Subrogation de and uses. 160. London, 1848. Personnes, ou du Paiement avec SubrogaGAUDENTIO DI LUCCA, Memoirs of; taken tion. 80. Paris, 1853. from his confession and examination before GAUTIER, (Thdophile.) Constantinople of the fathers of the inquisition at Bologna, in To-Day. Translated from the French, by Italy; making a discovery of an unknown Robert Howe Gould. 120. London, 1854. country in the midst of Africa, as ancient, Wanderings in Spain. 120. London, populous, and civilized as the Chinese. 1853. Faithfully translated from the Italian. 120.; JANIN, (Jules,) et CIIASLES, (PhilaLondon, 1737. rete. Les Beautds de l'Opera; ou chefs The same. 80. London, 1786. (Novel- d'oeuvres lyriques, illustres par les premiers ist's Magazine, v. 21.) artistes de Paris et de Londres. 80. GAUDIN, (Charles.) See GAETE, (Due de.) Paris, 1845. GAUDRY, (JoachimA. J.) Traite duDomaine, GAVARD, (Charles.) Galerie des Mardchaux comprenant le Domaine Public, le Domaine de France. 40. Paris, 1839. de l'ttat, le Domaine de la Couronne, le Galeries Historiques de Versailles. 13 Domaine Public, Municipal, le Domaine v. Folio. Paris, 1837-41. (V. 6 and 8 Privd des Communes, le Domaine Depart- wanting.) mental. 3 v. 80. Paris, 1862. The same. 10 v. 40. Paris, 1837-41. GAUGAIN, (Jane.) Lady's Assistant, for exe- Histoire de France, servant de texte cuting useful and fancy designs in knitting, explicatif aux tableau des Galeries de Vernetting, and crotchet work. Oblong 80. sailles. 4 v. 40. Paris, 1838-41. London, 1847. GAVARNI in London; sketches of life and GAULAY, (David.) Histoire du Congres de character, with illustrative essays by popuVienne. Traduite de l'Allemand. Publide lar writers. Edited by Albert Smith. 80. par le Comte G. de la Rochefoucauld. 80. London, 1849. Bruxelles, 1815. (Pol. Pam., v. 132.) GAVAZZI, (Alessandro.) Lectures and Life. GAULTER, (Henry.) Malignant Cholera in Translated and revised, by Mad. Julie de Manchester. 80. London, 1833. Marguerites. 120. New York, 1853. 457 GAVAZZI. GEBHARDT. GAVAZZ?, (Alessandro.) My Recollections of heads and ten horns, with his footprints, and the last four Popes, and of Rome in their the number of his name. 2d ed. Columbus, times. An answer to Dr. Wiseman. ]20. (0.,) 1853. London, 1858. - Omega; or, the Key to the Kingdom GAVIN, (D. Antonio.) Master-key to Popery; of Heaven. Supplement to the Key to the containing a discovery of the most secret Bottomless Pit. 12~. Zanesville, (0.,) 1853. practices of the secular and regular Romish GAYOT de Pitaval, (Francois.) Causes C61epriests in their auricular confessions, &c. bres et Interessantes, avec les jugemens qui 3d ed. 8~. Newport, (R. I.,) 1773. les ont d6cidees. Nouvelle 6dition, revue, GAVIN, (Hector.) Feigned and Factitious corrig6e, et augment6e de plusieurs pidees Diseases, chiefly of soldiers and seamen. importantes qu'on a recouvr6es.'20 v. 12~. 12~. London, 1843. Paris, 1739-50. Sanitary Ramblings; being sketches GAYTON, (Edmund.) Pleasant Notes upon Don of Bethnal Green. 80. London, 1848. Quixote. 40. London, 1654. GAWLER, (George.) Essentials of Good Skir- GAZATA, (S. and P. di.) Chronicon Regiense. mishing. 2d ed. 160. London, 1852. (Muratori, Rerum Italicarum Scriptores, GAY, (Claudio.) Historia Fisica y Politica de v. 18.) Chile. 24 v. 80; and 2 v. 40. Paris, 1844-56. GAZETTEER of the World; or, dictionary of Historia. 6 v. 80. geographical knowledge. Compiled from Botanica. 8v. 80. Zoologia. 8 v. 8~. the most recent authorities. 7 v. 80. EdinDocumentos sobre la Historia, la Estadistica y la burgh 1850-56. Geographia. 2 v. 8~. Atlas. 2 v. 4~. GAZLAY, (J. W.) Races of Mankind; with GAY, (John.) Poems. 2v. 40. London, 1720. Travels in Grubland, by Cephas Broadluck. The same. 2v. 160. London, 1790. 120. Cincinnati, 1856. (Johnson's English Poets, v. 36-37.) GAZUL, (Clara.) Plays. With memoirs, by The same. 80. London, 1820. (Chal- J. L'Estrange. b0. London, 1825. mers' Eng. Poets, v. 10.) GAZZERA, (Enrico.) NecessitA di una Reli- The same. 2 v. 160. Chiswick, 1822. gione in Ogni Sorta di Governo e di Clima. (British Poets, v. 32-33.) (ltal. & Fr.) 5 v. 160. Sponde del RoFables; illustrated. With memoir and dano, 1801-1802. annotations, by O. F. Owen. 160. London, - Les Nuits de Ste. Marie Magdelaine 1854. P6nitente. Traduit de l'Italien. 160. Paris, GAY, (John, Surgeon.) Memoir on Indolent 1807. Ulcers, and their Surgical Treatment. 120. - Les Veilles de Saint-Augustin, Eveque London, 1855. d'Hippone. Traduit de l'Italien. 160. GAY, (IMrs. M. M.) Gleanings from Real Life. Avignon, 1803. 120. Buffalo, 1858. GEALE, (Hamilton.) Notes of a Two Years' GAYARRE, (Charles.) Histoire de la Louisiane. Residence in Italy. 2d ed., with illustrations. 2 v. 80. Nouvelle-Orleans, 1846-47. 120. London, 1849. History of Louisiana. The Spanish GEBEIN, (Antoine Court de.) Le Monde Domination. 80. New-York, 1854. Primitif. 9 v. 40. Paris, 1773-82. Louisiana; its Colonial History and GEBHARDT, (A. G.) Recueil des Trait6s de Romance, and its History as a French colony. Paix, d'amiti6, d'alliance, de neutralitd et 2 v- 80. New-York, 1851-52. autres, conclus entre la R6publique FranRomance of the History of Louisiana. 9aise et les differentes Puissances de l'Europe, 120. New-York, 1848. depuis 1792 jusqu'a la paix gen6rale. 4 v. Influence of the Mechanic Arts on the 160. Gottingue et Hambourg, 1796-1803. Human Race. 160. New-York, 1854. - Recueil g6n6ral des Trait6s de Paix, School for Politics; a dramatic novel. etc., conclus par la R6publique Francaise 120. New-York, 1854. avec les diffdrentes Puissances Continentales GAY-LusSAC, (Nicolas Fran9ois.) Cours de pendant la Guerre de la Revolution. 160. Chimie, comprenant l'Histoire des Sels, la Paris, 1798. Chimie Vegetale et Animale. 2 v. 80. State Papers; relating to diplomatic Paris, 1828. transactions between the American and GAYMAN, (Isaac.) Key to the Bottomless Pit; French Governments, from 1793 to 1800. a Daguerrean likeness of the beast with seven 3 v. 160. London, 1816. 58 458 GEDDES. GENERAL. GEDDES, (Alexander.) Apology for Slavery; tionibus illustraverunt J. F. et J. Gronovii. or, six cogent arguments against abolition of Accedunt Gasp. Scioppii integra msstorum slave-trade. 8~. London, 1792. (Slavery duorum codicum collatio, Petri Lambecii Pain., v. 3.) lucubrationes Gelliana, et ex L. Carrionis GEDDES, (George.) Plank Roads, together castigationibus utilia excerpta, nt et selecta with the General Plank Road Law of New- variaque commentaria ab A. Thysio et J. York. 8~. Syracuse, 1850. Oiselio congesta. 40. Lugduni Batavorum, GEDDES, (James.) Essay on the Composition 1706. and Manner of Writing of the Antients, Noctes Attice. Ex. editione J. Groparticularly Plato. 8". Glasgow, 1748. novii. 3 v. 80. Londini, 1824. (Valpy, GEE, (John.) Foot out of the Snare; with a Scriptores Latini, v. 77-79.) detection of sundry practices and impostures ~ Attic Nights. Translated into English, of the priests and Jesuits in England. 1624. by W. Beloe. 3 v. 80. London, 1795. (Somers' Coll. Tracts, v. 3.) GELZER, (Ieinrich.) Life of Martin Luther, GEE, (Joshua.) Trade and Navigation of and the Reformation in Germany. From the Great Britain considered. 12~. Glasgow, German, by Stork. 80. Philadelphia, 1854. 1767. GEMELLI-CAtIERI, (Jean Francois.) Travels GEER, (George P.) Express Directory, and through Europe, 1686. (Churchill's Voyages Railway Forwarder's Guide. New England and Travels, v. 6.) States. V. 1. 80. Springfield, (Mass..) 1858. Voyage round the World, 1693-99. GEIGER, (John.) Series of Tables for the (Churchill's Voyages and Travels, v. 4.) Calculation of Taxes on all sums from one GEMINIANI, (Francesco.) Rules for Playing dollar to ten thousand dollars. Folio. Colum- in a true taste on the Violin, German Flute, bus, (O.,) 1854. Violoncello, and Harpischord, particularly GEIJER: (Eric Gustav.) History of the Swedes, the thorough-bass, exemplified in a variety from the earliest period to the accession of of compositions on the subjects of English, Charles X. From the Swedish, with notes, Scotch, and Irish tunes. 4~. London, 1751. by J. IH. Turner; (comprising the first three GEMS of Ancient Art. Large 40. London, volumes of the original.) 80. London, 845. 1827. GELL, (Sir William.) Geography and Anti- GEMS of Beauty; twelve engravings, from dequities of Ithaca. 40. London, 1807. signs by E. T. Parris; with fanciful illusItinerary of Greece; containing one trations in verse, by the Countess of Blesshundred routes in Attica, Boeotia, Phocis, ington. 40. London, 1836. Locris, and Thessaly. 120. London, 1819. GEMS of Spanish Poetry. (Spanish and Eng— ~- Itinerary of the Morea; being a de- lish.) 120. New-York, 1855. scription of the routes of that peninsula 120. GENEBRARDI, (Gilbert.) Hebraicvm AlphaLondon, 1817. betvm. 40. Parisiis, 1564. (Collectanea - Narrative of a Journey in the Morea. de Rebus Grammaticis.) 80. London, 1823. GENERAL Atlas. Published under the super~ Topography of Rome and its Vicinity. intendence of the Society for the Diffusion With map of Rome and its environs. 2 v. of Useful Knowledge. 2 v. Folio. Lon8~. Map, folded 80. London, 1834. don, 1853. Itindraire de Mor6e, ou description des GENERAL Index to the Common Law; tables routes de cette peninsule. Traduit de l'An- of all the cases printed in the books of reglais. 80. Paris, 1828. ports; digested under proper heads by way and GANDY, (John P.) Pompeiana; of a common place. Folio. London, 1726. the topography, edifices and ornaments of GENERAL Plan for laying out Towns and Pompeii. 80. London, 1817-19. Townships, on the new-acquired lands in ---- The same. Part II. The result of ex- the East Indies, America, or elsewhere, to cavations since 1819. 2 v. 80. London, promote cultivation, and raise the value of 1832. all the adjoining land. 80. London, 1794. G(ELLIUS, (Aulus.) Noctes Attice. 120. Lug- GENERAL Public Acts of Congress, respecting duni, 1550. the sale and disposition of the Public Lands; ~- Noctium Atticarum libri XX prout su- with instructions, issued from time to time, persunt quos ad libros msstos novo et multo by the Secretary of the Treasury, and Comlabore exegerunt, perpetuis notis et emenda- missioner of the General Land Office; and 459 GENERAL. GEOGRAPHI. official opinions of the Attorney General on GENOUX, (Claude.) M6moires d'un Enfant questions arising under the land laws. 2 v. de la Savoie. (Romans Populaires, v. 9.) 80. Washington, 1838. (10 copies.) GENT, (Thomas.) Life of Mr. Thomas Gent, GENERAL Regulations and Orders for the printer, of York; written by himself. 8~. British Army, January, 1816. 80. London, London. 1832. 1816. GENTILHOMME, (Mold.) Joan of Naples. 40. GENERAL Repository and Review. 4 v. 80. (Illustrated Lit. of all Nations.) Cambridge, (Mass.,) 1812-13. GENTILI, (Albericus.) De Actoribus et specGENERAL Treatise of Naval Trade and Com- tatoribus Fabulorum Disputatio. (Gronomerce, as founded on the Laws and Statutes vius, Thesaurus Graec. Antiq., v. 8.) of this Realm. 2ded. 2v. -8~. London, De Jure Belli. 160. Hanovire, 1612. 1753. Hispanice Advocatio. 160. AmstelGENESIS. See BIBLE. redami, 1661. (With the above.) GENESIUS, (Josephus.) RegumLibri IV. (Gr. GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE. V. 1-215. 80. et Lat.) 80. Bonnre, 1834. (Byzantinm London, 1731-1863. Hist. Corpus, v. 19.) General Index, from 1731 to 1818. 4 v. GENEST, (John.) Some account of the Eng- 80. London, 1789-1821. lish Stage, from the Restoration, in 1660, to GENTOO Laws, Code of; or, Ordinations of the 1439. 10 v. 80. Bath, 1832. Pundits; from a Persian translation made GENET, (Edmond Charles.) Address on the from the original, written in the Shanscrit means of opening new sources of wealth for language. Translated by N. B. Halhed. the Northern States. 80. Troy, (N. Y.,) 80. London, 1777. 1821. GENTZ, (Friedrich.) State of Europe before GENGEMBRE, (P. W.) Practical French In- and after the French Revolution; being an structor. 120. Philadelphia, 1859, answer to the work entitled, "De l'1tat de GENIN, (Sylvester.) Selections from his Works la France I la fin de lan VIII., by citizen in poetry, prose, and historical design. 80. Hauterive." Translated from the German, New-York, 1855. by J. C. Herries. 3d ed. 80. London, GENIN, (Thomas H.) The Napoleonad, in 1803. twelve books. lti~. St. Clairsville, (O.,) Liberty of the Press in Great Britain. 1833. 80. London, 181.9. (Pamphleteer, v. 15.) GENLIS, (Stephanie Felicit6 Ducrest de Saint GEOFFREY, (Gaimer.) History of the English. Aubin, Comtesse de.) Dictionnaire Critique 80. London, 1854. (Church Historians of et Raisonn6 des Etiquettes de la Cour, des Eng., v. 2, part II.) usages du monde, des amusemens, des modes, GEOFFREY of Monmouth. British History. des mmeurs, &c., des Francois, depuis la 120. London, 1848. (With Chronicles, Six mort de Louis XIII., jusqu'A nos jours. 2 v. Old English.) 80. Paris, 1181. GEOFFREY de Vinsauf. Itinerary of Richard ~- Madame de Maintenon. Translated I. and others to the Holy Land. 120. Lonfrom the French. 2 v. 160. London, don, 1848. (With Chronicles of the Cru1806. sades.) ~ M- Memoirs; illustrative of the History of GEOFFROY, (Lislet.) Memoir and Notice the 18th and 19th centuries. 8 v. 120. explanatory of a Chart of Madagascar and London, 1825-26. the North-Eastern Archipelago of Mauritius. Tales of the Castle; or, Les Veillees du 40. London, 1819. Chateau. Translated by T. Holcroft. V. GEOFFROY SAINT-HILAIRE, (IItienne.) His1-2. 80. London, 1814. toire Naturelle des Mammiferes. 80. PaGENNETfi, (C. L.) Chemine de Nouvelle Con- ris, 1834. struction, pour garantir du feu et de la fume (Isidore.) Histoire Naturelle G6dnrale a l'epreuve des vents, du soleil, de la pluie, des Rdgnes Organiques, principalement dtuet des autres causes qui font fumer les chemi- diee chez l'Homme et les Animaux. V. 1. nees ordinaires. 120. Paris, 1764. 80. Paris, 1854. GENOUDE, (Eugene.) Voyage dans la Ven- GEOGRAPHI GRECI Minores. (Gr. et Lat.) dee et dans le Midi de la France. Suivi d'un Rec. C. Muller. 2 v., et Tabulre, pars I. Voyage Pittoresque en Suisse. 80. Paris, 80. Paris, 1855-61. (Didot, Biblioth. Grec1821. que, v. 20-22.) 460 GEOGRAPHICAL. GEORGIA. GEOGRAPHICAL SCIENCE, Manual of. Part I, GEORGE III. His Court, and Family. 2 v. containing mathematical geography, by M. 80. London, 1820. O'Brien; physical geography, by D. T. An- Letters to Lord Kenyon, on the Corosted; chartography, by J. R. Jackson; and nation Oath, with his Lordship's answers; terminology and theory of description, by C. and letters of William Pitt to His Majesty, G. Nicolay. 8~. With Atlas. Folio. Lon- with His Majesty's answers, previous to the don, 1852. dissolution of the ministry in 1801. 4~. The same. Part2. DescriptiveGeogra- London, 1827. phy; containing ancient geography, by W. GEORGE IV. Letter from the King to his L. Bevan; and maritime discovery and mod- People. 27th ed. 80. London, 1821. (Pol. ern geography, by C. G. Nicolay. 8~. Pam., v. 64.) London, 1859. GEORGE, (Anita.) Annals of the Queens of GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY of London, Royal. Spain. 2 v. 120. New York, 1850. Catalogue of the Library; corrected to May, GEORGE, (John.) Cause of Dry Rot Discov1851. 80. London, 1852. ered; with description of a patent invention Journal. 1831-1862. Edited by Dr. for preserving decked vessels from dry rot, Norton Shaw. V. 1-32. 80. London, and goods on board from damage by heat. 1833-63. 80. London, 1829. General Index to the first ten volumes - Treatise on the Offence of Libel. of the Journal. 80. London, 1844. With disquisition on the right, benefits, and -- General Index to the second ten vol- proper boundaries of political discussion. umes of the Journal. 80. London, 1853. 80. London, 1812. Proceedings. V. 1-7. 80. London, GEORGEL, (Jean Francois.) M6moires pour 1855-63. servir a l'Histoire des Ilvenemens de la Fin GEOGRAPHICAL, Historical, Commercial, and du 18e Siecle, depuis 1760 jusqu'en 1806Agricultural View of the United States of 1810. 6 v. 80. Paris, 1817-18. America; forming a complete emigrant's GEORGIA, Account showing the Progress of directory through every part of the republic. the Colony of. London, 1741. 80. SavanCompiled by several gentlemen. 80. Lon- nab, 1842. (Georgia Rist. Coil., v. 2.) don, 1820. Acts of the General Assembly of GeorGEOGRAPHICAL, Statistical, and Commercial gia, 1816 to 1821; 1833 to 1837; 1847, (2 Account of the Russian Ports of the Black copies;) and 1851-52. 10 v. 80. MilSea, the Sea of Asoph, and the Danube. ledgeville and Macon, 1816-52. From the German. 80. London, 1837. Analysis of the Statutes of Georgia, in GfOGRAPHIE. Societe de Geographie. Bul- general use; with forms and precedents. letin, 1822-1862. 76 v. in 38 v. 80. Paris, By Howell Cobb. 80. New-York, 1846. 1822-62. Brief Account of the Causes that have reRecueil de Voyages et de M6moires. tarded the progress of the Colony of Georgia. 6 v. 40. Paris, 1824-40. London, 1743. (Georgia Hist. Coll., v. 2.) GEOLOGICAL Society of London, Transactions - Codification of the Statute Laws of of. 15 v. 40. London, 1811-45. Georgia, including the English statutes of Quarterly Journal. Edited by T. R. force. With a collection of state papers of Jones. V. 1-19. 80. London, 1845-63. English, American, and State origin. By GEOLOGICAL Society of Pennsylvania, Trans- W. A. Hotchkiss. 80. New-York, 1845. actions of. V. 1, part 1. 80. Philadelphia, Compilation of the Laws of the State 1834. (No more published.) of Georgia, from Nov., 1800, to Dec., 1810. GEOLOGISTS, American Association of. Re- By James S. Clayton. 40. Augusta, 1812. ports of the 1st, 2d, and 3d Meetings, in Compilation of the Laws of Georgia, 1840-42. 80. Boston, 1843. 1810 to 1819. By Lucius Q. C. Lamar. GEOPONIKA. Agricultural Pursuits. Trans- 40. Augusta, 1821. lated from the Greek, by T. Owen. 2 v. 80. Decisions of the Superior Courts of the London, 1805-6. State of Georgia. Published in compliance GEORGE I. Historical Account of George- with the act of December 10, 1841. Parts I Lewis, King of Great-Britain, France, and and II. Containing decisions rendered dur Ireland, Elector of Brunswick-Lunenburg. ing the years 1842 and 1842-43. 2 v. 80. 120. London, 1714. Augusta, 1843-44. GEORGIA. GIRARD. GEORGIA. Digest of the Laws of Georgia. April, 1804, refusing to publish Judge Jabez By R. and G. Watkins. 4~. Philadelphia, Bowen's Charge to Grand Jury. Folded 80. 1800. (Pol. Pam., v. 104.) - Digest of the Laws of Georgia, from GEORGIAN ERA. Memoirs of the most Eminent 1755 to 1800. By H. Marbury and W.H. Persons who have flourished in Great Britain, Crawford. 40. Savannah, 1802. from accession of George I. to the demise of Digest of the Laws of the State of George IV. 4 v. 120. London, 1832-34. Georgia, from 1820 to 1829. By Arthur GEORGISCH, P. Regesta Chronologico-DiploFoster. 80. Philadelphia, 1831. matica, in cuibus recensentur omnis generis Digest of the Laws of the State of monumenta et docunenta publica, uti sunt Georgia, passed previous to December, 1820. tabule conventionum, foederum, pacis, arBy O. H. Prince. 80. Milledgeville, 1822. mistitiorum, &c., &c. 3 v. Folio. FranThe same. 2d ed. Laws passed pre- cofurti et Lipsise, 1740-42. vious to December, 1837. 80. Athens, - Index Geographico-Topographico-Al1837. (2 copies.) phabeticus in tomos tres Regestorum ChronoDigest of the Statute Laws of the State logico-Diplomaticorum. Folio. Halse-Magof Georgia, in force prior to 1851. By Thos. deburgicae, 1744. R. R. Cobb. 2 v. 80. Athens, 1851. (2 GEORGIUS Cedrenus. See CEDRENUS, (Georcopies.) gins.) Impartial Inquiry into the State and GEORGIUS Codinus. See CODINUS, (Georgius.) utility of Georgia. London, 1741. 80. Sa- GEORGIUS, Monachus. Vitae Imperatorum vannah, 1840. (Georgia Hist. Coll., v. 1.) Recentiorum. (Gr. et Lat.) 80. Bonne, Map of Georgia. By Daniel Sturges. 1838. (Byzantinte Hist. Corpus, v. 30.) Savannah, 1818. GEORGIUS, Pisida. Expeditio Persica, Bellum New Voyage to Georgia; to which is Avaricum, Heraclias. (Gr.etLat.) Rec.I. added a curious account with the Indians. Bekkerus. 80. Bonne, 1836. (Byzantinse London, 1737. Reprint, 80. Savannah, Hist. Corpus, v. 29.) 1842. (Georgia Hist. Coll., v. 2.) GEORGIUS Syncellus. See SYNCELLUS, (GeorReasons for establishing the Colony of gins.) Georgia, with regard to the trade of Great GERAMB, (Marie Joseph de.) Pilgrimage to Britain. London, 1732. Reprint, 80. Sa- Palestine, Egypt and Syria. 2 v. 120. vannah, 1840. (Georgia Hist. Coil., v. 1.) London, 1840. - State of the Province of Georgia, at- GERANDO, (Joseph Marie, Baron de.) De tested upon oath in the Court of Savannah, l'Education des Sourds-Muets de Naissance. November 10, 1740. 80. London, 1742. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1827. - The same. Reprint, 80. Savannah, 1842. Des Progres de l'Industrie, considdr6s (Georgia Hist. Coll., v. 2.) dans leurs rapports avec la moralite de la GEoRGIA Historical Society. Collections. 2 v. classe ouvriere. 80. Paris, 1841. 80. Savannah, 1840-42. Self Education; or, the means and art GEORGIA REPORTS. Reports of Cases in Law of moral progress. From the French. 120. and Equity in the Supreme Court of the Boston, 1832. State of Georgia. V. 1-3, by J. M. Kelly, Visitor of the Poor. Translated by a 1846 to 1847. 80. New-York and Savan- lady of Boston. 120. Boston, 1832. nab, 1847-48. GERARD, (Alexander.) Essay on Genius. 80. The same. V. I and 2. 80. New- London, 1774. York and Savannah, 1847. (2 copies.) Essay on Taste. 120. Philadelphia, The same. V. 4 and 5, by J. M. 1804. Kelly and T. R. R. Cobb, 1848. 80. and GERARD, (Gilbert.) Compendious Athens, 1848-49. (2 copies of v. 4.) View of the Evidences of Natural and ReThe same. V. 6 to 20, by T. R.R. vealed Religion. 80. London, 1828. Cobb, 1849 to 1856. 80. Athens, 1849-56. GERARD de Rayneval, (Joseph Mathias.) De (2 copies.) la Libert6 des Mers. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1811. The same. V. 21 to 25, by B. Y. Mar- (2 copies.) tin, 1857-59. 8~. Columbus, 1857-59. (2 - Institutions du Droit de la Nature et copies.) des Gens. 80. Paris, 1803. GEORGIA Republican-Extra-Savannah, 25th - The same. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1851. 462 GERARD. GESCHICHTE. GERARD, the Lion-killer. Adventures of. His- Deaf and Dumb, v. 3. False Delicacy, v. 3. tory of his ten years' campaign among the Happy Family, v. 3. wild animals of Northern Africa. Translated Indian Exiles, v. 3. Lovers' Vows, v. 2. from the French, by C. E. Whitehead. 120. Pizarro, v. 1. New York, 1856. Stranger, v. 1. New Yorl~k, V~185. ~~Virgin of the Sun, v. 1. GERARDE, (John.) Herball, or Generall His- Lessing, G. E. Emilia Galotti, v. 6. of.' Plates L -,it~ 3 Reitzenstein, C. von. Count Koenigsmark, v. 6. torie of Plantes. Enlarged and amended, Schiller, F. The Robbers, v. 5. by Thomas Johnson. Folio. London, on Carlos, Infant of Spain, v. 5. Schroeder, F. L. The Ensign, v. 6. GEBLU N)I e1636.^.S iD GERMANY during the Insurrections of 1848. GERBELIUS, (N.) In Grecise N. Sophiani De- 12. London 1855. scriptionem Explicatio. (Gronovius, The- GERNING, (Johann Tsaak von.) Picturesque saurus Gric. Antiq., v. 4.) saurus Grmec. Antiiq., v. 4.) Tour along the Rhine, from Mentz to CoGERBIER, (Balthazar.) Les Effects Pernicieux logne; from the German, by John Black. de Meschants Favoris et Grands Ministres 4 London 1820. d'Estat; et Des-abuzd d'Erreurs Populaires, RRALD, (Joseph.) Convention the only sur le Subject de Jaques et Charles Stuart, means of ving usfro n 3ded. 80 Roys de la Grande Bretagne. 240. La- London, 14. (Pol. Pam., v. 44.) Haye, 1653. Trial of Joseph Gerrald, Delegate from GERBILLON, (Jean Franois.) Voyages dans the London Corresponding Society, to the la Tartarie. 1688-97. 40. La-Haye, 1749. British Convention, before the High Court (Prevost, Hist. des Voyages, v. 9-10.) of Justiciary, at Edinburgh, March, 1794, for GEREBTZOFF, (Nicolas de.) Essai sur l'His- Sedition. 8 Edinburgh, 1794. toire de la Civilisation en Russie. 2 v. 8. The same. (Pol. Pam.,v. 44. The same. (Pol. Pam., v. 44.) Paris, 1858. GERRARD. See GERARD. GERHARD, (Frederic.) Illinois as it is; its his- GERRY (Elbridge.) Speech of the Governor tory, geography, statistics, constitution, laws, of Massachusetts to Legislature. 80. Bosgovernment, climate, finances, soil, produc- ton, 1812. (Pol. Pam., v. 110.) tions, &c. 120. Chicago, 1857. GERSTXCKER, (Friedrich.) Narrative of a GERHARD, (TW. W.) Diagnosis, Pathology, Journey Round the World; comprising a and Treatment of the Diseases of the Chest. winter-passage across the Andes to Chili, winter-passage across the Andes to Chili, 3d ed. 80. Philadelphia, 1850. with a visit to the gold regions of California GERHART, (E. V.) Introduction to the Study and Australia, the South Sea Islands, Java, of Philosophy; with an outline treatise on &c. 3v. 120. London, 853. logic. 120. Philadelphia, 1858. Pirates of the Mississippi. From the GERIN-LAJOIE, (A.) Catechisme Politique; German. 160. London, 1856. ou 6l6mens du droit public et constitutionnel Wild Sports in the Far West. Fro du Canada, mis A la portee du peuple. 8 by Harrison Weir. 12. Lo the German, by Harrison Weir. 12~. LonMontreal, 1851. do, 154. GERMAN Ballads, Songs, &c.; translations from E Atlas Zoologi. 8 GERVAIS, (Paul.) Atlas de Zoologie. 8'. Schiller, Uhland, Bturger, &c. 180. Lon- Paris, 1844. don, 1845. GERVINUS, (Georg Gottfried.) Einleitung in GERMAN MUSEUM; or, Monthly Repository of die Geschichte des Neunzehnten Jahrhunthe Literature of Germany, the North, and derts. 80. Leipzig, 1853. the Continent in general. 3 v. 80. Lon- Geschichte des Neunzehnten Jahrhundon, 1800-1801. derts, seit den Weiner Vertragen. V. 1-2. GERMAN Reformation of the XIX. Century, 80. Leipzig 1855-6. &c. By the German correspondent of "The Geschichte der Poetischen NationalContinental Echo." 120. London, 1846. LiteraturderDeutschen. 3eAusgabe. 5v. GERMAN THEATRE. Translated by Benja- 8. Leipzig, 1846-52. min Thompson. 6 v. in 3. 80. London, - Shakespeare Commentaries. Translated 1801. byF. E. Bunnett. 2v. 80. London, 1863. CONTENTS. GESCIICHTE der Nuntiaturen Deutschlands. Babo, J. M. Otto of Wittelsbach, v. 4. 80. (n. p.) 1790. Dagobert, King of the Franks, v. 4. Goethe, J. W. von. Stella, v. 6. GESCHICHTE der Pabstlichen Nuntien in Iffland, A. W. Conscience, v. 4. Deutschland. 2 v. 80. Frankfort und Kotzebue, A. von. Adelaide of Wulfingen, v. 2. Count Benyowsky, v. 2. Leipzig, 1788. 463 GESENIUS. GIBBON. GESENIUS, (William.) Hebrew and Chaldee des Seefahrers Ritter Martin Behaim nach Lexicon to the Old Testament Scriptures. den tieltesten vorhandenen Urkunden bearTranslated, by S. P. Tregelles. 4~. Lon- beitet; eingeleitet durch eine Abhandlung: don, 1853. Ueber die altesten Karten des Neuen ContiHebrew Grammar, enlarged by E. Ro- nents und den Namen "Amerika," von A. diger. Translated by B. Davies; re-edited, von Humboldt. Folio. Niirnberg, 1853. by B. Davidson; with a Hebrew reading GIANNONE, (Pietro.) Istoria CiviledcelRegno book. 4~. London, 1852. di Napoli; con accrescimento di note, riflesGESNER, (Abraham.) New-Brunswick; with sioni, medaglie, e moltissime correzzioni, notes for emigrants. 80. London, 1847. date e fatta dall' autore, e che non si trovano Remarks on the Geology and Miner- nellaprimaedizione. 4v. 40. Haia, 1753. alogy of Nova Scotia. 80. Halifax, 1836 - Opere Postume in difesa della sua StoGESNER, (Conrad.) Bibliotheca, instituta et ria Civile del Regno di Napoli; con in fine collecta primitm ", Conrado Gesnero; deinde la dilui Professione di Feqe. 40. Palmyra, in epitomen redacta et aucta per J. Simle- 1755. rum; jam verb amplificate per J. J. Frisium. Histoire Civile du Royaume de Naples. Folio. Tiguri, 1583. Traduite de lItalien, avec de nouvelles notes, DeAvium Natura. Folio. Tiguri, 1555. rflexions, et medailles fournies par l'auteur. Historia Naturalis Animalium. 4 v. 4 v. 40. La Haye, 1742. in 3. Folio. Tiguri, 1551-58. GIBB, (George D.) Diseases of the Throat, Icones Animalium; Quadrupedum, Vi- Epiglottis, and Windpipe; including diphviparorum, et Oviparorum qum in Historia theria, etc. 12~. London, 1860. Animalium describuntur. 2 v. in 1. Folio. GIBBES, (Robert W.) Cuba for Invalids. 120. Tiguri, 1560. Now York, 1860. GESS, (T. W.) Revelations of God in His Documentary History of the American Word. Translated by W. Brown. 16~. Revolution; consisting of letters and papers Edinburgh, 1841. (Biblical Cabinet, v. 35.) relating to the contest for liberty, chiefly GESSNEIR, (Solomon.) Mort d'Abel. Poeme. in the possession of the editor, and from Traduit (en prose) par Hubert. 40. Paris, other sources, 1764-1782. 3 v. 80. New1793. York, 1853-57. Select Idylls; or, pastoral poems. - Memoir of James De Veaux. 80. CoFrom the German, by G. Baker. 12~. Lon- lumbia, (S. C.,) 1846. don, 1809. Mosasaurius, and three allied new GESTA ROMANORUM; or, entertaining moral genera. 4~. Washington, 1851. (Smithstories; invented by the monks as a fireside sonian Contributions to Knowledge, v. 2.) recreation. Translated from the Latin, by GIBBON, (Edward.) History of the Decline Charles Swan. 2 v. 160. London, 1824. and Fall of the Roman Empire. 13 v. 80. GESTA TANCREDI in Expeditione Jerosolymi- London, 1783-89. tana. (Muratori,RerumItalicarumScriptores, The same. 8 v. 8~. London, 1828. v. 5. ) The same; with notes by H. H. Milman. GESVRES, (Mairquis de.) Case of Impotency 12 v. 8~. London, 1838-9. debated, in the Tryal at Paris, between the Memoirs of Life and Writings, comMarquis de Gesvres and Mademoiselle de posed by himself. 2v. 240. London, 1827. Mascranny, his lady. V. 2. 120. London, (Autobiography, v. 14-15.) 1714. (Imperfect; wanting title page.) Miscellaneous Works; with memoirs GETTING ALONG; a book of illustrations. 2v. composed by himself; illustrated from his 12~. New-York, 1855. letters, with notes and narrative, by John, GETTY, (Edmund.) Notices of Chinese Seals Lord Sheffield. 5v. 8~. London, 1814. found in Ireland. Small 4~. Dublin, 1850. CONTENTS. GETZE, (J. A.) Young Organist; a complete Antiquities of the House of Brunswick, v. 3. Character of Brutus, v. 4. instructor for the organ. 4~. Philadelphia, Classical and Critical Writings, v. 4. 1859. Critical Observations on Design of 6th Book of the Eneid, v. 4. GHENT. Bulletin Officiel du Comit6-Gnl6ral Dissertation sur les Anciennes Mesures, &c., du 10, 1789. Bas Empire, v. 5. EItabli dans la Ville de Gand. 8. 1789. Essai surltude de la Littrature,v.4. (Pol. Pam. v. 12.) Historical and Critical Writings, v. 3. ^ ",~'~> ~';~ Hurd's Commentary on Horace, v. 4. GHILLANY, (Friedrich Wilhelm.) Geschichte Index Expurgatorins, v. 5. 464 GIBBON. GIBSON. GIBBON, (Edward.) Miscellaneous Works- GIBBS, (Montgomery.) Practical Forms and Continued. Precedents, for lawyers, commissioners, noLetters, v. 1-2. taries, justices of the peace, conveyancers, Memoirs of his Life, by himself, v. 1. Miscellanies, v. 5. &c., in all the States of the Union, with Nomina Gentesque Antiques Italic, v. 4. forms and instructions for the execution and Position of the Meridional Line and Supposed Circumnavigation of Africa by the Ancients, v. 5. authentication of deeds for all the States. Principes des Poids, des Monnois, et des Mesures 2d ed 8~. New-York 1854. des Anciens, v. 5. Remarques sotr quelqLes Prodiges, v. 5. GIBBs, (W.;) and GENTH, (F. A.) Researches Selections from Mr. Gibbon's Extraits Raisonnes de mes Lectures, v. 5. on the Ammonia Cobalt Bases. 40. WashVindication of some Passages in the ington, 1857. (Smithsonian Contributions 15th and 16th Chapters of the Decline and to Knowledge, v. 9.) Fall of the Roman Empire. 8~. Dublin, GIBBS. See GIBBES. 1779. GIBERT. Report of the Trial of Pedro Gibert, GIBBON, (J. H.) Report on a Uniform Sys- Bernardo de Soto, Francisco Ruiz, and others, ter in Weights, Measures, &c., for Com- before Circuit Court, for piracy on board mercial Nations. 80. Charleston, (S. C.,) brig Mexican, of Salem. 80. Boston, 1834. 1854. GIBSON, (Alexander.). On the Temperaments; GIBBONS, (David.) Lex Temporis; treatise on or, physiology for the people. 80. Chicago, the law of limitation and prescription. 120. 1853. London, 1835. GIBsoN, (Edmund.) Codex JurisEcclesiastici. Treatise on the Laws of Dilapidations Anglicani; or, the statutes, constitutions, and Nuisances 2d ed. 80. London, 1849. canons and rubricks of the Church of EngGIBBONS, (J. S.) Banks of New-York, their land. 2 v. Folio. London, 1713. Dealers, the Clearing House, and the Panic Sacrament of the Lord's Supper exof 1857. 120. New-York, 1859. plained; family devotion and holidays exGIBBONS, (William.) Exposition of Modern plained. 160. Williamsburg, (Va.,) 1740. Scepticism. 80. Wilmington, (Del.,) 1829. - SynodusAnglicana. Edited by Edward (Misc. Pam., v. 15.) Cardwell. 80. Oxford, 1854. GIBBS, (Frederick Waymouth.) Recognition; GIBSON, (James.) Journal of the late Siege, a chapter from the history of the North by the troops from North America against American and South American States. 80. the French, at Cape Breton, the city of LouisLondon, 1863. (Misc. Pam., v. 17.) bourg, etc., surrendered to the English, on GIBBS, (George.) Memoirs of the Adminis- the 17th of June, 1745. 120. London, trations of Washington and John Adams. 1745. Edited from the papers of Oliver Wolcott, GIBSON, (Robert.) Treatise on Land SurSecretary of the Treasury. 2 v. 80. New- veying, Trigonometrical Surveying, etc. 8~. York, 1846. Dublin, 1839. GIBBS, (James.) Bibliotheca Radcliviana; GIBSON, (Walter M.) East IndianArchipelago or, a short description of the Radcliffe Li- and a description of the wild races of men. brary, at Oxford. Folio. London, 1747. 80. New-York, 1854. Book of Architecture; containing de- Prison of Weltevreden; and a glance signs of buildings and ornaments. Folio. at the East Indian Archipelago. 80. NewLondon, 1728. York, 1855. Rules for Drawing the Several Parts GIBSON, (William.) Institutes and Practice of of Architecture. 3d ed. Folio. London, Surgery. 8th ed. 2 v. 80. Philadelphia, 1753. 1850. GIBBS, (John.) Series of Designs for Gothic- - Introductory Lecture before the Medical Monuments, churchyard crosses, sepulchral Class of University of Pennsylvania. 80. slabs, and head crosses. 4C. London, 1852. Philadelphia, 1844. GIBBS, (Joseph.) Cotton Cultivation in its P Rambles in Europe, in 1839; with various details; the barrage of great rivers; sketches of prominent surgeons, physicians, and instructions for tilling land in tropical medical schools, hospitals, literary personand other countries. 120. London, 1862. ages, scenery, &c. 120. Philadelphia, GIBBS, (Josiah W.) Philological Studies, with 1841. English illustrations. 120. New-Haven, GIBSON, (William Sidney.) Certainties of 1857. Geology. 80. London, 1840. 465 GIBSON. GILBERT. GIBSON, (William Sidney.) DilstonHall; or, public affairs. 4th ed. 80. London, 1798. memoirs of the Rt. Hon. James Radcliffe, (Pol. Pam., v. 58.) Earl of Derwentwater, a martyr in the rebel- - History of France, from the earliest lion of 1715, etc. 80. London, 1850. times to the present important era. From History of the Monastery founded at the French of Velly, Villaret, Garnier, MezTynemouth, in the Diocese of Durham. 2 v. eray, Daniel, and other eminent historians; 40. London, 1846-47. with notes. 4 v. 40. London, 1791-93. GIBSONE, (Charles Hope.) Standing Orders - History of the Political Life of the of the Seventh, or Princess Royal's Dragoon Right Hon. William Pitt; including some Guards. 160. London, 1848. account of the times in which he lived. 6 v. GIDDINGS, (Joshua R.) Exiles of Florida; or, 80. London, 1809. the crimes committed by our Government Plain Address to the Common Sense of against the Maroons, who fled from South People of England; with abstract of Paine's Carolina, and other slave States, seeking Life and Writings. 80. London, 1792. protection under the Spanish laws. 9th ed. (Misc. Pami., v. 27.) 120. Columbus, (O.,) 1858. GIFFORD, (William.) Baviad and Maeviad. - Speeches in Congress. 120. Boston, 8th ed. 12~. London, 1811. 1853. Memoir; written by himself. 240. GIDDY, (Davies.) Plain Statement of the London, 1827. (Autobiography, v. 11.) Bullion Question. 80. London, 1811. GIHON, (John H.) Governor Geary's Admin(Financial Pam., v. 4.) istration in Kansas; with history of the GIERLOW, (John.) Elements of the Danish Territory until June, 1857. 120. Philadeland Swedish Languages. 160. Cambridge, phia, 1857. (Mass.,) 1847. GIL Y ZARATE, (Antonio.) Obras Dramaticas. GIESELER, (Johann Carl Ludwig.) Compen- 8~. Paris, 1850. (Coleccion de Autores dium of Ecclesiastical History. From the Espanoles, v. 44.) 4th German ed., by Samuel Davidson. 2 v. GILBART, (James William.) History and 80. New-York, 1849. Principles of Banking. 80. London, 1834. Text-Book of Ecclesiastical History. History of Banking in America; with From the 3d German ed., by Francis Cun- review of the causes of the recent presningham. 3 v. 80. Philadelphia, 1836. sure in the money market. 80. London, GIFFARI), (Edward.) Second Series of Deeds 1837. of Naval Daring; or, anecdotes of the Brit- History of Banking in Ireland. 80. ish Navy. 160. London, 1854. London, 1836. Short Visit to the Ionian Islands, - Lectures on the History and PrinciAthens, and the Morea. 120. London, pies of Ancient Commerce. 120. London, 1837. 1847. GIFFARD, (J. W. De Longueville.) Reports of i Logic of Banking. Familiar exposithe Cases adjudged in the High Court of tion of the principles of reasoning, and their Chancery, by the Vice Chancellor, Sir John application to the art and science of banking. Stuart, 1858 to 1862; with a few cases of an 120. London, 1859. earlier date added to complete the series. - Logic for the Million; a familiar expo3 v. 80. London, 1860-62. sition of the art of reasoning. 120. London, GIFFORD, (George Hay, Earl of.) Meteoro- 1857. logical Register, kept in his yacht "Fair Practical Treatise on Banking. 4th ed. Rosamond." 40. London, 1857. 80. London, 1836. GIFFORD, (Archer.) Address on Military Edu- The same. 5th ed. 2 v. 80. Loncation; its advantages, &c. 80. New York, don, 1849. 1853. GILBERT, (Benjamin.) Narrative of the CapGIFFORD, (C. H.) History of the Wars occa- tivity and Sufferings of Benjamin Gilbert sioned by the French Revolution, from 1792 and his family, who were taken by the Into 1816. 2 v. 40. London, 1817. dians in the spring of 1780. 3d ed, 240. GIFFORD, (George.) Dialogue of Witches, and Philadelphia, 1848. Witchcraft. (Percy Soc'y Pub., v. 8.) GILBERT, (Davies.) Statement of the Bullion GIFFORD, (John.) [Pseud. for J. R. Green.] Question. 80. London, 1819. (PamphleAddress to Loyal Associations; or, state of teer, v. 14.) 59 466 GILBERT. GILES. GILBERT, (Geoffrey.) Cases in Law and GILCHRIST, (James P.) Brief Display of the Equity; irgued, debated, and adjudged in Origin and History of Ordeals; Trials by the King's Bench and Chancery, in the Battle; Courts of Chivalry or Honour, &c. twelfth and thirteenth years of Queen Anne, Also, a chronological register of the principal during the time of Lord Chief Justice Par- Duels fought, from the accession of George ker. With two treatises, the one on the ac- III. to 1820. 80. London, 1821. tion of debt, the other on the Constitution of GILCHRIST, (John Borthwick.) Dialogues, England. 8C. London, 1760. English and Hindoostanee, for illustrating Historical View of the Court of Ex- the grammatical principles of the Stranger's chequer, and of the King's Revenues, there East Indian Guide, and to promote the colanswered. 80. London, 1738. loquial intercourse of Europeans with the History and Practice of Civil Actions, natives of India. 4th ed. 80. London, 1826. particularly in the Court of Common Pleas. - Hindoostanee Philology; comprising a 3d ed. 80. Dublin, 1792. dictionary, English and Hindoostanee, with - History and Practice of the High Court a grammatical introduction. 40. London, of Chancery. 80. London, 1758. 1825. Law and Practice of Ejectments. 2d. Stranger's InfallibleEast-IndianGuide, ed. 80. London, 1741. as a grammatical compendium of the lanLaw of Devises, Last Wills, and Revo- guage of all India. 3d ed. 80. London, cations. 4th ed. 80. Dublin, 1792. 1820. Law of Distresses and Replevins, de- GILCHRIST, (John James.) Digest of theRelineated. 80. London, 1757. ports of Cases in the Superior Court of JuLaw of Evidence. 6th ed., byJ. Sedg- dicature of New Hampshire. 80. Concord, wick. 3 v. 80. London, 1801. 1846. (2 copies.) Law of Executions. To which are ad- GILDAS: surnamed "Sapiens;" or, the Wise. ded, the History and Practice of the Court Works. 120. London, 148. (With Chronof King's Bench. 80. London, 1763. icles, six old English.) Law of Uses and Trusts. Together De Excidio Britannie. Ad fidem codwith a Treatise on Dower. 8~. London, icum manuscriptorum recensuit Josephus 1734. Stevenson. 80. Londini, 1838. (Eng. - - The same. 3d ed., by E. B. Sugden. Hist. Society.) 80. London, 1811. Epistle. Translated from the Latin. Reports of Cases in the Courts of Chan- 180. London, 1638. cery and Exchequer, 1705 to 1725. Folio. GILDON, (Charles.) Life of Thomas Betterton. London, 1742. 80. London, 1710. Treatise on Rents. 80. Dublin, 1792. GILES, (Henry.) Illustrations of Genius, in Treatise on Tenures. 3d ed. 80. some of its relations to Culture and Society. London, 1757. 120. Boston, 1854. GILBERT, (Sir Humfrey.) Voyage to New- Lectures and Essays. 2v. 120. Bos foundland, 1583. (Hakluyt's Voyages, v. 3.) ton, 1851. GILBERT, (John S.) Argument in favor of the GILES, (John Allen.) Hebrew Records; an Iron Balance Dock. 80. New York, 1844. historical enquiry concerning the age, auGILBERT, (Thomas.) Voyage from New thorship, and authenticity of the Old TestSouth Wales to Canton, in 1788; with views ament. 80. London, 1850. of the islands discovered. 40. London, 1789. Historical Documents concerning the GILBERT, (T.; and PRAss, (F.) The Writing Ancient Britons. 80. London, 1847. Reader; comprising in the different hand- History of the Ancient Britons, from writings of the present day, selections from the earliest period to the invasion of the standard authors, with a specimen of French, Saxons. 80. London, 1847. German, Spanish, and Italian commercial The Invasions of England, from the penmanship. 80. New-York, 1858. earliest times; alecture. 80. London, 1861. GILCHRIST, (James.) EtymologicalInterpre- - Lexicon of the Greek Language. ter; explanatory and pronouncing dictionary Greek-English and English-Greek. 2d ed. of the English language. 80. London, 1824. 80. London, 1840. Philosophic Etymology, or rational -- Life and Times of Alfred the Great. grammar. 80. London, 1816. 80. London, 1848. 467 GILES. GILLMORE. GILES, (John Allen.) Life and Letters of GILLES, (Pierre.) De Bosporo Thracio; de toThomas t Becket. 2 v. 80. London, 1846. pographia Constantinopoleos. (Gronovius, GILES, (William B.) Political Miscellanies. Thesaurus Grrec. Antiq., v. 6.) 8~. Richmond, (Va.,) 1827. GILLESPIE, (Alexander) Historical Review GILFILLAN, (George.) Bards of the Bible. 5th of the Royal Marine Corps, from its original ed. 12~. London, 1852 institution. 40. Birmingham, 1803. Christianity and our Era. A book for GILLESPIE, (G. K.) Greek Testament Roots, the times. 80. Edinburgh, 1857. in a selection of facts, giving the power of --- First Gallery of Literary Portraits. 3d reading the whole Greek Testament without ed. 120. Edinburgh, 1851. difficulty. 120. London, 1858. Second Gallery of Literary Portraits GILLESPIE, (Mfajor-General Sir Robert Rollo.) 2d ed. 120. Edinburgh, 1852. Memoir. 80. London, 1816. ~- A Third Gallery of Portraits. 120. GILLESPIE, (William.) Land of Sinim, or New York, 1855. China and Chinese Missions. 160. EdinMartyrs, Heroes, and Bards of the burgh, 1854. Scottish Covenant. 2d ed. 160. London, GILLESPIE, (W. M.) Manual of Road-Mak1853. ing. 6th ed. 80. New-York, 1853. GILFILLAN, (James.) The Sabbath, viewed Rome; as seen by a New-Yorker, in in the light of reason, revelation, and history. 1843-44. 120. New-York, 1845. 120. Edinburgh, 1861. GILLET, (R. H.) Oration on the Anniversary GILUAM, (William.) Manual of Instruction of the Adoption of the Federal Constitution. for the Volunteers and Militia of the United 80. Washington, 1855. States. Containing the systems of Cooper, GILLIAM, (Albert M.) Travels over the Table Scott, and Hardee. 120. Philadelphia, 1861. Lands and Cordilleras of Mexico, during GILL, (John.) Cause of God and Truth. With 1843-44; including a description of Califora vindication from the cavils, calumnies, and nia. 80. Philadelphia, 1846. defamations of H. Heywood. 2 v. 8~. GILLIES, (John; D. D.) HistoricalCollections London, 1814. relating to Remarkable Periods of the Success Complete Body of Doctrinal and Prac- of the Gospel. With continuation by H. tical Divinity; or, a system of evangelical Boner. 80. Kelso, 1845. truths, deducted from the sacred Scriptures. GILLIES, (John; L. L D.) History of Ancient 2 v. 80. London, 1839. Greece, its Colonies and Conquests, fiom the - Exposition of the Book of Solomon's earliest accounts till the Division of the MaSong. 80. London, 1855. cedonian Empire in the East. 4 v. 80. Sermons and Tracts. 3 v. 80. Lon- New-York, 1814. don, 1814. The same. 80. Philadelphia, 1829. GILL, (Richard W.) Reports of Cases in the History of the World, from the Reign Court of Appeals of Maryland, 1843 to 1851. of Alexander to that of Augustus. 3 v. 80. 9 v. 80. Annapolis, 1846-52. (4 copies.) Philadelphia, 1809. and JOHNSON, (J.) Reports of Cases GILLIES, (R. P.) German Stories. Selected in the Court of Appeals of Maryland, 1829 from the works of Hoffmann, De La Motte to 1842. 12 v. 80. Baltimore and Anna- Fouque, Pichler, Kruse, etc. 3 v. 120. polls, 1830-45. (2 copies.) Edinburgh, 1826. The same. V. 6, 7, 9, 11, and 12. 80. Memoirs of a Literary Veteran; includBaltimore and Annapolis, 1836-45. ing sketches and anecdotes of the most disGILL, (Thomas.) Machinery Improved, its tinguished literary characters, from 1794 to friction reduced, its powers increased, and its 1849. 3 v. 120. London, 1851. durability promoted. 80. London, 1839. GILLISS, (J. M.) Account of Total Eclipse of Technical Repository; containing prac- Sun, Sept. 7, 1858, in Peru. 40. VWashingtical information on the useful arts. 9 v. ton, 1859. (SmithsonianContributions,v.11.) 80. London, 1822-26. GILLMAN, (James.) Life of Samuel Taylor Technological and Microscopic Reposi- Coleridge. 80. London, 1838. tory. 6 v. 80. London, 1827-30. GrLLMORE, (Quincy Adams.) Official Report GILLELAND, (J. C.) History of the late War of the Siege and Reduction of Fort Pulaski, between the United States and Great Britain. Georgia, in February, March, and April, 2d ed. 120. Baltimore, 1817. 1862. 80. New York, 1862. 468 GILLOT. GILPIN. GILLOT, (Jacques.) Relation touchant la R6- GILMORE, (James R.; "Edmund Kirke.") gence deMarie deMedicis. 80. Paris, 1838. Among the Pines; or, the South in secession (Michaud, Coll. M6m. Hist. France, v. 11.) time. 120. New York, 1862. The same. 80. Paris, 1826. (Peti- My Southern Friends; all of which I tot, Coll. Mem. Hist. France, ser. I., v. 49.) saw, and part of which I was. 120. New GILLRAY, (James.) Works, from the original York, 1863. plates, with the addition of many subjects not GILMOUR and FALCONER. Collection of Debefore collected. 2 v. Folio. London, 1851. cisions of the Lords of Council and Session, Historical and Descriptive Account of in two parts. The first contains decisions the Caricatures of James Gillray; comprising from July, 1661, to July, 1666. Observed a political and humorous history of the latter by Sir John Gilmour, of Craigmiller. The part of the reign of George III. By Thomas second part contains decisions from NovemWrightand R. H. Evans. 80. London, 1851. her, 1681, to January, 1686. Observed by GILLY, (William O. S.) Narratives of Ship- Sir David Falconer, of Newton. As likewrecks of the Royal Navy; between 1793 ways the acts of Sederunt from 1681 to 1691, and 1849. 120. London, 1851. and continued to 1696. 40. Edinburgh, GILLY, (William Stephen.) Memoir of Felix 1701. Neff, Pastor the High Alps; and of his la- GILPIN, (Henry D.) Biographical Notice of bours among the French Protestants of Dau- Edward Livingston. 80. Philadelphia, 1843. phin6, a remnant of the primitive Christians (Am. Phil. Society, Transactions Hist. and of Gaul. 18~. Philadelphia, 1832. Literary Com., v. 3.) Narrative of an Excursion to the Moun- Northern Tour; being a guide to Sartains of Piemont, in 1823; and researches atoga, Lake George, Niagara, Canada, Bosamong the Vaudois, or Waldenses. 2d ed. ton, &c. 240. Philadelphia, 1825. 80. London, 1825. Reports of Cases in the District Court Vigilantius, and his Times. 80. Lon- of the United States for the Eastern District don, 1844. of Pennsylvania, 1828 to 1836. 80. PhilGILMAN, (Caroline.) Oracles from the Poets; adelphia, 1837. (3 copies.) a fanciful diversion for the drawing-room. GILPIN, (Thomas.) Exiles in Virginia. With 120. Philadelphia, 1852. observations on the conduct of the Society Poetry of Travelling in the United of Friends during the Revolutionary War, States. 160. New-York, 1838. comprising the official papers of the governGILMAN, (Charles.) Digest of the Decisions ment relating to that period, 1777-8. 80. of the Supreme Courts of the States of In- Philadelphia, 1848. diana and Illinois, and the Circuit Court of GILPIN, (William.) Essay on Prints. 5th ed. the United States for the Seventh Circuit. 80. London, 1802. 80. Columbus, 1844. -Essays on Picturesque Beauty, picReports of Cases iu the Supreme Court turesque travel, and sketching landscape. of Illinois, 1844 to 1849. 5 v. 80. Quincy, 3d ed. 80. London, 1808. 1846-49. Observations on several parts of Great GILMAN, (Daniel Coit.) Historical Discourse Britain, particularly the High-Lands of Scotin Norwich, (Conn.,) Sept. 7, 1859, at the land; made in the year 1776. 3d ed. 2 v. Bi-Centennial Celebration of the Settlement 80. London, 1808. of the Town. 2d ed. 80. Boston, 1859. - Observations on several parts of Great GILMAN, (Samuel.) Contributions to Litera- Britain, particularly the Mountains and ture, descriptive, critical, humorous, bio- Lakes of Cumberland and Westmoreland; graphical, philosophical, and poetical. 120. made in the year 1772. 3d ed. 2 v. 8~. Boston, 1856. London, 1808. GILMAN. See GILLMAN. Observations on several Parts of the GILMER, (Francis W.) Reports of Cases in Counties of Cambridge, Norfolk, Suffolk, the Court of Appeals of Virginia, 1820 to and Essex; also, on Parts of North Wales; 1821. 80. Richmond, 1821. (2 copies.) made in the years 1769 and 1773. 80. LonSketches, Essays, and Translations. don, 1809. 160. Baltimore, 1828. Observations on the Coasts of HampGILMER, (Thomas W.) Letter to a Skeptical shire, Sussex, and Kent; made in the year Friend. 180. Philadelphia, 1858. 1774. 8~. London, 1804. 469 GILPIN. GIRONIERE. GILPIN, (William.) Observations on the West- Nouvelle 6d., par M. Beauz6e. Suivie de la ern Parts of England; with remarks on the Prosodie Fran9oise, et des Essais de GramBeauties of the Isle of Wight. 2d ed. 8~. maire, par M. l'Abbe d'Olivet. 2 v. 160. London, 1808. Rouen, 1781. Observations on the River Wye, and GIRARD, (Bernard de.) De l'Estat et Succes several parts of South Wales; made in year des Affaires de France. Ensemble une Som1770. 5th ed. 80. London, 1800. maire Historie des Seigneurs, Comtes, et Remarks on Forest Scenery and other Dues d'Anjou. 2 v. in 1. 160. Paris, 1580. Woodland Views, relative to picturesque GIRARD, (Charles.) Natural History ofFreshbeauty, illustrated by scenes of New Forest, water Fishes of North America. 40. Washin Hampshire; in 3 books. 3d ed. 2 v. ington, 1852. (Smithsonian Contributions 80. London, 1808. to Knowledge, v. 3.) GILPIN, (William S.) Practical Hints upon GIRARD, (Narcisse Fran9ois.) Treatise on the Landscape Gardening; with remarks on do- Teeth of the Horse. From the French, by mestic architecture. 2d ed. 80. London, T. J. Ganley. 160. London, 1829. 1835. GIRARD, (Stephen.) His Will; with a short GILROY, (Clinton G.) Art of Weaving, by biography of his life. 80. Philadelphia, hand and by power; with account of im- 1848. provements in the art. 2d ed. 80. Man- Girard College for Orphans. Annual chester, 1847. Reports for 1850-1853, and for 1855. 80. GILSON, (Adrian.) Czar and the Sultan. Also, Philadelphia, 1850-55. the Turks in Europe, by Francis Bouvet. Girard Will Case. Arguments of the 160. London, 1853. Defendants' Counsel, and Judgment of the GIORGINI da Jesi, (Giovanni.) II Mondo Nvo- Supreme Court of the United States, in the vo. Con gli argomenti in ottaua rima del Case of Vidal and another vs. the Mayor, Gio. Pietro Colini, e in prosa del G. Ghisi- &c., of Philadelphia, the Executors of S. lieri. Small 40. lesi, 1596. Girard, and others, January term, 1844. 80. GIORNALE di Statistica; compilato dagl' impie- Philadelphia, 1844. gati nella direzione centrale della statistica GIRARD. See GERARD. di Sicilia. 8c. Palermo, 1836. GIRARDIN, (Delphine de.) Marguerite; ou GIOVANNI, Fiorentino. Novels. Selected and deux amours. 12~. Paris, 1853. translated. (Roscoe'slItalianNovelists,v. 1.) GIRARDIN, (Saint-Marc.) Cours de Litt6raGiovio, (Paolo.) Delle Cose della Moscouia. ture Dramatique, ou l'usage des passions (Ramusio, Navigationi, v. 2.) dans le drame. 120. Paris, 1843. GIKAC, (Emile.) Appendix and Notes to GIRARDOT, (Auguste Theodore, Baron de.) Marx's Theory of Musical Composition. 80. L'Ordre Americain de Cincinnatus en France. New-York, 1854. Reglements et correspondances de WashingGIRALDUS Cambrensis, (Sylvester.) Rebus a ton. 80. Nantes, (n. d.) se Gestis, Libri III. InvectionumLibellus. GIRAUD, (Charles.) Traite d'Utrecht. 80. Symbolum Electorum. Edited by J. S. Paris, 1847. Brewer. 2 v. 80. London, 1861-62. GIRAUD, (J. P., Jr.) Birds of Long Island. (Chronicles and Mem. of G. Britain.) 80. New-York, 1844. Concerning the Instruction of Princes. GIRAULT de St. Fargeau, (Eusebe.) Guide 80. London, 1858. (Church Historians of Pittoresque du Voyageur en France. 40 6d. Eng., v. 5, part I.) 120. Paris, 1852. Historical Works; containing the To- GIRAULT-DUVIVIER, (Charles Pierre.) Grampography and History of the Conquest of maire des Grammaires; ou analyse raisonde Ireland, translated by by T. Forester; the des meilleurs traitds sur la langue fran9aise. Itinerary, and Description of Wales, trans- 90 ed. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1838. lated by Sir R. Colt Hoare. Edited by GIRONIERE, (Paul de la.) Twenty Years in Thomas Wright. 120. London, 1863. the Philippines. Abridged from the original - Itinerary of Archbishop Baldwin through French, by F. Hardman. 160. London, Wales, A. D. 1188. Translated from the 1853. Latin by Sir R. C. Hoare. 2 v. 80. Lon- The same. Revised and extended by don, 1806. the author, expressly for this edition. 120. GIRARD, (Gabriel.) Synonymes Francois. New-York, 1854. 470 GIROS. GLEIG. GIRos, (Pedro Fernandez.) Relation of the tempore Regis Henrici Secundi compositus. New Discouerie in the South Sea. (Pur- 16~. Londini. chas's Pilgrims, v. 4, page 1422.) The same. 16~. Londoni, 1673. GISBORNE, (Lionel.) Journal of the Expedi- - The same. Translated by John Beames. tion of Inquiry for the Junction of the 8~. London, 1812. Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. 120. London, GLANVILLE, (John.) Reports of certain Cases 1853. determined and adjudged by the Commons GISBOiRNE, (Thomas.) Enquiry into the Du- in Parliament, in the 21st and 22d years of ties of Men in the Higher and Mliddle Classes the reign of King James I. To which is prein Great Britain. 2 v. 80. London, 1795. fixed an Historical Account of the Ancient - Enquiry into the Duties of the Female Right of determining cases upon ControSex. 5th ed. 80. London, 1801. verted Elections. 8~. London, 1775. ~- Remarks on the late Decision of the GLAREANUS, (Henricus Loritus.) De GeoHouse of Commons respecting the Abolition graphia liber, ab ipso authore jam novissime of the Slave Trade. 2d ed. 80. London, recognitus. Small 4~. Friburgi Brisgoiae, 1792. (Slavery Pam., v. 4.) 1551. The same. (Pol. Pam., v. 56.) GLAS, (George.) History of Canary Islands. GISEKE, (Robert.) Rose of the Parsonage; (Pinkerton's Voyages, v. 16.) an idyll of our own times. From the Ger- GLASSFORD, (James.) Essay on the Principles man. 120. Philadelphia, 1854. of Evidence, and their application to subjects GISORS, (Alphonse de.) Palais du Luxem- of judicial inquiry. 80. Edinburgh, 1820. bourg; origine et description de cet edifice; GLAZIER, (William Belcher.) Poems. 120. principaux 6venements dont il a 6te le th6- Hallowell, 1853. atre depuis sa fondation, 1615, jusqu'en GLEANINGS of a Wanderer in various parts of 1845. 8~. Paris, 1847. England, Scotland, and North Wales. 1804. GISQUET, (Henri Joseph.) Memoires; 6crits 8c. London, 1805. (Phillips' Voyages and par lui-m6me. 4 v. 80. Paris, 1840. Travels, v. 2.) GrST, (Christopher.) Journal of; who accomr- GLEANINGS of Wit; a collection of Tales, anpanied George Washington in his first visit ecdotes, occurrences, and pieces in prose and to the French Commander of the troops on verse. From the works of an old military the Ohio, 1753. 80. Boston, 1836. (Mass. officer. 3v. 160. London, 1805. Hist. Coil., v. 5, third series.) GLEASON, (C. W.) Seven Lectures on the GIUSTI, (Guiseppe.) Poesie. 320. Italia, 1861. Philosophy of Life, and the Art of PreservGIUSTINIAN, (Sebastian.) Four Years at the ing Health. 8~. Columbus, (0.,) 1852. Court of Henry VIII. Selection of de- GIEIG, (Charles Edward Stuart.) Crimean spatches addressed to the Signory of Ve- Enterprise; what should have been cone, nice, 1515 to 1519. Translated by Rawdon and what might be done; predictions and Brown. 2 v. 80. London, 1854. plans. 160. Edinburgh, 1855. GLADSTONE, (Thomas H.) Kansas; or, squat- GLEIG, (George Robert.) Chelsea Hospital, ter life and border warfare in the far west. and its traditions. 3 v. 120. London, 1838. 160. London, 1857. - Country Curate. 160. London, 1846. GLADSTONE, (William E.) The State in its (Bentley's Stand. Novels, v. 42.) Relations with the Church. 4th ed. 2 v. Germany, Bohemia, and Hungary, visit80. London, 1841. edin 1837. 3 v. 120. London, 1839. Studies on Homer and the Homeric -- History of the Bible. 2 v. 180. NewAge. 3 v. 80. Oxford, 1858. York, 1839. GLANCES at the Metropolis. A hundred illus- The same. 2 v. 180. New-York, 1842. trated gems. 40. New-York, 1854. (Harper's Famn. Lib'y, v. 13-14.) GLANVIL, (Joseph.) Discourses, Sermons, History of the British Empire in India. and Remains; collected and published by 4 v. 180. London, 1835. (Murray's Faim. A. Horneck. 40. London, 1681. Lib'y, v. 14-17.) Sadducismus Triumphatus; or, a full ~ Life of Major-General Sir Thomas and plain evidence concerning witches and Munro, late Governor of Madras. 3 v. 80. apparitions. 4th ed. 80. London, 1726. London, 1830. GLANVILLA, (Ranulphus de.) Tractatus de - Life of Robert, first Lord Clive. 160. Legibus et Consuetudinibus Regni Angliae, London, 1848. 471 GLEIG. GLYCAS. GLEIG, (George Robert.) Lives of Eminent GLIDDON, (George R.) Discourses on EgypBritish Military Commanders. 3 v. 16~. tian Archaeology and Hieroglyphical DisLondon, 1831. (Lardner's Cabinet Cyclo- coveries. 80. London, 1849. predia, v. 50-52.) Memoir on the Cotton of Egypt. 80. Memoirs of the Life of the Right Hon. London, 1841. Warren Hastings. Compiled from original See NOTT, (Josiah.) papers. 3 v. 80. London, 1841. GLISSON, (W.,) and GULSTON, (A.) Common Narrative of the Campaigns of the Law Epitomized. 2d ed. 80. London, British Army at Washington, Baltimore, and 1679. New Orleans, under Generals Ross, Paken- GLOBE, Congressional. See CONGRESS. ham, and Lambert, in 1814 and 1815. 8o. GLOBE, The. 2 v. Folio. Washington, 1830Philadelphia, 1821. 1841. (Incomplete.) The same. 120. London, 1836. GLOBE, Daily. From January 1, 1850, to Sketch of the Military History of Great March 30,1861. 15v. Folio. Washington, Britain. 160. London, 1845. 1850-61. Story of the Battle of Waterloo. 12G. GLOSSARY of Provincial Words used in TeesNew-York, 1847. dale, in the county of Durham. 120. LonGLETZiS, (Jean Antoine.) Thalysie; ou, ]a don, 1849. Nouvelle Existence. 3 v. 80. Paris, 1840- GLOUCESTER, Robert of. SeeHEARNE, (Thos.) 1842. GLOVER, (George.) Thoughts on the Property Le Christianisme Explique. Frag- Tax as adapted to a permanent System of ments de Philosophie Sociale. Selena; on, Taxation. 80. London, 1816. (Pamphlela Famille Samaneenne. 3 v. in 1. 12~. teer, v. 8.) Paris, 1837-45. GLOVER, (Richard.) Leonidas, and other GLEN, (William Cunningham.) Law relating poems. 160. Chiswick, 1822. (Brit. Poets, to the Public Health and Local Govern- v. 69.) ment, in relation to Sanitary and other The same. 80. London, 1810. (Chalmatters, together with the Public Health mers' Eng. Poets, v. 17.) Act, 1848, the Local Government Act, 1858, -- Memoirs by a Celebrated Literary and and the other incorporated acts. 120. Lon- Political Character, from the Resignation of don, 1858. Sir Robert Walpole, in 1742, to the Estab- Law relating to the Removal of Nui- lishment of Lord Chatham's Second Adminsauces injurious to Health, and to the Pre- istration, in 1757; containing strictures on vention of Epidemic, Endemic, and Conta- some of the most distinguished men of that gious Diseases, with the statutes, including time. 80. London, 1814. the Public Health Act, 1858. 120. London, Substance of the Evidence delivered 1858. to a Committee of the House of Commons - Law in relation to the legal liabilities by the Merchants and Traders of London, of Engineers, Architects, Contractors, and in trade with Gernmany and Holland. 80. Builders, including the law of contracts, London, 1774. (ColonialPam., v. 11.) arbitrations, masters and workmen, and corn- Substance of Evidence on the Petition binations or strikes. 80. London, 1860. presented by the West India Planters and Statutes in force relating to the Poor, Merchants to House of Commons, March 16, Parochial Unions, and Parishes, collated 1775. (Colonial Pam., v. 13.) with each other; with references to decisions, GLOVER, (William.) Practical Treatise on the upon each statute, down to 1856. 80. Lon- Law of Municipal Corporations, adapted to don, 1857. the recent corporate reforms. With the Treaties on the Law of Highways; municipal corporation amendment acts; also, comprising the statute law and the decisions MS. cases and reported decisions to Trinity of the courts on the subjects of highways, Term, 1841. 80. London, 1841. public bridges, and public footpaths, practi- GLUGE, (Gottlieb.) Atlas of Pathological Hiscally arranged. 120. London, 1860. tology. Translated from the German by GLENELG, (Charles Grant, Lord.) Despatches Joseph Leidy. Folio. Philadelphia, 1853. to Sir F. B. Head, during his administration GLYCAS, (Michael.) Annales. (Gr. et Lat.) of the government of Upper Canada. 80. Rec. I. Bekkerus. 80. Bonnae, 1836. London, 1839. (Byzantine Hist, Corpus, v. 24.) GLYN. GODMAN. GLYN, (T. C.;) and JAMESON, (R. S.) Cases GODDARD, (Paul B.) Anatomy, Physiology, in Bankruptcy, decided by Lord Chancellors and Pathology of the Human Teeth; aided Eldon and Lyndhurst, and Vice-Chancellors in the practical part by J. E. Parker. 4~. Sir John Leach, Sir Anthony Hart, and Sir Philadelphia, 1844. Lancelot Shadwell, 1821 to 1828. 2 v. 80. GODDARD, (T. H.) General History of the London, 1824-28. most prominent Banks in Europe; the rise GLYKN, (Robert.) Dayof Judgment; a poem. and progress of the Bank of North America; 160. Chiswick, 1822. (British Poets, v. 58.) a full history of the late and present Bank GMELIN, (Johann Georg.) Flora Sibirica; of the United States, &c. 80. New-York, sive, Historia Plantarum Sibirie. 4 v. 40. 1831. Petropoli, 1747-69. GODDARD, (William G.) Address to the PeoR eise durch Sibirien, von den Jahr pie of Rhode Island, on the change in the 1733, bis1743. 4v in2. 120. Gottingen, civil government, by the adoption of the 1751-52. Constitution, which superseded the Charter GMELIN, (Leopold.) Hand-Book of Chemistry. of 1663. 80. Providence, 1843. (Misc. Translated by Henry Watts. 6 v. 80. Pam., v. 39.) London, 1848-52. GODDE, (Jules.) Catalogue raisonne d'une GMELIN, (SamuelGottlieb.) HistoriaFucorum. collection de Livres, pieces et documents, 40. Petropoli, 1768. manuscrits et autographes relatifs aux arts Reise durch RusslandzurUntersuchung de Peinture, Sculpture, Gravure, et Archider drey Natur-Reiche, in den Jahren 1768- tecture. 80. Paris, 1850. 1774. 4 v. 4~. St. Petersburg, 1770 —84. GODEFRID, (of Titerbo.) Pantheon, seu meGNOROWSKI, (S. B.) Insurrection of Poland moria smeculorum. (Muratori, Rerum Italiin 1830-31; and the Russian rule preceding carum Scriptores, v. 7.) it since 1815. 80. London, 1839. GODEFROY, (Thdodore.) Le Ceremonial FranGOBAT, (Samuel.) Journal of a Three Years' 9ois, recueilly par T. Godefroy, et mis en Residence in Abyssinia, in furtherance of lumidre, par Denys Godefroy. 2 v. Folio. the objects of the Church Missionary Society. Paris, 1649. 120. London, 1834. GODET, (Theodore L.) Bermuda; its history, GOBERT, (M.) Observations sur la Campagne geology, climate, products, agriculture, comde 1792, dans les Departemens de la Marne merce, and government. 120. London, et de la Meuse. 80. Paris, 1792. (Pol. 1860. Paml., v. 9.) GODFRAY, (Hugh.) Elementary Treatise on GOBINEAU, (Arthur de.) Moral and Intel- the Lunar Theory; with history of the prolectualDiversity of Races. From the French. blem to the time of Newton. 80. Cambridge, With introduction and notes, by H. Hotz, and (Eng.,) 1853. a summary of the latest scientific facts bear- GODFREY, (William C.) Narrative of the last ing upon the question of unity or plurality Grinnell Arctic Exploring Expedition in of species, by J, C. Nott. 80. Philadel- search of Sir John Franklin, 1853-55; with phia, 1856. a biography of Dr. Kane. 120. PhiladelGODARD-DAUCOUR. Memoires Turcs; on, his- phia, 1857. toire galante de deux Turcs, pendant leur GODINEAU, (M.) Oration upon Religious Worsejour en France. 2 v. in 1. 180. Amster- ship, before National Club of Bordeaux. 80. dam, 1775. Philadelphia, (n. d.) GODBOLT, (John.) Reports of Certain Cases GODLEY, (John Robert.) Letters from Amerin the several Courts of Record at Westmin- ica. 2 v. 120. London, 1844. ster, in the reigns of Queen Elizabeth, King GODLONTON, (R.;) and IvVING, (Edward.) James, and Charles I. 40. London, 1652. Narrative of the Kaffir War, 1850-51. 80. GODDARD, (Charles.) Sermons on the Mental London, 1851. Condition necessary to a due Inquiry into GODMAN, (John D.) American Natural HisReligious Evidence. 80. Oxford, 1824. tory. Also, the Rambles of a Naturalist; (Bampton Lectures for 1823.) with biographical sketch of the author. 3d GODDARD, (Henry.) Cottages for Labourers. ed. 2 v. in 1. 80. Philadelphia, 1846. Small 40. London, 1853. - Anatomical Investigation, comprising Prize Model Cottages. 8~. London, descriptions of various Fascie of the Human 1848. Body. 80. Philadelphia, 1824. 473 GODOLPHIN. GOERTZ. GODOLPHIN, (John.) Orphan's Legacy; or, a GODWIN, (William.) History of the Commontestamentary abridgment. 4thed. 4~. Lon- wealth of England, from its commencement, don, 1701. to the restoration of Charles II. 4 v. 8~. View of the Admiral Jurisdiction; as London, 1824-28. also divers of the laws, customs, rights, and - Life of Geoffrey Chaucer; including priviledges of the high admiralty of Eng- Memoirs of John of Gaunt. 2d ed. 4 v. land, by ancient records, and other arguments 8~. London, 1804. of law asserted. Also an Extract of the Lives of Edward and John Philips, Ancient Laws of Oleron; with Catalogue of nephews and pupils of Milton. 40. Lonall the Lord High Admirals since King don, 1815. John's time to the reign of Charles II. 2d Lives of the Necromancers; account of ed. 8~. London, 1685. the most eminent persons who have claimed GODOY, (Diego.) Lettera a Fernando Cortese, for themselves, or to whom has been imputed, del discoprimento e acquisto di diuerse citth the exercise of magical power. 80. Lone provincienella Nuevo Spagna. (Raumsio, don, 1834. Navigationi, v. 3.) Memoirs of Mary Wollstonecraft. (Mrs. GoDOY, (Manuel de.) Memoirs of the Prince Godwin.) 16~. London, 1798. of the Peace, written by himself. Edited, On Population; an enquiry concernby J. B. D'Esm6nard. 2 v. 8~. London, ing the power of increase in the numbers of 1836. mankind; in answer to Malthus's essay on GODSON, (Richard.) Practical Treatise on the that subject. 80. London, 1830. Law of Patents for Inventions and of Copy- - St. Leon. 16~. London, 1850. (Bentright. With an introductory Book on Mo- ley's Stand. Novels, v. 5.) nopolies, illustrated withnotes oftheprincipal Thoughts on Man, his nature, procases. 8~. London, 1823. ductions, and discoveries. 8~. London, The same. 2ded. 8~. London, 1844. 1831. (2 copies.) GODWIN, (Thomas.) Moses and Aaron; civil GODWIN, (Benjamin.) Substance of a Course and ecclesiastical rites, used by the ancient of Lectures on British Colonial Slavery. 8~. Hebrews. 7th ed. Small 4~. London, London, 1830. 1655. GODWIN, (George.) Appeal to the Public on - Romanse Historite Anthologia recogtheSubject of Railways. 8~. London, 1837. nita et aucta; an English exposition of (Pol. Pam., v. 76.) the Roman antiquities. Small 4~. London, Churches of London. 2 v. 80. Lon- 1658. don, 1838. GODwYN, (Morgan.) Trade Preferred before GODWIN, (Parke.) History of France. V. 1. Religion, and Christ made to give place Ancient Gaul. 8~. New York, 1830. to Mammon; represented in a sermon rePolitical Essays. 12~. New York, lating to plantations. Small 4~. London, 1856. 1685. - Popular View of the Doctrines of GOEDE, (Christianus Augustus Gottlieb.) Jus Charles Fourier. 8~. New York, 1844. Germanicum Privatum. 12~. Gmettingme, (Editor.) Hand-Book of Universal 1806. Biography. 12~. New-York, 1852. (Put- GOERRES, (Johann.) Germany and the Revonam's Home Cyclopedia.) lution. Translated from the German, by GODWIN, (William.) Caleb Williams. 16~. John Black. 8~. London, 1820. London, 1849. (Bentley's Stand. Nov- ~ The same. 8~. London, 1819. (Pamels, v. 2.) phleteer, v. 15.) Enquirer. Reflections on education, GOERTZ, (Johann Eustachvon.) Secret Hismanners, and literature; in a series of essays. tory of the Armed Neutrality; with memoirs, 16~. Philadelphia, 1797. official letters and state papers, illustrative - Enquiry concerning Political Justice, of that celebrated confederacy. Translated and its influence on morals and happiness. from the French, by A. H. 80. London, 2 v. 16~. Philadelphia, 1796. 1792. Fleetwood, or the new man of feeling. Memoires et Actes Authentiques relatifs 16~. London, 1832. (Bentley's Stand. aux n6gociations qui ont precde'es le Partage Novels, v. 22.) de la Pologne. 8~. Paris, 1810. 60 474 GOiETHE. GOETHE. GOETHE, (JohannWolfgangvon.) Stimmtliche Theater nudlDramatische Poesie, v. 13. e 3 v.^~ in-<~ 10. S~^. ^ Torquato Tasso; ein schauspiel, v. 12. WVerke. 30 v. in 16. 8~. Stuttgart nnd Triumpl der Empfindsammkeit; eine dramatische Tiibingen, 1850-51. grille, Tfibingen, ~1~850 -~51. ~Uigleichen (Die) Hiusgenossn; ein singspiel, v. 8. CONTENTS. Unterhalturigen Deutsclhe Auswvanderer, v. 16. Achilleci, v. 5. VO1el, Die, Nach dem Aristophanes, v. 7. Altgriechische Literatur, v. 26. Volkspoesie, v., 26. Ainlalen, oder Tag nndl Jahreshefte von 1794 bis Wallverwanndtchalften Die, v. 14. 1822, v. 21. Walih'reit niid Dichtnog aus ineinemr Leben, v. 17-18. Aufgeregtcn, Die; politisches drama, v. 10. W iahllheit und Woahrscheinlichkleit der Kunstwerke, Beitratge zur Optik, v. 27. v. 24. Belagerung vou MIainz, 1793, v. 20. West-Ostlicher Divan, v. 4. Benvennlto Cellini, v. 22-23. Wette, Die; ein lustspiel, v. 13. Bildniig iund nlmbildung organischer Naturen, v. 27. Wilheln Meisters Lehrjahre, v. 15-16. Biograpllische E inzeinheiten, v. 21. Winckelnmalnl, v. 24. Briefe ans der Schlweiz, v. 14. ZauberflSte, Der, v. 8. Briefeines Landgeistliclien, v. 14. Zwei Teufelschon und Amor, v. 13. Biirgergeneral, Der; ein lustspiel, v. 10. Zwo Biblische Fragen, v. 14. Ca.mpagne in Frankreich, 1792, v. ~20. Cantaten, v. 8. Campaign in France in 1792. TransClaudine von VillaBella; ein singspiel, v. 8 undv. 13. lated by R. Farie. 120. London, 1849. Clavigo; cin trauerspiel, v. 9. Deutscher Literatur, v. 26. Correspondence with a Child. 12~. Diderot's Versulch iber die Malerei, v. 23., 18 Dramiatische Werke, v. 7-13. BOton, 1859. Egmont, v. 9. The same. 3v. 120. London, 1839. Einleitung in die Propylaen, v. 24.. Elpenor; ein tranerspicl, v. 12. (V. 3 wanting.) Englische Literatnr, v. 26. Conversations with Eckermann and Epiincnides (Des) Erwachen; ein festspiel,'v. 10. EBrwin und Elllira; ein singspiel, v. 8 und v. 13. Soret. Translated fiom the German by John F'arbenlehre-didaktik und historic, v. 28-29. onon, 1850. Fastnaclhts-spiel, voin Pater Brey, v. 7.enfod.. 1~. onon, 850. FalnSt, V. 11. Dramatic Works; comprising Faust, Fischerin, Die; ein singspiel, v. 8. Franzosische Literatur, v. 26. Iphigenia, Torquato Tasso, Egmont, and GCedichte, v. 1-6. Goetz von Berlichingen. Translated by Geschwistcr, Die; ein schausspiel, v. 9. Belichingen. Translated by Gotter, Heldenl ndWieland, v. 7. Anna Swanwick and Sir Walter Scott. 12~. Gottfried von Berlichingen, mit der Eisernen hand; dranmatisirt, v. 13. London, 1860. G6tz von Berlichingen, der Eisernen Hand, v. 9. Essays on Art. Translated by S. G. The same. Fiir die Biihne, v. 13. Gros-Sophta, Der; ein lustspiel, v. 10. Ward. 16~. Boston, 1845. Guten (Die) Weiber, v. 16. Faust; a drama. With translations Hackelct, Philipp, v. 24.aust a ama. ansatons Hausvurts Hoclizeit, oder der Lauf des Welt, v. 13. from the German. By Lord Francis LeveHermann und Dorothea, v. 5. Iphigenie anf Tauris, v. 12; prosa, v. 13. son Gower. 2d ed. 2 v. 160. London, Italianische Reise, v. 19. 182S Italieliische Literatur, v. 26. Jahrmnarkts-Fest, (Das) zu Plundersweilern; ein Faustus. From the German; (abstract.) scJ n atel sings piel, v. 8. Embellished with Retszch's outlines, illusJery und Bately; ein singspiel, v. 8. KI(nst, Kleinere schriften iiber, v. 25. trative of the tragedy, engraved by Henry Kiiustlers Erdewallen; drama und apotheose, v. 7. Laokoon, Uber, v. 24. Moses. 40. London, 1832. Laune (Die) des Verliebten; eine schiferspiel, v. 7. Faust attempted in English rhyme by Leiden des Jungen Werthers, v. 14. Lila; ein lustspiel, v. 8. the Hon. Robert Talbot. 8~. London, 1835. aMahomet; ein trauerspiel, v. 13. etamorphose, Die, der Pflanzen, v. 27. Fa, a dramatc ystey; the Bride Meteorologie, v. 30. of Corinth; the First Walpurgis Night. Mineralogie Lund Geologie, v. 30. Mitschuldigen, Die, ein lustspiel, v. 7. Translated, with notes, by John Anster. 80. Natiirliclle (Die) Tochter; ein trauerspiel, v. 12 London, 1835. und v. 13. Naturwvissenschaftliche Einzelnheiten, v. 30. Faust; a dramatic poem. Translated Nausikaa; ein trauerspiel, v. 13. Novelle, v 16.r into English prose, with notes, by A. HayOrientalische Literatur, v. 26. ward. 160. Lowell, (Ms.,) 1845. Osteologie, v. 27. Pandora; ein festspiel, v. 10 und v. 13. The same. Translated, in verse, by Paralipomelna zu F}aust, v. 13. Charles T. Brooks. 120. Boston, 1856. Philostrats Gemstlde und Antik und Modern, v. 24. Prometheus; dranatisches fragment, v. 7. The same. Translated into English Rameau's Neffe; ein dialog von Diderot, v. 23. ILeineke Fuchs, v. 5. verse, by Jonathan Birch. With engravings Reise am Rhein, Main und Neckar, in den jahren after Moritz Retszch. 2 parts in I. 80. 1814 und 1815, v. 20. Reise der Sohne Megapratzans, v. 16. London, 1839-43. Sammiler, Der, und die Seinigen, v. 24. _- Hermann and Dorothea. Translated by Satyros, oder der vergottterteWaldteufel; drama, v. 7. T. C. Porter. 160. New-York, 1854. Scherz, List und Rache; ein singspiel, v. 8. Schweize Reise im jahre 1797, v. 20- Memoils; written by himself. 2 v. 80. Sprfiche in Prosa und in Reimen, v. 3. London 1824. Stella; ein trauerspiel, v. 9. Tancred; ein trauerspiel, v. 13. The same. 80. New-York, 1824. 475 GOETHE GOLDSMITH. GOETHE, (Johann Wolfgang von.) Minor W. W. Smyth, John Percy, and Robert Poetry. A selection from his songs, ballads, Hunt. 2d ed. 12~. London, 1853. and other lesser poems. Translated by Wil- GOLD-FINDER of Australia; how he went, how liam G. Thomas. 8. Philadelphia, 1859. he fared, and how he made his fortune. EdiNovels and Tales. 120. London, 1854. ted by John Sherer. 8~. London, 1853. CONTENTS. GOLDER, (John.) Life of William Tilghman, Elective Affinities. ISlcrivs of Yn Werther. late Chief Justice of the State of PennsylSorrows of Young Werther. Recreations of the German Emigrants. vania. 80. Philadelphia, 1829. Fairy Tale. Good oen; a tale. GOLDFUSS, (August.) Petrefacta Musei UniPoems. Translated in the original me- versitatis Regie Borussicae Rhenanre Bontres, with sketch of his life, by E. A. Bow- nensis, nec non Hoeninghusiani Crefeldensis, ring. 16~. London, 1853. iconibus et descriptionibus illustrata. Folio. Poems and Ballads. Translated by W. Diisseldorf, 1826. E. Aytoun and Theodore Martin. 160. New GOLDONI, (Carlo.) Opere Teatrali. 44 v. in York, 1859. 22. 160. Venezia, 1788-95. - eineke Fuchs, mit Zeichnungen von - Memoirs. Written by himself. TransWilhelm von Kaulbach. 40. Stuttgart, 1846. lated from French, by J. Black. 2 v. 240 Reynard the Fox; after the German London, 1828. (Autobiography, v. 23-24.) version, by Thomas J. Arnold. With illus- GOLDSBOROUGH, (Charles W.) United States trations from the designs of Kaulbach. 80. Naval Chronicle. 80. Washington, 1825. New York, (London,) 1860. GOLDSMID, (Henry.) Remarks on the Civil Sorrows of Werter. Translated by Wil- Disabilities of the British Jews. 80. Lonliam Render. 160. London, 1801. don, 1830. Theory of Colours. Translated by GOLDSMITH, (George.) English Bar; or, a Charles L. Eastlake. 80. London, 1840. guide to the inns of court, comprising an Truth and Poetry from My Own Life; historical outline of all the inns of court, the or, the Autobiography of Goethe. Edited by regulations of the inns for the admission of Parke Godwin. 2 v. 120. New-York, 185(. students and calling to the bar, list of the Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship and judges, Queen's counsel, sergeants at law, Travels. 3 v. 120. London, 1842. the benches, &c. 3d ed. 120. London, GOETTLING, (Karl.) Elements of Greek Ac- 1849. centuation. Translated from the German. GOLDSMiTH, (Lewis.) Crimes of Cabinets; or, 80. London, 1831. a review of their plans and aggressions for GOEz, (Benedict.) Travels from Lahore to the annihilation of the liberties of France. China. (Pinkerton's Voyages, v. 7.) 80. London, 1801. GOGUELAT, (Fran9ois, Baron de.) IMmoire - Exposition of the Conduct of France sur les 6evnemens relatifs an Voyage de towards America; illustrated by cases deLouis XVI. a Varennes. 80. Paris, 1823. cided in the Council of Prizes in Paris. 80. (Berville et Barriere, Coil. Mem. Rev. Fran- London, 1810. ~aise, v. 50.) On the Appointment of Canning to the GOGUET, (Antoine Yves.) De l'Origine des Foreign Department. 80. London, 1823. Loix, des Arts, et des Sciences; et de leurs (Pamphleteer, v. 22.) progrgs chez les anciens peuples. 3 v. 40. Secret History of the Cabinet of BonaParis, 1758. parte; including his private life, character, The same. 6e 6d. 3 v. 80. Paris, and conduct to foreign powers. 4th ed. 80. 1820. London, 1810. - Origin of Laws, Arts, and Sciences, - The same. With notes, by a gentleman and their progress among the most ancient of New-York. 2 v. 180. New-York, 1810. nations. From the French. 3 v. 80. Statistics of France. 8~. London, Edinburgh, 1761. 1832. GoLBERY, (M. Philippe A. de.) Histoire et Recueil de Deocrets, Ordonnances, Description de la Suisse et du Tyrol. 80. Traites de Paix, Manifestes, Proclamations, Paris, 1839. (L'Univers, v. 41.) Discours, &c., de Napoleon Bonaparte, et GOLD, Lectures on; for the instruction of emi- des membres du gouvernement Franqais, grants about to proceed to Australia, by J. depuis Nov. 1799 jusqu'A l'annee 1815. 7 v. B. Jukes, Edward Forbes, Lyon Playfair, 80. Londres, 1813-16. 476 GOLDSMITH. GOMEZ. GOLDSMITH, (Oliver.) Works. Edited by the Western Empire. 2d ed. 2 v. 80. Peter Cunningham, 4 v. 8~. Boston, London, 1770. (London,) 1854. The same. Pinnock's improved edition; CONTENTS. with notes byW. C. Taylor. 35th Am., from Bee, The, v. 3. S3d English ed. 12. Philadelphia, 1848. Biography of Voltaire, v. 4.' Biography of Richard Nash, v. 4. Vicar of Wakefield. 8~. New-York, Biography of Thomas Parnell, v. 4. 1851 Biography of Lord Bolingbroke, v. 4. Captivity; an Oratorio, v. 1. The same. With memoir of the author Citizen of the World, v. 2. Contributions to the Critical Review, v. 4. and his writings. 80. Edinburgh, 1838. Contributions to the Monthly Review, v. 4.- he same. 12. London, 1855. Deserted Village; a Poem, v. 1. Edwin and Angelina; a Ballad, v. 1. GOLDSON, (William.) Cases of Small-Pox, Extracts fro an istory of the Earth, v. 4. subsequent to Vaccination. Addressed to Extracts from an History of the Earth, v. 4. Goodnatured Manl; a Comedy, v. 1. the Vaccine Institution. 80. Portsea, 1804. Haunch of Venison; a Poetical Epistle, v. 1. Letters, v. 4. (Cow-Pox Tracts, v. 2.) Mystery Revealed, Cock-Lane Ghost, v. 4. GOLOvSNE, (Ivan.) Esprit de l'conomie PoPoems, MIiscellaneous, v. 1. Prefaces, Introductions, &c., v. 3. litique. 8~. Paris, 1843. Present State of Polite Learning, v. 2. Retaliation; a Poem, v. 1. Nations of Russia and Turkey, and Scene from the Grumbler; a Farce, v. 1. their destiny. 120. London, 1854. She Stoops to Conquer; a Comedy, v. 1. Traveller, The; a Poem, v. 1. Russia under Nicholas I. 2 v. 12~. Unacknowledged Essays, v. 3. London, 1846. Vicar of Wakefield, v. 1. Vida's Game of Chess, v. 4. R ussian Sketch-Book. 2 v. 120. Miscellaneous Works. With an ac- London, 1848. count of his life and writings. Edited GOLOWNIN, (VW.) Memoirs of a Captivity in by Washington Irving. 4 v. 8~. Paris, Japan, during the years 1811-13; with ob1837. servations on the country and the people. Works; poems, comedies, essays, and 2d ed. 3 v. 80. London, 1824. Vicar of Wakefield; with life, by Washington GOMARA, (Francisco Lopez de.) Conquista de Irving. 160. London, 1854. Mejico. 80. Madrid, 1852. (Bib. de AuHistory of the Earth, and Animated tores Espailoles, v. 51.) Nature. 4 v. 80. London, 1826. H istoria de las Conquistas de Hernando — ~- History of England, from the earliest Cortes, escrita en Espanol. Traducida al times to the death of George II. Continued Mexicano, con notas y adiciones, por Carlos to the death of George III., by R. Lynam. Maria de Bustamante. 2 v. Small 40. 3 v. 80. London, 1825. Mexico, 1826. The same. Pinnock's improved edi- - Historia General de las Indias. 1a y tion, with continuation to 1858, by William 2 parte. 80. Madrid, 1852. (Bib. de AuC. Taylor. 120. Philadelphia, 1858. tores Espaioles, v. 51.) History of Greece, from the earliest Concerning the crook-backed oxen, state to the death of Alexander the Great. sheep, and dogs of Quivira. (Hakluyt's 14th ed. 2 v. 80. London, 1823. Voyages, v. 3.) The same. Pinnock's improved edi- Things most remarkable observed by tion; revised, by W. C. Taylor. 35th Am., the Spanishattheirfirstcoming: (in Mexico.) from 19th English ed. 120. Philadelphia, (Purchas's Pilgrims, v. 3, page 1123.) 1848. GOMEZ, (A.) Ad Leges Tauri Commentarium Poetical Works. 160. London, 1790. absolutissimum. Editio nova caeteris long6 (Johnson's Eng. Poets, v. 70.) locupletior, in qua distinctum hic tomus The same. 80. London, 1810. (Chal- obtinet materiarum indicem. Folio. Mamers' Eng. Poets, v. 16.) triti, 1794. The same. 160. Chiswick, 1822. Varive Resolutions Juris Civilis, Com(British Poets, v. 64.) munis, et Regii, tomis tribus distinctre. -- The same. With memoir, and notes; Editio novissima, cui prseter annotationes edited by Bolton Corney. Small 40. Lon- Emanuelis Soares a Ribeira, accesserunt ildon, 1846. lustrationes, sive additiones Joannis de AylThe same. 160. London, 1851. lon Laynez in fine cujusque capitis appositse, Roman History, from the Foundation cum indice generali. 3 v. in 2. Folio. of the City of Rome to the Destruction of Matriti, 1794, 477 GOMEZ. GOODMAN. GOMEZ, (M. A. Poisson, Madame de.) La Psalms. Edited by J. M. Neale. 80. Belle Assemblee; being a curious collection London, 1842. of some very remarkable incidents which Memoirs of the Life and Writings of happened to persons of the first quality in the Reverend Alexander Geddes. 80. LonFrance. 6th ed. 4v. 16~. London, 1749. don, 1803. GoMEZ DE LA SERNA, (Pedro,) y MONTALBAN, AMischiefs incidental to the Tread(J. M.) Tratado academico forense de Wheel as an Instrument of Prison DisciProcedimientos Judiciales. 3 v. 8~. Ma- pline. 8~. London, 1824. (Pamphleteer, drid, 1848. v. 23.) GOMEZ Y NEGRO, (Lucas.) Elementos de Study of Medicine. Improved from the Practica Forense, con un formulario arre- author's Mss., and references to the latest adglado a ellos. 4a ed. 8~. Paris, 1847. vances in physiology, pathology, and pracGOMPERTZ, (Ephraim.) Theoretic Discourse tice. 4th ed. 4 v. 8~. London, 1840. on the Nature and Property of Money. 80. GOODE, (William.) Divine Rule of Faith London, 1820. (Financial Pam., v. 9.) and Practice; or, a defence of the Catholic GONCOURT, (Edmond et Jules de.) Histoire doctrine that Holy Scripture has been, since de la Soci6t6 Francaise pendant la Revolu- the times of the apostles, the sole divine rule tion. edd. 80. Paris, 1854. of faith and practice to the Church, against GONDON, (Jules.) La Terreur dans le Roy- the dangerous errors of the authors of the aume de Naples. Lettre au Rt. Hon. W. E. Tracts for the Times, and the Romanists. 2 Gladstone, en reponse a ses deux lettres a v. 8~. London, 1842. Lord Aberdeen. 80. Paris, 1851. GOODELL, (William.) The American Slave GONDON, (J. J. B.) Du Droit Public et du Code in Theory and Practice; its distinctive Droit des Gens. 3 v. 80. Paris, 1807. features shown by its statutes, judicial deciGONZAGA DI CASTIGLON[E, (Louis.) L'Homme sions, and illustrative facts. 3d ed. 120. de Lettres Bon Citoyen; discours philoso- New York, 1853. phique et politique. Trad. de l'Italien. 160. Slavery and Anti-Slavery. A history Londres, 1785. (Slavery Pam., v. 14.) of the struggle in both hemispheres, with a GONZALES, (Manoel.) Voyage to England view of the slavery question in the United and Scotland, 1730. (Pinkerton's Voyages, States. 3d ed. 80. New York, 1855. v. 2.) GOODFELLOW, (James.) Decimal Coinage; The same (Osborne's Coil. Voyages, showing its commercial advantages, and v. 1.) exhibiting prominently the immense decrease GONZALEZ, (Estebanillo.) Vida y Hechos. of clericallabor, &c. 80. London, 1853. (Bib. de Autores Espaliole!, v. 49.) GOODHUGI, (William.) English Gentleman's GONZALEZ, (Franciscus Antonius.) Coilectio Library Manual; guide to the formation of Canonum Ecclesise Hispanm ex probatisse- a library of select literature. 80. London, mis ac purvetustis Codicibus nunc primum 1827. in lucem edita a publica Matritens Biblio- GoODINGE, (Thomas.) Law against Banktheca. Folio. Matriti, 1808. rupts; or, a treatise wherein the statutes GONZALEZ Y MONTOYA, (Josef.) Rasgos against bankrupts are explained, by several Sueltos para la Constitucion de America. cases, resolutions, judgments and decrees, 80. Cadiz, 1811. both at common law, and in chancery. 80. GONZENBACH, (A. de.) Expose du Mouve- London, 1701. ment Commercial entre la Suisse et la GOODISSON, (William.) Historical and TopFrance, pendant l'annee 1840. Berne, ographical Essay upon the Islands of Corfii 1842. —Expose du Mouvement Commercial Leucadia, Cephalonia, Ithaca, and Zante; entre la Suisse et l'Autriche, pendant les with remarks upon the Ionian Greeks, and annees 1840 et 1842. Traduit de l'Aile- the Cyclopean ruins. 80. London, 1822. mand. 40. Berne, 1847. GOODMAN, (Godfrey.) Court of King James GOOCH, (Robert.) Account of some of the the First; with letters illustrative of the permost important Diseases Peculiar to Women. sonal history of the most distinguished char2d edition. 80. London, 1831. acters in the court of that monarch and his GOOD, (John Mason.) Book of Nature. 2 v. predecessors. Now first published from the 80. Boston, 1826. original Mss., by John S. Brewer. 2v. 80. Historical Outline of the Book of London, 1839. 478 GOODMAN. GOODWIN. GoODAIAN, (John R.) Pennsylvania Biogra- ries of fact and fancy, wit and humor, phy; or, memoirs of eminent Pennsylva- rhyme, reason, and romance. 8S. Newnians. 180. Philadelphia, 1840. York, 1857. GooDRICH, (Charles A.) History of the Uni- - Pictorial History of England. 12~. ted States of America, on a plan adapted to Philadelphia, 1854. the capacity of youth. 12~. Boston, 1852. Pictorial History of the United States. Land we Live in; or, travels, sketches 12~. Philadelphia, 1854. and adventures in North and South America, R ecollections of a Lifetime; or, men with descriptions of the towns, cities, states, and things I have seen; historical, bioand territories, their inhabitants, manners, graphical, anecdotical, and descriptive. 2 v. customs, &c. 8~. Cincinnati, 1857. 12~. New-York, 1856. ~ —,Lives of the Signers to the Declaration The World as it Is, and as it Has Been; of Independence. 120. New York, 1829. a comprehensive geography and history. 4~. GOODRICH, (Charles B.) Science of Govern- New-York, 1855. ment, as exhibited in the, institutions of the GOODSIR, (Robert Anstruther.) Arctic Voyage United States. 8~. Boston, 1853. to Baffin's Bay and Lancaster Sound in GooDic LH, (ChaunceyA.) SelectBritishElo- Search of Friends with Sir John Franklin. quence; embracing the best speeches entire, of 120. London, 1850. the most eminent orators of Great Britain, for GOODWIN, (Elijah.) Family Companion; or, the last two centuries. 80. New-York, 1852. a book of sermons on various subjects. 12~. GOODRICHl, (C. R.) Science and Mechanism, Cincinnati, 1856. Illustrated by Examples in the New-York GOOoWIN, (Francis.) Domestic Architecture; Exhibition, 1853-4. Edited by C. R. Good- being a series of designs for mansions, villas, rich, aided by Professors Hall, Silliman, &c. &c., in the Grecian, Italian, and old Eng40. New-York, 1854. lish styles of architecture. 3d ed. 2v. inl. GooDRICH, (Elizur.) Principles of CivilUnion 4~. London, 1850. andHappiness, considered and recommended, GOODWIN, (Harvey.) Elementary Course of a sermon. 80. Hartford, 1787. (Misc. Mathematics, designed principally for stuPam., v. 10.) dents of the University of Cambridge. 3d ed. GOODRIOCH, (Frank B.) Court of Napoleon; 8~. Cambridge, (Eng.,) 1849. with portraits of its beauties, wits, and he- Collection of Problems and Examples roines, from authentic sources. 4~. New- adapted to the "Elementary Course of MathYork, 1857. ematics." 2d ed. 8~. Cambridge, 1851. -_ Man upon the Sea; or, a history of Elementary Mechanics. Part I. Statics. maritime adventure, exploration, and dis- 120. Cambridge, (Eng.,) 1851. covery, from the earliest ages to the present GOODWIN, (H. C.) Pioneer History of Corttime. 8~. Philadelphia, 1858. land County, and the Border Wars of New GooDnRIH, (Jesse W.) Phrenological Organs, York. 120. New York, 1859. the Phrenological Character; with occa- GOODWIN, (John.) Redemption Redeemed; sional poems, and prose writings. 12~. wherein the most glorious work of the reWorcester, (Mass.,) 1855. demption of the world by Jesus Christ is GoODtRIC, (Samuel Griswold; "Peter Parley.") vindicated against the encroachments of Common School History. 12~. Philadel- later times. Reprinted from the ed. of 1651. phia, 1854. 80. London, 1840. ~____ First Book of History, for children and GOODWIN, (Joseph.) New System of Shoeing youth. 4th ed. Square 12~. Boston, 1849. Horses. 2d ed. 8~. London, 1824. -- Gem Book of British Poetry; with GOODWIN, (Nathaniel.) Foote Family; or, biographical sketches. Small 4~. Philadel- the descendants of Nathaniel Foote; with phia, 1855. genealogical notes of Pasco Foote and John ------ History of all Nations. 2v. 40. New- Foote. 80. Hartford, (Conn.,) 1849. York, 1857. - Genealogical Notes; or, contributions ~ —- Lives of Columbus, Washington, and to the famiily history of some of the first setFranklin. 180. Philadelphia, 1851. tiers of Connecticut and Massachusetts. 80. -- Peter Parley's Kaleidoscope, or parlor Hartford, 1856. pleasure book. 80. Cincinnati, 1857. GooDWIN, (Philo A.) Biography of Andrew Peter Parley's Thousand and One Sto- Jackson. 120. New York, 1833. 479 GOODWIN. GORDON. GOODWIN, (Robert M.) Trial on an indict- GORDON, (James; Accountant.) Interest Tament of manslaughter for killing James bles at Five Per Cent. 4th ed. 16~. LonStoughton, Esq., in Broadway, New York, don, 1860. on the 21st day of December, 1819. Taken GORDON, (John.) Case of John Gordon, with in shoithand by W. Sampson. 80. New respect to the Title to Lands in East Florida, York, 1820. (2 copies.) purchased of His Catholic Majesty's subGOOKIN, (Daniel.) Historical Account of the jects by him and Jesse Fish, for themselves Doings and Sufferings of the Christian In- and other of His Britannic Majesty's subdians of New England. 8~. Cambridge, jects, in conformity to the 20th article of the 1836. (Archeologia Americana, v. 2.) treaty of peace, 1763. 4~. London, 1772. Historical Collections of the Indians in GORDON, (Major John.) Proceedings of the New England. 80. Boston, 1806. (Mass. General Court-Martial in the Trial of Maj. Hist. Coil., v. 1, first series.) John Gordon, of the late 8th West India RegGORDON, (Alexander.) Essay on the Puerpe- iment. 8~. London, 1804. ral Fever of Aberdeen, in 1789-92. S~. GORDON, (N. M.) Alleghan; a poem in nine Edinburgh, 1822. (With CAMPBELL, (W.,) books. 120. Cincinnati, 1856. on Epidemic Puerperal Fever.) GORDON, (Pryse Lockhart.) Personal MeGORDON, (A.) Remarks on National Defence, moirs; or, reminiscenses of men and manVolunteers, and Rifles, &c. 8C. London, ners at home and abroad, during the last half 1853. (Pol. Pam., v. 89.) century. 2 v. 80. London, 1830. GORDON, (Sir Cosmo.) Life and Genius of GORDON, (Richard.) Review of the Trade of Lord Byron. 8~. London, 1824. (Pam- Banking in England and Ireland; with sumphleteer, v. 24.) mary of laws relating to banking and bills GORDON, (Delahay.) General History of the of exchange. 80. Dublin, 1836. (FinanLives, Trials, and Executions of all the cial Pam, v. 13.) Royal and Noble Personages that have suf- GORDON, (Robert.) Christ as made Known fered in Great Britain and Ireland for High to the Ancient Church; an exposition of the Treason, or other Crimes, from the accession revelation of divine grace, as unfolded in the of Henry VIII. to the present time; with ac- Old Testament scriptures. 4 v. 80. Edcount of the Rebellions in England, Scotland, inburgh, 1854. and Ireland, for the two last centuries. 3 v. GonRDN, (Thomas; Esq.) Cato's Letters; or, 80. London, 1760. essays on liberty, civil and religious, and GORDON, (James; A. M.) Captain Sumner's other important subjects. 4 v. 160. LonMethod of Finding a Ship's Position at Sea. don, 1748. (V. 2 wanting.) 80. London, 1850. Independent Whig; or, a defence of Charterers' Companion; containing ta- primitive Christianity against the exhorbitant bles, and rules for finding the quantity of claims of fanatical and diaffected clergymen. cargo which a ship can carry; also, an intro- 8th ed. 4 v. 160. London, 1753. duction on freight, charterparties, and bills GORDON, (Thomas; F. R. S.) History of the of lading; with an appendix of the passen- Greek Revolution. 2v. 80. Edinburgh, 1732. gers' act. 8~. London, 1852. GORDON, (Thomas F.) Collection of the Laws Examiner for the National Marine of the United States relating to Revenue, Boards; with rules for the use of the nauti- Navigation and Commerce, and Lightcal Almanac. 2d ed. 80. London, 1851. Houses, &c., to March 4, 1843, including Extra Examiner. Being a continua- the treaties with foreign powers. 80. Philtion of the Examiner for the National Marine adelphia, 1844. (12 copies.) Boards. 80. London, 1852. Digest of the Treaties and Statutes of - Lunar and Time Tables, adapted to the United States, relating to Commerce, new, short, and accurate methods for finding Navigation, and Revenue. 80. Philadelthe Longitude by chronometers and lunar phia, 1830. (2 copies.) distances. 2d ed. Small 40., London, 1852. Digest of the Laws of the United States. GORDON, (Rev. James.) History of Ireland, With abstract of the judicial decisions relatfrom the earliest account to the union with ing to the constitutional and statutory law. Great Britaiinin801. 2v. 80. London, 1806. 80. Philadelphia, 1827. (3 copies.) - - History of the Rebellion in Ireland in The same. 2d ed. 80. Philadelphia, 1798, &c. 80. London, 1801. 1837. (6 copies) 480 GORDON. GOSSE. GORDON, (Thomas F.) Digest of the laws of GORGEI, (Arthur.) My Life and Acts in Hunthe United States, &c. 3d ed. 8~. Phila- gary, in the years 1848 and 1849. 2 v. 12~. delphia, 1844. (2 copies.) London, 1852. The same. 4th ed. 8~. Philadelphia, GORGES, (Sir Ferdinando.) Briefe Narration 1851. (2 copies.) of the Plantations into the parts of America, Gazetteer of the State of New-York, especially that of New England, 1658. 80. 80. Philadelphia, 1836. Boston, 1837. (Mass. -list. Coil., v. 6, History of America: containing the His- third series.) tory of the Spanish Discoveries prior to 1520. The same. (Maine Hist. Coll., v. 2.) 2v. 160. Philadelphia, 1831. (V. 2wanting.) GORHAM, (George M.) Future Punishment. History of Ancient Mexico; from the Burney Prize Essay, for 1851. 80. Camfoundation of that empire to its destruction bridge, (Eng.,) 1852. by the Spaniards. 2 v. in 1. 120. Phila- GORHAM, (John.) Unfrequented Paths in Opdelphia, 1832. tics. Part I. Light from a Pin-Hole; comHistory of New Jersey, from its dis- prehending visual angle and the microscopic covery by Europeans, to the adoption of the power of the eye. 80. London, 1855. federal constitution. Also, Gazetteer of the GORMAN, (John B.) Philosophy of Animated State of New Jersey. 2v.in1. 80. Tren- Existence; or, sketches of living physics. ton, 1834. With a brief medical account of the middle History of Pennsylvania, from its dis- regions of Georgia. 80. Philadelphia, 1845. covery by Europeans, to 1776. 80. Phila- GonRRsUS, (James.) Opera. Definitionum delphia, 1829. Medicarum libri xxiv. locupletati et accesTreatise on the Law of Pennsylvania, sione magna adaucti. Folio. Parisiis, 1622. relating to the Estates of Decedents, the GonsAS, (Antoine Joseph.) Courrier de VerConstitution, Powers, and Practice of the sailles ai Paris, et des Departements. 48 v. Orphan's Court. 80. Philadelphia, 1825. in 24. 120. Paris, 1789-94. GORDON, (William; D.D.) History of the Rise, GORTON, (Benjamin.) Scriptural Account of Progress, and Establishment of the Indepe.n- the Millennium. 160. Troy, (N. Y.,) 1802. dence of the United States of America. 4 v. GORTON, (John.) General Biographical Dic80. London, 1788. tionary. 3 v. 80. London, 1847. GORDON, (William; of Glasgow.) Universal - Population of Great Britain, according Accountant, and Complete Merchant. 2 v. to the returns made to Parliament in 1831; 80. Edinburgh, 1763. with the annual value of real property as GORDON, (William A.) Compilation of Re- possessed in 1815. 80. London, 1832. gisters of the Army of the United States, - Topographical Dictionary of Great Britfrom 1815 to 1837, inclusive. 120. Wash- ain and Ireland. 3v. 80. London, 1833. ington, 1837. (2 copies.) GORuoN, (Samuel.) Simplicity's Defense GoRE, (Catherine Frances.) Cecil; or, against Seven-Headed Policy, 1646. 80. adventures of a Coxcomb. 160. London, Providence, 1835. (R. I. Hist. Coll., v. 2.) 1845. (Bentley's Standard Novels, v. 97.) GOSPELS. See BIBLE. Mothers and Daughters. 160. Lon- Goss, (Ephraim.) Supervisor's Book; condon, 1849. (Bentley's Stand. Novels, v. 37.) taining an abstract of all laws now in force Paris in 1841. 80. London, 1842.. relating to the dowers and duties of superSoldier of Lyons. 160. London, 1841. visors of the several towns and counties of (Bentley's Stand. Novels, v. 82.) the State of New-York, with suitable forms, The Two Aristocracies; a novel. 3 v. notes, and references. 80. Rochester, 1849. 120. London, 1857. GossE, (Philip Henry.) Actinologia BritanGORE, (John.) Evolutions of a Field Battery nica: a history of the British sea-anemones explained in detail. Also, the principal and corals; with colored figures. 80. Lonmanoeuvres of a brigade of batteries. 120. dou, 1860. Woolwich, 1846. The Aquarium; an unveiling of the GORE'S Dictionary of Liverpool and its Envi- wonders of the deep sea. 2d ed. 120. rons. 80. Liverpool, 1853. London, 1854. GORGEI, (Arthur.) Mein Leben und Wirken - Assyria; her manners and customs, in Ungarn, in den Jahren 1848 und 1849. arts and arms, restored from her monuments. 2 v. 80. Leipzig, 1852. 120. London, 1852. 481 GOSSE. GOUGH. GossE, (Philip Henry.) Birds of Jamaica. GOUAN, (Antoine.) Histoire des Poissons; 12~. London, 1847. contenant la description anatomique de leurs Canadian Naturalist. 120. London, parties externes et internes, et le caractero 1840. des divers genres rang6s par classes et par Letters from Alabama, (U. S.,) chiefly ordres. Small 4~. Strasbourg, 1770. relating to Natural History. 12~. London, Hortus Regius Monspeliensis. 80. Lug1859. duni, 1762. Life; its lower, intermediate, and higher Nomenclateur Botanique. 80. Montforms. 120. London, 1857. pellier, 1795. Naturalist's Rambles on the Devonshire GOUBEAU de la Bilennerie, (Jacques FranCoast. 12~. London, 1853. cois.) Traite G6n6ral de l'Arbitrage en maNaturalist's Sojourn in Jamaica. 12~. tiere civile et commerciale; ou recueil comLondon, 1851. plet des rdgles h suivre, tant par les parties The Ocean. 120. London, 1849. que par les arbitres. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1827. Sacred Streams; the ancient and mod- GOUDAR, (Ange.) L'Espion Chinois; ou, l'enern history of the rivers of the Bible. 120. voye secret de la cour de Pekin, pour examiLondon, 1850. ner l'6tat prdsent de L'Europe. Traduit du GoSSE, (William Henry.) Omphalos; an at- Chinois. 6 v. 160. Cologne, 1764. tempt to untie the geological knot. 120. Lon- GOUDARD, (M.) Rapports faites A l'Assemdon, 1857. blee Nationale, sur l'tablissement d'un GOSSELIN, (Jean Edme Auguste.) Power of Tarif Uniforme, &c. 2 v. in 1. 80. Paris, the Pope during the Middle Ages; or, an his- 1790. torical inquiry into the origin of the Tempo- GOUDELIN, (Pierre.) Las Obros; augmentaral Power of the Holy See, and the constitu- dos de for9o p6ssos, 6 le dictiounari sus la tional laws of the middle ages relating to the lengo Moundino. 180. Touloso, 1678. deposition of sovereigns. Translated by GOUGE, (William M.) Expediency of DisMatthew Kelly. 2 v. 80. London, 1853. pensing with Bank Agency and Bank PaGossoN, (Stephen.) School of Abuse; a plea- per in Fiscal Concerns of the United States. sant invective against poets, players, &c. 80. Philadelphia, 1837. 80. London, 1841. (Shakespeare Soc'y ~ Fiscal History of Texas; its revenues, Publications, v. 8.) debts, and currency, from the commenceGOSTICK, (Joseph.) Spirit of German Poetry; ment of the revolution in 1834, to 1851-2; translations; with critical notices. 80. Lon- with remarks on American debts. 80. Philadon, 1845. delphia, 1852. GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE. Essays on, by T.. Short History of Money and Banking Warton, J. Benham, Captain Grose, and J. in the United States, including an account Milner. 80. London, 1800. of Provincial and Continental paper money; GOTHOFREDUS, (Jacobus.) Fontes quatuor with an inquiry into the principles of the Juris Civilis in unum collecti; sive legis xlI system. 160. Philadelphia, 1833. tabularum fragmenta que supersunt; legis GOUGER, (Henry.) Personal narrative of five Julie et Papie itidem fragmenta suo ordini years imprisonment in Burmah. 120. Lonreddita, notisque illustrata; edicti perpetui, don, 1860. ut et Sabinianorum librorum ordo seresque. GOUGET, (M.,) et MERGER, (M.) Diction40. Genevme, 1653. naire de Droit Commercial. 20 ed., mise en Manuale Juris; ubi quatuor sequentia harmonie avec la ldgislation nouvelle juscontinentur. I. Juris Romani Historia. qu'au 30 Mars, 1852. 4 v. 80. Paris, 1852. II. Biblioteca. III. Florilegium Sententia- GOUGI, (James.) Memoirs of his life, religious rum ex Corpore Justinianeo desumptarum. experiences, etc. 80. Philadelphia, 1845. IV. Series librorum et titulorum in Institu- (Friends' Library, v. 9.) tionibus, digestis et codice, cujus prima GOUGH, (John B.) Autobiography. 160. Bospars, ad institutiones pertinens, scripta est a ton, 1845. J. F. Berthelot. Editio nova. 80. Parisiis, GOUGH, (Richard.) Catalogue of the Books 1806. relating to British Topography, and Saxon GOTTSCHALCK, (F.) Popular Traditions. Se- and Northern Literature, bequeathed to the lections fiom. Translated. (Roscoe's Ger- Bodleian Library in 1799, by Richard Gough. man Novelists, v. 2.) 40. Oxford, 1814. 61 482 GOUGH. GO4ZZI. GOJUGH, (Richard.) Sepulchral Monuments in GOULDSBOROUGH, (J.) Reports of Cases in Great Britain; applied to illustrate the history all the Courts at Westminster, in the latter of families, manners, habits, and arts. 5 v. years of the reign of Queen Elizabeth. 4~. in 3. Folio. London, 1786-96. London, 1653. GOUIN and LE CHATELIER, (MM.) Experi- GOULIANOF, (J. A. de.) Arch6ologie ]gypments on Locomotive Engines. From the tienne, ou recherches sur l'expression des French, by R. Lloyd. 4~. London, 1847. signes hieroglyphiques, et sur les 61imens GOULD, (Augustus A.) Mollusca and Shells. de langue sacree des ligyptiens. 3 v. 8~. 40. WithAtlas. Folio. Philadelphia, 1852. Leipsic, 1839. (Wilkes' U. S. Ex. Expedition, v. 12 ) GOUJRCY, (N. de.) De l'itat des Personnes GOULD, (Benjamin A., Jr.) Reply to the en France. (Leber, Coil. Tlist. France, "Statement of the Trustees" of the Dudley v. 5.) Observatory. 80. Albany, 1859. GOUIGAUD, (Gaspard.) Campaign of 1815; GOULD, (Hannah F.) Poems. 3 v. 160. narrative of the military operations in France Boston, 1839-41. and Belgium during the Hundred Days. 8~. GOULD, (James.) Treatise on the Principles London, 1818. of Pleading in Civil Actions. 80. Bos- GOURLAY, (Robert.) Statistical Account of ton, 1832. Upper Canada, compiled with a view to a -- The same. 4th ed., with notes, adapted grand system of emigration. 3 v. 80. to the New York Code of Procedure, by London, 1822. George Gould. 80. Albany, 1861. GOURVILLE, (Jean 6Hrauld de.) Mdmoires, GOULD, (John.) Biographical Dictionary of concernant les Affaires ausquelles il a 6t6 Eminent Artists. 2v. 160. London, 1835. employ6 par la Cour, depuis 1642 juqu'en GOULD, (John.) Birds of Australia. 7 v. 1698. 2 v. 160. Paris, 1724. Folio. London, 1848. The same. 80. Paris, 1838. (MiSupplement to the Birds of Australia. chaud, Coll. Mem. Hist. France, v. 27.) Parts 1-3, in I v. Folio. London, 1856. The same. 80. Paris, 1826. (Peti- Monograph of the Odontophorinae, or tot, Coll. M6m. Hist. France, s6r. 2, v. 52.) Partridges of America. Folio. London, GOUVERNMENT Politique des Provinces du 1850. Pays-Bas. 240. Leide, (n. d.) (With Monograph of the Ramphastidae, or Galardi, Traite Politique.) Family of Toucans. Folio. London, 1854. GOVER, (Edward.) Atlas of Universal His--- Monograph of the Trochilide, or Family torical Geography. 80. London, 1854. of Humming-Birds. 5 v. Folio. Lon- GOVETT, (Robert, Jr.) Isaiah Unfutlfilled; don, 1861. an exposition of the prophet, with new verGOULD, (John W.) Private Journal of aVoy- sion and critical notes. 80. London, 1841. age from New-York to Rio de Janeiro; with Revelation of St. John, literal and fumemoir, and occasional writings. 80. New- ture. 120. London, 1843. York, 1838. Gow, (Neil.) Practical Treatise on the Law GOUD, (Josiah.) Digest of the Statutes of of Partnership. With appendix of preceArkansas; embracing all laws of a general dents, and all the new decisions to the and permanent character in force at close of present period. 3d ed. 80. London, 1841. 1856; with notes of decisions of the Supreme Reports of Cases at Nisi Prius in the Court upon the statutes, and forms for Court of Common Pleas, 1818 to 1820. 80. justices of the peace. 80. Little Rock, London, 1828. 1858. GOWER, (Francis Leveson, Earl.) TranslaGOULD, (Lucius D.) American House Car- tions from the German; and original poems. penters' and Joiners' Assistant. 2d ed. 40. 80. London, 1824. New-York, 1855. GOWER, (John.) Confessio Amantis. 80. GOULD, (Sir Nathaniel.) Essay on the Pub- London, 1810. (Chalmers' Eng. Poets, v. 2.) lick Debts of this Kingdom, 1726. 3d ed. GOWRIE'S Conspiracie. Discourse of the ConReprinted, 8C. London, 1857. (Financial spiracie against the King's Majestie's Person Pam., v. 21.) at Sanct Johnstoun, 1600. (Somers' Coll. Defence of Essay on the Public Debts Tracts, v. 1.) of this Kingdom, 1727. Reprinted, 80. GozzI, (Carlo.) Novels. Selected and transLondon, 1857. (Financial Pam., v. 21.) lated. (Roscoe's Italian Novelists, v. 4.) 483 GRAAH. GRAHAM. GRAAH, (W. A.) Narrative of an Expedition GRAHAM, (David.) Treatise on the Practice of to the East Coast of Greenland, sent by the Supreme Court of the State of New-York. order of the King of Denmark in Search of 3d ed. V. 1. 83. New-York, 1847. the Lost Colonies; Translated from the Dan- GRAHAM, (G. F.) English; or, the art of ish, by G. G. Macdougall. 8~. London, composition explained in a series of instruc1837. tions and examples. 18l. London, 1842. GRABE, (Johann Ernest.) Spicilegium SS. English Synonymes Classified and ExPatrum, ut et Haeeticorum, Seculi I., II., plained. 2d ed. 16~. London, 1853. et III. (Gr. et Lat.) 80. Oxonie, 1699. Genealogical Chart of English SoverGRABU, (Lewis.) Albion and Albanius; an eigns. 80. London, 1844. opera, or representation of musick. Folio. GRtAIHAM, (George Farquhar.) Essay on the London, 1687. Theory and Practice of Musical Composition. GRADUS AD PARNASSUM. New edition, re- 40. Edinburgh, 1838. vised, by R. B. 80. London, 1851. Songs of Scotland; adapted to their GRAEME, (James.) Poems. 160. Chiswick, appropriate melodies, arranged with piano1822. (British Poets, v. 71.) forte accompaniments, and historical, bioGREuVIUS, (Joannes Georgius.) Thesaurus graphical, and critical notices. 3 v. 80, Antiquitatum Romanarum. 12 v. Folio. Edinburgh, 1848-50. Trajecti ad Rhenum et Lugduni Batavorum, GRAHAM, (Isabella.) Power of Faith, Exem1694-99. plified in her Life and Writings. 160. LonNote.-The more important contents of the volumes don, 1822. are catalogued under the names of their authors. GRAHAM, (James.) Life of Gen. Daniel GRAFF, (E. G.) Althochdeutscher Sprach- Morgan, of the Virginia line of the army of schatz; oder, Worderbuch der Althochdeuts- the United States; with portions of his corchen Sprache. 6 v. 40. Berlin, 1834-42. respondence. 120. New York, 1859. GrtaFFE, (Johann Friedrich Christoph.) Pro- GRAHAM, (John A.) Address to the Public; sodiacal Lexicon of the Greek Language; with copy of letter to Stephen R. Bradley. collected from the heroic poets. Translated 80 New York, 1805. (Pol. Pam., v. 104.) from the German, by J. E. Tayler. 120. Descriptive Sketch of the Present State London, 1827. of Vermont. 80 London, 1797. GRAFFIGNY, (Fran9oise d'Happoncourt de.) GRAHAM, (Maria.) Journal of a Residence in Lettres d'une Pdruvienne, augmentees et Chile, during the year 1822, and a voyage suivies des Lettres d'Aza. 80. Paris, 1813. - from Chile to Brazil in 1823. 40. LonVie Privee de Voltaire et de Mme. du don, 1824. Chatelet, pendant un s6jour de six mois -- Journal of a Residencein India. 2ded. Cirey. Suivie de cinquante lettres in6dites 40. Edinburgh, 1813. de Voltaire. 80. Paris, 1820. Journal of a Voyage to Brazil, and Letters written by a Peruvian Princess. residence there, during part of 1821-23. 2 v. 160. London, 1771. 40. London. 1824. GRAFTON, (H. D.) Treatise on the Camp and Memoirs of the Life of Nicholas PousMarch; with the construction of field-works sin. 80. London, 1820. and military bridges. 120. Boston, 1854. Three Months passed in the Mountains GRAFTON, (Richard.) Chronicle, or History East of Rome, during the year 1819. 80. of England. 2 v. 40. London, 1809. London, 1820. GRAHAM, (Andrew J.) Brief Longhand; a GRAHAM, (Peter.) Topographical Dictionary system oflonghand contractions. 120. New- of Palestine, or the Holy Land. 8~. LonYork, 1857. don, 1836. Hand-Book of Standard or American GRAHAM, (Robert Hay.) Graefenberg; or, Phonography. 120. New-York, 1858. a true Report of the Water Cure; with an GRAHAM, (David.) Treatise on the Law of account ofits antiquity. 80. London, 1844. New Trials, in Cases Civil and Criminal. GRAHAM, (Thomas.) Chemical Reports and 2d ed.; with a full analysis of each chapter. Memoirs. Translated from the French and 3 v. 80. New-York, 1855. (2 copies.) German, by G. E. Day. 80. London, 1848. Treatise on the Organization and Juris- - Elements of Chemistry, including the diction of the Courts of Law and Equity, in applications of the science in the arts. 2d Am,, the State of New York. 80. New-York, 1839. from 2d London ed. 80. Philadelphia, 858 484 GRAHAM. GRANIER. GRAHAM, (Thomas John.) Best Method of 1625-72. 80. Paris, 1839. (Michaud. Coll. improving Health and invigorating Life, by Mem. Hist. France, v. 29.) regulating the Diet and Regimen. 5th ed. The same. 2 v. 80. 1826-7. (Pe160. London, 1842. titot, Coll. M6m. Hist. France, s6r. 2, v. - ChemicalCatechism. 80. London,1829. 56-57.) G — Cold Water System; an essay, exhibit- GRAMMONT, (Cornte de.) See HAMILTON, ing the real merits and most safe and ef- (Anthony.) fectual employment of this excellent system GRAMONT, (Armand de.) See GUICHE. in Indigestion, Costiveness, Asthma, Cough, GRANADA, (Luis de.) Obras. 2a ed. 3 v. Consumption, Rheumatism, Gout, &c.; with 80. Madrid, 1849-50. (Biblioteca de Aucautionary remarks, and some new cases. tores Espanoles, v. 16-18.) 2d ed. 80. London, 1843. Meditaciones y Guia de Pecadores. Diseases Peculiar to Females; Treat- (Coleccion de Autores Espanfoles, v. 18.) ment of Epilepsy, Diseases of the Heart, and GRAND, (Le.) See LE GRAND. a Medical Glossary. 5th ed. 80. Lon- GRAND Vizier Unmasked; or, remarks on the don, 1850. supposed claims of Mr. Canning to Public -- Modern Domestic Medicine; a popular Confidence. By a Protestant Tory. 4th ed. treatise; with a Domestic Materia Medica; 80. London, 1827. (Pol. Pam., v. 38.) and an appendix on the Cold Water System. GRAND Vocabulaire Francois. Par une soci6t6 11th ed. 80. London, 1853. de gens de lettres. 30 v. 40. Paris, 1767GRAHAM, (Rev. William; of Newcastle.) Ad- 1774. vantagesand Disadvantages of Ecclesiastical GRANDIN, (F.) Souvenirs Historiques du Establishments examined. 160. London, Capitaine Krettly, Ancien Trompette-Major 1821. des Guides d'Italie. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1839. GRAHAM, (William; Surveyor.) Collection of GRANDMAISON, (Charles.) Dictionnaire HerEpitaphs and Monumental Inscriptions, aldique; contenant l'explication et la desancient and modern. 160. Carlisle, 1821. cription des termes, des notices surles ordres GRAHAM, (Rev. William; M. R.I. A.) Jordan de chevalerie, les ornaments et l'origine des and the Rhine; being the result of five years' armoiries, &c. Publie par l'Abbe Migne. residence in Syria and five years' residence in 80. Paris, 1852. Germany. 80. London, 1854. GRANDPRE, (L. M. J. de.) Voyage in the GRAHAME, (James.) History of the Rise and Indian Ocean and to Bengal, undertaken in Progress of the United States of North the year 1790. From the French. 16~. America, till the British Revolution in 1688. Boston, 1803. 2 v. 80. London, 1827. GRANDVILLE, (J. J.) Cent Proverbes IllusHistory of the United States of North tres. 80. Paris, 1845. America, from the plantation of the British ~ Un Autre Monde; transformations, Colonies till their revolt and declaration of visions, incarnations, ascensions, locomoindependence. 4 v. 80. London, 1836. tions, explorations, p6ergrinations, excur~ — Inquiry into the Principles of Popula- sions, stations, reveries, fantasmagories, tion. 80. Edinburgh, 1816. faceties, et autres choses. 8~. Paris, 1849. GRAINGE, (William.) Castles and Abbeys See FABLES. of Yorkshire; a historical and descriptive G0RANGER, (James.) Biographical History of account of the most celebrated ruins in the England; Egbert the Great to the Revolucounty. 80. York, 1855. tion. 5th ed. 6 v. 80. London, 1824. GRAINGER, (James.) Poems. 80. London, Letters between Rev. James Granger 1810. (Chalmers' Eng. Poets, v. 14.) and many of the most eminent literary men The same. 160. Chiswick, 1822. of his time. Edited by J. P. Malcolm. 80. (British Poets, v. 59.) London, 1805. GRAMMAR of the Bakele Language, with vo- GRANGIER, (Le Pire.) Examen Thdologique cabularies. By the missionaries of the A. sur la Societe du Pret a Rente. Dialogue B. C. F. M, Gaboon Station, Western Africa. entre Bail et Pontas, Docteurs en theologie. 80. New-York, 1854. 3e 6d. Paris, 1747. GRAMMATICAAnglo-Saxonica. 80. Oxoniae, GRANIER DE CASSAGNAC, (Adolphe.) His1711. toire des Causes de la R6volution Frangaise. GRAMMONT, (Antoine, Due de.) Memoires. 3 v. 80. Paris, 1850. 485 GRANT. GRASSINEAU. GRANT, (Andrew.) History of Brazil; ageo- Lords, from 1830 to 1836. 3d ed. 12~. graphical account; with a narrative of the London, 1836. most remarkable events which have occurred Sketches in London. 3d edition. 80. there since its discovery. 8~. London, 1809. London, 1850. GRANT, (Mrs. Anne.) Essays on the Super- - Travelsin Town. 2v. 120. London, stitions of the Highlanders of Scotland. 2 v. 1839. 160. London, 1811. GRANT, (John.) Institutes of Latin Grammar, Letters from the Mountains; being the 2d ed. 80. London, 1823. real correspondence of a lady, between the GRANT, (Johnson.) History of the English years 1773 and 1807. 2d ed. 3 v. 160. Church, and of the Sects which have deLondon, 1807. parted from its communion. 3 v. 80. Memoir and Correspondence of Mrs. London, 1811-20. Grant of Laggan, author of "Letters from GRANT, (Robert.) History of Physical Asthe Mountains," etc. Edited by her son, J. tronomy, from the earliest ages to the middle P. Grant. 3 v. 120. London, 1844. of the 19th century. 80. London, 1862. Memoirs of an American Lady, with GRANTHAM, (John.) Facts and Observations sketches of manners and scenery in America, in Medicine and Surgery. 80. London, 1844. as they existed previous to the revolution. - Iron as a Material for Ship-Building. 120. New-York, 1846. 80. London, 1842. GRANT, (Anthony.) Historical Sketch of the ~- Iron Ship Building; with practical exCrimea. 160. London, 1855. amples and details. In twenty-four plates; GRANT, (Benjamin.) Reports of Cases in the with text of explanations. 3d ed. Text, Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, 1852 to 16c. Plates, folio. London, 1858-62. 1860. 2 v. 80. Philadelphia, 1859-61. GRANVILLE, (Augustus Bozzi.) Catechism of GRANT, (Charles.) History of Mauritius, or Health; with facts respecting the nature, the Isle of France, and the neighboring is- treatment, and prevention of cholera. 4th lands. 40. London, 1801. edition. 240. London, 1832. GRANT, (Harding.) Practice in the High - Counter-Irritation; its principles and Court of Chancery; with costs, official forms, practice, illustrated by one hundred cases of pleadings, &c. 3d ed.; including Lord the most painful and important diseases efBrougham's amended and additional orders. fectually cured by external application. 80. 2 v. 120. London, 1833. (2 copies.) London, 1838. GRANT, (James; Barrister.) PracticalTreatise Spas of England, and principal Seaon the Law of Corporations in general, as Bathing Places. Northern Spas. 120. well aggregate as sole. 80. London, 1850. London, 1841. Treatise on the Law relating to Bank- The same. Midland Spas. 12~. ers and Banking. 120. London, 1856. London, 1841. (2 copies.) - The same. Southern Spas. 120. GRANT, (James; of the 62d Regiment.) Adven- London, 1841. tures of an Aidde-e-Camp. 3v. 120. Lon — Spas of Germany. 2d edition. 80 don, 1848. London, 1839. GRANT, (James; Editorof the Morning Adver- -- St. Petersburgh; a journal of travels tiser.) Impressions of Ireland and the Irish. to and from that capital; through Flanders, 2 v. 120. London, 1844. the Rhenish Provinces, Prussia, Russia, Po--- Metropolitan Pulpit; or, sketches of land, Silesia, Saxony, the federate states of the most popular preachers in London. 120. Germany, and France. 2d edition. 2 v. New-York, 1839. 80. London, 1829. Paris and its People. 2 v. 120. Sudden Death. 120. London, 1854. London, 1844. GRASSETTI, (F.) Life of St. Catherine of BoPortraits of Public Characters. 2 v. logna. 120. London, 1850. (Bound with 120. London, 1841. Languet's Life of M. M. Alacoque, v. 2.) Random Recollections of the House of GRASSINEAU, (James.) Musical Dictionary; a Commons, from 1830 to 1835; including collection of terms and characters, as well personal sketches of the leading members. ancient as modern; including the historical, 5th ed. 120. London, 1837. theoretical, and practical parts of music. - Random Recollections of the House of 80. London, 1740. 486 GRASWINCKEL. GRAY. GRASWINCKEL, (Theodor.) Stricturre ad Cen- GRAVES, (J. T.) Roman and Canon Law. 4~. suram Joannis a Felden ad libros Hugonis London, 1845. (Ency. Metropolitana, v. 2.) Grotii de Jure Belli ac Pacis. 24~. Am- GRAVES, (Richard; D. D.) Lectures on the stelredami, 1654. Last Four Books of the Pentateuch, designed GRATRY, (Joseph Alphonse.) Philosophie. to show the divine origin of the Jewish reliDe la Connaissance de l'Ame. 2e 6d. 2 v. gion. 2 v. 8~. London, 1807. 8~. Paris, 1857. GRAVES, (Rev. Richard.) Spiritual Quixote. GRATTAN, (Henry.) Address to Citizens of 2 v. 160. London, 1820. (Barbauld's Dublin on retiring fiom Parliament. 8~. Brit. Novelists, v. 32-33.) Philadelphia, 1797. (Pol. Pam., v. 32.) GRAVES, (Richard; R. N.) Case of Richard ---- Miscellaneous Works. 8~. London, 1822. Graves, of the Royal Navy. 80. London, Speech in Irish House of Commons 1812. (Pol. Pam., v. 52.) against Union with Great Britain. 8~. Lon- GRAVIlRE, (E. Jurien de la.) Sketches of the don, 1800. (Pol. Pam., v. 80.) last Naval War. From the French, by Speeches. 80. New-York, 1813. Captain Plunkett, R. N. 2 v. in 1. 120. Speeches in the Irish and in the Impe- London, 1848. rial Parliament. Edited by his son, Henry GRAVINA, (Janus Vincentius.) Originum Juris Grattan. 4 v. 80. London, 1822. Civilis libri II. Editio novissima, unice.... Speeches of Grattan, Curran, and Phil- emendata, et aucta. 2 v. in 1. 40. Neapoli, lips, the celebrated Irish orators. 80. Phil- 1722. adelphia, 1816. - The same. Traduit du Latin, par M. ~- - Memoirs of the Life and Times of the Requier. 3 v. 120. Amsterdam, 1766. Right Honorable Henry Grattan, by his son. GRAY, (Alonzo.) Elements of Natural Philo5 v. 80. London, 1849. sophy. 120. New-York, 1850. GRATTAN, (Peachy R.) Reports of Cases in and ADAMS, (Charles B.) Elements the Supreme Court of Appeals, and in the of Geology. 120. New-York, 1853. General Court of Virginia, 1844 to 1858. GRAY, (Andrew.) Treatise on Spinning Ma14 v. 80. Richmond, 1845-59. (2 copies.) chinery; illustrated with plans. 80. EdinGRATTAN, (Thomas Colley.) Agnes deMans- burgh, 1819. felt. 160. London, 1847. (Bentley's Stand. GRAY, (Asa.) Botanical Text-Book; an Novels, v. 109.) introduction to scientific botany, both struc- Civilized America. 2v. 80. London, tural and systematic. 3d ed. 80. New1859. - York, 1850. England and the Disrupted States of Botany; Phanerogamia. 40. With America. 3d ed. 80. London, 1862. (Pol. atlas, folio. Philadelphia, 1854-56. (Wilkes's Pam., v. 92.) U. S. Ex. Expedition, v. 15.) - Heiress of Bruges. 160. London, 1844. Genera Florae Americge Boreali-Orien(Bentley's Stand. Novels, v. 39.) talis illustrata; the genera of the plants of History of the Netherlands. 160. New- the United States illustrated by figures and York, 1855. analyses from nature. By Isaac Sprague. ~__- The same. 160. London, 1830. (Lard- 2 v. 80. New-York, 1849. ner's Cabinet Cyclopredia, v. 53.) Manual of the Botany of the Northern Jacqueline of Holland. 160. London, United States, from New-England to Wis1843. (Bentley's Stand. Novels, v. 92.) consin, and South to Ohio and Pennsylvania GRATTAN, (William.) Adventures of the inclusive, (the mosses and liverworts by W. S. Connaught Rangers, from 1808 to 1814. Sullivant,) arranged according to the natural 2 series. 4 v 120. London, 1847-53. system. 120. Cambridge, (Mass.,) 1848. GRAVES, (George.) Naturalist's Pocket-Book. ~ Plantse Wrightian-e Texano-Neo-Mexi80. London, 1818. cante. 2 Parts. 40. Washington, 1852-3. - Ovarium Britannicum; or, delineation (Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, of the eggs of such birds as are natives of, v. 3 and 5.) or domesticated in Great Britain. 80. Lon- and TORRY, (John.) Flora of North don, 1816. America. 2 v. 80. New-York, 1838-40. GRAVES, (J. R.) Great Iron Wheel; or, re- GRAY, (Francis C.) Early Laws of Massapublicanism backwards, and Christianity chusetts Bay; with code adopted in 1641. reversed. 120. Nashville, 1855. (Mass. Hist. Coll., third series, v. 8.) 487 GRAY. GRAY. GRAY, (Francis C.) Prison Discipline in Amer- Practice in conducting actions in the Superior ica. 80. London, 1848. (Prison Disc. So- Courts of Law, and proceedings in the Crown ciety of Boston, v. 3.) Office; also, the practice and forms with reGRAY, (George H.) Mystic Circle, and Ameri- spect to the acknowledgment of deeds by can Hand-Book of Masonry. 2d ed. 120. married women. 8th ed.; by W. Paterson. Cincinnati, 1851. 12~. London, 1861. GRAY, (George Robert.) Genera of Birds; ~ Treatise on the Law of Costs in actions comprising their generic characters, a notice and other proceedings in the Courts of Cornof each genus, and an extensive list of spe- mon Law at Westminster. 80. London, cies referred to their several genera. Illus- 1853. trated by D. W. Mitchell. 3 v. 40. Lon- GRAY, (John C.) Essays; agricultural and don, 1844-49. literary. 120. Boston, 1856. GRAY, (Mrs. Hamilton.) The Empire and the GRAY, (Robert.) Connexion between the SaChurch, from Constantine to Charlemagne. cred Writings and the Literature of the Jew120. Oxford, 1857. ish and Heathen Authors, particularly that Emperors of Rome, from Augustus to of the classical ages, illustrated, principally Constantine; being a continuation of the with a view to evidence in confirmation of History of Rome. 120. London, 1850. the truth of revealed religion. 2 v. 80. -. History of Etruria. 2 v. 120. Lon- London, 1819. don, 1843-44. Key to the Old Testament and ApocryHistory of Rome, for Young Persons. pha. 10th ed. 80. London, 1841. 2 v. 120. London, 1847. Sermons on the Principles upon which Tour to the Sepulchres of Etruria, in the Reformation of the Church of England 1839. 2d ed. 80. London, 1841. was established. 80. Oxford, 1796. (BampGRAY, (Henry.) On the Structure and Use of ton Lectures for 1796.) the Spleen. 80. London, 1854. GRAY, (S.) Happiness of States; an inquiry Surgical Diseases of the Air-Passages. concerning population, the modes of subsist80. London, 1862. (Holmes' Surgery, ing and employing it, and the effects of all v. 3.) on human happiness. 40. London, 1815. Treatise on Injuries of the Neck. - Production of Wealth, and the Influ80. London, 1861. (Holmes' Surgery, ence of Society in carrying on that process. v. 2.), 80. London,.1820. (Pamphleteer, v. 17.) GRAY, (Horace, Jr.) Reports of Cases in the GRAY, (Samuel.) Natural Arrangement of Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts. British Plants, according to Jussieu, De 9 v. 80. Boston. 1855-63. (2 copies.) Candolle, Browne, &c. With an introducThe same. V. 13 and 14. 80. Boston, tion to botany. 2v. 80. London, 1821. 1860-63. (2 copies.) GRAY, (Samuel F.) Operative Chemist; a The same. V. 1 to 5. 80. Boston, practical display of the arts and manufac1855-58. tures which depend upon chemical princiGRAY, (Hugh.) Letters fiom Canada, written pies. 80. London, 1831. during a residence there, in 1806-1808. 80. GRAY, (Thomas.) Works. With memoirs of London, 1809. his life and writings, by W. Mason; and exGRAY, (James.) Present Duty; a discourse. tracts, philological, poetical, and critical, 80. Philadelphia, 1809. (Theol. Pam., from the author's original Mss., selected and v. 7.) arranged by T. J. Mathias. 2 v. Folio. GRAY, (John; of Edinbburgh.) First Lecture London, 1814. on Human Happiness. 80. Philadelphia, CONTENTS. 1825. (Pol. Pam.,v. 36.) Vol. 1. Odes. Lecture on Human Happiness; togetheregy it en i Cony Curc rd. Elegy written in a Country Churchyard. with Articles of Agreement of London Co- Imitations, Variations, etc. ~Memoirs of Gray, by W. 3Mason. operative Society. 80. London, 1825. (Pol. Letters to HI. Walpole. PaILm v. 63 ) Vol. 2. Metre and Rhyme, Essays on. Translations from Propertius, Tasso, PeThe Social System; a treatise on the trarch. Architectura Gothica. principle of exchange. 80. Edinburgh, Clssical Notes and Essays. 1831. Geographical Essays. Plato's Dialogues and Epistles. GRAY, (John; Barrister.) Country Attorney's Linancus, Illustrations of. 488 GRAY. GREAVES. GRAY, (Thomas.) Works. With notes, and Pleas, Quarter Sessions, Oyer and Terminer, a memoir, by W. Mitford. 5 v. 160. Lon- the Supreme and Orphan's Courts, and the don, 1835-47. offices of the various civil officers, and the CONTENTS, justices of the peace. 4th ed.; with notes Architectura Gothica, v. 5. and references, by Robert E. Wright. 80. Bard, The, v. 1. Correspondence with N. Nicholls, v. 5. Philadelphia, 1852. Correspondence relative to Gray, v. 5. GRAYSON, (William S.) Attempt to Exhibit Criticism on Architecture and Painting during a Tour in Italy, v. 4. the True Theory of Christianity as a conElegy written in a Country Churchyard, v. 1. sistent and practical system. 120. NewEpitaphs, v. 1.practical system. 1. ewEssay on the Poetry of Gray, v. 2. Yor, 1853. Extracts from the Greek, Latin, and Italian Poets,. 1. GRAZIAN[, (Antonio Maria.) La Vie du Caretters, v. 2-5. 1 dinal Jean Fran9ois Commendon; ou l'on Letters of the Alphabet, v. 5. voit ses voyages, ambassades, 1egations et Life of Gray, by J. Mitford, v. 1. Mathias's Letter on the Death of N. Nicholls, v. 5. got ons, ans es ps cons rabl Metrumn, v. 5. Cours des Empereurs, Rois, Princes et R6Notes on Walpole's Lives of the Painters, v. 5. Odes, v. 1. publiques de l'Europe. Traduito par M. Poemata, v. 1. F1echier. 120. Paris, 1695. Poems, v. 1. Posthumous Poems and Fragments, v. 1. GPAZZINI, (A. F.) Novels, selected and transProgress of Poesy, v. 1. Remarks on the Poems of Lydgate, v. 5. lated. (Roscoe's Ital. Novelists, v. 2.) Reminiscences of Gray, by N. Nicholls, v. 5. GREAT BRITAIN. Census of Great Britain in Works; containing his poems and cor- 1851. 80. London, 1854. respondence, with memoirs. 2 v. 120. - Index to the names of the Parishes, London, 1825. Townships, and Places in the population taPoetical Works. 160. London, 1790. bles of Great Britain. Folio. London, 1852. (Johnson's Eng. Poets, v. 64.) Population Returns of Great Britain The same. 120. London, 1801. for 1831. With a comparative account of The same. 80. London, 1810. (Chal- the population in 1801, 1811, 1821, and mers' Eng. Poets, v. 14.) 1831. 80. London, 1832. The same. 160. Chiswick, 1822. Population Tables.-Number of the in(Brit. Poets, v. 55 ) habitants in the years 1801, 1811, 1821, 1831, The same. With illustrations, by C. 1841, and 1851. 2 v. Folio. London, 1852. W. Radclyffe. Edited, with a memoir, by Resources and Statistics of the Nation; Henry Reed. 80. Philadelphia, 1851. digest of evidence before the Import Du- he same; illustrated. 80. Philadel- ties Committee. 80. London, 1841. (Pol. phia, 1858. Pam., v. 79.) ~ — Designs by R. Bentley, for Six Poems - Short Review of the Political State of by Thomas Gray. 40. London, 1789. Great Britain, at the commencement of the and MASON, (William.) Correspond- year 1787. 6th ed. 80. London, 1787. ence. With notes, by John Mitford. 80. GREAVES, (Charles Sprengel.) Lord CampLondon, 1858. bell's Acts, for the further improving the GRAY, (William.) Historical Sketch of the administration of criminal justice, and the Origin of English Prose Literature, and its better prevention of offences; together with progress till the Reign of James I. 80. the act for the better protection of apprentices Oxford, 1835. and servants; and the act for amending the GRAY, (Major William;) and DOCHARD, (Sur- law relating to the expenses of prosecutions; geon.) Travels in Western Africa, in the with notes, observations, and indictments. years 1818-21. 80. London, 1825. 80. London, 1851. GRAY, (William J.) Treatise on Rural Archi- GREAVES, (John.) Miscellaneous Works; tecture. 40. London, 1852. with account of the life and writings of the GRAY. See GREY. author, byT. Birch. 2v.. 80. London, 1737. GRAYDON, (Alexander.) Memoirs of a Life, CONTENTS. chiefly passed in Pennsylvania within the chiefly passed in Penn a w n Description of the Grand Seigneur's Seraglio, v. 2. last 60 years. 120. Harrisburgh, 1811. Discourse of the Roman Foot and Denarius, v. 1. The same. 8~. Edinburgh, 1822. Letters, v. 2. The same. 8. Edinburgh, 182. Observations on his Travels in Italy, Turkey, and GRAYDON, (W.) Forms of Conveyancing Egypt, v. 2. Pyramidographia; description of the Pyramids in and of Practice in the Courts of Common Egypt, v. 1. 489 GREAVES. GREEN. GREAVES, (John.) Description of the Pyra- GREEN. (Calvin,) and WELLS, (Seth Y.) Summids; also a Discourse on Roman Foot and mary View of the Millennial Church, or Denarius. (Churchill's Voyages and Trav- United Society of Believers, commonly called els, v. 2.) Shakers. 12~. Albany, 1823. GRECO, (Gioachino.) Jeu des Eschecs. Tra- GREEN, (C. J.) Trials for High Treason in duit de'Italien. 160. Paris, 1714. Scotland, under a special commission, held GREECE. History of Modern Greece; with a'at Stirling, Glasgow, Dumbarton, Paisley, view of its geography, antiquities, and and Ayr, in the year 1820. 3 v. 8~. Edinpresent condition. 8. 8 Boston, 1827. burgh, 1825. Picture of Greece in 1825; as exhibited GREEN, (Duff.) Argument in support of the in the personal narratives of James Emerson, Bill to incorporate the Pennsylvania Fiscal Count Pecchio, and W. H. Humphreys. 2 Agency. 8~. Philadelphia, 1859. v. 120. London, 1826. - United States and England. 80. LonGREEK ANTHOLOGY. Translated by G. Bur- don, 1842. ges. 120. London, 1854. (Bohn's Class. GREEN, (Francis H.) Biography of Mrs. Library, v. 34.) Semantha Mettler, the Clairvoyant. 160. GREEK LANGUAGE, Introductory key to; con- New-York, 1853. sisting of a grammar, an interlinear trans- GREEN, (Henry G.) Trial for the Murder of lation of the Gospel of St. Luke, and a key his Wife. 83. Troy, (N. Y.,) 1845. to parsing. 80. London, 1824. GREEN, (Henry W.) Reports of Cases in the GREEK TRAGIC TIEATRE: containing 2Eschy- Court of Chancery of the State of New-Jerlus by Potter, Sophocles by Francklin, and sey, 1838 to 1845. 3 v. 80. ElizabethEuripides by Wodhull. 5 v. 80. London, town, 1842-46. 1809. GREEN, (Jerome B.) World's Progress: and GREELEY, (Horace.) Glances at Europe; in other Poems. 160. Worcester, (Mass.,) 1856. a series of letters from Great Britain, France, GREEN, (Jonathan.) Practical Compendium Italy, Switzerland, &c., during the summer of the Diseases of the Skin. 2d ed. 80. of 1851; including notices of the great exhibi- London, 1837. tion, or world's fair 120. New-York, 1851. GREEN, (J. H.) Exposure of the Arts and Hints toward Reforms; in lectures, Miseries of Gambling. 5th ed. 120. Philaaddresses, and other writings. 120. New- delphia, 1847. York, 1850. Sketch of a Reformed Gambler; with - History of the Struggle for Slavery the origin, object, and nature of the AntiExtension or Restriction in the United States, Gambling Association. 80. New-York, from the Declaration of Independence to 1851. (Misc. Pam., v. 33.) 1856. 8(. New York, 1856. GREEN,.(J. S.) Reports of Cases in the SuOverland Journey from New York to preme Court of Judicature of New-Jersey, San Francisco in the summer of 1859. 120. 1831 to 1836. 3 v. 80. Trenton and WoodNew York, 1860. bury, 1833-38. and CLEVELAND, (John F.) Political GREEN, (Mary Anne Everett.) Letters of text-book for 1860; comprising a view of Queen Henrietta Maria, including her PriPresidential nominations and elections, in- vate Correspondence with Charles I. 120. eluding all the national platforms ever yet London, 1857. adopted; and returns of all Presidential - Lives of the Princesses of England, elections since 1836. 80. New-York, 1860. from the Norman Conquest. 6 v. 120. GREEN, (Ashbel.) Memoirs of the Rev. Joseph London, 1849-55. Eastburn. 120. Philadelphia, 1828. GREEN, (Matthew.) Poems. 160. London, Life of Ashbel Green, begun to be 1790. (Johnson's Eng. Poets, v. 69.) written by himself in his eighty-second year, The same. 80. London, 1810. (Chaland continued to his eighty-fourth. Prepared mers' Eng. Poets, v. 15.) for the press, by Joseph H. Jones. 80. The same. 160. Chiswick, 1822. New-York, 1842. (British Poets, v. 54.) GREEN, (Benjamin Richard.) Numismatic GREEN, (Nelson Winch.) Fifteen Years Atlas of Ancient History, and Descriptive among the Mormons; being the narrative of Guide to the Numismatic Atlas of Grecian Mrs. Mary Ettie V. Smith, late of Great Salt History. 2 v. in 1. Folio. London, 1829. Lake City. 120. New-York, 1858. 62 490 GREEN. GREENLEAF. GREEN, (Philip James.) Sketches of the War GREENE, (Robert,) and MARLOWE, (Christoin Greece. 12c. London, 1827. pher.) Poems. Edited byRobertBell. 16~. GREEN, (Robert.) Address on the subject of London, 1856. Under-Draining Wet and Cold Land, by a GREENER, (William.) Gunnery in 1858; being Plough. 80. London, 1832. a treatise on rifles, cannon, and sporting arms. GREEN, (Samuel.) Biblical and Theological 8~. London, 1858. Dictionary. 16". London, 1840. The Gun; or, a treatise on the various Life of Mahomet. 180. London, 1840. descriptions of small fire-arms. 80. Lon(Murray's Fam. Library, v. 37.) don, 1835. GREEN, (Thomas; of Ipswich.) Extracts from - Science of Gunnery, as applied to the the Diary of a Lover of Literature. 40. military and sporting arms of England, Ipswich, 1810. France, Belgium, Austria, Prussia, Russia, GREEN, (Thomas; Esq.) Memoirs of Char- and America. 8~. London, 1846. lotte Augusta; with a concise history of the GREEN-HAND'S First Cruise, roughed out from House of Brunswick. 80. Liverpool, 1821. the log-book of memory of twenty-five years' GREEN, (Thomas J.) Journal of the Texian standing; with a residence of five months Expedition against Mier, &c. 80. New- in Dartmoor. 2 v. in 1. 12~. Baltimore, York, 1845. 1841. GREENBUSIH, (N. Y.) An Act Revising, &c., GREEN-HOUSE Companion. 3ded. 80. Lonthe Charter of. 80. Albany, 1857. don, 1832. GREENE, (George.) Reports of Cases in law GREENHILL, (Thomas.) Art of Embalming; and equity in the Supreme Court of Iowa, wherein is shown the right of burial, the 1847 to 1854. 4 v. 80. Dubuque and Ce- funeral ceremonies, and the several ways of dar Rapids, 1849-58. (2 copies.) preserving dead bodies in most nations of GREENE, (George Washington ) Biographical the world. 40. London, 1705. Studies. 120. New-York, 1860. GREENHOW, (Edward Headlam.) On DiphD- iscourse before the Rhode Island theria. 80. London, 1860. Historical Society. 80. Providence, 1849. GREENHOW, (Robert.) History of Oregon ~ —- Life of Nathanael Greene. 160. Bos- and California, and the other territories on ton, 1846. (Sparks' Am. Biog., v. 10, second the North-West Coast of North America. 80. series.) Boston, 1844. GREENE, (Joshua.) Digested Index to the GREENI-OW, (T. M.) Cholera, as it recently Cases in the High Court of Admiralty, con- appeared in the towns of New-Castle and tained in the reports of Robinson, Edwards, Gateshead, &c. 80. London, 1832. (Med. and Dodson. 80. London, 1818. Pam., v. 1.) GREENE, (Max.) Kansas Region; forest, GREENLAND. Domestic Scenes in Greenland prairie, desert, mountain, vale, and river. and Iceland. 2d ed. 240. London, 1850. 120. New-York, 1856. - Preservation of 8 men in Greenland GREENE, (Robert.) Dramatic Works; and 9 months and 12 days. (Hakluyt Soc'y, Poems. With account of the author, and v. 18.) notes, by Alexander Dyce. 2 v. ~8. Lon- GREENLEAF, (Jonathan.) Sketches of the don, 1831. Ecclesiastical History of the State of Maine, CONTENTS. from the earliest settlement to the present Account of Greene and his Writings, v. 1. time. 160. Portsmouth (N. H.,) 1821. Alphousus, King of Arragon, v. 2. Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay, v. 1. GREENLEAF, (Moses.) Statistical View of the George-a-Green, the Pinner of Wakefield, v. 2. James-a-, t he Pieourth, vv. 2. District of Maine. 80. Boston, 1816. Looking-Glass for London and England, v. 1. Survey of the State of Maine in Orlando Furioso, v. 1. Poems, v. 2. reference to its geographical features, statis~ — Philomela: the Lady Fitzwater's Night- tics, and political economy. 80. Portland, ingale. Reprinted from edition of 1615. 40. 1829. London, 1814. (Brydges' Archaica, v. 1.) GREENLEAF, (Simon.) Collection of Cases Greene's Arcadia; or, Menaphon: Ca- Overruled, Denied, Doubted, or Limited in milla's alarum to slumber Euphues in his their Application, taken from American and melancholy cell at Silexedra. Reprinted English Reports. 80. Albany, 1838. from edition of 1616. 40. London, 1814. - The same. 3d ed. 80. New-York, (Brydges' Archaica, v. 1.) 1840. GREENLEAF. GREGORIUS. GnIEENLEAF, (Simon.) Collection of Cases GREENWOOD, (William.) Authority, JurisdicOverruled, &c. 4th ed. Revised and en- tion, and Method of Keeping County Courts, larged, by John Townshend. 8~. New- Courts-Leet, Courts-Baron; Explaining the York, 1856. (2 copies.) Judicial andMinisterial Authority of Sheriffs: Examination of the Testimony of the also, the Office and Duty of a Coroner. Four Evangelists, by the rules of evidence 8th ed. 80. London, 1722. administered in courts of justice; with an GREENWOOD Illustrated; in line engravings account of the trial of Jesus. 8~. Boston, fiom drawings by James Smillie, with de1846. scriptive notices by N. Cleveland. 40. New Treatise on the Law of Evidence. 3 v. York, 1847. 80. Boston, 1844-53. (4 copies of v. 1 and GREG, (William Rathbone.) Creed of Chris2, and 2 copies of v. 3.) tendom; its foundations and superstructure. -- The same. 3ded. 3v. 80. Boston, 80. London, 1851. 1850-56. Essays on Political and Social Science. The same. 2d ed. V. 3. 80. Boston, 2 v. 80. London, 1853. 1853. (2 copies.)' GOEGG, (Josiah.) Commerce of the Prairies; The same. 4th ed. V. 2 and 3. 80. or, the journal of a Santa Fe trader, during Boston, 1852-57. ('2 copies of v. 3.) eight expeditions across the great western The same. 5thed. V.. 80. Boston, prairies, and aresidenceof nearly nine years 1851. in northern Mexico. 2 v. 120. New-York, The same. 6th ed. V. 1 and 3. 80. 1844. Boston, 1852-60. (2 copies of v. 3.) GREGG, (Samuel.) Infant Church MemberThe same. 7th ed. V. 2. 80. Bos- ship; or, the spiritual and permanent characton, 1858. ter of theAbrahamic covenant. 180. CinThe same. 8thed. V.. 2.. Boston, cinnati, 1853. 1859. (2 copies.) GREGG, (Thomas.) Hand-Book of Fruit Cul~ — The same. 9th ed. V. 1 and 2. 80. ture. 160. New-York, 1857. Boston, 1858-63. GREGG, (W. P.;) and POND, (B.) Railroad ~ The same. 10th ed. V.1. 80. Boston, Laws and Charters of the United States, col1860. (2 copies.) lated and arranged in chronological order; - The same. 11th ed. V. 1. 80. Boston, with synopsis and explanatory remarks. 2 v. 1863. 80. Boston, 1851. GREENLEAF'S Reports. See MAINE REPORTS. GREGOIRE, (Henri.) De la Litt6rature des GREENOUGH, (G. B.) Critical Examination Negres; ou, recherches sur leurs facultes inof the First Principles of Geology. 80. tellectuelles, leurs qualites morales et leur London, 1819. litterature. 80. Paris, 1808. GREENWOOD, (Francis W. P.) History of Enquiry concerning the Intellectual King's Chapel, in Boston. 160. Boston, and Moral Faculties, and Literature of Ne1833. groes; with the life and works of 15 negroes Sermon at ordination of W. Newhall. and mulattoes. Translated from the French, 80. Cambridge, 1830. (Theol.Pam.,v.12.) by D.B. Warden. 80. Brooklyn, (N.Y.,) Sermon on Fast Day, Aug. 9, 1832. 1810. 80. Boston, 1832. (Theol. Pam., v. 12.) Lettre au Philantropes, sur les Gens de GREENWOOD, (Frederick.) Life of Napoleon Couleur de St. Domingue. 80. Paris, 1790. III., Emperor of the French; illustrated from (Slavery Pam., v. 15.) his Letters and Speeches. 180. London, GREGORIUS Magnus, (Saint.) Opera omnia. 1855. (Gr. et Lat.) Studio monachorum ord. S. GREENWOOD, (George.) Rain and Rivers; Benedicti. 4v. Folio. Parisiis, 1705. or, Hutton and Playfair against Lyell and ~ Morals on the Book of Job, by S. Greall comers. 80. London, 1857. gory the Great. 4 v. 80. Oxford, 1844-50. Tree-Lifter; or, a new Method of Trans- (Library of the Fathers, v. 34-37.) planting Forest Trees. 80. London, 1844. GREGORIUS Nazianzenus, (Saint.) Opera. GREENWOOD, (Joseph.) Narrative of the late (Gr. et. Lat.) Jac. Billius interpretatus est. Victorious Campaign in Affghanistan, under Aucta est hbec editio epistolis ex interpreGeneral Pollock; with recollections of seven tatione F. Morelli. 2 v. Folio. Colonike, years' ServiceinIndia. 120. London, 1844. 1690. 492 GREGORIUS. GRENIER. GREGORIUS Nazianzenus, (Saint.) Opera ore- Spherical Trigonometry. 16~. London, nia. (Gr. etLat.) Postoperammonachorum 1816. ord. S. Benedicti. 2 v. Folio. Parisiis, Hints to Teachers ofElementaryMathe1842. matics. 160. London, 1840. GREGORIUS Nyssenus, (Saint.) (Gr. et Lat.) Lessons, Astronomical and PhilosophiNunc denuo correctius edita. 3 v. Folio. cal. 2d ed. 16~. London, 1799. Parisiis, 1638. Letters on the Evidences, Doctrines, GREGORIUS Turonensis, (G. F., Saint.) Opera and Duties of the Christian Religion. 8th ed. omnia. Nec non Fredegarii Scholastici Epi- 160. London, 1848. tome et Chronicum. Illustrata opera T. Mathematics for Practical Men. 3d ed. Ruinart, monachi Benedictini. Folio. Lute- 80. London, 1848. cise Parisiorum, 1699. Memoirs of John Mason Good. 80. GREGOROVIUS, (Ferdinand.) Corsica, pictu- London, 1828. resque, historical, and social; with sketch of Tables for the use of Nautical Men, the early life of Napoleon, and an account Astronomers, &c. 160. London, 1843. of the Bonaparte, Paoli, Pozzo di Borgo, and Treatise of Mechanics. 4th ed. 3 v. other principal families. Translated from the including plates. 80. London, 1836. German, by Edward Joy Morris. 120. Phila- GREGORY, (William.) Handbook of Inorganic delphia, 1855. Chemistry. 3d ed. 120. London, 1853. The same. Translated by Russell Mar- The same. 4th Am. from 3d English tineau. 120. London, 1855. ed.; with the Physics of Chemistry, by J. GREGORY, (David.) Elements of Physical and Milton Sanders. 80. New-York, 1857. Geometrical Astronomy. 2d ed.; with Hal- ~ Handbook of Organic Chemistry. 4th ley's synopsis of the astronomy of comets. ed. 160. London, 1856. Revised by Edmund Stone. 2 v. 80. Lon- The same. 4th Am. from the 4th London, 1726. don ed. Edited by J. Milton Sanders. 80. Exercitatio Geometrica de Dimensione New-York, 1857. Figurarum; sive, specimen methodi gene- Letters to a Candid Inquirer on Animal ralis dimetiendi quasvis figuras. Small 40. Magnetism. 120. London, 1851. Edinburgi, 1684. Outlines of Chemistry, for the use of Treatise of Practical Geometry. 9th ed. Students. Revised by J. M Sanders. 80. 80. Edinburgh, 1780. Cincinnati, 1851. GREGORY, (Duncan Farquharson.) Examples GREHAN, (Amedee.) La France Maritime. of the Processes of the Differential and Inte- 4 v. 40. Paris, 1837-42. gral Calculus. 2d ed.; edited by William GREISLEY, (Sir Roger.) Life and Pontificate Walton. 80. Cambridge, (Eng.,) 1846. of Gregory the Seventh. 80. London, 1832. ~: and WALTON, (William.) Application GRELLET-DUMAZEAU, (T.) Trait6 de la Difof Analysis to Solid Geometry. 2d ed. 80. famation, de l'Injure, et de l'Outrage. 2 v. Cambridge, 1852. 80. Paris, 1847. GREGORY, (George; D.D.) Dictionary of Arts GRENET, (l'Abbl.) Atlas Portatif,i l'usage and Sciences. 2 v. 40. London, 1807. des Colleges, pour servir it l'intelligence des History of the Christian Church, from Auteurs Classiques. 40. Paris, 1781. the earliest period to the present- time. 2 v. GRENIER, (Charles;) et GODRON, (D.A.) Flore 80. London, 1795. de France; ou description des plantes qui GREGORY, (George; AI. D.) Lectures on Erup- croissent naturellement en France et en tive Fevers. 80. New York, 1851. Corse. 3 v. 80. Paris, 1848-50. GRiGORY, (G. de.) Ile de Sardaigne. 80. GRENIER, (Jean.) Traite des Donations, des Paris, 1839. (L'Univers, v. 65.) Testaments, et de toutes autres dispositions GREGORY, (John; M. D.) Legacy to his gratuites, suivant les principes du code civil. Daughters. 180. London, 1779. Prdcede d'un discours historique sur lanGREGORY, (John; C. E.) Complete Course cienne legislation relative a cette matiere. of Civil Engineering. 2 v. in 1. 80. Lon- On y a joint un Trait6 de l'Adoption de la don, 1842. Tutelle Officieuse, precede d'un discours hisGREGORY, (John.) Industrial Resources of torique sur l'adoption. 4e ed., augmentee Wisconsin. 160. Milwaukee, 1855. par M. Bayle-Mouillard. 4 v. 80. ClerGREGORY, (Olinthus.) Elements of Plane and mont-Ferrand, 1841-47. 493 GRENVILLE. GREY. GRENVILLE PAPERS. Correspondence of Rich- GREVILLE, (Robert Kaye.) Flora Edinensis; ard Grenville, Earl Temple, and the Right description of plants growing near EdinHon. George Grenville, their friends and burgh, arranged according to the Linnman contemporaries. Edited, with notes, by W. system. 80. Edinburgh, 1824. J. Smith. 4 v. 80. London, 1852-53. - Scottish Cryptogamic Flora; coloured GRENVILLE, (Thomas.) Bibliotheca Grenvil- figures and descriptions of cryptogamic liana; or, bibliographical notices of rare and plants, belonging chiefly to the order fungi; curious books forming his library, by J. T. intended to serve as a continuation of English Payne and Henry Foss. 3 v. 80. London, Botany. 6v. in3. 80. Edinburgh, 1823-27. 1842-48. GREW, (Nehemiah.) Anatomy of Plants; with GRENVILLE, (William Wyndham; Lord.) an idea of a philosopical history of plants. Essay on the Supposed Advantages of a Folio. London, 1682. Sinking Fund. 80. London, 1828. Anatomy of Vegetables begun; with GRESLEY, (Richard Newcombe.) Treatise on a general account of vegetation founded the Law of Evidence in the Courts of Equity. thereon. 180. London, 1672. 80. London, 1836. (3 copies.) - Idea of Phytological History proThe same. 80. Philadelphia, 1837. pounded. With a continuation of the Anat(2 copies.) omy of Vegetables. 120. London, 1673. GRESSET, (Jean Baptiste Louis.) CEuvres GREY, (.) Essential Principles of the Completes. Precedeesd'unenoticebiograph- Wealth of Nations illustrated, in opposition ique et litt6raire. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1830. to some false doctrines of Adam Smith and CONTENTS. others. 80. London, 1797. Discours a l'Acad6mie Frangaise, v. 1. GREY, (Anchitell.) Debates of the House of Discours str l'Hari-monie, v. 2. Commons, from 1677 to 1694. 10v. 80 ]douard III.; trag6die, v. 2. Mechant, Le; comedie, v. 2.. London, 1763. Parrain (le) Magnifique; poime, v. 2. GREY, (Arthur, Lord; of I/ilton.) Commen Po6sies diverses, v. 1. Sidnei; com6die, v. 2. tary of the Services and Charges of William The Parrot, and other poems. From Lord Grey of Wilton. Small 40. London, the French, by T. S. Allen. 80. London, 1847. (Camden Society, No. 40.) 1858. GREY, (Charles.) Some account of the life GRESWELL, (Edward.) Fasti Temnporis Cath- and opinions of Charles, second Earl Grey. olici, and Origines Kalendarim. 4 v. 80. London, 1861. Oxford, 1852. Letter to Charles Grey, on his conduct Introduction to the Tables of the Fasti respecting the Prince of Wales. 2d ed. 80. Catholici. 80. Oxford, 1852. London, 1795. (Pol. Pam., v. 47.) General Tables of the Fasti Catholici, GREY, (George.) Vocabulary of the Dialects or Fasti Temporis Perpetui, from A. M. 1, of South Western Australia. 2d ed. 240. B. C. 4004, to A. M. 6004, A. D. 2000. 40. London, 1840. Oxford, 1852. Polynesian Mythology, and ancient Origines Kalendarime Italicre, Nundinal traditional history of the New Zealand race. Calendars of Ancient Italy, Nundinal Calen- 120. London, 1855. dar of Romulus, Calendar of Numa Pompi- GREY, (Henry George, Earl.) Characteristics lius, Calendar of the Decemvirs, Irregular of the Duke of Wellington, apart from his Roman Calendar, and Julian Correction; military talents. 80. London, 1853. with Tables of the Roman Calendar, fiom - Colonial Policy of Lord John Russell's U. C. 4 of Varro B. C. 750, to U. C. 1108 A. Administration. 2 v. 80. London, 1853. D. 355. 4 v. 80. Oxford, 1854-55. Parliamentary Government considered Preliminary Address of the Origines with reference to a reform of Parliament. Kalendarire Italice; -with further observa- 80. London, 1858. tions. 8~. Oxford, 1855. GREY, (Richard.) Memoria Technica; or, GRESWELL, (William Parr.) Annals of Pa- method of artificial mlemory. With Lowe's risian Typography. 80. London, 1818. Mnemonics delineated. 160. London, 1806. GRETTON, (A: L. V.) Vicissitudes of Italy GREY OF WERK, (Ford, Lord;) and others. Since the Congress of Vienna. 120. Lon- Trial at theKing's Bench, for a misdemeanor, don, 1859. in debauching the Lady Henrietta Berkeley, GREVILLE, (Robert Kaye.) Algae Britan- Nov. 23, 1682. Folio. (n. d.) (Extract fiom nice. 8C. Edinburgh, 1830. a Collection of Trials, &c.) 494 GREY. GRIFFITH. GRIY, (Zachary.) Impartial Examination of GRIFFIN, (James.) Practical Navigation and the 2d, 3d, and 4th volumes of Neal's History Nautical Astronomy. Revised by W. Turnof the Puritans. 3v. 80. London, 1736-39. bull. 8~. London, 1852. GiEY. See GRAY. GRIFFIN, (John J.) Chemical 1ecreations. GREYSON, (R. E.H.) Pseud. SeeRo(!ERs, (H.) 8th ed. 120. Glasgow, 1838. GRIEB, (C. F.) Dictionary of the German and ~ System of Chrystallography, with its apEnglish, and English and German Lan- plication to mineralogy. 80. Glasgow, 1841. guages. 2.v. 80. London, 1847. GRIFFIS, (Oliver H. P.) Every Man his own GR.IR, (Richard.) Epitome of the General Farrier. 120. Kalamazoo, (Mich.,) 1857. Councils of the Church, from the Council of GRIFFITH, (Edward.) Collection of Ancient Nice, A. D. 325, to the conclusion of the Records relating to the Borough of HunRoman Council of Trent in the year 1563. tingdon. With observations on the history 80. Dublin, 1828. of parliamentary boroughs in general. 80. GRIEVE, (James.) Thoughts on the Second London, 1827. Coming of Christ. 80. Anesbury, (Mass.,) GIIFFIT-I, (Elizabeth.) Morality of Shaks1852. peare's Drama illustrated. 80. London, GRIFFIN, (Cornelius.) Letter to the Right 1775. Hon. Earl Bathurst, Lord Goderich, and the GRIFFITH, (George Darby.) Journey across Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of London; in the Desert, from Ceylon to Marseilles. 2 v. refutation of gross misstatements in the 12~. London, 1845. newspaper reports of their speeches in the GRIFFITH, (John.) Journal of his Life, TravHouse of Lords. 80. London, 1828. els, and Labors. 80. Philadelphia, 1841. GRIFFIN, (Edmund D.) Remains; compiled (Friend's Library, v. 5.) by Francis Griffin. 2 v. 80. New-York, Some Brief Remarks, necessary to be 1831. understood by all professing the Christian CONTENTS. religion. Addressed to the people called Dissertations, v. 2. Quakers. 12~. Wilmington, (Del.,) 1768. England and Scotland, v. 2. English Literature to Reign of Charles II., v. 2. GRIFFITH, (John William;) and IIENFREY, France, v. 2. Italian Lite ature, v. 2. (Arthur.) Micrographic Dictionary; a guide Italy and Switzerland, Tour through, v. 1-2. to the examination and investigation of the Life, by J. MeVickar, v. 1. Poems in Latin and English, v. 1. structure and nature of microscopic objects. Itoman Literature, v. 2. 8~. London, 1856. GRIFFIN, (Edward D.) Plea for Africa; a GRIFFITH, (Mattie.) Autobiography of a Fesermon before the Presbyterian Synod of tale Slave. 120. New York, 1857. New-York and New-Jersey. 80. New-York, GRIFFITH, (Ralph T. H.) Specimens of Old 1817. (Slavery Pam.,-v. 18.) Indian Poetry. Translated from the original GRIFFIN, (Frederick.) Junius Discovered. SanskritintoEnglish verse. 120. London, 160. Boston, 1854. 1852. GRIFFIN, (Gerald.) Card Drawing; The Half GRIFFITI, (Robert Eglesfeld.) Medical Bot Sir; and Suil Dhuv, the Coiner. 16~. any. 80. Philadelphia, 1847. Dublin, 1857. Universal Formulary. New ed., by The Collegians; a tale of Garryowen. RobertP. Thomas. 80. Philadelphia, 1854. 160. Dublin, 1857. GRIFFITH, (Thomas W.) Sketches of the Early Duke of Monmouth. 160. Dublin, History of Maryland. 80. Baltimore, 1821. 1857. Annals of Baltimore. 80. Baltimore, - Holland Tide; Aylmers ofBallyAylmer; 1824. (Bound with above.) Hand and Word; Barber of Bantry; Brown GRIFFITH, (William.) Annual Law Register Man; Owney and Owney-Na-Peak; Village of the United States. V. 3 and 4. 80. BurRuin; Knight of the Sheep; Rock of the lington, (N. J.,) 1822. Candle. 160. Dublin, 1857. Historical Notes of the American ColPoetical and Dramatic Works. 160. onies and Revolution, from 1754 to 1775. 80. Dublin, 1857. Burlington, (N. J.,) 1543. Rivals; and Tracy's Ambition. 160. GRIFFITH, (William Pettit.) Agricultural Dublin, 1857. Botany; setting forth the geometrical distriTales of the Jury Room. 120. Dublin, bution of foliage, flowers, fruit, &c. 40. 1857. London, 1852. 495 GRIFFITHS. GRIMSHAW. GRIFFITHS, (D., Jr.) Two Years' Residence the Tariff. 80. Charleston, 1829. (Misc. in the New Settlements of Ohio. 12~. Lon- Pam., v. 18.) don, 1835. GRIMM, (A. L.) Tales from the Eastern-Land. GRIFFITHS, (Frederick A.) Artillerist's Man- From the German, by H.V. 12~. Lonual, and British soldier's compendium. 6th don, 1852. ed. 12~. London, 1854. GRIMM, (Friedrich Melchior von,) et DIDEROT, Notes on Military Law; Proceedings of (Denis.) Correspondance Litt6raire, PhilCourts Martial, &c. 16~. London, 1841. osophique et Critique, depuis 1753 jusqu'en GRIFFITHS, (John W.) Ship-Builder's Man- 1790. 20 6d., avec des notes et des 6clairual, and Nautical Referee. 2 v. in 1. Small cissemens, oft se trouvent r6tablies les phrases 4~. New-York, 1853. supprimees par la censure imp6riale; par Treatise on Marine and Naval Archi- J. Taschereau. 15 v. 8~. Paris, 1829-31. tecture; or, theory and practice blended in Correspondance In6dite; et recueil de shipbuilding. 4thed. 4~. New-York, 1854. lettres, poesies, morceaux et frag'mens reG}RIFFITUS, (Thomas.) Chemistry of the Four tranch6s par la censure imp6riale en 1812 et Seasons; spring, summer, autumn, and win- 1813. Publi6e par MM. Ch6ron et Thory. ter. 12C. London, 1846. 8~. Paris, 1829. GRIGNON, (Augustin.) Seventy-two years' Historical and Literary Memoirs and recollections of Wisconsin. 8~. Madison, Anecdotes, selected from the Correspondence 1857. (Wisconsin Hist. Coll., v. 3.) of Baron de Grimm and Diderot, between GRIGSBY, (Hugh Blair.) Virginia Convention 1753 and 1790. Translated from the French. of 1776; a discourse, July 3, 1855. 80. 2d ed. 4 v. 8~. London, 1815. Richmond, 1855. GRIMM, (Jacob Ludwig Karl.) Deutsche GRIGGS, ( William N.) Celebrated "Moon Grammatik. 4v. 8~. Gottingen, 1822-37. Story," its origin and incidents; with memoir Deutsche Mythologie. 3c ausgabe. of the author. 12~. New-York, 1852. 2 v. 8~. G6ttingen, 1854. GRIMALDI, (Joseph.) Memoirs. Edited by U ber den Ursprung der Sprache. 3e "Boz;" illustrated by Cruikshank. 18~. auflage. 8~. Berlin, 1852. London, 1853. undc GIRIAMM, (Karl Wilhelm.) Kinder and GRIMALDI, (Stacey,) Origines Genealogice; Hausmirchen gesammelt durch die Briider or, the sources whence English Genealogies Grimm. 7e ausgabe. 3 v. 16~. Gottinmay be traced from the conquest to the gen, 1857. present time. 4~. London, 1828. Fairy Ring; a collection of tales and GRIMES, (J. Stanley.) Phreno-Geology; the traditions. 16~. London, 1857. progressive creation of man, indicated by German Fairy Tales and popular stories, natural history, and confirmed by discoveries as told by Gamnmer Grethel. Translated which connect the organization and func- from the collection of MM. Grimm, by Edgar tions of the brain with the successive geo- Taylor; with illustrations by Cruikshank logical periods. 12~. Boston, 1851. and L. Grimm. 12~. London, 1851. Compend of the Phreno-Philosophy of Household Stories; newly translated, HumanNature. 12~. Boston, 1850. (Bound Small 4~. London, 1862. with above.) GRIMMER, (William Henry.) Anecdotes of GRIMKE, (Frederick.) Considerations upon the Bench and Bar. 12~. London, 1852. the nature and tendency of Free Institutions. GRIMOALD, (Nicholas.) Poems. 16~. Lon80. Cincinnati, 1848. don, 1854. (With Surrey's, etc., Poems.) Thesame. 2ded. 8~. Cincinnati, 1856. GRIMOARD, (Philippe Henri, Comte de.) HisGRIMKB, (ThomasS.) Addresses and Speeches. toire des quatre dernidres Campagnes du (Pamphlets.) 2v. 8~. Charleston, Phila- Marechalde Turenne, enl672-1675. Folio. detphia, Cincinnati, New Haven, and Hart- Avec atlas, folio. Paris, 1782. ford, 1827-35. GRIMSIAW, (William.) History of England. Oration on July 4th, 1809. 8~. from the first invasion by Julius Caesar, to Charleston,(S.C.,)1829. (Misc.Pam.,v.18.) 1850. 12~. Philadelphia, 1851. Reflections on Science and Literature; - History of the United States, from their with a letter on the study of the Bible. 16~. first settlement as colonies, to the peace New-Haven, 1831. with Mexico in 1848. 12~. Philadelphia, Speech in Senate of South Carolina on 1853. 496 GRINDROD. GROSE. GRINDROD, (Ralph Barnes.) Bacchus; an GRISWOLD, (Stanley.) Independence Sermon, essay on the nature, causes, effects and cure July, 1802. 8C. Suffield, (Conn.,) 1802. of intemperance. 80. London, 1851. (Theol. Pam., v. 6.) GRINFIELD, (Edward William.) Sketches Inquiry how far Men may Claim Auof the Danish Mission on the Coast of Coro- thority over each other's Religious Opinions. mandel. 120. London, 1831. 80. Bridgeport, (Conn.,) 1800. (Pol. Pan., GRScoM, (John.) Monitorial Instruction; v. 100.) address at the opening of the New-York Sermon on the Election of Jefferson High School. 160. New-York, 1825. and Burr, at Wallingford, (Conn.,) 1801. Yearin Europe; journalof observations 8~. Hartford, 1801. (Pol. Pam., v. 101.) inEngland, Scotland, Ireland, France, Switz- GRuSWO[D, (XW.) Railroad Engineers' Pocket erland and Holland, in 1818-19. 2v. 80. Companion for the Field. 180. Buffalo, (N. New-York, 1823. Y.,) 1855. GRISeCM, (John H.) Animal Mechanism and Treatise on Causes, Prevention, and Physiology. 160. New-York, 1846. Cure of Fever and Ague. 80. Circleville, The same. 180. New-York, 1842. (O.,) 1855. (Harper's Fam. Library, v. 86.) GiROCOTT, (J. C.) Index to Familiar QuotaGRISELINI, (Francesco.) Memorie Anedote tations; selected principally fiom British spettanti alla Vita ed agli Studi del Fra authors. 160. Liverpool, 1863. Paolo Servita. 12~. Losana, 1760. GRONOVIUs, (Jacobus.) Thesaurus Grrecarum GRISENTHWAITE, (Williaml.) New Theory of Antiquitatum. 13 v. Folio. Lugdini Agriculture, in which the nature of soils, Batavorum, 1697-1702. crops and manures is explained. 2d ed. 80. Note.-The more important contents of the volumes London, 1830. are catalogued under the names of their authors. GRISWOLD, (Chauncey D.) Isthmus of Pa- GnoNovius, (J. F.) De Museo Alexandrino nama, and what I saw there. 120. New- Exercitationes. (Gronovius,ThesaurusGroec. York, 1852. Antiq., v. 8.) GRISWOLD, (Rufus Wilmot.) Biographical GRONow, (Captain R. H.) Reminiscenses; Annual. 120. New-York, 1841. anecdotes of the camp, the court, and the Catalogue of his Private Library. 80. clubs, at the close of the last war with New-York, 1859. France. 120. London, 1863. F-emale Poets of America. 80. Phila- Recollections and Anecdotes; being a delphia, 1859. second series of anecdotes, etc. 2d ed. 12~. - Napoleon and the Marshals of the London, 1863. Empire. 2 v. in 1. 120. Philadelphia, GRos, (F. T.) Recueil de Pouesies Prouven1855. 9ales. 80. Marseille, 1763. Poets and Poetry of America, to the GIltS, (John Daniel.) Natural Principles of middle of the nineteenth century. 10th ed. Rectitude for the Conduct of Man; a sys80. Philadelphia, 1850. tematic treatise on moral philosophy. 80. Poets and Poetry of England, in the New-York, 1795. nineteenth century. 2d ed. 80. Philadel- GROS, (L. A. Louis.) Recherches sur les phia, 1845. Droits Successifs des Enfants Naturels. 80. Prose Writers of America. With sur- Paris, 1849. vey of the history, condition, and prospects GROSE, (Francis.) Antiquities of England of American Literature. 80. Philadelphia, and Wales. 8 v. 40. London, 1787. 1847. - Antiquities of Ireland. 2 v. 40. Republican Court; or, American society London, 1791. in the days of Washington. 80. New- - Antiquities of Scotland. 2 v. 40. York, 1856. London, 1797. --- Review of Duyckinck's Cyclopedia of Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar American Literature. 80. New-York, 1856. Tongue. 2d ed. 80. London, 1788. Sacred Poets of England and America. Provincial Glossary; with a collection 80. New-York, 1850. of local proverbs, and popular superstitions. Washington and the Generals of the 80. London, 1811. (Bound with above.) American Revolution. 2 v. 120. Phila- The same. New ed. 40. London, delphia, 1847. 1811. (With Darell's Dover Castle.) 497 GROSE. (ROUX. GROSE, (Francis.) Military Antiquities re- libellus singularis de sequitate, indulgentia specting a History of the English Army, et facilitate, quem N. Blancardus e codice from the conquest to the present time. 2 v. autoris descripsit et vulgavit; nec non J. F. 40. London, 1812. Gronovii note in totum opus de jure belli ac The Olio. A collection of essays, anec- pacis. 12~. Amsteledami, 1680. dotes, &c. 8$. London, 1792. - - The same. Cum conmmentariis Gul. Treatise on Ancient Armour and Wea- Vander Muelen. Accedunt et authoris anpons. 40. London, 1812. (In v. 2 of notata, nec non J. F. Gronovii note in totum Grose's Military Antiquities.) opus. 3 v. Folio. Ultrajecti, 1696-1703. GROSE, (John Hlenry.) Voyage to the East Thesame. Accompanied by anabridged Indies. (Knox's Coil. Voyages, v. 2.) translation by William Whewell, with the GROSIH, (Aaron B.) Odd-Fellow's Manual. notes of the author, Barbeyrac, and others. 12~. Philadelphia, 1852. 3 v. 8~. Cambridge, 1853. GROSIER, (J. B. G. A.) General Description Synopsis Compendiaria librorum de of China, Tartary, the isles, and other trib- Jure Belli ac Pacis; Samuelis Clarkii de Dei utary countries. From the French. 2d ed. existentia et attributis, et Joannis Lockii de 2 v. 80. London, 1795. IntellectuHumano. 80. Cantabrigire, 1751. GROSS, (C. H.) Reply to Horace Binney's Of the Rights of War and Peace; in Pamphlet on the Habeas Corpus. 80. Phil- which are explained the laws and claims of adelphia, 1862. (Habeas Corpus Pam.) nature and nations, and the principal points GRoss, (Samuel D.) Elements of Pathological that relate either to publick government or Anatomy. 3d ed. 80. Philadelphia, 1857. the conduct of private life. Done into EngLives of Eminent American Physicians lish by several hands. 3 v. 8~. London, and Surgeons of the Nineteenth Century. 1715. 80. Philadelphia, 1861. - The same; with all the large notes of Manual of Military Surgery; hints on J. Barbeyrac. Folio. London, 1738. the emergencies of field, camp, and hospital The same. Translated from the Latin, practice. 2d ed. 240. Philadelphia, 1862. with notes and illustrations from the best Practical Treatise on Foreign Bodies political and legal writers both ancient and in theAir-Passages. 80. Philadelphia, 1854. modern, by A. C. Campbell. 3 v. 80. Practical Treatise on the Diseases, In- Pontefract, 1814. juries, and Malformations of the Urinary Droit de la Guerre et de la Paix. NouBladder, the Prostate Gland, and the Ure- velle traduction par Jean Barbeyrac, avec thra. 2d ed. 80. Philadelphia, 1855. les notes de l'auteur meme, et du traducteur. GsRossI, (Tomaso.) Marco Visconti. From 2 v. 40. Amsterdam, 1724. the Italian. 2v. inl. 160. London, 1845. De Mari Libero. 320, Lugduni BaGROSVENOR, (Benjamin.) Mourner; or, the tavorum, 1633. afflicted relieved. 160. London, 1731. English translation of his six books on GROSVENOR, (Elizabeth Mary, Lady.) Narra- the Truth of Christianity; and of the two tive of a Yacht Voyage in the Mediterranean, supplementary books of Le Clerc, on the during 1840-41. 2 v. 120. London, 1842. choice of a religious creed, and on religious GROTE, (George.) History of Greece. 12 v. indifference; with annotations by Spencer 80. London, 1846-56. Madan. 80. London, 1814. Plato's doctrine respecting the rotation Truth of the Christian Religion. Transof the earth, and Aristotle's comment upon lated by S. Patrick. 120. London, 1694. that doctrine. 80. London, 1860. GROUCHY, (N. de.) De Comitiis Romanorum. GROTE, (Mrs. H.) Memoir of the Life of Ary (Grsevius, Thesaurus Antiq. Rom., v. 1.) Scheffer. 80. London, 1860. GROULART, or GROULARD, (Claude.) MeGROTIUS, (Hugo.) De Jure Belli ac Pacis moires; ou voyages par lui, faits en Cour. libri II., in quibus jus naturge et gentium, 80. Paris, 1838. (Michaud, Coll. Mem. item juris publici praecipua explicantur. Hist. France, v. 1I.) Accesserunt et annotata in Epistolam Pauli The same. 80. Paris, 1826. (Petitot, ad Philemonem. 80. Amstelodami, 1651. Coll. M6m. Hist. France, s6r. I, v. 49.) The same. Cum annotatis auctoris. GROUX, (Daniel E.) Prospectus of Work on Accesserunt annotata in Epistolam Pauli ad Numismatical History of United States. 80. Philemoner; dissertatio de Marl Libero; et Boston, 1856. 63 498 GROVE. GUERRA. GROVE, (William Robert.) Correlation of duite de l'Italien. 2 v. in 1. 18~. La Physical Forces. 2d ed. 80. London, Haye, 1681. 1850. Histoire du Traitt6 de la Paix conclue GROVES, (John.) Greek and English Dic- sur la frontiere d'Espagne et de France, entre tionary. 80. Philadelphia, 1855. les deux couronnes, en l'an 1659. Aussi GROW, (Galusha A.) Land for the Landless; un recueil de diverses matieres concernantes speech in House of Representatives, Febru- le Sr. Due de Lorraine. Traduit d'Italien, ary 29, 1860. 80. New York, 1860. (Misc. par M. Courtin. 180. Cologne, 1665. Pam., v. 13.) GUARDIAN, The. By Steele, Addison, etc. GRUAU DE LA BARRE, (N. N.,) et LAPRADE, 3 v. 160. London, 1823. (British Essay(Xavier.) Misfortunes of the Dauphin. ists, v. 13-15.) Translated from the French, by C. G. Per- GUARINT,(Battista.) IlPastorFido,theFaithceval. London, 1838. ful Shepherd; a pastorall. Translated from GRUBB, (Sarah.) Life and Religious Labors. the Italian, by Richard Fanshawe, with di80. Philadelphia, 1848. (Friends' Library, vers otherpoems. Small4~. London, 1847. v. 12.) GUAsco,(Octaviende.) Recherchessurl' tat GRUCHIUS, (N.) See GROUCHY, (N. de.) des Lettres, des Arts et des Sciences en GRUEMERE, (J.) Voyage a la Chine. (Theve- France. (Leber, Coil. Hist France, v. 15.) not, Relations, v. 2.) GUATEMALA. Brief Statement of the importGRUND, (Francis J.) Americans in their ant Grants conceded to the Eastern Coast of Moral, Social, and Political Relations. 2 v. Central America Commercial and Agricultu80. London, 1837. ral Company by the State of Guatemala. Elements of Natural Philosophy. 120. With map of Vera Paz, and the port of San Boston, 1832. Tomas. 80. London, 1839. GRUNER, (Louis.) Decorations de Palais GUBBINS, (Martin Richard.) Account of the et d'Eglises en Italie, peintes a fresque Mutinies in Oudh, and of the Siege of the ou executees en stuc, dans le cours du Lucknow Residency. 80. London, 1858. XVe et du XVIe sidcie. Folio. Paris, GUDE, (Richard.) Practice of the Crown Side 1854. of the Court of King's Bench, and the PracDecorations of the Garden-Pavilion in tice of the Sessions; the general rules of the the grounds of Buckingham Palace. Folio. court, from the reign of James T. to the presLondon, 1846. ent time; and the statutes relating to the ~- Mosaics of the Cupola in the "Cap- practice. 2 v. 80. London, 1828. pella Chigiana" of Sta. Maria del Popolo in GUFN1fE, (Antoine, l'Abbe.) Letters of Certain Rome; designed by Raffaelie Sanzio d'.Ur- Jews to Voltaire, containing an Apology for bino. Folio. London, 1850. their own People, and for the Old Testament. Specimens of Ornamental Art, selected Translated by Philip Lefanu. 2 v. 80. from the best models of the classical epochs; Dublin, 1777. with descriptive text by EmilBraun. Folio; GuERINT, (Leon.) Histoire de la dernidre text, 40. London, 1850. Guerre deRussie, 1853-56. 2 v. 80. Paris, GRYNvsUS, (Simon.) Die. New Welt, der 1858. Landschaften unnd Insulen, so bis hie her Les Marins Illustres de la France. 80. allen Altweltbeschrybernunbekant. Trans- Paris, 1846. lated from the Latin, by Michael Herr. ~ et ROBINET, (Ednmond.) Histoire des Folio. Strassburg, 1534. Nations Europeennes; Angleterre, France, GUADALOUPE. Reasons for Keeping Guada- Russie, Pologne, Suede, et Norwege, par E. loupe at a Peace, preferable to Canada; in Robinet; et Allemagne, Hongrie et Boheme, five letters from a gentleman in Guadaloupe par L. Guerin. 4 v. 120. Paris, 1845-47. 80. London, 1761. GUERIN, (M. L. F.) Manuel de l'Histoire des GUAGNINO, (A.) Descrittione della Sarmatia, Conciles. 80. Paris, 1846. Moscovia e de' Tartari. (Ramusio, Naviga- GUEROULT DU PAS. Les differens Bttimens tioni, v. 2.) de la mer Oceanne, et de la mer MediterraGUAL i JAEN,(Ricardo.) Biografia. El Jen- nee. (Livre des planches.) Oblong 40. eral San Martin. 80. Londres, 1823. Paris, 1709. GUALDO-PRIORATO, (Galeazzo.) Histoire du GUERRA, (Jose.) Historia de la Revolucion ministere du cardinal Jules Mazarin. Tra- de Nueva Espaia. 2 v. 80. Londra, 1813. 499 GUERRAND. GUILLIE. GUERRAND, (J.) Recueil de Jurisprudence GUIBERT, (Jacques Antoine Hippolyte de.) Commerciale et Maritime du Havre. Ouv- Essai General de Tactique; pr6eced d'un rage contenant: 1~ les d6cisions du tribunal discours sur 1' 6tat actuel de la politique et de commerce du Havre: et 2~ les decisions de la science militaire en Europe. 2 v. 8~. importantes de la cour de cassation, des cours Li6ge, 1775. inlperialesetdes autres tribunaux de France, GUICCIARDINI, (Francesco.) Legazione di en matiere commerciale et maritime; annees Spagna. 8C. Pisa, 1825. 1855-61. 7 v. 80. Havre. 1856-61. History of Italy. Translated from the GUERRAZZI, (F. D.) Beatrice Cenci. A his- Italian, by Austin Parke Goddard. 3d ed. torical novel of the sixteenth century. 10 v. 80. London, 1763. Translated from the Italian by Luigi Monti. ~ Maxims. Translated from the Italian, 2 v. in 1. 12~. New York, 1859. by Emma Martin. 18. London, 1845. GUERRES des Vend6ens et des Chouans contre GUICHE, (Armand de Gramont, Comnte de.) la Rdpublique Frangaise. 6 v. 89. Paris, Mdmoires, concernant les Provinces-Unies 1824-27. (Berville et Barridre, Coll. Mem. des Pais-Bas, et servant de suppldment et de Rev. Frangaise, v. 28-33.) Confirmation a ceux d'Aubery du Maurier et GUESCLIN, (B. Du.) See Du GUESCLIN. du Comte d'Estrades. 160. Londres, 1744. GUEss if You Can! A collection of original GUIDE to Devotion; for the use of the blind. enigmas and charades, in verse. By a Lady. (Printed in raised letters.) 40. Boston, Square 160. London, 1851. 1846. GUEULLETTE, (Simon.) M6thode pour Ap- GUIDE to Government Situations; showing the prendre facilement l'Histoire Romaine. extent, nature, and value of the government Nouvelle edition. 180. Londres, 1754. civil patronage at home and abroad. 9th ed. Easy Method of Learning the Roman 180. London, 1852. History. Translated fiom the French, by GUIGNARD, (Sieur de.) L'lcole de Mars; ou, George Watterston. 120. Washington, memoires instructifs sur toutes les parties 1820. qui composent le corps militaire en France, GUEULLETTE, (Thomas Simon.) Chinese av6c leurs origines, et les diff6rentes manoeuTales; or, adventures of Mandarin Fum- vres ausquelles elles sont employees. 2 v. Hoam. Translated by T. Stackhouse. 80. 40. Paris, 1725. London, 1781. (Novelists' Magazine, v. 5.) GUIGNES, (C. Louis Joseph de.) Dictionnaire Peruvian Tales; related in one thou- Chinois, Frangais et Latin, (r6dig6 d'aprds un sand and one hours, by one of the select dictionnaire Chinols-Latin du P. Basile de virgins of Cuzco, to the Ynca of Peru; with Glemona.) Avec un supplement, par J. Klapcurious historical remarks. Translated from roth. 2 v. in 1. Folio. Paris, 1813-19. the French, by Samuel Humphreys. 4th ed. - Observations on the Philippine Islands 3 v. 160. London, 1764. and Isle of France. (Pinkerton's Voyages, The same. 80. London, 1786. (Novel- v. 11.) ists' Magazine, v. 21.) GUILD, (Reuben A.) Librarian's Manual; a Tartar Tales; or, a thousand and one treatise on bibliography, comprising a select quarters of hours. Translated by T. Flloyd. and descriptive list of bibliographical works; 80. London, 1785. (Novelists' Magazine, with sketches of publick libraries. Small 40. v. 19.) - New-York, 1858. GUEVARA, (Antonio de.) Epistolas Familiares. GUILFORD, (Sir Richard.) Pylgrymage to the 80. Madrid, 1850. (Bib. de Autores Espa- Holy Land. Small 40. London, 1851. (Camfioles, v. 50.) den Society, No. 51.) Familiar Epistles. Translated out of GUILLEMINOT, (Joannes.) Opuscula Philosothe Spanish tongue, by Edward Hellowes. phica: principia philosophiam; philosophia Small 40. London, 1577. vulgaris refutata. 240. Amstelodami, 1690. Spanish Letters; historical, satirical, (With Scotti, J. C., Monarchia.) and moral. 160. London, 1657. GUILLIE, (Sebastien.) Essai sur l'Instruction GUEVARA, (Luis Velez de.) El Diablo Con- des Aveugles; ou expose analytique des projuelo. (Coleccion de Autores Espafoles, cedes employes pour les instruire. 80. Paris, v. 56.) 1817. GUIA de la Hacienda de la Republica M6xi- - Notice Historique sur l'Instruction des cana; ano de 1828. 240. Mexico, 1828. Jeunes Aveugles. 40. Paris, 1819. 500 GUILLIM. GUIZOT. GUIILIM, (John.) Display of Heraldry; also, GUIZOT, (Fran9ois Pierre Guillaume.) Essais a treatise of Honour, military and civil, sur l'Histoire de France. 9e ed. 80. Paris, according to the laws and customs of 1857. England, by John Logan. Folio. London, - Histoire des Origines du Gouvernement 1679. Repr6sentatifen Europe, 2v. 80. Paris, 1851. GUILLON, (Marie Nicolas Silvestre.) Examen - Histoire de la Republique d'Angleterre Critique des Doctrines do Gibbon, de Strauss, et de Cromwell, 1649-1658. 2 v. 8~. Paris, et de Salvador, sur J6sus Christ. 2e 6d. 2 v. 1854. 80. Paris, 1841. Histoire du Protectorat de Richard Histoire G6nerale de la Philosophie Cromwell, et du Retablissement des Stuart, ancienne et moderne, jusqu'a nos jours; 1658-1660. 2 v. 8~. Paris, 1856. ou suppl6ment a la Bibliothdque Choisie L L'Eglise et la Soci6et Chretiennes en desPeresGrecset Latins. 2v. 8~. Paris, 1861. 8C. Paris,1861. 1835. The Christian Church and Society in GUILLON de Montleon. (Ahbd Aime.) Me- 1861. 120. London, 1861. moires de la Ville de Lyon pendant la Revo- - Corneille and his Times. 80. Lonlution. 3 v. 8~. Paris, 1824. (Berville don, 1852. et Barriere, Coll. Mem. R6v. Frangaise, v. -- An Embassy to the Court of St. James, 22-24.) in 1840. 80. London, 1-62. GUILTLOT, (Leon.) Legislation et Adminis- Essay on the Character and Influence tration Militaires; ou, programnne des ma- of Washington in the Revolution of the tieres enseignees a l'ecole imp6riale d'6tat- United States of America. From the French. major. 80. Paris, 1855. 160. Boston, 1840. GUINOT, ( Eugene.) Les Bords du.Rhin. Fine Arts; their nature and relations. 80. Paris, 1847. Translated, with the assistance of the author, GUISE, (Francois de Lorraine, Duc de.) Me- by George Grove. 80. London, 1853. moires-Journaux, 1549-1563. 80. Paris, General History of Civilization in 1839. (Michaud, Coil. Mem. Hist. France, Europe, from the fall of the Roman empire v. 6.) to the French revolution. From the French. GUISE, (Henri de Lorraine II., Duc de.) Me- 80. Oxford, 1838. moires, 1647-48. 80. Paris, 1839. (Michaud, - The same. With notes by C. S. Henry. Coil. 1Mem. Hist. France, v. 29.) 120. New-York, 1857. The sanie. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1826. The same. (With theHistoryof Civili(Petiikot, Coil. Mdm. Hist. France, ser. 2, zation in France.) Translated by William v. 55-56.) Hazlitt. 3 v. 120. London, 1846. GUIzoT, (FranCois Pierre Guillaume.) Cours The same, 4v. 120. New-York, 1858. d'Histoire Moderne.-Histoire Generale de History of the English Revolution of la Civilisation en Europe, depuis la chute de 1640; fiom the accession of Charles I. to l'empire Romain jusqu'a la revolution Fran- his death. Translated by W. Hazlitt. 120. ~aise. 80. Paris, 1828. London, 1846. The same. Avec l'Histoire de la Civi- The same. Translated by Louise H. lisationen France, depuis la chutede l'empire R. Coutier. 2 v. in 1. 8~. Oxford, 1838. Romain jusqu'en 1789. 5 v. 80. Paris, - History of Oliver Cromwell and the 1829-32. English Commonwealth, from the execution De la D6mocratie en France, (Janvier, of Charles I. to the death of Cromwell. 1849.) 8~. Paris, 1849. Translated by Andrew R. Scoble. 2 v. 80. Dictionnaire universel des Synonymes London, 1854. de la Langlle Frarinaise, contenant les syno- History of Richard Cromwell, and the nynme, de G-irard, eauz6e, Robaud, d'Alem- Restoration of Charles II. Translated by belt, etc, et g6n6raleoieLnt tout l'ancien dic- Andrew KS. Scoble. 2v. 80. London, 1856. tionnaire, mis en meilleur ordre, corrig6, History of the Origin of Representative augmente d'un grand nombre de nouveaux Government in Europe. Translated by A. sfnonymes. 4e6d. 2v. 80. Paris, 1850. R. Scoble. 120. London, 1852. - Du Gouvernement de la France, depuis ~ Meditations and Moral Sketches. Transla Restauration, et du ministdre actuel. 80. lated by John, Marquis of Ormonde. 120. Paris, 1821. Dublin, 1855. 501 GUIZOT. GUSTAVUS. GUIZOT, (Fran9ois Pierre Guillaume.) Me- their rise and progress, peculiar doctrines, moirs of George Monk, Duke of Albemarle. &c. 12~. Philadelphia, 1852. Translated and edited, with notes, by J. GUNNLAUGI Ormistungu: Sagan, ok SkalldStuart Wortley. 80. London, 1838. Rafni; sive Gunnlaugi Vermilinguis et RafMemoirs of Sir Robert Peel. 8~. Lon- nis Poetei vita. Ex manuscriptis Legatis don, 1857. Magnleani, cum interpretatione Latina, 4~. Memoirs to illustrate the history of my Hafnire, 1775. Time. Translated by J. W. Cole. 4 v. 80. GiNTHER, (Karl G.) Europtiisches VolkerLondon, 1858-61. recht in Friedenszeiten. 2 v. 80. Alten- Shakspeare and his Times. 80. Lon- burg, 1787-92. don, 1852. GURDON, (Thornhagh.) History of the High Theory of Syncretism and Coalition. Court of Parliament, its antiquity, pre-emi80. London, 1839. (Pol. Pam., v. 76.) nence, and authority; and the History of GULL, (W. W.) Report on Epidemic Cholera. Court Baron and Court Leet. 2 v. 8~. 80. London, 1854. London, 1731. GULLICK, (Thomas John,) and TIMBS, (John.) GUaLEY, (Ralph R.) Life of Jehudi Ashmun, Painting popularly explained; including late Colonial Agent in Liberia. 80. Washfresco, oil, tempera, mosaic, encaustic, wa- ington, 1835. ter-colour, miniature, missal, painting on Life and Eloquence of the Rev. Sylvespottery, porcelain, enamel, glass, &c. 16~. ter Laned. 120. New-York, 1844. London, 1859. GURNEY, (Archer.) Songs of the Present. GUMILLA, (Jose.) El Orinoco Ilustrado, his- 160. London, 1854. toria natural, civil, y geographica de este GURNEY, (Hudson.) Cupid and Psyche; a gran rio, y de sus caudalosas vertientes; mythological tale, from the Golden Ass of govierno, usos, y costumbres de los Indios Apuleius. 3d ed. 8~. London, 1801. sos habitadores, con nuevas y utiles noticias GURNEY,(JohnHampden.) HistoricalSketches. de animales, arbores, frutos, aceytes, resinas, 2 v. 120. London, 1852-55. yervas, y raices medicinales. Small 40. CONTENTS. Madrid, 1741. Caxton, v. 1. Charles VI., Disastrous Reign of, v. 1. GUMMERE, (John.) Elementary Treatise on Columbus, and Forerunners and Patrons of, v. 1. Astronomy. 6th ed., revised by E. Otis enry IV., v. 2. Joan of Arc, v. 1. Kendall. 8G. Philadelphia, 1854. Louis IX., v. 2. Treatise on Surveying; containing the therinti, v. 1. theory and practice. 15th ed. 80. Phila- Reformation Age, v. 1. delphia, 1853. GURNEY, (Joseph John.) Familiar Letters to GUAMERE, (Samuel R.) Compendium of the Henry Clay; describing a winter in the Principles of Elocution, on the basis of Dr. West Indies. 80. New York, 1840. Rush's Philosophy of the Human Voice. - Observations on the Distinguishing 120. Philadelphia, 1857. Views and Practices of the Society of GiJNDERODE, (Caroline.) Correspondence with Friends. 80. London, 1834. Bettine von Arnim. 120. Boston, 1859. ~ Visit to the Prisons in Scotland. 80. GuNN, (Alexander.) Memoirs of the Rev. John London, 1819-20. (Pamphleteer, v. 15-16.) H. Livingston. 80. New-York, 1829. GURNEY, (Mary.) Mrs. Gurney's Apology. The same. New ed. 120. New- 80. Philadelphia, 1860. York, 1856. GURNEY, (Thomas.) Brachygraphy; or, an GUNN, (John C.) New Domestic Physician; easy and compendious system of short-hand. or, Home Book of Health. 80. Cincin- Improved by Joseph Gurney. 10th ed. 18~. nati, 1857. London, 1785. GUNNING, (Frederic.) Practical Treatise on GuRowsKI,(Adam.) Diary; fiomMarch4,1861, the Law of Tolls. 80. London, 1833. to November 12, 1.62. 120. Boston, 1862. GUNNING, (Henry.) Reminiscences of the Russia as it is. 120. New-York, 1854. University, Town, and County of Cam- Slavery in History. 120. New York, bridge, from the year 1780. 2 v. 80. Lon- 1860. don, 1854. GUSTAVUS VASA, (King of Sweden.) History; GUNNISON, (J. W.) Mormons, or Latter-Day with extracts fiom his correspondence. 80. Saints, in the Valley of the' Great Salt Lake; London, 1852. 502 GUTAMILLI. GYMNASTIC. GUTAMILLI. Decouverte sur le Croup, ou foreign intercourse and trade with China. l'Asthma synanchicum acutum. 4~. Mos- 2 v. 83. London, 1834. kau, 1817. GuY, (Joseph.) Illustrated London GeograBeytrage zu den Zeichen des Croups. phy. 8~. London, 1852. 4~. Moskau, 1818. Guy, (William A.) Principles of Forensic GUTCIT, (John Matthew.) Lytell Geste of Medicine. 16C. London, 1844. Robin Hode; with other ancient and modern GUY's HOSPITAL PE PORTS. 1St series. Edballads and songs relating to this celebrated ited by G. H. Barlow and J. P. Babington. yeoman. 2 v. 80. London, 1847. 7 v. 80. London, 1836-42. GUTENBERG, (John.) First Master Printer; The same. 2d series. Edited by G. his acts and most remarkable discourses, and H. Barlow, Edward Cock, etc. V. 1-8. his death. F'rom the German, by C. W. 80. London, 1843-53. 120. London, 1860. The same. 3d series. Edited by Gu'rHERIUS, (Jacobus.) De Jure Manium, Samuel Wilks and A. Polard. V. 2-8. seu de ritu et legibus prisci funeris. (Grse- 80. London, 1856-62. vius, Thesaurus Ant. Rom., v. 12.) GUYOT, (Arnold.) Earth and Man; or, physiDe Veteri Jure Pontificio Urbis Ro- cal geography in its relation to the History of manae. (Grmvius, v. 5.) Mankind. Translated from the French, by Commentaries on the Surgery of the C. C. Felton, with notes. 160. London, 1852. War in Portugal, Spain, France, and the - Tables; Meteorological and physical, Netherlands, from 1808 to 1815; with addi- prepared for Smithsonian Institution. 2d tions, relating to the Crimea in 1854-5. 6th ed. ~8. Washington, 1859. (Smithsonian ed 120. London, 1855. Misc. Collections, v. 1.) GUTrHIE, (George James.) Anatomy and Guys, (Henri.) Un Dervich Algerien en Diseases of the Urinary and Sexual Organs. Syrie; peinture des moeurs Musulmanes, 3d ed. 80. London, 1843. Chretiennes et Israelites. 80. Paris, 1854. GUTHRIE, (Maria.) Tour, in 1795-96, through GuYS, (Pierre Augustin.) Voyage Littdraire the Taurida, or Crimea, and other countries de la Grece; ou lettres sur les Grecs, anon the north shore of the Euxine ceded to ciens et modernes, avec un parallele de leurs Russia. 40. London, 1802. mceurs. 3e dd. 4 v. 80. Paris, 1783. GuTnRIE, (William.) Geographical, Histori- GUYTON DE MoRVEAU, (Louis Bernard.) cal, and Commercial Grammar. 24th ed. Traite des Moyens de Desinfecter'Air. 80. 80. London, 1827. Paris, 1805. GUTIERREZ, (Joannes.) Opera Omnia, civilia, GUZMAN, (Alonzo Enriquez de.) Life and canonica, et criminalia; decisionibus S. Acts, 1518-43. 80. London, 1862. (HakRotme Rom. recent. nec non repertorio gene- luyt Society, v. 29.) rali aucta, ac indicibus singularibus illus- GUZMAN, (F. Perez de.) Rimas Ineditas. trata. 16 v. Folio. Colonire Allobrogum, (Coleccion de Autores Espafioles, v. 36.) 1730-31. GUZMAN, (Ruidiaz de.) Historia del DescuGUTIER.REZ, (Jose M.) PrActica Criminal de brimiento, Conquista y Poblacion del Rio Espana. 5a ed. 3 v. 80. Madrid, 1828. de la Plata. Small 40. Asuncion, 1845. The same. 11a ed. Mexicana adicion- GWILT, (Joseph.) Encyclopoedia of Architecada: 3 v. Small 40. Mexico, 1850. ture; historical, theoretical, and practical. See FEBRERO. 2d ed. 80. London, 1851. GUTZLAFF, (Charles.) China Opened; topog- Rudiments of a Grammar of the Angloraphy, history, customs, manners, arts, Saxon Tongue. 80. London, 1823. manufactures, commerce, literature, religion, GWYNNE, (John.) Military Memoirs of the jurisprudence, &c., of the Chinese empire. Great Civil War; and an account of the Revised by Andrew Reed. 2 v. 120. Lon- Earl of Glencairn's expeditiop in Scotland, don, 1838. in 1653-54; by a person who was an eye Life of Taou-Kwang, late Emperor of and ear witness to every transaction. 40. China,; with memoirs of the Court of Peking Edinburgh, 1822. during the last fifty years. 120. London, GYLLIUS. See GILLES, (P.) 1852. GYMNASTIC Exercises. Instructions in; as Sketch of Chinese History, Ancient taught and practised in the gymnastic inand Modern; comprising a retrospect of the stitutions of Germany. 80. London, 1823. HABEAS. HAGGARD. HABEAS CORPUS PAMPHLETS. S". Phila- HABITS of Good Society; a hand-book of Etidelphia, 1862. quette for ladies' and gentlemen. 16~. LonCONTENTS. don, 1859. 1. Decision of Chief Justice Taney, in the Merry- H-ACHETTE, (Jean Nicolas Pierre.) lfle6ments man case, upon the Writ of Habeas Corpus. 2. The privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus un- de G6ometrie a Trois Dimensions. Partie der the Constitution. [By Horace Binuey.] 2d ed. synthetique theorie des lignes etdes sur3. The same. Secondc part. 4. The Suspending Power of the Writ of Habeas faces courbes. 8~. Paris, 1817. COorplu. [By Jlaes F. Johnston 1 ___. i 5. AAut.horities cited antagonistic to Horace Binney's Histoire des Machines a Vapeur, depuis conclusions on the Writ of Habeas Corpus. By leur origine jusqu'a nos jours. 120. Paris, Tatlow Jackson. 6. Martial Law. What is it? And who can decide 1830. it? By Tatlow Jackson. _______ it? By Tatlow Jaiickson. Trait6 de G6om6trie Descriptive; corn7. The Writ of Habeas Corpus and Mr. Binney. Byait e om ie esciptie John T. Montgomery. 2d ed. prenant les applications de cette geometrie 8. Habeas Corpus and Martial Law. A review of. the opinion of Chief Justice Taney, in the case of aux ombres, a la perspective, et a la st6reoJohn Merryman. By Joel Parker. 2l ed. tomie. 2 ed., revue et augmentee. 4~. 9. Constitutional Law, with reference to the present condition of the United States. By Joel Parker. Paris, 1828. 10. Remarks on Mr. Binney's Treatise on the Writ TraitS e'1mentaire des Machines. 40O of Habeas Corpus. By G. M. W';iarton. 2d ed. 11. Answer to Mlr. Binney's Reply to''"Remarks" on Paris, 1811. his Treatise on the Habeas Corpus. By Geo. IM. Whlarton. HACKE, (William.) Collection of Original 12. Presidential Power over PersonalLiberty. Are. Voyages. 80. London 1699. view of Horace Binney's essay on the writ of ha- beas corpus. [By Isaac Myers.] HACKETT, (James.) Narrative of the Expedi13. Reply to Horace Binney's Pamphlet on the Ha- tio which sailed from England in 181, to beas Corpus. [By C. H. Gross. ] bealsCorpuls. [By C.H.LGross.J ^o which sailed from England in 1817, to 14. Review of IMr. Binney's Pamphlet on " The Pri- join the South American Patriots. 80. Lonvilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus under the Colstitution." By J. C. Bullitt. don, 1818. 15. The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus un- HACKETT, (John.) Select and Remarkable dier the Constitution of the United States. In what it consists. How it is allowed. How it is Epitaphs. 2 V. 16~. London, 1757. suspended. It is the regulation of the law, not the (Joseph T S is - authorization of an exercise of legislative power. HADDOCK, (Joseph W) Sonolis an Psy[By T. -I. Kennedy.] cheism; or, the science of the soul, etc., as 16. Martial Law. By S.S. Nicholas., 17. Review of Mr. Seward's Diplomacy. By a Nor- revealed by mesmerism. 2d ed. 120. Lonthernm an. [W. B. Reed.] don 1851. 18. Letter to a friend in a Slave State. By Charles Ingersoll. HADFIELD, (William.) Brazil, the River Plate 19. Reply to Mr. Charles Ingersoll's "Letter to a friend in a Slave State." By M. Russell Thayer. and the Falkland Islands; with the Cape 20. Letter on the Rebellion, to a citizen of Washing- Horn route to Australia; including notices ton, from a citizen of Philadelphia. [Benjamin o Rush.] of Lisbon, Madeira, the Canaries and Cape 21. Letters to Chas. O'Conor. The Destruction of Verd. 80. London, 1854. tile Union is Emancipation. By Nathaniel MIa- con.] HADLEY, (W. Hobart.) American Citizen's HABEAS CORPUS, Writ of. Short review of Manual of Reference. 8S. New-York, 1840. late proceedings at New Orleans, and Re- HAGEAU, (A.) Description du Canal de Joncmarks on Bill for Suspending the privilege of, tion de la Meuse au Rhin. 4~. Atlas, folio. by Agrestis. 8~. South Carolina, 1807. Paris, 1819. HABERSHAM, (Alexander W.) My Last Cruise; HAGEN, (Hermann.) Synopsis of the described account of visits to the Malay and Loo-Choo Neuroptera of North America, with list of Islands, the coasts of China, Formosa, Japan, the South American species. 80. WashKamtschatka, Siberia, and the mouth of the ington, 1861. (Smithsonian Misc. Coil. Amoor River. 80. Philadelphia, 1857. v. 4.) HABERSItON, (S. 0.) On the Injurious Ef- HAGEN, (S. de.) Navigatio in Indiam Orienfects of Mercury in the treatment of disease. talem. (Bry. Collectiones, series II, v. 8.) 12~. London, 1860. HAGGARD, (John.) Reports of Cases in tho Pathological and Practical Observations Consistory Court of London, containing the on Diseases bf the Alimentary Canal, (Eso- judgments of the Right Hon. Sir William phagus, Stomach, Cmecum, and Intestines. Scott. 2 v. 80 London, 1822. 80. London, 1857. -- Reports of Cases in the Ecclesiastical HABINGTO(N, (Thomas and William.) Histo- Courts at Doctors' Commons, and in the rie of Edward the Fourth, King of England. High Court of Delegates, from 1827 to 1832 Folio. London, 1640. 3 v. 80. London, 1829-32. HABINGTON, (William.) Castara. 80. Lon- The same. 1832 and 1833. V. 4, parts don, 1810. (Chalmers' Eng. Poets, v. 6.) 1 and 2. 80. London, 1833. (2 copies.) 504 HAGGARD. HAKLUYT. HAGCGARD, (John.) Reports of Cases in the sationetles institutions militaires des arm6es High Court of Admiralty, during the time of 6trangdres. 3 v. in 2. 80; atlas, folio. Lord Stowell, Sir Christopher Robinson, and Paris, 1846-52. Sir John Nicholl, 1822 to 1838. 3 v. 80. HAINEs, (Charles Gliddon.) Memoir of Thomas London, 1825-40. (3 copies of v. 3.) Addis Emmet. 120. New-York, 1829. HAGGERTY, (John.) Trial and Conviction for HAINES, (Elijah M.) Compilation of all the the murder of Melchoir Fordney, of Lan- General Laws of the State of Illinois relative to caster, Penn., 1847. 80. Lancaster, 1847. Township Organization. 80. Chicago, 1855. HAGGITT, (F.) Conduct and Pretensions of Practical Treatise on the Powers and the Roman Catholics Considered. 80. Lon- Duties of Justices of the Peace and Constadon, 1813. (Theol. Pam., v. 14.) bles in the State of Illinois; with the necesHAGUE, (Thomas.) Appeal to his Majesty on sary forms of proceedings; embracing, also, the State of the Nation. 80. Edinburgh, a collection of original and selected forms for 1818. (Pol. Pam., v. 52.) popular use in the transaction of business. HAGUE, (William.) Christianity and States- 80. Chicago, 1855. manship. With kindred topics. 120. New- Probate Manual; being a complete York, 1855. guide for executors, administrators, and HAIHN HAHN, (Ida, Countess.) From Babylon guardians, under the laws of Illinois; with to Jerusalem. 120. London, 1851. practical forms. 80. Chicago, 1856. Letters from the Orient; or, travels in HAIR, (T. H.) Series of Views of the Collieries Turkey, the Holy Land and Egypt. 2d ed. in the Counties of Northumberland and Dur80. London, 1845. dam; with descriptive sketches; also, Essay HAHNEMANN, (Samuel.) Organon of Homceo- on Coal and the Coal Trade, by M. Ross. pathic Medicine. 3d Am. ed. 80. New- Folio. London, 1844. York, 1849. HAIRBY, (James.) Rambles in Normandy. Fragmenta de Viribus Medicamentorum 40. London, 1846. Positivis, sive in sano corpore humano obser- HAITI. See HAYTI. vatis. Edidit F. F. Quin. 80. Londini, 1834. HAKEWILL, (Arthur William.) Modern Glimpses of Hahnemann, the Founder Tombs; gleaned from the public cemeteries of Homoeopathy. 240. Manchester, 1860. of London. 40. London, 1851. HAIGH, (Daniel H.) Conquest of Britain by HAKEWILL, (George.) Apologie; or, declarathe Saxons; a harmony of the "Historia tion of the power and providence of God in Britonum," the writings of Gildas, the the government of the world. Folio. Lon"Brut," and the Saxon Chronicle, with don, 1630. reference to the events of the 5th and sixth HAKEWILL, (James.) Picturesque Tour of centuries; 80. London, 1861. Italy; from drawings made in 1816-17. 40. - Anglo-Saxon Sagas; an examination of London, 1820. their value as aids to history: a sequel to the - Picturesque Tour of the Island of Ja"History of the Conquest of Britain by the maica, from drawings made in 1820-21. Saxons." 80. London, 1861. Folio. London, 1825. HAIGH, (Samuel.) Sketches of Buenos Ayres HAKEWILL, (William.) Modus Tenendi Parand Chili. 8C. London, 1829. liamentum; or, the old manner of holding HAILES, (Sir D. Dalrymple, Lord.) Annals of Parliaments in England; with some priviScotland, from the accession of Malcolm III, leges of Parliament, and the method of passto the accession of Robert I. 40. Edin- i g bills. 18~. London, 1671. burgh, 1776. HAKLANDER,(Friedrich Wilhelm.) Clara; or, Decisions of the Lord of Council and Slave Life in Europe. From the German. Session from 1766 to 1791. Selected from 2d ed. 3 v. 120. London, 1856. the original Atss., by M. P. Brown. 2 v. 40. HAKLUYT, (Richard.) Collection of the Early Edinburgh, 1826. Voyages, Travels, and Discoveries of the - Memorials and Letters relating to the English Nation. A new edition, with addiHistory of Great Britain in the Reigs f ns. 5 v. 40. London, 1809-12. James I. and Charles I. 2 v. 160. Glas- CONTENTS. gow, 176(3. Vol. 1. Discoveries toward the North and Northeast gow, 1766. by Sea, as of-Lapland, Scrikfiia, Corelia, Bay HAILLOT, (Giustiniani,) et SAN ROMAN. Stat- of S. Nicolas, Isles of Colgoiene, Vargatz, and.i.' -...',e.t 1.|e. Nova Zeimbla; toward the great river Ob, Russia, istique Militaire, et recherches sur l'organi- Caspian Sea, Georgia, Armenia, Media, Persia, 505 HAKLUYT. HAKLUYT. HAKLUYT, (Richard.) Collection of the Early translated by Lok. Virginia richly valued, by the description of the Maine Land of Florida, her Voyages, &c.-Continued. next Neighbour, out of four years Travel of F. Boghar in Bactria, and divers kingdoms of Tar- de Soto. Translated from the Portuguese, by taria; together with many notable Monuments HIaklnyt. Discovery of the Barmudas, otherwise and Testimonies of the Ancient Forren Trades called the Isle of Divels, by Sir F. Gates, Sir G. and of the Warrelike and other Shipping of Eng- Sommers, and Capt. Newport. True Coppie of a land in former ages; and of the Northern Seas Discourse written by a gentleman employed in and Lands situate that way, and the Defeat of the the late Voyage of Spaine and Portingale, to a Spanish Armada, 1588. friend for the Satisfaction of all such as having Vol. 2. Discoveries towar(d the South and South- been seduced, by particular report, have entered East by sea andl overland ihrouglh the Streight of into conceipts tending to the discredit of the EnGibralter to Alger, Tunis, Tripolis in Barbary, terprise, and Actions of the Same, 1589. The Alexandria and Cairo in Egypt, Isles of Sicilia, Omissions of Cales Voyage, by the Earl of Essex. Zante, Candia, Rhodus, Cyprus, Chio, City of Constantinople, and divers parts of Asia Minor, HAKLUYT, (Richard, Ed.) Divers Voyages Syria, and Armenia, Jerusalem, and other places touching the Discovery of America, &c. in Judea; also to Arabia, down the river Euphrates to Babylon and Balsara, through the Persian 80. London, 1850. (Hakluyt Society, v. 7.) Gulph to OrLmutz, Chaul, Goa, and Islands ad-... Guiuph to Ormute, Clhai, Gsaz, and Islands adl- -Historie of the West Indies, containing joining upon the South parts of Asia; also upontoe te West, conta ng Goa to Cambara, and all the dominions of the actes and adventures of the Spaniards, which Great Mogor, to the river Ganges, Bengala, Aracan, Bacola, Chonderi, Pegu, Jamahi in Siam, and have conquered and peopled those countries. almost the frontiers of China. Also Voyages, (HaTluyt's Voyaes v. 5.) &c., made without the Streight of Gibralter to the b Islands of the Acores, Porto Santo, Madera, and HAKLUYT SOCIETY. Works issued by the the Canaries, to Kingdoms of Barbary and Isles.. Lndn, 1of Cape Verde, Rivers of Senega, Gambra, Mad- society. 30 V. 8~. London, 1847-6. rabumba, Sierra Leona, Coast of Guinea and Benin, Isles of S. Thorne and Santa Helena, and CONTINTS. parts about Cape of BuonaEsperanza, Quitangone Amazons. Expeditions into the Valley of the Amneere Mozanbique, Isles of Comoro and Zanzi- azons. 1539-40, and 1639. Translated by C. R. bar, City of Goa, beyond Cape Comori, Isles of Markham, v. 24. Nicubar, Gomes Polo, Palo Pinaour, Malacca, and Benzoni, (G.) History of the New World; showto Kingdome of Junsalaon. ing his travels in America from 1541 to 1546. Vol. 3. Discoveries, &c., in the new found world of Translated by W. A. Smyth, v. 21. America, viz: Engronland, Meta Incognita, Es- Champlain, (Samuel.) Voyage to the West Indies totiland, Tierra de Labrador, Newfoundland, up and Mexico, in 1599-1602. Translated by A. the Grand Bay, Gulfe of S. Lawrence, and the Wilmere, v. 23. River of Canada to Hochelaga and Saguenay, Clavijo, (Rny Gonzales de.) Embassy to the Court along coast of Arambec to shores and maines of of Timour, at Samarcand, 1403-6. Translated Virginia and Florida, and to the West, to the rich by C. R. Markham, v. 26. and pleasant countries of Nuena Biscay, Cibola, Coats, (W.) Geography of Hudson'sBay; remarks Figuex, Cicuic, Quiuira, to the 15 Provinces of in many voyages to that locality, between 1727 the kingdome of New Mexico, to the Gulfe of and 1751, v. 12. California, and up the River of Buena Guia: and Columbus, (Chr.) Select Letters, with other origlikewise to the iYes lying before the Cape of inal documents, relating to his four voyages to Florida, Bay of Mexico, and Terra Firma to the the new world. Translated by R. H. Major, v. 2. Coasts and Inlands of New Spain, and Guiana; Drake, (Sir Francis.) World Encompassed, being up the Rivers of Orenoque, Dessekebe, Maran- his next voyage, to that to Nombre de Dios. non, to every part of Coast of Brasil, to the River Collated with an unpublished manuscript of F. Plate, through the Streights of Magellar forward Fletcher, chaplain to the expedition, v. 16. and backward to the South as farre as 57~, from Early Voyages to Terra Australis, now called Austhence on the backside of America, along the tralia. Edited by R. II. Major, v. 25. Coastes, Harbours, and Capes of Chili, Peru, Nic- Galvano, (Antonio.) Discoveries of the World, aragua, New Spain, New Galicia, Culiacan. Cali- from their first original unto the year of our Lord fornia, Nova Albion, and northerly as farre as 1555. Corrected and publishedin England, by R. 43~: together with the Voyages of Sir F. Drake Hamkluyt, (1601;) now reprinted, with the Portuand T. Candish, round the World, and divers guese text, edited by Vice-Admiral Bethune, v. 30. other voyages intended to set forth for that Guzman, (Alonzo Enriquez de.) Life and Acts of. course. The above Discoveries, &c., were made A. D. 1518 to 1543. Translated fiom an inedited by Rainolds, Dassell, White, Earle of Cumber- MS., with notes, by C. R. Markham, v. 29. berland, Cabot, Frobisher, Davis, Zeno, I-ore, Hakluyt, (R.) Divers Voyages touching the DisGilbert, Drake, Leigh, Verazzano, Ribalt, Lau- covery of America and the islands adjacent. donniere, Gourgues, Nica, Coronado, Ruis, Espejo, Collected and published by Richard Hakluyt. Mendoqa, Gomara, Cano, Tomson, Bodenham, Edited. with notes, by J. W. Jones, v. 7. Chilton, HawTks, Philips, Hortop, Madoc, Cabot, Hawkins, (Sir R.) Observations in his Voyage into Cartier, Roche, Anmadas, Barlowv. Grinuile, White, the South Sea in 1593. Reprinted fiom ed. of Ulloa, Alarchon, Gualle, Pert, Fison. 1622. Edited by C. R. Drinkwater Bethune, v. 1. Vol. 4. Voyages in America made by Drake, Ox- Heberstein, (Sigisnmund, Baron von.) Notes upon nam, Barker, Michelson, Mace, Carey, Chamber- Russia; being a translation of the earliest account laine, Newport, King, May, Lancaster, Duddeley, of that country, entitled Rerum Moscoviticarum Preston, Sommers, Hawkins, Sherley, Parker, Cominentarii. Translated by R.H. IMajor, v.10-11. Raleigh, Keymis, Hare, Reniger, Borey, Pudsey, Hudson, (Henry.) The Navigator. Original docSilua, Winter, Penton, Ward, Withrington, Lis- uments in which his career is recorded, collected, ter, Candish, Galvano, Brocquiere, Vertomarinus. partly translated, and annotated; by G. M. Asher, Vol. 5. Voyage by Holland Ships into East Indies, v. 27. 1595-97. Voyage from Holland to Java in the India in the Fifteenth Century; being voyages to East Indies, by 8 ships from Amsterdam, 1598. India, from Latin, Persian, Russian, and Italian Nlwes from the East Indies; or a Voyage to sources. Edited by R. H. Major, v. 22. Bengalla, written by W. Bruton, 1638. Fardle Japon. Mlemorials of the Empire of, in the XVI. of Facions, conteining the Anciente Maners, Cus- and XVII. Centuries. Edited by T. Rundall, v. 8. tomes and Lawes of the Peoples enhabiting the Maynarde, (Thomas.) Sir Francis Drake, his Voytwo partes of the Earth called Affricke andAsie, age, 1595, with the Spanish account of Drake's by WV. Waterman. Conquest of the Grand Cana- attack on Puerto Rico. Edited from the original ries, 1599. History of the West Indies and an MS, by W. D. Cooley, v. 4. account of the Actes and Adventures of the Span- Mendoza, (J. Gonzalez de.) History of the Great iards which have conquered and peopled these and mighty Kingdom of China, and the situation Countries. Published in Latin, by Hakluyt, and thereof. Reprinted from the early translation of 64 506 HAKLUYT. HALE. HAKLUYT SOCIETY. Works issued by the vocabularies of North-America. 80. New society-Continued. York, 1848. (Am. Ethnol.Transactions, v. 2.) R. Parke. ELdited by Sir George T. Staltoln, HALE, (Sir Matthew.) History-of the Cornwith an introdnction by it. H. 3Lajori, v. 14-15 Middleton, (Sir Heiinry.) Voyage to Bantatml and mon Law of England. 80. London, 1739. the Maitlco Islands. Fromti tie editioi of 1606. The same. And an Analysis of the ^i^^B^^or^, ^^ T he same. Anc an Analysis of the (ldited by Bolton Corneyt, v. 19. Orleans, (P. J. d'.) Hiistory of the two Tartar Civil part of the Law. 6th ed., with notes Coniquer,rs of Cilina; includin the two jou irneys into Tartary of Fathler F'crdinalid Verbtist, in and references, by Charles Runnington. 80. the suite of the Eiiperor Kallg-I-i; fromti the London 1820. FrIenchlt Also, Fatiler Pereira's journey into Tartary inl the suite of the salme emperor; from H Iistoria Placitorum Corone, the H-sthe Dutch of Nicolas Witsen. Translated and y of t f te C n with edttcd by the Earl at 1 ileotm 1 te v1 17 n tory of the Pleas of the Crown; with addiedited by the ]Earl of Ellesmere, v. 17. Raleigh, (,Sir Walter.) jiiscovery of the largc, tional notes, by George Wilson. 2 v. 8~. ricb, and beautiiul Eimpir C of Cuiana, with a relation of the great aitd golden City of lMano., London, 1778. (wXhich the Spanniards call El Dorado,) etc., per- Jurisdiction of the Lords House, or formed in the year 1595, by ialcighl. Reprinted from thli editiou of )59), w-itlh solle vunpublislied Pallianment, considered according to ancient documents relative to thait country. Egdited,. woit lotens cand ttileo it, y t e y:. EScholrg, 1ecords; with a narrative of the same jurisv. 3. diction, from the accession of James I., by Pnuidall, (T.) Narratives of Voyages towards the North-West, in Search of a tPassage to Catiliay Francis -argrave. 40. London, 1796. and India, 1496 to 1631, v. 5. (2 coies.) Rnusia at the close of the Sixteenth Centulry; colr- ( tcnes.) prising the treatise " Of the E.usse Commonll Original Institution, Power, and JuWVealth," by Dr. Giles Fletcher; end the Travel s diction of Parliaments; with a declaratioa of Sir Jeromte IHorsey, from his ownit MS. Editedt "f^i -l ilisii ction sof Parliaments; with a declaration bly Edward A. Bond, v. 20. of the Iouse of Commonos, concerning their Simon, (Pedro.) Expedition of Pedro de Ursua and Lope de Aguirre in search of El Dorado and privileges. 120. London, 1707. inmagua, in 1560-61 Tnt by. Trol- - Pleas of the Crown; or, a methodical laert, v. 58. Soto, (F de.) Discovery and Conquest of Terra summary of the principal matters relating to Florida, by Don Ferdinando de Soto, and six o Florida iDn.Ferdinao do ate,,and i that subject. 5th ed. 80. London, 1716. hundred Spanitrds his followels; written by a gentleman of Elvas, employed in all the action, - The same. 1st Am. ed., with notes and trant-lated out of the Portluguese, by Richard Haklluyt. Eclited by W. 1. 1tye, v. 9. and references to later cases, by W. A. Stokes Spitzbergeni and Greenlanid. Collectionl of Docu- and E. Ingersoll. 2 v. 8. Philadelphia, unlluets on, comlprising a translation froml F. Marten's voyage to Spitzitergen; a translation ftrom 1847. Isaac de la Peyrere's Histoire du Greenland; and Isaac, de la P1 yroi tilistoire do Grimeaittd itid _ _ Short Treaties touching Sheriffs' AcGod's power atid providence in the preservatio n of AC eiglit 1menli in Greenlalnd i litne mtoneths and twelve compts. To which is added a Tryal of dayes. Edited by Adam Vhll tte, v. 18. Stirachey, (William.) Hislto ire of Travaile into Witches, at the Assizes held at Bury St. Virginia Britannica. Nst'v first editedl trom the Edmonds, for the couuty of Suffolk, on the origilnal IMS, by 1.. EH. MIljor, v.6. Veer, (Geltit de.) True Description of three Voy- 10th of March, 1664, before the said Sir ago6 by the Northl E- st towvards Cathay and Mathe Hae. 80. London, 1683. China, undertakenl by the Dlutch in the years ttw e. Lodon, 163. 1594-96. Edited by Ciharles T. Buke, v. 13. -The same. 80. London, 1716. (Bound HALoIzUnE, (John.) Practical Treatise of with Pleas of the Crown; ed. 1716.) Passing Private Bills through both houses Discourse touching Provision for the of Parliament. 80. London, 1838. Poor. 80. London, 1716. (Bound with HALCOMBE, (J. J.) Speaker at Home. On preceding.) public speaking and reading aloud. 2d ed. ~ Works, moral and religious. With his 160. London, 1860. life and death, by Bishop Burnet, and appenHALDANE, (Alexander.) Memoirs of the Lives dix to the life, by Richard Baxter. 2 v. 80. of Robert Haldane and James Alexander London, 1805. Haldane. 80. New-York, 1853. CONTENTS. HALE, (1Mrs. C. V-R. MI.) Saturday Even- Christian Religion, Brief Abstract of, v. 1. Considerations for Cleansing the Hear t and Life, v. 1. ings; a series of moral and religious essays. Contemlpla.tions, Moral and Divine, v. 2. 120. New-York, 1845. Day of Pentecost, v. 1. Discourse of Religion, v. 1. HALE, (Edward Everett.) Kansas and Ne- Discourse touching provision for the Poor, v. 1. Doing' as we would be donie unto, v. 1. braska; history, geographical and physical we oi be de n, v. 1. Letters to his Children, v. 1. characteristics, and political position of those Life and Death of Hale, by Bishop Burnet, v. 1. 0~ Boston. Life of Poinponius Atticus, v. 1. territories. 12. Boston, 1854. Poems upon Christmas Day, v. 2. HALE, (Horatio.) Ethnography and Philology. HALE, (Salmta.) History of the United States, 40. Philadelphia, 1846-49. (Wilkes' U. S. to 1815. 180. New-York, 1830. Ex. Expedition, v. 6.) The same. 2 v. 180. New-York, 1842. Indians of North-west America, and (Harper's PFa. Lib'y, v. 119-20.) 150 7 HALE. HALL. HALE, (Sarah Josepha.) Bible Reading-Book; Civil, Canon, Feudal, English, and Scots containiing history, biography, prophecy, in Law; with an English translation. 8~. the exact words of Scripture. 12~. Phila- Edinburgh, 1823. delphia, 1854. Translation and Explanation of the Complete Dictionary of Poetical Quota- principal Technical Terms and Phrases used tions. 80. Philadelphia, 1854. in Erskine's Institute of the Law of Scot~- Liberia; or, Mr. Peyton's Experiments. land. 2d ed. 120. Edinburgh, 1829. 120. New-York, 1853. HALKETT, (John.) Historical Notes respect~-l-New Cook-Book. 120. Philadelphia, ing the Indians of North America; with 1858. remarks on the attempts made to convert - Receipts for the Million. 80. Phila- and civilize them. 80. London, 1825. delphia, 1857. HALL, (Miss A.) Manual of Morals, for conThree Hours; or, the Vigil of Love; mon schools; adapted also to the use of and other poems. 160. Philadelphia, 1848. families. 180. Boston, 1849. ~ WIoman's Record; or, sketches of all HALL, (A. Oakey.) Manhattaner in New distinguished women, from "the beginning" Orleans; or, phases of Crescent City life. till 1850; with selections from female writers 12g. New York, 1851. of every age. 80. New-York, 1853. HALL, (Basil.) Account of a Voyage of DisHALES, (John.) Golden Remains, and Ser- covery to the West Coast of Corea, and the mons. 2d ed. 2 v. in 1. 40. London, 1673. Great Loo-Choo Island. With charts, and HALES, (John G.) Survey of Boston. 160. a vocabulary of the Loo-Choo language, by Boston, 1821. H. J. Clifford. 40. London, 1818. HALES, (William.) New Analysis of Chrono- Extracts from a Journal written on the logy. 4 v. 40. London, 1809-12. coasts of Chili, Peru, and Mexico, in 1820HALFELD, (Henrique G. Fernando.) Atlas e 1822. 3d ed. 2 v. 120. Edinburgh, 1824. Relatorio concernente a Exploragao do Rio --- Fragments of Voyages and Travels. 3 de S. Francisco, desde a cachoeira da pira- series in 1 v. 80. London, 1840. p6ra at6 o oceano Atianlico. Folio. Pio de Schloss Hainfield; or, a winter in Janeiro, 1860. Lower Styria. 120. Edinburgh, 1836. HALHED, (Nathaniel B.) Grammar of the Ben- ~ Travels in North America, in the years gal Language. Small 40. Hoogly, 1778. 1827 and 1828. 3v. 120. Edinburgh, 1829. See GENTOO LAws. HALL, (B. M.) Life of Rev. John Clark. HALIBURTON, (Thomas Chandler.) Ameri- 120. Nelw-York, 1857. cans at Home; or, byeways, back-woods, HALL, (Baynard R.) Frank Freeman's Barand prairies. 3 v. 120. London, 1854. her Shop; a tale. 120. New-York, 1852. Bubbles of Canada. 8~. London, 1839. -- Teaching, a Science; the teacher an Clockmaker; or, the sayings and doings artist. 120. New-York, 184,. of Samuel Slick of Slickville. 3 series, in HALL, (Benjamin F.) Land Owner's Manual; 3 v. 120. London, 1837-40. a sunimary of statute regulations, iu NewThe English in America. 2 v. 120. York, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, London, 1851. Iowa, and Wisconsin, concerning land ti~ —- Historical and Statistical Account of ties, deeds, mortgages, wills of real estate, Nova-Scotia. 2 v. 80. Halifax, 1829. descents, lands, taxes, &c. 80. Auburn, N- Nature, and Human Nature. 2 v. 120. (N.Y.,) 1847. London, 1855. The Republican Party and its PresidenTraits of American Humor, by native tial Candidates. With sketches of Fremont authors. 3 v. Post 80. London, 1852. and Dayton. 120. Auburn, (N. Y.,) 1856. 1-HALIFAX, (C. Montague, Earl of.) Poems. HALL, (Benjamin H.) History of Eastern 160. London, 1790. (Johnson's Eng. Poets, Vermont, from its earliest settlement to the v. 26.) close of the eighteenth'century. 80. NewThe same. 80. London, 1810. (Chal- York, 1858. mers' Brit. Poets, v. 9.) Collection of College Words and CusHALIFAX. See HALLIFAX. toms. 2d ed. 120. Cambridge, (Ms.,) 1856. HAuLKERSTON, (Peter.) Collection of Latin HALL, (Charles.) Effects of Civilization on Maxims and Rules in Law and Equity, se- the People in European States. 80. Lonlected from the most eminent authors on the don, 1805. 508 HALL. HALL. HALL, (Charles Henry.) Memoirs of the Life liam Henry Harrison, of Ohio. 8~. Philaof Andrew Hofer; containing account of the delphia, 1836. transactions in the Tyrol during 1809. 8. Memoir of Thomas Posey. 16~. BosLondon, 1820. ton, 1846. (Sparks' Am. Biog., v. 9, second Sermons. 80. Oxford, 1799. (Bamp- series.) ton Lectures for 1798.) Notes on the Western States; their HALL, (Charlotte.) Memoirs of Marshall Hall, soil, climate, resources, and scenery. 12~. M. D. 80. London, 1861. Philadelphia, 1838. HALL, (Edward.) Chronicle; containing the Sketches of the West. 2 v. 160. history of England, during the reign of Philadelphia, 1835. Henry IV., and succeeding monarchs, to Soldier's Bride; and other tales. 160. the end of the reign of Henry VIII. 40. Philadelphia, 1833. London, 1809. Tales of the Border. 160. PhiladelHALL, (Edward B.) Discourse on the Life phia, 1835. and Times of John Howland. 80. Provi- HALL, (Professor James.) Paleontology of dence, (R. I.,) 1855. New York. 2 v. 40. Albany, (N. Y.,) HALL, (Edwin.) Puritans and their Princi- 1847-52. (New York Nat. History, part 5.) pies. 4th ed. 80. New-York, 1851. MATHER, (W. W.,) EMMONS, (E.,) and HALL, (Elisha J.) Observations and Docu- VANUXEM, (L.) Geology of New York. 4v. ments on a Calumny circulated by John 40. Albany, (N. Y.,) 1842. (New York Nat. Brown. 80. (n.p.)1802. (Pol.Pam.,v. 102.) History, part 4.) HALL, (Elizabeth M.) Practical American - and WHITNEY, (J. D.) Report of the Cookery and Domestic Economy. 120. Geological Survey of the State of Wisconsin. Auburn, (N. Y.,) 1856. V. 1. 80. New York, 1862. HALL, (Everard.) Digested Index to the Vir- HALL, (John; Chirurgyen.) Historiall Exposginia Reports, from Washington to 2d Ran tulation against the beastlye abusers of Chydolph; with tables of the cases, and rules of rurgerie and Physyke. (Percy Soc'y Pub., courts. 80. Richmond, 1825. (10 copies.) v. 11.) The same. From 3d Randolph to 3d HALL, (John; Architect.) Cabinet Maker's Leigh. V. 2. 80. Richmond, 1835. (9 Assistant. Oblong 80. Baltimore, 1840. copies.) Modern Designs for Dwelling Houses. HALL, (Francis.) Colombia; its present state 2d ed. 40. Baltimore, 1847. in respect of climate, soil, productions, popu- New and Concise Method of Handlation, government, commerce, etc. With Railing. 40. Baltimore, 1840. map. 2d ed. 80. London, 1827. HALL, (John E.) American Law Journal. Travels in Canada and the United 7 v. 80. Philadelphia, 1808-1821. (2 States, in 1816-17. 80. London, 1818. copies of v. 7.) HALL, (Frederick.) Account of Middlebury, - Practice and Jurisdiction of the Court (Vt.,) 1767. 80. Boston, 1822. (Mass. Hist. of Admiralty. 80. Baltimore, 1809. Coil., v. 9, second series.) HALL, (Joseph.) Works; with glossary, inHALL, (F. J.,) and TWELLS, (P.) Reports of dex, &c., by Josiah Pratt. 10 v. 80. LonCases in the High Court of Chancery, 1849 don, 1808. and 1850. 2 v. 80. London, 1850-51. CONTENTS. Bishop Hall's Hard Measure, v. 1. HALL, (Harrison.) The Distiller. Adapted to Cases of Conscience, v. 8. the use of farmers and distillers. 2d ed. 80. Contemplations on Ne Testae v. 2. Contemplations on Old Testament, v. 1-2. Philadelphia, 1818. Devotional Works, v. 6. Letter from the Tower, v. 1. HALL, (Herbert Byng.) Spain; and the seat Life of Hall, written by himself, v. 1. of war in Spain. 120. London, 1837. Miscellaneous Works, v. 10. Mundus Alter et Idem, v. 10.. HALL, (Rev. James.) Tour Through Ireland; Paraphrase on Hard Texts; Genesis to Revelation, with reflections on the union of Britain and il Works v. 9. Polemical'Works, v. 9. Ireland. 2 v. 80. London, 1813. Practical Works, v. 7-8. Satyres, v. 10. HALL, (Judge James.) Harp's Head. 160. Sermons, v. 5. Philadelphia, 1833. Mundus Alter et Idem, sive terra AusLegends of the West. 160. Philadel- tralis, Mercurio Britannico. Accessit Thomre phia, 1832. Campanella Civitas Solis, et Nova Atlantis Memoir of the Public Services of Wil- Franc. Baconis. 180. Ultrajecti, 1643. 509 HALL. HALL. HALL, (Joseph.) Satires and Poems. 8~. Reflections on War, v. 1. Tndirr lD ^ orc. -P+oes t-. Sentiments proper to the Present Crisis, v. 1. London, 1810. (Chalmers' Eng. Poets, v. 5.) Sermon on the Death of the Princess Charlotte of HALL, (Junius.) Act to Amend some of the Wales, v. 1. Sermons, v. 6. Proceedings, Practice, and Rules of Evi- Sermons, Notes of, v. 5. dence of the Courts of this Commonwealth, Slavery in the West India Islands, Address on the State of, v. 3. passed by the General Court of Massachu- Substitution of the Innocent for the Guilty, v. 1. For'mIs of Communion, v. 2. setts, in 1851; with notes, references, and Tracts, Political and liscellaneous, v. 3. analysis of the act. 80. Boston, 1851.or with a brief memoir of the HALL, (J. Paxton.) Guide to the Three Ser- thor. 2 v. Andover, (s.,) 1830. vices, Civil, Naval, and Military. 2d ed. Miscellaneons Works, and Remains. 160. London, 1860.:12. London, 1846. HALL, (J. P.) Reports of Cases in the Superior Apology for the Feedom of the Press --- \ ~ Apology for the Freedom of the Press, Court of the City of New-York. 2v. 80. Court of the City of New-York. 2 v. 8S. and for General Liberty. 80. London, 1793. New-York, 1831-33. New-York, 1831-33. (Pol. Pam., v. 85.) HALL, (J. Sparkes.) Book of the Feet; a his- HALL, (Robert G.) Essay on the Rights of tory of boots and shoes. 160. ew-York, tory of boots and shoes. 160. New-York, the Crown and the Privileges of the Subject -1847.'.. 3in the Sea-Shores of the Realm. 80. LonHALL, (Marshall.) Critical and Experimental don, 830. Essay on the Circulation of the Blood. 80 HALL (Samel Carter.) Book of British London, 1831. Ballads. 40. London, 1847. Gulstonian Lectures for 1842. On the o rn r Tv- ~ Gallery of Modern Sculpture. 40. Mutual Relations between Anatomy, Physi- London, 1854. ology, Pathology and Therapeutics, and the G s of E; te Practice of Medicine. 80. London, 1842. Gems of Europen Art; the est picPractice of Medicine.. London, 1842. tures of the best schools. 1st and 2d series. Memoirs on the Nervous System. 40 2 v. 4 London, 846. L v. 40. London, 1846. London, 1837. London, 1837. Royal Gallery of Art, ancient and ~ Practical Observations and Suggestions -i. G -- Practical Osevations and Suggestios modern; engravings from the private colin Medicine. 1st and 2d series. 120. Lon-.. Uv I din Medicine. 1t and 2d series. 1245-6. L lections of her Majesty the Queen, and his Prnilsodon, hTer184nd5-t6c. 7Royal Highness Prince Albert, and the art ~ —--- Principles of the Theory and Practice Principles of the Theory and Pactice heirlooms of the crown, at Windsor Castle, of Medicine; including his work upon Diag- Belekingham Palace, and Osborne. 4 v. nosis. 80. London 1837Buckingham Palace, and Osborne. 4 v. nosis. 80. London, 183. Folio. London, 1861. r Two-Fold Slavery of the United States; Venon Gallery of British Art. 3.^-. ~ Vernon Gallery of British Art. 3 v. with a project of self-emancipation. 160. 4. London, 1854.'London, 1854. HALL, (Mr'. and Mrs. S. C.) Book of the HALL,, (LM/rs. Matthew.) Queens Before the HALI,, (Mrs. AMatthe~w.) Queens Before the Thames, from its rise to its fall. Small 40. Conquest. 2 v. 120. London, 18549. ~ —--- Land of the F'orum and the Vatican; Land of the Forum and the Vatican; Ireland; its scenery, character, &c. or, thoughts and sketches during an Easter 3 v. 8. London, 1841-43. pilgrimage to Rome. 160. London, 1854. _ Week at Killarney. 40. London, 1850. HALL, (P. W.) Thoughts on the Principles HALL, (Mirs. S. C.) The Buccaneer. 160 and Tenor of the Revealed and Supreme London, 1840. (Bentley's Stand. Novels, Law. 80. London, 1792. v. 79.) HALL, (Robert.) Works. 6v. 80. London, -Lights and Shaows of Irish Life. ~~~~~1833. ~3 v. 120. London, 1838. CONTENTS. The Outlaw. 16G. London, 1847. Address to Rev. E. Carey on his Designation as a Christian Missionary to India, v. 1. (Bentley's Stand. Novels, v. 105.) Advantages of KInowledge to Lower Classes, v. i. — Pilgrimages to English Shrines. With Apology for the Freedom of the Press, v. 3. Christianity Consistent with a Love of Freedom, notes and illustrations by F. WT. Fairholt. v. 3. Circular Letters, v. 1. 8. London, 1850. Discouragements and Supports of the Christian Sketches of Irish Character. IllusMinister, v. 1. Eclectic Review, Articles from, v. 4. trated. 80. New-York, 1846. Funeral Sermon for Rev. Dr. p yland, v. 1. Stories of the Governess. 80. LonLetters, v. 5. Memoir of Hall, by O. Gregory, and Observations don, 1852. on his Character as a preacher, by J. Foster, v. 6. Tales of Woman's Trials. 8. LonMiscellaneous Pieces, v. 3-4. LonModern Infidelity Considered, v. 1. don, 1847. 510 HALL. HALLIWELL. HALL, (Samuel R.) Lectures on School-Keep- HALLEY, (Edmund.) Tabule Astronomicre. ing. 12~. Boston, 1829. Accedunt de usu tabularumn prrecepta. 4~. HALL, (Sidney.) New General Atlas, with Londini, 1749. the divisions and boundaries. Folio. Lon- HALLIDAY, (Sir Andrew.) Annals of the don, 1857. House of Hanover. 2 v. 8~. London, 1826. HALL, (T. B.) Flora of Liverpool. With - General -istory of the House of Gu.elph, Aleteorological Tables for 1838, by W. Ar- or Royal Family of Great Britain, from the mistead. 160. London, 1839. earliest period to the accession of George I. HALL, (Thomas Grainger.) Elements of Al- 43. London, 1821. gebra. 2d ed. 12~. London, 1846. The West Indies; with account of the Elements of Descriptive Geometry. moral, social, and political condition of their 12~. London, 1841. inhabitants, before and after the abolition of Treatise on the Differential and Integral Negro slavery. 12?. London, 1837. Calculus, and the Calculus of Variations. HALLIFAX, (Samuel.) Analysis of the Civil 4th ed. 8~. London, 1846. Law, in which a comparison is occasionally Treatise on Plane and Spherical Trig- made between the Roman laws and those of onometry. 3d ed. 8~. London, 1842. England. By J. W. Geldart. 8~. CamHALL, (William.) Complete Series of Tables bridge, (Eng.,) 1836. of Land Measures. 8~. London, 1836. HALLIWELL, (James Orchard.) Catalogue of HALL, (William W.) Bronchitis and Kindred the Miscellaneous BIss. in Library of the Diseases. 12~. New-York, 1852. Royal Society. 8~. London, 1840. HALLAMX, (Henry.) Constitutional History of - Collection of Letters, illustrative of the England, from the accession of Henry VII. progress of science in England, from the to the death of George II. 2 v. 4~. Lon- reign of Elizabeth to that of Charles II. 8~. don, 1827. London, 1841. The same. 3 v. 8~. Boston, 1829. Curiosities of Modern Shaksperian CritiThe same. 6th ed. 2 v. 8~. Lon- cism. 8~. London, 1853. don, 1850. - Descriptive Notices of Popular English ~ — Introduction to the Literature of Europe Histories. (Percy Soc'y Pub., v. 23.) in the fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth - Dictionary of Old English Plays, from centuries. 3d ed. 3 v. 8~. London, 1847. the earliest times to close of seventeenth cenView of the State of Europe during the tury. 8~. London, 1860. Middle Ages. 9thed. 2v. 8~. London, 1846. Dictionary of Archaic and Provincial HALLECK, (Fitz-Greene.) Poetical Works. 12~. Words. 3d ed. 2 v. 8~. London, 1855. New-York, 1852. Early History of Freemasonry in EngThe same. 12~. New-York, 1853. land. 12~. London, 1844. - Selections from the British Poets. 2 v. - Historical Sketch of the Provincial Dia18~. New-York, 1842. (Harper's Fam. lects of England. 80. London, 1847. Library, v. 112-113.) Illustrations of the Fairy Mythology of HALLECK, (H. Wager.) Collection of Mining Midsummer's Night's Dream. 8~. London, Laws of Spain and Mexico. 8~. San Fran- 1845. (Shakespeare Soc'y Publications, v. 2.) cisco, 1859. Introduction to the Evidences of - Elements of Military Art and Science. Christianity. 2d ed. 16~. London, 1859. 12~. New-York, 1846. Letters of the Kings of England. 2 v. International Law; or, rules regulating 12~. London, 1848. the intercourse of States in peace and war. Notices of Fugitive Tracts and Chap8~. New-York, 1861. (2 copies.) Books. (Percy Soc'y Pub., v. 29.) HALLER, (Albert von.) Bibliotheca Botanica, Nursery Rhymes of England. (Percy qua scripta ad remn herbariam facientia a Soc'y Publications, v. 4.) rerum initiis recensentur. 2 v. 4~. Lon- Observations on Some of the Manuscript dini, 1771-72. Emendations of the Text of Shakespeare, Historia Stirpium indigenarum Helve- and are they copyright? 8~. London, 1853. tim inchoata. 3v. in2. Folio. Bernre, 1768. - Rara Mathematica; treatises on the HALLETT, (BenjaminF.) Speech beforeMassa- mathematics, and subjects connected, from chusetts Democratic Convention. 80. Bos- ancient inedited Iss. 2d ed. 8~. Lonton, 1860. don, 1841. HALLORAN. HAMILTON. HALLORAN, (Alfred Laurence.) Wae Yaing particularly the writings of Lord Herbert. Jin; visits to Loochoo, Japan, and Pootoo. 8~. Philadelphia, 1798. 12~. London. 1856. HAMBLETON,, (James P.) Biographical Sketch HALLS, (John James.) Life and Correspond- of Henry A. Wise; with the political camence of Henry Salt. 2 v. 8~. London, paign in Virginia, in 1855, and view of po1834. litical parties in the Union, in 1856. 8~. HALPIN, (N. J.) Oberon's Vision in Midsum- liichmond, 1856. ier Night's Dream illustrated by compari- HAMi BUnRG. Tahellarische Uebersichten des son with Lylie's Endymion. 8. London, Hamburgischen HIandels in Jahre 1862. 4'. 1843. (Shakespeare Soc'y Pub., v. 2.) 1-Hamburg, 1863. 1HALPINE, (Charles G.) Lyrics by the letter H. HAIxi:L,, (F. J.) Laws of the Customs; con120. New-York, 1854. solidated by direction of the lords colmmisHALSTEAD), (M.) Caucuses of 1860; a history sioners of her Majesty's treasury; (16 & 17 of the national political, conventions of the Vic. c. 106 & 107.) With a co-nmentary, Presidential campaign. 80. Columnbus, (0.,) containing practical forms, notes of decisions 1860. in leading customs cases; and appendix of HALSTED, (Caroline Amelia.) Richard III., the acts. 80. London, 1854. as Duke of Gloucester and King of England. HAMEL, (Henry.) Account of the Shipwreck 2 v. 80. London, 1844. of a Dutch Vessel, 1653. (Churchill's VoyHALSTED, (E. Pellew.) Iron-cased Ships. Ex- ages and Travels, v. 4.) periments at Woolwich and at Portsmouth. Travels in Korea, 1653. (Pinkerton's 8~. London, 1861. Voyages, v. 7.) Screw-Fleet of the Navy. 8~. London, HAMEL, (J.) England and Russia; conmpris1850. ing the voyages of John Tradescant the ElHALSTE[D, (George B.) Reports of Cases in der, Sir Hugh WVilloughby, Richard Chanthe Court of Chancery, and in the Preroga- cellor, Nelson, and others, to the White Sea. tive Court, and, on Appeal, in the Court of Translated fiom the German, by John S. Errors and Appeals, of New Jersey. 3 v. Leigh. 80. London, 1854. 80. Elizabethtown and Newark, 1849-52. HAM:EL, the Obeah Man. 2 v. 80. London, The same. 4 v. 80. Elizabethtown 1827. and Newark, 1849-54. (2 copies-of v. 1, and HA-MERTON, (Philip G.) Painters' Camp in 5 copies of v. 4.) the Highlands, and Thoughts about Art. HALSTED, (H.) Exposition of Motorpathy; a 2 v. 120. London, 1862. new system of curing disease, 160. Ro- HAMIL, (E. J.;) and }I-HENDEI'SON, (Samuel.) chester, (N. Y.,) 1853. Discussion on Methodist Episcopacy. 12~. HALSTED, (J. R.) Digest of the Law of Evi- Charleston, (S. C.,) 1856. dence, embracing rules established by writers IHAMILTON, (Capt. Alexander.) Account of tlhe of acknowledged authority, and affirmed by East Indies. 1688-1723. (Pinkerton'sVoythe decisions of the federal courts, and the ages, v. 8.) courts of all the States; with references to Hi lIL'rTON, (Alexander.) Works; comprising English adjudications. 2 v. 80. New- his most important official reports: an iniYork, 1856. (2 copies.) proved edition of the Federalist, vwritten in HIALSTED, (William.) Digested Index of the 1788; and Pacificus on the proclamation of Decisions of the Superior Courts of New-Jer- neutrality, writtenin 1793. 3v. 120. Newsey. 80. Trenton, 1830. (2 copies.) York, 1810. The same. 2d ed. 2 v. 80. Trenton, CONTENTS. 1843. Federalist, The, v. 2-3. Liztterls of P1acificus, V. 3. ~ —-- bReports of Cases in the Supreme Court RL otlr t Pblic Cedit, v. 1. Report on Public Credit, v. 1. of Judicature of New-Jersey, 1821 to 1831. on National Bank, v. 1. 7; en Conitatmosi on Collntitutiolality of Na.tional Bank, v. 1. 7 v. 80. Trenton, 83_3-31. ___ o Subject tof Malnnfactures, v. 1. HALTAUS, (Christian Gottlob.) Calendarumn on the Estabhlislmet of a Mint, v. 1. Medii XEvi, prrecipun Germanicum, in usum W Vorks; compiising his correspondence, historike ac rei diplomatics. 120. Lipsise, and his political and official writings, exclu1729. sive of the Federalist, civil and military. HALYBURTON, (Thomas.) Rational Inquiry Edited by John C. Hamilton. 7 v. 80. into the Principles of the Modern Deists; INew-York, 1850-51. (5 copies.) 512 HAMILTON. HAMILTON. HAMILTON, (Alexander.) Works-Continued. HAMILTON, (Augusta, Lady.) Marriage Rites, CONTENTS. Customs and Ceremonies of all Nations of V. 1. Correspondence. the Universe. 8O. London, 1822. 2. Political aiscellaries. HAMILTON, (Charles.) Transactions during 3. Papers as Secretary of the Treasury. 4. Cabinet Papers. the Reign of Queen Anne. 8~. Edinburgh, 5. Cabinet Papers; Military Papers; Correspondence. 1790. 6. Correspondence and Political Papers. HAMILTON, (Charles.) See HEDAYA. 7. Political and Law Papers; Index. P a L P HAMILTON, (Llizabeth.) Cottagers of GlenLetter concerning the public conduct burnie; a tale. 0. JEdinburgh, 1851. burnie; a tale. &~. Edinburgh, 1851. and character of John Adams. 2d ed. 80. Principles Letters on the Elementary Principles New York, 1800. (Pol. Pam., v. 100.) o ducatio th ed. v.. The same. 3ded. (Pol. Pam.,v. 81.) don Official and other Papers. Compiled,. s L. H. V. 1 - Memoirs of the Life of Agrippina, the by Francis L. Hawks. V. 1. 8~. New- b"~ ~~~yo, 1.(omepbsd)wife of Germanicus. 3 v. 120. Bath, 1804. York, 1842. (No more published.) o 1 ( m p lis t.) e HAMILTON, (Emma Lyon, Lady.) Memoirs; Second Letter fi'om Phocion to citizens eo nk Le f Po, t4 c n with anecdotes of Lord Nelson, and many of New York. 8~. New York, 1784. (Pol. other of her friends and contemporaries. Pam., v. 96. ) 3d ed. 12~. London, 1835. Letters to A. H. King of the Feds, by. HAMILTON, (Francis Buchanan.) Account of Tom Callender. 80. New York, 1802.. the Fishes found in the River Ganges and its (Pol. Paim., v. 102.) (P ol 111 k on Mr.. Plamt., v. 0.)t branches. 40. Plates, folio. Edinburgh, Few Remarks on Mr. H-Iamilton's Letter, concerning the Public Conduct and Caract ofthe e, b *. HAMILTON, (G.) GalleFy of British Artists, Character of the President, by Caius. 80. o ift, ifrom Hogarth to the present time; with 288 Baltimore, 1800. (Pol. Pam., v. 100.) Batimor, 180 -Pl Pam, v. -r. ~ engravings of their most approved produc"HAMILTON" to the Federalists of the United e s o t ost approvd tions. 4 v. 16~. Paris, 1837. States on the choice of a President 80. IHAMILTON, (George.) General Introduction New York, 1S12. (Pol. Pam., v. 110.) New York, 112. (Pol. Pam., v. 10.) to the Study of the Hebrew Scriptures. 80. HAMILTON, (Alexander.) Letter to Congress D bl, 1814 -Dublin, 1814. on a Plan of a Fiscal Agent. 80. Wash- N o,1841. (P1. Par., v. 117 and 118. HAJMILTON, (Henry Parr.) Analytical System ington, 1841. (Pol. Pam. v. 117 and 118.,..ington, 181 am, v17anoof Conic Sections. 5th ed. 80. Cambridge, 2 copies.) HAMILTON, (Andrew.) Sixteen Months in the (Eng.,) 1843. Danish Isles. 2 v. 120. London, 1852. inciples of Analytical Geometry. Cambridge, 1826. HAMILTON, (Lady Anne.) Secret History of HAMi (He.) L f tGr, ^ \-n1 T - J H-IAMILTON, (Henry R. ) Lexicon of the Greek the Court of England, firom the accession of Lang e.. L ondon, 18 ^ TT-r i -,. ^ ^ Languaoe. 160. London, 1802. George III. to the death of George IV.; in-. 1. Rl o. HIAMILTON, (H:. W.) Rurwal Sketches of Mincluding full particulars of the mysterious, D h of P s Ch. 2. in 1. nesota; also, letters upon Northern WisDeath of Princess Charlotte. 2v. inml. 80..'. M cousin. 8~0. Milan, (0.,) 1850. London, 1832. HLTond, (Anthony Cot ve 4 HAMILTON, (James; D. D.) Memoir of Lady HAMILTON, (Anthony, Count.) (Euvres. 4v. 80.O, p - C Colquhoun. 4th ed. 80. London, 1854. 8~ ParLs, 18~l-l3. Paris. Memoirs of the Life of James Wilson, CONTENTS. ~~CONTENTS. ^Esq., of Woodville. 120. London, 1859. Belierv(le;) Con.te, v. 2. HAMILTON, (James.) Sinai, the Hedjaz, and LEnchanteur (1') Faustus; Conte, v. 2. Histoire de Fleur d'Epine, v. 2. Soudan; wanderings around the birth-place Lettres et Epitres, v. 3. Alemoires de Grammont, v. 1. of the prophet, and across the EAi thiopian Poesies Diverses, v. 3. desert. 120. London, 1857. Quatre (les) Facardins; Conte, v. 2. Relation d'un Voyage en Mauritaine, v. 3. -- Wanderings in North Africa. 120. Relations Veritables de diff6rents Endroits d'Eu- London, 856. rope, v. 3.on, Suite des quatre Facardins et de Zeneyde, par P. HAMILTON, (John Church.) History of the M:. G. de Levis, v. 4. Volupte; (la) dialogue, v. 3. Republic of the United States. of America, Zeneyde; Conte, v. 2. as traced in the writings of Alexander Fairy Tales and Romances. Trans- HIhamilton and his contemporaries. 7 v. 80. lated from the French. 120. London, 1849. New-York and Philadelphia, 1857-64. Memoirs of Count Grammont. New - - Life of Alexander Hamlilton. 2 v. 80. ed. 2 v. 80. London, 1811. New-York, 1834-40. 513 HAMILTON. HAMMER. HAMILTON, (J.P.) Travels through the In- Dictionary of Terms used in the Arts and terior Provinces of Columbia. 2 v. in 1. Sciences. 16~. London, 1825. 12~. London, 1827. HAMILTON, (Rev. William.) Letters on the HAMILTON, (J. R.) Marion: or, the Reclaimer; Basaltes of the Northern Coast of the County a play. 8~. Cincinnati, 1857. of Antrim. (Pinlerton's Voyages, v. 3.) HAMIMILTON, (John S.) Army, Navy and Mi- HAIM[ILTON, (Sir William; Knight.) Outlines litia Volunteer Guide to Health, Valour and from the Figures and Compositions upon the Victory. 240. Albany, 1851.. Greek, Roman, and Etruscan Vases of the -- Essay on Sacred Charms of Individual late Sir William Hamilton, drawn and enand National Friendship. 160. New-York, graved by I. Kirk. 4~. London, 1804. 1852. HAMILTON, (William; of Bangour.) Poems. HA^MILTON, (Nicolas E. S. A.) Dictionary of 160. Chiswick, 1822. (Brit. Poets, v. 57.) the English, German and French Languages; Poems. 8~. London, 1810. Chalin three parts: English, German and French; mers' Eng. Poets, v. 15.) German, English and French; and French, HAMILTON, (Sir William; Prof. at Edinburgh.) English and German. 1. 120. Lon- Discussions on Philosophy and Literature, don, 1853-55. Education and Universal Reform; chiefly - Inquiry into the Genuineness of the froln the Edinburgh Review. 8~. London, Manuscript Corrections in J. Payne Collier's 1852. Annotated Shakspeare, folio 1632. 40. Lon- Lectures on Metaphysics and Logic. don, 1860. Edited by H. L. Mansel and John Veitch. HAMILTON, (Richard Winter.) Missions; their 4 v. 80. Edinburgh, 1859. authority, scope, and encouragement. 2d HAMILTON, (William Gerard.) Parliamentary ed. 120. Leeds, 1846. Logick. 120. London, 18(8. -- Nuge Literarime; prose and verse. 8~. HAMILTON, (William Richard.).Agyptiaca; London, 1841. account of the ancient and modern state of HAMILTON, (Robert, M. D.) Amphibious Egypt, as obtained in the years 1801-1802. Carnivora. 12". Edinburgh, (n. d.) (Jar- 4o. London, 1809. dine's Nat. Lib'y, v. 25.) HAMILTON, (Sir William Rowan.) Lectures on British Fishes. 2v. 120. Edinburgh, Quaternions; containing a systematic state(n. d.) (Jardine's Nat. Lib'y, v. 36-37.) ment of a new method. 8". Dublin, 1853. Whales, etc. 12~. Edinburgh, (n. d.,) HAMILTON, (William T.) Sermon for the (Jardine's Nat. Lib'y, v. 26.) Benefit of the American Colonization SoHAMILTON, (Robert.) Inquiry concerning the ciety. 80. Newark, (N. J.,) 1825. rise and progress, the redemption, present HAMILTONS vs. EATON. Case respecting Britstate, and management, of the National ish Debts lately determined in the Circuit Debt of Great Britain. 2d ed. 80. Phila- Court in the United States, for North Carodelphia, 1816. (2 copies.) lina District, presided by C. J. Ellsworth. The same. 8~. London, 1857. (Fi- 8". Newbern, 1797. nancial Pam., v. 21.) HAMLEY, (Edward Bruce.) Story of the CamProgress of Society. 8". London, paign of Sebastopol, written in the Camp. 1830. 80. Edinburgh, 1855. HAMILTON, (Schuyler.) History of the Na- HAMMER-PURGSTALL, (Joseph von.) Gestional Flag of the United States of America. chichte der Schonen Redekiinste Persiens, 12~. Philadelphia, 1852. mit einer Blitfhenlese aus zweihundert PerHAMILTON, (S.S.) Indian Treaties, and Laws sischen Dichtern. 40. Wien, 1818. and Regulations relating to Indian affairs. - Ancient Alphabets and Hieroglyphic 80. Washington, 1826. Characters Explained, by Ahmed Bin AbuHAMILTON, (Capt. Thomas.) Annals of the bekr Bin Wahshih; and now in English. Peninsular Campaigns, from 1808 to 1814. Small 40. London, 1806. 3 v. 120. Philadelphia, 1831. History of the Assassins; derived from - Men and Manners in America. 2d ed. Oriental sources. 12~. London, 1835. 2 v. 120. Edinburgh, 1834. Histoire de l'Empire Ottoman, depuis Youth and Manhood of Cyril Thornton. son origine jusqu'i nos jours. Traduit de 2d ed. 3 v. 16~. London, 1829. l'Allemand, par J. J. Hellert. 18 v. 8~. HAMILTON, (Waiter.) Handbook, or concise Atlas. Folio. Paris, 1835-43. 65 HAMMITT. HANCOCK. HAMMITT, (Samuel A.; "Philip Paxton.") sJavery. 12~. Charleston, (S. C.) 1852. Stray Yankee in Texas. 12". New-York, (In " Pro-slavery Argument.") 1853. HAMMOND, (Samuel -H.) Hills, Lakes, and Wonderful Adventures of Captain Forest Streams; or, a Tramp in the ChaPliest; with other legends. 12~. New- teaugay Woods. 12". -New York, 1854. York, 1855. HAMOND, (M.) Life of the Cardinal de HAMMOND, (Anthony.) Analytical Digested Cheverus, Archbishop of Bordeaux; by Index to the Term Reports, and others; J. HuRen Du-Bourg. Translated fiom the containing all the points of law argued and French, by Robert M. Walsh. 12~. Philadetermined in the courts of King's Bench, delphia, 1841. Common Pleas, and Exchequer, during the HAIMOR, (Raphe.) Solida Narratio de moderno reignofGeorgelII. 2v. 8~. London, 1819. provincim Virginim Statu. (Bry, CollecDigest of Reports in Equity. 8G. New- tiones, series I, pars 10.) York, 18(2. (2 copies.) True Discourse of the present estate of Practical Treatise on Parties to Actions, Virginia., and the success of the affairs there and Proceedings, Civil and Criminal. 8". till 18th June, 1814; with a relation of the Exeter, 1822. several English towns and forts, the chrisSummary Treatise on the Practice and tening of Powhatan's daughter, and her Proceedings in Parliam-ent; the passing of marriage with an Englishman, &c. 80. public and private bills; and the law of London, 1615. (Reprinted.) Albany, 1861. elections. 8~. London, 1825. HAMPDEN, (John.) Aristocracy of England. ~_-~ Treatise on the Law of Nisi Prius. 2d ed. London, 1846. (S. Exeter, 1823. HAM )DEN, (R. D.) The Fathers of Greek HAMMOND,(C.) Lightfromthe SpiritWVorld- Philosophy. 8o. London, 1862. the pilgrimage of Thomas Paine, and others, The Scholastic Philosophy considered to the seventh circle in the spirit world, in its relation to Christian Theology. 3d ed. 120. Rochester, (N. Y.,) 1852. 8~. London, 1848. (Bampton Lectures for The same: a series of articles on the con- 1832. ) dition of spirits, &c. 16~. Rochester, 1852. HAMPER. (William.) Life, Diary, and CorHAMM!OND, (Henry.) Paraphrase and Anno- respondence of Sir William Dugdale. 40. tations upon all the books of the New London, 1827. Testament. Folio. London, 1653. HANAFORD, (Mrs. Joseph H.) Lucretia, the HAMMOND, (Jabez D.) History of Political Quakeress; or, principle triumphant. 12". Parties in the State of New-York, from the Boston, 1853. ratification of the federal constitution to 1847. HANEURY, (Benjamin.) Historical Memorials 3 v. 8. Allbany and Syracuse, 1842-52. relating to the Independents, or CongregaLife and Times of Silas Wright, late tionalists, from their rise to A. D. 1660. 2v. Governor of the State of New-York. 83. 80. London, 1839-1841. Syracuse, 1848. HANCARVILLE, (Pierre Francois-Hugues d'.) - Oration on the Revocation of the British Recherches sur I'Origine, l'Esprit, et les Orders in Council. 120. Orsego, (N. Y.,) ProgrBs des Arts de la Grlce; sur leur con1809. (Pol. Pam., v. 108.) nexion avec les arts et la religion des plus HAMIMOND, (James.) Love Elegies. 160. anciens peuples connus; sur les monumens London, 1790. (Johnson'sEng. Poets, v. 39.) antiques de l'Inde, de la Perse, du reste de Poems. 80. London, 1810. (Chal- l'Asie, de l'Europe, et de l'Igypte. 2v. 4~. mer's Eng. Poets, v. 11.) Londres, 1785. The same. 16G. Chiswick, 1822. HANcociK, (Henry.) Anatomy and Physi(Brit. Poets, v. 63.) ology of the Male Urethra, and Pathology HAMMOND, (John.) Leah and Rachel; or, the of Strictures of that canal. 80. London, two fiuitfull sisters, Virginia and Maryland. 1852. London, 1656. (Reprint, Force's Hist. HANCOCK, (Sallie J.) Etna Vandemir; a roTracts, v. 3.) mance of Kentucky and "the Great UprisHAMMOND, (J. H.) Letter to Agricultural ing." 120. New York, 1863. Society of Jefferson co., on subject of marl. HANcocK, (Thomas, M. D.) The Peculium; 80. Augusta, (Ga.) 1846. an endeavor to throw light on the causes of ---- Two letters to Thomas Clarkson, on the Society of Friends. 120, London, 1859. 515 HANCOCK. I-IANOVER. HANCOCK, (Thomas, M. D.) Principles of HANDs,(William.) Proceedings onElectionPePeace Exemplified in the Conduct of the titions; with precedents. 8~. London, 1812. Society of Friends in Ireland, during the Re- Solicitor's Assistant, in the Court of bellion of the year 1798. 120. Ph.iladel- Chancery. 80. London, 1809. phia, 1829. HI-NDY, (Isaac W. K.) Sermon on Our NaHANCOCK, (Thomas.) Personal Narrative of tional Sins. 8~. Portsmouth, (Va.,) 1861. the Origin and Progress of the Caoutchouc HANDY, (R. D. and J. H.) Reports of Cases or India-Rubber Manufacture in England. in the Superior Court of Cincinnati, in 8G. London, 1857. 1854-55. V. 1. 80. Cincinnati, ]c55. HANCOCK, (William.) An Emigrant's Five HANDY, (Washington R.) Text Book of AnatYears in the Free States of America. 12~. omy, and Guide in Dissections, for the use of London, 1860. students of medicine and dental surgeiy. 8~. HAND-BOOK Almanac for the Pacific States. Philadelphia, 1854. Edited by W. H. Knight. 160. San Fran- HANGER, (George.) Life, Adventures, and cisco, 1862. Opinions. Written by himself. 2 v. 80. HAND-BOOK of Anglo-Saxon Orthography; by London, 1801. a literary association. 120. New-York, 1852. To all Sportsmen, and particularly to HAND-BOOK of Anglo-Saxon Root-Words; by Farmers and Game Keepers. Above Thirty a literary association. 12C. New-York, 1853. Years' Practice in Horses and Dogs. 8~. HAND-BoOK to the Cathedrals of England. London, 1814. Southern Division. 2 v. 120. London, HANKINS, (Marie Louise.) Reality; or, a his1861. tory of human life. 160. New-York, 1858. HAND-BOOK of the Court; the Peerage; the HANM AER, (Meredith.) Chronicle of Ireland. House of Commons. Ninth year. Square 80. Dublin, 1809. (Ancient Irish Histo16~. London, 1859. ries, v. 2.) HAND-BOOK of lEnglish Orthography; by a HANTMER, (Sir Thomas.) Correspondence. literary association. 120. New-York, 1853. With memoir. Edited by Sir Henry BunHAND-BOOK of Travel-Talk; a collection of bury. 8~. London, 1838. questions, phrases, and vocabularies, in HANN, (James,) and GENER, (P. and J.) Steam English, German, French, and Italian. 3d Engine for Practical Men. 80. London, ed. 18~. London, 1853. 1854. HAND Place-Book of the United Kingdom. HANNA, (William.) Memoirs of the Life and 480. Glasgow, 1856. Writings of Thomas Chalmers. 4 v. 8~. HANDEL, (Georg Friedrich.) Oratorio, "Israel Edinburgh, 1849-51. in Egypt," (composed in 1738,) in vocal HANNAY, (Charles J. J.) Maritime Rights score, with accompaniment, by V. Novello. and Obligations of Belligerents, as between 8~. London, 1854. themselves, their allies, and neutrals, as reOratorio, "Judas Maccabmus," (com- cognized by English maritime courts. 160. posed in 1746,) in vocal score, with accom- London, 1862. paniment, by V. Novello. 80. London, HANNAY, (James.) Satire and Satirists: six 1848. lectures. 120. London, 1854. Oratorio, "Samson," (composed in HANNAY, (Robert.) History of the Represen1742,) in vocal score, with accompanimlent, tation of England, drawn from records; and by V. Novelio. 80. London, 1850. of the jurisdiction of the House of Commons Sacred Oratorio, "The Messiah," (cor- to reform abuses in the representation, withposed in 1741,) in vocal score, with accom- out the aid of statute law. 80. London, paniment, by V. Novello. 80. London, 1831. 1846. HANNO Carthaginiensis. Navigatione nelle Songs, Sacred and Secular; forty-eight parte dell' Africa. (Ramusio, Navigationi of the most admired, with symphonies, and et Viaggi, v. 1.) accompaniments for the pianoforte. Edited HANOVER. Statistik des KOnigreichs Iannoby J. Wade. 40. London, 1859. ver: Einfuhr, Durchfuhr und Ausfuhr im HANDEY, (William H.) Political Equilibrium. Steuervereine von 1. Juli 1844 bis 1. Juli 180. Hagerstown, (Md,) 1842. 1848; und zur Agrarstatistik, Aufnahmen HANDS, (William.) Law and Practice.of Pa- aus den Jahren 1831 and 1832. 2 v. folio. tents for Inventions. 160. London, 1808. Hannover, 1850-51. 516 HANSARD. HARDEN. HANSARD, (George.) Treatise on the Law funebres des illustres du'temps. Recueillis relating to Aliens, and Denization and Na- par Me. L. G. 4~. Paris, 1655. turalization. 8~. London, 1844. HARASZTHY, (A.) Grape Culture, Wines, and HANSARD, (George Agar.) Book of Archery; Wine-making; with notes upon agriculture history and practice of the art, ancient and and horticulture. 8~. New York, 1862. modern. 8~. London, 1841. HARBAUGIT, (Henry.) Birds of the Bible. 8~. HANSARD, (John.) Book of Entries; of de- Philadelphia, 1854. clarations and other pleadings, general and Fathers of the German Reformed special, in the most usual actions in the Church in Europe and America. 2 v. 12~. Court of King's Bench. Folio. London, Lancaster, (Pa.,) 1857. 1685. Heavenly Home; or, the employments HANSARD, (T. C.) Parliamentary History of and enjoyments of the saints in heaven. 12~. England, from 1066 to 1803. 36 v. 80. Philadelphia, 1853. London, 1806-20. Heavenly Recognition; earnest and - Parliamentary Debates, 1803-1863. 1st scriptural discussion of the question, Will series. 41 v. 8c. London, 1803-20. weknowourfriends inheaven? 120. Phila2d series, 27 v. 80. London, 1820-30. delphia, 1851. 3d series, v. 1-170. 80. London, Life of Rev. Michael Schlatter. 120. 1830-63. Philadelphia, 1857. General Index to 1st and 2d series, HARBERT, (Samuel C.) Practical Treatise on 1803-1830. 80. London, 1834. the Operations of Stugical and Mechanical Treatises on Printing and Type Found- Dentistry. 80. Philadelphia, 1847. ing. 120. Edinburgh, 1841. HARBISON, (J. S.) Improved System of Typographia; historical sketch of the Propagating the Honey-Bee. 80. Sacraorigin and progress of printing; with mento, (Cal.,)1860. practical directions for conducting every HARCARSE, (Sir Roger Hogg; Lord.) Decisdepartment in an office. 80. London, ions of the Court of Session from 1681 to 1825. 1691. Folio. Edinburgh, 1792. HANSENIUS, (J. B.) De Jurejurando Ve- HARCOURT, (Madame d'.) Memoir of the terum. (Graevius, Thesaurus Antiq. Rom., Duchess of Orleans, (Helen of Mecklenburgv. 5.) Schwerin.) From the French, by Mrs. HANSON, (J. W.) History of Gardiner, Pitts- Austin. 120. London, 1859. ton and West Gardiner; the Kennebec In- HARCOURT, (Edward Vernon.) Sketch of dians and New Plymouth purchases; with Madeira; containing information for the genealogicalsketches. 120. Gardiner, (Me.,) traveller or invalid visitor. 120. London, 1852. 1851. HANSON, (Sir Levett.) Accurate Historical HARCOURT, (G. Vernon.) Letters by "HisAccount of all the orders of Knighthood at toricus" on some questions of International present existing in Europe. 2 v. 80. Lon- Law. 80. London, 1863. don, 1802. HARCOURT, (Leveson Vernon.) Doctrine of HANWAY, (Castner.) Trial for Treason inthe the Deluge; vindicating the scriptural acresistance of the execution of the Fugitive count from doubts recently cast upon it by Slave Law of 1850. Before Judges Grier geological speculations. 2v. 80. London, and Kane, in the circuit court of the IT. S. 1838. for the eastern district of Pennsylvania, held HARCOURT, (Robert.) Relation of a Voyage at Philadelphia in 1851. By J. J. Robbins. to Guiana, 1613. (Harleian Miscellany, v. 3.) 80. Philadelphia, 1852. - The same. (Purchas' Pilgrims, v. 4, HANWAY, (Jonas.) Account of the Empire of p. 1267.) Russia, and anecdotes of the Czar Peter I. HARDCASTLE, (Daniel.) Banks and Bankers. (Knox's Coll. Voyages, v. 5.) 120. London, 1842. HAPPINESS. Treatise on. Observations on HARDEN, (Jacob S.) Life, Confession, and health, property, the mind, and the passions. Letters of Courtship of Rev. T S. Harden, of 2 v. 120. London, 1833. the M. E. Church, Mount Lebanon, N. J., HARANGUES C6elbres et remonstrances faites executed for the murder of his wife, 6th aux Roys aux Princes et autrespersonnes July, 1860. 80. Hackettstown, (N. J.,) d'6minente condition, et quelques oraisons 1860. 517 HARDENBERG. HARDY. HARDENBERG, (Friedrich von.) Novalis HARDWICH, (T. Frederick.) Manual of PhoSchriften. Herausgegeben von Ludwig tographic Chemistry, including the practice Tieck, F. Schlegel, und E. von Biilow. 3 v. of the Collodion Process. 4th ed. 160. in 1. 12~. Berlin, 1837-46. London, 1857. CONTENTS. HARDWICK, (Charles.) Christ and other Mas2Esfhetik und Literatur. Hymnen an die Nacht. ters; historical inquiry into the chief paralBriefe. Lehrlinge (Die) zu Sais. Frilgmente. Moralische Ansiclten. lelisms and contrasts between Christianity Geitliche Lieder. Philosophie unod Physik. and the religious systems of the ancient CyedicIhte. Tag'buch. Heinrich von Ofterdin- world. 2 v. 8c. Cambridge, 1855-58. gen. ~ History, present position, and social Henry of Ofterdingen; a romance. importance of Friendly Societies; including Translated fiom the German. 120. New odd-fellowship. 160. London, 1859. York. 1853. HARDWICKE, (PhilipYorke, Erlof.) Athenian HARDENBERG, (Prince.).See MnMOIRES D'UN Letters; epistolary correspondence of an HOMME D'ETAT. agent of the King of Persia, residing at HARDIE, (James.) American Remembrancer, Athens during the Peloponnesian War. 2 v. and Universal Tablet of Memory. 16~. 40 London, 1810. Philadelphia, 1795. - Miscellaneous State Papers, from 1501 Description of the City of New-York, to 1726. 2 v. 40. London, 1778. with a brief account of its History. 16~. HARDY, (Campbell.) Sporting Adventures in New-York, 1827. the New World; moose-hunting in Acadia. New Universal Biographical Dictionary, 2v. 120. London, 1855. and American Remembrancer of departed HARDY, (R. Spence.) Eastern Monachism; merit. 4 v. 80. New-York, 1805. origin, laws,sacred writings, mysterious rites, HARDIN, (J. J.) Speech in Congress on Pub- and present circumstances of the order of lie Life and Principles of Van Buren. 80. mendicants founded by G6tama Budha. 80. Washington, 1844. (Pam. Addresses, v. 2.) London, 1850. HARDIN, (Martin 1).) Reports of Cases in the Manual of Buddhism, in its modern Court of Appeals of Kentucky, 1.805 to 1808. development. Translated fiom Singhalese 8~. Frankfort, 1810. (3 copies.) Mss. 80. London, 1860. HARDING, (J. D.) Elementary Art; or, the HARDY, (R. W. H.) Travels in the Interior use of the lead pencil advocated and ex- of Mexico, in 1825-1828. 80. London, 1829. plained. 40. London, 1834. HARDY, (Thomas.) Memoir, until his arrest, -Lessons on Art. Folio. London, 1849. on a false chprge of high treason, in 1794. Guide and Companion to the "Lessons Written by himself. 80. London, 1832. on Art." Small folio. London, 1854. Trial for High Treason at the Sessions Lessons on Trees. Folio. London, 1850. House, in the Old Bailey, in 1792. Taken Principles and Practice of Art. 40. in shorthand by Joseph Gurney. 4 v. 80. London, 1845. London, 1794-5. Park and the Forest. Folio. Lon- State Trials for High Treason, condon, 1841. taining the Trial of Thomas Hardy; with HARDMAN, (Frederick.) Scenes and Adven- Chief Justice Eyre's Charge to the Grand turesinCentralAmerica. 120. London, 1852. Jury. Robertson's ed. 8~. Edinburgh, 1794. Spanish Campaign in Morocco. 120. HARDY, (Thomas Duffas.) Catalogue of Edinburgh, 1860. Lords Chancellors, Keepers of the Great HARDMAN, (Samuel.) Descriptive Poem of Seal, Masters of the Rolls, and Principal OffiBattle of Waterloo. 80. London, 1827. cers of the High Court of Chancery. 80. (Pol. Pam., v. 71.) London, 1843. HARDOUIN de la Reynerie, (L. E.,) et BON- Descriptive Catalogue of Materials NlIRES, (A. J. B. de.) Consultation pour relating to the History of Great Britain and les Actionnaires de la Compagnie des Indes. Ireland, to the end of the reign of Henry VII. 40. Paris, 1788. (Col. Paim., v. 22.) Vol. 1. Parts I and 2. 2 v. 80. LonHARDRES, (Thomas.) Reports of Cases in don, 1862. (Chronicles and Mem. of Great the Courts of Exchequer, 1655 to 1660, and Britain.) from thence to the twenty-first year of Charles - Memoirs of Henry Lord Langdale. II. Folio. London, 1693. 2 v. 80. London, 1852. 518 HARE. HARLE. HARE, (Julius Charles, and A. W.) Guesses HARFORD, (John S.) Illustrations, Architecat Truth; by two brothers. First series, 4th tural and Pictorial, of the Genius of Michael ed.; second series, 3d ed. 2v. 16(. Lon- Angelo Buonarroti. Folio. London, 1857. don, 1851-55. Life of Michael Angelo Buonarroti; HARE, (J. I. C.;) and WALLACE, (H. B.) with translations of many of his poems and American Leading Cases; being select de- letters. Also, Memoirs of Savonarola, Racisions of American courts, in the several phael, and Vittoria Colonna. 2 v. 80. Londepartments of law; with especial reference don, 1857. to MercantileLaw. 2v. 8~. Philadelphia, HARGRAVE, (Francis.) Collectanea Juridica; 1847-48. (2 copies.) consisting of tracts relative to the law and The same. 2d ed. 2 v. 80. Phil- constitution of England. 2 v. 80. Lonadelphia, 1851. don, 1791-92. The same. 3d ed. 2 v. 80. Phil- - Collection of Tracts relative to the Law adelphia, 1852. of England, fiom MSS. 80. Dublin, 1787. The same. 4th ed., enlarged and im- Complete Collection of State-Trials, and proved. 2 v. 80. Philadelphia, 1857. Proceedings for High-Treason, and other HARE, (Robert.) Bank note Currency, and a crimes and misdemeanors. 4th ed., commienscheme for a National Currency. 80. Phil- cing with the year 1388, and ending with the adelphia, 1841. year 1777. 11 v. in 5. Folio. London, Brief View of Policy and Resources of 1776-81. the United States. 8~. Philadelphia, 1810. -- Juridical Arguments and Collections. (Misc. Pam.. v. 4.) 2 v. 40. London, 1797-99. Compendium of the Course of Chemical - Jurisconsult Exercitations. 3 v. 4~. Instruction in the Medical Department of London, 1811-13. the University of Pennsylvania. 2 parts, HARGROVE, (John.) Sermon on the Leading 80. Philadelphia, 1840-43. Brief Exposi- Doctrines of New Jerusalem Church. 80. tion of the Science of Mechanical Electricity. Baltimore, 1803. (Theol. Pam., v. 6.) 80. Philadelphia, 1840. On the Hydro- HARINGTON, (Sir John.) Nugm Antique; Oxygen Blowpipe. 80. New-Haven, 1847. Collection of original papers, in prose and Experimental Investigation of the Spirit verse, written during the reigns of Henry Manifestations, demonstrating the existence VIII., Edward VI., Queen Mary, Elizabeth, of spirits and their communion with mortals. and King James. Selected from authentic 80. New-York, 1855. remains; with notes, by Thomas Park. 2 v. Explosiveness of Nitre. 40. Wash- 80. London, 1804. ington, 1851. (Smithsonian Contributions HARIOT, (Thomas.) De Commodis et Incoto Knowledge, v. 2.) larvmn Ritibus Virginie. (Bry. Collectiones, - Queries and Strictures respecting Es- series 1, pars 1.) py's Meteorological Report. 80. Philadel- HARLAN, (J.) Memoir of India and Avghanphia, 1852. istaun, and the present critical state and Suggestions respecting the Reformation future prospects of those countries. 120. of the Banking System. 80. Philadelphia, Philadelphia, 1842. 1837. HARLAN, (Mary B.) Ellen; or, the chained HARE, (Thomas.) Reports of Cases in the mother; and pictures of Kentucky Slavery. High Court of Chancery, before Sir James 120. Cincinnati, 1853. Wigram, Sir J. L. Knight Bruce, Sir G. J. HAR.LAN, (Richard.) Fauna Americana; beTurner, and SirWT. P.Wood,Vice-Chancellors, ing a description of the mammiferous ani1841 to 1853. 11 v. 80. London, 1843-58. mals inhabiting North America. 80. PhilaTreatise on Discovery of Evidence by delphia, 1825. Bill and Answer, in Equity. 80. London, HARLAND, (Marion; Pseudonyme.) See TER1836. (3 copies.) HUNE, ( irs*. M.) Treatise on the Election of Representa- HARLE, (William Lockey.) Career in the tives, parliamentary and muricipal. 2d ed. Commons; or letters to a young member of 80. London, 1861. (2 copies.) Parliament, on the conduct and principles HAREBORNE, (William.) Voyage Overland necessary to constitute him an enlightened from Constantinople to London, 1588. (HIak- and efficient representative. 12~. London, luyt's Voyages, v. 2.) 1850. 519 HARLEIAN. HARPER. HARLEIAN LIBARY. Catalogus Bibliothecse HARPER and BROTHERS. Family Library. Harleiane, in locos communes distributus, 164 v. 18~. New-York, 1841-42. cum indice auctorum. Compiled by William CONTENT Oldys, Dr. S. Johnson, and Michael Mait-. Dr. SJoh n, nd Mi al AC Abercrombie. John. Inquiries concerning the Intaire. 5 v. 8~. Londini, 1743-45. tellectual Powers, v. 42. HARLEIAN }MISCELLANY; Collection of scarce, Pilosolhy of Moral Feelings, v. 63. American Adventure, v. 159-60. curious, and entertaining pamphlets and Barrow, Sir John. Memoir ofPeterthe Great,v.70. tracts, found in the Earl of Oxford's library;Pici Is d nd mntiny of the Bonnty, interspersed with historical, political, and Bell, Henry Glassford. Life of Mary Queen of Scots, v.'24, 25. critical notes. 12 v. 8S. London, 1808-11. Brewster, David. Letters of Euler on different HARLEIAN VOYAGES. See OSBORINE, (J.) subjects in Natural Philosophy; with notes and a life of Euler, v. 60, 61. HARLEY, (Lady Brilliana.) Letters during' the Letters on Natural Magic, v. 55. J.CiveilWayis.Edited byisJ.J. i. Small - Life of Sir Isaac Newton, v. 29. Civil War. Edited by J. J. Lewis. Small M-lartyrs of Science, or lives of Galileo, 40. London, 1854. (Camden Soc'y, v. 58.) Tycho Brahe, and Kepler, v. 130. Bryant, WVilliam Cullen. Selections from the AmerHARMER, (Thomas.) Observations on Various ican Poets, v. 111. Passages of Scripture. With additions and Bucke, Charles. Beauties, Harmonies and Sublimities of Nature, v. 145. corrections by Adam Clarke. 4 v. 8~. - Ruins of Ancient. Cities, v. 134,135. Charlestown, (Mass.,) 1815-17. Bush, George. Life of Mohammed, v. 11. Challestown, (M3'ass.,) J1i5-7. Camp, George Sidney. Democracy, v. 32. Outlines of a new Commentary on Combe, Andrew. Principles of Physiology, v. 75. Co rmack, John. Lives of the Ancient Philosophers. Solomon's Songg. 80. London, 1768. Translated fom tlie French of Fenelon, v. 140. HARMON, (Daniel Williams.) Journal of Voy- Court d Cap of Buonaparte, v. 32. Craik, G. L. Pursuit of Knowledge under Difficulages and Travels in the Interior of North ties, v. 95,6. America. 80. Andover, (M,) 1.Crichton, Andrew. History of Arabia, ancient and America. 8~. Andover, (M5[s.,) 1820. molldrn, v. 7-,73. HARMONIA EVANGELICA, sive Quatuor Evan- - and Henry Wheaton. Scandinavia, ancient anid modern; being a history of Denmark, Swegelia, atque Actus Apostolorum. (Grece.) den, and Norway, v. 136, 137. Editio 3a, edidit E. Greswell. 80. xso- Croly, George. Life and Times of GeorgeIV., v. 16. Cunninghanm, Allan. Lives of eminent Painters and nii, 1840. Sculptors, v. 18-2-2. Dana, R. iH.,Jr. Two years before the IMast,v. 106. HARMONIA SACRA; choice collection of psalm Davis. John Francis. lle Chinese; a general doand hymn tunes, for the voice, harpsichord, scription of the empire of China, v. 82, 83.'-,s' )~ ^,)~~ 7 Dick, Thomas. Celestial Scenery, or wonders of and organ. Oblong 4~. London. (n. d.) the planetary system displayed, v. 85. HAWRONKVILLaE,, (A. L. d7'.) Dictionnaire des Ihnlprovement of Society by the Diffusion of Knowvledge, v. 64. Dates, des Faits, des Lieux et des H-ommei s ~ Sidereal Heavens, v. 100.'Hs o tables' de ~LDiscovery and Adventure in Africa, v. 17. Ilistoriqnes; ou les tables de l'histoire; re- Discovery and Adventure in the Polar Seas and pertoire alphab6tique de clronologie univer- gis, v.. Distinguished MIen of Modern Times, v. 123, 124!. sello. 4~. Paris, 1842-43. Dover, Lord. Life of Frederick 11., King of Prussia, v. 46, 47. HARPE7, LA. Sec LA HARPE. Dwight, Theodore, Jr. HIistory of Connecticut, HARPEP, (Francis Whaley.) Powers of the v. 133. Fletcher, James. HiIstory of Poland. v. 27. Greek Tenses, and other papers. 80. Cam- Frankllin, Benjamin. Memoirs; written by himself, bridge, 1841 v. 93, 9(4. Frazelr, James B. iistorical Account of Persia, v. 7 I. HARPER, (Robert Goodloe.) Observations on Galt, John. Life of Lord Byron, v. 10. Glei-, George Robert. Histo.y of the Bible, v. 13,14. the Dispute between the United States and Gle io t. isory of ie, v.3,14. the spte beteen, Nathaniel. Ilistory of Italy. Translated France. Addressed to his constituents i fioi the Italiua, v. 81. Griscom, John H. Animal Mechanism and PlhysiMay, 1797. 4th ed. 8~. London, 1798. ology, v. 86. Select Works; consisting of speeches Hale, Salna. History of the United States, v. on political and forensic subjects. V. 1. Halleck, Fitz-Green. Selections from the British Poets, v. 112, 113. 80. Baltimore, 1814. (No more published.) Hazen, lEdi ard. Popular Technology, or profesHARPER, (William; Chancellor of South Care- sions ad trales, v. 149,150. Iead, Sir F. B. Life and Adventures of Bruce, the iina.) Memoir onSlavery. 120. Charleston, Atricanl traveller, v. 128. (S. C.,) 1852i. (Ia "Pro-Slaveryv Amgru-n HsIHenry, C. S Epitome of the History of Philosophy. i Aansla ted from the iFrench, with additions, ment.") v. 143,144. I-Iiggins, W. M. The Earth: its physical condition Reports of the Constitutional Court of and phenomena, v. 80. South Carolina, 1823 and 1824. 80. Co- Historical Account of the Circumnavigation of the Globe, v. 84. lumbia, 1824. (2 copies.) Historical Account of Iceland, Greenland, and Faroe Reports of Equity Cases in the Court Islands,v. 13[. Repos of Equiy C s i n te Cou mt oldt, Alexander von. Travels and Researches, of Appeals of South Carolina, 1824. 8. v. 59 Columbia 182. (3 co' pi) Irvingi, Wamhington. Life of Oliver Goldsmith, v. Columbia, 1825. (3 copies.) i1, 12,. 520 HARPER. HARRIS. HARPER and BROTHERS. Family Library- Tytler, Alexander Fraser. Universal History from the creation of the World to the decease of George Continued. III., v. 87-92., G e P e ainsford H ry of Crl- Tytler, Patrick Frazer. Historical View of the James, aGeorge Payile Rasford. Eistory of Charle- progress of Discovery on the more Northern m- gneHisto. Chivalry 23 Coasts of America, v. 58. anon History of Chivalrnoiy, v. ceed3. F Upham, Thomas C. Imperfect and Disordered MenJameson, Mrs. Anna. i\emofirs of celebrated Fe- tal Actiol, v. 101. male Sovereigns, v. 38, 39. 101. mlale Sovelreigns, v. 38, 39. ~White, Gilbert. Natural History of Solbourne, Keightly, T. History of:nglanld from the earliest Glbert ral story of elo e period to 1839, v. 114 —118. Williams, J. Life and Actions of Alexander the Lander, Richard and John. Journal of an Expedi-,. tion to explore the course and termination of the, v Niger, v. 40, 41. _ Lainnan, James H. History of Michigan, v. 139. Harper's Now Monthly Magazine. V. Lewis and Clark. H-istory of the Expedition of 1-27. June, 1850, to November, 1863. 80. Lewis and Clark to the sources of the Missouri, and thence to the mouth of the Columbia, in the New York, 1850-53. years 1804-1806. Prepared by Paul Allen, v. - Harper's New-York Class Book; out154, -155. Lieber, Francis. Essays on Property and Labor, lines of the geography and history of Newv. 146. Life and Travels of Mungo Park, v. 105. York.. New-York, 1847. Lives and Voyages of Drake, Cavendish, and Dam- Harper's New-York and Erie Rail-Road pier, ipcluding an introductory view of earlier discoveries in the South Sea and the history of Guide Book; scenery, rivers, towns, and the Buccasneers, v. 33. Lockhart,John Gibson. HistoryofNapoleonBuon- ost impotant works on the road. 120. aparte, v. 4. 5. New-York, 1855. Lossilg, Benson J. History of the Fine Arts,v. 71. Mackenzie. Alexander Slidell. Life of Oliver Haz- Harper's Statistical Gazetteer of the iard Perry, v. 126, 127. WoTorld. By Calvin Smith. 8~. NewManners and Customs of the Japaniese, v. 132. MIaury, Abbe. Principles of Eloquence, v. 163. York, 1855. Mlines, John. Iemoirsof the Empress JoHsep, HARPISCHORD. Compleat Tutor for the HarMichelet, J. Modern History, v. 164. pischord, or Spinnet. 8~. London. (n. d.) Millnan, Henry Hart. History of the Jews, v. 1-3.. Montgomery, James. Lectures on General Litera- HARRINGTON, (E. Burke.) Reports of Cases ture, &c., v. 69. in the Court of Chancery of the State of Mudie, Robert. Popular Guide to the Observation i of Nature, v. 62. Michigan. 8~. Detroit, 1845. (2 copies.) Murray, Hugh. Historical Account of British America, v. 10, 103. HARRINGTON, (James.) Comnon-Wealth of aand others. History of India, v. 52 —54. Oceana. Folio. London 1656. Narrative of an Expedition to the Polar Sea in the years 1820-1823, commanded by Admiral Ferdi- ~ Oceana and other works. Folio. Dublin, nand Wlrangell, v. 148. 1'37 Natural History of Birds, v. 99. Natural History of Insects, v. 8. 9. CONTENTS. Natural History of Quadrupeds, v. 104. Page, Wiliiamn P. Life and Writings of Samuel Art of Law Giving. Johnson, v. 109, 110. Common-Wealth of Oceana. Paley, William. Natural Theology. With notes Grounds and Reasons of Monarchy Considered. by Lord Broughanm and others, v. 97, 98. Life of Harrington, by J. Toland. Parry, Sir IV. E. Three Voyages for the Discovery Plato Redivivus; or, dialogue concerning Governof the North-West Passage, v. 107, 108. ment. Paulding, James K. Life of Washington, v. 77, 78. Political Tracts. Potter, A. Political Economy, v. 157. Prerogative of Popular Government. Haindbook for Readers and Students, v. 156. Renwick, James. Life of DeWitlt Clinton, v. 125. HARRINGTON, (Sir John.) See HIARINGTON. - Lives of John Jay and Alexander Hamilton, HA-Ia INGTON, (Samuel M. ) Reports of Cases v. 129. Russell, Michael. History of the Barbary States, in the Superior Court of Errors and Appeals v. 76. Life of Oliver Cromwell, v. 67. 68. of Delaware, 1832 to 1843. 5v. 80. Dover, Nubia and Abyssinia, v. 66. 1837-44. (3copies.) - Palestine, or the Holy Land, v. 30. View of Ancient and Modern Egypt, v. 26. - The same. 1843 to 1855. V. 4 and 5. St. John, James Augustus. Lives of Celebrated Travellers, v. 43-~45. 80. Dover. 1848-56. (.2 copies.) Schmidt, 1-. I. History of Education, v. 158. HARRIS, (Benjamin G.) Speech on Secret Scott, Sir Walter. Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft, v. 12. Societies, in House of Delegates of Maryland. Segur, Count Philip. History of the Expedition to 8. (n Russia, undertaken by the Emperor Napoleon in 1812, v. 141,142. HARRIS, (Chapin A.) Dictionary of Medical Sketches of Venetian History, v. 48, 49. Smith, Horatio. Festivals, Games, and Amuse- Terminology, Dental Surgery, and the colments, ancient andu modern, v. 28. mSentsh, ancient ndfe of Nelson, v. 8. lateral sciences. 2d ed. 80. Philadelphia, Southley, Rlobert. Life ot Nelson, v. 6. Spalding, Willilm. Italy and the Italian Islands, 1855. v. 151, 15i. ~~~~v. 151, 15S~. - -Principles and Practice of Dental SurStone, V. L. Border Wars of the American Revolution, v. 161-2. geiy. 7th ed. 80. Philadelphia, 1858. Taylor, WilliamCooke. History of Ireland, v. 56, 57.0. Thatcher, B. B. Indian Biography, v. 50, 51. HARRIS, (Claudius.) Ruins of Masndoo, the Ticknor, Caleb. Pllilosophy of Living, v. 79. ancient Mahommedan capital of Mialwah, in Turner, Sharon Sa cred History of the World, v. o 35~37. Central India. Folio. London, 1860, HARRIS. HARRISBURG. IARRIS, (George.) Life of Lord Chancellor HARRIS, (Thomas, Esq.) ModernEntries; or, Hardwicke; with selections from his corres- approved precedents of declarations, pleadpondence, diaries, speeches and judgments. ings, entries, and writs. Newly arranged, 3 v. 8~. London, 1847. with additions and improvements, by Hugh HARRIS, (James.) Works. 5 v. in 4. 8~. D. Evans. 2 v. 8". Baltimore, 1831-32. London, 1771-83. (2 copies.) CONTENTS. - and McHENRY, (J.) Maryland ReV. 1 and 2.-Philological Inquiries, in 3 parts. ports; being a series of the most important V. 3.-Philosophical Arrangements. V. 4.-Hermes; or, a philosophical inquiry law cases in the Provincial Court and Court concerning universal gracmmar. of Appeals, of Maryland, 1700 to 1799. V. 5.-Three Treatises: 3st. ConcerningArt. 2d. Concerning Music, Painting, and 4 v. 8~. New-York and Annapolis, 1809-18. Poetry. 3d. Concerning Happiness. (3 copies.) Hermes; or, a philosophical inquiry and JOHnSON, (R.) Reports of Cases concerninguniversal grammar. 7th ed. 80. in the General Court and Court of Appeals London, 1825. of Maryland, 1800to 1828. 7v. 80. AnThree Treatises. I. Art. II. Music, napolis, 1821-27. (2 copies.) Painting and Poetry. III. Happiness. 80. and GILL, (R. W.) Reports of Cases London, 1765. in the Court of Appeals of Maryland, 1826 to HARRIS, (John, D. D.) Navigantium atque 1829. 2v. 80. Annapolis, 1828-29. (2copies.) Itinerantium Bibliotheca; or, a complete HARRIS, (William, D. D.) Essay on Money collection of voyages and travels; consist- and Coins. In two parts. 80. London, ing of above six hundred of the most au- 1757-58. (Financial Pam.,v. 10.) thentic writers. 2 v. Folio. London, Historical and critical Account of the 1744-48. Lives and Writings of James I. and Charles Note.-The more important contents are catalogued I and of the Lives of Oliver Cromwell and under the names of the authors. HARRIS, (Rev. John.) Patriarchy; or, the Charles II. 5 v. 8~. London, 1814. family; its constitution and probation. 80. of James I Life of James I., v. 1. Life of Cromwell, v. 3. London, 1855. Life of Charles I, v. 2. Life of Charles II., v. 4-5. - - Pre-Adamite Earth; contributions to HARRIS, (William Cornwallis.) Highlands of theological science. 80. London, 1847. JEthiopia. 2ded. 3v. 8~. London,1844. HARIIS, (J. Dennis.) A Summer on the Wild Sports of Southern Africa. 120. borders of the Caribbean Sea. 120. New- London, 1839. York, 1860. HARRIS, (W. C.) Prison-Life in the Tobacco HARRIS, (R.) Scriptural Researches on the Warehouse at Richmond. By a Ball's Bluff Licitness of the Slave Trade. 80. Liver- Prisoner. 120. Philadelphia, 1862. pool, 1788. (Slavery Pam., v. 3.) HARRIS, (Sir William Snow.) Nature of HARRIS, (Thaddeus Mason.) Biographical Thunderstorms; and the means of protecting Memorials of James Oglethorpe, Founder of buildings and shipping against the destructhe Colony of Georgia in North America. tive effects of lightning. 80. London, 1843. 80. Boston, 1841. HARRIS, (William Tell.) Remarks during a Chronological and Topographical Ac- Tour through the United States in 1817-19. count of Dorchester. 80. Boston, 1804. 120. London, 1821. (Mass. Hist. Coll., v. 9, first series.) HARRIS, (William Thaddeus.) Epitaphs from Journal of a Tour into the Territory the Old Burying-Ground in Cambridge; with Northwest of the Alleghany Mountains in notes. 120. Cambridge, (Ms.,) 1845. 1803; with account of the State of Ohio. HARRISBURG Convention. General Conven80. Boston, 1805. tion at Harrisburg, (Penn.,) of AgriculturHARRIS, (Thaddeus William.) Report on the ists and Manufacturers, and others friendly Insects of Massachusetts Injurious to Veg- to encouragement of domestic industry of the etation. 80. Cambridge, 1841. United States. 80. Baltimore, 1827. Treatiseon some of the Insects injurious HARRISBURG Insurrection. Address of Hon. to Vegetation. Enlarged ed. Edited by C. Charles B. Penrose, Speaker of the Senate; L. Flint. 80. Boston, 1862. and speeches delivered in the Senate of PennHARRIS, (Thomas, M. D.) Life and Services sylvania, on the subject of the insurrection of Commodore William Bainbridge, United at Harrisburg, ("Buckshot war,") in Dec., States Navy. 80. Philadelphia, 1837. 1838. 120. HIarrisburg, 1839. (Imperfect.) 522 HARRISON. HART. HARRISON, (Beinjamin.) Privileges, Duties, also the Crown Cases, reserved from Michaeland Perils in the English Branch of the mas Term, 1756, to Hillary Term, 1829; inChurch of Christ at the present time. 8~. eluding the Ms. cases from the best modern London, 1850. treatises not otherwise reported. 2 v. 80. HARRISON, (Charles.) Treatise on the Cul- London, 1821). ture and Management of Fruit Trees. 2d ed. - The same. 2d ed. 1756 to 1834. 3 v. 83. London, 1825. 80. London, 1835. (2 copies ) HARRISON, (Charles HI. Rogers.) Deformities The same. 1756 to 1836. 3 v. 8~. of Spine and Chest successfully treated by London, 1837. (7 copies.) Exercise alone. 8~. London, 1842. - The same. 3d ed. By R.T. Harrison. IHARRISON, (George.) Memoir of William 1756 to 1843. 4 v. 80. London, 1844. Cookworthy, formerly of Plymouth, Devon- (2 copies.) shire. 12~. London, 1854. The same., Continued from Easter HARRISON, (Gessner.) Exposition of Some Term, 1843, to Michaelmas Term, 1855. By of the Laws of the Latin Grammar. 12~. R. Fisher. 2 v. 80. London, 1856. New-York, 1852. Index to the same. 8~. London, 1837. HARRISON, (James Bower.) Some Observa- Evidence; forming a title of the code tions on the Contamination of Water by the of legal proceedings, according to the plan Poison of Lead; and its effects on the human proposed by Crofton Uniacke. 120. Lonbody. 160. London, 1852. don, 1825. HARRISON, (Joseph; Gardener.) Floricultu- HARRISON, (William.) Speech in House of ral Cabinet, and Florist's Magazine. 22 v. Commons on East India-built Shipping. 80. in 14. 8~. London, 1833-54. London, 1814. (E. India Pam., v. 1.) HARRISON, (Joseph, Esq.) Practice of the Court HARSHMAN, (Jacob.) Cause and Preventive of Chancery. Enlarged by J. G. Williams. of Steam Boiler Explosions. 80. Dayton, With several new precedents, by W. Parker. (0.,) 1855. 2 v. 80. Philadelphia, 1807. HART, (Adolphus M.) History of the DisHARRISON, (Josiah.) Reports of Cases in the covery of the Valley of the Mississippi. 120. Supreme Court of Judicature of New-Jersey, -St. Louis, 1852. 1837 to 1812. 4 v. 80. Camden, 1839-43. - The same. 120. Cincinnati, 1853. (2 copies of v. 4.) HI-istory of Issues of Paper Money in HARRISON, (Matthew.) Rise, progress, and the American Colonies Anterior to the Revolupresent structure of the English language. lion. 80. St. Louis, 1851. 120. London, 1848. HART, (Andrew Searle.) Elementary Treatise HAHRISON, (O. B. C.) Practice of the Sheriffs' on Hydrostatics and Hydrodynamics. 80. Court of the city of London; with forms of Dublin, 1846. the proceedings to be used by suitors, and Elementary Treatise on Mechanics. the statutes and rules and orders of the court. 80. Dublin, 1844. 120. London, 1860. HART, (Arthur Wellington.) "Our Colonies." HARRISON, (Richard A.) Oration delivered 80. London, 1849. at Pleasant Valley, Ohio. 80. London, HART, (Henry George.) New Annual Army (0.,) 1863. List, and Militia List, 1840-1861. 17 v. 8~. HARRISON, (Robert, M.D.) DublinDissector, London, 1840-61. (1845, 1847, 1851, 1853, or Manual of Anatomy. 2d Am. from 5th 1856, wanting.) Dublin ed., with additions, by Robert Watts, HART, (John.) Practical Treatise on the ConJr. 120. New-York, 1843. struction of Oblique Arches. 3d ed. 40. Text-Book of Practical Anatomy. 8~. London, 1848. New-York, 1848. HART, (J. B.) Treatise on the Practice of the HAIRISON, (Robert.) Notes of a Nine Years' Courts of California, carefully adapted to the Residence in Russia, from 1844 to 1853; existing law. 80. New-York, 1853. with notices of the Tzars Nicholas I. and HART, (John S.) Epitome of Greek and Alexander I[. 120. London, 1855. Roman Mythology. In Latin. With notes HARRISON, (S. B.) Analytical Digest of all and vocabulary. 120. Philadelphia, 1853. the Reported Cases determined in the House Essay on the Life and Writings of of Lords and the several Courts of Common Edmund Spenser; with a special exposition Law, both in Bane and at Nisi Prius; and of the Fairy Queen. 80. New-York, 1847, HART. HARVEY. HART, (John S.) Female Prose Writers of HARTLEY, (Robert M.) Historical, Scientific, America. With portraits, biographical no- and Practical Essay on Milk, as an article of tices, and specimens of their writings. 8~. human sustenance. 12~. New-York, 1842. Philadelphia, 1855. HARTLEY, (Sherman.) Lessons at the Cross; - Spenser and The Fairy Queen. 12~. or, spiritual truths familiarly exhibited in Philadelphia, 1854. their lelations to Christ. 160. Boston, 1852. HART, (Richard.) Ecclesiastical Records of HARTLEY, (Thomas.) Discourse on Mistakes England, Ireland, and Scotland, from the concerning Religion, Enthusiasm, etc. 80. fifth century till the Reformation. 2d ed. Germantown, (Pa.,) 1759. (Bound with 8~. Cambridge, (Eng,) 1846. BaoMLEY'S Sabbath of Rest.) HARTE, (Walter.) History of the Life of HARTMAN, (G. W.) Plivate's Journal in the Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden, sur- Battles in Mexico, under General Scott. named The Great. 2d ed. 2 v. 80. Lon- 120. Greencastle, (Pa.,) 1849. don, 1767. HARTIMANN, (Moritz.) Der Krieg um den - Poems. 80. London, 1810. (Chal- Wald. Historie. 160. Frankfurt-am-Main, mers' Eng. Poets, v. 16.) 1850. HARTFORD, (Frances; Countess of.) Corres- HARTSIORNE, (Charles Henry.) Book Raripondence with Henrietta Louisa, Countess ties in the University of Cambridge; illusof Pomfiret, between 1738 and 1841. 2d ed. trated by original letters, and notes, bio3 v. 120. London, 1806. graphical, literary, and antiquarian. 80. HARTFORD, (Conn.) Retreat for the Insane. London, 1829. Thirty-first Annual Report. 80. Hartford, HARTWELL, (Henry;) BLAIR, (James;) and 1855. CHILToN, (Edward ) Present state of VirHARTIG, (Georg L. von.) Genesis; or, Details ginia, and the College; also the charter for of the Late Austrian Revolution, by an Offi- erecting the said college, granted by William cer of State. Translated from the German, and Mary. 80. London, 1727. by Walter K. Kelly. 120. London, 1853. HARTWICK Synod of the Lutheran Church in (Appendixto CoxE, (W.) House of Austria.) State of New York. Minutes of 21st, 22d, and HARTLEY, (Cecil B.) Life and Times of 24thAnnual Sessions. 80. Albany, 1851-54. Daniel Boone; comprising a history of the HARTY, (William.) Observations on the Hisearly settlement of Kentucky. 120. Phila- tory and Treatment of Dysentery and its delphia, 1860. combinations. 2d ed. 80. Dublin, 1847. -Life of Major General Henry Lee, Corn- HARTZEL, (Jonas.) Defence of the Bible mander of Lee's Legion in the Revolutionary against the charges of Modern Infidelity. War, and subsequently Governor of Vir- 160. Cincinnati, 1854. ginia; with life of Gen. Thomas Sumter, of HARTZENBUSC-J, (J. E.) Obras Escogidas. South Carolina. 120. New York, 1859. 8C. Paris, 1850. (Coleccion de Autores HARTLEY, (David; M1. D.) Observations on Espafioles, v. 42.) Man, his frame, his duty, and his expecta- HAItYARD University. Catalogus Senatus tions. 5th ed. 2 v. 80. London, 1810. Academici, et eorum qui munera et officia Truth of the Christian Religion. 80. gesserunt, qui que alicujus gradus laurea London, 1785. (Watson's Theol. Tracts, v. 5.) donati sunt. 8~. Cantabrigite, 1821. HARTLEY, (David; Esq., M. P.) Addresses The same. 80. Cantabrigioe, 1845. and Letters on the State of Public Affairs. The same. 80. Cantabrigie, 1851. 80. Yoik, 1781. (Pol. Pan., v. 28.) HARVEY, (Alexander.) Trees and their NaArgument on the French Revolution ture; or, the bud and its attributes. 160. and the Means of Peace. 80. Bath, 1794. London, 1856. (Pol. Pam., v. 47.) HARVEY, (Gabriel.) Four letters and certain Letters on the American War. 5th ed. Sonnets, especially Robert Greene, and other 80. London, 1779. parties by him abused. First printed in The same. 8th ed. 8(. London, 1779. 1592. 40. London, 1814. (Brydges' Ar(Col. Pam., v. 18.) chtica, v. 2.) Speech and Motions made in Itouse of ~ New Letter of Notable Contents; with Conmmons, March 27, 1775; with draught of a strange sonnet, intitled Gorgon. From edia letter of requisition to the colonies. 80. tion of1593. 40. London, 1815. (Brydges' London, 1775. (Col, Pam., v. 13.) Archaica, v. 2.) 524 HARVEY. HASSLER. HARVEY, (Gabriel.) Pierce's Supererogation; HASKETT, (William J.) Shakerism Unmasked; or, a new praise of the old ass. From edition or, the history of the Shakers. 160. Pittsof 1593. 4~. London, 1814. (Brydges'Ar- field, (Ms.,) 1828. chaica, v. 2.) HASKINS, (James.) Poetical Works. Edited HARVEY, (William; M. D.) Opera omnia. A by Henry Baldwin. 12~. Hartford, 1848. CollegioLondinensisedita. 4~. Londini,1766. HASKINS, (R. W.) Art and Artists. 8~. BufWorks. Translated from the Latin, falo, 1851. with a life of the author, by R. Willis. 80. HASKOLL, (W. Davis.) Practice of EngineerLondon, 1847. (Sydenham Soc'y Pub.) ing Field Work; applied to land, hydrograHARVEY, (William; Surgeon.) Rheumatism, phic, and hydraulic surveying and levelling. Gout, and Neuralgia, as affecting the Head 8~. London, 1858. and Ear. 80. London, 18592. Railway Construction; instructions for HARVEY, (W.) See SHAKESPEARE'S Illustra- ranging curves and setting out lines and tions. levels in earthworks, permanent way, bridges HARVEY, (William Henry.) Nereis Boreali and viaducts, &c. 2 v. 8~. London, Americana; contributions to the history of 1857. the marine Alge of North America. Parts HASSAL, (Miss.) Secret History; or, the hor1, 2, 3. 40. Washington, 1852-58. (Smith- rors of St. Domingo; in a series of letters, sonian Contributions, v. 3, 5, and 10.) written by a lady at Cape Franl ois to ColoPhycologia Britannica; or, history of nel Burr. 160. Philadelphia, 1808. British sea-weeds. 4 v. 80. London, HASSALL, (Arthur Hill.) Adulterations De1846-51. tected; or, plain instructions for the discovery - HUMPHREYS, (J. D.;) and POWER, of frauds in food and medicine. 120. Lon(Dr.) Contributions towards a Faunla and don, 1857. Flora of the County of Cork. 80. London, - Food and its Adulterations; comprising 1845. the Reports of the Analytical Sanitary ComHARVEY, (William Woodis.) History and mission, for 1851 to 1854, inclusive. 80. Theology of the Three Creeds. 2 v. 12~. London, 1855. London, 1854. ~ History of the British Freshwater A1HARWOOD, (Edward.) Biographia Classica; gae. 2 v. 80. London, 1845. lives and characters of all the classic authors, Microscopic Anatomy of the Human the Grecian and Roman poets, historians, Body, in health and disease. With additions, orators, and biographers. 2d ed., corrected by Henry Vanarsdale. 2 v. 80. New-York, and improved; to which is now added, at 1851. the end of every life, a list of the best and HASSE, (CarlEwald.) AnatomicalDescription most curious editions of each classic author. of the Diseases of the Organs of Circulation 2 v. 160. London, 1750. and Respiration. From the German, byWV. The same. New ed., corrected and en- E. Swaine. 80. London, 1846. (Sydenham larged, with some additional lives, and a list Society Pub.) of the best editions of each author. 2 v. HASSEL, (J.) Tour of the Isle of Wight, 160. London, 1778. 1790. (Pinkerton's Voyages, v. 2.) HARWOOD, (Thomas.) Grecian Antiquities; HASSELL,(J.) Memoirs of the Life of George or an account of the public and private life Morland; with critical observations on his of the Greeks. 80. London, 1801. works. 40. London, 1806. HASE, (Heinrich.) Public and Private Life HASSELT, (A. von ) Belgique et Hollande. of the Ancient Greeks. Translated from the 80. Paris, 1844. (L'Univers, v. 33.) German. 160. London, 1836. HASSENFRATZ, (Jean Henri.) Cours de PhyHASENDONCK, (J. B. van.) Grammar of the sique Celeste; ou le9ons sur l'exposition du Dutch Language. 2ded. 160. London, 1823. systemedumonde. S0. Paris, 1810. HASKEL, (Daniel;) and (SMITH,) Calvin. HASSLER, (Ferdinand R.) Comparison of Complete Descriptive and Statistical Gazet- Weights and Measures; reported in 1832. teer of the United States of America. 80. 80. Washington, 1832. New-York, 1850. Documents relating to the Survey of HASKELL, (Benjamin.) Essays on the Physi- the Coast, and to a Uniform Standard of ology of the Nervous System. With appen- Weights and Measures for United States, dix on Hydrophobia. 80. Gloucester, 1856. 1835-6. 80. New-York, 1836. 525 HASSLER. H-AUTEFEUILLE. HASSLER, (FerdinandR.) Documents relating HASWELL, (Charles H.) Mensuration and to Uniform Standard of Weights and Meas- Practical Geometry. New-York, 1858. ures for United States, 1832-35. 8~. New HATCH, (Nathaniel.) Claims of the Officers York, 1836. of the Revolution, under resolve of Oct. 21, Elements of Analytic Trigonometry, 1780. 80. Washington, 1857. plane and spherical. 8~. New-York, 1826. HATFIELD, (R. G.) American House Car- Elements of Arithmetic, theoretical penter; with the principles of practical and practical. 9th ed. 80. Washington, geometry. 5th ed. 8~. New-York, 1852. 1843. HATIN, (Eugene.) Histoire Politique et LitElements of the Geometry of Planes t6raire de la Presse en France; avec une and Solids. 80. Richmond, 1828. introduction historique les origines dujourLogarithmic and Trigonometric Tables, nal, et la bibliographie generale des jourto seven places of decimals. 16~. New- naux. 8 v. 12~. Paris, 1859-61. York, 1844. HATSELL, (John.) Precedents of Proceedings Popular Exposition of the Universe. in the House of Commons; with observations. 80; plates, 40. New-York, 1828. 2ded. 3v. in 1. 40. London, 1785. HASTINGS, (H. L.) Great Controversy be- The same. 3d ed. 4 v. 40. London, tween God and Man; its origin, progress, 1790. and end. 16~. Rochester, (N. Y.,) 1858. The same. A new edition, with addiHASTINGS, (John.) Practice of Surgery. 120. tions. 4 v. 40. London, 1818. Philadelphia, 1850. HAUDRICOURT, (d'.) See TERNISIEN. Pulmonary Consumption successfully HAUFF, (Wilhelm.) Arabian Days' EnterTreated with Naphtha. 80. London, 1845. tainments. From the German, by H. P. HASTINGS, (Thomas.) Dissertation on Musi- Curtis. 120. Boston, 1861. cal Taste. 120. New-York, 1853. - Lichtenstein; or, the Swabian League.'-History of Forty Choirs. 120. New- 12~. London, 1846. (Library Foreign RoYork, 1854. mance, v. 2.) HASTINGS, (Warren.) Administration of the HAUGHTON, (Sir Graves C.) Dictionary, Indian Government, 1813-23. 80. London, Bengdli and Sanskrit, explained in English, 1824. (Pamphleteer, v. 24.) and adapted for students of either language. Articles of Charge of high crimes and 40. London, 1k33. misdemeanors against Warren Hastings, Glossary, Bengal and English, to exEsq., late Governor General of Bengal, pre- plain the T6ila-Itihbs, the Batris Singhdsan, sented to the House of Commons on the 4th the history of Rdjid Krishna Chandra, the day of April, 1786. By E. Burke. 80. Purusha-Parikhyd, the Hit6pad6sa (transLondon, 1786. lated by Mrityunjaya.) 40. London, 1825. History of the Trial of Warren Ilast- HAUGITON, (R. B.) Eulogy on William H. ings, Esq., before the High Court of Par- Harrison. 80. Tallahassee, (Fla,) 1841. liament in Westminster-Hall, on an impeach- HAUPT, (Herman.) General Theory of Bridge ment by the Commons of Great-Britain, for Construction. 80. New-York, 1853. high crimes and misdemeanours. Also, Plans proposed for the Improvement of account of the proceedings of various Gen- the Ohio River. 80. Philadelphia, 1855. eral Courts of the East-India Company, held HAURANNE, (Duvergier de.) See DUVERGIER. in consequence of his acquittal. 80. Lon- HAUSSEZ, (Lemercher, Baron d'.) Great don, 1796. Britain in 1833. 160. Philadelphia, 1833. Speeches of the Managers and Counsel HAUSSONVILLE, (Charles 0. B. de Cleron, in the Trial of Warren Hastings. Edited Comte d'.) Histoire de la Politique ExtebyE. A. Bond. 2v. 80. London,1859-60. rieure du Gouvernement Franuais, 1830-48; HASWELL, (Anthony.) Memoirs and Adven- avec notes, et documents diplomatiques indtures of Captain Matthew Phelps. 120. dits. 2 v. 160. Paris, 1850. Bennington, (Vt.,) 1802. Histoire de la Rdunion de la Lorraine HASWELL, (Charles H.) Engineers' and a la France. 8~. Paris, 1854. Mechanics' Pocket-Book, etc. 10th ed. 16~. HAUTEFEUILLE, (L. B.) Code de la Peche New-York, 1857. Maritime, ou commentaire sur les lois et Mechanics' Tables. 120. New-York, ordonnances qui regissent la peche maritime. 1856. 80. Paris, 1844. 526 HAUTEFEUILLE. HAWKESWORTH. HAUTEFEUILLE, (L. B.) Des Droits et des De- HAVILAND, (John.) Practical Builders' Asvoirs des Nations Neutres en temps de Guerre sistant; for masons, plasterers, cabinetMaritime. 4 v. 80. Paris, 1848-49. (2 copies.) makers and carvers. 2d ed. 4 v. 80. Guide des Juges Marins. Code de Baltimore. (n. d.) justice militaire pour l'arm6e de mer, corn- HAWAII. Journal of a Tour around Hawaii, ple6t par les d6crets d'ex6cution et les di- the largest of the Sandwich Islands. 120. verses lois qui s'y rattachent; explique et Boston, 1825. comment6. 80. Paris, 1860. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. Constitution and Laws Histoire des Origines, des progres et of his Majesty Kamehameha IIT., passed in des variations du Droit Maritime Interna- 1852. 80. Honolulu, 1852. tional. 0. Paris, 1858. - Laws of His Majesty Kamehameh a III., M arine Marchande; d6cret disciplinaire 1853. 80. Honolulu, 1853. et pdnal du 24 Mars, 1852, expliqu6 et corn- Statute Laws of His Majesty Kamehamente. 80. Paris, ]852. meha III., king of the Hawaiian Islands, Propri6ets Pliv6es des Sujets Bellig6- 1845 to 1847. (In the Hawaiian lanrants sur Mer. 80. Paris, 1860. guage.) 2 v. 80. Honolulu, 1846-47. (2 Quelques Questions de Droit Inter- copies.) national Maritime h propos de la Guerre - The same. (In English.) 2v. 80. d'Amdrieque. 80. Leipzig, 1861. (2 copies.) Honolulu, 1846-47. HAUTERIvE, (Alexandre M. B. de Lanautte, The same. 2 v. in 1. 80. Honolulu, Comnte d'.) State of the French Republic at 1846-7. the end of the year VIII. Translated from - Translation of the Constitution and the French, by Lewis Goldsmith. 80. Lon- Laws of the Hawaiian Islands, established don, 1801. (2 copies.) in the reign of Kamehameha III. 120. et CussY, (Fr6edric de.) Recueil des Lahainaluna, 1842. Trait6s de Commerce et de Navigation de la - The same. (In the Hawaiian language.) France avec les Puissances 1&trangeres, de- 120. Honolulu, 1841. puis la Paix de Westphalie, en 1648. Suivi Penal Code, passed in June, 1850. 80. du recueil des principaux trait6s de meme Honolulu, 1850. nature conclus par les puissances 6trangeres HAWES, (Barbara.) Tales of the North Amerientre elles, depuis la mlemle poque. 10 v. can Indians, and adventures of the early 80. Paris, 1834-44. settlers in America. 160. London, 1844. HAUY, (Rene Just.) Trait6 de Mineralogie. H-IAWES, (George W.) Indiana State Gazet5 v. 80. Paris, 1801 teer and Business Directory, for 1860 and HAVANA. Authentic Journal of the Siege of 1861. 80. Indianapolis, 1860. Havana. By an officer. With a plan of the HAWES, (Mary V.) See TERHUNE, (1{rs.) siege, showing the landing, encampments, HAWKER, (Peter.) Instructions to Young approaches and batteries of the English Sportsmen in all that relates to guns and army. 80. London, 1762. shooting. 10th ed. 80. London, 1854. HAVELL and Son, (R.) Series of Picturesque HAWKESBURY, (Charles Jenkinson, Lord.) Views of Noblemen's and Gentlemen's Seats. Representation of the Lords of the CornFolio. London, 1-15-23: miittee of Council on the Importation and HAVELOCK, (Henry.) Narrative of the War Exportation of Corn. 40. London, 1790. inAffghanistan, in 1838-39. 2v. 120. Lon- HAWKESWORTH, (John.) Account of the don, 1840. Voyages undertaken by the order of His HAVEN, (Erastus 0.) Young Man Advised; present Majesty, for making discoveries in illustrations of some historical facts of the the Southern Hemisphere, and successively Bible. 120. New-York, 1855. performed by Commodore Byron, Capt. WalHAVEN, (Samuel F.) Archaeoiogy of the United lis, Capt. Carteret, and Capt. Cooke, in the States. 40. Washington, 1856. (Smith- Dolphin, the Swallow, and the Endeavour. sonian Contributions to Knowledge, v. 8.) 3 v. 40. London, 1773. HAVEIRGAL, (W. H.) History of the Old CONTENTS. Hundredth Psalm Tune, with specimens. Byron, John. Voyage Round the World, 1764-66, v. 1. 80. New-York, 1854. Carteret, Philip. Voyage Round the World, 1766HAVILAND, (Alfred.) Climate, Weather and,. Voyage d the World, 1768-71, Disease; opinions of the most celebrated v. 2-3. writers. Londn, 1. Wallis, Samuel. Voyage Round the World, 1764writers. 8C. London, 1855. 1768, v. 1. 527 HAWKESWORTH. HAWTHORNE. HAWKESWoRTII, (John.) Almoran and Hamet. HAWKS, (Francis Lister.) Contributions to the 8~. London, 1784. Ecclesiastical History of the United States HAWKINS, (Alfred.) Picture of Quebec; with of America. Virginia. 80. New-York, historical Recollections. 180. Quebec, 1834. 1836. 1HAWKINS, (Bisset.) History of the Epidemic The same. Maryland. 80. New-York, Spasmodic Cholera of Russia. 12. Lon- 1839. don, 1831. History of North Carolina; with maps HAWKINS, (Edward; F. R. S.) Description and illustrations. 3d ed. Vols. 1-2. 80. of the Anglo-Gallic Coins in the British Mu- Fayetteville, (N. C.,) 1859. seum. 40. London, 1826. Monuments of Egypt; or, Egypt a Silver Coins of England, arranged and witness for the Bible. 2d ed. 80. Newdescribed, with remarks on British money York, 1850. previous to the Saxon dynasties. 80. Lon- ~ Narrative of the Expedition of an Amerdon, 1841. ican Squadron to the China Seas and Japan, HAWKINS, (Rev. Edward.) Sermons on the performed in the years 1852-1854, under uses of the principal means of attaining command of Commodore Perry, by order of Christian Truth. 80. Oxford, 1840. (Bamp- the Government of the United States. 80. ton Lectures for 1840.) New-York, 1857. HAWKINS, (Ernest.) Historical Notices of the Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court Missions of the Church of England in the of North Carolina, 1820 to 1826. 4 v. 8~. North American Colonies, previous to the Raleigh and Hillsborough, 1823-28. (2 independence of the United States. 80. Lon- copies.) don, 1845. HAWKS, (Henrie.) Voyage to New Spain, HAWKINS, (Francis Bisset.) Elements of 1572. (I-akluyt's Voyages, v. 3.) Medical Statistics. 80. London, 1829. HAWKSHIAW, (John.) Reminiscences of South HAWKINS, (Henry.) Reform of Parliament America; fiom two and a half years' residence the Ruin of Parliament. 80. London, 1813. in Venezuela. 120. London, 1838. (Pamphleteer, v. 1.) HAWKSWOURT1. See HAWKESWORTI. HAWKINS, (Sir John.) General History of the HAWLES, (John) Englishman's Right: a diaScience and Practice of Music. 5 v. 40. logue on juries. 160. London, 1771. (Pol. London, 1776. Pain., v. 28.) Life of Samuel Johnson. 2d ed- 80. Relmarks upon the Tryals of Edward London, 1787. Fitzharris, S. Colledge, Count Coningsmnark, HAWKINS, (John.) VoyagetotheWestIndies, Lord Rusel, Colonel Sidney, &c. Folio. Guinie, and New Spain, 1562-68. (Hak- London, 1689. (Pol. Pam., v. 6.) llu t's Voyages, v. 3.) HAWTIORNXE, (Nathaniel.) Blithedale RoHA2WKINS, (John Sidney.) History of the mance. 120. Boston, 1852. Origin and Establishment of Gothic Archi- House of the Seven Gables; a romance. tecture; and inquiry into the mode of paint- 12~. Boston, 1851. ing upon and staining glass. 80. London, - Joural of an African Cruiser; com1813. prising sketches of the Canaries, Cape de HAWKINS, (Lietitia Matilda.) Memoirs, Anec- Verds, Liberia, Madeira, Sierre Leone, &c. dotes, Facts, and Opinions, collected and By Horatio Bridge, U. S. N. 120. New preserved. 2 v. 120. London, 1824. York, 1853. HAWKINS, (Sir Richard.) Voyage into the - Life of Franklin Pierce. 160. Boston, South Sea, 1593. 85. London, 1847. (Hak- 1852. luyt Society, v. 1.) Marble Faun; or, the romance of Monte HAWKINS. (Rev. William.) Sermons on Scrip- Beni. 2 v. 120. Boston, 1860. ture Mysteries. 80. Oxford, 1787. (Bamp- ~ Mosses from an Old Manse. 120. New ton Lectures for 1787.) York, 184';. HAWKINS, (William.) Abridgement of the Our Old Home; a series of English First Part of Coke's Institutes. 7th ed. 120. sketches. 12~. Boston, 1863. London, 1751. Scarlet Letter; a romance. 120. BosTreatise of the Pleas of the Crown, by ton, 1855. John Curwood. 8th ed. 2 v. 80. London, - Snow Image, and other twice-told tales. 1824. (2 copies.) 12~. Boston, 1852, 528 HAWTHORNE. HAYDON. HAWTHORNE, (Nathaniel.) TanglewoodTales, HAY, (William.) Decisions of the Supreme for Boys and Girls; being a second wonder- Courts of England and Scotland on the Liabook. 12~. Boston, 1853. bility of Proprietors, Masters, and Servants Twice-Told Tales. 2v. 12~. Boston, for reparation of Injuries arising fronm acci1851. dents and the negligence of Parties, inclu~ Wonder-Book, for Girls and Boys. 160. ding cases of railways, coal pits, road and Boston, 1852. harbor trusts, and public corporations. 8~. HAXTHAUSEN, (A. Baron von.) The Russian Edinburgh, 1860. Empire; its people, institutions, and re- HAY and MARRIOTT. See MARRIOTT. sources. Trans. by Robert Faril. 2 v. 80. HAY. See HEY. London, 1856. HAYCOCK, (W.) Elements of Veterinary Transcaucasia; sketches of the nations Homcepathy, embracing hints on the appliand races between the Black Sea and the cation of hydropathy; or, a treatise on the Caspian. Translated from the German. 8~. diseases of the horse and cow. 80. LonLondon, 1854. don, 1852. HAY, (David Ramsay.) First Principles of HAYDEN, (Chester.) Law and Practice of Symmetrical Beauty. 12~. Edinburgh, Justices of the Peace, in their miscellaneous 1846. duties and jurisdiction; with practical forms. ~ —- Geometric Beauty of the Human Figure 8c. Albany, 1850. Defined; with a system of aesthetic propor- Practical Analytical Digest of the Code tion. 40. Edinburgh, 1851. of Procedure of the State of New-York. *~- Laws of Harmonious Colouring, adap- With a collection of practical forms adapted ted to Interior Decorations. 5th ed. 80. to the new practice. 80. Albany, 1848. London, 1844. HAYDEN, (F. V.) Ethnography and Philol- Nomenclature of Colours, applicable to ogy of the Indian Tribes of the Missouri the arts and natural sciences, to manufac- Valley. 40. Philadelphia, 1862. (Am. tures, and other purposes of general utility. PhilosophicalTransactions. Newser.,v. 12.) 2d ed. 80. Edinburgh, 1846. Geology and Natural History of the Original Geometrical Diaper Designs. Upper Missouri. 40. Philadelphia, 1862. Oblong 40. London, 1844. (Am. PhilosophicalTransactions. New ser., Principles of Beauty in Colouring v. 12.) Systematized. 2d ed. 120. Edinburgh, HAYDN, (Joseph; Musical Composer.) Oratorio, 1849. "The Creation," (composed in the year Proportion; or, the geometric principle 1799,) in vocal score, with accompaninmeit of beauty, analysed. 40. Edinburgh, 1843. for the organ or piano-forte, arranged by - Science of those Proportions by which Vincent Novello. 80. London, 1854. the Human Head and Countenance, as rep- HAYDN, (Joseph; died 1856.) Book of Digniresented in works of ancient Greek Art, are ties; containing rolls of the official persondistinguished from those of ordinary nature. ages of the British Empire, from the earliest 40. Edinburgh, 1849. periods; with the sovereigns of Europe, fiom HAY, (Edward.) History of the Irish Insur- the foundation of their respective states; the rection of 1798. 120. Boston, (n. d.) peerage of Great Britain, etc. 80. LonHAY, (George.) Essay on the Liberty of the don, 1853. Press. 80. Richmond, (Va.,) 1803. Dictionary of Dates and Universal Essay on Naturalization and Allegi- Reference, relating to all ages and nations. ance. 80. Washington, 1816. (Pol. Pam., 8th ed. With additions and corrections by v. 111.) B. Vincent. 80. London, 1857. Treatise on Expatriation. 80. Wash- HAIDON, (Benjamin Robert.) Lectures on ington, 1814. (Misc. Pam., v. 4.) Painting and Design. 2 v. 80. London, HAY, (John.) Narrative of Procedure before 1844-46. the Court of Session. in the Trial of John Life ofB. R. Haydon, HistoricalPainter, Hay, prosecuted at the instance of the Lord from his autobiography and Journals. Edited Advocate of Scotland, and without the ver- and compiied by Tom Taylor. 3 v. 12~. diet of a jury, sentenced to four months im- London, 1853. prisonment by the Judges of the Court of ~ and HAZLITT, (William.) Painting, Session.'80. Edinburgh, 1822. and the Fine Arts. 120. Edinburgh, 1838. 529 HAYE. HAYWARD. HAYE, (M. de la.) La Politique Civile et HAYLEY, (William.) Life of Milton; with MilitairedesVenetiens. 18~. Cologne,1669. conjectures on the origin of Paradise Lost. HAYES, (Edmund.) Crimes and Punishments; 40. London, 1796. or, a digest of the criminal statute law of ~ Memoirs of Life and Writings, by himIreland, alphabetically arranged. 2d ed. self; and of his son, T. A. Hayley. Edited 2 v. 80. Dublin, 1843. by J. Johnson. 2v. 40. London, 1823. RIeports of Cases argued and determined HAYMAN, (Robert.) Quodlibets, lately come in the Court of Exchequer in Ireland, from over from New Britaniola, Old NewfoundHillary Term, 10 and 11 George IV., to Land. 120. London, 1623. Eastern Term, 2 William IV., both inclusive. -- See OWEN, (John.) Epigrams. 80. Dublin, 1837. HAYNE, (Robert Y.) Speech in Senate on the and JONES, (Thomas.) Reports of Mission to Panama. 80. Washington, 1826. Cases argued and determined in the Court (Pam. Addresses, v. 2.) of Exchequer in Ireland, from Trinity Termn HAYNES, (Richard.) Commentary on the Eton in the fourth year of William IV., both in- Latin Grammar. Orthography and Etymolclusive. 80. Dublin, 1843. ogy. 40. London, 1844. HAYES, (Edward.) The Ballads of Ireland. HAYS, (Mary.) Female Biography; or, me3d ed. 2 v. 160. Edinburgh, 1855-59. moirs of illustrious and celebrated women of HAYES, (Isaac I.) Arctic Boat Journey, in all ages and countries. 6 v. 160. London, the autumn of 1854. Edited, with notes, by 1803. Dr. Norton Shaw. 120. London, 1860. HAYTER, (Charles.) Introduction to PerspecHAYES, (John L.) Vindication of the Rights tive, Practical Geometry, Drawing and Paintand Titles, political and territorial, of Alex- ing, Colours, &c. 6th ed. 80. London, ander, Earl of Stirling and Donovan, and 1845. Lord proprietor of Canada and Nova Scotia. New practical Treatise on the Three 80. Washington, 1853. Primitive Colours. 2d ed. 80. London, HAYES, (Richard.) Negociator's Magazine; 1830. the monies, weights, and measures of the HAYTI. Les Six Codes d'Haiti. Suivis d'une principal places of trade in the world. 80, table raisonn6e des matieres. 120. Port-auLondon, 1740. Prince, 1828. HAYES, (William.) Inquiry into the effect of HAYTIAN Papers. Collection of proclamaLimitations to Heirs of the Body in Devises; tions, and other official documents, with acwith remarks on the doctrine of equity con- count of the rise, progress, and present state cerning doubtful titles, and titles acquired of the kingdom of Hayti. With a preface, by the destruction of contingent remainders. by Prince Sanders. 80. London, 1816. 80. London, 1824. HAYwARD, (A.) Biographical and Critical Popular View of the Law of Real Essays. 2 v. 8~. London, 1858. Property; with an application of its prin- JuridicalTracts. Part 1. 80. London, ciples to the important measure of a general 1856. register; showing what changes in the 1. Historical Sketch of the Law of Real Property system a register is calculated to produce in England. 0 Ld 1831.T-~~~~ -i -,2. Principles and Practice of Pleadings. 8~. London, 1831. 3. Historical Sketch of Reforms in the Criminal Principles for Expounding Dispositions Law. of Real Estate to Ancestor and Heirs in Tail, HAYWARD, (Charles, Jr.) Life of Sebastian Parent and Issue. With an elementary essay, Cabot. 160. Boston, 1838. (Sparks' Am. dissertations on several of Mr. Fearne's doc- Biog., v. 9, first series.) trines, and analytical tables of cases. 80. HAYWARD, (Sir John.) Annals of first four London, 1829. years of the reignof QueenElizabeth. Ed. HAYGARTH, (William.) Greece: a poem; with by John Bruce. Small 40. London, 1840. notes, classical illustrations and sketches of (Camden Society, No. 7.) the scenery. 40. London, 1814. HAYWARD, (John.) Gazetteer of Vermont. HAYLEY, (William.) Life and Posthumous 120. Boston, 1849. Writings of William Cowper. 2 v. in 1. -- Gazetteer of the Uited States of Amer80. New-York, 1803. ica. 80. Hartford, 1853. Life of George Romney. 40. London, New England Gazetteer. 14th ed. 120. 1809. Concord, (N. H,,) 1841. 67 HAYWARD. HAZLITT. HAYWARD, (Thomas.) British Muse; or, a the preservation of facts and documents, and collection of thoughts, moral, natural, and every other kind of useful information resublime, of our English poets of the 16th specting the State of Pennsylvania. 16 v. and 17th centuries. 3 v. 180. London, 80. Philadelphia, 1828-35. 1738. U nited States Commercial and StatisHAYWvOOD, (Eliza ) History of Miss Betsey tical Register, colltaninrg documents, facts, lhoughtless. 80. London, 1783. (Novel- and other useful information, illustrative of ist's Magazine, v. 13.) the history and resources of the American *- History of Jemmy and Jemmy Jes- Union, and of each State. July, 1836, to samy. 80. London, 1785. (Novelist's July, 1842. 6v. 8~. Philadelphia, 1840-42. Miagazine, v. 17.) HAZELIUS, (Ernest L.) History of the AmerHAYwooD, (F.) Analysis of Kant's Critick ican Lutheran Church, from its commenceof Pure Reason, by the translator of that ment, in 1685, to 1842. 180. Zanesville, work. 80. London, 1844. (0.,) 1846. HAYWOOD, (John.) Natural and Aboriginal HAZEN, (Edward.) Panorama of Professions History of Tennessee, to the first settlements and Trades. Oblong 120. Philadelphia, 1845. by the white people, in 1768. 80. Nash- Popular Technology; or, professions ville, 1823. and trades. 2 v. 180. New York, 1842 - Civil and Political History of Tennes- (Harper's Family Library, v. 149-150.) see, from its first settlement to 1796. 80. HAZLETT, (Helen.) Ieights of Eidelberg. Knoxville, 1823. 160. Philadelphia, 1859. Reports of Cases in the Superior Courts HAZLITT, (William.) Characteristics, in the of Law and Equity of North-Carolina, 1789 manner of Rochefoucault's Maxims. 2d ed. to 1798. 80. Halifax, 1799. 160. London, 1837. - The same. 2d ed., with references to Characters of Shakspeare's Plays. 4th subsequent enactments and decisions of the edition. 160. London, 1848. Court of Conference and the Supreme Court; -- Conversations of James Northcote, a table of the cases reported, marginal ab- Esq., R. A. 80. London, 1830. stracts, and a new index, by Winl. 11. Battle. Criticisms on Art; and sketches of the 80. Raleigh, 1832. (, copies.) Picture Galleries of England. 1st and 2d l eports of Ca-mes in the Superior Courts series. 2 v. 160. London, 1843-44. of Law lad Equlity, Court of Conlerence. - Essays on the Principles of Human and Federal Cciurt for North Carolina, 1797 Action; on the systems of Hartley and to 1806. V. 2. ~8. Raleighl,,8u6. Helvetius; and on abstract ideas. 120. elRpoi ts of Cases in the Court of Errors London, 1834. and Appeals of Temnessee, 1816 to 1818. 3 - Lectures on the Dramatic Literature of v. 80. Nashville and Knuxville, 1818. (2 tlie Age of Elizabeth. 3d ed. 160. Loncoliies of v. 2 and 3.) don, 1840. HAYWOOD). See HEYWOOD. - Lectures on the English Comic WriHAZAiu, (Ebeiieztr ) fi.storical Collections, ters. 80. London, 1819. consisting of state papers, and other authen- - The same. 3d ed. 160. London, 1841 tic documents, intended as materials for an Lectures on the English Poets. 3d ed. history of the United States of America. 2 160. London, 1841. v. 40. Phila'"elphia, 1792-94. Liber Amoris; or, the New Pygmalion. HAZARD, (Rowland G.) Lecture on the 12g. London, 1823. Causes of the Decline of Political and Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. 2d ed. National Morality. 80. Providence, (R. 4 v. 120. London, 1852. I.,) 1841. (Misc. Pain., v. 39.) Literary Remains. With notice of his Lecture on ihe Adaptation of the Uni- life, by his son; and thoughts on his genius verse to ihe Cultivation of the Mind. 80. and wiltings, by E. L. Bulwer and Sergeant Providence, (R. 1.,) 1841. (Misc. Pam., Talfourd. 2 v. 80. London, 1836. v. 39.) Notes of a Journey through France and HAZARD, (Samuel.) Annals of Pennsylvania, Italy. 80. London, 1826. from the discovery of the Delaware, 1609-e2. ~ Plain Speaker; opinions on books, men, 80. Philadelphia, 1850. and things. 2d ed. 2 v. 160. London, Register of Pennsylvania; devoted to 1851-52. 531 HAZLITT. HEADLEY. HAZI1TT, (William.) Political Essays; with HEAD, (Sir Francis B.) A Narrative. 8~. sketches of public characters. 8~. London, London, 1839. (2 copies ) 1819. Practical Arguments against EmigriaReply to the Essay on Population, by tion. 8~. London, 18'28. (Pol.Pam.,v.39.) T. R. Malthus. 8~. London, 1l07. Rouglh Notes taken during some Rapid The Round Table; a collection of es- Journeys across the Pampas and among the says on literature, men, and manners. 3d ed. Andes. 120. London, 1826. 160, London, 1841. Stokers and Pokers; or, the London Select Poets of Great Britain; with and North-lWestern Railway, the Electric critical notices of each author. 8~. Lon- Telegraph, and the Railway Clearing House. don, 1825. 160. London, 1855. Spirit of the Age; or, contemporary HEAD, (George.) Forest Scenes and Incidents portraits. 80. London, 1825. in the Wilds of North America; diary of a Table-Talk; or, original essays on men winter's route from Halifax to the Canadas, and manners. 2 v. 8~. London, 1824. and residence on the borders of Lakes Hu-The same. 3ded. 2v. 160. London, ron and Simcoe. 12~. London, 1829. 1845-46. Home Tour through the Manufacturing Winterslow: essays and characters Districts of England, in 1835. 160. London, written there. lf;. London, 1850. 1836. and HAYDON, (B. R.) Painting, and H ome tour through various parts of the the Fine Arts. 12~. Edinburgh, 1838. United Kingdom. Also, Memoirs of an AsHAZLITT, (William; of the Middle Temple.) sistant Commissary-General. 160. LonEloquence of the British Senate; best don, 1837. speeches of the most distinguished English, Rome; a tour of many days. 3 v. 80. Irish, and Scotch parliamentary speakers, London, 1849. from Charles I. to present time. 2 v. 80. HEAD, (John W.) Reports of Cases in the New-York, 1810. Supreme Court of Tennessee, 1858 and 1859. and RocHE, (H. P.) Manual of the 2 v. 80. Nashville, 1860. (2 copies.) Law of Maritime Warfare, embodying the The same. V. 2. 80. Nashville, 1860. decisions of Lord Stowell and other English HEADI AMr, (John.) Discovery of America; a judges, and of the American courts, and the poem. 80. Richmond, (Va.,) 1835. opinions of the most eminent jurists. 120. HEADLAM, (T. E.) New Chancery Acts, (15 London, 1854. (2 copies.) & 16 Vict. cc. 80, 86, & 87,) and the general HAZLITT, (W. Carew.) History of the Veni- orders, with notes, an index, and reference tian Republic; her rise, her greatness, and to Danicll's Practice. With appendix of her civilization. 4 v. 80. London, 1860. forms. 80. London, 1853. HEAD, (Sir Edmund W.) "Shall," and HEADLAND, (Frederick William.) Essay on "Wil;" or, two chapters on future auxil- the Action of Medicines in the System. 80. iary verbs. 160. London, 1856. London, 1852. HEAD, (Sir Francis B.) Bubbles from the HIEADLEY, (Henry.) Poems. 160. Chiswick, Brunnens of Nassau. 3d ed. 160. London, 1822. (British Poets, v. 73 ) 1835. Select Beauties of Ancient English Descriptive Essays contributed to the Poetry. 2 v. in 1. 120. London, 1810. Quarterly Review. 2v. 120.' London, 1857. HEADLEY, (J. H.) Sacred Plains. 120. The Emigrant. 120. London, 1847. Buiffalo, (N. Y.,) 1856. - Faggot of French Sticks; or, Paris in HEADLEY, (JoelT.) The Adirondack; or, life 1851. 120. New-York, 1853. in the woods. 120. New-York, 1849. Fortnight in Ireland. 80. London, -- The Great Rebellion; a history of the 1852. civil war in the United States. V. 1. 80. The Horse and his Rider. 120. Lon- Hartford, 1863. don, 1860. Imperial Guard of Napoleon; from MaLife of James Bruce, the African Trav- rengo to Waterloo. 120. New-York, 1852. eller. 3d ed. 180. London, 1838. (M2ur- Letters from Italy. 120. New-York, ray's Fam. Library, v. 31.) 1848. - The same. 180. New York, 1842. Life of Oliver Cromwell. 120. New (Harper's Fam. Library, v. 128.) York, 1848. 532 HEADLEY. IHEBER. HEADLEY, (Joel T.) Life of General H. Hav- HEATH, (Charles.) New Gallery of British elock, K. C. B. 120. New-York, 1859. Engravings. 40. London, 1846. ~- Lives of Winfield Scott and Andrew Shakspeare Gallery; containing the Jackson. 120. New-York, 1852. principal female characters in the plays of Napoleon and his Marshals. 25th ed. the great poet. 40. London, 1842. 2 v. 120. New-York, 1852. HEATH, (James.) Chronicle of the Late InSacred Mountains. 120. New-York, testine War in the Three Kingdoms of Eng1852. land, Scotland, and Ireland. 2d ed.; wJith Sacred Scenes and Characters 8. &. continuation to 1675. Folio. London, 1676. New-York, 1850. ~ England's Chronicle; or, the Lives and The Second War with England. 2 v. Reigns of the Kings and Queens, from the 120. New-York, 1853. time of Julius Caesar to the present reign of Washington and his Generals. 2 v. William and Mary. 180. London, 1691. 12~. New-York, 1847. HEATH, (Robert.) Account of the Islands of HEADLEY, (Phineas Camp.) Life of the Em- Scilly. (Pinkerton's Voyages, v. 2.) press Joscphine, first Wife of Napoleon. HEATHI, (William.) Memoirs; containing 120. Auburn, 1856. Anecdotes and Military Events of the AmeHEADS of the People; or, portraits of the Eng- rican War. 80. Boston, 1798. lish. Drawn by Kenny Meadows. 2 v. HEATHCOTE, (George.) Letter on the Policy 120. London, 1840-41. of Government in relation to her Foreign HEALDE, (Thomas.) New Pharmacopoeia of Possessions. 80. London, 1762. (Pol. Pam., the Royal College of Physicians of London. v. 25.) 2d ed 8. London, 1788. HEATHEN MYTHOLOGY. Illustrated by exHEAP, (Gwinn Harris.) Central Route to the tracts from the most celebrated writers on Pacific, fiom the valley of the Mississippi to the gods of Greece, Rome, India, ScandinaCalifornia-Journal ofthe expedition of E. F. via, &c. 80. London, 1842. Beale and Gwinn Harris Heap, from Missouri HEATHER, (John Fry.) Treatise on Mechanto California, in1853. 80. Philadelphia, 1854. ics. Part ].-Statics. 80. London, 1847. HEARD, (James.) Practical Grammar of the HEATHF[ELD, (Richard.) Liquidation of the Russian Language; with a Key. 2 v. in 1. Public Debt. 80. London, 1819-20. (Pam120. St. Petersburgh, 1827. phleteer, v. 15-16.) HEARD, (John T.) Historical Account of Co- Observations on Trade. 80. London, lumbian Lodge of Free and Accepted Ma- 1822. (Pamphleteer, v. 20.) sons of Boston. 120. Boston, 1856. Plans for Liquidation of the Public HEARNE, (Thomas.) Collection of Curious Debt. 80. London, 1819. (Pol.Panm.,v. 62.) Discourses written by eminent antiquaries. HEATHMAN, (W. G.) Switzerland in 1854-55; 2 v. 8~. London, 1773. (2 copies.) a book of travel, men, and things. 80. Lon~ Works; containing Robert of Glouces- don, 1855. ter's Chronicle; transcrib'd, and now first HEBBE, (G. C.) Universal History, in a Series publish'd, from a MS. in the Harleyan library; of Letters.-Ancient History. 2 v. 8o. to which is added, besides a glossary and New-York, 1848. other improvements, a Continuation (by the HEBER, (Amelia.) Life of Reginald Heber; author himself) of this chronicle, from a MS. with selections from his Correspondence, unin the Cottonian Library. Peter Langtoft's published Poems and private Papers; with a Chronicle, (as illustrated' and improved by Journal of his Tour in Norway, Sweden, Robert of Brunne,) from the death of Cad- Russia, Hungary, and Germany, and a Hiswalader to the end of K. Edward the First's tory of the Cossacks. 2 v. 80. New-York, reign; transcrib'd, and now first publish'd, 1830. from a MS. in the Inner-Temple library; with ~ Memoir of Reginald Heber, Bishop of glossary and other curious papers. 1724-25. Calcutta. Abridged. 120. Boston, 1856. (Reprint.) 4 v. 8. Oxford, 1810. HEBER, (Reginald.) Hymns; written and HEAT and Ventilation; general observations adapted to the weekly church service of the on the atmosphere and its abuses, as connect- year. New ed. 160. London, 1828. ed with the common or popular mode of heat- Life of Jeremy Taylor; with a critical ing public and private dwellings. 80. Ro- examination of his writings. 2 v. 12~. chester, (N. Y.,) 1851. London, 1824. 533 HEBER. HEEREN. HEBER, (Reginald.) Narrative of a Journey HEDAYA, or Guide; a Commentary on the through the Upper Provinces of India, from Mussulman Laws. Translated by Charles Calcutta to Bombay, 1824-25, with notes Hamilton. 4 v. 4~. London, 1791. upon Ceylon; and a journey to Madras and HEDERTCIT, (Benjamin.) Grrecum Lexicon the southern provinces in 1826. 2 v. 12~. Manuale, primumm a B. Hederico institutum, Philadelphia, 1829. mox assiduo labore S. Patricii auctum, posPoetical Works. 16~. London, 1841. tremo repurgatum et locupletatum cura J. Sermons, preached in England. 8~. A. Ernesti, atque iterum recensitum et aucNew-York, 1829. turn i T. Morell. Editio nova, cui accedit Sermons on the Lessons, the Gospel, magnus verborum, et exemplorum numerus or the Epistle for every Sunday in the year, ex schedis P. H. Larcheri. 4~. Londini, and for week-day festivals. 2v. 12C. Lon- 1825. don, 1838. HEDGE, (Frederic H.) Prose Writers of GerSermons on the Personality and Office mnany. 2d ed. 8~. Philadelphia, 1849. of the Christian Comforter. 8~. Oxford, HEDGE, (Levi.) Elements of Logick. 3d ed. 1816. (Bampton Lectures for 1815.) 12~. Boston, 1821. HEBERDEN, (William.) Commentaries on the HEDLEY, (Oswald Dodd.) Who Invented the History and Cure of Diseases. 8~. London, Locomotive Engine? With a review of 1802. Smiles's Life of Stephenson. 8~. London, HEBERT, (Luke.) Engineers' and Mechanics' 1858. Encyclopredia. 2v. 8~. London, 1836-37. IIEDLIGER, (Johann Carl.) (Euvre; ou RePractical Treatise on Rail-Roads and cueil des Medailles de ce cdl6bre artiste, Locomotive Engines. 8~. London, 1837. grav6es en taille-douce, avec l'explication, HEBERT, (Williaim.) Visit to the Colony of par C. de Mechel. 2 v. in 1. Small folio. Harmony, in Indiana. 8~. London, 1825. Basle, 1776-78. (Pol. Pam., v. 36.) HEELY, (Joseph.) Letters on the Beauties of HEBLER, (F.) Teoria de las Cuentas Corri- Hagley, Envil, and the Leasowes; with entes con interes adicionada del clculo de critical remarks on modern taste ingardening. los intereses compuestos, y un metodo per- 2 v. 16~. London, 1777. feccionado para el clculo de los arbitrages. HEEREN, (Arnold Hermann Ludwig.) HistoriTraducida por J. J. Basora. 8~. Barcelona, cal Treatises; political consequences of the 1837. reformation; rise, progress, and practical inHECKER, (J. F. C.) Epidemics of the Middle fluence of political theories; rise and growth Ages. From the German, by B. G. Babington. of the continental interests of Great Britain. 8~. London, 1844. (Sydenham'Soc'y Pub.) Translated from the German. 8~. OxHEICKER, (J. T.) Aspirations of Nature. 12~. ford, 1836. New-York, 1857. Historical Researches into the Politics, HECKEWELDER, (John.) Account of the His- Intercourse, and Trade of the principal Natory. Manners, and Customs of the Indians tions of Antiquity. 6v. 8~. Oxford, 1833-34. of Pennsylvania. 8~. Philadelphia, 1819. CONTENTS. (Am. Phil. Society; Trans. Phil. and -Lit'y V. 1-3. Asiatic Nations: Persians, Babylonians, Com., v. 1.) Phenicians, Scythians, and Indians. with., 5. Dupone V. 4-5. African Nations: Carthagenians, Ethiopians, Correspondence with P. S. Duponceau, and Egyptians. ou Languages of American Indians; with V. 6. Sketch of Political History of Ancient Greece. vocabulary of the Lenni Lenape. 8~. Phila- - Manual of Ancient History, particularly delphia, 1819. (Am. Phil. Society; Trans. with regard to the Constitutions, the CornPhil. and Lit'y Corn., v. 1.) merce, and the Colonies of the States of Indian Names of Rivers, Streams, Antiquity. 8~. Oxford, 1829. Places, &c., in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, ~ Manual of the History of the Political Maryland, and Virginia. 40. Philadelphia, System of Europe and its Colonies. 2 v 1834. (Am. Philosophical Transactions, New 8~. Oxford, 1834. Series, v. 4.) Reflections on the Politics of Ancient Narrative of the Mission of the United Greece. Translated from the German, by Brethren among the Delaware and Mohegan George Bancroft. 8~. Boston, 1824. Indians, fiom 1740 to 1808. 8~. Philadel- - The same. 4d ed. 8~. London, 1834. phia, 1820. (V. 6, of Heeren's Hist. Researches.) 534 HEEREN. HEISCH. HEEREN, (Arnold Hermann Ludwig.) De la Musikalische Saison von 1844, v. 6. Polen, ueber, v. 5. Politiqne et du Commerce des Peuples de Reisebilder, v. I. l'Antiquite. Traduit de l'Allemand, par W. Romantische Schule, v. 5. Rolalluzero, v. 4 Suclau. 7 v. 80. Paris, 1830. Salon, v. 3. HEFFTER,(A.G.) Droit International Public Sehwabenspiegel, v. 5. Shakesneare's Madchen und Frauen, v. 5. de l'Europe. Traduit sur la 3e edition de Tragodien, v. 2. l'originalAllemand et augments d'un tableau P- ictures of Travel. Translated by politique de l'Europe, des nouveaux traites Charles G. Leland. 2d ed. 12~. Philadelet de la jurisprudence Franraise, par Jules phia, 1858. Bergson. 80. Paris, 1857. (2 copies.) Poems, Complete. Translated in the HEGEL, (Georg Wilhelm Friedrich.) Werke; original metres; with a sketch of Heine's vollstindige ausgabe, durch eine verein von life. By E. A. Bowring. 12~. London, 1861. freunden des verewigten. 18 v. in 21. 80. HEINECCIUS, (J. G.) Opera Omnia. Nunc Berlin, 1832-40. denuo edita, multisque accessionibus locuCONTENTS. pletata, filio J. C. G. Heineccio. 9 v. 40. Aesthetik, Vorlesungen iber die, v. 10, p. 1-3. Genevye, 1771. Encyclopdie der Philosophischen Wissenschaften im Grundrlisse, v. 6-7. lements du Droit Civil Romain, selon Geschichte (de Phlilosophie, v. 13-153. l'ordre des Institutes de Justinien. Traduit Logik, WVissenschaft der, v. 2, 4, 5, and 6. Objektive Logik, v. 2. en Francais, par J. F. Berthelot. 4 v. 120. Phanlomenologie des Geistes, v. 3. Philosophische Ablhaudlungen, v. 1. Paris, 1805. Philosophic des Geistes, v. 7. p.. M3Methodical System of Universal Law; Philosophie der Geschichte, v. 9. Pliilosophie des Rechts, v. 8. or, the laws of nature and nations deduced Philosophic dier Religion, v. 11-12 from certain principles, and applied to proPhilosophische Propitdeutik, v. 18. Subjective Logik, v. 5. per cases. Translated with notes, by George Vermisclite Schriften, v. 16-17..a Vorlesungen iiber die Naturphilosophie, v. 7, p. 1 Turbull. Also, a discourse upon the na- Lectures on the Philosophy of History. ture and origin of moral and civil laws. 2 v. 80. London, 174!-63. Translated fiom the German, by J. Sibree.on, 1 120. London, 1861. Recitaciones del Derecho Civil, segun HEIDELOFF, (Carl.) Ornamentik des Mittel- oden d Instituta. Trauccion de alters. 3 v. in 1. 40. Nirnberg, 1844-47. L is Col tes, revisada nevo pr V. Salvi. 2a ed. 3 v. 1.20. Paris, 1847. ErlGHnWAY, (Osborn W.T.) Leila Ada, the _ Elementos de Derecho Romano. TraJewish Convert; an authentic memoir. 120. ElementodeDec. Philadelphia, 1853. ducidos y annotados per J A.S.. 3 edicion, HEILnER, (G. M.) Grammar of the German ui nuientada, en que sehan rennido todos ITEILTNER, (G. M.) -rammar of the German los principios de la legislacion Romano-HisLanguage philosophically developed. 120. l pnp legislcion omno-isLondon, 1851. pana. 160. Paris, 1851. London, 1851. HEINE, (Hoeinrich.) Sammliche Werke. 5 ~ Scriptorum de Jure Nautico et MariHEu~IN~E, Tv.~~ ~ 7~~time Fasciculus; J. F. Stypmanni jus irarauflage. 7 v. 120. Philadelphia, 1859-61. tim siculs;. St ni j r itimum et nauticum; Reinoldi Kuricke de CONT NTS. adsecurationibus diatriben; et Jo. Loccenii Atta Troll; ein sonmmernachtstraum, v. 4.. Biographishli-literarische Skizze von HIeine, von G. jUS maritimum, complexus. Prefationem Becker, v. 7..dejurisprudentia, divinarum humanarumque BWlrne, Ludwrvig, v. 6. Briefe, v. 7. rerum notitia, pra-misit J. G. Heineccius. Briefe aus Berlin, v.5 170 Dentscliland; ein wiutermahrschen, v. 4. e agdbgle, 4. Einleituug zur Prachtausgabe des Don Quixote, v. 5. HEINRICI von Krolewiz aus Meissen. Vater Elementargeister, v. 3. Faust, Doctor; ein tanz poem, nebst kuriosen be- Unser; herausgegeben von G. C. F. Lisch. riclten iiber Teufel, Hexen, undDichtkunst, v. 5. 80 Quedlinlblrg 1839 Floreitilnishe Naehte, v. 3. Franzosisclhe Bune, v.:. HEINROTH, (Johann Christian August.) On Franzsissehe Mialer, v. 3. Fruozl seehll e zustilen, v. 6. Education and Self-Formation, based upon Gedichte, v. 2,4,and 7. physical, intellectual, moral, and religious Gef~ang'niss-Refolrm und Strafgesetzgebung, v. 6. Gestanidn-sise, vt. 5. principles. Translated from the German. Geschichte der Religion und Philosophic in Deutsch- ]20. London, 1838. lanl, v. 3. Gotter, (Die) im Exil; Gottin (Die) Diana, v. 5. HEISCH, (P. J.) 1Memoirs of John Caspar Kahildorf fiber de Adel in Briefen an den Grafen L r; wih bri r. von Moltke, v.. Lavater; with briet memoir of his widow, Ludwig Morens. Deinkworte, v. 5. and his correspondence with the Oberlins. Lutezia; Berichte fiber Politik, Kunst und Volks- leben, v. 6. 180. London, 1842. 535 HEISER. HEMPSTEAD. HEISER, (Charles.) Traite de Gymnastique Passions (Des) et de la L6gislation, v. 5.?'..'. Pers6ecuion, De la, v. 5. lRaisonnees, an point de vue Orthopdcique, Remarques de la Lot Naturelle, v. 5. Hygidnique, et M6dical. 80. Paris, 1854. Treatise on Man. TrTranslated from the HELDERBEIGIA; or, Apotheosis of the Heroes French, by W. Hooper 2 v. 80. Bath, of the Autirent War. 8~. Albany, 1855. 1810. HELEN Leeson; a peep at New-York society. Tre Meaning of the System of Nature. 12~. Philadelphia, 1855. (In D'Holbach's System of Nature. Ed. of HELICONIA; comlprising a selection of English 1853.) poetry of the Elizabethan age, written or HELVICUS, (Christoph.) Theatrum Historicum published between 1575 and 1604. Edited et Chronologicum, continuatum et revisum by T. Park. 3 v. 40. London, 1815. i J. B. Schuppio. Ed. 6". 40. Oxonire, HELIODORUS. i/Ethiopicorum Libri X. (Gr. 1662. et Lat. Didot's Biblioth, Grecque, v. 13.) HEMANS, (Felicia Dorothea.) Poems. New Adventures of Theagenes and Char- edition, chronologically arranged, with notes iclea. Translated by R. Smith. 120. Lon- and criticisms. 80. Edinburgh, 1852. don, 1855. (Bohn's Class. Library, v. 35.) ~ Poetical Works. With a biographical HELL, (X. Hommaire de.) See HOMMAlI IRE. memoir. 80. Philadelphia, 1854. HEILEUSCIH, (B. H. F.) Katholisches Ge- Memoir of the Life and Writings of sang-und Gebetbuch. 160. Cincinnati, 1858. Mrs. Hemans; by her sister. 160. EdinHELM, (James I.) Memoir of MarthaThomp- burgh, 1841. son Sharp. 120. Philadelphia, 1849. HEME1NWAY, (Abby Maria.) Poets and Poetry HELME, (W. C.) American Farrier, andFam- of Vermont, 2d ed. 120. Boston, 1860. ily Medical Companion, &c. 80. Cleve- HEMERY, (J.;) and DUMARESQ, (J.) Stateland, (0.,) 1852. ment of the mode of Proceeding, and of HELMUTH, (William.) Surgery and its Adap- Going to Trial in the Royal Court of Jersey, tations to Holmoepathic Practice. 80. Phil- in all causes, criminal, civil, and mixed. 40. adelphia, 1855. Jersey, 1789. HELPER, (Hinton Rowan.) Impending Crisis HEMINGBURGEH, (Walter de.) See WALLTER. of the South; how to meet it. 120. New- HEMMINTG, (G. W.) Elementary Treatise on York, 1857. the Differential and Integral Calculus. 2d ed. Land of Gold; reality versus fiction. 8. Cambridge, 1852. 120. Baltimore, 1855. First Book on Plane Trigonometry, HELPS, (Arthur.) Companions of my Solitude. comprising geometrical trigonometry, and 5th ed. 160. London, 1857. its application to surveying. 160. LonEssays written in the intervals of con, 1851. Business. 7th ed. 160. London, 1858. HEMPIEL, (Charles Julius.) Complete Reper~- Friends in Council; a series of read- tory of the Homoeopathic Materia Medica. ings and discourse thereon. First series. 8~. New-York, 1853. 2 v. 160. London, 186i1. Ne Homlcepathic Pharnacopceia and The same. Second series. 2d ed. 2 v. Posology; compiled from the works of 120. London, 1859. Buchner, Gruner, and Jahr. 8~. London, -~- Organization inDaily Life. An essay. 1850. 120. London, 1862. Organon of Specific Homoeopathy; inSpanish Conquest in America, and its ductive exposition of the principles of the relation to the history of slavery and to the homceopathic healing art. 80. Philadelgovernment of colonies. 4 v. 80. Lon- phia, 1854. don, 1855-61. HEMPSTEAD, (Samuel -H.) Reports of Cases HELVtTIUS, (Claude Adrien.) (Euvres Cor- in the United States Superior Court for the pletes. 5 v. 80. Londres, 1781. Territory of Arkansas, from 1820 to 1836; CONTENTS. and in the United States District Court for Bonheur, L; pc-men alle6orique, v. 5. Connaissance (De la) de la Nature de notre Ame, the District of Arkansas, from 1836 to 18049; v.pit, 5 and in the United States Circuit Court for Espit, De I, v. 1-2. t Essai sur la Vie et les Ouvrages de Helvetins, v. 1.' the District of Arkansas, in the Ninth Circuit, Hoomme, De I'; de ses facultes intellectuelles et de om 1 o 1. i o r son education, v. 3-5. With notes efer Lettres, v. 5. ences, andrulesofcourt. 80. Boston, 1856. Liber-ie (De la) et de l'Inutert, v. 5.. Oiigine de nos:Id6e, v. 5. (2 copies.) 536 HENCKEL. HENNEPIN. HENCKEL, (Johann Friedrich.) Pyritologia; HENDERSON, (William.) Homosopathy Fairly a history of the pyrites, the principal body Represented. 2d ed. 80. Edinburgh, 1853. of the mineral kingdom. From the German. Inquiry into the Homoeopathic Practice 80. London, 1757. of Medicine. 80. London, 1845. HENDERSON, (Alexander.) History of Ancient HENDRY, (William.) Method of Calculating and Modern Wines. 40. London, 1824. the Values of Life Annuities, Assurances, HENDERSON, (Andrew; Al. A.) History of &c. 80. Hull. 1820. the Rebellion, 1745-46. 5th ed. 160. Lon- HENFREY, (Arthur.) Outlines of Structural don, 1753. and Physiological Botany. 160. London, HENDERSON, (Andrew; Surgeon.) Seventeen 1847. Years' Experience of the Treatmentof Disease - Vegetation of Europe, its condition and by means of Water. 120. London, 1859. causes. 160. London, 1852. HENDERSON, (Ebenezer; D. D.) Biblical HENING, (William W.) New Virginia JusResearches and Travels in Russia: including tice, comprising the office and authority of a a tour in the Crimea, and the passage of the justice of the peace in the Commonwealth of Caucasus. 80. London, 1826. Virginia; with precedents. o8. Richmond, - Iceland; journal of a residence during 1795. 1814-15; natural phenomena, history, lite- and MUNFORD, (W.) Reports of Cases rature, and antiquities of the island; and in the Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia, religion, character, manners and customs of 1806 to 1809; with select cases, relating its inhabitants. 2 v. 80. Edinburgh, 181. chiefly to points of practice, decided by the The Vaudois; observations in the val- Superior Court of Chancery for the Richmond leys of Piedmont, in 1844. 120. Lon- District. 4 v. 80. Philadelphia and Newdon, 1845. York, 1808-1. (2 copies.) HENDERSON, (Ebenezer; L. L. D ) Treatise The same. 2d ed. 4 v. 80. Newon Astronomy. With account of the dis- York, 1809-11. covery of the planets Neptune, Astrea, and HENGSTENBERG, (Ernst Wilhelm.) ChristIris; and a description of Lord Rosse's ology of the New Testament, and Commentelescope. 3d ed. 160. London, 1848. tary on the Predictions of the Messiah by the HENDERSON, (George.) Account of the British Prophets. Translated from the German, by SettlementofHonduras. 120. London, 1809. Reul Keith. 3v. 80. Andover, (Ms.,)1836. HENDERSON, (James.) History of the Brazil; - On the Interpretation of Isaiah. 160. comprising its geography, commerce, coloni- Edinburgh, 1835. (Biblical Cabinet, v. 15.) zation, aboriginal inhabitants, &c. 40. HEINKE, (l2duard.) Droit Public de la Suisse. London, 1821.. Traduit de l'Allemand, par T. E. Masse. HENDERSON, (John, Esq.) Excursions and 80. Geneve, 1825. Adventures in New South Wales. 2v. 120. HENL4, (Julius.) Treatise on General PathLondon, 1851. ology. Translated from the German, by Observations on the Colonies of New Henry C. Preston. 80. Philadelphia, 1853. South Wales and Van Dieman's Land. 80. HENNELL, (Charles C.) Christian Theism. Calcutta, 1832. 2d ed. 120. London, 1852. HENDERSON, (John.) Constitutionality of HENNEN, (John.) Principles of Military SurPresident Pierce's Proclamations. 80. New gery. 3d ed. 80. London, 1829. Orleans, 1854. HENNEN, (William D.) Digest of the ReportHENDERSON, (Thomas; Astronomer.) Astro- ed Decisions of the Superior Court of the late nomical Observations made at the Royal Ob- Territory of Orleans; the late Court of Errors servatory, Edinburgh, from 1834 to 1843. and Appeals; and of the Supreme Court of 9 v. in 4. 40. Edinburgh, 1838-50. the State of Louisiana, contained in the fiftyHENDERSON, (Thomas; M1. D.) Hints on the six volumes of reports, from first Martin to Medical Examination of Recruits for the sixth Louisiana Annual. 2 v. 80. Boston, Army. Revised by Richard IH. Coolidge. 1852. (12 copies.) 120. Philadelphia, 1856. [IENNEPIN, (Louis.) Description de la LouisHENDERSON, (Thulia S.) Memoir of the Rev. lane, iouvellement decouverte au sud'otiest E. Henderson, D. D.; including his Labours de la Nouvelie France; avec la carte du pays, in Denmark, Iceland, Russia, &c. 120. les moeurs et la maniere de vivre des sauvaLondon, 1859. gos. 16. Paris, 1683. 537 HENNEPIN. HENRY. HENNEPIN, (Louis.) NouvelleDecouverted'un rici Quinti, Roberto Redmanno auctore. II. tres Grand Pays situ6 dans l'Amerique, entre -Versus Rhythmici in laudem. regis Henle Nouveau Mexique et la Mer Glaciale. 18~. rici Quinti. III.-Elmhami Liber Metricus Utrecht, 1697. de Henrico Quinto. Eldited by C. A. Cole. New Discovery of a Vast Country in 80. London, 1858. (Chronicles and Mem. America, extending above four thousand of Great Britain.) miles, between New France and New Mexi- Gesta Henrici V., cum Chronica co; with a description of the great lakes, Neustrie, (Gallice,)ab abnno 1414, ad 1422. cataracts, rivers, plants, and animals. With Recensuit, chronicam traduxit, notisque ilthe continuation, giving an account of the lustravit B. Williams. 8~. Londini, 1850. attempts of the Sieur de La Salle upon the (English Historical Society.) mines of St. Barbe. Translated from the HENRY VI. (King of England.) Letters and French. 2 v. in 1. 8~. London, 1698-99. papers illustrative of the wars of the English M. de La Salle's undertaking to Dis- in France during the reign of I-Ienry VI. cover the River Mississippi by way of Gulf Edited by J. Stevenson. V. 1. 8~. Lonof Mexico. 80. New-York, 1846. (French's don, 1861. (Chron. and Meom. of Gr. BritHist. Coil. Louisiana, v. 1.) ain.) - Narrative of the Upper Mississippi, HENRY VII. (King of England.) Letters and 1683. 8~. New-York, 1852. (French's Hist. and papers illustrative of the reigns of Coil. Louisiana, v. 4.) Richard III and Henry VII. Edited by HENNIN, (Michel.) Histoire Numismatique J. Gairdner. 2 v. 8~. London, 1861-63. de la Revolution Frangaise, avec planches. (Chronicles and Mem. of Great Britain.) 2 v. in 1. 4~. Paris, 1826. Historia Regis Henrici Septimi, a BerHENNINGS, (August.) Sammlung von Staats- nardo Andra Tholosate conscripta; necnon schriften, die wiihrend des Seekrieges von alia quedam ad eundem regem spectantia. 1776 bis 1783, sowol von den Kriegfiuhren- Edited by J. Gairdner. 8~. London, 1858, den, als auch von den neutralen MIachten (Chronicles and Mem. of Great Britain.) offentlich bekannt gemacht worden sind; HENRY VIII. (King of England.) Letters in so weit solche die Freiheit des Handels and Papers, foreign and domestic, of the und der Schiffahrt betreffen. 2 v. 80. reign of Henry VIII. Arranged and cataAltona, 1784-85. logued by J. S. Brewer. V. 1. 80. LonHENNINGSEN, (Charles Frederick.) Most don, 1862. Striking Events of a Twelvemonth's,Cam- Love Letters to Anna Boleyn; with hispaign with Zumalacarregui, in Navarre and torical introduction. 80. London, 1823. the Basque Provinces. 2 v. 120. London, - Henry the Eighth's Scheme of Bishop1836. ricks, with illustrations of his assumption of Past and Future of Hungary. 120. church property, &c. 80. London, 1838. London, 1852. HENRI IV. (King of Francs.) Lettres Inddites HENRIETTA MARIA de Bourbon; (Queen, Wife d'Henri IV., et de plusieurs personnages of Charles I.) Life and Death. Small 40. c61lbres, tel que Flechier, La Rochefoucault, London, 1820. (Smeeton's Tracts, v. 1.) Voltaire, le Comte de Caylus, Anquetil-DuTHENRY III. (King of England.) Royal and perron, &c. Imprimees sur les originaux, other Historical Letters illustrative of the avec des notes et une introduction, par A. reign of Henry III. Edited by W. W. Serieys. 80. Paris, 1802. Shirley. V. 1. 1216-35. 80. London, 1862. Memoirs of Henry the Great, and of the (Chronicles and Mem. of Great Britain.) Court of France during his Reign. (By W. Short View of the Long Life and Reign H. Ireland.) 2 v. 8~. London, 1824. of. Small 40. London, 1820. (Smeeton's HENRY the Minstrel. Wallace; or the life and Tracts, v. 2.) acts of Sir William Wallace, of Ellerslie. HENRY IV. (King of England.) Royal and Published from a manuscript dated 1488; Historical Letters, during the Reign of with notes, by John Jamieson. 40. EdinHenry IV. Edited by F. C. Hingeston, burgh, 1820. V. 1. 80. London, 1860. (Chronicles and HENRY, (Alexander; Esq.) Travels and AdMem. of Great Britain.) ventures in Canada and the Indian TerritoHENRY V. (King of England.) Memorials of ries, between 1760 and 1776. 80. New York, Henry V., King of Eagland. I.-Vita Hen- 1809. 68 538 HENRY. HERBERSTEIN. HENRY, (Alexander; M. D.) Glossary of scien- Sir James Mackintosh. 80. Edinburgh, tific terms for general nse. 12~. London, 1807. 1861. 1HENSLOW, (J. S.) Descriptive and PhysioHENRY, (C. S.; Translator.) Epitome of the logical Botany. 16~. London, 1846. (LardHistory of Philosophy. From the French, ner's Cabinet Cyclopredia, v. 54.) with additions. 2 v. 180. New-York, 1842. HEI SLOWE, (Philip.) Diary from 1591 to 1609. (Harper's Famn. Lib'y, v. 143-4.) Edited by J. P. Collier. 8~. London, 1845. HENRY, (J.) Judgment of the Conrt of Dene- (Shalespeare Soc'y Pub., v. 9.) rara, in the Case of Odwin rs. Forbes, on the HENSLOWE, (William Henry.) The Phonarplea of the English certificate of bankruptcy thron; or, natural system of the sounds of in bar, in a Foreign Jurisdiction, to the suit speech; a text of pronunciation for all lanof a foreign creditor. Also, a treatise on the guage. 80. London, 1840. difference between Personal and Real Sta- HENSON, (Joseph.) Story of his own Life. tutes, and its effect on foreign judgment and With an introduction, by Mrs. H. B Stowe. contracts; and appendix, on the present Law 12~. Boston, 1858. of France respecting Foreigners. 8~. Lon- HENTZ, (Caroline Lee.) Courtship and Mardon, 1823. riage; or, the joys and sorrows of American HENRY, (John Joseph.) Accurate and inte- life. 120. Philadelphia, 1856. resting Account of the Hardships and Suffer- Ernest Linwood. 12~. Boston, 1856. ings of that band of Heroes who traversed Planter's Northern Bride. 2 v. 120. the wilderness in the Campaign against Philadelphia, 1854. Quebec in 1775. 16~. Lancaster, (Pa.,) Robert Graham: a sequel to Linda. 1812. 120. Philadelphia, 1855. HENRY, (Matthew.) Exposition of the Old and ~ Victim of Excitement; the Bosom SerNew Testament, with practical remarks and pent, &c. 12~. Philadelphia, 1853. observations. 6 v. 4~. London, 1811. ~ Wild Jack, or the Stolen Child; with HENRY, (Paul.) Life and Times of John Cal- other stories. 120. Philadelphia, 1853. vin. From the German, by H. Stebbing. HLNTZ, (N.M.) The Valley of Shenandoah; 2 v. 8~. London, 1849. or, memoirs of the Graysons. 2d ed. 2 v. HENRY, (Pierre Fra-nCois.) Histoire du Di- 12~. New York, 1828. rectoire Ex6cutif de la Republique Fran- HEPP, (G. Ph.) Essai sur la Theorie de la Vie 2aise. 2 v. 8. Paris, 1801. Sociale et du Gouvernement Representatif; HIIInRY, (Robert.) History of Great Britain, pour servir d'introduction it l'etude de la scifrom the first invasion of it by the Romans ence sociale, ou du droit et des sciences poliunder Julius Cresar. 3d ed. 12 v. 8~. tiques. 80. Paris, 1833. London, 1799-1800. HEQUEMBOLURI, (C. L.) Plan of the Creation; HENRY, (William.) Elements of Experimen- or, otlier worlds, and who inhabit them. 12~. tal Chemistry. 11th ed. 2 v. 80. Lon- Boston, 1859. don, 1829. iH:RAPATIr, (John.) Mathematical Physics; HENRY, (William Seaton.) Campaign Sketches or, the mathematical principles of natural of the War with Mexico. 12~. New-York, philosophy. With a development of the 1847. causes cf heat, gaseous elasticity, gravitaHENSHAW, (John Prentis Kewley.) Memoir tion, &c. 2v. 8~. London, 1847. of the Rt. Rev. Richard Channing Moore, HERAUD, (John A) Present Position of the D. D., Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Dramatic Poet in England. 12~. London, Church in the Diocese of Virginia. 80. 1841. (Pol. Pain., v. 77.) Philadelphia, 1842. HERBELOT, (Barth6lemy d'.) Bibliothbque HENSIIAW, (J. S.) Manual for United States Orientale, ou Dictionnaire Universel; conConsuls; embracing their rights, duties, lia- tenant tout ce qui fait connoitre les peuples bilities, and emoluments... New-York, de lOrient; leurs histoires, traditions, reli1849. gions, gouvernemens, loix, mroeurs, etc. HENSHAW, (Robert.) Trial for Corruption of Nouvelle 6dition, r6duite et augmentee par Office, and Receiving Presents, in violation Desessarts. 6 v. 80. Paris, 1781-83. of the act 33 Geo. III., cap. 52. Tried by a HERBERSTEIN, (Sigismund von.) Notes upon special jury in the court of the recorder of Russia. 2v. 80. London, 1851-52. (HakBombay, Nov. 5, 1805, before the Hon. llyt Society, v. 10-11.) 539 HERBERT. HERCULANO. HERBERT, (Algernon.) Britannia after the ship of the United States and British ProRomans; an attempt to illustrate the relig- vinces. 2 v. 8~. New-Yolk, 1857. ious and political revolutions of that prov- Hints to Horse-Keepers. With "Rarey's ince in the fifth and succeeding centuries. Method of Horse-Taming," and "Baucher's 2 v. 4~. London, 1836-41. System of Horsemanship." 12~. NewCyclops Christianus; an argument to York, 1859. disprove the supposed antiquity of the Stone- - Knights of England, France, and Scothenge and other megalithic erections in Eng- land. 12c. New-York, 1852. land and Brittany. 80. London, 1859. Marmiaduke Wyvil; an historical roEssay on the Neodruidic Heresy in Bii- mance of 1651. 14th ed. 12~. Newtanniia. 40. London, 1838. York, 1853. HERBERT, of Cherbury, (Edward, Lord.) An- Memoirs of Henry VIII.; with the tient Religion of the Gentiles, and causes of fortunes, fates, and characters of his six their errors considered. 80. London, 1705. wives. 120. Auburn, (N. Y.,) 1855. Dialogue between a Tutor and his My Shooting Box. 12~. PhiladelPupil. 40. London, 1768. phia, 1843. Expedition to the Isle of Rhe. 80. Oliver Cromwell; or, England's great London, 1860. protector. 12~. Auburn, (N. Y..) 1856. - Life, written by himself; with a prefa- HERBERT, (Sir Thomas.) Memoirs of the tory memoir. 8~. Edinburgh, 18(f9. Two Last Years of the Reign of Charles I., The same. 24~. London, 1827. (Au- with a particular account of his funeral. tobiography, v. 8.) 12~. London, 1813. Life and Reign of King Henry VIII. - Mmoires sur les dernieres annees du Folio. London, 1683. Regne de Charles I. 80. Paris, 1827. HERBERT, (Frances Georgiana.) Legend of (Coll. des Mdmoires relatifs a la Revolution Pembroke Castle; and other tales. 2 v. d'Angleterre, v. 4.) 120. London, 1853.- Some Yeares Travels into Africa, and HIERBERT, (George.) Works, in prose and Asia the Great; describing the famous emverse. Edited by Robert A. Willmott. 160. pires of Persia and Industant; also divers London, 1854. other kingdoms in the Orientall Indies. Remains. 160. London, 1841. Folio. London, 1638. HERBERT, (Henry William; "Frank Fores- HERBERT, (lion. and Rev. William.) Attila. ter.") American Game in its Seasons. 120. 80. London, 1838. New-York, 1853. HERBERT, (William; Librarian.) History of Captains of the Old World, as compared the Twelve Great Livery Companies of Lonwith the great modern strategists; from the don; with notices of metropolitan trade and Persian to the Punic wars. 120. New commerce, and of the language, manners, York, 1851. and expenses of ancient times. 2 v. 8~. Captains of the Roman Republic, as London, 1836-37. compared with the great modern strategists; HERCULANEUM et POMPLI. Recueil general from the Punic wars to the death of Cesar. des peintures, bronzes, masaiques, etc., de120. New-York, 1854. converts jusqu'i ce jour, etreproduits d'aprds - Cavaliers of England; or, the times of le Antichita di Ercolano, il Museo Borbonico, the revolutions of 1642 and 1688. 120. et tons les ouvrages analogues; augmente de New-York, 1852. sujets inddits, grav6s au trait sur cuivre, par Chevaliers of France, fiom the crusaders H. Roux ain6, et accompagn6 d'un texte exto the marechals of Louis XIV. 120. New- plicatif par M. L. Barr6. 8 v. 8~. PaYork, 1853. ris, 1840. Cromwell. 2v. 120. New-York, 1838. HERCULANENSIUr t Voluminum qure superFrank Forester's Field Sports of the sunt. 11 v. in 7. Folio. Neapoli, 1793United States and British Provinces. 4th 1855. ed. 2v. 80. New-York, 1852. HERCULA NO, (A) Da Origem e EstabeleciFrank Forester's Fish and Fishing of mento dcaInquisig5aoem Portugal. 3 v. 18. the United States and British Provinces. 3d Lisboa, 1854. ed. 80. New-York, 1851 - Historia de Portugal. 4 v. 80. LisFrank Forester's Horse and Horseman- boa, 1849-53. (V. 2 wanting.) 540 HERDER. HERO. HERDER, (Johann Gottlieb von.) Werke. HEREDIA, (Jose Maria.) Poesias. 2 v. in 1. 30 v.; mitSupplement Band. 180. Stuttgart, 160. Nueva-York, 1856. 1827-30. HEREFORD, (Charles.) History of France, 1. Philosophie und Geschichte, 22 v. in 11. from the first establishment of that monarchy, CONTENTS. including the late Revolution. 3 v. 80. Angenehmen und schnuen, vom., v. 18. London, 1793. Begebenheiten und Charakltere des Achtzehnten -- History of' Rome, from the foundation Jahru derts, v. 11-12.Rome, fom the founation Briefe zurBeforderung der Humanitat, v. 13-14. of the City by Romulus, to the death of Galerie Grosser und Weiser Manner, v. 15. Ideen zur Geschichte der Menshheit, v. 4-8. MlarcusAntoninus. 3 v. 80. London, 1792. Kalligone, v. 18-19. HfRICOURT, (Louis de.) Les Loix EcclesiKunst unid Kunstrichterei, v. 18-19. Leben von Herder, von Maria Carolina von Herder, astiques de France, dans leur ordre naturel; v. 20-22. v. 20-f22. -et une analyse des livres du droit canonique Metakritik zur Kritik der Reinen Vernunft, v. 16-17. analyse des lives du doit canonique Philosophie der Geschichte zur Bildung der Mensch- conf6ers avec les usages de l'IlgliseGallicane. heit, v. 3. Priludien zur Philosophie der Geschichte der Folio. Paris, 1748. Menschheit, v. 2-3. HERIOT, (George.) History of Canada, and Recensionen, v. 15. Seele und Gott, v. 9. account of the original establishment of the Sophron: gesainenelte schulreden, v. 10. colony of Louisiana. 80. London, 1804. Tithon und Aurora, v. 3. Ursprung der Sprache, v. 2. Travels through the Canadas, and view Vorwelt, Die, v. 1. Vorswelt, Die, v. 1. of the manners and customs of the Indian 2. Religion und Theologie, 18 v. in 9. nations. 40. London, 1807. CONTENTS. HERMANN, (Charles F.) Manual of the Polititeste Urkude des Menshengeslehts, v. 5-7. cal Antiquities of Greece, historically considBriefe, das Studium der Theologie Betreffend, alAn ofGree v. 13-14. ered. From the German. 8". Oxford, 1836. Briefe zweier Biider Jesu in nnserm klanon, v. 11. Christliche Reden und Homilien, v. 8-10. HERMANN, (Gottfried.) Epitome Doctrinm Ch1isteliche Schritenn, av.16-18. Metrice. Ed. 3a. 80. Lipsie, 1852. Er]iauterungen zum neuen Testament, v. 11. Geist der Ebriisihen Poesie, v. 1-3. HERMANN, (Jacob.) Phoronomia, sive de Johannes Offenbarung, v. 12. Salomon's Lieder der Liebe, v. 4. Salonon's Lieder der Liebe, v. 4. viribus et iotibus corporumt solidorum et Studium der Theologie, vom., v. 15. fluidorum. 40. Amstelaedami, 1716. 3. SchnenLiteratur und Kunst, 20v. in10. HERMANN and Bos. Hermann's Elements of CONTENTS. the Doctrine of Metres; and Bos's Greek Abhandlungen und Briefe tiber Schone Literatur Ellipses; abridged and translated into Engunod Kunst, v. 15-16. Antiquarische Aufsatze, v. 19. lish, by John Seager. 2 v. in 1. 80. LonBlatterder Vorzeit; dichtungen aus derMorgenland- don 1830 ischen sage, v. 9. Cid, Der, nach Spanischen Romanzen, v. 5. HERMAS, (Saint.) Pastor. (Cotelerius, Patres Fragmenta zur Deutschen Litelatur, v. 1-2. Apsto v Frtichte aus den sogenanntgoldenen Zeiten des p c,.. l8ten Jahlulinderts, v. 17-18. HERMES (Mercurius) Trismegistus. Divine Gedichlite, v. 3-4. Kritische W.lder; oder betrachtungen fiber die Pymander. Translated from the Arabic into Wissenschaft und Kunst des Schlnen, v. 13-14. Greek, thence into Latin and Dutch, and Legenden, Dramatischer Sticke und Dichtungen, v. 6. now into English by Dr. Everard. 320. Nachlese zur Schonen Literatur und Kunst, v. 20. London 15. Sehriften zur Griechischen Literatur, v. 10. Schriften zur timischen Literatur, v. 11. HERMOSILLA, (A.) Notre, Additiones, et ResoStimnmen der Volker in Liedern, gesammelt von Herder, v. 7-8. lutiones ad Glossas Legum Partitarum D. Terpsichore; lyrische gedichte, v. 12. Gregorii Lopetii. Editio 4n. 2 V. in 1. Oriental Dialogues; conversations of Folio. Colonise Allobrogum, 1751. Eugenius and Alciphron on the spirit and HERNANDEZ, (Francisco.) Opera, cum edita beauties of the sacred poetry of the Hebrews. tumn inedita. 3 v. Folio. Matriti, 1790. Translated. 80. London, 1801. HERNE, (John.) Law of Charitable Uses. Outlines of the Philosophy of the His- 12~. London, 1660. tory of Man. Translated from the German, Pleader; containing perfect presidents by T. Churchill. 40. London, 1800. and forms of declarations, pleadings, issues, Spirit of Hebrew Poetry. Translated judgments, and proceedings in all kinds of by James Marsh. 2v. in 1. 120. Burling- actions, real, personal and mixt. Folio. ton, (Vt.,) 1833. London, 1657. HERDMAN, (W. G ) Treatise on the Curvili- HERO of Alexandria. Pneumatics, from the near Perspective of Nature. 80. London, original Greek. Edited by Bennet Wood1853. croft. 40. London. 1851. 511 HERODIANUS. HERSCHEL. HERODIANUS. Historiarum libri viii., (Gr. HERON, (Caulfield.) Introduction to the Hiset Lat.) Premissa est M. Antonini Philo- tory of Jurisprudence. 8~. London, 1860. sophi Vita a Jo. Xiphilino conscripta. 2 v. HERON, (Robert.) Letter to Wilberforce on 16~. Edinburgi, 1724. the Justice and Expedience of Slavery and History of his own Times. Translated the Slave Trade. 8~. London, 1806. (Slavery into English, with notes, by J. Hart. 2 v. Pam., v. 6.) 16~. London, 1740. (Bound with above.) See PINKERTON, (John.) Letters. Historie of Tvventy Roman Caesars, HERON, (Sir Robert.) Notes. 2d ed. 8~. and Emperors. Interpreted out of the Greeke. Grantham, 1851. 18~. London, 1635. HERON DE VILLEFOSSE, (Antoine Marie; The Heir Apparent; or, the Life of Baron.) DelaRichesseMin6rale. 3v. 40; Commodus, emperor of Rome. Translated atlas, folio. Paris, 1810-19. from the Greek. 16~. London, 1789. HERRERA, (Antonio de.) Historia General de. Histoire, traitant des faicts memorables los Hechos de los Castellanos en las Islas y des Successeurs de Marc Avrele a l'Empire Tierra Firme del Mar Oceano. 1492-1531. de Rome. Translatee du Grec, par Jacqves 8 decades in 5 v. Folio. Madrid, 1730. Comtes de Vintemille. Small 4~. Paris, Descriptio Indi'e Occidentalis. (Bry. 1580. Collectiones, series I, pars 12.) HERODOTUS. Historia. (Gr. et Lat.) Ex General History of the vast Continent editione J. Gronovii. Adjectus est, ex eadem and Islands of America, commonly called editione, liber de Vita Homeri; vulg6 sed the West-Indies, from the first discovery fals6 adscriptus Herodoto. 9v. 160. Glas- thereof. Translated by John Stevens. 6 v. guse, 1761. 8~. London, 1725-26. - Historiarum Libri IX. (Gr. et Lat.) ~ Observations and Discoveries of AmerRec. G. Dindorf. 8~. Paris, 1844. (Didot, ica by Europeans; descriptive of Caribee Biblioth. Grecque, v. 23.) Islands, &c. (Churchill's Voyages and The same. (Greek.) With a Corn- Travels, v. 5.) mentary by J. W. Blakesley. 2 v. 8~. Description des Indes Occidentales, London, 1854. qu'on appelle aujourdhuyle nouveau monde. Musae. Textum ad Gaisfordii editio- Translatee d'Espagnol en Francois. Folio. nern recognovit, perpetua tumn F. Creuzeri Amsterdam, 1622. tur sua annotatione instruxit, commenta- HERRICK,(Robert.) Hesperides; or,hisworks, tionem de Vita et Scriptis Herodoti, etc. both humane and divine. 2 v. 16C. Lonadiecit J. C. F. Baehr. 4 v. 8~. Lipsire, don, 1846. 1830-35. HERRING, (Richard.) Practical Guide to the History of the Persian Wars; with varieties and relative values of Paper; illuscopious notes by C. W. Stocker. In the trated with samples. 4~. London, 1860. original Greek. 2 v. 12~. London, 1831. - Personal Recollections of George Croly. History. Translated fiom the Greek, 160. London, 1861. with notes, by William Beloe. 4 v. 8~. HERSCHEL, (Sir John F. W.) Essays from Philadelphia, 1814. the Edinburgh and Quarterly Reviews; with The same. Translated by H. Cary. addresses and other pieces. 8~. London, 12~. London, 1854. (Bohn's Class. Lib'y, 1857. v. 36.) Outlines of Astronomy. 8~. LonThe same. From the text of T. Gais- don, 1849. ford, with notes by P. E. Laurent. 2 v. 8~. Physical Astronomy. 4~. London, Oxford, 1827. 1848. (In "Encyclopaedia of Astronomy.") The same. Translated, with notes, by Preliminary Discourse on the Study of Isaac Taylor. 8~. London, 1829. Natural Philosophy. 12~. London, 1842. - The same. New English version, edited The same. 16~. London, 1851. (Lardwith copious notes embodying the chief re- ner's Cabinet Cyclopsedia, v. 55 ) suits, historical and ethnographical, obtained Results of Astronomical Observations in the progress of cuneiform and hieroglyphi- made during the years 1834-38, at the Cape cal discovery. By George Rawlinson, H. of Good Hope. 4~. London, 1847. Rawlinson, and J. G. Wilkinson. 4 v. 8~. Treatise on Astronomy. 16~. London, London, 1858-60. 1851. (Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopsedia, v. 55.) 542 HERSEY. HETZEL. HERSEY, (George C.) Trial for the Murder of HERVEY, (John, Lord.) Memoirs of the Reign Betsey F. Tirrell, before the Supreme Judi- of George II., froml his accession to the death cial Court of Massachusetts. ByJ. M, W. of Queen Caroline. Edited by J.W. Croker. Yerrington. 80. Boston, 1862. 2 v. 80. London, 1848. HERTIUS, (J. N.) Commentationes atquo HEIVEY, (Mary Lepel, Lady.) Letters; with Opuscula, de selectis et rarioribus, ex Juris- a memoir and notes. 80. London, 1821. prudentia universali, publica, feudali et Ro- HERVEY, (Thomas Kibble.) Illustrations of inana, nec non historia Germanica, argu- Modern Sculpture. Folio. London, 1834. nientis. 2v. 40. Francofurti ad Moenum, HERVEY, (Mrs. Captain.) Adventures of a 1716. Lady in Tartary, Thibet, China, and KashHERrTSI.ET, (C. J. B.) Law relating to Master mir. 3 v. 120. London, 1853. and Servant, comprising domestic and menial HERZEN, (Alexander.) My Exile in Siberia. servants and clerks, husbandmen, and per- 2 v. 120. London, 1855. sons employed in the different manufactories. - See CATHARINE II. 120. London, 1850. HESIOD. Carmina. (Gr. et Lat.) Ed. T. S. HERTSLET, (Lewis.) Complete Collection of Lehrs. 80. Paris, 1841. (Didot, Biblioth. the Treaties and Conventions and Reciprocal Grecque, v. 24.) Regulations between Great Britain and Theogony, Works and Days. TransForeign Powers; and the laws, decrees, and lated, (in prose,) by J. Banks, (in verse,) by orders in council in relation to commerce and C. A. Elton. 120. London, 1856. (Bohn's navigati n and the repression and abolition Class. Library, v. 37.) of the slave trade. 10 v. 80. London, The same. Translated by Thomas 1827-59. Cooke. 120. London, 1755. HERTZ, (Henry.) United States vs. Henry - The same. 80. London, 1810. (ChalHertz et al., charged with hiring and retain- mers'Eng. Translations, v. 2.) ing persons to go beyond the jurisdiction of - The same. 160. Chiswick, 1822. the United States, with the intent to enlist (British Poets, v. 88.) in the British Foreign Legion for the Crimea. HESS, (Jean Gaspard.) Life of Ulrich ZwinTried before the U. S. District Court at Phila- gle. Translated from the French, by Lucy delphia. 80. Philadelphia, 1855. Aikin. 80. London, 1812. HERTZBERIG, (Ewa!d Friedrich von.) Recueil HEssrE, (James Augustus.) Sunday; its des D6ductions, Manifestes, Declarations, origin, history, and present obligation. 80. Trai'es, et autres actes et ecrits publics qui London, 1860. (Bampton Lectures for 1860.) out 6et r6dig6s et publies pour la cour de HESTON, (Jacob Franklin.) Moral and PoPrusse, depuis 1756 jusqu' 1790. 3 v. 80. litical Truth; reflections suggested by readBerlin, 1789-92. ing history and biography. 160. PhiladelHERVE, (Francis.) Residence in Greece and phia, 1811. Turkey. 2 v. 80. London, 1837. HESYCHIUs. De Iis qui Eruditionis Fama HERVEY, (Albert.) Ten Years in India; or, Claruere, liber. (Diogenes Laertius, ed. 1616. the life of a young officer. 3 v. 120. Lon- v. 2.) don, 1850. HETHERINGTON, (William M.) History of the HERVEY, (Charles.) Theatres of Paris. 80. Church of Scotland; from the introduction Paris, 1847. of Christianity to the disruption, in 1843. HERVEY, (George Winfred.) Principles of 80. New York, 1856. Courtesy; with hints and observations on ~ Memoir and Correspondence of Mrs. manners and habits. 120. New-York, 1852. Coutts, widow of the late Rev. Robert Rhetoric of Conversation. 120. New- Coutts, Brechin. 160. Edinburgh, 1854. York, 1853. HETL;vY, (Thomas.) Reports and Cases taken HEERVEY, (James.) Whole Works. 80. Edin- in the 3d, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th years burgh, 1835. of the late King Charles. -Folio. London, CONTENTS. 1657. Contemplations on the Night,! &c. HETZEL, (A. R.) Miiitary Laws of the Iescaut upon Creation. Life of Hervey. United States; inciuding those relating to AIeditatiors aniong the ToGrbs. the army, marine corps, volunteers, militia, teflections oin a Flower Garden. Sermons, Miscellaneous Tracts, and Letters. and to bounty lands and pensions. 3d ed. ThVin1er Piean io. 80. Washington, 1846. (2 copies.) Winter Piece. 543 HEUMANN. HEYWOOD. IIEUMANN, (Johann.) Commentarii de Re pens in Europe; with illustrations. 80. Diplomatica Imperatorum ac Regum Ger- Oxford, 1855. manorum inde a Caroli M. temporibus ador- HEWITT, (Mary Elizabeth.) Heroines of Hisnati. 2v. Small 40. Norimbergre, 1745-53. tory. 120. New-York, 1852. HEURES Royales. (En Latin et en Fran9ois.) HEWSON, (John.) Brief History of the Revo180. Paris, 1753. lution, with sketch of Capt. John Hewson. HEIJRTAULT de Lamerville, (J. L. T.) De 80. Philadelphia, 1843. l'Impot Territorial; coIlbine avec les prin- HEWSON, (William,. D.) Works. Edited, cipes de l'administration de Sully ct de with notes, by G. Gulliver. 80. London, Colbert, adaptds a la situation actuelle de la 1846. (Sydenham Society Publications.) France. 40. Strasbourg, 1788. HEWSON, (William, C. E.) Principles and HEURTLEY, (Charles A.) Sermons on Justi- Practice of Embanking Lands from Riverfication. 80. Oxford, 1846. (Bampton Floods, as applied to "Levees" of the MisLectures for 1845.) sissippi. 80. New-York, 1860. HEUSCHLING, (Xavier.) Essai sur la Statis- HEY, (Richard.) Observations on the Nature tique G6eiirale de la Belgique. 180. Brux- of Civil Liberty, and the Principles of Govelles, 1838. erminent. 80. London, 1776. I-EUSTIS, (Jabez W.) Physical Observations, HEY. See HAY. and medical tracts and reserches, on the HEYLYN, (Peter.) A6rius Redivivus; or, the topography and diseases of Louisiana. 80. History of the Presbyterians. Folio. LonNew-York, 1817. don, 1672. HEVEY, (John,) vs. SIRm, (C. H.) Trial on an Cosmography, containing the chorograaction for Assault, etc. 80. Dublin, 1802. phy and history of the whole world, and all (Pol. Pam., v. 19.) the principal kingdoms, provinces, seas, and HEVIA BOLANOS, (Juan de.) Curia Filipica: isles thereof. Improved by Edmund Bohun. de los Juicios Civiles y Criminales, Eclesi- Folio. London, 1703. 6sticos y Seculares, y de lo que sobre ellos Help to English History; with the estdi dispuesto por dereclo, y resoluciones Coats of Arms of the Nobility; Lists of the de doctores; y de la Mercancia y Contrata- Extinct Viscounts and Barons, etc. Pubcion de Tierra y.Mar. Folio. Madrid, 1825. lishedby PaulWright. 80. London, 1773. HEWETT, (J. F. Napier.) European Settle- - Micr6cosmos. A Little Description of ments on the West Coast of Africa. 120. theGreat World. 6thed. 80. Oxford, 1633. London, 1862. Observations on the Historie of the HEWETT, (Prescott.) Treatise on Injuries of Reign of King Charles. Published by -H. the Head. 80. London, 1861. (Holmes' L. (Hammond L'Estrange ) 180. London, Surgery, v. 2.) 1656. HEWISON, (William.) Contest of the Twelve HEYM, (J.) Dictionnaire IRusse-FranCaisNations; a view of the different bases of Allemand; publid de nouveau, corrig6 et human character and talent. 80. Edin- augmente par F. Svaitnoi. 2e ed. 3 v. burgh, 1826. Small 40. Leipsic, 1844. HEWITSON, (William C.) British Oology; HEYSE, (J. C. A.) Grammar of the German illustrations of the eggs of British Birds. 2 Language. 120. London, 1852. v. 8~. New-Castle-upon-Tyne, 1846. HEYWOOD, (Samuel.) Digest of so much of H-EWITT, (Abram S.) Statistics and Geogra- the Law respecting Borough Elections as phy of the Production of Iron. 8~. New as concerns cities and boroughs in general. York, 1856. 80. London, 1797. HEWITT, (Alexander.) Historical Account of Digest of the Law respecting County the Rise and Progress of the Colonies of Elections, from the issuing of the writ to its South Carolina and Georgia. 2 v. 80. return. 2d ed. 80. London, 1812. London, 1779. Dissertations upon the Distinctions in The same. 2 v. in 1. 80. New-York, Society, and Ranks of the People, under the 1836. (Carroll's Hist. Coll. S. Carolina, v. 1.) Anglo-Saxon Governments. 80. London, HEWITT, (David.) Problems and Theorems 1812. in Plane Trigonometry. 80. Cambridge, -HETwooD, (Thomas.) Apology for Actors. (Eng.,) 1840. 80. London, 1841. (Shakespeare Society IEWITT, (John.) Ancient Armor and Wea- Pub., v. 14.) 544 HEYWOOD. HIEROCLES. HEYWOOD, (Thomas.) Dialogue of Wit and HICKES, (George.) Grammatica Anglo-SaxFolly. (Percy Society Pub., v. 20.) onica. 8~. Oxonire, 1711. Dramatic Works. With a life of the Institutiones Grammaticre Anglo-Saxpoet, and remarks on his writings, by J. onicee, et Moeso-Gothics. 4~. Oxonire, Payne Collier. 2 v. 8~. London, 1850- 1689. 1851. (Shakespeare Society Pub., v. 13-14.) Gentleman Instructed in the Conduct Hierarchie of the Blessed Angells; of a Virtuous and Happy Life. 8th ed. 80. their names, orders and offices; the fall of London, 1723. Lucifer with his angells. Small folio. Lon- HICKEY, (William.) Constitution of the United don, 1635. States of America, with an alphabetical analLife of Merlin, surnamed Ambrosius; ysis; Declaration of Independence; electoral his prophecies interpreted, being a chrono- votes for all the Presidents; civil officers of logical history of all the kings and memora- government, fiom 1789 to 1847, etc. 120. ble passages of this kingdom, from Brute to Washington, 1846. King Charles. 80. London, 1813. The same. 2d ed. 120. Philadelphia, A Marriage Triumph. (Percy Society 1847. (6 copies.) Pub., v. 3.) HICKIlN, (John.) Excursions in -orth Wales. Nine Books of various History concern- 16~. London, 1851. ing Women; inscribed by ye names of ye HICKMAN, (G. H.) Life and Public Services nine muses. Folio. London, 1624. of James Knox Polk. Also, life of George HEYWOOD. See HAYWOOD. M. Dallas. 8~. Baltimore, 1844. HIBBARD, (Freeborn G.) Psalms, chronologi- HICKMAN, (William.) Treatise on the Law cally arranged, with historical introductions, and Practice of Naval Courts-Martial. 8~. 8c. New-York, 1856. London, 1851. (2 copies.) HInBARD, (Rufus T.) Startling Disclosures HICKOK, (Laurens P.) Empirical Psycholconcerning the Death of John N. Maffit. ogy; or, the human mind as given in con80. New York, 1856. (Misc. Pam. v. 33.) sciousness. 2d ed. 12~. New York, 1855. HIBBERT, (George.) Substance of Three _ - Rational Cosmology; or, the eternal Speeches in Parliament on the Bill for the principles and the necessary laws of the Abolition of the Slave Trade. 8~. London, universe. 80. New York, 1858. 1807. (Slavery Pam., v. 5.) - Rational Psychology; or, the subjective The same. (Slavery Pam., v. 6 ) idea and the objective law of all intelligence. HIBERTr, (Robert.) Hints to the Young Ja- 8". Auburn, (N. Y.,) 1849. maica Sugar Planter. 120. London, 1825. ~ System of Moral Science. 8~. ScheHIBBERT, (Samuel.) Philosophy of Appari- nectady, (N. Y.,) 1853. tions. 8~. Edinburgh, 1825. HICKS, (Albert W.) Life, Trial, Confession, HICKCOX, (John H.) Historical Account of and Execution of the Pirate and Murderer, American Coinage. 80. Albany, (N. Y.,) executed on Bedloe's Island, New York Bay, 1858. 13th July, 1860, for the Murder of Captain HICKERINGILL,(E.) JamaicaViewed. Small Burr, Smith, and Oliver Watts. 80. New 40. London, 1660. York, 1860. HICKES, (George.) Antique Literaturoe Sep- HICKS, (Elias.) Journal of his Life and Retentrionalis libri II, quorum primus Georgii ligious Labors, written by himself. 5th ed. Hickesii linguarum vett. septentrionalium 80. New York, 1832. thesaurum grammatico-criticum et archro- HICKS, (J.) Wanderings by the Lochs and logicum, ejusdem de antiqum literaturae sep- Streams of Assynt; and the North Highlands tentrionalis utilitate dissertationem epistola- of Scotland. 160. London, 1855. rem, et Andree Fountaine numismata Sax- HICKS, (Rebecca.) Lady Killer. 120. Philonica et Dano-Saxonica complectitur. Alter adelphia, 1851. continet Humfredi Wanleii librorum vett. - Milliner and Millionaire. 120. Philseptentrionalium, qui in Anglim biblioth, adelphia, 1852. extant, catalogum historico-criticum; nec HIEOVER, (Harry.) See BINDLEY, (C.) non multorum vett. codd. septentrionalium HIEROCLES, (the New Platonist.) Commentaalibi extantium notitiam, cum totius operis riusinAureaPythagoreorumCarmina. (Gr. sex indicibus. 3v. in 2. Folio. Oxonie, et Lat.,) interprete J. Curterio. 180. Lon1703-1705. dini, 1654. 545 H-IEROCLES. HiLDRETH. HIEROCLES, (the New Platonist.) Commenta- HIGGINSON, (Edward.) Spirit of the Bible; naries on the Golden Verses of Pythagoras. 80. ture and value of the Jewish and Christian London, 1707. (In DACIER, Life of Pytha- scriptures discriminated, in an analysis of goras.) their several books. 2 v. 12~. London, 1853. HIEROCLES, (Grammaticus.) Synecdemnus. 8. HIGGINSON, (Francis.) New-England's PlanBonnse,1840. (ByzantinmHist. Corpus, v.8.) tation. London,1630. (Reprint.) (Force's HIEROGLYPHICS on the Coffin of Mycerinus, Hist. Tracts, v. 1.) found in the Third Pyramid of Gizeh, August, The same. (In Young's Chronicles of 1837. Folio. London, 1838. Massachusetts.) HIERONYMUS Stridonensis, (Eusebius. Saint.) HIGGINSON, (John.) Letters written from Opera. Emendata studio monachorum or- Salem, (N. E.,) 1692-1700. 80. Boston, dinis S. Benedicti. 5 v. Folio. Pari- 1838. (Mass. Hist. Coll., v. 7. ThirdSeries.) siis, 1693-1706. HIGH LIFE in New-York; by Jonathan Slick, HIGDEN, (Ranulph.) Policronicon. Trans- Esq., of Weathersfield, (Conn.) 120. Newlated from the Latin, by John de Trevisa, in York, 1854. 1387. Folio. Southwarke, 1527. HIGHLAND and Agricultural Society of ScotHIGGINS, (Godfrey.) Anacalypsis; an at- land. Prize Essays and Transactions. 1830 tempt to draw aside the veil of the Saitic to 1863. 17 v. 8~. Edinburgh, 1831-63. Isis; or, an inquiry into the origin of lan- HIGHMORE, (Anthony.) SuccinctView of the guages, nations, and religions. 2 v. 4~. History of Mortmain; and the statutes reLondon, 1836. lating to Charitable Uses; with a full expoCeltic Druids. 4~. London, 1827. sition of the last statute of mortmain. 2d Horse Sabbaticee. 80. London, 1826. ed. 80. London, 1809. (Pamphleteer, v. 27.) HIGHTON, (Edward.) Electric Telegraph; its Observations on M'Culloch's doctrines history and progress. 120. London, 1852. respecting Corn Laws, &c. 80. London, HILARIUS Pictaviensis. (Saint.) Opera. Ad 1826. (Pamphleteer, v. 27.) MSS. codices castigata studio monachorumn - On the Corruption of the Christian ord. S. Benedicti. Folio. Parisiis, 1693. Scriptures, Mohamed, the Crusades, and the HILDEBERTUS Turonensis (Sairt.) Opera, tana Mystical M-om-omd; a fragment from the edita quam inedita. Accesserunt Marbodi Anacalypsis. 80. London, 1857. opuscula, recensita labore A. Beaugendre, HIGGINS, (James.) Second and FourthAnnual monachi ord. S. Benedicti. Folio. Parisiis, Report of Maryland Agricultural Chemist. 1708. 80. Baltimore, 1852-54. HILDRETH, (James.) Dragoon Campaigns to HIGGINS, (S.,) and BRISBANE, (W. II.) Illus- the Rocky Mountains. 120. New-York, 1836. trations of the Divine GovernmentinRemark- HILDRETH, (Richard.) Archy Moore, the able Providences. 120. Philadelphia, 1859. White Slave; or, memoirs of a fugitive. 120. HIGGINS, (W. Mullinger.) Earth, its Physical Auburn, (N. Y.,) 1855. Condition and most Remarkable Phenomena. ~ Atrocious Judges. Lives of judges in160. London, 1841. famous as tools of tyrants and instruments The same. 180. New York, 1842. of oppression. Compiled from the judicial (Harper's Fam. Library, v. 80.) biographies of Lord Campbell; with appenElements of Algebra. 80. London, dix, containing the case of Passmore Wil1829. lialson. 120. Boston, 1856. ExperimentalPhilosopher. 160 Lon- Despotism in America; an inquiry into don, 1838. the nature, results, and legal basis of the ~- IIntroductory Treatise on the Nature slaveholding system in the United States. and Properties of Light, and on Optical In- 120. Boston, 1854. struments. 80, London, 1829. ~ History of the United States of America, - - Mosaical and Mineral Geologies, illus- from the discovery of the continent to the trated and compared. 80. London, 1832. organization of government under the federal Philosophy of Sound and History of constitution. 3 v. 8~. New-York, 1849. Music. 120. London, 1838. -- The same. From the adoption of the I-IGCGINsoN, (Edward.) Astro-Theology; or, Federal Constitution to the end of the sixthe religion of astronomy. 160. London, teenth congress. (1821.) 3 v. 80. New1855. York, 1851-52. 69 41 546 HILDR ETI. HILL. H-ILTIn TH, (Riclard.) Theory of Morals; an HILL, (James.) The same. 3d Am. ed,, coninquiry concerning the law of moral distinc- taining notes to the 1st ed., by Francis J. ti.!ns and thle variations and contradictions Ti'oubat; with full notes and references to of ethical codes. 12N. Boston, 1844. recent Enlglish and American decisions, by Theory of Politics; an inquiry into the Henry W' harton. 8~. Philadelphia, 1857. foundations of governments, and the causes HILL, (Sir John.) British Herbal; history of and progress of political revolutions. 120. plants and trees, natives of Britain, cultivated New-York, 1854. for use or raised for beauty. Folio. LonHILDRETH, (Samuel Prescott.) Pioneer His- don, 1756. tory; account of the first examinations of ~ Essays in Natural History and Philothe Ohio Valley and the early settlement of sophy. 120. London, 1752. the Northwest Territory. Chiefly from ori- Fossils, arranged according to their ohginail aiss.; containing the papers of Col. vious characters; with their history and deGeorge Morgan; those of Judge Barker; scription. 80. London, 1771. the diaries of Joseph Buell and John Mat- Rleview of the Works of the Royal Sothews; the records of the Ohio Company, ciety of London; containing animadversions &c. 8~. Cincinnati, 1848. on such of the papers as deserve particular HILDROP, (John.) Miscellaneous Works. 2v. observation. 40. London, 1751. 160. London, 1754. ("Abrlahan Johnson.") Lucine AfHILL, (Aaron.) Poems. 160. Chiswick, 1822. franchie des Lois du Concours. 240. Paris, (British Poets, v. 50.) 1799. HILL, (Alexander Staveley.) Manual of the HILL, (John; Merchant.) Inquiry into the Practice of the Court of Probate. 80. Lon- Causes of the present High Price of Gold don, 1859. Bullion in England. 80. London, 1810. HILL, (Benjamin L.) Lectures on theAmeri- (Financial Pain., v. 3.) can Eclectic System of Surgery. 80. Cin- HILL, (M.;) and CORNWALLIS, (C. F.) Two cinnati, 1850. Prize Essays on Juvenile Delinquency. 120. and HUNT, (James G.) HomIcoopathic London, 1853. Practice of Surgery, together with Operative HILL, (Matthew Davenport.) Our Exemplars, Surgery. 80. Cleveland, (0.,) 1855. Poor and Rich; sketches of men and women HILL, (D. H.) Considerations of the Sermon who have benefited their fellow-creatures. on the Mount. 120. Philadelphia, 1858. 120. London, 1861. HILTL, (Edwin.) Principles of Currency; means ~ Suggestions for the Repression of Crime. of ensuring uniformity of value and adequa- 80. London, 1857. cy of supply. 120. London, 1856. HILL, (Nicholas, Jr.) Reports of Cases in the HILL, (Frederick.) Crime; its amount, causes, Supreme Court and in the Court for the Corand remedies. 80. London, 1853. rection of Errors of New-York, 1841 to 1844. HILL, (George Canning.) Captain John Smith; 7 v. 80. Albany and New-York, 1842-47. a biography. 120. Boston, 1858. (3 copies.) HILL, (Henry David.) Essays on the Institu- HILL, (Iichard.) Diplomatic Correspondence, tions, Government, and Manners of the States from July, 1703, to May, 1706. Edited by of Ancient Greece. 2d ed. 120. London, W. Blackley. 2 v. 80. London, 1845. 1823. HILT, (Robert Gardiner.) Concise History of HILL, (Isaac.) Biography, Speeches, and Mis- the entire Abolition of Mechanical Restraint cellaneous Writings. 180. Concord, (N. H.,) in the Treatment of the Insane. 80. Lon1835. don, 1857. HILL, (J.) Old Man's Guide to Health and Lecture on the Management of Lunatic Longer Life. 6th ed. 80. London, 1771. Asylums, and the Treatment of the Insane. (Misc. Pam., v. 25.) 80. London, 1839. HILL, (James.) Practical Treatise on the Law THIL, (Samuel.) Thorough Examination of relating to Trustees, their powers, duties, the False Principles and Fallacious Arguprivileges, and liabilities. With notes and ments advanced against the Christian references to American, decisions, by F. J. Clurch, Priesthood, and Religion; in. a late Troubat. 80. Philadelphia, 1846. pernicious book ironically intituled, The The same. 2d Am. ed. 80. Philadel- Rights of the Christian Church Asserted, phia, 1854. &c. 8. London, 17U0, 547 HILL. HINCHMAN. HILL, (S. S.) Tiara and the Turban; impres- HILLIARD, (Francis.) Law of Torts, or Private sions and observations on character, within Wrongs. 2 v. 80. Boston, 1859. the dominions of the Pope and the Sultan. The same. 2d ed. 2v. 8~. Boston, 1861. 2 v. 12~. London, 1845. Law of Vendors and Purchasers of Real Travels on the shores of the Baltic, Property. 2 v. in 1. 8~. Boston, 1858. extended to Moscow. 12~. London, 1854. (2 copies.) Travels in Peru and Mexico. 2 v. Treatise on the Law of Sales of Per12~. London, 1860. sonal Property. 8. New-York, 1841. - Travels in Siberia. 2 v. 120. London, The same. 2d ed. 80. Philadelphia, 1834. 1860. HILL, (W. R.) Reports of Cases in Chancery, in - Treatise on the Law of Bankruptcy the High Court of Appeals of South Carolina, and Insolvency. 80. Philadelphia, 1863. 1833 to 1837. 2 v. 80. Columbia, 1834-37. HILLIARD, (Henry W.) Speeches and Ad----- Reports of Cases at Law, in the Court dresses. 80. New-York, 1855. of Appeals of South Carolina, 1833 to 1837. HILLIARD D'AUaERTEUIL, (Michel-Rend.) 3 v. 8~. Columbia, 1834-41. Considdrations sur l'Etat present de la ColoThe same. 1833 to 1837. 3 v. in 2. nie Franeaise de Saiat-Domingue; ouvrage 80. Charleston, 1857. politique et legislatif. 2 v. 120. Paris, HILL, (U. C.) Practical Violin School; new 1776-77. and complete synopsis of violin playing. - Essais Historiques et Politiques sur les 40. New-York, 1855. Anglo-Am6ricains. 2 v. 80. Bruxelles, HILLARD, (George S.) Life of Captain John 1781-82. Smith. 160. Boston, 1834. (Sparks' Am. - Histoir e de Administration de Lord Biog., v. 2, first series.) North, et de la Guerre d l'Amdrique SeptenSix Months in Italy. 3d ed. 2 v. trionale. 80. Londres, 1784. 120. Boston, 1854. HILTON, (Henry.) Reports of Cases in the HILLARY, (William.) Observations on the Court of Common Pleas for the City and Changes of the Air, and concomitant Epi- County of New York. 2 v. 80. New York, demical Diseases in the Island of Barbadoes; 1859-60. (2 copies.) with notes, by Benj. Rush. 80. Philadel- HILTON, (John.) Notes on some of the Develphia, 1811. opmental and Functional Relations of certain Treatise on Diseases peculiar to the Portions of the Cranium. 80. London, 1855. West India islands or the torrid zone. 8c. IlH IALAVAN PLANTS, Illustrations of; with Philadelphia, 1811. (Boundwith above.) descriptions by J. D. Hooker. Folio. LonHILLHOUSE, (James.) Proopositions for don, 1855. amending the Constitution of United States. HIiME, (Humphrey Lloyd.) Photographs taken 80. New Haven, 1808. (Pol. Pam., v. 106.) at Lord Selkirk's settlement on the Red The same. 80. Washington, 1830. liver of the North, to illustrate a narrative of (Pol. Pam., v. 114.) the Canadian Exploring Expeditions, by HILLHOUSE, (James A.) Dramas, discourses, H. Y. Hind, in charge of the Assininiboine and other pieces. 2 v. in 1. 12". Boston, and Saskatchewan Expedition. 40. Lon1839. don, 1861. HILLIARD, (Francis.) American Law of Real HIMERIUS, Sophista. Eclogae et Orationes. Property. 2d ed., revised, corrected, and (Gr. et Lat.) (Didot, Biblioth. Grecque, enlarged. 2 v. 8~. Philadelphia, 1846. v. 32.) -- The same. 3d ed. 2 v. 80. New- HINCHLIFF, (Thomas W.) Summer Months York, 1855. (2 copies.) among the Alps; with the ascent of Monte Elements of Law; being a comprehen- Rosa. 12~. London, 1857. sive summary of American civil jurispru- HINCI-ILFFE, (Henry J.) Rules of Practice dence. 80. Boston, 1835. (2 copies.) for the Vice-Admiralty Court of Jamaica; Law of Mortgages, of real and per- with a digest and notes. 80. London, 1813. sonal property; being a general view of the HINCnMIIAN vs. RICIIIE, et al. Speeches of English and American law upon that sub- Defendant's Counsel and the Charge ofJudgo ject. 2 v. 80. Boston, 1853. Burnside, in the case of. Reported by Oliver The same. 2d ed., revised and greatly Dyer and D. F. Murphy. 80. Philadelphia, enlarged. 2 v. 80. Boston, 1856. 1849. 548 HINCKLEY. HINTON. HINCKLEY, (Thomas.) Letters and Papers, acknowledge the sole, supreme, and ex1676-99. 80. Boston, 1861. (Mass. Hist. clusive divinity of our Lord and Saviour Coll., v. 5., fourth series.) Jesus Christ. 80. Philadelphia, 1815. HIND, (Henry Youle.) Essay on the Insects HINDOOS, The; including a general descripand Diseases injurious to the Wheat Crops. tion of India, its history, &c. 2 v. 160. 80. Toronto, (Canada,) 1857. London, (n. d.) Library of Entertaining Narrative of the Canadian Red River Knowledge, v. 35-36.) Exploring Expedition of 1857, and of the HINDOOSTAN. Map of the Western Provinces Assiniboine and Saskatchewan Exploring of Hindoostan. London, 1830. Expeditionof1858. 2v. 80. London, 1860. HINDS, John; (Pseud. for J. Bell.) VeteriReports of Progress; with preliminary nary Surgeon: or, farriery taught on a new report on the Assiniboine and Saskatchewan and easy plan. 160. Philadelphia, 1830. Expedition, made under instructions from HINDS, (Samuel.) History of the Rise and the Provincial Secretary, Canada, with maps. Progress of Christianity: comprising an 40. Toronto, 1859. inquiry into its character and design. 2 v. HIND, (Captain James.) No Jest like a true 80. London, 1828. Jest; being a compendious record of the HINDS. See HIND. merry life and mad exploits of. Small 40. HINE, (Thomas Chambers.) Design for a London, 1817. (Smeeton's Tracts, v. 2.) Labourer's Cottage. 40. London, 1848. The Second Captain Hind; or, the Prize Model Cottages. 2d ed. 2 v. life and actions of that infamous highway- in 1. 8o. London, 1848. man and housebreaker, Captain John Simp- HINES, (Gustavus.) Oregon; its history, conson. Small 40. London, 1817. (Smeeton's dition, and prospects. 120. Buffalo, 1851. Tracts, v. 2.) HINKLEY, (Edward.) New Methods for MulHIND, (John.) Digested Series of Examples tiplication and Division, by means of a table in the applications of the principles of the of 999 multiples of nine digits. 80. BaltiDifferential Calculus. 8~. Cambridge, more, 1853. (Eng.,) 1832. Tables of the Prime Numbers, and ~ Elements of Algebra. 5th ed. 80. prime factors of the composite numbers, Cambridge, 1841. fromu 1 to 100,000. 80. Baltimore, 1853. Principles of the Differential Calculus; HINMAN, (Royal Ralph.) Blue Laws of New with its application to curves and curve sur- Haven Colony, usually called Blue Laws of faces. 2d ed. 80. Cambridge, 1831. Connecticut; Quaker Laws of Massachu~. Principles and Practice of Arithmetic. setts; Blue Laws of New-York, Maryland, 6th ed. 160. Cambridge, 1849. Virginia, and South Carolina. 120. HartHIND, (John Russell.) Astronomical Vocabu- ford, (Conn.,) 1838. lary; explanation of all terms in use amongst Historical Collection, from official reastronomers. 160. London, 1852. cords, &c., of the part sustained by ConComets; a descriptive treatise upon necticut during the War of' the Revolution. those bodies. 12~. London, 1852. 80. Hartford, (Conn.,) 1842. HIND. See HINDS. Letters from the English Kings and HINDE, (Robert.) Modern Practice of the Queens, Charles II, James II, William and Court of Chancery, methodized and digested Mary, Anne, George II. etc., to the Govin a manner wholly new. 80. Dublin, ernors of the colony of Connecticut, together 1786. with answers, from 1635 to 1749; and other HINDMARCH, (W. M.) Treatise on the Law ancient, literary, and curious documents. relating to Patent Privileges for the sole use 120. Hartford, (Conn.,) 1836. of Inventions; and the practice of obtaining HINTON, (James.) Treatise on Diseases of letters patent for inventions. With an ap- the Ear. 80. London, 1862. (Holmes' pendix of statutes, rules, forms, &c. 80. Surgery, v. 3.) London, 1846. (2 copies.) HINTON, (John Howard.) Memoir of William HINTDMARSIH, (Robert.) Precious Stones; be- Knibb, Missionary in Jamaica. 80. Loning an account of the stones mentioned in don, 1847. the Scriptures. 18~. London, 1851. Elements of Natural History and Phi- Seal upon the Lips of Unitarians, losophy; an introduction to systematic Trinitarians, and all others who refuse to zoology. 40. London, 1829. 549 HINTON. HISTORICAL. HINTON, (John Howard.) History and To- HImsci, (Meyer.) Integral Tables. From the pography of the United States of North German. 8O. London, 1823. America; with views and maps. 3d ed. 2 v. HIRST, (Henry B.) The Penance or Roland; 4~. London, 1842. a romance of the peine forte et dure; and HINTS to Both Parties on the Petitions against other poems. 12~. Boston, 1849. the orders in Council, 80. New York, 1808. HIRTIUS, (A.) History of the Alexandrian, (Pol. Pam., v. 35.) African, and Spanish Wars. Literally transHINTS on Etiquette and the usages of society, lated. 12~. London, 1853. (Bohn's Class. by Aywyog; with a glance at bad habits. Library, v. 16.) 27th ed., revised, with additions, by a Lady C iommentaries of the Alexandrian, Afof Rank. 120. London, 1852. rican, and Spanish Wars. 8o. London, 1819. HINTS on the Art of Miniature Painting. 80. (With ClESAR'S Commentaries. Translated London, 1837. by Duncan.) HINTS on the State of the Country in this mo- HiSTOIRK et Commerce des Colonies Angloises, mentous Crisis. 80. London, 1812. (Pol. dans l'Aml rique Septentrionale. 160. LonPam., v. 52.) dres, 1755. HIPPISLEY, (George.) Narrative of the Ex- HISTOIRE Littdraire de la France. Ouvrage pedition to the Rivers Orinoco and Apure, commence par des religieux Ben6dictins de in South America; which sailed fiom Eng- la Congregation de Saint-Maur, et continue land in November 1817, and joined the pat- par les membres de l'Acaddmie des Inscripriotic forces in Venezuela and Caraccas. tions et Belles-Lettres. V. 1-22. 40. Paris, 80. London, 1819. 1733-1852. HIPPOCRATES. Opera omnia qure extant, (Gr. HISTOIRE du Massacre do plusieurs Religieux, et Lat.) Nune denuo Latina interpretatione de S. Dominique, de S. Francois, et de la et annotationibus illustrata, Anutio Foesio Compagnie de J6sus, et d'autres Chrestiens, anthore. Adjecta sunt ad VI. sectionem, advenu en la Rebellion de quelques Indios Palladii scholia Grmeca in librum De Frac- de l'Occident centre les Espagnols. 160. turis, et sua Latinitate donara. His pra te- Valencienne, 1620. rea accessere varina lectiones Graecee. Folio. HIS r'ORE Naturelle et Morale des Ils Antilles Francofurti, 1624. del'Amdrique. Avecun vocabulaire caraibe. Genuine Works. Translated from the (Attrib&e e a C&sar de Rochefort et a Louis Greek, with annotations, by F. Adams. 2 v. de Poincy.) 40. Roterdam, 1658. 80. London, 1819. (Sydenham SocietyPub.) HisTOIaRE Philosophique de l'Homme. (AtAphorisms of Hippocrates, and the tribule d l'_Ab6e Millot.) 80. Londres, Sentences of Celsus, with explanations by (Paris,) 1766. C. J. Sprengell. 80. London, 1708. HISTOIRE Pittoresque des Passions, chez et GALENUS. Opera. Renatus Char- l'hoinme et chez la femme, et particuliereterius plurima interpretatus, universa emen- ment de l'amour. 80. Paris, 1846. davit, instauravit, notavit, auxit, secundui HISTOIRE Regimentaire et Divisionaire de distinctas medicinie partes digessit, et con- l'Armee d'Italie, Commandee par le Genjunctim Greece etLatineprimusedidit. 13v. 6ral Bonaparte. Par A. B. 80. Paris, in 9. Folio. Lutetim Parisiorum, 1639-79. ld44. HIPPOLYTUS Martyr, (Saint.) Opera. Griecd HISTORIADORES Primitives de Indias. 2 v. et Latine. Subjuncta appendix scriptorum 80. Madrid, 1852-53. (Biblioteca de Audubiorum Hippolyti Thebani. Accedunt tores Espanioles, v. 51-52.) spicilegium patrum, Leonis Allatii et C1. HISTORIA)OREE de Sucesos Particulares. V. Salmasii commentarii, atque Chalcidius in 1. 80. Madrid, 1852. (Biblioteca de AuTimaeum Platonis. Curante J. A. Fabricio. tores Espa.lioes, v. 42.) 2 v. in 1. Folio. Hamburgi. 1716-18. HISTOImRi Augustse Scriptores VI., se. Elius HIRSCH, (Meyer.) Examples, Formula, and Spartianus, Julius Capitolinus, AlIius LamCalculations, on the Literal Calculus and pridius, Vulcatius Gallicanus, Trebellius Algebra. Translated from the German, by Poilio, et Flavius Vopiscus. 2 v. 12~. J. A. Ross. 2 v. 80. London, 1827. Lngduni Batavorum, 1671. -~ — Geometry; or, sequel to Euclid. From HISTORICAL Account of the Circumnavigation the German, by J. A. Ross. 80. London, of the Globe. 180. New-York, 1842. (Har1827. I per's Family Library, v. 84.) 550 HISTORICAL. HITTELL. HISTORICAL Account of Charter-House. Com- mnencement until the final termination thereof, piled from the Works of Hearne and Bearcroft, on the memorable 8th of January, 1815, at Harleian, Cottonian, and private Mss., and NewOrleans. 3ded. 12~. Philadelphia,1817. from other sources, by a Carthusian. 40. HIrA, (Ginds Perez de.) Guerras Civiles do London, 1808. Granada. 80. Paris, 1847. (Coleccion de IISTORICAL Account of the Interment of the Autores Espafioles, v. 6.) remains of the American Martyrs at the Wal- Civil Wars of Granada. Translated by labout, who perished on board the Jersey T. Rodd. 80. London, 1803. Prison Ship during the revolutionary war. HurITCcoK, (Edward.) Elementary Geology. 120. New-York, 1808. 8th ed. 12~. New-York, 1852. HISTORICAL and Descriptive Account of Ice- Ichnology of New England. A report land, Greenland, and the Faroe Islands. on the sandstone of the Connecticut valley, 180. New-York, 1842. (Harper's Family especially its fossil footmarks. 40. BosLibrary, v. 131.) ton, 1858. HISTORICAL and Political Account of Events Illustrations of Surface Geology. 40. at Paris on 9th and 10th of August, 1792. Washington, 1857. (Smithsonian Contribu80. London, 1792. (Misc. Pam., v. 3.) tions, v. 9.) HISTORICAL Magazine, and Notes and Queries Religion of Geology and its connected concerning the Antiquities, History, and sciences. 120. Boston, 1824. Biography of America. V. 1-7. Small 40. lReligiousTruthlllustratedfi omr Science, Boston and New-York, 1857-63. in addresses and sermons. 12~. Boston, 1857. HISTORICAL Record of the First Madras Euro- Report on the Geology, Mineralogy, pean Regiment, by a Staff Officer. 80. Lon- Botany, and Zoology of Massachusetts. 80. don, 1843. Atlas, oblong 80. Amherst, (Mass.,) 1833. HISTORICAL Register, containing an impartial Report on a Re-Examination of the Relation of all Transactions, foreign and Economical Geology of Massachusetts. 80. domestic, for the years 1716-1736. 21 v. Boston, 1838. 80. London, 1717-36. Final Report on the Geology of MassaHISTORICAL Register of the United States, chusetts. 2 v. 40. Northampton, 184t. 1812-1814. By Thomas H. Palmer. 4 v. HrITCcocK, (Ethan Allen) Christ the Spirit; 80. Philadelphia, 1814-16. an attempt to statC the primitive view of HISTORICIS Antiquis Collectanea, (Gr. etLat.) Christianity. 2d ed. 120. New York, 1861. 80. (n. d.) (Imperfect.) Red Book of Appin; a story of the HISrTOY of the British Dominions in North Middle Ages; with other hermetic stories America, from the discovery by S. Cabot, in and allegorical fairy tales; with interpreta1497, to 1763. 40. London, 1773. tions. 160. New York, 1863. HISTORY of Greek and Roman Philosophy - Remarks upon Alchemy and the Aland Science; by C. J. Blomfield, William chemists. 12~. Boston, 1857. Lowndes, J. W. Blakesley, Andrew Findla- - Swedenborg, a hermetic philosopher; ter, John H. Newman, James A. Jeremie, a sequel to Alcheny and the Alchemists; WT. Whewell, Peter Barlow, and Francis with a chapter comparing Swedenborg and Lunn.. 2d ed. 12~. London, 1853. Spinoza. 12~. New York, 1858. HISTORY of the Meeting at Spithead and the H-ITOPADEfSA; or, salutary counsels of Vishnu Nore. 180. London, 1842. (Murray's Fam. Sarman; in a series of connected fables, inLibrary, v. 59.) terspersed with moral, prudential, and politHISTroR of the Proceedings and Debates of ical maxims. Translated from the Sanskrit, the House of Commons for 1790. 80. Lon- by Francis Johnson. 40. Hertford, 1848. don, 1790. H1ITTErLL, (John S.) Evidences Against ClhrisHISTORY of Silk, Cotton, Linen, Wool, and tianity. 2d ed. 2 v. 120. New-York, 1857. other fibrous substances; including observa- - Plea for Pantheism. 120. Newtions on spinning, dyeing, and weaving. York, 1857. 8c. New-York, 1845. Mininin in the Pacific States of North HISTORY of the War in Amlerica, between America. i60. San Francisco, 1862. Great Britain and her Colonies. 3 v. 80. Resources of California; comprising Dublin, 1779-85. - agriculture, iining, geography, climate, HISTORY of the War of 1812, from the corn- commerce, etc. 8~. New York, 1863. 551 HITTELL. HOBHOUSE. HITTELL, (John S.) New System of Phrenol- HOBAN, (James.) Gems of Irish Eloquence, og'y 12. New-York, 1857. Wit and Anecdote. 12~. Baltimore, 1841. IIVER, (M.) H-istoire Critique des Institu- HOBART, (Henry.) Reports of Cases in the tions Judiciaires de la France, de 1789 i Court of Common Pleas, from 3 Elizabeth 1848. 80. Paris, 1848. to 23 James I. Folio. London, 1671. HOADLY, (Benjamin ) Works. 3 v. Folio.' The same. 1st Am. from 5th Eng. ed., London, 1773. with notes and references to prior and subCONTENTS. sequent decisions. By John M. Williams. 80. Boston, 1529. (2 copies.) Account of the Life and Writings of Dr. Saueloston, 1829. ( copies.) Clarke, v. 3. HOBART, (John Henry.) Posthumous Works. Common Rights of Subjects Defended, v. 2. Defense of Mr. Hooker's judgment concerning the (Consisting of Sermons.) With memoir, by nalture of civil government, v. 2. William Berrian. 3 v. 80. New-York, L-tter to Clement Chevallier, v. 3. Measures of Submision to the Civil Magistrate 1832-33. Origillnl and Institution of Civil Government dis- cussed, v. 2. Butler's Analogy of Religion. 160. NewPolitical Pieces, v. 3. Practical Divinity, v. 3. York, 1848. SernlllllS, v. 3. HOBB0 ES, (James R.) Picture Collector'sTracts in the Bangoriann Controversy, v. 2. Tracts on conformity to Church and State, v. 1. Manual; being a dictionary of painters. Tracts collected into a volume in 1715, v. 1. 2 v. 0. London, 1849. -- Original and Institution of Civil Gov- HOBBES, (Thomas.) English Works. Now ernment discussed; with a large answer to first collected and edited, by Sir William Dr. F. Atterbury's charge of rebellion. 2d Molesworth. 11 v. 80. London 1839-45. ed. 8~. London, 1710. CONTENTS. HOADLY, (Charles J.) Records of the Colony Answer to Bishop Bralhail, v. 4. Alnswler to Sir WD. Davenantt' Preface before Gonand Plantation of New-Haven, fiom 1638 dibert, v. 4. to 1649. 8~. Hartford, 1857. Art of Rhptoric, v. 6. Arit of Sophistry, v. 6. Records of the Colony or Jurisdiction Behemoth; the History of the canses of the Civil War of Eng-'htud, v. 6. of New-H1-aven, from May, 1653, to the Union. Decanleronl Physiologicumn or ten dialoguesl of NaWith the New-Haven Code of 1656. 80. triatl Philosophy, v. 7. Dialogue betweenl a. hilosopher and a Student of Hartford, 1858. the Colmmon Laws of Elung-lnd, v. 6. Discourses: I. I-iumanl Nattre; 2. Elelents of HOARE, (Clement.) Descriptive Account of Law; 3. Of Liberty and Necessity, v. 4. an im proved method of planting andi manag- ElemenLts of Philosopliy coicernilng body, v. 1. Extriact of a Letter to h-enry Stibble, v. 7. ing- the roots of Grape Vines. 160. Lon- Heresy and the punisihmenit thereof, v. 4. don, 18^4. Homer, llcads and Odyssey, v. 10. Index, v. 11. Practical Treatise on the Cultivation of Leviathan, or the matter form and power of a Commonwlltealth, ecclesiastical and civil, v. 3. the Grape Vine on Open Walls. 3d ed. 80. Mlathenmatics, Lessons to the Savilianl professor of, London, 1841. v. 7. ~London,:1841. Plhilosophical Problemis and Propositions of GeoHOARE, (Prince.) Epochs of the Arts; in metry, v. 7. eluding hints on the rise and progress of Philosop'it cil inllTl ets concelllig GoverUln-t and Society, v. 2. paintitng and sculpturein GreatBritain. 12. Piroportionl of a Straight Line to half the acre of a Quadrant, v. 7. JLondon, 1813. Questions colceirning liberty, necessity aind chance, - Inquiry into the requisite Cultivation stated asd ad deba ted between Bishop IBraiihall and T. Hobbes, v. 5. and Present State of the Arts of Design in Relptation, Lyallty, Manners and Religion of Engfland. 120. London, 1806. Hobbes, v. 4. ~England. 12~. London, 1806. Tlhucydides, History of the Grecian War, v. 8-9. -~ — Memoirs of Granville Sharpe. 40. Wallis, Dr., Absurd Geometry of, v. 7., Thlree Papers against, v. 7. London,.1820. - Considerations on the Answier of, v. The same. 2d ed. 2 v. 8~. Lon- Art of Rhetoric; with a discourse of don, 1828. the laws of England. 120. London, 1681. HOARE, (Sir Richard Colt.) Classical Tour - Elementa Philosophica de Cive. 18C. through Italy and Sicily. 40. London, Amnsterodami, 1669. 18i9. -' Moral and Political Works. To which ~ Journal of a Tour in Ireland, in 180. is prefixed, the author's life, with remlarks on 80. London, 1807. his w-ritings aLnd opinions. Folio. Londoun, H-oAnE, (Williamil Henry.) Outlines of Eccle- 1750. siastical Histoly, before the Reformation. H-Io:ousiE, (John Cam.) Sec BROUGHTON, 240. London, 1852. (Lord.) 552 HOBLYN. HIOEFER. HOBLYN, (Richard D.) Dictionary of Terms HoDGSKIN, (Thomas.) Travels in the North used in Medicine and the Collateral Sciences. of Germany, particularly in the kingdom of Revised by Isaac Hays. 120. Philadelphia, Hanover. 2v. 8~. Edinburgh, 1,820. 1855. HODGSON, (Adam.) Letters from North AmeManual of the Steam Engine. 160.'ica, written during a tour in the United London, 1842. States and Canada. 2 v. 8~. London, HoBY, (James.) Memoir of William Yates, 1834. D. D., of Calcutta; with an abridgement of HODOSON, (John Studholme.) Opinions on hislife ofV. H. Pearce. 80. London, 1847. the Indian Army. 120. London, 1857. HODDE, LA. See LA HODDE. HODGSON, (Robert.) Iife of Beilby Porteus, HODGE, (Arthur.) Trial at the Island of Tor- late Bishop of London. 16.' New-York, tola, for the Murder of his negro man slave 1811. named Prosper. 120. Middletown, 1812. HODGSON, (Colonel Robert.) Some Account HLomDG, (Charles.) Constitutional History of of the Mosquito Territory. 2d ed. Edinthe Presbyterian Church in the United States, burgh, 1822. (With STRA-NGEWAY'S Mosfrom 1705 to 1788. 80. Philadelphia, 1851. quito Shore.) Hou)GE, (Paul R.) Analytical Principles and HODGSON, (Thomas.) Essay on the Origin Practical Application of the Expansive Steam and Progress of Stereotype Printing. 120. Engine. 40. London, 1849. Newcastle, 1820. -Steam Engine, its origin and gradual HoDGSON, (William.) Selections from the letimprovement, from the time of the Hero to ters of Thomas B. Gould, minister of the the present day. 80; plates, folio. New- Gospel in the Society of Friends; with meYork, 1840. 1noirs. 12~. Philadelphia, 1860. -HOnDGES, (G. Lloyd.) Narrative of the Expe- HonDGsoN, (William B.) Notes on Northern dition to Portugal in 1832, under the orders Africa, the Sahara, and Soudan. 80. New of His Imperial Majesty, Don Pedro, Duke York, 1844. (Misc. Pam., v. 16.) of Braganza. 2 v. 120. London, 1833. Hoi:soN, (George H.) Twelve Years of a SolH1f DGs;s, (James.) Construction of the Great dier's Life in India. 120. London, 1859. Victoria Bridge in Canada. Folio; plates, HODnso, (Septinmus.) Address on the Scarcity folio. London, 1860. and Highi Price of Provisions. 80. LonHODGES, (Nathaniel.) Loimologia; historical don, 1795. (Pol. Pami, v. 50.) account of the Plague in London in 1665. HonY, (Humphrey.) De Biblioruin Textibus 80. London, 1720. O-iginalibus, Versionibus Grrecis, et Latina HODGn'Ss, (William.) Law relating to Rail- Vulgata. Folio. Oxonire, 1705. ways aud Railway Companies; with all the HoEClisTER, (E. G.;) et SAcnt, (A.) Manuel cases relating to compensation, mandamus, de Droit Commercial Francais et Etranger, injunction, and other matters decided in the suivant les lois, les coutunes, et lajurisprucourts of law and equity. 80. London, dence des pays suivants: France, ]ltats de i147. l'Allemagne Centrale, Autriche, Ancienne Reports of Cases in the Court of Com- Prusse, Saxe, Provinces Rhinanes, Grandmon Pleas, 1835 to 1837. 3v. 80. London, Duche de Bade, Grand-Duch6 de Luxem1836-39. bourg, Villes Libres del'Allemagne, AngleStatute Law relating to Railways in terre, Espagne, Portugal, Pays-Bas, BelEnglan.d and Ireland. 80. London, 1845. gique, Sardaigne, Lombardo-Venetie, Deux H-OD{nKIN, (Thomas.) Lectures on the Morbid Siciles, ]tats-Romains, Toscane, Duchds de Anatomy of the Serous and Mucous Melm- Parme, de Plaisance, de Guastella et de branes. 2 v. 80. London, 1836-40. (V. 2 Lucques, Cantons Suisses, Hongrie, Danewanting.) mark, Norwdge, Suede, Russie, Pologne, Means of Promoting and Preserving Valachie, Grece, Iles Ioniennes, Malte, Pays Health. 2d ed. 160. London, 1841. Mussulmans, Etats-Unis, Am6eique du Sud, HODGKiGNSON, (Clement.) Australia; with de- Mexiique, Haiti. 120. Paris, 1855. scriptions of the natives, the geology and -HOEFIER, (Ferdinand.) Afrique Australe, Oriproductions. 80. London, 1845. entale, Centrale, et l'Empire de Maroc. 80. HODGKI/NSON, (Eaton.)' Experimental Re- Paris, 1848. (L'Univers, v. 14.) searches on the Strength and other Proper- -- tats Tripolitains. 80. Paris, 1848. ties of Cast Iron. 8~. London, 1846. (L'Univers, v. 2.) 553 HOEFER. HOGAN. HOEFER, (Ferdinand.) Chald6e, Assyrie, M6- HOFFMANN, (E. T. A.) Gesammelte Schriften. die, Babylouie, Phbnicie, etc. 80. Paris, 12 v. in 6. 160. Berlin, 1857. 1852. (L'Univers, v. 9.) CONTENTS. HOEVEN, (Jan van der.) Handbook of Zoolo- Abentheur (Die) der Sylvester-Nacht, v. 7. Artushof, Der, v. 1. gy. Translated from the 2d Dutch edition, Automate, v. 2. by William Clark. 2 v. 80. Cambridge, Bergwerke (Die) zI Falun, v. 1. Brantwahl, Die, v. 3. (Eng.,) 1856-58. Dichter, Der, und der Componist, v. 1. Doge und Dogaressa, v. 2. HOFFMAN, (Charles Fenno.) Administration Doppeltgund Dogaie, v. 11. of Jacob Leisler. 160. Boston, 1844. Elementargeist, Der, v. 11. Elixiere des Teufels, Die, v. 6. (Sparks' Am. Biog., v. 3, second ser.) Erscheinungen, v. 4. Pioneers of New York; a discourse. 8~. Fantasiestticke in Callot's Manier, v. 7. Feind, Der, v. 12. New York, 1848. Fermate, Die, v. 1. Friagment aus dem Leben Dreier Freunde, v. 1. - Winter in the Far West. 2 v. 120. Fraulein von Scuderi, v. 3. London, 1835. Frenmde Kind (Das,) v. 2. Geheimnisse, Die, v. 11. HOFFMAN, (C. O.) Night Watch; or, social Gelibde, Das, v. 5. life in the South. 120. Cincinnati, 1856. GelnesuTng, Die, v. 12. Gloldne Tepf, Der, v. 7. HOFFMAN, (David.) Chronicles selected from Haimatoceare, v. 12. Jesuiterkirche (Die) in G., v. 5. the originals of Cartaphilus, the Wandering Ignaz Denner, v. 5. Jew; embracing a period of nearly XIX lirrngen, Die, v. 11. Kampf der Sunger, v. 2. Centuries. 1st ser. 2 v. 80. London, 1853. Klein Zaches genannt Zinnober, v. 9. --- Course of Legal Study. Respectfully Iiligsbraut, Die, v. 4. Kreisleriana, v. 7. addressed to the students of law in the United Lebensansichten des Katers Murr, v. 8. Magnetiseur, Der, v. 7. States. 80. Baltimore, 1817. Maiorat, Das, v. 5. The same. 2d ed., re-written and much Marquise de la PivardiFre, v. 12. Meister Floh, v. 10. enlarged. 2 v. 80. Baltimore, 1836. (2 Meister Johannes Wacht, v. 12. copies.) Meister Martin der Kitfuer und seine Gesellen, v. 2. ~~cop~i~~es.~~ v~). Neueste Schicksale eines Abentheuerlichen Mannes, Legal Outlines. V. 1. 80. Baltimore, v. 12. Nussknacker und Manse konig, v. 1. 1829. (de Haus, Das, v. 5. Miscellaneous Thoughts on men, man- inuein BrDie, billa, v. 9. Il'uber, Die, v. 1. ners, and things. 120. Baltimore, 1837. Sanctus, Das, v. 5. Syllabus, and introductory lecture. 80. 1Sananhn, D eer, v. 5. Schne Steehapfel, Der, v. 12. Baltimore, 1821-23. Seltsame Leiden eines Theater-Directors, v. 10. HOFFMAN,....Diss. j a Serapions-Brtider, Die, v. 1-4. HOFFMAN, (H. M.)'Dissertatio juridica in- Signor Formica, v. 4. auguralis de Gentium Pactionibus et Feeder- Spieler-Ghlck v. 3. Steinerne Herz, Das, v. 5. ibus ex historia illustratis. 80. Trajecti Unheimliche Gast, Die, v. 3. ^-^ ~~ad Rhenum, 1824. ~Vetters (Des) Eckfenster, v. 12. ad Rhenum, 1824. Vision ans dem Schlachtfelde bei Dresden, v. 12. HOFFMAN, (Johann Jacob.) Lexicon Univer- Zusamninenhang der Dinge, v. 4. sale, historiam sacram et profanam omnis Fairy Tales. Translated from the GerMvi, omniumque gentium; chronologiam ad man. 160. Boston, 1857. haec usque tempora; geographiam et veteris - The Golden Pot. Translated by T. et novi orbis continens. 4 v. Folio. Lug- Carlyle. (Carlyle's Ger. Romances, v. 2.) duni Batavorum, 1698. Strange Stories. 120. Boston, 1855. HOFFMAN, (Murray.) Office and Duties of HOFFMANSEGG, (J. Centurius von;) et LINK, Masters in Chancery, and Practice in the (H. F.) Flore Portugaise; description de Master's Office. With appendix of prece- toutes les plantes qui croissent naturelledents. 80. New-York, 1824. ment en Portugal. 2 v. Folio. Berlin, Reports of Cases in the Court of Chan- 1809-20. cery of New-York, before the Assistant Vice- HOFFMEISTER, (Werner.) Travels in Ceylon Chancellor of the First Circuit, 1839 and and Continental India, to the borders of 1840. 80. New-York, 1841. Thibet; with appendices on the geographical Treatise upon the Practice of the Court distribution of Coniferse, and Vegetation and of Chancery; with appendix of forms. 2d Birds of the Himalayan Mountains. From ed. 3v. 80. New-York, 1843. the German. 80. Edinburgh, 1848. -- Treatise on the Law of the Protestant HOGAN, (William.) Reports of Cases in the Episcopal Church in the United States. 80. Rolls Court in Ireland, 1816 to 1835. 2 v. New-York, 1850. 8C. Dublin, 1828-38. 70 554 HOGAN HOLBROOK. HOGAN, (Rev. William.) Trial for assault and HOIT, (T. W.) Right of American Slavery. battery on Mary Connell,before the mayor's 8c. St. Louis, (Mo.,) 1860. court in Philadelphia, April, 1822. 80. Phil- HOJE.DA, (Diego de.) La Cristiada. (Bib. de adelphia, 1822. Autores Espaiholes, v. 38.) HOGAHTIn, (George.) Memoirs of tile Musical HOLBACIT, (Paul Thiry, Baron de.) Le ChrisDrama. 2 v. 8~. London, 18:38. tianisme Devoile. (In BOULANGER, CEuvres, M- usical History, Biography, and Crit- v. 7.) icism; a general survey of music, fro)mi the - Christianity Unveiled. 16~. New-York, earliest period to the present time. 16~. Lon- 1795. c(on, 1835. Cristianesimo Svelato. Tradotto da HOGARTI, (William.) Anecdotes, written by Bellini. Folio. 1766. (MS.) himself; with essays and criticisms on his Letters to Eugenia; a preservative works, from Walpole, Gilpin, Ireland, Lamb, against religious prejudices. From the etc. 80. London, 1833. French, by A. C. Middleton. 120. Boston, - Genuine Works. With biographical 1857. anecdotes, catalogue, and commentary, by J. ("M de Mirabaud.") Nature and her Nichols and G. Steevens. 3 v. 40. London, Laws, as applicable to the happiness of man 1808-17. living in society. 2 v. 80. London, 1816. CONTENTS. System of Nature; or, the laws of the AccoIunt of Variations in Hogarth's Plates, v. 3. Anlalysis of B(eauty, v. 2. moral and physical world. From the French Biographic.l Anecdotes of Hogah,. ofMirabaud. 120. Philadelphia, 1808. Biogiaphical Mlemoir of Hogarth, by T. Phillips, v. 3. Essay on Genius and Character of IIogarth, by C. (V. 2 wanting.) Lamb, v. 3. Illusraions of Hogarth, v. 3. The same. With notes, by Diderot. V Works, from the original plates re- Translated by H. D. Robinson. 2 v. in 1. stored by James Heath. Folio. London, 80. Boston, 1853. 1820-24. HOLBEIN, (Hans.) Alphabet de la Mort; suivi HoGG, (Jabez ) The Microscope; its history, d'anciens poemies Franuois sur le sujet des construction, and applications. 80. London, trois morts et des trois vis. PUbli6s d'aprds 1I54. les manuscrits, par A. de Montaiglon. 8-. The Opthalmoscope; its mode of appli- Paris, 1856. cation explained. 2d ed. 12~. London, HOLBERG, (Louis.) Memoirs, written by him1858. self in Latin, and translated- into English. HoGG, (James.) Familiar Anecdotes of Sir 240. -London, 1827. Walter Scott. 160. New-York, 1834. Niels Klin's Journey under the Ground. Jacobite Relies of Scotland; being the Translated from the Danish, by John Gicrsongs, airs, and legends of the adherents to low. 120. Boston, 1845. the house of Stuart. 2 v. 80. Edinburgh, HOLBOURNE, (Sir Robert.) LearnedReadings 1819. upon the Statute of 25 Edw. 3, Cap. 2, being Poetical Works of the Ettrick Shep- the Statute of Treasons; to which is added herd. With an autobiography. 5 v. 160. cases of prerogative, treason, misprision of Glasgow, 1838. treason, felony, &c.; by Lord Bacon. 120. Tales and Sketches. 6 v. 160. Gias- London. 1684. gow, 1837. HOLBROOK, (Alfred.) Normal; or, methods HOGG, (John.) London As It Is; the health, of teaching the common branches-orthohabits, and amusements of the people. 160. epy, orthography, grammar, geography, London, 1837. arithmetic, and elocution. 120. New York, HOGG, (Robert.) British Pomology-the Ap- 1859. ple. 80. London, 1851. HOLBROOK, (J.) Ten Years among the Mail ~ The Dahlia; its history and cultivation. Bags; notes from the diary of a special agent 80. London, 1853. of the Post Office Department. 120. PhilaHOGG, (Thomas Jefferson.) Life of Percy delphia, 1855. Bysshe Shelley. V. 1-2. 120. London, HOLBROOK, (John Edwards.) North Ameri1858. (No more published.) can Herpetology; or, a description of the..- Two Hundred and Nine Days; journal reptiles inhabiting the United States. 5 v. of a traveller on the continent. 2 v. 120. 40. Philadelphia, 1838-42. (V. 4 and 5 London, 1827. wanting.) 555 HOLBROOK. HOLLAND. HOLBROOK, (Samuel F.) Threescore Years; H:OLFOID, (George.) Thoughts on Criminal an autobiography; containing incidents of Prisons of Great Britain. 80. London, voyages and travels. 12~. Boston, 1857. 1821. (Pamphleteer, v. 18.) HOLCOMB, (Chauncey P.) Address before HOLINSHED, (Raphael.) Chronicles of EngMontgomery County, (Md.,) Agricultural land, Scotland, and Ireland. 6 v. 4~. Society. 8~. Washington, 1854. London, 1807-8. HOLCOMBE, (James P.) Address before the HOLLAND, (Henry.) Chapters on MentalPhysAlumni of the University of Virginia. 8C. iology. 8o. London, 1852. Richmond, 1853. Essays on Scientific and other subjects. ~- Address before Virginia State Agricul- 80. London, 1862. tural Society. 8~. Richmond, 1858.- Medical Notes and Reflections. 2d ed. - Digest of the Decisions of the Supreme 8~. London, 1840. Court of the United States, fromn its organi- Travels in the Ionian Isles, Albania, zation to the present time. 80. Philadelphia, Thessaly, Macedonia, &c., during 1812-13. 1848. (2 copies.) 40. London, 1815. The same. New ed., with appendix of HOLLAND, (Henry Richard, Lord.) Foreign recentcases. 8~. New-York, 1849. (9copies.) Reminiscences. 2d ed. 16. London, Merchant's Book of ReferenceforDebtor 1851. and Creditor in the United States and Can- Memoirs of the Whig Party during my ada. 80. New-York, 1848. time. 2 v. 120. London, 1852-54. Selection of Leading Cases upon Corn- - Some account of the Life and Writings mercial Law, decided by the Supreme Court of Lope Felix de Vega Carpio. 80. Lonof the United States. 0S. New-York, 1847. don, 1806. HOLCOMBE, (William H.) Poems. 12~. New- HOLLAND, (James.) Strictures upon Letter York, 1860. of Gen. Joseph Dickson. 80. Lincolnton, HOLCROFT, (Thomas.) Memoirs of Himself; 1844. (Pol. Pam., v. 1.00.) continued, (by W. Hazlitt,) from his diary HOLLAND, (John; of Shffield, Eng.) Meand papers, to his death. 3 v. 160. Lon- moirs of the Life and Ministry of the Rev.'don, 1816. John Summerfield. 8th ed. 80. NewTravels from Hamnburg, through West- York, 1846. phalia, Holland, and the Netherlands, to Psalmists of Britain. Records, bioParis. 2 v. 40. London, 1804. graphical and literary, of upwards of one HOLDEN, (George.) Christian Expositor; or, hundred and fifty authors who have rendered practical guide to the study of the Holy the whole or parts of the Book of Psalms Scriptures. 2 v. 12~. London, 1834. into English verse; with specimens of the HOLDEN, (John.) Essay towards a Rational different versions. 2 v. 80. London, 1843. System of Music. Oblong40. Glasgow, 1770. ~- and EVERETT, (James.) Memoirs of HOLDEN, (William C. ) History of the Colony the Life and Writings of James Montgomery, of Natal, South Africa. 80. London, 1855. with selections fiom his correspondence. 7 v. HOLDER, (William.) Treatise of the natural 12~. London, 1854-56. grounds and principles of Harmony. With HOLLAND, (John.) History and Description appendix, by Godfrey Kneller. 80. Lon- of Fossil Fuel, the Collieries, and Coal Trade don, 1731. of Great Britain. 2d ed. 80. London, 1841. HoiLDICH, (Joseph.) Life of Wilbur Fisk, D. Treatise on Progressive Improvement D., first President of the Wesleyian Univer- and Present State of Manufactures in Metal. sity. 80. New-York, 1856. 3 v. 160. London, 1849. (Lardner's CabiHOLDITCH, (Robert.) Emigrant's Guide to net Cyclopsedia, v. 60-62.) the United States of America. 80. Lon- HOLLAND, (Josiah Gilbert.) Bitter-Sweet; a don, 181.8. poem; with illustrations. 80. New-York, HOLDSWORTH, (Joseph.) Geology, MIinerals, 1863. Mines, and Soils of Ireland, in reference to History of Western Massachusetts; the the amelioration and industrial prosperity of counties of Hampden, Hampshire, Franklin, the country. 120. London, 1857. and Berkshire. 2 v. 120. Springfield, HOLE, (James.) Essay on the History and 1855. Management of Literary, Scientific, and Me- Miss Gilbert's Career. An American chanics' Institutions. 8~. London, 1853. story. 120. New-York, 1860. 556 HOLLAND. HOLMES. HOLLAND, (JosiahGilbert.) TimothyTitcomb's HOLLIS, (Thomas.) Memoirs. 2 v. 4~. Letters to Young People, single and married. London, 1780. 4th ed. 12~. New-York, 1858. HOLLIS. See HOLLES. HOLLAND, (Saba Smith, Lady.) Memoir of HOLLISTER, (Gideon H.) History of Conthe Reverend Sydney Smith, by his daugh- necticut, from first settlement to 1818. 2 v. ter; with a selection from his Letters. 8~. New-Haven, 1855. Edited by Mrs Austin. 2 v. 8~. London, HOLLOWAY, (John George.) Month in Nor1855. way. 180. London, 1853. HOLLAND, (William M.) Life and Political HOLLOWAY, (Robert.) Strictures on the Opinions of Martin Van Buren. 2d ed. 120. Characters of the most Prominent Practising Hartford, 1836. Attornies; with a variety of memoirs, anecHOLLES, (Denzil, Lord.) Grand Question dotes, and transactions of remarkable perconcerning the Judicature' of the House of sons. 3d ed. 8~. London, 1808. Peers, stated and argued; and the case of HOLLOWAY, (William.) General Dictionary Thomas Skinner, complaining of the East of'Provincialisms. 8~. Lewes, 1838. India Company. 16~. London, 1669.- History and Antiquities of the Ancient ~- Memoirs; from the year 1641 to 1648. Town and Port of Rye, in the County of 8~. London, 1699. Sussex; with incidental notices of the Cinque M6moires, 1641-48. 80. Paris, 1827. Ports. 80. London, 1847. (Coll. des Memoires Relatifs a la Revolution HOLLY, (H. H.) Country Seats; lithographic d'Angleterre, v. 5.) designs for cottages, villas, mansions, etc..-.. Remains; a second letter concerning 40. New York, 1863. the Judicature of the Bishops in Parliament, HOLLYBUSH, (John.) Most Excellent and in vindication of what he wrote in his first. Perfecte Homish Apothecarye, or homely 80. London, 1682. physick booke, for all the grefes and disHOLLEY, (Alexander L.) American and Eu- eases of the bodye. Translated out of the ropean Railway Practice, &c. Folio. New- Almaine speche into English, by John HolYork, 1861. lybush. Folio. Collen, 1561. (With TUR HOLLEY, (Mary Austin.) Texas; observa- NER, (Wm.,) New Herball.) tions, historical, geographical, and descrip- HOLM, (T. Campanius.) See CAMPANIUS. five, during a visit to Austin's colony in HOLMAN, (James.) Travels in Brazil, Cape 1831; with map. 160. Baltimore, 1833. Colony, and part of Caffreland, Mauritius, HOLLEY, (O. L.) Description of the City of Madagascar, &c. 2d ed. 80. London, New-York; with brief account of the towns 1840. and places of resort within 30 miles. 240. Travels in China, New Zealand, New New-York, 1847. South Wales, Van Diemen's Land, Cape Life of Benjamin Franklin. 120. Horn, &c. 2d ed. 80. London, 1846. Philadelphia, 1860. Travels in Madeira, Sierra Leone, - New-York State Register, for 1843. Teneriffe, St. Jago, Cape Coast, Fernando 120. Albany, 1843. Po, Princes Island, &c. 2d ed. 80. LonHOLLIDAY, (Francis.) Introduction to Flux- don, 1840. ions. 80. London, 1777. Travels in Madras, Ceylon, Mauritius, HOLLIDAY, (F. C.) Life and Times of Rev. Cormoro Islands, Zanzibar, Calcutta, &c. Alien Wiley; sketches of early Methodist 2d ed. 8C. London, 1840. preachers in Indiana, &c. 120. Cincin- HOLMAN, (James T.) Digest of Reported nati, 1853. Cases in the Courts of Tennessee, 1796 to HOLLIDAY, (John.) Life of William, Earl of 1835. 80. Nashville, 1835. (2 copies.) Mansfield. 40. London, 1797. HOLME, (Benjamin.) Collection of Epistles HOLLIDAY, (Thomas.) Complete Treatise on and Works; with account of his life and Practical Land-Surveying. 80. London, travels through Europe and America. 80. 1838. London, 1753. HOLLINGS, (J. F.) Life of Gustavus Adol- HOLMES, (Abiel.) American Annals; or, phus, King of Sweden. 180. London, 1843. chronological history of America, fiom 1492 (Murray's Family Library, v. 36.) to 1806. 2 v. 80. Cambridge, (Ms.,) 1805. - Life of Marcus Tullius Cicero. 180. - Annals of America, from 1492 to 1826. London, 1839. (Murray's Fam. Lib'y,v. 33.) 2d ed. 2 v. 80. Cambridge, (Ms.,) 1829. 557 HOLMES. HOLT. HOLMES, (Abiel.) Discourse at the Opening cies and Testimony of John the Baptist, aid of the Almshouse at Cambridge, (Ms.,) 1818. the parallel Prophecies of Jesus Christ. 80. (Theol. Pam., v. 12.) Oxford, 1782. (Bampton Lectures for 1782.) History of Cambridge, (Mass.) 8~. HOLME?, (R. C.) Self-Righting Surf and LifeBoston, 180L. (Misc. Pam., v. 24.) Boat. 80. Philadelphia, 1857. The same. (Massachusetts Hist. Col- HOLMES, (Thomas.) Essay on Principles and lections, v. 7, first series.) Application of the Lever. 80. London, Life of Ezra Stiles, D. D., President of 1827. (Pol. Pam., v. 71.) Yale College. 8~. Boston, 1798. HOLMES, (T.) System of Surgery; theoretical Memoir of the French Protestants, set- and practical, in treatises by various authors. tied at Oxford, (Mass.,) 1686. (Mass. Hist. V. I. General Pathology. V. II. Local InColl., v. 2, third series.) juries; Diseases of the Eye. V. III. OperaHOLMES, (Arthur.) Parties and their Princi- tive Surgery, etc. 80. London, 1860-62. ples; exhibiting the origin, growth, and - Treatise on Burns and Scalds, Accicharacter of national parties. 120. New- dents from Lightning, General Pathology of York, 1859. Dislocations. 80. London, 1860. Holmes' HOIMES, (Edward.) Life of Mozart, includ- Surgery, v. 1.) ing his Correspondence 120. London, 1845. and HART, (E. A.) Treatise on AneuHIOLMES, (Isaac.) Account of the United rism, Diseases of the Bones, Excision of States of America. 80. London, 1823. Bones and Joints. 80. London, 1862. HOLMES, (John; Teacher.) Art of Rhetoric; (Holnes' Surgery, v. 3.) or, elements of oratory. 120. Philadelphia, HOLMES, (Sir W. H.) Free Cotton; how 1849. and where to grow it; with a map of British HOLMES, (Rev. John.) Historical Sketches of Guiana. 80. London, 1862. (Pol. Pam., the Missions of the United Brethren for pro- v. 91.) pagating the Gospel among the heathen, from IIOLMES, (William Richard.) Sketches on the their commencement to the present time. 80. Shores of the Caspian, descriptive and pieDublin, 1818. torial. 80. London, 1845. History of the Protestant Ch'urch of the HOLMES' Great Metropolis; views and history United Brethren. 2v. 80. London, 1825-30. of London in the 19th century. Edited by HOLMES, (John; Esq.) The Statesman; or, N. G. Fearnside and T. Harrel. 80. Lonprillciples of legislation and law. 80. Augus- don. (n. d.) ta, (Ga.,) 1840. HOLMSKJOLD, (Theodoricus.) Coryphrei, ClaIIOLMES, (Mary J.) Dora Deane, or the East varias Ramariasque complectentes cum brevi India uncle; and Maggie Miller, or Hagar's structurre interioris expositione; cum cornsecret. 120. New-York, 1859. mentatione de Fungis Claveriformibus. Editi'Lena Rivers. 120. Auburn, (N. Y.,)'a C. H. Persoon. 80. Lipsise, 1797. 1856. HOLROYD, (Edward.) Practical Treatise of Meadow-Brook. 120. New-York, 1857. the Law of Patents for Inventions. 80. HOLMRI:S, (Oliver Wendell.) Autocrat of the London, 1830. Breakfast-Table. 22d thousand. 120. Bos- HOLSTEIN, (H. L. V. Ducoudray.) Memoirs ton, 1859. of Simon Bolivar, President, Liberator of the Border Lines of Knowledge in some Republic of Colombia, and of his principal provinces of Medical Science. 120. Boston, Generals. 2 v. 120. London, 1830. 1862. HOLT, (Edward.) Public and Domestic Life Currents and Counter-Currents in Medi- of George III. 2 v. 80. London, 1820. cal Science; with other addresses and essays. HOLT, (Francis Ludlow.) Law of Libel; a 120. Boston, 1861. general history of this law in the ancient Elsie Venner; a romance of destiny. codes, and of its introduction,and successive 2 v. 120. Boston, 1861. alterations in the law of England. 1st Am. - Poems. 120. Boston, 1849. from 2d London ed., with references to Professor at the Breakfast-Table. With American cases, by Anthony Bleecker. 80. the Story of Iris. 120. Boston, 1860. New-York, 1818. Songs in Many Keys. 160. Boston, ~ Reports of Cases at Nisi Prius, in the 1862. Court of Colmmon Pleas, 1815 to 1817. 80. HOLRMES, (Robert.) Sermons on the Prophe- London, 1818. 558 HOLT. HOME. HOLT, (Francis Ludlow.) System of the Ship- HOMANS, (Benjamin.) Laws of the United ping and Navigation Laws of Great Britain; States in relation to the Navy and Marine and of the laws relative to Merchant ships Corps. Washington, 1843. and seamen, and maritime contract. 80. - United States Railroad Directory, for London, 1824. 1856. 8o. New-York, 1856. HOLT, (H.) Genius of the French Language. HO'MANS, (J. Smith.) Historical and Sta3d ed. 16~. London, 1851. tistical Account of the Foreign Commerce IoLT, (John.) Reports, 1688 to 1710; con- of the United States. 80. New-York, taining many cases never before printed, 1857. taken from an original Ms. of T. Farresley. Merchant's and Banker's Almanac, Also, several cases of chancery and the Ex- and Register, for 1851-1863. 13 v. 80. chequer Chamber. Folio. London, 1738. Boston and New-York, 1851-63. HOLT, (Joseph.) Memoirs of Joseph Holt, Sketches of Boston, past and present, General of the Irish Rebels, in 1798. Edited and of some few places in its vicinity. 16~. from his MS., by T. C. Croker. 2 v. 80. Boston, 1851. London, 1838. United States Tariffs of 1846 and 1857, HOLTHOUSE, (Carsten.) Six Lectures on the arranged in alphabetical order. With introPathology of Strabismus. 80. London, duction, showing the changes in the U. S. 1854. tariffs from 1789 to 1856. 80. New-York, Treatise on the injuries of the Lower 1857. Extremity. 80. London, 1861. (Holmes' and HOMANs, (J. Smith, Jr.) CycloSurgery, v. 2.) p)edia of Commerce and Commercial NaviHOLTHOUSE, (Henry James.) New Law Dic- gation. 80. New-York, 1858. tionary. To which is added an outline of an HOMBRON, (M.) Aventures les Plus Curienaction at law and of a suit in equity. Edited, ses des Voyageurs. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1847. from the 2d London ed., with numerous ad- HOME, (Alexander.) Decisions of the Court ditions, by Henry Penington. 80. Phila- of Session, from November, 1735, to July, delphia, 1847. 1844. Folio. Edinburgh, 1791. HOLTON, (David P.) Caen-Stone Dreams; HOME, (D. D.) Incidents in My Life; with or, harmony between individual and natural introduction, by Judge Edmonds. 120. interests. 80. New-York, 1855. New-York, 1863. HOLTON, (Isaac F.) New Granada; twenty HOMEe, (Henry.) See KAMES, (Lord.) months in theAndes. 8~. New-York, 1857. HOME, (John.) Works. With account of his HOLTZAPFFEL, (Charles.) Turning and Me- life and writings, by Henry Mackenzie. chanical Manipulation. 3 v. 80. London, 3 v. 80. Edinburgh, 1822. 1850-52. CONTENTS. HOLYOAKE, (G. J.) Rudiments of Public Agis; a tragedy, v. 1. Speaking and Debate; or, hints on the ap- Alfred; a tragedy, v. 2. 1853. -. — Alonzo; a tragedy, v. 2. plication of logic. 120. New-York, 1853. Douglas; a tlgedy, v. 1. HOLYOKE, (Thomlas.) Large Dictionary, in Fatal Discovery; a tragedy, v. 2. tHistory of the llebellion in the year 1745, v. 2-3. three parts: I. The English before the Latin; Life of Home, by H. Mackenzie, v. 1. 11. The Latin before the English; III. The Siege of Aquileia; a tragedy, v. 2. proper names of persons, places, and other History of the Rebellion in 1745. 40. things necessary to the understanding of London, 1802. historians and poets. 3 v. in 1. Folio. Lon- HOME Advice, with Whispers to Epicures; a don, 1676-77. receipt book, by a lady; with notes for dysIoLZSCIIunER, (Christoph Sigmund;) and peptics, by a physician. 120. New-York, SILEBENKEES, (J. C.) Ded ctions-Bibliothek 1857. von Teutschland, nebst dazu geh6rigen HOME Book of the Picturesque; or, American Tachrichlten. 4 v. 80 Frankfurt, Leipzig, scenery, art, and literature; essays by Irving, and Nitrnberg, 1778-83. Bryant, Cooper, Willis, Bayard Taylor, H. IOMANN, (Johannes Baptista ) Atlas Geo- T. Tuckerman, and others; with 13 engravgraphicus Major; exhibens tellurem sen gio- uigs. 4~. New-York, 1852. bum terraqueum in mappis generalibus etl HOME Comforts; or, economy illustrated by specialibus. 2 v. Fulio. Norimbergae, familiar scenes of every-day life. By Lillie 1159. Savery. 1g~. New-York, 1855. 559 HOME. HOMER. HOME Life of English Ladies in the Seven- poematis, studio M. Wolfgangi Seberi. 8G. teenth Century. By the author of "Mag- Oxonii, 1780. dalen Stafford." 16~. London, 1860. - - Iliads and Odysses of Homer, prince of HOMER. Opera. Ediderunt J. Moor et G. poets. Neuer before in any languag truely Muirliead. 2 v. Folio. Glasgume, 1756-58. translated. With a coment vppon some of Opera onmlia, (Grmec6 et Latine;) ex his chiefe places; donne according to the recensione et cunm ntis Saminelis Clarkii. Greeke, by Geo. Chapman. 2 v. in 1. Small Accessit varietas lectionum MS. Lips. et edd. folio. London, (about) 1611. veterum, cura J. A. Ernesti, qui et suas Iliads. Done according to the Greek, notas adspersit. Annexa sunt prolegomena by George Chapman. New edition, with ad Homerum, scriptore F. A. Wolfio. 5 v. notes, by W. C. Taylor. With Flaximan's 8~. Glasgume, 1814. designs. 2 v. 12~. London, 1843. Ilias et Odyssea; et in easdem scholia, Iliad and Odyssey. Translated by sive interpretatio veterum; item notre perpe- William Sotheby; illustrated by the designs tum, cum versione Latina emendatissima. of Flaxman. 4 v. 8~. London, 1834. Accedunt Batrachomyomachia, Hymni, et Iliad. Translated by Alexander Pope. Epigramlmata, una cum Fragmentis, et With notes, by Gilbert Wakefield. 6 v. 80. gemini indices. Opera, studio, et impensis London, 1796. Josume Barnes. 2 v. 40. Cantabrigire, The same. 2 v. 160. London, 1790. 1711. (Johnson's Eng. Poets, v. 48-49.) Ilias, Odysseae, Carmina, etc. (Gr. et - The same. 2v. 160. Chiswick, 1822. Lat.) 80. Paris, 1845. (Didot, Biblioth. (British Poets, v. 81-82.) Grecque, v. 25.) ~ The same. With notes, by T. A. Buck-Ilias. 160. Venitiis, 1524. ley; with Flaxman's designs. 2 v. 120. The same. (Grsece et Latin6.) Anno- London, 1853. tationes scripsit atque edidit Samuel Clarke. The same. Translated by William Editio 2. 2 v. 40. Londini, 1754. Mlnford. 2 v. 80. Boston, 1846. The amre. Cum brevi annotatione. The same. Translated into English Accedunt varime lectiones et observationes verse, with notes, by W. G. T. Barter. 80. veterum grammaticorum cum nostrm setatis London, 1854. critica; curante C. G. Heyne. 8 v. 80. The same. Translated (in literal prose) Lipsia, 1802. by T. A. Buckley. 12C. London, 1854. The same. Cum scholiis pseudepigra- (Bohn's Class. Library, v. 38.) phicis Didymi. 2 v. 8~. Oxonii, 1817. ~ Burlesque Translation of lomner. (First The same. From the text of Wolf, with twelve books of the Iliad. By Thomas English notes and Flaxman's designs. Edi- Brydges.) 4th ed. 2 v. 80. London, ted by C. C. Felton. 80. Boston, 1837. 1797. The same. Ad optimas editionesrecen- Odysses. Translated according to ye sita cura Gulielmi Veitch. 2 v. in 1. 12~. Greeke, by George Chapman; with notes, Edinburgi, 1852. by Richard Hooper. 2 v. 160. London, First Six Books of the Iliad; with Eng- 1857. lish notes, and glossary. By Charles An- Odyssey. Translated by Alexander thon. 120. New-York, 1853. Pope. With notes, by Gilbert Wakefield. --- Filias. Littera digamma restituta ad 5 v. 80. London, 1796. metri leges redegit et notatione brevi illus- - The same. 2 v. 16o. London, 1790. travit T. S. Brandeth. 2 v. in 1. 80. Lon- (Johnson's Eng. Poets, v. 50-51.) don, 1841. - The same. 2 v. 160. Chiswick, 1822. - Ulyssea; Batrachomyomachia; Hymni (Brit. Poets, v. 83-84.) XXXII. 160. Veuetiis, 1524. The same. With the Battle of the - Odyssea. (Grrec6 et Latine.) Item Frogs and Mice. 240. London, (about) Batrachomyomachia, Hymni, et Epigram- 1850. mata, Homero vulgo ascripta. Edidit, anno- The saine. With notes, by T. A. tationesque adjecit Samuel Clarke. 2 v. 40. Buckley; with Fiaxman's designs. 120. Londini. 1740. London, 1853. Index Vocabulorum in Homeri Iliade The same. Cowper's English version atque Odyssea ceterisque quotquot extant of the Odyssey. 2 v. 120. London, 1843. 560 HOMER. HOOD. HOMER. Odyssey. With the Hymns, Epi- informations, at Guildhall, London, during grams, and the Battle of the Frogs and three successive days, December 18-20, 1817. Mice. Literally translated, (in prose,) by 8~. London, 1818. T. A. Buckley. 120. London, 1851. Trial by Jury and Liberty of the Press. The same. (Bohn's Class. Library, Proceedings at the public meeting, Decemv. 39.) ber 29, 1817, at the City of London Tavern, Batrachomyomachia. Hymns and for the purpose of enabling William Hone to Epigrams. Hesiod's Works and Days. surmount the difficulties in which he has Musaeus's Hero and Leander. Juvenal's been placed by being selected by the minisFifth Satire. Translated by George Chap- ters of the Crown as the object of their perse man. With notes, by Richard Hooper. 160. cution. 4th ed. 8~. London, 1818. London, 1858. HONIBALL, (Thomas.) Perpetual Time Calcu- Ilias. Ubersetzen von Johann Hein- later, for ascertaining the number of days rich Voss. 160. Stuttgart, 1860. from any given day to any other within the *~ cOdyssee. Ubersetzen von Johann year. 40. London, 1815. Heinrich Voss. 160. Stuttgart, 1860. HONNORAT, (S. J.) Dictionnaire ProvengalHOMER, (William Bradford.) Writings. With Francais; ou dictionnaire de la Langue D'Oc, essay and memoir, by E. A. Park. 2d ed. ancienne et moderne; suivi d'un vocabulaire 120. Boston, 1849. FranCais-Provengal. 3 v. 40. Digne, HOMES, (Henry A.) Design and Import of 1846-48. Medals. 80. Albany, (N. Y.,) 1863. HONouR, Laws of; a compendious account of HOMES of American Authors; comprising an- the ancient derivation of all titles, dignities, ecdotical, personal, and descriptive sketches, offices, &c., as well spiritual as temporal, by various writers. Small 40. New-York, civil or military. 120. London, 1714. 1853. HONTAN, La. See LA HONTAN. HOMES of American Statesmen; with anec- IOOCKE. See HOOKE. dotal, personal, and descriptive sketches. HooD, (Charles.) PracticalTreatise on WarmSmall 40. New-York, 1858. ing Buildings by Hot Water; on ventilation, HOMMAIRE DE HELL, (Xavier.) Voyage en the chemical constitution of coal, and the Turquie et en Perse, execute par ordre du combustion of smoke. 3d ed. 80. London, gouvernement Francais, pendant les annies 1855. 1846-1848. V. 1, premibre partie. 80. Paris, HooD, (Edwin Paxton.) Swedenborg; a 1854. biography and an exposition. 160. London, Travels in the Steppes of the Caspian 1854. Sea, the Crimea, the Caucasus, &c. 8c. HooD, (George.) History of Music in New London, 1847. England; with biographical sketches of reHOMMERGUE, (John D.) Silk Culture. 12.0 formers and psalmists. 120. Boston, 1846. Philadelphia, 1839. HOOD, (Samuel.) Practical Treatise on the HOMO(EOPATHY, British Journal of. V. 3-20. Law relating to Registers, Registers' Courts, 80. London, 1845-1862. Orphans' Courts, Auditors, Executors, AdHONE, (William.) Ancient Mysteries De- ministrators, Guardians, and Trustees, in scribed; especially the English miracle Pennsylvania, with forms, &c. 80. Phila-. plays, founded on apocryphal New Testa- delphia, 1847. ment story. 80. London, 1823. HooD, (Thomas.) Works, comic and serious, Every-Day Book and Table Book; or, in prose and verse. Edited, with notes, by everlasting calendar of popular amusements, his son. 7 v. 120. London, 1862. sports, pastimes, ceremonies, manners, cus- CONTENTS. toms, and events, incident to each of the Bridge of Sighs, v. 7. tomic Annual, v. 2, 3, 4. three hundred and sixty-five days, in past Dream of Eugene Aram, v. 2. and present times. 3 v. 80. London, 1838. Fisling in Germany, v. 5. I Haunted House, v. 6. Year Book of Daily Recreation and Lamia, v. 2. Information. 80. London, 1838. Miss K. e gg and lhe Precious Leg, v. 5. M'lrs. Peck's Pudding, v. 7. Three Trials of William Hone for pub- National Tales, v. 2. lishig three Parodies, viz: the late John OdesaAddresses to Great People, v. 1. lishling tlhre e Parodies, Ouz: tre late JoFh otO lFamily, v. 7. Wilkes's Catechism, the Political Litany, Plea of the Midsummer Faries, v. 1. Poems, v. 1-7. and the Sinecurist's Creed, on three ex-officio Song of the Shirt, v. 6. 561 HOOD. HOOKER. HOOD, (Thomas.) Works, &c.-Continued. HOOK, (Walter Farquhar.) Lives of the ArchTale of a Trumpet, v. 5. bishops of Canterbury. V. 1-2. 80. LonTylney Hall, v. 3-4. Up the Rhine, v. 4-5. don, 1860-62. Whims and Oddities, v. 1. HOOKE, (Colonel.) R6volutions d'lcosse et Whimsicalities, v. 6. Comic Annual. 10 v. 16. London, d'Irlande en 1707-1709; ou pieces originales o1830-39. qui n'ont te publiees. 160. La Haye, 1758. Poems. 4 v. 160. Boston, 1854-56. Secet History of Colonel Hooke's NeThe same. 120. Boston, 1861. gotiations in Scotland in 1707. Written by himself. 8~. Edinburgh, 1760. Tylney Hall. 160. London, 1840. himself. 80. Edinburgh, 1760. (Bentley's Stand. Novels, v. 80.) HOOKE, (Nathaniel.) Observations on the Whims and Oddities, in prose and Roan Senate. 4 London, 1758 verse. 160. London, 1836. Roman History, from the building of Whimsicalities. 2 v. 12. London, Rome to the ruin of the Commonwealth. 5th 1844. edition. 4 v. 40~. London, 1770-71. Memorials of. Collected, arranged, HOOKER, (Joseph Dalton.) Botany of the and edited by his daughter; with notes, by Antartic Voyage of H. M. Discovery Ships his son. 2 v. 120. London, 1860. Erebus and Terror, in 1838 to 1843, under HOOD, (Thomas, Jr.) Pen and Pencil Pic- command of Captain Sir James Clark Ross. tures. 120. London, 1857. 2v. 4o London, 1844-47. HOOD, (W. Charles.) Suggestions for the The same. Flora Novoe-Zelandise. 2 Future Provision of Criminal Lunatics. 80. v. 4. London, 1853-55. London, 1854. Himalayan Journals; notes of a natuHOOGEVEN, (Henricus.) Doctrina Particu- list in Bengal, the Sikkim and Nepal larum Linguse Grnece, in epitomen redegit Himalayas, the Khasia mountains, &c. 2 Christianus Godofredus Schuttz. 80. Glas- v 80. London, 1854. gum, 1813. Himalayan Plants. Folio. London, Greek Particles. Abridged and trans- 1855. lated into English, by John Seager. 80. Rhododendrons of Silkkim-Himalaya. London, 1829. 2d ed. Folio. London, 1849. HOOK, (Theodore E.) All in the Wrong; or, HOOKER, (Richard.) Works; in eight books births, deaths, and marriages. 160. Lon- of the laws of ecclesiastical polity. Comdon, 1842. (Bentley's Stand. Novels, v. 88.) pleted out of his own MeS.; with several ____ Gilbert Gurney. 160. London, 1850. other treatises by the same author, all re(Bentley's Standard Novels, v. 86.) vised and corrected by a diligent hand. Gurney Married; a sequel to Gilbert Folio. London, 1723. Gurney. 80. Paris, 1839. Works. Also, Isaac Walton's life of _ Jack Brag. 160. London, 1850. the author. Edited by W. S. Dobson. 2 v. (Bentley's Standard Novels, v. 75.) 8~. London, 1825. Life of General Sir David Baird; in- The same. 2 v. 80. Oxford, 1839. eluding his private papers and correspond- CONTENTS. ence. 2 v. 80. London, 1832. Discourse on Justification, v. 2. Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity, v. 1-2. Maxwell. 160. London, 1849. (Bent- Life of Hooker, by. Waltol, v. 1. ley's Standard Novels, v. 35.) iSermon the Elect, v. 2. Parson's Daughter. 160. London, Sermon of the Nature of Pride, v. 2. 1847. (Bentley's Standard Novels, v. 46.) Sermons upon part of St. Jude's Epistle, v. 2. Supplication made to the Council by Walter TraWidow and the Marquis; or, love and vers, and answer to the same, v. 2. pride. 160. London, 1842. (Bentley's HOOKER, (Sir William Jackson.) Botanical Standard Novels, v, 87.) Miscellany; figures and descriptions of such HOOK, (Walter Farquhar.) Church Diction- plants as recommend themselves by their ary. 6th ed., revised and adapted to the novelty, rarity, or history, or by the uses to Protestant Episcopal Church in the United which they are applied in the arts, in mediStates. 80. Philadelphia, 1854. cine, and in domestic economy. 3 v. 80. ~- lEcclesiastical Biography; lives of an- London, 1830. cient fathers and modern divines, with no- British Jungermanniae; history and tices of heretics and schismatics. 8 v. 120. description, with colored figures of each speLondon, 1852. cies. 40. London, 1816. 71 562 HOOKER. HOPE, HOOKER, (Sir William Jackson.) Century of Filicum; figures and descriptions of Ferns, Orchidaceous Plants, selected from Curtis's principally of such as have been altogether Botanical Magazine. 4~. London, 1849. unnoticed by botanists. 2 v. Folio. London, Companion to the Botanical Magazine. 1831. 2 v. 80. London, 1835-6. and TAYLOR, (T.) Muscologia BriExotic Flora; figures and descriptions tannica; the Mosses of Great Britain and of new, rare, and otherwise interesting plants; Ireland, systematically arranged and dewith remarks upon their generic and specific scribed. 2d ed. 8~.. London, 1827. characters, natural orders, history, culture, HOOKER, (Worthington.) First Book in Phytimeof flowering, &c. 3v. 8~. Edinburgh, siology. 120. New-York, 1855. 1823-27. Human Physiology. 12~. New-York, Flora Bo reali-Americana; or, the Bot- 1854. any of the Northern Parts of British America. - Homoepathy; an examination of its 2 v. 4~. London, 1840. doctrines and evidences. 120. New-York, - Flora Scotica; or, a Description of 1851. Scottish Plants. 8~. London, 1821. Natural History. 12~. New York, 1860. Genera Filicum; or, illustrations of ferns. Physician and Patient; view of the (By Francis Bauer.) Large 8~. London, 1842. mutual duties, relations, and interests of the Icones Plantarum; or, figures and de- medical profession and the community. 12~. scriptions of new and rare plants. 9 v. 80. New York, 1849. London, 1837-52. HooPER, (Edward James.) Western Fruit Journal of Botany; a second series of Book. 12~. Cincinnati, 1857. the Botanical Miscellany. 4v. 8~. London, HOOPER, (George.) Italian Campaigns of 1834-42. General Bonaparte in 1796-7 and 1800. 12~. London Journal of Botany. 7 v. 8~. London, 1859. London, 1842-50. (V. 7 wanting.) HOOPER, (Jacob.) Impartial History of the Journal of Botany, and Kew Garden Rebellion and Civil Wars of England, during Miscellany. 9 v. 8~. London, 1849-57. the Reign of King Charles I. Folio. Lon(V. 1 and 2 wanting.) don, 1738. Journal of a Tour in Iceland in 1809. HOOPER, (Johnson J.) Widow Rugby's Hus2d ed. 2 v. 8~. London, 1813. band, and other Tales of Alabama. 12~. Kew Gardens; popular guide to the Philadelphia, 1851. Royal Botanic Gardens of Kew. 14th ed. HOOPER, (Robert.) Lexicon Medicum; or, 160. London, 1856. Medical Dictionary. 8th ed., revised. By Musci Exotici. 2 v. 80. London, Klein Grant. 8~. London, 1848. 1818-20. HOOPER, (Samuel.) Examination of the Theory Notes on the Botany of the Antarctic and the Effect of Laws regulating the amount Voyage conducted by Capt. James Clark of specie in Banks. 8~. Boston, 1860. Ross, in the Erebis and Terror. With ob- HooPEn, (William.) Discourse on the Force servations on the Tussac Grass of the Falk- of Habit. 8~. Raleigh, (N. C.,) 1851. land Islands. 8~. London, 1843. HOOPEn, (W. H.) Ten Months among the Species Filicum; being descriptions of Tents of the Tuski; with incidents of an the known Ferns. 8~. London, 1846. Arctic boat expedition in search of Sir John Victoria Regia; or, illustrations of the Franklin. 8~. London, 1853. royal water-lily, in a series of figures by W. HOPE, (AMrs. Anne.) Memoir of the late Dr. Fitch, from specimens at Kew. Folio. Lon- James Hope. With remarks on classical don, 1851. education, by Dr. Hope. Edited by K. Grant. and ARNOTT, (G. A. W.) Botany of 3d ed. 12~. London, 1844. Capt. Beechey's voyage; account of the HOPE, (A. J. Beresford.) The English Catheplants collected during the voyage to the dral of the Nineteenth Century; with illusPacific and Behring's Straits, in ship Blos- trations. 8~. London, 1861. som, in 1825-28. 4~. London, 1841. ~ England, the North and the South. 3d - British Flora; comprising the phmno- ed. 8~. London, 1862. (Pol. Pam., v. 92.) gamous or flowering plants, and the ferns. Popular View of the American Civil 6th ed. 12~. London, 1850. War. 3d ed. 8C. London, 1861. (Pol. and GREVILLE, (Robert K.) Icones Pam., v. 92.) 563 HOPE. HORATIUS. HOPE, (A. J. Beresford.) Results of the Ameri- HOPKINS, (Samuel; D. D.) Memoirs of Jonacan Disruption: substance of a lecture. 3d than Edwards. Revised and enlarged by ed. 80. London, 1862. (Pol. Pam., v. 91.) John Hawksley. 120. London, 1815. HOrE, (Frederick William.) Coleopterist's HOPKINS, (Samuel.) The Puritans; or, the Manual, containing the Lamellicorn Insects, Church, Court, and Parliament of England, and Beetles of Linnaeus and Fabricius. 80. during the reigns of Edward VI. and Queen London, 1837-40. Elizabeth. 3 v. 80. Boston, 1860-61. HOPE, (James.) Principles and Illustrations Youth of the Old Dominion. 12~. Bosof Morbid Anatomy. 80. London, 1834. ton, 1856. Treatise on the Diseases of the Heart HOPKINS, (Samuel M.) Reports of Cases in and Great Vessels, and on the affections the Court of Chancery of the State of Newwhich may be mistaken for them, &c. 4th York, 1823 to 1826. 80. New-York, 1827. ed. 120. London, 1849. (2 copies.) HOPE, (James Barron.) Leoni di Monota, and HOPKINS, (Stephen.) Account of Providence, other poems. 120. Philadelphia, 1857. (R. I.) 1765. (Mass. Hist. Coll., v. 9, 2d ser.) HOPE, (Thomas.) Anastasius; or, memoirs - Grievances of the American Colonies, of a Greek. 2 v. 160. London, 1836. candidly examined. 80. London, 1766. (Bentley's Stand. Novels, v. 51-52.) HOPKINS, (Thomas.) Great Britain, for the ~ — Costume of the Ancients. 2d ed. 2 v. last Forty Years; account of its finances, in 1. 80. London, 1812. economy, and general condition. 160. LonEssay on the Origin and Prospects of don, 1834. Man. 3 v. 80. London, 1831. HOPKINS, (Thomas; M. B. M. S.) On the Historical Essay on Architecture. 2d Atmospheric Changes which produce Rain ed. 80. London, 1835. and Wind, and the Fluctuations of the Ba-.- Household Furniture and Interior Deco- rometer. 2d ed. 80. London, 1854. ration. Folio. London, 1807. IOPKINSON, (Francis.) Miscellaneous EsHOPKINS, (David.) Vocabulary-Persian, says, and Occasional Writings. 3 v. 80. Arabic, and English; abridged from Dr. Philadelphia, 1792. Wilkin's edition of Richardson's Dictionary. 80. London, 1810. HOPKINS, (Evan.) OneConnexion of Geo- Jdgments in the Admiralty of Philadelphia, v. 3. lopKI~S, (Evan. ~) On the Connexion of Gee - Orations, v. 2. logy with Terrestrial Magnetism. 2d ed. Poems, v. 3. 80. Lonn, 1. Political Essays, v. 1-2. 80. London, 1851. HOPKINS, (Ezekiel.) Exposition of the Ten - See PENNSYLVANIA State Trials. Commandments. 120. New-York. (n. d.) HOPPIN, (Nicholas.) Sermon and Historical HOPKINS, (James.) Solar System truly solved. Notice of Christ Church, Cambridge, (Mass.) 80. London, 1849. 80. Boston, 1858. HOPKINS, (John Henry.) The American Citi- HoPPus, (E.) Practical Measuring made easy, zen; his rights and duties according to the by a new set of tables. 80. London, 1761. spirit of the Constitation of the United HoIPpus, (John.) The Continent in 1835; States, 120. New-York, 1857. sketches in Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, --- History of the Confessional. 120. Savoy, and France. 2 v. 120. London, 1836, New-York, 1850. HOPTON, (Abner.) Dissertation on Food for - - "The End of Controversy" Contro- Animals. 80. St. Louis, 1863, verted; a refutation of Milner's "End of HoIaE GERMANICXt; a version of German Controversy," in a series of letters addressed hymns. By Henry Mills. 2d ed, 16Q, to F. P. Kenrick. 2ded. 2 v. 120. New- Auburn, (N. Y.,) 1856, York, 1855. HORANINOW, (Paul.) PrimT Linem Systema. HOPKINS, (Manley.) Handbook of Average, tis Naturre. 80, Petropoli, 1834, for the use of merchants, agents, ship-own- HORATIUS FLACCUS, (Quintus.) Opera Omers, masters, and others. With a chapter on nia. Ex editione J. C. Zeunii. 4 v. 80. arbitration. 80. London, 1857. Londini, 1825. (Valpy, Scriptores Latini, -- Hawaii; the past, present, and future v. 90-93.) of its island kingdom. 120. London, 1862. --- Opera. Cum selectis scholiis et obserHOPKINS, (Mark.) Nothing to be Lost; a vationibus Baxteri, GQsneri, et Zeunii, 80, Baccalaureate Sermon. 80. Boston, 1860. Londini, 1826. 564 HORATIUS. HORNE. HoRATIUSFLACCUS,(Quintus.) Opera. With lish prose, by C. Smart, and revised, with an ordo and verbal translation, by John notes, by T. A. Buckley. 120. London, 1853. Stirling. New ed., revised, by P. A. Nuttall. Thesame. (Bohn'sClass.Library,v.40.) 4 v. in 2. 240. London, 1827-30. Odes. Translated into English lyric The same. With annotations in Eng- verse, by Lord Ravensworth. 80. Lonlish, consisting chiefly of the Delphin corn- don, 1858. mentaries condensed, and of selections from Odes. Translated into English verse; Doering and others. By Henry Pemble. 8~. with notes, byTheodore Martin. 80. LonLondon, 1832. don, 1860. Satirre, Epistole, et Ars Poetica. The Odes and Carmen Seculare. TransSatires, Epistles, and Art of Poetry, on the lated into English verse, by John Conington. basis of the edition by Dr. M'Caul; with notes. 2d ed. 160. London, 1863. By George B. Wheeler. 160. Dublin, 1846. iCEuvres completes. Traduites en Opera omnia. Recognovit et commen- Frangais et en prose par J. B. Monfalcon; tariis in usum scholarum instuxit Guil. Dil- en vers Espagnols par-Burgos; en vers lenburger. Editio altera. 8~. Bonne, 1848. Italiens par Gargalla; en vers Anglais par Works. (In the original.) Illustrated Francis; en vers Allemands par Wieland et chiefly from the remains of ancient art. With Voss; (texte Latin en regard.) Edcition polya life, by Henry Hart Milman. 80. Lon- glotte, publiee par J. B. Monfalcon. 80. don, 1849. Lyon, 1834. ~ — Works. With English notes, by Ed- HORDYNSKI, (Joseph.) History of the late ward Moore; and an introduction to the me- Polish Revolution, and Events of the Camtres, by Charles Beck. 120. Cambridge, paign. 2d ed. 80. Boston, 1833. (Mass.,) 1850. HOnE, (Herbert Francis.) Inquiry into the ~ — Opera. Recensuit atque interpretatus legislation, control, and improvement of the est J. G. Orellius. Editio 3a, curavit J. G. salmon and sea fisheries of Ireland. 80. Baiterus. 2 v. 80. Turici, 1850-52. Dublin, 1850. ~ Works. The original text, with Stir- HORE, (M.,) and others. Voyage to Newling's translation interlinearly arranged, by foundland and Cape Briton, 1536. (HakP. A. Nuttall. Revised by Thomas Clark. luyt's Voyages, v. 3.) 120. Philadelphia, 1856. HORN, (George.) De Originibus Americanis ~- Odes, Satyrs, and Epistles. Done into Libri IV. 180. Hage Comitis, 1652. English by Mr. Creech. 6th ed. 180. Lon- Dissertationes Historicre et Politicae. don, 1737. 180. Lugduni Batavorum, 1655. ~ — Works. TranslatedintoEnglish prose; HORN, (Henry,) and HURLSTONE, (E. T.) with the original Latin, by David Watson. Reports of Cases argued and determined in 5th ed. 2 v. 80. London, 1792. the Court of Exchequer, and upon the Writs ----- The same. Translated into English of Error from that Court to the Exchequer prose; with the Latin text, and notes in Chamber, 1838 and 1839. V 1. 80. LonEnglish, byJosephDavidson. 7thed. 2v. don, 1840. (3 copies.) 80. London, 1811. HORNE, (Andrew.) Mirrour of Justices, writ- Odes, Satires, and Epistles. Translated ten originally in the old French, long before by P. Francis. 80. London, 1810. (Chal- the conquest, and many things added; to mers' Eng. Translations, v. 1.) which is added the Diversity of Courts and ~__- The same. 2 v. 160. Chiswick, 1822. and their Jurisdiction. Translated into Eng (British Poets, v. 97-98.) lish, by W. H. 80. London, 1768. ~- Lyrics; being the first four books of HORNE, (George.) Works. Withmemoirs of his Odes. Translated by Francis Wrang- his life, studies, and writings, by William ham. 2d ed. 80. Chester, 1821. Jones. 6 v. 80. London, 1818. -- Odes, Epodes, and Carmen Seculare. CONTENTS. Charge to the Clergy of Norwich, v. 4. Translated into English verse, by G. J.Whyte Commentary on Book of Psalms, v. 5-6. Melville. 80. London, 1850. Considerations of Life and Death of St. John the Baptist, v. 4. Odes. Translated into unryhmed me- Discourses, v. 2-4. tres; with notes. By F. W Newman. 120. Essays and Thoughts on Various Subjects, v. 1. Fair Statement of the Case between Sir J. Newton London, 1853. and Mr. Hutchinson, v. 1. Letters on Infidelity, v. 4. Works. Translated literally into Eng- Life of Horne, by W. Jones, v. 1. 565 HORNE. HORSLEY. HORNE, (Richard Henry.) Australian Facts HORSCIIELMANN, (Friedrich Ludwig Anton.) and Prospects. 12~. London, 1859. Europtisches Staats-Kriegs-und FriedensBallad Romances. 16~. London, 1846. Lexicon. 2 v. 80. Frankfurt und Leipzig, History of Napoleon. 2 v.. 8~. Lon- 1765. don, 1841. HORSES. Comparative View of the Form and New Spirit of the Age. 12~. New- Character of our Racing and Mixed-Breed of York, 1844. Saddle-Horses, during the last and present HORNE, (Thomas.) Sermons on theReforma- centuries. 2d ed. 4~. London, 1855. tion in the Church of England. 8~. Ox- HOISEY, (George.) Court of Probate Acts, ford, 1828. (Bampton Lectures for 1828.) 1857 and 1858; and the rules, orders, and HORNE, (Thomas Hartwell.) Compendium of instructions, with notes, and a summary of the Statute Laws, and Regulations of the the law of executors and administrators in Court of Admiralty, relating to Ships-of- reference to probates and administrations. War, Privateers, Prizes, Recaptures, and 3d ed. 12~. London, 1859. Prize-money. 120. London, 1803. HRSEY, (Sir Jerome.) Relacion or Memoriall Diplomacy. 12~. London, 1848. of Travells in Russia. 8~. London, 1856. (With POLSON's Law of Nations.) (Hakluyt Society, v. 20.) Introduction to the Critical Study and HORSFIELD, (Thomas.) Plantse Javanicre Knowledge of the Holy Scriptures. 6th ed., Rariores descriptae iconibusque illustrate, enlarged. 4 v. 8~. London, 1828. quas in insula Java, annis 1802-1818, legit Introduction to the Study of Bibliogra- et investigavit. Observationes adjecit Rob. phy; with a memoir on the public libraries Brown. Folio. Londini, 1838-52. of the ancients. 2 v. in 1. 8~. London, Zoological Researches in Java, and the 1814. NeighbouringIslands. 4~. London, 1824. Manual of Biblical Bibliograpy; a cata- HORSFIELD, (Thomas Walker.) History, Anlogue of the principal editions and versions tiquities, and Topography of the County of of the Holy Scriptures; with notices of the Sussex. 2 v. 4~. Lewes, 1835. principal philologers, critics, and interpre- HORSILEY, (John.) Britannia Romana; or, ters of the Bible. ~8~. London, 1839. the Roman Antiquities of Britain. Folio. Reminiscences, personal and biblio- London, 1732. graphical. 12~. London, 1862. HoRSLEY, (Samuel.) Biblical Criticism on HORNER, (Francis.) Memoirs and Correspon- the first fourteen historical books of the Old dence. Edited by Leonard Horner. 2 v Testament; also, on the first nine prophetical 8~. London, 1843. books. 4 v. 8~. London, 1820. HORNER, (G. R. B.) Medical Topography of Book of Psalms. Translated from the Brazil and Uruguay. 80. Philadelphia, Hebrew, with notes. 2d ed. 2 v. 8~. 1845. London, 1816. HORNER, (William E.) Special Anatomy and Charges, at his several visitations. 8~. Histology. 8th ed. 2 v. 8~. Philadel- Dundee, 1813. phia, 1851. Nine Sermons, on the resurrection, and Treatise on Special and General Anato- other subjects. 3d ed. 8~. London, 1822. my. 2 v. 8~. Philadelphia, 1833. Sermons. 2 v. 8~. London, 1824. United States Dissector; or, Lessons Speeches in Parliament. 8~. Dundee, in Practical Anatomy. Edited by Henry 1813. H. Smith. 5th ed. 12~. Philadelphia, Speech in House of Peers on Bill to 1854. Prohibit the Trading in Slaves on the Coast HORNIDGE, (T. K.) Treatise on General of Africa. 8~. London, 1799. (Slavery Pathology of Fractures. 8~. London, 1860. Pam., v. 11.) (Holmes' Surgery, v. 1.) Tracts in Controversy with Dr; PriestHORNIUS, (Georgius.) See HORN, (George.) ley, upon the historical question of the belief HORRY, (P.) See WEEMS, (M. L.) of the first ages in our Lord's Divinity. 80. H1ORSBURGH, (James.) India Directory; or, Dundee, 1812. directions for sailing to and from the East -- and NEWcoME, (William.) Literal Indies, China, Australia, and the interjacent Translations of the Minor Prophets. 80. parts of Africa and South America. 5th ed. London, 1836. (Prophets, Literal Transla2 v. in 1. 4~. London, 1841. tion of, v. 5.) 566 HORSLEY. HOTMAN. HORSLEY, (William.) Universal Merchant; neus, Vogel, Sagar, Macbride, Cullen, Darwith an inquiry into the nature and genius win, Crichton, Pinel, Parr, Swediaur, and of banks, &c. 40. London, 1753. Young. 80. New-York, 1818. HORSMAN, (Gilbert.) Precedents in Convey- HOSACK, (John.) Rights of British and Neuancing. 3 v. Folio. London, 1744. (V. I tral Commerce, as affected by recent royal wanting.) declarations and orders in council. 16~. HORSMi-DEN, (Daniel.) New-York Con- London, 1854. spiracy; or, a History of the Negro Plot; Treatise on the Conflict of Laws of Engwith the journal of the proceedings against land and Scotland. 80. Edinburgh, 1847. the Conspirators at New-York, in the years HOSEA, (Robert.) Glimpses of Europe; or 1741-2, &c. 80. New-York, 1810. notes drawn at sight. 120. Cincinnati, 1859. HORT, (Lieut. Col.) The Guards and the HOSKING, (William.) Treatises on ArchitecLine. Illustrated, by Alfred Crowquill. Ob- ture and Building. 40. Edinburgh, 1846. long 40. London, 1851. See WIALE, (John.) The Horse Guards. By the two mounted HosKINS, (G. A.) Spain, as it is. 2 v. 12~. sentries. 80. London, 1850. London, 1851. The Man who Eloped with his Own Visit to the Great Oasis of the Libyan Wife. 80. London, 1850. Desert. 80. London, 1837. White Charger. 80. London, 1850. HOSKINS, (S. E.) Charles the Second in the HORT, (W. Jillard.) New Pantheon; intro- Channel Islands; a contribution to his biduction to the mythology of the ancients. ography and to the history of his age. 2 v. 180. London, 1849. 8C. London, 1854. HORTICULTURAL Society of London. Journal. HosKINS, (Thomas H.) What we Eat; an 9 v. 80. London, 1846-55. account of the most common adulterations Transactions. 10 v. 40. London, of food and drink. 120. Boston, 1861. 1812-48. HOSKYNS, (Chandos W.) Talpa; or, the HORTICULTURIST, and Journal of Rural Art chronicles of a clay farm. An agricultural and Rural Taste. Edited by A. J. Downing, fragment. 3d ed. 160. London, 1854. J. Jay Smith, etc., January, 1846, to De- HoSMER, (Hezekiah L.) Early History of the cernber 1856. V. 1-11. 40. Albany and Maumee Valley. 80. Toledo, (0.,) 1858. Philadelphia, 1846-56. (V. 8 and 9, for 1853 HOSMER, (William.) The Higher Law, in its and 1854, wanting.) relations to civil government; with particuHORTON, (Sir Robert Wilmot.) Inquiry into lar reference to slavery, and the fugitive the Causes and Remedies of Pauperism. slave law. 120. Auburn, (N. Y.,) 1852. Four series 80. London, 1830. HOSMER, (William H. C.) Poetical Works. HORTON, (Thomas Galland.) Russia; the 2 v. 120. New-York, 1854. people, country, and government. 120. Lon- HOSPITAL. See L'HOSPITAL. don, 1854. HOSPITALS and Sisterhoods. 160. London, HORTUS Indicus Malabaricus. See RHEEDE. 1854. HoawT'z, (Orville.) Brushwood picked up on HOSTE, (Paul.) Treatise on Naval Tactics. the Continent; summer's trip to the old Translated from the French, by J. D. Bosworld. 120. Philadelphia, 1855. wall. 40. Edinburgh, 1834. HoSACK, (David.) Essays on various sub- HOSTE, (Sir William.) Memoirs and Letters. jects of Medical Science. 2 v. 80. New- 2 v. 80. London, 1833. York, 1824. HOSTEIN, (Hypolite.) Musee de Versailles, Inaugural Discourse, at the opening of ses principaux tableaux et statues; pittoRutgers Medical College, New York, Nov. 6, resque et anecdotique. 120. Paris, 1837. 1826. 80. New-York, 1826. HOTCHIKIN, (James H.) History of the Pur- Lectures on the Theory and Practice chase and Settlement of Western New-York, of Physic, delivered in the University of the and of the rise, progress, and present state State of New York. Edited by H. W. Da- of the Presbyterian Church in that section. cachet. 80. Philadelphia, 1838. 80. New-York, 1848. ~- Memoir of De Witt Clinton. 40. New- HOTMAAN, (Antonius.) De Veteri Ritu NupYork, 1829. tiarum Observatio; de sponsalibus et jure System of Practical Nosology; with matrimoniorum; de spuriis et legitimatione. synopsis of the systems of Sauvages, Lin- (Graevius, Thesaurus Antiq., Rom. v. 8.) 567 HOTMAN. HOUSEHOLD. HOTMAN, (F.) DeMagistratibus Romanorum: States, the State of New-York, and other de senatu et senatus consulto: de fornulis States; with sketches of American political antiquis. (Grsevius, Thesaurus Antiq., history. 18~. Binghamton. (N. Y.,) 1855. Rom., v. 2.) HOUGIT, (William.) India as it ought to be HOTTEN, (J. Camden.) Dictionary of Modern under the New Charter Act; improvements Slang, cant and vulgar words used at the suggested. 8~. London, 1853. present day in the streets of London, the Political and Military Events in British Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, the India, from 1756 to 1849. 2 v. 12~. LonHouses of Parliament, the dens of St. Giles, don, 1853. and the palaces of St. James; with a history - Practice of Courts Martial. Also, the of cant and vulgar language. 2d ed. 12~. Legal Exposition and Military Explanation London, 1860. of the Mutiny Act, and Articles of War. HIOTTINGER, (JohannJacob.) Life and Times 2d ed., by George Long. 8~. London, of Ulric Zwingle. Translated from the Ger- 1825. man, by T. C. Porter. 12~. Harrisburg, Precedents in Military Law; including (Pa.,) 1856. the practice of courts martial, the mode of HOUARD, (David.) Traites sur les Coutumes conducting trials, the duties of officers at Anglo-Normandes. 4 v. 4~. Dieppe, 1776. military courts of inquests, courts of inquiry, HOUBLON, (John Archer.) Letter to, neither courts of requests, etc. 80. London, 1855. congratulating him on his return to Parlia- (3 copies.) ment, nor approving of his conduct. 8~. - Simplification of His Majesty's and London, 1810. (Pol. Pam., v. 52.) Hon'ble E. I. Company's Mutiny Acts and IOUDIN, (Robert.) Ambassador, Author, and Articles of War, proposed military police and Conjurer. Memoirs written by himself. legislative enactments for courts of inquiry, Edited by R. Shelton Mackenzie. 12~. inquest, and court of requests, to render Philadelphia, 1859. crying down credit a bar to the cognizance HOUGrH, (Franklin B.) History of Jefferson of soldier's debts. 80. Calcutta, 1]36. County, (N.Y.) 80. Albany, 1854. HOUNDS. Letters on the Management of History of St. Lawrence and Franklin Hounds. By Scrutator. 80. London, 1853. Counties, (N.Y.) 80. Albany, 1853. Housi3 OF COMMONS. Catalogue of the books Papers relating to the Island of Nan- in the Library of the House of Conmmlons. tucket; with documents relating to the With supplement. Folio. London, 1857. original settlement of that island, Martha's ~ Plan pf a Reform in the Election of the Vineyard, and other islands adjacent, known House of Commons. Adopted 1795. Reas Duke's county, while under the Colony of published by Sir P. Francis. 80. London, New-York. Small 40. Albany, 1856. 1817. (Pamphleteer, v. 9.) —. -Papers relating to Pemaquid and parts HOUSE OF LORDS CASES, on Appeals and adjacent, in the present state of Maine known Writs of Error, Claims of Peerage, and as Cornwall county, under the Colony of Divorces, 1847 to 1850. V. 1, and 2, I y New-York. 80. Portland, 1857. (Maine Charles Clark, and W. Finnelly. 80. LonHist. Coil., v. 5.) don, 1849-51. Proceedings of the Commissioners of The same. V. 3-9. By Charles Clark. Indian Affairs, appointed by law for the ex- 80. London, 1853-63. tinguishment of Indian titles in the State of HOUSE OF PEERESSES; or, Female Oratory. New-York. 2 v. Small 4. Albany, 1861. Containing the Debates of Several Peeresses Results of Meteorological Observations on Bishop of Landaff's Bill for the effectual made at sundry academies in the State of discouragement of the Crime of Adultery. New-York, from 1826 to 1850. Compiled 40. London, 1779. (Misc. Pam., v. 41.) from the originalreturns. 40. Albany, 1855. HOUSEHOLD of Sir Thomas More. 160. NewHOUGI, (G. H.) English and Burman Voca York, 1852. bulary. Oblong, 160. Serampore, 1825. HOusEHOLD Words; aweeklyjournal. Edited HOUGuH, (Horatio Gates.) Diving: a method by Charles Dickens. 19 v. 80. London, of supplying air under water. 80. Hartford. 1850-59. 1813. - Household Narrative of Current Events, HOUGH, (M. C.) Political Pocket Companion; for 1850-52; a monthly supplement to Housea synopsis of political statistics of the United hold Words. 3 v. 80. London, 1850-52. 568 HOUSSAYE. HOWARD. HOUSSAYE, (Arsene.) Men and Women of HOWARD, (Benjamin C.) Reports of Cases in the Eighteenth Century. 2 v. 12. New- the Supreme Court of the United States, York, 1852. 1843 to 1848. 7 v. 80. Philadelphia and ~ — Philosophers and Actresses. 2 v. 12~. Boston, 1843-48. (40 copies;) New-York, 1852. The same. V. 5. 80. Boston, 1847. HoUSSAYE. See AMELOT DE LA HOUSSAYE. (6 copies ) HOUSTON, (James A.) Proceedings and De- - The same. V. 8. 8~. Boston, 1850. bates of the United States Senate; Ist ses- (36 copies.) sion, 30th Congress. December, 1847- - The same. V. 9. 80. Boston, 1851. August, 1848. 40. Washington, 1848. (27 copies.) HOUSTON, (Robert W.) Trial of, vs. General - The same. V. 10 to 14. 80.'Boston, John Dicks, and others, members of a Court 1851-53. (21 copies.) Martial, being an action of trespass, insti- - The same. V. 15. 80. Boston, 1854. tuted in the Court of Common Pleas, of Lan- (16 copies.) caster County, (Penn.) By George B. - The same. V. 16. 80. Boston, 1855. Porter. 80. Philadelphia, 1817. (24 copies.) HOUSTON, (Samuel.) Life of Sam Houston. - The same. V. 17. 80. Boston, 1855. 120. New-York, 1855. (26 copies.) HOUSTOUN, (James.) Works; containing The same. V. 18. 80. Boston, 1856. memoirs of his life, and travels in Asia, (21 copies.) Africa, America, and most parts of Europe, The same. V. 19. 80. Washington, from the year 1690 to the present time. 80. 1857. (20 copies.) London, 1753. The same. V. 20. 80. Washington, HIousTOUN, (Mlrs. M. C.) Texas and the Gulf 1858. (20 copies.) of Mexico; or, yachting in the new world. The same. V. 21. 80. Washington, 240. Philadelphia, 1845. 1859. (26 copies.) HOVENDEN, (John Eykyn.) General Treatise The same. V. 22. 80. Washington, on the Principles and Practice by which 1860. (26 copies.) Courts of Equity are guided as to the preven- The same. V. 23. 80. Washington, tion or remedial correction of Fraud. 2 v. 1860. (25 copies.) 80. London, 1825. The same. V. 24. 80. Washington, Supplement to Vesey Junior's Reports 1861. (20 copies.) of Cases in Chancery; containing notes, oc- HOWARD, (Hon. Edward.) Copernicans of casionally illustrated by cases decided by all sorts Convicted, by proving that the earth Lords Hardwicke, King, &c., from the hath no diurnal or annual motion, as is supMss. of Mr. Forrester. 2 v. 80. London, posed by Copernicans, from the beginning of 1827. the world to this day. Also, a treatise on The same. 2 v. 80. Philadelphia, the magnet. 160. London, 1705. 1828. HOWARD, (Edward.) Memoirs of Admiral Sir HOVEY, (C. M.) Fruits of America, contain- Sidney Smith. 2 v. 80. London, 1839. ing richly colored figures, and full descrip- - Rattlin, the Reefer. 160. London, tions of the choicest varieties cultivated in 1850. (Bentley's Stand. Novels, v. 69.) the United States. 80. New-York, 1853. HOWARD, (Frank.) Colour, as a Means of Magazine of Horticulture, Botany, and Art; an adaptation of the experience of proall useful discoveries and improvements in fessors to the practice of amateurs. 120. Rural Affairs. V. 1-29. 80. Boston, London, 1849. 1835-63. (V. 18, 19, and 20 wanting.) The Spirit of the Plays of Shalkspeare; HovEY, (Sylvester.) Letters from the West exhibited in a series of outline plates, illusIndies; relating especially to the Danish trative of the story of each play..5 v. 80. island, St. Croix; and to the British islands, London, 1833. Antigua, Barbadoes, and Jamaica. 120. HOWARD, (Henry.) See SURREY, (Earl of.) New York, 1838. HOWARD, (Horton.) Domestic Medicine; AnlHow they act in Baltimore; (a poem,) by a atomy and Physiology, and Midwifery, DisVolunteer Zouave. 120. Baltimore, 1862. eases of Women and Children, Practice of How to do Business; a pocket manual of prac- Medicine andMateria Medica. 80. Cincintical affairs. 12. New York, 1857. nati, 1859. 569 HOWARD. HOWE. HOWARD, (H. R.) Historyof VirgilA. Stew- HOWE, (Elias, Jr.) Musician's Companion; art, and his adventure in capturing and ex- containing setts of cotillions arranged with posing the great "Western Land Pirate," figures, and popular marches, quicksteps, and his Gang; with the trials and confes- waltzes, hornpipes, contra dances, songs, sions of a number of Murrell's associates, &c.; for the flute, violin, clarionett, bass&c. 12~. New-York, 1836. viol, &c. 3 parts in 1 v. Oblong 40. BosHOWARD, (John, 1'. R. S.) Account of the ton, 1850. Principal Lazarettos in Europe; with papers HOWE, (Fisher.) Turkey, Greece, and Palesrelative to the plague. 40. London, 1789. tine in 1853. 160. Glasgow, 1854. State of the Prisons in England and HOWE, (Henry.) Adventures and AchieveWales; with an account of some foreign ments of Americans. 80. Cincinnati, 1858. prisons and hospitals. 40. London, 1780. Historical Collections of Ohio. 80. HOWARD, (John.) Treatise on Spherical Ge- Cincinnati, 1847. ometry; with an application of these elements - Historical Collections of Virginia; with to a variety of problems. 80. Newcastle- historical and descriptive Sketch of the Disupon-Tyne, 1798. trict of Columbia. 80. Charleston, (S.C.,) HOWARD, (J. H.) Laws of the British Colo- 1852. nies in the West Indies, and other parts of - Historical Collections of the Great America, concerning Real and Personal West: containing narratives of the most imProperty, and Manumission of Slaves; with portant and interesting events in Western a view of the constitution of each colony. history. 2 v. in 1. 80. Cincinnati, 1851. 2 v. 80. London, 1827. Life and Death on the Ocean; a collecHOWARD, (Luke.) Climate of London, de- tion of extraordinary adventures. 80. Cinduced from Meteorological Observations, cinnati, 1855. made in the metropolis, and at various places ~ Memoirs of the most eminent American around it, to the year 1830. 2d ed. 3 v. 80. Mechanics. Also, Lives of distinguished London, 1833. European Mechanics, &c. 120. New-York, HOWARD, (Nathan, Jr.) Cases in the Court 1847. of Appeals of the State of New York. V. 1. ~ See BARBER, (J. W.) 8C. New-York, 1855. (2 copies.) HOWE, (John.) Works. With memoirs of his Code of Procedure of Pleadings and life, by Edmund Calamy. 80. London, Practice of the State of New-York, 1858 and 1832. 1859; with complete notes and references. CONTENTS. 80. New-York, 1859. Blessedness of the Righteous opened. Delighting in God. Practice Reports of the Supreme Court Friendship with God. and Court of Appeals of the State of New- Life of e, by E. Calay. Living Temple. York, 1844 to 1863. 24 v. 80. Albany, Love of God and our Brother. 1845-63. (2 copies of v. 17-24.) Principles of the Oracles of God. Redeemer's Tears wept over Lost Souls. The same. V. 2 to 14. 80. Albany, Regeneration. Salvation by Hope. 1845-57. (V. 6 wanting.) Sermons and Discourses. The same. 2d ed. V. 4. 8. New- Vanity of Man as Mortal. Work of the Holy Spirit in reference to Particular York, 1852. Persons, and also to the Christian Church. HOWARD, (Thomas.) On the Loss of Teeth, HOWE, (Julia Ward.) A Trip to Cuba. 120. and the best Means of Restoring them. 4th Boston, 1860. ed. 180. London, 1853. Passion Flowers. 120. Boston, 1854. HOWARD, (VolneyE.) Reports of Cases of the - Words for the Hour. 160. Boston, High Court of Errors and Appeals of Missis- 1857. sippi, 1834 to 1839. V. I to 3. 80. Phila- The World's Own. 160. Boston, 1857. delphia and New-Orleans, 1839. (4 copies.)' HOWE, (Richard, Lord.) Candid and ImparThe same. 1839 to 1841. V. 4 and 5. tial Narrative of the Transactions of the Fleet 80. Cincinnati, 1840-41. (3 copies.) under the command of Lord Howe, from the The same. 1841 to 1843. V. 6 and 7. arrival of the Toulon squadron on the coast 80. Cincinnati, 1843-44. (2 copies.) of America to his Lordship's departure for HOWDEN, (Peter.) Horse Warranty. A plain England; with observations. By an officer and comprehensive guide to the various then serving in the fleet. 80. London, points to be noted. 120. London, 1862. 1779. 72 570 HOWE. HOWLAND. HOWE, (Richard, Lord.) LettertoLordHl[ow]e HOWISON, (John.) Sketches of Upper Canada. on his Naval Conduct in the American War. 3d ed. 8~. Edinburgh, 1825. 80. London, 1779. (Pol. Pan., v. 54.) Tales of the Colonies. 2 v. 120. HowE, (Samuel G.) Historical Sketch of the London, 1830. Greek Revolution. 2d ed. 12~. New-York, HOWISON, (Robert R.) History of Virginia, 1828. from its discovery and settlement by EuroHOWF, (Capt. Thomas.) Trial. See MILITIA peans to the present time. 2 v. 80. PhilaREPORTER. delphia and Richmond, 1846-48. HOWE, (Gen. Sir William.) Narrative, in a - Reports of Criminal Trials in the CirCommittee of the House of Commons, on the cuit, State and United States Courts, held in 29th of April, 1779, relative to his conduct Richmond, (Va.) 80. Richmond, 1851. during his late command of the King's troops HOWITT, (Anna Mary.) Art Student in in Nort America. With observations upon a Munich. 2 v. 120. London, 1853. pamphlet entitled, Letters to a Nobleman, HOWITT, (Mary.) Ballads and other Poems. 3d ed. Small 40. London, 1781. 80. London, 1847. Three Letters to Lord Howe; to which The same. 120. New-York, 1848. are added Remarks on the Attack at Bun- Hymns and Fire-Side Verses. 2d ed. ker's Hill. 80. London, 1780. (Pol. Pam., 180. London, 1839. v. 55.) Poetical Works of Howitt, Milman and HOWEL, (John.) Proedria-Basilik6. A Dis- Keats. 8~. Philadelphia, 1840. course concerning the Precedency of Kings. HOWITT, (Samuel.) British Preserve. 40. With a distinct Treatise of Ambassadors. London, 1821. Small folio. London, 1664. HOWITT, (William.) Colonization and ChrisHOWEL, (William.) Institution of General tianity; a popular history of the treatment History; or, the history of the world from of the natives by the Europeans in all their the beginning to the death of Constantine colonies. 120. London, 1.838. Ducas XII., A. D. 1607. 4 v. in 3. Folio. German Experiences, addressed to the London, 1680-85. English, both stayers-at-home and goersHOWELL, (James.) Epistolte Ho-Eliane: abroad. 160. London, 1844. Familiar Letters, domestic and foreign; T Homes and Haunts of the most eminent partly historical, political, philosophical; British Poets. 2v. 12'. New-York, 1847. upon emergent occasions. 11th ed. 8~. Land, Labour, and Gold; or, two years London, 1754.' in Victoria; with visits to Sydney and Van HOWvLL, (Robert B. C.) Early Baptists of Diemen's Land. 2v. 120. London, 1855. Virginia: an Address. Philadelphia, 1857. Lifein Germany; including the popular HOWELL, (Thomas.) Practical Instructions songs, sports, and habits of the students of for the Piano-Forte. 5th ed. 40. Bristol, the universities. 80. London, 1849. 1828. Popular History of Priestcraft in all HOWELLS, (W. D.;) and HAYES, (John L.) ages and nations. 160. London, 1833. Lives and Speeches of Abraham Lincoln and ~ Rural and Domestic Life of Germany; Hannibal Hamlin. 120. New-York, 1860. with characteristic sketches of its cities and HOWES, (Stephen.) Pastime of Pleasure. scenery. 80. London, 1842. (Percy Socy. Pub., v. 18.) - Visits to Remarkable Places and Scenes HOwIE, (John.) Scots Worthies. Revised illustrative of English History and Poetry. and enlarged; with notes, by W. MeGavin. 2 v. 80. Philadelphia, 1842. 2 v. 80. Glasgow, 1837. HOWITT, (William and Mary.) Literature The same. An account of the most and Romance of Northern Europe: a hiseminent Noblemen, Gentlemen, Ministers, tory of the literature of Sweden, Denmark, and others, who testified or sufferec for the Norway and Iceland; with specimens. 2 v. cause of Reformation in Scotland, fiom be- 120. London, 1852. ginning of the 16th century to 1688. 8. Ruined Abbeys and Castles of Great New-York, 1854. Britain; with photographic illustrations. 40. HOWISON, (John.) European Colonies, in London, 1862. various paris of the world, viewed in their I-OWLAND, (S. A.) Steamboat Disasters and social, moral, and physical condition. 2 v. Railroad Accidents in the United States. 80. London, 1834. 2d ed. 120. Worcester, (Mass.,) 1840. 571 HOWLEGLASS. HUC. HOWLEGLASS, the Merry Jester. Trans. from HUBBARD, (William.) General History of the German. (Roscoe's German Novelists, New-England, from the discovery to 1680. v. 1.) (Mass. Hist. Coll., v. 5-6, second series.) HOWLETT, (R.) Angler's Sure Guide. 120. -- Narrative of the Troubles with the London, 1706. Indians in New-England, from the first HOWLEY, (Edward.) Concise History of the planting thereof in the year 1607, to the English Constitution. 120. London, 1857. present year 1677. To which is added a HOWSE, (Joseph.) Grammar of the Cree Lun- Discourse about the Warre with the Peguage. With an analysis of the Chippeway quods in the year 1637. Small 4~. Boston, dialect. 80. London, 1844. 1677. HOYLAND, (Francis.) Poems. 16~. Chis- The same. Small 4~. London, 1677. wick, 1822. (British Poets, v. 73.) HUBBELL, (Levi.) Trial and Impeachment of HOYLAND, (John.) Historical Survey of the Levi Hubbell, Judge of the Second Judicial Customs, Habits, and present State of the Circuit, by the Senate of the State of WisGypsies. 80. York, 1816. cousin, June, 1853. Reported by T. C. IreHOYLE, (Edmond.) Games; improved and land. 80. Madison, 1853. enlarged by new and practical treatises. HUBBELL, (William Wheeler.) Way to Se180. London, 1835. cure Peace and Unity as One Nation. 80 HOYT, (David W.) Hoyt Family: Genea- Philadelphia, 1863. logical History of John Hoyt of Salisbury, HUBER, (B.) Apergu Statistique de l'Isle de and David Hoyt of Deerfield, (Mass.,) and Cuba; preced de quelques lettres sur la their Descendants. 80. Boston, 1857. Havane. S0. Paris, 1826. HOYT, (Epaphras.) Antiquarian Researches; HUBER, (Francois.) New Observations on the a history of the Indian Wars in the country Natural History of Bees. 3d ed. 120. bordering Connecticut River, &c. 80. Edinburgh, 1821. Greenfield, (Ms.,) 1824. HUBER, (Marie.) World Unmasked; or, the HOYT, (James T.) Collection Laws, Special, philosopher the greatest cheat; to which is Exemption, Property, Banking and Interest added, the State of Souls separated from Laws of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Iowa, their Bodies, and an Answer to an Enquiry Wisconsin and Minnesota; also a complete, into Origenism. From the French. 80. list of all the courts of general jurisdiction in London, 1736. the above States, showing the terms of said HUBER, (Pierre.) Natural History of Ants. courts, and the times and places of holding From the French, with notes, by J. R. the same. 80. Chicago, 1859. Johnson. 160. London, 1820. HozIER, (Le Pre'sident et le Conte Charles d'.) HUBEr, (V. A.) English Universities. An Armorial General d'Hozier, ou Registre de abridged translation from the German. Edla Noblesse de France, continues. 80. Paris, ited by F. W. Newman. 2 v. in 3. 80. 1848. London, 1843. HUARTE, (Juan.) Examende Ingenios. The HUBEKUS, (Ulricus.) Pralectionum Juris Examination of Men's Wits; in which, by Civilis tomi tres, secundum Institutiones et discovering the variety of natures, is shown Digesta Justiniani. Accedunt C. Thomassi for what profession each one is apt. Trans- additiones et L. Menckenii remissiones ad lated out of the Spanish tongue by Camillo jus Saxonicum. Editio novissima quam reCamilli; Englished out of his Italian by R. censuit variisque annotationibus instruxit J. Carew. Small 40. London, 1604. Le Plat. 3 v. 40. Lovanii, 1766. HUBBARD, (Fordyce M ) Life of William HUBNER., (Martin.) De la Saisie des Batimens Richardson Davie. 160. Boston, 1848. Neutres, ou du droit qu'ont les nations bel(Sparks' Am. Biog., v. 15. Second Series.) lig6rantes d'arreter les navires des peuples HUBBARD, (John G.) Currency and the Coun- amis. 2 v. en 1. 120. La Haye, 1759. try. 180. London, 1843. Huc, (Evariste Regis, I'Abb6.) Christianity HUBBARD, (William.) Discovery and first in China, Tartary, and Thibet. 2 v. 80. Planting of Massachusetts. 8~. Boston, London, 1853. 1846. (Young's Chronicles of Mass.) Chinese Empire. Forming a sequel to General History of Now-England, from the work entitled "Recollections of a Jourthe discovery to 1680. 80. Cambridge, ney through Tartary and Thibet." 2v. 80. 1815. London, 1853. 572 HUC. HIUGHES. Hue, (Evariste Regis, l'Abe'.) Travels in HUEN-DUBOURG, (Pseudo.) See HAMOND. Tartary, Thibet, and China, during the years HUERTA, (Jer6nimo de.) Florando de Cas1844-46. Translated from the French, by tilla. (Bib. de Autores Espafioles, v. 33.) W. Hazlitt. 2 v. 12~. London, 1852. HUERTA, (Vicente Garcia de la.) Obras HUDSON, (Hon. Charles.) Doubts concerning Poeticas. Publicalas Antonio de Sancha. the Battle of Bunker Hill. Addressed to the 2 v. 12~. Madrid, 1778-79. Christian public. 12~. Cambridge, (Ms.,) HUFELANI), (C. W.) Art of Prolonging Life. 1857. Edited by Erasmus Wilson. 12~. BosHistory of the town of Marlborough, ton, 1854. Ms., from its first settlement, in 1657, to HUFF, (Gershom.) Electro-Physiology; or, 1861. 8~. Boston, 1862. electricity as a curative agent, supported by HUDSON, (Rev. Charles;) and KENNEDY, (E. theoryand fact. 2ded. 12~. New-York, 1853. S.) Where's there's a Will there's a Way; HUG, (Johann Leonhard.) Introduction to an ascent of Mont Blanc, by a new route and the New Testament. From the German, by without guides. 120. London, 1856. D. Fosdick, Jr.; with notes, by M. Stuart. HUDSON, (C. F.) Debt and Grace, as related 80. Andover, (Mass.,) 1836. to the doctrine of a future life. 5th edition. HUGEL, (Carl von.) Kaschmir und das Reich 120. Boston, 1859. derSiek. 4 v. in5. 80. Stuttgart, 1840-48. HUDSON, (E. M.) Der Zweite Unabhiingig- -- Travels in the Cashmir and Punjab; keits-Kreig am Amerika. 80. Berlin, 1862. containing a particular account of the govThe Second War of Independence in ernment and character of the Sikhs. 80. America. Translated by the author, from London, 1845. the 2d German edition. 80. London, 1863. HUGGINS, (Edward.) Case in Nevis, 1817. HUDSON, (Henry.) Voyages and Northern 80. London, 1817. (Slavery Pam., v. 7.) Discoveries, 1607-1609. 80. London, 1860. HUGHES, (David.) Treatise on the Law re(Hakluyt Society, v. 27.) lating to Insurance. 80. London, 1828. ~ —- PVoyages to the North Pole, 1607; to HUGHES, (D. L.) Sketch of the Life, CharEast Indies, 1608; towards Nova Zembla, acter, and Writings of the Rev. James Y. &c., and up the river Hudson, 1609. 80. M'Ginnes, of Shade Gap, (Penn.) 120. New York, 1811. (New York Hist. Coll., Philadelphia, 1854. v. 1, first series.) HUGHES, (Edward.) Outlines of Physical HUDSON, (Henry Norman.) Lectures on Shak- Geography. 160. London, 1849. speare. 2ded. 2v. 120. New-York,1848. Outlines of Scripture Geography and HUDSON, (John.) Complete Guide to the History. 12~. Philadelphia, 1854. English Lakes; also, the geology of the lake HUGHES, (E.) Warning to the Nation, from district, by Prof. Sedgwick. 4th ed. 120. the Conduct and Ultimate Views of the DisKendal, 1853. senters. 80. London, 1834. (Pol. Pam., HUDSON, (William.) Flora Anglica, exhibens v. 75.) plantas per regnum Anglima sponte cres- HUGHES, (Griffith.) Natural History of Barcentes, distributas secundum systema sex- badoes. Folio. London, 1750. uale. 80. Londini, 1762. HUGHES, (Hugh.) Memorial and Documents HUDSON, (William Elliot;) and BROOKE, submitted to Congress. 80. Washington, (John.) Reports of Cases argued and de- 1802. (Pol. Pam., v. 102.) termined in the Courts of King's Bench and HUGHES, (Rev. James.) Bibliolatry; an essay. Exchequer Chamber, in Ireland, from Hilary 160. London, 1862. Term, 7 Geo. IV, to Easter Term, I Will. HUGIES, (James, Esq.) Report of the Causes IV. 2 v. 80. Dublin, 1829-46. determined by the late Supreme Court for HUDSON'S Bay Company. Report from the the District of Kentucky, and by the Court Select Committee on the Hudson's Bay of Appeals, in which the Titles to Land were Company. Folio. London, 1857. in dispute, 1.785 to 1801. 40. LexingShort State of the Countries and Trade ton, 1803. of North America claimed by the Hudson's HUGHES, (John, Esq.) Poems on several ocBay Company. 80. London, 1749. casions; with some select essays in prose. HUE, (Francois.) Last Years of the Reign 2 v. 160. London, 1735. and Life of Louis XVI. Translated by Poems. 160. London, 1790. (JohnRobert Charles Dallas. 80. London, 1806. son's Eng. Poets, v. 31.) 573 HUGHES. HUGUENOT. HUGHES, (John, Esq.) Poems. 8~. London, HUGHSON, (David.) Walks through London, 1810. (Chalmers' Eng. Poets, v. 10.) a complete guide to the British metropolis. HUGHES, (John, A. M.) Itinerary of Provence 2 v. in 1. 80. London, 1817. and the Rhone, made duiing the year 1819. HUGO, (Gustav.) Histoire du Droit Romain. 8~. London, 1822. Traduite de l'Allemand par Jourdan. Revue HUGHES, (John T.) Doniphan's Expedition; parF.Poncelet. 2 v. 80. Paris, 122. account of the Conquest of New-Mexico; HUGO, (Joseph Leopold Sigisbert, Comte.) General Kearny's Overland Expedition to Memoires du G6n6ral Hugo. Pr6c6d6 des California, &c. 120. Cincinnati, 1848. M6moires du Gen6ral Aubertin. 3 v. 8~. HUGHEs, (R. M.) Dutiesof Judge Advocates. Paris, 1823. 120. London, 1845. (2 copies.) HUGO, (Victor.) (Euvres. 16v. 80. Paris, HUGI-HEs, (Thomas.) Scouring of the White 1841-44. Horse; or, the young vacation ramble of a CONTENTS. London clerk. Square 12~. Cambridge, Agelo; drame, v. 10. Bug Jargal, v. 14. 1859. lBuirgaves, Les: drame, v. 11. hCauts (les) du Cr6puscule, v. 13. The Struggle for Kansas. 120. Lon- Cromwell (l drame, v. 13. don, 1862. (Appendix to LUDLOW, (J. M.) Dernier (le) Jour d'un Condamn6, v. 14. EsmEiinralda, La; diinme, v. 11. History of the United States ) Feuiles (les) d'automne, v. 13. Tom Brown's School Days at Rugby. uGere aux DeIolisseurs, v. 16. Han d'Islhde, v. 15. By an Old Boy. Boston, 1861. Ilernani; dramle, v. 9. ow a Ord a Journal d'un jeune Jacobite de 1819, v. 19. Tom Brown at Oxford; a sequel to Journal d'un Revolutionnairo de 1830, v. 16. School Days at Rugby. 2v. 120. Boston, Litterature et Philosophie Melees, v. 16. Luclece Borgia; drauie, v. 10. 1861.:Marie Tudor: dranie, v. 10. HUGHIES, (T. B.) Report of the Case of tile i;rion de Lornile drame, v. 9. MIirabeau, sur, v. 16. King against Bebb and others, assignees of Notre DIlie de Paris, v. 3-4. Odes et Baillides, v. 1-2 Castell and Powell, Bankrupts, on an Ex- Oietles, L, v. 2. Orientales, Les, v. 2. tent. 80. London, 1811. layons (les) et les Ombres, v. 12. IRhin, Le, v. 5-7. HUGHES, (T. M.) Overland Journey to Lisbon Roi (le) S'Aluse: drame, v. 9. at the close of 1816; with a picture of the Ruy Bias: draime, v. 11. Voix (les) Interieures, v. 12. actual state of Spain and Portugal. 2 v. Ymbert Gallois,v. 16. 120. London, 1847. Legende des Sidcles. le srie. HisRevelations of Spain in 1845. 2d ed. toire: les Petites epopees. 120. Paris, 2 v. 12~. London, 1845. 1862. HUGnES, (Thomas Smart.) History of Eng- Les Miserables. 10 v. in 5. 80. Paris, land, from the accession of George III, 1862. 1760, to the accession of Queen Victoria, - Les Mis6rables; authorized copyright 1837. 3d ed. 7 v. 80. London, 1846. edition. Translated by Lascelles Wraxall. Letter to Godfrey Higgins on the sub- 3 v. 120. London, 1862. ject of his Horm Sabbatice. 80. London, Les Miserables. Translated fiom the 1826. (Pamphleteer, v. 27.) French, by Charles E. Wilbour. In five On the Greek Revolution. 80. Lon- parts. 5 v. 80. New York, 1862. don, 1832. (Pamphleteer, v. 22.) Part 1. Fantine. Part 4. Sailnt Denis. Part 2. Cosette. Part 5. Jean Valjean. Remarks on Pamphlet entitled "Eter- Part 3. Marius. nity of the World," by a skeptic. 80. Lon- Theatre. 3 v. 120. Paris, 1847-50. don, 1826. (Pamphleteer, v. 26.) Hunchback of Notre Dame. 160. LonTravels in Sicily, Greece and Albania. don, 1856. (Bentley's Stand. Novels, v. 32.) 2d ed. 2 v. 8S. London, 1830. Napoleon the Little. 120. London, HUGIES, (William.) Grand Abridgment of 1852. the Law, continued. 3 v. 40. London, The Rhine. 120. New York, 1848. 1660-62. Victor Hugo; a life related by one who HUGHES, (William;) and LONG, (George.) has witnessed it; including a drama, entitled Atlas of Classical Geography. Small 40. Inez de Castro, and other unpublished works. Philadelphia, 1856. Authorized translation. 2v. 12~. London, HUGHES, (William Carter.) American Miller 1863. and Millwright's Assistant. 120. Philadel- HUGUENOT Exiles; or, the times of Louis XIV. phia, 1851. 120. New-York, 1856. 574 HUILLARD. HUMBOLDT. HUILLARD-BRLIHOLLES, (J. L. Alphonse,) Maria Campbell; with history of the camChronicon Piacentinum, et Chronicon de paign of 1812, and surrender of Detroit, by Rebus in Italia Gestis; Historia Stirpis Ir- his grandson, James Freeman Clarke. 8~. peratoriem Suevorum illustrandie aptissima. New-York, 1848. 4". Parisiis, 1856. Report of the Trial of Brig.-General HUISH, (RIobert.) Bees; their natural history William Hull, commanding the North-Westand general managaement. 12~. London, ern Army of the United States, by a Court 1844. Martial held at Albany, on Monday, 3d JanuMemoirs, private and political, of Dan- ary, 1814, and succeeding days. Taken by iel O'Connell. 80. London, 1836. Lieut. Col. Forbes. 80. New-York, 1814. Memoirs of Charlotte Augusta, and HULLAHI, (John.) History of Modern Music. Leopold of Saxe-Coburg Saalfeld. 80. Lon- 160. London, 1862. don, 1818. Sea Songs; edited by John Hullah. Memoirs of GeorgeIV. 2v. 80. Lon- 8~. London, 1847. don, 1830. HULLMANDEL, (C.) Art of Drawing on Stone. Public and Private Life of George III.; 80. London, 1833. with secret anecdotes of his majesty, the HULLOCK, (John.) Law of Costs. 2d ed. royal family, etc. Also, an historical memoir 2v. 80. London, 1810. of the House of Brunswick, translated from HULSIUS, (Lavinus.) Imperatorumn Romanthe Latin work entitled Origines Guelphicoe. orum Numismatum series, G C. J. Cesare ad 40. London, 1821. Rudolphum II. 180. Francofurti, 1603. HULBERT, (Daniel P. M.) Education, Emi- HULTAIAN, (C.) Dissertatio historico-politica gration, and Supremacy, theologically con- inauguralis de Jure Legatorum. 80. Lugsidered. 160. London, 1850. duni Batavorum, 1826. HULL, (Amos G.) Treatise on the Powers and HUMBLE, (William.) Dictionary of Geology Duties, other than judicial, of Town and and Mineralogy, comprising such terms in County Officers in the State of New-York; natural history as are connected with the with an appendix of precedents designed for study of geology. 80. London, 1860. the use of those officers and the legal pro- HUMBLY, (W. W. W.) Journal of a Cavalry fession. 80. Albany, 1855. (2 copies.) Officer; including the memorable Sikh CamHULL, (Edward.) Coal Fields of Great Bri- paign of 1845-46. 80. London, 1854. tain; their history, structure, and duration; HUMBOLDT, (F. H. Alexander von.) Aspects with notices of the coal fields of other parts of Nature in Different Lands and Different of the world. 120. London, 1861. Climates; withscientificelucidations. TransHULL, (Henry.) Memoirs of his Life and Re- lated by Mrs. Sabine. 2 v. in 1. 160. ligious Labors. 80. Philadelphia, 1840. London, 1850. (Friends' Library, v. 4.) Cosmos. Sketch of a Physical DeHULL, (Calptain Isaac.) Minutes of Proceed- scription of the Universe. Translated under ings of the Court of Enquiry, into his Offi- the superintendence of Edward Sabine. cial Conduct as Commandant of the United 8th ed. 4 v. 12~. London, 1850-58. States Navy, at Charlestown, (Mass.) 80. - The same. Translated by E. C. Otte Washington, 1822. and W. S. Dallas. V. 5. 120. London, 1858. HULL, (John.) Elements of Botany. 2 v. - Geognostical Essay on the Superposi80. Manchester, 1800. tion of Rocks, in both hemispheres. From HULL, (William.) Defence of Brigadier Gen- the French. 80. London, 1823. eral Hull, before the general court-martial, Letters written between the years 1827 at Aibany, March, 1814; with an address to and 1858, to Varnhagen von Ense. Together the people of the United States, written by with extracts from Varnhagen's diaries, and himself. 120. Boston, 1814. letters from Varnhagen and others to Hum- Memoirs of the Campaign of the North- boldt. Author;zed translation from the GerWestern Army of the United States, A. D. man with notes, by Ludmilla Assing. 8~. 1812; with brief sketch of the revolutionary London, 1860. services of the author. 80. Boston, 1824. Political Essay on the Kingdom of New Revolutionary Services and Civil Life Spain; with physical sections and maps. of General William Hull. Prepared from Translated from the French, by John Black. his manuscripts, by his daughter, Mrs. 4 v. 80. London, 1811-22. 575 HUMBOLDT. HUME. HUMBOLDT, (F. H. Alexander von.) Political ses du nouveau continent, decrites et pubEssay on the Kingdom of New Spain; &c. li6es par C. S. Kunth. Folio. Paris, 1819. (Without maps.) V. I and 2. 8". New- Personal Narrative of Travels to the York. 1811. (No more published.) Equinoxial Regions of the New Continent, -- Polilical Essay on the Island of Cuba. dining the years 1799-1804, by A. de HumTranslated by Helen M. Williams. 80. Lon- boldt and Aired Bonpland; with niaps, plans, don, 1829. (HUMBuLDT'S Personal Narra- &c. Translated into English by Helen tive, v. 7.) Maria Williams. 7 v. in 8. 8S.. London, Thle same. Translated from the Spanish, 1818-29. with notes and essay, by J. S. Thrasher. HUMBOLDT, (Karl Wilhelm von.) Lettre, aM. 120. New-York, 1856. Abel-Reinusat, sur la Nature des Fornimes Researches concerning the Institutions Gralmmaticales en general, et sur le Gdnie and Monuments of the Ancient Inhabitants de la Langue Chinoise en particulier. 80. of America; with descriptions and views of Paris, 1827. the Cordilleras. Translated by Helen M. ~ Uber die Kawi-Sprache auf der Insel Williams. 2 v. in 1. 8S. London, 1814. Java, nebst einer einleitung iiber die verTravels and Researches; a condensed schiedenheit des menslichen sprachbaues und narrative of his journeys in the equinoctial ihren einfluss auf die geistige entwickelung regions of America, and in Asiatic Russia. des menschengeschlechts. V. I. 40. BerBy William Macgillivray. 2d ed. 160. lin, 1836.. Edinburgh, 1833. Letters to a Female Friend. From the The same. 180. New-York, 1842. German, with a biographical notice, by (Harper's Fain. Library, v. 59.) Catharine M. A. Couper. 2 v. 120. LonTribute to the Memory of A. von Hum- don, 1849. boldt, by the New York Geographical and - Sphere and Duties of Government. Statistical Society. 120. New York, 1859. From the German, by J. Coulthard, Jr. 120. Ueber die tiltesten Karten des Neuen London, 1854. (2 copies.) Continents und den Namen Amerika. Folio. HUaME, (&.) Learned Societies and Printing Nltrnberg, 1853. (Preface toGiaILLANY, Ges- Clubs of the United Kingdom. With supchichte von Behaim.) plement, containing all the receutly-estabet 13ONPLAND, (Aime.) Voyage aux lishoi societies and printing clubs, and their edgions sEquinoxiales du Nouveau Continent, publications to the present time, by A. J. fait en 1799-1804. Pre'm.ire Partie. Re- Evans. 120. London, 1853. lation Historique. 3 v. 40. Paris, 1814-25. HUME, (David.) Banks and Paper Money. Vues des Cordilleres et Monuments des 80. London, 1857. (Financial Pain., v. 22.) Peuples Indigenes de l'Am6riqne. (Atlas Essays and Treatises. 2v. 80. Edinpittoresque duvoyage.) Folio. Paris, 1810. burgh, 1817. Deaxieme partie.-Zoologie. 2 v. 40. ~ Essay of Public Credit. 80. London, Paris, 1811-33. 1857. (Financial Pam., v. 21.) Troisieme partie. —Essai Politique sur ~ History of England, from the invasion le Royaume de Nouvelle Espagne. 2 v. 40; of Julius Csesar to the revolution in 1688. atlas, folio. Paris, 1811. 8 v. 80. Oxford, 1826. - Qttatrie-mc partie.-Astronomieet Ma.g- The same. 6 v. 80. Boston, 1854. netisme. Redig par J. Oltmans. 2 v. 40. - Life; written by himself. 240. LonParis, 1810. don, 1826. (Autobiogra.phy, v. 2.) Sixieme partie.-Botanique; viz: Moral and Political Essays. 160. Lon~- Plantes Equinoxiales. 2 v. Folio. don, 1748. Paris, 1808-9. Philosophical Essays on the Human M onographie des Melasomacees.- Understanding. 160. London, 1751. Melastomes. Folio. Paris, i16. ~ Philosophical Works. 4 v. 80. EdinThe same.-Rhexies. Folio. Paris, burgh, 1826. 1823. CONTENTs. - Nova genera et species plantarum. Controversy between Hmeill and Rousseau, v. 1. InT ordi e~ digossit C. S. K 4 unt Di7avlo.' uDsl oeicrniinig Natnral ]teigmion, v. 2. Tn ordineml digessit C. S. Kuuntlt^ 7 v. EEssays, Moral, Political, ani Literary, v. 3-4. Folio. Lutetire-Parisiorum, 1815-25. Il(quitry conlcernling Humanl Unlderst.a.ding, v. 4. Illquiry concerning the Principles of Morals, v. 4. Mimoses et autres plantes legumineu- Life of I ella, by himlself, v. 1. 576 HUME. HUMPHREYS. HUME, (David.) Philosophical Works-Con- HUMPHREYS, (Daniel.) The Bible needs no tinned. Apology; or, Watson's System of Religion Natural H-istory of Religion, v. 4. Refuted. 8~. Portsmouth, (N. H.,) 1796. Treatise of the Understa.nding, v. 1. Treatise of Huuman Nature: (Theol. Pam., v. 5.) Book I. Of the Undorestauding, v1. _1. ~ Inquirer; examination of the powers of II. Of the Passsions, v. 2. HII. Of Mlorals, v. 2. government in enforcing laws of establishing Private Correspondence with several the Christian religion. In six numbers. 16~. Distinguished Persons, between 1761 and Boston, 1801. (Theol. Pam., v. 5.) 1776. 4~. London, 1820. HUMPHREYS, (Col. David.) Miscellaneous Letters of Eminent Persons, addressed WVrks. 8~. New-York, 1804. to David Hume. 80. Edinburgh, 1849. CONTENTS. HUME, (Hon. David.) Commentaries on the Address to the Armies of the United States. Letters from General W~ashington. Law of Scotland, respecting the description Life of Israel Plltnam. and punishment of crimes. 2 v. 4. Edin- Poem on the Happiness of America. -Poelms. burgh, 1807. Remarks on the War between the United States Commentaries on the Law of Scotland aud Tripoli. Thoughts o0 the necessity of maintaining a Navy. respecting trial for crimes. 2 v. 4~. Edin- Miscellaneous Essays. burgh, 1800. HUMPHREYS, (David, D. D.) Historical AcCommentaries on the Law of Scotland count of the Incorporated Society for the respecting crimes. With supplement, by Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. Benjamin R. Bell. 4thed. 2v. 40. Edin- 80. London, 1730. burgh, 1844. HUMPHREYS, (E. R.) Manual of Civil Law. Supplemental Notes to Mr. Hume's 120. London, 1854. Commentaries on the Law of Scotland re- HUMPIREYS, (Henry Noel.) Ancient Coins specting crimes. By the Author of the and Medals; sketch of the origin and proCommentaries. 40. Edinburgh, 1814. gress of coining money in Greece and her Decisions of the Court of Sessions, colonies. Small 40. London, 1850. 1781 to 1822, in the form of a Dictionary. Art of Illumination and Missal Paint40. Edinburgh, 1839. ing; illustrated by specimens. 120. LonHUME, (J. D.) Laws of the Customs, com- don, 1849. piled by direction of the lords commissioners Butterfly Vivarium; or, insect home. of his majesty's treasury. 80. London, Small 40. London, 1858. 1836. Coinage of the British Empire, from HUME, (Sophia.) Epistle to the Inhabitants the earliest period to the present. Small 40. of South Carolina. 80. London, 1754. London, 1854.. Exhortation to the Inhabitants of the Gold, Silver, and Copper Coins of EngProvince of South Carolina, to bring their land. 6th ed. 120. London, 1849. deeds to the light of Christ, in their own Illuminated Books of the Middle Ages; consciences. 80. Bristol, 1750. account of the development and progress of HUMFREY, (J. H.) Essay on the Modern Sys- the art of illumination, from the IVth to the tem of Fortification, adopted for the defence XVIIIth centuries. Illustrated by examof the Rhine frontier. 8~. London, 1838. pies from the most beautiful MSS. Folio. HUMPHREY, (Edward P.) Address before Lit- London, 1849. erary Societies of Center College, (Ky.) 80. ~ Ocean and River Gardens; a History of Louisville, 1850. the Marine and Fresh-Water Aquaria, with HUMPHREY, (James.) Observations on the the methods for their establishment and preActual S te of the English Laws of Real servation. 2 parts in 1 v. Square 120. LonProperty.. London, 1826. don, 1857. IIUMPIlREY. -ee HUMPHRY. Origin and Progress of the Art of HUIUMPIREYS, (A. A.;) and ABBOT, (H. L.) Writing. 80. London, 1853. Report upon the Physics and Hydraulics of Specimens of Illuminated Manuscripts the Mississippi River; upon the protection of of the Middle Ages, from the 6th to the 16th the alluvial region against overflows; and centuries. 120. London, 1853. upon the deepening of the mouths. (A topo- Ten Centuries of Art; its progress in grapical survey made by the government.) Europe from the 9th to the 19th century. 40. Philadelphia, 1861. 40. London, 1852. 577 HUMPHREYS. HUNT. HUMPHREYS, (Henry Noel,) and WESTWOOD, HUNT, (G. H.) Outram and Havelock's Per(J. 0.) British Butterflies, and their Trans- sian Campaign; with a summary of Persian formations. 40. London, 1848. History, and an inquiry into the origin of British Moths, and their Transforma- the late war, by George Townsend. 12~. tions. 2 v. 4~. London, 1843-45. London, 1858. HUMPItREYS, (John Doddridge.) Electro- HUNT, (G. J.) HistoricalReader; containing Physiology of Man; withpracticalillustrations the Late War between the United States and of new and efficient modes of galvanic treat- Great Britain, from 1812 to 1815. 3d ed. ment. 180. London, 1843. 12~. New-York, 1819. HUMPIREYS, (West H.) Reports of Cases in HUNT, (Henry.) Nature and Treatment of the Supreme Court of Tennessee, 1839 to Tic Douloureux, Sciatica, and other Neu1851. 11 v. 80. Nashville, 1841-51. (2 ralgic Disorders. 80. London, 1844. copies.) --- Severer Forms of Heartburn and InHUMPHREYS, (W. H.) Journal of a visit to digestion. 80. London, 1854. Greece. 120. London, 1826. (Greece, Pie- HUNT, (Isaac.) Rights of Englishmen; antiture of, v. 2. ) dote to the poison now vending by the transHUMPIRY, (George Murray.) Treatise on the atlantic republican Thomas Paine. 80. Human Skeleton, including the joints. 80. London, 1791. Cambridge, (Eng.,) 1858. HUNT, (James.) Treatise on the Cure of StamHUNDERTPFUND, (L.) Art of Painting Re- mering, etc.; with memoir of the late Thomas stored to its simplest and surest principles. Hunt. 80. London, 1854. 120. London, 1849. HUNT, (John Warren.) Wisconsin Gazetteer. HUNGARY. History of the Protestant Church 80. Madison, 1853. of Hungary, from the beginning of the re- HUNT, (Leigh.) Autobiography; with reminformation to 1850; with special reference to iscences of friends and contemporaries. 2 v. Transylvania. Translated by J. Craig, with 120. New-York, 1850. introduction by Merle D'Aubigne. 80. Lon- Correspondence. Edited by his eldest don, 1844. son. 2 v. 120. London, 1862. Scenes of the Civil War in Hungary, Imagination and Fancy; selections in 1848-49; with the personal adventures of from the English poets, and an essay in anan Austrian officer in the army of the Ban of swer to the question, "what is poetry?" Croatia. 3d ed. 120. London, 1850. 2d ed. 120. London, 1845. HUNGARY, and its Revolutions, from the Ear- - Indicator, and the Companion; a misliest Period to the 19th Century; with a cellany. 2 v. 120. London, 1834. Memoir of Louis Kossuth. By E. O. S. Lord Byron and some of his Contem160. London, 1854. poraries. 2d ed. 2 v. 80. London, 1828. IIUNNICUTT, (James W.) The Conspiracy Men, Women, and Books. Sketches, Unveiled; the South sacrificed; or, the hor- essays, and critical memoirs. 2 v. 120. rors of secession. 120. Philadelphia, 1863. London, 1847. HUNT, (Frederick Knight.) Book of Art; - Old Court Suburb; or, memorials of cartoons, frescoes, sculpture, and decorative Kensington, regal, critical, and anecdotical. art, as applied to the New Houses of Parlia- 2 v. 120. London, 1855. ment; with directions for paintingin fresco. - Poetical Works. 180. London, 1849. 40. London, 1846. - Religion of the Heart; a' manual of - - The Fourth Estate; contributions to- faith and duty. 160. London, 1853. wards a history of newspapers, and of the Sir Ralph Esher. 160. London, 1850. liberty of the press. 2 v. 120. London, 1850. (Bentley's Stand. Novels, v. 118.) The Rhine; its scenery and historical - Stories from the Italian Poets. 3 parts and legendary associations. Small 40. Lon- in 1 v. 12. New York, 1846. don, 1845. - The Seer; or, common places refreshed. HUNT, (Freeman.) American Anecdotes, orig- 80. London, 1840. inal and select. 2 v. 120. Boston, 1830. - The Town; its memorable characters ---- Lives of American Merchants. 2 v. and events. St. Paul's to St. James's. 2 v. 80. New York, 1858. 120. London, 1848. Merchant's Magazine. V. 1-49. 80. Wit and Humour; selected from the New-York, 1839-63. English poets. 160, London, 1846. 73 578 HUNT., HUNTER. HUNT, (Robert.) Manual of Photography. HUNTER, (John, 1I. D.) Essays and Observa3d ed. 120. London, 1853. tions on Natural History, Anatomy, Physi~- Memoirs of the Geological Survey of ology, Psychology, and Geology; posthumous Great Britain. 80. London, 1855. papers on those subjects; also, lectures on the ~ — Pantlhea; or, the Spirit of Nature. 8~. Hunterian collections of fossil remains, by London, 1849. Richard Owen. 2 v. 80. London, 1861. Researches on Light. 8V. London, Natural History of the Human Teeth. 1844. 2d ed. 40. London, 1778. Researches on Light in its Chemical Treatise on the Venereal Disease; with Relations. 2d ed. 80. London, 1854. copious additions by Philip Ricord. TransHUNT, (Robert M.) Life of Sir Hugh Palliser. lated and edited by J. Bulmstead. 2d ed. 80. London, 1844. 80. Philadelphia, 1859. HUNT, (Thomas.) Practical Observations on HUNTER, (Capt. John.) Historical Journal the Pathology and Treatment of certain Di- of the Transactions at Port Jackson and seases of the Skin, generally pronounced Norfolk Island, including the journals of intractable. 80. London, 1847. Governors Philip and King, since the publiHUNT, (T. F.) Architettura Campestre; dis- cation of Philip's voyage. 80. London, played in lodges, gardeners' houses, and 1793. other buildings, of simple and economical HUNTER, (John D.) Memoirs of a captivity forms in the modern or Italian style. 40. among the Indians of North America. 80. London, 1837. London, 1823. Designs for Parsonage Houses, Alms- HUNTER, (Joseph.) Agincourt; a contribuHouses, etc.; with examples of gables. 40. tion towards an authentic list of the cornLondon, 1841. manders in King Henry Fifth's expedition Exemplars of Tudor Architecture; to France. 120. London, 1850. adapted to modern habitations. 40. Lon- - Collections concerning the Church don, 1841. or Congregation of Protestant Separatists ~ — Half a Dozen Hints on Picturesque formed at Scrooby in Northamptonshire, in Domestic Architecture. 3d ed. 40. Lon- the time of King James I.; the founders of don, 1841. New Plymouth. 80. London, 1854. HUNT, (William.) American Biographical Collections concerning the Early HisSketch Book. 80. New-York, 1848. tory of the Founders of New Plymouth, HUNT's Universal Yacht List, for 1852 and the first colonists of New-England. 80. 1855. 2 v. Oblong 160. London, 1855. London, 1849. HUNT'S Yachting Magazine. Edited by Wil- The same. 80. Boston, 1852. (Mass. liam Knight. 3 v. 80. London, 1853-54. Hist. Coll., v. 1, fourth series.) HUNTER, (Alfied.) Catalogue Showing the - Few Words in Reply to the animadLocation of every Model of Patented In- versions of Mr. Dyce on his "Disquisition vention in the Patent Office. 80. Wash- on the Tempest," (1839;) and his "New ington, 1855. illustrations of the life, studies, and writings HUNTER, (Anne.) Poems. 120. London, 1802. of Shakespeare," (1845.) 80. London, 1853. HUNTER, (Henry.) History of London and its Hallamshire Glossary. 120. London, Environs. v. in 4. 40. London, 1811. 1829. Sacred Biography; or, the history of Milton; a sheaf of gleanings after his the patriarchs. 5 v. 80. London, 1820. biographers and annotators. 120. London, HUNTER, (John, M. D.) Works. With notes, 1850. (Bound with HUNTER'S Agincourt, edited by J. F. Palmer. 4v. 80. With &c.) plates. 40. London, 1837. Robin Hood; the great hero of ancient CONTENTS. minstrelsy of England: his period, characAnimal Economy, Obser s o, ter, etc., investigated and perhaps ascerAnimal Economy, Observations on, v. 4. Blood, Treatise on, v. 3. tained. 120. London, 1852. (Bound with Gan-Shot Wounds, Treatise on, v. 3. HNTER's Agcourt, &c.) Inflammation, Treatise on, v. 3. Life, by D. Ottley, v. 1. i-JNTER, (Robert.) Treatise on the Law of Popliteal Aneurllm, Method of performing the opelration for cure of, v. 3. Landlord and Tenant; with an appendix Segical Lectures, v. 1. containing forms of leases. 3d ed. 2 v. Teeth,'reatl ise on, v. 2. Venereal Disecase, Treatise on, v. 2. 80. Edinburgh, 1850. 579 HUNTER. HURLY. HUNTER, (R. M. T.) Speech at the Demo- HuRAULT, (Philippe.) See CHIVERNY. cratic Demonstration at Poughkeepsie, New HURAULT DU FAY, (Michel.) Premier DisYork. 8~. (n. p,) 1856. cours sur l'Estat de ]a France, avec certaines HUNTER, (Thomas.) Reprint of the Trial of Lettres du Roy, et autres du Duc de Guyse, Thomas Hunter, Peter Hacket, Richard de l'an 1588; suivy d'un second, sur le mresme M'Neil, James Gibb, and William M'Lean, subject, de ceste annee 1591. 2 v. in 1. 16~. cotton-spinners, in Glasgow, before the High Paris, 1591. Court of Justiciary, at Edinburgh, Jan'y 3, HURD, (John Codman.) Law of Freedom and 1838, for the crimes of illegal conspiracy Bondage in the United States. 2 v. 8~. and murder. By Archibald Swinton. 8~. New-Yoik, 1858-62. (3 copies.) Edinburgh, 1838. - - Topics of Jurisprudence connected with The same. Reported by James Mar- conditions of Freedom and Bondage. 8~. shall. With statistics connected with the New-York, 1856. spinning trade, &c., of Glasgow, by Peter HUiD, (Richard, D.D; Bishop of Worcester.) M'Kenzie. 8~. Edinburgh, 1838. Works. 8 v. 80. London, 1811. HUNTER, (William.) Anatomy of the Human CONTENTS. Gravid Uterus, exhibited in figures. Folio. Age of Queen Elizabeth, v. 3. Birmlingham 1774. Art of Poetry, Notes on, v. 1. Bllirmningham, 1774. Constitution of Euglish Government, v. 3-4. The same. New ed. Folio. London, Controversial Tracts, v. 8. 1851. (Sydenham Society.)'' \Critical Dissertations on Poetry and its kinds, v. 2. 1851. (Sydenham Society.) Critical Works, v. 1. HUNTER, (W. P.) Narrative of the late Ex- Delicacy of Friendship, v. 8. H oratii Flacci, Epistole, with commentary and pedition to Syria, under the command of notes, v. 1. Admiral the Hon. Sir Robert Stopford. 2 v. ettes on Pliticvaly nd Rilog nce, v. 4. Moral and Political Dialogues, v. 3-4. 12~. London, 1842. Retirement, v. 3. S., Jr.) EasterT\ Ln SiTo hip ncerity in Commerce of the World, v. 3. HUNTER, (W. S., Jr.) Eastern Townships Theological Works, v. 5-8. Scenery. Canada East. 4". Montreal, 1860. Uses of Foreign Travel, v. 4. Ottawa Scenery, in the vicinity of Ot- HURD, (Rollin C.) Treatise on the Right of tawa City, Canada. 4~. Ottawa City, 1855. Personal Liberty and of the Writ of Habeas Panoramic Guide fiom Niagara Falls Corpus, and the practice connected with it; to Quebec.. 12 Boston, 1857. with a view of the law of extradition of HUNTING GROUNDS of the Old World. By fugitives. 80. Albany, (N. Y.,) 1858. (3 "The Old Shekarry," H.. A.L. 1st series, copies.) 80. London, 1860. HURD, (William.) New Universal History of HUNTINGDON, (Selina Shirley, Countess of.) the Religious Rites, Ceremonies, and CusLife and Times. 2 v. 8~. London, 1844. toms of the Whole World. Folio. London, Lady Huntingdon Portrayed; including 1812. brief sketches of some of her friends and co- HURLBERT, (William Henry.) Gan-Eden; or, laborers. By the author of The Missionary pictures of Cuba. 120. Boston, 1854. Teacher, &c. 120. New-York, 1857. HURLSTONE, (Edwin T.) Practical Treatise HUNTINGTON, (Charles B.) Trial of for For- on the Law of Bonds. With an appendix of gery. Principal defence, insanity. 80. New- forms, declarations, and pleas. 80. London, York, 1857. 1835. HUNTINGTON, (E. B.) Genealogical Memoir - and NORMAN, (J. P.) Reports of Cases of the Huntington Family in this country. argued and determined in the Courts of Ex8~. Stamford, (Conn.,) 1863. chequer and Exchequer Chamber, 1856-62. HUNTINGTON, (J. V.) Alban; or, the history 7 v. 80. London, 1857-62. of a young Puritan. 2 v. 120. New-York, The same. V. 6. With references to 1853. decisions in the American Courts. Henry The Forest. 120. New-York, 1852. Wharton, Editor. 80. Philadelphia, 1863. HUNTING;TON, (Robert.) Raisons qui l'ont and WALMSLEY, (F.) Reports of Cases determin6e remettre sa Commission. 80. argued and determined in the Court of ExParis, 1827. (Coil. des M6moires relatifs a chequer, 1840-41. 80. London, 1841. la Revolution d'Angleterre, v. 5.) HURLY, (James.) Fallibility of the Church of HUNTLEY, (Henry.) Seven Years' Service on Rome, viewed through the medium of the the Slave Coast of Western Africa. 2 v. infallible word of God. 80. London, 1828. 120. London, 1850. (Pol. Pam., v. 72.) 580 HURSTHOUSE. HUTCHINSON. HURSTHOUSE, (Charles.) New Zealand; or, HUSTON, (Charles.) Essay on the History Zealandia, the Britain of the South. 2 v. and Nature of Original Titles to Land in the 12~. London, 1857. Province and State of Pennsylvania. 8~. ~- The same. With a chapter on the na- Philadelphia, 1849. tive war, and our future native policy. 2d ed. HUTCHESON, (Francis, L L. D.) Essay on the 12~. London, 1861. Nature and Conduct of the Passions and HURTADO, (L. de.) Palmerin of England. Affections. 80. London, 1728. Translated by R. Southey, from the Portu- ~ Inquiry into the Original of our Ideas gueseof F. de Moraes. 4 v. 18~. London, of Beauty and Virtue. 80. London, 1753. 1807. - Introduction to Moral Philosophy. 2 v. HURTON, (William.) Voyage from Leith to 160. Glasgow, 1764. (V. 2 wanting.) Lapland; or, pictures of Scandinavia in - Synopsis Metaphysicse, ontologiam et 1850. 2 v. 120. London, 1851. pneumatologiam complectens. Editio altera. HURWITZ, (Hyman.) Grammar of the He- 160. Glasgume, 1744. brew Language. 4th ed. 80. London, - System of Moral Philosophy; with 1850. some account of the life and writings of the Hebrew Tales; selected and translated author. 2 v. 40. London, 1755. from the writings of the ancient Hebrew HUTCHINGS, (J. M.) Scenes of Wonder and sages. 120. New York, 1847. Curiosity in California. Illustrated by 92 HLTSKISSON, (William.) Letter to one of his engravings. 80. San Francisco, 1860. Constituents on the Corn Laws, 1814. 80. HUTCHINS, (Thomas.) Topographical DeLondon, 1826. (Pol. Pam., v. 70.) scription of Virginia, Pennsylvania, MaryQuestion concerning the Depreciation land, and North Carolina. 80. London, of our Currency, stated and examined. 80. 1778. (Misc. Pam., v. 24.) London, 1810. (Financial Pam., v. 14.) HUTCHINSON, (Francis, Bishop.) Historical - The same. 3d ed. 80. London, 1810. Essay concerning Witchcraft. 2d ed. 80. (2 copies.) (Financial Pam., v. 7 and 19.) London, 1720. The same. 5th ed. 8'. London, 1810. HUTCHINSON, (Capt. G.) Narrative of the (Financial Pam., v. 14.) Mutinies in Oude. _120. London, 1859. The same. New ed. 80. London, HUTCIINSON, (Lucy.) Memoirs of the Life 1819. (Pol. Pam., v. 61.) of Colonel Hutchinson, (her husband;) with The same. (Reprint.) 80. London, original anecdotes of many of his contenm1857. (Financial Pam., v. 22.) poraries. Also, the life of Mrs. Hutchinson, ~- Speech in House of Commons on the by herself; the siege of Lathom House, &c. Shipping Interest. 80. London, 1857. (Pol. 5th ed. 120. London, 1846. Pam., v. 71.) M6moires. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1827. - - Speeches. With a biographical memoir. (Coil. des M6moires relatifs a la Revolution 3 v. 80. London, 1831. d'Angleterre, v. 10-11.) Huss, (Johann.) Lettres ecrites durant son HUTCHINSON, (Thomas.) Collection of OrigExil et dans sa Prison; avec une preface de inal Papers relative to the History of the Martin Luther. Traduites du Latin en Fran- Colony of Massachusetts Bay, fiom 1629 to 9ais, suivies d'une notice sur les oeuvres de 1689. 80. Boston, 1769. J. Hus, par E. de Bonnechose. 80. Paris, ~ History of the Colony of Massachusetts 1846. Bay, from the first settlement in 1628 to 1691. HUssEY, (Arthur.) Notes on the Churches in 80. Boston, 1764. the Counties of Kent, Sussex, and Surrey, ~ The same. From 1691 to 1750. 80. mentioned in Domesday Book, and those of Boston, 1767. more recent date. 80. London, 1852. The same. From 1749 to 1774. Edited HUSSEY, (A3rs. Thomas John.) Illustrations by John Hutchinson. 80. London, 1828. of British Mycology, containing figures and Speeches of His Excellency Governor and descriptions of the Funguses of interest Hutchinson, to the General Assembly of and novelty indigenous to Britain. 40. Massachusetts Bay, at a session begun and London, 1849. held on the 6th of January, 1773. With HUSSEY, (Zimri.) Treatise on the Prevention the answers of His Majesty's Council and and Cure of Epidemic Cholera. 80. Cin- the Iouse of Representatives. 120. Boscinnati, 1849. ton, 1773. HUTCHINSON. HYATT. HUTCHINSON, (Thomas.) Strictures upon the HUTTON, (Charles.) Complete Treatise on Declaration of the Congress at Philadelphia. Practical Book-Keeping. Edited by A. InIn aletterto anoblelord. 80. London, 1776. gram. 16G. Edinburgh, 1854. and Lieut. Gov. OLIVER. Letters - Complete Treatise on Practical Arithprinted at Boston, and Remarks thereon; metic and Book-Keeping. Revised by 0. with the Assembly's address, and the pro- Gregory. 19th ed. 160. London, 1842. ceedings of the Lords' Committee of Council; - Course of Mathematics. Continued by with Wedderburn's speech relating to those 0. Gregory. 12th ed., enlarged by T. S. letters; and the report of the Lords' Coin- Davies. 2 v. 8~. London, 1841-43. mittee to his Majesty in Council. 2d ed. The same. Solutions by T. S. Davies. 80. London, 1774. 80. London, 1840. HUTcMINXsoN Papers. 80. Boston, 1823-5. Mathematical Tables. With additions (Mass. Hist. Coll., v. 10, second series; by 0. Gregory. 10th ed. 80. London, v. i, third series.) 1846. HUTCHINSON, (Thomas J.) Impressions of ~ Philosophical and Mathematical DieWestern Africa; with remarks on the dis- tionary. 2 v. 40. London, 1815. eases of the climate, etc. 120. London, Tracts on Mathematical and Philosoph1858. ical Subjects. 3 v. 80. London, 1812. Ten Years' Wanderings among the Treatise on Mensuration. 4th ed. 80. Ethiopians. 80. London, 1861. London, 1812. HUTCHINSON, (William.) Spirit of Masonry. HUTTON, (Henry.) Follies Anatomie. (Percy With notes by George Oliver. 80. New Society Pub., v. 6.) York, 1855. HUTTON, (James.) A Hundred Years Ago; HIUTCHINSON. See HUTCHESON. an Historical Sketch; 1755 to 1756. 120. HUTSON, (Mary.) Diary and Letters. 160. London, 1857. London, 1760. (With "Living Christianity Popular Account of the Thugs and Delineated.") Dacoits, the Hereditary Garotters and GangHUrT, (William.' Wayman.) Solutions of Robbers of India. 120. London, 1857. Goodwin's collection of Problems and Ex- HUTTON, (Richard.) Reports of Cases in the amples. 80. Cambridge, (Eng,) 1849. Court of Common Pleas, from 15 James I. HUTTEN, (Ulrich von.) Opera quae extant to 14 Charles I. Folio. London, 1656. Omnia. Edidit Ernestus J. H. Miinch. HUTTON, (William; Bookseller.) Battle of 5 v. 80. Berlin, 1821. Bosworth Field. 3d ed., with additions, by CONTENTS. J. Nichols. 80. London, 1813. Life, and history of his family, written Arminius: dialogus, v. 4. Aussehreiben wider Herzog Ulrich, v. 2. by himself; with extracts from his other Balla Deceini Leonis contra Errores M. Lutheri works. quare. London, in preltation gloseiene.4works. Square 160. London, 1841. cure prefatione giossisque, v. 4. Carmina Javenilia, v. 1. HUTTON, (William; Agriculturist.) Canada; L)ialogi, v. 3-4. E pigranlmata, v. 1. itS present condition, prospects, and resources. Eplstole ad Oinnes in Germania Principes, v. 3. 180. London 1854. Epistolae ad M. Lutheruin, v. 3-4. Elrmalnung an gellleile Stadt Worms, v. 5. HUTTON, (William; Consul for Ashantee.) lx ortsltoiunto ad M aximilianmn, v. 1. Exposllrtatio clunl rasitiol, v. 4. Voyage to Africa; including a narrative of Exhortatoria in TurcLas, v. 2. an embassy to one of the interior kingdoms, GOesl achlbiielill, v. 5. Guajaci (DC) Medicina, v. 3. in 1820. 80. London, 1821. Huteils Enltsclldigung wider etlicle nnmahrhaf- HUXLEY, (George.) Second Book of Judgtige Ausgeben vonl ihin, v. 5. Invetiva in Concilium. Worm, v. 4. ments in Real, Personal, and Mixt Actions, Klag an Herzog Friederich von Sachsen, v. 5. Klalo ndVerimlahlun gwiderdenGewalt desBapsts, an upon the Statute. With noes, &c., by vI chr l Stad Tetcher Nt G. Townsend. 40. London, 1674. Kla-'schrift an alle Stand Tentscher Nation, v. 5. Litei-tliscli-Biogrtalphische Notizenilbier Huttensche HUXLEY, (Thomas Henry.) Evidence as to O.irenchriften Ai rt e, v..2-3. Man's Place in Nature. 80. London, 1863. Orationes in Uh'ichum WVirtnbergensem, v. 2-3. Pallegyricus it Lautemo Aiberti, v. 1. On our Knowledge of the Causes of Paisqulius Exul, v. 2. i Phalaiis us, v. 2. the Phenomena of Organic Nature. 160. Triumlphus Caponii s, v. 2. Lonon 18 3. Unitate (De) Ecclesie Conservanda, v. 3. Verglcichung der Bapst Satzung gegen der Lchr HYATT, (Thaddeus.) Prayer to James Buhistig t die Feien und Reich t Tent- 5 chanan, President, in behalf of Kansas. 80. orer Nting an ie Freien5. W sington, 18.Ttuther Nation, v. 5. Washington, 1860. 582 HYDE. ILLINOIS. HYDE, (Alvan.) Sermon delivered at Funeral editus. Cuminterpretatione Latina, lectionof Nathan Ball, 1800. 12~. Albany, 1862. ibus variis, indicibus vocum et rerum, HYDE, (James F. C.) Chinese Sugar-Cane; prmmissa commnentatione historica et critica its history, mode of culture, manufacture of de hujus Juris origine et indole ab J. F. G. the sugar, &c. 12~. Boston, 1857. Schlegelconscripta. 2v. 40. Havnim, 1829. HYDE, (John, Jr.) Mormonism; its leaders and - Hin forna Log'b6k Islenddnga sea nefdesigns. 12~. New-York, 1857. (2 copies.) nist Jdrnsida edrlHtkonarb6k. Codex Juris HYDE, (Thomas.) Historia Religionis vete- Islandorum Antiquus, qui nominatur Jamrum Persarum eorumque Magorum. Zoro- sida sen Liber Haconis. Ex manuscripto astris vita, ejusque et aliorum vaticinia de pergameno (quod solum super est) Legati Messiah 6 Persarum aliorumque monumentis Arnme-Magrneani editus. Cum interpretaeruunter. 4~. Oxonii, 1T00. tione Latina, lectionibus variis, indicibus HYMERS, (John.) Elements of the Theory vocum et rerum, prmmisso historica in hujus of Astronomy. 2d ed. 80. Cambridge, Juris originesetfata tentamine aTh. Sveinb(Eng.,) 1840. jornsson conscripto. 40. Havnire, 1847. Treatise on Analytical Geometry of ICELAND. Domestic Scenes in Greenland and three dimensions; containing the theory of Iceland. 2d ed. 24~. London, 1850. curve surfaces, and of curves of double cur- Islenzkir Aunnler; sive annales Isvature. 80. Cambridge, 1830. landici 803-1430. 40. Hafnise, 1847. Treatise on Conic Sections; and the Yacht Voyage to Iceland, in 1853. application of algebra to geometry. 3d ed. 160. London, 1854. 80. Cambridge, 1845. ICELANDIC POETRY; or, the Edda of Samund. Treatise on Differential Equations, and Translated into English verse, by A. S. Coton the Calculus of Finite Differences. 80. tle. 80. Bristol, 1797. Cambridge, 1839. ICONOGRAPHIC ENCYCLOPAEDIA of science, litTreatise on the Integral Calculus. 2d erature, and art. Systematically arranged, ed. 80. Cambridge, 1u35. by J. G. Heck. Translated from the GerTreatise on the Theory of Algebraical man, with additions, and edited by S. F. Equations. 80. Cambridge, 1837. Bairid. 4 v. 8c; and plates, 2 v. oblong 4. Treatise on Trigonometry, and on trig- New-York, 1851. ometricaltables and logarithms. 2ded. 80. IDEES Pieliminaires sur le Privilege Exclusif Cambridge, 1841. de la Compagnie des Indes. 40, Paris, IANISCHI, (Thomlas Friedrich.) Mittheilun- 1787. (Col. Panm., v. 22.) gen des Provinzial Landwirthschaft-Vereins IDLER, The; by Sam. Johnson, T. Warton, fiir den Landdrostei-Bezirk Stade. 80. and others. 160. London, 1823. (British Stade, 1851. Essayists, v. 27.) IBAN:.zde Segovia, (Gaspar.) SeeMONDEJAR. IDOLETTE STANLEY; or, the beauty of disciIBAR, (Francisco.) MuertePolitica de la Re- pline. ByM. M. B. 120, Philadelphia, 1859. publicaMexicana, 6 Cuadro Historico-Critico IGNATIUS Martyr, (Saint.) Epistolae genuine. de los Sucesos Politicos, desde 8.23 hasta (Grmec.) Adduntur Epistolm quales vulg6 1829. 80. Mexico, 1829. circumferuntur. Ad hLec S. Barnabe E.pisIBBERSON, (George.) WoollenManufacturer's tola, (Grece.) Accessit universis translatio and Overlooker's Guide. 160. London, 1853. vetus. Edidit Isaacus Vossius. 2a ed. 40. IBN BATUTA. Travels of Ibn Batuta. Trans- Londini, 1680. lated from the abridged Arabic Ms. copies, Epistola, Martyrium, etc. (Gr. et preserved in the public library of Cambridge; Lat.) (Cotelerius, Patres Apostolici, v. 2.) with notes, by Samuel Lee. 40. Lon- - Epistles to the Ephesians, Frallians, don, 1829. Romans, Philadelphians, Smyrneans, PolyIBRAIEEM, (Meerza Mohammed.) Grammar carp, and Martyrdom. S0. Cambridge, of the Persian Language. S~. London, 1841. (Eng.,) 1833. (Chevallier's Translations.) ICELAND, Law of. Hin forna L6gb6k Islen- IISNE, (W.) Researches into the History of ddnga sem nefnist Grigds. Codex Juris the Roman Constitution, with an appendix Islandorum Antiquissimus, qui nomiinatur upon the Roman Knights. 80. London, 1853. Grdg-s. Ex duobus manuscriptis perga- ILLINOIS in 1837; with a letter on the cultivamenis (qu:e sola supersunt) Bibliothece Re- tion of the prairies, by H. L. Ellsworth. gire et Legati Arnme-Mlagneani, nune primuml 80. Philadelphia, 1837. 583 ILLINOIS. IMPARTIAL. ILLINOIS, Laws of, 1822-23 (third general as- ILLUSTRATED Literature of all Nations, comsembly) to 1824-25; 1830-31; 1834-35 to prisingthe mostinterestingnovels, romances, 1859. 22 v. 80. Vandalia and Springfield, tales, plays, and poems. 4~. London, 1852. 1823-59. (2 copies of 1842-43 and 1844-45; CONTENTS. and 3 copies of 1849.) Bast, A. de. Nell Gwynne. Laws of a Private Nature, passed at Berthet. E. Gold1illne. Cooper, J. F. Lionel Lincoln. the eighth session of the general assembly, Diderot, Denis. Nun; a Recital of the Convent. Dumas, A. Mary, Queen of Scots. 1832-33. 8~. Kaskaskia, 1-33. Duras, Madame de. Ourika, the Negress. Reports made to the Senate and House Ga.tineau, B. Reign of Satan. Gentilhomme, M. Joan of Napies. of Representatives of the State of Illinois, Goethe, J. V. von. Sorrows of Werter. Goldsniith, 0. Vicar of Wakefield. at their session, December 5, 1842. 2 v. Inldbail, Mr. EVi Smofp WSfield. Inchbald, Mrs. E. Simple Story. in 1. 80. Springfield, 1842. Janin, J. Guillotined Woman. - eve Ce of Las of I, e- iMaistre, X. de. Journey Round my Room. ~ Revised Code of Laws of Illinois, en- IMendoza, D. H. de. Lazarillo, the Spanish Rogue. acted by the 5th general assembly, 1826- Mirecourt, E. de. Masauiello. Pellico, Silvio. Prisoner of Austria. 1827.'80. Vandalia, 1827. Pr6vost, Abb6. Malnon Lescaut. Revised Code of Laws of Illinois, con- Sterno, L. Seutim ntal Journey. Sue. E. Marquis of Lttorifre. taining those of a general and permanent Swift, J. Gulliver's Travels. nature passed by the 6th general assembly, ILLUSTRATED London News. V. 1-42. Folio. commencing December, 1828, and those en- London, 1842-63. acted previous thereto. 80. Cincinnati, ILLUSTRATIONS of Northern Antiquities, from 1829. the earlier Teutonic and Scandinavian RoRevised Laws of Illinois, containing mances; an abstract of the Book of Heroes, all laws of a general and public nature and Nibelungen Lay; with metrical tales passed by the eighth general assembly, 1832, from the old German, Danish, Swedish, and 1833; with all laws required to be re-pub- Icelandic languages; with notes and disserlished by the said general assembly. 80. tations; by Henry Weber, R. Jamieson, and Vandalia, 1833. Sir W. Scott. 40. Edinburgh, 1814. - Public and General Statute Laws of ILLUSTRIOUS Personages of the Nineteenth the State of Illinois; containing all the laws Century; with an introduction, by Henry P. published in the "Revised Statutes" of Tappan. 80. New-York, 1853. 1833; with all acts of a public nature to IMBRUE, (Charles K.) Kingdom of God; a July 22, 1837. 80. Chicago, 1839. discourse preached before the synod of New Revised Statutes of Illinois, adopted Jersey, Oct. 17, 1849. 180. New-York, in 1844-45. Revised, with notes, &c., by 1850. M. Brayman. 80. Springfield, 1845. (2 IMISoN, (John.) Elements of Science and copies.) Art. New ed., enlarged, by T. Webster. Compilation of the Statutes of the State 2 v. 80. London, 1822. of Illinois, of a general nature, in force IMITATIONS of Celebrated Authors; or, imagiJanuary 1, 1856. By N. H. Purple. 2 v. nary rejected articles. 4th ed. 120. Lon80. Chicago, 1856. don, 1844. The same. 2ded. 2v. 80. Chicago, IMLAY, (George.) Topographical Description 1857. of the Western Territory of North America. Statutes of Illinois, embracing all the With John Filson's discovery, settlement, general laws of the State in force December 1, and present State of Kentucky. 2 v. 160. 1857; with marginal notes, showing the New-York, 1793. contents of each section, and a reference to IMMERMANN, (Karl.) Miinchausen: eine gesthe decisions of the Supreme Court upon the chichhte in Arabesken. 4 v. in 2. 160. constructions of each statute. By Samuel H. Berlin, 1858. Treat, W. B. Scates, and R. S. Blackwell. IMPARTIAL and Correct History of the War 2 v. 80. Chicago, 1858. between the United States of America and ILLINOIS REPORTS. Reports of Cases in the Great Britain. 3d ed. 120. New-York, Supreme Court of the State of Illinois, 1816. v. 11-28, by E. Peck, 1850-62. 80. Spring- IMPARTIAL Enquiry into Conduct of Governor field, Boston, and Chicago, 1850-63. (2 Lewis and Legislature in relation to Mercopies.) chants' Bank, by Politicus. 80. New-York, See BREESE, SCAMMON, and GILMAN. 1806. IMPARTIAL. INDIA. IMPARTIAL Observations to be considered on INCHBALD, (Elizabeth.) Simple Story. 16~. by the King, his ministers, and the people of London, 1849. (Bentley's Standard Novels, Great Britain. 40. London, 1763. v. 26.) IMPEY, (Elijah Barwell.) Memoirs of Sir The same. (Barbauld's British NovelElijah Impey; with Anecdotes of Warren ists, v. 28 ) Ilastings, Sir Philip Francis, Nathaniel B. INDEPENDENT Chronicle. 5 v. Folio. BosHalhed, &c. Compiled from authentic docu- ton, 1807-1812. (Incomplete.) ments, in refutation of the calumnies of the INDERWICK, (F. A.) Divorce and MatrimoRight Hon. T. B. Macaulay. 80. London, nial Causes Acts, with the rules and orders, 1847. notes and forms. 80. London, 1862. IMPEY, (W. J.) Treatise on the Law and INDEX, The; a weekly journal of politics, litPractice of the Writ of Mandamus. 80. erature, and news; devoted to the exposition London, 1826. of the mutual interests, political and comIMPORTANCE and Advantage of Cape Breton, mercial, of Great Britain and the Confederate truly stated and impartially considered; with States of America. May 1, 1862, to Nov. I, proper maps. 80. London, 1746. 1863. V. 1-3. Folio. London, 1862-63. IMPORTANCE of the Sugar Colonies to Great INDEX in Tragicos Griecos. 2 v. 80. CanBritain stated. 80. London, 1731. (Col. tabrigim, 1830. Pam., v. 20.) INDIA. Correspondence relative to the ProsIMPORTANT Question concerning Invasion, a pects of Christianity in India. 80. Lonsea-war, raising the militia, and paying sub- don, 1825. (Theol. Pam., v. 10.) sidies for foreign troops; fairly and impar- ~ Crisis in India; its causes and proposed tially stated. 80. London, 1755. remedies. By a military officer. 2d ed. 80. IMPOSTORIBUS, De Tribus. (1598.) Texte London, 1857. (E. India Pam., v. 4.) Latin, augmente de variantes de plusieurs India in the Fifteenth Century; being manuscrits, et d'une notice philologique et voyages to India, from Latin, Persian, Rusbibliographique, par Philomneste Junior. sian, and Italian sources. Edited by R. H. 180. Paris, 1861. Mtajor. 80. London, 1857. (Hakluyt SocieIMPRESS, The; considered as the Cause why ty, v. 22.) British Seamen desert to the Service of ~ Inquiry into the Causes of the Stationthe Americans. 80. London, 1810. (Pol. ary Condition of India. By a civil servant Pam., v. 59.) of the East India Company. 80. London, IMP)RESSMENT. Right and Practice of Im- 1830. (E. India Pam., v. 1.) pressment as concerning Great Britain and - Interesting extracts from the Evidence America. 80. London, 1819. (Pamphlet- of the Affairs of the East India Company, eer, v. 14.) illustrative of the Improvements in ManuIMPRESSMENTS (All) Unlawful and Inadmis- facture by Natives of India. 80. London, sible. 80. Philadelphia, (n. d.) (Pol. Pam., 1814. (E. India Pam., v. 1.) v. 78.) Law relating to India and East-India IMRAY, (Keith.) Cyclopmdia of Popular Company, with notes and an appendix. 2d Medicine, intended for domestic use. With ed. 40. London, 1841. numerous illustrations. 80. London, 1842. Letter on the State of the Church in IMRAY'S Coasters' Guide. 80. London, 1852. India. 80. London, 1829. (Theol. Pam., IMRAY'S Tables of the Tonnage of Ships. 80. v. 10 ) London, (n. d.) - Letter to Earl of Buckingham on Open INCHBALD, (Elizabeth.) British Theatre; Trade to India. 80. London, 1813. (E. Incollection of plays acted at the theatres dia Pam., v. 3.) royal, Drury Lane, Covent Garden, and Newly constructed and extended Map Haymarket. 25 v. 160. London, 1808. of India, from the latest surveys. ByWm. Collection of Farces and other after- H. Allen and Co. London, 1836. pieces. 7 v. 160. London, 1815. Observations on the Law and ConstituModern Theatre; a collection of success- tion of India, and the system of revenue and ful modern plays, as acted at the theatres finance of the Moghul government. 80. royal, London. 10 v. 160. Lo ndon, 1811. London, 1825. Nature and Art. 160. London, 1849. - Our North-West Frontier. 80. Lon(Bentley's Standard Novels, v. 26.) don, 1856. (E. India Pam., v. 4.) 585 INDIA. INFORMATION. INDIA. Present Crisis in India. By author of INDIANA. Map ofIndiana. PreparedbyJohn "OurNorth-WestFrontier." 8~. London, Melish; the surveys furnished by Burr 1857. (East India Pam., v. 4.) Bradley. Philadelphia, 1820. Mutiny in the Bengal Army. By author Prospectus of Proposed Loan for War of "Present Crisis in India." 8~. Lon- Purposes. 80. New-York, 1861. don, 1857. (East India Pam., v. 4.) Laws of Indiana, 1816 (first session ---- Mutiny of the Bengal Army. By one of the general assembly) to 1818; 1826-27; who has served under Sir C. Napier. 80. 1829-30; 1832-33 to 1835-36; 1838-39 to London, 1857. (East India Pam., v. 4.) 1855. 33 v. 80. Corydon and Indianapolis, The same. Part II. 80. London, 1858. 1816-55. (2 copies of 1834-35, and 1839-40; East India Pam., v. 5.) 3 copies of 1840-41; 2 copies of 1.844-45; 4 Report of the Meeting at Liverpool, on copies of 1846-47; 2 copies of 1849, 1850, removing the restrictions imposed upon Corn- 1851, and 1855.) merce by Charter of East India Company. Laws of a Local Nature, 1834-35; and 80. London, 1829. (East IndiaPam., v. 3.) 1849. (2 copies.) 3v. 80. Indianapolis, Sketch of the Commercial Resources 1835-49. and Monetary and Mercantile System of Revised Laws of Indiana, comprising all British India, with suggestions for their im- such acts of a general nature as are in force; provement. 80. London, 1837. adopted and enacted by the general assembly View of the Present and Future Pros- at their 15th session. 80. Indianapolis, 1831. pects of Free Trade and Colonization in Revised Statutes of Indiana, adopted India. 2d ed. 80. London, 1829. (East and enacted by the general assembly at their India Pam., v. 3.) 22d session. 80. Indianapolis, 1838. War in India. Despatches of Viscount - Revised Statutes of Indiana. 80. InHardinge, Lord Gough, Sir H. Smith, &c. dianapolis, 1843. 80. London, 1846. Revised Statutes of Indiana, passed at INDIA. See EAST INDIA. 30th session of the general assembly. 2 v. INDIAN Army and Civil Service List for Janu- 80. Indianapolis, 1852. ary, 1862. 120. London, 1862. INDIANA REPORTS. Reports of Cases in the INDIAN (Bengalee) VOCABULARY. To which Supreme Court of Judicature of Indiana, v. is prefixed, the forms of impeachment. 180. 1 and 2, by Horace E. Carter, 1847 to 1850. London, 1788. 80. Indianapolis, 1852-53. (2 copies.) INDIAN HISTORY. Events in; an account of The same. V. 3 to 7, by Albert G. the origin of the American Indians, and biog- Porter, 1851 to 1856. 80. Indianapolis, raphies of the principal chiefs; with narra- 1853-57. (2 copies.) tives and captivities. 80. Lancaster, (Pa.,) - The same. V. 8 to 14, by Gordon Tan1843. ner, 1856 to 1861. 80. Indianapolis, 1857INDIAN TERRITORY. Journal of a Tour in, 1861. (2 copies.) by a Committee of Board of Missions of Pro- ~ The same. V. 15 and 16. By Benjatestant Episcopal Church. 80. New York, min Harrison. 80. Indianapolis, 1861-62. 1844. (2 copies.) INDIANA; Annual Report of the Auditor of INDUSTRIAL Schools; the best means for deState. 80. Indianapolis, 1854. creasing juvenile crime. 160. London, 1853. Indiana Annual Register, for 1846. INEZ; a tale of the Alamo. 120. New-York, 180. Indianapolis, 1846. 1855. Indiana Asylum for Deaf and Dumb; INFANTRY Manual; containing directions for eighth annualreport. 80. Indianapolis, 1851. the drill and instructions of recruits, &c. Indiana Hospital for the Insane; first 160. London, 1847. annual report. 80. Indianapolis, 1849. INFLUENZA, Annals of; or, epidemic catarrhal. Indiana Institute for Education of the fever, in Great Britain, from 1510 to 1837. Blind; first, second, and third annualreports. Edited by T. Thompson. 80. London, 1862. 80. Indianapolis, 1847-49. (Sydenham Society Pub.) Letters of Decius to the Legislature, INFORMATION published by His Majesty's delegate to Congress and Governor of In- Commissioners for Emigration, respecting diana Territory; addressed to J. Madison. the British Colonies in North America. 80. 160, Louisville, (Ky.,) 1805. London, 183I. 74 586 INGELOW. INIQUITY. INGELOW, (Jean.) Poems. 2d ed. 160. Lon- INGLEFIELD, (E. A.) A Summer Search for don, 1863. Sir John Franklin. 8~. London, 1853. INGEMANN, (B. S.) Childhood of King Erik INGLIS, (Henry David.) Ireland in 1834; a Menved. Translated from the Danish. 120. journey. 2d ed. 2v. 12~. London, 1835. London, 1846. (Library Foreign Romance, ~ Personal Narrative of a Journey through v. 7.) Norway, part of Sweden, and Denmark. INGEN-HOUSZ, (Jean.) Experiences etObser- 120. London, 1835. vations sur divers Objets de Physique. 2 v. Spain. 2d ed. 2 v. 120. London, 80. Paris, 1785-89. 1837. Expdriences sur les Veg6taux. V. 2. Switzerland, the South of France, and (V. 1 was published inEnglish, in 1780.) 80. the Pyrenees. 120. London, 1837. Paris, 1789. The Tyrol; with a glance at Bavaria. INGERSOLL, (Charles.) Letter to a Friend in 2 v. 120. London, 1833. a Slave State. 8~. Philadelphia, 1862. INGRAITAM, (Edward D.) Sketch of the Events (Habeas Corpus Pam.) which preceded the Capture of Washington INGERSOLL, (Charles Jared.) Historical Sketch by the British, on the 24th of August, 1814. of the Second War between the United States 80. Philadelphia, 1849. of America and Great Britain, declared by View of the Insolvent Laws of Pennact of Congress, 18th June, 1812, and con- sylvania. 80. Philadelphia, 1827. eluded by peace, 15th February, 1815. 2 v. INGRAHAM, (Joseph Holt.) Life and Adven80. Philadelphia, 1845-49. tures of Percival Mayberry; an autobiog_- The same. 2d series. 2 v. 80. Phila- raphy. 120. Philadelphia, 1854. delphia, 1852. Prince of the House of David; or, Inchiquin the Jesuit's Letters, during three years in the holy city. 120. Newa late residence in the United States of York, 1855. America. 80. New-York, 1810. The Quadroon. 120. New-York, 1852. ----- View of Rights and Wrongs, Power INGRAM, (Alexander.) Concise System of and Policy of the United States. 80. Phila- Mathematics; with additions, by J. Trotter. delphia, 1808. (Pol. Pam., v. 107.) 9th ed. 120. Edinburgh, 1850. View of River Rights. 80. Philadel- Concise System of Mensuration. 160. phia, 1835. Edinburgh, 1822. INGERSOLL, (Edward.) Abridgment of the - and TROTTER, (James.) Elements of Acts of Congress now in force, excepting Algebra. 120. Edinburgh, 1844. those of private and local application, with INGRAM, (James.) Memorials of Oxford. 3v. notes of decisions, giving construction to the 80. Oxford, 1834-37. same, in the Supreme Court of the United INGRAM, (John.) Improved Calculator; showStates. 80. Philadelphia, 1825. (2 copies.) ing the value of any quantity, from one- Digest of the Laws of the United sixteenth, or nail, to 500 yards, at from one States of America, from lMarch 4th, 1789, to shilling to thirty shillings per yard. 80. May 5th, 1820. 80. Philadelphia, 1821. London, 1841. -____ History and Law of the Writ of Ha- INGRAM, (Robert Ackloin.) Necessity of Inbeas Corpus; with an essay on the law of troducing Divinity into the regular Course of grand juries. 80. Philadelphia, 1849. Academical Studies considered, and other INGHIRAMI, (Francesco.) Monumenti Etrus- regulations suggested for the improvement chi o di Etrusco Nome. 7 v. in 10. 40. of the present mode of education at the UniFirenze, 1821-26. versity of Cambridge. 80. Colchester, 1792. INGLEBY, (C. Mansfield.) Complete view of (Theol. Pam., v. 3.) the Shakspeare controversy, concerning the INGULF. History of. 80. London, 1854. authenticity and genuineness of manuscript (Church Historians of Eng., v. 2, Part II.) matter affecting the works and biography of INIQUITY of Banking; or, bank notes proved Shakspeare, published by J. P. Collier. 80. to be an injury to the public, and the real London, 1861. cause of the present exorbitant price of proShakspeare Fabrications; or, the MS. visions. PartI. 4th ed. 80. London, 1800. notes of the Perkins Folio shown to be of re- (Financial Pam., v. 14.) cent origin; with appendix on the authorship- - The same. Part II. 2d ed. 80. Lonof the Ireland forgeries. 16~. London, 1859. don, 1800. (Financial Pam., v. 14.) 587 INMAN. INTERNATIONAL. INMAN, (James.) Formule and Rules for ques de Branciforte, en el ano do 1794. making calculations on Plans of Ships, with Folio. (MS.) an example of their application. 80. Lon- INSTRUCTION abregde sur le systene Md6trique; don, 1849. suivie des rg'les du calcul ddcimal. 8~. ~ — Introduction to Naval Gunnery. 8~. Auch, 1802. Portsea, 1828. INSTRUCTION sur la Maniere de Gouverner les --- Navigation and Nautical Astronomy, Insens6s. 4~. Paris, 1785. (Prison Disc. for the use of British seamen. 8th ed. 8C. Pam., v. 4.) London, 1851. INSTRUCTIONS for the Carbine Exercise, the INNES, (Alexander.) Inquiry into the Origi- Pistol Exercise, and the Lance Exercise. nal of MoralVirtue.. 8. estminster, 1728. 120. London, 1850. INNES, (Cosmo.) Sketches of Early Scotch INSTRUCTIONS and Regulations for Field BatHistory and Social Progress; church or- tery Exercise and Movements, for the Royal ganization; the university; home life. 8~. Regiment of Artillery, Woolwich. 16~. Edinburgh, 18i1. Woolwich, 1831. INNES, (William.) Letter to Members of Par- INSTRUCTIONS and Regulations for the Exerliament for the Abolition of the Slave Trade. cise and Movements of the Royal Horse 8~. London, 1792. (Slavery Pam., v. 3.) Artillery. 12~. Woolwich, 1844. Slave Trade indispensable; answer to INSTRUCTIONS and Regulations for the Service speech of W. Wilberforce, on May 13, 1789. and Management of Heavy Ordnance for 8~. London, 1790. (Slavery Pam., v. 3.) the Royal Regiment of Artillery. 3d ed. INQUIRE Within for Anything you Want to 12~. Woolwich, 1852. Know; or, over 2700 facts worth knowing. INSTRUCTIONS for Recruiting Parties of the 120. New-York, 1857. Scots Fusilier Guards. 160. London, 1851. INQUIRY, or delicate investigation into the INSTRUCTIONS to the American Ministers to conduct of her Royal Highness the Princess the French Republic, their Letters of Creof Wales. Reprinted from an authentic dence, &c. 80. Philadelphia, 1798. copy; superintended through the press by INSTRUCTIVE and Curious Epistles; from the Right. Hon. Spencer Perceval. 120. Catholic clergymen of the Society of Jesus, London, 1813. in China, India, Persia, the Levant, and ITNQUIRY into Causes of the Present State of either America; being selections of the most the Circulating Medium of the United States. interesting of the "Lettres Edifiantes." 80. Philadelphia, 1815. (Misc. Pam.,v. 4.) Trans. by Thos. A. Power. 120. Dublin, INQUIRY into the Connection between the 1839. Present Price of Provisions and the Size of INSTRUCTOR Clericalis. 5th ed., with large Farms. 80. London, 1773. (Pol. Pam., additions. 6 v. 80. London, 1715. v. 26.) INTERESSE der Potentaten und Stinde; oder INQUIRY into the Moral and Religious Char- Onpassionirter Discurs, worinnen der ffiracter of the American Government. 80. nemmsten und Stande der Christenheit New-York, 1838. wares interesse; aus dem Frantz6sichen in INQUIRY into the Plans, Progress, and Policy das Teutsche obergesitzet. 160. (n. p.,) of the American Mining Companies. 80. 1642. London, 1825. INTEREST of the Merchants and Manufacturers INQUIRY into the Present State of the Foreign of Great Britain, in the Present Contest with Relations of the Union. 80. Philadelphia, the Colonies, stated and considered. 80. 1806. (Pol. Pam., v. 78.) London, 1774. INSTITUTE of British Architects. Transac- INTERESTING Account of the Early Voyages, tions. V. 1. Parts 1 and 2. 40. London, by the Portuguese, Spaniards, &c., to Africa, 1836-42. East and West Indies; the discovery of INSTRUCCION para los Tribunales del Reyno numerous islands, with particulars of the conforme al systema politico de la constitu- lives of those eminent navigators; including cion, y decretos de las cortes extraordinarias the life and voyages of Columbus. 40. y ordinarias de la nacion. 80. Madrid, 1820. London, 1790. INSTRUCCION Reservada del Reyno de N. Esp. INTERNATIONAL Exhibition of 1862; the illusque el Exmo. Sr. Virrey, Conde de Revilla- trated catalogue of the industrial department,. gig6do, dio A su sucesor el Exmo. Sr. Mar- British division. 2 v. 80. London, 1862. 588 INTRATIONUM. IRELAND. INTRATIONUM Liber, omnibus legum Anglie to 1845. 3 v. 80. Raleigh, 1839-46. (2 studiosis apprime necessaris. Folio. Lon- copies.) dini, 1546. Reports of Cases at Law in the Supreme INTRIGUES of the Queen of Spain with the Court of North Carolina, 1840 to 1852. 13 v. Prince of the Peace, and others. Written 8C. Raleigh, 1841-52. (2 copies of v. 9 by a Spanish nobleman and patriot. 80. and 13.) London, 1808. Reports of Cases in Equity in the IONIAN ANTIQUITIES. See DILETTANTI. Supreme Court of North Carolina, 1840 to IOWA. Journal of the Senate and House at 1852. 8 v. 80. Releigh, 1841-52. (2 the extra session of the Ninth General As- copies of v. 1.) sembly, September, 1862. 2 v. 80. Des IRELAND. Address of Natives of Ireland to Moines, 1862. American Friends of Freedom on the Alien Laws of the Territory of Iowa, 1838-39, and Sedition Laws. 80. (n. p.,) 1800. (Pol. (first session of the legislative assembly,) to Pam., v. 102.) 1841; 1841 to 1843; 1843-44; and 1844 to Ancient Irish Histories, by Spenser, 1846. 11 v. 8~. Burlington and Iowa Campion, Hanmer, and Marleburrough. 2 City, 1840-47. (2 copies.) v. 80. Dublin, 1809. Local Laws of the Territory of Iowa, Historie of Ireland; collected by three 1842-43. 80. Iowa City, 1843. learned authors: viz., Meredith Hanmer, Acts and Resolutions of the State of Edmund Campion, and Edmund Spenser. Iowa, 1846-47, (first session of the general Folio. Dublin, 1633. assembly,) extra session, 1848, 1848-49, Appeal to Englishmen on the Present 1850-51, 1852, 1854-55, 1856; extra session, State of Ireland. 80. London, 1797. (Pol. 1856, 1858, 1860; extra session, 1861; 1862, Pam., v. 50.) and extra session, 1862. 27 v. 80. Des La Cause de l'Irlande Expliquee. 80. Moines and Iowa City, 1847-63. (2 copies.) Dublin, 1785. (Col. Pam., v. 21.) Code of Iowa, passed at the session of Defence of Opposition with respect to the general assembly of 1850-51. 80. Iowa their Conduct on Irish Affairs. 80. London, City, 1851. (3 copies.) 1785. (Col. Pam., v. 21.) Revision of 1860, containing all Stat- - Evidence taken before Select Commitutes of a general nature of the State of Iowa tees of the Houses of Lords and Commons, which are now in force, as the result of the in 1824-25, to inquire into the State of Irelegislation of the eighth general assembly. land. 80. London, 1825. 80. Des Moines, 1860. (2 copies.) Map of Ireland. By S. Arrowsmith. IOWA REPORTS. Reports of Cases in Law and London, 1832. Equity, determined in the Supreme Court: Natural History of Ireland; in 3 parts; of the State of Iowa. By W. Penn Clarke. by several hands. 40. Dublin, 1726. 1855-59. V. 1-8. 80. New York, Cedar Observations on the People, the Land, Rapids, and Davenport, 1856-60. (2 copies.) and the Law, in 1851. 3d ed. 80. Dub--- The same. V.9-13. By T. T. With- lin, 1852. row. 1859-62. 80. Des Moines, 1860-63. Reply to Treasury Pamphlet on System (2 copies.) of Trade with Ireland. 80. London, 1785. The same. V. 10-12. 80. Des (Pol. Pam., v. 29.) Moines, 1860-62. (2 copies of v. 12.) Saxon in Ireland; or, the rambles of an IOWA Grand Lodge. Proceedings of the most Englishman in search of a settlement in the ancient and right honorable fraternity of Free west of Ireland. 120. London, 1851. and Accepted Masons, at its several grand Collection of all the Statutes now in annual communications from A. L. 5844 to use in the Kingdom of Ireland; with notes. A. L. 5858, inclusive. 2 v. 80. Muscatine, Folio. Dublin, 1678. 1858. - -Statutes at Large passed in the parliaIRBY, (Charles L.) and MANGLES, (J.) Trav- ments held in Ireland, from 1310 to 1799. els in Egypt and Nubia, Syria, and the Holy With an index, by W. Ball. 20 v. Folio. Land, in 1817-18. New ed. 80. London, Dublin, 1786-1804. 1852. - Tales and Stories of Ireland. By CarleIREDELL, (James.) Digest of all the Reported ton, Lover, and Mrs. Hall; with etchings, Cases in the Courts of North Carolina, 1778 by Kirkwood. 180. Halifax, 1854. 589 IRELAND. IRVING. IRELAND. Tourist's Illustrated Hand-Book for IRISH EQUITY REPORTS of Cases in the High Ireland. 3d ed. 120. London, 1854. Court of Chancery, the Rolls Court, and the IRELAND and its Rulers, since 1829. 3 v. Equity Exchequer, 1838 to 1850. 13 v. 80. 120. London, 1834-44. Dublin, 1839-52. IRELAND, PICKERING, and GROVE. Tryals of IRISH LAW REPORTS of Cases in the Courts of William Ireland, Thomas Pickering, and Queen's Bench-Common Pleas, and ExJohn Grove, for conspiracy to murder the chequer Pleas, 1838 to 1850. 13 v. 80. King; who were found guilty of High Trea- Dublin, 1839-52. son, in the Old Bailey, Dec. 17th, 1678. IRISH ORATORY: with its effects on Catholic Folio. London, 1678. Emancipation. By an Irish Protestant. 80. IRELAND, (William Henry.) Confessions; London, 1817. (Pamphleteer, v. 10.) containing the particulars of his fabrication IRON. New Phase in the Iron Manufacture; of the Shakespeare manuscripts. 120. Lon- important inventions and improvements. 40. don, 1805. New-York, 1857. England's Topography; or, new and IRVIN, (Alexander.) De JureRegni diascepsis. complete history of the county of Kent; his- 30z. Lugduni Batavorum. 1627. torical, topographical, critical, and biograph- IRVINE, (Alexander Forbes.) Reports of Cases ical. 4 v. 80. London, 1828-30. before the High Court and Circuit Courts of France for the last Seven Years; or, Justiciary in Scotland, from June, 1852, to the Bourbons. 80. London, 1822. December, 1860. 3 v. 80. Edinburgh, - Miscellaneous Papers and Legal In- 1855-61. struments under the hand and seal of William IRVINE, (William.) Letters on Sicily. 80. Shakespeare; including King Lear, and a London, 1813. fragment of Hamlet, from the original MSS. IRVING, (David.) History of Scotish Poetry. in the possession of Samuel Ireland. 80. Edited byJohnA. Carlyle. 80. Edinburgh, London, 1796. 1861. Stultifera Navis; or, the Modern Ship Introduction to the Study of the Civil of Fools. 160. Bedford Bury, 1807. Law. 4th ed. 80. London, 1837. IRENEUS, (Saint.) Contra HIereses libri v. Lives of the Scotish Poets, with prelimPost Fr. Feuardentii et J. E. Grabe recen- inary dissertations on the Literary History sionem castigati ad MSS. codices et aucti of Scotland and the Early Scotish Drama. novis fragmentis Griecis, studio Renati Mas- 2d ed. 2 v. 80. London, 1810. suet, monachi Benedictini. 2 v. Folio. Memoirs of the Life and Writings Venetiis, 1734. of George Buchanan. 80. Edinburgh, IRIARTE, (Tomas de.) See YRIARTE. 1807. IRISH ACADEMY, Royal. Transactions. V. IRVING, (Edward.) Babylon and Infidelity 1-22. 40. Dublin, 1787-1855. Foredoomed of God; prophecies of Daniel IRISH CHANCERY REPORTS. Reports of Cases and the Apocalypse, which relate to these argued and determined in the High Court latter times, and until the second advent. of Chancery, Court of Appeal in Chancery, 2 v. 120. Glasgow, 1826. Rolls Court, the Landed Estates Court, and Dialogues on Prophecy. 3 v. 80 Court of Bankruptcy and Insolvency, in London, 1828-29. Ireland, 1850-61. 11 v. 80. Dublin, 1852-61. Exposition of the Book of Revelation. IRISH CIRCUIT REPORTS. Reports of Cases 4 v. 120. London, 1831. argued and determined on Six Circuits in For the Oracles of God; four orations. Ireland; taken during the assizes, in the For Judgment to Come: an argument. 2d years 1841-43, by the following gentlemen ed. 80. London, 1823. of the bar; H. Smythe, F. Brady, J. Law- Trial: a cento of criticism. 6th ed. son, R. H. Owen, and others. 80. Dub- 80. London, 1823. (Pol. Pam., v. 67.) lin, 1843. IRVING, (John Treat.) Indian Sketches, taken IRISH COMMON LAW REPORTS. Reports of during an expedition to the Pawnee Tribes. Cases argued and determined in the Courts of 2 v. in l. 120. Philadelphia, 1835. Queen's Bench, Common Pleas, Exchequer, IRVING, (Pierre M.) Life and Letters of WashExchequer Chamber, and Court of Criminal ington Irving. 4 v. 120. New-York, Appeal, 1849 to 1861. 11 v. 80. Dublin, 1862-64. 1852-61. The same. 4v. 120. London, 1862-64. 590 IRVING. ISLAND. IRVING, (Theodore.) Conquest of Florida by IRVING, (Washington.) See SALMAGUNDI. Hernando de Soto. 2 v in 1. 12~. Phila- IRVINGIANA; a Memorial of Washington Irvdelphia, 1835. ing. Small 40. New York, 1860. IRVING, (Thomas.) Remarks upon the Evi- IRWIN, (Eyles.) Series of Adventures in a dence of Thomas Irving on the Slave Trade. voyage up the Red Sea, on the coasts of Ara80. London, 1791. (Slavery Pam., v. 1.) bia and Egpyt, in 1777. 2d ed. 40. LonThe same. (Slavery Pam., v. 6.) don, 1780. The same. (Slavery Pamn., v. 11.) IsAAcs, (Nathaniel.) Travels and Adventures IRVING, (Washington.) Works. New edition. in Eastern Africa; descriptive of the Zoolus; 15 v. 12~. New-York, 1851. with a sketch of Natal. 2 v. 120. London, CONTENTS. 1836. Alhambra, v. 15. ISAACSON, (Henry.) Life and Death of LanceAstoria, v. 8. Bonneville's Adventures, v. 10. lot Andrewes, D. D., Lord Bishop of WinBracebridge Hall, v. 6. cheste. 8. London, 1829. Columbuts, Life of, v. 3-5. Crayon Miscellaniy, v. 9. ISABELLA GRAY. By a lady. 120. PhiladelGoldsmith, Oliver, Life of, v. 11. pia, 1858. Granada, Conquest of, v. 14. Knickerbockers New-York, v. 1. IsBEUS. Orationes, (Grmce5.) 80. Londini, MLahomet and his Successors, v. 12-13. 1 (rore A Sketch-Book, v. 2. 188. (Oratores Attici, v. 4.) Tales of a Traveller, v. 7. - The same. (LatinS.) Oratores Attici, Adventures of Captain Bonneville, U. v. 14.) S. A., in the Rocky Mountains and the Far- The same. (Gr. et Lat.) Ed. C. MiilWest. 120. New-York, 1851. ler. (Didot's Biblioth. Grecque, v. 51.) ~- Astoria; or, anecdotes of an enterprise Speeches in causes concerning the Law beyond the Rocky Mountains. 120. New- of Succession to Property at Athens; with York, 1851. notesby William Jones. 40. London, 1779. Chronicle of the Conquest of Granada. ISAMBERT, (Francois Andre.) Manuel du From the Mss. of Fray Antonio Agapida. Publiciste et de l'Homme d'ltat, contenant 120. New York, 1850. les chartes et lois fondamentes; les trait6s, History of the Life and Voyages of &c., relatifs A la constitution politique et Christopher Columbus. 3 v. 80. New- aux interets generaux des dtats de'l'ancien York, 1828. (V. I wanting.) et du nouveau monde. 4 v. 120. Paris,.-.. The same. Abridged byW. Irving. 1826. 120. New-York, 1829. IscANus,(Josephus.) DeBelloTrojano. 80. ~ —- The same. 180. London, 1831. (Mur- Londini, 1825. (Valpy, Scriptores Latini, ray's Fam. Library, v. 34.) v. 97.) History of New York, from beginning ISHnRWOOD, (B. F.) Engineering Precedents of the world to the end of the Dutch dynas- for Steam Machinery; embracing the perty. By Diedrich Knickerbocker. 80. Lon- formances of steamships, experiments with don, 1820. propelling instruments, condensers, boilers, The same; with Cruikshank's illustra- etc. 2 v. in 1. 80. New-York, 1859. tions. 180. London, 1836. (Murray's Fam. ISIDORUS Hispalensis. Opera. Ex vetustis Library, v. 23.) exemplaribus emendata, correcta atque opusLife of Oliver Goldsmith, with selec- culis appendicis ioco aucta, studio J. Grial. tions from his writings. 2 v. 18~. New- 2 v. Folio. Matriti, 1778. York, 1842. (Harper's Fam. Lib'y,v. 121-2.) ISLA, (Jose Francisco de.) ("F. Lobon de Life of George Washington. 5 v. 80. Salazar.") Obras Escogidas. 80. Madrid, New-York, 1855-59. (2 copies.) 1850. (Biblioteca de Autores Espaiioles, ----— Sketch-Book. 2 v. 180. London, 1838. v.28.) (Murray's Fam. Library, v. 25-6.) -- History of the Famous Preacher, Friar Tales of the Alhambra. 160. London, Gerund de Campazas, otherwise Gerund 1850. (Bentley's Stand. Novels, v. 49.) Zotes. Translated from the Spanish, by T. Voyages and Discoveries of the Corn- Nugent. 2v. 80. London, 1772. panions of Columbus. 180. London, 1831. ISLAND Empire; or, scenes of the first exile of (Murray's Fam. Library, v. 22.) Napoleon I.; with narrative of his residence Wolfert's Roost; and other papers now on the-island of Elba. By author of "Blonfirst collected. 12. 1 New-York, 1856. delle." 2d ed. 80. London, 1855. 591 ISLENZKIR. 51JABLONSKI. ISLENZKTR Ann'ler; sive Annales Islandici, ITALIAN Dictionary. New Pocket Dictionary ab anno Christi 803 ad annum 1430. 4~. of the English and Italian, and Italian and Hafnim, 1847. English languages. 160. Leipsic. (n. d.) ISMEER; or, Smyrna and its British Hospital- ITALIAN Independence; addresses by J. P. in 1855. By a lady. 12~. London, 1856.. Thompson, H. W. Beecher, H. W. Bellows, ISNARD, (M.) Discours A Draguignan. (Iloge and 0. M. Mitchel. 12~. New-York, 1860. de Louis XVI. et de la Monarchie.) 80. ITINERARY, (An) From London to ConstanMarseilles, 1789. (Pol. Pam., v. 12.) tinople in Sixty Days. 1794. 80. London, ISOCRATES. Orationes et Epistolm, (Groece.) 1805. (Phillips' Voyage and Travels, v. 1.) Cum Latina interpretatione H. Wolfii. 120. ITURBIDE, (Agustin.) Mdmoires Atographes, Cantabrigive, 1686. contenant le detail des principaux eveneOpera quse quidem nunc extant omnia, ments de sa vie publique. Traduits de l'An(Grmce.) Varias lectiones, versionem no- glais de M. J. Quinn, par J. T. Parisot. 80. vam, ac notas adjunxit Gulielmus Battie. Paris, 1824. Also, Narrative of the Last 2 v. 80. Londini, 1749. Moments of the Life of Iturbide, by Col. Orationes, (Grmece.) 80. Londini, Charles de Beneski. Translated from the 1828. (Oratores Attici, v. 3.) Spanish. 80. New-York, 1825. The same. (Latind.) (Oratores Attici, Political Life, written by himself. 80. v. 14.) London, 1827. (Pamphleteer, v. 28.) Orationes et Epistole. (Gr. et Lat.) IVERNOTS, (Sir Francis D'.) Effets du B3locus Rec. J. G. Baiter. 80. Paris, 1846. (Di- Continental sur le Coimmerce, les Finances, dot, Biblioth. Grecque, v. 52.) &c., des Isles Britanniques. 80. Londres, Panegyricus. (In Greek.) From the 1810. (Pol Pam., v. 99.) text of Bremi, with English notes, by C. C. IVES, (Levi Silliman.) Trials of a Mind in Felton. 2d ed. 120. Cambridge, 1854. its Progress to Catholicism. 120. Boston, Orations and Epistles. Translated from 1854. the Greek, by Joshua Dinsdale; and revised IVIMEY, (Joseph.) History of the English by the Rev, Mr. Young. 80. London, 1752. Baptists, from the earliest period to the'close Euvres completes. Auxquelles on a of the 17th century. 4 v. 8~. London, joint quelques discours analogues 3 ceux 1811. de cet orateur, tir6s de Platon, de Lysias, de Life of John Bunyan. 3d ed. 16~. Thucydide, de Xenophon, de Demosthdne, Oxford, 1823. d'Antiphon, de Gorgias, d' Antisthene, et ~ John Milton, his Life and Times, Religd'Alcidamas. Traduites en Fran9ois, par ious and Political Opinions. 120. Newl'Abb6 Auger. 3 v. 80. Paris, 1781. York, 1833. ISOGRAPHIE des Homines C6elbres; ou collec- IXTLILXOCIIITL, (Fernando d'Alva.) Cruautds tion de fac-simile de lettres autographes et Horribles des Conquerants du Mexique: de signatures. 3 v. 40. Paris, 1828-30. Memoire. Publi6 par C. M. de Bustamante. ISRAEL in Egypt; or, the Books of Genesis (Mexico, 1829.) 80. Paris, 1838. (Toiand Exodus, illustrated by existing monu- naux, Voyages, Relations, etc., de l'Am6ments. 160. London, 1854. rique, v. 8.) ISTORIA Diplomatica che serve d'introduzione ~ Histoire des Chichimeques, ou des Anall' arte critica in tal materia. 40. Mantoua, ciens Rois de Tezcuco. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1727. 1840. (Ternaux, Voyages, Relations, etc., ITALY. War in Italy. From drawings by de l'Am6rique, v. 12-13.) Carlo Bossi; with descriptive narrative by IzARD, (Ralph.) Correspondence of Mr. Ralph the author of The Times' Letters from the Izard, of South Carolina, from the year 1774 Allied Camp. 40. London, 1860. to 1804; with a short memoir, by Anne Letters from Italy and Vienna. 120. Izard Deas. 120. New-York, 1844. Cambridge, (Eng.,) 1852. JAAFAR, (Abi ebn Tophail.) The Improvement Italia Letteraria edArtistica. Galleria of Human Reason, exhibited in the life of di cento ritratti de' poeti, prosatori, scultori, Hai ebn Yokdhan. Translated from the Araarchitetti e musici pii illustri con cenni sto- bic, by Simon Ockley. 80. London, 1708. rici di G. Zirardini. 80. Parigi, 1850. JABLONSKI, (Paul Ernest.) Institutiones HisITALIAN BRIDE; a play. 120. Savannah, torite Christiante. 3 v. 120. Francofurti (Geo.,) 1856. ad Viadrum, 1754-67. JACHIN. JACKSON. JACHIN and BOAZ; or, an authentic key to the JACKSON, (John.) Treatise on Wood Engravdoor of Free-Masonry. 80. London, 1807. ing, historical and practical. 8~. Lon(Pol. Pam., v. 60.) don, 1839. ~- - The same. 120~ New York, 1857. JACKSON, (John G.) Speech in Congress on JACKSON, (Andrew.) Messages. Witha sketch the Embargo, Feb. 6, 1809. 80. (Pol. of his life. 12~. Concord, (N. H,) 1837. Pam., v. 108.) Proclamation to South Carolina, 1833. JACKSON, (J. R.) Minerals and their Uses. 120. New York, 1860. 160. London, 1849. Addresses on the Presentation of His Observations on Lakes. 40. LonSword to Congress, February 26, 1855. 80. don, 1833. Washington, 1855. On Military Geography; its nature JACKSON, (Basil.) Treatise on Military Sur- object, and importance. 160. London, 1850. veying. 4th ed. 8C. London, 1853. JACKSON, (J. W.) Elementary Treatise on - and SCOTT, (Charles R.) Military Life Optics. 80. New-York, 1848. of Field Marshal the Duke of Wellington. JACKSON, (Potter.) Account of the most cruel 2 v. 80. London, 1840. treatment he received from Captain Livesly JACKSON, (Charles.) Pleadings and Practice and his chief mate. 80. London, 1806. in Real Actions. 80. Boston, 1828. (Slavery Pam., v. 6.) JACKSON, (Charles T.) Final Report on the JACKSON, (Randle.) On the Increase of Crime. Geology and Mineralogy of New Hampshire. 80. London, 1828. (Pamphleteer, v. 29.) With contributions towards the improvement JACKSON, (Robert.) Remarks on the Epiof agriculture and metallurgy. 4~. Concord, demic Yellow Fever on the south coasts of 1844. Spain, since the year 1800. 80. LonFirst Report on the Geology of Maine. don, 1821. 80. Augusta, 1837. Sketch, analytical, of the History and - Second Annual Report on the Geology CureofContagiousFever. 80. London, 1819. of the Public Lands belonging to the two Sketch of the History and Cure of FeStates of Maine and Massachusetts. 80. brile Diseases; more especially in the West Augusta, 1838. Indies among the soldiers of the British -- Manual of Etherization; directions for Army. 2d ed. 2 v. 80. London, 1820. employment of ether, chloroform, and other View of the Formation, Discipline, and anmesthetic agents in surgical operations. Economy of Armies. 3d ed. 80. LonReport on the Geological and Agricul- don, 1845. tural Survey of the State of Rhode-Island, JACKSON, (Tatlow.) Authorities cited antagmade in 1839. 80. Providence, 1840. onistic to Horace Binney's conclusions on 120. Boston, 1861. the writ of Habeas Corpus. 80. PhiladelJACKSON, (Francis.) History of the early phia, 1862. (Habeas Corpus Pam.) Settlement of Newton, (Mass.,) from 1639 to -- Martial Law. What is it? And who 1800. With a genealogical register of its can decide it? 80. Philadelphia, 1862. inhabitants prior to 1800. 120. Boston, (Habeas Corpus Pam.) 1854. JACKSON, (Thomas, D. D.) Works. New ed. JACKSON, (Isaac R.) Life of William Henry 12 v. 80. Oxford, 1854. Harrison. 4th ed. 180. Philadelphia, CONTENTS. 1840. Blasphemous positions of Jesuits, and other Later Romanists, v. 2. JACKSON, (James.) Address at the Funeral of Christ's Sitting at the Right Hand of God; and his John Gorham. 5on Boston, 1829. (Pam. coming to judge the Quick and the Dead, v. 10-11. John Gorham. 80. Boston, 1829. (Pamn. Consecration of the Son of God, v. 8. Addresses, v. 1.) Eternal Truth of the Scriptures and Christian belief, v. 1. -' ~. Eulogy on the Character of John War- How far the Ministry of Men is necessary for plantron. 80. Boston, 1815. (Pan. Addresses, ing true Christian Faith, v. 1-2. I-Iumiliation of the Son of God, v. 7-8. v. 1.) Justifying Faith; or, the Faith by which the Just do live, v. 3. - Memoir of James Jackson, Jr., M. D, iKowledge of Christ Jesus, v. 7. 160. Boston, 1836. Life of Jackson, v. 1. Sermons, Divers, v. 6. JACKSON, (James Grey.) Account of the Em- Treatise containing the Original of Unbelief, Misbepire of Marocco, and the District of Suse and lief, andMispersunsions, concerning the Deity, v. 4. Treatise on Christ's exercising his everlasting PriestTafilelt. Also, an account of Timbucto oo. d, v. 9. 2 ed. 4 London, 1811. Treatise on the Holy Catholic Faith and Church, v. 12. 2d ed. 4~. London, 1.81 1. Treatise on the Divine Essence and Attributes, v. 5. 593 JACKSON. JACOBS. JACKSON, (Thomas, LL. D.) Elements of JACOB, (Giles.) Treatise of Laws; or, a genTheoretical Mechanics. 8~. Edinburgh, eral introduction to the common, civil, and 1827. canon law. 80. London, 1721. JACKSON, (Thomas, of Wesleyan Institute, Sur- JACOB, (John.) Rifle Practice; with plates. rey.) Life of John Goodwin. 80. Lon- 4th ed. 80. London, 1858. don, 1822. Tracts on the Native Army of India, -LifeofRev. Charles Wesley; comprising its Organization, and Discipline. 8~. Lona review of his poetry, and sketches of the don, 1858. (East India Pam., v. 5.) rise and progress of Methodism. 2 v. 80. JACOB, (William.) Historical Inquiry into the London, 1841. Production and Consumption of the Precious JACKSON, (William; Bishop of Oxford.) Rise, Metals. 2 v. 80. London, 1831. Progress, and Present State of the Dispute - Inquiry into Causes of Agricultural between the People of America and the Ad- Distress. 80. London, 1817. (Pamphleteer, ministration. 80. London, 1776. v. 10.) JACKSON, (William.) Scheme Demonstrating - Report on the Trade in Foreign Corn, the Perfection and Harmony of Sounds. A and on the Agriculture of the North of chart, folded 80. London, (n. d.) Europe. 3d ed. 80. London, 1826. JACKSON, (Rev. William.) Remains; with a Travels in the South of Spain, in letters brief sketch of his life and character, by written A. D. 1609 and 1810. 40. London, Wm. M. Jackson. 80. New-York, 1847. 1811. JACKSON. (William A.) Memoir. (Col. 18th JACOB. See JAKOB. Regiment N. Y. Volunteers.) 80. Albany, JACOBI, (G. A.) ~tat Actuel de l'Artillerie de 1862. Campagne en Europe.-Bavaroise, WurtemJACKSON, (Z.) Shakspeare's Genius Justified; berg, Neerlandaise, Fran9oise, Suedoise, et being restorations and illustrations of seven Anglaise. Traduit de l'Allemand. 2 v. 80. hundred passages in Shakspeare's plays. 80. Paris, 1838-49. London, 1819. JACOBI, (J. M.) Histoire Generale de la JACKWAY, (R. R.) Ireland: Past, Present, Corse, depuis les premiers temps jusqu'A nos and Future. 120. Milwaukee, (Wis.,) 1859. jours. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1835. JACOB, (Edward.) Reports of Cases in the JACOBI, (Maximilian.) On the Construction High Court of Chancery, during the time of and Management of Hospitals for the Insane. Lord Chancellor Eldon, 1821 and 1822. 80. Translated by John Kitching. 80. London, London, 1828. (2 copies.) 1841. and WALKER, (J.) Reports of Cases JACOBINS. Extrait des Registres des D61ibein the High Court of Chancery, 1819 to 1821; rations du Club National s6ant aux Jacobins with notes and references to American cases, a Bordeaux. 80. Paris, 1791. (Pol. Pam., by H. W. Warner. 2 v. 80. New-York, v. 7.) 1822-27. (2 copies.) Flower of the Jacobins; biographical JACOB, (Giles.) Accomplished Conveyancer. sketches of the characters at head of affairs 3 v. 80. London, 1714. in France. 3d ed. 80. London, 1793. Common Law Commonplaced. 80. (Misc. Pam., v. 27.) London, 1726. JACOBS, (Friedrich.) Hellas; or, the Home, Law Dictionary. Corrected and en- History, Literature, and Art of the Greeks. larged by Tomlins. 6 v. 80. New-York, Translated from the German, by John Oxen1811. ford. 160. London, 1855. Lex Mercatoria; or, the Merchant's JACOBS, (Thomas J.) Scenes, Incidents, and Companion; containing all the laws and sta- Adventures in the Pacific Ocean, or the tutes relating to merchandize. 2d ed. 80. islands of the Australasian seas, during the London, 1729. cruise of the clipper Margaret Oakley, Poetical Register; or, the lives and under Capt. Benj. Morrell. 120. New characters of the English Poets. 2 v. 120. York, 1844. London, 1719-20. JACOBS, (W. Stephen.) Experiments and - Review of the Statutes, both ancient Observations on Urinary and Intestinal and modern. 80. London, 1713. Calculi. 8~. Philadelphia, 1801. - Statute Law Commonplaced, 2d ed.- Student's Chemical Pocket Companion. 80. London, I730. 180. Philadelphia, 1802. 75 594 JACOBSEN. JAMAICA. JACOBSEN, (Friedrich Johann.) Handbuch plantie illre quas in insulis Martiniem, Jafiber das Practische Seerecht der Englinder maica, Domingo, aliisque, et in vicinse conund Franzosen in hinsicht auf das von ihren tinentis parte, observavit rariores. Adjectis in Kriegszeiten angehaltene neutrale Eigen- iconibus ad autoris archetypa pictis. Folio. thum. 2 v. 12~. Hamburg, 1803-1805. Vindobonse, (about 1780.) Laws of the Sea, with reference to JAEGER, (B.;) and PRESTON, (H. C.) Life maritime commerce, during peace and war. of North American Insects; with illustraTranslated by W.. Frick 80. Baltimore, 1818. tions. 120. New-York, 1859. JACOBUS Nisibenus. Sermones. (Armen. et JAGO, (Richard.) Poems. 80. London,1810. Lat.,) cum notis et dissertatione de ascetis. (Chalmers' Eng. Poets, v. 17.) Quoe omnia nunc priminm in lucem prodeunt. - The same. 160. Chiswick, 1822. cura N. Antonelli. Folio. Koree, 1756. (British Poets, v. 55.) JACOBUS, (Melancthon Williams.) Notes on the JAGOE, (John.) Index to the Reported Cases Gospels, critical and explanatory.-Matthew. not over-ruled or obsolete, and to the Stat120. New-York, 1848. utes. Rules, and Orders relating to the prinJACOTIUS, (D.) De Philosophorum Doctrina. ciples, pleading, and practice of the Courts (Gronovius, Thesaurus Graec. Antiq., v. 10.) of Equity in England and Ireland, and of JACQUEMONT, (Victor.) Letters from India; the equitable jurisdiction of the House of journey in the British dominions of India Lords and Privy Council, from the earliest Thibet, Lahore, and Cashmeer, in 1828-31, time to 1850. V. 1-2. 80. London, 1851. by order of the French government. 2d ed JAHN, (Johann.) Archseologia Biblica; a 2 v. 160. London, 1835. manual of biblical antiquities. Translated, JACQUES, (John.) History of Junius and his with additions, by T. C. Upham. 3d ed. Works; and review of the controversy re- 80. Oxford, 1836. specting his identity. 120. London, 1843. History of the Hebrew Commonwealth. JACQUES et HERINCQ, (MM.) Manuel Gene- Translated from the German, by Calvin E. ral des Plantes, Arbres, et Arbustes; classes Stowe. 8~. Andover, (Mass.,) 1828. selon la mathode de DeCandolle. V. 1-3. JAHR, (G. H. G.) Manual of Homoeopathic 120. Paris, 1847. Medicine. Translated from the 4th ed., and JACQUIN, (Nicholas Josephus.) Collectanea edited, with additions, by P. F. Curie. 2d ad Botanicam, Chemiam, et Historiam Natu- ed. 2 v. 80. London, 1847. ralem spectantia, cum figuris. Cun supple- New Manual, (or Symptomen-Codex.) mento. 5 v. 40. Vindobonae, 1786-96. Translated, with additions, by C. J. Hempel, - Florae Austriacre, sive Plantarum Se- assisted by James M. Quinn. 2 v. 80. lectarum in Austria Archiducatu sponte New-York, 1848. crescentium, icones ad vivum coloratae, et Pocket Dictionary and Concordance of descriptionibus ac synonymis illustrate. 5 Homceopathic Practice. Translated by C. v. in 3. Folio. Vindobonae, 1773-78. J. Hempel. Edited by J. Laurie. 160. ~ —--- Hortus Botanicus Vindobonensis, sive London, 1850. plantarum rariorum qu'e in horto botanico JAKOB, (Ludwig Heinrich von.) StaatsfinanzVindobonensi coluntur, icones coloratae et Wissensehaft. 2v. 80. Halle, 1821. succinctae descriptiones. 3 v. Folio. Vin- JAL, (A.) Glossaire Nautique. Repertoire dobonre, 1770-76. polygotte de termes de marine anciens et -- Miscellanea Austriaca ad Botanicam, modernes. 40. Paris, 1848. Chemiam, et Historiam Naturalem spectan- Memoire sur quelques Documents Getia, cum figuris partim coloratis. 2 v. in 1. nois relatifs aux deux Croisades de Saint 40. Vindobonia, 1778-81. Louis. - 80. Paris, 1842. ~-~~- Observationum Botanicarum, iconibus JAMAICA. Account of Jamaica and its Inhabab auctore delineatis illustratarum, partes itants. By a gentleman long resident in the IV. Folio. Vindobone, 1764-71. West Indies. 80. London, 1808. --- Oxalis; monographia, iconibus illus- Acts of Assembly, passed in the Island of trata. 40. Vindobonae, 1794. Jamaica, 1681 to 1737. Folio. London, 1738..- Selectarum Stirpium Americanarum - Laws of Jamaica, passed by the asHistoria. Folio. Vindobone, 1763. sembly, and confirmed by his majesty in The same. In qua ad Linnxanum council, February 23, 1683. 12~. London, systema determinatme descriptseque sistuntur 1683. 5T5 JAMAICA. JAMES. JAMAICA. New History of Jamaica, from the JAMES, (Alexander.) Reports of Cases in the earliest accounts to the taking of Porto Bello Supreme Court of Nova Scotia, including by Vice-Admiral Vernon. In thirteen letters also the general rules of the court, and refrom a gentleman to his friend. 2d ed. 80. ports of several miscellaneous cases in the London, 1740. superior courts, 1853 to 1855. V. 1. 85. Privileges of the Island of Jamaica Halifax, 1855. Vindicated; with an impartial narrative of JAMES, (Charles.) Collection of the Charges, the case of John Olyphant, member of the Opinions, and Sentences of General Courts House of Representatives. 8~. London, Martial. as published by authority, from the 1765. (Col. Pam., v. 6.) year 1795 to the present time. 8~. London, Extrait d'un brochure Anglaise sur la 1820. Navigation de la Jamaique. Small 40. - Regimental Companion; containing 1739. (MS.) the pay, allowances, and relative duties of JAMBLICHUS. De Mysteriis Eggyptiorum, every officer in the British service. 7th ed. Chaldeorum, Assyriorum; Procli, Porphy- 4 v. 24~. London, 1811-13. rii, Synesii, Pselli, et aliorum opusculis de Universal Military Dictionary, in EngDemonibus, etc. Smallfolio. Venetiis,1497. lish and French. 4th ed. 80. London, - Diama. (Gr. et Lat.) (Didot, Bib- 1816. lioth. Giecque, v. 13.) JAMES, (Edwin.) Account of an Expedition,JAMES I., (King of England.) Workes. Pub- fiom Pittsburgh to the Rocky Mountains, lished by James, Bishop of Winton, and performed in the years 1819-20, by order of Deane of His Majesties Chappell Royall. the Hon. J. C. Calhoun, Secretary of War; Folio. London, 1616. under the command of Major Stephen H. CONTENTS. Long. 2 v. 80; with maps, 40. PhiladelEpistle to the whole Church Militant. phia, 1823. Paraphrase upon the Revelation of St. John. Dnmonologue in form of a Dialogue, divided into JAMES, (George Payne Rainsford.) Brief Histhree books. tory of the United States Boundary Question. BAXIAIKON An&PON; or, his MIajesties instruc- tions to his dearest son Henry, the prince. 8~. London, 1839. Trew Law of Free Monarchies. Educational Institutions of Germany. Counterblaste to Tobacco. Discourse of the Powder-Treason. 120. London, 1835. Apologie for the Oath of Allegiance. Histoy of Charlemange. 2d ed. 80 Premonition to all Christian Monarches, Kings, Free Princes, and States. London, 1847. Fortus Lyes Confuted. Declaration against Vorstius. The same. 180. New York, 1842. Defence of the Right of Kings. (Harper's Fal. Libray, v. 65.) Speeches in Parliament, White Hall, and Starre- H Chamber. History of Chivalry. 180. New-York, The Kings Maiesties Declaration to his 1841. (Harper's Fam. Library, v. 23.) Subjects concerning Lawful Sports to be - History of the Life of Edward the used.' Small 4~. London, 1817.. (Smee- Black Prince, and of various events conton's Tracts, v. 1.) nected therewith, which occurred during the Secret History of the Court of James I. Reign of Edward III., King of England. 2 v. 80. Edinburgh, 1811. 2 v. 80. London, 1836. JAMES, (Duke of York; afterwards James I., - History of the Life of Richard Coeurof England.) Memoires, sur les Evenemens de-Lion, King of England. 4 v. 80. Lonen France, 1652-59. 80. Paris, 1838. (Mi- don, 1842. chaud. Coll. M6m. Hist. France, v. 25.) Life and Times of Louis the Fourteenth. JAMEs II., (King of England.) Memoirs of 4 v. 80. London, 1838. James the Second, collected from various au- Life of Henry the Fourth, King of thentic sources. 2 v. 120. London, 1821. France and Navarre. 3 v. 80. London, Memoires de Jacques II. 4 v. 80. 1847. Paris, 1827. (Coil. des Memoires relatifs I Memoirs of Celebrated Women. 2 v. la Revolution d'Analeterre, v. 22-25.) 120. London, 1837. JAMES VI., (of Scolland.) Correspondence Novels and Romances, viz: with Sir Robert Cecil and others during the Agincourt; aromance. 80. London, 1849. reign of Queen Elizabeth. Edited by J. The same. 160. London, 1853. Bruce. Small 40. London, 1861. - (Camden Agnes Sorel; a novel. 80, New-York, Society Pub., No. 78.) 1853. 5)96 JAMES. JAMES. JAMES, (George Payne Rainsford.) Novels JAMES, (George Payne Rainsford.) Novels and Romances-Continued. and Romances-Continued. Arabella Stuart; a romance fiom English Gowrie; or, the king's plot. 8t. Lonhistory. 160. London, 1853. don, 1848. The same. 3 v. 12~. London, 1844. The same. 160. London, 1853. Arrah Neil; or, times of old. 160. Lon- Heidelberg; aromance. 3v. 120. London, 1853. don, 1846. (V. I wanting.) The same. 3 v. 120. London, 1845. The same. 160. London, 1852. Attila; a romance. 160 London, 1853. Henry Masterton; or, the adventures of a The same. 3 v. 120. London, 1845. young cavalier. 3v. 12~. London, Beauchamp; or, the terror. 160. Lon- 1832. don, 1854. The same. 160. London, 1.853. The same. 3 v. 120. London, 1848. Henry of Guise; or, the states of Blois. Book of the Passions. Illustrated by 3 v. 120. London, 1839. Charles Heath. 80. London, 1839. The same. 160. London, 1854. Brigand; or, Corse de Leon. 160. Lon- Henry Smeaton; a Jacobite story of the don, 1854. reign of George the First. 3 v. 120. Castelneau; or, the ancient iegime. 80. London, 1851. London, 1849. The same. 80. New-York, 1850. The same. 160. London, 1850. Huguenot; a tale of the French ProtestCastle of Ehrenstein; its lords, spiritual ants. 3 v. 120. London, 1839. and temporal; its inhabitants, earthly The same. 160. London, 1853. and unearthly. 160. London, 1854. Jacquerie; or, the lady and the page; an The same. 3 v. 120. London, 1849. historical romance. 3 v. 12. LonCharles Tyrrell; or, the bitter blood. 160. don, 1841. London, 1854. King's Highway. 2 v. 120. New-York, The same. 2 v. 120. London, 1839. 1840. Commissioner, The; or, de lunatico inqui- The same. 3 v. 120. London, 1844. rendo. 80. Dublin, 1843. - The same. 160. London, 1854. Convict; a tale. 160. London, 1854. Last of the Fairies. 160. London, 1847. The same. 3 v. 120. London, 1849. Life and Adventures of John Marston Hall. Dark Scenes of History. 3v. 120. Lon- 3 v. 120. London, 1834. don, 1849. The same. 160. London, 1853. Darnley; or, the field of the cloth of gold, Life of Vicissitudes; a story of revolu80. London, 1846. tionarytimes. 8~. New-York, 1852. The same. 160. London, 1853. Lord Montagu's Page; an historical roThe same. 160. London, 1849. (Bent- mance of the seventeenth century. ley's Stand. Novels, v. 53.) 120. Philadelphia, 1858. De L'Orme. 160. London, 1854. (Bent- Man at Arms; or, Henri de Cerons. 2d ley's Stand. Novels, v. 56.) ed. 3 v. 120. London, 1842. Desultory Man. 3 v. 120. London, The same. 160. London, 1844. (Bent1836. ley's Stand. Novels, v. 93.) Eva St. Clair; and other collected tales. Margaret Graham; a tale, founded on 2 v. 120. London, 1846. facts. 2 v. 120. London, 1848. False Heir. 3 v. 120. London, 1843. Mary of Burgundy; or, the revolt of Ghent. Fate, The; a tale of stirring times. 80. 160. London, 1854. New-York, 1851. Morley Ernstein; or, the tenants of the Forest Days; a romance of old times. 3 v. heart. 2d ed. 3 v. 12i. London, 120. London, 1843. 1843. Forgery; or, best intentions. 3 v. 120. The same. 160. London, 1853. London, 1849. Old Dominion; or, the Southampton masThe same. 160. London, 1854. sacre. 80. New-York, 1856. Gentleman of the Old School. 3 v. 120. Old Oak Chest; a tale of domestic life. 3 v. London, 1839. 120. London, 1850. The same. 160. London, 1853. One in a Thousand; or, the days of Henri Gipsy; a tale. 160. London, 1854. Quatre. 80. London, 1845. 597 JAMES. JAMESON. JAMES, (George Payne Rainsford.) Novels JAMrS, (John.) History and Topography of and Romances-Continued. Bradford; with topographical notices of its Pequinillo; atale. 80. New-York, 1852. parish. 8~. London, 1851. Philip Augustus; or, the brothers in arms. JAMES, (,John Angell.) Anxious Inquirer after 3 v. 12~. London, 1831. Salvation. 160. New-York. (n. d.) The same. 160. London, 1854. JAMES, (John Thomas.) Journal of a Tour in The same. 160. London, 1850. (Bent- Germany, Sweden, Russia, and Poland, durley's Stand. Novels, v. 59.) ing 1813-14.:2ded. 2v. 80. London, 1817. Richelieu; a tale of France. 160. Lon- JAMES, (Thomas.) Dangerous Voyage in his don, 18:39. intended Discovery of a North-West Passage Robber; a tale. 3v. 120. London, 1833. into the South Sea, 1631-1632. 2d ed. 80. Rose D'Albret; or, troublous tiles; a ro- London, 1740. (Bound with SMIT-T, (Wm.,) mance. 3 v. 120. London, 1844. I Natural History of Nevis.) Russell; a tale of the reign of Charles II. The same. (Churchill's Voyages and 3 v. 120. London, 1849. Travels, v. 2.) The same. 160. London, 1854. JAMES, (William.) Full and correct Account Sir Theodore Broughton; or, Laurel Water. of the Military Occurrences of the late War 3 v. 120. London, 1848. between Great Britain and the United States The same. 160. London, 1853. of America. 2 v. 80. London, 1818. Step-Mother. 160. London, 1855. ~ Full and correct Account of the Naval Ticonderoga; or, the Black Eagle. 8~. Occurrences of the late War between Great New-York, 1854. Britain and the United States of America. Whim and its Consequences. 3 v. 120. 80. London, 1817. London, 1850. Naval History of Great Britain, from The same. 160. London, 1853. 1793 to the accession of George IV. 2d ed. Woodman; a romance of the times of 6 v. 80. London, 1847. Richard III. 2d ed. 3 v. 120. JAMES'S River Guide; Containing descriptions London, 1849. of all the cities, towns, and objects of interest and CRowE, (E. E.) Lives of Emi- on the navigable waters of the Mississippi nent Foreign Statesmen. 5 v. 16C. Lou- valley. 80. Cincinnati, 1856. don, 1833-38. (Lardner's Cabinet Cyclo- JAMES'S Traveller's Companion; a guide pedia, v. 63-67.) through the west and south, to the Gulf of JAMES, (Henry.) Lectures and Miscellanies. Mexico and the Pacific. 180. Cincinnati, 12c. New York, 1852. 1853. Moralism and Christianity; or, man's ex- JAMES River Company, (Va.) Statement of. perience and destiny. 120. New York, 1850. 80~ Richmond, 1805. Nature of Evil; considered in a letter JAMESON, (Anna.) Characteristics of Women, to Edward Beecher, D. D., author of "The moral, poetical, and historical; with fifty vigConflict of Ages." 120. New York, 1855. nette etchings. 2 v. 120. London, 1832. Substance and Shadow; or, morality Companion to the most celebrated and religion in their relation to life; an essay Private Galleries of Art in London. 120. upon the physics of creation. 120. Bos- London, 1844. ton, 1863. Diary of an Ennuy6e. 120. London, What Constitutes the State? a lecture. 1826. 80. New York, 1846. Handbook to the Public Galleries of Art JAMES, (Hugo.) Volunteer's Scramble through in and near London. 120. London, 1845. Scinde, the Punjab, Hindostan, and the | Legends of the Monastic Orders, as Himalayah Miountains. 2 v. 120. Lon- represented in the fine arts. Forming the don, 1854. second series of Sacred and Legendary Art. JAMES, (James Henry.) On the Right and 80. London, 1850. Cost of Redeeming Property Mortgaged to Legends of the Madonna, as reprebenefit Building Societies and Freehold Land sented in the fine arts. Forming the third Societies. 120. London, 1654. series of Sacred and Legendary Art. 80. Treatise on Life and Fire Assurance; London, 1852. Annuities, and Reversionary Payments. 80. Loves of the Poets. See JAMESON, London, 1851. Romance of Biography. 598 JAMESON. JANNEY. JAMESON, (Anna.) Memoirs of the Beauties JAMIESON, (Alexander.) Dictionary of Meof Charles the Second, with their portraits, chanical Science, Arts, Manufactures, and after Sir Peter Lely and other eminent paint- Miscellaneous Knowledge. 2 v. 40. Loners. 80. London, 1852. don, 1827. Memoirs of Celebrated Female Sover- Elements of Algebra; with key. 2 v. eigns. 2 v. 120. London, 1831. in 1. 80. London, 1830-36. - The same. 2 v. 180. New York, Mechanics of Fluids. 80. London, 1842. (Harper's Family Library, v. 38-39.) 1837. Romance of Biography; or, memoirs Mechanics for Practical Men. 4th ed. of women loved and celebrated by poets. 80. London, 1845. 3d edition. 2 v. 120. London, 1837. Universal Science; or, the cabinet of Sacred and Legendary Art. 2d ed. nature and art. 2 v. 240. London, 1821. 80. London, 1850. JAMIESON, (John.) The Bruce; and Wallace. Sisters of Charity, Catholic and Protest- Published from two ancient MSS. in the ant,abroadandathome. 160. London, 1855. library of the Faculty of Advocates; with Sketches in Canada, and Rambles notes and glossary. 3 v. 40. Edinburgh, among the Red Men. 180. London, 1852. 1820. Social Life in Germany, illustrated in Etymological Dictionary of the Scotthe acted dramas of her Royal Highness tish Language. 2d ed. revised, by John the Princess Amelia of Saxony. Translated Johnstone. 2v. 40. Edinburgh, 1840-41. from the German, with notes. 2 v. 120. Supplement to the Etymological DicLondon, 1840. tionary of the Scottish Language. 2v. 40. Visits and Sketches, at home and Edinburgh, 1825. abroad. 3d ed. 2 v. 120. London, 1839. Hermes Scythicus; or, the radical afJAMESON, (Horatio Gates.) Treatise on Epi- finities of the Greek and Latin languages to demic Cholera. 80. Philadelphia, 1855. the Gothic; illustrated from the MoesoJAMESON, (Robert.) System of Mineralogy, Gothic, Anglo-Saxon, Francic, Alemannic, in which minerals are arranged according to Suio-Gothic, Islandic, etc.; with dissertation the natural history method. 3 v. 8~. Ed- on the historical proofs of the Scythian inburgh, 1k20. origin of the Greeks. 80. Edinburgh, Mineralogy according to the Natural 1814. History System. 120. Edinburgh, 1837. Historical Account of the Ancient Cul~~- Treatise on the External, Chemical, dees of Ionia. 40. Edinburgh, 1811. and Physical Characters of Minerals. 80. Vindication of the Doctrine of ScripEdinburgh, 1817. ture, and of the Primitive Faith. 2 v. 80. - WILsON, (James;) and MURRAY, Edinburgh, 1794. (Hugh.) Narrative of Discovery and Ad- JAMIESON, (Robert.) Cyclopmedia of Reliventure in Africa, from the earliest ages. gious Biography. 120. London, 1853. 160. Edinburgh, 1830. Popular Ballads and Songs, from traThe same. 180. New York, 1840. ditions, MSS., and scarce editions. 2 v. (Harpers' Fain. Library, v. 17.) 80. Edinburgh, 1806. JAMESON, (Robert F.) Notices of the Reform- JANCIGNY, (A. D. B. de.) Japon, Indo-Chine, ation in the South-West Provinces of France. Siam, Annam, Ceylan, etc. 80. Paris, 1850. 120. London, 1839. (L'Univers, v. 4.) JAMESON, (R. S.) Dictionary of the English et RAYMOND, (X.) Inde. 80. Paris, Language, by Johnson and Walker; with 1845. (L'Univers, v. 7.) the pronunciation greatly simplified, and the JANIN, (Jules.) LEte a Paris. 80. Paris, addition of several thousand words. 7th 1843. ed. 80. London, 1850. Guillotined Woman. 40. (Illustrated JAMESON, (Thomas) Essays on the Changes Literature of all Nations.) of the Human Body at its Different Ages. Sketches of Genoa, Pisa, and Florence; 80. London, 1811. with description of the Cathedral of Milan. JAMESTOWN, (Va.) Report of the Jubilee at From the French, by M. H. Robinson. 160. Jamestown, in commemoration of the second Philadelphia, 1854. Centesimal Anniversary of the Settlement of JANNEY, (Samuel M.) Life of George Fox. Virginia, &c. 80. Petersburg, (Va.,) 1807. 80. Philadelphia, 1853. 599 JANNEY. JARVES. JANNEY, (Samuel M.) Life of William Penn. 25. Hamilton R Amphibious Carnivora. 26. -- Whales, &c. With selections from his correspondence and 27. Jardine, Sir W Monkeys. autobiography. 82. Philadelphia, 1852. 2. Duncan, J. Introduction to Entomology. 29. British Butterflies. JANSON, (Charles W.) Stranger in America; 30. British Moths, Sphinxes,&c. -, J. -i.i. q 31. ~ Foreign Butterflies. observations during a long residence in the 32. Exotic Moths. United States. 40. London, 1807. 33. Beetles. 34. Dunbar, -. Bees. JANSSON, (Juan) Nuevo Atlas; o, Teatro de 35. Bushman, J. S. Fishes; their structure and todo el Mundo. 4 v. Folio. Amsterdam, British Fishes. 36-37. Hamilton R British Fishes. 1653. 38. Jardine, Sir W. Fishes of the Perch Family. 39-40. Schomburgh, R. H. Fishes of British Guiana. JANVRIN, (Mary W.) Peace; or, the stolen will. 120. Boston, 1800. and SELBY, (Prideaux John.) IllusJAPAN; Manners and Customs of the Japanese, trations of Ornithology. 3 v. 40. Edinin the 19th Century. From recent Dutch burgh, 1829-40. travels, especially Von Siebold. 120. Lon- JARMAN, (Henry.) Forms of Bills of Costs in don, 1852. Chancery, on the higher and lower scales, The same. 180. New York, 1841. framed with special regard to the general (Harper's Fam. Library, v. 132.) order of court of 30th Jan'y, 1857. 80. LonJAQUEMET, (F. H.) Compendium of Chro- don, 1857. nology; from the creation to 1854. Edited New Practice of the High Court of by John Alcorn. 120. London, 1855. Chancery relative to the conduct of suits by JAQUES, (George.) Practical Treatise on the bill, claim, or original summons, and to Management of Fruit Trees. 160. Worces- proceedings in the Judges' Chambers and ter, (Mass.,) 1849. Masters' Offices. 2d ed. 120. London, JARDIN DES PLANTES. Description complete, 1854. (2 copies.) Historique et Pittoresque du Museum d'His- JARMAN, (Thomas.) Treatise on Wills. 1st toire Naturelle, de la Mdnagerie, des Serres, Am. ed., with notes and references to Amerides Galeries de Mineralogie et d'Anatomie, can decisions, by J. C. Perkins. 2 v. 80. et de la Vallee Suisse, par MM. Bernard, Boston, 1845. Couailhac, Lemaout, &c. 2 v. 80. Paris, The same. 2d Am. ed. 2 v. 80. Bos1842-43. ton, 1849. JARDINE, (David.) Criminal Trials. 2v. 160. The same. 3d Am. ed., with large London, 1832-35. additions, notes, and references to American The same. 2 v. 160. London, 1847. decisions, by J. C. Perkins. 2 v. 80. Bos(Library of Entertaining Knowledge, v. 20- ton, 1855. 21.) -— The same. 3d ed. By E. P. Wolsten-- Narrative of the Gunpowder Plot. 120. holme and S. Vincent. 2 v. 80. London, London, 1857. 1861. — Reading on the Use of Torture in the JARRHETTI, (F.) L'Orateur Franc-Maon. Criminal Law of England previously to the 160. Berlin, 1766. Commonwealth. 80. London, 1837. JARRIN, (W. A.) Italian Confectioner; or, JARDINE, (George.) Outlines of Philosophical complete economy of desserts. 120. London, Education. 2d ed. 120. Glasgow, 1825. 1844. JARDINE, (Sir William.) Naturalist's Library. JARROLD, (Thomas.) Dissertations on Man, 40 v. 160. Edinburgh, 1833-43. philosophical, physiological, and political; CONTENTS. in answer to Malthus on Population. 80. V. 1-4. Jardine, Sir V. British Birds. 5. - Stu Birds. London, 1806. 6-7. - THumming Bird^s. JAIRVES, (James Jackson.) Art-Hints; archi8. - Game Birds. 9. Selby, P. J. Pigeons. tecture, sculpture, and painting. 120. New 10. - Parrots. o 11-12. Swainson, W. Birds of Western Africa. York, 1855. a13. - Fly Catchers. ^ Art-Studies: the "Old Masters" of 14. Jardine, Sir W. Gallinaceous Birds. 15. Smith, C. IH. Introduction to Mammalia. Italy; painting. 80. New York, 1861. 16. Jardine, Sir W. Lions, Tigers, &c. History of the Hawaiian or Sandwich 17. Ml/acgillivray, W. British Quadrupeds. 18-19. Smith, C. H. Dogs. Islands, their antiquities, mythology, dis20. -- Horses, Asses, &c. 21. Jardine, Sir W. Deer, Antelopes, &c. covery in the 16th century, re-discovery by 22. Goats, Sheep, Oxen, &c. Cook, with their civil, religious, and political 23. - Thick Skinned Quadrupeds. 24, Waterhouse, G. R. Marsupialia. history. 8. Boston, 1843. 600 JARVES. JEANS. JARYES, (James Jackson.) Italian Sights and JAY, (John; grandson of the preceding.) AdPapal Principles, seen through American dress on the New York Election and State of Spectacles. 120. New York, 1856. the Country. 80. New York, 1862. Kiana; a tradition of Hawaii. 12~. Statistical View of American AgriculBoston, 1857. ture. 8~. New York, 1859. Parisian Sights and French Principles, JAY, (John C.) Catalogue of Shells, arranged seen through American Spectacles. Ist and according to the Lamarckiansystem. 4th ed. 2d series. 2 v. 120. New York, 1852-55. 40. New York, 1850. Scenes and Scenery in the Sandwich JAY, (Rev. William.) Standard Works. 3 v. Islands, and trip through Central America, 80. Baltimore, 1835. during the years 1837-42. 120. Boston, CONTENTS. 1844. Christian Contemplated, in a course of Lectures, v. 2. JARVIS, (Edward.) Distribution of Lunatic Clar, John. Memoirs, v. 3. M, orning and Evening Exercises, v. 1. Hospital Reports. 80. (n. p.) 1857. Prayers, Family, v. 2. Sermons and Miscellanies, v. 3. Practical Physiology; or, anatomy and Short Discourses to be read in Families, v. 2. physiology applied to health. 120. Phila- Winter, C. Memoirs, v. 3. delphia, 1852. Autobiography; with reminiscences of JARVIS, (Russell.) Biographical Notice of distinguished contemporaries, correspondCorn. Jesse D. Elliott; review of the contro- ence, &c. Edited by G. Redford and J. A. versy between him and Commodore Perry, James. 2d ed. 80. London, 1855. etc. 120. Philadelphia, 1835. JAY, (William; Judge. Westchester Co., N..) The same. (Misc. Pam, v. 40.) Life of John Jay. With selections from JARVIS, (Samuel Farmer.) Chronological In- his correspondence and miscellaneous papers. troduction to the History of the Church. 80. 2v. 80. New-York, 1833. New-York, 1845. M iscellaneous Writings on Slavery. ~' — Discourse on the Religion of the Indian 120. Boston, 1853. Tribes of North America. 80. New York, ~ Review of the Causes and Consequences 1821. (New York Hist. Coll., V. 3, first of the Mexican War. 2d ed. 120. Boston, series.) 1849. JARVIS, (William C.) TheRepublican; essays JEAFFRESON, (J. Cordy.) Book about Doeon the principles and policy of free States. tors. 2 v. 120. London, 1860. 120. Pittsfield, (Ms.,) 1820. - Novels and Novelists, from Elizabeth to JASHER, Book of; referred to in Joshua and Victoria. 2 v. 120. London, 1858. Second Samuel. Translated fiom the orig- JEAN DE TROYES. Memoires, ou Chroniques inal Hebrew into English. 80. New York, de Louis II., 1460-1483. 8~. Paris, 1786. 1840. (Coll. des Mem. relatifs A l'Hist. de France, JAUBERT, (Amedee.) le6ments de ]a Gram- v. 13.) maire Turke. 2e ed. 80. Paris, 1833. ~ The same. 80. Paris, 1837. (Michaud, JAUFRY, the Knight, and the Fair Brunis- Coll. MIm. Hist. France. v. 4.) sende; a tale of the times of King Arthur. -- The same. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1820. (PetiTranslated from the French version of Mary- tot, Coll. M6m. Hist. France, ser. 1, v. 13-14.) Lafon, by A. Elwes. 80. New-York, 1857. JEAN. See JOHN. JAUMAR Y CARRERA, (Joaquin.) Prictica JEANNE D'ARC. See JOAN OF ARC. Forense, arreglada a las leyes y decretos JEANNIN, (Pierre.) Negotiations de M. le vigentes y al estilo de los tribunales Espa- President Jeannin. 4 v. in. 2 160. Amsternoles de ambos emisferios. 2 parts in 2 v. dam, 1695. 80. Barcelona, 1840. Ndgociations du Pr6sident Jeannin, et ses JAY, (Antoine.) Histoire du Minist6re du Ml6anges Diplomatiques. 80. Paris, 1837. Cardinal de Richelieu. 2 v. 80. Paris, (Michaud, Coll. M1m. Hist. France, v. 16.) 1816. - The same. 6v. 80. Paris, 1821. (PeJAY, (John; Chief Justice United States.) Let- titot, Coil. M6m. His. France, ser. 2, v. 11-16.) ters; being the whole correspondence with JEANS, (George.) Practical Astronomy for Lewis Littlepage; a young man whom Mr. the unlearned. 120. London, 1841. Jay, when in Spain, patronized, and took JEANS, (H. W.) Plane and Spherical Trigointo his family. 4^. New York, 1 86. nometry, in 2 parts. 2d ed. 166. London, (Misc. Pam,, v, 2'.) 1848. 601 JEANS. JEFFERSON. JEANS, (H. W.) Rules and Examples in Nav- Indian Addresses, v. 8. igation. 160 Lo,1849. Manual of Parliamentary Practice, v. 9. igation. 160. London, 1849. Miscellaneous Papers, v. 9. JEBB, (John; D. D., Bishop of Limerick.) Replies to Public Addresse, v.. Virginia, Notes on, v. 8. Piety without Asceticism, or the Protestant V irginia, N otes on, v. 8. Xe. Fo thIrtnsoAppendix to Notes on Virginia, relation Kempis. From the writings of Scougal, to murder of Logan's Family. 80. PhilaCharles How, and Cudworth. 120. New-. (Po. Pam., v. 00.) delphia, 1800. (Pol. Pam., v. 100.) York. (n. d.) -~ Manual of Parliamentary Practice; for Th irty Years'Correspondence, between M P limeutryratie fo - Thirty Years' (Correspondence, between the use of the Senate of the United States. John Jebb and Alexander Knox. Edited by 2d ed., with the last additions of the author. Charles Forster. 2 v 8~. London, 1836. 240. Washington, 1812. JEBB, (Joshua.) Modern Prisons; their con- The same. With the rules of the Senstructionandventilation. 40. London, 1844. ate, ad of the House of Representatives; Practical Treatise on Strengthening and the constitution of the United States. and Defending Outposts, Villages, Houses, 16. Washington, 182. (3 copies.) Bridges. 3d ed. Practical Treatise on the - Memoir. Correspondence, and MiscellaAttack of Military Posts, Villages, Intrench- nies. Edited by T. J. Randolph. 4 v. 80. ments &c. 2d ed. Practical Treatise on Charlottesville, 18 the Duties required to be Performed by Offi- The sanme 4 v. 8C London, 829. cers and Soldiers of the Army at a Siege. The same. 4 v. 80. Boston, 1830. 8~. London, 1848-49. (3 copies.) JEBB, (Robert.) General Principles of Law. Message from the President at the com40, London, 1845. (Ency. Metropolitana,,mnencement of second session of tenth Conv. 2.) gress. 80. Washington, 1808. (Misc. and SEMMES, (Arthur R.) Reports of Pam., v. 4.) Cases argued and determined in the Courts Notes on the State of Virginia; with a of Queen's Bench and Exchequer Chamber, map of Viginia, aryland, elaware, and in Ireland, from Hilary Term, 1 Victoria, to Pennsylvania. 80. London, 1787. Trinity Term, 4 Victoria, (1838-41.) 2 v. The same. First hot-pressed ed. 80. 80. Dublin, 1840-42. Philadelphia, 1801. ~- and BO[JRKEE, (Richard.) Reports of ~ The same. 9th Am. ed. 180. Boston, Cases argued and determined in the Court of 1802. Queen's Bench, in Ireland, from Michaelmas The same. New ed., prepared by the Term to Trinity Term. 5Victoria, (1841-42.) author, containing notes never before pub80. Dublin, 1843. lisbed. 8~. Richmond, 1853. JEBB, (Samuel.) Life of Robert, Earl of Lei- Observations sur la Virginie. Traucester, the Favourite of Queen Elizabeth. itesdelAnglois. Parl'AbbMorellet. 160. Drawn from original writers and records. Paris, 1786. 80. London, 1727. - Reports of Cases in the General Court JEFFERDS, (Charles M.) Trial for Murder at of Virginia, 1730 to 1740; and 1768 to 1772. New-York, Dec., 1861. Charles E. Wilbour, 80. Charlottesville, 1829. (2 copies.) reporter. 80. New-York, 1862. Speech at his Instalment, March 4, JEFFERS, (William N.) Concise Treatise on JEFFE (William N.18 Concise Treatise on 01; with his farewell address to the Senate. the Theory and Practice of Naval Gunnery. 1. Philadelphia,1801. (Pol.Pam.,v. 101.) 80. New-York, 1850. The same, in German, French, and ItalJEFFERSON, (Thomas.) Writings; being his ian. (Po. Pam., v. 101.) autobiography, correspondence, reports, mes- The same, in English, French, Italian sages, addresses, and other writings, official and Geman. 8 (n.p.) 801. (Pol. and private. Published from the original Pam., v. 102.) MSS. deposited in the Department of State. Summary View of the Rights of British With notes, &c., by the editor, H. A. Wash- merica with MS. notes by the author. ington. 9 v. 80. Washington, 1853-54. 80. Williamsburg, (Va.,) 1774. (Col. Pam., (6 copies.) v. 12.) CONTENTS. -- Proposals of Oliver Fairplay for pub. Autobiography, v. 1. Anas, The, v. 9. lishing the private and public Life of the Biographical Sketches, v. 8, First Consul. Folded 80. Philadelphia, Corredspondence, v. 1-..Inaugural Addrrgt-s and MElagBes, v. 8. 1804. (Po, Pam., v. 104.) 78 602 JEFFERSON. JENNINGS. JEFFERSON, (Thomas.) Defence of Jefferson's Texas, difficulties with Mexico, etc. 120. Administration, by Curtius. 8~. Washing- Auburn, (N. Y.,) 1851. ton, 1804. (Pol. Pam., v. 104.) Life of Silas Wright. 120. Auburn, Letter to Gabriel Jones, July 20, 1803, (N. Y.,) 1847. in his attempt to impeach the honesty of - Lives of Patriots and Heroes distinJefferson; by Veritas. Folded 8~. (Pol. guished in the battles for American FreePam., v. 104.) dom. 160. Auburn, (N. Y.,) 1847. Test of the Religious Principles of. Lives of the Governors of the State of Extracted from his writings. 80. Easton; New-York. 80. Auburn, (N. Y.,) 1851. (Pa.,) 1800. (Pol. Pai., v. 102.) New Clerk's Assistant; or, book of Discorsi (Messaggio) del Sig. Tom- practical forms. 2d ed, 120. Auburn, (N. maso Jefferson Presidente, fatti tradurre Y.,) 1847. dall' Sig. Giacomo Leandro Cathcart. 160. The same. 24th thousand. 80. AuLivorno, 1804. (Pol. Pam., v. 104.) burn, (N. Y.,) 1855. JEFF ERYS, (Thomas.) Description of the - Recent Exploring Expeditions to the Spanish Islands and Settlements on the Pacific and the South Seas, under the AmerCoast of the West Indies. 40. London, ican, English, and French Governments. 1762. 120. London, 1853. Nattural and Civil History of the JENKINS, (Warren.) Ohio Gazetteer, and TravFrench Dominions in North and South eller's Guide. 120. Columbus, (O.,) 1837. America. 2 parts in I v. Folio. London, JENKINSON, (Anthony.) Voyages into Russia 1761. and Persia, 1557-71. (Hakluyt's Voyages, West India Atlas; with historical v. 1.) account of the Islands. Folio. London, - Voyages and Travels to Bucharia, 1557. 1783. (Pinkerton's Voyages, v. 9.) JEFFREY, (Francis.) Contributions to the JENKINSON, (Charles.) See LIVERPOOL. Edinburgh Review. 2d ed. 3 v. 80. JENKS, (Joseph William.) Rural Poetry of London, 1846. the English Language, illustrating the seaJELF, (Richard William.) Sermons on the sons and months of the year. 80. BosMeans of Grace, with especial reference to ton, 1856. the Church of England. 80. Oxford, 1844. JENKS, (William.) Eulogy, illustrative of the (Bampton Lectures for 1844.) Life of the late Hon. James Bowdoin. 40. JELF, (William Edward.) Sermons on Chris- Boston, 1812. tian Faith. 80. Oxford, 1857. (Bampton JENNER, (Edward.) Inquiry into the Causes Lectures for 1857.) and Effects of Variolm Vaccine, a disease JEMMETT, (Henry.) Injustice and Impolicy discovered in some of the western counties of of Arrest for Debt. 80. London, 1826. England, particularly Gloucestershire, and (Pamphleteer, v. 26.) known by the name of Cow Pox. 2d ed. Observations on Ricardo's Principles 40. London, 18(10. of Political Economy. 80. London, 1826. JENNER, (G. C.) Evidence at Large, laid be(Pamphleteer, v. 27.) fore the Committee of the House of Commons, JENKIN, (Edward.) Tables shewing the corn- respecting Dr. Jenner's Discovery of Vaccine parative value of the French Aune with the Inoculation; with the debate which followed. English Yard; tables on the exchanges of 80. London, 1805. English with French money; and concise JENNINGS, (C.) Eggs of British Birds; with Ready Reckoner in francs and centimes. descriptions of British Birds. 2dc ed. 160. 80. London, 1826. Bath, 1854. JEMNK.INS, (David.) Reports of Cases in the JENNINGS, (David.) Introduction to theKnow]Exchequer Chamber, from 4 Henry ITI. to edge of Medals. 120, London, 1764:. 21 James I. Folio. London, 1734 Jewish Antiquities; lectures on the JE;NKINS, (John S.) Life of John Caldwell three first books of G-odwin's Moses and Calhoun. 120. Auburn, (N. Y.,) 1850. Aaron; with a dissertation on the H-ebrew Life of General Andrew Jackson. 3d language. 80. London, 1825. ed. 120. Auburn, (N. Y.,) 184-7. JE'NNNGS, (Hargrave.) Curious things of the Jales Knox Polk, and a 1-istuiy of his Outside World. Last ire. 2 v. 120. LonAdministration, including the annexation of don, 1861. 603 JENNINGS. JERVIS. JENNINGS, (James.) Observations on some of by an Inhabitant of St. Lucia. 8~. Lonthe Dialects in the West of England, partic- don, 1832. ularly Somersetshire; with glossary of words The sarre. (Slavery Pam., v. 9.) in use there. 18~. London, 1825. JEREMY, (George.) Treatise on the Equity JENNINGS, (J.) Philosophy of Human Life; Jurisdiction of the High Court of Chancery. and true idea of disease. 12~. Cleveland, 8~. London, 1828. (0.,) 1852. The same. 8~. Philadelphia, 1830. JENNINGS, (Richard, M. A.) Natural Elements JEREMY, (Henry.) Analytical Digest of all of Political Economy. 120. London, 1855. the Cases Reported in the House of Lords, JENNINGS, (Richard.) Report of the Trials of in the Courts of Law and Equity, in the the murderers of R. Jennings, held at the Privy Council, and in the Ecclesiastical and court house in Goshen, Feb. 23, 1819. 8~. Admiralty Courts, 1834,to 1848. 12 v. 8~. Newburgh, (N. Y.,) 1819. London, 1835-49. JENNYNS, (J. Clayton.) Address to the Plan- See PRATT, (W.T.)forthe continuation. ters and Merchants of the United Colony of Law of Carriers, Inn-keepers, WareDemerara and Essequebo, on the relative housemen, and other depositories of goods Duties of Master and Slave. 8~. London, for hire. 8~. London, 18!5. 1816. (Slavery Pam., v. 7.) JEREZ, (Francisco de.) See XEREZ. JENOTJR, (Alfred.) Treatise on Languages; JERMYN, (James.) Book ofEnglishEpithets, their origin, structure, and connection. 18. literal and figurative. 4~. London, 1849. London, 1832. JERNINGHAM, (Arthur William.) Remarks on JENvYS, (Leonard.) Manual of British Ver- the Means of Directing the Fire of Ships' tebrate Animals. 80. Cambridge, 1835, Broadsides. 8~. London, 1851. JENYNS, (Soame.) Works. To which are JEROME, (Saint.) See HIERONYMUS, (St.) prefixed, short sketches of history of the JERRMANN, (Edward.) St. Petersburg; its author's family, and also of his life, by Charles people, their character and institutions. N. (Cule. 4 v. 12i. London, 1793. Translated by F. Hardman. 120. New CONTENhTS. lYork, 1855. JERROLD, (Douglas.) Writings. 8 v. 12~. American Colonies, Objections to the Taxation of, v. 2. London, 1851-54. Christian Religion, View of the Internal Evidence of, v. 4. CONTENTS. Disquisitions on the Chain of Universal Being, v. 3. Free Enquiry into the Nature and Origin of Evil, Ca"hes ad Ale, v. 4. in six letters, v. 3. Chronicles of Clovernook, v. 6. Militia, Short but Serious Reasons fora National, v.2. Comedies and DDamas, v. 7-8. National Debt, Thoughts on, v. 2. Malln ade of Money, v. 6. New Testament, short and cursory Observations on MIen of Character, v. 2. several passages in, v. 4. Mrs. Caudle's Curtain Lectures, v. 3. Parliamentary Reform, Thoughts on, v. 2. Punch's Complete Letter Writer, v. 5. Poems, v. 1-2. Punch's Letters to his Son, v. 5. Scheme for the Coalition of Parties, v. 2. St. Giles and St. James, v. 1. World, Papers from the, v. 2. Story of a Featller, v. 3. Sick Giant and the Doctor Dwarf, v. 3. Disquisitions on several subjects. 2d ed. Sketches of the English, v. 5. 160. London, 1782. JERROLD, (William Blanchard.) How to See Poems. 160. London, 1790. (John- the British Museum; in four visits. 18~. son's Eng. Poets, v. 73.) London, 1852. The same. 8~. London, 1810. (Chal- - Imperial Paris; including new scenes rers' Eng. Poets, v. 1.7.) for old visitors. 160. London, 1855. The same. 16~. Chiswick, 1822. Life and Remains of Douglas Jerrold. (British Poets, v. 71.) 120. Boston, 1859. JEPHSON, (John Mounteny.) Narrative of a - Wit and Opinions of Douglas Jerrold. Walking Tour in Brittany. Accompanied 16~. London, 1859. by notes of a photographic expedition, by JEtRIS, (Henry Jervis-White.) History of Lovell Reeve. 80. London, 1859. (With the Island of Corfii, and of the Republic of Photographs, in Box.) the Ionian. 12~. London, 1852. JERDAN, (William.) Autobiography; literary, Manual of Field Operations. 120. political, and social reminiscences and cor- London, 1852. respondence during the last fifty years. 4 v. Rifle-Musket; a practical treatise cn 12~. London, 1852-53. the Enfield-Pritchett rifle, recently adopted JEREMA1E. Reply to Mr. Jeremie's Pamphlet, in the British service. 120. London, 1854. 604 JERVIS. JOANNES. JERVIS, (Lady Jervis-White.) Painting and JEWETT, (Charles C.) Report on the Public Celebrated Painters, ancient and modern; Libraries of the United States, January 1, including historical and critical notices of 1850. 80. Washington, 1850. the schools of Italy, Spain, France, Ger- JEWETT, (Isaac Appleton.) Passages in Formany, and the Netherlands. 2 v. 120. eign Travel. 2 v. 120. Boston, 1838. London, 1854. JEWISH Ritual; or the Religious Customs and JERVIS, (John.) Practical Treatise on the Ceremonies of the Jews. 80. London, 1753. Office and Duties of Coroners, with forms (Misc. Pam., v. 5.) and precedents. 2d ed., by W. N. Welsby. JEWITT, (John R.) Narrative of Adventures 120. London, 1854. (2 copies.) and Sufferings among the Savages of Nootka JERWOOD, (James.) Dissertation on the Sound. 160. Ithaca, (N.Y.) 1849. Rights to the Sea Shores and to the Soil and JEWITT, (Llewellyn.) Hand-Book of NumisBed of Tidal Harbors and Navigable Rivers. matics; English Coins. 320. London, 1841. 80. London, 1850. JEWS; Course of Lectures on the Jews; by JESSE, (Edward.) Anecdotes of Dogs; with Ministers of the Established Church in Glasillustrations. Small 40. London, 1846. gow. 12~. Glasgow, 1839. Gleanings in Natural History. 2 v. JICKITNG, (Henry.) Practical Treatise on 160. London, 1838. the Analogy between Legal and Equitable JESSE, (John Heneage.) George Selwyn and Estates and Modes of Alienation. 80. Lonhis Contemporaries; with memoirs and notes. don, 1829. 4 v. 80. London, 1843. JILLSON, (C.) Progross attributed to the LaLiterary and Historical Memorials of boring Classes; a poem. 120. Worcester, London. 2 v. 80. London, 1847. (Mass.,) 1853. London and its Celebrities; a second JIMESON, (Allen Alexander.) Notes on the series of literary and historical memorials of Twenty-five Articles of Religion, as received London. 2 v. 80. London, 1850. and taught by Methodists in the United Memoirs of the Court of England, from States. 120. Cincinnati, 1853. the Revolution in 1688 to the Death of - Sacred Literature of the Lord's Prayer. George II. 3 v. 80. London, 1843. 120. Cincinnati, 1854. Memoirs of the Court of England, JOAN of Arc. M6moires concernant la Pucelle during the Reign of the Stuarts, including d'Orleans. 80. Paris, 1785. (Coll. des M6the Protectorate. 4 v. 80. London, 1840. moires Relatif A l'Histoire de France. v. 7.) ~ Memoirs of the Pretenders and their ~ The same. 80. Paris, 1836. (Michaud, Adherents. 2 v. 80. London, 1845. Coll. Mem. Hist. France. v. 3.) M emoirs of King Richard II., and - The same. 80. Paris, 1819. (Petitot, some of his contemporaries; with an his- Coil. Mem. Hist. France, s6r. I, v. 8.) torical drama on the battle of Bosworth. - Memoirs of Jeanne D'Arc, surnamed 80. London, 1862. la Pucelle d'Orleans; with the History of her JEsSE, (William.) Russia and the War. 120. Times. 2v. 120. London, 1824. London, 1854. JOANNA of Naples. Life of Joanna of Sicily, JESSOPP, (John.) Woman. 160. London, 1851. Queen of Naples and Countess of Provence; JESSOPP, (William.) Address before N. York with details of the literature and manners of State Agricultural Society. 80. Albany, Italy and Provence in the 13th and 14th 1856. centuries. 2 v. 80. London, 1824. JESUITS; Brief account of, and the danger of JOANNES Damascenus. Opera omnia. (Gr. the revival of that order. 80. London, 1815. et Lat ) Recensita opera Mich. Lequien, (Pamphleteer, v. 6.) ord. FF. Predicatorum. 2v. Folio. Par- - Histoire Impartiale des Jesuites. 240. isiis, 1712. Paris, 1824. Contra Manichreos Dialogus. 160. JETER,(Jeremiah B.) Campbellism Examined. Basilime, 1578. (With MANUEL COMNENUS.) 120. New-York, 1855. Vita del S. Giosafat convertito da Bar~ —-- Campbellism Re-Examined. 120. New laam. 18~. Messina, 1678. (Imperfect.) York, 1856. JOANsNEs Diaconus. Chronicon Episcoporum JEW of Verona; an historical tale of the Italian Neapolitanse Ecclesie: Martyrium S. Prorevolutions of 1846-49. From the Italian. copii. (Muratori, Rerum Italicarum Scrip2v. 120. Baltimore, 1854. tores, v. I, p. 2.) 605 JOANNES. JOHNSON. JOANNES Diaconus. Vita S. Athanasii Epis- Compendiaria. (Gr. et Lat.) Rec I. Bekcopi Neapolitani. (Muratori, v. II, p. 2.) kelrs. 8c. Bonnae, 1836. (Byzantinse JOANNES LYDUS, (or Laurentius.) De Men- Hist. Corpus, v. 26.) sibus Liber; De Magistratibus Libri III. JOHANNES. See JOANNES. De Ostentis. (Gr. et Lat.) Rec. I. Bek- JOHN. See JOANNES. kerus. 80. Bonnse, 1837. (Byzantinre JOHN, (Saint.) Gospel of. See BIBLE. Hist. Corpus, v. 28.) JOHN BULL; or, the comedy of 1854. 8~. JOANNES ANAGNOSTES. See ANAGNOSTES. London, 1854. JOANNES CANANUS. See CANANUS, (Joannes.) JOHN WALLINGFORD. Chronicles. 80. LonJOANNES CUROPOLATA. See SCYLITZES. - don, 1854. (Church Historians of England, JOANNES MALALA. See MALALA, (Joannes.) v. 2, part II.) JOANNES de Oxenedes. Chronica Johannis de JOHN, [TYLER,] the Traitor; or, force of acciOxenedes. Edited by Sir Henry Ellis. 8~. dent. A plain story. By one who has London, 1859. (Chronicles and Mem. of whistled at the plough. 8'. New York, Great Britain.) 1843. (Imperfect.) (Misc. Pam., v. 16.) JOANNES SECUNDUS. See SECTNDUS. JOHNES, (Arthur James.) Philological Proofs JOB. Book of. See BIBLE. of the Original Unity and Recent Origin of JOBARD, (J. B. A. M.) Organon de la Pro- the Human Race, derived fiom a comparison priete Intellectuelle. 120. Paris, 1851. of the languages.f Asia, Europe, Africa, JOBERT, (Louis.) Science des Medailles. and America, &c. 8~. London, 1843. 2v. 160. Paris, 1739. JOHNES, (Thomas.) Memoirs of the Life of JOBSON, (Frederick J.) America, and Amer- Sir John Froissart. 4~. Hafod, 1810. ican Methodism. 120. London, 1857. JOHNS, (Major R.) Calendar of Victory; a Australia; with notes by the way, on record of British valour and conquest by sea Egypt, Ceylon, Bombay, and the Holy Land. and land, on every day in the year. Con120. London, 1862. tinned by P. H. Nicholas. 120. London, Servant of his Generation: a tribute to 1855. the memory of Rev. Jabez Bunting, D. D. JOHNSON, (Anthony.) Historical Account of 120. London, 1858. the several English Translations of the JOCELIN, (the lMoank of Furncs.) Life and Bible, and opposition met with the Church Acts of Saint Patrick, the Archbishop, Pri- of Rome. 80. Cambridge, (Eng.,) -1785. mate and Apostle of Ireland. Translated (Watson's Theological Tracts, v. 3.) from the Latin, with the elucidations of D. JOHNSON, (A. B.) Meaning of Words. 120. Rothe, Bishop of Ossory, by F. L. Swift. New-York, 1854. 80. Dublin, 1809. Taxation and National Debt, &c. 80. JOCELIN de Brakelonda. De Rebus Gestis Sam- Utica, (N. Y.,) 1862. sonis Abbatis Monasterii Sancti Edmundi JOHNSON, (Anna C.) Peasant Life in GerEd. by J. G. Rokewode. Small 40. Lon-' many. 4th ed. 120. New-York, 1859. don, 1840. (Camden Society, No. 13.) JOHNSON, (A. J.) New Illustrated Family JOCELYN, (Lord.) Six Months with the Chi- Atlas; with descriptions, geographical, stanese Expedition; or, leaves from a soldier's tistical, and historical. Compiled, drawn, note book. 160. London, 1841. and engraved under the supervision of J. H. JODRELL, (Richard Paul.) Illustrations of Colton and A. J. Johnson. Folio. NewEuripides, on the Ion, the Bacchae, and the York, 1862. Alcestis. 3 v. 80. London, 1781-89. JOHNSON, (A. N.) Choir Chorus Book. Ob~ — Persian Heroine; a tragedy. 3d ed. long 40. Boston, 1848. 2 v. in 1. 40. London, 1822. JONr SON, (Athol A.) Treatise on Diseases of JOE MILLER'S Complete Jest Book; being a the Joints. 80. London, 1862. (Holmes' collection of the most excellent bonmots, Surgery, v. 2.) brilliant jests, and striking anecdotes in JOHNSON, (Charles.) British Poisonous Plants. the English language. 240. London, 120. London, 1856. 1854. JOHNSON, (Charles.) General History of the JOE MILLER'S Jests; or, the wit's vade- Robberies and Murders of the most notorious mecum. 80. London, 1739. (Reprinted, Pyrates, and also their policies, discipline, London, 1862.) and government, &c. 2 v. 80. London, JOEL. (Byzantine Historian.) Chronographia 1724-26. 606 JOHNSON. JOHNSON. JOHNSON, (C. B.) Letters from the British JOHNSON, (Howard F.) Researches into the Settlement in Pennsylvania. 180. Phila- Effects of Cold Water upon the Healthy delphia, 1819. Body, to illustrate its action in disease. 80. JOHNSON, (Cuthbert W.) Farmer's Encyclo- London, 1850. pmedia, and Dictionary of Rural Affairs. 80. JOHNSON, (H. R. V.;) and HEMMING, (G. W.) London, 1842. Reports of Cases in the High Court of The same. Adapted to the United Chancery before Sir William Page Wood, States, by Gouverneur Emerson. 8b. Phila- Knt., Vice-Chancellor. V. 1-2. 8~. Londelphia, 1851. don, 1861-63. Life of Sir Edward Coke; with memoirs JOHNSON, (James.) Scots' Musical Museum; of his contemporaries. 2d ed. 2 v. 8~. consisting of 600 Scots songs, with proper London, 1845. basses for the piano forte. 6 v. in 2. 80. ~- Modern Agricultural Improvements; a Edinburgh, 1787-1803. supplement to the British Husbandry of the - The same. With notes and illustrations Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowl- of the lyric poetry and music of Scotland, by edge. 80. London, 1847n. Wn.Stenhouse. 6v. 8o. Edinburgh, 1839. On Increasing the Demand for Agricul- JoHNSON, (James, M. D ) Change of Air, or tural Labor. 80. London, 1841. the Pursuit of Health and Recreation, &c. On the Fertilizers. 3d ed. 120. London, 4th ed. 80. London, 1838. 1851. Economy of Health, or the stream of JOHNSON, (Capt. Edward.) History of New- human life from the cradle to the grave. 3d England. From the English planting in the ed. 80. London, 1838. ytere 1628 until the yeere 1652. (Wonder- - Essay on Indigestion. 10th ed. 80. working Providence of Sions Saviour, in London, 1840. New-England.) Small 40. London, 1654. - Influence of Tropical Climates on EuThe same. (Mass. Hist. Cell., v. 2, 3, ropean Constitutions, including an Essay on 4, 7, and 8, second series.) Indigestion, &c. 5th ed. 80. London, 1836. JOHNSON, (Edward; J1. D.) Hydropathy; the JOHNSON, (James; and J. H.) Patentee's water cure shown to be in accordance with Manual; treatise on the law and practice of medical science and common sense. 160. letters patent, especially intended for the use London, 1843. of patentees and inventors. 80. London, -~ Life, Health, and Disease. 160. Lon- 1853. don, 1842. JOHNSON, (John.) Collection of all the Eccle-- Nuces Philosophicse; the philosophy of siastical Laws, canons, answers, or rescripts, things as developed from the study of the with other memorials concerning the governphilosophy of words. 80. London, 1842. ment, discipline, and worship of the Church ~ R- Results of Hydropathy; or, constipation of England. 2v. 80. London, 1720. not a disease of the bowels; indigestion not JOHNSON, (John; Printer.) Typographia, or, a disease of the stomach, &c. 120. London, the Printer's Instructor; including an ac1846. count of the origin of printing. 2 v. 160. JOHNSON, (Edwin F.) Railroad to the Pacific; London, 1824. Northern Route; its general character, rela- JOHNSON, (Joseph.) Traditions and Reministive merits, &c. 2d ed. 8~. New York, 1854. cences, chiefly of the American Revolution JOHNSON, (George.) Diseases of the Kidneys, in the South. 80. Charleston, (S. C.,) 1851. their pathology, diagnosis, and treatment. JOHNSON, (J.) Costumes of the French Py80. London, 1852. renees; drawn on stone by J. Harding, fiom Epidemic Diarrhoea and Cholera; their sketches by J. Johnson. 40. London, 1832. pathology and treatment. 120. London, 1855. JOHNSON and Co., (L.) Minor Book of SpeciJOHNSON, (George William.) Cottage G-ar- mens of Printing Types and Ornaments. dener. 8 v. in 4. 40. London, 1849-52. Folio. Philadelphia, 1853. Cottage Gardener's Dictionary; describ- JoHNSON,, (Lorenzo 1.).'Chaplains of the ing the plants, fruits, and vegetables desira- American Government; with objections to ble for the garden. 120. London, i852. their employment considered. Also, list of Memoirs of John Selden, and notices of all the chaplains to Congress, in the army, the political contest during his time. 8o. and in the navy, from the formation of the London, i835. government to 1856. 12~. New-York, 1856. 607 JOHNSON. JOHNSON. JOHNSON, (LorenzoD.) Churches and Pastors JOHNSON. (Samuel.) The False Alarm. 8~. of Washington, D. C. 120. New-York, 1857. London, 1770. JOmINSON, (ManualJ.) AstronomicalObserva- The same. (Pol. Pam., v. 54.) tions made at the Radcliffe Observatory, History of Rasselas, Prince of AbysOxford, from 1840 to 1844. 5 v. 8~. Oxford, sinia; the Vision of Theodore; the Fountains. 1842-46. 80. Philadelphia, 1850. JOINSON, (Reverdy.) Remarks in Case of The same. 160. London, 1820. (BarHeirs of General Thadeus Kosciusko, and bauld's British Novelists, v. 26.) Major G. Tochman. 80. Washington, 1848. Johnsoniana. 160. London, 1845. Review of the Proceedings of the Court Journey to the Western Islands of ScotMartial in Case of Major-General Fitz-John land. 80. London, 1775. Porter. 80. Baltimore, 1863. Lives of the most eminent English JOHNSON, (Richard.) Extraordinary Adven- Poets; with critical observations on their tures of the Seven Champions of Christen- works. With notes, corrective and explanadom. 120. London, 1861. tory, by Peter Cunningham. 3 v. 80. LonVoyages among the Saimeds, Persia, don, 1854. 1556-65. (Hakluyt's Voyages, v. 1.) Lives of the English Poets. 6 v. 160. JOHNSON, (Robert.) Law Report, Court of London, 1790. (Johnson's English Poets, King's Bench, Ireland. Arguments of Coun- v. 1-6.) sel, and opinions of the Judges, in the case - Parliamentary Debates, 1740-1743. of the King vs. Mr. Justice Johnson. 80. 2 v. 8vo. London, 1811. Dublin, 1805. Poems. 160. London, 1790. (JohnJOHNSON, (Rosa Vertner.) Poems. 120. son's English Poets, v. 72.) Boston, 1858. The same. 80. London, 1810. (ChalJOHNSON, (Samuel.) Works. 11 v. 80. mers' Eng. Poets, v. 16.) Oxford, 1825. - The same. 160. Chiswick, 1822. (BritCONTENTS. ish Poets, v. 67.) Adventurer, v. 4. Taxation No Tyranny; an answer to Fountains, v. 9. Idler, v. 4. the resolutions and address of the American Journey to the Hebrides, v. 9. Congress. 3d ed. 80. London, 1775. Letters, v. 1. Lives of Eminent Persons, v. 6. The same. 4th ed. 8~. London, 1775. Lives of the Poets, v. 7-8. (C Pam, v. 13 Miscellaneous Pieces, v. 5. (Col. Pa., V. 1.) Parliamen tary Debates, v. 10-11. ~ Works of the English Poets; with prePoems, v. 1. Prayers and Meditations, v. 9. faces, biographical and critical, and a general Riambler, v. 2-3. lla~bler, A. 2-3. ~index. 75 v. 16~. London, 1790-91. Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia, v. 1. Reviews and Political Tracts, v. 6. JO1TNSON, (Sarah Barclay.) Hadji in Syria; Sermons, v. 9. Taxation no Tyranny, v. 6. or, three years in Jerusalem. 16". PhilaVisions of Theodore, the Hermiit of Teneriffe, v, 9. delphia, 1858. ---- Answer to the Declaration of the Ameri- JOHNSON, (Susanna.) Narrative of the Capcan Congress. 80. London, 1776. tivity of Mrs. Johnson; containing an acDiary of a Journey into North Wales, count of her sufferings during four years in 1774. Edited with notes, by R. Duppa. with the Indians and French. 4th ed. 180. 160. London, 1816. London, 1654. Dictionary of the English Language. -- The same. 80. Concord, 1831. (FarTo which are prefixed a history of the lan- mer and Moore's Coil., v. 1.) guage, and an English Grammar. 2 v. JOHNSON, (Theodore T.) Sights in the Gold Folio. London, 1755. Region, and Scenes by the Way. 2d ed. The same. 7th ed. Folio. London, 1785. 1 2. New York, 1850. -The same. IstAm.fromthellthLondon JOHNSo N, (Thomas.) Opuscula Omnia Boed. With Walker's Principles of English tanica. Edita a T. S. Ralph. Small 40. Pronunciation. 2v. 40. Philadelphia, 1818. Londini, 1847. The same. With corrections and addi- JOHNSON, (T. and J. W.) Law Catalogue. tions, by H. J. Todd. 2d ed. 3 v. 40. 1850. 120. Philadelphia, 1850. London, 1827. (2 copies.) JOHNSON, (Walter.) Morbid Emotions of - The saame. Abridged front Todd's 40. Women; m their origin, tendencies, and treatedition, byA. Chalmers. 80. London, 1843. ment. 12. London, 1850. 608 JOHNSON. JOHNSTON, JOHNSON, (Walter R.) Reports and Pam- JOHNSONE, (Fowler de.) Vindication of the phlets on Coals, Strength of Materials, Heat, Book of Genesis. 80. London, 1838. Steam, Education, &c. 7 v. 8~. Albany, JOHNSTON, (Alexander Keith.) Dictionary of Baltimore, Boston, New-Haven, Philadel- Geography, descriptive, physical, statistical, phia, and Washington, 1825-51. and historical; forming a complete general JOHNSON, (William, Esq.) Digest of the Cases gazetteer of the world. New ed.; revised to in the Supreme Court of Judicature and the April, 1860. 8~. London, 1860. Court for the Correction of Errors, of New- National Atlas of Historical, CommerYork, 1799 to 1813. 80. Albany, 1815. cial, and Political Geography. Folio. EdinThe same. 1799 to 1823. 2 v. 80. burgh, 1850. Albany, 1825. (2 copies.) Physical Atlas of the Geographical ~ — The same. 2d ed., 1799 to 1836.. 3 v. Distribution of Natural Phenomena, emin 2. 80. Philadelphia, 1834-38. (9copies.) bracing geology, hydrography, meteorology, R eports of Cases in the Supreme Court and natural history. New ed. Folio. Edinof Judicature of New-York, 1799 to 1803. burgh, 1856. 3 v. 80. New-York, 1808-12. (2 copies.) Royal Atlas of Modern Geography; - The same. 2d ed., with many addi- exhibiting the present condition of geographtional cases; with notes and references, by ical discovery and research in the several L. B. Shepard. 3 v. 80. New-York, 1846-49. countries, empires, and states of the world; (2 copies.) with a special index to each map. Folio. Reports of Cases in theSupreme Court Edinburgh, 1861. of Judicature, and in the Court for the Trial School Atlas. 3d ed. 40. Edinof Impeachments and the Correction of burgh, 1853. Errors, of New-York, 1806 to 1823. 20 v. 80. School Atlas of Classical Geography. New-York, 1811-15, and Albany, 1816-23. 4C. Edinburgh, 1853. - The same. 3d ed.. with additional School Atlas of Physical Geography. notes and references. V. 1 to 11. 80. Phil- Folio. Edinburgh, 1852. adelphia, 1832. JOHNSTON, (Charles.) Narrative of the inciThe same. V. 12 to 20. 80. Albany, dents attending the Capture, Detention, and 1816-23. Ransom of Charles Johnston, of Botetourt ~ — The same. 2d ed., with notes and County, Virginia, who was made prisoner references, by Lorenzo B. Shepard. V. 3. by the Indians on the river Ohio, in the year 80. New-York, 1849. 1790. 160. New York, 1827. The same. 2d ed., with additional notes JOHNSTON, (Charles, M. R. C. S.) Travels in andreferences. V. 20. 80. New-York, 1850. SouthernAbyssinia. 2v. 80. London, 1844. Reports of Cases in the Court of Chan- JOHNSTON, (George.) Botany of the Eastern cery of New-York, 1814 to 1823. 7 v. 80. Borders. 80. London, 1853. Albany, 1816-24. (2 copies.) Flora of Berwick-upon-Tweed. 2 v. --- The same. 2d ed. V. 1. 6, and 7. in 1. 120. Edinburgh, 1829-31. 80. New-York, 1851-58. (2 copies of v. 7.) - History of British Sponges and LithoJOHNSON, (Sir William.) Account of Con- phytes. 80. Edinburgh, 1842. ferences and Treaties with the Indians in Historyof the BritishZoophytes. 2ded. New-York, in 1755 and 1756; with a Letter 2 v. 80. London, 1847. from Mr. Hawley to Sir W. Johnson; and Introduction to Conchology; or, elean Account of Conferences between several ments of the natural history of molluscous Quakers in Philadelphia and the Six Nations, animals. 80. London, 1850. in April, 1756. 80. London, 1756. JOHNSTON, (James F.) Suspending Power JOHNSON, (William; Judge ofthe U. S. Supreme of the Writ of Habeas Corpus. 80. PhilaCourt.) Sketches of the Life and Corres- delphia, 1862. (Habeas Corpus Pam.) pondence of Nathaniel Greene. 2 v. 40. JOHNSTON, (James F. W.) Chemistry of ConCharleston, (S. C.,) 1822. mon Life. 2v. 120. Edinburgh, 1854-55. JOHNSON, (William; C.E.) PracticalDraughts- - Elements of Agricultural Chemistry man's Book of Industrial Design, and ma- and Geology. 5th ed. 160. Edinburgh, 1848. chinist's and engineer's drawing companion. -- Instructions for the Analysis of Soils, Translated and re-written from the French of Limestones, and manures. 3d ed, 16~. Armengaud. 45. New -York, 1857. Edinburgh, 1855. 609 JOHNSTON. JOMINI. JOHNSTON, (James F. W.) Notes on North commonly called SaintLouis. 12~. London, America, agricultural, economical, and social. 1848. (In "Chronicles of the Crusades.") 2 v. 12~. Edinburgh, 1851. JOINVILLE, (F. F. Philippe Louis Marie d'OrOn the Use of Lime in Agriculture. leans, Prince de.) Guerre d'Amerique; 16~. Durham, 1849. Campagne du Potomac, Mars-Juillet, 1862. RIeport on the Agricultural Capabilities 16~. Paris, 1863. of the Province of New Brunswick. 2d ed. - The Army of the Potomac; its organi8~. Fredericton, 1850. zation, its commander, and its campaign. JOHNSTON, (John.) Manual of Chemistry, Translated by W. H. Hurlbert. 8~. Newon the basis of Dr. Turner's Elements of York, 1862. Chemistry. 6thed. 12~. Philadelphia, 1856. JOLIFFE, (T. R.) Letters from Palestine, dePrimary Natural Philosophy. 16~. scriptive of a tour through Galilee and Judea; Philadelphia, 1858., with some account of the Dead Sea, and of JOHNSTON, (John, Esq.) Account of the the actual state of Jerusalem. 2 v. 8~. Present State of the Indian Tribes inhabit- London, 1854. ing Ohio. 80. Worcester, (Mass.,) 1820. JOLLIFFE, (John.) Belle Scott; or, liberty (Archaeologia Americana, v. 1.) overthrown; a tale for the crisis. 120. CinJOHNSTON, (Robert.) Travels through part cinnati, 1856. of the Russian Empire and the country of Chattanooga. 12~. Cincinnati, 1858. Poland. 8~. New-York, 1816. In the matter of George Gordon's PetiJOHNSTON, (William.) England as it is, tion for Pardon. 8~. Cincinnati, 1862. political, social, and industrial, in the mid- JOLY, (Claude.) Melmoires concernantle Cardie of the Nineteenth century. 2 v. 12~. dinal de Retz, 1648-55. 8~. Paris, 1838. London, 1851. (Michaud. Coil. Mem. Hist. France, v. 24 ) JOHNSTONE, (Chevalier de.) Memoirs of the The same. 80. Paris, 1825. (Petitot. Rebellion in 1745-46. Translated from a Coil. M6m. Hist. France, s6r. 2, v. 47.) French MS. 3d ed. 80. London, 1822. JOLY, (Guy.) Memoires concernant le Card. JOHNSTONE, (Charles.) Chrysal, or the ad- de Retz, 1648-55. 8~. Paris, 1838. (Miventures of a guinea. 8~. Edinburgh, chaud. Coil. Mem. Hist. France, v. 24.) 1822. (Ballantyne's Novelists' Lib'y, v. 4.) The same. 8~. Paris, 1825. (Petitot. JOHNSTONE, (John.) Modeof DrainingLand, Coil. Mem. Hist. France, ser. 2, v. 47.) according to the system practised by Joseph JOLY, (Joseph Romain.) Ancienne Geographie Elkington. New ed. 8~. London, 1841. Universelle Comparee a la Moderne. EnJOINVILLE, (Jean, Sire de.) (St. Louis IX, suite, la Geographie Ecclesiastique. 2 v. of France.) Extraits des Manuscrits Arabes, 8~.; atlas, 40. Paris, 1801. dans lesquels il est parle des:lv6nemens JOMINI, (Henri, Baron de.) Histoire Critique historiques relatifs au regne de St. Louis. et Militaire des Guerres de la Revolution, 80. Paris, 1819. (Petitot, Coll. Mem. 1788-1803; redigee sur de nouveaux docuHist. France, ser. I, v. 3.) ments, et angmentee d'un grand nombre des Memoires; ou histoire et chronique du cartes et plans. 4 v. 8~. Atlas, folio. tres-chr6tien rois Saint Louis. Publi6e par Bruxelles, 1840-42. Francisque Michel. Precedes de disserta- Precis Politique et Militaire de la Camtions par A. F. Didot. 12~. Paris, 1858. pagne de 1815; pour servir de supplement M' moires. 3 v. 8~. Paris, 1785. et de rectification A la vie politique et mili(Coll. des M6moires relatifs a'Hist. de taire de Napoleon. 8~. Paris, 1839. France, v. 1-3.) - Pr6cis de l'Art de la Guerre; ou nouThe same. (Bouquet, Recueil, v. 20.) veau tableau analytique des principales comThe same. 80. Paris, 1836. (Mi- binaisons de la strategie, de la grande tacchaud, Coil. M6m. Hist. France, v. 1.) tique, et de la politique militaire. 2 v. 8~. -The same. 8~. Paris, 1819. (Peti- Paris, 1838. tot, Coll. Mem. Hist. France, ser. I, v. 2-3.) Tableau Analytique des Principales Memoirs containing a History of part Combinaisons de la Guerre, et de leurs of the Life of Louis IX., King of France, rapports avec la politique des etats, pour with notes, &c. Translated by Thomas servir d'introduction au Traite des Grands Johnes. 2 v. in 1. 4~. Hafod, 1807. Operations Militaires. 3e 6d. 8. Paris, ------ Memoirs of Louis IX., King of France, 183'. 77 610 JOMINIL JONES. JoMINI, (Henri, Baronde.) Trait6desGrandes JONES, (George; M. R. S. L) Original HisOperations Militaires, ou histoire critique des tory of Ancient America, founded upon the guerres de Frederic le Grand comparees au Ruins of Antiquity; the identity of the abosysteme moderne, avec un recueil des prin- rigines with the people of Tyrus and Israel, cipes les plus importants de l'art de la guerre. etc. V. 1. The Tyrian Era. 80. London, 4e ed. 3 v. 80.; Planches, folio. Paris, 1843. (No more published.) 1851. JONES, (George; A. M.) Selections in HeVie Politique et Militaire de Napoleon; brew, fiom the Psalms and Genesis, with a racontee par lui-meme, au tribunal de Cesar, Latin translation, and a lexicon, Hebrew, d'Alexandreet de Frederic. 4 v. 8~. Paris, Latin, and English. 8". Dublin, 1823. 1827. (With FREY's Hebrew Grammar.) ~- Art of War. Translated from the JoNEs,(George; R.A.) Sir FrancisChantrey; French, by G. H. Mendell and W. P. Craig- Recollections of his Life, Practice, and Opinhill. 12~. Philadelphia, 1862. ions. 120. London, 1849. Political and Military History of the JONES, (G. F.) Treatise of the Law concernCampaign of Waterloo. Translated from ing the Liabilities and Rights of Common the French, by Capt. S. V. Benet. 2d ed- Carriers. 8~. London, 1827. 120. New York, 1862. JONES, (George Matthew.) Travels in NorJONES, (Alexander.) Cuba in 1851. 80. New way, Sweden, Finland, Russia, and Turkey; York, 1851. also, on the coasts of the Sea of Azof and of The Cymry of'76; or, Welshmen and the Black Sea. 2 v. 80. London, 1827. their Descendants of the American Revolu- JONES, (H. Bence.) Animal Electricity. Abtion. 80. New York, 1855. stract of the Discoveries of Emil Du BoisHistorical Sketch of the Electric Tele- Reymond. 160. London, 1852. graph; including its rise and progress in the JONES, (Hamilton C.) Digest of Reported United States. 80. New York, 1852. Cases in the Supreme Court of North CaroJONES, (A. D.) American Portrait Gallery; lina. 2 v. in 1, 8~. Raleigh, 1854. (2 from Columbus to the present time. 80. copies.) New York, 1855. Reports of Cases at Law in the SuJONES, (C. Handfield.) Pathological and Clini- preme Court of North Carolina, 1853 to 1859. cal Observations respecting Morbid Condi- 6 v. 80. Raleigh and Salisbury, 1854-59. tions of the Stomach. 80. London, 1855. (2 copies.) - and SIEVEKING, (Edward H.) Manual Reports of Cases in Equity in the of Pathological Anatomy. 1st American Supreme Court of North Carolina, 1853 to edition, revised. 80. Philadelphia, 1854. 1859. 4 v. 80. Raleigh and Salisbury, 1855JONES, (David.) Value of Annuities and Re- 59. (2 copies of v. 1.) versionary Payments. 2 v. 8~. London, JONES. (Inigo.) Designs, consisting of plans 1843. and elevations for public and private buildJONES, (Edward.) Musical and Poetical Re- ings. Published by William Kent. 2 v. in licks of the Welsh Bards, and a history of 1. Folio. London, 1727. the Bards and Druids. 4th ed. 3 v. in 2. - Sketches for Masques and Dramas. 40. London, 1825. Edited by J.R. Planche. 80. London, 1848. JONES, (Edwin Owen.) Eminent Characters (Shakespeare Soc'y Pub., v. 6.) of the English Revolutionary P6riod. 120. Stone-Heng Restored; to which are London, 1853. added the Chorea Gigantum; or, Stone-Heng JONES, (Ellis.) New Pocket Dictionary of restored to the Danes, by Walter Charleton; the Welsh and English Languages. 180. and a vindication of Stone-Heng Restored, Caernarfon, 1840. by John Webb. Folio. London, 1725. JONES, (George.) Battle of Waterloo. See Three Arms, or Divisional Tactics of WATERLOO. Decker. Translated and abridged from JONES, (Rev. George; Chaplain U. S. Navy.) Decker. 2d ed. 160. London, 1851. Excursion to Cairo, Jerusalem, Damascus, JONES, (I. G.) American Eclectic Practice of and Balbec. 120. New York, 1836. Medicine. To which are appended the PostSketches of Naval Life on the shores of humous Writings of T. V. Morrow. Revised the Mediterranean. 2v. 12~. New-Haven, by William Sherwood. 2 v. 80. Cincin1829. nati, 1857-58. 611 JONES. JONES. JONES, (Jeremiah.) New and Full Method of JONES, (Sir John Thomas.) Account of the Settling the Canonical Authority of the New War in Spain, Portugal, and the South of Testament. 3 v. 80. Oxford, 1798. France, from 1808 to 1814. 2d ed. 2v. 80. JONES, (Joel.) Syllabus of the Law of Land London, 1821. Office Titles in Pennsylvania. 12. Phila- Journal of Sieges carried on by the delphia, 1850. Army under the Duke of Wellington, in JONES, (John, LL. D.) History of Wales, Spain, 1811 to 1814. 3d ed. 3 v. 80. descriptive of the government, wars, man- London, 1846. ners, religion, laws, druids, bards, pedigrees, JONES, (Joseph, M. D.) Investigations, Chemand language of the ancient Britons and ical and Physiological, relative to American modern Welsh, and of the remaininJg antiqui- Vertebrata. 40. Washington, 1856. (Smithties of the principality. 80. London, 1824. sonian Contributions, v. 8.) Tyro's Greek and English Lexicon; a JONES, (L. E.;) and SCUDDER, (John M.) compendium in English of the Lexicons of American Eclectic Materia Medica and Damm, Sturze, Schleusner, Schweighauser. Therapeutics. 2 v. 80. Cincinnati, 1858. 2d ed. 0~. London, 1825. (V. 2 wanting.) JONES, (Rev. John.) Sermons on the Moral JoNEs, (Owen.) Designs for Mosaic and TesTendency of Divine Revelation. 80. Ox- sellated Pavements. Oblong 40. London, ford, 1821. (Bampton Lectures for 1821.) 1842. JONES, (J.) Practical Phonography; or, the - Grammar of Ornament; illustrated by new art of rightly spelling and writing examples from various styles of ornament; words by the sound thereof, and of rightly one hundred folio plates, drawn on stone, and sounding and reading words in the sight printed in colors. Folio. London, 1857. thereof; applied to the English tongue. Illumination of the Song of Solomon. Small 40. London, 1701. 120. London, 1849. JONES, (John B.) Adventures of Col. Van- Plans, Elevations, Sections, and Details derbomb in pursuit of the Presidency. 120. of the Alhambra; from drawings on the spot, Philadelphia, 1852. by Jules Goury and Owen Jones. 2v. Folio. The Monarchist; a novel. 120. Phila- London, 1842-45. delphia, 1853. JONES, (Pomeroy.) Annals and Recollections The War Path; a narrative of adven- of Oneida county, New-York. 80. Rome, tures in the wilderness. 120. Philadelphia, (N. Y.,) 1851. 1858. JONES, (Richard.) Essay on the Distribution JONES, (J. Foulkes.) Egypt in its Biblical of Wealth, and on the Sources of Taxation. Relations and Moral Aspect. 120. London, 80. London, 1831. 1860. - Introductory Lecture on Political EconJONES, (John Paul.) Life of Rear-Admiral omy. 80. London, 1833. (Pol. Pam.,v. 75.) John Paul Jones. Compiled from his ori- Literary Remains, consisting ofLectures ginal journals and correspondence. 80. and Tracts on PoliticalEconomy. Editedby Philadelphia, 1845. Wn. Whewell. 80. London, 1859. Memoirs of Rear-Admiral Paul Jones. JONES, (Rowland.) Philosophy of Words; 2 v. 120. Edinburgh, 1830. (V. I wanting.) explanation of the first language, and thence Bill for the Relief of the Heirs of. 80. of all its dialects, and plan for an universal (n. d.) (Misc. Pam., v. 33.) philosophical language. 80. London, 1769. JONES, (John Pike.) Botanical Tour through JONES, (Samuel.) Treatise on the Right of the Counties of Devon and Cornwall. 180. Suffrage. 120. Boston, 1842. Exeter, 1820. JoNEs, (Silas.) Practical Phrenology. 2d ed. - and KINGSTON, (J. F.) Flora Devon- 120. New-York, 1839. iensis; catalogue of plants growing wild in JONES, (S.) Pittsburghin the year 1826, witha the County of Devon. 80. London, 1829. directoryofthecity. 120. Pittsburgh, 1826. JONES, (John Richter.) Slavery Sanctioned JONES, (Sir Thomas; Chief Justice.) Reports by the Bible. 80. Philadelphia, 1861. of Cases in the Court of King's Bench, &c., JONES, (J. S.) Defence of the Revolutionary from 19 Charles I. to 36 Charles II. Folio. History of the State of North Carolina from London, 1695. the Aspersions of Mr. Jefferson. 120. Bos- --. — The same. 2d ed. Folio, London, ton, 1816. 1729,. 79 612 JONES. JOPLIN. JONES, (Thomas; Barrister.) Reports of Cases JONES, (Sir William.) Poems. 80. London, argued and determined in the Court of Ex- 1810. (Chalmers' Eng. Poets, v. 18.) chequer, in Ireland, from Michaelmas Term, The same. 160. Chiswick, 1822. 5 Will. IV., to Trinity Term, 1 Victoria, (Brit. Poets, v. 74.) both inclusive. 2v. 80. Dublin, 1838-47. Essay on the Law of Bailments. 120. and CAREY, (Henry.) Reports of Cases Boston, 1.796. argued and determined in the Court of Ex- The same. 8c. Philadelphia, 1836. chequer, in Ireland, 1838 and 1839. V. 1. ~ Reports of Cases in the Court of King's Parts I and II. 80. Dublin, 1839. Bench, 1620 to 1640. Folio. London, 1675. and LA TOUCHE, (E. D.) Reports of (2 copies.) Cases in the High Court of Chancery, during JONES, (William, Esq.) Reflections upon the the time of Lord Chancellor Sugden, 1844- Perils and Difficulties of the Winter Naviga1846. 3 v. 80. Dublin, 1846-49. tion of the Delaware. 80. Philadelphia, JONES, (Thomas; of Mold.) Geiriadur Saeso- 1822. neg a Chymraeg; an English and Welsh JoNEs, (William;) REEVES, (J.;) and BLAKEDictionary. 3d ed. 160. Chester, 1800. MORE, (T.) Key to the Art of Ringing. 160. JONES, (Thomas; Accountant.) Book-Keeping Ipswich, 1801. and Accountantship, elementary and prac- JONES, (William Carey.) "Pueblo Question" tical. 80. New-York, 1853. solved in a plain statement of Facts and Law. JONES, (Thomas Rymer.) General Outline of 80. San Francisco, 1860. the Animal Kingdom, and Manual of Compar- Report on the subject of Land Titles in ative Anatomy. 2d ed. 80. London, 1855. California. 80. Washington, 1851. (2 JONES, (Thomas Wharton.) Principles and copies.) (Senate Ex. Doc., No. 18, 31st Practice of Ophthalmic Medicine and Sur- Cong., 1st Sess.) gery. 2d ed. 160. London, 1855. Review of Attorney Gen. Black's Report JONES, (U. J.) History of the Early Settle- on Land Titles in California. 80. San Franment of the Juniata Valley. 80. Philadel- cisco, 1860. phia, 1856. JONES' Views of the Seats, Mansions, Castles, JONES, (Sir William.) Works. With life of &.c., of Noblemen and Gentlemen in England, the author, by Lord Teignmouth. 13 v. 80. Wales, Scotland, and Ireland; with historical London, 1807. descriptions. 40. London, 1829. CONTENTS. JONSON, (Ben.) Works. With notes and Al Sirajiyyah: or, the Mohammedan Law of Inher- memoir, by W. Gifford. 9 v. 8. London, itance, v. S. Asia, Description of, v. 12. 1816. Bailments, Essay on the Law of, v. 8. CONTENTS. Botanical Observations on the Plants of India, v. 5. Alchemist, The, v. 4. Charges to the Grand Jury, at Calcutta, 1783-92, Bartholomew Fair, v. 4. v. 7-8. Case is Altered, v. 6. Discourses before the Asiatic Society, v. 3. Catiline, v. 4. Dissertation sur la Litterature Orientale, v. 12. Cynthia's Revels, v. 2. Hindus, Chronology of, v. 4. Devil is an Ass, v, 5. Hindus, Literature of, v. 4. Discoveries, v. 9. Histoire de Nader Chah, v. 11-12. English Grammar, v. 9. Hit6padesa of VishnLusarman, v. 13. Entertainments, v. 6. Institutes of Hindu Law; or, the Ordinances of Epigrams, v. 8. Menu, v. 7-8. Every Man in his Humour, v. 1. Letters to and from Sir Win. Jones, v. 1-2. Every Man out of his Humour, v. 2. Lettre a M. A * * Du P * *, v. 10. Fox, The, v. 3. Mahomedan Law of Succession to Property of In- Jonsonus Virbius, v. 9. testates, v. 8. Magnetic Lady, v. 6. Memoirs of Life and Writings, v. 1-2. Masques at Court, v. 7-8. Moallukat, The; seven Arabian poems, v. 10. Memoirs of Jonson, by W. Gifford, v. 1. Persia, Short History of, v. 12. New Inn, The, v. 1. Persian Language, Grammar of, v. 5. Poetaster, The, v. 2. Poems, chiefly from Asiatic Languages, v. 10. Sad Shepherd, v. 6. Poeseos Asiatice Commentariorum, Libri sex, v. 6. Sejanus, v. 3. Pracriti, Two Hymns to, v. 13. Silent Woman, v. 3. Sacontala: or, the fatal ring; an Indian drama, by Staple of News, v. 5. Calid's, v. 9. Tale of a Tub, v. 6. Shore, Sir John; Discourse before the Asiatick Underwoods; consisting of divers poems, v. 8-9. Society of Calcutta, v. 3.Poems. 80. London, 1810. (Chalmes' Speeches of Ismus on causes concerning the law of succession to property at Athens, v. 9. Eng. Poets, v. 5.) Tales and Fables, by Nizarin, v. 4. Traite sur la Poesie Orientale, v. 12. JOPLIN, (Thomas.) Analysis and History of Vedas, Extracts from the, v. 13. the Currency Question; with account of the -- Grammar of the Persian Language. origin and growth of joint stock banking in 9th ed. 40. London, 1828. England. 80. London, 1832. 613 JOPLIN. JOURDAN. JOPLIN, (Thomas.) Examination of the Report Bello Judaico liber I., et pars secundi, (Gr. of the Joint Stock Bank Committee. 80. Lat.) 2v. in. Folio. Oxoniae, 1687-1700. London, 1836. (Financial Pam., v. 14.) Genuine Works. Translated from the Principles and Practice of Banking. original Greek, according to Havercamp's 8~. London, 1824. (Pamphleteer, v. 24.) accurate edition; containing xx. books of JORDAN, (George.) Great Cave of Dry Fork the Jewish Antiqnities, with the appendix, of Cheat River, Virginia. 8~. Baltimore, or Life of Josephus, written by himself; VII. 1855. books of the Jewish War; and It. books JORDAN, (Henry.) Practical Observations on against Apion; with viwi. Dissertations, and the Preservation of the Teeth. 2d ed. 16~. an account of Jewish Coins, Weights, and London, 1854. Measures. By William Whiston. Folio. JORDAN, (Richard.) Journal of Life and Re- London, 1737. ligious Labors. 8~. Philadelphia, 1848. Works. Also, three Dissertations, con(Friends' Library, v. 13.) cerning Jesus Christ, John the Baptist, James JORNANDES. De Rebus Gothorum. (Mura- the Just, God's Command to Abraham, &c. tori, Italicarum Scriptores, v. I, p. 1.) Translated by Whiston. 80. London, 1840. JORTIN, (John.) Various Works. 13 v. C8. Works. New translation, by Robert London, 1787-1809. Traill; with notes. Edited by Isaac Taylor. CONTENTS. 2 v. 80. London, 1851. Anecdotes, v. 12. JOSSE, (Agustin Luis.) Grammaire EspagDiscourses concerning Christian Religion, v. 8. Dissertations, Six, v. 11. noleRaisonnee. 3eed. 80. Londres, 1810. Greek Authors, Critical Remarks on, v. 13. JOSSELYN, (John.) Account of Two Voyages Latin Authors, Critical Remarks on, v. 13. Letters, v. 13. to New England. 180. London, 1674. Life of Jortin, by R. Heathcote, v. 8. __ Lusus Poetici aud Translations from, v. 12. The same. 1638 and 1663. 8~. CamMilton, Remarks on, v. 12. bridge, 1833. (Mass. Hist. Coll., v. 3, third Modern Authors, Critical Remarks on, v. 13. Remarks on Ecclesiastical History, v. 8-10. series.) Scriptural Illustrations, v. 12. - Chronological Observations of America Sermon at the Consecration of Bishop Pearce, v. 12. Chronological Observations of America Sermons, v. 1-7. from the year of the World to 1673. 80. Spenser, Remarks on, v. 12. Tracts, philological, critical, and miscellaneous, Cambridge, 1833. (Mass. Hist. Coll., v. 3, v. 12-13. third series.) Life of Erasmus. 3v. 80. London, 1808. New England's Rarities Discovered; in JOSEPH II. Testament Politique de l'Em- Birds, Beasts, Fishes, Serpents, and Plants pereur Joseph Second, Roi des Romains. of that country. 180. London, 1672. 2v. 160. Vienne, 1791. JOUANNE, (L. E.) New Method of Learning Letters to distinguished Princes and the Gender of French Nouns. 120. NewStatesmen. 80. London, 1822. (Pamphle- York, 1857. teer, v. 19.) JOUANNIN, (J. M.;) et VAN GAVER, (J.) JOSEPHS, (Michael.) English and Hebrew Turquie. 80. Paris, 1840. (L'Univers, Lexicon. 80. London, 1834. v. 18.) JOSEPHUS, (Flavius.) Opera Omnia, (GreecB JOUBERT, (Joseph.) Dictionnaire Fran9ois et Latine,) cum notis et nova versione J. et Latin. 5e 6d. 40. Lyon, 1738. Hudsoni. Acceduntnota variorum. Omnia JOUBLEAU, (F6lix.):tudes sur Colbert; ou collegit, disposuit, notasque suas adjecit Sig. exposition du systdme d'economie politique Havercampus. 2 v. Folio. Amsteledami, suivi en France de 1661 ai 1683. 2 v. 80. 1726. Paris, 1856. Thesame. (Gr.etLat.) Excusaadedi- JOUFFROY, (Theodore.) Melanges Philosotionem Lugduno-Batavam S. Havercampii phiques. 80. Paris, 1833. cum OxoniensiJ. Hudsonii collatam. Cura- JOUFFROY, (Thomas Simon.) Introduction to vit Franciscus Oberthtir. 3 v. in 6. 80. Ethics, including a critical survey of modern Lipsiae, 1782-85. systems. Translated by W. H. Channing. The same. (Gr.etLat.) Rec.G.Din- 2v. 12C. Boston, 1848. dorf. 2v. 80. Paris, 1845-47. (Didot's JOURDAN, (Antoine Jacques Louis.) DictionBiblioth. Grecque, v. 26-27) naire Raisonn6, Etymologique, SynonyAntiquitatum Judaicarum libri Iv. pri- mique et Polyglotte, des Termes usites dans ores, et pars magna quinti; (Gr. Lat.,) cum les Sciences Naturelles. 2 v. in 1. 80. notis D. E. Bernardi. Item Historiarum de Paris, 1834. 614 JOURNAL. JOURNALS. JOURNAL, Acts, and Proceedings of the Con- Boston, 1836. (Mass. Hist. Coll., v. 5, third vention which formed the Constitution of series.) the United States. 80. Boston, 1819. JOURNAL de l'lcole Polytechnique. Publi6 JOURNAL of Design and Manufactures; with par le conseil d'instruction de cet 6tablissefabric patterns and engravings. 6 v. 80- ment. 20 v. in 10. 40. Paris, 1794-1848. London, 1849-52. JOURNAL des D6bats et des D6crets de l'AssemJOURNAL of Jurisprudence, 1857 to 1861. 5 v. blee Nationale et de Convention Nationale, (9 80. Edinburgh, 1857-61. Aofit-7 Octobre, 1792.) 120. Paris. 1792. JOURNAL of a Deputation sent to the East by JOURNAL des ltats Ge6ieraux, convoques par the Committee of the Malta Protestant Col- Louis XVI., le 27 Avril, 1789. Redig6 par lege, in 1849; present state of the oriental M. Le Hodey de Sault-Chevreuil. 14 v. nations, their religion, learning, education, 80. Paris, 1789-90. customs, etc. 2 v. 80. London, 1854. JOURNAL, de Mathematiques, pure et apJOURNAL of an English Traveller, from 1814-16; pliques; ou recneil nmensuel de memoires or, Memoirs and Anecdotes of the Princess sur les diverses parties des math6matiqn es. of Wales and her Court, &c. 80. London, Publi6 par Joseph Liouville. 18 v. in 9. 1817. (Pamphleteer, v. 10.) 40. Paris, 1836-53. The same. 80. London, 1817. (Pol. JOURNAL du Palais; recneil le plus ancien et Pam., v. 59.) le plus complet de la jurisprudence FranJOURNAL of a Nobleman; an account of his ~aise. 3e 6d., par Ledru-Rollin; continu6e traveis, and residence at Vienna, during the par S. Cuenot, T. Gelle, et A. Fabre, 1791 t congress. 2v. 120. London, 1831. 1861. 72 v. 80. Paris, 1842-61. JOURNAL of a Tour in Ireland, &c., 1804. JOURNAL du Palais. Ile partie; lois, ordon80. London, 1806. (Phillips's Voyages and nances, decrets, reglements et instructions Travels, v. 3.) d'int6ret g6neral; suivis d'annotations. 7 JOURNAL of Tour to the Western Counties of v. 80. Paris, 1845-54. England, 1807. 80. London, 1809. (Phil- JOURNALS of the House of Commons, 1547 to lips's Voyages and Travels, v. 10.) 1863. 117 v. Folio. London, 1742-1863. JOURNAL of the Proceedings of the Congress General Index to the Journals of the held at Albany in 1754. 80. Boston, 1836. House of Commons, commencing with the (Mass. Hist. Coll., v. 5, third series.) first Parliament of Edward VI. 1547-1714. JOURNAL of the Proceedings at two Confer- V. 1-17. Folio. London, 1852. ences at Falmouth, in Casco Bay, within the The same. 1714-1774. V. 18-34. Province of the Massachusetts Bay, in New- Folio. London, 1805. England, on the 28th day of June, 1754, The same. 1774-1790. V. 35-45. between William Shirley, Esq., Governor in Folio. London, 1796. the Province aforesaid, and the Chiefs of the The same. 1790-1800. V. 46-55. Norridgwalk Indians; and on the 5th July Folio. London, 1803. following, between His said Excellency and The same. 1801-1820. V. 56-75. the Chiefs of the Penobscot Indians. Folio. Folio. London, 1825. Boston, 1754. - The same. 1837-1852. V. 93-107. JOURNAL of Science and the Arts, Edited at Folio. London, 1857. the Royal Institution of Great Britain. from JOURNALS of the House of Lords, 1509 to 1816 to 1831. 30 v. 80. London, 1817-31. 1863. 94 v. Folio. London, 1810-1863. JOURNAL of the Society of Arts and of the In- - General Index to Journals of House stitutions in Union, from November 26, 1852, of Lords. 1509-1649. V. 1-10. Folio. to November 14, 1862. V. 1-10. 8~. Lon- London, 1836. don, 1853-62. - The same. 1660-1714. V. 11-19. JOURNAL of the Treaty held at Albany, 1775, Folio. London, 1834. with the Six Nations, by the Commissioners - The same. 1714-1779. V. 20-35. of the Twelve United Colonies met in Gen- Folio. London, 1817. eral Congress at Philadelphia. 8C. 8 Boston, The same. 1780-1819. V. 36-52. 1836. (Mass. Hist. Coil., v. 5, third series.) Folio. London, 1832. JOURNAL of a Treaty held in 1793, with the JOURNALS of the House of Commons of the Indian Tribes north west of the Ohio, by Kingdom of Ireland, 1613 to 1800. 21 v. in Commissioners of the United States. 8~. 23. Folio. Dublin, 1796-1800. 615 JOURNALS. JUKES. JOURNALS of the House of Lords of the King- cimiento de la verdadera figura, y magnitud dom of Ireland, 1634 to 1800. 8 v. Folio. dela tierra. 4 v. 4o. Madrid, 1748. Dublin, 1783-1800. Voyage to South America. Translated JOURNtE des Dupes: piece tragi-politi-comique. from the Spanish, with notes, and an account (Attribuee a M. Bergosse et A M. de Puy- of the Brazils, by John Adams. 4th ed. 2 v. s6gur.) 8~. Paris, 1790. (Pol. Pam., v. 8.) 80. London, 1806. JOUSSELIN, (J.) Traite des Servitudes d'Utilite JUAN Y COLOM, (Joseph.) Instruccion de Publique; on, des modifications apport6es Escribanos en Orden A lo Judicial; donde par les lois et par les reglements a la pro- succinctamente se explica lo ritual y forma priet6 immobiliere en faveur de l'utilitd pub- de proceder en las causes civiles y criminales, lique. 2 v. 8~. Paris, 1850. asi en la teorica como en la practica. 8~ JOUTEL, (M.) Journal of M. de La Salle's impression. 2 v. 4~. Madrid, 1775. last voyage to discover the river Mississippi, JUARROS, (Domingo.) Statistical and Com1684. 80. New York, 1846. (French's Hist. mercial History of the Kingdom of GuateColl. Louisiana, v. 1.) mala, in Spanish America; with an account JOVELLANOS, (Gaspar Melchor d.) Obras. 2 v. of its conquest by the Spaniards. Translated 8~. Madrid, 1858-9. (Biblioteca deAutores by J. Baily. 80. London, 1823. Espafoles, v. 5-6.) JUDD, (Sylvester, Jr.) Margaret; a tale of the Jovius. See GIOVIO. real and ideal; blight and bloom. 2d ed. 2 v. JOWETT, (Benjamin.) Epistles of St. Paul to 12~. Boston, 1857. the Thessalonians, Galatians, Romans; with JUDGMENTS, as they were, upon solemn argucritical notes and dissertations. 2 v. 8~. ments, given in the Upper-Bench and CornLondon, 1855. mon-Pleas, upon the most difficult points JOYCE, (James Wayland.) Constitutional His- in all manner of actions. 8~. London, tory of the Convocations of the Clergy, from 1655. the earliest records of Christianity in Britain JUDGMENTS of God upon the Nations. Pius to the promulgation of the Book of Common Ninth the last of the Popes. 80. New York, Prayer. 80. London, 1855. 1855. JOYCE, (Jeremiah.) Analysis of Adam Smith's JUDSON, (Adoniram.) Burmah's Great MisInquiry into the Nature and Causes of the sionary. Records of the life, character, and Wealth of Nations. 80. London, 1818. achievements of Adoniram Judson. 12o. Scientific Dialogues; in which the first New-York, 1854. principles of natural and experimental philos- Dictionary of the Burman Language, ophy are fully explained. 160. London, with explanations in English. 80. Cal1853. cutta, 1826. JOYNES, (William T.) Essay upon the Act of JUDSON, (Andrew T.) Address before the the General Assembly of Virginia, passed Hale Monument Association. 80. Norwich, April 3, 1838, entitled "An Act Amending (Conn.,) 1837. the Statute of Limitations," and founded on JUDSON, (Emily.) Kathayan Slave, and other the English Statute of Geo. IV. c. 14; with papers connected with missionary life. 160. a preliminary inquiry into the law of new Boston, 1853. promises, under the "Statute of Limitations." - My Two Sisters; a sketch from memory. 80. Richmond, 1844. 160. Boston, 1854. JUANY SANTACILIA, (Jorge;) yULLOA, (Anto- Olio of Domestic Verses. 120. Newnio de.) Noticias Secretas de America. Saca- York, 1852. das A luz para el verdadera conocimiento del JUDSON, (L. Carroll.) Biography of the gobierno de los Espanoles en la America Signers of the Declaration of Independence. Meridional, por D. Barry, en dos partes. 40. 8~. Philadelphia, 1839. Londres, 1826. Sages and I-eroes of the American Observaciones Astronomicas, y Phisi- Revolution. 80. Philadelphia, 1851. cas; de las quales se deduce la figura, y JuET, (Robert.) Hudson's Voyage fromNethermagnitud de la tierra, y se aplica a la nave- land to the Coast of North America, 1609. gacion. 40. Madrid, 1748. 8C. New York, 1841. (New York Hist. Relacion Historica del Viage A la Amer- Coil., v. 1, second series.) ica meridional, para medir algunos grados de JUKES, (Edward.) Indigestion and Costivemeridiano terrestre, y venir por ellos en cono- ness, &c. 5th ed. loH. London, 1836. JUKES. JURIST. JUKES, (Edward.) Remarks on the Invention JUNIUS, (Franz.) Libri Apocryphi Testamenti. oftheStomachPump. 160. London. (n. d.) 40. Londini, 1579. (Theol. Pam., v. 16.) (Bound with above.) JUNIUS, (Franz, son of the preceding.) GothJUKES, (J. Beete.) Excursions in and about icum Glossarium. Preemittuntur ei GothNewfoundland, during the years 1839 and icum, Runicum, Anglo-Saxonicum, aliaque 1840. 2 v. 120. London, 1842. alphabeta. Small 40; Dordrechti, 1665. Narrative of the Surveying Voyage of - De Pictura Veterum libri III. Folio. H. M. S. Fly, in Torres Strait, New Guinea, Roterdami, 1694. and other Islands of the Eastern Archipelago, JUNKIN, (D. X.) The Oath a Divine Ordiduring 1842-46. 2 v. 80. London, 1847. nance, and an Element of the Social ConstiPopular Physical Geology. 160. Lon- tution; its origin, nature, ends, efficacy, lawdon, 1853. fulness, obligations, interpretation, form, and JULIA DE FONTENELLE, (Jean-Sebastien Eu- abuses. 120. New York, 1815. gene,) et MALEPEYRE, (F.) Nouveau JUNOT, (Madame.) See ABRANTES. Manuel complet du Verrier, et du Fabricant JURACORONAE. His Majesty's Royal Rights and de Glaces, Cristaux, Pierres Precieuses Fac- Prerogatives asserted. 160. London, 1680. tices, &c. 2 v. 180. Paris, 1854. JURA ECCLISIAS'ICA; or, the present practice JULIAN, (Eran.) Interest Tables; an accurate in Ecclesiastical courts. 2 v. 80. London, calculation of interest, at 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 1749. 10 per cent., on all sums from I cent to JURE (De) Generis Humani, vel divisi in $10,000, and from one day to six years. 80. gentes vel in unam civitatem scilicet hunc Columbus, (0.,) 1859. orbem conjunctii, sen de jure gentium et cosJULIANUS Imperator, (Flavius Claudius.) Cae- mopolitico. 80. Stuttgartie, 1811. sares, (Gr. et. Lat.,) ex recensione et cum JURE (De) Magistratvvm in svbditos. 160. adnotationibus T. C. Harles. 160. Er- Basilre, 1589. (With Machiavelli, Prinlangae, 1785. ceps.) Select Works; and some pieces of the JURIES. Enquiry into the Extent and Power SophistLibanius. Translated from the Greek, of Juries, on trials of indictments or informwith notes. Also, History of the Emperor ations, for publishing seditious or other Jovian, from the French of the Abbe De La criminal writings, or libels. 80. London, Bl1terie; by John Duncombe. 2 v. 80. 1785. London, 1784. Guide to English Juries, setting forth JULIEN, (Marc Antoine.) Essai Generale their antiquity, power, and duty. 120. Lond'1ducation, physique, morale, et intellec- don, 1725. tuelle; suivi d'un plan d'6ducation pratique. JURIN, (James.) Account of the Success of 40. Paris, 1808. Inoculating the Small Pox in Great Britain, JULIEN, (Stanislas.) Histoire et Fabrication for the years 1724-1726. 80. London, de la Porcelaine Chinoise; traduit du Chi- 1725-27.. (Misc. Pam., v. 31.) nois. 80. Paris, 1856. JURISPRUDENT. 40. Boston, 1830-31. JULLIEN, (A.) Topography of all the known JURISPRUDENTIA Romana et Attica; continens vineyards; kind and quality of their products, varios commentatores qui jus Romanum, Attiand a classification. From the French. 120. cum, item classicos aliosque auctores veteres London, 1824. emendariunt, explicarunt, illustrarunt. 3 v. JUNIUS. Letters. 160. Philadelphia, 1795. Folio. Lugduni Batavorum, 1738-41. The same. 2 v. 80. Philadelphia, JURIST; or, quarterly journal of jurisprudence 1836. and legislation. 3 v. 80. London, 1827-32. The same. With new evidence as to JURIST; containing reports of cases decided in the authorship, and analysis by Sir Harris the courts of equity and common law, and in Nicolas. 2 v. 160. London, 1850. the admiralty and ecclesiastical courts, oriLetter to an H-onourable Brigadier Gen- ginal articles on legal subjects, all important eral, Commander in Chief of Iis Majesty's statutes, rules and orders of various courts, forces in Canada; London, 1760; now first the gazettes, cause lists, and miscellaneous ascribed to Junius. To which is added, "A legal information, 1837 to 1854. 18 v. in 31. Refutation of the Letter, &c., by an Officer." 80. London, 1838-55. Edited by N. W. Simons. 180. London, - The same. New series, 1855 to 1861. 184i. 7 v. in 14. 86. London, 1856-62. 617 JUS. JUSTINUS. Jus Civile Ante-Justinianeum, codicum et JUSTINIANUS. Institutes. With notes, by optimarum editionum ope a societate juris- Thomas Cooper. 8~. Philadelphia, 1812. consultorum curatum. Prefatus estet indi- (2 copies.) cem editionurn adjecit Gustavus Hugo. 2v. The same. 3d ed.; with additional 8~. Berolini, 1815.. notes and references, by Thomas Cooper. JuSSIEU, (Adrien de.) Cours 1lementaire 8~. New-York, 1852. d'Histoire Naturelle. Botanique. 56 ed. The same. Translated by G. Harris 12~. Paris, 1852. and T. Cooper; with a translation of the title De Euphorbiacearum generibus, medi- "De verborum significatione;" and of that cisque earundem viribus tentamen. 4~.'"De diversis regulis juris antiqui," as arParisiis, 1824. ranged by A. Corvinus; by G. Lyon. 2 v. JussIEU, (Antoine Laurent de.) Genera Plan- 160. Edinburgh, 1844. tarum, secundum ordines naturales dis- - The same. With English Introducposita. 80. Parisiis, 1789. tion, translation, and notes, by T. C. SanJUSTICE, (Alexander.) General Treatise of dars. 8~. London, 1853. the Dominion and Laws of the Sea: con- The same. With the novel as to taining what is most valuable upon that successions. Translated by William Grapel. subject, in ancient and modern authors; with 80. Cambridge, 1855. several discourses about the jurisdiction and - - The same. A manual of civil law; or, manner of proceeding in the admiralty of examination in the Institutes of Justinian; England, both in criminal and civil matters, being a translation of and commentary on and adjudged cases in several courts con- that work; with an introduction on the hiscerning trade and navigation. 2d ed. 4C. tory of the Roman law, by Patrick Cumin. London, 1705. 12~. London, 1854. The same. 3d ed., with large addi- - Les Cinquante Livres du Digeste, ou tions and improvements. 40. London, des Pandectes, Traduits en Franuais, par (n. d.) Henry Hulot et J. F. Berthelot. 7 v. 40. JUSTICE'S Case Law; being a concise abridg- Metz, 1803-5. ment of all the cases of crown laws relating - Les Douze Livres du Code. Traduits en to justices of peace. 4~. London, 1731. Franqais, par P. A. Tissot. 4 v. 40. Metz, JUSTICE and Necessity of Taxing the American 1807-10. Colonies demonstrated. 8~. London, 1766. Les Institutes. Traduites en Frangais (Col. Pam., v. 3.) par Henry Hulot. 40. Metz, 1806. JUSTIN (le) Moderne, on le detail des affaires Les Novelles. Traduites en Franqais, de ce temps, fiddlement tire de son histoire. par M. Berenger. 2 v. 40. Metz, 1811. 240. Ville Franche, 1677. (Bound with JUSTINUS. Historie Philippicae. InterpretaLA TROUSSIERE, Vie de Dusson.) tione et notis illustravit Pt. Jos. Cantel, ad JUSTINIANUS. Codex. Advetusterum exem- usum Delphini. 80. London, 1701. plarum fidem diligentissimd recognitus. 40. The same. Cum commentariis varioParisiis, 1532. rum, curante A. Gronovio. Ed. 2a. 2 v. Institutiones Imperiales nouiter im- 80. Lugduni Batavorum, 1760. presse. Folio. Lugduni, 1521. The same. Ex editione A. Gronovii. ~_- Institutionum libri IV. Observation- 2 v. 80. Londini, 1822. (Valpy's Scripibus perpetuis illustrati, additis earum insti- tores Latini, v. 52-53.) tutionum cum Codice Napoleone collation- - Thesame. CumversioneAnglica;or,the ibus, auctore J. F. Berthelot. 4 v. 80. HistoryofJustin; withanEnglish translation, Lutetige Parisiorum, 1809. byJohn Clarke. 9th ed. 80. Glocester, 1790. ~- - Pandectse, in novum ordinemn digestre, - History of the World. Translated by cum legibus codicis et novellis que jus Pan- J. S. Watson. 120. London, 1853. (Bohn's dectarum confirmant, explicant aut arrogant, Class. Library, v. 4.) a R. J. Pothier; de lingua Latina in Galli- JUSTINUS Martyr. Opera. Item Athenagorm cam versxn B D. de Breard-Neuville. 24 v. Atheniensis, Theophili Antiocheni, Tatiani 80. Paris, 1818-23. Assyrii, et Hermime Philosophi Tractatus. - Institutes. Translated into English, (Gr. et Lat.) Folio. Parisiis, 1636. with text and notes, byGeorge Harris. 2ded. Opera qu0e exstant omnia. Nec non 40. London, 1761. Tatiani adversus Graecos Oratio; Athena78 618 JUSTINUS. KAMES. gore Legatio pro Christianis; Theophil middle of last century. From the German, tres ad Autolycum libri: Hermire Irrisioi by T. Meyer. 16.- Edinburgh, 1856. Gentilium Philosophorum, item supposita KALIDASA. La Reconnaissance de Sacountala; Justino opera. (Gr. et Lat.) Collata opera drame Sanscrit et Pracrit, accompagne d'uno P. Morani, monachi Benedictini. Folio. traduction Francaise, et notes, par A. L. Parisiis, 1742. Chlzy. 40. Paris, 1830. JUSTINUS Martyr. Apology of. 80. Cam- KALISCH, (Isidor.) Wegweiser ftir Rationelle bridge, 1833. (Chevallier's Translations.) Forschungen in den Biblischen Schriften. JUTAIS, (Brodin de la.) L'Abondance, on la 12~. Cleveland, (0.,) 1853. Veritable Pierre Philosophale. 16". Phila- KALISCH, (M.) Historical and Critical Comdelphia, 1805. (Agric. Pam., v. 1.) mentary on the Old Testament, with a JUVENALIS, (Decimus Junius.) Opera omnia, new translation.-Exodus. 8~. London, ex editione Rupertiana. 2 v. 8~. Londini, 1855. 1820. (Valpy, ScriptoresLatini, v. 14-15.) KALLENBACH, (Georg Gottfried.) Atlas zur Satire; with a linear verbal translation Geschichte der Deutsch-Mittelaltersichen accompanying the text; a dissertation, and Baukunst, in 86 Tafeln. Folio. Miinchen, index, by P. A. Nuttall. New ed., revised 1847. by John Stirling. 12C. London, 1836. KALM, (Peter.) Travels in North America; Satires. Translated into English verse, its natural history, plantations, agriculture, by Charles Badham; with notes and illus- and civil, ecclesiastical, and commercial trations. 8~. London, 1814. state. From the German, by John R. Foster. Satires. Translated by Dryden and 2 v. 80. London, 1772. others. 2 v. 16~. Chiswick, 1822. (British The same. (Pinkerton's Voyages, v. 13.) Poets, v. 96-97.) KAM-ES, (Henry Home, Lord.) Decisions of The same. Translated, (in prose,) by the Court of Session, from its first institution L. Evans, (in verse,) by W. Gifford. 12~. to the present time. 2v. Folio. Edinburgh, London, 1852. (Bohn's Class. Lib'y, v. 42.) 1741-42. etPERSIusFlaccus, (Aulus.) Satirye. Elements of Criticism. 3d ed. 2v. Interpretatione ac notis illustravit Ludovi- 80. Edinburgh, 1765. cus Prateus, in usum Delphini. 80. Lon- The same. Revised, with omissions, dini, 1817. additions, and analysis. Edited by James Juvenalis Satirme XVI, ad optimorum R. Boyd. 8~. New-York, 1855. exemplarium fidem recensits, varietate lee- Essays upon several Subjects concerntionum perpetuoque commentario illustrata, ing British Antiquities; viz.: I. Introduction ai G. A. Ruperti. Quibus adjectre sunt, of the Feudal Law into Scotland. II. ConPersii Satiroe, ex recensione et cum notis G. stitution of Parliament. III. Honour, DigL. Koenig. 2 v. 8~. Glasgue, 1825. nity. IV. Succession or Descent. With New and literal Translation of Juvenal appendix, upon Hereditary and Indefeasible and Persius; (with the original text;) with Right. 3d ed. 12~. Edinburgh, 1763. notes, byM. Madan. 2v. 8~. London, 1829. Historical Law Tracts. 2d ed. 8~. Satires of Juvenal and Persius. With Edinburgh, 1761. English notes from the best commentators, - Introduction to the Art of Thinking. by Charles Anthon 1. 12 New-York, 1857. 12~. Edinburgh, 1764. Satires of Juvenalis and Persius, trans- Principles of Equity. Folio. Edinlated into English verse, by William Gifford; burgh, 1760. with notes. 2 v. 8~. London, 1817. The same. 2d ed. Corrected and enKf MPFER, (Engelbert.) History of Japan; larged. Folio. Edinburgh, 1767. account of its antient and present state and The same. 3d ed. 2 v. 8~. Edingovernment; with a description of the King- burgh, 1778. dom of Siam. Written in High Dutch, and Principles of Morality a.nd Natural translated byJ. G. Scheuchzer. 2v. Folio. Religion. 80. Edinburgh, 1751. London, 1728. - Remarkable Decisions of the Court of The same. (Pinkerton's Voyages, v. 7.) Session, from 1716 to 1728. 2ded. Folio. KAHL, (J.) Lexicon. See CALVINUS, (J.) Edinburgh, 1790. KAHNIS, (Carl Friedrich August.) Internal - The same. From 1730 to 1752. Folio. History of German Protestantism since the Edinburgh, 1766: (P copies.) 619 KAMES. KARR. KAMES, (Henry Home, Lord.) Select Decisions KANSAS. Laws ofthe Territory of Kansas, 1857 of the Court of Session, from 1752 to 1768. to 1859. 3 v. 80. Lecompton and LawFolio. Edinburgh, 1780. rence, 1857-59. (2 copies.) Sketches of the History of Man; en- - General Laws of the State of Kansas, larged by the last additions and corrections in force at the close of the session of the of the author. 4 v. 80. Edinburgh, 1788. Legisloture, ending' March 6th, 1862. PubKAMPTZ, (Carl Albert von.) Neue Literatur lished by authority. 8C. Topeka, 1862. des Volkerrechts, seit dem Jahre 1784. 8o. KAsNT, (Immanuel.) Stimintliche Werke. Berlin, 1817. Herausgegeben von Karl Rosenkranz und Beitrhige zum Staats und V6lkerrecht. F. W. Schubert. 12 v. 80. Leipzig, 1838V. 1. 80. Berlin, 1815. (With EGGERS' 40. Institutiones.) CONTENTS. KANE, (Elisha Kent.) Access to an Open Anthropologie, v. 7. Polar Sea. 80. New-York, 1853. Briefe, v. 11. Fragnmente aus seinem nachlasse, v. 11. Astronomical Observations in the Arctic Geschichte der Kant'schen Philosopllie; von Karl Seas. 40. Washington, 1860. (Smith- Rosenkranz, v. 12. Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Seiten, v. 8. sonian Contributions, v. 12.) Kleine Logisch-Metaphysische Schriften, v. 1. Kritik der Reinen Vernunft, v. 2. Magnetical Obervations in the Arctic IKritik der Praktisehen Vernunft, v. 8. Seas. 40. Washington, 1858. (Smuith- Kitiki der Urtheilskraft, und beobachtungen iiber das gefiihl des Schonen und Erhabenen, v. 4. sonian Contributions, v. 10.) Leben Kant's, v. 11. Meteorological Observations in the Arc- Logik, v. 3. Moral und Politik, v. 7. tic Seas. 40. Washington, 1859. (Smith- Padagogik, v. 9. sonian Cn s \ Prolegomena zu einerjeden Kiinftigen Metaphysik, sonian Contributions, v. 11.) v. 3. U. S. Grinnell Expedition in Search of Philosophie des Geschiclte, v. 7. Philosophic der Natur, v. 5. Sir John Franklin; a personal narrative. Physischen Geographie, v. 6. 8.'NewV-Yolrk, 1853. tRechtslehre, v. 9. 8~. New^-York, 1853. Religion innerhalb der Grenzen des Blossen Ver-Arctic Explorations. The Second Grin- nunft, v. 10. Streit der Philosophischen Facultat mit der Theonell Expedition in Search of Sir John Frank- logischen, v. 10. lin, 1853-55. 2 v. 80. Philadelphia, 1856. Tr5le cines Geistersehers, v. 7. Tugendlehre, v. 9. KANE, (Paul.) Wanderings ofanArtistamong Criticl ofPure Reason. Translated the Indians of North America, from Canada from the German, with notes, by F. Hayto Vancouver's Island and Oregon. 80. wood. 8. London, 1838. London, 1859. - Metaphysic of Ethics. Translated by KANE, (Robert.) Elements of Chemistry. 80. J. W.Semple. 80. Edinburgh, 1836. Dublin, 1842. Religion within the Boundary of Pure Industrial Resources of Ireland. 120. Reason. Translated by J. W. Semple. 80. Dublingh, 1844. Edi rg, 38. KANE, (Thomas L.) The Mormons; a discourse -~ lements M6taphysiques de la doctrine before the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, u Droit. Traduit de l'Allemand par Jules March 26, 1850. 8~. Philadelphia, 1850. Bavin. 80. Paris, 1853. - The same. (Misc.Pam., v. 2.) KAPP, (Friedrich.) Life of Frederick William KANNES, (J.) Dissertatio juridica inaugu- von Steuben, Major-General in the Revoluralis de Munere Consulum mercature gratia tionary Army. 80. New-York, 1859. in exteris terris constitutorum. 80. Amstel- KARAMSN, (Nikolaj Mikaelovitch.) Histoire odami, 1826. de l'Empire de Russie. Traduite par MM. KANSAS. Journal of the Council and House St. Thomas, Jauffret et De Divoff. 1I v. of Representatives of the Territory of Kan- 8. Paris, 1819-26. sas, at their first and second sessions, 1855 KARR, (Alphonse.) Clotilde. (Romans Popuand 1857. 4v. 80. Shawnee, M. L. S., laires, v. 6.) and Lecomnpton, 1855-57. Einerley. (Romans Populaires, v. 17.) Statutes of the Territory of Kansas; FPu Bressier. (Romans Populaires, passed at the first session of the legislative v. 11.) assembly, 1855; and the act of Congress or- - La Famille Alain. (Romans Popuganizing said territory, and other acts of laires, v. 15.) Congress having immediate relation thereto. Un Homme Fort en Thbme. (Romans 80. Shawnee M. L. School, 1855. (2 copies.) Populaires, v. 24.) KARR. KEATS. KARR, (Alphonse.) Une V6rit par Semaine. KAY, (James Phillips.) Moral and Physical (Romans Populaires, v. 18.) Condition of the Working Classes employed Vendredi Soir. (Romans Populaires, in the Cotton Manufacture in Manchester. v. 15.) 2d ed. 80. London, 1832. (Pol. Pam., v. 43.) Tour Round my Garden. Translated KAY, (Joseph.) Social Condition and Educafrom the French, by J. G. Wood. 160. tion of the People in England and Europe. London, 1859. 2 v. 120. London, 1850. KARSTEN, (C. J. B.) Manuel de la Metal- KAY, (Stephen.) Travels and Researches in lurgie du Fer. Traduit de l'Allemand, par Caffraria. 120. New-York, 1834. F. J. Culmann. 2e ed. 2 v. 8~. Metz, KAYE, (John.) Ecclesiastical History of the 1830. Second and Third Centuries, illustrated from KASEY, (J. W.) Young Man's Guide to True the Writings of Tertullian. 2d ed. 80. Greatness. 120. Big Spring, (Ky.,) 1858. Cambridge, (Ms.,) 1829. KATE STANTON. 2d ed. 120. Boston, 1856. Some Account of the Writings and KATER, (H.) Nautical Astronomy. 4~. Lon- Opinions of Clement of Alexandria. 80. don, 1848. (With Encyclopoedia of As- London, 1835. tronomy.) KAYE, (John William.) Administration of the and LARDNER, (D.) Treatise on Me- East India Company; a history of Indian chanics. 160. London, 1851. (Lardner's progress. 80. London, 1853. Cabinet Cyclopaedia, v. 68.) Christianity in India; an historical narIKAUFMANN, (Peter.) Tempel der Wahrheit, rative. 80. London, 1859. oder die Wissenschaft fiur immerdar forts- History of the War in Afghanistan. chreitender Erkenntniss. 120. Cincinnati, 2 v. 80. London, 1851. 1858. Life and Correspondence of Charles, ~ —- Temple of Truth, or the science of ever- Lord Metcalfe. 2 v. 80. London, 1854. progressive knowledge. 120. Cincinnati, Life and Correspondence of Henry St. 1858. George Tucker, late Accountant-General of KAUTSCH, (P. J.) Ad Geographiam Practi- Bengal and Chairman of the East India Comncam, supplementa duo, Eclipsium Solis et pany. 80. London, 1854. Lunae, primum ab anno 1800 ad 1825, se- - Life and Correspondence of Majoicundum ab anno 1825 ad 1860. 80. Petro- General Sir John Malcolm, late Envoy to poll, 1800. Persia and Governor of Bombay. 2 v. 80. KAVANAGH, (Julia.) English Women of Let- London, 1856. ters; biographical sketches. 2v. 120. Lon- KEARNEY, (H.) Quadrature of the Circle don, 1863. Proved; with diagrams and numerical formu- French Women of Letters; biographi- ls for practical purposes. 80. London, cal sketches. 2 v. 120. London, 1862. 1847. ~- Summer and Winter in the Two Sici- KEATE, (George.) Account of the Pelew lies. 2 v. 120. London, 1858. Islands; composed from the journals and ~: - Woman in France during the Eighteenth communications of Captain Henry Wilson, Century. 2 v. 120. London, 1850. and some of his officers, who, in 1783, were KAVANAGH, (Morgan.) Discovery of the Sci- there shipwrecked. 2d ed. 40. London, ence of Languages. 2 v. 80. London, 1789. 1844. KEATING, (William H.) Narrative of an ExMyths Traced to their Primary Source pedition to the Source of St. Peter's River, through Language. 2 v. 120. London, Lake Winnepeek, Lake of the Woods, &c., 1856. performed in the year 1823, under command KAY, (Edward E.) Reports of Cases in the of Major Stephen H. Long. 2 v. 80. PhilHigh Court of Chancery, before Sir William adelphia, 1824. Page Wood, Vice-Chancellor, 1853 to 1854. KEATINGE, (Thomas.) Short Treatise on Fami80. London, 1854. ly Settlements and Devises; principally deand JOINSON, (H. R. V.) Reports of signed to show in what manner, and to what Cases in tile High Court of Chancery, before extent of duration, property may be preSir William Page Wood, Knt., Vice-Chan- served in families. 80. London, 1810. cellor, 1854 to 1857. 4 v. 8~. London, KEATS, (John.) Poetical Works. 120. New1h54-59. York, 1846. 621 KEATS. KEITH. KEATS, (John.) Poetical Works. With a me- Virgil; with excursus, terms of husbandry, moir by Richard Monckton Milnes. 8~. and a flora Virgiliana. 120. London, 1846. Philadelphia, 1855. - Outlines of History. 160. London, Poetical Works of Howitt, Milman, and 1850. (Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia, v. Keats. 80. Philadelphia, 1840. 69.) KEBLE, (Joseph.) Reports of Cases in the Tales and Popular Fictions; their reCourt of King's Bench, 1660 to 1678. 3 v. semblance, and transmission from country Folio. London, 1685. to country. 160. London, 1834. Statutes at Large, from Magna Charta KEILL, (John.) Introduction to the True to this time. Folio. London, 1676. Astronomy; or, astronomical lectures. 4th KEDDIE, (William.) Cyclopsedia of Literary ed. 80. London, 1748. and Scientific Anecdote. 120. Columbus, Institutions Astronomiques, ou lemons (0.,) 1859. d16mentaires d'astronomie. 40. Paris, 1746. KEEFER, (Thomas C.) Canals of Canada, Introductio adVeramPhysicam. Editio their Prospect and Influence; a prize essay. 3a. 80. Oxonise, 1715. 80. Toronto, 1850. KEILWAY, (Robert.) Reports d'ascuns Cases Essai Couronne; De 1'Avenir et de qui ont evenus aux temps du Roy Henry l'Influence des Canaux du Canada. 80. VII., et du Roy Henry VIII. Ovesque les Toronto, 1850. reports d'ascuns cases prises per Guilleaume Report on a Survey for the Railway Dallison, au temps de la Reyne Elizabeth, Bridge over the St. Lawrence at Mon- et per Guilleaume Bendloe, au temps dei la treal, surveyed in 1851-52. 80. Montreal, mesme Royne, touchants la construction de 1853. divers acts de Parliament par equit6. Par KEELING, (William.) Liturgire Britannice; Jean Croke. La tierce 6dition embellie de or, the several editions of the Book of Com- plus que deux milles references. Folio. mon Prayer of the Church of England, from London, 1688. its compilation to the last revision. 80. Lon- KEITH, (Alexander.) Evidence of the Truth don, 1842. of the Christian Religion, derived from the KEEN, (Benjamin.) Reports of Cases in Chan- literal fulfillment of prophecy. 22d ed. 120. cery, in the Rolls Court, during the time of Edinburgh, 1840. Lord Langdale, 1836 to 1839. 2 v. 80. Lon- Isaiah as It Is; or, Judah and Jerusadon, 1837-39. lem the subjects of Isaiah's prophecying. KEESE, (John.) Poets of America. Illustrated 120. Edinburgh, 1850. by one of her painters. 2 v. 120. New- ~ Signs of the Times, as denoted by the York, 1840-42. fulfilment of historical predictions, from the KEIGHTLEY, (Thomas.) Account of the Life, Babylonish captivity to the present time. Opinions, and Writings of John Milton. 2 v. 160, Edinburgh, 1832. 80. London, 1855. KEITH, (George Mouat.) Voyage to South Crusaders; or, scenes, events, and char- America and the Cape of Good Hope. 40. acters, from the times of the crusaders. 2 v. London, 1819. 120. London, 1834. The same. 80. London, 1810. (Phil~- Fairy Mythology; illustrative of the lips' Voyages and Travels, v. 11.) romance and superstition of various coun- KEUITI, (George Skene.) Excellence of the tries. 120. London, 1850. British Constitution. 80. Aberdeen, 1800. History of England. 3 v. 80. Lon- (Pol. Pam., v. 31.) don, 1839. Examination of the New French Con~- - The same. 5 v. 180. New York, 1842. stitution. 80. Aberdeen, 1801. (Pol. Pam., (Harper's Fam. Library, v. 114-18.) v. 31.) ~ — History of Greece. 2ded. 120. Lon- KEITh, (Robert.) Historical Catalogue of don, 1836. Scottish Bishops to 1688; continued to the History of India. 80. London, 1847. present time, by M. Russel. 80. Edinburgh, History of Rome. 2d ed. 120. Lon- 1824. don, 1837. -- History of the Affairs of Church and ~- Mythology of Ancient Greece and State in Scotland, from the beginning of the Italy. S0. London, 1831. Reformation to 1568. 3 v. 80. Edinburgh, Notes on the Bucolics and Georgics of 1845-50. 622 KEITH. KEMBLE. KEITH, (Sir Robert Murray.) Memoirs and KELLY, (James B.) Summary of the History Correspondence, (official and familiar;) with and Law of Usury. 80. London, 1835. memoir of Queen Carolina Matilda, of Den- KELLY, (Michael.) Reminiscences, including mark. Edited by Mrs. Gillespie Smyth. a period of nearly half a century; with anec2 v. 12~. London, 1849. dotes of distinguished persons. 8~. NewKEITH, (Thomas.) Manual of Instruction in York, 1826. Practical Navigation. 80. Boston, 1858. KELLY, (Patrick.) Astronomical ComputaKEITH, (Sir William.) History of Virginia. tions; comprising new tables of the sun's With remarks on the trade and commerce of longitude, right ascension, and declination, that colony. 4~. London, 1738. for 1812; with explanations of apparent, KELAART, (Edward Frederick.) Flora Cal- mean, and sidereal time. 80. London, pensis; contributions to the botany and to- 1812. pography of Gibraltar. 80. London, 1846. Practical Introduction to Spherics and Prodromus Faunse Zeylanicre; contri- Nautical Astronomy. Also, an appendix on butions to the Zoology of Ceylon. 8~. time, time-keepers, and transit instruments. Ceylon, 1852. 5th ed. 80. London, 1822. KELHAM, (Robert.) Dictionary of the Nor- - Universal Cambist, and Commercial man or Old French Language. With the Instructor. 2 v. 40. London, 1821. laws of William the Conqueror. 80. Lon- KELLY, (Walter Keating.) Hand-Book of don, 1779. Homceopathic Practice. 2d edition. 180. Domesday Book Illustrated; an ac- London, 1854. count of that ancient record; as, also, of the History of the House of Austria, from Tenants in Capite or Serjanty therein men- accession of Francis I. to the Revolution of tioned; a translation of the difficult pas- 1848. 12~. London, 1853. sages, with notes, &c. 80. London, 1788. Proverbs of all Nations, compared, KELLAND, (Philip.) Elements of Algebra. explained, and illustrated. 160. London, 80. Edinburgh, 1839. 1859. -- Lectures on the principles of Demon- KELLY, (William.) Across the Rocky Mounstrative Mathematics. 80. Edinburgh, 1843. tains, from New-York to California; with a - Theory of Heat. 80. Cambridge, 1837. visit to the Mormon Colony at the Great KELLER, (Edward.) New German Method; Salt Lake. 160. London, 1852. a new system of teaching the modern lan- Life in Victoria; or, Victoria in 1853 guages. 120. St. Louis, 1858. and 1858; showing the march of improveKELLET, (Alexander.) Mental Novelist and ment. 2 v. 120. London, 1859. Amusing Companion; a collection of histo- KELSALL, (Charles.) Classical Excursion ries, essays, and novels. 16~. London, 1783. from Rome to Arpino. 80. Geneva, 1820. KELLEY, (William D.) Address at the Colored KELT, (Thomas.) Practical Engineers' Pocket Department of the House of Refuge. 80. Guide. 4th ed. 160. Boston, 1847. Philadelphia, 1850. KELTY, (Mary Anne.) Reminiscences of KELLOGG, (Edward.) Labor and other Capi- Thought and Feeling. 160. London, 1852. tal; the rights of each secured, and the Visiting my Relations, and its Results; wrongs of both eradicated. 80. New- a series of small episodes in the life of a reYork, 1849. cluse. 3d ed. 160. London, 1853. KELLY, (Arthur.) Residents and Non-Resi- KELYXG, (John.) Report of Divers Cases in dents; an essay on the elective fianchise, Pleas of the Crown. Folio. London, 1708. with reference to the original and common KELYNGE, (William.) Reports of Select Cases law right in residents. 80. London, 1821. in Chancery, the King's Bench, &c., 1732 KELLY, (Christopher.) New and Complete to 1735. Folio. London, 1740. System of Universal Geography. 2 v. 40. KEMBLE, (Frances Anne.) Francis the First. London, 1819-1822. 80. London, 1832. KELLY, (George.) Speech, at the Bar of the --- Journal. 2 v. 120. Philadelphia, House of Lords, in his defence against the 1835. bill for inflicting pains and penalties upon ~ Journal of a Residence on a Georgian him. 7th ed. Folio. London, 1723. Plantation in 1838-39. 120. London, 1863. KELLY, (James B.) Practical Treatise on the - The same. 120. New-York, 1863. Law of Life Annuities. 8~. London, 1835. Poems. 120. Philadelphia, 1844. 623 KEMBLE. KENNEDY. KEMBLE, (Frances Anne.) Star of Seville; a the Texans, and their march, as prisoners, to drama, in five acts. 8~. London, 1837. the city of Mexico. 6th ed. 2 v. 120. Year of Consolation. 2 v. in 1. 12~. New-York, 1850. New-York, 1847. KENDRICK, (A. C.) Echoes; or, Leisure Hours KEMBLE, (John.) Authentic Narrative of his with the German Poets. 12~. Rochester, Retirement from the Stage; including fare- (N. Y.,) 1855. well address, criticisms, poems, etc. 8~. KENNEDY, (Alexander.) Practical Cotton London, 1817. Spinner. 2d ed. 120. London, 1852. KEMBLE, (John M.) State Papers and Cor- KENNEDY, (C. M.) Influence of Christianity respondence illustrative of the social and upon International Law. 120. Cambridge, political state of Europe, from the revolution 1856. to the accession of the House of Hanover. KENNEDY, (David H.) Art of Tanning Lea8~. London, 1857. ther. 3d ed. 120. New-York, 1857. KEMISH, (S. B.) Japanese Empire; its physi- KENNEDY, (Edward Shirley.) Peaks, Passes, cal, political, and social condition and his- and Glaciers. Second series. 2 v. 80. tory; with details of the late American and London, 1862. British expeditions. 120. London, 1860. KENNEDY, (Grace.) Father Clement. 120 KEMMIERLICH, (Dietrich Hermann.) Diluci- Philadelphia, (n. d.) dationes Juris Publici. De Neutralitate KENNEDY, (James; M. D.) Conversations on prouti illa inter gentes liberas, atque impri- Religion, with Lord Byron and others, held mis inter ordines S. R. Imp. usitata est. in Cephalonia, a short time previous to his Item Joannis Henrici Boecleri observationes lordship's death. 80. London, 1830. de Quiete in Turbis. Small 40. Jence, History of the Contagious Cholera. 1747. 3d ed. 80. London, 1832. KEMP, (Edward Curtis.) Exposition of some KENNEDY,(James; Judge, at Havana.) Modern of the most important Differences between Poets and Poetry of Spain. 80. London, Scripture and Calvinism. 80. London, 1852. 1843. KENNEDY, (James; Barrister.) Treatise on the KEMP, (T. Lindley.) Phasis of Matter; being Law and Practice of Juries, as amended by an outline of the discoveries and applications the Statute of 6 Geo. IV. c. 50, including the of Modern Chemistry. 2 v. 120. London, Coroner's Inquest. 8~. London, 1826. 1855. " KENNEDY, (Capt. James.) Oration at CharlesKEMP, (William.) Nine Dales Wonder; per- ton, (S. C.,) July 1, 1801. 80. Charleston, formed in a daunce from London to Norwich. 1801. (Pol. Pam., v. 101.) Edited by A. Dyce. Small 40. London, KENNEDY, (J. Clark.) Algeria and Tunis in 1640. (Camden Society, No. 11.) 1845; journey made through the two regenKEMPIS, (Thomas a.) Of the Imitation of cies, by Viscount Fielding and Captain KenJesus Christ. Translated from the Latin nedy. 2 v. 120. London, 1846. original; with notes by Thomas F. Dibdin. KENNEDY, (John P.) Memoirs of the Life of 80. London, 1828. William Wirt, Attorney General of the UniThe same. With the Book of the Sacra- ted States. 2 v. 8~. Philadelphia, 1849. ment. Translated by John Payne. 160. Horse-Shoe Robinson. Revised ed. London, 1769. 120. New-York, 1852. KEN, (Thomas.) Life of Thomas Ken, Bishop Rob of the Bowl; a legend of St. Inof Bath and Wells. By a layman. 80. Lon- igoe's. 120. Philadelphia, 1860. don, 1851. Swallow Barn. Revised ed. 120. NewKENDALL, (Edward A.) Letters on the State York, 1851. of Ireland, the Roman Catholic Question, KENNEDY, (Joseph P.) To the World; a vinand the merits of constitutional religious dication. 80. Mississippi Territory, 1807. distinctions. 3 v. 80. London, 1826. (Pol. Pamn., v. 105.) - Travels through the Northern Parts of KENNEDY, (L.) Necessity of Protection to the United States, in the years 1807 and 1808. the Agriculturists of the United Kingdom. 3 v. 80. New-York, 1809. 8". London, 1839. (Pol. Pam., v. 76.) KENDALL, (George Wilkins.) Narrative of the KENNEDY, (Shaw.) Notes on the Defences of Texan Santa F6 Expedition; description of Great Britain and Ireland. 2d ed. 80. Lona tour through Texas, and final capture of don, 1859. (Pol. Pam., v. 89.) 624 KENNEDY. KENT. KENNEDY, (Thomas.) Codeof Practiceof the KENRICK, (John.) Ancient Egypt under the High Court of Chancery. 2 v. 12~. Lon- Pharaohs. 2 v. 8~. London, 1850. don, 1852-3. - Exercises on Latin Syntax; adapted to KENNEDY, (T. -I.) Privilege of the Writ of Zumpt's Grammar Also, extracts from the Hahbeas Corpus under the Constitution of the writings of Muretus. 4th ed. With a key. United States. 80. Philadelphia, 1862. 2 v. in 1. 80. London, 1838-42. (Habeas Corpus Pam.) Phoenicia. With maps and illustrative KENNEDY, (Vans.) Practical Remarks on the plates. 80. London, 1855. Proceedings of General Courts Martial. 120. - Roman Sepulchral Inscriptions; their London, 1825. relation to archeology, language, and reliResearches into the Nature and Affinity gion. 120. London, 1858. of Ancient and Hindu Mythology. 40. Lon- KENRICK, (Timothy.) Exposition of the Hisdon, 1831. torical Writings of the New Testament. 3 v. - Researches into the Origin and Affinity 80. Boston, 1828. of the principal Languages of Asia and Eu- KENRICK, (William; LL. D.) Grand Question rope. 4~. London, 1828. Debated; an essay to prove the soul of man KENNEDY, (William.) Texas; the rise, pro- is not immortal. 120. Dublin, 1751. gress, and prospects of that Republic. 2 v. - New Dictionary of the English Lan80. London, 1841. guage; to which is prefixed a rhetorical KENNERLY, (Augustin.) Heiresses of Fother- grammar. 40. London, 1773. ingay. 120. Saint Louis, 1856. - Review of Doctor Johnson's New EdiKENNET, (White.) Bibliothecm Americane tion of Shakespeare. 8c. London, 1765. Primordive; an attempt towards laying the KENT, (James.) Anniversary Discourse befoundation of an American library, in fore N. Y. Historical Society. 80. Newseveral books, papers, and writings, humbly York, 1829. (Misc. Pam., v. 18.) (2 copies.) given to the Society for Propagation of the - - Commentaries on American Law. 4 v. Gospel in Foreign Parts. 40. London, 80. New-York, 1826-30. (3 copies of v. 1, 1713. and 2 copies of v. 2.) *~- Complete History of England; with The same. 2d ed. 4 v. 80. Newlives of all the Kings and Queens, from the York, 1832. earliest account of time, to the death of King - The same. 3d ed. 4 v. 80. NewWilliam IlI.; by Milton, Daniel, Habington, York, 1836. Moore, Buck, Lord Bacon, Lord Herbert of The same. 4th ed. 4 v. 80. NewCherbury, Hayward, Francis Godwin, Camb- York, 1840. (2 copies.) den, Wilson, and Kennet. 2d ed. 3 v. The same. 5th ed. 4 v. 80. NewFolio. London, 1719. York, 1844. (2 copies.) KENNETT, (Basil.) Romem Antiqum Notitia: The same. 6th ed. 4 v. 8~. Newor, the Antiquities of Rome. With two es- York, 1848. (11 copies.) says concerning the Roman learning and the The same. 7th ed. 4 v. 80. NewRoman education. 11th ed. 80. London, York, 1851. 1746. The same. 8th ed. 4 v. 80. NewThe same. New ed. 80. Edinburgh, York, 1854. 1812. The same. 8th ed. V. 4. 80. NewKENNION, (Edward.) Essay on Trees in York, 1854. Landscapes. 40. London, 1844. The same. 9th ed. 4 v. 8~. BosKENNY, (Daniel J.) American Newspaper ton, 1858. Directory, and record of the press. 12~. The same. 10th ed. 4 v. 80. BosNew-York, 1861. ton, 1860. (2 copies.) KENRICK, (Francis Patrick.) Primacy of the The same. 10thed. V. I. 8~. BosApostolic See vindicated. 4th revised and ton, 1860. (6 copies.) enlarged edition. 80. Baltimore, 1855. Rules and Orders of the Court of Theologia Moralis. 3 v. 80. Phila- Chancery of the State of New-York; to delphire, 1841-43. which is added some cases of practice. Re--- Vindication of the Catholic Church; vised and digested by the Hon. James in letters addressed to the Rt. Rev. John Kent, Chancellor. 3d ed. 80. Albany, H. Hopkins. 120. Baltimore, 1855. 1824. 625 KENT. KERCHEVAL. KENT; Proceedings, principally in the county passed since 1834; with references to judiof Kent, in connection with the Parliaments cial decisions. By Preston S. Loughborough. called in 1640. Edited by L. B. Larking. 80. Frankfort, 1842. (2 copies.) Small 40. London, 1862. (Camden Soc'y - Revised Statutes of Kentucky, by C. Pub., No 80.) A. Wickliffe, S. Turner, and S. S. Nicholas; KENTFIELD, (Edwin.) Game of Billiards; approved and adopted by the general asscientifically explained, and practically set sembly, 1851 and 1852. 8~. Frankfort, forth, in a series of novel and extraordinary, 1852. but equally practical strokes. 5th ed. Folio. - Code of Practice in Civil and Criminal London, 1850. Cases for the State of Kentucky. Prepared KENTISH, (John.) Sermon on the death of by M. C. Johnson, James Harlan, and J. W. Rev. Timothy Kenrick. 8~. Birmingham, Stevenson, commissioners. 80. Frankfort, 1804. (Theo. Paiu., v. 4.) 1854. (2 copies.) KENTISH Town and Camden Town National Eastern LunaticAsylum, (Lexington.) School. Nineteenth Report. 120. London, Reports for 1854-5, 1856-7, and 1858-9. 80. 1833. (Pol. Pam., v. 77.) Frankfort, 1856-59. KENTUCKY. Acts of the General Assembly of - Legislative Documents, and Journals of Kentucky, 1801, (tenth session;) 1803; the Senate and House of Representatives for 1817-18 to 1827-28; 1830-31 to 1832-33; 1853-4. 3 v. 80. Frankfort, 1854. 1834-35 to 1845-46; 1849-50; and 1851-52. Map of the State of Kentucky, from 36 v. 80. Frankfort, 1802-52. (2 copies of actual survey. By Luke Munsell. Frank1827-8, 1834-5, 1835-6, 1840-1, 1841-2, and fort, 1818. 1843-4.) Report of Debates and Proceedings of Collection of all the Public and Per- the Convention for the Revision of the Conmanent Acts of the General Assembly of stitution of the State, in 1849. 80. FrankKentucky now in force; with acts of Vir- fort, 1849. ginia relating to land titles, the recovery of -- Reports communicated to both branches rents, and the encouragement of learning; of the Legislature of Kentucky, at the Deand a summary of criminal law. By Harry cember session, 1843. 80. Frankfort, 1843. Toulmin. 120. Frankfort, 1802. KENYON, (Lloyd.) Notes of Cases in the Decisions of the Court of Appeals of Court of King's Bench, &c., 1753 to 1759. Kentucky, 1801 to 1805. 80. Frankfort, From the original Ms.; with notes, by J. W. 1805. Hanmer. 2 v. 80. London, 1819-25. Statute Law of Kentucky; with notes, KEPPEL, (Augustus.) Minutes of the Proprelections, and observations on the public ceedings at a Court-Martial, for the Trial of acts, comprehending also the laws of Vir- Admiral Aug. Keppel, on a charge exhibited ginia and acts of Parliament in force in this against him by Vice-Admiral Sir Hugh PalCommonwealth. By William Littell. 5 v. liser; as taken by George Jackson. Folio. 80. Frankfort, 1809-19. (2 copies of v. 2 London, 1779. and 5.) KEPPEL, (George.) Narrative of a Journey ---- Digest of the Statute Law of Kentucky; across the Balcan; also, of a visit to newly a collection of all the acts of the general as- discovered ruins in Asia Minor, in 1829-30. sembly of a public and permanent nature, 2 v. 80. London, 1831. from the commencement of the government KEPPEL, (Henry.) Visit to the Indian Archito 1822; also the English and Virginia pelago, in H. M. Ship Moeander. With porStatutes yet in force. By William Littell tions of the private journal of Sir James and Jacob Swigert. 2 v. 80. Frankfort, Brooke. 2 v. 80. London, 1853. 1822. KEPPEL, (Thomas.) Life of Augustus, VisDigest of the Statute Laws of Ken- count Keppel. 2 v. 80. London, 1842. tucky, of a public and permanent nature, KER, (John Bellenden.) Essay on the Archefrom the commencement of the government ology of our Popular Phrases and Nursery to 1834; with references to judicial decisions. Rhymes. 2 v. 160. London, 1837. By C. S. Morehead and Mason Brown. 2 v. Supplement to the same. 160. Ando80. Frankfort, 1834. (2 copies.) ver, (Eng.,) 1840. Digest of the Statute Laws of Ken- KERCHEVAL, (Samuel.) History of the Valley tacky of a public and permanent nature, of Virginia. 120. Winchester, 1833, 79 626 KERGUELEN. KIDD. KERGUtELEN-TREMAREC, (Y. J. de.) Voyage KESSON, (John.) The Cross and the Dragon; to the North. 1767-8. (Pinkerton's Voy- or, the fortunes of Christianity in China. ages, v. 1.) 12~. London, 1854. KERHALLET, (Charles Phillipe de.) Conside- KESTEVEN, (V. B.) Manual of the Domestic rations Generales sur l'Oc6an Atlantique. Practice of Medicine. 120. London, 1856. Suivies des prescriptions nautiques pour KESTLER, (Felix J. B.) Practical and The6chapper aux ouragans, et d'un m6moire sur oretical French Grammar, or superior method les courants de l'Ocean Atlantique. 3e 6d. of learning French. 12~. New-York, 1852. 80. Paris, 1854. KETT, (Henry.) Sermons on the primitive KERIGAN, (Thomas.) Anomalies of the present Christians. 80. Oxford, 1791. (Bampton Theory of the Tides. 80. London, 1847. Lectures for 1790.) Mathematical and General Naviga- KETTELL, (Samuel.) Specimens of American tion Tables. 2d ed. 2 v. 8~. London, Poetry. With critical and biographical no1838-45. tices. 3 v. 120. Boston, 1829. Moore's Navigation Improved; theory KETTELL, (Thomas Prentice.) Southern and practice of finding the latitude, longi- Wealth and Northern Profits, as exhibited in tude, and variation of the compass, by the statistical facts and official figures; showing fixed stars and planets. 80. London, 1853. the necessity of Union to the future prosPractical Treatise on the Eclipses of perity of therepublic. 8~. New York, 1860. the Sun and Moon, and the Deflection of KEWEN, (E. J. C.) Oration before Society of the Moon and Planets. 8~. London, 1844. California Pioneers. Also, a Poem by F. ~Young Navigator's Guide to the Sidereal Soule. 80. San Francisco, 1854. and Planetary parts of Nautical Astronomy. KEY, (Francis S.) Oration on July 4, 1831. 83. London, 1821. 80. Washington, 1831. (Misc. Pam., v. 18.) KERL, (Simon.) Comprehensive Grammar of Poems. 16~. New-York, 1837. the English Language. 12~. New-York, KEYES, (Wade.) Essay on the Learning of 1861. Future Interests in Real Property. 8~. KERN, (G. M.) Practical Landscape Garden- Montgomery, (Ala.,) 1853. ing, with reference to the improvement of - Essay on the Learning of Partial, and rural residences. 120. Cincinnati, 1855. of Future Interests in Chattels Personal. KERNAN, (Francis.) Reports of Cases in the 80. Monigomery, (Ala.,) 1853. Court of Appeals of the State of New-York; Essay on the Learning of Remainders. with notes, references and an index; 1854 to 80. Montgomery, (Ala.,) 1852. 1856. 4v. 80. Albany, 1855-57. (3 copies KEYS, (John.) Practical Bee-Master. Manof v. 1-3; 2 copies of v. 4.) (Same as agement of Bees, either in Straw Houses or NEW-YORK REPORTS, v. 11-14.) in Boxes. 8~. London, 1780. KERR, (Lewis.) Exposition of the Criminal KEYSER, (Rudolph.) Religion of the NorthLaws of the Territory of Orleans, the prac- men. Translated by B. Pennoch. 12~. tice of the courts of criminal jurisdiction, New York, 1854. the duties of their officers, with a collection KEYSLER, (Johann Georg.) Travels through of forms. 8C. New-Orleans, 1806. Germany, Bohemia, Hungary, Switzerland, KERR, (Robert.) General History and Col- Italy, and Lorrain. From the German. 3c lection of Voyages and Travels, arranged in ed. 4 v. 80. London, 1760. systematic order; forming a complete his- KHALIL Tbn-Ishak. Precis de Jurisprudence tory of the origin and progress of navigation, Musulmane, ou principes de legislation Musdiscovery, and commerce, by sea and land. ulmane civile et religieuse, selon le rite Ml18 v. 80. Edinburgh, 1824. 6kite. Traduit de l'Arabe par M. Perron. KERR, (Robert Malcom.) An Action at Law; 7 v. 80. Paris, 1848-54. being an outline of the jurisdiction of the KIANG-HE'S Imperial Dictionary of the Chisuperior courts of common law, with an ele- nese Language. 32 v. in 6. 80. (n. d.) mentary view of the proceedings in personal KHIANIKOFF. Bokhara; its Amir and its Peoactions and in ejectment. 2d ed. 120. ple. Translated from the Russian, by ClemLondon, 1855. ent A. De Bode. 8~. London, 1845. KERR, (Thomas.) Practical Treatise on the KIDD, (John.) Adaptation of External NaCultivation of the Sugal Cane, and the Man- tlure to the Physical Condition of lan. 8~. facture of Sugar. 120. London, 1851. London, 1833. (Bridgewater Treatises, v. 3.) 627 KIDD. KING. KIDD, (Robert Boyd.) Delineation of the Pri- KILLEN, (J. M.) Our Friends in Heaven; mary Principles of Reasoning. 12~. Lon- the mutual recognition of the redeemed in don, 1856. glory demonstrated. 3d ed. 16~. EdinKIDD, (Samuel.) China; the symbols, phi- burgh, 1856. losophy, antiquities, customs, superstitions, KILLEN, (W. D.) The Ancient Church; its laws, governments, education, and literature history, doctrine, worship, and constitution, of the Chinese. 8~. London, 1841. traced for the first 300 years. 8~. London,'KIDD, (William.) The Canary; a cage and 1859. chamber bird. 18~. London, 1854. KILLTGREW, (Thomas.) Comedies and Trag-'-~ Kidd's Own Journal; for inter-corn- edies. Small folio. London, 1664. munications on natural history, popular KILMARNOCK. Whole Proceedings in the science, and things in general. 5 v. 8~. House of Peers upon the indictments against London, 1852-54. William, Earl of Kilmarnock; George, Earl XIDDER, (Daniel P.) Mormonism and the of Cromertie; and Arthur, Lord Balmerino; Mormons; historical view of the rise and for High Treason, in levying war against progress of the Latter-day Saints. 24~. his Majesty. Folio. London, 1746. New York, 1842. KILTY, (John.) Maryland Landholder's As-- Sketches of Residence and Travels in sistant, and Land Office Guide; an exposiBrazil. 2 v. 12~. Philadelphia, 1845. tion of original titles. as derived from the -- and FLETCHER, (J. C.) Brazil and proprietary government, and more recently the Brazilians, in historical and descriptive from the State of Maryland; designed to exsketches. to. Philadelphia, 1857. plain the manner in which such titles have KIDDER, (Frederic.) Abenaki Indians; their been, and may be acquired and completed. treaties of 1713 and 1717, and vocabulary. 80. Baltimore, 1808. 80. Portland, 1859. (Maine Hist. Coll., KILVERT, (Francis.) Memoirs of the Life and v. 6.) Writings of Richard Hurd, D. D., Lord KIDDLE, (Henry.) Manual of Astronomy and Bishop of Worcester; with correspondence the Use of the Globes. 12. New-York, 1852. and other papers. 80. London, 1860. KIDNEY, (J. S.) Catawba River; and other KIMBALL, (Richard B.) Cuba, and the Cupoems. 120. New-York, 1847. bans; history of the island, its social, politiKIENER, (Louis Charles.) Sp6cies G6n6ral et cal, and domestic condition; also, its relation Iconographie des Coquilles Vivantes, com- to England and the United States. 12~. prenant la collection du Museum d'Histoire New York, 1850. Naturelle de Paris, la collection Lamarck, In the Tropics, by a settler in Santo Docelle du Prince Mass6na, et les decouvertes mingo. 2d ed. 120. New York, 1863. recentes des voyageurs. 7 v. 80. Paris, - Under-currents of Wall Street; a ro1834-49. mance of business. 120. New York, 1862. KIEPERT, (H.) Map of Mexico; corrected to KIMBALL, (Sullivan C.) Poems. 180. Alba1862. Folded 80. Berlin, 1862. ny, 1858. Map of Central America. Folded 40. KIMBER, (Thomas.) Construction of the MoBerlin, 1858. dern System (of Fortification,) as executed ~ Map of the West Indies. Folded 40. at Sandhurst and Addiscombe. 80. LonBerlin, 1858. don, 1852. KIESEWETTER, (R. G.) History of the Mod- KINCAID, (John.) Young Rifleman's Comern Music of Western Europe, from the first rade; a narrative of his military adventures, century to the present day. From the Ger- captivity, and shipwreck. 120. London, man, by Robert Miller. 80. London, 1848. 1826. KILBOURN, (John.) Ohio Gazetteer; or, to- KINDERSLEY, (N. E.) Specimens of Hindoe pographical dictionary. 7th edition. 16o. Literature; consisting of translations5 wJiti, Columbus, 1821. explanatorynotes. 80. Londoov, 3i94KILKERRATN, (Sir James Fergusson; Lord.) KING, (Charles.) British IlF antl; cqllection Decisions of the Court of Sessions, from 1738 of papers relating t~-Jt.o.ade and-commerce to 1752. Collected and digested into the form of Great BrSitWs) vnd Ireland, 3 v. 16Q of a dictionary. Folio. Edinburgh, 1775. Londond, V-A3-48. KILKHAMPTON, Abbey of; or, monumental KING, (;arles^es s.) Memoir of the Life.oQ' records for the yea 1980. (Misc. Pam., v. 4.) Jq, mo Gore King' 80. New-York, 185^4j 628 KING. KINGSFORD. KING, (C. W.) Antique Gems; their origin, KING, (Robert Jarrold.) Lectures on the One uses, and value as interpreters of ancient his- Catholic and Apostolic Church. 80. Lontory, and as illustrative of ancient art. 8~. don, 1842. London, 1860. KING, (S. W.) Italian Valleys of the Pennine KING, (Dan.) Life and Times of Thomas Wil- Alps; tour through northern Piedmont. 8~. son Dorr; with outlines of the political his- London, 1858. tory of Rhode Island. 120. Boston, 1859. KING, (T. Butler.) Report on California. 80. KING, (David.) Historical Sketch of Redwood Washington, 1850. (Misc. Pam., v. 2.) Library and Athenaeum, Newport, (R. I.) KING, (Thomas Starr.) White Iills; their 8~. Boston, 1860. legends, landscape, and poetry. Square 80. KING, (Rev. David; Editor.) New and complete Boston, 1860. Concordance to the Holy Scriptures, on the KING, (William, D. D.) Essay on the Origin basis of Cruden's. 80. Glasgow, 1840. of Evil. Translated from the Latin, with KING, (Edward.) Munimenta Antiqua; or, notes by Edmund Law. 120. Cambridge, observations on ancient castles, manners, 1739. laws, and customs in Great Britain. 3v. KING, (William, LL. D., of Oxford.) PolitiFolio. London, 1799-1805. cal and Literary Anecdotes of his own times. KING, (John, Esq.) Speech at Egham, with 160. Boston, 1819. Paine's Letter to him on it, and Reply. 3d KING, (William, LL. D., of London.) History ed. 8~. Egham, 1793. (Misc. Pam., v. 27.) of the Heathen Gods and Heroes. 160. KING, (John, 1I. D.) American Dispensatory. London, 1710. 5th ed. From the "American Eclectic Dis- Poems. 2 v. 160. London, 1790. pensatory." 80. Cincinnati, 1859. (Johnson's Eng, Poets, v. 25-6.) - American Eclectic Obstetrics. 8~. Cin- The same. 8~. London, 1810. (Chalcinnati, 1855. mers' Eng Poets, v. 9.) ~ American Family Physician. 80. Cin- KING, (W. R.) Campaigning in Kaffirland; cinnati, 1857. scenes and adventures in the Kaffir war of Microscopist's Companion; a popular 1851-52. 2d ed. 120. London, 1855. manual of practical microscopy. 80. Cin- KING of the Golden River; or, the Black cinnati, 1859. Brothers; a legend of Styria. Small40. LonKING, (J. Anthony.) Twenty-Four Years in the don, 1851. Argentine Republic. 120. New-York, 1846. KINGLAKE, (Alexander William.) Eothen; KING, (John Glen.) Rites and Ceremonies of Travels in the East. New ed. 120. Lonthe Greek Church, in Russia; its doctrine, don, 1859. worship, and discipline. 40. London, 1772. Invasion of the Crimea; its origin, and KING, (Sir Peter.) History of the Apostles' an account of its progress down to the death Creed; with critical observations on its seve- of Lord Raglan. V. 1-2. 80.~ London, ral articles. 120. London, 1719. 1863. KING, (Peter, Lord.) Life of John Locke; The same. 2 v. in 1. 120. New with extracts from his correspondence, jour- York, 1863. nals, and common-place books. 40. Lon- KINGSBOROUGH, (Edward King, Viscount.) don, 1829. Antiquities of Mexico; comprising fac-simSelections from the Speeches and Writ- iles of ancient Mexican paintings and hieroings of the late Lord King. 80. London, glyphics. Together with the monuments of 1844. New Spain, by M. Dupaix. 9 v. Folio. KING, (Philip Parker.) Narrative of a Survey London, 1831-48. of the intertropical and western coasts of KINGSBURY, (Benjamin.) Treatise on Razors. Australia, between 1818 and 1822. 2 v. 8th ed. London, 1820. (Pol. Pam., v. 64.) 80. London, 1827. KINGSBURY,(Harmon.) TheGreatLawBookKING, (Richard.) Narrative of a Journey to the Kingdom and Reign of the Messiah. the Shores of the Arctic Ocean, in 1833-35, 120. New-York, 1857. under command of Captain Back. 2v. 120. - Immigrants' Good Samaritan. 160. London, 1836. New York, 1848. KING, (Richard John.) Selections from the KINGSFORD, (W.) History, Structure, and early Ballad Poetry of England and Scot- Statistics of Plank Roads, in the United land. 160. London, 1842. States and Canada. 80. Philadelphia, 1852. 629 KINGSLEY. KIPPIS. KINGSLEY, (Charles.) Alexandria and her KINLOCH, (George R.) Ancient Scottish BalSchools; four lectures. 12~. Cambridge, lads, recovered from tradition, and never be1854. fore published; with notes. 8~. London, The same. 120. Boston, 1859. (With 1827. Kingsley's Sir W. Raleigh and other papers.) KINLOCH, (J.) Letters from Geneva and Alton Locke; tailor and poet; an au- France. 2 v. 8~. Boston, 1819. tobiography. 120. New-York, 1850. KINMONT, (Alexander.) Lectures on the NatGlaucus; or, the Wonders of the Shore. ural History of Man, and the Rise and 160. London, 1859. Progress of Philosophy; with biographical The Heroes; or, Greek fairy tales. sketch of the author. 80. Cincinnati, 2d ed. 160. Cambridge, 1859. 1839. - Hypathia; or, new foes with an old KINNAIRD, (Charles, Lord.) Letter to Duke of face. 120. Boston, 1858. Wellington on Arrest of M. Marinet. 80. ~ —- Limits of Exact Science as applied to London, 1818. (E. India Pam., v. 3.) History. 120. Cambridge, 1860. KINN,, (Asa.) Legal Pocket Directory; conNew Miscellanies. 120. Boston, 1860. taining the contents found in Kent's Law Phaethon; or, loose thoughts for loose Compendium, from v. 5 to 11, inclusive. 120. thinkers. 120. Boston, 1859. (With Kings- New-York, 1854. ley's Sir W. Raleigh and other papers.) - Questions and Answers on Law, alphaPoems. 120. Boston, 1856. betically arranged; with references to the Sir Walter Raleigh and his time; with most approved authorities. 11 v. 80. Newother papers. 120. Boston, 1859. York, 1843-55. Twenty-Five Village Sermons. 120. KINNEY, (Coates.) Keeuka, and other poems. London, 1849. 12~. Cincinnati, 1855. Two Years Ago. 120. Boston, 1857. KINSEY, (William Morgan.) Portugal IllusTheWater-Babies; afairytale. Small trated. 80. London, 1828. 40. London, 1863. KINSMAN, (J. Burnham.) Vermont TownsWestward Ho! or, the voyages and man; compilation of the laws of Vermont adventures of Sir Amyas Leigh, knight. in relation to the powers, duties, and liabili3 v. 120. Cambridge, 1855. ties of town officers and towns, with forms, Yeast; a problem. 120. New York, directions, and legal decisions, adapted to 1851. the statutes of the State. 80. Boston, 1857. KINGSLEY, (Henry.) Ravenshoe. 120. Bos- KiNIE, (Mrs. JohnH.) Wau-bun,the"Early ton, 1862. Day" in the North-West. 80. New-York, Recollections of Geoffry Hamlyn. 120. 1856. Boston, 1859. KIP, (Lawrence.) Army Life on the Pacific; KINGSLEY, (James L.) Historical Discourse journal of the expedition against the Northon the two-hundredth anniversary of the ern Indians. 120. New-York, 1859. settlement of New Haven, (Conn.,) April KIP, (William Ingraham.) Catacombs of 25, 1838. 80. Hew Haven, 1838. Rome, as illustrating the Church of the first Life ofEzra Stiles. 160. Boston, 1845. three centuries. 120. New-York, 1854. (Sparks' Am. Biog., v. 6, second series.) Christmas Holydays in Rome. 12~. KINGSMILL, (Joseph.) Missions and Mission- New-York, 1846. aries, historically viewed from their com- Early Jesuit Missions in North America. mencenient. 80. London, 1853. Compiled and translated from the letters of KINGSTON. Trial of Elizabeth, Duchess Dow- the French Jesuits, with notes. 120. Newager of Kingston, for Bigamy, before the York, 1846. House of Peers, in Westminster Hall, in full KIPPING, (Robert.) Elementary Treatise on parliament. Folio. London, 1775. Sails and Sailmaking. 5th ed. 180. LonKINGSTON, (William H. G.) Blue Jackets; don, 1861. a narrative of the gallant exploits of British KIPPIS, (Andrew.) Considerations on the ProSeamen, and of the principal events in the visional Treaty with America, and the Prenaval service, during the reign of Queen Vic- liminary Articles of Peace with France and toria. 120. London, 1854. Spain. 80. London, 1783. KINGSTN Mercantile Advertiser. Folio. King- - Life of Captain James Cook. 40. ston, (Jamaica,) 1801-1802. (Incomplete.) London. 1785,. 630 KIRBY. KITTO. KIRBY, (Ephraim.) Reports of Cases in the KIRKLAND, (Caroline M.) Book for the Home Supreme Court of Connecticut, 1785 to 1788; Circle; familiar thoughts on various topics, with some determinations in the Supreme literary, moral, and social. Small 4~. NewCourt of Errors. 80. Litchfield, 1789. York, 1853. KIRBY, (Joshua.) Dr. Brook Taylor's Method Holidays Abroad; or, Europe from the of Perspective made easy. 3 v. in 2. Folio. west. 2 v. 12~. New-York, 1849. London, 1765. A New Home-Who'll Follow? or, KIRBY, (R. S.) Wonderful and Eccentric Mu- glimpses of western life. By Mary Clavers. seum; or, magazine of remarkable characters; 5th ed. 12~. New York, 1855. including all the curiosities of nature and art. KIRKLAND, (Charles P.) Review of Judge 6 v. 80. London, 1820. Curtis on the Emancipation Proclamation. KIRBY, (William.) Creation of Animals, and 80. New York, 1862. their history, habits, and instincts. 2 v. 80. KIRKLAND, (John T.) Election Sermon. 80. London, 1835. (Bridgewater Treatises, v. Boston, 1816. (Theol. Pam., v. 12.) 10-11.) KIRKMAN, (James Thomas.) Memoirs of the..... MonographiaApumAnglime; an attempt Life of Charles Macklin. 2 v. 80. Lonto divide into their natural genera and fami- don, 1799. lies such species of the Linnsean Genus Apis KIRKPATRICK, (William.) Vocabulary, Peras have been discovered in England. 2 v. sian, Arabic, and English; containing such 80. Ipswich, 1802. words as have been adopted from the two ~ and SPENCE, (William.) Introduction former of those languages, and incorporated to Entomology; or, elements of the natural into the Hindvi, being the seventh part of the history of insects. 5th ed. 4 v. 80. Lon- New Hindvi Grammar and Dictionary. 40. don, 1828. London, 1785. KIRCHER, (Athanasius.) Lingua 2Egyptiaca KIRWAN, (Richard.) Elements of Mineralogy. Restituta; opus tripartitum, cui adnectitur 2 v. 80. London, 1810. supplementum. 40. Rome, 1643. Logick; an essay on the elements, Musurgia Universalis; sive ars magna principles, and different modes of reasoning. conconi et dissoni in x libros digesta. 2 v. 2 v. in 1. 80. London, 1807. Folio. Rome, 1650. KITCHIELL, (William.) First, Second, and KIRK, (Charles D.) Wooing and Warring in Third Annual Reports of the Geological Surthe Wilderness; a story of Canetucky. 120. vey of the State of New Jersey, for the New York, 1860. years 1854, 1855, and 1856. 80. Trenton, KIRK, (Edward N.) Lectures on the Para- 1855-57. bles of Our Saviour. 120. New-York, KITCHIN, (John.) Jurisdictions; or, the law1856. ful authority of courts leet, courts baron, KIRK, (John.) Roman Catholic Principles in court of marshalseys, court of pypowder, reference to God and the King, 1680. 80. and antient demesne. 120. London, 1663. London, 1818. (Pamphleteer, v. 13.) KITCHIN, (Thomas;) and others. New UniKIRKBRIDE, (Thomas S.) Construction, Or- versal Atlas, exhibiting all the empires, ganization, and General Arrangements of kingdoms, states, republics, &c., &c., Hospitals for the Insane. 80. Philadelphia, in the whole world. Folio. London, 1854. 1796. ~ Letter to Regents of South Carolina KITCHINER, (William.) Cook's Oracle; conHospital for the Insane. 80. Philadelphia, taining receipts for plain cookery. 160. 1854. Edinburgh, 1836. KIRKE, (Edmund.) (Pseudonyme.) See GIL- Traveller's Oracle; or, maxims for MORE, (J. R.) locomotion. 2d ed. 2 v. 160. London, KIRKES, (William Senhouse.) Manual of 1827. Physiology. New and revised American, KITTLITZ, (F. H. von.) Twenty-four Views from the last London edition. 120. Phila- of the Vegetation of the Coasts and Islands delphia, 1857. of the Pacific. Edited by Berthold Seemann. ~- Iand PAGET, (James.) Hand-Book of 40. London, 1861. Physiology. 2d ed. 12~. London, 1851. KITTO, (John.) History of Palestine, from the KIRKHAM, (Samuel.) English Grammar. 160. patriarchal age to the present time. 120. New-York, 1857. Edinburgh, 1851. 631 KLAPKA. KNAPP. KLAPKA, (George.) Memoirs of the War of of Kars, on the 29th September, 1855. Fromi Independence in Hungary. Translated by the German. 3d ed. 8~. London, 1856. Otto Wenckstern. 2 v. 12~. London, KNAPP, (Andrew;) and BALDWIN, (William.) 1850. New Newgate Calendar; being interesting The War in the East; from 1853 till memoirs of Notorious Characters, who have July, 1855. Translated by A. Mednyansky. been convicted of outrages on the laws of 12~. London, 1855. England, during the seventeenth century, KLAMIOTH, (Julius.) Asia Polyglotta. 2e brought down to the present time. 6 v. 8~. Auflage. 4~. Paris, 1831. London, (n. d.) Chrestomathie Mandchou; ou recueil KNAPP, (Arthur John.) Roots and Ramificade textes Mandchou, destine aux personnes tions; extracts from various books explanaqui veulent s'occuper de 1'etude de cette tory of the derivation or meaning of divers langue. 8~. Paris, 1828. words. 16~. London, 1857. ~- Sprachatlas. 2eAuflage. Folio. Paris, KNAPP, (F.) Chemical Technology; or Chem1831. istry applied to the Arts and to Manufactures. KLENCKE, (P. F. H.;) and SCHLESIER, (G.) Translated and edited by E. Ronalds and Lives of the Brothers Humboldt, Alexander T. Richardson. 3 v. 8~. London, 1848-51. and William. From the German, by J. The same. 1st Am. ed., with notes, Baner. 12~. London, 1852. &c., by Walter R. Johnson. 2 v. 8~. KLIMRATH, (Henri.) Ietudes surles Coutumes. Philadelphia, 1848-49. 8~. Paris, 1837. KNAPP, (John Francis.) Report of the evidence KLIPPART, (John H.) The Wheat Plant; its and points of law arising on the Trial of origin, culture, diseases, &c. 12~. New- Knapp, for the murder of Joseph White. York, 1860. Before the Supreme Judicial Court of the KLOPSTOCK, (Friedrich Gottlieb.) Messiah. Commonwealthof Massachusetts. 8~. Salem, Translated fiom the German, by T. Raffles. 1830. 3 v. 16~. London, 1814. 4 Appendix to the Report of the Trial of Messiah. Translated into English John F. Knapp, on an indictment for murverse. 2 v. 8~. London, 1826. der. Containing the new evidence, the Memoirs of Frederick and Margaret arguments of counsel, and the charge of Klopstock. Translated from the German, Judge Putnam to the jury. 8I. Salem, (by Elizabeth Smith.) 12~. Philadelphia, 1830. 1810. KNAPP, (J. L.) Country Rambles in England; KIosE, (Charles Louis.) Memoirs of Prince or, journal of a naturalist. With notes and Charles Stuart, the Young Pretender; with additions by Miss S F. Cooper. 12~. Bufnotices of the Rebellion in 1745. 2 v. 8~. falo, 1853. London, 1845. ~ Journal of a Naturalist. 2d ed. 12~. KLiUBER, (Johann Ludwig.) Acten des Wie- London, 1829. ner Congresses, in den Jahren 1814 und KNAPP, (JeromeW.) Reports of Cases before 1815. 8 v. 12~. Erlangen, 1815-18. the Judicial Committee and the Lords of the Archives Diplomatiques pour l'Histoire Privy Council, 1829 to 1836. 3 v. 8~. du Temrs et des JEtats. 6 v. 12~. Stutt- London, 1831-36. gart, 1821-26. and OaMBLER, (Edward.) Cases of Droit des Gens Moderne de l'Europe, Controverted Elections in the 12th Parliaavec un supplement contenant une biblio- merit of the United Kingdom. 8~. Lontheque choisie du droit des gens. 2 v. 8~. don, 1837. Paris, 1831. KNAPP, (Moses L.) Discovery of the Cause, The same. 2 v. in 1. 8~. Paris, 1831. Cure, and Prevention of Epidemic Cholera.'~- The same. Nouvelle ddition, revue, 8~. Cincinnati, 1855. annotee et completee, par M. A. Ott. 80. - Essy on Cholera. Infaltui. 8. 8.CinParis, 1861. cinnati, 1855. KLUIT, (Adrien.) Index Chronologicus; sive - Lectures on the Science of Life Insurprodromus ad primas lincas Historim Fede- ance. 2d ed. 80. Philadelphia, 1853. rum Belgii Federati. 8~. Lugduni Bata- Researches on Primary Pathology and vorum, 1739. the Origin land Laws of Epidemics. 2 v. KrsET~Y, (George.) Narrative of the Defence c. Philadelphia, 1858. n~~~~~~~~cPhldlha 88 632 KNAPP. KNIGHTON. KNAPP, (Samuel L.) Advice in the Pur- Princess Charlotte of Wales; with extracts suits of Literature; historical, biographical, from her journals and anecdote books. 2 v. and critical remarks. 16~. New-York, 8~. London, 1861. 1841. KNIGHT, (Francis.) Relation of Seven Years Biographical Sketches of Eminent Slavery under the Turks of Algier. (OsLawyers, Statesmen, and Men of Letters. borne's Coll. Voyages, v. 2.) 8~. Boston, 1821. KNIGHT, (Frederick.) Crests of the Nobility Female Biography, in different ages and Gentry of the United Kingdom. 4~. and nations. 120. Philadelphia, 1843. London. (n. d.) Lectures on American Literature. 8~. Heraldic Illustrations, designed for the New-York, 1829. use of herald painters and engravers. 4~. Life of Aaron Burr. 120. New-York, London, 1828. 1835. Modern and Antique Gems. 12~. LonLife of Timothy Dexter. 160. Boston, don, 1828. 1838. New Book of 758 plain, ornamented, Life of Thomas Eddy. 80. New- and reversed Cyphers. 80. London. (n. d.) York, 1834. Scroll Ornaments; designed for the Memoir of the Life of Daniel Webster. use of silversmiths, chasers, die-sinkers, 160. Boston, 1831. modellers, etc. 40. London, 1829. KNEELAND. Report of the arguments of the - Vases and Ornaments; designed for Attorney of the Commonwealth at the trials the use of architects, jewellers, and all ornaof Abner Kneeland for Blasphemy, in Bos- mental manufacturers. 4~. London, 1830. ton, 1834. 80. Boston, 1834. KNIGHT, (Helen C.) Life of James MontKNICKERBOCKER; or, the Neiw-York Monthly gomery. 120. Boston, 1857. Magazine. V. 1-61. January, 1833, to KNIGHT, (Henry C.) Letters from the South June, 1863. 80. New-York, 1833-63. (12 and West. By Arthur Singleton. 80. Bosnumbers wanting.) ton, 1824. KNICKERBOCKER Gallery; a testimonial to the KNIGHT, (Richard Payne.) Analytical Ineditor of the Knickerbocker Magazine, from quiry into the Principles of Taste. 80. Lonits contributors. 80. New-York, 1855. don, 1808. KNIGHT, (Charles.) Capital and Labour; in- Prolegomena ad Homerum. Sive de eluding the results of machinery. 180. Carminum Homericorum origine, auctore et London, 1845. retate. 80. Lipsire, 1816. (With WOOD, Cyclopmdia of the Industry of all Na- (Robert.) Essay on Homer.) tions. 80. London, 1851. KNIGHT, (Sampson. and Thomas H.) Medical Half-Hours with the Best Authors. Adviser; a treatise on domestic medicine. Selected and arranged, with critical notices. Edited by J. C. Neeley. 80. Nashville, 4 v. 120. London, 1851. (Tenn.,) 1854. London; an historical and topogra- KNIGHT, (Samuel.) Life of Dr. John Colet, phical account of the British metropolis. 6 Dean of St. Paul's, in the Reign of Henry v. in 3. 80. London, 1851. VII. and Henry VIII. 80. London, Old England; a pictorial museum of 1724. regal, ecclesiastical, baronial, municipal, and - Life of Erasmus, more particularly that popular antiquities. 2 v. Folio. London, part of it which he spent in England. 80. 1845. Cambridge, (Eng.,) 1726. Old Printer and the Modern Press. 160. KNIGHT, (Thomas Andrew.) Culture of the London, 1854. Apple and Pear, and Manufacture of Cider Political Dictionary; a work of refer- and Perry. 2d ed. 160. Ludlow, 1802. ence, constitutional and legal. 2 v. 120. - Selection of Physiological and HortiLondon, 1845-46. cultural Papers. 80. London, 1841. William Caxton, the First English KNIGHTON, (Dorothea, Lady.) Memoirs of Printer; a biography. 240. London, 1844. Sir William Knighton, Keeper of the Privy See ENGLISH CYCLOPPEDIA, NATIONAL Purse during the Reign of George IV. 2 v. CYCLOPEDIA, and PENNY MAGAZINE. 80. London, 1838. KNIGHT, (Cornelia.) Autobiography of Miss KNIGHTON, (William.) Forest Life in CoyCornelia Knight, lady companion to the lon. 2 v. 120. London, 1854. 633 KNIGHTS. KNOX. KNIGIITS HOSPITALLERS in England. Edited Beauplan, G. le V. de. Account of the Ukrain and its inhabitants, the Cossacks, v. 4. by L. B. Larking and J. M. Kemble. Small Bell, John. Journey from St. Petersburg to Pekin, 40.' London, 1857. (Camden Society, v. 6. 4 London 1857 (C n S y Bouquet, H. Account of Expedition against the No. 65.) Ohio Indians, 1764, v. 2. Brazil, Miodern State of, v. 2. KNIVET, (Anthonie.) Adventures and For- Chardin, Sir J. Travels through Mingrelia and tunes on Second Voyage with T. Candish to Georgin into Persia, v. 6. Clarke, Edward. Travels through, and account of South Seas. (Purchas's Pilgrims, v. 4, Spain and Portugal, and account of the Sufterpage' 1201.) tg nings of Isaac Martin in the inquisition at Granada, page v. 5. KNOLLES, (Richard.) Turkish History, from Columbus, C. Voyages to America, v. 1. the Original of that Nation, to the Growth of Connor, Bernard. Comprehensive account of the the Original of that Nation, to the Growth of Kingdom of Poland, v. 4. the Ottoman Empire; with a continuation, Cortes, I-. Conquest of Mexico, v. 1. by Sir, P l i r Dampier, W. Voyage round the World, v. 3. to 1699, by Sir Paul Rycaut. 6th ed. 3 V. Drake, Sir F. Voyage round the World, v. 3. Folio. London, 1687-1700. England. Account of the Country, and Constitution of Great Britain, v. 7. KNORR, (James.) Two Roads; or, the right Ganaa,Vasquezde. Voyage to the East Indies, v.2. and the wrong. 120. Philadelphia, 1854. Great Britain. View of the Naval Transactions of, and the wrong. 12,~ Pihiacdelphipa, 1854. ffrom the reign of Queen Elizabeth to 1763, v. 7. KNOWLER, (William.) Earl of Strafforde's Grose, (John Henry.) Voyage to the East Indies, v.2. Letters and Dispatches. Folio. London, Hanway,Jonas. Account of the Empire of Russia, 1739. and some anecdotes of the Czar Peter I., and also a brief account of Prussia, with anecdotes of KNOWLES, (James.) Critical Pronouncing Frederic II., v. 5. Dictionary of the English Language. 7th Keysler, John George. Travels through Germany, Hungary, Bohemia, Switzerland, Italy, and Lored. 80. London, 1851. rain, v. 4-5. K ES Jams ) o Roer Kolben, Peter. Voyage to the Cape of Good Hope, KNOWLES, (James D.) Memoir of Roger with an account of the Hottentot settlement Williams, the Founder of the State of Rhode there, v. 2. Lancaster, Sir James. Voyage to the East Indies, Island. 120. Boston, 1834. on account of the East India Co., 1601, v. 2.,C /TDramatic d ~London. Short General Description of, v. 7. KNOWLES, (James Sheridan.) Dramatic laundrell, H., Shaw and others. Description of Works. 2 v. 120. London, 1841. Judea., or the Holy Land and City of Jerusalem, v. 6. CONTENTS. Maupertuis, P. L. M. de. Travels to the Polar CirAlfred the Great, v. 1. Love-Chase, The, v. 2. cMilsoe,, a..Desciption of Beggar of Bethntl GTreen, Virginius,.. the Seven United Provinces of the Low Counv. 2. W~ife, The, V. 2. tries, v. 4. Caines Gracehus, v. 1. William Tell, v. 1 Msolesworth, Robert, Lord. Present State of the Daughter, The, v. 2. Woman's Wit, v. 2. Dominions of Denmark, v. 4. Hunchback, The, v. 1. Moore, Francis. Travels into the inland Parts of - Fortescue. 3v. 120. London, 1847. Africa, v. 6. Nieuhoff, John. Voyage to Brazil, v. 2. George Lovell. 3 v. 120. London, -. Voyages to the East Indies, with an account -1fQ^ 847. XrY, ~ of the Dutch Settlements in Batavia, and the 1847. cruelties exercised by the Dutch on the English KNOWISON, (John C.) Complete Farrier, or at Amboyna, v. 2. Norway, Danish and Swedish Lapland, Iceland, &c. Horse Doctor. 80. Philadelphia, 1851. Travels through, by a gentleman employed by the ~KNOX, (Alexalnder.) Renmains; consisting of North-Sea Company, to make discoveries, v. 4. rKN~OX,P ay. Jensitse' ettlements in, v. 2o letters and religious essays. 3d ed. 4 v. Pizarro, Francis. Conquest of Peru, v. 1. 8Q0.^O London, 3 QAPococke, R. Travels through Egypt, with occa80. London, 1844. sional extracts from F. L. Norden, v. 6. KNOX, (A. E.) Ornithological Rambles in Pontoppidan, Erick. Natural History of Norway, v. 4. Sussex; with a systematic catalogue of the Reflections on the War with the Savages of North birds of that county. 3d ed. 160. London, America, v. 2. bids of that county 3 ed. 16. Lonon, Roberts, George. Voyage to the Cape de Verde Is1855. lands, v. 2. Roe, Sir T., and Holvell, J. Z., and others. Account KNOX, (H.) Plan for the General Arrange- of Indostan, v. 6. ment of the Militia of the United States. Rogers, Woodes,andColrtney,G. Voyageroundthe World; with an account of their finding Alexan8". Philadelphia, 1786. (Pol. Pam., v. 95.) der Selkirk on the Island of Juan Fernandez, v. 3. KNOX t (John e the Scottish Refores~ ) ) XHistory Scotland. Account of the Kingdom and Lands of; KNOX, (John; e Scottis efoer.) istory with the general articles of its ion with that of of the Reformation of the Church of Scot- Engiand, v. 7. Shaw, T. Travels through Barbary, v. 6. land. Folio. London, 1644. Stepliens, Sacheverel. Travels through Frlnce, v. 5. KNOX, (John; Pucblislhe-.) New Collection of Sw eden. Succinct account of the Kingdlom of, v. 4. Therenot, John. Voyages and Travels from Italy Voyages, Discoveries, and Travels. 7 v. to Constaltinople, v. 6. ~SO". LondT ~ 1767.~ - ~ITUlloa, A. de; and Juan, George. Voyage to South 8~. London, 1767. America, v. 1. ~CONTENTS.~' ~5~Tafer, Lionel. Journey over the Isthmus of Darien, v. 2. America, North. Brief account of, by Major Rogers, Windtus, J. Journey to Mequinez, v. 6. and others, v. 2. Wood, Robert. Journcey to Palmyra, and accolnt American Islands, Short Account of, v. 2. of the Ruins of Balbeck; the antient lleliopolis, Anson, George. Voyago ronnd the World, v. 3. v. 80 634 KNOX. KOEHLER. KNOX, (Capt. John.) Historical Journal of Vienne et aux trait6s de Paris de 1815, par the Campaigns in North America, for the M. F. Schoell. 15 v. 80. Paris, 1817-18. years 1757-1760. With the Orders of the - Table des Traites entre la France et Admirals and General Officers. 2 v. 4~. les puissances 6trangBeres, depuis la paix de London, 1769. Westphalie jusqu'h nos jours. Suivie d'un KNOX, (Rev. John.) Sermon on the Death of recueil de traites et actes diplomatiques qui Lt. Col. Alexander R. Thompson, U. S. A. n'ont pas encore vu le jour. 2 v. 8~. 80. New York, 1838. Basle, 1802. KNOX, (John P.) Historical Account of St. Tables G6nealogiques des Maisons Thomas, W. I., with its commerce, elimate, Souveraines du Nord et de l'Est de l'Europe. natural history, etc., and incidentalnotices of Ouvrage posthume publi6, avec l'autorisaSt. Croix and St. Johns. 120. New-York, tion de l'auteur, par F. Schoell. 40. Paris, 1852. 1814. KNox, (Capt. Robert.) Historical Relation of -TableaudesR6volutionsdel'Europe, dethe Island of Ceylon, in the East Indies. 40. puis le Bouleverseenet de l'Empire Remain London, 1817. (With FELLOWS' Ceylon.) en Occident jusqu'k nos jours. 2e 6d., corKNOX, (Robert, M.D.) Manual of Artistic rig'e et augment6e. 4 v. 80. Paris, 1.814. Anatomy, for the use of sculptors, painters, History of the Revolutions in Europe, and amateurs. 160. London, 1852. from the Subversion of the Roman Empire Races of Men; a fragment. 120. Lon- in the West, till the Congress of Vienna. don, 1850. Translated from the French, by Andrew KNOX, (Vicesimus.) Works. 7 v. 8~. Lon- Crichton. With a continuation to the year don, 1824. 1815, by F. Sahoell. Revised and corrected CONTENTS. by an American editor. 2 v. in 1. 120. Antipolemus. v. 5. Middle, Biographical Preface, v. 1.Middleton, 1833. Christian Philosophy, v. 7. - Sanctio Pragmatica Germanorum ilConsiderations on the Lord's Supper, v. 7. Essays, Moral and Literary, v. 1-'. lustrata. 40. Argentorati, 1789. Liberal Edrncation, v. 4. S______ ee GARDEN, (Conte de.) Personal Nobility, v. 5. Remarks on Grammar Schools, v. 4. KOCK, (Charles Paul de.) (Euvres. 30 v. in Sermons, v. 6. Spirit of Despotism, v. 5. 15. 8~. Paris, 1835-40. Winter Evenings; or, Lucubrations, v. 2-3. CONTINTS. See EXTRACTS, ELEGANT. Andr6 le Savoyard, v. 7. KNOX, (William.) Controversy between Great B1eo E nfant, v. 17. Britain and her Colonies, reviewed. 80. Cocn, v 15. Contes en Vers et Chansons, v. 19. London, 1769. Enifant de Ma Feonime, v. 8. - The same. (Colonial Pam., v. 4. ),le.lelluoJ,(la,.) le Marl et l'Amalnt, v. 13. Prdre Jacques, v. 3. The same. (Colonial Pam., v. 10.) Georgette, ou la niece du Tabellion, v. 1. Extra-Official State Papers; addressed Gu otilve, e le n tavai lHoe olic, v. 14. ioniome do la Nature et lifloinme Polic6, v. 14. to members of Parliament, associated for the Jean, v. 11. Jeune IHourne Charmaut, v. 30. preservation of the constitution and promot- Laiti de d Montfernmeil, v. 10. ing the prosperity of the British Empire. 80. Mdeleline, v. 16. Miaison Blanche, v. 12. London, 1789. Moeurs Parisiennes, v. 26-28. KOBELL, (Franz von.) Popular Sketches IMo Voisen Ilaym ond, v. 5. MH Dupont, on la jeune fille et so bonne, v. 5. from the Mineral Kingdom. 120. London, Moustache, v. 9. Ni jamanis ni Toujours, v. 21. 1852. (With Scnouw's Earth, Plants, &c.) Petits'Tableaux de Mlours, ou macdoine critique KOBIERZYKIUS, (Stanislaus.) De Luxu Ro- Ptcle tBei e, v. 20. Pucelle de Belleville, v. 18. manorum Commentarius. (Grmvius, Thesau- Sceur Anne, v 6. Yu1~n~~~s Antc~. Rom., v. 8.) Theatre, v. 24-25. lrus Antiq. Rome., v. 8.) Tourloulou, v. 23. KOsH, (Carl.) Crimea and Odessa; journalof Zizine, v. 22. a tour. Translated by Joanna B. Horner. Leos Etuvistes; ou Paris dans c temps120. London, 1855. la. 4 v. 120. Paris, 1853. KOCi-, (Christophe G-uillaumne.) Histoire -- Un Homme t Marier. (Ro.mans PopnAbr6g6e des Trait6s de Paix entre les puis- laires, v. 7.) sauces de l'Europe, depuis la paix de West- KOElr LER, (Heinrich.) Juris Socialis et Genphalie. Ouvrage entieremlent refondu, augL tium ad jus naturale revocati specimina viI. mnente et continue jusqu'au congres de Smnall 40. Jenoe, 1737. 635 KOEHLER. KOSTER. KOEHLER, (Philipp Thomas.) Einleitung in KOLFF, (D. H., Jr.) Voyages of the Dutch das praktische Europaische Volkerrecht, brig-of-war Dourga, through the Moluccan zum Gebrauch seiner Vorlesung. 12~. Archipelago, and along the coast of NewMainz, 1790. Guinea, during 1825. Translated from the KOELLE, (Sigismund W.) Polyglotta Afri- Dutch by Geo. W. Earl. 80. London, 1840. cana; vocabulary of nearly 300 words and KOLISCH, (Sigmund.) Ludwig Kossutli und phrases in more than 100 distinct African Clemnens Metternich. 3 v. 16~. Leipzig, languages. Folio. London, 1854. 1850. KaINIG, (Gustav.) Life of Luther, in 48 His- KOLLAR, (Vincent.) Treatise on Insects Intorical Engravings. With explanations by jurious to Gardeners, Foresters and Farmers. Archdeacon Hare. Continued by Susanna Translated from the German. 16~. LonWinkworth. Small 40. London, 1855. don, 1840. KCENIGLICH Bayerischen Akademie der Wis- KOLLIKEI, (A.) Manual of Human Histology. senschaften, Abhandlungen der Mathemat- Translated and edited by George Busk, and isch-Physikalischen Classe. 6 v. 40. Thomas Huxley. 2 v. 80. London, 1854. Miinchen, 1832-52. (Sydenham Soc'y Pub.) (V. 2 wanting.) Abhandlungen der Philosophisch-Phi- KOLLOCK, (Shepard K.) Pastoral Reminislologischen Classe. 6 v. 40. Miinchen, cences. 12~. New-York, 1849. 1835-50. KORAN. The Koran, in Arabic MS. 80. A. H. ~- Abhandlungen der Historischen Classe. 1068, A. D. 1658. 6 v. 40. Miinchen, 1833-52. - The same. Commonly called the AlBulletin. 5 v. in 2. 40. Miinchen, coran of Mohammed. Translated from the 1849-53. Arabic, with notes, by George Sale. 2 v. KOHL, (J. G.) Austria, Vienna, Prague, 80. London, 1764. Hungary, Bohemia, and the Danube; Ga- The same. New ed., with various licia, Styria, IMoravia, Bukovina, and the readings and notes from Savary's version of Military Frontier. 8~. London, 1843. the Koran, by R. A. Davenport. 80. LonIreland, Scotland, and England. 80. don, 1857. -London, 1844. KORFF, (MI. Baron.) Accession of Nicholas I. - Kitchi-Gami. Wandelings round Lake Compiled by special command of the EnmSuperior. 80. London, 1860. peror Alexander II., and translated from the Panorama of St. Petersburg. 120. Russian. 80. London, 1857. London, 1852. KORMvAKS Saga, sive Kormaki Oegmundi Filii Popular History of the Discovery of Vita; ex manuscriptis Legati Magnneani, America, from Columbus to Franklin. cum interpretatione Latina. 80. Hafnime, Translated by R. R. Noel. 2 v. 12~. 1832. London, 1862. KSI NER, (Carl Theodor.) Life; with selecReisen im Nordwesten der Vereinigten tions from his poems, tales and dramas. Staaten. 80. New-York, 1857. Translated from the German, by G. F. Rich- _Russia and the Russians in 1842. 2v. ardson. 2d ed. 2 v. 120. London, 1845. 120. London, 1842. KoscIUsKo, (Thaddeus.) Manoeuvres of Horse Travels in Canada and through the Artillery. Translated byJonathanWilliams. States of New-York and Pennsylvania. Trans- 120. New-York, 1808. lated by Mrs. Percy Sinnett. 2 v. 120. KOSEWITZ, (W. F. von.) Eccentric Tales, London, 186.. translated from the German. 80. London, KOHLRAUSCH, (Friedrich.) History of Ger- 1827. many, from the earliest period to the present KOSSUTH, (Louis.) Select Speeches; contime. Translated from the German by James densed and abridged, with Kossuth's express D. Haas. 80. NeW-York, 1847. sanction, by F. W. Newman. 120. NewKOLBEN, (Peter.) Present State of the Cape York, 1854. of Good-Hope. Translated from the Ger- KOST, (John.) Elements of Materia Medica man, by Mr. Medley. 2d ed. 2 v. 80. and Therapeutics, adapted to the American London, 1731-38. reformed and eclectic practice. 80. CinVoyage to Cape of Good-Hope, with cinnati, 1858. an account of the Hottentot Settlement there. KOSTER, (Henry.) Amelioration of Slavery. (Knox's Coil. Voyages, v. 2.) 80. London, 1816. (Pamphleteer, v. 8.) 636 KOSTER. KRUMMACHER. KOSTER, (Henry.) Travels in Brazil, from KRAITSIR, (Charles.) Poles in the United 1809 to 1815. 2 v. 80. Philadelphia, 1817. States of America. 160. Philadelphia, KOTTENKAMP, (F.) History of Chivalry and 1837. Ancient Armour, with descriptions of the KRaAP, (J. Lewis.) Travels, Researches, and feudal system, the usages of knighthood, the Missionary Labours, during an eighteen tournament, and trials by single combat. years' residence in Eastern Africa. 80. LonFrom the German by A. LOwy. Oblong 40. don, 1860. London, 1857. KRASINSKI, (Henry; Count.) Cossacks of the KOTZEBUE, (AugustF. F. von.) The most Re- Ukraine; biographical notices of the most markable Year in the Life of Augustus Von celebrated Cossack Chiefs. 120. London, Kotzebue; his exile into Siberia. Written 1848. by himself. Translated from the German, KRASINSKJ, (Valerian.) Historical Sketch of by B. Beresford. 3 v. in 1. 160. London, the Rise, Progress, and Decline of the Re1802. formation in Poland. 2 v. 80. London, Sketch of Life and Literary Career; 1838-40. with journal of his exile to Siberia. 2 v. Montenegro, and the Slavonians of 240. London, 1827. (Autobiography, v. Turkey. 120. London, 1853. 9-10.) Russia and Europe; probable conseTravels from Berlin, through Switzer- quences of the present war. 80. London, land, to Paris, in 1804. From the German. 1854. 4th ed. 3 v. in 1. 160. London, 18(6. Sketch of the Religious History of the Travels through Italy, in 1804-1805. Sclavonic Nations 80. Edinburgh, 1851. 4 v. in 2. 160. London, 1807. KRASKENINIKOFF, (Stephan.) History of Wild-Goose Chace; Virgin of the Sun; Kamschatka and the Kurilski Islands, and and Pizarro in Peru, or the Death of Rolla. countries adjacent; with maps and cuts. Translated from the German, by William Translated from the Russian, by James Dunlap. 80. New-York, 1800. Grieve. 40. Glocester, 1764. KOTZEBUE, (Otto von.) Voyage of Discovery KREBS, (Johann Tobias.) Decreta Romanointo the South Sea and Behring's Straits, for rum pro Judmis facta e Josepho collecta, et the purpose of Exploring a North-East Pass- commentario historico-grammatico-critico ilage, in 1815-1818. Translated by H. E. lustrata. Adjunctum est Decretum AthenLloyd. 3 v. 80. London, 1821. iensium pro Hyrcano Pontifico Maximo Ju- New Voyage Round the World, in the doeorum factum, commentario illustratum. years 1823-26. 2 v. 120. London, 1830. 80. Lipsie, 1768. KOUBRAKIEWIEZ, (M.) Revelations of Aus- KRIDER, (John.) Sporting Anecdotes, illustria. 2 v. 120. London, 1846. trative of the habits of American game. KOVAES, (Emerich.) Kampf und Verrath. Edited by H. M. Klapp. 80. Philadelphia, Blatter aus dem kriegstagebuche eines Hon- 1853. vedoffiziers. 160. Leipzig, 1850. KRISTNI-SAGA, sive Historia Religionis ChrisKRAFFT, (Johann Carl.) Constructions, Plans, tianm in Islandiam introducte; nec non et D6corations des Jardins de France, d'An- Narratio de Isleifo Episcopo. Ex manugleterre, et d'Allemagne. 2 v. in 1. Oblong scriptis Legati Magncani, cum interpreta40. Paris, 1831. tione Latina. 80. Hafniae, 1773. - Plans, Coupes et l16vations de diverses KRUM, (John M.) Missouri Justice; compenProductionsde'Art dela Charpente. Folio. dium of laws relating to the powers and Paris, 1805. duties of justices of the peace, executors, Plans, Coupes, 3l6vations de plus administrators, guardians, constables, and Belles Maisons, et des Hotels construits B coroners, in Missouri, (adapted to the revised Paris et dans les environs. Folio. Paris, laws of 1845,) with forms and precedents. 1801-2. 80. Saint Louis, 1845. KRAFFT, (Michael.) American Distiller; the- KRUMMACHER, (Friedrich A.) Cornelius the ory and practice of distilling. 120. Phila- Centurion, and Life and Character of St. delphia, 1804. John. 160. Edinburgh, 1840. (Biblical KRAITSIR, (Charles.) Glossology; a treatise Cabinet, v. 28.) on the nature of language, and on the lan- - Parables. Selected and translated by guage of nature. 120. New-York, 1852. L. Lerman. 160. Philadelphia, 1852. 637 KRUSENSTERN. LABLACHE. KRUSENSTERN, (Adam Johann von.) Voyage! LABAT, (Jean Baptiste.) Nouveau Voyage Round the World, in the years 1803-06, by I aux Isles de l'Amdrique; contenant l'histoiro order of His Majesty Alexander I. Trans- naturelle de ces pays, l'origine, les moeurs, la lated from the German, by R. B. Hoppner. religion et le gouvernement des habitants an2 v. in 1. 4~. London, 1813. ciens et modernes. 2 v. 4~. La Haye, 1724. KUGLER, (Franz T.) Hand-Book of Painting. Voyage du Chevalier des Marchais en The schools of painting in Italy. Trans- Guinee, isles voisines, et a Cayenne, en lated from the German. Edited by Sir C. L. 1725-27. 4 v. 160. Amsterdam, 1731. Eastlake. 2d ed. 2 v. 12". London, LABATT, (Henry J.) Digest of the Decisions 1851. of the Supreme Court of California, contained - Pictorial History of Germany, during in the sixteen volumes of reports, from the the reign of Frederick the Great; history of formation of the court, in 1850, until Janthe Silesian campaigns, and the seven years' uary, 1861. With a complete list of cases afwar. 8~. London, 1845. firmed, reversed, qualified, commented upon, KuNSTMANN, (Friedrich.) EntdeckungAmeri- or abrogated by statute. 2 v. 8~. San kas; nach den altesten quellen geschichtlich Francisco, 1861. (2 copies.) dargestellt. Mit einem Atlas alter bisher LABAUME, (Eugene.) Circumstantial Narraungedruckter Karten. 4~. Atlas, folio. tive of the Campaign in Russia. Translated Miinchen, 1859. from the French. 80. Hartford, (Conn.,) KURICKE. See HEINECCIUS; Scriptorum de 1848. Jure Nautico. LABEAUMELLE, (LaurentAngliviel de.) M6KURTZ, (Johann Heinrich. Bible and Astron- moires pour servir a l'Histoire de Madame de omy; an exposition of the biblical cosmology, Maintenon, et a celle du Siecle passe. 6 v. and its relations to natural science. Trans- 16~. Amsterdam, 1757. lated from the German, by T. D. Simonton LA BECHE, (Sir Henry Thomas de.) Geolog120. Philadelphia, 1857. ical Manual. 3d ed. 80. London, 1833. Manual of Sacred History. From the Geological Observer. 2d ed. 80. German, by C. F. Schaeffer. 120. Phila- London, 1853. delphia, 1855. Howto Observe-Geology. 120. LonKUSTEIR, (Ludwig.) De vero usu Verborum don, 1835. Mediorum eorunmque differentia a verbis ~ Report on the Geology of Cornwall, Deactivis et passivis. Cura E. Leedes. 120. von, and West Somerset 80. London, 1839. Londini, 1750. R esearches in Theoretical Geology. KUTTNER, (Charles Gottlob.) Travels through 160. London, 1834. Denmark, Sweden, Austria, and part of Italy, Sections and Views illustrative of Geo1798-99. 80. London, 1805. (Phillips' ological Phenomena. 40. London, 1830. Voyages and Travels, v. 1.) Selection of the Geological Memoirs KYD, (Stewart.) Treatise on the Law of contained in the Annales des Mines; with Awards; with references to all the recent synoptical table of equivalent formations, and cases in England, and notes upon the reports Brongniart's table of the classification of of referees in Pennsylvania. 80. Philadel- Mixed Rocks. 80. London, 1824. phia, 1808. LABERGERIE. See ROUGIER DE LABERGERIE. ~- Treatise on the Law of Bills of Ex- LABERNIA, (Pedro.) Diccionari de laLlengua change and Promissory Notes. 3d edition, Catalana ab la correspondencia Castellana y with additions. 80. London, 1795. Llatina. 2v. Small 40. Barcelona, 1839-40. ~- Treatise on the Law of Corporations. - Diccionario de la Lengua Castellana 2 v. 80. London, 1793-94. con las correspondencias Catalana y Latina. LABANOFF. See MARY, Queen of Scots. 40. Barcelona, 1844-48. LA BARRE DUPARCQ, (Nicolas Edouard de.) LABILLARDIERE, (Jacques Julien Houton de.) Elements of Military Art and History; com- Voyage in Search of La P6rouse, during the prising the history and tactics of the separate years 1791-94. Translated from the French, arms, etc. Translated by G. W. Cullum. by John Stockdale. 40. London, 1800. 80. NewYork, 1863. LABLACHE, (Louis.) Complete Method of LABARTHE, (Pierre.) Voyage A la C6te de Singing; a rational analysis of principles for Guin6e, ou description des c6tes d'Afrique. developing the voice, etc. Translated from 80. Paris, 1803. the French. 40. Boston. (n. d.) 638 LA BLETTERIE. LACINIUS. LA BLETTERIE, (Jean Philippe Ren6 de.)- LA BRUYERE, (Jean de.) Les Caracttres; ou History of the Emperor Jovian. Translated les mmeurs de ce sicdle. Avec de nouvelles by J. Duncombe. 80. London, 1784. (V. notes critiques. 160. Paris, 1812. 2 of JULIAN'S Works, Eng. ed.) The same. 12~. Paris, 1689. (Bound Life of the Emperor Julian. Translated with TIIEOPItRASTUS' Caracteres.) from the French. 12~. London, 1746. Works. 6th ed. With an original chapLA BODERIE, (Antoine Lefevre de ) Ambas- ter of the manner of living with great men, sades en Angleterre sous le reg'ne d'Henry by N. Rowe. 2 v. 80. London, 1713. IV. et la minorit6 de Louis XIII., depuis (V. 2 wanting) les ann6es 1606 jusqu'en 1611. 5 v. 160. LACAILLE, (Abbe de.) Catalogue of 9766 Stars Paris, 1750. in the Southern Hemisphere, for the beginLABORDE, (Alexander Louis Joseph, Comite ning of the year 1750, from observations de.) Itin6raire Descriptif de l'Espagne; et made at the Cape of Good Hope in 1751-52. tableau 616mentaire des diff6rentes branches Edited by Prof. HENDERSON and F. BAILY. de l'Administration et de l'industrie de ce 80. London, 1847. royaume. 2e 6d., 5v. 12~. Avec atlas, 12~. LACAMIBRE, (G.) Trait6 Completde la FabriParis, 1809. cation des Bires, et de la distillation des Voyage Pittoresque en Autriche. 3v. grains, pommes de terre, betteraves, topinamFolio. Paris, 1821-22. bours, &c. 2 v. 80. Bruxelles, 1856. View of Spain; itinerary of each pro- LAC: PEkDE, (Bernard Germain -Etienne, Comte vince, and statistical account of the country. de.) (uEvres. Nouvelle edition, dirigee par Translated fiom the French. 5v. 80. Lon- A. G. DESMAREST. 11 v. 80. Paris, don, 1809. 1826-33. LABORDE, (Jean Benjamin de;) et RoussIER, CONTENTS. (P. J.) Essai sur la Musique, ancienne et Discours et M6moires, v. 1. moderne 4 v. in 5. 4~. Paris, 1780. IistoireNaturelle des Ctacees, v.2. Histoire Naturelle des Quadrupedes Ovipares, v. 3. - et Baron de ZURLAUBEN. Tableaux Histoire Naturelle des Serpents, v. 4. de la Suisse; ou voyage pittoresqu6 fait Iistoire Naturelle desPoissons, v. 5-11. dans les treize Cantons et htats Allies du - Esgai sur l'Electricite naturelle et artiCorps Helv6tique. 4 v. Folio. Paris, ficielle. 2 v. 8~. Paris, 1781. 1780-86. Les Ages dle la Nature, et Histoire de LA BORDE, (M.) History of the South Caro- l'Espece Humaine. 2 v. 8~. Paris, 1830. lina College, from its incorporation, Decem- - Histoire Generale, Physique et Civile ber 19, 1801, to November 25, 1857, includ- de l'Europe depuis les dernibres annees du ing sketches of its presidents and professors. Cinquieme Siecle jusque vers le milieu du 8~. Columbia, (S.C.,) 1859. Dix-huitidme. 18 v. 8~. Paris, 1826. ~__- Introduction to Physiology. Designed - Histoire Naturelle de l'Homme. Prefor the use of students, and of the general cdede de son eloge historique, par le Baron reader. 12~. New-York, 1855. Cuvier. 8~. Paris, 1839. LABORDE. See DELABORDE. LA CHAMBRE, (Marin Cureau de.) L'Art de LABOULAYE, (Charles ) Essai sur'Art In- Connoistre les Hommes. 18~. Amsterdam, dustriel, comprenant l'etudes des produits les 1669. plus cdlebres de l'industrie a toutes les l Les Charactdres desPassions. 5 v. in 6poques, et des ceuvres les plus remarquees 2. 4~. Paris, 1662. a l'expositionumiverselle de Londres en 1851; LA CHAU (DE) et LE BLOND, (l'Abbes.) Deet i l'exposition de Paris en 1855. 8o. Paris, scription des principales Pierres Grav6es du 1856. Cabinet de S. A. S. Monseigneur le Due LABOULAYE, (l]douard.) La Libertd Reli- d'Orleans. 2 v. Folio. Paris, 1780-84. gieuse. 20 ed. 12~. Paris, 1858. LACULAN, (R.) Uniform System of Meteoro- - Paris en Amdrique. Par le Dr. R. logical Observations. 8~. Cincinnati, 1859. LEFEBURE. 16~. Paris, 1863. LAcINtUS, (Janus.) Pretiosa Margarita NoWhy the North cannot Accept of Sepa- vella de Thesauro ac Pretiosissimo Philosoration. 8~. New York, 1863. phorum Lapide. Artis hujus divine typus, LA BRUYERE, (Jean de.) Les Caracteres; ou et methodus. Collectanea ex Arnaldo, Rhayles mceurS de ce siecle. 3 v. 16~. Amster- mundo, Rhasi, Alberto et Michaele Scoto. dam, 1701. (V. I and 3 wanting.) 160. Venetiis, 1546. 639 LACKINGTON. LACROIX. LACKINGTON, (James.) Memoirs of the Forty- LACRETELLE, (Pierre Louis.) De la Convofive first years of Life. Written by himself. cation des prochains lAtats-G6neraux en 240. London, 1827. (Autobiography, v. 18.) France. 8C. Paris, 1788. (Pol. Pam.,v. 16.) LACOMBE, (Fran9ois.) Dictionnaire du vieux Me6moire a Consulter, contre la nouLangage Francois, contenantaussi la langue velle Compagnie des Indes. 40. Paris, Romance ou Provengale; et la Normande, du 1786. (Col. Pam., v. 22.) neuvieme an quinzieme sidcle. 2 v. 80. LACROIX, (Amelot de.) Military and Political Paris, 1766-67. Hints. To which is added, The Artillerist. LACOMBE, (Jacques.) Abr6ge Chronologique Translated by S. Mackay. 120. Boston, de'H-istoire Ancienne des Empires et des 1808. Republiques qui ont paru avant Jesus- LACROIX, (Fieff6.) Clef des Lois Romaines; Christ. 160. Paris, 1757. ou dictionnaire analytique et raisonnd de LACOMBE DEPREZEL,(Honore.) Dictionnaire toutes les matibres contenues dans le corps Iconologique, ou introduction a la connois- de droit. 2 v. 40. Metz, 1809-10. sance des peintures, sculptures, mddailles, LACROIX, (Fr6ddric.) Pdrou et Bolivie. 80. estampes, etc. 180. Paris, 1756. Paris, 1843. (L'Univers, v. 23.) LACON, (William Stirling.) Loss of the Orion, Patagonie, Terre-du-Feu, etc. 80. Paris, the Amazon, and the Birkenhead. 3d ed. 80. 1840. (L'Univers, v. 25.) London, 1852. Regions Circumpolaires. 80. Paris, LA CONDAMINE, (Charles Marie.) Relation 1840. (L'Univers, v. 25.) Abregee d'un Voyage fait dans l'Int6rieur - Possessions Anglaises dans l'Amdrique de l'Amerique M6ridionale depuis la c6te de du Nord: Canada, N. Brunswick, N. Ecosse, la mer du sud, jusqa' aux c6tes du Br6sil et Acadie. 80. Paris, 1849. (L'Univers, v. 26.) de la Guiane, en descendant la rividre des LA CROIX, (Jacques Vincent de.) ConstituAmazones. 80. Paris, 1745. tions des principales fgtats de l'Europe et Succinct Abridgement of a Voyage in des l tats-Unis de l'Amerique. 6 v. 80. the inland parts of South America. 80. Paris, 1791-1802. (V. 5 and 6 wanting.) London, 1747. Review of the Constitutions of the Travels in South America. (Pinker- principal States of Europe and of the United ton's Voyages, v. 14.) States of America. 2 v. 80. London, 1792. LACONTCS; or, the best words of the best au- LACROIX, (Louis.) Iles de la Grece. 80. thors. 8th ed. 3 v. 180. London, 1856. Paris, 1853. (L'Univers, v. 46.) LACOUR, (Louis.) Annuaire du Bibliophile, LACROIX, (Pamphile, Baron de.) Mdmoires du Bibliothdcaire et de l'Archiviste, pour les pour servir, l'Histoire de la Revolution de aniees 1860-62. 3v. 180. Paris, 1860-62 Saint-Domingue. 2e6d. 2v. 80. Paris, 820. LACOUR, (Pierre.) Essai sur les Hieroglyphes LACROIX, (Paul.) ("P. L. Jacob.") Curiosites 1ggyptiens. 80. Bordeaux, 1821. des Sciences Occultes. 160. Paris, 1862. LACOUR, (Pierre.) Manufacture of Liquors, Reforme de la Bibliotheque du Poi. Wines, and Cordials, without the aid of dis- 16G. Paris, 1845. tillation. 120. New-York, 1853. - - et SERf, (Ferdinand.) Le Moyen Age LACRETELLE, (Charles.) Histoire de France, et la Renaissance; histoire et description des depuis la Restauration. 4 v. 80. Paris, moeurs et usages, du commerce et de l'indus1829-35. trie, des sciences, des arts, des litteratures Histoire de France, pendant le 18e et des beaux-arts en Europe. 5 v. 40. Siecle. 4e ed. 6 v. 80. Paris, 1819. Paris, 1848-51. Histoire de i'Assemblee Constituante. TET CONTENTS. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1844 2 v. 8~. Paris, 1844. - TonIE I. —Infroduction. De l':tat des Pcrsonnes etdes Histoire de l'Assemblee L6gislative. Terres, par Bcnj. Gu6rard. 80. Paris, I^OJ3. B'Superstitions, Croyanices Populairies, ct Fitc des 0o. Paris, 1 82. Fous, par P. Lacroix. Histoire de Ja Convention Nationale. Privilges et DroitsF6odaux, par J. B. Mary-Laon. o 1n0 on 1 TJ ~ oPrivil6ges des Vileas, par l-lecli lMartin. o v. 8o. Paris, 1824-25. CPs, v-alerie, pliiiar Pilat Cohasles. - Histoire du Directoire EExecutif. 2 V. Unlivrsite, Colleg'e, ct lcoliers, parA. Vallot le Viriville. 8. Paris, 1826. Races Maudites, par Francisque Michel. Boh6mioens, Men-diats, Gueux, Cour des Miracles LACRETELLE, (Pierre Louis.) Discours sur le iar Fralncisque MC3 iiic Prdjuge des Peines InJfaiantes. 80. Paris Juifs. par, (rges Bernard Depping. 7^84 Nm UiiaseVW; e-aenicFa.Utl~oriilCie, e'Con etc., patr IElzei p Blar^.e. 1784. ~Noui ritulr et Cuisine, Repas et Festin.s, par F. Ser6. 640 LACROIX. LAET. LACROIX, (Paul,) et SIRt, (Ferdinand.) Le LAcroix, (Silvestre Fran9ois.) Trait6 E16menMoyen Age et la Renaissance; &c.-Con- taire d'Arithm6tique. 20e 6d. 8~. Paris, 1848. tinued. Trait6 Eilementaire du Calcul des ProTOsIE II.-Sciences Philosophiqueset Scholastiques, par babilites. 3e 6d. 8. Paris, 1833. Barth6lemy Haureau. Chimie, Alchimie, Chirurgie et Pharmacie, par simile - Trait6 1mentaire de Trigonom6trie Begine. Rectiligne et Sph6rique; et d'application de Marine, (Art Nautique,) par A. Jal. Langues, par Francis Wey. l'algebre a la geom6trie. 100 6d. 80. Patois, par Mary-Lafon. Pa l 1 Proverbes, par M. Leroux de Lincy. Pa, Chants Populaires, par F. Fertiault. - Elementary Treatise on the Differential Romans, par Paulin Paris. and Integrs. Manuscrits, par J. J. Champollion-Figeac. and Integral Calculs. From the Fench. Parchemin, Papier, par Gabriel Peignot. 80. Cambridge, (Eng. ) 1816. Cartes a Jouer, par Paul Lacroix. Horlogerie, par Pierre Dubois. LA CROIX. See PETIS de LA CROIX. Tapisseries, par Achille Jubinal. LACTANTIUS Firmianus, (Lucius Coelius.) TOME III. —Cermonies Ecclesiastiques, par le Marquis de Varennes. Opera. 320. Lugduni Batavorum, 1600. C6remonial, Etiquette, par A. Vallet de Viriville. Corporations de Metiers, par A. Monteil. (Imperfect.) Coinnlerce, par C. de Gra-ndmlaison. Relation of the Death of the Primitive Penalit6, par P. A. N. de La Villegille. Tribunanx Secrets, par Gustave Brunet. Persecutors. Translated from the Latin, by Vie Priv6e, dans les Chateaux, dans les Villes, dans Gilbert Burnet. 240. Amsterdam, 1687. les Canlpagnes, par M. Leroux de Lincy. Modes et Costnmes, par le Comte de Vieilcastel. (Now attributed to Lucius Ctecilitcs.) Orfevrerie, par Jules Labaste. TOME IV.-Sciences Naturelles, par Emile B6gin. LACURNE DE SAINTE-PALAYE. See SAINTESciences Occultes, Ferdinand Denis. PALAYE. Science Heraldique, par lEmile de la BIdollidre. Instruments de Musique, par Paul Lacroix. LADD, (William,) and BECKWITrI, (Geo. C.) Poesie Nationale, par Charles Nisard. Eloqeie n acree, pt Civile, pa C. Louandre. Prize Essays on a Congress of Nations for floqucnce Sacr&e et Civile, par C. Louandre. Th6etre, par C. Louandre. the adjustment of International Disputes, Ameublement Religieux et Civil, par C. Louandre. Armurerie, par L. F. I. C. de Saulcy. without resort to arms. 80. Boston, 1840. Ceamique, par IMM. Riocreux et Jacquemari. LADD and Co. Report of the proceedings and Sellerie, Lorilerie et Carrosserie par le Marquis de Varennes. evidence in the Arbitration between the King TO1ME V.-Architecture Religieuse et Civile, par J. B. A. and Government of the Hawaiian Islands and Lasss. Gove ent of the Hawaan Islands an Architecture MIilitaire, par Prosper Mrint. Messrs. Ladd and Co., before Messrs. WilSculpture, par Jean du Seigneur. Peinture sur Bois, sur Cuivre, sur Toile, par Alfred liams and Marshall, arbitrators under the ichiels., compact 13th July, 1846. 80. Honolulu, 1846. Peinture Miurale, par Ernest Breton. Gravure, par Jean Duchesne. LADIES' CALLING. By the author of the Whole Peinture sur Verre, Mosaique, Emaux, par J. J. f 120. Oford, 173. Champollion-Figeac. uty of Mn. 12. Oxford, 1673. Impriierie, par Paul Lacroix. LADIES' DICTIONARY; being a general enterReliure des Livres, par Paul Lacroix. tainment for the fair sex. By N. H. 12~. LACROIX, (Silvestre Fran9ois.) )l16ments d'Al- London, 1694. gebre. 21c 6d., annot6e, par M. Prouhet. LADIMIR, (Jules.) La Guerre: Histoire com8~. Paris, 1854. plete des operations militaires en Orient, ~~ Complement des e1lments d'Algebre. pendant les annees 1853-55. Precede d'un 6e 6d. 80. Paris, 1835. aper9u historique sur les Russes et les Turcs. ~- ele ments de G6ometrie. 6e ed. 120. 80 ed. 80. Paris, 1855. Paris, 1848. LA DIXMERIE, (Nic. Bricaire de.) 1loge de - Essais de G6om6trie sur les Planes et Voltaire, prononc6 dans la loge Ma9onnique les Surfaces Courbes. 7e 6d. 8~. Paris, des neufs soeurs. 80. Geneve, 1779. 1840. LADVOCAT, (Jean Baptiste.) Historical and.... EEssais sur l'Enseignement en G6n6ral, Biographical Dictionary. Translated from et sur celui desMath6matiques en Particulier. the French, by Catharine Collignon. 4 v. 4e 6d. 80. Paris, 1838. 80. Cambridge, (Eng.,) 1799-1801. Introduction a la G6ographie Mathe- LADY'S TOUR round Monte Rosa; with visits matique et Critique, et a la Geographie Phy- to the Italian Valleys. In excursions in sique. 80. Paris, 1847. the years 1850-56-58. 120. London, 1859. - Introduction ta la Connaissance de la LAET, (Joannes de.) De Imperio Magni MoSphere. 240. Paris, 1832. golis, sive India Vera, commentarius, evariis Trait6 du Calcul Diff6rentiel et du auctoribus congestus. 320. Lvgdvni BataCalcul Int6gral. 2e ed. 3v. 40. Paris, vorumn, 1631. (With GROTIus, De Mare 1810-19. Libero.) LAET. LAFITAU. LAET, (Joannes de.) Historie ofte Iaerlijck LA FAYETTE, (Marie Madelaine Pioche de la Verhael van de Verrichtinghen der Geoctro- Vergne de.) UEuvres Completes de Mesyeerde West-Indische Compagnie. Folio. dames de La Fayette, de Tencin et de FonLeyden, 1644. taines, precedees de notices historiques et Note ad Dissertationem I-1. Grotii de littdraires, par MM. Etienne et A. Jay. 5v. Origine Gentium Americanarum. Item, Re- 80. Paris, 1825. sponsio ad Dissertationemr Secundaml H. C Grotii de Origine Gentium Americanarum. Anecdotes de la Courl d'ldcouard II., Roi d'Angle2 v. in 1. 18. Amstelodami, 1643-44. terre, v. 5. LA FARE, (Charles Auguste de ) WM oir es Comtesse (1a) le Tende, v. 2. Histoire d'Amdnophis, prince de Libye, v. 3. et Rdflexions sur les principaux 6evnemens Histoire de la Comltesse de Savoie, v. 3. Histoire de Madame- Henriette d'Angleterre, v. 3. du Rl grne de Louis XIV. 80. Paris, 1839. Lettres de Mad. de Lafayettte a Mad. de Sdvigne, (Michaud, Coll. Medm t.Hist France, v. 30.) v. 3. Lettres d. Mad. de Tencin d MI Richelieu, v! 5. ~-..T. he same. 8~. Paris, 1828. (Petitot, Malhelrs (les) (e l'Ainour, v. 5. Coll. M'mni. -ist. France, sdr. 2, v.'65.) Meinoiresc nu ComIe de Commi0ngs, v. 4. Co1. Mel. HIist. Flance, ser. 2,. 5.) MmoiiIes sur la Cour de Forance, pour les annues LAFARGE, (Marie Capelle.) Memoirs; written 1688-89, v. 2-3. Notice sulr MIadamoe de Tencin, v. 4. by herself. Translated from the French. Princesse (la) de Cleves, v. 2. 120. Philadelphiia, 1841. Princesse (la) de 1Monitpensier, v. 2. 2' 1Philadlpha 14omans, De i'Origille des, v. 1. L`FAYE (Pierre Benjamin de.) Dictionnaire Siege (le) de Calais; unonvelle historique, v. 4. des Synonymes de la Langue Franqaise. 80. Zayde; histoire Espagnole, v. 1. Paris, 1858. Histoire de Mad. Henriette d'AngleLA FAYE, (M. de.) Recherches sur la Prepa- terre. 80. Paris, 1839. (Michaud, Coil. ration que les Remains donnoient A la Chaux Mem. I-ist. France, v. 30.) dent ils se servaient pour leur construction - The same. 80. Paris, 1828. (Petitot, et sur la composition et l'emploi de leur Coll, Mem. Hist. France, sdr. 2, v. 64.) Mortier. 120. Paris, 1777. Memoires de la Cour de France, pour LAFAYETTE, (M. J. P. R. Y. Gilbert Motier, les anndes 1688-9. 80. Paris, 1839. (MiMarquis de.) Memoires, Correspondance, et chaud, Coll. Mem. Hist. France, v. 30.) Manuscrits du General Lafayette. Publids - Thesame. 80. Paris, 1829. (Petitot, par sa famille. 6 v. in 4. 80. Paris, Coll. Mem. Hist. France, ser. 2, v. 65.) 1837. LAFERRkERE, (Firmin.) Cours de Droit PubMemoirs, Correspondence, and Manu- lic et Administratif, mis en rapport avec la scripts of General Lafayette. Published by constitution de 1852, les lois organiques de his family. 3 v. 8~. London, 1837. lempire, la legislation et la jurisprudence Complete History of the Marquis de La nouvelles en matiure d'administration et de Fayette; with account of his late tour through contentieux. Augmentee d'un Suppldment. the United States; by an officer in the late 4e 6d. 2v. 80. Paris, 1854-58. army. 80. New-York, 1826. - Histoire des Principes des Institutions Memoirs; with an account of his visit et des Lois, pendant la Rdvolution Francaise, to America, and of his reception by the depuis 1789 jusqu'A 1804. 20 6d. 12c. people of the United States. 120. Boston, Paris, 1852. 1824. Histoire du Droit Civil de Rome et du -- Memoirs of his Military Career, in- Droit Franqais. 6 v. 80. Paris, 1846-58. eluding his reception in New-York, Boston, LAFEVER, (Minard.) Beauties of Modern &c. 80. Boston, 1824. (Misc. Pam., Architecture. 3d ed. 40. New-York, 1839. v. 22.) - Modern Builder's Guide. 40. NewSketch of the Life and Military Services York, 1853. of Gen. La Fayette, during the American - Staircase and Handrail Construction. Revolution. 80. New-York, 1824., 4~. New-York, 1838. Address to Gen. Lafayette on his course LAFITAU, (Joseph Francois.) Histoire des in relation to the Politics of France. By a Decouvertes et Conquestes des Portugais North American. 80. (n. p,,) 1831. (Pol. dans le Nouveau Monde. 2 v. 40. Paris, Pam., v. 115.) 1733. Description of the Book Presented to Mceurs des Sauvages Amdriquains, General La Fayette, by the Common Coun- comparees aux Moeurs des Premiers Temps. cil of New-York. 120. New-York, 1825. 2 v. 40. Paris, 1724. 81 642 LA FONTAINE. L UNG. LA FONTAINE, (Jeande.) (Euvres completes. petits, d'6vanouissants, de limites et de 6 v. 8~. Paris, 1814. (Rediges par L. S. fluxions, et rduits. l'analyse alg6brique Auger.) des quantites finies. 4~. Paris, 1813. CONTENTS. Trait6 dce la Resolution des Equations Adonis; poeme, v. 5. Numeriques de tons les degres. 3e ed. 4~. Amours (les) de Psych6 et de Cupidon, v. 5. paris, 1826 Ballades, aItdrigals, Odes, etc., v. 6. Captivitl (la) de Saint Male; poeine, v. 5. LAGRANGE de Checieux, (G. A. F. Simon de.) Coates, v. 3. l:6gies, v.'. Conduct of the late Ministry; memorial in Epigrammes, v. 6. answer to the observations sent by the Fables, v. 1-2. Filles (les) de Min6e, v. 2. English ninistry to the courts of Europe. Lettiones, v. B From the French. 80. London, 1757. Phil6mon et Bauncis, v. 2. Quinquina (la:) poeime, v. 5. LA HACHE, (Theodore.) New collection of SoniF'e du Vaux, v. 6. ThSgtre, v. 4. Sacred Choruses, qnntuors, trios, duos, and Vie de La Fontaine, par L. S. Auger, v. 1. solos, selected from the works of Adam, Fables. Avec notices sur sa vie, et sur Rossini, Winter, Mozart, &c. Oblong folio. celles d'lisope et de Phbdre, et des notes par New-York, 1853. M. deLevizac. 9e6d. 16~. London, 1852. LA HARPE, (Bertnard de.) Journal of the Fables. Illustrated by J. J. Grand- Establishment of the French in Louisiana; ville. Translated from the French, byElizur with notes on Marquette and Joliet, &c. Wright,Jr. (french and English.) 2ded. 8~. New York, 1851. (French's Hist. 2 v. 80. Boston, 1841. Coll., Louisiana, v. 3.) Fables. Translated fiom the French, LA HARPE, (Jean Francois de.) Abrdg6 de by Elizur Wright, Jr. 4th ed. 2 v. in 1. l'Histoire G6uerale des Voyages; conienant 120. Boston, 1856. ce qu'il y a de plus remarquable, de plus Loves of Cupid and Psyche, in verse utile et de mieux avdr6 dans les pays oi les and prose; with a version of the same story voyageurs out penetri. Avec supplement. from the Latin of Apuleius. Translated by 33 v. 80. Paris, 1780-1804. Mr. Lockman. 80. London, 1744. Lycee, ou Cours de Litterature AnLA ForEST, (A. de.) Mdthode d'Instruction cienne et Moderne. 15 v. 80. Paris, 1816. pour Ramener les Prdtendus Reformes a LAHODDE, (Lucien de.) History of Secret l'ggliseRomaine. 160. Paris, 1784. Societies, and of the Republican Party of LA FRtEMoIRE, (H. Charette de. Theordmes France, from 1830 to 1848. Translated from et Problemes de G6om6trie lie6mentaire. 2e the Paris edition of 1850, by an American. ed. 80. Paris, 1852. 80. Philadelphia, 1856. LAGARDE, (Auguste de Messence, Comte de.) LAHONTAN, (N. le Baron de.) Voyages dans Voyage dans quelques parties de l'Europe; l'Am6rique SeptPntrionale. 2e 6d. 2 v. 160. ou lettres adressees a Jules Griffiths. 80. Amsterdam, 1741. Londres, 1824. New Voyages to North America; conLAGET-VALDESON; et (LAGET, Louis.) The- taining an account of the several nations of orie du Code Penal Espagnol compai e avec that vast continent; their customs, comla Legislation Frani aise. 80. Paris, 1860. merce, &c. Written in French; done into LAGNY, (Germain de.) The Knout and the English. 2d ed. 2 v. 80. London, 1735. Russians. Translated from the French, by -- Travels in Canada. (Pinkerton's VoyJ. Bridgeman. 160. London, 1854. ages, v. 13.) LAGRANGE, (Joseph Louis de.) Le9ons sur LAING, (Caroline H. Butler.) Old Farm le Calcul des Fonctions; ou cours d'analyse House. 120. Philadelphia, 1855. par le calcul infinitesimal. 40. Paris, 1804. LAING, (David.) Hints for Dwellings; original - Mecanique Analytique. 2 v. 40. designs for cottages, farm-houses, villas, &c., Paris, 1811-15. plain and ornamental. 40. London, 1841. Memoire sur la Theorie des Variationsl - Plans, Elevations, and Sections of des lements des Plandtes, et en particulier Buildings, public and private, executed in des variations des grands axes de leu-s England. Folio. London, 1818. orbites. 40. Paris, 1808. LAING, (Henry.) New Greek and English ~ — Theorie des Fonctions Analytiques; Lexicon to the New Testament, on the plan contenant les principes du calcul differentiel, of Dawson's Greek and Latin Lexicon. 80. d6gag6s de toute consid6ration d'infiniment London, 1821. 643 LAING. L ALLY. LAING, (John.) Voyage to Spitzbergen; an LAL, (Mohan.) Life of the Amir Dost Moaccount of that country, of the zo6logy of the hammed Khan, of Kabul; including the north, of the Shetland Isles, and of the whale victory and disasters of the British army in fishery. 2d ed. 120. Edinburgh, ]818. Afghatistan.' 2 v. 80. London, 846. LAING, (Malcolm.) Dissertation on the sup- LALANDE, (Joseph Jerome Le Franqais de.) posed authenticity of Ossian's Poems. 80. Astronomie. 2e 6d. 4 v. 4~. Paris, 1771. London, 1819. (Laing's Scotland, v. 4.) Abrege de Navigation. 4~. Paris, 1793. ~ — 1History of Scotland, from the union of ~ Tables de Logarithmes. Erendues A the crowns on the accession of James VI. to sept d6cimales, par F. C. Marie. Pr6ecd6es the throne of England, to the union of the de tables contenant les bases des calculs, par kingdoms in the reign of Queen Anne. 3d C. E. Guillery. 180. Bruxelles, 1843. ed. 4 v. 80. London, 1819. Voyage en Italie; contenant l'histoire, LAING, (Samuel.) Journal of a Residence in les anecdotes, la description, les usages, le Norway, during the years 1834-1836. 80. gouvernement, le commerce, la litterature, London, 1836. les arts, l'histoire naturelle, les antiqultes, et Notes on the Rise, Progress, and Pros- les plans de toutes les grandes villes d'ltalie. pects of the Schism from the Church of Rome, 2e ed. 9 v. 160; atlas, 40. Paris, 1786. called the German-Catholic Church. Insti- LALANNE, (Ludovic.) Curiosit6s Bibliographtuted by Johannes Ronge and J. Czerzki. iques. 160. Paris, 1845. (Bibliotheque de 2d ed. 120. London, 1846. Poche.) Notes of a Traveller on the Social and - Curiosites des Traditions, des Moeurs, Political State of France, Prussia, Switzer- et des Legendes. 160. Paris, 1847. (Bibliland, Italy, and other parts of Europe, during otheque de Poche. ) the present century. First series. 160. Lon- LALLEMAND, (A.) Trait6 Thdorique et Pradon, 1854. tique des Op6rations Secondaires de la The same. From the 2d London ed. Guerre. 2 v. 80; atlas, 40. Iaris, 1824-26. 80. Philadelphia, 1846. Princip'es of the Minor Operations of Observations on the Social and Political War; abridged. Translated from the French, State of the European People in 1848 and by St. Vincent Troubridge. 16G. London, 1849. Being the second series of the Notes 1852. of a Traveller. 80. London, 1850. LALLEMAND, (Claude Fran9ois.) Practical ~ - Observations on the Social and Political Treatise on the Causes, Symptoms, and TreatState ofDenmark, and the Duchies ofSleswick ment of Spermatorrhcea. Translated and and Holstein, in 1851. 80. London. 1852. edited by H. J. McDougal. 2d Am. ed. ~ — Tour in Sweden in 1838; the moral, 80. Philadelphia, 1853. political, and economical state of the Swe- LALLFMAAD, (Henri Dominique.) Treatise on dish nation. 80. London, 1839. Artillery; also, summary of military reconLAIRD, (Macgregor;) and OLDFIELD, (R. A. noitring, of fortification, of the attack and K.) Narrative of an Expedition into the In- defense of places, and of castrametation. terior of Africa, by the River Niger, in Translated by James Renwick. 2 v. 80. 1832 —34. 2 v. 80. London, 1837. New-York, 1820. LAIRD of Logan; or, anecdotes and tales illus- LALLEMAND, (Ludger,) PERRIN, (Maurice,) et trative of the wit and -humor of Scotland. DURAY, (J. L. P.) Role de l'Alcohol et des 160. Glasgow, 1841. Anesthesiques dans l'organisme. Recherches LAISNE, (L.) Comparative View of the Eng- Experimentales. 80. Paris, 1860. lish and French Languages; an easy and LALLEMENT, (Guillaume.) Histoire de la Comethodical plan for the acquirement of both. lombie. 320. Paris, 1827. 160. London, 1817. LALLY-TOLLENDAL,(T. G6rard de.) Memloires LAKE, (Atwell.) Narrative of the Defence of concernant Marie Antoinette. 2 v. 8~. Paris, Kars, Historical and Military. 80. London, 1822. (Berville et Barriere's Coll. Mem. Rev. 1857. Francaise, v. 11-12.) LAKEY, (James.) View of the Causes of the Memoirs of Marie Antoinetta, including Superiority of the Men of the Northern over several important periods of the French Re. those of the Southern Hemisphere. 40. volution; from its origin to the 16th of OctoNew York, 1839. (Appendix to DELAFIELD'S. er, 1793. Translated from the French, by Inquiry.) R. C. Dallas, etc. 3 v. 86. London, 1805i12. 644 LALOR. LAMB. LALOR, (John.) Money and Morals; a book Politique (la) Rationnelle,v.5. Raphael: Pages de la viugti6ie ann6e, v. 15. for the times. 80. London, 1852. Recueillemeits Poetiques, v. 8. LALOR, (T. M.) Reports of Cases in the late Tailleur (le) de Pierres de Sait-Point; v. 17. Tonssaint L'Ouverllre; po6ine dramatique, v. 18. Supreme Court of the State of New-York. 80. Tribune; etldes oratoires ou politiques, v. 13-14. Albany, 1857. (2 copies.) Voyage en Orient, v. 9-12. LAMAR, (Mirabeau B.) Verse Memorials. Histoire des Girondins. 3e ed. 8 v. 80. New-York, 1857. 12. Paris, 1848. LA MARCHE, (Jean Fran9ois de.) Letter to Histoie de la Restauration. 8 v. 8C. the French Clergymen, refugees in England. Paris, 1851-52. 80. London, 1793. (Misc. Pam., v. 27.) Lectures pour Tons; ou, extraits de ses LA MARCHE, (Olivier de.) AMIe6moires. v. 80. cevres gn 160. Paris, 1854. Paris, 1785. (Coll. des Memoires Relatifs Atheism among thepeople. 120. Bosal'Histoire de France, v. 8-9.) ton, 1850. h — The same. 80. Paris, 1850. (Michaud, Ls Confidences. Confidential DisColl. Mmin. Hist. France, v. 3.) closures. Translated from the French, by The same. 2v. 80. Paris, 1820. (Peti- Eugene Plunkett. 120. New-York, 1857. tot, Coil. M6m. Hist. France, s6r. 1, v. 9-10.) ) History of the Girondists; or, personal LAMARCK, (J. B. P. A. de Monnet de.) Flore Memoirs of the Patriots of the French RevoFranuaise, ou descriptions succinctes de lution. Translated by H. T. Ryde. 3 v. toutes les plantes qui croissent naturellement 120. London, 1847. en France. 3e ed. Augalentee par MM. de ~ History of the French Revolution of Candolle et de Lamarck. 6 v. in 5. 80. 1848. 12g. London, 1852. Paris, 1805-15. H- History of the Restoration of Monarchy Histoire Naturelle des Animaux sans inFrance. 2ded. 3v. 120. London, 1852. Vertdbres; les caracteres de ces animaux, History of Turkey. Translated from leur distribution, leurs classes, leurs families, the French. 3 v. 120. New-York, 1855. leurs genres, et la citation des principales M oirs ofCelebratedCharactrs ed. 3 v. 120. London, 1854-58. especes qui s'y rapportent. 2e 6d. Revue et Lonon, 154-58. augmentee par MM. G. P. Deshayes et H. CONTENTS. Anrtar, v. 3. Jacquard, v. 2. Milne-Edwards. 11 v. 80. Paris, 1835-45. Bossnet, v. 3. Joan of Arc, v. 2. - Memoire sur les (Coquilles) Fossiles Cicero, M. T., v. 1. Milton, v. 2. Columbus, C., v. 1. Nelson, v. 1. des Environs de Paris, comprenant la d6ter- Cromwell, Oliver, v. 2. Palissy, v. I. -m *intinrirlp~p~n~f'p^ ^0 Tnc 180* Fenelon, v. 2. Roosta.m, v. 1. mination des espbces. 40. Paris, 1805. Fenlon, v. 2.' rioosta, v. 1. Gutenberg, v. 2. Sevigne, Mlde. de, v. 3. - Philosophie Zoologique. Nouvelle ed. Heloise, v. 1. Socrates, v. 2. 2 v. Pis, 130. omer, v. 2. Tell, William, v. 3. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1830. Reuteil de Coquilles decrites dans son ~ Narrative of the Residence of Fatalla IHistoire Naturelle des Animaux srans Verte- Sayeghir among the wandering Arabs of the bres, et non encore figur6es. Publi par B. Great Desert. 1. Philadelphia, 1836. Delessert. Folio. Paris, 1841. Pilgrimage to the Holy Latd. 3 v. -- -- Systeme des Animaux sans Vertebres. 120. London, 1837. 12~. Paris, 1801. ~- Rasophy, v. 56. des Hansischen Stahlhofes zu London. 40. - T.eatise on Astrionomy, v. 55. History of Rome, v. 57-58. I-Hambulg', 1851. Iollallnd, J. Treatise on Manufactures in Metal, ~ — History of England under the Anfflo- v. -G ~. H y nt n ~ Ja.mes, G. P. R.; and Crowe, E. E. Lives of the Saxon Kings. Translated from the German, Most Eminent Foreitn Statesimien, v. 63-67. by Benjamin Thorpe, with adtitions and Keightley, Thlomas. Outlinies of History, v. 69. by Berlnjamtin Thorpe. with a idditions a ~nd Lal'dler, Dionysius. Treatise on Arithmetic, theocorrections, by the author and the translator. retical and practical, v. 70. n88 M^ 1-A1 -ic,*~.~ Treatise on Geometiy, and its application 2 v. 8t. London, 1845. to the arts, v, 71. G5.1 LARDNER. LARKIN. LARDNER, (D.) Cabinet Cyclopredia, &c.- lier, T. Lemoine, and Hector Berlioz. 120. Continued. London, 1852. Lardner, D. Treatise on Heat, v. 7. Popular Lectures on Science and Art. Treatise on Hydrostatics and Pneumatics, 14th ed. v. 80. New-York, 1852. ~ and Kater, Henry. Treatise on Mechanics, - Popular Lectures on the Steami Engine. v. 68. Mackintosh, Sir James; Wallace, W.; and Bell,R 7' London 1828. History of lEnglaiid, v. 76-85. ~- Railway Economy; a treatise on the 3Moore,'l'honlas. History of Irelland, v. 89-93. Nicolas, Sir Hirris. Clironology of His y v. 93. ie art of tiansport, its management, proslhillips, John. Treatise on Geology, -. 94-5. el i ects, and relations. 12~. London, loS0. Porter, G. R.'Treatise on the MalunLfaclure of Porcelain and Glass, v. 9. Treatise on the Arts, Manlufacturcs, Treatise on Sillk Manufacture, v. 97. Powell, Badcen. P.og ess of tihe Physical and Manners, and Institutim, s of the Gieelks and Mathematical Sciences, v. 96. andt omans. 2 va. 160. London, 1833-35. Roscoe, Henry. Lives of Elminent BLritish LaLtwyers. v. 99. Lis T reatise on Arithmetic. i6". London, c'eott, Sh1' Walter. IH story of Sctnflad, v. 100-101. Shelley, Ma'y W. Lives sf shi.nici eniiieii Liii 1847. (Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopdclia, v. 70.) Shelley, MIar1y xV. Lives of rlhe Imost elllillellt Lite-'rary and,Scieit.ific Men of Italy, Spain, and Per- ~ Treatise oni Geometiry. 1]0. London, tuingal, v. 86-88. II and otihers. Lives of the most eminent Lite- 1840. (Lardner's Cabinet CycloprediaH, v. 72) rary and Scientific Men of France, v. 10U-103. Treatise on Heat. 160. London, 1846. Sisiniidi, J. C. L. S. de. H-Istory of the Fall of the /oiman Empire, v. 15-16. (Lardner's Cabinet Cyclhpaedia, v. 72.) Italian Republics, v. 14. d WA.Ki, (C. V.) Manial of Southeiy, Robert. Lives of the British Admirals, v. 10-i09. Electricity, Magnetism, and Meteorology. Stebbilng, Henry. History of the Christian Church, v. 11o-11. 2 v. 160. London, 1841-44. (Lardner's H- istory of the Reformation, v. 112-113. Cabinet Cycloypredin v. 74-5. Swainson, William. Animals in 3enagleries, v. 123. - Habits and Instincts of Animals, v. 116. LARDNER, (Nathaniel.) Works. 5 v. 40. Natural History and Classification of Birds, Ln n, 1815. v. 117-18. London, 1815. Natural History and Classification of Quadrupeds, v. 121. CONTENTS. - - Natural History of Fishes, Amphibians, and R-eptiles, v. 119-120. Life of Lardner, by A. Kippis, v. 1. - Preliminary Discourse on the Study of Na- Credibility of the Gospel History, v. 1-3. tural History, v. 114. History of the Hteretics, v. 4. ~ n Taxideriny, with the bibliography of zoolo- Hlistory of the Apostles and Evangelists, v. 3. pists, v. 124. Jewish and IHeathen Testimionies to tlie Christian Treatise on the Geography and Classification Religion), v 3-4. of Animals, v. 115. Sernmons, Tracts, and Letters, v. 5. - Treatise on Malacology; or, the Natural Classification of Shells and Shell-Fish, v. 122. Argument for the Truth of Christianity, iand Shuckard, W E..History of Insects, arising for the destruction of Jerusalem v. 104. Thirlwall, Connop. History of Greece, v. 125-132. and the dispersion of the Jews. 8~. London, Walker, C. V. Manual of Electricity, Magnetism, aud Meteorology, v. 74-75. 1785. (Watson's Theol. T acts, v. 5.) Wilson, J. History of Switzerland, v.. 59.History of the Apostles and Evallgelists, The Great Exhibition, and London in writers of ihe New Testament. 8~. Cam1851. 120. London, 1852. bridge, 1785. (Watson's Theol. Tracts, Hand-Book of Mechanics, Hydrosta- v. 2.) tics, Pneumatics, Sound, and Optics. 3 v. LA RENAUDITERE, (Philippe Fran9ois de.) in 1. 12S. Philadelphia, 1851. Historia de M6jico. Traducida de la Fran- HtRHand-Books of Natural Philosophy and cesa, por una sociedad literaria. S. BarAstronomy. 1st course: Mechanics, Hydros- celona, 1844. tatics, Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Sound, and Mexiqle et Guatemala. 80. Paris, Optics. 3 v. in l. 12~. Philadelphia, 1851. 1843. L'Univers, v. 23.) The same. 2d course: Heat, Magnet- LARIEI,LE. L etudes snr la Procedure Civile, ism, Common Electricity, Voltaic Electricity. ndcessite de reviser le Code de 1806. 80. 120. Philadelphia, i853. Paris, 18162. The same. 3d course: Meteorology LA RivEi, (Auguste de.) Treatise on Elecand Astronomy. 12~. Philadelphia, 1854. tricity, in theory and practice. Translated Hydrostatics and Pneumatics. 160. by Charles V. Walker. 3 v. 80. Lontdon, London, 1847. (Lardner's Cabinet Cyclo- 1853-58. ptedia, v. 73.) LA IRtE, (William de.) Rteminiscences of -- Museuml of Science and Art. 8 v. in 4.!Count Cavour. Translated from the French, 180. London, 1854-55. by Edward Romilly. 80. London, 1862. Popular Essays on Scientific Subjects; LARKIN, (James.) Practical Brass and Iron wvith various essays by C. Dupin, M. Cheva- Founder's Guide. 16~. Philadelphia, 1853.. 652 LARKIN. LAS CASAS. LARKIN, (N. J.) Introduction to Solid Geom- LARRA, (Mariano Jos6 de.) Obras Completas etry and Crystallography. 80. London, de Figaro. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1848. (Collec1820. cion de Autores Espaloles, v. 34-35.) LA ROCHE, (R ) Pneumonia; its supposed LARRAIrEE, (William C.) Asbury and his connection with autumnal fevers and Malaria. Coadjntors. 2 v. 160. Cincinnati, 1853. 8~. Philadelphia, 1854. LARRAINZAR, (Manuel.) Notieia Hist6ncade Yellow Fever, considered in its histor- Soconusco, y su Incorporacion,t la Repiical, pathological, etiological, and therapen- blica 2. Mexico, 1843. tical relations. 2v. 80. Philadelphia, 1855. LARIAMENDI, (Manuel de.) Diccionario TriLA ROCHE-FLAVIN, ( Bernard de.) Arrests lingue: Castellano, Bascuence y Latin. 2 v. Notables du Parlement de Toulouse, donnez in 1. Folio. San Sebastian, 1853. et prononcez sur diverses Imatieres civiles, El Impossible Vencido; arte de la criminelles, b6n6ficiales et feodales. Non- lenguaBascongada. 18-. Salamanca,1729. velle ed., augmentere des observations de LARREY, (Dominique-Jean, Baron.) Rela.. Francois Graverol. 40. Toulouse, 1682. tion MIdicale de Campa.gnes et Voyages, de LA ROCHEFOUCAUID, (Fra1n9ois, Dec de.) 1815a 1840. 8O. Paris, 1841. Memoires, 16;30-1652 8S. Paris, 1838. - - Memoir of Baron Larrey, Surgeon-in(Michaud, Coll. M6m. Hist. France, v. 27.) Chief of the Grande Arm6e. From the The same. 2 v. 8~. Paris, 1826. French. 2d ed. 120. London, 1862. (Petitot, Coll. MIem. Hist France, ser. 2, LARREnY, (Isaac de.) Histoire d'Angleterre, v. 51-52.) d'Ecosse, et d'lrlande; avec un abrege des Reflexions, ou Sentences et Maximes evenemens les plus remarquables arrivez Morales. Edition publiee par L. Aime- dans les autres tats. 4 v. Folio. AmsterMartin. 80. Paris, 1822. dam, 1723. M__ axims and Moral Reflections. 160. H Iistory of the Reign of King Charles I. New-York, 1835. From the French. 2v. 120. London, 1716. _ Moral Reflections, Sentences, and LARRIATEGUI, (Feliz Colon de.) Juzgados Maxims. Newly translated from the French. Militares de Espalin y sus Indias. 3' ed. 80. London, 1850. 4 v. Small 40. Madrid, 1817. et LA CIJATRE, (Edme de.) MImoires LA SALLE, (Robert Cavelier de.) Necessity of de la Minorite de Louis XIV. 120. Ville- an Expedition to take possession of Louisfranche, 1690. iana. 80. New York, 1846. (French's Hist. The same. 2 v. 120. Trdvoux, 1754. Coll. of Louisiana, v. 1.) LA ROCHEFOUCAULT-LIANCOURT, (Fran(ois LASARRAZ )DU FRANQUESNAY, (Jean de.) Alexandre Frederic, Du dle.) Travels,Ministre Public dans les Couirs:,trangdres; through the United States of North America, ses folntions et ses prerogatives. 120. the Country of the Iroquois, and Upper Ca- Paris, 1731. nada, in the years 1795-1797. Translated LAS CASAS, (Bartolome de.) Oeuvres de B. from the French, by H. Neuman. 2d ed. de Las Casas, Evevque de Chiapa, d6fenseur 4 v. 80. London, 1800. de la libert6 des naturels de l'Amerique. LA ROCHEJAQUELEIN, (IMarie-Louise-Victoire Prece6des de sa vie. et des notes historiques de Donnissan, Mlrquise de.) M6moires, par J. A. Llorente. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1822. ecrits par elle-meme, et rediges par De Ba- CONTENTS. rante. 8~. Paris, 1823. (Berville et Bar- Apologie de Las Casas par Gr6goire, v. 2. riere, Coil. Mem. Rev. Frangaise, v. 38.) Effet desastreux de l'Esclavage, v, 1. Memoirs. Translated from the French. Expose de la doctrine diu livre intitule le Confes___ Memoirs. Translated from the Fr ench. sional, v. 1. 80 Philadelphia, 1816. Discussion sur les Droits du Roi d'Espagne A la Phildelhia 1816._y Conquete de l'Amelique, v. 1. LA ROCHE-TILHAC, (l'Abbd de.) Etats des MIoyens d'Arriter la Destruction des Habitans des Cours de l'Europe et Provinces de France; Indc Occidentales, v. 1. Liberi6 des Indiens, v. 2. pour l'annee 1788. 80. Paris, 1788. Pouvoir des Rois d'ali6ler leurs sujets, etc., v. 2. r i Projet du Gouvernement de reidre perpetuelles les LA ROQUE, (Gilles Andre de.) Traite de la ComInmanderies des ludiens, v. 2. Nublesse, de ses differentes espcees, de son Relaion de C'tf des Espagol Conqu6rans de l'Amn6rique, v. 1. origine, ete. 40 Rouen, 1735. Trail6 sur' les Afflires du Perou, v. 2. LARPENT, (Francis Seymour.) Private Jour- Vie d B. de Las Cas, v.. nal during the Peninsular War, from 1812 to Brevissima Relacion de la Destruycion its close. 2d ed. 2 v. 120. London, 1853. de las Indias. Small 40. Sevilla, 1552. 653 LAS CASAS. LATOCNAYE. LAS CASAS, (Bartolome de ) Breve Relacion Anatomie par les anciens et par les modernes. de la Destruccion de las Indias Occidentales. 12]. Paris, 1783. 240. Filadelfia, 1821. LASTEYRIE, (Charles Philibet de, Comte.) Istoria, o Brevissima Relatione della Histoire de l'Introduction des Moutons a Distruttione dell' Indie Occidentali. Tra- Laine Fine d'Espagne dans les divers ]Ltats dotta in Italiano dall' Excell. Sig. Giacomo de l'Europe, et au Cap de Bonne-Espdrance. Castellani, gia sotto nome di Francesco Ber- 8~. Paris, 1802. sabita. Square 12~. Venetia, 1643. Plan pour la Formation d'un Cabinet Relation des Voyages et des Decouv- GEconomique. 4~. (n. d.) ertes que ]es Espagnols out fait dans les LATCH, (J.) Cases in King's Bench in the Indes Occidentales; avec la Relation Curi- first three years of the reign of Charles I. euse des Voyages du Montauban, Capt. des Folio. London, 1662. Flibustiers, en Guinee, l'an 1695. 160. -See MARTIN, (F. X.) Amsterdam, 1698. Late Occurrences in North Ameica, Accoint of the First Vo3 ages and Dis- and policy of Great Britain, considered. 80. coveries made by the Spaniards in America. London, 1766. 80. London, 1699. lThe same. (Col. Pam., v. 1 and 5.) Brief Narration of the Destruction of (2 copies.) the Indies by the Spaniards. (Purchas's LATH1,M, (John.) General History of Birds. Pilgrims, v. 4, page 1569.) 10 v. 40. Winchester, 1821-24. LAS CASES, (Emmanuel Dieudonn6 Malin LATIAM, (Robert Gordon.) Descriptive EthJoseph de, Comte.) Atlas Historique, G6n6- nology. 2v. 80. London, 1859. alogique, Chronologique et G6ographique de Elements of Comparative Philology. A. Le Sage. Iedition de Delloye. Folio. 80. London, 1862. Paris, 1835. English Language. 3d ed. 80. Lon- Le Sage's Historical, Genealogical, Chro- don, 1850. nological,and GeographicalAtlas. Translated Ethnolofy of the British Colonies and fromitheFrench. 2ded. Folio. London,1818. Dependencies. 160. London, 1851. The same. 3d Am. ed. Folio. Phil- Ethnology of the British Islands. 16~. adelphia, 1821. London, 1852. M6molial de Sainte Helene-Journal Man and his Migrations. 120. Newof the Private Life and Conversations of the York, 1852. Emperor Napoleon at Saint Helena. 4 v. Natural History of the Varieties of 80. London, 1823. Man. 80. London, 1850. LASERNA DE SANTANDER, (C. A.) Diction- - Native Races of the Russian Empire. naire Bibliographique Choisi du Quinzidme 12~. London, 1854. (Norris' EthnographSiecle, ou description par ordre alphabetique ical Library, v. 2.) des editions les plus rares et les plus r6cher- - The Nationalities of Europe. 2 v. 80. chees du 15e Siecle. 3 v. 80. Bruxelles, London, 1863. 1805-1807. Opuscula. Essays, chiefly philological LASINSKY, (J. A.) Fifty-Five Picturesque and ethnographical. 80. London, 1860. Views of the Rhine, from Mayence to Co- LATtBURtY, (Thomas.) History of the Englogne. Oblong 40. Frankfort, 1829. lish Episcupacy; fiom the Long Parliament LASSAIGNE, (Jean Louis.) Dictionnaire des to the Act of Uniformity. 80. London, 1836. Reactirs Chimiques employes dans toutes ~ History of the Non-Jurors, their conies Exp6riences faites dans les Cours Pub- troversies and writings. 80. London, 1845. lics et Particuliers. 80. Paris, 1839. Spanish Armada, A. D. 1588; or, the LASSELLE, (Miss E. L) Magdalen the En- attempt of Philip II. and Pope Sixtus V. to chantress; founded on fact. 12~. Phila- re-establish Popery in England. 120. Londelphia, 1858. don, 1840. LASSELLF, (Mrs. N. P.) Annie Grayson; or, LATIMEI, (Hugh.) SernGcns and remains. life in Washington. 12~. Washington, 1853 8~. Cambridge, (Eng.,) 1845. Belle of Washington. 120. Philadel- LATOCNAYE, (M. de.) Les Causes de la R6vphia, 1858. olution do France, et les Efforts de la NoLASSUS, (Pierre.) Essai ou Discmurs, iiistor- blesse pour en Arreter les Progres. 80. ique et critique, sur les Decouvertes ftites en Edilmbourg, 1797. 654 LATOUR. LAURAGAIS. LATOUR, (Antoine de.) ]Etudes surl'Espagne; who was confined during Thirty-five Years S6ville et l'Andalousie. 2 v. 16~. Paris, in the different State Prisons of France. 1855. Translated by J. W. Calcraft. 160. DubLATOUR, (Antoine Lacarriere.) Historical lin, 1834. Memoir of the War in West Florida and LAUD, (William.) Works. v. 1-2. 80. OxLouisiana, in 1814 and 1815. Translated ford, 1847-49. from the French, by H-. P. Nugent. 80. CONTENTS. Philadelphia, 1816. V. 1. Sermons. LA TouR D'AUVERGNE, (Henri de, DtUG de V. 2. Conference with Fisher the Jesuit. Bouillon.) M6moires. 3 v. 8~. Paris, Canterburies Doome; or, the first part 1788. (Coll. des Mdmloires Relatifs. I'llist. of a compleat history of the cominiitlment, de France, v. 47-49.) charge, tryall, condemnation, execution, of The same. 80. Paris, 1838. (Mi- William Laud, late Arch-Bishop of CanterchLaud. Coil. Mem. Hiist. de France, v. 11.) bury. By William Prynne. Folio. LonT- he same. 80. Paris, 1823. (Petitot, don, 1646. Coll. Mem. Hist. France, ser. I, v. 35.) LAUDE:R, (Sir Thomas Dick.) Account of the LATREILLE, (Pierre Andr.) Histoire Natu- Great Floods of August, 1829, in the Province relle des Singes. 2 v. 120. Paris, 1801. of Moray, etc. 80. Edinburgh, 1830. LA TRtEMOUILLE, (Louis de.) Memoires du LAUDERDALE, (James Maitland, Earl of.) DeChevalier sans Reproche. 80. Paris 1786. preciation of the Paper Currency of Great (Coll. des M6moiles Relatifs a l'Hist. de Britain Proved. 80. London, 1812. (FinanFrance, v. 14.) cial Pain., v. 7.)'The same. 80. Paris, 1837. (Mi- Inquiry into the Nature and Origin of chaud, Coll. Me6m. Hist. France, v. 4.) Public Wealth, and into the means and The same. 80. Paris, 1820. (Petitot, causes of its increase. 80. Edinburgh, 1804. Coll. MAeim. Hist. France, ser. 1, v. 14.) Letter on the Present Measures of LATROBE, (B. Henry.) Private Letter to Con- Finance. 80. London, 1798. (Financial gress on Public Buildings of United States Pain., v. 1.) at Washington. 80. Washington, 1806. Letters to the Peers of Scotland. 80. LATROBE, (Charles Joseph.) Journal of a London, 1794. Visit to South Africa, in 1815-16. 80. New- LAUDERDALE, (John.) Collection of Poems; York, 1818. chiefly in the Scottish dialect. 80. Edin~- Rambler in North America. 2d. ed. burgh, 1796. 2 v. 120. London, 1836. LAUDONNILtERE, (Rene Goulaine de.) Brevis 1Rambler inMexico. 120. London, 1836. Narratio eorvum qve in Florida America LATROBE, (J. A.) Scripture Illustrations; provincia Gallis acciderunt. (Bry. Collecengravings illustrative of the topography and tiones, series 1, pars 2.) geography of the Bible. 40. London, 1838. - Voyage to Florida, 1564. (Hakluyt's LATROBEs, (John H. B.) Colonization: anotice Voyages, v. 3.) of Victor Hugo's Views of Slavery in the LAUGIER, (Marc Antoine.) Histoire des NegoU. S. 80. Baltimore, 1851. ciations pour la Paix conclue a Belgrade, le H-istory of Masoil and Dixon's Line; 18 Septembre, 1739, entre l'Empereur, la an address before the Historical Society of Russie, et la Porte Ottomane. 2 v. 16C. Pennsylvania, 1854. 80. Philadelphia, 1855. Paris, 1768. Justices' Practice under the Laws of LAUMIER, (Charles L.) Resume de l'Histoire Maryland. 3d ed. 8S. Baltimore, 1840. des Jdsuites, depuis 1' origine jusq' A la The same. 5th ed. 8~. Baltimore, destruction de leur soci6et. 240. Paris, 1856. 1826. The same. 6th ed. 80. Baltimore, LAURAGATS, (Louis L6on Felicit6, Comte de.) 1861. Dissertations sur les Assemblees Nationales. LATUDE, (Kenri Masers de) Mm16oires de 80. Paris, 1788. (Pol. Pamp., v. 15.) Henri Masers de Latude, ddtenu pendant Extrait du Droit Public de la France. trente-cinq ans dans les Prisons d'Eltat. 2d ed. 80. Londres, 1771. R6diges sur les pieces originales, par M. - Recueil de Pieces Historiques sur la Thierry. 2 v. 18~. Paris, 1790. Convocation des ltats Gen6raux. 80. Paris, - emoirs of H-enry Masers de Latude, 1788. (Pol Pamp., v. 15.) 655 LAUREL. LAVATER. LAUREL, (The.) Fugitive poetry of the ]9th talitiis, Conviviisque; de proeconibus, tincentury. 18~. London, 1841. tinnabulis, etc.: de histrionibus, acclamaLAURENBnERGIUS, (J.) Enarratio Grecire An- tionibus, et osculisiinvestigatio. (Gronovius, quae. (Gronovius, Thesaurus Grec. Antiq., v. 8.) v. 4 ) Varia Sacra Gentilium. (Gronovius, LAURENCE, (French.) Critical Remarks on v. 7.) Detached Passages of the New Testament, Disquisitio de Rebus Publicis, suffraparticularly the Revelation of St. John. 80. giis, conciliis, accusationibus, tormentis, etc., Oxford, 1810. vetcrum. (Gronovius, v. 6.) LAUrENCE, (John Zachariah.) Diagnosis of LAURErTIUS. See JOANNES LYDUS. Surgical Cancer. 8~. London, 1855. LAURIE, (James.) Tables of Simple Interest. LAURENCE, (Richard.) Sermons on the Arti- 18th ed. 80. London, 1853. cles of the Church of England. 80. Oxford, LAURIE, (Joseph.) Homoeopathic Domestic 1820. (Bampton Lectures for 1804.) Medicine. 6th ed. 80. London, 1851. LAUREENS, (Henry.) Candor of Henry Lau- LAURIE, (William F. B.) Second Burmese rens, manifested by his behavior to Edmund War; narrative of the operations at RanJenings. 40. London, 1783. (Misc. Pam., goon, in 1852. 12~. London, 1853. v. 26.) Pegu; events during the second Bur- Mr. Laurens' True State of the Case mese War, from August 1852 to February, by which his Candor to Edmund Jenings is 1854. 80. London, 1854. Manifested, and the Tricks of Mr. Jenings LAUVEnGNE, (Hubert.) De l'Agonie et de la are detected. 40. London, 1783. (Misc. Mort dans toutes les classes de la societe, Pam., v. 26.) sous le rapport humanitaire, physiologique Full Manifestation of what Henry Lau- etreligieux. 2v. 80. Paris, 1842. rens falsely denominates Candor in himself LAVAL, (Antoine Jean de ) Voyage de la and Tricks in Edmund Jenings. 40. Lon- Louisiane, en 1720; dans lequel sont trait6es don, 1783. (Misc. Pam., v. 26.) diverses matieres de physique, astronomic, Narrative of his Capture and Confine- geographie, et marine. 40. Paris, 1728. ment in the Tower of London, 1780-82. 80. LAVALETTE, (Marie Chamans, Comte de.) Charleston, 1857. (S. C. Hist. Coll., v. 1.) Memoirs; written by himself. 2. v. 80. A South Carolina Protest against London, 1811. Slavery; letter from Henry Laurens to his LAVALLEE, (Joseph,) et GUtROULT, (A.) Esson, Col. John Laurens, August 17, 1776. pagne. 2v. 80. Paris, 1844-47. (L'Uni120. New York, 1861. vers, v. 64-65.) LAURENT, (Peter Edmund.) Recollections of LAVALL2E, (Theophile Sebastien.) Histoire a Classical Tour through various parts of des FranTais, depuis le Temps des Gaulois Greece, Turkey, and Italy, in 1818-19. 40. josqu'en 8 0. 4e0d. 4v. 120. Paris, 1844. London, 1821. Military Topography of Continental LAUI ENT, (1' ibb.) Lettres sur la Censure Europe. From the French, edited by J. R. des Plincipes de Morale, de M. l'Abbe de Jackson. 12~. London, 1850. Mabiy. 160. Paris, 1784. (Slavery Pam., LAVARDIN, (Jacques de.) Historie of George v. 14 ) Castriot, surnamed Scanderbeg, King of AlLAURENTr DE L'ARDEdCHE, (Paul Marie.) HIs- bania. Translated from the French, by Z. J. toire de l'Empereur Napoleon. Illustree par Folio. London, 1596. Horace Vernet. 80. Paris, 1840. LAVATER, (Johann Caspar.) Essays on PhysiLAURENIIE, (P. S.) Histoire des Ducs d'Or- ognomy; designed to promote the knowledge leans. 4 v. 80. Paris, 1832. and love of mankind. Illustrated by 800 LAURENTIUS, (Andreas.) See Du LAURENS. engravings, by Thomas Holloway. Trans. LAURENTIUS, (Josephus.) Opuscula, de Con- lated fiom the French, by Henry Hunter. viviis, hospitalitate, etc.: de prandio et 5 v. 4~. London, 1789-98. coena veterum: de re vestiar.a: de annis, The same. Translated from the Germensibus, diebus, etc. (Gronovius, The- man, by Thos. Holcroft. 2d ed., illustrated saurus Groec. Antiq., v. 9.) by 418 engravings. Also One Hundred De Professoribus, Oratoribus, etc. Physiognomical Rules, by Lavater, and life, (Gronovius, v. 10.) byG. Gessne. 3v.in4. 80. London, 1804. ~ De Adulteriis et Meretricibus: de Na- Trhe same. 6th ed. 80. London, 1850. 656 LAVAYSSE. LAW. LAVAYSSE, (J. F. Dauxion.) Description oft respect to trade-marks. 8~. New-York, Venezuela, Trinidad, Margarita,and Tobago. 1862. (4 copies.) Translated from the French. 8~. Lon- Jurisdiction and Powers of the United don, 1820. States Courts, and the rules of practice of LAVEAUX, (J. C.) Dictionnaire Raisonne des I the Supreme Court of the United States, and Difficult6s Grammaticales et Litt6raires de la of the circuit and district courts, in equity Langue Franaise. 3e ed. 8~. Paris, 1847. and admiralty; with notes and references. LAVERGNE, (Alexander de.) Secret of the 8~. Albany, 1852. (4 copies.) Confessional, Last Lord of the Manor, and LAW, (Thomas.) Sketch of some late arrangeCount of Mansfeldt. 12~. London,.1847. ments, and a view of the Rising Resources (Library Foreign Romance, v. 9.) in Bengal. 80. London, 1792. LAVERGNE, (A. Guilhaud de) La Circas- LAW, (Thomas.) Address to the Columbian sienne. (Romans Populaires, v. 13.) Institute, on the question, "What ought to LAVERGNE, (Leonce de.) Rural Economy of be the circulating medium of a nation? " 8~. England, Scotland, and Ireland. Translated Washington, 1830. (Pam. Addresses, v. 2.) from the French. 80. Edinburgh, 1855. Address to the Columbian Institute on LAVERGNE, (L. M. P. de.) Life of Field Mar- a Moneyed System. 80. Washington, 1828. shal Souvarof; and principal events, political (Pol. Pam., v. 114, 115 and 116. 3 copies. ) and military, in the history of Russia during - Synopsis of a plan for a National Curpart of the eighteenth century. 80. Balti- rency. 80. Washington, 1833. (Pol. Pam., more, 1814. v. 114.) LAVINGTON, (George.) The Enthusiasm of LAW, (William.) Whole Works. 9 v. 80. the Methodists and Papists compared. 3d ed. London, 1762. 2 v. 80. London, 1751-52. CONTENTS. Moravians Compared and Detected. Appeal to all that doubt the Truths of the Gospel, 80. London, 1755 v. 6. 80. London, 1755. Case of Reason, v.' 2. LAVOISIER, (Antoine Laurent.) Traite Ele- Christian Regeneration, v. 5. mentaire de Chimie. 2 v. 8*. Paris, 1789. Colfutiation of Dr. Wrarburton's projected Defence of Christianity, v. 8. LAvoISNE, (C. V.) See LAS CASES, (E. D. Demonstration of the Errors of a Book called, "Plain Account of the Nature and End of the M. J. de.) Lord's Supper," v. 5. LAW, (J. T.) Forms of Ecclesiastical Law; Humble Address to the Clergy v. 9. Justification by Faith and Works, v. 9. or, the mode of conducting suits in the con- Letters, v. 9..d ed. 8y, oLon don, 1844c). i,T- Letters to the Bishop of Bangor, v. 1. sistory courts. 2d ed. 80. London, 1844. Remairks on "The Fable of the Bees," &c., v. 2. LectLures on the Ecclesiastical Law of Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life, v. 4. Spirit of Lmove, v. 8. England. 80 London, 1861. Suirit of Prayer, v. 7. LAW, (John; of Lauriston, Financier.) Money'Treatise on Christian Perfection, v. 3., Unlawfuxlness of Stage Entertaiuuents, v. 2. and Trade Considered; with a proposal for rWay to Divine Knowledge, v. 7. supplying the nation with money. 16~. Remarks on the Fable of the Bees; Glasgow, 1760. with introduction, by F. D. Maurice. Also, CEuvres, contenant les principes sur le the poem of the fable of the bees, and Mannum6raire, le commerce, le credit et les deville's treatise on the origin of morality. banques. Traduit de l'Anglois, avec des 160. Cambridge, 1844, notes, par M. de Senovert. 80. Paris, ~ Serious Call to a Devout and Holy 1790. Life. 18th ed., corrected. 80. London, LAW, (John; Judge, and 1M. C.) Colonial 1816. History of Vincennes, Indiana, under the LAW AND LAWYERS; or, Sketches and IllusFrench, British, and American governments. trations of Legal History and Biography. 8~. Vincennes, 1858. 2 v. 12~. London, 1840. LAW, (Stephen D.) Digest of American Cases LAW of Commons and Commoners; or, a trearelating to Patents for Inventions and Copy- tise shewing the original and nature of comrights from 1789 to 1862, including numerous mon, and the several kinds thereof. 2d ed. manuscript cases, decisions on appeals from 80. London, 1720. the Commissioners of Patents, and the opi- LAW of Covenants. 2d ed. 8~. London, nions of the Attorney General of the United 1712. (2 copies.) States under the patent and copyright laws, LAW of Ejectments. 80. London, 1700. and embracing also the American cases in LAW-of Evidence. 80. London, 1717. 657 LAW. LAW. LAW. Laws of England delineated. 8G. Leigh and Dalzell on Sewall on Sheriff, v. 46. Equity Contracts, v. 5. Shelford on Lunatics, v.2. London, 1729. Levi on Mercantile Law, - Marriage and DiLectures on Law; prepared principally v. 84. vorce, v. 33. Lewin on Trusts, v. 24. On Mortmain, v. from Kent, by a lawyer, for the use of his -- The same. 2ded., 36-37. osons. 80. Alhany, IK852. ewsoletv. 97. Sheppard's Touchstone, sons. 80. Albany, 1852. Lewis on Perpetuity, v. 52. v. 30-31. LAW Digest. A General Index to the Reports - The same. 2d ed., Smith on Actions, v. 60. v. 66. -- On Contracts,v. 56. and Statutes, from July, 1845, to June, 1846. Lindley's Introduction to - On Master and SerFolio. London, 1846. Jurisprudence, v. 86. vant, v. 75. Lindley on Partnership, -- OnMercantileLaw, The same. July, 1846 to June, 1856, v. 102-103. v. 17. by E. Wise and D. T. Evans.. Locke's Foreign Attach- -- On Real and Perby E. Wise and D. T. Evans. V., 3, 4, and m.Eent, v. 79. sonal Property, v. 89. 6. 80. London 1847-56. Long's Discourses, v. 60. - Leading Cases, v. Lovelass on Wills, v. 25. 19, 23, 30. LAW Library. Edited by T. Sergeant and J. Lund on Patents, v. 73. -_ The same. By C. Lowber, John Purdon and Thomas I. Macnamara on Nullities, Hare and Wallace, v. &c., v. 87. 43-44. Wharton, July, 1833, to December, 1858. Macnaughten's SelectCa- Stephen's Criminal Law, V. 1-104. 80. Philadelphia, 1833-60. ses in Chancery, v. 74. v. 27.. 1-~104. 8~. Philadelphia, 1833-60. Macpherson on Infants, Stock's Non Compotes CONTENTS. v. 41. Mentis, v. 25. Macqueen on Husband Sugden on Powers, v. Adams' Doctrine of Equi- Coode on Legal Expres- and Wife, v. 59. 15-16. ty, v. 18. sion, v. 60. The same. 2d edition, On Sales, PurAllnatt on Partition, v. 5. Cooke on Defamation, v. v. (6. chases, v. 3. Appleton on Evidence, v. 53. ManselonDemurrer, v. 26. Law of Property, 101. Coote on Mortgages, v. 18, Mathews on Executors, v. 64. Archbold's Landlord and The same. 2ded., v. 9. Tamlyn's Law of EviTenant, v. 53. v. 69-70. Mayne on Damages, v. 92. dence, v. 51. Archbold's Nisi Prius, v. Cornish on Purchase Miller's Equitable Mort- Tapping on Mandamus, 49-50. Deeds, v. 90. gages, v. 47. v. 76. Atherley onlMarriageSet- Cornish on Uses, v. 3. Moore's Abstracts of Ti- Theobald on Surety, v. 1. tlements, v. 27. Coryton-on Letters-Pat- ties, v. 77. Trower on Debtor and Atkinson on Titles, v. 20. ent, v. 87. Norman on Patents, v. 77. Creditor, v. 104. Babbington on Auctions, Coventry on Conveyan- Notes of Leading Cases, Ward on Legacies, v. 18. v. 19. cer's Evidence, v. 26. v. 62. Warren's Law Studies, On Sett-Off, v. 6. Crabb on Real Property, Notes to Recent Leading v. 14. Bagley's Practice, v. 15. v. 54-55. Cases, v. 52. Watkins on ConveyanBatten onContracts, v. 67. Cross on Lien, v. 34. Oliphant on Horses, Ra- cing, v. 20. Beames on Costs, v. 22. Dearsly's Criminal Pro- cing. &c., v. 58. Watson on Arbitration, Beaumont on Bills of Sale, cess, v. 81. Paley on Agency, v. 28. v. 11. v. 103. Drewry on Injunctions, Park on Dower, v. 11. The same. 3d ed., BellonHusbandandWife, v. 36. Parsons on Wills, v. 86. v. 59. v. 67, Supplement, v. 79. Perpigna on Patents, v. 4. — On Sheriff, v. 7. Bell on Sales, v. 50. Dwarris on Statutes, v. 9. Petersdorffon Bail, v. 10. Westlake on Private InBennet's Practice, v. 37. Eden on Bankruptcy, v. Phear on Rights of Wa- ternational Law, v. 101. Best on Presumptions, v. 34-35. ter, v. 100. Wharton's Conveyancing, 47. Ellis on Insurance, v. 4. Phillimore on Domicile, v. 74. Principles of Evi- Fisher onMortgages, v.94. v. 57. Whiteand Tudor'sEquity dence, v. 66. Fletcheron Trustees,v.l0. -- InternationalLaw, Cases, v. 65. Billing on Awards, v. 51. Forsyth's Custody of In- v. 83, 88, and 95. — T- he same. ByHare Bingham on Judgments, fants, v. 68. Pitman on Surety, v. 40. and Wallace, v. 71-72. v. 13. Foster's Writ of Scire Fa- Platt on Covenants, v. 3. Whitworth on Equity Bissett onEstates for Life, cias, v. 73. Pollock on the Production Precedents, v. 62. v. 42. Fry on Contracts, v. 100. of Documents, v. 77. Wigram on Discovery, Blackburn's Contract of Gibbons on Fixtures, v.13. Poison's Law of Nations, v. 13. Sale, v. 57. Gilbert on Rents, v. 20. v. 78. Wilcock on Corporation, Blanshard on Limitation, Goldsmith's Equity, v. 40. Pothier on Partnership, v. 14. v. 1. Grady on Fixtures, v. 51. v. 83. -- Office of ConstaBowyer on Public Law, Grant on Banking, v. 93. Powell on Devises, v. ble, v. 29. -. 84. - On Corporations, 21-22. Wildman onInternational Brady on Distresses, v. 1. v. 80. __- On Evidence, v. 96. Law, v. 68-70. Broom's Legal Maxims, Grapel on the Civil Law, Poynter on Marriage and Wilkinson on Limitations v. 50. v. 94. Divorce, v 13. of Actions, v. 1. - On Common Law, Hayeson RealEstate,v.7. Preston on Merger, v. 42. - On Replevin, v. 6. v. 91. Haynes' Equity, v. 98. Pulling on Mercantile Ac- Williams on Personal On Parties to Ac- -Hennell on Declarations, counts, v. 57. Property, v. 6L-62. tions, v..6. v. 3. Ram on Assets, v. 8. Willis on Pleading, v. 35. Browne on Actions, v. 45. Hindmarch on Patent On Judgments,v.9. - - On Trustees, v. 10. Bucknill's Criminal Lu- Laws, v. 73. --- On Wills, v. 8. Wills on Circumstantial nacy, v. 92. Horne on Diplomacy, v. Raymond on Bill of Ex- Evidence, v. 41. Bunyon on Life Assur- 78. ceptions, v. 62. Wilson onSpringingUses, ance, v. 79. Hubback's Evidence of Roberts' Equity, v. 96. v. 11. Burton on Real Property, Succession, v. 47-48. Robertson on Personal Winslow on Insanity, v. 23. Hunter on Suits in Equity, Succession, v. 12. v. 42. Byles on Bills, v. 16. v. 104. Roper on Husband and Wooddeson's Lectures, v.'l he same. 2d ed., HIurlstone on Bonds, v. 9. Wife, v. 31-32. 38-39. v. 61. Jones on the French Bar, Roscoe on Real Actions, Woolrych on Ways, v. 4. Calvert on Parties in v. 90. v. 28-29. - - Law of Waters, Equity, v. 17. Joy on Confessions, v. 40. Ross on CommercialLaw, v. 78. Carey on Partnership,v. 5. On Evidence of v. 82, 85, 89. Wordsworth on Joint Cole on Criminal Inform- Accomplices, v. 45. On Vendors, v. 12. Stock Companies, v. ation, v. 56-57. Kelly on Usury, v. 75. Russell on Arbitrators, 39-40. Collier on Mines, v. 77. Kerr's Action at Law, v. 63. Worthington on Juries, Comyny's Landlord and v. 81. -- On Factors, v. 48. v. 29. Tenant, v. 6. Lee on Abstracts of Title, Schulies on Aquatic -- On Wills. 4th ed, - On tUsury, v. 5. v. 58. Rights, v. 4. v. 0. 83 658 LAW. LAWRENCE. LAW LIST; judges and officers of the different LAWRENCE, (G. A.) Barren Honour; a tale. courts of justice; counsel, with the dates of 80. New York, 1862. their call and inns of court; special pleaders, Guy Livingstone; or, Thorough. 12c. conveyancers; and the only authentic and New York, 1858. complete list of certified attorneys, notaries, Sword and Gown. 120. Boston, 1859. &c., in England and Wales, 1852, 1857, and LAWRENCE. (Sir Henry Montgomery.) Es1858, by William Powell. 3 v. 12~. Lon- says, Military and Political, written in India. don, 1852-58. 8~. London, 1859. The same. 1859 and 1860. by W. W. LAWRENCE, (James.) Dramatic EmancipaDalbiac. 2 v. 120. London, 1859-60. lion; or, Strictures on the Theatres, &c. 8~. LAW MAGAZINE; or, Quarterly Review of Ju- London, 1813. (Pamphleteer, v. 2.) risprudence, June 1828, to February 1863. Nobility of the British Gentry. 80. 69 v. 80. London, 1830-63. London, 1824. (Pamphleteer, v. 23.) LAW MILITARY; a methodical collection of LAWRENCE, (John.) History and Delineation all the laws and statutes relating to the of the Horse, in all his varieties; with the armies and soldiery of Great Britaiu; and character of the race horse, and the business also to the Navy-Royal. 120. London, of the turf. 4~. London, 1809. 1719.. The Horse, in all his varieties and LAW of the Territories. 12~. Philadelphia, uses; his breeding, rearing, and manage-1859. ment. 160. London, 1829. LAW REPORTER. Edited by P. W. Chandler, LAWRENCE, (Margarette Woods.) Light on S. H. Phillips, &c., from March, 1838, to the Dark River; or, memorials of Mrs. HenOctober, 1862. 24 v. 8c. Boston, 1839-62. rietta A. L. Hamlin, Missionary in Turkey. LAW SOCIETY of the United Kingdom. Cata- 120. Boston, 1854. logue of Library. 80. London, 1851. LAWRENcE,,(Richard.) InquiryintotheStrucLAWES, (Edward.) Act for Promoting the ture and Animal Economy of the Horse. Public Health. With notes and an appendix. New ed. 8~. London, 1804. 3d ed. 12~. London, 1851. LAWRENCE, (Richard.) Remarkable Trial of Practical Treatise on Charter-Parties of R. Lawrence for an attempt to assassinate Affreightment, Bills of Lading, and Stop- the President of the United States. By a page in Transitu. 80. London, 1813. WashingtonReporter. 80. New-York, 1835. Treatise on Pleading in Assumpsit. LAWRENCE, (Robert F.) Lectures to Youth. With the additions of the decisions of the 120. Boston, 1848. American courts, by J. Story. 80. Boston, New-Hampshire Churches; histories 1811. of the Congregational and Presbyterian LAWES, (Henry and William.) Choice Psalmes Churches in the State. 80. Claremont, put into musick, for three voices; with divers (N. H.,) 1856. elegies upen the death of W. Lawes; and LAWRENCE, (William.) Lectures on Physiolnine canons. Small 40. London, 1648. ogy, Zoology, and the Natural History of LAWLESS, (John.) Compendium of the His- Man. 80. London, 1819. tory of Ireland, fiom the earliest period to Treatise on the Diseases of the Eye. the reign of George I. 2d ed. 80. Belfast, Edited, with additions, by Isaac Hays. 80. 1815. Philadelphia, 1854. LAWRANCE, (Hannah.) History of Woman in Treatise on Ruptures. 5th ed. 80. England, and her influence on society and London, 1838. literature, from the earliest period. v. 1. 120. LAWRENCE, (William Beach.) Visitation and London, 1843. (No more published.) Search; historical sketch of the British claim LAWRANCE, (Richard Moore.) On the Appli- to exercise a maritime police over vessels of cation and Effect of Electricity and Galvan- all nations in peace as well as in war. 80. ism, in the Treatment of Cancerous, Nervous, Boston, 1858. (2 copies.) Rheumatic, and other Affections. 120. Lon- LAWRENCE, (William R.) Extracts from the don, 1853. Diary and Correspondence of the late Amos LAWRENCE, (Eugene.) Lives of the British Lawrence. 80. Boston, 1855. Historians. 2 v. 12~. New-York, 1855. LAWRENCE GALLEtY; Ninth Exhibition, June, LAWRENCE, (G. A.) Barren Honour; a tale. 1836. Catalogue. 80. London, 1836. (Pol. 2 v. 120. London, 1862. Pain,, v. 75.) 659 LAWS. LEACH. LAWS, Abstract of; against Profaneness, Im- LAYARD, (Austen Henry.) Second Series of morality, and Blasphemy. 12~. London, the Monuments of Nineveh; including bas1698. (Pol. Pam., v. 22.) reliefs from the palace of Sennacherib, and LAWSON, (John Parker.) Episcopal Church bronzes from the ruins of Nimroud; from of Scotland, from the reformation to the drawings made on the spot during a second revolution. 80. Edinburgh, 1844. expedition to Assyria. Oblong folio. LonHistory of the Scottish Episcopal don, 1853. Church, from the revolution to the present The Turkish Question. Speeches in time. 80. Edinburgh, 1843. the House of Commons, 1853-54. 2d ed. History of remarkable Conspiracies con- 80. London, 1854. nected with European History, during the LAYCOCK, (John.) Touchstone to Try the Fifteenth, Sixteenth, and Seventeenth Cen- French Scholar on the Chief Difficulties of turies. 2 v. 180. Edinburgh, 1829. that prevailing Language. 160. Leeds, - Life and Times of William Laud, D. D., 1825. Lord Archbishop of Canterbury. 2 v. 8S. LAYCOCK, (Thomas.) Mind and Brain; correLondon, 1829. lations of consciousness and organisations; Roman Catholic Church in Scotland, with their applications to philosophy, zooits establishment, subversion, and present logy, physiology, mental pathology, and the state. 160. Edinburgh, 1856. practice of medicine. 2 v. 80. Edinburgh, LAWSON, (Peter.) Cultivated Grasses, and 1860. other herbage and forage plants. Small 40. LAYER, (Christopher.) Whole Proceeding upon Edinburgh, 1850. the Arraignment, Tryal, Conviction and AtAgriculturist's Manual; description of tainder of Christopher Layer, Esq., for High the agricultural plants cultivated in Europe. Treason. Folio. London, 1722. 80. Edinburgh, 1836. LAZARuS, (M. Edgeworth.) Comparative LAWSON, (William John.) History of Bank- Psychology and Universal Analogy. 12o. ing. 80. London, 1850. New York, 1851. LAWYERS and LEGISLATORS; or, Notes on the Homceopathy: a theoretic demonstraAmerican Mining Companies. 80. Lon- tion, with practical applications. 120. Newdon, 1825. York, 1851. LAXDELA-SAGA; sive Historia de Rebus Ges- Involuntary Seminal Losses. 120. New tis'Laxdolensium. Ex manuscripts Legati York, 1852. (With LAZARUS' Homoeopathy.) Magnaeani, cum interpretatione Latina. 40. - Love vs. Marriage. 120. New York, Hafnie, 1826. 1852. LAY, (G. Tradescant.) Chinese as they Are; - Passional Hygiene and Natural Meditheir moral, social, and literary character. cine; embracing the harmonies of man with 80. London, 1841. his planet. 120. New York, 1852. LAYA, (Alexandre.) Etudes Historiques sur The Human Trinity; or, three aspects la Vie Priv6e, Politique et Litt6raire de M. of life, the passional, the intellectual, the A. Thiers-Histoire de Quinze Ans, 1830- practical sphere. 120. New York, 1851. 1846. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1846. The Trinity and the Incarnation, anaLAYARD, (Austen Henry.) Nineveh, and its lysed and illustrated. 8~. New York, 1851. Remains; with an account of a visit to the ~ Zend-Avesta, and Solar Religions. 80. Chaldaan Christians of Kurdistan, and the New-York, 1852. Yezidis or Devil-Worshippers; and an en- LAZIUS, (W.) Grnecise Antiquee variis numisquiry into the manners and arts of the ancient matibus illustratae libri II. (Gronovius, TheAssyrians. 5th ed. 2 v. 80. London, saurus Grmec. Antiq., v. 6.) 1850. LEA, (Isaac.) Synopsis of the Family of ~- Discoveries in the Ruins of Nineveh Naiades. 3d ed. 40. Philadelphia, 1852. and Babylon; with travels in Armenia, Kur- LEACH, (Daniel;) and SWAN, (Wm. D.) Theodistan, and the Desert; result' of a second retical and Practical Arithmetic. 120. Bosexpedition undertaken for the trustees of the ton, 1854. British Museum. 80. London, 1853. LEAcH, (Jonathan.) Recollections and Reflec~- Popular Account of Discoveries at tions relative to the Duties of Troops comNineveh. Abridged by him from his larger posing the Advanced Corps of an Army. work. 120. London, 1851. 12~. London, 1835. 660 LEACH. LEBER. LEACH, (Thomas.) Cases in Crown Law, LEBAHN, (F.) Practice in German, adapted determined by the Twelve Judges; by the for self-instruction. 16~. London, 1851. Court of King's Bench: and by commis- Self-Instructorin German. 160. Lonsioners of oyer and terminer, and general don, 1850. gaol delivery, 1730 to 1815. 4th ed. 2 v. LE BARON, (Felix Amedee.) Code des 8~. London, 1815. Etrangers; recueil des lois et de la jurisLEACH, (William Elford.) Synopsis of the prudence Anglaise concernant les etrangers Mollusca of Great Britain. 12~. London, dans le Royaume-Uni de la Grande-Bretagne 1852. et d'Irlande, et tons les autres domaines Bre*~- Zoological Miscellany; descriptions of tons. 8". Londres, 1849. new or interesting animals; with colored LE BAS, (Philippe.) Allemagne. 3 v. 8~. figures. 3 v. 80. London, 1814. Paris, 1839. (L'Univers, v. 37-39.) LEADBEATER, (Mary.) The Leadbeater Pa- - France; annales historiques. 2v. 80. pers; a selection from the MSS. and corre- Paris, 1840-43. (L'Univers, v. 62-63.) spondence of Mary Leadbeater. 2d ed. - France; Dictionnaire Encyclop6dique. 2 v. 16~. London, 1862. 12v. 80. AvecPlanches. 3v. 80. Paris, LEADERS of Public Opinion in Ireland. 1840-45. (L'Univers, v. 47-61.) Jonathan Swift, Henry Flood, Henry Grat- Suede et Norwege. 80. Paris, 1839. tan, Daniel O'Connell. Clerical Influences. (L'Univers, v. 31.) 180. London, 1861. LE BEAU, (Charles; Avocat.) Avantures du LEAKE, (Isaac Q.) Memoir of the Life and Sr. C. Le Beau; ou voyage curieux et nouTimes of General John Lamb, an officer of veau, parmi les sauvages de i'Amerique Septhe Revolution. 8~. Albany, (N.Y.,)1850. tentrionale. 2 v. 180. Amsterdam, 1738. LEAKE, (William Martin.) Historical Out- LEBEAU, (Charles; Professeur d Paris.) line of the Greek Revolution. 2d ed. 120. Histoire du Bas-Empire. Continuee par London, 1826. M. Ameilhon. 24 v. 160. Paris, 1757-86. Notes onSyracuse. 80. London, 1.848. LEBEAU, (-.) Nouveau Code des Prises, ou Topography of Athens; with some recueil des edits, declarations, lettres paremarks on its antiquities. 80. London, tentes, arrets, ordonnances, reglements et 1821. d6cisions sur la course et l'administration Travels in the Morea. With a map and des prises, depuis 1400 jusqu'a 1789; suivi plans. 3 v. 80. London, 1830. de toutes les lois, arretes, messages, et autres Travels in Northern Greece. 4 v. 80. actes qui ont paru depuis cette dernidre London, 1835. 6poque jusqu'a 1800. 4 v. 80. Paris, LEAPINGWELL, (George.) Manual of the Ro- 1799-1801. (2 copies.) man Civil Law; arranged after the analysis Projet de Loi apportant des Modificaof Dr. Hallifax. 80. Cambridge, 1859. tions aux Codes Penal et d'Instruction LEAR, (Edward.) Illustrated Excursions in Criminelle, present6 par M. Lebeau, MinisItaly. Folio. London, 1846. tre de la Justice, dans la s6ance de la Journals of a Landscape Painter in Chambre des Representants du ler Aoft, Albania. 80. London, 1851. 1834. Folio. Bruxelles, 1834. Journals of a Landscape Painter in LEBEN und Tapffere Thaten der aller-beriihmSouthern Calabria, etc. 80. London, 1852. testen See-Helden, Admiralen und Land--- Views of Rome and its Environs. Erfinder. Small 40. Niiremberg, 1681. Folio. London, 1841. LEBER, (Jean Michel Constant.) Des C6r6LEAVES from the Diary of an Officer of the monies du Sacre, ou recherches historiques Guards. 160. London, 1854. et critiques sur les mceurs, les coutumes, les LEAVITT, (Joshua.) Remarks and Statistics institutions et le droit public des Frangais, on Cheap Postage and Postal Reform. 80. dans l'ancienne monarchie. 80. Paris, Boston, 1848. 1825. LEBAHN, (F.) First German Reading Book. E Histoire Critique du Pouvoir Municipal, 160. London, 1851. de la conditon des cites, des villes et des German Language. 4th ed. 160. bourgs, et de l'administration comparee des London, 1851. communes, en France, depuis l'origine de la Key to the Exercises. 3d ed. 160. monarchie jusqu'A nos jours. 120. Paris, London, 1851. 1828. 661 LEBER. LECOUNT. LEBER, (JeanMichel Constant;) SALGUES, (J. from the theory on which it is supposed to B.;) et COHEN, (J.) Collection des meil- be founded. 80. London, 1818. (Pamleurs Dissertations, Notices et Trait6s par- phleteer, v. 11.) ticul;ers relatifs a l'Histoire de France, com- - Historical Survey of the Foreign Affairs posee, en grande partie, de pieces rares, ou of Great Britain for the years 1808-1810. qui n'ont jamais ete publi6es s6parement. 80. London, 1810. 20 v. 8~. Paris, 1838. LECKIE, (William.) Review of ihe ProceedLEBEUF, (Jean.) De l'jEtat des Sciences en ings of the Committee of the House of CornFrance. (Leber, Coll. Hist. France, v. 14-15.) mons on Banks of Issue, 1840.-Inquiry into LEBLANC, (Gabriel.) Introduction a la Science the Effects of the Bank Restriction and the de l'1conomie Politique et de la Statistique Changes in the Value of Money.-ExaminaG6enrale. 120. Paris, 1801. tion of the Leading Principles in Ricardo's LEBLANC, (Jean Bernard.) Letters on the Political Economy. 80. London, 1841. English and French Nations. Translated LE CLERC, (Jean.) Histoire d'Emeric Comte from the French. 2 v. 8~. London, 1747. de Tekeli, on l'on voit ce qui s'est passe de LE BOUTHILLIER DE RANCE. See RANCE. plus considerable en Hongrie depuis sa naisLEBRET, (Cardin.) (Euvres; reveues et aug- sauce. 2e 6d. 180. Cologne, 1694. ment6es par luy de plusieurs choses notables - Negociations Secrdtes touchant la Paix depuis la derniere edition. Folio. Paris, de Munster et d'Osnabrug, depuis 1642 1642. jusqu'a 1648; avec d'autres pieces, jusqu'en LE BRETHON, (J. J.) Guide to the French 1654. 4v. Folio. La Haye, 1725-26. Language. 9th ed., with a key. 2 v. 80. Vie d'Armand Jean, Cardinal Duc de London, 1843-44. Richelieu. 3e ed. 2 v. in 1. 120. AmsterLE BRUN, (Denis.) Trait6 de la Communaut6 dam, 1714. entre Mari et Femme. Avec un Trait6 des LE CLERC, (Sebastien.) Traite d'ArchitecCommunautes Tacites. Folio. Paris, 1754. ture. 40. Paris, 1714. Trait6 des Successions. Avec de nou- ~Traite deGeometrieth6oriqueetpratique velles decisions et des remarques critiques, l'Usage des Artistes. 120. Paris, 1774. - par F. B. Espiard de Saux. Folio. Paris, LE CLERCQ, (Chr6tien.) Account of M. de La 1775. Salle's attempt to reach the Mississippi by LE BRUN, or BRUYN, (Cornelis.) Voyages au Sea, 1683. 80. New York, 1852. (French's Levant, dans les Iles de Chio, de Rhodes, de Hist. Coll. Louisiana, v. 4.) Chypre, etc, dans les plus considerables LECOMTE, (Ferdinand.) Guerre des etatsvilles d'lgypte, de Syrie, et de la Terre Unis d'Amerique. Rapport au Department Sainte; par la Moscovie, en Perse, et aux Militaire Suisse. Precede d'un discours a la IndesOrientales. Translated from the Dutch. soci6t6 militaire F6derale r6unie a Berne le 5 v. 40. Paris, 1725. 18Aoft 1852. 80. Paris, 1863. LEBRUN, (Marie Louise E. V.) Souvenirs. LECOMTE, (Jules.) Bras-de-Fer. (Romans 3 v. 80. Paris, 1835-37. Populaires, v. 14.) LECANU, (l'Abbd.) Histoire de Satan, sa chute, LE CONTE, (John L.) Classification of the son culte, ses manifestations, ses oeuvres, la Coleoptera of North America. 80. Philadelguerre qu'il a fait a Dieu et aux hommes. phia, 1861-62. (Smithsonian Misc. CollecMagie, possessions, iliuminisme, magn6tisme, tions, v. 3.) esprits frappeurs, spirites, etc., Demonologie - Coleoptera of Kansas and New Mexico. artistique etlitteraire, etc. 80. Paris, 1861. 4~. Washington, 1859. (Smithsonian ConLECHEVALIER, (Jules.) Rapport surles ques- tributions, v. 11.) tions Coloniales, address6e M. le Duc de LECOQ, (Henri.) Etudes sur la Geographie Broglie, i la suite d'un voyage fait aux An- Botanique de l'Europe, et en particulier sur tilles et aux Guyanes, pendant les annees la Vegetation du Plateau Central de la 1838-39. 2 v. Folio. Paris, 1843-44. France. 9 v. 8. Paris, 1854-58. LECHFORD, (Thomas.) Plain Dealing; or, LECOUNT, (Peter.) History of the Railway newes fromNew-England, 1642. 80. Cam- connecting London and Birmingham. 80. bridge, 1833. (Mass. Hist. Coil., v. 3, third London, 1839. series.) Practical Treatise on Railways; their LECKIE, (Gould Francis.) Essay on the Prac- construction and management. 120. Edintice of the British Government, distinguished burgh, 1839. 662 LEDDERHOSE. LEE. LEDDERHOSE, (Carl Friedrich.) Life of Philip LEE, (Charles.) Memoirs of his Life. With Melanchthon. Translated from the German, his political and military Essays and Letters. by G. F. Krotel. 120. Philadelphia, 1855. 80. Dublin, 1792. LEDIARD, (Thomas.) Naval History of Eng- LEE, (D.;) and FROST, (J. H.) Ten Years in land, from 1066 to 1734. 2 v. Folio. Lon- Oregon. 120. New York, 1844. don, 1735. - LEE, (Day Kellogg.) Merrimack, or life at LEDuc, LEouzoN, or, LtouzoN-LE Duc,(N.) the loom; a tale. 120. New-York, 1854. La Finlande; son Histoire Primitive, sa LEE, (Edwin.) Accountof the most frequented Mythologie, sa Po6sie ]pique; avec la tra- Watering Places on the Continent, and of duction complete de sa grande epopee, le the Medicinal Application of their Mineral Kalewala, son g6nie national, sa condition Springs. 120. London, 1836. politique et sociale, depuis la Conquete ~ Baths of France, Central Germany, and Russe. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1845. Switzerland. 3d ed. 120. London, 1854. LEDWICH, (Edward.) Antiquities of Ireland; ~ Nice and its Climate; with notices of with a collection of miscellaneous antiquities. the Coast fiom Marseilles to Genoa. Trans2d ed. 40. Dublin, 1804. lated from the French, with observations on LEE, (Rev. Alfred, Bishop of Delaware.) A the influence of climate on pulmonary conLife Hid with Christ in God; being a me- sumption. 160. London, 1854. moir of Susan Allibone; chiefly compiled Notes on Spain; with a special account from her diary and letters. 80. Philadel- of Malaga and its climate. 160. London, phia, 1856. 1854. Life of the Apostle Peter. 120. Lon- Notices sur Hydres et Cannes; suivies don, 1853. d'Observations sur l'Influence du Climat LEE, (Arthur.) Appeal to the Justice and dans la Phthisie Pulmonaire. 160. Paris, Interests of the People of Great-Britain, in 1857. the present Disputes with America. 80. - Observations on the principal Medical London, 1774. Institutions and Practice of France, Italy, The same. (Col. Pam., v. 12.) and Germany, &c. With an appendix on -- The same. 3d ed. 80. London, 1775. Animal Magnetism and Homoeopathy. 80. The same. 4th ed. 8~. London, 1776. London, 1835. Considerations of the Attorney-Gene- ~ On Stammering and Squinting, and on ral's Proposition for a bill for the establish- the methods for their removal. 80. London, ment of Peace with America. 80. London, 1841. 1782. Treatise on some Nervous Disorders. Monitor's Letters to the Inhabitants of 2d ed. 80. London, 1838. the British Colonies. 80. Williamsburg, — Watering Places of England, considered (Va.,) 1769. (Col. Pam., v. 10.) with reference to their medical topography. Second Appeal to the Justice and In- 3d. ed. 160. London, 1854. terests of the people, on the measures respect- LEE, (Eliza Buckminster.) Memoirs of Rev. ing America. 80. London, 1775. Joseph Buckminster, D. D., and of his son, Speech intended to have been delivered Rev. Joseph Stevens Buckminster. 120. in the House of Commons, in support of the Boston, 1849. Petition from the General-Congress at Phila- ~ Parthenia; or, the last days of Pagandelphia. 80. London, 1775. ism. 120. Boston, 1858. LEE, (Charles.) Letters to Earl Percy and LEE, (George.) Reportsof Cases intheArches Maj. Gen. Burgoyne, with answers. 80. and Prerogative Courts of Canterbury, and New-York, 1775. (Col. Pam., v. 13.) in the High Court of Delegates, 1752 to 1758, Strictures on a Pamphlet entitled: by Joseph Phillimore. 2 v. 80. London, "Friendly Address to all Reasonable Ameri- 1832-33. cans, on the subject of our Political Con- LEE, (Hannah F.) Familiar Sketches of Sculpfusions." 80. Philadelphia, 1774. (Col. ture and Sculptors. 2v. 160. Boston, 1854. Pam., v. 12.) Memoir of Pierre Toussaint, born a Anecdotes of. With his political and slave in St. Domingo. 160. Boston, 1854. military essays; also letters to and from LEE, (General Henry.) Memoirs of the War many distinguished characters in Europe in the Southern Department of the United and America. 2d ed. 80. London, 1797. States. 2 v. 8~. Philadelphia, 1812. 663 LEE. LEE. LEE, (General Henry.) Memoirs of the War LEE, (Mrs. R.) Adventures in Australia. 2d in the Southern Department of the United ed., revised. 160. London, 1853. States. 2d ed.; with corrections left by the Anecdotes of the Habits and Instincts author, and additions by H. Lee, author of of Birds, Reptiles, and Fishes. 160. Lonthe Campaign of 1781. 80. Washington, don, 1853. 1827. Memoirs of Baron Cuvier. 80. LonSketch of Motions and Proceedings of don, 1833. the Party which Sways the Affairs of the LEE, (Richard.) Treatise of Captures in War. Union. 80. Philadelphia, 1809. (Misc, 80. London, 1759. Pam., v. 4.) The same. 2d ed. 80. London, 1803. Funeral Oration on Death of George LEE, (Richard E.) Letter, &c., relative to Washington; delivered before Congress, 26th the conduct of Dr. John K. Read. 120. December, 1799. (In MOORE, (Frank.) Richmond, (Va.,) 1800. (Pol. Pam., v. Am. Eloquence, v. 1.) 100.) LEE, (Major Henry.) Campaign of 1781 LEE, (Richard Henry, Jr.) Life of Arthur in the Carolinas; with remarks, historical Lee. With his political and literary corresand critical, on Johnson's Life of Greene, pondence, &c. 2 v. 80. Boston, 1829. and original documents relating to the Memoir of the Life of Richard Henry history of the revolution. 80. Philadelphia, Lee. With his correspondence. 2 v. 80. 1824. Philadelphia, 1825. Observations on the Writings of Thos. LEE, (Robert.) Clinical Reports of Ovarian Jefferson, with particular reference to the and Uterine Diseases. 160. London, 1853. Attack they contain on the Memory of Gen. The Last Days of Alexander, and the Henry Lee. 80. New-York, 1832. First Days of Nicholas of Russia. 160. Life of the Emperor Napoleon; with an London, 1854. examination of Scott's Life of Napoleon. LEE, (Samuel.) Book of the Patriarch Job. V.. 80. New-York, 1835. (No more pub- Translated from the original Hebrew. 80. lished ) London, 1837. LEE, (H.; M. D.) Treatise on Syphilis. 8C. Grarmmar of the Hebrew Language. London, 1860. (Holmes' Surgery, v. 1.) 6th thousand. 80. London, 1844. LEE, (Holme.) Legends from Fairy Land. ~ Lexicon, Hebrew, Chaldee, and Eng12". London, 1860. lish; compiled from the most approved sourWonderful Adventures of Tuflongbo ces, oriental and European, Jewish and Chrisand his Elfin Company in their Journey with tian, including Buxtorf, Taylor, Parkhurst, Little Content through the Enchanted Forest. and Gesenius. 3d thousand. 80. London, 160. London, 1861. 1844. LEE, (John Hancock.) Origin and Progress LEE, (Samuel Phillips.) Report and Charts of the American Party in Politics; history of the Cruise of the U. S. brig Dolphin, of the Philadelphia riots in 1844, and refuta- made under direction of the Navy Departtion of the arguments founded on the charges ment. 2 v. 80. Washington, 1854. of religious proscription and secret combi- LEE, (Sophia and Harriet.) Canterbury Tales. nations. 120. Philadelphia, 1855. 2v. 16~. London, 1832. (Bentley's Stand. LEE, (Nathaniel.) Dramatick Works. 3 v. Novels, v. 12-13.) 160. London, 1734. LEE, (T. J.) Collection of Tables and ForCONTENTS. mulse useful in surveying, geodesy, and Alexauder the Great, v. 3. practical astronomy, including elements for Cesar Borgia, v. 2. Constantine the Great, v. 2. the projection of maps. 2d ed. WashDuke of Guise, v. 2. 13 Glor ia.n, v. 3. ington, 1833. Lucius Brntus, v. 1. LEE, (William; U. S Consul at Bordeaux.) Mlithridates, v. 2. Mitlhridt v.Iacl at iv.Lesv..Es /tats-JUnis et l'Angleterre. 80. BorNero, v. 3. deaux, 1814. (Edipus. v. 1. Princess of Cleve, v. 1. LEE, (William, D.D.) On Miracles. An exRivaolQueens, v. 3. amination of the remarks of Mr. Baden Sophionisba, v. 3. Theodosius; or, Force of Love, v. 1. Powell on the study of the evidences of LEE, (Rachel Fanny Antonina.) Essay on Christianity, contained in "Essays and R6Government. 8,0 London, 1809. Views.' 80. London, 1861. 664 LEECH. LEGATIS. LEECH, (John.) Pictures of Life and Char- Diary of Brussels, v. 1. Journal of the Rhine, v. 1. acter; from the collection of Mr. Punch. 4 Speeches and Reviews, v. 1. seriesin4 v. Oblong folio. London, 1854- LEGAT, (B. J.) Codes des ltrangers, ou 1863. Trait6 de la Legislation Francaise concernant LEECH, (William.) Practical Treatise on Nerv- les etrangers. 8~. Paris, 1832. ousness and Debility resulting from Sperma- LEGATIS (De,) et LEGATIONIBUS. Varia de torrhcea. 80. London, 1855. Legatis et de Legationibus, viz: LEEMING, (Henry;) and CROSS, (R. A.) Rflexions sur le Caractdre Sacre d'un Ministre Etranger, par Jean Andr6 Tafinger. 8~. GoetGeneral and Quarter Sessions of the Peace; tingne, 1752.-De Legatis Statuum Imperii Comitheir jurisdiction and practice in other than tialibus, auctore J. A. Reuss. 12~. Tubings, 1770.-Dissertatio Inauguralis-Juridica de Judice criminal matters. 80. London, 1858. Competente Legatorum eorunque Comitum, (auctore Ambrosio.) 8~. Viennm, 1774.-Beytrag LEEMS, (Knud.) Account of Danish Lap- tore Abrosi.) 80. Vienoto, 1774.-Beytrag LEEMS, (Knud.) Account of Dash Lap- zum Deutschen Gesa.ndschaftsrechte. 12~. (Pinkerton's Voyages, v. 1.) Etwas vorliufiges von den gesetzlichen personr3..~ ~~lichen Eigenschaften eines Reichstiaudischen VisiLEES, (James.) Laws of Shipping and Insur- tators. 120. 1774.-De Legatis et Nuntiis ance; with the existing statutes, pilots' Pontificum, eorumqle fatis et potestate commentatiohistorico-canonica. 8~. 1785.-Getreue Darregulations, &c. 5th ed. 120. London, stellung des Auflaufes welchen die franzosische o1851. Bothschaft durch Aushaingung einer dreyfarbigen 1851. Fahne den 13 Aprill 1798 in Wien veranlasset hat. LEFANU, (Alicia.) Memoirs of the Life and 120. 1798. AuthentischerBerichtvondem ander Franzosischen Friedensgesandschaft bei ihrer RiikWritings of Mrs. Frances Sheridan, mother reise von dem (ongress in der Nahe von Rastadt of Richard Brinsley Sheridan. 8*. Lon- vertibten Meuchelmord. 80. 1799.-GesandtenMord unter Karl V., von Karl Julius Lange. 8~. don, 1824. 1799. LEFEBVRE, (Armand.) Histoire des Cabinets Dissertationes et Opuscula XII, viz: de l'Europe pendant le Consulat et l'Empire. Dispntatio Juridica de Jure Legatorm; submittit A. F. Magirus. Marpurgi Cattorumn, 1658.-Dis3 v. 8~. Paris, 1845-47. putatio Politica de Juribus Legatorum: exponet T Code des Dona s Jac. Chemnitius. Witteberg., 1669.-De MajesLEFEBVRE, (Thibault.) Code des Donao tation co Legatorum Jure dissertatio, authore E. Pieuses, ou l6gislation complete relative aux Gockelio. Lindavie, 1688.-Dissertatio Julis PbnX^~~, O~~~~ ~i.,. lici de Jure Ceremoniali circa Legatos; subjicit dons et legs faits aux 6tablissements publics, S. P. Gasser. Halm Magdeburgicm,, 1700.-De religieux ou laiques, et aux associations de Pr.erogativa Ordinis inter Legatos dispitatio, a F. G. Ferber. Lipsira, 1755.-Adam Frid. Glaftoute nature. 8~. Paris, 1850. deys NeueJahrs-Gedanckenvom Titel Excellenz. NTetV 1 * *rves; the nfluence Leipzig, 1720.-Gruindliche Abhandlungvon denen LEFEVRE, (George.) Nerves; their influence Reichs-Collegial-Deputations und Creyss-Tagen. and importance in health and disease. 120 U. S. W., 1772.-Dissertatio de Imnlmnitate Legatorum, A. J. Liscovius. Sirtit et resp., 1686.London, 1844. Dissertatio de Privatis Legatorum Sacris, a Gab. LEFEVRE, (George William.) Observations Helring. Hali Magdeburgice, 1729. De Jure Asyli Legatorum E dibus Comnpetente, a J. F. on the nature and treatment of the Cholera Biinther. Lipsice, 1689.-De Jure Asyli Legatorum dubio, a F. J. G. Roessig. Lipsia, 1737.Morbus, now prevailing epidemically in St. Dissertatio de Jurisdictione Legati in Comites Petersburgh. 80. London, 1831. snos,a G. Bonhorot. Gedani, 1705. 4~. LE FRANC, (L'Abbe.) Conjuration centre la Scripta XV, viz: Religion Catholique et les Sonverains. 80. Gerechte, Nutzliche, und Nothwendige Befangenschafft des Printz Wilhelnen von Fiirstenberg: Paris, 1792. dulrch C. Gangwolffen. 1674.-Walrum WV. v. LEGAL Caim of theBritihr C Ftiilstenber gefangen nehmen, U. S.W. ELoffnet LEGAL Claim of the British Sugar Colo vonies. C. Wolffgang. 1674.-Guilielmi Principis to enjoy an Exclusive Right of Supplying Firstembergii Detentio,ad Csoaris anthoritatem, ad tranquilitatem inperii, ad pacis promotionerm, this Kingdom with Sugars. 80. London, uiFta, perutilis,necessaria,authore Chr.Wolfgango, 1792. (SlaveryPam., v 5.) 1674.-Copia Memorialis, a Dn. Puffendortio, in Cau a Captivitatis Wilhelmi de Fiirstenberg. LEGAL JOURNAL; edited by Thomas J. Kee- 1674.-Memorial A, H. Grafens von Rechteren, Tiner von den bevollmdchtigten der General-Staatnan. July 16, 1859, to July 9, 1860. V. 7. en der Vereinigten Provintzen. Franckfurth am 40. PittsburghM 1859-60. - ayn, 1712. Griindliche Ausftthrung des bePitbrh 1859-60.'~'ruhmten Streits zwischen dem Pabst und K6nige LEGAL OBSERVER; or, Journal of Jurispru- in Franckreich wegen der Quartiers-Freyheit in Rom. K61n, 1689. lEpistola ad Amicuim, qua dence, from November, 1830, to December, expendilr: utruim sit contra jus gentiu, quod 1856. 52 v. 80. London, 1831-56. Generalis-Campi Mareschallus Exercitus Russici, Hg Swit WrDn. l Marchionemn Monti detineri jussit. Latin, LEG2ARE, (HI-ugh Swinton. ) Writings; with a French, and German.-Lettres contenant des Remenmoir of his life. Edited by his sister. flexions sur co qne les Russiens, apres la Prise de''ff. Danzig, ont traitte le M. de Monti, en Prisonier 2 v. 8~. Charleston, (S. C.,) 1846. de Guerre. 1734.-Lettres touchantlaDetention du Duc de Belle-Isle. La Haye, 1745.-LamentaCONTENTS. tions du M. de Belle-Isle an chatean de Windsor, 1745.-Memoire tonchant l'Arrest de IMr. le MareBiographical Notice, v. 1. chal de Belle-Isle, 1745.-Controversi-c inter PontiContributions to Southern Review, v. 2. ficelm Roinanum et Resmpublicam G-enuenseml si. Correspondence, Diplomatic, v, 1. per Legato in Corsica.n miisso, hintoriam, prTmisit Correspondence, Private, v. 1. Ant. El-n. Klasting. Lipsite, 1765, 4~. G665 LEGATrIS. LEGENDRE. LEGATIS, (De,) et LEGATIONIBUS. Scriptfa LEGATIS, (De,) et LEGATIONrIBUS. DissertaVI de Arresto Legati, viz: tionies XI ad Jus Legationum German icurn, Beweiss, dass es nicht wider das Vy clker-Recht sey, viz: bey gewissen Umsitdnden einen friembden Gesaudtiun zu arr6ririen. 17L7. —G-ridlicher Beweiss, Dissertatio de Principum Gl-ermani Legationtibus, dass es nicht wider das V51cker-Recht. sey, bey i H. H. Knorn. Jeota, 1678.-Dissertatio de Jnre gewissni Umnsianden einen frembden Gesandten Legationis Civituinin Iiiperii, a C. Ge. s l'cker. zn ari'6iren, von G. S. Travers. Fra.ckfurth, Altdorfii, 173. — Deduction der Fiirtrefflichen 1745.-). artlholdi Feindes, Unstreitiges Rechit eines Coritial -Ge-saiidechafften Schut z-Errhviluiigen. Furiten eiaen (esandten zaa retiren, undl seinen 1728. —De Jure Statuiin Iinperii circa Legatos Souverainen und ()bern zurtick zu schi.ken. Etes i Cmitiis, a J. H. a Kiorr ct Zeltchen. Hitinburg, 1719.-Aug. a Leyeri [quousqu- Prin- ICHelmaestadii, 1728. — leiii. Helmiistadii, 1736.cipi Germano liceat Legatos alius Priiicipis sitbi G. S. Treveri Commeiitati. de Jure Statuu'i iminimhiici per terras nuas transeuntes iltercipere?J perii circa Legatos Exteros in Coiiiitiis. HelinVitebe~rgo, 1745 -Disquisitio de Netura et Liidole stadii, 1750. —Dissertatio de Jurisdictione in LegaStatus Legatorum. Francofurti, 1757. — Dissertatio tos Statuin eori.iriq(e Comitin ill Comitiis Comde Justo Legati Arresto, a J. G. Wagner. J. A. peteute,aJ..Fleischer. Vitebergx, 17:1.0 ildim Diegell, et J. T. Conradi. Marburgi, 1767. 4~. Viteiiibergv, 1746.-J. U. Cramei i Sciino de Pari Jure Civitatum Imp. ac Gentinin liberarum in ReDissertationes X de Foro Legatoirum, ecipiendiis legaitis. laiiurigi, 1740.-Disseitatiode Prorogativis Legati Imp. extra Imperiuni, et Jure viz: Commissari ii Imp. in Imperio,'a J. R. Dreyn iiilen. De Foro Legatorum Expreitiimn, a C. H. von Bene- Mogiinti-, 1747. —Vesuch iiber die Pacifikazion kendorff. Francofurti, 1677.-N. Lud. de Schar- der Evzheirzogliclih-esteriichische n Gesaiudten, den de Jumibus et Judice Competerite Legatorumiii. mit den Gesandten der Kuriiirsten des H. R. Hal, Magdehburgie, 1724.-A. C. Dorn de Juris- Reichs. Wien, 1781. 40. dictione in Legatos eorumque Comites. Jene, 1738. —C. G. de Ranchbar de Foro Legati Con- Dissertiation s XXII, viz: traheintis. Rostochii, 1706. — mm. Weber de Vin- J. Huldericus a Francelenberg de Juire Legationum. diciis Legatum Delinquentem, et de Wittebeigo, 1660. — Dissertatio de Jure LegaJudice ejusCompetente. Giessm-Hassorum, 1698. tionis, a J. Ludovieus. Argenitorati, 1672.Jo. Adolphus Blticher de Delictis Legatoru n. Oratio de Jure Legationum Dubio,'a J. A. Argentorati, 1700. —Alberts He;nsiusde FloroLe- Franckenstein. Lip'sie, 1721. — Dissertatio de gati Delinquenltis. Rostochi, 1704.-A. D. Clavel Jure Adlegandi Statunum Imperil, d Math. Maier. de Bi-enles de Exemtione Legator-um a Foro Ingoldsitdii, 1762.-Disputaio (de N-gotiis per InCriminali ejusad quem missi sunt. Marburgi Cat- terpretem gestis, a Hen. Buartsch. Wit.tenbergm, torum, 1741. — Dissertatio num Landsassiatus Pie- 1691.-Quiestio iium Maiidatiarius Gentis Pacis nus Privilegio Fori, quo Legati gaudent, deroget? causa missus ipso jure sit Legatus? a G. A. Jahlin. scrpipsit'. R. Geissler. Lpsime, 1830.-Medita- Lipsira, 1773.i Dissertatio de eo Quod est Justurn tionumn ad Jus Cambiale Specimen VII. d C. circa Legatioies assiduas, a J. C. Dorn, resp. C. E. Einert. Lipsie, 1830. 4~. a Dieskau. Jen-e, 1716.-Dissertatio de Transitu. Dissertationes XI, viz: et Admissione Legati ex Pacto Repetendis,. Gott. Achenwall. Gottingae, 1748. —De TranExercitatio Politica de Legationibus, a J. E. Krios- situ et Adimissione Legati exercitatio, a J. H. nitzki. Jen,-, 1610. —De Legationibus sive Lega- Hiller. Lipsic, 1797.-Jo. Geo. Estor de Jure torum. auctoritate privilegiisdissertalio a Melchior Poscendi Litteras, quas vocant Ciredentiales, a Jungkher. Helmestadii, 1654. —Phil. Ld. pener L egatis. Jenee, 1740.-Idem. Lemgovim, Legationibus. Viteberg1, 1747. - DeLegation e Disserta.tio de Litteris Credentialibus Legatorum, disquivitio, Oa G. C. Rieck. Helmestadii, 1668. — J. F. Jugler. Lipsim, 1741.-Idem. Lipsir, Disputatio de Legatis, a Clir. de Biandt. Fran- 1741. —Dissertatio de Forma Litterarum Credencofurti, 1651.-Disputatio de Legatis, a H. A. tialium Legatorum, a F.-J. E. Eisenberg. Halm Bolmeier. Helmestadii, 1660. — Exeitatio de Le- Magdeb., 1753 —J. E. Schubert de Obligatione gatis, & J. H. Stephaui. Wittebergv, 1660. — Plenipotentiarii erga Principemn et Rempublicam. Theses de Legato, propoiit C. Schran. Lipsiae, 1741.-Exercitatio de Contraetut Legtati contra 1658.-Themata de Legatis et Legationihus, pro- Miandatum Areanum Valido,' a J. G. Eislorus. ponit..iRasschius. Tubingam, 1622. Dissertatio Vitembergn e, 1758.-Dissertatio de IlapaTrpEoa-Qeas de Legatis, a W. H. de Poriz. Lugd. Bat., 1705. Crimine, seu Legato Vi:lati Mndati Reo, a Car. Discursus [aliquot] de Jure Publico, a D. Aru- Siegfried a Gersdorff. VitembergT, 1717. —. H. m. eno, 160-23. 4. en, 1603. 4 Schiiiiiberg de Jure Expellandi Legatum G-ntil Liberem. Lipsia, 1764.-Exercitatio de TestaDissertationes XIII de Inviolabilitate mento Legati, a J. Strinz. Jenm, 1711.-DisserLegatorTin, vi7: trtio de Legato Testatore, a Jac. Frid. Stoelkeg'. matier. Giessm, 1740.-F. G. Wild de Obsignatione Legatns Inviolabilis, & J. A. Preunel. Lipsima, Reruni Legacti ejusdemque Comitatus. Hala, 1667.-Exercitatio de Jule et Inviolabilitate Lega- 1751. 40 torum, a Jac. Guil. Ucekermann, Erffurti 1670. De Jure et Inviolabilitate Legatorum, a J. W. Ucker- LEGENDRE, (Adrien Marie.) e16ments de mann —respondente J. H. Meyer. Erfurti, 1671. — Dissertatio de Legatorumi Inviolabilitate, a J.C. G. omdtrie. 2 ed. 8. Paris, 1823. Kliigel. Lipsi, 1690. —J. J. Wintziger de Inviola- Essai sur la T-horie des Nombres. bilitatisCharactere. Erfordia, 1691.-Grund-Satze4ze des Vl1cker-Rechts von der Unverletzlichkeit der 2e cd. 4~. Paris, 1808. Gesandten, von D. H. Kemmerichs, 1710.-Exer-e Cal__l Ial su divers citatio de Legato 1Pacs gratia adhostem misso, ipso jure gentitnn etiam sine Literis Commeatus vulg6 ordres de transcendantes et sur les quadraPa-seport Inviolabili, a J. C. Gossell. Rintelii, 1736 —Dissertatio de inviolabilitate Legati Ad- tures. 3 v. 40. Paris, 1811-17. missi et Non Admissi, a J. Wick, H. G. Esskuchenl, Mdmoire sur une Question d'Analyse, et G. C. R. Geis. Marburgi, 1767. — Dissertatio de Vero atque Certo Fundameu to Juiium ac 40. Paris, 1830. speciatim Sanctitatis Legatorum, a J. D. Ritter. 1_ _ i Jenae, 1718.-Rechtc liche Grenzen der Unverletzbarkeit derer Gesandten und derer uiibrigen Privi- trouver le Milieu le plus probable entre les legie, 1748. — Dissertatio de Sanctitate Legatorum, a H, F. Kahrel. Marburgi, 1769.-Thos. Rdsultats de differentes observations; et Filitz de Violatione Legati. Jena, 1669.-Disser- Memoire sur l'Attraction des Ellipsoidea tatio de Legato Sancto, non Impuni, a F. W. de Luderitz. Frauncofurti ad Viadrunm, 1.699. 40. Homogenes. 40. Paris, 1810. 84 666 LEGENDRE. LEIB. LEGENDRE, (Adrien Marie.) Nouvelles M6th- I LEGOTUV, (Ernest.) Moral History of Women. odes pour la Determination des Orbites des 1 Translated by J. W. Palmer. 120. New Cometes. 40. Paris, 1806. York, 1860. Nouvelle Theorie des Parallbles. 8~. LEGOYT,(Alfred.) La France Statistique; on Paris, 1803. la France intellectuelle, morale, financiere, Recherches sur diverses sortes d'Inte- industrielle, politique, judiciaire, &c. 80. grales D6finies. 40. Paris, 1809. I Paris, 1843. Recherches d'Analyse Ind6termin6e. LEGRAND, (Augustin.) Galeries des Antiques, 40. Paris, 1785. on esquisses des statues, bustes et bas reliefs, Trait6 des Fonctions Elliptiques et des fruit des conqu6tes de l'arm6e d'Italie. 80. Int6erales Euleriennes. 3 v. 40. Paris, Paris, 1803. 1825-28. LE GRAND, (Pierre.) ]tudes sur la LegislaL'Arithmetique en sa Perfection. 160. tion Militaire, et sur la jurisprudence des Paris, 1812. conseilsde guerre et de revision, avec les Elements of Geometry and Trigonom- principaux arr6ts de cassation sur la matibre, etry. From the French. Edited by D. suivies du projet de loi sur le Code Penal Brewster, with notes and additions. 80. Militaire, amende par la Chambre des Pairs, Edinburgh, 1824. en 1829. 80. Lille, 1835. The same. Revised and adapted to the LEGRAN) D'AussY, (Pierre Jean Baptiste.) course of mathematical instruction in the U. Fabliaux on Contes, Fables et Romans du S., by Charles Davies. 80. New-York, 1858. XIIe et XIIIe siecle, traduits ou extraits par LEGER, (Theodore.)'Animal Magnetism; or, LegrandD'Aussy. 3e d. 5v. 80. Paris, Psycodunamy. 120. New-York, 1846. 1829. LEGERDEMAIN. Whole Art of Legerdemain; ~ Histoire de la Vie Priv6e des Frangais, or, hocus pocus laid open and explained. depuis l'Origine de la Nation jusqu'A nos 180. Philadelphia, 1852. jours. 3 v. 8. Paris, 1782. LEGGE, (James.) Chinese Classics; with a - Fabliaux; or, tales abridged from translation, critical and exegetical notes, French manuscripts of the twelfth and thirprolegomena, and copious indexes. 2 v. 80. teenth centuries. Selected and translated Hong Kong, 1861. into English verse by G. L. Way, with notes CONTENTS. by G. Ellis. 3 v. 12~. London, 1815. LE GRAS, (M. A.) Album des Pavilions V. 1. Confucian Analects, the Great Learning, and vi the Doctrine of the Mean. Guidons, Flammes, de toutes les puissances V. 2. Works of Mencius. maritimes. 40. Paris, 1858. LEGGE, (Thomas.) Law of Outlawry, and LE GROS, (W. B.) Fables and Tales; sugPractice on Civil Actions; with appendix of gested by the frescoes of Pompeii and Heruseful precedents. 80. London, 1779. culaneum. Small40. London, 1835. LEGGETT, (William.) Collection of Political LEHIGH Coal and Navigation Company. AnWritings. Selected and arranged by Theo- nual Report. 80. Philadelphia, 1862. dore Sedgwick, Jr. 2 v. 120. New-York, LEHMANN, (Carl Gotthilf.) Manual of Chemi1840. cal Physiology. From the German. TransLEGII, (Thomas.) Narrative of a Journey in lated, with notes and additions, by J. Ches Egypt and the country beyond the cataracts, ton Morris. 80. Philadelphia, 1856. 2d ed. 80. London, 1817. Physiological Chemistry. Translated LEGION of Liberty, and Force of Truth; con- from the 2d edition, by George E. Day. taining the thoughts, words, and deeds of Edited by R. E. Rogers. 2 v. 80. Philasome prominent apostles, champions, and delphia, 1855. martyrs. 10th ed. 120. New York, 1847. LEHMANOWSKY,(J.J.) Historyof Napoleon. LEGITIMITE Portugaise. 80. Paris, 1830. 80. Washington, 1832. (Imperfect.) (Pol. LE GONIDEC, (Jean Fran9ois Marie.) Diction- Pam., v. 79.) naire Frangais-Breton; enrichid'additions et LETB, (Michael.) Conduct in the Certificate d'un Essai sur l'Histoire de la Langue Bre- Business. 40. (n. p.) 1800. (Pol. Pam., tonne, par T. Hersart de la Villemarque. 40. v. 104.) Saint-Brieuc, 1847. Letters on the Intrigues of Dr. Michael LEGOUVE, (Ernest.) Histoire Morale des Leib, by Veritas. 80. Philadelphia, 1807. Femmes. 8.0 Paris, 1849. (Pol. Pam., v. 105.) LEIBNITZ. LELAND. LEIBNITZ, (Gottfried Wilhelm.) Codex Juris LEIGH, (Joseph.) Fulfilment of the Prediction Gentium Diplomaticus; et Mantissa Codicis of Merlin. 2d ed. 120. Portsmouth, (Va.,) Juris Gentiumn Diplomatici. 2 v. Folio. 1807. (Theol. Pam., v. 7.) Guelferbyti, 1747. LEIGH, (P. Brady.) Abridgment of the Law Opera Philosophica qure extant, Latina, of Nisi Prius; with notes and references to Gallica, Germanica, Omnia. 80. Berlini, the latest American cases, by George Shars1840. wood. 2 v. 80. Philadelphia, 1838. (10 System of Theology. Translated by copies.) C. W. Russell. 80. London, 1850. LEIGH, (Samuel.) Scripture Genealogy, from and BERNOULLI, (Jean.) Commercium Adam to Christ. 40. London, 1817. Philosophicum et Mathematicum, ab anno LEIGHTON, (Robert.) Works. 4 v. 80. 1694 ad annum 1716. 2 v. 40. Lausannae London, 1830. et Genevse, 1745. CONTENTS. CONTENTS. LEICESTER, (Robert Dudley, Earl of.) SeLEICESTER, (Robert Dudley, Earl of.) S- Commentary on First Epistle of Peter, v. 1-2. cret Memoirs; containing an instructive ac- Exhortations to Candidates for the degree of Master count of his ambition, designs, intrigues, Arts at Edinburgh, v. 4. Exposition of the Creed, v. 4. excessive power; his engrossing the Queen, Do. do. Lord's Prayer, v. 4. 0et. 8*C London, 1706. Do. do. Ten Commandments, v. 4. etc. 0. London, 1706. Expository Lectures on Psalm xxxix, Isaiah vi, Correspondence, 1585-86. Small 40. Romans xii, v. 2. Lectures on St. Matthew i-ix, v. 3. London, 1844. (Camden Society, No. 27.) Life of Leighton, by J. N. Pearson, v. 1. - Leicester's Commonwealth. (Harleian Meditations on Psalms iv, xxxii, and cxxx, and on a Fragment of viii, v. 2. Miscellany, v. 4.) Rules and Instructions for a Holy Life, v. 4. LEICIIHART, (Ludwig.) Journal of an Over- Sremos, v.. Theological Lectures, v. 4. land Expedition in Australia, from Moreton Bay to Port Essington, during 1844-45. 8~. LEIGHTON, (W. A.) British Species of An London, 1847. giocarpous Lichens, elucidated by their spoLEIDY, (Joseph.) Ancient Fanna of Nebraska. ridia. 80. London, 1851. 40. Washington, 1858. (Smithsonian Con- - Flora of Shropshire. 8~. London, tributions to Knowledge, v. 6.) 1841. Extinct Sloth Tribe of North America. LEJARZA, (Juan Jose Martinez de.) Andlisis 40. Washington, 1855, (Smithsonian Con- Estadistico de la Provincia de Michuacan, en tributions to Knowledge, v. 7.) 1822. 80. Mexico, 1824. Extinct Species of Fossil Ox. 40. LE KEUX, (J.;) and NEALE, (J. P.) Views of Washington, 1853. (Smithsonian Contribu- the most interesting Collegiate and Parochial tions to Knowledge, v. 5.) Churches in Great Britain. 2 v. 80. Lon- Flora and Fanna within living Animals. don, 1825. 40. Washington, 1853. (Smithsonian Con - and PUGIN, (Augustus.) Specimens of tributions to Knowledge, v. 5.) the Architectural Antiquities of Normandy. LEIGH, (B. W.) Reports of Cases in the 40. London, 1827. Court of Appeals, and in the General Court LELAND, (Charles G.) Meister Karl's Sketch of Virginia, 1829to 1841. 12 v. 80. Rich- Book. 120. Philadelphia, 1855. mond, 1830-44. (2 copies.) Poetry and Mystery of Dreams. 12~. ------ Substitute to Preamble and Resolutions Philadelphia, 1856, on the Right of State Legislatures to instruct LELAND, (Henry P.) Americans in Rome. their Senators in Congress 8. Richmond, 120. New York, 1863. 1811. (Pol. Pam., v. 100.) LELAND, (John, D. D.) Advantage and NeLEIGH, (Edward.) Critica Sacra; observations cessity of the Christian Revelation, shown on all the radices in primitive Hebrew words from the state of religion in the ancient of the Old Testament, and all the Greek heathen world. 2 v. 80. Glasgow, 1819. words of the New Testament. Small folio. View of the principal Deistical WriLondon, 1650. ters that have appeared in England in Treatise of Religion and Learning, and the last and present century. 2 v. 80. of Religious and Learned Men. Folio. Lon- London, 1807. don, 1656. LELAND, (John.) Stroke at the Branch; reLEIGH, (Gerard.) The Accedence of Armorie. marks on Men and Things. 80. Hariford, 80. London, 1591. (Conn.,) 1801. (Pol. Pam., v. 101.) 668 LELAND. LE NEVE. LELAND, (Thomas.) History of Ireland, from LE MONNIER, (Pierre Charles.) Theorie des the Invasion of Henry II; with a discourse Cometes, ou l'on traite des progr6s de cette on the antient state of that kingdom. 3 v. partie de l'astronomie. 8~. Paris, 1743. 4~. London. 1773. LEMPRIERE, (Charles.) The American Crisis History of the Life and Reign of Philip, considered. 12g. London, 1861. King of Macedon. 2 v. 80. London, 1775. Notes in Mexico, in 1861 and 1862; LELIEUR, (le Cornte) Pomone Fl aniaise; politically and socially considered. 12~. ou trait6 des arbres fruitiers. 2 e6d. 8o. London, 1862. Paris, 1842. LEMPRTEILE, (John.) Classical Dictionary; LE LONG, (Jacques.) Bibliotheque Histo- a copious account of the Proper Names menrique de la France, contenant le Catalogue tioned in Ancient Authors. 7th ed. 80. des Ouvrages, imprimes et manuscrits, qui London, 1809. t;aitent de l'Histoire de ce Royaume, ou qui i The same. Revised, with additions, y ont rapport. 2e ed., augmentee, par M. by William Park. 160. London, 1838. Fevret de Fontette. 5 v. Folio. Paris, The same. Abridged by E. H. Barker. 1768-78. Revised by Joseph Cauvin. 8~. London, LET.UT, (Louis Francisque.) Qu'est-co que la 1849. Phrenologie? Essai sur la signification et Universal Biography; account of the la valeur des systemnes de psychologie en lives, characters, and labors of eminent pergeneral, et de celui de Gall en particulier. sons, in all ages and countries; with original 80. Paris, 1836. articles of American Biography by Eleazar LE MAIRE, (Jacques.) Voyages to the Ca- Lord.'2 v. 80. New-York, 1825. nary Islands, &c. (Osborne's Coll. Voy- LEMPRIERE, (William.) Tour to Morocco, ages, v. 1.) 1789. (Pinkerton's Voyages, v. 15.) LEMAZURFER, (Pierre David.) Galerie His- LFNAU, (Nicholas.) Gedichte. 3 v. 160. torique des Acteurs du Theatre Frangaise, Stuttgart, 1857-59. depuis 1600 jusqau' nos jours. 2 v. 80. LENCLOS, (Ninon de.) Lettres au Marquis de Paris, 1810. Sevigue. (Apocryphes; ecrites par L. DaLE MESUIIER, (Haviland.) Thoughts on mours.) 2v. in 1. 240. Paris, 1813. a French Invasion. 80. London, 1798 ~ Memoirs of Ninon De Lenclos; with (Pol. Pain., v. 33.) her letters to Mons. De St. Evremond and to LE MESURIER, (Thomas.) Counter Address to the Marquis de S6vignr. Translated fiom the Protestants of Great Britain and Ireland. French. 2 v. 160. London, 1776. 80. London, 1813. (Plamphleteer, v. 2.) LEND.EMAIIN, (le) ou l'Esprit des feuilles de la Sermons on the Nature and Guilt of Veille. (Several numbers for the year 1791.) Schism. 8~. London, 1808. (Bampton 80. Paris, 1791. (Pol. Pam., v. 13.) ILectures for 1808.) LENDERMAN'S Adventures among the SpiritLEMM.LONNIER, (C.) Synopsis of Natural His- ualists and Free-Lovers. 120. Cincinnati, tory. Trauslated from the French, with ad- 1857. dirions from the works of Cuvier, Dumaril, LEaNTRUn I, (John.) Concise and impartial Lacepede, &c., by T. Wyatt. 80. Phila- History of the American Revolution. 2 v. delphia, 1839. 160. Boston, 1795. LEMOINE, (Edme Marie Joseph.) Traite ile- LENDY, (A F.) Principles of War; elementmentaire de Mathematiques Pures. 3e ed. ary treatise on higher tactics and strategy. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1797. 2d ed. 80. London, 1862. LEMOINE, (Henry.) History, Origin, and Treatise onFortification. 40. London, Progress of Piinting. 120. London, 1797. 1862. LEM(INNE, (J. B M.) Observations on the LENEET, (Pierre.) Mmoires concernantl'HisLibels published cagainst Chateaubriand. toire du Prince de Cond6 1627-1659. 2 v. 80. London, 1818. (Pamphleteer, v. 12.) 80. Paris, 1826. (Petitot, Coll. Mem. Hist. LEiMO.NE, (Pierre Cam.) Diplomaatique-Pra- France, s6r. 2, v. 53-54.) tique; ou trait6 de l'arrangement des archives ~ The same. 8~. Paris, 1838. (Michaud. et tresors des chartes. 40. Metz, 1765. Coll. Ml6m. Hist. France, v. 24.) LEMON, (George William.) English Ety mol- L f. N EVE, (John.) FastiEcclesim Anglicane, ogy; a derivrative dictionary of the English a regular succession of all principal dignilanguage. 4o. London, 1783, taries in iach cathedral, collegiate churchy 66,9 LE NEVE. LEONARD. or chapel in England and Wales, from the LE NORMAND, (Marie Anne.) Historical and first erection thereof, to 1715. Folio. Lon- Secret Memoirs of the Empress Josephine. don, 1716. Trauslated from the French, by Jacob M. LE NEVE, (John.) Monumenta Anglicana; Howard. 2v. 120. Philadelphia, 1850. being inscriptions on the monuments of emi- LEO, (Heinrich.) Treatise on the Local Nonent persons deceased, from 1600 to 1718; and menclatnre of the Anglo-Saxons, as exhibsupplement. 4 v. 8~. London, 1717-19. ited in the "Codex Diplomaticus _Evi SaxoLENFANT, (Jacques.) Histoire du Concile de nici." Translated from the German, by B. Constance. 2 v. 40. Amsterdam, 1727.. W 120. London, 1852. History of the Council of Constance. LEO Africanus, (Joannes.) Descrittione dell' Translated from the French, by S. Whatley. Afiica. (Ramnsio, Navigationi et Viaggi, 2 v. 40. London, 1728. v. 1.) LENGLET DU FRESNOY, (Nicolas.) Methode ~ Geographical Historie of Africa. Transpour ttudier l'Histoire; avec un catalogue latedbyJohn Pory. Folio. Londini, 1600. des principaux liistoriens, etdesremarquessur His toriale Description de 1'Afiiqve. la bonte de leurs ouvrages, et sur le choix des Escrite premierement en langue Arabesque, meilleurseditions. 5edd. 4v. 40. Paris,1729. puis en Toscane, et a present mise en FranMemoirs of Joan d'Arc, or du Lys; cois, par Jean Temporal. 160. Anvers, commonly called the Maid of Orleans. Trans- 1556. lated with notes, by Geo. Ann Grave. 80. Observations of Africa. (Purchas's Egham, 1812. Pilgrims, v. 2, page 749.) LENNARD, (C. E. Barrett.) Travels in British LEO Diaconus. Historiae Libri X, et liber de Columbia; with the narrative of a yacht velitatione Bellica Nicephori Augusti. (Gr. voyage round Vancouver's island. 80. Lon- et Lat.) E recensione C. B. Hasii. 8~. dor, 1862. Bonnre, 1828. (Byzantinae Hist. Corpus, LENNEP, (J. Daniel.) Etymoiogicum Lingure v. 5.) Grsecre. Ex editione Everardi Scheidii. 40. LEO Grammaticus. Chronographia (Gr. et Londini, 1820. Lat.) Ex rec. I. Beklkeri. 80. Bonnse, LENNEP, (I. van.) Rose of Delama. Trans- 1842. (Byzantinse Hist. Corpus, v. 37.) lated from the Dutch. 120. London, 1847. LEO Magnus. Operaomnia. Accedunt codex (Lib'y Foreign Romances, v. 8.) canonumn, S. Hilarii opuscula et vita; item LENNOX, (Charlotte.) Female Quixote. 2 v. sermones et honilie S. Maximi Taurinensis. 160. London, 1820. (Barbauld's British Ed. 2a. 2 v. in 1. Folio. Venetiis, 1748. Novelists, v. 24-25. Opera. Post Quesnelli recensionem - h hlkespear Illustrated; or the novels exacta, curantibus Petro et Hieronymo Baland hist ries on which the plays of Shakes- leriniis. 3 v. Folio. Venetiis, 1753-57. peer a.e founded; collected and translated LEON, (J. A.) On Sugar Cultivation in Loufiom the original authors, with critical re- isiana, Cuba, &c., and the British Possesmarks. 3 v. 160. London, 1753-54. sions. 4 parts in 1 v. 80. London, 1'48. LENOIR, (Alexandre.) Musee des Monuments LEON, (Luis de.) Obras. 80. Madlid, 1,55. Franuais, ou description historique et chro- (Bibdioteca de Autores Espafoles, v. 45.) nolhgique des statues en marbre et enbronze, La Perfecta Casada; Poesias. (Colec bas-reliefs et tombeaux des hommes et des cion de Autores Espanfoles, v. 19.) femmes celebres, pour servir a l'histoire de LO(NARD, (Frederic.) Recueil des Traitez France et i celle de l'art. 8 v. in 4. 8. de Paix, de trave, de neutralite, de conf6dParis, 1800-21. dration, d'alliance, et de commerce, faits par Nouvelle Collection d'Arabesques pro- les rois de France, avec tous les princes, et pres A la decoration des appartements; des- potentats de l'Europe, et autres, depuis pros sin6es A Rome par Lavallee, Poussin, et de trois siecles. 6 v. 40. Paris, 1693. autres cdelbres artistes modernes, et gravees LISONARD, (William.) Reports and Cases of par Guyot. 40. Paris, 1810. Law argued and adjudged in the Courts at - Museum of French Monuments; des- Westminster, 1540 to 1615. By William cription of the monuments, in marble, bronze, Hughes. 4 parts in 2v. Folio. London, and bas-relif, collected in the museum at 1658-75. Paris. Translated from the Frenchb by J. - The same, 2d ed. 4 parts in 2 v. Griffiths,., Paris, 180i3. Folio. London, 1dS7. 670 LEONTIUS. LE SAGE. LEONTIUS Byzantinus. Sectarum Historia. LE Roux, (Philibert Joseph.) Dictionnaire 160. Basilee, 1578. (With Manuel Cor- Comique, Satyrique, Critique, Burlesque, nenus.) Libre et Proverbial. 26 ed. 8~. Lion, 1735. LtOUZON-LE Duc. See LE Duc. LE ROUX DE LINCY, (Adrien Jean Victor.) LEPAGE, (P.) Lois des Batiments, ou le Nou- Femmes Cel1bres de l'Ancienne Franceveau Desgodets. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1811. M6moires Iistoriques sur la Vie Publique The same. Nouvelle ed., corrig6e et et Priv6e des Femmes Fran~aises, depuis le augmentee, d' apres les arr6ts et la doctrine 5e Siecle jusqu'A la fin du 15e. 40. Paris, des meilleurs auteurs. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1857. 1852. LEPAGE DU PRATZ. See PRATZ, LE PAGE LE RoY, (Julien David.) Histoire de la DisDu.) position et des Formes Diff6rentes qui les L'EPfE, (Charles Michel de.) La Veritable Chr6tiens ont donn6es a leurs Temples, Maniere d'Instruire les Sourds et Muets, con- depuis le regne de Constantin le Grand, firm6e par une longue experience. 16~. jusqu'A nous. 120. Paris, 1764. Paris, 1784. Les Ruines des Plus Beaux Monuments LEPICIE, (Fran9ois Bernard.) Vies des Pre- de la Grece. Folio. Paris, 1758. miers-Peintres du Roi depuis M. Le Brun, LE ROY, (P.) See SATYRE MENIPPEE. jusqu' pr6sent. 2v. inl. 160. Paris, 1752. LE RoY, (P. L.) Narrative of four Russian LE PLAY, (Pierre Guillaume Frederic.) Les Sailors, 1743. (Pinkerton's Voyages, v. 1.) Ouvriers Europ6ens; etudes sur les travaux, LERY, (J. de.) Navigatio in Brasiliam. (Bry, la vie domestique, et la condition morale des Collectiones, series I, pars 3.) populations ouvrieres de l'Europe. Folio. ~ Extracts from his History, while living Paris, 1855. in Brazil. (Purchas's Pilgrims, v. 4, page LEPSIUS, (Richard.) Denkmaler aus.Egyp- 1325.) ten und ~Ethiopien, nach den Zeichnungen LE SAGE, (Alain Ren6.) CEuvres. 12 v. 8D der von seiner Majestit dem KInige von Paris, 1828. Preussen Friedrich Wilhelm IV., nach diesen CONTENTS. landen gesendeten und in den jahren 1842- Aventures du Chevalier de Beauch6ne, v. 4. 1845 ausgefiuhrten wissenschaftlichen expe- celier de Salamaque, v. 1. Diable Boiteux, v. 1. dition. 12 v. Folio. Berlin, 1849-59. Estavauille Gonzalez, v. 7. Entretiens des Chemin6es de Madrid. Discoveries in Egypt, Ethiopia, and Gil Bias de Santillane, v. 2-3. the Peninsula of Sinai, in the years 1842- Guzmn d'Alfarache, v. 5. Nouvelles Aventures de Don Quichotte, v. 9-10. 1845, during the mission sent out by His Roland l'Amoureux, v. 8-9. ]~I61ange Amusant de Sailiies d'Esprit, v. 12. Majesty Frederick William IV. of Prussia. Thtr de Sailies dprit,. 12.11-12. Edited, with notes, by Kenneth R. H. Mac- Valise (la) Trouv6e, v. 12. kenzie. 80. London, 1852. Asmodeus; or, the devil on two sticks. LEQUINIO, (Joseph Marie.) Voyage Pittor- Translated by Joseph Thomas. Illustrated esque et Physico-lconomique, dans le Jura. by Tony Johannot. 80. London, 1841. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1801. The Devil on two Sticks. 80. (BallanLERMINIER, (Jean Louis Eugene.) Cours tyne's Novelist's Library, v. 4.) d'Histoire des Legislations Compar6es, pro- Bachelor of Salamanca. Translated fess6e an College de France. Droit Inter- from the French, by James Townsend. 2d national. EiIpoque Romaine depuis Auguste ed. 2 v. 160. London, 1828. jusqu'a la fin du regne de Commode. P6- ~ El Bachiller de Salamanca, y el Diabie riode de 193 ans. 80. Paris, 1837. Cojuelo. 80. Paris, 1847. (Coleccion de - Introduction Generale a l'Histoire du Autores Espanoles, v. 56.) Droit. 2e 6d. 80. Paris, 1835. Histoire de Gil Bias de Santillane. -- Philosophie du Droit. 2v. 80. Paris, 4 v. 80. Londres, 1809. 1831. - Abr6g6 de l'Histoire de Gil Bias de SanThe same. 3e 6d., augment6e de plu- tillane. 5e 6d., avec la signification des sieurs chapitres. 80. Paris, 1853. mots en Anglais au has de chaque page, par De l'Influence de la Philosophie du N. Wanostrocht. 120. Londres, 1838. 18e Siecle sur la Legislation et la Sociabilite Adventures of Gil Blas of Santillane. du 19e. 80. Paris, 1833. Translated from the French. With engravLERMONT, (L.) Ups and Downs; or, the lost ings, by Robert Smirke.'4 v. 160. Lontreasure restored. 120. Philadelphia, 1852, don, 1822. LE SAGE. L'ESPINASSE. LE SAGE, (Alain Rene.) Adventures of Gil LESLIE, (Charles Robert.) Handbook for Blas of Santillane. Translated by T. Smollett. Young Painters. 12~. London, 1855. Embellished by Jean Gigoux. 80. London, Memoirs of the Life of John Constable. 1841. (2 copies.) Composed chiefly of his letters. 2d ed. The same. (Ballantyne's Novelist's Small 4. London, 1845. Library, v. 4.) LESLIE, (Eliza.) Directions for Cooking in Aventuras de Gil Bias de Santillana. its various branches. 38th ed. 12~. PhilaNueva edicion corregida. 4 v. in 2. 180. delphia, 1851. Paris, 1824. Lady's New Receipt-Book; directions Historia de Gil Bias de Santillana. for cooking, preserving, pickling, &c. 3d Traducida al Castellano por el Padre Isla, ed. 12~. Philadelphia, 1650. corregida, anotada por E. Pena y Marin. More Receipts, &c. 7th ed. 12~. 80. Paris, 1850. (Coleccion de Autores Philadelphia, 1852. Espanoles, v. 31.) New Receipts for Cooking. 120. PhilaGil Bias di Santillano, storia galante delphia, 1854. tratta dall' idioma Francese nell' Italiano, Pencil Sketches; including "Mrs. delDottorD. GiulioMonti. 6v. 120. Roma, Washington Potts," and "Mr. Smith;" with 1788. other stories. 2 v. 12~. Philadelphia, 1852. Historia de Gil Braz de Santilhana. (V. 2 wanting.) Traducida em Portuguez. E nesta 3a edicao LESLIE, (John.) Elements of Geometry and correcto pelo F. Fernandez. 4 v. 18~. Plane Trigonometry. 3d ed. 8~. Edinburgh, London, 1808. 1817. - istory of Vanillo Gonzales, the Merry - Elements of Natural Philosophy. 8~. Bachelor. 8~. Ballantyne's Novelists' Li- Edinburgh, 1829. brary, v. 4.) Experimental Inquiry into the Nature Vie de Guzman d'Alfarache. 3 v. 16~. and Propagationof Heat. 8~. London, 1804. Paris, 1696. - Geometrical Analysis, and Geometry of ~- - Life and Adventures of Guzman d'Al- Curve Lines. 8~. Edinburgh, 1821. farache, or the Spanish rogue. From the Philosophy of Arithmetic. 2d ed. 8~. French, by J. H. Brady. 2d ed. 3v. 12~. Edinburgh, 1820. London, 1823. Progress of Mathematical and PhysiLE SAGE, (A.) Pseudonyme. See LAS CASES, cal Science, chiefly during the eighteenth (M. J. E. D. de.) century. 8~. Edinburgh, 1835. (WithDiSLESCALLIER, (Daniel.) Vocabulaire des SERTATIONS, etc.) Termes de Marine, Anglais et Francais. Rudiments of Plane Geometry, includAve planches. 4 v. in 3. 4~. Paris, 1797. ing geometrical analysis, and plain trigoLESCARBOT, (Marc.) Histoire de la Nouvelle nometry. 8~. Edinburgh, 1828. France. 3e 6d., enrichie de plusieurs choses Short Account of Experiments and Insingulidres. 16~. Paris, 1618. struments, depending on the relations of Air, LE SENNE, (N. M.) Livre des Nations, ou Heat, and Moisture. 6~. Edinburgh, 1813. trait6 philosophique, theorique et pratique Treatises on various subjects of Natural des droits d'Anteur et d'lnventeur, en ma- and Chemical Philosophy. With memoir. tiere de litterature, de sciences, d'arts et 24~. Edinburgh, 1838. d'industrie. 80. Paris, 1846. LESI.E, (Madeline: Pseud. Mrs. K. N. W. LESLEY, (J. P.) Manual of Coal and its To- Baker.) First and Second Marriages; or, pography. 12~. Philadelphia, 1856. the courtesies of wedded life. 12~. Boston, LESLIE, (Rev. Charles.) Short Method with 1856. the Deists. 8~. Cambridge, (Eng.,) 1605. LESPARAT, (J. F.) R6flexions sur la Neces(Theol. Pam., v. 7.) sit6 d'assurer l'Amortissement des Dettes de LESLIE, (Lieut. Col. Charles.) Treatise on lEtat. 4~. Londres, 1787. (Pol. Pam., the Employment of Light Troops on Actual v. 87.) Service. 12~. London, 1843. L'ESPINASSE, (Julie Jeanne d16onore de.) LESLIE, (Charles Robert.) Autobiographical Lettres ecrites depuis 1773 jusqu'A 1776; Recollections. With essay on Leslie as an snivies de deux chapitres dans le genre lu artist, and selections from his correspondence. Voyage Sentimental de Sterne, par le meme 2 v. 8~. London, 1860. auteur. 2 v. 8~. Paris, 1809. 672 LESSEPS. L'ESTOILE. LESSEPS, (Ferdinand de.) New Facts and ou imparfaitement connus. 4~. Paris, Figures relative to the Isthmus of Suez 1830. Canal; with a reply to the Edinburgh Re- -FloreRochefortine. 80. Rochfort, 1835. view, by Barthelemy St. Hilaire. 8~. Lon- HistoireNaturelledes Oiseaux-Mouches, don, 1856. des Colibris, et les Trochiliddes. Texte et LEssING, (Gotthold Ephraim.) Sinmmtliche Planches. 4 v. 80. Paris, 1829-32. Schriften. 13 v. 80. Berlin, 1838-40. Histoire Naturelle des Oiseaux de PaCONTENTS. radis et des lipimaques. 80. Paris, 1833. Alt-Deutscher Witz und Verstand, v. 11. Histoire Naturelle Generale et ParticuAlte Jungf-r, die; Lustspiel, v. 2. liere des Mammiferes et des Oiseaux decouAlter der Oelmalerei, v. 9. Anti-Goetze, v. 10. verts depuis 1788 jusqu'a nos jours. 10 v. Antiequaeische Biefe, v. 8. in 5. 8. Paris, 1828-37. (Buffon, (avres, Ann-erkungaen iiber das Epigramm, v. 8. A xiomata, v. 10. Suppl6ment, v. 1-10.) Berengarius Turouensis, v. 8. Illurations de 0 Pris, Berlilischer Piivilegirten Zeitung,vom Jahre 17l1-5, - Ilstratlons de Zoologic.. ai Auswahl, v. 3-5. 1832. Beytadge zur Historie und Aufnahme des Theaters, v. 3. Manuel d'Ornithologie. 2 v. 180. Bibliolatrie, v. 11. Paris, 1 828. Briefe, v. 3, 12. Briefe an Lessing, v. 13. Nouveau Tableau du Rgone Animal.Briefe, die nieuesre Litteratur betreffend, v. 6.. Damon, oder aie wahre Freundschaft, v. 2. Mammiferes. 80. Pais, 1842. Duplik, Eine, v. 10. Species des Mammiferes Bimanes et Emilia Galotti; Tranerspiel, v. 2. Epigrammata r, v. 1. Quadrumanes. Suivi d'un Memoire sur les Ernst und Falk, v. 10. Ernst tried Falk, v. 10. Oryct6ropes. 8~. Paris, 1840. Erziehnng des IMenschengeschlechts, v. 10. tepes.. i. Fabelu, v. 1. LESSONS to a Young Prince, by an Old StatesFabln btu. bhadlug Wesn der abe.5. man, on the present disposition in Europe Freygeist, Der; Lustspiel, v. 1. to a general revolution. 6th edition. 80. Friedlichs von Logan Sinngedichte, v. 5. Gedichte von Andreas Scultetus, v. 8. London, 1791. (Misc. Pam., v. 1.) Gefanghnen des Plautus, v. 3. LESTER, (Charles Edwards.) Artists of AmerGeschichte und Litteratur, v. 9-10. la.lnburgisehe Dramaturgie, v. 7. ica; a series of biographical sketches. 80. Juden, Die; Lustspiel, v. 1. N k, 184 Junge Gelehrte, Lustspiel, v. 1. New-York, 1846. Laokoon: oder fiber die Grenzen der Malerei und Condition and Fate of England. 2d P esie, v. 6 Leben und Werken des M. A. Plautus, v. 3. ed. 2 v. in 1. 120. New-York, 1845. Lieder, v. 1. Glory and Shame of England. 2 v. in Litterarischer Nachlass, v. 11., Minna von Barnheln, Lustspiel, v. 1. 1. 120. New-York, 1850. MiIisogyn, Der; Lustspiel, v. 1.0 Miss Sara Sampson, Trauerspiel, v. 2. Light and Dark of the Rebellion. 12~. Nathan der Wfise, dramatisches Gedicht, v. 2. Philadelphia, 1863. Neueste (,as) aus dem Reiche des Witzes, v. 3. Oden, v. 1. My Consulship. 2 v. 12~. NewPhilotas, Trauerspiel, v.. Yor.k 183. Schatz, Der; Lustspiel, v. 1. Sinngediclhte, v. 1. Napoleon Dynasty; or, history of the Sophokles, v. 6. lheatraliseher Bibliothek, v. 4. Bonaparte family. 160. London, 1852. Theatraliseher Naehiass, v. 2. Theatralischer Nachlass, v. 2. ~ The same. By the Berkeley Men. Theater des Herrn Diderot, v. 6. Vermischte S-hriften, v. 8. 80. New-York, 1852. Wie die Alten den Tod Gebildet, v. 8. Sam Houston and his Republic. 80. Cambridge Free Thoughts, and Letters New-York, 1846. on Bibliolatry. Translated by H. H. Ber- LESTER, (W. W.) Decisions of the Interior nard. 80. London, 1862. Department in Public Land Cases, and Fables and Epigrams; with essays on Land Laws passed by the Congress of the fable and epigram. 120. London, 1825. United States. Together with the RegulaLaocoon; an essay on the limits of lations of the General Land Office. 8~. painting and poetry. Translated from the Philadelphia, 18i0. (4 copies.) German, by E. C. Beasley. 160. London, L'ESTOIL, (Pierre do.) Registre-Journal de 1853. Henri IIt, de Henri IV, et de Louis XIII. Nathan the Wise; a dramatic poem. 80. Paris, 1837. (Michaud, Cell. Mem. Translated by Adolphus Reich. 80. Lon- Hist. France, v. 13.) don, 1860. The same. 5 v. 80. Paris, 1825-26. LESSON, (Ren6 Primevere.) Centurie Zoolo- (Petitot, Coil. M6m. Hist. France, ser. I, v. gique: ou, choix d'animaux rares, nouveaux 45-49. ) 673 LESTRANGE. LETTICE. LESTRANGE. (Hamon.) The Reign of King LETTER to Philo Africanus, upon Slavery. Charles (I); an history, faithfilly and im- 8~. London, 1788. (Slavery Pam., v. 3.) partially delivered and disposed into annals. The same. (Slavery Pam., v. 11.) Folio. London, 1655. LETTER to the Prince of Wales on a Second LESUR, (C. L.) Annaire Historique Univer- Application to Parliament to discharge Debts sel, 1818-52. 35 v. 80. Paris, 1852-54. wantonly contracted since May, 1787. 6th LETI, (Gregorio.) Teatro Brittanico, b vero ed. 8~. London, 1795. (Pol. Pan.,v.49.) Historia della Grande Brettagna, ciod, dello LETTER to the Secretary of a Certain Board; stato antico e presente, spirituale e tempo- a supplement to the Original Papers relating rale, fino A questi tempi. 5 v. in 2. 12~. to the Expedition to Carthagena, Cuba, and Amsterdamo, 1684. Panama. 8~. London, 1744. (Misc. Pam., Vie de Madame Olimpe Maldachini, que v. 6.) a gouverne l':glise durant le Pontificat d'In- LETTERS. An useful and entertaining collecnocent X. c'est A dire, depuis 1644, jusques a tion of original letters upon various subjects. 1655. Escriteparl'Abb Gualdi,[ettraduite 12~. London, 1745. par Jourdan.] 18~. Cosmopoli, 1666. LETTERS between Florizel and Perdita. 80. Vita di Sisto V. 3 v. 160. Am- (n. d.) (Misc. Pam., v. 3.) sterdam, 1721. LETTERS from Head-Quarters; or, the realiLETTER from Cataline to Surviving Members ties of the war in the Crimea. By an Officer of the Constitutional and other Societies of on the Staff. 2 v. 120. London, 1856. 1794. By a Barrister. 80. London, 1810. LETTERS from an Irish Student in England to (Pol. Pam., v. 59.) his Father in Ireland. 2d ed. 2 v. 120. LETTER from a Freeman of South Carolina to London, 1812. the Deputies of North America, assembled LETTERS of a Man of the Times to the Citiin High Court of Congress, at Philadelphia. zens of Baltimore. 80. Baltimore, 1836. 80. Charleston, (S. C.,) 1774. (Colonial (Misc. Pam., v. 34.) Pamphlets, v. 12.) LETTERS of "Senex" and a "Farmer," on the LETTER from a Tradesman, recently arrived conduct of the Executive towards France from America, to his Brethren in Trade. and Great Britain. 80. Baltimore, 1809. 80. London, 1835. (Pol. Pam., v. 112.) LETTER of many Ministers in Old England, LETTERS of Shahcooleen, a Hindoo Philosorequesting the judgment of their reverend pher, residing in Philadelphia, to his friend, brethren in New England concerning nine El Hassan, an inhabitant of Delhi. 120. positions. Written A. D. 1637; with their Boston, 1802. answer, 1639, and reply unto the said an- LETTERS on Men, Measures, and Politics, be swer, 1640. Small 40. London, 1643. ginning with Junius Redivivus. 80. LonLETTER to Citizens of South Carolina on the don, 1794. (Pol. Pam., v. 120.) approaching Presidential Election. 80. LETTERS on the Present State of England and Charleston, 1808. (Pol. Pam., v. 101.) America. By the author of "The Political LETTER to the Freeholders, and qualified Crisis." 80. London, 1794. (Pol. Pam., voters, relating to the ensuing Election. v. 122.) Small 40. Boston, 1749. LETTERS on the State of Exchanges and Price LETTER to a Friend, in which is shown the of Gold Bullion, by an old merchant, 80. inviolable nature of Public Securities. 1717. London, 1819. (Pol. Pam., v. 61.) Reprinted. 80. London, 1857. (Financial LETTERS to the People. By a Farmer. 120. Pam., v. 21.) Salem, (Mass.,) 1802. (Pol. Pam., v. 105.) LETTER to a Friend; giving a concise but LETTERS to Charles Purton Cooper on the just account of the Ohio Defeat. 80. Bos- appointment of a permanent Judge in the ton, 1755. Court of Chancery in the place of the Lord LETTER to a Friend in the Country, upon the Chancellor. By Causidicus. 80. London, News of the Town. 80. London, 1749. 1835. (Pol. Pam., v. 79.) LETTER to the Earl of Shelburne. on the LETTERS to Robert Peel, on the Pernicious Peace. 3d ed. 80. London, 1783. Effects of aVariableStandardof Value. 80. LETTER to a Noble Peer relating to the Bill in Oxford, 1819, favour of the Sugar Planters. 80, London, LLEl'llCE, (Jtames.) Letters on a Tourthrough 1733. (Col, Pam., v. 20.). Scotland, in 1792. 80. London, 1794. 85 674 LETTRE. LEVERING. LETTRE d'un Anglois a Paris. 8~. Londres. Unitec States. Translated by John D. God(Paris, 1787.) (Pol. Pam., v. 21.) man. 2 v. 1'20. Philadelphia, 1829. LETTRE d'un Ecclesiastique de Londres, con- LEVASSEUR, (E.) Recherches Hlistoriques sur tenant les raisons pour lesquelles la plupart le Systeme de John Law. 8~. Paris, 1854. des MAinistres de Londres out refusd de lirela LEVEN and MELVILLE PAPERS. Letters and derniere declaration du Roi, touchant la State Papers chiefly addressed to George, Tolerance des Papistes. 120. Londres, 1688. Earl of Melville, Secretary of State for ScotLETTRE de M. B., au M. le Comte Mirabeau land, 1689-91. 40. Edinburgh, 1843. sur le Papier-Monnoie. 80. Paris. (Pol. LUVEQqUE, (Pierre.) Tables Ge1ierales de la Pam., v. 17.) Hauteur et de la Longitude du Nonag6simne, LETTRES 1idifiantes et Curieuses, 6crites des calculees pour toutes les latitudes terrestres. Missions 6trangeres. 26 v. 160. Paris, 2 v. 12~. Avignon, 1776. 1780-88. LEVER, (Charles.) Arthur O'Leary, his wanCONTENTS. derings and ponderings in many lands. V. 1-5. Memoires du Levant. Illustrated by Cruikshank. 8~. London, V. 6-9. Me6moires d'Amerique. 1845 V. 10-16. MeWmoires des Indes. V. 17-24. M6moires de la Chine, etc. Charles O'Malley, the Irish dragoon. V. 25-26. Mdmoires des Indes et de la Chine. With illustations by "Phiz. 2 v. 8. DubLETTRES PHILOSOPTIQUES sur St. Paul, sur lin, 1841. sa doctrine, politique, morale, et religieuse, Confessions of Con Cregan, the Irish et sur plusieurs points doe la religion Chre- Gil Bias; with illustrations. 2v. 12~. Lontienne, considdrds politiquement. (Attri- on, 1849. budes A Brissot de Warville.) 80. Neu- The same. New York, 1850. chatel, 1783. (Bound with Mercier, Traite Confessionsof Harry Loerreqer. W'ith des Trois Impostenrs.) illustrations by "Phiz." 80. Dublin, 1839. LETTS, (J. M.) California Illustrated; and a The Daltons; or, three roads in life. description of the Panama and Nicaragua With illustrations by "Phiz." 2 v. 80. Lonroutes. 80. New York, 1852. don, 852. LETTSOM, (John Coakley.) Appeal addressed - Davenport Dunn; a man of our day. to the calm refiection of the authors of the With illustrations by "Phiz." 80. LonCritical Review. With Letters to authors of don, 1859. the Monthly Review and British Critic. 80. Diary and Notes of Horace Templeton, London, 1843. (Cow-Pox Tracts, v. 2.) Esq., late Secretary of Legation at Memoirs of John Fothergill, M. D. 4th 2 v. 12. Loon, 1848. ed. 80. London, 1786. Dodd Family Abroad. With illustra-- Natural History of the Tea Tree; with tions by "Phiz." 80. London, 1854. observations on the effects of tea-drinking. - Jack Hinton, the guardsman. With 40. London, 1799. illustrations by 1-. K. Browne. 80. DubLEUCIIARS, (Robert B.) Practical Treatise on n, 1844. the Construction, Heating, and Ventilation Knight of Gwynne; a tale of the time of Hot-Houses. 120. Boston, 1851. of theunion. Withillustrations by"Phiz." LEUKIA, (A. G.) Refutatio illorum qui puta- 80 London, 1847. verunt, scripserunt et typis divulgaverunt, Martins of Cro' Martin. With illusquod nemo eorum qui nune Greeciam inco- trations by "Phiz." 80. London, 1856. lant, a Veteribus Grecis oriundus est. 120. The O'Donoghue; a tale of Ireland fifty Athenis, 1843. years ago. With illustrations by "Phiz." LEUNCLAVIUS, (J.) Juris Grseco-Romani, tamn o8 Dublin, 1845. canonici quam civilis, tomi IT. (Gr. et Lat.) - One of Them. 80. New York, 1861. editi cura Marqnardi Freheri. Folio. Fran- Sint Patrick's Eve. 160. Londol, cofurti, 1596. 1845. LE VAILLANT, (Francois.) Travels from the Tom Burke of " Ours." With illusCape of Good. Hope, into the interior parts trations by H. K. Browne. 2 v. 80. Dubof Africa; translated by Elizabeth Helme. lin, 1844. 2 v. 80. London, 1790. LEVERUNG-, (R. E. H.) Weatherometor; colLEVASSEURI, (A.) Lafayette in America in- lection of practical observations on the wea1824-25; or, journal of a voyage to the ther, 120. Cincinnati) 1857. 675 LEVERSON. LEWIN. LEVERSON, (Montague R.) Copyright and Bench, 1660 to 1696. 3 parts in 2 v. Folio. Patents; or, property in thought. 120. Lon- London, 1702. don, 1854. The saume. Translated into English by LE VERT, (Octavia Walton.) Souvenirs of Serjeant Salkeld. 3d ed. 3v. 8~. Dublin, Travel. 2 v. 12~. New-York, 1857. 1793-97. (3 copies.) LEVESQUE, (J. A.) Faillite et Banqueroute; LEVIZAc, ( DictionnaireUniverresum6 de legislation, de doctrine et de juris- sel des Synonymes de la Langue Fran9oise. prudence surcette matiere. 80. Paris, 1847. 120. Londres, 1807. LEVESQUE, (J. Ph.) Apercu G6ndral et his- ~ Dictionary of the French and English torique des principales sectes Ma9onniques. Languages; in two parts: French and Eng8~. Paris, 1821. lish-English and French. Revised and LfVESQUE, (Pierre-Charles.) Histoire Critique amended by N. Lambert. 14th ed. 12~. de la Rdpublique Romaine. 3 v. 80. London, 1848. Paris, 1807. Theoretical and Practical Grammar of La France sous les Cinq Premiers the French Tongue. New edition, revised, Valois, jusqu'a la mort de Charles VII. 4v. and improved, by Mr. Rollin 160. London, 160. Paris, 1788. 1852. LEVESQUE DE BURIGNY, (Jean.) Theologie LLvv, (Armand.) Description d'une CollecPayenne, ou sentimens des philosophes et tion de Mineraux formde par M. Henri des peuples Payens les plus celebres, sur Heuland, et apartenant A M. C. H. Turner, )ieu, sur l'Fame, et sur les devoirs del'holmme. en Angleterre. 3 v. 80. Planches. 40. 2 v. 12~. Paris, 1754. Londres, 1838. Life of Hugo Grotius. 80. London, LEVY, (A.) Differential and Integral Calculus. 1754. 40. London, 1845. (Ency. Metropolitana, LtVESQUE DE LA RAVALlERE, (Pierre A.) v. 1-2.) Revolutions de la Langue Frangaise, depuis LEWALD, (Fanny.) Italians at Home. TransCharlemagne jussqc' St. Louis. (Leber, Coil. latedfrom the German. 2v. 120. London, Hist. France, v. 14.) 1848. LEVETT, (Christopher.) Voyage into New LEWES, (Charles Lee.) Memoirs; containing England, 1623-24. (Mass. Hist. Coll., 3d anecdotes of the English and Scottish Stages. series, v. 8.) 4 v. 180. London, 1805. ~- The same. 80. Portland, 1847. (Maine LEWES, (George Henry.) Biographical HisHist. Coil., v. 2.) tory of Philosophy, from its origin in Greece LEVI, (David.) Letters to Dr. Priestley, in to the present day. 80. London, 1857. answer to those he addressed to the Jews. - Life and Works of Goethe. 2 v. 80. 80. London, 1787. (Theol. Pam., v. 2.) London, 1855. Lingua Sacra. 5 v. 80. London, 1803. - Life of Maximilien Robespierre; with LEvi, (Leone.) Commercial Law, its principles Correspondence. 120. London, 1849. and administration; or, the mercantile law P Ihysiology of Common Life. 2 v. 120. of Great Britain compared with the codes New York, 1880. and laws of commerce of other mercantile - Spanish Drama. Lope de Vega and countries. 2 v. 40. London, 1850-51. (2 Calderon. 180. London, 1846. copies of v. 1.) - - Sea-side Studies, atIlfracombe, Tenby, ----— The same. V. 2, part 1. 40. London, The Scilly Isles, and Jersey. 80. London, 1851. 1858. - Law of Nature and Nations as affected ~ Studies in Animal Life. 120. London, by Divine Law. 80. London, 1855. 1862. - Manual of the Mercantile Law of Great LEWIN, (Gregory A.) Reports of Cases on the Britain and Ireland. 80. London, 1854. Crown Side of the Northern Circuit, 1822 to - On Taxation; how it is raised and how 1838. 2 v. 120. London, 1834-39. it is expended. 80. London, 1860. LEWIN, (John William.) Natural History of LEviNz, (Creswell.) Collection of Select and the Birds of New South Wales. 2d ed. 40. Modern Entries; referring to the cases in London, 1838. Sir Creswell Levinz's Reports. Folio. Lon- LEWIN, (Malcolm.) Causes of the Indian Redon, 1702. volt, by a Hindoo of Bengal. 80. London, R eports of Cases in the Court of Kiag's 1857. (East India Pam., v. 4.) 676 LEWIN. LEWIS. LEWIN, (Malcolm.) Government of the East LEWIS, (Sir George Cornewall.) Foreign JurisIndia Company, and its Monopolies; or, the diction, and the Extradition of Criminals. 8~. Young India Party, and Free Trade. 80. London, 1859. (2 copies.) London, 1857. (East India Pam., v. 4.) - Historical Survey of the Astronomy of Is the Practice of Torture in Madras, the Ancients. 8~. London, 1862. with the Sanction of the Authorities of Lead- ~ Inquiry into the Credibility of the Early enhall Street? 8~. Westminster, 1856. Roman History. 2 v. 8~. London, 1855. (East India Pam., v. 4.) - Local Disturbances in Ireland; and on LEWIN, (Thomas.) Essay on the Chronology the Irish Church Question. 8~. London, of the New Testament. 80. Oxford, 1854. 1836. Invasion of Britain by Julius Cesar. - Remarks on the use and abuse of Polit80. London, 1859. ical Terms. 8C. London, 1832. ~- Life and Epistles of St. Paul. 2 v. - Treatise on the Methods of Observation 120. London, 1852. and Reasoning in Politics. 2 v. 8~. LonPractical Treatise on the Law of Trusts don, 1852. and Trustees. 80. London, 1837. LEWIS, (Griffith George.) On the Defence of The same. 4th ed. 80. London, London, on Fortification and the Defensive 1861. Resources of England. 80. London, 1857. LEWIS, (Alonzo.) History of Lynn, including (Pol. Pam., v. 89.) Nahant. 2d ed. 8~. Boston, 1844. LEWIS, (Isabella.) Terrific Tales. 120. LonLEWIS, (Dio.) New Gymnastics for Men, don, 1804. Women and Children; with translation of LEWIS, (James Henry.) Historical Account Prof. Kloss's Dumb-bell Instructor, and of the Rise and Progress of Stenography. Prof' Schreber's Pangymnastikon. 4th ed. 120. London, 1816. 120. Boston, 1863. LEWIS, (Rev. John.) History of the Life and Weak Lungs; and how to make them Sufferings of the Reverend and learned John strong. 120. Boston, 1863. Wickliffe. 120. London, 1720. LEWIS, (Elisha J.) American Sportsman;- Life of the learned and Right Reverend containing hints to sportsmen, notes on Reynold Pecock, &c.; a sequel to the life shooting, and the habits of the game birds, of Wickliffe. 80. Oxford, 1820. and wild fowl of America. 80. Philadel- LEWIS, (John, of Virginia.) Tables of Comphia, 1857. parative Etymology and Analogous FormaLEWIS, (Ellis.) Abridgment of the Criminal tions in the Greek, Latin, Spanish, Italian, Law of the United States; containing the French, English, and German Languages; important penal acts of Congress of the or, the student's manual of languages: the United States and of the legislatures of the Greek by G. Long, the German by G. Blaetprincipal States. 80. Philadelphia, 1848. termann. 40. Philadelphia, 1828. LEWIS, (Enoch.) Memoirs of the Life of LEWIS, (John F.) Illustrations of ConstantiWilliam Penn. 80. Philadelphia, 1841. nople, made during a residence in 1835-36. (Friends' Library, v. 5.) Folio. London, 1837. - Treatise on Algebra. 4th ed. 120. Sketches and Drawings of the AlhanPhiladelphia, 1852. bra, made during a residence in Granada, in LEWIS, (George.) Series of Groups illustrating 1833-34. Folio. London, 1835. the Physiognomy, Manners, and Character LEWIS, (Meriwether,) and CLARKE, (William.) of the People of France and Germany. 40. Travels to the Source of the Missouri River, London, 1823. and across the American Continent, to the LEWIS, (Sir George Cornewall.) Dialogue on Pacific Ocean. Performed by order of the the Best Form of Government. 120. Lon- Government of the U. S., in 1804-6. From don, 1863. the official report. 3 v. 80. London, 1815. Essay on the Influence of Authority in - See ALLEN, (Paul.) Matters of Opinion. 80. London, 1849. LEWIS, (Matthew Gregory.) Bravo of Venice. — Essayon the Origin and Formation of the 160. London, 1834. (Bentley's Stand. Romance Languages; containing an exami- Novels, v. 41.) nation of Raynouard's theory on the relation Journal of a West India Proprietor, of the Italian, Spanish, Provenqal, and French kept during a residence in the island of Jato the Latin. 80. Oxford, 1835. maica. 80. London, 1834. 677 LEWIS. LIBRARY. LEWIS, (Matthew Gregory.) The Monk; a LEYDEN, (John.) PoeticalRemains. With his romance. 3 v. 160. Waterford, 1796. life, by James Morton. 80. London, 1819. ~-.- Romantic Tales; containing, My Un- LEYDEN, University of. Catalogus librorum cle's Garret Window; The Anaconda; and tAm impressorum quAm manuscriptorum BiAmorassan. 160. London, 1848. bliothecte publicre Universitatis LugdunoLife and Correspondence of M. G. Batavee. Supplementum abanno 1716usque Lewis. 2 v. 80. London, 1839. ad 1741. 2 v. in 1. Folio. Lugduni in LEWIS, (Lady Theresa.) Lives of the Friends Batavis, 1716-41. and Cotemporaries of Lord Chancellor Claren- LEYES de las Indias. See SPAIN, Recopiladon; illustrative of portraits in his gallery, cion de. 3 v. 80. London, 1852. L'HosPITAL, (GuillaumeFran9oisAntoinede.) The Semi-Attached Couple. 2d ed. Traite Analytique des Sections Coniques. 12~. Boston, 1861. 40. Paris, 1720. LEWIS, (T.) Origines Hebrese; or, the an- ConickSections. TranslatedbyE. Stone. tiquities of the Hebrew republic; the origin, Small 40. London, 1723. government, manners, laws, etc., of the L'HOTE, (J. B.) Book of Revelation ExHebrews; compiled from the most distin- plained by History; a commentary. 120. guished sources. 4 v. 80. London, Philadelphia, 1854. 1724. LIARDET, (Francis.) Friendly Hints to the LEWIS, (Tayler.) Essay on the ground and Young Naval Lieutenant. 180. London, reason of punishment, with reference to the 1858. Penalty of Death. 120. New-York, 1846. LIBER ALBUS: the White Book of the City of (With CIEEVER's Defence ofCapital Punish- London. Compiled A. D. 1419. Translated ment.) from the Latin and Anglo-Norman, by H. T. LEWIS, (William, F. R. S.) Experiments and Riley. Small 40. London, 1861. Observations on American Potashes. 80. LIBER PLACITANDI: a Book of Special PleadLondon, 1767. ings; containing precedents. Folio. LonLEWIS, (William.) Chess for Beginners. don, 1674. Square 180. London, 1835. LIBERTY Bell, The. Selections; written by Elements of the Game of Chess, or, friends of freedom. 120. Boston, 1848. New method of instruction founded on scien- LIBRARIES. Case stated between Public Litific principles. 160. London, 1822. braries and Booksellers. 8~. London, 1813. Oriental Chess; or, specimens of Hin- (Pamphleteer, v. 2.) dostanee excellence in that celebrated game. LIBRARY of Entertaining Knowledge. 43 v. 2 v. 240. London, 1817. 160. London, 1829-49. Treatise on the Game of Chess; an in- CONTENTS. troduction to the game, and analysis of Architecture of Birds, v. 1. Backwoods of Canada, v. 2. openings. 80. London, 1844. Biographies of Eminent Men, v. 3-6. LEWIS, (William G. W.) Biography of Samuel culti, G;. 7-.urit of Kowled under Dif Lewis. 120. Cincinnati, 1857. Davis, Sir J. F. The Chinese, v. 9-10. Ellis, Sir H. Elgin and Phigaleian Marbles, v. 11-12. LEY, (Hugh.) Essay on the Laryngismus - Townley Gallery of Sculpture, v. 13-14. Stridulus; or, croup-like inspiration of in- Hindoos: including a general description of India, v.:35-36. fants. 80. London, 1836. Jardine, David. Criminal Trials, v. 20-21. LEY, (James.) Reports of divers Resolutions Lane, E. W. Manners and Customs of the Modern LEY, (James.) Reports of divers Resolutions Egyptians, v. 22-23. in Law arising upon Cases in the Court Lankester, B Vegetable Substances, used for the Food of Man, v. 24. of Wards, and other Courts at Westminster, Long, Egyptian Antiquities in the British 1608 to 1629. Folio. London, 1659. Museum, v.25-26. Malkin, J. H. Historical Parallels, v. 27-28. LEY DE ADUANAS, Aranceles 6 Instruccion, Menageries: Quadrupeds, v. 37-40. New Zealanders, v. 41. que regan en la Peninsula 6 islas adyacentes, Paris, and its Historical Scenes, v. 29-30. desde 1~ de Noviembre de 1841. Folio. Planch, J. R. British Costume, v. 31. Pompeii: its past and present state, v. 32-33. Madrid, 1841. Rennie, J. Faculties of Birds, v. 15. LETYCESTER. See LEICESTER. Habits of Birds, v. 16. L — Insect Architecture, v. 17. LEYDEN, (John.) Historical Account of Dis- - Insect Miscellanies, v. 18. coveries and Travels in Africa. Enlarged ec et ocities of the Middle Age, v. 34. by Hugh Murray. 2 v. 8'. Edinburgh, Timber Trees and Fruits, 42. Vegetable Substances: materials for manufactures, 1817. v. 43. LIBRARY. 7 LIEBER. LIBRARY of Fathers of the Holy Catholic Lilly, (John.) Dramatic Works. 2 v1~. 160.o LonChurch anterior to the division of the east Marsdon, J.' Dramatic Works. 3 v. 1 Louand west. Translated by members of the don, 1856. CONTENTS. eldel, Johrte dArthure. 3 vTalk. 16~. London, 185860. English church. (Edited by E.. outPusey, Overbury. Sir T. Works. 16~. London, 1856. John Kebl, and C Marriott.) 38 v. 8 Webster, J Vision and Cr Works. v. 16~. Select Treatises in controversy with the Arians, London, 1857. Oxford 1839-54 Quarles, F. Echiridio. Hymns and Songs don, 1856. Oxford, Sackville, Thomas. Works. 160. London, 1859. CONTENTS. Selden, John. Table Talk. 160. London, 1860. Athanasius, St. Festal Epistles, V.. SouthwellR. Poetical Works. 160. London, 1856. Historical Tracts v. 2. Webster, John. Dramatic Works. 4 v. 160. Select Treatises in controversy with the Arians, London, 1857. ~v 34_ Wither, Geo. Hymns and Songs of the Church. Augustine, St. Confessions, v. 5. 16~. London, 1856. Seventeen Short Treatises, v. 6. LIBRI-CERUCCI, (Guglielmo B. I. T.) CataSermons on Selected Lessons of the New Test- ament, v. 7-8. logue of his extraordinary Collection of Homilies on the Gospel of St. John, v. 9-10 splendid Manuscripts. 80. London, 1859. Expositions on the Book of Psalms, v. 11-15. Chrysostom, St. John. Homilies on the Gospel of Catalogue of the mathematical, historiSt. aIatthew, v. 16-18. Homilies on the Gospel of St. John, v. 19-20. cal, bibliographical, and miscellaneous porHomilies on the Acts of the Apostles, v. 21-22. tion of his Library, sold in London, in 1861. Homilies on the Epistle of St. Paul to the Ro- t i 8 - mans, v. 23. (With prices.) 2 parts in 1 v. 8~. LonHomilies on the First Epistle of St. Paul to the don. 1861. Corinthians, v. 24-25. Homilies on the Second Epistle of St. Paul to Histoire des Math6matiques en Italie, the Corinthians, v. 26. Commentay on the epistle to the Galatians, depuis la renaissance des lettres jusqu'h la and Homilies on the Epistle to the Ephesians, fin du 17e siecle. 4 v. 80. Paris, 1838-41. v. 27. Homilies on the Epistles of St. Paul to the LIBRI de Re Rustica. Cato; Varro; ColuPhillippians, Collossians and Thesalonians, mellaet Palladius. 2 v. 160. Parisiis, 1543. v. 28. Homilies on the Epistle of St. Paul to Timothy, LIBROS de Caballerias. 80. Madrid, 1857. Titus, and Philemon, v. 29. Homilies the States or, to the People of (Biblioteca de Autores Espanoles, v. 34.) Antioch, v. 30. LICHTENAU, (Wilhelmine Enke-Rietz, CounCyprian, St. Epistles with the Council of Carthage L on the Baptism of Heretics, v. 31. tess de.) Confessions. 80. London, 1799. Thirteen short Treatises, v. 32. LICH-ITENBERGER, (J. F.) Historie de l'InvenCyril, St. Catechetical Lectures, v. 33., Gregory, St., The Great. Morals on the Book of tioni de l'Imprimerie, pour ]servir de defense Job, v. 34-37. Pacian, St. Epistle to Sympronian, Exhortation Ville de Strasbourg contre les pretentious to Repentence, on Baptism, v. 31. de Harlem. 80. Strasbourg, 1825. Tertullian, St. Apologetic and Practical Treatlses, v. 1. V. 38 LICHTENTHAL, (Pietro.) Dizionario e BiblioLIBRARY of Foreign Romance; translations grafia dellaMusica. 4v. 80. Milano, 1826. from the most celebrated authors. Edited by LIDDELL, (George,) and SCOTT, (Robert.) J. C. James. 9 v. 120. London, 1846-47. Greek-English Lexicon, based on the GerCONTENTS. man work of Passow; with additions by Dumas, A. Isabel of Bavaria. Translated by Win. H. Drisler. 80. New-York, 1854. Barrow, v. 6. LIEBER, (Francis.) Address on Secession. The Three Musketeers. Translated by Wm. Barrow, v. 1. 80. New York, 1861. ~ Twenty Years After; sequel to "The Three Character of the Gentleman. 120 Musketeers." Translated by Win. Barrow, v. 3-4. Hauff, W. Lichtenstein; or, the Swabian league. Columbia, (S. C.,) 1847. Translated by F. Woodley and W. Lander, v. 2. On Civil Liberty and Self-Government. Ingemaun, B. S. Childhood of King Erik Aenved.rnment. From the Danish, by J. Kesson, v. 7. 2 v. 120. Philadelphia, 1853. Lavergne, A. de. The Secret of the Confessional; The Last Lord of the Manor, and The Count of - Essays on Property and Labour. 180. Mansfeldt. From the French, by M. Hack, v. 9. New York, 1842 (Harper's Fam. Library, Palzow, Mde. Godway Castle; or, the fortunes of... a kings daughter. Translated by F.K.Barnard, v. 146.) Van Lennep, J. The Rose of Dekama. From the L and Polcal Hermeneutics; or Dutch, by F. Woodley, v. 8. principles of interpretation and construction LIBRARY of Old Authors. (John Russell in law and politics; with remarks on preceSmith, London. v. d.) dents and authorities. 120. Boston, 1839. CONTENTS. (2 copies.) Aubrey, J. Miscellanies. 160. London, 1857. Letters to a Gentleman in Germany, Crashaw, R. Complete Works.. 160. London, 1858. Drumimond, W. Poetical Works. 160. London, written after a trip from Philadelphia to Hoer. Odyssey, y G. Chapman. 2 v. 160. Niagara. 80. Philadelphia, 1834. London, 1857. Manual of Political Ethics. 2 v. 80. ~ Batrac.homyomachia, Hymris, Hesiod, etc., by G. Clhapman. 16c. London, 1858. -, Boston, 1838-39. 679 LIEBER. LIGUORI. LIEBER, (Francis.) Reminiscences of an In- LIFE and Adventures of Arthur Clenning. 2 tercoursewith Niebuhr, the Historian, during v. in 1. J2~. Philadelphia, 1828. a residence with him in Rome, in 822-23.. LIFE in the Land of the Fire Worshipper. By 120. Philadelphia, 1835. Charles De I. Edited by Fredrika Bremer. Stranger in America; sketches of man- 2 v. 120. London, 1861. ners, society, and national peculiarities of LIFE-LINE of the Lone One; or, autobiograthe United States. 80. Philadelphia, 1835. phy of the world's child. 120. Boston, 1857. Two Lectures on the Constitution of LIFFORD, (Lord Viscount.) Ireland, and the the United States. 80. New York, 1861. Irish Church; its past and present state, and Vocal Sounds of Laura Bridgeman, the future prospects. 160. London, 1842. deaf mute. (Smithsonian Contributions to LIGER, (Charles Louis.) Treatise on the Gout. Knowledge, v. 2.) Translated from the French. 120. London, LIEBER, (Oscar M.) Assayer's Guide; prac- 1760. tical directions to assayers, miners, and LIGHTF OOT, (John, D. D.) Works. Edited smelters, for tests and assays of the ores of by George Bright. 2 v. Folio. London, metals.;18~. Philadelphia, 1852. 1684. First and Second Reports on the Geo- CONTENTS. logical Survey of South Carolina. 80. Chorographical Table, v. 2. Columbia, 1858. Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles, v. 1. Erubhin; or, Miscellanies, v. 1. Third Report on the Survey of South Gleaings, fro theBool ofExodus, v. 1. Carolina; with supplement to the three first Harmony of the Four Evamgeiists, v. 1. Harmony of the Old and New Testaments, v. 1. reports. 80. Columbia, 1859. Horm IHebraicze et Talmudicm; or, HI-ebrew and - Vocabulary of the Catawba Language. At 1 1' - Vocabulary of the Catawba Language. Talmudical exercitatious on the Four Gospels, Acts, Romans, 1 Corinthians, v. 2. 80. Charleston, (S. C.,) 1858. Life of Lightfoot, by J. Strype, v. 1. -LIEBG, (Justus vo\.) Animal Chemistry. Observations on Genesis, v. ]. LIEBIG, (Justus von.) Animal Chemistry. ORoman and Jewish History, v. 1. Edited by W. Gregory. 3d ed. Part I. Sermons and Discourses, v. 2. Temple, The; as it stood in the days of our Sa80. London, 1846. viour, v. 1. Chemistry in its application to Agri- Temple Service ili the days of our Saviour, v. 1. culture and Physiology. Edited by L. Play- LIGIITFOOT, (John, A. M.) Flora Scotica; fair and W. Gregory. 120. New York, 1861. or a systematic arrangement, in the Linnean Familiar Letters on Chemistry, and its method, of the native plants of Scotland and relation to commerce, physiology, and agri- the Hebrides. 2 v. 80. London, 1777. culture. Edited by John Gardner. First LIGHT-HOUSES. Papers on the comparative and second series. 3d edition. 2 v. 160. merits of the catoptric and dioptric or cataLondon, 1844-45. dioptric systems of light-house illumination; Introduction to the First Elements of compiled from British, French, and United Chemistry. From the German, by T. Rich- States reports and authorities. 80. Washardson. 120. London, 1837. ington, 1861. Letters on Modern Agriculture. Ed- LIGNE, (Charles Joseph, Prince de.) Letters ited by John Blyth. 120. London, 1859. and Reflections. Edited by Mad. de Stael-. —- Natural Laws of Husbandry. Edited Holstein. Translated by D. Boileau. 2 v. by John Blyth. 80. London, 1863. in 1. 120. Philadelphia, 1809. Principles of Agricultural Chemistry, LIGON, (D. G.) Digested Index of the Deciwith special reference to the late researches sions of the Supreme Court of Alabama, in made in England. 120. London, 1855. Chancery Cases, from May, 1820, to June, Researches on the Motion of the Juices 1847. 80. Louisville, 1848. in the Animal Body. Edited by William LIGON, (Richard.) True and Exact History Gregory. 80. LondQn, 1848. of the Island of Barbadoes. Folio. London, and KoPP, (H.) Annual Report of the 1673. Progress of Chemistry, and the allied sci- LiGuoRT, (Saint Alfonso.) Glories of Mary. ences, Physics, Mineralogy, and Geology. Translated from the Italian. 2d American Edited by A. W. Hoffman and W. De La edition. 160. New York, 1852. Rue, 1847-50. 4 v. 80. London, 1849-53. Life of St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori, LIFE and Adventures o' an Arkansaw Doctor, Bishop of St. Agatha of tte Goths, and by David Rattlehead. 120. Philadelphia, Founder of the Congregation of the Holy 1851. ] Redeemer. 120. Baltimore, 1855. 680 LILBURN. LINDLEY. LILBURN, (John.) Trial of Lieut. Col. Lil- Premiere partie, contenant les si~cles h6roiburn at the Guildhall of London, October, ques. 2 v. 8~. Groningue, 1833. 1649. 2d ed. 8~. London, 1649. The same. Seconde partie. Depuis LILIES AND VIOLETS; or, thoughts in prose le retour des Hraclides jusqu'A la domination and verse, on the true graces of maiden- des Romains. 6v. 8~. Groningue, 1837-42. hood, by Rosalie Bell. 12~. New York, LIMOJON DE ST. DIDIER, (Alexandre Tous1855. saint de.) Histoire des Negotiations de la LILLIE, (Adam.) Canada; its growth and Paix de Nimugue. 4a ed. 12~. La Haye, prospects. 80. Brockville, 1852. 1697. LILLO, (George.) Dramatic Works. With La Ville et la R6publique de Venise. memoirs, by T. Davies. 2d ed. 2 v. 12c. 160. Paris, 1680. London, 1810. The Hermetical Triumph; or, the vicCONTENTS. torious philosophical stone. Translated from Arden of Feversham, v. 2. the German. 180. London, 1723. Britannia and Batavia; a masque, v.. LINAGE DE VAUCIENNES, (Pierre.) Memoires Christian Hero; a tragedy, v. 1. Elmerick, or Justice Triumphant; a tragedy, v. 2. de ce qui s'est pass6 en Suede, et aux prooFatalr eiosity; a tragedy, v. 2. vinces voisines, depuis 1645 jusques a 1655. Life of Lillo, by T. Davies, v. 1. Tirez des depesches de M. Chanut. 3 v. 160. Marina, a play, v. 2. Scanderbeg, Life of, v. 1. Paris, 1675. Silva; or, the Country Burial, v. 1. M6moires sur lOrigine des Guerres quo LILLY, (John.) Modern Entries, in English; travaillent l'Europe depuis cinquante ans. being a select collection of pleadings in the 2 v. 160, Cologne, 1678. courts of King's Bench, Common Pleas, and LINCOLN, (Abraham.) National Politics: Exchequer. 2 v. Folio. London, 1734-35. speech at New York, February 27, 1860. The same. 4th ed., with many addi- 80. New-York, 1860. (Misc. Pam., v. 13.) tional references. Folio. London, 1771. Political Debates between Hon. AbraPractical Conveyancer. Folio. Lon- ham Lincoln and Hon. Stephen A. Douglass don, 1719. in the celebrated Campaign of 1858, in IlliPractical Register; or, a general abridg- nois. 80. Columbus, (O.,) i860. mentofthelaw. 2ded. 2v. Folio. Lon- Life. 80. New-York, 1860. (Misc. don, 1735. Pam., v. 13.) Reports and Pleadings of Cases in As- LINCOLN, (William.) History of Worcester, sise, for offices, nusances, lands, and tene- Massachusetts, from its earliest settlement ments. Folio. London, 1719. to 1836. 80. Worcester, 1837. LILLY, (John; the Euphuist.) Dramatic LINCOLNSHIRE. Post Office Directory of LinWorks; with notes, and some account of colnshire. 80. London, 1855. his life and writings, by F. W. Fairholt. 2 v. LIND, (John.) Answer to the Declaration of 160. London, 1858. the American Congress. 80. London, 1776. LILLY, (William.) History of his Life and Remarks on the principal Acts of the and Times, from the year 1602 to 1681; thirteenth Parliament of Great Britain, relatwritten by himself. 80. London, 1822. ing to the American Colonies; with a plan -~- The same. 240. London, 1829. (Au- of reconciliation. 80. London, 1775. tobiography, v. 2.) LINDEN, (Johannes Vander.) Institutes of the Introduction to Astrology; with astro- Laws of Holland. Translated by J. Henry. logic tables for calculating nativities, by London, 1828. Zadkiel. 120. London, 1852. LINDO, (E. H.) History of the Jews of Spain LIMA. True and Particular Relation of the and Portugal, from the earliest times to their dreadful Earthquake which happened at final expulsion. 80. London, 1848. Lima, Peru, and at Callao, on 28th October, LINDLEY, (George.) Guide to the Orchard and 1746. Translated from the Spanish. 80. Kitchen Garden. 80. London, 1831. London, 1748. LINDLEY, (John.) Botany in four parts. LIMBORCH, (Philip van.) History of the Inqui- Published by the Society for the Diffusion quisition. Translated by Samuel Chandler. of Useful Knowledge. 80. London, 1838. 2 v. 40. London, 1730. Collectanea Botanica; or, figures snd LIMBUIRG-BROUWER, (P. van.) Histoire de la botanical illustrations of rare and curious Civilisation Morale et Religieuse des Grecs. exotic plants. Folio. London, 1821. 681 LINDLEY. LINK. LINDLEY, (John.) Glossary of Technical Terms of the houses of Crawford and Balcarres. used in Botany. 8~. London, 1848. 3 v. 80. London, 1849. Introduction to Botany. 4th ed. 2 v. Sketches of the History of Christian 80. London, 1848. Art. 3 v. 8~. London, 1847. Key to Structural, Physiological and LINDSAY, (George.) Brief Introduction to Systematic Botany. 8~. London, 1835. Astronomy. 2d ed. 160. Edinburgh, 1831. Ladies' Botany; introduction to the LINDSAY, (W. S.) Report of Philadelphia study of the natural system. 2 v. 8~. Board of Trade on Law of Collisions at Sea, London, 1834-37. &c. 80. Philadelphia, 1861. Orchidacee Lindenianse; notes upon - Our Merchant Shipping; its present a collection of Orchids formed in Colombia state considered. 120. London, 1860. and Cuba, by J. Linden. 80. London, LINDSEY, (Charles.) Life and Times of Wil1846. liam Lyon Mackenzie; with an account of Outline of the First Principles of the Canadian Rebellion of 1837. 2 v. 8~. Botany. 240. London, 1830. Toronto, 1862. Pomologia Britannica; figures and des- LINDSLEY, (Philip.) Works. V. 1. Educacriptions of fruit cultivated in Great Britain. tional Discourses. 80. Philadelphia, 1859. 3 v. 80. London, 1841. LINEN, (Win.) Narrative of the Corruptions Rosarum Monographia; a botanical in the State Courts of South Carolina. 120. history of roses. 80. London, 1820. Charleston, 1806. (Pol. Pam., v. 105.) School Botany. 80. London, 1849. LINGARD, (John, D.D.) Antiquities of the Sertum Orchidaceum; a wreath of the Anglo-Saxon Church. 1st Am., from the most beautiful orchidaceous flowers. Folio. 2d London ed. 80. Philadelphia, 1841. London, 1838. History of England, from the first In- Synopsis of the British Flora. 120. vasion by the Romans to 1688. 5th edition. London, 1829. 10 v. 80. London, 1849. -- Theory of Horticulture; attempt to History of England, abridged; with explain the principal operations of garden- continuation, from 1688 to 1854, by James ing, upon physiological principles. 80. Burke. 2d ed. 80. Baltimore, 1855. London, 1840. LINGARD, (John.) Nature and Construction The same. 2d Am. ed., with notes, of Timber. 80. London, 1820. (Pam&c., by A. J. Downing. 120. New-York, phleteer, v. 16.) 1852. Philosophic and Practical Inquiry into ~- - Vegetable Kingdom; structure, classi- the nature and construction of Timber; fication, and uses of plants, illustrated upon causes of dry rot, etc. 2d edition. 80. the natural system. 3d ed. 80. London, London, 1827. 1853. LINGUET, (Simon Nicolas Henri.) Lettre A - and HUTTON, (W.) Fossil Flora of sa Majeste Joseph II, sur la Revolution Great Britain; figures and descriptions of du Brabant. 80. Bruxelles, 1790. (Pol. the vegetable remains found in a fossil state Pam., v. 12.) in this country. 3 v. 80. London, 1831-37. - Lettre au Comt6 Patriotique de Bruxand PAXTON, (Sir Joseph.) Flower elles. 80. 1789. (Pol. Pam., v. 12.) Garden. 3 v. 40. London, 1850-53. Memoires sur la Bastille. 80. Paris, LINDLEY, (Nathaniel.) Treatise on the Law 1821. (Berville et Barriere, Coil. M6m. of Partnership; including its application to Rev. Frangaise, v. 39.) joint stock and other companies. 2 v. 80. LINGUIST; or, weekly instructions in the London, 1860. French and German languages. 2 v. 80. LINDLEY, (Thomas.) Authentic Narrative of London, 1825-26. a Voyage from the Cape of Good Hope to LINK, (Heinrich Friedrich.) Anatomia PlantBrasil, in 1802-3. 80. London, 1808. arum, iconibus illustrata. (Latin and GerLINDSAY, (AlexanderWilliam Crawford, Lord.) man.) 40. Berlin, 1843. Letter to a Friend, on the Evidences and -- und HEINRICH, (P.) Uber di6 Natur Theory of Christianity. 120. London, 1841. des Lichts. 40. St. Petersburg, 1808. Letters on Egypt, Edom, and the Holy et HOFFMANSEGG, (J. C.) Voyage Land. 3d ed. 120. London, 1847. en Portugal, fait depuis 1797 jusqu'en 1799. - Lives of the Lindsays; or, a memoir Trad. lde Allemand. 3vt 120. Paris, 1808. 86 682 LINN. LIOT. LINN, (Elizabeth A.;) and SARGENT, (N.) systema sexuale digesta. 4^ ed., curante C. Life and Public Services of Dr. Lewis F. L. Willdenow. 5 v. in 10. 80. Berolini, Linn, for ten years a Senator of the United 1797-1810. States from the State of Missouri. 80. ~ Systema. Nature. Per regna tria naNew-York, 1857. turre, secundum classes, genera, ordines, LINN, (John Blair.) Powers of Genius, a species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synpoem. 2d ed. 180. Philadelphia, 1802. onymis, locis. Editio 12a. 3 v. in 4. 80. LINN, (Samuel.) Analytical Index of Parallel Holmise, 1766-68. References to the Cases adjudged in the The same. Editio 13 a; cura J. F. several Courts of Pennsylvania. With a Gmelin. 9 v. 80. Lipsihe, 1788-93. collection of cases overruled, denied, doubted - Systema Plantarum. Editio novissima, or limited in their application. 80. Phila- novis plantis ac emendationibus, &c., curante delphia, 1857. J. J. Reichard. 4 v. 8C. Francofurti ad LINN, (William, D. D.) The Blessings of Moenum, 1779-80. America; a 4th of July sermon, 1791. 80. - Systema Plantarum Europ-e. Curante New York, 1791. (Misc. Pam., v. 10.) J. E. Gilibert. 7 v. 8~. Colonia-AllobroSerious Considerations on the Election gum, 1785-87. of a President. 80. Trenton, (N. J.,) 1800. General System of Nature, through the (Pol. Pam., v. 100.) three grand kingdoms of Animals, VegetaLINN, (William, Esq.) Life of Thomas Jeffer- bles, and Minerals, &c. With life of the son. 120. Ithaca, (N. Y.,) 1834. author, by Wm. Turton. 7 v. 80. LonLINNFAN SOCIETY of London. Transactions. don, 1806. 23 v. 40. London, 1791-1862. ~ Selection of Correspondence. Edited Journal of Proceedings. V. 1-4. 80. by J. E. Smith. 2 v. 80. London, 1821. London, 1857-60. (Ray Society.) LNNEus, (Carolus.) AmcenitatesAcademice, System of Vegetables, according to seu Dissertationes varie Physicoe, Medicre, their classes, genera, orders, species, with Botanicre. 9 v. 80. Lugduni Batavorum, their characters and differences. 2 v. 80. Holmise, et Erlangae, 1749-85. Lichfield, 1783. Animalium Specieruin in classes, or- LINONIAN SOCIETY, Yale College. Cataloguedines, genera, species, methodica dispositio. 80. New Haven, (Conn.,) 1846. 80. Lugduni Batavorum, 1759. LINSCHOTEN, (Jan Huyghen van.) ItineraEntomologia, Faunae Suecicae descrip- rium, ofte Schip-Vaert naer Oost ofte Portutionibus aucta. Curante et augmente C. de gaels Indien. Folio. Amstelredam, 1623. Villers. 4 v. 80. Lugduni, 1789. Discours of Voyages into ye Easte and ~ Epistolre Ineditae, annis 1736-93. West Indies; deuided into foure boolres. Edidit H. C. van Hall. 80. Groningae, Folio. London, 1598. 1830. - Navigatio in Orientem. (Bry, CollecFlora Zeylanica; sistens plantas Zey- tiones, series II, partes 2-3.) lonae insule qua olim 1670-77, lectre fuere LINSLEY, (D. C.) Morgan Horses; origin, A P. HIermanno; demum post 70 annos ab A. history, and characteristics of this remarkaGiinthero. 80. Holmie, 1747. ble American breed of horses. 120. New~- I'Hortus Cliffortianus; plantas exhibens York, 1857. quasinhortisHartecampiinHollandia, coluit LINTON, (Charles.) Healing of the Nations. Georgius Clifford. Folio. Amstelaedami, With appendix by N. P. Tallmadge. 2d ed. 1737. 80. New-York, 1855. Lachesis Lapponica; or, a Tour in LINTON, (William.) Ancient and Modern Lapland. Published from the original MS., Colours; with their chemical and artistical by J. E. Smith. 2 v. 8~. London, 1811. properties. 120. London, 1852. Musa Cliffortiana florens Hartecampi, LINWOOD, (William.) Lexicon to 2Eschylus; 1736, prope Harlemum. 40. Lugduni Bata- a critical explanation of the more difficult vorum, 1736. passages. 2d ed. 80. London, 1847. -- SpeciesPlantarum; exhibentes plantas LIOT, (W. B.) Panamd, Nicaragua, and Teritd cognitas ad genera relatas, cum differen- huantepec; the question of communication tiis specificis, nominibus trivialibus, syno- between the Atlantic and Pacific. 80. Lonnymis selectis, locis natalibus, secundum don, 1849, 683 LIOUVILLE. LITHGOW. LIOUVILLE, (Felix.) Devoirs, Honneur, Avan- LISKENNE, (Fran9ois Charles,) et SAUVAN, (J. tages, Jouissances de la Profession d'Avocat. B. B.) Bibliotheque Historique et Militaire. 2e 6d. 160. Paris, 1857. 7 v. 80. avec Atlas, 40. Paris, 1851-53. LIPENIUS, (Martinus.) Strenarum Historia, a LISLE, (E.) DuSuicide, statistique, m6dicine, prima origine. (Graevius, Thesaurus Antiq. histoire, et legislation. 80. Paris, 1856. Rom., v. 12.) LISPENARD, (W. C.) Practical Private MedLIPPARD, (George.) Life, and Choice Writ- ical Guide. 180. Rochester, 1854. ings. 80. New-York, 1855. LIST, (Friedrich.) National System of PolitNew-York; its upper ten and lower ical Economy. Translated from the German, million. 80. Cincinnati, 1853. by G. A. Matile, including notes of the LIPPE, (Adolf.) Key to the Materia Medica; French translation by H. Richelot; with or, comparative Pharmacodynamic. 80. notes by Stephen Colwell. 80. PhiladelPhiladelphia, 1854. phia, 1856. LIPPINCOTT'S Complete Pronouncing Gazet- LISTER, (Joseph.) Treatises on Amputation, teer; or, geographical dictionary of the world. Anesthetics. 80. London, 1862. (Holmes' Edited by J. Thomas, T. Baldwin, etc. 8~. Surgery, v. 3.) Philadelphia, 1855. LISTER, (Martin.) Journey to Paris in the -The same. 80. Philadelphia, 1862. year 1698. 2d ed. 120. London, 1699. LIPPINCOTT, (Sara J.) (Grace Greenwood.) The same. (Pinkerton's Voyages, v. 4.) Forest Tragedy; and other tales. 120. LISTER, (Thomas Henry.) Life and AdminBoston, 1856. istration of Edward, First Earl of Clarendon. - Recollections of My Childhood; and 3 v. 80. London, 1837-38. other stories. 180. Boston, 1852. LISTON, (Robert W.) Elements of Surgery. LIPsIUS, (Justus.) De Amphitheatro liber: 2ded. 80. London, 1840. Saturnalium Sermonam libri duo, qui de LITCHFIELD, (Roland.) Modern Inquisition gladiatoribus. (Graevius, Thesaurus Antiq. in a Baptist Church. 120. Cambridge, 1854. Rom., v. 9.) LITCIFIELD County Centennial Celebration; De Vesta et Vestalibus syntagma. held at Litchfield, (Conn.,) Aug. 13 and 14, (Graevius, v. 5.) 1851. Hartford, 1851. ~ —- Monita et Exempla Politica, libri II., LITERALIST. Essays and Sermons on the Adqui virtutes et vitia principum spectant. vent and Kingdom of Christ, etc., by J. W. 320. Lugduni Batavorum, 1630. Brooks, E. Bickersteth, H. McNeile, W. Politicorum, sive civilis doctrinse, libri Anderson, W. Cunninghame, H. Woodward, sex. 240. Amsterodami, 1632. G. T. Noel, W. Thorp, and J. Cox. 4 v. Roma Illustrata; sive antiquitatum 80. Philadelphia, 1840-41. Romanarum breviarium; et G. Fabricii vete- LITERARY Fund Society. Address to. May 9, ris Romre cum nova collatio; ex nova recen- 1827. 80. London, 1827. (Pol. Pam., v. 71.) sione Antonii Thysii. Cui accesserunt Justi LITERARY GAZETTE; and journal of belles letLipsii Tractatus Peculiares. 180. Londini, tres, science, and art, from the commence1692. ment, in 1817 to 1853. 27 v. 40. London, LIQUES, (David de; etc. ) Histoire de la Vie de 1817-53. M. Philippes de Mornay, Seigneur du Plessis LITERARY WORLD; a gazette for authors, readMarly. 40. Leyde, 1647. ers, and publishers. V. 1 and 2, edited by LIQUORS. Observations on the Evil Effects of C. F. Hoffman; v. 3 to 12, by E. A. and G. L. Liquors, when taken moderately and habitu- Duyckinck. 12 v. 40. New-York, 1847-53. ally. 80. London, 1818. (Pamphleteer, v. 12.) LITERARY and Educational Year Book for LIsco, (Frederick G.) Parables of Jesus, ex- 1859. 80. London, 1859. plained and illustrated. Translated by P. LITERARY and Graphical Illustrations of Fairbairn. 160. Edinburgh, 1840. (Bibli- Shakspeare and the British Drama; comcal Cabinet, v. 33.) prising an historical view of the origin and LISET, (A.) Accountant's Closet. See MA- improvement of the English stage. 80. LYNES. London, 1831. LISIANSKY, (Urey.) VoyageRoundtheWorld, LITHGOW, (William.) Travels and Voyages in the years 1803-1806; performed by order through Europe, Asia, and Africa, for nineof Alexander I., Emperor of Russia, in the teenyears, 1609-1628. 12th ed. 80. Leith, ship Neva. 40. London, 1814. 1814. 684 LITTELL. LIVES. LITTELL, (William.) Reports of Cases at LIVERMORE, (George.) Historical Research Common Law and in Chancery, decided by respecting the opinions of the Founders of the Court of Appeals of Kentucky, 1822 to the Republic on Negroes as slaves, as citi1824. 5 v. 80. Frankfort, 1823-24. (2 zens, and as soldiers. 80. Boston, 1862. copies.) The same. 4th ed. 80. Boston, 1863. The same. V. 4. 80. Frankfort, The same. 80. Boston, 1863. (Mass. 1824. Hist. Soc'y Proceed., v. 4.) ~ —- Cases selected from the decisions of the - Remarks on Public Libraries. 8~. Court of Appeals of Kentucky, not hereto- Cambridge, (Mass.,) 1850. fore reported. 80. Frankfort, 1824. (2 LIVERMORE, (Samuel.) Treatise on the Law copies.) of Principal and Agent, and of Sales by LITTELL'S Living Age. Conducted by E. Auction. 2 v. 80. Baltimore, 1818. Littell. April, 1844, to January, 1862. V. Treatise on the Law relative to Princi1-71. 80. Boston, 1844-61. pals, Agents, Factors, Auctioneers, and LITTLE, (James.) Explanation of the Nature Brokers. 8~. Boston, 1811. and Properties of Logarithms. Withappen- LIVERMORE, (S. T.) Condensed History of dix, by Maguire; and method of computing Cooperstown, (N. Y.;) with biographical logarithms, by Halley. 80. Dublin, 1830. sketch of J. Fenimore Cooper. 120. AlbaLITTLE, (John A.) Autobiography of a New ny, 1862. Churchman. 120. Philadelphia, 1852. LIVERPOOL, (Charles Jenkinson, Earl of.) LITTLE, (William John.) Treatise on the Collection of all the Treaties, of peace, alliNature of Club-Foot and Analogous Distor- ance, and commerce, between Great Britain tions. 80. London, 1839. and other powers, from the revolution in 1688 Treatise on Orthopmedic Surgery. 80. to the present time. 2 v. 80. London, 1772. London, 1862. (Holmes' Surgery, v. 3.) - The same. From 1648 to 1783. Also, LITTLETON, (Edward.) Reports, en le Courts a Discourse on the Conduct of Great Britain del Common Banck et Exchequer, 1626 to in respect to Neutral Nations. 3 v. 80. 1632. Folio. London, 1683. London, 1785. LITTLETON, (Thomas.) Les Tenures. 160. Discourse on the Conduct of the GovLondon, 1621. ernment of Great Britain, in respect to His Treatise of Tenures, in French and Neutral Nations, during the present war. English, a new ed., printed from the most 40. London, 1758. ancient copies, and collated with the various The same. 2d ed. 80. London, 1759. readings of the Cambridge MSS. Also, the Treatise on the Coins of the Realm. ancient treatise of the Old Tenures, and the 40. Oxford, 1805. Customs of Kent, by T. E. Tomlins. 80. LIVERPOOL,(RobertBanksJenkinson, Earlof.) London, 1841. Memoirs of his Public Life and AdministraTenures, in English. 240. London, tion. 80. London, 1827. 1845. Speech in the House of Lords on the LITTON, (Edward Arthur.) Sermons on the Agriciltural Distress of the Country. 80. Mosaic Dispensation. 80. London, 1856. London, 1822. (Pol. Pam., v. 65.) (Bampton Lectures, for 1856.) Substance of Speech delivered in the LITURGIA, seu Liber Precum Communium, House of Lords, 15th March, 1824, on the etc., in Ecclesia Anglicana receptus. Studio Motion for the Recognition of the IndependT. Parsel. Ed. 8a. 160. Londiui, 1744. ence of the late Spanish Colonies in South LITURGY, or Book of Worship, for the use of America. 80. London, 1824. the New Jerusalem. 120. Boston, 1854. LIVERPOOL Botanic Garden. Catalogue of LITURGY; or, Order of Christian Worship; Plants in the Botanic Garden at Liverpool. prepared for the use of the German Reformed 80. Liverpool, 1808. Church in the United States. 120. Phila- LIVES and Voyages of Drake, Cavendish, and delphia, 1858. Dampier. 180. New-York, 1842. (Harpers' LIUTPRAN7D, of Cremona. Historia, ejusque Fam. Library, v. 33.) legatio ad Nicephorum Phocam. (Muratori, LIVES of British Dramatists, by Thomas CampRerum Italicorum Scriptores, v. II, p. 1.) bell, Win. Gifford, Leigh Hunt, George DarLIVERMORE, (Abiel Abbot.) The War with ley, &c. 2 v. in 1. 120. Philadelphia, Mexico Reviewed. 120. Boston, 1850. 1846. 685 LIVES. LIVIUS. LIVES of British Physicians. 180. London, LIVINGSTON, (Edward.) Report in relation to 1830. (Murray's Fam. Library, v. 53.) the Consular Establishment of the United LIVES of Dr. Edward Pocock, the Celebrated States. 8~. Washington, 1833. (With WAROrientalist, by Dr. Twells; of Zachary DEN, on Consular Establishments.) Pearce, Bishop of Rochester, and of Dr. System of Penal Law for the United Thomas Newton, Bishop of Bristol, by them- States of America. Folio. Washington, selves; and of the Rev. Philip Skelton, by 1828. Mr. Burdy. 2 v. 80. London, 1816. System of Penal Law prepared for the LIVES of those Eminent Antiquaries, John State of Louisiana; comprising codes of Leland, Thomas Hearne, and Anthony A offences and punishments, of procedure, of Wood. [By W. Huddesford and T. Warton.] prison discipline, and of evidence applicable 2 v. 80. Oxford, 1772. as well to civil as to criminal cases. Folio. LIVES of Eminent Characters of the Counties New-Orleans, 1824. of Essex, Suffolk, and Norfolk. 80. London, The same. 80. Philadelphia, 1833. 1820. LIVINGSTON, (John.) Law Register; a guide Lives of Eminent Persons. Published by the for every man of business. 80. New-York, Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowl- 1854. edge. 80. London, 1833. Portraits of Eminent Americans now LIvEs of EminentRussianPrelates, viz: Nikon, living; with biographical and historical St. Demetrius, and Michael. 160. London, memoirs of their lives and actions. 3 v. 1854. 80. New-York, 1853-54. LIVES of the English Saints. By J. H. New- United States Law Register and Offiman, and others. 14 v. in 5. 160. London, cial Directory for 1860. 80. NewYork, 1860. 1844-45. LIVINGSTON, (William.) Review of the MiliCONTENTS. tary Operations in North America, from 1753 St. Adamnan, v. 3. St. Ninian, v. 4. to 1756. 80. New-York 1770. St. Aelred of Rievaulx, St. Oswald, v. 3. v. 4. St. Oswin, v. 3. LIVINGSTONE, (David.) Cambridge Lectures; St. Augustine of Canter- St. Paulinus, v. 3.on his African explorations.l Edited by bury, v. 2. St. Richard, King of the St. Bartholomew, v. 2. West Saxons, v. 1. William Monk. 2d ed. 120. London, St. Bega, v. 3. St. Richard, Bishop of 1 St. Bettelin, v. 2. Chichester, v. 4. U80. St. Ebba, v. 3. St. Robert, v. 4. Missionary Travels and Researches in St. Edelwald, v. 2. St. Stephen, Abbot, v. 3. St. Edmund, v. 4. St. Stephen Langton, South Africa; including a sketch of sixteen St. Edwin, v. 3. Abp. of Canerbury, years' residence in the interior of Africa, and st. Ethelburga, v. 3. v. 5. St. Gundleus, v. 2. St. Walburga, v. 1. a journey from the Cape of Good Hope to St. German, v. 5. St. Waltheof, v. 4. L, St. Gilbert, v. 1. St. Wilfrid, v. 1. Loanda, on the west coast; thence across St. Helier, v. 2. St. Willibald, v. 1. the continent, down the river Zambesi, to St. Herbert, v. 2. St. Winibald, v. 1. St. Neot, v. 2. St. Wulstan, v. 3. the eastern ocean. 80. London, 1857. LIVES of the Venerable Mother Margaret Mary Seventeen Years' Explorations and AdAlacoque, and of St. Catherine of Bologna. ventures in the Wilds of Africa. Edited 2 v. 120. London, 1850. by J. H. Coombs. 120. Philadelphia, LIVES of the Illustrious. 5 v. 80. London, 1857. 1856. LIVIUS, (Titus.) Historiarum libri qui exLIVING Christianity Delineated, in the Diaries tant; interpretatione et notis illustravit J. and Letters of two eminently pious persons Dujitius, in usum Delphini. Accessere iilately deceased, viz: Mr. Hugh Bryan and brorum omnium deperditorum supplementa, Mrs. Mary Hutson, both of South-Carolina. per J. Freinshemium. 5 v. 40. Parisiis, 120. London, 1760. 1679-82. LIVINGSTON, (Edward.) Address to the Peo- The same; cum integris J. Freinshemii ple of the Jnited States, on the measures supplementis. Recensuit J. Clericus. 10v. pursued by the Executive with respect to 160. Amstelvedami, 1710. the Batture at New-Orleans. 80. New- - The same; cum deperditorum FragOrleans, 1808. mentis et epitomis omnium; ex recensione ---- Introductory Report to the Code of A. Dralenborchii, cum notis J. B. L. CrePrison Discipline; being part of the system vierii. Accessit Glossarium Livianum, ex of penal law prepared for the State of schedis A. G. Ernesti, emendavit G. H. Louisiana. 80. Philadelphia, 1827. Schefer. 4 v. 80. Londini, 1825. 686 LIVIUS. LLOYD. LIVIUS, (Titus.) Historiarum libri qui extant; land, during the time of Lord Chancellor ex recensione A. Drakenborchii a J. T. Sugden, 1835. 80. London, 1836. Kreyssig. Annotationes Crevierii aliorum- Selection of Cases in the High Court of que; animadversiones Niebuhrii, Wachsmu- Chancery in Ireland, during the time of Lord thii, et suas addidit Travers Twiss. 4 v. 80. Chancellor Plunkett, 1834 to 1836. 8~. Oxonii, 1840-41. Dublin, 1839. - The same; ex editione G. A. Ruperti. LLOYD, (David.) State Worthies; or, the 20 v. 8~. Londini, 1828. (Valpy's Scrip- statesmen and favourites of England, from tores Latini, v. 124-143.) the reformation to the revolution. Also, the ~- History of Rome. Translated by George characters of the Kings and Queens of EngBaker. 2d ed. 6 v. 80. London, 1814. land, during the above period, by Charles The same. 2 v. 8~. London, 1830. Whitworth. 2 v. 120. London, 1766. The same. Translated by D. Spillan, LLOYD, (Henry Evans.) Alexander I., EmC. Edmonds, and W. A. M'Devitte. 4 v. peror of Russia; his life, and the events of 120. London, 1850-54. (Bohn's Classical his reign. 80. London, 1826. Library, v. 44-47.) George IV.; memoirs of his reign; Le Deche delle Historie Romane. Tra- with numerous personal anecdotes. 80. Londotte nella lingua Toscana, da M. Jacopo don, 1830. Nardi. 1 v. in 3. Folio. Venetia, 1562. LLOYD, (Humphrey.) Elementary Treatise Romische Historien, mit ganzem fleiss on the Wave-Theory of Light. 2d ed. 80. besichtigt, gebessert und gemehret. Folio. London, 1857. Meyntz, 1551. See CARADOC OF LHANCARVAN. LIVONIAN Tales. Containing The Disponent; LLOYD, (James T.) American Guide. Square the Wolves; the Jewess. 120. London, 120. Philadelphia, 1857. 1846. Steamboat Directory, and Disasters on LIVRE (le) des Sauvages, au point de vue de the Western Waters; lives of John Fitch la civilisation Frangaise. Avec des planches and Robert Fulton; Maps of the Ohio and Misexplicatives tir6es du pretendu "Manuscrit sissippi Rivers, &c. 80. Cincinnati, 1856. Pictographique Americain." Traduction de LLOYD, (Julius.) Life of Sir Philip Sidney. l'Allemand. 80. Bruxelles, 1861. 120. London, 1862. LIVRE d'Or de Noblesse de France. Publid LLOYD, (J. H.,) and WELSBY, (W. N.) Resous la direction de M. le Marquis de ports of Cases relating to Commerce, ManuMagny. 4 v. 40. Paris, 1844-47. factures, &c., determined in the Courts of LIZARS, (John.) System of Anatomical Plates Common Law, 1829 and 1830. Parts I, II, of the Human Body; accompanied with de- and III. 80. London, 1829-30. scriptions. 80. Folio. Edinburgh, 1822-26. LLOYD, (Lewis.) Field Sports of the North of LJUNGSTEDT, (Andrew.) Historical Sketch Europe; narrative of a residence in Sweden of the Portuguese Settlements in China; and and Norway, in 1827-28. 2 v. 80. Lonof the Roman Catholic Church and Mission don, 1830. in China. 80. Boston, 1836. Scandinavian Adventures, during a LLAMAS Y MOLINA, (Sancho de.) ComentaIio residence of upwards of twenty years; sportCritico-Juridico-Literal a las Ochenta y Tres ing incidents, and subjects of natural history. Leyes de Toro. 2a ed. Folio. Madrid, 2 v. 80. London, 1854. 1852. LLOYD, (Robert.) Poems. 160. London, LLEWELLYN, (E. L.) Title Hunting. 120. 1790. (Johnson's Eng. Poets, v. 68.) London, 1860. The same. 80. London, 1810. (ChalLLORENTE (JuanAntonio.) ColeccionDiplo- mers' Eng. Poets, v. 15.) matica de varios papeles, antiguos y moder- LLOYD, (R.) New Table of Costs, in Parlianos, sobre Dispensas Matrimoniales y otros ment, Chancery, and theExchequer; including puntos de disciplina eclesiastica. Small 40. conveyancing, bankruptcy, and lunacy; also, Madrid. 1822. appeals from the colonies, and the Court of History of the Inquisition of Spain, from Chancery, with costs in error, from the King's its establishment to the reign of Ferdinand Bench to the House of Lords. 80. LonVII. 80. London, 1826. don, 1820. LLOYD, (B.C.,) and GOOLD, (F.) Reports of LLOYD, (R.) Treatise on Hats. 4th ed. 8C. Cases in the High Court of Chancery in Ire- London, 1821. (Pol. Pam., v. 64.) 687 LLOYD. LOCKE. LLOYD, (Thomas.) Congressional Register; M. Le Grand. From the French, by Samuel or, proceedings and debates of the First House Johnson. 80. London, 1789. of Representativesof the United States. 3v. - The same. 1622. (Pinkerton's Voy80. New-York, 1789-90. ages, v. 15.) Proceedings and Debates of the General LOBSTEIN, (J. F. Daniel.) Treatise on the Assembly of Pennsylvania. V. 1 and 3. Semeiology of the Eye, for the use of physi8~. Philadelphia, 1787-88. cians; and of the countenance, for criminal LLOYD, (Wiliam; Bishop.) ChronologicalAc- jurisprudence. 80. New York, 1830. count of the Life of Pythagoras, and his LOCCENIUS, (Johannes.) De Jure Maritimo, Cotemporaries, &c., 1699. (Somers' Coil. et Navali Libri III. Ed. 2a. 120. Holmioe, Tracts, v. 12.) 1652. Historical Account of Church Govern- LocH, (David.) Essays on the Trade, Comment in Great Britain and Ireland when they merce, Manufactures, and Fisheries of Scotfirst received the Christian religion. 2d ed. land. 3 v. 160. Edinburgh, 1778. 16~. London, 1684. LOCH, (W. A.) Practical Legal Guide for LLOYD, (Sir William.) Narrative of a Journey Sailors and Merchants during War. 80. from Caunpoor to the Boorendo Pass, in the London, 1854. (2 copies.) Himalaya Mountains; with Alexander Ge- LOCKE, (James.) Tweed and Don; or, recolrard's account of an attempt to penetrate by lections and reflections of an angler for fifty Bekhur to Garoo, and the Lake Manasaro- years. 120. Edinburgh, 1860. wara. Edited by George Lloyd. 2 v. 80. LOCKE, (John; the Metaphysician.) Works. London, 1840. 10th ed. 10 v. 8C. London, 801. LOBB, (Harry William.) Curative Treatment CONTENTS. of Paralysis and Neuralgia, and other affecof Paalysis and Neuralgia, and other affec- Account of Debates and Resolutions in the House tions of the nervous system, with the aid of of Lords, 1675, v. 10. alanism. 2ded. 120. London, 18. Carolina, Fundamental Constitutions of, v. 10. Galvanism. 2d ed. 12~. London, 1859. Character of Locke, byP. Coste, v. 10. LOBE, (Guillaume.) Guide aux Droits Civils Christianity, Reasonableness of; and vindication of the same, v. 7. et Commerciaux des etrangers en Espagne; Common-Place Book, New Method of, v. 3. on recueil chronologique des traites, pactes. Conduct of the Understanding, v. 3. Culture of Vines and Olives, v. 10. conventions, et autres actes royaux et des Education, Thoughts concerning, v, 9. cors eanes du cabinet de Madrid, dep. is Elements of Natural Philosophy, v. 3. cortes, emanes du cabinet de Madrid, depuis Human Understanding, v. 1-3. le commencement du XVTIe siecle jusqu'a Malebranche's Opinion of Seeing All Things in God, Examination of, v. 9. 1819. 2e 6d. 8. Paris, 1837. Memoirs relating to Anthony, first Earl of ShaftsLOBEIRA, (Vasco de.) Amadis de Gaula. bury, v. 9. MIiracles, Discourse of, v. 9. Trad. en Castellano par Montalva. (Bib. de Money, Consequence of Lowering the Interest and Raising the Value of, v. 5. Autores Espanoles, v. 34.) Mloney. Observations for Keeping Silver in EngLOBEL, (Mathias de.) Animadversiones in land, v. 5. G.-^ i^..^^~ Rondeeti Ofi m. Navigation, History of, v. 10. G. Rondelletii Officinam. Pharmaceuticam. Norris' Book, Remarks upon, v. 10. Folio. Londini, 1.605. Letters between Locke and his Friends, v. 9-1.0 Joilo. eonini, 605. Letters concerning Toleration, v. 6. Plantarum seu Stirpium Icones. Ob- Letters to the Bishop of Worcester, v. 4. Life of Locke, v. 1. long 40. Antverpiee, 1851. St. Paul's Epistles, Essays for the Understanding Stirpium Illustrationes; plurimas elab- of, v. 8. Treatises on Government, v. 5. orantes inauditas plantas subreptiis J. Par- Voyages and Travels, Catalogue and Character of kinsoni rapsodiis, sparsim gravatme; accurante Books, v. 10. G. Howe. Small 4~. Londini, 1655. Essay concerning the Human UnderetPENA,(Petrus.) StirpiumAdversaria standing. 2v. 80. London, 1824. Nova, perfacilis vestigatio, luculentaque ac- Letters concerning Toleration. 40. cessio ad priscorum, presertim Dioscoridis London, 1765. et recentiorum materiam medicam. Folio. - Reasonableness of Christianity, as deli Londini, 1570. vered in the Scripture. 80. London, 1785. The same. Folio. Londini, 1605. (Watson's Theol. Tracts, v. 4.) (With LOBEL's Animadversiones.) Some Familiar Letters between Mr. LOBO, (Jeronymo.) Voyage to Abyssinia; the Locke and several of his friends. 3d ed. history, natural, civil, and ecclesiastical of 80. London, 1737. that country. Translated from the Portu - Some Thoughts concerning Education. guese, and continued to the 18th century, by 6th ed. 120. London, 1709. 688 LOCKE. LODGE. LOCKE, (John; the Metaphysician.) Two Treat- Court for the Correction of Errors, of Newises on Government. 80. London, 1821. York, 1799 to 1847. 80. New-York, 1848. LOCKE, (John, M. D.) Observations on Ter- LococK, (William.) Theory and Practice of restrialMagnetism. 40. Washington, 1852. Perspective. 80. London, 1852. (Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, LOCRE DE ROISSY, (J. G.) Esprit du Code de v. 3.) Commerce; ou commentaire puis6 dans les LOCKE, (John; Barrister.) Game Laws; com- procds-verbaux du conseil d'etat, les exposes prising the whole of the law now in force on de motifs et discours, les observations du the subject, brought down to the present time. tribunat, celles des cours d'appel, tribunat et 4th ed. 120. London, 1856. chambre decommerce. 5v. 80. Paris, 1811. LOCKE, (John Goodwin.) Book of Lockes: - The same. 2e ed., dispos6e sur un plan a genealogical and historical record of the nouveau. 4 v. 80. Paris, 1829. descendants of William Locke, of Woburn. - Esprit du Code de Procedure Civile et With a history of the Lockes in England, du Code du Commerce; ou conferences du and kindred families. 80. Boston, 1853. code de procedure avec les discussions du LOCKE, (John L.) History of the Town of conseil, les observations du tribunat, les exCamden, Maine. 12C. Hallowell, (Me.,) poses de motifs, les discours des orateurs du 1859. tribunat, les dispositions des autres codes. LOCKHART, (James.) Method of Approxi- 10 v. 8~. Paris, 1810-16. mating towards the Roots of Cubic Equa- Esprit du Code Napoleon; tir6 de la tions belonging to the Irreducible Case. 80. discussion, ou conference du projet de code London, 1813. civil, des observations des tribunaux, des - Nature of the Roots of Numerical proces-verbaux du conseil d'etat, des obserEquations. 80. London, 1850. vations du tribunat, des exposes de motifs, Resolution of Equations. 2 v. in 1. des rapports et discours. 5 v. 80. Paris, 40. Oxford, 1837-39. 1805-7. LOCKHART, (John Gibson.) Ancient Spanish - Legislation sur les Mines et sur les ExBallads; historical and romantic; translated, propriations pour cause d'Utilite Publique; with notes and illustrations. 40. London, ou lois des 21 Avril et 8 Mars 1810, expli1842. quees par les discussions du conseil d'etat, The same. 120. Boston, 1861. les exposes de motifs, rapports, discours, et History of Napoleon Buonaparte. 3d generalement par tons les travaux prdparaed. 2 v. 180. London, 1835. (Murray's toires dont elles sont le resultat; et compleFan. Library, v. 38-39.) tees par les actes de l'autorite publique qui ~ —- The same. 2 v. 180. New-York, les concernent. 80. Paris, 1828. 1841. (Harpers' Fanm. Library, v. 4-5.) LODDIGES, (Conrad, and Sons.) Botanical Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Cabinet; coloured delineations of plants, Scott. 10 v. 160. Edinburgh, 1848. from all countries, with a short account of Peter's Letters to his Kinsfolk. 2d ed. each, directions for management, &c. 20 v. 3 v. 80. Edinburgh, 1819. Small 40. London, 1817-33. ~ — Some Passages in the Life of Mr. LODER, (George.) New-York Glee Book. 80. Adam Blair, and the history of Mr. Matthew Hartford, 1850. Wald. 160. Edinburgh, 1843. LODGE, (Edmund.) Illustrations of British Valerius; a Roman story. 2 v. 120. History, Biography, and Manners, in the Boston, 1821. Reigns of Henry VIII., Edward VI., Mary, LOCKHART PAPERS; published from original Elizabeth, and James I.; exhibited in a seMSS. in the possession of A. Aufrere. 2 v. ries of original papers selected from the MSS. 40. London, 1817. of the noble Families of Howard, Talbot, LOCKMAN, (John.) Travels of the Jesuits, and Cecil; with notes, etc. 2d ed. 3 v. into various parts of the world; particularly 80. London, 1838. China and the East Indies; with an account Peerage of the British Empire, as at of the Spanish settlements in America. 2d present existing; from the personal commued. 2 v. 80. London, 1762. nications of the nobility; with the arms of LocKWOOD, (Ralph.) Analytical and Prac- the peers. To which is added, the Baronettical Synopsis of all the the Cases Argued age. 20th, 24th, and 27th editions. 80. and Reversed, in Law and Equity, ia the London, 1851-61. 689 LODGE. LOMAX. LODGE, (Edmund.) Portraits of Illustrious displaying their Dress, Tartans, Arms, ArPersonages of Great Britain; engraved from morial Insignia, and Social Occupations, from authenticpictures; withmemoirs of their lives original sketches, by R. R. McIan. 2 v. and actions. 4 v. Folio. London, 1821-34. Folio. London, 1845-47. The same. 8 v. 12~. London, 1829-50. ~ Scotish Gael; or, Cetic manners as preLODGE, (John.) Peerage of Ireland; or, a served among the Highlanders. 5th Am. ed. genealogical history of the present nobility 80. Hartford, 1850. of that kingdom. Revised and continued to LOGAN, (John) Poems; and Runnamede, a the present time, by Mervyn Archdall. 7 v. tragedy. With a life of the author. 160. 80. Dublin, 1789. Edinburgh, 1812. LODGE, (Thomas.) Alarum against Usurers: The same. 80. London, 1810. (Chalalso, the delectable historie of Forbonius mer's Eng. Poets, v. 18.) andPrisceria. 80. London, 1853. (Shakes- The same. 160. Chiswick, 1822. peare Society Pub., v. 8.) (Brit. Poets, v. 70.) Defence of Poetry, Music, and Stage - Sermons. Including the service of a Plays. 80. London, 1853. (Shakespeare communion Sunday, according to the usage Society Pub., v. 8.) of the church of Scotland. With life of the L(EFLING, (Peter.) Abstract of Plants; in author. 6th ed. 2v. 80. Edinburgh, 1819. his travels through Spain and Cumana, in LOGAN, (Capt. John.) Treatise of Honour, South America. From the Swedish. 80. military and civil, according to the laws London, 1771. (In Bossu's Louisiana, v. 2.) and customs of England. (In Guillim's LOEHNIS, (H.) Die Vereinigten Staaten von Display of Heraldry.) Nord-Amerika. 80. Bonn, 1863. (Misc. LOGAN, (W. H.) Scotish Banker; or a popuPain., v. 17.) lar exposition of the practice of banking in LCEwE, (Jules Marie.) Letters d'Angleterre: Scotland. 3d ed. 120. Edinburgh, 1847. 6tudes humoristiques. 80. Paris, 1851. LOGANIAN Library Catalogue. With a short LOEWENEIERG, (J. D.) Persecution of the account of the institution. 80. Philadelphia, Lutheran Church in Prussia, from 1831 to 1857. the present time. 240. London, 1840. Ln1lER, (Franz.) Geschichte und Zustinde LOFFT, (Capel.) Reports of Cases adjudged der Deutschen in Amerika. 80. Cincinnati, in the Court of King's Bench, 1772 to 1774; 1847. with some select cases in the Court of Chan- LOISEAU, (Jean Simon.) Trait6 des Enfans cery, and of the Common Pleas; to which Naturels, Adult6rins, Incestueux et Abanis added the case of general warrants and a donnes. 80. Paris, 1811. collection of maxims. Folio. London, 1776. LOISNE, (Charles Menche de.) France and The same. 80. Dublin, 1790. England, socially and politically considered. LOFr'T, (Capel, Jr.) Self-Formation; or, the Translated fiom the French, by Mrs. Philips history of an individual mind; intended as a Greene. 80. London, 1859 guide for the intellect through difficulties to LOIssON DE GUINAUMONT. Somnologie Magsuccess. 2 v. 120. London, 1837. n6tique; ou, recueil de faits et opinions LOFLAND, (John, the Milford Bard.) Poetical somnambuliques, pour servir A l'histoire du and Prose Writings. With a sketch of his magnetisme humain. 80. Paris, 1846. life. Collected by J. N. McJilton. 80. Bal- Loix Puis6es chez les Grecs, Developp6es par timore, 1853. les Remains. 2 v. in 1. -120. Paris, 1765. LoFrus, (William Kennett.) Travels and LOK, (John.) Voyage to Jerusalem, 1553. Researches in Chaldsea and Susiana; with (Hakluyt's Voyages, v. 2.) an account of excavations at Warka, the LOLME, (J. L. de.) Essay on the union of "Erech" of Nimrod, and Shfsh "Shushan Scotland with England, and on the situation the Palace" of Esther, in 1849-52. 80. of Ireland. 40. London, 1787. (Pol. Pain., London, 1857. v. 4.) LOGAN, (George.) Letters on Revenue and LOLME. See DE LOLME. Taxation, addressed to the Yeomanry of the LOMAX,'(John T.) Digest of the Laws reUnited States. 2 parts. 80. Philadelphia, specting Real Property, generally adopted 1791-92. (Pol. Pam., v. 96.) and in use in the United States; embracing, LOGAN, (James.) Clans of the Scottish High- more especially, the law of real property in lands, illustrated by appropriate figulres, V'ihginia. 3 v. 0~. Philadelphia, 1839. 8T 690 LOMAX. LONDONDERRY. LOMAX, (John T.) Digest of the Laws re- LONDON. Watlin's Commercial and General specting Real Property, generally adopted London Directory and Court Guide for 1853and in use in the United States; embracing, 1855. 3 v. $6. London, 1853-55. more especially, the law of real property in LONDON as it is to-day; where to go, and what Virginia. 2ded. 3v. 80. Richmond, 1855. to see. 120. London, 1854. Treatise on the Law of Executors and LONDON AMERICAN. January 1, 1862, to Administrators, generally in use in the March 4, 1863. Folio London, 1863. United States, and adapted more particularly LONDON BRIDGES. Professional Survey of the to Virginia. 2 v. 8~. Philadelphia, 1841. Old and New. 80. London, 1831. (Pol. The same. 2d ed. 2 v. 80. Rich- Pam., v. 74.) mond, 1857. LONDON CATALOGUE OF BOOKS published in LOMENIE, (Louis de.) Beaumarchais et son Great Britain; with their sizes, prices, and Temps. 1&tudes sur la Soci6t6 en France au publishers' names. By T. Hodgson, 1816 to xvII"iSiecle; d'apres documentsinedits. 2v. 1851. 80. London, 1851. 80. Paris, 1856. The same. 1831 to 1855. 80. Lon-;Beaumarchais and his Times; sketches don, 1855. of French society in the eighteenth cenntury. LONDON DISSECTOR, or guide to anatomy. 4 v. 12~. London, 1856. Revised by E. J. Chaisty. 120. PhiladelLONDON, (John,) Plan for seizing and car- phia, 18427 rying to New-York Col. Win. Goffe, the LONDON, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophiregicide, as set forth in the affidavit of John cal Magazine and Journal of Science. July, London, 1678. 120. Albany, 1855. 1852, to December, 1863. 4th ser. V. 4-26. LONDON. Catalogue of the Library of the 80. London, 1852-63. Corporation of the City of London. 80. LONDON GAZETTE, from 1665 to October, London, 1859. 1858. 174 v. Small folio. London, 1665The City; or, the Physiology of Lon- 1858. don Business; with sketches on'change, LONDON HIBERNIAN SOCIETY. Address. 80. and at the coffee-houses. 120. London, London, 1825. (Pol. Pam., v. 67.) 1845. LONDON HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. Cata- Cro-niques de Londres. Depuis l'an logue of the Fruits Cultivated in the Garden 44 Hen. III., jusqu'a l'an 17 Edw. III. of the Society. 3d ed. 80. London, 1842. Edited by G. J. Aungier. Small 40. Lon- LONDON LIBRARY. Catalogue. 2d ed. By don, 1844. (Camden Soc'y Pub., No. 28.) John George Cochrane. 3v. in 2. 80. Lon. Londina Illustrata. Graphic and His- don, 1847-60. toric Memorials of London and Westminster. LONDON MEDICAL GAZETTE; a weekly jourFolio. Londo-n, 1819. nal of medicine and the collateral sciences. - Munimenta Gildhalle Londoniensis; v. 1-32. 80. London, 1828-43. Liber Albus, Liber Custumarum, et Liber LONDON SPY; a weekly magazine. DecemH-orn. Edited by Henry Thomas Riley. ber 3,1831. 80. London, 1831. (Pol. Pain., 3 v. Royal 80. London, 1859-62. (Chron- v. 74.) icles and Mem. of G. Britain.) LONDON AND COUNTRY BREWER. 3 parts in Pleadings and Arguments and other 1 vol. 120. Dublin and London, 1735-38. Proceedings in the Court of King's Bench, LONDON AND ITS ENVIRONS. Select Views upon the Quo Warranto touching the Charter of London and its Environs; with descripof the City of London; with the judgment tions. 2 v. 40. London, 1804-5. entered thereupon. Folio. London, 1690. LONDON AND LONDONERS; or, a second judg(Imperfect.) ment of "Babylon the Great." 2d ed. 2 v. - Post Office London Directory, 1843, in 1. 120. London, 1836. 1852,1859. 3v. 80. London, 1843-59. LONDONDERRY, (Charles William Vane StewRoyal Society of London. Philoso- art, Third M1arquis of.) Journey to Damasphical Transactions. 1665 to 1863. 155 v. cus, through Egypt, Nubia, Arabia Petrma, 40. London, 1749-1864. Palestine, and Syria. 2 v. 120. London, The same; abridged. 1665 to 1750. 1849. 11 v. 40. London, 1749-56. Recollections of a Tour in the North - General Indexes, fiom 1665 to 1820. of Europe, in 1836-'47. 2 v. 80. London, 2 V 40, London, 1187-1821, 1839, 691 LONDONDERRY. LONGMORE. LONDONDERRY, (Robert Stewart, 2d Marquis.) LONGFELLOW, (Henry Wadsworth.) HypeMemoirs and Correspondence of (Lord Cas- rion; a romance. 13th ed. 12~. Boston, tlereagh.) 12 v. 80. London, 1850-53. 1853. Speech in House of Commons on the Outre-Mer; a pilgrimage beyond the Agricultural Distress of the Country. 8~. sea. 4th ed. 160. Boston, 1850. London, 1822. (Pol. Pam., v. 65.) Poems. 2 v. 160. Boston, 1857. LONDONIO, (C. G.) Storia delle Colonie Inglesi - Poetical Works. Illustrated by Gilbert in America, dalla loro fondazione fino allo and Dalziel. 4~. Boston, 1856. stabllimento della loro independenza. 3 v. Prose Works. 2 v. 16~. Boston, 1857. 80. Milano, 1812-13. Seaside and the Fireside. 120. Boston, LONG, (Edwasd.) History of Jamaica; sur- 1850. vey of the ancient and modern state of that - Song of Hiawatha. 120. Boston, 1856. island. 3 v. 40. London, 1774. Voices of the Night. 9th ed. 160. LONG, (George.) Egyptian Antiquities in the Cambridge, 1844. British Museum. 2 v. 160. London, 1846. (Editor.) The Estray; a collection of (Lib'y ofEntertaining Knowledge, v. 25-26.) poems..16. Boston, 1847. Reflections on certain parts of the Law (Editor.) Poets and Poetry of Europe; of England. 80. London, 1827. with introductions and biographical notices. Treatise on the Law relative to Sales 80. Philadelphia, 1849. of Personal Property. 2d ed., with additions, - (Editor.) Waif; a collection of poems. by Benjamin Rand. 8". Boston, 1839. 5th ed. 160. Boston, 1846. PORTER, (G. R.,) and TucKER, (Geo.) LONGFIELD, (George.) Introduction to the America and the West Indies, geographi- Study of the Chaldee Language. 80. Dubcally described. 8~: London, 1845. lin, 1859. LONG, (John..) Voyages and Travels of an LONGFIELD, (Mountifort.) Lectures on PolitiIndian Interpreter and Trader, describing cal Economy. 80. London, 1834. the manners and customs of the North Ameri- LONGFIELD, (Robert;) and TOWNSEND, (J. F.) can Indians; with a vocabulary of the Reports of Cases argued and determined in Chippeway language. 40. London, 1791. the Court of Exchequer in Ireland, fiomr LONG, (John Dixon.) Pictures of Slavery in Hilary Term, 1841, to Trinity Term, 1842, Church and State. 120. Philadelphia, 1857. inclusive. 8~. Dublin, 1843. LONG, (R. Cary.) Ancient Architecture of LONGINUS, (Dionysius.) De Sublimitate comAmerica, its historical value and parallelism mentarius, ceteraque, quse reperiri potuere, of development with the architecture of the (Graecb.) Jacobus Tollius emendavit, et old world. 8~. New-York, 1849. [variorum] notis integris suas subjecit, LONG, (Stephen H.) Expedition. See JAMES, novamque versionem suam Latinam, et, (Edwin.) Also, KEATING, (William H.) Gallicam Boilavii. 40. Trajecti ad Rhenum, LONG, (Le.) See LE LONG. 1694. LO)NGCHAMPS, (Pierrede.) Histoireimpartiale The same. (Grmece et LatinD.) Ad des E vnemens militaires et politiques de la prmstantissimam J. Hudsoni editloneml sedernilre Guerre, dans les quatre parties du cundam, recognitus et emendatus. 180. monde. 3 v. 120. Amsterdam, 1785. Edinburgi, 1733. LONGET, (FranqoisAchille. AnatomieetPhysi- The same. (Grnece.) Quem nova verologie du Systeme Nerveux de l'Homme et sione donavit, notis illustravit, Z. Pearce. des Animaux Vert6br6s. 2 v. 8v. Paris, Hane primam ed. Amer. multis mendis ex1842. purgatam, et notulis auctam, in lucem protulit LONGFELLOW, (Henry Wadsworth.) Ballads, P. Wilson. 80. Novi-Eboraci, 1812. and other poems. 2d ed. 160. Cambridge, On the Sublime. Translated, with 1842. notes, by William Smith. 80. London, 1819. Courtship of Miles Standish; and other LONGLEY, (John.) Observations on the Unanpoems. 120. Boston, 1858. imity required in the Trial by Jury. 80. Evangeline. 8th ed. 120. Boston, London, 1815. (Pamphleteer, v. 5.) 1853. LONrGMORE, (T.) Treatise on Gunshot Wounds. The same. Illustrated by Gilbert and 1~2. Philadelphia, 1862. Dalziel. 80. Bostmn, 1857. The same. 80. London, 1861. (Holmes' - Golden Legend. 120. Boston, 1852. Surge.ry. v. 9.) 602 LONG STREET. LORD. LONGSTREET, (Augustus B.) Georgia Scenes, LOOMIS, (J. V.) Laws of the Common CarCharacters, Incidents, &c., in the first half rying Trade. Also of Marine, Fire and Life century of the republic. 2d ed. 12~. New Insurance, rendered plain and familiar for York, 1858. popular use. 160. New-York, 1849. LONGUS. Pastoralium de Daphnide et Chloe, LOOMis, (Lafayette C.) Mizpah; Prayer and libri IV. (Gr. et Lat.) Didot's Biblioth. Friendship. 120. Philadelphia, 1858. Grecque, v. 13.) LooMIS, (Silas L.) Normal Arithmetic; a Loves of Daphnis and Chloe. Trans- text-book. 12o. Philadelphia, 1859. lated by R. Smith. 120. London, 1855. LoosEY, (Charles F.) Recueil des Lois pub(Bohn's Class. Lib'y, v. 35.) lides dans tons les etats de l'Euroqe, les Les Amours Pastorales de Daphnis et ltats-Unis d'Amerique, et les Indes d'Ouest Chloe. Traduites en Fran9ois par Amiot. de la Hollande, sur les Privileges et les Bre120. Amsterdam, 1716. vets d'Invention. 80. Paris, 1849. LONGWORTH, (J. A.) Year among the Circas- LoPE DE VEGA. See VEGA, (Lope Felix de.) sians. 2 v. 120. London, 1840. LOPEZ, (Odoardo.) Report of the Kingdom LONGWORTH, (Nicholas.) Directions for the of Congo, &c. (Osborne's Coll. Voyages, Cultivation of the Strawberry. 120. Cin- v. 2.) cinnati, 1852. (With BUCHANAN'S (Robert) LOPEZ, (T.) Navigatione verso'Indie OriGrape Culture.) entali. (Ramusio, Navigationi et Viaggi, LOOK TO YOUR PROPERTY; addressed to land- v. 1.) lords, stockholders, &c., of Great Britain. LORD, (David N.) Characteristics and Laws 80. London, 1812. (Financial Pam., v. 5.) of Figurative Language. 12o. New-York, LOOKER-ON, by William Roberts. 3v. 160. 1854. London, 1823. (British Essayists, v.35-37.) Coming and Reign of Christ. 120. LooMIS, (A. W.) Oration at the Centennial New-York, 1858. Celebration of the Evacuation of Fort - Exposition of the Apocalypse. 80. Duquesne, Pittsburgh, Nov. 25, 1858. 80. New-York, 1847. Pittsburgh, 1859. Geognosy; or, the Facts and PrinciLooMIs, (Elias.) Certain Storms in Europe and ples of Geology against Theories. 120. America, December, 1836. 40. Washing- New-York, 1855. ton, 1859. (Smithsonian Collections, v. 11.) Loun, (Eleazar.) The Epoch'of Creation. Elements of Algebra. 12th ed. 120. The Scripture doctrine contrasted with the New York, 1858. geological theory. With an introduction, by Elements of Analytical Geometry and Richard W. Dickinson. 120. New York, of the Differential and Integral Calculus. 1851. 10th ed. 80. New York, 1858. Historical Review of the New-York Elements of Geometry and Conic Sec- and Erie Railroad. 80. New-York, 1855. tions. 15th ed. 120. New York, 1858. Principles of Currency and Banking. Elements of Natural Philosophy. 120. 160. New-York, 1829. New-York, 1858. LORD, (Henry.) Histoire de la Religion des Elements of Plane and Spherical Trig- Banians, &c., avec un traite de la religion onometry, with their applications to mensu- des anciens Persans. Traduit de l'Anglois. ration, surveying, and navigation. 3d ed. 120. Paris, 1667. 80. New-York, 1854. - Discovery of the Banians and Persees. The same. 14th ed. New-York, 1858. (Pinkerton's Voyages, v. 8.) Introduction to Practical Astronomy; The same. (Churchill's Voyages and with a collection of astronomical tables. 80. Travels, v. 6.) New-York, 1855. LORD, (Henry W.) Highway of the Seas in Recent Progress of Astronomy; espe- time of War. 80. London, 1862. (Pol. cially in the United States. 3d ed. 120. Pam., v. 91.) New-York, 1856. LoRD, (John.) New History of the United Treatise on Algebra. 18th ed. 120. States of America. 120. Philadelphia, 1854. New-York, 1858. LORD, (Percival B.) Popular Physiology. LooMIS, (Jistin R.) Elements of the Anatomy 2d ed. 16~. London, 1839. and Physiology of the Human System. 120. LO{D, (William W.) Poems. 120. NewNew-York, 1854. York, 1845. 693 LORENZANA. LOUDON. LORENZANA, (Francisco Antonio.) Concilios LOSSING, (Benson J.) Pictorial Field-Book Provincials, primero y segundo, celebrados of the Revolution. 2 v. 80. New-York, en la muy noble y muy leal Ciudad de Mex- 1851-52. ico, en los afos de 1555 y 1565. 80. Mex- Pictorial History of the United States. ico, 1769. 12~. New-York, 1854. LORGUES, (DE.) See ROSELLY DE LORGUES. Seventeen Hundred and Seventy-Six, LORIEUX, (Auguste Julien Marie.) Traite de or the War of Independence. New ed. 80. la Prerogative Royale en France et en An- New-York, 1850. gleterre. Suivi d'un essai sur ie pouvoir des LOST STEAMER; a history of the Amazon. rois a Lacedemone. 2v. 80. Paris, 1840. 18". London, 1852. LORIMER, (James.) Hand-book of the Law LOTIIROP, (Samuel K.) Life of Samuel Kirkof Scotland. 80. Edinburgh, 1859. land. 16I. Boston, 1848. (Sparks' Am. LORING, (James Spear.) The Hundred Bos- Biog., v. 15; 2d series.) ton Orators, appointed by the municipal ~ Proceedings of an Ecclesiastical Counauthorities and other public bodies, from cil, in the case of the Proprietors of Hollis1770 to 1852. 80. Boston, 1852. Street Meeting-House and Rev. John PierLORING, (Joseph, Jr.) Minutes and Proceed- pont, their pastor. 8~. Boston, 1841. ings of a General Court Martial, holden at LOUDON, (John Campbell, Earl of.) Conduct Boston, before which Major J. Loring, Jr., of a Noble Commander in America, (the Earl was tried on a complaint made by Gen. Ar- of London,) impartially reviewed, &c. 80. nold Welles for not transmitting his orders. London, 1758. 80. Boston, 1813. LOUDON, (Mrs. Jane Webb.) Botany for LORINI, (Buonaiuto.) Delle Fortificationi, Ladies; the natural system of plants, aclibri V. Folio. Venetia, 1597. cording to the classification of De Candolle. LORRAIN, (Claude Gelee, surnamed le.) Liber 160. London, 1842. Veritatis; or, a collection of prints after the British Wild Flowers. 2d ed. 40. original designs of Claude le Lorrain. 3 v. London, 1846. Folio. London, 1777-1819. Ladies'CompaniontotheFlowerGarden. ~- Liber Studiorum. Engraved by F. C. 160. London, 1841. Lewis. Folio. London, 1840. Ladies' Flower Garden of Ornamental LoSA, or LossA. See LozA. Annuals. 2d ed. 40. London, 1849. LOSELEY MANUSCRIPTS. MSS. and other Rare Ladies' Flower-Garden of Ornamental Documents Illustrative of English History, Perennials. 2v. 40. London, 1843-44. Biography, and Manners, from the reign of Ladies' Flower-Garden of Ornamental Henry VIII., to that of James I. Edited, Bulbou Plants. 2d ed. 40. London, 1841. with notes, by A. J. Kempe. 80. Lon- Ladies' Flower-Garden of Ornamental don, 1836. Greenhouse Plants. 2d ed. 4~. London, LOSKIEL, (George Henry.) History of the 1844. Mission of the United Brethren among the In- LOUDON, (John Claudius.) Arboretum et Frutidians in North America. 80. London, 1794. cetum Britannicum; or, the trees and shrubs LOSSING, (Benson J.) Biographical Sketches of Britain, native and foreign, delineated, of the Signers of the Declaration of American and described. 2d ed. 8 v. 8~. London, Independence, &c. 120. New-York, 1848. 1844. History of the United States, for fami- - Architectural Magazine, and journal of lies and libraries. 80. New York, 1859. improvement in architecture, building, and Mount Vernon and its Associations, furnishing, and in the various arts and trades historical, biographical, and pictorial. Illus- connected therewith. 4 v. 80. London, trated by the author. 80. New-York, 1859. 1834-37. Our Countrymen; or, brief memoirs of DerbyArboretum. 80. London, 1840. eminent Americans. 120. New-York, 1855. Different Modes of Cultivating the - Outline History of the Fine Arts. Il- Pine-Apple. 80. London, 1822. lustrated. 160. New-York, 1854. Encyclopredia of Agriculture. 5th ed. The same. 180. New-York, 1842. 80. London, 1844. (Harpers' Fam. Library, v. 71.) Encyclopredia of Cottage, Farm, and Pictorial Description of Ohio. 8~. Villa Architecture and Furniture. 80. LonNew-York, 1850. doli, 1853. 694 LOUDON. LOUISE. LOUDON, (John Claudius) Encyclopaedia of Gen6raux, dans les ann6es 1700 et 1701. Gardening. New ed. byMrs. London. 8~. 24~. La Haye, 1728. London, 1850. Lettres anx Princes de l'Europe, a ses Encyclopedia of Plants. New ed. by Generaux, ses Ministres, &c. Recueillies Mrs. Loudon, assisted by Geo. Don and D. par Mr. Rose; avec des remarques histoWooster. 8~. London, 1855. riques, par M. Morelly. 2 v. in 1. 24~. ~- ~Gardener's Magazine. 19v. 8~. Lon- Paris, 1755. don, 1826-43. Conseil Priv6 de Louis le Grand, as~- - The Horticulturist; the science and semble pour trouver les moyens par de practice of the culture and management of nouveaux impats de pouvoir continuer la the kitchen, fruit, and forcing garden. 8~. guerre contre les hauts alliez. 12~. VerLondon, 1849. saille, 1696. Hortus Britannicus; a catalogue of all M6dailles snr les principaux 1qv6nethe plants indigenous, cultivated in, or in- ments du Rdgne de Louis le Grand; avec troduced into Britain; according to Linnaeus des explications historiques. Folio. Paris, and Jussieu. New ed. 8~. London, 1850. 1702. The same. Supplement; with index, The same. Folio. Paris, 1723. prepared by W. H. Baxter, assisted by D. Louis XV. Sacre de Louis XV., Roy de Wooster. 8~. London, 1850. France et de Navarre, dans l'1glise de *~- Hortus Lignosus Londinensis; cata- Reims, le Dimanche xxv Octobre, 1722. logue of all the ligneous plants, indigenous Folio. and foreign, cultivated in the neighborhood Louis XVI. (Louis-Auguste.) Discours i of London. 8~. London, 1838. l'Ouverture du Lit de Justice i Versailles, On the Laying Out, planting and man- 8 Mai, 1788. (Pol. Pam., v. 1.) aging of Cemeteries; and on the improve- Lettre du Roi pour la Convocation des ment of churchyards. 8~. London, 1843. ltats-Generaux i Versailles, 27 Avril, 1789, Observations on Laying Out Farms in et Reglement y annex6. 4~. Paris, 1789. the Scotch Style, adaptedto England. Folio. (Pol. Pam., v. 1.) London, 1812. Proces de Louis XVI.; avec les opinShort Treatise on several Improvements ions des membres du Convention Nationale. recently made in Hot-Houses. 8~. Edin- 80. Paris, 1792. burgh, 1805. Political and Confidential Correspon-- Self Instruction for young gardeners, dence. With observations, by Helen Maria foresters,bailiffs, land-stewards, and farmers, Williams. 3v. 8~. London, 1803. in Arithmetic, etc. With memoir of the an- The same. 3v. 8~. New-York, 1803. thor. 80. London, 1845. Louis XVIII. (Louis-Stanislas-Xavier.) ReTreatise on forming, improving, and lation d'un Voyage a Bruxelles a Coblentz, managing Country Residences; and on the 1791. 24~. Paris, 1823. choice of situations appropriate to every class ~ Memoirs of Louis XVIII.; written by of purchasers. 2 v. 4~. London, 1806. himself. 2 v. 12~. London, 1832. ~- -Villa Gardener; and the management NYote.-Probably the work of the Baron Lamotheof the villa farm. 2d ed., by Mrs. Loudon. Langon. 8~. London, 1850. Private Memoirs of the Court of Louis LOUDON, (J. C.) See MAGAZINE OF NATURAL XVIII. By a lady. 2 v. 8~. London, HISTORY. 1839. (V. 1 wanting.) Louis XII.; et D'AMBOISE, (le Cardinal.) Louis, (Pierre Charles Alexander.) Researches Lettres du Roy Louis XII. et du Cardinal onPhthisis. 2d editon. Translated byWV.H. George d'Amboise; avec plusieurs autres Walshe. 1844. (Sydenham Society Pub.) lettres, m6moires et instructions derits de- LoUISE DE SAVOIE, (Duchesse d'Angouldme.) puis 1504 jusques et compris 1514. Publies Memoires, on Journal. 8~. Paris, 1786. parJ. Godefroy. 4v. 16~. Brusselle, 1712. (Coll. des Memoires Relatifs a i'Hist. de LouIS XIV. i(uvres de Louis XIV. M6- France, v. 16.) moires Historiques et Politiques. 6 v. 80. The same. 80. Paris, 1838. (MiParis, 1806. chaud, Coll. Mdm. Hist. France, v. 5.) - Lettres an Compte de Briord, Am- The same. 80. Paris, 1820. (Petibassadeur Extraordinaire auprds des 1Jtats tot, Coll. M6m. Hist. France, ser. I, v. 16.) 695 LOUISIANA. LOUISIANA. LOUISIANA. Acts of the Legislature of the with an abstract of the decisions of the Territory of Orleans, 1804, 1805, 1806, and Supreme Court of Louisiana on the statutory 1808. 3 v. 80. New-Orleans, 1805-08. law. By Meinrlad Greiner. 80. New-Or--- Acts of the Legislature of the Territory leans, 1841. of Orleans, 1807. 80. New-Orleans, 1807. New Digest of the Statute Laws of Acts of the General Assembly of the Louisiana, from the change of government State of Louisiana, 1812; (first session;) to 1841. By Henry A. Bullard and Thomas 1817 to 1822; 1826 to 1834; 1828, (2 copies;) Curry. 80. New-Orleans, 1842. 1-35 to 1837, (2 copies;) 1838 and 1839; -- Revised Statutes of Louisiana, com1840, (2 copies;) 1841; 1841-42, (2 copies;) piled by U. B. Phillips, under direction of 1843 to 1848; 1846, (2 copies;) extra session the legislature. 80. New-Orleans, 1856. of 1848; 1850 to 1853; 1854, (3 copies;) (2 copies.) 1855; and 1856 to 1860, (2 copies.) 47 v. - Code of Practice in Civil Cases, for the 80. New-Orleans, 1812-60. State of Louisiana. 16~. New-Orleans, Civil Code of the State of Louisiana. 1830. 80. New-Orleans, 1825. The same. With annotations by WheeCivil Code of the State of Louisiana; lock S. Upton. 80. New-Orleans, 1839. with the statutory amendments, from 1825 The same. The notes of, and references to 1853, inclusive; and references to the to, the decisions of the Supreme Court of the decisions of the Supreme Court of Louisiana State of Louisiana, and also the statutory to the sixth volume of annual reports. By law relating to practice, by M. Greiner. 80. Thomas Gibbes Morgan. 80. New-Orleans, New-Orleans, 1844. (12 copies.) 1853. (3 copies.) Thesame. With the statutory amend~ — Civil Code of the State of Louisiana; ments from 1825 to 1853, inclusive; and with annotations. By Wheelock S. Upton references to the decisions of the Supreme and Needler R. Jennings. 80. New-Orleans, Court of Louisiana to the sixth volume of 1838. annual reports. By Thomas G. Morgan. The same. 1 v. in 2. 80. New-Or- l8. New-Orleans, 1853. leans, 1838. (12 copies.) ~ Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court - Commercial Code for the State of of Louisiana, by B. W. Miller and T. Curry, Louisiana. Folio. New-Orleans, 1825. 1830 to 1841. 19 v. 80. New-Orleans, Consolidation and Revision of the 1832-42. (2 copies.) Statutes of the State, of a general nature, - The same. With marginal references, prepared by Levi Peirce. Miles Taylor, and by T. G. Morgan. 19 v. in 10. 80. NewW. W. King, February 5th, 1852. 80. Orleans, 1854. New-Orleans, 1852. (2 copies.) The same. V. I to 4, by Merritt M. Digest of the Acts of the Legislatures Robinson, 1846 to 1849. 80. New-Orleans, of the late Territory of Orleans, and of the 1847-50. (2 copies.) State of Louisiana, and the ordinances of The same. V. 2. 80. New-Orleans, the governor under the territorial govern- 1848. ment. By Francois Xavier Martin. 3 v. ~ The same. V. 5 and 6, by William M. 80. New-Orleans, 1816. King, 1850 and 1851. 80. New-Orleans, Digest of the Civil Laws now in force 1851-52. (2 copies.) in the Territory of Orleans. 80. New- - The same. V. 7 to I1, by W. M. RanOrleans, 1808. dolph, 1852 to 1856. 80. New-Orleans, _- General Digest of the Acts of the Leg- 1854-57. (2 copies.) islature of Louisiana, from the year 1804 to The same. V. 12 and 13, by A. N. 1827, inclusive. By L. Moreau Lislet. 2v. Ogden, 1857 and 1858. 80. New-Orleans, 80. New-Orleans, 1828. 1858-59. (2 copies.) Laws of Las Siete Partidas, which are - The same. V. 12 and 14, by A. N. still in force in the State of Louisiana. Ogden, 1857 and 1859. 80. New-Orleans, Translated fiom the Spanish, by L. Moreau 1858-60. Lislet and Henry Carleton. 2 v. 80. Account of Louisiana; an abstract of New-Orleans, 1820. documents laid before Congress by President - Louisiana Digest, embracing the laws Jefferson,- and published by their order. 80. of a general nature, from 1804 to 1841; London, 18.04. 69G LOUISIANA. LOW. LOUISIANA. Adresse au Conseil L6gislatif LOUVET DE COUVRAY, (Jean Baptiste.) Medu Territoire d'Orleans. (French and Eng- moires. 8~. Paris, 1823. (Berville et Barlish.) 12~. NouvelleOrleans, 1808. (Pol. ridre, Coll. M6m. Rev. Frangaise, v. 43.) Pam., v. 108.) Love and Patriotism; or, the extraorAnalytical Index of Public Documents dinary adventures of Mons. Duportail, late in Paris relating to the early settlement of Major-General in the Army of the United Louisiana. 8~. New-York, 1850. (French's States; with incidents in the life of Count Hist. Cell. Lousiana, v. 2.) Pulauski. Translated from the French. Constitution or form of government of 12~. Boston, 1825. the State of Louisiana. Washington, 1812. LOVAT, (Simon Frazer, Lord.) Whole ProJournal of the Convention called for the ceedings in the House of Peers, upon the purpose of re-adopting, amending, or chang- Impeachment against Lord Lovat, for High ing the Constitution of the State of Louis- Treason. Folio. London, 1747. (Bound iana, 1844-45. 80. New-Orleans, 1845. with KILMARNOCK.) Report of Debates in the Louisiana LovEJOY, (J. C. and Owen.) Memoir of the Convention, 1844-45. 80. New-Orleans, Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy. 120. New-York, 1845. 1838. -- Rapports des Debats de la Convention LOVELASS, (Peter.) Law's Disposal of a Perde la Louisiane, par James Foullouze, rap- son's Estate who dies without Will or Testaporteur, 1844-45. 80. Nouvelle Orleans, 1845. ment. To which is added, the Disposal of Map of Louisiana. Constructed from a Person's Estate by Will and Testament. the surveys in the General Land-Office, and With an Explanation of the Mortmain Act. other documents; by John Melish. Phila- 12th ed. By Arthur Barron. 80. London, delphia, 1820. 1838. Message from the President, communi- LOVELL, (L. B.) On Outposts, Patrols, &c. eating discoveries in exploring the Missouri, 120. London, 1851. Red River, and Washita, by Captains Lewis LOVELL, (Robert.) Poems. 160. Chiswick, and Clark, Dr. Sibley, and Mr. Dunbar; 1822. (Brit. Poets, v. 73.) with a statistical account of the countries LOVER, (Samuel.) Lyrics of Ireland. Edited adjacent. 8~. Washington, 1806. by Samuel Lover. 12~. London, 1858. State Register; an historical and statis- ~ Paddy Mullowney's Travels in France. ticai account of Louisiana; with a list of all 180. Halifax, 1854. (In IRELAND, Tales State and parish officers, by A. W. Bell. 80. and Stories of.) Baton Rouge, 1855. Rory O'More. 2d ed. 3 v. 120. L'UNGER,(The.) ByH. Mackenzie and others. London, 1837. 2 v. 160. London, 1823. (British Essay-. The same. 160. London, 1849. ists, v. 30-31.) (Bentley's Stand. Novels, v. 76.) LoUREIRO, (P.) Tables showing the Approxi- LOVIBOND, (Edward.) Poems. 80. London, mate Cost of Tea, (minus freight,) laid down 1810. (Chalmers' Eng. Poets, v. 16.) in New-York; bought in China by the pecul The same. 160. Chiswick, 1822. for tales of Sycee, or dollars, and sold in (Brit. Poets, v. 63.) New-York by the pound avoirdupois for U.S. Low, (Alexander.) History of Scotland, to currency. 80. London, 1822. the middle of the ninth century. 80. Edin-'OUVERTURE, (Toussaint.) Buonaparte in burgh, 1826. tle West Indies; or, history of the African ~ Scottish Heroes in the Days of Wallace lero. Part I. 3d ed. 8~. London, 1803. and Bruce. 2 v. 120. London, 1856. (Misc. Pam., v. 28.) Low, (David.) Breeds of the Domestic Ani- History of Toussaint L'Ouverture, mnals of the British Islands. 2 v. in 1. dedicated to the Emperor of Russia. 8C. Folio. London, 1842. London, 1814. (Pamphleteer, v. 4.) Domesticated Animals of the British LOUVET, (Georges.) Recueil d'aucuns Nota- Islands. 80. London, 1845. bles Arrests donnez en la Cour de Parlement Elements of Practical Agriculture. de Paris. 4 e6d., reveue, corrigee et aug- 4th ed. 8~. London, 1843. Inentde de plusieurs arrests, et autres nota- --- Inquiry into the Nature of the Simbles decisions, par J. Brodeau. 2 v. 40. pie Bodies of Chemistry. 80, London, Paris, 1614-16. 1844. 697 LOW. LOWNDES. Low, (David.) Observations on the Present LOWELL, (James Russell.) Biglow Papers; State of Landed Property. 3d ed. 80. Edin- with additional notes, glossary, and colored burgh, 1823. (Pol. Pam., v. 67.) illustrations, by George Cruikshank. 2d Low, (Hugh.) Sarawak; its inhabitants and English ed. 160. London, 1861. productions; being notes during a residence Poems. 2 v. 12C. Boston, 1849. in that country with H. H. the Rajah Brooke. Poetical Works. 2 v. 12~. Boston, 80. London, 1848. 1858. Low, (Sampson.) See BRITISH CATALOGUE. LOWELL, (John.) Eulogy on James BowLow, (Sampson, Jr.) Charities; comprehend- doin. 40. Boston, 1791. (Misc. Pam., ing benevolent, educational, and religious v. 23.) institutions, their origin and design, progress, Mr Madison's War; a dispassionate and present position. 160. London, 1850. inquiry into the reasons alleged by Mr. MadiCharities of London, in 1852-53. 160. son for declaring an offensive and ruinous London, 1854. war against Great Britain. 80. Boston, Charities of London in 1861. 160. 1812. London, 1862. LOWELL, (Robert T. S.) The New Priest in LOWE, (Sir Hudson.) See FORSYTH, (Wil- Conception Bay. 2 v. 120. Boston, 1858. liam.) LOWELL, (Mass.) Lowell Directory, for 1858. LOWE, (John.) Letter to Canning on the 12~. Lowell, 1858. Policy of recognising the South American LOWER, (Mark Antony.) Chronicle of Battel States. 8~. London, 1822. (Pamphleteer, Abbey, from 1066 to 1176. Now first transv. 21.) lated, with notes, and the subsequent history Recognition of Columbiaby Great Brit- of the establishment. 80. London, 1851. ain. 80. London, 1823. (Pamphleteer, - Contributions to Literature; historical, v. 22.) antiquarian, and metrical. 120. London, LOWE, (Joseph.) Present State of England 1854. in regard to Agriculture, Trade, and Com- Curiosities of Heraldry. 80. London, merce; with a comparison of the prospects 1845. of England and France. 80. New-York, English Surnames: an essay onfamily 1824. nomenclature, historical, etymological, and LOWE, (Thomas.) Central India during the humorous. 3d ed. 2v. 120. London, 1849. rebellion of 1857-58. 120. London, 1860. Patronymica Britannica; a dictionary LOWE, (Thomas Hill.) Sermons in the cathe- of the family names of the United Kingdom. dral church of St. Peter, Exeter. 80. Ex- 80. London, 1860. eter, 1841. LWIG, (Karl.) Principles of Organic and LOWELL, (Anna C.) Seed-grain for Thought Physiological Chemistry. Translated by and Discussion; a compilation. 2 v. 120. Daniel Breed. 80. Philadelphia, 1853. Boston, 1856. LOWNDES, (J.) Modern Greek and English Theory of Teaching; with a few prac- Lexicon. English-Greek and Greek-Engtical illustrations, by a teacher. 120. Bos- lish; with an epitome of modern Greek ton, 1841. grammar. 2 v. 8~. Corfu, 1827-37. LOWELL, (Charles.) Sermons; chiefly occa- LOWNDES, (John James.) Historical Sketch sional. 12~. Boston, 1855. of the Law of Copy-right. 2d ed. 80. - Sermons; chieflypractical. 120. Bos- London, 1842. (2 copies.) ton, 1855. -- and MAXWELL, (Peter Benson.) Law ~-_ JSermon at the Dedication of a Church Court Cases, 1852 to 1854. V. 1. Parts 1 —4 in Cambridge. 80. Cambridge, (Mass., 80. London, 1855. 1828. (Theol. Pam., v. 12.) MAXWELL, (P. B.,) and POLLOCK, - Sermon at the Ordination of R.F. Wall- (C. E.) Reports of Cases in the Queen's cut. 80. Boston, 1830. (Thol. Pam.,v. 12.) Bench Practice Court; with points of pracSermon at the Dedication of a Church tice and pleading decided in the courts of in Milton, (Mass.) 80. Boston, 1829. (Theol. Common Pleas and Exchequer, 1850 and Pain., v. 12.) 1851. 2 v. 80. London, 1851-52. LOWELL, (James Russell.) Conversations on LOWNDES, (Richard.) Chronological Index to some of the Old Poets. 120. Cambridge, the Statutes at Large, from Magna Charta 1845. to July 23, 1830. 80. London, 1831. 88 698 LOWNDES. LOZA. LOWNDES, (Thomas.) Tracts, political, and LowRY, (J. W.) Table Atlas; with all inex. miscellaneous, in prose and verse. 2 v. 80. 40. London, 1852. Dover and London, 1825-27. LOWRY, (L. A.) Earnest Search for Truth; CONTENTS. letters from a son to his father. 18~. PhilaLetter on the injustice of the Reduction of National delphia, 1852. Interest to keep up War Rents, v. 1. LowTH, (George T.) Wanderer in Arabia; Letter to Hume and Buxton on the Slavery of the Publicans, v. 1. or, western footsteps in eastern tracks. 2 v. Letters intended for the Morning Chronicle and 120 London 1855 Times, and Letters concerning the Trial of, Charles I., v. 1. LOWTH, (Robert.) Isaiah. A new translaLetters on Lowndes' Bay Salt, v. 1. tion with notes, critical, philological, and Letter to R. Twining, Tea Dealer, v. 1. Miscellaneous Poems, v. 1. explanatory. 4~. London, 1778. Political and Iiscellaneous Tracts, v. 2. ~ —- iThe same. With John Smith's explaLOWNDES, (William.) Proposalfor Amending nation of each chapter. 16~. Albany, the Silver Coins of England. 8~. London, (N. Y.,) 1794. 1696. The same. 8~. London, 1836. (Pro--- Regulating Silver Coins, made practi- phets, Literal Translation of, v. 1.) cable and easie, to the government and sub- Lectures on the Sacred Poetry of the ject. 8~. London, 1696. (With above.) Hebrews. Translated from the Latin, by Report containing an essay for the G. Gregory. With notes, by Calvin E. Amendment of the Silver Coins. 8~. Lon- $towe. 8~. Andover, (Mass.) 1829. don, 1695. (With above.). Life of William of Wykeham, Bishop ~- 1Remarks on a Report containing an of Winchester. 8". London, 1758. essay for the Amendment of the Silver Coins. Short Introduction to English Gram8~. London, 1695. (With above.) mar. 160. London, 1793. LOWNDES, (William, Barrister.) Treatise on LOWTH, (William.) Vindication of the Divine the Law of Legacies. 80. London, 1824. Authority and Inspiration of the Writings of LOWNDES,(William Thomas.) Bibliographor's the Old and New Testament. 180. Oxford, Manual of English Literature; containing 1692. an account of rare, curious, and useful books, LOYAL GARLAND. A collection of songs of published in or relating to Great Britain and the seventeenth century; reprinted from a Ireland, from the invention of printing; with black-letter copy supposed to be unique. bibliographical and criticalnotices, collations Edited by J. O. Hallowell. 120. London, of the rarer articles, and the prices at which 1850. (Percy Soc. Pub., v. 29.) they have been sold in the present century. LOYAL NATIONAL LEAGUE of the State of 4 v. 80. London, 1834. New York. Address of. 80. New York, ~ — The same. 2d edition. Revised and (n. d.) enlarged, by Henry G. Bohn. 10 parts in 5 LOYD, (Samuel Jones; Lord Overstone.) Rev. Letters A-Z. 120. London, 1857-64. flections suggested by a perusal of J. Horsley LOWNDS, (William.) Case of the Third Audi- Palmer's pamphlet on the Causes and Contor stated, and referred by the Commissioners sequences of the Pressure on the Money of the Treasury to the Attorney and Solicitor Market. 80. London, 1837. General, with their reports. 3d ed. Folio. - The same. (Financial Pam., v. 15.) London, 1715. LOYSEL, (Antoine.) Institutes Coutumieres; LOWREY, (Asbury.) Positive Theology; dis- ou manuel de plusieurs et diverses regles, sertations on the fundamental doctrines of sentences et proverbes, taut anciens que the Bible. 120. Cincinnati, 1853. modernes, du droit coutumier et plus ordiLoWREY, (Grosvenor P.) English Neutrality. naire de la France; avec les notes d'Eusbbe Is the Alabama a British Pirate? 80. New de Lauridre. Nouv. ed., par MM. Dupin et York, 1863. E. Laboulaye. 2 v. 120. Paris, 1846. LOWRIE, (John M.) The Christian in Church. LOZA, (Francisco.) Vida qve el Siervo do 180. Philadelphia, 1856. Dios Gregorio Lopez hizo en Algvnos LvgaLowRE,, (Walter.) Memoirs of the Rev. Wal- res de la Nueva Espafa; principalmente en ter M. Lowrie, Missionary to China. 120. el Pueblo de Sante F6. 80. Madrid, 1642. Philadelphia, 1854. - Vie du bienheureux Gregoire Lopez. LowRY, (Delvalle.) Conversations on Mine- De la traduction d'Arnauld D'Andilly. 160. ralogy. 2 v. 12~. London, 1822. Paris, 1674. 699 LOZANO. LUCIANUS. LOZANO, (Pedro.) Historia de la Compania LUCAS, (Prosper.) Traitd de l'Her6dit6 Nade Jesus en la Provincia del Paraguay. 2 v. turelle dans les dtats de Sant6 et de Maladie Small folio. Madrid, 1754-55. du Systeme Nerveux. 2 v. 8~. Paris, LUARD, (John.) History of the Dress of the 1847-50. British Soldier, from the earliest period to LucAs, (Richard.) Inquiry after Happiness. the present time. Illustrated with fifty 2 v. 8C. London, 1818. drawings. 8~. London, 1852. LUCAS, (Robert.) Modern Cases in Law and LUBBOCK, (J. W.) On the Determination of Equity, 1720 to 1725. Folio. London, 1730. the Distance of a Comet front the Earth, and LUCAS, (Samuel.) Charters of the Old Engthe Elements of its Orbit. 80. London, 1832. lish Colonies in America. With an introLUBe, (D. G.) Analysis of the Principles of duction and notes. 8~. London, 1850. Equity Pleading, containing a compendium LUCCHESI-PALLI, (Ferdinando.) Principes du of the Practice of the High Court of Chan- Droit Public Maritime, et histoire de plusieurs cery, and the foundation of its rules; with traites qui s'y rapportent. Traduit par J. an illustration of the analogy between plead- Armand de Galiani. 8~. Paris, 1842. (2 ings at common law and in equity. 8~. copies.) London, 1823. LUCCOCK, (John.) Nature and Properties of ~ — The same. 2d Am. ed, by J. D. Wood illustrated; with a description of the Wheeler. 80. New-York, 1846. English Fleece. 16". Leeds, 1805. - Argument against the Gold Standard; - Notes on Rio de Janeiro, and the southwith an examination of the principles of the ern parts of Brazil; taken during a residence modern economists. 80. London, 1832. of ten years in that country, from 1808 to Luc, (J. A. De.) See DE Luc. 1818. 40. London, 1820. LUCANUs, (Marcus Anneus.) De Bello Civili, LuCE DE LANCIVAL, (Jean Charles Julien.) (sive Pharsalia.) Cum Hug. Grotii notis et M6moires de Rochambeau, ancien Mar6chal variorum. Accurante Corn. Schrevelio. 80. de France. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1809. Amstelodami, 1669. LUCJET, (Jean Claude.) L'Enseignement de The same. Accedit huic editioni Lu- l'lglise Catholique, sur le dogme et sur la cani supplementumn. Authore Thoma Maio. morale, recueilli de tous les ouvrages de M. 180. Amsteledami, 1714. Bossuet, en conservant par tout son style Pharsalia; or, the Civil Warres of Rome. noble et majestueux. 6 v. o8. Paris, 1804. Englished by Thomas May. 3d ed. Also, LUCIIET, (J. P. L. de la Roche du Maine, a continuation, by Thomas May. 2 v. in 1. Mtarquis de.) Essai sur la Secte des Illu180. London, 1635. mines. 80. Paris, 1789. The same. Translated into English LUCIANUS. Opera, qume quidem extant, omnia, verse, by Nicholas Rowe. Edited by James (Grmco et Latine;) una cum annotationibus Welwood. Folio. London, 1718. utilissimis; narratione item de vita et scripThe same. 160. London, 1790. (John- tis authoris Jacobi Zvingeri. 4 v. 160. son's Brit. Poets, v. 29.) Basilede, 1563. (V. 4 wanting.) ~- The same. 80. London, 1810. (Chal- - Opera. (Grmce.) Cum nova versione mers' Eng. Translations, v. 2.) T. Hemsterhusii, et J. M. Gesneri, ac notis The same. 2 v. 160. Chiswick, variorum, ac proecipu6 Mosis Solani et J. M. 1822. (Brit. Poets, v. 99-100.) Gesneri. Priorem partem curavit T. HemThe same. Translated, in prose, by I. sterhusius; ceteras ordinavit, J. F. Reitzius. T. Riley. 120. London, 1853. (Bohn's 3 v. 40. Amstelodami, 1743. Class. Lib'y, v. 48.) The same. (Gr. et Lat.) Rec. G. DinLUCAS, (Charles.) Du Systeme Penal et du dorf. 80. Paris, 1840. (Didot, Biblioth. Systeme Repressif en general, de la Peine de Grecque, v. 28.) Mort en particulier. 80. Paris, 1827. Works. From the Greek, by Thomas ~- Du Systeme Pdnitentiaire en Europe et Francklin. 2 v. 40. London, 1780. auxl ]tats-Unis. 3v. 80. Paris, 1828-30. The same. 4 v. 80. London, 1781. LUCAS, (Jean-Ancdr-Henri.) Tableaux Me- Dialogues. From the Greek, by John thodique des Espdces Minerales, extrait du Carr. 2d ed. 5 v. 80. London, 1774-98. Traite de Min6ralogie de M. Haiiy, et aug- - Dialogues, de la traduction de N. Permente des nouvelles decouvertes. 2 v. 8~. rot, Sr. d'Ablancourt. 2 e6d. 2 v. Small 40. Paris, 1806-13. Paris, 1655. (V. 2 wanting.) 700 LUCIANUS. LUFFMAN. LUCIANUS. Dialogues, de la traduction de N. tees of the House of Commons upon ConPerrot, Sr. d'Ablancourt. 4e 6d., nouvele- troverted Elections. 3 v. 8%. London, mentrevetieetcorrig6e. 2 v. 18. Amster- 1785-90. dam, 1664. Tracts on Various Subjects in the Law - Mythologie Dramatique. Traduite en and History of England. 2 v. 120. Bath, Fran(ais, et accompagnee du texte grec et 1810. d'une version latine; par le C. Gail. 4~. LUDEWIG, (HermannE.) Literature of AmeriParis, 1798. can Aboriginal Languages. With additions LUCIFER Calaritanus. Opera Omnia. Curan- and corrections, by William W. Turner. tibus J. D. et Jac. Coletis. Folio. Venetiis, Edited by N. Trifbner. 8~. London, 1858. 1778. Literature of American Local History; a LICLu IUs. Fragments. Translated by L. bibliographical essay. 8~. New-York, 1846. Evans. (With JUVENAL,&c.) 120. London, LUDLOW, (Edmund.) Memoirs; with a col1852. (Bohn's Class. Library, v. 42.) lection of original papers. 3 v. 16~. Vevay, LUCKCOCK, (Joseph.) Essays on the Theory 1698-99. of the Tides, the Figure of the Earth, the ~ The same. With a collection of original Atomical Philosophy, and the Moon's Orbit. papers, serving to confirm and illustrate 4~. London, 1817. many important passages contained in the LuCKE, (Friedricl.) Commentary on the Epis- memoirs. To which is added the case of ties of St. John. Translated by T. G. Repp. King Charles I. Folio. London, 1751. 160. Edinburgh, 1837. (Biblical Cabinet, M6moires. 3 v. 80. Paris, 1827. v. 23.) (Coil. des M6moires relatifs a la R6volution LUCKNOW. Lady's Diary of the Siege of d'Angleterre, v. 6-8.) Lucknow. Written for the perusal of friends LUDLOW, (Fitzhugh.) The Hasheesh Eater; at home. 160. London, 1858. being passages from the life of a PythagoLUCRETIUS Caus, (Titus.) De Rerum Natura rean..12. New-York, 1857. libri VI; ad exemplar Gilberti Wakefield, LUDLOW, (J. L.) Manual of Examinations cum ejusdem notis, commentariis, indici- on Anatomy, Physiology, Surgery, Practice bus, fideliter excusi. Adjectm sunt integra of Medicine, Chemistry, Obstetrics, Materia Ricardi Bentleii annotationes. 4 v. 80. Medica, Pharmacy, and Therapeutics. New Glasgue, 1813. ed. 120. Philadelphia, 1857. The same. Carolus Lachmannus re- LUDLOW, (J. M.) Sketch of the History of censuit et emendavit. Item, C. Lachmanni the United States; to which is added the in T. Lucretii Cari de Rerum Natura libros struggle for Kansas, by Thomas Hughes. Commentarius. 2 v. in 1. 80. Berolini, 12~. Cambridge, (Eng.,) 1862. 1850. LUDLOW, (England.) Documents connected The same. Ex editione G. Wakefieldi. with the History of Ludlow, and the Lords 3v. 80. Londini, 1823. (Valpy'sScriptores Marchers. Folio. London, 1841. Latini, v. 59-61.) LUDOLPHUS, (Job.) New History of Ethiopia; - Of the Nature of Things, in six books. a description of the Kingdom of Abessinia, Translated into English verse, by Tho. vulgarly called the Empire of Prester John. Creech. With notes and animadversions. Made English by J. P. Gent. Folio. Lon2 v. 80. London, 1714. don, 1682. The same. Translated from the Latin, LUDVIGH, (Samuel.) Kossuth, oder der Fall accompanied with the original text, and vonUngarn; historischesDrama. 120. Balnotes, by J. M. Good. 2 v. 40. London, timore, 1853. 1805. LuDWIG, (Christian.) Complete Dictionary, The same. Translated (in prose) by J. English and German, and German and EngS. Watson, (in verse) by J. M. Good. 120. lish. 2d ed. 2 v. 120. Leipzig, 1832. London, 1851. (Bohn's Class. Lib'y, v. 49.) LuDWIwG, (Otto.) Der Erbf6rster-Die MakkaLUDEN, (Heinrich.) Geschichte des Teutschen bier. 2 v. in 1. Leipzig, 1853-54. Volkes. 12 v. 80. Gotha, 1825-37. LUFFMAN, (John.) Brief Account of the Island LUDERS, (Alexander.) Considerations on the of Antigua. 2d ed. 160. London, 1789. Law of High Treason in the Article of Levy- Select Plans of the principal Cities, ing War. 120. Bath, 1808. Harbours, Forts, &c., in the World. 2 v. Reports of the Proceedings in Commit- Small 40. London, 1801. 701 LUGAR. LUZERNE. LUGAR, (Robert.) Architectural Sketches for Bey against the Ottoman Porte. 80. LonCottages, rural dwellings, and villas; with don, 1783. plans. 4~. London, 1805. LUSSAN, (Raveneau de.) Journal du Voyage ~ — Plans and Views of Ornamental Domes- fait a la Mer du Sud, avec les Flibustiers de tic Buildings. 2d ed. Folio. London, 1836. l'Amerique, en 1684, et annees suivantes. Villa Architecture. Views, with plans 240. Paris, 1690. (2 copies.) of buildings executed in England, Scotland, LUTFULLAH. See AUTOBIOGRAPHY. &c. On 42 plates. 2d ed. Folio. London, LUTHER, (Martin.) KurzeErkltrungdesklei1855. nen Katechismus. 180. Sumnytown, (Pa.,) LUGOL, (J. G. A.) Causes of Scrofulous Dis- 1854. eases. Translated from the French, with an Memoires, ecrits par lui-meme. Traessay on the treatment of the principal varie- duits et mis en ordre par M. Michelet; suivis ties of scrofula, by W. H. Ranking. 80. d'un Essai sur l'Histoire de la Religion, et London, 1844. des Biographies de Wicleff, Jean Huss, LUITPRAND. Legatio adNicephorumPhocam. Erasme, Melanchthon, Hutten, &c. 2 v. 80. Bonnoy, 1828. (Byzantine Hist. Corpus, 80. Paris, 1837. v. 5.) Life of Martin Luther. Gathered from LUKE, (Saint.) (In Chinese.) 80. Chinese his own writings, by M. Michelet. TransMission Press, 1844-45. lated by G. H. Smith. 120. New-York, - See BIBLE. 1846. LUMISDEN, (Andrew.) Remarks on the Anti- The same. 80. London, 1846. quities of Rome and its Environs; a classi- Life of Martin Luther, in fifty Pictures, cal survey of the ruins of that celebrated from designs by Gustav Konig; with a city. 2d ed. 40. London, 1812. sketch of the reformation in Germany. 80. LUNACY. Report of the Commissioners in London, 1853. Lunacy. 80. London, 1847. Spiritual Songs. Translated by R. LUND, (Henry.) Treatise of the Substantive Massie. 160. London, 1854. Law relating to Letters Patent for Inven- - Table Talk of Familiar Discourse. tions. 120. London, 1851. Translated by William Hazlitt. 120. LonLUND, (Thomas.) Short and Easy Course of don, 1848. Algebra, for the junior classes in schools. LUTHERAN CHURCH. Foreign Missionary So2d ed. 16c. Cambridge, 1851. ciety of United States. Biennial Reports, LUNDY, (Benjamin.) Life, Travels, and 1855-57. 80. Albany, 1855-57. Opinions of. 120. Philadelphia, 1847. LUTTRELL, (Narcissus.) Brief Historical ReLUNN, (Henry C.) Musings of a Musician; lation of State Affairs, from September, 1678, sketches of musical matters and musical to April, 1714. 6 v. 80. Oxford, 1857. people. New ed. 120. London, 1854. LUTWYCHE, (Edward.) Un Livre des Entries; LURINE, (Louis;) et BROT, (Alphonse.) Les contenant aussi un report des resolutions del Convents. Illustres par MM. Tony Johan- court sur diverse exceptions prise as pleadnot et Celestin Nanteuil. 80. Paris, 1846. ings, et sur auters matters en ley. 2 v. LUSH, (Robert.) Act for the Abolition of Folio. London, 1704. (2 copies.) Arrest on Mesne Process, &c., (1 and 2 The same. By W. Nelson Folio. Victoria, c. 110.) With copious notes. 120. London, 1718. London, 1838. LUXEMBOURG et Louis XIV.-L'Esprit de Practice of the Superior Courts of Luxembourg; ou conference qu'il a en avec Common Law at Westminster, in actions Louis XIV. sur les moyens de parvenir a la and proceedings connected therewith over paix. 180. Cologne, 1694. which they have a common jurisdiction; Luz, (Jose de la.) Instituto Cubano.-Inwith forms. 2d ed, by James Stephen. 80. forme presentado a la Real Junta de Fomento London, 1856. (2 copies.) de Agricultura y Comercio de esta isla, 11 LUSHINGTON, (Stephen Rumbold.) Life and de Diciembre de 1833. Folio. Habana, Services of General Lord Harris during his 1834. Campaigns in America, the West Indies, and LUZERNE, (Cesar Henri, Comte de la.) MeIndia. 80. London, 1840. moire (sur les affaires de St. Domingue) au The same. 2d ed. 160. London, 1845. Comite des Rapports de l'Assemblee NationLUSIGNAN, (S.) History of the Revolt of Ali ale. 18 Juin, 1790. (Pol. Pam., v. 1.) 702 LYALL. LYNN. LYALL, (Robert.) Character of the Russians; Canada and Nova Scotia. 2 v. 12~. Lonand a history of Moscow; with a disserta- don, 1845. tion on the Russian language, and an ap- Second Visit to the United States of pendix. 40. London, 1823. North America. 2 v. 120. London, 1849. LYCOPHRON. Alexandra, sive Cassandra; cum LYFORD, (W. G.) Western Address Directory. versione et commentario Guilielmi Canteri. 120. Baltimore, 1837. Paraphrasin, notas, indicem Grmecum, adjecit LYLE, (William.) Government Situations ac prrefatus est Henricus Godofredus Reich- Hand-Book. 120. London, 1856. ardus. Also, Nachahmung von Lycophrons LYMAN, (S. P.) Memorials of Daniel Webster. Cassandra. 80. Lipsie, 1788. 2 v. 160. New-York, 1853. ~- Isaaci et Joannis Tzetzae Scholia in LYMAN, (Theodore.) Political State of Italy. Lycophronem. Amendavit, illustravit, auxit, 80. Boston, 1820. commentarios Meursii et Potteri addidit, - Diplomacy of the United States; an Christ. Gottfiied Muller. 3 v. 8~. Lipsiae, account of the foreign relations of the 1811. country, from 1778 to 1814. 80. Boston, LYCOSTHENES, (Conrad Wolf hart.) Apotheg- 1826. matum Loci Communes. Item Parabolarum The same. 2d ed. 2 v. 80. Boston, sive Similitudinum Loci Communes. I v. 1828. (2 copies.) in 2. 120. Basilee, 1614. LYNAM, (Robert.) History of the Roman EmLYCURGUS. Oratio contra Leocratem, deser- perors, from Augustus to the death of Marcus torem patrie, dulcissima de officiis patrime Antoninus. Edited by John T. White. 2 v. debitis disserens. (Grvece.) Cumprefatione 80. London, 1850. Phil. Melant.; eadem oratio conversa in La- LYNCH, (Anne C.) Poems. 80. New York, tinum sermonem a Phil. Melanth. 120. 1849. Francofurti, 1548. LYNCH, (Mrs. Henry.) Wonders of the West Orationes. (Grmece.) 80. Londini, Indies. 160. London, 1856. 1828. (Oratores Attici, v. 4.) LYNCH, (William F.) Naval Life; or, observThe same. (Latine.) (Oratores Attici, ations afloat and ashore. The Midshipman. v. 14.) 120. New-York, 1851. LYDE, (Samuel.) Ansyreeh and Ismaeleeh; United States' Expedition to Explore a visit to the secret sects of northern Syria, the Dead Sea and the River Jordan. Official with a view to the establishment of schools. Report. 40. Baltimore, 1852. 120. London, 1858. - The same. Condensed ed. 80. PhilaLYDGATE, (John.) Selection from Minor delphia, 1850. Poems of. (Percy Soc'y Pub., v. 2.) LYND, (James.) Class-Book of Etymology, LYDUS, (Joannes.) See JOANNES Lydus. designed to promote precision in the use, and LYE, (Edward.) Dictionarium Saxonico et facilitate the acquisition of a knowledge of Gothico-Latinum. Accedunt fragmenta ver- the English language. 120. Philadelphia, sionis Ulphilanae, necnon opuscula qumedam 1852. Anglo-Saxonica. Edidit O. Manning. 2 v. LYND, (Samuel W.) Memoir of the Reverend in 1. Folio. Londini, 1772. William Staughton, D. D. 120. Boston, LYELL, (Sir Charles.) Geological Evidences 1834. of the Antiquity of Man; with remarks on LYNDWODE, (Gulielmus.) Provincialia, sen theories of the origin of species by variation. Constitutiones Anglire. Cum summariis 2d ed. 80. London, 1863. atque justis annotationibus, honestis characManual of Elementary Geology; or, teribus summaque accuratione rursum imthe ancient changes of the earth and its in- presse. Folio. Antverpioe, 1525. habitants, as illustrated by Geological Monu- LYNE, (Charles.) Letter to Lord Castlereagh ments. 4th ed. 80. London, 1852. on the Resumption of Cash Payments. 80. The same. Reprinted from the 6th ed. London, 1819. (Pol. Pam., v. 62.) 80. New-York, 1857. LYNN, (Thomas.) Azimuth Tables. 40. LonPrinciples of Geology; or, the modern don, 1829. changes of the Earth and its inhabitants. Horary Tables, to facilitate obtaining 9thed. 80. London, 1853. the longitude at sea, by chronometers and Travels in North America; with geolo- lunar observations. With a supplement. 2 v. gical observations on the United States, 4~. London, 1827. 703 LYNN. MABERLY. LYNN, (Thomas.) Nautical and Astronomical Translated from the Greek; with their lives, Tables. 8~. London, 1825. and a discourse on the history, manners, and New Star Tables, adapted to practical character of the Greeks, by John Gillies. 4~. purposes, for 22 years, commencing January, London, 1778. 1843; for the use of mariners. With an ap- (Euvres Completes. Traduites en Franpendix. 8~. London, 1843. 9ois, par M. l'abb6 Auger. 80. Paris, 1783. LYON, (C. J.) History of St. Andrew's, epis- LYsoNS, (Daniel.) Environs of London; an copal, monastic, academic, and civil; com- historical account of the towns, villages, and prising the principal part of the ecclesiastical hamlets within twelve miles of that capital; history of Scotland. 2 v. 8~. Edinburgh, with biographical anecdotes. 2d ed. 3 v. 1843. 40. London, 1800-1811, LYON, (George Francis.) Narrative of an Un- CONTENTS. successful Attempt to reach Repulse Bay, County of Essex, v. 1. County of Middlesex, v. through Sir Thomas Rowe's " Welcome," in County of Herts, v. 1. 2-3. County of Kent, v. 1. County of Surrey, v. 1. His Majesty's ship Griper, in the year 1824. _ and LYSONS, (Samuel.) Magna Bri 80. London, 1825. tannia; topographical account of several Manual of a Residence and Tour in the unties of Great Britain. 6 v. 4 LoRepublic of Mexico, in the year 1826. 2 v. don, 180-22 120. London, 1838. CONTENTS. Narrative of Travels in Northern Africa, Bedfordshire, v. 1. Cornwall, v. 3. in 1818-1820; accompanied by geographical Berkshire, v. 1. Cumberland, v. 4. notices of Soudan, and of the course of the ClebBuckinghamshire, v. 1. Derbyshire, v. 5. notices of Soudaln, and of the course of the Cambridgeshire, v. 2. Devonshire, v. 6. Niger. 40. London, 1821. Chester, v. 2. - Private Journal, during the recent LYTTELTON, (George, Lord.) Works. Now Voyage of Discovery under Captain Parry. first collected, with additional pieces. Pub180. Boston, 1824. lished by G. E. Ayscough. 3d ed. 3 v. LYON, (Patrick.) Newand ImprovedTables; 80. London, 1776. with their application to Finding the Mean - Dialogues of the Dead. 80. London, Heights of Cross Sections, and Cubic Con- 1760. tents of Excavations and Embankments. 80. History of the Life of King Henry the Philadelphia, 1853. Second, and of the age in which he lived. LYON'S MAGAZINE for 1799. 8~. Richmond, Prefixed, a history of England, from the (Va.,) 1799. death of Edward the Confessor. 6 v. 80. LYONET, (Pierre.) Recherches sur l'Anatomie London, 1777. et les Metamorphoses de Diff6rentesEspeces Observations on the Conversion and d'Insectes. Publi6 par W. de Haan. 40. Apostleship of St. Paul. 4th edition. 80. Paris, 1832. London, 1749. [With WEST, (Gilbert,) on LYONS, (Israel.) Scholar's Instructor; a He- the Resurrection.] brew Grammar, with points. Revised by Poems. 160. London, 1790. (JohnHenry Jacob. 4th ed. 80. Glasgow, 1823. son's English Poets, v. 64.) LYONS, (Jacobus.) Dissertatio Medica, Inau- The same. 80. London, 1810. (Chalguralis, de Cholera. 80. Edinburgi, 1785. mers' English Poets, v. 14.) (Pamphlet Addresses, v. 3.) The same. 160. Chiswick, 1822. LYRA GERMANICA. Hymns for the Sundays (British Poets, v. 56.) and Chief Festivals of the Christian Year. LYTTELTON, (George William, Lord;) and From the German, by Catharine Winkworth. GLADSTONE, (W. E.) Translations. 120. 8c. New York, 1858. London, 1861. LYRF, THE. Fugitive Poetryof the 19thCen- LYTTON, (Robert Bulwer.) [" Owen Meretury. New ed. 180. London, 1841. dith."] Poems. 2v. 180. Boston, 1863. LYSIAS. Orationes. (Grmce.) 80. Londini, - Serbski Pesme; or, national songs of 1828. (Oratores Attici, v. 2.) Servia. 180. London, 1861. ~ — The same. (Latine.) (Oratores Attici, -- See BULWER, (Sir Edward Lytton.) v. 13.) MABERLY, (Kate Charlotte.) Display: a The same. (Gr. etLat.) Ed. C. Muller. novel. 3 v. 120. London, 1855. (Didot, Biblioth. Grecque, v. 51.) - Emily; or, the Countess of Rosendale: Orations of Lysias and Isocrates. a novel. 3 v. 120. London, 1840, 704 MABERLY. MACAULAY MABERLY, (Kate Charlotte.) Fashion, and its MArBY, (Gabriel Bonnot de.) Des Principes Votaries. 3 v. 12~. London, 1848. des Negociations. 160. La Haye, 1767. Lady and the Priest: an historical ro- Remarks concerning the Government mance. 3 v. 120. London, 1851. and Laws of the United States of America, Leonora. 3 v. 120. London, in four letters to Mr. Adams. From the 1856. French, with notes. 80. London, 1784. ~- Leontine; or, the Court of Louis XV. McADAM, (John London.) Remarks on the 2d ed. 3 v. 120. London, 1853. Present System of Road Making. 7th ed. Love-Match: a novel. 3v. 12~. Lon- 80. London, 1823. don, 1841. M'ALL, (Robert S.) Discourses, on special Melanthe; or, the Days of the Medici; occasions. With sketch of his life and a tale of the fifteenth century. 3 v. 120. character, by Ralph Wardlaw. 2 v. 80. London, 1843. London, 1840. MABILLON, (Jean.) De ReDiplomatica. Folio. See MACKALL. Lutetim Parisiorum, 1681. MAC ALLESTER, (Oliver.) Scheme projected - The same. 3a ed., dissertationibus by France, in 1759, for an intended Invasion variorum locupleta, notisque nunc primium upon England with Flat-Bottomed Boats. illustrata h Marchione Bumbae Jobanne 2 v. 40. London, 1767. Adimari. Folio. Neapoli, 1789. McALLISTER, (Cutler.) Reports of Cases in MABLY, (Gabriel Bonnot de.) Doutes proposes the Circuit Court of the United States for the aux philosophes economistes, sur "l'Ordre District of California, 1855 to 1859. V. 1. Naturel et Essentiel des Societes Politiques," 80. New-York, 1859. (4 copies.) [contre Mercier de la Riviere.] 160. La M'ALPINE, (Neil.) Pronouncing Gaelic DicHaye, 1768. tionary. With a concise Gaelic Grammar. Droit Public de l'Europe, fond6 sur les 3d ed. 120. Edinburgh, 1847. Traitds. 3 v. 160. Geneve, 1776. M'ANALLY, (D. R.) Life and Times of Rev. Des Droits et des Devoirs du Citoyen. William Patton; and Annals of the Missouri 160. 1789. Conference. 120. St. Louis, 1858. Entretiens de Phocion, sur le Rapport McARTITUR, (John.) Principles and Practice de la Morale avec la Politique. Traduits du of Naval Courts-Martial. 8~. London, 1792. Grec de Nicocles. Nouv. 6d. 160. Amster- Principles and Practice of Naval and dam, 1767. Military Courts Martial. 4th ed. 2 v. 80. ~-! De l'ldtude de l'Histoire. 160. Mas- London, 1813. ireicht, 1778. MACAULAY, (Alexander.) Dictionary of MediDu Gouvernement et des Loix de la cine, designed for popular use. 6th ed. 80. Pologne. 160. Londres, 1781. Edinburgh, 1838. -- The same. Nouv. 6d.-De la Situation MACAULAY, (Catharine.) Address to the Peode la Pologne en 1776.-Le Banquet des Pol- pie of England, Scotland, and Ireland, on itiques. 2 v. 160. Paris, 1790. the present important Crisis of Affairs. 2d ed. - D- De la L6gislation, ou principes des 80. London, 1775. loix. 2 v. in 1. 160. Amsterdam, 1776. History of England, from the accession De la Maniure dc'crire l'Histoire. 160. of James I. to that of the Brunswick Line. Paris, 1783. 8 v. 40. London, 1763-83. Observations sur le Gouvernement et History of England, from the Revolules Loix des 1tats-Unis d'Amdrique. 2e 6d. tion to the present time. 40. London, 1778. 16. Amsterdam, 1784. Loose Remarks on Hobbes' Philosoph-. — The same. 160. Paris, 1791. ical Rudiments of Government and Society. Observations sur l'Histoire de France. 80. London, 1767. (Misc. Pam., v. 5.) 2 v. 160. GenBve, 1765. MACAULAY, (J. S.) Treatise on Field FortifiObservations sur l'Histoire de la Grece; cation, and the duties of the field engineer. ou des causes de la prosperite et des malheurs 3d ed. 120. Plates, 40. London, 1849-50. des Grecs. 160. Geneve, 1766. MACAULAY, (Thomas Babington, Baron.) BiObservations sur les Romains. 160. ographies contributed to the Encyclopsedia Genlve, 1767. Britannica. With New Biographies of Illus-- Principes de Morale. 160. Paris, trious Men, by Henry Rogers, Theo. Martin, 1784. and others. 12~. Boston, 1857. 705 MACAULAY. IMcCLINTOCK. MACAULAY, (Thomas Babington, Baron.) Crit- the present day. 2 v. 80. Savannah, ical and Historical Essays, contributed to 1811-16. (V. 2 wanting.) the Edinburgh Review. Newed. 3v. 18~. MCCALL, (H. S.) Precedents; or, practical London, 1853. forms in actions at law in the Supreme Court The same. 2 v. 12~. London, 1854. of the State of New-York, adapted to the The same. 6th ed. 3 v. 80. Lon- code and rules of 1852. 80. Albany, 1852. don, 1849. (V. 3 wanting.) The same. 2d ed. 80. New-York, The same. 80. New-York, 1861. 1858. History of England, from the accession M'CALLA, (Daniel.) Works. 2 v. 80. Charlesof James the Second. 5 v. 80. London, ton, (S. C.,) 1810. 1854-61. CONTENTS. The same. 5 v. 80. New-York, Federal Sedition and Anti-Democracy, v. 2. 1849-61. Funeral Discourse; containing a sketch of the life and character of M'Calla, by W. Hollinshead, v. 1. Lays of Ancient Rome. 7th ed. 80. Paine's Age of Reason, Remarks on, v. 1. Political and Miscellaneous Essays, v. 2. London, 1846. Remarks on the Theatre and Public Amusements, The same. With Ivry, and the Ar- v. 2. Sermons, v. 1. mada. - 120. Boston, 1856. Vindication of Mr. Jefferson, v. 2. Miscellaneous Writings. 2 v. 80. MCCARTNEY, (Washington.) Origin and ProLondon, 1860. gress of the United States. 120. PhiladelSpeeches, parliamentary and miscella- phia, 1847. neous. 2 v. 80. London, 1853. MCCARTY, (W.) Songs, Odes, and other Macaulay; the Historian, Statesman, Poems, on National Subjects. Compiled and Essayist. Anecdotes of his life and from various sources. 3 v. 180. Philadellabors. 2d ed. 160. London, 1860. phia, 1842. MACAULAY, (Zachary.) Letter to the Duke of MCCAUSLAND, (Dominick.) Sermons in Gloucester, President of the African Institu- Stones; or, Scripture confirmed by geology. tion: a reply to Dr. Thorpe's Letter to New ed. 160. London, 1857. Wilberforce, &c. 2ded. 80. London, 1815. M'CLELAND, (Thomas.) Reports of Cases in (Slavery Pam., v. 10.) the Courts of Exchequer and Exchequer MACAULEY, (Miss E.) Tales of the Drama; Chamber, at Law, in Equity, and in Error, founded on the tragedies of Shakspeare, Mas- 1823 and 1824. 80. London, 1825. (2 singer, Shirley, Rowe, Murphy, Lillo, and copies.) Moore; and on the comedies of Steele, and YOUNGE, (E.) The same, 1824 Farquhar, Cumberland, Bickerstaff, Gold- and 1825. 80. London, 1827. smith, and Mrs. Cowley. 160. Chiswick, MCCLELLAN, (George Brinton.) Manual of 1822. Bayonet Exercise; prepared for the use of MACAULEY, (James.) Natural, Statistical, and the army of the United States. 120. PhilaCivil History of the State of New-York. 3 v. delphia, 1862. 80. New-York, 1829. Regulations and Instructions for the MACBRAIR, (D. J.) Digest of Cases in the Field Service of the U. S. Cavalry in time Court of Session, Teind Court, Court of Ex- of War. 120. Philadelphia, 1861. chequer, and House of Lords, fromNovember, See MCLELLAN. 1840, to November, 1850. 80. Edinburgh, MACCLESFIELD, (Thomas, Earl of.) Trial in 1852. the House of Peers for High Crimes and MCBRIDE, (Andrew J.) Light from the Spirit Misdemeanors. Folio. London, 1725. World. 120. Cincinnati, 1856. MCCLINTOCK, (Francis L.) Voyage of the MACBRIDE, (John David.) Lectures on the "Fox " in the Arctic Seas: discovery of the Articles of the United Church of England fate of Sir John Franklin and his companand Ireland. 80. Oxford, 1853. ions. 80. London, 1859. MAcCABE, (William Bernard.) Catholic His- MCCLINTOCK, (John.) Labor: a Baccalautoryof England. 3v. 80. London, 1847-54. reate address. 80. Philadelphia, 1841. MCCAINE, (Alexander.) Slavery defendedfrom --- Temporal Power of the Pope. ContainScripture, against the Abolitionists. 80. ing the speech of Hon. Joseph R. Chandler, Baltimore, 1842. (Theol. Pam., v. 9.) with nine letters stating the Roman Catholic MCCALL, (Hugh.) History of Georgia; con- theory in the language of the papal writers. taling the most remarkable eveints up to 160. New-York, 1855. 89 706 McCLTJNG. MACC ULLOCH. McCLUNG, (John A.) Sketches of Western McCoy, (Amasa.) Oration on the death of Adventure; incidents connected with the Daniel Webster. 80. Boston, 1.853. settlement of the West, from 1755 to 1794. McCoY, (Isaac.) Address on the Condition 120. Dayton, (0,) 1847. and Prospects of the American Indians. MCCLURE, (Alexander Wilson) The Transla- 80. (n. p.) 1831. (Misc. Pam., v. 18.) tors Revived; biographical memoir of the History of Baptist Indian Missions; authors of the English version of the Bible. embracing remarks on the former and present 12~. New-York, 1853. condition of the aboriginal tribes. 80. WashM'CLURE, (David;) and PARISH, (Elijah.) ington, 1840. Memoirs of the Rev. Eleazar Wheelock, - Remarks on Indian Reform. 2d ed. D. D., founder of Dartmouth College. 80. 80. New York, 1829. (Misc. Pam., v. 18.) Newburyport, (Mass.,) 1811. McCREERY, (John.) The Press; a poem; McCLURE, (Sir Robert John Le Mesurier.) published as a specimen of typography. 40. Discovery of the North-West Passage by Liverpool, 1803. H. M. S. "Investigator," 1850-54. Edited McCRIE, (Thomas.) History of the Reformaby Sherard Osborn. 80. London, 1856. tion in Spain in the sixteenth century. 80. MCCLURE, (William.) To the People of the Edinburgh, 1829. United States, in relation to their claims - Life of Andrew Melville. 2 v. 80. against France. 80. Philadelphia, 1807. Edinburgh, 1819. McCLURE. See MACLURE. Life of John Knox; containing illusMcCoMBIE, (William.) Use and Abuse; or, trations of the history of the Reformation in right and wrong in the relations to Labor, of Scotland. 80. Philadelphia, (n. d.) Capital, Machinery, and Land. 160. Lon- Memoirs of Mr. William Veitch and don, 1852. George Brysson, written by themselves; ilMCCONNEL,(J.L.) Grahame; or, youth and lustrative of the history of Scotland from manhood; a romance. 120. New-York, 1850. the restoration to the revolution. 80. EdinWestern Characters, or types of border burgh, 1825. life in the western States. 120. New-York, Miscellaneous Writings, chiefly histor1853. ical. Edited by his son. 8C. Edinburgh, M'CORD, (D. J.) Chancery Cases in the Court 1841. of Appeals of South Carolina, 1825 to 1827. McCULLAGH, (W. Torrens.) Industrial His2 v. 80. Philadelphia, 1827-29. tory of Free Nations. 2 v. 8~. London, 1846. - Reports of Cases in the Constitutional Memoirs of Richard Lalor Sheil. 2 v. Court, and in the Court of Appeals of South 120. London, 1855. Carolina, 18i21 to 1828. 4 v. 80. Column- On the Use and Study of History. 80. bia, 1822-30. (2 copies of v. 2-3.) Dublin, 1842. McCORD, (Louisa S.) My Dreams. 120. MACCULLOCH, (John, M. D., F. L. S.) DePhiladelphia, 1848. scription of the Western Islands of Scotland, MI'CoMAc, (Henry.) Exposition of the na- including the Isle of Man. 2v. 8~.; and ture, treatment, and prevention of Continued Atlas, 40. London, 1819. Fever. 80. London, 1835. Essay on the Remittent and IntermitPhilosophy of Human Nature. 80. tent Diseases, including generically Marsh London, 1837. Fever and Neuralgia. 80. Philadelphia, M'CoRMICK, (Charles.) Memoirs of the Right 1830. Hon. Edmund Burke; curious anecdotes, I Highlands and Western Isles of Scotand extracts from his secret correspondence. land; with an account of the political his40. London, 1797. tory and ancient manners of the people, &c. McCoRMiCK, (Richard C.) Duty of the Hour, Founded on a series of journeys, between an oration. 80. New York, 1863. 1811 and 1821. 4 v. 80. London, 1824. -~- SSt. Paul's to St. Sophia's; or, Skctch - -- Malaria; an Essay on thoe Prod action ings in Europe. 120. New York, 1860. and Propagation of this Poison, and ons the M'Cosn, (James.) Institutions of the Mind nature and localities of the places by which inductively investigated. 80. London, 1860. it is produced. 80. Philadelphia, 1829. Method of the Divine Government, - Memoirs of his Majesty's Treasury rephysical and moral. 4th ed. 80, Edin- specting a Geological Survey of Scotland. bujgh, 1855. 8 London, 1836. 707 MACCULLOCH. M'DONELL. MACCULLOCIT, (John, 3M. D., F. L. S.) Proofs MCCULLOH, or McCULLOCII,(James H.; M.D.) and Illustrations of the Attributes of God, Researches on America; being an attempt to from the facts and laws of the physical uni- settle some points relative to the Aborigines verse. 3v. 8~. London, 1837. (2copies.) of America, &c. By an officer of the United Remarks on the Art of Making Wine, States Army. 8~. Baltimore, 1816. with suggestions for the application of its ~ Researches, philosophical and antiquaprinciples to the improvement of domestic rian, concerning the Aboriginal History of wines. 4th ed. 160. London, 1829. America. 80. Baltimore, 1829. MCCULLOCH, (John Ramsay.) Circumstances MCCURTIN, (Daniel.) Journal of the Times at which determine the Rate of Wages and the the Siege of Boston, since our arrival at CamCondition of the Laboring Classes. 2d ed. bridge, near Boston, Aug. 9,1775. 8~. Phila180. London, 1854. delphia, 1857. (Seventy-six Society Pub.) Descriptive and Statistical Account of M'DERMOT, (Martin.) Letter to W. L. Bowles, the British Empire. 3d ed. 2 v. 80. Lon- in vindication of Pope. 80. London, 1822. don, 1847. (Pamphleteer, v. 20.) - The same. 4th ed. 2 v. 80. Lon- MACDIARMII, (John.) Lives of British Statesdon, 1854. men: Sir Thomas More, Lord Burleigh, Dictionary, Geographical, Statistical, Earl of Strafford, and Lord Clarendon. New and Historical, of the various countries, ed. 80. London, 1838. places, and principal natural objects in the M'DILL, (David.) Exposition and Defence of world. New ed. 2 v. 80. London, 1851. the Westminster Assembly's Confession of The same. Illustrated with maps. New Faith. New ed. 120. Cincinnati, 1855. ed., with a supplement. 2 v. 80. London, MCDONALD, (Alexander.) Complete Diction1854. ary of Practical Gardening. 2 v. 40. LonDictionary, practical, theoretical, and don, 1807. historical, of Commerce and Commercial M'DONALD, (David.) Treatise on the Law Navigation. Edited by Henry Vethake. 2 v. relating to the Powers and Duties of Justices 80. Philadelphia, 1840. (3 copies.) of the Peace and Constables, in the State of - -The same. With Supplement. 2 v. 80. Indiana; with practical forms, etc. 80. London, 1854-56. Cincinnati, 1856. The same. With maps and plans. MACDONALD, (Donald.) Collection of the New ed., with supplement. 2 v. 80. Lon- Ancient Martial Music of Caledonia, as perdon, 1859. (2 copies.) formed on the great Highland Bagpipe. - Discourse on the rise, progress, objects, With a complete tutor for the pipe music. and importance of Political Economy. 8~. 3d ed. Folio. Edinburgh. (n. d.) Edinburgh, 1824. MACDONALD, (Duncan George Forbes.) British - - Essay on Reducing the Interest of the Columbia and Vancouver'sIsland. 80 LonNational Debt. 80. Edinburgh, 1816. don, 1862. Essays on Interest, Exchange, Coins, MACDONALD, (James.) General View of the Paper Money, and Banks. 80. Philadel- Agriculture of the Hebrides, or Western phia, 1851. Isles of Scotland. 80. Edinburgh, 1811. Literature of Political Economy; a. Travels through Denmark and part of classified catalogue of publications, with Sweden, during 1809. 2 v. 180. London, historical notices, etc. 80. London, 1845. 1809. Principles of Political Economy. 4th The same. 80. London, 1810. (Philed. 8~. London, 1849. lips' Voyages and Travels, v. 11.) - Select Collection of Scarce and Valu- MACDONALD, (J. A.) The Principia and the able Tracts on Commerce, Banking, National Bible; with an appendix on the scale of the Debt, etc. 4 v. 80. London, 1857-59. (Con. universe. 12~. London, 1861. Pam., v. 7-8; and Financial Pam., v. 21-22.) MACDONALD, (James M.) My Father's House; Principles and practical influence of or, the heaven of the Bible. 2d ed. 12~. Taxation and the Funding System. 80. New-York, 1856. London, 1845. (2 copies.) M'DONELL, (Alexander.) Narrative of TransThe same. 2d ed. 8~. London, 1852. actions in the Red River Country, from the --- Principles, Practice, and History of commencement of the operations of the Earl Commerce. 80. (n. d.) (Misc. Pam., v. 12.) of Selkirk to 1816. 80. London, 1819. 708 MACDONNELL. MACGREGOR. MACDONNELL, (Alexander.) Colonial Cor- MACFARLANE, (Charles.) Lives and Exploits merce; principles upon which discriminating of Banditti and Robbers. 3d ed. 18~. Londuties should be levied on sugar. 8~. Lon- don, 1839. (Murray's Pam. Library, v. 46.) don, 1838. Romance of History.-Italy. 2 v. — ~- Free Trade. 80. London, 1826. 120. New-York, 1832. Letter to T. F. Buxton, in refutation of Turkey and its Destiny; the result of his allegations respecting the Decrease of journeys in 1847 and 1848. 2 v. 80. LonSlaves in the British West Indies. 80. Lon- don, 1850. don, 1833. (Slavery Pam., v. 9.) CRAIK, (G. L.,) etc. Pictorial History McDOUGALL, (George F.) Voyage of H. M. of England. 8 v. 80. London, 1849. discovery ship "Resolute" in Search of Sir MACFARLANE, (Robert.) History of PropelJohn Franklin and the missing crews of lers and Steam Navigation; with sketches of ships "Erebus" and "Terror," 1852-54. 80. the early inventors. 120. New-York, 1851. London, 1857. MACFARLANE, (Robert; Advocate.) Reports MACDOUGAL, (Thomas St. Clair.) Outlines of Jury Trials in the Court of Session, from Descriptive of Modern Geography. 12th ed. March 12, 1838, to December 27, 1839. 80. 160. London, 1857. Edinburgh, 1841. MACDOUGALL, (P. L.) The Theory of War; McGAULEY, (James William.) Lectures on illustrated by numerous examples fiom mili- Natural Philosophy. New ed. 2 v. 80. tary history. 3d ed. 120. London, 1862. Dublin, 1850. MCDOWELL, (Major General Irvin.) State- MAcGAVOCK, (Randal W.) Tennessean ment in review of evidence before the Court Abroad; or, letters fiom Europe, Africa, of Inquiry, [into his conduct, April I-Aug. and Asia. 120. New-York, 1854. 29, 1862.] 80. Washington, 1863. McGEE, (Thomas Darcy.) Catholic History MACEf, (Antonin.) Des Lois Agraires chezles of North America; and the relations of IreRomains. 80. Paris, 1846. land and America. 120. Boston, 1855. MACE, (Thomas.) Musick's Monument; or, - History of the Attempts to Establish a remembrance of the best practical musick, the Protestant Reformation in Ireland, and that has ever been known. Folio. Lon- the successful resistance of that people, from don, 1676. 1540 to 1830. 160. Boston, 1853. MCELLIGOTT, (James N.) American Debater' History of the Irish Settlers in North the principles and practice of public debate. America, from the earliest period to 1850. 120. New-York, 1855. 2d ed. 120. Boston, 1852. M'ELROY, (Joseph.) Sermon on the Death of M'GHEE, (Rev. Robert J.) Nullity of the Rev. J. M. Mason. 80. New-York, 1830. Government of Queen Victoria in Ireland, (Misc. Pam., v. 15.) or the Pope the virtual ruler of the land. MACERONI, (Francesco.) Memoirs of the Life 2d ed. 160. London, 1841. and Adventures of Colonel Maceroni, late M'GHEE, (Rev. Robert J. L.) How we got Aide-de-Camp to Joachim Murat, King of to Pekin; a narrative of the campaign in Naples, &c. 2 v. 80. London, 1838. China of 1860. 80. London, 1862. MACFARLANE,(Charles.) CatacombsofRome. MACGILL, (Thomas.) Account of Tunis. 160. London, 1852. 120. Glasgow, 1811. Constantinople in 1828; a residence of MACGILLIVRAY, (John.) Narrative of the sixteen months in the Turkish capital and Voyage of H. M. S. Rattlesnake, during provinces. 2d ed. 2v. 80. London, 1829. 1846-50. With Kennedy's expedition for Glance at Revolutionized Italy. 2 v. the exploration of the Cape York Peninsula. 120. London, 1849. 2 v. 80. London, 1852. - History of British India, from the earliest MACGILLIVRAY, (William.) British Quadruintercourseto the present time. 2ded. 120. peds. 120. Edinburgh, (n. d.) (Jardine's London, 1853. Naturalist's Library, v. 17.) Japan; from the earliest period at Descriptions of the Rapacious Birds of which the islands were known to Europeans, Great Britain. 120. Edinburgh, 1836. down to the present time. 80. London, - History of British Birds, indigenous 1852. and migratory. 5 v. 80. London, 1837-52. Life of Marlborough. 160. London, MACGREGOR, (John.) British America. 2 v. 1852. 8~. London, 1832. 709 MACGREGOR. MACHIAVELLI. MACGREGOR, (John.) Commercial and Finan- McGuIRE, (Edward C.) Religious Opinions cial Legislation of Europe and America; with and Character of Washington. 12~. Newa revision of the taxation and the customs York, 1836. tariff of the United Kingdom. 80. Lon- MACHAE, (John.) Evidences and Doctrines don, 1841. of the Catholic Church. 2d ed. 80. LonCommercial Statistics of all nations. don, 1842. 5 v. 80. London, 1844-50. MACHAN, (R.) New System of Astronomical Commercial Tariffs and Regulations of Mnemonics; a method of acquiring a comthe several States of Europe and America. plete knowledge of the constellations. 80 With the commercial treaties between Eng- London, 1841. land and fdieign countries. 15 parts in 8 v. MCHENRY, (George.) The Cotton Trade; its 40. London, 1841-44. bearing upon the prosperity of Great Britain CONTENTS. and the commerce of the American Republics, considered in connection with slavery Part 1-4. Aiustria, Belgium, Denmark, and France' 1841-42. v. 1. in the Confederate States. 80. London, Part 5. Germany, 1842, v. 2. 1863. Part 6. Holland, 1813 v. 3. Part 7. Italian States, including Gibraltar, Malta, McHlENRY, (John.) The Gas Meter and the and Ionian Islands, 1843, v. 4. Part 8-10. Ottoman Empire, Greece, and African Apparatus used in the Manufacture of Coal States, 1843, v. 5. Gas, &.c. 80. Cincinnati, 1853. Part 11. Russian EImpire, 1843, v. 6. Part 12-14. Sweden and Norway, Spain, Portugal, MCIHENRY, (L. J. A.) Synonyms of the SpanPat 15. United States of America v.. ish Language, explained and elucidated by Part 15. United States of America, v. 8. copious extracts from the most approved History of the British Empire, from the Spanish poets. 12~. London, 1826. accession of James the First. 2 v. 8~. MACHIAVELLI, (Niccolo.) Discorsi sopra la London, 1852. Prima Deca di T. Livio. 2 v. 180. LonHolland and the Dutch Colonies. 80. dra, 1768. London, 1848. --- Lettere. 2 v. 180. Londra, 1768. - Political Statistics of Nations. 8~. - Princeps. Ex Sylvestri Telii traducParis, 1834. tione. Adjecta sunt ejusdem argumenti ~ — Progress of America, from the discov- aliorum quorundam contra Machiavellum ery by Columbus to the year 1846. 2 v. scripta de potestate et officio principum con80. London, 1847. tra tyrannos. 160. Basilee, 1589. Sketches of the Progress of Civilization The same. Quibus denuo accessit Anand Liberty. 8~. London, 1848. tonii Possevini Judicium de Nicolai MachiaMACGREGOR, (John; Barrister.) Language velli etJoannis Bodini Scriptis. 180. Franof Specifications of Letters Patent for In- cofurti, 1608. ventions; with the authorities and decisions Disputationum De Republica, quas in all the important and latest cases. 80. Discursus nuncupavit, libri III. 240. UrLondon, 1856. sellis, 1599. (With Machiavelli, Princeps, MACGREGOR, (John; M. A.) Eastern Music; 1608.) twenty melodies from the Egyptian, Greek, - Works. Illustrated with notes, etc., Jewish, Syrian, Turkish, and Arabic; with byEllis Farneworth. 2v. 40. London, 1762. illustrations. Small 40. London, 1850. Works. 2d ed. 4 v. 80. London, MACGREGOR, (P.) Practical Treatise on 1775. Book-Keeping, by single and double entry. CONTENTS. Art of War, v. 4. 12~. New-York, 1850. Constitution and Affairs of France, and also of M'GREGOR, (W. L.) History of the Sikhs; Germany, v. 2. the.. 1 ofheGoroo; Discourse upon reforming the Government of containing the lives of the Gooroos; the Florence, v. 4. history of the Independent Sirdars, or Mis- History of Florence, v. 1-2. Letters to Several States and Persons, v. 4. suls; and the life of the great founder of the Life of Castruccio Castracaui, v. 2. Sikih Monarchy, MahTrajah Runjeet Singh. Marriage of Belphegor, v. 4. Sikh Monarchy, lMahrajah Runjeet Singb. lNarrative of Duke Valentine's Method. &c., v. 2. 2 v. 80. London, 1846. Political Discourses upon the first Decad of Livy, v. 3. MCGRIGOR, (James.) Autobiography and Prince, The, and Examen dn Prince, v. 2. services of Sir James McGrigor, Bart., Art of War. To which is added, hints withoriginalcorrespondence. 12G. London, relative to warfare, by a gentleman of New1861. York. 80. Albany, 1815. 710 MACHYN. McKEEN MACHYN, (Henry.) Diary, from 1550 to MACKA-LL, (Louis.) Account of the Reason1563. Edited by J. G. Nichols. Small ing Process. 80. Washington, 1850. 40. London, 1848. (Camden Society, Essay on the Law of Muscular Action. No. 42.) 80. Washington, 1859. McIAN, (R. R.) Gaelic gatherings; or, the ~ Notes on Carpenter's Human PhysioloHighlanders at home; with descriptive let- gy. 80. Washington, 1852. ter-press by James Logan. Folio. London, MACKALL. See M'ALL. 1848. MACKAY. (Alexander.) Crisis in Canada; or, M'ILAINE, (Charles P.) Evidencesof Chris- vindication of Lord Elgin and his cabinet tianity. 160. London, 1833. as to the course pursued by them in reference *~ Oxford Divinity compared with that of to the rebellion losses bill. 80. London, the Romish and Anglican churches. 80. 1849. London, 1841. Western India: Reports to the ChamMACILWAIN, (George.) Medicine and Sur- bers of Commerce of Manchester, Liverpool, gery one Inductive Science; being an at- Blackburn, and Glasgow. Ed. by J. Roberttempt to improve its study and practice. 80. son. 80. London, 1853. London, 1838. MACKAY, (Andrew.) Theory and Practice of Memoirs of John Abernethy; with a Finding the Longitude and Latitude; with view of his lectures, writings, and character. tables. 3d ed. 2 v. 80. London, 1810. 2 v. 120. London, 1853. MACKAY, (Charles.) Ballads and Lyrics. Remarks on the Unity of the Body, as 160. London, 1859. illustrated by some of the more striking phe- Collected songs. 160. London, 1859. nomena of sympathy, both mental and cor- Life and Liberty in America; sketches poreal. 80. London, 1836. of a tour in the United States and Canada, M'INTIRE, (James.) Treatise on Astronomy, in 1857-8. 2 v. 120. London, 1859. and the use of the globes. 120. New York, ~ Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular De1850. lusions. 3 v. 80. London, 1841. MACINTOSIt, (Alexander Fisher.) Military Mormons, or Latter Day Saints. With Tour in European Turkey, the Crimea, and memoirs of the life and death of Joseph on the eastern shores of the Black Sea. 2 v. Smith, the "American Mahomet." 120. 120. London, 1854. London, 1851. M'INTOSH, (Charles.) Book of the Garden. Songs of England; a collection of 2 v. 80. Edinburgh, 1853-54. popular and national songs. 120. London, Orchard and Forcing Pit. 120. Lon- 1857. don, 1839. MACKAY, (James Townsend.) Flora HiberPractical Gardener, and Modern Hor- nica; plants of Ireland. 80. Dublin, 1836. ticulturist. 6th ed. 2 1. 80. London, MACKAY, (Robert William.) Progress of the 1836. Intellect, as exemplified in the religious deMACINTOSH, (Charles A.) Popular Outlines velopment of the Greeks and Hebrews. 2 v. of the Press, ancient and modern; a sketch 8~. London, 1851. of the origin and progress of printing. 160. Rise and Progress of Christianity. 12~. London, 1859. London, 1854. MCINTOSH, (Daniel.) Lifeof the late Princess MACKCOULL, (James.) Life and Trial, at Charlotte. 80. London, 1818. Edinburgh, for robbing the Bank at GlasMCINTOSH, (John.) Origin of the North gow of twenty thousand pounds. 80. EdinAmerican Indians; with a description of burgh, 1822. their manners and customs. 80. New York, McKEAN, (Alexander.) Practical Life Ta1853. bles. Folded 80, in a case. Edinburgh, MCINTOSH. See MACKINTOSH. 1837. MACINTYRE, (James J.) The Cross and the MCKEEHAN, (J. B.) Crisis of our Country, Crescent as Standards in War. 120. Lon- and Duty of Republicans. 80. Cincinnati, don, 1854. 1860. Influence of Aristocracies on the Revo- MCKEEN, (John.) Remarks on the Voyage lutions of Nations, considered in relation to of George Waymouth to the Coast of Maine, the present circumstances of the British 1605. 80. Portland, 1857. (Maine Hist. Empire. 80. London, 1843. Coil., v. 5.) 711 M'KEEVER. MACKENZIE. M'KEEVER, (Harriet B.) Sunshine; or, Kate MACKENZIE, (Alexander Slidell.) LifeofComVinton. 2d ed. 160. Philadelphia, 1859. modore Oliver Hazard Perry. 2 v. 180. MACKELDEY, (Ferdinand.) Compendium of New-York, 1841. (Harpers' Fam. Library, Modern Civil Law. Edited by P. I. Kauf- v. 126-7.) mann. V. 1. 80. New-York, 1845. (12 ~PopularEssayson Naval Subjects. 180. copies.) New-York, 1833. Histoire des Sources du Droit Romain. Spain Revisited. 3d ed. 2 v. 160. Traduite de l'Allemand, par F. F. Poncelet. New-York, 1847. 12~. Paris, 1846. Year in Spain. 5th ed. 3 v. 160. Manuel de Droit Romain; precedee New-York, 1847. d'une introduction a l'etude du droit romain. - Proceedings of the Naval Court-Martial Traduit par Jules Beving. 80. Bruxelles, in the case of A. S. Mackenzie, including the 1841. charges preferred against him by the SecreThe same. 3e ed., d'apres la dernire tary of the Navy. With an elaborate review, 6d. Allemande. 80. Bruxelles, 1846. by J. F. Cooper. 80. New-York, 1844. MAC KELLAR, (Thomas.) Lines for the Gentle MACKENZIE, (Charles.) Notes on Haiti, made and Loving. 160. Philadelphia, 1853. during a residence in that republic. 2 v. Tam's Fortnight Ramble, and other 120. London, 1830. poems. 120. Philadelphia, 1847. MACKENZIE, (Colin.) Five thousand receipts M'KENNEY, (Thomas L.) Memoirs, Official in the useful and domestic arts.' 16th ed. and Personal; with travels among the north- Small 40. London, 1852. ern and southern Indians; the origin, his- One Thousand Experiments in Chemtory, character, and wrongs and rights of the istry. 80. London, 1821. Indians. 2 v. in 1. 80. New York, 1846. MACKENZIE, (Mrs. Lieut. Col. Colin.) Life Sketches of a Tour to the Lakes, of in the Mission, the Camp, and the Zendnd; the character and customs of the Chippeway or six years in India. 3 v. 120. London, Indians, and incidents of the treaty of Fond 1853. du Lac; also, a vocabulary of the Algic, or MACKENZIE, (David.) The Gold Digger; a Chippeway language. 80. Baltimore, 1827. visit to Australia in 1852. 160. London, and HALL, (James.) History of the 1852. Indian Tribes of North America; with anec- MACKENZIE, (D. L.) Practical Dictionary of dotes of the principal chiefs. With 120 English Synonymes, alphabetically arranged. portraits, from the Indian Gallery at Wash- Square 160. London, 1854. ington. 3 v. Folio. Philadelphia, 1838-44. MACKENZIE, (E.) Historical, Topographical, The same. 3 v. 80. Philadelphia, and Descriptive View of the County of 1854. Northumberland, and of the County of DurMACKENZIE, (Alexander.) Voyages from ham north of the Tyne, with Berwick-uponMontreal, on the River St. Laurence,through Tweed. 2d ed. 2 v 40. Newcastle-upoi!the Continent of North America, to the Frozen Tyne, 1825. and Pacific Oceans, in the years 1789 and MACKENZIE, (Eneas.) Emigrant's Guide to 1793. With an account of the fur trade. 40. Australia. 160. London, 1852. London, 1801. Memoirs of Mrs. Caroline Chisholm; MACKENZIE, (Alexander Slidell.) The Amer- with an account of her philanthropic labours ican in England. 4th ed. 2 v. 120. New- in India, Australia, and England. 160. York, 1857. London, 1852. Defence in the Case of the. Somers' MACKENZIE, (Frederick.) Architectural AntiMutiny before the Court Martial. 80. New- quities of the Collegiate Chapel of St. SteYork, 1843. (Misc. Panm., v. 16.) phen, Westminster, the late House of ComLife of Stephen Decatur. 80. Boston, mons. Folio. London, 1854. 1846. and PUGIN, (Augustus.) Specimens of The same. 1.60. Boston, 1846. (Sparks' Gothic Architecture, selected from ancient Am. Biog., v. 11, second series.) buildings at Oxford. Folio. London, 1835. Life of Paul Jones. 2 v. 120. Bos- MACKENZIE, (Sir George.) Laws and Custon, 1841. toms of Scotland, in matters Criminal. To Life of Commodore Oliver Hazard this second edition is now added a Treatise Perry. 2 v. t18. New-York, 1840. on iMutilation and Demembration and their 712 MACKENZIE. MACKINTOSH. Punishment, by Sir Alexander Seton; also his friends, family, and pupils. 80. Boston, a second edition of the Observations upon 1846. the 18 Act, Parl., 23 K. James Sixth, against Lives and Opinions of Benjamin F. dispositions made in defraud of creditors, &c. Butler, (of N. Y.,) and Jesse Hoyt. With Folio. Edinburgh, 1699. anecdotes and sketches of their political MACKENZIE, (Sir George Steuart.) Travels associates. 8~. New-York, 1845. in Iceland, in 1810. 40. Edinburgh, 1811. McKERNAN, (H.) Treatise on Printing and The same. New ed., revised by the Dyeing Silks, &c. 80. London, 1829. author. 80. Edinburgh, 1842. MACKEY, (Albert G.) Lexicon of Freemasonry. MACKENZIE, (Henry.) Works. 8 v. 120. 3d ed. 120. Philadelphia, 1855. Edinburgh, 1808. MACKIE, (John Milton.) Cosas de Espafa; CONTENTS. or, going to Madrid via Barcelona. 120. New-York, 1855. False Shame; a comedy, v. 8. -Yrk, 1. Julia de Roubign6, v. 3. - Life of Samuel Gorton. 160. Boston, Life of Lord Abercromby, v. 7. Life of Lr. Blacklockmby, v. 7. 1845. (Sparks' Am. Biog., v. 5, second Life of Dr. Blacklock, v. 7. Life of WVilliam Tytler, v. 7. series.) Man of Feeling, V. 1. Man of the World, v. 1-2. Life of Godfrey William von Leibnitz. Papers from the Lounger. v. 5-7. 16. Boston 1845. Papers from the Mirror, v. 4-5. Poems, v. 8. McKILLOP, (Henry F.) Reminiscences of Prince of Tunis; a tragedy, v. 8. Review of the Parliament of 1784, v. 7. Twelve Months' Service in New Zealand, Spanish Father; a tragedy, v. 8. during the late disturbances in that colony. Account of the Life and Writings of 160. London, 1849. John Home. 80. Edinburgh, 1822. McKINLEY, (Andrew.) Trial before the High R eport of the Committee of the High- Court of Justiciary, at Edinburgh, 26th July, land Society of Scotland, appointed to in- 1817, for Administering Unlawful Oaths. quire into the Nature and Authenticity of Taken in shorthand by John Dow. 80. the Poems of Ossian. 80. Edinburgh, 1805. Edinburgh, 1818. Julia de Roubign6. 160. London, MCKINNEN, (Daniel.) Tour through the Bri1820. (Barbauld's British Novelists, v. 29.) tish West Indies, in 1802-3; giving a parMACKENZIE, (Keith Stewart.) Narrative of ticular account of the Bahama islands. 120. the Second Campaign in China. 12C. Lon- London, 1804. don, 1842. M'KINNON, (Daniel.) Philosophy of Evidence. MACKENZIE, (Murdoch.) Treatise on Marine 80. London, 1812. (2 copies.) Surveying. Corrected and republished, with MACKINNON, (Lauchlan.) Atlantic and Transa supplement, by J. Horsburgh. 80. Lon- atlantic Sketches, Afloat and Ashore. 2 v. don, 1819. 120. London, 1852. MCKENZIE, (Roderick.) Strictures on Lieut. - Steam Warfare in the Parana. OperaCol. Tarleton's History of the Campaigns of tions by the combined squadrons of England 1780 and 1781. 80. London, 1787. and France in forcing a passage up that MACKENZIE, (RobertShelton.) Bitsof Blarney. river 2 v. 120. London 1848. 120. New-York, 1855. MACKINNON, (William Alexander.) History See MAG1NN, (William.) Also WIL of Civilization. 2 v. 80. London, 1846. SON, (John.) Noctes Ambrosianae. MCKINSTRIY, (J., Brigadier General.) VindiMACKENZIE, (Thomas.) Studies in Roman cation while Quartermaster in the Western Law, with comparative views of the laws of Department. 8. St. Louis, 1862. France, England, and Scotland. 80. Lon-MACKINToS, (Sir James.) Miscellaneous do 6. W ks ondon, 186 Wo1851. MACKENZIE, (William.) Physiology of Vision. CONTENTS. 80. London, 1841. Progress of Ethical Philosopy. - Practical Treatise on the Diseases of the Philosophical Genius of Bacon and Locke. Law of Nature and Nations. Eye. With an anatomical introduction, by Life of Sir Thomas More. Thomas Wharton Jones. From the 4th Lon- Icon Basilik6. Memoir of the Affairs of Holland. don ed. With notes and additions, by Addi- Review of the Causes of the Revolution of 1688. nell Hewson. 8. Phila, 185. Account of the Partition of Poland. nell Hewson. 80. Philadelphia, l855. Administration and Fall of Struensee. MACKENZIE, (William L.) Life and Times of Case of Donna Maria. Character of Charles, first Marquis Cornwallis, Martin V-an Buren; the coriespondence of Character of George Canning. 713 MACKINTOSH. MACLAURIN. MACKINTOSH, (Sir James.) Miscellaneous World to Christianity. 80. London,:1785. Works —Continued. (Watson's Theol. Tracts, v. 5 ) Writings of Machiavel. New Literal Translation from the origiReview of G-odwin's Lives of Milton's Nephews. Review of Rogers' Poems. nal Greek, of all the Apostolical Epistles; Review of Mde. de Stael's De l'Allemlagne. with notes, &c. 4 v. 8. London 1816. Discourse on the opening of the Literary Society of Bombay. M'KNIGHT, (John.) Discourse on the Present Defence of the French Revolution Defence of the French Revolution State of the Political and Religious World. Reasons against tha French War of 1793. Po cal and Relg s W ld. State of F'rance in 1815. 80. New-York, 1802. (Pol. Pam, v. 101.) Right of Parliamentary Suffrage. of the Lie Defence of Jean Peltier. MACKNIGHT, (Thomas.) History of the Litl Charge to the Grand Jury of Bomhbay. and Tiies of Ednund Bulke. 3. Annexation of Genoa, Speech on. State of the Criminal Law, Speech on. London, 1858-60. Case of the Missionary Sm-ith, Speech on. Case of the Mblsspsou'ss Smnith, Speech 00. _____ The Rio'ht Honourable Benjamin DisRecognition of the Spanish-American States. Honouable Benjain DisCivil Government of Canada, Speech on. raeli, M. P.; a Literary and Political BiAffairs of Portugal, Speech on.., Speech on the Reform Bill. ography. S~. London, 1854. Defence of the French Revolution and Thirty Years of Foreign Policy; a hisits English Admirers against the Accusations tory of the secretaryships of the Earl of of Edmund Burke. 80. Philadelphia, 1792. Aberdeen and Viscount Palmers;on. 80. (With PRIESTLEY, (Joseph.) Letters to London, 1855. Burke.) MACKWORTIf, (Sir Humphrey.) Vindication ~- Discourse on the Study of the Law of of the Right of the Commons of England. 2d Nature and Nations. 16~. London, 1828. ed. Folio. London, 1701. (Pol. Pain., v.6.) Dissertation on the Progress of Ethical MACLACHLAIN, (David.) Treatise on the Law Philosophy, chiefly during the Seventeenth of Merchant Shipping. 80. London, 1860. and Eighteenth Centuries. 4~. Edinburgh, MCLAREN, (Alexander, ) and BATRD, (Thomas.) 1835. (With DISSERTATIONS, etc.) Trial before the High Court of Justiciary, at History of the Revolution in England Edinburgh, on the 5th and 7th of March, in 1688; comprising a view of the Reign of 1817, for Sedition. Taken in shorthand by James II.; completed, to the settlement of John Dow. 8~. Edinburgh, 1817. the crown, by the editor. With a notice of MACLAREN, (Charles.) Railways compared the life, writings, and speeches of Sir James. with Canals and Common Roads. 80. LonMackintosh. 40. London, 1834. don, 1826. (Pamphleteer, v. 26.) The same. View of the Reign of James MACLAREN, (James.) Observations on the II., from his accession to the Enterprise of Effect of Californian and Australian Gold. the Prince of Orange. 40. London, 1835. 80. London, 1852-3. (Financial Pam., Life of Sir Thomas More. 160. Lon- v. 16 ) don, 1831. (Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopmdia, Impolicy of providing for a Family by v. 43.) Life Assurance since recent discoveries in The same. 160. London, 1844. California and Australia. 80. London, WALLACE, (W.,) and BELL, (R.) His- 1853. (Financial Pam., v. 16.) tory of England, (to 1760.) 10 v. 160. - Sketch of the History of the Currency. London, 1830-40. (Lardner's Cabinet Cy- 120. 85. London, 1858. clopredia, v. 76-85.) MACLAURIN, (Colin.) Account of Sir Isaac Fragment on Mackintosh; being stric- Newton's Philosophical Discoveries. Pubtures on some passages in the Dissertation lished from the author's MSS., by P. Murby Sir J. Mackintosh, prefixed to the Ency- doch. 3d ed. 80. London, 1775. clopmedia Britannica. 80. London, 1835. - Geometria Organica; sive descriptio MACKINTOSH, (Robert James.) Memoirs of linearum curvarum universalis. 40. Lonthe Life of the Right Hon. Sir James Mack- dini, 1720. intosh. 2 v. 80. London, 1835. Treatise on Algebra. 2ded. 80. LonMACKINTOSH. See MCINTOSH. don, 1756. MACKNIGHT, (James.) All the Actions re- - Treatise on Fluxions. 2v. 40. Edincorded in the Gospels are probable. 80. burg, 1742. London, 1785. (Watson's Theol. Tracts, MACLAURIN, (John.) Arguments and Decisv. 5.) ions in Remarkable Cases, before the High Argument for the Truth of the Christian Court of Justiciary and other Supreme Courts Religion, arising from the conversion of the in Scotland. 40. Edinburgh, 1774. 930 714 MACLEAN. MACLURE. MACLEAN, (Charles.) Evils of Quarantine MACLEOD, (Donald, Prof. of Elocution.) DisLaws, and Non-Existence of Pestilential course onElocution. 80. Cincinnati, 1835. Contagion. 80. London, 1824. (Pam. Addresses, v. 2.) The same. 2d ed. 80. London, 1825. Rebellion in Tennessee. Observations Results of an Investigation respecting on Bishop Otey's Letter to W. H. Seward. Epidemic and Pestilential Diseases; includ- 80. Washington, 1862. ing Researches in the Levant concerning the MACLEOD, (George H. B.) Notes on the SurPlague. 2 v. 80. London, 1817-18. gery of the War in the Crimea, with Remarks S tate of Vaccination in 1810. 80. Lon- on the Treatment of Gunshot Wounds. 160. don, 1810. (Cow Pox Tracts, v. 4.) Glasgow, 1858. MACLEAN, (Charles Hope; and ROBINSON, MACLEOD, (Henry Dunning.) Theory and (George.) Cases in the House of Lords on Practice of Banking; with the elementary Appeals and Writs of Error, 1839. 80. principles of currency, prices, credit, and London, 1840. exchanges. 2 v. 80. London, 1855-56. M'LEAN, (John; of the Hudson's Bay Co.) Notes MACLEOD, (Jessie.) Fifteen Designs, illusof a Twenty-Five Years' Service in the Hud- trating tears. With descriptive poems. 40. son's Bay Territory. 2v. 120. London, 1849. London, 1851. McLEAN, (John; Justice, U. S. Supreme Court.) McLEOD, (John.) Voyage to Africa; with Reports of Cases in the Circuit Court of the some account of the manners and customs United States for the Seventh Circuit, 1829 of the Dahomian people. 160. London, to 1855. 6 v. 80. Cincinnati, 1840-56. 1820. (4 copies.) McLEOD, (Lyons.) Travels in Eastern Africa; The same. V. I to 4. 80. Cincinnati, with the narrative of a residence in Mozam1840-51. (3 copies of v. 1.) bique. 2 v. 120. London, 1860. Sketch of Reverend Philip Gatch. 160. MACLEOD, (Norman.) The Earnest Student; Cincinnati, 1854. being memorials of John Mackintosh. 160. MACLEAN. Historical and Genealogical Ac- Edinburgh, 1854. count of the Clan Maclean, from its first and DEWAR, (Daniel.) Dictionary of settlement in the Isle of Mull to the present the Gaelic Language, in two parts. I. Gaelic period. By a Senachie. 80. London, 1838. and English. II. English and Gaelic. 80. MCLEAN Asylum, (Somerville, Mass.,) for the London, 1845. Insane. Annual Report for 1854. 80. Bos- MACLEOD, (Roderick.) Rheumatism in its vaton, 1854. rious forms; and on the affections of internal McLEES, (Archibald.) Series of Alphabets; organs, more especially the heart and brain. designed as a text-book for engravers and 80. London, 1842. painters of letters. Oblong 80. New-York, M'LEVY, (James.) Curiosities of Crime in 1855. Edinburgh, during the last thirty years. 3d MCLELLAN, (Henry B.) Journal of a Resi- ed. 160. Edinburgh, 1861. dence in Scotland, and Tour through Eng- MACLISE, (Joseph.) Comparative Osteology; land, France, Germany, Switzerland, and being morphological studies to demonstrate Italy. With a memoir of the author, by I. the archetype skeleton of vertebrated aniMcLellan. 120. Boston, 1834. mals. Folio. London, 1847. MCLELLAN. See MCCLELLAN. Surgical Anatomy. 2ded. Folio. LonM'LEoD, (Alexander, D.D.) Scriptural View don, 1856. of the Character, Causes, and Ends of the MACLURE, (William.) Essay on the FormaPresent War. 80. New York, 1815. (Pol. tion of Rocks. 80. Philadelphia, 1818. Pam., v. 111.) -- Geology of the United States. 4~. McLEOD, (Alexander.) Trial for the murder Philadelphia, 1818. (Amer. Philosophical of Amos Durfee, at the burning of the steam- Transactions, new ser., v. 1.) boat Caroline by the Canadians, December - - Observations on the Geology of the 29, 1837. Reported by M. T. C. Gould. United States of America, &c. 80. Phila80. New-York, 1841. delphia, 1817. MCLEOD, (Rev. Donald.) Life of Sir Walter -- Opinions on various subjects, dedicated Scott. 120. New York, 1852. to the industrious producers. 80. New- Pynnshurst; his wanderings and ways Harmony, (Ind.,) 1831. of thinking. 12b. New York. 1852. MACLURE. See MCCLURE. 7_15 McMAHON. 71MACPHERSON. McMAHOT, (Bernard.) American Gardener's MACNISH, (Robert.) Anatomy of DrunkenCalendar, adapted to the climate and seasons ness. 5th ed. 160. Glasgow, 1834. of the United States. 11th ed. 8~. Phila- Book of Aphorisms, by a Modern Pythadelphia, 1857. gorean. 120. Glasgow, 1834. McMAHON, (John V. L.) Historical View of Introduction to Phrenology. 160. Glasthe Government of Maryland, from its co- gow, 1837. onization to the present time. V. 1. 80. Philosophy of Sleep. 3d ed. 160. Baltimore, 1831. (No more published.) Glasgow, 1836. MCMULLAN, (J. J.) Cases at Law in the MACOMB, (Alexander.) Practice of Courts Court of Appeals of South Carolina, 1840 to Martial. S~. New-York, 1840. 1842. 2 v. 80. Columbia, 1841-43. Treatise on Martial Law, and Courts Equity Cases in the Court of Ap- Martial, as practiced in the United States of peals of South Carolina. 8~. Columbia, America. 80. Charleston, (S.C.,) 1809. 1842. MACON, (Nathaniel.) Letters to Charles MACMULLEN, (John.) Nathan Hale; a poem. O'Conor. The Destruction of the Union is 80. New York, 1859. Emancipation. 80. Philadelphia, 1862. McMULLEN, (Thomas.) Hand-BookofWines; (Habeas Corpus Pam.) a description of foreign spirits and liquors. MACONOCHIE, (Alexander.) Thoughts on Con80. New York, 1852. vict Management, and Other Subjects conMcNAGHTEN, (RobertAdair.) Annotations on nected with the Australian Penal Colonies. the Mutiny Act; with observations on the 80~. Hobart Town, 1838. practice of courts martial. 80. London, MACPHERSON, (David.) Annals of Commerce, 1828. Manufactures, Fisheries, and Navigation; Reply to Slanders of J. S. Bucking- with brief notices of the arts and sciences ham. 80. London, 1826. (E. India Pam., connected with them. 4 v. 40. London, v. 2.) 1805. MACNAGHTON, (Steuart.) Select Cases in the History of the European Commerce High Court of Chancery, from 1724 to 1733. with India. 40. London, 1812. 2d ed. 8~. London, 1850. McPHERSON,(Duncan.) Antiquities of Kertch, - and GORDON, (A.) Reports of Cases in and Researches in the Cimmerian Bosphorus. the High Court of Chancery, 1849 and 1851. Folio. London, 1857. 3 v. 80. London, 1850-52. Two Years in China; narrative of the MAC NALLY, (Leonard.) Rules of Evidence Chinese expedition, from its formation in on Pleas of the Crown; illustrated from 1840 till 1842. 80. London, 1842. from printed and manuscript trials and MACPHERSON, (James.) Introduction to the cases. 2 v. 80. Philadelphia, 1804. History of Great Britain and Ireland. 40. MACNAUGHT, (John.) The Doctrine of Inspi- London, 1771. ration; an inquiry concerning the infallibil- - Original Papers; containing the secret ity, inspiration, and authority of Holy Writ. history of Great Britain from the Restoration 3d ed. 120. London, 1857. to the accession of the House of Hanover. M'NEILE, (Hugh.) Prospect of the Jews; in 2d ed. 4 v. 40. London, 1775-76. a series of popular lectures. 80. Philadel- Short History of the Opposition during phia, 1840. (Literalist, v. 2.) the Last Session of Parliament. 80. DubSermons on the Second Advent of the lin, 1779. (Col. Pam., v. 18.) Lord Jesus Christ. 80. Philadelphia, 1840. MACPHERSON, (John.) Critical Dissertations (Literalist, v. 1.) on the Origin, Antiquities, Language, GovMcNEILL, (Alexander.) Appellate Jurisdiction emrnent, Manners, and Religion of the Anof the House of Lords in Appeals from Scot- cient Caledonians, their posterity the Picts, land. 80. London, 1856. and the British and Irish Scots. 40. Lon. MACNEILL, (Sir John, F. R. S.) Canal Navi- don, 1768. gation; resistance of water to the passage of MACPHERSON, (Capt. John.) Life and Strange boats upon canals, and other bodies of water. Adventures. 120. Philadelphia, 1789. 40. London, 1833. (Imperfect.) (Misc. Pam., v. 23.) McNEILL, (Rt. Hon. Sir John.) Progress and MACPHERSON, (William.) Treatise on the Present Position of Russia in the East. 4th Law relating to Infants. 80. London, ed. 80. London, 1854. 1842. 716 McPHIN. MADAGASCAR. McPHIN, (William Lyon.) True Principles of writers, their printed works and Mss. 8~. Currency; explained in a report of evidence London, 1845. submitted to a committee of the House of MCREE, (Griffith J.) Life and Correspondence Commons. 8~. London, 1857. of James Iredell, one of the Associate JusMcQUEEN, (Hugh.) Orator's Touchstone; or, tices of the Supreme Court of the United eloquence simplified. 12~. New-York, 1854. States. 2 v. 80. New-York, 1857. M'QUEEN, (James.) Geographical and Corn- MACREIGHT, (D. C.) Manual of British Bomercial View of Northern Central Africa; tany, according to the natural system of De containing a particular account of the course Candolle. 160. London, 1837. and termination of the great river Niger in MACRonBus, (AmbrosiusAurelius Theodosius.) the Atlantic ocean. 80. Edinburgh, 1821. Opera. Accedunt integrve I. Pontani, J. West India Colonies; the calumnies Meursii, J. Gronovii note et animadverand misrepresentations circulated against siones. Editio novissima. 80. Londini, them by the Edinburgh Review, Clarkson, 1694. &c., examined and refuted. 80. London, CEuvres. Traductionnouvelle parMM. 1824. Descamps, N. A. Dubois, Laas D'Aguen, A. MACQUEEN, (James.) The War. Who's to UbiciniM.artelli. (BibliothqcueLatineFranBlame? or, the eastern question investigated,aise publi6e par Panckoucke.) 3 v. 8~. from the official documents. 80. London, Paris, 1845-47. 1854. CONTENTS. MACQUEEN, (John Fraser.) Chief Points in v. 1-2. Les Saturnales. (Latin et Frangais.) the Laws of War and Neutrality, Search and 3. Des Diff6rences et des Ra.pportsdlu Verbe the Laws of War and NeutralitySearch and ecque et du Verbe Latin. (Latin et Blockade. 120. Edinburgh, 1862. F Prangais.) Le Songe de Scipion, par MI. T. Ciceron, - Practical Treatise on the Appellate Ju- avec commentaire. (Latin et Francais.) risdiction of the House of Lords and Privy McSHERRY, (James.) History of Maryland, Council. Together with the Practice on from its first settlement. in 1634, to 1848. Parliamentary Divorce. 80. London, 1842. 2d ed. 80. Baltimore, 1849. -- Practical Treatise on Divorce and Mat- M'SKIMiN, (Samuel.) History and Antiquities rimonial Jurisdiction under the Act of 1857 of the County of the Town of Carrickfergus. and New Orders. 80. London, 1858. 3d ed. 80. Belfast, 1829. ~- Practical Treatise on the Law of Mar- M'TAGGART, (Mrs. A.) Plays. 2d. ed. 2 v. riage, Divorce, and Legitimacy, as adminis- 160. London, 1832. tered in the Divorce Court and in the House M'VICKAR, (John.) Outlines of Political of Lords. 2d ed., greatly enlarged. 80. Economy. 80. New-York, 1825. London, 1860. MACVICAR, (John G.) Enquiry into Human Reports of Scotch Appeals and Writs Nature. 80. Edinburgh, 1853. of Error, together with Peerage, Divorce, Inquiries concerning the Medium of and Practice Cases in the House of Lords. Light and the Form of its Molecules. 80. 3 v. 8C. London, 1855-61. Edinburgh, 1833. MACQUER, (Joseph.) Dictionnaire de Chimie. MAC WALTER, (J. G. ) Irish Reformation 4 v. 160. Paris, 1778. Movement, in its religious, social, and poli~- Elements of the Theory and Practice tical aspects. 160. Dublin, 1852. of Chemistry. Translated from the French, McWILLIAM, (James Ormiston.) Medical by Andrew Reid. 2 v. 80. London, 1758. Historyof the Expedition to the Niger, during MACQUER, (Philippe.) Abrege Chronologique 1841-42. 80. London, 1843. de l'Histoire Ecclesiastique depuis l'an 33 MCWILLIAM, (Robert.) Essay on the origin de l'6re chretienne jusqu'a 1700. Nouv. 6d., and operation of the Dry Rot, with a view to par.l'Abbe Dinouart. 3 v. 160. Paris, its prevention or cure. 40. London, 1818. 1768. MACY, (Obed.) History of Nantucket; with - Annales Romaines; ou abr6g6 chrono- the rise and progress of the whale fishery. logique de l'Histoire Romaine, depuis la 120. Boston, 1835. fondation de Rome jusqu'aux Empereurs. MADAMSCAR, Past and Present; with con120. Paris, 1756. siderations as to the political and commercial MACRAY, (William Dunn.) Manual of British I interests of Great Britain and France; and Historians, to A. D. 1600; a chronological the progress of Christian civilization. 120. account of the early chroniclers and monkish London, 1847. 717 MADDEN. MADOX. MADDEN, (R. 0.) Age of Pitt and Fox. V. 1. MADEMOISELLE MORI; a tale of modern Rome. 80. London, 1846. (No more published.) 120. Boston, 1860. MADDEN, (Richard Robert.) Infirmities of MADEIRA. Rambles in Madeira, and in PorGeniusillustrated. 2v. 120. London, 1833. tugal, in 18%26; illustrative of the health, Island of Cuba; its resources, progress, climate, produce, and civil history of the and prospects. 120. London, 1853. island. 120. London, 1827. Life and Martyrdom of Savonarola, illus- MADERUS, (J. J.) De Coronis, Nuptiarum trative of the history of Church and State prxsertin, sacrisac profanis,libellus. (Grieconnexion. 2v. 80. London, 1853. vius, Thesaurus Antiq. Rom., v. 8.) Life and Times of Robert Emmet. Also, MADGE, (Henry.) Diseases of the Fcetus in a memoir of Thomas Addis Emmet. 120. Utero, (not including Malformations,) with New-York, 1858. an outline of foetal development. 160. LonLiterary Life and Correspondence of don, 1854. he Countess of Blessington. 3 v. 8c. Lon- MADISON, (James.) Examination of the Britdon, 1855. ish Doctrine which subjects to capture a Phantasmata; or, illusions and fana- Neutral Trade not open in time of peace. ticisms of Protean forms, productive of great 80. Washington, 1806. evils. 2 v. 80. London, 1857. Papers, purchased by order of Congress; - Shrines and Sepulchres of the Old and being his Correspondence and Reports of New World; records of pilgrimages in many Debates during the Congress of the Confedands. 2 v. 80. London, 1851. eration, and his Reports of Debates in the Twelve Months' Residence in the West Federal Convention. 3 v. 80. WashingIndies, during the transition from Slavery to ton, 1840. (10 copies.) Apprenticeship. 2 v. 120. Philadelphia, 1835. Political Observations. 80. PhiladelUnited Irishmen; their lives and times. phia, 1795. (Pol. Pam., v. 97.) 3 series. 7v. 120. London, 1842-46. Selections from the Private CorrespondMADDOCK, (Alfred Beaumont.) Practical Ob- ence of James Madison, from 1813 to 1836. servations on Mental and Nervous Disorders. Published by J. C. McGuire, exclusively for 80. London, 1854. private distribution. 40. Washington, 1853. Pulmonary Consumption, Bronchitis, - Speech in Congress on the Promotion Asthma, Chronic Cough, and various Diseases of the Commerce of the United States. 80. of the Lungs, Air-Passages, Throat, and New York, 1794. (Pol. Pam., v. 122.) Larynx, successfully treated by medicated MADISONlAN, The. Folio. Washington, 1837nhalations. 5th ed. 80. London, 1854. 1841. (Incomplete.) MADDOCK, (Henry.) Report of cases in the MADOX, (John.) Excursions in the Holy Court of the Vice-Chancellor of England, Land,'Egypt, Nubia, Syria, &c. 2 v. 80. 1815 to 1822. 6 v. 80. London, 1817-29. London, 1834. The same. 6 v. in 3. 80. Phila- MADOX, (T'homas.) Baronia Anglica; an Hisdelphia, 1829. tory of Land-Honors and Baronies, and of - Treatise on the Principles and Practice Tenure In Capite. Folio. London, 1736. of the High Court of Chancery. 2d ed. 2 v. ~ Firma Birgi; or, an Historical Essay 80. London, 1820. concerning the Cities, Towns, and Boroughs The same. 2d Am., from the 2d Lon- of England. Folio. London, 1726. don. ed. 2 v. 80. Hartford, (Conn.,) 1822. - FormulareAnglicanum; or, acollection MADDOCK, (James.) Florist's Directory; a of ancient Charters and instruments of divers reatise on the culture of flowers, with a kinds, taken from the originals. Folio. dissertation on soils, manures, &c.; and ap- London, 1702. pendix, by Samuel Curtis. 80. London, 1822. History and Antiquities of the ExcheMADDY, (Edwin.) Digest of Cases in the quer of the Kings of England, from the NorArches and Prerogative Courts of Canter-' man conquest to the end of the reign of King bury, the Consistory Court of London, and Edward II. Folio. London, 171 1. the High Court of Delegates. 80. London, The same. With the Ancient Dialogue 1835. concerning the Exchequers, generally asMADDYN, (Daniel Owen ) Chiefs of Parties, cribed to Gervasius Tilburiensis; and a Dispast and present; with original anecdotes. sertation concerning the Most Ancient Great 2d ed. 2 v. 120. London, 1859. Roll of the Exchequer. 2 v. London, 1769. 718 MADRAZO. MAGOON. MADRAZO, (Francisco de Paula.) Historia tions on the Scriptural Doctrines of AtoneMilitar y Politica de Zumalaclrregui. 8~. ment and Sacrifice. With strictures on Mr. Madrid, 1844. - Belsham's account of the Unitarian scheme. MADRID in 1835; sketches of the metropolis of 3 v. 80. London, 1832. Spain and its in habitants, and of society MAGENS, (Dorrien.) Inquiry into the real and manners in the peninsula. 2 v. in 1. difference between Actual Money, consisting 8~. New-York, 1836. of Gold, and Silver, and Paper Money; also, MAEDLER, (J. H.) Astronomische Briefe. examination into the Constitutions of Banks. 120. Mitau, 1846. 80. London, 1804. (Financial Pam., v. 2.) MAFFEI, (Giovanni Pietro.) Historiarvm In- MAGENS, (Nicolas.) Essay on Insurance, exdicarvm libri xvI. Selectarvm item, ex India planiing the nature of the various kinds of Epistolarum, eodem interprete, libri Iv. Ac- insurance practised by the different commercessit Ignatii Loioloe Vita. Folio. Coloniae cial states of Europe, and showing their Agrippine, 1589. consistency or inconsistency with equity and MAFFEI, (Scipio.) Complete History of the An- the public good. 2 v. 4~. London, 1755. cient Amphitheatres, more peculiarly regard- MAGICIAN'S OWN BOOK; or, the Whole Art of ing the architecture of those buildings, and in Conjuring. 12~. New-York, 1857. particular that of Verona. From the Italian, MAGINN, (William.) Fraserian Papers. Anby A. Gordon. 2d ed. 8~. London, 1730. notated, with a life of the author, by R. MAFFITT, (John Newland.) Theological Pre- Shelton Mackenzie. 12~. New-York, 1857. tenders; or, an Analysis of the Character and ~ Homeric Ballads; with translations and Conduct of Rev. J. N. Maffit. 80. New notes. 16~. London, 1850. York, 1830. (Misc. Pam., v. 33.) The same; with the Comedies of LuMAGALHANES de Gandavo, (Pero de.) His- cian, translated by W. Maginn. Annotated toire de la Province de Sancta-Cruz, que by R. S. Mackenzie. 1]2. New-York, 1856. nous nommons ordinairement le Bresil. 80. Miscellaneous Writings: Odoherty PaParis, 1837. (Ternaux, Voyages, Relations, pers; annotated by R. S. Mackenzie. 2 v. etc., de l'Amerique, v...) 120. New-York, 1855. MAGASIN UNIVERSEL. 7 v. in 5. Small folio. Shakespeare Papers. Annotated by Paris, 1833-40. R. S. Mackenzie. 120. New York, 1856. MAGAZIN DES FEES; ou Contes de Fdes de MAGNIEN, (N.) Recueil Alphabetique des Perrault, de Mme. Leprince de Beaumont, de Droits de Traites Uniformes, de ceux d'enFen6lon, et de Mme. D'Aulnoy. Nouvelle trees et de sorties des cinq grosses fermes, de edition. 120. Paris, 1852. douane de Lyon et de Valence. 4 v. 120. MAGAZINE of Natural History, and Journal of Lyon, 1786. Zoology, Botany, Mineralogy, Geology, and MAGNOL, (Petrus.) Hortus Regius MonspeliMeteorology. Conducted by J. C. Loudon. ensis. 120. Monspelii, 1697. 9 v. 80. London, 1829-36. Novus Caracter Plantarum. 40. MonThe same. New series. Conducted spelii, 1720. by Edward Charlesworth. 4 v. 80. Lon- MAGNUS, (Joannes.) Historia de omnibus don, 1837-40. Gothorum Sueonumque Regibus qui unquam See ANNALS and MAGAZINE. ab initio nationis extitere, eorfimque MemoMAGAZINE of Science, and School of Arts; rabilibus Bellis latevariequdperorbem gestis. intended to illustrate the most useful, novel, Opera Olai Magni in lucem edita. Folio. and interesting parts of natural history, ex- Romre, 1554. perimental philosophy, etc. 6v. 80. Lon- MAGNUS, (Olaus.) Gentium Septentrionalium don, 1840-45. Historime Breviarium. 240. Lugduni BataMAGAZINE of Zoology and Botany. Conducted vorum, 1652. by Sir W. Jardine, P. J. Selby, and Dr. -- Compendious History of the Goths, Johnson. 2 v. 80. London, 1837-38. Swedes, and Vandals, and other northern MAGDALENA, (J. B.) Privada y Oficial Cor- nations. Translated into English, by J. S. respondencia con el Marques de Casa Yrujo, 80. London, 1658. para justa, debida, y natural vindicacion y MAGOON, (E. L.) Living Orators in America. defensa de su honor y conducta politica. 80. 120. New-York, 1849. Philadelphia, 1806. Orators of the American Revolution. MAGEE, (William) Discourses and Disserta- 120. New-York, 1848. 719 MAGOON. MAIN. MAGOON, (E. L.) Westward Empire; or, the MAILHERDE CHASSAT, (A.) Trait6 des Status, great drama of human progress 120. New- (lois personnelles lois r6elles,) d'apres ]e York, 1856. droit ancien et le droit moderne, ou du droit MAGUIRE, (John Francis.) Rome; its Ruler international prive, considere, etc. 80. and its Institutions. 120. London, 1857. Paris, 1845. MAHAN, (Asa.) Science of Logic; or, an an- MAILIAC, (Joseph-Anne-Marie de Moyria de.) alysis of the laws of thought. 120. New- Histoire G6nerale de la Chine, ou annales de York, 1857. cet Empire. Traduites du Tong-Kien-KangSystem of Intellectual Philosophy. Re- Mou. 13 v. 4c. Paris, 1777-85. vised from the2d ed. 120. New-York, 1855. MAILLARD, (Annette Marie.) Matrimonial - True Believer, his character, duty, and Shipwrecks; or, mere human nature. 2 v. privileges. 160. New-York, 1847. 8c. London, 1854. MAHAN, (Dennis H.) Elementary Course of MAILLARD, (N. Doran.) History of the ReCivilEngineering. 6th ed. 80. New-York, public of Texas, from the discovery of the 1852. country to the present time; and the cause Industrial Drawing; comprising the of her separation from the Republic of Mexdescription and uses of drawing instruments, ico. 120. London, 1842. the construction of plane figures, &c. 80. MAILLARDIERE, (Charles Fran9ois, Vicomte New-York, 1852. de la; or, La Maillardiere.) Abr6g6 des ~- Treatise on Field Fortification. 240. Principaux Trait6s conclus depuis le comNew-York, 1852. mencement du quatorzieme siecle jusqu'S MAHAN, (Milo.) Church History of the First prdsent, entre les diffdrentes puissances de Three Centuries. 2ded. 120. New York, 1860. l'Europe. 2 v. 160. Paris, ]778. MAHAVANSI, the Rjjd-Ratndcari, and the Rij6- MAILI,ET, (Benoit de.) Telliamed; or, the Vali; forming the sacred and historical books world explained. Containing discourses of Ceylon. Also, a collection of tracts illustra- between an Indian philosopher and a mistive of the doctrines and literature of Buddh- sionary. 80. Baltimore, 1797. ism. Translatedfrom theSinghalese. Edited MAIMBOURG, (Louis.) Histoire des Croisades by Edward Upham. 3v. 80. London, 1833. pour la Deliverance de la Terre Sainte. 2 v. MAHAWANSO, [or Mahdvansi,] in Roman char- 160. Paris, 1676. acters; with the translation subjoined, and The same. 4 v. 240. Paris, 1682. an introductory essay on Pli Buddhistical Histoires. 14 v. 4~. Paris, 1686-87. literature, by George Tumour. V. 1. 40. CONTENTS. Ceylon, 1837. Du Calvinisme, v. 10. Des Croisades, v. 5-6. MAHON, (Lord.) See STANHOPE, (P. H., Earl.) De la Decadence de l'Empire apr6s Charlemagne, MAHONEY, (D. A.) Prisoner of State. 120. V. 7. Du Grand Schisme d'Occident, v. 8. New York, 1863. De l'Heresie des Iconoclastes, v. 3. L'Histoire de l'Arianisme, v. 1-2. MAHONY, (Frank;) and MURPHY, (Frank.) De la Ligue, v. 1-. Reliques of Father Prout, late P. P. of Du Luth6raniosme, v. 9. Du Pontificat de S. Gr6goire le Grand, v. 13. Watergrasshill, in the County of Cork, Ire- Du Pontificat de S. L6on le Grand, v. 14. land. Collected and arranged by Oliver Du Schisme des Grecs, v. 4, De la Trait6 de l'Eglise de Rome et de ses Evesques, Yorke. 2 v. 160. London, 1836. v. 12. MAHY DE CORMERE, (J. F.) Observations - Histoire du Calvinisme. 2e ed. 180. sur les Colonies Frangaises de l'Amerique. Paris, 1682. 80. Paris, 1791. (Pol. Pam., v. 7.) History of Arianism; showing its inMAIDEN, (William.) Account of a Case of fluence upon civil affairs; and the causes of Recovery after the Shaft of a Chaise had the dissolution of the Roman Empire. 2 v. been forced through the Thorax. 40. Lon- 40. London, 1728-29. don, 1824. MAIMONIDES; or MosEs BEN MAIMON. Main MAILHER DE CHASSAT, (A.) Traitd de l'Inter- Principles of the Creed and Ethics of the pr6tation des Lois. Nouvelle edition, aug- Jews. Translated, with notes, by H. H. mentee de plusieurs suppl6mens, etc. 80. Bernard. 80. Cambridge, (Eng.,) 1832. Paris, 1836. MAIN, (James.) Flower, Fruit, and Kitchen Trait6 de la Retroactivite des Lois; ou Garden. 240. London, 1841. commentaire approfondi du code civil. 2 v. Illustrations of Vegetable Physiology. 80. Paris, 1845. 2d ed. 160. London, 1836. 720 MAIN. MAINE. MAIN, (James.) Popular Botany. 180. Lon- MAINE. Reports of Cases in the Supreme Judidon, 1835. cial Court. V. 19, by John Appleton, 1841. - Villa and Cottage Florist's Directory. 80. Hallowell, 1842. (2 copies.) 2d ed. 160. London, 1835. The same. V. 20, by John Appleton MAIN, (Thomas.) Directions for the Trans- and John Shepley, 1841. 80. Hallowell, plantation and Management of young Thorn 1843. (2 copies.) and other Hedge Plants. 80. Washington, The same. V. 21 to 30, by John Shep1807. (Agric. Pamphlets, v. 1.) ley, 1842 to 1849. 80. Hallowell, 1843-51. MAIN, (Thomas J.;) and BROWN, (Thomas.) (2copies.) The Indicator and Dynanometer, with their The same. V. 31 to 35, by Asa Redpractical applications to the steam-engine. ington, 1849 to 1853. 8~. Hallowell, 18513d ed. 8~. London, 1857. 54. (2 copies.) Marine Steam Engine. 2d ed. 80. The same. V. 36 to 40, by Solyman London, 1852. Heath, 1853 to 1855. 80. Hallowell, 1855Questions on subjects connected with 57. (2 copies.) the marine steam-engine, and examination The same. V. 41 and 42, by John papers. with hints for their solution. 80. M ilton Adalms, 1856. 80. Hallowell, 1858. London, 1857. (2 copies of v. 41.) MAINE, (Henry Sumner.) Ancient Law; its The same. V. 43 and 44, by Timothy connection with the early history of society, Ludden, 1857 and 1858. 80. Lewiston, and its relation to modern ideas. 80. Lon- 1858-59. don, 1861. (2 copies.) Thesame. V. 45-47. ByWalesHubMAINE. Laws of Maine, 1820; 1822 to 1737; bard. 80. Hallowell, 1859-62. (2 copies 1838, (2 copies;) 1839; 1840, (2 copies;) of v. 46; 3 copies of v. 47.) 1841 to 1844, (3 copies;) 1845; 1846; 1847; Annual Report of the Adjutant General 1848, (3 copies;) 1850 to 1853, (2 copies;) of the State, for 1861. 80. Augusta, 1862. extra session, 1853, (2 copies;) 1854 to 1861, Documents of the Legislature of the (2 copies;) and 1862. 60 v. 8~. Portland, State of Maine, 1840-1862. 21 v. 8~. and Augusta., 1820-62. Augusta, 1840-63. (Wanting 1841, 1848, Laws of the State of Maine. Pub- and 8-19.) lished according to resolves of the State, Fifth and Sixth Annual Reports of the passed March 8, 1821, and March 30, 1831. Secretary of the Maine Board of Agriculture, 3 v. 80. Brunswick, 1821-31. 1860-61. Augusta, 1860-61. The same. Containing the public acts Journal of the Constitutional Convenpassed during the years 1822 to 1828. Part tion of the District of Maine; with the arti1, v. 2. 80. Hallowell, 1828. cles of separation and Governor Brooks' The same. With synopsis of the De- proclamation prefixed, 1819-20. 80. Aucisions relating thereto, contained in the Mas- gusta, 1856. sachusetts Reports, Pickering's Reports, and l Map of the District of Maine. By Moses Greenleaf's Reports. 2 v. 80. Portland, 1834. Greenleaf. Boston, 1815. Revised Statutes, passed October 22, Map of the State of Maine; with the 1840; with the other public laws of 1840 and province of New Brunswick. By Moses 1841. 80. Augusta, 1841. (5copies.) Greenleaf. Boston, 1820. Revised Statutes, passed April 17, 1857. ~ The same. 3d ed. Philadelphia, 1844. 80. Bangor, 1857. (4 copies.) MAINE Boundary. Decision of the King of Reports of Cases in the Supreme Judi- the Netherlands considered in reference to cial Court, 1820 to 1835, by Simon Greenleaf. the rights of the United States and of the 9 v. 80. Hallowell and Portland, 1822-35. State of Maine. 8~. Portland, 1831. (Pol. The same. 2ded. 9v. 80. Boston, Pain., v. 114.) 1851-52. (2 copies of v. 1.) Resolutions of the Legislature of the The same. V. 10 to 12, by John Fair- State of Maine respecting the advice of the field, 1833 to 1835. 80. Hallowell, 1835-37. King of the Netherlands on the North-East(2 copies.) ern Boundary. 80. Portland, 1832. (Pol. The same. V. 13 to 18, by John Shep- Pam., v. 11.4.) ley, 1836 to 1841. 8". Hallowell, 1838-42. MAINE Historical Society. Collections. V.2-6. (2 copies.) 8d. Portland, 1847-59. 721 MAINE. MALCOLM. MAINE Union in behalf of the Colored Race. Au;tralia, 1607-1727. 80. London, 1859. Proceedings of Convention. 80. Portland, (Hakluyt Society, v. 25.) 1835. (Slavery Pam., v. 19.) MAKRIZI, (Taki-Eddin-Ahmed.) Trait6 des MAINTENON, (Fran9oise d'Aubign6, Marquise Monnoies Musulmanes. Traduit del'Arabe, de.) Secret Correspondence with the Prin- par A. J. Silvestre de Sacy. 8C. Pais, cess des Ursins. Translated fromthe French, 1797. by Mrs. Charlotte Lennox. 3 v. 80. Lon- MALALAS, (Joannes.) Chronographia, Ex don, 18-27. recensione L. Dindorfii. (Gr. et Lat.) 80. And othereminentpersons in the age of Bonnae, 1831. (Byzantinae Hist. Corpus, Louis XIV. Letters; to which are added v. 12.) characters of some of the principal persons MALAN, (S. C.) Who is God in China, Shin of that court. 160. London, 1754. or Shang-Te? 80. London, 1855. MAISONCELLE, (De.) Situation Actuelle des MALAPERT, (E.;) et PROTAT, (L.) Code Finances de la France et de l'Angleterre. Complet de l'Expropriation pour cause 40. Paris, 1789. (Financial Pam, v. 48.) d'Utilit6 Publique; pr6eced d'une instrucMAISTRE, (Joseph de.) Soirees de St. P6ters- tion et suivi des modules ou formules des bourg; ou entretiens cur le gouvernement actes que n6cessite l'expropriation. 120. temporel de la providence. 7e ed. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1857. Lyons, 1854. MALAY ANNALS. Translated from the Malay Essay on the Generative Principle of Language, by John Leyden; with an introPolitical Constitutions. Translated from the duction, by Sir T. S. Raffles. 80. London, French. 160. Boston, 1847. 1821. MAISTRE, (Pierre le.) Coutume de Paris. MALCHUS Philadelphensis. Excerpta de Le Nouvelle 6d., par G.A. Guyot. Folio. Paris, gationibus Gentium ad Romanos. (Gr. et 1741. Lat.) 80. Bonnse, 1829. (Byzantina Hist. MAISTRE, (Xavier de.) Journey Round my Corpus, v. 11.) Room. 40. (Ill. Lit. of all Nations.) MALCOLM, (Alexander.) New System of ArithMAITLAND, (Charles.) Church in the Cata- metick. 40. London, 1730. combs; a description of the primitive church Treatise of Musick, speculative, pracof Rome, illustrated by its sepulchralremains. tical, and historical. 80. London, 1731. 80. London, 1846. MALCOLM, (James Peller.) Anecdotes of the MAITLAND, (Sir Frederick Lewis.) Narrative Manners and Customs of London, from the of the Surrender of Bonaparte, and of his Roman Invasion to 1800. 2 v. 40. Lonresidence on H. M. S. Bellerophon. 8C. don, 1808-11. London, 1826. Historical Sketch of the Art of CaricaMAITLAND, (Samuel Roffey.) The Dark Ages; turing; with graphic illustrations. 40. Lonessays to illustrate the state of religion and don, 1813. literature in the 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th Lives of the Topographers and Anticenturies. 8~. London, 1844. quarians who have written concerning the MAITLAND, (William.) History of London. antiquities of England. 40. London, 1824. 2 v. Folio. London, 1775. Londinium Redivivum; ancient hisMAITTAIRE, (Michel.) Annales Typographici, tory and modern description of London. 4 v. ab artis invente origine ad annum MDCLXIV. 40. London, 1803-1807. 9 v. in 5. 4~. Hage Comitum, 1722-1725; MALCOLM, (Sir John.) Government of India. Amstelodami, 1733; Vienne, 1789. 80. London, 1833. Greek Dialects. Abridged and trans- History of Persia, from the most early lated from the edition of Sturzius. by John period to the present time. 2 v. 40. LonSeager. 80. London, 1838. don, 1825. MAIZEAUX, (P. des.) See DESMAIZEAUX. Life of Robert, Lord Clive. 3 v. 80. (Real name, Margotelle.) London, 1836. MAJOR, (Joshua.) Theory and Practice of Memoir of Central India, including Landscape Gardening. 40. London, 1852. Malwa and adjoining Provinces; with the MAJOR, (John Richardson.) Guide to the history of that country. 2v. 8~. London, Reading of the Greek Tragedians. 80. Lon- 1823. don, 1843. Political History of India, from 1784 MAJOR, (R. H.; Editor.) Early Voyages to to 1823. 2 v. 80. London, 1826. 91 722 ALCOLMMALCOLM MALLET. MALCOLM, (Sir John.) Sketch of the Sikhs; MALESPINI, or Malaspina, (Ricordano.) Hisa singular nation, who inhabit the provinces toria Florentina, A. D. 1281-1286. (Muraof the Penjab, between the rivers Jumna and tori, Rerum Italicarun Scriptores, v. 8.) Indus. 80. London, 1812. MALET, (William Wyndam.) An Errand to MALCOMR, (Howard.) Travels in Hindustan the South in the Summer of 1862. 16~. and China. Illustrated 80. Edinburgh, - London, 1863. 1840. MALETESTE DE VILLEY, (Jean Louis, Marquis - Travels in the Burman Empire. 8~. de.) (Euvres d'un Ancien Magistrat. 120. Edinburgh, 1840. (Bound with above.) Londres, 1784. MALCOM, (Robert.) Short Essays on a Gold MALEY, (A. J.) Historical Recollections of Note Currency. 120. New York, 1858. the Reign of William IV. 2 v. 120. LonMALDEN, (Henry.) Biographies of Eminent don, 1860. Men. 4 v. 160. London, (n. d.) (Library MALGAIGNE, (Joseph Francois.) Operative of Entertaining Knowledge, v. 3-6.) Surgery. Translated from the French, by Origin of Universities and Academical F. Brittan. 80. Philadelphia, 1851. Degrees. 120. London, 1835. Treatise on Fractures. Translated from MALDEN. (Massachusetts.) Bi-Centennial Book the French, with notes and additions, by John of Malden. Proceedings at the two-hundredth H. Packard. 80. Philadelphia, 1859. anniversary of its settlement, May 23, 1849, MALHERBE, (Francois de.) (Euvres Choisies. and matters pertaining to the history of the 80, Paris, 1840. (With BOILEAU et J. B. place. 120. Boston, 1850. ROUSSEAU.) MALE, (Arthur.) Treatise on the Law and CONTENTS. Practice of Elections. 80. London, 1820. Corresponance avec M. Peiresc, Lettres Choisies. MALE, (George Edward.) Elements of Juri- Observations Critiques sur Tite-Live. dical or Forensic Medicine; for the use of Peusecs traduites o imitees de Seleque. Poesies. medical men, coroners, and barristers. 2d ed. 80~ Lonlondo 1818. MALIPITANT, (George.) Designs for Sepulchral 7 T~ London 1 Monuments, Mural Tablets, &c. 40. LonMALEBRANCHE, (Nicolas.) CEuvres. 2 v. 12. pdon, 18592. Paris, 1859. MALISSET, (Jean Baptiste Antoine.) Parfaite EntretiCens M ONtphTysiqe, v.. Intelligence du Commerce. 2 v. 80. Paris, Entretien d'un Philosophe Chrttien et d'un Philos- 1785. ophe Chinois, v. 1. M e dtations Chrtiennes, v.. MALKIN, (Benjamnin Heath.) Tour through Recherche de la Verite, v. 2. Wales, 1806. (Pinkerton's Voyages, v. 2.) Trait6 de l'Amour de Dieu, v. 1, ( De la Recherche de- la Verit6, oh l'on (Fr ) y of eece Published by the Society for the Diffusion traite de la nature de l'esprit de.'homme, et P by the Society for the Diffusion of' Useful Knowledge. 83. London, 1829. de l'usage qu'il en dolt faire pour eviter London, 1829. MALKITN, (J. H.) tistolical Parallels, fiom l'erreur dans les sciences, l'art de se con- Hitorical Parallels, from naitresoi-meme. 2v. 16e. Amsterdam, 1688. original historians. 2 v. 160. London, Treatise concerning the Search after 1846. (Library of Entertaining Knowledge, Truth; to which is added the author's trea- v. 2-28. ) tise of nature and grace. Translated by T. MALLET, (Allain Mansson.) LesTravaux Taylor. 2d ed. Folio. London, 1700. de Mars, ou l'art de la guerre. 3 v. 120. MALELAS. See MALALAS. La Haye, 1696. MALEPEYRE, ( Lopold;) et JOURDAIN, MALLET, (David.) Works; consisting of (Char.les-Felicit6.) Trait' des Soci.te's plays, poems, and a life of Francis Bacon. (Charles-Felicite.) Traite des Societes f ^.i. t I. 80. London 1740-43. Commerciales, suivi de moddles des divers d t6s The same. New edition. 3 v. 16~, genres d'actes de socidt6s commerciales. 15 8~. Bruxelles, 1836 London759. MALESHERBES, (Guillaume de Lamoignon de.) CONTENTS. M6moire sur le Mariage des Protestans. 2 Alfred; a masque, v. 3. Mkliscellaneous Poe as,v. L. Eurydico; atragedy,v. 2. Mustapha; atragedy, v.2., Parties. 80. Londres, 1785-87. Life of Francis3acon,Y. 3. Life of Lamoignon Malesherbes, for- Poems. 160. London, 1790. (Johnmerly First President of the Court of Aids, son's English Poets, v. 63.) and Minister of State. Translated by Ed- The same. 8~. London, 1810. (Chalward Mangin. 180. New York, 1806. mers' English Poets, v. 14.) 723 MALLET. MALTHUS. MALLET, (David.) Poems. 160. Chiswick, MALORTI DE MARTEMONT, (C.) Theory of 1822. (British Poets, v. 48.) FieldFortification. 3d ed. 80. London, 1834. MALLET, (John William.) Cotton; chemical, - Treatise on the General Principles of geological, and meteorological conditions in- Permanent Fortification. 80. London, 1820. volved in its successful cultivation; with an Treatise on Topography, in which the account of the culture in the cotton States of science and practical detail of trigonometrical North America. 120. London, 1827. surveying are explained. 3d ed. 2 v. LonMALLET, (Paul Henri.) Histoire des Suisses don, 1825. ou Helv6tiens, depuis les ters les plus re- MALOUET, (Victor Pierre.) Collection de M6cules jusque a nos jours. 4 v. 80. Ge- moires et Correspondance Officielle sur l'Adnave, 1803. ministration des Colonies, et notamment sur - Northern Antiquities; a description of la Guyanne Frangaise et Hollandaise. 5 v. the manners, customs, religion, and laws of 80. Paris, 1802. the ancient Danes, including those of our MALPIGHI, (Marcello.) Opera omnia; sen own Saxon ancestors. With a translation Thesaurus locupletissimusBotanico-Medicoof the Edda and other pieces, from the Ice- Anatomicus; una cum opera posthuma. landic. 2 v. 120. Edinburgh, 1809. Emendavit Petrus Regis. 3 v. in 1. 40. MALLET, (Robert.) Physical Conditions in- Lugduni Batavorum, et Amstelodami, volved in the Construction of Artillery; 1687-98. values of the materials employed, and causes - Anatome Plantarum. Cui subjungitur of the destruction of cannon in service. 40. appendix de Ovo Incubato observationes London, 1856. continens. Una cum Anatome Plantarum, Three Reports upon Improved Methods pars altera. 2 v. in 1. Folio. Londini, of Constructing and Working Atmospheric 1675-79. Railways. 4~. London, 1845. MALTBY, (Isaac.) Treatise on Courts Martial MALLORY, (R. P.) Panoramic View from and Military Law. 80. Boston, 1813. Bunker Hill Monument; engraved by James MALTE-BRUN, (Conrad.) G6ographie UniverSmillie. Small 40. Boston, 1848. selle. Enti~rement refondue et mise au MALMESBURV, (James Harris, Earl of.) Dia- courant de la science, par T. Lavallde. 6 v. ries and Correspondence; account of his 80. Paris, 1855-57. missions to the Courts of Madrid, Frederick Tableau de la Pologne, ancienne et the Great, Catherine II., and the Hague; moderne, sous les rapports geographiques, and his special missions to Berlin, Bruns- statistiques, geologiques, politiques, moraux, wick, and the French Republic. 4 v. 80. historiques, l6gislatifs, seientifiques, et litLondon, 1844. tdraires. Nouv. 6d., par L. Chodzko. 2 v. Recueil des Actes Diplomatiques con- 80. Paris, 1830. cernant la Negociation de Lord Malmesbury Universal Geography; or, a description avec le gouvernement de la Republique Fran- of all the parts of the world, on a new plan,'oise, A Paris, 1796; suivies d'observations according to the great natural divisions of diplomatiques et politiques. 80. Paris, 1797. the Globe; accompanied with analytical, MALON DE CHAIDE, (Pedro.) Tratado de la synoptical, and elementary tables. 5 v, 80,; Conversion de la gloriosa Maria Magdalena; atlas, 40. Philadelphia, 1832-37. Sermon que hace origines en la resurrec- - EYRIES, (Jean-Baptiste-Benoit,) KLAPr cion del Sefor. (Coleccion de Autores Es- ROTH, (Henri-Jules de,) etc, Nouvelles panoles, v. 19.) Annales des Voyages, et des sciences g6oMALONE, (Edmond.) Historical Account of graphiques; avec des cartes et des planches. the Rise and Progress of the English Stage, 16 v. 80, Paris, 1835-42. and of the economy and usages of our an- MALTHUS, (Thomas Robert.) Definitions in cient theatres. 8~. London, 1821. (V. 3, Political Economy. 120. London, 1828. of Shakespeare's Works, Malone's edition, - The same. 40. London, 1803. 21 v.) Essay on the Principle of Population. MALONE, (R. Edmond.) Three Years' Cruise in 2 v. 8c0 London9 1806. theAustralian Colonies. 120. London, 1854. Additions to the Principles of Popula. MALORTIDEMARTEMONT, (C.) Instructions tion. 80. Georgetown, (D. C.,) 1831. for Officers on Military Plan Drawing. Ob- Inq.niry into the Nature and Progress long 4~. London, 1805. of Bent. 80. London, 181 5, 724 MALTHUS. MANEC. MALTHUs,(Thomas Robert.) Measure ofValue. MANASSEH BEN ISRAEL. Conciliador; o, de 8~. London, 1823. (Pol. Pam., v. 63.) la conveniencia de los lugares de la S. EscripPrinciples of Political Economy, con- tura que repugnantes entre si parecen. Small sidered with a view to their practical appli- 40. Francofurti, 1632. cation. 80. Boston, 1821. The Conciliator; a reconcilement of the The same. 8~. London, 1836. (2copies.) apparent contradictions in Holy Scripture..- Inquiry into Principles respecting the Translated, with notes and biographical Nature of Demand and necessity of consump- notices of the quoted authorities, by E. H. tion, advocated by Mr. Malthus. 80. Lon- Lindo. 2 v. 80. London, 1842. don, 1821.. (Pol. Pam., v. 66.) MANASSES, (Constantinus.) Breviarum HisMALVEZZI, (Jacopo.) Chronicon Brixianum. toriae metricum. (Gr. et Lat.) Rec. I. (Muratori, Rerum Italicarum Scriptores, Bekkerus. 80. Bonne, 1837. (Byzantine v. 14.) Hist. Corpus, v. 26.) MALVEZZI, (Virgilio di.) Tyrannus, ejusque MANBY, (George William.) Journal of a arcana, in Vita Tarquinii Superbi represent- Voyage to Greenland, in 1821. 2d ed. 80. ata. Latinitate donavit J. Kruus. Item London, 1823. Princeps, ejusque arcana, in Vita Romuli MANBY, (Thomas.) Collection of the Statutes representata. Latinitate donavit J. Kruus. made in the reigns of King Charles I. and King 2 v. in 1. 180. LugduniBatavorum, 1636. Charles II., with an abridgment of such as MALVIN-CAZAL, (Joseph de.) Prononciation stand repealed or expired. Folio. London, de la Langue Franvaise au XIXe Siecle, 1667. d'apres les rdgles de la prosodie, celles de MANCHESTER Atheneum. Catalogue of the dictionnaire de l'Academie, les lois gram- Library. 80. Manchester, (N. H.,) 1853. maticales, et celles de l'usage et du gout. MANCHESTER, (England.) Cathedral Church 80. Paris, 1846. of Manchester illustrated; with historical MALYNES, (Gerard.) Consuetudo vel Lex and descriptive accounts. A supplement to Mercatoria; or, the Ancient Law-Merchant, "Winkle's Cathedrals." 8S. London, 1851. in three parts, according to the essentials of - Manchester Free Library and Museum; traffick. 3d ed., wherein are inserted the Librarian's [Edward Edwards'] First Report Jurisdiction of the Admiralty of England on the Formation of the Library. 40. Manasserted, by Richard Zouch; the Ancient chester, 1851. Sea Laws of Oleron, Wisby, and the Hanse- MANDEVILLE, (Bernard de.) Fable of the Bees; Towns, still in force, rendered into English or, private vices, public benefits. With an for the use of navigators, by G. Miege; and essay on charity and charity schools. 80. the Sovereignty of the British Seas, by Sir London, 1795. John Buroughs. Folio. London, 1686. The same. 2d part. 80. London, MAMELI DE'MANNELLI, (Giovanni Maria.) 1729. Costituzioni [Sardesche,] 6 Carta de Logu - Free Thoughts on Religion, the Church, [Sarda et Italiana.] Folio. Roma, 1815. and National Happiness. 80. London, MAMEItTINUS, (Claudius,) doubtful author. 1720. Panegyricus Genethliacus Maximiniano Au- Inquiry in the Origin of Honor and the gusto Dictus. (Valpy's Scriptores Latini, usefulness of Christianity in War. 80. v. 121.) London, 1732. MAMIANI della Rovere, (Terenzio, Conte.) MANDEVILLE, (B.) Pseud. Enquiry into the Rights of Nations, or the new law of Euro- causes of the frequent executions at Tyburn: pean States, applied to the affairs of Italy. also a Discourse on Transportation. 80. Translated from the Italian, by Roger Acton. London, 1775. (Misc. Pam., v. 5.) 120. London, 1860. MANDRILLON, (Joseph.) Le SpectateurAm6rMAMMOTH Cave. Rambles in the, during the icain. Suivi de recherches philosophiques year 1844. 160. (Louisville, (Ky.,) 1845. sur la decouverte du Nouveau-Monde. 80. MAN and his Dwelling-Place; an essay towards Amsterdam, 1785. the interpretation of nature. 120. New- MANEC, (P. J.) Theoretical and Practical York, 1859. Treatise upon the Ligature of Arteries. MAN of Fashion's Manual; containing instruc- Translated from the French, by J. W. Gartions for games of chance and charioteering. lick and W. C. Copperthwaite;-with notes. 180. London, 1809. 40. Halifax, 1832. 725 MANESCA. MANNING. MANESCA, (L.) Serial and Oral Method of MANN, (James.) American Bird-Keeper's Teaching Languages; adapted to the French. Manual; or, management of American and 120. Philadelphia, 1851. foreign singing birds. 18~. Boston, 1848. MANETHO. Supplementa ad Berosum. 16~. MANN, (Mary.) Christianity in the Kitchen; Antverpie, 1545. (With Berosus, Antiqui- a physiological Cook-Book. 16~. Boston, tates. ) 1858. MANETHO. Pseudo-Manetho. Carmina Astro- and PEABODY, (Elizabeth P.) Moral logica. (Gr. et Lat.) (Poetme Bucolici, Didot, Culture of Infancy, and Kindergarten Guide. Biblioth. Grecque, v. 41.) 12~. Boston, 1863. MANEY, (Henry.) Memoirs Over the Water; MANN, (RobertJames.) The Colony of Natal. or, stray thoughts on a long stroll. 120. An account of the characteristics and capaNashville, (Tenn.,) 1854. bilities of this British dependency. 80. MANGOURIT, (Michel Ange Bernard.) Travels London, 1860. in Hanover, 1803-4. 80. London, 1806. Guide to the Knowledge of the Heavens. (Phillips' Voyages and Travels, v. 3.) 2d ed. 240. London, 1853. MANILIUS, (Marcus.) Astronomicon libri. J.' Philosophy of Reproduction. 16~. Scaliger recensuit, ac pristino ordini suo res- London, 1855. tituit. Ejusdem commentarius in eosdem Planetary and Stellar Universe. 160. libros, et castigationumnexplicationes. 2 v. London, 1845. in 1. 160. Lutetire, 1579. MANN, (William.) Six Years' Residence in' The same. Ex editione Bentleiana. the Australian Provinces, ending in 1839; 2v. 80. Londini, 1828. (Valpy'sScriptores with an account of New Zealand. 160. Latini, v. 117-118.) London, 1839. MANLEY, (Thomas.) Interpreter; significa- MANNE, (Armand Edmond de.) Nouveau tion of obscure words and terms used either Recueil d'Ouvrages Anonymes et Pseudoin the common or statute lawes of this realm. nymes. 80. Paris, 1834. Folio. London, 1672. MANNELLI, (G. M. de.) See MAMELI DE'MANMANLY, (J. G.) Ecclesiography; or, the NELLI. Biblical Church analytically delineated. 120. MANNING,(Henry Edward.) Sermons, preached London, 1852. before the University of Oxford. 80. OxMANN, (Herman.) Historical Annals of Ded- ford, 1845. ham, Mass., from 1635 to 1847. b0. Ded- MANNING, (James.) Digest of the Nisi Prius ham, (Mass.,) 1847. Reports; with notes and references, and some MANN, (Horace.) Abstract of the Massachusetts original cases, chiefly collected on the western School Returns for 1840-41. 80. Boston, 1841. circuit. 1stAm. ed. 80. Exeter, (N.H.,) 1823. Demands of the Age on Colleges. 180. Practice of the Court of Exchequer. New-York, 1857. With an appendix, containing an Inquiry A few Thoughts for a Young Man; a into the Tenure of the Conventionary Estates lecture. 180. Boston, 1850. in the Assessionable Manors, parcel of the Lectures on Education. 120. Boston, Duchy of Cornwall.' 80. London, 1827. 1850. and GRANGER, (T. C.) Cases in the Report of an Educational Tour in Ger- Court of Common Pleas, 1840 to 1845. 7 v. many, France, Holland, and parts of Great 80. London, 1841-46. (2 copies.) Britain and Ireland. With preface and - and RYLAND, (A.) Reports of Cases notes by W. B. Hodgson. 4th ed. 160. in the Court of King's Bench, 1827 to 1830. London, 1857. 5 v. 80. London, 1828-37. Slavery. Letters and Speeches. 120. - GRANGER, (T. C.,) and SCOTT,(J.) See Boston, 1853. COMMON BENCH REPORTS, v. 1 to 9. ~ — and CHASE, (Pliny E.) Arithmetic, MANNING, (James Alexander.) Lives of the practicallyapplied. 120. Philadelphia,1850. Speakers of the House of Commons, from MANN, (Horace, Esq., of England.) Religious Edward III., to Queen Victoria; with copious Worship in England and Wales. 80. Lon- details of the Parliamentary History of Eng. don, 1854. land. 80. London, 1851. Education in Great Britain; being the MANNING, (Mary Anne.) Colloquies of Edofficial report of the census of 1851. 80. ward Osborne, Citizen and Cloth-Worker of London, 1854. London. 120. London 1853. 726 MANNING. MANTELL. MANNING, (Mary Anne.) Deborah's Diary; a MANSFIELD, (Edward D.) Political Grammar fragment. 16~. London, 1860. of the United States; a view of the theory - Maiden and Married Life of Mary and practice of the general and State governPowell, afterwards Mistress Milton. 160. ments, with the relations between them. London, 1850. 180. New-York, 1834. Poplar House Academy. 2 v. 16~. United States Military Academy at West London, 1859. Point. 80. Boston, 1863. Village Belles. A Tale of English MANSFIELD, (Jared.) Essays, Mathematical CountryLife. Newed. 160. London, 1859. and Physical. 80. New-Haven, 1800. MANNING, (William Oke.) Commentaries on MANSFORD, (John Griffith.) Scripture Gazetthe Law of Nations. 80. London, 1839. teer. 80. London, 18'29. (2 copies.) MANSION, (L.) Letters upon the Art of MiniaMANOR, (John J.) Treatise on the Criminal ture Painting. 120. London, 1823. Law of the State of Ohio. 80. Toledo, 1857. MANSON, (Alexander.) Medical Researches MANOR QUESTION, Review of Decision of New on the Effects of Iodine. 80. London, 1825. York CourtofAppeals on. 80. Albany, 1859. MANSTEIN, (Christoph Hermann von.) MeMANSEL, (George Barclay.) Law and Prac- moirs of Russia, from 1727 to 1744. Transtice as to Costs; with statutes and practical lated by David Hume. 40. London, 1770. forms. 120. London, 1840. MANSUR, (Shaik.) See MAURIZI, (Vincenzo.) ___ Treatise on the Law and Practice of MANT, (Richard.) Appeal to the Gospel; an Demurrer to Pleadings and Evidence, in Per- inquiry into the charge of the Methodists sonal Actions. 80. London, 1828. and others. 80. Oxford, 1813. (Bampton Treatise on the Law of Limitation. Lectures for 1812.) With an appendix of statutes and forms. - Biographical Notices of the Apostles, 120. London, 1839. Evangelists, and other Saints; with reflecMANSEL, (Henry Longueville.) Examination tions and collects. 80. Oxford, 1828. of F. D. Maurice's Strictures on the Bamp- -- History of the Church of Ireland, from ton Lectures of 1858. By the lecturer. 80. the Reformation to the Revolution; with a London, 1859. preliminary survey, from the twelfth century _- -Limits of Religious Thought Examined. to the sixteenth. 80. London, 1840. 80. Oxford, 1858. (Bampton Lectures, for ~-Primitive Christianity Exemplified and 1858.) Illustrated. 80. London, 1842. - The same. 120. Boston, 1859. MANTE, (Thomas.) History of the Late War Metaphysics; or, the philosophy of in North-America and the West-Indies; inconsciousness, phenomenal and real. 80. eluding the Campaigns of 1763 and 1764. Edinburgh, 1860. 4C. London, 1772. Prolegomena Logica; an inquiry into MANTELL, (Gideon Algernon.) Fossils of the the psychological character of logical pro- South Downs; or, illustrations of the Gegress. 120. Boston, 1860. ology of Sussex. 40. London, 1822. MANSFIELD, (Charles B.) Paraguay, Brazil, Geology of the South-East of England. and the Plate. Letters written in 1852-53. 80. London, 1833. 120. Cambridge, (Eng.,) 1856. Geological Excursions round the Isle MANSFIELD, (Edward D.) American Educa- of Wight, and along the adjacent Coast of tion, its principles and elements. 120. New Dorsetshire. 2d ed. 160. London, 1851. York, 1851. - Invisible World Revealed by the Micro- Legal Rights, Liabilities, and Duties scope; or, thoughts on animalcules. New ed. of Women. 120. Salem, 1845. Square 160. London, 1850. Letters on Railway Connections of Medals of Creation; or, first lessons in Philadelphia with the Central West. 80. geology, and in the study of organic rePhiladelphia, 1853. mains. 2 v. 160. London, 1844. - Life of General Winfield Scott. 120. Petrifactions, and their Teachings; a New-York, 1846. hand-book to the gallery of organic remains --- Mexican War; history of its origin, and of the British museum. 120. London, 1851. account of the victories which terminated in Pictorial Atlas of Fossil Remains, conthe surrender of the capital. 120. New- sisting of coloured illustrations, with descripYork, 1848. tions. 40. London, 1850. MANTELL. MARCEL. MANTELL, (Gideon Algernon.) Thoughts on MANZONI, (Alessandro.) I Promessi Sposi; a Pebble; or, a First Lesson in Geology. storia Milanese del secolo xvII. scoperta e 18~. London, 1849. rifatta. 9a ed. 2 v. 160. Parigi, 1830. Wonders of Geology. 3d ed. 2 v. 80. - Betrothed. 160. London, 1834. (BentLondon, 1839. ley's Stand. Novels, v. 43.) The same. 7th ed. Augmented by T. MAPES, (Walter.) De Nugis Curialium DisRupert Jones. 2 v. 160. London, 1857-58. tinctiones Quinque. Ed. by T. Wright, Sm. MANTELL, (Joshua.) Floriculture; manage- 40. London, 1850. (Camden Socy., No. 50.) ment and propagation of stove, green-house, Latin Poems. Ed. by T. Wright, Sm. and hardy herbaceous plants, trees and shrubs. 40. London, 1841, (Camden Socy., No. 16.) 8~. Sussex Press, 1832. MAPLESON, (T. W. Gwilt.) Hand-book of MANTUANUS. See SPAGNUOLI, (G. B.) Heraldry. Small 40. New-York, 1851. MANUAL and Platoon Exercises for Percussion MAPLETON; or, more work for the Maine law. Carbines. Royal Regiment of Artilery. 12~. Boston, 1853. 160. London, 1851. MARANA, (Giovanni Paolo.) Letters written MANUAL of Ceremonies for the use of the by a Turkish Spy, who lived five-and-forty Catholic Churches in the United States of years undiscovered at Paris, giving an imAmerica. 2d ed. 120. Baltimore, 1852. partial Account to the Divan at ConstantinoMANUAL of Commercial Correspondence; or, pie of the most remarkable transactions of selection of commercial phrases, English and Europe, from 1637 to 1682. New ed. 8 v. French. 120. New-York, 1850. 160. London, 1801. MANUAL of Devotion, for soldiers and sailors. MARANGONE, (Bernardo.) Chroniche della 120. Philadelphia. (n. d.) Citta di Pisa. (Muratori, RerumItalicarum MANUEL, (Juan.) Obras. (Bib. de Autores Scriptores, Supp., v. 1.) Espaioles, v. 31.) MARAT, (JeanPaul.) Memoires Xcad6miques, MANUEL Comnenus. See THEORIANUS. OU Nouvelles D6couvertes sur la Lumiere. MANUEL des Ceremonies de la Messe Basse, 120. Paris, 1788. selon le rite de l'1Eglise de Paris. 80. Paris, MARBAN, (Pedro de.) Arte de laLenguaMoxa. 1846. 160. Lima, 1701. MANUEL de Legista, 6 compendio de los derechos MARBLE, (Daniel.) Biographical Sketch. By Romano, Espaliol y can6nico, porun profesor Falconbridge. 120. New York, 1851. dejurisprudencia. 3v. 160. Madrid, 1840-41. MARBOls,(F. Barbe de.) See BARBf-MARBOIS. MANUFACTURING. Digest of Accounts of Man- MARBURGER Gesang-Buch, Vollstandiges; zur ufacturing Establishments in the United uebung der Gottseligkeit, in 649 Psalmen und States, and of their manufactures. Folio. Gesangen. 160. Germantown, (Pa.,) 1759. Washington, 1823. MARCADE, (V.) Explication du Tit. XX, MANUFACTURING Interest of the United States. Liv. III, du Code Napoleon, contenant Essay, with memorial of the artists and manu- l'analyse critique des auteurs et de la jurisfacturers of Philadelphia to Congress. 80. prudence, ou Commentaire-traite th6oriqne Philadelphia, 1804. (Pol. Pam., v. 104.) et pratique de la prescription. 80. Pari;-, MANUSCRIPT, The. 2d ed. 2 v. 8~. New- 1854. York, 1828. - The same. Nouv. d. 80. Paris, 1861. MANUTIUS, (Aldus.) De Toga et Tunica Ro- Explication theorique et pratique du manorum; de Tibiis Veterum. (Grmevius, Code Napoleon, contenant l'analyse critique Thesaurus Antiq. Rom, v. 6.) des auteurs et de la jurisprudence, et un trait6 De Celatura et Pictura Veterum. (Gro- resum6 apres le ceummentaire de chaque titre. novius, Thesaurus Ant. Grmec., v. 9.) 5e 6d. augment6e. 6 v. 8~. Paris, 1852. MANUTIUS, (Paulus.) De Legibus Romanis; MARCEL, (C.) Language as a Means of Mende Senatu Romano. (Grmvius, Thesaurus tal Culture and International CommunicaAntiq. Rom., v. 2.) tion; or, manual of the teacher, etc. 2 v. - De Civitate Romana; de Comitiis Ro- 120. London, 1853. manorum; de Senatu Romano. (Grmevius, MARCEL, (Jean Jacques.) Alphabet Irlandais. Thesaurus Antiq. Rom., v. 1.) Pr6c6de d'une notice historique, litt6raire, et MANWOOD, (John.) Treatise of the Forest typographique. 80. Paris, 1804. Laws. 4th ed. By W. Nelson. 80. Lon- RYME, (A.) etc. ]gypte Moderne. 8 don, 1717. Paris, 1848. (L'Univers, v. 13.) 728 MARCET. MARIANA. MARCET, (Jane.) Conversations on Chemis- spiration de La Rochelle. (Les Carbonari try. 2 v. 160. London, 1807. D)voiles.) 80. Paris, 1822. Conversations on Political Economy. MARCHANT, (Fran9ois.) Les Sabats Jacobites. 6thed. 12~. London, 1827. 12~. Paris, 1791. Conversations on Vegetable Physi- MARCHMONTPapers. Selection from thePapers ology. 3d ed. 160. London, 1839. of the Earls of Marchmont, illustrative of MARCET, (W.) Chronic Alcoholic Intoxica- events from 1685 to 1750. 3v. 80. London, tion; or alcoholic stimulants in connexion 1831. with the nervous system, 160. London, MARCUS, (Moses.) Grammar of the Hebrew 1860. Language, with points. 80. London, 1825. MARCGRAF, (Georg.) Tractatus Topographi- MARCY, (Randolph Benton.) PrairieTraveler; cus et Meteorologicus Brasilise. Folio, Am- a hand-book for overland expeditions; with stelsedami, 1658. (With Piso's India.) maps of the principal routes between the MARCH, (Charles W.) Reminiscences of Con- Mississippi and the Pacific. 160. Newgress. 2d. ed. 120. New York, 1850. York, 1859. Sketches and Adventures in Madeira, and MCCLELLAN, (George B.) ExploPortugal, and the Andalusias of Spain. 120. ration of the Red River of Louisiana, in New York, 1856. 1852. 80. Washington, 1854. MARCH, (Jacme.) Sin6nimos de la Lengua MARDON, (Edward Russell.) Billiards; game, Castellana. 180. Barcelona, 1834. 500 up. Illustrated by diagrams. 3d ed. 80. MARCH, (John.) Reports; or, new cases, with Brighton, 1858. divers resolutions and judgments given MARGAROT, (Maurice.) Trial before the High upon solemn arguments, and with great Court of Justiciary, at Edinburgh, on the deliberation, 1639 to 1643. 40. London, 13th and 14th of January, 1794, for Sedition. 1648. Taken in shorthand by Mr. Ramsey. 80. MARCH, (L. G. F.) Walk Across the French Edinburgh, 1794. Frontier into North Spain. 120. London, MARGOLIOUTH, (Moses.) Genuine Repentance 1852. and its Effects; an exposition of the fourMARC-4AND, (]Ttienne) Voyage autour du teenth chapter of Hosea. 80. London, Monde, pendant les annees 1790-1792. Pre- 1854. cede d'une introduction historique, etc.; et History of the Jews in Great Britain. un examen critique du voyage de Roggewen, 120. London, 1851. avec cartes et figures; par C. P. Claret - Pilgrimage to the Land of my Fathers. Fleurieu. 4 v. 40. Paris, 1798-1800. 2 v. 80. London, 1850. Voyage Round the World, during the MARGUERITE d'Angouleme, or de Valois, Reine years 1790-92. Preceded by a historical in- de Navarre. Heptameron. Translated from troduction, and illustrated by charts. From the French, with a memoir of the author, by the French of C. P. Claret Fleurieu. 2 v. Walter K. Kelly. 80. London, 1855. 80. With charts. 40. London, 1801. MARGUERITE de France, or de Valois. MdMARCHAND, (Prosper.) Dictionnaire Histo- moires de la Reyne Marguerite, de 1565 A rique; on, memoires concernant la vie et 1582. ld. nouv. 160. Paris, 1665. les ouvrages de divers personnages distin- M6moires. 80. Paris, 1789. (Coil. gues, particulierement dans la r6publique des Mamoires Relatifs a l'Hist. de France, des lettres. 2 v. in 1. Folio. La Haye, v. 52.) 1758. ~ The same. 80. Paris, 1838. (Michaud, Histoire de l'Origine et des premiers Coll. M6m. Hist. France, v. 10.) Progres de l'Imprimerie. 40. La Haye, ~ The same. 8~. Paris. 1823. (Petitot, 1740. Coll. M6m. Hist. France, s6r. I, v. 37.) Suppl6ment, par l'AbbB B. Mercier. 40. MARGUERITTES, (Julie de.) The Ins and Outs Paris, 1773. of Paris; or, Paris by day and night. 120. The same. [2e d.] 40. Paris, 1775. Philadelphia, 1855. MARCIIAND, (P.R.) NouveauProjet de Trait6 MARIANA, (Juan de.) Obras. 2 v. 80. de Paix Perp6tuelle. 80. Paris, 1842. Madrid, 1854. (Bib. de Autores Espaioles, MARCHANGY, (Louis Antoine Francois de.) v. 19-20.) Plaidoyer prononcd le 29 Aout, 1822, devant -~ Historia General de Espana. 18 v. la cour d'assises de la Seine, dans la Con- Small 40. Valencia, 1830 —41. 729 MARIANA. MARLOWE. MARIANA, (Juan de.) General History of Virtuous Orphan,orLife of Marianne. TransSpain; with a continuation to the death of lated. 80. London, 1784. (Novelist's MagPhilip III. With two supplements, by F. azine, v. 16.) Camargo y Salcedo and B. Varen de Soto. MARK, GOSPEL OF. See BIBLE. Translated by John Stevens. Folio. Lon- MARKHAM, (Clements R.) Cuzco; a journey don, 1699. to the ancient capital of Peru; with an acMARIE de France. Poesies; ou recueil de lais, count of the history, language, etc., of the fables et autres productions de cette femme Incas; and Lima; a visit to the capital and c6lebre; avec une notice sur la vie et les provinces of modern Peru, &c. 12~. Lonouvrages de Marie; la traduction de ses lais don, 1856. en regard du texte, avec des notes, par B. de Translator. Expeditions into the ValRoquefort. 2 v. 120. Paris, 1820. ley of the Amazons, 1539-40, and 1639. 80. MARIEN, (Thomas Antoine de) Tableau des London, 1859. (Hakluyt Society, v. 24.) Droits et Usages de Commerce relatifs au MIARKHAM, (Frederick.) Shooting in the HimPassage du Sund. 120. Copeihague, 1776. alayas: ajournal of sporting adventures and MARTGNY, (Aug'er de.) History of the Ara- travel in Chinese Tartary, Ladac, Thibet, bians, fiom Mahomet to the death of Mosta- Cashmere, &c. 8. London, 1854. zem, the last Abassian Caliph. Translated MARKS, (Elias.) Aphorisms of Hippocrates, from the French. 4 v. 80. London, 1758. from the Latin of Verhoofd, with a literal MARIGNY, (Taitbout de.) See TAITBOUT DE translation, and notes. 160. New-York, MARIGNY. 1818. MARILLAC, (Michel de.) M6moire de la Ligue. MARLBOROUGH, (Sarah Churchill, Duchess of.) 80 Paris, 1838. (Michaud. Coll. Mem. Account of the conduct of the Dowager Hist. France, v. 11.) Duchess of Marlborough, from her first comThe same. 80. Paris, 1826. (Petitot, ing to Court, to the year 1710. 80. LonColl. M6m. Hist. France, ser. I, v. 49.) don, 1742. MARINA, (F. M.) Ensayo sobre ]a Legislacion Private Correspondence, illustrative of y principales Cuerpas Legales de los Reinos the Court and Times of Queen Anne; and de Leon y Castilla, especialmente sobre el select correspondence of her husband, John, Codigo de las Siete Partidas de D. Alonzo Duke of Marlborough. 2 v. 80. London, el Sabio. 2a ed. 2 v. Small 40. Madrid, 1838. 1834. MARLES, (Jean Lacroix de; or, LACROIX DE Teoria de las Cortes 6 Grandes Juntas MARLES.) Histoire G6nerale de i'Inde, deNacionales de los Reinos de Leon y Castilla. puis I'an 2,000 avant J. C. jusqu'a nos 3 v. 40. Madrid, 1813. jours. Pr6ecede de Trait6s speciaux. 6 v. The same. 3v. 40. Madrid, 1820. 80. Paris, 1828. MARINER, (William.) Account of the Natives MARLIANI, (Bartolommeo.) Urbis Romeu Toof the Tonga Islands, in the South Pacific p.ographia. (Graevius, Thesaurus Antiq. Ocean; with grammar and vocabulary of Rom., v. 3.) their language. Compiled by John Martin. MARLOR, (Joseph.) Coal Mining; investi2 v. 80. London, 1817. gated and applied to an improved system of MARINI, (GaetanoLuigi.) PapiriDiplomatici, working and ventilating coal mines. 120. raccolti edillustrati. Folio. Roma, 1805. London, 1854. MARIOTTI, (Luigi, Pseud., for GALLENGA, An- MARLOWE, (Christopher.) Works. 3 v. 120. tonio.) Historical Memoir of Frl Dolcino London, 1826. and his Times. 80. London, 1853. CONTENTS. Italy, Past and Present. 2 v. 120. Dido, Queen of Carthage, v. 2. London, 1858 Doctor Faustus, v. 2. Edward the Second, v. 2. MARITIME Capture; Shall England uphold the Epigrams and Elegies by Davies and Marlowe, v. 3. Capture of Private Property at Sea. By a ero ad Leande, v. 3. Capture Jew of Malta, v. 1. Lawyer. 8C. London, 1862. (Pol. Pam., Life of Marlowe, v. 1. Lust's Dominion, v. 3. V. 91.) Lucan, First Book of, v. 3. MARIUS, (John.) Advice Concerning Bills of Massacre at Paris v. 2. Ovid's Elegies, v. 3. Exchange. 80. Philadelphia, 1790. Tamburlaine the Great, v. 1. - See MALYNES. and GREEN, (R.) Poems. 160. LonMARIVAUX, (Pierre Corbet de Chamblain de.) don, 1856. 92 730 MARMION. MARRYAT. MARMION, (Anthony.) Ancient and Modern MARQUETTE, (Joseph.) Discovery of some History of the Maritime Ports of Ireland. new Countries an Nations in Northern 2d ed. 80. London, 1856. America. 80. London, 1698. (Appendix MARMOL CARVAJAL, (Luis del.) Historia del to HENNEPIN'S New Discovery.) Rebelion y Castigo de los Moriscos del Reino ~ and JOLIET, (-.) Voyage et Dede Granada. 80. Madrid, 1852. (Bib. de couverte de quelques Pays et Nations de Autores Espanoles, v. 42.) l'Am6rique Septentrionale. 160. Paris, MARMONT, (Le Marechal Auguste Frederic 1845. LouisViessede; DuzcdeRaguse.) Del'Esprit - Voyage to Discover the Mississippi des Institutions Militaires. 80. Paris, 1845. River, 1673. 80. New-York, 1850. (French's ~- MeMImoires, de 1792 a 1841. 2 e6d. 9 v. Hist. Coil. Louisiana, v. 2.) 80. Paris, 1857. MARRIOTT, (James.) Case of the Dutch Ships Present State of the Turkish Empire. considered. 4th. ed. 80. London, 1778. Translated, with notes, and brought down - Decisions in the High Court of Admito the present time, by Colonel Sir Frederic ralty, during the time of Sir George Hay, and Smith. 2d ed. 160. London, 1854. of Sir James Marriott, 1776 to 1779. 80. Spirit of Military Institutions; or, es- London, 1801. sential principles of the art of war; with ~ Formularelnstrumentorum; or, aformunotes, by Henry Copp6e. 120. Philadel- lary of Authentic instruments, Writs, and phia, 1862. Standing Orders, used in the High Court of MARMONTEL, (Jean Fran9ois.) CEuvres Corn- Admiralty of Great Britain, of Prize and pletes. 19 v. 80. Paris, 1818-20. Instance. 80. London,'1802. CONTENTS. MARRIOTT, (T. L.) Gas Consumer's Manual; Autorite (1') de l'usage sur la Langue, v. 10. containing the gas measurement act of 1859. Apolsgie da l Theitre, v. 10. 2d ed. 120. London, 1860. Censure de la Facult6 de Theologie de Paris, contre MARRYAT, (Frank S.) Borneo and the Indian B61isaire, v. 7. Contes oraux, v. 3-6. Archipelago. 80. London, 1849. Correspordance avu c Voltaire, etc.,. -7. Correspodance avec Voltaire, etc.F, v. 7. MARRYAT, (Frederick.) Diary in America; Discours I. l'Academie Franqaise, v. 10.:Elements de Litt6rature, v. 12-15. with remarks on its institutions. First and Eloge de Marmontel, par l'Abbe Morellet, v. 1. s s Essais sur les Romans, v. 10. second series. 6. 12~. London, 1839. Granmmaire, v. 16. - Jacob Faithful. 160. London, 1852. Incas (les) ou la destruction de l'empire du P6rou, v. 8. (Bentley's Stand. Novels, v. 63.) Logique (la) ou l'art de Raisonner, v. 16. Japhet in Sealch of a Fathel. 16. Mdnoires doeMaruontel, parlui-mne, v.l-. ~ Japhet in Search of a Father. 160. Mi6moires de Marmontel, par lui-meme, v. 1-2. Ie6taphysique et Morale, v. 17. London, 1854. (Bentley's Stand. Novels, Neuvaine (la) de Cythere, v. 19. Opinion de Marmontel sur le libre Exercise des V. 64.) Cultes, v. 2. Kin's Own. 160. London, 1851. Pharsale (la) de Lucain, v. 11. n Philosophie Morale, v. 10. (Bentley's Stand. Novels, v. 65.) Poesies Diverses, v. 10. Mr. Midshipman Easy. 160. London, Polymnie, v. 19. Regne du Louis XV.: regence du Due d'Orl6ans, 1852. (Bentley's Stand. Novels, v. 66.) v. 18. Revolutions de la Musique, v. 10. Newton Forster; or, the merchant Theatre, v. 9. service. 160. London, 1851. (Bentley's Memoirs containing his Literary and Stand. Novels, v. 67.) Political Life, and Anecdotes of the princi- Pacha of Many Tales. 160. London, pal Characters of the eighteenth century. 1849. (Bentley's Stand. Novels, v. 68.) 4 v. 120. London, 1805. Percival Keene. 160. London, 1849. The same. 2 v. 240. London, 1826. (Bentley's Stand. Novels, v. 113.) (Autobiography, v. 3-4.). Peter Simple. 160. London, 1854. ~- Moral Tales. Trans. 80. London, (Bentley's Stand. Novels, v. 62.) 1781. (Novelists' Magazine, v. 6.) The Poacher. 160. London, 1846. MARQUARDSEN, (Heinrich.) Der Trent-Fall. (Bentley's Stand. Novels, v. 104.) Zur Lehre von der Kriegscontrebande, und - Poor Jack. With illustrations, by C. dem Transportdienst der Neutralen. 80. Stanfield. 80. London, 1840. Erlangen, 1862. - - Settlers in Canada. 12~. London, MARQUETTE, (Joseph.) R6cit des Voyages 1860. et des Decouvertes. 80. New-York, 1852. L'Aspirant de Marine. (Romans Pop(French's Hist. Coll. Louisiana, v. 4.) ulaires, v. 27.) 731 MARRYAT. MARSH. MARRYAT, (Frederick.) Le Chien Diable. tion of the natural productions, and a rela(Romans Populaires, v. 29.) tion of the ancient political state of that Jacob Fiddle. (Romans Populaires, island. 3d ed., with plates. 4~. London, v. 20.) 1811. Japhet. (Romans Populaires, v. 11.) - Numismata Orientalia illustrata: the Le Pacha. (Romans Populaires, v. 26.) Oriental Coins, of his collection, described Le Pauvre Jack. (Romans Populaires, and illustrated. 2 v. 4~. London, 1823-25. v. 30.) MARSEILLES. Commerce de l'Am6rique par Pierre Simple. (Romans Populaires, Marseille, ou explication des lettres-patentes v. 8.) du Roi, donndes au mois de Fevrier, 1719. Le Pirate. (Romans Populaires, v. 29.) 2 v. in 1. 4~. Avignon, 1764. Rattlin le Marin. (Romans Populaires, MARSELAER, (Frederic de.) Legatus libri v. 23.) duo. 180. Vimarise, 1663. Le VaisseauFantome. (Romans Popu- MARSH, (Anne.) Protestant Reformation in laires, v. 28.) France. 2 v. 80. London, 1847. - - Le Vieux Commodore. (Romans Pop- Two Old Men's Tales. 160. London, ulaires, v. 24.) 1844. (Bentley's Stand. Novels, v. 94.) MARRYAT, (Horace.) Residence in Jutland, MARSH, (C. C.) Course of Practice in Singlethe Danish Isles, and Copenhagen. 2 v. 120. Entry Book-Keeping. 80. New-York, 1853. 1860. MARSH, (Edward Garrard.) Brief Survey of MARRYAT, (Joseph, M.P. for Horsham.) Ex- the Evidence and Nature of the Christian posure of Mr. Marryat's Pamphlet, entitled Religion. Also, seven sermons on the ten'Thoughts on the Abolition of the Slave commandments, etc. 2 v. in 1. 80. LonTrade and Civilization of Africa," &c. 80. don, 1829-32. London, 1816. (Slavery Pam., v. 7.) - Sermons on the Christian Doctrine of MARRYAT, (Joseph, Esq., of Swansea.) His- Sanctification. 80. London, 1848. (Bamptory of Pottery and Porcelain, medieval and ton Lectures for 1848.) modern. 2d ed., with coloured plates and MARSH, (George P.) The Camel; his organnumerous wood-cuts. 8~. London, 1857. ization, habits, and uses, considered with MARSCHALL VON BIEBERSTEIN, (Friederich reference to his introduction into the United August.) Flora Taurico-Caucasica; exhi- States. 120. Boston, 1856. bens stirpes phrenogamas, in Chersoneso Lectures on the English Language. Taurica et regionibus Caucasicis sponte cres- 80. New-York, 1860. centes. 3 v. 80. Charkonire, 1808-17. - Origin and History of the English MARSDEN, (John Buxton.) History of Christ- Language, and of the early literature it emian Churches and Sects, from the earliest bodies. 80. New York, 1862. ages of Christianity. 2 v. 80. London, MARSH, (Herbert.) Comparative View of the 1856. Churches of England and Rome. 3d ed. History of the Early Puritans, to the 160. London, 1841. opening of the civil war in 1642. 80. Lon- History of the Politicks of Great Britdon, 1850. ain and France, from the conference at PillHistory of the Later Puritans; to the nitz to the declaration of war. 2 v. 80. ejection of the non-conforming clergy in 1662. London, 1800. 80. London, 1852. - Politique Devoil6e de la France vis-hMARSDEN, (Joshua.) Narrative of a Mission vis de l'Angleterre; conduite de celle-ci deto Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and the puis l'6poque de la Conf6rence de Pilnitz Somer Islands; with a tour to lake Ontario. jusqu' la Declaration de Guerre. (Tradu2d ed. 160. London, 1827. ite de l'Anglois, par le Chevalier Gy-.) 2 v. MARSDEN, (William.) Bibliotheca Marsdeni- 120. Londres, 1799. ana; a Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts MARSH, (James.) Remains. 80. Boston, collected with a view to the general compar- 1843. ison of languages, and to the study of Ori- CONTENTS. ental Literature. 40. London, 1827. Discourses. Remarks on Physiology. and English, and Letter on the WVill. Remarks on Psychology. Dictionary, Malayan and EngliMem of Marsh, by J. Tract on Eloquence. English and Malayan, 40. London, 1812. Torrey. Tract on Evangelism. Outlines of a PhilosophiHistory of Sumatra; with a descrip- cal Arrangement. 732 MARSHALL. MARSHMAN. MARSHALL, (A. K.) Decisions of the Court their settlement to the commencement of that of Appeals of Kentucky, 1817 to 1821. war which terminated in their independence. 3 v. 8". Washington, (Ky.,) 1819-23. (2 80. Philadelphia, 1824. copies.) Life of George Washington. Compiled MARSHALL, (Benjamin.) Chronological Ta- under the inspection of the Hon. Bushrod bles. Folio. Oxford, 1712-13. Washington, from original papers. 5v. 80; MARSHALL, (Rev. Charles.) Plain and Easy with atlas, 40. Philadelphia, 1804-1807. Introduction to Gardening; with hints The same. 2d ed. 2 v. 80; with on Fish-Ponds. 4th ed. 12~. London, atlas, 80. Philadelphia, 1832. 1805. Life of George Washington. Written MARSHALL, (Charles; Barrister.) Reports of for the use of schools. 120. Philadelphia, Cases in the Courts of Common Pleas, 1813 1838. to 1816. 2 v. 80. London, 1815-17. Writings upon the Federal Constitution. MARSHALL, (Christopher.) Passages from a 80. Boston, 1839. (2 copies.) Diary kept in Philadelphia and Lancaster MARSHALL, (John; Lieut., R. N.) Narrative during the American Revolution. Edited by of the Naval Operations in Ava, during the W. Duane. Vol. 1. 1774-77. 120. Phila- Burmese War, in the years 1824-1826. Londelphia, 1839-49. don, 1830. The same. 120. Philadelphia, 1839. Royal Naval Biography. 12 v. 80. MARSHALL, (Edward C.) History of the London, 1823-30. United States Naval Academy; with bio- MARSHALL, (John; Surgeon.) Description of graphical sketches. 120. New York, 1862. the Human Body; its structure and funcMARSHALL, (Frederick.) Population and tions. Illustrated by physiological diagrams. Trade in France in 1861-62. 120. London, Vol. l. 40. Vol. 2, (plates.) Folio. Lon1862. don, 1860. MARSHALL, (Henry.) Military Miscellany; MARSHALL, (J. J.) Reports of Cases at Law a history of the recruiting of the army, and in Equity, in the Court of Appeals of military punishments, &c. 80. London, Kentucky, 1829 to 1832. 7 v. 80. Frank1846. fort, 1831-34. (3 copies.) MARSHALL, (Humphrey.) History of Ken- MARSHALL, (Leonard.) The Antiquarian; a tucky. 2 v. 80. Frankfort, 1824. collection of the most popular and useful MARSHALL, (Commander James.) Description ancient church music. Oblong 40. Boston, of a New Mode of Mounting and Working 1849. Ships' Guns. 40. London, 1829. MARSHALL, (Nathaniel.) Penitential DisciMARSHALL. (James.) Digest of all the Ac- pline of the Primitive Church, for the first counts relating to the Population, Produc- 400 years after Christ; together with its detions, Revenues, &c., of the United King- clension from the fifth century, to its present dom of Great Britain and Ireland, diffused state. New ed. 80. Oxford, 1854. through more than 600 volumes of papers, MARSHALL, (Samuel.) Treatise on the Law presented to Parliament during the last 35 of Insurance. 2d Am., from the 2d Lond. years. 40. London, 1833. ed., including the cases decided in the naMortality of the Metropolis; a statis- tional and State courts of the United States, tical view of the number of persons reported collected and arranged by J. W. Condy. 2 v. to have died within the bills of mortality, 80. Philadelphia, 1810. 1629-1831, with accounts of the amount ex- MARSHALL, (Thomas F.) Speeches and Writpended for the maintenance of the poor, in ings. Edited by W. L. Barre. 80. Cineach county of England and Wales, and in cinnati, 1858. each parish of the metropolis, from 1775 to MARSHALL, (William.) Planting and Orna1830. 40. London, 1832. mental Gardening; a practical treatise. 80. Statistical Illustrations of the Territo- London, 1785. rial Extent and Population, Commerce, Taxa- MARSHMAN, (John Clark.) Life and Times tion, &c., of the British Empire; with an of Carey, Marshman, and Ward; embracing appendix. 2 v. 80. London, 1825-26. the History of the Serampore Mission. 2 v. MARSHALL, (John; Chief Justice of the U. S.) 80. London, 1859. History of the Colonies planted by the Eng- - Memoirs of Major-General Sir Henry lish on the continent of North America, from Havelock, K. C. B. 80. London, 1860. 733 MARSIGLI. MARTIALIS. MARSIGLI, (L. Ferdinando.) Dissertatio de lois, les trait's et les usages des puissances GenerationeFungorum. Una cum J. Marioe maritimes del'Europe. 8~. Gottingue, 1795. Dissertatione de Plinianse Ville Ruderibus -- Loix et Ordonnances des diverses Puisatque Ostiensis Litoris Incremento. Folio. sancesEuropeennesconcernant le Commerce, Rome, 1714. la Navigation et les Assurances, depuis le MARSOLLIER, (Jacques.) Life of St. Francis milieu du 17me siecle; accompagn6es de of Sales, Founder of the Order of the Visita- quelques observations explicatoires. V. 1. tion. From the French, byW. H Coombes. France. 80. Gottingue, 1802. 2 v. 8~. Shepton-Mallet, 1812. — Precis du Droit des Gens moderne de MARSTON, (John.) Works, with notes, and l'Europe, fonde sur les traitds et l'usage. account of his life and writings, by J. 0. Nouvelle 6dition, avec des notes de M. S. Halliwell. 3 v. 160. London, 1856. Pinheiro Ferreira. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1831. MARTELLI, (Charles.) Naval Officers' Guide -- Recueil des principaux Traites d'Allifor Preparing Ships for Sea. 120. London, ance, etc., conclus par les puissances de 1834. l'Europe, depuis 1761 jusqu'a 1801. Avec MARTENS, (Charles, Baron de.) Causes Cel- supplement par G. F. de Martins; prc6dcl de bres du Droit des Gens. 2 v. 8C. Leipzig, trait6s du 18e siecle anterieurs a cette 6poque. 1827. Continue par F. Saalfeld, jusqu' 1826. 17 Guide Diplomatique, ou traite des v. in 19. 80. Gottingue, 1791-1828. droits, des immunites, et des devoirs des ~ The same. 2C ed., revue et augment6e. ministres publics, des agens diplomatiques et Avec le Nouveau Recueil et suppl6mens conconsulaires. Nouv. ed., revue et augmentee tinues par C. de Martens, F. Saalfeld, F. par M. de Hoffmans. 3 v. 80. Paris, 1839. Murhard, J. Pinhas, et C. Samwer, jusqu'A ~ Manuel Diplomatique; ou pr6cis des 1860. 46 v. 80. Gottingue, 1817-60. (V. droits et des fonctions des agens diploma- 37-38 wanting.) tiques. 8~. Paris, 1822. CONTENTS. _ Nouvelloes Causes Cdlbres du Droit des v. 1-8. Recueil des Traites, 1276e1-1808, 8 v. V. 9-24. Nouveau Recueil, (2 series,) 1808-1839, Gens. 2 v. 80. Leipzig, 1843. 18 v. Observations sur quelques passages du V. 25-27. Nouveaux Suppl6mens an Recueil, 1761Observations sur quelques passages du 1839, 3 v. Manuel Diplomatitue de M. le Baron de V. 28-29. Table G6nurale, 1761-]1839, 2 v. V. 30-46. Nouveaux Recueil G6n6ral, 1840-1860, Martens. 80. Paris, 1825. 16 v. in 17. MARTENS, (Friedrich.) Spitzbergische oder - Essay on Privateers, Captures, and Groenlandische Reise Beschreibung gethan, particularly on Recaptures. From the im Jahr 1671. Small 40. Hamburg, 1675. French, with notes, by T. H. Horne. 80. Voyage into Spitzenbergen and Green- London, 1801. land. 80. London, 1711. (With Narbrough's -- Law of Nations. From the French, by Voyages.) William Cobbett. 80. Philadelphia, 1795. Voyage to Spitzbergen. 80. London, - The same. 4th ed. 8~. London, 1829. 1855. (Hakluyt Society, v. 18.) -- Prime Lineve Juris Gentium EuropaeMARTENS, (Georg Friedrich von.) Einleitung arum practici in usum auditorum adumbratse. in das positive Europaische Volkerrecht auf Gottingae, 1785. Vertrdage und Herkommen gegriindet. 80. MARTIAL Achievements of Great Britain and Gottingen, 1796. her Allies, from 1799 to 1815. Folio. Lon~-. Erzahlungen merkwirdiger Falle des don, 1815. neueren Europaischen Volkerrechts in einer MARTIALIS, (Marcus Valerius.) Epigrampractischen Sammlung von Staatschbriften mata. Ex editione Bipontina. 3 v. 80. aller Art, in teutscher und franzosischer Londini, 1823. (Valpy, Scriptores Latini, Sprache. 40. Gottingen, 1800. v. 56-58.) Versuch uber Caper Feindliche Neh- - Epigrams, in twelve books. With a mungen und insonderheit Wiedernehmun- comment, by James Elphinston. 40. Longen. 80. Gbttingen, 1795. don, 1782. Cours Diplomatique, ou tableau des Epigrams. Translated into English relations exterieures des puissances de l'Eu- Prose. Each accompanied by one or more rope. 3 v. 80. Berlin, 1801. verse translations, from the works of EngEssai concernant les Armateurs, les lish poets, and various other sources. 120. Prises, et sur tout les Reprises d'apres les London, 1860. (Bohn's Class. Lib'y, v. 50.) 134 MARTIN. MARTIN. MARTIN, (Benjamin.) Bibliotheca Technolo- tion of Virginia, and the District of Columgica: or, a philological library of literary bia. To which is added, a history of Virarts and sciences. 8~. London, 1737. ginia, to the year 1754, by W. H. Brocken---- Philosophia Britannica; or, a new and brough. 80. Richmond, 1835. comprehensive system of the Newtonian phi- MARTIN, (J. H.;) and YERGER, (G. S.) Relosophy, astronomy, and geography. 3d ed. ports of Cases in the Supreme Court of 3 v. 8". London, 1771. Tennessee, 1825 to 1828. 8~. Nashville, Philosophical Grammar; being a view 1832. (2 copies.) of natural philosophy. 2d ed., with addi- MARTIN, (Louis Aime.) Essai sur laVie et les tions. 80. London, 1738. Ouvrages de Bernardin de St. Pierre. 80. MARTIN, (Bon Louis Henri.) Histoire de Paris, 1818. (ST. PIERRE, Oeuvres de, v. 1.) France, depuis les temps les plus recules MARTIN, (M.) Description of the Western jusq'en 1789. 4e ed. 17 v. 80. Paris, Islands of Scotland. Also, a Voyage to St. 1855-60. Kilda, 1697. (Pinkerton's Voyages, v. 3.) - Portraits et Vignettes pour l'Histoire MARTIN du Nord, (Nicolas-Ferdinand-Mariede France. 80. Paris, 1859. Louis-Joseph.) Documents relatifs au R6MARTIN, (Charles.) Civil Costume of Eng- gime Hypothdcaire et aux r6formes qui ont land, from the conquest to the present time. 6te proposees. 3 v. 80. Paris, 1844. 40. London, 1842. MARTIN, (P. J.) Geological Memoir on a MARTIN, (David.) Histoire de Vieux et du part of Western Sussex; with observations Nouveau Testament. 2 v. Folio. Anvers, upon Chalk-Basins, the Weald-Denudation, 1700. and Outliers- by-Protrusion. 40. London, MARTIN, (Francois-Xavier.) History of Lou- 1828. isiana, from the earliest period. 2 v. 80. MARTIN, (Robert Montgomery.) British ColNew-Orleans, 1827-29. onial Library; comprising a popular and History of North Carolina, from its authentic description of ali the colonies of earliest period. 2 v. 80. New-Orleans, 1829. the British Empire. 10 v. 160. London, Louisiana Term Reports; or, cases in 1844. the Supreme Court of Louisiana, 1809 to CONTENTS. 1823. 12 v. 80. New-Orleans, 1811-23- Austral-Asia, v. 2. British Possessions in the Indian and Atlantic (2 copies.) Oceans, v. 10. The same. New series, 1823 to 1830. British Possessions in the Mediterranean, v. 7. Canada, Upper and Lower, v. 1. 8 V. 80. 1824-30. (2 copies.) East Indies, v. 8-9. Nova Scotia, Cape Breton, Bermudas, etc., v. 6. ~ —--- See CONDENSED REPORTS. Southern Africa, v. 3. Notes of a few Decisions in the Su- West Indies, v. 4-5. perior Courts of the State of North Carolina, China; political, commercial and social. and in the Circuit Court of the United States 2 v. 80. London, 1847. for North Carolina District, 1778 to 1797. Colonial Policy of the British Empire. To which is added, a translation of Latch's Part I. Government. 80. London, 1837. cases. 2 v. in 1. 80. Newbern, 1797. Hudson's Bay Territories and VancouMARTIN, (George W.) Equation Tables; an ver's Island, with an exposition of the characcurate set of calculations for averaging tered rights, conduct and policy of the Hudaccounts. Rochester, (N. Y.,) 1853. son's Bay Corporation. 80. London, 1849. MARTIN, (Horace.) Pictorial Guide to the - Ireland before and after the Union with Mammoth Cave, Kentucky. 120. New- Great Britain. 3d ed. 80. London, 1848. York, 1851. Past and Present State of the Tea MARTIN, (James.) Oration at Jamaica, Long Trade of England, and of Europe and AmerIsland, July 4, 1796. (MS.) (Pol. Pam., v. rica; and a comparison between the con97.) sumption, price of, and revenue derived from MARTIN, (James Ranald.) Influence of Trop- tea, coffee, sugar, wine, tobacco, spirits, &c. ical Climates on European Constitutions. 80. London, 1832. New edition. 80. London, 1856. Political, Commercial and Financial MARTIN, (John.) Bibliographical Catalogue Condition of the Anglo-Eastern Empire, in of Privately Printed Books. 2d ed. 80. 1832. 80. London, 1832. London, 1854. Progress and Present State of British MARTIN, (Joseph.) Comprehensive Descrip- India. 120. London, 1862. 735 MARTIN MARTYN. MARTIN, (Robert Montgomery.) Statistics of MARTINEAU, (Harriet.) Letters from Ireland. the Colonies of the British Empire. 80. 120. London, 1852. London, 1839. Life in the Wilds. 18~. Boston, 1832. Taxation of the British Empire. 160. A Manchester Strike. 180. Boston, London, 1833. 1833. MARTIN, (Samuel.) Treatise on the Act 9 Miscellanies. 2v. 120. Boston, 1836. Geo. IV., cap. 14, commonly called Lord - The Parish. 180. Boston, 1833. Tenterden's Act, entitled, "An Act for ren- Retrospect of Western Travel. 2 v. dering a Written Memorandum Necessary to 120. New York, 1838. the Validity of certain Promises and En- - Society in America. 3 v. 120. Longagements. 120. London, 1829. don, 1837. MARTIN, (Thomas; Civil Engineer.) Circle Times of the Saviour. 180. Boston, of the Mechanical Arts. 40. London, 1832. 1813. MARTINEAU, (James.) Endeavors after a MARTIN, (Thomas; of Lincoln's lnn.) Con- Christian Life; discourses. New ed. 120. veyancers' Recital-Book. 120. London, Cambridge, (Mass.,) 1858. 1834. Miscellanies. 120. Cambridge, 1852. MARTIN, (Lieut. Thomas.) Guide to the Mili- Studies of Christianity; or, timely tary Examination, containing everything thoughts for religious thinkers. 120. Bosrelating to the interior economy of a com- ton, 1858. pany; the constitution, form, and power of MARTINI, (Ferdinand Heinrich Wilhelm;) und courts-martial, &c. 120. London, 1851. CHEMNLTZ, (J. H.) Neues Systematisches MARTIN, (William Charles Linneus.) General Conchylien-Cabinet. 12 v. 40. Niirnberg, History of Humming-Birds; or, the Trochi- 1769-1829. lidge; with special reference to the collec- MARTINI, (Giambattista.) StoriadellaMusica. tion of J. Gould. 120. London, 1852. 3 v. Small40. Bologna, 1757-81. General Introduction to the Natural MARTINI, (Martino.) Description G6ographHistory of Mammiferous Animals. 80. ique de l'Empire de la Chine. (Thevenot, London, 1841. Relations, v. 2.) MARTIN De Gray, (-) Histoire de Napoldon. MARTINI VAN GEFFEN, (Henri Bernard.) Dis3v. 80. Paris, 1853-54. quisitio Inauguralis de Juris Decimandi in MARTINEAU, (Harriet.) Berkely the Banker. Brabantia Septentrionali Origine et Fatis 2 v. 160. Boston, 1833. ad annum usque 1648. 80. Sylvre-Ducis, British Rule in India; an historical [Hertzozenbusch,] 1839. sketch. 120. London, 1857. MARTIRE D'ANGHIERA, (Pietro.) De rebus Brooke and Brooke Farm. 180. Bos- Oceanicis et Orbe Nouo decades III. Eiuston, 1832. dem prieterea Legationis Babylonicae libri Demerara. 18c. Boston, 1832. III. Folio. Biasileae, 1533. Devotional Exercises. 180. Boston, De Nouo Orbe, or the Historie of the 1833. West Indies; containing the actes and ad- Eastern Life, present and past. 80. ventures of the Spanyardes, which have Philadelphia, 1848. conquered and peopled those countries. England and her Soldiers. With three Comprised in 8 decades. Translated into illustrative diagrams. 120. London, 1859. English, by R. Eden and M. Lok. Small Essential Faith of the Universal Church. 40. London, 1612. 180. Boston, 1833. Sommario cauato della sua Historia del Faith as Unfolded by Many Prophets. Nuouo Mondo, poi detto Indie Occidentali. 180. Boston, 1833. (Ramusio, Navigationi, v. 3.) Hill and the Valley. 180. Boston, MARTYN, (Benjamin;) and KIPPIS, (Andrew.) 1832. Life of the First Earl of Shaftesbury. EdiHistory of England during the Thirty ted by G. Wingrove Cooke. 2 v. 80. LonYears of Peace, 1816 to 1846; [being Vols. don, 1836. 8 and 9 of Craik's Pictorial Hist.] 2 v. 80. MARTYN, (Henry.) Twenty Sermons. 4th ed. London, 1849-50. 80. London, 1822. How to Observe.-Morals and Manners. MARTYN, (John.) Historia Plantarum Rario120. Philadelphia, 1838. rum. Folio. Londini, 1728. 736 MARTYN. MARYLAND. MARTYN, (Thomas.) Flora Rustica; exhibit- well; with her love sonnets and marriage ing figures of such plants as are either useful contract, explained by State papers, etc. 8G. or hurtful in husbandry; with scientific char- London, 1824. acters, popular descriptions, and useful obser- ~ Lettres, Instructions et Memoires. Pubvations. 4 v. 80. London, 1792-94. li6s sur les originaux, et les MSS. du State Language of Botany; a dictionary of Paper Office; accompagn6s d'un r6sum6 the terms in that science. 3d ed. 8~. Lon- chronologique, par Alexandre Labanoff. 7 v. don, 1807. 80. Loslres, 1844. Thirty-Eight Plates, with explanations; MARYLAND. Acts of Assembly, passed from intended to illustrate Linnseus's System of 1692 to 1715. Folio. London, 1723. Vegetables. 8". London, 1898. Maryland Laws at Large. By Thomas MARTYR, (Peter.) See MARTIRE. Bacon. With proper indexes. Folio. AnnaMARTYRS. Letters of the Martyrs. Collected polls, 1765. and republished in 1564; with a preface by -- Laws; 1765 to 1774. Folio. Annapolis. Miles Coverdale. With introductory remarks (n. d ) (2 copies.) by E. Bickersteth. 80. London, 1837. - Laws; 1777 to 1780. Folio. Annapolis. MARVELL, (Andrew.) Works. With memoir (n. d.) (2 copies.) of the author, by Edward Thompson. 3 v. Laws; 1792 to 1796. Folio. Anna40. London, 1776. polis. (n. d.) CONTENTS. Laws of Maryland, 1692 to 1799. By Essay touching General Councils, v. 3. William Kilty. 2 v. 40. Annapolis, 1799Familiar Epistles, v. 1. 1800. (2 copies.) Growth of Popery and Arbitrary Government in England, v. 1. Laws; from the end of the year 1799, Letters to the Corporation of Hull, v. 1. to February, 1819. With a full index. ReLife of Marvell, v. 3. Poems, v. 3. vised and prepared, under the authority of Releharsal Trahsprosed, v 2. Seasonasle Question and Useful Answer, v. 2. the legislature, by William Kilty, Thomas Smirk, Mr.; or, the Divine in Mode, v. 3. I-arris, and John N. Watkins. V. 3 to 7. M^RVELL, (Ike.) Psentd. See MITCHELL, 8~. Annapolis. (n. d.) (2 copies.) (Donald G.) Laws; with the charter, the bill of MARVIN, (Henry.) Complete History of Lake rights, the constitution of the State, and its George. 18%. New-York, 1853. alterations. By Virgil Maxcy. 3 v. 80. MARVIN, (J. G.) Legal Bibliography; or, a Baltimore, 1811. (2 copies.) thesaurus of American, English, Irish, and Laws; 1818-19 to 1829-30; 1830-31 Scotch law books, with some continental (2 copies); 1831-32 to 1835-36; 1836-37 to treatises; with critical observations upon 1843-44 (2 copies); 1844-45; 1845-46 to their editions and authority. 80. Philadel- 1849-50 (2 copies); and 1852, 1853, 1854, phia, 1847. and 1856 (2 copies each); 1858, 1860, and MARVIN, (William.) Treatise on the Law of 1861-62, (2 copies.) 56 v. 8~. Annapolis, Wreck and Salvage. 80. Boston, 1858. (2 1819-62. copies.) Index to the Laws of Maryland, 1818 MARVY, (L.) Sketches after English Land- to 1825. By William Kilty. 80. Annapolis, scape Paintings. With short notices by W. 1827. M. Thackeray. Folio. London, 1850. Index to the Laws and Resolutions of MARX, (Adolph Bernhard.) Theory and Prac- Maryland, 1832 to 1837. 80. Annapolis, tice of Musical Composition. Translated 1838. (3 copies.) from the 3d German ed., and edited by H. - General Public Statutory Lav and S. Saroni. 5th Am. ed., by Emilius Girac. Public Local Law, from the year 1692 to 80. New-York, 1854. 1839, inclusive, with annotations thereto, MARY, (Queen ofScots.) LatinThemes. Pub- and a copious index. By Clement Dorsey. lished for the first time from the original 3 v. 8C. Baltimore, 1840. (4 copies.) manuscript. Edited by A. de Montaiglon. ~ Report of all such English Statutes as London, 1855. (With Early Eng. Misc.) existed at the time of the first emigration of Letters; with an introduction and notes the people of Maryland; and which, by exby J. A. Strickland. New ed. 2 v. 80. perience, have been found applicable to the London, 1845. local and other circumstances; and of such Love Letters to James, Earl of Both- others as have since been made in England 737 MARYLAND. MARYLAND. or Great-Britain, and have been introduced, pointed by the General Assembly of Maryused, and practised by the courts of law or land to revise, simplify, and abridge the rules equity. 40. Annapolis, 1811. of Practice, Pleadings, &c., in the Courts of MARYLAND. Statutory Testamentary Law of the State. [Prepared by Samuel Tyler.] 8~. Maryland; with the decisions of the courts Frederick, 1855. thereofexplanatory oi the same. By Clement - The same. Second Report. 8~. FredDorsey. 8C. Baltimore, 1838. crick, 1857. -Election Laws. Published by order of - Report on Practice and Procedure, the governor and council, in pursuance of a prepared by William Price.-Final Report of resolve of the general assembly, at the De- the Commissioners.-Report on Conveyanccelrber session, 1819. 8~. Annapolis, 1820. ing, of the Commissioners. 8~. Frederick MARYLAND CODE. Compiled by Otho Scott and Baltimore, 1855. (Also, contains sepaand Hiram McCullough, commissioners; rate copies of two preceding titles.) adopted by the legislature, January session, ---- Indenture of Agreement 4th July, 1760, 1860; the acts of that session being therewith between Lord Baltimore and Thomas and incorporated. With an index by H. C. Mack- Richard Penn, Esquires, settling the limits all. 2 v. 8~. Baltimore, 1860. (4 copies.) and boundaries of Maryland, Pennsylvania, MARYLAND REPORTS; containing Cases in the and three lower counties of New-castle, Kent, Court of Appeals. V. I and 2. By A. C. Ma- and Sussex, or Delaware. Folio. Philadelgruder, 1851 and 1852. 80. Annapolis, phia, 1851. 1852-53. (2 copies ) Influence of Bank Directors in the The same. V. 3 to 18. By Oliver Political Affairs of Maryland. 80. Balti. Miller, 1852 to 1862. 80. Annapolis, 1853- more, 1804. (Pol. Pain., v. 103.) 62. (2 copies of 17 and 18.) (4 copies of - Journal of the proceedings of the House 3-16.) of Delegates and Senate of Maryland; with Reports of Cases in the High Court of the documents, 1841-58. 1860 and 1861. Chancery of Maryland, Hon. John Johnson, 41 v. 80. Annapolis, 1841-62. Chancellor, 1846 to 1854. 4 v. 80. Balti- - Message from the Governor, transmitmore, 1851-54. (2 copies.) ting the Reports of the Joint Commissioners, The same. 4 v. 80. Baltimore, 1851- and of Lt. Col. Graham, in relation to the 54. (2 copies of v. 1 and 2.) intersection of the Boundary Lines of the MARYLAND. Declaration of Rights, and the States of Maryland, Pennsylvania, and DelaConstitution and form of government, agreed ware. 80. Washington, 1850. to by the delegates of Maryland in free and Papers relating chiefly to the Maryland full convention assembled, August 14, 1776. Line during the Revolution. Edited by T. 160. Annapolis, 1776. Balch. 80. Philadelphia, 1857. (SeventyConstitution of the State of Maryland, six Society Pub.) adopted by the convention of delegates at the - Proceedings of the Convention of the city of Annapolis, November 4tli, 1850, with Province, held at Annapolis, fiom Decemmarginal references to the acts of the general ber 7th, 1775, to January 18th, 1776. 40. assembly and decisions of the Court of Ap- (n. d.) peals, and an appendix and index, by Edward The same. Proceedings of tile ConOtis Hinkley. 80. Baltimore, 1855. vention of the Province of Maryland, held at Debates and proceedings of the Mary- the City of Annapolis, in 1774, 1775, and land Reform Convention to revise the State 1776. 80. Baltimore, 1836. Constitution; with the Bill of Rights and ~ Publications relative to the Difference Constitution, as adopted. 2 v. 8~. An- of opinion between the Governor and Counnapolis, 1851. cil on their respective powers. 80. AnnaDeutschen Gesellschaft. Wohlgemein- polis, (Md.,) 1803. (Pol. Pam., v. 103.) terRath an Deutsche. 80. Baltimore, 1834. R- eply to "Brief Exposition of Matters (Misc. Pam., v. 34.) relating to the Bank of Maryland," &c. 80. First Report of Philip T. Tyson, State Baltimore, 1834. (Misc. Pam., v. 34.) Agricultural Chemist, to the House of Dele- Right of Tonnage, Duty on Exported gates of Maryland, an, Jauary, 1860. 80. An- Tobacco, and the Fines and Forfeitures in napolis, 1860. the Province of Maryland. Folio. Anna---- First Report of the Commissioners, ap- polis, 1766. 93 738 MARYLAND. MASON. MARYLAND. Report of the State Geologist, J. MASKILYNE, (Nevil.) Tables for Computing T. Ducatel, 1838. 80. Annapolis, 1838. the Apparent Places of the Fixt Stars, and - "Southern Rights" and "Union" par- Reducing Observations of the Planets. Folio. ties in Maryland Contrasted. 8~. Balti- London, 1774. more, 1863. - Tables Requisite to be used with the MARYLAND Gazette. Folio. Annapolis, 1827- Nautical Ephemeris, for finding the Latitude 1832. (Incomplete.) and Longitude at Sea. 2ded. 8~. London, MARYLAND Journal. 2 v. Folio. Rockville, 1781. 1830-34. (Incomplete.) MASLEN, (T. J.) Suggestions for the ImproveMARYLAND Lands, Public. Report on Appro- ment of our Towns and Houses. 8~. Lonpriations of, for Education, to the Senate of don, 1843. Maryland. 80. Concord, (N. H.,) 1821. MASON, (Charles.) Elementary Treatise on MARYLAND Penitentiary. Report of the Com- the structure and operations of the National mittee of Directors, appointed to prepare and State Governments of the United States. plans for new buildings. 8~. Baltimore, 120. Boston, 1842. 1835. (Misc. Pam., v. 34.) MASON, (Rev. Erskine.) God's Hand in HuMARYLAND Republican. Folio. Annapolis, man Events; a sermon on the death of 1824-28. (Incomplete.) Zachary Taylor. 80. New York, 1850. MASCHERONI, (Lorenzo.) Nuove Ricerche (Misc. Pain., v. 2 ) sull' Equilibrio delle Volte. 40. Bergamo, Discourse on his Death, by S. H. Cox; 1785. (With Sanvitali, Architettura.) and a Funeral Address, by W. Adams. 80. MAscoU, (Johann Jakob.) History of the An- New York, 1851. cient Germans; including that of many an- MASON, (Rev. Francis.) Materia Medica and cient Northern Nations. Translated from Pathology. (In the Karen language.) 320. the German, by Thomas Lediard. 2 v. 40. Tavoy, 1848. London, 1738. Natural Productions of Burmah; or MASERES, (Francis.) Account of the Proceed- notes on the Fauna, Flora, and Minerals of ings of the British and other Protestant In- the Tenasserim provinces of the Burman habitants of the Province of Quebec, in North empire. 120. Maulmain, 1850. America, in order to obtain an House of As- Synopsis of a Grammar of the Karen sembly inthatProvince. 80. London, 1775. Language, embracing both dialects, Sgau Additional Papers concerning the Prov- and Pgho, or Sho. 4~. Tavoy, 1846. ince of Quebeck; appendix to the "Account MASON, (Francis.) Treatise on the use and of the Proceedings," etc. 80. London, 1776. peculiar advantages of Dancing and ExerCanadian Freeholder; dialogues be- cises, considered as a means of refinement and tween an Englishman and a Frenchman physical development. 180. London, 1854. settled in Canada. 3 v. 8~. London, 1776-79. MASON, (George C.) Newport Illustrated, in Principles of the Doctrine of Life An- a series of pen and pencil sketches. 120. unities; with a variety of new tables. 40. New York, 1854. London, 1783. MASON, (G. 1H.) Life with the Zulus of Natal, MASIUS, (Hermann.) Studies from Nature. South Africa. 120. London, 1855. Trans. by Charles Boner. 80. London, 1855. MASON, (Henry Joseph Monck.) Primitive MASKELL, (William.) Monumenta Ritualia Christianity in Ireland; a letter to Thomas Ecclesie Anglicanre; or, occasional offices of Moore. 160. Dublin, 1836. the church of England, the Prymer in Eng- MASON, (Major John.) Brief History of the lish, and other prayers and forms. 3v. 80. Pequot War. 80. Boston, 1819. (Mass. London, 1846-47. Hist. Soc'y Coll., second series, v. 8.) MASKELYNE, (Nevil.) Astronomical Obser- MASON, (Rev. John.) Essays on Poetical and vations, made at the Royal Observatory at Prosaic Numbers, and Elocution. 2d ed. 80. Greenwich, from the year 1765 to the year London, 1761. 1810. 4 v. Folio. London, 1776-1511. MASON, (John.) Inquiryinto the Laws which ------ British Mariner's Guide. Small 40. Regulate the Circulation and Distribution of London, 1763. Wealth. 120. New-York, 1856. — ~ Principles of Mr. Harrison's Time- MASON, (John, L. R. C. S.) Three Years in Keeper; with plates of the same. Oblong Turkey; the journal of a medical mission to 40. London, 1767. the Jews. 12~. London, 1860. 739 MASON. MASSACHUSETTS. MASON, (Rev. John Mitchell.) Complete eight States of the Union. [By Henry GasWorks; edited by his son, Ebenezer Mason. sett.] 8~. Boston, 1852. 2d ed. 4 v. 8~. New York, 1849. MASQUELIER. See FLORENCE, GALERIE DE. CONTENTS. MASSACHUSETTS. Acts and Laws of His MaChurch of God, v. 2. jesties Province of the Massachusetts-Bay, Concerning Faith and Jnstification, v. 2. in New England. Folio. Boston, 1699. Considerations on Lots, v. 1. Essays onEpiscopacy, v. 2. The same. 1692 to 1719. Folio. LonHints on the Insufficiency of the Light of Nature,v. 2. don 1724. Lectures, Speeches, &c., v. 3-4. Letters on Frequent Communion, v. 1. The same. Folio. Boston, 1726. Pleafor Holy Communion on Catholic Principles,v.1. T s 1 to Sermons, v. 3-4. ~ The same. 1692 to 1768. Folio. BosClaims of Episcopacy Refuted. With ton, 1759-68. an introduction and appendix by John Acts and resolves passed by the LegisBlackburn. 120. London, 1838. lature of Massachusetts, together with the MASON, (Lowell.) Address on Church Music. rolls and messages, 1839 to 1848. Published 80. Boston, 1827. (Theol. Pam., v. 11.) by the secretary of the commonwealth. 3v. Musical Letters from Abroad; includ- 0 Boston, 1842-48. ing accounts of the Birmingham, Norwich, same. 1840, (2 copies;) 1843, (3 and Dusseldorf musical festivals of 1852. copies;) 1844, 1845, 1847, 1848, (2 copies;) 120. New-York, 1854. 1849, 1850, 1851, 1852, (3 copies;) 1853, 1854, MASON, (R. H.) Pictures of Life in Mexico. 1856, 1857, 2 (copies;) 1858 and 1859, (2 2 v. 120. London, 1852. copies;) extra session 1859, 1860, 1861, and MASON, (Thomas Monck.) Aeronautica; or, 1862, (3 copies;) and 1863, (2 copies.) 37 v. sketches illustrative of the theory and prac-. Boston, 1840-63. tice of aerostation, &c. - 8. London, 1838. Perpetual Laws, from the establishMASON, (William.) Works. 4 v. in 2. 80. ment of its constitution to the first session of ~Londc.on, 1811. ^the General Court, A. D. 1788. 80. WorLondon, 1811. cester, 1788. CONTENTS. Argentile and Curan: a legendary drama, v. 2The sa. Fro 1780 to 18t6; with Art of Painting, by Du Fresnoy, v. 3. an appendix, containing acts and clauses of Caractacus: a dramatic poem, v. 2. Elegies, v. 1. acts, from the laws of the late colony, proElfrida: a dramatic poem, v. 2. Elfridsa: a dramatic poem, v. 2. vince, and State of Massachusetts, which English Garden, The, v. ]. Epitaphs and Inscriptions, v. 1. either are unrevised or respect the title of real Essays on English Church Music, v. 3. Essays on Endalisv Chlrch Music, v. v estate. 5 v. 80. Boston, 1801-17. (2copies Hymns and Psollms, v. 1. Museus: a monody to the memory of Mr. Pope, v. 1. of. 1, 2, and 3.) Odes, v. 1. Pigmalion: a lyrical scene, v. 2. Charters and General Laws of the Religio Clerici, v. 1. colony and province of Massachusetts-Bay. Sappho: a lyrical drama, v. 2. Sermons, v.4.0. 8. Boston, 1814. Sonnets, v. i. Laws, from November 28, 1780, to FebPoems. 80. London, 1810. (Chalmers' ruary 16, 1816. 4 v. 80. Boston, 1807-17. Eng. Poets, v. 18.) The same. Passed by the General The same. 2 v. 160. Chiswick, 1822. Court. Published agreeably to a resolve of (Brit. Poets, v. 77-78.) 16th January, 1812. 1815 to 1838. 10 v. MASON, (William Monck.) History and An- 8c. Boston, 1815-38. (2 copies of 1837 and tiquities of the Collegiate and Cathedral 1838.) Church of St. Patrick, near Dublin, from its The same. From 1780 to February, foundation in 1190 to 1819. 40. Dublin, 1822. 2 v. 80. Boston, 1823. 1820. The same. Passed subsequently to the MASON, (William P.) Reports of Cases in the revised statutes, containing the statutes from Circuit Court of the United States, for the 1836 to 1859. Edited by Theron Metcalf, First Circuit, 1816 to 1830. 5 v. 80. Bos- Luther S. Cushing, and Horace Gray, Jr. ton, 1819-31. (2 copies.) 2 v. 8~. Boston, 1854-59. (2 copies of v. 2.) - The same. 2d ed. 5 v. 80. Boston, Revised Statutes of Massachusetts, 1836. passed November 4, 1835. Printed and pubMASON and Dixon's Line. See MARYLAND. lished under the supervision and direction of MA-SONIC Institution. Catalogue of Antima- T. Metcalf and H. Mann. 80. Boston, 1836. sonic Books in public libraries of twenty- (4 copies.) 740 MASSACHUSETTS. MASSAC-IUSETTS. MASSACHUSETTS. Revised Statutes of Massa. MASSACHUSETTS. Journal of the Constituchusetts, passed November 4, 1835. Reports tional Convention of the Commonwealth of of the Commissioners appointed to Revise Massachusetts; begun and held in Boston, the General Statutes of the Commonwealth. May 4, 1853. 8~. Boston, 1853. Parts 1 to 6. 8~. Boston, 1834-35. Journal and Documents of the ValuaThe same. General Statutes; revised tion Committee of the year 1860. 8~. Bosby commissioners appointed under a resolve ton, 1861. of February 16, 1855, amended by the legis- ~ Journals of each Provincial Congress of lature and passed 1859. Edited [by Joel Massachusetts, in 1774 and 1775, and of the Parker, W. A. Richardson, and A. A. Rich- Committee of Safety, &c. 80. Boston, 1838. mond.] 80. Boston, 1860. (3 copies.) Judicial Acts of the Colony of New -~- The same. Report of the Commis- Plymouth, 1636-1692. 40. Boston, 1857. sioners on the Revision of the Statutes. In (Plymouth Colony Records, v. 7.) five numbers. 80. Boston, 1858. Laws of the Colony of New Plymouth, Private and Special Statutes, from 1780 1623-1682. 40. Boston, 1861. (Plymouth to 1859. 10 v. 80. Boston, 1805-61. (3 Colony Records, v. 11.) copies of v. 9 and 10.) Records of the Colony of New PlyReports of Cases in the Supreme Judi- mouth, in New England. Edited by N. B. cial Court of Massachusetts, 1804 to 1822, Shurtleff and D. Pulsifer. 12 v. in 11. 40. by E. Williams and D. A. Tyng. 2d ed. Boston, 1855-61. 17 v. 80. Boston, 1816-23. Records of the Governor and Company The same. 3d ed. 17 v. 80. Exeter of Massachusetts Bay, in New England, and Boston, 1821-32. 1628-1686. [Edited by N. B. Shurtleff.] The same. With additional notes and 5 v. in 6. 40.. Boston, 1853-54. references, by B. Rand. 17 v. 80. Boston, ~ lMassachusetts Proper; [a map,] com1837-38. piled from actual surveys made by order of Report of Board of Internal Improve- the general court, and under the inspection ments on the practicability of a Railroad of agenlts of their appointment, by Osgood from Boston to Hudson River, and also to and Carleton. Folded 80. Boston, 1802. Providence. 80. Boston, 1829. The same. Revised and republished by Documents printed by order of the Amos Lay. Albany, 1822. Senate and of the House of Representatives ~ Minutes of the General Association of of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Massachusetts, June 1831. 8o. Boston, 1831. during the sessions of the General Court, for (Theol. Pan., v. 11.) the years 1839, and 1841 to 1863. 67 v. 80. - i'pers relating to Public Events in Boston, 1839-63. Maiss-achusetts preceding the American RevCONTENTS. olution. 80. Philadelpia,, 1856. (Seventy1839. -2 v. 1846..3 v. 1852- 3 v. 1859 5 v. Six Society Publications.) 1841.-2 v. 1847-.3 v. 1853. 2 v. 1860. 5 v. 1842- 2 v. 1848. 3 v. 1 84.5 v. 18 — 1- R5eport of Commissioners of the State 1813.2 v. 1849 3 v. 18358 1 v. 1882 6. v. on the Routes of Canals from Boston Har1844.. v. 1850 _3 v. 1857 2 v. 1863. 2 v. 1845- 2 v. 1851.3 v. 1858..3 v. bour to Connecticut and Hudson Rivers. 80. ~ — Exemplification of the Judgment for Boston, 1826. Vacating the Charter of the Massachusetts Report of Commissioners on the PanBay in New England, 1684. 8~. Boston, per System. 80. Boston, 1833. (2 copies.) 1854. (Mass. Hist. Coll., v. 2, fourth series.) (Pol. Pain., v. 117 and 118.) ~ —- Fourth Annual Report of Bank Com- - Report of Committee on the Valuation missioners, for 1841. 80. Boston, 1842. of each Town in Massachusetts. 80. Bos(Pol. Pam., v. 117 and 118.) (2 copies.) ton, 1840. (Financial Pam., v. 17.) Journal of the Convention for Framing - Report made to the House of Reprea Constitution of Government for the State sentatives, by a Committee appointed to conof Massachusetts Bay, of 1779-80; including sider the expediency of abolishing Capital a list of the members. 80. Boston, 1832. Punishments. 80. Boston, 1836. - Journal of Debates and Proceedings in Report on Insanity and Idiocy in Masthe Convention of Delegates chosen to Revise sachusetts, by the Commission on Lunacy, the Constitution of Massachusetts, held at under resolve of the Legislature of 1854. 80. Boston, 1820 —181 2. 8. Boston, 1821. Boston, 1855. MASSACHUSETTS. MASSILLON. MASSACHUSETTS. Reports made to the Legis- MASSACHUSETTS Register and United States lature at the session for 1833. 80. Boston, Calendar, for 1842. 160. Boston, 1841. 1833. MASSACHUSETTS School forIdiotic and FeebleReports of Controverted Elections in Minded Youth. Eleventh Annual Report. the House of Representatives, from 1780 to 8~. Cambridge, 1859. 1852, by L. S. Cushir g, C. W. Storey, and lMASSACHUSETTS State Record and Year-Book L. Josselyn. 80. Boston, 1853. of General Information. By Nahum Capen. - Returns of the Railroad Cerporations 120. Boston, 1847. in Mlassachusetts, 1837-42, and 1844-62; MAssE, (A.J.) ParfaitNotaire; oulascience with abstracts of the same, prepared by 0. des notaires. 3e d. 3 v. in2. 40, Paris, Warner, Secretary of the Commonwealth. 1809-10. 7 v. 80. Boston, 1837-63. MASS, (G.) Droit Commercial dans ses rapSchool Returns for the year 1837. 80. ports avec le Droit des Gens et le Droit Civil. Boston, 1838. 6 v. 80. Paris, 1844-47. Seventeenth Annual Report of the MASSETT, (Stephen C.) "Drifting About;" Board of Education. 80. Boston, 1854. or, what Jeems Pipes, of Pipesville, saw and Statistical Information relating to cer- did. An autobiography. 120. New-York, tain branches of industry in Massachusetts, 1863. for 1855. Prepared by Francis De Witt. MASSEY, (Gerald.) Poems. 180. Boston, 1863. 80. Boston, 1856. MASSEY, (M.) Sydenham; or, Memoirs of a Statistical Tables, exhibiting the con- Man of the World. 3 v. 120. London, dition and products of certain branches of 1830. Industry in Massachusetts, for 1837. Pre- MASSEY, (William ) Origin and Progress of pared by J. P. Bigelow. Boston, 1838.- Letters; an essay, in two parts Part 1: Annual Reports of the Railroad Corporations Letters, alphabets, and writing. Part 2: in Massachusetts, for 1837-8. Boston, 1838. Calligraphy. 80. London, 1763. Preliminary Report of the Commissioners on MASSEY, (William, lM. P.) History of EngCriminal Law,. 1839.-Report of the Conn- land, during the Reign of George the Third. missioners on the Pauper System of Massa- V. 1-4. 8c. London, 1855-63. chusetts. 80. Boston, 1833. MASSIE, (J. Canm.) Treatise on the Eclectic - Transactions of the Agricultural So- Southern Practice of Medicine. 80. Philcieties in the State of Massachusetts, for the adelphia, 1854. year 1849. 80. Boston, 1850. MASSIE, (James William.) ContinentalIndia; Twelfth report to the Legislature, re- travelling sketches and historical recolleclating to the registry and returns of births, tions. 2 v. 80. London, 1840. lmarriages and deaths, for the year 1853. Evangelical Alliance; its origin and 80. Boston, 1854. development. 120. London, 1847. MASSACHUSETTS General Hospital. Annual Liberty of Conscience Illustrated; and Report for 1854. 80. Boston, 1854. the social relations sustained by Christians, MASSACHUSETTS Historical Society. Cata- as members of the commonwealth, considlogue of the Library. 2 v. 80. Boston, ered. 120. London, 1847. 1859-60. MASSILLON, (Jean Baptiste.) CEuvres. Nouv. Collections. lstseries 10v. 80. Boston, ed. 4 v. 8~. Paris, 1817. 1806-1809. 2d series 10 v. 80. Boston, CONTENT CONTENTS. 1814-23. 3d series 10 v. 80. Boston, 1825- Avent, v. 1. Mysteres, v. 3. 49. 4th series. V. 1-6. 80. Boston, 1852-63. Car6me, v. 1-2. Oraisons filebres, v. 3. Cofi'reuces, v. 4. Panugyriques, v. 3. - Proceedings, 1855-63. Selected from Discours ine6dit sur le dan- Paraphrase morale de pluthe Records. 4 v. 8. Boston, 1859-63. ger des Imavaises lec- sienrsPsa.Tnnueenfonne htures, v. 4. de priere, v. 3. MASSACHUSETTS Horticultural Society. Trans- Discours Synodaux, v. 4. Peneses diverses, v. 4. actions. 80. Boston, 1847. Mseandemens, v. 4. Petit carenme, v. 2. MASSACHUSETTS Mercury. Folio. Boston, Sermons, Discours, Conf6rences EccleApril to September, 1799. (Incomplete.) siastiques, Paraphrase de Psaumes, et PenMASSACHUSETTS Register; a record of the sdes. 15 v. 160. Paris, 1776-1801. goverrnment and institutions of the State, -~ — Sermons; with life of the author, by ifr the years 1858 and 1859. 2. v. 8 Bos- D'Alembert. New ed. 4 v. 8. Glasgow ton, 1858-9. 182i7. 742 MASSINGER. MATLHEl MASSINGER, (Philip.) Plays; with notes crit- Repertory, by W. P. Esrey. 2d ed. 16:. ical and explanatory, by W. Gifford. 2d ed. Philadelphia, 1853. v. 4 8~. London, 1813. MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS AND EXAMPLES, CONTENTS. from the Senate-House Examination Papers, 1821 to 18236; with the Senate-House QuesBashful Lover, v. 4. New Way to Pay Old Bondman, The, v. 2. Debts, v. 3. tions for 1837. 80. Cambridge, (Eng.,) 1837. City Madam, v. 4. Old Law, v. 4. ke f Mila v. 4. Old Law ofv ove,.. MATHEMATICS. Published under the superinEmperor of the East, v. 3. Picture, The, v. 3. tendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Fatal Dowry, v. 3. Renegado, The, v. 2. Great Duke of Florence, Roman Actor, v. 2. Useful Knowledge. 2 v. 80. London, v. 2. Unnatural Combat, v. 1. 1833-47. Guardian, The, v. 4. Very Woman, A., v. 4. Maid of Honour, v. 3. Virgin-Martyr, v. 1. CONTENTS. and FORD, (John) Dramatic Works; Algebraical Expressions. By J. D. BethuLne, v. 1. ~ and FORD (rAlgebraical Geometry. By S. Wi Waud, v. 2. with introduction by Hartley Coleridge. Arithmetic and Algebra. By Mr. Parker, v. 1. 80.~^ Lo ndon, 1856.Q Elements of Trigonometry. By W. Hopkins, v. 2. 80. London, 1856. Examples of the Processes of Arithmetic and AlgeBeleeve as You List. (Percy Society bra. By A. De Morgan, v. 1. Geometry, Plane, Solid, and Spherical. By Pierce Pub., v. 27.) Morton, v. 2. MASSOL, (Henri.) De l'Obligation Naturelleo Spherical Trigonometry. By A. De Morgan, v. 2. Study and Difficulties of Mathematics. By A. De en Droit Romain et en Droit Fran9ois. 8~. Morgan, v. 1. Paris, 1858. Theory of Algebraic Equations. By R. Murphy, v. 1. -Laris, 1858. MASSON, (Charles.) Narrative of various Nouvelles Annales de mathimatiques. Journeys in Balochistan, Afghanistan, the Journal des Candidats aux tcoles PolytechPanjab, and Kalat. 4 v. 8~. London, 1844. nique et Normale. Redig6 par MM. Terquem MASsoN, (David.) BritishNovelists and their etGerono. 12v. 80. Paris, 1842-53. Styles; sketch of the history of British prose MATHER, (Cotton.) Life of the Reverend and fiction. 12~. Cambridge, (Eng.,) 1859. excellent Jonathan Mitchel; a Pastor of the Essays, biographical and critical; chiefly Church, and a glory of the Colledge in Camon the English poets. 80. London, 1856. bridge, New-England. 16~. Massachusetts, Life of John Milton; narrated in con- (Boston,) 1697. nexion with the political, ecclesiastical, and - Magnalia Christi Americana; or, the literary history of his time. V. 1. 80. Cam- Ecclesiastical History of New-England, from bridge, (Eng.,) 1859. its first planting in the year 1620, unto the MASSON, (Charles Fran9ois Philibert) Secret year of our Lord 1698. Folio. London, Memoirs of the Court of Petersburg; particu- 1702. larly towards the end of the reign of Cath- - The same. 1st Am., ed., from the erine II. and the commencement of that of London edition of 1702. 2. 8~. HartPaul I. Translated from the French. 3 v. ford, (Conn.,) 1820. in 2. 80. London, 1801-2. The same. With notes, by Thos. RobMASTERS, (Thomas.) The Ice Book; history bins, and translations of the Hebrew, Greek, of every thing connected with ice, from its and Latin Quotations, by L. F. Robinson. introduction into Europe, as an article of 2 v. 80. Hartford, 1853. luxury, to the present time. 80. Lon- Memoirs of the Life of Dr. Increase don, 1844. Mather. 80. Boston, 1723. MATEO, [or MATHEU,] Y SANZ, (Lorenzo.) Tracts relating to Witchcraft in NewTractatus de re Criminali, sive controversi- England. 120. Boston, 1697. arum usufrequentium in causis criminalibus, MATHER, (Increase.) History of King Philip's cum earum decisionibus, tam in aula suprema War; also, a history of the same war, by Hispana criminum, quam in summo senatu Cotton Mather; with introduction and notes, Novi Orbis. Ed. nov. Folio. Matriti, 1776. by Samuel G. Drake. Small 40. Boston, MASUCCIO Salernitano, (G.) Novels. Selected (Albany,) 1862. and translated by T. Roscoe. (Roscoe's MATIIER, (Richard.) Journal, 1635. 80. BosItal. Novelists, v. 1.) ton, 1846. (Young's Chronicles of Mass.) MATERIA MEDICA of American Provings, by MATHER, (Samuel.) Discourse concerning the Doctors C. Hering Jeanes, C. B. Matthews, Inmmortality of the Soul. 180. London, 1712. W. Williamson, C. Neidhard, S. Dubs, and MATHER, (William W.) Report on the State C. Bute. Collected and arranged by the House Artesian Well at Columbus, Ohio American Institute of Homceopathy, -wvith a 80. Columbus, 1859. 743 MATHER. MATTHIEU. MATHER, (William W.) Second Annual Re- MATTHEW, (Saint.) Gospel. See BIBLE. port on the Geological Survey of the State of MATTHEW of Westminster. Flores HistoriaOhio. 8~. Columbus, 1838. rum, prrecipu6 de rebus Britannicis, ab EMMONS, (E.,) VANUXEM, (L.,) and exordio mundi usque ad annum Domini, HALL, (James.) Geology of New York. 1307. 40. Londini, 1570. 4 v. 4~. Albany, 1842. (New York Nat. Flowers of History, especially such as History. Part 4.) relate to the affairs of Britain, from the beMATHEWS, (Anne Jackson.) Memoirs of ginning of the world to 1308. Translated by Charles Mathews, Comedian. 4 v. 8~. C. D. Yonge. 2 v. 12g. London, 1853. London, 1838-39. MATTHEW, (Patrick.) On Naval Timber and MATHEWS, (Cornelius.) Pen and Ink Pano- Arboriculture. 80. London, 1831. rama of New-York City. 240. New-York, MATTHEWS, (Cornelius.) Witchcraft; a tra1853. gedy. 240. New-York, 1852. MATHEWS, (John H.) Treatise on the Law MATTHEWS, (Henry.) Diary of an Invalid in of Portions. 80. London, 1829. Portugal, Italy, Switzerland, and France, in Treatise on the Doctrine of Presump- 1817-19. 5th ed. 160. London, 1835. tion and Presumptive Evidence, as affecting MATTHEWS, (James M.) Digest of the Laws the title to real and personal property. With of Virginia, of a criminal nature, illustrated notes and references to American cases, by by judicial decisions. 80. Richmond, B. Rand. 80. New-York, 1830. (2 copies.) 1861. MAr-HEWs, (J. M.) The Bible and Civil Gov- Guide to Commissioners in Chancery, ernment. 120. New-York, 1851. with practical forms for the discharge of their MATHEWS. See MATTHEWS. duties, adapted to the new code of Virginia. MATHISON, (Gilbert Farquhar.) Narrative of 80. Richmond, 1850. a Visit to Brazil, Chili, Peru, and the Sand- MATTHEWS, (John.) Voyage to the River wich Islands, during 1821-22. 80. London, Sierra Leone, on the Coast of Africa, and 1825. residence in that country in 1785-87. 80. MATIENZO, (J.) Commentaria in librum quin- London, 1791. tum Recollectionis Legumn Hispanise. Folio. MATTHEWS, (Lyman ) History of the Town Manture Carpentanae, 1597. of Cornwall, Vermont. 80. Middlebury, MATINEES (les) Royales, ou l'Art de Regner. (Vt.,) 1862. Opuscule inedit de Fr6d6ric II. dit le Grand, MATTHEWS, (Richard.) Digest of the Law Roi de Prusse. 120. London, 1863. relating to Offences Punishable by IndictMATLACK, (Lucius C.) History of American ment, and by Information in the Crown Slavery and Methodism, from 1780 to 1849; Office. With a collection of precedents. and History of the Wesleyan Methodist Con- 120. London, 1833. nection of America. Part I. 120. New- MATTHEWS, (William.) Compendium of GasYork, 1849. Lighting. 120. London, 1827. MATRIMONY. The Fifteen Comforts of Matri- Historical Sketch of the Origin, Promony. 160. London, 1709. (Reprinted.) gress, and Present State of Gas-Lighting. (n. d.) 120. London, 1827. MATSELL, (George W.) Vocabulum; or, Hydraulia; an historical and descripRogue's Lexicon. 180. New-York, 1859. tive account of the Water Works of London, MATTEIS, (Nicola.) Arie diverse per il Vio- and the contrivances for supplying other lino; preludij, alemande, sarabande, cor- great cities. 80. London, 1835. renti, gighe, fantasie sminuite ad altre toccate MATTHEWS. See MATHEWS. a due corde. 2 v. in 1. Oblong 80. (n. d.) MATTHIIE, (August.) Copious Greek GramMATTER, (A. Jacques.) Histoire Critique du mar. Translated from the German, by E. Gnosticisme, et de son influence sur les sectes V. Blomfield. 5th ed., enlarged by John religieuses et philosophiques des six premiers Kenrick. 3 v. in 2. 80. London, 1832-33. sicdles de 1' ere Chretienne. 2e ed. 3 v. MATTIIAS or MATTHEWS, (Robert.) Very In80. Strasbourg, 1843-44. teresting and Remarkable Trial, at White MATTESON, (Frances F.) Wild Poet's Rest. Plains, (N. Y,) for the alleged murder of Mr, Essays, meditations, poems, &c. 180. Rome, Elijah Pierson. 3d ed. 8~. New York, 1835. (N. Y.,) 1852. MATTHIEU, (J. D.) Dialogues Rustiques. MATTH'EU ET SANZ. See MATEO Y SANZ. 12C. Paris, 1613. 744 MATTIOLL MAUPERTUIS. MATTIOLI, (Pietro Andrea.) Commentaires to Attornies, Solicitors, and their Agents; sur les Six Livres de Pedace Dioscoride with suggestions as to the course of study Anazarbeen de la Matiere Medicinale. Mis to be adopted, and selection of books, by en Francois sur ]a derniere 6dition Latine parties designed for such branches of the de l'atheur, par Jean des Moulins. Folio. legal profession. 40. London, 1830. Lyon, 1572. Principles of the Usury Laws. 80. MATTISON, (H.) Spirit Rapping Unveiled! London, 1824. (Pamphleteer, v. 23.) 12O. New-York, 1853. -- Treatise on the Law of Attornies, SoMATTSON, (M.) Manual of Directions for the licitors, and Agents; with notes and disEmployment of Injections in various Dis- quisitions. 8~. London, 1825. eases, with remarks upon habitual constipa- - Treatise on the Laws of Literary tion. 320. Boston, 1852. Property. 8C. London, 1828. MATURIN, (C. R.) Women; or, pour et con- MAUGIN, (.) Letter to Thomas Moore tre. 2 v. 120. Philadelphia, 1818. on Subject of Sheridan's "School for ScanMATURIN, (Edward.) Bianca; a tale of Erin dal." 80. Bath, 1826. (Pol. Pan., v. 70.) Italy. 120. New-York, 1852. MAULE, (George;) and SELWYN, (William.) MAUBREUIL, (Marie Armand Guerry de.) Reports of Cases in the Court of King's Address to the Congress; to all the Powers Bench, 1813 to 1817. 6 v. 80. London, of Europe; sent to Aix-la-Chapelle, to all 1814-29. (2 copies.) the sovereigns, their ambassadors, their The same. 5v. 80. Boston, 1819-23. ministers, and to the respective cabinets. The same. V. 6. 8~. London, 1829. 40. London, 1818. MAUNDER, (Samuel.) Biographical Treasury; MAUDE, (Frederic Philip; and POLLOCK, a dictionary of universal biography. 11th ed. (Charles Edward.) Compendium of the With supplement. 18~. London, 1859. Law of Merchant Shipping. With an ap- Treasury of History. New ed. 120. pendix, containing all the statutes of prac- London, 1835. tical utility. 80. London, 1853. MAUNDEVILLI,, 0o MANDEVILLE, (Sir John.) The same. 2d ed. 80. London, 1861. Voiage and Travaile; which treateth of the MAUDE, (John.) Visit to the Falls of Niagara way to Hierusalem, and of marvayles of Inle, in 1800. 80. London, 1826. with other ilands and countryes. Edited by MAUDUIT, (Israel.) Short View of the His- J. 0. Halliwell. 80. London, 1839. tory of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay, MAUNDRELL, (Henry.) Journey from Aleppo with respect to their charters and constitu- to Jerusalem. Also, a journal from Grand tion. 80. London, 1724. Cairo to Mount Sinai. 80. London, 1810. MAUGHAM, (Robert.) Act 6 and 7 Victorire, The same. (Pinkerton'sVoyages,v. 10.) cap. 73; for consolidating and amending MAUPERTUIS, (Pierre Louis Moreau de.) several of the laws relating to attorneys CEuvres Completes. 4 v. 80. Lyon, 1756. and solicitors practising in England and CONTENTS. Wales; with an introduction and analysis Accord decs Lois de la Nature, v. 4. Astronomic Nautique, v. 4. of the act, and copious notes shewing the Discours Academiques, v. 3. effect of the alterations. 80. London, 1843. Discours sur les differentes figures des astres, v. 1. ec, Dissertation snr les differents royens dent les homAttorneys' -and-Book; comprising the mes se sont servis pour exprimer leurs idees,v. 3. law and practice relating to the articles and Esai de Cos IoMolge, V. 1. Esoni te Philosophoc Mlorale, v. 1. service of clerkship, the examination, ad- Edlements de Geographie, v. 3. Lettre sur la Conete, v. 3. mission, and re-admission of attorneys; and Lettre sur le Progres de Science, v. 2. taking out and renewal of their annual cer- Lettres. 4. Loi du Repos, v. 4. tificates; with all the new enactmlents, rules, Loix du Mlouvenment, v. 4. MIesure cu Degr6e rflu Mridien, v. 4. decisions of the courts, forms, and explanatory Meure doe la Pesantour, v. 4. notes and directions. 120. London, 1853. Parallaxe de Ia Lune, v. 4. De Po, Relation du Voyage fait par ordre du Roi au Cerele __ —---- Digest of the Examination Questions Polaire, v. 3. in Common Loa, Conveyancing, lEquity, Relation d'un Voyage au fond de la Lapponie, v. 3.'6fiexions Philosophiques sur l'origine des Langues Bankruptcy, and Criminal Lawy; from1 the et la signification des Irots, v. 1. 7 -.+.'.p ~n *~ EP1-6ponse aux objections de Diderot, v. 2. commencement of the examination in Trin- Systeie de la: Nature, v. 2. ity Term, 1836, to the present time. 6th Venus Physique, v. 2. ed. 120. London, 1855. Journey to Lapland, 1736. (Pinker-_ —-- Practical Treatise on the Law relative ton's Voyages, v. 1.) 745 MAUPIED. MAVOR. MAUPIED, (Francois L. M.) Juris Canonici MAURICE, (Thomas.) Indian Antiquities; Universi, per faciliorem methodum ad veram dissertations relative to the topography, thepraxim sincere redacti, Compendium ex pro- ology, laws, literature, &c., of Hindostan, batissimis auctoribus catholicis. Accurante compared throughout with those of Persia. J. P. Migne. 2 v. Folio. Paris, 1861. 7 v. 80. London, 1800. MAUREL, (James.) Duke of Wellington; his Modern History of Hindostan; corncharacter, his actions, and his writings. prehending that of the Greek Empire of 160. London, 1853. Bactria, and other great Asiatic kingdoms, MAURICE, (Frederick Denison.) Ancient Phi- bordering on its western frontiers. 5 parts losophy; comprising the Hebrew, Egyptian, in 3 v. 40. London, 1802-10. Hindoo, Chinese, Persian, Grecian, Roman, Observations connected with Astronand Alexandrian systems of philosophy. omy and Ancient History, on the Ruins of 4th ed. 12~. London, 1861. Babylon, as visited and described by C. J. Has the Church, or the State, the Power Rich. Also, observations on the remains of to Educate the Nation'? a course of lectures. ancient Egyptian grandeur and superstition. 12~. London, 1839. 2 v. in 1. 40. London, 1816-18. Lectures on the Ecclesiastical History MAURICEAU, (Francois.) Trait6 des Maladies of the First and Second Centuries. 80. des Femmes Grosses. 40. Paris, 1681. Cambridge, 1854. MAURITIUS. Transport Voyage to the MauriMoral and Metaphysical Philosophy; tius and back, touching at the Cape of Good philosophy of the first six centuries. 2d ed. Hope and St. Helena. 120. London, 1851. 12. London, 1854. MAURIZI, (Vincenzo.) History of Sayd Said, MeIdiaeval Philosophy; a treatise of Sultan of Muscat; with an account of the moral and metaphysical philosophy from the shores of the Persian Gulf, [and] particufifth to the fourteenth century. 120. Glas- larly of the Wahabees. 80. London, 1819. gow, 1857. MAURY, (Jean Siffrein.) Principles of EloModern Philosophy; a treatise on moral quence; with an introduction, etc., by A. and metaphysical philosophy, from the 14th Potter. 180. New York, 1863. (Harpers' century to the French Revolution; with a Family Library, v. 163.) glimpse into the 19th century. 120. Lon- MAURY, (Louis Ferdinand Alfred.) La Terre don, 1862. et L'Homme; ou aper(u historique de g6olReligions of the World, and their Rela- ogie, de g6ographie, et d'ethnologie gdnetions to Christianity, considered. 80. Lon- rales. 120. Paris, 1857. don, 1847. MAURY, (Matthew Fontaine.) Explanations Sequel to the Inquiry, What is Revela- and Sailing Directions to accompany the tion? Reply to Mansel's "Examination of Wind and Current Charts. 6th ed. 40. F. D. Maurice's Strictures on the Bampton Philadelphia, 1854. Lectures of 1858. 120. Cambridge, 1860. Physical Geography of the Sea. 80. Theological Essays. 12~. Cambridge, New-York, 1855. 1853. ~ The same. New ed. 80. New-York, 1856. - Three Letters to Rev. W. Palmer: onthe MAURY, (Sarah Mytton.) Statesmen of Amername Protestant; on the seemingly double ica in 1846. 120. London, 1847. character of the English church; and on the Ten subjects from the Designs of the bishopric at Jerusalem. 80. London, 1842. Caracci; with vignettes, also from the works MAURICE, (Pierre t]mile, Baron de.) National of these painters. 40. Liverpool, 1843. Defence in England. Translated by J. E. MAURY, Bark. Report on the Seizure of the Addison. 80. London, 1852. Bark Maury. 80. New York, 1855. The same. (Pol. Pam., v. 89.) MAYOR, (William.) British Tourists; or, MAURICE, (Thomas.) Dissertation on the Lit- Pocket Companion through England, Wales, erature of the ancient Indians. 80. London, Scotland, and Ireland, comprehending the 1800. (Maurice, Ind. Antiquities, v. 7.) most celebrated tours in the British islands. History of Hindostan; its arts, and its 2d ed. 6 v. 240. London, 1800. sciences, as connected with the history of the Historical Account of the most Celeother great empires of Asia, during the most brated Voyages, Travels, and Discoveries, ancient periods of the world. 2 v. in 3. 4. from the time of Columbus. 20 v. 240. London, 1795-98. London, 1796-97. 94 746 MAVOR. MAY. MAVOR, (William.) Universal History to 1801. MAXWELL, (John S.) The Czar, his Court 25 v. 18~. London, 1802. and People; including a tour in Norway and MAWE, (John.) Linnauan System of Conch- Sweden. 12~. New-York, 1849. ology. 8~. London, 1823. MAXWELL, (William.) Letters from Virginia. ~- New Descriptive Catalogue of Minerals; Translated from the French. 32~. Baltiwith diagrams of their simple forms. 16~. more, 1816. London, 1827. Virginia Historical Register and LiteTravels in the Interior of Brazil, par- rary Note Book. 6 v. in 3. 120. Richmond, ticularly in the gold and diamond districts; 1848-53. including a voyage to the Rio de la Plata, MAXWELL, (William Henry.) Adventures of and a sketch of the revolution of Buenos Capt. Blake. 16~. London, 1849. (BentAyres. 8~. Philadelphia, 1816. ley's Stand. Novels, v. 70.) The same. 2d ed. 80. London, 1822. ~ Bivouac; or, Stories of the Peninsular Treatise on Diamonds and Precious War. 16~. London, 1839. (Bentley's Stones; including their history, natural and Stand. Novels, v. 73.) commercial; with the best methods of cutting Field Book; or, Sports and Pastimes and polishing them. 8~. London, 1815. of the United Kingdom. 8c. London, 1833. Voyager's Companion; or, Shell Col- Fortunes of Hector O'Halloran. 16~. lector's Pilot; with directions for preserving London, 1851. (Bentley's Stand. Novels, the skins of animals, and catching and pre- v. 121.) serving insects.:d ed. 12~. London, 1821. History of the Irish Rebellion in 1798; MAXCY, (Jonathan.) Literary Remains; with with memoirs of the Union, and Emmett's memoir, by Romeo Elton. 8~. New-York, insurrection in 1803. 8~. London, 1845. 1844. Life of the Duke of Wellington. 4th ed. MAXIMILIAN, (Alexander Philipp; Prinz von 3v. 8~. London, 1845-46. Wied-Neuwied.) Travels in the Interior of Memoirs of Sir Robert Peel. 2 v. 12~. North America. From the German, by H. London, 1842. Evans Lloyd. 4~. London, 1843. - Stories of Waterloo. 160. London, Voyage dans l'Interieur de l'Amerique 1850. (Bentley's Stand. Novels, v. 31.) du Nord, execute pendant les annees 1832-34. Victories of the British Armies; with 3 v. 80; atlas, par M. Charles Bodmer, anecdotes illustrative of Modern Warfare. Folio. Paris, 1840-43. 2 v. 8~. London, 1839. Voyage au Br6sil, dans les annres MAY, (A.) Practical Piano Forte School; com1815-17. Traduit d'Allemand, par J. B. B. plete in three parts. 4~. Philadelphia, 1851. Eyries. 3v. 8~; atlas, folio. Paris, 1821-22. - Swedish Grammar for Englishmen, MAXIMUS Confessor, (Saint.) Opera. (Gr. et with exercises, reading lessons in prose and Lat.) Ex MSS. codicibus eruta, nova versi- verse, dialogues, and a vocabulary. 2d ed. one subacta, notisque illustrata, opera F. 8~. London, 1855. Combefis. 2 v. Folio. Parisiis, 1675. MAY, (Caroline.) American Female Poets; MAXIMUS Tyrius. Dissertationes. (Gr. etLat.) with biographical and critical notices, 8~. Accedunt Demophili similitudines et sen- Philadelphia, 1848. tentie. 24~. Oxonia, 1677. Treasured Thoughts from Favorite The same. (Gr. et Lat.) 8~. Paris, Authors. 12~. Philadelphia, 1851. 1840. (Didot, Biblioth. Grecque, v. 46.) MAY, (Charles.) Wonderful Preservation of ~ — Dissertations. Translated from the the Ship Terra-Nova, 1688. (Churchill's Greek, by Thomas Taylor. 2 v. 12~. Lon- Voyages and Travels, v. 6.) don, 1804. MAY, (Edith, Pseud. for Anna Drinker.) Poems. Dissertations. Traduits sur le texte 8~. Philadelphia, 1852. Grec, avec des notes, par J. J. Combes- MAY, (Sir John.) Observations on the Mode Daunous. 2 v. 12~. Paris, 1802. of Attack, and Employment of the Heavy MAXIMUS, Valerius. See VALERIUS Maximus. Artillery at Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz, in MAXWELL, (Archibald M.) Run through the 1812, and St. Sebastian, in 1813. 8~. LonUnited States, in 1840. 2v. 12~. London,1841. don, 1819. MAXWELL, (John I.) Spirit of the Marine MAY, (Thomas.) History of the Parliament Law.; or, compendium of the statutes relating of England which began November the 3d, to the admiralty. 2 v. 8~0 London, 1808. 1640. 4~. London, 1812. 747 MAY. MAYO. MAY, (Thomas.) Histoire du Long Parlement. MAYGRIER,(JacquesPierre.) Midwifery Illus2 v. 80. Paris, 1823-27. (Coll. des M6- trated. Translated from the French, with moires Relatifs'i la R6volution d'Angleterre, notes, byA. S. Doane. 80. New-York, 1833. v. 2-3.) MAYHEW, (Charles J.) Law of Merger as it MAY, (Thomas Erskine.) Constitutional His- affects Estates in Land, and also Charges tory of England, since the accession of upon Land. 120. London, 1861. George the Third. 17(60-1860. 2 v. 80. MAYHEW, (Edward.) Dogs; their manageLondon, 1861-63. ment; a new plan of treating the animal, Practical Treatise on the Law, Frivi- based upon his natural temperament. 160. leges, and Usage of Parliament. 2d ed. 8c. London, 1854. London, 1851. (3 copies.) Horse's Mouth. 2d ed. 80. LonThe same. 80. London, 1859. (3 don, 1839. copies.) MAYHEW, (Henry.) London Labour and the The same. 80. London, 1863. London Poor; a cyclopaedia of the condition MAYANS Y SISCAR, (Gregorio, and others.) Cat- and earnings of those that will work, those alogue of Foreign Books and Manuscripts, that cannot work, and those that will not selected from the libraries of Mayans, Iriarte, work. 4 v. 80. London, 1861-62. La Serna, etc. 80. London, 1829. The Upper Rhine; the scenery of its MAYDISTON, or MAIDSTONE, (Richard ) De banks, and the manners of its people. MayConcordia inter Ricardum II et Civitatem ence to the Lake of Constance. Small 4~. London. Edited by T. Wright. Small 40. London, 1858. London, 1838. (Camden Society, No. 3.) - and BINNY, (John.) CriminalPrisons MAYER, (Brantz.) Calvert and Penn; or, of London, and scenes of prison life. 80. growth of civil and religious liberty in Ame- London, 1862. rica: a discourse. 80. Baltimore, 1852. MAYrEW, (Ira.) Means and Ends of UniverCaptain Canot; or, twenty years of sal Education. 120. New-York, 1857. an African slaver. Edited from the Captain's MAYNARD, (l'Abb6, Canon of Poitiers.) Studies journals, memoranda, and conversations. and Teachings of the Society of Jesus, at the 120. New-York, 1854. Ti-meoftheSuppression, 1750-1773. TransHistory of the War between Mexico lated from the French. 120. Baltimore, and the United States, with a view of its 1855. origin. 80. New-York, 1848. MA NARDE, (Thomas.) Sir Francis Drake, Mexico as it Was and as it Is. 3d ed. his Voyage, 1595. 80. London, 1849. (Hak8c. Philadelphia, 1847. luyt Society, v. 4.) Mexico, Aztec, Spanish, and Republi- MAYNE, (F.) Life of Nicholas I., Emperor of can. Account of that country, from the Russia; with a short account of Russia and invasion of the Spaniards to the present time, the Russians. 80. London, 1855. and notices of New Mexico and California. MAYNE, (John D.) Treatise on Equitable 2 v. 80. Hartford, 1852. Defences and Replications under the ComObservations on Mexican History and man Law Procedure. 120. London, 1854. Archeology. 40. Washington, 1857. (Smith- - Treatise on the Law of Damages; comsonian Contributions, v. 9.) prising their measure, the mode in which MAYER, (Charles Joseph.) Ligues Acheenne, they are assessed and reviewed, the practice Suissee et 1-Jollandoiss, et Revolution des' of granting new trials, and the law of set-off, etats-Unis de l'Am6rique, comparees ensim- and compensation under the Lands Clauses ble. 2 v. 160. Geneve, 1787. Act. 8~. London, 1856. MAYER, (Lewis.) History of the German Re- MAYNE, (Robert Gray.) Expository Lexicon formed Church. With a memoir of the of the Terms, ancient and modern, in medical author, by Elias Heiner. V. 1. bO. Phila- and general science; including a complete delphia, 1851. medico-legal vocabulary. 80. London, 1860. MAYER, (Tobias.) Tabule Motuum Solis et MAYO, (A. D.) Symbols of the Capital; or, Lunm, nove et corrects. Quibus accedit civilization inNew-York. 120. New-York, methodus longitudinum promota, eodem au- 1859. tore. 40. Londini, 1770. MAYO, (Herbert.) Management of the Organs Lunar Tables. Improved by C. Mason. of Digestion, in Health and in Disease. 2d 40. London, 1787. ed. 120. London, 1840. 748 MAYO. MEADOWS. MAYO, (Herbert.) Philosophy of Living. 2d ed. MAZZEI, (Filippo.) Recherches Historiques et 12~. London, 1838. Politiques siur les g tats-Unis de l'Am6rique Popular Superstitions, and the Truths Septentrionale. Avec quatre Lettres d'un contained therein; with an account of Mes- Bourgeois de New-Haven sur l'Unite de la merism. 12~. Philadelphia, 1852. Legislation,' par le Marquis de Condorcet. MAYO, (Joseph.) Guide to Magistrates; with 4 v. 8~. Paris, 1788. practical forms for the discharge of their Riflessioni sulla Natura della Moneta duties out of court. With precedents for the e del Cambio. 180. Pisa, 1803. (Pol. use of prosecutors, sheriffs, coroners, con- Pam., v. 19.) stables, escheators, clerks, &c., adapted to Reflessioni su i mali provenienti dalla the New Code of Virginia. 80. Rich- Questua e su i mezzi di evitargli. 8~. Pisa, mond, 1849. 1799. (Pol. Pam., v. 1.9.) MAYO, (Robert.) New System of Mythology. - Behaviour of the Populace, in the Pro4 v. 8~. Philadelphia, 1815-19. (V. 4 cedure against a Noble Lord. (Italian and wanting.)! English.) 2d ed. 80. London, 1768. (Pol. Pension Laws of the United States, Pam., v. 25 ) including sundry resolutions of Congress, MAZZINI, (Giuseppe.) Duties of Man. 12~. from 1776 to 1833. 8~. Washington, 1833. London, 1862. Political Sketches of eight years in MEAD, (Henry.) Sepoy Revolt; its causes Washington Part 1. 80. Baltimore, 1839. and its consequences. 80. London, 1857. (Nno more published.) MEAD, (Joel K.) National Register. 5 v. in Synopsis of the Commercial and Reve- 4. 80. Washington, 1816-18. nue System of the United States. 40. Wash- MEAD, (Richard.) Works. Translated from ington, 1847. the Latin, with memoirs of the author, by Treasury Department and its various Thomas Stack. 7v. 80. London, 1756. fiscal bureaus; their origin, organization, and practical operations, illustrated. 4c. CONTENTS. Wa.shington, 1847. I Discourse on the Plague, v. 2. Discourse on the Scurvy, with a method of extractView of Ancient Geography, and An- ing foul air out of ships, v. 3. Mechanical Account of Poisons, v. 1. cient History. 80. Philadelphia, 1813. M caica ical Acco mentar on Dis eases men Mledica Secra; or, a Commentary on Diseases men. and MOULTON, (F.) Army and Navy tioned in the Bible, v. 7. Medical Precepts and Cautions, v. 6. Pension Laws, and Bounty Land Laws of Treatise on the Influence of the Sun and Moon upon the United States, including sundry resolu- Human Bodies, v. 5. Treatise on Small Pox and the Measles, v. 4. tions of Congress, from 1776 to 1852. 80. Washington, 1852. MEADE, (William.) Old Churches, Ministers, ~ — - The same. 2ded. 80. Baltimore, 1854. and Families of Virginia. 2 v. 80. PhilMAYO, (Thomas.) Elements of the Pathology adelphia, 1857. of the Human Mind. 160. London, 1838. MEADLEY, (George Wilson.) Memoirs of Al- The same. 80. Philadelphia, 1841. gernon Sydney. 80. London, 1813. (With RYLAND on the Larynx.) - Memoirs of William Paley. 2d ed. 80. ~ — Remarks on Insanity; tending to illus- Edinburgh, 1810. trate the physical symptoms and treatment Two Pairs of Historical Portraits: of the disease. 80. London, 1817. Caesar and Pitt, Rienzi and Buonaparte. 8C. MAZARIN, (Jules; Cardinal,) and RICHELIEU, London, 1821. (Pamphleteer, v. 18.) (Armand Jean Du Plessis; Cardinal.) Lives MEADOWS, (F. C.) New French and English of. 120. London, 1854. Pronouncing Dictionary, on the basis of MAZAS, (Alexandre.) Nouveau Cours d'His- Nugent's. 28th ed. 120. London, 1852. toire de France, jusqu' la Restauration de - The same. Compared with, and cor1814. 4 v. 80. Paris, 1835-36. rected according to Noel and Chapsal; by MAZOIS, (Fran9ois.) Ruines de Pompei. F. J. B. Koestler. 160. New-York, 1855. Ouvrage continu6 par M. Gan; prec6de de - New French Grammar, with exercises l'explication de la grande mosaique d6cou- adapted to the rules. 120. London, 1848. verte A Pompei en 1831, par Quatremere de - New Italian and English Dictionary. Quincy. Le texte de la 4e partie a ete 160. London, 1835. redig6 par M. Barrd. 4 v. Folio. Paris, Spanish and Epglish Dictionary. 2 1824-38. parts. 7th ed. 120. London, 1852. 749 MEADOWS. MEDICI. MEADOWS, (Thomas Taylor.) Desultory Notes with accompanying documents. 80. Raleigh, on the Government and People of China, (N. C.,) 1831. (3 copies.) (Pol. Pam, v. and on the Chinese Language; with a sketch 116, 117, and 118.) of the province of Kwang-Tfing. 80. Lon- MEDA, or MERDA, (Charles Andre.) Precis don, 1847. Historique des ^vendemens du Neuf ThermiChinese and their Rebellions, viewed dor. 8~. Paris, 1825. (Berville et Barriere, in connection with their natural philosophy, Coll. Mem. Rev. Fran9oise, v. 52.) ethics, legislation, and administration. With MEDEM, (Nicolai, Baron de.) Military Tacan essay on civilization. 80. London, 1856. tics. In Russian. 2 v. 80. St. PetersMEAGHER, (Thomas Francis.) Speeches on burgh, 1837-38. the Legislative Independence of Ireland. MEDFORD, (Macall.) Observations on Euro120. New-York, 1853. pean Courts. 83. London, 1807. (Pol. MEARES, (John.) Authentic Copy of the Me- Pam., v. 34.) morial to Wiliiam Wyndham Grenville, dated Oil without Vinegar, and Dignity with30th April, 1790, respecting the Capture of out Pride; or British, American, and West the Vessels in Nootka Sound. 8~. London, Indian interests considered. 8~. London, 1810. 1807. 2 copies. (Pol. Pam., v. 34 and 108.) Voj ages made in the years 1788 and MEDIIJRST, (Walter Henry.) China; its state 1789, from China to the North-West Coast of and prospects, with especial reference to the America. With a narrative of a voyage in spread of the Gospel. 80. London, 1842. 1786, from Bengal, in the ship Nootka, &c. - Dictionary of the Hok-keen Dialect of 2 v. 8~. London, 1791. the Chinese Language, according to the readMEASE, (James.) Description of Medals struck ing and colloquial idioms; containing about in relation to events in North America. 12,000 characters, with a short account of 80. New-York, 1821. (Misc. Pam, v. 18.) Hok-keen. 40. Macao, 1832. -- Picture of Philadelphia; its origin, in- English and Japanese, and Japanese crease, and improvements in arts, sciences, and English Vocabulary; compiled from naand manufactures, &c. 120. Philadelphia, tive works. 80. Batavia, 1830. 1811. Glance at the Interior of China; obMfCHAIN, (Pierre Fran9ois Andre6;) et DELAM- tail ed during a journey through the silk and BRE, (Jean Baptiste Joseph.) Base du tea districts in 1845. 80. China, 1845. Systeme Metrique Decimal, ou mesure de MEDICAL Association, American. Report of l'arc du m6ridien compris entre les parallgles the Committee on Public Hygiene; with de Dunkerque et Barcelone; executee en sketches of the sanitary condition of the prin1792 et annees suivantes. 3 v. 40. Paris, cipal cities of the United States. 80. Phil1806-10. adelphia, 1849. MECHANIC'S Magazine. 69 v. 80. London, MEDICAL Botany; arranged according to the 1823-58. Linnmean System. 2 v. 80. London, 1819. The same, and Journal of Engineering, MEDICAL Pamphlets. 2 v. 80. (v. d.) Agriculture, Machinery, Manufactures, and Note.-The contents of these volumes will be found in the Catalogue, under their various authors. Ship-building. New series. V. 1-9. 40 London. 1859-63. MEDICAL Times and Gazette. A journal of MECIIEL, (Chretien de.) Galerie Electoale a science, literature, criticism, and de Dusseldorff; ou catalogue raisonne et nes. New series. v. 1-17. 40. London, figure des ses tableaux. Oblong folio. Basle, 1850-58. 1778. MEDICAL and Physical Journal. Conducted MECBI, (John Joseph.) Series of Letters on by T. Bradley, A. F. M. Willich, R. Batty, Agricultural Improvement. Small 40. Lon- Samuel Fothergill, William Royston, John don, 1845. North, Gilbert T. Burnett, &c. 69 v. 80. MECKEL, (Johann Friedrich.) Manual of Ana- London, 1799-1833. tomy. With additions and notes, by A. J. L. MEDICI, (Loenzo de.) Opere, [publicatedall' Jourdan and G. Breschet. Translated from Accademia della Crusca per le mane di Vinthe French, with notes, by A. S. Doane. cenzoFollini.] 4v. 40. Firenze, 1825. 3 v. 80. Philadelphia, 1832. CONTENTS. MECKLENBERG County, North Carolina. De- V. 1-2. Poesie varie. V. 3. Poesie Sacre. claration of Independence, May 20, 1775; V. 4. Conmmento sopra aleuni de'suoi sonetti. 750 MEDICINE. MEILHAN. MEDICINE. Hand-Book of Domestic Medi- tory of the West Branch Valley of the Suscine. Popularly arranged, by an eminent quehanna. 8". Philadelphia, 1857. physician. 160. London, 1855. MEIBOM, or MEIBOMIUS, (Johann Heinrich.) MEDICO-CHIRURGICAL Transactions, publish- De Cerevisiis Veterum, potibusque extra ed by the Royal Medical and Chirurgical vinum commentarius. (Gronovius, ThesauSociety of London. 36 v. 8S. London, rus Grec. Antiq., v. 9.) 1809-52., MEIBOM, or Meibomius, (Markus.) Antiqua MEDICORUM Grrecorum Varia Opuscula. 40. Musice Auctores VII. (Graec et Latina.) Mosque, 1808. 2 v. Small 40. Amstelodami, 1652. MEDWIN, (Thomas.) Conversations of Lord De Fabrica Triremium liber. (GreByron; noted during a residence with his vius, Thesaurus Antiq. Rom., v. 12.) lordship at Pisa, in 1821-22. 80. London, MEIDINGER, (Henry.) German Self-Teacher. 1824. 180. London, 1839. Life of Percy Bysshe Shelley. 2 v. MEIERN, (Johann Gottfried von.) Acta Pacis 120. London, 1847. Executionis Publica; oder Niirnbergische Shelley Papers: Memoir and original Friedens-Executions-Handlungen und Gespoems and papers of P. B. Shelley, now first chichte. 2 v. Folio. Tiibingen and Gotpublished. 160. London, 1833. tingen, 1736-37. MEE, (Cornelia.) Manual of Knitting, Net- Acta Comitialia Ratisbonensia publica; ting, and Crochet. Oblong 180. London, oder Regenspurgische Reichstags-Hand1844. lungen nnd Geschichte von der Jahren 1653 MEECI, (L. W.) Intensity of Heat and Light und 1654. 2 v. Folio. Leipzig und Gotof the Sun in different Latitudes. 40. Wash- tingen, 1738-40. ington, 1857. (Smithsonian Contributions, - Acta Pacis Westphalicre publica. 6 v. v. 9.) Folio. Hannover, 1734-36. MEEHAN, (Charles H. W.) Law and Practice The same. Index universalis per Joof the Game of Euchre. 180. Philadelphia, hann Ludolph Walther. Folio. Gottingen, 1862. 1740. MEEHAN, (C. P.) Confederation of Kilkenny. MEIGS, (Charles D.) Biographical Notice of 160. Dublin, 1860. Daniel Drake, M.D. 80. Philadelphia, 1853. MEEHAN, (Thomas.) American Handbook of ~ Memoir of Samuel George Morton, M.D. OrnamentalTrees. 180. Philadelphia, 1853. 80. Philadelphia, 1851. MEEK, (A. B.) Romantic Passages in South- Obstetrics; the science and the art. western History; includingorations, sketches, 80. Philadelphia, 1849. and essays. 120. New-York, 1857. On the Nature, Signs, and Treatment Songs and Poems of the South. 120. of Childbed Fevers. 80. Philadelphia, 1854. New-York, 1857. Treatise on Acute and Chronic Diseases MEERMAN, (Gdrard.) NovusThesaurus Juris of the Neck of the Uterus. 80. PhiladelCivilis et Canonici, continens varia et raris- phia, 1854. sima optimorum interpretum, imprimis His- ~ Woman; her diseases and remedies. panorum et Gallorum opera. 7 v. Folio. 2d ed. 80. Philadelphia, 1851. Hagae-Comitum, 1751-53. MEIGS, (J. Aitken.) Description of a Human Thesame. Supplementum. PostPatris Skull, found in an ancient cave at Jerusatobitnm edidit et prefatione instruxit J. L. B. lem. 80. Philadelphia, 1859. de Meerman. Folio. Hagse-Comitum, 1780. MEIGS, (J. Forsyth.) Practical Treatise on MEERMAN, (Jean de.) Discours sur la ques- the Diseases of Children. 3d edition. 80. tion: Comparer ensemble la Ligue des Philadelphia, 1858. Acheens, Celle des Suisses en 1307, et la MEIGS, (Return J.) Digest of all the DecisLigue des Provinces Unies en 1579. 40. ions of the former Superior Courts of Law La Haye, 1784. (Pol. Pam., v. 4.) and Equity, and of the present Supreme MEESON, (R.;) and WELSBY, (W. N.) Re- Court of Errors and Appeals in Tennessee. ports of Cases in the Courts of Exchequer 2 v. 80. Nashville, 1848-50. (2 copies.) and Exchequer Chamber, 1836 to 1847; with Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court a general index by E. Wise. 16 v. 80. of Tennessee, 1838 and 1839. 80. NashLondon, 1837-49. (2 copies.) ville, 1839. (3 copies.) MEGINNESS, (J. F.) Otzinachson; or, a His- MEILHAN. See SENAC DE MEILHAN. 751 MEILLAN. MELVILLE. MEILLAN, (N.) Memoires; avec des noteset Unconstitutionality of Slavery; embracing eclaircissemens historiquies. 8~. Palis, 1823. an abstract of the proceedings of the national (Berville et Barriere, Coil. Mem. Rdv. Fran- and State conventions on this subject. 12~. yaise, v. 50.) Boston, 1841. MEINEIRS, (Christoph.) History of the Fe- MELLEN, (Grenville.) Martyr's Triumph; male Sex; comprising a view of the habits, BuriedValley; andotherpoems. 12~. Bosmanners, and influence of women among all ton, 1833. nations. 4 v. 16~. London, 1808. MELLO FREIIRE, (Pascoal Jose de.) Ensaio MEINHOLD, (Johann Wilhelm.) MarySchweid- do Codigo Criminal. 16~. Lisboa, 1823. ler, the Amber Witch. Translated from the MELLY, (George.) Khartoum, and the Blue German, by Lady Duff Gordon. 120. New- and White Niles. 2 v. 12~. London, 1851. York, 1845. MELMOTH, (William.) Great Importance of a MEISEL, (August Heinrich.) Cours de Style Religious Life considered. With morning Diplomatique. 2 v. 8~. Paris, 1826. and evening prayers. New ed.; with a MEISSNER, (N. N. W.) Complete Dictionary memoir of the author, etc., by C. P. Cooper. of the English and German, and German 8~. London, 1849. and English Languages. V. 2. German Letters of Sir Thomas Fitzosborne, on and English. 8~. Leipsic, 1847. several subjects. 7th ed. 80. London, 1769. MEJAN, (Maurice.) Recueil des Causes C61-l MELO, MELHO, or MELLO, (Francisco Manuel bres, et des arrets qui les ont decidees. 2e de.) Guerra de Catalufa. (Coll. de Audd. 21 v, 8~. Paris, 1808-14. tores Espanoles, v. 10.) MEJIA, (Pero.) See MEXIA, (Pero.) Historia de los Movimientos, Separacion MELA, (Pomponius.) De Situ Orbis Libri III. y Guerra de Cataluna, en tiemnpo de Felipe (Description de la Terre) traduit en Fran- IV. (Bib. de Autores Espanoles, v. 42.) cais, le texte vis-a-vis la traduction. Avec MELVIL, or MELVILLE, (Sir James.) Memoires des notes critiques, par C. P. Fradin. 3 v. de Melvil, et Lettres de Marie Stuart. Tra8~. Paris, 1804. duits de l'Anglois avec des additions par MELANCHTHON,(Philip,) etPEUCER,(Gaspar.) Francois Marie de Marsy. 3v. 16~. EdimChronicon Carionis, expositum et auctum, ab bourg, (Paris,) 1745. exordio Mundi, usque ad annum 1612, nempe MELVILLE, (George.) Leven and Melville Rudolphi II. excessum. Postrema editio. Papers. Letters and State Papers chiefly 8~. Geneve, 1617. addressed to George, Earl of Melville, SecreMELCHER, (Josiah F.) Bible Astronomy; or, tary of State for Scotland, 1689-1691. 4~. the little book on the mysteries and wonders Edinburgh, 1843. of the rise and fall of Babylon. 12~. St. MELVILLE, (IHenry, Lord Viscount.) Trial, by Louis, (Mo.,) 1853. impeachment, for High Crimes and MisdeMELENA, (Elpis.) Calabria, and the Liparian meanors, before the House of Peers, in WestIslands, inthe year 1860. 8~. London, 1862. minster Hall, in 1806. Impartial ed. 8~. MELINE, (James F.) Galileo and the Roman Edinburgh,1806. Inquisition; a defense of the Catholic Church. MELVILLE, (Herman.) Mardi; and a voyage 12~. Cincinnati, 1859. thither. 2 v. 12~. New-York, 1853. MELIORA; or, Better Times to Come; being Moby-Dick; or, the Whale. 12~. Newthe contributions of many men touching the York, 1851. present state and prospects of society. Edited Omoo; a narrative of adventures in the by (C. J. Chetwynd) Viscount Ingestre. south seas. 6thed. 12~. New-York, 1855. 16~. London, 1852. Pierre; or, the Ambiguities. 12~. NewMELISH, (John.) Geographical Description of York, 1852. the United States, with the contiguous coun- Redburn; his first voyage; being the tries, including Mexico and the West Indies. sailor-boy confessions and reminiscences of 8~. Philadelphia, 1822. the son-of-a-gentleman, in the merchant serTravels in the United States of America, vice. 12~. New-York, 1855. in the years 1806-7, and 1809-11; including - Typee; a peep at Polynesian life, during travels through various parts of Great Brit- a four months' residence in a valley of the ain, Ireland, and Upper Canada. 2 v. 8~. Marquesas. 12~. New-York, 1857. Philadelphia, 1812. White-Jacket; or, the world in a manMELLEN, (George W. F.) Argument on the of-war. 12~. New-York, 1855. 752 MEMBRt~. MIMORIAL. MEMBRK, (Zenobius.) Adventures of M. de MtMOIRES des Expeditions Militaires qui se La Salle's Party at Fort Crevecoeur, in Illi- sont faites en Allemagne, en Hollande et nois, 1680-1, and Voyage down the Missis- ailleurs, depuis le Trait6 d' Aix-la-Chapelle, sippi. 8~. New York, 1852. (French's jusqu'a celui de Nimegue, par un officier de Hist. Coll. Louisiana, v. 4.) distinction. Ausquels on a joint la Relation MEMES, (John S.) Memoirs of Antonio Cano- de la Bataille de Senef par M. le Prince de va, withEan historical view of modern sculp- Cond6, etc. 2 v. 160. Paris, 1734. ture. 8~. Edinburgh, 1825. MEMOIRES Historiques sur la Catastrophe du Memoirs of the Empress Josephine. Ducd'Enghien. 8~. Paris, 1834. (Berville 160. Edinburgh, 1831. et Barriere, Coll. Mem. Rev. Frangaise, The same. 160. New York, 1842. v. 44.) (Harpers' Fam. Library, v. 31.) MEMoIRES sur Diffirents Sujets, la pluspart MEMOIR of the British Doctrine of Neutral Trade. d'Histoire Naturelle, ou de physique g6n680. Washington, 1806. (Pol. Pam., v. 78.) rale et particulier. 2e ed. 120. Paris, MEMOIR of the Northern Kingdom, written 1813. A. D. 1872, by Williamson Jahnsenykes. MIMOIRES sur l'Affaire de Varennes. [Par [Rev. William Jenks, D.D.] 80. Quebeck. plusieurs auteurs.] 80. Paris, 1823. (Ber[Boston, 1806.] (Misc. Pam., v. 4.) ville et Barriere, Coll. Mem. Rev. Franmaise, MMoOIRE adress6 A la Haute Diete, par l'1tat v. 41.) de Fribourg, sur la question litigieuse entre MEMOIRES sur les Journees de Septembre, cet etat et celui de Vaud au sujet de la 1792, par M. Jourgniac de St. M6ard, La Souvrainet6 du Lac de Morat. Folio. Fri- Marquise de Fausse-Lendry, l'Abbe Sicard et bourg en Suisse, 1845. G. A. Jourdan. 80. Paris, 1823. (Berville et MEMOIRE des Princes Pr6sent6 au Roi. 8~. Barribre, Coil. M6m. Rev. Frangaise, v. 41.) Paris, 1778. (Pol. Pam., v. 16.) MEMOIRES sur les Mines de Houille, et les MEMOIRE pour des N6gocians de l'Orient in- moyens de soustraire leur exploitation aux t6ress6s au Commerce des Itats-Unis, contre chances d'explosion. 80. Bruxelles, 1840. la ferme generale. 40. Paris, 1788. MfMOIRES sur les Prisons; contenant les M6MEMOIRE sur la Suppression des Couvens moires d'un Detenu, par Riouffe; l'encarced'Argovie, adress6 aux lRtats Conf6deres. ration de Beaumarchais, etc 2 v. 80. Paris, Traduit d'Allemand. 40. Delemont, 1841. 1823. (Berville et Barriere, Coll. M6m. Rev. MElMOIRES de la Soci6t6 Royale des Antiqua- Frangaise, v. 20-21.) res dw Nord, 1845-49. 2 v. 80. Copen- MtMOIRES tires des Papiers d'un Homme hague, 1847-52. d'/tat, sur les Causes Secretes qui ont deterMgMOIRES de La Vendee, comprenant les Me- mine la Politique des Cabinets dans les Guermoires inedits d'un ancien administrateur, res de la R6volution. (Attribues au Prince etc. 80. Paris, 1823. (Berville et Barriere, de Hardenberg, mais publi6s par Alphonse Coil. M6m. Rev. Francaise, v. 34.) de Beauchamp, le Comte Fran9ois d'AllonMEMoIREs de M. de * d -, pour servir i'His- ville, et A. Schubart.) 13 v. 120. Paris, toire du 17e sibcle. [Publi6s par De Quer- 1831-38. lon.] 2v. 80. Paris, 1827. (Petitot, Coil. - The same. Depuis 1792 jusq'en 1815. Mem. Hist. France, ser. 2, v. 58-59.) 4 v. 12C. Paris, 1828-31. MEMOIRES de Mr. D. F. L. touchant ce qui MrMOIRES et Lettres de Sa Majest6 Tress'est pass6 en Italie, entre Victor Amad6e II., Chrestienne, et les Responces des Vtats GeneDue de Savoye, et le Roy Louis XIV. 180. raux des Provinces Unies des Pais-Bas. 2,40. Aix la Chapelle, 1697. La Haye, 1678. (Pol. Pam., v. 129.) MEMOIREs de Physique et de Chimie, de la MEMOIRS of a New England Village Choir; Soci6t6 d'Arcueil. 3v. 120. Paris, 1807-17. with occasionalreflections. 3d ed. 160. BosMEMOIRES, des Commissaires du Roi, et de ton, 1846. ceux de Sa Majest6 Britannique, surles Pos- MEMOIRs of the Secret Societies of the South sessions et les Droits respectifs des deux of Italy, particularly the Carbonari. Transcouronnes en Amdrique; avec les actes pub- lated from the original MS. 80. London, lies etpiecesjustificatives. 4v. 40. Paris, 1821. 1755-1757. (2 copies.) MIMMORIAL Constitutionnel depuis 1789; ou The same. 5 v. 160. Paris, 1756. recueil des constitutions de 1791 et 1793. See MElIMORALS. 240. Paris, 1800. 753 MIEMORIAL. MENESTRIER. MEMORIAL de l'Artillerie; on recueil de me- MENDHAM, (Joseph.) Index of Prohibited moires, experiences, observations et pro- Books, by command of Pope Gregory XVI., c6d6s relatifs an service de l'artillerie. in 1835. 18~. London, 1840. R6dige par les soins du comit6, avec l'appro- Literary Policy of the Church of Rome bation du Ministre de la Guerre. 7 v. 8~; Exhibited, in an account of her damnatory Atlas, oblong folio. Paris, 1826-52. catalogues or indexes, both prohibitory and MEMORIAL du D6ept G6enral de la Guerre. expurgatory. 2d ed. 80. London, 1830. Imprime par ordre du Ministre. 6 v. 40; Memoirs of the Council of Trent. DeAtlas, oblong folio. Paris, 1829-32. rived from MS. and unpublished records of MEEMORIAL of Citizens of Cincinnati to Con- the leading actors in that assembly. 8~. gress, relative to the navigation of the Ohio London, 1834. and Mississippi Rivers. 8~. Cincinnati, Venal Indulgences and Pardons of 1844. (Misc. Pam., v. 21.) the Church of Rome, &c. 160. London, MEMORIAL of Common-Sense upon the Present 1839. Crisis between Great Britain and America. MENDIES, (John.) Abridgment of Johnson's 8~. London, 1778. (Col. Pam., v. 8.) Dictionary, English and Bengali. CornMEMORIALS of Deceased Members of the So- panion to the same, Bengali and English. ciety of Friends. 180. Philadelphia, 1843. 2d ed. 2 v. 80. Calcutta, 1851. MEMORIALS of the English and French Comn- MENDOZA, (Antonio di.) Lettera all'Imperamissaries, concerning the Limits of Nova tore del discopimento della Terra Firma Scotia or Acadia, and St. Lucia. 2 v. 40. della Nuova Spagna verso Tramontana. London, 1755. (Ramusio, Navigationi, v. 3.) MEMORIALS presented by the Deputies of the - Letter to Charles V. on Discoveries in Council of Trade in France, to the Royal New Spain. (Hakluyt's Voyages, v. 3.) Council, in 1701. 80. London, 1737. MENDOZA, (Bernardino de.) Comentarios MEN of the Time. See WALFORD, (Edward.) de las Guerras de los Paises-Bajos. 80. MENADIER, (F. A.) M6moires de Madame la Madrid, 1853. (Bib. de Autores Espanoles, Marquise de Pompadour. 2 v. 80. Paris, v. 43.) 1830. MENDOZA, (Diego Hurtado de.) Guerra de MENAGE, (Giles.) DictionnaireEtymologique Granada contra los Moriscos. (Bib. de Aude la Langue Frangoise. Nouv. ed., par A. tores Espanoles, v. 42.) F. Jault. 2 v. Folio. Paris, 1750. The same. (Coleccion de Autores EsMENANDER. Fragmenta. (Gr. etLat.) (Didot's panoles, v. 10.) Biblioth. Grecque, v. 3.) Vida de Lazarillo de Tormes. (Bib. de et PIILEMON. Reliquise, quotquot Autores Espanoles, v. 47.) reperiri potuerunt; (Greec6 et LatinS,) cum Adventures of Lazarillo de Tormes. notis Hugonis Grotii et Joannis Clerici, qui 21st ed. 120. London, 1821. etiam novamn omnium versionern adornavit. Lazarillo, the Spanish Rogue. 40. 80. Amstelodami, 1709. (Illustrated Literature of all Nations.) MENANDER Protector. Excerpta de Legation- The same. Specimens of, translated. ibus Barbarorum adRomanos. (Gr. etLat.) (Roscoe's Spanish Novelists, v. 1.) 80. Bonune, 1829. (Byzantinae Hist. Cor- MENDOZA, (Juan Gonzalez de.) History of the pus, v. 11.) great and mighty Kingdom of China, and the MENDELSSOHN, (Moses.) Opere Filosofiche situation thereof. Edited by Sir George T. volgarizzate e fornite d'annotazioni e di Staunton, with introduction by R. H. Major. memorie spettanti alla sua vita dal Dottore 2 v. 80. London, 1853. (Hakluyt Society, Francesco Pizzetti. 2v. 80. Parma, 1800. v. 14-15.) Jerusalem; a treatise on ecclesiastical Dell' Historia della China. Tradotta authority and Judaism. Translated by M. nell' Italiana, dal M. Francesco Auanzo. Samuels. 2 v. 80. London, 1838. 1(i6. Venetia, 1586. MENDELSSOHN-BARTHOLDY, (Felix.) Letters MIENDOZA vY IOS, (Jose de.) Complete Colfrom Italy and Switzerland. Translated by lection of Tables for Navigation and Nautical Lady Wallace. 2d ed. 120. London, 1862. Astronomy. 2d ed. 40. London, 1809. MENDENIIALL, (George.) Medical Student's ME1NESTRIER, (Claude Francois.) Chevalerie Vade MIecum 3d ed. 120. Philadelphia, Ancienne et Moderne. 80. Paris, 1838. 1852. (Leber, Coil. Hist. France, v. 12.) 95 754 MiNE VA L. MEREDITH. MEfNEVAI, (Claudce Fran9ois; Baron.) Napo- elevating the character and position of the 16on et Marie-Louise; souvenirs historiques. Parochial Schools in the Counties of Aber3 v. 80. Paris, 1843. deen, Banff, and Moray. 8~. Edinburgh, MENGIN, (Fl6ix.) Histoire Sommaire de 1854. l'1gypte sous le Gouvernement de Moham- MENZIES, (Henry.) Early Ancient History; med-Aly. Pr6ecdee d'une Introduction, et as it appears to us since the most recent dissuivie d'ltudes G-ographiques et I-istor- coveries in Egypt and Assyria. 120. Loniques sur l'Arabie, par M. Jomiarl. 80. don, 1858. Paris, 1839. MERCATOR, or KAUFMANN, (Gerhard.) HisMENGOTTI, (Francesco.) Del Commercio de' toria Mundi; or, Atlas; containing his cosRomani dalla Prima Guerra Punica a Cos- mographical description of the fabricke and tantino. 40. Padova, 1787. figure of the world. Enlarged by J. Hondy. - 11 Colbertismo; ossia della libertac di Englished byWye Saltonstall. Folio. Loncommercio de'prodotti della terra: disserta- don, 1637. zione. 80. Venezia, 1792. MERCHANTS'Magazine. SeeIHUNT,(Freeman.) MENGS, (Anton Raphael.) Works. Translated MERCHANTs' Signals of New York, and others from the Italian. 2v. 80. London, 1796. trading to said port. Folded 180. PhiladelMENIN, (Nicolas.) Historical and Chronologi- phia, 1854. cal Treatise of the Coronation of the Kings MERCIER, (Claude Fran9ois Xavier.) Trait6 and Queens of France, and of all Sovereign des Trois Imposteurs, des religions domiPrinces of Europe. With the ceremony of nantes, et du culte. 80. Philadelphie, the coronation of Louis XV. 12~. London, (Paris,) 1796. 1723. MERCIER, (JerBme.) Remarques du Droit MENNECHET,(Edouard.) Matin6es Litt6raires. Fran9ois sur les Institutes de l'Empereur Cours complet de Litterature Moderne. 4 v. Justinien, ou la Porte et l'Abregeg de la Ju120. Paris, 1861. risprudence Fran9oise. 40. Paris, 1663. MIENNIS, (Sir John;) and SMITH, (James.) MERIER, (Louis Sebastien.) L'An2440; reve Facetiae.-Musarum Delicie; or, the Muses s'ilen futjamais. 80. Londres, 1771. Recreation; and Wit Restor'd. Also, Wits Mon Bonnet de Nuit. Pour faire suite Recreations. With a thousand out-landish au "Tableau de Paris." 4 v. 8~. Neuchaproverbs, anld memoirs of [the authors.] 2 v. tel, 1784. 80. London, 1817. Portraits des Rois de France. 2e ed. MEXOCsIO, (Jacopo.) De Preesumptionibus, 4 v. 160. Neuchatel, 1783. Conjecturis, Signis, et Indiciis, commentaria. MERCURIALE, (Girolamo.) Tractatus Varii de 2 v. Folio. Geneve, 1685. Re Medica, a variis medicis olim ex ipsius MENOO, MENU or MANU. The Danathal, or ore excepti. 80. Lugduni, 1618. the Laws of Menoo. Translated from the MERCURIUS VAPULANS: svrvaying and reBurmese, by D. Richardson. 80. Maul- cording the choysest Actions and results main, 1847. Parliament, Synode, Army, City and CounMEscnH, (F. A. de.) Manuel Pratique du trey. Small 40. (n. p.) 1647. (Parlia Consulat. Ouvrage consacre specialement mentary Tracts.) aux consuls de Prusse et des autres etats for- MEREDITH, (Louisa Anne.) My Home in Tasmant le Zollverein. 80. Leipzig, 1846. mania, during a residence of nine years. 2 v. MENTELLE, (Edme.) Atlas de la Monarchie 120. London, 1852. Prussiene. Folio. Londres, 1788. - Some of my Bush Friends in Tasmania; MEENZEL, (Wolfgang.) Europe in 1840. Trans- native flowers, berries, and insects, drawn lated from the German. 120. Edinburgh, from life, illustrated in verse, and briefly de1841. scribed. Folio. London, 1860. German Literatnre. Translated, with MTEREDITI, (Owen, Pseud.) See LYTTON, notes, by Thomas Gordon. 4 v. 120. Ox- (E. Robert Bulwer.) ford, 1840-41. MtEEDITH, (Sir William.) Hiistorical Remarks History of Germany. Translated fiom on the Taxation of Free States. Small 40. the 4th German ed., by Mrs. George Hor- London, 1778. rocks. 3v. 120. London, 1848. - Speech in House of Commons, on a MENZIES, (Allan.) Report of T-wenty-One Bill creating a New Capital Felony. 4th ed Years' Experience of the Dick Bequest for 8~. London, 1831. (Pol. Pam., v. 74.) 755 MEREDITH. MERRIDEW. MEREDITH, (William George.) Memorials of MERLE, (Mathieude.) Medmoires. 8u. Paris, Charles John, [Bernadotte,] King of Nor- 1823. (Petitot, Coll. M6m. Hist. France, way. 80. London, 1829. ser. I, v. 38.) MEREWETHER, (Henry Alworth.) Speech, in MERLE D'AUBIGNP, (Jean Henri.) Discourses the Court of Chancery, Dec. 8, 1849, upon and Essays. Translated from the French, by the claim of the Commissioners of Woods C. W. Baird. 12~. New-York, 1846. and Forests to the Sea-shore, and the Soil- Geneva and Oxford; a discourse, deand Bed of Tidal Harbors and Navigable livered at the opening meeting of the theoRivers; and its effect upon such property. logical school of Geneva, October 3, 1842. 80. London, 1850. 180. London, 1843. ~ — and STEPHENS, (A. J.) History of the - Germany, England, and Scotland; or, Boroughs and Municipal Corporations of the recollections of a Swiss minister. 80. LonUnited Kingdom. 3 v. 80. London, 1835. don, 1848. (2 copies.)- History of the Great Reformation of MERGER, (C. B.) Des Assurances Terrestres. the Sixteenth Century, in Germany, SwitV. 1, comprenant les assurances sur la vie a zerland, &c. 3d ed. 5 v. 80. London, primes fixes. 80. Paris, 1858. 1840-53. MERGEY, (Jean de.) Memoires, 1556-1589. -- The same. Translated by H. White. 80. Paris, 1788. (Coil. des Memoires Rela- 5 v. 12~. New-York, 1849-53. tifs A l'Hist. de France, v. 41.) - History of the Reformation in Europe, The same. 80. Paris, 1838. (Michaud, in the time of Calvin. Vols. 1-2. Geneva Coll. Mem. Hist. France, v. 9.) and France. 80. London, 1863. ~.- The same. 80. Paris, 1823. (Petitot, MERLIEUX, (Edouard.) Les Princesses Russes Coll. Mem. Hist. France, ser. I, v. 34.) Prisonnitres au Caucase. Souvenirs d'une MERIMrEE, (Jean Fran9ois Leonore.) Art of Franiaise Captive de Chamyl. 16~. Paris, Painting in Oil, and in Fresco. Translated 1857. from the French, with original observations, MERLIN, (Philippe Antoine.) Recueil Alphaby W. B. S. Taylor. 120. London, 1839. betique, ou questions de droit. 4e edition. MERITMm iE, (Prosper.) Demetrius the Impos- 16 v. 80. Bruxelles, 1828-30. tor: an episode in Russian history. Trans- ldpertoire Universel et Raisonnd de lated by R. Scoble. 80. London, 1853. Jurisprudence. 5e 6d. 36 v. 80. BruxMERIN, (John Baptist.) Journey to the Mines elles, 1825-28. of Hungary, 1615. (Churchill's Voyages MERLIN, (Mercedes Jaruco, Comtesse de.) and Travels, v. 4.) Memoirs of Madame Malibran; with her MERITON, (George.) Anglorum Gesta; or, a correspondence, and notices of the musical. Brief History ofEngland. 160. London, 1675. drama in England. 2d ed. 2 v. 120. MERIVALE, (Charles.) History of the Romans London, 1844. under the Empire. 7v. SO. London, 1850-62. MEROBAUDES, (Flavius.) Carminum PaneMERIVALE, (Herman.) Lectures on Coloniza- gyricique Reliquim. Ed. B. G. Niebuhr. tion and Colonies. 2 v. in 1. 80. London, 80. Bonnse, 1836. (Byzantine Hist. Cor1841-42. pus, v. 25.) MERIVALE, (John Herman.) OrlandoinRon- MEROLLA da Sorrento, (Girolamo.) Voyage cesvalles; a poem. 160. London, 1814. to Congo, 1682. (Churchill's Voyages and (Bound with Rose's Amadis de Gaul.) Travels, v. 1.) Poems, oirginal and translated. New The same. (Pinkerton's Voyages, v. and corrected edition, with some additional 16.) pieces. 3 v. 160. London, 1844. MERRICK, (James L.) Life and Religion of ~- Reports of Cases in the High Court of Mohammed, as contained in the traditions of Chancery, 1815 to 1817. 3 v. 8. Lon the Hyat-ul-kuloob. Translated from the don, 18[7-19. Persian. 80. Boston, 1850. The same. 3 v. 80. New-York, 1825. MERRICK, (Richard T.) Oration at Baltimore, MERLE, (Mathieu de.) Memoires. 1558-1680. July 5, 1852. 80. Baltimore, 1852. 80. Paris, 1789. (Coll. des M6moires Rela- MERRIDEW, (John.) Catalogue of Engraved tifs A l'Histoire de France, v. 54.) Portraits of nobility, gentry, clergyrmen, The same. 80. Paris, 1838. (Mi- &c., connected iith the county of Warchaud, Coll, M6m. i-lst. France, v. 11.) wick. 40. Coventry, 1848. 756 MERRIFIELD. METCALFE. MERRIFIELD, (Frederic.) Burgess's Manual; CONTENTS. the constitution of corporate towns, compris- ClSis Universalios. By Arthur Collier. ing the provisions relating to the municipal lier. Conjecturae quaedam de sensu, motu et idearum elections, officers, town council, general gov- generatione. By David Hartley. ernment of, and administration of justice, in A I iry the Origin of Ituma Appetites and Affections. boroughs, and the grant of charters of in- Man ihi quest of Himself. By Abraham Tucker. corporation to non-corporate towns. 12~. METASTASIO, (Pietro.) Opere. 17 v. 8t.' London, 1854. Padova, 1811-12. MERRIFIELD, (John.) Law of Attornies; CONTENTS. with practical directions in actions and Analisi e Osservazioni sull'Ate Potica-Dra15maproceedings by and against them, and for Azioni e Feste Teatrali, v. 11-12. Cantate e Ariette per Musica, v. 13. the taxation and recovery of costs, at com- Canzonette, Complimenti e Versetti, v. 13. mon law, in equity, in bankruptcy, and in Drammi, v. 1-9. lEpitalami, Idilli, Stanza, Elegie, Odi, v. 2,10,13. criminal proceedings and penal actions. 8~. Lettere, v. 16-17. London, 1830. Opere Sacre, v. 10. London, 1830. Sonetti, v. 13. MERRIFIELD, (Mary Philadelphia.) Art of Traduzioni, v. 14. Fresco Painting, as practiced by the old Opere. Illustrate di note e dilucidaTtalian and Spanish masters. ~8. London, zioni gramlaticali da Romualdo Zotti. 6 v. 1846. 160. Londra, 1813. Dress as a Fine Art; with suggestions - Dramas and other Poems. Translated on children's dress. 40. Boston, 1854. from the Italian, by John Hoole. 3 v. 8~. Original Treatises, dating from the 12th London, 1800. to 18th Centuries, on the Arts of Painting, CONTENTS. Achilles in Scyros, v. 2. Hypicpyle, v. 1. Gilding, Dyeing, etc. 2 v. 80. London, Adrian in Syria, v. 2. Olympiad, The, v. 1. 1849. 2E tius, v. 2. Regulus, v. 3. Artaxerxes, v. 1. Romulus and Iersilia,v. 3. MERRILL, (John.) Cosmogony: or Thoughts Cantatas, v. 1-3. Siroe, v. 3. on Philosophy. 80. East Canaan, (N. H,) Demetrius, v. 1. Themistocles, v. 3. on Philosophy. D8. East Canaan, (N. I.,) ~Demophoon, v. 2. Titus, v. 1. 1860. Dido, v. 2. Triumph of Glory, v. 2. Discovery of Joseph, v. 3. Uninhabited Island, v. 2. MERRITT, (Henry W.) Trial; containing the Dream of Scipio, v. 1. Zenobia, v. 3. opinions of the Judges, etc., and an opinion METCALF, (Theron.) Digest of the Cases dedelivered by Judge Irving in the case of cided in the Supreme Judicial Court of MasAbraham M. Valentine. 80. New-York, sachusetts, 1816 to 1823. 80. Boston, 1825. 1840. - Reports of Cases in the Supreme JudiMERRYWEATHER, (F. Somner.) Bibliomania cial Court of Massachusetts, 1840 to 1847. in the Middle Ages; from the Anglo-Saxon 13 v. 8~. Boston, 1841-51. (2 copies ) and Norman periods, to the introduction of METCALF, (T.) Tabular View of Light Infanprinting in England. 12l. London, 1849. try Drill, according to a system of light MERULA, (Paul.) Dissertatio de Maribus. drill, by Capt. T. H. Mitchell. London. (In 320. Lugduni Batavorum, 1633. (With map form.) GROTIUS, De Marl Libero.) METCALFE, (Charles, Lord.) Selections from MfRY, (C. de.) Histoire G6nerale des Pro- the Papers of Lord Metcalfe, late Governorverbes, Adages, Sentences, Apophthegmes; General of India, etc. Edited by J. W. accompagne de remarques critiques et d'an- Kaye. 80. London, 1855. ecdotes. 3 v. 80. Paris, 1828-29. METCALFE, (C. J., Jr.) Channel Islands: hisMf1RY, (Joseph.) Saint-Pierrede Rome. 2v. torical and legendary sketches. 8~. London, 80. Paris, 1854. 1852. MERYON, (Edward.) Physical and Intellec- METCALFE, (Frederick.) History of German tual Constitution of Man considered. 120. Literature; based on the German work of London, 1836. Vilmar. 120. London, 1858. MESA, (Thomas Manuel Fernandez de.) Tra- ~ Oxonian in Norway; or, notes of excurtado Legal y Politico de Caminos Publicos y cursions in that country in 1854-55. 2 v. Possadas. 40. Valencia, 1755-56. 120. London, 1856. METAPHYSICAL Tracts, by English philoso- Oxonian in Thelemarken; or, southphers of the eighteenth century. Prepared western Norway in 1856-57, with glances at for the press, by Samuel Parr. 80. London, the legendary lore of that district. 2 v. 12c. 1837. London, 1858. 757 METCALFE. MEXICO. METCALFE, (James P.) Reports of Selected METZ, l1cole d'Artillerie de. Commission Civil and Criminal Cases, decided in the formde par ordre du Ministre de la Guerre, Court of Appeals of Kentucky, 1858 to 1861. pour l'6tablissement des principes du tir. 3 v. 8~. Frankfort, 1859-60. (3 copies of le' et 2' rapports, 1834. Folio. Metz, 1835. v. 1; 2 copies of v. 2 and 3.) MEURSIUS, or, von MEURS, (Johann.) GlosMETCALFE, (SamuelL.) Caloric; its mechani- sariurn Greco-Barbarum. Editio altera, et cal, chemical, and vital agencies in the phe- aucta. 40. Lugduni Batavorum, 1614. nomena of nature. 2v. 8~. London, 1843. De Luxu Romanorum. (Grmvius, ~ —-- New Theory of Terrestrial Magnetism. Thesaurus Antiq. Rom., v. 8.) 80. New-York, 1833. De Populis et Pagis Attice; de prmeciIMETEOROLOGICAL Papers of the Board of puis Athenarum Antiquitatibus; de Athenaof Trade, viz: Reports for 1857 and 1858.- rum arce; de Ceramici Atheniensium utriusque Circular of Deviation, published Oct. 15th, antiquitatibus; de regibus et archontibus 1856.-Translation from Dutch pamphlets Atheniensium. (Gronovius, Thesaurus Grmc. on Herring Fisheries, 1857.-Great Circle Antiq., v. 4.) Sailing. Icebergs in the Southern Ocean, - Pisistratus, sive de ejus vita; Fortuna by John Thomas Towson.-Passage Table Attica; Atticarun lectionum libri IV; Piand General Sailing Directions, compiled by roeus; Themis Attica; Solon, sive de ejls R. Admiral Fitzroy.-Barometer Manual, vita, etc.; Areopagus; de regno Laconico; 1859. 80. London, 1856-59. Miscellanea Laconica. (Gronovius, v.5.) METHERIE, (Jean Claude de la,) or LA Mf- - Panathenea; Eleusinia; Grmciaferiata; THERIE. Essai Analytique sur i'Air Pur, et de ludis Grmcorum. (Gronovius, v. 7.) les diff6rentes EspBces d'Air. 80. Paris, ~DeSaltationibusVeterum; depuerperio, 1785. syntagma. (Gronovius, v. 8.)... Projet de Constitution pour une Nation Denarius Pythagoricus. (Gronovius, Libre. 80. Paris, 1791. (Pol. Pan., v. 12.) v. 9.) MfTIIODE de la Nouvelle Repartition de la AEschylus, Sophocles, Euripides; TheContribution Fonciere, entre les arrondisse- seus; Dionysius, sive de auctoribus hujus ment et les communes, dans chaque departe- nominis; deHeraclide; Theophrastus; Bibment. 80. Paris, 1822. liotheca Grmeca; Bibliotheca Attica. (GroMETHODIST Church Property Case; heard be- novius, v. 10.) fore the Hon. Judges Nelson and Betts, in De Funere, in quo Grmci et Romani the Circuit Court, U. S., for the Southern Ritus. (Gronovius, v. 11.) District of New-York, May 17-29, 1851. By MExIA,(Pero.) RelaciondelasComunidadesde R. Sutton. 80. New-York, 1851. Castilla. (Bib. deAutoresEspafioles,v.42.) METHODIST Episcopal Church. Minutes of MEXICO. Coleccion de Constituciones de los the Annual Conferences of the Methodist Estados Unidos Mexicanos. 3 v. 180. Episcopal Church for the years 1773-1851. Mexico, 1828. 4 v. 80. New-York, 1840-54. El Presidente de la Republica Mexicana [METHODIST] Hymns for the Use of the Meth- a sus Habitantes. 80. Mexico, 1838. (Pol. odist Episcopal Church; with tunes for Pam, v. 131.) congregational worship. 80. New-York, - Recueil de Pi6ces relatives a la Con1857. quete du Mexique. 2v. 80. Paris, 1838METHOLD, (W.) Relation des Royaumes de 40. (Ternaux, Voyages, Relations, etc., de Colconda, etc. (Th6venot, Relations, v. 1.) l'Am6rique, v. 10-16. METIIUEN, (Henry H.) Life in the Wilder- Relation Abr6ege sur la Nouvelle-Esness; or, wanderings in South Africa. 120. pagne, 6crite par un gentilhomme de la suite London, 1846. de F. Cort6s. (Ternaux, Voyages, etc., de METHVEN, (Robert.) Log of a Merchant l'Amerique, v. 10.) Officer; viewed with reference to the educa- Suplemento al Diario del Gobierno de tion of young officers, etc. With preface. by Me6gico, que contiene el Ultimatum remitido Lyon Playfair. Folio. London, 1854. porel Baron Deffaudis, Ministro de Francia, al METROPOLITAN, The. 2 v. Folio. George- GobiernoMegicano, &c. (Pol. Pan., v. 131.) town, (D. C.,) 1835-37. (Incomplete.) Constitution of the Republic of Mexico, METROPOLITAN, from 1851 to 1854. Folio. and of the States of Coahuila and Texas. Washington, 1851-54. 80. New-York, 1832. 758 MEXICO. MEXICO. Mxico. Four Claims against Mexico, re- MExico. NuevaColecciondeLeyesyDecretos jected by the Board of Commissioners. 80. Mexicanos, en forma de diccionario; contiene Washington, 1853. el texto de todas las leyes vigentes de Indias, Map of Mexico and the Adjacent Prov- las ordenanzas de intendentes, las de Bilbao, inces. Compiled from original documents, Mineria y Correos, y las reales c6dulas, U by A. Arrowsmith. London, 1810. ordenes y reglamentos que pueden tener --- Sketches of the Campaign in Northern algun uso, publicados desde 1.680 hasta la Mexico, in 1846-7; by an Officer of the First presente. Publicada por M. G. Rivera. V. 1. Regiment of Ohio Volunteers. 120. New- 80. Mexico, 1853. York, 1853. Observador Judicial y de Legislacion; Trip to Mexico; or, recollections of a periodico quo contiene todas las leyes y decreten-months' ramble, in 1849-50. By a bar- tos, desde la epocha de nuestra regeneracion rister. 120. London, 1851. politica, 1842 a 1844. 4 v. Small 40. Mexico, - Copias a la letra ofrecidas en el primer 1842-43. tolmo de la Recopilacion Sumaria de todos - Pandectas Hispano-Megicanas 6 sea los Autos Acordados de la Real Audiencia y codigo general comprehensivo de las leyes Sala del Crimen deestaN. E. y Providencias vivas de las siete partidas, recopilacion node su Superior Gobierno. Por el Doctor Don visima, la de Indias, autos y providencias Eusebio Bentura Beleia. V. 2. Folio. conocidas por de Montemayor y Belella, y Mexico, 1787. cedulas posteriores hasta el anio de 1820. - Coleccion de las Leyes y Decretos ex- Nueva ed. Por J. H. Rodriguez de S. Miguel. pedidos por el Congreso General de los 3 v. 40. Mejico, 1852. Estados-Unidos Mexicanos, 1829 a 1837. 4 v. - Recopilacion Sumaria de algunos Autos Small40. MIexico, 1831-40. (2copiesofv.2.) Acordados de la Real Audiencia y Chancil~- Coleccion de las Leyes, Decretos y leria de la Nueva Espaia, para la mejor exOrdenes expedidas por el Congreso Nacional pedicion de los negocios de su cargo, 1528y por el Supremo Gobierno, Enero de 1850 a 1677, con las Ordenanzas para su gobierno: Agosto de 1853. (Primera parte del Sema- Recogidos por el Dr. Don J. F. de Montenario Judicial.) 4 v. in 3. 80. Mexico, Mayor de Cuenca. Folio. Mexico, 1787. 1850-53. (Bound with the preceding.) Coleccion de los Decretos y Ordenes de - The same. 1677-1786. Folio. Mdxlas Cortes de Espana, que se reputan vigentes ico, 1787. (Bound with preceding.) en la Republica de las Estados-Unidos Mexi- - Recopilacion Sumaria de todos los canos, 1811 1821. Small40. Mexico, 1829. Autos Acordados de ia Real Audiencia y Coleccion de los Ultimos Decretos Sala del Crimen de esta Nueva Espafia y sobre Contribuciones Directas, Potestad Providencias de su Superior Gobierno: por Coactiva yPapel Sellado. 16C. M6xico, 1842. el Doctor Don Ensebio Bentura Belefia. V. 1. ~-_ - Coleccion de Ordenes y Decretos de la Folio. Mexico, 1787. Soberana Junta Provisional Gubernativa, y R- ecopilacion de las Leyes del Gobierno Soberanos Congresos Generales de la Nacion Espfiaol, que rigen en la Repfiblica, respecMexicana. 2a ed. 4 v. Small 40. Mdxico, tivas a los anos de 1788 y siguientes, A 1813. 1829. (Cuarta parte del Semanario Judicial.) 80. Decretos del Congreso' Constituyente Mexico, 1851. del-Estado de Mdxico, revisados por el mismo ~ Recopilacion de Leyes, Decretos, Bancongreso e impresos de su orden, 1824 a dos, Reglamentos, Circulares y Providencias 1830. V. 1. 80. Tlalpam, 1830. de los Supremos Poderes y otras autoridades Decretos del Rey Don Ferdinando VII.; de la Repuiblica Mexicana; formada de orden expedidos desde su restittcion al trono del supreme gobierno, de Enero de 1828 a Espafol hasta el restablecimiento de la con- Diciembre de 1838. Por B. J. Arillaga. stitucion de 1812. Se refielen todas las reso- 13 v. 80. Mexico, 1838-42. (2 copies.) clones generales que se suponen vigentes en - Repertorio de Legislacion, 6 indice la repfiblica Megicana, 1814 a 1820. 40. alfaibtico y chronologico de las materias mas Mexico, 1836. notables contenidas en la coleccion de leyes, Leyes y Reglamento para el Arreglo decretos y ordenes que se ban espedido en la de la Instruccion Publica, en el Distrito repfiblica desde el ano de 1821 hasta el de Federal. 160. Mexico, 1834. 1837. 40. M6gico, 1840. 759 MEXICO. MICHAUD. MEXICO and Guatimala. (Modern Traveller.) MIALL, (James G.) Memorials of Early ChrisPopularDescription, geographical,historical, tianity. 160. London, 1853. and topographical, of Mexico and Guatimala. MICALI, (Giuseppe.) L'Italia avanti il Dominio 2 v. 180. Boston, 1830. dei Romani. 4 v. 80. Firenze, 1810. MEXICO and the United States; official corre- Antichi Monumenti, per servire all'opera spondence between, from May 12 to Septem- intitolata L'Italia avanti il Dominio dei Rober 10, 1842. 80. (n. d.) (Pol. Pam., v. mani. Folio. Firenze, 1810. 117-118. (2 copies.) MICHAEL ANGELO. See BUONARROTI. MEY, (Claude.) Maximes du Droit Public MICHAELS, (Johann David.) Introduction to Francois. 2e 6d., par G. N.Maultrot. 6 v. the New Testament. Translated from the 160. Amsterdam, 1775. 4th ed. of the German, with notes, by HerMEYENY, (F. J.F.) Outlines of the Geography bert Marsh. 4th ed. 4 v. in 6. 80. Lonof Plants; with particular inquiries concern- don, 1823. ing the principal plants on which the pros-. Recueil de.Questions, proposees i ulne perity of nations is based. Translated by societe de savants, qui par ordre de sa MaMargaret Johnston. 80. London, 1846. jest6 Danoise, font le voyage de l'Arabie. MEYER, (Georg Friedrich Wilhelm.) Chloris Traduit par J. B. Merian. 40. Utrecht, Hannoverana. 40. G6ttingen, 1836. 1774. Erste Anlage zur Flora Konigreichs ~ Commentaries on the Laws of Moses. Hannover. 2 v. 80. G6ttingen, 1822. Translated by Alexander Smith. 4 v. 80. Flora des K6nigreichs Hannover. 3 v. London, 1814. Folio. G6ttingen, 1842. MICHAUD, (Joseph Fran9ois.) Bibliotheque Flora Hannoverana Excursoria. 120. des Croisades. 4 v. 80. Paris, 1829. Gottingen, 1849. Histoire des Croisades. Prced6e d'un ~ Uber die Natur der Schachtelhalme. Vie de Michaud, par M. Poujoulat. 5 v. 80. 80%. Gottingen, 1837. Paris, 1841. MEYER, (H. L.) Coloured Illustrations of Bri- History of the Crusades. Translated tish Birds, and their Eggs. 7 v. 80. Lon- by W. Robson. 3 v. 160. London, 1852. don, 1842-50. and POUJOULAT, (Baptistin.) CorreMEYER, (Jonas Daniel.) Esprit, Origine et spondance d'Orient, 1830, 1831. 7 v. 80. Progrbs des Institutions Judiciares des prin- Paris, 1833-35. cipaux pays de l'Europe. 5 v. in 4. 80. Nouvelle Collection des Memoires pour Londres, 1819-22. servir a l'Histoire de France, depuis le 13e - The same. 5 v. 80. Paris, 1823. Siecle jusqu'a la fin du 18e. Pr6c6d6s de MEYRICK, (Samuel Rush.) Critical Inquiry notices. 32 v. 80. Paris, 1835-39. into Ancient Armour as it existed in Europe, CONTENTS. but particularly in England, from the Nor- Arnauld, Abbe Antoine, Choisnin, Jean, v. 11. v. 21. Choisy, Fran9ois Timoman Conquest to the reign of Charles II.; Arnauld, d'Andilly, Rob- leon de, v. 28. with a glossary of military terms of the mid- ert v. 1. Christine de Pisan, v. 1-2. Angoul6me, Charles de Coligny, Gaspard do, v.L8. dle ages. 3 v. Folio. London, 1825. Valois, Duc d', v. 11. Comines, Philippe de, v. 4. Bassonipierre, Frangois Conde, Louisde Bourbon, Engraved Illustrations of Antient Arms de, v. 18. Prince de, v. 5. and Armour, after the drawings, and with Bayard, le ChevalierPierre Conrart, Valentin, v. 26. Du Terrail, v. 4. Duclos, Charles Pinot, the descriptions of Dr. Meyrick; by Joseph Bellay, Guillaume, etMar- v. 32. tin Du, v. 5. Dubois, valet de Louis Skelton. 2 v. Folio. London, 1830. Beithou, Fra. ois, v. 22. I alet de Lois Berthod, Francois, v. 22. XIII, v. 11. MEZERAY, (Fran9ois Eudes de.) Abrege Berwick, Jacques Fitz Dugnay-Trouin, Rene, v. Chri ogirn..i ir'. dJames, Marechal, v. 30. 31. Chronologique de'Histoire de France. 6 v. Boivin, Frangois de, Baron Duguesclin, Bertrand, v. I. 160. Amsterdam. 1696. Du Villars, v. 10. Du Plessis Praslin, Cesar Boucicaut, Jean le Main- de, Duc de Choiseul The same. Nonuv. 6d. 4 v. 40. Am- gre de, v. 2. v. 29. st cla~^~ 1 7i~40 lBriBlenne, L. H.. A de Lo- Dn Puget, Antoine, v. 6. sterdam, 1740. menie, Comtc de. v. 24. Estr6es, Flra.noois AunniHistoire de France avant Clovis; l'ori- Campion, Ilclli (e, v. 25. bal d', v. 18. Castelnah, Aichel de, v. 9. Fonelon, F. de Salignac, gine des Fran ois, et leur establissement dans Cayoet,'ierre Victor I'al- de la Mothe, v. 8. les Ganles; l'estat de la religion, etc. 160 tea, v. 12. Fleranges, R. de La Caylus, M3. MI. de Valois Marck, de, v. 5, Amsterdam, 1692. de, v. 30. Florent d'Illiers, v. 3. MIAI,L, (Charlles S.) Tle prolpnosec Slave iEm- Catre,Claude de La, v. 8.'Fontela.-Mlareuil,F. DuChatre, Ednme, Comte~ de al de, v. 17. pire; its antecedents, constitution, and poii- la v. 25. Fontrailles, Louis d'AsChiverny, Philippe Hu- tarac de, v. 25. cy. 80. London, 1863. (Misc. Pamn., v. 17.) raulnt, Comnte de, v. 10. Forbin, Claude de, v. 31. 760 MICHAUD. MICIHELET. MICHAUD, (Joseph Francois.) Nouvelle Col- bres Forestiers de l'Amdrique Septentrionale. lection des Memoires-Continued. 80. Paris, 1805. (Agricultural Pam., v. 1.) Gamon, Achille, v. 8. Nemours,Marie d'Orleans North American Sylva; a description Gillot, Jacques, v. 11. de, v. 21. of the forest trees of the United States, CanGourville, Jean H6rault Noailles, Adrien Maurice de, v. 27. de, v. 32. ada and Nova Scotia; with a description of Gramimont, Antoine, DJuc None, Frangois de la, v. the most usefl of the Eropean Forest Trees. de, v. 29. Orleans, Gaston Jean Groulart, Claude, v. 11. Baptiste, Duec d', v. 21. Translated from the French, [by Augustus L. Guise, Fraunois de Lor- Philippi, Jean, v. 8. raine, DuZc de, v. 6. Pontchartrain, P. Phely- Hillhouse.] 3 v. 8~. Paris, 1819. Guise, Henri de Lorraine, peaux de, v. 17. The same. Withnotes, byJ. Jay Sith. Due de, v. 29. Pontis, Louis de, redig6s Henrietta d'Angleterre, par Thomas du Fosse, 3 v. 8~. Philadelphia, 1857., DC de York, v. 2T5. arabutin,Frainoisde,v.7. Travels to the Westward of the Alle James, Duc de York, v. 25. Rabutin, Franuois de, v. 7. Jean d'Arc, Puccllc d'Or- Relatirn de la Mort du gany Mountains, in Ohio, Kentucky, and leans, v. 3. Marechal d'Ance, v. 17. Jean de Troyes, v. 4. Retz, Jean Francois Paul Tennessee, and return through the upper Jeannin, Pierre, v. 16. de Gondi, Cardinal do, Carolinas. Translated by B. Lalbert. 8~. Joinville, Jean, Sic'sur de, v. 23. v. 1. Richelieu, Armand Jean London, 1805. Joly, Claude, v. 24. du Plessis, Cardinal de, Joly, Guy, v. 24. v. 19-21. The same. 80. London, 1805. (PhilJournal d'un Bourgeois de Richemlont, Arthus III., lips' Voyages and Travels v. 1.) Paris, v. 3. Comnte de, v. 3. Lafayette, M. M. Pioche Rochechouart, Guillaume MICHEL, (Adalbert Theodor.) Handbuch des Le si VerPne, v. 133. Rloha, Henri, Dc de, Allgemeinen Privatrechtes filr das KaiserL'Estoile, Pierre de, v. 13. Rohan, Henri, Dztc de, La Fare, Charles Auguste v. 17. thum Oesterreich. 2 v. in 1. 8.. Olmitz, de, v. 30. St. Auban, Jacques, Pape La Marche, Olivier de,v. 3. de, v. 11. 1853. La Porte, Pierre de,v.30. Sarrasins, Jean Pierre, MICHEL, (Claude Louis Samson.) Consid6rLa Rochefoucauld, Fran- v. 1. gois, Duc de, v. 27. Staal, M. J. C. de Launay ations Nouvelles sur le Droit en gdn6ral, et La Tour d'Auvergne, H. de, v. 32.roit de de, Dz~c de Bozillonb, Sully, 3~aximilien de Bedo, Disc d Bouillon, Sully, Maximilien de B- particulidrement sur le Droit de la Nature et v. 11. thune, Dice de, v. 14-15. des Gens. 160. Paris, 1813. La Tremouille, Louis de, Talon, Omer, v. 28. v. 4. Tavannes, Gaspard et MIICHEL, (Francisque Xavier.) Le Pays Lenet, Pierre, v. 24. Guillaume de Saulx, Basque, sa population, sa langue, ses moeurs, Louise de Savoie, lesgezte v. 8. d France, v. 5. Temple, Sir William, v.30. salitterature, etsa musique. 8~. Paris, 1857. M'laguerite de Valois, Thou, Jacques Auguste RecheF ches sur le Colmmerce la FabRcine de Franice, v. 10. de, v. 11. Mariliac, Michel e, v. 11. Torcy, Jean Baptiste Col- rication et l'usage des Etoffes d Soie, d'Or Memoires de MI. de o * * bert de, v. 30. v. 29. Turenne, H. de La Tour et d'Argent, et autres tissus pr6cieux en ocMelgey, Jeat de, v. 9. d'Auvergne de, v. 25. cident,.principalement en France, pendant le Merle, Mathieu de, v. 11. Ursins, Jean Jnvenal des, tillot, Claude Frangois v. 2., moyen age. 2 v. 40. Paris, 1852-54. Xavier, v. 32. Valenciennes, Henri de, MICHEL ANTGLO. See BUONAltRn rI. Montluc, Blaise de, v. 7. v. 1. MIontglat, F. de P. de Vieilleville, F. do See- MICI-IELET, (Jules.) Femmes de la RevoluClermont de, v. 27. peaux de, v. 9. Montpensier, Anne Marie Villars, Louis Hector de, tion. 120. Paris, 1854. Louise d'Orleans, lsille. v. 31. Histoire de France. V. 1-15. 8~. de, v. 26. Ville-tlardouin, Geoffroy Montresor, Claude de de, v. 1. Paris, 1852-64. BoLrdeille, Corite de, Villeneuve, Guillaumesde, L'Insecte. 3e ed. Paris, 1859. v. 25. v. 4. Motteville, Franoise Ber- Villeroy, N. de Neufville,La Mer. 2e 6d. 120. Paris, 1861. tour de. v. 22. de, v. II. tour dL'Oiseau. 2e ed. 180. Paris, 1856. MICHAUD, (Louis Gabriel.) Vie Publique et Origines du Droit FranCais, cherchees Prive e de apoleon Bonaparte. 80. Paris dans les symboles et formules du droit uni1844.. versel. 80. Paris, 1837. MICHAUX, (Andr6.) Flora Borealis-Americana, Du Pretre, de la Femme, de la Famille. sistens caracteres plantarum quas in America 80. Paris, 1845. Septentrionali collegit et detexit. 2 v. 80. - Historical View of the French RevoluParisiis, 1803. tion, to the flight of the king, in 1791. ~- Quercus; or, Oaks. From the French Translated by C. Cocks. 120. London, Histoire des Chenes de l'AnLerique Septen- 1860. trionale; with notes and an appendix, by -- IHistory of France. Translated by Walter Wade. 80. Dublin, 1809. Walter K. Kelly. 2 v. 8~. London, 1844-46, MICIIAUX, (Fran9ois Andr6.) Histoire des History of the IRoman Republic. Arbres Forestiers de l'Am6rique Septentri- Translated by William Hazlitt. 120. Lononaie. 3 v. 8. Paris, 1810. don, 1847. Memoire sur la Ntlaturalisation des ar- --- Life of Luther. See LUTIER. 761 MICHELET MICROCOSM. MICHELET,(Jules.) Love. "L'Amour." From extra sessions 1861, (2 copies;) extra session the 4th Paris ed., by J. W. Palmer. 120. 1862, (2 copies;) 1863, (2 copies.) 32 v. 80. New-York, 1859. Detroit and Lansing, 1838-63. The People. From the French, by C. Compiled Laws. Arranged by Thomas Cocks. 12~. London, 1846. M. Cooley. 2 v. 80. Lansing, 1857. (3 ----- The same. Translated by G. H. Smith. copies.) 120. New-York, 1846. Laws; with marginal notes. With acts ----- Priests, Women, and Families. Trans- of Congress relating to this territory. 8~. lated from the French, by C. Cocks. 2d ed. Detroit, 1820. 120. London, 1846.- Revised Statutes passed at the adjourned The same. Spiritual Direction and session of 1837, and the regular session of Auricular Confession; their history, theory, 1838. Published under the supervision of and consequences. 120. Philadelphia, E. B. Harrington and E. Roberts. 80. De1845. troit, 1838. The Sea. 120. New-York, 1861. Revised Statutes, passed and approved, - Woman. (La Femme.) From the last May 18, 1846. Published under the superParis ed., by J. W. Palmer. 120. New- intendence of Sanford M. Green. 80. DeYork, 1860. troit, 1846. (2 copies.) MICHELL, (R.) Sermons on the Nature and Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court. Value of Christian Evidences. 80. Oxford, V. 1, by R. Manning, 1847 to 1850. 80. 1849. (Bampton Lectures for 1849.) Pontiac, 1852. (2 copies.) MICHELL, (W.) On Difficult Cases of Partu- The same. V. 2 to 4, by George C. rition, and the use of Ergot of Rye. 80. Gibbs, 1851 to 1857. 80. Detroit, 1854-57. London, 1828. (2 copies.) MICHELSEN, (Edward H.) England since the - The same. V. 5-10, by Thomas M. Accession of Queen Victoria; parliamentary Cooley, 1858-62. 80. Detroit and Ann proceedings and the development of the Arbor, 1858-63. (3 copies of v. 5 and 10, 2 resources and social condition of the country. copies of v. 9, and 4 copies of v. 6, 7, and 8.) 120. Edinburgh, 1854. Documents of the House of RepresentLife of Nicholas I, Emperor of all the atives, for 1838. 80. Detroit, 1838. Russias. With an account of the death of Documents of the Senate, 1838 to 1841. the Emperor Paul and of the Emperor Alex- 4 v. 80. Detroit, 1838-41. ander. 160. London, 1854. Geological Survey —st, 2d, 3d, and 4th ----- Manual of Quotations from the ancient, Annual Reports, by Douglass Houghton, modern, and oriental languages. 120. Lon- 1838-41. (Michigan Documents. 4 v. don, 1856. 1838-41.) -_ — Merchant's Polyglot Manual, in nine MICHIGAN and Ouisconsin Territories. By languages, chiefly extracted from the tariffs John Farmer. New-York, 1830. of all nations. 80. London, 1860. MICIHOACAN. Decretos del Congreso Constit_- Ottoman Empire and its Resources; uyente del Estado de Michoacan, desde 6 de with statistical tables. 2d ed. London, Abril de 1824, hasta 21 de Julio de 1825, en 1854. que ces6, los decretos del congreso constitu___- Popes and Jesuits of the Present Cen- cional, 1827-33. 4 v. in 1. 80. Mexico, tury. 120. London, 1860. y Morelia, 1828-35. MICHIELS, (Alfred Joseph Xavier.) Histoire MICKLE, (Isaac.) Reminiscences of Old Gloude la Peinture Flamande et Hollandaise. cester; or, incidents in the history of the 4 v. 80. Paris, 1847. Counties of Gloucester, Atlantic, and CamSecret History of the Austrian Govern- den, New Jersey. 80. Philadelphia, 1845. ment, and of its Systematic Persecutions of (Misc. Pam., v. 20.) Protestants. 120. London, 1859. MICKLE, (William Julius.) Poems. 80. LonMICHIGAN. Acts of the Legislature of the don, 1810. (Chalmers' Eng. Poets, v. 17.) State, adjourned session of 1837 and regular ~ The same. 160. Chiswick, 1822 session of 1838, (3 copies;) 1839; 1840; 1841, (British Poets, v. 66.) (3 copies;) 1842 and 1843, (2 copies;) 1844; MIcRocosM; a periodical work, by John Smith, 1845, (2 copies;) 1846 to 1851; 1857; extra George Canning, Robert Smith, and John session 1858, (2 copies;) 1859; regular and Frere h ed. 4 d 2 v. 160. Windsor, 1809. 96 762 MICROSCOPICAL. MIDDLETON. MICROSCOPICAL Science, Quarterly Journal of. Remarks on the Jesuit Cabal, v. 1. Reflections on the Dispute between the Apostles Edited by Edwin Lankester and George Peter and Paul, v. 2. Busk. First series. V. 1-5, and 8. 1853-60. Reflections on the Variations found in the Four Evangelists, v. 2. New series. V. 1-3. 80. London, 1853-63. Remarks on the Proposals published by Richard IDDIMAN, (Samuel.) Select Views i" n 4Great Bentley, (for a New Edition of Greek and Latin MIDDIMAN, (Samuel.) Select Views in Great Testament)v 2 Britain; with descriptions. 40. London, Remarks on the Story of St. John and Cerinthus, v. 2. 1830. Roman Senate, Treatise on, v. 3. MIDDLEHAM. Documents relating to the Trinity College, Account of the Present State of, under the oppressive government of Richard Foundation and Antiquities of the Collegiate Bentley, v. 3. Church of Middleham, in the County of Examination of the Lord Bishop of York. Edited by W. Atthill. Small 40. Lon- London's [Thomas Sherlock] Discourses don, 1847. (Camden Society Pub., No. 38.) concerning the use and intent of Prophecy; MIDDLESEX County (Mass.) Lyceum. Lec- with animadversions on his late dissertation. tures on Taxation, by A. P. Peabody. Ad- 80. London, 1750. dress to Workingmen, by R. Rcantoul, jr.; Free Inquiry into the Miraculous Powon Trial by Jury, by H. Moore; on Treat- era which are supposed to have subsisted in ment of Infants, by a Lady. 80. Charles- the Christian Church, from the earliest ages town, (Ms.,) 1833. (Pol. Pam., v. 113.) through several successive centuries. 4~. Mechanics' Association; catalogue, London, 1749. with the charter, by-laws, rules of the library Letter from Rome, showing the Conand reading-room, historical sketch of the formity between Popery and Paganism. 80. association, &c. 80. Lowell, 1860. Londou, 1741. (With Examination of SHERThe same. Reports of the First and LOCG.) Second Exhibitions, held in Lowell, Sept., -- Life of Marcus Tullius Cicero. 2 v. 1851, and Sept., 1857. 80. Lowell, 1852-57. 40. London, 1741. MIDDLESEX (England) Election. Case of the The same. New edition. 3 v. 80. late Election considered on the Principles of London, 1810. the Constitution and the Authorities of Law. The same. New edition, revised. 80. 40. London, 1769. (Pol. Pam., v. 125.) London, 1837. MIDDLETON, (Charles S.) Shelley and his MIDDLETON, (Erasmus.) Evangelical BiogWritings. 2 v. 120. London, 1858. raphy. 4 v. 80. London, 1816. MIDDLETON, (Christopher.) Reply to the Re- MIDDLETON, (Sir Henry.) Voyage to Banmarks of Arthur Dobbs, Esq., on Captain tam and the Maluco Islands, 1604. 80. Middleton's Conduct, when sent in search of London, 1855. (Hakluyt Society, v. 19.) a North-West Passage, by Hudson's Bay. MIDDLETON, (H. W.) Truth Unmasked and 80. London, 1744. Error Exposed in theology and metaphysics, MIDDLETON,(Conyers.) MiscellaneousWorks. moral government, and moral agency. 120. 4 v. 40. London, 1752. Philadelphia, 1858. CONTENTS. MIDDLETON, (Thomas.) Works, now first Bentley, Dr. Account of Proceedings against, v. 3. collected, with notes, by Alexander Dyce. Bibliothecae Cantabrigiensis Ordinanda ethodus. 5 v. 12. London, 1840. v. 3. v. 120. Dissertatio de Latinarum Literarum Pronuncia- C TET CONTENTS. tione, v. 2. Dissertatio de Medicorum apud Veteres Romanos Account of Mlddilton and his Works, by A. Dyce, degentium Conditione, v. 4. v. 1. Epistles-between Cicero and Brutus, v. 4. Anything for a Quiet Life, v. 4. Essay on the Allegorical and Literal Interpretation Black Book, v. 5. of the Creation and Fall of Ian, v. 2. Blurt, Master Constable, v. 1. Essay on the Gift of Tongues, v. 2. Changeling, The, v. 4. Examination of [Thomas Sherlock] the Bishop of Chaste Maid in Cheapside, v. 4. London's Discourses on Prophecy, v. 3. Civitatis Amor, v. 5. Free Inquiry into the Miraculous Powers in the Fair Quarell, v. 3. Christian Church, and vindication of the sfme,v. 1. Family of Love, v. 2. Germana quaedam Antiquitatis eruditae Monumenta, Father I-ubhard's Tales, v. 5. quibus Romanorum Veterum Ritus varii tam sacri Game at Chess, v. 4. quam profani illustrantur, v. 4. Honest Whore, v. 3. Letter from Rome, showing an exact conformity Inner-Temple Masque, v. 5. between Popery and Paganisn, v. 3. Mad World, my Masters, v. 2. Letter to Dr. Waterland, containing remarks on Mayor of Queenborough, v. 1. his vindication of Scripture, and defence of the Michaelmas Term, v. 1. same, v. 2. Micro-Cynicon, v. 5. Oratio de novo Physiologie Explicandae Munere,v. 1. More Dissemblers besides Women, v. 3. Printing in England, Origin of, v. 3. No Wit, no Help like a Woman's, v. 5. Remarks on Observations on the Author's Discourse Old Law, v. 1. on mi aculous powers in the Church, v. 1. Part of Entertainment to King James, v. 5 763 MIDDLETON. MILFORD. MIDDLETON, (Thomas.) Works, &o.-Con- MIGNET, (Francois Auguste Alexis.) History tinned. of Mary Queen of Scots. 2 v. 8~. LonPhoenix, The, v. 1. don, 1851. Roaring Girl, v. 2. 3MILBURN, (Matthew M.) Cow; Dairy HusSpanish Gipsy, v. 4. Sun in Aries, v. 5. bandry, and Cattle Breeding. 16~. LonTrick to Catch the Old One, v. 2. don (n d.) Triumphs of Health and Prosperity, v. 5. Triumphs of Integrity, v. 5. MILBURN, (William.) Oriental Commerce; a Triumphs of Love and Antiquity, v. 5... Triumphs of Truth, v. 5. description of the principal places in the Widow, The, v. 3. Widowmo, The, v. 3. 5 East Indies, China, and Japan, with their Wisdom of Solomon Paraphrased, v. 5. Watch, The, v. 3. produce, manufactures, trade, &c. 2 v. Women, beware Women, v. 4. 40. London, 1813. World lost at Tennis, v. 5. Your fine Gallants, v. 2. The same; or, the East India trader's MIDOSI, (Luiz Francisco.) New Grammar of complete guide. With additions, by Thomas the Portuguese Language. 2d edition. 80. Thornton. 80. London, 1825. London, 1840. MIIBURN, (William Henry.) The Pioneers, MIEGE, (Guy.) Relation de Trois Ambas- Preachers, and People of the Mississippi sades de M. le Comte de Carlisle, de la part Valley. 120. New York, 1860. de Charles II., vers Alexey Michailovitz, Sermon on the Progress and Demands Czar de Moscovie, Charles, Roy de Suede, of Christianity. 12~. New-York, 1859. et Frederic III., Roy de Dannemarc et de MILES, (E. and L.) Epitome, historical and Norvege, 1663-64. 240. Rouen, 1670. statistical, descriptive of the Royal Naval Ancient Sea Laws. See MALYNES. Service of England. 8~. London, 1844. MIELZINER, (M.) Slavery among the Ancient MILES, (George D.) Memoir of Ellen May Hebrews. 8~. New York, 1861. Woodward. 2d ed. 160. Philadelphia, MIER, (Manuel de.) Cartas de un Americano 1852. al "Espainol," sobre su Numero xix. 2 v. MILES, (Henry A.) Lowell, as it was, and as in 1. 80. Londres, 1811-12. it is. 180. Lowell, 1845. MIEROSLAWSKI, (Louis.) Histoire de la R6- MILES, (John.) Reports of Cases in the Disvolution de Pologne. 3 v. 80. Paris, 1838. trict Court for the City and County of PhilaMIERS, (John.) Travels in Chile and La delphia, 1836 to 1841. 2 v. 80. PhiladelPlata. 2 v. 80. London, 1826. phia, 1836-42. MIFFLIN, (Warner.) Serious Expostulation MILES, (Pliny.) Postal Reform; -its urgent with the members of the House of Repre- necessity and practicability. 80. Newsentatives of the United States. 180. Phila-. York, 1855. delphia, 1793. (Slavery Pam., v. 17.) Wanderings in Iceland in 1852. 120. MIGNAN, (Robert.) Winter Journey through New-York, 1854. Russia, the Caucasian Alps, and Georgia; MILES, (William.) General Remarks on thence across Mount Zagros into Koordistaun. Stables and examples of stable fittings, with 2 v. 120. London, 1839. illustrations. 40. London, 1860. MIGNET, (Francois Auguste Alexis.) Charles - The Horse's Foot, and how to keep it Quint, son Abdication, son Sejour, et sa sound. 6th ed. With appendix on shoeing, Mort au MonastBre de Yuste. 8~. Paris, &c. 40. London, 1847. 1854. -- Plain Treatise on Horse-Shoeing, with Histoire de la Revolution Frangaise, illustrations. 120. London, 1855. depuis 1788 jusqu'en 1814. 5e 6d. 2 v. 80. MILES, (W. A.) Poverty, Mendicity, and Paris, 1833. Crime. Edited by H. Brandon. 80. LonNegociations relatives A la Succession don, 1839. d'Espagne sous Louis XIV.; ou concernant MILEY, (John.) History of the Papal States, les pretentious de la maison de Bourbon au from their origin to the present day. 3 v. trdne d'Espagne. Accompagnes d'un texte 80. London, 1850. historique. 4 v. 4~. Paris, 1835-42. - Rome as it was under Paganism, and Antonio Perez and Philip II. Trans- as it became under the Popes. 2 v. 80. lated by C. Cocks. 120. London, 1846. London, 1843. History of the French Revolution, from MILFORD, (John.) Norway and her Lap1789 to 1814. From the London ed. 80. landers, in 1841; with hints to the salmon New-York, 1827. fisher. 80. London, 1842. 764 MILFORD MILLAR. MILFORD, (John.) Observations during a Thomas Howe, on the charges of Maj. MesTour through the Pyrenees, the south of senger. 8~. Boston, 1810. France, Switzerland, Italy, and the Nether- MILIZIA, (Francesco.) Lives of Celebrated lands, in 1814-15. 2 v. 8~. London, 1818. Architects, ancient and modern; with obserPeninsular Sketches, during a recent vations on the &at. Translated by Mrs. E. tour. 8~. London, 1816. Cresy, with notes and additional lives. 2 v. MILFORD BARD. See LOFLAND, (John.) 80. London, 1826. MILITAIR-LITERATUR-ZEITUNG; ftir das Jahr MILL, (James.) Analysis of the Phenomena of 1852. 4~. Berlin, 1852. the Human Mind. 2 v. 80. London, 1829. MILITARY Discipline. Memoir on the Progress - Elements of Political Economy. 3d ed. of, and Means of establishing Uniformity in 8~. London, 1826. the United States. 80. (n. d.) (Pol. Pam., Essays on Government, Jurisprudence, v. 109.) Liberty of the Press, Prisons and Prison DisThe same. (Pol. Pam., v. 112.) cipline, Colonies, Law of Nations, and EduMILITARY Law. Act for Establishing Rules cation. 80. London, 1828. and Articles for the Government of the Ar- History of British India. 4th ed., with mies of the United States. 12~. Washing- notes and continuation by Horace H. Wilson. ton, 1806. 9 v. 80. London, 1848. MILITARY Laws, and Rules and Regulations MILL, (John.) Reports of Judicial Decisions for the Armies of the United States. 120 in the Constitutional Court of South Carolina, Washington, 1813. 1817 and 1818. 2 v. 80. Charleston, 1819. MILITARY Memoirs of Four Brothers, engaged -- The same. 2d ed. 2 v. in 1. 80. in the service of their country, as well in the Charleston, 1837. New World and Africa, as on the Continent MILL, (John Stuart.) Considerations on Repof Europe. By the survivor. 80. London, resentative Government. 80. London, 1861. 1629. i ~ Contest in America. 120. Boston, MILITARY Operations in North America, from 1862. 1753 to the Surrender of Oswego, 1756. Re- Dissertations and Discussions; politiview of. 80. Boston, 1801. (Mass. Iist. cal, philosophical, and historical. 2 v. 80. Coll., v. 7, first series.) London, 1859. MILITARY Power of the United States. Me- - Essays on some Unsettled Questions or moir on the means of organizing the gen- Political Economy. 8~. London, 1844. eral Staff. 80. (n. p.) 1812. (Pol. Pam., OnLiberty. 12C. London, 1859. v. 110.) Principles of Political Economy; with MILITARY Review, The. A magazine and some of their applications to social philosojournal of the military and naval sciences. phy. 2 v. 8C. Boston, 1848. V. 2. 80. London, 1852. System of Logic, ratiocinative and inMILITARY View of the United States, and Re- ductive; being a connected view of the ference to the Conduct and Opinions of Gen. principles of evidence, and the methods of Washington. 80. London, 1813. (Pol. Pam., scientific investigation. 3d ed. 2 v. 80. v. 59.) London, 1851. MILITIA, Brief Observations on the. By an Thoughts on Parliamentary Reform. Officer of the Brigade of New York. 80. 2d ed. 80. London, 1859. New York, 1804. (Pol. Pam., v. 103.) Utilitarianism. 80. London, 1863. Plan for Establishing and Disciplin- MILL, (Nicholas.) History of Mexico, from ing a National Militia in Great Britain, Ire- the Spanish Conquest. 80. London, 1824. land, and in all the British Dominions of MILLAR, (F. C. J.;) and COLLIER, (J. R.) America. 120. London, 1745. Treatise of Bills of Sale; with the registraMILITIA Reformer; or, an easy scheme of fur tion, 17 and 18 Vict., c. 36; and precedents. nishing England with a constant land-force. 120. London, 1858. 120. London, 1698. (Pol. Pam., v. 22.) MILLAR, (John.) Elements of the Law reMILITIA Reporter. Containing the Trials of lating to Insurances. 80. Edinburgh, 1787. Capt. Jos. Loring, jun., on the charges of Historical View of the English GovGen. Winslow; Capt Jos. Loring, jun., on eminent, from the settlement of the Saxons the charges of Maj. Davis; Capt. Amos Bin- in Britain, to the revolution in 1688. 4th ed. ney, on the charges of Maj. Osgood; Capt. 4 v. 80. London, 1818. 765 MILLAR. MILLER. MILLAR, (John.) Origin of the Distinction of MILLER, (Hugh.) Old Red Sandstone; or, Ranks; with an account of his life and new walks in an old field. 5th ed. 16~. writings, by John Craig. 80. Edinburgh, Edinburgh, 1852. 1806. ~ Scenes and Legends of the North of MILLE ET UN JOURS; conti4brientaux, traduits Scotland. 12~. Cincinnati, 1852. du Tare, du Persan et de lArabe, par MM. The same. 3d ed. 123. Edinburgh, P6tis-de-la-Croix, Galland, Cardonne, Chawis 1853. et cazette, &c., avec une notice par M. Collin - Sketch-Book of Popular Geology; lecde Plancy. 5 v. 120. Paris, 1828. tures before the Philosophical Institution of MILLEN, (John M.) Digest of the Decisions Edinburgh. With the progress of geological of the Supreme Court of Georgia, v. 10 to 20, science within the last two years, by Mrs. inclusive; with notes referring to parallel, Miller. 12~. Edinburgh, 1859. affirmatory, and overruled cases. 8~. Savan- ~ Testimony of the Rocks; or, geology in nab, 1859. (2 copies.) its bearings on the two theologies, natural MILLENNIUM, Inauguration of the. Report of and revealed. 120. London, 1857. two Public Meetings; with introduction, by MILLER, (James, F. R. S.) Practice of SurR. Owen. 80. London, 1855. gery. 4th Am. ed., by F. W. Sargent. 80. MILLENNIUM in Practice. Report of the ad- Philadelphia, 1857. journed meeting of the world's convention. - Principles of Surgery. 3d Am. ed. 80. London, 1855. With additions, by F. W. Sargent. 80. MILLER, (.) Military Sketch of the Philadelphia, 1852. Present War in America; with a map. 80. MILLER, (James; Publisher.) New York as it London, 1862. is; or, strangers' guide-book to New York, MILLER, (Adam.) Experience of German Brooklyn, and adjacent places. 180. New Methodist Preachers. 120. Cincinnati, 1859. York, 1863. MILLER, (Ebenezer.) Voice of Christ to the MILLER, (James, Botanist.) Illustration of the Churches; lectures on the second and third Sexual System of Linneus. 2 v. 80. Lonchapters of the Book of Revelation. 80. don, 1779. London, 1842. MILLER, (Joe., Pseud.). Jests; or, the wit's MILLER, (George.) History, philosophically vade-mecum. 80. London, 1862. illustrated, from the Fall of the Roman Em — Complete Jest Book. 240. London, pire, to the French Revolution. 4 v. 80. 1854. London, 1832. MILLER, (John, of Lincoln's Inn.) AdminisMILLER, (Henry.) Principles and Practice of tration of Justice in the British Colonies in Obstetrics, including the treatment of chronic the East Indies. 80. London, 1828. (E. inflammation of the Uterus, considered as a India Pam., v. 1.) frequent cause of abortion. 80. Philadel- ~ Inquiry into the present state of the phia, 1858. Civil Law of England. 80. London, 1825. Theoretical and Practical Treatise on MILLER, (General John.) Memoirs of General Human Parturition. 80. Louisville, 1849. William Miller, in the Service of the RepubMILLER, (Hugh.) Cruise of the Betsey; a lie of Peru. 2 v. 80. London, 1828. ramble among the fossiliferous deposits of MILLER, (Rev. John, Fellow of Worcester Colthe Iebrides. With rambles of a geologist lege.) Sermons on the Authority of the Holy over the fossiliferous deposits of Scotland. Scriptures. 8~. Oxford, 1817. (Bampton 120. Edinburgh, 1858. Lectures for 1817.) Essays; historical, biographical, politi- Safe Path for Humble Churchmen; in cal, social, literary, and scientific. 120. Lon- sermons on the church catechism. 80. London, 1862. don, 1850. First Impressions of England and its MILLER, (Rev. John, Chaplain to the Forces in People. 3d ed. 120. Edinburgh, 1853. N. Y.) Description of the Province and Foot-Prints of the Creator; or, the City of New York; with plans of the city Asterolepis of Stromness. 3d ed. 180. and several forts, as they existed in 1695. London, 1850. Ed. by J. G. Shea. 80. New-York, 1862. My Schools and Schoolmasters; or, the MILLER, (John C.) Bible Inspiration Vindistory of my education. 120. Edinburgh, cated; an essay on "Essay and Reviews." 1859. 80. Oxford and London, 1861. 766 MILLER MILLINGEN. MILLER, (Joseph Angustus.) Memoir of the MILLER, (Stephen F.) Bench and Bar of Rev. Thomas S. M'Kean, Missionary at Georgia; Memoirs and Sketches. With a Tahiti. With an introduction, by A. Tidman. Court Roll from 1790 to 1857. 2 v. 8c. 160. London, 1847. Philadelphia, 1858. MTILLER, (J. R.) History of Great Britain, - Memoir of Gen. David Blackshear. from the death of George II. to the coronation With a Muster Roll of Troops under his comof George IV. Designed as a continuation mand. 8~. Philadelphia, 1858. of Hume and Smollett. 80. London, 1825. MILLER, (Thomas.) History of the AngloMILLER, (Linus W.) Notes of an Exile to Saxons, from the earliest period to the NorVan Dieman's Land. 80. Fredonia, (N.Y.) man Conquest. 2d ed. 120. London, 1850. 1846. - Poetical Language of Flowers. 160. MILLEIR, (Philip.) Figures of the most Bean- London, 1847. tiful, Useful, and Uncommon Plants De- MILLER, (William, of London.) Biographical scribed in the Gardener's Dictionary. 2 v. Sketches of British Characters recently de' Folio. London, 1771. ceased; commencing with the accession of Gardener's and Botanist's Dictionary; George IV. 2 v. 40. London, 1826. containing the best and newest methods of MILLER, (William; Adventist.) Evidence, cultivating and improving the garden and from Scripture andl History, of the Second nursery; of performing the practical parts of Coming of Christ, about the year 1843. 16~. agriculture; of managing vineyards, and of Boston, 1842. propagating timber trees. Newly arranged, MILLER, (William Allen.) Elements of Chemby Thomas Martyn. 2 v. in 4. Folio. Lon- istry, theoretical and practical. Part 1st, don, 1807. Chemical Physics; part 2d, Inorganic ChemGardener's Kalendar. 12th ed. 80. istry. 2 v. 80. London, 1855-56. Londdi, 1760. MILLER, (WH.) Elements of Hydrostatics MILLER, (Rutger B.) Letter and Evidence in and Hydrodynamics. 3d ed. 80. Camrelation to the Trinity Church Property, in bridge, 1843. the City of New York. 80. Albany, 1855. MILLER. See MILLAR. MILLER, (Samuel; Barrister.) Laws relating MILLHOUSE, (John.) Nuovo Dizzionario Ingto the Land Tax; its Assessment, Collection, lese-Italiano ed Italiano-Inglese, colla proRedemption, and Sale; with a statement of nuncia segnata a norma della grammatica the rights and remedies of persons unequally analitica. 2 v. 120. Milano, 1849-53. assessed; and all the statutes in force. 80. MILLIET DE SAINT-ADOLPHE, (J. C. R.) DicLondon, 1849. cionario Geographico, Historico e Descrip-. — Orders of the High Court of Chancery, tivo, do Imperio do Brazil. Trasladada em 1828 to 1842. 120. London, 1842. Portuguez por C. Lopez de Moura; publicada MILLER, (Samuel, D. D.) Brief Retrospect of por J. P. Aillaud. 2 v. 80. Pariz, 1845. the 18th Century; a sketch of the revolutions MILLIGAN, (Sophia.) Original Poems: with and improvements in science, arts. and lite- translations from Scandinavian and other ratureduringthatperiod. Part1. 2v. 80. poets. 160. London, 1856. New-York, 1803. MILLIN, (Aubin Louis.) Travels through the Guilt, Folly, and Sources of Suicide; Southern Departments of France, 1804-1805. two discourses. 8~. New York, 1805. (Theo. 80. London, 1808. (Phillips's Voyages and Pam., v. 6.) Travels, v. 8.) ~- Letters from a Father to his Sons in MILLINGEN, (John Gideon.) Aphorisms on the College. 120. Philadelphia, 1852. Treatment and Mangement of the Insane; -- Letters on Clerical Manners and Habits, with considerations on public and private &c. New ed. 120. Philadelphia, 1852. lunatic asylums. 180. London, 1840. Life of Jonathan Edwards. 160. Bos- ~ Curiosities of Medical Experience. 2 v. ton, 1837. (Sparks' Am. Biog., v. 8, first 80. London, 1837. series.) - History of Duelling; including narra--- Memoirs of the Rev. John Rodgers. tives of the most remarkable personal en80. New-York, 1813. counters. 2 v. 8~. London, 1841. Sermon before the New York Missionary The Passions; or, Mind and Matter: Society. 80. New York, 1802. (Theol. illustrated by considerations on hereditary Pam., v. 5.) insanity. 80. London, 1848. MILLINGEN. MILMAN. MILIINGEN, (John Gideon.) Recollections of MILLS, (Charles.) History of Chivalry; or, Republican France, from 1790 to 1801. 80. Knighthood and its times. 80. PhiladelLondon, 1848. phia: 1844. MILLINGEN, (Julius.) Memoirs of the Affairs History of the Crusades for the Recovof Greece; military and political events in ery and possession of the Holy Land. 2 v. 1823 and following years; with anecdotes of 8~. London, 1820. Lord Byron, and account of his last illness ~ HIistoryof Muhammedanism. 80. Lonand death. 80. London, 1831. don, 1817. MILLINGTON, (Ellen J.) Heraldry in History, - Travels of Theodore Ducas, in various Poetry, and Romance. 120. London, 1858. countries in Europe, at the revival of letters MILLINGTON, (John.) Epitome of the Princi- and art. 2 v. 80. London, 1822. pies of Mechanical Philosophy, and account MILLS, (George.) Treatise on an improved of the steam engine. 2d ed. 80. London, mode of Cultivating the Cucumber and 1830. Melon; with directions for growing and MILLION of Comic Anecdotes; or, flowers of forcing asparagus and sea-kale. 2ded. 160. wit and fancy, collected by Dr. Merrylian. London, 1849. 240. Paris, 1853. MILLS, (John.) Essay on the Weather. 80. MILL1ROUX, (J. F.) Apergus sur les Institu- London, 1770. (Misc. Pain., v. 3.) tions et les Moeurs des Americains. 80. MILLS, (Lucius.) Compendium of Hygiene. Paris, 1862. (Pol. Pam., v. 93.) 12~. Winsted, (Conn.,) 1855. MILLOT, (Claude Francois Xavier.) Slemens MILLS, (Richard Horner.) Principles of Curd'Histoire Generale. Nouv. 6d. 4 v. 120. rency and Banking. 2d ed. 80. LonParis, 1778. don, 1857. l16mens de l'Histoire de France; con- MILLS, (Robert.) Guide to the Capitol, and to tinues jusqu'a 1823, par M. Buret de Long- the National Executive offices of tile United champs. 12e ed. 5 v. 160. Paris, 1823. States. 80. Washington, 1854. Memoires pour servir a l'Histoire de Statistics of South Carolina, including Louis XIV. et de Louis XV. composes sur a view of its natural, civil, and military les pieces originales, recueillies par Adrien history. 80. Charleston, 1826. Maurice, Due de Noailles. 80. Paris, 1839. MILMAN, (Henry Hart.) History of Chris(Michaud, Coll. Meal. Hist., v. 32.) tianity, from the birth of Christ to the aboliThe same. 4 v. 80. Paris, 1828-29. tion of paganism in the Roman Empire. 3 v. (Petitot, Coil. Mem. Hist. France, s6r. 2, v. 80. London, 1840. 71-74.) History of Latin Christianity; inElements of General History, Ancient eluding that of the Popes to the pontifiand Modern; with the continuation from cate of Nicholas V. 6 v. 80. London, 1760 to 1815, by Prof. Millon. New ed. 1854-55. 6 v. 80. Edinburgh, 1823. History of the Jews. 2d ed. 3 v. The same. 2d Am. ed. 5 v. 80. 180. London, 1830. (Murray's Fam. Lib'y, Salem, (Ms.,) 1796. v. 19-21.) MILLs, (Abraham.) Literature and the Lite- The same. 3 v. 180. New-York, rary Men of Great Britain and Ireland. 2 v. 1841. (Harpers' Fam. Library, v. 1-3.) 80. New-York, 1851. Life of Thomas a Becket. 240. New-- Poets and the Poetry of the Ancient York, 1860. Greeks; with a view of Grecian philosophers, Life of Edward Gibbon; with selecorators, and historians. 80. Boston, 1854. tions from his correspondence, and illustraMILLS, (Arthur.) Colonial Constitutions; his- tions. 80. London, 1839. tory and existing government of the British - Poetical Works. 3 v. 160. London, dependencies; with schedules of the orders 1839-40. in council, statutes, and parliamentary doc- CONTENTS. uments relating to each dependency. 80. Anne Boleyn; dramatic poem, v. 3. London, 1856. (2 copies.) Belshazzar, v. 1. Extracts from the mIahabharata, v. 3. India in 1858; a summary of the exist- Fall of Jerusalem, v. l. Fazio; a tragedy, v. 3. ing administration of British India, with the Martyr of Antioch, v. i. laws and public documents relating thereto. MBicellaneous Poems, v. 2-3. Nala and Damayanti, v. 3. 80. London, 1858. Samor, Lord of the Bright City, v. 2. 768 MILMAN] 6 MILTON. MILMAN, (Henry Hart.) Sermons on the Todd, Will, Editions, Paradise Lost. Addison's C rt and Conduc o fth AposCriticisms and Concord- Criticism on, v, 2. Character and Conduct of the Apostles. 80. ance, v. 1 Paradise Lost. Inquiry London, 1827. (Bampton Lectures for 1827.) Lycidas: a monody, v. 6. into the Origin of, v. 2. Miscellanies, v. 7. Paradise Regained, v. 5. MILMAN, (R.) Life of Torquato Tasso. 2 v. Odes, v. 7. Samson Agooistes, v. 5. 120. London, 1850. Paradise Lost. Vol. 2, Silvarum Liber, v. 7. 12. Lon don, 1850. Books I-II. Vol. 3, Sonnets, v. 6. MILNE, (A. D.) Uncle Sam's Farm Fence. Books III-AIII. Vol. Translations, v. 7. ionR~~~~~~ ^T v i -.4, Books IX-XII. 120. New York, 1854. MILNE, (David.) Essay on Comets. 40The same. 3v. 160. London, 1790. Edinbulrgh, 1828. (Johnson's Eng. Poets, v. 10-12.) ~ On the Mid-Lothian and East-Lothian On the Mid-Lothian and East-Lothian - The same. With a life of the author, Coal-Fields. 40. (Edinburgh Royal Society by William Hayley. 3v. Folio. London, Transactions, v. 14, pp. 253-358.) 179-97. MILNE, (Joshua.) Treatise on the Valuation The same. 80. London, 1810. (Chalof Annuities and Assurances on Lives and mers' Eng. Poets, v. 7.) Survivorships, tables of mortality, and the The same. 3v. 160. Chiswic 1822. probabilities of life. 2 v. 80. London (British Poets, v. 16-18.) 1815. 1815. ~ The same. With a memoir, and critical MILNE, (William C.) Life in China. 120. remarks, by James Montgomery; and enLondon, 1857. gravings from William Harvey. 2 v. 120. MILNER, (John.) History and Survey of the London, 1843..'..The samel Edited, with a life of MilAntiquities of Winchester. 2 v. 40. Win- T, - chester, 1798. ton, by John Mitford. 3 v. 160. London, Inquiry concerning the Catholic Inhab- 845..-.3~ The same. 2 v. 80. London, 1851. itants and the Antiquities of Ireland. 3d ed. The sae. 2 v. 8. London, 51. Q —80. London, 1810. i~ The same. With a lifi of the author, 8~. London, 1810. MILNER, (Joseph.) History of the Church of and a verbal index, by Charles D. Cleveland. MILENER (Joseph.) History of the Church of 12. Philadelphia, 1853. Christ; with additions by Isaac Milner. P lphia, 5 v. 12g. Boson, — 12 The same. With notes, by Thomas 5 v. 12~. Boston, 1899. 5v. 120. Boston,.1822. Keightley. 2 v. 80. London, 1859. MILNER, (Thomas.) The Baltic; with a notice e J Xv an-TT~ a -<~n T ~ L'Allegro and I1Penseroso. Illustrated of the White Sea. 120. London, 1854. e by Birket Foster. do. Loondon, 1858. Descriptive Atlas of Astronomy and of. Paradise Lost. From the text of Thomas Physical and Political Geography; with de- Par t. Fromht f T mas Newtom. 4~. Birmingham, [J. Baskerscriptive letter-press; the maps by Aug. Pe- e Birm termann. 40. London, 1850. 1759. te.40 ono, 1The same. With notes; by James R.. —- Gallery of Nature; a tour through cre-. w J ation. 80. London, 1846. Boyd. 120. New-York, 1850. ation. 80. London, 1846- Paradise Rlegain'd. Samson Agonistes; _-____ History of England to 1852; with early Paradise Regain' Samson Agonistes; notices of the British rchipelago. 10. and poems. From the text of T. Newton. notices of the British Archipelago. 120. Lndontic 1o85 3e h4~. 40 Birmingham, [J. Baskerville,] 1759. London, 185.3. London,'..853.- Prose Works. With biographical inRussia; its Rise and Progress, Tragedies and Revolutions. 120. London, 1856. troduction,byR.W. Giswold. 2v. 80. MILNOR, (James.) Plea for the American Philadelphia, 1851. Colonization Society: a sermon. July 9, CONTENTS. ]826. 80. New York, 1826. Animadversions upon the Remonstrants' Defence Manuel des C- against Smectymnuus, v. 1. MILTITZ, (Alexandre de.) Manuel des Con- Apology for Smectymnuus, v. 1. suls. 3 v. in 5. 80. Londres 18337-38. Areopagitica, a speech for the Liberty of unlicensed Printing, v. 1. MILTON, (John.) Poetical Works; with notes Biographical introduction, v. 1. of various authors, and account of the life Brief notes on a Sermon, titled, "The fear of God' of various authors, an accountoand the King," v. 2. and writings of Milton, by Henry J. Todd. Colasterion, v. L. 2d ed.with a b. Declaration for the election of John III., King of 2d ed., with a verbal index. 7 v. 80. Lon- Poland, v. 2. don 1809. Defence of the People of England, in answer to Salinassius, v. 2. CONTENTS. Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce, v. 1. Education, v. 1. Arcades, v. 6. Johnson's, Dr., remarks Eikonoclastes, v. 1. Commendatory verses on on Milton's Versifica- Familiar Epistles, v. 2. Milton, v. 2. tion, v. 2. History of Britain to the Norman Conquest, v. 2. Coinus, v. 6. L'Allegro and II Pense- History of Moscovia, v. 2. Elegiarum Liber, v. 7. roso, v. 6. Judgement of Martin Bucer concerning Divorce, Epigralmmatum Liber,v.7. Life of Milton, by J. J. 1. 769 MILTON. MINNESOTA. MILTON, (John.) Prose Works-Continued. les developpemens de la proposition de M. Letter to a Friend concerning Ruptures of the Com- Eusebe Salverte, les rapports et la discusmonwealth, v. 2. Letter to General Monk, v. 2. sion devant la Chambre de deputes, les deLetters of State to Sovereign Princes and Republics bats et les playdoyers complets devant ia of Enrope, v. 2. Letters written in the name of Oliver the Protector, Chambre des Pairs. 2 v. 8~. Paris, 1830. v. 2. Letters written in the name of Parliament, v. 2. MINNESANGER, AUSwahl der: fur vorlesungen Letters written in the name of Richard the Protec- und zum schulgebrauch, mit einem wortertor, v. 2. Likeliest Means to remove Hirelings out the Church, buche Herausgegeben von Karl Volckmar. v. 2. 80. Quedlinburg, 1845. Manifesto of the Lord Protector, against the Span- 1845. iards, v. 2. Lays of the Minnesingers, or German Observations on Ormond's Peace, v. 1. trobadors of the twelfth and thirteenth PrelaticEpiscopacy, v. 1. troubadours of the twelfth and thirteenth' Prelatical Episcopacy, v. 1. Reason of Church Government argued against Pre- centuries; with historical and critical nolaty, v. 1. Reformation touching Church Disciplinein England, tices. By Edgar Taylor. 120. London, 1825. T re of gs and agv. 1. MINNESOTA. Acts, Joint Resolutions, and MeTenure of Kings and Magistrates, v. 1. Tetrachordon, v. 1. morials passed at the firstlegislative assembly Treatise of Civil Power in Ecclesiastical Causes,v. 2. True Religion, Heresy, Schism, Toleration, against of the Territory, 1849. 8~. Saint Paul, 1850. the growth of Popery, v. 2. (3 copies.) Way to Establish a free Commonwealth, v. 2. - -LiterePseudo-SenatusAnglicani,Crom- The same. General and Special Laws welli, reliquorumcque Perduellium nonsine of the State, passed during the first session wellii, reliquorumque Perduellium noiine 69 ac jussu conscriptse. 240. Londini, 1696. of the State Legislature, 1857-58. 8~. Saint Original Papers illustrative of his Life Paul, 1858. and Writings. Edited by W. D. Hamilton. The same; together with the Joint Small 40. London, 1859. (Camden Soc'y Resolutions and Memorials, 1861, 1862; extra Pub., No. 75.) Session 1862 and 1863. 3 v. 80. Saint Plan of Education. 80. London, 1820. Paul, 1861-63. (Pamphleteer, v. 17.) Public Statutes. 1849 to 1858. ComTreatise on Christian Doctrine. Trans- piled by Moses Sherburne and W. Hollinslated from the Latin by C. R. Sumner. 2 v. head. 80. Saint Paul, 1859. 80. Boston, 1825. - Revised Statutes, passed at the second Paradis Perdu. Traduction de Cha- session of the legislative assembly, 1851. teaubriand, prec6dee de reflexions sur la vie Published under the supervision of M. S. et les ecrits de Milton, par Lamartine. Wilkinson. 80. Saint' Paul, 1851. Folio. Paris, 1855. Session Laws of the Territory of MinMILWARD, (C. R.) Reports of Cases in the nesota, 1853; 1855; 1856, (2 copies;) 1857; Court of Prerogative in Ireland, and in the and extra session, 1857. 5 v. 80. Saint Consistory Court of Dublin, 1819 to 1842. Paul and Minneapolis, 1853-57. 80. Dublin, 1847. Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court, MISANA, (Jose Manuel.) Continuacion de la 1851-1862. By Harvey Officer. 6 v. 80. Historia General de Espafia del P. Juan de Saint Paul, 1858-63. (3 copies of v. 1; and Mariana, escrita en Latin, y traducida por 2 copies of v. 2-6.) V. Romero. 4 v. 40. Valencia, 1836-41. Annual Message of Governor Ramsey MIND amongst the Spindles; a miscellany to the Legislature. 80. St. Paul, 1863. wholly composed by the Lowell factory girls, - Debates and Proceedings of the Conselected from the Lowell offering. 160. stitutional Convention, including the organic Boston, 1845. act of the Territory; with the enabling act MINER, (Charles.) History of Wyoming. 80. of Congress, etc. Reported by Francis H. Philadelphia, 1845. Smith. 80. Saint Paul, 1857. MINER, (T. B.) American Bee Keeper's Man- - The same. Reported by T. F. Andrews. ual. 4th ed. 120. New-York, 1857. 80. Saint Paul, 1858. MINERBETTI, (Pero.) Cronica dell Anno 1385 Journal of the Constitutional Convenal 1409. (Muratori, Rerum Italicarum Scrip- tion, held in Saint Paul, in July, 1857. 80.tores, Supp., v. 2.) Saint Paul, 1857. MINGAUD, (.) The noble Game of Bil- - Journal of the Council and House of liards. Translated by John Thurston. 2d Representatives, during the first session of ed. Folio. London, 1831. the Legislative Assembly of the Territory, MINISTRES DE CHARLES X. Pr-ocs contenant Sept. 3d, 1849. 2 v. 80. Saint Paul, 1850. 97 770 MINNESOTA. MIRABEAU. MINNESOTA. Journal ofthe Senate and House of MINTURN, (Robert B.) From New-York to Representatives, with Executive documents, Delhi, by way of Rio de Janeiro, Australia, during the first, third, and fourth sessions of and China. 12~. London, 1858. the Legislature of the State, 1857, 1861, and MINUCIUS FELIX, (Marcus.) Octavius; in 1862. 7 v. 8~. Saint Paul, 1858-63. quo agitur veterum Christianorum causa. MINNESOTA; its Place among the States; being Restitutus A F. Balduino, 180. Ludovici, the first annual report of the Commissioner 1560. of Statistics, for the year ending January 1, MINUTES of Evidence taken before the House 1860. 8~. Hartford, (Conn.,) 1860. of Commons, to whom were referred the peMINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Annals. titions against the Orders in Council. Folio. 2d ed. 80. St. Paul, 1850. (Misc. Pam., London, 1812. v. 2.) MINUTOLI, (Wolferdine Menu di, Baroness.) MINNESOTA STATE LIBRARY, Annual Report. Recollections of Egypt. 120. Philadelphia, 8Q. St. Paul, 1863. 1827. MINOR, (Henry.) Reports of Cases in the MIONNET, (Thdodore Edme.) Atlas de G6oSupreme Court of Alabama, 1820 to 1826. graphie Numismatique, pour servir A la de8~. New-York, 1829. scription des medailies antiques. 4~. Paris, MINORCA. Authentic Account of the Siege 1838. and Surrender of St. Philip's Fort in the - De la Rarete et du Prix des Medailles Island of Minorca. 120. London, 1757. Romaines, ou recueil des medailles d'or, MINOT, (George.) Digest of the Decisions of d'argent, et de bronze. 3e ed. 2 v. 8~. the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachu- Paris, 1847. setts. 8~. Boston, 1844. (3 copies.) Description des Medailles Antiques, The same. With supplement. 2 v. Grecs et Romaines; avec leur degrd de rarete 80. Boston, 1851-52. et leur estimation; avec supplement, et MINOT, (George Richards.) Character of. 80. planches. 16 v. 8~. Paris, 1806-37. Boston, 1802. (Mass. Hist. Coil., v. 8, first Poids des Medailles Grecques, d'or et series.) d'argent, du Cabinet Royal de France. 8~. Continuation of [Hutchinson's] His- Paris, 1839. tory of Massachusetts, from 1748 to 1765. MIRABAUD, (J. B. de, Pseud.) See HOLBACH. 2 v. 8~. Boston, 1798-1803. MIRABEAU, (Honore Gabriel Riquetti, Comte History of the Insurrection in Massa- de.) CEuvres. 8v. 8~. Paris, 1821. chusetts in 1786, and the Rebellion conse- CONTENTS. itthereon. 80. Worcester, 1788. Aux Bataves, sur le Stathoudcrat, v. 5. quent thereon 8~. orcester, 17Avis aux Hessois, et antres penples de l'Allemagne, MINOT, (Laurence.) Poems, written anno vendus par leurs princes a l'Angleterre, v. 5. Consid6rations sur l'Ordre de Cincinnatus, v. 1. 1352; with dissertations, notes, and glossary, Denonciation de l'Agiotage a l'Assemblee des Noby J. Ritson. 120. London, 1825. tables, v. 4. Doutes str la Libert6 de l'Escaut, v. 5. MINS, (Peter.) Narrative of the Naval part of Essai sur le Despotisme, v. 1. theExpr under Don Pedro; Elssai sur le Vie priv6e de Mirabeau par M. C. L. the Expedition to Portugal, underDonPedro; Cadt de Gassicourt, v. 6. with a Vindication of himself, by Captain Histoire Secrete de la Cour de Berlin, v. 3... Lettre a Frederic-Guillaulle II., v. 3. Boid. 12~. London, 1833. Lettre sur I'Invasion des Provinces-Unies, v. 5. INSE, (Joh.) Guide into the Tongues; Lettre sur M. M. Cagliostro et Lavater, v. 4. MINSHEU, (John.) Guide into the Tongues; Lettres 13 Sophie, v. 6-S. that is, these eleven languages, viz: Eng- Lettres Originales de Mirabeau, 6crites du Donjon lish, velsh, Low Dutch, High Dutch, de Vincennes, 1779-80, v. 6-8. lish, WVelsh, Low Dutch, High Dutch, Libert6 (De la) de la Presse, v. 1. French, Italian, Spanish, Portugues, Latine, Lettres (Des) de Cachet et des Prisons d'ltat, v. 2. Notice sur Moses Mendelsohn et ses Ouvrages, v. 4. Greeke, Hebrew. Folio. London,1617. Observations d'un Voyageur Anglais sur la maison MINT, United States. Annual Report, 1862. de force appele Bictre, v. 4. RLglemens observ6s dans la Chambre des Comn80. Philadelphia, 1862. munes, v. 1. Instructions for transaction of busi- R6ponse aux Conseils de la Raison, v. 5. - Instructions ior transaction of business at the mint. 80. Philadelphia, 1858. - CEuvres. Prcddedes d'une notice sur -- Communication relative to a proposed sa vie et ses ouvrages, par Joseph M6rilhou. Branch Mint at New York. 8~. Philadel- 8 v. 8. Paris, 1834-35. phia, 1860. CONTENTS. MNON and HoratioJ-. Handbook Considerations sur l'Ordre de Cincinnatus, v. 3. MINTORN, (John and Horatio.) Handbook of Discours et Opinions dans l'Assembl6e Nationale, Modelling Wax Flowers. 7th ed. 160. 1789-91, etc., v. 1. Essai IHistorique sur la Vie et les Ouvrages de London, 1855. Mirabean, par MBrilhou, v. 1. 771 MIRABEAU. MIRECOURT. MIRABEAU, (Honor6 Gabriel Riquetti, Comte MIRABEAU, (Honor6 Gabriel Riquetti, Comte de.) CEuvres-Continued. de.) Letters during his residence in EngEssai sur le Despotisme, v. 8. land; with anecdotes, maxims, &c. 2 v. Histoire Secr6te de la Cour de Berlin, v. 8. Lettre remise a Frdelric-Guillaule Il., v. 8.. London, 1832. Lettres a Sophie Ruffei, v. 4-6. Memoirs, Biographical, Literary, and Lettres de Sophie a Mirabeau, v. 6. Lettres (Des) de Cachet, et des Prisons d'etat, v. 7. Political; by himself, his father, his uncle, Lettres Ecrites du Donjon de Vincennes, 1777-80, and his adopted child 4 v. 8. London, v. 4-6. Liberte (De la) de la Presse, v. 3. 1835-36. Observations sur Bicdtre, v. 3. Plaidoyer de Mirabeau a la S6n6chaussee d'Aix, - Secret History of the Court of Berlin; v. 3. or, the character of the present King of Principes et Maximes extraits de "l'Ami des Hom- mes," ou trait6 de la Population, v. 5. Prussia, his ministers, mistresses, generals, -Atlas de la Monarchie Prussienne. See courtiers, favourites, and the Royal family MENTELLE, (Edme.) of Prussia; in a series of letters. 2 v. 80, - Aux Bataves sur le Stathoud6rat. 12~. London, 1789. Gentve, 1788. MIRABEAU, (Victor Riquetti, Marquis de.) ~- Consid6rations sur l'ordre de Cincin- L'Ami des Hommes, ou Traite de la Popunatus. 80. Londres, 1788. (Pol. Pam., lation. 5 v. 160. Avignon, 1756-58. v. 98. De la Constitution Monetaire; et ob- The same. Suivies d'une lettre de M. servations sur le Rapport du Conmit des Turgot au Doct. Price, sur les 16gislations Monnoies. 80. Paris, 1790. (Pol. Pam., Am6ricaines; et de la traduction d'un pam- v. 17.) phlet du Doct. Richard Price, intitul6 "Ob- ThBorie de l'Imp6t. 160. Paris, 1761. servations on the Importance of the American MIRAUS, or LE MIRE, (Aubert.) Opera DiploRevolution." 120. Londres, 1784. matica et Historica. Editio 2a. J. F. FopDe la Banque d'Espagne, dite de Saint- pens notas addidit. 4 v. Folio. Lovanii Charles. 80. Gengve, 1785. et Bruxellis, 1723-48. - D6nonciation de l'Agiotage de Paris MIRAFLORES, (Marques de.) Memorias para au Roi et a l'Assemblee. 80. Paris, 1787. escriber la Historia contempordnea de los (Pol. Pam., v. 14.) siete primeros anos del Reinada de Isabel II. Discours et Opinions; pr6c6des d'une 2 v. 80. Madrid, 1843-44. notice historique sur sa vie, par M. Barthe. MIRANDA ELLIOT; or, the voice of the spirit, 3 v. 80. Paris, 1820. by S. H. M. 120. Philadelphia, 1855. Essai sur le Despotisme. 3e ed., cor- MIRANDA'S Expedition. See BIGGS, (James.) rig6e de la main de l'auteur. 120. Paris, MIRBECK, (Fr6d6ric Ignace de.) Lettre A 1792. l'Assembl6e Coloniale de la partie Frangaise ~- - Histoire Secrete de la Cour de Berlin; de St. Domingue. 40. Cap Francois, 1792. ou Correspondance d'un Voyageur Fran9ois, (Pol. Pam., v. 1.) depuis Juillet, 1786, jusqu'a Janvier, 1787. MIRECOURT, (Charles Jean Baptiste Jacquot, Ouvrage posthume. 2 v. 80. Londres, dit Eugene de.) Les Contemporains. 6 v. 1789. 160. Paris, 1854-55. Lettre A Frederic-Guillaume II., Roi CONTENTS. de Prusse. 80. Berlin, 1787. (Pol. Pam., Balzac, Honor6, v. 5. MWry, Joseph, v. 4. v. 20.) Beranger, Jean Pierre de, Meyerbeer, [or Meye r v. 6. Liebman Beer,] Gia— ~- Memoires Biographiques, Litteraires et David, Felicien, v. 3. como, v. 3. Politiques; 6erits par lui-meme, par son Dujpont, Piergie, v. 3. Nerval, 5 Gard abrde Dupont, Pierre, v. 3. Nervabrup're, son oncle, et son fils adoptif, (Lucas Dupin, Andr6-Marie- uie de, v. 6. Jean-Jacques, v. 2. Rachel, Elisa Rachel-F6. de Montigny.) 8 v. 80. Paris, 1834-35. Gauthier, Th6ophile, v. 2. lix, v. 6. Memoires du Ministere du Due d'Ai- Girardin, lEmile de, v. 1. Samson, Joseph Isidore, Guizot, FranQois Pierre v. 1. guillon. R6diges par Mirabeau, et publies Guillaume, v. 1. Sand, George, [Amantine par Soulavie. 3e 6d. 80. Paris, 1792. Hugo, Marie Victor, v. 6. Aurore Dupin,].Mme. par Soulavie. 3e ed. 8~. Paris, 1792. Janin, Jules, v. 3. Dudevanvg. Jan, Sin, Juies, v. 3. Dudevant, v. 2. - Gallery of Portraits of the National Kock, Charles Paul de, Scribe, Augustin-Eugone, v. 5. v. 4. Assembly. Translated from the French. Lacordaire, Jean. Bap- Taylor, Isidore-Justin2 v. in 1. 12. Dublin 1790. tiste-Henri, v. ri, Ba. 2. ri de, v. 5. 2 10. D lin, Lamartine, Marie Al- Thiers, Louis Adolphe, Note.-" Mirabeau took some part in the Gallery of phonse Prat de, v. 3. v. 1. Portraits of the National Assembly, but a very Lamennais, Hugues FPli- Vernet, Bmile Jean Hoinconsiderable one, since he merely wrote the cit6-Robert de, v. 4. race, v. 4 Notice of Necker, under the name of Narses." Musset, Louis - CharlesQUIRARD. Alfred de, v. 2. 772 MIRECOURT. MISSISSIPPI. MIRECOURT, (Charles Jean Baptiste Jacquot, of other benevolent operations, for the years dit Eugene de.) Masaniello. 40. (Illus. 1823 to 1862. 41 v. 80. Boston, 1823-62. Lit. of all Nations.) MISSISSIPPI. Code of Mississippi; an analytiMIRROR, The. By Geo. Home, Henry Mack- cal compilation of the public and general enzie, and others. 2 v. 160. London, 1823. statutes of the Territory and State, with (British Essayists, v. 28-29.) references to the local and private acts, MIRROR of Literature, Amusement, and In- from 1798 to 1848. By A. Hutchinson. 80. struction; containing essays, narratives, Jackson, 1848. (5 copies.) memoirs, anecdotes, &c. 40 v. 80. Lon- Digest; comprising all the laws of a don, 1823-42. general nature, including the acts of the MIRROR of the Soul; or, spiritual things dis- session of 1839. By T. J. F. Alden and J. cerned,byaChristianlady. Withintroduction A. Van Hoesen. 80. New-York, 1839. by D. Holmes. 120. Auburn, (N. Y.,) 1852. Laws of the State, 1817-18 (first sesMIRROR for Magistrates; wherein may be sion of the first general assemby)to 1821; seene, by examples passed in this Realme, 1830; 1831; 1833; 1833-34; 1836 to 1840, with how grievous plagues vices are pun- (2 copies;) 1841, (3 copies;) 1842; 1843; ished in great Princes. Edited by Joseph 1846 and 1848, (2 copies;) and 1850. 27 v. Haslewood. 3 v. 40. London, 1815. 80. Natchez and Jackson, 1818-50. CONTEIN;TS. ~ — Laws of the State; embracing all acts Part 1. By John Higgins. V. 1. of a public nature, from 1824 to 1838. 80. Part 2. By Thomas Blener-hasset. Conteyning the Jackson, 1838. (2 copies.) falles of the infortunate princes of this Lande from the conquest of Csesar unto - - Revised Code; comprising all such the cormyg of duke William the Con- acts of a public nature as were in force at queror. V. 1. Part 3. By William Baldwin, and by Ferrers, Ca- the end of 1823. 80. Natchez, 1824. vil, Chaloner, Phaer, Skelton, Dolman, The same. Published by autorit Sackville, Segar, Dingley, Churchyard, Published by authority of and Drayton. V. 2. the Legislature. 80. Jackson 1857. (10 Part 4. A Winter Night's Vision. By Richard Niccols. V. 3. copies.) Part 5. England's Eliza, or the reign of the virgin Statutes of the Territory. - Revised and empress Elizabeth. V. 3. M Aexne Ei plomat. h. Ar digested by the authority of the general asMTRUSS, (Alexander.) Diplomatisches Archiv f.r die Deutschen sembly. By Harry Toulmin. 80. Natchez, fiar die Deutschen Bundesstaaten. 3 v. in 5. 1 80. Leipzig, 1846-48. 1..'. Leipzig J-, 184648. - Statutes of the Territory; the ordi~- Preussische Handels Gesetzgebung, mit ber1ucsichtigngder neues ten Vrordnungen nance for the government of the Territory of berttcksichtigungderneuestenVerordnungen the United States, north-west of the Ohio; in den Vereinstaaten Deutschlands. 2d ed. the United States, north-west of the Ohio; 80. Berlin, 1838. articles of agreement and cession between MISCELLANEA Biographica. Oswinus, Cuth- the United States and the State of Georgia; betus, and Eata. 80. London, 1838. and such acts of Congress as relate to the MISCELLANEA Curiosa; sive, Ephemeridum Territory. Digested by Edward Turner.,'IIscELLANEA Curiosa sive, Ephemeridum 8~. Natchez, 1816. (3 copies.) Medico-Physicarum Germanicarum Acade- (3 copies.) miRe Nature Curiosorum Decurie I. et II. Mississippi Reports. V. 23 to 29, by Anni 1670-1689. 18 v. in 15. Small 40 John F. Cushman, 851 to 1855. 80. BosFrancofurti, 1684-90. ton, 1852-56. (2 copies.) PAMPHLETS. 41. 18The same. V. 30 to 38, by James Z. MISCELL.ANEOUS PAMPHLETS. 41 V. 18;0 M80C and 4E0O (Pv.MHE d. v) George, 1855 to 1860. 80. Philadelphia, NOTE.-The contents of the volumes will be found 1857-61. (3 copies of. 3 and 33; and 2 in the Catalogue under their various authors, copies of the other volumes.) MISCELLANY of Knowledge. A new work, by Journal of the House of Representaseveral gentlemen, on different subjects. tives, 1840 and 1841. 2 v. 80. Jackson 2d ed. 12~. London, 1792. 1840-41. MISCHNA. Eighteen Treatises from the Journal of the Senate, 1838 to 1841. Mishna. Translated by D. A. De Sola and 4 v. 80. Jackson, 1838-41. M. J. Raphall. 2d ed. 80. London, 1845. Journal of the Senate and House. 2 MISSALE Romanun. 80. Dublinii, 1822. v. 80. Jackson, 1858. MISSIONARY Herald, containing the proceed- Map of Mississippi. From the surveys ings of the American Board of Commis- in the General Land-Office, and other docusioners for Foreign Missions, with a view ments; by John Melish. Philadelphia, 1820. 773 MISSISSIPPI. MITCHELL. MISSISSIPPI. Nine Years of Democratic Rule M. Jones, 1855 and 1856. 80. St. Louis, in Mississippi; being notes upon the political 1856-57. (2 copies.) history of the State, from 1838 to the present - The same. V. 1-12. 8~. Saint-Louis time. 12~. Jackson, 1847. and Jefferson City, 1843-49. MISSOURI. Laws of a public and general ~ The same. V. 5 to 30. 80. Fayette, nature of the District of Louisiana, of the Jefferson City, and St. Louis, 1840-61. (2 Territory of Louisiana, of the Territory of copies.) [V. 10 and 11 wanting.] Missouri, and of the State of Missouri, to - The same. V. 19. (2 copies.) 1836. 2 v. 80. Jefferson City, 1842. Map of Missouri, Illinois, and the TerLaws of the State, 1820 (first session ritory of Arkansas. By E. Browne and E. of the first general assembly) to 1822; 1826 Bancroft. Philadelphia, 1825. to 1832-33; 1836-37, and 1838-39, (2 cop- State Convention. Journal and proies;) 1840-41; 1842-43, (2 copies;) 1846-47 ceedings at Jefferson City and St. Louis, to 1858-59,(2copies.) 24v. 8S. St. Charles, March, 1861. 80. St. Louis, 1861. St. Louis, and Jefferson City, 1820-59. MITCHEL, (David.) Key to the Spiritual PalLaws of the State. Revised and di- ace. 8~. Columbus, (0.,) 1855. gested by authority of the general assembly. MITCHEL, (John) Jail Journal; or, five 2 v. 8~. St. Louis, 1825. (2 copies.) years in British prisons. 120. New York, Laws of the State, 1836-37 and 1838- 1854. 39. 2d ed. 8~. Saint-Louis and City of MITCHEL, (Ormsby McKnight.) Lecture on Jefferson, 1841. the Unfinished Problems of the Universe. Local Laws and Private Acts, 1844-45 120. New York, 1859. and 1855. 4 v. 8~. City of Jefferson, Planetary and Stellar Worlds. 12~. 1845-56. (2 copies.) London, 1850. Revised Statutes. Digested by the 8th The same. 120. New-York, 1852. general assembly, 1834-35. 8~. St. Louis, - Popular Astronomy; a concise elemen1835. (2 copies.) tary treatise on the sun, planets, satellites, Revised Statutes. Digested by the and comets. 12~. New-York, 1860. 13th general assembly, 1844-45. Printed MITCHELL, (Catharine.) Minstrel's Bride; or, under the superintendence of W. C. Jones. the shepherd of Hazel Glen. 120. Phila80. St. Louis, 1845. (2 copies.) delphia, 1859. Revised Statutes. Digested by the MITCHELL, (Charles.) Newspaper Press Direc18th general assembly, 1854-55; Charles H. tory. Full particulars relative to each jourHardin, commissioner. 2 v. 80. City of nal published in the British Isles, for the Jefferson, 1856. (2 copies.) year 1847. 120. London, 1847. Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court. The same. Small folio. London, 1862. V. 1 to 3, by S. M. Bay, 1821 to 1835. 80. MITCHELL, (C. S.) Records of Events ConSaint Louis, 1843. (2 copies.) nected with the History of the Jews, from The same. V. 4, by W. B. Napton, the creation to the present time, and their 1835 to 1837. 80. Fayette, 1837. (2 copies.) bearing on Modern European Society, &.c. The same. V. 5 to 8, by S. M. Bay, 80. London, 1849. 1837 to 1845. 80. Fayette and Saint Louis, MITCHELL, (Donald G.) Battle Summer; per1840-45. (2 copies.) sonal observations in Paris, during the year The same. V. 9 to 11, by B. F. String- 1848. By Ik. Marvel. 120. New-York, fellow, 1845 to 1848. 80. Jefferson City, 1850. 1846-48. (2 copies.) Dream Life; a fable of the seasons, The same. V. 12 and 13, by W. A. by Ik. Marvel. 120. New-York, 1851. Robards, 1848 to 1850. 80. Jefferson City, Fresh Gleanings; or, a new sheaf from 1849-50. (2 copies.) the old fields of continental Europe. 120. The same. V. 14 and 15, by J. B. Gar- New-York, 1851. denhire, 1851 to 1852. 80. Jefferson City, — Fudge Doings; being Tony Fudge's 1852. (2 copies.) record of the same, by 1k. Marvel. 2 v. 120. The same. V. 16 to 21, by Samuel A. New-York, 1855. Bennett, 1852 to 1855. 80. St. Louis, Reveries of a Bachelor; or, a book of 1853-56. (2 copies.) the heart, by Ik. Marvel. 120. New-York, ~ — The same. V. 22 and 23, by Horatio 1850. 774 MITCHELL. MITFORD. MITCHELL, (D. W.) Ten Years in the United MITCHELL, (Col. Sir Thomas Livingstone;) States; being an Englishman's views of war and WYLD, (James.) Memoir annexed to and things in the North and South. 12~. an Atlas containing Plans of the principal London, 1862. Battles, Sieges, and Affairs, during the War MITCHELL, (James, of Keighley.) Dendro- in the Spanish Peninsula and the South of logia; or, a Treatise of Forest Trees; with France, 1808-14. 40. London, 1841. Evelyn's Sylva, abridged. 80. Keighley, MITCHELL, (W. M.) The Under-ground Rail1827. road, fiomSlavery to Freedom. 2d ed. 180. MITCHELL, (James; Agent of emigration.) Re- London, 1860. port on Colonization and Emigration. 80. MITCHELL. See MICHELL. Washington, 1862. MITCHII, (Jonathan.) Present State of Great MITCHELL, (Colonel John.) The Fall of Na- Britain and North America, with regard to poleon; an historical memoir. 3 v. 120. Agriculture, Population, Trade, and ManuLondon, 1845. factures. 80. London, 1767. Life of Wallenstein, Duke of Fried- MITCHILL, (Samuel Latham.) Discourse on land. 80. London, 1837. the Character and Scientific Attainments of Thoughts on Tactics and Military Or- De Witt Clinton. 80. New York, 1828. ganization; with an enquiry into the power - Observations on the Geology of North and position of Russia. 120. London, 1838. America. 80. New York, 1818. (With CuMITCHELL, (Rev. John, of Northampton, Mass.) VIER'S Theory of the Earth.) Notes from Over Sea; consisting of observa- Picture of New York. 180. New-York, tions made in Europe, in the years 1843 and 1807. 1844. 2 v. 120. New-York, 1845. MITCHISON, (William.) Hand-Book of the MITCHELL, (J.;) and DICKIE, (John.) Phil- Songs of Scotland, with music and notes, osophy of Witchcraft. 180. Paisley, 1839. and a sketch of the life of John Wilson, the MITCHELL, (Nahum.) Histoiy of the Early celebrated Scottish vocalist. 120. London, Settlement of Bridgewater, in Plymouth 1852. County, Massachusetts; including an ex- MITFORD, (Eardley.) Law of Wills, Codicils, tensive Family Register. 8~. Boston, 1840. and Revocations, with instructions for exeMITCHELL, (Robert.) Plans, and Views in cutors, administrators, devisees, and legatees. Perspective; with descriptions of buildings 3d ed. 80. London, 1803. (Misc. Pam., erected in England and Scotland; also an v. 28.) essay on architecture. (English and French.) MITFORD, (John; Barrister.) Treatise on the Folio. London, 1801. Pleadings in Suits in the Court of Chancery, MITCHELL, (S. Augustus.) Biblical and Sab- by English Bill. 80. London, 1780. bath School Geography. 120. Philadel- The same. 4th ed, with notes, by G. phia, 1849. Jeremy. 80. London, 1827. (2 copies.) --- -New Universal Atlas; with a special The same. 6th Am., from the 5th map of each of the United States, plans of London ed., with notes, by J. W. Moulton. cities, &c. Folio. Philadelphia, 1849. 8~. New-York, -1849. MITCHELL, (S. Weir.) Researches on the MITFORD, (Rev. John.) Sacred Specimens, Venom of the Rattlesnake. 4~. Washing- selected from the early English poets; with ton, It60. (Smithsonian Contributions, v. 12.) prefatory verses by the editor. 160. London, MITCHELI, (Thomas D.) Materia Medica and 1827. Therapeutics; with copious notes of toxi- MITFORD, (Mary Russell.) Belford Regis; or, cology. New ed. 80. Philadelphia, 1857. sketches of a country town. 160. London, MITCHELL, (Thomas Henry.) System of Light 1846. (Bentley's Stand. Novels, v. 102.) Drill; the rudiments of skirmishing, &c. 7th Dramatic Works. 2 v. 120. London, ed. 160. London, 1851. 1854. MITCHELL, (Col. Sir Thomas Livingstone.) CONTENTS. Journal of an Expedition into the Interior Charles the First, v. 1. Inez de Castro, v. 2. of Tropical Australia. 80. London, 1848. Dramatic Scenes, v. 2. Julian, v. 1. Three Expeitios.inoteI f, Foscari, v. 1. Otto of Wittelsbach, v. 2. Three Expeditions into the Interior of Gaston de Blondeville, Rienzi, v. 1. Eastern Australia; with descriptions of Aus- v. 2. Sadak and Kalasrade, v. 2. tralia Felix and of New South Wales. 2 v. - Lights and Shadows of American Life. 80. London, 1838. 3 v. 120. London, 1832. 775 MITFORD. MOHS. MITFORD, (Mary Russell.) Our Village; MODERN Stage. Letter to George Lamb on sketches of rural character and scenery. 1st the Decay and Degradation of English Draand 2d series. 2 v. 12~. London, 1856-57. matic Literature. 80. London, 1819. (Pol. Recollections of a Literary Life; or, Pam., v. 61.) books, places, and people. 3 v. 12o. Lon- MODERN Standard Drama, and Minor Drama; don, 1852. a collection of the most popular acting plays, MITFORI, (William.) History of Greece. 4v. with critical remarks; also, the stage busi40. London, 1808. ness, costumes, &c. Edited by Epes SarThe same. With his final additions gent, John W. S. Hows, and F. C.Wemyss; and corrections; and memoir of the author, with portraits and memoirs. 44 v. 12~. by his brother, Lord Redesdale. Revised by New York and Boston, 1846-62. W. King. 8 v. 8~. London, 1838. MODESTUS. De Vocabulis Rei Militaris Li- - Inquiry into the Principles of Harmony bellus. (With VEGETIUS, De Re Militari.) in Language, and of the Mechanism of MODIUS, (F.) De Triumphis, Ludis et SpecVerse. 2d ed. 80. London, 1804. taculis Veterum. (Gronovius, Thesaurus Principles of Design in Architecture. Graec. Antiq,, v. 1I.) 8~. London, 1824. MOEHLER, (Johann Adam.) Symbolism; or, MITROVICH, (George.) Cause of the People of doctrinal differences between Catholics and Malta; now before Parliament. 8~. Lon- Protestants. From the German, with medon, 1836. (Pol. Pam., v. 76.) moir of the author, by J. B. Robertson. 2d MITSCHERLICH, (Eilhard.) Practical and Ex- ed. 2 v. 8~. London, 1847. perimental Chemistry, adapted to arts and MOERENHOUT, (J. A ) Voyages aux Iles du manufactures. Translated by Stephen L. Grand Ocean. 2 v. 8~. Paris, 1837. Hammick. 12~. London, 1838. MOETJENS, (Adrian.) Actes et M6moires des MITTERMAIER, (Carl Joseph Anton.) Grund- Negotiations de la Paix de Nimegue. 3e 6d. satze des gemeinen Deutschen Privatrechts; 4 v. 18~. La Haye, 1697. mit einschluss des Handels-Wechsel-und MOFFAT, (James C.) Introduction to the Seerechts. 4teausgabe. 2v. 80. Landshut, Study of Alsthetics. 12~. Cincinnati, 1856. 1830. MOFFAT, (Robert.) Missionary Labours and The same. 2v. 8~. Regensburg, 1843. Scenes in Southern Africa. 80. London, Trait6 de la Preuve en Matibre Crimi- 1842. nelle, et de ses applications diverses en Al- MOFFETTE, (Joseph F.) Territories of Kansas lemagne, en France, en Angleterre, etc. and Nebraska. With maps. 180. NewTrad. par C. A. Alexandre. 80. Paris, 1848. York, 1855. MOBERLEY, (George Herbert.) The Christians MOGES, (Marquis de.) Recollections of Baron in Rome during the first three centuries. b0. Gros's Embassy to China and Japan, in Oxford, 1861. 1857-58. 120. London, 1860. MODERN British Drama: tragedies, comedies, MOGRIDGE, (George.) Churchyard Lyrist; operas, andfarces. 5v. 80. London, 1811. consisting of five hundred original inscripMODERN Novelists of France. Translated by tions. 12e. London, 1860. D. M. Aird. 160. London, 1847. MOHAMMEDANS, Travels of two; through India and China in the 9th century. (Pinkerton's CONTENTS. Janin,Jules. ThePoacher. Sue, E. Kernock, the Voyages, v. 7.) Kock, Paul de. Husbands. Corsair. MOHEGAN INDIANS. Memoir written in the --. Jenny. -- Paul Huet, the year 1804. 80. (n.p.) (Misc. Pam., v. 24.) Souli6, m. F. Physiology Young Midshipman. of the General Lover. MOHL, (Hugo von.) Principles of the AnatMODERN Orator: Speeches of Charles James omy and Physiology of the Vegetable Cell. James Fox, the Earl of Chatham, Richard Translated byA. Henfiey. 80. London, 1852. Brinsley Sheridan, Lord Erskine, and Ed- MoHR,(Francis,) and REDwooD,(Theophilus.) mund Burke. 3 v. 8~. London, 1845-48. Practical Pharmacy. 80. London, 1849. MODERN Reports; or, Select Cases in the MoHS, (Friedrich.) Characters of the Classes, Courts of King's Bench, Chancery, Common Orders, Genera, and Species [in] Mineralogy. Pleas, and Exchequer, 1660 to 1672. 5th ed. 80. Edinburgh, 1820. 12 v. in 9. 80. Dublin, 1784. Treatise on Mineralogy. Translated, The same. 5th ed. ByThomas Leach. with additions, by William Haidinger. 3 v. 12v. 80. London, 1793-96. (2 copies.) 120. Edinburgh, 1825. 776 MOIGNO. MOLLET. MOIGNO, (Francois Napoleon Marie.) Traite6 eole (1') des Maris, (School for Husbands,) v. 3. de T raphi Electie. d. 8n tourdi (1') on les Contretemps, (The Blunderer,) de Tel6graphie Electrique. 2e 6d. 8~0. v. 1i. Atlas, oblong folio. Paris, 1852 Facheux, (les) (The Impertinents,) v. 8. Femmes (les) Savantes, (The Learned Ladles,) v. 9. MOIR, (David Macbeth.) Poetical Works. Fetes (les) de Versailles, v. 10. Edited by Thomas Aird; with a memoir of Fourberies (les) de Scapin, (The Cheats of Scapin,) Edited by Thomas Aird; with a memoir of v. 9. the author. 2 v. 16~. Edinburgh, 1852. George Dandin, ou le Mari confondu, (The Perplexed Husband,) v. 6. Sketches of the Poetical Literature of Impromptu (1') de Versailles, v. 3. the Past Half-Century. 2d ed 16. Edin- Malade (le) Imaginaire, (The Hypochondriac,) v. 10..Mariage (le) Force, (The Forced Marriage,) v. 7. burgh, 1852. Medecin (le) Malgr6 Lui, (The Mock Doctor,) v. 4. C, 1(. Don M6licerte; pastorale h6roique, v. 9. MOLBECH, (Christian.) Dansk Ordbog. 80. Mlisanthrope, (le) (The Man-Hater, v. 4. Ki6benhavn, 1833. Monsieur de Pourceaugnac, (Squire Lubberly.) v. 5. Precieuses (les) Ridicules, (The Romantic Ladies, Bibliothekswissenschaft: oder einrich v. 2. tung und verwaltung offentlicher Bibliothe- Pcesse, v. 7. ken. Ubersetzt aus des Danischen von H. Sganarelle, ou le Cocu imaginaire, (The Cuckold in Ratjen. 8~. Leipzig, 1833. *''conceit,) v. 6. R.atjen. 80. Leipzig, 1833. Sicilien, (ie) ou l'Amour Peintre, (Love makes a MOLESWORTH, (Robert, Viscount.) Memoires Painter,) v. 8. [ecrits] a la Cour de Danemarc, l'an 1692., [Traduits del'Anglois.] 180. Nancy, 1694. MOLINA, (Giovanni Ignacio.) Essaisurl'HisPresent State of the dominions of Den- toire Naturelle du Chili. Traduit de'Italien, mark. (Knox's Coll. Voyages, V. 4.) avec notes, par M. Gruvel. 12~. Paris, 1789. MOLEVILLE, (A. F.) See BERTRAND DE Compendio de la Historia del Reyno de MOLEVILLE. Chile. Traducida en Espanol, por J. de ArMOLIERE, (Jean Baptiste Poquelin de.) CEu- quellada Mendoza, y N. de la Cruz y Bahavres. 7 v. 80. Paris, 1817. monde. 2 v. Small 40. Madrid, 1788-95. (Euvres Completes. Avec des notes de History of Chili. Translated from the tons les commentateurs, les variantes, et la Italian. 2v. 80. Middletown,(Conn.,)1808. preface de 682; 4v. 80. Paris, 1854. MOLINA, (Tirso de.) Pseud. See TELLEZ. CONTENTS. MOIINEUS, or DUMOULIN, (Charles.) Omnia AmantsMagnifiques(Les) GeorgeDandin,ouleMari que extant Opera. Editionov. 5 v. Folio. v. 3. Confondu v. 3. Parisiis, 1681. Amour (L') M6decin, v. 2. Gloire (La) du D6me du Amphitrvon, v. 3. Val de Grace; poeme, MOLINEUX, (Thomas.) Concise Introduction Avare, (L') v. 3. v. 4. Bourgeois Gentilhomme, Impromptu (L') de Ver- Knowledge of the Globe. h ed., (Le) v. 4. sailles, v. 2. by S. Maynard. 120. London, 1846. Comtesse (La) d'Escarba- Malade Imaginaire, (Le) gnas, v. 4. v. 4. MOLINIER, (J. V.) Traite de Droit CommerCritique de l'Ecole des Marriage Forc6, (Le) v.2. cial, O explication mnthodique des disposiFemmes, v. 2. Medecin (Le) Malgr6 Lui, Depit Amoureux, (Le) v. 2. tions du Code de Commerce, precede d'une v. 1. Melicerte, v. 2. Don Garciede Navarre, op(Le). 2. introduction historique. V.. 80. Paris, D~on Gfarcle de Navarre, nMiisanthrope, (Le) v. 2. v. 1. Monsieur De Pourceau- 1846. licole (L') des Femmes, gnac, v. 3. v.. Precieuses ridicules,(Les) MOLL, (Herman.) View of the Coasts, Coun-:cole (L') des Maris, v. 1. v. 1. tries and Islands within the limlts of the fqtourdi, (L') v. 1. Princesse (la) d'Elide, v. 2. Facheux, (Les) v. 1. Psych6, v. 4. South Sea Company. 12~. London, 1711. Feiiies Savantes, (Les) Sganarelle, on le Cocu MOLLER,(Geog.) DenkmilerderDeutschen v. 4. Imaginaire, v. 1. Festin (Le) de Pierre, v. 2. Sicilien, (Le) v. 2. Baukunst. Folio. Darmstadt, 1821. Fourberies (les) de Scapin, Tartuffe, ou l'Imposteur, v.4. v. 3. Essay on the Origin and Progress of ----- Works. French and English. 10 v. Gothic Architecture, traced in the ancient 160. London, 1748. edifices of Germany, with references to those CONTENTS. of England, &c. 120. London, 1824. Arnants (les) Magnifiques, (The MagnificentLovers,) - Memorials of German-Gothic Architecv. 7. H. Leeds; and Amour (1') M6decin, (Love's the Best Doctor,) v. 5 ture. With notes, by W. H. Leeds; and Amphatryon, v. 6. tables of continental lineal measures, by W. Avare, (1') (The Miser,) v. 2. Bourgeois (le) Gentilhomme, (The Cit. turned Gen- S. B. Woolhouse. 8~. London, 1836. tComess (a) E.aragnas, v. 10. MOLLET, (Joseph.) Gnomonique Graphique; Comtesse (la) d'Escarbagnas, v. 10. Critique (la) de l'I2cole des Femmes, (The School ou, m6thode simple et facile pour tracer les for Wives criticised,) v. 3. Depit (le) Amoureux, (The Amorous Quarrel,) v. 1. cadrans solaires sur toutes sortes de plans. Don l Galrcie de Navarre, v. 2. Suivie de la Gnomonique Analytique. 3e Don Juan, ou le Festiu de Pierre, v. 4. Ecole (1!) des Femmes, (School for Wives,) v. 3. ed. 80. Paris, 1827. 777 MOLLET. MONELL. MOLLET, (Joseph.) Mecanique Physique; ou, with their applications, as well to the use of traite expdrimental et raisonnd dumouvement physicke, as chirurgery. Englished by et de l'equilibre considreds dans les corps John Frampton. Small 4~. London, 1596. solides. 8~. Avignon, 1818. Magna Medicinae Secreta, et varia MOLLHAUSEN, (Baldwin.) Diary of a Journey experimenta. Folio. Lugduni-Batavorum, from the Mississippi to the Coasts of the Pa- 1605. (With CLuSIUS, Exotici.) cific, with a U. S. Government Expedition. MONAST'CAL Conventions and Military InstiWith introduction, by A. von Humboldt. tutions, History of. By J. S. 120. LonTranslated by Mrs. Percy Sinnett. 2 v. 8~. don, 1686. London, 1858. MONBODDO, (James Burnet, Lord.) Ancient MOLLIEN, (Gaspard Theodore.) Travels in Metaphysics; or, the science of universals. the Republic of Columbia, in the years 6 v. 4~. Edinburgh, 1779 —99. 1822-23. Translated from the French. 8~. - Of the Origin and Progress of LanLondon, 1824. guage. 2d ed. 6 v. 8~. Edinburgh, MOLLOT, (Fran9ois ltienne.) REgles sur la 1774-92. Profession d'Avocat; suivies des lois et r6- MONCADA, (Francisco de.) Expedicion de glements qui la concernent, des precedents Catalanes y Aragoneses contra Turcos y du conseil de l'ordre des avocats't la cour Griegos. 8~. Madrid, 1852. (Bib. de Auroyale de Paris, etc. 8~. Paris, 1842. tores Espanoles, v. 42.) MOLLOY, (Anthony James Pye.) Minutes of The same. (Colecc. de Autores Espathe Proceedings at a Court-Martial in 1795, noles, v. 10. for the trial of Captain Molloy. Taken in MONCK, (John.) Memoirs concerning old and short-hand by Mr. Gurney. 4~. London, new Greenland. (Churchill's Voyages and 1796. Travels, v. 1.) MOLLOY, (Charles.) De Jure Maritimo et MONCK, (John B.) Letter to S. Percival.on Navali; or, a Treatise of Affairs Maritime the Present State of the Currency. 8~. andofCommerce. 7thed. 80. London,1722. London, 1812. (FinancialPam., v. 5.) MOLLOY, (Philip.) Reports of Cases in the MoNCONYS, (Balthasar de.) Journal des VoyHigh Court of Chancery in Ireland, during ages; oui les sgavants trouveront un nombre the time of Lord Chancellor Hart. 2 v. and infini de nouveautez, en machines de mathv. 3, part 1. 8~. Dublin, 1832-33. dmatique, expdriences physiques, curiositez MOLTKE, (Baron von.) Russians in Bulgaria de chymie, etc. Publid par le Sieur de Lierand Rumelia, in 1828-29. Translated from gues, son fils. 3 v. 40. Lyon, 1665-66. the German. 80. London, 1854. MONCRIEF, (Fran9ois Augustin Paradis de.) MOLYNEUX, (Capel.) Israel's Future; lec- Les Avantures de Zeloide et d'Amanzariftures inLent, 1852. 120. London, 1853. dine. Conte Indien. 160. Paris, 1715. MOLYNEUX, (William.) Case of Ireland's MONCRIFF, (Bernard.) Philosophy of the being bound by Acts of Parliament stated; Stomach; or, an exclusively animal diet is to which is added the case of Tenures, the most wholesome and fit for man. 160. argued by all the judges of Ireland. 180. London, 1856. Dublin, 1725. MONDAT, (V.) On Sterility in the Male and MOMMSEN, (Theodor.) History of Rome. Female, its causes and treatment From the Translated by W. P. Dickson; with preface, 5th French ed. 120. New-York, 1844. byLeonhard Schmitz. 120. V. 1-2. Lon- MONDEJAR, (Gaspar Ibaiez de Segovia, Mar. don, 1862. ques de.) Memorias Historicas del Rei D. MONALDINI, (Giuseppe Antonio.) Vite de Alonzo el Sabio, i observaciones a su Chronpia Celebri Architetti d'ogni nazione e d'ogni ica. Folio. Madrid, 1777. tempo. Precedute da un saggio sopra MONELL, (C. L.) Treatise on the Practice of l'architettura. 40. Roma, 1768. the Supreme Court of New-York; adapted to MONARCHY Triumphing over Traitorous Re- the Code of Procedure as amended by the publicans. By G.S. [GeorgeSearle?] 180. Act of April, 1849, and of April, 1852, and London, 1661. the rules of the Supreme Court. To which MONARDES, (Nicolas.) Joyfull Newes out of is added, the Practice in Courts of Justices the New found Worlde, wherein are declared of the Peace. 80. Albany, 1849. (2 copies.) the Rare and Singular Vertues of divers -- The same. 2d ed. 80. New-York, Herbes, Trees, Oyles, Plants, and Stones, 1853-54. 98 778 MONETARY. MONSTRELET. MONETARY System; inconvenience of a gold MONNIER, (Alexandre.) Histoire de l'Assiststandard and circulating medium stated, ance dans les Temps Anciens et Modernes. with a proposed substitute. By J. M.C. 80. 80. Paris, 1856. London, 1837. (Financial Pam., v. 11.) MONOPOLY and Taxation Vindicated against MONETTE, (John W.) History of the Dis- the Errors of the Legislature. By a Nottingcovery and settlement of the Valley of the hamshire Farmer. 80. Newark, 1821. (Pol. Mississippi, by Spain, France, and Great Pam., v. 64.) Britain, and the subsequent settlement and MONRO, (Alexander.) Morbid Anatomy of the extension of civil government by the United Human Gullet, Stomach, and Intestines. 8C. States. 2 v. 8~. New-York, 1846. (2copies.) Edinburgh, 1811. MONEY, (J. W. B.) Java; or, how to manage MONROE, (Benjamin.) Reports of Cases at a colony; showing a practical solution of common law and in equity, in the Court of the questions now affecting British India. Appeals of Kentucky, 1840 to 1857. 18 v. 2 v. 120. London, 1861. 80. Frankfort, 1841-58. (3 copies of v. 1-4; MONEY. Discourse of Money; with reflections 2 copies of v. 5-18.) on the present evil state of the coin of this - and HARLAN, (James.) Digest of kingdom. 160. London, 1696. Cases at common law and in equity, in the MONEY the Representative of Value. 8C. Court of Appeals of Kentucky, from 1792 to London, 1837. (Financial Pam., v. 11.) 1852-53. 2 v. 80. Frankfort, 1853. (2 MONEY and Banking; or, their nature and copies.) effects considered. By a citizen of Ohio. MONROE, (James.) View of the Conduct of 160. Cincinnati, 1839. the Executive in the Foreign Affairs of the MONGE, (Gaspard.) Application de l'Analyse United States, as connected with the Mission a' la Geom6trie. 5e ed., annotee par M. to the French Republic in 1794-96. 80. Liouville. 40. Paris, 1850. Philadelphia, 1798. G6om6trie Descriptive. Nouv. 6d., The same. 2d ed. 80. London, 1798. avec un supplement, par M. Hachette. 40. Governor's letter to the Speaker and Paris, 1811. House of Delegates of Virginia, 6th Dec., The same. Suivie d'une theorie des 1802. 120. Richmond, 1802. (Pol. Pam., ombres et de la perspective, par M. Brisson. v. 103.) 7e ed. 40. Paris, 1847. Message, transmitting a Report of the Trait6 e16mentaire de Statique a l'usage Secretary of the Navy; accompanied with des ecoles de la Marine. 8e ed. 80. Paris, the proceedings of a Court Martial at Nor1846. folk for the Trial of Lieut. Beverly Kennon. - Elementary Treatise on Statics; with 80. Washington, 1824. biographical notice. Translated by Woods ~ Narrative of the demonstration in honor Baker. 120. Philadelphia, 1851. of the removal of his remains from New MONGEZ, (Antoine.) Vie Privee du Cardinal York to Virginia, in 1858. 120. New York, Dubois. 80. Londres, 1789. 1858. ~ — See FLORENCE, GALERIE DE. MONROE, (Thomas B.) Reports of Cases at MONITEUR Universel, depuis son origine. common law and in equity, in the Court of 142 v. Folio. Paris, 1789-1853. Appeals of Kentucky, 1824 to 1828. 7 v. MONK, (Charles James.) Golden Horn, and 80. Frankfort, 1825-30. (3 copies of v. sketches in Asia Minor, Egypt, Syria, and 1-4; 2 copies of v. 5-7.) the Hauraan. 2 v. 120. London, 1851. MONSON, (Sir William.) Naval Tracts. MONK, (James Henry.) Life of Richard (Churchill's Voyages and Travels, v. 3.) Bentley. 40. London, 1830. MONSTRELET, (Enguerrand de.) Chronicles; ~ - The same. 2d ed. 2 v. 80. London, containing the Civil Wars between the 1833. Houses of Orleans and Burgundy; of the MONK, (Maria.) Awful Disclosures of the possession of Paris and Normandy by the Hotel Dieu Nunnery, of Montreal. 120. English; their expulsion thence; and of other New-York, 1855. memorable events, beginning at 1400, where MONMOU1TH, (James Scot, Duke of.) Histori- Froissart finishes, and ending at 1467, and cal Account of his Heroick Life and Mag- continued by others to 1516. Translated by nanimous Actions. Small 40. London, Thomas Johnes. 12 v. 80. Plates 40. 1820. (Smeeton's Tracts v. 2.) London, 1810. 779 MONTABERT. MONTAIGNE. MONTABERT, (Jacques Nicolas Paillot de.) MONTAGU, (Basil;) and AYRTON, (Scrope.) L'Artistaire.-Livre des principales initia- Reports of Cases in Bankruptcy decided by tions aux beaux-arts. 80. Paris, 1855. the Lord Chancellor Brougham, the Court of MONTAGU, (Basil.) Digest of the Law of Review, and Subdivision Courts, 1833 to Partnership; with cases decided in the courts 1838. 3 v. 8~. London, 1834-39. of law and equity upon that subject. 1st and CHITTY, (Edward.) Reports of Am. ed.; with references to American deci- Cases in Bankruptcy decided by the Lord sions. 2 v. 80. Philadelphia, 1822-24, Chancellor Cottenham, and the Court of and New-York, 1824. Review, 1838 to 1840. 80. London, 1840. Digest of Pleadings in Equity; with DEACON, (Edward D.;) and DE GEX, notes of the cases in the different courts of (John.) Reports of Cases in Bankruptcy, equity upon that subject. 2 v. 8~. Lon- in the Court of Review, and on Appeal bedon, 1824. fore the Lord Chancellor; with a digest of -- Enquiries respecting the Insolvent Deb- the cases relating to Bankruptcy in all the tor's Bill, with the opinions of Paley, Burke, contemporaneous reports, 1840 to 1844. 3 v. and Johnson. 8C. London, 1815. (Pam- 80. London, 1842-45. phleteer, v. 5.) MONTAGU, (Edward Wortley.) Reflections on Inquiries respecting the Punishment the Rise and Fall of the Ancient Republics. of Death for crimes without violence. 80. 12~. London, 1778. London, 1818. (Pamphleteer, v. 12.) MONTAGU, (George.) Ornithological DictionOpinions of different Authors upon the ary of British Birds. 2d ed., with a plan of Punishment of Death. 3 v. 8~. London, study, &c. By James Rennie. 8~. Lon1812-16. don, 1831. Reports of Cases in Bankruptcy decided MONTAGU, (James Augustus.) Guide to the by Chancellors Lyndhurst and Brougham, Sir Study of Heraldy. 4~. London, 1840. Lancelot Shadwell, and the Court of Review, MONTAGU, (Lady Mary Wortley.) Letters [1829 to 1832.] 80. London, 1832. and Works. Edited by her great-grandson, Selections from the Works of Taylor, Lord Wharncliffe. 3 v. 80. London, 1837. Hooker, Barrow, South, Latimer, Brown, Works; including her correspondence, Milton, and Bacon. 3d ed. 120. London, poems, andessays. 5v. 160. London, 1803. 1829. MONTAGU, (Robert, Lord.) Mirror in Amer~- Some Enquiries into the Effects of Fer- ica. 80. London, 1861. (Pol. Pam., v. 92.) mented Liquors, by a Water Drinker. 80. Naval Architecture; a treatise on shipLondon, 1814. building, and the rig of clippers, with sug- - Summary of the Law of Lien. 1st Am. gestions for a new method of laying down ed. 80. Exeter, (N. H.,) 1824. vessels. 2d ed. 120. London, 1852. ----- Summary of the Law of Set-Off. With MONTAGUE, (Edward P.) Narrative of the an appendix of cases upon that subject. 2d late Expedition to the Dead Sea. 120. ed. 80. London, 1828. Philadelphia, 1849. Thoughts on Liberty and the Rights of MONTAIGNE, (Michel de.) Works; comprisEnglishmen. 80. London, 1822. (Pam- ing his essays, journey into Italy, and letphleteer, v. 21.) ters, with notes from all the commentators, Thoughts on the Punishment of Death &c. By W. Hazlitt. New ed., edited by 0. for Forgery. 160. London, 1830. W. Wight. 4 v. 120. New-York, 1859. ~- and NEALE, (William Johnson.) Law CONTENTS. and Practice of Parliamentary Elections. d P e o P E Bibliographical Notice of the Editions of Montaigne's 120. London, 1841. Essays, by Dr. Payen, v. 3. ____ and MACARTHUR, (John.) Reports of Biography of Montaigne, by B. St. John, v. 4. and MACARTIHUR, (John.) Repors of Diary of a Journey through Switzerland, Germany, Cases in Bankruptcy decided by the Lord and Italy, v. 4. Essays, v. 1-3. Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor, [1826 to.etters, v. 4. 1830.] 80. London, 1830. Life of Montaigne, v. 1. ---— and BLIGH, (Richard.) Reports of - Essais. Publies d'aprbs l'6dition la Cases in Bankruptcy decided by the Lord plus authentique; avec des notes, par Chancellor Brougham, the Vice-Chancellor Amaury-Duval. 6 v. 80. Paris, 1820-22. Sir Lancelot Shadwell, and the Court of - The same. Nouvelle ed. 3 v. 180. Review, 1832 and 1833. 8S. London, 1835. Paris, 1669. (V. I wanting.) 780 MONTAIGNE. MONTESQUIEU MONTAIGNE, (Michel de.) Essayes; or, moral, MONTECUCCOLI, (Raimondo di.) M6moires de politike, and militarie discourses. Done into de l'Art Militaire en g6n6ral, de la Guerre English by John Florio. 3d ed. Folio. contre les Turcs, et Relation de la Campagne London, 1632. de 1664. Nouv. 6d. Traduits de l'Italien, The same. With notes and quotations, par Jacques Adam. 120. Amsterdam, 1756. and account of the author's life. Translated MONTEFIORE, (Joshua.) Commercial Dicby C. Cotton. 5th ed. 3 v. 160. London, 1738. tionary; containing the present state of merThe same. Translated into English, cantile law, practice, and custom. 1st Am. fiom the edition of Peter Coste. 9th ed. 3 v. ed., with additions relative to the United 80. London, 1811. States. 3 v. 80. Philadelphia, 1804. MONTALBA, (Anthony R.) Fairy Tales from Synopsis of Mercantile Laws. New ed., All Nations. 120. London, 1849. enlarged, with reference to the alterations MONTALDI, (Giuseppe.) Lexicon Hebraicum effected by the Revised Statutes of the State et Chaldeo-Biblicum, Veteris Testamenti of New-York. 80. New-York, 1830. Hebraica et Chaldaica verba, et Latinas MONTEITH, (A. H.) Course of Lessons in the eorundem interpretationes ex J. Buxtorfii English Language. 80. London, 1850. aliorumque operibus excerptas exhibens. 4 v. Course of Lessons in the French Lan80. Romre, 1789. guage. 6th ed. 80. London, 1843. MONTALEMBERT, (Charles Forbes, Comte de.) Course of Lessons in the German LanD6bat sur l'Inde au Parlement Anglais. 80. guage. 80. London, 1841. Londdn, 1858. Course of Lessons in the Italian LanChronicle of the life of St. Elizabeth of guage. 80. London, 1843. (With MonHungary, Duchess of Thuringia. Trans- teith's French Method.) lated by A. L. Phillips. 40. London, 1839. Course of Lessons in the Latin LanThe Monks of the West, from St. Bene- guage. 80. London, 1845. diet to St. Bernard. From the French. 2 v. Course of Lessons in the Spanish LanLondon, 1861. guage. 80. London, 1844. (With Mon~___ Political Future of England. From the teith's French Method.) French. 12c. London, 1856. MONTEITH, (William.) Kars and Erzeroum; MONTALIVET, (Marthe Camille Bachasson, with the campaigns of Prince Paskiewitch, Comte de.) Le Roi Louis Philippe et sa in 1828 and 1829; and an account of the Liste Civile. 160. Paris, 1850. conquests of Russia beyond the Caucasus. MONTALVAN, (Juan Perez.) Novels, Speci- 80. London, 1856. mens of. (Roscoe's Spanish Novelists, v. 2.) MONTEMONT, (Albert.) Voyages Nouveaux MONTALVO, (Alonso Diaz de.) Ordenanzas par mer et par terre, effectu6s de 1837 i Reales de Castilla. Glosadas por Diego 1847, dans les diverses parties du monde; Perez. 3 v. Folio. Madrid, 1779-80. analyses ou traduits. 5 v. 80. Paris, 1847. MONTALVO, (Francisco Antonio de.) Breve MONTEREY,(Cal.,) Library Association. ConTeatro de las acciones mas notables de la stitution and Rules, together with Catalogue Vida del Bienaventura do Torribio. 80. of Books. 80. San Francisco, 1854. Roma, 1683. MONTESANO, (R. R.) Redstick; or, scenes in MONTALVO, (Garcia Ordofiez de.) Las Sergas the South. 80. Cincinnati, 1856. de Esplandian. 80. Madrid, 1857. (Bib. MONTESINOS, (Fernando.) Memoires Histode Autores Espanoles, v. 34.) riques sur l'Ancien Perou. 80. Paris, - (Translator and continuator.) Amadis 1840. (Ternaux, Voyages, Relations, etc., de Gaula. Trad. de Lobeira. (Bib. de Au- de l'Amdrique, v. 17.) tores Espanoles, v. 34.) MONTESQUIEU, (Charles de Secondat, Baron MONTANUS, (Arnold.) BeschryvingvonAme- de.) (Euvres. 3v. 40. Londres, 1767. ricaen'tZuidland. Folio. Amsterdam, ]671. ~ (Euvres. Avec les notes de tous les MONTAUBAN, (Mrs. Eliot.) Year and a Day commentateurs. Ecd. publi6e par L. Parin the East; or, wanderings over land and relle. 8 v. 80. Paris, 1826. sea. 120. London, 1850. CONTENTS. MONTBEL, (Guillaume Isidore, Baron de.) Le Arsace et Ism6nie, v. 7. Consid6rations sur les causes de la Grandeur des Duc de Reichstadt. 80. Paris, 1836. Romains et de leur D6cadence, v. 7. MONTEATH, (Robert.) Forester's Guide and Defense de lEsprit des Lois, v. 5. iscoupr s, v. 8. Profitable Planter. 3ded. 80. London, 1836. Esprit (de F') des Lois, v. 1-5. 781 MONTESQUIEU. MONTGOMERY. MONTESQUIEU, (Charles de Secondat, Baron (Petitot, Coil. M6m. Hist. France, s6r. 2, v. de.) (Euvres-Continued. 49-51.) Essai sur le Goait, v. 8. MONTGOMERY, (Cora.) King of Rivers, with Lettres Familidres, v. 8. a Chart of Slave and Free Soil Territory. Lettres Persanes, v. 6. Notes sur l'Angleterre, v. 8. 80. New York, 1850. Poesies, v. 8. Po^se r8Pensees Diverses, v. 8. MONTGOMERY, (Dr.) Decius' Letters on the Politiqune des Romains daus leur Religion, v. 7. Opposition to the New Constitution of VirTable des Matieres de l'Esprit des Lois, v. 5..Temple (le) de Guide, v. 8. ginia. 80. Richmond, 1789. (Pol. Pam., E- uvres Completes. Avec des notes de v. 96.) Dupin, Crevier, Voltaire, Mably, Servan, La MONTGOMERY, (G. W.) Narrative of a JourHarpe, &c. 80. Paris, 1838. ney to Guatemala, in Central America, in Considerations sur les Causes de la 1838. 80. New-York, 1839. Grandeur des Romains, et de leur Deca- MONTGOMERY, (Henry.) Life of Major Gendence. 80. ldimbourg, 1751. eral William H. Harrison. 2d ed. 12C Essay on Taste: a fragment. (Appen- New-York, 1860. dix to GERARD, (A.) Essay on Taste.) Life of Major General Zachary Taylor. ~ —- Reflections on the Rise and Fall of the 12o. Buffalo, 1847. Roman Empire. From the French. New ed. MONTGOMERY, (James, of Sheffield.) Lectures 12~. Edinburgh, 1775. on General Literature, Poetry, etc. 180. - Spirit of Laws. Translated by Thomas New York, 1840. (Harpers' Fam. Library, Nugent. 2 v. 8~. London, 1823. (2copies.) v. 69.) View of the English Constitution. Ex- - Poetical Works; with a memoir of the tracted from his "Esprit des Loix." 80. author. 5 v. 160. Boston, 1858. London, 1781. (V. 1 of MASERES' Quebec CONTENTS. Papers. ) Climbing Boy's Soliloquies, v. 2. Greenland, v. 3. Comentario sobre el Espritu de las Hymns, v. 5. Leyes; con las observaciones ineditas de Memory of Richard Reynolds, v. 4. Miscellaneous Poems, v. 1-4. Condorcet. Traducido, por Ramon Salas. Narratives, v. 3. 8i. Valencia~, 18292. ~Pelican Island, v. 4. 8~. Valencia, 1822. Prison Amusements, v. 1. MONTESQUIOU-FEZENSAC, (Anne Pierre, Mlar- Sacred and Scriptural Subjects, v. 4. Songs of Zion, v. 2. quis de.) Memoires sur les Finances du Songs on the Abolition of Negro Slavery, v. 4. Royaurae, 1791. 40. Paris, 1791. (Pol Thoughts on Wheels, v. 2. Royaume, 1791. 40. Paris, 1791. (Pol. Translations from Dante, v. 3. Pam., v. 1.) Wanderer of Switzerland, v. 1. West Indies, v. 1. MONTEZ, (Lola,) or PoRRIs Y MONTEZ, (Maria Wrld efore the Flood, v. 2. Dolores.) Lectures; with a fuli and complete GRAIAME, (James,) and BENGER, (E.) autobiography. 120. Philadelphia, 1858. Poems on the Abolition of the Slave Trade. MONTFAUCON, (Bernard de.) L'Antiquite 40. London, 1809. Expliquee et Representde en Figures. 2e 6d. MONTGOMERY, (James, of Glasgow.) Practical (Lat. et Fr.) 5 v. en 10. Folio. Paris, Detail of the Cotton Manufacture of the 1722. United States of America; and the state of -The same. Supplement. 5 v. Folio. the cotton manufacture of that country conParis, 1724. pared with that of Great Britain. 80. GlasMONTFORT, (Denys de.) Conchyliologie Sys- gow, 1850. tematique, et Classification M6thodique des MONTGOMERY, (John T.) Writ of Habeas Coquilles. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1808. Corpus and Mr. Binney. 2d ed. 80. PhilMONTGAILLARD, (Jean Gabriel Maurice Roc- adelphia, 1862. (Habeas Corpus Pam.) ques de.) De la France et de l'Europe sous MONTGOMERY, (Sir Robert.) Discourse conle Gouvernement de Bonaparte. 80. Paris, cerning the establishment of a new colony 1804. (Pol. Pam., v. 19.) south of Carolina. London, 1717. (ReSituation of England in 1811. From print, Force's Hist. Tracts, v. 1.) the French. 80. New-York, 1812. MONTGOMERY, (Robert, Esq., C. S.) StatisMONTGLAT, (Francois de Paule de Clermont, tical Report of the District of Cawnpoor, Marquis de.) Memoires. 1635-1668. 80. June, 1848. 40. Calcutta, 1849. Paris, 1838. (Michaud. Coll. Mem. Hist. MONTGOMERY, (Robert, of Lincoln College.) France, v. 27.) PoeticalWorks; collected and revised by the The same. 3 v. 80. Paris, 1825-6. author. 80. London, 1854. 782 MONTGON. MONTRI SOR. MONTGON, (Charles Alexandrede.) Memoires; Gaules jusqu' a nos jours; recherches sur contenant les differentes Negociations dont il les anciennes institutions Frangaises. Avec a et6 chargd dans les Cours de France, supplement. 4v. 8~. Paris, 1814-18. d'Espagne, et de Portugal depuis 1725 jus- ~ De la Monarchie Frangaise au ler Mars, ques a pr6eent. 8 v. 12~. Lausanne, 1748-53. 1822. 80. Paris, 1822. Recueil des Lettres et Memoires con- - Denonciation aux Cours Royales, relacernant les Ndgociations dont il a ete charg6. tivement au systeme religieux et politique, 160. Liege, 1731. 120. Paris, 1826. MONTHLY Chronicle. 3 v. 120. Boston, Des Desordres actuels de la France, 1840-42. 1815. Petition ia ]a Chambre des Pairs, a The same. (November and December, 1' 6gard du Parti-Pr6tre en 1827. Les Jesuites 1841.) 8~. Boston, 1841. (Pol. Pam., des Congregations et le Parti Pretre en 1827. v. 118. 80. Paris, 1815-28. MONTHLY Magazine, or British Register, from Memoir A Consulter sur un Systeme Re1796 to 1825. 60 v. 80. London, 1796- ligieux et Politique; tendant A renverser la 1825. religion, la societe et le trone. 7e 6d. 80. MONTHLY Mercury. Present State of Europe; Paris, 1826. or, the Historical and PoliticalMonthly Mer- MONTLUC, (Blaise de Lasseran Massencome cury, giving an account of occurrences in de.) Commentaires, ou sont decrits tous les every court, for July, 1690, to January, combats, rencontres, escarmouches, batailles, 1728. 20 v. 40. London, 1702-28. prises et surprises de villes, etc. 5 v. 80. MONTHLY Register, and Review of the United Paris, 1786-7. (Coll. des M6moires Relatifs States. (Vol. 1, No. IX.) 80. Charleston, A l'Hist. de France, v. 22-26.) (S. C.,) 1806. (Pol. Pam., v. 108.) Thesame. 80. Paris,1838. (Michaud. MONTHLY Review; giving an account, with Coil. Mem. Hist. de France, v. 7.) extracts from, the new books, pamphlets, The same. 3 v. 80. Paris, 1821. &c. By several hands. 236 v. 80. Lon- (Petitot, Coll. M6m. Hist. de France, s6r. 1, don, 1749-1841. v. 20-22.) 1st series, 1749-89, 81 v. MONTMORIN, (A. M.; Comte de.) Lettre Ecrite 2d series, 1790-1825, 108 v. au nom du Roi, aux Ambassadeurs. 80. 3d series, 1826-30, 15 v. Paris, 1791. (Pol. Pam., v. 7.) 4th series, 1831-41, 32 v. MONTPENSIER, (Anne Marie Louise d'Orleans; ~ —- General Index, v. 1-70, 1749-1784. By Duchesse de, dite AJademoiselle.) Memoires, S. Ayscough. 2 v. 80. London, 1786. 1636-1686. 80. Paris, 1838. (Michaud, - Continuation of the General Index, Coll. M6m. Hist. France, v. 26.) v. 71-81, 1784-1789. By S. Ayscough. 80. The same. 4 v. 80. Paris, 1824-25. London, 1796. (Petitot, Coll. Mem. Hist. France, s6r. 2. General Index, from 1790 to 1816. V. 40-43.) (V. 1-81, new series.) 2 v. 80. London, ~ Memoirs; written by herself. From 1818. the French. 3 v. 120. London, 1848. MONTHOLON, (Charles Tristan, Marquis de.) MONTPENSIER, (Antoine Philippe d'Orleans; History of the Captivity of Napoleon at St. Duc de.) Memoires; [ou, ma captivite de Helena. 4 v. 80. London, 1846-47. quarante-trois mois.] 80. Paris, 1824. (BerMONTI, (Luigi.) Grammarof the Italian Lan- (ville et Barriere, Coll. M6m. Rev. Franguage. 80. Boston, 1855. 9aise, v. 35) Spiritualism and Former Superstitions. MONTPENSIER, (Antoine Marie Philippe Louis 80. NewYork, 1859. (Misc. Pam., v. 13.) d'Orleans; Duc de.) Considerations respectMONTI, (Vincenzo.) Tragedie. Edizione 5a. ing the Marriage of the Duke of MontpenFiorentina. 80. Firenze, 1825. - sier, with reference to the Treaty of Utrecht. MONTLEZUN, (Baron de.) Voyage fait dans 2d ed. 80. London, 1847. les annees 1816 et 1817 de New-Yorck t la Further considerations, with a postNouvelle-Orleans, et de l'Orenoque au Mis- script. 80. London, 1849. [Bound with sissippi, par les Petites et les Grandes An- above.] tilles. 2 v. 120. Paris, 1818. MONTRtSOR, (Claude de Bourdeille, Comte de.) MONTLOSIER, (Fran9ois Dominique Reynaud M6moires; contenans diverses pidces durant de.) De la Monarchie Frangaise, depuis les le Ministere du Cardinal de Richelieu, la 783 MONTRESOR. MOORE. Relation de M. de Fontrailles, et les affaires King's Bench and Common Pleas, and on de Messrs. le Comte de Soissons, Duc de the Western and Oxford Circuits, 1826 to Guise, et de Bouillon, &c. 2 v. 16C. Col- 1830. 80. London, 1831. ogne, 1723. and ROBINSON, (F.) Reports of Cases MONTRfSOR, (Claude de Bourdeille, Comte de.) at Nisi Prius, in the Courts of King's Bench, Memoires; &c. 80. Paris, 1838. (Michaud, Common Pleas, and Exchequer, and on the Coll. Mem. Hist. France, v. 25.) Northern and Western Circuits, 1830 to The same. 80. Paris, 1826. (Petitot, 1844. 2 v. 80. London, 1837-44. (2 Coll. Mem. Hist. France, s6r. 2, v. 54.) copies of v. 1.) MONTSERRAT. Acts of Assembly, passed in MOOR, (Edward.) Account of the Measures the island of Montserrat, from 1668 to 1740, adopted for Suppressing the practice of the inclusive. Folio. London, 1740. systematic Murder by their parents of Female MONTUCLA, (Jean 1tienne.) Histoire de Re- Infants; with remarks on other customs of cherches sur la Quadrature du Cercle. Avec the natives of India. 40. London, 1811. une addition concernant les problemes de la Hindu Pantheon. 40. London, 1810. duplication du cube et de la trisection de Narrative of the Operations of Captain l'angle. Nouv. ed. 80. Paris, 1831. Little's Detachment, and of the Mahratta Histoire des Mathematiques. Nouv. Army, during the late Confederacy in India, ed. 4 v. 40. Paris, 1799-1802. against the Nawab Tippoo Sultan Bahadur. MONTYON, (Antoine Jean Baptiste Auget; 40. London, 1794. Baron de.) Particularit6s et observations Oriental Fragments. 120. London, sur les Ministres des Finances de France les 1834. plus celebres, depuis 1660 jusqu'en 1791. Suffolk Words and Phrases; or, an atPrdceddes d'une 6pitre dedicatoire aux manes tempt to collect the lingual localisms of that de W. Pitt. 80. Londres, 1812. county. 160. Woodbridge, 1823. MONUMENTA Boica. 17 v. 40. Monachii, Moon, (Jacob.) Elementa Linguse Grsecse. 18t9-52. Ed. nova. Edinburgi, 1809. MONUMENTA Franciscana; scilicet, Thomas MooRE, (Arthur.) Hand-Book of Railway de Eccleston de Adventu Fratrum Minorum Law: containing the public general railway in Angliam; Adse de Marisco Epistolse; acts, from 1838 to 1858, inclusive, and Registrum Fratrum Minorum Londonise. statutes connected therewith. 120. LonEdited by J. S. Brewer. 80. London, 1858. don, 1859. (Chronicles and Mem. of G. Britain.) The same. 2d ed., including the TramMONUMENTA Historica Britannica; or, mate- ways act for Ireland and acts incorporated rials for the history of Britain, from the ear- with it. 80. London, 1860. liest period. Prepared by the late Henry MOORE, (A. W.) Corpulency; i. e. fat, or Petrie, assisted by John Sharpe. V. 1. Folio. embonpoint, in excess; explaining his diet London, 1848. system, to reduce the weight and benefit the MOODIE, (Susanna.) Life in the Clearings health. 3d ed. 120. London, 1857. Versus the Bush. 120. London, 1853. MOORE, (Clement C.) George Castriot, surMatrimonialSpeculations. 120. Lon- named Scanderbeg, King of Albania. 120 don, 1854. New York, 1850. Roughing it in the Bush; or, Life in - Poems. 12C. New-York, 1844. Canada. 2v. 12~. London, 1852. MOORE, (Cornelius.) Ancient Charges and MOODY, (Henry.) Antiquarian and Topo- Regulations of Freemasonry, with notes, graphical Sketches of Hampshire. 120. critical and explanatory. With the letter of Winchester, 1846. Dr. Oliver, on the origin of the royal arch MOODY, (James.) Narrative of his Exertions degree. 160. Cincinnati, 1855. and Sufferings in the Cause of Government, Craftsman and Freemason's Guide; since the year 1776. 2d ed. 80. London, 1783. containing a delineation of the rituals of FreeMOODY, (William.) Crown Cases Reserved masonry. 13th ed. 160. Cincinnati, 1859. for Consideration; and decided by the Judges ~ -Outlines of the Temple, or Masonry in of England, 1824 to 1844. 2 v. 80. Lon- its moral aspects. 160. Cincinnati, 1853. don, 1837-44. (2 copies.) MOORE, (Charles Hewitt.) Treatises on Canand MALKIN, (Benjamin Heath.) Re- cer, Wounds of Vessels. 80. London, ports of Cases at Nisi Prius, in the Courts of 1860. (Holmes' Surgery, v. 1.) 784 MOORE. MOORE. MOORE, (Charles Hewitt.) Treatises on Dis- MOORE, (George, M. D.) Power of the Soul eases of the Absorbent System, Atheroma over the Body, considered in relation to and Obstruction of the Arteries. 80. Lon- health and morals. 160. New-York, 1847. don, 1862. (Holmes' Surgery, v. 3.) Use of the Body in Relation to the MOORE, (Charles W.) Constitutions of the Mind. 120. London, 1846. Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, and general MOORE, (George Fletcher.) Descriptive Voregulations for the government of the craft cabulary of the Language in common use under its jurisdiction. 8~. Boston, 1857. amongst the Aborigines of Western AustraMOORE, (David.) Concise Notices of British lia; embodying much interesting information Grasses best suited for agriculture, with regarding the natives. 12~. London, 1842. preserved specimens. 3d ed. 4~. Dubiin, MOORE, (George Henry.) Employment of 1851. Negroes in the American Army of the RevMOORE, (Edmund F.) Reports of Cases heard olution. 8~. New York, 1862. and determined by the Judicial Committee - "Mr. Lee's Plan-March 29, 1777." and the Lords of the Privy Council, 1836 The Treason of Charles Lee, Major-General, to 1861. 13 v. 8~. London, 1840-61. Second in Command in the American Army ~- Reports of Cases heard and determined of the Revolution. 8~. New-York, 1860. by the Judicial Committee and the Lords of MOORE, (Hugh, of Hillsborough, Eng.) DicHis Majesty's Most Honorable Privy Coun- tionary of Quotations from various authors, cil, on Appeal from the Supreme and Sudder with English translations. 12~. London, Dewanny Courts in the East Indies, 1836 to 1831. 1860. 7 v. 8~. London, 1840-61. MOORE, (Hugh, of Plattsburg, N. Y.) MeMOORE, (Edward.) Poems. 16~. London, moir of Col. Ethan Allen. 12~. Plattsburg, 1790. (Johnson's Eng. Poets, v. 65.) (N. Y.,) 1834. The same. 8~. London, 1810. (Chal- MOORE, (H., Solicitor.) Lawyer's Companion mers' Eng. Poets, v. 14.) and General Day-Book for 1862. 80. LonThe same. 16~. Chiswick, 1822. don, 1862. (British Poets, v. 56.) MOORE, (Jacob Bailey.) Annals of the Town MOORE, (Sir Francis.) Cases Collect et Re- of Concord, New-Hampshire, from 1726 to port. 2e 6d. Folio. London, 1688. (2 1823. 8~. Concord, 1824. copies.) - Laws of Trade in the United States; MOORE, (Francis.) Voyage to Georgia, 1735. statutes of the several States concerning London, 1744. 8~. Savannah, 1840. (Geor- debtors and creditors. 120. New-York, 1840. gia Hist. Coll., v. 1.) Lives of the Governors of New PlyMOORE, (Francis, Editor of the Texas Register.) mouth and Massachusetts Bay; from 1620 Description of Texas. 2d ed. 18~. New- to 1692. Boston, 1851. York, 1844. MOORE, (James; M. R. C. S.) History and MOORE, (Frank.) American Eloquence; Practice of Vaccination. 8~. London, 1817. speeches and addresses, by the most eminent History of the Small Pox. 8~. Lonorators of America. 2 v. 8~. New-York, don, 1815. 1862. MOORE, (James Carrick.) Life of Sir John Diary of the American Revolution, Moore. 2 v. 8~. London, 1834. from newspapers and original documents. Narrative of the Campaign of the British 2 v. 8~. New-York, 1860. Army in Spain, commanded by Sir John - Songs and Ballads of the American Moore. 4~. London, 1809. Revolution. With notes and illustrations. MOORE, (John; M. D.) Works; with me120. New-York, 1836. moirs of his life and writings, by Robert See REBELLION RECORD. Anderson. 7 v. 8~. London, 1820. MOORE, (George.) Lives of Cardinal Albe- CONTENTS. roni, and the Duke of Ripperda, Ministers of Edward v. 6. Philip V., King of Spain. 2 v. in 1. 8~. France, Switzerland, and Germany, Society and London, 1806. Manners in, v. 1. French Revolution, View of, v. 4. MOORE. (George, M. D.) The Lost Tribes, Italy, Society and Manners in, v. 2. Journal of a Residence in France, v. 3. and the Saxons of the East and the West; Life of Moore, by R. Anderson, v. 1. with new views of Buddhism, etc. 80. Mordaunt, v. 7. Romance, Commencement and Progress of, v. 5. London, 1861. Zeluco, v. 5. 785 MOORE. MOORE. MOORE, (John, li. D.) Journal ofaResidence MOORE, (S. S.;) and JONES, (T. W.) Travelin France, in 1792. 2 v. 16~. Philadel- ler's Directory; or, a pocket companion from phia, 1794. Philadelphia to New-York, and to Washing ~- Zeluco. 2 v. 160. London, 1820. ton. 80. Philadelphia, 1802. (Barbauld's Brit. Novelists, v. 34-35.) MOORE, (Thomas.) The Epicurean, a tale; MOORE, (John Bayly.) Digested Index to the and Alciphron, a poem. 160. London, Term Reports; containing all the points of 1839. law argued and determined in the King's Harmonized Airs from Irish Melodies; Bench, and Common Pleas, 1785 to 1818. with the original symphonies and accompaniContinued to the present time, by J. E. Hall. ments, by Sir J. Stevenson and- Sir H. 2 v. 80. Philadelphia, 1819. Bishop; for two, three, or four voices. 40. The same. 1820 to 1824. 2 v. 80. London, 1858.. London, 1824-25. History of Ireland; commencing with Reports of Cases in the Courts of Com- its earliest period, to the great expedition mon Pleas and Exchequer Chamber, 1816 to against Scotland in 1545. 2 v. 80. Phila1827. 12 v. 80. London, 1818-31. delphia, 1843-46. and PAYNE, (J.) Reports of Cases in The same. 4v. 160. London, 1840-46. the Courts of Common Pleas and Exchequer (Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopsedia, v. 89-92.) Chamber, 1827 to 1831. 5 v. 80. London, -- Intercepted Letters; or, the Twopenny 1828-32. Post-Bag; with Trifles Reprinted. 3d ed....... and SCOTT, (J.) Cases in the Courts 160. London, 1813. of Common Pleas and Exchequer Chamber, Irish Melodies. 160. London, 1849. and in the House of Lords, 1831 to 1834. The same. Illustrated by D. Maclise. 4 v. 80. London, 1833-34. New ed. Small 40. London, 1853. MOORE, (John W.) Complete Encyclopaedia Lalla Rookh; an oriental romance. of Music. 80. Boston, 1854. 120. Philadelphia, 1856. MOORE, (Sir Jonas.) Arithmetick, in two The same. 120. New York, 1860. books. With a new contemplation geome- Letters and Journals of Lord Byron; trical upon the ellipsis; and the two first with notices of his life. 2 v. 40. London, books of Mydorgius his conical sections, 1830. analized by W. Oughtred. Englished. 160. The same. 2 v. 80. New-York, 1855. London, 1660. Life and Death of Lord Edward Fitz-.... New System of Mathematics. 2 v. gerald. 2 v. in 1. 120. London, 1831. 40. London, 1681. Loves of the Angels. 80. London, MOORE, (J. G.) Patent Office and Patent 1823. Laws; or, a guide to inventors, and a book ~ Memoirs, Journal, and Correspondence. of reference for judges, lawyers, magistrates, Edited by Lord John Russell. 8 v. 120. and others, with appendices. 120. Phila- London, 1853-56. delphia, 1855. Memoirs of the Life of the Right HonMOORE, (Sir John Henry.) Poems. 160. ourable Richard Brinsley Sheridan. 80. Chiswick, 1822. (British Poets, v. 73.) Philadelphia, 1825. MOORE, (J. S.; Editor.) Pictorial Book of National Airs and other Songs, now Ancient Ballad Poetry of Great Britain; first collected. 40. London, 1858. with a selection of modern imitations and - Notes from his Letters to his Publisher, translations. 80. London, 1860. James Power, [suppressed in London.] 120. MOORE, (Nathaniel F.) Address to the Alumni New York, 1854. of Columbia College, (N.Y.,) March 16, 1844. Odes upon Cash, Corn, Catholics, and 120. New York, 1848. (With MOORE'S other matters; selected from the Times. 160. Historical Sketch of Columbia College.) London, 182S. Ancient Mineralogy; or, an inquiry Paradise and the Peri; with chromorespecting mineral substances mentioned lithographic illustrations, by Owen Jones. by the ancients. 2d ed. 160. New-York, 40. London, 1860. 1859. Poetical Works, including his Melodies, ~- Historical Sketch of Columbia College, Ballads, &c. 80. Philadelphia, 1850. in the City of New York. 120. New York, - Poetical Works, collected by himself. 1846. 10 v. 16C. London, 1853. 99 786 MOORE. MORE. MOORE, (Thomas.) Poetical Works, collected MOQUART, or MOQUARD, (-.) Nonvelles by himself —Continued. Causes C6elbres, en fastes du crime, 6 v. 80. Paris, 1843-47. CONTENTS.. MORA, (Jos6 Maria.) Memoria sobre el Origen Alciphron; a Fragment, v. 10. Ballads, Songs, Poems, etc., v.. y Estado Actuel de las Obras emprendidas Corruption and Intolerance, v. 3. para el Desagiie de las Lagunas delVallede Epicurean, The; a tale, v. 10. a 4 jio Evenings in Greece, v. 5. Mjio. Small 40. Mjico, 823. Fables for the Holy Alliance, v.. MORA, (Jose Maria Luis.) Obras Sueltas. Fudges to England, v. 9. Fudge Family in Paris, v. 7. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1837. Glees, Set of, v. 5. Irish Melodies, v. 3-4. MORAES E SILVA, (Antonio de.) Diccionario Juvenile Poems, v. 61. da Lingua Portugueza, recopilado de todos Lalla Rookh, v. 6-7. Legendary Ballads, v. 5. os impressos ate' o presente. 3a ed. 2 v. Loves of the Angels, v. 8. 40 Lsba 1823 Miscellaneous Poems, v. 7. 1 National Airs, v. 4. MORAL Plays. By a lady. 80. London, 1832. Odes of Anacreon, v. 1. Poems relating to America, v. 2. MORALITY of Public Men; a second letter to Political and Satirical Poems, v. 7. the Earl of Derby. 80. London, 1853. Rhymes on the Road, v. 7. Sacred Songs, v. 4. MORAN, (Benjamin.) Footpath and Highway; Satiric, The,a v. 3-9. 3- or, wanderings of an American in Great Songs from M. P.; or, the Blue Stocking, v. 10. Britain, in 1851-52. 120. Philadelphia, Songs from the Greek Anthology, v. 5. Twopenny Post-Bag, v. 3. 1853. Unpublished Songs, &c., v. 5. MORAN, (Charles.) Money. 120. New York, *- - Songs, Ballads, and Sacred Songs. 160. 1863. London, 1849. MORANGE, (William D.) Poem delivered at Travels of an Irish Gentleman in Search the opening of Tweddle Hall. 80. Albany, of a Religion. 2 v. 120. London, 1833. 1860. MOORE, (Thomas; M. B. S. L.) Ferns of Great MORATIN, (Leandro Fernandez de.) Comedias. Britain and Ireland. Edited by John Lind- 80 Paris, 1838. (Coleccion de Autores ley. Nature-Printed by Henry Bradbury. Espanfoles, v. 43.) Folio. London, 1855, MORATIN, (Nicolas Fernandez de.) Obras. Handbookof British Ferns. 240. Lon- 80. Madrid, 1846. (Biblioteca de Autores don, 1848. Espanoles, v. 29.) Theory and Practice applied to the Cul- MORCA, the Blind Page; a tragedy in five acts, tivation of the Cucumber, in the Winter by Ignis. 160. Cincinnati, 1855. Season; also, a chapter on melons. 2d ed. MORDECAI, (Alfred.) Reports of Experiments 160. London, 1847. on Gunpowder, made at Washington Arsenal, MOORE, (William V.) Indian Wars of the in 1843-49. 80. Washington, 1845-49. United States, from the discovery to the pre- MORE, (Cresacre.) Life of Sir Thomas More, sent time. With manners, &c. of the Abo- Kt., Lord High Chancellor of England unrigines. 80. Philadelphia, 1855. der King Henry the Eighth; by his great MOORE, (William W.) Address to the Public, grandson, Thomas More; [now ascertained and especially the Printers of the United to be by C. More.] 80. London, 1726. States. 80. Washington, 1835. (Misc. MORE, (Hannah.) Works. New ed. 11 v. Pam., v. 21.) 120. London, 1830. MOORE. See MORE. CONTENTS. MOORMAN, (John J.) Virginia Springs; with Clhistian Morals v. 9. Cculebs in Search of a Wife, v. 7. remarks on the nature and medical applica- Essay on St. Paul, v. 10. biliyof each. I2ded. 16. Richmond, 1854. 3Fatal Falsehood; a tragedy, v. 2. bility of each. M ed. 16. Richmond, IS54. Hints toward forming the character of a Princess, MOORSOM, (Captain Robert.) Principles of v. 6. Inflexible Captive; a tragedy, v. 2. Naval Tactics; with exemplifications of the Moral Sketches, v. 4. practice; and tables for facilitating the evo- Poems, v. 1- 2. lutions. 80. Birmingham, 1846. Practical Piety, v. 8. Moosom, (Captain William Scarth.) Le s Religion of the Fashionable World, v. 11. MOORSOM, ( ClaptainL William Scarth. ) Letters Bemarks on the Speech of M. Dupont, v. 11. fi-om Nova Scotia. 1'.. London, 1830. Sacred Dramas, v. 1. Shepherd of Salisbury Plain, v. 3. - - Historical Record of the 52d Regiment, Spirit of Prayer, v. 11. (Oxfordshire Light Infantry,) from 1755 to Strictures on Female Education, v. 5. 1856. id ed 8 LnStories an60 T ales, v. 3-4. 1856, 2d ed, 80. London, 1860. Thoughts on the Manners of the Great, v. 11. MORE. MOREAU. MORE, (Henry.) Opera omnia, turn quoe La- in Latin; translated into English by Gilbert tin6, turn qu-e Anglice scripta sunt, nunc Burnet. 16~. Glasgow, 1743. vero Latinitate donata. 2 v. Folio. Lon- The same. With an account of More's dini, 1679. Life. 12~. London, 1795. (Political Classics, CONTENTS. v. 3.) Antidotus adversus Atheislunm, v. 2. __ The same. A new translation, by A. Cabbala Philosophica, v. 2. Confutatio Tractatus Theologico-Politici, v. 1. Cayley. 4~. London, 1808. (With Cayley's Desscriptio trilm Tabularunl Cabbalisticarum, v. 1. Dialogi Divini de Attributis et Providentia Dei, Mem. of Sir T. More, v. 2.) v. 1-2. The same; with the New Atlantis, by Dissertatio de Enthusiasmo, v. 1. Epistolae ad Cartesium, v. 2. Lord Bacon, analysis ofPlato's Republic, and Enchiridium Ethicum, v.. 1notes, by J. A. St. John. 120. London, 1838. Enchiridium Metaphysicumln, v. 1. Experimentum Torricellianum, v. 1. MORE. See MOORE. FandamentaPhilosophia sive Cabbalm 2Eto-pmdomelissace, v. 1. aMOREAU, (Cesar.) East India Company's Gravitatione (de) Corporum Fluidorum, v. 1. Records, shewing the past and present state Immortalitas Animme, v. 2. Philosophis Teutonice Censura, v. 1. of the British possessions in India, as to Subversio Duarum plrecipuarnum Atheismi Spino- their revenue, expenditure, debts, trade, and ziani Columnarum, v. 1. Visionis Ezechielis sive Mercav. Expositio, ex prin- navigation. Oblong folio. London, 1825. cipiis philosophie Pythagorice concinnata, v. 1. S o t ------ State of the Trade of Great Britain -- Collection of several Philosophical with all parts of the world, from the year writings. 4th ed. Folio. London, 1712. 1697 to 1822. 80; [Chart.] London, 1824. CONTENTS. MMOREAU, (Jean Victor.) Discours Prononce Antidote against Atheism. Enthusiasmus Triumpha- Tib Cimin i Appendix to the said An- tus. au Tribunal Criminel de la Seine. 80. Paris, tidote. Immortality of the Soul. 1804. (Pol. Pam. v. 19.) Conjectura Cabbalistica. Letters to Des Cartes, etc. MORE, (Sir Thomas.) Workes, written in the Memoire Justificatif, et Lettre au PrePMORE, (Sir Thomazs.) MWorkes, written in the English tongue. 40 London, 1557. mier Consul. 40. Paris, 1804. (Pol. Pam., English tongue. 40.London, 1557. Note.-Black letter. Wants four leaves, which are V. 5.) supplied in MS. Otherwise perfect, according to Justification from a Charge of ConLowndes' collation, excepting the rare leaf, between pp. 1138 and 1139. spiracy. Translated by S. L. Gray. 80. CONTENTS. Norfolk, (Va.,) 1804. (Pol. Pam., v. 19.) PoemsofJhonP Earl M. Life and Campaigns; with his trial, Life of Jhon Picus, Earle of -lAirandula. Historie of Kyng Rycharde III. and other events, till his embarkation for De Quatuor Nouissimis: a treatise upon the Holy the United States. From the French, by Scripture. e United States. From the French, by Dialogue concernynge Heresyes and matters of Re- John Davis. 160. New York, 1806. ligion, in 4 bokes. Supplicacion of Soules. MOREAU, (Pierre.) Histoire des Derniers Confutazcion of'Tyndale's Aulnswere. Troubles du Bresil entre les Hollandais et Debellacion of Salem and Byzance. Apologye of Sir Thomas More. les Portugais. 40 Paris, 1651. (Relations Aunswer to a litle boke of Jhon Frith against the de Madagascar et du Brsil blessed sacrament of the aulter. de Madagascar et du Bresil.) Aunswer to the first of the poysoned bookeswhych MOREAU-CHRISTOPHE (Louis Mathurin. a nameles heretike hath named the Souper of the Lord. Defense du Projet de Loi sur les Prisons Dyaloge of Comforte agaynste Tribulacyon. contre les attaques de ses adversaires. 80. Treatice to receaue the blessed body of our Lord. Treatice upon the passion of Chryste. Paris, 1844. Devout and Vertuouse Instruccions, Meditacions, Rapport sur ls Prisons d ngleterre, and Prayers. Rapport sur les Prisons de lAngleterre, Letters. de l'ecosse, de la Hollande, de la Belgique, De Optimo Reipublicma statu deque et de la Suisse. 40. Paris, 1839. nova insula Utopia libri duo. 240. (n. d.) MOREAU DE ST. MtRY, (Mederic Louis ]lie.) [Title page wanting.] Considerations A l'Occasion de quelques soi- Poemata, quibuspraemissasuntqumdam disant Amis des Noirs. 80. Paris, 1791. ipsius et Guilielmi Lilii progymnasmata. 40. (Slavery Pamphlets, v. 15.) London, 1808. (With Cayley's Mem. of Sir - Description topographique, physique, T. More, v.-2.) civile, politique, et historique, de la partie History of King Richard III.; an un- Francaise de'Ile de Saint Domingue. 2 v. finished history, from his English works, by 40. Philadelphia, 1797-98. A. Cayley. 40. London, 1808. (With Loix et Constitutions des Colonies Cayley's Mem. of Sir T. More, v. 2.) Fran9oises de l'Ambrique sous le Vent, de-- Utopia; or the happy republic; a phi- puis 1550 jusqu'en 1785. 6 v. 40. Paris, losophical romance, in two books. Written 1784-86. 788 MOREAU. MOREUIL. MOREAU DE ST. MRY, (M6d6ric Louis illie.) MORELLET, (Andr6.) Memoires in6dits sur le Topographical and Political Description of Dix-huitieme Siecle et sur la Revolution. the Spanish part of St. Domingo. From the Pr6c6des de l'Iloge de l'Abbe Morellet, par French, by W. Cobbett. 2 v. 80. Phila- M. Lemontey. 2e ed. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1822. delphia, 1798. Me6moires relatifs a la Discussion du MOREHEAD, (James T.) Address in Com- Privilege de la Nouvelle Compagnie des memoration of the First Settlement of Ken- Indes. 40. Amsterdam, 1787. (Col. Pam., tucky; delivered at Boonsborough, 25th v. 22.) May, 1840. 80. Frankfort, 1840. Projet de R6ponse B un M6moire R6--- Practice in Civil Actions and Proceed- pandu sons le Titre de M6moire des Princes, ings at Law, in Kentucky. 80. Louisville, 21 Dec., 1788. (Pol. Pam., v. 16.) 1846. - Prospectus d'un nouveau Dictionnaire MOREIIEAD, (Robert.) Dialogues on Natural du Commerce. 80. Paris, 1769. and Revealed Religion. 120. London, 1830. - R6flexions sur la Liberte d'lcrire et MOREL, (-;) and LAROCHE, (T.) Manuel d'imprimer sur les matieres de l'administraGeneral du Commerce et de l'Industrie. 80. tion. 80. Londres, (Paris,) 1775. (Pol. Paris, 1857. Pam., v. 14.) MORELL, (Andr6.) Thesaurus Morellianus, MORELLI, (Guglielmo.) De Veterum Philososive Familiarum Romanarum Numismata phorum Origine, successione, aetate et docomnia accuratissime delineata et disposita. trina. (Gronovius, Thesaurus Graec. Antiq., Accedunt numi miscellanei. Edidit et illus- v. 10.) travit S. Havercampus. 2 v. Folio. Am- MORENO, (Manuel.) Late Military Revolusteltedami, 1734. tion in Buenos Ayres, and assassination of The same. Sive C. Schlegelii, S. Hav- Governor Dorrego; being the translation of ercampi et A. F. Gorii commentaria in XII. an exposition, addressed to the United Provpriorum imperatorum Romanorum numis- inces of the River Plate, in answer to atmata, cujuscunque moduli. 3 v. Folio. tacks. 80. London, 1829. Amstelvedami, 1752. MORPRI, (Louis.) Grand Dictionnaire HisMORELL, (J. D.) Historical and Critical View torique. Nouv. 6d., dans laquelle on a reof the Speculative Philosophy of Europe in fondu les supplemens de l'abb6 Goujet. Le the nineteenth century. 2d ed. 2 v. 80. tout revu, corrige, etaugment6 par M. Drouet. New York, (Edinburgh,) 1847. 10 v. Folio. Paris, 1759. - Introduction to Mental Philosophy, on Great Historical Dictionary; a curious the inductive method. 80. London, 1862. miscellany of sacred and prophane history. - Philosophical Tendencies of the Age; 2d ed., enlarged to the year 1688, by Jeremy four lectures. 80. London, 1848. Collier. 2v. Folio. London, 1701. Philosophy of Religion. 120. New o The same. Supplement and Appendix, York, 1849. by Jeremy Collier, &c. 2v. Folio. LonMORELL, (J. R.) Russia Self-Condemned: don, 1705-21. secret and inedited documents connected MORESTEL, (Ren6.) Philomusus, sive de triwith Russian history and diplomacy, of im- plici anno Romanorum; Alypius, sive de portant bearing on the present crisis in Eu- priscorum Romanorum feriis. (Grrevius, ropean politics. 80. London, 1854. Thesaurus Ant. Rom., v. 8.) MORELL, (Thomas.) Elements of the History ~ Pompa feralis, sive justa funebria veteof Philosophy and Science. 80. London, rum. (Groevius, Thesaurus Ant. Rom., 1827. v. 12.) MORELL, (Thomas, S. T. P.) Lexicon Greco- MORETO Y CABANA, (Agustin de.) Comedias Prosodiacum. Typis denuo mandavit, cor- Escogidas. 80. Madrid, 1856. (Biblioteca rexit, illustravit, verbis A Morello omissis, de Autores Espanoles, v. 27.) quam plurimis auxit; et Graecis vocibus MORETON, (Andrew.) Secrets of the Invisible Latinam versionem subjecit E. Maltby. 2 World disclosed; or, an universal history of parts in 1 v. 40. Cantabrigie, 1815. apparitions. 80. London, 1735. MORELL. See MORRELL. MOREUIL, (L. J. A. de.) Dictionnaire des MORELLET, (Andre.) Lettres in6dites, sur Chancelleries Diplomatiques et Consulaires, l'Histoire Politique et Litt6raire des ann6es redig6 et complet6 au moyen de documents 1806 et 1807. 80. Paris, 1822. officiels. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1855. 789 MOREUIL. MORGAN. MoREUIL, (L. J. A. de.) Manuel des Agents MORGAN, (N. D.) George Cardwell; or, a Consulaires,Frangaiset trangers. 80. Paris, month in a country parish. 120. New 1850. York, 1856. MOREWOOD, (Samuel.) Philosophical and MORGAN, (R. W.) Christianity and Modern Statistical History of the Manufacture and Infidelity. 120. London, 1854. Use of Inebriating Liquors, &c. With an MORGAN, (Sydney Owenson, Lady.) Absenteeillustration of the consumption and effects ism. 120. London, 1825. of opium. 8~. Dublin, 1838. Book of the Boudoir. 2v. 120. LonMORFIT, (Campbell.) Arts of Tanning, Cur- don, 1836. rying, and Leather-Dressing; considered in Florence Macarthy. 16~. London, all their details. From the French of Julia 1839. de Fontenelle and F. Malepeyre, with addi- France in 1829-30. 2 v. in 1. 12". tions. 80. Philadelphia, 1852. New-York, 1830. Chemistry applied to the Manufacture The same. With translation of the of Soap and Candles. New ed. 8~. Phila- French words and phrases. 80. Philadeldelphia, 1856. phia, 1817. Perfumery; its manufacture and use. Italy. 2 v. 80. New-York, 1821. 120. Philadelphia, 1847. Letter to Cardinal Wiseman, in answer and (Clarence.) Chemical and Phar- to his "Remarks on Lady Morgan's Statemaceutical Manipulations; a manual of the ments regarding St. Peter's Chair." 3d ed. operations of the laboratory. 2d ed. 80. 80. London, 1851. Philadelphia, 1857. Life and Times of Salvator Rosa. 2 v. MORGAGNI, (Giovanni Battista.) Seats and 80. London, 1824. Causes of Diseases Investigated by Anatomy. Memoirs: autobiography, diaries, and Translated from the Latin, by B. Alexander. correspondence. Edited by W. Hepworth 3 v. 40. London, 1769. Dixon. 2 v. 80. London, 1862. MORGAN, (Aaron Augustus.) Mind of Shak- O'Brien's and O'Flahertys. 2d ed. speare, as exhibited in his works. (Quota- 4 v. 120. London, 1828. tions, alphabetically arranged under the sub- - Passages from My Autobiography. 8C. ject.) 120. London, 1860. London, 1859. MORGAN, (George Osborne.) Statutes, General Princess; or, the Beguine. 3v. 120. Orders, and Regulations relating to the Prac- London, 1835. tice and Jurisdiction of the Court of Chancery. Wild Irish Girl. 160. London, ]850. 2d ed., withsupplement. 120. London, 1861. Woman and her Master. 2 v. 120. MORGAN, (Hector Davies.) Doctrine and Law London, 1840. of Marriage, Adultery, and Divorce. With MORGAN, (Sir Thomas Charles.) Sketches of an appendix. 2 v. 80. Oxford, 1826. thePhilosophyofMorals. 80. London, 1822. Sermons on the Religious Principles of MORGAN, (William; F. R. S.) Appeal to the the Age. 80. Oxford, 1819. (Bampton People of Great Britain in the Present State Lectures for 1819.) of Public Finances and Credit. 3d ed. 80. MORGAN, (J.) Complete History of Algiers. London, 1797. (Financial Pam., v. 1.) Also, an Epitome of the General History The same. (Misc. Pam., v. 11.) of Barbary. 40. London, 1731, The same. 80. London, 1798. (Pol. -- Phenix Britannicus; being a miscel- Pam., v. 32.) laneous collection of scarce and curious Facts for the Serious Attention of the tracts, only to be found in the cabinets of the People of Great Britain respecting the Nacurious. 40. London, 1732. tional Debt. 2d ed. 80. London, 1796. MORGAN, (John; of the Inner-Temple.) Modern (Misc. Pam., v. 11.) Pleader; or, attorney's treasury. 3d ed. The same. 3d ed. 80. London, 1796. 2 v. in 1. 80. Dublin, 1793. (Financial Pam., v. 1.) MORGAN, (Lewis H.) Circular in reference to Public Finances of the Late Administhe Degrees of Relationship among different tration. 80. London, 1801. (Poi. Pam., Nations. 80. Washington, (n. d.) (Smith- v. 31.) sonian Misc. Coll., v. 2.) Review of Price's Writings on the FiLeague of the Ho-De-No-Sau-Nee, or nances of Great Britain, &c. 80. London, Iroquois. 80. Rochester, 1851. 1795. (Misc. Pam.,v. 11.) 790 MORGAN. MORLEY. MORGAN, (W.,) and MACPIIERSON, (A. G.) versalis Oxoniensis Distributio nova. 2 v. Indian Penal Code. (Act XLV. of 1860,) Folio. Oxonii, 1715. with notes. 8". London, 1861. MORISON, (William Maxwell.) Decisions of MORGANN, (Maurice.) Essay on the Dramatic the Court of Session, from the first instituCharacter of Sir John Falstaff. 8~. Lon- tion to the present time, digested in the form don, 1777. of a dictionary. In which all the decisions MORGUES, (Matthieu de.) Diverses Pieces in manuscript, in the library of the Faculty pour la Defense de la Royne MBre du Roy of Advocates, are published for the first time, Tres-chrestien Louys XIII. 2 v. in 1. 12~. and those formerly printed are corrected, Paris, 1643-44. with additions in notes. With supplement, MORHOF, (Daniel Georg.) Polyhistor,intres etc. 24 v. 4~. Edinburgh, 1801-'23. tomes, literarium, philosophicum et practi- MORISON. See MORRISON. cum divisus. Opus posthumum, accurate MORITZ, (Carl Philipp.) Mythological Ficrevisum A Johanne Mollero. Accedunt in- tions of the Greeks and Romans. From the dices necessarii. Small 4~. Lubeceg, 1708. 5th ed., in German, by C. F. W. Jreger. MORIER, (James.) Adventures of Hajji Baba 16~. New-York, 1830. of Ispahan. 16~. London, 1851. (Bent- - Travels in England, 1788. (Pinkerley's Stand. Novels, v. 44.) ton's Voyages, v. 2.) Adventures of Hajji Baba in England. MORLAND, (T. Hornby.) Genealogy of the 16c. London, 1850. (Bentley's Stand. English Race Horse, from the earliest times Novels, v. 45.) to the period when foreign blood was first ~- - Ayesha, the Maid of Kars. 160. Lon- introduced into this kingdom, &c. 80. don, 1846. (Bentley's Stand. Novels, v. 100.) London, 1810. Journey through Persia, Armenia, and MORLAND, (William Wallace.) Diseases of Asia Minor, to Constantinople, in 1808-9. the Urinary Organs; their diagnosis, pathol40. London, 1812. ogy, and treatment. 80. Philadelphia, 1858. The same. Second Journey, between MORLEY, (Henry.) Fables and Fairy Tales. 1810-16. 40. London, 1181. 160. London, 1860. - Zohrab the Hostage. 160. London, Jerome Cardan. Life of Girulamo 1837. (Bentley's Stand. Novels, v. 54.) Cardano, of Milan, physician. 2 v. 120. MORILLO, (Gen. PAblo.) M6moires relatifs London, 1854. aux principaux 6v6nemens de ses Campagnes Life of Bernard Palissy, the potter of enAm6riquede1815a 1821. Suivisdedeux Saintes. 2v. 120. London, 1852. pr6cis de J. D. Diaz et de M. de la Torre. ~ Life of Henry Cornelius Agrippa, comTraduit de l'Espagnol, par E. de Blosseville. monly known as a magician. 2 v. 12. 80. Paris, 1826. London, 1856. MORIN, (H.) Numismatique Feodale duDau- Memoirs of Bartholomew Fair. 80. phine. 40. Paris, 1854. London, 1859. MORIN, (J. B.) Dictionnaire Etymologique - Oberon's Horn; a book of fairy tales. des Mots Francois D6rives du Grec. 2e ed. 120. London, 1861. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1809. MORLEY, (John.) Essay on the Nature and MORIN, (Pierre Achille.) Repertoire General Cure of Scrofulous Disorders. 7th ed. 12~. Raisonn6 du droit Criminel; ouf sont method- London, 1771. (Med. Pami, v. 2.) iquement expos6es la legislation, la doctrine MORLEY, (Thomas.) Canzonets; or, little et la jurisprudence sur tout ce qui constitue short songs to three voyces. Small 40. le grand et le petit criminel en toutes ma- London, 1593. tidres et dans toutes les juridictions. 2 v. MORLEY, (William H.) Administration of JusParis, 1850-51. tice in British India; its past history and presMORISON, (John.) Fathers and Founders of ent state; comprising an account of the laws the London Missionary Society. With a peculiar to India. 8~. London, 1858. brief Sketch of Methodism, and historical Analytical Digest of all the Reported notices of the several Protestant Missions, Cases in the Supreme Courts of Judicature from 1556 to 1839. 2 v. 80. London, 1840. in India, in the Courts of the Hon. EastMORISON, (John H.) Life of the Hon. Jere- India Company, and on Appeal from India, miah Smith. 120. Boston, 1845. by Her Majesty in Council; with notes. 2v. M1oi;soN, (Robert.) Plantarum Historic Uni- 80. London, 1849-50. 791 MORLEY. MORRIS. MORLEY, (William H.) Analytical Digest of MORRIS, (Beverley Robinson.) British GameReported Cases in India, &c. New series. Birds and Wildfowl. 4~. London, 1855. V. 1. 8~. London, 1852. MORRIS, (Caspar.) Essay on the Pathology MORMON. Book of Mormon. Translated by and Therapeutics of Scarlet Fever. 80. Joseph Smith, Jr. 3d ed. 120. Nauvoo, Philadelphia, 1858. (Ill.,) 1840. Lectures on Scarlet Fever. 80. PhilaThe same. Reprinted from the 3d Am. delphia, 1852. ed. 120. New York, [1859.?] MORRIS, (Eastin.) Reports of Cases in the MORNAC, (Antoine.) Observationes in XXIV. Supreme Court of Iowa, 1839 to 1846. 80. libros Digestorum, et librum primum Codicis. Iowa City, 1847. (2 copies.) 2 v. Folio. Parisiis, 1616. MORRIS, (Francis Orpen.) Anecdotes in NaMORNAY, or DUPLESSIS MORNAY, (Philippe, tural History. 80. London, 1860. Seigneur de Plessis-Marly.) Memoires; con- History of British Birds. 3 v. 80. tenans divers Discours, Instructions, Lettres, London, 1851-53. et Ddpesches par lui dress6es, ou 6scrites aux MORRIS, (George P.) Poems. 80. NewRois, Roines, Princes, Princesses, Seig- York, 1853. neures, et plusieurs grand personnages de la MORRIS, (Gouverneur.) Answer to [James Chrestient6, depuis 1572, jusques a 1623. Stephens'] War in Disguise; or, remarks 4 v. 40. La Forest, et Amsterdam, 1624- upon the new doctrine of England concerning 1652. neutral trade. 80. New-York, 1806. The same. Edition pr6c6d6e des M6- Observations on the American Revolumoires de Madame de Mornay sur la Vie de tion. 80. Philadelphia, 1779. (Col. Pam., son Mari. V. 1-12. 80. Paris, 1824-25. v. 17.) MORON, (Fermin Gonzalo.) CursodeHistoria MORRIS, (John.) Two Lectures on the Jurisde la Civilizacion de Espana. 6 v. in 3. diction and Practice of the High Court of 120. Madrid, 1841-46. Admiralty of England. 8~. London, MORPETH, (Lord.) See CARLISLE, Earl of. 1860. MORPHY, (Paul.) Exploits and Triumphs in MORRIS, (John G.) Catalogue of the DesEurope of the Chess Champion. Including cribed Lepidoptera of North America. 80. an account of clubs, famous players, and Washington, 1860. (SmithsonianMisc.Colvarious information relating to the game of lections, v. 3.) chess. By his late secretary. 120. New- - Martin Behaim, the German Astronomer York, 1859. and Cosmographer of the Times of ColumMorphy's Games; a selection of games bus. 80. Baltimore, 1855. played in Europe and America. With notes Quaint Sayings and Doings concerning by J. Lwenthal. 120. New-York, 1850. Luther. 120. Philadelphia, 1859. MORRELL, (Benjamin.) Narrative of Four Synopsis of the described Lepidoptera, Voyages to the South Sea, North and South of North America. Part I. Diurnal and Pacific Ocean, etc., from 1822 to 1831. 80. Crepuscular Lepidoptera. 80. Washington, New-York, 1832. 1862. (Smithsonian Misc. Coll., v. 4. MORRELL. See MORELL. MORRIS, (John J.) Sacred Lyrics, or hopes MORRES, (Robert.) Eight Sermons [on Faith, and yearnings heavenward. 160. Phila&c.] 80. Oxford, 1791. (Bampton Lec- delphia, 1852. tures for 1791.) MORRIS, (John William.) Biographical ReMORRIS, (BenjaminFranklin.) ChristianLife collections of Robert Hall. 80. London, and Character of the Civil Institutions of 1833. the United States, developed in the Official MORRIS, (P. Pemberton.) Practical Treatise and Historical annals of the Republic. 80. on the Law of Replevin in the United States. Philadelphia, 1864. With forms, and a digest of statutes. 80. Historical Sketch of Rising Sun, In- Philadelphia, 1849. (2 copies.) diana; a discourse. 80. Cincinnati, 1858. MORRIS, (Richard; F. L. S.) Botanist's ManLife of Thomas Morris, pioneer, and ual; a catalogue of hardy, exotic, and indilong a legislator of Ohio, and U. S. Senator genous plants. 160. London, 1824. from 1833 to 1839. 120. Cincinnati, 1856. Essays on Landscape Gardening, and - Our Country; discourses on national on uniting picturesque effect with rural subjects. 80. Lawrenceburgh, (Ind.,) 1848. scenery. 40. London, 1825. 792 MORRIS. MORTIMER. MORRIS, (Richard; F. L S.) Flora Conspicua. MoRSE, (Jedidiah.) American Gazetteer; a A selection of the most ornamental flowering, full account of the American continent; also hardy, exotic, and indigenous trees, shrubs, of the West India and other appendant isand herbaceous plants. 8~. London, 1826. lands. 2d ed. 8C. Charlestown, (Ms.,) 1804. MORRIS, (Richard; Barrister.) Analytical Di- American Geography; or, a view of gest of Selected Practice Cases decided in the present situation of the United States of the Common Law Courts, to Trinity Term, America. New ed. 4~. London, 1794. 1847. 80. London, 1847. American Universal Geography; or, a MORRIS, (Richard V.; Commodore.) Defence view of the present state of the known of his Conduct during his command in the world, and of the. United States in particuMediterranean. 8~. New York, 1804. (Pol. lar. The introduction revised by Samuel Pam., v. 104.) Webber. 5th ed. 2 v. 80. Boston, 1805. MORRIS, (Robert.) Statement of the accounts ~ The same. Vol. 1; an account of North of the United States of America during the America, and general description of South administration of the Supt. of Finance, America, &c. 6th ed. 8~. Boston, 1812. 1781-84. Folio. Philadelphia, 1785. Remarks on the Controversy between MonnIS, (Thomas.) House for the Suburbs; Dr. Morse and Miss Adams, together with socially and architecturally sketched. 8~. some notice of the review of Dr. Morse's London, 1860. appeal. 2d ed. 80. Boston,'1814. MORRIS, (Thomas A.) Miscellany, consisting Report to the Secretary of War, on of essays, biographical sketches, and notes Indian Affairs. 80. New-Haven, 1822. of travel. 120. Cincinnati, 1852. - and PARISH, (Elijah.) Compendious MORRISON, (C.) Essay on the Relations be- History of New England. 160. Charlestween Labour and Capital. 80. London, town, (Mass.,) 1804. 1854. The same. 120. London, 1808. MORRISON, (Mary Morton.) Memoirs of the MORTE D'ARTHUR. The Byrth, Lyf, and Life and Labors of Robert Morrison. With Actes of Kyng Arthur; of his noble critical notices of his Chinese works, by S. knyghtes of the round table, theyr merKidd, etc. 2 v. 80. London, 1839. veyllous enquestes and adventures, thachMORRISON, (Robert.) Dictionary of the Chi- yeuyng of the sane greal; and in the end le nese Language. 6 parts. 40. Macao, morte d'Arthur. Introduction and notes by 1815-23. Robert Southey. Printed from Caxton's edi~- Embassy to the Court of China, 1816. tion, 1485. 2 v. 40. London, 1817. 80. London, 1819. (Pamphleteer, v. 15.) The same. History of King Arthur ~- Grammar of the Chinese Language. and the Knights of the Round Table. From 40. Serampore, 1815. the edition of 1634. By T. Wright. 3 v. Parting Memorial, consisting of dis- 120. London, 1858. courses preached in China, Singapore, &c. MORTIMER, (George.) Observations and ReWith remarks on missions. 80. London, marks during a Voyage to the Islands of 1826. Teneriffe, Otaheite, Sandwich Islands, the MORRISON, (William Hampson.) Observa- Fox Islands, Tinian, and from thence to tions on the system of Metallic Currency Canton. 40. London, 1791. adopted in this country. 80. London, 1837. MORTIMER, (G. W.) Pyrotechnist's Com(Financial Pam., v. 11.) panion; or, a familiar system of recreative MORRISON, (William H. and 0. H.) Stran- fireworks. 1st American ed. 180. Philager's Guide to the city of Washington and delphia, 1852. its vicinity. 240. Washington, 1855. MORTIMER, (Thomas.) Every Man his Own MORRISON. See MORISON. Broker. 16~. London, 1765. MoRnoNE, (Giuseppe Maria.) Vocabulary of General Dictionary of Commerce, the Cochin-Chinese Language. With notes Trade, and Manufactures. 8~. London, by M. de La Palun. 80. Philadelphia, 1838. 181J. (Am. Phil. Socy. Trans. Phil. and Lity. The same. With additions. 80, Com., v. 2.) London, 1823. MORSE, (Charles W.) Diamond Atlas, with - Lectures on the Elements of Condescriptions.of all countries. Eastern Hemi- merce, Politics, and Finances. 80. Lonsphere. Small 4~. New York, 1857. don. 1801. 793 MORTON. MOSER. MORTON, (Edward.) Travels in Russia, and MosAIc RFCORD in Harmony with the Geoloa residence at St. Petersburg and Odessa, in gical. 160. Edinburgh, 1854. the years 1827-29. 80. London, 1830. MOSBY, (Mary Webster.) Pocahontas; a MORTON, (James.) Monastic Annals of Tev- legend, with historical and traditionary notes. iotdale; or, the history and antiquities of the 16~. Philadelphia, 1840. Abbeys of Jedburgh, Kelso, Melrose, and MosCHus. Idyllion, (Gr. et Lat.) Rec. C. F. Dryburgh. 4~. Edinburgh, 1832. Ameis. (Colici; Didot, Biblioth. Grecque, MORTON, (John.) On the Nature and Prop- v. 41.) erty of Soils; and on the rents and profits of - The same. Trans. by R. Polwhele. agriculture, &c. 3d ed. 80. London, 1842. 160. Chiswick, 1822. (Brit. Poets, v. 92.) MORTON, (John Chalmers.) Cyclopsedia of The same. Trans. (in prose,) by J. Agriculture, practical and scientific. 2 v. Banks; (in verse,) by J. M. Chapman. With 80. Glasgow, 1851-55. Theocritus, &c. 120. London, 1853. (Bohn's Handbook of Dairy Husbandry. 160. Class. Lib'y, v. 81.) London, 1860. MOSELEY, (Benjamin.) Commentaries on the MORTON, (John Lockhart.) Resources of Lues Bovilla; or, Cow-Pox. 2d ed. 80. Estates; a treatise on the agricultural im- London, 1805. (Cow-Pox Tracts, v. 4.) provement and general management of ~ An Oliver for a Rowland; or, a Cowlanded property. London, 1858. Pox Epistle to Rev. Rowland Hill. 10th ed. MORTON, (Nathaniel.) New England's Me- 80. London, 1807. (Cow-Pox Tracts, v. 4.) morial; or, the most memorable passages of -- Review of the Report of the Royal the providence of God manifested to the College of Physicians of London on Vacplanters of New England; with special refer- cinnation. 2d ed. 80. London, 1808. ence to New Plimouth. With notes, by John (Cow-Pox Tracts, v. 4.) Davis. 80. Boston, 1826. - Treatise on the Lues Bovilla; or, CowMORTON, (Pierce.) Geometry, plane, solid Pox. 2ded. 80. London, 1805, (Cowand spherical. 80. London, 1838. Pox Tracts, v. 4.) MORTON, (Samuel George.) Crania Ameri- MOSELEY, (Henry.) Illustrations of Mecana; or, a comparative view of the skulls chanics. 2d ed. 120. London, 1841. of various aboriginal nations of America; - - Lectures on Astronomy. 120. Lonwith an essay on the varieties of the human don, 1839. species. Folio. Philadelphia, 1839. - Mechanical Principles of Engineering Illustrations of Pulmonary Consump- and Architecture. 80. London, 1843. tion. 80. Philadelphia, 1814. - Treatise on Hydrostatics and HydrodyMORTON, (Thomas; of Clifford's Inn.) New namics. 80. Cambridge, 1830. English Canaan; containing an abstract of - Treatise on Mechanics, applied to the New England, 1632. (Force's Hist. Tracts, Arts; including Statics and Hydrostatics. v. 2.) 2d ed. 120. London, 1839. MORTON, (Thomas, M. D.;) and CADGE, (Wil- MoSELEY, (Joseph.) What is Contraband of liam.) Surgical Anatomy of the Principal War, and what is not. Comprising all the Regions of the Human Body. 80. Lon- American and English authorities on the don, 1850. subject. 120. London, 1861. (2 copies.) MORTON, (T. C.) Practical Treatise of the MOSELEY, (William.) Reports of Casesinthe Law of Vendors and Purchasers of Chattels High Court of Chancery, during the time of Personal. 80. London, 1837. Lord Chancellor King. Folio. Dublin, 1744. MORTON, (W. J. T.) Manual of Pharmacy, MOSELEY, (William; LL.D.) Dictionary of for the Student of Veterinary Medicine. 3d Latin Quantities. With a treatise on proed. 160. London, 1843. sody. 120, London, 1827. MORTON, (William T. G.) Statements, sup- MOSELEY, (William Willis.) Origin of the ported by evidence, on his Claim to the Dis- First Protestant Mission to China; and hiscovery of the Anaesthetic Properties of Ether, tory of the translation of the Holy Scriptures submitted to the Committee of the Senate of into the Chinese language. 80. London, 1842. the United States, 1853. 80. Washington, MOSER, (Friedrich Carl von.) Beytrage zu 1853. dem Staats-und-Volker-Recht und der GesMOIRVEAU, (G. de.) See GUYTON DE MOR- chichte. 4 v. 160. Franckfurt am Mayn, VEAU. 1764-72. 100 794 MOSER. MOTTEVILLE. MOSER, (Friedrich Carlvon.) Kleine-Schrif- Moss, (JosephWilliam.) Manual of Classical ten, zur Erliuterung des Staats-und-Volker- Bibliography; a detailof the various editions, Rechts, wie auch des Hof-und Cansley-Cere- commentaries, and works, critical and illusmoniels. 12v. 160. FranckfurtamMayn, trative, and translations of the Greek and 1751-65. Latin classics. 2 v. 8~. London, 1825. MosER, (Johann Jacob.) Beytrage zu dem Moss, (Thomas.) Treatise of Gauging. 3d neuesten Europaiischen Gesandt-schaffts- ed. 8~. London, 1779. Recht. 8~. Frankfurt am Mayn, 1781. Moss, (W. G.) History and Antiquities of Versuch des neuesten Europtiischen the Town and Port of Hastings. 80. LonVolker-Rechts in Friedens und Kreigs- don, 1824. Zeiten. 10 v. in 12. 120. Frankfurt am MossE, (R. B.) Parliamentary Guide. 240. Mayn, 1777-80. London, 1835. MOSER, (Louis.) The Caucasus and its Peo- MOSSMAN, (Samuel.) Gold Regions of Ausple; with a brief history of their wars, and tralia. 2d ed. 160. London, 1852. a sketch of the achievements of the renowned MOT, (Maurice Adolphe.) French Grammar chief Schamyl. 12~. London, 1856. and Dictionary: with an infallible method MOSES, (Frederick.) Treatise on the Coal for learning the pronunciation. 120. PhilaField of South Wales, &c. 2d ed. 80. delphia, 1853. Swansea, 1849. MOTHERWELL, (William.) Minstrelsy; anMosEs, (Henry.) Collection of Antique Vases, cient and modern. With introduction and altars, patere, tripods, candelabra, sarco- notes. Small 40. Glasgow, 1827. phagi, &c.. from various museums and col- Poetical Works. With a memoir, by lections, engraved on 170 plates; with his- J. M'Conechy. 3d ed. 160. Glasgow, 1849. torical essays. Small 40. London, 1814. MOTIFS pour la Paix G6nerale; avec une MOSES, (Henry.) Englishman's Life in In- Remontrance de M. le President Canon de dia; or, travel and adventure in the east. Lorraine aux Plenipotentiaries des Allies 160. London, 1853. assembl6s a Nimegue. 240. Liege, 1678. MOSES, (Myer.) Commercial Directory, and (Pol. Pam., v. 129.) digest of the laws of the United States re- MOTLEY, (John Lothrop.) Causes of the lating to commerce. 80. New York, 1830. Civil War in America. 80. London, 1861. (10 copies.) History of the United Netherlands; Full Annals of the Revolution in France, from the death of William the Silent to the 1830. With account of the celebration of Synod of Dort. 2 v. 80. New York, 1861. said Revolution in New York, 25th Nov., (3 copies.) 1830.'120. New York, 1830. The same. 2 v. 80. London, 1860. MOSHAMM, (Franz Xavier von.) Europatisches ~ Merry Mount; a romance of the MassaGesandschaftsrecht. 80. Landshut, 1805. chusetts colony. 2 v. in 1. 120. Boston, MOSHEIM, (Johann Lorenz von.) Commen- 1849. taries on the Affairs of the Christians before Rise of the Dutch Republic. 3 v. 80. the time of Constantine the Great; or, Ec- New-York, 1856. clesiastical History of the First Three Cen- The same. 2v. 120. Edinburgh, 1859. turies. From the Latin, by R. S. Vidal. 2 v. Histoire de la Fondation de lRepublique 80. London, 1813. des Provinces-Unies. Traduction nouvelle. -- Ecclesiastical History, ancient and pr6c6dee d'une introduction, par M. Guizot. modern. From the Latin, with notes, 4 v. 80. Paris, 1859-60. &c., by A. Maclaine. 6 v. 80. London, MOTRAYE. See LA MOTRAYE. 1782. MOTT, (A.) Biographical Sketches and Inter~ — The same. New and literal translation, esting Anecdotes of Persons of Color; with with notes. By James Murdock. 3 v. 80. a selection of pieces in poetry. 160. NewNew Haven, 1832. York, 1826. MosQuERo, (T. E.) Exdmen Critico del Li- MOTT, (Valentine.) Travels in Europe and belo publicado en la imprenta del Comercio the East, from 1834 to 1841. 80. Newen Lima, por Jos6 Maria Obando. 2 v. York, 1842. Small 40. Valparaiso, 1843. MOTTEVILLE, (Francoise Bertaut, Mme. de.) Moss, (C. and M.) Romance of Jewish His- M6moires, 1643-1666. 80. Paris, 1838. tory. 3 v. 120, London, 1840. (Michaud, Coil. Mem. Hist. France, v. 22.) 795 MOTTEVILLE. MUDFORD. MOTTEVILLE, (Fran9ois Bertaut, hMme. de.) Various Authors who have Written concernMemoires, 1643-1666. 5 v. 8~. Paris, ing Brazil; more particularly respecting 1824. (Petitot, Coll. Mem. Hist. France, ser. Minas Geraes, and the gold mines of that 2, v. 36-40.) province. 80. London, 1825. Memoirs for the History of Anne of MOUNTGOMRY. See MONTGOMERY. Austria, Wife to Lewis XIII. of France. MOUNTMORRES, (Hervey Redmond Morres, From the French. 5 v. 16G. London, Lord.) History of the Principal Transac1725-26. tions of the Irish Parliament, from 1634 to MOTTLEY, (John.) History of the Life of 1666. With his life. 2 v. 80. London, Peter I., Emperor of Russia. 3 v. 80. 1792. London, 1739. MOURADJA D'OnSSON, (Ignace.) Tableau MOTTOS. Book of Mottos, with their English G6neral de l'Empire Othoman. 2 v. Folio. Signification. New ed. 160. London, 1851. Paris, 1787-90. MOTTRAYE. See LA MOTRAYE. MOURAVIEFF, (Andrea N.) History of the MOUFE'r, or MUFFETT, (Thomas.) Insecto- Church of Russia. Translated by R. W. rum sive Minimorum Animaliuml Theatrum; Blackmore. 80. London, 1843. olim ab EdoardoWottono, Conrado Gesnero, MOURT, (George.) Relation of the ProceedThomaque Pennio inchoatum. Folio. Lon- ings of the Plantation settled at Plymouth, dini, 1634. in New England. 80. Boston, 1802-22. MOUFFLED'Angerville, (-.) PrivateLife of (Mass. Hist. Coll., v. 8, first series; and v. Louis XV., in which are contained the prin- 9, second series.) cipal events, remarkable occurrences, and MOUVEMENT Religieux en Angleterre; ou les anecdotes of his reign. Translated by J. 0. progres du Catholicisme, et le retour de Justamond. 4 v. 80. London, 1781. l'eglise Anglicane A l'unite. Par un CathoMOUHY, (Charles de Fieux, Chevalier de.) lique. 80. Paris, 1844. Fortunate Country Maid. 80. London, 1783. MoWATT,(AnnaCora.) See RTCHIE,(A. C. M.) (Novelists' Magazine, v. 7.) MOWRY, (Sylvester.) Geography and Resources MOULE, (Thomas.) Bibliotheca Heraldica of Arizona and Sonora: an Address. 80. Magnae Britanni'e: a catalogue of books on Washington, 1859. genealogy, heraldry, nobility, knighthood, MOXON, (Charles.) Introduction to Mineraland ceremonies. 80. London, 1822. ogy. 80. London, 1838. Heraldry of Fish: notices of the prin- MoYEs, (J.) Specimens of Types used in the cipal families bearing fish in their arms. 80. Temple Printing Office. 80. London, 1826. London, 1842. (Pol. Pam., v. 71.) MOULTON, (Joseph W.) Chancery Practice of The same. (Pol. Pam., v. 72.) New-York. 80. New-York, 1829. MOYLE, (Robert.) Exact Book of Entries, of MOULTON, (R. K.) Constitutional Guide; the the most Select Judicial Writs used in the Constitution of the United States; with Common Law. Translated by John Herne. notes and commentaries from the writings 40. London, 1658. of Story, Kent, Madison, etc. 180. New- MOYLE, (Walter.) Argument showing that a York, 1834. Standing Army is inconsistent with a free Legislative and Documentary History government. 80. London, 1817. (Pamof the Banks of the United States. 18~. phleteer, v. 10.) New-York, 1834. (Bound with above.) Collection of Tracts. 160. Glasgow, MOULTRIE, (William.) Memoirs of the Amer- 1750. ican Revolution, so far as it related to North MOZLEY, (J. B.) Treatise on the Augustinian and South Carolina, and Georgia. 2 v. 80. Doctrine of Predestination. 80. London, New-York, 1802. 1855. MOUNIER, (Jean Joseph.) De l'Influence at- MR. FRANK, the Underground Mail Agent, by tribuee aux Philosophes, aux Franc-Masons Vidi. 120. Philadelphia, 1853. et aux Illumines, sur la Revolution de la MUDFORD, (William.) Historical Account of France. 80. Paris, 1822. the Campaign in the Netherlands, in 1815, Expos6 de sa Conduite dans l'Assem- comprising the battles of Ligny, Quatre blee Nationale. 80. Paris, 1789. (Pol. Bras, and Waterloo. With the political Pam., v. 9.) events connected with those conflicts. 40. MOUNTENEY, (Barclay.) Selections from the London, 1817. 796 MUDFORD. MULLALY. MUDFORD, (William.) Life of Richard Cum- MI TLENFELS, (Ludwig von.) Manual of Gerberland, embracing a critical examination man Literature, containing classical speciof his writings. 80. London, 1812. mens of German prose and poetry. 2 v. 160. MUDIE, (James.) Historical and Critical Ac- London, 1830. count of a Series of National Medals. 40. MUIR, (Francis) Stamp and Tax Office ManLondon, 1820. ual; a guide to the public. 120. EdinMUDIE, (Robert.) Feathered Tribes of the burgh, 1861. British Islands. 3dced 2v. 120. London Mlir, (John.) Original Sanskrit Texts on 1841. the origin and progress of the religion and Gleanings of Nature; fifty-seven groups institutions of India; collected, translated, of animals and plants, with popular descrip- and illustrated. 4 v. 80. London, 1858-63. tions of their habits. 80. London, 1838. MuIR, (Thomas.) Life of T. Muir, who was Man as a Moral and Accountable Being. tried for sedition before the High Court of 16~. London, 1840. Justiciary in Scotland, and sentenced to Man, in his Intellectual Faculties and transportation; with a full report of his trial, Adaptations. 160. London, 1839. by Peter Mackenzie. 80. Glasgow, 1831. - -- Man, in his Physical Structure and Review of the Bullion Question. 80. Adaptations. 160. London, 1840. Edinburgh, 1822. (Pol. Pam., v. 66.) Man, in his Relations to Society. 160. MUIR, (William.) Life of Mahomet and HisLondon, 1840. tory of Islam, to the Hlegira; with chapters ~- Popular Guide to the Observation of on the original sources for the biography of Nature. b~. New-York, 1839. (Harpers' Mahomet, and on the Pre-Islamite history ot Fam. Library, v. 62.) Arabia. 2 v. 80. London, 1858. MUFFETT, (Thomas.) See MOuFET, (T.) MUIR, (W. J. Cockburn.) Pagan or ChrisMUFFLING, (Friedrich Ferdinand Carl, Baron tian? or, notes on our national architecture. von.) Narrative of my Mission to Constan- 120. London, 1860. tinople and St. Petersburg, in 1829 and 1830. MUIRHEAD, (James Patrick.) Life of James Translated by David Jardine. 160. London, Watt, with selections from his correspond1855. ence. 80. London, 1858. - Passages from my Life; with memoirs - Origin and Progress of the Mechanical of the campaign of 1813 and 1814. Edited, Inventions of James Watt. 3 v. 80. Lonwith notes, by Col. P. Yorke. 2d ed. 80. don, 1854. London, 1853. Winged Words on Chantrey's WoodMiGGE, (Theodor.) Afraja, a Norwegian and cocks. Small 40. London, 1857. Lapland tale; or, life and love in Norway. MULDER, (Gerhard Johann.) Chemistry of From the German, by E. J. Morris. 120. Vegetable and Animal Physiology. TransPhiladelphia, 1854. lated from the German, by P. F. H. FromSwitzerland in 1847; and its condition, berg; with notes by J. F. W. Johnston. 80. political, social, moral, and physical, before Edinburgh, 1849. the war. Ed. by Mrs. Percy Sinnett. 2 v. - Chemistry of Wine. From the Ger120. London, 1848. man. Ed by H. Bence Jones. 160. LonMUHAMMED Baber. Memoirs of Zehir Ed-Din don, 1857. Muhammed Baber, Emperor of Hindustan. MULFORD, (Isaac S.) Civil and Political HisWritten by himself in the Jaghatai Turki, tory of New-Jersey. 80. Camden, (N. J.,) and translated by Dr. Leyden and W. Ers- 1848. kine. 40. London, 1826. MULLALA, (James) Political History of IreMUHLENBURG, (Henry.) Catalogue of the land, from Lord Townshend's administrahitherto known native and naturalized Plants tion to the Marquis of Buckingham. 80. of North America. 80. Lancaster, (Pa.,) London, 1793. 1813. MULLALY, (John.) Laying of the Cable; or, MUHLENBERG, (Henry A.) Life of MajorGen- the Ocean Telegraph; narrative of the ateral Peter Muhlenberg, of the revolutionary tempt in 1855, and of the three expeditions army. 120. Philadelphia, 1849. of 1857 and 1858. 80. New-York, 1858. MUITLENFELS, (Ludwig von.) Introduction Milk Trade of New York and Vicinity; to a Courseof Gelrman Literature. 80. Lon- the sale of pure and adulterated milk. 12~. doll, 1830. New York, 1853. 797 MUILLENS. MUNDELL. MULLENS, (Joseph.) Religious Aspects of so far as it illustrates the primitive religion Hindu Philosophy Stated and Discussed. of the Brahmans. 2d ed. 8C. London, 12~. London, 1860. 1860. MULLER, (Carl Otfried.) Ancient Art and its Lectures on the Science of Language. Remains; or, a manual of the archeology 80. London, 1861. of art. From the German, by John Leitch. MULLER, (Samuel.) Voyages from Asia to 80. London, 1847. America, for completing the discoveries of - Attica and Athens; an inquiry into the North West Coast of America. With a the civil, moral, and religious institutions of summary of voyages made by the Russians the inhabitants, &c. From the German of on the Frozen Sea. From the High Dutch, Muiler, Grotefend, and others, by J. I. Lock- by T. Jefferys. 4~. London, 1761. hart. 80. London, 1842. ~ The same. 2d ed. 4~. London, 1764. History and Antiquities of the Doric MULLER, (William.) Elements of the Science Race. From the German, by H. Tufnell and of War. 3 v. 80. London, 1811. G. C. Lewis. 2 v. 80. Oxford, 1830. MULLIGAN, (John.) Exposition of the GramIntroduction to a Scientific System of matical Structure of the English Language. Mythology. From the German, by John New-York, 1857. Leitch. 80. London, 1844. MULLION, (Mordecai.) Illustrations of M'Cul~- History of the Literature of Ancient loch's Principles of Political Economy. 80. Greece. Continued by J. W. Donaldson. London, 1826. (Pol. Pam. v. 70.) 3 v. 80. London, 1858. MULOCH, (Dinah Maria.) Fairy Book. StorMULLER, (George.) Life of Trust; being a ies, selected and rendered anew. 180. Newnarrative of the Lord's dealings with George York, 1863. Muiler. Edited by H. S. Wayland; with John Halifax, Gentleman. New ed. introduction, by Francis Wayland. 120. 120. London, 1857. Boston, 1862. A Life for a Life. 80. New-York, MULLER, (Johann von.) Universal History. 1859. From the German. 3v. 80. London, 1818. Mistress and Maid. 120. London, GLOUTZ-BLOZIIEIM; et HO'ITINGER, 1863. (J. J ) Histoire de la Confederation Suisse. - Nothing New; tales. 2 v. 120. LonTraduite de l'Allemand, avec des notes, et don, 1857. continuee jusqu'a nos jours, par C. Monnard Poems. 120. London, 1859. et L. Vulliemin. 18 v. 80. Paris, 1837-51. - A Woman's Thoughts about Woman. MULLER, (John; Prof. at 1Woolwich.) Treatise 120. London, 1858. of Artillery; with a theory of powder ap- MUN, (Thomas.) England's Treasure by Forplied to fire-arms; according to the second eign Trade. 160. London, 1664. London edition. 80. Philadelphia, 1779. MUNDELL, (Alexander.) Comparative View MULLER, (John.) Principles of Physics and of the Industrial Situation of Great Britain, Meteorology. 80. London, 1847. from 1775 to the present time. 80. London, MUItLER, (Julius.) Christian Doctrine of Sin. 1832. Translated from the German, by William Examination of the Evidence taken Pulsford. 2 v. 80. Edinburgh, 1852-53. before the Committee of Secrecy on the Bank iMULLER, (L.) Numismatique d'Alexandre le of England Charter. 80. London, 1832. Grand. Suivie d'un appendice contenant les (Financial Pain., v. 20.) Monnaies de Philippe II. et III. 80. Ac- Influence of Interest and Prejudice compagnee de planches et tables. Small 40. upon proceedings in Parliament stated. 80. Copenhague, 1855. London, 1825. MULLER, (Friedrich Max.) Early German Necessary Operation of the Corn Laws. Classics, from the Fourth to the Fifteenth 8~. London, 1831. (Pol. Pam., v. 74.) Century. A German reading-book.. 12. Philosophy of Legislation. 80. LonLondon, 1858. don, 1834. Modern German Classics, from the Six- Reasons for a Revision of our Fiscal teenth to the Nineteenth Century. With Code. 80. London, 1828. (Financial Pam., notices, translations, and notes. 120. Lon- v. 20.) don, 1858. The same. 2d ed. 80. London, 1828. History of Ancient Sanskrit Literature, (Pol. Pam., v. 39.) 798 MUNDELL. MURDOCH. MUNDELL, (Alexander.) Tables shewing the graphie Byzantine, pour servir t l'examen amount of every article of. Home Produce des annales du Bas-Empire de 395 a 1057. and Manufacture exported, from 1814 to 1828. 80. St. P6tersbourg, 1855. Also, of leading articles of import. o8. Lon- MURAT, (Henriette Julie de Castelnau, Corndon, 1829. (Financial Pam., v. 24.) tessede.) Memoires de MadamelaComtesse MUNDEN, (Joseph Shepherd.) Memoirs. By deM."', avantsaretraite. Nouv. d. 16~. his son. 12~. London, 1844. Amsterdam, 1753. MUNDY, (Anthony.) Briefe Chronicle of the MURAT, (Napoleon Achille.) America and the Successe of Times from the creation of Americans. Translated from the French. the world to this instant. 160. London, 120. New-York, 1849. 1611. -Moral and Political Sketch of the UniMUNDY, (Major-General Godfrey Basil.) Life ted States. 120. London, 1833. and Correspondence of Admiral Lord Rod- MURATORI, (Lodovico Antonio.) Annali d'Itaney. 2 v. 8~. London, 1830. lia, dal principio dell' era volgare fino all' MUNDY, (Lieut. Col. Godfrey Charles.) Our anno 1750; colle prefazioni critiche di GiuAntipodes; or, residence and rambles in the seppeCatalani. 12v. 80. Roma, 1752-54. Australian Colonies; with a glimpse of the - The same. 1750 fino all' anno 1771. gold fields. 3 v. 80. London, 1852. Continuazione a quei di Muratori. 8c. MUNDY, (Captain Rodney.) Narrative of Livorno, 1772. Events in Borneo and Celebes, down to the - Antiquitates Italicre Medii iEvi, post Occupation of Labuan; from the journals of Declinationem Romani Imperii ad ann. 1500. James Brooke. 2 v. 80. London, 1848. 6 v. Folio. Mediolani, 1738-42. MUNFORD, (William.) General Index to the Dissertazioni sopra le Antichita ItaliVirginia Law Authorities, reported by Wash- ane, giu composte in Latino e compendiate ington, Call, Hening, and Munford, jointly, e trasportate nell'Italiana favella. Opera and Munford separately; with notes. 80. postuma. 2a ed., accresciuta da Gaetano Richmond, 1819. Cenni. 3 v. 80. Roma, 1755. Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court - Rerum Italicarum Scriptores, ab anno of Appeals of Virginia, 1810 to 1820. 6 v. serm Christianre 500 ad 1500. 25 v. in 28. 80. New-York, etc., 1812-21. (2 copies.) Folio. Mediolani, 1723-51. Poems and Compositions in Prose. The same. Ab anno ere Christianre 80. Richmond, (Va.,) 1798. 1000 ad 1600. 2 v. Folio. Florentie, MUNICIPALITS, The. The National Govern- 1748-70. ment and Municipal Government. 120. MURCH, (Jerome.) History of the Presbyterian New York, 1858. and general Baptist Churches in the West of MuNK, (Salomon.) Palestine; Description England. 80. London, 1835. Geographique, Historique, etArch6ologique. MuRCHIsoN, (Roderick Impey.) Siluria; the 80. Paris, 1845. (L'Univers, v. 17.) history of the oldest known rocks containing MUNN, (B.) Practical Land Drainer; in which organic remains. With a brief sketch of the the most approved systems of drainage are distribution of gold over the earth. 80. explained. 120. New-York, 1855. London, 1854. MuNoz, (Juan Bautista.) Historia del Nuevo- Silurian System, founded on geological Mundo. V. 1. 80. Madrid, 1793. (No researches. With descriptions of the coalmore published.) fields and overlaying formations, and map. MUNROE. See MONROE. 2 v. 40. London, 1839. MUNSELL, (Hezekiah.) Manual of English VERNEUIL, (Philippe E. P. de.;) and Grammar. 120. Albany, 1851. KEYSERLING, (Al. von.) Geology of RusMUNSELL, (Joel.) Annals of Albany. 10 v. sia in Europe and the Ural Mountains. 2 v. 120. Albany, 1850-59. 40. London, 1845. Chronology of Paper and Paper-Ma- MURDOCH, (James.) Manual of Bankrupt king. 80. Albany, 1857. Law; or annotations on the recent sequesEvery-Day Book of History and Chron- tration statute, 19 and 20 Vict. cap. 79, with ology. 80. New York, 1858. forms of procedure in bankruptcy; comprisTypographic Miscellany. 8c. Albany, ing also the mercantile law amendment and 1850. judicial procedure acts. Revised by Hugh MuRtAlT, (1douard de.) Essai de Chrono- Barclay. 80. Edinburgh, 1856. 799 MURE. MURRAY. MURE, (William.) Critical History of the MURPHY, (Robert.) Treatise on the Theory of Language and Literature of Ancient Greece. Algebraical Equations. 8~. London, 1839. 2d ed. 5 v. 80. London, 1854-57. MURRAY, (Alexander; Prof. of Oriental LanDissertation on the Calendar and Zo- guages, Edinburgh.) Account of the Life diac of Ancient Egypt. 80. Edinburgh, 1832. and Writings of James Bruce, author of Journal of a Tour in Greece and the Travels to Discover the Source of the Nile. Ionian Islands. 2 v. 12C. Edinburgh, 1842. 40. Edinburgh, 1808. MURGEAUD, (F. L.) Short and Easy Access History of the European Languages; to the French Language and French Pro- or, researches into the affinities of the Teununciation. 3d ed., by S. A. Mayeur. 12~. tonic, Greek, Celtic, Sclavonic, and Indian London, 1855. nations. 2 v. 80. Edinburgh, 1823. MURPHEY, (A. D.) Reports of Cases in the MURRAY, (Alexander; Lieut. 18th Irish Reg't.) Supreme Court of North Carolina, 1804 to Doings in China. Narrative from the recap1819. 3 v. 8~. Raleigh, 1821-26. ture of Chusan in 1841, to the peace of NanMURPHY, (Arthur.) Works. 7 v. 80. Lon- kin in 1842. 120. London, 1834. don, 1786. MURRAY, (Amelia M.) Letters from the United CONTENTS. States, Cuba, and Canada. 2 v. 120. LonDramas, v. 1-4. Game of Chess; a poem, v. 7. don, 1856. Gray's Church-yard Elegy; inl Latin, v. 7. - The same. 2 v. in 1. 120. New-York, Gray's Inn Journal, v. 5-6. Templum Fame; a Latin poem, v. 7. 1856 Life of David Garrick. 2 v. 80. MURRAY, (Charles Augustus.) Hassan; or, London, 1801. the child of the pyramid; an Egyptian tale. MURPHY, (Edward William.) Lectures on 2v. 80. London, 1857. Preternatural and Complex Parturition and Prairie-Bird. 160. London, 1845. Lactation. 80. London, 1852. (Bentley's Stand. Novels, v. 98.) - Lectures on the Principles and Practice Travels in North America during of Midwifery. 80. London, 1852. 1834-36. 2 v. 80. London, 1839. MURPHY, (Henry C.) Henry Hudson in Hol- MURRAY, (Elizabeth.) Sixteen Years of an land; origin and objects of the voyage which Artist's Life in Morocco, Spain, and the led to the discovery of the Hudson river. 80. Canary Islands. 2 v. 80. London, 1859. The Hague, 1859. MURRAY, (E. C. Grenville.) Doine; or, the - See NEW NETHERLAND. National Songs and Legends of Roumania. MURPHY, (James Cavanah.) Arabian Antiq- 120. London, 1854. uities of Spain. Folio. London, 1813-28. MURRAY, (Henry.) Gems of British Art, History of the Mahometan Empire in designed by G. Stuart Newton, with memoir Spain. 40. London, 1816. of his life, etc. Folio. London, 1843. MURPHY, (John.) Treatise on the Art of MURRAY, (Hugh.) Encyclopaedia of GeoWeaving; with calculations and tables for graphy. 2d ed. 8c. London, 1844. the use of manufacturers. 2d edition. 80. The same. With additions, by Thomas Glasgow, 18'27. G. Bradford. 3v. 80. Philadelphia, 1852. MURPHY, (John G.) Review of Chemistry for Historical Account of Discoveries and Students. 120. Philadelphia, 1851. Travels in North America. 2 v. 80. LonMURPHY, (John McLeod.) American Ships don, 1829. and Ship-Builders. 80. New York, 1860. Historical and Descriptive Account of MURPHY, (Patrick.) Astronomical Aphor- British America. With illustrations of the isms, or theory of nature; founded on the natural history, by Wilson, Greville, and immutable basis of meteoric action. 2d ed. Traill. 2d ed. 3 v. 160. Edinburgh, 120. London, 1847. 1839. ~ —- Meteorology, considered in its connex- The same. 2 v. 180. New-York, ion with astronomy, climate, and the geo- 1842. (Harpers' Fam. Library, v. 102 —3.) graphical distribution of animals and plants. Inquiries respecting the Character of 80. London, 1836. Nations, and the Progress of Society. 80. --- Rudiments of the Primary Forces of Edinburgh, 1808. Gravity, Magnetism, and Electricity, in United States of America; their histheir agency on the heavenly bodies, 80. tory, from the earliest period, 3 v. 160. London, 1830. Edinburgh, 1844. (V. 3 wanting.) 800 MURRAY. MURRAY. MURRAY, (Hugh,)and others. Historical and the Ionian Islands, Albania, Thessaly, and Descriptive account of British India. 3 v. Macedonia. ByG. F.Bowen. Newed. 160. 180. New-York, 1840. (Harpers' Fam. London, 1854. Lib'y, v. 52-54.) Handbook for India, by E. B. Eastwith LESLIE, (John;) and JAMESON, wick. 2 v. 160. London, 1859. (Robert.) Narrative of Discovery and Ad- Handbook for Travellers in Central venture in the Polar Seas and Regions. Italy. By Octavius Blewitt. 3d ed. 2 v. 180. New-York, 1842. (Harpers'Famr. Lib., 160. London, 1853. v. 15.) Handbook for Travellers in Northern WILSON, (James;) and JAMESON, (R.) Italy. 5th ed. 2 v. 160. London, 1854. Narrative of Discovery and Adventure in Handbook for Travellers in Kent and Africa. 180. New-York, 1840. (Harpers' Sussex; with a map. 160. London, 1858. Fam. Library, v. 17.) Handbook for Travellers in Spain; in - The same. 160. Edinburgh, 1830. 2 parts. By Richard Ford. 3d ed. 2 v. MURRAY, (James; M1. D.) Dissertation on the London, 1855. Influence of Heat and Humidity; and on the Handbook for Travellers in Surrey, inhalation of iodine, and vapours, in con- Hampshire, and the Isle of Wight. 120. sumption. 80. London, 1829. London, 1858. MURRAY, (James.) French Finance and Fi Handbook for Travellers in Switzernanciers under Louis XV. 80. London, land, and the Alps of Savoy and Piedmont. 1858. 7th ed. 120. London, 1856. MURRAY, (Rev. James; of Newcastle.) Impar- Handbook for Travellers in Turkey. tial History of the War in America, from its 3d ed. 160. London, 1854. first commencement to the present time. 2 v. ~ Handbook for Travellers in South Wales 80. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1782. and its borders, including the river Wye. MURRAY, (John; M. D.) Elements of Chem- 160. London, 1860. istry. 2 v. 80. Edinburgh, 1801. Official Handbook of Church and State. MURRAY, (John; F. S.A.) Memoir on the By Samuel Redgrave. New ed. 160. LonDiamond; including its economical and poli- don, 1855. tical history. 2d ed. 120. London, 1839. ~ FamilyLibrary. [CommencedbyMurRemarks on the Disease called Hydro- ray and completed by Tegg.] 80 v. 180. phobia. 120. London, 1830. London, 1830-42. Treatise on Pulmonary Consumption. CONTENTS. 2d ed. 80. London, 1831. Aytoun, William E. Life and Times of Richard the First, v. 43. Truth of Revelation, demonstrated by Barrow, Sir John. History of the Mutiny of H. M. S. Bounty, v. 58. an appeal to existing monuments, sculptures, Life of Peter the Great, v. 42. gems, coins, and medals. 2d ed. 80. Lon- Blunt, J. J. Reformation in England, v. 2. don,1^ 1840.~ ~Brewster, (David.) Letters on Natural Magic.v. 1. don, 1840. - Life of Sir Isaac Newton, v. 41. MURRAY, (John, Publislher.) Handbook for Bucke, Charles. Life of Duke of Marlborough, v. 35. _~~~~~~~~~~MURRAY, (John,~~~~~~- Pb-Ruins of Ancient Cities, v. 3-4. Travellers on the Continent; a guide through Coleridge, H. N. Six months in the West Indies, v. 6. Court and Camp of Buonaparte, v. 7. Holland, Belgium, Prussia, Northern er- Croker, T. Crofton. Fairy Legends and Traditions many, and along the Rhine, to Switzerland. of the South of Ireland, v. 8. Cunningham, Allan. Lives of the most eminentBrit10th ed. 16C. London, 1854. ish Painters, Sculptors, and Architects; v. 47-52. Handbook for Travellers in Devon anld Davenport, R. A. History of the Bastille, and of its Handbook for Travellers in Devon and pincilcais. 18. principal captives, v. 18. Cornwall. 160. London, 1851. Life of Ali Pasha, v. 30. _ -_ _____X _ rp 11er in Igp. -- Lives of Individuals who raised themselves Handbook for Travellers in Egypt. from poverty to eminence or fortune, v. 54. By J. G. Wilkinson. 160. London, 1847. -- Narratives of Peril and Suffering, v. 62-63. De Foe, Daniel. Journal of the Plague-Year; or, - Handbook for Northern Europe; in- memorials of the great pestilence in London in eluding Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Fin- 1665, v. 9. eluding Denmark, Norway, Edmonds, Cyrus R. Life and Times of General land, and Russia. 2 v. 160. London Washingto, v. 44-45. -,o^~~~~1849.' ~~Elustace, (J. C.) Classical Tour through Italy, v. 1849. 10-1. Handbook for Travellers in France. Family Tour through South Holland, up the Rhine, and across the Netherlands to Ostend, v. 13. 5th ed. 160. London, 1854. Gleig, George Robert. History of the British EmHandbook for Travellers in Southern pire in IMdiah v. 147. Green, Samuel Life of Mahomnet, v. 37. Germany. 6th ed. 160. London, 1853. Head, Sir Francis B. Life of Bruce, the African traveller, v. 31. Handbook for Travellers in Greece, History of the Mutiny atSpitheadandtheNore,v. 59. 801 MURRAY. MUS1E. MURRAY, (John; Publisher.) Family Libra- MURRAY, (Nicholas.) Notes, historical and ry-Continued. biographical, concerning Elizabeth-Town, Hollings, J. T. Life of Gustavus Adolphus, King its eminent men, churches, and Ministers. of Sweden. v. 36. Life of Marcus Tullius Cicero, v. 33. 120. Elizabeth-Town, (N. J.,) 1844. Irving, Washington. Knickerbocker's History of Parish and other Pencillings. 120. New-York, v. 23. Salmagundi, v. 24. New-York, 1854. Skestch ndBoock, v. 25- he ompao Romanism at Home. Letters to the Hon. Voyages and Discoveries of the Companions ot Colmbus, v. 22. Roger B. Taney. 12. New-York, 1852. Lander, R. acd J. Journal of an expedition to explore the Niger, v. 7-28. M(Patrick.) Essays; chiefly theoloLives of British Physicians, v. 53. gical. 4 v. 12. Dublin, 1850-53. Lockhart, John Gibson. History of Napoleon Buonaparte, v. 38-39. MURRAY, (Patrick Joseph.) Life of John Macfarlane, C. Life and Exploits of Banditti and B t I N li w - Robhbers, v. 46 Banim, the Irish Novelist; with correspondMilman, Henry Hart. History of the Jews, v. 19-21 ence. 120. London, 1857. Palgrave, Francis. History of England; AngloSaxon period, v. 66. MURRAY, (Richard.) Ireland and her Church. Rennie and Westwood. Natural History of In- 2d ed. 8". London, 1845. sects, v. 64-65. Roscoe, Thomas. Life and Writings of Cervantes, MURRAY, (Robert.) Rudimentary Treatise on v. 32. Scott, Sir Walter. Letters on Demonology and Marine Engines and Steam Vessels. With Witchcraft, v. 67. remarks on the screw and propelling power. S6gur, Count Philip. History of the Expedition to Russia, undertaken by Napoleon in 1812. v. 60-61. 2d ed. 16~. London, 1852. Sketches of Imposture, Deception, and Credulity, MURRAY, (R. Dundas.) Cities and Wilds of v. 70. Snmedley, Edward. Sketches from Venetian History, Andalucia. 2ded. 2 v. 12~. London, 1850. v. 68-69. Southey, Robert. Life of Nelson, v. 40. MURRAY, (Thomas.) Laws and Acts of ParThomson, Richard. Chronicles of London Bridge, liament made by King James the First, SeTrials of Charles 1, and of some the Regicides, cond, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Queen Mary, with biographies of Bradshaw, Ireton, Harrison, King James the Sixth, Charles the First, and others, v. 71. Tytler, Alex. F. Universal History, to the begin- and Charles the Second. Folio. Edinning of the 18th century, v. 72-77. Tytler, Patrick Fraser. Lives of Scottish Worthies, burgh, 1681. v. 55-57. MURRAY (WilliamVans.) Political Sketches Wesley, John. Compendium of Natural Philoso- phy, v. 78-80. inscribed to John Adams. 8G. London, Williams, John. Life and Actions of Alexander the 87. (Pol. Pa., v. 96.) Great, v. 29. 177. (Pol. Pa., v. 96.) MJRRAY, (Joseph.) Reports of Cases Tried in MusE. Musarum Anglicanarum Analecta. the Jury Court, at Edinburgh, and on the Cir- 3 v. 160. Londini, 1717-21. cuit, from the institution of the court, in 1815, MUsEus.8 Carmen de Herone et Leandro. to July, 1830. 5 v. 80. Edinburgh, 1818-31. (Gr. et Lat.) Ed. F. S. Lehrs. (Didot, MURRAY, (Lindley.) English Grammar; con- Biblioth. Grecque, v. 24.) prehending the principles and rules of the ~ Loves of Hero and Leander. Trans. by language, illustrated by appropriate exer- F. Fawkes. 80. London, 1810. (Chalmers' cises, and a key to the exercises. 4th ed., Eng. Translations, v. 2.) improved. 2 v. 80. York, 1819. The same. (British Poets, v. 89.) ------ Englische Sprachlehre, nach Muray MusXus, (Johann Karl August.) Volksmahrbearbeitet vom B. J. H. Jick. 2e Ausgabe. chen der Deutschen. Prachtausgabe in 2 v. in 1. 80. Erlangen, 1821. einem Bande, herausgegeben von Julius - Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Ludwig Klee, mit Holtzschnitten u. s. w. Lindley Murray; a series of letters written 80. Leipzig, 1845. by himself. With continuation, by Eliza- Tales. Trans. by T. Carlyle, viz: beth Frank. 80. York, 1826. Dumb Love; Libussa; Melechsala. (CarThe same. 80. New-York, 1827. lyle's German Romance, v. 1.) Power of Religion on the Mind. 160. MUSCUTT, (Edward.) History of Church Laws New-York, 1808. in England, from A. D. 602 to A. D. 1850. MURRAY, (M.) History of the United States 80. London, 1851. of America; written in accordance with the MUSEE FranDais: recueil des plus beaux tabprinciples of peace. 120. Boston, 1852. leaux, statues, et bas-reliefs, qui existaient MURRAY, (Nicholas.) The Happy Home. 160. au Louvre avant 1815; avec l'explication New-York, 1858. des sujets, et des discours historiques sur la Letters to the R. Rev. John Hughes. Re- peinture, la sculpture, et la gravure, par vised and enlarged. 120. New-York, 1855. Duchesneaine. 4 v. Folio. Paris, 1829-30. 101 802 MUS]~E. MUSTON. MUSfEE Royale, publi6 par Henri Laurent, change by the Bank Restriction Bill; exgravenr du cabinet du roi; on recueil de plaining the cause of the high price of bulgravures d'apres les plus beaux tableaux, lion. 80. London, 1810. (With RICARDO statues, et bas-reliefs de la collection royale; on Bullion.) avec description des sujets, notices litte- - Series of Tables, exhibiting the gain raires, et discours sur les arts. 2 v. Folio. and loss to the fundholder, arising from the Paris, 1816-18. - fluctuations in the value of the currency, MusSEE de Thermes et de l'Hotel de Cluny. from 1800 to 1821. 80. London, 1821. Catalogue et description des objets d'art, de MUSHET, (Robert.) Trinities of the Ancients; l'antiquite, du moy en-age et de la renais- or, the mythology of the first ages, and the sance, expos6s an musee. 12~. Paris, 1855. writings of some of the Pythagorean and MUSfE de Tzarskoe-selo, ou collection d'Armes other schools examined with reference to the de sa Majeste l'Empereur de toutes les Rus- knowledge of the trinity ascribed to Plato sies; onvrage compose de 180 planches; avec and other ancient philosophers. 8~. Lonune introduction historique. 3v. in 1. Folio. don, 1837. St. Petersbourg, 1835-53. Music. Published in separate sheets, with MUSEI ETRUSCI, quod Gregorius XVI., Pont. accompaniments for the piano, &c. 72 v. Max., in sedibus Vaticanis constituit, Monu- Folio. 1846-56. menta, linearis picturre exemplis expressa et MUSICAL Library; vocal and instrumental. in utilitatem studiosorum antiquitatum et 8 v. 4~. London, 1835-40. bonarum artium publici juris facta. 2 v. MUSICIANS. Dictionary of Musicians, from Folio. [Romae.] ExredibusVaticanis, 1842. the earliest ages to the present time; and a MUSEO (REAL) BORBONICO. 15v. 4~. Napoli. summary of the history of music. 2 v. 8~. 1824-56. London, 1824. MUSEUM of Painting and Sculpture; or, col- MusoNIus Rufus, (C.) Opus deLuxu Grmcolection of the principal pictures, statues, and rum. (Gronovius, Thesaurus Grsec. Antiq., bas-reliefs in the public and private galleries v. 8.) of Europe; drawn and etched by Reveil; MUSPRATT, (Sheridan.) His biography; with with descriptive, critical, and historical no- the 3d edition of his "Influence of Chemistry tices, by Duchesne, Sen. (French and Eng- in the Animal, Vegetal, and Mineral Kinglish.) 17 v. 160. London and Paris, dom." 80. London, 1852. 1829-33. MUSSATO, (A) De Gestis Henrici VII, HisMUSGRAVE, (G. M.) Ramble through Nor- toria; de gestis Italicorum post mortem mandy. 120. London, lb55. Henrici VII. (Muratori, Rerum Italicarum MUSGRAVE, (Richard.) Memoirs of the differ- Scriptores, v. 10.) ent Rebellions in Ireland, from the arrival of MUSSCHENBROEK, (Pieter van.) Cours de the English; with a detail of that of 1798. Physique Exp6rimentale et Mathematique. 3d ed. 2 v. 80. Dublin, 1802. Traduit par M. Sigaud de la Fond. 3v. 40. MUSGRAVE, (Samuel.) Two Dissertations: Paris, 1769. I. On the Greecian Mythology. II. An Ex- MUSSET, (Paul E. de.) Le Bracelet. (Roamination of Sir Isaac Newton's Objections mans Populaires, v. ]3.) to the Chronology of the Olympiads. 80. Lauzun. (Romans Populaires, v. 14.) London, 1782. MUSSET-PATHAY, (Victor D. de.) Histoire MUSGRAVE, (Thomas Moore.) Re-Establish- de la Vie et des Ouvrages de J. J. Rousseau; ment of an effective Balance of Power. 80. composee de documents authentiques et d'une London, 1814. (Pamphleteer, v. 3.) biographie de ses contemporains, et suivie de MUSHET, (David.) Papers on Iron and Steel, lettres indites. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1821. practical and experimental. 80. London, MusSEY, (Reuben D.) Health; its friends and 1840. its foes. 120. Boston, 1862. MUSHET, (Robert, of his Majesty's mint.) At- MussI, (G. de.) Chronicon Placentinum, tempt to Explain from Facts the Effects of 1222-1402. (Muratori, Rerum Italicarum the Issues of the Bank of England upon its Scriptores, v. 16.) own Interests, Public Credit, and Country MUSTON, (Alexis.) The Israel of the Alps; Banks. 80. London, 1826. a history of the persecutions of the Wa!--- Enquiry into the Effects Produced on denses. Translated from the French, by the National Currency and Rates of Ex- William Hazlitt. 120. London, 1852. 803 MUSTON. NAPIER. MUSTON, (Alexis.) The Israel of the Alps; NAPIER, (Sir Charles, Vice-Admiral.):Ac&c. A complete History of the Vaudois of count of the War in Portugal between Don Piedmont, and their Colonies. Translatedby Pedro and Don Miguel. 2 v. 12~. LonJohnMontgomery. 2v. 80. Glasgow,1857. don, 1836. MISTON, (C. Ralph.) Recognition in the The Navy, its past and present state. World to Come. 4th ed. 12". London, 1840. Edited by Sir William Napier. 80. London, MYDORGE, (Claudius.) Two First Books of 1851. Conical Sections, analized by V. Oughtred. War in Syria. 2 v. 12C. London, 1842. Englished. (With MOORE, (Sir J.) Arith- NAPIER, (Sir Charles James, Major General.) metick.) Colonization; particularly in Southern AusMYERS, (Frederic.) Lectures on Great Men. tralia. 80. London, 1835. 2d ed. 120. London, 1856. The Colonies; treating of their value MYERS, (Isaac.) Presidential Power over Per- generally-of the Ionian Islands in particusonal Liberty; a review of Horace Binney's lar, &c. London, 1833. Essay on the Writ of Habeas Corpus. 80. Defects, civil and rhilitary, of the InPhiladelphia, 1862. (Habeas Corpus Pam.) dian Government. Edited by Sir W. F. P. MYERS, (P. Hamilton.) Miser's Heir; or, the Napier. 2d ed. 80. London, 1853. young millionaire. 120. Philadelphia, 1854. Remarks on Military Law and the MYERS, (Virginia.) Letters and Correspond- Punishment of Flogging. 80. London, 1837. ence addressed to D. M. Hoyt. 80. Phila- William the Conqueror; a historical delphia, 1847. romance. 120. London, 1858. MYLNE, (Alexander.) Elementary Treatise on NAPIER, (E. Elers, Colonel.) Excursions in Astronomy. 2d ed. 80. Edinburgh, 1819. Southern Africa; including a History of the MYLNE, (J. W.;) and CRAIG, (R. D.) Reports Cape Colony. 2 v. 120. London, 1849. of Cases in the High Court of Chancery, - Life and Correspondence of Admiral 1835-41. 5 v. 80. London, 1837-48. Sir Charles Napier. From personal recol-- and KEEN, (B.) Reports of Cases in lections, etc. 2 v. 80. London, 1862. the High Court of Chancery during the time NAPIER, (Francis, Baron.) Notes on Modern of Lord Chancellor Brougham and Sir John Painting at Naples. 160. London, 1855. Leach, 1832-35. 3v. 80. London, 1834-37. NAPIER, (Henry Edward.) Florentine HisMYRTHE, (A. T.) Ambrosio de Letinez; or, tory, from the earliest authentic records to the first Texian novel. 2 v. 120. New- the accession of Ferdinand the Third. 6 v. York, 1842. 120. London, 1846-47. NACHTIGAL. Popular Traditions. (Roscoe's NAPIER, or NEPER, (John.) Arithmetica LoGerman Novelists, v. 2.) garithmica; sive logarithmorum chiliades C. NAIGEON, (Jacques Andre.) Memoires His- Una cum canone triangulorum, seu tabula toriques et Philosophiques sur la Vie et les artificialum sinuum, tangentium et secanOuvrages de Diderot. 80. Paris, 1834. tium. Ed. 2a, aucta per A. Ulacq. Folio. (Diderot, (Euvres, v. 25.) Goudre, 1628. ~ — Philosophie, Ancienne et Moderne. Mirifici Logarithmorum Canonis de3 v. 40. Paris, 1791. (Ency. Methodique, scriptio, ejusque usus, in utraque trigonomv. 187-189.) etria, ut etiam in omni logistica matheNAIRN, (Katharine.) Trial of K. Nairn and matica explicatio. Square 120. Edinburgi, Patrick Ogilvie for the Crimes of Incest and 1614. Murder. 80. London, 1765. (Misc. Pam., Plaine Discovery of the whole Revev. 3.) lation of St. John. 5th ed. mnall 40. NALSON, (John.) Impartial Collection of the Edinburgh, 1645. Great Affairs of State, from 1639, to the NAPIER, (Mark.) Commentaries on the Law Murther of King Charles I. 2 v. Folio. of Prescription in Scotland. 80. EdinLondon, 1682. burgh, 1854. NANCY. Grands Details, par Pieces Authen- ~ Memoirs of John Napier of Merchiston; tiques, de l'Affaire de Nancy. 80. Paris, with a history of the invention of log'arithms. 1790. (Pol. Pam., v. 13.) 40. Edinburgh, 1834. NAPHEGYI, (Gabor.) History of Hungary, Montrose and the Covenanters; their and Sketches of Kossuth, Bon, Dembinsky, Character and Conduct. 2 v. 80 London, and Gorgey. 80. New York, 1849. 1838. 804 NAPIER. NAPOL1ON. NAPIER, (Sir William Francis Patrick.) Con- Discours, Decrets, &c. Extraits du Moniquest of Scinde; with passages in the life of teur, par Lewis Goldsmith. 3 v. in 1. 8~. Sir Charles James Napier. 2d ed. 8'. Lon- Londres, 1810-11. don, 1845. Confidential Correspondence with his English Battles and Sieges in the Pe- Brother Joseph. Selected and translated, ninsula. Extracted from his "Peninsular with notes, from the "Minoires du loi JoWar." 120. London, 1852. (2 copies.) seph." 2 v. 80. London, 1855. History of Sir Charles Napier's Admin- The same. 2 v. 12C. New-York, istration of Scinde, and Campaign in the 1856. Cutchee Hills. 8~. Lbndon, 1851. Letters and Despatches, secret, confi- History of the War in the Peninsula, dential, and official. 2 v. 8~. London, and in the South of France, from 1807 to 1846. 1814. New ed. 6 v. 12~. London, ~ Memoirs of the History of France dur1851. ing the Reign of Napoleon. Dictated by the Life and Opinions of General Sir Charles Emperor at Saint Helena. 7 v. 8~. LonJames Napier. 4 v. 120. London, 1857. don, 1823-24. NAPIONE, (Giovanni Francesco Galeani.) Del Military Maxims. Translated by Colprimo Scopritore del Continente del Nuovo onel D'Aguilar. 160. Dublin, 1831. Mondo. 8~. Firenze, 1809. Fastes de Napoleon. (32 Planches.) ~- Esame Critico del Primo Viaggio di Oblong folio. Paris, (n. d.) Amerigo Vespucci al Nuovo Mondo. Con - Mdmoires Secrets sur Napoldon Buonauna dissertazione intorno al Manoscritto del parte; par un homme qui ne l'a pas quitt6 libro De Imitatione Christi, detto il codice di depuis quinze ans. 2 v. 160. Londres, Arena. 80. Firenze, 1811. 1815. NAPLES; political, social, and religious. By Eighteen Original Journals (each by a Lord B. 2 v, 120. London, 1856. general officer) of the Eighteen Campaigns NAPLETON, (John.) Advice to a Student in of the Emperor Napoleon. With all the bulthe University, concerning the qualifications letins. 2 v. 8~. London, 1816. and duties of a Minister in the Church of - Medallic History of Napoleon; medals, England. 8~. Oxford, 1795. (Theol. coins, and jettons relating to his actions and Pam., v. 3.) reign, fiom 1796 to 1815. 40. London, NAPOLEON I. Correspondence in6dite avec les 1819. Cours ]Ctrangeres, les Princes, les Ministres - Some account of his Early Years at the et les Generaux FranCais et Etrangers, en Military School of Brienne, and his conduct Italie, en Allemagne, et en Egypte. 7 v. at the commencement of the French revolu80. Paris, 1819-20. tion. By C. H., one of his school fellows. Correspondence inedite avec le Cardinal 80. London, 1797. (Pol. Pam., v. 49.) Fesch. (With Du CASsE, (A.) Histoire des NAPOLEON en Vgypte; Waterloo; et le Fils N6gociations, v. 1.) de l'Homme; par Barthelemy et Mdry. cd. ----- Guerre d'Orient. Campagnes d'lgypte illustr6e par H. Vernet et H. Bellang6. 80. et de Syrie, 1798-99: Memoires dict6s par Paris, 1850. lui-meme a Sainte-H1lene, et publi6s par le NAPOLFEON et ses Contemporains. Galerie de GeneralBertrand. 2v. 80. AtlasdeCartes. tableaux, representant des traits d'heroisme, Folio. Paris, 1847. de clemence, de grandeur, de courage et de -----— Maximes de Guerre. 4e ed. 160. Paris, bont6. Avec un texte. Pablid par A. de 1850. Chambure. 80. Bruxelles, 1838. Memoires pour servir a l'Histoire de NAPOLEON Gallery; or, illustrations of his life France sous le Regne de Napoleon, ecrits B and times. 160. London, 1852. Ste. HIelne sous sa dict6e, par les Gdenraux NAPOLfON III. utudes sur le Pass6 et i'Aqui ont partage sa Captivite. 2e ed. 9 v. venir de l'Artillerie. Ouvrage continue par 80. Paris, 1830. Fave. 4 v. 40. Paris, 1846-63. Precis des Guerres de Cesar; ecrit par ~ On England. Selections from his own M. Marchand,,a l'Ile Sainte-H1lene, sous la writings. Translated byJ. I. Simpson. 160. dict6e de l'Empereur; suivi de llllsieirs London, 1860. Fragmens inedits. 80. Paris, 1836. - Des Idees Napoleoniennes. 80. Lon---— Rccueil des Manifestes, Proclamations, dres, 1839. 805 NAPOLIEON. NASMYTH. NAPOLEON III. Des Idees Napoleoniennes. nexion of the Earl of Selkirk with the HudAvec un avertissement de l'editeur. 12~. son's Bay Company; with a detailed acLondres, 1860. count of his expedition to, and proceedings Napoleonic Ideas. Translated by at Fort William. 80. London, 1817. James A. Dorr. 120. New-York, 1859. NARRATIVE of the Planting of the MassachuPolitical and Historical Works. With setts Colony, 1628. 80. Boston, 1858. an original memoir of his life. 2 v. 80. (Mass. Hist. Coll., v. 4, fourth series.) London, 1852. NARRATIVE of a Voyage to the Spanish Main, CONTENTS. in the Ship "Two Friends;" the occupation Analysis of the Sugar Question, v. 2. Artillery, Past and Future of, v. 2. of Amelia Island, by McGregor, &c.; with Bonaparte, Joseph, words relative to, v. 2. a detail of the Seminole war, and the execuConstitution, revision of, v. 2. ^ostttlreiinov2a d etail of the Semi nole war, and the execuExtinction of Pauperism, v. 2. tion of Arbuthnot and Ambrister. 80. LonGovernments and their supporters, v. 2. Historical Fragments-the Revolutions of 1688 and don, 1819. I130, v. 1. NARRIEN, (John.) Analytical Geometry; with Ideas of Napoleonism, v. 1. L'Idee Napoleonienne, v. 2. the properties of conic sections. 80. LonMiscellaneous Papers, v. 2. don, Opinions on various Political and Administrative, 1846. Questions, v. 2. Elements of Geometry; consisting of Papers relating to the Coup d'Etat, v. 2. Political Life of Napoleon III., v. 1. the four first, and the sixth books of Euclid, Political Reveries, v. 1. chiefly from the text of Dr. Simson; with Reply to M. de Lamartine, v. 2. Switzerland, Political and Military, v. 1. the principal theorems in proportion, and a NAPOLEON III. and England. Original trans- course of geometry on the ground. 3d ed. lation. 80. London, 1858. 80. London, 1850. NARBROUGH, (Sir John.) Voyage to the South Practical Astronomy and Geodesy; inSea; with J. Tasman's discoveries on the eluding the projections of the sphere and coast of the south Terra Incognita; J.Wood's spherical trigonometry. 80. London, 1845. attempt to discover a north.east passage to NASH, (D. W.) Taliesin; or, the Bards and China; and F. Marten's observations made Druids of Britain. Remains of the earliest in Greenland. 12~. London, 1711. Welsh bards, and an examination of the NARDlNI, (Famriano.) RomaVetus: librivIl. Bardic mysteries. 80. London, 1858. Ex Italica in Latinam linguam translati A NASH, (Joseph.) Mansions of England in the J. Tollio. (Grevius, Thesaurus Ant. Rom., Olden Time. 4 v. Folio. London, 1839. v. 4.) NASH, (Simeon.) Digest of the Decisions of NARES, (Edward.) Heraldic Anomalies; or, the Supreme Court of Ohio, contained in Confusion in our Orders of Precedence; volumes 1-20 of the Ohio Reports. 80. Cinwith disquisitions on the existing orders of cinnati, 1853. Society. 2 v. 120. London, 1823. Digest of the Decisions of the Supreme --- Memoirs of the Life and Administra- Court of Ohio, contained in the first ten voltion of William Cecil, Lord Burghley. 3 v. unes of the Ohio State Reports. 80. Cin40. London, 1828-31. cinnati, 1862. (2 copies.) - Sermon on the Evidences of Christ- - Morality and the State. 80. Columianity. 80. Oxford, 1805. (Bampton bus, Ohio, 1859. Lectures for 1805.) Pleading and Practice under the Civil NARES, (Robert.) Elements of Orthoepy. Code. 2d ed. 80. Cincinnati, 1859. 80. London, 1784. NASH,(Thomas.) Christ'sTearsoverJerusalem: Glossary; or, words, phrases, names, whereunto is annexed a comparative admoniand allusions to customs, proverbs, &c., tiontoLondon. Fron theeditionof 1613. 40. which have been thought to require illustra- London, 1815. (Brydges' Archaica, v. 1.) tion, in the works of English authors. 4C. Pierce Penniless's Supplication to the London, 1822. Devil. 80. London, 1842. (Shakespeare NARRATIVE of the Campaigns of the Loyal Society Pub., v. 11.) Lusitanian Legion, under Sir Robert Wilson. NASHVILLE, (Tenn.) City and Business DiWith some account of operations in Spain rectory for 1860-61. 80. Nashville, 1860. and Portugal, during the years 1809-11. 80. NASMYTn, (Alexander.) Report of a Paper London, 1812. on the Cellular Structure of the Ivory, EnNARRATIVE of Occurrences in the Indian amel, and Pulp of the Teeth, as well as Countries of North America, since the con- the Epithelium. 80. London, 1839. 806 NASSY. NAUTICAL. NASSY, (D.) Cause, Nature and Treatment of NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY of Illustrious the Epidemic Disorder, prevalent in Phila- and Eminent Personages of the Nineteenth delphia. 8~. Philadelphia, 1793. (Misc. Century; with memoirs, by William Jerdan. Pam., v. 1.) 5 v. 80. London, 1850. NAST, (Wilhelm.) Leben und Wirken des NATIONAL REGISTER, containing public docuJohannes Wesley und seiner Haupt-mitar- ments and the proceedings of Congress. By beiter. 12~. Cincinnati, 1852. Joel K. Mead. 5 v. in 4. 80. WashingNATHAN, (Isaac.) Essay on the History and ton, 1816-18. Theory of Music; and on the qualities and NATURAL Philosophy. Published under the management of the human voice. 40. Lon- direction of the Society for the Diffusion don, 1823. of Useful Knowledge. 4 v. 80. London, Fugitive Pieces and Reminiscences of 1829-38. Lord Byron. Also, some original Poetry, NATURALIZATION Laws of the United States; Letters, and Recollections of Lady Caroline containing also, the alien laws of the State Lamb. 120. London, 1829. of New-York, a synopsis of the alien laws of NATIONAL ADVOCATE. Folio. New York, other States, with the forms for naturalizing 1827-28. (Incomplete.) aliens, important decisions, &c. 80. RoNATIONAL ALMANAC, and Annual Record for chester, (N. Y.,) 1855. the years 1863 and 1864. 2 v. 120. Phila- NATURE of the First Resurrection; a sermon. delphia, 1863-64. By a Spiritual Watchman. 80. PhiladelNATIONAL CYCLOPEDIA of Useful Knowledge. phia, 1841. (Literalist, v. 4.) 12 v. in 6. 80. London, 1847-50. NATURE the Best Physician; or, every man NATIONAL DEBT, and How to Pay it; or, the his own doctor. By a Lover of Mankind. financial condition of the nation considered. 120. London, (n. d.) (Med. Pain., v. 2.) 80. London, 1854. NAU, (B. S.) Grundsaitze des Volkerseerechts. NATIONAL DEBT. Expediency and Necessity 120. Hamburg. 1802. of striking off a part. 80. London, 1821. NAUDE, (Gabriel.) Apologie pour Tons les (Pamphleteer, v. 18.) Grands Hommes qui ont este accusez de NATIONAL GALLERY of Pictures, by the great Magie. 240. Paris, 1669. masters. 40. London, 1848. Considerations Politiques sur les Coups NATIONAL GALLERY of Practical Science. d'Estat. 180. Paris, 1667. Catalogue for 1833. 80. London, 1833. NAUGERIUS. See NAVAGERO. (Pol. Pam., v. 75.) NAUTICAL Almanac and Astronomical EphemNATIONAL GOVERNMENT JOURNAL,and Regis- eris, for the years 1767 to 1866. 80 v. 80. ter of Official Papers, from Dec., 1823, to London, 1766-1862. (1863, 1864, and 1865 Dec., 1824. By Peter Porce. 40. Wash- wanting.) ington, 1823-24. (See NATIONAL JOURNAL.) The same. Appendix to the 3d ed.; NATIONAL INSTITUTION for the Promotion of being new tables of natural sines, natural Science. Established at Washingtonin 1840. versed sines, and logarithms of numbers. Bulletins of the proceedings. 80. Wash- 80. London, (n. d.) ington, 1841-44. The same; for the year 1866. SuppleNATIONAL INSTITUTION for the promotion of ment: Ephemerides of the minor planets, Industry. Address to the people of the United for the year 1863. 80. London, 1862. States. 80. Concord, (N. H.,) 1821. Tables requisite to be used with the NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Daily, from its Nautical Ephemeris; with the explanation commencement, 1800 to 1816; and from 1818 and use of the tables. By Nevil Maskelyne. to 1863. 112v. Folio. Washington, 1800-63. 2d ed. 80. London, 1781. NATIONAL JOURNAL. 3 v. Folio. Washing- Rules and Tables for Clearing the ton, 1824-29. (Incomplete.) Compass of the regular effect of a Ship's NATIONAL POLITY and Finance. 80. London, Attraction. 80. London, 1819. 1827. (Pol. Pam., v. 37.) NAUTICAL Dictionary. Oblong 40. London, NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY of Distin- 1829. guished Americans. Conducted by J. B. NAUTICAL Magazine and Naval Chronicle; a Longacre, and J. Herring. 4 v. 40. journal of papers on subjects connected with Philadelphia, 1834-39. maritime affairs, 1832-1862. V. 1-32. 80. The same. 4 v. 8~. Philadelphia, 1854. London, 1832-62. 807 NAUTICAL. NAYLOR. NAUTICAL Magazine and Naval Chronicle, &c. NAVARRETTE, (Eustaquio Fernandez de.) Vida General Index, from 1832 to 1851, 8~. de Garcilaso de laVega. 40. Madrid, 1850. London, (n. d.) (Col. Doc. Hist. Espafna,v. 16.) NAUTICAL Magazine and Naval Journal. 6 v. NAVARRETE, (Martin Fernandez de.) Examen 8~. New-York, 1854-57. de los Viajes y Descubrimientos Ap6crifos NAVAGERO, (Andrea.) Historia Veneta, ad del Capitan Lorenzo Ferrer Maldonaldo, de 1498. (Muratori, Rerum Italicarum Scrip- Juan de Fuca, y del Almirante Bartolomd de tores, v. 23.) Fonte. 40. Madrid,1849. (ColeccionDocNAVAL ACADEMY, U. S. Catalogue of the umentos Hist. Espafna, v. 15.) Library at Annapolis, Maryland, June 30, NAVARRETE, (Pedro Fernandez.) Obras. 80. 1860. 80. Annapolis, 1860. Madrid, 1853. (Biblioteca de Autores EspaNAVAL Achievements of Great Britain, from the noles, v. 30.) year 1793 to 1817. Folio. London, 1817. NAVIGATOR, (The.) Directions for Navigating NAVAL CHRONICLE; containing a general and the Monongahela, Alleghany, Ohio, and biographical history of the Royal Navy of Mississippi rivers; with an account of Louisthe United Kingdom; with papers on nau- iana. 120. Pittsburgh, 1808. tical subjects, from 1799 to 1818. 40 v. 80. Thesame. 9thed. 120. Pittsburgh,1817. London, 1799-1818. NAVY, (British.) New Navy List, and general NAVAL Enquiry. Reports [1 to 13] of the record of the services of officers of the Royal Commissioners of naval enquiry, appointed Navy and Royal Marines. Conducted by by act of 43 Geo. III. 5v. Folio. Lon- Joseph Allen. 1846,1848, and 1852-56. 7v. don, 1803-1806. 8~. London, 1846-56. NAVAL Establishments. Essay on, particu- The same. By CharlesHaultain, 1843larly that of America; by Jh. V. (Pol 45. v. 120. London, 1843-45. Pam., v. 101.) 120. (n. p.,) 1801. Navy List. Published quarterly by NAVAL Regulations issued by command of the authority. June and September, 1850; April President, January 25, 1802. 120. Wash- and October, 1856; September and Decemington, 1802. ber, 1857; 1858, and 1859; March, June, NAVAL Tactics. Elements and Practice of Rig- September, 1860; 1861; 1862; and 1863. 30 v. ging, Seamanship, and Naval Tactics, in- 160. London, 1850-63. eluding sail-making, mast-making, and gun- NAVY, (United States.) Register of the Comnery. 3v. 80. London, 1821. missioned and Warrant Officers, including CONTENTS. Officers of the Marine Corps, for the years Mast-makling anrd Rigging, v. 1. 1815; 1827; 1829-1836; 1839; 1841-1863. Sail-making and Gunnery, v. 2. Seamanship and Naval Tactics, v. 3. 35 v. 160, 120, 80, and 40. Washington, System of Naval Tactics; combining 1815-63. theory with the present practice of the Bri- General Register of the Navy and Matish navy. 80. London, 1797. rine Corps of the United States, alphabetically -- French Naval Tactics. Extract: con- arranged; names of all officers since the estaining General Instructions; Principles of tablishment of the Department, in 1798. By Chasing; Naval Tactics under steam and Mechlin and Winder. 80. Washington, 1848. sail. Translated byA. Phillimore. 80. Lon- Our Navy: what it was, now is, and don, 1859. what it should be. 80. Washington. (n. d.) NAVAL and Military Almanack for the year Rules of the Navy Department. 120. 1840. Edited by W. H. Maxwell. 160. Lon- Washington, 1832. don, 1840. NAVY Yard at League Island, (Del.) Reports NAVAIRETE, (Domingo Fernandez.) Account of the Secretary of the Navy. 80. Philadelof China, and also of his Travels. (Church- phia, 1863. hill's Voyages and Travels, v. 1.) NAVY Yard at New London, (Conn.) Report NAVARRETE, (Eustaquio Fernandez de.) Bos- of Committees appointed by the Secretary of quejo Historico sobre la Novela Espanola. Navy and the Legislature of Connecticut. (Bib. de Autores Espafioles, v. 49.) 80. New London, 1862. ~- Noticias para la Vida de D. Hernando NAYLOR, (Francis Hare.) Civil and Military Colon y de D. Bartolom6 Colon. 40. Mad- History of Germany, from the landing of rid, ld50. (Coleccion Doc. Hist. Espana, Gustavus to the Treaty of Westphalia. 2 v. v. 16.) 80. London, 1816. 808 NAYLOR. NECKEE. NAYLOR, (Francis Hare.) History of the Hel- Emperor Julian and his Generation. Transvetic Republic. 2d ed. 4 v. 80. London, lated by G. V. Cox. 16~. London, 1850. 1809. General History of the Christian ReliNEAL, (Daniel.) History of New England, to gion and Church. From the German, by the year 1700. 2 v. 120. London, 1720. Joseph Torrey. 8 v. 80. Edinburgh, History of the Puritans. Enlarged by 1851-52. Joshua Toulmin. 5v. 80. Boston, 1816-17. History of Christian Dogmas. TransNEAL, (Samuel.) Life and Religious Labors lated by J. E. Ryland. 2 v. 120. London, of himself, and of Mary Neal. 80. Phila- 1861. delphia, 1847. (Friends' Library, v. 11.) History of the Planting and Training NEALE, (Adam.) Researches to Establish the of the Christian Church by the Apostles. Truth of the Linnoean Doctrine of Animate Translated by J. E. Ry]and. 2 v. 160. Contagions. 80. London, 1831. Edinburgh, 1842. (Biblical Cabinet, v. NEALE, (Edward Vansittart.) Feasts and 38-39.) Fasts; an essay on the laws relating to The same. Also, his Antignostikus; Sundays and other holidays, and days of fast- or, Spirit of Tertullian. Translated by J. ing. 120. London, 1845. E. Ryland. 2 v. 120. London, 1851-59. Real Property Acts of 1845. With in- - Life of Jesus Christ, in its historical troductory observations and notes. 120. connexion and historical development. From London, 1845. the 4th German ed., by J. M'Clintock and NEALE, (Erskine.) Life of his Royal High- C. Blumenthal. 80. New-York, 1848. ness Edward, Duke of Kent; with his cor- Life of St. Chrysostom. From the respondence. 2d ed. 80. London, 1850. German, by J. C. Stapleton. 80. London, Risen from the Ranks; or, Conduct vs. 1845. Caste. 160. London, 1853. - Memorials of Christian Life in the Early Summer and Winter of the Soul. 160. and Middle Ages. Including his Light in London, 1852. Dark Places. Translated by J. E. Ryland. NEALE, (Frederic Arthur.) Eight Years in 120. London, 1852. Syria, Palestine, and Asia Minor, from 1842 NEARCHUS. Voyage. SeeVINCENT,(William.) to 1850. 2ded. 120. London, 1852. NEATE, (Charles.) Considerations on the PunIslamism; its Rise and Progress; or, ishment of Death. 80. London, 1857. the present and past condition of the Turks. NEAVE, (Sir Digby.) Four Days in Conne2 v. 120. London, 1854. mara. 120. London, 1852. - Narrative of a Residence at the Capital NEBRASKA. Laws, Resolutions, and Memoof the Kingdom of Siam; the manners, cus- rials passed at the first General Assembly of toms, and laws of the modern Siamese. 80. the Territory of Nebraska, at Omaha City, London, 1852. January, 1855, (2 copies;) 1855-56, (2 NEALE, (John Mason.) History of the Holy copies;) 1857 to 1862. 11 v. 80. Omaha Eastern Church. 4 v. 80. London, 1847-50. City and Brownville, 1855-62. History of the so-called Jansenist First and Second Annual Report of the Church of Holland. With earlier annals, Commissioner of Common Schools of the and some account of the Brothers of the Territory. 80. Omaha City, 1860. Common Life. 80. Oxford, 1858. NEBRASKA BILL, Comments on; with Views NEALE, (John Preston.) Views of the Seats on Slavery in contrast with Freedom. 80. of Noblemen and Gentlemen, in England, Albany, 1854. Wales, Scotland, and Ireland. 11 v. 40. NECCIus. See NECK, (J. C. van.) London, 1819-29. NECESSITY of a General Arming in England, and LE KEUX, (J.) Views of the by a permanent system of organization, with most interesting Collegiate and Parochial remarks on the militia. 80. London, 1859. Churches in Great Britain. 2 v. 80. Lon- (Pol. Pam., v. 89.) don, 1825. NECK, (J. C. van.) Navigationes in Indiam NEAIE, (W. H.) Mohammedan System of Orientalem, 1600-1603. (Bry, Collectiones, Theology; a survey of the history and doc- series II, pars 8.) tines of Islamism, contrasted with Christian- NECKER, (Jacques.) (Euvres Completes. ity. 80. London, 1828. Publiees par M. le Baron de Stael. 15 v. NEANI)nR, (August Johann Wilheln.) The 80. Paris, 1821. 809 NECKER. NELIGAN. NECKER, (Jacques.) CEuvres Completes- Ebenezer Eastlove and Giles Homespun. Continued. 80. London, 1824. (Slavery Pam., v. 9.) CONTENTS. NEGRO PEW, (The.) An inquiry concerning Administration (1') de M. Necker, [1791] v. 6. the propriety of distinctions in the house of Compte-R ndu al Roi, [Jan. 1781] v. 2. Cours de Morale Religieuse, v. 13-14. God on account of color. 160. Boston, Derni6res Vues de Politique et de Finance, v. 11. ]loge de Colbert, v. 15. 1837. Finances, de'Administration de, v. 4-5. NEGRO'S MEMORIAL, (The;) or, Abolitionists' Importance (1') des Opinions Religieuses, v. 12. Legislation (la) et le Commerce des Grains, v. 1. catechism. By an abolitionist. 8$. LonMemoire en r6ponse a Calonne, v. 2. on, 1825 Pens6es Detachees, v. 15. Ponvoir (du) Executif dans les Grands Ttats, v. 8. NEIGHBORS' Children. From the German, by Premier Ministgre de M. Necker, v. 3. Reflexions Philosophiques sur 1'Eggalit6, v. 10. Sarah A. Myers. 12~. Philadelphia, 1854. Reflexions sur le Proces de Louis XVI., v. II. - Sequel to the Neighbors' Children. Reponse au M6moire de M. l'Abb6 Morellet, v. 15. Revolution (la) Franqaise, v. 9-10. From the German. 12~. Philadelphia, 1854. Second Ministare de M. Necker, v. 6. Suites Fnestes d'une seule Faute; nouvelle, v. 15. EIL, (Samuel.) Elements of Rhetoric; a Troisieme Ministe de M. Necker, v. 7. manual of the laws of taste, including the Compte-Rendu an Roi, par le Directeur theory and practice of composition. 160. General des Finances. 4~. Paris, 1781. London, 1854. ~- De'Administration des Finances de la NEILL, (Edward Duffield.) History of MinFrance. 3 v. 12~. Paris, 1784. nesota, from the earliest French explorations De l'Importance des Opinions Reli- to thepresent time. 80. Philadelphia, 1858. gieuses. 8~. Londres, 1788. NEILL, (John.) Outlines of the Arteries; with - De la R6volution Franllaise. 4 v. 8~. short descriptidns. 2d ed. 80. PhiladelParis, 1796. phia, 1852. Sur l'Administration de M. Necker, par Outlines of the Nerves; with short delui-meme. 120. Paris, 1791. scriptions. 2d ed. 80. Philadelphia, 1852. - - Reflections submitted to the French ~ and SMITH, (Francis G.) Analytical Nation on the intended process against Compendium of the Various Branches of Louis XVI. 80. London, 1792. (Misc. Medical Science. 2d ed. 120. Philadelphia, Pam. v. 3.) 1856. -- Treatise on the Administration of the NEILI, (Patrick.) Fruit, Flower, and Kitchen Finances of France. Translated by Thomas Garden; adapted to the United States. Mortimer. 3 v. 80. London, 1787. Edited by G. Emerson; with notes and adNEEDIIAM, (J. P.) Facts and Observations ditions, by R. G. Pardee. 120. New-York, relative to the disease commonly called 1855. Cholera, as it has recently prevailed in the NEILSON, (Charles.) Original, Compiled, and city of York. 80. London, 1833. (Med. Corrected Account of Burgoyne's Campaign, Pam., v 1.) and the Battles of Bemis's Heights, Sept. 19, NEEDHAM, (Marchamont.) Excellencie of a and Oct. 7, 1777. 120. Albany, 1844. Free State. 40. London, 1767. NEILSON, (William.) Introduction to theIrish -- Short History of the English Rebellion, Language. In three parts. 80. Dublin, inverse. 1661. (Harleian Miscellany, v 7.) 1808. NEELE, (Henry.) Romance of History.- NEISON, (F. G. P.) Contributions to Vital England. 2 v. 120. Philadelphia, 1828. Statistics; a development of the rate of morNEES VON ESENBECK, (Theodor Friedrich tality and the laws of sickness. 2d ed. 40. Ludwig.) Genera Plantarum Florse Ger- London, 1846. manicae. 4 v. 80. Bonnre, 1835. NELATON, (M.) Clinical Lectures on Surgery, NEFF, (Jacob K.) Army and Navy of America, From notes taken by Walter F. Atlee. 80. &c., from the French and Indian Wars to Philadelphia, 1855. the close of the Florida War, &c. 80. NELIGAN, (J. Moore.) Practical Treatise on Philadelphia, 1845. Diseases of the Skin. 120. Philadelphia, ~- Thrilling Incidents of the Wars of the 1852. United States. 80. Philadelphia, 1848. Atlas of Cutaneous Diseases. Small 40. NMGRIN, (.) Du Droit d'Appel limit6 a Dublin, 1855. quinze cents francs, surtout en matiere d'As- NELIGAN, (William H.) Rome; its churches, surances Maritimes. 80. Dix, 1860. its charities, and its schools. 120. NewNEGRO EMANCIPATION; a dialogue between York, 1858. 102 NELKEN. NETTELBLADT. NELKEN, (M.) Sea-Sickness; its causes, With English version, notes, etc., by W. nature. symptoms, and treatment. 8~. New- Gunn. 8~. London, 1819. York, 1856. The same. Ad fidem codicum manuNELL, (William C.) The Colored Patliots of scriptorum recensuit Josephus Stevenson. the American Revolution; a survey of the 8~. Londini, 1838. (Eng. Hist. Society.) condition and prospects of colored Americans. History of the Britons. 12~. Lon120. Boston, 1855. don, 1848. (With Six Old English ChronNELL GWYNNE; or, the Court of the Stuarts, icles.) under the reigns of Charles II and James II; NEPER, (John.) See NAPIER, (John.) an historical romance. 80. Philadelphia, NEPOS, (Cornelius.) Vitro Excellentunm Im1851. peratorum. Folio. Basileae, 1564. (Inv. 4, NELSON, (David.) Cause and Cure of Infi- of PLUTARCHUS. Basilee, 1564.) delity. 120. New-York, (n. d.) The same; exeditione Oxoniensi. 120. NELSON, (Horatio, Lord.) Dispatches and Glasgum, 1761. Letters; with notes, by Sir Nicholas Harris The same. Observationibus ac notis Nicolas. 7 v. 8~. London, 1845-46. commentatorum, quotquot hactenus inno~- tLetters of Lord Nelson to Lady Ham- tuere, illustrate. 12~. Amstelodami, 1687. ilton; with interesting letters, by distin- The same; with notes, by Charles Anguished characters. 2 v. 8~. London, thon. 120. New-York, 1852. 1814. The same. Ex ed., J. F. Fischeri. NELSON, (Robert.) Companion for the Festi- 2v. 80. Londini, 1822. (Valpy, Scriptores vals and Fasts of the Church of England. Latini, v. 44-45.) 80. London, 1720. Lives of Eminent Commanders. TransNELSON, (William.) Reports of Cases in lated byJ. S. Watson. 120. London, 1853. Chancery, 1625 to 1692. 80. London, 1717. (Bohn's Class. Library, v. 41.) (2 copies.) Della Vita degli eccellenti Comandanti; Abridgment of the Common Law. 3 v. in volgar Toscano recato a riscontro del Folio. London, 1725-26. testo Latino, ed illustrato con note di varie Game Laws of England. 120. Lon- maniere per M. Bandiera. 4a ed. 12'. don, 1736. Venezia, 1761. Lex Maneriorum; or, the Law and NERVA. A collection of papers published in the Customs of England, relating to Manors Montreal Herald. 80. Montreal, 1814. and Lords of Manors. Folio. London, NETIHERCLIFT, (Frederick G.) Iand-Book to 1726. Autographs; a ready guide to the handwritLex Testamentaria; or, a compendious ing of distinguished men and women of every system of all the Laws of England, as well nation; with biographical index, by Richard before the statute of Henry VIII. as since, Sims. Small 40. London, 1862. concerning last Wills and Testaments. 2d ed. NETHERCLIFT, (J.) Autograph Letters, char80. London, 1728. acteristic extracts and signatures, from the Office and Authority of a Justice of the correspondence of illustrious and distinPeace; showing also the duty of constables, guished Women of Great Britain, from the commissioners of sewers, coroners, overseers XIVth to the XIXth century; copied in facof the poor, surveyors of the highways, simile. Folio. London, 1838. church-wardens, and other parish officers; NETHERLANDS. Statistick van den Handel digested under alphabetical titles. 11th ed., en de Scheepvaart van bet Koningrijk der continued to this present year. 2 v. 80. Nederlanden, over bet Yaars 1847-51. 5 v. London, 1736. Folio. Gravenhage, 1848-52. NEMOURS, (Marie d'Orleans-Longueville de.) Verhandelingen uitgegeven door de Memoires. 80. Paris, 1838. (Michaud, Commissie belast mit het vervaardigen eener Coll. M6m. Hist. France, v. 21.) Geologische Beschrijving en Kaart von NedThe same. 80. Paris, 1824. (Petitot, erland. Erste en zweede deel..2 v. 40. Coil. M6m. Hist. France, ser. 2, v. 34.) Haarlem, 1853-54. NENNIUS. Historia Brittonum, commonly at- NETTELBLADT, (Daniel.) Er6rterungen einitributed to Nennius; fiom a MS. lately discov- ger einzelner Lehren des Teutschen Staatsered in the library of the Vatican, edited in reechtes. 120. Halle im Magdeburgischen, the 10th Century, by Mark the Hermit. 1773. NETTLE. NEW HAMPSHIRE. NETTLE, (Richard.) Salmon Fisheries of the NEW BRUNSWICK. Journal of the Legislative St. Lawrence and its tributaries. 12~. Mon- Council of the Province, from 1786 to 1850. treal, 1857. 7 v. 40. Fredericton, 1831-50. NETTLETON, (Asahel.) Village Hymns, for - Population and other Statistics of the social worship; selected and original; de- Province for the year 1851. 80. Fredericsigned as a supplement to the Psalms and ton, 1852. Hymns of Dr. Watts. 240. Hartford, 1852. - Society for the Encouragement of AgriNEUMANN, (Carl Friedrich.) Geschichte der culture, Home Manufactures, and Commerce, Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. V. 1. throughout the Province. Journal. 80. Die Grundung der Kolonien bis zur Prisi- Fredericton, 1850. dentschaft des T. Jefferson. 80. Berlin, NEW ENGLAND. Address to the People of New 1863. England, by Algernon Sidney. 80. WashNEUMAN and BARETTI. Dictionary of the ington, 1808. (Pol. Pam., v. 107.) Spanish and English Languages. 5th ~ Brief Relation of the Discovery of. 80. ed., by M. Seoane. 2 v. 8o. London, Boston, 1822. (Mass. Hist. Coll., v. 9, sec1831. ond series.) The same. 9th ed. 2 v. 80. Lon- Good News from New England, 1648. don, 1850. 80. Boston, 1852. (Mass. Hist. Coll., v. 1, NEVE, (Timothy.) Sermons, preached 1781. fourth series.) 80. Oxford, 1781.. (Bampton Lectures for NEW ENGLAND, and her Institutions. By one 1781.) of her Sons. 120. Hartford, 1847. NEVEU, (E. de.) Les Khouan. Ordres Reli- NEW ENGLAND Anti-Slavery Society Constitugieux chez les Musulmans de 1'Algerie. tion, and Address to the Public. 8~. Boston, 2 ed. 80. Paris, 1846. 1832. (Slavery Pam.,v. 19.) NEVEU-DEROTRIE, (E. J. A.) Commentaire NEW-ENGLAND Historical and Genealogical sur les Lois Rurales Frangaises, expliquees Register, for the years 1847-63. William par la jurisprudence et la doctrine des au- Cogswell, Samuel G. Drake, and others, edteurs; suivi d'un essai sur usages locaux. itors. V. 1-17. 80. Boston, 1847-63. 80. Paris, 1845. (2 copies.) NEW-ENGLAND Magazine, by J. T. and E. NEVILE, (Sandford;) and MANNING, (William Buckingham, July 1831, to December 1835. M.) Reports of Cases in the Courtof King's 9v. 80. Boston, 1831-35. Bench, and upon Writs of Error fiom that NEW ENGLAND Mutual Life Insurance CornCourt to the Exchequer Chamber, 1832 to pany; Annual Reports; 1844 to 1862. 80. 1836. 6 v. 8~. London, 1834-39. (2 Boston, 1863. copies of v. 6.) NEW ENGLAND Palladium. 7 v. Folio. Bos- --- and PERRY, (Thomas Erskine.) Re- ton, 1801-07. (Incomplete.) ports of Cases in the Court of King's Bench, NEW ENGLAND'S First Fruits in respect of the and upon Writs of Error from that Court to Progress of Learning, in the College at Camthe Exchequer Chamber, 1836 to 1838. 3v. bridge. 80. Boston, 1806. (Mass. Hist. 80. London, 1837-38. (2 copies of v. 3.) Coll., v. 1, first series.) NEVILLE, (William B.) On Insanity; its na- NEW General Atlas; a geographical and histure, causes, and cure. 80. London, 1837. torical account of all the world; with the NEVIN, (Alfred.) Guide to the Oracles. 120. natural history and trade of each country. Lancaster, (Pa.,) 1857. Folio. London, 1721. NEVIS. Acts of Assembly passed in the Island NEW Guide to the Public Funds; or, every of Nevis, 1664 to 1739. Folio. London, 1740. man his own stock-broker. 120. London, (2 copies.) 1838. NEW Annual Register, or General Repository NEW HAMPSHIRE. Laws of the State; together of History, Politics, and Literature, for the with the Constitution of New Hampshire; years 1780-1825. 80. London, 1781-1826. and the Constitution of the United States. NEW BEDFORD (Mass.) Public Library. First, 80. Portsmouth, 1792. Fifth, and Eleventh Annual Reports. 80. Constitution and Laws. 80. Dover, New Bedford, 1853-63. 1805. New Bedford Directory. 120. New- Laws. 2 v. 8~. Exeter, 1815. (2 Bedford, (Mass.,) 1852. copies of v. 1.) NEW Bond of Love. 120. New York, 1853. Laws. 80. Hopkinton, 1830. 812 NEW HAMPSHIRE. NEW JERSEY. NEW HAMPSHIRE. Laws; from November and Nov. 2, 1853; with the speeches and session, 1842, to June session, 1847. 8~. proceedings. 80. Boston, 1850-54. Concord, 1847.- Journal of the Senate and House of Laws; 1847to1850. 80. Concord, 1850. Representatives, June session, 1854. 2 v. ~- Laws; 1809; 1812; 1813; 1815; 1816; in 1. 80. Concord, 1854. November session, 1816; 1817; 1820 to 1842; Map of New-Hampshire. By Philip 1847; 1848, and November session, 1848, Carrigain. Concord, 1816. (2 copies;) 1849, (2 copies;) 1850; 1851, - Report concerning the Pauper Laws of (2 copies;) 1852; November session, 1852; New-Hampshire. 8~. Concord, 1821. 1853; 1854, (3 copies;) 1855 to 1858. 29 v. NEW-HAMPSHIRE ASYLUM for the Insane. 80. Concord, 1809-58. Annual Reports for 1858-61. 8~. Concord, Compiled Statutes of the State of New 1858-61. Hampshire. 80. Concord, 1853. NEW-HAMPSHIRE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. ColRevised Statutes, passed December 23, lections. 6 v. 8~. Concord, 1824-50. ]842. 80. Concord, 1843. (2 copies.) NEW HAVEN REMONSTRANCE, Reply toLucius NEW HAMPSHIRE Reports. Cases in the Su- Junius Brutus' Examination of the Presiperior Court of Judicature. V. 1, by N. dent's Answer to, by Leonidas. 80. New Adams, 1816 to 1819. 80. Exeter, 1819. York, 1801. (Pol. Pam., v. 101.) (2 copies.) NEW JERSEY. Acts of the General Assembly The same. V. 2, by W. M. Richardson of the Province, from [.1702 to 1760.] Col. and Levi Woodbury, 1819 to 1823. 80. lected by Samuel Nevill. 2v. Folio. PhilConcord, 1824. (2 copies.) adelphia and Woodbridge, 1752-61. The same. V. 3 to 5, 1823 to 1832. The same. From 17th April, 1702, to 80. Concord, Chester, and Newport, 1827- the 14th January, 1776. Compiled by Samuel 32. (2 copies.) Allinson. Folio. Burlington, 1776. The same. V. 6, by B. B. French, The same. Grants and Concessions, 1832 to 1834. 80. Newport, 1835. (2 copies.) and original Constitutions of the Province; - The same. V. 7 to 16, 1834 to 1845. acts passed during the proprietary govern80. Concord, 1838-63. (2 copies.) (V. 17 ments, and other material transactions before and 18 not yet published.) the surrender to Queen Anne; the instruThe same. V. 19, byWilliam L. Foster, ment of surrender, etc. By Aaron Leaming 1848to1849. 80. Concord, 1856. (2copies.) andJacobSpicer. Folio. Philadelphia,1752. The same. V. 20, by William E. Acts of the General Assembly of the Chandler, 1845 to 1850. 80. Concord, 1859. State, to the end of the first sitting of the 8th (2 copies.) session, on the 24th of December, 1783. The same. 1851-1854. SeeFOSTER'S Compiled by Peter Wilson. Folio. TrenREPORTS, 11 v. ton, 1784. - The same. V. 32 to 37, by George G. -- The same. 1819-20 to 1832-33; 1835-36; Fogg, 1855to1859. 80. Concord, 1857-59. 1836-37 to 1855, (2 copies;) 1857 to 1860, (2 copies.) (2 copies.) 52 v. 80. Trenton, New BrunsThe same. V. 38 to 42. By William E. wick, Morristown, Freehold, and Paterson, Chandler. 80. Concord, 1860-62. (2copies.) 1820-60. NEW HAMPSHIIRE. Centennial Anniversary Laws. Revised by William Paterson. of the introduction of the Art of Printing. 80. Newark, 1800. Portsmouth, Oct. 6, 1856. 80. Portsmouth, - Laws of the State. Compiled by Joseph (N H.,) 1857. Bloomfield. 80. Trenton, 1811. ~- Collections, Topographical, Historical - Laws. Revised and published under and Biographical, relating principally to the authority of the legislature. 80. TrenNew-Hampshire; and Monthly Literary ton, 1821. (3 copies.) Journal. Edited by J. Farmer and J. B. ~ Public Laws, passed since the revision Moore. 3 v. 80. Concord, 1823-31. in 1820. Published by Josiah Harrison. 80. Constitutions since it became an Inde- Camden, 1833. (2 copies.) pendent State. 80. Concord, 1834. (N.H. - Digest of the Laws; containing the Hist. Coil., v. 4.) rules and decisions of the courts, by Lucius First and Second Festival of the Sons Q. C. Elmer. 80. Bridgeton, 1838. (2 of New Hampshire, in Boston, Nov. 7, 1849, copies.) 813 NEW JERSEY. NEW SESSIONS. NEW JERSEY. Statutes of the State. Revised Welford's Equity Pleadings, v. 6. Wharton's Law Lexicon, v. 14-15. and published under the authority of the Wigram on the Interpretation of Wills, 3d ed., v. 2. legislature. 80. Trenton, 1847. Williams on Real Property, v. 2. The same. 2d ed., containing all the NEw MEXICO. Laws of the Territory, 1855-56; laws of general application, now in force, 1856-57; 1857-58: 1858-59; and 1859-60. from 1709 to 1855, by John T. Nixon. 80. 5 v. 80. Santa F6, 1856-60. Philadelphia, 1855. (5 copies.) Revised Statutes. Revised and arranged Address of the Convention to the Free by J. J. Davenport. 80. Santa F6, 1856. Electors of New-Jersey. 80. (n. p.) 1814. ~ Reports of the Secretary of War, with (Misc. Pam., v. 4.) reconnoissances of routes from San Antonio Extracts from the Journal of Proceed- to El Paso. By J. E. Johnston, W. F. Smith, ings of the Provincial Congress, held at etc., and Capt. R. B. Marcy's route front Fort Trenton in May, June, and August, 1775. Smith to Santa Fe. 80. Washington, 1850. 80. Woodbury, 1835. NEW-NETHERLAND. Representation, concernJournal of the Proceedings of the Con- ing the Situation, Fruitfulness, and poor vention to form a constitution for the gov- Condition of the same. Hague, 1650. Broad emnment of the State, in 1844. 80. Trenton, Advice to the United Netherland Provinces, 1844. made and arranged from divers true and Journal of the proceedings of the Second trusty memories, by I. A., G. W. C. AntSenate of the State, 1846. 180. New-Bruns- werp, 1649. From the Dutch, by Henry C. wick, 1846. Murphy. 40. New-York, 1854. Map of New Jersey. By William Wat- NEW ORLEANS as I Found It. By H. Didimus son. Philadelphia, 1812. 80. New-York, 1845. Report of the Commissioners on the NEW ORLEANS. Directory and Register. 160. Controversy with the State of New York, New Orleans, 1830. respecting the Eastern Boundary of New Adresse au Conseil Legislatif du TerJersey. 80. Trenton, 1826-28. ritoire d'Orleans. 80. Nouvelle Orl6ans, Selections from the Correspondence of 1808. (Pol. Pam., v. 106.) the Executive, from 1776 to 1786. 80. New- Kerr's General Advertiser and City York, 1848. Directory for 1856. 80. New Orleans, 1856. NEW JERSEY Business Directory and Register, Report of the Sanitary Commission of for 1850-51. By S. B. Kiikbride, Jr. 80. New Orleans on the Epidemic Yellow Fever Trenton, (N. J.,) 1850. of 1853. 80. New Orleans, 1854. NEW-JERSEY Historical Society. Collections. NEW ORLEANS Lyceum and Library Society. 3 v. 80. New-York, 1846-49. Catalogue ofLibrary. 80. New Orleans,1858. Proceedings. 4 v. 80. Newark, NEW ORLEANS Mercantile Library Association. 1847-50. 1st Annual Report. 80. New Orleans, 1858. NEW JERSEY State Lunatic Asylum. Annual NEW PRACTICE CASES. Together with Cases Reports for1851-1853, and 1859. 80. Tren- in Evidence, Stamps, and the Law of Atton, 1852-60. torneys and Solicitors. V. 1. 80. LonNEW JERSEY, (Ship.) Observations Sommaires don, 1847. et Preuves sur le Navire le New-Jersey, et NEW REPOaTlS. See BOSANQUET and PULses proprietaires. Small 40. Paris, [1805.?] LER, v. 4 and 5. NEW Library of Law and Equity. Edited by NEW Retorna Brevium, concerning the Return F. C. Troubat, Ellis Lewis, and W. McCand- of Writs in the Courts of Chancery, Exless, 1845 to 1849. 15 v. 80. Harrisburg, chequer, King's Bench, &c. 3d ed. 80. 1848-49. London, 1738. CONTENTS. NEW Sessions Cases; containing reports of Bisset on Partnership, v. 9. cases relative to the duties and liabilities of Broom's Maxims, v. 1. magistrates; determined in the Superior Calvert on Evidence, v. 11. i Daniell's Chancery Practice, v. 3-6. Courts at Westminster. 1844 to 1847, by J. Finlason's Leading Cases on Pleading, v. 10. M. Carrow J. Hamnerton, and T. Allen. Forsyth on Composition with Creditors, v. 1. Greening's Forms, v. 2. V. I and 2. 80. London, 1845-47. Hildyard on Marine Insances, v. 7. The same. 1847 to 1849, by J. HamHindinarch on Patents, v. 8. Manual for Law Students, v. 1. meton, T. Allen, and C. Otter. V. 3. 80. Pritchard's Admiralty Digest. v. 12-13. Roscoe on the New Rules of Pleading, v. 1. London, 1849. 814 NEW SESSIONS. NEW-YORK. NEW SESSIONS CASES, &c. 1849 to 1851, by NEw YORK (STATE.) Revised Statutes. 3d C. G. Prideaux and H. T. Coles. V. 4. 80. ed. 3 v. 80. Albany, 1846-48. (2 copies.) London, 1852. The same. Prepared by Hiram Denio NEW Testament; printed in paragraphs, with- and William Tracy. 4th ed. 2 v. 80. out chapter and verse divisions. 80. New- Albany, 1852. (2 copies.) York, 1854. The same. 5th ed. Prepared by A. J. ~___ See BIBLE. Parker, George Wolford, and Edward Wade. NFEW-YORK (STATE.) Act to regulate the Mi- 3 v. 80. Albany, 1859. litia of the State; passed the 4th of April, Statutes of the State, of a public and 1786. 80. New-York, 1786. general character, passed fiom 1829 to 1851, ~~ — Acts of Assembly; passed in the Pro- with notes and references to judicial decivince, 1691 to 1718. Folio. London, 1719. sions, and the constitution of 1846; with Laws of New-York, from 1691 to 1751, index, by Clarence A. Seward. By Samuel inclusive. By Livingston and Smith. Folio. Blatchford. 80. Auburn, 1852. New-York, 1752. (Imperfect; wanting title Banking Laws; complete from 1838page, and all before page 3 and after 486.) 1854. 80. Albany, 1854. Laws of the State, 1691 to 1773. 2 v. Banking Laws of the State. By M. in 1. Folio. New-York, 1774. Schoonmaker. 80. Albany, 1855. ~ — Laws of the State, in force against ~ Code of Procedure of the State; being Loyalists, and affecting the trade of Great the first report of the commissioners on pracBritain, and British merchants, and others tice and pleadings. 80. Albany, 1848. having property in that State. 80. Lon- The same; as amended by the legisladon, 1786. ture July 10, 1851. 80. Albany, 1851. Laws of New York: comprising the The same; as amended April 16, 1852; acts of the legislature since the revolution. with notes and references. Voorhies' 2d ed. 2 v. Folio. New-York, 1789. 80. New-York, 1852. -- The same; from the first to the twentieth - Code of Criminal Procedure of the State. session. 2d ed. 3 v. 8C. New-York, 1792-98. Reported complete by the commissioners on The same. 1783-1801. V. 1 and 2. practice and pleading. 80. Albany, 1850. 80. Albany, 1802. New-York Legal Observer; reports of ~ — The same; 1801 to 1812. V. 3, 4, 5, cases decided in the courts of equity and and 6. 80. Albany, 1804-12. common law, and important decisions in the -~ The same; revised and passed at the English courts; also, articles on legal sub36th session of the legislature. By W. P. jects, practical points of general interest, reVan Ness and John Woodworth. 1783-1813. markabletrials, sketches of the bench and the V. 1 and 2. 8o. Albany, 18i3. bar, anecdotes, &c. Edited by Samuel Owen. The same; 1812 to 1818. V. 3 and 4. 12 v. 80. New-York, 1843-54. 80. Albany, 1815-18. Terms and Circuits of the Supreme The same; 1798 to 1801; 1804-5; 1806; Court, etc., 1852-54. 80. Albany, 1852. 1819 to 1822; 1824 to 1829, 2 copies of 1824 NEW-YORK REPORTS. Reports of Cases arand 1827; 1830 and 1831, (2 copies;) 1832 gued and determined in the Court of Appeals and 1833; 1834, (3 copies;) 1835; 1836, (2 of the State of New-York, 1857-62. V. 15-24. copies;) 1837 and 1838; 1839 to 1852, (2 By E. Peshine Smith. 80. Albany, 1858crpies;) 1853; 1854, (2 copies;) 1855 and 62. (3 copies of v. 15; 2 copies of 16-24.) 1856; 1858: 1859, (2 copies;) 1860 and 1861. See COMSTOCK; SELDEN; KERNAN; 70 v. 80. Albany, 1805-60. and SMITH, (E. Peshine.) - The same; passed from 1828 to 1841, Annual Report of the Bank Commiswith references to judicial decisions. 80. sioners. 80. Albany, 1841. (Pol. Pai., Rochester, 1841. v. 117.) General Index to the Laws of the State Annual Report of the Comptroller. 80. of New-York, from 1777 to 1850. 80. New- Albany, 1839. (Pol. Pam., v. 116.) York, 1850. The same. 80. Albany, 1840. (Pol. Revised Statutes of the State of New- Pam., v. 117.) York, passed during the years 1827 and 1828. Annual Reports of the Regents of the 3 v. 80. Albany, 1829. University, for the years 1836-63. 26 v. ~- - Thesame. 2ded. 3v. 80. Albany, 1836. in23. 80. Albany, 1836-63. NEW-YORK. NEW YORK. NEW-YORK (STATE.) Catalogue of Maps and NEW-YORK (STATE.) Laws in relation to the Surveys in the offices of Secretary of State, Erie and Champlain Canals; together with the State Engineer, and State Library. 8~. Al- Annual Reports of the Canal Commissioners, bany, 1851. and other documents. 2 v. 8~. Albany, 1825. Census for 1840. 80. Albany, 1841. Map of the State. By John H. Eddy. (Pol. Pam., v. 117.) New-York, 1818. The same, for 1845. Folio. Albany, - The same; and parts of Pennsylvania 1846. and New Jersey. By Amos Lay. NewThe same, for 1855. Prepared by F. York, 1824. B. Hough. Folio. Albany, 1857. - The same. New York, 1829. Documentary History. Arranged un- The same; with counties, towns, cities, der the direction of the Hon. Christopher villages, internal improvements, &c. By Morgan, Secretary of State, by E. B. O'Cal- S. Augustus Mitchell. Philadelphia, 1844. laghan. 4 v. 40. Albany, 1850-51. The same. Published by Ensign and The same. 4v. 80. Albany, 1849-51. Thayer, 1849. Documents relative to the Colonial The same. Geological. New-York, History of the State; procured in Holland, 1842. England, and France, by J. R. Brodhead. Names of persons for whom marriage Edited by E. B. O'Callaghan. 10 v. 40. licenses were issued previous to 1784. 8'. Albany, 1853-58. Albany, 1860. The same. General index. Prepared Natural History of New York. 19 v. by E. B. O'Callaghan. 40. Albany, 1861. 40. Viz: Evangelical Lutheran Ministerium. Part 1. Zoology; or, the New York Fauna. By James Minutes of Sixty-first and Sixty-sixth Synod. E. D Kay. 5 v. 4. Albany, 1842-44. 2. Flora. By John Torrey. 2 v. 4~. Albany, 80. Albany, 1856-61. 1843. - General Association of Churches. Min- 3. Mineralogy. By Lewis C. Beck. 40. Albany, 1842. utes of Meetings, 1855 and 1856. 80. Ro- 4. Geology. By William W. Mather, Ebenezer Emnnons, Lardner Vanuxem, and James chester and Albany, 1855-56. Hall. 4 v. 4~. Albany, 1842-43. Journals of the Votes and Proceedings 5. Pallontology. By James Hall. 2 v. 4~. All)any, 1847-52. of the General Assembly of the Colony, 6. Agriculture. By Ebenezer Emmons. 5 v. 1691-1765. 2v. Folio. New-York, 1764-66. 40. Albany, 1846-54. Journal of the Legislative Council of Public Documents relating to the New the Colony; 9th day of April, 1691, to York Canals which are to connect the WestApril 3, 1775. 2 v. Folio. Albany, 1861. crn and Northern Lakes with the Atlantic Journals of the Provincial Congress, Ocean. 80. New-York, 1821. Provincial Convention, Committee of Safety, Report of the Secretary of State relaand Council of Safety, of the State, 1775, tive to the Poor. 80. Albany, 1855. 1776, 1777. 2 v. Folio. Albany, 1842. NEW YORK State Agricultural Society. TransJournal of the Convention of the State, actions. With Proceedings of the County held in Albany, on the 28th August, 1821. Agricultural Societies. 1842-1860. V. 2-20. 80. Albany, 1821. 80. Albany, 1843-60. ___- The same. Reports of the Proceedings NEW YORK State Library. Catalogue of Books and Debates of the Convention of 1821, as- on Bibliography, Typography, and Engravsembled for the purpose of amending the ing. 80. Albany, 1858. Constitution of the State. By Carter, Stone, - Catalogue of the N. Y. State Library, and Gould. 80. Albany, 1821. January 1, 1850. 80. Albany, 1850. * Debates and Proceedings in the Con- The same. 1855.-General Library. vention held in 1848, for the revision of the 8~. Albany, 1856. Constitution. By S. Croswell and R. Sutton, The same. General Library. First reporters. 80. Albany, 1846. supplement. 80. Albany, 1861. Journal of the Senate at the session of The same. Catalogue of Law Books. 1824. With appendix of documents. Folio. 8~. Albany, 1849. Albany, 1824. ~ The same. Law Library. 80. Albany, Journal and Documents of the Senate 1856. and Assembly for 1850-1854, 1856, and 1860- - The same. Maps, Manuscripts, En1862. 110 v. 80. Albany, 1850-62. graviugs, Coins, &c. 80. Albany, 1857. 816 NEW YORK. NEW YORK. NEW YORK CITY. Alms House. Eighth Annual NEW YORK Baptist Education Society. ForReport. 80. New York, 1859. tiethAnniversary. 80. Utica,(N.Y.,)1857. Chart of New York Bay and Harbor NEW YORK Bible and Common Prayer Book and the Environs. Founded upon a trigo- Society. Annual Reports for 1833-37-43, nometrical survey, under the direction of and 1844. 80. New York, 1833-44. F. R. Hassler. Washington, 1844. NEW-YORK Book of Poetry. 80. New-York, Charter of the City of New-York, with 1837. notes thereon. Also, a treatise on the powers NEW YORK Chamber of Commerce. Annual and duties of the Mayor, Aldermen, etc.; Reports for the years 1858-63. Complete. and journal of the city convention. By James 5 v. 80. New York, 1859-63. Kent. 80. New-York, 1836. -- -- Proceedings on the Burning of Ship The same. 80. New-York, 1851. Brilliant by the Alabama. 80. New York, Central Park. First, Fifth, and Sixth 1862. Annual Reports to the Commissioners; ac- -- -- Proceedings on the Piracies of Vessels companied by maps and plans. 3 v. 80. fitted out by Great Britain upon American New York, 1857-63. Commerce. 80. New York, 1863. Crystal Palace. Illustrated description NEW YORK Evening Post, from January 1850 of the building; by George Carstensen and to Dec. 1863. 28 v. Folio. New York, Charles Gildemeister; with an oil-color ex- 1850-63. terior view. Small 40. New-York, 1854. NEW YORK General Trades' Union; Rise and - Directory. Longworth's American Al- Progress: with an Address to Mechanics manac, New York Register, and City Direc- throughout the United States. 120. New tory for 1826-7. 120. New York, 1826. York, 1833. (Misc. Pain., v. 21.) -- -- Directory for 1849-50. By J. Dog- NEW YORK Historical Society. Account of the gett, jr. 80. New York, 1849. Celebration of its 40th Anniversary. 80. - -- Trow's New York City Directory, for New York, 1844. (Misc. Pam., v. 20.) the years 1852-3; and 1856-1863. 9 v. 80. Catalogue of Printed Books in the LiNew York, 1852-63. brary. 80. New York, 1859. ----- Francis' Metallic Life-Boat Corporation. Charter and By-Laws, with List of 2d ed. 80. New-York, 1853. Members. 8. New York, 1862. Journal and Documents of the City Collections, for the years 1809, 1814, Convention in 1846, in relation to the charter 1821, and 1826. 4 v. 80. New-York, of the city of New York. 2 v. 80. New 1811-26. York, 1846. The same. Second series. V. 1 and 3. Manual of the Corporation, by D T. 8~. New-York, 1841-57. Valentine. For the years 1842, 1843, 1846, Constitution and By-Laws. 80. New 1849-1856, and 1860-1862. 14 v. 180 and York, 1844. (Misc. Pam., v. 2.) 160. New York, 1842-62. - Proceedings, for the years 1844-47. ~: [A map.] With parts of the adjacent 4 v. 80. New-York, 1845-47. country. By David H. Burr. New York, NEWYORK Hospital. Charter of the Society, 1840. and Laws relating thereto, with the Regula- New York City during the American tions, and those of the Bloomingdale AsyRevolution; a collection of papers from the lum for the Insane. 80. New York, 1856. MSS. in possession of the Mercantile Library NEW YORK Life Insurance and Trust ConAssociation of New York. 40. New York, pany. Rates and Proposals. 8~. New York, 1861. 1830. (Pol. Pam., v. 115.) Picture of, in 1848; with a short ac- Report, March 19, 1831. 80. Albany, count of places in its vicinity. 180. New 1831. (Pol Pam., v. 115.) York, 1848. NEW YORK Marine Register; a standard of.-. Pier Map of the City. By J. Barnitz classification of American vessels, and of Bacon. New-York, 1856. such vessels as visit American ports. 40. ~- - Wealth and Biography of the Wealthy New-York, 1857. Citizens, from $100,000 and upwards. 80. Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York, 1845. New-York. Report exhibiting the experience NEW YORK Athenaeum Association. Consti- of the for 15 years, ending February 1, 1858. tution and Members. 160. New York, 1863. 40. New-York, 1858. 817 NEW YORK. NEWLAND. NEW YORK Medical Society. System of Medi- NEWCOMB, (Harvey.) Cyclopedia of MiscalEthics adopted by. 8~. Albany, 1846. siens; a view of Missionary operations NEW YORK Mercantile Library Association. throughout the world; with geographical Annual Reports for 1847, 1852, and 1855-62. descriptions, and accounts of the condition 80. New York, 1847-62. of the people. 80. New York, 1854. Catalogue; [issued in 1850.] With a NEWCOME, (William.) Attempt towards an supplement to August 1, 1856. 2 v. in 1. Improved Version, a metrical arrangement, 80. New-York, 1850-56. and an explanation of the Prophet Ezekiel. NEW YORK Morning Courier and Enquirer, 40. Dublin, 17r8. from 1857 to 1859. 5 v. Folio. New York, - The same, with notes by various hands. 1857-59. 80. London, 1836. (Prophets, LiteralTransNEW YORK Pathfinder, from 1853 to 1855. 3 v. lation of, v. 3.) Folio. New York, 1853-55..Attempt towards an Improved Version, NEW YORK Quarterly. 3v. 80. New-York, a metrical arrangoment, and an explanation 1852-55. of the Twelve Minor Prophets. 40. LonNEW YORKI Review. March, 1837, to April, don, 1785. 1842. 10 v. 80. New York, 1837-42. (No and HORSLEY, (Samuel.) Literal more published.) Translations of the Minor Prophets. 80. NEW YORK Shipping and Commercial List and London, 1836. (Prophets, Literal TranslaPrice Current, from commencement in 1815 tion of, v. 5.) to 1863. 48 v. 40 and Folio. New-York, NEWDEGATE, (C. N.) Collection of the Cus1815-63. toms' Tariffs of all Nations; based upon the NEW YORK Society Library. Catalogue. 80. work of M. Hiibner, brought down to 1854. New York, 1850. 40. London, 1855. NEW YORK Society for the Reformation of Ju- NEWELL, (Timothy.) Journal kept during venile Delinquents. Annual Report. 80. the time yt Boston was shut up in 1775-6. New York, 1848. 80. Boston, 1852. (Mass. Hist. Coll., v. 1, NEW YORK Tract Society, City. First Annual fourth series.) Report; with Constitution and By-Laws. NEWENHAM, (Thomas.) Statistical and His80. New York, 1828. (Misc. Pam., v. 15.) torical Inquiry into the progress and magniThirteenth Annual Report. 80. New tude of the Population of Ireland. 80. LonYork, 1840. don, 1805. NEW YORK Yearly Meeting of Friends. Re- NEWFOUNDLAND. Select Cases from the Report upon the Condition and Wants of the cords of the Supreme Court, 1817-28. [With Colored Refugees. 80. New York, 1862. general rules and orders of the supreme NEW YORK City and County. Annual Reportof court.] 80. St. John's, (Newfoundland,) the Board ofEducation. 80. New York, 1854. 1829. Census. 80. New York, 1807. Six Months of a Newfoundland MisNEW Wonderful Magazine; a collection of re- sionary's Journal, from February to August, markable trials. 2v. 80. London, (n.d.) 1835. 120. London, 1836. NEW Zealanders. Discovery of the island, NEWIIALL, (Isaac.) Letters on Junius, adand description of the present inhabitants. dressed to John Pickering, Esq., showing 160. London, (n. d.) (Library of Entertain- that the author was Earl Temple. 120. ing Knowledge, v. 41.) Boston, 1831. NEWBERRY, (John S.) Reports of Admiralty NEWHALL, (James R.) Essex (MassachuCases in the District Courts of the United setts) Memorial for 1836; embracing a regisStates for the District of Michigan, Northern terofthecounty. 180. Salem, (Mass.,) 1836. District of Ohio, Southern District of Ohio, NEWLAND, (Henry.) Forest Scenes in Norway Western District of Pennsylvania, Northern and Sweden; being extracts from the journal District of Illinois, District of Missouri, and of a fisherman. 2d ed. 120. London, 1855. Eastern District of Louisiana, from 1842 to NEWLAND, (John.) Practice of the High Court 1857. v. 1. 80. New York, 1857. (3copies.) of Chancery. With a collection of the forms NEWBURYPORT. Directory. By C. A. Dockham of pleadings and of proceedings in that court. and N. P. Brown. 240. Newburyport 1853. 2d ed. 2 v. 80. London, 1819. NEWBY, (Thomas.) Beta Depicta; or, re- The same. 3d ed. 2 v. 80. London, marks onMangelWurzel. 80. London, 1828. 1830. 103 818 NEWLAND. NEWTON. NEWLAND, (John.) Treatise on Contracts NEWNHAM, (William.) Human Magnetism; within the j risdiction of Courts of Equity. its Claims to Dispassionate Inquiry; the 80. Philadelphia, 1808. utility of its application for the relief of sufNEWMAN, (Edward.) Familiar Introduction fering. 12~. London, 1845. to the History of Insects. 80. London, ~ Reciprocal Influence of Body and Mind 1841. considered. 80. London, 1842. History of British Ferns. 80. Lon- NEWS from New England; account of the don, 1854. bloody wars carried on betwixt the Infidels, NEWMAN, (Emily M.) Analysis of Sounds; natives, and the English Christians. Lonor, the principles of English pronunciation. don, 1676. [Reprinted.] Small 40. Bos120. London, 1834. ton, 1850. NEWMAN, (Francis William.) Crimes of the NEWSPAPERS, Miscellaneous. 8 v. Folio. House of Hapsburg against its own liege 1829-32. Subjects. 12g. London, 1853. NEWSPAPERS, Miscellaneous. American. Pub~- History of the Hebrew Monarchy, from lished in Maryland. Folio. 1826-36. Samuel to the Babylonish Captivity. 2d ed. NEWSPAPERS, Miscellaneous. Published in 120. London, 1853. Pennsylvania. Folio. 1828-32. ~ — Lectures on Political Economy. 12~. NEWTON, (Calvin;) and CALKINS, (MarLondon, 1851. shall.) Thoracic Diseases; their pathology, Phases of Faith; or, passages from the diagnosis, and treatment. 80. Worcester, history of my creed. 120. London, 1850. (Mass.,) 1854. Regal Rome; an introduction to Roman NEWTON, (Charles T.;) assisted by PULLAN, History. 120. London, 1852. (R. P.) A History of Discoveries at Hali- The Soul; its sorrows and its aspira- carnassus, Cnidus, and Branchidre. Vol. I, tions. The natural history of the soul as the plates. Folio. Vol. II, text, in 2 parts. 80. true basis of theology. 7th ed. 120. Lon- London, 1862-63. don, 1862. NEWTON, (Sir Isaac.) Opera quse exstant NEWMAN, (John Henry.) Church of the omnia. Commentariis illustrabat S. HorsFathers. 160. London, 1840. ley. 5 v. 40. Londini, 1779-85. Discourses, to mixed congregations. Philosophise Naturalis Principia Math2d ed. 80. London, 1850. ematica. Studio T. Le Seur et F. Jacquier. ~- Lectures on Justification. 80. Lon- Ed. altera. 3 v. in 4. 40. Coloniae Allo*don, 1840. brogum, 1760. - Lectures on the Present Position of - Principia. With notes, examples, and Catholics in England. 2d ed. 80. Lon- deductions; containing all that is read at don, 1851. the University of Cambridge. By J. M. F. Lectures on the Prophetical Office of Wright. 80. Cambridge, 1830. the Church, viewed relatively to Romanism The same. Translated by Andrew, and popular Protestanism. 80. London, Motte; with Newton's System of the World; 1838. a short comment on the Principia, by W..- See LIVES of the English Saints. Emerson; and the laws of the moon's motion NEWMAN, (Samuel.) Large and complete Con- according to gravity. New ed., with the life cordance to the Bible. Folio. London, of the author;. revised by W. Davis. 3 v. 1650. 80. London, 1819. NEWMAN, (Selig.) Grammar of the Hebrew The same. 1st Am. ed., with a life Language, with points. With a short Chal- of the author, by N. W. Chittenden. 80. dee grammar. 80. London, 1827. New-York, 1848. English and Hebrew Lexicon, contain- The same. First Three Sections. With ing fifteen thousand English words, rendered notes and problems, by J. Carr. 2d ed. 80. into Biblical or Rabbinical Hebrew, or into Cambridge, (Eng.,) 1826. Chaldee. 80. London, 1832. The same. With an appendix; and - Hebrew and English Lexicon of the the ninth and eleventh sections, edited by J. Old Testament, with the Chaldeewords in H. Evans. 2d ed. 80. Cambridge, 1837. Daniel, Ezra, and the Targums; also the The same. First three sections and Talmudical and Rabbinical words derived part of the seventh. With introduction, by from them. 80. London, 1834. G. L. Cooke. 80. Oxford, 1850. 819 NEWTON. NICCOLINI. NEWTON, (Sir Isaac.) Principes Math6ma- NEWTON, (Thomas; Bishop of Bristol.) Distiques de la Philosophie Naturelle. Traduits sertations on the Prophecies which have been par Mme. la Marquise du Chastellet. 2 v. remarkably fulfilled, and at this time are ful40. Paris, 1759. filling intheworld. 3v. 160. Philadelphia, - Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms 1813. amended. With a chronicle to the conquest Life, by himself. 8~. London, 1861. of Persia by Alexander. 40. London, 1728. (Lives of Pocock, etc., v. 2.) The same. 80. Dublin, 1728. NEWTON, (William.) Display of Heraldry. Observations upon the Prophecies of 80. London, 1846. Daniel, and the Apocalypse of St. John. NEWTON, (William.) London Journal of Arts, 40. London, 1733. Sciences, and Manufactures, and Repertory The same. 80. London, 1831. of Patent Inventions. Opticks. 4th ed. 80. London, 1830. Firstseries. 45v. 80. London, 1832-54. Tables for Renewing and Purchasing New series. V. 1-18. 80. London, 1855-63. Leases according to the several rates of Use of the Globes; with a familiar inInterest. 7th ed. 180. London, 1758. troduction to astronomy. 4th ed. 160. Universal Arithmetick. With Dr. Hal- London, 1854. ley's Method of Finding the Roots of Equa- NEY, (Michel.) Vie Militaire. 80. Metz, 1853. tions. From the Latin, by Ralphson, re- Memoirs of Marshal Ney. Published vised by Cunn. 2d ed. 80. London, by his family. 2 v. 8~. London, 1833. 1728. Military Studies. Translated from the The same. With a treatise on the French, by J. H. Caunter; with introduction measures of ratios, by J. Maguire. With and diagrams by A. James. 80. London,1833. notes by T. Wilder. 80. London, 1769. NEYRON, (Pierre Joseph.) Principes duDroit NEWTON, (James.) Complete Herbal. 6th des Gens Europeens Conventionnel et Coued. 80. London, 1802. tumier. 160. Bronswic, 1783. NEWTON, (John.) Works. New ed. 9 v. NIAGARA Ship Canal. Engineer's Report, by 120. London, 1622. B. Stuart, and Edward W. Serrell. 80. CONTENTS. New York, 1854. NIBELUNGEN Noth. Mit holzschnitten nach Autobiography, v. 1. Cardiphonia; or utterance of the heart, v. 2-3. zeichnungen von J. S. von Carolsfeld und Discoursesit or Sermons, Revv. 4. E. Neureuther. Die Bearbeitung des Textes Ecclesiastical History, Review of, v. 5. Letters on Religious Subjects, v. 1. von Gustav Pfizer. 40. Stuttgart, 1843. Messiah; fifty discourses on the Scripture passages which form the subject of the Oratorio of Fall of the Nibelungers, otherwise the Handel, v. 8. book of Kriemhild; a translation of the NiOlney Hymns and a few Poems, v. 6. Tracts and Occasional Sermons, v. 9. belunge N6t, or Nibelungenlied. By W. N. - Sixty-eight Letters to a Clergyman and Lettsom. 120. London, 1850. his Family. 2d ed. 160. London, 1845. NIBLOCK, (J. W.) New and Improved Latin One Hundred and Twenty-nine Let- and English Dictionary. 2d ed. Square ters to Rev. William Bull. 160. London, 12~. London, 1836. 1847. NIWA, (Marco de.) See NIZZA, (M. da.) Thoughts upon the African Slave NICLEA. Seventh General Council, the Second Trade. 80. London, 1788. (Slavery Pam., of Niciea, in which the Worship of Images v. 4.) was Established; with notes, compiled by NEWTON, (John Frank.) Return to Nature; order of Charlemagne for its confutation. or defence of vegetable regimen. 8. Lo- Trslated by John Medham. 8. London, 1822. (Pamphleteer, v. 19-20.) don, 1849. NEWTON,(Thomas, Bishop of Bristol.) Works; NCANDER Colophonius. Fragmenta. (Gr. et with anecdotes of his friends. 2d ed. 6 v. et Lat.) (Poetae Bucolici, Didot, Biblioth. 80. London, 1787.. Grecque, v. 41.) ~~~~CONTENTS. Theriaca: interprete Io. Gorraeo. Folio...Pii6. (With CORRJEus, Opera.) Life, written by himself, with an appendix, con- Parisiis, 1622. (With COR US, Opera.) taining a Speech designed for the House of Lords, NICANDER NUCIUS. See NUCIUS. on the Dissenter's Bill, the Sentiments of a Moderate Man concerning Toleration, and a Let- NICCOLINI, (Fausto and Felice.) Case ed i ter to the New Parliament, 1780, v. 1. Monumenti di Pompei, designati e descritti. Dissertations; chiefly on the Old Testament. V. 1-3. Dissertations; chiefly on the New Testament, v. 4-6. 12 fasciculi. Folio. Napoli, 1854. 820 NICEPHORUS. NICHOLSON. NICEPHORUS Callistus. EcclesiasticaeHistorire NICHOLLS, (Sir George.) History of the Enlibri xviii, Greece editi. Adjecta est Latina glish Poor Law, in connexion with the coninterpretatio J. Langi, A F. Ducaeo cum dition of the people. 2v. 8~. London, 1854. Grsecis collata. 2 v. Folio. Lutetire Par- History of the Irish Poor Law, in conisiorum, 1630. nexion with the condition of the people. 8~. NICEPHORUS Gregoras. Byzantina Historia. London, 1856. (Gr. et Lat.) Cura L. Schopeni. V. 1 et 2. - History of the Scotch Poor Law, in 80. Bonnre, 1829-30. (Byzantinae Hist. connexion with the condition of the people. Corpus, v. 43-44.) 8~. London, 1856. NICEPHORUSPatriarcha. Breviariumde Rebus - Report on the Poor Laws for Ireland. Gestis ab obitu Mauricij ad Constantinum 8~. London, 1837. (Prison Disc. Pam., usque Copronymum. Nunc primum vulga- v. 3.) turn ac Latine redditum opera D. Petavii. NICHOLLS, (H. G.) The Forest of Dean; an Accesserunt fiagmenta et aliorum nondum historical and descriptive account. 8 v. 120 in hane diem edita. 80. Parisiis, 1616. London, 1858. ~- Breviarium Rerum post Mauricium NICHOLLS, (John, Esq.) Recollections and gestarum. (Gr. et Lat.) Rec.I. Bekkerus. Reflections, personal and political, as con8~. Bonne, 1837. (Byzantinse Hist. Cor- nected with Public Affairs, during the Reign pus, v. 29.) of George III. 2d ed. 2 v. 80. London, - Chronographia Compendiaria. (Gr. et 1822. Lat.) 80. Bonnre, 1829. (Byzantinue Hist. NICHOLS, (James.) Calvinism and ArminianCorpus, v. 9.) ism Compared; or, the doctrines of general NICERON, (Jean Pierre.) M6moires pour servir redemption. 80. London, 1824. a l'Histoire des Hommes Illustres dans la NICHOLS, (John.) Biographical Anecdotes of R6publique des Lettres. 43 v. in 44. 160. William Hogarth; with a catalogue of his Paris, 1729-45. works. 80. London, I782. NICETAS Choniates. Historia. (Gr. et Lat.) - Literary Anecdotes of the Eighteenth Ex recensione I. Bekkeri. 8~. Bonna, Century; comprising biographical memoirs 1835. (Byzantinau Hist. Corpus, v. 20.) of William Bowyer, printer, and many of his NICHOL, (John Pringle.) Architecture of the learned friends. 9v. 80. London, 1812-15. Heavens. 9th ed. 80. London 1851. Note.-Vol. 7 contains an index to the first 7 vols., and separate index to vols. 8 and 9. - Contemplations on the Solar System. - Illustrations of the Literary History of 2d ed. 120. Edinburgh,. 1844. the Eighteenth Century; intended as a seCyclopedia of the Physical Sciences. quel to the Literary Anecdotes. By John 8t'. Glasgow, 1857. Nichols and John Bowyer Nichols. 8 v. 80. - Planetary System; its order, and phys- London, 1817-58. ical structure. 120. London, 1850. NICHOLS, (John Bowyer.) Collectanea Topo-- Stellar Universe. 16C. Edinburgh, 1848. graphica et Genealogica. 8v. 80. LonThoughts on Some Important Points don 1834-43. relating to the Systems of the World. 80. NICHOLS, (Thomas L.) Esoteric AnthropoloEdinburgh, 1846. gy. 18. New York, 1853. Views of the Architecture of the Heav- Marriage; its history, character, and ens. 5th ed. 120. Edinburgh, 1845. results. 180. Cincinnati, 1854. NICHOL. See NICOL. NICHOLS. See NICOLS, also NICKOLLS. NICHOLAS, (George.) Correspondence [with] NICHOLSON, (Lord Chief Baron.) An AutoRobert G. Harper, of South Carolina. 80. biography. 180. London, 1860. Lexington, (Ky.,) 1799. (Pol. Pam., v. 98.) NICHOLSON, (Asenath.) Annals of the Famine NICHOLAS, (John Liddiard.) Narrative of a in Ireland, in ]847-1849. 120. New York, Voyage to New Zealand, in 1814 and 1815, 1851. with Samuel Marsden. 2v. 80. London, 1817. Ireland's Welcome to the Stranger; or, NICHOLAS, (S. S.) Martial Law. 80. Phila- an excursion through Ireland, in 1844-45. delphia, 1862. (Habeas Corpus Pam.) 12~. New-York, 1847. NICHOLAS. See NICOLAS. NICHOLSON, (Elizabeth.) What I Know; or, NICHOLLS, (Sir George)- First and Second hints on the daily duties of a housekeeper; Report on the Poor Laws of Ireland. 80. comprising nearly 500 receipts. 180. PhilLondon, 1837-8. (Prison Disc. Pam, v. 3.) adelphia, 1856. 821 NICHOLSON. NICOLAS. NICHOLSON, (Francis.) Practice of Drawing NICHOLSON. See NICOLSON. and Painting Landscape from Nature, in NICKLIN, (Philip H.) Letters Descriptive of WaterColours. 2d ed. 40. London, 1823. the Virginia Springs. Edited by Peregrine NICHOLSON, (James B.) Manual of the Art Prolix. 2d ed. 160. Philadelphia, 1837. of Bookbinding. Also, the art of marbling. Remarks on Literary Property. 18~. 12~. Philadelphia, 1856. Philadelphia, 1838. NICHOLSON, (John.) Operative Mechanic, and NICKOLLS, (Robert Boucher.) Letter to the British Machinist. 4th ed. With a supple- Society for the Abolition of the Slave ment of British Public Works, by C. Dupin Trade. 16~. London, 1788. (Slavery and C. Taylor. 80. London, 1853. Pam., v. 4.) NICHOLSON, (John.) See PENNSYLVANIA NICKOLLS. See NICHOLS. Also, NICOLS. STATE TRIALS. NICOL, (James.) Manual of Mineralogy; or, NICHOLSON, (Peter.) Architectural Diction- the natural history of the mineral kingdom. ary. 2 v. 40. London, 1819. 120. Edinburgh, 1849. Builder's and Workmen's New Director. NICOL, (Walter.) Gardener's Kalendar; or, New ed. 40. London, 1834. monthly directory in horticulture. 4th ed. Carpenter and Builder's Complete 80. Edinburgh, 1822. Measurer. 40. London, 1826. Planter's Kalendar; or, the NurseryGuide to Railway Masonry; containing man's and Forester's Guide. Completed by a complete treatise on the oblique arch. Re- Edward Sang. 80. Edinburgh, 1812. vised by I. Cowen. 3d ed 80. London, 1846. NICOL. See NICHOL. New and Improved Practical Builder, NICOLAS, (Sir Nicholas Harris.) Chronology and workman's companion. Revised by T. of History. 160. London, 1838. (Lardner's Tredgold. 3 v. 40. London, 1848. Cabinet Cyclopaedia, v. 93.) New Carpenter's Guide. 40. London, Historic Peerage of England; exhib1825. iting every title of peerage which has existed Carpenter's New Guide. Revised by in this country since the conquest. ConN. K. Davis; containing original designs tinned to the present time, by William Courfor roofs, domes, &c., by Samuel Sloan. thope. 80. London, 1857. 16th ed. 40. Philadelphia, 1853. - History of the Battle of Agincourt, and Popular Course of Pure and Mixed of the Expedition of Henry the Fifth into Mathematics; with a key. 2 v. 80. Lon- France, in 1415. To which is added, the don, 1835. Roll of the Men at Arms, in the English Practical Treatise on the Art of Ma- Army. 2d ed. 80. London, 1832. sonry and Stone-Cutting. 80. London, - History of the Orders of Knighthood 1835. of the British Empire; of the Order of the Principles of Architecture; containing Guelphs of Hanover; and of the Medals the fundamental rules of the art, with the conferred for Naval and Military Services. application of those rules to practice. 3 v. 4 v. 4C. London, 1842. 80. London, 1841. History of the Royal Navy, from the Rudiments of Algebra. 120. London, earliest times to the French Revolution. 2 v. 1819. 80. London, 1847. Student's Instructor in Drawing and ~ Life of William Davison, Secretary of Working the Five Orders of Architecture. State and Privy Counselor to Queen Eliza7th ed. 80. London, 1839. beth. 80. London, 1823. Treatise on the Construction of Stair- - Memoirs and Literary Remains of Lady cases and Hand-Rails. New ed. 40. Lon- Jane Grey. 12~. London, 1832. don, 1847. Memoirs of the Life and Times of Sir - and NICHOLSON, (M. Angelo.) Prac- Christopher Hatton. 80. London, 1847. tical Cabinet-Maker, Upholsterer, and Com- Observations on the state of Historical plete Decorator. 40. London, 1826. Literature, and on the Society of AntiquaNICHOLSON, (Thomas.) Epistle to Friends in ries, and other institutions. 8~. London, Great Britain. 80. London, 1762. 1830. NICHOLSON, (William.) Introduction to Na- NICOLAS, (Paul Harris.) Historical Record of tural Philosophy; illustrated with copper the Royal Marine Forces. 2-v. 80. Lonplates. 4th ed. 2v. 8~. London, 1796. don, 1845. 822 NICOLAS. NIGHTINGALE. NICOLAS,(RobertCarter.) "Considerationson Geography. From the German ed. of Dr. the Present State of Virginia " Examined. Isler, by Dr. Schmitz. 2 v. 80. London, 1853. 8~. (n. p.) 1774. (Col. Pam., v. 12.) Life and Letters; with essays on his NICOLAS. See NICHOLAS. character and influence, by Bunsen, Brandis, NICOLSON. See NICHOLSON. and Loebell. Translated by Susanna WinkNICOLAUS Damascenus. De Moribus Grseco- worth. 3 v. 8~. London, 1852. rum aliarumque Gentium libellus. (Grono- Stories of the Gods and Heroes of Greece, vius, Thesaurus Graec. Antiq., v. 6. told to his son Marcus; with preface, by NICOLAY, (Charles Grenfell.) Oregon Terri- Sarah Austin. 16c. London, 1843. tory; a geographical and physical account NIEBUHR, (Carsten.) Travels through Arabia, of that country and its inhabitants, with and other countries in the East. Translated its history and discovery. 180. London, 1846. by Robert Heron. 2 v. 80. Edinburgh, 1792. NICOLINI, (Giovanni Battista.) History of Travels in Arabia. (Pinkerton's Voythe Jesuits; their origin, progress, doc- ages, v. 10.) trines, and designs. 12~. London, 1854. Description de l'Arabie, faite sur des History of the Pontificate of Pius the observations propres et des avis recueillis Ninth; and political movements in Italy du- dans les lieux memes. 40. Utrecht, 1774. ringthelastfiveyears. 160. Edinburgh, 1852. Voyage en Arabie, et en d'autres pays NICOLLET,(JeanN.) CoursdeMath6matiquesa circonvoisins. Traduit de l'Allemand. 2 v. 1' Usage de la Marine. Geom6trieetTrigonom- 40. Utrecht, 1776-80. 6trie, applications diverses. 80. Paris, 1830. NIEL, (Genmral Adolphe.) Siege de S6bastoNIcoLs, (Thomas.) ArculaGemmea; discov- pol; Journal des Operations du G6nie. 40. ering the nature, vertue, value of pretious Atlas, folio. Paris, 1858. stones, with rules to escape deceit. Small NIEREMBERG, (Juan Eusebio.) Diferencia 40. Cambridge, (Eng.,) 1653. entrelo Temporal y Eterno. (Colleccion de Lapidary; or, the History of Pretious Autores Espanoles, v. 19.) Stones, with cautions for the undeceiving of NIEIlITZ, (Gustav.) The Little Drummer; a all those that deal with pretious stones. story of the Russian campaign. From the Small 40. (n. d.) German, by Mrs. H. E. Conant. 160. NewNICOLS. See NICHOLS; also, NICKOLLS. York, 1853. NICOLSON, (le Pere.) Essai sur l'Histoire NIEUHOFF, (Jan.) Gedenkwaerdige Zee en Naturelle de St. Donlingue. 120. Paris, 1776. Lantreizedoorde voornaemsteLandschappen NICOLSON, (William.) English, Scotch, and van West en Oostindien. Folio. AmsterIrish Historical Libraries; a short view and dam, 1682. character of most of our historians. A new - Travels to Brasil, 1840-47. Also his elition, corrected. 40. London, 1776. TravelsintheEastIndies, 1653-72. (Church NIEBUHR, (Barthold Georg.) History of Rome ill's Voyages and Travels, v. 2.) fiom the earliest times to the death of Con- Voyages and Travels in Brazil, 1640. stantine. Translated by J. C. Hare, Thirl- (Pinkerton's Voyages, v. 14.) wall, Smith, and Schmitz. 5v. 80. Lon- - Travels in China, 1655. (Pinkerton's don, 1828-44. Voyages, v. 7.) The same. From the first Punic war NIGER FLORA; or, plants of Western Tropical to the death of Constantine. Edited by L. Africa, collected by Dr. T. Vogel, 1841; inSchmitz. 2 v. 80. London, 1844. (Same eluding Spiciiegia Gorgonea, by P. B. Webb, as v. 4 and 5 of the above.) and Flora Nigritiana, by J. D. Hooker and G. Lectures on the History of Rome, from Bentham. Ed. by Sir W. J. Hooker. 80. the earliest times to the Fall of the Western London, ]849. Empire. Edited by Leonhard Schmitz. 2d NIGHT in BuenosAyres; adrama. 1]2. Georgeed., with additions from Dr. Isler's German town, (D. C.,) 1854. ed. 3 v. 80. London, 1849-50. NIGHTINGALE, (Florence.) Notes on Nursing; Lectures on Ancient History, from the what it is, and what it is not. 80. London, earliest period to the taking of Alexandria 1860. by Octavianus. From the German edition Observations on the Stational Reports of Dr. Marcus Niebuhr, by Dr. Schmitz. submitted to her by the Commission on the 3 v. 80. London, 1852. Sanitary State of the Army in India. 80. -- Lectures on Ancient Ethnography and London, 1863. 8.23 NIGHTINGALE. NOAILLES. NIGHTINGALE, (Joseph.) Memoirs of the pub- NISBET, (Alexander.) System of Heraldry; lic and private life of Caroline, Queen of with armorial figures, and achievements of Great Britain. With her trial and defense the most considerable families in Scotland. in full. 10th ed. 6 v. 80. London, 1820. New ed. 2 v. Folio. Edinburgh, 1816. ~ - Religions and Religious Ceremonies of NISBET, (Richard.) Slavery not forbidden by all Nations. New ed. 120. London, 1821. Scripture: a defence of the West India PlanNIGON DE BERTY, (Louis.) HistoireAbr6gee ters. 80. Philadelphia, 1773. (Slavery de la Libert6 Individuelle, chez les princi- Pam., v. 17.) paux peuples anciens et modernes. 80. NIXON, (Barnaby.) Serious Address to the Paris, 1834. rulers of America and Virginia. 160. RichNILES, (Hezekiah.) Journal of Proceedings mond, 1806. (Theol. Pam., v. 7.) of the Friends of Domestic Industry in Con- NIXON, (Francis Russell ) Cruise of the Beavention at New York, October 26, 1831. 80. con; a narrative of a visit to the islands in Baltimore, 1831. Bass's Straits. 120. London, 1857. - Principles and Acts of the Revolution Lectures, historical, doctrinal, and pracin America. 80. Baltimore, 1822. tical, on the Catechism of the Church of - Things as they Are; or, Federalism England. 80. London, 1844. turned inside out. 80. Baltimore, 1809. NIXON, (John T.) Endurance, Individual and (Pol. Pam., v. 108.) National: an address at Princeton, (N. J.) Weekly Register, from September 7, 80. Philadelphia, 1863. 1811, to June 27, 1849. 50 v. 80, and 25 v. NIZZA, (Marco da.) Voyage from Culiacan to 40. Baltimore, 1811-49. (2 copies.) Cibola in New Spain, 1539. (Hakluyt's Voy~ — General Index to the first twelve vol- ages, v. 3.) umes, 1811-1817. 80. Baltimore, 1818. NIZZOLI, (Mario.) Lexicon Ciceronianum, ex NILES, (John M.) History of South America recensione A. Scoti: accedunt phrases et forand Mexico. With a geographical and his- mulae linguae Latine ex comm. S. Doleti: torical View of Texas, and account of the juxta ed. J. Facciolati. 80. Londini, Texian Revolution and War, by L. T. Pease. 1820. 2 v. in 1. 80. Hartford, 1838. NJAI,S-SAGA. Historia Niali et Filiorum, LatLife of Oliver Hazard Perry. With an ine reddita; cum adjecta chronologia, variis appendix, comprising Sketches of the late que textus Islandici lectionibus. 40. HavGeneral Pike and Captain Lawrence, and a niae, 1809. View of the Navy of the United States. 120. ~ The same; or, life in Iceland at the end Hartford, 1820. of the 10th century. Translated by G. W. NILES, (Samuel.) HistoryoftheWars in New Dasent. 2 v. 120. Edinburgh, 1861. England with the French and Indians. 80. NOAD, (Henry M.) Chemical Manipulation Boston, 1837-61. (Mass. Hist. Coll., v. 6, and Analysis. New ed. 80. London, third series, and v. 5, fourth series.) 1852. NILES, (William Ogden.) Tippecanoe Text- - Course of Eight Lectures; on ElectriBook; compiled from Niles' Register, and city, Galvanism, Magnetism, and Electroother authentic records. 80. Philadelphia, Magnetism. 160. London, 1839. 1840. - Lectures on Chemistry; including its NION, (Alfred.) Droits Civils des Auteurs, applications in the arts, and the analysis of Artistes, et Inventeurs, ou application des compounds. 80. London, 1843. dispositions des codes civil, de commerce, et NOAH, (Mordecai Manuel.) Gleanings from a de procedure, aux droits attribues par les lois Gathered Harvest. 160. New-York, 1845. existantes aux auteurs et inventeurs en ma- ~ Travels in England, France, Spain, and tiere d'art, de science, de litt6rature et d'in- the Barbary States, in the years 1813-15. 80. dustrie. 80. Paris, 1846. New-York, 1819. NISARD, (Marie L6onard Charles.) Histoire NOAILLES, (Adrien Maurice, Due de.) Medes Livres Populaires; ou, de la Litt6rature moires de Louis XIV. et de Louis XV. 80. du Colportage, depuis le XVe siecle. 2 v. Paris, 1839. (Michaud, Coll. Mem. Hist. 80. Paris, 1854. France, v. 32.) NISARD, (Jean Marie Napoleon Desir6.) His- The same. 4 v. 80. Paris, 1828-29. toire d'Erasme et de ses Merits. 120. Paris, (Petitot, Coll. Mem. Hist. France, s6r. 2, v. 1842. (With ERASMUS' tloge; ed. of 1842.) 71-74.) 824 NOAILLES. NONNUS. NOAILLES, (Antoine and Fran9ois de.) Ambas- NOEL, (Eugene.) Voltaire. 12~. Paris, 1855. sades en Angleterre. Redigees par l'Abbe de NOEL, (Fran9ois Joseph Michel.) Dictionnaire Vertot. Publiees par M. Villaret. 5 v. 16~. de la Fable, ou Mythologie Grecque, Latine, Leyde, 1763. pgyptienne, etc. 2 v. 8~. Paris, 1801. NOAILLES, (Paul, Duc de.) Histoire de Madame and CARPENTIER, (L. J. M.) Nouveau Maintenon et des principaux evenements du Dictionnaire des Origines, Inventions, et Regne de Louis XIV. 2e ed. 4 v. 8~. Decouvertes. 2e ed., augment6e de plus de Paris, 1849-58., 800 articles par les auteurs, et par M. PuisNOBLE, (Daniel.) Elements of Psychological sant, fils. 4 v. 8~. Paris, 1833. Medicine; an introduction to the study of NOEL, (Gerard T.) Prospects of the Church insanity. 2d ed. 8~. London, 1855. of Christ in connexion with the Second AdThe Human Mind in its Relations with vent. 8C. Philadelphia. 1840. (Literalist, the Brain and Nervous System. 12~. Lon- v. 1.) don, 1858. NOIRMONT, (Dunoyer de,) or, DUNOYER DE NOBLE, (James.) Arabic Vocabulary, and In- NOIRMONT, (-) and MARBOT, (Alfred de.) dex for Richardson's Arabic Grammar. 4~. Costumes Militaires Franuais, depuis I'OrEdinburgh, 1820. ganization sles premieres Troupes ReguliBres NOBLE, (Louis L.) After Icebergs with a en 1439 jusqu'en 1789. 2 v. Folio. Paris, Painter; a summer voyage to Labrador and 1854. around Newfoundland. 12~. New York, NOIROT, (C.) Origine des Masques, Momme1862. ries, Charivari, etc. (Leber, Coil. Hist. Course of Empire, Voyage of Life, and France, v. 9.) other Pictures of Thomas Cole. With selec- NOLAN, (Frederick.) Inquiry into the Integtions from his letters and miscellaneous wri- rity of the Greek Vulgate, or received text of tings. 12~. New-York, 1853. the New Testament. With supplement. 8~. NOBLE, (Mark.) Lives of the English Regi- London, 1815-30. cides and other Commissioners appointed to Sermons on the Analogy of Revelation sit in judgment upon Charles I. 2 v. 8~. and Science. 8~. Oxford, 1833. (BampLondon, 1798. ton's Lectures for 1833.) History of the College of Arms, and the NOLAN, (Lewis Edward.) Cavalry; its hisLives of all the Kings, Heralds, and Pursui- tory and tactics. 3d ed. 12~. London, 1860. vants from Richard III. to the present time. System for Training Cavalry Horses; 4~. London, 1804. with a chapter on Rarey's method, by KenMemoirs of the Protectoral House of ner Gerrard. 120. New-York, 1862. Cromwell. 2 v. 8~. Birmingham, 1784. Training of Cavalry Remount Horses. NOCTES Ambrosianme, by John Wilson, Wil- A new system. 8~. London, 1852. liam Maginn, J. G. Lockhart, James Hogg, NOLAN, (Michael.) Treatise on the Laws for &c. With memoirs and notes, by R. S. the Relief and Settlement of the Poor. 3 v. Mackenzie. 5 v. 12~. New-York, 1855. 8~. London, 1825. NODIER, (Charles Emmanuel.) Histoire des NOLLET, (Jean Antoine.) L'Art des ExperiSoci6ets Secretes de l'ArmEe, et des Conspi- ences: ou, avis aux amateurs de physique, rations Militaires, qui ont eu pour but la sur le choix, la construction, et l'usage des destruction du gouvernement de Bonaparte. instruments; et sur la preparation et l'emploi 8~. Paris, 1815. des drogues 2e ed. 3 v. 16~. Paris, 1770. NOEHDEN, (Georg Heinrich.) Grammar of the NOLTE, (Vincent.) Fifty Years in both HemGerman Language. From the 8th London ispheres; or, reminiscences of a former mered., by C. H. F. Bialloblotsky; with addi- chant. From the German. 12~. New-York, tions, chiefly from Dr. Becker. By Barnas 1854. Sears. 12~. Andover, (Ms.,) 1842. NOMOS. An attempt to demonstrate a Central The same. 9th ed. 16~. London, 1843. Physical Law in Nature. 12~. London, NoiL, (A.) Les Reines de France nees Espag- 1856. noles. 8~. Paris, 1858. NoNIUS Salaciensis. See NUNEZ, (Pedro.) NOEL, (Baptist Wriothesley.) Christian Mis- NONNUS. Les Dionysiaques, ou Bacchus. sions to Heathen Nations. 12~. London, 1842. Poeme. (Grecque et Frangais.) Trad. par le The Rebellion in America. 8%. Lon- Comte de Marcellus. 8~. Paris, 1856. don, 1863. (Didot, Biblioth. Grecque, v. 29.) 825 NOODT. NORRIS. NOODT, (Gerard.) Opera Omnia, recognita, NORIE, (John William.) Set of Linear Tables aucta, emendata, multis in locis. Huic for correcting the apparent distance of the novae editioni inter alia accessit J. Barbey- moon from the sun, a fixed star, or planet, racii vime auctoris narratio. 2 v. in 1. Folio. for the Effect of Refraction. With tables for Lugduni Batavorum, 1735. parallax. 6th ed. 80. London, 1840. - - The same. Editio noviss. 3 v. Folio. NORMAN, (B. M.) New Orleans and Environs; Lugduni Batavorum, 1767. a complete guide to the southern metropolis. NoORT, (O. van der.) Navigatio circa vniner- 180. New Orleans, 1845. sum Terrre orbum sen Globum. (Bry, Collec- -- Rambles by Land and Water; or notes tiones, series I, pars 9.) of travel in Cuba and Mexico. 120. NewNOOT, (Henri Charles Nicholas van der.) Le Orleans, 1845. Manifeste du Peuple Brabanuon. 8~. Hoog- - - Rambles in Yucatan; including a visit straeten, (?) 1789. (Pol. Pam., v. 12.) to the ruins of Chi-Chen, Kabah, Zayi, and NORDAMERIKA und Demokratie. 160. Kop- Uxmal. 3d ed. 80. New-York, 1843. penhagen, 1782. NORMAN, (George Warde.) Examination of NORDEN, (Frederick Lewis.) Travels in some prevailing Opinions as to the Pressure Egypt and Nubia. Enlarged with observa- of Taxation. 3d ed. 80. London, 1850. tions from ancient and modern authors, by NORMAN, (J. P.) Law and Practice of the Dr. Peter Templeman. 2 v. Folio. Lon- Copyright, Registration, and Provisional don, 1757. Registration of Designs; and the copyright NORDEN, (John.) Iistorical and Chorogra- and registration of sculpture. 12~. Lonphical Description of the County of Essex, don, 1851. 1594. Edited by Sir H. Ellis. Small 40. Treatise on the Law and Practice reLondon, 1840. (Camden Society, No. 9.) lating to Letters Patent for Inventions. 16~. NORDHOFF, (Charles.) Nine Years a Sailor London, 1853. (2 copies.) in the United States naval service, etc. 12~. NORMANBY, (Constantine Henry Phipps, MarCincinnati, 1857. quis of.) A Year of Revolution. From a - Merchant Vessels. 12~. Cincinnati, journal kept in Paris in 1848. 2 v. 8~. 1857. (Bound with above.) London, 1857. Whaling and Fishing. 12~. Cincin- NORMAND, (Charles Pierre Joseph.) Vignole nati, 1857. (Bound with above.) des Ouvriers; ou, m6thode facile pour tracer NORDMARK, (Zacarie.) Principes d'une nou- les cinq ordres d'architecture. 6e 6d. 4~. velle th6orie de la Resistance des Fluides. Paris, 1835. 40. St. P6tersbourg, 1808. -- New Parallel of the Orders of ArchiNORFOLK, (Henry Howard, Duke of.) Lives tecture. Translated from the French, with of Philip Howard, Earl of Arundel, and of two additional plates, by A. Pugin. Folio. AnneDacres, his wife. 120. London, 1857. London, 1829. NORFOLK, (Thomas Howard, Duke of.) Pro- NORMAND, (Louis Marie.) Paris Moderne; ou, ceedings upon the Bill of Divorce between choix de maisons. 3 v. Folio. Paris, 1843. his Grace the Duke of Norfolk and the Lady NORRIS, (Edwin.) Ancient Cornish Dramas. Mordant. 12~. London, 1715. (Bound 2 v. 80. Oxford, 1859. with EssEx and HOWARD.) - Ethnographical Library. Native Races NORIE, (John William.) Complete Epitome of the Indian Archipelago; Papuans, by G. of Practical Navigation. 15th ed., improved, W. Earl; and the Native Races of the Rusby George Coleman. 80. London, 1852. sian Empire, by R. G. Latham. 2 v. 120. ~ —- Complete Set of Nautical Tables; and London, 1853-54. problems for finding the latitude and longi- NORRIS, (John.) Collection of Miscellanies. tude, by George Coleman. 13th ed. 80. 4th ed. 80. London, 1706. London, 1852. - Essay towards the Theory of the Ideal Naval Gazetteer, Biographer, and Chro- or Intelligible World. 3d ed. 2 v. 120. nologist; containing a history of the late London, 1722. wars, from 1793 to 1801; and from 1803 to Reason and Religion; or, the grounds 1815. 160. London, 1842. and measures of devotion. 160. London, ~ —- New Sailing Directions for the East 1689. Coast of North America. Revised by J. S. NORRIS, (Maria.) Life and Times of Madame Hobbs. 80. London, 1819. de Stal. 80. London, 1853. 104 826 NORRIS. NORTH CAROLINA. NORRIS, (Richard.) Minutes taken at a Court- NORTH AMERICA. New National Map of the Martial, January and February, 1744. An United States, North American British Provinquiry into the conduct of Captain Norris. inces, Sandwich Islands, Mexico, Central 8~. London, 1745. America, Cuba and other West India Islands. NoRRIs, (Robert.) Memoirs of the Reign of By S. Augustus Mitchell. Philadelphia,1855. Bassa Ahidee, King of Dahomy, and ac- State of the British and French Colocount of the African Slave Trade. 8~. nies in North America, with respect to numLondon, 1789. (Slavery Pam., v. 3.) her of people, forces, forts, Indians, trade NORRIS, (Septimus.) Hand-Book for Loco- and other advantages. 8~. London, 1755. motive Engineers and Machinists. 12~. NORTH AMERICAN Land Company. Plan of Philadelphia, 1852. Association; established February, 1795. NORRIS, (W. H.;) BROWN, (G. W.;) and 12o. Philadelphia, 1795. BRUNE, (F. W., Jr.) Digest of the Maryland NORTH AMERICAN Review. V. 1-97. 8~. Reports. 80. Baltimore, 1847. (5 copies.) Boston, 1815-63. NORTH, (Francis.) Kentish Barons: a play. General Index, from 1815 to October, 8~. London, 1791. 1827. 8~. Boston, 1829. NORTH, (M. L.) Saratoga Waters; or, the NORTH AMERICAN Tourist. 180. New York, invalid at Saratoga. 2d ed. 240. New- 1839. York, 1843. NORTH BRITISH Review. May, 1844,.to Nov., NORTH, (Roger.) Discourse on the Study of 1863. V. 1-39. 80. Edinburgh, 1844-ft3. the Laws. 120. London, 1824. NORTH BRITON. With notes, and an index ~ —- Examen; or, an inquiry into the credit to every name and article; and an account and veracity of a pretended complete his- of the persecution carried on against John tory, [by White Kennet, ] showing the many Wilkes. Folio. London, 1769. falsities and abuses of truth contained in it. NORTH CAROLINA. Acts of the General As40. London, 1740. sembly of the State, 1829-30 to 1831-32; Lives of Francis North, Sir Dudley 1834-35; 1842-43; 1854-55, (2 copies;) North, and Rev. Dr. North. New ed. 3 v. 1856-57; and 1858-59. 9 v. 80. Raleigh, 80. London, 1826. 1830-59. ~ — Memoirs of Musick. Now first printed Laws of the State. Published by and edited, with notes, by E. F. Rimbault. James Iredell. Folio. Edenton, 1791. (2 Small 40. London, 1846. copies.) NORTH and South. By the "White Repub- The same. Public Acts of the General lican" of Fraser's Magazine. 120. London, Assembly, from 1715 to 1803. Revised by 1863. Francois X. Martin. 2 v. 40. Newbern, NORTH AMERICA. History of North America; 1804. with the present state of the different Colo- - Manual of the Laws, arranged under nies. 120. London, 1776. distinct heads, in alphabetical order. By ---- History of the British Dominions in John Haywood. 3d ed. 8~. Raleigh, 1814. North America, from 1497 to 1793. 40. Laws of the State, including the titles London, 1773. of such statutes and parts of statutes of -- Map of the British Empire in America, Great Britain as are in force in said State. with the French and Spanish settlements Revised by Henry Potter, J. L. Taylor, and adjacentthereto. By HenryPopple. Folded B. Yancey. 2 v. 80. Raleigh, 1821. folio. London, 1733. Revisal of the Laws passed from 1821 ---- Map of North America. By H. S. Tan- to 1825. By John L. Taylor. 8G. Raleigh, ner. Philadelphia, 1822. 1827. ---- Map of the North-East Coast of North Revised Statutes passed at the session America; from the U. S. Coast, Admiralty, of 1836-37, including an act concerning the and Blunt's Surveys. New-York, 1852. revised statutes. Published by Fred. Nash, Map exhibiting the larger portion of James Iredell, and W. H. Battle. 2 v. 80. North America, the United States and Terri- Raleigh, 1837. (10 copies.) tories, Mexico and Central America, the Revised Code, enacted at the session West Indies, Canadas, &c. Published by of 1854. Published by B. F. Moore, Asa Jacob Monk. Baltimore, 1855. Biggs, and W. B. Rodman. 80. Boston, ------ The same. Baltimore, 1857. 1855. (10 copies.) 827 NORTH CAROLINA. NORTON. NORTH CAROLINA Reports, embracing "Notes with anecdotes and incidents of his travels. of a few Decisions in the Superior Courts, and 12~. New York, 1850. in the Circuit Court of the United States for NORTIHBROOKE, (John.) Treatise against Dicthe District of North Carolina," by F. X. ing, Dancing, Plays, and Interludes. 8~. Martin. Also, "Reports of Cases adjudged London, 1843. (Shakespeare Socy. Pub., in the Superior Courts of Law and Equity, v. 8.) Court of Conference, and Federal Court for NORTHCOTE, (James.) Fables; original and North Carolina, from 1797 to 1806," by John selected. With 560 engravings on wood. Haywood. 2d ed., by William H. Battle. Istand2dseries. 2v. 120. London, 1829-33. V. 2. 80. Raleigh, 1843. - Life of Titian; with anecdotes of the NORTH CAROLINA. Journal of Proceedings of distinguished persons of his time. [Comthe Provincial Congress, held at Halifax, piled by W. Hazlitt.] 2 v. 80. London, April 4, 1776. 80. Raleigh, 1731. (Pol. 1830. Pam., v. 115, 116, 117, and 118. (4 copies.) ~ Memoirs of Sir Joshua Reynolds; com~ — Report of the Comptroller of Public prising original anecdotes of his contempoAccounts. 80. (n. p.,) 1855. raries. Also, Varieties on Art. 80. Phila- Revolutionary History of North Caro- delphia, 1817. lina, in three lectures, by Francis L. Hawks, NORTHEND, (Charles.) The Teacher and the David L. Swain, and William A. Graham. Parent; a treatise upon common school eduWith sketch of the battle of the Alamance. cation, &c. 2d ed. 120. Boston, 1853. By William D. Cooke. 80. Raleigh, 1853. NORTHERN Grievances, set forth in a Letter to See MECKLENBURG. James Madison. 80. New York, 1814. NORTH CAROLINA Gold-Mining Company. NORTHERN Minstrelsy; being select specimens Charters, Rules, and Regulations, &c. 80. of Scottish song, with a glossary. 160. LonWashington, 1806. don, 1845. NORTH-EASTERN American Boundary. Cor NORTHERN Tour; being a guide to Saratoga, respondence relating to the Boundary be- Lake George, Niagara, Canada, Boston, &c. tween the British Possessions in North 240. Philadelphia, 1825. America and the United States.-Corres- NORTHMORE, (Thomas.) Washington; or, pondence, &c, relating to the Pretensions liberty restored: a poem. 160. Baltimore, of the States of Maine, Massachusetts, and 1809. New Hampshire. Folio. London, 1838. NORTHUP, (Solomon.) TwelveYears a Slave. Report of the Commissioners appointed 120. New York, 1859. by the British Government, July 9th, 1839, NORTON, (Andrews.) Address at theinterment to explore and survey the territory in dispute of Prof. Frisbie. 80. Cambridge, (Ms.,) between the governments of Great Britain 1822. (Pam. Addresses, v. 1.) and the United States of America, under the Evidences of the Genuineness of the second article of the Treaty of 1783. Folio. Gospels. 3 v. 80. Boston, 1837-44. London, 1840. Internal Evidences of the Genuineness The same. Maps A and B, appended of the Gospels; with particular reference to to the above. Folio. Strauss's "Life of Jesus." 80. Boston, Report of the Committee on Public 1855. Lands on the subject of. 80. Boston, 1832. - Statement of Reasons for not believing (Pol. Pam., v. 114.) the Doctrines of Trinitarians concerning the NORTH-WESTERN American Boundary. No- nature of God and the person of Christ. 120. tice respecting the Boundary between his Cambridge, (Ms.,) 1833. Majesty's Possessions in North America and ~ Translation of the Gospels; with notes. the United States; with a Map of America, 2 v. 80. Boston, 1856. between latitudes 400 and 700 north, and NORTON, (CarolineElizabeth Sheridan.) Child longitudes 800 and 1500 west. 8~. Lon- of the Islands; a poem. 2ded. 120. London, 1817. don, 1846. NORTHALL, (William Knight.) Before and -- Dream, and other pooms. 80. LonBehind the Curtain; or, fifteen years among don, 1840. the theatres of NewYork. 120. New York, - The same. 2d ed. 80. London, 1841. 1851. - English Laws for Women in the NineLife and Recollections of Yankee Hill; teenth Century. 8~. London, 1854. 828 NORTON. NOTTINGHAM. NORTON, (Charles B.) Literary Letter: Six NOTES AND QUERIES. General Index to first Nos., 1857-8-9-60. Small 40. New York, series, of 12 v. Small 40. London, 1856. 1857-60. (No more published ) The same. To second series, of 12 v. Literary Almanac and Register for Small 4~. London, 1862. 1852, 1853 and 1854. 3 v. in 1. 12~. NOTES OF CASES in the Ecclesiastical and New York, 1852-54. Maritime Courts, 1841 to 1850. 7 v. 80. ~- Literary Gazette and Publishers' Cir- London, 1843-50. cular. V. 1-3; and v. 1-2, new series, from NOTES on the United States of America. 80. May, 1851, to August, 1855. 4 v. 40. New Philadelphia, 1806. (Pol. Pam., v. 78.) York, 1851-55. NOTES on a Yacht Voyage to Hardanger Fjord, NORTON, (Charles Eliot.) Notes of Travel and the adjacent estuaries; by a yachting and Study in Italy. 120. Boston, 1860. dabbler. 80. London, 1855. NORTON, (Herman.) Record of Facts con- NOTHING TO Do; a tilt at our best society. cerning the Persecutions at Madeira in 1843 160. Boston, 1857. and 1846. 240. New York, 1849. NOTICE sur l'Agriculture des Celtes et des NORTON, (John Bruce.) Letter on the Condi- Gaulois. 80. Paris, 1806. (Agric. Pam., tion and Requirements of the Presidency of v. 1.) Madras. 80. Madras, 1854. NOTIFICATIONS, Orders, and Instructions relaThe Rebellion in India. How to Pre- ting to Prize Subjects during the Present vent another. 80. London, 1857. War. 80. London, 1813. NORTON, (John P.) Notes for American Far- NOTITIA Dignitatum et Administrationum ommers. 80. New York, 1851. nium tam Civilium quam Militarium in parNORTON, (William A.) Elementary Treatise tibus Orientis et Occidentis. Recensuit E. on Astronomy. 2ded. 80. New-York, 1852. Ilecking. 2 v. 80. Bonne, 1839-53. and PORTER, (J. A.) First Book of NOTT, (A. Kingman.) Jesus, and the ResScience, designed for public and private urrection: a sermon. 120. New York, schools. 120. New-York, 1858. 1859. NORVINS, (Jacques Marquet de Montbreton NOTT, (Benjamin.) Constitutional Ethics. de.) Histoire de Napoleon. 4 v. 80. No. 1. 80. Albany, 1857. Paris, 1827-28. NOTT, (Charles C.) Treatise on the Mechan~- The same. 21e Ed., illustree par Raf- ics' Lien Laws of the State of New-York. fet. 40. Paris, 1852. 80. Albany, 1856. NORWAY, Law of. Regis Magni Leges Gula- NOTT, (George Frederic.) Sermons on ReliThingensis sive Jus Commune Norvegicum. gious Enthusiasm. 80. Oxford, 1803. Cum interpretatione Latina et Danica. 40. (Bampton Lectures for 1803.) Havniue, 1817. NOTT, (H. J.;) and McCoRD, (D.J.) Reports NORwOOD, (Richard.) Voyage to Virginia, of Cases in the Constitutional Court of South 1649. (Churchill's Voyages and Travels, Carolina, 1817 to 1820. 2 v. 80. Columbia, v. 6.) 1820-21. (V. 2 wanting.) -- The same. (Force's Hist. Tracts, v. 3.) NOTT, (Josiah C.;) and GLIDDON, (George R.) NOSTRADAMUS, (Michel de.) Les Propheties. Indigenous Races of the Earth; or, New 240. Lyon, 1697. Chapters of Ethnological Inquiry; including NOTARIAT. Dictionnaire du Notariat. Parles monographs on special departments, by AlNotaires et Juriconsultes, Redacteurs du fred Maury, Francis Pulszky, and J. Aitken Journal des Notaires et des Avocats. 4e 6d. Meigs. 80. Philadelphia, 1857. 13 v. 80. Paris, 1861. Types of Mankind; or, Ethnological NOTES AND QUERIES: a medium of inter-com- Researches. Illustrated by selections from munication for literary men, artists, anti- the papers of S. G. Morton, and by additions quaries, genealogists, etc. November, 1849, from L. Agassiz, W. Usher, and H. S. Patto December, 1863. terson. 80. Philadelphia, 1854. 1st series, 12 v. in 10. Small 40. Lon- NOTT, (Samuel.) Slavery, and the Remedy. don, 1849-55. 5th ed. With a review of the Dred Scott 2nd series, 12 v. Small 40. London, decision. 80. New York, 1857. 1856-61. NOTTINGHAM, (John.) Diseases of the Ear; 3d series. V. 1-4. Small 40. London, illustrated by clinical observations. 80. 1862-63. London, 1857. 829 NOTTINGHAM. NOYES NOTTINGHAM, (John.) Practical Observations Ienrietta, Countess Osenvor, by Treyssac de Vergy, v. 17. on Conical Cornea, and on the Short Sight HuImphry Clinker, by Smollett, v. 19. and other Defects of Vision connected with Ilnvisible Spy, v. 23. Jeremy and Jenny Jessamy, by Mrs. IHaywood, it. 80. London, 1854. v. 17. Joe, Thompson, v. 12. NOUE, (Fran9ois de la;) [or LA NOUE.] Me- Jonathan Wlld, by Fielding, v. 9. moires, 1562-1570. (Extraits des Discours Joseph Andrews, by Fielding, v. 1. Journey from This World to the Next, by Fielding, Politiques et Militaires.) 80. Paris, 1788. v. 12. (Coll. des Memoires Relatifs a l'Hist. de Launcelot areaves, by Sellett, v. 7. Louisa iTlildmny, by Kelly, v. 7. France, v. 47.) Lydia, by Shebbeare, v. 22. rManrmontel's Tales, v. 6. The same. 80. Paris, 1838. (Michaud, Noirjahad, by Mrs. Sheridan, v. 23. Coll. Mm. Hist. France, v. 9.) Ophelia, by Miss Fielding, v. 19. Pamela, by Richardson, v. 20. The same. 80. Paris, 1823. (Petitot, Peregrine Pickle, by Smollett, v. 6. Persian Tales, v. 13. Coll. M6m. Hist. France, s6r. I, v. 34.) Pervian lPricess, by me. Graffigny, v. 9. NOUGUIER, (Louis.) Des Lettres de Change Peruvian Tales, by Gueullette, v. 21. Peter Wilkins, v. 12. et des Effets de Commerce. 2e ed. 2 v. 80. Pompey the Little, by Coventry, v. 19. Paris, 1851 Rasselas, by Johnson, v. 23. Pcla~lr~s~, 18. 51.*^ Robinson Crusoe, by Defoe, v. 4. Des Tribunaux de Commerce, des Cor- Roderick Random, by Smnollett, v. 2. enlerC3ts, et des Actes de Commerce. 3 v. 8C0 Sentimental Journey, by Sterne, v. 9. mereants, et des Actes de Commerce. 3 v. 80. b 22. mer~~~~~~ans,~~~~ Sidney Biddulph, by Mrs. Sheridan, v. 22. Paris, 1844. Sincere Huron, by Voltaire, v. 21. Sisters, by Dodd, v. 5. NOURSE, (J. D.) Remarks on the Past, and its Solyman and Alnena, by Langhorne, v. 3. legacies to American society. 12C. Louis- Tales of the Genii, by Morell, v. 3. Tartarian Tales, by Gueullette, v. 19. ville, 1847. Telemaehus, by F6n6lon, v. 17. 1^- wN /~^-tr. de.) Histoire du R, gne do Theodosius and Constantia, by Langhorne, v. 7. NOUVION, (Victor de. ) Histoire du Rgne de Tom Jones, by Fielding, v. 3. Louis-Philippe Ier, Roi des Francais, 1830- Tristram Shandy, by Sterne, v. 5. Viear of Wakefield, by Goldsmith, v. 2. 48. 4 v. 80. Paris, 1857-61. Virtuous Orphan, by Marivaux, v. 16. NOVA SCOTIA. Perpetual Acts of the General Zadig, by Voltaire, v. 2. Assemblies of His Majesty's Province of NOVELISTAS Anteriores a Cervantes. 80. Nova Scotia. Folio. Halifax, 1767-82. Madrid, 1846. (Biblioteca de Autores EsThe same. As revised, in the year panoles, v. 47.) 1783. Folio. Halifax, 1784. NOVELISTAS Posteriores a Cervantes. 2 v. NovAVersioGrm caProverbiorum, Ecclesiastis, 80. Madrid, 1851-54. (Biblioteca de AuCantici Canticorum, Ruthi, Threnorum, tores Espaioles, v. 48-49.) Danielis, et selectorum Pentateuchi locorum. NOVISSIMA RECOPILACION. See SPAIN. Ex unico codice Veneto eruta et illustrata a NoVUM TESTAMENTUM. S e B BLE. J. B. C. D'Ansse de Villoison. 12~. Ar- Now-A-DAYS, (byF. R.A.) 120. New-York, gentorati, 1784. 1854. NOVALIS Schriften. See HARDENBERG. NOWTTI, (Samuel.) Elements of Statics, DyNOVELIST'S Magazine, published by Harrison namics, and Hydrostatics. 80. London, 1850. and Co., and illustrated by Thomas Stot- NOY, (William.) Compleat Lawyer; or, a hard. 23v. 8~. London, 1781-87. (V. 9, treatise concerning tenures and estates. 16. 12 and 23 wanting.) London, 1651. CONTENTS. Grounds and Maxims, and also an AnAdventures of an Atom, by Smollett, v. 21. alysis of the English Laws. 120. MiddleAlmoran and Hamet, by Hawkesworth, v. 1. town, (Conn.,) 1808. Amelia, by Fielding, v. 1. Arabian Nights, v. 18. Hyo Reports of Cases in the time of Queen Betsy Thoughtless, by Mrs. Haywood, v. 13. Charles Grandison, hy Richardson, v. 10, 11. Elizabeth, King James, and King Charles. Chinese Tales, by Gucullette, v. 5. Folio. London 1656. Clarissa Harlowe, by Richardson, v. 14, 15. Creole, by Arnold, v. 23. Treatise of the Rights of the Crown. David Simple, by Miss Fielding, v. 9. Devil upon Two Sticks, by Le Sage, v. 2. 16G. London, 1715. Don Quixote, by Cervantes, v. 8. NOYES, (George Raphall.) New Translation Don Quixote Continued, by Avellaneda, v. 16. English Hermit, Philip Quarll, v. 21. of the Book of Job; with notes, and an inFelicia to Chalrlotte, by Collyer, v. 23. troduction. 3d e. 12~. Boston, 1861. Female Quixote, by lirs. Lennox, v. 1]2. Ferdinand Count Fathom, by Smollett, v. 7. New Translation of the Book of Psalms. Fortunate Country Maid, by De Mouhy, v. 7. d d 120. Bosto 1846 Gaudentio di Lucca, v, 21. ed Boston, 184 Gil Blas, by Le Sage, v. 4. - New Translation of Proverbs, EcclesiGulliver's Travels, by Swift, v. 9. Henrietta, by Mrs. Lennox, v. 23. astes, and the Canticles. 12~. Boston, 1846. 830 NOYES. NUTTALL. NOYES, (George Raphall.) New Translation und-Nuntiatur-Streitigkeiten zur Rechtferof the Hebrew Prophets. 3 v. in 1. 120. tigung des Verfahrens des vier Deutschen Boston, 1833. Erzbischofe wider die Anmassungen des NoYEs, (Nathaniel.) Temperature at the Sum- Romischen Hofes samt einer Priifung des mit of Mount Washington, (N. H.) 12~. furstbischifliehenspeierischenautwortschreiPortland, (Me.,) 1854. bens an Se. kurf. Gnaden zu Mainz in Betreff NucIus, (Nicander.) Second Book of Travels. der Emser Punkte." Manheim, 1789. GeGreek and English. Ed. by J. A. Cramer. danken iber die Punktation des EmbserkonSmall 4~. London, 1841. (Camden Soc'y, gresses, und die im Streit befangene papsNo. 17.) tliche Nunziatursache im Romischen DeutsNUEVA RECOPILACION. See SPAIN. chen Reiche, von H. D. T. J. Deutschland, NUEvo ASSIENTO, que de orden de el rey, ha 1790. 2 v. in 1. 4~. celebrado el Senor Geronimo de Sola y Fu- Collection IV. Dissertatio Inauguralis ente, con el gremio de mineros administra- de Judiciis Nunciatura quam vocant Apos dores de la real mina de la Villa Rica de Oro- tolicse in Germania ad Capit. Cmsar. Art. peza de Guancanelica. Folio. Lima, 1745. XIV., Auctore Jo. Elia Leopold Hervarto. NUEVO Escribano Instruido. 3a ed., con ar- Jense, 1736. J. F. Hertelii Programma reglo ii las ultimas disposiciones patrias. Inaugurale de Sacerdoti Politico Rerum Small 40. Mejico, 1852. Sacrarum. Jenre, 1736. Vindicie secunNIJEVO Febrero M6xicano. Obra Completa de dum Libertatem Ecclesiarum Germanicarum, jurisprudencia teorico-practica. 4 v. 4~. postulatoe a pontifice Romano contra appelMexico, 1851-52. lationes ad ejus legatos supremun que triNUGENT, (George Nugent Temple Grenville, bunal quod Rotam vocant, autore D. E. Lord.) Political Claims of Roman Catholics. Nies. Jene, 1741. J. G. Estoris de Ad80. London, 1827. (Pamphleteer, v. 28.) pellationibus ad Curiam Romanam libelqus. -- Some Memorials of John Hampden, Editio 2'. Jenve, 1751. Pro Memoria, 73 his party and his times. 2 v. 80. Lon- PunktenvondeenNuntiaturen. 1781. Frage: don, 1832. ist die Gerichtbarkeit der pabstlichen NunNUGENT, (H. P.) Letter to W. C. C. Clai- tien in Deutschland den Reichsgegesetzen borne, Letter to James Brown; and a Defence und der Reichsverfassung zuwider? 1787. of John Rowan and Daniel Clark. 40. New 5 v. in 1. 40. Orleans, 1808. (Pol. Pam., v. 105.) NUNEZ, (Alvaro.) See VACA. NuNCIO, Office of. Collection I. Resultat NUNtEz, (Ignacio.) Account of the United des Emser Congresses von den vier Deuts- Provinces of Rio de la Plata. With an apchen Erzbischoffen. Frankfurt und Leipzig, pendix, concerning the usurpation of Monte 1787. Einige vorliufige Anmerkungen zu Video by the Portuguese and Brazilian govden Weissmannischen Bemerkungen fiber ernments. 80. London, 1825. das Resultat des EmbserKongresses. Frank- NuNEZ, (Pedro.) Opera. Folio. Basilese, furt und Leipzig, 1787. Kurze Beleuchtung 1592. der Embser-Punktation, meistens aus der NUSEZ DE BALBOA, (Vasco.) See BALBOA. Geschichte. Frankfurt und Leipzig, 1787. NUNNELEY, (Thomas.) On the Organs of Einsweilige Antwort auf die vorliufige Be- Vision; their anatomy and Physiology. 80. leuchtung des an seine kurftirstliche Gnaden London, 1858. zu Mainz in Betref der Embser Punkten von - Treatise on the Nature, Causes, and seiner ftirstlichen Gnaden zu Speier erlas- Treatment of Erysipelas. 80. Philadelphia, senenAntwortschreibens. 1788. 80. 1844. *~ Collection II. Coup d'CEil sur le Con- NUREMBERG (or, NUJRNBERG) Chronicle. See gres d'Ems; pr6c6d6 d'un second suppl6- SCHEDEL. ment au v6ritable 6tat, &c. Dusseldorfl, NUTTALL, (P. Austin.) Classical and Archmo1787. R6flexions sur les 73 Articles du Pro logical Dictionary of the Manners, Laws, MIemoria prdsent6 h la Diete de l'Empire, Arts, &c., of the Nations of Antiquity, and touchant les Nonciatures, de la part de'Ar- of the Middle Ages. 80. London, 1840. cheveque-Tlecteurde Cologne. Ratisbonne, NUTTALL, (Thomas.) Genera of North Ame1788. 2 v. in 1. 80. rican Plants, and a catalogue of the species, ---- -Collection III. Meine Gedanken fiber to the year 1817. 2 v. 12~. Philadelphia, die "grttndliche Entwicklung der Dispens- 1818. 831 NUTTALL. O'BRIEN. NUTTALL, (Thomas.) Journal of Travels into OBERT, (-.) M6moire contenant un Apergu the Arkansas Territory in 1819; with obser- Statistique de l'lVtat de Guatemala, et tout vations on the manners of the aborigines. ce qui est relatif a cet etat. 8~. Bruxelles. 8~. Philadelphia, 1821. 1840. Manual of the Ornithology of the United O'BRIEN, (Donat Henchy.) My Adventures States and of Canada. The Land Birds. during the Late War; comprising shipwreck, 12~. Cambridge, (Mass.,) 1832. captivity, escapes from French prisons, &c., North American Sylva; or, a descrip- from 1804 to 1827. 2 v. 8~. London, tion of the forest trees of the United States, 1839. Canada, and Nova Scotia, not described in O'BRIEN, (Henry.) Round Towers of Ireland; the work of F. Andrew Michaux. 121 or, the mysteries of Freemasonry, of Sabaism, colored plates. 3 v. in 2. 8~. Philadelphia, and of Budhism. 80. London, 1834. 1857. O'BRIEN, (J.) Irish-English Dictionary. Also, NUTTING, (B. F.) Initiatory Drawing Cards. an English and Irish Dictionary. 2 v. in 1. 240. Boston, 1849. 40. Paris, 1732-68. NYE, (James.) Short-Hand Dictionary; or, — The same. 2d ed. By Robert Daly. key for short-hand writing, as practised by 80. Dublin, 1832. any of the present systems. New ed. 160. O'BRIEN, (John.) Treatise on American MiliLondon, 1839. tary Laws, and the Practice of Courts MarNYSTROM, (John W.) Pocket-book of Me- tial; with suggestions for their improvement. chanics and Engineering. 5th ed. 180. 8C. Philadelphia, 1846. (2 copies.) Philadelphia, 1861. O'BRIEN, (Sir Lucius.) Letters on the Trade Project of a New System of Arithmetic, and Manufactures of Ireland. 80. London, Weight, Measure, and Coins, with sixteen 1785. (Col. Pam., v. 21.) at the base. 80. Philadelphia, 1862. O'BRIEN, (Matthew.) Elementary Treatise on Treatise on Screw Propellers and their the Differential Calculus. 80. Cambridge, Steam Engines, a treatise on bodies in motion (Eng.,) 1842. in fluid; also, description of a calculating ~ Mathematical Tracts; Laplace's coeffimachine. 80. Philadelphia, 1852. cients; figure of the earth; motion of a rigid OAJACA. Coleccion de Decretos y Ordenes del body about its center of gravity; and preEstadoLibredeOajaca. V.I. 160. Oajaca, cession and nutation. 80. Cambridge, 1840. 1829. Treatise on Plane Co-ordinate GeomeOAKES, (William.) Scenery of the White try. Part 1. 80. Cambridge, 1844. Mountains; with plates, from the drawings -- and ELLIS, (Robert Leslie.) Senateof Sprague. Folio. Boston, 1848. House Problems for 1844, with solutions. OATES, (George.) Tables of Exchange; in 40. Cambridge, 1844. which are shown the value of a sterling bill, O'BRIEN, (Patrick.) Journal of a residence in federal money, from ~1 to ~10,000. in the Danubian Principalities, in the auSmall 4'. London, 1851. tumnandwinterofl853. 12~. London, 1854. OATES, (Titus.) Historical Narrative of the O'BRIEN, (William Smith.) Principles of Gov. Conspiracy of Titus Oates, called the Popish ernment; or, meditations in exile. 120Plot, in its various branches and progress. Boston, 1856. Selected from Protestant historians. 8~. Lon- - Speech on the Causes of Discontent in don, 1816. Ireland, delivered in the House of Commons, OATHS. Book of Oaths, and the several forms 4th July, 1843. 80. Dublin, 1843. thereof, both ancient and modern. 120. -- Trial for High Treason, at Clonmel, 1689. Sept. and Oct. 1848; with the judgment of O'BEIRNE, (Eugene Francis.) Succinct Ac- the Court of Queen's Bench, Ireland, and of count of the System of Discipline, Educa- the House of Lords, on the writs of error. tion, and Theology, pursued in the Popish By J. G. Hodges. 80. Dublin, 1849. College of Maynooth. 80. Hereford, 1840. - Report of Mr. Justice Crampton's OBERKIRCH, (Henriette Louise von Waldner, Charge to the Grand Jury, and the summiings Grifin von Montbrison, Baroness von.) Me- up of the Lord Chief Justice, in the Queen moirs, written by herself, and edited by her v. O'Brien and the Queen v. Meagher, grandson, the Count de Montbrison. 3 v. Queen's Bench, April and May, 1848. By 12~. London, 1852. J. G. Hodges. 80. Dublin, 1848. 832 O'BRYEN. OCELLUS. O'BRYEN, (Denis.) Utrum Horum? the Gov- OBSERVATIONS upon the Peace Establishment ernment, or the Country. 80. Dublin, 1796. of the Army. 80. London, 1822. (Pol. (Pol. Pam., v. 32.) Pam., v. 65.) The same. (Pol. Pam., v. 37.) OBSERVATIONS d'un Republicain sur les DifOBSERVATIONS leading to a fair examination f6rens Systemes d'Administrations Provinof the System of Government proposed by ciales. [Par Brissot de Warville.?] 8~. the late Convention, and to several altera- Paris, (n. d.) (Pol. Pam., v. 16.) tions in it; in letters from the Federal Farmer OBSERVATIONS Philosophiques sur les Printo the Republican. 12~. (n. p.) 1787. cipes Adopt6s par l'Empereur dans les Ma---- An additional number of letters. (n. p.) tibres Eccl6siastiques. 8~. Londres, 1785. 1788. (Bound with above.) (Pol. Pam., v. 20.) OBSERVATIONS on Aneurism. Selected from OBSERVATIONS sur l']Ctat de la Nation Britanthe works of the Principal writers on that nique, en 1713. Par un pair du Royaume. disease. Ed. by John E. Erichsen. 8~. Traduit de l'Anglois. 18~. Londres, 1713. London, 1844. (Sydenham Society Publica- (Pol. Pam., v. 88.) tions.) OBSERVATIONS sur ]a Prise du Navire Am6riOBSERVATIONS on the Bill introduced by Wil- cain la Juliana; avec le jugement du triberforce for preventing Slavery in the British bunal du Havre. 80. Havre, 1797. (Pol. Colonies. 8~. London, 1816. (Slavery Pam., v. 18.) (Pam., v. 6.) OBSERVER, The; by Richard Cumberland and OBSERVATIONS on the Conduct of G. Britain, others. 3 v. 16~. London, 1823. (Britin negociations and other transactions abroad. ish Essayists, v. 32-34.) 80. London, 1789. (Pol. Pam., v. 23.) OBSTETRICAL Society of London. TransacOBSERVATIONS on the Effect of the Californian tions, for the year 1859. With a report of and Australian Gold. 8~. London, 1852. the inaugural meeting. 8~. London, (Financial Pam., v. 16.) 1860. OBSERVATIONS on History. 12~. St. Chris- O'BYRNE, (William R.) Naval Biographical topher, (n. d.) (Pol. Pam., v. 108.) Dictionary; comprising the services of every OBSERVATIONS on a late State of a Nation. living officer in Her Majesty's navy. 8~. 3d ed. 8~. London, 1769. (Pol. Pam., London, 1849. V. 26.) O'CALLAGHAN, (Edmund B.) History of New OBSERVATIONS on the Justificative Memorial Netherland; or, New-York under the Dutch. of the Court of London. 8~. Philadelphia, 2 v. 8~. New-York, 1846-48. 1781. List of Editions of the Holy Scriptures, - The same. (Col. Pam., v. 18.) and parts thereof, printed in America preOBSERVATIONS on the National Debt; with a vious to 1860; with bibliographical notes. plan for discharging it. 8~. London, 1809. 4~. Albany, 1860. (Financial Pam., v. 5.) OCCASIONAL Reflections on the Importance of OBSERVATIONS on the New Constitution and the War in America, and the reasonableness on Federal and State Conventions. 12~. and justice of supporting the King of PrusBoston, 1787. sia, &c.; in a letter to a member of ParliaOBSERVATIONS on the Practice and the Forms ment. 8~. London, 1758. of Courts Martial, with reference to the Mu- Occo, (Adolf.) Imperatorum Romanorum tiny Act of 1839, and remarks on the com- Numismata, Augustorum iconibus, perpetuis position and practice of courts of enquiry, notis, pluribusque additamentis jam illus&c. By a field officer. 3d ed. 8~. Dublin, trata a F. Mediobarbo; curante Philippo 1839. Argelato. Folio. Mediolani, 1730. OBSERVATIONS on the Reconciliation of G. OCCULT SCIENCES. Sketches of the TradiBritain and the Colonies. By a friend of tions and Superstitions of Past Times, and American Liberty. 8~. Philadelphia, 1776. the marvels of the present day. By E. (Col. Pam., v. 15.) Smedley, W. C. Taylor, H. Thompson, and ~- The same. (Col. Pam., v. 16,) E. Rich. 12~. Glasgow, 1855. OBSERVATIONS, (Some,) upon a Paper entitled OCELLUS LUCANUS. De la Nature de l'UniThe List, or those who voted for and against vers. (Gr. et Fr.) Par l'Abbe Batteux. 8~. the Excise Bill. 80. London, 1733. (Pol. Paris, 1768. (In BATTEUX, Hist. des Causes Pam., v. 24.) Premieres, v. 2.) 833 OCELLUS. OEHLENSCHLAEGER. OCELLUS LUCANUS. On the Nature of the O'CONNOR, (Arthur. ) Vtat Actuel de la Universe; Taurus on the Eternity of the Grande-Bretagne. 8~. Paris, 1804. World; Julius Firmicus Maternus of the O'CONOR, (Charles.) Negro Slavery not UnThema Mundi; Proclus on the Perpetuity of just: speech at New York, Dec. 19, 1859. Time. Translatedby Thomas Taylor. 12~. 80. New York, 1859. (Misc. Pam., London, 1831. v. 13.) OCHINO, (Bernardino;) WOLSELEY, (Sir O'CoNoR, (Matthew.) Military History of the Charles;) and others. Cases of Polygamy, Irish Nation. 8~. Dublin, 1845. Concubinage, Adullery, Divorce, &c., dis- ODDY, (J. Jepson.) European Commerce, cussed; a collection of remarkable tryals shewing new and secure channels of trade and tracts which have been written on those with the continent of Europe. 2 v. in 1. 8~. important subjects. 160. London, 1732. Philadelphia, 1807. OCHOA, (Eugenio de.) Apuntes para una Bib- Official Correspondence between the lioteca de Escritores Espanoles Contempori- Envoys of the American States, and Mons. neos. 2 v. 8~. Paris, 1840. (Coleccion de Talleyrand, Minister for Foreign Affairs in Autores Espafoles, v. 20-21.) France, on the Subject of the Disputes beOCKLEY, (Simon.) History of the Saracens; tween the Two Countries. 160. London, containing the lives of the immediate succes- 1798. sors of Mahomet, their most remarkable bat- Pieces Officielles, Messages, Instructies, sieges, &c. 3d ed. 80. Cambridge, 1757. tions, Depeches, &c., relatives A Ia NegociaO'CONNELL, (Catharine) Excursions in Ire- tion qui a eu lieu en 1797 et 1798, sur les land, during 1844 and 1850; with a visit to diff6rens dleves entre le gouvernement des Daniel O'Connell. 120. London, 1852. Etats-Unis de Al'Amnrique et le directoire O'CoNNELL, (Daniel.) Life and Speeches. exicutif de France. Traduits de l'Anglais, Edited by his son, John O'Connell. 2 v. 80. par M. Peltier. 80. Londres, 1798. Dublin, 1846. ODELEBEN, (Baron von.) Circumstantial NarMemoir of Ireland, native and Saxon, rative of the Campaign in Saxony in 1813; 1172-1660. 80. New-York, 1843. (Misc. with the notes of A. de Vitry. Translated Pam., v. 16.) fiom the German, by A. J. Kempe. 2 v. 8~. Select Speeches. Edited by his son, London, 1820. John O'Connell. 2 v. 120. Dubiin, 1860. ODENHEIMER, (W. H.) Jerusalem and its Special Report of the Proceedings in the Vicinity; the sacred localities connected Case of the Queen against Daniel O'Connell, with the week before the resurrection. 80. M. P., John O'Connell, M. P., Thos. Steele, Philadelphia, 1855. Thomas M. Ray, Charles Gavan Duffy, Rev. ODTER, (Pierre.) Trait6 du Contrat de MaThos. Tierney, Rev. Peter J. Tyrrell, John riage, on du r6gime des biens entre 6poux. Gray, and Richard Barrett, in the Court of 3 v. 80. Paris, 1847. Queen's Bench, Ireland, 1843-44, on an in- ODIORNE, (James C.) Opinions on Speculadictment for conspiracy and misdemeanor. tive Masonry, relative to its origin, nature, Edited by John Flanedy. 80. Dublin, and tendency. 120. Boston, 1830. 1844. O'DONNOGHUE, (Hallifield Cosgayne.) HisThe same. By J. S. Armstrong and tory of the Church and Court of Rome; from E. S. Trevor. 80. Dublin, 1844. Constantine to the present time. 2 v. 8~. O'CONNEIL, (John.) Recollections and Expe- London, 1830. riences during a Parliamentary career, from O'DONOHUE, (John.) Historical Memoir of 1833 to 1848. 2 v. 120. London, 1849. the O'Briens; with a genealogical table. 80. O'CONNOR, (Arthur.) Address to the Free Dublin, 1860. Electors of the County of Antrim. 80. O'DONOVAN, (John.) Grammar of the Irish Philadelphia, 1797. (Pol. Pam., v. 32.) Language. 80. Dublin, 1845......- Chronicles of Eri; being the history of ODORICO. See PORIENONE, (Odorico da.) the Gaal Sciot Iber, or the Irish People. O'DRISCOL, (John.) History of Ireland. 2v. Translated from the original Mss. in the s~. London, 1827. Phoenician Dialect of the Scythian Lan- OEtHLENSC-HLEGER, (Adam.) Gods of the guage. 2 v. 80. London, 1822. North; an epic poem. Translated from the - Present State of Great Britain. 80. Danish into English verse, by William E. Paris, 1804. (Pol. Pam., v. 19.) Frye. 8. Paris, 1845. 105 834:E HME.. OGLE. CEHME, (Ferdinand Gustav.) Homoeopathic OGDEN, (George W.) Letters from the West; Domestic Physician, and Traveller's Medical and a residence in the States of Ohio and Companion. 2d.ed. 180. Concord,(N.H.,) Kentucky. 120. New Bedford, (Mass.,) 1859. 1823. OERSTED, (Hans Christian.) The Soul in OGDEN, (John C.) Excursions into Bethlehem Nature; with supplementary contributions. and Nazareth, in Pennsylvania, in 1799; Translated fiom the German, by Leonora with a history of the Moravians. 180. Phiand Joanna B. Horner. 120. London, ladelphia, 1800. 1852. OGILBY, (John.) Africa; an accurate deOP.TTINtE R, (Edtard Maria.) Bibliographie scription of Aegypt, Barbary, Libya, and BilBioglaphique Universelle; dictionnaire des ledulgerid, with the adjacent islands. Colouvi ages relatifs a la vie publique et privde lected from the most authentic authors. des personnages cel6bres. 80. Bruxelles, Folio. London, 1670. 1854. America; the latest and most accurate OEXMELIN. See ESQUEMELING, (John.) description of the new world, containing the OFFEN, (Benjamin.) Legacy to the Friends original of the inhabitants, and the remarkof Free Discussion; review of the historical able voyages thither. Folio. London, facts and personages of the Old and New 1671. Testaments. 80. Boston, 1851. OGILBY, (John D.) Catholic Church in EngOFFICE-BOOK for Architects, engineers, build- land and America. 160. New-York, 1844. ers, &c. By an architect; with experiments OGILVIE, (Charles A.) Sermons on the Divine by George Rennie. 180. London, 1861. Glory manifested in the Conduct and DisOFFICE (L') de la Semaine Sainte, Al'usage de courses of our Lord. 80. Oxford, 1836. la Maison du Roy. Avec les ceremonies de (Bampton Lectures for 1836.) l'Eglise. 80. Paris, 1727. OGILVIE, (George.) The Master Builder's OFFICIAL ARRANGEMENTS for the Funeral Plan; or, the principles of organic architecSolemnities of the late Secretary of State, ture as indicated in the typical forms of Abel P. Upsher; the late Secretary of the Animals. 12~. London, 1858. Navy, Thomas W. Gilmer, etc. 120. Wash- OGILVIE, (James.) Cursory Reflections on ington, 1844. Government, Philosophy, and Education. OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS connected with the 160. Alexandria, (Va.,) 1802. (Pol. Pan., Definition of the Dogma of the Immaculate v. 98.) Conception of the blessed Virgin Mary; in Philosophical Essays. 80. PhiladelLatin and English. 80. Baltimore, 1855. phia, 1816. OFFICIAL REPORTS of Battles; as published Speech in Essex County, (Va.,) on the by order of the Confederate Congress at Rich- Alien and Sedition Acts. 80. Richmond, mond; being a southern history of the war. 1798. (Pol. Pam., v. 98.) 80. New York, 1863. OGILVIE, (John; D.D.) Poems on Several SubOFFICINABREVIUM; selectand approvedforms jects. 2 v. 8C. London, 1759. of judicial writs, and other process; with OG1LVIE, (John, LL. D.,:of Aberdeen.) Impetheir returns and entries at Westminster; as rial Dictionary, English, Technological, and also special pleadings to writs of scire facias. Scientific, on the basis of Webster, with the Folio. London, 1679. addition of many thousand words and phrases. OFFICIUM CLERICI PACIS; a Book of Indict- 2 v. 80. Glasgow, 1853. ments, Informations, Appeals, and Inquisi- Supplement to the Imperial Dictionary. tions. 2d ed. 8~. London, 1705. 80. Glasgow, 1855. OFFICIlU HOMINIS. Ex lingua Anglicana in OGLE, (Sir Chaloner.) Trial before the Chief Latinam traductus est, opera H. Hammond. Justice of Jamaica for an assault on Edward 12~. Londini, 1680. Trelawney, Esq., Captain-General, and ComO'FLANAGAN, (J. R.) Historical and Pic- mander in Chief of said island. 120. Lonturesque Guide to the River Blackwater, in don, 1743. Munster. Small 40. London, 1844. OGLE, (William.) Accounts, as SuperintenOGDEN, (E. D.) Tariff, or rates of duties dent of the Newry Canals, from February, payable on goods, wares, &c., imported into 1774, to March, 1786, delivered to the Clerk the United States, from January, 1840, to of the House of Commons. Folio. Dublin, June, 1842. 80. New-York, 1840. 1787. 835 O'HALLORAN. OHIO. O'HALLORAN, (Thomas.) Brief View of the OHIO. Statutes of a general nature, in force Yellow Fever in Andalusia during the Epi- December 7, 1840. Collated, with references demic of 1820. 80. London, 1821. to the decisions of the courts and to prior OHIo. Acts of the State of Ohio, 1803, (first laws. By J. R. Swan. 80. Columbus, session, v. 1.;) 1803 to 1804-5, v. 1, 2, and 3, 1841. (5 copies.) revised edition; 1805-6 to 1818-19, v. 4 to - Public Statutes at Large, from the close 17, (2 copies of v. 6 and 10;) 1819-20, re- of Chase's Statutes, Feb., 1833, to the present vised and reprinted, v. 18, (3 copies;) 1820- time. With references to the judicial deci21 to 1822-23, v. 19, 20, and 21; 1823-24, sions construing those statutes; and supplerevised and reprinted, v. 22, (3 copies;) ment, containing all laws prior to Feb., 1833, 1824-25 to 1829-30, v. 23 to 28, (2 copies of now in force. Edited by MaskellE. Curwen. v. 23;) 1830-31, revised and reprinted, v. 29, 3 v. 80. Cincinnati, 1853-54. (3 copies;) June session, 1832; 1832-33, v. ~ Statutes of a general nature, in force at 31; 1834-35, v. 33, (2 copies;) 1834-35 to the present time; with notes and references 1863; local and general, v. 33 to 60, (3 cop- to the judicial decisions. By M. E. Curwen. ies of v. 37 and 40,) (2 copies of v. 38, 41,42, 80. Cincinnati, 1854. 48, 49, 50, 55,56, and 57.) 73 v. 80. Chilli- Statutes of a general nature, in force cothe, Zanesville, and Columbus, 1803-63. January 1st, 1854; with references to prior Acts of a Local Nature, 1824-25, v. 23, repealed laws. By J. R. Swan. 80. Cin(2 copies;) 1833-34, v. 32; and 1835-36, v. cinnati, 1854. 34. 4 v. 80. Columbus, 1825-36. Revised Statutes of a general nature, Compilation of Laws, treaties, resolu- in force August 1, 1860. Collated by Joseph tions, and ordinances of the general and R. Swan. With notes of the decisions of State governments, which relate to lands the Supreme Court, by Leander J. Critchin the State of Ohio, with the laws of the ter- field. 2 v. 80. Cincinnati, 1860. ritorial legislature and State, to 1815-16. 80. Militia Law of Ohio; passed March 28, Columbus, 1825. 1857. 80. Columbus, 1857. (3 copies.) — _ — Laws relating to the Miami University, - Ohio School Laws. Prepared by the with ordinances of the president and trus- State school commissioner, for the use and tees, and extracts from the journal of pro- government of school officers. 2d ed. 80. ceedings. 80. Cincinnati, 1833. Columbus, 1858. (2 copies.) Index to all the Laws and Resolutions The same. 80. Columbus, 1862. of the State, 1844-45. By Zechariah Mills. OHIO REPORTS. Cases in the Supreme Court 80. Columbus, 1846. of Ohio, in Bank, 1823 to 1839, by Charles _ Index to the Statutes of Ohio contained Hammond. V. 1 to 9. 80. Cincinnati and in v. 40 to 45 of the general laws. 80. Columbus, 1824-40. (2 copies of v. 8, and Colunibus, 1847. 3 copies of v. 9.) Revising Index to the Statute Law of The same. V. 1 to 7, (v. 3, with notes, Ohio; with references to the Ohio Reports, by S. Shellabarger; and v. 4 to 7, with notes and illustrations from other reports. By M. and references, by M. E. Curwen.) 80. E. Curwen. 80. Dayton, 1849. Springfield, 1850-51. (2 copies of v. 4-7.) Index to Ohio Laws, general and local, The same; 1840 and 1841, by P. B.Wiland to the resolutions of the general assem- cox. V. 10. 80. Columbus, 1842. (2 bly, from 1845-46 to 1857, inclusive. With copies.) index to the documents in the journals of the ~ The same; 1841 to 1844, by Edw. M. House and Senate, from 1802 to 1836. By Stanton. V. 11 to 13. 80. Columbus, 1843William T. Coggeshall. 80. Columbus, 1858. 45. (2 copies.) Statutes of Ohio, and of the North- The same; 1846 to 1850, by Hiram western Territory, adopted or enacted from Griswold. V. 14 to 19. 80. Columbus, 1788 to 1833, inclusive. With the ordinance 1846-51. (2 copies.) of 1787; the constitutions of Ohio and of - The same; 1851, by William Lawthe United States; and various public ins- rence. V. 20. 80. Columbus, 1852. (2 truments and acts of Congress; illustrated copies.) by a preliminary sketch of the history of The same; new series; 1852 and 1853, Ohio. Ed. by Salmon P. Chase. 3 v. 80. by Geo. W. McCook. V. 1. 80. ColumCincinnati, 1833-35. bus, 1853. (3 copies.) 836 OHIO. OLDFIELD. OIHIO REPORTS. New series; 1853 to 1855, OMIO School Library, (at Cincinnati.) Cataby Robert B. Warden. V. 2 to 4. 80. Cin- logue. 80. Cincinnati, 1860. cinnati, 1854-55. (2 copies of v. 3 and 4.) Onro State Library. Thirteenth Annual ReThe same; new series; 1855 to 1862, port of the Commissioners, for 1858. 80. by Leander J. Critchfield. V. 5 to 13. S~. Columbus, 1859. Cleveland, Columbus, and Cincinnati, 1858- OIIM, (Martin.) Spirit of Mathematical Analy63. (3 copies.) sis, and its Relation to a Logical System. OHIO. Annual reports of the Board of Agricul- Translated from the German, by A. J. Ellis. ture of the State of Ohio, 2d to 17th, for the 80. London, 1843. years 1847 to 1862. 14 v. in 13. 8~. Colum- OISIN, Bard of Erin. Poems. Translated bus, 1848-63. (4th Report, for 1849, wanting.) from the Irish. By John H. Simpson. 180. - Documents, messages, and other com- London, 1857. munications, made to the forty-second Gene- OKE, (George C.) Laws of Turnpike Roads; ral Assembly of the State of Ohio. 80. Co- comprising the whole of the general acts, lumbus, 1844. particularly arranged, with cases, notes, Executive Documents. Annualreports, forms, etc. 2d ed. 120. London, 1860. made to the Governor, for the years 1856-62. - Magisterial Synopsis; comprising sum14 v. 80. Columbus, 1857-63. mary convictions, and indictable offences, Journal of the Senate and House of with their penalties, punishments, &c., and Representatives for the 52d to the 55th Gene- the stages of procedure. 4th ed. 80. Lonral Assembly, 1857-1862. 13 v. 80. Co- don, 1853. lumbus, 1857-62. O'KEEFE, (John.) Recollections. Written..- First to Sixth Annual Reports of the by himself. 2 v. 80. London, 1826. Commissioner of Statistics, for the years 1857 OKEN, (Lorenz.) Elements of Physiophilosoto 1862. 6 v. 80. Columbus, 1858-63. phy. From the German, by Alfred Tulk. ~ — - Map of the State. By B. Hough and 80. London, 1847. (Ray Society.) A. Bourne. Philadelphia, 1815. OKOUNEF, (N.) Memoires sur les Principes - The same. By Horton Howard. Co- de la Strategie, et sur ses rapports intimes lumbus, 1828. avec le terrain. 20 ed. 80. Paris, 1851. Proceedings of the State Board of OLAFSEN, (Eggert;) and POVELSEN, (B.) Equalization, Nov. 7, 1859; with tables of Travels in Iceland. 80. London, 1805. the value of allthe real property in the State. (Phillips' Voyages and Travels, v. 2.) 80. Columbus, 1860. OLCOTT, (Edward R.) Reports of Cases in ~- Report of the Debates and Proceedings the District Court of the United States for of the Convention for the Revision of the the Southern District of New-York. 80. Constitution of the State, 1850-51. By New-York, 1857. (3 copies.) J. Victor Smith. 2 v. 80. Columbus, OLCOTT, (Henry S.) Sorgho and Imphee, the 1851. Chinese and African Sugar Canes; a treatise -- Report of the Investigating Commis- upon their origin, varieties, and culture, &c. sion appointed to enquire into the causes of 6th ed. 120. New-York, 1858. the Defalcation in the State Treasury, 1858. OLD Bailey Experience; Criminal Jurispru80. Columbus, 1859. dence, and the actual working of our penal Fourth and Thirteenth Annual Report code of laws. Also, an Essay on Prison of the Ohio Lunatic Asylum. 80. Columbus, Discipline. 80. London, 1833. 1842-52. OLD Brewery, and the New Mission House at - Third Annual Report of Northern Ohio the Five Points; by the ladies of the mission. Lunatic Asylum. 8~. Columbus, 1858. 120. New-York, 1854. ~- Twenty-fifth Annual Report of Deaf OLD England's Worthies. Gallery of Portraits and Dumb Asylum. 80. Columbus, 1852. of statesmen, lawyers, warriors, men of letOIIO Editorial Association. Transactions dur- ters and science, and artists of our country. ing the years 1856 and 1857. 80. Columbus, 40. London, 1847. (O.,) 1857. OLD English Songs. Folio. London, (n. d.) OHIo Historical Society. Transactions of the OLDFIELD, (Thomas HIinton Burley.) HisHistorical and Philosophical Society of Ohio. tory of the Original Constitution of ParliaPart second. V. 1. 80. Cincinnati, 1839. ment, from the time of the Britons to the OHIO Railroad Guide. 120. Columbus. 1854. present day. 80. London, 1797. 837 OLDFIELD. OLIVER. OLDFIELD, (Thomas HintonBurley.) History OLIPHANT, (George Henry Hewit.) Law of of the Boroughs of Great Britain; with the Pews in Churches and Chapels, including Cinque Ports. 2 v. 8~. London, 1794. those built under the church building acts. -- Representative History of Great Britain With a chapter on prohibition. 8~. Lonand Ireland; or, history of the House of don, 1850. Commons, and of the counties, cities, and ~ Metropolitan Interments Act; with exboroughs of the United Kingdom. 6 v. planatory notes. 8~. London, 1850. 80. London, 1816. OLIPITANT, (Laurence.) Minnesota and the OLDHAM, (John.) Works. Together with his Far West. 80. Edinburgh, 1855. Remains. 4 v. in 1. 80. London, 1697-98. - Narrative of the Earl of Elgin's Mission OLDMIxoN, (John.) British Empire in Amer- to China and Japan, in the years 1857-59. ica. 2 v. 80. London, 1708. 2 v. 80. Edinburgh, 1859. History of Carolina. London, 1708. - Patriots and Filibusters; or, incidents (Reprint.) 80. New-York, 1836. (Car- of political and exploratory travel. 120. roll's Hist. Coll., v. 2.) London, 1860. History of England, during the Reigns Russian Shores of the Black Sea, in of Henry VIII., Edward VI., Queen Mary, 1862; with a voyage down the Volga, and a and Queen Elizabeth. Folio. London, tour through the country of the Don Cos1739. sacks. 80. Edinburgh, 1853. History of England, during the Reigns OLIPHANT, (Margaret O. W.) Chronicles of of the Royal House of Stuart. Folio. Lon- Carlingford: Salem Chapel. 120. Edindon, 1730. burg, 1863. History of England, during the Reigns Last of the Mortimers; a story, in two of King William and Queen Mary, Queen voices. 120. New York, 1862. Anne, and King George I.; being the sequel Life of Edward Irving, illustrated by of the Reigns of the Stuarts. Folio. Lon- his journals and correspondence. 2 v. 80. don, 1735. London, 1862. OLDMIXON, (John, Commander, R. N.) Glean- OLIVA, (Anello.) Histoire du P6rou. Traings from Piccadilly to Pera. 120. London, duite de l'Espagnol sur le manuscrit inddit 1854. parH. TernauxCompans. 180. Paris, 1857. OLDYS, (Francis.) (Pseud.) Life of Thomas OLIVER, (Benjamin L.) Forms of Chancery, Pain, the author of Rights of Men. With a Admiralty, and at Common Law; adapted defense of his writings. (Attributed to Geo. to the Practice of the Federal and State Chalmers.) 80. London, 1791. Courts. 80. Boston, 1842. OLDYS, (W.) British Librarian; a compen- Forms of Practice; or, American precedious review of the most scarce, useful, and dents in actions, personal and real. 80. valuable books, as well in manuscript as in Boston, 1828. print; with many characters of the authors. Law Summary; a collection of legal 80. London, 1738. tracts on subjects of general application in Life of Sir Walter Raleigh. 80. Ox- business. 80. Boston, 1832. ford, 1829. (Raleigh's Works, v. 1.) Rights of an American Citizen; with a O'LEARY, (A.) Description of Character. commentary on State rights, and on the con12~. Cincinnati, 1858. stitution and policy of the United States. OLIN, (Stephen.) Works. 2 v. 120. New 8~. Boston, 1822. York, 1852. OLIVER, (George.) Dictionary of Symbolical CONTENTS. Masonry; including the Royal Arch degree. Baccalaureate Discourses, v. 2. 80. New YOrk, 1855. Essays and Addresses, v. 2. of G h Sermons and Sketches, v. 1. Symbol of Glory; showing the object Theory and Practice of Scholastic Life, v. 2. and end of Freemasonry. 80. New York, Greece and the Golden Horn. 120. 1855. New-York, 1854. Theocratic Philosophy of Free-MaLife and Letters of Stephen Olin. 2 v. sonry; its speculative, operative, and spurious 120. New-York, 1853. branches. 80. London, 1840. Travels in Egypt, Arabia Petrea, and OLIVER, (Peter.) The Puritan Commonwealth; the Holy Land. - 2 v. in 1. 120. New an historical review of the Puritan governYork, 1843. ment of Massachusetts. 80. Boston. 1856. 838 OLIVER. OMBRE. OLIVER, (Peter.) Scripture Lexicon; a dic- OLMSTED, (Denison.) Introduction to Natural tionary of proper names of persons and places Philosophy. 2d ed. 2 v. 8~. Newmentioned in the Old and New Testament. Haven, 1835. New edition, revised by T. Bourne. 18~. Life and Writings of Ebenezer Porter Oxford, 1832. Mason. 120. New-York, 1842. OLIVER and BOYD'S Scottish Tourist. 19thed. --- Mechanism of the Heavens. 12~. 120. Edinburgh, 1852. London, 1853. OIVET, (Joseph Thouillier d'.) Remarques - Recent Secular Period of the Aurora sur la Langue Fran9oise. 160. Rouen, Borealis. 4~. Washington, 1856. (Smith1781. (With GIRARD'S Synonymes Fran- sonian Contributions to Knowledge, v. 8.) poises, v. 2.) OLMSTED, (Francis Allyn.) Incidents of a OLLENDORFF, (H. G.) Complete Treatise on Whaling Voyage; on the scenery, manners, the Gender of French Substantives. 12~. and missionary stations of the Sandwich and London, 1845. Society Islands. 12~. New-York, 1841. -- German writing Simplified; or, the art OLMSTED, (Frederick Law.) Journey in the of acquiring German writing in two lessons. Back Country. 120. London, 1860. 8~. London, 1838. Journey in the Sea-board Slave States. Gramatica Francesa, m6todo prActico, 12~. New York, 1859. para apprender a leer, escriber y hablar la Journey through Texas; or, a sadlengua Francesa, segun el sistema de Ollen- dle trip on the southwestern frontier; with dorff; con lecciones adicionales, y un apen- a statistical appendix. 120. New York, dice. 12~. Nueva-York, 1850. 1857. Introductory Book to Ollendorff's New Journeys and Explorations in the CotMethod of learning to read, write, and speak ton Kingdom. Observations on cotton and a language in six months, adapted to the slavery in the American slave States. 2 v. German. 2d ed. 16~. London, 1844. 12~. London, 1861. - New Method, adapted to the French. - Walks and Talks of an American Far5th ed. 8~. London, 1854. mer in England. 12~. London, 1852. ~ — Key to theExercises in the same. 4th OLMSTED, (Gideon.) Documents relative to ed. 8~. London, 1851. his Claim against Pennsylvania. 8~ Phil-- New Method, adapted to the German. adelphia, 1808. (Pol. Pam., v. 105.) 7th ed. 2 v. 8~. London, 1850. O'LOGHLEN, (Michael.) DigestedAbridgment The same. New Method of learning. of such parts of the Acts now in force in 2 v. 16~. Frankfort, 1851-52. Ireland, on the subject of Elections, as reThe same. From the 5th French ed., late to the Qualification of Freeholders. 80. byG. J.Bertinchamp. 6thed. 16~. Lon- Dublin, 1818. don, 1854. OLSHAUSEN, (Hermann.) Biblical Commen-.~- Key to the Exercises in the same. 6th tary on the New Testament. Translated by ed. 8~. London, 1852. clergymen of the Church of England. - -New Method, adapted to the Italian. CONTENTS. 80. London, 1846. ______ str_ Je Ingles, metodo pr acti'o ~Gospels. 2d ed. 4 v. 80. Edinburgh, 1854-55. - El Maestro de Ingles, metodo practico Romans. 2d ed. 8~. Edinburgh, 1856. para aprender a leer, escriber y hablar la Ist and 2d Corinthians. 80. Edinburgh, 1855. Galatians, Ephesians, Colossians, and Thessalonians. lengua Inglesa; por F. J. Vingut. 12~. 2ded. 8~. Edinburgh, 1856. Ueva-York, i1853. IPhilippians, Titus, and lst Timothy. By L. A. ~N~ueva-Yorlk~, 1853~.~ Wiesinger. 8~. Edinburgh, 1851. The same. Clave de los Ejercicios, Hebrews. By J. H. A. Ebrard. 8~. Edinburgh, &c. 12~. Nueva-York, 1853. 18 Spanish Grammar, &c. 4th ed. By OLYMPIODORUS, Thebanus. ExcerptoexHisF. J. Vingut. 12~. New-York, 1853. toria. (Gr. et Lat.) 8~. Bonnie, 1829. OLMEDA Y LEON, (Joseph de.) Elementos (Byzantinue Hist. Corpus, v. 11.) del Derecho Publico de la paz, y de la Guerra, O'MEARA, (Barry Edward.) Napoleon in illustrados con noticias historicas, leyes, y Exile; or, a voice from St. Helena. 4th ed. doctrinas de el derecho Espafol. 2 v. 12~. 2 v. 12 Boston, 1823. Madrid, 1771. OMBRE (1') du Marquis de Louvois, Consultee OLMSTED, (Denison.) Introduction to Astron- par Louis XIV. sur les Affaires Presentes. omy. Revised ed. 8~. New-York, 1854. 240. Cologne, 1692. 839 OMPTEDA. OPORTO. OMPTEDA, (Diedrich Heinrich Ludwig von.) OPIE, (Amelia.) Works. 3 v. 8~. PhilaLitteratur des gesammten sowohl natiirlichen delphia, 1841. als positiven Volkerrechts. 80. Regensburg, CONTENTS 1785. Adeline Mowbray, v. 1. ONA, (Pedro de.) Arauca Domado. 80. Mad- After the Ball, v. 3. rid, 1854. (Biblioteca de Autores Espafoles, Biogric Sketch, v.. Confessions of an Odd-Tempered Man, v. 3. V. 39 ) False or True, v. 3. ie. Benjan T., D. D.) Illustrations of Lying, v. 3. ONDERDONK, (Right Rev. Benjamin T.,. ove, DMystery and Superstition, v. 3. Proceedings of the Court convened under Madeline, v. 1. Opposite Neighbor, v. 3. the third canon of 1844, in New York, Dec- Oppote Neighbor, v. 3. 16, 1844, for the trial of the Bishop of New Black Velvet Pelisse. Mother and Son. Brother and Sister. Murder will Out. York. 80. New-York, 1845. Death Bed. Orphan, (The.) ONDERDONK, (Henry, Jr.) Capture and Death Fashionable Wife, &c. Revenge, (1 he.) Father and Daughter. Robber, (The.) of Gen. Nathaniel Woodhull. 120. New- Happy Faces. Soldier's Return. York, 1848. lLove and Duty. Uncle and Nephew. TALES OF REAL LIFE.-V. 2. Documents and Letters intended to Appearance is Against Lady Anne and Lady illustrate the Revolutionary incidents of Her. Jane. Austin and his Wife. Mysterious Stranger. of Queen's County. 120. New-York, 1846. Valentine's Eve. Revolutionary Incidents of Suffolk and TALES, (New.)-V. 2. Henry Woodville. Quaker and the Young King's Counties; with an account of the Mrs. Arlington. Man of the World. Proposals of Marriage. Ruffian Boy. battle of Long Island, and the British pri- Welcome f Mariage. White Lies. sons and prison-ships at New-York. 12~. Temper, v. 3. Two Sons, v. 3. New-York, 1849. Wife's Duty, v. 3. ONDERDONK, (Henry U.) Sermons and Epis- Woman's Love, v. 3. copal Charges. 2v. 80. Philadelphia, 1851. Lays of the Dead. 2d ed. 160. LonONE Week at Amer, an American city of the don, 1840. nineteenth century. 16~. Cambridge, - - Warrior's Return, and other poems. (Mass.,) 1858. 180. London, 1808. O'NEIL, (A.) Dictionary of Spanish Painters, OPIE, (John.) Lectures on Painting. With the 14th century to the 18th. 2 v. 8~. a memoir, by Mrs. Opie. 40. London, 1809. London, 1833. and others. Lectures on Painting. 120. O'NEIL, (Charles.) Chemistry of Calico- London, 1848. printing, dyeing, and bleaching. 80. Lon- OPINION of an old Englishman on the Resignadon, 1860. tion of the late Ministry. 80. London, 1801. O'NEIL, (J. T.) Porto Rico. See CUBA. (Pol. Pam., v. 33.) O'NEILL, (Henry.) Illustrations of the Sculp- OPINIONS of the Attorneys General of the tured Crosses of Ancient Ireland. Litho- United States, from the commencement of graphed by Henry O'Neill. Folio. London, the government to the 1st of March, 1841. 1857. 80. Washington, 1841. [Executive docuO'NEILL, (John.) The Drunkard: a poem. ments.] (2 copies ) Illustrated by Cruikshank. 180. London, The same; to July 19, 1850. 2v. 8~. 1842. Washington, 1852. [Executive documents.] O'NEILL, (William.) Biblical and Theological - The same. Compiled by Benjamin F. Gleanings; a collection of comments, criti- Hall, and completed to March 4, 1857, by C. cisms, and remarks, explanatory of the Old C Andrews. 8v. 80. Washington, 1852-58. and New Testament. 80. London, 1854. (2 copies.) ONIS, (Luis de.) Memoir upon the negocia- OPINIONS of Learned Counsel. 40. (MS.) tions between Spain and the United States, OPINIONS on the State of the Nation, and Newhich led to the treaty of 1819; with appen- cessity of a War with France. 80. Londix of documents. From the Spanish, by don, 1803. (Pol. Pam., v. 52.) Tobias Watkins. 8~. Baltimore, 1821. OPORTO Wine Company, (Royal.) Wine and ADAMS, (John Quincy.) Official Question Considered: or, observations on Correspondence, in relation to the Floridas the pamphlets of J. Warre and F. Williams. and the boundaries of Louisiana, with other By a Portuguese. 80. London, 1824. (Con. matters in dispute between the two govern- Pain., v. 5.) ments. 80. London, 1818. Review of the Pretentious of Certain 840 OPPENHEIM. ORDENANZAS. British Merchants, respecting the Company, aliorum, et suis, edidit J. J. Reiske. 22 v. from 1756 to 1826. Trans. fiom the Portu in 24. 80. Lipsift, 1770-75. guese. 80. London, 1826. (Corn. Pam., ORBIGNY, (Alcide Dessalines d'.) Voyage dans v. 5.) l'Amerique Meridionale ex6cute pendant les OPPENHEIM, (HeinrichBernhard.) PractischBs annees 1826-1833. Avec cartes. 11 v. 4~. Handbuch der Consulate aller Lander. 80. Paris, 1835-47. Erlangen, 1854. CONTENTS. OPPENHEIM, (H. D.) Grammar of the He-. 1-3. Partie istoique. brew Launguage; with an appendix on the v. 3. G6ographie. anomalies of verbs. 8n. London, 1833. V. 3. Part 2. G6ologie: Pal6ontologie. anomalies of verbs. 8~. Londlon, ]833. V.4. L'Honmme Amgricaine considder sous ses OPPIANUS. De Venatione et De Piscatione. rapports physiologiquesetmoraux; Mammifdres; Oiseaux. (Gr. etLat.) (Didot, Biblioth. Grecque, v.41.) v. 5 Reptiles, Poissons, Mollusques, etc. OPPOSITION Mornings; with Betty's Remarks. V 6. Crystaces; aInsete s. V. 7. Cryptogami e; Palrulers. 80. Dublin, 1779. (Pol. Pam., v. 27.) V. 8. Atlas Historique, G6ographique, Geologiqle. V. 9. Atlas Zoologique, Pal6ontologique, et BoOPTATUS, (Saint.) De Schismate Donatista- tanique. rum libri vii. Quibus accessere Historia V. 10 Cartes. Donatistarum,necnongeographiaepiscopalis Voyage dans les Deux Am6riques; Africse; opera et studio L. E. Dupin; cum r6sum6 general de tons les voyages de Coejusdem notis, ut et [variorum.] Nova ed. lombe, Las Casas, Oviedo, Ulloa, Humboldt, Folio. Lutetie Parisiorum, 1702. etc. Par les redacteurs du voyage pittoresque ORAM, Henry Austin.) Examples in Arithme- autour dumonde. 80. Paris, 1841. tic, systematically arranged. 4th ed. 16~. ORBIGNY, (Charles Dessalines d') and GENTE, London, 1854. (A.) G6ologie appliquee aux Arts et a ORAM, (Samuel M.) Poems. 160. Chiswick, l'Agriculture; suivi d'un vocabulaire. 80. 1822. (British Poets, v. 73.) Paris, 1851. ORAMAIKA; an Indian story. 180. New-York, ORCHARDIST'S Companion; devoted to the 1854. fruits of the United States. 40. Philadel ORANGE, (Prince of.) Proposals to the States- phia, 1841. General and to the States of Holland and ORD, (Mark.) Essay on the Law of Usury. West Friezland, for redressing the Trade of 3d ed. 80. London, 1809. the Republick. Translated from the Low ORDENANZA Militar para el Regimen, DisciDutch, 1751. (Reprint.) 80. London, 1859. plina, Subordinacion, y Servicio del Ejdrcito, (Corn. Pam., v. 8.) aumentada con las disposiciones relativas, ORATORES Attici, et quos sicvocant sophistse. anteriores y posteriores a la independencia, Opera et studio Gulielmi S. Dobson. 16 v. con las tarifas de haberes, formularios de la 80. Londini, 1828. plana mayor, &c. 2 v. 80..Mexico, 1842. CONTENTS. ORDENANZAS de S. M. para el Rdgimen, Disciplina, Subordinacion, y Servicio de sus.AElschines, (Gr.)v. 12; (Lat.)v. 16. Andocides, (Gr.) v. 1; (Lat.) v. 13. Exercitos. 2 v. 40. Madrid, 1768. Antiphon, (Gr.) v. 1; (Lat.) v. 13. ORDENANZAS Generales de la Armada Naval, Demades, (Gr.) v. 4; (Lat.) v. 14. Demosthenes, (Gr.) v. 5-8; (Lat.) v. 15-16. sobre la gobernacion militar y marinera de - Annotationes, v. 9. - Indices, v. 11. la armada en general, y uso de sus fuerzas - Scholia, (Reiske, etc.) v. 10. en la mar. 2 v. 40. Madrid, 1738. Dinarchns, (Gr.) v. 4; (Lat.) v. 14. Isaeus, (Gr.) v. 4; (Lat.) v. 14. - The same. 2 v. Folio. Madrid, 1793. Isaeus, (Gr.) v. 4; (Lat.) v. 14. socrates, (Gr.) v. 4; (Lat.) v. 14. ORDENANZA de S. M. para el Rdgimen y Lycurgus, (Gr.) v. 4; (Lat.) v. 14. Lysias. (Gr.) v. 2; (Lat.) v. 13. Gobierno Militar de las Matriculas de Mar. Sophistae, (Gr.) v. 4; (Lat.) v. 14. Small 40. Madrid, 1802. ORATORES Attici-Antiphon, Andocides, Ly- ORDENANZA General formada de orden de su sias, Isocrates, Isaeus, Lycurgus, JEschines, magestad, y manddad imprimir y publicar Dinarchus, Demades, declamationes Gorg'ire para el gobierno 6 instruccion de intendentes, et aliorum. (Gr. et Lat.) Ed. C. Muller. subdelegados y demas empleados en Indias. v. 1. 80. Paris, 1847. (Didot, Biblioth. Folio. Madrid, 1803. Grecque, v. 51.) ORDENANZAS del Consejo Real de las Indias. ORATORES GRAECI. OratorumGrecorum, quoe Folio. Madrid, 1681. supersunt monumenta ingenii, commentariis The same; nuevamente recopiladas. integris 1. Wolfii, J. Taylori, J. Marklaandi, Folio. Madrid, 1747. 841 ORDENANZAS. O'REILLY. ORDENANZAS de Mineria, y coleccion de las High Court of Chancery, from the first year ordenes y decretos de esta materia. Con un of King Charles I. to 1697. Also, the rules ap6ndice concerniente las minas del P6ru. and orders of the Court of Exchequer. 120. Nueva ed., dispuesta por C. N. 8~. Paris, London, 1698. 1854. ORDNANCE Manual for the use of the Officers ORDENANZAS de la Ilustre Universidad y Casa of the United States Army. 2d ed. 80. de Contratacion de la Villa de Bilbao; apro- Washington, 1850. badas, y confirmadas por el Rey Don Phelipe ORDNANCE. Reports of Experiments on the V., aio de 1737. Folio. Madrid, 1775. Strength and other Properties of Metals for The same. Aprobadas y confirmadas Cannon; with the classification of cannon in por D. Felipe V. y D. Fernando VII., con service. By officers of the ordnance de. insercion de los reales privilegios, y la pro- partment, U. S. Army. 40. Philadelphia, vision de 9 de Julio de 1818, que contiene 1856. las alteraciones hechas a solicitud del mismo ORDONNANCE de Louys XIV., Roy de France consolado y comercio. 4~. Paris, 1846. et de Navarre. Donn6e a S. Germain en Laye ORDER of the High Court of Chancery, made au mois d'Avril, 1667. 16G. Paris, 1667. by Philip, Lord Hardwicke, Chancellor, The same; pour les Matieres Crimiwith the assistance of W. Fortescue, Esq., nelles. Donnee a Saint Germain en Laye Master of the Rolls, relating to the Fees of au mois d'Aoust, 1670. 16~. Paris, 1671. the Officers, Clerks, and Ministers of the - The same; sur le Commerce des Negosaid court. 8~. London, 1744. (Bound tians et Marchands. Donnees a S. Germain with Rules and Orders, 4th ed.) en Laye au mois de Mars, 1673. 16~. ORDERICUS Vitalis. Ecclesiastical History of Paris, 1673. England and Normandy. Translated, with ORDONNANCES et Reglements concernant la notes, and the introduction of Guizot, by T. Marine. 8~. Paris, 1786. Forester. 4 v. 120. London, 1853-56. ORE-SEEKER, (The.) A tale of the Hartz. ORDERS, essential and fundamental Rules, By A. S. M., with twenty-six illustrations. &c., of the House of Commons, relating to Small 40. Cambridge, 1860. their forms of proceeding, privileges, &c. O'REGAN, (William.) Memoirs of John Phil160. London, 1756. pot Curran. 80. London, 1817. ORDERS, Resolutions, and Determinations of OREGON. Journal of the House of Reprethe House of Commons, on Controverted sentatives and Council of the Legislative Elections and Returns. 160. London, 1741. Assembly of the Territory, 1856-7. 2 v. 80. ORDERS in Council; or, an examination of the Salem, (Oregon,) 1857. justice, legality, and policy of the new sys- -- Statutes passed by the Legislative Astem of commercial regulations. With ap- sembly of the Territory, 1850-51, (second pendix of state papers. 2d ed. 80. Lon- session.) 80. Oregon City, 1851. don, 1808. Statutes of Oregon; enacted by the ORDERS and Regulations for the Army serving legislative assembly, at the fifth and sixth in Ireland. 12~. Dublin, 1848. regular sessions. 80. Oregon, 1855. ORtlNANCUS of the Mines of New Spain. The same. Laws; enacted during the Translated, with observations upon the eighth regular session, 1856-57. 80. Salem, mines and mining associations, by Charles 1857. Thompson. 8c. London, 1825. OREGON QUESTION. Comparative ChronoORDINANCES and Charter of the City of Bos- logical Statement of Events Connected with ton; with acts of the legislature relating to - the Rights of Great Britain and the Claims the city, collated by Peleg W. Chandler. of the United States. 160. (n. d.) Pol. 80. Boston, 1850. Pam., v. 82.) The same. 80. Boston, 1856. O'REILLY, (Bernard.) Greenland, the AdjaORDINANCES of the Mayor and City Council cent Seas, and the North-West Passage in of Baltimore; with acts of assembly relating 1817. 40. London, 1818. to the corporation. 80. Baltimore, 1838. O'REILLY, (Edward.) Irish-English DictionThe same; passed at the extra ses- ary; containing upwards of 20,000 words sions, held Sept. and Nov., 1838, and at that never appeared in any former Irish Jan'y session, 1839. 80. Baltimore, 1839. lexicon; with a compendious Irish grammar. ORDINES Cancellarioe; being Orders of the New ed. 40. Dublin, 1821. 106 842 O'REILLY. OROSIUS. O'REILLY, (Henry.) Sketches of Rochester; ORLEANS, (Pierre Joseph d'.) History of the with incidental notices of western New-York. two Tartar Conquerors of China; with Fa12~. Rochester, 1838. ther Pereira's Journey into Tartary in the -- (Editor.) Origin and Objects of the Suite of the Emperor Kang-Hi, by N. Witsen. Slaveholders' Conspiracy; speeches, &c. 80. London, 1851. (Hakluyt Society, 80. New York, 1862. v. 17.) ORFILA, (Mateo Jos6 Bonaventura.) 1lemens ORLEBAR, (A. B.;) and MONTRIOU, (C. W.) de Chimie, appliquee' la m decine et aux Observations made at the Magnetical and Mearts. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1828. teorological Observatory at Bombay, 1845- Traite de Medecine L6gale. 4e 6d. 1849. 6 v. 40. Bombay, 1846-52. Contenant en entier le trait6 des exhumations ORLICH, (Leopold von.) Travels in India; juridiques par MM. Orfila et Lesuer; avec including Sinde and the Punjab. Translated planches. 4 v. 80. Paris, 1848. from the German, by H. E. Lloyd. 2 v. The same. 4e d. 4v.in5. 80. Paris, 80. London, 1845. 1848.. ORLOFF,(GrigorVladimirovitch, Conmte.) Essai ~- - Trait6 de Toxicologie. 5e ed. 2 v. 80. sur l'Histoire de la Peinture en Italic, depuis Paris, 1852. les temps les plus anciens jusqu'a nos jours. ORGANS. Short Account of the Organs built 2 v. 80. Paris, 1823. in England, from the reign of King Charles II. Mmoires Historiques, Politiques, et to the present time. 160. London, 1847. Litteraires sur le Royaume de Naples. Avec ORICELIARIUS, (B.) See RUCELLAI. des notes et additions, par A. Duval. 5 v. ORIENTAL ANNUAL; or, Scenes in India. By 80. Paris, 1819-21. Hobart Caunter. 5v. 80. London, 1834-38. ORME, (Cornelia J.) Forget-Me-Nots from ORIENTAL Fairy Tales. 180. London, 1857. Dew-Drop Dale, by Ruth Rustic. 160. ORIENTAL Translation Fund. Report of the Washington, 1856. First General Meeting of the Subscribers. ORME, (Robert.) Historical Fragments of the 80. London, 1828. (Pol. Pam., v. 42.) Mogul Empire, of the Morattoes, and of the ORIGENES. Contra Celsum libri VIII. Cum English Concerns in Indostan; from the notis D. Hceschelii. Ejusdem Philocalia, year 1659. 40. London, 1805. (Gr. et Lat.) Cum notis J. Tarini. Gul. History of theMilitary Transactions of Spencerus operis versionem recognovit. 2 v. the British Nation in Indostan, from the in 1. Small 40. Cantabrigim, 1676-77. year 1745. With a dissertation on the estab~ — Hexaplorum qure supersunt. Edidit lishments made by Mahomedan conquerors notisque illustravit C. F. Bahrdt. 2 v. So. in Indostan. 4th ed. 2v. in 3. 40. LonLipsime et Lubecae, 1769-70. don, 1803. Opera omnia qum Greece vel Latine Practical Digest of the Election Laws. tantum exstant. Recensita, LatinB versa 2d ed. 80. London, 1812. atque illustrata, opera Caroli etC. V. Delarue. ORME, (William.) Bibliotheca Biblica; a 4 v. Folio. Parisiis. 1733-59. select list of books on sacred literature; with Philocalia. NuncprimuimGraec6 edita notices. 80. Edinburgh, 1824. opera Jo. Tarini, qui et Latina fecit et notis Life and Times of Richard Baxter; illustravit. Small 40. Lutetim Parisiorum, with a critical examination of his writings. 1624. 2 v. 80. Boston, 1831. - Traite contre Celse, ou defense contre Memoirs, including Letters, and Select les accusations des paiens. Traduit du Grec, Remains, of John Urquhart. 120. Philpar lieBonuhreau. Small40. Amsterdam, adelphia, 1855. 1700. ORMSBY, (R. McKinley.) History of the Whig ORLtEANS, (Jean Baptiste Gaston, Due d'.) Party; with a glance at the formation of Medmoires, 1608-1636. 8~. Paris, 1838. parties in the United States. 2d ed. 12~. (Michaud, Coll. Mem. Hist. France, v. 21.) Boston, 1860. The same. 80. Paris, 1824. (Peti- OgRNAMENTS. Old English and French Ornatot, Coll. Mem. I-ist. France, scr. 2, v. 31.) ment; by Chippendale, Johnson, Inigo ORLEANS, (Louis Philippe Joseph, Duc d'.) Jones, Lock, and others. 40. London, Instruction Donn6e A ses Representans aux 1846. Bailliages. 4e 6d. 80. Paris, 1789. (Pol. ORosIus, (Paulus.) (Historiarum. libri vil.) Pan., v. 16.) ~ Small 4'. Parhisiis, 1506. 843 OROSIUS. OSBORNE. OROSIUS, (Paulus.) Anglo-Saxon version, by ORTOLAN, (Joseph Louis Elzear.) DelaSouAlfred the Great; with an English translation verainet6 du Peuple et des Principes du Goufrom the Anglo-Saxon, by Daines Barrington. vernement Rdpublicain Moderne. 80. Paris, 80. London, 1773. 1848. ORPHETUS. Argonautica, Hymni, et de Lapid- ORTOLAN, (Theodore.) Ragles Internationibus, Graece et Latine, curante A. C. Es- ales et Diplomatie de la Mer. 2e 6d. 2 v. chenbachio, cum ejusdem ad Argonautica 8~. Paris, 1853. notis et emandationibus. Accedunt H. Ste- ORTON, (James.) "Excelsior;" or, the realms phani in omnia et J. Scaligeri in hymnos of poesie. By Alastor. Square 120. Lonnotse. 16~. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1689. don, 1852. Mystical Hymns. Translated from the Proverbialist and the Poet: proverbs, Greek, by Thomas Taylor. 2d ed. 12~. illustrated by parallel or relative passages Chiswick, 1824. from the poets; with French, Spanish, and ORR, (J. W.) Pictorial Guide to the Falls of Italian proverbs. 80. Philadelphia, 1852. Niagara. 240. Buffalo, 1845. ORTON, (J. R.) Camp Fires of the Red Men; ORR, (William S., and Co.) Circle of the or, a hundred years ago. 120. New-York, Sciences; a series of treatises on the princi- 1855. ples of science, with their application to prac- ORTON, (J. W.) Miner's Guide, and Metaltical pursuits. 2 v. 12~. London, 1854. lurgist's Directory. 240. New-York, 1849. ORRERY, (Roger Boyle, Earl of.) Dramatic ORTUNEZ DE CALAHORRA, (Diego.) L'AdmiWorks. 2 v. 8~. London, 1739. rable Histoire du Chevalier du Soleil; avec ORSATO, (Sertorio.) De Notis Romanorum les exploicts g6nereux et les adventures Commentarius. (Graevius, Thesaurus Antiq. amoureuses de la belle et vaillante princesse Rom., v. 11.) Claridiane, et autres grand seigneurs. TraORSINI, (Felice.) Memoirs and Adventures, duict de l'Espagnol, par F. de Rosset et L. written by himself. Translated by George Dovet. 8 v. 160. Paris, 1617-26. Carbonel. 80. Liverpool, 1857. ORZELSKI, (Joannes.) Annales Domus OrzelORSINI, (Matthieu.) La Vierge, Histoire de sciae, A. D. 1611. Folio. Posnaniae, 1854. la MDre de Dieu et de son Culte. Nouv. ed. OSBEcK, (Peter.) Voyage to China and the 2 v. 8~. Paris, 1844-45. East Indies. With a voyage to Suratte, by ORTTS, (Jacopo, Pseud. for FoscoLO, Ugo.) Olof Toreen.- From the German, by J. R. Ultime Lettere. 2a ed. 160. Italia, 1802. Forster. 2 v. 80. London, 1771. ORT1Z, (Francisco.) Epistolas Familiares. OSBON, (A. M.) Daniel Verified in History 80. Madrid, 1850. (Bib. de Autores Espa- and Chronology. 160. New-York, 1856. Rioles, v. 50.) OSBORN, (A.) Field Notes of Geology. 120. ORnTZ, (Tadeo.) M6xico considerado como New-York, 1858. Nacion Independiente y Libre, o sean algu- OSBORN, (Henry S.) Palestine, past and presnas indicaciones sobre los deberes de los ent; with biblical, literary, and scientific Mexicanos. 80. Burdeos, 1832. notices. 80. Philadelphia, 1859. ORTOLAN, (Joseph Louis Elzear.) Cours de OSBoRN, (Selleck.) Poems. 160. Boston, Legislation P6nale Comparde; analyses du 1823. cours de 1839-40. Recueillies et publides OSBORN, (Sherard.) Career, Last Voyage, and par M. G. Narjot. 8~. Paris, 1841. Fate of Sir John Franklin. 160. London, - - ements de Droit Penal, Penalit — 1860. Juridictions-Procedure, suivant la Science- - Cruisein Japanese Waters. 120. EdinRationelle, la Legislation Positive, et la Ju- burgh, 1859. risprudence, avec les donn6es de nos statis- - Past and Future of British Relations in tiques criminelles. 2 ed. 80. Paris, 1859. China. 12~. Edinburgh, 1860. Explication Historique des Instituts de - Stray Leaves from an Arctic Journal; l'Empereur Justinien: avec le texte, la tra- or, eighteen months in the polar regions, in duction en regard, et les explications sons search of Sir J. Franklin's expedition, in chaque paragraphe, prceddde de l'Histoire de 1850-51. 120. London, 1852. la Legislation Romaine, et d' une g6nerali- ~ See McCLuRE, (Sir Robert J. Le M.) sation du droit Romain d' aprds les textes OSBORNE, (Jonathan.) On Dropsies Connected anciennement connus, on plus recemment with suppressed Perspiration and Coagulate decouverts. 6e ed. 3 v. 80. Paris, 1857. Urine. 120. London, 1835. 844 OSBORNE. OSTEN. OSBORNE, (Laughlin.) Sixty years of the OSCAR, (Joseph Franqois Bernadotte, King of Life of Jeremy Levis. 2 v. 12~. New- Sweden.) On Punishments and Prisons. York, 1831. Translated from the 2d Swedish edition, by OSBORNE, (Sydney Godolphin.) Gleanings in A. May. 80. Stockholm, 1842. the West of Ireland. 12~. London, 1850. OSGOOD, (Frances Sargent.) Poems. IllusScutari and its Hospitals. 4~. Lon- trated by Huntington, Darley, Rossiter, etc. don, 1855. 8~. Philadelphia, 1850. OSBORNE, (Thomas.) Collection of Voyages Wreath of Wild Flowers from Newand Travels, compiled from the library of the England. 12~. London, 1838. Earl of Oxford. 2 v. Folio. London, 1745. Memorial; written by friends of the CONTENTS. late Mrs. Osgood, and edited by Mary E. Africa, Asia, &c. Travels of four Englishmen, v. 1. Hewitt. 80 New-York 1851. Amboyna. Cruelty of the Dutch to the English, with answer, v. 2. OSGOOD, (Joseph B. F.) Notes of Travel; or, Bandier, Michael. History of the Court of the King recollections of Majunga, Zanzibar, Muscat, of China, v. 2. Bernier, Frangois. Voyage to Surat, v. 2. Aden, Mocha, and other eastern ports. 120. Blount, Henry. Voyage into the Levant, v. 1. Boothby, Richard. Discovery of the Island of Salem, (Mass.,) 1854. Madagascar, v. 2. OSGOOD, (Samuel.) Student Life; letters and Bruton, William. Voyage to Bengalla, v. 2. Calabar in Guiney. Relation of the Murder of recollections for a young friend. New-York, three Englishmen in, v. 2. 1861 Cartwright, John. Travels to the East Indies, v. 1. Castle, William. Short Discovery of the Coast and OSGOOD, (Thaddeus.) Extract from his JourContinent of America, v. 2. Coverte, Robert. Voyages and Travels, v. 2. nal. 80. New-York, 1829. (Theol. Pam., Dandini, Jerome. Voyage to Mount Libanus and v 9) an account of the Turks, &c., v. 1. Daulphinois, Ncholas Nicholay. Voyage into Tur- OSLER, (Edward.) Life of Admiral Viscount key, v. 1. Davis, William. Captivity of, v. 1. Exmouth. E8. London, 1835. Drake, Sir Francis. World Encompassed, v. 2. OSSAT, (Arnaud d'; Cardinal.) Lettres; avec Dunton, John. Journal of the Sallee Fleet, v. 2. East Indies. Discription of a Voyage made by four des notes de Mr. Amelot de la Houssaie. Hollanders, and their Adventures, v. 2. Nouv. d. 5 v. 120. Amsterdam, 708. Escalante, Bernardino de. Account of the Empire China, and a Discourse of the Navigation of the OSSAYE, (F. M. F.) Veillees Canadiennes; France and Italy. A Tour made by an Fnglish Gentleman, 1675, v. 1, bee, 1852. Froger Franqois. Voyage on the Coasts of Africa, 1695-97, v. 2. OSSIAN. Poems. Translated from the Norse, Galvano, Antonio. Discoveries of the World from byJames MacPherson. New ed. 2 v. 8 the first to 1555, v. 2.8 Geare, Allen. Account of the preservation of nine London, 1790. men in a small boat inclosed in ice for twentyeight days, v. 2. Poems in Gaelic, with a translation into Gonzales, Manuel. Voyage to England and Scot- Latin, by R. Macfarlan; a dissertation by land, 1730, v. 1. Knight, Francis. Relation of seven years Slavery Sir John Sinclair, and a translation of Cesaunder the Turks of Algier, v. 2. under tile Turks of Algier, v. 2. rotti's dissertation on the controversy reLe Maire, Jaques. Voyages to the Canary Islands, di tation on the contovesy re&c., v.'. specting Ossian. With notes and essay, Lopez, Odoardo. Report of the Kingdom of Congo, &c., v. 2. by Jon M'Arthur. 3 v. 80. London, Moscovy. Description of, v. 1. 1807 Nova Francia; or, description of New France, which is one continent of Virginia, v. 2. OSSOLI, (Margaret Fuller; Marchioness.) At Overbury, Sir Thomas. Observations in his Tra- Home and road; or, tins an thoughts vels, 1609, v. 1.' Home and Abroad; or, things and thoughts vels, 1609, v. 1. Phelps, Thomas. Account of his Captivity at in America and Europe. Edited by Arthur Marchiness, in Barbary, 1685, v. 2. Siam. Relation of the Great Revolution, and the B. Fuller. 2d ed. 120. Boston, 1856. driving out of the French, 1688-89, v. 2. Memoirs. [By W. H. Channing, R. W. Story, John. Travels through Sweden, v. 1. Turkish Empire. General Account of the, v. 1. Emerson, and James F. Clarke.] 2 v. 12C. Ussher, James. Disquisition touching Asia, v. 1. Boston 1852 Warren, George. Description of Surinam upon the Continent of Guinea in America, v. 2. Summer on the Lakes, in 1843. 120. OSBORNE, (William Alexander.) Elements of Boston, 1844. Greek Syntax. 80. Macclesfield, 1839. Woman in the Nineteenth Century; OSBURN, (William.) Monumental History of and kindred papers. Edited by Arthur B. Egypt, as recorded on the Ruins of her Fuller. 120. Boston, 1855. Temples, Palaces, and Tombs. 2 v. 80. OSTEN SACKEN, (R.) Catalogue of the DesLondon, 1854. cribed Diptera of North America. 80. WashOSCANYAN, (C.) The Sultan and his People. ington, 1858. (Smithsonian Misc. Collec12~. New-York, 1857. tions, v. 3.) 845 OSTERVALD. OUSELEY. OSTERVALD, (Jean Fr6ddric.) Arguments of Translated from the German, by George the Books and Chapters of the Old and New Cox. 8~. Oxford, 1839. Testament; with practical observations. OTTO, (Friedrich Julius.) Manual of the DeFrom the French, by J. Chamberlayne. 6th tection of Poisons by Medico-Chemical Aned. 2 v. 8~. London, 1799. alysis. Translated, with additions, by Wi. ~- Treatise on the Causes of the present Elderhorst. 120. New-York, 1857.corruption of Christians and Remedies thereof. OTWAY, (Robert.) Treatise on Steam Navi8~. London, 1785. (Watson's Theol. Tracts, gation, the steam engine, the nature of v. 6.) steam, etc. 2d ed. 80. London, 1834. O'SULLIVAN, (John L.) Union, Disunion, and OTWAY, (Thomas.) Works. With a sketch Reunion; a letter to Gen. Franklin Pierce. of his life, enlarged from that by Dr. John80. London, 1862. (Pol. Pam., v. 90.) son. 2 v. 80. London, 1812. OSWALD, (John; Master at Heriot's Hospital.) CONTENTS. Etymological Dictionary of the English Alcibiades, v. 1. Language. 2d ed. 180. Edinburgh, 1836. Atheist, The, v. 2. Etymological Manual of the Enlish Don Carlos, Prince of Spain, v. 1. Etymological Manual of the English Friendship in Fashion, v. 1. Language. 4th ed. 240. Edinburgh, 1835. History and Fall of Caius Marius, v. 2. Life of Otway, by Dr. Johnson, v. 1. OSWALD, (Rev. J.; of York, Pa.) Kingdom Poems and Letters, v. 2. which Shall Not be Destroyed; an exposi- Orphan,The, v. 2. a-"~,"~~~ ^ Titus and Berenice; with the Cheats of Scapin, v. 1. tion of prophecy, more especially of Daniel, Soldier's Fortune, v. 1. ch. vii. 120. Philadelphia, 1856. Venice Preserved, v. 2-3. OTIS, (F. N.) Illustrated History of the Pa- Poems. 80. London, 1810. (Chalnama Railroad; with a traveller's guide and mers' Eng. Poets, v. 8.) directory. 2d ed. 12c. New-York, 1862. The same. Poems. 160. London, OTIS, (Harrison Gray.) Letters in Defence of 1790. (Johnson's Eng. Poets, v. 15.) the Hartford Convention, and the People of OUDINOT, (Charles Nicoias Victor, Duc de Massachusetts. 80. Boston, 1824. Reggio.) De Italie et de ses Forces Mili~- - - Letters to, on Resistance to the Laws taires. 80. Paris, 1835. of the United States. By Leolin. 80. Bos- OUGHTON, (Thomas.) OrdoJudiciorum; sive, ton, 1811. (Pol. Pam., v. 110.) methodus procedendi in negotiis et litibus in OTIS, (James.) Rights of the British Colonies foro Ecclesiastico Civili Britannico et HiAsserted and Proved. 3d ed. 80. London, bernico. 2 v. 40. Londini, 1728-38. 1766. (Col. Pam., v. 5.) OULTON, (Walley Chamberlain.) History of OTMAR, (Pseud.) See NACHTIGAL. the Theatres of London; an annual register OTTER, (William.) Life and Remains of Ed- of new pieces, &c. Continuation of Victor ward Daniel Clarke. 2 v. 80. London, and Oulton's Histories, fiom 1795 to 1817. 1825. 3 v. 160. London, 1818. OTTLEY, (William Campbell.) Treatise on OUR Farm of Four Acres, and the Money we the Differential Calculus; with a collection Made byit. 18th ed. 16.. London, 1862. of examples. 80. Cambridge, (Eng.,) 1838. OUR Naval Position and Policy. By a Naval Treatise on the Integral Calculus; with Peer. 120. London, 1859. a collection of examples. 80. Cambridge, OUR WORLD; or, the slaveholder's daughter. 1838. [By F. Colburn Adams.] 120. New-York, OTTLEY, (William Young.) Inquiry into the 1855. Origin and early History of Engraving, upon OUSrFLEY, (Sir William.) Oriental Collections; Copper and in Wood, with an account of essays, dissertations, translations, and misengravers and their works. 2 v. 40. Lon- cellaneous papers, illustrating the history don, 1816. and antiquities, the arts, sciences, and litera- Series of Plates, engraved after the tureofAsia. 2v. inl. 40. London, 1797-98. most eminent masters of the early Florentine Travels in various countries in the school. Folio. London, 1826. East: more particuiarly Persia. 3 v. 40. OTTO; or, OTHO, Bishop of Freisingen. De London, 1819-23. Gestis Friderici I. Imperatoris. (Muratori, OUSELEY, (Sir William Gore.) Notes on the Rerum Italicarum Scriptores, v. 6.) Slave-Trade; with remarks on the measures OTTO, (Friedrich.) History of Russian Liter- adopted for its suppression. 80. London, ature, with a lexicon of Russian authors. 1850. 846 OUSELEY. OVIDIUS. OUSELEY, (Sir William Gore.) Remarks on description of charcoal, coke, and anthracite the Statistics and Political Institutions of the furnaces, etc. 80. New-York, 1852. United States. 8c. London, 1832. OVERSTONE, (Jones Loyd, Lord.) Tracts on OUT OF THE DEPTHS; the story of a woman's Commerce and Finance. 4v. 80. London, life. 120. Cambridge, 1859. 1857-59. (Com. Pam., v. 7-8; and FinanOUTHIER, (Reginald.) Journal of a Voyage cial Pam., v. 21-22.) to the North, 1736-37. (Pinkerton's Voy- OVERTON, (Elizabeth and Richard,) vs. Ross, ages, v. 1.) (David.) Case of Overton's Mill. In the OUTLINE of the Revolution in Spanish America; Richmond common-law district court. 8~. or, an account of the origin, progress, and [No title page; about 1804.] actual state of the war carried on between OVERTON, (John.) Reports of Cases in the Spain and Spanish America. By a South Superior Courts of law and equity, Federal American. 12~. New York, 1817. Court, and Supreme Courts of Errors and OUVAROFF, (Alexis, Comte.) Recherches sur Appeals for the State of Tennessee, 1791 to les Antiquit6s de la Russie Meridionale et 1817. 2 v. 8~. Knoxville, 1813-17. des Cotes de la Mer Noire. 2 v. Folio. OvIDIUs NASO, (Publius.) Opera omnia; cum Paris, 1855. integris N. Heinsii lectissimisque variorum OUVAROFF, (Serge, Comte.) Essay on the notis, studio B. Cnippingii. 3v. 8~. LugMysteries of Eleusis. Translated from the duni Batavorum, 1670. French, by J. D. Price. 8~. London, 1817. -- The same. Ex editione Burmanniana. OVALLE, (Alfonso de.) Historical relation of 9 v. 8~. Londini, 1821. (Valpy's ScripChili. (Churchill's Voyages and Travels, tores Latini, v. 34-42.) v. 3.) Opera, a textu Burmanni; cum notis The same. (Pinkerton's Voyages, v. 14) Harlesii, Gierigii, Burmanni, Lemairii, atque OVEN, (Barnard van.) On the Decline of Life aliorum selectissimis. 5 v. 8~. Oxonii, in Health and Disease; ant attempt to inves- 1825-26. tigate the causes of longevity, and the best CONTENTS. means of attaining a healthful old age. 80. Aorum, libri III, v. 1. London, 1853. Artis Amatoriae, libri III, v. 1-2. OVERALL, (John.) Reflections on Bishop Consolatio ad Liviain Augustam, v. 5. OVERALL, (John.) Reflections on Bishop Epistolae ex Ponto, v. 2. Overall's Convocation-Book, concerning the Fastorum, libri VI, v. 5. IHalieuticon, v. 5. government of the Catholic Church. Folio. Heroides, v. 1. London, 1690. (Pol. Pam., v. 6.) Ibis, v. 5. Mecdicamina Faciei, v. 2. OVERBECK, (Friedrich.) Les Saints E1van- Metamorphoseon, libri XV, v. 3-4. giles; 40 gravures sur acier, avec un texte en NRx: Elegia, v. 5. Remedia Amoris, v. 2. Frangais et en Anglais. Oblong folio. Dus- Tristim, libri Quinque, v. 2. seldorff, 1853. Metamorphoseon libri XV. InterpreOVERBURY, (Sir Thomas.) Miscellaneous tatione et notis illustravit D. Chrispinus ad Works, in prose and verse; now first col- usum Delphini. Ed. 14a. 80. Londini, lected. Edited, with a biography, by E. F. 1825. Rimlbault. 16~. London, 1856. Eclogre Ovidiane; being the fifth part - Observations in his Travels, 1609. (Os- of the Lateinisches Elementarbuch, by Proborne's Coll. Voyages, v. 1.) fessors Jacobs and Doering. Edited by T. OVERMAN, (Frederick.) Manufacture of Iron; K. Arnold. 8th ed. 160. London, 1852. in all its branches; with an essay on the ~The same. Part II.-Selections from the manufacture of steel. 80. Philadelphia, Metamorphoses, with English notes. Edited 1850. by T. K. Arnold. 160. London, 1851. Manufacture of Steel. 160. Philadel- - Epistolarum Heroidum liber; illusphia, 1851. travit D. Crispinus, ad usum Delphini. M oulder and Founder's Pocket Guide. bo. Londini, 1825. 120. Philadelphia, 1851. Fastorum libri VI. With notes and an ~ — Practical Mineralogy, Assaying and introduction, by Thomas Keightley. 80. Mining; with a description of the useful London, 1839. minerals. 160. Philadelphia, 1851. Tristia. With improvements, in a Treatise on Metallurgy; comprising method entirely new. For schools. By mining, and metallurgical operations, with a John Stirling. 2d ed. 8~. London, 1752. 847 OVIDIUS. OWEN. OvIDIUS NASO, (Publius.) Epistles. Trans- OVIEDO Y VALDEZ. (Gonzalo Hernandez de.) lated into English prose; with the Latin text Histoire du Nicaragua. 80. Paris, 1840. and order of construction; and notes, in (Ternaux, Voyages, Relations, etc. del'Am6rEnglish, from the best commentators. By ique, v. 14.) J. Davidson. 80. London, 1746. OWEN, (Charles.) Essay towards a Natural The same. 5th ed. 80. London, 1813. History of Serpents. 40. London, 1819. Festivalls, or Romane Calendar. Trans- OWEN, (C. H.) Essay on the Motion of Prolated into English verse equinumerally, by jectiles fired from Rifled Arms; with reJohn Gower. 180. Cambridge, 1640. marks on the employment of rifled ordnance. Metamorphosis. Englished, mytholo- 80. London, 1862. giz'd, and represented in figures. An Essay OWEN, (David Dale.) Report of the Geologito the Translation of Virgil's.JEneis. By cal Survey in Kentucky, made during 1854 G. S. (George Sandys.) Folio. Oxford, and 1855. 80. Frankfort, 1856. 1632. OWEN, (John, of Caernarvonshire.) Certaiae The same. In Latin and English; Epigrams out of his first four books. Transtranslated by the most eminent hands. lated byR. H. [ayman.] 120. London, 1628. With explications, by the Abbot Banier; OWEN, (John, Fellowof C. C. C.) Exposition of translated, and adorned with sculptures, by the Epistleto the Hebrews; with preliminary B. Picart and other masters. 2 v. Folio. exercitations. 4 v. 80. London, 1839-40. Amsterdam, 1732. History of the Origin and First Ten The same. Translated into English Years of the British and Foreign Bible Soprose; with the Latin text and order of con- ciety. 3 v. 80. London, 1816-20. struction; and notes in English. By J. OWEN, (John J.) Commentary, Critical, ExDavidson. 5th ed. 80. London, 1822. pository, and Practical, on the Gospels of Metamorphoses and Epistles. Trans- Matthew and Mark. 120. New-York, 1857. lated by Dryden, Pope, Congreve, Addison, OWEN, (Richard.) On the Classification and and others. 2v. 180. New-York, 1836-42. Distributionofthe Mammalia; with anappenThe same. Translated into English dix on the " Gorilla, " and on the extinction and verse, by various hands. 2 v. 160. Chis- transmutation ofspecies. 80. London, 1859. wick, 1822. (Brit. Poets, v. 94-5.) - Discourse on Parthenogenesis; or, the The same. Translated (in prose) by successive production of procreating indiH. T. Riley. 120. London, 1851. (Bohn's viduals from a single ovum. 80. London, Class. Lib'y, v. 52.) 1849. --.The same. Metamorphoses enrondeaux History of British Fossil Mammals, and (par Isaac de Benserade.) 180. Amster- Birds. 80. London, 1846. dam, 1679. Lectures on the Comparative Anatomy The same. Translated by Dryden, Ad- and Physiology of the Invertebrate Animals. dison, &c. 80. London, 1810. (Chalmers' 80. London, 1843. Eng. Translations, v. 10,) - The same. Delivered in 1844 and 1846. H-eroides, Amours, Art of Love, and Part I. Fishes. 80. London, 1846. Remedy of Love. Translated byH. T. Riley. Odontography; or, a Treatise on the 120. London, 1852. (Bohn's Class. Lib'y, Comparative Ahatomy of the Teeth; their v. 51.) physiological relations, development, and Fasti, Tristia, Pontic Epistles, Ibis, and structure, in the vertebrate animals. 2 v. Halieuticon. Translated by H. T. Riley. 40. London, 1840-45. 230. London, 1851. (Bohn's Class. Lib'y, Palseontology; or, a systematic sumv. 52.) mary of extinct animals and their geological OVIEDO Y VALDEZ, (Gonzalo Hernandez de.) relations. 80. Edinburgh, 1860. Sumariode la Natural Historia de las Indias. OWEN, (Robert.) Address on Spiritual Mani80. Madrid, 1850. (Bib. de Autores Es- festations. 80. London, 1855. panfoles, v. 51.) Address to the Inhabitants of New Historia Naturalee Generale dell' Indie Lanark. 2d ed. 80. London, 1816. (Pol. Occidentali. (Ramusio, Navigationi, v. 3.) Pam., v. 36.) Extracts from his Summarie and the Book of the New Moral World, conGeneral Historie of the Indies. (Purchas's taining the rational system of society, founded Pilgrims, v. 3, page 970.) on demonstrable facts. 80. New-York, 1845. 848 OWEN. PACCA. OWEN, (Robert.) Letter to the Moderator of upon Public Credit. 80. London, 1857. the General Assembly, requesting his atten- (Financial Pam., v. 21.) tion to the late attack of the Christian In- Trial of Robert, Earl of Oxford, upon structor upon Mr. Owen. 80. Edinburgh, the Impeachment of the House of Commons 1823. (Pol. Pam., v. 36.) exhibited against him for High Treason, etc. Life, written by himself; with selec- Folio. London, 1717. tions from his writings and correspondence. OXFORD Collection of Voyages. See OSBORNE, 2 v. 80. London, 1858. (Thomas.) New View of Society; or, essays on OXFORD English Prize Essays. 5 v. 120. the principle of the formation of the human Oxford, 1836. character. 8~. London, 1813. OXFORD Essays, contributed by members of The same. (Pol. Pam., v. 36.) the University, 1855, 1856, 1857, and 1858. The same. With Report to the County 4 v. 80. London, 1855-58. of Lanark, of a Plan for Relieving Public OXFORD Latin Prize Poems. Translated by Distress, by giving employment to the Poor N. L Torre. 2 v. 16c. London, 1831-48. and Working Classes. 40. Glasgow, OXFORD Prize Poems. 9th ed. 160. Oxford, 1821. 1836. Observations on the Effect of the Manu- OXFORD Sausage: being select poetical pieces, facturing System. 80. London, 1818. (Pam- by the most celebrated wits in that univerphleteer, v. 11.) sity. [T. Warton and others.] A new ed. — ~- Proposed Arrangements for the Dis- 240. Cambridge, 1822. tressed Working Classes. 80. London, 1819. OXFORD TABLES. See CHRONOLOGICAL TA(Pol. Pam., v. 36.) BLES. — ~- Signs of the Times; or, the Approach OXFORD. Questions proposed at the Matheof the Millennium. 2d ed. 80. London, 1841. matical Examinations in Oxford, from the (Pol. Pam., v. 36.) year 1828 to the present time. 80. Oxford, and CAMPBELL, (Alexander.) Debate 1831. on the Evidences of Christianity; held in Tracts for the Times, 183;1-40. By the city of Cincinnati. 80. London, members of the University of Oxford. 5 v. 1839. 80. London, 1840. OWEN, (Robert Dale.) Footfalls on the Bound- OXLEY, (John.) Journals of Two Expeditions ary of another World; with narrative illus- into the interior of New South Wales, in the trations. 12~. London, 1860. years 1817-18. 40. London, 1820. Hints on Public Architecture. 40. OXLEY, (Joseph.) Journal of his Life and New-York, 1849. Labors of Love. 80. Philadelphia, 1838. Policy of Emancipation: in three let- (Friends' Library, v. 2. ) ters. 120. Philadelphia, 1863. OZANAM, (Jacques.) Dictionnaire MathemaOWEN, (Samuel.) Treatise on the Law and tique, ou idde generale des math6matiques. Practice of Bankruptcy, with reference to the 40. Amsterdam, 1691. general Bankrupt Act, supported and illus- Usage de l'Instrument Universel pour trated by English and American authorities. Resoudre promptement et tres-exactment 80. New-York, 1842. touts les Problemes de la Geometrie pratique OWEN, (Thomas.) Reports of Cases in the sans aucun calcul. 160. Paris, 1700. Court of Common Pleas, 1584 to 1614. Folio. Compleat Course of Mathematicks. London, 1656. Translated from the French. 5 v. 80. OWLGLASS. See HOWLEGLASS. London, 1712. OXBERRY, (William.) Actor's Budget; con- Recreations in Mathematics and Natural sisting of monologues, prologues, epilogues, Philosophy. Enlarged by Montucla, and and tales, serious and comic; with a collec- translated, with additions, by Charles Huttion of theatrical anecdotes and comic songs. ton. 4 v. 8~. London, 1814. 120. London, 1820. - The same. New ed., revised by E. Dramatic Biography, and Histrionic Riddle. 80. London, 1844. Anecdotes. 6 v. 240. London, 1826-35. PACCA, (Cardinal Bartolommeo.) MemorieStoOXENFORD,(John.) Illustrated Book of French riche sul di lui Soggiorno in Germania dall' Songs. 120. London, 1855. anno 1786 al 1794, in qualita' di Nunzio OXFORD. (Robert Harley, Earl of.) Essay Apostolico. 120. Modena, 1836. 849 PACCA. PAIGE. PACCA, (Cardinal Bartolommeo.) Notizie sul PAGE, (David P.) Theory and Practice of Portogallo, con una breve Relazione della'eaching. 15th ed. 12~. New York, 1853. Nunziatura di Lisbona, dall' anno 1795 fino PAGE, (Edward Posthlewait.) Reminiscence all' anno 1802. 2a ed. 80. Velletri, 1836. of Nature, and clue to Bible Astrology. 80. --— ~- HistoricalMemoirs, written by himself. Marietta, (0.,) 1831. (Pol. Pam., v. 13.) Translated by Sir George Head. 2 v., 120. - Magic Harmonies; exemplifying the London, 1850. Second Advent Dispensation. 80. NewPACHYMERES,(Georgius.) HistoriaByzantina, York, 1821. (Theo. Pam., v. 13.) odeMichaeleetAndronicoPaleologo. (Gr. et Nature's Oracle the Word of God. 80. Lat.) Rec. I.Bekkerus. 2v. 80. Bonne, New-York, 1825. (Theo. Pam., v. 13.) 1835. (Byzantine Hist Corpus, v. 21-22.) PAGE, (Henry Folsom.) View of the Law relaPACIANUS, (St.) Epistles to Sympronian, Ex- tive to Divorce in Ohio, Indiana, and Michihortation to Repentance, Treatise on Bap- gan. 80. Columbus, (0.,) 1850. tism. 80. Oxford, 1844. (Library of the PAGE, (I.) Guide for Drawing the Acanthus, Fathers, v. 31.) and every description of Ornamental Foliage. PACINT, (Eugdne.) La Marine; Arsenaux, 160. London, 1840. Navires, Equipages, Navigation, Atterages, PAGE, (Thomas J.) La Plata, the Argentine Combats. 80. Paris, 1844. Confederation, and Paraguay; exploration PACKARD, (Alpheus S.) History of the Bunker during the years 1853-56, under the orders Hill Monument. 80. Portland, 1853. (Maine of the United States government. 8~. NewHist. Coll., v. 3.) York, 1859. (2 copies.) PACKARD, (FrederickA.) Visit to the Auburn PAGE, (WTilliam P.) Life and Writings of Penitentiary. 80. Philadelphia, 1842. Samuel Johnson. 2 v. 180. New-York, PADDIANA; or, scraps and sketches of Irish life. 1842. (Harpers' Fam. Lib., v. 109-110.) By the authorof "A Hot Water Cure." 2d PAGEAUX, (l'Abb6.) Memoires des Intrigues ed. 2 v. 120. London, 1848. de la Cour de Rome, depuis l'Annee 1669, PADDOCK, (Judah.) Narrative of Shipwreck jusques en 1676. 80. Paris, 1677. on the coast of South Barbary, and of the PAGES, (Pierre Marie Fran9ois.) Travels sufferings of the crew in bandage among the Round the World, in the years 1767-1771. Arabs. 80. New York, 1818. Translated from the French. 3 v. 80. PADILLA, (Lorenzo de.) Cr6nica de Felipe I. London, 1791-92. llamado el Hermoso. Small 40. Madrid. PAGES, (Garnier.) See GARNIER-PAGES. (Coleccion Doe. Hist. Espaia, v. 8.) PAGET, (James.) Lectures on Surgical PathPADLEY, (Augustus Frederick.) Solutions of ology. 2 v. 8C. London, 1853. Trigonometrical Problems. 80. Cambridge, Treatises on Sinus and Fistula, Tum(Eng.,) 1841. ours, (innocent,) Contusions, and Wounds. PAEZ, (Ramon.) Wild Scenes in South Ameri- 80. London, 1860. (Holmes' Surgery, v. 1.) ca; or, life in the Llanos of Venezuela. 2d PAGET, (John.) Hungary and Transylvania; ed. 120. New York, 1863. with remarks on their condition. New ed. PAGAN, (Blaise FranCois, Conte de.) Histori- 2v. 80. London, 1850. cal and Geographical Description of the Inquiry into the Evidence relating to great Country and River of the Amazones in Charges brought by Lord Macaulay against America. Translated by W. Hamilton. 180. William Penn. 120. Edinburgh, 1858. London, 1661. - New "Examen;" or, an inquiry into PAGANEL, (Pierre.) Essai Historique et Cri- the evidence relating to certain passages in tique sur la Revolution Francaise; ses Lord Macaulay's history concerning-The causes, ses rdsultats, etc. 2e d. Augmentde Duke of Marlborough; The Massacre of du Gouvernement Consulaire et du Rlgne de Glencoe; The Highlands of Scotland; VisNapoleon. 3 v. 80. Paris, 1815. count Dundee; and William Penn. 160. PAGE, (Charles G.) Psychomancy, Spirit- Edinburgh, 1861. Rappings, and Table-Tippings Exposed. PAIGE, (A. C.) Reports of Cases in the Court 120. New-York, 1853. of Chancery of the State of New-York, 1828 PA(E, (David.) Handbook of Geological.Terms to 1845. 11 v. 80. New-York, 1830-48. and Geology. 120. Edinburgh, 1859. (2 copies.) Past and Present Life of the Globe. The same. V. 7. 80. New-York, 120. Edinburgh, 1861. 1839. (2 copies.) O1 or 850 PAIGE. PAINE. PAIGE, (A. C.) Reports of Cases in the Court PAINE, (Thomas.) Common Sense; &c. New of Chancery of the State of New York, 1828 ed. 80. London, 1791. to 1845. 2d ed., with notes, by R. Johnstone. ~ Additions to Common Sense; addressed V. ]. 8~. New-York, 1857. to the inhabitants of America. 80. London, ---- The same. 2d ed., with notes, by T. 1776. W. Waterman. V. 2. 80. New-York, 1855. -- Le Sens Commun; address6 aux habiPAILLIET, (Jean Baptiste Joseph.) Manual tans de l'Aierique. Traduit par l'auteur. de Droit Franais. 4e ed. 40. Paris, 1819. 80. Paris, 1793. PAINE, (Elijah, Jr.) Reports of Cases in the ~ Compact Maritime for the Protection of Circuit Court of the United States for the Neutrals. 80. Washington, 1801. Second Circuit, comprising New-York, Con- Decline and Fall of the English Sysnecticut, and Vermont; 1810 to 1840. With ter of Finance. 120. New-York, 1796. notes and references by T. W. Waterman. (Misc. Pam., v. 14.) 2 v. 80. New-York, 1827-56. (2 copies.) - Dissertation on First Principles of - The same. 2d ed. 2v. 80. New-York, Government. 120. Paris, 1795. (Misc. 1856. Pam., v. 14.) PAINE, (E.;) and DUER, (W.) Practice in - Dialogue between the Ghost of Gen. Civil Actions in the Courts of New-York, Montgomery, just arrived from the Elysian and in the Courts of the United States. 2 v. Fields, and an American Delegate in a 80. New-York, 1830. Wood near Philadelphia. 80. Philadelphia, PAINE, (Lewis W.) Narrative, written by 1776. (Col. Pam.,v. 15and 16.) (2copies.) himself; or, six years a Georgia prisoner. - Impartial Sketch of his Life. With his 160. Boston, 1852. letters. 80. London, 1792. (Pol. Pam., v. PAINE, (Martyn.) Discourse on the Soul and 124.) Instinct, physiologically distinguished from Letter addressed to the Abb6 Raynal materialism. 120. New-York, 1849. on the Affairs of North America; in which. —- Institutes of Medicine. 5th ed. 80. the mistakes of the Abbe's account of the New-York, 1859. Revolution of America are corrected. 3d ed. Materia Medica and Therapeutics. 8~. London, 1783. 120. New-York, 1848. --- Letter to the People of France, on his ~ —-- Medical and Physiological Commenta- Election to the National Convention. 80. ries. 3 v. 80. New-York, 1840. New York, 1793. (Pol. Pam., v. 122.) ---- Review of Theoretical Geology. 80. - Political Writings. With a sketch of New-York, 1856. his life. 2v. 80. Charlestown, (Ms.,) 1824. PAINE, (Robert Troupe.) Memoir of Robert Politischen Werke. V. 1. 12. PhilTroupe Paine, by his parents. 40. New- adelphia, 1852. York, 1852. --- Prospects on the War, and Paper CurPAINE, (Thomas; afterwards Robert Treat.) rency. 80. Baltimore, 1794. (Pol. Pam., Works, in verse and prose; with notes, and v. 123.) sketches of his life, character, and writings, _ Prospects on the Rubicon. 80. Lonby Charles Prentiss. 80. Boston, 1812. don, 1787. (Pol. Pam., v. 29.) PAINE, (Thomas.) Works, with an account Rights of Man. Part II. 80. Lonof his life. 3 v. 120. Philadelphia, 1854. don, 1792. (Pol. Pam., v. 85.) CONTENTS. - Mr. Paine's Principles and Schemes of Age of Reason, v. 3. Common Sense, v. 2. Government examined, and his Errors deLtCrisis, The, o. 3. 1tected. 80. Edinburgh, 1792. (Misc. Letters to George Washington, v. 1. Life of Paine, v. 1. Pam., v. 27.) Miscellaneous Theological Writings, v. 1. __ Reply to the False Reasoning in the Rights of Man, v. 2. - Common Sense. With the whole Ap- Age of Reason. By a Layman. 80. Philapendix; the address to the Quakers; also delphia, 1796. (Theol. Pam., v. 5.) large additions. 3d ed. 80. Philadelphia, Trial for a Libel contained in the sec1776. (Col. Pam., v. 15 and 16.) (2 copies.) ond partof "Rights of Man." 80. London, Common Sense; addressed to the in- 1792. (Pol. Pam., v. 123 and 124.) habitants of America. New edition. 80. PAINE, (William.) Epitome of the American Philadelphia, 1776. Eclectic Practice of Medicine. 120. Phila-The same. 80. London, 1776. delphia, 1857. 851 PAINTER. PALFREY. PAINTER, (William.) The Palace of Pleasure; CONTENTS. well furnished with pleasant histories and Defence of the Considerations on the Propriety of excellent novels, chosen out of divers good requiring a Subscription to the Articles of Faith, authors. From the edition of 1575. Edited Evidences of Christianity, v. 2. THolre Paulinae, v. 2. by J. Haslewood. 2 v. 4~. London, 1813. Life of Paley, by. Paley, v. 1. PAINTER, Gilder, and Varnisher's Companion. oal and Political Philosophy, v. 3. Natural Theology, v. 1. 1.2~. Philadelphia, 1850. Reasons for Contentment, v. 2. PAINTER'S, Gilder's, and Varnisher's Manual. Sermons, Miscellaneous, v. 3-4. New ed. 16~. London, (n. d.) Horse Paulinse; or, the truth of the PAINTING; its rise and progress, from the ear- scripture history of St. Paul. 80. London, liest age to the present time. 120. Boston, 1805. 1846. Natural Theology; or, evidences of the Hints on the Art of Miniature Painting. existence and attributes of Deity. 80. Lon8~. London, 1837. don, 1809. PAIXIIANS, (Henri Joseph.) Expdriences faites The same. With notes, by Lord a Brest, en 1824, du Nouveau Systeme de Brougham, and dissertations, by Charles Forces Navales; suivies des experiences Bell. 2 v. 120. London, 1836. comparatives des canons de 80 avec ceux de The same. 2 v. 18c. New-York, 36 et 24, &c. 120. Paris, 1837. 1842. (Harpers' Fam. Library, v. 97-98.) Experiences faites par la Marine Fran- Principles of Moral and Political Phi9aise sur une Arme Nouvelle. 8~. Paris, losophy. 120. London, 1818. 1825. R —-- easons for Contentment; addressed to Force et Faiblesse Militaires de la the laboring part of the British public. 8~. France: essai sur la question gdnerale de la London, 1793. (Misc. Pam., v. 27.) defense des etats, et sur la guerre ddfensive. - View of the Evidences of Christianity. 80. Paris, 1830. 80. Philadelphia, 1795. Fortifications de Paris. 80. Paris, 1834. The same. New ed. 80. London, Nouvelle Force Maritime, et application 1817. de cette force A quelques parties du service PALEY, (William; Barrister.) Treatise on the de l'armee de terre. 40. Paris, 1822. Law of Principal and Agent, chiefly with PALAFOX, (Juan de.) L'Indien, ou portrait reference to mercantile transactions. New naturel des Indiens. (Thevenot, Relations, ed., by Niel Gow. 80. Philadelphia, 1822. v. 2.) The same. 3d Amer. ed., from the 3d PALAZZI, (Giovanni,) or PALATIUS, (Joannes.) London ed., by J. H. Lloyd, by John A. De Dominio Maris libri II. 180. Venetiis, Dunlap. 80. New-York, 1847. 1663. The same. 4th Amer. ed., with addiPALERMO, (Francisco.) Classazione dei Libri tions, by Thomas W. Waterman. 80. Newa Stampa dell' I. R. Biblioteca Palatina, in York, 1856. correspondenza di un nuovo ordinamento - Law and Practice of Summary Condello scibile umano. 80. Firenze, 1854. victions on Penal Statutes by Justices of the PALESTINE, Early Travels in; comprising the Peace. With a supplement, &c., by James narratives of Arculf, Willibold, Bernard, Dowling. 2 v. 80. London, 1827. Svewulf, Sigurd, Benjamin of Tudela, Sir The same. 4th ed., by H. T. J. MacJohn Maundeville, De la Brocquiere, and namara. 80. London, 1856. Maundrell. With notes, by Thomas Wright. PALFREY, (John Gorham.) Academical Lec120. London, 1848. tures on the Jewish Scriptures and Antiqui. PALEY, (Frederick Apthorp.) Illustrations of ties. 4 v. 80. Boston, 1838-52. Baptismal Fonts. 8~. London, 1844. -- History of New England during the Manual of Gothic Architecture. 160. Stuart Dynasty. 3 v. 8~. Boston, 1858-64. London, 1846. Life of William Palfrey. 160. Boston, Manual of Gothic Mouldings. 2d ed. 1845. (Sparks' Am. Biog., v. 7, second 80. London, 1847. series.) PALEY, (William; D. D.) Works. With an - Lowell Lectures on the Evidences of account of the life and writings of the au- Christianity. With the life and character thor, by Edmund Valey. 4 v. 80. London, ot John Lowell, Jr., by E. Everett. 2 v. 1838. 80. Boston, 1843. 852 PALFREY. PALMER. PALFREY, (John Gorham.) Relation between PALLAVICINO, (Ferrante.) II PrincipeHermaJudaism and Christianity, notes on passages fiodito. 240. Venetia, 1656. (Bound with in the New Testament containing quotations above.) from, or references to, the Old. 80. Boston, PALLEGOIX, (D. J. B.) Dictionarium Lingure 1854. Thai sive Siamensis, interpretatione Latina, Sermons on Duties belonging to some Gallica et Anglica illustratum. Folio. of the conditions of Private Life. 8$. Bos- Parisiis, 1854. ton, 1834. PALLESKE, (Emil.) Schiller's Life and Works. PALFYN, (Jean.) Description Anatomique Translated by Lady Wallace. 8~. Londes Parties de la Femme qui servent h la don, 1860. Generation. Avec un trait6 des monstres. PALLISER, (SirHugh; Vice-A4dmiral.) Minutes Small 4~. Leide, 1708. of the Proceedings at a Court-Martial, asPALGRAVE, (Sir Francis.) Corporate Reform: sembled for his Trial. Taken by George observations on the establishment of new Jackson. Folio. London, 1779. [Bound municipal corporations, &c. 8~. London, with Keppel's Trial.] 1833. (Poi. Pam., v. 43.) PALLME, (Ignatius.) Travels in Kordofan; ~- Essay upon the Original Authority of embracing a description of the bordering the Kings Council. 8~. London, 1834. countries, with an account of the slave hunts History of England. Anglo-Saxon taking place under the government of Meperiod. 18~. London, 1831. (Murray's hemid Ali. 80. London, 1844. Fam. Library, v. 66.) PALM, (Jefferson.) Complete Forms of ProHistory of Normandy and of England. ceedings in Civil and Criminal Cases, before V. 1-2. 80. London, 1851-57. Justices of the Peace, in the State of Ohio. ~- Parliamentary Writs and Writs of Mili- 80. Warren, (O.,) 1855. tary Summons; together with the records PALMER, (Aaron Haight.) Documents and and monuments relating to the suit and Facts illustrating the Origin of the Mission service due to Parliament and the coun- to Japan, which finally resulted in the treacils of the realm. 2 v. Folio. London, ty concluded by Commodore M. C. Perry, 1827-34. U. S. Navy. 80. Washington, 1857. ~- Rise and Progress of the English Comn- Letter to John M. Clayton, on the Inmonwealth. 2 v. 40. London, 1832. dependent Oriental Nations. 80. WashPALGRAVE, (Francis T.) Golden Treasury of ington, 1849. (Misc. Pam., v. 2.) the best Songs and Lyrical Poems in the PALMER, ( Charles. ) Collection of Select English Language. 160. Boston, 1863. Aphorisms and Maxims; extracted fiom the PALLADIO, (Andrea.) Architecture; in four most eminent authors. 40. London, 1748. books. Designed and published by Gia- PALMER, (Elihu.) Life of David: or, history como Leoni. Translated from the Italian. of the man after God's own heart. 160. 3d ed., with notes and remarks of Inigo London, 1819. (Bound with following.) Jones. 2 v. Folio. London, 1742. Principles of Nature. 3d ed. 160. LonArchitecture. Nouv. ed., par C. A. don, 1819. Jombert. 80. Paris, 1764. The same. 2ded. 160. New-York, 802. PALLADIUS Rutilius Taurus iEmilianus. De Prospect; or, view of the moral world, Re Rustica. 160. Parisiis, 1543. (Libri No. 26. 80. New York, 1804. (Theol. Pam., de Re Rustica, v. 2.) v. 6.) *~- Fourteen Books on Agriculture. Trans- PALMER, (E. D.) Catalogue of Palmer Marlated by T. Owen. 120. London, 1807. bles. 80. Albany, 1856. PALLAS, (Peter Simon.) Flora Rossica; seu, PALMER, (Gefrey.) Reports of Cases in the Stirpium Imperii Rossici per Europam et Court of King's Bench, 1619 to 1628. Folio. Asiam indigenarum descriptiones et icones. London, 1688. 2 v. Folio. Petropoli, 1784. PALMER, (Henry.) Description of a Railway Miscellanea Zoologica. 40. Hagre on a New Principle; with a table showing Comitum, 1766. the comparative amount of resistance on PALLAVICINO, (Ferrante.) L'Ambasciatore several now in use; and a description of an Invidiato. 240. Venetia, 1654. improved dynamometer. 80. London, 1824. Le Due Agrippine. 240. Venetia, PALMER, (James C.),hulia; a tale of the 1654. (Bound with above.) antarctic. 80. New-York, 1843. 853 PALMER. PANTOIA. PALMER, (Joel.) Journal of Travels over the PALZOW, (Madame.) Godway Castle; or, Rocky Mountains, to the mouth of the Co- fortunes of a King's daughter. 12~. Lonlumbia River; made during the years 1845 don, 1846. (Lib'y Foreign Romance, v. 5 ) and 1846. 8~. Cincinnati, 1852. PAMBOUR, (F. M. Guyonneau de.) Practical PALMER, (John.) Journal of Travels in the Treatise on Locomotive Engines, &c. United States of North America and in Translated from the French. 2d ed. 8~. Lower Canada, in 1817. 80. London, 1818. London, 1840. PALMER, (John; of Gray's Inn.) Practice in PAMPHLET Addresses. 3 v. 8~. (v. d.) the House of Lords,. on appeals, writs of Note.-The contents of the volumes will be found X - andX casL d in the Catalogue under their various authors. error, and claims of peerage. 8". London, 1830. (2 copies.) PAMPHLETEER; consisting of choice and rare PALMER, (Joseph H.) Treatise on Practical pamphlets, original and select. 29 v. 8. Book-Keeping and Business Transactions. London, 1813-8. Note.-The contents of the volumes will be found 120. New-York, 1852. in the Catalogue under their various authors. PALMER, (J. W.) The New and the Old; or, PANAMA. Original Papers relating to the California and India in romantic aspects. Expedition to Panama. 8~. London, 1744. 120. New-York, 1859. (Misc. Pam., v. 6.) PALMER, (Shirley.) Pentaglot Dictionary of PANAMA Railroad. Documents issued by the the Terms employed in Medicine. 80. Company. 8". New York, 1849. London, 1845. PANCIIAUD, (-) Reflexions sur l'etat actuel PALMER, (Thomas Fyshe.) Trial, before the du Cr6dit Public de l'Angleterre et de la Circuit Court of Justiciary, at Perth, Sep- France. 80. Paris, 1781. tember, 1793, on an indictment for seditious PANCIROLI, (Guido.) Nutitia Dignitatum practices. 80. Edinburgh, 1793. (Bound utriusque Imperii, Orientis scilicet et Occiwith MARGAROT'S Trial.) dentis. (Grrevius, Thesaurus Antiq. Rom., PALMLR, (Thomas H.) Historical Register v. 7.) of the United States, 1812-14. 4 v. 80. - De Magistratibus Municipalibus; de Philadelphia, 1814-16. corporibus artificum; urbis Romae descriptio, PALMER, (William; of the Inner Temple.) etc. (Grrevius, ThesaurusAntiq. Rom., v. 3.) Law of Wreck, considered with a view to De Claris Legum Interpretibus libri IV. its amendment. 80. London, 1843. Cure D. C. G. -offmanni. 40. Lipsiec, 1721. PALMER, (William; of Worcester College.) PANCKOUCKE, (Andre-Joseph.) L'Art deD6soLetters to N. Wiseman, D. D., on the Errors piler la Rate. 2 v. 160. Venise, (Paris,) 1773. of Romanism. With an examination of Mr. PANCOAST, (Joseph.) Treatise on Operative Sibthorp's reasons for his secession from the Surgery; exhibiting surgical science in its church. 80. Oxford, 1842. present condition. 3d ed. 40. Philadelphia, Treatise on the Church of Christ. 2 v. 1852. 8'. London, 1842. PANEGYRICI VETERES. Ex Edifionibus C. PALMER, (William, M. D.; of Rugeley, in G. Schwarzii et Arntzeniorum. 5 v. 8~. Staffordshire.) Trial; with an account of Londini, 1828. (Valpy's Scriptores Latini, his last hours and execution. Unabridged v. 119-23.) edition. 80. London, [1856.] PANGE, (Chevalierde.) Reflexions sur la DlaY- Verbatim Report of his Trial at the Old tion et sur le Comite des Recherches. 80. Bailey, London, May 14, and following days, Paris, 1790. (Pol. Pam., v. 8.) 1856, before Lord Campbell, Mr. Justice Cres- PANORMITA, (A. B.;) or, BECCADELLI, (Anwell, and Mr. Baron Alderson. 80. London, tonio.) Speculum Boni Principis, Alphonsus 1856. Rex Aragonire; digessit et auxit Johannes Letter to Lord Chief Justice Campbell, Santes. Accedit chronologia vitre et rerum containing remarks upon the conduct of the gestarum ejus concinnata A D. Chytre.o. prosecution and the judges. By Rev. Thos. 240. Amstelodami, 1646, Palmer. 8c. London, 1856. (Bound with PANTALEONI and LUMIA, (MM.) Memoire the preceding.) Historique sur les Droits Politiques de la PALMERSTON, (Henry John Temple; Vis- Sicile. Small 40. Paris, 1849. count.) Speech in House of Commons on PANTOIA, (Diego de.) Letter from Paquin, the Treaty of Washington, March 21, 1843. which is the Court of the King of China. 80. London, 1843. (Pol. Pam., v. 126 ) (Purchas's Pilgrims, v. 3, page 350) 854 PANTOLOGIA. PARDOE. PANTOLOGIA: a new cyclopaedia, by John PARACELSUS von Hohenheim, (Philipp AureMason Good, Olinthus Gregory, Newton lius Theophrastus.) Philosophy reformed Bosworth, &c. 12 v. 8~. London, 1813. and improved; discovering the wonderful PANVINIO, (Onufrio.) DeCivitate Romana,et mysteries of the creation. Translated by H. de Imperio Romano. (Grsevius, Thesaurus Pinnell. 160. London, 1657. Antiq. Rom., v. 1.) PARADIS. See VENTURO DE PARADIS. De Antiquis Romanorum Nominibus. PARADIS DE RAYMONDIS, (Jean Zacharie.) (Grmevius, Thesaurus Antiq. Rom., v. 2.) Trait6 l16mentaire de Morale et de Bonheur. De Ludis Circensibus; de ludis secu- 2 v. 240. Paris, 1795. laribus; de triumpho. (Grrevius, Thesaurus PARADYSE of Daynty Denises, deuised and Antiq. Rom., v. 9.) written for the most part by M. Edwards; PANZIROLLUS, (G.) See PANCIROLI. the rest by sundry learned gentlemen both PAOLI-CHAGNY, (Comte de.) Histoire de la of honor and woorshippe. 80. London, 1576. Politique des Puissances de l'Europe, depuis [Reprinted.] London, 1812. (Brydges' Brile commencement de la revolution Frangaise tish Bibliographer, v. 3.) jusqu'au Congres de Vienne. 4 v. in 2. 80. PARALLELE de Bonaparte avec Charlemagne. Paris, 1818. 8~. Paris. (n. d.) Projet d'une Organisation Politique PARALLELE de la Conduite du Roi avec cello pour l'Europe, ayant pour objet de procurer du Roi d'Angleterre, relativement aux Afaux souverains et aux peuples une paix faires de l'Empire, et nomm6ment a la Rupg6nerale et perpetuelle. 8~. Hambourg, ture de la Capitulation de Closter-Seven par 1818. les Hanovriens. 16~. Paris, 1758. PAOLO SARPI. See SARPI. PARANT, (Narcisse.) Lois de la Presse en PAPAL POWER; or, an historical essay on the 1836; ou legislation actuelle sur l'imprimerie temporal power of the Popes; documents of et la librairie, et sur les d6lits et contreventhe Roman court, never before published. tions commis par toutes les voies de publicaTranslated from the French. 2 v. 80. tion. 80. Paris, 1836. Dublin, 1825. PARDEE, (R. G.) Complete Manual for the PAPE, (Jacques.) See ST. AUBAN,(J. Pape de.) Cultivation of the Strawberry. Also, noPAPER CURRENCY. Letters of Common Sense tices of the raspberry, blackberry, cranberry, respecting the State Bank and Paper Cur- currant, gooseberry, and grape, 6th ed. rency. 160. Raleigh, (N. C.,) 1811. (Pol. 120. New-York, 1858. Pam., v. 110.) PARDESSUS, (Jean Marie.) Loi Salique, los PAPER MONEY. Discourse concerning the anciennes r6dactions de cette loi, et le texto Currencies of the British Plantations in connu sous le nom de Lex emendata; avec America, with regard to their paper money. des notes et des dissertations. 40. Paris, Boston, 1740. (Re-printed.) 80. London, 1843. 1857. (Financial Pam., v. 22.) Collection de Lois Maritimes Ant6riPAPERS of the Central Society of Education. eures au XVIIIe Siecle. 6 v. 40. Paris, By various authors. 3 v. 120. London, 1828-45. (2 copies of v. 1 and 2.) 1837-39. Cours de Droit Commercial. 2e 6d. PAPERS presented to Parliament in 1808, 1809 5 v. 80. Paris, 1821-22. and 1813, respecting Austria, Denmark, the - The same. 3e 6d. 5 v. 80. Paris, Ottoman Porte, Portugal, Russia, France, 1825-26. and the United States. 3 v. 80. London, - lements de Jurisprudence Commer1808-13. ciale. 80. Paris, 1811. PAPERS read before the Juridical Society, PARDOE, (Julia.) Beauties of the Bosphorus. 1855-1858. 80. London, 1858. 40. London, 1839. PAPILLON, (Jean Baptiste Michel.) Traite City of the Magyar; or, Hungary and Historique et Pratique de la Gravure en her institutions in 1839 —40. 3 v. 120. Bois. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1766. London, 1840. PAPWORTH, (John Buonarroti.) Hints on City of the Sultan, and Domestic ManOrnamental Gardening and Rural Architec- ners of the Turks, in 1836. 2 v. 80. Lonture. 80. London, 1823. don, 1837. ~- Rural Residences. With observations - Court and Reign of Francis the First. on landscape gardening. 80. London, 1818. 2 v. 120. Philadelphia, 1849. 855 PARDOE. PARISH. PARDOE, (Julia.) Episodes of French History, concerning its authenticity, by J. Robertduring the Consulate and the First Empire. son. 80. London, 1788. 2 v. 12~. London, 1859. PARIS, (Antoine Louis.) Negociations, Let~- - Hungarian Castle. 3 v. 120. London, tres, et Pieces diverses relatives au Regnede 1842. Francois II. 40. Paris, 1841. Jealous Wife. 3 v. 120. London, PARIS, (John Ayrton.) Life of Sir Humphrey 1855. (V. 1 wanting.) Davy. 2v. 80. London, 1831. Life of Marie de Medicis, Queen of - Pharmacologia; an inquiry into the France, Consort of Henry IV., and Regent operations of medicinal bodies, upon which under Louis XIII. 3 v. 80. London, 1852. are founded the theory and art of prescribing. ----— Lord Morcar of Hereward; a romance 9th ed. 80. London, 1843. of the times of William the Conqueror. 4 v. Philosophy in Sport made Science in in 2. 120. London, 1829. Earnest. 7th ed. 120. London, 1853. ~ —- Louis the Fourteenth, and the Court of Treatise on Diet; with a view to estabFrance. 3 v. 80. London, 1847. lish a system of rules for the prevention and Reginald Lyle 3v. 120. London,1854. cure of diseases. 5th ed. 80. London, 1837. Rival Beauties. A novel. 3 v. 120. and FONBLANQUE, (J. S.M.) Medical London, 1848. Jurisprudence. 3 v. 80. London, 1823. River and Desert; or, recollections of PARIS, (Matthew,) or MATTHEW PARIS. Engthe Rhone and the Chartreuse. 2 v. in 1. lish History, from the year 1235 to 1273. 120. London, 1838. From the Latin, by J. A. Giles. 3 v. 120. - Traits and Traditions of Portugal. 3 v. London, 1852-54. in 1. 160. Philadelphia, 1834. PARIS. Bibliotheque Imperiale. Catalogue de PARE, (Ambroise.) Works of that famous l'Histoirede France. V. 1-3. Folio. Paris, Chirurgion, Ambrose Parey. Translated out 1855-6. of Latin and compared with the French, by Catalogue des livres composant la T. Johnson. Folio. London, 1649. Bibliothaque de la Cour de Cassation. HisPAREAU, (Jean Henri.) Principles of Inter- toire. 80. Paris, 1829. pretation of the Old Testament. Translated The same. 2e partie. Jurispiudence. by P. Forbes. 2 v. 160. Edinburgh, 2 v. 80. Paris, 1819-25. 1835-40. (Biblical Cabinet, v. 12-13.) - History of Paris; containing a descripPAREJA Y QUESADA, (Gabriel.) Praxis Edendi, tion of its Antiquities, Public Buildings, sive tractatus de universa instrumentorum Civil, Religious, Scientific, and Commercial editione, tam a prslatis, quam iudicibus ec- Institutions; &c. 3 v. 80. London, 1827. clesiasticis, et saecularibus litigatoribusque Tricolored Sketches in Paris, during in iudicio praestanda. 2 v in 1. Folio. Lug- the years 1851-53. 120. New-York, 1855. duni, 1668. PARIS, and its Historical Scenes. 2 v. 160. PARENOGA, (Michael;) and GRAMMATIN, London, 1846. (Library of Entertaining (Nicholaj.) New Dictionary, English and Knowledge, v. 29-30.) Russian. 4v.in2. 40. Mockba, 1808-17. PARIS LIFE, Realities of. By the author of PARENT-DUCHATELET, (Alexis Jean Baptiste.) "Flemish Interiors," &c. 3 v. 120. LonDe la Prostitution dans la Ville de Paris, don, 1859. consideree sous le rapport de l'hygiene pub- PARIS, ou le Livre des Cent-et-Un. 15 v. in 8. lique, de la morale, et de l'administration. Paris, 1832-34. 3e 6d., complet6e par A. Trebuchet et Poirat- PARISH, (Henry Headley.) Diplomatic HisDuval; suivie d'un precis sur la prostitution tory of Greece, from the year 1830, showing dans les principales villes de l'Europe. 2v. the transfer to Russia of the mortgage held 80. Paris, 1857. by British capitalists over its property and ----- Hygidne Publique; ou Memoires sur revenues. 80. London, 183S. les Questions les plus Importantes de l'Hy- PARISH, (Sir Woodbine.) Buenos Ayres and giene. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1836. the Provinces of the Rio de la Plata, from PARENTAL Instructions; or. Guide to Wisdom their discovery to their independence. 2d ed. and Virtue, designed for young persons of 80. London, 1852. either sex. 180. New York, 1846. PARISH and the Union; or, the Poor and the PARIAN Chronicle; or, the Chronicle of the Poor Laws under the old system and the Arundelian Marbles; with a Dissertation new. 80. London, 1837. 856 PARISH. PARKER. PARISH-SIDE. 120. New York, 1854. review of the opinion of Chief Justice Taney PARK, (Edwards Amasa.) Sketch of the Life in the case of John Merryman. 2d ed. 80. of Prof. Tholuck. 160. Edinburgh, 1849. Philadelphia, 1862. (Habeas Corpus Pam.) (Biblical Cabinet, v. 32.) PARKER, (John.) Notes on the Law of ArbiPARK, (James A.) System of the Law of Ma- tration, including judicial references, &c., rine Insurances; with chapters on bottomry, in Scotland; with a synopsis of cases deon insurances on lives, and on insurances cided since 1829-30. 2d ed. 80. Edinburgh, against fire. 8th ed. By F. Hildyard. 2 v. 1845. 8C. London, 1842. PARKER, (John Henry.) Glossary of Terms PARK, (John J.) Treatise on the Law of used in British Heraldry; with a chronoDower; particularly with a view to the logical table, illustrative of its rise and promodern practice of conveyancing. 80. Lon- gress. 80. Oxford, 1847. don, 1819. Glossary of Terms used in Grecian, PARK, (Mungo.) Life and Travels. Also, an Roman, Italian, and Gothic Architecture. account of the progress of African discovery. 5th ed. 3 v. 80. Oxford, 1850. 80. Edinburgh, 1850. Introduction to the Study of Gothic The same. With an account of his Architecture. 2d ed. 160. Oxford, 1861. death, from the journal of Isaaco; the sub- Some Account of Domestic Architecstance of later discoveries. 180. New-York, ture in England, from Richard II. to Henry 1851. VIII. 2 parts. 80. Oxford, 1859. ~ — The same. 180. New-York, 1842. (Har- PARKER, (John R.) Musical Biography; or, pers' Family Library, v. 105.) lives and writings of eminent musical char~__- Travels in Africa. (Pinkerton's Voy- acters. 80. Boston, 1825. ages, v. 16.) PARKER, (Langston.) Modern Treatment of Travels in the Interior Districts of Syphilitic Diseases, both primary and secondAfrica in 1795-97; with account of a subse- ary. 2d ed. 120. London, 1845. quent mission to that country in 1805. 2 v. PARKER, (Nathan H.) Iowa as it is in 1856; 80. London, 1816. a gazetteer for citizens, and a hand-book for PARK, (Roswell.) Pantology; or, a system- immigrants. 120. Chicago, 1856. atic survey of human knowledge; proposing ~ Iowa Hand-book for 1857. 120. Bosa classification of all its branches. 3d ed. ton, 1857. 80. Philadelphia, 1843. ~ Kansas and Nebraska Hand-book for - - Sketch of the History and Topography 1857-8. 120. Boston, 1857. of West Point and the United States Military - Minnesota Hand-book for 1856-7. 120. Academy. 180. Philadelphia, 1840. Boston, 1857. PARKE, (W. T.) Musical Memoirs; compris- PARKER, (Richard Green.) School Compening an account of the general state of music dium of Natural and Experimental Philosin England, from 1784 to 1830. 2 v. 120. ophy. 12. New-York, 1854. London, 1830. Tribute to the Life and Character of PARKER, (Amasa J.) Reports of Decisions ofJonas Chickering. 120. Boston, 1854. in Criminal Cases made at Term, at Cham- PARlKER, (Samidel; Bishop of Oxford.) Hisbers, and in the Courts of Oyer and Terminer tory of his Own Time. Faithfully translated of the State of New-York. 4 v. 80. Albany, fiom the Latin original, by Thomas Newlin. 1855-60. (2 copies.) 80. London, 1727. PARKER, (Edward G.) The Golden Age of PARKER, (Rev. Samuel.) Journal of an ExAmerican Oratory. 120. Boston, 1857.. ploring Tour beyond the Rocky Mountains, - Reminiscences of Rufus Choate, the intheyears 1835-37. 120. Ithaca, (N.Y.,) great American Advocate. 120. New York, 1838. 1860. The same. Corrected and extended. PARKER, (H. F.) Morning Stars of the New 80. Edinburgh, 1841. World. 120. New-York, 1854. PARKER,,(Theodore.) CollectedWorks. Edited PARKER, (Joel.) Constitutional Law, with by Frances Power Cobbe. V. 1-9. 120. reference to the present condition of the London, 1863-4. United States. 80. Cambridge, 1862. (Ha- CONTENTS. beas Corpus Pan.) V. 1. Discourse of Matters pertaining to Religion. PaTT i C s f M-i. Law:a V. 2. Siermons aud Prayers. Habeas Corpus and Martial Law: a v. 3. Dicourises of'rTheology. 857 PARKER. PARLIAMENT. PARKER, (Theodore.) Collected Works- PARKINSON, (James.) Organic Remains of a Continued. Former World; an examination of the minV. 4. Discourses of Politics. eralized remains of the vegetables and aniV. 5-6. Discourses of Slavery. mals of the antediluvian world. 3 v. 4c. V. 7. Discourses of Social Science. V. 8. Miscellaneous Discourses. London, 1804-11. V. 9. Critical.Writings. ~- Outlines of Oryctology; an introducPARKER, (Sir Thomas.) Reports of Cases tion to the study of Fossil Organic Remains, concerning the Revenue, in the Court of Ex- especially of those found in the British strata. chequer, 1743 to 1767. With cases upon the 120. London, 1822. same subject in former reigns. 8~. Dub- PARKINSON, (John.) Paradisi in Sole Paralin, 1791. disus Terrestris; or, a Choice Garden of all PARKER, (Rev. Thomas; of Newbery.) Visions sorts of Rarest Flowers. 2d ed. Folio. and Prophecies of Daniel expounded. Square London, 1656. 12~. London, 1646. Theatrum Botanicum; the Theater ot PARKER, (W. B.) Notes taken during the Plants; or, an herball of a large extent, &.c. Expedition by Capt. R. B. Marcy, through 2 v. Folio. London, 1640. unexplored Texas, in the summer and fall PARKINSON, (Richard.) Tour in America in of 1854. 120. Philadelphia, 1856. 1798-1800; exhibiting sketches of society PARKER, (William H.) Instructions for Naval and manners, and an account of the AmeriLight Artillery, afloat and ashore; prepared can system of agriculture. 2 v. 80. Lonfor the U. S. Naval Academy. 2d ed. Re- don, 1805. vised by Lieut. S. B. Luce. 80. New PARKMAN, (Francis.) California and Oregon York, 1862. Trail; being sketches of Prairie and Rocky PARKES, (Edmund A.) Composition of the Mountain life. 120. New-York, 1849. Urine, in health and disease, and under the History of the Conspiracy of Pontiac, action of remedies. 80. London, 1860. and the War of the North American Tribes PARKES, (Joseph.) History of the Court of against the English Colonies after the ConChancery; with practical remarks on the re- quest of Canada. 80. Boston, 1855. cent commission, report, and evidence, and PARKS, ( Samuel. ) Chemical Catechism. on the means of improving the administra- Adapted to the present state of chemical tion of justice in the English courts of equity. science, by E. W. Brayley. 80. London, 80. London, 1828. 1834. PARKHURST, (John.) Greek and English PARKYNS, (Mansfield.) Life in Abyssinia. Lexicon to the New Testament. New ed., 2 v. 80. London, 1853. by H. J. Rose. 80. London, 1829. PARLAMENTUM Pacificum; ou, le Parlement H-ebrew and English Lexicon, without Pacifique. Traduit de l'Anglois. 240. points. 8th ed. 80. London, 1823. Londres, 1688. PARKIN, (John.) On Gout; its cause, nature, PARLIAMENT. Key to both houses of Parliaand treatment. 80. London, 1841. ment; alphabetical notices of the lords and ---- Prevention and Treatment of Disease commons; the regulations and standing orin the Potato and other Crops. 80. Lon- ders of both houses, etc. 120. London, don, 1847. 1832. PARKINS, (John.) English Physicians. To Manual of the Practice of Parliament which is added, the Family Physician, and in passing public and private Bills, with a Present for the Ladies. 120. London, Standing Orders of both houses, from 1685 1809. to 1829. 120. London, 1829. PAR.KINSON, (Charles Joseph.) Government ~ Opinions of several Learned AntiquaExaminations; a key to the civil service ries, touching the Antiquity, Power, Order, examinations. 120. London, 1860. &c., of Parliament in England. 180. Lon--- Under Government; an official key to don, 1685. (Bound with Arcana Parliathe civil service of the Crown, and guide for mentaria.) candidates seeking appointments. 3d ed. - Report of the Debates in both houses 120. London, 1862. of parliament, on the 17th and 21st of FebruPARKINSON, (G. H.) Handy Book for the ary, 1783, on the Articles of Peace. 8~. LonCommon Law Judges' Chambers. 120. Lon- don, 1783. (Pol. Pam., v. 55.) don, 1861. The same. 2d ed. 80. London, 1783. 108 858 PARLIAMENT. PARMENTIER. PARLIAMENT. Rotuli Parliamentorum; ut et 1852-1857. V. 17. 1857. 1852-1861. V. 65. 1862. petitiones et placita in parliamento, ab Index to Reports from Select Committees of House tempore Edwardi I., ad finem regni Edwardi of Commons, 101-1834. V. 52. 18 1800-1845. V. 42. 1845. IV. 6 v. Folio. London, 1767-77. (2 1801-1852. V. 70. 1854. Index to bills printed by order of the House of ~~co~pil~es.)^~ ~Commons: 1801-1852. V. 70. 1854. Index to the Rolls of Parliament, 1278- Index to Reports of Commissioners: On Docks, Harbours, etc., 1802-1853. V. 68. 1854. 1503. Prepared and edited by Strachey, On Education in Ireland, 1814-1844. V. 42. 1845. Pridden, and Upham. Folio. London, 1732. On lrish Poor Law, 1835-1839. V. 43. 1845. On Law and Courts of Justice, 1810-1845. V. 41. Rules for the Members in management 1846. of Select Committs ad Pre tion f On Parliamentary Representation, 1832-1854. of Select Committees and Preparation of. 68. 1854. Reports. 8~. London, 1837. Index to Divisions of the House of Commons: 1836-1852. V. 44. 1854-5. Session of Parlianent for 1825, exibit- 1852-1857. V. 17. 1857. ing the state of parties. 80. London, 1825. Reports from Committees of the House Translation of such parts of the Rolls of Commons, 1715 to 1803; with index, and of Parliament as are referred to in the report supplement from 1786 to 1837. 24 v. Folio. of the committee appointed to search for pre- London, 1803-37. cedents; with a copy of certain acts of the CONTENTS. parliament of Scotland. 80. London, 1788. Vol.-3. iscellaneo. 175-1773. - True Copy of the Journal-Book of the 4-8. East Indies, &c. 1772-1782. 9. Provisions: Poor. 1774-1802. last parliament, begun March 6th, 1678-79; 10-11. iscellineous. 1785-1799. wherein is comprised a discovery of the 12-13. Finance. 1797-1803. 14. Miscellaneous. 1793-1802. Popish Plot. 80. London, 1680. 15. Public Records. 1800. JOURNALS of Lords and Commons. 16. General Index. 1715-1801. See^p~~ TJOUTRNAT~LS. saContents of Supplement. oS~~ee JO~UR~NALS~. ~ Vol. 1-2. Charitable Donations. 1786-1788. PARLIAMENTARY Companion. See DOD,(R.P.) 3. Returns relating to the Poor. PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES. See HANSARD.. Mahratta War. 1803. 5. Land Revenue. 1797-1809. PARLIAMENTARY Debates in 1610. Edited, 6-8. Public Records. 1800-1837. from the notes of a member of the House of PARLIAMENTARY Right Maintained; or, the Commons, by S. R. Gardiner. Small 40. Hanover Succession Justify'd; wherein London, 1862. (Camden Soc'yPub., No. 81.) "The hereditary right to the Crown of EngPARLIAMENTARY Debates. Key to the Par- land asserted," &c., is considered. 120. liamentary Debates; being an humble at- London, 1714. tempt to render them intelligible. 8o. Lon- PARLIAMENTARY Test Book, for 1835. 18c. don, 1787. London, 1825. PARLIAMENTARY Gazetteer of England and PARLIAMENTARY TRACTS. Small 4~. (v.d.) Wales. With the census of 1841. 4 v. 8~. CONTENTS. London, 1843. Lord Andevers two Speeches, the one concerning PARLIAMENTARY Gazetteer of Ireland. 3 v. the Pacification the 6th of March; the other the Starre-Chainber, 1641.-Substance of a Confer80. Dublin, 1846. ence, October 27,1641, managed by John Pim and PARLIAMENTARY or Constitutional History of Oliver St. John, concerning the excluding the ~~P~~ARLIAMENTARY 01 Hiory Of Bishops, 1641.-Mr. Pyllnes Speech, on the Tsry England, from the earliest times to the resto- all of Thomas, Earle of Strafford, the twelfth of Aprill, 1641. London, 1641.-Articles against Sir ration of King Charles II. Collected by Francis Windebanck; with his letter to the Lord several hands. 2d ed. 24 v. 80. Lon- Chamberlain, 1641.-Mr. Grimston his Speech concerning Troubles abroad and Grievances at don, 1762-63. (2 copies.) home. London, 1612.-Two Speeches spoken at donLAET..TTT^TxSrTAr;.nTTTD l'iso f the councell-table at Oxford, the one, by John, PARLIAMENTARY REGISTER; or, history of Earle of Bristoll, in favour of the Continuation the proceedings and debates of the House of of the Warre; the other, by Edward, Earle of Dorset, for a speedy Accommodation betwixt His Commons, from 1774 to 1777. 7 v. 80. Majestie and Parliament. London, 1642.-Humble TLondon, 1775-77. Petition of Parliament, presented to His Majestic, ~L~~onu~d~on, U. n..~ ^.at York, the 17 of June, 1642; with His Majestie's PARLIAMENTARY Reports and Papers, from answer thereunto. Cambridge, 1642.-Sir Benja1863. With gn min Rudyerd his Speech, the 17 of February. for Nov. 8, 1814, to July 28, 1863. With general a speedy Treaty of Peace with His Majestie. indexes to the reports from 1801 to 1861. London, 1643.-~Mercurius Vapulans, survaying and recording the choysest actions and results of 2,357 v. Folio and 80. London, 1814-63. Parliament, 1647. NTote.-The Indexes are the following: PARMENTIER, (Antoine Augustin.) Aperpu Index to Papers, 1801-1826. V. 27. 1829. 1801-1832. V. 40. 1833. des Resultats obtenus de la Fabrication des 1832-1838. V. 49. 1840. Sirops et des Conserves de Raisins. 80. 1832-1844. V. 44. 1845. 1845-1850. V. 47. 1850. Paris, 1812. 859 PARMENTIER. PARRY. PARMENTIER, (Antoine Augustin.) Le Parfait PARR, (Samuel.) Prefationis ad tres Gulielmi Boulanger; ou, traite complet sur la fabrica- Bellendeni libros De Statu, editio secunda. tion et ie commerce du pain. 8~. Paris, 1778. With a free translation into English, by W. Les Pommes de Terre, considedres rela- Beloe. 8~. London, 1788. tivement a la San t et a l'1conomie. 16~. Bibliotheca Parriana: Catalogue of the Paris, 1781. Library of Samuel Parr. 8~. London, PARMLY, (L. S.) Practical Guide to the Man- 1827. agement of Teeth. 240. Philadelphia, 1816. See METAPHYSICAL TRACTS. PARNASO ESPANOL. Coleccion de poesias PARRISH, (Edward.) Introduction to Practiescogidas de los mas celebres poetas Castel- cal Pharmacy. 8~. Philadelphia, 1856. lanes. 9 v. 16~. Madrid, 1768. PARRISH, (John.) Remarks on the Slavery of PARNASO ITALIANO. See POETI ITALIANI. the Black People. 8~. Philadelphia, 1806. PARNELL, (Edward A.) Applied Chemistry; PARRISH, (Joseph.) Practical Observations in manufactures, arts, and domestic econ- on Strangulated Hernia, and some of the omy. 80. New-York, 1844. diseases of the urinary organs. 80. PhilaPARNELL, (Sir Henry.) History of the Penal delphia, 1836. Laws against Irish Catholics, from 1689 to PARROT, (Friedrich.) Journey to Ararat. 1800. 4th ed. 80. London, 1825. Translated by W. D. Cooley. 80. LonObservations on Paper Money, Bank- don, 1845. ing, and Over-trading. 80. London, 1829. PARRoT-Keeper's Guide. 160. London, 1846. The same. 2d ed. 80. London, 1829. PARRY, (Caleb Hillier.) Elements of Pathol(Financial Pain., v. 12.) ogy and Therapeutics. V. 1. 80. London, On Financial Reform. 180. London, 1815. 1832. PARRY, (Edward.) Memoirs of Rear-Admiral Letter to Sir H. Parnell on Financial Sir W. Edward Parry; by his son. 3d ed. Reform. By an Ultra Tory. 80. London, 160. London, 1857. 1830. (Pol. Pam., v. 70.) PARRY, (Edward Owen.) Argument for the PARNELL, (Richard.) Grasses of Britain. 80. Heirs of Stephen Girard, in the Supreme Edinburgh, 1845. Court of Pennsylvania. 80. Pottsville, Grasses of Scotland. 80. Edinburgh, (Pa.,) 1863. 1842. PAtRtY, (John.) Welsh Harper; an extensive PARNELL, (Thomas.) Poetical Works. 160. collection of Welsh music. With observaLondon, 1833. tions on the character and antiquity of the Poems. 160. London, 1790. (John- Welsh music. Folio. London, 1839. son's English Poets, v. 27.) PARRY, (John H.) Cambrian Plutarch; comThe same. 80. London, 1810. (Chal- prising memoirs of some of the most eminent mers' English Poets, v. 9.) Welshmen. 80. London, 1824. -- The same. 160. Chiswick, 1822. PARRY, (William.) Last Days of Lord Byron; (British Poets, v. 34.) with his opinions on various subjects. 80. PARR, ( Samuel. ) Works. With memoirs London, 1825. and correspondence, by Dr. John Johnstone. PARRY, (William Edward.) Journal of a Voy8 v. 80. London, 1828. age for the Discovery of a North-West PasCONTENTS. sage, in 1819-20. 80. Philadelphia, 1821. Corresp1ondene, v. 7-8. The same. With an appendix, conDiscourse on the late Fast, 1781, v. 2. Education, Discourse on, v. 5. taining the scientific and other observations. Fox, Charles James. Character of; and Note upon Fox's History of the reign of James II., v. 4. 40. London, 1821. Inscriptions in Latin and English, and illustrations The same. Supplement to the appenof the same, v. 4. Letter from Irenopolis to the Inhabitants of Eleu- dix, containing an account of the subjects Blemoirs of Parr, by J. Johnstone, v. 1. Memoirs of Parr;, by J. Johnstone, v. 1. of natural history. 40. London, 1824. Milner, Rev. Dr. Letter to, v. 3. (Bound with Appendix to Second Voyage.) Notice of Dr. Combe's Horace, v. 3. Politics,Jurisprudence, Morals,&c. Remarkson, v. 3. Journal of a Second Voyage for the Prefatio ad Bellendeni Libros, v. 3. Discovery of a North-West Passage, in 1821Sermon preached at Hatton, 1803, v. 2. Sermons, v. 5-6. 23. 40. London, 1824. Sermons preached at Norwich, v. 2. Spital Sermon, preached 1800, v. 2. Appendix to the Second Voyage. 40. Warburtonian Tracts, v. 3. London, 1825. (Bound with Supplement to Whigs and Tories, Notes on Rapin's Dissertation on, v. 3. First Voyage.) 860 PARRY. PARTRIDGE. PARRY, (William Edward.) Journal of a Third PARSONS, (Theophills.) Treatise on Maritime Voyage for the Discovery of a North-West Law; including the law of shipping, the law Passage, in 1824-25. 4~. London, 1826. of marine insurance, and the law and pracNarrative of an Attempt to Reach the tice of admiralty. 2 v. 8~. Boston, 1859. North Pole, in boats attached to His Majes- (2 copies.) ty's ship Hecla, in 1827. 4~. London, - Treatise on the Law of Promissory 1828. Notes and Bills of Exchange. 2 v. 80. Nautical Astronomy by Night. 40. Philadelphia, 1863. (3 copies.) Bath, 1816. PARSONS, (Usher.) Battle of Lake Erie; a - Thoughts on the Parental Character of discourse, 1852. 8~. Providence, 1854. God. 180. London, 1842. Directions for Making Anatomical PreThree Voyages for the Discovery of a parations. Formed on the basis of Pole, North-West Passage. 2 v. 180. New-York, Maljolin, Breschet, and Swan. 80. Phila1842. (Harpers' Fam Library, v. 107-8.) delphia, 1831. PARSEY, (Arthur.) Art of Miniature Paint- Life of Sir William Pepperell, Bart., ing on Ivory. 120. London, 1831. the only native of New-England who was Perspective Rectified. 40. London, created a Baronet during our connection 1836. with the mother country. 120. Cambridge, Science of Vision; or, natural perspec- (Mass.,) 1855. tive. 2d ed. 80. London, 1840. - Prize Dissertations. 2d ed. 80. ProPARSONS, (A. V.) Select Cases in Equity in vidence, 1849. the Court of Common Pleas in the First Ju- PARSONS, (William B.) Gold Mines of Westdicial District of Pennsylvania, 1841 to ern Kansas. 120. Lawrence, (Kan.,) 1858. 1851. 2 v. 80. Philadelphia, 1851. (2 PARTENOPEX DE BLOIS; a romance, in four copies of v. 1.) cantos. Freely translated, by William PARSONS, (James.) Reflections on the Myste- Stewart Rose. 40. London, 1807. rious Fate of Sir John Franklin. 120. Lon- PARTHENIUS, (Nicmeensis.) De Amatoriis Afdon, 1857. fectibus. (Gr. etLat.) 160. Parisiis, 1675. PARSONS, (James; IM.D.) Remains of Japhet; (Gale's Hist. Poet. Scriptores.) being historical enquiries into the origin and - The same. (Didot, Biblioth. Grecque, affinity of the European languages. 40. v. 13.) London, 1767. PARTICULAR Account of the Battle of Bunker, PARSONS, (Robert.) Answere to the Fifth or Breed's Hill, on the 17th of June, 1775; Part of Reportes, lately set forth by Sir Ed- by a citizen of Boston. 80. Boston, 1825. ward Cooke, concerning the ancient and PARTIDAS. See SPAIN. moderne Municipall Lawes of England, PARTINGTON, (Charles Frederick.) British which do apperteyne to Spiritual Power and Cyclopcedia. 10 v. 80. London, 1833-38. Jurisdiction. 80. London, 1606. Illustrated History of London and its PARSONS, (Theophilus.) Elements of Mercan- Environs. 2 v. in 1. 80. London, 1837. tile Law. 80. Boston, 1856. (2 copies.) Popular and Descriptive Account of The same. 2d ed. 80. Boston, 1862. the Steam Engine. 3d ed. 80. London, 1836. Law of Contracts. 2 v. 80. Boston, PARTON, (James.) Humorous Poetry of the 1853-55. (2 copies of v. 1.) English Language, from Chaucer to Saxe. The same. 2ded. 2 v. 80. Boston, 5th ed. 120. New York, 1857. 1857. (2 copies of v. 2.) Life and Times of Aaron Burr. 6th ed. ~- ~ The same. 3d ed. V.. 80. Boston, 120. New-York, 1858. 1857. Life of Horace Greeley. 120. NewThe same. 4th ed. 2 v. 80. Boston, York, 1855. 1860. (2 copies.) Life of Andrew Jackson. 3 v. 80. - - Laws of Business for Business Men, in New York, 1860. all the States of the Union; with forms for PARTON, (Sarah Parker; Fanny Fern.) Ruth mercantile instruments, deeds, leases, wills, Hall; a domestic tale. 120. New-York, 1855. &c. 80. Boston, 1857. PARTRIDGE, (John.) Merlinus Liberatus; an —... Memoirs of Theophilus Parsons, Chief Almanack, for the years 1755 to 1801, and Justice of the Supreme Court of Massachu- 1806 to 1836. 2 v. 160. London, 1755setts. By his son. 120. Boston, 1859. 1836. 861 PARUTA. PATENT. PARUTA, (Filippo) Sicilia Descritta con Me- PASLEY, (Sir Charles William.) Observations daglie e ristampata; con aggiunta da L. on Limes, Calcareous Cements, Mortars, Agostini; hora in miglior ordine disposta da Stuccos, and Concrete, and on Puzzolanos, Marco Maier. Folio. Lione, 1697. natural and artificial. 2d ed. Part 1. 8~. PASCAL, (Adrien.) Les Bulletins de la Grande London, 1847. Armee, precedes et accompagnes des rapports - Observations on the Measures, Weights, sur les armees Francaises, de 1792 A 1815. and Money used in England. 80. London, Avec des planches. 6 v. in 4. 8~. Paris, 1834. 1844. Rules for Conducting the Practical PASCAL, (Blaise.) Pens6es, Fragments et Operations of a Siege. In 2 parts. 2d ed. Lettres. Publies conformemenit aux manu- 80. London, 1841-42. scrits originaux en grande partie in6dits, PASLEY, (T. H.) Theory of Natural Philosopar Prosper FaugBre. 2 v. 8~. Paris, phy. 80. London, 1836. 1844. PASQUALE, (Carlo.) Legatus. 240. Amstelo~- - Les Provinciales; ou, les lettres ecrites dami, 1645. A un provinciale de ses amis et aux Pares PASQUALI, (Nicolo.) Art of Fingering the Jesuites. Nouv. 6d. 12~. Cologne, 1738. Harpsichord, illustrated with examples in ~- Life of Blaise Pascal. With his Letters notes. To which is added an approved relating to the Jesuits, (Provincial Letters.) method of tuning that instrument. 40. Lon2 v. 80. London, 1744. don, (n. d.) Thoughts on Religion and Evidences of "PASSAIC," (Iron-Clad Monitor.) Review of Christianity; newly translated. 8. London, Engineer Stimer's Report of the Last Trial 1850. Trip. 80. New York, 1862. PASCAL, (Jacqueline.) Lettres, Opuscules et PASSAVANT, (Johann David.) Tourof aGerMemoires de Madame Pdrier et de Jacque- man Artist in England; with notes of priline, sceurs de Pascal, et de Marguerite P6- vate galleries, and remarks on the state of rier, sa niece. Publies sur les manuscrits art. From the German. 2 v. 120. Lonoriginaux, par Prosper Faugere. 80. Paris, don, 1836. 1845. PASSIONS. Historical Illustrations on the PASCHALIS, (J. M. F.) Institutiones Juris Origin and Progress of the Passions. 2 v. Civilis Lusitani. 3 v. 80. Olisipone, 80. London, 1825. 1789. PASSOW, (Franz.) Doctrine of Greek Prosody. PASCHALIUS. See PASQUALE. Translated fromthe German. 80. Eton,1832. PASCHALL'S Pilgrimage; a Philosophical PASTON LETTERS. See FENN, (Sir John.) Poem. 120. Philadelphia, 1838. PASTORET, (Em. CI. Jos. Pierre, Marquis de.) PASIILEY, (Robert.) Pauperism and Poor Dissertation sur cette question: Quelle a 6t6 Laws. 80. London, 1852. l'Influence des Loix Maritimes des Rhodiens PASK, (James.) Practice of Registering Judg- sur la Marine des Grecs et des Romains, ments, Decrees, Orders, Rules, Crown Debts, et l'influence de ]a marine sur la puissance Lis Pendens, and Annuities or Rent-charges, de ces deux peuples? 80. Paris, 1784. in the Common Pleas at Westminster and - Histoire de la Legislation. 11 v. 8~. local registers for Middlesex, Yorkshire, and Paris, 1817-37. the Palatine courts of Lancaster and Dur- PASTORINI. (Pseud.) See WALMESLEY, (C.) ham; containing instructions and forms. PATCH, (John.) Practical Treatise on the Law 120. London, 1859. of Mortgages. 80. London, 1821. PASLEY, (Sir Charles William.) Complete PATENTS, (ENGLISH.) Index to allthe Patents Course of Practical Geometry, including granted in England, from Jan., 1846, to conic sections andplandrawing. 2ded. 80. Dec., 1850. 80. London, 1851. London, 1822. (UNITED STATES.) Reports of the -- Course of Military Instruction, origin- Commissioner of Patents, for the years 1847ally composed for the use of the Royal 1860. Agriculture. 14v. 80. Washington, Engineer Department. 3 v. 80. London, 1849-61. 1814-17. The same. Arts and Manufactures. - Essay on the Military Policy and Insti- 1849-60. 22 v. 80. Washington, 1849-61. tutions of the British Empire. 4th ed. Part PATENT OFFICE, (U. S.) Catalogue of the 1. 80. London, 1813. Library. 80. Washington, 1847. 862 PATERCULUS. PAUL. PATERCULUS, (Caius Velleius.) Quse super- PATORNI, (F. M.) Repertoire du Droit Comsunt, cum integris scholiis, notis, etc. Adji- mercial; recueil mensuel de legislation et de ciuntur Annales Velleiani a Dodwello. Cu- jurisprudence en matiere de commerce, 1830 rante P. Burmanno. 80. Lugduni Batavo- 1835. 8 v. 80. Paris, 1831-35. rum, 1719. PATRICK, (Samuel.) Clavis Homerica; sive The same. Cum variis lectionibus lexicon vocabulorum omnium que contioptimarum editionum. Cura J. Hudson. 80. nentur in Homeri Iliade et potissima parte Oxonie, 1711. Odysseoe. Ed. nova. Edinburgi, 1815. Thesame. HistoriaRomana. Ex. ed. PATRICK, (Symon,) LOWTH, (Robert,) and J.C.H.Krausii. 80. London,1822. (Valpy's others. Critical Commentary and ParaScriptores Latini, v. 43.) phrase on the Old and New Testament and Abridgement of the History of Rome. the Apocrypha. New ed., corrected by J. Translated by George Baker. 80. London, R. Pitman. 6 v. 40. London, 1822. 1814. PATRIZII, (Francesco.) Res Militaris Romana. --- -Compendium of Roman History. Trans- (Graevius, Thesaurus Antiq. Rom., v. 10.) lated by J. S. Watson. 120. London, 1852. PATRIOTIC ADDRESSES to President John (Bohn's Class. Lib'y, v. 72.) Adams, with his answers. 160. Boston, 1798. PATERSON, (Daniel.) Description of Roads in PATRU, (Olivier.) Plaidoyers et CEuvres diEngland andWales. 7thed. 80. London, verses. Nouv. 6d. 80. Paris, 1681. 1786. (Pol. Pam., v. 55.) PATTEN, (William.) Reminiscences of Samuel PATERSON, (James.) Compendium of Eng- Hopkins. 180. New York, 1843. lish and Scotch Law, stating their Differ- PATTERSON, (A. W.) History of the Backences. With a dictionary of parallel terms woods; or, the region of the Ohio; from the and phrases. 80. Edinburgh, 1860. earliest accounts. 80. Pittsburgh, 1843. PATERSON, (John.) Calculus of Operations. PATTERSON, (James Laird.) Journal of a 80. Albany, 1850. Tour in Egypt, Palestine, Syria, and Greece. PATERSON, (William.) CentralAmerica, 1701, 80. London, 1852. with a map, from a MS. in the British Mu- PATTERSON, (R. H.) The New Revolution; seum. Edited by S. Bannister. 80. Lon- or, the Napoleonic Policy in Europe. 80. don, 1857. Edinburgh, 1860. PATERSON. See PATTERSON. PATTERSON. See PATERSON. PATIENT GRI:SEL, History of. (Percy Soc'y PATTIE, (James 0.) Personal Narrative during Pub., v. 3.) an Expedition from St. Louis, to the Pacific PATMORE, (Coventry.) The Angel in the Ocean, and back through Mexico. Edited House; being the Betrothal and the Espou- by T. Flint. 80. Cincinnati, 1833. sals. 2 v. in 1. 160. Boston, 1856. PATTON, (J. H.) History of the United States PATMORE, (P. G.) My Friends and Acquain- of America, to [1858.] 80. New-York, tance; memorials of deceased celebrities of 1860. the nineteenth century. 3 v. 120. Lon- PATTON, (John M., Jr.,) and HEATH, (Roscoe don, 1854. B ) Reports of Cases in the Special Court PATON, (Andrew Archibald.) The Bulgarian, of Appeals of Virginia, held at Richmond; the Turk, and the German. 120. London, and a General Index to Grattah's Reports, 1855. from the 2d to the 11th volume inclusive, ~ —' Highlands and Islands of the Adriatic, 1855 to 1857. 2 v. 80. Richmond, 1856-57. including Dalmatia, Croatia, etc. 2 v. 80. (2 copies.) London, 1859. PATTON. See PATON. PATON, (Thomas S.) Reports of Cases decided PAUCTON, (Alexis Jean Pierre.) Metrologie, in the House of Lords, upon Appeal from ou traite des mesures, poids et monnoies des Scotland, from 1753 to 1821. Continuation anciens peuples et des modernes. 40. Paris, of the reports of Craigie and Stewart. V. 1780. 2-6. 80. Edinburgh, 1849-56. [V. 1, by PAUL. See PAULUS. CRAIGIE, STEWART, and PATON.] PAUL, (Father.) See SARPI, (Paolo.) PATON, (Miss.) British Minstrel; a collection PAUL, (William.) Analysis and Interpretation of English, Scottish, and Irish songs. 3 v. of the Hebrew Text of the Book of Genesis. 120. London, 1827. Preceded by a Hebrew grammar, and disserPATON. See PATTON. tations. 80. London, 1852. 863 PAUL, PAYNE. PAUL FERROLL; a tale. By the author of PAUSANIAS. Description of Greece. Trans"IXPoemsbyV." 4thed. 160. London, lated, with notes, by Thomas Taylor. New 1858. ed. 3 v. 80. London, 1824. - Why Paul Ferroll killed his Wife. 12~. PAUTHIER, (Georges.) Chine; ou description London, 1860. historique, g6ographique et litteraire de cet PAULDING, (Hiram.) Journal of a Cruise empire. 2 v. 8~. Paris, 1838-53. (L'Uniamong the Islands of the Pacific Ocean; and vers, v. 5-6.) a visit to the Mulgrave Islands, in pursuit of PAUW, (Cornelius de.) Recherches Philosothe mutineers of the Globe. 180. New- phiques sur les Americains. Avec une DisYork, 1831. sertation sur l'Am6rique et les Americains, PAULDING, (J.) Affairs and Men of New Am- par Dom Pernety; et la d6fense centre cette sterdam, in the time of Governor Peter Stuy- dissertation. 3 v. 160. Berlin, 1770. vesant. From Dutch MS. records of the Philosophical Dissertations on the Egypperiod. 12~. New York, 1843. tians and Chinese. From the French, by PAULDING, (James Kirke.) The Dutchman's J. Thomson. 2 v. 8~. London, 1795. Fireside. A tale. 5th ed. 2 v. in 1. 12~. Philosophical Dissertations on the New York, 1837. Greeks. From the French, by J. Thomson. - Life of Washington. 2 v. 180. New- 2v. 80. London, 1793. York, 1835. PAWNBROKING. Apology for the Business of The same. 2 v. 180. New York, Pawnbroking. ByaPawnbroker. 80. Lon1842. (Harpers' Fam. Library, v. 77-78.) don, 1859. (Com. Pam., v. 7.) Letters from the South, written during PAXTON, (George.) Illustrations of the Holy an excursion in the summer of 1816. 2 v. Scriptures. With notes by Ira Chase, and 120. New-York, 1817. Carpenter's introduction to the Geography of ~ —- Merry Tales of the Three Wise Men of the New Testament. 2 v. 80. PhiladelGotham. 120. New York, 1839. phia, 1822. Puritan and his Daughter. 2 v. in 1. - The same. 3d ed., by Robert Jamieson. 120. New-York, 1849. 4 v. 160. Edinburgh, 1843. Sketch of Old England, by a New'Eng- PAXTON, (James.) Illustrations of Paley's land Man. 1. 120. New-York, 1822. Natural Theology; with descriptive letterSlavery in the United States. 180. press. 80. Boston, 1827. New-York, 1836. - Introduction to the Study of Human United States and England; being a Anatomy. 3d American ed., by Winslow Reply to the criticism on Inchiquin's Letters, Lewis, Jr. 2 v. 80. Boston, 1840. contained in the Quarterly Review for Jan- PAXTON, (John R.) Jewelry and the Precious uary, 1814. 80. New-York, 1815. Stones; by Hipponax Roset. 80. PhilaSee SALMAGUNDI. delphia, 1856. PAULI, (Reinhold.) Life of King Alfred. PAXTON, (Sir Joseph.) Botanical Dictionary; Translation, revised by the author. Edited comprising the names, history, and culture by T. Wright. 80. London, 1852. of all plants known in Britain. New ed. -- Pictures of Old England. Translated 120. London, 1853. by E. C. Ott6. 120. London, 1861. Flower Garden; by Professor Lindley PAULINUS Aquiliensis. Opera. Primim col- and Sir Joseph Paxton. 3 v. 40. London, legit, notis illustravit J. F. Madrisius. Folio. 1850-53. Venetiis, 1737. Magazine of Botany, and register of PAULUS IEgineta. Seven Books. From the flowering plants. 16 v. 80. London, Greek, with a commentary, by F. Adams. 1834-49. 3 v. 80. London, 1844-47. (Sydenham PAXTON, (Philip; Pseud.) See HAMMITT. Society Pub.) PAYNE, (C.W.) Ceylon; its products, capabilPAULUS Silentiarius. Descriptio S. Sophim et ities, and climate; including the gold localiAmbonis. (Gr. etLat.) Rec.I. Bekkerus. ties of the island. 320. London, 1854. 80. Bonnre, 1837. (Byzantine Hist. Cor- PAYNE, (George.) Elements of Language pus, v. 29.) and Grammar. 180. London, 1845. PAUSANIAS. DescriptioGrreci-e. (Gr. etLat.) PAYNE, (William.) Treatise on Municipal Rec. L. Dindorf. 80. Paris, 1845. (Didot, Rights, and of the Corporation of the City Biblioth. Grecque, v. 31.) of London in particular. 80 London, 1813. 864 PAYNE. PEARS 3N. PAYNE & Foss. Catalogue of Books on Sale. PEACOCK, (George.) Life of Thomas Young. 4 v. in 1. 180. London, 1845-46. 80. London, 1855. PAYSON, (Edward.) Memoir, Select Thoughts ~ Syllabus of a Course of Lectures upon and Sermons.. Compiled by Asa Cummings. Trigonometry, and the application of algebra 3 v. 80. Philadelphia, 1851-53. to geometry. 80. Cambridge, 1833. PAYSON, (George.) Totemwell. 120. New- - Treatise on Algebra. 2 v. 80. CamYork, 1854. bridge, 1842-45. PAZ-SOLDAN, (Jose G.) Anales Universitarios PEACOCK, (R.) Rules and Orders of the del Peru. 2 v. 80. Lima, 1862. Court of Common Pleas, from 1654 to 1811. PAZOS, (Vicente.) Letters on the United Pro- 80. London, 1811. vinces of South America. Translated by P. - Rules and Orders of the Court of King's II. Crosby. 80. New-York, 1819. Bench, 1604 to 1811. 80. London, 1811. Memorias Historico-Politicas. V. 1. PEACOCK, (Thomas Love.) Crotchet Castle; 80. Londres, 1834. Headlong Hall; Maid Marian; and NightPEABODY, (Elizabeth Palmer) 2Esthetic Pa- mare Abbey. 160. London, 1837. (Bentley's pers. 80. Boston, 1849. Stand. Novels, v. 57.) Crimes of the House of Austria against PEAKE, (Richard Brinsley.) Memoirs of the Mankind; proved by extracts from the his- Colman Family. 2 v. 80. London, 1841. tories of Coxe, Schiller, Robertson, Grattan, PEAKE, (Thomas.) Cases at Nisi Prius, in and Sismondi; with Mrs. M. L. Putnam's the Court of King's Bench, 1790 to 1795. History of the Constitution of Hungary, 3d ed. 80. London, 1820. and its relations with Austria. 2d ed. 12~. Additional Cases; with notes, by T. New York, 1852. Peake, Jr. 80. London, 1829. PEABODY, (Oliver William Bourne.) Life Law of Evidence. With decisions in of Israel Putnam. 160. Boston, 1837. the United States, by J. P. Norris. 80. (Sparks' Am. Biog., v. 7, first series.) Philadelphia, 1824. - Life of John Sullivan. 160. Boston, PEARCE, (John.) On the Discourse of Mr. 1844. (Sparks' Amer. Biog., v. 3, second Hey against universal Salvation. 80. Phiseries.) ladelphia, 1806. (Theo. Pam., v. 7.) PEABODY, (William Bourne Oliver.) Address PEARCE, (Robert Rouiere.) History of the before the Hampden Colonization Society, Inns of Court and Chancery; with notices of July 4, 1828. 80. Springfield, (Ms.,) 1828. their ancient discipline, rules, orders, and Life of David Brainard. 160. Boston, customs, readings, moots, masques, revels, 1837. (Sparks' Am. Biog., v. 8, first series.) and entertainments. 80. London, 1848. Life of Cotton Mather. 160. Boston, - Memoirs and Correspondence of Rich1836. (Sparks' Am. Biog., v. 6, first series.) ard, Marquess of Wellesley. 3v. 80. LonLife of James Oglethorpe. 160. Bos- don, 1846. ton, 1844. (Sparks' Am. Biog., v. 2, second PEARCE, (Stewart.) Annals ofLuzerne County, series.) (Penn.;) events, traditions, and anecdotes, ~ — Life of Alexander Wilson. 160. Bos- from the first settlement, at Wyoming, to ton, 1834. (Sparks' Am. Biog., v. 2, first 1860. 80. Philadelphia, 1860. series.) PEARCE, (William.) Treatment and Cure of PEABODY Institute, (Baltimore.) Alphabetical Diseases incidental to Sedentary Life. 160. Catalogue of Books proposed to be purchased. London, 1854. 80. Baltimore, 1861. PEARCE, (Zachary.) Life, by Himself. 80. PEACE Question as it stood March, 1798. 80. London, 1816. (Lives of Pocock, etc., v. 1.) (n. p.) (Pol. Pam., v. 33.) PEARCE. See PEIRCE; also PIERCE. PEACE Society for the Promotion of Permanent PEARD, (George Shuldham.) Narrative of a and Universal Peace. Thirteenth Annual Campaign in the Crimea; including an acReport. 80. London,1829. (Misc.Pam.,v.15.) count of the battles of Alma, Balaklava, PEACHEY, (James Pearse.) Treatise on the and Inkermann. 2d ed. 120. London, Law of Marriage and other Family Settle- 1855. ments; with precedents and practical notes. PEARSON, (Mrs. C. H.) Cousin Franck's 80. London, 1860. Household; or, scenes in the Old Dominion, PEACOCK, (George.) Arithmetic. 40. Lon- by Pocahontas. 2d ed. 120. Boston, don, 1845. (Ency. Metropolitana, v. 1.) 1853. 865 PEARSON. PEEL. PEARSON, (George.) Examination of the Re- PECK, (George.) Wyoming; its history, stirport of the House of Commons on the Claims ring incidents, and romantic adventures. of Remuneration for the Vaccine Pock Inocu- 12~. New-York, 1858. lation. 8~. London, 1802. (Cow-Pox PECK, (George W.) Melbourne, and the ChinTracts, v. 2.) cha Islands; with sketches of Lima, and a - Inquiry concerning the History of the voyage round the world. 120. New-York, Cow-Pox. 80. London, 1798. (Cow-Pox 1854. Tracts, v. 1.) PECK, (Jacob.) Reports of Cases in the PEARSON, (Henry.) Syllabus of Algebra. Supreme Court of Errors and Appeals of 8C. Cambridge, (Eng.,) 1834. Tennessee, 1822 to 1824. 40. Knoxville, Syllabus of Plane and Spherical Trigo- 1824. nometry. 3d ed. 80. Cambridge, 1836. PECK, (James H.) Report of the Trial of PEARSON, (Hugh.) Memoirs of the Life and Judge Peck, before the Senate of the United Writings of the Rev. Claudius Buchanan. States, on an indictment preferred by the 2 v. 80. Oxford, 1817. House of Representatives against him for Memoirs of the Life and Correspond- high misdemeanors in office. By Arthur J. ence of C. F. Swartz. With a sketch of the Stansbury. 80. Boston, 1833. (2 copies.) history of Christianity in India. 3d ed. 2v. PECK, (Jesse T.) The True Woman; or, life 120. London, 1839. and happiness at home and abroad. 120 PEARSON, (John.) Exposition of the Creed. New-York, 1857. New ed. 2 v. 80. Oxford, 1820. PECK, (John M.) Father Clark; or, the PioPEARSON, (William.) Introduction to Practi- neer Preacher. 180. New-York, 1855. cal Astronomy; tables for facilitating the Gazetteer of Illinois. 2d ed. 180. reduc;ion of celestial observations, and ex- Jacksonville, (II1.,) 1834. planation of their construction and use. 2v. New Guide for Emigrants to the West. 40. London, 1824-29. 180. Boston, 1836. PEASE, (John C.;) and NILES, (J. M.) Gazet- - Life of Daniel Boone. 160. Boston, teer of the States of Connecticut and Rhode 1847. (Sparks' Am. Biog., v. 13, second Island; with a map. 80. Hartford, 1819. series.) PEASE, (William.) Course of Practical Geo- PECK, (Luther W.) The Golden Age. 120. metry. Designed for the higher classes of New-York, 1858. mechanics. 160. London, 1846. PECKARD, (Peter.) Memoirs of the Life of PEASLEE, (E. R.) Human Histology in its Mr. Nicholas Ferrar. 80. Cambridge, Relations to Descriptive Anatomy, Physiol- (Eng.,) 1790. ogy, and Pathology. 80. Philadelphia, PECKSTON, (Thomas S.) Practical Treatise 1857. on Gas-Lighting; in which the gas-apparatus PEBRER, (Pablo.) Taxation, Revenue, Ex- generally in use is explained and illustrated. penditure, Power, Statistics, and Debt of the 3d ed. 80. London, 1841. whole British Empire. 80. London, 1833. PECKWELL, (Robert H.) Cases of ControPECCHIO, (Giuseppe, Conte.) Histoire de verted Elections, in the 2d Parliament of the'liconomie Politique en Italie. Traduite de United Kingdom, 1802. 2 v. 80. London, lItalien par L. Gallois. 80. Paris, 1830. 1805-6. Journal of Military and Political Events PECQUET, (Antoine.) Discours sur l'Art de in Spain during the last twelve months. Negocier. 160. Paris, 1737. With remarks on the present Crisis, by - The same. Nouv. 6d., augment6e, Edward Blaquiere. 80. London, 1824. par le Chevalier D. C. 16~. Franefort, - Semi-Serious Observations of an Italian 1769. Exile during his residence in England. 120. PEDDIE, (Alexander.) On the Pathology of London, 1833. Delirium Tremens; and its treatment withVisit to Greece in the Spring of 1825. out stimulants or opiates. 80. Edinburgh, 120. London, 1826. (GREECE, Picture of, 1854. v. 2.) PEEL, (Joshua.) Truth and Reason. 80. PECK, (Francis.) Desiderata Curiosa; a col- Fincastle, 1805. lection of divers scarce and curious pieces PEEL, (Sir Lawrence.) Sketch of the Life and relating chiefly to matters of English history. Character of Sir Robert Peel. 80. London, 2 v. in 1. 40. London, 1779. 1860. 1 09 866 PEEL. PEIRCE. PEEL, (Sir Robert.) Memoirs; published by PEGGS, (James.) Facts relative to the Practice Earl Stanhope and the Right Hon. Edward of Taxing Pilgrims in India for the Worship Cardwell. Part I.-The Roman Catholic of Juggernaut at the Great Temple in Orissa. Question, 1828-29. 12~. London, 1856. 80. London, 1827. (Theol. Pam., v. 10.) Opinions, expressed in Parliament and Suttee's Cry to Britain; extracts from ir public. By W. T. Haly. 12~. London, Essays published in India, &c., on the 1843 Burring of Hindoo Widows. 8~. London, Speeches, during his administration, 1827. (Tieol. Pam., v. 10.) 1834-35. 2d ed. 80. London, 1835. PEIGNE, (A.) Dictionnaire Classique Latin- Speeches, delivered in the House of Frangais. 80. Paris, 1848. Commons. 4 v. 80. London, 1853. PEIGNOT, (gtienne Gabriel.) Amusemens Sir Robert Peel and his Era. 80. Philologiques; on, vari6ets en tons genres. London, 1843. 2e. 80. Dijon, 1824. PEEL, (W.) Ride through the Nubian Desert. Dictionnaire Raisonne de Bibliologie, 160. London, 1852. avec supplement. 3 v. 80. Paris, 1802-4. PEELE, (George.) Works. Collected and - Essai Historique et Archbologique sur edfted, with account of his life and writings, la Reliure des Livres, et sur l'etat de la by Alexander Dyce. 2d ed. 2 v. 120. Librairie chez les Anciens. 80. Dijon, 1834. London, 1829. Lettres a son ami N. D. Baulmlont; CONTENTS. mises en ordro et publi6es, par limile PeigArraignment of Paris,v.l. Life and Writings, by A. not, son petit-fils. 80. Dijon, 1857. Battle of Aleazar, v. 2. Dyce, v. 1.lipile, u Trait du David and Bethsabe, v. 2. Miscelilaneous Poems, &co u Trait d Descensus Astr.ce, v. 2. v. 2. Choix des Livres. 2 v. 80. Dijon, 1823. Edward the First, v. 1. Polyhymnia, v. 2. r isiq s Jests of Pecle, v.'2. Reherches listoriquessur lc Personne PEERE-WILLIAMS, (William.) Reports of de Jesus Christ, sur celle de Marie, etc. 80. Cases in the High Court of Chancery, and of Dijon, 1829. some special cases adjudged in the Court of Repertoire Bibliographique Universel; King's Bench; with notes and references, contenant la notice raisonn6e des bibliograby his son, Wmn. Peere-WTilliams. 4th ed., phies sp6ciales. 80. Paris, 1812. by Samuel C. Cox. 3 v. 80. Dublin, 1790. Repertoire de Bibliographies Sp6ciales, The same. 1st Am. fiom- the last Lon- Curieuses, et Instructives; contenant la nodon ed. 3 v. 80. Philadelphia, 1823-24. tice raisonn6e des ouvrages, imprimnes a petit The same. 6th ed., with references to nombre d'exemplaires, etc. 80. Paris, 1810. the modern cases, by J. B. Monro, W. L. Trait6 du choix des Livres; contenant Lowndes, and James Randall. 3 v. 80. des observations sur la nature des ouvrages London, 1826. (2 copies.) les plus propres a former une collection, etc. PEERS, (Benjamin O.) American Education; 80. Dijon, 1817. the nature, necessity, and practicability of a PEIRCE, (Benjamin; Librarian at Harvard system of national education, suited to the Univ.) History of Harvard University, from United States. 120. New-York, 1838. its foundation in the year 1636, to the period PEGGE, (Samuel; LL. D.) Anonymiana; or, of the American revolution. 8C. Cambridge, ten centuries of observations on various au- 1833. thors and subjects. 80. London, 1809. ---- (Pof. in Harvard Univ., son of the preAssemblage of Coins fabricated by au- ceding.) Elementary Treatise on Sound. 80. thority of the Archbishops of Canterbury. Boston, 1836. Small 40. London, 1772. - Elementary Treatise on Curves, FuncPEGGE, (Samuel; Son of the preceding.) An- tions, and Forces. 2 v. 120. Boston and ecdotes of the English Language; chiefly Cambridge, 1862. regarding London and its environs. 2d ed., --- System of Analytic Mechanics. 40. with a supplement to the Provincial Glossary Boston, 1855. of Francis Grose. 80. London, 1814. PEIRCE, (C. H.) Examiniations of Drugs, Curialia Miscellanea; or, anecdotes of Medicines, &c., as to their Purity and Adulold times. 8 L. London, 1818. teration. 120. Philadelphia, 1853. PEGGS, (James.) Capital Punishment; the PEIRcE AND BACON. Case in Connection with importance of its abolition. 160. London, the "Indian Bonds." 80. (n. p.) 1862. 1839, PEIRCE. See PEARCE; also, PIERLCE. 867 PELET. PENN. PELETDE LALOZERE, (Jean; Comte.) Precis PEITIER, (Jean Gabriel.) Dernier Tableau de l'Histoire des Vtats-Unis d'Amerique, de- de Paris; ou, IRcit Historique de la Revopuis leur colonisation jusqu'a ce jour. 8~. lution du 10 Aoftt, des causes qui l'ont proParis, 1845. duit, etc. 2 v. 80. London, 1792-93. ~ —_ Napoleon in Council; or, the Opinions PELTIER, (John.) Trial for a Libel against delivered by Bonaparte in the Council of Napoleon Buonaparte, First Consul of the State. Translated from the French, by Basil French Republic, at the Court of King's Hall. 120. Edinburgh, 1837. Bench, Middlesex, 21st Feb., 1808. 80. PELHAM, (Camden.) Chronicles of Crime; or, London, 1803. the New Newgate Calendar. 2v. 80. Lon- PEMBERTON, (Henry.) View of Sir Isaac Newdon, 1841. ton's Philosophy. 40. London, 1728. PELHAM, (Henry.) Report on the Treasonable PEMBERTON, (John.) Life and Travels. CornPapers presented to the House of Commons piled byW. H., Jr. 80. Philadelphia, 1842. of Ireland. 80. London, 1797. (Pol. Pam., (Friends' Library, v. 6.) v. 50.) PEMBERTON, (J. Despard.) Facts and Figures PELHAM. See PELLHAM. relating to Vancouver Island and British CoPELLARIN, (Charles.) Life of Charles Fourier. lumbia. 80. London, 1860. 2d ed. Translated by F. G. Shaw. 120. PENDLETON, (J. M.) Three Reasons why I New York, 1848. am a Baptist. 18~. Cincinnati, 1853. PELLAT, (C. A.) Textes Choisis des Pandectes PENHALLOW, (Samuel.) History of the Wars traduits et comment6s. 80. Paris, 1859. of New England with the Eastern Indians, PELLATT, (Apsley.) Brief Memoir of the 1703 to 1725. 40. Cincinnati, 1859. Jews, in relation to civil disabilities. 80. The same. 1726. 80. Concord, 1824. London, 1829. (With GOLDSMID'S Remarks (New Hampshire Hist. Coll., v. 1.) on the Jews.) PENINGTON, (Isaac.) To Friends in England, PELLEPORT, (Pierre de.) Souvenirs Militaires Ireland, Scotland, Holland, New England, et Intimes, de 1793 A 1853. Publi6s par son Barbadoes, or anywhere else, where the Lord fils. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1857. God shall order this to come, in the tender PELLERIN, (Joseph.) Recueil de Medailles spirit of life and love, greeting. Small 40. de rois, de peuples et de villes, qui n'ont London, 1666. point encore ete publiees, ou qui sont peu PENINGTON, (John.) Chemical and Econoconnues; supplements. 10 v. in 8. 40. mical Essays. 120. Philadelphia, 1790. Paris, 1762-67. PENINGTON, (John; Bookseller.) Scraps, OsPELLETAN, (Eugene.) Les Morts Inconnus. teologic and Archeological, read before the Le Pasteur du Ddsert. 2e ed. 12~. Paris, Council of the Historical Society of Penn. 1857. sylvania. 80. Philadelphia, 1841. Les Rois Philosophes. 80. Paris, 1858. PENINGTON. See PENNINGTON. - Profession de Foi du Dix-neuvieme PENITENT Female Asylum, Camden Town, Sicdle. 4e ed. 80. Paris, 1857. North-West District. First and Third RePELLEW, (George.) Life and Correspondence ports. 120. London, 1838-40. (Pol. Pam., of Henry Addington, First Viscount Sid- v. 77.) mouth. 3 v. 8~. London, 1847. PENITENTIARY Discipline. Letters on the PELLHAM, (Edward.) Preservation of 8 men Comparative Merits of the Pennsylvania and in Greenland, 1630. (Churchill's Voyages New-York Systems. By a Massachusetts and Travels, v. 4.) Man. 80. Boston, 1836. (Pris. Disc. PELLICO, (Silvio.) Memoirs of my Imprison- Pam., v. 2.) ments. With notes, by Gabriello Rosselli. PENN, (Granville.) Memorials of the Profes2d ed. 160. London, 1850. sional Life and Times of Sir William Penn, _ —-- Prisoner of Austria. 40. (Ill. Lit. of from 1644 to 1670. 2 v. 80. London, 1833. all Nations.) PENN, (Richard.) Maxims and Hints for an PELOUZE, (Jules,) and FReMY, (Edmond.) Angler; illustrative of the miseries of fishGeneral Notions of Chemistry. Translated ing; also, maxims and hints for a chessfrom the French, by Edmund C. Evans. player. 160. Philadelphia, 1855. 120. Philadelphia, 1854. PENN, (William.) No Cross, No Crown; showW PELSART, (Francis.) Voyage to Australasia, ing the nature and discipline of the holy 1628. (Pinkerton's Voyages, v. 11.) cross of Christ. 120. New-York, 1845, 868 PENN. PENNSYLVANIA. PENN, (William.) Primitive Christianity Re- PENNSYLVANIA. Laws of the Commonwealth vived in the faith and practice of the people of Pennsylvania, 1700 to 1801. Republished called Quakers. With a memoir of Penn, by under the authority of the legislature. By J. M. Brown. 12~. Philadelphia, 1857. Alexander James Dallas. 4 v. Folio. PhilSelect Works. With the author's life. adelphia, 1797-1801. 3 v. 8~. London, 1825. - The same. 18(12to 1808. Republished, Point de Croix, Point de Couronne. 8~. under the authority of the legislature, by Londres, 1793. John Bioren. V. 7 and 8. 80. PhiladelLife of William Penn, the Founder of phia, 1806-8. Pennsylvania. 120. Philadelphia, 1849. Laws, from the 14th October, 1700, to PENNANT, (Thomas.) Indian Zoology. 2d 1829. Republished under authority of the ed. 40. London, 1790. legislature; with notes and references. 10 v. Introduction to the Arctic Zoology. 2d 80. Philadelphia, 1810-44. (3 copies ofv. 8.) ed. 40. London, 1792. General Laws, 1700 to 1846; with notes Arctic Zoology. 3 v. 40. London, and references to all the decisions of the Su1792. preme Court giving construction to said Tour in Scotland, 1769. (Pinkerton's laws. By J. Dunlop. 80. Philadelphia, Voyages, v. 3.) 1847. PENNINGTON, (George James.) Essay on the The same. 1700 to 1849. 2d ed. 80. Pronunciation of the Greek Language. 80. Philadelphia, 1849. London, 1844. The same. 1700 to 1852. 3d ed. 80. PENNINGTON, (John H.) System of Aerosta- Philadelphia, 1853. tion; or, steam aerial navigation. 2d ed. Digest of the Laws from 1700 to 1824; 80. Washington, 1842. with reference to reports of judicial decisions. PENNINGTON, (Montagu.) Memoirs of the ByJohnPurdon. 80. Philadelphia, 1824. Life of Mrs. Elizabeth Carter. With her - The same. 1700 to 1840. 6th ed. By poems, essays in prose, and notes on the George M. Stroud. 80. Philadelphia, 1841. Bible. 3d ed. 80. London, 1816. The same. 1700 to 1846. 7th ed. By PENNINGTON, (William.) Reports of Cases George M. Stroud. 80. Philadelphia, 1847. in the Supreme Court of Judicature of New (2 copies.) Jersey, 1806 to 1808. 80. Newark, 1808. The same. Brought down to 28th The same. 1806 to 1813. 2d ed., by April, 1851, with index to the entire work, J. Harrison. 80. Camden, 1835. by Frederick C. Brightly. 80. PhiladelPENNINGTON. See PENINGTON. phia, 1852. PENNSYLVANIA. Laws of the Province now The same. 8th ed. By Frederick C. in force. Folio. Philadelphia, 1726. Brightly. 80. Philadelphia, 1853. Charters of the Province of Pensilvania ~ Digest of the Acts of Assembly, 1824-25 and City of Philadelphia. Appendix con- to 1828-29, inclusive. With notes of judicial taining a summary of such acts of assembly decisions. By Francis J. Troubat and Wilas have been formerly in force within this liam W. Haley. 80. Philadelphia, 1829. province, for regulating of descents, and ~ The same. With supplement for 1829transfering the property of lands, &c, but 30. 80. Philadelphia, 1829-30. since expired, altered, or repealed. Folio. Annual Digest of the Laws of PennPhiladelphia, 1742. sylvania, for each of the years 1854 and 1855. ---- Anno Regni Georgii III. At a general By Frederick C. Brightly. 80. Philadelassembly of the Province of Pennsylvania, phia, 1855. holden at Philadelphia, 14th Oct., 1708, to - The same. 1854-1856. 80. Phila18th Feb., 1769. Folio. Philadeiphia, 1769. delphia, 1856. Acts of Assembly of the Province of - The same. 1854-1857. 80. PhilaPennsylvania, carefully compared with the delphia, 1857. originals. And an appendix, containing such The same. 1854-1858. 80. Philaacts, or parts of acts, relating to property, delphia, 1858. as are expired, altered, or repealed. Together Digest of Select British Statutes, comwith the royal, proprietary, city, and borough prising those which, according to the report charters. Published by order of assembly. of the judges of the Supreme Court made to Folio. Philadelphia, 1775. legislature, appear to be in force in Penn 869 PENNSYLVANIA. PENNSYLVANIA. sylvania; with some others. With notes 1683, to December 20th, 1790.) 16 v. 80. and illustrations. By Samuel Roberts. 2d Philadelphia and Harrisburg, 1852-53. ed., with additional notes, and references to Narrative of the Conduct of some MemEnglish and American decisions to the pre- hers of the Legislature, on the Election of a sent time, by Robert E. Wright. 80. Phila- Senator. 80. Philadelphia, 1807. (Pol. delphia, 1847. Pam., v. 105.) Acts of the General Assembly, 1808-9 to Proceedings and Debates of the Con1819-20, (2 copies of 1812-13 and 1813-14;) vention of the Commonwealth, to propose 1821-22, 1823-24 to 1836-37; 1837-38 to amendments to the constitution, 1837-38. 1840-41, (2 copies;) 1842 to 1862, (2 copies 14 v. 80. Harrisburg, 1837-38. of 1843, 1855, and 1861.) 50 v. 80. Phila- Proceedings of the Provincial Conferdelphia and Harrisburg, 1809-62. ence of Committees of the Province, held Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court at Philadelphia, June 18th to 25th, 1776. of Pennsylvania, 1829 to 1832, by Wm. 80. Philadelphia, (n. d.) (Col. Pam., v. 16.) Rawle, Jr., C. B. Penrose, and F. Watts. - Proceedings relative to calling the 3 v. 80. Harrisburg, 1830-33. (2 copies.) Conventions of 1776 and 1790; minutes of State Reports, containing cases in the the convention that formed the present conSupreme Court, by Robert M. Barr, 1845 to stitution of Pennsylvania, with the charter 1849. 10 v. 80. Philadelphia, 1846-49. to William Penn, the constitutions of 1776 (2 copies.) and 1790, &c. 80. Harrisburg, 1825. The same. V. 11. By J. PringleJones, Report of Superintendent of Common 1849. 80. Philadelphia, 1850. (2 copies.) Schools for 1841, 1848, 1849, 1853, and 1860. The same. V. 12. By J. Pringle Jones 80. Harrisburg, 1841-61. and R. C. McMurtrie, 1849. 80. Philadel- - School Laws; with decisions of the phia, 1852. (2 copies.) Superintendent. 80. Harrisburg, 1853. ----— The same. V. 13 to 24. By George W. PENNSYLVANIA Archives. Selected and arHarris, 1849 to 1855. 80. Lancaster and ranged from original documents, by Samuel Philadelphia, 1850-56. (2 copies.) Hazard; from 1664 to 1786. V. 1-10. 80. The same. V. 25 to 36. By Joseph Philadelphia, 1852-54. Casey, 1855-60. 80. Philadelphia, 1856-61. PENNSYLVANIA Colonization Society. Ad(2 copies.) dresses of W. V. Pettit and J. P. Durbin The same. V. 37 to 42. By Robert E. before the Legislature of Pennsylvania. 80. Wright. 80. Philadelphia, 1861-63. (2 Philadelphia, 1852. copies.) PENNSYLVANIA Eastern State Penitentiary. PENNSYLVANIA. Amendments to the Consti- Seventeenth and Nineteenth Annual Retution, proposed by the Convention, October, ports. 80. Philadelphia, 1846-48. (Pris. 1838. 80. Philadelphia, 1838. (Pol. Pam., Disc. Pam., v. 1.) v. 116.) Annual Reports for 1833, 1837, 1840, Considerations on the Jurisprudence of 1841, 1844, 1845, 1847, 1848, 1849, 1850, Pennsylvania. No. 1. 80. Philadelphia, 1852,1853,1855, and 1859. 80. Philadel1808. (Pol. Pam., v. 106.) phia, 1833-59. Journal of the Senate and House of Report of the Committee of the LegisRepresentatives, from December, 1806, to lature relative to. 80. Harrisburg, 1835. March, 1816. 20 v. 80. Lancaster and PENNSYLVANIA Evangelical Lutheran MinisHarrisburgh, 1806-16. terium. Minutes of the 100th Annual MeetLetters and Papers relating chiefly to ing. 80. Reading, (Pa.,) 1847. the Provincial History of Pennsylvania. PENNSYLVANIA Historical Society. Memoirs. 120. Philadelphia, 1855. V. 1-3, in 6 Parts. V. 4. Part. 80. PhilMemorial to the Legislature for a State adelphia, 1826-40. Hospital for the Insane. 80. Philadelphia, PENNSYLVANIA Institution for the Instruction 1845. of the Blind. Constitution, Charter, &c., and Minutes of the Provincial Council, from Annual Reports for 1834,'35,'37,'38,'39, the organization to the termination of the and'42. 80. Philadelphia, 1834-42. proprietary government, in 1776; and of the PENNSYLVANIA Institution for the Deaf and Supreme Executive Council from that date Dumb. Fifth Annual Report. 80. Philato close of the Revolution. (March 10th, delphia, 1826. (Misc. Pam., v. 7.) 870 PENNSYLVANIA. PERCIVAL. PENNSYLVANIA Institution for the Deaf and Second series, 5 v. Folio. London, 1841-45. Dumb. Annual Reports from 1840-1858. Third series, 2v. in 1. 80. London, 1846. (Wanting 1843,'51,'56, and'57.) 80. Phil- (No more published.) adelphia, 1840-58.) PENROSE, (John.) Sermons on the Truth of Charter, By-Laws, and Act of Assem- Christianity. 80. Oxford, 1808. (Bampton bly. 80. Philadelphia, 1842. Lectures for 1808.) PENNSYLVANIAInsurrection. Report of Com- PENROSE, (Thomas.) Poems. 160. Chiswick, missioners appointed to confer with the In- 1822. (British Poets, v. 63.) surgents in the Western Counties of Penn- PENRUDDOCKE, (Charles.) Short Analysis of sylvania. 80. Philadelphia, 1794. (Pol. the Criminal Law of England. 2d ed., with Pam., v. 99.) additions, by H. W. Woolrych. 12~. LonPENNSYLVANIA Journal of Prison Discipline and don, 1842. Philanthropy. 2v. 80. Philadelphia, 1845-46. PENSEES Politiques sur les Devoirs d'un Roi PENNSYLVANIA Law Journal. Edited by Citoyen. 240. La Haye, 1754. Henry E. Wallace, E. W. David, David PENTECOST; or Work of God in Philadelphia, Webster, and J. J. Robbins. 7 v. 80. Phil- 1858. 80. Philadelphia, 1859. adelphia, 1842-48. PEOPLE'S Blue Book: Taxation as it is, and PENNSYLVANIA Magazine; or, American as it ought to be. 120. London, ]857. Monthly Museum. V. 1 and 2. January, PEOPLE'S Democratic Guide. 80. New-York, 1775, to July, 1776. By R. Aitken. 80. 1842. Philadelphia, 1775-76. (Imperfect.) PEPE, (Guglielmo.) Memoirs; comprising the PENNSYLVANIA Packet, and Daily Advertiser, principal Military and Political Events of for 1788. Folio. Philadelphia, 1788. Modern Italy. 3v. 120. London, 1846. PENNSYLVANIA Railroad Company. Fifteenth Narrative of Scenes and Events in Italy, Annual Report. 80. Philadelphia, 1862. from 1847 to 1849; including the Siege of Reasons for declining to purchase the Venice. 2 v. 12C. London, 1850. Main Line of State Works. 80. Philadel- PEPYS, (Lady Charlotte.) Domestic Sketches phia, 1854. in Russia. 2 v. 120. London, 1861. PENNSYLVANIA Society of the Protestant Epis- PEPYS, (Samuel.) Diary and Correspondence copal Church. Seventh, Twentieth, and in the Reigns of Charles II. and James II. Thirty-fourth Annual Reports. 80. Phila- With life and notes, by Lord Braybrooke. delphia, 1819-46. 3d ed. 5 v. 120. London, 1848-49. PENNSYLVANIA State Library. Catalogue. Life, Journals, and Correspondence; 80. Harrisburg, 1859. including a narrative of his voyage to Tan~- Reports of Librarian for 1855,'57, and gier. 2 v. 80. London, 1841.'59. 80. Harrisburg, 1859. Memoirs relating to the State of the PENNSYLVANIA State Lunatic Hospital. An- Royal Navy of England, for ten. years, denual Reports for 1851,'52,'53,'56, and'59. termined Dec., 1688. 160. London, 1690. 8~. Harrisburg, 1852-9. PERCE, (Elbert.) Last of his Name. 12C. PENNSYLVANIA State Trials: containing the New York, 1854. Impeachment, Trial, and Acquittal of Francis PERCEVAL, (George.) History of Italy, from Hopkinson and John Nicholson. 80. Phil- the fall of the Western Empire to the French adelphia, 1794. Revolution, 2 v. 80. London, 1825. PENNSYLVANIA Training School for Idiotic PERCHERON, (Achille Remy.) Monographie and Feeble-Minded Children. First and des Passales et des genres qui en ont 6t6 Fourth Annual Report. 4 v. 80. Phila- s6pares. 80. Paris, 1835. delphia, 1854-57. PERCIVAL, (James Gates.) Poems. 80. NewPENNSYLVANIA (Western) Hospital. Annual York, 1823. Report for 1859. 80. Pittsburg, 1860..~.Dream of a Day, and other poems. 120. PENNY CYCLOPXEDTA of the Society for the New Haven, 1843. Diffusion of Useful Knowledge; with the Poetical Works; with a biographical two supplements. 30 v. in 17. Small folio. sketch. 2 v. 180. Boston, 1859. London, 1833-58. PERCIVAL, or Percivale, (Richard.) Dictionarie PENNY MAGAZINE of the Society for the Diffu- in Spanish and English; and a Spanish Gramsion of Useful Knowledge, from 1832 to 1846. mar. Enlarged by John Minsheu. Small folio. First series, 9 v. Folio. London, 1832-40. London, 1599, 871 PERCIVAL. PERCY. PERCIVAL, (Robert.) Account of the Island Deloney, Thomas. Garland of Good-will, v. 30. - Strange Histories, v. 3. of Ceylon; and journal of an embassy to the Drayton, Michael. Harmonic of the Church, v. 7. court of Candy, in 1800. 40. London, 1805. Eally Naval Ballads of England, v. 2. Friar Bakon's Prophesie, v. 15. PERCIVAL, (Thomas.) Works, literary, moral, Gifford, George. Dialogue of Witches, and Witchp craft, v. 8. philosophical, and medical; with his cor- Hall, John. Historiall Expostulation against the respondence. New ed. 4v. 80. London, beastlye abusers of Chyrurgerie and Physyke, v. 11. 1807. Halliwell, J. 0. Notices of Fugitive Tracts and PERCIVAL, (William.) Anatomy of the Horse; Chap books, v. 29. Descriptive Notices of popular English Hisembracing the structure of the foot. 80. tories, v. 23. ~London~, ^1832.~- Harmony of Birds, v. 7. London, 1832. Il-awves, Stephen. Pastime of Pleasure, v. 18. Hippopathology; systematic treatise Heywood, John. Dialogue on Wit and Folly, or Songs and Sonets of Kings, v. 20. on the disorders and lamenesses of the Heywood, Thomas. A Marriage Triumph, v. 3..IHistorical Songs of Ireland, temp. 1688. Edited by Horse. 4 v. in 5. 80. London, 1834-52. T. C. Croker, v 1. PERCY, (Henry Hugh Manvers.) -Explana- Hutton, Henry. Follie's Anatomie, v. 6. Ing lend, Thomas. Interlude of the Disobedient tions of the Manoeuvres of a Brigade of Child, v. 22. Infantry. 80; plans, 40. London, 18r2. Interlude of the Four Elements, v. 22. Jack of Dover; or, search for the veriest foole in PERCY, (John.) Experimental Inquiry con- England, v. 7. Xo Alo in ~ Johnson, Richard. Crown Garlandof Golden Roses. cerning the presence of Alcohol in the Parts 1 and 2, v. 6 and 15. ventricles of the brain, after poisoning by Keen of the South of Ireland. Edited by T. C. Croker, v. 13. that liquid. 80. London, 1839. Kerry Pastoral. Edited by T. C. Croker, v. 7. Metallurgy; the art of extracting King and a Poore Northern Man. Edited by J. P. Metallurgy; the art of extracting Collier, v. 1. metals from their ores, and adapting them Lord Mayors' Pageants. Edited by F. W. Fairholt. - f^ QO Parts I and 2, v. 10. to various purposes of manufacture. 8o. Loyal Garland, v. 29. London, 1861. Luke. Interlude of John Bon and Mast Person, v. 30. PERCY, (Sholto and Reuben.) [Pseud. for Lydgate, J. Selections from minor Poems of, v. 2. Thomas Byerly and J. C. Ro n.] Lyrical Poems, selected from Musical publications Thomas B Robertson.] between 1589 and 1600. Edited by J. P. Collier, Anecdotes, original and select. 20 v. 180. v. 13. Man in the Moone, v. 29. London, 1820-23. Maroccus Extaticus; or, Bankes' Bay Horse in a PERCY, (Thomas.) Hermit of Warkworth, a Trance, v. 9. Meeting of Gallants at an Ordinary, v. 5. Northumberland ballad; with engravings. Nursery Rhymes of England, (Halliwell,) v. 4. ^40~^ L~ -don~, 1o806~ Old Ballads from Early Printed Copies, v. 1. 40. London, 1806. Old Ballads illustrating the Great Frost of 1683-84. Reliques of Ancient English Poetry; Edited by E. F. Rimbault, v. 9. Owl and tne Nightingale, by N. de Guildford, v. 11. consisting of old heroic ballads, songs, etc., Patient Grissel, History of, v. 3. of our earlier poets. 8. London, 1847. Payne and Sorowe of Evill Marriage, v. 1. Pleasant Conceits of Old Hobson, the Merry LonThe same. 3 v. 160. London, don 147. doner, v. 9.,Poem on the Times of Edward II, v. 28. The same. With supplement of bal- Poetical Miscellanies, temp James I, v. 15. lads, reprinted from rare copies. 8~. Phila- Political Ballads published in England during the Commonwealth. Edited by T. Wright, v. 3. delphia, 1855. Popular Songs, illustrative of the French Invasions and GRAY, (Robert.) Key to the Holy of Ireland. Edited by T. C. Croker, v. 21. an G Y, (Robert.) ey to the Hoy Porter, H. Two Angry Women of Abingdon, v. 5. Bible. New ed. 80. London, 1841. Proverbs and Popular Sayings, (Denhain,) v. 20. Psalms, Seven Penitential, Paraphraed, v. 7. PERCY Society Publications. Early English Reynard the Fox, from Caxton's edition, v. 12. Poetry, Ballads, and popular literature of the Rich, Barnaby. The Honestie of this Age, v. 11. Robin Goodfellow: his Mad Pranks and Merry Middle Ages. 30 v. 12C. London, 1840-52. Jests, v. 2. ^CONTENTS. ^ Romance of the Emperor Octavian, v. 14. C ONTENlTS. Rowland, Samuel. The Four Knaves, v. 9. Ancient Poems, Ballads, and Songs of the Peas- Rowley, William. Search for Money, v. 2. antry of England, v. 17. St. Brandan; a Tale of the Sea, v. 14. Ancient Poetical Tracts of the 16th Century, v. 6. St. George, An Anglo-Saxon Passion of, v. 28. Audelay, John. Poems, v. 14. Sandys, W. Festive Songs of the 16th and 17th Barclay, Alex. Cytezen and Uplondyshman, v. 22. Centuries, v. 23. Barnfield's Affectionate Shepherd, v. 20. Satirical Songs and Poems on Costume, v. 27. Becket, Thomas a. Life and Martyrdom, v. 19. Scottish Traditional Versions of Ancient Ballads. Boke of Courtasye, v. 4. Edited by J. H. Dixon, v: 17. Britania's Pastorals; a third booke, v. 30. Selection of Latin Stories.,dited by T. Wright, v. 8. Buckingham, Duke of. Poems and Songs on the Seven Sages, with Essay, by T. Wright, v. 16. Assassination of, v. 29. Six Ballads, with Burdens, v. 13. Chaucer's Canterbury Tales; new text; v. 1, 2, Song of Lady Bessy. Edited by J. 0. Halliwell, v. 20. and 3; v. 24, 25, and 26. Songs and Carols of the 15tn Century, v. 23. Chettle, Henry. Kind Heart's Dream, v. 5. Songs and Ballads relative to the London Pren-'Civic Garland, v. 19. tices. Edited by C. Mackay, v. ]. Cock Lorell's Bote, v. 6. Specimens of Lyric Poetry, temp. Edward I, v. 4. Croke, John. Thirteen Psalms and the first chapter Specimnens of Old Christmas Carols, v. 4. of Ecclesiastes versified, v. 11. Thomson, James. Poem to the Memory of William Dekker, Thomas. A Knight's Conjuring, v. 5. Congreve, v. 9. 872 PERCY. PERKINS. PERCY Society Publications-Continued. PERILS and Captivity; comprising the sufferTriallof Treasure, v. 28. ings of the Picard family by shipwreck, Tryamoure, Syr, Romance of, v. 16.. Walker, Gilbert. Use of Dice-Play, v. 29. captivity of M. de Busson in Africa, and Warwick, Mary, Countess of. Autobiography, v. 22. Mad. Godin's voyage alon the azon. Westward for Smelts, v. 22. William de Shoreham, Religious Poems, v. 28. 180. Edinburgh, 1827. Wotton, Sir Henry. Poems, v. 6. PERIZONIUS,(Jacobus.) Animadversiones HisPERDICARIS, (G. A.) Greece of the Greeks. toricse, in quibus quamplurima in priscis Ro2 v. in 1. 12~. New-York, 1846. manarum Rerum, sed utriusque lingure a.uPEREFIXE, (Hardouin de, or Beaumont de; toribusnotantur. 12~. Amstelsedami, 1685. Abp. of Paris.) Institutio Principis, ad'Origines Babylonice et JEgyptiacse. Ludovicum XIV. 180. Parisiis, 1647. 2 v. 8~. Lugduni Batavorum, 1711. PEREGRINE PROLIX Pseud. See NICKLIN, Commentariorum in epitomen Histori(P. H.) arum Horatii Tursellini libri x., ex privatis PEREIRA, (Jonathan.) Elements of Materia lectionibusJacobi Perizonii. 3v. 40. 1714. Medica and Therapeutics. 3d ed. 3 v. [MS.] 80. London, 1849-53. PERKINS, (Benjamin Douglas.) Experiments The same. 3d Am. ed. By Joseph with the Metallic Tractors in Rheumatic and Carson. 2 v. 80. Philadelphia, 1852-54. Gouty Affections, Inflammations, etc., as Lectures on Polarized Light; with a published by Surgeons Herboldt and Rafn, lecture on the Microscope. 2d ed.; edited &c. 80. Lonon, 1799. by Baden Powell. 160. London, 1854. PERKINS, (E. E.) Treatise on Haberdashery Treatise on Food and Diet. 80. Lon- and Hosiery; including the Manchester, don, 1843. Scotch, silk, linen, and woollen departments. PERENNIAL Calendar, and a companion to the 8thed. 180. London, 1853. Almanack; illustrating the events of every PERKINS, (George R.) Elements of Algebra. day in the year. Edited by T. Forster. Revised ed. 120. New-York, 1854. 80. London, 1824. Plane and Solid Geometry. Also, TrigPERERA, (Galeotto.) Relation while a Pris- onometry and Mensuration. 80. New-York, oner in China. (Purchas's Pilgrims, v. 3, 1855. page 199.) Plane Trigonometry, and its application PEREZ, (Antonio; Prof. of Law at Louvain.) to mensuration and land surveying. 80. Jus Publicum, quo arcana et jura principis New-York, 1852. exponuntur. 240. Amstelodami, 1657. - PERKINS, (James H.) Annals of the West; PEREZ, (Antonio; Favorite Minister of Philip account of the principal events in the WestIL, of Spain.) Cartas. 80. Madrid, 1850. ern States and Territories, from the discovery (Bib. de Autores Espanoles, v. 50.) of the Mississippi to 1850. 2d ed., enlarged, - Obras y Relaciones. 12C. Ginevra, by J. M. Peck. 80. St. Louis, 1850. 1654. PERKINS, (John.) Profitable Book; or, treaPEREZ, (Andreas.) La Picara Justina. (Bib. tise of the laws of England, on the various de Autores Espafoles, v. 49.) branches of conveyancing. 160. London, PEREZ, (Vicente.) Compendio del Derecho 1621. Publico y Comun de Espana, 6 de las leyes The same. 15th ed. 120. Dublin, 1792. de las siete partidas, colocado en orden na- PERKINS, (Justin.) Residence of Eight Years tural. 4 v. 120. Madrid, 1784. in Persia, among the Nestorian Christians; PEREZ Y LOPEZ, (Antonio Xavier.) Teatro with notices of the Muhammedans. 80. de la Legislacion Universal de Espafia e Andover, (Ms.,) 1843. Indias, por orden chronol6gico de sus cuerpos PERKINS, (Samuel.) Historical Sketches of decisiones no recopiladas; y alfabetico de the United States, 1815 to 1830. 120. Newsus titulos y principales materias. 28 v. York 1830. Small 40. Madrid, 1791-98. History of the Political and Military PERIInM, (Josiah.) Plan for Suppressing the Events of the Late War between the United Rebellion. 80. Boston, 1862. States and GreatBritain. 80. New-Haven, PkRIER, (Casimir.) Opinions et Discours. 1825. Recueillis et mis en ordre par A. Lesieur, et PERKINS, (Samuel E.) Digest of the Decispr6ced6s d'une notice historique, par C. de ions of the Supreme Court of Indiana, conRemusat. 4 v. 80. Paris, 1838. tained in the eight volumes of Blackford and 873 PERKINS. PERRY. the first seven volumes (comprising the two les contes de fees, par M. le baron Walckcof Carter and five of Porter) of the In- naer. 12~. Paris, 1842. diana Reports. 8$. Indianapolis, 1858. (2 Parallele des Anciens et des Molernes; copies.) Dialogues. Avec le Poeme du Siecle de PERKINS Institution and Massachusetts Asy- Louis le Grand, et une epitre en vers sur le lum for the Blind. Annual Reports for g6nie. 12~. Paris, 1688. 1841,'58, and'59. 80. Cambridge, (Ms.,) PERRAULT, (Claude.) Treatise of the Five. 1841-59. Orders of Columns in Architecture. TransPERLEY, (Jeremiah.) Debates, resolutions, lated from the French by John James. Folio. and other proceedings of the convention at London, 1708. Portland, 1819, for forming a constitution PERREAU, (JeanAndr6.) Sl6mens de Legisfor the State of Maine. 120. Portland, lation Naturelle. 80. Paris, 1801. 1820. Mizrim, ou le Sage B la Cour; histoire Maine Justice; containing the laws ]gyptienne. 80. Neuchatel, 1783. relative to the powers and duties of justices - Le Roi Voyageur, ou examen des abus of the peace; with forms. 80. Hallowell, de l'administration de la Lydie. 80. Lon1823. dres, 1784. (Bound with above.) PERLEY, (M. H.) Reports on the Sea and PERRECIOT, (Claude Joseph.) Del'17tat Civil River Fisheries of New Brunswick; and des Personnes et de la Condition des Terres Descriptive Catalogue of the Fishes of New- dans les Gaules, des les temps celtiques, Brunswick and Nova Scotia. 2d ed. 80. jusqu'a la redaction des coutumes. 2v. 40. Fredericton, 1852. En Suisse, (BesanDon,) 1786. PERNETY, (Antoine J.) Dissertation sur PERRIER, (Francois.) Icones et Segmenta nol'Amerique et les Americains, contre les Re- bilium Signorum et Statuarum qume Romur cherches Philosophiques de M. de P(auw.) exstant. Folio. Romr, 1638. 160. Berlin, 1770. (V. 3 of DE PAUW, PERRIN, (Jean Baptiste.) Fables Amusantes. Recherches Philosophiques sur les Am6ri- Suivies d'une table des mots, et de leur signicains.) fication en anglais. 160. Londres, 1854. P:RON, (Fran9ois.) Voyage de Decouvertes PERRIN, (Maximilien.) La Famille Tricot. aux Torres Australes, fait par ordre du gou- (Romans Populaires, v. 8.) vernement, pendant les annees 1800-1804. ~ Les Mauvaises Tetes. (Romans PopuContinue par Louis de Freycinet. 2e e6d. laires, v. 29.) 4 v. in 2, 8~; atlas, par MM. Lesueret Petit, LaPermissiondeDixHleures. (Romans 40. Paris, 1824. Populaires, v. 24.) ~ —- Voyage of Discovery to the Southern - Le Pretre et la Danseuse. (Romans Hemisphere, 1801-1804. 80. London, 1809. Populaires, v. 11.) (Phillips' Voyages and Travels, v. 11.) PERRIN DU LAC, (F. M.) Voyage dans les Voyage of Discovery of Southern Lands, Deux Louisianes, et chez les nations sau1800. (Pinkerton's Voyages, v. 11.) vages du Missouri, par les Etats-Unis, en PEROUSE., (Jean Francois Galaup de la.) or, 1801-1803. 80. Paris, 1805. LA PEROUSE. Voyage Autour du Monde. ~ Travels through the Two Louisianas, Rddige par M. L. A. Milet-Mureau. 4 v. and among the savage nations of Missouri; 4~. Atlas, folio. Paris, 1797. also, along the Ohio and adjacent provinces, -- Voyage Round the World, in the years 1801-1803. 80. London, 1807. (Phillips' 1785-1788. Edited byM.L. A. Milet-Mureau. Voyages and Travels, v. 6.) Translated from the French. 3v. 80. Maps PERRON, (M.) See KIIALIL IBN-ISHAK. and plates. Folio. London, 1798. PERROT, (A. M.;) and ARAGON, (Anne AlexPERPIGNA, (Antoine.) Manuel des Inventeurs andrine.) Dictionnaire Universel de G6ogpt des Brevetis. 8e 6d. 80. Paris, 1852. raphie MNoderne; description physique, poliPERRAULT, (Charles.) Contes du temps passe tique, et historique de tous les lieux de la de ma Merel'Oye; avec des morales. (Eung- terre. 80. Paris, 1843. lish and French.) 7th ed. 160. New- PERRY, (Francis.) Series of English Medals. York, 1795. 40. London, 1762. M6emoires, Contes, et autres (Euvres. PEKnRY, (J. R.) Art of Stair Building; with Precet des d'une notice sur l'auteur, par Paul original improvements. Small 40. NewL (acroix) Jacob; et d'une dissertation sur York, 1855. no - 874 PERRY. PETERS. PERRY, (T. E.;) and DAVISON, (I-.) Reports bus detectorum enumeratio. 3 v. 12~. Erof Cases in the Court of Queen's Bench, and lange, 1822-28. upon Writs of Error from that Court to the Observationes Mycologicm; sen deExchequer Chamber, 1838 to 1841. 4 v. 8~. scriptiones tam novorum,- quam notabilium London, 1839-42. fungorum. 2 parts. 12~. Lipsire, 1796-99. PERRY, (Walter C.) German University Edu- -- Synopsis Methodica Fungorum. 2 v. cation; with a brief account of the public 160. Gottingle, 1801. schools of Prussia, and observations on the in- Synopsis Plantarum, seu Enchiridiuml fluence of philosophy in the German univer- Botanicum, complectens enumerationer syssities. 2d ed. 12~. London, 1846. tematicam specierum hucusque cognitarum. The Franks, from their first appearance 2 v. 18~. Parisiis Lutetiorum, 1805-07. in History to the death of King Pepin. b~. Tentamen Dispositionis Methodice London, 1857. Fungorum in Classes, Ordines, Genera et PERRY, (William.) Synonymous, Etymologi- Familias. Cum supplemento. 16~. Lipsie, cal, and Pronouncing English Dictionary. 1797. 8~. London, 1805. Traite sur les Champignons ComestiPERSIAN LETTERS, [by C. de Secondat, baron bles; contenant l'indication des especes nuide Montesquieu.) Translated by Mr. Ozell. sibles. 12~. Paris, 1819. 2 v. 18~. London, 1736. PERSOZ, (Jean Fran9ois.) Traite Theorique PERSIAN and Turkish Tales of the Cheikh et Pratique de l'Impression des Tissus. 4 v. Zadeh. From the French of Petis de la 8~.; Atlas, 4~. Paris, 1846. Croix. 2 v. 32~. London, 1808-9. PERTH, (James Drumond, Earl of.) Letters PERSITS FLACCUS, (Aulus.) Opera Omnia. to his Sister, the Countess of Errol, &c. Ex editione J. L. Koenig. 8~. Londini, Edited by W. Jerdan. Small'4~. London, 1820. (Valpy's Scriptores Latini, v. 16.) 1845. (Camden Society, No. 33.) Satires. Translated, with notes, by PERU. Constitucion para la Republica PeruWilliam Drnmmond. Latin original and ana. 4~. Lima, 1826. English verse. 8~. London, 1803. PERUVIAN Guano Trade. Statements and The same. Translated by J. Dryden. Documents in relation to imposing a sliding 16~. Chiswick, 1822. (British Poets, v. scale of duty. 80. Washington, 1854. 97.) PESCHECK, (C. A.) Reformation and AntiThe same. Translated, in prose, by Reformation in Bohemia. From the GerL. Evans; in verse, by W. Gifford. 12~. man. 2 v. 8~. London, 1845. London, 1852. (Bohn's Classical Library, PESSELIER, (Charles Etienne.) Doutes prov. 42.) poses a l'auteur de la Th6orie de 1'Ilmpot, PERSON DE BERAINVILLE, (Louis Claude.) (Mirabeau.) 16~. Paris. 1761. Recueil de Mecanique relatif a l'Agriculture PESTALOZZI, (Jean Henri.) Letters on the et aux Arts, et Description des Machines education of infancy. 16~. Boston, 1830. ]gconomiques. 4~. Paris, 1802. PETER, (William, of Christ Church, Oxford.) PERSONAL Recollections of the American Revo- Specimens of the Poets and Poetry of Greece lution; a private journal; with reminiscences and Rome; by various translators. 8o. Philof Washington and Lafayette. Edited by adelphia, 1847. Sidney Barclay. 12~. New York, 1859. PETER, (W.) Thoughts on the Present Crisis. PERSOON, (Christian Heinrich.) Commen- 8~. London, 1816. (Pamphleteer, v. 8.) tarius J. C. Schaefferi Fungorum Bavarie PETER. See PETRUS. indigenorum icones pictas illustrans. 4~. PETER LANGTOFT. See HEARNE, (Thomas.) Erlangve, 1800. PETER MARTYR. See MARTIRE D'ANGHIERIA. Icones et Descriptiones Fungorum mi- PETERS, (Charles; Rector of St. Mabyns, Cornnus Cognitorum. 4~. Lipsise, 1798. wall.) Critical Dissertation on the Book of Icones Picte Specierum Rariorum Fun- Job. 4~. London, 1751. gorum; atque, Figures coloriees des Especes PETERS, (Charles; Rector of St. George's in Rares des Champignons decrits dans l'ou- Dominica.) Two Sermons, with an appendix, vrage intitule, Synopsis Methodica Fungo- containing Minutes of Three Trials at Roseau, rum. 4~. Paris, 1808. in [1799.] 8~. London, 1802. -- Mycologia Europma, seu completa om- PETERS, (De Witt C.) Life and Adventures nium fungorum in variis Europme regioni- of Kit Carson. 80. New York, 1859, 875 PETERS. PETIT. PETERS, (Hugh.) Account of H. Peters, after the earliest period to Easter Term, 3 George the manner of Mr. Bayle. Small 40. Lou- IV. 80. London, 1822. don, 1818. (Smeeton's Tracts, v. 2.) Practical and Elementary Abridgment PETERS, (Richard.) Admiralty Decisions in of the Cases in the Courts of King's Bench, the District Court of the United States for Common Pleas, Exchequer, and at Nisi Prius; the Pennsylvania District; with decisions in and of the rules of court, from the restorathe same court, by F. Hopkinson, and cases tion, in 1660, to 1823. With supplement by determined in other districts of the United E. Hammond. 17 v. 80. New-York, States, 1792 to 1807. With the laws of 1829-32. Oleron, of Wisbuy, and of the Hanse Towns; - Practical Precedents in Pleading, prethe marine ordinances of Louis XIV.; a pared in accordance with the recent rules and treatise on the rights and duties of owners, statutes. 80. London, 1835. freighters, masters of ships, and mariners; Practical Treatise on the Law of Bail. and the laws of the United States relative to 8~. London, 1824. mariners. 2 v. 80. Philadelphia, 1807. PETERSEN, (Frederick A.) Military Review (2 copies.) of the Campaign in Virginia and Maryland Condensed Reports of Cases in the in 1862. 80. New York, 1862. Supreme Court of the United States, from the PETERSON, (Charles J.) Military Heroes of organization of the court to the commence- the Revolution. With a narrative of the War ment of Peters' Reports; with copious notes. of Independence. 80. Philadelphia, 1848. 6 v. 80. Philadelphia, 1830-34. (3copies.) Military Heroes of the War of 1812; Reports of Cases in the Circuit Court with a narrative of the War. 80. Philadelof the United States for the Third Circuit, phia, 1848. containing cases determined in the District Military Heroes of the War with Mexof New Jersey, 1803 to 1818, and in the Dis- ico; with a narrative of the war. 80. trict of Pennsylvania, 1815 to 1818. 80. Philadelphia, 1848. (Bound with the above.) Philadelphia, 119. (2 copies.) PETERSON, (Edward.) History of Rhode Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court Island and Newport. 80. New-York, 1853. of the United States, 1828 to 1842. 16 v. 80. PETERSON. See WILLIAMS, (John.) Philadelphia, 1828-42. (12 copies.) PETGRAVE, (E. C.) Manual of the Law of The same. V. 6, 8, 11, and 12. 80. Principal and Agent. 120. London, 1857. Philadelphia, 1832-38. PETIHERAM, (John.) Historical Sketch of the The same. 1841. V. 15. 80. Phila- progress and present state of Anglo-Saxon delphia, 1841. (5 copies.) Literature in England. 80. London, 1840. The same. 1842. V. 16. 8~. Boston, PETIrERICK, (John.) Egypt, the Soudan, and 1842. (26 copies.) Central Africa; with explorations, from KhorThe same. 1843. V. 17. 80. Boston, tum, on the White Nile, to the regions of 1843. the equator. 80. Edinburgh, 1861. Full and arranged Digest of Cases de- PETIGRU, (James L.) Semi-Centennial Oracided in the Supreme, Circuit, and District tion at South Carolina College. 80. CharlesCourts of the United States, from the or- ton, (S. C.,) 1855. ganization of the government. 3 v. 80. P:ETIS DE LACROIX, (Francois.) Histoire du Philadelphia, 1838-39. (14 copies.) Grand Genghizcan, premier Empereur des ~- The same. 1789 to 1847. 2 v. 80. Mogols et Tartares. 160. Paris, 1710. Philadelphia, 1848. (2 copies.) PETIT, (imilien.) DroitPublic, ouGouvernePETERS, (Samuel.) General History of Con- ment des Colonies Francoises. 2 v. 80. necticut, from its first settlement to the revo- Paris, 1771. lution. 80. London, 1781. PETIT, (Pierre Felicissime Victor Alphonse.) The same. 120. New-IHaven, 1829. Trait6 de l'Usure, contenant le commentaire PETERS, (W. C.) Catholic Harmonist. Oblong de la loi du 3 Septembre 1807, toute la legis40. Baltimore, 1851. lation, la doctrine et la jurisprudence qui s'y PETERSDORFF, (Charles.) General Index to rapportent, avec l'indication des ordonnances the Precedents in Civil and Criminal Plead- et arrte6s anciens et modernes. 80. Paris, ings, applicable to the present practice in 1840. every ancient and modern collection; also PETIT, (Samuel.) Leges Attice; cum cornthe precedents in the books of reports, from mentario. Folio. Parisiis, 1635. 876 PETIT. PETRIE. PETIT-RADEL, (Louis Charles Francois.) Re- La Fare, C. A. de, s6r. 3, v. 65. La Fayette, M. MT. P. de la V. de, ser. 2, v. 64-65. cherches sur les Bibliotheques Anciennes et La Marchle, Olivier de, s6r. 1, v. 9-10. Modernes, jusqu't la fondation de la Biblio- La Porte, Pile de, sFer 2, v. 59 5 La RIochefoucauld, F..Dc de, er. 2, v. 51-52. theque Mazarine. 80. Paris, 1819. La Tour d'lAuvorglec, Due de Bouillon, ser. 1, v. 35. La Tremouille, Louis de, ser. 1, v. 14. PETITES Miseres de la Vie lumaine. Par Lenet, Pierre, ser 2, v. 2 53-54. Old Nick et Grandville. 80. Paris, 1846. LIstoile, Piere de, e r. 1, v. 45-49. Louise de Savoie, s6r. 1, v. 16. PETITION of the Sharks of Africa to the British Marguerite de Valois, ser. 1, v. 137..IMrillc,i Michel de, ser. ], v. 49. Parliament. Folio. 80. (n. d.) (Pol. Pam., Memoires, icel de- e -, se., v. 58-59. v\1moires (e Al. de I31 "', ser. 2, v. 58-59. ee, Jen de, s., v. 31.) r J d34.'IIO esti ens d -le IMer le, Mathien de, ser. 1, v. 38. PETITrION des Citoyens de Couleur des iles Millot, Claude. FXavier, Abbe. S6r., v. 71-74. Francoises a 1'Assemhbl1e Nationale. 80. Moonitglas, F. de P. de Clerrmont de, s6r. 2, v. 49-51. IMointluc, B. de L..M. de, ser. 1, v. 20-22. Paris, 1791. (Slavery Pam., v. 15.) MIontpensier, A. ML. L., Mile. de, s6r. 2, v. 40-43. -PETITOT, (Cla/-ti3 ernard, and Aleandre.) lMontersor, Claude de Bourdeille, de, ser. 2, v. 54. PETITOT, (Claude-Bernard, and Alexandre.) Motteville, Frainoise B. de, sr. 2, v. 36-40. Repertoire du Theatre Fran9ois; ou recueil Nemoius, MIarie de, ser. 2, v. 34. Noailles, Adrien Manuice, Duc de, sr., v. 71-74. des trag6dies et com6dies restees au theatre None, Franqois de la, s6r. 1, v. 34. depuis Rotrou; avec des notices sur chaque Oriaicn, J. 1. Gastoln, Due, sor. 2, v. 31. Philippi, Jean, s6r. 1, v. 34. auteur, et l'examen de chaque piece. 23 v. Pontciihtrain, P. Ph6lypeaux de, s6r., v. 16-17. o80.~n~ ParisD 180~3.~ Pontis, Lonis de, ser., v. 31-32. 80. Paris, 1803. Port Rov al, Notice sur, ser. 2, v. 33. - Collection complete des Memoires rela- Ilabutin, Flraiqois de, ser 1, v. 31-32. ltetz, J.. F. Goudi, Cardi.acl de, ser. 2, v. 44-46. tifs a l'Histoire de France, jusqu'au coin- lichelitel, Arlnmnd J. dln P'lessis. Cardlicallde, c6r. 2, mencement du Dixseptimne Siecle..Avec des. 1 d. Riclelollt, C'omte de, s6r. ]., v. 8. notices sur chaque auteur, et des observations Rochechotuart, (Guillannie de, se6r. 1, v. 32. RohtIa., Heni, de, sr. 2, v. 18-19. sur chaque ouvrage. 131 v. 80. Paris, St. Auli)t, Jacques Pape de, 6r.1,. 43 1819-29. Stoaal, M. J. C. de Lianay, Contesse de, e6r. 2, v. 77. Sully, I. Betlhure, Dic dTe, ser. -, v. 1 —9. le serie. 52 v. 80. Paris, 1819-26. Talon, O erl., v. (60-63..- and MONMERQUf, (Louis Jean Nicolas.) Tavasnnes, Gaspard de Saulx, dc, s6r. 1, v. 23-25.' TavanneS, Guillaume de Saulx, de, s6r. 1, v. 35. 2e sreie. 78 v. in 79. 8~. Paris, 1820-29. Temple, Si Williamn, S r. 2, v. 64. CONTENTS. Thou, Jacques Augusti de, ser. 1, v. 37. Torcy, J. B. Colbert de, ser. 2, v. 67-68. A-gounlrne, Charles de Valois d', ser. 1, v. 44. Vieilleville, F. de Scepeaux de, s6r. 1, v. 26-98. Arnauld, Anit'oine, ler. 2la, v.. Vi,Louis Hector de, s6r. 2, v. 68-71. Arnauld d'Andilly, Robert, ser. 2, v. 33-34. Ville-laledouin, Geoffroy de, sr. 1, v. 1. Bassompierre, Fraiqois de, ser. 2, v. 19-21. Villeneuve GUilauie e, see. c, v. 14. B3ayard, P, du Terrail, Chevalier, e, Ir. I, 15-16. Villeroy, N. de ieufville de, ser. 1, v. 44. Biellay, Guillaume et Martin du, s6r. 1, v. 17-19. Campion, Henri de, s6r. 2, v. 51. PETRARCA, (Francesco.) Rime. 2 v. 180. Castelnan, Michel de, ser. 1, v. 33. 1 Cayet, Pierre Victor Palma, ser. 1, v. 38-43. V n, Caylus, M. M1. de Valois ltlarit}ise de, ser. 2, v. 66. ~ Rime. 2 v. 80. Livorno, 1820. Chatre, Claude de la, ser. 1, v. 32. Cllatre, Edme, Comnte de la, ser. 2, v. 51. --- Sonnets, Triumphs, and other Poems. Chivelrny, Pliillppe Huralulti de, ser. 1, v. 36. Translated into English verse, by various Choiseul, Dn Plessis Praslin, Due de, sel. 2, v. 57. Choisnin, Jean, ser. 1, v. 38. hands; with Campbell's lie of the poet. 120. Choisy, Fra!eois Timoleon lde, ser. 2, v. 63. Lodon, 1860. Christine de Pisan, ser. 1, v. 5-6. Coliguy, Gaspard de, ser. 1, v. 32. PETRIE, (George.) Remarks on the Book of Coiinues, Philippe de, s6r. 1, v. 11-13. Conrart, Valentin, s6r. 2, v. 48. Maca Firbis: an Irish manuscript. 40. DubDl Ctereq, Jacqrles, sr. I., v. 11. lin, 1837. (Irish Roy. Acad. Trans., v. 18.) )uclos, Charles Pinot, s6r. 2, v. 76-77. Dugcuay-Trouin, Rele, ser. 2, v. 75. - Account of an Irish Reliquary, called te Guscltin, Bertrand, slr. 1, v. 4-5. the Domnach Airgid. 40. Dublin, 1832. Estr6es, F. A. d', s6r. 2, v. 16. Fenelon, F. de Salignac, s6r. 1, v. 32. (Irish Royal Academy Trans., v. 18)'enin, Pierre de, ser. 1, v. 7. Fleuranges, R. de la Malck, de, s6r. 1, v. 16. History and Antiquities of Tara H-ill. Florenlt d'Ilers, s6r, r. 1, v. S. 40. Dublin, 1837. (Irish Royal Academy Fontenay-Mareuil, F. DIuval de, ser. 1, v. 50-51. Fontrailles, Louis d'Ast'arc, ser. 2, v. 54. Transactions, v. 18.) GFmoin, Clueide, sr., v. 4-75. Inquiry into the Origin and Uses of the Gtltoc, Achille, s6r. 1, v. 34. Gillot, Jacques, ser. 1, v. 49. Round Towers of Ireland; with the ecclesiGourville, J. Herault. de, ser. 2, v. 52. Grammont, Antoine, Duc de, ser. 2, v. 56-57. astical architecture of Ireland anterior to the Groulart, Claude, s6r. 1, v. 49. Groutis, HCri d la o iede, s. d,, v. 4.5556. Anglo-Norman invasion. 40. Dublin, 1845. Gaise, I-lenri de Lorraine, D2c de, sTer. 2, v. 55-56. Jean de Troyes, ser. 1, v. 13-14. (Irish Royal Academy Trans., v. 20.) Jeanne d'Arc, s6r. 1, v. 8. Jeannin, Pierre, ser. 2, v. 11-12. PETRIE, (Samuel.) Report of the Cricklade Joinville, Jean, Duc de, ser. 1, v. 2-3. Election Case, comprehending the whole Joly, Clauyde, sr. 2, v. 47. Joly, Guy, s6r. 2, v. 47. proceedings. 80. London, 1785. 877 PETRONI. PEYRERE. PETRONI, (Stefano Egidio;) and DAVENPORT, selection from his correspondence. 3 v. 8~. (G.) Nuovo Diziondrio. Itali'no, Ingl6se, London, 1817. Francese; and English, Italian, French. 3d On Superstitions connected with the ed. 2 v. 8~. London, 1828. History and Practice of Medicine and SurPETRONIUS ARBITER, (Titus.) Satyricon; et gery. 80. London, 1844. diversorum pc.etarum lusus in Priapum, cume PETIUS, (Sir John.) Constitution of Parliaselectis commentariis. Accedunt Pervigilium n ments in England, deduced from the time. of Veneris. Ausonii Cento Nuptialis, Cupido King Edward II. 12~. London, 1680. Cruci-Affixus, atque alia nonnulla notis doc- Fodinve Regales; the history, laws, torum virorum illustrata, accurante Simone and places of the chief mines and mineral Abbes Gabbema. 180. Trajecti ad Rhenum, works in England, Wales, and the English 1654. pale in Ireland. Folio. London, 1670. The same. Accedunt Epistolse de Cleo- Of Trade. London, 1700. Sir Henry patra, et alia nonnulla. Omnia commenta- Pollexfen's Argument upon an Action of the riis, et notis doctorum virorum illustrata, Case, brought by the East India Company, concinnate Michaele Hadrianide. 80. Am- against Mr. Sands. 160. London, 1696. stelodami, 1669. PETTY, (William.) Constitution and Laws of T- The same. Translated in prose. 120. England considered. 120. London, 1701. London, 1854. (Bohn's Class. Lib., v. 69.) ~ Essays in Political Arithmetick. 120. Works. Translated by several hands; London, 1699. to which is added Catullus, Tibullus, and PETYT, (George.) LexParliamentaria. With Propertius, and translations fiom the Greek an appendix of a case in parliament between of Pindar, Anacreon, and Sappho. 80. Lon- Sir Francis Goodwyn and Sir.John Fortescue, don, 1713. for the knights place for the county of Bucks, PE'iRUS Chrysologus. Sermones. Seb. Pauli. Jac. I. 80. London, 1690. prrefatus est, notasque adjecit. Item Vale- PETYT, (William.) Antient Right of the riani Homiline xx, omnia primtum edita a J. Commons of England asserted. 120. LonSirmondo. Accessit Th. Raynaudi Apologia don, 1680. pro S. Valeriano. 2 v. in 1. Folio. Augustse - Jus Parliamentarium; or, the ancient Vindelicorum, 1758. power, jurisdiction, rights, and liberties of PETRUS Patricius. Excerpta de Legationibus parliament asserted. Folio. London, 1739. Gentium ad Romanos. (Gr. et Lat.) 80. - Miscellanea Parliamentaria; containBonnre, 1829. (Byzantinae Hist. Corpus, ing precedents of freedom from arrests; of v. 11.) censures, &c. With an appendix of precePETRUS de Aquila. Questiones in quatuor dents in marriages; peace and war; leagues, Sententiarum libros. Folio. Spirse, [Petrus and other weighty affairs of the kingdom. Drach,] 1480. 16C. London, 1680. Note.-Gothic type. 177 leaves. Two columns on a PETZHOLDT, (Alexander.) Lectures to Farmpage, each of 60 lines, without pagination or signa- tures. ers on Agricultural Chemistry. 120. LonPETTIGREW, (Thomas Joseph.) Chronicles don, 1844. of the Tombs; a collection of epitaphs, PETZHOLDT, (Julius.) Handbuch Deutscher preceded by an essay on monumental in- Bibliotheken. 80. Halle, 1853. scriptions. 120. London, 1857. PEUCHET, (Jacques.) Dictionnaire Universel History of Egyptian Mummies, and de la G6ographie Commergante. 5 v. 40. account of the worship and enbalming of the Paris, 1799-1800. sacred animals by the Egyptians; with ob- Statistique l16mentaire de la France. servations on the mummies of the Canary 80. Paris, 1805. Islands, of the ancient Peruvians, Burman PEYRAT, (Napol6on.) Pastors in the Wilderpriests, &c. 40. London, 1834. ness; a history of the Huguenots, from the Medical Portrait Gallery: biographical revocation of the edict of Nantes to the death memoirs of the most celebrated physicians, of Louis XIV. 3 v. 160. London, 1852. surgeons, &c., &c., who have contributed to PEYRtRE, (Isaac de la; or, LA PEYRERE.) the advancement of medical science. 4 v. Account of Iceland: also Account of Green40. London, 1838-40. land. (Churchill's Voyages and Travels, v. 2.) Memoirs of the Life and Writings of- - History of Greenland. 80. London, John Coakley Lettsom, M.D., & c.; with a 1855. (Hakluyt Society, v. 18.) 878 PEYRET. PHILADELPHIA. PEYRET-LALLIER, (Alphonse.) Traite sous Convention, held at Washington, A. D. 1850. ]a Forme de Commentaire sur la Legislation 80. Philadelphia, 1851. des Mines, Miniires, Carribres Tourbiares, PHEAR, (J. B.) Elementary Mechanics. 8~. Usines, Socidtes d'Exploitation, et Chemins Cambridge, (Eng.,) 1850. de Transport. 2 v. 8~. Paris, 1844. ~ Treatise on Rights of Water; including PEYRON, (Jean Fran9ois.) Essays on Spain. public and private rights to the sea and sea 8C. London, 1808. (BOURGOING, Modern shore. 80. London, 1859. State of Spain, v. 4.) PHELAN, (Michael.) Game of Billiards. 3d PEYRONNET, (Charles Ignace, Comte de.) ed. 12~. New-York, 1858. Histoire des Francs. 2 v. 8~. Paris, 1835. PHELPS, (Adaliza Cutter.) Life of Christ, and PEYROUX de la COUDRENIERE, (-.) Lettres other poems. 120. Boston, 1852. surl'"tatPrimitifdel'Homme, jusq' laNais- PHELPS, (Almira H. Lincoln.) Ida Norman; sance de l'Esclavage. 8~. Amsterdam, or, trials and their uses. 2 v. in 1. 120. 1785. (Slavery Pam., v. 14.) New-York, 1854. PFANNKUCHE, (H. F.) Language of Pales- PHELPS, (Amos A.) Lectures on Slavery, and tine in the Age of Christ. 160. Edinburgh, its remedy. 18~. Boston, 1834. 1833. (Biblical Cabinet, v. 14.) PHELPS, (Dudley.) Address before the East PFEIFFER, (Ida.) Last Travels; inclusive of E1averhill Temperance Society. 12~. Havavisitto Madagascar. Translated by H.W. erhill, (Ms.,) 1830. (Slavery Pam., v. 16.) Dulcken. 12~. London, 1861. PHELPS, (E. W.) Bee-Keeper's Chart; treaA Woman's Journey Round the World, tise on the instinct, habits, and management fiom Vienna to Brazil, Chili, Tahiti, China, of the honey-bee. 120. New-York, 1858. Hindostan, Persia, and Asia Minor. Trans- PHELPS, (Matthew.) Memoirs and Adventures. lated fiom the German. 4th ed. 120. Lon- Compiled by A. Haswell. 180. Bennington, don, 1854. (Vt.,) 1802. PFEIFFER, (Louis;) and OTTO, (F.) Fig- PHELPS, (Noah A.) History of Simsbury, ures des Cact6es en Fleur peintes et litho- Granby, and Canton, (Conn.,) from 1642 to graphides d'aprds nature, avec une texte 1845. 80. Hartford, 1845. explicatif. (Fran9ais et Allemand.) Folio. PHELPS, (Samuel.) Treatise on the ImportCassel, 1843. ance of Extending the British Fisheries. PFISTER, (Johann Christoph von.) Histoire 80. London, 1818. d'Allemagne, depuis les temps les plus recu- PHELPS, (Thomas.) Account of his Captivity les jusqu'a nos jours. Traduite de l'Alle- at Marchiness, in Barbary, 1685. (Osborne's maud, par M. Paquis. 11 v. 80. Paris, Coil. Voyages, v. 2.) 1837-38. PHELYPEAUX, (Paul.) See PONTCHARTRAIN, PFIZER, (Gustav.) Martin Luther's Lebon. (P. P. de.) 120. Berlin, 1851. PHENIX, The; a collection of choice, scarce, PHEDRUS. Fables of A sop, as altered by and valuable tracts; being taken from manPhdedrus. Translated into English prose, uscripts and printed books, very uncommon, with the Latin text. 80. London, 1753. and not to be found but in the libraries of the Fabulae JEsopiae. Ex editione J. G. curious. 2 v. 80. London, 1708-21. S. Schwabii. 80. London, 1822. (Valpy, PHILADELPHIA. Address to the Citizens on Scriptores Latini, v. 46.) Advantages from the Trade of the Western Fables. Translated (into prose) by Country, by Messrs. Tarascon, Jr., James H. T. Riley; (into verse) by C. Smart. Berthoud &Co. 80. Philadelphia, 1806. 120. London, 1853. (Bohn's Class. Lib'y, Annual Reports of the Controllers of the v. 80.) Public Schools, for 1840,1847, 148,1849,1850, PHALARIS. Epistolm, (Greece.) Recensuit, 1853, and 1859. " 80. Philadelphia, 1840-59. versione, annotationibus, et vita insuper - Annual Report of the Watering Comauthoris donavit C. Boyle. 80. Oxonii, mittee for 1848. 80. Philadelphia, 1840. 1718. -- County Prison. Twelfth Annual ReEpistles. Translated from the Greek; port. 80. Philadelphia, 1859. also, select epistles of eminent Greek writers. ~ Digest of the Ordinances of the CorporBy Thomas Francklin. 80. London, 1749. ation of the City, and of the Acts of AssemPHARMACOPOEIA of the United States of Amer- bly relating thereto. 80. Philadelphia, ica. By authority of the National Medical 1859. 879 PHILADELPHIA. PHILADELPHIA. PHILADELPHIA. First Annual Report of the 1859. By A. McElroy. 3 v. 80. PhiladelFire Marshal. 80. Philadelphia, 1859. phia, 1854-59. Indigent Widows' and Single Women's PHILADELPHIA Hospital of the Protestant EpisSociety. Reports for 1818 and 1830. 80. copalChurch. Report. 80. Philadelphia, 1859. Philadelphia, 1819-31. PHILADELPHIA House of Refuge. Annual ReManufactures of. Census of 1860. 40. ports for 183:2, 1837 to 1854, 1858 and 1859. Philadelphia, 1861. (1844 and 1846 wanting.) 80. PhiladelNorthern Home for Friendless Children. phia, 1832-59. Constitution and By-Laws. 240. Phila- ~ Eighteenth Annual Report. 80. Philadelphia, 1854. delphia, 1846. (Pris. Disc. Pam., v. 1.) Ordinances of the Corporation of, and Memorial to the City Government. 40. acts of Assembly relating to the city. 80. Philadelphia, 1854. Philadelphia, 1851. PHILADELPHIA House of Refuge for Colored Report to the Board of Controllers of Juvenile Delinquents; an appeal to the pubthe Public Schools on the subject of Phono- lie. 80. Philadelphia, 1846. (Pris. Disc. graphy. 80. Philadelphia, 1854. Pam., v. 11.) ------ Reports of the Board of Health, for 1860, PHILADELPHIA HOUSEWIFE; or, Family Re1861 and 1862. 80. Philadelphia, 1861-63. ceipt Book. By Aunt Mary. 120. PhilaSpring Garden Soup Society; constitu- delphia, 1855. tion, by-laws and officers. 240. Philadel- PHILADELPHIA Ice Company. Report. 80. phia, 1852. Philadelphia, 1834. ~ Statistical inquiry into the Condition PHILADELPHIA Law Association. Catalogue of the People of Colour in the City. 80. of the Library. 80. Philadelphia, 1861. Philadelphia, 1849. PHILADELPHIA Library Company. Catalogue PHILADELPHIA Academy of Natural Sciences. of Books. To which is prefixed a short acAct of Incorporation and By-laws. 80. count of the institution, with the charter, Philadelphia, 1857. laws, and regulations; with an alphabetical Discourse in Commemoration of the index to the whole. 3 v. in 2. 80. PhilaFounding of the Academy, by W. P. Foulke. delphia, 1835-56. 80. Philadelphia, 1854. The same. Supplements, from June, Notice of its Origin, Progress, and 1856, to August, 1862. 80. Philadelphia, Present Condition, by W. S. W. Ruschen- 1857-62. berger. 80. Philadelphia, 1860. PHILADELPHIA Magdalen Society. Report for Catalogue of the Library. 80. Phila- 1849 and 1851. 120. Philadelphia, 1850-52. delphia, 1836. PHILADELPHIA Mercantile Library Company. PHILADELPHIA Apprentices' Library Company. Catalogue of the Library. 80. PhiladelAnnual Reports for 1831, 1835, 1836, 1839, phia, 1850. 1841, 1842, 1843, 1850, 1852, 1854, 1858 and PHILADELPHIA Orphan Society. Annual Re1859. 80. Philadelphia, 1831-59. ports for 1829 and 1831. 80. Philadelphia, PHILADELPHIA Board of Trade. Annual Re- 1829-31. ports, from the 26th to the 30th, inclusive. PHILADELPHIA Society for alleviating the misBy Lorin Blodget. 5 v. 80. Philadelphia, eries of Prisons. Act of Incorporation and 1859-63. Constitution. 80. Philadelphia, 1835. Reports on Existing Revenue Laws Fifth Annual Report of the Prison and Life-saving Stations upon the Coast. 80.'Agent. 80. Philadelphia, 1859. Philadelphia, 1860. Sketch of the principal transactions. PHILADELPHIA Book; or, specimens of me- 80. Philadelphia, 1859. tropolitan literature. 120. Philadelphia, PHILADELPHIA Society for the support, &c., of 1836. Charity Schools. Constitution and Reports PHILADELPHIA Census Directory for 1811; for 1841, 1847, 1850, 1853, 1854, and 1859. containing names, occupations, and resi- 80. Philadelphia, 1840-59. deuces of the inhabitants. 180. Philadel- PHILADELPHIA Society of Unitarian Christians. phia, 1811. Constitution. 80. Philadelphia, 1807. (Theol. PHILADELPH14 Corn Exchange. Eighth An- Pam, v. 7.) nual Report. 80. Philadelphia, 1862. PHILADELPHIA Tract Society. Eighteenth AnPHILADELPHIA DIREcTORY for 1854, 1855, and nual Report. 80, Philadelphia, 1845. 880 PHILADELPHIA. PHILLIMORE. PllILADELPHIAWholesaleMerchants' andArti- PHILIPPSOHN, (Ludwig.) Development of sans' Business Directory, for 1853. 160. the Religious Idea in Judaism, Christianity, Philadelphia, 1853. and Mahomedanism. Translated from the PHILADELPHIA and Reading Railroad Corn- German, with notes, by Anna Maria Goldpany. Annual Report. 8~. Philadelphia, smid. 8~. London, 1855. 1862. PHILIPS, (Ambrose.) Collection of Old BalPHILADELPHIA, Wilmington, and Baltimore lads. 3 v. 160. London, 1725. (ImperRailroad Company. Letter of the President feet.) to the Secretary of War, &c. 80. Wash- Distrest Mother; the Briton; and ington, 1862. Humfrey, Duke of Gloucester. 160. LonPIILANTHROPIST; or, philosophical essays on don, 1725. politics, government, morals, and manners. - Poems. 160. London, 1790. (John80. London, 1797. son's English Poets, v. 57.) PImLE, or PmILES, (Manuel.) De Proprietate The same. 80. London, 1810. (ChalAnimalium, de Plantis, etc. (Gr. et Lat.) mers' English Poets, v. 13.) (Didot, Biblioth. Grecque, v. 41.)- The same. Chiswick, 1822. (British PHILEMON. Fragmenta. (Gr. etLat.) (Didot Poets, v. 34.) Biblioth. Grecque, v. 3.) PHIrIPS, (John.) Poems attempted in the and MENANDER. Reliquie. (Gr. et style of Milton. With a new account of his Lat.) 80. Amstelodami, 1709. life and writings. 18C. London, 1762. PHILIDOR, (Francois Andr6 Danican, dit.) - Poems on several occasions. 160. Analyse du Jeu des Echecs. Nouv. ed. 80. London, 1728. (Pomfret's Poems, etc.) Londres, 1777. Poems. 160. London, 1790. (JohnPHILIP, (Alexander P. Wilson.) Influence of son's English Poets, v. 17.) Minute Doses of Mercury, combined with The same. 80. London, 1810. (Chalthe appropriate treatment of various diseases, mers' English Poets, v. 8.) and the principles on which it depends. 2d ed. - The same. 160. Chiswick, 1822. 160. London, 1835. (British Poets, v. 26.) PHLIP, (John.) Researches in South Africa; Cyder; a poem in two books. 3d ed. including journals of the author's travels in 160. London, 1727. (Pomfret's Poems, etc.) the interior. 2 v. 80. London, 1828. Splendid Shilling; an imitation of PHILIPOT, or PHILPOT, (Thomas.) Brief His- Milton. To which is added, Blenheim. torical Discourse of the original and growth 160. London, 1728. (Pomfret's Poems, etc.) of Heraldry. 180. London, 1672. PHILIPS, (Miles.) Voyage to Mexico and PHmILPPART, (John.) Campaign in Germany sundry other places, 1568. (Hakluyt's and France, 1813-14. 2 v. 80. London, Voyages, v. 3.) 1814. PHILIPS. See PHILIPPS. PHILLIPPS, and Memoirs, &c., of General Moreau; with PHILLIPS. a plan of the siege of Kehl, in 1796. 80. PHILIPSON, (M.) Leben Benedilt's von Philadelphia, 1816. Spinosa. 180. Braunschweig, 1790. PHILIPPI, (Jean.) Memoires, 1560-90. 80. PHILLIMORE, (John George.) Case of the Paris, 1788. (Coll. des Memoires Relatifs A Seizure of the Southern Envoys. Reprinted, 1'Hist. de France, v. 46.) with additions, from the "Saturday Re- The same. 80. Paris, 1838. (Michaud, view." 80. London, 1861. (Pol. Pam., Coll. Mem. Hist. France, v. 8.) v. 92.) ~- The same. 80. Paris, 1823. (Petitot, Introduction to the Study and History Coll. Mem. Hist. France, sdr. I, v. 34.) of the Roman Law. 80. London, 1848. PIILIPPIQIQES de )Dmosthene, et Catilinaires - Principles and Maxims of Jurisprude Ciceron. Traduit par l'Abb6 d'Olivet. dence. 80. London, 1856. 120. Paris, 1736. PrI-LIMORE, (Joseph.) Reports of Cases in PHI-LIPPS, (John.) Election Cases determined the Ecclesiastical Courts at Doctors' Cotrby the Hlouse of Commons; during the 1st mons, and in the High Court of Delegates, session of the 15th Parliament. 2 v. 120. 1809 to 1821. 3 v. 80. London, 1818-27. London, 1782. PHILLIMORE, (Robert.) Commentaries upon PIlIILP1PS. See PHILIPS, PHILLIPS, and PHIL- International Law. 2 v. 80. London, IIPPS. 1854-55. 881 PHILLIMORE. PHILLIMORE, (Robert.) Commentaries upon Generaux. Traduit par International Law. 4v. 80. London, 1854- 6d. 3 v. 120. Paris, 1 57. (Vol. 4 containing Private International PHILLIPS, (G. F.) Principl -.. Law and Comity.) (2 copies.) Colour, as applicable to Landscape Painting. The same. V. 1-3, in2 v. 80. Phil- 3d ed. Oblong 40. London, 1842. adelphia, 1854-57. (2 copies.) Theory and Practice of Painting in Memoirs and Correspondence of George, Water Colours; with hints on perspective. Lord Lyttelton, from 1734 to 1773. 2 v. 80. Oblong 40. London, 1838. London, 1845. PHILLIPS, (G. Jenkin.) System of Mining PHILLIPPO, (James M.) Jamaica; its past Coal and Metalliferous Veins fully explained. and present state. 120. London, 1843. 120. Philadelphia, 1858. The same. 80. Philadelphia, 1843. PHILLIPS, (Henry.) Floral Emblems. New United States and Cuba. 120. Lon- ed. 80. London, 1831. don, 1857. Flora Historica; or, the three seasons PHILLIPPS, (Charles Spencer March.) Juris- of the British Parterre; with observations on prudence. 80. London, 1863. planting, and the most approved methods of PHILLIPPS, (H. Cranmer.) Code of Universal cultivating bulbous plants. 2 v. 80. LonNaval Signals, calculated to afford the means don, 1824. of communication between ships of all na- History of Cultivated Vegetables. 2d tions; with a cypher for secret correspond- ed. 2 v. 80. London, 1822. ence. 80. London, 1835. Pomarium Britannicum; or, fruits PHILLIPS, (Benjamin.) Scrofula; its nature, known in Great Britain. 3d ed. 80. Lonits causes, its prevalence, and the principles don, 1823. of treatment. 80. London, 1846. Sylva Florifera; the shrubbery; with PHILLIPS, (Catherine.) Memoirs of the Life observations on ornamental plantations, and of. 80. Philadelphia, 1847. (Friends' Li- picturesque scenery. 2v. 80. London, 1823. brary, v. 11.) PHILLIPS, (John.) Manual of Geology; pracPHILLIPS, (Charles.) Historical Sketch of tical and theoretical. 120. Glasgow, 1855. Arthur, Duke of Wellington. 80. Brighton, The same. 2 v. 160. London, 1850. 1852. (Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia, v. 94-95.) Specimens of Irish Eloquence; now Life on the Earth; its origin and sucfirst arranged and collected; with biograph- cession. 120. London, 1860. ical notices, and a preface. 80. London, Mexico Illustrated; with descriptive 1819. letter-press, in English and Spanish. Folio..... Speeches at the bar, and on various London, 1848. public occasions. 80. London, 1822. Rivers, Mountains, and Sea-Coast of ---- Speeches of Phillips, Curran, and Grat- Yorkshire; with essays on the climate, tan; with the powerful appeal of Robert Em- scenery, and ancient inhabitants of the mett, at the close of his trial for high treason. country. 80. London, 1853. 80. Philadelphia, 1846. PHILLIPS, (John Arthur.) Manual of MetalPHILLIPS, (Charles Palmer.) Law concerning lurgy; or, practical treatise on the chemistry Lunatics, Idiots, and Persons of Unsound of the metals. 120. London, 1852. Mind. 8C. London, 1858. PHILLIPS, (P.) Digest of Cases decided in PHILLIPS, (Edward.) New World of Words; the Supreme Court of Alabama from Minor or, Universal English Dictionary. 6th ed., to 7 Porter. 80. Mobile, 1840. improved, by John Kersey. Folio. London, ~ The same. From. Minor to 7 Alabama 1706. Reports. 80. Mobile, 1846. (2 copies.) Theatrum Poetarum Anglicanorum: - The same. From 7 to 13 Alabama containing the names and characters of all Reports, inclusive; with a complete index to the English Poets, from Henry III. to Queen the whole body of reports. 80. Mobile, 1849. Elizabeth. Enlarged. 80. Canterbury, 1800. Observations on the Court of Claims. PHILLIPS, (George, Rector of Sandon, Essex.) 80. Washington, 1859. Elements of Syriac Grammar. 80. Cam- PHILLIPS, (P. Lovell.) Principles of Agriculbridge, (Eng.,) 1837. ture, especially tropical, and of organic PHILLIPS, (Georg; Prof. of History at Vienna.) chemistry, familiarly treated. 80. London, Du Droit Ecclesiastique dans ses Principes 1857. 111 882 PHILLIPS. PHILO. PHILLIIPS, (Sir Richard.) Collection of modern PHILLIPS, (Willard.) Digest of Pickering's and contemporary voyages and travels. 11 v. Reports, from v. 2 to 8. 8~. Boston, 1831. 80. London, 1805. Inventor's Guide; comprising the rules, PHILLIPS, (Samuel March.) State Trials; or, forms, and proceedings for securing patent a collection of the most interesting trials, rights. 120. Boston, 1837. prior to the revolution of 1688, reviewed and Law of Patents for Inventions; inillustrated. 2 v. 8~. London, 1826. eluding the remedies and legal proceedings Treatise on the Law of Evidence. 2d in relation to patent rights. 8.' Boston, Am., fiom the 3d London ed., with notes 1837. (3 copies.) and references to American authorities, by Manual of Political Economy, with John A. Dunlap. 2 v. 8~. New-York and reference to the institutions, resources, &c., Boston, 1820-22. of the United States. 80. Boston, 1828. -~ —- The same. 8th ed., with additions. - Propositions concerning Protection and By S. M. Phillips and A. Ames. 2 v. 80. Free Trade. 120. Boston, 1850. London, 1838. Treatise on the Law of Insurance. The same. 4th Am. ed., with notes. 2 v. 80. Boston, 1823-34. By Esek Cowen and Nicholas Hill. 4 v. 80. The same. 2d ed. 2 v. 80. Boston, New-York, 1839. (2 copies.) 1840. The same. 9th ed., with alterations -- The same. 3d ed. 2 v. 80. Boston, and additions. By S. M. Phillips. 2 v. 80. 1853. London, 1843. (2 copies.) The same. 4th ed. 2 v. 80. Boston, The same. 6th Am., from the 9th Lon- 1854. don ed., with notes by E. Cowen and N. PHJLLIPS, (William.) Elementary IntroducHill; with additional notes and references to tion to the Knowledge of Mineralogy. 5th the English and American cases to the pres- ed., from the 4th London ed., by Robert ent time. By J. M. Van Cott. 5 v. 80. Allan; containing the latest discoveries in New-York, 1849. (13 copies.) American and foreign Mineralogy, &c., by The same. 10th English ed., with con- Francis Alger. 80. Boston, 1844. siderable alterations and additions, by S. M. - The same. New ed., with additions, Phillips and Thomas J. Arnold. 4th Am. by H. J. Brooke and W. H. Miller. 80. ed., with Cowen and Hill's notes, and addi- London, 1852. tional notes by J. Marsden Van Cott. Edited PHILLIPS, (William; Correspondent of the New by Isaac Edwards. 3v. 80. New York, York Tribune.) Conquest of Kansas by Mis1859. (2 copies.) souri and her Allies; a history of the troubles PHILLIPS, (Thomas.) Journal of a Voyage to in Kansas, from the passage of the Organic Africa and Barbadoes, 1693-94. (Churchill's Act until July, 1856. 120. Boston, 1856. Voyages and Travels, v. 6.) PHILLIPS. See PHILIPS, PHILIPPS, and PHIL". PHILLIPS, (Thomas; F. S. A.) Life of Regi- LIPPS. nald Pole. 2d ed. 2 v. 80. London, 1767. PHILLPOTTS, (Henry.) Disqualifications of PHILLIPS, (Thomas.) Lectures on the History Roman Catholic Subjects. 80. London, and Principles of Painting. 80. London, 1826. (Pamphleteer, v. 27.) 1833. Letters to Charles Butler, on the theoPHILLIPS, (Sir Thomas.) Wales; language, logical parts of his Book of the Roman Cathsocial condition, moral character, and reli- olic Church. 80. London, 1826. gious opinions of the people, considered in PHILO Byzantius. De Septeml Orbis Spectatheir relation to education. 80. London, culis. (Gronovius, Thesaurus Gr1ec. Antiq., 1849. v. 8.) PHILLIPS,(Thomas Jodrell.) Reports of Cases PHILO Judoeus. Opera omnia. (GrTech et in the High Court of Chancery, 1841 to 1849. LatinS.) Textum cum MSS. contulit, quam2 v. 80. London, 1847-49. plurima etiam d codd. Vaticano, &c., adjecit, PHILLIPS, (Wendell.) The Constitution a interpretationemque emendavit, universa ilPro-Slavery Compact; or, extracts from the lustravit Thomas Mangey. 2 v. Folio. Madison Papers. 3d ed. 120. New York, Londini, 1742. 1856. - The same. Ad editionerm Thomme ManSpeeches, Lectures, and Letters. 8~. gey collatis alliquot MSS. edenda curavit A. Boston, 1863, F. Pfeiffer. 4 v. 80. Erlangre, 1785-88. 883 PHILO. PICKELL. PHILO Judmus. Breviarum de Temporibus. BonnHe, 1829. (Byzantinae Hist. Corpus, (With BEROSUS, Antiquitates.) v. 11.) -- Works. Translated by C. D. Yonge. PHOTOGRAPHIC Society of London. Journal, 4 v. 12~. London, 1854. containing the transactions of the society, PHILOBIBLION, The; a monthly bibliogra- and a general record of photographic art phical journal. Dec., 1861, to Nov., 1863. and science. Edited by Arthur Henfrey. V. 1-2. Small 40. New-York, 1862-3. 2 v. 80. London, 1853-56. PHILOSOPHICAL Miscellanies. Translated from PHOTOGRAPHY. Practical Manual of Photothe French of Cousin, Jouffroy, and Ben- graphy; by a practical photographer. 3d jamin Constant; with critical notices, by ed. 16~. London, 1852. George Ripley. 2 v. 12~. Boston, 1838. PHRANTZES, (Georgius.) Annales, siveChronPHILOSOPHICAL Transactions of the Royal icon. (Gr. et Lat.) Rec. I. Bekkerus. 80. Society of London, for the years 1665-1863. Bonnae, 1838. (Byzantinee Hist. Corpus, v. V. 1-153. 40. London, 1665-1864. 33.) The same; abridged, 1665-1750. 11 v. PHRENOLOGY, Psychology, and Pneumatol40. London, 1749-56. ogy; or, the importance of training the General Indexes: Parts I and II. whole being. By an Improvisor. 16~. 1665-1820. 2v. 4C. London, 1787-1821. London, 1853. PHIILOSTRATUS. Vita Apollomi, Vite Sophis- PIACENTINI, (Dionisio Gregorio.) ~ Epitome tarum, Heroicus, Epistole et Imagines. Grsecie Paleographie et de recta Grmci (Gr. et Lat.) 1Eec. A. Westermann. 80. sermonis pronunciatione dissertatio. 40. Paris, 1849. (Didot, Biblioth. Grecque, Romae, 1735. v. 32.) PIANTANIDA, (Luigi.) Della Giurisprudenza ~- LifeofApolloniusofTyana. Translated Marittima-Commerciale, antica e moderna. from the Greek, with notes, by E. Berwick. 4 v. 4C. Milano, 1806-08. 80. London, 1809. PIASECKI, or PIAZESKI, (Paul.) Chronica ~ —T The same. Two First Books; with Gestorum in Europa singularium, accurate philological notes upon each chapter, by ac fideliter conscripta, ad A. C. 1648. Charles Blount. Folio. London, 1680. Folio. Cracovia, 1645. — ~ Les Images; ou, tableaux de platte PIATT, (Mrs. Donn.) Bell Smith Abroad. peinture des deux Philostrates, mis en Fran- 120. New-York, 1855. 9ois par Blaise de Vigenere. Folio. Paris, PICARD, (M. A.) Le Conflit AmAricaine et 1637. sa Solution Probable. 120. Paris, 1862. PHILP'S Washington Described. A complete (Pol. Pam., v. 93.) view of the American Capital, and the Dis- PICART, (Bernard.) See CANINI. trict of Columbia. Edited by W. D. Haley. See CEREMONIES ET COUTUMES. 120. New-York, 1861. See TEMPLE OF THE MUSES. PIIIPPS, (Constantine John; Lord lMugrave.) PICHLER, (Caroline.) The Swedes in Prague; Voyage towards the North Pole, undertaken or, the signal rockett; a romance of the by his Majesty's command, 1773. 40c Lon- Thirty Years' war: and Quentin Matsys. don, 1774. Translated by J. D. Haas. 160. London, -~- TThe same. (Pinkerton's Voyages, v. 1.) 1845. PHIPPS, (Edmund.) Memoirs of the Political PICHON, (Louis Andre.) Lettres d'un Franand Literary Life of Robert Plumer Ward; 9ais, a M. Pitt, sur le systeme du gouvernewith selections from his correspondence, etc. ment Britannique envers la France. 80S 2 v. 80. London, 1850. Paris, 1797-98. (Pol. Pam., v. 18.) PHIPPS, (Joseph.) Original and Present State PICIHOT, (Amedee.) Charles-quint: Chronique of Man, briefly considered. 120. Phila- de sa vie interieure et de sa vie politique, de delphia, 1836. son abdication, et de sa retraite dans le cloitre The same. 80. Philadelphia, 1846. deYuste. 80. Paris, 1854. (Friends' Library, v. 10.), - Life and Labors of Sir Charles Bell, PHLEGON Trallianus. De Rebus Birabilibus; 120 London, 1860. de longevis; de Olympiis (Gronovius, PICKELL, (John.) New Chapter in the Early Thesaurus Grec. Antiq., v. 8.) Life of Washington, in connection with the PHIOTIus. EclogHe ex Olympiodoro, Candido, narrative history of the Potomac Company, Nonnoso, et Theophane. (Gr. et. Lat.) 80. 80. New-Yorlq 1856. 884 PICKERING. PIDANSAT. PICKERING, (Charles.) Races of Man, and matorrhcea. Translated from the German. their Geographical Distribution. New ed. Edited by F. B. Courtenay. 8S. London, With an analytical synopsis of the natural 1852. history of man, by John Charles Hall. 120. PICKLES, (William.) Flax and Tow Spinner's London, 1851. Complete Calculator. 240. London, 1849. PICKERING, (Danby.) Statutes at Large, from PICKMERE, (J. R.) Propriety of Midwives Magna Charta to 45 GeorgeIII. 43 v. 8~. instead of Surgeons, practising Midwifery. Cambridge, 1762-1805. - 80. London, 1827. (Pamphleteer, v. 28.) Index to the Statutes, from Magna PIc-Nic PAPERS. By Charles Dickens, W. H. Charta to 23 George III. 2 v. 80. Cam- Maxwell, Thomas Moore, Miss Strickland, bridge and London, 1769-94. Horace Smith, Leitch Ritchie, and other PICKERING, (John, LL. D., of Salem, Mass.) writers. 120. London, 1841. Eulogy on Nathaniel Bowditch, LL. D.; in- PICONNERIE. See BUGEAUD DE LA PICONeluding an analysis of his scientific publica- NERIE. cations. 80. Boston, 1838. PICOT, (Jean.) Statistique de la Suisse. 120. PICKERING, (John.) Working Man's Political Gengve, 1819. Economy, founded upon the principle of im- PICOT, (J. B. C.) Du Mariage Romain, mutable justice, and the inalienable rights Chr6tien et Fran9ais, consid6r6 sous le rapof man. 80. Cincinnati, 1847. port de l'histoire, de la philosophie, de la PICKERING, (Octavius.) Reports of Cases in religion, et des institutions anciennes et the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachu- modernes. 80. Paris, 1849. setts, 1822 to 1840. 24 v. 80. Boston, PICOT, (Joseph l7douardAlexandre.) ttudes 1824-42. (2 copies.) sur la Guerre de Si6ge, comprenant la defense, PICKERING, (P. A.) Remarks on a report from l'attaque, et les mines. 80. Paris, 1856. a committee of the House of Commons, on PICQUOT, (A.) Elements of Astronomy. 2d ed. the Publication of Printed Papers by Parlia- 12. London, 1828. ment. 80. London, 1838. PICTET, (-.) Discours Prononc6s l'occasion PICKERING, (Timothy.) Instructions to the du Projet de Loi sur les Douanes. 80. Paris, American Ministers to the French Republic, 1803. (Pol. Pam., v. 19.) etc. 80. Philadelphia, 1798. PICTET, (Adolphe.) Du Beau dans la Nature, Letter to C. C. Pinckney, in answer to l'Art, et la Po6sie; 6tudes esth6tiques. 120. the Complaints of the French Minister. 80. Paris, 1856. New York, 1797. (Pol. Pam., v. 81.) PICTOR, (Quintus Fabius.) See FABIUS. Letter on the Danger of a War, with a PICTORIAL Gallery of Arts. Series 1: Useful Reply to the same; with MS. Letter [anony- Arts. Series 2: Fine Arts. 2v. 40. Lonmous] to President Jefferson on the Em- don, 1847. bargo. 80. Boston, 1808. (Pol. Pam. v. PICTORIAL History of England; being a his107.) tory of the people, as well as a history of the....- The same; to which is prefixed an Ad- kingdom; by George L. Craik and Charles dress of Thousands to the People of the Mac Farlane, assisted by other contributors. United States. 120. Northampton, (Mass.,) 8 v. 80. London, 1849. 1808. (Pol. Pam., v. 107.) PICTORIALNarratives. 120. New-York. (n. d.) Review of the "Correspondence be- PICTURES from the Battle Fields; by "The tween the Hon. John Adams and William Roving Englishman." 2d ed. 160. London, Cunningham, beginning in 1803, and end- 1855. ing in 1812." 80. Salem, (Mass.,) 1824. PICTURES from Sicily. 80. London, 1853. The same. 2d ed. 8~. Salem, 1824. PICTURES of Comical People, with stories about (With CUNNINGHAM and ADAMS Corre- them; with illustrations, by Grandville. 160. spondence.) New York, 1856. PICKETT, (Albert James.) History of Alaba- PICTURES of the French. A series of literary ma; and incidentally of Georgia and Missis- and graphic delineations of French characsippi. 2d ed. 2v. 120. Charleston, (S. C.,) ter, by Jules Janin, Balzac, Cormenin, and 1851. others. 80. London, 1840. PICKETT, (J. C.) Sundry Letters and Disser- PIDANSAT DE MATROBERT, (Matthieu Frantations. 80. Washington, 1848. 9ois.) Anecdotes sur Madame la Comtesse PICKFORD, (J 1-1.) On True and False Sper- du Barri. 120. Londres, 1775. 885 PIDDINGTON. PIGOTT, PIDDINGTON, (Henry.) English Index to the ter Edward Losses. (Purchas's Pilgrims, Plants of India. 80. Calcutta, 1832. v. 2, page 986.) Sailor's Horn-Book for the Law of PIGAULT-LEBRUN, (Charles Antoine GuillauStorms. 80. New-York, 1848. me.) GEuvres Completes. 21 v. 80. Paris, PIDGEON, (Edward.) Fossil Remains of the 1822-24. Animal Kingdom. 8~.- London. (n. d.) CONTENTS. PIDGEON, (William.) Traditions of De-coo- Ad6laide de M6ran, v. 19-20. dah, and Antiquarian Researches; compri- Adele et D'Abligny, v. 5. Angelique et Jeanneton, v. 3. sing explorations of the remains of the Barons (les) de Felsheim, v. 2. mound builders in America. 80. New-York, Beau-Pdre (le) et le Gendre, v. 17. Citateur, (Le) v. 21. 1853. Encore du Magn6tisme, v. 5. PIDOU DE ST. OLON, (Fran9ois.) Present Efant () dCarnaval,. 1. State of the Empire of Morocco. Trans- Famille (la) Luceval, v. 12. Folie (la) Espagnole, v. 6. lated by P. A. Motteux. 160. London, (l-aron (le) sans Souci, v. 18. 1695. Homme (1') aux Projets, v. 13. J6r6me, v. 8. PItCES Imprim6es d'aprds le D6cret de la Con- Mac6doine, Une, v. 15. Mon Oncle Thomas, v. 5. vention National du 5 D6cembre, 1792, Monsieur de Kinglin, ou la Prescience, v. 5. trouves dans l'Armoire de Fer au Chateau Melanges Litteraires, v. 3. Metusko, ou les Polonais, v. 5. des Tuileries. V. 1. 8~. Paris, 1793. Monsieur Botte, v. 7. PIERCE, (Edward L.) Treatise on American Mosieur del obrvill, v 14. Observateur (1'), v. 18. Railroad Law. 80. New York, 1857. Officieux (I'), v. 20. Tableaux de Soci6t6, v. 16. PIERCE. See PEIRCE; also, PEARCE. Theatre, v. 9-]1. PIERER, (H. A.) Universal Lexikon; oder, Theodore, on les P6ruviens, v. 5. neuestes encyclopadisches Worterbuch der Le Citateur. 8o. Iaris, 1830. Wissenchaften, Kiinste und Gewerbe, bear- Histoire de France, abrdg6e, a l'usage beitet von mehr als 300 Gelehrten. 3e Au- des gens du monde. 8 v. 8~. Paris, 1823flage. 17 v. 80. Altenburg, 1849-52. 28. PIERIUS Valerianus, (J.) See VALERIANO PIGGOT, (A. Snowden.) Chemistry and MetalBOLZANI, (J. P.) lurgy, as applied to the study and practice PIERPONT, (John.) Airs of Palestine, a poem. of dental surgery. 80. Philadelphia, 1854. 3d ed., revised. 12. Boston, 1817. Chemistry and Metallurgy of Copper, Discourse before the ancient and hon- including a description of the principal coporable Artillery Co. of Mass., June 2, 1828. per mines of the United States and other 80. Boston, 1828. (Theol. Pam., v. 12.) countries. 120. Philadelphia, 1858. PIERS PLOUGHMAN. See PLOWMAN, (Pierce.) PIGNOTTI, (Lorenzo.) Storia della Toscana, PIERSON, (H. W.) American Missionary Me- sino al principato con diversi saggi sulle morial; including biographical and historical Scienze, Lettere e Arti. 5 v. in 4. 80. Pisa, sketches. 80. New-York, 1853. 1813. Jefferson at Monticello. From entirely History of Tuscany, from the earliest new materials. 80. New York, 1862. era; comprising an account of the revival of PIESS, (G. W. Septimus.) Art of Perfumery, letters, sciences, and arts; including meand the methods of obtaining the odours of moirs of the family of the Medici. Transplants. 120. London, 1855. lated by John Browning. 4 v. 80. LonPIGAFETTA, (Francesco Antonio.) Prime Viag- don, 1826. gio Intorno al Globo Terraqueo, ossia, navi- PIGOREAU, (Alexandre Nicolas.) Petite Bibgazione alle Indie Orientali per la via d'occi- liographie Romancibre, ou dictionnaire des dente; sulla squadra del Capit. Magaglianes romanciers tant anciens que modernes. Avec negli anni 1519-1522. Corredato di note da 6 supplements. 80. Paris, 1821-23. Carlo Amoretti. 40. Milano, 1800. PIGOT, (Robert.) Libertd de la Presse; adresse -— ~- Voyage Round the World, 1519-22. A l'assemblde nationale de la France. (Pol. (Pinkerton's Voyages, v. 11.) Pam., v. 1.) PIGAFETTA, (Felipe.) Regnum Congo, hoc PIGOTT, (Charles.) Political Dictionary; exest vera descriptio regni Africani. (Bry. plaining the meaning of words, as illustrated Collectiones, series II, pars 1.) in the Lives of illustrious personages. (Im- Report of the Kingdome of Congo, a perfect.) 80. London, 1795. (Pol. Pam., region of Africa. From discourses by Mas- v. 121.) PIGOTT. 88PINDARUS. PIGOTT, (Charles.) Strictures on the new PILPA,or BIDPAI, Fables. 180. London, 1862. Political Tenets of Edmund Burke. 8~. Libro de Calila 6 Dymna. (Bib. de London, 1791. (Pol. Pam., v. 119 and 120. Autores Espafoles, v. 31.) 2 copies.) - See Allo: A-VAR-1I-SUHAILI and HITPIGOTT, (Grenville.) Manual of Scandinavian OPADESA. Mythology; containing a popular account of PILSEN, (John.) Reply to Emil Schalk's critthe two Eddas, and of the religion of Odin. icism on Fremont's Campaign. 8~. New 12~. London, 1839. York, 1863. PIGOTT, (Nathaniel.) New Precedents in Con- PINAULT, (l'Abbd; Prof. de Physique.) Trait6 veyancing. Folio. London, 1742. Elementaire de Physique. 2O 6d. 2 v. 8~. PIKE, (Joseph.) Some Account of his Life, Paris, 1836. written by himself. 80. Philadelphia, 1838. PINCHES, (Conrad Hume.) Practical Elocu(Friends' Library, v. 2.) tionist. 12~. London, 1854. PIKE, (Mary H.) Caste; a story of republi- PINCKARD, (George.) Notes on the West can equality, by Sydney A. Story, Jr. 12~. Indies; written during the expedition under Boston, 1856. the command of Sir Ralph Abercromby; inIda May; a story of things actual and eluding observations on Barbadoes, the coast possible. By Mary Langdon. 12~. Bos- of Guiana, and the Indians of South Ameton, 1854. rica. 3 v. 80. London, 1806. PIKE, (Nicholas.) New and Complete System PINDARUS. Omnia que extant. Greece. Cum of Arithmetic. 8~. Newburyport, 1788. interpretatione Latina. 2 v. in 1. 160. PIKE, (Samuel.) Compendious Hebrew Lexi- Glasguse, 1744. con; with a brief account of the construction The same. Textum in genuina metra and rationale of the Hebrew tongue. 8~. restituit et recensuit, annotationem criticam, London, 1766. scholia integra, interpretationem Latinam, PIKE, (Zebulon M.) Account of Expeditions commentarium perpetuum, et indices adjecit to the Sources of the Mississippi, and to the Aug. Boeckhius. 3 v. 4~. Lipsire, 1811-21. sources of the Arkansaw, Kans, La Platte, The same. Cum lectionis varietate et and Pierre Jaune rivers; during 1805-1807. adnotationibus. Accedunt interpretatio La8~. Philadelphia, 1810. tina emendatior, et fragmenta; necnon G. PILKINGTON, (Jane.) Miscellaneous Poems. Hermanni dissertationes Pindaricte, et in2 v. 180. London, 1796.. dices tres, C. G. Heyne. Nova ed., aucta. PILKINGTON, (Matthew.) General Dictionary 3 v. 8~. Londini, 1824. of Painters; from Cimabue, in the year 1250, - Epinician or Triumphal Odes, in four to the present time; with an introduction, by books; together with the fragments of his Allan Cunningham. New ed., by R. A. lost compositions. In the original Greek. Davenport. 8~. London, 1852. Revised and explained by J. W. Donaldson. PILLANS, (James.) Contributions to the Cause 80. London, 1841. of Education. 8~. London, 1856. Odes, with several other pieces in prose Rationale of Discipline, as exemplified and verse, translated fiom the Greek. Also, in the High School of Edinburgh. 8~. Edin- a dissertation on the Olympic games; with burgh, 1852. original poems. By Gilbert West. 3 v. 160. PILLEAU, (Henry.) Sketches in Egypt. Folio. London, 1766. London, 1845. The same. With notes, by Abraham PILLERSDORF, (Franz, Baron.) Austria in Moore. 2 parts in 2 v. 80. London, 1822-31. 1848 and 1849-the political movement in The same. In English prose, with Austria, during the years 1848 and 1849. notes. To which is added, West's dissertaTranslated by George Gaskell. 120. Lon- tion on the Olympic games. 2 v. in 1. 80. don, 1850. Oxford, 1824. PILLET, (Rend-Martin.) L'Angleterre vue a Translated by G. West and others. Londres et dans ses Provinces, pendant un 160. Chiswick, 1822. (British Poets, sejour de dix Ann6es, dent six comme prison- v. 89. ) nier de guerre. 80. Paris, 1815. The same. Translated, in prose, by PILLON, (Alexandre.) Handbook of Greek D. W. Turner; in verse, by A. Moore. 12~. Synonymes. From the French. Edited, with London, 1852. (Bohn's Classical Library, notes, by T. K. Arnold. 160. London, 1850. v. 54.) 887 PINDAR. PINKERTON. PINDAIR, (Peter; Pseud.) See WOLCOTT, Benjamin of Tudcela, Rabbi. Travels from Spainto China; 1160-73, v. 7. (John.) Bernier, Fr. Voyage to the East Indies, v. 8. PINET A, (Peter.) New Dictionary, Spanish Betagh, W. Account of Peru, 1720, v. 14. Blount, H. Voyage into the Levant, v. 10. and English, and English and Spanish; with Borri, C. Account of Cochin-China, v. 9. Mooris word nw co Bosman, W. Description of the Coast of Guinea, the Arabick and Moorish words now co- v. 16. monly received in the Spanish tongue. Folio. Bourgoing, J. F. Travels in Spain, 1777, v. 5. Bouguer, P. Voyage to Peru, 1735, v. 14. London, 1740. Brand, J. Description of the Orkneys and ShetPINELLI, (Bartolommeo.) Twenty-seven Etch-' lad r io 3& Bray, WV. Tour into Derbyshire, &c., 1777, v. 2. ings; illustrative of Italian manners and Browne, E. Journey to Dar-Fur, 1793, v. 15. costume. Folio. RomeOA- - Journies in the Interior of Africa, v. 16. costume. Folio. Rome, 1844. Buchanan, F. Journey through Mysore, Canara, PINELO, (Antonio DE LEON Y.) Epitome de la and Malabar, 1800, v. 8. Burnaby, B. Travels through the Middle SettleBibliotheca Oriental, y Occidental, Nautica, ments in North America, 1759-60, v. 13. YGeografica. A dido, en que so contie~nen Carli, D. de. Voyage to Congo, 1666-7, v. 16. aronografica, F. Account of Japan, 1631-8, v. 7. los escritores de las Indias orientales, y oc- Cartier, J. Discovery of the Island of New France, 1534, v. 12. cidentales, por mano del Marques de Torre- Catalogue of Books of Voyages and Travels, v. 17. Nueva. 3 v. in 1. Folio. Madrid, 1737-38. Chardin, Sir J. Travels in Persia, v. 9. Chaste, de. Voyage to Tercera, 1583, v. ]. PINETTI DE WILLEDAL, (Joseph.) Amuse- Columbus, F. Discovery of the West Indies, v. 12. mens P et diffrentes expriences Condamine, C. M. de la. Travels in SouthAmerica, mens Physiques, et diffrentes experiences v. 14. divertissantes. Nouv. 6d. 80. Paris, 1785. Cook, James. Abstract of his three Voyages, 1768-80, y. 11. Physical Amusements, and diverting Coxe, W. Travels in Denmark and Norway, v. 6. experiments. Translated from the French.ravels in Russia, v. 6. - -- Travels in Switzerland, 1776-8, v. 5. 80. London, 1784. Cumberland, G., Earl of. Voyage to the Azores, 1589, v. 1. PINGRI, (Alexandre Guy.) Com6tographie; Dampier, W. Account of New Holland, v. 11. ou, trait6 historique et th6orique des combtes. - Account of tie Philippines, v. 11. Dandini, J. Voyage to Mount Libanus, v. 10. 2 V. 40. Paris, 1783-84. Dolomieu, D. de. Account of the Earthquakes in PiNHEIRO-FERREIRA, (Silvestre.) Cours de Calabria in 1783, v. 5. Dutch Voyages to Northern Europe, 1594-6, v. 1. Droit Public, interne et externe. 3 v. 80. Ehrenmalm, A. Travels into Western Norland, ParisD 1.~~ 830.~ &c., 1741, v. 1. Paris, 1830. Ferber, J. J. Essay on the Oryctography of DerObservations sur le Guide Diplomat- byshire, v. 2. Fitch, R. Voyage to Ormus and the East Indies, ique de M. le Baron Ch. de Martens. 80. v. 9. Pari, 1837. Forster, G. Travels in the Northern Part of Persia, Paris, ] 837. 1783, v. 9. Principles du Droit Public, Constitu- Fortia de Piles, A. T. J. A. M. de. Travels in Sweden, 1790-2, v. 6. tionnel, Administratif, et des Gens, ou Francklin,W. Tour from Bengal to Persia, 1786-7, manuel du citoyen sous un gouvernement v. 9. Frobisher, M. Three Voyages for the Discovery of repr6sentatif. 3 v. 160. Paris, 1834. a North-West Passage, 1576-8, v. 12. Glas, G. History of the Canary Islands, v. 16. PINKERTON, (John.) Ancient Scotish Poems; Go6z, B. Travels from Laher to China, v. 7. published from the MS. collections of Sir Gonzales, M. Voyage to England and Scotland, 1730, v. 2. Richard Maitland. 2 v. 120. London, 1786. Guignes, L. J. de. Observations on the Philippine - Dissertation on the Origin and Progress Islands, and the Isle of France, v. 11. Hamel, 1H. Travels in Korea, 1653, v. 7. of the Scythians or Goths. 80. Edinburgh, Hamilton, A. Account of the East Itdies, 16881733, v. 8. 1814. (Pinkerton's Scotland, v. 2.) Hamilton, W. Letters on the Basaltes of the NorthGeneral Collection of Voyages and ern Coast of the County of Antrim, v. 3. IHassel, J. Tour of the Isle of Wight, 1790, v. 2. Travels in all parts of the World, many of Heath, R. Account of the Islands of Scilly, v. 2. which are now first translated into English. Japan, Diary on the Coast of, 1673, v. 7. Jenkinson, A. Voyages and Travels to Bucharia, 17 v. 40. London, 1808-14. 1557, v. 9. Kaempfer, E. History of Japan, v. 7. CONTENTS. Kalm, P. Travels in North America, 1748, v. 13. Kerguelen Tr6marec, Y. J. de. Voyage to the Abd Allatif's Relation respecting Egypt, v. 15. North, 1767-8, v. 1. Addison, L. Account of West Barbary, v. 15. Lahontan, N., le Baron de. Travels in Canada, v, 13. Adanson, M. Voyage to Senegal, the Island of Leems, K. Account of Danish Lapland, v. 1. Goree, and the River Gambia, v. 16. Lempriere, WV. Tour to Morocco, 1789, v. 15. Allison, T. Voyage from Archangel, 1697, v. 1. Le Roy, P. L. Narration of Four Russian Sailors, America. Discoveries and Settlements of the Eng- 1743, v. 1. lish in, from the reign of Henry VII. to the close Lister M. Journey to Paris, 1698, v. 4. of Queen Elizabeth's, v. 12. Lobo, J. Voyage to Abyssinia, 1622, v. 15. Angelo, M. Voyage to Congo, 1666-7, v. 16. Lord, H. Discovery of the Banians and Persees, Bacstrom, S. Voyage to Spitzbergen, 1780, v. 1. v. 8. Balbi, G. Voyage to Pegu, 1579, v. 9. Mahommedans, Travels of two, through India and Baron, S. Description of Tonqueen, v. 9. China in the Ninth Century, v. 7. Battel, A. Adventures in Angola, v. 16. Malkin, B. I-. Tour through Wales, 1806, v. 2. Beeckman, D. Voyage to Borneo, 1714, v. 11. Martin, M. Description of the Western Islands of Bell, J. Travels in Asia, 1716-22, v. 7. Scotland, v. 3. 888 PINKERTON. PIOZZI. PINKERTON, (John.) General Collection of preceding the year 1056. New ed. 2v. 80. Voyages and Travels in all parts of the Edinburgh, 1814. World, &c.-Continued. Letters of Literature, by Robert Ieron. Maundrell, H. Journeyfrom Aleppo to Jerusalem, 8. London, 1785. 1697, v. 10. Literary Correspondence. Now printed Maupertuis, P. L. M. de. Journey to the Polar fm the originls i the possession of D - Circle, 1737, v. the originals n the possession of awMerolla, J6rome. Voyage to Congo, 1682, v. 16. son Turner. 2 v. 80. London, 1830. Moritz, C. P. Travels in England, 1782, v. 2. Niebuhr, C. Travels in Arabia, v. 10. Modern Atlas, exhibiting the various Nieuhoff, J. Travels in China, 1655, v. 7. divisions of the world, in sixty ma. Folio. - Voyages and Travels in Brazil, 1640,xty maps. v. 14. Philadelphia, 1818. North America, Memoirs of, v. 13. Outhier, R. Journey of a Voyage to the North, Petralogy; a Treatise on Rocks. 2 v. 1736-7, v. 1. 80. London, 18I11. Ovalle, A. de. Historical relation of Chili, v. 14. Lond, Park, M. Travels in Africa, v. 16. Scotish Poems, reprinted from scarce Pelsart, F. Voyage to Australasia, 1628, v. 11. ediion 3v 120 Lond 1792 Pennant, T. Tour in Scotland, 1769, v. 3. Peron, F. Voyage for the Discovery of the South- Select Scottish Ballads. 2 v. 120. Lonern Land, 1800, v. 11. Persia, Description of, v. 9. don, 1783. Phipps, C. J. Voyage towards the North Pole, PINKERTON, (Robert.) Russia; observations 1773, v. 1. Pigafetta, A. Voyage round the World, 1519-22, on the past and present state of that country v. 11. Pococke,. Travels in the East, v. 10. and its inhabitants. 80. London, 1833. Pococke, R. Travels in the East, v. 10. Travels in Egypt, 1737, v. 15. PINKNEY, (William.) Life of William PinkPolo, Marco. Voyages and Travels, v. 7. Poncet, C. J. Journey to Abyssinia, 1698-1700. ney. 80. New York, 1853. v. 15. PINNEO, (T. S.) Englih Teacher. 120. CinPontanus, J. I. Dissertation concerning the N. E. Passage, v. 1. cinnati, 1852. Proyart, L. B. History of Loango, Kakongo, and PINNEY, (Charles.) Trial, in the Court of other Kingdoms of Africa, v. 16. PNNEY, (Charles.) Trial, in the Court of Raleigh, Sir W. Report of an Engagement near King's Bench, on an information charging the Azores, 1591, v. 1. Raymond de Carbonnieres, L. F. C. Journey to him with neglect of duty as Mayor of Bristol, the Summit of Mont Perdu, 1802, v. 4. the Summit of Mont Perdu, 1802, v. 4. during the Riots. 8~. Bristol, 1833. Regnard, J. F. Journey to Lapland, 1681, v. 1. Retrospect of the Origin and Progress of Discovery, PINNEY, (Joel.) How to Attain Health and v. 17. Richard J. History of Tonqueen, v. 9. Long Life. 80. London, 1839. Riesbeck, G. de. Travels through Germany, 1780, Key to the Attainment of the Full Term v. 6. Robertson, D. Tour through the Isle of Man, 1791, of Life. 80. London, 1860. Ro n, A.M. Voyage to Madagascar, v. 16. PINTO, (Fernando Mendez.) Voyages AvenRochon, A. M. Voyage to Madagascar, v. 16. Roe, Sir T. Voyage to India, 1614-15, v. 8. tureux. Traduit du Portugais, par B. Figuier. Rubruquis, W. de. Travels into Tartary and China,. Pa, 1253, v. 7. 3v. 80. Paris, 1830. Santos, J. dos. History of Eastern Ethiopia, v. 16. Voyages and Adventures, during his Saussure, H. B. de. Attempts to reach the Summit of Mont Blanc, 1786, v. 4. travels in the kingdoms of Ethiopia, China, Shaw, S. Tour to the West of England, 1788, v. 2., e. Tra d by Shaw, T. Travels in Barbary, v. 15. Japan, etc. Translated by H[enry] C[ogan.] Skrine, H. Tours through Wales, 1795, v. 2. 3d ed. Folio. London 1692. Smith, J. History of Virginia, New England and,i. ri riri the Summer Isles, v. 13. PlOBERT,(GUillaume.) rit d'Artillerie, th6oSpallanzani, L. Travels in the two Sicilies, v. 5. rique t pratique. Partie Thorique t ExStavorinus. J. S. Account of Java and Batavia, and of Celebes, Amboyna, &c., v. 11. pdrimentale. 80. Paris, 1847. Symes, M. Embassy to Ava, v. 9. r Tartary, Independent. Accounts of, v. 9. The same. Precis de la Partie E16Tasman, A. J. Voyage for the Discovery of South- mentaire et Pratique. 3e 6d. 80. Paris, 1852. ern Countries, v. 11. Tavernier, J. B. Voyages to inquire concerning PIOZZI, (Hester Lynch, Mrs. Tliralc.) AnecDiamond Mines, v. 8. dotes of Dr. Samuel Johnson, during the Thierry de Menonville, N. J. Travels to Guaxaca, dotes of Dr. Samuel Johnson, during the 1777, v. 13. last twenty years of his life. New ed. 120. Thunberg, C. P. Account of the Cape of GoodHope, 1772, v. 16. London, 1826. Tibet, Description of, v. 7. Autobiography, letters, and literary reTibet, Travels of Several Missionaries through, v. 7. Troil, U. von. Letters on Iceland, 1772, v. 1. mains. Edited by A. Hayward. 120. BosTurpin, F. R. History of Siam, v. 9. 181 Ulloa, A. de. Voyage to South America, 1735, v. 14. ton, 18 Valle, Pietro della. Travels in Persia, v. 9. British Synonymy; or, an attempt at Virginia, Discovery and Voyages to, 1584-90, v. 12. Willoughby, Sir H. Voyages to Russia and Siberia, regulating the choice of words in familiar 1553, v. 1. 1553, v. 1.......................conversation. 2 v. 8~. London, 794. Windhus, J. Journey to Mecquinez, 1721, v. 15. conversation. 2 v. 80. London, 1794. Young, A. Travels in France, 1787-9, v. 4. Love Letters, written when she was Tour in Ireland, 1776-8, v. 3....xr-v A i o - T i I, 1, v.. eighty, to Williaml Augustus Conway. 80. Inquiry into the History of Scotland London, 1843. 889 PIOZZI. PITMAN. Piozzi, (Hester Lynch; 3Irs. Thlrale.) Pioz- the Court of Appeals of Kentucky. 2 v. 8~. ziana; or, Recollections of Mrs. Piozzi. 12~. Louisville, 1832. (11 copies.) London, 1833. PISAN, (Christine de.) See CHRISTINE DE PPITZ, (F. E.) Mirabeau. A Life History. PISAN. In four books. Vol. I. Trial. VolI. II. Tri- PISANI, (Ferri.) See FERRI-PISANI. umph. 2v. 12~. London, 1848. PISE, (Charles Constantine.) Christianity and PIPON, (Colonel J. K.) and COLLIER, (J. F.) the Church. 160. Baltimore, 1850. Manual of Military Law for all ranks of the - History of the Church, from its estabArmy, Militia, and Volunteer Services; corn- lishment to the present century. 5 v. 8(. prising an account of the constitution, com- Baltimore, 1827-30. position, and procedure of courts-martial. Piso, (Willem.) De Indime utriusque re Na2d ed. 160. London, 1861. (2copies.) turali et Medica libri XIV. Folio. AmPIPON, (T.) and DURELL, (J. T.) Statement stelaedami, 1658. of the Mode of Proceeding, and of Going to PISTOLESI, (Erasmo.) I1 Vaticano descritto Trial in the Royal Court of Jersey. 40. ed illustrato; con disegni a contorni diretti Jersey, 1789. dal pittore Camillo Guerra. 8 v. Folio. PIQUERO, (Ygnacio.) Breve Instruccion sobre Roma, 1829-38. las Contribuciones Directas, establicidas en PISTOYE, (A. de.;) and DUVERDY, (C.) Trait6 la nacion, desde al afio de 1836. 40. des Prises Maritimes, dans lequel on a reMexico, 1845. fondu en partie le Trait6 de Valin, en l'apPIRANESI, (Giambattista and Carlo Francesco.) propriant h la legislation nouvelle. Ouvrage Antichita Romane. 20 v. Folio. Roma, contenant un grand nombre de d6cisions 1743-90. in6dites de l'ancien conseil des prises, et les CONTENTS. actes eman6s en 1854 des gouvernements belV. I. Avanzi degli antichi Edifizi di Roma. ligerants et neutres. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1855. II-III. Avanzi de' lonumenti sepolcrali di Roma e dell agro Romano. PITCAIRN, (Archibald.) Whole Works. TransIV. Ponti antichi, gli avanzi de' teatri, de' portici, lated from the Latin, by G. Sewell and J. T. e di altri moInmenti di Roma. V. Monumenti degli Scipioni. Desaguliers. 2d ed. 8~. London, 1727. VII. iicolta dra' ompi tiani. PITCAIRN, (Robert.) Criminal Trials in ScotVIL. Magnificenza id architettura de' Romani. VIII. Opere varie di architettura prospettive, grot- land, from 1488 to 1624; with historical notes tischi. [Also] Carceri [and] Aleine vedute di archi trionfali ed altri monumenti. and illustrations. 3 v. 40. Edinburgh, 1833. IX. Lapides capitolini, sive fasti consulates tri- PITEZEL, (John H.) Lights and Shades of umphalesque Romanorum. [Also] Antichita di Cuma. [and] Castello dell' acqua Giulia. Missionary Life, during nine years spent in X. I1 campo Marzio dell' antica Roma. X, 11 campo Marzio dell' antica Roma, the region of Lake Superior. 120. CineinXI. Antichitf d'Albano e di Castel Gandolfo. ae pel. 1. ncin[and] Descrizione e disegne dell' Emissario del nati, 1857. Lago Albauo, e di due spelonchi ivi. XII-XIII. Vasi, candclabri, cippi, sarcofagi, tri- PITKIN, (Timothy.) Political and Civil Hispodi, lucerne ed ornamenti antichi. tory of the United States of America, from XIV. Trofeo, o siv magnifica colonna coclide di marmoi ove si veggono scolpitile due guerre Da- 1763 to 1797. 2 v. 80. New-Haven, 1828. ciche fatte da Trajano. [Also] Colonna eretta Statistical View of the Commerce of the in memoria dell' apoteosi di Antonino Pio, e Faustina sua 1moglie. United States of America. 80. Hartford, 1816. XV. Diff6rentes vues de quelques restes de trois grands Edifices qui subsistent encore dans le The same. Including also an account milieu de'ancienne ville de Pesto. of banks, manufactures, &c. 80. NewXVI-XVII. Vedute di Roma, e della villa Adriana in Tivoli. Haven, 1835. XVIII. Antiquits dela GrandeGrnce. PITMAN, (Benn;) and PROSSER, (R. P.) ReXIX. II teatro di Ercolano. XX. Choix de Meilleures Statues Antiques. porter's Manual and Vocabulary. 120. CinPIRIE, (Alexander.) Dissertation on the He- cinnati, 1854. brew Roots, intended to point out their ex- PITMAN, (Edward Dix.) Treatise on the Law tensive influence on all known languages. of Principaland Surety. 80. London, 1840. 160. Edinburgh, 1807. PITMAN, (John.) Reply to the Letter of MarPIROLLE, (-.) Manuel, th6orique et pratique, cus Morton, on the Rhode Island Question. duJardinier. Nouv. 6d., revue et augment6e 80. Providence, 1842. (Misc. Pai., v. 39.) par MM. BoitardetNoisette. 160. Paris, 1855. PITMAN, (Robert Birks.) Succinct View and PIRRIE, (William.) Principles and Practice of analysis of authentic information, on the Surgery. Edited, with additions, by John practicability of joining the Atlantic and Neil. 80. Philadelphia, 1852. Pacific Oceans, by a Ship Canal across the PIRTLE, (Henry.) Digest of the Decisions of Isthmus of America. 80. London, 1825. 112 890 PITRAT. PLANCY. PITRAT, (John Claudius.) Americans warned PLACER TIMES and TRANSCRIPT, (Daily,) of Jesuitism, or the Jesuits unveiled. 120. 1853 to 1855. 6 v. Folio. San Francisco, Boston, 1855. 1853-55. PITT, (Christopher.) Poems and Translations. PLACITA Generalia et Specialia; in an exact 160. London, 1790. (Johnson'sEng. Poets, collection of precedents of declarations, v. 52.) plaints, demurrers, &c. 80. London, 1674. The same. 80. London, 1810. (Chal- PLAIN FACTS; an examination into the rights mers' Eng. Poets, v. 12.) of the Indians to their respective countries; PITT, (Moses.) English Atlas. 4 v. Folio. and a vindication of the grant of the Indians Oxford, 1680-89. to Indiana against the decision of the LegisPITT, (William.) Speech on Sir John Sinclair's lature of Virginia. 80. Philadelphia, 1781. Amendment relative to the Negotiation at (Colonial Pam., v. 19.) Lisle. 8~. London, 1797. (Pol. Pam., v. 50.) PLAIN and Seasonable Address to the Free~- Speech in the House of Commons, Feb. holders of Great Britain on the Present Pos21, 1783, on the Treaty. 80. London, 1783. ture of Affairs in America. 80. London, 1766. Speeches in the House of Commons. PLAIN Statement of the Power of the Bank of 3d ed. 3 v. 80. London, 1817. England, and the use it has made of it; with Speeches in the House of Commons on a refutation of the objections made to the a Negociation for Peace. 80. London, 1797- Scotch system of banking. 80. London, 1800. (Pol. Pam., v. 33.) 1833. (Financial Pam., v. 12.) ------ Letter from a Right Honorable Aristo- PLAN d'une Banque National. Par le Comte crat to William Pitt on Burke's Letter to a de C. 80. Paris, (n. d.) (Pol. Pam., v. 14.) Noble Lord, &c. 80. London, 1796. (Pol. PLAN of an American Compact with Great Pam., v. 120.) Britain. 80. (n. d.) (Col. Pam., v. 16.) _ Pitt's Administration and Hastings's PLAN of the Re-Printed Reports of the Board Impeachment. (Imperfect.) 8'. (n. d.) of Agriculture. 80. London, 1806. (Agric. (Pol. Pam., v. 27.) Pam., v. 1.) PITTIS, (William.) History of the Present PLANCnIE, (James Robinson.) British CosParliament, and convocation; with debates tume; a history of the Dress of the inhabirelating to the conduct of the war abroad. tants of the British Islands. 160. London, 80. London, 1711. 1849. (Library of Entertaining Knowledge, PITTS-STREET Chapel Lectures; delivered in v. 31.) Boston by clergymen of six different denom- The Pursuivant of Arms; or, heraldry inations, during the winter of 1858. 80. founded upon facts. New ed. 80. LonBoston, 1858. don, 1859. PIus VI. Bref du Pape sur la Constitution - Four and Twenty Fairy Tales; selected Civile du Clerg6, d6cr6t6e par l'Assembl6e from those of Perrault and other popular Nationale. 80. Paris, 1791. (Pol. Pam., writers. 160. London, 1858. v. 7.) PLANCHES, (Gustave.) Nouveaux Portraits Responsio ad Metropolitanos Mogunti- Littdraires. 2 v. 120. Paris, 1854. num, Trevirensem, Coloniensem, et Salisbur- CONTENTS. gensem, super Nunciaturis Apostolicis. Ed. Augler, Emile, v. 2. Ptrarque, P., v. 2. Bgensem, super unciauBranger, v. 1. Po6sie (La) et la Critique altera. 40. Rome, 1790. Bulwer, E. L., v. 2. en 1852, v. 2. PIZARRO, (Francisco.) Relatione del Viaggio, Giusti, Gi.sepe, v. 2. Ponsadl,., v. 2. de che parti dal Popolo di Caxamalca per Hugo, Victor, v. 1. Sainte Beuve, C. A. Lamartine, A. de, v. 1. Sand, George, v. 2. andare a Xauxa fin che ritorn6; scritta per Michelet, J., v. 2. Scribe, A. E., v. 2. un secretorio di Pizarro. (Ramusio, Navi- PLANCK, (Gottlieb Jacob.) Introduction to gationi, v. 3.) Sacred Philology and interpretation. TransPIZARRO Y ORELLANA, (Fernando.) Varones lated and enlarged, by Samuel H. Turner. Ilvstres del Nvevo Mvndo; descvbridores, 120. New-York, 1834. conqvistadores del opvlento, dilatado, y po —- The same. 160. Edinburgh, 1834. deroso imperio de las Indias Occidentales. (Biblical Cabinet, v. 11.) Folio. Madrid, 1639. PLANCK, (Henry.) On the Greek Diction of PLACE, (Francis.) Illustrations and Proofs of the New Testament. 160. Edinburgh, 1833. the Principle of Population. 80. London, (Biblical Cabinet, v. 14.) 1822. PLANCY. See COILIN DE PLANCY. 891 PLANISPHERES. PLATO. PLANISPIIERES. Twelve Planispheres; form- PLATO. Lectiones Platonicae. E membranis ing a guide to the stars for every night in the Bodleianis eruit T. Gaisford. Accedunt R. year. 80. London, 1846. Porsoni annotata ad Pausaniam. 80. OxoPLANS for a National Circulating Medium. nii, 1820. [No title page.] 8. (n. d. ) (Pol. Pam., -- Works, viz., his fifty-five Dialogues v. 114.) and twelve Epistles, translated from the PLANS and Elevations of Cottages for Agricul- Greek, by Floyer Sydenham, and Thomas tural Labourers, designed for and executed Taylor, with notes, &c. 5 v. 40. Lonon the Duke of Bedford's estate. 40, Lon- don, 1804. don, 1850. CONTENTS. PLANS and Specifications, prepared at the office Alcibiades, The first; a dialogue concerning the nature of Man, v. 1. of the construction of buildings, Treasury Alcibiades, The second; concerning prayer, v. 4. Department, Washington, for building the Apology of Socrates, v. 4. Banquet, The; concerning love, v. 3. Custom Houses, including accommodations Charmides; on temperance, v. 5. Clitopho, an exhortatory dialogue, v. 5. for a Post Office and United States. Court Clitophos, n the rectitude of name, v. 5. Rooms. 2 v. 80, and 2 v. oblong folio. Wash- Critias, or Atlanticus, v. 2. Crito, or concerning true and just opinion, v. 4. ington, 1856. Enthydemus, exposing the vain trifling of the SopPLANTA, (Joseph.) History of the Helvetic hists, v. 5. Euthyphro; concerning sanctity, v. 5. Confederacy. 2d ed. 3 v. 80. London, Epinomis, or the philosopher, v. 2. Gorgias, concerning the principles which lead to 1807. political felicity, v. 4. PLANTER'S Plea: or, grounds of plantations in Hipparchus, on the love of gain, v. 5. Hippias, the lesser, concerning voluntary and inNew England Examined. London, 1630. voluntary error, v. 5. (Reprint, Force's Hist. Tracts, v. 2.) Hippias, the greater, concerning the beautiful con(Repnt, oce st. Tracs, V. ) sidered as subsisting in the soul, v. 3. PLASMAN, (L. C.) Code et Trait6 des Absents. Introduction to the Philosophy and writings of Plato, v.80.~ Paris, 1^841.-1 by T. Taylor, v. 1. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1841. Io, concerning poetry, v. 5. PLATFORM of Church Discipline in New Eng- Laches, on fortitude, v. 5. Laws, The, v. 2. land. Small 4V. London, 1653. Life of Plato, by Olympiodorus, v. 1. LATIA, or, PIADEN, (Bartolomme de'Sc- Lysis, on friendship, v. 5. P[LATINA, Or1, PIADENA, (Bartolommeo de'Sac- Menexenus, in praise of those Athenians who died chi.) Historia de Vitis Pontificum Roman- in the service of their country, v. 5. Meno, concerning virtue, v. 5. orum. 40. Colonime, 1600. Minos, concerning law, v. 4. PLATO. Opera que extant omnia. (Gr. et Parmenides, on the gods, v. 3. Phnedrus, concerning the beautiful, v. 3. Lat.) Ex nova J. Serrani interpretatione,, on the immortality of the soul, v. 4. cu.a Stephani. 3v. Folio. (n p.) 1578. Philebus, concerning the chief good of Man, v. 4. cura H. Stephani. 3 v. Folio. (n. p.) 158. Politicus, concerning a kingdom, v. 4. -~^- The same. (Groec.) Ad editionem Protagoras, or the sophists, v. 5. Republic, The, v. 1. H. Stephani accurate expressa, cum M. Rivals, The, concerning philosophy, v. 5. Ficini interpretatione Latina. Prremittitur Sophista, on being, v. 3. Theages, on political wisdom, v. 5. liber iII Diogenis Laertii de Vita et Dog- Thestetus, on science, v. 4. matis Platonis. 12 v. 80. Biponti, 1781-87. Timaeus, on nature, v. 2. CONTENTS. - Works, literally translated by H. Cary, Alcibiades, v. 5. lo, v. 4. H. Davis, and G. Burges. 6 v. 120. LonApologia Soctis, v. 1. Laheius, D, v. 8. don, 1854. (Bohn's Class. Lib'y, v. 55-60.) Charmides, v. 5. egribus, De, v. 8-9. Convivium, v. 10. Lysis, v. 5. CONTENTS Cratylus, v. 3. Menexenus, v. 5. Crito, v. 1. Meno, v. 4. Alcibiades, first and second, v. 4. Critiasv.. Min v. 1. Apology of Socrates, v. 1. Dialogi spurii, v. 11. Parmenides, v. 10. Banquet, The, or on Love, v. 3. Dialogorum Platonis Ar- Phsndo, v. 1. Charmides, on Temperance, v. 4. gamenta exposita et il- Phadrus, v. 10. Clitopho, v. 4. lustrataaD.Tiedemnann, Philebus, v. 4. Cratylus, on the rectitude of names, v. 3. v. 12. Politicus, v. 6. Critias, v. 2. Euthydemus, v. 3. Protagoras, v. 3. Crito, or the duty of a citizen, v. 1. Euthyphro, v. 1. Republica, De, v. 6-7. Euthydemus, the vain trifling of the Sophists, v. 3. Epinomis, v. 9. Sophista, v. 2. Euthyphron, or on Holiness, v. 1. Epistolhe, v. 11. Theages, v. 2. Epistles, v. 4. Gorgias, v. 4. Thenetetus, v. 2. Gorgias, or on Rhetoric, v. 1. Hipparchus, v. 1. Timaeus, v. 9. Hipparchus, on avarice, v. 4. Hippias Major, v. 1I. Tirnaei Locri de Anima Hippias Major and Hippias Minor, v. 4. Hippias Minor, v. 3. Mundi, v. 10. Ion, on poetry, v. 4. Hip Minor, v. 3., v. 1Laches, on Fortitude, v. 4. The same. (Gr. et Lat.) Ex rec. R. Laws, v.5. Lysis, on Friendship, v. 1. B. Hirschig et C. E. C. Schneider. 2 v. Menexenus, praise of Athenians who died for their 80. Parisiis, 1846-56. (Didot, Biblioth. country, v. 4. Meno, respecting Virtue, v. 3. Grecque, v. 33-34.) Minos, concerning law, v. 4. 892 PLATO. PLAYFAIR. PLATO. Works, literally translated by H. opera Dionysii Lambini emendatus, ab Cary, II. Davis, and G. Burges-Continued. eodemque commentariis explicatus. Nunc Parmenides. on Idealities, v. 3. denuo plurimis mendis repurgatus; additi Phmdo, on the Immortality of the Soul, v. 1. Phsedrus, on the Beautiful, v. 1. quoque sunt duo indices. Small 40. Genevae, Philebus, on the greatest good, v. 4. 1622 Protagoras, or the Sophists, v. 1. Republic, v. 2. - The same. Accedit commentarius ex ivs, cocring philooph,. 3. variorum notis et observationibus, ex recenSophist, The, v. 3. Statesman, The, v. 3. sione J. F. Gronovii. 2 v. 8~. AmsteloTheages, political wisdom, v. 4. Theetetus, or on Science, v. 1. dami, 1684. Timaeus, on nature, v. 2. Comcedim. Ex editione J. F. Gronovii. Doitbtful Works, attributed to Plato. 5 v. 8. Londini, 1829. (Valpy's ScripAxiochus, or on Death, v. 6. Definitions, v. 6. tores Latini, v. 144-148.) Demodocus, v. 6. pinois, the Philoopher,. 6. Comoedie quatuor selectre, Amphitruo, Eryxias, or on Wealth, v. 6. Captivi, Epidicus, Rudens. Cum interpreJustice, v. 6. Sisyphus, or upon taking counsel, v. 6. tatione et notis quas edidit J. Operarius; Treatise of Timaeus the Locrian on the Soul of the recensuit, indiceque adjecto scholis aptavit World, and on Nature, v. 6. Virtue, v. 6. S. Patrick. 80. Londini, 1724. Biographical and Critical Illustrations of Plato. ~ Comedies. Translated into familiar,Apuleius on the Doctrines of Plato, v. 6. blank verse, by BonnellThornton, and others. Alhinus' Introduction to the Dialogues, v. 6. blank vese, by onne nton, a o s. Alcinous' Introduction to the Dialogues, v. 6. 2d ed. 5 v. 80. London, 1769-74. Diogenes Laertius Life of Plato, v. 6. Gray, Thomas. Notes on Plato, v. 6. CONTENTS. Hesychius of Miletus, Life of Plato, v. 6. Amphitruo; Amphitryon, v. 1. Olympiodorus, Life of Plato, v. 6. Asinaria; the Ass-dealer, v. 5. Eclogre de Deo, de Homine, de Legibus. Aulularia; the Miser, v. 2. Bacchides; the Courtezans, v. 5. Collegit, emendavit, lexicon addidit, J. V. Captivi; the Captives, v. 1. Le Clerc. Ed. 2a. 12~. Lutetire Parisi- Casina; the Lots, v. 5. Cistellaria; the Casket, v. 4. orum, 1823. Curculio; the Parasite, v. 4. T^ -T^. i ^ X.^..T' ~ Epidicus; the Discovery, v. 3. Four Dialogues: the Crito, Hippias, iFragments, v. 5. Alcibiades, and Sisyphus, in the original Menmchmi; the Twin Brothers, v. 3. Mercator; the Merchant, v. 2. Greek; with English notes and examination Miles Gloriosus; the Braggart Captain, v. 1. questions. 12. London, 1830. Mostellaria; the Apparition, v. 3. Persa; the Persian, v. 5. -- Republic. Translated by H. Spens. Poenulus; the Carthaginian, v. 4. Pseudolus; the Cheat, v. 3. Small 40. Glasgow, 1763. hudens; the Shipwreck, v. 2. The same. Translated, with an intro- Sticlus; Conjugal Fidelity, v. 4. D Trinummus; the Treasure, v. 2. duction, analysis, and notes; by J. L. Davies Truculentus; the Churl, v. 4. andD. J. Vaughan. 120. Cambridge, 1852. Comedies. Trans. by H. T. Riley. 2v. De Republica. Versionem emendavit 120. London, 1852. (Bohn's Class. Library, notasque adjecit Edmund Massey. (Gr. et. v. 61-62.) Lat.) 1 v. in 2 v. 80. Cantabrigire, 1713. PLAYFAIR, (John.) Elements of Geometry. ------ Les Politiques. Traduictes de Grecen With additions, by W. Wallace. 9th ed., Francois, et esclarcies de commentaires par by J. Davidson. 80. Edinburgh, 1836. Loys le Roy dict Regius. Augmentees par The same. 10th ed., with notes, by P. Frd6dric Morel. Folio. Paris, 1600. Kelland. 120. Edinburgh, 1846. PLATT, (S. H.) Gift of Power; or, the special - Progress of Mathematical and Physical influence of the Holy Spirit the need of the Science, since the revival of Letters in Euchurch. 2d ed. 160. New-York, 1856. rope. 40. Edinburgh, 1835. (With DisPLATT, (Thomas.) Treatise on the Law of sertations, etc.) Leases. With forms and precedents. 2 v. PLAYFAIR, (William.) Commercial and Po80. London, 1847. litical Atlas, representing the Commerce, PLATTNER, (Charles F.) Use of the Blow- etc., of England, during the 18th Century. pipe, in the examination of minerals and 3d ed. 80. London, 1801. (With PLAYmetallic combinations. Edited, with emen- FAIR'S Statist. Breviary.) dations, by S. Muspratt. 2d ed. 80. Lon- - H-istory of Jacobinism; with an appendon, 1850. dix, by Peter Porcupine, (W. Cobbett,) conPLATTS, (John.) Dictionary of English Sy- taining a history of American Jacobins, comnonymes. New ed. 160. London, 1845. monly denominated Democrats. 2 v. 80. PLAUTUS, (Marcus Accius.) [Comoedie. ] Philadelphia, 1796. 893 PLAYFAIR. PLOWDEN. PLAYFAIR, (William.) Letter on our Agricul- hornius recensuit, et passim emendavit. 32~. tural Distresses. 2d ed. 80. London, 1822. Lugduni Batavorum, 1653. (Pol. Pam., v. 65.) The same. 180. Londini, 1741. Political Portraits, in this New Era; The same. Curante J. P. Millerowith explanatory notes, historical and bio- Lettres, et Pan6gyriqne de Trajan par Pline graphical. 3 v. 80. London, 1813-16. le Jeune; traduits par Mr. de Sacy. 2 v. ~-. Statistical Breviary; showing the re- in 1. 180. Berlin, 1750. sources of every state and kingdom in Eu- Panegyricus Nervae Trajano Augusto rope. 80. London, 1801. dictus. 2 v. 80. Londini, 1828. (Valpy, - Tableaux d'Arithm6tique Lineaire, du Scriptores Latini, v. 119-120.) Commerce, des Finances, et de la Dette Letters of Pliny the Younger; with Nationale del'Angleterre. 40. Paris, 1789. observations on each letter, and an essay on PLAYFORD, (John.) Brief Introduction to the Pliny's life, by John [Boyle, ] Earl of Orrery. Skill of Musick. 7th ed. 120. London, 1674. 2 v. 80. London, 1752. - Choice Ayres, Songs, and Dialogues to The same. With remarks by William Sing to the Theorbo-Lute or Bass-Viol. 4 v. Melmoth. 2 v. 80. London, 1796. in 1. 4~. London, 1676-83. PLINT, (Thomas.) Crime in England; its rePLEA of the Colonies, on the Charges brought lation, character, and extent, as developed against them by Lord M(ansfiel)d, and oth- from 1801 to 1848. 120. London, 1851. ers, in a letter to his lordship. 80. London, PLOT Discovered, The: [Clinton and Burr's,] by 1775. Marcus. 40. Poughkeepsie, (N. Y.,) 1807. PLEA for the South. By Massachusetts Junior. PLOTINUS. Operum Philosophicorum omnium 120. Boston, 1847. libri LIV., (Gr.,) in sex enneades distributi, PLEASURES of Anarchy, Second Supplement cum Latina Marsilii Ficini interpretatione et to. 80. (n. p.) 1831. (Misc. Pam., v. 8.) commentatione. Folio. Basilese, 1580. PLEES, (W.) Account of the Island of Jersey; - The same. (Gr. et Lat.) Ed. F. containing a compendium of its history, a Creuzer et G. H. Moser. 83. Paris, 1855. statement of its polity, commerce, popula- (Didot, Biblioth. Grecque, v. 35.) tion, and produce. 80. London, 1817. - Five Books, viz., on Felicity; Nature PLINIUS SECUNDUS, (Caius.) Naturalis His- and Origin of Evil; Providence; Nature, torise libri xxxvit. Folio. Tarvisii, 1479. Contemplation, and the One; and on the Note.-Roman type, without pagination, but with Descent of the Soul. Translated by T. Taysignatures, 358 leaves, 70 lines on a page. lor. 8. London, 1794. The same. Historime Mundi libri xxxvii. Select Works. Translated by Thomas Ex novissima editione J. Dalechampii. Ac- Taylor. 80. London, 1817. cedunt jam primihm Pauli Cigalini proelec- Treatises. Translated by Thomas Taytiones duse. 120. Francofurti, 1608. lor. 120. London, 1834. The same. Cum commentariis et adno- PLOUGH, The, the Loom, and the Anvil. By tationibus Hermolai Barbari, Pintiani, Rhe- John S. Skinner, etc. July, 1848, to Dec., nani, et variorum. 3 v. 120. Lugduni 1857. V. 1-10. 80. Philadelphia and New Batavorum, 1668-69. York, 1848-57. The same. Exeditione G. Brotier. 12v. PLOWDEN, (Edmund.) Commentaries, ou Re80. Londini, 1826. (Valpy, Scriptores Lat- portes de divers Cases esteants matters en ini, v. 103-114.) ley, et de les arguments sur yceux, en les ~- Historie of the World; commonly called temps des raygnes le Roye Edward le Size, Natural History. Translated by Philemon le Roigne Mary, le Roye et Roigne Phillip Holland. 2 v. in 1. Folio. London, 1601. et Mary, et le Roigne Elizabeth. Folio. Natural History. Translated by J. London, 1578. Bostock and H. T. Riley. 6 v. 120. Lon- The same. Translated by Mr. Bromdon, 1855-57. (Bohn'sClass.Lib'y,v.63-68.) ley, with notes and references, and the Q se~ Histoire Naturelle. Traduit en Fran- riesofMr.Plowden. Folio. London, 1761. 9ois avec le texte Latin, par Poinsinet de The same. 2 v. 80. London, 1816. Sivry; accompagn6e de notes, &c.,par Guet- PLOWDEN. (Francis.) Historical Review of tard, et autres. 12 v. 40. Paris, 1771-82. the State of Ireland, from the invasion unPLINIUS CECILIUS SECUNDUS, (Caius.) Epis- der Henry II. to its Union with Great Britole et Panegyricus. Ed. nova; M. Z. Box- tain in 1801. 2 v. in 3. 40. London, 1803. 894 PLOWDEN. PLUTARCHUS, PLOWDEN, (Francis.) Rights of Englishmen. PLURALITY of Worlds; or, letters, notes, and 80. London, 1792. memoranda occasioned by Chalmers' disShort History of the British Empire, courses on the Christian Revelation, viewed from May, 1792, to the close of 1793. 80. in connexion with the modern astronomy. Philadelphia, 1794. (By Alexander Maxwell.) 120. London, 1817. PLOWMAN, (Pierce.) Vision of Pierce Plow- PLUTARCIUS. Opera. Cum Latina interpreman, [by Robert Langlande,] now fyrste tatione. Excudebat H. Stephanus. 13 v. imprynted by Roberte Crowley, dwellyng in 16~. (n. p.) 1572. Ely Rentes in Holborne. Small 40. [Lon- CONTENTS. don,] 1550. Parallela. 3 v. (Gr.) Vite Parallele, interprete - -- The same. Edited from a contempo- H. Crnserio. (Lat.) 3 v. (Interleaved in 13 v.) Opera Moralia. 3 v. Opuseula varia Moralia, ex rary MS., with notes, and a glossary, by diversorurn interpretationibus, cum annot. H. SteThomas Wright. 2d ed. 2 v. 16. Ln- Tphaui. (Lat.) 3v. (Interleaved in 8 v.) Tho s Wright. 2 d. 2 V. 16. Lon- Vitarum Comparatarum appendix. (Lat.) 1 v. don, 1856. (Imperfect, 203 pp. only.) PLUKENET, (Leonard.) Opera. Secundb ex- Ethica, sive Moralia. Interprete H. cusum, ediderunt T. Davies, T. Payne, L. Cruserio. Folio. Basilere, 1573. (ImperDavis, C. Reymers, D. Wilson, et Geo. feet. Interleaved [in 4 v. ] with the following Nicholls. 4 v. 40. Londini, 1769. edition.) ~ — Index Linnseanus in Leonhardi Pluke- Opuscula LXXXXII Moralia. (Grmce.) netii Opera Botanica, auctore P. D. Giseke. Folio. Venetiis, 1509. (Interleaved [in 4 v. Una cum quo Index Linnueanus in J. J. with preceding.) Dillenii Historiam Muscorum ob similem - Viteo Romanorum et Grecorum XLIX. usum additus est auctore eodem. 40. Ham- (Grmsec.) Folio. Florentime, 1517. (Interburgi, 1779. leaved [in 4 v.] with following edition.) PLUMBE, (Samuel.) Practical Treatise on the The same. [Latind.] Hermanno CruDiseases of the Skin, arranged with a view serio interprete. Librum 2gmylii Probi de to their constitutional causes andlocal charac- Vita Excellentium Imperatorum adjunximus. ter. 2d ed. 8. London, 1827. Folio. Basileme,1564. (Interleaved [in4v.] PLUMER, (William.) Speech before the Legis- with preceding ed.) lature of New Hampshire, Nov. 19, 1812. - The same. (Gr. et Lat.) Ed. T. 80. Concord, 1812. (Pol. Pam., v. 110.) Doehner. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1846-7. (Didot, PLUMER, (William, Jr.) Life of William Biblioth. Grecque, v. 38-39.) Plumer, by his son. Edited by A. P. Pea- Fragmenta et Spuria. (Gr. et Lat.) body. 80. Boston. 1857. Ed. F. Diibner. 80. Paris, 1855. (Didot, PLUMER, (William S.) Grace of Christ; or, Biblioth. Grecque, v. 40.) sinners saved by unmerited kindness. 120. Scripta Moralia. (Gr. et Lat.) Ed. F. Philadelphia, 1853. Diibner. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1841. (Didot, PLUMIER, (Charles.) Description des Plantes Biblioth. Grecque, v. 36-37.) de l'Amdrique, avec leurs figures. Folio. Lives. From the Greek; with notes Paris, 1713. from Dacier and others. To which is pre----- L'Art de Tourner, on de faire en per- fixed, the Life of Plutarch, by John Dryden. fection toutes sortes d'ouvrages au tour. 6 v. 120. Edinburgh, 1774. (Interleaved Nouv. ed. Folio. Paris, 1749. [in 13 v.] with PLUTARCH, (Parellela,) ed. Plantarum Americanarum fasciculi x., 1572.) Primum in lucem edidit, mneisque tabulis - The same. With notes, and a Life of illustravitJ. Burmannus. Folio. Amstelae- Plutarch, by J. and W. Langhorne. 2d ed., dami, 1755-60. by Francis Wrangham. 6 v. 80. London, PLUMMER, (Thomas.) Inconsistencies of Mr. 1813. (V. 2 wanting.) Pitt on the War and the State of our Cor- - The same. New ed. 80. New-York, 1841. merce. 80. London,1797. (Pol.Pam.,v.47.) The same. 80. New-York, 1850. PLUMPTON Correspondence. Letters, chiefly The same. The translation called Drydomestic, from Edward IV. to Henry VIII. den's. Corrected and revised by A. H. Ed. by T. Stapleton. 40. London, 1839. Clough. 5 v. 80. Boston, 1859. (Camden Society, No. 4.) Philosophy; commonly called the MorPILUNKETT, (Edward.) Past and Future of als. Translated by Philemon Holland. Folio. the British Navy. 120. London, 1846. London, 1.657. 895 PLUTARCHUS. POEMS. PLUTARCHUS. (Euvres Morales et Philoso- tationibus quas Systema Juris Naturae phiques. Translatees en Francois, par J. ac Gentium a Grotii temporibus hucusque Amiot. Folio. Paris, 1597. expertum fuerit, commentatio literaria. ~- Les Vies des Hommes Illustres, Grecs Small 40. Vitebergae, 1805. et Romains, compar6es l'une avec l'autre. POEMATA (Selecta) Italorum qui Latin6 scripTranslatdes en Fran9ois, par Jacques Amyot. serunt. Cura cujusdam anonymi anno 1684 Ausquelles sent adioustees de nouveau les congesta, iterum in lucem data, un3 cum Vies d'Annibal et Scipion l'Africain, traduites aliorum Italorum operibus, accurante A. de Latin, par Charles do l'cluse. Folio. Pope. 2 v. 160. Londini, 1740. Paris, 1583. POEMS; by Gold-Pen. 2d ed. 120. PhilaPLYMOUTH, (Mass.) Account of the Pilgrim delphia, 1856. Celebration, August 1, 1853. 8~. Boston, POEMS; by Meditatus. 160. Philadelphia, 1853. 1853. PLYMOUTH Collection of Hymns and Tunes. POEMS, Collection of. 120. London, 1701. 80. New-York, 1855. CONTENTS. POCOCK, (Lewis.) Assurances upon Lives; Temple of Death, by the Marquis of Normanby.w'. l t s f 7 Epistle to the Earl of Dorset, by Charles Monwith the principles, terms, and tables of 70 tague, Lord Halifax.-The duel of the Stags, by London assurance offices, and a catalogue of Sir Robert Howard.-Poems never before prited, by the Earl of Roscommon, &c. works on the subject. 120. London, 1842. p d, b th E of R m &c. works on the subject. 120. Lonldon,1842. POEMS on Affairs of State, firom the time of POCOCK, (William Innes.) Architectural De- Oir Crom l o 1707; written by the signs for Rustic Cottages, Picturesque Dwell- greatest wits of the age. 5 v. in 4. 8~. ings, Villas, &c. 40. London, 1807. London, 1703-16. - Designs for Churches and Chapels. pPOEMS on Affairs of State. Four collections New ed. 4~. London, 1824. New ed. 40. London, 1824. of the newest and most ingenious poems, Modern Finishings for Rooms. 2d ed. M4. London, 1835Finishings for Roomssatyrs, songs, &c., against popery and ty40 London, 1835. ranny, relating to the times. By A - POCOCKE, (Edward.) India in Greece; or, M-, (Andrew Marvel,) and other eminent truth in mythology. Containing the sources wits. 8. London, 1689. of the Hellenic race, and the Bud'histic pro- _ Collection of Poems on miscellaneous paganda in Greece. 8. London, 1852. paganda in Grcer. 80. London, 185t. subjects. Small 40. London, Dublin, etc., POCOCKE, (Richard.) Travels in the East. (Bound with preceding collectio (Pinkerton's W v~. 10.) (v. d.) (Bound with preceding collection.) (Pinkerton's Voyages, v. 10.) CONTE CONTENTS. - -Travels in Egypt, 1737. (Pinkerton's Reflections on the Vices and Follies of the Age. Voyages, v. 15.) Part 3d. London, 1707.-British Muse, or tyrAll n.) Works. Withmemoir anny exposed. London,-Oxford-Act; a poem. POE, (Edgar Allan.) Works. With a memoir London, 1693.-The Welcome; a poem, to the by Rufus W. Griswold, and notices of his Duke of Marlborough. By Mrs. Anbin. London, 1708. An original Canto of Spencer, designed as life and genius, by N. P. Willis and J. R. part of his Fairy Queen, but never printed. Now Lowell. 4 v. 120. Nw-York 1853-61. made publick, by Nestor Ironside. London, 1714. Poem upon King George, and the royal family, C ONTENTS. By Roger Comberbach. Chester, 1715.-Ode to Charles, Duke of Grafton.-Volunteer Laureat. Arthur Gordon Pym, etc., v. 4. By Richard Savage. London, 1732.-The Tripe Eureka: an essay on the material and spiritual Club; a satyr, by the author of the Tale of a universe, v. 2. Tub, (Jonathan Swift.) London, 1706.-Dyet of Literati, v. 3. Poland, a satyr. By Anglipoloski. Dentzick, Memoir of Poe, by R. W. Griswold, v. 1. (London,) 1705.-Une Pavre Defaite, or the pitiPoems, v. 2. ful come off; a French courant, shewing the disTales, v. 1-2. appointment of the Pretender.-British Warriour, Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym, of a poem [on the victories of Marlborough.] London, 1706.-The Great Heroe and the Little one, Nantucket; comprising the details of a mu- or a dialogue between Prince Eugene and Martiny and atrocious butchery on board the schal Boufflers on the surrender of Lisle. Dubtiny and atrocious butchery on board the lin, 1708.-Alpheus, or a pastoral elegy on Prince American brig Grampus, June, 1827. 120. George of Denmark. Writ by John Grant. DubNew York, 188 lin, 1708.-Idylle on the Peace. Dublin, 1713.New York, 1538. Ode for the Birth-Day of the Princess of Wales. Poetical Works. With a notice of his By John Hughes. London, 1716.-To Sir Godfrey Kneller, on his Picture of the King. By life and genius, by James Hannay. 120. Joseph Addison. Imitation des Vers de Mr. AdTLondon 1853. dison au Chevalier Kneller. La Haye, 1716.JLondon, o1853. Ode on the Birth-Day of Queen Caroline. By The same. 2d ed. 160. London, 1856. Thomas Sheridan. Dublin, 1728-29.-Ode on the Birth-Day of George II. Dublin, 1730.-Of The same. With original memoir. Taste; an epistle to Richard, Earl of Burlington. [Illustrated edition.] 80. New York, 1858. By Alexander Pope. Dublin, 1732.-The Poet's Prayer; a poem. Dublin, 1734.-Apollo's Advice POELITZ, (Carl Heinrich Ludwig.) De Mu- to all Freeholders, &c., of Ireland. Dublin, 1727. 896 POEMAS. POINTEL. POEMAS Epicos. Tom. 1. 80. Madrid, 1851. POETI Italiani dell' Eta Media, ossia poesie (Biblioteca de Autores Esparloles, v. 38.) dal tempi del Boccaccio al cadere del secolo POETIE Bucolici et Didactici. (Gr. et Lat.) xviII., per cura di Terenzio Mamiani. 8~. 80. Paris, 1851. (Didot, Biblioth. Grecque, Parigi, 1848. v. 41.) POETICAL Register, and Repository of FugiPOET2A Latini Minores. Ex editione Petri Bur- tive Poetry, for 1801-1811. 8 v. 12. mnannifideliterexpressi. 18~. Glasgum, 1752. London, 1803-15. The same. Curavit J. C. Wernsdorf. POETRY of the Anti-Jacobin; comprising the 6 v. in 8. 8~. Altenburgi et Helmstadii, poems, parodies, and jeux-d'esprit of George 1780-94. Canning, the Earl of Liverpool, Marquis of POETEI Minores Greci. Prsecipua lectionis Wellesley, J. H. Frere, G. Ellis, W. Gifford, varietate et indicibus locupletissimis instruxit and others. New ed. 16~0 London, 1852. T. Gaisford. 3 v. 8~. Oxonii, 1814-20. POETRY of the Fields: passages from the poets The same. Selecti etemendati; scilicet: descriptive of pastoral scenes, etc. IllusHesiodus, Theocritus, Moschus, Bion Smyr- trated. 80. Philadelphia, 1857. nceus, Musseus, Theognis, Phocylides, Py- POETRY of the Woods: passages from the poets thagoras. (Grsec et Latin.) 8~. Londini, descriptive of forest scenes. Illustrated. 1728. 80. Philadelphia, 1857. POETIE Scenici Grseci. (Groece.) Accedunt POETRY of the Year: passages from the poets perditarum fabularum fragmenta. Recog- descriptive of the seasons. Illustrated. 8~. novit Dindorfius. 80. Lipsie, 1830. Philadelphia, 1857. POETARUM Comicorum Groecorum Fragmenta. POETRY of the Nineteenth Century. Selected (Gr. et Lat.) 80. Paris, 1855. (Didot, Bib- and edited by Robert Aris Willmott. With lioth. Grecque, v. 4.) additions, by E. A. Duyckinck. Illustrated. POETARUM Tragicorum Grvecorum Fragmenta. 80. New-York, 1858. (Gr. et Lat.) Ed. F. G. Wagner. 80. Paris, POETS. Book of the Poets. Chaucer to Beattie. 1846. (Didot, Biblioth. Grecque, v. 15.) Illustrated from designs by Corbould, &c. POETAS Liricos de los siglos XVI. y XVII With an essay on English poetry. 80. Lonordenada par A. de Castro. 2 v. 80. Mad- don, 1846. rid, 1854-57. (Biblioteca de Autores Espa- PoGGIO BRACCIOLINI, (Giovanni Francesco.) nioles, v. 40-41.) Historia Florentina. (Muratori, Rerum ItaliPOETI Italiani Contemporanei, maggiori e mi- carum Scriptores, v. 20.) nori. Scelte daA. Ronna. 80. Parigi, 1847. POINDEXTER, (George.) Review of the ComCONTENTS. munication of S. Lawrence and W. W. Stone Borchet, Giovanni; Rime Scelte. on the Investigations at the N. Y. CustomCarrer, L.; Rime Scelte. Casti, Giambatista; Gli Animali Parlanti. House. 80. Washington, 1842. (Pol. Pam., Grotta (la) di Trofonio; dramma. v. 118 Poesie Liriche y Scelte. Re (il) Teodoro in Venezia, dramma, POINSETT, (Joel R.) Discourse on the Objects Ilde, Tondasoi; Griseloema. and Importance of the National Institution Ildegonda; novella. - Poesie Liriche. for the Promotion of Science, established at Ulrico e Lida. Leopardi, Giacomo; Canti. Washington, 1840. 80. Washington, 1841. Mamiani della Rovere, Terenzio; Poesie Scelte. Notes on Mexico made in the autumn Manzoni, Alessandro; Adelchi, tragedia. II Conte di Carmagnola; tragedia. of 1822; with a sketch of the revolution and Poesie Varie. lonuti, Vinenzo, Aristodemo, tragedia. present state of that country. 80. PhilaBasvilliana, cantica. delphia 1824. Cajo Gracco, tragedia. La Mascheroniana, cantica. POINSOT, (Louis.) le6ments de Statique. Poesie Varie. 80. Pari 1849 Niccolini, Gian Battista; Antonio Foscarini, trag- 8e d. 8~. Paris, 1842. edia. Outlines of a New Theory of Rotary Giovanni da Procida, tragedia. Ludovico Sforza, tragedia. Motion. Translated, with notes, by Charles Parinio, Gilseppe; Opere Scelte. Whitley. 80. Cambridge, (Eng.,) 1834. Pellico, Silvio. Adello, cantica. -- Aroldo e Clara, cantica. Recherches surI l'Analyse des Sections - aEbelino, canmti nia. Angulaires. 40. Paris, 1825. Francesca da Rimini, tragedia. ~ —Ildegarde, cantica. POINTEL, (Philippe de.) Recherches sur la - Poesie Liriche. -- Iosilde, cantica. Vie et les Ouvrages de q(uelques Peintres Poetesse Italiane Antichi e Modernc. Provinciaux de l'Ancienne France. 80. Sestini, B La Pin, leggenda romantica. Vari Poeti Moderni. Paris, 1847. 897 POINTER. POLITICAL. POINTER, (John.) Miscellanea in usum Ju- established by the Revolution. 8~. London, ventutis Academicre, containing characters 1791. (Pol. Pam., v. 27.) of the classic authors, &c. 12~. Oxford, POLIDORI, (John William.) Punishment of 1718. Death. 80. London, 1816. (Pamphleteer, POINTIS, (Jean Bernard Louis Desjean de.) v. 8.) Authentic and Particular Account of the POLISH Language. Dictionary, English and Taking of Carthagena by the French, in the Polish, and Polish and English; compiled year 1697. 2d ed.. 8. London, 1740. from the Polish Lexicons of Linde and MronPOISSON, (Sim6on Denis.) Treatise on Me- govius. 2v. 80. Berlin, 1849-51. chanics. Translated. with notes, by H. H. POLISH Manuscripts; or, the secret history of Harte. 2 v. 80. London. 1842. the reign of John Sobieski III, King of PoPOITEVIN, (Prosper.) Petits Postes Frangais; land. From the French; wrote by M. Daledepuis Malherbe jusqu' a nos jours; avec des rac (?) 80. London, 1700. notices sur chacun d'eux. 2 v. 80. Paris, POLITICAL Classics. 3 v. 120. London, 1849. 1794-5. CONTENTS. CONTENTS. More, Sir Thomas. Utopia: history of the manners, Bernard, Pierre Joseph Gentil.. etc., of that i, v. 3. Bernis, Franqois J. P. de, v. 1. Rousseau, J. J. Treatise on the Social Compact, Bertin, Antoine, v. 2. v. 3. Bonnard, Bernard de, v. 2. Project for a Perpetual Peace, v. 3. Chaulieu, Guillaume, Amfrye de, v. 1. - Sydney, Algernon. Life, Trial, and ApolCh6nier, Marie Joseph, v. 2. ogy v. 1. Colardean, Charles Pierre, v. 1. Discourses on Government, v. 1-2. Deshoulieres, Mad. de, v. 1. - Letters, v. 3. Dorat, Claude Joseph, v. 2. 6m s'6con Ducis, Jean Franqois, v. 2. POITICAL Economy. 1lemens d'6conomie Florian, J. P. Claris de, v. 2. politique; [avec] l'application des principes Gilbert, Nicolas J. L., v. 2. Gresset, Jean Baptiste Louis, v. 1. de cette science aux rbgles administratives. Imbert, Barthl6emy, v. 2. Paris 1817 Houdard de Lamotte, Antoine, v. 1. 8. Pari. La Faire, Charles Auguste, Marquis de, v. 1. - Hand-Book of Political Eeconomy; La Harpe, Jean Frangois de, v. 2. Le Brun, Ponce Denis Ecouchard, v. 1.. containing the first principles of the science. Legouve, Jean Baptiste Gabriel, v. 2. Founded on the works of Smith, Ricardo, Lemierre, Antoine Marie, v. 1. Leonard, Nicolas Germain, v. 2. Malthus, Mill, M'Culloch, Chalmers, J. S. Luce de Lancival, J. C. J., v. 2. L d an Malfilatre, Charles Jacques Louis, v. 1. Mill, etc. By Sigma. 180. London, 1858. Marmontel, Jean Franqois, v.. Letters on the New Political Economy. Millevoye, Charles Hubert, v. 2. Parny, E. D. Desforges, Chev. de, v. 2. 80. London, 1822. (Pol. Pam., v. 66.) Piron, Alexis, v. 1. Piron, Alexis, v. 1.. -_ - -Observations on Verbal Disputes in Pompignan, J. J. le Franc, Marquis e, v. Disputes in Racan, Honorat de Bueil, Marquis de, v. 1. Political Economy. 80. London, 1821. lRacine, Louis, v. 1. St. Lambert, Charles Franqois de, v. 1. (Pol. Pam., v. 66.) S6grais, Jean Regnault de, v. 1. POLITICAL Essays concerning the Present S6nec6, A. Bauderon de, v. 1. Vergier, Jacques, v. 1. State of the British Empire. 40. London, POLACK, (J. S.) Manners and Customs of the 1. New Zealanders with remaks to intending POLITICAL Geography: introduction to the New Zealanders; with remarks to intending emigrants. 2 v. 120. London, 1840. statistical tables of the principal empires, emigrants. 2 v. 12~. London, 1840. ~^ rt3. i 1 i kingdoms, and states in Europe. 4~. LonNew Zealand; travels and adventures ingdoms, and states in Europe. 40 in that country between 1831 and 1837. 2 v. don, 1789. 80. London, J 1838. POLITICAL Magazine for August and October, 8~' ^^ ^' ^ ^ rr. 1783. 80. London, 1783. (Pol. Pam., v. 28.) POLAND, (Alfred.) Treatises on Tetanus 83. 80. London, 178. (P. Pam., v. 28.) an,, Anim n. L n 3 POLITICAL Mirror; or, review of Jacksonism. and Animal Poisons. 80. London, 1860. New-York 1835. 180. New-York, 1835. (Holmes' Surgery, v. 1.) (Holmes Surgery, v. 1.) POLITICAL Miscellany. 8. New York, 1793. Treatise on Injuries of the Chest. 8. POLITICAL Miscellany. 80. New York, 1793. London, 1861. (Holmes' Surgery, v. 2.) (Po. P, V. POLAND, (Harry Bodkin.) Trade Marks. The CONTENTS. Observations on our political and social connections Merchandise Marks Act, 1862. 120. Lon- with France. don, 1862. Speech on the abuses of antient governments, in duuu~~on~, J~. ^ rthe National Convention, May 10, 1793, by M. POLAND. Constitutional Charter of the King- Robespierre.' 115 8 Extracts from an oration by Elisha Palmer, July 4, dom of Poland in 1815. 80. London, 1831. 1793,. (Pol. Pam., v. 40.) Oration on the Anniversary of Independence, by (P'\1. P "~ am.,' * Citizen (I-I. H-.) Brackenridge, author of "Moderi New Constitution of the Government Chivalry." 113 898 POLITICAL. POLYBIUS. POLITICAL Pamphlets. 132 v. 120, 8~, and POLINITZ, (Carl Ludwig von.) Memoirs, in folio. (v. d.) letters to his fiiend. 4 v. 80. London, Note.-The contents of the volumes will be found in 1737-38. the catalogue under their various authors. POLLOCK, (George.) Treatise on Injuries of POLITICAL Poems and Songs, relating to Eng- the Abdomen. 80. London, 1861. (Holmes~ lish history, from Edward II to Richard III. Surgery, v. 2.) Edited by Thomas Wright. 2 v. 80. Lon- POLLOK, (Robert.) Course of Time. With don, 1859-61. (Chronicles and Mem. of G. observations on the genius and writings of Britain.) the poet, and notes, by James R. Boyd. 12~. POLITICAL Primer; or, road to public honours. New-York, 1854. 120. London, 1826. POLLUX, (Julius.) Onomasticum; (Grrec et POLITICAL Register for April, 1770. (Pol. Latin6d;) cum notis variorum, [praecipue] Pam., v. 54.) J. H. Lederlin et T. Hemsterhuis. 2 v. POLITICAL Reveries, and Utopian Schemes for Folio. Amtelgedami, 1706. the welfare of Great Britain and Ireland. POLO, (Marco.) Travels in the East, in the By an idle man. With a plan for new Thirteenth Century. From the Italian, with modelling the British forces by sea and land. notes, by William Marsden. 40. Lon80. London, 1779. don, 1818. POLITICAL State of Europe, for the years 1793- Voyages and Travels. (Pinkerton's 94-95; with a translation of the debates and Voyages, v. 7.) proceedings of the national convention of POLONIUS: a Collection of Wise Saws and France. 8 v. 80. London, 1793-95. Modern Instances. 160. London, 1852. POLITICAL Truth; or, examination of the laws POLSON, (Archer.) Principles of the Law of of Virginia against gaming. By Virginius. Nations; with notes on the Law of Blockade, 120. Richmond, (Va.,) 1794. and on Contraband of War. To which is ---- The same. [Imperfect.] (Pol. Pam., added, Diplomacy, by T. H. Horne. 160. v. 99.) London, 1848. POLITICS for American Christians; our ex- The Law of England. 40. London, ample as a nation, our labor, our trade, 1845. (Ency. Metropolitana, v. 2.) elections, education, and Congressional legis- POLYENUS. Strategematum libri VIII., (Gr. lation. 80. Philadelphia, 1852. et Lat.) Justo Vultejo interprete. PancraPOLITICS for the People; or, a Salmagundy tius Maasvicius recensuit, I. Casauboni, nec for Swine. 2 v. 80. London, 1794-95. non suas, notas adjecit. 80. Lugduni BaPOLITIQUE (Le) Errant. 80. Londres, 1785. tavorum, 1690. (Pol. Pain., v. 20.) Stratagems of War. Translated from POLITIQUE Angloise dans l'Inde. 80. Chat- Greek, by R. Shepherd. 40. London, 1793. tam, 1785. (Col. Pamn., v. 21.) POLYBIUS. Castrametatio Romanorum. (With POLITIQUE de la Prusse. 80. Paris, 1850. VEGETIUS, De Re Militari.) POLITIQUE Nouvelle de la Cour de France sous Historiarum Reliquie. (Gr. et Lat.) le regnedeLouisXIV. 180. Cologne, 1694. 2 v. in 1. 80. Paris, 1852. (Didot, BibPOLLARD, (Edward A.) Black Diamonds, lioth. Grecque, v. 43.) gathered in the Darkey Homes of the South. ~Historiarumlibri qui supersunt,(Grsece.) 120. New-York, 1860. Casaubonus emendavit, Latine vertit et com~- The First Year of the War. Reprinted mentariis illustravit. A2nere Tactici Comfrom the Richmond ed. 80. New-York, mentarius de Toleranda Obsidione. I. Ca1863. saubonus vulgavit, Latinam interpretationen... Second Year of the War. 80. New- ac notas adjecit. Folio. Parisiis, 1619. York, 1863. - The same. Prefationem et glossarium POLLEN, (Thomas.) Fatal Consequences of adjecit J. A. Ernesti. 3 v. 80. Lipsime et Adultery, to monarchies as well as to private Vindobonue, 1763-64. (Interleaved with folfamilies. 120. London, 1772. lowing, in 8 v.) POLLEXFEN, (Henry.) Arguments and Reports - General History, in five books. Transin some Special Cases, by him argued during lated by James Hampton. 3d ed. 4 v. 8~. the time of his practice at the barr; with London, 1772-73. (Interleaved with above, divers decrees in the High Court of Chancery, in 8 v.) 1669 to 1685. Folio. London, 1702. The same. 4th ed. 3 v. 80. London, 1809. 899 POLYCARPUS. POOLE. POLYCARPUS, (Saint.) Epistola, Martyrium, PONSONBY, (John, Viscount.) Private Letters etc. (Cotelerius, Patres Apostolici, v. 2.) on the Eastern Question, (first published for -- Epistle to the Philippians. 8~. Cam- private circulation,) A reprint, with an adbridge, (Eng.,) 1833. (Chevallier's Transla- ditional letter. 80. Brighton, 1854. tions.) PONT, (Paul.) Explication des Tit. XVIII. et POLYDORE VERGIL. See VERGIL. XIX., Liv. III., du Code Napoldon, contePOLYGLOTT LEXICON; a dictionary, in four nant l'analyse critique des auteurs et de la languages, (French, Dutch, German, and jurisprudence, ou commentaire-trait6 th6oEnglish.) By a society of learned men. 2 v. rique et pratique des Privileges et Hypothe8~. London, 1848. ques et de l'Expropriation Forcee, mis en POLYMERES, (George.) Anglo-Greek Lexi- rapport avec la loi sur la Transcription. 2 v. con. 8~. Hermopolis, 1854. 80. Paris, 1859. POMFRET, (John.) Poems upon several occa- PONTANUS; or, BRUCK, (Jan Isaac.) Dissersions. 8th ed. To which is added his tation concerning the North East Passage. Remains. 16~. London, 1731. (Pinkerton's Voyages, v. 1.) - -Thesame. 160. London, 1790. (John- PONTBRIANT, (Rend Francois du Breil de.) son's Eng. Poets, v. 17.) P6lerinage du Calvaire sur le Mont Valerien. _-__- The same. 80. London, 1820. (Chal- 180. Paris, 1779. mers' Eng. Poets, v. 8.) PONTCHARTRAIN, (Paul Phdlypeaux de.) MdThe same. 160. Chiswick, 1822. (Brit- moires concernant les Affaires de France, ish Poets, v. 29.) sous la rdgence de Marie, de Mddicis, etc. POMPADOUR, (Jeanne Antoinette Poisson, 80. Paris, 1837. (Michaud. Coll. M6m. Miarquise de.) Lettres derites a plusieurs Hist. France, v. 17.) personnages illustres du 18e siecle, depuis The same. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1822. 1753 jusqu' a 1762. (Apocryphes-dcrites (Petitot, Coil. Mem. Hist. France, sdr. 2, par Barbd-Marbois.) 3 v. 160. Londres, v. 16-17.) 1771-2. PONTEiCOULANT, (Gustave, Comte de.) Notice Letters of the Marchioness de Pompa- sur la Comdte de Halley, et son retour en dour, from 1746 to 1562. (Spurious; com- 1835. 1.80. Paris, 1835. posed by Barbd-Marbois.) 3 v. 180. Lon- Th6orie Analytique du Systdme du don, 1771-2. Monde. V. 1-3. 80. Paris, 1829. POMPEII: its past and present state, its public ~ Trait6 lldmentaire de Physique Cdand private buildings, etc. Compiled from leste, ou precis d'astronomie thdorique et thejournals and drawings of William Clarke, pratique. 2 parties. 80. Paris, 1840. etc. 2 v. 180. London, 1838. PONTaS, (L. Davdsids de.) Poets and Poetry PONCELET, (Francois Frederic.) Prdcis de of Germany; Biographical and Critical Nol'Histoire du Droit Civil en France. 80. tices. 2 v. 120. London, 1858. Bruxelles, 1839. PONTEY, (William.) Forest Pruner; or, Tim- RecueilCompletdes DiscoursPrononcs ber Owner's Assistant. 2d ed. 80. Lonlors de la Prdsentation et de la discussion du don, 1808. Code Civil, par les divers orateurs du con- PONTIS, (Louis de.) Mdmoires, contenant seil d'tat etdutribunat. 2v. 80. Paris, 1841. plusieurs circonstances remarquables des PONCET, (Charles Jacques.) Journey to Abys- guerres, de la cour, etc., des Rois Henri IV., sinia, 1698-1700. (Pinkerton's Voyages, Louis XIII., et Louis XIV. 80. Paris, v. 15.) 1837. (Michaud, Coll. M6m. Hist. France, PONCET, (-.) Traitds 1lldmdntaires de LUgis- v. 18.) lation et de Proc6dure, des actions, et des The same. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1824. jugements. 3 v. 80. Dijon, 1817-21. (Petitot, Coil. Mdm. Hist. France, S6r. 2, POND, (John.) Astronomical Observations v. 31-32.) made at the Royal Observatory' at Green- Note.-These memoirs are supposititious. The real wich, in the years 1811-1835. 15 v. Folio. author is Thomas du Fosse. London, 1815-35. PONTOPPIDAN, (Erik.) Natural History of PONS, (Francois Raymond Joseph de.) Ob- Norway. (Knox's Coll. Voyages, v. 4.) servations sur la situation Politique de St. POOLE, (Braithwaite.) Ready Reckoner for Domingue. 80. Paris, 1790. (Pol. Pam., v.8.) Tons, Cwts., Qrs., and Lbs., from 1 s. to See DE PoNS, (F. R. J. de.) 100 s. per Ton. 4th ed. 80. London, 1859. 900 POOLE. POPOL. POOLE, (Braithwaite.) Statistics of British CONTENTS. Commerce. A compendium of the produc- Correspondence, v. 6-8. Miscellaneous Poems, v. 3. tions, manufactures, imports, and exports, Dunciad, v. 3. Moral Essays, v. 4. of the United K3-ingdom. 8. London, oEarly Poems, v. 2. Prose Writings, v. 5. of the United Kingdom. 80. London, Essay on Criticism, v. 2. Rape of the Lock, v. 2. 1852. Essay on Man, v. 4. Satires, v. 4-5. Fragments and Fugitive Translations and ImitaPOOLe, (George Ayliffe.) History of Ecclesi- Pieces, v. 5. tions, v. 2. astical Architecture in England. 80. Lon- Life by Wm. Roscoe, v. 1. don, 1848. Letters to a Lady, (Mrs. Blount.) Never Life and Times of Saint Cyprian. 80. before published. 120. London, 1769. Oxford, 1840. Poems. 3 v. 160. London, 1790. POOLE, (Matthew.) Annotations upon the (Johnson's Eng. Poets, v. 45-47.) Holy Bible, wherein the sacred text is in- ~ Thesame. 80. London, 1810. (Chalserted, and various readings annexed. 3 v. mers' Eng. Poets, v. 12.) 80. New York, 1853. The same. 3 v. 160. Chiswick, 1822. POOLE, (Reginald Stuart.) Horse Egyptiacge; (Brit. Poets, v. 40-42.) the chronology of Ancient Egypt, discov- ~ Poetical Works. 3 v. 160. London, ered from Astronomical and hieroglyphic 1843-44. records upon its monuments. 80. London, - The same. With life of the author, by 1851. Dr. Johnson. 80. Philadelphia, 1851. POOLE, (Sophia.) Englishwoman in Egypt; ~ See POEMATA ITALORUM. letters from Cairo, written during a residence POPE, (Charles.) Merchant, Ship Owner, and there, in 1842-44, with E. W. Lane. 2 v. Ship-Master's Import and Export Guide; the in 1. 180. London, 1851. statutes brought down to the close of the POOLE, (Thomas Eyre.) Life, Scenery, and first session of William IV., and other parts, Customs in Sierra Leone and the Gambia. to March 22d, 1831. 15th ed. 80. Lon2 v. 120. London, 1850. don, 1831. (2 copies.) POOLE, (William Frederick.) Index to Practical Abridgement of the Laws of Periodical Literature. 80. New-York, Customs and Excise. 5th ed. 80. Lon1853. don, 1819. PooR, (John A.) Address at Popham, (Maine,) ~ Yearly Journal of Trade, for 1845 and Celebration of the First Colonization of New 1846. 23d and 24th ed. 2 v. 80. LonEngland. 80. New York, 1863., don, 1845-46. POOR LAW COMMISSIONERS. Third, fifth, and The same. 1854-55. 24th ed, 80. twelfth annual Reports of the Poor Law London, 1855. Commissioners for England and Wales. 3 v. POPE, (Thomas.) Treatise on Bridge Archi80. London, 1837, 1839, and 1846. tecture; in which the superior advantages of Extracts from the information received the flying pendent lever bridge are fully by His Majesty's Commissioners, as to the proved. 80. New-York, 1811. administration and operation of the Poor POPE'S Nephews. History of the Pope's Laws. 80. London, 1833. Nephews, from 1471 to 1667. [By Gregorio Reports of special assistant Poor Law Leti.] Englished by W.A. 160. London, Commissioners on the Employment of Women 1673. and Children in Agriculture. 80. London, POPHAM, (John.) Reports and Cases, 1592 to 1843. 1597. Translated into English, with some POORE, (Benjamin Perley.) Early Life and remarkable cases reported by others since First Campaigns of Napoleon Bonaparte; his death, 1617 to 1626. 2d ed. Folio. with a history of the Bonaparte family. 80. London, 1682. Boston, 1851. POPISH INTRIGUES and Cruelty exemplified in Rise and Fall of Louis Philippe; giving the Case and Narrative of Mrs. Frances a history of the French revolution from Shafton. 3d ed. 8~. London, 1750. (Misc. its commencement, in 1789. 120. Boston, Pam., v. 5.) 1848. POPOL VUH. Le Livre Sacr6 et les Mythes de PoPE, (Alexander.) Works. With notes by l'Antiquit6Am6ricaine; avec les livres lhroihimself and others; with a new life of the ques et historiques des Quich6s. Avec des author, by W. Roscoe. New ed. 8 v. 80. notes par l'Abb6 Brasseur de Bourbourg. London, 1847. 80. Paris, 1861. 901 POPULAR. PORTER. POPULAR Educator. 6 v. 40. London, Life of Archbishop Seeker, v. 6. 1852-55.QK~ Xrr ife of Porteus, by R. Hodgson, v. 1. 1852-55. Religious observance of Good-Friday, v. 6. POPULAR TALES and Romances of the Northern Sermons, v. 2-3. Truth and Divine Origin of the Christian RevelaNations. 3 v. 120. London, 1823. tion, v. 6. CONTENTS. Poems. 160. Chiswick, 1822. (Brit. Vol. l.-Treasure Seeker. Poets, v. 58.) Bottle-Imp. PORTER, (Arthur L.) Chemistry of the Arts; Sorcerers. Enchanted Castle. on the basis of Gray's Operative Chemist. Wake Not the Dead. 80. Philadelphia, 1830. Auburn Egbert. Vol. 2.-Spectre Barber. PORTER, (Anna Maria.) Hungarian Brothers. Magic Dollar. Collier's Family. 16o. London, 1850. (Bentley's Stand. NovVictim of Priestcraft. els v. 11.) Kibitz. Vol. 3.-Field of Terror. PORTER, (Benjamin F.) Reports of Cases in Elfin Land. the Supreme Court of Alabama, 1834 to 1839. The Tale. Fatal Marksman. 9 V. 80. Tuscaloosa, 1835-40. (2 copies Hoard of Nibelungen. Erl-King's Daughter. Of v. 7.) PORTER, (Charles T.) Review of the Mexican POeCU1INE, (Peter; Pseud.) See COBi'TT, War. 120. Auburn, (N. Y.,) 1849. (William. ) ( i Pi',S D. Wilam)PORTER, (David.) Constantinople and its PORDENONE, (Odoricoda, Saint.) DueViaggi. Environs. 2 v. 12. New-York, 1835. Environs. 2v. 12~. New-York, 1835. (Ramusio, Navigationi, v. 2.) (Ramvslo, NitionAi, v.r P-. Exposition of the Facts which justified ~ — Voyage to Asia Minor, Persia, India, Voyage to Asia Minor the Expedition to Foxardo, with the proceedChina, etc. (Hakluyt's Voyages, v. 2.),^,\~ ^ 111ings of the court of inquiry thereon. 8~. PORPHYRIUS. Sententire. (Gr. et Lat.) 80. as t o Paris, 1855. io D /-o-J B-ib. Gr e v. 35.) Washington, 1825. (2 copies.) Paris, 1855. (Didot, Bib. Grecque, v. 35.) Pris, 1855. (Didot, ib. Gecue, v. ~35.) Journal of a Cruise made to the Pacific. Select Works; containing his four Select Works; containing his fr Ocean, in the frigate Essex, in the years books on abstinence from animal food, his. 2d e. 2 1812-14. 2d ed. 2 v. 80. New-York, 1822. treatise on the Homeric cave of the nymphs, n n 1,~....,~. S^. ~ Minutes of Proceedings of the Courts and his auxiliaries to the perception of intel-. ^ of Inquiry and Court Martial in relation to ligible natures. From the Greek, by T. ti Ju 78 0 a - ^Taylor. 80 London, 1823. Captain Porter, July 7, 1825. 8~. WashTaylor. 8~. London, 1823.., " /D T^ AiJ mnflgton, 1825. (Bound with Porter's ExPORSON, (R.) Letters to Archdeacon Travis, ingon, 1825. (Bound with Porter's ExX,-,. 3 f ^7^^ ~position, etc.) (2 copies.) in answer to his defence of the Three Heav- position, etc.) ( copies.) nl Wnses h Lndo, 1 - PORTER, (E. S.) Language of Affliction: a enly Witnesses. 8~. London, 1790. Critio, 1 7. sermon on the death of Adeline Rider. 80. ~- I Tracts and Miscellaneous Criticisms; Albany,(N.Y.,)1846. collected and arranged by T. Kidd. 8~0 collected a. PORTER, (George Richardson.) Manufacture London, 1815. London, 1815. of Porcelain and Glass. 160. London, PORT-MAHON. Nueva Relacion, y Curioso PORT-MAHON. R, Y C o 1832. (Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopoedia, v. 98.) Romance de la Expedicion parr la Con- Nature and Properties of the Sugar - Nature and Properties of the Sugar quista, 6 Imbasion de Puerto-Mahon. Small Cane. 2d ed. 80. London, 1843. 4~. Malaga, 1782. 40. Malaga, 1782.'~ Progress of the Nation, from the beginPORT-ROYAL Greek and Latin Grammars. ning of the 19th century to the present time. See LANCELOT, (Claude.) 3 v. 120. London, 1836-43. PORTAL, (Pierre Paul Fr6d6ric de, Baron.) T. e Lond ^,,. T. ~ The same. New ed. 8~. London, Essay on Symbolic Colours, in antiquity, 1847. the middle ages, and modern times. FromThe same. New ed. 8. London, The same. New ed. 8~. London, the French, with notes, by W. S. Inman. 1851 4~. London, 1845. 40. London, 1845. Treatise on Silk Manufacture. 160. PORTEUS, (Beilby.) Works. With his life, London,1831. (Lardner's Cabinet Cycoby Robert Hodgson. 6 v. 80. London,, v pwedia, v. 97.) PORTER, (Henry.) Two Angry Women of CONTENTS. Abingdon. (Percy Soc'y Pub., v. 5.) Beneficial Effects of Christianity, v. 6. PORTER, (Sir James.) Turkey; its history Charges to the Clergy of London, v. 6. Essay on the Civilization of Negro slaves, v. 6. and progress. Continued to the present Lecturest v. 4-5. t time, with a memoir of Sir J. P., by Sir G. Letter to the Inhaitants of a nheste, 6 L &ct. 2., occa- sioned by the late earthquake, v. 6. Larpent. 2 v. 80. London, 1854. 902 PORTER. POST, PORTER, (James Madison.) Speech on the Frangaise, jusqu' aI la pacification g6nerale Right to Annual Charters of Incorporation. termin6e par le trait6 d'Amiens. 4 v. 80. 80. Philadelphia, 1837. Paris, 1802-03. PORTER, (Jane.) Pastor's Fireside. v. 160. PORTLOCK, (Nathaniel.) Voyage Round the London, 1849. (Bentley's Stand. Novels, World; but more particularly to the Northv. 18-19.) west Coast of America; performed in 1785~ — Scottish Chiefs. 2v. 160. London, 1788. 40. London, 1789. 1850. (Bentley's Stand. Novels, v. 7-8.) PORTMAN, (Edward B.) Speech to the Electors --- Thaddeus of Warsaw. 180. London, of the Borough of Mary-le-Bone. 80. Lon~ 1849. (Bentley's Stand. Novels, v. 4.) don, 1832. (Pol. Pam., v. 74.) PORTER, (John K.) Argument for the Dis- PORTO, (Luigi da.) La Giulietta, (Juliet.) franchised Corporators of Trinity Church of Trans. by T. Roscoe. (Roscoe's Ital. NovelNew York. 80. Albany, 1857. ists, v. 2.) PORTER, (J. L.) Five Years in Damascus; PORTOCARRERO, (Cardinal Luis, Archbishop an account of the history, topography, and of Toledo.) Histoire Politique et Amoureuse. antiquities of that city; with travels and re- Nouv. 6d. 240. Paris, 1710. searches in Palmyra, Lebanon, and the PORTRAITS de la Cour de France. 240. ColHauran. 2 v. 120. London, 1855. ogne, 17020 PORTER, (Noah.) Pronouncing Vocabulary PORTRAITS of the British Poets. 2 v. in 1. of Modern Geographical Names; prepared 80. London, 1824. for Webster's Dictionary. 40. Springfield, PORTSMOUTH Relief Association. Report to (Mass.,) 1855. the contributors of the fund for the relief of PORTER, (Robert.) Report of the trial and Portsmouth, Virginia, during the prevalence acquittal of Hon. Robert Porter, President of the yellow fever in that town in 1855. Judge of the third Judicial District of Penn- With a sketch of the fever. 80. Richmond, sylvania, before the Senate, composing the 1856. High Court of Impeachment of the said PORTUGAL. Civil War in Portugal, and the Commonwealth, upon articles preferred Siege of Oporto. By a British officer of against him by the House of Representa- Hussars. 120. London, 1836o tives. Reported by James Madison Porter. - Hints to Travellers in Portugal in 80. Easton, 1827. search of the Beautiful and the Grand. 2d PORTER, (Sir Robert Ker.) Narrative of the ed. 120. London, 1853. Campaign in Russia, during the year 1812. H- istorical View of the Revolutions of 80. Baltimore, 1814. Portugal, since the close of the Peninsular PORTER, (William A.) Essay on the Life, War. By an eye-witness. 80. London, Character, and Writings of John B. Gibson. 1827. 80. Philadelphia, 1855. History of Portugal, from its erection PORTER, (William H.) Proverbs, arrangedin into a separate State, to the concession of alphabetical order. 160. Boston, 1845. the constitution. 240. London, 1846. PORTETS, (Xavier de.) Cours de Droit Natu- POSITIVE Medical Agents; a treatise on the rel, des Genset Public. 80. Paris, 1830. new alkaloid, resinoid, and concentrated Facult6 de Droit; droit naturel, droit preparations of medical plants. By authority des gens, droit public gdn6ral. (Journal of the American Chemical Institute. 80. des Cours Publics de Jurisprudence, His- New-York, 1854. toire, et Belles-Lettres.) 80. Paris, 1820-21. PosT, (Christian Frederick.) Journal of a PORT FOLIO. (Commenced by Joseph Den- Journey from Philadelphia to the Ohio. 80. nie.) From commencement, in 1801, to ter- London, 1759. (With Delaware and Shawamination, in 1827. 5 v. 4~. and 42 v. 80. nese Indians.) Philadelphia, 1801-27. POST, (Truman M.) Skeptical Era in Modern PORTFOLIO; or a Collection of State Papers, History; or, the infidelity of the eighteenth illustrative of the history of our times. 5 v. century, the product of spiritual despotism. 80. London, 1836-37. 12~. New-York, 1856. PORTFOLIO; Diplomatic Review. New series. POST OFFICE Department. Laws and Regu3 v. 80. London, 1843-44. lations for the Government of the Post Office PORTIEZ, (Louis.) Code Diplomatique; con- Department. 80. Washington, 1847. tenant les trait6s conclus avec la Republique - The same. 80. Washington, 1852. 903 POST. POTTER. POST OFFICES. List of Post Offices in the Civil appliqudes t l'usage du barreau, et de United States, with the names of the post- jurisprudence Francoise. 2" 6d. 4 v. 4~. masters. 80. Washington, 1828. Paris, 1781. The same, to the 1st of April, 1831. - Treatise on the Contract of Sale. Trans12~. Washington, 1831. lated by L. S. Cushing. 80. Boston, 1839. The same, on the 1st day of January, (2 copies.) 1851. 80. Washington, 1851. Treatise on Obligations, considered in The same, on the 13th of July, 1857. a moral and legal view. Translated from Also, the regulations and laws of the post the French. 2 v. in 1. 80. Newbern, office department. 80. Washington, 1857. (N. C.,) 1802. - The same, on the 1st of April, 1859. 80. ~ The same. Translated, with an introWashington, 1859. duction and notes, by W. D. Evans. 2 v. The same, to July 1, 1862. 80. Wash- 80. London, 1806. ington, 18(62. Treatise on Maritime Contracts of LetPOSTAGE STAMPS. Catalogue of Postage ting to Hire. Translated from the French, Stamps, American and Foreign, and U. S. with notes, and a life of the author, by Caleb Revenue Stamps. 160. Cambridge, 1863. Cushing. 80. Boston, 1821. POSTE, (Beale.) Britannia Antiqua; or, An- -- See JUSTINIANUS. cient Britain brought within the limits of POTOqKI, (Jean, Comte.) Chronologie des authentic history. 80. London, 1857. Deux premiers Livres de Manethon. 40. - Britannic Researches; or, new facts St. Pdtersbourg, 1805. and rectifications of ancient British history. - - Dynasties du Second Livre de Manethon. 80. London, 1853. 120. Florence, 1803. ~- Celtic Inscriptions on Gaulish and -— Principes de Chronologie pour les Temps British Coins. With a glossary of archaic Antdrieurs aux Olympiades. 40. St. P6tersCeltic words, and an atlas of coins. 80. bourg, 1810. London, 1861. POTOMAC FISHERIES. Report of Messrs. ~- Coins of Cunobeline, and of the An- Shinn and Washington on the decrease of. cient Britons. 80. London, 1853. 80. (n. p.) 1853. POSTEL, (Guillaume.) Tractatus de Re- POTOMAC and Alleghany Coal and Iron Manupublica, seu magistratibus Atheniensium. facturing Company. Documents relating to. (Gronovius, Thesaurus Grsec. Antiq., v. 5.) 80. New-York, 1841. (Misc. Pam., v. 21.) POSTLETHIAYT, (Malachy.) Importance of POTT, (August Friedrich.) Die Personennathe African Expedition to take posses- men, insbesondere die Familiennamen und sion of the French forts and settlements in ihre Enstehungsarten; auch unter Bertickthe river Senegal, as well as all others on sichtigung der Ortsnamen. 80. Leipzig, the coast of Africa. 80. London, 1758. 1853. Dictionary of Trade and Commerce. POTT, (John Frederick.) Observations on See SAVARY DE BRULONS. Matters of Prize, and the practice of the POTERLET, (Le Jenne.) Code des Dessbche- admiralty prize courts, in defence of the ments, ou recueil des r6glemens rendus sur rights and interests of his Majesty's navy. cette matidre, depuis le regne d'Henri IV. 80. London, 1810. jusqu't nos jours. 80. Paris, 1817. POTTER, (Alonzo.) Discourses, Charges, AdPOTHIER, (Robert Joseph.) CEuvres, annot6es dresses, Pastoral Letters, &c. 120. Philaet mises en correlation avec le Code Civil et delphia, 1858. la legislation actuelle, par M. Bugnet. 10 v. - Hand-Book for Readers and Students. 80. Paris, 1861. 4th ed. 180. New York, 1863. (Harpers' CEuvres Posthumes. 3v. 40. Paris, Family Library, v. 156.) 1777-79. Political Economy. 180. New York, Coutumes des Duch6, Bailliage et Pr6- 1862. (Harpers' Family Library, v. 157.) vot6 d'Orl6ans, et ressort d'iceux. Nouv. 6d. Sermon before the Episcopal Mission40. Paris, 1780. ary Society. 80. Boston, 1829. ( Theol. Traitd du Contratd'Assurance. Avec un Pam., v. 11.) discours preliminaire, des notes, et un sup- and EMERSON, (George B.) The pldment, par Estrangin. 80. Marseille, 1810. School and the Schoolmaster. 120. Bos~ — -Trait6s sur diffdrentes matibres de Droit ton, 1843. 904 POTTER. POUSSIN. POTTER, (Chandler E.) History of Man- 9ais; analogie avec les lois ou codes 6tranchester, formerly Derryfield, in New Hamp- gers. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1858. shire, including that of Amoskeag. 8. POUJOL,(-.) [Pr6s. dechambredlacoerroyale Manchester, 1856. de Colmar.] Trait6 des Obligations ou comPOTTER, (Elisha Reynolds.) Considerations mentaire du titre III. du livre 1I. du code on the Questions of the Adoption of a Con- civil. 3 v. 8. Paris, 1846-47. stitution and extension of suffrage in Rhode POUJOULAT, (Baptistin.) Lettres sur Bossuet, Island. 80. Boston, 1842. (Misc. Pam., t un homme d'6tat. 80. Paris, 1854. v. 39.) See MICHAUD, (J.) Early History of Narragansett. 80. POULAIN, (Ernest.) La Crise Amdricaine: Providence, 1835. (R. 1. Hist. Coll., v. 3.) recueil des documents pouvant servir A l'hisReports and Documents upon Public toire de la guerre des tEtats-Unis, 1858Schools and Education in the State of Rhode 1862. Le Nord et Le Sud. 80. Paris, 1863. Island, from 1850-54. 80. Providence, 1855. POULSON, (George.) History and Antiquities POTTER, (Israel R.) Life and Remarkable of the Seigniory of Holderness, in the East Adventures of a soldier in the American Riding of York. 2 v. in 1. 40. Hull, 1840. Revolution. 160. Providence, (R. I.,) 1824. POUMET, (Benjamin.) Instruction sur les POTTER, (John; Abp. of Canterbury.) Archme- Effets des Bouches a Feu, et sur les motifs ologia Graeca, (in Latin;) sive Antiquitates d'aprys lesquels on a affect6 a l'artillerie de Gr.eciae. ( Gronovius, Thesaurus Greec. campagne les pieces qui font partie de l'arAntiq., v. 12.) tillerie acfuelle. 80. Paris, 1828. The same. Or, the Antiquities of POUQUEVILLE, (Fran9ois CharlesHuguesLauGreece. 7th ed. 2v. 80. London, 1751. rent.) Grace. 80. Paris, 1835. (L'Univers, The same. 4th ed.. by James Boyd. v. 45.) 120. London, 1839. - Histoire de la Reg6neration de la Grece, Discourse of Church Government. 80. comprenant le pr6cis des dvdnemens depuis London, 1707. 1740 jusqu'en 1824. 4 v. 80. Paris, 1824. POTTER, (John.) System of Practical Mathe- Travels through the Morea, Albania, matics; with necessary tables. 2d ed. 120. and Qther parts of the Ottoman Empire, to London, 1757. Constantinople, 1798-1801. 80. London, POTIER, (Louis Joseph Antoine de.) Me- 1806. (Phillips' Voyages and Travels,v. 3.) moirs of Scipio de Ricci, reformer of Catho- POUR (Le) et le Contre; recueil complet des licism in Tuscany under the reign of Leopold. opinions prononces a l'Assemblee ConvenFrom the original, by Thomas Roscoe. 2 v. tionnelle, dans le proces de Louis XVI. 7 v. 80. London, 1829. 120. Paris, 1792. POTTER, (Richard.) Physical Optics. Partll. POUSSIN, (Guillaume Tell.) Consid6rations The Corpuscular Theory of Light; discussed sur le Principe Democratique qui r6git l'Unmathematically. 80. Cambridge, 1859. ion Americaine, et de la possibility de son POTTER, (S. Hollister.) Notes of Lectures on application A d'autres 6tats. 80. Paris, the American Practice of Medicine, delivered 1841. in the American Medical College at Cincin- ~ Chemins de Fer Am6ricains; historique nati, Ohio. 80. Syracuse, (N. Y.,) 1855. de leur construction, prix de revient et proPOTTER, (Woodburne.) War in Florida; be- duit; mode d'administration adopt6; r6sum6 ing an exposition of its causes, and an accu- de la legislation qui les r6git. 40. Paris, rate history of the campaigns of Generals 1836. Clinch, Gaines, and Scott. 120. Baltimore, - Examen Comparatif de la Question des 1836. Chemins de Fer en 1839 en France et A POTTS, (Thomas.) Wonderful Discoverie of l'etranger, et de l'intervention du gouverneWitches in the County of Lancaster; with ment dans la direction et l'exdcution des trial of nineteene witches, &c., 1612. (So- travaux. 80. Paris, 1839. mers' Coll. Tracts, v. 3.) - De la Puissance Am6ricaine. 2 v. 80. POTTS, (William S.) Cholera: a Chinese Paris, 1843. humbug, the cause discovered. 8C. Eaton, - -Travaux d'Am6liorations Int6rieures, (O.,) 1855. proj6t6s on execut6s par le gouvernement POUGET, (Louis.) Principes de Droit Mari- gen6ral des 1tats-Unis d'Am6rique, de 1824 time, suivant le Code de Commerce Fran-'a 1831. 40. Atlas, folio. Paris, 1834. .905 POUSSIN. POWER. PoussN, (Guillanme Tell.) The United States; POWELL, (John Joseph.) Treatise on the Law its power and progress. 1st Am. from the of Mortgages. 5th ed., with copious notes 3d Paris ed. Translated by E. L. Du Barry. and an appendix of precedents, by Thomas 80. Philadelphia, 1851. Coventry. 2v. 8~. London, 1822. POWEL, (Thomas.) Mistery and Misery of The same. 6th ed., with copious notes, Lending and Borrowing, 1636. (Somers' by Thomas Coventry. V. 1. 8~. London, Coil. Tracts, v. 7.) 1826. POWELL, (Baden.) Christianity without Ju- The same. Reprinted from the 6th daism; a second series of essays. 12~. English ed. Notes and references to AmeriLondon, 1857. can cases, by Benjamin Rand. 3 v. 8~. Connexion of Natural and Divine Truth. Boston, 1828. 80. London, 1838. POWELL, (Thomas; an Englishprinter.) AtElementary Treatise on the Geometry torney's Academy; or, the manner and forme of Curves and Curved Surfaces, investigated of proceeding practically, upon any suite, by the application of the Differential and- plaint or action whatsoever, in any court of Integral Calculus. 8~. Oxford, 1830. record whatsoever, within this kingdome. Elements of Curves; comprising the 3d impression. 40. London, 1630. geometrical principles of the conic sections, POWELL, (Thomas.) Living Authors of Amerand an introduction to the algebraic theory ica. 1st series. 120. New-York, 1850. of curves. 80. Oxford, 1828. Living Authors of England. 120. NewEssays on the Spirit of the Inductive York, 1849. Philosophy, the Unity of Worlds, and the POWELL, (Thomas S.) Pocket Formulary Philosophyof Creation. 120. London, 1855. and Physician's Manual. 180. Savannah, Historical View of the Progress of the (Geo.,) 1855. Physical and Mathematical Sciences. 160. POWELL, (William Byrd,)andNEWTON,(R.S.) London, 1848. (Lardner's Cabinet Cyclo- Eclectic Practice of Medicine. 8~. Cinpmdia, v. 96.) cinnati, 1854. Order of Nature considered in reference PowER, (David.) Reports of the Decisions of to the Claims of Revelation. A third series committees of the House of Commons in the of essays. 120. London, 1859. trial of Controverted Elections, during the ~- Short Elementary Treatise on Experi- Fifteenth Parliament of the United Kingmental and Mathematical Optics. 80. Ox- dom; by David Power, Hunter Dodwell, and ford, 1833. Edward L'Estrang Dew. 240. London, Short Treatise on the Principles of the 1853. Differential and Integral Calculus. 8~. Ox- POWER, (George.) History of the,Empire of ford, 1829. the Mussulmans in Spain and Portugal. 80. Undulatory Theory, as Applied to the London, 1815. Dispersion of Light; and some other subjects. POWER, (John.) Essay on the Female Econ80. London, 1841. omy. 80. London, 1821. POWELL, (C. Frank.) Life of Major General POWER, (John Hatch.) Anatomy of the ArteZachary Taylor. 80. New-York, 1847. ries of the Human Body; with the descriptive POWELL, (Daniel.) See CARADOC. anatomy of the heart. 120. Philadelphia, POWELL, (Edmund.) Treatise on the Law of 1862. Inland Carriers. 120. London, 1856. POWER, (Tyrone, lost in the President, 1841.) ~_ The same. 2d ed. 80. London, 1861. Impressions of America, during the years POWELL, (John.) Financial and Commercial 18;33-1835. 2d Am. ed. 2 v. in 1. 160. Systems of Great Britain. 80. London, Philadelphia, 1836. 1826. (Pamphleteer, v. 26.) The Lost Heir, and The Prediction, POWELL, (John Joseph.) Essay on Devises. 3v. 120. London, 1830. 3d ed., with copious notes, and an appendix POWER, (W. Tyrone.) Recollections of a of precedents, and also a treatise on the Three Years' Residence in China; including Construction of Devises, by Thomas Jarman. peregrinations in Spain, Morocco, Egypt, 2 v. 8. London, 1827. India, Australia, and New-Zealand. 120. - Essay upon the Law of Contracts and London, 1853. Agreements. 5th Am. ed. 2 v. in 1. 80. Sketches in TNew Zealand, with Pen Exeter, 1823. and Pencil. 120. London, 1849. _114 906 POWNALL. PRATT. POWNALL, (Thomas.) Administration of the PRACTICK Part of the Law: showing the office Colonies; wherein their rights and constitu- of an attorney, and a guide for solicitors, tion are discussed and stated. 4th ed. 80. with an exact table of fees. 12~. LonLondon, 1768. don, 1695. -- Considerations on the points lately PRADT, (Dominique Dufourde.) Des Colonies, brought into question as to the Parliament's et de la Revolution actuelle do l'Amdrique. Right of Taxing the Colonies, and of the 2 v. 80. Paris, 1817. measures necessary to be taken at this crisis. Histoire de l'Ambassade dans le Grand 80. London, 1766. Duch6 de Varsovie en 1812. 2e 6d. 80. Journal of a Voyage from Boston to Paris, 1815. Penobscot River, 1759. 80. Portland, 1857. Quatre Concordats; suivis de Con(Maine Hist. Coll., v. 5.) sid6rations sur le Gouvernement de l'glise Memorial to the Sovereigns of Europe en g6n6ral, et sur l'dglise de France en paron the present state of affairs between the ticulier, depuis 1515; et suite. 4 v. 80. Old and New World. 80. London, 1780. Paris, 1818-20. (Col. Pam., v. 9 ) Vrai Systeme de l'Europe relativement Translation of [his] "Memorial to the A l'Am6rique et A la Grece.'80. London, Sovereigns of Europe" into Common Sense 1824. (Pamphleteer, v. 25-26.) and Intelligible English. 80. London, 1781. Comparison of England and Rus(Col. Pam., v. 9.) sia. 80. London, 1824. (Pamphleteer, ~- Topographical Description of such parts v. 24-25.) of North America as are contained in the - Congress of Vienna. Translated into (annexed) Map of the Middle British Col- English. 80. Philadelphia, 1816. onies, &c. Folio. London, 1776. Europe after the Congress of Aix-laPOYER, (John.) History of Barbadoes, from Chapelle; forming the sequel to the Con1605, till the accession of Lord Seaforth, gress of Vienna. Translated, with notes, 1801. 4c. London, 1808. by G. A. Otis. 80. Philadelphia, 1820. POYNDER, (John.) History of the Jesuits; PRAED, (Winthrop Mackworth.) Lillian, and with a Reply to Mr. Dallas's Defence of that other Poems. 120. New York, 1852. Order. 2 v. 8C. London, 1816. PRAGAY, (Johann.) The Hungarian RevoluPOYPE, (-.) Lois de la Nature. 80. Nantes, tion. Outlines of the prominent circum1803. stances attending the Hungarian Struggle Pozzo, (Ferdinand, Conte dal.) Catholicism for Freedom, &c. 120. New York, 1850. in Austria; or, an epitome of the Austrian PRAIRIEDOM; or, rambles and scrambles in Ecclesiastical Law. With a Dissertation Texas or New Estrdmadura; by a Southron. upon the rights and duties of the English 120. New York, 1845. government with respect to the Catholics of PRATT, (Enoch.) Comprehensive History, EcIreland. 80. London, 1827. clesiastical and Civil, of Eastham, Wellfleet, PRACTICAL Register in Chancery; or, a com- and Orleans, County of Barnstable, Mass., pleto collection of the standing orders and from 1644 to 1844. 8. Yarmouth, (Mass.,) rules of practice in chancery. 80. London, 1844. 1714. PRATT, (Frederic Thomas.) Law of ContraPRACTICAL Register of the Common Pleas; band of War; with a selection of cases from containing select cases or determinations in the papers of the Right Hon. Sir Geo. Lee; points of practice in that court, in the reigns and an appendix, containing extracts from of Queen Anne, and King George the First, treaties, miscellaneous papers, and forms of and of his present majesty King George the proceedings, with the cases to the present Second. 80. London, 1743. time. 80. London, 1856. PRACTICAL Treatise on the Choice and Cookery The same; with the foreign enlistment of Fish. By Piscator. 2ded. 160. Lon- act and the British and French proclamations don, 1854. respecting the observance of neutrality in the PRACTICE of the High Court of Chancery Un- present war in North America. 80. London, folded. With the nature of the several offices 1861. (2 copies.) belonging to that Court. And the Reports of New Admiralty Regulations respecting many Cases wherein relief hath been there Lights and Fog Signals; with notes and rehad, and where denied. 120. London,1652. ferences. 80. London, 1858. 907 PRATT. PRESBYTERIAN. PRATT, (Frederic Thomas.) Treatise on the the Psalter or Psalms of David. 2 v. in 1. Law relating to Sea Lights, and the Rule of 40. London, 1662. the Road at Sea; with numerous cases to - The same. In Greek, by James Duthe present time, foreign ordinances and port. 2 v. in 1. 240. Cambridge, (Eng.,) translations, and the new admiralty regula- 1664-65. tions respecting ship lights and fog signals. The same. Abridgement. 8~. Lon80. London, 1858. don, 1773. PRATT, (John Tidd.) Law of Highways; - The same. In the Mohawk language. with an introduction explanatory of the 8~. London, 1787. whole law upon the subject, notes, cases, - The same. Translated into Chinese, and statutes. 9th ed. By T. C. Sneyd by R. Morrison. 80. Canton, 1820. Kynnersley. 12~. London, 1863. - The same. According to the use of the PRATT, (Josiah.) Life, Character, and Re- Protestant Episcopal Church in the United mains of Richard Cecil. 5th ed. 80. Lon- States of America. 80. New-York, 1810. don, 1816. Book of Daily Prayers, for every day PRATT, (Orson.) Series of Pamphlets on Mor- in the year; according to the custom of the monism; with two discussions. 80. Liver- German and Polish Jews. Edited by Isaac pool, 1851. Leeser. 80. Philadelphia, 5608, (1848.) PRATT, (Phinehas.) Declaration of the Affairs Form of Prayer, and a new collection of the English People that first inhabited of Psalms, for the use of a Congregation of New England. 80. Boston, 1858. (Mass. Protestant Dissenters in Liverpool. 80. I-list. Coll., v. 4; fourth series.) London, 1763. PRATT, (Seabred Dodge.) Inklings; contain- PRAYERS for the Sabbath, the beginning of the ing sketches of life, compositions, essays, year, and day of atonements; with the Amidisputations, poems, &c. 120. Auburn, dah and Musaph of the Moadim, or Solemn (N. Y.,) 1852. Seasons, according to the order of the PRATT, (W. Tidd.) Analytical Digest of the Spanish-Portuguese Jews. Translated by Reports of Cases in the Courts of Common Isaac Pinto. Small 40. New-York, 5526, Law and Equity, of Appeal and Nisi Prius, (1776.) and in the Ecclesiastical Courts, in the PRECEDENTS of Private Acts of Parliament, years 1849-1854. 6 v. 80. London, selected and approved by a Committee of the 1850-55. House of Lords. 80. London, 1829. ~ — The same. For 1854. 80. Philadel- PRENDERGAST, (Guy Lushington.) Complete phia, 1855.- Concordance to the Poetical Works of Milton. ~ L- Law relating to Lighting and Watch- 40. Madras, 1857. ing Parishes, 3 and 4 Will. IV. cap 90, with PRENDERGAST, (Harris.) Law relating to the additional statutes relating thereto, and Officers in the Army. 160. London, J849. the cases decided thereon. 3d ed. 120. (2 copies.) London, 1856. The same. Revised edition. 120. ~ — Income Tax Acts; with a full analysis London, 1855. of the provisions of the different acts. 180. - Law relating to Officers of the Navy. London, 1857. 2 parts. 160. London, 1852. (2 copies.) PRATZ, (LE PAGE DU,) or LE PAGE DU PRATZ. PRENTICE, (Archibald.) Historical Sketches Histoire de la Louisiane. 3 v. 160. Paris, and Personal Recollections of Manchester 1758. from 1792 to 1832. 2d ed. 120. London, - History of Louisiana; containing a 1851. description of the countries that lye on both PRENTICE, (George D.) Biography of Henry sides of the Mississippi. 2 v. 16~. Lon- Clay. 120. Hartford, (Conn.,) 1831. don, 1763. Prenticeana; or, wit and humor in parPRAXIS Alme Curiae Cancellarie. See BROWN, agraphs. 120. New-York, 1860. (William.) PRENTISS, (Sergeant Smith.) Memoir. Edited PRAY, (Lewis G.) History of Sunday Schools, by his brother. 2 v. 120. New-York, and of Religious Education, from the earliest 1856. times. 120. Boston, 1847. PRESBYTERIAN Board of Foreign Missions. PRAYER. Book of Common Prayer, according Eighth Annual Report. 8C, Now-York, to the use of the Church of England. With 1845. 908 PRESBYTERIAN.'PRTESTON. PRESBYTERIAN Church of the United States. PRESCOTT, (William HIiclling.) Proceedings Extracts from Minutes of the General As- of the Massachusetts Iistorical Society, in sembly. 8~. Philadelphia, 1803. (Theol. respect to the memory of WT.. Prescott, Pam., v. 6.) Feb'y 1, 1859. Boston, 1859. The same. Minutes of the General - The same. (Mass. Hist. Society ProAssembly. 80. Philadelphia, 1831. ceedings, v. 2.) PRESBYTERIAN Clergyman Looking for the PRESCRIPTION. View of the Periods of PreChurch. 120. New-York, 1855. scription beyond which an unclaimed right PRESBYTERIAN Quarterly Review. Vols. 1-5. cannot be recovered, according to the civil 8~. Philadelphia, 1853-57. law, and the laws of France, England, and PRESBYTERIAN SYNODS. Basis of Union Scotland. (A sheet.) Agreed upon by the Associate and General PRESENT HOUR. 80. London, 1782. Associate Synods, April 28, 1820. 80. Edin- PRESENT State'of the British Sugar Colonies burgh, 1820. (Pol. Pam., v. 64.) Considered. Small 40. London, 1731. PREsCOTT, (George B.) History, Theory, and PRESENT State of the Unhappy Sufferers of the Practice of the Electric Telegraph. 120. Charitable Corporation considered. 8C. LonBoston, 1860. don, 1733. (Col. Pam., v. 20.) PRESCOTT, (James.) Report of the trial by PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION of 1860. National impeachment of James Prescott, Esquire, Party Platforms. 80. New-York, 1860. Judge of the Probate Court of Wills, &c,, (Misc. Pam., v. 13.) for the County of Middlesex, for misconduct PRESIDENTS' Addresses and Messages, from and maladministration in office, before the 1789 to 1825. 80. Philadelphia, 1825. Senate of Massachusetts, in 1821. By Octa- The same. 1789 to 1837. 80. Newvius Pickering and William Howard Gardi- York, 1837. ner. 80. Boston, 1821. (2 copies.) - The same. Washington to Tyler. 80. PRESCOTT, (William Hickling.) Biographical New-York, 1843. and Critical Miscellanies. 80. New-York, PRESS (The) and the Public Service. By a 1851. distinguished writer. 120. London, 1857. History of the Conquest of Mexico. PRESS (The) and the Tories. Reprinted from With a preliminary view of the ancient Mex- Fraser's Magazine. 120. London, 1833. ican civilization, and the life of the Con- (Pol. Pam., v. 77.) queror, Hernando CortDs. 3 v. 80. New- PRESSAC. Catalogue des Livres de feu M. de York, 1843. Pressac, conservateur adjoint de la biblioThe same. 6thed. 2v. 8~. London, 1850. theque de Poitiers. 80. Paris, 1857. ----- The same. Condensed by J. Hobart PRESTON, (Lyman.) Tables of Interest, at Caunter. 120. London, 1850. five, six, and seven per cent.; being also apHistory of the Conquest of Peru. With plicable to a great variety of other purposes. a preliminary View of the Civilization of the 40. New-York, 1855. Incas. 2v. 80. New-York, 1847. (2 copies.) - - Treatise on Book-Keeping, &c. 41st The same. 6th ed. 2 v, 80. Lon- ed. 80, New-York, 1853. don, 1850. PRESTON, (Richard.) Elementary Treatise History of the Reign of Ferdinand and on Estates. With observations on the quality Isabella, the Catholic, of Spain. 9th ed. ot estates. 2 v. 8~. London, 1820-27. 3 v. 80. Boston, 1843. - Essay, on Abstracts of Title, to faciThe same. 7th ed. 2 v. 8c. Lon- litate the study, and the application of the don, 1851. first principles and general rules of the laws of History of the -Reign of Philip the property. 2d ed. 3 v. 80. London, 1823-24. Second, King of Spain. 3 v, 80. London, - Observations on the State of the Nation, 1855-59. Employment of Labor, Sinking Fund, PaunThe same. 3v. 80. Boston, 1855-58. perism, &c. 80. London, 1817. (Pam- Life of Charles V., after his abdication. phleteer, v. 9.) 80. Boston, 1857. (ROBERTSON'S Charles - Present Ruined Condition of the Landed V., v. 3.) and Agricultural Interests, &c. 80. LonLife of Charles Brockden Brown. 16~. don, 1816. (Pamphleteer, v. 7.) Boston, 1834. (Sparks' Am. Biog., v. 1, The same. 80. London, 1816. (Com. first series.) Pami, v. 6.) PRESTON. PR;v OST. PRESTON, (Richard.) Treatise on Convey- Brue, Ande, - Voyages on Afrique, v.:, Bunrrough, Jean; Indes Orientales, v. 1. ancing. 3ded. 3 v. 8~. London, 1819. Cabot, S6bastici; La Plata, v. 20. ",.',,,-T>. ~ Cabral, Alvarez; Indes Orientales, v. 1. PRESTON, (T. R.) Three Years' Residence in Cada Mosto Alvise; Afrique, v. 3. Canada, from 1837 to 1839; with notes of a Caerden, Panl Van; Iudes Oriintanle, v. 10. Cealifmnie, v. 22. winter voyage to New-York, and journey Carli, Denis; Afrique, v. 6. ~i a r> - tino T A 1~ ~ Carlet; Indes Orientales, v. 1. thence. 2 v. 1'2. London, 1840. Carlet; Iudes Orientales, v. 1. (tarpini, Jean de Piano; Tartaric, v. 9. PRESTON, (William.) Illustrations of Masonry. Carr6, Indes Orientales, v. 11. 1'20. ^, LoGndon, 1801.Cartier, Jacques; Anm6rique, v. 19. 12~. London, 1801. Castleton, Samuel; Indes Orientales, v. 2. PRESTON, (William S.) Practical T ti on Ctro, Jean de; Indes Orientales, v. 1. Castro, Pedro doe; Indoustan, v. 13. the Law of Legacies. 80. New-York, 1827. Castro, Vaca de; P6rou, v. 19. PRESTWICH, (Joseph.) Geological Inquiry Ceyla, v. 1. respecting the Strata of the Country around Champlain, Samuel de; Canada, v. 21. London, with reference espe ly to te Charlevoix, Pierre F. X. de; Floride, Nouvelle London, with reference especlially to the France, v. 21. Water-Supply of the Metropolis. 80. Lon- Chaumont, Chev. de; Siam, v. 12. Chili, v. 19. don, 1851. Chine, v. 7-8. PRETI, (F. Maria.) Elementi di Architettura. Ciotra, Pedro Ide; Afriqnle, v. 3. Cocks, Capt.; Iodes Orientales, v. 2. 40 Venezia, 1780. (With Sanvitalis' Ar- Colomb, Christopho; Am6rique, v. 18. chitettuya.C^~~~~. c vColthurst, Capt.; Indes Orientales, v. 2. chitettura.) Corr6al, Francois; P6rou, v. 19. PRETTY Story written in the year of our Lord Cortez, Iernaudo; Am6rilque v. 18. Condamine, C. M. de la; P6rou, etc., v. 19-20. 2774, byPeter Grievous, Esq. 80, Williams- Cumberland, George, Conte de; Irdes Orientales, v. 1. burg, (Va.,) 1774. (Col. Pam., v. 12.) Cnnna, ou, Acuha, Tritan d'; Indes Oriontales, PRETYMAN, (J. R.) Church of England and v. 1. Dampier, Guillaume; Terres Anstrales, v. 16. Erastianism since the Reformation. 120. Davis, John; Indes Orientales, v-. 1. London, 1854. Delisle on, Lisle de La Croy6re, Louis de; Sib6rie, London, 1854.. 24. PREVOST-D'EXILES, (Antoine Frangois.) His- Denis, Nicolas; Nouvelle-France, v. 21. Des Farges; Siam, v. 12. toire G6nerale des Voyages, ou nouvelle Desideri, Hippolite; Tibet, v. 9. collection de toutes les relations de voyages Dountol, Nicola; Indes Orientalos, v. 2. Drake, Sir F.; indes Orientales, v. 1. qui ont Bt6 publi6es jusqu'a pr6sent. Nouv. Ellis, Henry; Am6rique; v. 22. dd. 24 v. 4~. La Haye et Amsterdam, Fenner, George; Indes Orientales, v. 1. Floris, Peter W.; Indes Orientales, v. 2. 1747-79. Flyke, Robert; Indes Orientales, v. 1. Forbin, Claude; Siam, v. 12. Note. - " Pr6vost est anteur des T. 1-17 de cette Fortin, laedge; Side ientles, v. 1 vaste collection, qui fut continu6e par Deleyre, Fotaney, eean de Chine, v. 7. t Chine M ie n eDubois at Fontaney, Jean de; Chine, v. 7. Siaen et Chlte, Meusnier de Querlon et de Surgy. Dubois et 12 d'autreas la rLempridrent avec des additions no- Frezier, A. F.; P6rou, Terres Australes, v. 15. tables N La aInye. " Froger, Franuois; Detroit de Magellan, v. 15. NOUVELLE B!OGRAPHIE (N/ RALE. Finch; Afrique, v. 4. CONTENTS. Gasca, Pedro de la; P6rou, v. 19. CONT IENTS. OGanma, Vasco do; Indes Orientales, v. 1. Acuna, C. d'; Riviere des Amazons, v. 20. Gemelli-Careri, J. F.; Chine, v. 7. Adains, William; Indes, v. 2. VoyagesErrans, v. 16. Afrique, v. 3-6. Gerbillon, J. F.; Voyages dans la Tartarie, v. 9-10, Albuquerque, Alfornse; Indes Orientales, v. 1. Goez, Benoist; Empire du Mogol, v. 9. Alcaforado, Franuois; Afrique, v. 3. Golkonde, v. 13. Almagro, Di6gue d'; Chili, v. 19. Graaf, Nicolas de; le Gauge, v. 13. Almeyde, Franqois d'; Indes Orientales, v. 1. Greenwill, Sir Richard; Iades Orientales, v. 1. Am6rique, v. 18-23. Grijalva, Jean de; Am6rique, v. 18. Angelo da Gatina, Michael; Afrique, v. 6. Grueber, Jean; Tartarie, v. 9. Anson, George; Autour du Monde, v. 15. Gmelin, J. G.; Siberie, v. 24. Antilles, v. 23. Guiane, v. 20. Arabie (1) Heureuse, v. 14. Hagan, D. Van der; uIdes Orientales, v. 10. Atkins, Jean Afrique, v. 4. Hamilton, Capt. Alex.; Afrique, v. 6. Australes, Voyages aux Terres, v. 16. Haye, M. Col. de la; Indes Orientales, v. 11. Baker, Indes Orientales, v. 1. Hemskerk, Jacques; Am6rique, v. 22. Balboa, Nunez; Arm6rique, v. 18. Hippon, Antoine; Indes Orientales, v. 2. Barbot, Jean; Afrique, v. 4. Houtman, C.; Indes Orientales, v. 10. Barbot, Jacques, Afrique, v. 6. Ides, Everard Isbrand; Chine, v. 7. Barentzen, G.; Nouvelle-Zemble, v. 22. Indes Occidentales, v. 23. Baron, S.; Indes Orientales, v. 11. Indes Orientales, v. 1, 2, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17. Battel, Andr6; Afrique, v. 6. Indoustan, v. 13-14. Beaulien, Augustin de; Indes Orientales, v. 12. Islande, v. 24. Bernier, Fraqnois; Kachemire, v. 13. Jannequin, Claude; Voyage an Lybie, v. 3. Bermudes, v. 23. Jtapon, v. 14. Bird et Newton; Indes Oricntales, v. 1. Java, v. 10. Borneo, v. 15. Jenkinson, Antoine; Bokhara, v. 9. Bougainville, L. A. de. Detroit de Magellan, v. 20. Jobson, Richard; Afrique, v. 4. Bouguer, Pierre; P6'ou, v. 20. Johnson, Richard; Katay, v. 9. Bourbon, l'Isle de, v. 14. Juan, Jorge; Am6rique Meridionale, v. 19. Bontekoe, Guill. Isbrand; Indes Orientales, v. 10. Kaolpfer, E.; Siam, v. 12. Japon, v 14. Bouvet, Joachim; Chine, v. 7. Keeling, William; Indes Orlentales, v. 2. Broeck, Peter Vani den; Afrique, v. 4. Kerguelen, T. J. de; Mer du Nord, v. 22. Br6sil, v. 20. Kylniis, Laiurent; Gtuyie, v..21. 910 PR1]VOST, PRICE, PrtfvosT-D'EXTLTFS, (Antoine Francois ) T-is- Stephens, Thomas. Indes Orientales, V. 1. Stibbs, Bnrthl61emi. Afriqu, v. 4, toire Gendralc des Voyages, &c.- Continued. Snelgave. Afrique, v. 4. Sumatra, v. 12. Kolben, Peter; Afriqule, v. 6. Tacha, G. S lam, v. 12. La Barbinais le Gentil; Autour du Monde, v. 16. Tachtai, v., v. La Hontan, N. de; Nouvelle-Franee, v. 21. Tavene, B des Orientales, v. 12-1 Lange, Laurent; Chine, v. 7. Lange, Laurent; Chine, v. 7. Tavernier, J.B. Indes Ori0 ntales, v. 1'2-13. Lancaster, Jacques; Indes Orientales, v. 1-2. Tibet, v 8-9 Las Casas, B. de; Anmrique, v. 19. Ide v 11 Ldry, Jean de; Brdsil, v. 20. Towtson, Guillaume. Indes, v. 1. Le Cmte, Louise; BrChi, v. 7. Ulloa, A. de. Amn6ique ie6rldionale, v. 19. Le Comrte, Louis; Chie, v. 7. - gVaugondy. M6moire sur l'Am6rique, v. 22. Le Maire; Afriques;, vde. 4. O, Van den Broeck, PJiere. Indes Oriertales, v. 10. Lnschoten, J. H. van; Inde Orientales, v. 1. Van Neck, J. C. ndes Orientales, v. 1 Liushoten, J. H. vJe an; Indes Orientales, v. 1. Van Rechteren, Seyger. Chine, v. 7. Lok, Jean; Indes Orientales, v. 1. Vel, Blaso Nunez. Prou, v. 19. Lopez, Edouard; Arique, v. 6. Verhoeven, Pierre'W. Indes Orientales, v. 10. aLoyler, Godefroi; Afrique, v. 4. Villault de Bellefond. Afrique, v. 4. Madagascar, v. 11. Vrgiie, v. 21 Magellanes, Ferd.; Indes Orisntales, v. 14. Warwick, Wybrand van. Indes Orientales, v. 10. Maanbar, v. 13. Whiddan. Indes Orientales, v. 1. Marquette, Jacques; Mississippi, v. 21. Wiudham, Thomas. Indes Orientales, v. 1. Matelief, Corneille; Indes Orientales, V. 10. Wood, Benjamin. Indes Orientales, v. 1. Mandelslo, J. A. de; Indoustan, v. 13. Maupertuis, P. L. M. Laponie, v. 22. a. Lon, Merolla, Jerome; Afrique, v. 6. - Manon Lescant. 8~. London, 18410 Methold, G. de; le Gange, v. 13. The same. 4~. (Ill. Lit. of all Nations. ) Mexique, v. 18. Mezza-Barba, C. A.; Chine, v..7. PREVOST, (F.;) and PECQUET, (P.) Le Blocu Michelbirne, Ed.; Indes Orientatles, v. a. Am6ricain, (Droit des Neutres.) 80. Paris, Middleton, David; Indes, v. 2. Middleton, Sir Henri; Indes Orientalcs, v. 2. 1861. Mindana, Alvare de; Terres Australes, v. 16. P VOST-Pe. Moore, Francois; Afrique, v. 4. PREVOST-PARADOL, (LucienAnatole.) Essais Montanus, Arnold; Chine, v. 7. de Politique et de Litt6rature. 8~. Paris, Narborough, Jean; Indes Orientales, v. 15. Navarette, Ferd.; Chine, v. 7. 1859. Nicols, Thomas; Indes Orientales, v. 3. PRIAPEIA, sive Diversorum Poetarum in PriaNieuhof, H.; Chine, v. 7. Noort, Olivier de; Indes Orientales, v. 14. pumLvsvs. Cum integris Scaligeri, Scioppii, Nouvelle France, v. 21. Occm Chamnam, Mandarin Siamois; Siam, v. 12. et Lindenbrogii commentariis. 80. AmstoloOjeda, Alfonse d'; Am6riqae, v. 18. dami, 1669. (With PETRONIUS Amst. ed.) Ovington, Jean; Afrique, v. 3. Indes Orientales, v. 11. PRIAULX, (Osmond de Beauvoir.) Quaestiones Outhier, Edginald; Laponie, v. 22. Mosaicre; or, the first part of the Book of Pacheco; Indes Orientales, v. 1. Pelsart, F.; Terres Australes, v. 16. Genesis'compared with the remains of ancient Penna, Fran9ois H. della; Tibet, v.. 9.. o 184 P6ron, v. 19-20. religions. 2d ed. 8~. London, 1854. Philippines, Les Isles, v. 15. PRICE, (Bartholomew.) Treatise on the DifferPhillips, Thomas; Afrique, v. 4. Pigafetta, Philippe; Afrique, v. 6. ential Calculus, and its application to geoPinto, Franqois Mendez; Indes Orientales, v. 12. metry; founded chiefly on the method of Pizarro, Franqois; P6rou, v. 19. Polo, Marco; Tartarie, v. 9. infinitesimals. 80. Oxford, 1852. Ponce de L6on, Jean; Am6rique, v. 18. Presqu' Isle en dega du Gauge, v. 13-14. PRICE, (David.) Chronological Retrospect; Pyrard de Laval, Franpois; Indes Orientales, v. 10. or memoirs of the principal events of MahomQuiroga, Jos; Terre Magellanique, v. 20. Quiros, F. de; Terres Australes, v. 16. medan History, to the accession of the EmReynolds; Indes Orientalos, v. 1. ltRayl swO, v. ~ 21.~ peror Akbar, in Hindustaun. 3 v. in 2. 4~. Regnard, J. F.; Laponie, v. 22. London 1811-21. RennefortUrbain Souchu de; Indes Orientales, v. 11. Rhodes, Alex. de; Indes Orientales, v. 11. Essay towards the History of Arabia, Rhoe, Thomas; Indoustan, v. 13. antecedent to the birth of Mahommed. From Ribaut, Jean de; Floride, v. 21. Roberts, George; Afrique, v. 3. the Tarikh Tebry, and other sources. 40. Rogers, Woodes; Indes Orientales, v. 15. Lond, Roggeveen, Jacob; Terres Australes, v. 16. London, 124. Rowles, Capt.; Indes Orientales, v. 2. PRICE, (Edward.) Norway. Views of wild Rubruquis, W. de; Tartarie, v. 9. Rutter, William; Indes Orientales, v. 1. scenery and journal. 40. London, 1834. St. Domingue, v. 18 Mp, 23. PRICE, (Eli K.) Of the Limitation of Actions, Snlle, R. Caveller de la; Mississippi, v. 21. Salomon, Job Ben; Afrique, v. 4. and of Liens, against Real Estate in PennSaris, John; Indes Orientales, v. 2. Schouten, G.; Voyages Erraus, v. 16. sylvania. 80. Philadelphia, 1857. (3 copies.) Scory; Indes Orientales, v. 3. PRICE, (George; of the Middle Temple.) New Scot, Edmond; Indes Orientales, v. 3. Sequeira, Di6go Lopez de; Indes Orientales, v. 1. Practice of the Courts of Law at WestSharpey, Alex.; Indes Orientales, v. 2. minster, in Personal Actions Commenced Siam, v. 12. Sib6rie, v. 24. by Writ. 2 v. 120. London, 1833. Smith, William; Afi'ique, v. 4. Soarez Lope; Indes Orientales, v. 1. Reports of Cases argued in the Court Solymian Bachia; Indes Orientales, v. 1. of Exchequer and in the Exchequer Chamber, Spilbergen, Georges. Indes Orientales, v. 10; Indes Orientales, v. 15. 1814 to 1824. 13 v. 8~. London, 1816-38. 911 PRICE. PRICE. PRICE, (George; of the Middle Temple.) Treatise PRICE, (Richard.) Observations on the Nature on the Law of the Exchequer, stating and of Civil Liberty, the Principles of Governexplaining the course and practice of the ment, and the Justice and Policy of the War court; as founded on precedent and the with America. 8th ed. 16~. Edinburgh, principles of the jurisdiction conferred by 1776. the king's prerogative, as a court of crown The same. 8thed. 80. London, 1778. revenue, of common law, civil pleas, and of (With PRICE'S Two Traots.) equity. 80. London, 1830. The same. 80. Philadelphia, 1776. PRICE, (George; of Wolverhampton.) Treatise (Colonial Pam., v. 14.) on Fire and Thief-proof Depositories, and The same. Additional Observations. locks and keys; with an account of the con- Also, Observations on Schemes for raising troversy between Messrs. Bramah, Chubb, Money by Public Loans; an historical deand Hobbs, &c. 80. London, 1856. duction and analysis of the national debt; PRICE, (John.) Memoires sur la Restauration and a brief account of the debts and resources des Stuart. 80. Paris, t827. (Coll. des of France. 80. London, 1777. M6moires relatifs B la R6volution d'Angle- The same. 3d ed. 80. London, 1777. terre, v. 4.) (With PRICE'S Two Tracts.) PRICE, (John Dutton.) System of Book-Keep- The same. 80. Philadelphia, 1778. ing, adapted to the use of solicitors; with pre- (Colonial Pam., v. 14. ) cedents of bills of costs at common law, in Observations on Reversionary Payconveyancing, and bankruptcy. 80. Lon- ments; on Schemes for providing Annuities don, 1829. for Widows, and for Persons in old age; on PRICE, (Joseph M.) Interest Tables, at five, the Method of Calculating the Values of Assix, and seven per cent. Folio. New- surances on Lives; and on the National York, 1850. Debt. The whole newly arranged, by WilPRICE, (Lake.) Manual of Photographic liam Morgan. 7th ed. 2 v. 80. London, Manipulation, treating of the practice of the 1812. art, and its various applications to nature. Review of the Principal Questions in 120. London, 1858. Morals. 80. London, 1787. PRICE, (Richard.) Appeal to the Public on - Sermons on the Christian Doctrine, etc. the subject of the National Debt. 1774. 2d ed., with an appendix. 80. London, (Reprinted.) 80. London, 1857. (Financial 1787. Pam., v. 21.) State of the Public Debts and Finances. Discourse on a Future Period of Im- 80. London, 1783. (Misc. Pam., v. 11.) provement. 80. London, 1787. (Theol. Two Tracts on Civil Liberty, the War Pam., v. 8.) with America, and the Debts and Finances -- Essay on the Population of England. of the Kingdom. 80. London, 1778. 80. London, 1780. (Misc. Pam., v. 11.) PRICE, (Samuel G.) Carmen Graecum numisFour Discourses on the Trinity. 80. mate annuo dignatum, et in curia CantabriLondon, 1784. (Theol. Pam., v. 6.) giensi recitatum, 1813. 80. (n. d.) (Misc. - General Introduction to the Two Tracts Pam., v. 8.) on Civil Liberty, &c., and the Finances of PRICE, (Thomas.) History of Protestant Nonthe Kingdom. 80. Philadelphia, 1778. conformity in England, from the Reformation (Coll. Pam., v. 14.) under Henry VIII. 2 v. 80. London, - Observations on the Importance of the 1836. (V. 2 wanting.) American Revolution, and the means of PRICE, (Sir Uvedale.) On the Picturesque as making it a benefit to the world. 80. Lon- compared with the Beautiful; including his don, 1784. letter to Repton, etc. With an Essay on the Observations on the Nature of Civil Origin of Taste, by Sir Thomas Dick Lauder. Liberty, the Principles of Government, and 80. Edinburgh, 1842. the Justice and Policy of the War with PRICE, (William.) Grammar of the three prinAmerica. 7th ed. 80. London, 1776. (2 cipal oriental languages, Hindoostanee, Percopies. Bound with above.) sian, and Arabic. With a set of Persian The same. With an appendix, contain- Dialogues, by Mirza Mohammed Saulih, of ing a state of the National Debt. 5th ed, Shiraz; accompanied with an English trans8~. London, 1776. lation. 40. London, 1823. 912 PRICE. PRIESTLEY. PRICE, (William.) New Grammar of the His- PRIDHAM, (Charles.) Kossuth and Magyar doostanee Language. 40. London, 1828. Land; or, personal adventures during the war ~ — - Journal of the British Embassy to Per- in Hungary. 120. London, 1851. sia; also, a Dissertation upon the Antiquities PRIEST, (Josiah.) American Antiquities and of Persepolis. 2d ed. 2v. in 1. Oblong 40. Discoveries in the West; evidence that an London, 1832. ancient population, differing entirely from PRICHARD, (James Cowles.) Analysis of the the present Indians, peopled America before Egyptian Mythology. With a critical ex- Columbus. 3d ed. 8~. Albany, 1833. amination of the remains of Egyptian chro- PRIEST, (William.) Travels in the United nology. 80. London, 1819. States of America, in the years 1793-97; Eastern Origin of the Celtic Nations with the author's journals of his two voyages proved by a comparison with the Sanskrit, across the Atlantic. 80. London, 1802. Greek, Latih, and Teutonic languages; PRIESTLEY, (Joseph.) Answer to Blackstone's forming a supplement to Researches into the Reply to Remarks on the fourth volume of Physical History of Mankind. 80. London, the Commentaries on the Laws of England. 1831. Sm. 40. Philadelphia, 1773. (WithPriestley, Natural History of Man; comprising Blackstone, &c.) inquiries into the modifying influence of - Appeal to the Public, on the Subject of physical and moral agencies on the different the Riots in Birmingham. 2 parts. 2d ed. tribes of the human family. 3d ed. 80. 8. Biringham, 1792. London, 1848. Comparison of the Institutions of Moses Ethnological Maps to the Natural His- with those of the Hindoos and other ancient tory of Man. 2d ed. Folio. London, 1851. nations. With remarks on Mr. Dupuis's ~ — Researches into the Physical History Origin of all Religions. 80. Northumberof Mankind. 5 v. 80. London, 1837-51. land, (Pa.,) 1799. -- Review of the Doctrine of a Vital Prin- Course of Lectures on Oratory and ciple; with observations on the causes of Criticism. 40. London, 1777. physical and animal life. 80. London, 1829. Description of a Chart of Biography; Treatise on Insanity and other disorders with a catalogue of all the names. 120. affecting the mind. 80. London, 1835. London, 1785. (Misc. Pam., v. 30.) PRICHARD, (Samuel.) Masonry Dissected. Discourses relating to the Evidences of 120. New-York, 1857. (App. to JAcUIN Revealed Religion. 3 v. 80. London, and BOAZ: ed. of 1857.) 1794-99. PRICHARD. See PIUETCHARD. Disquisitions relating to Matter and PRIDDEN, (William.) Australia; its history Spirit. 3 v. 80. Birmingham, 1782. and present condition. 160. London, 1843. - Doctrine of Phlogiston Established. PRIDEAUX, (Frederick.) Law of Judgments 8c. Northumberland, (Pa.,) 1803. (With and Crown Debts, as they affect real pro- Archer on Lime.) perty. 4th ed. 120. London, 1854. Doctrines of Heathen Philosophy coin~ — The same. 4th ed., with an additional pared with those of Revelation. 80. Norappendix, containing the 18th Vict. c. 15, thumberland, (Pa.,) 1804. with notes and the recent decisions. 120. -- Essay on the first principles of GovernLondon, 1856. (2 copies.) ment, and Liberty. With remarks on Dr. PRIDEAUX, (Humphrey.) Old and New Tes- Brown's code of education, and on Dr. Baltament connected in the history of the Jews guy's sermon on church authority. 2d ed. and neighboring nations. 2 v. Folio. Lon- 80. London, 1771. don, 1720. Examination of Reid's Inquiry into the The True Nature of Imposture fully Human Mind on the Principles of Common displayed in the Life of Mahomet. 120. Sense, Beattie's Essay on the Nature and London, 1697. Immutability of Truth, and Oswald's Appeal PREDEAUX, (Walter.) Poems of Chivalry, to Common Sense in Behalf of Religion. 2d Faery, and the Olden Time. 18~. London, ed. 80. London, 1775. 1840. General History of the Christian PRIDHAM, (Charles.) England's Colonial Em- Church, to the fall of the western empire, pire; an account of the Mauritius, and its A. D. 478. 2d ed. 4 v. 80. Northum= dependencies. 8". London, 1846. berland, (Pa.,) 1802,;heln,(.)152 913 PRIESTLEY. PRIME. PRIESTLEY, (Joseph.) General History of the dress to the Methodists. 8~. Birmingham, Christian Church, from the fall of the west- 1791. (Theol. Pam., v. 4.) ern empire to the present time. 2 v. 8~. Originality and Excellence of the MoNorthumberland, 1803. saic Institutions demonstrated. 8~. NorthH-armony of the Evangelists. In Greek umberland, (Pa.,) 1803. Theol. Pam., v. 6.) and English. With critical dissertations. Remarks on some paragraphs in the 2 v. 4C. London, 1777-80. fourth volume of Dr. Blackstone's CommenThe same. With notes for the use of taries on the Laws of England, relating to the the unlearned. 4~. London, 1780. Dissenters. Small 4". Philadelphia, 1773. - History of Early Opinions concerning- Sermon on the Slave Trade. 8c. BirJesus Christ, proving that the Christian mingham, 1788. (Slavery Pamphlets, v. 4.) church was at first Unitarian. 4 v. 8~. Sermon preached Fast-Day, 1794, [and] Birmingham, 1786. a Farewell Discourse. 80. Philadelphia, History of the Corruptions of Christi- 1794. (Theol. Pam., v. 5.) anity. 2d ed. 2 v. 8~. Birmingham, 1793. Socrates and Jesus Compared. 8~. Institutes of Natural and Revealed Re- Philadelphia, 1803. (Theol. Pam., v. 6.) ligion. 3d ed. 2 v. 12~. London, 1794. Theological Repository; consisting of - Lectures on History, and General original essays, hints, queries, &c., calcuPolicy. 2 v. 80. London, 1793 lated to promote religious knowledge. 6 v. Letters to Edmund Burke, occasioned by 82o London, 1795, and Birmingham, 1784-88. his reflections on the Revolution in France. Three Letters to Dr. Newcome, Bishop 3d ed. 80. Birmingham, 1791. (With of Waterford, on the Duration of our SaPriestley's Appeal on Birmingham Riots.) viour's Ministry. 80. Birmingham, 1780-81. Letters to the Inhabitants of Northum- (Theol. Pam., v. 1.) berland. 2d ed. 8~. Philadelphia, 1801. Tracts in Controversy with Bishop (Pol. Pam., v. 101.) Horsley. With notes by the editor, T. Bel-. — Letters to a Philosophical Unbeliever. sham. 8~. London, 1815. 80. Bath, 1780. (Theol. Pam., v. 3.) Three Tracts: 1. An appeal to the seLetters to Dr. Horsley, in answer to rious and candid professors of Christianity. Animadversions on the History of the Cor- 2. A familiar illustration of certain passages ruptions of Christianity; with additional of Scripture. 3. A general view of the arevidence. 80. Birmingham, 1783. guments for the unity of God. 12~. LonLetters to Rev. J. B. Linn, in defence don, 1791. of "Socrates and Jesus compared." 80. Copies of original Letters recently writNorthumberland, (Pa.,) 1803. (Theol. Pam., ten by persons in Paris to Dr. Priestley in v. 6.) America. 80. London, 1798. Letters to the Jews, inviting them to: Lettres au Docteur Priestley, en Am6ran amicable discussion of the evidences of ique, trouv6s a bord d'un vaisseau neutre. Christianity. Parts 1 and 2. 80. Birming- 80. Londres, 1798. ham, 1786. (Theol. Pam., v. 1) Reply of the Jews to the Letters ad— ~- The same. (Theol. Pam., v. 2.) dressed to them by Dr. Joseph Priestley, by Letters to a Young Man, occasioned by Solomon de A. R. 80. Oxford, 1787. (Theol. Wakefield's Essay on Public Worship. 80. Pam., v. 2.) London, 1792. (Theol. Pam., v. 1.) Small whole-length of Dr. Priestley ---- nMemoirs, to the year 1795; written by from his Printed Works, concluding with an himself; with a continuation, by his son; analysis and an appendix. 80. London and observations on his writings, by Thomas 1792. (Misc. Pam., v. 27.) Cooper and W. Christie. 2 v. 80. London, PRIESTLY, (William 0.) Lectures on the De1806-7. velopment of the Gravid Uterus. 80. LonNotes on all the books of Scripture, for don,.1860. the use of the pulpit and private families. PRIETO Y SOTELO, (A. F.) Historia del 4 v. 80. Northumberland, (Pa.,) 1803-4. DerechoReal de Espana. 80. Madrid, 1821. Original Letters, by John Wesley, and PRIME, (Nathaniel S.) History of Long Island, his friends, illustrative of his early history; from its first settlement to 1845, with special with other curious papers communicated by reference to its Ecclesiastical Concerns. 12(-. S. Badcock. To which is prefixed, an ad- New York, 1845. 115 914 PRIME. PRIOR. PRIME, (Samuel Irenceus.) Travels in Europe1 PRING, (Daniel.) Sketches of Intellectual and and the East 2 v. 120. New York, 1855. Moral Relations. 80. London, 1829. - Thoughts on the Death of Little Chil- PRING, (John.) Christian Modes of Thinking dren. 160. New York, 1852. and Doing; or, the mystery of the kingPRIME, (William C.) Boat Life in Egypt and dom of God in Christ. 3 v. 80. London, Nubia. 120. New York, 1857. 1838. ~- Coins, Medals, and Seals, ancient and PRINGLE, (John.) Observations on the Dismodern. Illustrated and described. 40. eases of the Army. 6th ed. 80. London, New York, 1861. 1768. Later Years. 12~. New York, 1854. PRINGLE, (Thomas.) Narrative of a Residence Old House by the River. 120. New in South Africa. New ed. 80. London, York, 1853. 1851. Tent Life in the Holy Land. 120. Poetical Works. With a sketch of his New York, 1857. life, by Leitch Ritchie 8.. London, 1839. PRINCE, (George.) Voyage of Capt. George PRINSEP, (G. A.) Remarks on the External Weymouth to the Coast of Maine in 1605. Commerce and Exchanges of Bengal. 80. 8c. Portland, 1859. (Maine Hist. Coil., London, 1823. v. 6.) PRINSEP, (Henry T.) History of India during PRINCE, (Thomas.) Annals of New England. the administration of the Marquess of Has80. Boston, 1818. (Mass. Hist. Coll., v. 7, tings, 1813-23. Enlarged. 2v. 80. Lonsecond series.) don, 1825. Chronological History of New-England. Note on the Historical Results dedu80. Boston, 1826. cible from recent Discoveries in Afghanistan. Endless Increase of Christ's Govern- 80. London, 1844. ment. Preached before the pastors of the PRINSEP, (James.) Essays on Indian Antichurches in Massachusetts Bay, at their an- quities, historic, numismatic, and palaeonual convention in Boston, 25th May, 1740. graphic. Ed. by Edward Thomas. 2 v. 120. Boston, 1740. 80. London, 1858. ~ — Extraordinary Events the Doings of PRINTER'S Grammar; containing a concise God, and Marvellous in Pious Eyes; a ser- history of the origin of printing; also, an mon on Thanksgiving, July 18, 1745; occa- examination of the superficies, gradation, sioned by taking the City of Louisbourg. and properties of the different sizes of type, 3d ed. 120. London, 1746. &c. 80. London, 1787. ~- Sermon delivered at Cambridge, before PRIOR, (James.) Memoir of the Life and the great and general Assembly of Massa- Character of Edmund Burke. 3 ed. 8C. chusetts, May 27, 1T21. 120. Boston, 1730. London, 1839. PRINCE, (William Robert.) Catalogue of - Life of Oliver Goldsmith; from a vaForeign and Native Grape Vines. 80. New riety of sources. 2 v. 80. London, 1837. York, 1859. PRIOR, (Sir James ) Lifeof Edmond Malone. ~____ Treatise on the Vine; embracing its Editor of Shakspeare. With selections from history; with descriptions of above 200 for- his manuscript anecdotes. 80. London, eign and 80 American varieties. 80. New 1859. York, 1830. PRIOR, (Matthew.) Poems. 3v. 160. LonPRINCE, (William Robert and William.) Po- don, 1790. (Johnson's Eng. Poets, v. 32-4.) mological Manual. 2d ed. 2v. 80. New- The same. 80. London, 1810. (ChalYork, 1832. mers' Eng. Poets, v. 10.) PRINCIPES de la L6gislation Frangaise, prouv6s The same. 2v. 160. Chiswick, 1822. par les monuments de l'histoire de cette na- (British Poets, v. 30-3.) tion, relatifs aux affaires du temps. 180. PoeticalWorks. 2 v. 160. London, Paris, 1771. 1835. PRINCIPIA, sive Maxima Legum Anglise, a PRIOR, (R. C. Alexander.) Ancient Danish Gallico sermone collecta. 160. London, Ballads, translated from the originals. 3v. 1660. (Bound with "Clerk of Assize.") 80. London, 1860. PRING, (Daniel.) Exposition of the Princi- PRIOR, (W. H.) Lectures on Astronomy; pies of Pathology, and of the Treatment of with 1000 questions and exercises adapted to Diseases. 80. London, 1823. the lectures. 120. London, 1826. 915 PRISCIANUS. PROCLUS. PRISCIANUS. Panegyricus in Imperatorem Life; embracing the history of Virginia, and Anastasium. 8~. Bonnue, 1829. (Byzan- the early settlement of Pennsylvania. 8~. tinse Hist. Corpus, v. 11.) Abington, (Va.,) 1849. PRISCIANUS Philosophus. Solutiones eorum PRITZEL, (G. A.) Thesaurus Literaturm Bode quibus dubitavit Chosroes Persarum Rex. tanicse omnium gentium, inde a rerum botan(Gr. et Lat.) 80. Paris, 1855. (Didot, icarum initiis ad nostra usque tempora, quinBiblioth. Grecque, v. 35.) decimmillia operum recensens. 4~. Lipsise, PRIscus Panites. Excerpta de Legationibus 1851. Gentium ad Romanos. (Gr. et Lat.) 80. PRIVATE Anecdotes of Foreign Courts; by the Bonnse, 1829. (Byzantine Hist. Corpus, author of "Memoirs of the Princess de Lamv. 11.) balle; [Mme. Catherine Hyde, Marquise PRISON Discipline Pamphlets. 4 v. 8~ and Govion Broglio Solari?] With memoirs, ex40. (v. d.) tracted from the portefeuille of the Baron de Note.-The contents of the volumes will be found in M-. 2 v. 80. London, 1827. the Catalogue under their various authors. PRIVATE Life of an Eastern King; by a MemPRISON Discipline Society of Boston. Annual ber of the Household of his late Majesty, Reports for 1826-54. Reprinted. 3 v. 80. Nussir-u-Deen, King of Oude. 2d ed. 12~. Boston, 1855. London, 1855. PRISONS. Extracts from the second and third PRIZE Cases before the Lords Commissioners Reports of the Inspectors of Prisons for the of Appeals. Wars of 1744, 1756, and 1762. Home District. 2 v. 80. London, 1837-38. 4 v. Folio. [Original paper books.] Tendency of the Separation of Convicts. The same. American Rebellion. 10 v. 80. Philadelphia, 1849. Folio. [Original paper books.] PRITCHARD,(Andrew.) EnglishPatents; being The same. War of 1793. 4 v. Folio. a register of all those granted for inventions, [Original paper books.] during the first twenty-five years of the pre- PROBUS, (ZEmilius.) See NEPOS, (C.) sent century. 120. London, 1847. PROCfi)URE Crilninelle, instruite au Chatelet The same, during the first forty-five de Paris, sur la D6nonciation des faits arriv6s years of the present century. 120. Lon- A Versailles dans la journ6e du 6 Octobre, don, 1847. 1789. 8~. Paris, 1790. H- istoryofInfusorialAnimalcules, living PROCEEDINGS of the General Anti-Slavery and fossil. New ed. 80. London, 1852. Convention, called by the Committee of the List of all the Patents for Inventions, British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society, in the arts, manufactures, &c. 80. Lon- and held in London, in 1840 and 1843. 2 v. don, 1841. 80. London, 1841-43. PRITCHARD, (Charles.) Treatise on the Theory PROCEEDINGS of the National Ship-Canal Conof Couples; With a simple method of inves- vention, held at the city of Chicago, June 2 tigating the ellipticity of the earth. 80. and 3, 1863. 80. Chicago, 1863. Cambridge, 1831. PROCEEDINGS of the United States in relation PRITCHARD, (George.) Missionary's Reward; to their Neutral Trade, from 1793 to 1806. or, the success of the gospel in the Pacific. 8~. Washington, 1806. Introduefion, by John A. James. 160. Lon- PROCtS-VERBAL de l'Assemblde des Condon, 1844. munes et de l'Assembl6e Nationale. 60 v. PRITCHARD, (Thomas Sirrell.) Handy Book 120. Paris, 1789-91. forExecutors and Administrators. 120. Lon- PROCES-VERBAL de ce qui s'est pass6 au Lit don, 1861. di Justice tenu par le Roi t Versailles, PRITCHARD, (William Tarn.) Analytical Di- Lundi, 6 Aott, 1787. 40. Paris, 1787. (Pol. gest of all the Reported Cases determined by Pam., v. 1.) the High Court 6f Admiralty of England, PROCHAZKA, (L. H., Baron.) Revelations of the Lords Commissioners of Appeal in Prize Hungary; from the Diary of an Austrian Causes, and (on questions of maritime and in- Officer who served during the late Campaign ternational law) by the Judicial Committee in that Country: with a memoir of Kossuth. of the Privy Council. 80. London, 1847. 120. London, 1851. The same. 80. Harrisburg, 1848. PROCLUS, Diadochus. Institutio Theologica. PRITCIARD. See PRICHARD. (Gr. et Lat.) 80. Paris, 1855. (Didot, PRITTS, (J.) Mirror of Olden Time Border Biblioth. Grecque, v. 35.) 916 PROCLUS. 9 PRONY PROCLUS, Diadochus. Commentaries on the PROC(TER, (Byan Walller.) Poetical Works of Timseus of Plato. Translated by Thomas Barry Cornwall. 3 v. 16~. London, 1822. Taylor. 2 v. in. 4c. London, 1820. S icilianStory; with Diego deMontilla, Fragments of the Lost Writings of and other poems. By Barry Cornwall. 160. Proclus. Translated, by Thomas Taylor. London, 1820. 120. London, 1825. PROCTER, (Francis.) History of the Book of.~- Philosophical and Mathematical Cor- Common Prayer, with a rationale of its ofmentaries on the First Book of Euclid's Ele- fices. -120. Cambridge, 1855. mients; Restoration of Platonic Theology; PROCTOR, (Henry.) History of the Crusades; and a translation of Theological Elements. their rise, progress, and results. 80. Phil2 v. 40. London, 1792. adelphia, 1854. -- Two Treatises; the former consisting PRocTOR, (Robert.) Narrative of a Journey of ten Doubts concerning Providence, and a across the Cordillera of the Andes, and of a solution of those doubts; and the latter con- Residence in Lima, and other parts of Peru, taining the Development of the Nature of in 1823-24. 80. London, 1825. Evil. Translated from Cousin's ed., by PROCTOR'S Practice in the Ecclesiastical Thos. Taylor. 12~. London, 1833. Courts. 80. London, 1816. Six Books on the Theology of Plato; PRODUCING Man's Companion; an essay on also, Elements of Theology, Treatise on the present state of society, moral, political, Providence and Fate, Ten Doubts concern- and physical, in England. 18C. London, ing Providence, and Subsistence of Evil. 1833. Translated, by Thomas Taylor. 2 v. in 1. PROFESSIONAL Anecdotes; or, Ana of Medical 40. London, 1816. Literature. 3 v. 160. London, 1825. PRocoPIUS, of Cesarea. De Aedificiis Libri PROGRAMME des Prix reunis et Proposes par VI. (Gr. et Lat.) Ed. G. Dindorf. 80. la Soci6t6 d'Agriculture du D6partement do Bonnae, 1838. (Byzantinoe iist. Corpus, la Seine. 80. Paris, 1808. (Agric. Pam., v. 17.) v. 1.) --- De Bello Gothico Libri IV. (Gr. et PROGRESS of a Divine: apoem. 80. (n. p) Lat.) 80. Bonnge, 1833. (Byzantine Hist. (Pol. Pam., v. 120.) Corpus, v. 16.) PROGRESS of.Nations; or, the principles of The same. (Muratori, Rerum Italica- national development in their relation to rumScriptores, v. ]. P. 1.) statesmanship..80. London, 1861. ~- De Bello Persico Libri II. (Gr. et PROMESSES (Les) du Roi de France au Pr6Lat.) 80. Bonne, 1833. (Byzantinje Hist. tendant. Traduit de l'Anglois. 180. CoCorpus, v. 15.) logne, 1712. (Pol. Pain., v. 88.) De Bello Vandalico. Libri II. (Gr. PRONY, (Gaspard Clair Francois Marie Riche, et Lat) 80. Bonne, 1833. (Byzantinse Baron de.) Description Hydrographique et Hist. Corpus v. 15.) Historique des Marais Pontins. 40. Atlas, Historia Arcana. Ex Bibliotheca Vat- folio. Paris, 1822-23. icana Nicolaus Alemannus protulit, Latine ~ Le9ons de M6canique Analytique. 2 v. reddidit, notis illustravit. (Gr. et Lat.) 40. 40. Paris, 1815. Lugduni, 1623. M6canique Philosophique, ou analyse ____- _ The same. (Gr. et. Lat.) 80. Bonnse, raisonnde des diverses parties de la science 1838. (Byzantinae Hist. Corpus, v. 17.) de l'6quilibre et du mouvement. 40. Paris, History of the Warres of the Emperour 1800. Justinian. Englished by H. Holcroft. Folio. ~ M6moire sur un Moyen de Convertir les London, 1653. Mouvements Circulaires Continus en MouvePROCOPIUS, of Gaza. Panegyricus in Imper- ments Rectilignes Alternatifs, dont les all6es atorem Anastasium. (Gr. et Lat.) 80. et venues soient d'une grandeur arbitraire. Bonnae, 1829. (Byzantineu Hist. Corpus, 3 edd. 40. Paris, 1839. v. 11.) Note sur les Moyens de Perfectionner PROCTER, (Adelaide A.) Poems. 180. Bos- le Compas de R6duction, en donnant it son ton, 1863. usage plus d'etendue et de precision. 8~. PROCTER, (Bryan Waller.) English Songs, Paris, 1835. and other small poems. By Barry Cornwall. - Nouvelle Architecture Hydraulique. New ed. 12~. Boston, 1851. 2 v. 40. Paris, 1790-96. 917 PRONY. PROUT. PRONY, (Gaspard Clair Francois Marie Riche, PROTESTANT Episcopal Church. Journal of Baron de.) Nouvelle M6thode de Nivelle- the Convention held in Philadelphia Sept. ment Trigonom6trique. 40. Paris, 1822. and Oct., 1785. 80. Philadelphia, 1785. PROPERTIUS,(SextusAurelius.) OperaOmnia. (Pol. Pam., v. 95.) Ex editione C. T. Kuinoelis. 2 v. 80. Lon- PROTESTANT Meetings held at Exeter Hall, dini, 1822. (Valpy's Scriptores Latini, London, June 20, and July 11, 1835. Auv. 54-55.) thentic Reports. 80. London, 1835. (Pol. C armina; the elegies, with English Pam., v. 75.) notes, by F. A. Paley. 80. London, 1853. PROTESTANTS, Foreign, and Aliens, resident Elegies. Trans., (in verse and prose.) in England, 1618-1688. Lists from returns 12~. London 1854. (Bohn's Class. Lib'y, in the State Paper Office. Edited by W. D. v. 69.) Cooper. Small 40. London, 1862. (CamPROPHETS. A literal translation of the Pro- den Soc'y Pub., No. 82.) phets, from Isaiah to Malachi, with notes, by PROUD, (Robert.) History of Pennsylvania, Lowth, Blayney, Newcome, Wintle, Horsley, from 1681 till 1770. 2 v. 80. Philadeletc. New ed. 5 v. 80. London, 1836. phia, 1798. CONTENTS. PROUDHON, (Jean Baptiste Victor.) Trait6 Isaiah, by R. Lowth, v. 1. des Droits d'Usage, Servitudes R6elles, du Jeremiah and Lamentations by B. Blayney, v. 2. Ezekiel, by W. Newcome, v. 3. Droit de Superficie et de la Jouissance des Daniel, by T. Wintle, v. 4. D31iel, by T. Wintle, v. 4. Biens Communaux, et des tEtablissements Minor Prophets, by W. Newcome and S. Horsley, Communaux, et des talissemnts v. 4. Publics. 3"e 6d., mise en harmonic avec PROPOSALS offered for the Sugar Planters' Re- la nouvelle legislation sur les forets, par M. dress, and for Reviving the British Sugar Curasson. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1848. Commerce. Small 4~. London, 1733. Trait6 des Droits d' Usufruit, d'Usage PRO-SLAVERY Argument; as maintained by Personnel, et d'Habitation. 2 edd. 6 v. 8~. Chancellor Harper, Gov. Hammond, Dr. Dijon, 1836. Simms, and Professor Dew. 12~. Charleston, Traitd du Domaine de Propri6t6, ou de (S. C.,) 1852. la distinction des biens consid6r6s principaloPROSPECT BEFORE US!!! or, the state of ment par rapport au domaine prive. 3 v. France in the month of August, 1794. In 80. Dijon, 1839. reply to Montgaillard's State of France. By - Trait6 du Domaine Public, ou de la Horatius Publicola. 80. London, 1794. distinction des biens consid6r6s principale(Pol. Pam., v. 19.) ment par rapport au domaine public. 2e 6d., The same. (Pol. Pam., v. 119.) mise en harmonie avec la gislation acPROSPECT of the Consequences of the Present tuelle, et augmentod d'un commentairo de Conduct of Great Britain towards America. la loi sur les chemins vicinaux, ainsi que 80. London, 1776. (Col. Pam., v. 8.) des rbgles relatives t l'alignement, par PROSPECTUS de l'atablissement des Assu- Victor Dunlay. 4 v. in 5. 80. Dijon, rances sur la Vie. 40. Paris, 1788. (Pol. 1843-45. Pam., v. 87.) Trait6 sur l'11tat des Personnes et sur PROSTITUTION, the Greatest of our Evils, as le Titre Pr6liminaire du Code Civil. 3c 6d., it now exists in London, Liverpool, Man- par M. Valette. 2 v. 80. Dijon, 1842-43. chester, Glasgow, Edinburgh, and Dublin. PROUDHON, (Pierre Joseph.) Les Confessions By a Physician. 160. London, 1857. d'un R6volutionaire, pour servir i l'Histoire PROTECTION of Life from Fire. Second and de la R6volution de F6vrier. 3e 6d. 120. Third Reports of the Society. 120. London, Paris, 1854. 1838-40. (Pol. Pam., v. 77.) -- Le Guerre et la Paix. Recherches sur PROTEST against the Bill to Repeal the Ameri- le principe et la constitution du droit des can Stamp Act. 80. Paris, 1766, gens. 3e ed. 2 v. 120. Paris, 1861. Second Protest; with a list of the voters - - Systeme des Contradictions ]1conoagainst the bill. 80. Paris, 1766. miques, ou Philosophie de la Misere. 2 v. PROTESTANT Dissenter's Answer to Dr. Priest- 80. Paris, 1846. ley's Free Address on the subject of the PROUT, (Samuel.) Hints on Light and Shadow, Lord's Supper, upon scriptural and rational Composition, &c., as applicable to Landprinciples. 80. London, 1770. (Theol. Pam., scape Painting. Newed. Folio. London. v. 4.) 1848. 918 PROUT. PUBLIC. PROUT, (William.) Chemistry, Meteorology, Kingdomes. With an appendix. Small 40. and the functions of Digestion. considered London, 1643. with reference to Natural Theology. 80. - RockesImproved; aChristianSea-Card; London, 1834. (Bridgewater Treatises, a Christian Paradise; the Soules Complaint v. 12.) against the Bodies Encroachments on her; On the Nature and Treatment of Comfortable Cordials against Discomfortable Stomach and Renal Diseases; the connexion Feares of Imprisonment. Small 40. London, of diabetes, calculus, and other affections of 1641. the kidney and bladder with indigestion. PRYTHERCH, (F. H.) Observations on the 5th ed. 80. London, 1848. Mineral Waters of Hornburg. 3d ed. 12~. PROVIDENCE, R. L Sixth and Eighth Annual London, 1853. Reports of Births, Marriages, and Deaths for PSALM Melodies, Ancient. Selection adapted 1860 and 1862. 80. Providence, (R. I.,) to the Canticles of the Church. 80. Boston, 1861-63. 1858. PROVIDENCE ATHENAUM. Catalogue of the PSALMANAZAR, (George.) Memoirs of **.", Library. 80. Providence, 1853. a reputed Native of Formosa. Written by Reports for 1851,'52,'53,'56,'57,'59, himself. 2d ed. 80. London, 1765. and'60. 8C. Providence, 1851-60. PSALMS. Psalmi Davidici Arturi Jonstoni, PROYART, (Li6vin Bonaventure.) History of interpretatione notisque illustrati. With a Loango, Kakango, and other kingdoms of comparison betwixt Johnston and Buchanan. Africa. (Pinkerton's Voyages, v. 16.) 80. Londini, 1741. PRUDENTIUS, (Aurelius Clemens.) Opera - Psalmorum Davidicorum Metaphrasis, Omnia. Ex editione Parmensi. 3 v. 80. Grecis versibus contexta, per Jacobum DuLondini, 1824. (Valpy's Scriptores Latini, portum; [et] paraphrasis poetica Latina, h v. 80-82.) Georgio Buchanano. 80. Londini, 1742. PRUDHOMME, (Louis Marie;) and LAURENT PSALMS. See BIBLE. DE MZIt.RES. R6sum6 G6dnral des Cahiers PSYCHOLOGICAL Inquiries, in aseries of essays. et Doltances des Bailliages du Clerg6, de la 160. London, 1854. Noblesse, et du Tiers. 3 v. 80. Paris, 1789. PTOLEMEUS, (Claudius.) Harmonicorum libri PRUSSIA. Frederician Code; or, a body of law, III. Nunc primtm Greece editus. Johannes founded on reason, and the constitutions of Wallis edidit, versione et notis illustravit, the country. Translated from the French. et auctarium adjecit. 40. Ononii, 1682. 2 v. 80. Edinburgh, 1761. PTOLEMIEUS Hephsestionis, or PTOIEMIEUS PRYNNE, (William.) Anti-Arminianisme; or, Chennus. Novae ad variam eruditionem the Church of England's old antithesis to Historiwe Libri vII. (Gr. et Lat.) 160. new Arminianisme; and God no Impostor Parisiis, 1675. (Gale's Hist. Poet. Scripnor Deluder. Small 40. London, 1630. tores.) Brief Animadversions on, Amendments PTOLEMEUS Lucensis. See TOLOMMEO. of, and additional explanatory Records to the PUBLIC Characters, from 1798 to 1810. [EdiFourth Part of the Institutes of the Laws ted by Alexander Stephens.] 10 v. 80. of England, concerning the Jurisdiction of London, 1807-1809. Courts. Compiled by Sir Edward Coke. PUBLIC Discussion in India. Two letters to Folio. London, 1669. Sir Charles Forbes on the suppression of. Brief Register, Kalendar, and Survey By a proprietor of India stock. 80. London, of the several kinds and forms of all Parlia- 1824. (E. India Pam., v. 2.) mentary Writs, from 1203 to 1483. Small 40. PUBLIC House Licensing. Letters on the errors London, 1659. of the present system. 80. London, 1816. Histrio-Mastix: the players scourge, or (Pamphleteer, v. 7.) actors traguedie. Small 40. London, 1633. PUBLIC Lands. General Public Acts of Con-.- New Discovery of the Prelates' Ty- gress, respecting the sale and disposition of ranny, in their Prosecutions of Dr. Bastwick, the public lands, with instructions issued, Mr. Burton, and Master Prynne. 40. Lon- by the Secretary of the Treasury and Comdon, 1641. missioner of the General Land Office, and the Opening of the Great Seal of England, official opinion of the Attorney General on 1643. (Somer's Coll. Tracts, v. 4.) questions arising under the land laws. 2 v. — ~- Soveraigne Power of Parliaments and 80. Washington, 1838. (9 copies.) 919 PUBLIC. PUGIN. PUBLIC Speaker; and how to make one. By a inis et Civis juxta legem naturalem libri II. Cambridge man. 2d ed. ]6~. London, Editio 8'. 12c. Cantabrigiae, 1715. 1860. The same. Cum observationibus OttoPUBLIC Women of Paris, The. Being an ac- nis et Titii, atque supplementis et observacount of their several classes, means, and tionibus G. Carmichaelis, et annotationibus ways of living, habits, and practices. [By G. S. Treveri. 2 v. in 1. 8~. Lugduni F. A. B6raud.] New-York, 1849. Batavorum, 1769. PUBLIC Works. Papers and Practical Illus- Introduction to the History of the printrations of Public Works of recent construe- cipal Kingdoms and States of Europe; contion, British and American. 80. London, tinued to 1743, by M. Martiniere. Improved 1856. from the French, by Joseph Sayer. 2 v. PUBLIC Works in the United States. Re- 80. London, 1748. ports, Specifications, and Estimates of Public Law of Nature and Nations. Abridged Works in the United States. Edited by and illustrated with notes; by J. Spavan. Strickland, Gill, and Campbell. 80. Lon- 2 v. 80. London, 1716. don, 1841. The same. Translated into English, by PUBLISHERS' Circular, and general record of W. Carew. Folio. London, 1729. British and foreign literature; containing all The same. Done into English by Basil new works published in Great Britain, and Kennet. To which is prefixed Barbeyrac's every work of interest published abroad. V. prefatory discourse, done into English by 1-24. 80. London, 1838-61. Mr. Carew. With notes of M. Barbeyrac. PUBLIUS SYRUS. See SYRUS. 5th ed. Folio. London, 1749. PUCKETT, (E. B.) Principles of English Devoirs de l'Homme et du Citoyen, tels Grammar. 120. Cincinnati, 1853. qu'ils lui sont prescrits par la loi naturelle. PUCKLE, (James.) The Club; in a dialogue Traduits du Latin, par Jean Barbeyrac. 6" between father and son. With illustrations. 6d. 2 v. 160. Londres, 1740. 40. London, 1817. The same. Nouv. 6d. 2 v. 160. PUCKLER MUSKAU, (Hermann Ludwig Hein- Paris, 1822. rich; Prinz von.) Egypt, and Mehemet Ali. Droit de la Nature et des Gens. Tra3 v. 120. London, 1845. duit du Latin, par Jean Barbeyrac. 20 6d. Tour in England, Ireland, and France, 2 v. 40. Amsterdam, 1712. in 1828 and 1829; and in Germany, Holland, The same. Nouv. 6d. 3v. 40. Lonand England, in 1826-28. 80. Philadel- dres, 1740. phia, 1833. PUGA Y ARANJO, (Antonio.) Codigo Penal, 6 Travels and Adventures in Algiers, and sea recopilacion de delitos y penas. 160. other parts of Africa. 3 v. 120. London, Madrid, 1841. 1839. PUGH, (Edward.) Cambria Depicta; a tour - Tutti Frutti; or, the Sketch-Book. through North Wales. Illustrated. 40. From the German, by Edmund Spencer. 2d London, 1816. ed. 2 v. in 1. 120. London, 1836. PUGHE, (W. Owen.) Dictionary of the Welsh PUEBLA. Coleccion de los Decretos y Ordenes Language, explained in English. To which mas importantes que espidio el Congreso is prefixed, a Welsh Grammar. 2d ed. 2v. Constituyente, y el primer Congreso Con- 80. Denbigh, 1832. stitutional del estado de Puebla, en los PUGIN, (Augustus.) Gothic Ornaments, seanos de 1824-28. 2 v. in 1. 80. Puebla, lected from various ancient buildings both 1827-28. in England and France, in 1828-30; drawn PUEIRREDON, (Juan Martin de.) Refutacion a on stone, by J. D. Harding. Folio. Lonuna atroce Calumnia hecha con demasiada don, 1844. ligereza a un general de la Republica Argen- - Series of Ornamental Timber Gables, tinaporAlejandro H. Everett. 40. Buenos- from existing examples in England and Aires, 1829. France, of the 16th century. With letter PUERPERAL FEVER; Essays on this and other press by E. J. Willson. 40. London, 1831. diseases peculiar to women. Edited by F. Specimens of Gothic Architecture. Churchill. 80. London, 1849. (Sydenham With historical and descriptive accounts, Socy. Pub.) by E. J. Willson. 2 v. 40. London, PUFENDORF, (Samuel von.) De Officio Hom- 1821. 920 PUGIN. PUNCH. PUGIN, (Augustus,) and Pu(IN,i (Augustus PULGAR, (Fernandode.) Letras. 80. Madrid, Welby.) Examples of Gothic Architecture. 1850. (Bib. de Autores Espanoles, v. 50.) 3 v. 40. London, 1850. PULLAN, (Mrs.) Lady's Manual of Fancy and BRITTON, (John.) Illustrations Work. Illustrated with 300 engravings. of the Public Buildings of London; with 120. New-York, 159. historical and descriptive accounts of each PULLEIN. (Samuel.) Culture of Silk; or, an edifice.. 2 v. 80. London, 1825-28. essay on its rational practice and improveand LE KEUX, (J.) Specimens of the ment. 80. London, 1758. Architectural Antiquities of Normandy. 40. PULLING, (Alexander.) Law of' Attorneys London, 1827. and Solicitors. 2d ed., corrected to Hilary and MACKENZIE, (F.) Specimens of Term, 1854. With an appendix of statutes Gothic Architecture, selected from ancient and rules. 120. London, 1854. buildings at Oxford. Folio. London, 1835. Practical Compendium of the Law and STAFFORD, (J.,) and others. Modern Usage of Mercantile Accounts. 120. LonFurniture; consisting of forty-four colored don, 1850. engravings, with descriptive letter press. Practical Treatise on the Laws, Cus40. London, 1822. toms, and Regulations of the City and Port PUGIN, (Augustus Northmore Welby.) Apol- of London, as settled by charter, usage, by. ogy for the Revival of Christian Architecture law, or statute. 2d ed. 80. London, 1844. in England. 40. London, 1843. PULSZKY, (Franz Aurel, and Therese.) White, Contrasts; or, a parallel between the Red, Black; sketches of society in the United noble edifices of the middle ages, and cor- States. 3 v. 120. London, 1853. responding buildings of the present day. PULSZKY, (Therese.) Tales and Traditions of 40. London, 1841. Hungary. 120. New York, 1852. Floriated Ornament; a series of thirty- PULTE, (J. H.) Homoeopathic Physician; one designs. 40. London, 1849. containing the treatment of diseases. Also, Glossary of Ecclesiastical Ornament an abridged materia medica. 7th ed. 80. and Costume; compiled from ancient au- Cincinnati, 1857. thorities and examples. 2d ed., by Bernard PULTENEY, (Richard.) General View ef the Smith. 40. London, 1846. Writings of Linnseus. 80. London, 1781. Ornaments of the XV. and XVI. Cen- The same. 2d ed.; with a memoir of turies; ancient timber houses at Rouen, the author, by William G. Naton. Also, the Caen, Beauvais, &c.; 40. London, 1836. Diary of Linnueus. 40. London, 1805. Present State of Ecclesiastical Archi- Historical and Biographical Sketches iecture in England. 8C. London, 1843. of the Progress of Botany in England, from - Treatise on Chancel Screens, and Rood its origin to the introduction of the Linnean Lofts; illustrated from drawings by the au- system. 2 v. 80. London, 1790. thor. 40. London, 1851. PULTENEY, (William; Earl of Bath.) State True Principles of Pointed or Christian of the National Debt as it stood Dec. 24, Architecture. 40. London, 1841. 1716, compared with the Debt at Michaelmas, PUGLIA, (Santiago Felipe.) El Desengafo del 1725. Reprinted. 80. London, 1857. (FiHombre. 160. Filadelfia, 1794. nancial Pam., v. 21.) The Federal Politician. 80. Philadel- Thoughts on the Present State of Afphia, 1795. fairs with America, and the means of conPUIBUSQUE, (Adolphe Louis de.) Diction- ciliation. 80. London, 1778. naire Municipal, ou nouveau manuel des The same. 4th ed. 80. London, 1778. maires. 2e 6d. 80. Paris, 1841. (Col. Pam., v. 8.) Histoire Compar6e des Litt6ratures The same. (Col. Pam., v. 17.) Espagnole et Frangaise. 2 v. 80. Paris, PULTON, (F.) De Pace Regis et Regni; a 1844. treatise declaring which be the great and PUIGBLANCH, (Antonio.) Inquisition Un- general offences of the realme. Folio. Lonmasked. Translated by William Walton. don, 1609. 2 v. 80. London, 1816. PUNCH, or theLondon Charivari. 1841-1863. PuJos, (Maurice.) De la L6gislation Civile, V. 1-45, in 31 v. 40. London, 1841-63. Criminelle, et Administrative des Etats PUNCIH' Twenty Almanacs. 1.842-1861. [RePontificaux. 80. Paris, 1862. printed. ] 40. London, 1862. 921 PURCELL. PUTNAM. PURCELL, (Henry.) Orpheus Britannicus; a currents, in Virginia and Summer Islands, since the yeare 1606, till 1624.-English Discoveries and collection of all the choicest songs for one, Plantations in New England, New-Found-land; two, and three voices; with such sympho- wil the Patent and Voyages to New Scotland; relations also of the Fleets set forth by Qneene nies as were by him designed for any of Elizabeth against the Spaniards. them, etc. Folio. London, 1698. Vol. 5.-Pvrchase his Pilgrimage, or relations of the them, etc. JFolio. Lon don, 1698. World and the Religions observed in all ages and PURCHAS, (Samuel.) Hakluytus Posthumus; places, contayning a Theological and Geographical Historie of Asia, Africa. and America, with or, Purchas his Pilgrimes; contayning a the Islands adiacent.-Declaring the ancient Relihistory of the world, in sea voyages and gions before the Flood, the Heathenish, lewish, and Saracenicall in all Ages since, in these parts lande-travells. Also, Purchas his Pilgrim- prosessed, with their senerall Opinions, Idols, age. th ed. v. Folio. London, 1625 26. Oracles, Temples, Priests, Fasts, Feasts, Sacriage. 4th ed. a5 v. Folio. Londones, 16and Rites Religious; their beginnings, proCONTENTS. ceedings, alterations, sects, orders, and successions. With briefe descriptions of the Countries, Vol. 1. Voyages and Peregrinations made by an- Nations, States, Discoveries; private and publike cient Kings, Patriarkes, Apostles, Philosophers, and the most remarkable Rarities of and others, to and thorow the remoter parts of Nature, or Humane industrie, in the same; also, the knowne World: Enquiries also of Languages three whole Treatises annexed, one of Russia and and Religions, especially of the moderne diuersi- other Northerne Regions by Sr. Ierome Horsey; fied Posessions of Christianitie.-Description of the second of the Gulfe of Bengala by Master all the Circumi-Nauigations of the Globe.-Naui- William Methold; the third of the Saracenicalli igations and Voyages of English-men, alongst the Empire, translated out of Arabike by T. Erpenivs. Coasts of Africa, to the Cape of Good Hope, and from thence to.the Red Sea, the Abassine, Arabian, Persian, Indian Shoares. Continents, and PURDON, (John.) Digest of the Laws of PennIlands.-E nglish Voyages beyond the East Indies, sylvania. 9th ed. By Federick C. Brightly. to the Ilands of Iapan, China, Cauchinchina, the Philippine with others, and the Indian Nauiga- 8~. Philadelphia, 1862. tions further prosecuted: Their iust Commerce, P Colu ia; nobly vindicated against Turkish Treacherie; PURDY, (John.) Columbian Navigator; or, victoriously defended against Portugall Hostilitie sailing directory for the American coasts and gloriously adnanced against MLoorish and Ethnike Perfidie; hopefully recouering from Dutch Ma- the West Indies. New ed. By A. G. Findlignitie; iustly masintayned against ignorant and lay. 3 8 L do 19- 56 malicious Calumnie. —Naaigations,Voyages,,Traffiques, Discoueries, of the English Nation in the PURRINGTON, (T.) Report on Capital PunishEasterne parts of the World: containing the En- glish-Indian occurrents and contayning the En- ment, 1836. 8". Washington, 1852. glish Affaires with the Great Samorine, in the PURSLO, (Joshua.) Government of the HeaPersian and Arabian Gulfes, and in other places of the Continent, and Ilands of and beyond the vens. 120. Edinburgh, 1852. Indies; the Portugall Attempts, and Dutch Dis- PURTON, (Thomas.) Botanical Description of asters, diners Sea-fights with both; and meny other remarkable Relations. British Plants in the Midland Counties. 3 v. Fol. 2.-Navigations, Voyages, and Land Discoveries, with other historical relations of Africa.- 12- London, 1817-21. Navigations, Voyages, and Discoveries of the Sea- PURVIANCE, (Robert.) Narrative of Events Coasts and Inland Regions of Africa, which is generally called lEthiopia.-Peregrinations and which occurred in Baltimore Town during Travels by Land in Palestina, Natolia. Syria, the Revolutionary War. 120. Baltimore, Arabia, Persia, and others parts of Asia. —Peregrinations and Discoveiies by Land, of Assyria, 1849. Armenia, Persia, India, Arabia, and other inland countries of Asia.-PIrtteritorum, or Discoveries PUSEY, (Edward Bouverie.) Collegiate and of the world, specially such as in other bookes are Professorial Teaching and Discipline, in omitted. Vol. 3.-Peregrinations and Discoveries in the re- answer to Professor Vaughan's Strictures. motest North and East parts of Asia, called Tar- 8O. Of 1d 1854. taria and China.-Peregrinations, Voyages, Dis- o, coveries, of China, Tartaria, Russia, and other PIUTEANUS,(Erycius,) or Erikvan der PUTTEN. the North and East parts of the world.-Voyages and Discoveries of the North parts of the World, De Bissexto liber, et de Nundinis Romanis by Land and Sea, in Asia, Evrope; the Polare liber. (Grevius, Thesaurus Antiq. Rom., Regions, and in the North-west of America.English Northern Navigations, and Discoveries: V. 8.) Relations of Greenland, Groenland, the Northwest passage, and other Arctike Regions, with De Jurejurando Antiquornu SchediasRvssiau Occvrrents.-Voyages and Travels to and ma. (Grmvius, v. 5.) in the New World, called America: Relations of their Pagan Antiquities and of the Regions and Reliquim Convivil Prisci. (Grmevius, Plantations in the North and South parts thereof, v \ and of the Seas and Islands adjacents.. Vol. 4.-English Voyages to the East, West, and PUTNAM, (A. W.) History of Middle TennesSouth parts of America.-Meny Sea and Land Fights, Inuasions and Victories against the Spa- see; or, life and times ofGen. James Robertiiards in those parts, and the Spanish Islands, son. 8g. Nashville, 1859. and Coast Towncs ons this side; Plantations in Guiana, and meny strange aduentures of English- PUTNAM, (Daniel.) Account of the Battle of men amongst the Americans.-Voyages to and Buker's Hill. By H. Dearborn. With a about the Southerne America, with meny Miarine Obseruations and Discourses df those Seas and letter to Major-General Dearborn, repellinlg Lands.-Voyages to and Land-Travels in Florid, nprovoked attac on the c Virginia, and ottlerpats of theNorthernAmeric, his unprovoked attack on the character of French Plantings, Spanish Supplantings; English- Maj. Gen. Israel Putnam. 8. Boston, Virginian Voyages, and to the Islands Azores. — English Plantations, Discoveries, Acts, and Oc- e1818. 116 922 PUTNAM. QUAKERS. PUTNAM, (Daniel.) Letter to Maj. Gen. Dear- forests to the sea coast and banks of tidal born, repelling his unprovoked attack on the rivers in Cornwall and Devon, examined and character of Gen. Putnam. 80. Philadel- considered. 3d ed. 4~. London, 1856. phia, 1818. (Bound with DEARBORN'S Ac- PYE, (Henry James; Poet laureat.) Concount of the Battle.) ments on the Commentators on Shakspear. PUTNAM, (George P.) American Facts; notes 80. London, 1807. and statistics relative to the government, PYE, (H. J.) Essay on Charitable Trusts. resources, &c., of the United States. 120. 120. London, 1853. London, 1845. PYE, (John.) Patronage of British Art; an ~- Catalogue of Foreign and American historical sketch. 80. London, 1845. Books for sale. 80. New-York, 1850. PYM, (Arthur Gordon.) See POE, (E. A.) Putnam's Home Cyclopedia, viz: PYM, (John.) Speech on the Tryall of Thomas, Hand-Book of Chronology and Earl of Strafford, the twelfth of Aprill, 1641. History. 6thed. 120. New-York, 1853. Small 4~. London, 1641. (Parliamentary Hand-Book of Universal Bi- Tracts.) ography. Edited by Parke Godwin. 120. PYNE, (William Henry.) History of the Royal New-York, 1852. Residences of Windsor Castle, St. James's Hand-Book of Literature and Palace, Carlton House, &c. 3 v. Folio. the Fine Arts. By Geo. Ripley and Bayard London, 1819. Taylor. 120. New-York, 1852. PYRAMIDS of Egypt. Dissertation on the Putnam's Monthly Magazine of Ameri- antiquity, origin, and design of the princan Literature, Science, and Art. 10 v. 80. cipal Pyramids of Egypt; also, on the Ark New York, 1853-57. of Noah. 40. London, 1833. PUTNAM, (James O.) Principles at Issue: a PYTHAGORAS. Apology for the Doctrine of speech at New-York, Sept. 13, 1860. 80. Pythagoras as compatible with that of Jesus New-York, 1860. (Misc. Pam., v. 13.) Christ. 80. Boulogne, 1858-59. PUTNAM, (John P.) Digest of the Decisions Golden Verses. Translated by N. in the Courts of Equity in the United States. Rowe. 80. London, 1707. (In DACIER, 2 v. 80. Boston, 1851. (2 copies.) Life of Pythagoras.) PUTNAM, (Mary Lowell.) Record of an Ob- PYTHAGORIC Fragments. Political Fragscure Man. 120. Boston, 1861. ments of Archytas, Charondas, Zaleucus, - Tragedy of Errors. 120. Boston, and other ancient Pythagoreans, preserved 1862. by Stobmeus; and also ethical fragments of Tragedy of Success. 120. Boston, Hierocles. Translated by Thomas Taylor. 1862. 80. Chiswick, 1822. PuTT,'(Charles.) Essay on CivilPolicy, or the QUACKENBOS, (George P.) Natural PhilosoScience of Legislation. 80. London, 1830. phy; embracing the most recent discoveries ~- Observations on the Corn Laws. 80. in the various branches of physics. 12". London, 1834. (Pol. Pam., v. 75.) New York, 1859. PUTTEN, (E. van der.) See PUTEANUS. QUAIN, (Jones.) Elements of Anatomy. 80. PirTER, (Johann Stephan.) Geist des West- London, 1832. phalischen Friedens. 80. Gottingen, 1795. Human Anatomy. EditedbyR. Quain PUiTZ, (Wilhelm.) Handbook of Medimeval and W. Sharpey. 1st Am. ed., edited Geography and History. Translated by R. by Joseph Leidy. 2 v. 80. Philadelphia, B. Paul. 160. London, 1849. 1849. --- Survey of the Geography and History QUAKER SOLDIER; or, the British in Philaof the Middle Ages, A. D. 476-1492. Trans- delphia. 120. Philadelphia, 1858. lated by Prof. Stigell. 120. London, 1854. QUAKERS. Collection of Acts of Parliament, PYCROFT, (James.) Course of English Read- and clauses of acts of Parliament, relative to ing, adapted to every taste and capacity, those Protestant dissenters who are usually Edited, with additions, by J. A. Spencer. called by the name of Quakers, from the year 160. New York, 1857. 1688. 40. London, 1757. Ways and Words of Men of Letters. - Proceedings at the Yearly Meeting of 12~. London, 1860. Friends held at Baltimore for promoting the PYCROFT, (J. W.) Arena Cornubime; or, the improvement of the Indian natives. 80. Balcl4imn of the cominissioners of woods and timore, 1805. (Theol. Pam., v. 7.) 923 QUAKERS. QU1RARD. QUAKERS. Respectful Petition of the Christian QUATREMIRE DE QUINCY, (Antoine ChrysosSociety of Friends, called Quakers, delivered tome.) Essay on the nature, the end, and before the National Assembly of France, 10 the means of Imitation in the Fine Arts. February, 1791. (Fr.andEng.) 40. Lon- Translated by J. C. Kent. 80. London, don, 1791. (Pol. Pam., v. 1.) 1838. QUARITCH, (Bernard.) Catalogue of Books, QUEBEC. New Commission of the Governor many of them rare, valuable, and curious, of Quebec; and other instruments of auoffered for sale. 80. London, 1859. thority derived from the crown, relative to The same. 80. London, 1860. America. 80. London, 1779. QUARLES, (Francis.) Emblems, divine and Observations and reflections on an moral. Revised, with prefaces, by A. Toplady Act passed in 1774, for the settlement and John Ryland. 120. London, 1839. of the province of Quebec. 80. London, Enchiridion; containing institutions 1782. divine, moral, ethical, economical, and poli- - - Review of the Government and Grievtical. 160. London, 1856. ances of the Province of Quebec, since the Judgment and Mercy for Afflicted conquest of it by the British arms. 8~. Souls; or, meditations, soliloquies, and London, 1788. prayers. 120. London, 1807. ~ State of the present Form of Govern QUA.RLL, (Philip.) English Hermit; or, un- ment of the Province of Quebec. With a paralleled sufferings and surprising adven- large appendix. 8~. London, 1789. tures of Philip Quarll. 80. London, 1786. ~- Quebec Papers. See MASERES. (Novelists' Magazine, v. 21.) QUEEN'S BENCH REPORTS. See ADOLPHUS QUARTERLY REVIEW. February, 1809, to AND ELLIS. (New Series.) October, 1863. V. 1-114. 80. London, QUEEN'S College Library, Cambridge. Cata1809-63. logue, arranged by T. Hartwell Horne. 2 v. General Index to v. 1-19, 1809-18. v. 20. 8~. London, 1827....." v. 21-39, 1819-29. v. 40. QUEEN'S Regulations and Orders for the Army. " " v. 41-59, 1830-37. v. 60. 3d ed. 80. London, 1844-49. a' " v. 61-79, 1838-47. v. 80. The same. 1st of July, 1857. 80. ". v. 81-99, 1847-56. v. 100. London, 1857. QUATREFAGES, (Jean Louis Armand de.) QUEER TIMES; or, Things Topsi Turvy. 80. Unit6 de l'Espece Humaine. 120. Paris, London, 1832. (Pol. Pam., v. 74.) 1861. QUENSTEDT, (JohannAndreas.) De Sepultura Rambles of a Naturalist on the Coasts Veterum Tractatus. (Gronovius, Thesaurus of France, Spain, and Sicily. Translated Grsec. Antiq., v. 11.) by E. C. Otte. 2 v. 120. London, 1857. QUENTIN, orQUINTIN, (George.) Trial of ColoQTIATREMPERE DE QUINCY, (Antoine Chrysos- nel Quentin by a General Court-Martial, held tome.) Canova et ses Ouvrages, ou m6moires at Whitehall in Oct., 1814. Taken in shorthistoriques sur la vie et les travaux de ce hand by W. B. Gurney. 80. London, 1814. c6ldbre artiste. 80. Paris, 1834. QUERARD, (Joseph Marie.) La France LittConsiddrations Morales sur la Destina- aire, ou dictionnaire bibliographique des tion des Ouvrages de l'Art, ou de l'influence savants, historiens et gens de lettres de la de leur emploi sur le genie et le gout de ceux France, ainsi que des littdrateurs 6trangers qui les produisent ou qui les jugent, et sur qui ont 6crit en Frangais, plus particulidreie sentiment de ceux qui en jouissent et en ment pendant les XvIlle et XIxe siecles. 10 v. resoivent lesimpressions. 80. Paris, 1815. 80. Paris, 1827-39. Essai sur l'Id6al dans ses applications The same. V. 11. Corrections, addipratiques aux ceuvres de l'mitation propre tions, auteurs pseudonymes et anonymes des Arts du Dessin. 80. Paris, 1837. devoil6s. 80. Paris, 1854-57. Histoire de la Vie et des Ouvrages de Litt6rature Francaise Contemporaine, Raphael. 3e 6d. 80. Paris, 1835. 1827-1849; continuation de La France LitLettres sur l'Enlvement des Ouvrages t6raire. Dictionnaire bibliographique; acde l'Art Antique A Athbnes et A Rome. Nouv. compagn6 de biographies et de notes histo6d. 80. Paris, 1836. riques et litt6raires, par Charles Louandre, -- Architecture. 3 v. 40. Paris, 1788- Felix Bourquelot et Alfred Maury. 6 v. 80. 1825. (Ency. M6thodique, v. 18-20.) Paris, 1842-57. 924 QU1RARD. QUINCY. QTTJiRAIRD, (Joseph Marie.) Les Supercheries QUILET, (Claudius.) Callipaedia; a poem, in Litteraires Devoil6es. Galerie des auteurs four books. Made English by N. Rowe; apocryphes, supposes, deguis6s, plagiaires et with Bayle's life of the author. 12~. Londes 6diteurs infidcles de la litterature Fran- don, 1760. 9aise, pendant les quatre derniers siecles. QUIN, (Edward.) Historical Atlas; in a series 5 v. 8~. Paris, 1847-53. of maps of the world. New ed. Oblong QUESNAY, (Fran9ois.) Physiocratie; ou cons- folio. London, 1846. titution naturelle du gouvernement le plus - Universal History, from the Creation to avantageux au genre humain. Publi6 par A. D. 1828. 120. London, 1838. P. S. Dupont de Nemours, en deux parties. QuJIN, (Michael J.) Memorias Historicas sobre 2 v. 120. Leyde et Paris, 1767-68. Fernando VII., Rey de Espana. Traducidos QUESNEL, (Pasquier.) Gospels; with moral al Castellano, por J. Garcia Jimines. 3 v. reflections on each verse. With essay by 80. Valencia, 1840. Daniel Wilson. Revised by H. A. Board- QUINAULT, (Philippe.) Atys, Isis, et Proserman. 2 v. 80. Philadelphia, 1855. pine; tragedies; musique de Lully. 3 v. QUESTED, (John.) Art of Land Surveying. in 1. 320. Paris, 1784-85. 2d ed. 160. London, 1845. QUINBY, (George W.) The Gallows, the Treatise on Railway Surveying and Prison, and the Poor-House; a plea for huLevelling. 80. London, 1846. manity. 120. Cincinnati, 1856. QUESTIONS relatives a l'Abolition de l'Escla- Marriage, and the Duties of the Marvage. Instructions adressees at MM. les riage Relation. 160. Cincinnati, 1852. Gouverneurs des Colonies. 4~. Paris, 1843. QUINBY, (M.) Mysteries of Bee-Keeping ExQUETELET, (Lambert Adolphe Jacques.) Sur plained. 8th ed. 120. New-York, 1859. i'Homme et le Developpement de ses Facul- QUINcY, (Charles S6vin, Marqus de.) Histoire tes; ou, essai de physique sociale. 2 v. 80. Militaire du Rdgne de Louis le Grand, Roy Paris, 1835. de France. 7 v. 4~. Paris, 1726. ~ — Lettres sur la Theorie des Probabilit6s, QUINCY, (John.) Different Causes of Pestilenappliquee aux sciences morales et politiques. tial Diseases. 80. London, 1720. (With 80. Bruxelles, 1846. HODGE's Loimologia.) - - Letters on the Theory of Probabilities, - - Medicini Statica; being the Aphorisms as applied to moral and political sciences. of Sanctorius. Translated into English, with Translated from the French by 0. G. Downes. large explanations. Also Dr. Keil's Medicina 80. London, 1849. Statica Britannica. 5th ed. 80. London, ~- Popular Instructions on the Calculation 1737. of Probabilities. Translated from the French, ~ Complete English Dispensatory, in two with notes, by R. Beamish. 180. London, parts, theoretical and practical. 13th ed. 1839. 80.. London, 1761..-. -- and SMITS, (]douard.) Recherches sur QUINCY, (Josiah, Jr.) Observations on the Reproduction et la M'ortalit6 de l'Homme act of Parliament commonly called the Bosaux Diff6rents Ages, et sur la Population de ton Port-Bill. With Thoughts on Civil Sola Belgique. 80. Bruxelles, 1832. ciety and Standing Armies. 80. Boston, QuEVEDO Y VILLEGAS, (Francisco de.) Obras 1774. Escogidas. 80. Paris, 1842. (Coleccion de The same. 8~. Philadelphia, 1774. Autores Espanoles, v. 33.) (Col. Pam., v. 12.) Obras. 2 v. 80. Madrid, 1852-59. QuINcY, (Josiah.) Address before the Mas(Biblioteca de Autores Espanoies, v. 21-22.) sachusetts Peace Society. 80. Cambridge, - Paul the Spanish Sharper. (Roscoe's 1821. Span. Novelists, v. 2.) History of the Boston Athenseum, with - Visions. Translated from the original biographical notices of its deceased founders. Spanish. 160. London, 1767. 80. Boston, 1851. QUID MIRROR, (The.) (First Part.) 80. New- - History of Harvard University. 2 v. York, 1806. (Pol. Pam., v. 105.) 80. Cambridge, 1840. QUILL, (Charles.) American Mechanic. 3d ed. -- Memoir of the Life of Josiah Quincy, Jr. 160. Philadelphia, 1839. 80. Boston, 1825. --- Working-Man. 160. Philadelphia, Memoir of the Life of John Quincy 1843,, Adams. 80. Boston, 1858. 925 QUINCY. QUOTATIONS. QIINCY, (Josiah.) Memoir of James Grahame. QIJINTANA, (Manuel Jos6.) Lives of Vasco 80. Boston, 1846. (Mass. Hist. Cell., v. 9, Nuiez de Balboa, and Francisco Pizarro. third series.) From the Spanish, by Mrs. Margaret Hodson. Municipal History of the Town and 16~. Edinburgh, 1832. City of Boston during two centuries, from - Memoirs of Gonzalo HIernandez de Cor1630 to 1830. 80. Boston, 1852. dova, styled the Great Captain. From the QuiNcY, (Josiah P.) Charicles; a dramatic Spanish, by J. Russel. 12~. London, 1851. poem. 2d ed. 120. Boston, 1856. QUINTILIANUS, (Marcus Fabius.) InstitutioQUINET, (Edgar.) CEuvres Compl6tes. 10 v. num Oratoriarum libri XII. Accesserunt huic 120. Paris, 1857. renovatm editioni Declamationes; cum TurCONTENTS. nebi, Camerarii, Pargi, Gronovii, et e notis. Ahasv6rus, v. 7. 2 v. 80. Lugd. Batav. et Roterodami, 1665. Allemagne et Italie, v. 6. __ he same. 8~. Londini 1714. Avertissements Politiques, v. 10.e same.. onini,714. Christianisme (le) et la R6volution Frangaise, v. 3. Declamationum liber. Cum ejusdem Controverse Nouvelle. Que deviennent les licri-i i i tures, v. 2. (ut onnullis visum) dialogo de causis corDiscours sur Geoffroy St. Hilaire, v. 2. ruptse eloquentie. Que omnia notis illusEpop6es (Des) FranQaises In6dites dul 12e Si6cle. v. 9. Esclaves, Les, v. 8. trantur. 80. Oxonii, 1675. Essai d'une Classification des Arts, v. 10. Institutes of Eloquence; or, the art of Essai sur les CEuvres de Herder, v. 2. Examen de La Vie de J6sus, v. 3. speaking in public, in every character and Fondation de la R6publique des Provinces-Unies, v. 5. capacity. Translated, with notes, by WilGenie (Le) des Religions, v. 1. liam Guthrie. 2 v. 80. London, 1756. Gr6ce (La) Moderne et ses Rapports avec l'Antiquite, v. 5. Institutes of the Orator. Translated, Histoire de la Poosie, v. 9. Histoire de Mla Idoes, v. o. with notes, by J. Patsall. 2 v. 80. London, Histoire de Mes Id6es, v. 10. Introduction a la Philosophie de l'Humanit6, v. 2. 1774. J6suites, Les, v. 2. Lettre sur Kant, v. 10. Institutes of Oratory. Translated by Marnix de St. Aldegonde, v. 5. J. S. Watson. 2 v. 120. London, 1856. Melanges, v. 6. Napol6on, v. 8. (Bohn's Classical Library, v. 70-71.) Origine, (L') des Dieux, v. 1.oPhilosophie de l'Histoire de France, v. 3. QUINTUS Calaber. Prtermissorum ab Ho Prom6th6a, v. 8. mero libri XIV. Grmec, cumversione Latina Revolutions (Les) d'Italie, v. 4.. Roumains, (Les) v. 6. et integris emendationibus L. Rhodomanni, TSiralle, La, v. 8. etc.; curante J. C. De Pauw. 80. Lugduni Tablettes (Les) du Juif Errant, v. 7. Ultramontanisme (L') ou l'tglise Romaine et la Batavorum, 1734. oUnciet More ds Pp Modernes v.. QUINTUS Smyrnaus. Post-Homerica. (Gr. et Unit6 Morale des Peuples Modernes, v. 1. Vacances (Mes) ou Espagne, v. 9. Lat.) (Didot, Biblioth. Grecque, v. 24.) QUINN, (Henry.) Temple of Reason and Dig- QuIR, (P. F. de.) Discursus super detecta nity of Self-Government. 120. Riegelsville, nuper quinta orbis parte, terra nempe Aus(Pa.,) 1856. trali incognita. (Bry, Collectiones, series I, QUINQUARBOREUS,(J.) See CINQARBRES,(J.) pars 10.) e QUINTANA, (Manuel Jos6.) Obras Completas. QUISTGAARD, (Ivaro.) Index Chronologicus, 80. Madrid, 1852. (Biblioteca de Autores sistens Foedera pacis, defensionis, navigati,Espafoles, v. 36.) nis, commerciorum, subsidorum, et alia a CONTENTS, regibus Danie et Norvegire ac comitibus Vidas de Espanoles C6lebres. Holsatire, inita cum gentibus intra et extra Cartas a Lord Holland sobre los sucesos politicos de Europam, nec non capitulationes, literas et Espana. Poesias y Tragedias. mercature privilegia, ab anno 1200 usque Literatura. ad 1789. 120. Gottingge, 1792. Tesoro del Parnaso Espafol, poesias QUITARD, (Pierre Marie.) Dictionnaire 1tyselectas Castellanas, desde el tiempo de Juan mologique, Historique, et Anecdotique des de Mena hasta nuestros dias. Nueva ed. Proverbes et des locutions proverbiales de la 80. Paris, 1838. langue Frangaise. 80. Paris, 1842. Vidas de Espafoles Celebres. 80. QUOTATIONS. Book of Familiar Quotations. Paris, 1845. (Coleccion de Autores Espa- 12~. London, 1852. iloles, v. 7.) The same. 2d ed. 160. London, 1860. Lives of Celebrated Spaniards. From Collection of Familiar Quotations; by the Spanish, by T. R. Preston. 120. Lon- John Bartlett. 160. Cambridge, 1856. don, 1833. The same. 4th ed. 160. Boston, 1863, 926 QUOTATIONS. RADCLIFFE. QUOTATIONS. Dictionary of Quotations from RACINE, (C.) New Theoretical and Practical the British Poets, in three parts, Shakspeare; French Grammar. 2d ed. 16~. London, Blank Verse; and Rhyme. 3 v. 120. Lon- 1820. don, 1824. RACINE, (Jean.) (Euvres. Aveclesvariantes Dictionary of Select and Popular Quo- et les imitations des auteurs grecs et tations from the Latin, French, Greek, Span- latins. Publi6es par M. Petitot. 5 v. 8~. ish, and Italian languages. 120. Philadel- Paris, 1813. phia, 1850. Euvres Completes. Avec les notes de The same. 12~. Philadelphia, 1852. tons les commentateurs. 5e 6d., publi6epar New Dictionary of Quotations. From L. Aim6-Martin, avec des additions. 6 v. the Greek, Latin, and modern languages. 80. Paris, 1844. Translated into English, with an index. From CONTENTS. the last London edition. 12~. Philadelphia, Memoires de Racine, par Fragments Historiques, 1859. Louis Racine, v. 1. v. 4. Alexandre le Grand, v. 1. Iphig6nie, v. 3. RAB AND JANE; a legendary tale (and true.) Andromaque, v. 1. Lettres, v. 6. 160. (n.p.) 1805. (Pol. Pam., v. 105.) Aristote, Fragments de la Louis XIV. Pr6cis HisPo6tique d', v. 5. torique des Campagnes RABAUT SAINT-ETIENNE, (Jean Paul.) Con- Athalie, v. 3. de, v. 5.. Bajazet, v. 2. Mithridate, v. 2. sid6rations sur les Interets du Tiers-atat. Be6rnice, v. 2. thridate, v. 3. BedPrdnise, v. (2. Phmdre, v. 3. 2e 6d. 80. Paris, 1788. (Pol. Pam., v. 16.) Britannicus, v. 2. Platon, le Banquet de, Discours Acad6miques, v. 5. RABBE, (Alphonse; ) and DUNCAN, (Jonathan. ) v. 6. Plaideurs, Les, v. 2. History of Russia, from the foundation of tdesrl, v.. Portieo Diverses v. 4. Etudes surl'Odyosse, v. 5. Port Roydi, Abreg6 do the Empire by Rourick, to the close of the LtudessurlesOlympiques l'Histoire de, v. 4. de Pindare, v. 5. Th6baide, La, v. 1. HungarianWar. 2v. 120. London, 1854. Fragments de TraducRABELAIS, (Fran9ois.) (Euvres. edition va- tions, v. 5. riorum, augment6e de pieces in6dites, des RADCLIFFE, (Anne.) Castles of Athlin and remarques de Le Duchat, de Bernier, de Le Dunbayne; a Highland story. New ed. Motteux, de l'abb6 de Marsy, de Voltaire, 120. London, 1821. de Ginguen6, etc. 9 v. 80. Paris, 1823. - The same. 80. (Ballantyne's NovelCONTENTS. ists' Library, v. 10.) Epistre du Limousin de Pantagruel, v. 8. Gaston de Blondeville; or, the court of Lettres, v. 8. Prognostication Pantagrueline, v. 8. Henry III.; a romance. 2 v. 120. LonSciomaehie (la) et Festins faicts a Rome, v. 8. don 1839. Songes Drolatiques de Pantagruel, v. 9. Vie (le) de Gargantua et de Pantagruel, v. 1-8. The Italian; or, the confessional of the Works. Translated from the French; black penitents. 2d ed. 3 v. 160. Lonwith explanatory notes by Duchat, Ozell, don, 1811. and others. 4 v. 160. London, 1844. - Journey made in 1794, through Holland RABENHORST'S Pocket Dictionary of the Ger- and Germany, with a return down the Rhine; man and English Languages. 4th ed.; by to which are added observations during a D. Boileau. 240. London, 1847. tour to the lakes of Lancashire, WestmoreRABUTAUX, (Auguste P. E.) De la Prostitu- land, and Cumberland. 80. Dublin, tion en Europe, depuis l'antiquit6 jusqu'h la 1795. fin du XVIe Siecle. 40. Paris, 1851. ~ Mysteries of Udolpho; a romance. 4 v. RABUTIN, (Fran9ois de.) M6moires. 1551- 160. London, 1794. 1559. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1788. (Coll. des -- The same. 3v. 160. London, 1820. M6moires Relatifs l'Hist. de France, (Barbauld's Brit. Novelists, v. 45-47.) v. 37-38.) The same. (Ballantyne's Novelists' The same. 80. Paris, 1838. (Mi- Library, v. 10.) chaud. Coll. M6m. Hist. France, v. 7.) Romance of the Forest. New ed. 2 v. The same. 2 v. 80. 1823. (Petitot, 160. London, 1820. (Barbauld's British Coil. Mem. Hist. France, s6r. I., v. 31-32.) Novelists, v. 43-44.) RABUTIN, (Roger.) See BUSSY-RABUTIN. The same. 80. (Ballantyne's NovelRACIBORSKI, (A.) Elementary Treatise on ists' Library, v. 10.) Auscultation and Percussion; the applica- St. Alban's Abbey; with other poems. tion of acoustics to the diagnosis of dis- 120. London, 1834. eases. Translated by M. Post. 80. New- ~ Sicilian Romance. 2 v. 180. LonYork, 1839. don, 1790. 927 RADCLIFFE. RAIBAUD. RADCLIFFE, (Anne.) Sicilian Romance. 80. RAFINESQUE-SCHMALZ, (C. S.) Alsographia (Ballantyne's Novelists' Library, v. 10.) Americana; or, an American grove of new RADCLIFFE, (C. B.) Epilepsy and other Affec- and revised trees and shrubs. 80. Philations of the Nervous System marked by trem- delphia, 1838. or, convulsion, or spasm. 80. London, 1854. The American Nations; or, outlines of RADCLIFFE, (John.) Confession of our Chris- a national history of the ancient and modern tian Faith, commonly called the Creed of nations of North and South America. 2 v. St. Athanasius, illustrated from the scrip- in 1. 120. Philadelphia, 1836. tures, from the Greek and Latin writers of American Manual of the Grape Vines, the first five centuries, and the apostles' and and the art of making wine. 120. PhilaNicene creeds. 80. London, 1844. delphia, 1830. RADCLIFFE, (J. N.) Fiends, Ghosts, and Ancient History, or Annals of KenSprites; origin and nature of belief in the tucky. With a survey of the Ancient Monusupernatural. 120. London, 1854. ments of North America, and a tabular view RADICAL Reform; its effects in the restoration of the principal Languages and Primitive of a lasting peace to Europe. By Phileleu- Nations of the whole earth. 80. Frankfort, theros Philalethes. 80. London, 1810. 1824. (Pol. Pam., v. 52.) The same. (Misc. Pai., v. 19.) RADULPHUS Cadomensis. Gesta Tancredi. Florula Ludoviciana; or, a Flora of (Muratori, Rerum Italicarum Scriptores,v. 5.) the State of Louisiana. Translated, and imRAE, ( Commander John.) Narrative of an proved, from the French of C. C. Robin. Expedition to the Shores of the Arctic Sea, 120. New-York, 1817. in 1846-47. 80. London, 1850. Life, and Travels and Researches in RAE, (John.) Statementof someNew Principles North America and South Europe, from 1802 on the subject of Political Economy, exposing to 1835. 80. Philadelphia, 1836. the fallacies of free trade, and of some other RAFN, (Carl Christian.) America discovered doctrines maintained in the "Wealth of in the Tenth Century. 80. New-York, 1838. Nations." 80. Boston, 1834. - Ancient Geography of the Arctic ReRAFF, (George W.) Guide to Executors and gions of America. (Am. Eth. Soc'y Trans., Administrators in the settlement of the v. 2.) estates of deceased persons within the State - M6moire sur la D6couverte de l'Am6of Ohio; with a comment upon the statute rique au Dixieme Siecle. Traduit de l'Alleof wills. 2d ed. 80. Cincinnati, 1860. mand, par X. Marmier. 80. Paris, 1838. -- Manual of Pensions, Bounty and Pay: RAFTER, (Captain.) Our Indian Army; a containing the laws, forms and regulations Military History of the British Empire in relating to pensions, bounty land, bounty the East. 160. London, 1855. money, pay, claims for horses and other RAGUET,(Condy.) Examiner, and Journal of property destroyed, etc.; with the opinions Political Economy; devoted to the advanceof the attorneys general, and the official ment of the cause of State rights and free regulations and decisions pertaining to these trade. 2 v. 80. Philadelphia, 1834-35. subjects. 80. Cincinnati, 1862. (V. 2 wanting.) RAFFENEL, (Anne.) Nouveau Voyage dans Free Trade Advocate, and Journal of les Pays des Negres; suivi d'6tudes sur la Political Economy. 2v. 80. Philadelphia, colonie du S6n6gal. 2v. 80. Paris, 1856. 1829. RAFFLES, (Sophia.) Memoir of the Life and - - Financial Register of the United States; Public Services of Sir Thomas Stamford devoted chiefly to finance and currency, and Raffles. 40. London, 1830. to banking and commercial statistics. 2 v. RAFFLES, (Thomas.) Letters during a Tour 80. Philadelphia, 1837-39. through parts of France, Savoy, Switzer- Principles of Free Trade. 80. Philaland, Germany, and the Netherlands, in 1817. delphia, 1835. 120. New-York, 1818. Treatise on Currency and Banking. RAFFLES, (Sir Thomas Stamford.) Discourse 80. Philadelphia, 1839. delivered to the Literary and Scientific So- RAGUSA. See MARMONT, (Duc de Raguse.) ciety at Java, 1815. 80. London, 1816. RAIBAUD, (B. L.) Trait6 de la Garantie des (Pamphleteer, v. 8.) Matieres et Ouvrages d'Or et d'Argent. 80. - History of Java. 2v. 40. London, 1817. Paris, 1825. 928 RAIKES. RALFE. RAIKES, (Charles.) Notes on the North-western a view of the principal transactions in the revProvinces of India. 8~. London, 1852. olution of St. Domingo. 4~. London, 1805. ~- Notes on the Revolt in the North-western RAITrIBY, (John.) Index to the Statutes at Provinces of India. 8~. London, 1858. Large, from Magna Charta to 1809. 3 v. RAIKES, (Harriet.) Private Correspondence of 80. London, 1814. Thomas Raikes with the Duke of Welling- RALEIGH, (Sir Walter.) Works; now first colton, and other distinguished contemporaries. lected. With lives of the author, by Oldys 80. London, 1861. and Birch. 8 v. 80. Oxford, 1829. RAIKES, (Henry.) Memoirs of the Life and CONTENTS. Services of Vice-Admiral Sir Jahleel Bren- Advice of a Son to his Aged Father, v. 8. ton. 80. London, 1846. Apology, v. 8. Cabinet Council; or, Chief Arts of Empire, v. 8. Popular Sketch of the Origin and De- Causes of Magnificency and Opulency of Cities, v. 8. velopment of the English Constitntion, from Discourse on the Invention of Ships, &c., v. 8. velopment of the English Constitution, from Discourse of tenures which were before the Conthe earliest period to the present time. 2 v. quest, v. 8. Discourse touching War with Spain, v. 8.. 8~. London, 1854. Discourse of War in General, v. 8. RAIKES, (Thomas.) France, since 1830 2. Discovery of Guiana, v. 8. History of the World, v. 2-7. 80. London, 1841. Instructions to his Son and to Posterity, v. 8. Portion of the Journal kept by him, Lette gh by W. dys, v. 1. Life of Raleigh, by W. Oldys, v. 1. from 1831 to 1847; comprising reminiscences Life of Raleigh, by T. Birch, v. 1. Marriage between Prince Henry and the daughter of social and political life in London and of Savoy, v. 8. Paris during that period. 4 v. 120. Lon- Match ibetween the Lady Elizabeth and th. Prince of Piedmont, v. 8. don, 1856-57. Maxims of State, v. 81. XRAILWAY. Oberaion on a Geea Observations on the Navy and Sea Service, v. 8. RAILWAY. Observations on a General Ir Observbservations on Trade and Commerce, v. 8. Railway; with plates and maps. 4th ed. Orders to Commanders, v. 8. Poems, v. 8. 80. London, 1823. Prerogative of Parliaments, v. 8. RAILWAY and Canal Cases. Cases relating to Reign of William the First, v. 8. Relation of Cadiz Action, v. 8. Railways and Canals, in the High Courts of Seat of Government, v. 8. Skeptic, v. 8. Law and Equity, by H. I. Nicholl, T. Hare, Spaish larum, v. 8. and J. M. Carrow, 1835 to 1842. 2 v. 80. Treatise of the Soul, v. 8. London, 1840-43. Abridgement of his History of the The same. By J. M. Carrow and L. World: his Premonition to Princes: also, Oliver, 1842 to 1846. V. 3. 80. London, some genuine Remains; published by Philip 1846. Raleigh. 3d ed. 80. London, 1702. The same. By J. M. Carrow, L. Oli- Discovery of Guiana, 1595. 80. Lonver, E. Beavan, and T. E. P. Lefroy, 1842 don, 1848. (Hakluyt Society, v. 3.) to 1854. V. 4 to 7. 80. London, 1848-55. History of the World, in Five Books. The same. 1835 to 1852. Edited by 11th ed. To which is prefix'd the Life of the Chauncey Smith and Samuel W. Bates. 6 v. Author, newly compil'd, by Mr. Oldys. 80. Boston, 1854. Also, his Trial, with some additions. 2 v. RAILWAYS. Collection of the Public General Folio. London, 1736. Acts for the Regulation of Railways; in- - Life, Tryal, and Death of Sir W. Racluding the companies, lands, and railways leigh. 80. London, 1702. (In RALEIGH'S clauses consolidation acts, 1838-1860. 9th History of the World, Ed. 1702.) ed. 120. Westminster, 1861. Observations touching Trade and ConRAILWAYS Compared with Canals and Com- nerce with the Hollander and other Nations, mon Roads, and their uses and advantages 1751. Reprint. 80. London, 1859. (Con. explained. 120. Edinburgh, 1825. Pam., v. 8.) RAINEY, (George.) Mode of Formation of Report of an Engagement near the Shells of Animals, of Bone, etc.; by a pro- Azores, 1591. (Pinkerton's Voyages, v. 1.) cess of Molecular Coalescence, demonstrated - - Duo Itinera, quibus describitur aurifein certain artificially formed products. 120. rum et potentissimum regnum Guianae. (Bry. London, 1858. Collectiones, series I, pars. 8.) RAINEY, (Thomas.) Ocean Steam Navigation RALFE, (James.) Naval Chronology of Great and the Ocean Post. 80. New York, ]858. Britain; an historical account of naval and RAINSFORD, (Marcus.) Historical Account of maritime events, from ]803 to 1816. 3 v. the Black Empire of Hayti; comprehending 80. London, 1820. 929 RALPH. RAMSAY. RALPH, (Benjamin.) School of Raphael; or, poniendo por resunen, y baxo un contexto the student's guide to expression in histori- las decada parte de la decada. 2 v. in 1. cal painting. 40. London, 1825. Small 40. Madrid, 1786. RALPH, (James.) History of England, during RAMOND, (L.) Opinion Prononcee sur les the Reigns of William III., Queen Anne, Lois Constitutionnelles. 8~. Paris, 1791. and George I.; with an introductory review (Pol. Pam., v. 7.) of the Reigns of Charles II. and James II. RAMOuND DE CARBONNIERES, (Louis F. E.) 2 v. Folio. London, 1744-46. Journey to the Summit of Mont Perdu, 1802. The Other Side of the Question; an (Pinkerton's Voyages, v. 4.) attempt to rescue the characters of the two RAMON DE LA SAGRA. See SAGRA. Royal sisters, Q. Mary and Q. Anne, out of RAMPINI, (Joseph.) Grammar of the Italian the hands of the Duchess Dowager of Marl- Language. 16~. Edinburgh, 1852. borough. 80. London, 1742. RAMSAY, (Alexander.) Anatomy of the Heart, Of the Use and Abuse of Parliaments; Cranium, and Brain, adapted to the purin two historical discourses. 2 v. 8~. Lon- poses of the medical and surgical practidon, 1744. tioner. With observations on the Laws of RALSTON, (Samuel S.) Revelation of John Life and Sensation; with plates. 2d ed., the Divine; a new theory of the Apocalypse. 40. Edinburgh, 1813. 80. Philadelphia, 1858. RAMSAY, (Allan.) Works. With life of the RAM, (James.) Outline of the Law of Tenure author, by George Chalmers; and an essay and Tenancy. 80. London, 1825. on his genius and writings, by Lord Practical Treatise of Assets, Debts, Woodhou'selee. 3 v. 16~. Edinburgh, and Incumbrances. 80. London, 1832. 1852. Treatise on Facts as subjects of In- The Gentle Shepherd, a pastoral comedy. quiry by a Jury. 80. London, 1861. To which is prefixed a new biographical Science of Legal Judgment; a treatise, memoir of the author, and a critique on his designed to show the materials whereof, and writings. 40. Edinburgh, 1808. the process by which, the Courts of West- - The same. 120. New-York, 1852. minster Hall construct their judgments. 80. ~ Tea Table Miscellany; or, collection of London, 1834. choice songs, Scots and English. 12th ed. PRAMADGE, (Francis Hopkins.) Asthma, its 4 v. in 1. 160. Edinburgh, 1760. varieties and complications; or, researches RAMSAY, (Allan; son of the preceding.) Hisinto the pathology of disordered respiration; torical Essay on the English Constitution; with a treatise on the principal diseases of or, an impartial enquiry into the elective the heart. 2d ed. 80. London, 1847. power of the people, from the first establishRAMBLER, The. See JOHNSON, (Samuel.) mert of the Saxons in this kingdom. 80. RAMEAU, (Jean Philippe.) Code de Musique London, 1771. Pratique. Small 40. Paris, 1760. - Thoughts on the Origin and Nature of Trait de l'Harmonie, reduite A ses Government; occasioned by the late disprincipes naturels. Small 40. Paris, 1722. putes between Great Britain and her AmeriRAMIREZ, (Jos6 F.) Reasons which the gov- can colonies. Written in 1766. 80. Lonernment of Mexico has, for not recognising don, 1769. D. Jos6 Garay's privilege to open communi- RAMSAY, (Andrew C.) Geological Map of cation across the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, England and Wales. Folded, in case. Lon&c. (English and Spanish.) 80. New don, 1859. York, 1852. RAMSAY. (Andrew Michael; Chevalier.) HisRAMMOHUN ROY. Precepts of Jesus. To toire du Vicomte de Turenne, Mar6chal which are added, the first and second appeal G6enral des Arm6es du Roy. 2 v. 40. to the Christian public, in reply to Dr. Paris, 1735. Marshman. 80. New-York, 1825. Philosophical Principles of Natural and Translation of several principal books, Revealed Religion, unfolded in a geometrical passages, and texts of the Veds, and of order. 2 v. Small 40. Glasgow, 1748. some controversial works on Brahmunical - Travels of Cyrus; with a discourse upon theology. 80. London, 1832. the Theology and Mythology of the Pagans. RAMON, (D.) Decada Legal, en que contra- Translated fiom the French. 2 v. 12~. hidas d diez las leyes de estos reynos, se van London, 1730. 117 930 RAMSAY. RANDOLPH. RAMSAY, (David.) History of the American Q. Julii Cmsaris. (Graevits, Thesaurus Revolution. 2 v. 80. Philadelphia, 1789. Antiq., Rom., v. 10.) ~ — History of South-Carolina, from its first RAMUSIO, (Giovanni Battista.) Delle Navisettlement in 1670, to the year 1808. 2 v. gationi et Viaggi. 3 v. Folio. Venetia, 80. Charleston, 1809. 1563, 1565, 1583. History of the Revolution of South- RANBY, (John.) Observations on the EviCarolina. 2 v. 80. Trenton, (N. J.,) dence given before the House of Commons, 1785. on the Slave Trade. 80. London, 1791. History of the United States, from their RANCE, (Armand-Jean Le Bouthillier de.) De settlement as colonies in 1607, to the year la Saintete et des Devoirs de la Vie Monas1808. Continued to the Treaty of Ghent, by tique. 80. Paris, 1846. S. S. Smith, &c. 3 v. 80. Philadelphia, RANCE, (T. G.) Tables of Compound Interest, 1816-17. for every I per cent., from I to 10 per cent., Life of George Washington. 80. New- and for every year, from 1 to 100 years. 80. York, 1807. London, 1852. Universal History Americanized; an RAND, (Asa.) Slave-Catcher caught in the historical view of the world, from the earliest meshes of the Eternal Law. 80. Cleveland, records to the year 1808, &c. 9 v. 80. (O.,) 1852. Philadelphia, 1819. RAND, (Edward Sprague, Jr.) Life Memories; ~- Histoire de la Revolution d'Amerique; and other poems. 160. Cambridge, 1859. par rapport a la Caroline Meridionale. Tra- RAND, (Howard.) Outline of Medical Chemduite de l'Anglois. 2 v. 80,. Londres, istry, for the use of students. 12~. Phila1787. delphia, 1855. RAMSAY, (E. B.) Reminiscences of Scottish RANDALL,(Alex.) Address to the Alumni of St. Life and Character. 7th ed. 160. Edin- John's College, Annapolis, Md. 80. Washburgh, 1860. ington, 1850. (Misc. Pam., v. 2.) The same. 2d series. 160. Edinburgh, RANDALL, (Henry S.) Life of Thomas Jef1861. ferson. 3 v. 80. New-York, 1858. RAMSAY, (George.) Enquiry into the Princi- Sheep Husbandry; with an account of pies of Human Happiness and Human Duty. the different breeds, and general directions 80. London, 1843. in regard to management. 80. New-York, Essay on the Distribution of Wealth. 1859. 8C. Edinburgh, 1836. RANDALL, (James.) Collection of ArchitecRAMSAY, (James.) Effects of putting a stop tural Designs for Mansions, Casinos, Villas, to the African Slave Trade, and of grant- Lodges, and Cottages, from original designs. ing liberty to slaves in the British sugar Folio. London, 1806. colonies. 80. London, 1784. (Slavery RANDALL, (S. S.) Mental and Moral Culture, Pam., v. 14.) and Popular Education. Including a special -~- Essay on the Treatment and Conver- report on common school libraries, by Henry sion of African Slaves in the British Sugar S. Randall. 120. New-York, 1844. Colonies. 120. Dublin, 1784. RANDELL, (Henry.) Essay on the Law of RAMSAY, (William.) Manual of Roman An- Perpetuity, and on Trusts of Accumulation. tiquities. 2d ed. 120. Glasgow, 1855. With the History of Alienation. 80. LonRAMSBOTHAM, (Francis H.) Principles and don, 1822. Practice of Obstetric Medicine and Surgery, RANDOLPH, (Edmund.) Vindication of his in reference to the Process of Parturition. resignation. 80. Philadelphia, 1795. (Pol. 80. London, 1856. Pai., v. 97.) RAMSEY, (Albert C.) The Other Side; or, The same. New ed., by P. V. Daniel, notes for the history of the war between Jr. 80. Richmond, 1855. Mexico and the United States. Translated RANDOLPH, (Francis.) Letter to Win. Pitt, from the Spanish, and edited with notes. containing some new arguments against the 120. New-York, 1850. abolition of the Slave Trade. By BritanniRAMSEY, (J. G. M.) Annals of Tennessee, to cus. 80. London, 1804. (SlaveryPam., v. 6.) the end of the 18th century. 80. Philadel- RANDOLPH, (Jacob.) Memoir on the Life and phia, 1853. Character of Philip Sing Physick, M. D. RAIMus, or LA RAMEE, (P.) Liber de Militia 80. Philadelphia, 1839. 931 RANDOLPH. RAPETTI. RANDOLPh, (John.) Letters to a Young Rela- teentl and eighteenth centuries. Translated tive, (Theodorick Bland Dudley;) from early by Sir A. and Lady Duff Gordon. 3 v. 80. youth to mature manhood. 8~. Philadel- London, 1849. phia, 1834. The Ottoman and the Spanish Empires, Letter to James Lloyd, late Senator, in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. from Massachusetts. 8~. Georgetown, (D. From the last German ed. by W. K. Kelly. C.,) 1814. (Misc. Pam., v. 4.) 80. London, 1853. Letter to, byNuma. 80. (n.p.) 1810. RANKEN, (Alexander.) History of France, (Pol. Pam., v. 108.) from the time of Clovis, A. D. 486, to the RANDOLPH, (J. Thornton.) Cabin and Parlor; death of Lewis XVI., A. D. 1793. 9 v. 80. or, slaves and masters. 12~. Philadelphia, London, 1801-22. 1852. RANKIN, (John.) Letters on American Slavery. RANDOLPH, (Peyton.) Reports of Cases in 5th ed. 160. Boston, 1838. the Court of Appeals of Virginia, 1821 to RANKIN, (Melinda.) Texas in 1850. 120. 1828. 6 v. 8~. Richmond, 1823-29. (2 Boston, 1850. copies.) RANKIN, (Robert.) Familiar Treatise on Life The same. V. 5. 80. Richmond, 1828. Assurances and Annuities; sketch of the RANDOLPH, (Thomas; Fellow of Trinity Col- science, and of the life assurance offices. lege, Cambridge.) Poems; with the Muses' 8". London, 1830. Looking-Glass, and Amyntas; whereunto RANKIN, (R. R.) Analysis of the Law of is added, the Jealous Lovers. 5th ed. 180. Patents. 12~. London, 1824. London, 1664. RANKIN, (Thomas.) Brief Narrative of the RANDOLPH, (Thomas, D. D.; President of C. Revival of Religion in Virginia. 2d ed. e C. College, Oxford.) View of our Blessed 16~. London, 1778. Saviour's Ministry. Together with a charge, RANKIN, (W. Bayne.) Canada and the Crimea; dissertations, sermons, and theological lee- or, sketches of a soldier's life. 120. Lontures. 2 v. 80. Oxford, 1784. don, 1862. RANKE, (Leopold.) Firsten und Volker von RANKING, (John.) Historical Researches on Suid-Europa im xvtten und xvItell jahrhun- the Conquest of Peru, Mexico, Bogota, dert. 4 v. 80. Berlin, 1837-45. Natchez, and Talomeco, in the 13th century, CONTENTS. by the Mongols. 8~. London, 1827. Vol. 1.-Die Osmanen, und die Spanische Monar- RANKING, (W. H.;) and RADCLIFFE, (C. B.) chic. 2e aufi. 80. Berlin, 1837. Half-Yearly Abstract of the MedicalSciences; Vol. II-IV.-Die Rimisehen Papste, ihre Kirche uld ihr Staat im xviten und xvwIten a digest of the contents of the principal medijahrh-undert. 3 v. 8". Berlin, 1844-45. calworks published. Jan., 1845 to Dec., 1863. Civil Wars and Monarchy in France, in V. 1-38. 120. London, 1845-64. the 16th and 17th Centuries. From the RANLETT, (William H.) The Architect; deGerman, by M. A. Garvey. 2 v. 120. signs for domestic and ornamental cottages London, 1852. and villas. 2 v. 40. New York, 1847. History of the Popes, their Church and RANSOM, (Samuel.) Hebrew Grammar; con State, in the sixteenth and seventeenth cen- taining the etymology and punctuation of turies. From the last German ed. by W. K. that language. 80. London, 1843. Kelly. 80. London, 1843. RANTOUL, (Robert, Jr.) Memoirs, Speeches, The same. With an essay, by J. H. and Writings. Edited by Luther Hamilton. Merle d'Aubignu. 2 v. 8~. Glasgow, 1846. 80. Boston, 1854. The same. TranslatedbySarahAustln. RANYARD, (L. N.) Missing Link; or, Bible2d ed. 3 v. 80. London, 1841. Women in the Homes of the London Poor. History of the Reformation in Germany 160. London, 1860. 2d ed. Translated by Sarah Austin. 3 v. RAPELJE, (George.) Narrative of Travels in 80. London, 1845-47. America, Europe, Asia, and Africa. 80. History of Servia, and the Servian New-York, 1834. Revolution. Translated by Mrs. Alexander RAPER, (Henry.) New System of Signals, by Kerr; with the Slave Provinces of Turkey, which colours may be wholly dispensed with. by Cyprien Robert. 120. London, 1853. 40. London, 1828. Memoirs of the House of Brandenburg, RAPETTI, (Louis Nicolas.) La Defection de and History of Prussia, during the seven- Marmont, en 1814. 80. Paris, 1858. RAPHAEL. RASTELL. RAPHAEL SANZTO. See LANDON, (C. P.) RAREY, (J. S.) Taming of Wild Horses: Raphael's Cartoons. Engraved by together with Horses and Hounds; a practiThomas Holloway. Folio. London, 1806 cal treatise on their management, by ScruRAPHALL, (Morris J.) Post-Biblical History tator. 120. London, 1858. of the Jews; from about the year 420 B. C. RASCHE, (Johann Christian.) Lexicon UniE., till the Destruction of the Second Temple versm rei Numarie Veterum, et prmecipud in the year 70 C. E. 2 v. 12~. Philadel- Gr'ecorum ac Romanorum, cum observatiophia, 1855. nibus, et cum explicatione monogrammatum. RAIIN, (Ren6.) Whole Critical Works. Newly 9 v. in 15, [3 of which are supplement vols.] translated into English, by several hands. 8~. Lipsiae, 1785-1805. 2 v. 8~. London, 1706. RASK, (Rasmus Christian.) Danish Grammar. RAPIN DE THOYRAS, (Paul.) Histoire d'An- Edited by T. G. Repp. 2d ed. 120. Cogleterre. Nouv. 6d., avec la continuation penhagen, 1846. par David Durand; augment6e des notes de - Grammar of the Anglo-Saxon Tongue, M. Tindal, de l'Abreg6 Historique du Re- with a praxis. New ed. From the Danish, cueil des Actes Publics d'Angleterre de by B. Thorpe. 8~. Copenhagen, 1830. Thomas Rymer; et de M6moires pour les Grammar of the Icelandic or Old Norse vingt pr6mieres ann6es du Regne de George Tongue. From the Swedish, by G. W. DaII., par M. Dupard. Par les soins de M. Le sent. 120. London, 1843. Fdvre de Saint Marc. 16 v. 4~. La Haye, - Short Tractate on the Longevity as1749. cribed to the Patriarchs in the Book of Genand TINDAL, (Nicholas.) History of esis, and its relation to the Hebrew chroEngland. Translated, by N. Tindal. 2d ed.; nology. From the Danish. 80. London, continued to the Accession of George II., by 1863. N. Tindal. 4 v. in 5. Folio. London, RASPAIL, (Fran9ois Vincent.) Histoire Natu1732-47. relle de la Santd et de la Maladie chez les RAPOU, (Auguste.) Typhoid Fever and its Vegetaux et chez les Animaux; suivie du Homceopathic Treatment. Translated by M. Formulaire pour une Nouvelle M6thode de Cote. 120. Cincinnati, 1853. Traitement. 2e tirage. 2 v. 80. Paris, RAPP, (Jean.) Mdmoires. Mcrits par lui- 1845. meme. 80. Londres, 1823. Reforme P6nitentiare; lettres sur les ~ —- Memoirs of General Count Rapp, First prisons de Paris. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1839. Aide-de-Camp to Napoleon. Written by RASPE, (Rudolph Eric; or, J. J.) Account of himself, and published by his family. 80. some German Volcanos, and their producLondon, 1823. tions; with a new hypothesis of the PrisRAPPORT fait au Ministre Secr6taire d'ltat de matic Basalts. 120. London, 1776. la Marine et des Colonies, par la commission - Gulliver Revived; or, the vice of lying institut6e pour l'examen des questions rela- properly exposed; containing singular travtives a l'Esclavage et a la Constitution Poli- els, adventures, &c., of Baron Munikhousen, tique des Colonies. 40. Paris, 1843. or Munchausen. 8th ed. 160. London, RAPPORT sur la Repartition de la Contribution 1799. Fonciere. 80. Paris, 1791. (Pol. Pain., The same. Sequel, humbly dedicated v. 17.) to Mr. Bruce, the Abyssinian traveller. 16~. RAPPORTS au Roi sur les Caisses d'Epargne, London, 1801. (Bound with above.) pour les ann6es 1836-39. 40. Paris, ~ Surprising Travels and Adventures of 1836-39. Baron Munchausen. Also, an account of a RAPPORTS au Roi sur l'ExEcution, pendant voyage into themoon and dog-star. New ed. l'ann6es 1838 a 1841, de la Loi du 21 Mai London, 1822. 1836 relative aux Chemins Vicinaux. 2 v. RASTELL, (John.) Exposition of Law Terms, 40. Paris, 1839-42. and the Nature of Writs; with divers cases RAPPORTS de Jury Central sur les Produits de and rules of law. 8~. London, 1527. l'Industrie Frangaise, pour les ann6es 1819, Pastime of People; or, the Chronicles 1823, 1827, 1834, et 1839. 9 v. 80. Paris, of Divers Realms, and most especially of 1819-39. the realm of England. Now first reprinted RAPPORTS faits A la Convention Nationale, and systematically arranged. Edited by T. 1792-1801. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1792-1801. F. Dibdin. 40. London, 1811. 933 RASTELL. RAWLE. RASTELL, or, RASTALL; (William.) Collec- From the German, by H. E. Lloyd. 2 v. tion of Entries of declarations, barres, re- 12~. London, 1842. plications, rejoynders, issues, verdicts, &c - History of the Sixteenth and SevenLast ed. Folio. London, 1670. teenth Centuries. Translated from the GerCollection of the Statutes, from Magna man. 2 v. 12~. London, 1835. Charta to the 4th and 5th of Phillip and RAUPACH, (Ernest.) Nibelungen Treasure. Mary. Folio. London, 1559. Translated from the German, with introducRATHBONE, (Hannah Mary.) Diary of Lady tory remarks. 16~. TLondon, 1847. Willoughby. 4th ed. 2v. 16~. London, RAVENSCROFT, (John Stark.) Works; con1846-48. taining his sermons, charges, and controRATHERY, (Edme Jacques Benoit.) Histoire versial tracts. With a memoir. 2v. 80. des ]Etats G6enraux de France; suivie d'un New-York, 1830. examen comparatif de ces assemblies et des RAVENSTEIN, (E. G.) The Russians on the parlements d'Angleterre. 80. Paris, 1845. Amur; with a description of the country, its RATIER, (Benoit.) Trait6 des Cours d'Eau inhabitants, productions, and commercial Navigables ou Flottables en Train, y com- capabilities. 80. London, 1861. pris plusieurs questions importantes sur les RAVERTY, (H. G.) Selections from the Poetry autres cours d' eau, et des Droits des P6age of the Afghans, from the 16th to the 19th pour la Traverse des Fleuves et Rivieres. century. Translated from the Pus'hto; 8~. Toulouse, 1847. with remarks on the doctrine and poetry of RATTENBURY, (J. Freeman.) Cession of Flor- the Sufis. Small 40. London, 1862. ida to the United States and the necessity of Thesaurus of English and Hindustani acquiring the Island of Cubaby Great Britain. Technical Terms; and manual of words and 80. London, 1819. (Pamphleteer, v. 15.) phrases in the higher branches of knowledge. RATTLEHEAD'S Chronicles; or, a little expe- 80. Hertford, 1859. rience with old maids and young maids; old RAVINET, (Antoine Louis Th6odore.) Code bachelors, fools, and drunkards. 12~. Phil- des Ponts et Chauss6es et des Mines; ou adelphia, 1852. collection complete des lois, arret6s, d6crets, RATTRAY, (Alexander.) Vancouver's Island ordonnances, Reglements et circulaires, conand British Columbia; where they are; what cernant le service des ponts et chaussees et they are; and what they may become. 80. des mines, jusqu'au 1er Janvier 1836. 4 v. London, 1862. 80. Paris, 1829-36. RAUCH, (Frederick A.) Psychology; or, a RAVZZOTTI, (Gaetano.) Italian Grammar, in view of the human soul; including anthrop- English and Italian. 5th ed. 160. London, ology. 2d ed. 80. New York, 1841. 1810. RAUMER, (Friedrich Ludwig Georg von.) RAWDON Papers; consisting of letters to and GeschichteEuropas seit demEnde des Finf- from Dr. John Bramhall. Edited by E. zehnten Jahrhunderts. 8 v. 80. Leipzig, Berwick. 80. London, 1819. 1832-50. RAWLE, (William.) Reports of Cases in the Geschicte der Hohenstaufen und ihrer Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, 1828 to Zeit. 6 v. 80. Leipzig, 1823-25. 1835. 5 v. 80. Philadelphia, 1829-36. Vorlesungen tiber die Alte Geschichte. (2 copies.) 2 v. 80. Leipzig, 1821. The same. V. 1. 80. Philadelphia, America, and the American People. 1829. From the German, by William W. Turner. The same. 2d ed. V. 1 and 2. 80. 80. New-York, 1846. Philadelphia, 1849. Contributions to Modern History. Queen - View of the Constitution of the United Elizabeth, and Mary Queen of Scots. 120. States of America. 80. Philadelphia, 1825. London, 1836. The same. 2d ed. 80. Philadelphia, The same. Frederick II., and his 1829. (2 copies.) Times. 120. London, 1837. RAWLE, (William Henry.) Practical Treatise England in 1835; letters written during on the Law of Covenants for Title. 80. a residence in London. Translated by Sarah Philadelphia, 1852. (2 copies.) Austin and H. E. Lloyd. 80. Philadelphia, The same. 2d ed. 80. Philadelphia, 1836. 1854. England in 1841; a series of letters. - The same. 3d ed. 80. Boston, 1860. 934 RAWLINS. A AYMOIND. RAWLINS, (Cliarles E ) American Disunion. Bonyreiter, Herma. uOrganization of Trilobite. Terms of the E ngu n.olio. London, 1846. Squae 1.. London,. Darwin, Charles. Monograph on the b-ClaCirRAWLINSON, (George.) Five Great Monarchies ripedia. 2v. 8. London, 1851-54. ^ ^pr Forbes, Edward. Monograph of the British Nakedof the Ancient Eastern World; or, the history Eyed Medusa. Folio. London, 1848. and antiquities of Chaldea, Assyria, Babylon, Leighton, W. A. British Species of Angiocarpons ~~~~~~~sion of vessels. 88~. London, 1851. 44-45 v.. Media, and Persia. V. 1-2.. London, Meyen, F. J. F. Outlines of the Geography of Plants. Translated by Margaret Johnston. 80. 186264. London, 184139. tents of, (JHistorical Evidences of the Truth of OkenLorenz. ElementsofPhysiophilosophy. From notthe German, by Alfred Tlk. 8. London, 1847. the Scripture Records. 80. London, 1859. Ray, John. Correspondence. Edited by E. Lan(Bampton Lectures for 1859.) k Aster. 8 o. eLondone, 188. See HERODOTUS. Lankester. 8. LnoLondon, 1846. Reports and Papers on Botany. Edited by Arthur AWSON, (James.) Dictionary of Synonymical Henfrey. 2 v. 8. London, 1846-49. Terms of the English Language. 160. Phil- CONTENTS. Dr.l Der; biographicalBotanical G eography, by Professor Grisebach; adelphia, 1850. translated by W. B. Macdonald, v. 1. RAWSON, (Robert.) Screw Propeller; a in- Grisebach Report on Geographical Botany, for vestigation of its geometrical and physical Grisebach's Report on Geographical and Systeproperties, and its application to the propul- matic Botany, for 1845. sion of vessels. 80. London, 1851. 1844-45, v. 2. Mohl on the Structure of the Palm-Stem, v. 2. RAY, (Isaac.) Treatise on Medical Jurispru- Morphology of the Coniferen, byDr. Zccarini; dence and Insanity. Introductory essay, by iranslated by G. Busk, v. 1. D. Spillan. 16. London, 1839. tents of Cells, v. 2. RAY, (John.) Collection of English Words geli on Vegetabe Ces, v. 2. port on Botany, by Dr. 11.. Link; transnot generally used. 8y. London, 1768. lated by J. Londson, v. 1. RAY'S Proverbs.) Vegetable Cells, by Carl Nageli; translated by (With RAY'SProverbIA. Henfrey, v 1. ompleat Collection of English Pro- Reports on the Progress of Zoology and Botany, 1841-42. 80. Edinburgh. 1845. verbs; also, the most celebrated of the Scotch, Reports on Zoology for 1843-44. Translated by Italian, French, Spanish, and other lan- Bnsk, Tulk, and Holiday. 80. London, 1847. Stoestrp, J... On the Alternations of Gene guages. 4th ed. 8_. London, 1768. rations. From the German version of C. H. LoCorrespondence. Edited by Edwin Lan- renzen, by Geo. Busk. 80. London,1835. kester. 8. London, 1848. (Ray S e RAY, (John Mead.) Synopsis; or, a complete tices by Sir J. E. Smith, Granyd ciety and RAYE, (Cos er. an Dupetit Thoars; with his Itineraries, &c. a key. 2 v. 120. Cincinnati, I 52. ~~~,Edited by Edw xin Lankester. 80. London, TRY, (N.) 1. d1846. (Ray Society.)....a. Y, _. Historia Piantarum. 3 v. Folio. Lon- RAYE, (PJep.) Theoretical and practical treatise tices by Sir7J. L.on the diseases of the Skin. 2d ed... u Observations, made in a journey through Ac. folio. Lodn 1835. Low Countries, Germany, Italy, ad RAYMENT, (Robert.) Income and ExpendiLondon, 1673.yexamined. 40E London, 1791 (Financial ndon, 16 c7 ti. vPam., v. 18.) 4 v. 80. London, 1848-54. Alder, Joshna, and Hancock, Albany. Monograph centre les Hommes de Couleur. 50, Paris, of the British Ndibranchiate Molansca. Folio. London, 1845. 1791. 40. Pam., 17. ( traca. 80. London, 1850. Botanical and Physiological Memoirs; edited by cal Agent, and Auction Duties. 80. (n. d,) ArthufrHenfrey. 80. London, 1853: (Pol. Pam., v. 118.) CONTENTS. Elements of Constitutional Law and Phenomenon of Rejuvenescence in Nature, especially in the Life and Development of Plants, Political Economy. 4th ed. 120. Baltiby Dr. A. Braun. more 1840. Animal Nature of the Diatomen, with an Organ- mor, 1840. ographical Revision of the Genera established Elements of Political Economy. 2 v. by KUtzing; by G. Meneghini. Translated 80. Baltimore, 1823. by C. Johnson. Abstract of the Natural History of Protococ- Thoughts on Political Economy. 80. cns PInvialis by Ferdinand Cohn. Translated by G. Busk. Baltimore, 1820. 935 RAYMOND. READ. RAYMOND, (Francois.) Dictionnaire desTermes RAYNAUDO, (Teofilo.) De Pileo, ceterisque appropri6s aux arts et aux sciences, et des capitis tegminibus tam sacris, quam profanis. mots nouveaux que l'usage a consacr6s. 4~. (Gcrevius, Thesaurus Antiq. Rom., v. 6.) Paris, 1824. RAYNER, (B. L.) Life of Thomas Jefferson. RAYMOND, (George.) Memoirs of Robert With selections from his private correspondWilliam Elli.ton, Comedian. With illus- ence. 120. Boston, 1834. trations by G. Cruikshank. 2d ed. 2 v. 80. RAYNEVAL. See GERARD DE RAYNEVAL. London, 1846. RAYNOUARD, (Fran9ois Juste Marie.) Histoire RAYMOND, (James.) Digested Chancery Cases du Droit Municipal en France, sous la domicontained in the Reports of the Court of nation Romaine et sous les trois dynasties. Appeals of Maryland. 8~. Baltimore, 2 v. 80. Paris, 1829. 1839. Lexique Roman; ou dictionnaire de la RAYMOND, (James Grant.) Life of Thomas langue des troubadours, comparee avec lee Dermody; containing correspondence with autres langues de l'Europe latine; pr6cedeo several eminent characters. 2 v. 12~. d'un resum6 de la grammaire romane, et d'exLondon, 1806. traits de poems divers. 6 v. 80. Paris, 1838-44. RAYMOND, (Joseph.) Essai de Simplification REA, (John.) Letter to Commander W. BainMusicographique; avec un precis analytique bridge, relative to some transactions on board des principaux systdmes de notation musicale U. S. Ship George Washington. 120. Philapropos6s depuis le 16-e siecle. 80. Paris, delphia, 1802. (Pol. Pam., v. 102.) 1843. REACH, (Angus B.) Claret and Olives, from RAYMOND, (Robert.) Reports of Cases in the the Garonne to the Rhone; or, notes, social, Courts of King's Bench and Common Pleas, picturesque, and legendary, by the way. reigns of William, Anne, George I. and II. 12~. London, 1852. 4th ed., with additional references to former Men of the Hour; in threeparts: Bores. and later reports, by John Bayley. 3 v. Tuft-Hunters. The Bal-Masque. Illustrated. 8~. London, 1790. (2 copies.) 24~. London, 1856. The same. 4th ed. 3v. 80. Dublin, READ, (Collison.) American Pleader's As1792. sistant; being a collection of approved deRAYMOND, (Thomas.) Reports of divers Spe- clarations, writs, returns, and proceedings in cial Cases in the Courts of King's Bench, the several actions now in use in the United Common Pleas, and Exchequer, in the reign States. With notes and additions, by A. of Charles II. Folio. London, 1743. Jordan, W. M. Rockefeller, and M. L. Shin-.-. The same. 3d ed. 80. Dublin, 1793. del. 8~. Sunbury, (Pa.,) 1853. RAYMOND, (Xavier.) Afghanistan. 80. Paris, READ, (Harriette Fanning.) Dramatic Poems. 1848. (L'Univers, v. 3.) 80. Boston, 1848. RAYMONDIS. See PARADIS DE RAYMONDIS. READ, (John.) Declarations and Pleadings, RAYNAL, (Guillaume Thomas Fran9ois.) Essai commenced and entered upon record, in the sur l'Administration de St. Domingue. 12o. Court of King's Bench at Westminster, from Paris, 1785. the 12th to the 24th Charles lI., in several Histoire Philosophique et Politique des cases of greatimportance. Also, choice preEstablissemens et du Commerce des Euro. cedents of the same court, by R. A., gent. peens dans les Deux Indes. 11 v. 80. 8". London, 1684. Genuve, 1780. READ, (Thomas Buchanan.) House by the - Revolution de l'Amerique. 120. Lon- Sea. 12~. Philadelphia, 1855. dres, 1781. (Col. Pam., v. 24.) New Pastoral. 120. Philadelphia, 1855. The Revolution of America. 120. ~Poems. Newed. 120. Philadelphia, 1853. Edinburgh, 1783. Sylvia, and other poems. 120. PhilaThe same. 2d ed. 80. Philadelphia, delphia, 1857. 1782. (Misc. Pam., v. 1.) The Wagoner of the Alleghanies; a ~- - Philosophical and Political History of poem of the days of seventy-six. 120. Philathe Settlement and Trade of the Europeans delphia, 1862. in the East and West Indies. Translated by Editor. Female Poets of America; with J. O. Justamond. 6 v. 80. London, portraits, biographical notices, and speci1798. mensof their writings. 7th ed. 80. PhilaRAYNALDUS. See BARONIUS. delphia, 1857. 936 READ. RECEIPTS. READ. See REED; also, REID. REALES Ordenanzas para la direccion, regiREADE, (Charles.) Christie Johnstone. 12~. l men y gobierno del importante Cudrpo de Boston, 1855. la Mineria de Nueva-Espaiia, y de su Real The Cloister and the Hearth; or, Maid, Tribunal General. Folio. Madrid, 1793. Wife, and Widow; a matter-of-fact romance. REALITIES of Paris Life. By the author of 80. New York, 1861. "Flemish Interiors," &c. 3v. 120. LonThe Course of True Love Never Did don, 1859. Run Smooth. 12~. London, 1857. REASONS against giving a Territorial Grant to - "It is Never Too Late To Mend;" a a company of merchants, to colonize and matter-of-fact romance. 3 v. 120. Lon- cultivate the peninsula of Sierra Leone. 80. don, 1856. London, 1791. - Love me Little, Love me Long. 120. REASONS for Keeping Guadaloupe at a Peace, New York, 1859. preferable to Canada. 80. London, 1761. -Peg Woffington. 12~. Boston, 1855. REAVIS, (T.) Digest of the Alabama Reports. READE, (John Edmund.) Light of Other V. 1. 80. Tuscaloosa, 1850. Days. 3v. 120. London, 1858. REBEL and JUGE, (MM.) Trait6Thdorique et Poetical Works. 2v. 160. London, Pratique de la Legislation et de la Juris1852. prudence des Chemins de Fer, ou sont READINGS in Science; being explanations of expliqu6s les droits et les obligations des some of the most interesting appearances and compagnies, des actionnaires et du public. principles in Natural Philosophy. 160. Lon- 80. Paris, 1847. don, 1833. REBELLION Record; a diary of American REAL, or Constitutional House that Jack Built. events; with documents, narratives, illus80. London, 1819. (Pol. Pam., v. 61.) trative incidents, poetry, etc. Edited by REAL DE CURBAN, (Gaspard de.) Science du Frank Moore. Vols. 1-6. 80. New York, Gouvernement; ouvrage de morale, de droit, 1861-64. et de politique. 8 v. 40. Paris, 1751-64. The same. Spirit of the Pulpit. Part I. REAL Declaration sobre puntos esenciales de Supplementary volume. 80. New York, 1861. la Ordenanza de Milicias Provinciales de REBELLIONS. A Compleat History of all the Espaia. 160. Madrid, 1767. Rebellions, Insurrections, &c., which have REAL Declaracion de Su Magestad, de 17 de been in England since the Coinquest; with Junio de 1773, sobre el Metodo, y obser- the conduct of the government towards vancia uniforme con que debe cumplirse en rebels. 2d ed. 80. London, 1718. los dominios de Am6rica lo dispuesto en el REBELLO, (J. S.) O Commercio Oriental. Reglamento del Monte Pio Militar, expedido 120. Rio de Janeiro, 1820. en 20 de Abrilde 1761. Folio. Madrid, 1773. REBELS no Saints; or, a collection of the REAL Life in London; or, The Rambles and speeches, private passages, letters, and Adventures of Bob Tallyho, Esq., and his prayers of those persons lately executed; cousin, the Hon. Tom. Dashall; a picture of with observations. 160. London, 1661. fashionable characters, manners, and amuse- REBOLLEDO, (Bernardino, Conde de.) Obras ments. 2 v. 80. London, 1821. Poeticas.-Ocios; Selvas Danicas; Selva REAL Museo Borbonico. 15 v. 40. Napoli, Militar y Politica; y Selva Sagrada, o rimas 1824-56. sacras. 3 v. in 4. 120. Madrid, 1778. REAL Ordenanza Naval para el servicio de los REBOUL, (Antoine Joseph.) Tables NouBaxeles S. M. Small 40. Madrid, 1802. velles de V6nus, d'apr6s les 6s ments de REAL Ordenanza para el Establecimi6nto 6 M. de Lindenau. 40. Marseille, 1811. Instruccion de Intendentes de Ex6rcito y RECAMIER, (Julie Bernard.) Souvenirs et Provincia en el Reino de la Nueva-Espania. Correspondance, tir6s de ses papiers. 2e 6d. Folio. Madrid, 1786. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1860. REAL Ordenanza para el Establecimi6nto 6 RECANTATION; or, the confessions of a conInstruccion de Intendentes de Ex6rcito y vert to Romanism; a tale. 120. London, Provincia en el Virreinato de Buenos-Aires. 1845. Folio. Madrid, 1783. RECEIPTS and Expenditures of the United REAL Ordenanza para el gobierno de los States, for the years 1790-91-92-93-94-98; Montes y Arbolados de la Jurisdicion de and 1801-02-04-05-06. 7 v. Foli.o PhilaMarina. Small 40. Madrid, 1803. delphia and Washington, 1794-1807. 937 RECENT. REDFIELD. RECENT Recollections of the Anglo-American RECUEIL des Discours Moraux. Par M. D. C. Church in the United States. By an English 180. Geneve, 1782. layman. 2 v. 12~. London, 1861. RECUEIL des Historiens des Gaules et de la RECK, Von, (-.) Extract of Journals on a France. Par MM. Martin Bouquet, Michel Voyage to Georgia in 1733. London, 1734. J. J. Brial, Jos. Naudet, et P. C. F. Daunou. (Force's Hist. Tracts, v. 4.) V. 1 —20. Folio. Paris, 1738-1840. RECOLLECTIONS of a Detective Police Officer. RECUEIL des Lois relatives a la Marine et aux By "Waters." 180. London, 1863. Colonies, du 8 Juin, 1789 an 29 Frimaire, RECOLLECTIONS Of the United States Army. an IX. 10 v. 8~. Paris, 1797-1802. Tales and sketches, by an American Soldier. RECUEIL des Pieces Relatives a la Conquete 120. Boston, 1845. du Mexique. 80. Paris, 1838. (Ternaux, RECOPILACION de Leyes de las Indias. See Voyages, Relations,etc.,del'Amerique,v. 10.) SPAIN. RECUEIL des Reglements des Colonies FranRECORD COMMISSION. Papers and Documents 9aises de l'Am6rique, avec le Code Noir. relating to the evidence of certain witnesses 120. Paris, 1745. examined before the Select Committee of the RECUEIL des Tarifs des Donanes des Pays du House of Commons appointed " to Inquire Nord de l'Europe, mis au courant jusqu'au into the Present State of the Records of the lr Janvier, 1859. Small folio. Paris, 1859. United Kingdom." 80. London, 1837. RECUEIL Officiel des Pieces concernant le Droit [Six Pamphlets relating to, viz:] Public dela Suisse, des lois F6ddrales, trait6s, CONTENTS. d6crets et arretes, depuis l'introduction de Papers relative to the Project of building a General la nouvelle constitution federale, du 12 SepRecord Office. 80. Lonlon, 1835. tembre 1848. 3 v. 80. Berne, 1849-53. - The same. (Pol. Pam., v. 79) Observations, Letters, and Opinions on the Consti- REDDEN, (Laura; known as Howard Glyntution and Duties of the Record Commission. 8~. n.) N e Mn i "Th London, 1836 don.) Notable Men in "The.ouse; Letters from Eminent Historical Writers, relating Sketches of the 37th Congress. 80. New to the Publications of the Board of Commissioners on the Public Records. 8~. London, 1836. York, 1862. Rules for the Guidance of Members of Parliament, REDDIE, (James.) HistoricalView of the Law in the Management of Select Committees and Preparation of Reports. 8~. London, 1837. of Maritime Commerce. 80. Edinburgh, Another Leaf Omitted out of the Record Report. copi Letter addressed to a Member of Parliament. 8~. 1841. ( copies.) London, 1837. Inquiries in International Law. 80. Third Leaf Omitted out of the Record Report. 8~. London, 1837. Edinburgh, 1842. Adresse aux Savans et Antiquaires The same. 2d ed. 80. Edinburgh, Frangais. 80. Paris, 1834. (Pol. Pam., 1851. v. 79.) Researches, historical and critical, in Memoria aos Cartorarios, Bibliotheca- Maritime International Law. 2 v. 80. rioset Antiquarios de Portugal. 80. Lisboa, Edinburgh, 1844-45. (2 copies.) 1835. (Pol. Pam., v. 79.) REDDING, (Cyrus.) Fifty Years'Recollections; RECORDS of the Royal Military Academy, from with observations on men and things. 3 v. 1741 to 1840. Folio. Woolwich, 1851. 120. London, 1858. RECUEIL de Pieces Diplomatiques relatives ~ History and Description of Modern aux Affaires de la Hollande et de la Belgique, Wines. 80. London, 1836. en 1830-32. 3 v. 80. La Haye, 1831-33. - Literary Reminiscences and Memoirs of RECUEIL d'Estampes representant les diffirents Thomas Campbell. 2 v. 120. London, 1860. ev6nemens de la Guerre qui a procure'In- REDE, (Leman Thomas.) Memoir of the Rt. dependence aux l]tats-Unis de l'Amerique. Hon. George Canning; with his Orations, Exemplaire unique, dans lequel on a ins6er Poems, Essays, &c. 80. London, 1827. les dessins originaux de MM. Marillier, Le REDFIELD, (Amasa A.) Hand Book of the Paon et autres. 61 planches et dessins ori- U. S. Tax Law, (approved July 1, 1862,) ginaux. 40. Paris, (n. d.) with all the amendments to March 4, 1863; RECUEIL des Adh6sions adressees au Prince- comprising the decisions of the Commissioner Pr6sident, h l'occasion de l'Acte du 2 D6- of Internal Revenue; with copious notes and cembre. 6v. 40. Paris, 1852. explanations. 4th ed. 120. New York, 1863. RECUEIL des Bons Contes et des Bons Mots. REDFIELD, (Isaac F.) PracticalTreatise upon De leur usage, de la raillerie des anciens, et the Law of Railways. 80. Boston, 1858. de notre temps. 240. Paris, 1693. (3 copies.) 118 938 REDFIELD. REEIORST. REDFIELD, (James WV.) Comparative Physi- REED, (Henry; Professor in the University of ognomy; or, resemblances between men and Pennsylvania.) Two Lectures on the History animals. 8~. New York, 1852. of the American Union. 160. Philadelphia, REDFIELD, (John Howard.) Genealogical 1856. History of the Redfield Family in the United REED, (Henry; of Cincinnati.) Secession of States. 8~. Albany, 1860. the whole South an Existing Fact, and a REDFIELD, (William C.) Cape Verde and Peaceable Separation the True Course, &c. Hatteras Hurricane, Aug., Sept., 1853. 8~. 8o. Cincinnati, 1861. New Haven, 1854. REED, (John.) Pennsylvania Blackstone; be-- Courses of Hurricanes; with notices ing a modification of the Commentaries of Sir of the Tyfoons of the China Sea, and other William Blackstone, designed to present an Storms. 80. New Haven, 1838. (Misc. elementary exposition of the entire laws of Paul., V. 7.) Pennsylvania. 3 v. 80. Carlisle, 1831. ~ —- Gales, Hurricanes, and Storms of the REED, (Joseph.) Remarks on Gov. JohnWestern Atlantic. 8~. New York, 1835. stone's Speech in Parliament; with Letters - On Three several Hurricanes of the and Papers relating thereto. 80. PhiladelAtlantic, and their relations to the Northers phia, 1779. (Coil. Pam., v. 17.) of Mexico and Central America, with notices REED, (Rebecca Theresa.) Six Months in a of other storms; and.charts. 80. New-Ha- Convent; narrative of an inmate of the Ursuven, 1846. line Convent, Charlestown, (Mass.) 18~. REDHEAD, (T. W.) French Revolutions, from Boston, 1835. 1789 to 1848. 3 v. 120. Edinburgh, 1848-49. Supplement to "Six Months in a ConREDHOUSE,(JamesW.) GrammaireRaisonnee vent;" confirming the narrative by the testide la Langue Ottomane. 80. Paris, 1846. mony of more than one hundred witnesses. REDPATH, (James.) Guide to Hayti. 120. 18~. Boston, 1835. (Bound with above.) Boston, 1861. REED, (Stephen.) Points and Arguments on ~- The Public Life of John Brown; with the Great Prophetic Periods, &c. 8~. New an autobiography of his childhood and youth. York, 1850. 120. Boston, 1860. REED, (Syivanus.) Duty of the Citizen in REDWOOD Library and Athenmum in Newport, these Times: a sermon. 80. Albany, 1861. (R.I.) Catalogue. 8~. Boston,1 860. REED, (William B.) Appeal to Pennsylvania Reports for 1860, 1861, and 1862. 80. and the Middle States. 80. [Philadelphia,] Boston, 1860-62. 1856. REECE, (Richard.) Compendious Martyrol- - Diplomatic Year: review of Mr. Sewogy. 3 v. 80. London, 1812-15. ard's Correspondence of 1862. 2d ed. 80. REECH, (F.) Machine a Air, d'un nouveau Philadelphia, 1863. systeme, deduit d'une comparaison raisonnee Life and Correspondence of Joseph des systBmes de MM. Ericsson et Lemoine. Reed, byhis grandson. 2v. 80. Philadel40. Paris, 1854. phia, 1847. REED, (Andrew;) and MATHESON, (James.) Life of Esther de Berdt, afterwards Narrative of the Visit to the American Esther Reed, of Pennsylvania. 120. PhilaChurches, by the Deputation from the Con- delphia, 1853. gregational Union of England and Wales. Review of Mr. Seward's Diplomacy. 2 v. 80. London, 1835. By a Northern Man. 80. Philadelphia, 1862. REED, (Henry; Professor in the University of The same. (Habeas Corpus Paul.) Pennsylvania.) Lectures on the British Statement' and Vindication of Certain Poets. 2 v. 120. Philadelphia, 1857. Political Opinions. 80. Philadelphia, 1862....- Lectures on English History and Tragic REED. See READ; also, REID. Poetry, as illustrated by Shakspeare. 120. REEDTZ, (H. C. de.) Repertoire des Traitds Philadelphia, 1855. conclus par la couronne de Dannemarc, Lectures on English Literature, from depuis Canut-le-Grand jusqu'h 1800. Pr6Chaucer to Tennyson. 12~. Philadelphia, cdde d'un discours de L. Engelstoft. 80. 1855. Gottingue, 1826. - Life of Joseph Reed. 160. Boston, REEHORST, (K.P.) Polyglot Commercial Dic1846. (Sparks' Amer. Biog., v. 8., second tionary, in ton languages. Oblong 16~. series.) London, 1850. 939 REEMELTN. REFORMATION. REEMEIN, (Charles.) Vine-Dresser'sManual; REEVES, (John.) History of the English an illustrated Treatise on Vineyards and Law, from the time of the Saxons to the end Wine-Making 12.. Ne1w York, 1859. of the reign of Elizabeth. 3d ed. 5 v. 8~. REES, (Abraham.) Cyclopesdia; or, Univer- London, 1814-29. sal Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and Lite- History of the Law of Shipping and rature. 45 v. 40. London, 1819-20. Navigation. 80. Dublin, 1792. (2 copies.) REES, (James.) Dramatic Authors of Ameri- - TwoTracts, shewing that the Americans, ca. 12c. Philadelphia, 1845. born before the Independenee, are, by the Law REES, (L. E. Rttutz.) Personal l'arrative of of England, not Aliens. 80. London, 1816. the Siege of Lucknow, to its relief by Sir H- istory of the Government of the Island Colin Campbell. 120. London, 1858. of Newfoundland. 8~. London, 1793. REES, (Thomas.) Racovian Catechism; trans- REFLECTIONS, Moral and Political, on Great lated from the Latin. With notes and a Britain and her Colonies. 8~. London, sketch of the history of Unitarianism in Po- 1770. (Col. Pam., v. 26.) land and the adjacent countries. 120. Lon- REFLECTIONS on the Domestic and Foreign don, 1818. Policy of Great Britain since the War. By REESE, (David M.) Letters to Hon. William a British merchant long resident abroad. 80..Jay; being a reply to his " Inquiry into the London, 1833. American Colonization and American Anti- REFLECTIONS on Encouraging the Commerce Slavery Societies." 120. New York, of the United States. 80. Richmond, (Va.,) 1835. 1785. (Corn. Pam., v. 3.) REESE, (John J.) American Medical Formu- REFLECTIONS on the Rise and Progress of the lary; based upon the U. S. and British American Rebellion. 120. London, 1780. pharmacopceias. 120. Philadelphia, 1850. REFLECTIONS on the Value of the British --- Syllabus of a Course of Lectures on West Indian Colonies and the British North Medical Chemistry. 120. Philadelphia, American Provinces. 80. London, 1826. 1857. (Pol. Pam., v. 84.) REESE, (William M.) Manual for Ordinaries, REFLEXIONS d'un Vieillard du Pays de MBdoc, Executors, Administrators, and Guardians, sur l'arret du Conseil de 30 Aoit qui permet in the State of Georgia. 80. Philadelphia, l'admission des ]ttrangers dans nos Colonies. 1858. 40. Paris, 1785. (Pol. Pam., v. 2.) REEVE, (Clara.) Old English Baron. 160. REFLEXIONS sur le Code Noir, et DdnonciaLondon, 1820. (Barbauid's Brit. Novelists, tions d'un Crime Affreux commis a St. Dov. 22.) mingue. Par la Soci6te des Amis des Noirs. REEVE, (Henry.) Essay on the Torpidity of 80. Paris, 1790. (Slavery Pam., v. 15.) Animals. 80. London, 1809. RIFLEXIONS sur le Commerce, la Navigation, REEVE, (Lovell.) Conchologia Iconica; or, et les Colonies. 40. Paris, 1787. (Pol. Illustrations of the Shells of Molluscous Pam., v. 2.) Animals. V. 1 —6. 40. London, 1843-51. RPFLEXIONS sur l'Extrait du Registre des C — onchologia Systematica; or, Complete ]tats Generaux des Pais-Bas Unis du 22 Systemof Conchology. 2v. 40. London, Juillet, 1786, au sujet de la Navigation des 1841-42. Espagnols par le Cap de Bonne-Espdrance, REEVE, (Tapping.) Law of Baron and Femme; ou par la Route de l'Est. Small 40. Madrid, of Parent and Child; of Guardian and Ward; 1787. of Master and Servant; and of the Powers of REFORM Bill: Abstract of an Act to Amend Courts of Chancery. With an Essay on the Representation of the People in England the terms Heir, Heirs, and Heirs of the and Wales. 80. London, 1832. (Pol. Pam., Body. 80. New-Haven, 1816. v. 74.) -- The same. 2d ed.; with notes and REFOR1M: or Ruin: Take your choice! The references to English and American cases, conduct of the king, parliament, &c., conby L. E. Chittenden. 80. New York, sidered. 80. London, 1797. (Pol. Paim., 1846. v. 50.) --- The same. 3d ed. By Amasa J. Parker REFORMATION in the Catholic Church of Gerand Charles E. Baldwin. 80. Albany, 1862. many, and the downfall of Papal authority. -- Treatise on the Law of Descents in the Translated from the German. 80. London, United States. 80. New York, 1825. 1819. 940 REFORMED. REGNAULT. REFORMED Virginian Silk-worm; a rare dis 8. Breves Ideas sobre el Arreglo Provisional para el Ej6rcito Mexicanlo, por I. I. de H. 8~. IM6xcovery for feeding silk-worms on the mul- ice, 1845. berry tree leaves in Virginia. London, 1655. 9. Decreto Expedido por el Gobierno Supremo en uso de la facultad que le concede la ley de 13 de (Reprint, Force's Hist. Tracts, v. 3.) Junio de 1838, declaraedo permanentes a los teniREGICIDES. Exact and most impartial account entes Coroneles de los Cuerpos Actives del Ej6rREGICIDES. Exact and most impartial account c 8~. Mexico, 1839 cito. 8~. M6xico, 1839. of the indictment, arraignment, trial, and 10. Decreto Expedido por el Supremo tof twenty-nine * e, porn inr ~ Tpara la Formacion del Regimiento Ligero del Cojudgment of tenty-nine Regicides, the mur- mercio de M6xico. 8~. Mexico, 1839. therers of his late sacred Majesty; begun the 11. Pinette, J. Esenela del Cazador, 6 Manejo le la Bayoneta. Traducida por el teniente Coronel 9th of October, 1660. 80. London, 1679. Don Jos6 Lopez Uraga. 8~. Mexico, 1844. _______ Indictment, Arrig t Tryal, and 12. Instruccion para la Infanteria Ligera del Ej6r. Indictment, Arraignment, Tryal, and citoMexicao. 8. exico,181. cite Mexicano. 8~. M16xico, 1841. Judgment at large, of Twenty-Nine Regi- REGNARD, (lodouard.) De l'Organisation Jucides, the Murtherers of King Charles I. 80. diciaire, et de la Procedure Civile en France. London, 1724. 0. Paris, 1855. REGISTER of Debates in Congress. Published REGNARD, (Jean Fran9ois.) (Euvres Cornby Duff Green. (V. 1, Nos. 1-5, Dec., 20, ptes, ave des emarques par M. Garier. 1833, to Jan., 14, 1834.) 80. Washington, 6 v. 8. Paris 1820. 1833-4. (Pol. Pam., v. 116.) CON CONTENTS. ~ See CONGRESS. Attendez-moi sons l'Orme; Com6die, v. 2. REGISTER of Officers and Agents, Civil, Mili- Augmentation (1') de la Bagnette; Com6die, v. 6. i Bagnette (la) de Vuleain; Comedie, v. 6. tary, and Naval, in the service of the United Ba ette (i) Co medie, v. 6. Bal (le;) Com6die, v. 2. States, in 1802. 120. Washington City, 1802. Cainavale (le) de Venise; Ballet, v. 2. Coquette, (la;) Com6die, v. 5. The same. From 1816 to 1863. 25 v. Critique, (la) de l'Homme a Bonnes Fortunes; Comn 120 and 80. Washington City, 1816-64. 6(lie, v. 5. Critique (la) du Ldgataire; Com6die, v. 4. (Published Biennially.) Chinois (les;) Comedie, v. 6. REGISTRUM Brevium, tam originalium quam Dmocrite; Condie, v. 3. Distrait (le;) Com6die, v. 2. judicialium. Folio. Londini, 1687. Descente (la) d'Arlequin aux Enfers; Com6die,v. 5. Divorce (le;) Coindie, v. 5. REGLAMENTO del Monte Pio de Viudas, Huer- Filles (les) Errantes; Com6die, v. 5. fanos y Madres de Oficiales Militares, apro- Folies (les) Amorenses; Comedie, v. 3. Foire (le) de St. Germain; Com6die, v. 6. bado por S. M. en real orden de 20 de Abril Joueur (le;) Com6die, v. 2. de 1761; real declaration d 17 d JuIio d *- Hlomme (l') a Bonnes Fortunes; Com6die, v. 5. de 1761; real declaration de 17 de Junio de Le6gataire (le) Universel; Com6die, v. 4. 1773 del mismo reglamento para el gobierno Mariage (le) de la Folie; Divertissement, v. 3. lM6nechmes (les;) Com6die, v. 3. y regimen del monte; y otras reales ordenes Naissance (le) d'Amadis; Comndie, v. 6. que del mismo tratan. Folio. M6xico, 1789. Poie Divse)s v. 4 Proveng le (la,) v. 1. REGLAMENTO de la Milicia Activa, y General Retour (le) Imprevu; Com6die, v. 3. Sapor; Trag6die, v. 4. de la Civica de la Republica Mejicana, con Sp6rnade (l;) Com6dlie, v. 2. Soruhais (les;) Com6die, v. 4. el particular de la Segunda en el Distrito olehaits (les;) Comedie, v. 4. /~~^~~~~~~ ^.Vendanges, (les,) v. 4. Federal. 160. Mejico, 1833. Voyage de Chamnaut, v. 1. REGLAMENTO del Tribunal de Revision de Voyage dAllemage, ll. Voyage de Flandres et de I-Iollande, v. 1. Cuentas y su Contacuria Mayor.. Mex- Voyage de Laponie, v. 1. Voyage de Normandie, v. 1. ice, 1840. Voyage de Polognie, v. 1. REGLAMENTOS 1~ y 2~ del Real Cuerpo de Journey to Lapland, 1681. (Pinker. Artilleria para los Dominios de Indias y Ca- ton's Voyages, v. 1.) narias. 80. Madrid, 1808. RiGNAULT, (tlias.) Histoire des Antilles. [REGLAMENTOS Sueltos del Ejercito Mejicano.] 80. Paris, 1849. (L'Univers,v.26.) CONTENTS. ~ and LABAUME, (J.) Suite des 1tats1. Plana mayor general del Ej6rcito Escalafon General. 80. Mixico, 1845. Unis depuis 1812. 80. Paris, 1849. (L'Uni2. Noticia Historica de Todos los Cuerpos del EJer- vers v. 26.) cite Nacional, que desde 1821 han existido y existen actualmente. 8~. Mexico,1845. Establecimiento REGNAULT, (Euglne.) Criminal History of the decretaod per el supremo gobierno, 1838.fro the first massacre 3. Arreglo del Cuerpo Permanente de Ingenieros. English Government; from thefrst massacre 8~. Mexico, 1838. of the Irish, to the poisoning of the Chinese. 4. Arreglo del Cuerpo Permanente de Artilleria. 80. Mexico, 1838. Trans.fromtheFrench. 120. NewYork,1843. 5. Noticia Historica de los Cuerpos de Ilfanteria REGNAULT (enri Victor) Elements of permanente y activa que actualmente existen en REGN, ( ri ctor.) l Repltblica. 8~. Mexico, 1841. Chemistry. Translated from the French, by 6. Reglamento para el Corso de Particulares contra and eit i n los Enemigos de la Nacion. 8~. M6xico, 1846. T.F. Betton, and edited, with notes, by 7. Reglamento para el Desempeeo del Servicio de James C. Booth and W. L. Faber. 2 v. 80. la Mayoria de la Plaza de M6xico. 8~. M6xico 1839. Philadelphia, 1852. 941 REGNAULT. REID. REGNAULT, (Thbodore.) De la Legislation et REID, (David Boswell.) Ventilation in Ameride la Jurisprudence concernant les Brevets can Dwellings; with the progress of improved'Invention, de Perfectionnement, et d'Im- mlent in ventilation, by Elisha Harris. 80. portation. 80. Paris, 1825. New-York, 1858. REGNIER. Rapport du Grand-Juge relatifs REID, (H.) American Question in a Nutaux Fames du nommd Drake, et du Spencer Shell; or why we should recognize the Smith, Ministres d'Angleterre contre la Confederates. 120. London, 1862. (Pol. France. 80. Paris, 1804. (PoI. Pam., Pam., v. 92.) v. 19.) Sketches in North America; with some RfIGENIER,(Joseph.) L'Orgue, saconnaissance, account of Congress and of the slavery quesson administration, et son jeu. 80. Nancy, tion. 180. London, 1861. 1850. REID, (Hamilton.) Memoirs of the Public REGULA Placitandi; a collection of special and Private Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. rules for pleading, from the declaration to Translated from the French of M. V. Arthe issue, in actions real, personal, and mixt. nault, C. L. F. Panckoucke, and Count 2d ed. 80. London, 1694. Segur. 80. London, 1826. REGULATIONS for the Dress of General, Staff, REID, (Hugo.) Outlines of Medical Botany. and Regimental Officers of the Army. 80. 2d ed., enlarged. 16G. Edinburgh, London, 1846. 1839. REGULATIONS for the Exercise and Conduct of Steam-Engine. 3d ed. 160. London, Rifle and Light Infantry Companies, on pa- 1851. rade and in the field. New ed. 160. Lon- REID, (John.) Bibliotheca Scoto-Celtica; an don, 1852. account of all the books which have been REGULATIONS for the Management of Army printed in the Gaelic language. 80. GlasHospitals. Also, instructions to medical of- gow, 1832. ficers, regarding the examination of recruits Turkey and the Turks; being the and invalids, &c. 80. London, 1845. present state of the Ottoman empire. 12~. REGULATIONS for the Order and Discipline of London, 1840. the Troops of the United States. Part 1. REID, (Mayne.) Osceola, the Seminole; or, 160. Philadelphia, 1794. the red fawn of the flower land. 120. New REGULATIONS for the Uniform and Dress of York, 1858. the Army of the United States, June, 1851. The Scalp Hunters. 120. New York, 40. Philadelphia, 1851. 1856. REGULATIONS of Lloyd's Coffee House. 120. War-Trail; or, the hunt of the wild London, 1801. horse. 120. New-York, 1857. REGULATIONS relative to the Conveyance of REID, (Samuel C., Jr.) Scouting Expeditions Her Majesty's Forces, their baggage and of McCulloch's Texas Rangers; or, the stores, by Railway. 80. London, 1846-49. summer and fall campaign in Mexico in REHBERG, (Frederick.) Lady Hamilton's At- 1846. 120. Philadelphia, 1847. titudes; outlines of figures and drapery, col- REID, (Thomas, D. D.; Prof. of Philosophy at lected from ancient statues, etc., representing Edinburgh.) Works. With an account of the principal characters in the plays of Ra- his life and writings, by Dugald Stewart. cine. 40. London, 1794. 4 v. 80. Charlestown, (Mass.,) 1813. REICHENBACH, (Karl, Baon von.) Researches CONTENTS.,(Karl, Baronvon.)Resarces Active Powers of the Human Mind, Essays on, v. 3-4. on Magnetism, Electricity, Heat, Light, Aristotle's Logic, Brief Account of, v. 1. Crystallization, and Chemical Attraction, in Inquiry into the Human Mind, v. 1. Intellectual Powers of Man, Essays on, v. 2-3. their relations to the Vital Force. Translated Life o f Reid, by. Stewart, v.. and edited, by William Gregory. 80. Lon- Essays on the Intellectual Powers of don, 1850. Man. From his collected writings; by Sir REID, (David Boswell.) Elements of Chem- William Hamilton; and with the foot notes istry, theoretical and practical. 3d ed. 80. of the editor. 80. Edinburgh, 1853. Edinburgh, 1839. REID, (Thomas, Surgeon, R. N.) Two Voy~- Illustrations of the Theory and Prac- ages to New South Wales and Van Diemen's tice of Ventilation, with Remarks on Warm- Land, with a description of the present ing, Exclusive Lighting, and the Communi- condition of that colony. 80. London. cation of Sound. 80. London, 1844. 18,2 942 REID. REMACLE, REID, (Thomas.) Treatise on Clock and RELAND, (Hadrian.) Antiquitates SacrI VeWatch Making, theoretical and practical. terum Hebrmorum. 8~. Trajecti Batavo4th ed. 80. Glasgow, 1849. rum, 1708. REID, (William.) Attempt to Develop the Law RELATION de ce qui s'est Passe au Siege de of Storms, with the view to practical use in Namur. (Attribu6e A Louis XIV.) Folio. navigation. 3d ed. 80. London, 1850. Paris, 1692. ~- See READ, and REED. RELATION de la Conduite pr6sente de la Cour REIFF, (Carl Philip.) English-Russian Gram- de France. Traduite d'ltalien en Francais. mar; or, principles of the Russian language c 6d. 3240. Cologne, 1665. for the use of Englishmen. 2d ed. 80. RELATIONE delli Prencipi Italiani, cioe delli Carlsrube, 1853. loro stati, forze, e rendite, modo del loro REIGART, (J. Franklin.) Life of Robert Ful- gouerno, tanto in tempo di pace come di ton. 80. Philadelphia, 1856. guerra, e come si trouano al presente, discriTreatise on the Cause of Cholera. 80. uendosi i liberi che battono moneta.-AfforLancaster, (Pa.,) 1855. ismi Politici del Cardinale Azzolini.-MemoREIGN of Terror; a collection of authentic ria par li SSri. Cortin, e Barilon Ambri. narratives of the horrors committed by the Straordii. di sua Mta. Srsma. e suoi plenipoRevolutionary Government of France under tentiarii, per il Trattato di Pace a Colonia, Marat and Robespierre. By an Eye-Witness. fatto a Versaglia li 27. Marzo, 1674, di Louis Translated from the French. 2 v. 80. Arnaut.-La Priggionia del Pfipe. di FursLondon, 1826. tenberge Giustificata.-Risposta, e ragioni REILLY, (John.) History of Manchester. V. delli plenipotentiarii di Suetria, al Manifesto 1. 80. Manchester, 1861. fatto publicare dalla S. C. Maesta dell' ImREIMES, (Phillippe de.) Romance of Blonde peratore sopra la Retentione del Pipe. di of Oxford and Jehan of Dammartin. Small Furstenberge. Folio. MSS. 40. London, 1858. RELATIONS des Jesuites; contenant ce qui REINAUD, (Theophile.) Le Moine Marchand; s'est passe de plus remarquable dans les ou traite contre le commerce des religieux. Missions des Pdres de la Campagnie de Jesus Compos6 en Latin et traduit en Fran9ois. dans la Nouvelle France. 3 v. 80. Quebec, 180. Amsterdam, 1714. 1858. REINBECK, (Georg.) Travels from St. Peters- RELATIONS Veritables et Curieuses de l'Isle de burgh, through Moscow, Grodno, Warsaw, Madagascar, et du Br6sil;. avec l'histoire de &c., to Germany, 1805. 80. London, 1807. la derniere guerre faite au Bresil, entre les (Phillips' Voyages and Travels, v. 6.) Portugais et les Hollandois. Trois RelaREINHARD, (Franz Volkmar.) Plan of the tions d'Egypte, et une du Royaume de Perse. Founder of Christianity. Translated from 40. Paris, 1651. the German, by Oliver A. Taylor. 12~. New- RELATIVE Rights and Interests of the EmYork, 1831. ployed discussed, by M. Justitia. 160. LonREINICK, (R.) King of Root Valley and his don, 1855. Curious Daughter; a fairy tale. 40. Lon- RELFE AND FLETCHER. Scholar's Help to don, 1856. Classical Letter Writing; comprising origiREINOSO, (Nunez de.) Historia de los Amores nal letters, correspondence of eminent writers, de Clareo y Florisea. (Bib. de Autores Es- and forms of address. 40. London, 1844. panoles, v. 47.) RELHAN, (Richard.) Flora Cantabrigiensis. REINWALD, (Charles.) Catalogue Annuel de 3d ed. 80. Cantabrigioe, 1820. la Librairie Frangaise, pour les ann6es 1858- RELIGION. Shortest Way to End Disputes 1863. 6 v. 8~. Paris, 1859-64. about Religion. 120. Brussels, 1716. REISENDER, (J. S.) Easy Guide to the Ger- REMACLE, (Bernard Benot ) Des Hospices man Language. 120. London, 1844. d'Enfans Trouves en Europe, et principaleEvery Englishman His Own German ment en France, depuis leur origine jusqu'd Master. 2d ed. 12~. London, 1844. nos jours. 80. Avec tableaux statistiques. RELACION del Viage que hizieron los Capitanes 40. Paris, 1838. Bartolome Garcia de Nodal, y Gongalo de -- Rapport concernant les Infanticides et Nodal, hermanos, al Descubrimiento del les Mort-Nes, dans leur relation avec la quesEstrecho nuevo d6 S. Vicente y reconosi- tion des Enfants Trouvds. 40. Paris, 1845. miento del de Magallanes. 40. Madrid, 1621. (With GASPARIN, Rapportsur les Hdpitaux.) 943 REMARKS. RENIE. REMARKS on a late Tract entitled " Discourses REMINISCENCES of the French War; containon the Publick Revenues and on the Trade of ing Rogers' Expedition with the NewEngland." 12~. London, 1698. (Pol. England Rangers under his command, as Pam., v. 22.) published in London in 1765; and the Life RELMARiS on the Consumption of Public Wealth and Military Services of Major General John by the Clergy. 3d ed. 8~. London, 1822. Stark. 160. Concord, (N. H.,) 1831. (Pol. Pam., v. 65.) REMONTRANCES, Arrets, etc., des Parlements REMARKS on the Moral and Religious Char- de 1787. 8~. Paris, 1787. (Pol. Pam., acter of the United States of America, sup- v. 21.) ported by numerous extracts from the best REfMUSAT, (Charles, Comte de.) Ab6lard. v. authorities. By Observer. 80. Colchester, 8~. Paris, 1845. (Eng.,) 1831. — L'Angleterre au Dix-HuitiemeSiecle. REMARKS on the New Sugar-Bill, and on the etudes et portraits pour servir a l'histoire du National Compacts respecting the Sugar- gouvernement Anglais depuis la fin du regne Trade and Slave-Trade. 80. London, 1792. de Guillaume III. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1856. (Slavery Pam., v. 5.) REMUSAT, (Jean Pierre Abel.) Melanges REMARKS on the Present State of Public Asiatiques, relatifs aux religions, aux couCredit; in a letter to W. Manning, M. P., tumes, etc., des Nations Orientales. 2v. 8~. by Erinaceus. 80. London, 1810. (Finan- Paris, 1825. cial Pam., v. 5.) -- Nouveaux Melanges Asiatiques. 2 v. REMARKS on the Western States of America, 80. Paris, 1829. or the Valley of the Mississippi. 80. Lon- d- elmens de la Grammaire Chinoise, ou don, 1839. principes generaux du Kou-Wen ou style REMARKS upon a letter published in the Lon- antique, et du Kouan-Hoa, c'est A dire, de don Chronicle, No. 115, containing an en- la langue commune gen6ralement usit6e dans quiry into the causes of the failure of the l'empire chinois. 80. Paris, 1822. late expedition against Cape Breton. 120. REMY, (Jules,) and BRENCHLEY, (Julius.) London, 1757. Journey to Great Salt-Lake City, with a REMARKS upon the Report of a Peace. 2d ed. sketch of the history, religion, and customs 80. London, 1783. of the Mormons. 2 v. 80. London, 1861. REMARQUES sur l'Analyse dn Trait d'I-lanno- RENAN, (Joseph Ernest.) Le Cantique des ver. 40. (Misc. Pam., v. 29.) Cantiques, traduit de l'Hebreu; avec une REMARQUES Historiques sur la Bastille; sa etude sur le plan, l'age et le caractere du Demolition, et Revolutions de Paris, en Juil- poeme. 2e ed. 8~. Paris, 1860. let 1789. 2 v. in 1. 80. Londres, 1789. - Essaies de Morale et de Critique. 2e REMBRANDT, (Hermanzoonvon Rhijn.) De- 6d. 80. Paris, 1860. scriptive Catalogue of the Prints of Rem- ~- Etudes d'Histoire Religieuse. 5e 6d. brandt, by T. W. 80. London, 1836. 80. Paris, 1862. REMEMBRANCER. Collection of Interesting -- Le Livre de Job, traduit de l'Hebreu. Authentic Papers, relative to the dispute be- 1,tude sur l'age et le caractere du poeme. tween Great Britain and America; from 1764 2 e6d. 80. Paris, 1860. to 1784. 18 v. 80. London, 1775-84. - Origine du Langage. 3e ed. 80. REMERCIEMENS du Peuple aux Notables. 80. Paris, 1859. Paris, (n. d.) (Pol. Pam., v. 16.) - De la Part des Peuples Semitiques dans REMINGTON, (E. F.) City of Sin, and its Cap. l'histoire de la Civilisation. 5e ed. 80. Paris, ture by Immanuel's Army; an allegory. 1862. 160. New York, 1857. -- Vie de Jesus. 7e, dd. 80. Paris, 1863. REMINISCENCES of Carpenters' Hall, in Phila- RENAUDIERE, (La) See LA RENAUDIERE. delphia, and extracts from the ancient min- RENCONTRE de Bayle et de Spinoza, dans utes of the Proceedings of the Carpenters' l'autre monde. 240. Cologne, 1711. Company of that city. 80. Philadelphia, RENDIU, (Alphonse.) etudes Topographiques, 1858. Mddicales et Agronomiques sur le Bresil. 80. RENlINISCENCES of an Emigrant Milesian; the Paris, 1848. Irish abroad and at home; in the camp; at RENEE of France. Some Memorials of Rende the court: with souvenirs of " The Brigade." of France, Duchess of Ferrara. 2d ed. 12~. 3 v. 120. London, 1853. London, 1859. 914 RENGGER. RENWICK. RENGGER, (J. R.) Reign of Dr. J. G. Roderick RENNIE, (Sir John.) Theory, Formation, and de Francia, in Paraguay, from 1819 to 1825. Construction of British and Foreign Har80. London, 1827. bours. 2 v. Folio. London, 1854. RENNELL, (James.) Geographical System of RENNY, (Robert.) History of Jamaica; with Herodotus examined and explained, by a observations on the climate, scenery, trade, eomparison with those of other ancient au- productions, negroes, slave trade, etc. 4~. thors, and with modern geography. 2d ed. London, 1807. 2 v. 80. London, 1830. RENOUARD, (Augustin Charles.) Du Droit RENNELL, (Thomas.) Remarks on Scepticism. Industriel dans ses rapports avec les prin5th ed. 80. London, 1821. (Pol. Pam., cipes du droit civil sur les personnes etsur v. 64.) les choses. 80. Paris, 1860. RENNIE, (George.) Illustratlons of Mill Work Trait6 des Brevets d'Inventions. 80. and other Machinery. (Atlas to the New Paris, 1844. (2 copies.) EditionofBuchanan's work.) Folio. Lon- Traitd des Droits d'Auteurs, dans la don, 1850. Litterature, les Sciences, et les Beaux-Arts. Practical Examples of Modern Tools 2 v. 80. Paris, 1838-39. and Machines; supplementary to Buchanan RENOUARD, (P. V.) History of Medicine, on mill work and other machinery. Folio. from its origin to the nineteenth century. London, 1852. Translated from the French, by Cornelius G. RENNIE, (James.) Alphabet of Scientific Comegys. 80. Cincinnati, 1856. Gardening, for the use of beginners. New RENOUF, (Sidney.) L'UnionAmdricaine. 80. ed. 240. London, 1837. Paris, 1861. (Pol. Pam., v. 94.) Architecture of Birds. 160. London, RENSEIGNEMENTS sur les Travaux Prdpara1831. (Library of Entertaining Knowledge, toires pour l'Execution de la Loi de 1836 sur v. 1.) les Chemins Vicinaux. 40. Paris, 1837. Domestic Habits of Birds. 16c. Lon- RENussoN,(Philippede.) TraitezduDouaire, don, 1848. (Library of Entertaining Knowl- et de la Garde-noble et Bourgeoise. 40. edge, v. 16.) Paris, 1724. Faculties of Birds. 160. London, RENWICK, (James.) Discourse on the Char1848. (Library of Entertaining Knowledge, acter and Public Services of DeWitt Clinton. v. 15.) 80. New-York, 1829. (Misc. Pam., v. 18.) Familiar Introduction to Botany. New Elements of Mechanics. 80. Philaed., revised. 160. London, 1849. delphia, 1832. Insect Architecture. 160. London, - First Principles of Chemistry. 160. (n. d.) Library of Entertaining Knowledge, New-York, 1846. v. 17.) Life of DeWitt Clinton. 160. NewMenageries; Quadrupeds, described York, 1840. from living subjects. 4 v. 160. London, ~Thesame. 180. New-York, 1841. (Har1848. (Library of Entertaining Knowledge, pers' Family Library, v. 125.) v. 37-40.) Life of Benjamin Count Rumford. 160. Natural History of Birds. 180. New- Boston, 1845. (Sparks' Am. Biog., v. 5, York, 1840. (Harpers' Fam. Library, v. 99.) second series.) Natural History of Quadrupeds. 180. Life of David Rittenhouse. 160. BosNew-York, 1840. (Harpers' Fam. Library, ton, 1837. (Sparks' Am. Biog., v. 7, first v. 104.) series.) and WESTWOOD, (J. 0.) Insect Mis- Life of Robert Fulton. 16C. Boston, cellanies. 16~. London, (n. d.) Library 1838. (Sparks' Am. Biog., v. 10, first series.) of Entertaining Knowledge, v. 18.) Outlines of Natural Philosophy. 2 v. ~ ~-~ - Insect Transformations. 160. 80. New-York, 1826. London, (n. d.) Library of Entertaining Treatise on the Steam Engine; revised Knowledge, v. 19.) and enlarged. With an analysis of a new - - -~ Natural History of Insects. theory of the steam engine, by Ch. G. de 2d ed. 2 v. 180. London, 1830. (Mur- Pambour. 80, New-York, 1848. ray's Fam. Library, v. 64-5.) and RENWICK, (H. B.) Lives of John ~- The same. 2 v. 180. New-York, Jay and Alexander Hamilton. 180. New1840. (Harpers' Farm. Library, v. 8-9.) York, 1841. (Harpers' Fam. Libr'y, v. 129.) 945 REOLLINUS. REPP. REOLLINUS, (D.) Methodice Totivs Gram- the Subject of Industrial Instruction. 80. matices Graece Descriptionis libri III. 40 London, 1853. Parisiis, 1558. (Collectanea de Rebus Gram- REPORT of the Committee of Journeymen, maticis.) chiefly Printers, on the condition of the WorkREPERTOIRE des Mines; ou recueil de lettres- ing Classes. 2d ed. 8~. London, 1821. patentes, rdglements, m6moires et notices sur (Pol. Pam., v. 36.) les substances minerales des etats de S. M REPORT of the Countyof Banff on Agriculture. le Roi de Sardaigne, 1815 a 1824. (Italienne 80. London, 1806. (Agric. Pam., v. 1.) et Frangaise.) 2 v. in 1. 8~. Turin, REPORT of the Lords of the Committee of the 1826. Privy Council, relating to trade, etc., on the REPERTOIRE des Ouvrages de Droit, de Legis- Commerce and Navigation between His lation, et de Jurisprudence, publi6s sp6ciale- Majesty's Dominions and the United States ment en France, depuis 1789 jusqu'a la fin of America. 40. London, 1791. de Novembre, 1853. 80. Paris, 1854. REPORT of the Select Committee of Inquiry on REPERTORIO, (ElAmericano.) 4v. 80. Lon- Drunkenness, appointed by the House of dres, 1826-27. Commons. 80. (n. d.) (Misc. Pam.,v. 34) REPERTORIUM Juridicum; an Index to all the REPORT on the Explosion of the Steamboat Year Books, Entries, Reports and Abridge- New England, which occurred at Essex, Oct. ments, in Law and Equity; beginning with 9th, 1833. 80. New Haven, 1833. (Misc. Edward I., and continued down to this time. Pam., v. 7.) Folio. London, 1742. REPORTS of Cases in the English Courts of REPERTORY of Arts and Manufactures; speci- Common Law. Edited by T. Sergeant, J. fications of patent inventions, and selections C. Lowber, T. M. Pettit, G. Sharswood, and of useful practical papers. [1st series.] 16v. H. Wharton, 1813 to 1861. 100 v. 80. 80. London, 1794-1802. Philadelphia, 1822-63. (2 copies of v. 66, 67, [2d series.] 46 v. 80. London, 1802-25. 69 to 82, 84 to 86, 89, and 90.) - [3d series.] Repertory of Patent In- REPORTS of Cases in the English Ecclesiastical ventions and other discoveries. 16 v. 80. Courts. Edited by E. D. Ingraham. 5 v. London, 1825-33. 80. Philadelphia, 1831-35. [4th series.] The same. New series. REPORTS of Cases in the High Court of Ad18 v. 80. London, 1834-42. miralty. Edited by George Minot. 9 v. [5th'series.] The same. Enlarged 8~. Boston, 1853. series. 40 v. 80. London, 1843-62. REPORTS of Cases in the High Court of ChanNote.-The publication ceased with 1862. cery. With notes and references to both Analytical Index to the sixteen volumes English and American decisions, by John A. of the First Series. With a general Index to Dunlap. V. 14 to 19. 80. New-York, 1843-48. the first eight volumes of the Second Series. The same. With notes and references 80. London, 1806. to both English and American decisions, by General Index, from 1815 to 1845, in- E. Fitch Smith; J. E. Hanes; N. Howard, elusive. 80. London, 1846. Jr.; and T. W. Waterman. V. 8, 12, 13, Index, from January, 1846, to Decem- 20 to 41, and 43. 80. New-York, 1849-57. her, 1850, inclusive. 80. London, 1851. (2 copies of v. 29 and 30.) REPLY to the Resolutions, &c., of a meeting REPORTS of Cases taken and adjudged in the held at Martlings, in the city of New York, Court of Chancery, in the reign of King Feb. 4, 1811. Containing proceedings of the Charles I., Charles II., James II., King WilCommittee of Safety, of'76, against Mangle liam, and Queen Anne, 1615 to 1712. 2d ed. Minthorne. By a Whig of'76. 80. New 3v. 80. London, 1715-16. (2 copies.) York, 1811. (Pol. Pam., v. 110.) REPORTS and Papers on Botany. By various REPLY to some Financial Misstatements in and authors. For contents, [see under RAY outof Parliament. 80. London, 1803. (Pol. SOCIETY.] 2 v. 80. London, 1846-49. Pam., v. 59.) (Ray Society.) REPORT from the select committee on the Ex- REPP, (Thorleif Gudmundson.) Historical pediency of the Bank Resuming Cash Pay- Treatise on Trial by Jury, Wager of Law, ments. 80. London, 1819. and other co-ordinate forensic institutions, REPORT of the Committee appointed by the formerly in use in Scandinavia and in IceCouncil of the Society of Arts to Inquire into land. 80. Edinburgh, 1832. 119 946 REPRESENTACION. RETZSCH. REPRESENTACION de la Disputacion Ameri RESOLUTIONS, Laws, and Ordinances relating cana, las Cortes de Espana. 16~. Lon- to the Pay, Half Pay, and other promises dres, 1812. (Pol. Pam., v. 111.) made by Congress to the Officers and SolREPRESENTATIVE Government and Electoral diers of the Revolution; to the settlement of Reform. Review of recent publications. accounts between the United States and the 8~. Boston, 1863. several States; and to funding the revoluREPTON, (Humphrey.) Enquiry into the tionary debt. 80. Washington, 1838. (6 Changes of Taste in Landscape Gardening. copies.) 80. London, 1806. RESTAUT, (Pierre.) Trait6 de l'Orthographie - Landscape Gardening and Landscape Fran9oise, en forme de dictionnaire. Nouv. Architecture. New ed., with notes, by J. C. ed., par Claude Fdlix Roger. 2 v. 8~. London. 80. London, 1840. Paris, 1801. L-etter to Uvedale Price. 80. London, RETIREZ-VOUS Donc, et Mourez en Paix; re1794. (Pol. Pam., v. 57.) ponse au dangereux memoire de M. Necker, ~- -Sketches and Hints on Landscape Gar- le 27 Aout, 1790. 80. Paris, 1790. (Pol. dening. Oblong 40. London, 1794. Pam., v. 8.) — an and REPTON,(John Adey.) Fragments RETROSPECT of the Boston Tea Party; with on the theory and practice of Landscape a memoir of George R. T. Hewes, a surGardening; including remarks on Grecian vivor of the little band of patriots who and Gothic architecture. 40. London, 1816. drowned the tea in Boston harbor, in 1773. REPUBLIC, (Washington,) from 1851 to 1853. 120. New York, 134. 4 v. Folio. Washington, 1851-54. RETROSPECTIVE Review. 14 v. 80. LonREPUBLIC of the United States of America, don, 1820-26. its duties to itself and its responsible relation Retrospective Review, and historical to other countries; with a review of the and antiquarian magazine. Second series. Mexican war. 120. New York, 1848. Edited by H. Southern and N. H. Nicolas. REPUBLICAN (National) Convention of 1860. 2 v. 80. London, 1827-28. See HALSTEAD, (M.) RETROFPECTIVE Review; consisting of critiREPUBLICAN (National) Convention of Young cisms, etc., of curious, valuable, and scarce Men at Washington. Proceedings, May 7, old books. 2v. 80. London, 1853. 183'. 80. Washington, 1832. (Misc. Pam., RETZ, (Jean Francois Paul de Gondi, Cardinal v. 34.) de.) Mdmoires de sa Vie, 1648-55; avec REPULSION. Preliminary Treatise on the Law leur complement jusq'en 1679. 80. Paris, of Repulsion, as a Universal Law of Nature; 1837. (Michaud, Coll. Mem. Hist. France, in which the Mosaic history of creation is v. 23.) vindicated and sustained. 80. Philadel- -- The same. 3 v. 80. Paris, 1825. phia, 1853. (Petitot, Coll. M6m. Hist. France, ser. 2. RERESBY, (Sir John.) Memoirs and Travels; v. 44-46.) containing anecdotes and secret history of ~ Memoires du Cardinal de Retz, de Guy the courts of Charles II. and James II.; Joli, et de la Duchesse de Nemours; contewith a view of the government and society nant ce qui c'est passee de remarquable en of Europe during Cromwell's usurpation. France pendant les premieres annees du 80. London, 1813. Regne de Louis XIV. Nouv. 6d. 6 v. 80. _ Memoires. 80. Paris, 1827. ( Coil. Paris, 1820. des Memoires relatifs A la R6volution de Memoirs; with the most secret transl'Angleterre, v. 21.) actions at the French Court during the adRERUM Britannicarum Medii AEvi Scriptores. ministration of Cardinal Mazarin, and the See CHRONICLES and Memorials of Great civil wars occasioned by it. With some Britain. other pieces. 4 v. 160. London, 1723. RESISTANCE no Rebellion; an answer to Dr. Cardinal de Retz; a literary curiosity; Johnson's Taxation no Tyranny. 8~. Lon- from the original memoirs. 2 v. 120. London, 1775. (Col Pam., v. 13.) don, 1844. RESOLUTIONS of England and Ireland relative RETZSCH, (Moritz.) Gallerie zu Shakspeares to a Commercial Intercourse between the Dramatischen Werken. Herausgegeben von two Kingdoms. 80. London, 1785. (Col. Ernst Fleischer. Oblong40. Leipzig, 1847 Pam, v. 21.) - - See GOETHE'S Faust. 947 REUILLY. REY. REUILLY, (J.) Travels in the Crimea and Britain and Ireland, in connection with the along the Shores of the Black Sea, 1803. banking acts of 1844-45. By an old banker. 80. London, 1807. (Phillips' Voyages and 2d ed. 80. London, 1856. Travels, v. 5.) REVILLA GIGEDO, (Juan, Conde de.) InstrucREUSS, (Johann August.) Deductions und tion Reservada, a su succesor en el mando, Urkenden-Sammlung; ein Beytrag zur Tent- Marques de Branciforte, sobre el Gobierno schon Staats-Kanzley. 15v. in 8, 160. Uln, de este Continente en el tiempo que fue su 1785-99. virey. 2 v. in 1. 80. Mexico, 1831-32. REUSS, (W. F.) Calculations and Statements RfEVILLE, (Albert.) Essais de Critique Rdlirelative to the Trade between Great Britain gieuse. 8C. Paris, 1860. and the United States of America. 80. REVOLUTION. History of the American RevoLondon, 1833. lution. Published by the Society for the RPfVEIL. See MUSEUM. Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. 80. LonREVELATION and Incarnation of Mithra; or, a don, 1830. sketch of the sacred history of the central What is Revolution? 80. London, world. By a layman. 80. London, 1829. 1819. (Pamphleteer, v. 14.) REVELATIONS of Nature; with the prophecy REVOLUTION inNew England Justified, and the of reason. 180. New-York, (about 1796.) people there vindicated from the aspersions REVERDTL, (lie Salomon Fran9ois.) Struensee of John Palmer. With narrative of the proet la Cour de Copenhague, 1760-72. M6- ceedings of Sir Edmund Andros, 1691. (Remoires suivis de lettres inedites. Publies print, Force's Hist. Tracts, v. 4.) par A. Roger. 80. Paris, 1858. REVOLUTIONARY Plutarch; containingthe bioREVERE, (Joseph Warren; Brig. Gen.) State- graphical, historical, and secret memoirs of ment of his Case; who was tried by court- the Buonaparte family. 80. Baltimore, 1806. martial, and dismissed from service. 80. REVUE Critique de la Jurisprudence, en maNew-York, 1863. tiere civile, administrative, commerciale et ~- Tour of Duty in California; including criminelle, formant le complement doctrinal a description of the gold region; and an des recueils d'arrets. 5 v. 80. Paris, account of the voyage around Cape-Horn. 1851-54. Edited by J. N. Balestier, of New-York. REVUE de Legislation et de Jurisprudence, 12~. New-York, 1849. Janvier, 1843 A Avril, 1853. 32 v. 80. R2VeREND, (Dominique.) Lettres a Monsieur Paris, 1843-53. H. (erinch,) sur les Premiers Dieux ou Rois REVUE des Deux Mondes. Jan., 1852-Dec. d'Cigypte. Qui expliquent ce qui a donne 1863. 64 v. 80. Paris, 1852-63. lieu aux fables des Dieux de l'antiquite. 160. Table des Travaux de la Revue, (avec Paris, 1712. les noms des auteurs,) 1831-57. 80. Paris, REVETT, (Nicholas;) and STUART, (James. 1857. (Bound with BARTHES and LOWELL, Antiquities of Athens, measured and deline- Catalogue.) ated. With a supplement, by C. R. Cockerell, REVUE Ma9onnique, on tribune des FrancsW. Kinnard, T. L. Donaldson, W. Jenkins, Ma9ons de tons les rites. V. 1-2. 80. and W. Railton. 5 v. Folio. London, Paris, 1834-36. 1762- 830. REVUE Numismatique, Publide par E. Cartier REVIEW of a Pamphlet under the signature of et De La Saussaye de la Soci6et Royale des "Brutus," by Hamilton. 80. Charleston, Antiquaires de France et de plusieurs autres (S. C.,) 1828. soci6tes archeologiques Franaaises et 6tranREVIEW of Political Affairs during the last gbres, pour les ann6es 1846-1855. 10 v. 80. half year. By a Republican of Massachu- Blois et Paris, 1846-55. setts. 80. Boston, 1808. (Pol. Pam., The same. Nouvelle s6rie. V. 1-2, v. 107.) 1856 et 1857. 80. Paris, 1856-7. REEVIEW of the Excise Scheme, &c. 80. REY, (Joseph.) Des Institutions Judiciaries (n. d ) (Pol. Pam., v. 24.) de l'Angleterre, comparees avec celles de la REVIEW of the Moral and Political Life of the France, et de queiques autres etats, anciens PatriarchJoseph. 80. London, 1743. (Misc. et modernes. 2e 6d. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1839. Pam., v. 5.) REY, (Joseph Auguste.) Th6orie et Pratique REVIEW of the Past and Present Policy of the de la Science Sociale. 3 v. 80. Paris, Bank of England, and of Banking in Great 1842. 948 REYBAUD. REYNOLDS, REYBAUD, (Louis.) J6rome Paturot a la Re- REYNAUD, (Antoine Andr6 Louis.) Trait6 cherche de la meilleure des R6publiques. le6mnentaire de Mathematiques et de Phy80. Paris, 1849. sique. Suivi de notions sur la chimie et sur REYERO, (Juan N.) Discurso que en la plaza l'astronomie. 4edd. 2v. 80. Paris, 1839-44. principal de la capital de Puebla pronuncio. T Trigonometrie. 3e dd., suivie des tables en Celebridad del glorioso 16 de Setiembre de de logarithmes, par J. de Lalande. 18. 1810. 40. Puebla, 1831. Paris, 1818. REvYES, (Matias de los, or Los REYES.) Novels, - and DUHAMEL, (J. M. C.) Problbmes Selections from, translated. (Roscoe's Span. et Developpemens sur diverses parties des Novelists, v. 3.) Mathematiques. 80. Paris, 1823. REYNARD, (Francis.) Geometria Legitima; --- and GERONO, (C.) Traite elimenor, an elementary system of theoretical geom- taire de Statique. 80. Paris, 1838. etry. 80. London, 1813. REYNIER, (Jean Louis Antoine.) De l'IGconoREYNARD the Fox. Le Roman du Renart, mie Publique et Rurale des Perses et des publi6 d'aprds les manuscrits de la Biblio- Ph6niciens. 80. Geneve, 1819. theque du Roi, des xile-XLve siecles; par REYNOLDS, (Dexter.) Treatise on the law of D. M. Meon. 4 v. 80. Paris, 1826. Life Assurance. 80. Albany, 1853. A renowned apologue of the middle REYNOLDS, (Frederick.) His Life and Times, age, reproduced in rhyme. By S. Naylor. written by himself. 2 v. 80. Philadelphia, Small 40. London, 1845. 1826. - The same. A poem in twelve cantos. REYNOLDS, (George.) Scholars' Introduction Translated from the German, by E. W. Hol- to Merchants' Accounts, comprising the waste loway. With designs by H. Leutemann. book, &c. Also, a numerical key for the 40. Leipzig, 1852. teachers. 2d ed. 80. London, 1831. The same. From Caxton's ed. (Percy REYNOLDS, (George W. M.) Mysteries of the Soc'y. Pub., v. 12.) Court of London. 4 v. 80. London, 1849. REYNAUD, (Antoine Andr6 Louis.) Cours de REYNOLDS, (J.) Peter Gott, the Cape Ann Mathematiques. Arithm6tique et Algebre. Fisherman. 120. Boston, 1856. 80. Paris, 1830. REYNOLDS, (John; Merchant of Exeter.) TriV — lements d'AlgBbre,a l'usage des dieves. umphs of God's Revenge against the Crying 2e ed. 80. Paris, 1839. and Execrable Sin of Wilful and Premedi-- Notes sur l'Algebre. 7e d. 80. Paris, tated Murther; in thirty several tragical his1834. tories. Folio. London, 1704. ---- Notes sur l'Arithmetique, augmentees REYNOLDS, (John.) Pioneer History of Illid'une Table de Logarithmes, depuis, jusqu'a nois; containing the discovery, in 1673, and 10,000. le ed. 80. Paris, 1823. (Bound the history of the country to the year 1818. with BEZOUT, Trait6 d'Arithm6tique.) 120. Belleville, (II.,) 1852. - Notes sur la Geom6trie; 6l1mens de REYNOLDS, (John S.) Observations on Rig6om6trie descriptive, et problemes. 10oe d. cardo's Principles of Political Economy and 80. Paris, 1843. (With BtZOUT, Cours Taxation. 80. London, 1822. (Pol. Pam., de Math6matiques.) v. 65.) - Petit Trait6 l1lementaire d'Arithmd- REYNOLDS, (Sir Joshua.) Literary Works; tique. 160. Paris, 1835. with a memoir of the author by E. Malone. - Th6oremes et Problemes de G6ometrie. 5th ed., with a memoir by J. Farington. 3 v. oI1e ed. 80. Paris, 1838. 80. London, 1819. -- The same. (With BEZOUT. Cours de CONTENTS. MathI matiques.) Annotations on Du Fresnoy's Poem, v. 3 Art of Painting of C. A. Du Presnoy. Translated - Th6orie du plus grand Commun Divi- by N. Mason, v. 3. Discourses Delivered at the Royal Academy, v. 1-2. seur, et de l'Elimination. Precedee de laregle Dryden's Preface; with a parallel between poetry des signes de Descartes. 80. Paris, 1833. and painting, v. 3. Du Fresnoy, C. A. On the Works of the Principal * —- Trait6 d Application de l'Algebre A la and Best Painters of the two last ages; 1600 and GBomdtrie et do Trigonomdtrie. 80. Paris, 1700 v. 3. GomtieetdeTrigonometri. 8. Paris, Journey to Flanders and Holland, v. 2. 1819. Letters to the Idler, v. 2. Lives of Reynolds, by E. Malone and J. Farrington, - Trait6 d'Arithmetique, a l'usage des v. 1. ingeni6urs et des eleves. 80. Paris, 1804. Painters. Chronological and Alphabetical List of, The ame. 5d. 8. Paris, 1851 pe's Epistle to Mr. Je 3. ------- The same. 250 Md. 80. Paris, 1851. Pope's Epistle to Mr. Jervas, v. 3. 949 REYNOLDS. RHODE ISLAND. REYNOLDS, (SirJoshua.) Discourses on Paint- RHODE ISLAND. Acts and Laws of his Majesing and the Fine Arts. 40. London, 1825. tie's Colony of Rhode Island and Providence (With RALPH'S School of Raphael.) Plantations inAmerica. Folio. Boston, 1719. Engravings from the Works of Sir -- Charter granted by his Majesty King Joshua Reynolds. (By his brother, S. W. Charles the Second. Folio. Boston, 1719. Reynolds.) 3 v. Folio. London, 1847. (Bound with Acts and Laws.) REYNOLDS, (J. N.) Address on the Subject of Public Laws, as revised and finally a Surveying and Exploring Expedition to enacted at the session in January, 1798. the Pacific Ocean and South Seas; with cor- Providence, 1798. respondence, &c. 80. New York, 1836. - - The same, as revised in January, 1822. Voyage of the United States frigate 80. Providence, 1822. (3 copies,) Potomac, under the command of Commodore The same, as revised and enacted in John Downes, during the Circumnavigation January, 1844. 80. Providence, 1844. (2 of the Globe, in the years 1831-34. 8~. copies.) New-York, 1835. Public Laws, 1825 to 1827; 1831; 1825 REYNOLDS, (J. Russell.) Diagnosis of Dis- to 1833; 1833 to 1835; 1835 to 1840, (2 coeases of the Brain, Spinal Cord, Nerves, and pies); 1841 and 1842; 1844 to 1851, (3 other appendages. 8~. London, 1855. copies); October session, 1851; 1851 to 1857. REYNOLDS, (L. E.) Treatise on Hand-Rail- 25 v. 8O. Providence, 1825-57. ing; comprising three original systems of -- Index to the printed Acts and Resolves applying the trammel or string in drawing. of, and of the Petitions and Reports to, the 80. New-Orleans, 1849. General Assembly, 1758 to 1850. By John REZENDE, (Marquis de.) ]claircissementsHis- RussellBartlett. 8~. Providence, 1856. toriques sur mes Negociations relatives aux ~ Revised Statutes of the State of Rhode Affaires de Portugal. 2e ed. 80. Paris, 1832. Island and Providence Plantations. 80. RHAZES; or, ABu BECR MOHAMMED IBN Providence, 1857. (2 copies.) ZACARIYA Ar RAZI. Treatise on the Small- ~ Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court Pox and Measles. Translated from the Ara- of Rhode Island, 1826 to 1853, by J. K. bic, by W. A. Greenhill. 80. London, 1848. Angell and T. Durfee. 2 v. 80. Boston (Sydenham Soc'y Pub.) and Providence, 1847-54. (3 copies of v. 1; RHEEDE, (Henri A. D. van.) Hortus Indicus 2 copies of v. 2.) Malabaricus de Arboribus, Fruticibus, Her- ~ The same. V. 3, by John P. Knowles, bisque Latinis, Malabaricis, Arabicis, Belgi- 1853 to 1855. 80. Providence, 1856. (2 cis. Notis illustraverunt A.Syen, J. Corn- copies.) melinus, et Ab. a Poot. 12 v. Folio. Am- The same. V. 4, 5, and 6, by Samuel steloedami, 1679-1703. Ames, 1855 to 1860. 80. Boston, 1858-62. ---- Flora Malabarica; sive horti Malabarici (2 copies.) catalogus, opera Caspari Commelini. Folio. - Act of the Legislature to regulate elecLugduni Batavorum, 1696. tion of civil officers. January, 1843. (Misc. RHEES, (William J.) Manual of Public Li- Pam., v. 39.) braries, Institutions, and Societies in the Actsof the Legislature relating to pubUnited States and British Provinces of North lie schools. 80. Providence, 1839. (Misc. America. 80. Philadelphia, 1859. Pam., v. 39.) RHIND, (A. Henry.) Thebes; its tombs and Close of the Late Rebellion in Rhode their tenants, ancient and present. 80. Lon- Island. 2d ed. 80. Providence, 1842. don, 1862. (Misc. Pam., v. 39.) RHIND, (William.) Elements of Geology and -- Charters and Legislative Documents PhysicalGeography. 160. Edinburgh, 1837. illustrative of Rhode Island History. 80..... History of the Vegetable Kingdom; em- Providence, 1844. (Misc. Pam., v. 39.) bracing the physiology, classification, and - Constitution as adopted bythe Convenculture of plants, with their various uses, tion assembled at Newport, Sept., 1842. 80. etc. 80. Glasgow, 1842. Providence, 1842. (Misc. Pam., v. 39. RHIND, (W. G.) Six Days of Creation; fa- Observations on the Petitions of Mermiliar letters, describing the natural history chants of Rhode Island, respecting Exportaof each day's mercies. 120. Philadelphia, tion Bonds. Small 40. Newport, (R. I,) 1855. 1803. (Pol. Pam., v. 104.) 95( RHODE ISLAND. RICARI. RHODE ISLAND. Records of the Colony of RIADORE, (J. Evans.) Local Treatmentof the Rhode Island and Providence Plantations in Mucous Membrane of the Throat, for Cough New England. Printed by order of the Legis- and Bronchitis. 160. London, 1855. lature. Ed. by J. R. Bartlett, 1636 to 1740.- Remedial Influence of Oxygen, or Vital V. 1-9. 80. Providence, 1856-64. Air, Nitrous Oxide, and other gases, ElecReport from the Select Committee of tricity and Galvanism. 12~. London, 1845. Congress on the Interference of the Execu- -- Treatise on Irritation of the Spinal tive of the United States in the Affairs of Nerves as the source of Nervousness, IndiRhode Island. 80. Washington, 1845. gestion, derangements of the principal orReport from the Minority of the Select gans, and on the influence of temperament Committee of Congress, in relation to the and habits over diseases, &c. 12~. London, Difficulties growing out of an effort to change 1843. the form of the State Government of Rhode RIANCEY, (Charles Louis de.) Action 1lectoIsland. 80. Washington, 1845. rale. Du droit electoral, de ses conditions et Report on the Poor and Insane to the de ses garanties. 80. Paris, 1845. General Assembly, by T. R. Hazard. 80. RIBADENEYRA, (A. J. de.) Manual Compendio Providence, 1851. de el Regio Patronato Indiano. Folio. Reports to the General Assembly re- Madrid, 1775. (2 copies.) lative to the Registry and Returns of Births, RIBAULT or RIBAUT, (Jean.) Histoire M6moMarriages, and Deaths in the State. 2d to rable du dernier Voyage t Floride, en l'an 10th Reports. 1853-1862. 8v. 80. Provi- 1565. 80. Paris, 1841. (Ternaux, Voyages, dence, 1856-64. Relations, etc., de l'Amdrique, v. 20.) RHODE ISLAND and Providence Plantations The same. 80. New-York, 1851. (Map of.) Surveyed by James Stevens. (French's list. Coil. Louisiana, v. 3.) Newport, 1831. First Voyage to Florida, 1562. (HakThe same. With additions and cor- luyt's Voyages, v. 3, p. 371.) rections by S. B. Cushing and H. F. Walling. Third Voyage of the Freushmen, made Published by I. H. Caddy. Providence, 1846. by Captaine Iohn Ribault vnto Florida. RHODE ISLAND BOOK. Edited by Anne C. 1565. (Hakluyt's Voyages, v. 3, p. 419.) Lynch. [Title page wanting.] 120. Prov- RIBTON, (William.) New Trials in Criminal idence, 1841. Cases; with a few remarks on the Court of RHODE ISLAND Brigade. Statement of their Criminal Appeal. 80. London, 1853. Claim for depreciation of pay during the RICARD,(Adolphe.) L'Amour, lesFemmes, et war with Great Britain. 80. Boston, 1798. le Mariage. Historiettes, pensees et rdflexRHODEISLAND HistoricalSociety. Collections. ions glanees travers champs. 4e d. 120. 4 v. 80. Providence, 1827-38. Paris, 1859. RHODE ISLAND State Papers of Early Affairs. RICARD, (Auguste.) Ainee et Cadette. (Ro80. Boston, 1818. (Mass. Hist. Coil. v. 7, mans Populaires, v. 25.) second series.) Le Careme de ma Tante. (Romans RHODES, (Alexandre de.) Divers Voiages en Populaires, v. 2.) la Chine, et autres Roiaumes de l'Orient; Celui qu'on Aime. (Romans Popuavec son retour en Europe, par la Perse et laires, v. 27.) l'Armdnie. 2e 6d. 4c. Paris, 1666. Le Chauffeur. (Romans Populaires, RHODES, (George John.) Designs, sketches, v. 22.) and plans, for Villas and Cottages, with es- La Chaussde d'Antin. (Romans Poputimates of cost and general specification. laires, v. 28.) 160. London, 1854. - Le Cocher de Fiacre. (Romans PopuRHODES, (Godfrey.) Personal Narrative of a laires, v. 17.) Tour of Military Inspection in various parts - Comme on gate sa Vie. (Romans of European Turkey. 2d ed. 120. Lon- Populaires, v. 30.) don, 1854. La Diligence. (Romans Populaires, Tents and Tent-Life, from the earliest v. 23.) ages to the present time. With the practice Les fitrennes de mon oncle. (Romans of encamping an army in ancient and modern Populaires, v. 12. ) times. 120. London, 1858. - Le FormatLibre'. (Romans Populaires, RuioE, (Thomas.) See ROE, (Thomas.) v. 24.) 951 RICARD. RICE. RICARD, (Auguste.) La Grisette. (Romans RICARDO, (David) Protection to Agriculture. Populaires, v. 51.) 4th ed. 80. London, 1822. (Pol. Pam., --- La Maison a Cinq 1tages. (Romans v. 65.) Populaires, v. 29.) The same. (Pol. Pam., v. 84.) Le Marchand de Coco. (Romans Pop- - Reply to Bosanquet's practical Obserulaires, v. 6.) vations on the Report of the Bullion ComNi l'Un ni l'Autre. (Romans Popu- mittee. High Price of Bullion, a proof of laires, v, 26.) the depreciation of bank notes. Proposals -- L'Ouvreuse des Loges. (Romans Pop- for an Economical and Secure Currency. ulaires, v. 26.) Plan for the establishment of a National - LePortier. (RomansPopulaires,v.10.) Bank. 8~. London, 1811-24. La Sage-Femme. (Romans Populaires, RICARDUS Divisiensis. See RICHARD, of Dev. 4.) vizes. ---— La Vivandiere. (Romans Populaires, RICAUTI, (T. J.) Rustic Architecture; the v. 20.) picturesque and pleasing appearance of --— LeViveur. (Romans Populaires, v. 1.) rough wood, thatch, &c., as decorations RICARD, (Jean Marie.) Traite des Donations of rural buildings. Oblong 4~. London, Entre-Vifs et Testamentaires; et de la revo- 1840. cation des donations, par la naissance et sur- Sketches for Rustic Work; including venance des enfans, par Mr. *' " Avec bridges, park and garden buildings, seats des notes et additions, par M. Bergier. 2 v. and furniture. 40. London, 1848. Folio. Clermont-Ferrand, 1783. RIccI, (Giovanni Luigi.) Collectanea DecisRICARDO, (David.) Works. With a notice ionum, omnes fere casus in tribunalibus of the life and writings of the author, by J. Italioe, prasertim sacri concilii Neap., HisR. McCulloch. 80. London, 1846. panire, Gallire, Germanire, et Poloniae decisos, ac controversos complectens. 6 v. in 3. CONTENTS. 40 Colonire Allobrogum, 1620. Life and writings of Ricardo. RICCIOL, (Giovanni Battista.) Astronomia Principles of Political Economy and Taxation. High Price of Bullion. Reformata. 2 v. in 1. Folio. Bononi, Reply to Bosanquet's Practical Observations on the Report of.the Bullion Committee. 1665. Influence of a low price of Corn. Almagestum Novum, astronomiam veProposals for an economical and secure currency. Protection to Agriculture. terem novamque complectens. 2 v. Folio. Plan for the establishment of a National Bank. Essay on the Funding System. Bonouim, 1651. Observations on parliamentary reform. RICCOBONI, (Luigi.) Historical and Critical Speech on the plan of voting by ballot. Account of the Theatres in Europe; with an Essay on the influence of a Low Price essay on the art of speaking in public; and of Corn on the Profits of Stock. 8~. Lon- a comparison of the ancient and modern don, 1815. (Com. Pam., v. 6.) drama. With notes by the author and transThe same. 2ded. 8~. London, 1815. lator. 8~. London, 1741. (Pol. Pam., v. 84.) RICE, (David.) Slavery inconsistent with High Price of Bullion, a Proof of the Justice and good Policy: Speech in ConvenDepreciation of BankNotes. 80. London, tion at Danville, (Ky.) 240. New York, 1810. 1804. (Theol. Pam., v. 6.) The same. 80. London, 1810. (Fi- RICE, (H.) Mount Vernon; and other poems. nancial Pam., v. 19.) 160. Boston, 1858. The same. 80. London, 1858. (Fi- RICE, (Nathan P.) Trials of a Public Benenancial Pam., v. 22.) factor, [Dr. W. G. T. Morton,] as Illustrated ------ Plan for the Establishment of a National in the Discovery of Etherization. 120. NewBank. 80. London, 1824. (Pol. Pam., York, 1859. v. 68.) RICE, (Rosweil.) Orations and Poetry, on On the Principles of Political Economy moral and religious subjects. 120. Albany, and Taxation. 80. Georgetown, (D. C.,) 1858. 1819. (2 copies.) RICE, (William, Esq.) Digest of Cases in the Proposals for an Economical and Secure Superior Courts of Law of South Carolina; Currency. 80. London, 1819. (Pol. Pam., from the earliest period to the present time. v. 62.) 2 v. 80. Charleston, 1839. (9 copies.) 952 RICE. RICHARDSON. RICE, (William, Esq.) Reports of Cases at RICHARD, (A.) Legislation Frangaise sur les Law in the Court of Appeals and Court of Mines, minibres, carrieres, tourbieres, salines, Errors of South Carolina, 1838 and 1839. 80. usines, Btablissements, ateliers, exploitations Charleston, 1839. ou se traite la matiere minerale. 2 v. 80..-..- Reports of Cases in Chancery, argued Paris, 1838. in the Court of Appeals and Court of Errors RICHARD, (Achille.) Elements of Botany. of South Carolina, 1838 and 1839. 80. Translated by P. Clinton. 4th ed. 80. DubCharleston, 1839. lin, 1829. RICE, (William.) Tiger-Shooting in India; Elements of Botany and Vegetable hunting experiences on foot in Rajpootana, Physiology. From the 4th ed. of the French, from 1850 to 1854. 80. London, 1857. byW. Macgillivray. 80. Edinburgh, 1831. RICH, (Anthony.) Illustrated Companion to RICHARD, (C. A.) Demonstration of the Atthe Latin Dictionary and Greek Lexicon; a mospheric Conditions. With concise rules glossary of all the words, connected with the of arithmetic. 120. Columbus, (0.,) 1858. arts, manufactures, and every daylife of the RICHARD, (Jerome.) History of Tonqueen. Greeks and Romans, with representations of (Pinkerton's Voyages, v. 9.) nearly two thousand objects. 80. London, RICHARD, (Louis Claude.) Observations on 1849. the Structure of Fruits and Seeds. TransRlCH,(Barnaby.) Farewelltothe MilitariePro- lated with notes, by John Lindley. 8~. fession; conteining verie pleasaunt discourses London, 1810. fit for a peaceable tyme. 80. London, 1581. RICHARD, (Rene.) Parallele du Cardinal Xim(Reprint, Shakespeare Soc'y Pub, v. 11.) inds, et du Cardinal de Richelieu. 240. The Honestie of this Age. With notes, Rotterdam, 1705. by P. Cunningham. 120. London, 1844. RICHARDS, (Alfred Bate.) Poems, Essays, and (Percy Soc'y Pub., v. 11.) Opinions; from writings in the "Mirror of RICH, (Elihu.) Cyclopsedia of Biography; the Time." 4v. in2. 160. London, 1851-52. original memoirs of the most distinguished RICHARDS, (George ) Sermons on the Divine persons of all times. 80. Glasgow, 1854. Origin of Prophecy. 80. Oxford, 1800. RICH, (Obadiah.) Books relating to America. (Bampton Lectures for 1800.) 1493-1700. 40. London. (n. d.) RICHARDS, (James.) Lectures onMental PhilCatalogue of Books, relating principally losophy and Theology. With a sketch of to America, arranged under the years in which his life, by Samuel H. Gridley. 80. Newthey were printed. 1500 to 1700. 80. Lon- York, 1846. don, 1832. RICHARDS, (Thomas.) Antiquae Lingure BriBibliotheca Americana Nova: a cata- tannicre Thesaurus; a British, or Welshlogue of books relating to America, including English Dictionary. With a compendious voyages to the Pacific and round the world, Welsh grammar, and a collection of British 1701-1844. 2 v. 80. London, 1846. proverbs. 4th ed. 80. Merthyr-Tydvil, General View of the United States of 1839. America. 160. London, 1833. RICHARDS, (T. Addison.) American Scenery, RIcHARD III. Ghost of Richard the Third; a illustrated. 40. New-York, 1854. Poem. 80. London, 1844. (Shakespeare RICHARDS, (William.) Review of Mark NoSoc'y Pub., v. 12.) ble's Memoirs of Cromwell. 80. Lynn, RICHARD, of Cirencester. Ancient State of (Eng.,) 1787. (Pol. Pam., v. 27.) Britain. 120. London, 1848. (With Six RICHARDS, KINGSLAND& CO. Sixty-five origOld English CHRONICLES.) inal Drawings of Ornamental Mantel, Pier RICHARD, of Devizes. Chronicon de Rebus and Oval Looking Glass Frames, &c. Folio. Gestis Ricardi Primi, Regis Anglipe, nunc New-York, 1855. primum typis mandatum. ltem, Gildas de R1CHARDSON, (Mr.) Essay on the Causes of Excidio Britannire; et Nennii Historia Bri- the Decline of Foreign Trade, 1750. Retonum. Curante Josepho Stevenson. 3 v. printed. 80. London, 1859. (Con. Pam., in 1. 80. Londini, 1838. (Eng. Hist. v. 8.) Society.) RICHARDSON, (Benjamin Ward.) Cause of - Chronicle concerning the deeds of King the Coagulation of the Blood. With the Richard I. of England. London, 1848. (With bearings of the subject on practical mediCHRONICLE of the Crusades.) cine and pathology. 8o. London, 1858. 953 RICHARDSON. RICHARDSON. RrCIARDSON, ( Charles, LL. D.) New Dic- his Life. 80. Philadelphia, 1840. (Friends' tionary of the English Language. 2 v. 4~. Library, v. 4.) London, 1839. (2 copies.) RICHARDSON, (Major John.) Movements of The same; abridged. 3d ed. 8~. the British Legion, with strictures on the London, 1849. course of conduct pursued by LieutenantRICHARDSON, (Charles, M. D.; of Baltimore.) General Evans, &c. 2d ed. 80. London, Cholera; its cause, prevention, and cure. 1837. 80. New-York, 1849. Wacousta; or, the Prophecy. An InRICHARDSON, (George.) Iconology; a collec- dian tale. 80. New-York, 1851. tion of emblematical figures, containing 424 RICHARDSON, (Jonathan.) Two Discourses: remarkable subjects, moral and instructive. An Essay on the whole Art of Criticism, as 2 v. 40. London, 1779. it relates to Painting; an Argument in beRICHARDSON, (H. D.) The Dog; its origin, half of the Science of a Connoisseur. 80. natural history, and varieties; with direc- London, 1719. tions for its' general management. New ed.. See ROLLIAD. 160. London, 1851. (With Richardson on RICHARDSON, (J. S. G.) Reports of Cases in the Horse.) Chancery in the Court of Appeals of South - Dogs; their origin, varieties, etc. 120. Carolina, 1831 and 1832. 80. Charleston, New-York, 1857. 1853. - The Hive and the Honey-Bee; with an ~ Reports of Cases in Equity in the Court account of the diseases of the insect, etc. of Appeals in Equity and Court of Errors of New ed. 160. London, 1852. South Carolina, 1844 to 1856. 8 v. 80. - - The Horse; its varieties, breeding and Columbia and Charleston, 1845-56. management. New ed., by M.. M Milburn. ~ Reports of Cases at Law in the Court 160. London, 1852. of Appeals and Court of Errors of South RICHARDSON, (James.) Narrative of a Mis- Carolina, 1844 to 1860. 12 v. 80. Columbia sion to Central Africa, 1850-51, under the and Charleston, 1845-60. (2 copies; 3 copies orders of HIer Majesty's government. 2 v. of v. 8 and 10.) 120. London, 1853. RICHARDSON, (N. S.) Evidences of Natural - Travels in the Great Desert of Sahara, and Revealed Religion. Also, the Doctrines in 1845-46. 2 v. 80. London, 1848. and Institutions of Christianity. 180. New Travels in Morocco. Edited by his York, 1848. widow. 2 v. 120. London, 1860. RICHARDSON, (R.) Principles and Objects of RICHARDSON, (John; of Hull, in Yorkshire.) the Religious Reformation, urged by A. Philosophical Principles of the Science of Campbell and others, briefly stated and ex Brewing; containing a treatise on the appli- plained. 120. Bethany, (Va.,) 1853. cation and use of the saccharometer. 80. RICHARDSON, (Robert.) Attorney's Practice York, 1788. in the Court of Common Pleas. 2d ed. RICHARDSON, (John, F. S. A.; of the Mliddle V. 2. 8~. London, 1746. Temple.) Dictionary, Persian, Arabic, and - Attorney's Practice in the Court of English; withadissertationonthelanguages, King's Bench. 3d ed. 2 v. 80. Lonliterature, and manners of eastern nations; don, 1750. improved by Charles Wilkins. New ed., by RICHARDSON, (Samuel.) Works. 19 v. 120. Francis Johnson. 40. London, 1829. London, 1811. ~- Dissertation on the Languages, Litera- CONTENTS. ture, and Manners of Eastern Nations. 2d Clarissa Harlowe, v. 5 —12. ture, and Manners of Eastern Nations. 2d Diderot. Eulogy of Richardson, v. 1. ed. 80. Oxford, 1778. Life and Writings of Richardson, by E. Mangin, v. 1. Pamela; or virtue rewarded, v. 1-4. Grammar of the Arabic Language. 2d Sir Charles Grandison, v. 13-19. ed. 40. London, 1801. ClarissaHarlowe. 8v. 160. London, RICHARDSON, (Sir John; F. R S.) Fauna 1820. (Barbauld's Brit. Novelists, v. 1-8.) Boreali-Americana; or, the zoology of the. The same. 80. (Ballantyne's Novelnorthern parts of British America. 4 v. 40. ists' Library, v. 6-7.) London, 1829-37. Correspondence. With a biographical The Polar Regions. 80. Edinburgh, account, and observations on his writings, 1861. by Anna L. Barbauld. 6 v. 120, LonRICHARDSON, (John; Qzualer.) Account of don, 1804. 120 954 RICHARDSON. RICHMOND. RICHARDSON, (Samuel. )I-istory of Sir Charles Grande Orage de la Cour, ds annees 1630 ct Grandison; in a series of letters. 8~. 1631; tird des Mdmoires dcrits de sa main. London, 1812. 2 v. in 1. 240. Amsterdam, 1644. - The same. 7 v. 160. London, 1820. Maximes d'Etat; ou, Testament Poli(Barbauld's British Novelists, v. 9-15.) tique. Nouv. 6d, augment6e des observations The same. 80. (Ballantyne's Novel- de l'Abbe de Saint Pierre, et du testament ists' Library, v. 8.) politique de Charles, Due de Lorraine et de Pamela. 80. (Ballantyne's Novelists' Bar. 2 v. 160. Londres, 1770. Library, v. 6.) Memoires sur le Regne de Louis XIII., RICHARDSON, (T. G.) Elements of Human 1610-1638. 3 v. 80. Paris, 1837-38. (MiAnatomy; general, descriptive, and practi- chaud, Coll. M6m. Ilist. France, v. 19-21.) cal. 80. Philadelphia, 1854. The same. 12 v. 80. Paris, 1821-23. RICHARDSON, (William; Prof. at Glasgow.) (Petitot, Coll. Mem. Hist. France, ser. 2, v. Essay on Shakespeare's Character of Sir 10-11, and 21-30.) John Falstaff, and imitation of female char- Testament de Richelieu. (Michaud, acters, etc. 160. London, 1778. Coil. Mem. Hist. France, v. 21.) Philosophical Analysis of some of RICHELIEU in Love; or, the Youth of Charles Shakespeare's Remarkable Characters. 2d I.; an historical comedy. 120. London, ed. 160. London, 1774. 1852. RICHARDSON, (William, D. D.) Essay on RICHELIEU and MAZARIN. Lives of the CardiAgriculture; with a memoir on Fiorin nals Richelieu and Mazarin. 120. London, grass. 80. London, 1818. 1854. RICHARDSON, (William, D. D.; Fellow of RICHELOT,(Henri.) L'Association Douaniere Trinity College, Dublin.) Simple Measures Allemande. 80. Paris, 1845. by which Famines may be prevented, and RICHEMONT, (Artus III., Comte de.) Memoires, the Poor Laws greatly abated. 8~. Lon- [rediges parGuillaumede Gruel.] 80. Paris, don, 1816. (Pamphleteer, v. 8.) 1785. (Coll. des Memoires Relatifs a l'HisRICHARDSON, (William; of the Royal Observa- toire de France, v. 7.) tory, Greenwich.) Catalogue of 7385 Stars, The same. 80. Paris, 1850. (Michaud, chiefly in the Southern Hemisphere; from Coll. Mem. Hist. France, v. 3.) observations in 1822-26, at Paramatta, New ~ The same. 80. Paris, 1819. (Petitot, South Wales. 40. London, 1835. Coll. Mem. Hist. France, s6r. 1, v. 8.) RICHARDSON, (W. A.) Banking Laws of RICHER, (Adrien.) Nouvel abrege ChronoloMassachusetts; a compilation of all the gique de l'Histoire des Empereurs. 2 v. general statutes now in force, relating to 120. Paris, 1767. banks, banking and saving institutions, with RICHMOND, (Charles Lennox, Duke of.) Polnotes, references to alterations in the statutes, icy of Annual Parliaments and Universal abstracts of decisions of the Supreme Judicial Suffrage. 80. London, 1824. (PamphleCourt, and quotations from reports of the teer, v. 24.) bank commissioners. 80. Lowell, 1855. RICHMOND, (John W.) Rhode Island RepuRICHARDSON, (W. H., Jr.) Boot and Shoe diation; history of the revolutionary debt ot Manufacturers' Assistant and Guide; con- RhodeIsland. 2d ed. 80. Providence, 1855. taining a history of the trade, history of RICHMOND, (Legh.) Annals of the Poor. New India-rubber and gutta-percha, instructions ed, with sketch of the author, by John Ayre. in the art of vulcanization, and treatise on 160. New-York, 1841. tanning. 120. Boston, 1858. and others. Fathers of the English RICHELET, (Pierre.) Dictionnaire de la Church; a selection from the writings of the Langue Franvoise, ancienne et moderne. Reformers and early Protestant divines of Nouv. 6d. 3 v. Folio. Lyon, 1759. the church of England, with memorials of ~- Dictionnaire de Rimes; retouchd en their lives, &c. 8 v. 80. London, 1807-12. 1751, par Berthelin; prec6d6e d'un traite RICHMOND in By-gone Days; being reminiscomplet de versification frangaise. Nouv. cences of an old citizen. 120. Richmond, ed., augmentde par M. Barthelemi. 80. (Va.,) 1856. Lyon, 1810. RICHMOND ENQUIRER, from 1808 to 1823, and RICHELIEU, (Armand Jean du Plessis, Cardi- from 1824 to 1860. 50 v. Folio. Richnal, Dec de.) Journal, qu'il a fait durant le mond, 1808-60. 955 RICHTER. RIDDLE. RICHTER, (Jean Paul Friedrich.) Sammtliche Mediciin iRussland. 3 v. 8". Moskwa, Werke. 33 v. in 16. 120. Berlin, 1840-42- 1813-19. CONTENTS. RICKARDS, (George K.) Population and CapAufsatze und Dichtuugenv, v. 2. ital; a course of lectures. 12~. London, Beichte des Teufels bei einem grossen Staatsbe- 1 854. dienten, v. 26. R i A Bluimen-Fruchlt-und Doruenstiicke, oder Siebeukia, Remarks on the Laws relating to Atv. 1-12. tempts against the Person of the Sovereign; Briefe und bevorstehen Lebenslauf, v. 13. Briefe an F. H. Jakobi, v. 29. including the new statute for the better seClavis Fichtiana, v. 17. Dlavis Fictian Deslan,. 25. 1 curity of Her Majesty's person. 80. LonDInmmnerungen ffir Deutschland, v. 25. Deutschen Doppelworter, v. 27. don, 1842. Dr. Katzenberger's Badgeschichte, v. 24., ( I f t Flegeljahre, v. 20-21. RICKARDS, (Robert.) India; facts to illusFreilheits-Buchlein, v. 23. trate the character and condition of the Friedenspredigt an Deutschland, v. 25. GrC-llaindische Prozesse, Satirische Skizzen, v. 9. native inhabitants. 2 v. 80. London, Heimliche IKlaglied der jetzigen Manner; eine stadt- 1829-32. geschichte, v. 17.. Herbst-Blumine, oder gesammelte werkehen aus RICKETSON, (Daniel.) History of New Bedzeitschriften, v. 30-31. Hesperus, oder 45 Hundsposttage, v. 5-8. ford, (Mass.;) including the present townJean Paul's Biographische Belostigungen unter der ships of Westport, Dartmouth, and Fairhaven. Gehiruschale einer Riesin, eine Geistergeschichte, mit Der Jubelsenior, v. 10. 120. New-Bedford, 1858. Kampaner-Thal, oder iiber die Unsterblichkeit der RICKMAN, (Thomas Clio.) Life of Thomas Seele, v. 13. Komet, Der, oder Nikolaus Marggraf, v. 28-29. Paine. 80. London, 1819. Komischer Anhang zum Titan, v. 17. Konjektural-Biographie, v. 13. RICOBALDUS. See RICCOBALDI. Leben Fibel's, des Verfassers der Bienrodischen RICORD, (Philip.) Illustrations of Syphilitic Fibel, v. 26. Levana, oder Erziehlehre, v. 22-23. Disease. Translated from the French by T. Mars uid Phobus Throlwechsel, v. 25. Museum, v. 27. Mnuseumv, v. 27. Betton. With a history of Syphilis. Palingenesien, v. 14. Arranged by Paul Goddard. 4. PhiladelPolitische Fastenpredigten, v. 25. Quintus Fixlein, Leben des, v. 3. phia, 1851. (Imperfect. Plates wanting.) Selina, oder iber die Unsterblichkeit der Seele, v. 33. RIDDELL, (Henry.) Railway Parliarentary Schmelzle, Feldpredigers, Reise nach llatz, v. 26. Siebenkas; Ehestand, Tod uld -Iocbgeit des Ar- Practice; with a treatise on the rights of menadvocaten, v. 11-12. Teufels Papieren, Auswahl aus des, v. 4. parties to oppose the preamble and clauses of Titan, v, 15-17. a railway bill, etc. 120. London, 1846. Unsichtbare Loge, die, Eite Lebensbeschreibung, v. 1-2. and ROGERS, (JohnWarrington.) InVorleufige Gedrl Aken, v. 33. dcx to the Public Statutes, from 9 Hen. III. Vorselule der Aesthetik, v. 18-19. Wunderba e Gesellsehaft in der Neujahrsuacht, to l0 and 11 Vict. inclusive, (excepting those ~~~~v. ~~17. ~relating exclusively to Scotland, Ireland, the -- Army-Chaplain Schmelzle's Journey to Colonies and Dependencies.) Part 1. 80. Flattz; and Life of Quintus Fixlein. Trans- London, 1848. lated by T. Carlyle. (Carlyle's German RIDDELL, (J. L.) Monograph of the Silver Romance, v. 2.) Dollar, good and bad. 80. New-Orleans, - Flower, Fruit, and Thorn Pieces; or, 1845. the married life, death, and wedding of Fir- RIDDELL, (Robert.) Elements of Hand-Railmian Stanislaus Siebenkiis. Translated by ing. 3d ed. 40. Philadelphia, 1860. E. H. Noel. 2 v. 160. London, 1845. Scientific Stair Builder. Folio. PhilSketches of and from Richter. 120. adelphia, 1855. London, 1859. RIDDI,E, (Edward.) Tables of the Logarithms - Titan; a romance. Translated by of numbers, and of sines, tangents, and Charles T. Brooks. 2 v. 120. Boston, secants, to six places of decimals. 80. Lon1862. don, 1841. ~- Walt and Vult; or, the twins. Trans- Treatise on Navigation, and Nautical lated from the Flegeljahre. 2 v. 16~. Astronomy. 5th ed. 80. London, 1849. Boston, 1846. RIuDLE,(Joseph Esmond.) Complete EnglishLife, compiled from various sources; Latin and Latin-English Dictionary, for the together with his Autobiography. Translated use of colleges and schools. 3d ed. 80. from the German, by Eliza Buckminster Lee. London, 1843. 2 v. 120. London, 1845. Ecclesiastical Chronology; or, Annals The same. 120. New-York, 1850. of the Christian Church, from its foundation RlCHTER,(Wilhelm.Michael.) Geschichteder to the present time. 80. London, 1840. 956 RIDDLE. RIGHTS. RIDDLE, (Joseph Esmond.) History of the RIELL, (Robert B.) Defence before the Naval Papacy, to the period of the reformation. Court of Inquiry. 8~. Washington, 1857. 2v. 8~. London, 1854. RIENZ, (Gregoire Louis Domninyde.) Oceanie; Manual of Christian Antiquities; par- revne gdographique et ethnographique de la ticularly during the 3d, 4th, and 5th centu- Malaisie, de la Polyn6sie, etc. 3 v. 8~. ries. 80. London, 1839. Paris, 183fi-38. (L'Univers, v. 19-21.) Sermons on the Natural History of In- RIESBECK, (Gaspard de.) Travels through fidelity and Superstition, in contrast with Germany, 1780. (Pinkerton's Voyages, Christian Faith. 80. Oxford, 1852. (Bamp- v. 6.) ton Lectures for 1852.) RIG-VEDA-SANItITA; a collection of ancient and ARNOLD, (Thomas Kerchever.) Hindu hymns, constituting the first Ashtaka, Copious and Critical English-Latin Lexicon; or Book, of the Rig-Veda. Translated from founded on the German-Latin dictionary of the original Sanskrit, by H. H. Wilson. 2 v. Charles Ernest Georges. 3d ed. 80. Lon- 80. London, 1850. don, 1852. The same. Sacred Hymns of the BrahThe same. Ed. by C. Anthon. 80. mans; with the commentary of SayanaNew York, 1849. charya. [In Sanskrit.] Edited by Max RIDER, (George T.) Plain Music for the Book Muller. 2 v. 40. London, 1849-54. of Common Prayer. Small 40. New-York, RIGG, (Robert.) Experimental Researches, 1854. Chemical and Agricultural, showing Carbon RIDGELY, (David.) Annals of Annapolis. 120. to be a compound body made by plants. 12~. Baltimore, 1841. London, 1844. RIDGEWAY, (W.) Reports of Cases upon Ap- RIGGS, (Elias.) Manual of the Chaldee Lanpeals and Writs of Error in the High Court guage; containing a Chaldee Grammar, of Parliament in Ireland, since the restora- chiefly fiom the German of Prof. G. B. tion of the appellate jurisdiction. 3 v. 80. Winer. 2d ed. 8~. New York, 1858. Dublin, 1795-98. RIGGS, (SamuelR.) Grammar and Dictionary -- Reports of Cases in the King's Bench of the Dakota Language. 40. Washington, and Chancery, during the time of Lord Hard- 1852. (Smithsonian Contributions to Knowlwicke. 80. Dublin, 1794. edge, v. 4.) LAPP, (W.,) and SCHOALES;(J.) Irish RIGIHTTI, (Pietro.) Descrizione del CampiTerm Reports, 1793 to 1795. 80. Dublin, doglio. 2 v. Folio. Roma, 183:3-36. 1796. RIGHT, Duty, and ImportaLnce of Free Inquiry RIDGLEY, (Thomas.) Body of Divinity. With in Matters of Religion; a discourse. 80. notes by James P. Wilson. 1st Amer., from Philadelphia, 1807. (Theol. Pam., v. 7.) the 3d European ed. 4 v. 80. Philadel- RI(GHT of the British Legislature to Tax the phia, 1814-15. American Colonies vindicated; and the RIDLEY, (Glocester.) Life of Dr. Nicholas means of asserting that right proposed. LonRidley, sometime Bishop of London; show- don, 1774. ing the plan and progress of the Reforma- RIGHT of Recognition; a sketch of the present tion. 40. London, 1763. policy of the Confederate States, by a recent Sermons preached before the honorable tourist. 80. London, 1862. (Pol. Pam., trustees for establishing the Colony of Geor- v. 92.) gia, in America, March 20, 1745-6. Small RIGHTS of Great Britain Asserted against the 40. London, 1746. Claims of America. 8th ed., with a refutaRIDLEY, (J.) See TALES OF THE GENII. tion of Dr. Price's State of the National RIDPATH, (George.) Border History of Eng- Debt, by J. Macpherson. 80. London, land and Scotland; with accounts of remark- 1776. (Col. Pam., v. 14.) able antiquities, and interesting anecdotes. RIGHTS of Kings. 80. London, 1791. (Pol. 2d ed. 40. London, 1848. Pam., v. 124.) RIEDESEL, (Friederike Charlotte Louise von.) RIG TS of Laymen; their privilege and duty Letters and Memoirs relating to the War of to receive blessings equally in every orthodox American Independence, and the capture church. 80. London, 1841. of the German troops at Saratoga. Trans- RIGHTS of Neutrals and Belligerents, from a lated from the German. 120. New-York, modern point of view. By a civilian. 80. 1827. London, 1862. (Pol. Pam., v. 91.) 957 RIGHTS. RITICHIE. RIGHTS of Parliamenit Vindicated on occasion the Service of the Emperor of China. From of the late Stamp Act. 80. London, 1766. the Italian, by F. Prandi. 160. London, (Col. Pam., v. 6.) 1844. RIGHTS of States; or, the Union a revocable RIPEA, (Juan de la,) or LA RIPEA. Practica compact. 80. (n. p.) 1862. de la Administracion y Cobranza de las RIKER, ( James.) Annals of Newtown, in rentas reales, y visita de los ministros que Queens County, New-York. 80. New- se ocupan en ellas. Corregida con las nuevas York, 1852. c6dulas, decretos y ordenes, por Diego Maria RILEY, (H. T.) Dictionary of Latin Quota- Gallard. 5v. Small 40. Madrid, 1795-96. tions, Proverbs, Maxims, and Mottos, in- RIPLEY, (Ezra.) History of the Fight at Concluding law terms; with index verborum cord, April 19, 1775. 80. Concord, (Mass.,) and a selection of Greek quotations. 120. 1827. (Misc. Pam., v. 22.) London, 1860. (Bohn's Class. Lib'y, v. 31.) RIPLEY, (George.) Latest Form of Infidelity RILEY, (James.) Authentic Narrative of the Examined; a letter to Andrews Norton. 80. Loss of the American Brig Commerce,- Boston, 1839. wrecked on the western coast of Africa, in - Specimens of Foreign Standard Litera1815; with the sufferings of the survivors. ture; songs and ballads of German poets. 120. Hartford, 1850.,120. Boston, 1842. RILEY, (W.) Chancery Cases determined in ~ and TAYLOR, (James Bayard.) Handthe Court of Appeals of South Carolina, Book of Literature and the Fine Arts. 80. 1836 and 1837. 80. Charleston, 1839. New-York, 1 52. (Putnam's Home Cyclo~- Report of Law Cases in the Court of pedia.) Appeals of South Carolina, 1836 and 1837. RIPLEY, (R. S.) War with Mexico. 2 v. 8. 80. Charleston, 1839. New-York, 1849. RING, (John.) Answer to Dr. Moseley, con- RIPPERDA, (Jan Willem, Duke de, Osman taining a defence of vaccination. 80. Lon- Pacha. ) Memoirs of the Duke de Ripperda; don, 1805. (Cow-Pox Tracts, v. 3.) first Embassador from the States-General; RINGELBERGIUS, (J. Fortius,) or, STERCK. then Grandee of Spain; afterwards Prime Treatise de Ratione Studii. Translated by Minister to Muly Abdalla, Emperor of Fez G. B. Earp. 120. London, 1830. and Morocco, &c. 2d ed. 80. London, 1740. RINGGOLD, (Cadwalader.) Series of Charts, RIPPON, (John.) Brief Memoir of the Life with sailing directions; embracing surveys and Writings of Rev. John Gill, D.D. With of the State of California. 5th ed.- 80. an Elegy on the Death of Dr. Gill, by B. Washington. 1852. Francis. 160. London, 1838. Rio, (Antonio del.) See CABIERA. RIQUELME, (Antonio.) Elementos de Derecho RIO, (A. F.) Poetry of Christian Art. Trans- Pfiblico Internacional, con esplicacion de lated from the French. 120. London, 1854. todas las reglas que constituyen el derecho RIOFREY, (A. M. Bureaud,) or BUREAUD-RIO- internacional Espanol. 2 v. 8". Madrid, FREY. New Treatment of Malignant Dis- 1849. eases, and Cancer, without Incision. 80. Rise and Progress of Australia, TasmaLondon, 1836. nia, and New Zealand. With a colonial RIos. See MENDOZA Y RIOS. directory. 120. London, 1857. RIOTING. Full and correct Reportof the Trials RISHANGER, (William de.) Chronicle of the for Rioting at Ely and Littleport, in May, Barons' Wars. Miracles of Simon de Mont1816, before Judges Abbott, Burrough, and ford. Edited by J. O. Halliwell. Small 40. Christian, on the 17th day of June, and fol- London, 1840. (Camden Society, No. 15.) lowing days. 120. London, 1816. RITCH, (John W.) American Architect; deRIou, (Stephen.) Short Principles for the signs of cheap country and village resiArchitecture of Stone Bridges. 80. Lon- dences, with an estimate of the cost of each. don, 1760. 40. New-York, 1852. RIOUFFE, (Honor6.) Memoires d'un Detenu, RITCHIE, (Andrew.) Life and Writings of pour servir a l'histoire de la tyrannie de Rev. Samuel Crothers. 120. Cincinnati, Robespierre. 80. Paris, 1823. (Berville et 1857. Barriere, Coll. Mem. Rev. Frangaise, v. 20.) RITCHIE, (Anna CoraMowatt.) Autobiography RIPA, (Matteo.) Memroirs, during Thirteen of an Actress; or, Eight Years on the Stage. Years' Residence at the Court of Peking in 120. Boston, 1854. 958 RITCHIE. RIVERS. RITCHIE, (Anna Cora Mowatt.) The Fortune RITSON, (Joseph ) English Anthology. 3v. Hunter; a novel of New-York society. 80. 120. London, 1793-94. Philadelphia, 1854. Northern Garlands. 120. London, 1809. Mimic Life; or, before and behind the Pieces of Ancient Popular Poetry; fiom curtain; a series of narratives. 120. Boston, manuscripts and old printed copies. 160. 1856. London, 1791. -~ — Plays. New ed. 120. Boston, 1855. Remarks, critical and illustrative, on CONTENTS. the Text and Notes of the Last Edition Armand; or, Peer and Peasant. (Steevens') of Shakspeare. 80. London, Fashion; or, Life in New York. 1783. RITCHIE, (Daniel.) Voice of Our Exiles; or, Robin Hood; a collection of all the stray leaves from a convict ship. 120. Ed- ancient poems, songs, and ballads relative to inburgh, 1854. that outlaw; with historical anecdotes of his RITCHIE, (J. Ewing.) The Night Side of Lon- life. 2d ed. 2 v. 12~. London, 1822. don. 3d ed. 160. London, 1861. Select Collection of English Songs,with RITCHIE, (James S.) Wisconsin and its Re- their original airs. 2d ed., by T. Park. sources. With Lake Superior, its commerce 3 v. 120. London, 1813. and navigation. 120. Philadelphia, 1857. RITTER, (Abraham.) History of the Moravian RlTCHIE,(Leitch.) British World in the East; Church in Philadelphia, from 1742; corna guide to India, China, Australia, South prising notices of its founder, Count von ZinAfrica, etc. 2 v. 80. London, 1847. zendorff. 80. Philadelphia, 1857. Bystander's View of the Irish Poor Law RITTER, (Heinrich.) Geschichte der PhilosoQuestion. 80. London, 1837. (Prison Disc. phie. 12 v. 80. Hamburg und BraunPam., v. 3.) schweig, 1829-53. - History of the Indian Empire and the CONTENTS. Geschichte der Philosophie alter Zeit, v. 1-4. East India Company, from the earliest times; Geschichte der Christlichen Philosophie, v. 5-12. with accounts of Beloochistan, Affghanistan, Geschichte der Neuern Philosophie, v. 9-12. Versuch zur Verstdudigung fiber die neueste Cashmire, Thibet, the Burman empire, etc. Deutsche Philosophie seit Kant, v. 12. 2 v. 80. London, 1848. History of Ancient Philosophy. Trans~- - Wanderings by the River Loire. Illus- lated from the German, by Alexander J. W. trated by J. M. W. Turner. 80. London, Morrison. 4 v. 80. Oxford, 1838-39. 1833. RITTER, (Thomas.) Medical Manual and RITCHIE, (Robert.) Railways; their rise, Medicine Chest Companion, for use in progress, and construction; with remarks families and on ship-board. 180. New on railway accidents, and proposals for their York, 1849. prevention. 120. London, 1846. RIVAROL, (Antoine, Comte de.) M6moires. RITCHIE, (Thomas.) Full Report, embracing 80. Paris, 1824. (Berville et Barriere, all the evidence and arguments in the case Coll. M6m. R6v. Frangaise, v. 48.) of the Commonwealth of Virginia vs. Thomas RIVERA, (M. Galvan.) See MEXICO. Ritchie, Jr. 80. New-York, 1846. RIVERIUS. See RIVIERE. RITCHIE, (Thomas Edward.) Account of the RIVERO, (Mariano Eduardo de;) and TscHUDi, Life and Writings of David Hume. 80. (Johann Jacob von.) Antiquedades PeruLondon, 1807. anas. Text, 40. Atlas, oblong folio. ViRITCHIE, (William.) Principles of the Differ- enna, 1851. ential and Integral Calculus. 2d ed., by J. Peruvian Antiquities. Translated from A. Spencer. 160. London, 1847. the Spanish, by Francis L. Hawks. 120. - Principles of Geometry, applied to a New York, 1855. variety of useful purposes. 2d ed. 160. RIVERS, (David.) Literary Memoirs of LivLondon, 1837. ing Authors of Great Britain; with a list of RITSON, (Joseph.) Bibliographia Poetica; a their works. 2v. 80. London, 1798. catalogue of English Poets, of the 12th to RIVERS, (T.) Rose Amateur's Guide. 3d ed. the 16th centurys; with a short account of 160. London, 1843. their works. 120. London, 1802. RIVERS, (William James.) Sketch of the Caledonian Muse; a chronological se- History of South Carolina to the Revolution lection of Scotch poetry, from the earliest of 1719. With an appendix. 80. Charlestimes. 120. London, 1821. ton, 1856. 959 RIVES. ROBERTS. RIVES, (-) De la Propriete du Cours et du ROBELLO, (G.) Les Curi.sites de Rome et de Lit des Rivieres non Navigables et non Flot- ses Environs. 120. Paris, 1854. tables. 8~. Paris, 1844. ROBERT, of Gloucester. Chronicle. Now RIVES, (William C.) History of the Life and first published from a MS. in the Harleyan Times of James Madison. V. 1. 8~. Bos- Library, by Thomas Hearne, M. A. 2 v. ton, 1859. (2 copies.) 80. Oxford, 1724. [Reprint, London, 1810.] RIVES, (Mrs. William C.) Tales and Sou- (Hearne's Works, v. 1 and 2.) venirs of a Residence in Europe. 12~. Chronicle. 80. London, 1858. (Church Philadelphia, 1842. Historians of England, v. 5, part 1.) RIVIERE, (Fran9ois Joachim Henri Le Mercier ROBERT, of Lincoln. Roberti Grosseteste de la;) or, LE MERCIER DE LA RlVIlRE. Episcopi quondam Lincolniensis Epistolae. L'Ordre Naturel et Essentiel des Soci6tes Edited by Henry Richards Luard. 80. LonPolitiques. 2 v. 160. Paris, 1767. don, 1861. (Chronicles and Mem. of Great Orden Natural y Esencial de las Socie- Britain.) dades Politicas. Traducido, con notas, por ROBERTON, (John.) Essays and Notes on J. L. Calle y Zocrar. 2a ed. 2 v. 160. the Physiology and Diseases of Women, Valencia, 1823. and on Practical Midwifery. 80. London, RIVIERE, (Lazare.) Practice of Physick. 1851. Translated by Culpeper, Cole, and Rowland. ROBERTS, (A.) Voyage to the Levant, with Folio. London, 1662. account of sufferings among the Corsairs. RIVINUS, or BACHMANN, (Augustus Quirinus.) 8. London, 1699. (Hacke's Voyages.) Introductio Generalis in rem Herbariam. — The same. 80. London, 1729. (DamFolio. Lipsire, 1690. pier'sVoyages, v. 4.) RIVINUS, (Eduard Florens.) Atlantis. Jour- ROBERTS, (Browne H. E.) History of the nal des neuesten und wissenswiirdigsten Colonial Empire of Great Britain. 120. der Nord und Siidamerikanischen Reiche, London, 1861. mit Einschluss des Westindischen Archi- ROBERTS, (David.) The Holy Land; Synia, pelagus. 3 v. in 1. 80. Leipzig, 1826-27. Idumea, Arabia, Egypt, and Nubia; from RIVOIRE, (Henri-Fereol.) Dictionnaire Rai- drawings made on the spot, with historical sonne du Tarif des Frais et Depens en descriptions, by G. C. and W. Brockedon. MatiBre Civile. 4e ed. 80. Paris, 1848. 6. in 3. 40 London, 1855-56. ROADS and Railroads, Vehicles, and Modes of ROBERTS, (Edmund.) Embassy to the Eastern Travelling, of ancient and modern coun- Courts of Cochin-China, Siam, and Muscat, tries; with accounts of bridges, tunnels, and duing the years 1832-34. 80. New-York, canals, in various parts of the world. 120. 1837. London, 1839. ROBERTS, (Emma.) Memoirs of the Rival ROBB, (James B.) Collection of Patent Cases Houses of York and Lancaster. 2v. 8. in the Supreme and Circuit Courts of the London, 1827. United States, from their organization to Scenes and Characteristics of Hindostan, the year 1850; with notes. 2 v. 8. Bos- with sketches of Anglo-Indian society. 3 v. ton, 1854. (2 copies.) 12~. London, 1835. ROBBERDS, (John William.) Memoir of the ROBERTS, (Frederic.) On the Development Life and Writings of the late William Tay- of Military Offences in Camp and Quarters. lor, of Norwich, containing correspondence 8C. Chatham, 1853. with Southey. 2 v. 80. London, 1843. ROBERTS, (George.) Life, Progresses and ROBBINS, (Archibald.) Journal of Adventures Rebellion of James, Duke of Monmouth; in Africa, in 1815-17. 120. Hartford, 1851. with the bloody assize, and biographical ROBBINS, (Chandler.) Memoir of William notices. 2 v. 120. London, 1844. Appleton. 80. Boston, 1863. (Mass. Hist. -- Social History of the People of the Society Proceedings, v. 4.) Southern Counties of England in past cenROBBINS, (Thomas.) Cavalry Catechism. 160. turies; illustrated in regard to their habits, London, 1851. municipal by-laws, civil progress, &c. 80. ROBBINS, (William Burnet.) Concentrating London, 1856. Ledger; a condensed and simplified sys- ROBERTS, (Henry.) Dwellings of the Latem of book-keeping. Folio. New-York, bouring Classes. 3d ed. 80. London, 1859. 1853. 960 ROBEROBERT ROBERTSON ROBERTS, (Joseph.) Oriental Illustrations House of Peers, from the union, 1707, to the of the Sacred Scripture. 8. London, commencement of the reign of George II., 1835. 1727. 60. London, 1807. ROBERTS, (Lewis.) Merchant's Map of Corn- ROBERTSON, (Frederick W.) Lectures and nerce; wherein trade and merchandize are Addresses on Literary and Social Topics. filly treated of; the coins of most princes 120. London, 1858. and republicksobserved, &c. 4th ed. Folio. Sermons. First series. 8th ed. 120. London, 1700. Boston, 1863. ROBERTS, (Orlando W.) NarrativeofVoyages The same. Second series. 120. Bosand Excursions on the East Coast and in the ton, 1858. Interior of Central America. With observa- - The same. Third series. 7th ed. 12~. tions by Edward Irving. 180. Edinburgh, Boston, 1863. 1827. Sermons on St. Paul's Epistles to the ROBERTS, (Peter.) Christianity Vindicated; Corinthians; being a 4th series of sermons. in letters addressed to Mr. Volney, in answer 12~. Boston, 1860. to his book called Ruins. 80. London, ROBERTSON, (Ignatius Loyola; Pseud., Sam1800. uel L. Knapp.) Sketches of Public CharacROBERTS, (Richard.) Autumn Tour in Spain ters, drawn from the living and the dead; in the year 1859. 80. London, 1860. with notices of other matters. 160. NewROBERTS, (William; of Lincoln's Inn.) His- York, 1830. tory of Letter-Writing, from the earliest ROBERTSON, (James.) A Few Months in period to the fifth century. 80. London, America; containing remarks on some of the 1843. industrial and commercial interests. 120. -- Memoirs of the Life and Correspondence London, 1855. of Mrs. Hannah More. 2d ed. 4 v. 12~. History of the Mission of the Secession London, 1834. Church to Nova Scotia and Prince Edward -- Treatise on Fraudulent Conveyances. Island, from its commencement in 1765. 160. 2d Am. ed., with references to American de- Edinburgh, 1847. cisions. 80. Hartford, 1825. ROBERTSON, (James Craigie.) History of the ~- - Treatise on the Statutes of Frauds. 2d Christian Church to the Pontificate of GregAm. ed. 80. Hartford, 1823. ory the Great, A. D. 590. 80. London, Treatise on the Law of Wills and Codi- 1854. cils. 1st Am. ed., improved by a digest of ROBERTSON, (J. E. P.) Reports of Cases in American decisions. 2 v. 8u. Exeter, (N. the Ecclesiastical Courts at Doctors' ComH.,) 1823. (2 copies.) mons, 1844 to 1849. V. 1. 80. London, The same. Including the construction 1850. of devises, and the office and duties of execu- ROBERTSON, (J. P. and William Parish.) tors and administrators; with appendix of Letters on'Paraguay; comprising an acprecedents. 3d ed. 2 v. 80. London, count of a four years' residence in that 1826. republic, under the government of the ROBERTS, (William Henry.) British Wine dictator Francia. 3 v. 120. London, Maker, and Domestic Brewer. 2d ed. 160. 1838-39. Edinburgh, 1835. - Letters on South America; comprising Scottish Ale-Brewer; treatise on the travels on the Parana and Rio de la Plata. art of brewing ales according to the system i v. 120. London, 1843. practised in Scotland. 80. Edinburgh, ROBERTSON, (T.) Whole French Language. ~1837. Edited by Louis Ernst. 120. New-York, ROBERTSON, (Abram.) Elements of Conic 1858. Sections. 80. Oxford, 1818. ROBERTSON, (William.) Works; with an acGeometrical Treatise of Conic Sections. count of his life and writings. 9 v. 80. 80. Oxford, 1802. London, 1824. (V. 9 wanting.) ROBERTSON, (David.) Tour through the CONTENTS. Isle of Man, 1791. (Pinkerton's Voyages, America. History of, v. 6-8. Charles V. History of the Reign of, v. 3-5. v. 2.) Europe. View of the State of, v. 3. ROBERTSON, (David, Esq.) Reports of Cases Life and Writings of Robertson, by D. Stewart,.. on Appeal from Scotland, decided in the Scotland. History of, v. 1-2. 961 ROBERTSON. ROBINSON. ROBERTSON, (William.) Works; with an ac- ROBIN, (Charles.) Galerie des Gens de Lettres count of the life and writings of the author, by au XIXe SiBcle. 80. Paris, 1848. Dugald Stewart. 6 v. 80. London, 1851. ROBIN, (Claude.) Histoire de la Constitution CONTENTS. de l'Empire Fran~ais; ou Histoire des VtatsAmerica. History of, v. 5-6. G6ndraux. 2 v. 8~. Londres, 1789-91. Charles V. History of Reign of, v. 3-4. ROBIN HOOD SOCIETY. History of the Robin India Historical Disquisitions concerning ancient,. 1. Lonn, v. 6. Hood Society. 120. London, 1764. Life and Writings, by D. Stewart, v. 1. ROBINET, (Edmond.) Notice sur la Vie d'AuScotland. History of, v. 1-2. guste Comte. 80. Paris, 1860. History of America. 9th and 10th and GUERNr, (L6on.) Histoiredes NaBooks, containing the History of Virginia to tions Europeennes: Angleterre, France, 1688, and of New-England to 1652. 80. Russie, Pologne, Subde, et Norwege, par E. Philadelphia,.1799. Robinet; et Allemagne, Hongrie et Boheme, The same. 1st. Amer. from the 10th par L. Gu6rin. 4 v. 120. Paris, 1845-47. London ed. 2 v. 80. Philadelphia, 1812. ROBINS, (Benjamin.) New Principlesof GunHistory of the Reign of the Emperor nery. With an account of the author, by J. Charles the Fifth, with an account of the Wilson. New ed., by Charles Hutton. 80. Emperor's life after his Abdication. By W. London, 1805. H. Prescott. 3 v. 8D. Boston, 1857. (2 ROIINSON, (Christopher.) Collectanea Maricopies.) tima; a Collection of public instruments ROBERTSON, (William, Esq.; Keeper of the tending to illustrate the history and practice Records of Scotland.) History of Ancient of Prize Law. 80. London, 1801. Greece, till it became a Roman province. Reports of Cases argued and determined 8th ed. 80. Edinburgh, 1821. in the High Court of Admiralty; commencing ROBERTSON, (William, Architect.) Collection with the judgments of the Right Hon. Sir de Differentes Espdces de Serres Chaudes, William Scott, 1798to 1808. 6 v. 80. Lonpour forcer des ananas, des arbres fruitiers, don, 1799-1808. et pour preserver des plantes exotiques deli- The same. 6 v. 80. Philadelphia cates. Traduit de l'Anglois. Oblong 40. and New-York, 1800-10. Londres, 1798. The same. V. 1-2. 80. Philadelphia, ROBERTSON, (William; A. lM.) Dictionary of 1800-1801. Latin Phrases; comprehending a methodical ROBINSON, (Conway.) Account of Discoveries digest of the various phrases from the best in the West until 1519, and of Voyages to authors. New ed. 80. London, 1829. and along the Atlantic Coast of North AmerROBERTSON, (William Henry, M. D.) Nature ica, from 1520 to 1573. 80. Richmond, 1848. and Treatment of Gout. 80. London, 1845. Forms adapted to the Practice in Vir— ~- Treatise on Diet and Regimen. 4th ed. ginia. V. 1. 80. Richmond, 1841. 2 v. 120. London, 1847. Practice in the Courts of Law and ROBERTSON, (William Parish.) Visit toMex- Equity in Virginia. 3 v. 80. Richmond, ico, by the West India Islands, Yucatan, and 1832-39. the United States. 2 v. 120. London, 1853. - Practice in Courts of Justice in EngROBERTSON, (Wyndham, Jr.) Oregon, our land and the United States. 4 v. 80. RichRight and Title; with an account of the mond, 1854-60. (3 copies.) Territory. 80. Washington, 1846. Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court ROBESPIERRE, (Francois' Joseph Isidore of Appeals, and in the General Court of VirMaximilien.) (Euvres. Avecunenotice his- ginia, 1842 to 1844. 2 v. 80. Richmond, torique, des notes et des commentaries, par 1843-44. (2 copies.) Laponneraye; pr6cd6ees de considerations ROBINSON, (Daniel.) Maine Farmers' Almapar Armand Carrel. 3 v. 830 Paris, 1840. nac. 120. Augusta, 1853. - Reponse l'Accusation deJ. B. Louvet: ROBINSON, (Daniel B.) Franklin Interest avecl'Accusation. 80. Paris, 1792. (Pol. Reckoner. 240. Franklin, (Pa.,) 1855. Pam., v. 9.) ROBINSON, (E.) Legal Forms for the transReport upon the Principles of Political action of business. Also a set of Tax and Morality, February 6, 1794. Translated. Interest Tables; with a short systemu of S~. Philadelphia, 1794. (Pol. Pam., v. 122.) Book-Keeping. 12th ed. 120. Greencastle, ROBIN, (C. C.) Flora. See RAFINESQUE. (Ohio,) 1850, 121 962 INSO.ROBINSNSON. ROBINSON, (Edward.) Greek and English and Medical Treatment of the Teeth, includLexicon of the New Testament. New ed., ing Dental Mechanics. 12~. London, 1846. in great part rewritten. 80. London, 1850. ROBINSON, (John, the Puritan preacher at LeyResearches in Palestine. Compiled den.) Manumission to a Manuduction; or, from communications received at different answer to a letter inferring publique commnutimes from Eli Smith and S. Wolcott. 160. nion, etc., 1615. 80. Boston, 1852. (Mass. Edinburgh, 1843. (Biblical Cabinet, v. 43.) Hist. Coil., v. 1, fourth series.) and SMITH, (Eli ) Biblical Researches ROBINSON, (John, D. D., Rector of Clifton.) in Palestine and the adjacent regions; travels Archaeologia Groeca; or, the Antiquities of in 1838 and 1852; with historical illustra- Greece. With a brief history of the Grecian tions. 2d ed., with new maps and plans. States, etc. 80. London, 1807. 3 v. 80. London, 1856. Theological, Biblical, and Ecclesiastical ROBINSON, (Fayette.) Account of the Organ- Dictionary. 3d ed. London, 1835. ization of the Army of the United States. ROBINSON, (Rev. John.) Testimony and PracWithbiographies of officers. 2v. 120. Phil- tice of the Presbyterian Church in reference adelphia, 1848. to American Slavery. 12. Cincinnati, 1852. Mexico and her Military Chieftains, from ROBINSON, (John, Clerk of the Superior Court the Revolution of Hidalgo to the present of Henrico Co.) Collection of Forms used time. 120. Philadelphia, 1847. by the Clerks of the Courts of Law and ROBINSON, (Frederick John, Earl of Ripon.) Equity in Virginia; to which are added Substance of the Speech on moving the reso- manyprecedents of declarations, indictments, lution to bring in two bills for Regulating and informations, and some useful forms of the Intercourse between the West Indies and conveyances. 2ded. By Conway Robinson. other parts ofthe world. 80. London, 1822. 80. Richmond, 1826. ROBINSON, (George; Barrister.) Casesinthe ROBINSON, (Joseph B.) Epitaphs, collected House of Lords, on Appeal from the Courts from the Cemeteries of London, etc. With of Scotland, 1840 and 1841. 2v. 80. Edin- original and selected Epitaphs by Tennyson, burgh, 1840-42. Longfellow, etc. 180. London, 1859. ROBINSON, (George, M. D.) On the Preven- - Memorials. A series of original and tion and Treatment of Mental Disorders. selected Designs, from works executed in 12~. London, 1859. various parts of the United Kingdom. 40. ROBINSON, (Mrs. H. A.) Six Months in Kan- London, 1856. sas; by a Lady, H. A. R. 12~. Boston, 1856. ROBINSON, (J. H.) Journal of an Expedition ROBINSON, (H. B.) Memoirs of Lieut.-Gen. 1,400 miles up the Orinoco and 300 up the Sir Thomas Picton, including his correspon- Arauca; with account of the country, the dence. 2 v. 80. London, 1835. manners of the people, &c. 8~. London, ROBINSON, (Horatio N.) Concise Mathemati- 1822. cal Operations; being a sequel to the author's RoBINSON, (Mary.) Memoirs; with some class books. 80. Cincinnati, 1854. posthumous pieces. 4 v. in 2. 160. Lon~- Elements of Analytical Geometry and don, 1801. the Differential and Integral Calculus. 80. Memoirs, written by herself. 240. LonCincinnati, 1856. don, 1826. (Autobiography, v. 7.) - Elementary Class Book on Astronomy. ~ Poetical Works. 3 v. 120. London, 1806. 80. Cincinnati, 1857. ROBINSON, (Matthew.) Considerations on the Mathematical Recreations. 80. Al- Measures carrying on with respect to the bany, 1851. British Colonies in North Ameriea. 2d ed. Theoretical and Practical Treatise on 80. London, 1774. Algebra. 27th ed. 80. Cincinnati, 1858. The same. (Col. Pam., v. 1I.) -- ~Treatise on Astronomy, descriptive, Further Examination of our present theoretical, and physical. 80. Cincinnati, American Measures, and of the reasons and 1857. the principles on which they are founded. Treatise on Surveying and Navigation; 80. London, 1776. uniting the theoretical, practical, and educa- - he same. 80. Bath, 1776. (Bound tional features ofthesesubjects. 4th ed. 80. with Robinson's Considerations, etc.) Cincinnati, 1857. The same. 80. Bath, 1776. (Col. RoBINtSON, (James.) Surgical, Mechanical, Pam., v. 7.) 963 ROBINSON. ROBLES. ROBINSON, (Matthew.) Peace the Best Policy; ROBINSON, (Solon.) Guano; practical inor, reflections upon the appearence of a foreign formation for farmers. 80. New-York, war, the present state of affairs at home, and 1853. the commission for granting pardons in Amer- Hot Corn: life scenes in New-York ica. 2d ed. 80. London, 1777. illustrated. 12~. New-York, 1854. - The same. (Col. Pam., v. 8.) ROBINSON, (Therese Albertine Louise von ROBINSON, (Merritt M.) Reports of Cases in Jakob; known as Talvi.) Geschichte der the Supreme Court of Louisiana, 1841 to Colonisation von Neu-England. Von den 1846. 12 v. 8~. New-Orleans, 1842-46. ersten niederlassungen daselbst im Jahre (2 copies.) 1607, bis zur Einfiihrung der Provinzial ROBINSON, (P. F.) Attempts to Ascertain the verfassung von Massachusetts im Jahre Age of the Church of Mickleham, in Sur- 1692. 80. Leipzig, 1847. rey; with remarks on the architecture. Folio. ~ History of the Colonization of America. London, 1824. Edited by Wi. Hazlitt. 2 v. 12~. Lon- Designs for Farm Buildings. 3d ed. don, 1851. 40. London, 1837. Historical View of the Languages and ----— Designs for Gate Cottages, Lodges, Literature of the Slavic Nations; with a and Park Entrances. 3d ed. 4~. Lon- sketch of their popular poetry. By Talvi. don, 1837. With preface by Edward Robinson. 12~. -- Designs for Ornamental Villas. 3d ed. New-York, 1850. Folio. London, 1836. Heloise: or, the unrevealed secret. A ~- New Series of Designs for Ornamental tale. 12~. New-York, 1850. Cottages and Villas, with estimates of the ~ Life's Discipline. A tale of the annals probable cost of erecting them. 4~. Lon- of Hungary. 120. New-York, 1851. don, 1838. ROBINSON, (Thomas, Esq.) Common Law of ~ — Rural Architecture; designs for orna- Kent; or, the Customs of Gavelkind. With mental cottages; in ninety-six plates; the an appendix concerning Borough English. landscapes drawn on stone, by J. T. Hard- 3d ed., with notes, by John Wilson. 80. ing. 5th ed. 40. London, 1850. London, 1822. ~ Village Architecture; picturesque de- The same. New ed., with a selection signs for the inn, the school-house, alms of precedents of feoffmnents by infant heirs house, market-house, shambles, work-house, in gavelkind, etc., by J. D. Norwood. 80. parsonage, town-hall, and church; forming Ashford, 1858. a sequel to a work on rural architecture. 4th ROBINSON, (Sir Thomas.) Book of Special ed. 40. London, 1837. Entries. Folio. London, 1684. ~- and BRITTN, (John) Vitruvius Bri- ROBINSON, (William.) Reports of Cases tannicus: History of Woburn Abbey, Hat- argued and determined in the High Court field House, Hardwicke Hall, and Cassio- of Admiralty, commencing with the judgbury Park. Folio. London, 1847. ments of the Rt. Hon. Stephen Lushington, ROBINSON, (Robert; L. C. J. of Gibraltar.) 1838 to 1850. 2 v., and v. 3, parts I and 2, Discourseon Inheritances in Fee Simple. 80. 80. London, 1844-52. London, 1758.. ROBINSON, (William Davis.) Memoirs of the ROBINSON, (Rev. Robert.) Ecclesiastical Re- Mexican Revolution, including a narrative searches. 40. Cambridge, (Eng.,) 1792, of the Expedition of Gen. Xavier Mina. 80. History of Baptism. 40. London, Philadelphia, 1820. 1790. ROBISON, (John.) Proofs of a Conspiracy History and Mystery of Good Friday. against all the Religions and Governments 8~. London, 1823. (Pol. Pam., v. 68.) of Europe, carried on in secret meetings of ROBINSON, (R. Edwin.) Tables of Interest Free Masons, Illuminati, and Reading Sofor Exchequer Bills at l1 d. per cent. per cieties, collected from good authority. 3d ed. diem; with a table of days; tables of pre- 80. London, 1798. miums; and income tax tables. Half 80. System of Mechanical Philosophy. With London, 1852. notes by David Brewster. 5 v. 80. EdinROBINsoN, (Samuel.) Catalogue of American burgh, 1822. Minerals, with their localities. 80. Boston, ROBLES, (lsidro de.) Diamond Ring. (1{os1825. coe's Span. Novelists, v. 3.) 964 ROBORTELLO. ROCHON. ROBORTELLO, (F.) De Gradibus Honorum ROCHECHOUART, (Guillaume de.) M6moires. et Magistratuum Romanorum; de Judiciis; 8~. Paris, 1788. (Coll. des Memoires relade Magistratibus; de provinciis Romanorum. tifs a l'Hist. de France, v. 40.) (Grrevius, Thesaurus Ant. Rom., v. 3.) The same. 80. Paris, 1838. (Michaud, De Legionibus Romanorum; de cor- Coll. Mem. Hist. France, v. 8.) modis prremiis donis et poenis militaribus. ~The same. 80. Paris, 1823. (Petitot, (Grmevius, Thesaurus Antiq. Rom., v. 10.) Coll. M6m. Hist. France, sdr. I., v. 32.) De Mensium Appellatione ex nomi- ROCHE FLAVIN, (Bernard de la.) See LA nibus Imperatorurn..(Grevius, v. 8.) ROCHE-FLAVIN. Laconici, seu sudationis que adhuc vi- ROCHEFORT, (Cesar de.) History of the Casitur in ruina Balnearum Pisanse urbis, ribby Islands; in two books; with a Caribexplicatio. ( Grevius, Thesaurus Antiq. bianvocabulary. Renderedinto Englishby Rom., v. 12.) John Davies. Folio. London, 1666. ROBSON, (Charles.) Greek Lexicon to the ROCHEFOUCAULD, (F., Duc de la) See LA New Testament, on the basis of Dr. Robin- ROCHEFOUCAULD. son's. 12~. London, 1839. ROCHEFOUCAULT-LIANCOURT, (F. A. F.; Duc ROBSON, (Joseph.) Account of Six Years' de la.) See LA ROCHEFOUCAULT-LIANResidence in Hudson's Bay, from 1733 to COURT. 1736, and from 1744 to 1747. 80. Lon- ROCHEJAQUELEIN, (Madame de la.) See LA don, 1752. ROCHEJAQUELEIN. RoBsoN, (Thomas.) British Herald; or, Ca- ROCHER, (Guerin du.) HistoireVeritable des binet of Armorial Bearings of the Nobility Temps Fabuleux. Accompagn6e de l'hisand Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland; toire des temps fabuleux, par l'Abbe Chawith a glossary, and history of heraldry. pelle, et de l'H6rodote historien du peuple 3 v. 40. Sunderland, 1830. Hebreu sans le savoir, par l'AbbB J. J. BonComplete System of Knighthood; an naud. 5 v. 80. Paris, 1824, historical account of the several orders, from ROCHESTER, (Bishop of.) Defense of Francis, the earliest period to the present time. 40. [Atterbury,] late Bishop of Rochester, at Sunderland, 1830. the bar of the House of Lords, on Thursday, History of Heraldry, and of the various the 9th, and Saturday, the 11th of May, institutions connected therewith. With a 1723, against the bill then depending for inglossary of terms used in the science of flicting pains and penalties on him. By heraldry. 40. Sunderland, 1830. William Wynne. [With the speeches of ROBSON, (Thomas Charles.) Marine Survey- Rochester, Phipps, Reeve, Wearg, Salisbury, ing. 80. London, 1834. the Duke of Wharton, &c.] Folio. LonROBSON, (William.) Life of Cardinal Riche- don, 1723. lieu. 16~. London, 1854. ROCHESTER, (JohnWilmot, Earl of.) Account ROCAFUERTE, (Vicente.) Ideas Necesarias of his Life and Death. 160. (n. d.) Theol. d todo Pueblo Americano independiente, Pam., v. 7.) que quiera ser libre. 180. Philadelphia, Select Poems. 160. London, 1790. 1821. (Johnson's Eng. Poets, v. 15.) RoccA, (Albert Jean Michel de.) Memoirs of - The same. 80. London, 1810. (Chalthe War of the French in Spain. Trans. mers' Eng. Poets, v. 8.) from the French, by Maria Graham. 80. ROCHESTER DailyAdvertiser. 1846-48. 2v. London, 1815. Folio. Rochester, (N. Y.,) 1846-48. The same. 2d Am. ed. 80. Phila- ROCHE-TILHAC, (A. de la.) See LA ROCHEdelphia, 1823. TILHAC. Roccus, (F.) Manual of Maritime Law: ROCHETTE, (D6sir6 Raoul.) Histoire Critique consisting of a treatise on ships and freight, de l'gtablissement des Colonies Grecques. and a treatise on insurance. Trans., with 4 v. 80. Paris, 1815. notes, by Joseph R. Ingersoll. 80. Phila- ROCHON, (Alexis Marie.) Aperuu des Avandelphia, 1809. tages qui peuvent resulter de la Conversion ROCHE, (Antonin.) Histoire des principaux du Metal de cloches en monnaie moul6e. 80. tcrivains Franiais, depuis l'origine de la Paris, 1796. (Pol. Pam., v. 17.) litt6rature jusqu'g nos jours. 2 v. 120. Voyage to Madagascar. (Pinkerton's Paris, 1858-600 Voyages, v. 16.) 965 ROCKWELL. ROGER. ROCKWELL, (Charles.) Sketches of Foreign RODRIGUEZ DE S. MIGUEL, (J.N ) See MfiXIco. Travel, and Life at Sea. 2 v. in 1. 8~. RODRIGUEZ DE FONSECA, (Bartolom6 AgusBoston, 1842. tin.) Digesto Te6rico-Practico, 6 RecopilaROCKWELL, (John A.) Compilation of Spanish cion de los Derechos Comun, Real y Cau6nand Mexican Law; in relation to Mines and ico, por los libros y titulos del digesto. Titles to Real Estate, in force in California, Traduccion literal al Castellano de todas las Texas, and New Mexico, and in the Territo- leyes y pirrafos del digesto, expresion de ries acquired under the Louisiana and Florida sus concordantes y discordantes con las del treaties, when annexed to the United States. codigo, derecho real de Espafna 6 Indias, y V. 1. 80. New York, 1851. (12 copies.) capitulos can6nicos. por el orden de su antiROnD, (Thomas.) Elegant Literature. Part giiedad, de la exposicion de todas ellas, hasta IV. of a Catalogue of an extensive collec- las nuevamente recopiladas en el ano de tion of books. 80. London, 1845. 1773. 18 v. Folio. Madrid, 1775-91. Las Guerras Civiles de Granada; or, ROE, (A. S.) Long Look Ahead; or, the first the civil wars of Granada. Translated from stroke and the last. 120. New-York, 1855. the Spanish. 80. London, 1801. ROE, (Sir Thomas.) Journal of a Voyage to History of Charles the Great and Or- India, 1614-5. (Churchill's Voyages and lando. Together with the most celebrated Travels, v. 1.) ancient Spanish ballads. With English The same. (Pinkerton's Voyages, v. 8.) metrical versions. 2 v. 80. London, 1812. The same. M6moires. (Th6venot, ReRODENBERG, (Julius.) The Island of the lations, v. 1.) Saints. A pilgrimage through Ireland. 120. ROE, (William Thomas.) Practical Treatise London, 1861. on the Law of Elections, relating to England, RODGERS, (Charles T.) American Superiority Scotland, and Ireland. 2d ed. 2 v. in 3. at the World's Fair. Prizes awarded to 80. London, 1818-19. American citizens at the Great Exhibition; a The same. Appendix; containing the compilation from public and private sources. Scots and Irish Statutes, forms, and prece80. Philadelphia, 1852. dents relating to Elections and Controverted RODGERS, (G. B.) Vision of Judgment; an Elections. 80. London, 1818. allegorical satire. 120. Conneaut, (Ohio,) ROEBUCK, (John Arthur.) History of the 1856. Whig Ministry of 1830, to the passing of the RODGERS, (M. M.) Scientific Agriculture; or reform bill. 2 v. 80. London, 1852. the elements of Chemistry, Geology, Botany, ROELKER, (Bernard.) The Constitutions of and Meteorology, applied to practical Agii- France, Monarchical and Republican; with culture. 2d ed. 160. Rochester, (N. Y.,) 1850. remarks relating to their origin, and the late RODHAM, (Henry.) Treatise on Practical Land Orleans dynasty. 120. Boston, 1848. Surveying. 80. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1831. - Manual for the use of Notaries Public RODIERE, (A.) elements du Procedure Crim- and Bankers. 3d ed., by J. Smith Homans. inelle. 80. Paris, 1850. 80. New-York, 1857. RODING, (Johann Heinrich.) Universal Ma- ROEMER, (J.) Cavalry, its history, managerine Dictionary. Spanish and English. 40. ment, and uses in war. 80. New York, 1863. Hamburg, 1815. ROG. See WILLIAMS, (John.) RODMAN, (Thomas J.) Report of Experiments ROGER DE HOVEDEN. Annals; comprising the on the Properties of Metals for Cannon, and History of England, from A. D. 732 to A. D. the qualities of cannon powder. 40. Bos- 1201. Translated by Henry T. Riley. 2 v. ton, 1861. 120. London, 1853. RODRIGUEZ, (Joam.) le6ments de la Gram- ROGER DE WENDOVER. Chronica, sive Flores maireJaponaise. Traduits duportugais, par Historiarum, nunc primum edidit Henricus C. Landresse. Pr6c6des d'une explication O. Coxe. 5 v. 80. Londini, 1841-44. des syllables japonais, par Abel-R6musat. (Eng. Hist. Society.) 80. Paris, 1825. Flowers of History; comprising the RODRIGUEZ, (Manuel.) El Maranon y Ama- History of England, from the descent of the zonas; historia de los descubrimientos, en- Saxons, to A. D., 1235, formerly ascribed tradas, y reduccion de naciones, etc., en las to Matthew Paris. Translated from the dilatadas montafias y mayores rios de la Latin, by J. A. Giles. 2 v. 160. LonAmerica. Folio. Madrid, 1684. don, 1849. 966 ROGERS. ROGERS. ROGERS, (Abner, Jr.) Report of his trial, in- ROGERS, (Henry J.) Life-Saving Signal Book; dieted for the murder of Charles Lincoln, Jr.; or, appendix to the American code. 8~. before the Supreme Judicial Court of Massa- Baltimore, 1856. chusetts; holden at Boston, on Tuesday, Marine Telegraphic List of Merchant January 30, 1844. By G. T. Bigelow and Vessels employed in the Commerce of the George Bemis. 8S. Boston, 1844. United States, furnished for the American ROGERS, (Ammi.) Memoirs of the Rev. Ammi Code of Signals. 8~. New-York, 1855. Rogers, late Rector of St. Peter's Church in Telegraph Dictionary, and Seamen's Hebron, (Conn.) 12~. Hebron, 1824. Signal Book. 80. Baltimore, 1845. ROGERS, (Charles.) Modern Scottish Min- ROGERS, (James E. Thorold.) Education in strel; or, the songs of Scotland of the past Oxford; its method, its aids, and its rewards. half century; with memoirs, sketches, and 12~. London, 1861. specimens of modern Gaelic bards. 6 v. 120. ROGERS, (John; Horticulturist.) Fruit CultiEdinburgh, 1855-57. vator. 3d ed. 16~. London, 1837. ROGERS, (Daniel.) New York City-Hall Re- Vegetable Cultivator; a description of corder, 1816 to 1821. 6 v in 3. 80. New all the varieties of culinary vegetables. 2d York, 1817-22. (2 copies of v. 1 and 2.) ed. 160. London, 1843. ROGERS, (Elisa.) Lives of the Twelve Cesars. ROGERS, (John; of Baltimore.) Statements 5 v. 80. London, 1811. relative to Railroads, Locomotive Engines, ROGERS, (Francis N.) Law and Practice of &c. 80. Baltimore, 1827. (Pol. Pam., Elections, and Election Committees; with v. 109.) the Acts of Parliament for England, Scot- ROGERS, (Mary Eliza.) Domestic Life in land, and Ireland, down to 1837. 120. Lon- Palestine. 120. London, 1862. don, 1837. ROGERS, (Robert.) Concise Account of North The same. With an appendix containing America; a description of the British colothe Acts down to 1847. 7th ed. 160. Lon- nies on that continent. 80. London, 1765. don, 1847. (2 copies.) Journals; containing an account of the -- Practical Arrangement of Ecclesiastical several excursions he made under the geneLaw. 2d ed. 80. London, 1849. rals who commanded upon the continent of ROGERS, (George.) Memoranda of the Ex- North America, during the late war, (1755 perience, Labors, and Travels of a Univer- to 1760.) 120. London, 1765. salist Preacher. 120. Cincinnati, 1845. The same. See REMINISCENSES of the ROGERS, (Henry.) Eclipse of Faith; a visit French War. to a religious skeptic. 10th ed. 160. Lon- ROGERS, (Samuel.) Complete Poetical Works. don, 1861. With a biographical sketch, and notes; Defence of the Eclipse of Faith. 3d ed. edited by Epes Sargent. 120. Boston, 160. London, 1860. (Boundwith preceding.) 1854. Essays, selected from contributions to Italy; a poem. With designs, by Turthe Edinburgh Review. 3 v. 80. London, ner and Stothard. 80. London, 1836. 1850-55. (V. 2 wanting.) Recollections of his Table-Talk. To Selections from the Correspondence of which is added, Porsoniana. 120. London, R. E. H. Greyson, Esq. 2 v. 120. Lon- 1856. don, 1857. Recollections. Edited by William ----- Vindication of Bishop Colenso. 120. Sharpe. 160. London, 1859. Edinburgh, 1863. ROGERS, (Samuel Baldwyn.) Elementary ROGERS, (Henry Darwin.) Geological Sur- Treatise on Iron Metallurgy; with analytivey of the State of New Jersey. (First cal tables of iron-making materials. 80. report.) 80. Philadelphia, 1836. London, 1857. The same. Being a final report. 80. ROGERS, (Thomas J.) New American BioPhiladelphia, 1840. graphical Dictionary. 2d edition. 120. ~ — Geology of Pennsylvania. A govern- Easton, (Pa.,) 1823. ment survey. 2 v. 40; Maps, folio. Phil- ROGERS, (Woodes.) Cruising Voyage Round adelphia, 1858. the World; first to the South Seas, thence ROGERS, (Henry J.) American Code of Sig- to the East-Indies, and homewards by the nals for the use of vessels employed in the Cape of Good Hope; begun in 1708, and merchant service. 80. New-York, 1854. finished in 1711. 80. London, 1712. 967 ROGERS. ROLLIN. ROGERS, (Woodes,) and COURTNEY, (Stephen.) par J. Chantrel. Ouvrage complementairo de Voyage Round the World; with an account l'Histoire universelle de l'lglise Catholique. - of finding Alex. Selkirk on the Island of Juan 80. Paris, 1861. Fernandez. (Knox's Coil. Voyages, v. 3.) Roi, (Le) Predestine par l'Esprit de Louis ROGERS. See RODGERS. XIV., Roi de France; avecplusieurs Lettres ROGET, (Peter Mark.) Animal and Vegetable concernant l'accouchement de la Reine et Physiology, considered with reference to les Affaires d'Angleterre. 240. Cologne, Natural Theology. 2 v. 80. London, 1834. 1688. (Bridgewater Treatises, v. 6-7.) RoJAS, (Fernando de.) La Celestina. (Bib. The same. 3d ed. 2v. 80. London, 1840. de Autores Espainoles, v. 47.) Thesaurus of English Words and ROKITANSKY, (Carl.) Manual of Pathological Phrases, classified and arranged so as to fa- Anatomy. Translated from the German, by cilitate the expression of ideas and assist in E. Sieveking, G. E. Day, and C. H. Moore. literary composition. 80. London, 1852. 4 v. 80. London, 1849-54. (Sydonham Treatises on Electricity, Galvanism, Society Pub.) Magnetism, and Electro-magnetism. 80. ROLAMB, (Nicholas.) Journey to ConstantiLondon, 1832. nople, 1656-58. (Churchill's Voyages and ROGRON, (J. A.) Code de Commerce Explique Travels, v. 5.) par ses Motifs, par des Exemples, et par la ROLAND, (George.) Introductory Course of Jurisprudence; suivi d'une formulaire des Modern Gymnastic Exercises. 2d ed. 80. actes de commerce. 10e d. 120. Paris, 1861. Edinburgh, 1854. ROGUET, (Christophe Michel.) L'Officier d'In- ROLAND DE LA PLATIERE, (Manon Jean Phlifanterie en Campagne, ou application de la pon.) Appel a l'Impartiale Posterit; ourefortification A la petite guerre. 80. Paris, cueil des ecrits qu'elle a r6diges pendant sa 1846. detention aux prisons de l'Abbaye et de ROHAN, (Henri, Duc de.) Le Parfaict Capi- Sainte-Pelagie. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1795. taine; autrement, l'abrege des Guerres de Memoires. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1820.,Gaule des Commentaires de Cesar. 40. Paris, (Berville, Coil. M6m. R6v. Frangaise,v. 1-2.) 1636.. Appeal to Impartial Posterity; or, a Memoires et Lettres sur la Guerre de la collection of pieces written during her conValteline, 1610-29. Publi6s par M. le Baron finement in the prisons of the abbey, and St. de Zur-Lauben. 3 v. 120. Geneve, 1758. Pelagie. From the French. 2v. 80. LonThe same. 80. Paris, 1837. (Michaud. don, 1795. Coil. M6m. Hist. France, v. 17.) ROLAND TREVOR; an autobiography showing ~- The same. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1822. how to make and lose a fortune, and then to (Petitot, Coll. M6m. Hist. France, s6r. 2. make another. 120. Philadelphia, 1853. v. 18-19.) ROLLAND D'ERCEVILLE, (Barthl6emi Gabriel.) Histoire de Henri Duc de Rohan; Recherches sur les Prdrogatives des Dames publies par Ant. Tauvelet Du Toe. 240. chezles Gaulois, sur les'cours d'amour, etc. Paris, 1669. (Leber, Coll. Hist. France, v. 11.) ROHNER, (GeorgWilhelm.) PracticalTreatise ROLLE, (Henry.) Abridgment des Plusieurs on Musical Composition. 40. London, 1854. Cases et Resolutions del Common Ley. 4 v. ROHR, (Johann Friedrich.) Historico-Geo- Folio. London, 1668. graphical Account of Palestine in time of Reports de Divers Cases en el Court Christ. Translated by D. Esdaile. 160. del Banke le Roy, en el temps de Roy JacEdinburgh, 1843. (Biblical Cabinet, v. 43 ) ques. 2 v. Folio. London, 1675-76. ROHRBACHER,(Ren6Fran9ois.) HistoireUni- ROLLIAD, (The) In two parts; Probationary verselle de l'iglise Catholique. Pr6cedde Odes for the Laureatship; and Political Misd'une notice biographique et litteraire par cellanies; with criticisms and illustrations; Charles Sainte-Foi, augmentee de notes in- by Joseph Richardson and others. 80. Lon6dites de l'auteur collig6es par A. Murcier. don, 1795. 3e ed. 20v. 80. Paris, 1857-61. ROLLIN, (Charles.) Histoire Ancienne des ------ The same. Atlas Geographique; dress6 1gyptiens, des Carthaginois, des Assyriens, pour l'Histoire Universelle de l'glise Cath- des Babyloniens, des Medes et des Perses, olique, par A. H. Dufour. Folio. Paris, 1861. des Mac6doniens, des Grecs. 13 v. 12~. Annales Ecclesiastiques de 1846 a 1860; Paris, 1730-38. 968 ROLLIN. ROMANS. ROLLIN, (Charles.) De la Manibre d'Enseigner ROMAN VESPERAL; containing the d'1tudier les Belles-Lettres. 2 v. 4.0 vespers for the whole year. 12~. Baltimore, Paris, 1740. 1857. Ancient History of the Egyptians, Car- ROMANCERO GENERAL, 6 Coleccion de Rothaginians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medes, mances Castellanos anteriores al Siglo XVIII. and Persians, Macedonians, and Grecians. 2 v. 80. Madrid, 1851. (Biblioteca de Au10 v. 120. New-York, 1815. tores Espanoles, v. 23-24.) History of the Arts and Sciences of the ROMANCERO y Concionero Sagrados. ColecAncients. From the French. 2d ed. 3 v. cion de Poesias Cristianas, sacadas por J. de 80. London, 1768. Sancha. 80. Madrid, 1855. (Bib. de AuMethod of Teaching and Studying the tores Espanioles, v. 32.) Belles Lettres. Translated from the French. ROMANISM an Apostate Church. By Non 10th ed. 3 v. 80. London, 1804. Clericus. 120. London, 1852. Roman History, from the Foundation ROMANS Populaires. Illustr6s par Bertall. of Rome to the Battle of Actium. Completed 30 v. 40. Paris, 1849-55. by M. Crevier. Translated from the French. CONTENTS. 16 v. 80. London 1739-50. Aycard, (Marie) Comte de Horn, v. 16. - Mme. de Linant, v. 25. ROLLIN, LEDRU; or, LEDRU-ROLLIN, (Alex- Mlle. Potain, v. 23. andre Auguste.) Decline of England. 160. M. et Mme. de Saitot, v. 21. - La Saurel, v. 20. London, 1850. - William Vernon, v. 17. ROI.O,(Jhn. Cases of the Diabetes Melli- I Bayle, (H.) "Stendhal." Abbesse de Castro, ROLLO, (John.) Cases of the Diabetes Melli- v. 28. tus; with the results of the trials of certain Chartreuse de Parme, v. 27. - Physiologie de l'Amour, v. 28. acids and other substances in the cure of - Rouge et Noir, v. 26. the Lues Venerea. 2d ed. 120. London, Castille, (H.) L'Ascalante, v. 15. the Lues Venerea. 2d ed. 1. London, Chasse aux Chim6res, v. 27. 1798. - Compagnons de la Mort, v. 26. - Contrebandier, v. 22. ROLLS CHRONICLES. See CHRONICLES. - Markgra e, v. 22. ROLT, (John.) On Moral Command. 3d ed. Oiseau de Poie, v. 13. Colet, (Louise.) Mme. Duchatelet. v. 28. 120. London, 1842. - Folles et Saintes, v. 25. ROLT, (Richard.) Impartial Representation of Mne. HoffMin-Tabska, v. 27. -- Jeunesse de Mirabeau, v. 23. the Conduct of the several Powers of Europe, Cooper, (J. F.) Bourreau, v. 10. - Bravo, v. 8. engaged in the late General War, from 1739 - Camp des Paiens, v. 18. to the Treaty at Aix la Chapelle, 1748. 4 v. Christophe Colomb, v. 7. - Colon d'Am6rique, v. 11. 80. London, 1749-50. - Corsair Rouge, v. 2. New and Accurate History of South Dernir ds Mohicans, v. -- Deux Amiraux, v. 19. America. 80. London, 1756. - Ecumeur de Mer, v. 7. - Espion, v. 3. ROMAGNOSI, (Gian-Domenico Gregorio Gins- - Eve Effingham, v. 15. eppe.) Della Ragion Civile delle Acque Fen Follet, v. 16. - Fleurs des Bois, v. 3. nella Rurale Economia o sia dei diretti legali - Lionel Lincoln, v. ]3. -- Lions de Mer, v. 19. e convenzionali delle acque in quanto con- - Lucie Hardinge, v. 5. ce;ne la loro conservazione, il loro uso, il - Mcers du Jour, v. 22. -- Monikins, v. 22. loro commercio e la loro difesa, si'guidiciaria CEil de Faucon, v. 9. che stragiudiciaria nella rurale economia. Ontario, v. 6. - Paquebot, v. 14. 4a ed. 160. Prato, 1838. - Pilote, v. 4. - Opuscoli, su vari argomenti di Diretto - Pio hiners, v. 1. p i- Porte Chains, v. 21. Filosofico. 2" ed. 160. Milano, 1837. - Prairie,. 12. - Precaution, v. 9. ROMAN and Reformed Churches. Principal - Ravensnest, v. 21. Agreements and Differences in Matters of Robinson A ricai v -- Satanstoe, v. 20. Faith. By a Layman. 8~. London, 1827. - Sar Mer et sur Terre, v. 4. (Pol. Pam., v. 71.) - Vie d'un Matelot, v. 3. (Pol. Pam., v. 71.) Dash, (La Comtesse.) L'Ecran, v. II. ROMAN Catholic Question; a series of import- - Jeu de la Reine, v. 10. Dickens, (C.) Marchand d'Antiquit6s, v. 30. ant documents. on the re-establishment of the - Nicolas Nickleby, v. 19. Catholic hierarchy in England. 1850-51. Volelrs de Londres, v. 8. Ducange, (Victor.) Agathe, v. 1. 80. London, 1851. Albert, v. 14. ROMAN de la Rose, par Guillaume de Lorris et G Venoux, (lte.) M, moires d'nn Enfant de Jehan de Meung. Nouv. 6d, par M. Meon. Savoie, v. 9. Karr, (Alphonse.) Clotilde, v. 6. 4 v. 80. Paris, 1814. - Einerley, v. 17. 969 ROMANS. ROMER. ROMANS Populaires. Illustr6s par Bertall — Ricard, (Aug.) Maison a Ciaq Etages, v. 29. C- Marchand de Coco, v. 6. Continued. - Ni'Un ni l'Autre, v. 26. - Ouvreuse de Loges, v. 2t. Karr, (Alphonse.) Famille Alain, v. 10. - Le Portier, v. 10. - Feu Bressier, v. 11. Sage Femme, v. 4. - Homme Fort en Theme, v. 24. - La Vivandiere, v. 20. - Vendredi Soir, v. 15. Le Viveur, v. 1. - Verit6 par Semaine, v. 18. Romieu, (Aug.) Le Mousse, v. 13. Kock, (Paul de.) Andr6 le Savoyard, v. 9. Saint-Maurice. Gilbert, v. 18. - Barbier de Paris, v. 5. -- Bon Enfant, v. 7. - Le Cocu, v. 7. ROMANZOFF, Rumrinzoff, or Riumiantzov, (Pe- Contes et Chansons, v. 19. trovitsch, Count Nicholaj de.) Tables of the - M. Dupont, v. 1. - Enfant de Ma Femme, v. 3. Commerce of Russia, for the years 1802- Femme, le Mari, et l'Amant, v. 3. 1804. In the Russian language. 3 v. Folio. - Fdte aux Environs de Paris, v. 19. - Frdre Jacques, v. 13. St. Petersburgh, 1802-1804. - Georgette, v. 4. Gustave, v. 8. ROMBERG, (M. H.) Manual of the Nervous - Homme a Marier, v. 7. Diseases of Man. Translated from the Ger-~- Homme de la Nature, v. 21. Jean, v. 17. man, by E. H. Sieveking. 2 v. 8~. Lon- Jeune Homme Charmant, v. 18. don, 1853. (Sydenham Soc'y Pub.) Laitiere de Montfermeil, v. 20. - Madeleine, v. 6. ROME. History of Rome. 8". Philadel- Maison Blanche, v. 12. Moustache, v. 22. phia, 1837. - Ni Jamais, ni Tonjours, v. 15. -- History of the Roman Republic, from Nouvelles, v. 23. Pucelle de Belleville, v. 10. the earliest records till the time of Sylla. By = Sou l Anne, v. 16. T.Arnold and others. 2d ed. Edited by E. - Tourlourou, v. 11. Voison Raymond, v. 2. Pocock. 12~. London, 1852. - Zizine, v. 14. Lavergne, (A. G. de.) Circassienne, v. 13. History of the Roman Empire, from Lecomte, (Jules.) Bras-de-Fer, v. 14. the time of Julius Caesar to that of VitelMarryat, (F.) Aspirant de Marine, v. 27. - Chien Diable, v. 29. lius. By T. Arnold and others. 2d ed. - Japhet, v. 11. = l aaplol^^ ^^-vde^el, v. o Edited by E. Pocock. 19~. London, - Le Pacha, v. 26. 1853. - Pauvre Jack, v. 30. Pierre Simple, v. 8. The same; from the time of Vespasian Pirate Ma, v. 329. to the extinction of the Western Empire. R attlin le Marin, v. 23. Vaisseau Fant6me, v. 28. By T. Arnold and others. 2d ed. Edited Vieux Commodore, v. 24.Pocock. 12. Musset, (P. E. de.) Bracelet, v. 13. E. Pocock. 12. London, 1853. - Lauzun. v. 14.' Ritratto di Roma Antica. 16c. Roma, Perrin, (Max.) Famille Tricot, v. 8. - Mauvaises Fetes, v. 29. 1654. Permission de Dix Heures, v. 24. Ritratto di Roma Moderna. 160. Roma - Pretre et le Danseuse, v. 12. Pigault-Lebrun. Addlaide de Mdran, v. 24. 1652. = Agdliue et DAblgeton, v. 1. Select Collection of Views and Ruins - Barons de Felsheim, v. 9. in Rome and its vicinity. French and - M. Botte, v. 3. - Contes. mon Petit-ils, v. 30. English. Folio. London, 1796-98. - Egoisme, v. 30. - Enfait de Carnival, v. 4. ROMm DE LIsLE, (Jean Baptiste Louis de.) - nant du Carnival, v. 4. - Famille Luceval, v. 18. Cristallographie, ou description des formes - Fanchette et Honorine, v. 17. - Folie Espagnole, v. 2. propres A tous les corps du regne min6ral, - GaHron Sans SoLci, v. 5. dans l'Qtat de combinaison saline, pierreuse, ~ Homme a Projets, v. 12. -Jerome, v. 28. oumdtallique. 2e d. 3 v. 80. Planches, - M. de Kinglin, v. 16. Pari 178 - Macddoine, v. 23. ais,. - M. Martin, v. 29. R6MER, (Carl Heinrich von.) Das Volker- Mdtusko, v. 26. - Mouche, v. 25. recht der Teutschen. 80. Halle, 1789. - L'OfficieTux,v. 6. ROMER, (Isabella F.) Filia Dolorosa: Me- Oncle Thomas, v. 16' - M. de Roberville, v. 15. moirs of Marie Therese Charlotte, Duchesse - Th6odore, v. 29. Vie et Aventures de Pigault-Lebrun, v. 25. of Angouleme, the last of the Dauphines. Ricard, (Aug.) Ainee et Cadette, v. 25. 2 v. 8~. London, 1852. - Careine de Ma Tante, v. 2. - Celui qu'On Aime, v. 27. Pilgrimage to the Temples and Tombs -= hausfe D tin, v. 2 8.. of Egypt, Nubia, and Palestine, in 1845-46. - Chaussde D'Antin, v. 28. Cocher de Fiacre, v. 17. 2 v. 8~. London, 1846. - Corme on Gate sa Vie, v. 30. - Diligenc e, v. 23. The Rhone, the Darro, and the Gua- Etrennes de Mon Oncle, v. 12. dalquiver; a summer ramble in 1842. 2 v. - Forcat Lib6re, v. 24. - Grisette, v. 5.. London, 843. 122 970 ROMEY. ROSCOE. ROMEY, (Louis Charles.) Histoire d'Espagne, ROORBACH, (Orville A.) Bibliotheca Ameri. depuis les premiers temps jusqu'a nos jours. cana: catalogue of American publications. V. 1-9. 80. Paris, 1839-50. Supplement, from Oct., 1852 to May, 1855. ROMEYN, (John B.) Two Sermons on Fast The same. Second Supplement, from Day, Sept. 8, 1808. 80. Albany, 1808. May, 1855, to March, 1858. 80. New York, (Theol. Pam., v. 7.) 1858. ROMIEU, (Auguste.) Le Mousse. (Romans ~ The same. Third Supplement, from Populaires, v. 13.) March, 1858, to January, 1861. 80. New ROMIEU, (Madame, Marie Sincere; Pseud.) York, 1861. La Femme au Dixneuvieme Siecle. 2e ed. Roos; or, DE Roos, (Frederick Fitzgerald.) 12~. Paris, 1859. Personal Narrative of Travels in the United ROMILLY, (Sir Samuel.) Memoirs of his States and Canada, in 1826; with remarks Life; written by himself; with a selection on the American navy. 80. London, 1827. from his correspondence. Edited by his sons. ROOSEVELT, (Clinton.) Science of Govern3d ed. 2 v. London, 1841. ment, founded on natural law. 180. NewROMOALDO II., (Archbishop of Salerno. ) Chro- York, 1841. nicon. (Muratori, Rerum Ttalicarum Scrip- ROOT, (Harmon Knox.) People's Lighthouse; tores, v. 7.) essays on the nature, uses, and diseases of RONALDS, (Francis.) Mechanical Perspective; the lungs, heart, etc. Also, a key to the or, description and uses of an instrument causes and cure of consumption. 13th ed. for sketching from nature. 2d ed. 80. 8C. New-York, 1856. London, 1828. ROOT, (Jesse.) Reports of Cases in the SupeRONDEAU, (James.) Anti-Negro Emancipa- rior Court, and in the Supreme Court of Ertion; an appeal to Mr. Wilberforce. 80. rors in Connecticut, 1789 to 1798. 2 v. 8~. London, 1824. (Slavery Pam., v. 9.) Hartford, 1798-1802. RONDELET, (Jean.) M6moire Historique sur ROOT, (N. W. Taylor.) School Amusements; le D6me du Panth6on Franais. 40. Paris, embracing simple rules for military and 1797-1814. gymnastic exercises, &c. 120. New-York, Trait6 Theorique et Pratique de l'Art 1857. deBatir; avec planches. 8v. 40. Paris, ROPER, (R. S. Donnison.) Treatise on the 1812-17. Law of Legacies. With additions by Henry RONDTHALER, (Edward.) Life of John Hecke- H. White. 1st Amer., from the 3d London welder. Edited by B. H. Coates. 120. ed. 2 v. 80. Philadelphia, 1829. Philadelphia, 1847. The same. 4th ed. 2 v. 80. London, RONGE, (John.) The Holy Coat of Treves 1847. and the new German Catholic Church. 180. Treatise on the Law of Property arising New-York, 1845. from the relation between Husband and ROOKE, (John.) Geology as a Science, ap- Wife. With additions by Edward Jacob. plied to the Reclamation of Land from the 2d ed. 2 v. 80. London, 1826. Sea, the Construction of Harbours, the Form- ROPER, (William.) Life of Sir Thomas More. ation of Railroads, and the Discovery of EditedbyS.W. Singer. 160. Chiswick, 1822. Coal. 120. London, 1838. ROPES, (Joseph.) Linear Perspective; with Inquiry into the Principles of National asequel. 2ded. 80. Portland, (Me.,) 1850. Wealth, illustrated by the political economy Ros, (Lord;) or, DE Ros, (William Lennox of the British Empire. 80. Edinburgh, 1824. Lascelles Fitzgerald.) Selections of Field ROOKE, (Octavius.) The Life of the Moselle, Movements for a Division of Cavalry. Small from its source in the Vosges mountains to its 40. London, 1846. junction with the Rhine, at Coblence. 80. ROSA; or, LA ROSA, (F. Martinez de la.) London, 1858. Obras Completas. 5 v. 80. Paris, 1845. ROORBACH, (Orville A.) Bibliotheca Ameri- (Colecciondes Autores Espaioles, v. 12-16.) cana: catalogue of American publications, RoscoE, (Henry.) Digest of the Law of Evifrom 1820 to 1848. With a supplement, 1828 dence on the trial of actions at Nisi Prius. to 1850; together with a list of periodicals. 1st Amer., from the 2d London ed.; with 2 v. in 1. 80. New-York, 1849-50. notes, and references to the English common --- v The same. 1820 to 1852, inclusive. law and ecclesiastical reports, by James 80. New-York, 1852. Bayard, 80. Philadelphia, 1832. 971 ROSCOE. ROSE. RoscoE, (Henry.) Digest of the Law of Wye. With 48 engravings, &c. 80. LonEvidence on the trial of actions at Nisi don, 1839. Prius. 1st Amer., from the 2d London ed.; RoscoE, (William.) Considerations on the with notes, and references to the English Causes, &c.,ofthe Present War. 80. Philcommon law and ecclesiastical reports, by adelphia, 1808. (Pol. Pam., v. 35.) James Bayard. 4th ed. 12~. London, Letter to W. L. Bowles in reply to his 1836. "Final Appeal to the Literary Public relative The same. 10th ed., enlarged, by Ed- to Pope.". 8~. London, 1825. (Misc. ward Smirke. 80. London, 1861. Pam., v. 8.) Digest of the Law relating to Bills of Life and Pontificate of Leo X. 4th Exchange, Promissory Notes, and Bankers' ed., revised by Thomas Roscoe. 2 v. 8~. Checks. 120. London, 1829. London, 1846. Treatise on the Law of Actions re- Life of Lorenzo de Medici, called the lating to Real Property. 2 v. 80. Lon- Magnificent. 7th ed., revised by Thomas don, 1825. Roscoe. 80. London, 1846. Digest of the Law of Evidence in Crim- Life of Alexander Pope. 80. Loninal Cases. 2d ed., with additions, by T. C. don, 1847. (Vol. 1 of POPE'S Works; Granger; with notes and references to Amer- 8 v. ed.) ican decisions and to the English common Monandrian Plants of the Order Scitalaw and ecclesiastical reports, by George minere, chiefly drawn from living specimens Sharswood. 80. Philadelphia, 1840. in the botanic garden at Liverpool, with de-..- The same. 4th Amer., from the 3d scriptions. Folio. Liverpool, 1828. London ed., by George Sharswood. 80. Observations on Penal Jurisprudence, Philadelphia, 1852. and the Reformation of Criminals. With Digest of the Law of Evidence in reports of the State prisons of Philadelphia, Criminal Cases. 5th ed., with additions, by New-York, and Massachusetts. 80. LonDavid Power. 80. London, 1861. don, 1819. ~- Life of William Roscoe, by his son. Origin and Vicissitudes of Literature, 2 v. 120. Boston, 1833. Science, and Art. 80. London, 1818. (Pam- Lives of Eminent British Lawyers. phleteer, v. 11.) 160. London, 1850. (Lardner's Cabinet ROSCOMMON, (Wentworth Dillon, Earl of.) Cyclopoedia, v. 99. Poems. 160. London, 1790. (Johnson's RoscoE,(Thomas.) GermanNovelists. Trans- English Poets, v. 15.) lated from the originals; with critical and The same. 80. London, 1810. (Chalbiographical notices. 4 v. 120. London, mers' English Poets, v. 8.) 1826. (V. 3 wanting.) - The same. 160. Chiswick, 1822. - Italian Novelists. Translated from (British Poets, v. 20.) the original; with notes, critical and bio- ROSE, (Cowper.) Four Years in Southern graphical. 2d ed. 4 v. 120. London, Africa. 80. London, 1829. 1836. ROSE, (Right Hon. George.) Brief ExaminaLife of William the Conqueror. From tion into the Increase of the Revenue, Cornofficial records and other authentic docu- merce, &c., of Great Britain, during the ments. 120. London, 1846. Administration of Wm. Pitt. 80. London, - Life of Miguel de Cervantes Saave- 1806. (Financial Pam., v. 2.) dra. 180. London, 1839. (Murray's Fam. The same. 4th ed. 80. London, 1799. Library, v. 32.) (Pol. Pam., v. 57.) Londonand Birmingham Railway; with Diaries and Correspondence; containthe home and country scenes on each side of ing original letters of the most distinguished the line. 80. London, 1839. statesmen of his day. Edited by Leveson -- Spanish Novelists. Translated from Vernon Harcourt. 2v. 80. London, 1860. the originals; with critical and biographical - Ireland. Proposed System of Trade notices. 3 v. 120. London, 1832. with Ireland Explained. 80. London, 1785. Wanderings and Excursions in North (Col. Pam., v. 21.) Wales. Illustrated. 80. London, 1836. ROSE, (George, Esq., of the Inner Temple.) Wanderings and Excursions in South Cases in Bankruptcy, 1810 to 1816. 2d ed. Wales; including the scenery of'the river 2v. 80. London, 1821. 972 ROSE. ROSS. ROSE, (Sir George Henry.) Means and Im- the University of Pennsylvania to translate portance of Converting the Slaves in the theInscription. 2d ed. 40. Philadelphia, West Indies to Christianity. 2d ed. 80. 1858. London, 1823. (Slavery Pam., v. 8.) RosIER, (James.) True Relation of the Voyage - The same, for the year 1824. 80. Lon- by Capt. G. Waymouth in Discovery of the don, 1825. (Slavery Pam., v. 9.) Land of Virginia, 1605. (Mass. Hist. Coll., ROSE, (Henry.) Manual of Analytical Chem- third series, v. 8.) istry. Translated from the German, by John Ross, (Alexander.) Adventures of the First Griffin. 80. London, 1831. Settlers on the Oregon or Columbia River. ROSE, (Hugh James.) Inscriptiones Gr-ecre 120. London, 1849. Vetustissimre. 80. Cantabrigize, 1825. Fur Hunters of the Far West; a narNew General Biographical Dictionary. rative of adventures in the Oregon and Rocky 12 v. 80. London, 1850. Mountains. 2 v. 120. London, 1855. ROSE, (J. S.) Reformed Practice of Medicine, - Red River Settlement; its rise, probased upon the principles of the Chrono- gress, and present state; with some account Thermal System of Dr. Dickson, of London. of the native races, and its general history 120. Philadelphia, 1845. to the present day. 120. London, 1856. ROSE, (William Stewart.) Letters from the Ross, (David.) Opinions of the European North of Italy, addressed to Henry Hallam, Press on the Eastern Question. 80. LonEsq. 2 v. 80. London, 1819. don, 1836. ROSELLINI, (Ippolito.) Monumentidell'Egit- Ross, (Frederick A.) Slavery Ordained of to e della Nubia disegnati dalla spedizione God. 120. Philadelphia, 1857. scientifico-letteraria Toscana in Egitto. 9v. Ross, (George.) Leading Cases in the Com80. Plates. 3 v. Folio. Paris, 1832-44. mercial Law of England and Scotland; with ROSELLY DE LORGUES, (Antoine Fran9ois notes. 2 v. 80. Edinburgh, 1853-55. FelixValblette.) ChristopheColomb: His. -- Treatise on the Law of Vendors and toire de sa Vie et de ses Voyages. Apres Purchasers of Personal Property; considdes documents authentiques tires d' Es- ered chiefly with a view to mercantile pagneet d'Italie. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1856. transactions. With additions, and the ROSENKRANZ, (Carl.) Geschichte der Kant'- cases and statutes brought down to the schenPhilosophie. 80. Leipzig, 1840. (V. present time, by S. B. Harrison. 2d ed. 12 of Kant's Werke.) 80. London, 1826. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel's Le- Ross, (Sir James Clark.) Voyage of Disben. 80. Berlin, 1844. covery and Research in the Southern and ROSENMULLER, (Ernst Friedrich Carl.) An- Antartic Regions, during the years 1839-43. notations on some of the Messianic Psalms. 2 v. 80. London, 1847. Translated by R. Johnston. 160. Edin., Ross, (Sir John.) Memoirs and Correspond1841. (Biblical Cabinet, v. 36.) ence of Admiral Lord de Saumarez. 2 v. Biblical Geography of Central Asia. 80. London, 1838. Translated from the German, by N. Morren. - On Communication to India, in large 2 v. 160. Edin., 1836-7. (Biblical Cab- Steam Ships, by the Cape of Good Hope. inet, v. 18-19.) 80. London, 1838. Biblical Geography of Asia Minor, Phoe- - Treatise on Navigation by Steam; comnicia, and Arabia. TranslatedbyN. Morren. prising an essay towards a system of the 160. Edin., 1841. (Biblical Cabinet, v. 20.) naval tactics peculiar to steam navigation. Mineralogy and Botany of the Bible. 40. London, 1828. Translated from the German, with notes, by Voyage of Discovery for the purpose T. G. Repp and N. Morren. 160. Edin, of Exploring Baffin's Bay, and inquiring 1840. (Biblical Cabinet, v. 31.) into the probability of a North-West PasROSES. Choix des Plus Belles Roses, peintes sage. 40. London, 1819. d'apres nature, imprimees en couleur et re- Narrative of a Second Voyage in touch6es au pinceau. Accompagnee d'un Search of a North-West Passage, and of a texte descriptif. Folio. Paris, 1845. residence in the arctic regions, during the ROSET, (Hipponax.) See PAXTON, (J. R.) years 1829-33. With an appendix, includROSETTA STONE. Report of the Committee ing the discovery of the northern magnetic appointed by the Philomathean Society of pole. 40. London, 1835. 973 ROSS. ROUS. Ross, (John; Cherokee Chief.) Letter to Job auf unsere Zeiten. 9 v. 8~. Freiburg R. Tyson, on the Cherokees. With appen- im Breisgau, 1834. dix of documents. 80. Philadelphia, 1837. General History of the World, from the Ross, (W. A.) Yacht Voyage to Norway, earliest period to the year 1740. With a Denmark, and Sweden. 2d ed. 12~. Lon- continuation from 1840 to the present time, don, 1849. by Charles J. Peterson. 4 v. in 2. 8~. RossE, (J. Willoughby.) Index of Dates, Philadelphia, 1851. from the earliest to the present time; alpha- ROTTON, (John Edward Wharton.) Chapphabetically arranged. Being an index to lain's Narrative of the Siege of Delhi, from Blair's Chronological Tables. 12~. Guild- the outbreak at Meerut to the capture of ford, (Surrey,) 1859. Delhi. 120. London, 1858. RossEEUW-SAINT-HILAIRE, (Eugene Fran- ROTULI Litterarum Clausarum in Turri Lon9ois Achille.) Histoire d'Espagne depuis dinensi asservati. Accurante T. D. Hardy. les premiers temps historiques jusqu'a la V. 1. 1204-24. Folio, 1833. mort de Ferdinand VII. Nouv. ed. 7 v. ROTULI Litterarum Patentium in Turri Lon8~. Paris, 1854. dinensi asservati. Accurante T. D. Hardy. ROSSETTI, (D. G.) The Early Italian Poets, V. 1. pars 1. 1201-16. Folio. London, from Ciullo D'Alcamo to Dante Alighieri, 1835. (1100-1300;) with Dante's Vita Nuova. ROUBAUD, (F6lix.) Traite de 1'Impuissance 160. London, 1861. et de la Sterilit6 chez l'homme et chez la RossI, (Pellegrino Luigi Odoardo.) Traite femme. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1855. du Droit Penal. 2e dd., precedee d'une ROUEN, (Pierre Isidore.) Corps des Lois cornintroduction par Faustin Helie. 2 v. 80. merciales; ou recueil complet des lois et reParis, 1855. glements generaux, 6dits, ordonnances, aiRosT, (Christian Friedrich.) Greek Gram- rets du conseil, lettres-patentes, d6cretes, mar. From the German; with an appen- arretes, avis du conseil d'6tat, etc., actuelledix on Greek versification. 80. London, ment en vigueur, sur le commerce interieur 1829. et maritime de la France. Continue par M. ROSTERI, (P. L.) Introduction to the Study Vincent. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1839. (2 copies.) of the Italian Language. 4th ed. 240. RoUGHLEY, (Thomas.) Jamaica Planters' London, 1853. Guide; or, a system for planting and manROTALIER, (Charles de.) De la France, de aging a sugar estate. 80. London, 1823. ses rapports avec l'Europe, et du role ROUGIER, (Jean Baptiste, Baron de la Bergequ'elle est appelee a jouer dans le monde. rie.) Georgiques Frangaises; podme. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1846. 80. Paris, 1804. ROTH, (Johann Richard von.) Abhandlungen ROUILLON-PETIT, (F.) Campagnes Memoraaus dem Deutschen Staats und Volkerrechte bles des Frangais en 1gypte, en Italie, &c.; verschiedener praktischen Gegenstatnde und ou Histoire complete de toutes les operations wirklicher Fdlle zur Erlauterung der Trakta- Militaires de la France, 1798-1815. 2 v. ten des Rastadter Friedenskongresses 1797 Folio. Paris, 1817. und 1798, u. s. w. 80. Bamberg und Wurz- ROULAND, (N.) Tableau Historique des Proburg, 1804. prietes des Phenomdnes de l'Air. 80. Paris, ROTH, (Johann Theodor.) Archiv fur das 1874. natiirliche und positive Volkerrecht. 80. ROUND, (Oliver Stephen.) Treatise on the Niirnberg und Altdorf, 1794. English Law ofDomicil. 120. London, 1861. ROTH, (Mathias.) Prevention and Cure of ROUPELL, (William.) Official report of the many Chronic Diseases by Movements. trial [for forgery, ] at Guilford, in the case of 80. London, 1851. Roupell v. Waite, from the shorthand notes The Russian Bath; published with a of Mr. G. Blagrave Snell. 80. London, 1862. view to recommend its introduction into ROUQUETTE, (Adrien.) LeTh6baideenAm6England for hygienic as well as curative rique, ou apologie de la vie solitaire et conpurposes. 80. London, 1852. templative. 80. Nouvelle-Orleans, 1852. ROTROU, (Jean.) (Euvres. 5 v. 80. Paris, Rous, or ROUSE, (Francis.) Archeologie 1820. Attice libri vii; with an addition, by ZachROTTECK, (Carl von.) Allgemeine Geschichte ary Bogan. 5th ed. Small 40. Oxford, vom Anfang der historischen Kenataiss bis 1658. 974 ROUS. ROUSSEL. RoUs, (John.) Diary, from 1625 to 1642. Profession de Foi du Vicaire Savoyard, v. 4. Projet de Paix Perp6tuelle de M. l'Abb6 de St. Edited by M. A. E. Green. Small 40. Lon- Pielre, v. 5. don. 1856. (Camden Society, No. 66.) Projet pour l'Education de M. St. Marie, v. 10. don. 1856. (Camden Society, No. 66.) Reponse a M Bordes, v 1. R6ponse a M. Bordes, v. 1. ROUSE, (Rolla.) Practical Conveyancer; giv- R6ponse au Roi de Pologne sur la refutation faite ng upwards of four hundred precedents of par ce prince de son Discours, v. 1. ing upwards of four hundred precedents of R6sum6 de la Querelle fait par J. J. Rousseau, v. 1. conveyances, mortgages, and leases; a col- Reveries du Promeneur Solitaire, v. 16. Rolsseau Juge de Jean-Jacques: Dialogues, v. 17. lection of miscellaneous forms, and forms of Supplement a l'Histoire de J. J. Rousseau, v. 23. ettlemets and separation deeds. d ed. Tacite, Traduction du premier Livre de, v. 10. settlements and separation deeds. 2d ed. Trag6dies et Ballets, v. 11. 2 v. 8. London, 1858. - La Botanique. Ornee de 65 planches Practical Man; giving nearly 400 care- impimes en couleurs daprs les peintures fully prepared forms, and a complete collec- de P. J. Redout. Folio. Paris, 1805. tion of tables and rules applicable to the Anecdotes of the last Twelve Years of management of estates and property, and to his Life; with a collection of his letters. the calculations of all values dependent on 180. London 1798. lives, reversions, terminable payments, &c. Confessions; with reries of a solitary 8th ed. 80. London, 1858. walker. 4 v. 160. London, 1819. ROussEAU, (Jean Baptiste.) (Euvres Poe- The sae. Period first and second. tiques. Avec un commentaire par M. Amar. v. 120 New-York 1857. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1824. Eloisa. 4 v. 160. London, 1776. ROUSSEAU, (Jean Baptiste Louis Jacques.) Emilius and Sophia: or, a new system Memoire sur les Trois plus Fameuses Sectes ofeducation. 4 v. 16. London, 1767. du Musulmanisme, les Wahabis, les Nosairis Letters on the Elements of Botany; et les Isma6lis. 8~. Paris, 1818. et les Isma~is. 8~0. Paris, 1818. addressed to a lady. Translated, with notes, ROUSSEAU, (Jean Jacques.) (Euvres CornROUSSEAU, (Jean Jacques.) (Euvres Con- and additional letters, by Thomas Martyn. pletes. Mises dans un nouvel ordre, avec 4th ed. 8. London, 1794. des notes historiques et des 6claircissements; Miscellaneous Works. 5 v. 160. LonparV. D. Musset-Pathay. 24 v. 80. Paris, don, 17 don, 1767. 1823-25. CONTENTS. CONTENTS. Anecdotes relative to the Persecution of Rousseau, v. 5. Amours (les) de Milord Pidouard Bomston, v. 9. Dissertation on Political Economy, v. 2. Apologie du Th6&tre, (par D'Alembert,) v. 2. Dissertation on the Effects of cultivating the Arts Botanique, (la) Lettres et Dictionnaire de, v 7. and Sciences, v. 1. Comtdies, v. 10. Comedies, v. 10. -1 Dissertation on the Inequality of Mankind, v. 1. Confessions, (les) v. 14-16. Essay on Theatrical Imitation, v. 2. Considerations sur le Gouvernement de Pologne, Letter on French Musick, v. 2. Letter on French Musick, v. 2. v. 5. Letter to the Archbishop of Paris relative to EmiContrat Social, v. 5. lius, v. 5. Correspondance, v. 18-23. Letter to M. de D'Alembert concerning the Article Declaration relative A M. Vernes, v. 16. Geneva, v. 3. Devin (le) du Village, v. 11. Letter to Voltaire, v. 2. Dialogues, v. 17. Letters, v. 2. Dictionnaire de Musique, v. 12-13. Letters written from the Montains, v. 4. Discours sur cette question: Le Rletablissement des Narcissus, or Self Admirer; a Comedy, v, 2. Sciences et des Arts, a-t-il contribu6 a Epurer les Project for a perpetual Peace, v. 5. Moeurs? v. 1. Sylvia's Walk, v. 2. Discours sur cette question: Quelle est l'origine de Treatise on the Social Compact, v. 5. l'in6galit6 parmi les Hommes? v. 1. Village Conjurer: an interlude, v. 3. Discours sur cette question: Quelle est la Vertu la plus n6cessaire aux H6ros? v. 1. Thoughts on Different Subjects. 2 v. i~conomie (1') Politique, v. 5. imile et Sophie, on les Solitaires, v. 4. 160. London, 1768. mmile, ou de l'ducation, v. 3-4. Treatise on the Social Compact; and Essais sur l'Origine des Langues, v. 2. Eymar, C. Opuscules sur J. J. Rousseau, v. 24. Project for a Perpetual Peace. 120. LonImitation (l') Th6dtrale; Essai de Platon, v. 2. don 1795 (Political Classics, v 3.) Julie, ou la Nouvelle Heloise, v. 8-9. Lettre a M. D'Alembert, sur son article "Geneve," ROUSSEAU, ( Samuel.) Punctuation; or, an dans l'Encyclop6die, v. 2. Lettre A M. de Beaumont, l'archev6que de Paris, attempt to facilitate the art of pointing, on v. 6. the principles of grammar and reason. 120. Lettres a M. Butta-Foco sur la L6gislation de la Corse, v. 5. London, 1813. Lettres a M. le Pr6sident Malesherbes, v. 16. ROUSSEL, (Napoleon.) Catholic Nations and Lettres lScrites de la Montague, v. 6. Melanges, ou Litterature Vari6e, v. 10. Protestant Nations, compared in their threeMusique, (la) Ecrits sur, v. 11-13. Notes en r6futation du livre de l'Esprit, d'Helve- fold relation to wealth, knowledge, and tius, v. 10. Smorality. 2 v. in 1. 80. London, 1855. Oraison Funubre du Due d'Orl6ans, v. 1. Pr6cis de la Vie de J. J. Rousseau, v. 16. ROUSSEL DE LA TOUR, (-.) La Richesse de Poesies Diverses, v. Pas (PolPm.,. 10.) Polysynodie de l'AbbSde St. Pierre, v. 5. l'ltat. 80. Paris, 1763. (Pol Pam., v. 86.) 975 ROUSSELOT. ROWLETT. ROUSSELOT, (Xavier.) etudes sur la Philoso- Liverand Stomach Complaints,and Disorders phiedansle Moyen-Age. 2v. 12~. Paris, produced by Tropical Climates. 14th ed. 1840-41. 150. London, 1855. ROUSSET, (Gustave.) Nouveau Code Annote ROWE, (George Stringer.) A Missionary de la Presse pour la France, l'Algdrie et les among the Cannibals; or, the life of John Colonies, ou concordance de toutes les lois Hunt. 120. New-York, 1861. sur l'imprimerie, la librairie, la propriet6 ROWE, (John.) Introduction to the Doctrine litteraire, la presse p6riodique, le colportage, of Fluxions. 4th ed., with an essay on the l'affichage, le criage, les theatres, et tons theory; revised by W. Davis. 80. London, autres moyens de publication, depuis 1789 1809. jusqu'a1856. 40. Paris, 1856. ROWE, (Nicholas.) Works. With some acROUSSET DE MISSY, (Jean.) Le Chevalier count of his life, prefixed, by S. Hales. de St. George, r6habilit6 dans sa qualit6 de 3 v. 180. London, 1728. Jacques III. par de nouvelles preuves. 180. CONTENTS. Whitehall, (Amsterdam,) 1745. Ambitious Step-Mother, v. 2. Biter, The, v. 3. * Recueil Historique d'Actes, Ndgotia- Callipedia; a poem, translated from the Latin of tions, M6moires et Traitez, depuis la paix FC. Qillet, V. 1. Fair Penitent, v. 2. d'Utrecht jusqu'a celle d'Aix-la-Chapelle. Jane Gray, v. 3. 23 v. in 21. 180. La Haye, Amsterdam et Poems, Tanations, and Life, v. 1. Leipzig, 1728-55. Pythagoras, Golden Verses of, v. 1. Royal Convert, v. 3. ROUTH, (C. H. F.) Fallacies of Homceopathy, Tamerlane, v. 2. and the imperfect statistical inquiries on Ulysses, v. 2. which the results of that practice are es- - Poems. 160. London, 1790. (Johntimated. 80. London, 1852. son's English Poets, v. 28.) ROUTH, (Martha.) Memoirs of her Life, The same. 80. London, 1810. (ChalTravels, and Religious Experience. 80. mers' English Poets, v. 9.) Philadelphia, 1848. (Friends' Lib'y, v. 12.) ROWE, (R. R.) Reports of Interesting Cases ROUTH, (Randolph Isham.) Observations on in the King's Law Courts of England and Commissariat Field Services and Home De- Ireland, the Houses of Parliament, and Milfences. 2d ed. 80. London, 1852. v itary Courts. With a Treatise on Martial ROUTLEDGE'S American Hand-Book and Tour- Law. 80. Dublin, 1824. ists' Guide through the United States. 160. ROWLAND, (Alexander.) Human Hair, considLondon, 1854. ered with special reference to its preservation, Roux DE ROCHELLE, (Jean Baptiste Gaspard.) improvement, adornment, and decoration. Itats-Unis del'Am6rique. 80. Paris, 1838. 80. London, 1853. (L'Univers, v. 22.) ROWLAND, (David.) Manual of the English Villes Anseatiques. 80. Paris, 1844. Constitution; with a review of its rise, (L'Univers, v. 40.) growth, and present state. 120. London, Roux, (Prosper Charles.) Histoire Parlemen- 1859. taire. See BUCHEZ, (P. J. B.) ROWLAND, (Richard.) Treatise on Neuralgia. ROVIGO, (Anne Jean Marie Ren6 Savary, 80. London, 1838. Dzec de.) Memoirs of the Duke of Rovigo, ROWLANDS, (Samuel.) The Four Knaves. written by himself. Illustrative of the his- Edited by E. F. Rimbault. 120. London, tory of the Emperor Napoleon. 4 v. 80. 1843. (Percy Society Pub., v. 9.) London, 1828. ROWLANDSON, (Mary.) Narrative of Captivity ROWAN, (Archibald Hamilon.) Full Report by the Indians, at the destruction of Lancasof his Trial at Bar, in the Court of King's ter, in 1676. 6th ed. 180. Lancaster, Bench, on an information filed against the (Mass.,) 1828. defendant for having published a seditious The same. 80. Concord, 1824. (Farlibel, January 29, 1794. Perth, 1794. mer and Moore's Coll., v. 3.) ROWAN, (F. Maclean.) History of the French ROWLANDSON, (Thomas.) Sheep-Breeder's Revolution, its causes and consequences. 2 Guide; a treatise on the general managev. in 1. 180. New-York, 1845. ment and breeding of sheep. 120. San ROWCROFT, (Charles.) Confessions of an Francisco, 1861. Etonian. 3 v. 120. London, 1852. ROWLETT, (John.) Tables of Discount, or ROWE, (George Robert.) Nervous Diseases, Interest. 4th ed. 40. Philadelphia, 1833. ROWLEY. ROYLE. ROWLEY, (William.) Search for Money. 12~. ROYAL Society, London. Catalogues of MisLondon, 1840. (Percy Society Pub., v. 2.) cellaneous Manuscripts and of Manuscript ROWLEY, (William; M. D.) Cow-Pox Inocu- Letters in the possession of the Society. 8~. lation no Security against Small-Pox Infec- London, 1840. tion. 3d ed. 8~. London, 1806. (Cow- - Catalogue of Miscellaneous Literature Pox Tracts, v. 4.) in the Library. 80. London, 1841. ROWNTREE, (John Stevenson.) Quakerism; ROYAL SOCIETY. See LONDON. past and present; the causes of its decline ROYAL Society of Literature of the United in Great Britain and Ireland. 12~. Lon- Kingdom. Transactions. 2d series. V. 6. don, 1859. 80. London, 1859. RowsoN, (Susanna.) Charlotte Temple; a ROYAL Warrant and Regulations regarding tale of truth. 180. New-York, 1840. Army Services; and explanatory directions ROWTON, (Frederic.) Female Poets of Great for the information and guidance of payBritain. With additions, by an American masters and others. 8C. London, 1848. editor. 8~. Philadelphia, 1849. ROYAIE, (Madame, daughter of Louis X.L) RoY, (William L.) New and Original Ex- Rdcit des Ev6nemens arrives an Temple. 80. position of the Book of Revelation, as well Paris, 1825. (Berville et Barriere, Coll. as the Prophecies of Daniel, Ezekiel, Joel, M6m. Rev. Franeoise, v. 49.) &c. 80. New-York, 1848. ROYALL, (Anne.) Sketches of History, Life, ROY. See RAMMOHUN ROY. and Manners in the United States. 12~. ROY, (Le.) See LE Ro Y. New Haven, (Conn.,) 1826. ROYAL Agricultural Society. See AGRICUL- ROYAUMONT, (Nicolas Fontaine, Sieur de.) TURAL SOCIETY. History of the Old and New Testaments, ROYAL Asiatic Society. See ASIATIC. extracted out of the Sacred Scripture and ROYAL Astronomical Society. Memoirs. writings of the Fathers. Translated by V. 1-25. 40. London, 1822-57. John Coughen. 2 v. Folio. London, Monthly Notices; containing papers, 1688-90. abstracts of papers, and reports of proceed- ROYE, (F. de.) Ad Titulum de Jure Patronaings, from November, 1850, to June, 1855. tus. Ejusdem de Juribus Honorificis in Ec3 v. 80. London, 1851-55. clesia. 40. Mannetis, 1743. ROYAL Blue Book, Fashionable Directory, and ROYER, (Charles e1douard.) Des Institutions Parliamentary Guide, 1850. 120. London, de Credit Foncier en Allemagne, et en Bel1850. gique. 80. Paris, 1845. ROYAL Geographical Society. See GEOGRPHI- ROYER, (Clemence Auguste.) Thdorie de CAL. l'Impot; ou la dime sociale. 2 v. 80. ROYAL Institution of Great Britain. Charter Paris, 1862. and Bye Laws, &c. 80. London, 1803. ROYLE, (J. Forbes.) Culture and Commerce (Pol. Pam., v. 59.) of Cotton, in India and elsewhere. 80. ROYAL Irish Academy. See IRISH. London, 1851. ROYAL KALENDAR; or, annual register for Essay on the Productive Resources of England, Scotland, Ireland, and America, India. 80. London, 1840. for the years 1772 to 1863 inclusive. 91 v. Fibrous Plants of India fitted for Cord160. London, 1772-1863. (1781 wanting.) age, Clothing, and Paper; with an account ROYAL Memoirs on the French Revolution. of flax, hemp, and their substitutes. 80. 80. London, 1823. London, 1855. CONTENTS. Illustrations of the Botany and other Narrative of the Journey of Louis XVI. and his branches of the Natural History of the Family to Varennes, by the Duchess of Angou16me. Himalayan Mountains, and of the Flora Narrative of a Journey to Bruxelles and Coblentz of Cashmere. 2 v. Folio. London, 1839. in 1791, by Louis XVIII. Private Memoirs of what passed in the Temple, Manual of Materia Medica and Therafrom the Imprisonment of the Royal Family to the Death of the Dauphin, y the DucheFamily to peutics; including the pharmacopoeias of Angouleme. London, Edinburgh, and Dublin, with ROYAL Society of Edinburgh. See EDIN- many new medicines. 2d ed. 160. LonBURGH. don, 1853. ROYAL Society, London. Catalogue of Scientific - The same. Edited by Joseph Carson. Books in the Library. 80. London, 1839. 80. Philadelphia, 1847. 977 ROXBURGH. RUGGIERI. ROXBURGH, (William.) Botannical Descrip- RUDYERD, (Sir Benjamin.) Speech, the 17 tion of a New Species of Swietenia, (Ma- of February, for a Speedy Treaty of Peace hogany.) 40. London, 1793. with His Majestie. Small 40. London, 1643. Plants of the Coast of Coromandel. (Parliamentary Tracts.) 3 v. Folio. London, 1795. RUELLE, (Joseph Ren6.) Op6rations des ROZET, (Claude Antoine;) and CARETTE, Changes des principales places de l'Europe. (Antoine Ernest Hippolyte.) Algerie. 8~. 8~. Lyon, 1774. Paris, 1850. (L'Univers, v. 2.) RUFAHL, (Ludwig.) Die Geschichte der VeRUBENS, (Albert.) De Re Vestiaria Veterum. reinigten Staaten von Nordamerika, von der (Graevius, Thesaurus, Antiq. Rom., v. 6.) Entdeckung des Landes bis auf die neueste De Gemma Tiberiana et Augusten. Zeit. 3 v. 80. Berlin, 1832-34. (Groevius, v. 11.) RUFFHEAD, (Owen.) Statutes at Large, from RUBENS, (Pierre Paul.) Galerie du Palais du Magna Charta, to the 20th year of George Luxembourg, peinte par Rubens, dessinee III. 14 v. 40. London, 1763-80. par Nattier, et gravee par les plus illustres The same. Index to the Statutes at graveurs du temps. Folio. Paris, 1710. Large, from Magna Charta to the 10th George RUBRUqUIS, or RUYSBROCK, (Willem de.) III. 80. London, 1772. Travels into Tartary and China, 1253. RUFFIN,(Edmund.) BankReformer. Nos.l-6. (Pinkerton's Voyages, v. 7 ) 8~. Petersburg, (Va.,) 1842. (Financial RUCELAI, (Bernardo.) De Urbe Roma, seu Pam., v. 17.) Latinus Commentarius in Pub. Victorem ac The same. Nos. 1-5. (Pol. Pamn, Sext. Rufum de Regionibus Urbis. (Mu- v. 116 and 117.) ratori, Rerum Italicarum Scriptores, Supp. Consequences of Abolition Agitation. v. 2.) 8~. Washington, 1857. RUCKER, (John A.) Statement of Collisions, Drainage and other connected Agriculextracted from Lloyd's list for the years tural Subjects. 80. (Richmond,) 1857. 1845 to 1849, inclusive. London, 1850. - Essay on Calcareous Manures. 3d ed. (One sheet.) 80. Petersburg, (Va.,) 1842. RUCKIERT, (Ernst F.) Therapeutics of Ho- Farmer's Register; a monthly publicamoeopathy; or outlines of successful homoeo- tion devoted to the improvement of agriculpathic cures. Translated by C. J. Hempel. ture 10 v. 80. Petersburg, (Va.,)1833-42. 80. New York, 1846. Observations on the Abuses of the RiCKERT, (Friedrich.) GesammelteGedichte. Banking System. 8C. Petersburg, (Va.,) 3 v. 120. Frankfort-am-Main, 1843. 1841. CONTENTS. Premium Essay on Agricultural EduAmarillys, v. 1. Kriegerische Spott-und cation. 80. Richmond, 1853. Bausteine zu einem Pan- Ehrenlieder, v. 1. Report of the Agricultural Survey of theon, v. 1. Liebesfrtihling, v. 1. Aprilreise blatter, v. 1. Lieder und Spriiche der S. Carolina. 80. Columbia, (S. C.) 1843. Erinnerungen aus den Minnesinger, v. 2. UFFINI, (G.) Doctor Antonio a tale of Italy. Kindeijahren eines Dorf- Mailieder, v. 3. amtmannsohns, v. 2. Oestliche Rosen, v. 2. 120. New York, 1862. Ghasele, v. 1-2. Sonette, v. 1. Italienische Gedichte,v. 1. Wintertriaume, v. 1. Lavinia. 3 v. 120. London, 1860. Jugendlieder, v. 2. Zeitgedichte, v. 2. RUFFNER, (Henry.) Fathers of the Desert; RUCKERT, (L J.) and LANGE, (J. P.) Doc- an account of the origin and practice of trine of the Resurrection of the Dead, and monkery among heathen nations. 2v. 120. the Resurrection of the Body. 160. Edin- New York, 1850. burgh, 1841. (Biblical Cabinet, v. 16.) RUFO, (Juan Gutierrez.) La Austriada. 8c. RUDELLE,(Luciende.) ConjugatingDiction- Madrid, 1852. (Biblioteca de Autores Esary of all the French Verbs. 80. London, panioles, v. 39.) 1833. RUGEN. Tour through the Island of Rigen RUDIMENTS of the Greek Language; upon in the Baltic, 1805. Translated from the the basis of Wettenhall. 120. Baltimore, German. 80. London, 1807. (Phillips' 1855. Voyages and Travels, v. 5.) RUDING, (Rogers.) Annals of the Coinage of RUGGIER,, (Cesare.) Narrative of the CruciGreat Britain and its Dependencies, to the fixion of Mathew Lobat, executed by his 50th year of the reign of George III. 4 v. own hands, atVenice, 1805. 8c. London, 40. London, 1817. 181. (Pamphleteer, v. 3.) 123 978 RUHLMAN. RUNNINGTON. RUHLMAN, (Moritz.) Horizontal Water- RULES and Orders ofthe Court of CommonPleas Wheels, especially Turbines or Whirl- atWestminster, from Michaelmas Term, 1654, Wheels. Edited by Sir Robert Kane. 40. toMichaelmasTerm,1729. 80. London,1729. Dublin, 1846. RULES and Orders of the High Court of ChanRuiz, (Agostino.) Voyage to New Mexico, cery, 1625 to 1743. 2 v. in 1. 120. Lon1581. [From the History of Mendoza.] don, 1739-44. (Hakluyt's Voyages, v. 3.) RULES and Orders of the High Court of Ruiz DE MONTOYA, (Antonio.) Conquista Chancery. Also, the Rules and Orders of Espiritual hecha por los religiosos de la the Court of'the Exchequer. 3d ed. 80. Compania de Jesus, en las provincias del London, 1724. Paraguay, Parana, Uruguay, y Tape. 40. - The same. 4th ed., with great addiMadrid, 1639. tions. 80. London, 1729. RUIZ Y PADRAZ, (Juan Juliano.) Instruccion RULES and Regulations for the Field Exercise Practica y Ley de Enjuiciamento sobre ne- and Manceuvres of Infantry; adapted to the gocios y causas pertenencientes a la real organization of the Army of the United jurisdiccion ordinaria, 6 sea curso complete States. 80. Plates, 40. New-York. 1815. y metodico de procedimientos para la ad- RULES, Orders and Forms of Proceeding of ministracion de justicia en lo civil y en lo the House of Commons, relating to public criminal. 40. Alcoy, 1841. business. 160. London, 1857. RULE of Life; in select sentences, collected RULHIERE, (Claude.) Histoire ou Anecdotes from the greatest authors, ancient and mod- sur la Revolution de Russie, en l'ann6e 1762. ern. 11th ed. 120. London, 1794. 80. Paris, 1797. RULES of Discipline of the Religious Society RUMFORD, (Benjamin Thompson, Count.) Esof Friends, with advices; being extracts says, political, economical and philosophical. from the minutes and epistles of their yearly 1st Am. ed. 3 v. 80. Boston, 1798-1804. meeting, inLondon. 3d ed. 40. London, CONTENTS. 1834. Breed of Horses and Horned Cattle in Bavaria, v. 1. RULES of Discipline of the Yearly-Meeting, Chi oney Fire-places, v. 1 and 3. Construction of Kitchen Fire-places and Kitchen held in Rhode Island, for New England, 80. Utensils, v. 3. Nw,-B e 1809.n Food and Feeding the Poor, v. 1. NTew-Bedford, 1809. Fundamental Principles of an Establishment for the RULES of the Navy Department, regulating Poor, v. 1. Management of Fire and Economy of Fuel, v. 2. the civil administration of the Navy of the Propagation of Heat in Fluids and various SubUnited States. 120. Washington, 1832. stances, v. 2. United States. 12 Washingto, 1832. Public Establishment for the Poor in Bavaria, v. 1. RULES of Practice of the Court of Claims of Salubrity ofWarm Bathing and of Warm Rooms, v. 3. Source of Heat excited by Friction, v. 2. the United States, the act of Congress estab- Steam, use of as aVehicle for TransportingHeat, v. 3. lishing the Court, and in amendment there- The same. 5th ed. 3 v. 80. Lonof, with the names of the commissioners ap- don, 1800-1802. pointed by the Court to take testimony. 80. Philosophical Papers; relating to vaWashington, 1863. (2 copies.) rious branches of natural philosophy and RULES of Practice of the Court of Equity for mechanics. 80. London, 1802. the several Circuits of the State of New RUMSEY, (Henry Wyldbore.) Essays on State York. 80. Albany, 1823. (Bound with Medicine. 80. London, 1856. KENT'S Rules.) RUNuALL, (Thomas.) Memorials of the EmRULES of Practice of the Supreme Court of pire of Japon in the 16th and 17th centuries. the State of New York. Corrected edition. 80. London, 1850. (Hakluyt Society, v. 8.) 80. Albany, 1852. Narratives of Voyages towards the RULES of the Supreme Court of the United Northwest, in search of a Passage to Cathay States, revised and corrected at December and India, 1496-1631. 80. London, 1849. Term, 1858. 80. Washington, 1859. (2 (Hakluyt Society, v. 5.) copies.) RUNDELL, (Philip.) Memoir. 80. (n. p.) RULES and Articles for the Better Government 1827. (Pol; Pam., v. 70.) of the Troops of the United States of Ameri- RUNNINGTON, (Charles.) History, Principles, ca. 120. Washington, 1800. (2 copies.) and Practice, of the Legal Remedy by EjectRULES and Orders of the Court of King's ment; and the resulting action for Mesne Bench at Westminster, to Michaelmas Term, Profits. 2d ed. By W. Ballantine. 80. 1729 Lodo, 129. London, 1820. 979 RUOFF. RUSKIN. RUOFF, (A. J. F.) Repertory of Homiepathic RUSH, (Benjamin; Esq.) Letter on the ReMedicine, nosologically arranged. From bellion, to a citizen of Washington, from a the German, by A. Howard Okie, with ad- citizen of Philadelphia. 80. Philadelphia, ditions by Gideon Humphrey. 2d Am. ed. 1862. (Habeas Corpus Pam.) 120. New-York, 1845. RUSH, (James.) Philosophy of the Human RuPP, (I. Daniel.) Collection of Thirty Voice; with principles, by which criticism Thousand Names of Immigrants in Penn- in the art of elocution may be rendered insylvania, fiom 1727 to 1776. (Four telligible. 80. Philadelphia, 1827. parts, complete to 1764.) 120. Harris- - The same. 5th ed., enlarged. 80. burg, 1856. Philadelphia, 1859. ~~~ History of Northampton, Lehigh, Mon- RUSH, (Richard.) Memoranda of a Resiroe, Carbon and Schuylkill Counties, Penn- dence at the Court of London, from 1819 sylvania. 80. Harrisburg, 1845. to 1825; including negotiations on the Ore~ — History of Lancaster County; with a gon question, &c. 80. Philadelphia, brief sketch of the early history of Pennsyl- 1845. vania. 80. Lancaster, 1844. Narrative of a Residence at the Court ~- Original History of the Religious De- of London. 80. London, 1833. nominations at present existing in the United - Occasional Productions, including a States. Written by members of the respec- glance at the court and government of Louis tive denominations. 80. Philadelphia, Philippe and the French Revolution of 1848. 1844. 80. Philadelphia, 1860. RUPRECHT, (F. J.) Tange des Ochotskische Washington in Domestic Life. From Meeres. 40. 1747. original letters and manuscripts. 80. PhilRUSCHENBERGER, (William S. W.) Notice adelphia, 1857. of the origin, progress, and present condition RUSH-LIGHT, The. 15th March, 1800. Vol. 1. of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Phil- No. III. 80. Philadelphia, 1800. (Pol. adelphia. 80. Philadelphia, 1852. Pam., v. 100.) - Three Years in the Pacific; including RUSHWORTH, (John.) Historical Collections notices of Brazil, Chile, Bolivia, and Peru. of private passages of state, weighty matters 80. Philadelphia, 1834. in law, remarkable proceedings in five parVoyage Round the World; including liaments. Beginning 1618, and ending 1629. an embassy to Muscat and Siam, in 1835-37. 8 v. Folio. London, 1721. 80. Philadelphia, 1838. RUSKIN, (John.) Elements of Drawing; in RUSH, (Benjamin; M. D.) Essays, literary, three letters to beginners; with illustrations. moral, and philosophical. 2ded. 120. Phil- 120. London, 1857. adelphia, 1806. Elements of Perspective. 120. Lon- Eulogium on Dr. William Cullen. don, 1859. 80. Philadelphia, 1790. (Misc. Pam., Lectures on Architecture and Painting. v. 23.) 120. London, 1854..-.. Medical Inquiries and Observations, Modern Painters. 5th ed. 5 v. 8". upon the diseases of the mind. 80. Phila- London, 1851-60. delphia, 1812. Seven Lamps of Architecture. 80. --- Observations upon the Present Govern- London, 1849. ment of Pennsylvania, in Four Letters to Stones of Venice. 3 v. 8c. London, the People. 80. Philadelphia, 1777. (Col. 1851-53. Pam., v. 17.) The Two Paths; being lectures on art, ~- Oration on the Influence of Physical and its application to decoration and manuCausesuponthe MoralFaculty. 2ded. 80. facture. 120. London, 1859. London, 1786. (Pam. Address, No. 3.) Unto this Last; four essays on the first ----- Report of an Action for Libel, brought principles of political economy. 180. Lonby Dr. Benjamin Rush against William Cob- don, 1862. bett, in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, The True and the Beautiful in Nature, December term, 1799, for certain defamatory Art, Morals, and Religion. Selected from publications in a newspaper entitled Porcu- his works, by Mrs. L. C. Tuthill. 120. pine's Gazette. Taken in short hand by T. New York, 1860. Carpenter. 80. Philadelphia, 1800. See TURNER, (J. M. W.) 980 RUSSELL. RUSSELL. RUSSELL, (Archibald.) Principles of Statis- RUSSELL, (Joshua.) Journal of a Tour in tical Inquiry; proposals for uniting an ex- Ceylon and India, in company with J. amination into the resources of the United Leechman. 120. London, 1852. States with the census to be taken in 1840. RUSSELL, (J. Rutherfurd.) History and He80. New York, 1839. roes of the Art of Medicine. 80. London, RUSSELL, (Arthur T.) Memorials of the Life 1861. and Works of Thomas Fuller. 160. Lon- Homoeopathy in 1851. 160. Edindon, 1844. burgh, 1852. RUSSELL, (C. W.) Life of Cardinal Mezzo- RISSELL, (Michael.) Connexion of Sacred fanti; with memoir of eminent linguists. and Profane History, to the decline of the 80. London, 1858. Kingdoms of Israel and Judah. 3 v. 80. RUSSELL, (Henry.) Songs: dramatic and London, 1827-37. descriptive scenas, cantatas, characteristic - History and Present Condition of the ballads, and negro melodies. [Being v. 4 of Barbary States. 180. New-York, 1842. the Musical Treasury.] Folio. London, (Harpers' Fam. Library, v. 76.) 1846. Life of Oliver Cromwell. 2 v. 18~. RUSSELL, (James; Barrister.) Reports of NewYork, 1842. (Harpers' Family Library, Cases in the High Court of Chancery, during v. 67-68.) the time of Lord Chancellor Eldon, 1826 to Nubia and Abyssinia. 180. New York, 1829. 4 v., and v. 5, parts 1 and 2. 80. 1841. (Harpers' Family Library, v. 66.) London, 1827-30. (2 copies.) Palestine; or the Holy Land. 180. ----- and MYLNE, (J. W.) Reports of Cases New York, 1842. (Harpers' FamilyLibrary, in the High Court of Chancery, during the v. 30.) time of Lord Chancellor Lyndhurst, 1829 to - View of Ancient and Modern Egypt. 1833. 2 v. 80. London, 1832-37. 130. New York, 1842. (Harpers' Family RUSSELL, (John; Artist.) Letters from a Library, v. 26.) Young Painter Abroad, to his Friends in RUSSELL, (Lady Rachel.) Letters; with an inEngland. 2d ed. 2 v. 80. London, 1750. troduction, vindicating Lord Russell against RUSSELL, (Lord John.) The Causes of the Sir John Dalrymple, &c.; and the trial of French Revolution. 80. London, 1832. Lord William Russell for high treason. 6th Essay on the History of the English ed. 80. London, 1801. Government and Constitution, from the reign Some Account of her Life; followed by of Henry VII. to the present time. 80. Lon- letters to her husband, from 1672 to 1682, don, 1823. and letters from the Countess of Sunderland Life and Times of Charles James Fox. to the Marquis of Halifax, in the year 1680. V. 1-2. 120. London, 1859. 80. London, 1819. " - Memorials and Correspondence of C. J. RUSSELL, (Robert.) North America, its AgriFox. 4 v. 80. London, 1853-57. culture and Climate; containing observaMemoirs of the Affairs of Europe, from tions on the agriculture and climate of Canthe Peace of Utrecht. 2 v. 40. London, ada, the United States, and the island of 1824-29. Cuba. 8C. Edinburgh, 1857. RUSSELL, (John; Esq.) Tour in Germany, RussELL, (Thomas.) Poems. 160. Chiswick, and some of the Southern Provinces of the 1822. (Brit. Poets, v. 73.) Austrian Empire, in the years 1820-1822. RUSSELL, (William, LL. D.) History of Ame80. Boston, 1825. rica. 2 v. 40. London, 1778. RUSSELL, (John; A. M.) Historyof England; History of Modern Europe; with an with historical sketches of Scotland, Wales, account of the Decline and Fall of the Roman and Ireland. 120. Philadelphia, 1854. Empire; and a View of the Progress of Soci- History of France, from the earliest ety to 1763. New ed., continued. 4 v. 80. times to the present day. 120. Philadel- London, 1850. phia, 1854. RUSSELL, (William; Writing master.) PhilosHistory of the United States. For ophy of Arithmetic. 160. London, 1826. schools. 120. Philadelphia, 1854. RUSSELL, (William; Teacher of elocution.) - History of the War between the United American Elocutionist; comprising'lessons States and Great Britain, 1812-1815. 80. in enunciation,''exercises in elocution,' and Hartford, 1815.'rudiments of gesture.' 120. Boston, 1844. 981 RUSSELL. RUTLAND. RUSSELL, (William Howard.) My Diary in RUSSIAN Empire; its resources, government, India, in the year 1858-9. 2 v. 120. Lon- andpolicy. Bya"looker-on"fromAmerica. don, 1860. [Charles B. Boynton.] 120. Cincinnati, -- My Diary North and South. 2 v. 120. 1856. London, 1863. RUSSIAN Language. New Pocket Dictionary ~- The War; from the landing at Galli- of the English and Russian, and Russian and poli to the death of Lord Raglan. 160. English Languages. 240. Leipsic. (n. d.) London, 1855. RUSSIAN Ports of the Black Sea, the Sea of RUSSELL, (William Oldnall.) Treatise on Asoph, and the Danube; Geographical, staCrimes and Misdemeanors. 1st Am. ed., tistical, and commercial account of. Also, with notes of decisions in the American report of the European Commerce of Russia courts, by Daniel Davis. 2 v. 8. Boston, in 1835. From the German. 80. London, 1824. 1837. (Com. Pam, v. 9.) -- The same. 2ded. 2v. 80. London, 1826. RUSTON, (T.) Remarks on Lord Sheffield's The same. With additional notes of Commerce of the American States. 80. Londecisions in the American courts, by D. don, 1784. (Con. Pam., v. 3.) Davis, T. Metcalf, and G. Sharswood. 2 v. RUTHERFORD, (A. W.) Cause of Depreciation 80. Philadelphia, 1836. traced to the State of our Silver Currency. The same. By C. T. Greaves. 7th 80. London, 1812. (Financial Pam., Am. from the 3d London ed; with additional v. 4.) notes and references, by George Sharswood. Depreciation caused by Conflicting 2 v. 80. Philadelphia, 1853. Coins; a letter to the Earl of Lauderdale. -- and RYAN, (E.) Crown Cases Reserved 80. London, 1812. (Financial Pam., for Consideration, 1799 to 1824. 80. Lon- v. 4.) don, 1825. - Hints from Holland; or, Gold Bullion RUSSELL, (William S.) Guide to Plymouth, as dear in Dutch Currency as in Bank-Notes. and Recollections of the Pilgrims. 180. 80. London, 1811. (Financial Pam., v. 4.) Boston, 1846. Hintsfrom Holland. Part II. (FinanRUSSIA. Briefe Eines Nord-Amerikaners aus cial Pam., v. 4.) und fiber Russland. 160. Mannheim, 1849. ~ Observations on the Letter of D. Giddy; ~- De la Russie et de la France; entre- entitled a "Plain Statement of the Bullion tiens politiques, par un inconnu. 80. Paris, Question." 80. London, 1811. (Financial 1842. Pam., v. 4.) Laws, general and provincial, and Re- RUTHERFORD, (William.) Complete Solution ports of Decisions in the Courts of Justice of of Numerical Equations; in which the imagthe Russian Empire. [In the Russian lan- inary as well as the real roots are determined. guage.] 103 v. 40, and 54 v. 80. Saint 40. London, 1849. Petersburgh, 1830-52. RUTHERFORD, (William, D. D.) View of Revelations of Russia; or, the Emperor Antient History; including the Progress of Nicholas and his Empire, in 1844. 2 v. 120. Literature and the Fine Arts. 3d ed. 2 v. London, 1844. 120. London, 1809. -- Russia under Nicolas the First. Trans- RUTHERFORTH, or RUTHERFORD, (Thomas.) lated from the German, by A. C. Sterling. Defence of a Charge concerning Subscrip160. London, 1841. tions, in a letter to the Author of the Confes-- Systdme de Legislation, d'Administra- sional. [F. Blackburne.] 80. Cambridge, tion et de Politique de la Russie en 1844. (Eng.,) 1767. (Misc. Pam., v. 3.) Par un Homme d'etat Russe. 80. Paris, - Institutes of Natural Law; being the 1845. substance of a course of lectures on Grotius RUSSIA. By a Manchester Manufacturer. 80. de Jure Belli et Pacis. 2 v. 80. Cambridge, Edinburgh, 1836. (Pol. Pam., v. 79.) (Eng.,) 1754-56. (2 copies.) RUSSIA; by a recent traveller; letters origi- The same. 2d Am. ed. 80. Baltimore, nally published in "The Continental Re- 1832. (2 copies.) view. 120. London, 1859. RUTLAND Papers, illustrative of the courts and RUSSIA and FRANCE. Reflections on the Peace times of Henry VII. and Henry VIII. Ed. between Russia and France. 80. London, by W. Jerdan. Small 40. London, 1842. 1807. (Pol. Pam., v. 51.) (Camden Society, No. 21.) 982 RUTLEDGE. RYMER. RUTLEDGE, (Jean Jacques.) Essais Politiques RYAN, (Richard.) Biographia Hibernica; a sur l'ltat Actuel de quelques Puissances. biographical dictionary of the worthies of Par R. C. B. 80. Londres, 1777. Ireland. 2 v. 80. London, 1819-21. RUTLEDGE, (John.) Examination of the ques- ~ Dramatic Table Talk; or, scenes, situation who is the writer of the forged Letters tions, and adventures, serious and comic, in attributed to John Rutledge. 8~. Wash- theatrical history and biography. 3v. 160. ington, 1803. (Pol. Pam., v. 104.) London, 1825. RUTLEDGE; a novel. 120. New York, 1860. RYAN, (William Redmond.) Personal AdvenRUTT, (John Towel.) Life and Correspondence tures in Upper and Lower California, in of Joseph Priestley. 2 v. 80. London, 1831. 1848-9. 2 v. 120. London, 1850. RUTTAN, (Henry.) Ventilation and Warming RYAN, (William W.) Theory of Winds and of Buildings; with the ventilation of railway Weather. 80. Detroit, 1859. carriages. 80. New York, 1862. RYCAUT, (Sir P.) Turkish History. See RUTTENBER, (E. M.) History of the Town KNOLLES. of Newburgh, (N. Y.) 80. Newburgh, 1859. RYDE, (Edward.). General Text Book, for - Obstructions to the Navigation of Hud- architects, engineers, surveyors, solicitors, son's River; embracing the minutes of the auctioneers, land agents, and stewards; secret committee appointed by the Provin- with additions by Prof. Donaldson. 8~. cial Convention of New York, July 16,1776. London, 1854. Small 40. Albany, 1860. RYDER, (Alfred Phillips.) Methods of AscerRUTTER, (J. O. N.) Human Electricity; the taining the Distance from Ships at Sea, &c. means of its development. 120. London, 3d ed. 80. London, 1858. 1854. Practical Rules for Determining the RUXTON, (George Frederick.) Adventures in Course to Escape from a Hurricane, deMexico and the Rocky Mountains. 120. duced from the Theory of Colonel Reid. New York, 1848. New ed. 80. London, 1852. Life in the far West. 2d ed. 180. - Treatise on Economy of Fuel; pointEdinburgh, 1861. ing out the considerations which should be RUYSDALE, (Philip.) Fortunes of a Colonist. carefully studied when engines are being 120. London, 1854. ordered. 80. London, 1852. RYALL, (H. T.) Portraits of Eminent Conser- RYDER, (George M.) Gillian; and other vatives and Statesmen, with Historical Me- poems. 120. Philadelphia, 1858. Inoirs. First and second series. 2 v. 40. RYDER, (John.) Four Years' Service in London, 1838-41. India. 2d ed. 160. Leicester, 1854. RYAN, (Edward; D.D.) History of the Effects RYLAND, (Frederick.) Treatise on the Disof Religion on Mankind. 80. Dublin, 1802. eases and Injuries of the Larynx and RYAN, (Edward, of Lincoln's Inn;) and MooDY, Trachea. 80. Philadelphia, 1841. (William.) Reports of Cases at Nisi Prius, RYLAND, (Robert.) Lectures on the Apocain the Courts of King's Bench and Common lypse. 120. Richmond, (Va.,) 1857. Pleas, and on the Oxford and Western Cir- RYLAND, (R. H.) History, Topography, and cuits, 1823 to 1826. 8~. London, 1827. Antiquities of the County and City of RYAN, (John.) Preparation of Long-Line, Waterford; with state of the peasantry Flax-Cotton, and Flax-Wool, by the Claus- of that part of Ireland. 80. London, sen Processes; with Claussen's System of 1824. Bleaching Fibres, Yarns, and Fabrics. 80. RYLE, (Thomas.) American Liberty and London, 1852. Government questioned. 120. London, RYAN, (Michael.) Manual of Medical Juris- 1855. prudence, and State Medicine. 2ded. 80. RYLEY, (Samuel William.) The Itinerant; London, 1836. or, memoirs of an actor. 2d ed. 9 v. 160. Philosophy of Marriage, in its social, London, 1817-27. moral, and physical relations; with the phy- RYLEY, (William.) Pleadings in Parliament. siology of generation. 4th ed. 160. Lon- Folio. London, 1661. don, 1843. RYMER, (Thomas.) Short View of Tragedy; Prostitution in London; with a com- its original excellency and corruption; parative view of that of Paris and New York. with some reflections on Shakespeare. 16~. 16~. London, 1839. London, 1693. 983 RYMER. SADLER. RYMER, (Thomas.) Feedera, Conventiones, SACCHI, (Bdrtolommeo.) Vita Calixti III. Literae, et cujuscunque generis Acta Pub- pontificis. (Muratori, Rerum Italicarum lica, inter Reges Anglime et alios quosvis Scriptores, v. 3.) Imperatores, Reges, Pontifices, &c. 2d ed. See also PLATINA. 20 v. Folio. Londini, 1727-35. SACHEVERELL, (Henry.) Tryall before the SAADI. See SADI. HGuse of Peers, for high crimes and misdeSAALFELD, (Friedrich.) Grundriss eines Sys- meanors. Folio. London, 1710. tems des Europaischen Volkerrechts. 12~. SACHSEN WEIMAR. See SAXE WEIMAR. Gottingen, 1809. SACK, (Albert von.) Narrative of a Voyage to SAAVEDRA, (Angel de: Duque de Rivas.) Poe- Surinam; of a residence there, 1805-1807; sias. 2a ed., aumentada. 2 v. in 1. 12~. Ma- and of a return to Europe by the way of North drid, 1820-21. America. 40. London, 1810. SABATIER,(Antoine.) DictionnairedesPassions, SACKVILLE, (Charles.) See DORSET, (Earl of.) desVertus, et des Vices. 2 v. 16~. Paris, 1769. SACKVILLE, (George, Lord.) Conduct of a SABBATH Bells Chimed by the Poets. 8~. late Noble Commander (Lord George SackPhiladelphia, 1857. ville,) candidly considered. 8~. London, SABBATH Reform. First Five Years of the Sab- 1760. bath Reform, 1857-62; with twenty docu- Proceedings of a General Court-Martial ments of the New York Sabbath Committee. held at the Horse-Guards in March and April, 80. New York, 1862. 1760, upon the trial of Lord George SackSABBATHIER, (Fran9ois.) Institutions, Man- ville. 80. Edinburgh, 1760. ners, and Customs of the Ancient Nations. SACKVILLE,(Thomas, LordBuckhurst.) Works. Translated from the French, by Percival Edited by Reginald W. Sackville-West. Stockdale. 2 v. 8C. London, 1776. 160. London, 1859. SABINE, (Edward.) North Georgia Gazette, Poems. 16~. London, 1854. (With and Winter Chronicle. 40. London, 1821. Surrey's, etc., Poems.) Observations made at the Magnetical SACRED Edict, containing 16 Maxims of the and Meteorological Observatory at Toronto, Emperor Kang-He, amplified by his son, the in Canada, 1840-42. 40. London, 1845. Emperor Yoong-Ching; with a paraphrase Observations made at the Magnetical on the whole, by a Mandarin. Translated, and Meteorological Observatory at the Cape with notes, by William Milne. 80. London, of GoodHope, 1841-46. 40. London, ]851. 1817. ~- Observations made at the Magnetical SACRED Minstrelsy; a collection of sacred and Meteorological Observatory at Hobarton, music by the great masters of all ages and in Van Diemen Island, and by the Antarctic nations; with accompaniments for the pianoNaval Expedition, 1841-45. 2 v. 40. Lon- forte or organ. 2 v. Folio. London, 1831-35. don, 1850-52.'SACRORUM EVANGELIORUM. See BIBLE. SABINE, (James.) EcclesiasticalHistory, from SADI, or SAADI. (Sheik Moslih Eddin.) Gulisthe commencement of the Christian Era to tan; or, Flower-Garden. Translated from the the present time. 2 v. 80. Boston, 1820. Persian, by James Ross. 80. London, 1823. SABINE, (Lorenzo.) American Loyalists; or, - Gulistan; or, Rose Garden; in the Perbiographical sketches of adherents to the sian; with translation, by Francis Gladwin. British crown in the war of the revolution. 2 v. 80. London, 1827-34. 80. Boston, 1847. SADLER, (Michael Thomas.) Ireland; its Evils ~- Life of Edward Preble. 160. Boston, and their Remedies. 80. London. 1828. 1847. (Sparks'Am. Biog.,v. 12, secondseries.) Law of Population; a treatise in dis---- Notes on Duels and Duelling, alpha- proof of the superfecundity of human beings, betically arranged, with a preliminary His- and developing the real principle of their toricalEssay. 120. Boston, 1855. (2copies.) increase. 2v. 80. London, 1830. SACCHETTI, (Franco.) Novels. Selected and Memoirs of his Life and Writings. 80. Translated. (Roscoe's Ital. Novelists, v. 1.) London, 1842. SACCHI, (Bdrtolommeo.) HistoriaUrbisMan- Refutation of an Article in the Edintuae ad 1464. (Muratori, Rerum Italicarum burgh Review, No. 102, entitled, "Sadler's Scriptores, v. 20.) Law of Population, and Disproof of Human Vita Nerii Capponis. (Muratori, Re- Superfecundity." 80. London, 1830. rum Italicarum Scriptores, v. 20.) The same. (Pol. Pam., v. 73.) 984 SADLER. ST. DOMINGO. SADLER, (Sir Ralph.) State Papers and Let- SAILORS' HOME; or, Brunswick Maritime Esters. Edited by Arthur Clifford. With his tablishment. Report. 120. London, 1833. memoir and historical notes, by Walter Scott. (Pol. Pam., v. 77.) 2 v. 40. Edinburgh, 1809. SAIN DE BOISLECOMTE, ( —.) De La Crise SAFFELL, (W. T. R.) Records of the Revolu- Am6ricaine, et de celle des nationalites en tionary War; containing Correspondence of Europe. 8~. Paris, 1862. distinguished Officers; Names of officers and SAINSBURY, (W. Noel.) Original Unpublished privates; General Orders of Washington, Papers illustrative of the Life of Sir Peter Lee, and Greene, at Germantown and Valley Paul Rubens, as an Artist and a Diplomatist. Forge, etc. 120. New-York, 1858. With an appendix. 80. London, 1859. SAFFORD, (James M.) Second Geological Re- ST. AMAND, (George.) Historical Essay on port to the General Assembly of Tennessee. the Legislative Power of England. 80. 80. Nashville, 1857. London, 1725. SAFFORD, (William H.) Life of Harman SAINTARD, (-.) Essai sur les Colonies FranBlennerhassett; comprising a narrative of poises. 160. Paris, 1754. the Burr expedition, and many additional ST. AUBAN, (Jacques, Pape de.) M6moires. facts. 120. Chillicothe, (0.,) 1850. 80. Paris, 1790. (Coll. des M6moires ReSAGA Jltvardar Kontings bins Helga, udgiven latifs a l'Hist. de France, v. 61.) efter Islandske Oldb6ger af det Kongelige The same. 80. Paris, 1838. (Michaud, Nordiske OldskriftSelskab. 80. Kioben- Coll. M6m. Hist. France, v. 11.) havn, 1852. The same. 80. Paris, 1824. (Petitot, SAGARDTHEODAT, (Gabriel.) Le Grand Voy- Coll. Mem. Hist. France, s6r. I., v. 43.) age du Pays des Hurons. Avec un diction- ST. CHRISTOPHER. Acts of Assembly, passed aire de la langue huronne. 2 v. in 1. 160. in the island of St. Christopher, 1711 to 1735. Paris, 1632. Folio. London, 1739. SAGE, (John, Bishop.) Works. With a memoir ST. CLAIR, (Gen. Arthur.) Narrative of the and notes. 3 v. 80. Edinburgh, 1844-46. Manner in which the Campaign against the CONTENTS. Indians, in 1791, was conducted, under his command. 8~. Philadelphia, 1812. Fundamental Charter of Presbytery, as established Philadelphia, 1812. in the Kingdom of Scotland, v. 1. ST. CLAIR, ( Lieut. Col. Thomas Staunton.) Memoir ofthe Life and Times o1 Sage, v. 1. Principles of the CyprianTie Age, v. 2-3. Soldier's Recollections of the West Indies SAGE, (Rufus B.) Scenes in the Rocky Moun- and America; with the expedition to the island of Walcheren..2 v. 8~. London, 1834. tains, and in Oregon, California, New Mex- v. London, 1834. tains,? ~~SAINT DIDIER. See LIMOJON DE ST. DIDIER. ico, Texas, and the grand prairies. 2d ed. STOJONDR. ST. DOMINGO. History of the Island of St. 120. Philadelphia, 1847. Domingo, from its first discovery to the SAGGI di Naturali Esperienze fatte nell' Acca- Domingo, from its first discovery to the *. * i^. i ^n -1-1- ^^ present period. 8~. New-York, 1824. demia del Cimento. 40. Firenze, 1841. presentperiod. 8. New-York, 1824. SAG ARIUS, (Casp.) De Januis Veteru. Inquiry into the Causes of the InsurSAGITTARIUS, (Caspar.) De Januis Veterum. SAGItraeIus, TsrAiRmv6 rection of the Negroes in St. Domingo; also, (GIaevius, Thesaurus Autiq., Rom., v. 6.) observations of M. Garran-Coulon. 80. SAGITTARIUS' Letters and Political Specula- o on2..Garran-ou. 27. tions, extracted from the Public Ledger. L 1 80. Boston, 1775. (Col. Pam., v. 11.) The same. 80. Philadelphia, 1792. SAGRA, (Ramon de la; or, LA SAGRA.) His- (Pol. Pam., v. 7.) ______ Particular Account of the Insurrection toria Economico-Politica y Estadistica de la Particular Account of the Insurrection Isla de Cuba. Small 40. Habana, 3831. of the Negroes in St. Domingo, which began in August, 1791; being a speech made by ~ — Historia Fisica, Politica, y Natural de Histora Fisica, Politica, y Natural de the deputies from the French part of St. la Isla de Cuba. 12 v. Folio. Paris, 1842-6.Domingo. 2d ed. 80. London, 1792. CONTENTS. The same 4th ed. 80. London, 1792. V. 1-2. Historia Fisica y Politica. (Misc. Pam., v. 27.) 3-12. Historia Natural.. Journal des Colonies de St. Domingue, 3. Aves. 4 Reptiles yeces. (No. 17.) 80. Paris, 1791. (Pol. Pam., v. 9.) 5. Moluacos. ~__ P6tition des Citoyens de Couleur de St. 6. Fosiles. 7. Crustaceos, Aragnides 6 Insectos. Domingue A l'Assembl6e Nationale. 80. -1. Atltas dce Zoologia. Paris, 1791. (Slavery Pam., v. 15.) 9-12. At e Botan ica.. HAYI 12. Atlas de Botanica. See also HAYTI. 985 SAINT-EDME. ST. JOHN. SAINT-EDME,(Edme Th6odore Bourg.) Reper- SAINT-HILAIRE, (Jules Barthelemy.) Egypt toire Gendral des Causes C616bres, anciennes and the Great Suez Canal; a narrative of et modernes. 15 v. 80. Paris, 1834 —35. travels. 80. London, 1857. SAINTES, (Amuand.) Histoire de la Vie et des SAINT-HILAIRE. See RossEeuw-ST. HILAIRE. Ouvrages de B. de Spinosa, fondateur de SAINT HILAIRE, (Geoffroy.) See GEOFFROY l'exegese et de la philosophie modernes. ST. HILAIRE. 80. Paris, 1842. SAINTHILL, (Richard.) Olla Podrida; or, Critical History of Rationalism in scraps, numismatic, antiquarian, and literGermany, from its origin to the present ary. 80. London, 1844. time. 80. London, 1849. SAINTINE, (Joseph Xavier Boniface.) PicSAINTESPES-LESCOT, (E.) Des Donations ciola; the prisoner of Fenestrella. From EntreVifs et des Testaments, ou conimen- the French. Newed. 120. Philadelphia, 1854. taire du titre II. du livre III. du Code Civil. ST. JOHN, (Bayle.) Adventures in the LibOuvrage precede d'une introduction histo- yan Desert and the Oasis of Jupiter Ammon. rique, par M. Isambert. 5 v. 80. Paris, 160. London, 1849. 1849-61. - The Louvre; or, biography of a muST. EVVREMOND, (Charles MTargotelle de St. seum. 120. London, 1855, Denis de.) Works. Translated from the - Montaigne the Essayist; a biography. French. 3 v. 80. London, 1728. 4 v. 120. London, 1858. - Letters, supposed to have passed be- Purple Tints, of Paris; character and tween M. de St. Evremond and Edmund manners in the new empire. 2 v. 120. Waller. 18.'London, 1770. London, 1854. SAINT FARGEAU. See GIRAULT. The Subalpine Kingdom; or, expeSAINT-FOND, (F. de.) See FAUJAS DE ST. riences and studies in Savoy, Piedmont, FOND. and Genoa. 2 v. 120. Paris, 1860. Sr. GEORGE, (George.) Saunter in Belgium, Turks in Europe; a sketch of manners in the Summer of 1835; with traits, his- and politics in the Ottoman empire. 120. torical and descriptive. 120. London, London, 1853. 1836. Two Years' Residence in a Levantine SAINT-GEORGE, (James Edward Stuart; the Family. 120. London, 1850. Chevalier.) Les Promesses du Roi de France Village Life in Egypt; with sketches au Pr6tendant. 180. Cologne, 1712. (Pol. of the Said. 2 v, 120. London, 1852. Pam., v. 88.) - See SAINT SIMON. ~- Mdmoires du Chevalier de Saint George. ST. JOHN, (Charles.) Short Sketches of the 180. Cologne, 1712. (Pol. Pam., v. 88.) Wild Sports and Natural History of the HighSAINT GERMAIN, (Christopher.) Doctor and lands. 120. London, 1849. Student; or, dialogues between a doctor of Tour in Sutherlandshire, with extracts divinity and a student in the laws of Eng- from the field-books of a sportsman and natland. 18th ed., by William Muchall. 80. uralist. 2 v. 120. London, 1849. London, 1815. ST. JOHN, (Horace Roscoe.) History of the SAINT-HILAIRE, (Auguste, or Augustin Fran- British Conquests in India. 2 v. 120. Lon9ois Cesar Prouvensal de.) Memoire sur les don, 1852. Plantes auxquelles on attribue un Placenta Indian Archipelago; its History and Central Libre, et sur la nouvelle famille des Present State. 2 v. 120. London, 1853. Paronychiees; suivi d'une note sur la meme ST. JOHN, (James Augustus.) History of the famille, par A. L. de Jussien, et d'observa- Four Conquests of England. 2 v. 80. Lontions sur le genre Glaux, par Dutour de don, 1862. Salvert. 40. Paris, 1840. -- History of the Manners and Customs SAINT-HILAIRE, (emile Marco de.) Histoire of Ancient Greece. 3v. 80. London, 1842. Anecdotique, Politique, et Militaire de la Isis; an Egyptian pilgrimage. 2 v. Garde Imp6riale. Nouv. 6d. 2 v. 80. 12~. London, 1853. Paris, 1847. Lives of Celebrated Travellers. 3 v. SAINT-HILAIRE, (Jules Barthellemy; or BAR- 180. New York, 1842. (Harpers' Family THLLEMY-SAINT HILAIRE.) De la Logique Library, v. 43-45.) d'Aristote. 2 v. 80. Paris, 1838. - Nemesis of Power; causes and forms - - Lettres surl' fgypte. 80. Paris, 1857. of revolution. 160. London, 1854. 124 986 ST. JOHN. SAINT-PIERRE. ST. JOHN, (James Augustus.) There and ST. PAUL, (D. de.) Possibilite d'lteindre les Back Again in Search of. Beauty. 2 v. Dettes Publiques. 80. Paris, 1804. (Pol. 120. London, 1853. Pam., v. 19.) ST. JOHN, (Spencer.) Life in the Forests of SAINT-PIERRE, (Jacques Henri Bernardin de.) the Far East. 2 v. 8~. London, 1862. CEuvres Completes. Mises en ordre et preST. JOHN's College, Annapolis,(Md.) Account c6des de la vie de l'auteur, par L. Aim6of the Laying the Corner Stone of the New Martin. 12 v. in 6. 80. Paris, 1818. Building, June 18, 1835; with an address by CONTENTS. John Johnson, and a Historical Notice, &c. Abraham, la Pierre d', v. 12. Arcadie, (l',) v. 7. 80. Annapolis, 1835. (Misc. Pam., v. 34.) Chaumiere (La) Indienne, v. 6. ST. JOHN'S Manual; a guide to the public Dialogues Philosophiques, v. 12. Dialogue sur la Critique et les Journaux, v. 12. worship and services of the Catholic church. Discours sur l'Education des femmes, v. 12. 160. New-York, 1857. LEmpsael, v. 12. Essai sur J. J. Rousseau, v. 12. SAINT-JULIEN, (Le Sieur.) Courrier Burlesque Essai sur la vie et les Ouvrages de St. Pierre, par L. Aim6-Martin, v. 1. de la Guerre de Paris, envoy6 A Monsigneur tatudes de la Nature, v. 3-7. le Prince de Conde pour divertir son altesse Fragment sur la Thdorie de lUnivers, v. 11. Fragments de l'Amazone, v. 7. durant sa prison. 24C. Anvers, 1650. Harmonies de la Nature, v. 8-10. STr.LEONARDS,(Lord.) See SUGDEN, (Edward.) Lettre aux auteurs de la D6cade Philosophique, ST. LOUIS, (Mo.) Revised Ordinances of the Memoires sur les Mar6es, v. 11. Memoire sur la Necessite de Joindre une Menagerie City. Revised and digested, in 1853, under au Jardin des Plantes, v. 12. the superintendence of S. V. Papin. 8 Morale, de la Nature de la, v. 7. Observations sur la Hollande, la Cologne, la Prusse, St. Louis, 1853. et la Russie, v. 2. ST. Louis Mercantile Library Association. Parallele de Voltaire et de J. J. Rousseau, v. 12. ST. LOUIS Mercantile Library Association. Pauln et Virginie, v. 6. Annual Reports for 1853, 54, 56, 57, and 59. Socrate, La Mort de, v. 12. Voeux d'un Solitaire, v. 11. 80. St. Louis, 1853-59. Voyage a 1dIol de France, v. 1-2. Catalogue of books; with supplement of Voyage en Silesie. v. 6. Voyages de Codrus, v. 6. additions during 1850. 80. St. Louis, 1850.. ~ J..J CEuvres Posthumes. Mises en ordre, ST. LUCIA. Relation of the late intended Set- M e o *.i..c~ ~ T' 3 I- par L. Aimae-Martin. 8~. Paris, 1840. tlement of the islands St. Lucia and St. Vin- CONTENTS. cent. 80. London, 1725. (With URING'S Caracteres (Des) Hieroglyphiques. Voyages.) Emipsael: Discours sur l'Education des Femmes. Essai sur la Vie dO St. Pierre, par L. Aill-M/artin. SAINT MARIE, ( Count. ) Algeria in 1845; a visit Fragment de l'Amazone. to the French possessions in Africa. 120. Fragments sur J. J. Rousseau. Fragment du 2e et du 3e livre de l'Arcadie. London, 1846. Fragment sur la Th6orie de l'Univers. ST. MARTIN. Se VIvIEN ST. MARTIN. Harmonies de la Nature. ST. MARTIN. See VIVIEN ST. MARTIN. eLettres et Pi6ces Justificatifes. ST. MAURICE, (Charles R. E. de.) Gilbert, M6moire sur les Mardes. Pierre (la) d'Abrahani. Chronique de 1'Hotel-Dieu. (Romans Pop- Projet d'un Passage aux Indes par la Russie. ^ulaires, v. 18.l) Voyages de Codrus. 0u.1aire0s, ~v. 18..) Voyages en Hollande, en Prusse, en Pologne, et en SAINT MERY. See MOREAU DE ST. M]RY. Russie. ST. MICHON, (Abb6 de;) or, MICHON, (J. H.) ( Euvres Choisies; contenant Paul et Narrative of a Religious Journey in the East, Virginie; la Chaumiere Indienne; le Caf6 in 1850-51. 80. London, 1853. de Surate; Voyage en Sil6sie, a l'Ile de SAINT OLON. See PIDOU DE ST. OLON. France; L'Arcadie; De la Nature de la ST. PANCRAS. Letter to the Rate Payers of Morale; Voeux d'un Solitaire. 120. Paris, St. Pancras. By a Rate Payer. 8~. Lon- 1848. don, 1833. (Pol. Pam., v. 74.) Paul et Virginie; avec vocabulaire. Five Minutes' Advice Addressed to the 120. New-York, 1853. Rate Payers of St. Pancras. 80. London, - Harmonies of Nature. Translated by 1834. (Pol. Pam., v. 75.) W. Meeston. 3 v. 80. London, 1815. - Reply of the Select Vestry of St. Pan- Paul and Virginia; a tale. Translated cras to Certain Charges Relative to Manage- from the French. 160. London, 1855. ment of the Affairs of the Parish. 8C. Lon — Studies of Nature. Translated by Henry don, 1831. (Pol. Pam., v. 74.) Hunter. 5 v. 80. London, 1796. ST. PAUL, (D. de.) Essai sur l'Avantage des Voyages of Amasis, [a part of the ArRichessesFictives. 80. Paris, 1805. (Pol. cadia.] In FrenchandEnglish. 160. Bos Pam., v. 19.) ton, 1795. 987 SAINT-PRIEST. SALAZAR. SAINT-PRIEST, (Alexis.) Histoire de la Chute autres lois post6rieurs concernant les Hydes J6suites au XVIII. Siecle. 1750-1782. pothdques. 8%. Toulouse, 1787. 8~. Paris, 1844. SAINTE-PALAYF, (Jean Baptiste Lacurne de.) History of the Fall of the Jesuits in the Histoire Litteraire des Troubadours. 3 v. Eighteenth Century. Translated from the 160. Paris, 1774. French. 120. London, 1845. ~ Literary History of the Troubadors; SAINT-R1AL, (Cdsar.Vischard de.) Don Carlos; containing particulars of the customs, moran historical novel. 160. London, 1729. (In als, and history of the twelfth and thirteenth " Collection of Tales.") centuries. Translated by Susannah Dobson. SAINT-SAUVEUR, (Andr6 Grasset de; or, GRAS- 180. London, 1807. SET DE ST. SAUVEUR.) Voyage Historique, - Memoirs of Ancient Chivalry. TransLitt6raire et Pittoresque dans les Isles et lated by Susannah Dobson. 80. London, Possessions ci-devant V6nitiennes du Le- 1784. vant; savoir:-Corfou, Paxo, Bucintro, SALA, (George Augustus.) Dutch Pictures; Parga, Prevesa, Vonizza, Sainte-Maure, with some sketches in the Flemish manner. Theaqui, Cephalonie, Zante, Strophades, 120. London, 1861. Cdrigoet Cdrigotte. 3v. 80. Paris, 1800. Journey Due North; being notes of a Travels through the Balearic and Pithiu- residence in Russia. 120. Boston, 1858. sian Islands, 1801-1806. 80. London, 1807. -- Twice Round the Clock; or, the hours (Phillips' Voyages and Travels, v. 7.) of the day and night in London. 80. LonSAINT-SIMON, (Louis de Rouvroy, Duc de.) don, 1860. Memoires complets et authentiques sur le Two Prima Donnas, and the Dumb Si6cle de Louis XIV. et la Regence. Publi6s Door Porter. 120. London, 1862. pour la premiere fois sur le manuscrit origi- SALA, (Juan.) Sala Adicionado, 6 Ilustracion nal, entierement 6crit de la main de l'auteur. del Derecho Espaiol, anadidas por primera 21 v. 80. Paris, 1829-30. vez todas las novedades que se han introMemoirs of the Duke of Saint Simon ducido en nuestra legislacion hasta el dia. on the Reign of Louis XIV. and the Re- 2 v. 120. Valencia, 1844. gency. Abridged from the French. By Sala Mexicano 6 sea: la Ilustracion al Bayle St. John. 4 v. 120. London, Derecho Real de Espafia. 4 v. 80. Mexico, 1857. 1845-49. SAINT-VINCENT, (Jean Baptiste George Marie SALABERRY, (Charles Marie d'Yrumberry de.) Bory de; or, BORY DE ST. VINCENT.) Voy- Histoire de l'Empire Ottoman, depuis sa age to and Travels through the four princi- Fondation jusqu'A la Paix d'Yassy, en 1792. pal Islands of the African Seas. 1801-2. 80. 4 v. in 2. 80. Paris, 1813. London, 1805. (Phillips' Voyages and Tra- SALACROUX, (A.) Nouveaux 1l16mens d'Hisvels, v. 2.) toire Naturelle. 240. Paris, 1836. SAINTE-BEUVE, (Charles Augustin.) Causeries SALADIN, (Jean Baptiste Michel.) Rapport duLundi. 2e d. 15v. 160. Paris, 1852-62. sur la Conduite des Representans BillaudPortraits Litteraires. Derniers Por- Varennes, Collot-d'-Herbois et Barrare. 80. traits Litteraires. 3 v. 160. Paris, 1855.- Paris, 1795. (Pol. Pam., v. 11.) Portraits Contemporains et Divers. 3 v. SALAME, (Abraham.) Narrative of the Expe160. Paris, 1855. dition to Algiers in 1816, under command of ---- Portraits des Femmes. 160. Paris, Admiral Exmouth. 80. London, 1819. 1856. SALAS, (Iusepe Antonio Gonzales de.) Nueva SAINTE-CROIX,(GuillaumeEmm. Jos. Guilhem Idea de la Tragedia Antigua, o illustracion de Clermont-Lodeve, Baron de.) Observa- ultima al libro singular De Poetica de Aristions sur le Trait6 de Paix conclu a Paris toteles. Tragedia Practica, i observaciones le 10 F6vrier, 1763, entre la France, l'Espagne que deben preceder a la tragedia intitulada,, et l'Angleterre. 160. Amsterdam, 1780. Las Troianas. 2 v. 12~. Madrid, 1778. - - Critical Inquiry into the Life of Alex- SALAZAR, (Antonio M.) Coleccion de Memo-. ander the Great, by the Ancient Historians. rias, y Noticias del Gobierno General y PoFrom the French, with notes by Sir Richard litico del Consejo; lo que observe en. el. Clayton. 40. Bath. 1793. despacho de los negocios, que le com.peten;. SAINTE-FOY, (Francois de Corail de.) Ques- los que corresponden A cada una. da, s.u, tions sur l'Vdit du mois de Juin 1771, et Sales. Folio. Madrid, 1764. 988 SALAZAR. SALMON. SALAZAR,(Pedro,)and DAVILA,(GilGonzalez.) SALLUSTIUS, (Caius Crispus.) Opera, ad opMonarquia de Espafia. 3 v. Folio. Madrid, timorum librorum fidem accurate edita. Ed. 1770-71. stereotypa. 24~. Lipsire. (n. d.) SALAZAR DE MAZARREDO, (Josef.) Instruc- Catalina et Jugurtha. For schools. ciones y Sefiales para el Regimen y Manio- By Charles Merivale. 120. Cambridge, bras de Escuadra. 80. Mexico, 1825. (Eng.,) 1852. SALE, (Lady Florentia.) Journal of the Disas- Conspiracy of Catiline, and the Jugurters in Affghanistan, 1841-2. 80. New York, thine War, [Latin;] with English notes, by 1843. (Misc. Pam., v. 16.) Peter Bullions. 120. New-York, 1852. SALGADO DE SOMOZA, (Francisco ) Laby- Works. With two essays on the life, rinthus Creditorum Concurrentium ad Litem characters, and writings of the historian; per Debitorem communem inter illos causa- and notes, by Henry Steuart. 2 v. 40. tam. 2 v. Folio. Antverpire, 1653. London, 1806. SALGUES, (Jacques Barthelemy.) 1trennes - Works. With Cicero's Orations against aux Jdsuites, pour 1'edification des personnes Catiline. Translated by Arthur Murphy. pieuses affectionn6es d la Societe. 240. With a Life of Sallust, by T. M. 8~. LonParis, 1826. don, 1807. SALISBURY, (Dr.) Avon Springs; a manual - Works; containing the Conspiracy of for Invalids and Visitors. 120. Rochester, Catiline, the Jugurthine War, and Frag(N. Y.,) 1858. ments. Translated by J. S. Watson. 120. SALISBURY, (Thomas.) See SALUSBURY. London, 1852. (Bohn's Class. Library, SALKELD, (Joseph.) Classical Antiquities; v. 72.) with a sketch of Ancient Mythology. 160. Catiline's Conspiracy, and the JugurNew-York, 1847. thine War; with a new translation of Cicero's SALKELD, (William.) Reports of Cases in four Orations against Catiline. Also, Life the Court of King's Bench; with some special of Sallust, by W. Rose. 80. London, 1813. cases in the Courts of Chancery, Common The same. Translated by a Graduate Pleas, and Exchequer, 1688 to 1711. 6th ed. of Oxford. 80. Oxford, 1841. 3 v. 80. Dublin, 1791. ~- and others. Qure extant, cum notis The same. 6th ed., by W. David variorum. Accedunt Julius Exsuperantius, Evans. 3 v. 80. London, 1795. Porcius Latro, et Fragmenta historicorum SALLk, (Alexandre.) Vie Politique de Charles- vett. cum notis A. Popmae. Recensuit, notas Maurice, Prince de Talleyrand. 120. Paris, perpetuas et indices adjecit, Josephus Wasse. 1834. Prremittitur Sallustii Vita. auctore J. ClerSALLE, (Achille Iltienne Gigault de la; or LA ico. Small 40. Cantabrigie, 1710. SALLE.) Sicile. 80. Paris, 1835. (L'Uni- SALLUST the Prrefect, or the Philosopher. On vers, v. 44.) the Gods and the World; and the Pythagoric SALLET, (Friedrichvon.) Laien-Evangelium. Sentences of Demophilus. From the Greek, 5e auflage. 180. Breslau, 1848. [by T. Taylor;] and five hymns by Proclus, SALLIGNY, (Charles de.) Coutumes de Vitry in Greek, with a poetical version; also, five le Francois, avec le commentaire. 4e ed., hymns by the translator. 80. London, 1793. augmentee d'une nouvelle harmonie de loix, SALMAGUNDI; or, the whim-whams and opind'arrests, et decisions interpr6tatives du droit ions of Launcelot Langstaff, Esq., and others. coutumier. 40. Chalons, 1676. [By W. Irving and J. K. Paulding.] First SALLUSTIUS, (Caius Crispus.) Qure extant. and second series. 3 v. 180. New York, Edidit M. Maittaire. 180. Londini, 1725. 1814-20. -~- The same. Interpretatione et notis il- - The same. [1st series only.] With lustravit Daniel Crispinus, in usum Delphini. notes, by E. A. Duyckink. 120. New York, 80. Londini, 1746. 1862. The same. Ex Editione G. Cortii.- The same. 180. London, 1839. (Mur2 v. 8~. Londini, 1820. (Valpy's Scrip- ray's Fam. Library, v. 24.) tores Latini, v. 17-18.) SALMASIUS, or SAUMAISE, (Claude.) De Re Opera. Adapted to the Hamiltonian Militari Romanorum liber. (Graevius, Thesystem by a literal and analytical transla- saurus Antiq. Rom, v. 10.) tion, by James Hamilton. New ed., by SALMON, (George.) Treatise on Conic SecThomas Clark. 120. Philadelphia, 1857. tions. 80. Dublin, 1848. 989 SALMON. SAMOUELLE. SALMON, (Nicholas.) Stemmata Latinitatis; treatise on angling. 4thed. 16~. London, or, an Etymological Dictionary. 2 v. 80. 1816. London, 1796. SALUSBURY; or, SALISBURY, (Thomas.) MathSALMON, (Thomas.) Modern History; or, ematical Collections and Transactions. 2 v. present state of all Nations. Illustrated in 1. Folio. London, 1661. with cuts and maps, by H. Moll. 3d ed. SALUSTE. See Du BARTAS. 3 v. Folio. London, 1744-46. SALVA,