2 7 UA C,0 U 25I;> O ~~~23~~C - ~~o i rl`~~o L —! —~~~~~~~~~~~~~I --- I/L/-'':& —-J —-I —-.-..i.... "-'' K~~~~~~ I J~~~~~~~~~~:'.i. 4 S.f...-!i::~' -2:-V rl 1!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~T!"',. ~ _____:2 _,_~ —-,~.... EXLANATiON ".:,,::: — i....'..>. Sca~~~~e~~t~~imi~~~s t'.oihci io~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ V i: 19~~~~~~~ iLL?yB e tos/le oo lo of/ hid s ~I "',,'........ i ~!ii s mle ai lie iyje /almc-L ilte Is - ofterL R/ olitut the ffec tl limit. The humeart (a sit' ow. Tthe os/aps 2, oke/ed castd: f)Oitc it'd/t /1 owiabto c!ca ds X',! i ],/ow G E A T -W -4 -si - -- — 1 - -- 4.! r o~~ro~an!- --— ~~ — i —-i —— i an portd~ ~ ~ ~ ~. —-i —t —'~'wit litel nt,6',,. 7e,61'ectetot]'/t O i CI~~~~~1 -ze;77~ — c —-- — I —,Lb --— ] i i._._~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ —-- -- r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -R. W -in 0 C -I Sc ale -tru- c- ki O_ A-0- hi~ie-R. ~ 3 Ily~~~4~- I i' -jon,& ivillt the nulnbo- of each Nechoncd Akip.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-C~-j~ — CAIO CITY. At the Junction of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers; Terminus of the Boad. Rapidly improving Fromnd ten to twenty Steamboats constantly Ra neadg or discharging freights. Country back, heavily timbered with Ponlar, Oak, Cotton-Wood, Gum, Elm, Cypress.'c., Ace The shaded track indicate the Central Rail Boad Lands. Those cross-shaded have been sold by the Company. ^^^^^^ j ~ - - -.M ----- - -... -..-..-..-. _ T.15. S, of E 33 Men C go JONESBORO. County seat; population 1200. High rolling land from llin north to Jonesboro; heavily timbered with Beach and Cotton-Wood, interspersed with well-fifproved anrms. Wheat growing in this part of the State is of a very superior quality; ripens in May. The shaded tracts indicate the Central.Railroad Lands. The cross shades indicate the lands sold up to July 1st, 1856. 3.J- 2J.~ 1.T2 T R.1 E.'3.PJL 2P. I -. 21~ _ 23 19 21 23 JNBRO 19 21 23 13 21. 2 3 LN 1 -' 5'1Z3 i' 1a 1, 15 13.:I. 159 15 31 3 13 15 13 T,12. S. - zr I 25 "M 29 2 ( 25' 2 27 25 \29 27 1 25 2 ___^ _.27 *5 35 ( ~ 31 tt" 35 31 ) 23 35" 3133 S3if i 35 _ _ 31_ _____f i5i^^ 33 _31- ^ - -- a —r — T jiL 1- ------— 3 - T. 13. S. 2 119 1 23 19 21 3 _ _L_ _ 23 19 MINEf~~~~~~~~Lil ot5 E.Me LelClco3 1,5~ 3 C L....... (' " """ cL'Tr".E ffO 1. BROWNSVLLE, EuTrPHYSBOROUGH, BANBEIDGE, MAKANDA, TOLEDO. A fine timbered country, covered wvitu Qmn, Poplar, Sugar Tree, Mulberry, Oak and anh. The coal found at Dnquoin, Desoto, and Xurphysborough is supposed to underlay this region. Watered by the Big Muddy River, Dewq's Creek and branches. The shaded tracts indicate the ilinois Central Railroad Lands. The cross shades indicate the lands sold utp to July 1st,- 1856. T~~~.9..S~. 23.19 4 M ~ 3.W. 2. E. 3.E. 2 7 r 1 2 2 2 2o 21 - 3 1I ~,.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Br.-'~vfi 15 I 1 11 Z 19 ~-I~ik1L "I I~ Mm V 7/ 1 13 J'r 15 13 sli " r r 1 ~ " 9 T, 9. S~. 23 1 t & 1.9 2 \ 1 \ ~23 ~ 19 f~t 21 ME!p I i3.''.3 4 2- ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~' 29~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2 27i 1)2 29,,~ji;~f 25 2 i~ 9 27~ W,\, 2.5 2 9 ~2i-:~-ar 31 33 31 -3'" "1 3 3a3 s 1 1 Z 3 5'5 I T.IS. S _ I r 29 < Lt i K 15 17 15 13 -- 5, 1-3 15~~~~~~~1 15 T. 10. s. ~19. 21 E- 23 Fi 19 E~~21 i 23 19 2 Zi3~~~ii ~a 2 9 7 2 2 29 r 25 2 7 ~" ~ 5 2, 2 25 31 35 31~~~~~~al 33 3 3 5 5 3 5 3 1 5 5 {~!~~~~~~~~~~~~ -' ~'~' r~'.1 i 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9'11 Y 9 1l r V ~ -~,~9 11 7 7i7 15 17,~~~~~~7 Jr 1 I7 5 1 T. -H. S. r 1 r is 13.' 1: 29211 21 23'13 21 1 21 2.r 9 21 2 a CO 29 ~ 2 9 7 5 29 Z' 7~" "2 1 /a ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~531 33 1,1 3 Lii~~~ith- of d.l~il lc a~(-, SUQ7OIN, YVERGENNES, DESOTO. The centre of the Coal region. At Duquoin It Is mined thirty fieet fron the'surface. Fine, open prairie, interepersed with Walnut, Oak, Suga tree, &c. &c. Excellent farming lands.'The shaded tracts indicate the Central Railroad XLanis. The cross shades indicate the lands sold up to July lt, 1956. 4&. k^-7fl iJ.W 2__ R.W.E. 3PM.P2 -E. IiT-S^F ^S P "^7 3 1 rL 4i7j T ~ ~ ~!i~ ~s — i"ls-l"~ r^! -^El.r-. 5_. -.__.-.r_*.-2^ ---— ^^. T.6.S. __ T ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a..i_..1c~.;,: ifli ii ^ ^ ^ T1 is 31 0 35 7 l17 T' 3 17 15 ii" I,1' 2922iri 2' 25 29B7 2S 9 2''" il 9 I' 7 B 27- -- ^- 1f3rc 1 Y-31 ia33 t 35 __233 P5 3.t 51 3 is- 1 1 35 is 1 5 3 I 1~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 93 92r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~n tr 9 n 7I~ 27 I u 2 5 9 9 2 2 9 7N 17 15 1 I`~~1 13 1 5 11 1 1 i 17111 T. 8-S S ^ ^ ^ ^ J^ ^ 33 I19 125 IY 12 27 25 251 2 31- 3 g 1 ~ ~ ~ 3 t~~,~I IKtho{ B a i.'Mern.iel C1i a' so 1LK PI LATIE I loi TAiMAROA. Ntorthern terminus of the coal field. About an equal quantity of timber and prairie. Mt. Hawkins a short distance from the railroad. Country well adapted to cultivation; watered by the Big Muddy River and branches. The shaded tracts indicate the Illinois Central Railroad lands. The cross shades indicate the, lands sold up to July 1st, 18d6. 17 K 1 is 5 99 Fm75 IV1 1 V 1LI 7~~~ ~ ~ ~ K' k 9 i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r 2339K 3T!'15.' 3. 23.. 253'. 4 -2. 29 2/ as:. 29~~ ~ K eS 3"'9':5'2' ti~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5~~~~~~~~3 17 K 4T.4 4.'S. s,., No 3 2:' 2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2,, S9, 17 _~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 T.5.S.-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ 29'~ 5ci27 2 ( 21 25n 29 A 5~Z 1 1 Ks 5i. S 21,, I........... ]I]L T iMc ~?~t 1Ei~ 7 h -4 27 2 5 2i3 129 5 2 7 9 251 31 33~ ~ 1 % 23 39 ~ 1 cD — 19 j~;~33 31,LW i-, A"f_ CENTR&ALIA, BICHViZW and DU7BOIS STATIONS. Centralia destined to be a large town; the CNmpanyls work shops are located here. The country is gently rolling prairie; well watered by many streams. Na8i.8hlle and Mt. Vernon on the edge of the 15 mile limit. Richmond, a town of about 5W0 inhabitants. Prairie moro rolling and interspersed with fine groves of Oak, Ash, Ac., as you proceed north. The shaded tract9 iiL Iicate the Central Railroatd Lands. The cross shades indicate the lands sold up to July 1st, 1866. ___ 3.^C~ 2^W *L.-WT ___ 1.E.3P. M- 2.E. ______ 3.IE:. __ 4E. 7 -. ^___ ^ r~~~~~~i^^^^rt^^'s^ ^1^^~~~3j r 1 rj^N ^"J.i ^E ^^ s^1 1" -— _ ^M - _^ B^Er^ a g 1i B^ r, i ^ZZ - -" ~ JPiLPTM & ii 17'15~~~~~~~~~~7 2.,r 7? ~ ~~~~?~ 5~~~~~~~~~~ 11 i ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3~~~~~11U t 7~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,71 I L 3 n ~~~~~~~~~V'T s~~31' 17 i"~-~ LL35 ~ Ed Mem del, Ciii c azi?P~ 2:i5 o;-I 7=::`:' I cnmn IA AT cT,-A'_ffil PATOKALh SAWPDOV&LX, SALEM~P, L;OUISVHHLL, CARLISM C Dountr~sy well watered and intera rsed' r' tracts i o ndicatk~ar~e the Vetral ailrod Lans. Tie cro,3sh the Ohi~o and W]I1salmeippf Rabairoad with the Illinois Central Itailfroad, connebcting St. Lou~is asnd Cluoirqnatf.l The stncic rLa z ndeA he~ta niaattne Phacosaae Ifndicate the la 1)rls sold litp to July I8t, 185S., 5~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~5E mW J LI 5 \ 77W 15 1 (5I N1 71 1 M 19;1i:c6, t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I IC,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r t j3 3,"!NU 1 M 7Z3 Z7~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5 3 1 ~~' ii j s 2r Ii I 5~~~~~~~~~~ 5 Lit I I ~ca~ 5 I 1 2v Er I ~ Is 25 J~I 15 w ~?- 1. 13~. W 13 ~~~~~~~'is) i 23 i I -`W 2I7,3.,5 Ai OJ T ~~5t.~~~~~ 3 j:~: -35:i 31. " 1-. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~5 ~~~~a 35 jl.35~~~~~~~'3 lifIL~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~of~~~~~~ ~ ~:~ ~ ~ ~ ~~2"I I TT VANDALIA, EDGEWOOD, EWINGTON. The!eranth and main line of the Railroad. Well timberei lth Oak, HIckory, c., interspereed with aluiost the siin qoatity of.rAirie. The country is well watered. Climate exceedi`ly *ild. Winters short. Cattle thrive on the prIrie for 9 or 0 months in the year. Th eshaded tractsd ind tileCeo&-&I Railcoad Lands. The cross shades indicate tihe lands sold uep to July!St, 1856. 2.v 1.V. RA... 3 PL. 2.E: E. E. ~:. 6.E. 7 ~ 8. -. 3 5 3 5~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1~ K.TC,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i t ~ ~1~ 12 1 Z9~~~~S1 ~~-'K""5.................~5'i~, 239 T41~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o i! /' 2 2,i L Lith: of Ei.Merden, Chicago' 3 21 1~~~~~L9":S MW 21 t3.7 7 2:'.' W r;:\T — IE. 3-P... -.E.K.I-E. _ 3 S 1 4 -.. - ~ 4- 01t\~:-..V' ~.., 1 o ~a.k'e~:::..lC_~.., L' T. II 11 }5 19 13 K 4 7 Ks2 ]Irtli of Sd fendel, Cihicago.. PANA, TACUSAH, Fine prairie landswell supplied with timber along the edges of the streams. The Terre; Haute and Alton Railroad passes through at Pana. The shaded tracts indicate the Central Bailroad Lands. The cross shades indicate the lands Bold sip to July 1st, 1856.2,1W lW. I.E. p.E.. 2. E. 3.> ~L t I. 11 -i 2i i K V ~.. 12. 10j ii!7 1 _ II N 7 2 K — I ) K2_ 3K 4 prtri ^^^y^^^^^^~~~~~~~l~i. iftt.. L2iK Ii th.ofi E7 LMIe:uitet Chicn~o0 01 WA i'mi) i7 12 7 3 9 L rY I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;: r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IL J al ~ I T- -1 L a3 L L. 3'CI" ) L-i Iii i h- o E cl 1 h iC( 21 -Cri,r 13 -7- ~~~~~~~~T T aAt _i1 j-.1))_4 1 DECATUVR MACON, MOAW'EQUA, STONINGTON, MT AUBURN. Rich prairie-country, well timbered. Decatar rapid], growing; The Illinois Central, Great Westesn and Indiana Central Railroads intersect here. Watered by the Sangamon River and branches. The shaded tracts Indicate te COenral Railroad Lands. The cross shades indicat.the lands sold up to July 1st, 1856. 2 v.W - 1 E. 3T.M. _3. E.... Ali,) 1- z5ti 15 5 7 1 1 F. ~ 16,a?.i:/13 iL 22 * ~.N. T 7 2 22 79 IL tiLofEJ{enfella-k, Chic a'~o. IPILATJE I J 3 1 MAROA. G-ently rolling, rich prairie lands, well watered. Streams fringed wi.t w.ickr.. im, Wint and Paw Paw. A beautiful country, highly adapted to agriculture. The shaded tracts indicate the Central Railroad Lands. The crosa shades indicate. c Lrc tui da soid up to J'ly Ist, 1856. 1,.X, _ I=E. 3, P... P. M._ E... _._, i7's 1u i ~ y i i^i^^j ^,./ T. 19. N y 7 17' iI' IE ^r:i ^.Bif: s ^'ft-, *" "^ ^Rfe^'^^^j ^ /jr:._2_ _.[,.:, ~.: 31 uD T3hAT1 3 - _Ltith. of Ed.FJ-/Xeie, Clica^^j7 KD3(3^ 1/ L3 El "Bi9,33~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Af, 353 L3 1Lth o~ 1 a.M _de 1- 4ica'o. _t 1" / -I _ _i ) F~ i K 1< l i~~~3~~~IT~~~ d~~~Pll~~~~i~~ ~~~i~~no~T-9. F FORRESTON. ]igh, dry and upland prairie, interspersed with timber, well watered and well adapted to cultivation. The Rock River passes throagh the south-east part The shaded tracts indicate the Illinois Central Ralroad lands. The cross shades indicate the lands sold up to July 1st, 1858f.. E. (P6'. 7E. a.E. 9.E. UIO.E +J.JM. I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~: /m... i.- i J.3' i 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 ) -i *j-j? 3 11 N3 I,.~ -~,.:'..:: -: 2 N't ~ ~ ~ A ~1?''..,T 2 f. N. ].......:I ~ ~~~ XLI'UL 5.: A1 ~~ E~S~t, 7 E. —~- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ - -4~ ~~-br`17Lli \~~~('1 c 7- r~~-~;:`: y A -N' D III;' i i..LL C-l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A FREFPORT. A large and flourishing town surrounded with a magnificent country,-well settled. The Galena and Chicago Union.Railroad intersects the Illinois Central at this Poin. Cou.ntry weZ! watered by the Pecatonica and tributaries. LENA and NORA. Stations in a beautiful country, the nucleus of villages. The shaded tracts indicate the Centr. l Railroad lan-ds The cross shades indicate the lands sold up to July. st, 1856. IL5.E -..M.. E. 7. EL..E, - E I 71 1?9 -,.,-, — IT -,i J. -5 Fr*^ it-^ 1. R O (^3 _ 1 ^ ^z -^ ^-^^ — E^ i-TiLL A7 2 2~[- o Ed' e l XChicao. 2i e 3 2i W^ 1 ~.U..4-..-I~ ~ y. -Utl nu u mUlOeMississippi, duu miles below St. Paul, opposite Dnbuqaue. Merchandize for the northern Mississippi and Iowa is shippd here. A fine Hotel located here. A rapidly growing country. GALENA. The centre of the Mineral Region. Fine agricultural soil throughout the section. Daily line of steamers leave Dunleith for St. Paul. The' shaded tracts indicate the Illinois Central Railroad Lands. The cross shades indicate the lands sold up to July 1st, 1856. 2. W 4. P. 311.. W, 4.PM._ lIE.._LL ANID W, 3. E. CONSTvSrATE Et.I3LLmNE'~~~~~~~~~~~~~Z ^^ ^ ^ ^J';S^ L- _ -^ 5-^3 S j ^ v''^:*^^&rf^^?!3^^^^^^-4^^^^^^^,~~~~O T, 2. N.' ~; 33 -ctr;; 3L' 33 35 ~1 ~~~~~~ $ A J,s \5 I,^`)i,1/1 jl y^3 jj~ i 2~~~~~~~~~~~~1 I 5 3 L g''S^Ij\ ^^ l S ^ ^ L a9 E3 ].14^1 i 4l2t - 3 3 ^ ~jl 3 ^3 T 2 7'. 25~~~~ 2G.N ^ ^ r3 5z i'31 3I5 L -i ilul r - - -^ L 1-7 3 _ i _ "_ i3 C7 ~Y ^^'^^^ —^r^F^ ^Ei-^^ N ^($^'^?^'^Sr1^^-''fn-^^-*'^o 21. -("s S3 2. |p 11T. 2 6. XS. T. 2 XN. [r;IJ! I I~- I N T. 40. N. I Xt R ae\ N / A A I O UNION mmR m /T. 0. N. _ / 1 __ -^ A m Lith. of E diMeadel CO c a c T. 39. N. __.12.E. 3.r M 1. 4.E. THORNTON. RICH. The land is level and rich.' With ditching, will be adapted to grazing, and the supplying of Chicago with *milk, vegetables and corn. The shaded tracts indicate the Central Railroad Lands. The cross shades indicate the lands sold up to July 1st, 1856. 11. 5E. 12.E..13.E. 3.PM.. B.141..E. "' KI'I T. 3;. 1. - TS3.~j.j N.. 4 L'y 7 i it.WOf t E.Mendel, Clicnaco IILATIN 2T 3.). -N,-.i9 S-~ r: I i i i" I" i'-" iA ~Llth..Of Ed.-Men el, Ch cap-0 ~~~~~. 3;51 7~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~- 1 MONEE. MANTENO. Splendid rolling prairie; Rich, deep, black soil, well adapted to cultivation. Extremely valuable, owing to its vicinity to the Chicago market. A fine sulphlur spring in township 32, R. )10,E. A high mound in Section 22, T. -34, N. 12 E.; also a high mound in Section 24, T. 33, N. 12 E. The shaded tracts indicatethe Illinois Central Railroad Lands. The cross shades indicate the lands sold up to July 1st, 1856. 10T E E. 12.E. E..,, E. I —- /ITFTM 1)1 13 II f - - - -— ^ " ""^'^ M ^E m i l ^ -B 7s ^ 3 ^ & ~.< O; 7 r T.~..... 82. -.] 1 r!"*0'5 33 3., i-j'35^ t.81 1 0:cITYI tr I.,/ 31... t. I.,. [.. ], (1,:.: ILitfiof Ed. Meiidel, CId cua o. IPJEATJB'^^4?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BOURBONNAIS. The County se2\, 01 Xankakee County, near to the junction or Iroquois anu M*rxaaCLo X~. _. partially by an industrious French population. The new town at the Railroad Station has grown entirely since the completion of the 2illroad. The shaded tracts indicate mse tuetral:Railroad Lands, The cross shades indicate the lands sold up to July Ist, 1856. 9.. E. O.E12.E. 13. E. R.I-.E 3.PM. _rLJL f2 TS-.f'.5I. i N. >L < a1 " BC T!'7 - I_ g ^; B "3.. _ 3i I _ 1 33-VB',k > i' -''g z,'' _ T 2.N 1.E.. 12 A\ 11. it Ixof1.9 l. Ie'LdL1, ( io.'T,'. 27II' YT'E 2772 -:P -. LAA':: — A SHKUUM. ONA.RG;A. Rich, gently rolling prairie, well adapted to grazing. Streams well fringed with Ash, Elm, Oak, &c. Fine living springs are numerously found, pouring into the Iroquois River. A high mound in Section 12, T. 28, R. 13.. The shaded tracts indicate t.e Central Railroad Land. The-cross shades indicate the lands sold up to July lot, 185.. o,..9.. EI3W PPM. Io.E. i, 2p. ia.,w 12-iV. 5'tX' 1 s 3 ~01~ 5,..: J 7 15' -- ": 1 27.N'3 > 9 I,,{ Lita of.1?d.~[endet, Cic ao. 53 A 3!5 35,-33 3, LitOiA N dide C3cn LOD!: Beautiful rolling'prairie land, thinly interspersed with timber well adapted to grazinr and cultivat.ion. Wnmtheed eb a _qumbr of streams. The shaded tracts indicate the Central Railroad tands. The cross shades indicate the lands sold up'to July!st, 1M.G, i.E. 8. ER.1 0 -F. 9-. PAT, R.IO 2" P.. _[-J~.'. A. IV 2. "A V. W1' \'N QTMf p I M.~-i-Ct. ---.... 53 I 3'2 3Bi 2, ~ i L~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~i....~ —'25 2 3-';.'3 -r 5 g "~,f' —~ — i.....:.-:..'d..... r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-T' —r-,~ iT.r'~,;''r.-i j t:: 29 2'7 23~~~~~~~~~~' 1 j 33. 33 35 31 53 -33 31 J~3~~~~~~~~~L'.1 l~~~~~~~~i~~~~~~~ eS~~~~~~~~3 23 1~~~~ 2: ~~23 31 3 i-~1 — i 3 3 3 3. 3 35 31-i 3 3 1 Lith~~~~~~~~~~of Ea~~~~~~~~~~lire~~~~~~~~~~l~~~~e~~~~. U~~~~~~~~zca~~~~~~~o.~~ V7 J-5~~~~~~~~~ 11~~T~,f~/ C~rn5 RANTOUL. Vast prairie, highly ada ted.,to grazing and raising stock. PERA. A beautiful location for a town. -Land high and rolling, and watered by the Big Vertillion and Sangamnon.Rivers The shaded t.at f:ind icate the Central Railroad Lanl.k, The cross shades indicate the lands sold up to.July 1st, 1856. R:Z E. d. P M 8.E. 9.:E. 10.E... 1.W? 2.PM. T. 2?2.iN.::: z 23 j'":: 15 11 F, -iB5 5 1 1~1.21 -f 2 I 1 2 2i T. 2.. 21 7 1. N1 25 25::::::'?:' "2I2'~~~5 3i: _ r * >.3.. 1'' 27':: 7~ 1 22U~ f~C-i -:-;1 4 —-T;-^^ 2LZ2_____ 3 IT. 20 1fN. 1c3 e5 1i - a.-L_ ^B3 f. 19 l ", l3 ^i?' ^ _JL.S^ i 19 ~1 3_ I 3- r1 3\ d f I a | T 5 23 Tjith of Ed. iM-el~(i1l, Cltica o. ICi, URIBASNA. A flourishing town,'apidly growing. Ektensive repair, engine, alnd machine shops, well built of brick, axe located here. The Great Western ailrod crosses south of Urbana, and will brn in ln nt i oal froni tle Danville coo filds at a reasonabl rice for consumption on the lifie of road The whole country ian he higheas degree fertile apd well -wol,;ced. The shaded tracts indicate the C.:a.;t:, Rhilrioa;d Lands. The croesshades indicate the lands sold up tojuly Ist, 1856, R. 6 E.. P.. 7 E 8. E, 9. E.Ei0EI. * R. 2, E. 5:[. j I """ ^v^' 2 V s 7 I 2' t ii —1"' 1+ 2.2 18. N. c, I IO7. N. — I z Litli. of LEn Me:.n~e, (hica.o _'2i T S l 5'.23 I 21 p21 l |:12 T+i 2 T. SB- Ig 2sr a 15 2' i^ n ^ g! r2 Lifh-.ofJrci:. A^Ten-ciel_ CAiago 3::_i ~ 11 3~l:: s~~~~~~~~~~~~~b 3`-~ ~ T A 3,I'T OKAW. Bic*, rorting prairie. The Indiapa and Illinois Railroad passeos no:tth of Okaw. Country wvei watered by the Kaskaskia and branches. Streams fringed with timber The shaded tracts indicate the Central Railroa.,d Lands. The cross shades indicate the lands sold up to July'-lst, 1856. R.6.E. o3.P.AL T.E... E. E 9. E. 10. E.', 5 T. 16. X.. 2 = 3' v 3 r E 21 2 2 F- 2 3'- a\ ~ 12' 35 2. 7.. 1 29,5 29 l1 25:29 2 5 2;:1L uth -.of Eld.lMen-el, Chi1ca34o 15.~ / P LNTE 1.. " t 3 T. -N. ~. r 1-19 ~ 211. 23 19 21 t i, 3 -of. Edl -ettcle-, Chic a-o.: LODI. Beautiful rolling'prairie land, thinly intersp.rsted with timber; well adapted to grazing and cultivation. Watered by a _ommer of streams. The shaded tracts Indicate the Central Rtailroad Lands. The cross ehades indicate the lands sold up to July let, I ilG. 7.13. 8. iF.i.1. N. lB. ]tiO7F: 3.P. J —K 2PM1. 13.VC 12W. F'. —- 23. iNi s:r3 _il' a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~N'40\ 7 31I " i~~~~~~3;71't 13 r- S m 13 P. 2 N? r 1 i 1 33 35 31 j3 3," 31 ~~~~~~~~~~~~5 _L i i-1 j I1s z 13 1l d P' 1~~ 21 23 aL?~~S 23 t 1~~~~9 21, fEdII e:L i J el, C 6-~ c ao -i- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I~ Zr 25 2IN9,,n-miv'- -NZ ARNO. Prairie and wood']and rich and fertile. The Torre Hlaute and AJton Railroxad intersecdts sonth of Arne. The shaded tracts indicate the Central'Railroad Lands. The. cross shades fidickte the lands sold up to July Ist, 185;. R.5.E. 3.P. Ml 6.E. T. E. 8.E 9.EO. i —l".1a 4 i^ L.7 g^P lla- 7 99.7 10,.E, 4 ii 7 7~~ ~~~~~ 1 j 1 l/ 3 ~~P:P' I" 1.Y 17 13 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~:1~~~~~'i7 13 7 1~~~~~~~~ ~~1 5 1~P. Ne. is'I 7 1 3 1 112, a7~~~1 ~~~~~ ~~8 ~~~7 ~~125 9 ~~~~U~~7 cK 23~~~ 23 2'-'1 L k~]~ of' E t f R d.:fe r9e4_, Chi a o e 2 7~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 11. x. i3?i "z';^ Is,, ^ ^ 18'/ ^ i To " _ _ __ ^ - L7 " i 3 5 o I d M t C-c Q-~ o - IPTLATJE 7'~31. ~~-1 j2 25 2F 25 29~~~~~~~~~~~' 2$ 25 27 %5 1 I r1~~~~~~~~~29 2, 29 Ij2'" i d 35~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ iivrw F~~~~~~~9 1 7~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~9L 16 23~~~~~2~~ 19 z 23 ~~~~~19 2 1 M7 I 2 5"O 2 L9 FRA 3 2 b I 9 7 i5 2 7 2 5 2 i nP77~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~7 "'~~~~~~~~3 3,3 3: 1 LI i-flz of E d. LMe nde'L,, Chic a 65,0 IFDI~~rfT~b~lI EFFIrNGBAAM. NZOSOA. Rolling, —ch prairie, weU supplied with streams and fine groves of timbter. An excellent farming conatry. The National tBad pawe~ through Bffi. — hbai. The shaded tiactsindicate the Central alailroad La~nds. The eross shades indicate the lands sjld up to July. Ist, 185. 3. P. l. 5.. E. T.... 9 io. x. R~~~~~~~~~~~`i P~!~~~~~~~~~~R — r -'7~g7 j~~ f, - ^jZ n f i 3 3 3- 3 J, ^c^ ^^' "31 ^i iit.^ ^^J j?,{i if_ _ rr: T -8 - ^ ^"-3 ~~21 1 NA 9 ^ ~"" _1_'7 ~ ~'^ J^ i^ ^ ^^if j j^ ^ ~ T~Z];I]_] 31 3 5!,5 13 1 8E. f. Iy hN B zii2s i~,zi L, ~ Titth of -E, dafienale-L Cri ca o. P] FA\TY-A E S~