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DINDORF;,-'WITH NOTES: FOR THE USE OF COLLEGESo Kr ipa cE dei iaoXXv' dydvlrtpa Ets ro 7rapaXprlpa dKoectv 6vyKelrago BY JOHN J. OWEN, D. D., formerly Principal of the Cornelius Institute, and now Professor of the Latin and Gre&e Languages and Literature in the Free Academy in New-York City INEW YORK: LEA I TT & ALLEN, 379 BROADWAY. M.DCOc0ol.~]J ENTERED, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1848 by JOHN J. OWEN, In the Clerk"'Sce of the District Court of the Southern Distri k of New. York. IS RESPECTFULLY INSCRIBED TO THE REV. MOSES STUARUT, FESSOR OF SACRED LITERATURE IN ANDOVER THEOLOGICAL SE.IINARS AS A TESTIMONIAL OF AFFECTIONATE REGARD9 FROM HIS FRIEND AND FORMER PUPIL, TIHE EDITOR. PREFACE. T.is edition of Thucydides is based on the text of L Dindorf's edition, Leipzig, 1824. Indeed, with the single exception of punctuation, which has been modified, as will be explained in the sequel, there has been no departure from Dindorf's text, the readings which seemed to be} prep ferable being referred to in the notes which accomrrpany this edition. In preparing the notes, I have made; free use of 1, Poppo's edition, xi. vols. Leipzig, 1821-1840. 2, Goeller's, Leipzig, 1836. 3, Haack's, Leipzig, 1820. 4, rfirger's, Berlin, 1846. 5, Bothe's, Leipzig, 1848. 6, Didot's, Paris, 1833. 7, Bekker's, Oxford, 1821. 8, Arnold's, Oxford, 1840. 9, Bloomfield's, London, 1849. I have also derived much assistance from Betant's Lex. Thucyd. now in a course of publication. In the use of the editions before nrle, I have aimed at a conscientious acknowledgment cJf all aid received from others. If, however, my own mind arrived independently at a given result, I did not deem it to be my duty to attribute it to others, even though a coincidence might aiterwards have been found to exist between my own conclusions and those of other editors. Nothing has been received on the mere assertion of other scholars, however eminent they might be. Every difficulty has been subjected to a thorough viii PREPACE. examination, and the opinions of others have been weighed and compared impartially, and honored as their intrinsic worth appeared to demand. The same plan has been pursued in the preparation of the notes, which I adopted in my previous publications, and it is hoped that this volume will betray no marks of less care and attention, in the selection of words and passages requiring comment, or in the kind and degree of assistance furnished to the student, than is manifest in those editions. To some it may appear at first sight that too much aid has been furnished the student. It will be seen upon examination, however, that it has not been indiscriminately bestowed, but in a way which always leaves much for the student himself to do. It will also appear, that I have not proceeded on the plan of selecting a few chapters on which to give a full commentary, and of leaving the other portions comparatively untouched, but have aimed to bestow upon every chapter and every section throughout the whole text, the amount of illustration which its difficulties seemed to require. The general observations on the orations and other portions of the history, together with the argument aixed to each chapter, I hope will be found of great service to the student. They have cost much labor, owing to the excessive brevity of style which characterizes Thucydides, Sand which renders it extremely difficult to reduce his writings to a much shorter compass than he has left them, and yet retain the leading ideas. In respect to the punctuation of the text it may be re. mTarked. that at the instance of several eminent professors, PREFACE. a more free use of punctuation-marks has been made than is found to have been done in Dindorf's edition, although not to the degree in which they are found in the older editions. In revising the punctuation of Dindorf, I have been guided mainly by my own sense of the wants of the text, although in many instances my views have been modified by the usage of other editors. The basis of grammatical reference is the grammar of E. A. Sophocles (new edition), and Kfihner's School Grammar published at A.ndover, 1844. References also have been freely made to the grammars of Crosby, Buttmann, Matthime, Rost, Kruger, and Jelf's KIihner (Oxford edition, 1842). The map prefixed to this edition, although of necessity reduced in size, is an exact reprint of Kiepert's Map of Greece at the beginning of the Peloponnesian war. It is unnecessary to inform scholars of the high estimation in which the maps of this geographer are held throughout the civilized world. It would be desirable for each student to have in his possession a complete set of Kiepert's maps; but as this cannot be expected, the map accompanying this edition will be found to meet all his wants as far.as relates to Greece in the times of Thucydides, Xenophon, Plato, etc. For much that pertains to geographical and topographical matters, I must acknowledge my indebtedness to Col. Leake's "Travels in Northern Greece and the Morea," and " Topography of Athens," books which Bloomfield justly says are indispensable to the student or reader of Thucydides, and of so masterly a character as fairly to entitle the writer to the appellation of the first geographer of our age. X PIZ'RE2FAC E. I take occasion again to return my tnanks to tne classi. cal professors and teachers, for the favor with which they have received my previous publications, and for the friendly interest which they have manifested in the present work. As soon as my avocations will permit, I intend, if my life and health are spared, to offer them another volume, containing the remaining text of Thucydides, brief annotations, and copious verbal, historical, and grammatical indices of the whole work. Meanwhile I commit to their kind regards this volume, with the hope that it will contribute sorhewhat to the cause of classical learning in this country, and serve to introduce to more general use the writings of the man, to whom by common consent has been given the appella. tion PRINCEPS HISTORICUM Cornelius Institute, May 4th, 1848. ABBREVIATIONS AND EXPLANATIONS. S. stands for Sophocles' Greek Grammar. K. " Kiihner's " "' C. " Crosby's " cc Mt. 66 Matthie's c" 6 Butt. " Buttmann's s" 46 Kr. " Krfger's " 6t Vig. " Viger's Greek Idioms. N. " Note. cf. " compare, consult. x. T. c. " ar 2& lot7ra& = etc., &c. sc. " scilicet. The references to Kfihner are made to his School Grammar, translated by Messrs. Edwards and Taylor, Andover. Whenever Jelf's edition of Kiihner is referred to, the name is fully given. The references to Butt. mann are made to his Larger Grammar, translated by Dr. Robinson. L RI a0n0 4t40BoOY3 7zog o[ xD ha.,tRiaoQ;9yX ^oremo a ([tt, z it t'4s7Zi3,h coasoz klnvozt R lzor t ao'x a ab-ioyv o vt z.:ao,oii,;.,oo 5lvJ80z ft0i~J~ilV4~i - /ft ItS i2 1'mzI1h Dslb2) 3f 50'%'(V d' clivrw Ia a0 noQ0X1 I'ou 1333 Y 30 02I ~ -R:ao 5RuoX9 xro'Swircntx ao aoqzv t,hovz,to,?z,o 9 Z OXDX? sf C'OJZ i.Z C5, %iT0~7,' s sJr I /cc),0CO.naz, r iaz o,ioz',,5 bch /al.6s wig zao t2 vzvx qzao -iO';I t5 5oNpv 5 atalrhzlvR qao s5kvo Yao n5m3ozrLa Nm1.5h,.z f os -c c 1 4 c4 c IO S I c z z,5f1%90J I m 121 0o itriaoyrm 5w,j, tat lt Nit n24mx(I *I y'53o z.5a znJo H5o htb Saoz zo 02 0oz zoyzI j4'lz1 ao o l, 00zn0o xvd',u o VO X/XS'tcO"A )iy.z 3.1J Y-35. 0^ &It- (50Ol6Zt Of173 X}21'IM C3 1 tCd ) P6.ZO17)y7:V s7 M3.12 IVX X(XtW1QX OaV eU'Vita3XOQ 4?4P3v4 atr 5eco1 1W 30SlJ 1hZoy iza V2 X0 t 4t0)2oV oai 01612 162 *402$ % - If r 4 4 4W. 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Ed;V OVv a;W.obd! not01 tOV;'EO n).dLv, OV XW.U&Etv' dt.8 ilr; K'oxvQ a v TnavtEZv 6IE T;s i"'rov EiXElcv zt. XZco elo, oZ nceOodt)e 0. XUT TO aV1rGtdZ.,IV. zotVra zov'.AO4[, o tgOXQI',cW'OVCV, ot pe;v Ko2' vgotot - d ze T rO)oYv T0 tOV' o 2'xov 2aQeoxevaCOVTO, X(a; TQC02rbOV 8CZtfllaPv ~V TOWj TV Tn?i q n27 q 2v'3OTOtg- O' N Ke\TXVOUtJo. n770 e ZT o QOU zxat (lWlVo. o, 7"YoEpdevoS TZ'iS VVXTog' olxt.(,T ga6v a~~Tr~e cxvzCC71, x a z007cdo- v s Z rwav'v Tozg'v tf, v "go TOWt c;g V'EtIy'XdZEg. 2. vc2'O'!pCl 8E 8IEXreQOL ZOIt&8 IJv vx'rVIV 17r06i01.out)vto. (oivQl'vThol FPYE XQ(QZlT((XY Tvzet TX1 vayVCXUXc PeXQL vVXTo, oLTre Xflt MavIV ra 2 }Ee vT(X, Xrl oeXQOVe aeOQCXOmt'o/ 61aI., x(Xt OvaVCg ex.o 0es [ lzya).o rov' a g(. eGov' Zl.[c. ov,,ravi' z e xamracx8arveg'EXOVTE I ~xyflco.tV, Oerevuv T XOV(to~v Keexvcgo~t' Ota&oVTT po(ns AJC 3t()U8tIi7(X'T;TW 8iU(!t 117 II ArVitOI. "WovV, VT}eOfluYO t Z(Lt v. t qa' (Y.v, ItO I' (tv (4e2'I(t Yclt. 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XX. pnCvt),q 87C 2- zr oS;'er. t 170) vl' 0Zaln4 ov 8 g'e. )t 1o7.g'.4Z. 1 0z/ Q,,O Col, 3lt,1,,o, pmIa.,,, a 6,,Fo, TO,,3.;x[Wo;, ob,,a,P lt;?'. n5e'xev a!,l': vo5', 01 0 r0ta)0e20P ) s0 Or0 1c o 4'T170eOV), 6 o1 x0) a17 1ze7e25Oep},, zal. rv 7 iv ovx.av geou.&E'i ~ytia,1it.r. 3. E18eta l' ov'v wrco d~'E).evbcra xgt', r' Oqtdyator me/ov o Vi c VTV, o'EeCa dao(El'o, 172)E1 04s' 1 f0(,o)2 ~ X,1e7o'aOS1, 0 F2a'zlC 0,'E 4. x.,o'1 (1 V P 1,E ) (az1c X61/ eo~ E4vTjO'lto' (0' 2c av1E'O ECVoYZ1O1EZ)'eVe) (, ( (12' xUal Ot,170 XZ v &8 151o[0 6'A1; / *,os' 1~ o; 17', A /0t/ 1' O T(t'. E XynXI.'o,'Aov {eQno 15x, Exovv o' [.'at'Eev,tac 2aQY 17a, 0.2. 00q1 2)1V 51CU TOV U171 p IZ6 E-)' XD w5u. Et7.r' 11t5. 1/0 F2);1 O 176 8711 E'1/C v(6z~Q,l.v ~!V()U; (TE-1)T,`Qe@V OVZ (OpF t6Og 772090'Vltstl ~6E`68(5 0( [(T)Z ) aD3.Olv xV38~Vph eEl, ara6auv %S I7-1-tr ( pr1 Yo),uli. 5. -cotist;urlj1 p Iv 6tavOt'[1 O'',4,oapi tos 61 vitql T',xae"av g XXI.`et9,'o q; o t a'' PE'Z1,e; OV z 7E.l''Ek5a 1I Xa', o0 QUgAati() 77e.Ely O' (T-TX(-TO;'z'v, et() u 8m0a dgoT's' zo b d,),.tynotio Mx St Radalyo 5l)9dn.v,tgri Y3? 1' co v RV oi,,ao1 101'7om )'o1014.%5t27J da9Z 2 OZO 9) ~it *;0?; tlG; p. 3.I;,t,4(I 4 1in C 1I 5,co(1 12't.i 022071.?,217)''10770 oF j "10 l0lo1.s~oahq1p'lOpos0m,'I onrpjEZ?oz X)IM 7I7- x1' 4 g c 3,4C02 UI /O } ~'(10 11c1111' i'70l7)002(3'17) 1 0' CJ o S,,lo.5ao 7O~,( 100 I a,'5;7)2121 0 oloe['Sov. 50oo (t)oai.)1'.so'; N. OE),. 1709)7^1~J 41 2 3 1 SX03)2 y'1( 12'(IS 1)11 0822 402 n 23,10Sm 4:30 I c - c I c i, % c X'57)24?10.20 I 201117) 7)2 (10,7)p,7),10 17) 21'.4/0110)21 02,o11 5a0,1.(1) 421n's1j?1 C 10 51,17 71111. V 10103Y o721 4(4) 20)oso 2291g S400110X 4:)0/2 22g 201 21D7)'O /7)y.2212 7010 272 5e112)8n1102 1D20 0Y3sn t j 2lik il oyrS i2 llQo ItYj aga o t.QP.920~'~ c xi I, c c,. 4~ 4 /A 4 ~ ~'00 02 114.112Th 400220111.1 21)2211117221 2 lo,)2c<1112 c 1C nsco mZaa~jxrI O; o 3x I0o ~o'oozi.;ou.so/.t )o.3'z,o oa.'?,Z1sa; -.?., ~~, s~,?~,~ Q i,.~,,?,~?.~.Xo,?,~~~,,.~,~;i,os s. C6,,,,a.co 102' 11 O51t o aJ 020?I()211 I 7) (Y )0,112 212471 J00'QEd.5o~Jl0.517g 2 -04.2S'02. 12 1RV.It 4(02(17). 51''1o0,17)71.(or' 11' 4to7,o)1 1 ~10 o ~ oiW(? 7110769 02L d4012171104 ) 4:WSR 0 ))2 70 0 50 11,0171AI 110 021 1 O2lXpx 07)712a R o,10,7)0 z:odni iD 3 }Uo o ];ox,5o2,'1,b,. 3? 10 "'t Zl4otoO),5a9o2n30 -c2 2t) 10'17)220)22 SIlbom - c 4s'',S3 laR. C'ozu4.!d ItO l cIJo m7,S31'40M Oflto 2 7)1 I3 1V; S0a'e4Z' f 1t2O'l fi 427.c1SX02a2 1aX)2 7 )o27) 7 5710 llrO 1,X 7 l02 l)RI jT - 21)2131 2202 2 2t!Vy )o0)2nd 32 d 8 10 Qno'1011 22(234 321 10 R.D93zD43 01210 0'122?0(tgp\ lh,(,I CC"1VI C,,,,,, ~ (1A 11Z 1. 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XXVI-XXVIII. 8 sam bv,,Iy 2c noX rv t1)U&, xat (,71() Io,20o F0V 0 ) ato'VetrO sTC4p x:"CNra 7Z0 Eoi.'.EOlt 8d.7:11)t01c'q.8 Z^ 7aor!tl. 3. oa (&:L3,'',''l'2 Z1j 2<(,},QG; LI 1;Ei'(a,9 catl 7q'0c0Iifj7SVTxzg ZI EX 71,g::./).;%j'-Jto~i.i.6,o:xooiovt /t.o07a.(, 0:L zovv c,,rz0w'v 5E Z;T (i1eoI;GT,' Y'. l[ Id0 07 dX;I,FD,. Qz. 1 a c(l,,ov (8 (xJz ('zo7v,eyU)Lov, zElp.:.~,;uaot v, (bI, v, 0t,, )., o,,7,o).Xo; M;..; ~^ \,t U, ocilj, /.(x O5EV()l.t reo' q)tclv, I,(dg~ z'OllJ)~dcov';1 Zo ~;LO',, iq 1aZt T,';VOI'ZUL kXXVI.dd~tE~'T~.a;,~. ze6,,o~, zo~ilo~v Ij oil~l~'_dO.rlo~zen C xrreovz.e~ot l Xc''.,, 0a ((8; 770)10ox 1o~ E'& t 4~Fj;ar' 178IaX j (Ikia M;:(X C 0E l~v)eOV f T0V l t9V VZy 1)0,3' 8I (2V 101'(Y70V 010 T (V CV T 81vOt,0zxl/ 3 o'al, ra, t ),', ae'.o tro (I6 Kv atlQo'a. 5. xa vvr) 0, (4 -28 Vl8w,u'T, ) aoa( d,C,,Cd rarl4tU. 701'Ta( ~11110VZT'; (kAV, Hcat 2(2' Ilcncxw'II 701 il (YTea...... 6' o;t, 40 at a i,',,xxv. Th0 lY 02 7 ((070 Q0oT7o rTOV-IOv O0 ~4ij-qatot TQi(xxopra TuTv i~bnZE1,7TFWpaV 78t T1)7 Aoyto-in'a xat E lf~oI' apce (pvftax' ~17 Q(/JT11',8 te (Vz070v 1eo'8770a4gV' KF 6K tI'lov-. 2. xa' 6,o, c26~tzd)deov O ctzivezo, a ne'.or7o p'vtiacp d-V, 7ePlxC'0TO, aEJ'c. X Vz I s' olrE`OQ'('av(Y. 4. x ~tza'or' It 4i`7ipzf(l mo1() _t)t z's to.7cpXEa''A1''9 1tv a itc'joo v xar ofto ac;aor aevo ao.' 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Q }y a 4 i 3.casry 1rig h@0ob/. wZ031Xty li.18 So:1z), Ozo9 a,'o?; 4lH, zhu, i./X}zi,5t (ot %oQ( 402 IX 1o19X)0 *52t32aOa.?Zt,;2v D at.Com)02 0 thL {ttlt l( 3?293 aco ac0o62X}ob 3Rno ascorl., o'a.',Sa o z oizno mviz ao 10o101?dmi xyF 0:ov n dvJ') 2, 4a(o0 2)I17 Q0 42z11021 WovI2) 10'101og0'toQ3H2 9 1X 30z1 4o7o2xg JO 10. ao~] 11,2,49c0z pl. ay5?;t'02(2'1o ) 40z 12)979 22x, 510,1ojot 22149 )9 av1o za 440?Z' 8, a oz~ zy a1z:o'x x'I?'5oXzrnh o 20 2ao)m 201 9h440210y5aoL 2 2Ox5ol).a aO r0d11 a IOa ctco's5haoz~,~L 0oxx I, c / c?ao 2'x7?O:z(tttoHV - o 1 oYgrh 0.5 ao 0 40?,. a~,l;Q no' oXXo _ 3.h2vq (oz2 ~ 4gz 14C ooey.r24Xo 6z,tao t 44o, (z;l221.7 2 ooD3 a.502.4 4t0Q)naRH 02 1no 0X? Omd c-, l g O) 0 tDI -(biy My22i 47)i7xpO110H!tz2 53 tVC/ff4u3 4 4n(02 Sa.ao2IoH43 J03)292Da IX 4011t0y'q,, 11! Scoqov 5hz nv 2X)9h2291)2 v 1) 42( 4o; nio la0mhf' ma o-l'0240 C i >7 )x;, A'C Rcoa aou - iqimilyrp4 oz( C tzJ ((442) 120 0142)92))2i1C21 5120,112721)29 342 5n(o0 49 2027)J4110.022)t194 a 50z9Sot3?2)2 fCXYg}X;XI X -ft\ 1U3 dhX ) 10dzn uzr oy ii 4 0 t7 oZIQo.9he 51'toX 402/11)'12 aOth,)Y imY',10(9, 4s v5)arI l,2) xl1'd1n20) hd 3 r,4i,ta Sao1aYoxu2 mSoz ix.571r,tQ Iwx;,5?vlu vxm Snoz -17) O 4.6 tMm 3o,4 0 49202 21 U ~ Io? YO 4hz ~5 VI -47)ypl)2 Jy1X 29S? 5(0 3you 5hz 11p 42 5/ coyVxhD'd1)()??zXX 2doco9X a o iCG1F-, rAr. Id. 39 33 9.08?0 soo mx 02ao290'0241 4Il (C y1tyy-) 07 54nz,15 52)]2)x0w li1) 5offy1)0j hIgo!,.C,21, 02h47t/48?C21,4 ((71 42 32;riYYy1W X'14210g3^g3ys 50210 42 0 SO1X)hLKt,$Oz aviZyX 4oyy? rlat3 jo %ItfDhiub2ouo y4 s"y -c0aj0!? 41tX2z nlV z s, L a )Xi 2 nC9 6X1 3y'42 1?24cX 0 1130YalOX8()0O'1G 02f lI7Ir2 5Wh rI l Qs b4Ji.9o22 So zl 5rn, o1;oy9 yv ai 714.U021) 50 2472D014. 0 4222l(f V 41 2 (102Y0h 11i 4(02 2s21 20)44 4'0) 0217 40a) 20)) 12. ShiZh)29 4? tpdl10. 1)4 /1 4.4..Z14 5hz, 122 5's1ko(^I)() 2722 509 "ysxao on na ngQivjjY jZ n o i o lz I o tod ao4~;Oy' aOIL3W 8 # *~Hr~i B6fiFIS~ Z O F7iD 7)l d 40 LIB. II. CAP. LXXII. LXXIII. 103 va; aVTOV(ov 1o otXEv, arQ eo'VauCu T.' yBE'va nozEd aI[xo 1' 6lV70V) ~4JpY ~271 ~0vi8~ 8 [/, (1[IV2731'P 7' ~ s 77(XQO v fLi V/J[UI9 O(Vo' xr(t I vatIr. 3.,zd'de ~v lS,utv 1ar,(Qeg Ob v, e'Eot I'ooaav C.'(iET f1'.'7E1 & czt r0OZv',lt lt' 2Z7 ~V Ev E'VQ 1o7' 3os0' Xtv8;Votl' YevopIrzc 8,i 0)1.C 7T/'Ij L4878Qt 7XIzn. 4. 1CCQV~ Q(X CC 08',0V; IO' e OIVO no e xaq zoI'' v e rov' T8 0;x10V,' TOTE( 7PO/80VUO 770(0VXf10(.C 70V;,' Vf8Z8MQOV; XCTCQp0)V;' c}}tzdtt v lrl[7/ W7/ m~ zlacCUet zo70.~' ~ozovg, i (v XorZv azo'v'a[eVI' At3oXJZne.e aOIlxavo ~[',&Gl toaev. LXXII. zoa0zcVa enC'dvz0oV 7.UCTaov kXCoap Vos' Xo j3afloo e8v e 1e x' a Jxaoea.eS, C V6'.' H3tazdr1f, 7/v ol7t0 17 [OLCt zoC 0?.702'S. xc40a'g 7Q HtQ ICVUl(YCC'a;uFv n7e( zewv0, Vtol, Te CVzo [vode8OeJ, zl; zoVs'.'?.Xovs''vvteev7'"Qozn QO e, 7CGe70e8s' 0osy 08 -rze YvA'vco, vIl8z Te ~VoJl0o30Cv:X1'1t 0V8 V'7' Z'U741hvl0g, act c78V T 8 T001/08 0a1t 270A,8[0~g 7EXa[ 8vCrtC CvTr V EV.ElY 2xto 7r0e're0ov'2V 7 z8 o G'. G7al6CC P, s t,.,I z'> 772[pi 3 [s 0 2 ra e(; c4 CaC4e',8G.( 0 [4roz A7/ov-,MZ(X1 o2~.2var 0 tOt ECt[01, v oqt dmz, T;g ovxot o, o ef'E 1, aa. xo TO e(4d88 TEaQ7c0 l ECa0?8.o[v.. V 8 A/t0 r41ov aVo2, E8Vs'( z7 a-7 7'c10 -, (,,)DTlO/t132a3}220 0gZ'St3n~30'i. rgt 19 1? 52Li7L Og'R99X *I ~ a,'aoxoh, I'S I2nz.oj j,bo0 t ioOxtz SL 24,0 1-a aoz so z,,2R I SA,'~o91 -122 (0 l:iyy 2l S0"I'T7'249bd'djo SpR 7)117)7X (0 17)X 23912922X2 u2 w~~?uc'rY_1t~6v1W DO11& X1doJ~X oz,n-nx Sozm3~n'111do~ (lo'(7)(1 0)02 It ado 4)77'no'I9ir 0'SIDLIj 10 12'(0 112 1011190,11; 1/117v1W 17) 110' t i ~,, k 1 9,, -dvq u? orovuz3va ouzax) O51R anpoogy~'oznoZ3e'o! z~,1',.t, wzax)'(z 5.0 co1.2 C c, rn, p 1 I,,, 10 gOa['10 l) C012 1 xI'(3 1r(O24!'Sa 5no/7 So' I 2 02'a I5T'02X -ozm'bao2 rbyy h ao 24.a.'H m5v-(yx) 1 - 4 2 1c3 02 )710 10.2;grh If2 v U VdWX yoz~sw Xr,.5ozn q 17Q q (t(01 aq;h0,02329.402 (102272t 02 1 2 127.) Sontont5 ix Soig ) 919oX i3 lontj2'o 5xtSbom -047)0475ao2 io tcioX (102E 571o(59'Oz,1oz 7 5oxb 7)6 02V11 no)/L5 nozE -221 (1271 02(102 1042r1011y7202 10zmOz lt mto s'n *oz, Jo0),ozo it'I5 2z, o 21OZ )0oaz1 40?)8eY7X n02 51t'e 2 2 y) 1.0 o112021ob ozx 2, t02818Y48 Q,zt' s 0,)0:1o~ EJ,t 20D 1Q0a438'10129 411z0 20o,t3101c3 4,f 3 o202,0 12oX Q9 -5.o 0LJ)0i0oaD.s2 7)7)w 4o2 5tO 2,7M 5.) -5!DV2 oo'Son 5) 2o 10aoO1)0,X74,.1?29,th'4 5'02 ) d 2CO o,01,tJ;q -tO] q),Z@ pZ 42X9z z402121E1z 4c3)xYz 4t2 2p3 581.1 a 122 s(C?1l1!'04,C-001t Xao 0o.)201,21 a1o20 1x ~Sb0I04o'.lozl.o 82,ao cZ 53.2.rX -c;D xaDO Czop z s.5 lO. no5 o0 xa xr 5d...z to z 0, 2 oag 5.1o1t,1O1 511z 2 3 19D 3 1O" 292Do!zy,)?v?oyy.4,/ SItXrai 512, 2 121)7)',5,i,4i@ias soiI 5 oW o509QDaO6)y 5s12 X'g 5?2)20 yZ1 50aoyyoL ao 5xu,Q 4,078 o 5 0o14a 1O 2 1 5? 21711 t l,03'V 4.2 5o,002 );02x1t ) 0og'4 J30x dO)31EVYY1X 40)2 sht l RV 20.o40yc2vvzY 4112 58 410001)0)7) 2 IO:'4W?701OeV 1,(oZ ova nuztxm?'tC010.^7 22?i 53/,f1. aOaQOxwgG 1wx'<,o c,_I,to yczx o, a C, sZ,' z0? v $o,? 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Doox07~,xozw 42r1 12.,51t7',dXa'6 o7W1 z'ovrrtrtxa 3'm Al it' 0 C., /J aC', C,, r, c -xo:0r oz'O2RQ 2?041/ 4nt10 o3?X o 43o).31 2 nao02 X) 59024o 0V 320.50o??; ~'m~. c L~' - 4o /. o 4. oo o o ~ ~ c I C c ~c x., s 1th 2)1D92%b2 2 Qo nZ o 402 722 4211/ 27)2 )2O 12210 7 29c 8 t 5C0ao xa o 0']a)l7tz. 422z') o' 2? 77 ).gZ~3 50O2b)21D 421 4?a7moz 2to ~ t 4C,? 44, C - 4 4 11)0 102(27)' 5)11 5? 4C02 411) 27.2? 4024)272 /2 ll X)}1k,532 xaozpz, ooa,o go,s7 Oz SZ'.tCzz (vVzh"(yqd pxlovay"? 5'.1 w -"67M 7027 22 0 6O?oo21 20(ao'.501)).a 7m?4 1)D17) lOqXr;o1vv 40o91)00.R 2ga)2 a()1oXa 5ogoob 0 oz020 4211'2027)424 4)2)"r 221tW 10s42 217,5,ooyy) 50oz,2.2ta o 42120102 0.2 ao 22d1 it 4a 5ao,0z1?2x 8 RR 5so 1, - l/4 - 4 C 4 6 / - 4 C c C >'40O2aRL (/t3 3 5320)Q.?Q (11W3(.ox 422 53 4.25ardrT nari o1 7W0;'o7).6aioX2?VQ.3t -5 a, 0 y h YlX) bifgild V E 2 43 42W21 w44asy3 44 myib It owvo 4o 5,o z *,lyIX y 5a0y,0 5anoo.3.,/z.3 0,'# s.t X 50,, 02, o, o'1292D2)X agO.50231yO0 0 I 11 22't1i1.6l4(2. t3r070ag3 47, yo0 2212 )0214r 0 ao -7)X021o4h12u,?)V 021021930)21 127) 4022 12WX 4022.7) aO42OX 322 (02 5v2uZx1)2 o3. 02 1) 2 x E7 7).2 (.11~)02)do 1. T22 0to4 -rt2, 11'404,W2090 22 421!} ),5 VCb2 1obf( lf11'ao; 2 42 ( /7)2. 2)02 1i1 4%005 V74)X 213YM)21 I4b211 tOM)J)0a7 2 2 2) J 024o7D.co0X02 3 5 oua0o 47 anito'1)W41t29 aoyyy)X a0 5Soliz 27) 72qva92 22 422 40)2242l2 4022 44ot c - * 40 4 4a 324 4 4 -12W X - c c. a,) 222 4I 24T0X2'0a4gl )al)a. 4t022112 (10 2> 2? 4)2L2 40 PZIO;02320,43.097) - II I, ( if Iz s a I'Y % - odIn.%no Itdlddl Ua4 4 40 4 4 - 4r ia09j 21 5t02 4D l1 02402 2)12 4222222 3X1 )7,1 4322 7)21) *(4 *27211 -i227a 022a4027b?7221?X7)2 oon ROYI,'dZO()2 0771D1 1102t4 21, JZI IIIX IIX dCV9 III gIjr '*t a 5inoRX~tlt0 20 9123 3290L8? i2429.2O1712. l%)t, 12$ 2OLWlDi(2 )O rxt Oo op Q2X2t7 o? y o',0loa 202,,.t)Z41C It[o 2t0 4r/ n2az fO,'AX ~z,Xo 5~2'd~! a38t9Ve@o,3o8e?,.thyna,],'$'-O9dophio~.02,av? 4oz'09$a1j, 5z9ao O..O,9l 2'?bo]tiX, ('1oz o2 122,'.52oJ4O h 29b2J 4X1rnY92b0 2?.Ua0229J2 ((02 2?,IL ag!twOX'.5;01,'/orQ9F]29O22 4 a./2 40zs9$z 0o4:oda,40$t 42 o/ ao. )'52t,D91ao0m 122/ 12'1042.mO423:.1 oXbrir/t..5022,9212:a0n.11 l9' / 22? -,, O Xc Qo 4 t,01lr c io4 *f 2t)92'59'g22V'2 q292'/0 W 409 8 $ c dX.QtO 52i, od ), fz,tS,)t DJ3/j}? 4\,.~vo# a0 Uo o ~:: ~5i,tL. 6a~ ~ov.d23.lc,lp h J 0$3a coa 5.1.1X1l.'' laZ 9124226. t,' d,ZZ.R J C3L20 V5 I2.2lO? n I)v. 222zX126 41 934c.02229td0@`9 222 1,29!I y151$ bo80oto O )$ 5o /X.;Od to 53'10o(taev () ~i &M tOPl 4.S"d~t R.Q vn'loanzs l.2tniota/ 40022ilA 3 (1921Y4J 54Y%7L0X~ ~~292'5Q0$4(02 2)Xlnl3Uc c o 229102942,71',1 9-o1F1] 4_O,?aczovxYt a. l1, 2521292.2~414s 1)?Q nO, RQ 5 roV *J222 5I X) Z w092 r 1125 2 O2 OW X' d 22 a O2'5 zo a o le i 2X9 ) a a O It, Q ) x,' 2z21 52 50 50a 0Q;$ d12$fa,?nd2o30 n 2,t0 2 moa3oL I K / I -C C ) I C % i. 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(09)00. 4qs. SI 1Vo 41 40 5Vo4)I roXVL.soV),1 10s7 ooa0o1 S(0,!tz~l~ 12 Stoz ]oo.,.i vo. x)Do( c ov 3vz ")oQ loMo'o,.s2sto7o acozJ a. Lb it on9,I)o,to u l-oz c,C' I dt Z) 2 15 t3 V24 4Yt0JAX)X'OTLAXphdVOZ? 51'?dY) I, S]oI Y, sTIdVT 6ST IIAnX TAvX dliu IlT *; Tv 1.2?.1 *..Zt!2,1aDC9 )ivX 5 o',loXv..7? a od o2,2o1,,l: 5. So3 -a. vdr sOoag~x aog?ridgoj, aoz n ao0Z.4lo13 510Z4D S Xdo3za a t12 Qzao.3~d C i ~C C C IC C CcC i.~r~lltl, O V'.Do v'~'sozp2.,u otag luoidg yom ]toz Lvz.rz?7. incoigaozv s'1 h s3 i X vn1DagO OJII O C CtO,, 2 C 1 O j?0'9n )h721oa.2o (,Z,,Ol,ci C ofogP ir (i,'obnov,'U?' U acolz oun oeao; -abi0'tYO3 (190X 7g lslva9'10' 0(rcoll1 d 320O i7,? 10 aoL (4XX'~ gZ.s,11,?o9.,. 0T, 3pli 9.s ~.?: hg Zt8?z? x.5O.?l,.,actozt.Lo6pdX, cO f _w So co 1nX ao'1s.agoj~ Q -nmA,1 5v Y.,t 5o a oV? 1,C 5osn 12X MOL xlf dol1214,21? 41J>21; c J I' t c ~C/ C, C c' I -3W.R sav'3,u1.? 5aofo-e Sno0atl3%x Xf40 ) 5D]@12 D.5ao.303dai9..ailO 1mX L'-0lz~()gtflr~~ 5t't'5!12,8iEO?^R:I~l~rl~ n~&&5 RL?, T)D!) t OXS2 pt?bft~J22? 9n2 torpvfi;l.Q 10 5' o.x;O 2 40 2oXo 10210to?1 7bO )'3;~re; 3(fgoa o2rJ aoX o, c. C C C C I ~ ~ x. ya 1ao8 cX,1za. b 1W' 12', 04g21 V 401 4( 0[ 5f242. Og 1a2x3 a,, Z 10Cth1(tlqi2abo 50217 1r1,Zoo ao 83Qh0 ao/a2 J t51 Sl02 71 u~ R".o,tX1f,]'Rr2g 10(]Ro 13dg3'7- trio*s 3l ao oz7}'i,.,, lS' YIboMxyV?10)214 0CI;' OZ VMb11/,Q ICIOY 70 2;UX C C 12)2 4)?}iOQ71 10U11219!129Z2X 1? 02, 7gY Ct0X9?7. t17)? Mloi'121 0291a 2431,l L, I I, ) I 5l' caul 7.U kIQ 1 202R)902Y SR3~t 1CX 064Q]YX1 1 2!I0 (0'^C7)4)2 Sczo l.7)V0611X 4no0'~ fTd r{z B d r F,,.F T 7 0 p 7,(, It O 0 OM 70,3 5?,zma za x: o'706, u[t40 ri " ot rOi~? ~co'"' t,0e/"~ MA..U..SXZ 5sodz 401,C9lI29od 7o0danuozp a r ) no 4 _,0v0'8',~7)oX u L?o.5sRo4 S2z 213X4 51.5v1 bD! 010043 23$2Q02I 4040? V02U 0O(?Sfl0dX2 402 IJX _Rb130 57MY 3Z, 013 lt,?d93 dQ'130l 7 l0Xdo w x 1yty10 -9lp73'~.rnax8 Ir wys 0 12z su'Josjli nyogz 53s4tO 1X 3Q %' I.5;o2, X5oao z2.t no aqo0 u,- noo 5ozwanoilt o z"aL, Snonwa to trsoaru no* r( 0 411 9( I2J1f(t10 Corht11(102 0 (cO 01C.s 1 no 1 2r1.5(1'32021 021 X1,)0'snxrxvI *t3X.35130 51 4(0/t7 012s 4o(0 11X,3 (1)2 411j r;~Od i. fl211L i J, c C L I If- I t mtmdi0t 1204o 1aQ C 4olCd0 X 7;1zx/01t0 53cto 1 90l40'L5102;Jo oaRX)Qn)3XDoJ) 7 c ).f It ~log7 x c i9 ~70 aIXX aox l, 4ao0 oz)o tvovvuza5 a a o no,,loi,()Z. la2 9 o4o01 (02 t ao'A o t9D 10 0,4 ah.4 f JC0tl 41 5T' Xo' 32 aor )[: ~ d -0'124119227< 100xx21 5m11o2 onzl (10o29 7'40E11')1y3 5210oihya 4 dt,,s-ox ~*oo] a'.~,, o:~? qo~ I,to,d,~'~.n0,S;zPo dP o?.*:D:l p ~ C-you Id 18;scyX,'?O orCX, 9oo?3 Ia. -1oz O aiZ.~n r( oIo 4, g2 o4,onXi 10. Xh. a(0 oXo 4o 5 *(n1o93 02 ( o12 0S3 40 oto10 C9'3o0 5(..0 (412 1. I C, C / tO?.9ohg aol td' zao, -oiaawovg aoz 5cozaioltc~t, z 5;,'d~ &rt oo a'X Ix 3 SQ t Sno ar a' 51'I/104119101 I4O111?11' $)1 42 5017 411 247tO If.93L % 1%3 0) 4/1 1' i C~s oa 0o X}290;v 3U51zz.; 43 /n x It7)iOqL..53 57vaIRyu C Cx, -134 3^ztI Scmlot 0 sldr3 ha m of L10 t on'n1 J It 4a34 d0 ZVD,9RRQ 5? -dy 02d 90o S 3 40.oz',.10iX.,ni.,'o,102o oD30I)/ OZI(OP1S3'024.R?,?,tda C C C, C i I, I, C ^,Dih, tm,,1 v ahy'5is4Wq73.5p'lsazd2 s tSJ3Qao 5vo X tlQa/ w2" If''(0LX SIti. X 10.10 mI C z S1iIQIE} SilL 0011 4).Z i;OD dCt lfOUI aldOVO Re UJ 2 d(tO 4?1O 5320Q? P;diySlaXoroL 0i.2.) L c i' d d x u S C o C z 5h)"X}27)Y R03OUC fllZ M? V 10.704,IC;I C )V.5i9Oh0i7.5 41 ttO4f3 AX)O) M2?}M 70)DyX1)401t03rL do t1g370'bab titz M2oO-2, (?WdJ.)0 IC2o' SdZul t1VI 11h d50(t1wZ1 02/(Q 4)( 1Y 2 1OW Xfl)bS 1 )1)LO20O 10 aS.'C * X'*IX''t. 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K'WCiy, b'Jorre'U4jvalidoi ivj KE8yXveo'v xCaCaovXo)U. 4. o N' 4rrocpvy;' Ev- &jO'vitrd2'.zcc.v zo~ c mo vtcoOg'dzovO irtrr ~'}ocs, dOmoV7V aVT T C7i8fYt V ( TOV4 Z7OU'l A'TOV~; YWv7E T6O a?dautxoosv rdlpt xaoaxaC Ei zo 8 L,'e AO0; rEE`O'v xal ro''AHxil rov y',qpla N;xaO' bxa'av Xztaxa 8sxetzo TWWa, 5. Oc[v-. _0) Ve vd eTCOlI toCo1 aQ o, T(it tQ( O' dhoi hby O leOLT,,'cia 0o. Tr'p 0r'ljlaS, o vOgS Tzx8a~vOt a7zoo iT,,0 oe.a'g, ivq'Xo r'6' 2w'(o.Iletpov)I,r CvT, xE7e0 (;Zo TO) TO/ fo) /.aaUovc(. G. o 0 8 1z06' /l Tq),, To; C d 8,v,8t.Q7 0TO ia. C,,,A oU;V.I,.OZ ToT TIuf,9O, co,; A. ceOl.;;' q'tOv, T x(Zt 8/JovV) V'Q ueo.8,,,. V X IT.'TO z",, ea;8~o TT o sYX8leQa E7yxal.acti1' > Tijv eovCov d86 ZioES., V TO-: IoTealoeVT xTTlVOu, aOlt, CdXovg Xt rE (OJT E [JV) XTO T rl,'C6Ic F 8-ljxOrtla. %t t1 Tve' Tgi (2VZ7 i' t'V@/tvri' U~ nie9tlha 6XvOl F, uj 4r'i/4TLXT v TQectjQj TIcJl)y7oTv ~t F 7rOvO-(I1'. 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V)02 1 VOI IE.X arTbd3o.so.'lqg.sz a2.v,~ s'z jcaoX.o /o.n,2 liXWYdu?x?,~_ 1Vt'. liLo 5rJ lolW0Oyy 1320 5V113X1 1000 1001 13O1lsh'50QOqOjn it ~111',oo;0oo,so,.i, o >, i,,o~.,~?,~ cog.:o *. \s,e \ ho @4>],%ulaP-la'rt3 so 13ihSst,s33~S9 1tZ~ ~ 0 Y313 50 1VD 0?5? lPI fXI.aoZ'o;2 a, o Cr o', o I C aco rboo a ozoV, R(,o ao IV 9 "oz' 1 C 1,Ubx21 V'C 1'/O0 j1. -^)1V0'. w t'olZ0,?t0'210 XO';,t, 10 oi l00 7o0.ztlo,'50o, b.11soo ao 1)2 12 So I Vc' c 5 0 Co).z z 002 11' 0 V',o 00( 02oz 10 1)121'Cfr)y1i17( (lo~aVn'1V1'111CSiJ~.9 V)o vI 5aopyqv d&3ii Vt0)01 aoi2C 5V28o y, SaoWho-)ot 0 lWt5bxow Om117) 1.)at?.11O nVn- 5100/g1 10 (t - (r1tm -taS M'7' AIXXr IoIIXX r J',tv o'" II'iot jz .403yug-3O9 t(-)z2a,co,3dvv27J 7 to-6yax. 7r32,olZ ",zt d im', -l trInl 191tOaS2.QZX'5ZJ1,@3X 2hZZ1 Rg SL()~O09d.0 0 ti^DzbjW/p]9Z t5202nd0'3 d0 5apn? lOa)R P M WJO'10la2AZ123V00z(2L 0 41,i 9Ir008gt'tl0c0(?t, IMa, Iklr.............,2.ICtri. 0}J)1.. I 1 0....0........... J-WI, xaqo'tom,1t: oz 5x'.I (t"t' 7'M.Ro' l'5 y 7?,z50z.5r; T o?. g lXy'o.zl,',tz,,?'.~ oo,.aI.9..Ize. 50az 1-,va,.t:,,tr; fs:og ah Z aSOWVMZ a. 10 ()WQO.~O',91 1rX 0 L O agV 54.01']',51o1t3dao'~z. cot 5od09ox 51pa, o 3q.7? O S e oae' Sacoia t,'?,goz,:,sI o']'],' o1 5i27oz50~ 52oz;ooI', OYl]? 9r/o Oz? s,~ x'SI I C If ) o n. rP -.'Ia1? (.1 0,aQ'5,141 r,? 5,?, O #?.4Wt.? S o, (x.. 52'02,-'Oe -1,a 3p oa).s11 n o, x zt-o1d tvog,, 5,1 rovL,1.w 57,/r oa.50'1'0 5t O'm.O'b1'lb pd? 5o;. it 451 51b n'9:o7, 4111 7,21o S 1) 8 )q. 1,6z2? 2R7o111 8. I JA0x. u 111 O'5519(0', t.0' 4? 7)l9g~ o jo 9a, IAX'IoCoz 5z o,,v aov.qzq~4;,o~,.~,3daoXhy',,.an ama-,?,Joxxo 1,Va muhxlt,, o -~ i ~, -, ) I c I, I -'~O'IZ,~, 70;t99 C0 1.79~lDO'1X 2 O6 g 50022 9' n?,ZlI'~?.e aoo -Rvd.q? 11; 8ft10yao Sd ~xX'ioo q? )o, 5vpp fta oinx'1t2 9?nox -0o7V17) 70x'541?11u'51)0;1o0 Il 11192)137)'41011)1)3210314 1 1J SyJ91.?,;;c z j, cz 511 -31z@5ql fc lo.Of- 1o, 8tt zzto 4J-Z1iR-U I S O tcUWOJ1)i15z0. 50997)y1 7100o w^404/ 1 7)07 1u 117w?3 - 11.17V3.z inx, 14..0-111t 17,,', 0X( c26 c,102);(02(17); 17)76 1dj9^(1 4(01710 407 711 4@02(1'^f0 nC t} 6D?2Z' 421yES2 Q0 11 1 1 VS).001'L1260 o % 0 g O',&? 0 A ) 0C o 3310z 17)71 5 4)f)0o01f7) 19(001.1 102;67) 57 /LUo 57a 51 70 1 l1.?7 3 03 Q.S.?M,1 0 1779 N RV~1-,I 4co01(1219Y 711 53ffi9 9)1Di2 10(7 X) X(1 M14td M%,iz 57)91'10112413 10 4190) 113 9D11X 43 5 1O0),1a 5(0110'Z11 11J1)7 1?91f1D 1) 002.1 I /, 1, I i C I C LIB. ITI. CAP. LXXIX-LXXXI.'159;,Xt, Ea7QfCvzo0 0Oov'jE3v. 2. y7ovress 8 8 otl 0 eO' Toig' KEQXVQaM'OIt P.a; 8 cl(aep; iti o0 Pe F i)i, N' axVC r,) J'evol-O - PN' l-pqoql Oout' x't }a'l(' )Ya8x(t, ff7 j Q 7)!lj'6 V 7C Z~T Eni2nv8Iotro 170' otr0o' w nO 2r' tPelv(Xt (Yoo at /' i o' * 7'to0')7o. 3. ol 6' V'7t/Ct;()0Vo'c/' uffQtVfX)', vlOvOut.'vol xPutt tU(X. Tag tO)' Il C ) 20VT) 1) 0OXaTagiV2'8T8, -) A, 1 Iu a,'uor(, 8ri)'1(0W jt' bwa,Zq. 7808')AV'i' ).v aXos)l ~e ~7roXzcosovzoo, xcc. nr(b aq;.~s rerC't.R}eCvoo~',ogv [i'(X"ZXCov. 4. s; 84 nOVv'VXVaUIctM, 7O1(at/ 7081)' -1f9l, E8t)V1a(C 8' EIj)l owls LXXIX. Kact ot Keov(aQ? aot, 35aiaavre' g It aqtluv d7TiaXV" 6()2V78i' 8Ut 7r8 1 8o', co' gcQaT 00878', o0 no7.&mpot., r/ rovg IF 7)7; vr;6ov clOX a3iV YSt1 "o'Elt I' T8Q-1.0 16w, o lJU 0V F 78 7ri O'ri vav g u 1 70 Iulivalov &8.fIrlYlav xat 4vip 7zotu pa0ooor. 2. o0 8& Fi IV 7rjv gl6?)t OVx k702/3 a'v'77V6(eaal XQ(XctOVV8' T7I vactpaX[l, ~7Q(E' &a; xaI txac aV'S QEESz ovze' 70'v IfieTxv(ltCoov &n.T8Evo gap i8' 7',i v /7)IQOV Ote77e'vriaT0870. 3. z1 O' VGze[e Qaa t 7)7' ) T1701 0V~l OBeagiV ZetO 7tTE XOo', Halt7T8Q ~; o2)4 zri ayjxi xa, oq4 vrct xat Bta[70ov aa10vo7v0s5 oW 28e787a(,'l(zt'!,, Eaotp cJOV 08 6 OVX ovzog' E71 (88 7/jv AnVxl8SV 70 (t XQez)TljQOV a-ofa7iEg; 8o7 q0ov, zo-vv;'v oiE). LXXX. 6 a,loc v, KEQ7v. 7 7 tai 1a2 F ).'Ov g Ys at T zoi 88l'oW, O/70W Tcog {wj7/at go 1Z' xa( zrTla( a6)1 c 8sE7't6a8 I;' 7ZaX;' saS7 8(S#J1YCE Tg1 21j)a( y( OPC T0 7QtaxOra, [r7Qoeu&7OEvO', To, 7 z8 lI?3ovw,]. 2. ol 68 7IeY0170885/Jt01~t PFL1.8,(YOV'kip 6)7C0Ga87)'n 79' /is (s77d8lva(5a rrfoQ ra7'Xvuut adz. Avx8wog;" &;'g oi'.40ip'avo, otz vr1a, v'Ot8'o0t 7))v rI00'le., 1t)'Fretl).av, xua E i,(vpiX ovusz z'6b ovx)dlOV- GErQaTr' v. LXXXI. o;,l /t v o08' v H 0Eo1v.aort',t zit' g'vxo0' eV90bv xazat (zo,'(;xot~~ovo;.' oitov,85et7 00)v yO"(0 x717' 7)7c8*~a&,ze~',by./lEv0 XaTC/v l(jOtb0v Z;g' avb', onTcog Itl 7ee7t1rovle'~ve Ogc)90r(1, U7roxo[1CO'rt a. 2. Ie~8xv aQO (T } a1t'o' 06d1-.8Ot Zo g re'_ 7rt xc ra v' 17ttoff.OU'ovart', tZ/ 78E 7Czv 770).ep.'cO' 0OlXO[.ta'C, )?O),reT'' OovS0' 78 zlir 7r1')"I 77/8foorm a,0) ola, %028 5/701'00700 17ivf )Ya Yt1e-x8o0t'7g' o' &r7o iQwoar e;b' 7l08f,,; z o,, )I4tXo0 11v.1,a,' 8 )0 (cC!X)78(71OitM0,82, 7E)j8 7/0(7W' t1-'l 8 )Cag 0(`8, (/71-X 78180)(I' Kat EX 18(08 0'' O 0G0VZ 8 8W C 7G51pv'a E8/Pt1 ao;08;' l tt,78teXO(71/(T7 160 OO TKTr2lddOT AZ-~ TFP A l PI2. kE'Hv6o o[t rE Hc.o'Te, g tZX o ~v; Ec5 Y co oXfvrva%.'~agi 8vo o'lVv 77 On1',((rcv 1(Zt' CV Co'5. MI'o)Ja galvWdoV oO (,o'c08. 3. oi'c aO1Cf/i0 a 7'()l? (Tol 0X) E ("I Tt L o Ml' Of('0 EIWt)1 7lXn % 1~Y Jiu' 1.(8 a3.roinot v aq,7,rov 6t Eo It I dy s f, 0;,8''c, z) t b ()881,(,'1q z1 8 ~o7qO)vto: (l 8:o3.tov-zolo l co, ~()(XO (('o).0 V. (,. (o fCpo lYU' 01OO ag aq~'coU'o;c J.i' x t''))ovJU ov, (8,t ), U'' ov i'o?' n I xvc3 rtY. v'Q(ti. t'OVCp a'lrrco zoLi s' Zl' xatvo[t''or;( O8l70 o)v. 0(0 at c,' / ( 16' (.8A,v X0' (t 8'c, e C / If 8 c_Zt Cb v g Z, 0/~Z [ 8v 8V8c )) 78 uvo ( 8)' OcmZ0 P 1778,1Ya, 1 to0 rc3rt., r,- 8sdo xa;ov xa~ n~;; r& ca ldvos ~t.>V~ rC~v rc )O r 13xoto O3.;ozCJtj(i7; fV7C'JP o' (Wt88)OV TOO'OVt i xa8 W'8 tycoi' O ([V,-.J.1/o01LovcI, Xkv &o,.o& )V 0r i 0' 87Z.,o 11' 76- 7 tVOco.U',l, V ( i,0-v too. d oopq.V5 l lv. pl ro zo'Q rcpi rtIjw,[i;Co' &Ot'coY, v:lI O, v lod o [plI' tZC gE(Xl7,1o.t V Cal 20Vv 70t, (.(.(, X,((0to(' (UFO(.O ags 78c0!)VTO xal' 8')' Vf8ZO1 l EXTEIVOY TO, Ol 6 8 T8) xCV80 8 8 QlO Vx06OPu 1(7OYs le0 Izo11jrLv J(oCvq8ov'Cto)E6 (0aa fmOpv 6. o7elco8S 0 8c 61LV S zo(/o r C. 2. l1 a(l 601T P88 7 f 7,uov, 60Xd tO1 E V TO2l.g 810C8P Q 7 ae-I 61),0 ( 7X ) F'a,,, 1'0/1V, 8830t(X, c 8(,, a n B 8l WCoI'7o707, 77l,P E1>o?XIov' OV8 7 7V 8 818(1P 0tdXC ll'i 08i11 E6itjarCa-a lffX TXri q V.- Vr' xiovg ia Vtysu Vhu S, wo C ob'll TOV9'tz%' 8 8XIYtZlypo i n 76S EJ2Otv'zl@V F amtv-1t st x XUXON T(U)VOl kx zn7v (tv-[, )Ou ()o8, c(81a6t( ((t FU87(w0at 2W8,VTVW 1 0 -CIJJ,. 1.0711 Uj8 1E'O8;0Vt1 lO 7VC0/18 (lX E701)I X Z 70{ X/C1/ 8 S' (L8,1 0)ll p(U'(8)'T818 (eVol (Y doei g 21(8o 1 2. 70u ( ~ffn77(8(1' (o8 ZtOW 6Q)'&g 16r1 ro% c6[1obo~ ~ii.3 nil ~ 7 o6 z&?(16 6o xa\ (GtV 7Cdg;L700a8' ZOy tEX 7VO'YZ t X tV (X' UE1'C.fXl 660'plt, E'wt,; ('xp )Z Z 0v p1f 06p E8i)(77 rjll('z xal /(tjaoi' & 77Q10 lX.t0V U.t1, (781 7'otl.Y'a o(l (I 1, Co'l tl, lfeliV)Vg Tag(/ El'()0/7i 8tg 8/V g 61a T O I ni j Eg ( 8XO 1tovLO' (u8 71'/(x tJ9lxZTFI O "` S7f3 } 0'VfSl t Z0 1Y 0 UxZ f)QC iX ) t et 7J x atog] MU',9XU'>Og %al n77(, O t' 77uoDovza 7tta' Otqla.g' TECzv' rz0o?12, v _ r, 77 0i v F e.'oV, n 15'El r E y I YZC51 2O777,2 0'E'}'OQ, 7t T' ~,,FQ8'ZTi' P 7&):0Rv/ TOV trlpc(Oelcov a'frzot. 4. z tl Til, ~l3to1'l(O-v fi,fi.cy $v Tclj, V)>'txs.(Xv ELg a t Q yr co n \ t 3QesA (t iEff~5EOl9,,lE2652~Z2{70l, E2( ~,,e3 7)37) 0. -iS.g 7)z 33z oD1)13ot02o 17). x C 1o,)tau n3oYiha. z o3'rolmcb.,ro1r/z /137313 f. 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V.oqx ozO- ~0,lom,wvOll3X,12nW.~o oo,4t*p l7 ~o,,ao4,o o z5.Qaoy. i.agoz -5714.(/47)Q x7)1',ooojij'7), Szoo,"c rtaoj m7)7 vy91'(?t 17 57o) -f}01X00)'t 07)11 l207)2'5 li 5100207) SO. rloK1 00 00 1 * 4020) 40'L7 7)1 017 113 10.1- 1o 0147 11x0Jt1 17)61J(O) li 7 01 Q 5o.,o71 YX)X *g 9.',3.IaVg' z,~ 4o 4,2oa t o0'ag I tcx oznx a' wd Cdao 1ogC c1 SoOIo 121 402.(z0( IO 71 0.2o 70?)u.o)7o51 10?12.0 aogZ p(01oZet J 11 J,c & k c } Xx 0t ) I 01 "1 O It DI ()J3) lt ff 0/ 4 Y. (01 b? 017) 7)2O0) Y7)`I RV 40097)1,S 0 ~-1t02 I 5aol0)17)1 H 00 e tdr 7,Qi Y Q 0 1 71 V._J, 1011 )07 07)71.30toy0(IoxmJ 011 lt7100v 71 71 500 5o01 5.C~02 f)r Ol~ 1 I50 -~oduavM g CgZI,& l3Z40Q L0ZG~z6 l.X) P3z,.? zgJ.?f /t3, aIWX1s3 v [;ao2zWxxJaolV.s3.ft2. Sogo!i @J, tz;.7oz v..qmyo~o.2.51oo co :1D -aori mx, 50ovtrinaZ Iwx 0o2avn o20.17oz?,,tv,x'ms.:2, ool, ".d4t' X)3 1.eet aQ 1o9'(;1aao3, 0o21d1 1,)x 1Ro.a), 41 Ol / 2 nL a.,o22t9 -~1.Zea acoa, p22)s2?n 32z,eoanmL,,eO)bl ahz,z s 5oa? SZo/r, elnr 1X, O2L 1XoX 3102W (1 RJ. i, (1o017 0'10.17J1/V S" 1o0 oa)DI /o03 4o9J), A.:a02,, o1V d ox RZoZ r ao,,X,. o,'AI Vo -loax W on1z':,odt2 orzi3.D a oc l zoz 4111 o 1o 2,z z 5XRo?"oiz.57S,9a]-oic.5ov,ed6z,tcord? _T O sho?yayo.sLtF 0 a. yore,ez oao (oyl7 5tUt 711111J I (Q 131X.11' Da-O(1r X)1$ RV i''d1 40/t:2 5v v yx 670X 7'40.14),921DD'csbh It7 4 1t02 20(L 402@2 41091 1)06 ('Ju 82 C10)2 (o o: 011Qx(1O o 2922 (Q (U0s *oQIV l.s1t 0 oz'1as? ( I c 0 2 ),.,, a,, C ~ ~ / t c 102;4,oQ fr'n,,10, q 222? 40,o Vtp.23s 0o4C2?X.o2a. n o. 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Lft1)01LJ7 0 11'03ZOViWiZ7OD f(V97ihtO&OYj lt.0z 01U a41021Y21 IVX 0o33/? aPZ o40lr3 4 d'oIhZ t?. 57 SO 0o310zo br;x, 0,tooDz? %}xj 9 \z Sto0 7(.9 3243S 9tS 5XW % If c J 3Z131s cy 33r1 Snos -a" C) AJI;(dX.o o02W3Q3u0apo 29J SwygO.5hi s.5Ug athulm(0Q,R9 ~-''dcltzwahs o, 3z D oaz Pzd hPv.Ooodr:V ioztinobi aolXx)drida.5o02Wt aoz vorotl, xorz'ou 1.L5to3 Jt 02 t oz. o9 tnaoXrd &So Ot0otSoY.moaVR 11.53s03ooatykm h9it 50o/V o2z i o3'Oi7z3o tx wig Lmzmx~voLd'IV oZa'.sa0o?ayr 7,,) o "0okeo9 Xo P,? rc F x', 5R4 -xtm6;o;','V io.e aorro.9:b? Skl o9,yJXJo x, 40otoboy oz.5srvO,, 592z 26u9.sU t 1i 1'gi'MIg?. XhollOg6 5v2z0oo RQ v240A I4IR'5VI ]?y'o 5a o?iooxgm 1tX,2? ad a,?Clo,1D3.o2JI 5s!.(,korbF' )Xn'5'o]?C, S0oz SsLfn.aoobOh (t0o.'Y9o dOxlod2ri, aoz Sg 1izvtothlvl zi,todo,c % I lC ~' i c -8,P,,a2,, 1X?, Jttl.Ato~.xz Yp,?oZ 1~,E3,,,.q xo..o iale -S_2O( b02ZlWa1 JO d tO.fhl2 i Stx1y2f3 J coWthtt IJd:< s0Zl4fIb 0u13 SItO 7X)X corevto acoi-7V t a S1wz?oXo23yT.3pZmOty3?1Q 1wIX'Igli,hOmXa nX11tV.,t.z3 00?')I0z( x i iYo noalX, 2 anodaoX3'JtoytlodZx), (,?z o's5ao )o aorlv,7 aoz RO' d10 w c o 3,dod'5'wC f o V.o'?ns:.ao 7Z1X(ao',,?~on,, 5-2,tG.d}~? m md.,?Sl a;d,, lg XQ 3,z%?,':oZ:OZY zv 5otcoJI,4,S),.Oa" J,.s)il5p 5Z S I arjco.L o:t,a. CO2 2Z k& 53%I0 i' ( X (tIX Il 2-) i)()2ID1(0,'Av Q dV153- Xi0f 4hZ'/X),t d) O i d02120W i. 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SaowDlv4ovolCt &xoX 32 co 5S:e73 ~o' a,~oze.oz lwsci a oo,130ovn,'"so3 Ot'og0P')coO 4mx, C,.5zO~ (onz, Itx1 5oo2 Voocyldl z 504ry]o go5o.50X2)2 Z72,7OX 4141) 1,SVfX}Z(JX 510yV7 5102 )1XJX (b774Q3(,t34i[ 7X 1D44-IZdLt)JS'171241tZt 9,t:owm),X,'.,,ouhl.nO,ofo'etO /23:o SO,4.ouoe 0 7g.Q W o3Xa'IxP99, o0(1 m12o 9 Ypao 5(oo10(oXbo) aoi0'.. g uo6k(t oD o otto?'Xtt;o,tOVO1) 7m'oC oov tr S'a ~ 0', ~5a0 5u43o h7)ov wh/ SX0(0co O 1V. 2 t 17)0I'51 0, t 111 2.7) ItC0 t0( 4 V,10'l 2 1X734 3,nsk ScoRD - o'co7C4 m 241Y LX 090a0111117 /tl3 la 236:, 3g?0 I" 1 R.59110oig.'tog c,, o. O.I,c -.Cs5', X,, X, 502za7 ioUr)l [ oDX.50 2,toZ'34.2a3.zv o Z,o19, I,,,, 5. 1log4p XId 5o vW2.3d z3 y Xt o' trni cttl it 1'7to) 1azolX3,t1 Xto) ao40272n aoz sovzAtx I, c,,, ~, c - -.'l,)2.01 1.tdt310 17)o x 5oCo 27X),'o4C02Q. vO(.t3Uo7) boz0ao 2?27)'"5)., C c / c 1 I - c I -IO SXn.g v 05ovoga 9.?ai 5ao L3Yoa 7 OZ)t73X?690. 1ad I9?SV 5Xoema X 01Ot} 10 c7)1X4 4042114)444 4l0)1B 02 4d0231 )C ti 5 3 )Z t08212ot1XG? ~ z 53 0c/0 w1)co v0 X 7)z wz.?X o 27)zIc2Xvr/I /,, c,.i ~, c I),.,' t*, IC C c, C 1').: c C, 5,1)t.X 4o2?"4Q o0 7)2 7) tO 1I 1x17'7) I tC 10 0 ~'0 I V 1)0ey ao'o0z 02 75no01?.orlV no2 X7z23t rlia2nz 534t0'o07,1aod 93 0 17)1 4o/07lO 41)( 27)14 02 d0?i mXal X ) Q142)4.* X7)J94.2)7)2).5027212T.A2 -7)2d no(02 X0Y4)0 02 1)1a ) 4 02ll 0? 2a 5X7)U.110oJ mlrbOZV 4110)XT14 51 69J 32tr t sno1,7m' 0 MY0 x ti 2OunO 90?' 1)2O nRt02C0 plWX 51024X7 -.? 0z2 o2 ev O o, 15t a1o 01191tlO 0rtJJ?!10 2jfd aX.1) a'Vi9. 1X. 53 tI 1001)07) 5324.z 04-? 401)4o)v o 1)11o 0 (1.0 17)19 5 0ta7)7i 1117Lt31 (42a 4t.th I O' gii SI n o v? I VR, I *o VJI J 0 PFl J{7JZ noJ 007' 3.O ( ol 1400yan m oi-o-!&tCtovoyqH io 7)o.3x (oldoz-0'4')a'3v 3~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'~c"~T~'T~,Bd,.T, cI~3~",701;71ff- W I VX LIB. III. CAP. CX-CXI. 175 P )e~~Q~i~ a tiov o (3c *t:'Z " V ~ 2' oeV' VE VXsQOvg' OEV'iOvI 81:tr'rz ov gX01', cocns VO-7 7?j'2)' OXJQ5?I'~(J XYTQVlpf O&' H' 07z0'aP3OZZ02VO''. CX. uTC',,d4rdoeg0 zEl'. XLoI 7OT'_xav(XQ'litv /l72),;le't zo,70S'/re7z0axtlcVas' 70 e tl Jho tic (3iida -(~ Zr rcr'O Z5 v, 2e'o~i:)z(xv ~nrq30og h~, (U 7C05'I4t/CJ.0dZoXOr,, pov)Lop:ov zoi ot4v "~OrSi'ote' -t (vp'Eic,6z3a o Ii(Nv 63r 2'rrh/td1r73Co 2. putt pIyrt r ev' OS T- ov a - ()oc 7/ o.;' ta 7 OGbobO Xov' Xl 7mc( iF sa a ee reoxjzt Pat oy lt'oroSvg axc0 z1i (Xu j ()tEi7 aGCq t pogt, 7~zn aAviodV,'. CXI. Ev zovq,' ol M zxvrvlir. xaZt oNS EMF(YTro n9QOdcfaJ(T E i ai&C2(t/.qi0v f tQV2Vx uV qCvO,'vcov Zov i2Z90'ZTEg' V27T(XaE(tOW X'CT o0.tv2'V,, (Ot[z aV2)J,'&Or),v Fc, a E)i)X9ov $;&9Wu9' eQ0XZ3CQYOra06' (62 Iq T10.oOe zl;7,) ~;L'2 cq O&7(qa pov OcEZXc0Qovv. 2. o; (''a XQiaxfzcrct xa ol; /XZo,, O6cot ~P';E'r;2'ZOWr O - wSM ca0~gbool ~tv~'E1,S~ovTE c7 C;S ~'1'03g~t~C' cXftV tZ/ A @ 1CA~ %t IZOI 7o~ dOQOoIt ~v7)vO19' 27)g, CO ffv av c2' 1dVra', Ovulia za aPo PI, 2)O2)ov 0Q0MP~ UCM 7XUTipHJ' pov/.O 20. 3. Oi' 602)4ya(,vave TOV: yTt6- 7 W' nqvoov'rag 4pitoqtv X nt/ c7Y,"(t fXoV?' vZgpaotC zxal XCoB oo01 n Ov'co;'.'[coxov' z xzt czbag u c5l,,,,..PlS ZxO)x50~'ag xal, IrfTCixZOVTig EnertO'7 Ivat'b' fzvivViag?fj 7, vopugtiig xazan7QOtso3o e0al5 Cfptii' e`ti2lTa /VTOL 7Ot'g!V 2 Mcv/a.v TOvc JIt2eo7zovvrjgo lv; t~Ztct'eov, to',, 6''(.,4nxl,oxtO iag "Xzevov. 4. ci( iyv? oZ'T a01 t zc g xi a2yvoia retir'.A-4p;x2YU j'g 7tl zlrv E'82 el~.onov'?ijccog. Xla B lax06)0Vq' 83EV. Tlo vc;g' aVZ0cv CitaZX7).Im2tv o0 o A a~oc G(ecpv'v g1 75,42,vQaaa oPo0 0P ovfuv, XalA zauvi 0lo a 2VOV 0 pi6G(C'Vo 7032 z'QIiE(CO cpiog (0, V7t2)O2a17O. CXII. O0 83 Ex a s' 7roTke)oS',ITiQIm t/c3Gat aX2O;VToC ral &7 1'0oYEV,'JV. 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J 1o 7909o73' 1 aS1. 413l.611% 50o, SoL 4MOIR&I 53)_l;Da1t 73z oXvd rlr iwymr ) - -, ~ 6, I, s I N,3 5otrC o z X (102(3ao I 521 0 ('0 1014lx T 1' 12 41 CQ 70 *AXO oz~aL S conao 4rnxo1az 1-1 /l I0-h0X1Wo Z"St;O 52( S 3y2Q 15X a04?rh -fo:,0 10.:240ao% 5(~03(t% ao 402z 4a4o3pyzo':x:'.5mtzr o 5,~o.490x214 53'4'(132937. 21 V 2(12/31.113 41 417)213 f2t1(L6s eo'-14 oJNX 40 401?'ooz1/3.v011 3Z13J 3% 1 40woRx2.4V.11X 212~.z';a.,21,V4dta1. I M)3. 4O.a./v 021,00o0(oYH 0z? 4233OV) 9,1 o(y0. 1,2xV IaN~oyJ'f I6082?s0 Io v oV h L w o 1..7,0o 51 1212o 3 S:o342(4,, oz.f'z'c 02oz3111024 a1z)X. 7,)yl(;:c C "210,H 4003'1o21i321 425. oo 304o j5 oa'(21 214)21 42o11" l oX s3r1 - 22111 7n'~~ 323 4)311'4(0921141 CI3 024 ouo 9 934)2(0X14V) 5 344O0 21Xf -3JJ 2oxn l521.' o1321 o.:o1 a/t 4 O1,9 O 622..5o4otJ702 5z.1RXS 4( o1u5 2 510o,6)0V' 22123 iac kJo]zk o 0((3z 9oa?,'0o1O (r,v'/z,avz'593'4 " lyp23t1 40 1 10z9 O 0 3l4JP 4019214 2902I33X;O 5l2O12 43200{O?-)o'0me2'X? o0d, 3y 0 1toz d5 2933Op' 5:,oly/d'I Mxg 51.(.1m 0i2o1 -22123 512o(o 2140123 S1 s221s23 2 2 0it1 423 a 9c1z1fJ33'0.2943(J I, c c,, c 4II \ -32x(3l,'ci~H? a g021r Z)34oJ Z oM2 41.1,1? 22123'03 140 31Xr V -oriQCtOUf t')08,S7 SOV d0l.5f,? Y' 43 07.?YyXO.g^ V k't7E PxDo,2to i I - c - c,c l29Yb~ {h1((0L3XPI 23X 1 S20 V002 11 01211321) 1.53 2 532(011M 512x, OEtV 3g X1 % cT ASyw 1V2}0{>/XX} 15 0 334? ~ 0 )3d lat2rC1 p o pClo;')2,z us7.,[, &M. W2 9 D ".XJt/ 0x d )2 So4)u 5(0 l2)fJ9(021o21 702121.3 SoM.C0 1 02 09117).Z?201Q'1o(0240,b *AX3 AInX3O JYZ III zI p to ag4z matgym? 1tbihyovL du 0 4OZXo? pox'0-3o2 z JOZaoz X;, w 0 cfl.l&L A(bP *4ov M 0 -codX I402 "2"x'vi mo2t3a'1-JzXio0 tco~yygy ova )1 mg- nO L6V 0aqO 0?;0)4h z?~ 1 m- c,RV oz Dto~uov 02* z~rnaa ost IrvColrXa3b seds 47varil sQ osz'nori3a ~oaszodrt oz nzarJ, it - i I it -,, oznQ0Z w"4fid iz22, 102D0X:2Z3 = asQ 31;XsaS, *g'D,?t1 g1 lit \? 50@,0 s a r \ vr scX 41dD2)3 OttQJ4thJ 63BO'179lOXIO 3;60 bZ 100 )Z MR3I;0'tCIVlU U24 uz c I I 11 - C k- if % (fCOZ 3a19. 663;)/01 4W 77 )X -4032,06V o1 WX 63.U-OCO'S,5hdlk lV M I Xg,505oav a tnd 0 o oiano m3 o i ozanw ixx RIDO (O Xh[00(1a 0 0 1( % )C'IUAXO -'tg.Wo hz?'fp'tcoy Vojr z ova AlX~dJ -S??(0x7t 22VG.RY! s5hX;V Iod0o" o' Itolaod"'tcoaxv ~2 )2v 50~COWtcod X QO 5024i2Qza.:?y2 9Dnayvy 67.6;9 x0um (((0 So50IXo V (01 %, f A. c I, - 4iz (tO2X hQ1 50a02,1oa8lU I9 0 *g * 0t? ([1?(1 1102170V (1(B3.1 ciro -ol13YE aCOZ o( 5aoanoO (o0 7zogadadvj ivx a10,(')a29C0 (101 8g WYX3y06b0g'I-0ai;t 51PwihO'1oacOPo0JL a'JILOIU))6 d/CO (ZWZ)1 d(x) 7)13 41,0 (1t81 (r01 f)6D1o310) (lOSQth (01 4k2Z1^( 107r'i700-R~d sQ X927 C/X~h.G3Ub.XyX7zw K rtoriyaYk?13Yt C? zgO3 Mo992 104E3Hs1OCf trl wrio',S02n3 0 Saznoy32Doz k?3 Sw 1p4r 10 OX;06X)a3D3D -, c c, c,,. 5w.2 taorqll ^v3 lnx -)o&Mooadorfo0, ao.5co S9Rztonrdmta", (tOx?2a)Jt r Zn h' a^v (zvPiPJ cM 0h' z fx ((0 (1ODJ o OTE. NOTES. BOOK I. Tnm Preface of this history, which is supposed to have been written by Thucydides after the termination of the war (see N. on I.. 1 1), extends to chap. 24, and may be divided into three parts: 1, the reason w1yv the history was composed (chap. 1); 2, the magnitude of the Peloponnesian war, evinced by a comparison of the ancient state and condition of Greece (chaps. 2-19); 3, the nature of Grecian history and especially of the work now in hand (chaps. 20-23). The second of these portions may be subject also to a threefold division: 1, the times which preceded the Trojan war (chaps. 2-8); 2, the Trojan war (chaps. 9-11); 3, the times which succeed ed that war (chaps. 12-19). Cf. Poppo ad loc. CHAPTER I. The historian alleges as the reason why he composed a history of the. Peloponnesian *war, that it was greater and more menlorable than any wa'r in Greece which had preceded it (~ 1); it is impossible to arrive at any certain knowledge of the nature and importance of the preceding wars, yet the probability is strong that they were not very great (~ 2). 1. 3ovwvat8asr. This is the forml of a patronymic without the signification, as M rTa8idgrl,'Apt rd[tSg, etc. Cf. t. ~ 429, 83. — Asvaiosr. Some think that the words rod'OkXpov have been left out by copyists, inasmuch as they are found in IV. 104. ~ 4, and elsewhere. But, as Poppo remarks, our historian so distinguishled him;self, that there was no danger of his being confounded with others of the same name. There is no need with some critics of supplying the article with'A~r'vaior, as no emphasis is intended.,:vv;'ypfa+E rov rXF1Ar ov, co?2mposed a history of tle war. The Scholio nst says, that ypdaqat is used of one thing, ~vyypc/atm, of several. Tfence reference may be had to the documents or narratives upon 182 N O T E S. [BooX L which the history was founded. Thucydides is called (CaTr eioxv) O6 vyypaSev —. --- cr oroXar av, as they carr'ied it on. Supply avrov. Some are disposed to read 0v instead of 6s, but without sufficient authority to justify the change. --- dp$aEvos evbbvs Ka2 ara/ltevov (9 acpvetrvo O rTo avyypaxfa Eb`V's oTE KatLfferrTo 6 7rToXE,OSr), h1av ing commenced it immediately at the beginning of the twar', i. e. lhe commenced the collection and arrangement of the materials at the first breaking out of the war. The history was not written out until the war had closed. Cf. V. 26. ~ 1, where he speaks of the war as finished, and II. 13. ~ 7, where the Long Walls are spoken of as a past affair. r- al. Unless this connective suggests the mental repetition of $vveypa+e, I am at a loss to conjecture its use. since'Xrrtcas', exlpecting, szppFosing (cf. Lat. sperare), denotes the cause of the preceding proposition. Cf. K. ~ 312, b. -o- atoXoycr'arov rc-lv rrpoy6y~vrcYvY, mnore remarckable than any which had preceded. This use of the superlative for the comparative, is of frequent occurrence in Thucydides. - aclutaovres- E-?r(av (-= ja7'Klaov), were in the highest state of prepcaration. - ---- avrdv, i. e. bfor the war. "6'/Kpi'Le, E; vt eodem modo dictum, ut EtppTO roS E o rord'fXEov, II.. ~ 1, qua voce illam explicat Zon. p. 984." Kriig..- To h'XXo'EXXVLKbOV rovS aXovs EXXt7vEas. a- Kl —Opov= Kal ort Ectpa, the construction having been changed from orT wvith the verb to the participle. Kxat here refers to Tr after aK1ia'ovrTEg, and introduces another reason for the conjecture expressed in TKlatpotOEVOS. o- O!Euv-'-r 8t partly-a-sd partly. ----- aoouaeVoh' (sc. vviTo-racatl froIn the pleceding clause). "Id in animo habens, id mloliens." Bothe. 2. KITrlqtsr.... OapL3apcov, for this was the greatest commotionl whlichl ever took place camong the Greeks, and a considerable portion of the barbariacns. l'no-Lt does not take the article, because it is the predicate, and the pronoun a'U-r1 the subject. Cf. K. ~ 246, R. 1; Kr. ~ 61. 7. 8B strengthens tLylto-r7, by fir the greatest. Some confine /leytoTrr?7 b to rois "EXXr/-tv, but it evidently is to be extended to IEpEt rtvt rTv 3ap3dipcov, a large portlionZ of the barbarians." Arnold Reference is had to the Persians, Thracians, Sicilians, etc., who par ticipated with the Greeks to a greater or less extent in the Peloponnesian war. -.s. elg N reiv - and I had well nigh said, not, and, so to speak, as this phrase is more commonly to be rendered. Kal in the next clause is even, also. --— c t 7rXeLG-o rov aCJporOv -rAwpXerots advpcorots-. ---- ra ap 7rpo a3rflv. "The plural pronoun refers to some such expression as ra rou 7roXE!tTov or Tr IIeX1ororTO rlo-taKC a9 we often find the Persian war called Ta MrtKa.c." Arnold. By Trn -a&p rrpo avrj)v is meant the Persian, and by rh'r t 7raXatrFpa, the Trrojan CHAPr II.] N OTES. S war. Some, however, nuderstand by the former of these expressions both the Persian and Trojan wars, and by the latter, those still more remote, viz. in the heroic ages. - t Xpdwov rrXov or, on account qf the length of time which had elapsed since they were carried on This use of 7rAX2os, in the sense of PIKor, is quite rare. -- (1vara cirvarovm. K. ~ 241. 3. --'r. Some supply i~ froml the precedincg EK, but it is better to make it stand for a after crKo7rorrlt, tile genitive resulting from the attraction of the pronoun with its antecedent 7etqICphIov. Poppo in his Suppl. Adnot. says "per schema Kara KOtVOa explicanda verba." -- -caKporTarov croovTrt, Poppo after the Scholiast explains these words, diutissime spectare. I prefer with Goel., Arnold, and Bloomf., to render it, going back as far as possible in my inquiry. - 7rtrEarVOat " intelligendum cro-re, ita ut yfdemns habearm testimoniis.' Bothe. -- / eyarXa refers to the ra which precedes. -- E' -h ra Xa, as it respects other things, i. e. civil affairs. For this use of fes (old Attic for Eiv), cf. K. ~ 290. 2. c. CHAPTER II. The inhabitants of Greece in its earliest state were for several reasons migratory (~~ 1, 2); the richest districts were most subject to this change of inhabitants (~~ 3, 4); while Attica from its sterility was more permanently inhabited (~ 5); for which reason it excelled in population the other states of Greece, furnished a refuge for such as were driven from their homes, and planted colonies in lonia (~ 6). i. baltver7at-otKovLE'v. With the participle, halive-TaL signifies to appear, to show one's self; with the infinitive, to seem,,ideri. K.. ~ 311. 8; S. ~ 225. 8. -- p here introduces a confirmation of what was said in the preceding chapter, that neither the civil nor military affairs of Greece, in its earliest ages, were very considerable. - - } vvY'EXXL'r KaXovx;f?0V, what is note called Greece. S. ~ 225. 1.,e3aioos, "snodo firmo ac stabili." Betant. - perava-crao-et (maigrations) ormo-a. Supply (atlvovrat from the preceding context. gVo EaVrtjv, their own country.- m3taodvot....... 7rXeL6rv, "coacti ab iis, quicunque mcajoe nutmero ipsos invaderent.'" Haack. de[, fromn time to time. When it has this meaning, dcE is usually placed between the article and the adjective or participle. Cf. I. 11. ~~ 1, 2; 22. ~ 1, et saepe al. 2. VEtldOevo a..... croOv, each one holding as his own possession as much (only) as he could live on jnust enough for subsistence. On 184 NOTES. [Booic I o-rO,, cf K. ~ 332. R. 8.; S. ~ 222.6. adroiv, "'itam tolerare." Betant. XpI/.LrTov is well rendered by Bloomf. goods, moveables, p9ro)pe~rty, not money only. - ov8E y"v /vTrevovrTE7V not planting the earth, as with vines, olives, etc., since the enjoyment of the fruit of their labor would be so precarious. For the construction of i'38Xov'OV (it being unzcertain), cf. K. ~ 312. 5; S. ~ 226. b. 6- 6roTe. The idiom of our language would have required El f/.) after i3BqXov. --- Kal, also, too. - LTIXtcLXorovVTcOJ sO. acr.)v. When the subject of the genitive absolute is a pronoun, which can easily be supplied from the context, it is often omitted. Reference is had in adretXlrcov properly to abodes and dwellings. The construction is varied, for daTELXcrovS OvruSr CLatpiCo-eraL (SC. r1lv y)/7V 7reJUVTev/IEtVI). -- iMa moreover, withcal. - Kma' 7i}ppav (daily) is fiequently found with verbs denoting to live, to obtain a livelihood. c- avayKaov rpon r, necessary subsistence. - o XaKcXerrg, without difficulty, readily. aL' avrd, i.e. on account of the little difficulty they made in emigrating. -- -rapao-Kcev refers to military apparatus. 3. r7s1 yg 71 applor77i (= r ys 7Y-S 7x kXemrov. Cf: K. ~ 264. 2. C), the'richest country, literally, the best of the lazd. --- v Oero-aXtl a KaXoV/Ltvl7. Thessaly was in -more ancient times called Emnatlln, Pelasgia, Pyrrha, etc. -'ApKatl'r9. The Arcadian country was mountainous,, and hence as their lands were uninviting, the ancient settlers were suffered to remain unmolested, and they were, therefore, called by HIerodotus actrdXoves (of. I. 6. ~ 3). --- a-XX77 ho'a i7, Kpdarto-ra, and wthatever other parts were mlost fertile. 4. (periv y Jg, fertility of soil. rZt-I-iyytyvoEvzat =- ytyopevaL Ev no-t. - spEtLpoYro refers to the persons who stirred up factions. - /t1a. See N. on ~ 2, supra. -- XXkobXcov, stcrangers, foreigners, probably, for tle most part, Greeks belonging to other tribes. 5. 7odv, fb r tnstace. - i r-od i7rl 7riXEL(Tro —oho-av. This is explained by the Scholiast and some commentators, by making ovmcia: stand for etvot, thus blending two modes of expression, iK ro;I7Ti rXELr(rrov — vLat, and'A7rtTLK7v Irrl 7rrkeiorov —oroav. They then take EK rod witlh ooU(rv (-= dnLvat), and translate ErL 7iae-(roy), j/br the n2ost part. IBut I prefer with Poppo, Arnold, and Bloomf. (in his last edition) to regard EK rov Esrr m7rXo-rov as a single expression- e't apXrs, firom the beginning. - Xe7rreotycOv, thinness of soil, sterility. A great part of Attica was bare rock, where nothing could be sown. But in -the portions capable of cultivation, barley,. and even wheat were produced, and every sort of plant and animals throve in spite ot the poverty of the soil. Cf. Boeckh's Pub. Econ. Athens, p. 40. Agriculture was held in great estimation by the Athenians. Of. Xen. CE..4P. I.T] NOTES. 185 (Econ. 4; Aristot. Polit. VI. 4. ol avrol (the same. S. ~ 160. 5) dEI. See N. on IT. 36. ~ 1. 6. Kal 7rap(8eLy/la.... ai77?jvat, and this is no small pr9oof of m.l, statement (viz.) that' on account of the migrations, Greece, in its other parts ( 7E ra v'XXa), did not increase in like manner (63uolws-) with Athens. After much examination, I am led to prefer this mode of translation, which connects 8t& ras eusrotKlas... av's vIr at nitlh ov Xoyov, to the one adopted by Bloomfield, which unites it with apaety/pLa u r8 e. The 7rapMSetypa (proof) is contained in the clause beginning witih E yip r;s a IXXrs. Goel. and others would erase Is, and make rT A'XXa (-=-r' aXXa r.S'EXXadosr) the subject of aiS'r/,jvat. This gives the same sense with the subaudition of r'tv'EXXakSa as the subject. The Xdyos or statement to which Thucydides refers, as Arnold observes, is contained in the words ov XaXArrsr....rrapaKEVeiy, ~. 2, supra. The interpretation of Haack after Poppo, I cannot but regard as very wide of the mark: On account of the immigrations into Attica, that country did not increase in other respects (i. e. in riches and military resources), in an equal degree with the number of its inhabitants. Nothing is said in the previous context about the comparative increase of the population and resources of Attica; therefore to introduce it here would be foreign to the design of the author, which seems to have been, to show how their migratorv habits retarded the growth of many of the Grecian states. This he does by comparing them with Attica, where the population was stable and on the increase. - oL 7roX;- = E)K7rLTrrOVTrer (being banished, cxpelled) —oi UvTarrJTaTooL= TV 7ToXE/io EKr7rrr7TVTWV oL vvanTrorYaroL. Melanthus and the -Ieraclidm are supposed to be especially referred to in ol bvvaTrcrarot. - eo /3f3alov Ov is an accusative absolute. Cf. S. ~ 226. a; Mt. ~ 568. 3. "IMale Haack. X(oplov intelligit; debebat saltem rt, tanqUam aliquid jirmum." Poppo. In abbreviated adjectival sentences, the predicate adjective stands in the neuter singular, when the subject to which it refers, expresses not any particular individual of a class, but mnerely the general notion. Cf. Jelf's Kuhn. ~ 381. - wroirat ytLyv70LEOL. In later times, it was with extreme difficulty that one, who came from another state into Athens, could obtain the jus civitatis. - a rro aatoo, of old, long ago.,- tzELo ETt, yet greater. - s'IwvLav. This is a prolepsis, inasmuch as Ionia received its name from the Ionian colonists, who being expelled from Peloponnesus, had taken refuge some sixty years before in Athens. A similar prolepsis is found in the use of SEXA1oVvra, VI. 4. ~ 2.- cr....'ATTriKLs. Cf. S. ~ 226. a. Bloomf. supplies ycopeLv avrovs with oVX LKavls! ov0(r:s. 186 NO T ES. [Boora I CHAPTER III. E xidence of thle weakness of Greece in its more early times, is furnished in the fact, thar, before the Trojan war. no enterprise was unlldertaken by the states in combination, and that they had not yet any name in common (~ i); they gradually received the appellation Ilellesses from Hellen and his sons, who had become powerful in Phthiotis, and were called in by the other cities to their aid (~ 2); of which Homer is a witness, who, tholgh living at a far later age, nowhere calls them Hellenes, but restricts that name to those who came with Achilles from Phthiotis (~ 8); nor in contradistinction fiom them does Homer call any Btrsbctrians, inasmuch as tile Greeks had yet no general name to which this appellation could be opposed (~ 4); the Trojan expedition was undertaken by them, only because at that time they began to turn their attention more particularly to naval affairs (~ 5). 1. N8 resumes the main subject, which was broken off by the parenthesis, Ficatro-ica 8hE r;ls -y3 K. r. X. in ~ 3, of the preceding chapter. r- ti refers forward to the' sentence commlencing with mrpo yarp r&ov TprontKV. ~ouX 7'tcoTa-u = i/Xtora. Tlhucydides is fond of the litotes.- rtov TpwtLK&v, the'ojan war. Cf. Mt. ~ 445. 6. d. - qa Iveratc —ipyaa1raFEvm. See N. on I. 2. ~. -- hOKEc 8; /ot -FLXev. By the omission of o7-t, the dependent clause here assumes the form of a principal clause. Great vivacity and strength is iamparted in such cases, by the omission of the word denoting the dependent relation. Cf Jelf's Kiihn. ~ 798. 1. a; Kr. ~ 55. 4. N. 8. --- In rh iE\ rrp'EX EXXvos (in the times befoare iellen), the article is joined in the same mnanner as in the phrases r- ( rr\ 7o6Ve, r7 7rpo 7-orov, etc. Some prefer, however, to make rh pEv -3- -= ra y —ra 8, p)a-tin —et partimn. - a Kal 7carvv oe', not at all. Kta increases the force of arcvv, as our word very, in the phrases very mnuch, very little, etc. Cf. Kr. ~ 69. 32. N. 18. t- lvat m criKXmrqt. Notice the change of construction from e1XeY, the noininative being here used with the infinitive, which construction is v-aried again by the accusative with the infinitive in,KaXeo-ZaL'/EXX77vas. The reason for this last change, seems to be the employment of the preceding accusatives with prepositions, Kar-a' h'vq, and Ka"' EKcmrovso, which are really subjects of wapsXe-sat.and KaoXo-'at. Cf. Mi[t. ~ 427. t. Obs. 2; Jelf's Kiihn. 372. Ohs. 2. -- -'XXa re KaL, and especially. - 4Q' Oav)vO,9 fr'om themzselves, i. e. they themselves gave the nanme to their respective districts. 2. "EXXmrvov, Hiellen was the king of Phthia in Thessaly, and was the mynthical ancestor of the Greeks, in contradistinction from the more ancient Pelasgians. Cf. Snlith's Diet. Gr. and Rom. Mythol. p. 378, rXvo- T-r(ov, having become powerful. Cf. I. 9. ~ 2.- - ra-yo CHAP. III.] NOTES. 1.87 /pEov (middle), so. Yvpcurcrov elicited from e ras ciXXaS WrOXEL whicn follows. - avrosr refers to Hellen and his sons. --- 5&r' coQEXeta, for aCid, i. e. of the cities which invited them. - KaY' EKcaoroVu, o0n6 by one, singly. -- r7 ojLtXfa fapXXov, more by intercourse than by any conventional arrangement. Poppo suggests that /i&XXov may signify, magis magisgque, in dies scepius. - ov belongs to 136'varo (sc. ro KaXEo-~at'EXkkqvasa). -- [i7raLtv EKvmLKoat, to comne into 1se among all; literally, to prevail, to get the upper hand. Bothe takes irraot in the sense of 7rarVrcr. 3. 7roXX5-T'repov. Homer is supposed to have lived after the Ionian migration, which was 100 years subsequent to the Trojan war. No less diversity than 500 years is assigned to the various dates of his birth. The most probable supposition is, that he lived about 300 years after the Trojan war. Kal (before TCro TpLOK&OY), even. 4. obvb 3ap3cipovr 4'p?7KE. " Non negat Thucydides, vocem Pldpfapos Homeri rotate et fuisse et peregrini quid indicasse (I1. 2. 867, KapCov 3apf3apo0bvwcov); negat, earn omnes exteros, tamquam Hellenibus oppositos, complexam esse. Cf. Odyss. 8. 294." Haack. -- 8a' -ro /ur'EXXrivas xr o —airo KEKlepL-vaL, because the Greeks were not yet distinguished. 5. ot....KX.7.EYTre, these several ('Kao-rot) Hellenistic comnrunities, having been fist called Helle~nists by separate cities, (i. e.) such as understood one another's language, and afterwards all being called by that gelneral appellation. There are other ways of translating this passage which for the sake of brevity I must omit. Some verbal explanations, however, are needful. ol 8' is put for oTrot be. ov0 is resnmptive, and takes up the assertion made at the beginning of the chapter, 7rpob rc, TpcOLK&V....'EXXd. As Arnold well remarks, what is there''EXXds, is now ol'S EK(aOL ro EXXrVES, and the following words are a sort of explanation of the term, which properly speaking is an anachronism. Zo-ot, in the parenthetical clause Srot adXXXcov,vvl[Eoav, takes the gender implied in rr&XEts, $vvleo-av is the tmperf. 3 plur. of wVV,7LLu. For its construction with the genitive, of K. ~ 2T7. 5. e. - CaLtd av daXXiXcov, want of intercourse with one vnother. r- E'pamav refers to'EXXirvev for its subject. dXXah.... vvrXS ov, nay, it was only because (K. ~ 312. 3. b.) tlhey were better acquainted with nautical affairs (literally, the sea) that they united in that expedition. This sentence introduces the reimarks, which Thucydides now proceeds to make, on the origin of maritime affairs and the practice of piracy. It is unnecessary with Haack to supply s. or KaTa before'rrparelav, as it is the cognate accusative after ~vviXj ov (K. ~ 278). 188 NOTES. [Boo, I CHAPTER IV. Minos was the most ancient possessor or, navy, and having brought the Cyclades andel his dominion and expelled the Carians, began to clear the sea of pirates (~ 1). 1. yap is here inchoative and explanatory. In such instances it may be rendered now. " The Schol. remarks, that by three comIsparisons Thucydides shows the slender power of the times which preceded the Peloponnesian war; (1) by. comparison with the period before Minos, (2) with that from his age up to the Trojan war, (3) from thence to his own times." Bloomf. ~- ratXararos-vavrctKo EKTr7oToar% woas the most ancient Possessor of a navy. Similar to this use of the superlative is the Latin primvus hoe facit =2primus fuit, gqti faceet. --- - = KetvcoV COl. -- Vv'EXXpstKS naXanko-oasE. " -rporeponv yap kiaptlK7 EKaeXiro." Schol. It is now cailed the Archipelago. - KvKXcacov. These islands received this name, because they formed a kind of circle around Delos. - oZiKt —riS, colonizer. - Ktpags eeXacors. Herodotus (I. 171) says that the Carians were expelled by the Athenians. It is probable, that the Dorian and Ionian colonies wholly extirpated those old Carian inhabitants, many of wholm, doubtless, had been suffered to remain and enjoy equal privileges with the colony of Cretan settlers planted there by MIinos. In this way, tlhe apparently conflicting accounts of Herodotus and our author may be reconciled. -- i)' o'r ov svaro, as far as he vwas able. - -- ro -IUyan (S. ~ 222. 2; K. ~ 308. 2. b), in order that greater revenues snight accrue to him. CHAPTER V. The Greeks and Barbarians anciently were much addicted to piracy, which, so far from being deemed unlawful or dishonourable, was regarded as in some measure confelrrilg glory upon those who engaged in it (~ 1); this is seen in the traces of the custom still remaining in certain parts of the continent, and from the testimony of the old.poets (~ 2); robbery by land was also practised, which custom still prevails in some of the Gr 3ia3 states (~ 8). 1. yap serves here to introduce the origin and cause of the piracy, referred to in the close of the preceding chapter. ov vsco dwvvarr-ureov. A litotes for. the most poweyful. See N. on L. 8. CHAP. V.] NOTES. 189 ~ 1. - I KepFova.... rpoOQS, both fo~r their own gain and to suzpplj, food to their poor. rotis dcaevifL- literally signifies, the weak, infirm, but as these persons are generally possessed of slender means of subsistence, we may render it as above. rotZ adfvE(rL rpoqjjg is put for CvcEa rpojr r7s r&W doaOsEVeov. By attending to such passages the reader will see, in a manner, how Thucydides compressed his style. KarT KaAEas oLKov/IEvatL, being -inhabited like villages, i. e. in a scattering manner like Sparta, Mantinea, Tegea, etc. - Trov 7rXELcroT W....7roLoYvro, derived thence the greatest part of their livelihood. TO rrXEirroV TO o fI'lov- TO rrXAEYrov Tto /3lov. See N. on I. 2. ~ 3. O oK —xTC, not yet. — c porro..... ptiXXov, but rather bringing something (rt) of glory even. 2. o..... ap&v, to whom it is an honour to do this cleverly, in good style. c;o/-ors an adjective in the predicate. Some take KaXJsE in the sense of humanely, but this is a signification wholly unsuitable to the passage. As Bloomf. remarks, there is no word which better expresses the exact idea, than our English word handsomely, in the acceptation deaiterously. oe' oraXatol rov oro?7rv =e ol raXatol rrotrlral. Bloomf. I prefer, however, with Bothe, to refer oi 7raXatot to the persons spoken of by the poets, inasmuch as it was not the poets themselves who asked the questions here referred to. Thus also it may be opposed to rTvE' E'r viv. ra- TrE 7rVOtrES-E-p-oT eE, " i. e. interrogari advena8 ab hospitibus fccentes, nam non ipsi poetin percontari poterant." Goeller. -rTrEtL depends upon epcorT VTre as its cognate accusative. Cf. K.' ~ 278. 1; S. ~ 182. 2. or rrvv;raz'ovrat EKELtWV WV (S. ~ 192. n. 3)'rvvdvovTraL. Cf. II. 57. ~ 1. - drraLtoVvrTov, disowningz hold-ing unworthy. -- o.... OYEL8tOV7rov. The order is: ovgre o[T (=-EKELvOV o4) E7rtLEXES IEtq ElIEavat ovetatovrtoiv. The particles rE —ovi respond to ogre in the first member. The freedom from reproach here referred to is illustrated in Odyss. 3. 71. 3. Kar' 77retpov, by land. rlrelpos signifies the mainland of Greece as opposed to its islands. - r- r'raXaat5 rpowrc refers to the practice of piracy and robbery by land, just spoken of, and not, as Huds. and some others think, to the dispersed and defenceless condition of the people who inhabited the cities. - AoKpov...'AvKapvvava. Grote well remarks (Hist. of Greece, II. p. 388), that the Ozolian Locrians, the 2Etoliaus, and the Acarnanians were the most backward members of the Hellenic aggregate. It was not until near the time of the Peloponnesian war, that much information is given respecting them. -- rTe t8r7pOP OpElopCLt, the wzearing of aremor (literally, the being slagd in iron), is the subject of E'ULaEINPtqKe, continued, remained as a custom. - dr1 Tr rvaXaWtf X rOTariE. Armnsl would be worn ne9* 190 NOTES. LBooK 1, cessarily by the pirates and robbers, and also by those who would de. fend themselves fiom their attacks, drno here denotes the cause or occasion, by reason Qf CHAPTER VI. Yn the early times, all the Greeks wore arnls even while pursuing their ordinairy avocaticnse (~ 1); a custom which is now plievalent in some parts of Greece (~ 2); and which wans first laid aside by the Athenians, who adopted a more refined mode of life, although it ras bhlt recently, that the more elderly dispensed with the ornaments of a less civilized alge and adopted the simple apparel now in use (~ 3); in this adoption of a more simplf costume the Lacedomonians took the lead (~ 4); and were the first also who practised gymnastic exercises naked, girdles having been before worn around the loins after the manner of the barbarians (~ 5); in many other respects, there was a similarity betwee, the old Grecian mode of living, and that of the barbarians at the present time (~ 6). 1.;botspObo'pEt. See N. on I. 5. ~ 3. ~- alt.... OiKjf etS, 0o CCcount of their qnmprotected dwellings. Cf. 7rdoXeotLV Cal-EetXorOr I. 5. ~ I. Bloonif. wofuld render t}bpcaKroov oKrc 7Keel, open villages or scatterea hctealets. - vvvtirq - vvZrjcor. iatTrauv refers here to the habits and modes of daily life (" vita) genus et institutio." Betant), and may be rendered, ordinary pursuits. - teb' 7rkTWoV f'vo07rkoT. 2. -raimra Trrs'EXXdtoos, i. e. tile Ozolian Locrians, 2Etolians, and Acarnanians. Cf. I. 5. ~ 3. -- Ert olrsco veto'pduewa, retaining notw this habit; iiterally, living yet in this manner. --- rv rore (S. ~ 169. 1) -...3Ltalrq(lr-v dependls on oat1Eiov. -- i = extending to. 3. ie TOlS Srp(t)rot, first of all (K. ~ 239. R. 2). Solme render the phrase, amcoong the first. But cf. M~t. ~ 290. 3; Jelf's Kiihn. ~~ 137. 4; 444. 5. a. See also N. on III. 17. ~ 1. - dvecl y v r~ 8at-, by ca relacaxction of nccnner's, i. e. by adopting customs less severe. - cl 7rpeorUrepot-rTov eEvSaasldVYov the older men of the opgulent class. avrosr (- ~ avrov), Qf thenm, among them. Mt. ~ 387; Crosby, 616. 1. ~- s ta 6 dro poSalstov, on account of their luxuzrious habits, as Arnold well relnarks, explains why they wore the linen dress, not why they took it off. Hence these words are to be taken with bpopouvres and not with e'rai oavsro. The structure of the sentence is luite confused. In respect to the wearing of linen garments, Goel. thinks' that the luxury consisted, not only in their being of linen material, but oftentimes richly embroidered. - p Xpv,v.... rptXCo, arracnging the hair on their head in rolls by the fastening of golden grass7holppers. "The Xpvcrol rErt7yeE served (like the ornamrented co0?bs of modern' times) to keep tihe top-knot (KpCO/AXov) in orlder." CHAP. VI.] A OTES 191 Bloomf. Their shape bore a resemblance to the form of grassh3ppers a device which the Athenians seem to hal@ve adopted, to slho-w that they were natives of the soil (aicsro woves), as the grasshopper, which was produced fiom the land itself. Aristoph. Equit. 13831, alludes to these grasshopper-combs. The student is referred to Smnith's Dict. Gr. and Rom. Antiq. p. 268, for an intstresting sketch of the various ways in which the Greeks arranged aheir iair, with appropriate illustrlations. lvaaov; EvYO depends on iEravo-avro (S. ~ 225.'), and r7wv rptXc7v limits Kpro~SXov. — _ ah' o0, from whic'h custom of the Atlecnians. - o7-rKev Kar;TErX (the fashion prevzctzled) is a hypiaiiage fc-r Oe 7rpeor,3Vrepot 7r0'IlwVI KarTE(o-Xov -Tl uKevTv ra{Tw7l,. Bauer. 4. tirpct, simple, modest. - E's (before rov vov), conformed to. K. ~ 290. 2. (3) b. - Es ra adXMa, i'n other respects. - 7rpo rovs woXXodr' is to be construed after luo-olatrot, which the Schol. explains, 41oIautrot. O- TeL h /IELO) KEKTrIIE'vot. This shows that in the estimation of Thucydides, equality of property was not a feature of the Lacedmmonian institutions. Grote (Hist. Greece IL. pp. 520525) exposes most admirably the dreams of Plutarch, in respect to the alleged redivision of landed property by Lycurgus, and his banishment of gold and silver firom Sparta. 5. J7yvov`i&o-av. The practice of contending naked in the Olympic games, which, as we are here informed, arose from the Spartans, was adopted in the 14th Olympiad, as it appears from an epigram on Orsippus the Megarean. Gottl. says that Trp6irot is not to be pressed too far, since the Lacedmtnonians derived this custom firom the Oretans. Of. Plat. Renub. V. p. 452. A reference, however, to this passage in Plato, will show that the ay&yvEE are not referred to, but the games themselves. - ie r5 qbavepod. There seems to be an ellipsis of 7rpoEXSovres, exutis vestibtms in conspcgeetu progrecssi. So Bauer, Goeller, and Poppo. Haack makes Es roi avepop v -= ev rp qjlavepIc or qbavepsJr. Arnold's and Bloomfield's translation, for all to see, making Es denote either the designed or natural result of the action, is inadmissible, since the former was not tlrue, and to notice the latter, as though the reader -would need to be informed, that a combatant who exercised naked would be seen by all, does not comport with the brevity of Thucydides, who never turns aside to inform his reader of any thing, which he may be supposed to know. -.- Xlra is an abridged dative for Mrai', X Iraq, from ro'X[,ra. Ir. ~ 68. 9. ij- lTXe1ravro, i. e. rpCrot. rpr. rot 3apc3apots o-rLv oS rTOW papoapowv E'OCLV Ot (= vLOtIS. K. ~ 331. R. 4). - vvv is to be constructed immediately after eT 8E Kacl. Kroiig. remarks with rteaflon that haXa r3i-erat sliould properly have been a'Xsv rte1Ev.or 3 92 N OTES. [BooR 1 and the following Kal omitted, since the difference bet-ween the Greeks and Barbarians, in the time of Thucydides, was not in the.institution of prizes for wrestling and pugilism, but in the barbarian custom of contending with girdles around the loins. -- ror-o referl to ro 7,rvyuaXetv Ka 7sraXaleLv, elicited from the preceding substantives 7rvy/k1s and 7raXr0s. 6. Iriig. constructs 7roXXa with 6dtoLorpo7ra, but Bloomf. supplies KarT with 7roXXc and takes 46otorpowra adverbially. CHAPTER VII. For the sake of security against the pirates, the more ancient towns were built some distance from the sea, while such as were Inore recently founded were built on the very sea-coast, or on istllmuses for the more convenient pursuits of commerce (~ 1). 1. i'qq 7rXoYiucos-pcov o'vrwv, naviCgatioi n being noso more cCdvanced, "when things begcac to admit more o' ncavigactios." Arnold. 7rXC)Yi'/1W re'pov is found in the editions of Goel., I-aack, Poppo, and Bloomf. The plural is here used for tihe singular. C 7' aI)roiL -roic atiyluXosc,'eapon the very sea-coast. S. 160. 4. a. (17eXciavov, occupied. In other places, as IV. 45. ~ 2; 102. ~ 4, it is more fully written Zl)o-v arroXuoovra retXIEttv, retXErCtv (5n'oXacul (tvctv. The verb therefore may be safely rendered, they walled off enclosed qoith cwalls. Cf. Betant sub voce. Bloomf. illustrates the choice of commanding positions as the site of these towns, by rei-erring to Corinth and Potidea.- &r[ 7roX advrtocXolJaav, for a lonzg tsiie precalent, " diu obdurantem — diuturnam." Bothe. Cf. II. 64. ~ 5. -- ainro in alro ZaXdorrao denotes distance firom a place, the verb of the proposition being one of iest. K. ~ 288. 1. b. Reference is had to such cities as Sparta, Thebes, Delphi, Argos, etc. - E'q)pov, they (i. e. the pirates) laid waste, ravaged. ipros in this sense is usually joined with alyco. -TOV.... KOVV, as many of the others as lived on the coast (KadrCo Cj'ovv), although unacquainted with maritime affairs. Haack supplies EKELZroVS before io'roe, on account of the preceding aXXq5Xovs. The participle OferET is here concessive, and may be translated as a verb preceded by although. Cf. K. ~ 312. 4. d; S. ~ 225. 6; ov ~aXda'oLo- OVIoK E/rretpoL r7s9 taXdtorosjes. - Kal ftEXpt rov8E K.. X. resumes the narration, which was interrupted by the parenthesis?'chepov....',KOV. -l dVKto-[LCVO rrsi (-it,'o o0KOUOt), a're built at a distance froml the coast. The ge',dero ly constructio ad sensum is put in the masculine, althlough t!le verb,itperly refer:s to cities. See N. on I. ~ 136. 1. CuAP. VIIL NOTES. 193 CHAPTER VIII, Piracy was also practised by the islanders, whom the purificat on of Delos showed to have been ]nostly Carians and Phcenicians (~ 1); but when Minos expelled the pirates from the islands, the sea became more open to navigation (~ 2); for which reason, the resources and power of those who dwelt on the sea-coast increased, and their mode of life becoming more settled, they surrounded their cities with walls, some of which cities obtaining the pre-eminence over smaller ones, attained to considerable consequence, and thus the way was prepared for the Trojan expedition (~~ 3, 4). 1. Poppo thinks that this section belongs to the preceding chapter, inasmuch as it illustrates the subject matter of that chapter. ovX aao-ov p== X~ ov. - oVrTe, who we~re. The participle may sometimes be rendered by the relative and verb. Cf. K. ~ 309. 3. b; S. ~ 225. 2. - ovrot....o.Komav (colonized). Cf. iHeodot. I. 171; IV. 147; VI. 44. - iapr'ptov 8E. See 7ropaceLyia, I. 2. ~ 5. The full form is found in Herodot. II. 58. TEKUlpLOv lae Ilot roTroV r7oe (EO-icr). Cf. Mt. ~ 628. 2.f; Butt. ~ 151. 6. -- KauapoFezvqrr. After this purification of Delos by the Athenians on the advice of an oracle, they suffered no person to die on the island, but carried those whose end was approaching over into Rhenma. - r8Be 7r- 7roXE'Jt. Delos was purified at the end of the sixth year of the Peloponnesian war. —v7rEp Lto'-V, above one half. --- KEV TiCV &rTXov 07rXotLS according to the opinion of some, but it is better to render -aKevq, fashion, mzake. ----- $vvreatifier. Goel. edits ~vvreTa/htLvov, which yields the samne sense. 2. The discussion of events seems here to be resumed from chap. 4, at which place the historian digressed, to speak of the existence of piracy and robbery, and their effect upon the condition and habits of the various states of Gr~eece. &E may therefore be rendered, however. - Karacrra'osro having been established. r T 7rX opa-'it,repov. Cf. N. on I. 7. ~ 1.- ot EKc r76v voqo- KuaKopyot adro-r7ro-av oe v ro4 vqLTroTs KoaKopyot (the pirates) acvo-,rq(rae (were expelled);~ avr&rv. K. ~ 300. 4. a. rrip gives a shade of indefiniteness to lore - about the time when. 3. oi 7rap& Sikao'o-av alv spc7rot, i. e. the men who inhabited the sea-coasts. -- fCtXXo.... rrotov'pevot, having now obtained possession of greater qwealth. -- fiEatsorepoY has reference to a more permanent mode of living. --'eiX17 TrePte3OiXXoTro (sc. raS r'oX6(rtr) - -Thrs rrdXket rELXFrLV EKvKXovz. -- -XorkVo-Uorepot eavr&-E - richer than they were before. - yaIp "' causam reddit verborum 3ato'repov CiKovV et TEiX?,rEpLtX3OXXOVTo." Poppo. - KepS&v depends on EnfEEvOL. K. ~ 273. 2. b — O —7-o —( ovr, the poorer. S. ~ 65. --— rpoT e7roo0 vro 194 NOTES. [Boos-1L....r6\XeL, they won over and mnade obedient to them the smaller cities. Two phrases are here blended into one. 4. piiXov'&8/ o'vres, being now in a better state than forlmerly, i e. having now become powerful and richl. Bauer interprets this lassage: magis est, ut tali conditione jam fuerint, quam ut in illa prisca." -- Tcrpoy Xp6ry o-rs'po XpOriC, a former reading bhut now considered a gloss. CHAPTER IX. The expedition against Troy was set on foot, not so much by the suitor's oath to Tyndis rus, as the superior power and influence which Agamemnon had to any of the princes of his time (~ 1); for Pelops, by the wealth which he brought from Asia, became pow-'rful in Peloponnesus (which took its nam-re fiom Min), whichl power was increased by Atrens. who obtained tlte sovereignty of Mycente and some other states on the death of Eurystlleus (~ 2); all whlicll wealth and power Agamemnlon possessing, he drew to. gether the armament against Troy, Inore through tlhe influence of fear than attachment (~ 3); for he fitted out the greatest number of ships for that expedition, according to IIomer, who also speaks of his extensive sway (~ 4); fiom this expedition may be conjectured the nature and importance of those which preceded it (~ 5).'1. rodv TroTE UVValEL 7rpov'XOv, by being superior in power to the princes of that time. The genitive depends on 7rpov'cov (S. ~ 198. 2), which participle denotes means (K. ~ 312. 4. e; S. ~ 225. 3), and is opposed to rovE b'pKotS in the next clause. These clauses are inverted, the natural order being: ocei ovb roo-7r0ov-i(-ycov (o-roV) 7rov ror'e aVVaUYeL rpoiv'ov. --- KaretLXstLEO ovS (obstrictos). The oaths referred to are those which, at the advice of Ulysses, were ilupcxed upon the suitors of Helen by Tyndarus, to approve of the cho'ce whvich she might make, and defend her from any violence which amight subseo quently be offered to her. Cf. Apollod. IIT. 10. ~ 9. 2. ol ra o-acrErrarac K. r. X. The order is: ot 8ibirF'yvot (cf. I. 20. ~ 1) rah -atEcrrara IIcXororvrleqo-v, those of the iF"e&oponnesians who have received the clearest accounts. I prefer this to the interpretation which makes IIEXorrovvqoIc-v depend on rc' (raioErvrara' those who have received the clearest accounts of the affairs of Peloponnesuts, inasmuch as in such a case, we should have expected it to have been written rTI- JIeXo7rorVrtft aLvS.-o —V.... Excov, which he brought with him fr'om Asia. a depends on E'ow. - rYv &rGovvUlav-o-rXev, furnish. ed the name; literally, had the naming, i. e. had it named after hinself. - /Acom belongs to iEr1aXV7.r v Gr ra, although he was a foreign. er. --- roL...V. ~vvevXivat. Haack, Poppo, and others render: tc his posterity still greater power accrued, taking /MEIO' for a neutel OnAP. IX.] NOTES. 19plural, or supplying iuvauztv from the preceding context. Bloomf. translates: with posterity attained unto still greater estimation. In this case the construction would be: Kat (X4Eyovrwv)'crErpov ITL pLnt O vvevwe~XtVaL (yeve~oraL) roit IKYo'voWS. I prefer this rendering, because it seems to harmonize better with the context, it being the design of the author to exalt in this place the fame of Pelops, and to give his posterity (i. e. Atreus and Agamemnon) their meed of praise in -the subsequent context. -— r'HpaKXEL.Svn. Eurystheus was slain by Hyllus and Iolaus, assisted by Theseus. ---- Kara rO oLKeV) on account of his relationship. - rvyXaVEvv depends on Xe'yovo-t at the commencement of the section. - a'ro'v, i. e. Atreus. The clause TVYXXVELV avrov would have followed 7Trpo's.... a'vr far imore naturally as a genitive absolute: Kalt ievyovroSr ro 7rarepa K. r. X. The structure of the sentence, as Kriiger remarks, would hlave been improved, had o"Tros been a primary verb. -- ai rov Xpvol7rrrov uavrarov. The Schol. says that Pelops killed Chrysippus, and Atreus fearing the same treatment fled from home. According to another tradition, hlis step-mother Hippodameia hated hiru, and prevailed on hler sons Atreus and Thyestes to kill him, on which account Atreus fled away from the anger of his father. -- BoKoIvra eLvaOt by appearing to be (see N. on 7rpoVixov, I. 9. ~ 1), is connected to 30p0 by K(ll Mf0~z. - MvKayalIov and;o-ov depend on rTv 3acrtoeL. av. 7rapaXa43FiE and KnaracrrTvat have the same construction as rvyXaLvew. - rTV IIEpacE8Lv depends on ~dleovE. Sthenelus the father of Eurystheus was the son of Perseus. 3. a = which wealth and power. Sililar to this is the use of ra'ra, Xen. Anab. I. 6. ~ 9. Cf. I. 18. ~ 2. Kal vavrtLK rT, and in naval poewer also. On Kal —Tr, cf. S. ~ 236. N.. - Er 7T rXEovr= LiaXXOV. - iX;oV'as. See N. on I. 3. ~ 2.- ov.... q.d/o3,'not so much by affection as by fear; literally, not by cffection more (rO 7rXELov /aiXXop) than by fear. 4. CaLvErat-a-AqCP LKdtLcvoE. See N. on I. 2. ~ 1. e7 TGo LKaVO. TreKIlptoJoaac, if his testimony be regarded vralid. It is here meant, not that the testimony of Homer is to be distrusted, but that some allowance is to be made for poetical exaggeration. - iv....7 rj mapaB;ao-el. Cf. Il1. 2. 108. --- ro (TK7jrr-pov. This sceptre was a lance, which the Cheroneans venerated as a god. Cf. Pausan. 9. 40, p. 795, 2ited by Gottl. -- v- - coov depends on EKfaTEr. ~'- -O —- Xop pr'eter. --,rretpcrqj cv, inasmztch aC s he was an inhabitant of the continent. See N. on I. 5. ~ 3. The participle here denotes the reason r cause. Cf. K. 312.4. b; S.~225.4. See alsoN. onI. 20. ~ 2. 5. oTa v Tr rirpb avlsr-how powelful qwere the armaments before it. 196 NOTES. [Boo, t CHAPTER X. It is no reason why the poetic account of the greatness of the armament against Trey should be discredited, because Mycenm was apparently a small city (~ 1); this will appear evident, if, Lacedrsimon having been overturned, any one should attempt to ascertain its power from its ruins (~ 2); the Trojan expedition ought therefore to be re garded as greater than any which preceded it, but inferior to those of the present age (~ 3); for Homer makes the number of the ships 1200, the largest containing 120, the snlallest 50 men (~ 4); which number cannot be considered great, when regarded as the combined force of the whole of Greece (~ 5). 1. 4'r.... ), because ilfycenc was a simcall city. See N. on es 1E33atov ov, I. 2. ~ 5. HIaack and Poppo supply 6rdXo-~ta fiom the following clause. Mycenw was destroyed by the Argives, in the 78th Olympiad, A. c. 468, thirty-seven years before the Peloponnesian war. -' rL.... evalt, or if any of the cities of those times, etc. Blooinf. makes this clause parenthetical, and renders: and which of the cities of those times does not now calppear inconsiderable? But I think this to be unnecessary, as the commllonly received signification makes apposite sense, ditodXpecv, worthy of notice.- oVK....lp. - Kao-t, no one utsing this (i. e. O5TL MvK1val fpLKp)V K. r. X.) as a certain proof, should disbelieve that this armanment was as great as the poets represent. aev belongs to Xpo,tcvos and gives the sense no one using etc. (if any one should peradventure use it as a proof). /tz is added to the infinitive because preceded by a7rl(Tro't1, a verb of denial. Cf. Mt. ~ 534. Obs. 4; K. ~ 318. 8; S. ~ 230. 3. Sometimes 0rL ov and cso ob are used in this construction with the indicative or optative. - KaarXEl, prevails, obtains. 2. Sparta and Athens are now brought forward as illustrative of what has just been said. yhp (illustrantis) may therefore be rendered, for example. -- rs-E KarafcKEVjSV re 6f, the foundations of the edifices. - Karao-Keuv signifies fixed or permanent furniture, and hence, as here, is put for buildings, especially public edifices and large mnansions. - r roXX;v-ma7rart'av rls vvadecov — 7rpo rTb KXEkoS arie, inuc7l doubt of their power in compcarison with (7rpos) their Afme, i. e. with whiat their fame represented it to be.- rrpoEXrdvrog vroXXov Xpdvov, in a long lapse of time. -T ro7T c'retra, to posterity (S. ~ 169. 1): limits dlvat, which has for its subject, darnTluav. -- -X- X Iowrov(ro-....!zopas. The five divisions of Peloponnesus were, Laconia, Messenia (which was subject to Lacedaemon), Argolis, Achaia, and Arca. dia (which included Elis). In Argolis were included thle Epidaurians Tcezenians, Corinthians, and Sycionians. - reov'co vuciXcwv 7roX HAP X.] NOTES. 197 Xhv. This was true after the Peloponnesian war, when Thucydides composed the history. Before the war, the Spartans had few if any sublject states out of Peloponnesus. - ogrTe uvvoLKLoc/Er~-77V, "not compactly built." Bloomf. r- r0dXE)os. For the omission of the article, cf K. ~ 244. R. 3. -- Kara Koa, in villages. Miiller (Dorians, II. p. 48-50) says, that the names of these hamlets or villages were Pitana, Messoa, Limna, and Cynosura, which lay on all sides around the city (,rdotE)'properly so called, and were divided from one another by intervals, until at a later period (in the time of the Macedonian power), they were enclosed with walls and united and incorporated together. Niebuhr supposes that such was the early state of Rome, to which Arnold adds the Borghi of Florence, and some of the Italian towns. - qaivotr', so. rr(Xtr from the preceding 7roXkeo. A Schol. supplies Bavvalr fi'om the foregoing rOv avvatecoo. -'Ar7vatoAv.... ra;vrov is put for et 8B oL'Arqvaiot v7r:oLtev, and responds to the preceding members, etL Jpto)Etl X27re E[7 E6. IKaCqiEaC depends on oLmat, the words KagTroL.... V7ro8EcEro-pa being parenthetic. —; E ortL, instead of a noun in the regimen, is uncommon after words implying the idea of comparison, like Lt7r-Xao-tav. 3. ov'Kovv (IrWrrTEiV GEKOS), hence it is not proper to doubt- wte ought not to doubt..- ruv (rrpIarEiav, i. e. the armament fitted out against Troy. r- rvv in r&v 7rpo avrsjr depends on iMEytioyrrlv. XEro/WdvYV UB TCOV vUv, but falling short of those at the present time. -:avrav3a (i. e. Kal evrav3a) "has the same sense as if Thucydides had written Kal 7repl TavrLs rvs crrparm-lta Xiyovrt. Therefore the relative T/ is in the feminine gender." Arnold. Z- E7r Tor ftifEov-KOOIAtoaLt, to exaggerate for the sake of embellishment, "in majus celebrare." Poppo. KaL ov'rsco, i. e. even with all the embellishment of Homer. 4. xLtXtov..... L'v The Schol. says that Homer's number of the ships was 1166. Eustathius finds in the catalogue the number of 1186. Thucydides may be supposed to have used a round'number. a — dypyv depends upon ras /Ev (i. e. vaD), as the genitive denoting the contents, or that wit-h which a thing is filled; ships of ( Iholding, carrying) 120 mnen. In the same manner we find 7rXoTa.:trov and a5itatu ~orov. Of. Kr. ~ 47. 8. N. 4. Krug. in his note on this passage remarks that, as we can say at vqes 7/o-av (vaen) eZaruo dvepcv, so also we may say vrE'forlKE 7 ras va (vats) EKarobv cavpjv. I —-- XXc iv yo.v.... rapeOrKEvao'tpeva is generally regarded as parenthetic, the main subject being resumed by oiv in 7rpoE rTE IyeoyTcrra ove. ---- arEpEra (sc. veWv, cf. III. 18. ~ 5), themselves rowers. --- I have put a comma after raivres, because EV TralE (tlXOKTrTroV avn(i is by no means to be joined with'trav. but is to be taken in the sense 198 NOTES. [Boos i. of, in what he has said of the ships of Philoctetes. --- replvecds, sw pernumeraries, i. e. those who are merely passengers, and take no part in the management of the ship. - -r.)v....r e t, those particularly in office the chiefs. Cf. ra - rE'X, I. 58. ~ 1. ELXkXovTar should properly be s~tXdrrwv, but as in that case it would have referred to B3ar&Vcov, and not as it does to the whole armament of the Greeks, the accusative was adopted, the subject being partly contained in the subject of the primary verb, 7reptvecow rroXXovs.:v/n'XEev, as Arnold remarks, having exactly the same meaning, as if Thucydides had written 7rFplvecoy TrokWovE AErTa - o&Cv ayeLv. The subject of peXXovras is therefore "EXXvuara to be supplied. -- KaraicpaKTa, decked, with decks. Their ships were covered only in the prow and stern, which covering Homer calls iKpla vr0rS (cf. Odyss. 12. 229). Even in the time of the Persian war, the ships were not entirely covered (cf. I. 14. ~ 3, aivra.... Krcaraopo),1rTa). Cf. Smith's Diet. Gr. and Rom. Antiq. p. 58. - X rfTLKcrTp,0, rather after the piratical fashion. 5.,rp5o.... aKo7robLrt7 in reference to the greatest and the slmallest ships, if we look at the mnedium =if we look at the medium between the greatest and the smallest ships. 7rpos here denotes fitness, conformity to. Cf. K. ~ 298. III. 3. b. orv =-I say then, or accordingly. rKOrovYTrL hinlits alvovorat. - cos —rerorLevoI, being regarded as sent. K. ~ 312. 6. CHAPTER XI. The want of means to support an army, was a reason why the armament against Troy was no larger; and so limited were they in their resources, that they were obliged to engage in expeditions into the surrounding regions, in order to obtain subsistence for the army, which fact shows why the siege was so long protracted (~ 1); for if they had pressed the siege vigorously withl their whole force, they might easily have taken the place (~ 2); but:vant of pecuniary resources made the military operations prior to this expedition feeble, and even this was inferior to its fame as celebrated by the poets (~ 3). 1. a'trLov, the reason of this paucity..- d'Xpr/spa7a, woant of smoney. - rsr yasp Tpoo.rs. The article, as Bloomf. well remalrks, refers to something to be mentally supplied, as the food, se. necessary for their sustenance. ----- abrdev, from the place itself, i. e. from the Trojan country. - 7roXkcoirira denotes the means. See N. on I. 9. 1. —--- r in rreq' rE r responds to r7 in Tro TE arparov. 8- 7Xozs CEAP. XI.] NOTES. 199 EE... LrtXL'avro is a parenthetic clause, confirmatory of &r7eL& T..... fKp(rlprav. The proof of baXov &8 is introduced by yap. — OVK av E;reXl o-avro. Supply mentally l i q piXry EdKpamr7rr(av. -- & iI 8' ov3' is resnmnptive. It is often found after particles of time in the apodosis. - cvraLv2S i. e. when they had gained the first battle. 7-rpor yoEwpytav. Eustath. (ad. II1. p. 387) says that Diomedes ploughed the Thracian fields, and was not plresent at the theatre of the wnT7ar. -- yreTiar. Under the conduct of Achilles, the Gieeks made excnrsions into the surrounding country anid pillaged many cities. XnT'rea, although a word denoting pilacy, is here to be taken in a modified sense, of pillaging expeditions, excursions for~ plunzder, as Bloomf. remarks, bearing some resemblance to the privateering of nmodern times. -,, "hoc igitur modo seu gzuan ob causaln." Poppo. Cf. I. 25. ~ 4; II. 2. ~ 3; IIr. 13. ~ 2.- navrv 8teo-rraptfecov refers to the Greeks. a r& &'.,ca'rr7. The timne of the siege was well known, and hence the article is prefixed to &Ka Wfr7. Cf. Kr. ~ 50. 2. N. 1.- -- tia is to be taken withI avreiXov, and not with dvrtlraXot (= dvrdmLta) as Bauer supposes, since it has the sense of impetu, vi, and not viribus. It is singular that ILier. Muiiller should connect O'a wvith avTrov &ecrrraptXEvcovY. The idea is that, in consequence of the dispersion of the Greek forces in quest of the means of subsistence, the Trojans were enabled to Inake successful resistance in the open field, oagainst those of their enemies who were left to carry on the siege. - relt, fbr the time being. See N. on I. 2. ~ 1. 2. fXovres-, with. K. ~ 312. R. 10.- c- pdop, being collected together. - evvztX,& rt'v - rr0eXouv G&etepov, had carried the war throu/gh (i. e. to a successful termination) without cany interrrution. u- - X, belongs to Kparobvrer and not to etov. - o' ye. K. ~ 317. 2. - &l. See N. on the previous section. - 7oXtopKxl 8' a'[ 7rpoo-rKaTeo/tleoL, b'ut had they appllied themselves to the siege; literally, sat dclown to the siege. Poppo concects ilv with dhov. 3. ro rov, i. e. the expedition against Troy. - avra yE a' ra-a-U, inzdeed this itself (K. ~ 303. 3). The plural is here used also, although referring to the Trojasn expedition, the idea of events in the expedition being prominent in the writelr's rmind. - yevdolev is here concessive. See N. on11 I. 7. ~ 1. - o —,ol —'Tr, is shown to have beeM. ar/Xo0 with a pa, r-ticiple sio'nifie: to disclose, reveal, with an infinitive, to say, to announce, etc. K. ~ 311. 12. - Ka o 7-o.....aurec-XKgdros, even the repeort whic.h, th/roZlgl tie meditm of the poets, is now currelnt respecting it. See N. on I. 10. ~ 1 (end). 200 NOTES. [_soo L CHAPTER XII. The Greeks still remained in an unsettled condition after the Trojan war, and therefore made no great improvement (~ 1); this resulted, among other things, fromn the factions which had arisen during that war, and through which, those who returned were banishedl from their respective countries (~ 2); the Boeotians and Dolians changed their abodes (~ 3); the country at length becoming tranquil and the population no longer migratory, colonies were sent out to Ionia, Italy, Sicily, and other regions (~ 4). 1. E7rel Kia, then also, and even. Cf. I. 69. ~ 5. 5- -.... uEr. KIETro, weas still mzoving from place to place and chcanying abodes. Every edition before me, except Dindorf's, has KarcpKtgEro, instead of I CErsKEro, which Arnold renders, wvas settling itself, i. e. was not yet settled. - ore.... a.1...v aL ot-rTE o7 X roX'vxw(rao'a Kal ktq aerq-'~vat, inasmuch as the negative belongs to the whole clause. Cf. K. ~ 318. R. 5. Poppo, however, resolves the clause into, gb-,re wr bovyxaara Kal orceOr a rtqZvaL which mnakes no material difference in the sense, since oVTOa)c refers to a state of rest, which is denied in /r1 } ovxicioaora. Not much different from this is the translation of Bloolnmfield: so as to enjoy too little quiet to mcake any progress in powere. uovxda-raoCa is put in the nomninative (for ro-vXdo'co-av) by attraction with 71'EXXar, the subject of the principal verb. Cf. Jelf's K(iihn. ~ 863. Obs. 5; Kr. ~ 55. 2. Ns. 1, 4. Goeller commences tlte apodosis to relF.... arq73va5tL, with p6nXt r, Ev rro)XX K. r. X.. ~ 4 infra. All the intervening words, both he and Bloomf. enclose in a parenthesis. 2. Xpovia yevoo5E07Y, taking place after so long a timve. Cf. Odyss. 17. 112. 7roXXak belongs to evEOXMcoOrr, nade qCany changes. -Trao-ets, factions. -- os Er7L vroXv, for the most part, generally. -- d' ho,, by swhich (see N. on darlo 7roXtov, I. 24. ~ 4), sc. aordrrecov, and not ~rrodXeov, which would either be without the preposition or else take EK. EK7rrtrToTES-E-rKTov. The subject is oe roXTorl elicited from the preceding 7rokeot. TLra 7rdkEtL. The use of the article Poppo (Proleg. I. p. 200) thus gives: "clarcas qtrbes, qtcas inde novimus extitisse." See N. on ra /Kua frr7, I. 11. ~ 1. The chiefs who are here spokeln of as being expelled from their country, were Teucer, Philoctetes, Diomedes, AMenestheus, Pyrrhus, Idomeneas, etc. 8. "Apvqc. The Thessalian Arne is here intended. The Bceotian Arne which was thus colonized was afterwards called Cheronwa'Coroneia, Leake). alratardvrer, being expelled. The aorist active "HAP. X.I N OTES. 201 has here a passive sense. S. ~ 207. N. 3. iov in hJ' Cv is plural because carobaos-p/r, to which it refers, has a collective idea. Miiller says, that the writer added this through deference to the authority of Hionler. But in the catalogue of the ships, the BMeotians are represented as possessing the whole of what was afterwards called Bceotia, and could not therefore have been a portion only of its inhabitants. Grote (list. of Greece, II. p. 22) says that Thucydides has not removed the discrepancy between himself and Homer by this statement, but only made it less strikingly obvious. The subject is involved in difficulty. -- Aopqr....'(rXov. During their exile from Peloponnesus. the Heraclidse took up their abode in Doris, iEgimius having bequeathed to Hyllus his doninions, in gratitude to Hercules for having reinstated him in his government which he had lost. it was thus that eighty years after the capture of Troy, they planned the recovery of their ancient possessions, the traditionary namne of which expedition is " the return of the descendants of hfercules." Cf. Cramer's Greece, Vol. II. p. 101; fiiller's Dorians, I. p. 50 seq. The invasion was successful, and all Peloponnesus, except Arcadia and Achaia, fell into their power. Grote (Hist. of Greece, II. p. 18) thinks that Thucydides or some previous author, computed this epoch of eighty years by tl-e generations in the line of Hercules, the first generation after Her.cules commencing with the siege of Troy, which, reckoning thirty years for a generation, would bring the fourth generation to coincide with thle ninetieth year after that period, or the eightieth year after the city was taken. This would agree with the distance in which Tlepolemus, Tenlenus, Cresphontes, and Aristodemus stand removed fron HIercuiles. 3oyyo0Koorw'ret. Repeat eira'IXlov aX&outv. 4. /oJXL, scarcely, not ct length, as that idea is contained in Ei mroXXcj Xpdvo. - delraggv P, being unsettled, migratory. See the use of this woird in the previous section and in I. S. ~ 2.- E';Tre'7mLe. I pre-fer with Haack, Goeller, Poppo, and others, the imperfect E$EIreL/Tre, because the writer is here speaking of colonization in genelal and not of any specific colonies. -'Irlas, i. e. the southern part of Italy, in which were many Grecian colonies, and which -as called'by later writers Magna Gricia. -- E'TorW 3 Xcopla (-'vta (oopla). See N. )n I. 65. ~ 3. C~202 NOTERS. [BooX 1 CHAPTER XIII. As Greece increased in power and wealth, tyrannies began to be established, and increasing rttentin was given to maritime affairs (~ 1); in which Corinth led the way, trilemes being said to have been built first there (~ 2); and at the same time Aminocles the Corinthian constrncted four for the Samians (~ 3); the earliest sea-fight took place between the Corinthians and the Corcyrmans (~ 4); Corintll, by its favorable position for the land trade between Peloponnesus and the rest of Greece, and also for its maritime advantages, after the suppression of piracy, became a double emporium and arose to great opulence (~ 5); the Ionians also, in the times of Cyrus and Cambyses, possessed a considerable navy, as did also Polycrates and the Phocoeans (~ 6). 1. 7rv KrTrL5-r-roLoVS-E, having obtained the possession of. pXXov is here employed as an adjective. - - rah roXXa is to be taken adverbially (= errT Ir rbroXV), for the most part, very generally (K. ~ 279. R. 8), i. e. in most of the states. -- rvpavvL8es, absolute sovereignties. Reference is had in this term to the mode, in which ab solute power was obtained, rather than the manner in which it was exercised. As opposed to the kingship spoken of below, it signified power usurped and unlimited, in distinction firom that which was legitimate, hereditalsy, and limited by constitutional restrictions. -'erri pqTolr Y'PaLrr, with defined prerogatives, i. e. such as had been long established by usage and common consent. errL here denotes condition, K. ~ 296. II. 3. b. -- 7rarptKal, ancestlral, hereditary. Goeller thinks that rrarptKal 3arrLtkeua does not signify, dominion received from one's father, but rather ro rrarptKov et rio KaTa vdtoov elva 7rrarplov, and that the word wrarptKal is used, because it includes the signification of paterni et patrugm ez institutis admninistrati regiminis. But his reasoning in support of this is by no means satisfactory. -:av'rtKa re i;- prie-ro, begant to fit out for himself nzcvies. - (d1relXovro (sc. ol'EXXrvreS from ~'EXXhs in the previous clause), began to apply themselves. So Betant in hoc loco. 2. rpdrrov depends on E'yyvrara. S. ~ 195. 1. -!seraxetpio-at, to change in the structure. A Schol. says that the alteration consisted in converting vessels of fifty oars into triremes. Thucydides uses iTraXetpLo-ra here in the sense of the middle iferaXcpl~orarobat. A similar usage may be found in UovXo~v, I. 16. ~ 1; III. 87. ~ 4, and KTraXcaat, III. 46. ~ 1. - - ra Reps rahs var=- the structure of s7i sps; literally, those things pertaining to ships. K. ~ 295. III. 3. T rqs'EXXr8os is added, says Poppo, because triremes had before this been in use among the Phoenicians. 3. 2altiots, for the Samians, depends on 7ro(ilo-ar. For the con Car. XIIL] NOTESs 203 struction of balvevaL —rontoav, see N. on I. 2. ~ 1. - tMUtcrra about, in 1round numnbers. Goeller prefers the sense of ferme instead of circiter. --- ro, 7rroXlov, i. e. the Peloponnesian war. This shows that Thucydides wrote the preface of his work, at least, after the war had terminated. 4. — =:E'KtvW v irs, of which equfivalent, the antecedent depends on 7raXacr-r?, and the relative is governed by.-..J.. - KoptLvwlev 7rpos KepKvpatovr. Between the Corinthians and Colcyrrans there existed the most inveterate enmity, although thle latter people were a colony of the former. The expedition hlere referred to was the one conducted by Perialnder to avenge the death of his son Lycophron, whoom he had driven from his holne and banished to Corcyvra, but afterwards recalled in his old age, and whom through fear of Periander, who was to take the place of his son, the Corcvyrsans murdered. Cf. IHerodot. III. 50-53. -- (-raV (sc. padXy), from the time qf that battle. For this use of the dative, of. Mt. ~ 388. c. ~- t;iXpt rom avro Xpd6ov, i. e. the close of the Peloponnesian war. 5. yap, now. See N. on I. 4. ~ 1. -- Cet is strengthened by 3j,rore = always at all times. - -;rriptov, a place of trcgic, a comnmercial town. This name was generally applied to mnaritime places, where articles of merchandise were imported and exported. -'EXX'ovwv is in the genitive absolute with E7rTytIyovr. -- Tr Mr2Xoat i2a olden time. -- 7- mrX/cl), more. 8l-.... Er/L0tO-dvrTOvl having intercourse with oze another through their territory. - -roTs rtaXatoos 7rotlTrac. Reference is had to Homer, who says (I1. 2. 570): 0 8& MVcvavts ELXOv EUKTL;EVOV 7rOXLEJpOv,'AVetv rTE Koptvaoi, --— aXXov ErXnfCov, began to atlend more to navigation; literally, began to sail more. E7rXWCoov is a poetic word. a, Kipovv. I concur with Poppo, Goeller, and others, in referring this verb to the Corinthians, inasmuch as rau vanv evidently means, the ships just mentioned (i. e. the Corinthian ships), and the following context shows a change of subject. Poppo notes a similar variation of the subject in II.,?. ~4 TII. 16 (init.); 52 (init.). Such abrupt changes are not wonderful in a writer like Thucydides, who makes every thing subordinate to brevity. - cl4oT6orEpa, both ways, i. e. Corinth became an emporium for traffic by sea as well as by land (K. ~ 270. R. 10; Butt. ~ 115. 5). It is remarked by critics that dalqorepa mlay be taken in three senses, 1, by sea and by land; 2, to the Greeks both within and without the isthmus; 3, to the two ports of Corinth, viz. Cenchrea and Lechmeum. The first is the only interpretation which has claims to be considered as the true one. - Xpar/rwoi depends on rrpoyds. 204s, NOTES. [BooK L 6. "Ioatv limits ylyverat, of which vaVTtKO'V (navy) is the subject. —Erlt Kvpov, in the time of Cyrus. K. ~ 296. II. 2. --. rs —Ka' iavrovs baXdoarao7, their own sea; literally, the sea over against thern. Fom the construction of aXu(io-(-vr] in dependence on EKpci7r-Crav, Oef. S. ~ 189.Kipp 7roXkeFjo0vre. Cf. Herodot. I. 161 et seq. The participle here denotes time, while they were carrying on war. KK.~ 312. 4. a; S. ~ 225. 2. IIoXvxpdTrsr. See Herodot. III. 39, 120.- e&r KalS6o-ov. See N. on E'ri KIpov supra. -'PvetLav, Rhenea, one of the Cyclades (see N. on I. 4. ~ 1) so near to Delos, that Polycrates is said (III. 104. ~ 2) to have connected them with a chain. avr2st e (consecrated).... At/Xp. The way in which this was done is mentioned in III. 104. ~ 2, and Herodot. III. 34, 122. -- Maocra)lav oLt:TL'orrev. Arnold remarks that this is not to be understood as referring to the sea-fight mentioned by Herodot. I. 166. I-e understands Massalia as being settled by a colony, sent out fifty-five years earlier than the flight of the main body from the arms of Cyrus, and therefore founded long before the subjugation of the parent state to the Persians. If this be true, the sea-fight here referred to must have been fought with the Carthaginians, some time previous to the one spoken of by Herodotus. CHAPTER XIV. Many generations after the Tr(ojan war, the Greeks possessed bit four triremes, the most. common ships being fifty-oared vessels and long barks (~ 1); and it was only just before the Persian war that the tyrants of Sicily and the Corcyrwans possessed any considerable number of triremes (~ 2); the 2gginete and the Athenians had but few ships, and those mostly of an inferior class, until Themistocles incited the latter people to the construction of better ones, although, even then, not decked throughout (~ 8). 1. Poppo and Haack disconnect this chapter from the preceding one, by placing a period instead of a colon after vavlAaXovvprer. Bloosnf. closes the preceding chapter with the words vavr7tKIv l. u- arp, then, now, an inchoative use of this connective, which is so frequent, that, unless in special cases, it. requires no fuirther notice. -- rarv, i. e. the navies just mentioned. -- yteveti is the dative of time when, A generation was reckoned at thirty years (see N. on I. 12. ~ 3). yervoleva, although being. See N. on I. 7. ~ 1. X — PXFptea depends on jatvErat. See N. on I. 2. ~ 1. T- 7evrqTKorVTpotr. These fifty oared ships were of that class called!tovijper, because the rowers sat in one rank, twenty-five on each side, These ships were first introduced CaAr. XV.J NOTES. 205 by the Phocmans. Cf. Smith's Diet. Gr. and Rom. Antiq. p. 877. 8-' frt, but still. -- ESrdprvpv'a, provided with, or perhaps consisted of would be a signification more appropriate in this passag e. - - )7rcEp EKELva (se. r&-v TpcoLKhfV), as those in the Trojan war. 2. Aklyov re (sc. judvov), and only a short time. r-,)v MqTBtKJVY refers to thle first invasion of Greece by Darius. e/Td, (after. - 7rTpl Tre LKEX(tv, around Sicily (K. ~ 295. III. 1. b), i. e. on the Sicilitn coasts. If however 7r'E[l tLEXeXtav - LKEXtKOS07' the older should be: ro -r 7vpavvoLS e WEpLt LKEXtav. -- Er rhXogs, in a considerable numb ber. K. ~ 290. 2. 1. b. - The context demands the subaudition of srcz'ov afterl itlt,)koya, in the sense of the only navies worthy of nzote. 3. el TrLeq (XXOIt, SC. aCvrTtKa E'KEKTVrrO. A shade of doubt is coniy municated by et to the clause: such others (if there were any) as had nav ies. For this species of brachylogy, cf. K. ~ 346. 4. -- - 3paXEa (=- tKp9. Cf. I. 74. ~ 3; 117. ~ 3; 140. ~ 1), inconsiderable, small as to numbers, although there may be a reference also to magnitude. Haack supplies 7rXoia, but ravrtXa is to be preferred. - — rE Te, sc. 7v. Kri;g. whlom Poppo follows, supplies E'KnKi70rIro. But this is less apposite and natural than the common rendering: and it was nzot till late that Themistocles, etc. d alq' ov =- &srE, which is found in one MS. - rof /3ap/3apo.v is put for rov f3apolipcov, as in Latin k2omanus is put for Romnani. Reference is had to the second Persian invasion, which had been threatening Greece ever since the battle at Marathon and did not therefore come unexpectedly. -- Baa 7ra'7E (sc. re0W), throughout the ship. Poppo understands 8L ricro-js to mean, in every ship, i. e. nondunm omnes tectas fuisse. Some reject as harsh the ellipsis of Es'oa, and take alta rr;crls in the adverbial sense omnino, as 8tal KYJCES (Athen. 442. a), frustra, and darlo i-rS ot'E, I. 15. ~ 3. But see N. on that passage. CHAPTER XV. The states which gave their attention to the formation of a navy, greatly increased their power (~ 1); for no wars by land, except border hostilities, were yet carried on, nor were any distant enterprises undertaken (~ 2); combinations of smaller with greater cities were not formed for common expeditions, except in the war between the Chalcideans and Eretrians, when the rest of the states separated into parties on the one or the other side (~ 3). 1. 8U —5e os, however. o — K EXaXro-Tr-v -very great. A litotes. See N. on I 1.3.' - ol 7rpooXd'vrer avroig (sc. rogs VtaTreKOls), those paying attention to their navies, i. e. making it an object to form and 10 206 NOTES. [Boox j establish a navy. --— 7rpoto-d and cipxj are datives of means.Sat IauXcT-ra ho-at ( EKEJOLt d0ot) /i) aCapKd ecxov xcjpav, and especially as many as had a territory insmeficient for their sustenance. Bloomf. refers this especially to the Athenians. It was also true of the Corinthians. 2. o'hev, whence, refers to 7rOE/XFo. -— Kal ill Trs Kal appears to us to be pleonastic, but the Attics employ it frequently after rIE, to connect the thought more closely. ---- rapeyFeVro, accrnted (= might accrue). This use of the moods in adverbial sentences of place (K. ~ 336), is the same as in adjective sentence.s (K. ~ 333), the indicative being used when the attributive qualification is to be represented as actual or real. -— a- rvrs....caT(rotL. The order is: 7rtv-reg hi (sc. oO'Eot) OaOLt Kal (even) y evovro 1cav EK670ovs rpoS 605/OpovS (borderers) 0ovs O4ETepOV'S. OC~pOTElpOS-Et ero-av. K. ~ 278. 1. 7roXv atro rj-S EavrUrv is bracketed by Poppo and Goeller, on the ground that the idea contained in EsK&/aovrs is repeated. But, as Bloomf. well observes, IKaBtovS merely signifies, abroad, foreign, without defining the distance, and hence the clause in question is by no Ileans superfluous. Cf. II. 10. ~ 1. - i7r' kIXXv KaraT-rpob7/, for the subjutgation of others. 3. oa / yap ~vvyear'Kreo-avy —ro'2tEl ivrtqKoot. The Schol. says, that the lesser cities did not associate in war with the larger cities, as subject to them, ov ylap vrrsK0oot. Hence Poppo makes 6vrt~7oot = f V7r7KOOL, and with it supplies ol'EXkvges instead of rAetv-. - alv, on the other hand. Bothe reads a&. -- avroi does not refer to lAsrT7Koot, but to all the Greeks, especially to those implied in tEyto-rat wokets. - rro rwS't(o_-q (Sc. /lotpaS), on equal terms, i. e. the expenses being justly apportioned. The Schol. supplies oLvv-reXeas. But cf. III. 40. ~ 6.- &EroaVo roa, 0 solebant suscipere." --— c b'r EUrrot oL d6arvyeiroves, as they severally happ9ened to border on each other. The general idea is, that neighboring states went to war with one another, but no general combination was folrmed against any distant enemy. l —- tXTTa..... 8tea-r, especially in the war whichc acnciently ocureedr between, the Chalcideans and Eretrians (it was that), the rest qf th7e Gree7s ranged thenselves on different sides, and thus were engaged in general hostilities. Kal has here the force of also, likewise. The sentence is exceedingly compressed, but its general sense cannot well be mistaken. CHAP. XVII.1 NOTES. -207 CHAPTER XV1. Various obstacles were in the way of the prosperity of the other states, and especialJy were the Ionians weakened by the Persian power under Cyrus, as were their islands at a subsequent period oy Darius (~ 1). 1. aXkoztL, fromn other quarters, ain other ways. - E a$,T7~ v', i.e. eroO t7 adtqSiYvat. Cf. K. ~ 308. 2. b. K;coXvlara contains a negative idea and is therefore followed by;7/ with the infinitive. See N. on I. 10. ~ 1 (end). - -Ka, especically, serves here to introduce a particular instance of the obstacles to their advancement. - Bloomfield makes "IO(rl to depend on e7re;yEETro unaderstood, the subject of which is KdpoV Ka:l Ij IEpO-CLK7 /3aotLXEa (a hendiadys), and in order to furnish a subject to irreforpdrev, l he supplies s1 referring to 3acrt-Xeca. But why not with the Schol. construct "Ico-t after rreo-rpirevoe-, and make Kdpog and j8ao-sre[a the subject of the verb? This expedition of the Persians, of course would be a KikXva to the lonians, and it is unnecessary, therefore, that this idea should be formally repeated by supplying'ErEye7Evro KcXvhta. - rpoxcop7cro-avrov iErr' yeya rov 7rpayiamrcov is referred by the Schol. to the Persians, but is evidently to be taken with "IJOo-. -'AXvoro The river Halys separated Lydia fiolil the Persian dominions. The ancient Greeks designated what was called subsequently Asia Minor, by j,rapa2c arTdo-sor, or?7 f'vr7r Tav'pov, or'1 evroS'AXvoo. - 7roXetL, i. e. the Ionian cities. — E'o0vXcooe. See N. on I. 13. ~ 2. - Aapeors. Repeat E28doUeoe. — Er vavrtLK is the instrumental dative. K. ~ 608. The. reduction of the Ionian states took place on their revolt, at which time (A. c. 498) Miletus was destroyed. CHAPTER XVII. The tyrants, with the exception of those in Sicily, looking only to their own interests and security, did nothing memorable (~ 1); so that Greece, impeded on every hand, for a long time made little advancement (~ 2). 1. rspavvot belongs to o(o-ot (i. e. oo-ot rVpavvot), and is therefore without the article, the whole proposition forming the subject of )KOVV. -- r. o... rpoopEleO, 2pr oviding only fro their own interests. 208 NOTES. [Boox L Kiihner (Jelf's edit. ~ 633. 3. e) explains To 1Ei' Eavr7ov, something depending on themseZies, i. e. having no reference to any body else. Cf, ro EQavroU I/dOov (rKo7rOSv, VI. 12. 2'.. —— i crO-)/a= as it regarded their personal security and gratification." Bloomf. Notice this use of (r)/ia in the sense of person. The fact here spoken of is illustrated by a reference to Periander, who is said to have ha(i a body —gnard of three hundred men.- b' cio-raXelas v 0o-ov E'6vaTro, as safely as possible, i. e. with as much safety to themnselves as p(ssible. tz(' with its case is here taken adverlbially. -.- tiXwra (= JKpLi&S. Schol.) belongs to o'-ov Uibvavro. -- pKovv (= wiv Kovv), managed, guided the affairs of: The cautious and timid policy here spoken of, had reference to foreign wars, as is seen fromr the context. - axr' auviVL. "'There is a mixed meaning in the word aro', partly expressive of derivation' and partly of agency: nothing great proceeded from them; nothing great was done by them." Arnold. Cf. Mt;. ~ 573; K. ~ 288. 1. 3. c. -- eL El' rt, excerpt somnething. We are not to understand r' as referring to any memorable deed, but as simply signifying any deed whatever. "When el,n1 has the meaning ezcept, another El is sometimes joined, like nisi si, while the predicate of Et /71 is omitted. K. ~ 340. 5. - EKda-(-rot is to be constructed with ~iprpiXy7 (mentally supplied fiom the preceding sentence), there being a sort of apposition between it and axr' avramv. - yhp in oi y7p implies an ellipsis: I refer especially to the tyrants of Greece, for those in Sicily, etc. "' Tyrannorunm Siculorumn magna potentia inertira Graecorum opponitur." Bothe. lErt 7rXeFo-rov-avYa!va/Er, to a very great height of power. The scope of the argument shows that the power here spoken of, referred to the ability of the tyrants of Sicily to carry on distant wars. 2. KCareLXero,) oas held in, impeded. KOavj, in common, by joint undertaking. - KarTpydateo'al = J0rTe KarepyadeoElat. Poppo makes w- in 7rxXELc re respond to tlr)Te going before. The clause Kara.... Etvat may be rendered: and by single cities it was still less rdventurous. CHA XVIII.] NOTES. 209 CHAPTER XVIII. Soon after the tyrants had been expelled by the Lacedsemonians, who, enjoying good laws fiom the most ancient times, had not been subject to these usurpers, the Persiane invaded Greece and'engaged with the Athenians at Marathon (~ 1); on their second invasion the Greeks combined for defence, the Lacedemonians being at the head, and the Athenians doing all in their power by sea for the common safety; but soon after the close of tile war the confederation was dissolved, and parties were formed under Athens and Lacedemon as the leading states (~ 2); friom that time to the present war, they were continnually engaged in making truces or in carrying on hostilities, and thus acquired no small skill in warlike affairs (~ 3). 1. ot re'AbSvaco2 v v tpavvoR. Reference is had to I-ippias and Hipparchus, who succeeded their father Pisistratus in the government of Athens. - oc ExK Tr~S /iXXsrS'EXXacbov is put for,y rv /a'XXy'EXXLat, the preposition being attracted by KareXsV77o-av, which denotes the direction swhence, cf. JK. 300. 4. See N. on I. 112. ~ 4. - 7rL 7roXL gail rpty 7rvparvevebeIo-r. Haack, whom Arnold cites approvingly, interprets this clause: "magnamn ptarete-l cante, quamn Athenienses, sutbactce a tyrannis" = a great pcart of Greece had been subject to tyrants before Athens seas. I concur, however, with Bloomf., who translates it indefinitely: generally and even of old ulnder tyrannical goveranmnent. - oel 7TrXJeLrot..... KareXvT-crav, the greater 1part had been p1ztl down, the last, except those in Sicily, by the Lacedceamonians. Cf. I. 122. ~ 3. TreevreIot is to be connected with v7ro AlaKeaatLtorlowr.i- yap AaKeanl cwv beginsi a parenthesis which closes with 7rXeo-as KabloTrao-av, the design of which parenthesis being to show, why Lacedsemon took so prominent a part in expelling the tyrants from the other Grecian states, viz. because it had enjoyed so long a well-regulated government and had been free from-tyrants ((Ervpavvrevros). The second yhp introduces a parenthesis within this parenthesis, the object, of which is to expand and illustrate the idea contained in the preceding words dcit drvpa'Yvevros. By keeping in view these divisions of this long and apparently confused sentence, the student will have far less difficulty in explaining the words and clauses of which it is composed. I itera rosv K7-tv -o-AcopLEcov, after its occupcancy by the Dorians. The Heraclid3e did not foiund Lacedeanmon, but took possession of it when it had been long founded. Hence KTrWWtv here and KT'iOvTES in V. 16. ~ 3, are to be taken in a modified sense of fowsnding anew, inasmuch as Sparta had comparatively little ilnporLance before the Doric invasion. Cf. iill. Dor. I. p. 102. In respect to the order of the clauses in this connection, s7rl.... aractecirao-a is to be constructed immediately after sq yap AaKebalp.cov, and AerT.... 210 NOTES. [Boox 1, AcpLdov may be rendered after i',os. -- r.... orraortciracr, hacin been distlacted by factions the longest of acy we know of. L0, (= EcKLI vcov i). Some refer this relative to xr6XE&ov, but Poppo would supply xpovcov, which on the whole I prefer, reference being had to the various times du-ring which the other states were harassed. The period in the ILacedmnmonian history referred to in this place, is the one preceding the return of the I-Ieralclidm.- ic rraXanrdrov, for a( very long time. Lycurgus gave laws to Sparta. according to Aristotle, about A. c. 884, and upwards of four hundred years before the Peloponnesian war. Xenophon (Rep. Lac. X. 8). places the Spartan lawgiver more than two hundred years earlier, that is, at the time of the Heracleids (Cf. Smith's Diet. Gr. and Roem. Biog. and Mythol. Vol. II. p. 850). Grote (Hist. Greece, II. p. 454) thinks that Lycurgus introduced his discipline and constitution about A. c. 830-820. Mr. ClintonI (Fasti Hellen. III. p. 141), with his eye on this passage of Thucydides, fixes the legislation of Lycurgus at about A. 0. 817, and I-is regency at A. c. 852. The chronology is very confused and diverse, firoml the uncertainty which rests over the timle when Lyc rgus flourisled. iXiy7 7rXEko, -somewhat mnore. ro 7 7roXioov, i. e. the Peloponnesian war. - Bloomnf. says that aq)b' ov is put for dqt' 0o Xgpov and 8c' onv, etc. - oXn-rae, i. e. the oligarchy, the council of elders established by Lyc:r.gus. - at' autrd, i. e. by continuing in the same polity. -- UvaciEot = u- vvarol gO'vr. --- rA Kca[Tno-aLTrV. The Lacedmlmonians arranged the affairs of other states after their own model, abolishling both tyrannies and democracies. r T refers to political institutions, modes of government, etc. u- lEUT 8b T7-)v resumes the subject, which had been interrupte(l by the parenthesis beginning at 71 7Ytp AaKe8aLltLov, but it, will be seen that, in the resumption, the words are somewhat changed: fWLB t8B; oN' upavvot KarEXv5oLJav-LTera i TrYv Tov rTVP(Itlvv Kar(XUvo-tv. When bi is fiound in thle first clause, it is usually repeated in the resumptive clause (cf. Cyrop. II. 3. ~ 19), which here embraces the apodosis. -- i7 taX, - EyELvEro. Cf. N. on I. 11. ~ 1. wrpos, against. K. ~ 298. III. 1. b. 2. 8EKxc'Tr 8 E'rEL. This refers to the commencement of the expedition of Xerxes, and not to the battle of Salamis, vwhich is shown by Scaliger, whose opinion Duleer supports, to have been fougllt eleven years after the battle of Marathon. Poppo, Goeller, Haackl, and Bloomfield adopt the salme view. Petav. on the other 1hand (of whom Poppo remarks: recentiores tarnen magno consensu Petavium sequuntur) says: Marathonia pugna cormmissa est decilno anno ante Salaminiam auctore Thucydide. But Ertl rir/v'EXXkda a ka E harmonizes better with the former v;ew, since it refers rather to the going upon CrAP. XVIII.] NOTES. 211 an expedition than fighting a battle. -- 8ovXo0-0o'/Lvos denotes the purpose of fXsc, S. ~ 225. 5. --- vgrroXEpao-',ircov. " Aoristi particiiulm offensioni est, quum scriptor non qui comn.ezniter bellumn gesseracnt, sed qui —gerebant vel gesturi ercant dicere velit." Poppo. Goelier thinks that the Aorist was employed, because the Greeks had already united in the first Persian war.- dvaoKevaro-dptEVo,, collecting together theitr moveables. " Colligere vasa." Betant. In Liddell and Scott's Lex. this passage is cited under the definition, to diszantle orne's house, city, etc. This meaning is unsuitable to the passage. —E2 ras va4a belongs to Egrj3avre.-. 8e- Kpgroloav irpo- = LaKplSelTrer iXWpovv 7rpo's. This species of constructio prnegnans, by which a verb of rest is followed by a preposition of motion, is quite common. Cf. K. ~ 300. 3. b; S. ~ 235. -- o[ $vFtroX)Fjravores. It is singular that nMiidler should supply avrc~ (i. e. T7C (3lTtX0l), since the use of 7-Gr) $vlUrroXjToffo'dvroov supra, shows that it is here to be referred to those who united against the king. Two classes of Greeks are here spoken of, viz. those who had revolted fi'om the king, and those who from the beginning had united to oppose him. a- raf7a. See N. on I. 9. ~ 3. -- ot pAiv refers to the Lacedlmnonians, ot 3E to the Athenians. 3.;1 otlwXtlta, the defenesive alliance, confederacy against the Persians. It was not until the destruction of the Persian fleet on the Eurymedon, by Cimon, that the Persian war wavs terminated. Until that time the alliance, to which the invasion of Xerxes had given birth, remained unbroken. -'EXXrv)v limits rtv;s. - EL't TLVES rov &taoraLEv, whoever any where were at variance = when dsfifrences arose among any qf them. - S r;v7Se ael K.. 7.X. The order is: Es r7(vSe rv TodXEtEov (ret rta Ev 7Trev3(JeiE vot ra hE 7rOXeOv/vTreS (sometimes making treaties amid sometimes fightling). -- MXXXots depends on VrroXqeovTem. S. ~ 202. 1. --— rh TroXa, in whatever' pqertains to war. —tuLTa.... Tro LovLEOL, inasmuch as their practice was in the mvidst of dangers, i. e. (as Arnold observes) "their field of exercise was not the parade, but the field of battle' veXimrav WrSOLOZVerVOL = IEXErJvreS. 212 NOTES. [BooKn CHAPTER XIX. The Lacedmemonians levied no tribute fiom their allies, but took care by conciliatory measures to establish oligarchical forms of government among them; the Athenians, on the contrary, deprived their allies of their ships and made them tributaries, by which means they became highly prepared for war (~ 1). 1. Here begins an account of the respective polilcy of the two leading states of Greece, which is given more at length in the process of the history. -. ouX.... ryocrro is opposed to xpliara.... qepetv, which is said below of the Athenians.,- bVroeXEis-'-qpov, subject to pay taxes; literally, payers of tribtute. - ros VLodyaXovg depends on E'xorrse (by possessing. See N. on 1. 9. ~ 1), and not on'Iyouvro as tihe Scholiast directs, which verb in the signification to rule, govern, it followed by the genitive. K. ~ 275. R. 1.1. Kar' oXtyapXlavv K. r. The order is: Zepa7redovr-e (sc. ~vta'Xovss) /uoov 0'7rco rroXtreEvr'oort lrrLt7eLoor o-(gLo-L auroTs (i. e. the Lacedemonians) Kar' oXlyupXtav. Arnold cites I. 76, 144, as illustrative of this passage. Bekker and Arnold from a single MS. edit. roXLtreo-ovo-t. But notwithstanding the usage of Thucydides (rrpo 4LuirwOY 7rotetv)) the AMS. authority is too feeble to admit this reading as genuine. - sepawrevorTrer has the same construction as EXOVrer, to which it is opposed.'A r'vaCot, se. OIyovrro from the preceding context. The vulgar edition has qPXov after 7rapaXau3Jrer. But although this might express more specifically the idea of r-ulingr as opposed to'Iyorvro, which, in reference to the Lacedwmnonians, does not so much imply the exercise of dominion, as the leading or general oversight of states otherwise represented as free, yet I find that moderil critics with great unanimity have rejected the word as spurious. The context will give to'youv7ro the shade of signification, required by its reference to the Athenians. ~- r p Xpovp, "sensim pcaullatimn." Haack. ~- w7Xi' Xlco, Kal Aco-fi3co. In process of time the Lesbians became subject to the Athenians. - - TodVe ro'V roXketov refers to the Peloponnesian war. ye- Ewlr in respect to revenue. - s), vhen. So the Latins use aut for quCa1.do. - r& KIpITL(Trra-q-wvT7o-a,, they had been most flourishing (K. ~ 278. R. 1). Reference is had to the period a little before the expiration of the thirty years' treaty, when the Athenians not only had subjected the islands of the Greek colonies of Asia Minor, but had united to their confederacy Phocis, Argos, Bceotia, and Achl-laia. Cf. I. 102 105; 108, 111, 115. - TrC r vOpItaXtla against foreign invasion. See N. on i 0la6Xlata, I. 18. ~ 3. CHAP. XX.] NOTES. 213 CHAPTERS XX.-XXIII. These chapters contain the third division of the preface, the subject oi which is the nature of Grecian history, together with some preliminary remarks on the work now in hand. This portion of the preface should be read with great care and attention, as in it the historian unfolds the plan of his work, the principles which regulated its composition, and gives the ground of his claim to accuracy and impartiality. The easy and natural transition which it forms to the main hlistory, the clear and magnificent view which it gives of the subject, and its adaptation to win for the writer the sympathy and confidence of his reader, render it one of the most finished specimens of the kind to be found in any language. CHAPTER XX. Such was the state of affairs in Greece, altllough, perhaps, it will be hard to be credited, firom the proneness of men to catch at flying reports of past events without due examlination (~ 1); thus the Athenians in general believe that Hipparchus was slain tby Iarmodius and Aristogiton, because he was the tyrant, whereas lIippias, who by right of primogeniture held the government, was the object of their conspiracy, and ilipparchus was slain as the result of a disarrangement in their plan (~ 2); thus also the opinion of the rest of Greece, in respect to the suffrage of the Lacedsemonian kings and the existence of the Pitanatan band, is incorrect (~ 3). 1. rah vEV ouv. The corresponding particle to pev is 8e in the beginnling of the next chapter, all between being properly a parenthesis. X- XaXErh.... rLrTreUalt is difficult of interpretation on account of its great brevity. Bloomf. with Bauer makes 7rmLorevoa- 7rtLrrevO pvUat and translates: hozoever h7,ardly it macty find credit, even wohen established by a regular chain of lproofs. 7rarnrl reKlry7p[c, every arguLment necessary to proof. " Omni (i. e. omnis temporis) testimonio ex ordine con7irmata." Bothe. Goeller by a sort of grammatical attraction makes the passage - rolmaira evpnov, o(rre raV e 7s reKtKjuppo avrc6V xaXe7r5v lvaart rrlcr-curat, and remllarks: "inon solum raYvrl TEK177rp[l dixit, sed 7ravrl i;C's TrKu7/pI, quia in tanta vetustatis obscuritate non simplex argumenturn sufficit, sed modo alilan rem ex alia colligendo et ongioremn demum post conclusiotiern ad sententiamn probabilem perveniri potest." Of this explanation Poppo remlalkts: " hune sensum nos 10* N O T E S. [Book LI e verbis elicimus." These interpretations agree in the main point, viz., that 7ravrL iJ$s: TEKfqIpLp signifies, established on the monst thorough and protracted investigation. I am less pleased with Arnold's interpretation: being hard for believing every argument one acfter another; i. e. the general statement might not be questioned, but each particular argument which lhe has used, mllight not equally obtain credit. The word rEKAL}JPLoV, I apprehend, cannot be made to refer to particular facts or ar~guments, and the ground which Arnold gives for this rendering, viz., that the parenthesis contains the reason why the specific details of the narration may lie open to suspicion, applies equally as well to the interpretation of Bloomf., or Goeller. The facts of the history may have been based on the most incontrovertible evidence, and yet those who remember how readily reports of past actions are caught up and circulated, may be disposed after all to doubt whether the true picture of affairs in times so remote is given. Such I believe to be the sense of this much disputed passage. - yap introduces the reason for what has just been stated. Kat 7'V, eveen i: v 6 =oiO - just as if they woere events in the history of'another countnry. 6olcos is often used elliptically. ciitacavlcrrws, woithout questiona, "sine disquisitione." Betant. 2. rT 7rkXo; —o'voralt. The verb is put in the Ilural, because reference is had to the individuals implied in the subject (K. ~ 241. 1). r- rvpavvov ovrat), as bein.g the tyrant. The participle here denotes an assumed cause. Cf. K. ~ 312. 6; S. ~ 225. 4. See also N. on I. 9. ~ 4. It was in respect to thle supposition of his being the tyrant, that Thucydides says the Athenians were mistaken. - 7rpeaoSiraroT r v?PXe K. T. X. The order is: 7rpEaraSvraTos cov 7-Tp IiELOL(rrpLtrov vt'cov;7PXE (SC. rTov'AZ'alcov). " — I7rwrapXor..... arov is parenthetic and does not depend on the preceding;or-. - 6KElv T r7 6i/-'p. fixed upon to slay Hippias. - Ka 7ruaLpaxprPia, even at the very time, i. e. just as they were about to perpetrate the deedl. S 7wpoEm00rose, as frogm one forewarned and therefore prepared. Bloomf. cites the proverb: "forewartzed, foreaCrmed." bapca(IvrErS TL Kata CvS'vvevaat, to encounter (- meet death) c'fter hcavinig doine something worthy of note; or, to even (KCal) encounter deCth, p2rovided they could (first) do somecthing worth dying for. I prefer the former interpretation. The palticiple denotes time. See N on I. 13. ~ 6. ro Aenoi.Kplon, the Leocorizmon. oi monument of the daugllters of Leos, stood in the midst of the Ceraaneicus within the walls, and was oie of the most renowned of the ancient monuments of Athens. Cf. Leake's Athens, I. P. 162. -- r'J1 IHIavu7vartKa'v. Cf. Smith's Diet. Greek and Roei. Antiq. p. 704. This story of the PisistratidT, introduced again with much enlarge Cmp. Xx] NOTES. 215 ment and for no very obvious reason in VI. 54-59, as well as the declaration of his personal knowledge of the family (VI. 55. ~ ), has induced some (after the Schol. on I. 20) to think that Thucydides was connected to them by relationship. But this is mnere conjecture. -- adMKreKTvaV, Sc. rovrov. P. ov Xp,)vc? ltvrroVfLEvaO, not obliterated from the memory by time, the memory of which is not lost by length of time. - ol aXXoL "'EXXqveg, i. e. other than the Athenians. Of course the Lacedemonians are also to be excepted, since they would certainly be acquainte(l with the things here mentioned. /- ~1 /lta q cp?.... 8voiv. It is thought by some that Herodotus is hinted at, who speaks (VI. 57) of the two votes of each king. Miiller (Dorians, II. p. 105. N. a) thinks that Thucydides refers to Hellenicus rather than Herodotus, whose work he could scarcely have read. But although reference nnmay have been had to HIellenicus and other early writers, whom l-Ierodotus perhaps carelessly followed, yet I can scarcely be persuaded that the history of Herodotus was unknown to Thucydides. The story first related by Lucian and repeated by many others, that Herodotus read his work to the assembled Greeks at Olympia, and that the young Thucydides was present at the recitation and moved to teanis, is undoubtedly a mere invention, as Dahlmann has most ably and conclusively shown. Yet that is no proof that Thucydides was a stranger to the writings of HIerodotus, when he composed the history of the Peloponnesian war. In respect to the grammatical structure of +r/pj 7rporro-rtEram, there is no difficulty, if we give to the verb the signification, to assent to, to accede to one's opinion ('!chp).with a vote; i. e. to give a vote. — fLravLcTrv XoXov. Here again it is thoughlt by some that a blow is aimed at Herodotus (IX. 53; III. 55). It is said thaut Caracalla in imitation of antiquity composed a X6Xos ILtravamsq of Spartans. So the Tarentines, in order to retain the local names of their mother city, had a division of their alrmy which was called Pitanates; also upon a coin of Tarentum the 7reptrwoXot IlTravarot are mlentioned. All this seems to favor the truth of the statement of Herodotus. Cf. Mull. Dorians, II. p. 49. N. t. Schweig. ad Iterodot. 1. c. conciliates the statement of these two great historians, by supposing that there was nuChl a band commanded by Amompharetus in the battle at Plat(a, which not being perpetual, ceased to exist in the time of Thucydides. - ra Erolfa (" ea, quce in promptu sunt." Poppo), i. e. those things which can be learnt fiom hearsay without.the labor of investigation. 216 NO T E S [BooK I CHAPTER XXI. Although it is to be feared that these accounts will be approved by few readers (cf. I. 20. ~ 1), yet the historian avers, that they will not err who place greater confidence in him than in the poets and logographers, who shape their narratives so as to be pleasing to the ear rather than agreeable to the truth (~ 1); and though men fancy ancient wars to be the greatest, yet to those who judge fiom the facts, this war will appear greater than any preceding one (~ 2). 1. EK 8e reSv Lp&77UEVYV resumes the subject from r-h iEV oVe at the beginning of the previous chapter. This is clearly indicated among other things by odcosr, which implies EL KaL Ta 7rXtaa xaFrmiz E'TrL LTErtTore o'aL. -.... atlapravot, no one would err in the belief (vot(~cov, in thinking. See N. on 1. 9. ~ 1), that these things which I have narrated, are for the vmost part such as I have represented them to be. oTa baiXbov may be supplied after TrotavrTa from a'ltXSov. The words av —lalupravot belong not only to vo/d(oev, but also to 7rtoCr'cov and Iyq7ff-arLEVOr. It may assist to the right understanding of the chapter, to regard Kal o6re ohr 7rotrTral.... EKeVLtK7KcorTa as a parenthesis, containing another and subordinate parenthetical clause, VTra advYeEeyKTara.... E!vevltKqKO7ra. In this second parenthesis oe7a refers to a ( —;KEva ai) in a &8tiXsov, or it may be refeired, as Goel. suggests, to cr (- o'a) 7rotqTrat svtvcoKaort. iErW To JLEiL(O KOv /Io~vEr. See. N. on I. 10. ~ 3. - Xoyoypaiot, i. e. writers of pjrose as opposed to 7rotIral, which seems here to designate those early chroniclers who wrote in verse. The name logographers, which Thucydides here applies to his predecessors, is now given by scholars to the historians who preceded Herodotus, and whose histories were composed of myths and traditionary stories, although doubtless containing much that was true. Cf. iill. Lit. of Greece, p. 265.- &rfl..(. Xr/orepov, with a view to their beingz alluring to (literally, leadistg to) the ear rather than consistent with truth. "When two adjectives are compared with each other, so as to signify that the property or quality is found in a higher degree in one than in the other, both of tllen are put in the comparative." Mt. ~ 456. Cf. K. ~ 323. 4; S. ~ 159. 2.cvWEe;XeyKra, impossible to be convicted or refuted. Liddell and Scott. "Which can neither be proved nor disproved for want of evidence on either side." Arnold. - av7c-e depends on Tarh roXX-a —-aTrto-l-wr E7rl ro ULV8eSS EKwvetKlKT7KdTra, have encroached upon (literally, won theiru way to. Arnold) the fabulous, so as to be entitled to no credit (dr-rtarcos,' ita t nulla fides iis habeatur'." Goeller). - epject-aL-rro x poXc. i)ts, to be stuffciently well made out. The subject of this infinitive is C1h,. XXII.] NOTES. 217 easily elicited from a' &bjXuov supra. - Cos rraXaLh- EYac, for things so ancieznt; i. e. considering their great antiquity (Cf. K. ~ 341. R. 3; S. ~ 223. 2). This clause, which Poppo makes - rb 7raXaLt'a etl E'rrwtav e'uvat, Ztaltut L testimonia de rebus priscis clarca esse possunt, qualifies asroxporror. 2. o6 riOXe/lO is the subject of qXrhd;-e (will cappear). - i'v Lc, sc. Xpov. -- ael. See N. on I. 11. ~ 1 (end). - 7ravcrau-leov = av'rot v rravo-aE'aWrov a7rea TOo roXE['etv (from rroXeLFo-t). -- avrtv (sc. rhSv apXalov) depends on AELCOrv. CHAPTER XXII. While the exact words of the speeches uttered in this war are not pretended to have been given, yet the orations have been made to conform as nearly as possible to the general sense of what was really spoken (~ 1); as to the deeds, such only are narrated as fell under the observation of the historian, or were. received on good authority from others (~ 2); this, however, was a task of extreme difficulty, from the conflicting accounts often given by those who were eye-,witnesses of the same affair (~ 3); severe adherence to truth to the neglect of all mere embellishment may be less agreeable, but cannot but be snore useful to the reader, and will render tihe history worthy of being an everlasting t)ossession (~ 4). 1. Kal.... e'Ka-rot and as to t7he several (eoKaroL-o ee N. on 1. 3. ~ 5) speeches which woere mgade. Xsoya is antithetic to ra 8' lcpya rfv rrpax3Yvrov, ~ 2 infra. - Botle edits Zo-a Xoy&v = -(rovr Xoyovs. - Ev avT-6, i.. EV Tfs 7lroXcE[L4. --- TrvY aCKpifjeCav arm'slv rCiv XEXS'TroS (a changed construction for rorcoa rT'v aptL)3etav) -ra= ra Ta E~X'dvr~a d:pttf3cs. E/ol lismits xakerm0'. - y =: KEKEvov a) of which equivalent, the antecedent (referring g to -rCv XeX'rECrov) depends on r7'v daKp8cEtav, to be supplied friom the preceding clause. — Tros /XXo ev wrobev-drruyy)/'XXowvw is opposed to duol.... 1aKOVca. tav belongs to latre&Ya. a- e' 8EovTa AdXt(-ra, those things most espeeially needed - most to the 2purpose.. - EXo fuo.... XEX~vrcoTv, keeping as close as possible to the general (v/lrrdai-qe) sense of what was actually spoken. On the construction of yv'cxs/, cof. K. ~ 273. R. 5. b; S. ~ 192. 1. - oircolsa responds to cbr 8' av EadKoovh. "It thus appears that the speeches recorded by Thucydides are genuine as to their substance, although the style, the arrangement, and many of the particular arguments are altogether his own. They a*re like the speeches written by Johnson tor the parliamentary debates in the Gentlenman's Magazine; the substa1nce of the debate was reported to him, and he then enlarged and embellished it. in order to set it off to the best adcvaltage." Arnol d. 218 NOTES [Booi x 2. ra 8'.... rOX[eL/, but as to the deeds which were actually performed in the war. In order to avoid a pleonasm, Goeller, on the suggestion of Kriiger, connects rCov T-rpaXEvTrco with E'v T9 7rokxep. But this is unnecessary, since the manifest design of the author was to give emphasis to the actuality of the deeds spoken of, and hence he departed firom the usual mode of expression Tr EWpy Ta r rpu(uxS'vra. Haack remarks: ad ra iPv -rc3 7wroX'/Uat 7rpaX2evra non solum ra Fpya pertinent sed etiam rca XeXErrTU. - -....... 7re$FoSMy. Construct (as Poppo directs): OVK eK Tro 7rapaTrvXivvros ruvvtavoikeros ov3' W e/oL E3'KIEL, X' (r/l$wco ypdacLj) EWecV OtS re av7 7TaLP7 K(T T 7raph T7ov a'XXcov (7rvveav4Levo9). The vwords K T-ou rrap(LaTv(;roS - from any one whom it chanced, froam every chance comer. — u Js;/Vol E8OIKE —a according to any 2 ere imp2sreSsiZns of mzy own. 1- ar5s 7rapiv. It is supposed that Thucydides served in the first seven years of the war, for in the eighth, he was appointed to the command of the Athenian fleet off the coast of Thrace. From what lie says, he must have been an eve-witness and an ear-witness of many thlings, which were done and said in this war1, ETre$eiwX confornms ra'ther to okr (- E;KEiVa o 7) Te arh'5 7r apiv than to Mroapa T Co- hfiXXv, anld henco 7rvv.avi/fEvoE may be easily supplied fioni lie, preceding context.'EretEXhYV implies great thoroughness of investigation, and hence with ocov vvarTOvY (aKpSEIa (- aKPpflcr~o'ara Mt. ~ 461. Ohs.) is highly emphatic. 3. oV..... Aeyov, did not give the same account of the samre actions. - dXX' o`s....xot, literally, as any one mzight be in respect of good will to either party, or of his memory = as any one was inclined to be partial to either party, or as his memory served him. To the phrase Cog EXeL the genitive is added, to show in what respect the sense of the verb is to be taken. K. ~ 274. 3. b. EarTpcov depends on e;volt1r, as expressive of the cause whence the feeling of good will or partiality arose (K. ~ 274; Kr. ~47. 7. N. 5). EWvoLt Trvos-edvvotLa 7rpds Ttva. 4. evT refers forward to 3e in o'col 3h j/ovX'auov-rat. In this way arep(E;Errpov is opposed to c('0X0A a infra. 7- rO Aj JvV&3es ae rzv, their being free from myths. The negative ItA is used, because'the clause may be resolved into: quia nullee in iis exstent fabulc instead of exstant, which would express actuality without reference to any supposition, and would therefore demand ro o v' &oer. Cf. Jelf's Kiihn. ~ 475. Ohs. 3. -- TW rTe.... eaoT. Construct: orKO7TE-L TO oaaq) (the truth) rJv yEVoiE;vCOV (Kal rno aa0E's) TrOv ALEXX0VoV 7rore av2SL K. r. X. On KTaraT ro' davpfretolv, according to the course of human affairs, in all human probability (av2porElswo), cf. K. ~ 292. II. 3. b. - KplveLV (sc. roVTrovv referring to orotl), for them to judge, is the H"P. XXIIL] NOTES. 219 subject of'El (S. ~ 159. 2). The pronoun to be supplied here refers probably to political men, who endeavor to acquire a knowledge of the future by the study of the past, and to whom such a history as this would be preeminently useful. -- After JapKovVrcT- E'$E, Poppo, with several other critics, supplies roS-rols or avrrois referring to 0o0-ob. But it is far better with Wolf, Hgack, Arnold, and Bloomf., to supply E/Jol, which is omitted dignitatis vel modestire gratia. KrT7pLa r — VyKELTratL = VyKELratOL C KTrfia rE;S act, this (i.e. his history) is comnposed as an EVERLASTING POSSESSION. ES dei to our old foir aye. Bloomf.- aycuvloa, prize compositionz, a tr'ic of literar'y skill. Reference is here supposed to be had also to Herodotus, but the doubt, which now hangs over the statemlent of Lucian in respect to the recitation at Olymlpia (see N. on I. 20. ~ 3), mlakes such a reference in this place to an equal extent uncertain. Besides, those critics, who are continually spying out references to Herodotus of the kind here and previously referred to, should remember that it does not add to the praise of Thucydides, to represent him as indulging in these covert and petty allusions, the designed object of which, must have been to disparage the credibility, and thus undermine the reputation of his great predecessor and rival for coming ages. e- s ro rrapaXp~7a denotes the object or purpose of dycvito/y a (K. ~ 290. 2. 3. a). - aKOveiv, se. rtva. Cf. S. 222. 6. The sentiment of this passage is noble, and worthy of the man, who by common consent is justly styled PRINCEPS HISTORICOsUM. - The subject of dv'yKeLrat is properly arTa to be supplied from WSEXt/ka avr-a. CHAPTER XXIII. The importance of the Peloponnesian war is again insisted on, by a brief comparison of it with the Persian war, which was shown to have been brought to a termination in two sea-fights and as many engagements by land, but this war was lasting (~ 1); and in the amount of blood shed, the capture of cities, the change of inhabitants by the war and the accompanying seditions, was never equalled (~ 2); to which things were added whiat before had only been heard of, viz. earthquakes, eclipses of the sun, droughts, famnics, pestilence, and the like (~ 3); the causes of the war are introduced as next claiming attention, among which the veritable cause was the fear with which the Lacedmnmonians regarded the growing power of the Athenians, but the ostensible one is detailed in the narration which fellows (~ 4, 6). 1. Twov 8i rpodrepov. This chapter, although belonging to the prerace, is more ilmmediately introductory to the history which commences in thle next chapter. - a vEv avltXJao, i. e. the sea-fights at Art< 220 NOTES. [BooiK I misium and Salamnis. The land engagements were those at Pylas and Platen. aveTiv is in the genitive (TI. ~ 99. 5) and depends on Kplo-tv, had its decision of two seac-fights =found its decision in teo sea-fights. Poppo, I-aack, and Goeller read 3voyv, but the reading of Dindorf is suLpported by that of Bekker, Arnolcl, etc. and by the authority also of allmost all the MISS. - TOTOv....wr,ooVg3r. A varied form of expression for o6 7rrdysor (i. e. the Peloponnesian war),potif3rq eiS jieya Z71KOS, 01r (with Bloonif.) roroV ov rE TOr Weoumov (ro) /tKos (Es) tE;ia 7rpo;tYT. -- V- uvv' 77,X l y cv a 7at, cip22ened to be -- befell. ---'repa refers to wra21.araT to be mentally supplied from the preceding member. v'ic-p XpdOP, i. e. in twenty-seven years. 2. ovrch y/csp.... oo ipqtL qco-av. The sentiment is as though it 1had been Nwritten: 7r>,co —rat yaop 7rostJt i' r8OE Trc -ro;iCp xrFl/iat 7' p71s3o1-aOv (we~re Wtahen~ acod(, gade desolate. Butt. ~ 144. N. 7 end), silnce the construction is continued with l t ai rlv-al 8iE —io-I i a', wh-vlereas the words as they now stand woulld require to be followed by ovTrVwo /3ctl)8ap pcoYv, o,8i 1ra,-(co:v etc. The negative form given by ov're yit/ TdXcts roomae, atcels illucilh to the vivacity and stren gth of the passage. o itil 6/;,r,;,~1roiav we may mentally supply rrpdrcpov iv'o-? XpV / 8. -- r,,7cb top. Reference is had to Mycalessus. Cf. V-T. 80. i-7r') u0 Tv rcV art7rovrTrWokE/rovvrcv. Platia (TII. 68) and Tlhyre (iV. 57) a e supposed here to be Imeant. Haack includes with these Mytilene, but a reference to III. 50, will show that the walls only of thlat city Aelre demolished, the city being saved friom destruction by the reconllsideration and rejection of a vote to destroy it, which had been passsed by the Athenian assembly on the preceding day (eft:II. 49). - Kal oL'Krtiropav LerE-3aXov (sc. ev rothp ^-0 aoXEioW), chztanged inab cittnts even, i. e. had their inhabitants driven away to make roon for others. The cities here referred to are -'gina (II. 27), PotidC a (II. 70), Scio (V. 32), and Melus (V. 118).- qvyal, banisthnIYents. -- o pieY — i, 8 arl)( lty-pavt'ry.- hl 8tca r UTar(TtamsELv, on acco;nt ~of sedition. lIaack thinls tllat reference is had in this place most especially to the Corcyrleans. Poppo in his notes on the Scholia adds the Argives (V. 82), the Samians (VIII. 21. 73), et alii. 3. aKO&, by rejport, is helre opposed to'py), -n2 fact. - oK awrtorTa KarTEOrr7 beccage not sicredible =ceasoed to be incredible. —oEl0lto'v re 7rcpt, both as it respects (1I. ~ 295. 8. I. 2. a) ecarthquacrkes. -- - ala —Ka', cat olzce —cnzd. -- y lr does not here mean the habitable globe, for, as Bloom~f. justly remnlars, that sense would require the article, but it sigllifies land, ter2i tosy, and Cr' i;rrXcio-ov sipos yos -—;rrrXov, occupied a very eztensise territory =woere very extensively s —tvalent. iKXetLS SC. Katr Eo-T7C-aV from Kario'rn sUl)ra. Strict. CIIA. XXIII.] NOT ES. 221 ness of construction would have required eKXetL4E'v, but it is varied as though 0uESLoo re had preceded. -- vrvKvorepnc.....tvtovevdye'va, mnore frequent than wthat had been remnembered from former times.'yapB here denotes in conmparis0on wvith (K. ~ 298. III. 3. d), and trapci ra 1LOqJuoveudV.evaC Trv F1.JLfovevoWvcov (in dependence on 7rvKvdrTpaut) only much more intensive. -- = ro. -- avXyot. Repeat evv~owav. E~- UTrt rrap' oJL ir ap' rPior. K. ~ 331. R. 4. Rarely is a word placed between E'r-v in this use and its relative, and then it is a preposition. ar' avr&v, i. e. abr'Xv. The connection between drought and famine is very obvious. So on the footsteps of famine follows pestilence, and hence the connection of XtI/bE and Xoqtru so common as to be almost proverbial. Cf. Matt. 24: 7. - Kal K 1.... vr-osr, and thact hich produced the mnost (oVx 7'Ktorra, a litotes. See N. on I. 3. ~ 1) damage and destroyed c con2siderable pcart (ju/poe rt), the pestilential disease. _Some critics refer I-tlpor to territory and supply y~g, i. e.'ArTTLKr. Others translate: did its share of destruction. I concur in the following note of Arnold, in which he substantially follows Goeller: "'The word tiepos seems to imply more than cc part, for all the other visitations hadc destroyed a part of the people. It appealrs to signify so large a part as sensibly to affect the whole by its absence; a proportion or substantive part of the whole nation. Thus also it is used VII. 30." m XotLttdiqs vo'ro- (stronger than o Xoqybr) takes the article because it is epexegetical of I.....sepac-a, where the article could not be dispensed with. -- /ert' da, and $vv- are not pleonastic but highly intensive. 4. The historian now begins to detail the causes of the war. $anro-abvrov. S. ~ 189. -- XtivO-V7Es, when they had broken. See N. on 7roXeLO0vreC, 1. 13. ~ 6.- Evfolar e aXcortv by the Athenians under Pericles. 5. BLrT, thy, soheqrefore. r- p-po ypaa 7rp&arov is apparently pleonastic, but in truth highly emphatic. - Tras 8taopar which led to the war. --- TOV 7L TLYa rlTrCo-at worE, in order t:hat (S. ~~ 222. 2; 194. 1) no one may ever inquire. 6. rrpdq4aacv, ccautse, occasion, opposed to rtatn 29, 9cparent cautses, ostensible reasons. These words might well have changed places, as both are employed out of their usual signification. rrpd4ano-t is the subject of ecvat understood, the predicate of which is rov''A vPeaLdovs — drayK/do-at (=r T T7or'Aqaelovs evayrcio-an. Cf. M1t. ~ 542. Obs. 1. c). - yryeopfeovr, because they had becogme. See N. on 5e, I. 9. ~ 4. s rv aveepOv XeyopeveaLm-EKaTEpcoV, oplenly alleged by each party. For the genitive, cf. Jelf's Kiihn. ~ 483. Obs. 4. - a)' ve, on accouwnt of which, 222 NOTES. [Boo, L CHAPTERS XXIV.-LXVI. We are now to enter' upon the history of the war, which Thucydides shows to have avowedlh risen out of the contest between the Corinthians and Corcyreans (chaps. 24-55), and the affair at Potidea (chaps. 56-66). This portion may be regarded, therefore, in its relation to the main history, s a detail of the pretended causes of this long and ruinous war. It is well worth the perusal of the student, as laying open in a most lucid manner, the genius and policy of the states representing the two great forms of government, aristocratical and democratical, which were about to engage in a mighty and final struggle for the mastery. It should be regarded as a beacon light of the past, serlving to warn against the most distant approach towards civil war, and showing to what extent the passions of men will carry them, and how ruinous their measures, when, overlooking the welfare of the whole, they seek to aggrandize and make powerful one state upon the ruins of others. The reader will find much that is reprehensible in the Athenian line of conduct, yet not more than in that of the Lacedaemonians, who, with a cold and selfish policy, were aiming at power not less eagerly than their more active and excitable rivals. A grasping and overbearing spirit had taken possession of both states, under different forms, it is true, but equally pernicious to their own best interests and those of Greece in general. CHAPTER XXIV. Epidamnus, the situation (~ 1), and founders (~ 2), and growth (~ 3) of which are described, had become agitated by internal dissensions (~ 4), the result of which was, that the common people banished those in higher life, who uniting with the Barbarians, carried on war by land and by sea against the party which had expelled them (~ 5); in consequence of which, the citizens sent to Corcyra their parent city for aid (~ 6); but failed irn obtaining it (~ 7). 1.'Emr/BaaYvoS. E2pidamnus, afterwards called Dyrrachium and now Durazzo, is said by Euseb. Chron. to have been founded 188 years before this. - ev 8ELa.... K.K rOv, on the right to one sailing (K. ~ 284. 10. a; S. ~ 201. 4) into the Ionian gulf. By'IdLwan KlkXTrovG is not meant the lonian sea, but the southern part of that portion of it, which was afterwards called the Adriatic. - 7rpo~ oLKo-o -L, bordered on, dwelt near to. The accusative which follows this verb, depends on the preposition.- TavXavrtoL. Miiller places the Taulantii north AP. XXIV.] NO T E S. 228 of Epidamnus, but Bloomf. contends that their country lay between Epidamnnus and Apollonia. 2. rv&v d''HpaUK Xovs, oJf the posterity of Hercules. It was usual to select the cekists, when new colonies were planted, from the distinguished iHeracleid families, which were found in all the Dorian cities. Cf. Grote's list. Greece II. p. 479. --- EK Ti s /rpordoXEaSr, i. e. from Corinth, which was the mother city of (ioreyra.l - - KaraKX[1?73LES, being called to this office. 4. crao-tar-avres 8E hev ackXXXoL9 K. Tr... There are two modes of translating this passage, according as fSb2;dpoqavy is taken with rartlad. - o-avreS he iEv kXXXkots (they were weakenzed by intestine discord), or with d-r,ro)XE'ov rtr5L' (by a certain wzctr). The forlmer translation, which makes arro (= E —) rroXE'ov the souree or occasioan of the intestine troubles, is defended by Hlaack, Goeller, and Arnold; the latter, which regards drro (= v7ri) vroX'tov as the inmmediate cause of their being reduced in numbers, is adopted by Poppo, Bekker, Iriig., Bloomf. etc. A comma is placed after cap~cdpov by those who maintain the former interpretation. I am inclined to adopt the second translation, as according better with the signification of aoro,, which stands much more commonly for V7ri than for Q', cafter, and with the general sense of the passage, since intestine broils would be likely to take place without the occasion of a barbarian war, especially as this colony was composed of settlers from two states that had long disagreed. But after being weakened by these internal feuds, what more natural than that the Barbarians (i. e. the Taulantii) should attack them, and that too with success? -- cos E'yerat is to be taken with the preceding words. 5. ra 8N reXevrTalc at last. K. K 278. R. 1. Some critics (as Goeller in his first edition) interpret, as though it were written rai 8i rEXevrmaZa Ov,;r7t rrpo ro 7ae roTi wroXi;ov (i. e. the Peloponnesian) 0 8 a/io a(rTCv. V- S 8vvarov', " optimnates." Betant. " There was here it seems, as well as el-sewhere, that contest between the ol E'xoVTEV and the' oL oK, f'Xovres, the have-somethings and the have-nothings, which has harassed, more or less, every nation that has arrived at any height of civilization, and seems particularly to infest old and thickly inhabited countries." Bloonmf. - d-reXkvrTE fi'om Epidannus to the Barbarians. - roZ'u E V 7-,7 -rXoet1, those in the city - the citizens of Epidamnus. 6. The events here spoken of took place A. c. 435. Olymp. 86. 1. -- Ol.... VrTES, those who were (see N. on 0VTrEg I. 8. 1) in the city, in contradistinetion to those woe hlad beein expelled. --- Co'7Irpo'7-'oXLV o-uCea, intasmn2xch as it'was (see N. on I. 9. ~ 4 end) thieir pareznt esty. --— / oE t ~rtpL)opav fepotJE;vovU? not to look on and see thzem 22D4 NOTES. [Booxi i come to ruin. Cf. Liddell and Scott ad verb. Treptopaci. See also Mft. ~ 550. ---- rovs evyovras, the exiles, or perhaps better the persovn accused, and who had avoided trial by flight. -- rahra —dE6ovro. In the sense of to request, M8EO-al tales the accusative of the thing. Cf Jelf's Kiihn. ~ 529. Obs. 1. - Kdae6otLEvotL e ro'Hpa;ov (in t7e temple of Jicno) by constructio pr egnans (see N. on I. 18. ~ 2) for;X3vvrTes E 7r0'Hpatov Kad'EorTo dE avTp7. I- lKETEay oK;EUarTO probably because the goverllnent of Epidamnus was now democratical, while that of the Corcyrseans was aristocratical. CHAPTER XXV. The Epidamnians in their perplexity consult the Delphic oracle, whether they shall deliveo up their city to the Corinthians, and having received an affirmative response (~ 1), depalrt to Cominth and entreat aid (~ 2); this the Corinthians promise to grant, both on the score of justice and throungh hatred to the Corcyrwans (~ 3); which hatred arose from the insolent treatment they lhad experienced from them in their colonial relations, thle Corcyrleans being puffed up by their naval superiority, and because their isle lhad once been inhabited by the Phseacians (~ 4). 1. yvdvrEsT-oOlav, knotcing that he vsoas. With the infinitive, yt-?/v&sooKELv signifies to learn, to jdcge, etc. K. ~ 311. 4. - rsyolpiav -= o j:letav. iv.... rapo, z were in a state of perplexity wohat to do in the preseynt exigency; literally, woere held in a strait etc. -;irdat, i.. Or(re batL, or eS T5 cE'obal. -- arrmefaTEs EY AeAX0o5. "The usual resource of desponding states." Mitford. -- d -oapacoev. The optative (after an Historical tense) is used in indirect interrogative sentences, when the question is to be represented as proceeding fiomn the mind of another. Cf. K. ~ 344. 6. E rtL/ooplav mroteLorCa -= rtoplay Xkaev. - 5 8', i. e. the oracle. - advETXe, responded. --,yEidAoras (i. e. roTs KoptvlIovs), leaders, heads of the colony. They had been the founders of Elidamnus through the mediumn of Corcyra, now they were constituted the ismnediate founders: and received as such the allegiance of the Epidainnians. 2. rT avrTeLov = TO mo' reva -... O a.'ra shotviing clealC y that their founder was from CUorinth. With the infinitive, BEIKVoVt signifies to teach. K. ~ 311. 11. Priig. says that the use of aqho,) for EavrTEv is mostly Ionic and Thucydidean. -- EEorro Tre. Ilermann on Eurip. MIed. (Opwsc. III. p. 156) defines these words, prcetenreaque orabunt. He lays down also the rule, that re is not employed to connect a main circumstance, but one inferior in importance. But I cannot see why the enltreating: etc. in this place, is not to be etgardced nAPr. XXV.] A O T ES. 225 as an important circmnstance, inasmuch as it was the bur'den of the mlessage which had been previously sent to the Corcyrreans, and that to which the delivering up of the colony to thle Corinthians was an indispensable step, a saine, quacno; 6d;op. n fvt poprE1ovs is more intensive than ejoo;EovS (I. 214. ~ 6), Utterly (i&a-) _per'ishing. 3. BE in KopivmLoL 8U is a general connective. - TE after KaTar is responded to by di in C/la;f, serving thus to connect the reasons why the Corinthians acceded to the request of the Epidanmians. --- Eavr, P eyLCt, -,was etheirs. K. ~ 273. 2. a. — o dvre, although they were. See N. on I. 7. ~ l. 4. ov're yp-a&LdvoreE. The construction may be made regular by writing obTe tOdJoTres or lOTE yap c8ooav, or still better, by repeating 7Tapl1/tEovv (K. ~ 313. Be 1). The existence of yhp sho( ws, that the writer intended to have repeated a verb of similar meaning to rapq-,liXovv. This, as Arnold remnarks, lhe either forgot, or supposed that raprvq&hovv itself' could serve as the verb, notwithstanding by the insertion of yap he had rendered it grammatically impossible. - raVpyipeL:, festive asseImblies. The Schol. refers this to the Olympic and Nlemean gaines, but it is better to understand by it the public festivals in each city. -- yE'a ra vaOIoeIva includes probably the WpoEapia. V- orE... LEpC.ol)v has afforded coimmentators much trouble. Bloomf. translates: nor~ conznmitted tie leadi;ing, pcart of the sacC'sifciCal rites to C Corinthiatn; literally, not begiznzing the sacrificial'rites woith, c Cointihiacn. Goellerl whom. Arnold quotes approvingly, makes KopGtvyi? cvapl depend onl Lmvre, anrd 7rpo;ca-apXpE.vot = E'v 7rpoty a comparison of ~ 4 infra, where the fleet of the Corcyrfnans is said to consist of forty sail. - KaT' frmpeta5v, insultingly, with insolent t-hkreats. The haughty demand made here by the Corcyrmans, arose less from a desire to aid the exiles, than from hatred to the Epidamnians, increased probably by the intelligence, that they had applied to Corinth for assistance. - yaip in XkRov Tyap introduces the reason for the demand made by the Corcyraeans in behalf of the exiles. The parenthetic clause extends to KarTdyeLv, after which the demand made by the Corcyroains is resulned, the re in rovs r.e Ppovpobv corresponding to the re in oVs re TE Vyovras and n'oiE/1!reLv depending on EK;XEVOV Katr' r7Tpetav at the beginning of the section. - rci7movr.... vyy;EvEmv, pointing to the sepuichres (of their ancestors) and showing their (- claiming) relationship. For the dilogia in dcroaetKVrvrES', cf. K. ~ 346. 3. -- - v wrpo'orXdEV~oq) holding out which, alleging whic7 as an argument or ground of request. -- 7rorelxretLv from Epidamnus. - ovi;r i. e. Kar' ovebr, stronger than ovG. Bloomf. avroov is neuter. Cf. I. 29. ~ 1; 140. ~ 4. 228 NO T E. [Boo. L 4. The Schol. interprets aXX&a by Kal, but the abruptness of tcXX& is quite in keeping with the style of Thucydides. An ellipsis nlay be easily supplied, such as: the C(orcyrceatns (made no more verbal demands), bat 1proceeded agacinst them., etc. ---- rs.araovTes (sc. avTros}), under pretence of restoring theim. os is here used de re pretextu. - ical (alSO) connects 7rpo9-Xa3odvsre with Ltr& rT&7 qbv y5Bov. -- rrpoorXaf36vres as auxiliaries. The participle is to be construed with orrpavreovo-v. 5. rrpoor'atedlesVor, blockading, not strictly besieging, since, as Bloollf. and Poppo observe, it was not until after tile Epidamnians would listen to no proposal, that it is said the Coreyrieans EiroXL6pKrov ri7v roXtv. The accusative is rarely found after rpocrKa2cieo-rat, and only in the general mueaning which it has in this place. x 7rpoEMroV — rov 3ouvXotevov-aiTLv'at. The object of verbs which take the geLitive or dative, is frequently put in the accusative with the following infinitive. Cf. K. ~ 307. N. 3; S. ~ 222. 3. a. -- e.... Xpet-a7 but otherwise they woould treat theim, as enemies. PolSpo and Goeller edit Xp7o-ac-rat, but the future form is adopted by Bekker (in his last edition), HIaaok, and Arnold, which is undoubtedly correct, since the time of the action is essentially future. Cf. K. ~ 257. RL. 2; Jelf's Kahn. ~ 405. Obs. 2. There is no need with Bloomf. to repeat srporawrov per dilogiam (see TN. on ~ 3 supra), in the sense of order, declare openly, since such brevity of expression is continually occurring in every language. - -ErElorvTo refers to the Epidamnians. E —? rt B' o-Zlrs r T Xcoplov is a parenthesis, and is so marked in miost of the editions before me. i(o-rOs (- a-L4q4uXao-rotor. Schol.) means here a pieninsula, or an isthmus ona a peninsula. Notice the position ol Ioposrg between the subject and the verb. CHAPTER XXVII. The Corinthians prepare to send out a fleet for tile relief of Epidamnus (~ 1); ships, money, and troops are furnished at their request by their allies (~ 2). 7roXtopKovrsral, sc. ol'ErrL8a/vLotL. T.,he indicative is here employed because the statement is given in the messenger's own words, O'T6 in such cases serving as a mark of quotation = (announcing) " the Epidannicans are besieged." Jf. K. ~ 329. R. 3; S. ~ 213. 1. Some may prefer, however, in this and similar cases, to regard the indicative ts supplying the place of the optative (S. ~ 213. N. 1), for the sake of NAP. XXVIL]`' OTES. t22 -.vaclty: (announcing) aictt the E~pidaomnicans, etc. - drrotldLv.... EKrTpvrro- — pr ocaihnede thcat a colony, was Cbout to be sent to E2pideonnZS. (See N. on tceKpi7oraa pr,ops, I. 18. ~ 2).;s in its use here is much like our fja, in such expressions as, the eepedition is for Oregon. So here: p roclaimned a colonby for E2Lzidainnzus. r- i;n 1r.7 tcry Ktl 6oita. (se. [io'pa or -rtfl), h/aviZng equcel and sirnilCr'CankZ acd pririleges with the old colonists and with one another. Not, as Goeller supposes, equal to the citizens of the parent state, but equal to one another, whatever distinctions may have existed among them at Corinth. -- Haackh supplies oOrrrE before v&at. Cf. K. ~ 306. R. 3; S. ~ 223. 1. - /r; ES iXot —/ov'XEcra. A shade of uncertainty is given to the first verb by the optative = should perhcps be o2ezwilling -— and yet woished (as a matter of fact). For this intermlingling of the optative and indicative, cf. Mt. ~ 529. 5; Reost, ~ 122. I. 7; Jelf's Kuihn. ~ 855. Obs. 4. The apodosis is contained in /epEoEtL, which is constructed like the preceding lmea. -- 7revirrxovra apcxypaus KarT-aOr7a Kopvtcsav, by p1aying fifty Corinthian dvrachonce, towards defraying the expenses of sending out the colony. The Corinthian drachlin was equal in value to the zEginetan, w-Xhich was worth ten oboli. Fifty of these would amount, therefore, t'i somwething more than eighty-three Attic drachmm (see N. on 1TI. 17. ~ 3). Some tralnslate Kopt'lasr, at Corinth, but are divided in opinion, whether it is to be taken witIl IcaTanvtit or0 wNitIl EVCewv. Many of the MSS. have KoptvZLotg. -- /IEVEV depends oil Ei/pvrr-orov. 2. rj'v MeyapEwv. Megara, Awith the states here named, formed a part of the ancient Peloponnesian confederacy, and were bound to Corinth by the ties of consanguinity, amity, and unity of political views. The aid which Me[egara received firom Corintb, when it revolted fron Athens, is spoken of, I. 114. ~ 1. - v- prrpo7rrwe+Etv, to convoy, to attend for the sake of defence. ~- ct; pa, if perchcance. -- ioXvotLVro — WrXEv. K. ~ 306. 1. a. -- HaXTs (Att. for HakXes. S. ~48. N. 2. b), the inchabitants of Pale, one of the four cities of Cephallenia, and as sonicme think, a Corinthian colony. But cf. Miill. Dorians, I. p. 130, N. m. -'E7rtSavplwr. The Epidaurus here spoken of, was a city of Argolis, on the western coast of the Saronic Gulf, over against Egina.-'Epplovsy, the inhabitants of Heremione, which was also a City of Argolis, south of Epidaurus and opposite Hiydrea. ~- Tpot 6VLOL. Trmzen lay about midway between Epidaurus and Hermione, somewhat east of a direct line betweert the two cities. -- Oq3aovss.... tao-trovr. These being wealthy, but not maritime states, furnished money doubtliess in the way of a loan. The Eleans, in addition tce money, furnished empty shlips, not having seamen to man thema. 230 NOTES. [BcoK I CHAPTER XXVIII. The Corcyraeans hearing of this extensive armament send am bassadors to Corinth charging theml to withdraw their g-rrieson and colonists from Epidamn-us (~ 1); pro. fessing their willingness to submit the whole affair to the arbitration, either of othel states, or of the oracle at I)elphi (~ 2); but if war was resolved upon, they should look for aid from some powerful quarter (~ 3); to this the Corinthians reply, that they would consider tlheir proposals, whenever they should withdraw their fleet and barbarian auxiliaries from Epidamnus (~ 4); the Corcyr'Lans consent to do this, provided the Corinthians will take upon themselves the same conditions (~ 5). 1. ovs 7nrapEXha3ov to be witnesses (says the Schol.), or to ensure to the Corcyrieans more respect from the Corinthians. It is probable that the Corcyrfeans began to be aiarmled at tihe powerful confederacy which was formed against them, and had recourse to the mediation of the Lacedelmonians and the Sycionians. r-.s....'ErcaBd-?.Ov, as they 7had no concera with JpiCdaamnus. For the construction of ht-1/eriv (filomL tc-ret,ut),: cf. K. ~ 312. 6. c; S. ~ 226. a. auroTs may be referred to S. ~ 201. 3; and'Ewrrt3aivov to S. ~ 191. 2. 2. e' b r davrmroLoOv(raL (SC.'ErrcBavov), lay cay cclatia to pfidamcZnus~. a'vrTz'oteo-aac, "vindcicare sibi." letant. - - {~.r- 3ovat, " to stbmit t'he quarrelg to a fair discutssioz." Arnold. I Nwould rather say, submit thie mcatter to acbit*ration, or to c, judicial inrestigaction. The expression is a forensic one. wu ap'st 7r6Xectv ane, i. e. r,aph'0XeFtov nap' a'l. K. ~ 300. 5. b. upt,'stLV, sC. B[Sag B8e6ovat. - trotreoov depends onil cvat (to belong). S. ~ 190. KOparelv is constructed in the same manner as levat and ze'vetv, I. 27. ~ 1. It is worthy of note, that the Corcyrseans did not offer to refer the subject to a congress of the Peloponnesian states, lest, as Miiller (Dorians, I. p. 202) justly remarks, by the preponderance of Sparta, their liberty might have been endangered, but it was to be referred to arbitrators shosen by both states, or to the Delphic oracle. This last offer was very generous on the part of the Corcyrneans, inasmuch as the Del phic oracle had countenanced the proposal of the Epidalnnians, to pu themselves under the protection of Corinth, and might be inclined therefore to favor their interests. n,7r' Xuov b OOIt elO&V irotiv, but they were utnwilling to snake wanr; literally, they owould not pernit etc. - t. ~ 608. 1. 3. Etd b8 t1, but other'wise, i. e. if the Corinthians would not consent to an amicable adjustment of the difficulties. -- avrol, they themselves (as the Corinthians had done). --- EKEI'Vov W ta Lo~ voEVL, (taken transitively), they compelling, at thieir comrpulsion. --— roa CIAP. XXVIII.I NOTES. 23] o-at, to mc/7e for themselves. -- Iaack refers QtXAovs to the Spartans or Athenians. The latter doubtless are meant. - tovXom-at refers to the Corcyraeans and not to the Corinthians. The meaning is, that Lhe Corlcyrsans did not wish to be obliged to pursue the course here spoken of. - TErpovr as an expression of difference is followed by the genitive (K. ~ 271. 3; S. ~ 198. 2). It is here qualified by aXXkov, farl othe~r than, i. e. of a very different nature -than. - r7v,rv ovrcov, i. e. the exiles and the Illyrians (cf. I. 26. ~ 4), who were at this time aiding the Corcyrmans, for this state had not yet confederated itself with any Grecian power (cf. I. 31. ~ 2). The Schol. explains r(v vdv o'vrcov by irsov r y' l~XVjVrroV) and therefore Matthis con1ctue aps:apo V' Xdvr-wv.aWXov, taking e'XEtV uapXXov in the sense of potiorerm esse. T. rg rTE CIU), i. e. the forty ships with which they were now blockading Epidamnus (I. 26. ~ 4). - rovr 3apaidpovs, i. e. the Pllyrians. - 3ovXuoE6o-ErTa, they wvould delibe1rate zupon the thing. - 7rporepov the withdrawal of the shlips and Barbarians. - l.... 7roXLtpKacff4at, it woutld not be zwell for those (i. e. the Epidaimnians) to be sustaininig a siege. The particles E'v and 8h are here employed to connect two propositions, which are strongly contlrasted with each other. The ou KaXcXr Cielv, cf. ALtt. ~ 150. p. 445, was predicated of neitherl of the actions taken by itself, but of the incongruity of carrying on hostilities while arbitrating for peace. -- avrovs refers to both the Corcyrmeans and Corinthians. Goeller refers it to the Corinthians alone, but, as Poppo remarks, why then was it not written oas l?- BL tKba(e3 t, to be litiycating, to be at issue in a suit. 5. wvrdieyov: replied. - - rovr Ev'EmrtSlbvp, i. e. the colonists and troops sent to Epidanmnus by the Corinthians (I. 26. ~ 1). —7rOtljatV Tav7a, i. e. r-ha vais Kal rofts apf3apovg darrdEetv. - erolot 8 aEvat K. r. X. There is some diversity in the translation of this passage. One class of interpreters, among whom are Poppo and lHaack, make 7roLtorao'~at to depend on EroL/oL, and construct 6o-re (in the sense of hac conditione ut. lt. ~ 479. ac; S. ~ 223. 1) after Kara Xoopav. The sense then would be: they were also ready to mzakle a truce on this condition, that both parties should remain as they owere (literally, in their place), until the cause should be decided. Arnold an(l Bloomf., on the other hand, construct IE/YEMv (defined more specifically by co-re) in direct dependence on EropLot, and retain hE after o-rovh8ai (which is omitted or bracketed by all the recent editors), thus connecting 7rot'roao'-at with /Yvetv'. This would give the sense: " they woere also ready to agree that both par'ties should remain, wohere they vwere, and a truce be made, to continuse until the cacuse should be de 232 NOTES. [Boo I1 cided." Bloomf. This strikes me as the more natural interpretation, and one, which avoids the harsh transposition of words upon which the other is based, although the interposition of (rre between ET(;TL/o and LEveLv, is somew,.hat troublesome to account for. In respect to the mood which's. -takes, tKiihner lays down the rule (Graml. ~ 337. 3. 5), that when the point of time expressed by it is past, and the statement is to be represented as a fact, the indicative is used; when present or future, the subjunctive. CHAPTER XXIX. The Corinthians reject the proposals of the Corcyreans, and sail for Epidainnus will seownty-five ships under Aristeus and other leaders (~~ 1, 2); the Corcyrveans send a herald to Actium to forbid their further approach, and meanwhile busy themselves in preparing their fleet for action (~ 3); the mission of the herald proving unsuccessful? they comle to action with the Corintlian fleet and destroy fifteen of their ships (~ 4); and on the saine day get possession of Epidamnus (~ 5). 1. 7rwkpeEs, i. e. full of sailors, well nmanned. - rpivepov, i. e. in advance of the armanment. - popovvra. S. ~ 225. 5. The Schol. regalds this act of the Corinthians as done by the way of insult, but it was a ceremony of general usage. i'pavre, hcaving weighed anchor, plt to sea. -- 6to-1XXiomo. Three thousand hoplites are spoken of (I. 27. ~ 2). There may have been some mistalke in the text, or perhaps the whole number could not be got in readiness to emlbark in season. The Schol. thinks that through contempt of the Corcyrsans, one thousand were left belind. But this is very unlikely. — KepKvpatolst. S. ~ 202. 1. - vavrtin is used adverbially (cf. III. 55. ~ 3) and strengthens 7roXe/o-rovres, to,iglht against. S. ~ 225. 5. 2. irorpar//yet conformns in numnber to the first sat)ject which follows it. Cf. K. ~ 242. R. 1. - re(v. S. ~ 189. 3. Elv'AK7I )... y7, in ActizMn inR t0he coizttry of AJnactoriutn. The genitive denotes the whole, the city or town being a part. See N. on I. 114. ~ 2. Actiumn was afterwards celebrated for the naval fight between Augustus and Mark Antony. eiv dva-rp i'n Ca svlh., The Schol. says that this was done to show their peaceful intention. --—. potvra;7 rtXet. See N. on 1. 10 ~ 1 (end). ---'rpovv. See N. on srXspet, ~ 1 supra. - Ce'aivrre. There is much doubt in what consisted the repairs, which all commentators agree that this word denotes. The only views which seem capable of justification nr'e, (1) that of Passow, Goeller, and Arnold: qundeqrgirding with 7opeg, CHAP. XXIX.] NOTES. 233 i. e. passing under-girths under the ship and so binding it together. Arnold says that the Russian ships taken in the Tagus in 1808, were kept together in this imanner, in consequence of their age and unsound condition. I-He also refers to Acts 29: 19. But Poppo denies that v7ro~ovvv-i, which is there found, has the same mneaning as Evvkt, or that the signification of bvro[Ma-ra in Plato, Repub. X. p. 616. C (cited by Goeller, and Arnold) is parallel; (2) the interpretation dopted by Portus, Haack, and others: furnishing svith benches, oars, etc.; (3) the interpretation of Bloomf., who refers it to the inner block7s, beams, and stays, by which the fiame of the ship is held together, and which need to be repaired or renewed( whenever it is relitted. I am inclined to adopt this view, although far firvon being certain as to its correctness. The general definition ecpairing (of. Betant sub Voce), is perhaps all that we can give with our present knowledge of ttlhe word, and the ancielnt structure of ships. Tr- L- KevtKearcerT refers, probably, to such minor repairs and equipments as all ve~sels occasionally require. 4. yap in IreOoeapciKovrTa yap implies an ellipsis: the number (i. e. eighty) was all they could oppose to the Corinthians, for forty, etc. E- VLKrav. Leake thinks that the action took place between Paxds and Cape Varl'lm. - rpap 7roX)X, by fcar. Phav. quotes this in the adverbial form riaparoXv. -- BteSeLtpav, disabled, jput bhors de cornbcat. - avroil refers to the Corcyrmeans. o- rov 7r-n toptrovvra refers to those of the Corcyrneans w:.o were besieging Epidanmnus. Haack well observes that this is shown by the change of case, since otherwise the construction might have been continued by the dative, 7T-'E r/ia/arov 7roXtopio(r-t. -- rapaorrrjo'aorraa 6oXoy[l, forlced to a capitulaction, brought to agree to terms of sl&rrender'. This use of 7rapItorrqll is easily derived from its literal signification in the middle: to cacse a person to stcand by one's side, and hence to compqel to be on, one's side. ho-rrE, on condition that. See N. on I. 28. ~ 4. - Irn5Xv8arS, nezo comers, the same that were called E'vol (I. 26. ~ 5), i. e. the Ambraciots and Leucadians (I. 26. ~ 5). - (r7roboO-at " est in servitutegn vendere." Goeller. - KopntytovSr bE B-cavrar E'XEtV, but having bound the Corinthians they should keep then _. should retain the Corinthians in custody. 234 NOTES. [Boos 1. CHAPTER XXX. The Corcymreans having erected a trophy, put the rest of the captives to death, but re. tain the Corinthians in custody (~ 1); tile fleet of the latter retiring homewards, thle Corlcynreans remain masters of the sea in those parts, ravage the territory of Lelcas and burn Cyllene (~ 2); the Corinthians send out a new fleet to sustain the cause of their allies, which taket its station at Actium and about Chimerium (~ 3); the Corcyrrean fleet takes its station opposite at Leueiinne (~ 4); but neither party attempt to bring on an engagement, and on the approach of winter retire homeward (~ 5). 1. AevK[IJvrq. Arnold prefels AevK4L/Fti as the reading of the best MSS. and confirmled by the nalse LeukimImo, which the place still bears. Cf. Dodwell's Ch1ss. Toil. I. p. 39. Col. Leake (Travels in North. Greece,. p. 94) by the name AIefkelmo identifies it with the lotw cape advancing into the channel at Corfu, eight miles to the northward of Cape Biianco. - ro;.... dOrEKretvav. This wvas done contrary to the terms of surrender. probably in the excitement occasioned by thle erection of tilh trophy, or at the suggestion of the demlocratical leaders, in order to cut off all hope of accomlmodation with the aristocracy. -- tkhXov; than the Corinthians. They were called Z-n-IXvIn3e in tlhe preceding chapter. 2.,(Tlao evot worsteC. -— E' O'KOvU homewar&d. hr with the genitive imarlk-s the aimn, object, or direction of the action, as nrXetv rTl -,tmcovU, to sail towards Scansos, but 6rrl cia'ov, to Samos; er' ot'ov, to their house. Cf. K.. ~ 273. R. 8; 296. 1. b; S. ~ 231. ---- EKpTroV is the apotlosis of e'rretSl-cv; eXcpr77.t-av. Tr Kar EKEtYva ra Xaopl( i. e. the sea aadjacenlt to Corcyra.- r7 —ra7rotKcav. This has been mentioned before (I. 27. ~ 2), and hence the article is attached to it. r — Tr yrsc E'Tc/to), cravaged a part of the country. For the genitive, cf. MAt. ~ 325. 1; K. ~ 273. 3. a; S. 191. 1. The same expression we find in II. 56. ~ 4. - eirlvetovp, naval arsenal, sea-port, where the navy of the state lay. Such was the Pirmus, Nisea, Gytheum, etc. ---- rapXov refers to the Eleans. Cf. 1. 28. ~ 2. 3. 7reptldreT r2 s;pe) wOhen the summer' tveas drawing to a close, about thle enzd of suvnmel r. Poppo and Haack read rteptvrt r6 2gpe(O.L (((cslatis reliqcua par~te), which reading is found in almost all the MJSS. and also in Bekker's edition. Bult Arnold shows pretty conclusively, that this would demand the reading r7 rreptO'vrT Too bm&povr, or ve bJpem Tp r rptLdre. Some render it (as did Bloomf. in his earlier 3dition), until the return of (the next) sugnmer, on the ground that tlhe sea-fight could not have taken place before the last of July, which CHAP. XXXI.] NOTES. 235 would have left too little time for the Corinthians to return home, refit their fleet, which must have been roughly handled in the engagement, and station it at Actium and about Chimeriunm, in season to niake applicable the words which follow (~ 5 infra), dXX?7 r7- zpog roti-o adrTKa~FOe~voL K. T. X., ciLter r'emaining inz olpposite statcions this oholoe szni,met.: 13But may we not assign to the time of the battle, an earlier date in the summer than this interpretation assumes? Goeller thinks that it took place in the beginning of the sumlmer, and perhaps even inl th spring. If so, there would remain ample time for the transactions here spoken of. Besides, if adXXa ro,ipos -rof ro (duVT,,eLSE EjEvotL K. r. X. refers to the next summer after the battle, it has a very harsh connection, to say the least, with ro, re XpWOOV roV -rkitCro',, wi th which the section commences, especially if Tro' 6' ELotavrt'v nivra K. T. t. with which the next chapter begins, be taken also into consideration. The battle took place A. c. 435. The full year after the sea-fight, and the year subsequent to that, would include the -winters of A. c. 435-4, and 434-3. But here a difficulty arises from the fact, that the best chronologists unanimously fix the date of the second expedition in 432. What were the contending parties doing the year that is here omnittedl? Arnold leaps over the difficulty, by assigning the (ldate 433 to the time when the speeches (chaps. 32-43) were delivered, and 432 to the events which are detailed in I. 44. But perhaps the termzinizs a quo of these two years may be the winter of A. c. 435-4, when both parties went into winter quarters; the year after the sea-fight would then be 434-3 and the next year 433-2, so that in the spring of 482 the second expedition light be made.'AKrtlc.' This station and that at at Chierium were chosen, for the protection of the Leucadians and their other allies in that quarter. Xetspptov, lhimerineczm, according to Leake the place now called Arpitza. Cf. N. on I. 46. ~ 4. CHAPTER XXXI. The Corinthians spend the next two years in active preparations for wnar (~ 1); at which being alarmed, the Corcyermans determine to send ambassadors to implore the aid of the Athenians (~ 2); the Corinthians hearing this, send an embassy also to Athens (~ 3); an assembly being convened in that city, the debate is opened by the Corcyrseans (~ 4). I. opy, 4cpov7rfsc rmv —ioXFn oltc, carryint g 0on the war sctir spiit. The old commentators (whoml Bloomf. here follows) interpret it, being;ndicinat at the war, taking in duzdgeon the twar (i. e. tile events of it), 236 N OTES. [Boo. I But cf. Tr ai'Xa sv/co ~e'pov, V. 80. ~ 2, upon which Poppo remarks: nihil ahlind significare possunt quam s'eliqua implettu equodane animi administ'oCbant. EvaV7mryovTro, 7ept building shils for' themselves. Ira K1P)rtcirra - to the utmhost of theirs ability. -~ fiLroS, TeiSov-,reI (sC. abTroI), inducing themb by wcages (to.enter into their service). Bloomf. fi'om IIT. 31. ~ 1, would supply v/teOriv, and refers to our expression, tc6Eing theqn into pay. 2. roav yTap commences a parenthesis which extends to AaaKEMtpovicov. The verb MEoerv which follows, is connected by Kat (before the parenthesis) to oi KepKvpaotL.... eopooovrTo. ovevor depends on evmr7rovSot, in7 alliance with 9no one.- JS, to, "is never thus prefixed to a noun denoting an inanimate object." S. ~ 136. N. EV'plOKEo-3ca, to find frb thevmselves. Cf. Anab. II. 1. ~ 6. The object is (beXelmcv. 3.:al. (leeOl, they also.- rpeecvo(r4vtevEot (S. ~ 225. 5), to vnegotiate by acnbassador's. Poppo prefers 7rpeCo-evodpeYO. o (o- t lepends on f7orb8tLov. r- wpb0s-rpoo-yevid Evoev. Sometimles the preposition with which a verb is compounded is repeatedl. si- aa (= er rS ie0-2at) denotes the respect in which f,urLb'lov is to be taken. Cf. 1. 25. ~ 1. Bloomlf. takes it in the sense of Boo;-rSa, displonere, orsder, i. e. bring to an issue. This verb is usually accompanied by eV or KaXiCs, which sense is here given by /3oXkopwrat. 4. Kararn o-(rt is intransitive. Cf. Soph. Gr. Verbs, p. 165. TOLdae, as follows. The substance of the speech is given. Cf. I. 22. ~ 1, CHAPTERS XXXII. —XXXVT. This oration of the Corcyrseans may be divided into, 1, the exordium (chap. 32); 2, the argumentative portion (chaps. 33-36. ~ 2); 3, the peroration (chap. 36. ~ 3). The second part (i. e. the argumentative) may also be subdivided into the rb fE'ALyuov (chap. 33), and 7b lcKatop (chaps. 34, 35). This last head may also be subdivided into an argument, 1, upon the clailms which the Corinthians, as the mother country, might be supposed to have upon the Corcyrzeans (chap. 34); and 2, upon the violation of the Peloponnesian treaty with which the Athenians would be chargeable, should they succor the CorcyrTans (chap. 35. ~ 4). The orator then recurs again to the adlvantages of the proposed alliance (chaps 35. ~ 5, 36. ~ 2), and closes with the peroration. The orations and speeches in Thucydides are full of exegetical dificulties, and require much laborious study, in order to understand them, so as to se, OcAAP. XXXII.] NOTES. 237 and appreciate their beauty and force. The reader should subject every sentence to the most searching gramnlatical analysis both etymological and syntactical, and having thus explored the meaning, shoukl treasure it carefully in memory, so as to be able to read in connection larger portions, and in the end, the whole oration. This, however, should not be deemied all tbat is requisite. Repeated perusals are necessary, to secure that ease of translation,and fi'edoml from verbal perplexities, which bring the mind into sympathy with the great and glowing ideas of rhe writer, and cause it to be borne along upon the stream of argunment, which flows with such depth and vehemence and grandleur. The editor of this edition would therefre urge upon every. reader, the importance of attaining by frequent reviews that facility of translation, which will enable lim to read these speeches, without the interruption occasicned by cons!Lilng lexicons and otlher books of reference. CHAPTER XXXII. Tile exOrtiun conmmenes eittl an acknoewledgment. tha.t those who'ask aid, in the circutlstanees i whllich tile CorcyrLeans present themselves to the Athenians, should show that lln a vni-itge s-ill accrue therety to those -whio confer tle falvo, and that the obli-latio wl b\111 e amnply repail by tile plarty assisted (I~ 1, 2); a brief refer'eoce is inmade to the unw!ise ine oI con(Iuct previously pursued by the Coreyr-eans in lhavilng abstained fiom ailiance xit any of thlle states (~~ 3, 4); they hadl indeed lefeatced the Corinthians in a formelr battle, yet the extensive forces which their enemies ivere collecting fiom PelopolleesLs, comilpelled them to ask caid of the Atheniazis (~ 5). This exordium has ever beel - reu.rdel as a master-piece of its inid, aln(l has been closely imitated by subsequent writers, amo!ig whom may be mentioned, Procop. in orat. Gepid., and Sallust Bell. Jag. Comlpare also the oration of the Campanians. Livy, VII. 80. 1. AKlKatov.... daJaaiia~ at. The order is: 8tKatcov rovs 77K0to ras rpa rovr 7reTaas, cs Kal /IELcS Vl,) or0o o/evOvOs EitLKovplas, FLjE EepyFclaG -7rpovqeteXofj r7s (so. 65' 4tCov'A,71qvaic o) cava&Saast. Poppo, Goeller, Arnold, and Bloomlfield edit. 7rpoooetXomte'vqs. - rapa reoVs 7r Xar, ad alios, i. e. to th/ose iovith so/ltoe inte rcoutrse is had. -- osrcp Kal q7ksm, SC. edme Ca. eo-'e1o-IEovev marks the purpose of Koi'oras. K. ~ 312. 5. c; S. ~ 225. 5. - - Evaataadal, to omakce it c/ecarly (Eaa-) accp)ear. -- rpa)roi —o-EFlra. Between these correlative particles, we find two other corresponding conjunctions, Fi Xtcrra tEv and i b /q'. - 4vftjpmopa (so. rnjstara. Jelf's Kiihn. ~~ 529. Obs. 1; 583, 45) is connected by the preceding KaL to the antithetic clause o'rt y (at least) oVK Erut(/'mta. -- rL belongs to &eoVTrat repeated from the preceding clause. -- r'v XiptWv 3i3aetoe:OivLv, they shall hcave thle favor secwure (to be returned when. needed) = shall do a favor?qit to 7e forp'otten. There 11* 238 NOTES. [BooK I is here a change of subject, which, however, is only rhetorical, since the expression = they (i. e. the persons benefited) zwill not forget the favor bestowed. This appears to be the view taken by the Schol., who explains Xadpv by (VIrTXPLV. Cf. r v XdptV KaraTeOLroe) I. 33. ~ 1, 7with the explanation given in the note. Poppo prefers the common interpretation: (qui societaten petant) eticnbfirmam gratiam habituros, will acknowledge their lasting obligations. This interpretation involves no change of subject, and therefore by some may be pieferred to the one above given. - @- i/3alos in Thucydides is an adjective of two terminations. - C-ac'r KaratrTo-T7ovoL = -caOer (clear) rroeLTeov r. L?7 opytiEont depends on K'atov. 2. KEpKvpaioL... txas. Construct: KEpKvpatoL aLrE(TCretav 7ta-Sr 7TtrToIEovres, LETra rrqg aLr 7lOEwg 7-riS $vypaXina 7apE'$o-t ravora EXvpa VLiv, the Corcyrcecans have sent us, trusting thact while we ask the alliance (literally, with the asking of the alliance), we shall establish these points to your satisfaction (literally, shall snake these points sune to you). /i'v is the dcat. commodi. K. ~ 284. 3. R. 4. 3. -rETyrr7KE.... dJiv6~opov, but it has happened (- it is our for. tune) that the same custom, (when considered) in relation. to (;, K. ~ 290. 2. 3. c) our present request is irrational in your view (rrpbos xadsa, K. ~ 298. 11I. 3. e), and _prejudicial to the present posture of our affairs. The;'rtr1rjevta here spoken of, was that of making no allies, and of minding their own interests only. This appears fiom the following section, introduced by Tyip (epexegetical). ov is often omitted after rvyXvo. K. ~ 311. R. 5; Mt. ~ 553. 8. Obs. 1. 7Trpobs /uas is to be joined with,agXoyov, and not with Es riv Xpetav IlctLv, when viewed with reference to our i~nterests as it regar~ds you, as someo interpret the passage. Xpelav is a request resulting from necessity. 7tULv =;j7&v, i. e. 7LereTpav. Somle, with Arnold, may prefer to make I7iv depend upon TrerTXKE. The sense would not be altered. -- r Ta fuerEpa avrov, in reference to our interest. 4. vLpaixot....oX'XouIev explains /Aoyov in the pi eceding section. and Kal 5lta.... Ka[eo-raFev is exegetical of idcvpqwopov. Some refer both clauses to each of the above mentioned adjectives.'v rd,rpo ro:, i. e. Iv 7rj 7rpo 7ro Xpo'vc (fully written in II. 58. ~ 2; 73. ~ 3), in the time before this = aforetimne. -- EKOV'rol, toluntarily. -- TOrO, i. e. vIa.LaXot eVat. - ep?7iotL of helpers.- at' avro, i. e. because they had formed no alliances. - The subject of xreptiaTn7KEV is 4.... oowc poodvr (prudent moderation. Poppo), with which ro.... 4VyKlVVEVElv is in apexegetical apposition (K. ~ 226. R. 3).--- r rov 7rIXa;s yvro;y, "aliorum arbitratu."' Poppo.- a/3ovXIa i thought to refer to aiXoyov, and do-arveLa to lc&vitQopov. - at. CHAP. XXXII.] N O.T E S. 239 voY/vrIE depends on 7repLETrr7Kav in the sense of ElS rTo 0alvcEffSatL has turned out to be manifestly a/3ovXla Kasl ad;etela. 5. ouv is here resumptive of the thought which was partially interrupted by ~~ 3, 4, the orator now' proceeding to give the reason why the Corcyreans, although victorious in the former battle, applied to tile Athenians for aid. In this use, ouv = I say then. -- vavjaxiavPawoOr/rf aeou a KoptvSLovv. After the analogy of vtKdai (S. ~ 184. N. 1), d7rcoswc is here followed by two accusatives, we defeated the Cori-nthians in a sea-fight. Cf. Mt. ~~ 409. 3; 421. N. 3; Bernh. Synt. p. 121. It is strange tlhat this should have been overlooked by such critics as 1Haack, Goeller, and Bloomfield, and that the old methlod of suplplying a preposition should have been resorted to in constructinn g vaovluxtalv. s Kara io'va streRgthens avrolt,' alone by oursebles." Se in cmELB) N8 respoInds to,Ev ill the preceding proposition. ajL arot phvEY dp&tEv" toEg we saw tlChat we were unable. The partici-!)le after oaci, when it refers to the subject of the verb, may be put sither in the nominative, or in the accusative to agree with the reflexve pronoun. Cf. S. ~ 225. N. 2. c; K. ~ 310. 4. a. - 7repyTveo-'Sat;lie Corinthians. - Portus referls 6 Kt'vasvo0 to Greece at large, but 3loonif. tihinks that the danger to Athens is hinted at, which in the:ourse of the oration is proininently brought forward. - Uw' aivrots', ender them, i. e. in their power. -- ~vyyvc,77 (sc. a'rtTL pivl), wqe are,zeusable. c- EL..... roX&s)t v1. Poppo refers Acrh a Kaal and 860'qv a.... 5(apria to roXgl)Lev, and constructs and explains: Ed (Eobn).' rpoTrpov arrpaytiouvV1 EvavrlaY _pColuev, (elrep rop ro 7roiovulEv) /1 /IerTa:aKtas (= KaKOL OUvrer) 80oB'qS hi gkXXov ptaprca (= aLXX' art 8dqs?ttdp-'o0lE). On the reference of Et and /A; to different words, cf. Hoog. Xr. Particles, p. 56. IV. I prefer, however, withl some of the most,ble of the recent commentators, to refer JirTha KaaKras.... a(laprta to.rpaytoo-at1, because the nain design of this exordium was to remove Lnfavorable impressions in respect to the past conduct of the Coreymeans, rather than to apologize for their present temerity in applying o the Athenians for aid. /era KaKtas (= KaKa), with evil intention. O6'qE 6aijaorta, by an errer of judgment. 240 NOTES. [BooK I CHAPTER XXX I II. Hlaving finished his exordiLum, the orator proceeds to show that it will be for the interest o the Athenians to furnish aid to the Corcyrmeans, who being the injured party, will be lesa likely to forget the favor, than those to whom they are opposed, and who besides havw a powerful navy (~ 1); the Athenians are reminded, that they now enjoy the rare fortunn of receiving, as voluntary allies, the very power whose accession to their interests the3 would have valuled above smuch treasure (~ 2); and this alliance is rendered timely bj the war with the Lacedemonians which now threatens the Athenians, a sure premoni tion of which was the Corinthian invasion, designed as it was to break down the Corey rman power, and thus deprive the Athenians of their aid in the approaching strugglh (~ 3); wherefore these plans should be anticipated and frustrated (~ 4). 1. j vtv7rvXlt —rT1 tlhr pag, th7e occurrence (der zilfcg/L. Popp( after Bredow) of ou0r request. Banuer very strangely connects $vurv xta with KaTa 7roXXar. s Trp&-Tov.... roelferer3e. The justice of theil cause is here slightly talluded to, but is fully argued in chaps. 34, 35 Its introduction served to show that the orator was by no mean; disposed to overlook so ilnportantl a point, or to pl'ace the ro' ov'/,topo before the ro 8I[ns (rolT cot/ac-L) rather than in money (rois Xp'77ua-t), i. e. in native troops rather than in the wealth which would enable them to employ Coraign mercenaries. avaa/ts is to be supplied with /jp;i-,oa. 4. Having thus shown how a naval force could be related, the speaker proceeds to show the comparative effect on the parties of the loss of engagement. -,. u....k4XlKovrat, in a sirtqh?ictitry garie ed over them by sea, they most likely will be eonqueead, {o. nnable to 390 NOTES. [Boo: Il prosecute the war any further. The Schol. assigns as the reason for this, that the Athenians had no land forces adequate to repair a defeat by sea, while the Peloponnesian forces, if conquered in a naval engagement, were still strong on land. AlXloKovraL is used. for the future to designate certainty of event. S. ~ 211. N. 4; K. ~ 255. R. 4. --- avrt-XoLev, should they hold out against us, i. e. be able to carry on the war after a defeat. There is such a marked antithesis, that I am almost inclined to regard dvrio-xoLv,) as euphemistically used for should they defeat us. This would give more point and energy to the algument. Notice that the indicative in the apodosis (LEXera(ro/oEv) follows el with the optative in the protasis. Emphasis is thereby given to the certainty designated in the apodosis. Cf. K. ~ 339. 3. b; S. ~ 215. 1. - eXE-rtoo0/ev...1. aUrLKua. Their ability to prolong the war, would give time to the Peloponnesians to attain by practice a skill in nautical affairs equal to that of the Athenians. " Hoc ipso argumento deterrere suos a bello studuit Archidamus, I. 80. ~ 4, et spem Corinthiorumn vanam esse arguit Pericles, I. 142. ~~ 6-8." Poppo. ----- orav.... KaraTrrro EV, when we havehave attained to equal skill (with the enemy); literally, when toe shall have placed our skill on an equality. -- Ecv/vXta. "In every action in the open field, up to the battle of Leuctra, Sparta had nearly a certainty of success, since the consciousness of skill in the use of arms was added to the national feeling of the Doric race, that victory over the Ionians was not a matter of doubt." Muiill. Dorians, II. p. 260. The remarks of Miiller, however, must receive some abatement frot his evident partiality to the Dorians. -- ayaobv refers to 7 e+/UvXla employed in the sense of the abstract (see N. on I. 68. ~ 1), and properly the antecedent of O, and the subject of yrvomro (see N. on I. 33. ~ 2). - The protasis of yievotro (see N. on I. 71. ~ 5) lies in BLaaX~,, by teaching =even if they are instructed, - For the construction of 8 ( iEl:vo 6) — 7rpovxovo-m, cf. S. ~ 182; of i/Lmv, cf. S. ~ 206. 4. 5. ES av3Ta, for these purposes, i. e. for equipping a fleet, hiring mercenaries, etc. - O0'taoEV. Cf. ov're.... /;Epo!ev at the close of the speech of Archidamus (I. 80. ~ 4), and also the assertion of Pericles Kai oTre,.... arois, I. 141. ~ 3. - 1', otherwise. - KEL'vwy refers to the Athenians. ---- E'rt.... avrmv, to promote their own servitude to rivet their own chains. See N, on I. 116. ~ 3 (end). --- qpovre 3vK a7erepovOtv do not refuse tb contribute. S. ~ 225. 8. -- Of the propositions el o01 LeV-J-/eTv 8', the latter only is to be taken with betLOlp v EL,?) since it was not the contribution of the Athenian confederates which was Berd'v, but the refusal of the Peloponnesians to do the same?or a r.obler purpose. Cf. Butt. ~ 149. p. 44-6; Mt. ~ 622. 4. -- 7tLcopoe. CHAP. CXXII.] NO T ES. 391 izEvot by attraction with Gje7lE is put for rTtLOYovLEVovs. The same is true of aVTro. -- Ka...., r& Crxel and in order'that we may not, by being deprived of this very property (aorh) by then, sffer by mneans of t, i. e. that our possessions being wrested from us by the enemy, may not become the means and instrument of our ruin. After repeated examinations of this passage, I am quite satisfied that this is the true meaning. Arnold translates a;-ror TroVsTOt KaKs 7rao-XELV to stffer in that part in which we are the most sensitive, namely, in our property. But this seems to me to be less forcible, as well as less harmonious with the scope of the argument. The allies of the Athenians are said in the previous context, to be forward in making contributions even rrt oosXeta rj, aiaovJ. TOW the orator says, that it would be 8ELVOd, if the Peloponnesians should grudge to contribute in order to save themselves from snffering-not the loss of property (for then the antithesis would be destroyed) —but the same catastrophe for which the Athenian allies were said to be laboring, viz. slavery, and which would be effected by the means which the possession of their property, wrested froml them in war, would give their victorious enemy. &rn ro uw, therefore, belongs to rctrXetv, and v7r EKELvco) avTa LrfatpeEIv~-cS is a participial clause denoting the means (see N. on I. 9. ~ 1). CHAPTER CXXII. The orator proceeds to show other ways of annoying and reducing the power of the enemy, to which will be suggested many expedients in the prosecution of the war (~ 1); if the controversy was between equally matched states about territorial limits, that were to be borne, but the Athenians were a match for their united forces,.and unless they wished to become slaves, they must engage in the war with all their strength (~ 2); that so many states should be oppressed by one was highly disgracefull, since evidence was thus furnished that they suffered deservedly, or that their spirit was degenerated from that of their ancestors, who gave liberty to Greece (~ 3); such conduct in suffering a single state to play the tyrant among them, was referable to stupidity, cowardice, or indifference, three most pernicious faults (~ 4). 1. aXXaL than the ways just mentioned. 68o;, ways, e.pedients... roXeuov Z for carrying on war. —- da7ro-rTacro is in apposition with 68os, and is to be taken actively = rTo Acdlco-rTa, the exciting to revolt. In respect to the feasibility of causing the Athenian allies to revolt, Archidamus thought otherwise. Cf. I. G I. ~ 8. o —- ovsa, which is. See N. on I. 8. ~ 1. o — Xsovo-c refers to the Athenians. - ErtLtLXtlor 7'- Xo-pq. Some think that this is put into the mouth of the Corinthian orator by the historian, since Alcibiades suggested it to the Laced-Tmonians when he revolted from his country. But the 392 NOTES. [Boux 1 declaration of Thucydides (I. 22. ~ 1) forbids any such supposition, and there is nothing wonderful that the suggestion should have been made, and yet overlooked, until proposed in a subsequent stage of the wvar, from another source. For the construction of rT XLcpq (of the Athenians), cf. Mt. ~ 390. -- aXXa.... 7rpoiBot, and rmany other devices such as one cannot now foresee. - ~- erl troi, on set terms, fJxed plans. - arros.... *raparvyXavov, but this of itseyf contains many things to suit the emergency, i. e. in the process of war many things will be suggested by the occasion, which cannot possibly be foreknown or predetermined. 7rpbo denotes fitness or conformity. K. ~ 298. III. 3. b. - Ev - = 8LZ (wherefore). Schol. The interpretation of Haack is preferable, qua in ee, unter diesen Umsteinden, in these circumnstances.evopyrjror, literally, in good temper. Here as opposed to JpywLoelsr, coolly, with deliberate resolution. The speaker takes great pains to avoid the imputation of uttering these vehement appeals for immediate war, in a state of undue excitement. He therefore disclaims here, as in the former part of his oration (I. 120. ~~ 4, 5), that he acts under the influence of passion. -- 7ept abrov belongs to opyLo-~ets, and thus the expression responds to Evopy,7ros r avr rpooo/ltX7o'ar..- obK dcX roo- =uAiXXov. Bioomf. constructs 7repl abrivO with xrralet, cand with Bekker (2d edit.) edits ardov. 2.'[t6v'Kdo-rotr, i. e. to individual states of our confederacy. - o-r5v by a v, it would be endurable, might be borne, i. e. the contest would be such, that the individual state engaged in it could endure the struggle, and perhaps maintain it successfully. ~- 7rpob v'pcrrav'rai,re'P/5g depends on Savol (a match). -,ara\ 7rodXt (= eKa77rr T 7TrOXEe in dependence on wvvarC&repot) is opposed to /raiarrards re Orjs. awspoOtL...yvCdy. This grouping of terms, expressive of united and vigorous action, is exceedingly forcible, and seems to have been suggested by the previous antithesis between the states taken collectively and individually. -- la y7v&/ is to be constructed with duvrovole2a. T —?7OCra V-L-.Tro OVK (/iXXO 7t ( paoveoav. Construct r trrco rnv oaaroefpovcrav OvK a'XXo ri. For the construction of'oaro with the participle, see N. on I. 69. ~ 5. -- EI Kal 8eurs TrT dKOa(T, though thms may be hard for any one even to hear. The idea is that defeat, so unwelcome a word to one's ears, is still more to be deplored, when its effects are taken into account. - i'vrpvs, right on, direct, and hence, certain, open,:" aperte.9" Betant. 3. Kcal Xo'7y E'ProLa(roSvat. Poppo and Goel. approve of Haack's explanation; " sensus igitur est: turpe est Peloponnesiis de servitute tamquam de re, quin possit ex clade ipsis accidere, vel oratione ambigere, i. e. dubitanter loqui." This explanation refers b not to aovAdavl, CHAP. CXXII.] NO TES. 392 but to ri>v rjO-av cE'povrav AovXetav. Arnold paraphrases: it is as? affront to Peloponnesus, that the very name of slavery should be pro. nounced as within possibility applicable to it; much more, when it is not only the name but the actual evil itself, which is directly falling on us." Bloomf. refers O to -o-rav. It appears to me that Arnold has reached more truly the idea in his explanation. - iKal 7rXodet.... KaKowra~EEv is added as an aggravating circumstance, and is therefore to be connected with aio-Xpo'v. - boKo/lv as —kativeo-'aL. Goel. says that we should expect BOKO4LEP av —KaIl QaltvotLEa. A similar conjunction of these verbs is found, I believe, nowhere else in Thucydides, yet Born. (ad Xen. ~Mem. II. 1. ~ 22), taking qbaiveoaL in the sense ot esse, does not regard it as an unusual construction. --- Ijkevfpoa'av, "_Maxime Lacedcemonii. Vide supra, c. 18." Haack. -- avro in gender refers ad sensum to rIv EkEvepLav implied in irXeviEpoo-av. Cf Jeff's Kuiihn. ~ 373. Obs. 1. --- irpavvov is employed as an adjective, - EyKaeErrdYvaLL, to be constituted, to establish itself (amongst us). V-'Y tal, SC. trodel. / LOVpXOVE - Sv paVroVS. -~ toLV LEY Ka7aXVELv. From the former conduct of Sparta in ridding the Grecian states of tyrants (cf. I. 18. ~ 1), is shown the inconsistency of now suffering a single state to lord it over the rest, as did the Athenians. 4. The consequences of such an abject submission to a single state, are still further descanted upon in this section. ov.....l(7rMXcaKraL, we do not know how such conduct can, be cleared of thre'e of the greatest faults. For the construction of the genitive, cf. S. ~ 197. 2.- ov.... KeXcop1KaTre, for you have not avoided these faults when you have come (literally, for not having avoided these faults you have come) to a contempt (of the enemy), which has already (i>) proved injurious to many. Poppo refers yap to r-ow leylatr&ov nv~tJopiv as introducing the proof of their being the greatest evils, viz. because they beget a contempt of the enemy, which is productive of the most fatal consequences. But why not make yhp explicative of the general thought in the preceding sentence? The argument would then be: our conduct shows that we have fallen into three very great faults-and fiom this imputation we cannot be screened by the contempt for the enemy into which we have come, since that, by its ruinous tendency, is itself folly. imfK...c. craXXarL, fromn its having ruined mcany. -- caiporJrmivl. In the quotation of a name the nominative is used with'vowu,, although sometimes the accusative is found in apposition. Cf. K. ~ 269. R. 3; Mt. ~ 424. 1 (end). There is a sort of play on the words Kara qporV77-tv and dmjpo-vql, which Arnold has hit in a measure in his paraphrase: "'A sense of your adversary's inferiority is so fatal a feeling to those who entertain it, that it more fitly deserves to be called nonsenseo" 894 NOTES LBooc I CHAPTER CXXIII. Regret for the past is of no avail, only as it lends assistance to the affairs in hand; the mairn business is to take care of the present, provide for the future, and forsake not Lsreditary customs; the oracle promises success, and the sympathies of Greece are with'hem, fox they are not violators -f the treaty, but the avengers of its infraction (~~ 1, 2). 1. /aKpreporp.... 6vpErpet, fur'ther than, (literally, further thCan so far as) it nzay conduce to the service of present affairs. --- rIpofJPo7m72ouvLra, by a vccatclfusl defence of (literally, by bringing aid to) the present. "Cuon e priiesentibus futura gignantur, illis opelamn dare oportet, ut bene comparata sint." Haack. - rrrarptov &yap m71Uv, for it is hereditary zoiteh us. 7rdrptov qualifies,cTaor at the subject of the sentence. yap is explicative of XP ESrL7raXaL7rcopevv since it introduces the reason why the labor spoken of was not to be shunned. s ras aperaS, the reputation for glory. -- eUraj3iXXetL. Repeat Xp/i. r6 gos refers to E'.....crata-. a — rpo)ErPErE sC. rcoV arTEpcoV. - a _ EKEde/a a'. -- EKT1rq7J has the passive signification, were acquired. K. ~ 252. R. -- I'E(tl has the same construction as xerafiXXesv. Ka-ha rokXa, o7n n2any accounts, refers to Sanpoovvris. -o rov re TEo5 Xpoavror. Cf. 1. 118. ~ 3 (end). meKal irs 6IXXrus'EXXdaos is an oratorical exaggeration, unless, as Blooinf. suggests, the supposition was indulged that the allies of the Athenians would speedily desert them. q- boP of being enslaved by the Athenians. 2. nirros3bs reT o Xvo-ETE TrpSrepot. Cf. I. 6T. ~ 1, where the Corin. thians KarEF30ov rOV'AAr qvaclowv 0or Ctrroar3Va XseXUvoTreS ElrE. s at ye.... 7rapqafi comat. The idea is, that the god would not have recollmended the war, unless he regarded the treaty as broken. 56 2eS KEXerVo)v iroXEtpEiv Vorulet is therefore equivalent to, the god by comnzancling to go to warl showed that he considered. 7rapae8f3o-stzt is the infin. perf. pa'ss. of 7ranpanalvI. Cf. K. ~ 252. R. 6; AIt. ~ 226. 1. - OL rpdrepot c7rtnvres. om [[pacareLs J S oc, Xetp~W. Schol. CHAPTER CXXIV. In conclusion, they ought not to delay to render assistance to the Potidm&ans, and to vindicate the liberty of the other Grecian states (~ 1); despising present danger, and lookimng for a more lasting peace as the result of it, they should decree war (~ 2), and break down the power of that state, which is aiming to subjugate all the rest (~ 3). 1. 7ravraxmSieJ, on all sides, i. e. in every respect. -- KaXC o.... ~foXeYs, inasmuch as y1out can go to vear honorably. LirapXov, qgun CHAP. CXXIV.] NOTES. 395 liceat. See N. on 7raparvXdv, I. 76. ~ 2. ~-?ae refers to 7rTOXe/IELv after the analogy of adjectives in the neuter plural, although referring only to one thing. f. MRt. ~ 482. 5. to — - O,, in common, unitedly. --'ELep.... eLvat, if indeed (as is the fact). Cf. Hoog. Gr. Part. p. 56. II.) that cities acnd individuals should be alike proi ted by these things, is the most stable of all grounds of reliance. Eo(rl is to be supplied as the copula (S. ~ 150. 4), the subject of which is ro —Eivat. Tile pronoun ra-ra may be referred to 7roXkefvE as was raBe, or with Goel., we may perhaps better refer it prospectively to mrotncr-at TL7tlcoplav and /IerekXafEV r/v JXEvkepEpLav. The clause e'l-nep....etnIVat denotes the reason why the speaker exhorts to these things. For the construction of vrokXroa and Z8t;Irat), cf. S. ~ 201. 1. - /Ii) kerT (S. ~ 218. 2). The protasis is contained in radpXova.....rapaetvorvwOV. — ovaL AcoptVeotS because they were a Corinthian colony (cf. I. 56. ~ 2). - -v-b v'Idveo to which race the Athenians belonged. Nothing was more common than for the Dorians to reproach the Ionians with effeminacy. Cf. VI. 77. ~ 1; VII. 5. ~ 3; VIII. 25. ~ 5. -- roXtopwovp'evoas. Cf. I. 64. ~ 1. r — v n'iXXov states. -- IerEMa ELv, to seek Jbr, " vindicate." Bloomf. 2. so..... O3Xarrne-rac, for (cos) it is not befitting (ev'exerac, it nzay he, it is lawful), that while waiting (for our aid) some should be sutffertig injury at the presen t time (q1'aqi). 7repF'e'Yoara denotes time (see N. on 1. 13. ~ 6) and refers to the whole, rovbs AEv and ro-ab 62 being p)ut in partitive apposition. See N. on I. 80. ~ 3 end. - rovs IeV refers to the Potidmans, and rovs hE to the Peloponnesians and their other allies.-?yvooUrtI7O e"a vvEeX1'vres (cf. I. 69. ~ 3, end), shall be kznown to h]ave come together. See N. on I. 25. ~ 1 (init.). -- r ai-r as that which the Potidmans were suffering. -~ kXXa stands opposed to y / pEXXre, ~ 1, and introduces the course which the speaker advises the assembly to adopt.- i-' adVayK?7v. The only'edition wlhich thus reads besides Dindorf's is Haack's. All the rest which are before me have E'. ---- t_ X~aM, so. rT vrpdypmra. -- KaL ibc/a raabe (se. I t Irolger) aiptara X7,nye-at,) and that the counsel we have qriven is the best; more literally, zchat uwe have said is spoken as the best. See N. on 1. 42. ~ 1. rO arltKa c ELro'vd the invrediate evil, which is of short duration. With this is contrasted ht,7rXelovos in the following sentence, wlich serves to heighten the valie of the peace -esulting from bold and vigorous measures. d —' icavxas, on account of ease, or perhaps for the sake of peace, to correspond with EpiVi) in the preceding member. --- oblX KboI aLVeVOVa is not in like manner remon ed fronl danger, i. e. is more dangerous than to obtain peace by a vigorous and well condictgd war. 396 NOTES. [Boox I S. 7ro'Xtlv Tpavrov. Notice the repetition of this odious epithet (cf. I. 122. ~ 3), which must have tingled in the ears of all, especially of the Lacedeamonians who were the avowed enemies of tyrants. — 77yqrjaerlot refers to ItEiis the omitted subject of 7rapaoroTW'feFxua. rCAL raciLv, i. e. to the injury of all. See N. on E'rl Tr M'sc, I. 102. ~ 4. - 7(rre....aJpXFev defines fErl.... KcaSeraTvat. —- 7-v We 8tavoeo-~late sc. ro a'pXEtv from the preceding context. -- 7rapa7Tcr) elfea iTrekXSOlTEE, let us go forth and overcome it. There is great energy in these words. -- Kai, and thus. CHAPTER CXXV. After this speech of the Corinthians, the Lacedremonians put the question, and the majority vote for war (~ 1); whereupon they commence preparations for its prosecution (~ 2). 1. a+' drarvTCov —yvc )v, can opinion from all = the opinions of all. Cf. Mt. ~ 373. 3. - /ir +ov e'r7rya-yov, put the question, called on the assembly to give its vote. This was done by the presiding officer. Cf. Smith's Diet. Gr. and Roein. Antiq. p. 804. - Kal.... 7ro'Xet. It appears from this that the states voted in order, according to the rank of each.- Tr 7rXiloso, the mnajority. Cf. Mill. Dorians, I. p. 200. N. e. See also V. 30. ~ 1, where it is written rT 7 TrAXos r $v ILadXOrv. 2. 8eboyCez'ov 3i, but although (see N. on I. 7. ~ 1) it was decreed. See N. on 7raparvXo'v, I. 76. ~ 2. - abrois is to be constructed with.bseoy/evonv. S. ~ 206. 4. - a7rapaK:eFvotV oO-cv, inasmuch as (see N. on I. 9. ~ 4, end) they were unprepared. The dative depends on aWvvaTya. a = — KeLVa a', of which the antecedent is the subject of Kerop'cresat. - b'coS Ue refers back to ev'SbS 1ev, and is employed because the time consumled in preparing for so great a war, was much less than might have been anticipated. ----- KanSL(Taralot v'Bet, for the arranging of those things which were necessary. CHAPTERS CXXV. -CXXXIX. The mutual recriminations of the belligerent parties, and the pretexts Fo~ engaging in the war 4re coirprised ip these chapters. First in order rm CHAP CXXVI.] NOTES. 397 lution of Cylon (chaps. 126, 127); then follow the affair of Twnarus and Chalcicecus (128. ~X 1, 2), the treason and death of Pausanias (128. ~ 3135. ~ 1), the flight, exile, and death of Themistocles (135. ~ 2-chap. 138). and in conclusion, other charges and demands of the Lacedamonians (chap). 139). These stories and sketches should by no means be regarded as unmeaning digressions, inasmuch as they show the ostensible ground of the commencement of the hostilities. They are drawn with great life and spirit, and are deservedly celebrated as models of their kind. The story of Cylon nas such an air of playfulness, that it was said by the ancients that here tihe lion laughed, referring to the departure of Thucydides from his usually severe and sober mood. But it might better have been said that the lion grimly smiled, as there is only a gleam of pleasantry now and then discernible in the story, a slight relaxation of the rigid and sober features, which every where else in the history look sternly upon us. The account of the closing fortunes of Pausanias and Themistocles, is to the highest degree graphic and interesting. No superfluity remains to be pruned off-no incident wanting to give completeness to the narration. In the most concise and artless manner the story proceeds, nor are we conscious, until its close, of the mighty power which it hans to stir up the deepest emotions of the soul. We rise from its perusal with a feeling of sadness at the avarice and ambition, which brought one of these heroes to die the miserable death of a traitor; and at the envy and ingratitude, which drove the;,her into exile, far away from the land he had so nobly defended. CHAPTER CXXVI. Ihe Lacedsemonians make various charges against the Athenians, in order to obtain the strongest pretext for going to war (~ 1); they demand that the Athenians shall drive away "the pollution of the goddess," which had happened after this sort (~ 2); Cylon, a noble Athenian of former days, at the advice of the oracle at Delphi to seize upon the citadel on the greatest festival of Jupiter (~~ 6, 4), did this by the aid of his friends, on the day when the Olympic games commenced (~ 5), not thinking to what great festival of Jupiter the oracle had reference (~ 6); the Athenians run together and besiege him in the citadel (~ 7); but the siege being protracted, the most of them depart and leave the business of guarding the place to the nine archons (~ 8); the besieged suffering from the want of water and food, Cylon and his brother secretly escape, and the rest dying with hunger seat themselves as suppliants by the altar of the citadel (~~ 9, 10); by false promises the Athenians on guard induce them to come forth, after which they slay them, some even at the altars of the goddesses where they had seated themselves (~ 11); for which impiety they are expelled from their country (~ 12). 1. EV romre-re) Xpovo, i. e. A. a. 432. Olymp. 87. 1. oz ros is here employed rTEMSKr. See N. on I. 65. ~ 1.- --- ir E yi'rql as great as possible. IS' 398 NOTES. [BooK T 2. Kal rrp&rov t Ev. Their next demand is given in 1. 139, et seq. r6-;o (yoKs XaGuvLev rT1? _sov, to drive away the pollutzon of the goddess to expel those (i. e. the descendants of those) who had polluted the temple of ifinerva. f(yovs a'Lvetv ady77XareiV, to drive out acn,"yo, i. e. one who is guilty of polluting a sacred place, or of sacrilege. What this;ayos was is told in the sequel. 3.'OXvlrlovlc-r, a conqueror in the Olympic gamles. lie won the prize for the double course (iavXov. Cf. Smith's Diet. Antiq. p. 895) A. C. 640. --- rx) cXat depends upon cdrvq'p. 4. XPaWuvJc 8EI r6 ILCov K. 1. X. His ambitious designs were engendered most likely by his success in the Olymipic game', his advantages of birth and fortune, and his alliance with Theatgerles; and he,onsulted the oracle to ascertain his probabilities of success and the way to secure it. l v r7....oppr iS put for iv rr7 1o5 AtI EopryT r-T /euylT-. For the repetition of the article, cf. K. ~ 245. E. 7; Mt. ~ 277. a. 5. 6 8h rrapa rT K. r. X. This took place, as Corsini conjectures, A. c. 612. Cf. Miiller's Chron. Tab. (Hist. Dorians, II. p. 453). Others fix the date at A. c. 620. T- eretFt8 e7Ts'X2Ev'OXVktnrsu, when the Olympvic games came on. Kiihln. (Jelf's edit. ~ 385. b) reads ~ErbX2ov, and cites this passage as illustrative of his rule, that tlhe idea of plurality is signified by plural verbs. The saumte reading is adopted by Poppo and Goeller. But Arnold has pretty conclusively shown that adiX3iev is tile best readling. - ev IlkXorovvro-p is added, says the Schol., because there were other gaines of the samne nalne both in Attica and in Macedonia. - os E'7r rvpavv3a =- in order to become a'rpavvor. A preposition and its case following /s is often put for a participle, as hr 7lrt vavltaxlav =- -o savutax7ro-cov. See N. on I. 48. ~ 1. E — cal.... VreVtLKrJKOr and that it had something to do with hivm, inasmuch as he had been victor in the Olympic games. For the construction of'OXbrkrta, cf. S. ~ 181. 2. See N. on I. 70. ~ 7. 6. el Ni —0' but whether —or. - Poppo expresses great doubt whether E'rt signifies, ad illud usque tenmpus (= prins quain rein ag grederetur), or jam. In his Suppl. Adnot. he adds, " fort. re. An est proceterea, i.. ad oraculum?" It may be translated yet. Cylon afterwards learned by bitter experience the true inmport of the oracle, which, as usual, was couched in'ambiguous language. - Atdro-a. This was a great festival celebrated at Athens in honor of Jupiter, in which all the people took part. Cf. Smith's Dict. Gr. and Rom. Antiq. p. 333. It took place without the walls of the city, a circumstance favorable to Cylon, as those who would have opposed him were thus drawn out of the city. --- MEEtXXlOV (ptXieLXtoS, mnild, gracious) CHAP. CXXVI.] NO T E S. 399 was an epithet given to Jupiter, because he proteacted those who involked him with propitiatory sacrifices. Hence uiElXlta epa, prolpitiatory qtferings. -- 7roXXo.... ErtLpXCopa, nnany [offered] not victims butt sccriflces peculiar to the country. This passage has caused Imluch trouble to the commentators. rroXkol evidently refers to the poorer class, who were unable to offer Lepeza (i. e. bloody sacrifices). IHence, with the best editors, I have placed a comma after Swovo-t. It is also evident by the antithesis, that m!actra f7rtXacopta denotes a less costly kind of sacrifices than Fepela, viz. such as were bloodless, i. e. the fruits of the earth. Arnold and Bloolmf. concur with the Schol., who explains it, cakes 9made in, the shape of animals. Schmitz (Smith's Diet. Antiq. p. 333) says that this explanation of the Schol. is erroneous, and refers it to the incense which the poorer class furnished. But I am unable to see on what argument he bases this idea, and certainly it would be very natural for those, whose means did not enable them to bring an animal, to bring of the fiuits of the earth, either in a raw or unprepared state, such as cakes, fruit, wine, etc. Arnold cites Herodot. II. 47, where it is said, that on a certain festival in Egypt, in which swine were necessarily sacrificed, the poorer people offered little figures of dough or paste, made into the shape of swine and baked. 7myLVWO-rKetL the oracle. r —'7'pyp, i. e. the taking possession of the acropolis. 8. XpdYov i 8E crwytWyotE/vov, butt after some time had, elapsed=in process of' time. -- TPVXoiEVot 7r1 mrpooEcpElq, being worn down by the siege. 7rpoo-vpet'a refers to the labors, watchings, and anxieties of those who were conducting the siege. - aVroKcparopo, with full powers. Cf. V. 27. ~ 2; 45. ~ 1; VI. 8. ~ 2, where this word is used in a similar sense. -- rTore;, for then. The power of the archons was much abridged after the time of Solon. 9. ol 8E /Lerab ro KvXcovos, i. e. Cylon and his party. - tXarpoos CtXov, were in a bad condition. 10. EdKBLpa6LKO0VTL,V escaped by stealth. Cf. VI. 7. ~ 2. See N. on 1. 128. 5 (end). - Katl'rlVE Kat, and some even. -- ri rO Sv oiuotv, at the altar of Minerva. --- iKEraL, as stppliants. 11. yaororoavras 8e avrors, " having raised them, i. e. induced them to rise." Bloomf. -- of rT v....6vXaKrv, those of the Athenians (partitive genitive) who hadc-been intrusted with the guard. 7'r vXnaiK' is the accusative of the thing after CrTrerpamtdevot, according to tle formula rpErco rtvt rt. Cf. K. ~ 281. 3; S. ~ 184. 3. —--....a p. They thought the sacred ground would be polluted by the bodies of the dead, and hence, by false promises of protection, they prevailed on the suppliants to quit the place. - Eqs' - (on condition 400 NOTES. [BooK 1. that) tasev Katicov rrotlo-ovotv (SC. aVroVS) is to be constructed with avaorr7oavlr5E b aTrovas. - rErKTELvav. The subject is contained in oi-E7treETpaLIEV/otL. E - - El.... f.OSoT, "' cd arcs in consl)ectu Euvzenidzen." Abresch. whom Goel. follows in his last edition. - rTv5 GvCIvv O esEvw is euphemistically put for the Erinn-yes. The temple of these goddesses was between the citadel and the Areopagus, which illustrates the use of E'v 7r~ rrapdSo. -- EvayEiS-rrE 3Eov) accursed of the goddess. r- r y'vor of the Alcmw6nidm. 12. o-ratlanvdreov, divided into factions. This was when Isagoras was leader of the oligarchy in Athens, in opposition to Cleisthenes. Between Isagoras and Cleomenes there had been previously formed a connection of friendship and hospitality, and hence the Spartan king came to the aid of his fiiend. Cf. Herodot. V. 70, et seq. -- KarT7X. 3ov refers to those who had been driven out.- etl, i. e. in tile time of Thucydides. CHAPTER CXXVII. T'he object of the LacedTemonians in requiring the Athenians to remove the pollution, waa to excite odium against Pericles, who belonged to the family of the Alcmmeonids, and who was the most powerful man at Athens, and opposed in all respects to the Lacedwemonians (~~ 1-3). 1. EXawvetv EKEXEvoV' era rov KXteof~eE'v. Schol. -~ bEV, forsooth (see N. on I. 92. ~ 1), belongs to TrtFcopovrvee. - rpriov - before all things else. - ELrOTE a IlepEPKXea-rrpooeXo/leVoov avrTo, khnowing that Pericles was implicated in it (see N. on eib6val, I. 69. ~ 5). -t pyrEpa, i. e. Agariste, the granlddaughter of Megacles the son of Alcmeeon, a direct descendant of Alcmneon the founder of the family, who flourished A. c. 1100.- EKrreovEro; aurov, if he were exiled. r- poXocpe&-. See N. on I. 109. ~ 3 (init.). 2. roaoorovo —0ov, so?snuzch-as. 7- TroTro i. e. banishment. -- oLra-Ev refers to the subject of 7'X/nTLov. ---....6 rodX eos, as though tlhe ewar were in part occasioned by his mlisfortune. The Lacedemonians knew well that the Athenians would refuse to banish Pericles, and by making this one of the grounds of the war, they hoped to place him in the odious position of being, in a manner, the author of all the calamities which would result from it. The article in ro pEpos, as Arnold remarks, is employed in reference to the relative term,'ri oXov, or ro qras, the part being opposed to the whole. 3. rtwa Kda EavrOv, of those in his time = of his contemporaries. K. ~ 292. 11 2. -- a'lycov, while conducting. See N. on 1. 13. ~. -- CHAP. CXXVIII.] NOTES. 401 rcrra, in all respects. -- op/a rove'AhqjvatovE. This opposition of Pericles to the Lacedmelnonians, is ascribed by the Athenian comic writers to the influence of Aspasia. But the bitterness of spirit with wvllicl the charge was mnade, shows its falsehood, or at least its gross exaggeration. The reasons which Pericles himself assigns for persuading the Athenians to go to war with the Lacedwmmonians, may be seen in his speech (I. 140 144). CHAPTER CXXVIII. The Athenians retort upon the Lacedernonians, that they shall put away the pollution of which they had been guilty in profaning the sanctuary of Ttcnarts (g~ 1, 2), and also tha. of Minerva, by the death of Pausanias. This leads the historian to narrate the circumstances of the treason and death of Paunsanias, who, when he had been recalled from his command at the IIellespont and brought to trial, was acquitted, and returned to the Hellespont in a private capacity (~ 3); the first step in his treasonable career had been the sending back some of the king's relations who had been taken prisoners (~~ 4, 5), which thing he had effected by the aid of Gongylus an Eretrian, who had also carlied a letter of Pausanias to the king (~ 6), in which an offer was made to betray to Xerxes the whole of Greece (~ 7). 1. dvacTrJoavrec. See N. on I. 126. ~ 11. -- rorq, formerly. - K.... Tatvapov, from the temple of Neptune at Tcenarus. - drrayayO~TreC L;CeLctpav. It was probably the memory of this outrage, which occasioned in part the third Messenian war. ---- Ka before olto-lv belongs to the whole sentence. I(rg. - voLd[ovo-t refers to the Athenians. - T7v pEeyav ortoiLov. Cf. I. 101. ~ 2. If the opinion obtained currency, that this earthquake was sent as a judgment for the outrage here spoken of, it will readily be seen how this apparent interposition of the gods in their behalf, must have excited the IIelots to strike once more for freedom. 2. XaXKLtotKoV dwoelling in a brazen house, was an epithet of Minerva at Sparta. 3.!era7relA]e4Lv......'EX:XErsoPrqT. Cf. I. 95. ~ 3. This event took place A. c. 478. Olyrnp. 75. 3. - -dreXq inq dac8tKei.'" Accuratius res supra I. 95. ~ 5 relata." Poppo. - SLoo-lq, by public authority, opposed to 8/ia in the next member. -'Epploviaa. Some with Htudson regard this as the name of the ship, but it is better to refer it to the place to which the trireme belonged. --'vcv, i. e. without the authority of. - rt6 pyv Xoyp, in pretence, is opposed to re Se Wpyw in the next clause. - srpacr-oev (to transact) depends on aituv~Eral. S. ~ 222. 5. -- Trb rpfrov ereXe/psrX ev) i. e. before hlis recall to 402 NOTES. [BooK 1. Sparta from his command at the Hellespont. The historian now goes back, and furnishes us with the reason of this recall. This explanatory parentlhesis extends to the end of chap. 130, where the history is resumed fiiom his return to the Hellespont as a private person. cE (/LEEi......JpyX7. S. ~ 192. 1., / 4. EVEpyEo-Lav —tEg f3acXEua KaTEZrETO, he laid t1ie 7cing under oligy.tion; literally, he laid up) a favors with the king (see N. on I. 129. ~ 3), the metaphor being taken from a deposit of money or any valuable, for safe-keeping in the hands of another. - adrr roh8e relates to the circumstance about to be mentioned. - rpiy7maror, i. e. the treason. 5. BvTivprov'yap iXrV K. 7. X. Cf. 1. 94. - ri rrporepq wrapovo-la, oz his first arsrival. IBloomf, renders, onz his fiyrst a apqroach, butl for what reason it does not appear. Thle dative denotes tithe -when (S. ~ 204).- flaotXEor 7rpoo-TKov7rs,'elations of the kiIng. The participle here lhas the fiorce of a substantive. Cf. Mt. ~ 570.- - 6vyyvet's refers to relationship by consanguinity, as opposed to rrpoo-rrKovTre, which denotes relationship by affinity. Poppo suggests that the words are placed together teore withl no difference of signification, in order that the idea of relationship may be more forcibly expressed. EudXcooav. S. ~ 207. N. 2. -avTpr, i. e. 13yzantiuml. d-XXavo than Gongylus to wholn Pausanias had confided his secret. - $vutxdxov. S. 195. 1. - rc oW Xo'y. See N. on ~ 3 sulpra. 7riE;6pao'av avri7v, had escapled fjrorm him. This verb signifies to escc)pe so as not to be fiound (fT. Xen. Anab. I. 4. ~ 8), and in prose is often followed by the accusative. 6. royy~Xov. After the apprehension of Pausanias, Gongylus settled in SIysia, -where the king bestowed upon him several towns, as the re-ward of his treachlery. Xenophon, on his arrival in MAysia with the Cyreai forcee (A. c. 399), found the widow of Gongylus still living and in the vigtor of age. She must therefore have been much younger than her lhusband. His sons, Gorgion and Gongylus, on Thibron's arrival with the Lacedxmonian forces, surrendered their towns to him and joined the Greeks. -'rre/~E.....royyvXov. It is probable that Gongylus left Byzantium soon after the pretended escape of the prisoners, although some think that he went in company with them. As ble was their keeper, he could better connive at their escape by remnainilg bellind and continuing in command, than though he had left with them. He could easily overtake them, after they had got beyond;he reach of the Greeks. - avrL, i. e. the Persian king. 7. vrov'8e refers to the captives as being present when the letter was read to the king. See N. on 1. 53. ~ 2. According to Dahl. this negotiation took place A. 0. 477. Cf, Class, Ans. I. p. 188, - aop' (uAPr CXXIX.] NOTES. 403 is a poetic form for oparTc, and is retained by the Attic prose writers in tile phrase, 8opt EXelv, to take a 19risoner of woar. Cf. K. ~ 68. 3; S. ~ 56. - 7- yvC4Ov rotovLa ct, I have it in mind - it is my intention. Notice the change friom the third to the first person. - o' —dpfcze. The dative construction is the more common. Cf. I. ~ 279. 1. r'tl Sa'Xao-aav est in Asicnam linoream. Goel. rovs Xdyovs 7otqcr0feIEa, we mnay infatutre correspond. CHAPTER CXXIX. Xerxes joyfully receives the proposal of Pausanias, and sends Artabazus to him with a letter (~ 1); in which the king expresses his obligations to him for the return of the captives, accedes to his proposals, and exhorts him to spare no pains to bring the affair to a prosperous issue (~~ 2, 3). 1.'Apfrcl3atov, Artabaztus. I-Ie was the son of Pharnaces, and one of the most faithful and distinguished of the generals of Xerxes. He accotpanied tle kiing in his retreat, as far as the IH-ellespont, and then returned to Pallene, took Olynthus, and laid siege to Potidsea. Being unsuccessful in hIis attempt to take the place, lhe joined Mardonius, and after the battle at Plata, wlich was fought contrary to his advice, he fled with 40,000 mnen across the Hellespont into Asia. The king could not have intrusted to better hands this important and delicate negotiation with Pausanias. r,5v re AalKcvX rLV o-arpagreuav, the sc-t ctpy of' Dascyitis. "' The satrapy of Daseyliumln collmprelsended the cities of the Hellespont, Bithynia, and Paphlagonia, extending along the southern shore. of the Hlellespont, the Propontis, and the Euxine. It took its name from Dascylium, an inconsiderable town on the shore of the Proponl;is, where the satrap resided and had a castle surrounded by a park or chase, such as was commonly possessed by the Persian governors. This was the province of which Pharnabazus was afterwards satrap." Arnold. --.Meyak&'ral, 2dycgabates is thought by many to be the sanme as the person of that name, belonging to the royal family of the Achbamenidt, and cousin of Darius and Artaphernes, and whose daughter Pausanias designed to marry. Cf. Snitlls Diet. Gr. and Roml. Biog. and Mythol. II. p, 1006. --- t7aXTXakcnaTav f.ap'g dismissed from the government. e mrrsaroXpbv a'v- reres, gcave cct etter in replJy.- avrT, i. e. Artabazus. -- uawr'l/jvat depends on J(vserer.Let whicl has in it the sense of Kzeeev. We mright construct erto-roeX, v in dependence on 8t7TarEtra, as it belongs in sense to both verbs. T7 o-r papyia is here taken in the sense of orpcpdryam the 404 NOTES. [BooK L igmpression of the signet, which was affixed to letters giving them the stamp of royal authority. Of course the king would not intrust his signet to be carried to snch a distance, and which might be used for purposes prejudicial to his interests. The Schol. says that the seal of the Persian king had the image of the king, or of Cyrus the founder of the empire, or of the horse of Darius by whose neighing he obtained the kingdom. - a7rrodiaL to Pausanias. 7rrapayy4efXXq is here employed for the optative. See N. on I. 26. ~ 2; 52. ~ 3. -- 7rpaoreLv depends on dVrETrertlCL. 2. rd 7-e aXXa rt otro-aev i. e. he dismissed Megabates and assurmed his government. 3. &8e.... Havoravla. In respect to the simplicity of this exordiurn, Bloomf. remarks, that it is of the most remote antiquity, and such as occurs not unfiequently in the Scriptures of the Old Testament. Cf. Herodot. III. 40.-'- n alvrpSo may depend on ovr (cf. Mt. 442. 1), who/msoever of the men = the men whom?. Perhaps it is better with Poppo to regard it as the objective genitive after evepyoelOa. -- Kerat.... OM'K, your good deeds are laid 2up ijn our homse. Those who had done the king a service were called Orosangmu (i. e. evE'py'TaL), and their names were recorded in a book (of. Esth. 6: 1), which IHIaack thinks to have been the historical annals, whence Ctesias derived the materials of his history. r- -i5Te v/t 7z3n'I' ~lpa K. r. X., i. e. labor incessantly, making no distinction between day and night. The expression is probably adagial, like our he labored day and night. - coore tyVLyaL (from advbTL) rpda-o-ELv, so that you shall be remiss to perform, gives emphasis to the foregoing proposition, by showing its effect. Cf. K. ~ 341. 3. L- ot TV — L EKeLVOv a'. - a- raiv0 in almost all the editions before me is 8arradv, which seems to conforml better to 7rX7J'ELt which follows.- KcEKaVo-Xo. The imperative 3 pers. perf. pass. (if the reading be arrariv) is employed to denote the complete termination of the action. Cf. S. ~ 211. N. 7; Mt. ~ 500. p. 841. Bloomf. with Poppo and K]ring. supplies 7re o v eIo2l V7rLrrXI,, and Goel. directs us to understand ro 7rapayTyveo-cat. The formerl of these criticisms is based on the assumption, that bawrday is the true reading. Goel. follows the reading of Dindorf, and of course treats the verb as,active. - El 7rot, if any wchere. a dyaTob, brave and faithful. -,ry in 1 haolt way, howo, qualifies f4el. CHAP. CXXX.] NOTES. 405 CHAPTER CXXX. On the receipt of the king's letter, Pausanias becomes vain and arrogant, and adopts the Median dress (~ 1); his imitation of the Persian habits, and extreme haughtiness, betray his ambitious purposes and alienate the allied forces (~ 2). 1. ra' ypa/claTa. This letter is said to have been accompanied with 500 talents of' gold. -- Wiv....'EXXivcov. The noun da&tx'art, being derived from the verb ad'to, is taken in a passive sense, and is therefore followed by uibrb with the genitive. The same construction occurs in VI. 15. Cf. Mt. ~ 496. 3. See also Xen. Cyr. III. 3. ~ 2, with my note; - woXXU rTrE FWX Xopv 7pro shows that before this time Pausanias had begun to manifest his arrogance. fev r6 KauEOT rKorT rpo7rp, i. e. in the Lacedmnmonian manner. K- (TrcKEVa re MirKa.SV evvuo'/ervoS. The Mledian robe was much more splendid than the Persian. Allusion is hlere made to the Kdavevs. Cf. Xen. Cyr. I. 3. ~ 2, with my note. See Also Xen. Anab. I. 5. ~ 8. Perhaps he put on the dYvavplosr and other Median articles of dress, yet it is quite unlikely that he should have so far outraged the feelings of the Greeks, as to have adopted in this stage of the proceedings the entire Persian dress. To have imitated the Persian manners in the least, at a time when he ought to have appeared plain in his dress and affable in his deportmnent, shows him to have been a weak-minded man, wholly unequal to the achievement of his ambitious designs. —'K roo Bv(avrrlov. This journey was probably undertaken to further his treasonable pla'ns. - avro~v- e op:4pov - opVOIpot?o(Tav avrou. Cf. Mt. ~ 412. 2. 2. Vraperl-ero, he caused to be set for himn. For the force of the middle, cf. KI. 250. R. 2; S. ~ 209. 2. Bloomf. thinks that Pausanias adopted the Persian table as less luxurious than that of the Medes, and holding a midway place between that and the Grecian. In respect to this, Poppo remarks, "temere conjecit. Bloomf." - ri;7v 8taLioav refers to his purpose to betray his country. -'pyotLr paxEo-t, i~n smzall matte~rs, such as his costume and mode of living. - a.... 7rpadeLv, what greater things he intended to accomplish hereafter. tcetc6VCSo is an adverb formed from the comparative adjective (S. ~ 134. 3), and qualifies vrpade't. --- vrrwp6robov, difficult of access. Nepos thus translates, " aditum patentibus non dabat." Pollux (1. 42) places 8vowrporobos among the epithets of tyrants.- ~pyl'7-XaXeGrri, bad temper, violent passion. - -— coo responds to ovTro. --— Brep, on awhich account. - oiX jKtrora. The fiequency of the litotes in the writings of Thucydides has been noticed in N. on I. 3. ~ 1. vpytaxla tErecryt (see N. on I. 107. ~ 7). Cf. I. 95. ~ 4. 1S8 406 NOTES. [BooK L CHAPTER CXXXI In consequence of these things the Lacedclmonians had recalled Pansanias, and when, on his return to Byzantium, he was found pursuing the same line of conduct, they again summoned him to Sparta (~ 1); this mandate he obeys in order to shun suspicion, at tho same time trusting that he could free himself from condemnation by bribery (~ 2). 1. iro - 7rpfirov. Cf. I. 95. ~ 3. Kal CE7reL3. The narrative is now resumed from I. 128. ~ 4. The apodosis begins with ov'ro 83' infia. roaurOa, i. e. the same misdemeanors which caused his first recall. - S[a-EK7rroXMopKisctc. Bloomf. thinks it not improbable that a scene took place, similar to that recorded between Charles XII. and the Turks at Bender. --- Tpd&aas is put adjectively as'EXXas. for'EXXqtLKOS. Cf. Mt. ~ 429. 4; S. ~ 136. N. 3. zrp(I ri-coY re;~CWyyeXXero, he zoas announced as plrcatisifg. " yydXXetv with a participle is used of the annunciation of actual events; with an infinitive, of the annunciation of things still uncertain." K. ~ 311. 10; Cf. Mt. ~ 555. Obs. 2 (end). -- r' dyabc, for the pjublic good. --- cKvrdaXqV, scytale. " When a king or a general left Sparta, the ephors gave hilll a staff of a definite length and thickness, and retained for themselves another of precisely the same size. When they had any commlunication to make to him, they cut the material, upon which they intended to write, into the shape of a narrow riband, wound it round the staff, and then wrote upon it the message which they had -to send him. When the strip of writing material was taken from the staff, nothing but single letters appeared, and in this state the strip was sent to the general, who after having wound it around his staff, was able to read the communication." Smith's Diet. Gr. and Rom. Antiq. p. 845.TOr KJ7pvKo0 F7 XeITreo-at,) i. e. that he should return with the herald to Sparta. - 7ro'XFUov.,.zrpoayopemElt =_ that he should be judged an enemy. 2. xpfIuaoL — = by bribery. It was probably by this means, that he escaped condemnation when recalled and tried before. Had he been possessed of the sagacity of Themistocles, he would never have adventured himself the second time in Sparta. -- E-cr7rrrrEL —V7rl rTv OCd powV. Intransitive verbs are used as passives, when they are combined with Turo and zrpos with the genitive. Cf. Jelf's Kiihn. ~ 359. 8. a- Lsrpa(IctnEvog (sc. 7- t6E ekiv) implies some underhand manages ment in the transaction. -- repl avrlov e'XeyXetv. " Usitatius quidem est ifXCfYXe Lv rau quam vrep1 Tvva." Haack, Didot would either ex CHAP. CXXXII.] NO T ES. 407 punge 7repl or read aSroS. But the correctness of the text as it now stanlds, is proved flrom irept TIavo-artav EXEyXcov, I. 135. ~ 2. In respect to the construction of this sentence, rohs IovXoLE'voLc limits Kat[crrlo-7rt and is limited by e&yXeLv. CHAPTER CXXXII. The Lacedtemonians had not yet evidence sufficient to convict a person of such high dignity (~1 ); but his imitation of the barbarian customs, and his arrogance, especially as evinced in the inscription which he caused to be made upon the tripod at Delphi, excited suspicion that he would not remain quiet (~ 2); the Lacedcemonians had effaced the inscription, but yet it was rememnbered as a delinquency of Pausanias (~ 3); reports too were in circulation, that he was tampering with the Helots (~ 4); but even thus, the ephors thought it not proper to proceed to extreme severity against him, until one of his emissaries betrayed him, and presented to the ephors his last letter to the king (~ 5). 1. rsfeelov, proof, evidence. - I have followed Kriig. in constructing 3eahcos with rtorrevo-avrre. - yevovv re too 3aoaLXeIov, of the royal jfmily. - IIXE'iTrapXov — irErpdrEVEV, was guardian to Pleistarchus. Cf. K. ~ 279. 1. -'Tfr belongs to GOrra-r oev. Uve+Lsh 4Cv. For the following genealogical table I am indebted to Goeller. Anaxandridas. I ex priori uxore ex posteriori uxore - - -a Cleonlenes. Cleombrotus, Leonidas, Dorieus. Pleistarchus. iicomedes, Pausanias. Pleistoanax. 2. tO ~.... 7rapourL, he was unwilling to be an equal (as lihe was) in the present state of t7hings - he wished to be superior to. all, i. e. to be a king in his own right. -- sL'rit rov, if in any way wehatever. - & 7sir1'ro... voptlIcov, he had departed in his vmanner of living/Sra 408 N OTES. [Book I. the customs of his country. The meaning of this verb will readily be seen in its composition. -- aveo-av, consecrated, dedicated. See N. on I. 13. ~ 6. a cKpolvtov, as the fist fruits. --- iia, of his own authority. i r dXEyEi`ov rTdBE this distich. It contains an hexameter and a pentameter, which is the metre of elegy. 3. E;EKoXkatav, erased. According to Demosthenes (Kara Neatpas, 1378), the Laced.emonians were compelled to do this, being cited before the Amiphictyons by the Platacans. In addition, they were fined 1000 talents, and ordered to engrave in the place of the effaced inscription, the names of the states taking part in the battle. rore, i. e. immediately after it was written. - -orat.... vdrtda, as many as having united in the defeat of th7e barbaria2n presented the offering. reost' refers to the inscription of the distich by Pausanias.- Ev 7o)TO )- = in the present situation. r- apdpotov, corresponding woith, is limited by 8tavola. - The subject of E;qalero is ro0ro. 4. Kal —E;, and also, and even. Cf. Herm. ad Vig. p. 847. OVrT6O, thus in reality. -- vXEvi3potv), enfranchisement. 5. rcov.... rLt-rev'o-avres, on any testimony of the Helots; literally, by believing any informers of the Ilelots. -- vveGrepv r T roLElv, to take any new step in the prosecution. For the comparative instead of the positive, see N. on I. 95. ~ 7. -- )1- raXEs ELtat K. r. X. explains Tp rpo'7T in the preceding member. -- 3ovXEoala (depending on,aXcEs) r davrlKeoarov, " to tak7e such a step as cahnot be recalled, a euphemism for capital punishment." Bloomf. -- rrptlv ye, until at last. - avrois depends on /v.pvrTrs ylyverat, becomes their informer. E7- roroXaE, although in the plural, refers only to one letter. - KO/tlEV: see N. on I. 100. ~ 3. —'ApylXtor, an Argilianc. Argilius was a town in Macedonia. x — attLLK is here to be taken in its worst sense. Cf. Nepos c. 4, " quem puerumn Pausanias amore venereo dilexerat." Poppo and Goel., however, maintain that the term is to be taken in a good sense (= fEpoLEYOE), but I am not satisfied with their reasons for this. -- 7rLro'rraror0 Ex'KEv. If 7rorE is to be repeated, then the idea, is that the Argilian was faithful formerly to hin, but not at the time here spoken of. But if, as I suppose, it is not to be repeated, then no impeachment is to be made of the fidelity of this man, but his betrayal of his master is to be attributed to the danger, which threatened him if he conveyed the letter to Artabazus. I disapprove therefore of Haack's explanation, "cui ille fidemn maximne habebat, quem fidelissimuml putabat." -- elrag.....' rt, uJpon r efection beco ming alarmeed beccause. -raparror1to-ciFlevo, having coulte:feited. - -'va (telie. See N. on I. 65. ~ 1)') ~7rtunyvi, in order tkhat he (Pausanias) CHAP. CXXXIII.] NOTES. 409 might not know that the letter had been opened. For the subjunctive, see N. on I. 20. ~ 2; 52. ~ 3. - i v.... 8dit, if he was deceived in his opinion respecting the reason, why none of the former messengers to Artabazus had returned. -- eK1e6oV, i. e. Pausanias. - r n rotoero rrpooerrercaXkbatL that some such thing had been enjoined. -- arroI.... KTreLVetv, he found himself written therein to be put to death. Mt (~ 277. p. 511) says that the construction is'ApylXtos E'Vyeyparrro KreL yrel for EveyEyparTro'ApyXLOV KTeLVEtV. So Bloomf. explains the con struction: evpeV eyyeypatieyvoY (avrov, i. e.'Ap r[3a&ov) Ka avTrov Kret veIV, that Artabazus should put to death him also. CHAPTER CXXXIII. In order that Pausanias may be convicted from his own mouth, the ephors contrive an interview between the accuser and the accused at Toenarus, where the former had been directed to take sanctuary. In this interview Pausanias acknowledges the truth of the accusation in the hearing of the ephors, who had concealed themselves in an adjoining apartment (~ 1). 1. av'r'Kooc ear-witnesses. e't, yet, in additioai. Against so great a man, nothing short of a confession made in the hearing of the ephors seemed to justify them in proceeding. -- drs irapao-Kevr, by an arr'angement, a contrivance. -- O-K7vc-a1;Eov.... KaXuilV v, having formed for himself a hut double by a partitioTn wall. Suppliants, instead of taking up their abode in the temple, oftentimes chose to constrnct for themselves a hut in the re'fEVOS or sacred precincts, which surrounded the temple and which was included in the jus asyli. See Bloomfield's note. KaXV/3rv is what Kiihn. (see Jelf's edit. ~~ 548. b; 569) calls'the accusative of cognate notion,' defining the particular nature of the production. - -E's 7i —e`KPvtke, into which he brought vnd concealed. For the constructio pregnans, see N. on I. 18. ~ 2. The particle re in riov re q'odpwv has caused much trouble. Haack, Poppo, and Goeller have bracketed it, and Hart. (de part. I. p. [52) would expunge it, but it is said to be found in every BMS. The tense certainly requires its omission, unless with Arnold we supposed a confused construction, and that after Tr&o re Ecf'OpoW TlVaLS EKPV+tE there should be added the words, KaL HavIoavlas 4S arrowv 7Xev, Trp' 7rpodqbaViv T7r1 tKErELaS'peorvOcov, or else that re may be rendered, also, mnoecover, and the clause be considered an interjectional one. In that case'crfoovro can be joined, as it should be, with aVr5Koot.... yevE-rat. - rv rpd6oao-tv, occasion, cause. -- c re.... ypa~qbra. Cf. 410 NOTES. [BooR 1I i. 132. ~ 5. -- ypaWYvra is the 2 aor. of ypraco. Sophocles (Greek Verbs, p. 47) says the 1 aor. pass. iypadqbPv does not occur, at least in good Greek. ~- Ka' E'Kaor'ov, severally, one by one. - oV8Ev —rapa/3XoLtro, had never endangered him, risked his safety. This is the interpretation of Poppo, Goel., and Arnold, and seems on the whole preferable to the usual rendering, had never deceived him. ~- 3acrtXia of Persia. -- rrporbtsrcellt, is spoken ironically. -- v'cn rots -rohXoLv TYv 8taKodvco, just like the mass of his servants. - darooaveir deplends on rypo-rmjpt71n as denoting the manner in which he was about to be honored. S. ~ 222. 6.- KaIKEtvov refers to Pausanias. —.rL(rrt..... avao-rdacov. The order is: BtSdrror 7rIortrv (repl) -ijs alva-,rTaasci EK ro7 LEPOV, having pledged his faith that no danger should be incurred by his removal from the altart. ---- s rpaao eva -- the business in hand. CHAPTER CXXXIV. Having thus obtained ample evidence of his guilt, the ephors proceed to apprehend PFlaUseSas, but at the private intimation of one of them, he takes refuge in the temple of Millnerva (~ 1) where he is starved to death (~ 2); just as he is about to expire, they carry him out of the sacred enclosure, after which he immediately dies (~ 3); at the command of the oracle his body, which has been buried elsewhere, is interred in the place where he died (~ 4). 1. d7rr\X.ov into the city. - eotom-vro. The imperfect is here used de conatu, as in I. 57. ~ 4. Bloomf. thinks that the reason why they did not apprehend him at Tmnarus, was that he had many assist-,ants, who would be likely to make a desperate resistance. -- v'rr 6&8, in the street, or as some render it, on his wacy. So Nepos translates, in itinere. - ivhs....eE8E. The order is: E9 b e~ r rs rpd'o7Tov gE TOWJ d/OdpQl, Trpo-ldvros.- ---'cb', for what purpose. - PveaVrt dqfave, a secret sign made by nodding or beckoning. -- brXAco'avros, sc. fTo epyov aurT. -- ro.... XaXKLto'Kov. See N. on I. 128. ~2. O-plro, running, upon the rsun. S. ~ 206. 1. - rpo- in 7rpoKaracvyeLv signifies before his pursuers could overtake him.T; r7telEvoS. See N. on I. 133. ~ 1. - o 77v ro-3 ipoV, wh.ich belonged to the temtple. See N. on II. 4. ~ 5. -'7ra-lplos, in the open air, has the sense of an adverb of place. K. ~ 264. 3. a; S. ~ 158. 3. 2. To 7rapavrTKa, for the moment. - vo-rEpqro-ar. The Schol. explains this by E3pdaovav. But Poppo says, "rectius verbo XEISreo-a& vel inroXehrl -2at, quod a tergo relingui, non eadem celeritate qua alterumn progredi, ideoque, assegui non posse significat, explicasset." - CHAP. CXXXV.] NOTES. Ed,;'pars depends on arKoro'pF(arav, they barricaded the doors. -'vao the temple. a dnroXaf3ovrre eTioco, shutting him within. 3. /IEXXovros avoTO droViXLv,, when he was about to expire.iorrep etxEV) as he was. i. e. "eo habitu, quo hoc in tempore erat.' Poppo. Perhaps it simply means, blocked up as he was in the temple, - EtL EYiTrvo ovv ra, being just alive; literally, while yet breathing 4. rov Katac.av, the Cceadas. Bloomnf. conjectures that this wa, originally a huge fissure into which dead bodies were thrown, and which was subsequently enlarged and converted into a subterranear prison. The Barathrumn at Athens, and the Lithotomim at Syracuse may serve to illustrate its nature and use.- ov'rep, where. ELf/3aXXcev depends on e'EXX7r/-av. The context will readily show what words are to be supplied with rovs KaKuOVpyovU. Haack and Bloomf., edit from what they conceive to be good MS. authority, Tovs KaKcopyovs EZte.aotV, /3a'XXEtv. Bloomf. however brackets it. 7XAr)lov. There is much difficulty in determining the limiting word. The Schol. says, near to the' Ccadas. With this, which appears to be the true interpretation, Bloomf., Goel., and Poppo accord. If, as Haack in his second edition supposes, we are to consider it as referring to the place where Pausanias died, then a new substantive musin be introduced, since KasdSav was last mentioned. Besides, if he was buried near to the place of his death, why did the oracle give any direction for the removal of the body?;v rc wrporetevlo'-art, in the precinct or entrance way to the r;teroS. So Arnold. -- Blooif. refers A 8aqXoV- to /IereVEyKcIE& ovrep dcirEave. But it is better to refer it to the words immediately preceding. -- o.... 7re7rpayle;vov, inas~much as a pollution had been pespetrated by them = as they had been guilty of a pollution. The participle in the accusative often follows or instead of the genitive. Cf. Mt. ~ 568. 3; S. ~ 226. a. -— cr davrr HIav-avlov, in the stead of Pausanias. Cf. K. ~ 290. R. 2. CHAPTER CXXXV. The Athenians request the Lacedmsmonians to put away this pollution (~ 1); the Lacedwmonians, on the Medism of Pausanias, criminate Themistocles in the same affair, and demand that he shall be punished in like manner (~ 2); to this the Athenians assent, and take measures in concert with the Lacedemonians to apprehend Themistocles (~ 3). 1. This is a repetition of what was asserted in I. 128. ~ 2. - JO.KpvauvroY. S. ~ 226. a. 412 NOTES. [Book a. 2. The account of the banishment of Themistocles, is not inserted here, because it has any immediate connection with the Peloponnesian war, but from its close relation to what has just been narrated of Pausanias. The fate of so illustrious a personage as Themistocles, was also worthy of a place in a history, which, though confined to the Peloponnesian war, had yet in its plan embraced the most prominent events that had transpired from the time of the Persian invasion under Xerxes. - rom —MS&to-/od (cf. I. 95. ~ 5), the Miedism. This term was wused to designate a leaning towards the Median interest, or a partiality for the manners, customs, and dress of the Medes. The charge made against Thernistocles followed immediately upon the conviction and death of Pausanias. The Laceda3monians were stimulated to this, most likely, by a remembrance of the successful manceuvre of Themistocles in respect to the fortification of Athens (cf. 1. 90, 91); or by a selfish desire to involve the Athenians in the disgrace, which they had incurred in the defection of their most eminent citizen. - Kat, also. K- rfv..... EXEyXov. "Ex epistolis apud Pausaniamn inventis." Poppo. -- rots av'roti, in the scame manner, i. e. by death. 3. E'rvXe yap rrpaKtaLrFoEvo, for he happened to be su/ffering banishment by ostracism. bcalraav, residence, abode. - p/era, in connection with. - Erolrcw Ow'"rcov ~VtLKeLV, who were (see N. on o'res, I. 8. ~ 1) ready to join with them in the pursuit. -- rov as 7repLtvywolv, zwherever they might find him. K. ~ 336. CHAPTER CXXXVI. Themistocles, being informed of his danger, takes refuge with the Corcyreans, by whom he is conveyed to the continent (~ 1); thither being pursued by his enemies, he is forced to throw himself upon the protection of Admetus king of the Molossi, who for certain reasons was hostile to him (~ 2); at the direction of the king's wife, he takes her child by the hand, and sitting upon the hearth awaits the coming in of Admetus, from whom he successfully entreats protection in this time of peril (~ 3). 1. avrcov by constructio KaTar (oveLv (cf. K. 241. 1; S. ~ 157. N. 1. b) refers to KEpKvpalowv implied in KEpKvpav which precedes.IfrTE —aTrex3erat, so as to incur the hatred of, become hateful to. AaKe8autovtotm and'AS7valots follow as Dativi incommodi. ao-re refers to Z'Xefv, and not to the whole sentence 8E&;Eae Y.... aTdov as then it would have been bul-asr;exo3tvro. -- rlv sq`retpov, i. e. into Thesprotia. ---- KaarayLKpv, over against Corcyra. CaJAr CXXXVL] NOTES. 413 2. aGoK evoEV.... XOpo[l), being,pursued by those who were appointed (to follow him) for the purpose of inquiring where he mqight go, i. e. being tracked thither by those who were sent to find out his place of retreat. Bloomf. renders Kara 7rt rlortv' Xwpotr1, " (directed) by inquiry wohither he had gone." Similar to this is the sense given by Bauer: " simpliciter pro vrvUO6evote, quum audissent." Goel. renders it ex percunctatione, and this appears to be the sense which Haack by his punctuation attaches to the words. Against such eminent authoritiec I would be slow to adopt an opinion, yet I cannot but think that the sense I have given is the true one. Cf. Liddell and Scott sub voct -varrts. The optative is explained in N. on I. 49. ~ 3. --- KarC i'rropov, in his great strait. Jacobs explains it by Ev /I.Eya'X. dTopla YEYvJFEV0r. - Mokoao-v. Along the sea-coast of Epirus lay in order, from north to south, the Chaones, Thesproti, Cassopei, and IMolossi, but the boundaries of these respective tribes cannot well be defined. Scylax states that the sea-coast of the Molossi was 50 stadia in length, but from this narrow basis their country widened far into the interior. The boundaries of the state were greatly enlarged by its enterprising kings, so that it was quite powerful at the time here spoken of. Cf. Leake's North. Greece, IV. pp. 174-184. - oerTa aCrW o0 (l)Xov. Nepos by some oversight says, "cum quo ei hospitium fuerat." - KaraXkvoat, literally, to unloose or unbind the beasts of burden, i. e. to unharness or unload them. This verb is followed by wapa "AFRTUrov, in the sense of to stop with Admetus. 3. OVK E'rvxev E',rtafciv, happened not to be at home. -- Tov rami8a. Nepos writes, "filiam ejus parvulam arripuit." This deviation from the text of Thucydides, would lead us to conjecture that he followed some other writer, unless he was grossly careless. -- KalEo-TCaL EIri Trv EorLaV. The domestic fireplace, as the shrine of the household gods, was always regarded by the ancients with veneration and religious attachment. Hience, to sit down by the hearth was regarded as a posture making the strongest appeal for mercy and favor. Cf. Smith's Diet. Gr. and Rom. Antiq. p. 427. -- &Xoir re O' EorL, he discloses his name; literally, he makes known who he is. For this use of the relative, cf. Mt. ~ 485; S. ~ 174. 1. - OVK ai'toi = a_ dva6v nqfftV elvaL (cf. Mt. 608. 1).- It 7r apa abr's a6reirvev, if peraps he had opposed. The extenuating force of l —tapa is here beautifully seen. -- TLLtcOpeLtr3at referring to Admetus depends upon difot. - Kal yap.... w7r aXev, for that he could be ill treated, at the present time, by one far less powerful than him (i. e. Admetus). Most of the editors and critics prefer the reading adoavEcrrepos (conforming to abrbs both before and after), although against almost all MS. authority. This would 414 NOTES. [Boox L give the sense: for he would receive injury (from Admetus) now when he was far his inferior in poower. Both readings imply the same general idea, viz. the abject condition of Themistocles. - yvvaiov belongs to rttpelobaLa the subject of rEvat. ar- ar roO Loov- = rovs OyVaS aTrO -ro0 If-ov, who are on efqual terms. - Ka iama, and at the same time. - avnr-s.... vavrtLovat, he had opposed him (i. e. Admetus) in a matter of interest (only), and not in that which pertained to the saving of his life. Xpe'as rLtvb depends on EvavarTlo; vaL (- e'Lpyetv) as the. genitive of separation. Cf. K. ~ 271. 2. Some commentators supply 7repl or EVEKa. Cf. Mt. ~ 368. 5. Bloomf. cites Xen. Anab. VII. 6. ~ 5. evavrLco-erat r7s da7raycoyq), will be opposed to the leading away. At o-4&a Bloomf. unnecessarily supplies Kara. Poppo and Goel. consider the article to be taken twice with o-/za and a(eo-at, and refer to Vig. p. 720. 20. - av in E'KEhvov 8' a, belongs to a7rocrepa-,ae, the second being a repetition in consequence of the parenthesis emtroYv.... &LK erTa. Cf. Mt. ~ 600. - - Je' co, for what reason. - coryptas, "mneans of preserving." Blooinf. -- 6 Ni aKovo-as. Poppo and some others make Reis the beginning of chap. 137. --'crrep.... rovro is enclosed by Poppo, Goeller, and Arnold, in the marks of parenthesis, and thus they connect aCvlro-7rL-I re and Kal —ovK;EcKI8cootv. W- trep.... IeKanie ro " in the way that he had sat himself down, i. e. with hands joined." Bloomf. " Nos sic intelligimus: ut puerumr tenens sederat, ita curm puero surgere eum jussit." Poppo (Supple Adnot. p. 151).- gKal p6yeorov with the Molossians. CHAPTER CXXXVII. Admetus refuses to give up Themistocles to his pursuers and sends him to Pydna (I I); thence embarking on board a merchant-ship bound for Ionia, on his passage he narrowly escapes the Athenian fleet lying before Naxos, and finally lands at Ephesus (~ 2); having rewarded the shipmaster, he proceeds into the interior and sends a letter to Artaxerxes (~ 8); in which letter he excuses the necessity he was under of opposing the Persian invasion, refers to the benefits he has conferred upon Xerxes, and promises to render to the king good service in return for his protection (~ 4). 1. VOWi EtiroX V ro t- uttering many threats. -- 3actrtXea of Persia. r v ErEpav tdXao-oarv, i. e. the LEgean sea.- nres, by land. IIs3vav. See N. on I. 61. ~ 2. r- j'AXeFaiCvpov, belonging to Ale10 NOTES. [BooK I1..:HAPTER LXI. When war can be declined without detriment, it is folly to undertake it, but when it ih necessary for the defence of rights, he is blameworthy who refuses to meet danger with boldness (~ 1); the speaker claims the merit of not having changed his sentiments, but charges his auditors with want of firmness to persevere in their former resolves, as soon as they feel the pressure of adversity (~ 2); the mind is easily weighed down with that which is sudden and unexpected, and this was true of the Athenians in respect to the pestilence (~ 3); but as citizens of so powerful and well-regulated a state, they cught to bear afflictions with fortitude, and come to the aid of the state, for by falling short of their previous glory they would incur censure (~ 4). 1. ya'p introduces the reason or proof f ovK axv-a'rtnav epont/i, at the close of the preceding chapter. - a~'peort-, a choice between peace and war. -- ra'-ha eVTrvXoo-t, "1 in other respects fort'unately circumstanced." Bloomf. 7r-a'a except that for the attainment of which war was necessary. Goel. well explains this expression: dlum ceterums liberi manentes de suo jure nihil cedunt. Namn evrvXe&,V e'atcolova eevat huic scriptori est liberums esse. Kriig. expresses somne doubt whether r-a'XXa e'vrvxoio-c may not be connected with the words which follow. -- 7rokeco-aL has for its subject e'KeoLtV the omitted antecedent of otL. c EvSbs is to be taken with rTraKoro-a and not with e'lamrar as Reisk. supposes, for the participle denotes cause (by submission), and is opposed to Ktv8vveevo-narar. Pericles refers here to the demands made by the Lacedaemonians (cf. I. 139), to which he said (I. 141. ~ 1) a',odSEe 87 BtaveSoi'q-re 6V7raKoVeLe 7rplv TL PXa1evat (i. e. vz7raKovee evS;s). Poppo. 2. 6 afrisc (so. 7j yvcoj z.- Cf. III. 38. ~ 1), of the same opinion that I was formerly. of K E;lToraLat (sc. r7- yeTdIuSj) is added for the sake of explanation and emphasis. -- &re780 introduces the proof of the charge made in /cE3E I cErTafaX7Xer-e. 7resto-7vat to go to war. daKepatots is opposed to Kamovlievotv, the general idea being, that as soon as trials and dangers came, they changed their views in respect to the war which they had decreed while in a state of security. -- Kal ro flOV Xo'yo. Repeat e7reL8q $vri/37. 2...../.yy7r contains the reason why the counsel of Pericles now appeared wrong to them, and 8Ldtr rTo eIp Xvrrov (=- - XVrr7) K. -r. X. shows why they had changed their views (FeranMeitv). e- EXFL = KarEXe. --- a'7re-'rtv, is remote - out of the reach of observation, it being opposed to Excer-T)v afo- lo'-v in the preceding member. -- 6' dtlyov. See N. on II. 11. ~ 4. - rarvl-,qyKa-aprepeT,= too downcast to per~severe. See N. on I. 50. ~ 5 (end).: - (= irorocrs )'-yOre, in wohat!you have resolved = in your resolution. CHAP. LXII.] NOTES. 511 3. 8ovXo7, enslaves, renders abject. - yap introduces an apologetic sentence, intended to soften the cutting reproof just given. Compare with thlis the apology made by Ulysses (I1. 2. 291-298), after he had inveighed against the Greeks for wishing to return home before the object of the war had been accomplished. -- popdvrpla, high spirit, intrepidity of m?,ind, Cf. II. 62. ~ 3. -- 7TXrtTro rapc Xo'yq), most especially beyond calculation. - " g interpretamur ro BovXoro-UaL p6ovjq/ia." Poppo. -- aiXXoLs in respect to tle pestilence which is particularly mentioned. - oVX s)'Ktrra belongs to the words which follow. 4. dvTL7ra"XoLs arfry, corresl2onding to it. - XpeWv, it is necessary. KC. ~ 73. 1. c. ~- tvtzdopa's depends on vqguorao-rt, to endure, to sustain. K. ~ 284. 3 (2). This verb more frequently takes the accusative. Cf. MIt. ~ 401. 4. -- riv aleo-trv. See N. on I. 69. ~ 1. -- iv'I(r-, equally, belongs to ablrLaotL. — --— r 7 re ivrapXoC-q7S aods, "Ihis prolper and CL natural character or r'eputcatiom." Arnold. In support of this hie cites T7r iurupx oasjr qVU(eo (II. 45. ~ 2). But I prefer the common rendering, glory alr~eady acquired, as better suited to the context. The genitive depends on A;XE)XeTE. S. ~ 197. 2. rs — rtpor7oo0vr0-s follows 3peryderov (uwho reaches after, who arrogactes to himself). S. ~ 192. 1. The words dv'tm -..... peydieoVr are enclosed, in most of thle editions before me, in the mlalks of a parenthesis. nrakXylcraramsr N ra 1a(t1, su2lpressing their grief oin account of private calamities. The construction is here resumed from oA'osC-XpeCiwEdehXtv go-'rao.-at at the commencement of the section. OHAPTER LXII. One remark respecting the attainment of empire has been alluded to, nor would the speaker now give utterance to it, but for the groundless alarm of his fellow-citizens (~ 1); the Athenian dominion is not limited to their subject allies but extends over the whole sea, one of the two parts in which the world is divided (~ 2); it is not therefore to bo compared with tlse possession of towns or villas, and the loss of these should not be lamented, but they sllould rather be regarded as the decorations of wealth and dolninion, easily recovered if they remain free, but the enjoyment of which is hopeless if they succumib to others; wherefore, showing themselves not inferior to their ancestors who acquired this dominion, nor being insensible to the great disgrace, which would attend thle loss of that in which they have been put- in possession, they should go against their enemies with disdain (~ 3), such as inspires those who feel their superiority to their foe in cou,:nsel and prudence (~ 4); for this begets firmness of daring, and is a far surer groundl of confidence than hope, which is only exercised in times of extremity (~ 5). 1. Tre) 7hi sr&ov is the accusative of specification, but as to the labolr (of: C. 438. y), or perhaps it nore properly depends on acre'tlu, the 512 NOOTES. [Boox rl pronoun avrov being repeated (see N. on I. 80. ~ 3). Cf. Jelf's Kuihn. Mt. ~ 472. 1.,u) ip'7rFyEpYe0VE3a depends upon 71Tro2TrEvO/evov. For the use of y/, see N. on II. 13. ~ 1.- i7rebeLta.... V-srorrTe e0v/LEY Ov I have shown that this is wrongly regarded with sutspicion. KrUg. remarks that we can say in the passive OT'rorTTESermTL 6 rOvo& 17, as well as in the active vrroyrr7Eo rbOv Yrovoy /t. For the construction of a7r;86Eta with the participle, see N. on 1. 25. ~ 2. -- EXooroa (8E KCl a ro8E. Render the expression, but I will bring forward a thought. The orator shows soon (oeLro-re lev yb/p K. r. X., ~ 2) what this thought is, to which, as he avers, utterance is now given for the first time in order to allay their fears. In the general construction of the very difficult sentence which follows, it is evident that ovr-' E'iyc E TO S irplv XdyotL is to be constructed with 0oKEre.... E'vnJv r, vat, which you yourselves seem never to have thought of, nor have I made mention of it in'my forvenr speeches. With ov"r' Ey6 repeat E'YvevfL/7Yv with a modified signification, or supply EiXpaorOv from the following context. The main difficulty lies in the words,rsapXov.... dpXfrv. Goel. constructs E'vvwr,, rjv;t LEyZE1OVS 7rEpt ESP Tqr? dpPXjV (i. e. r7,s ElpX}), V7raUPXOv VLYv (quamqua2 vobis suppeditat). Bloomf. in his last edition adopts this order, and translates efS Tr7vY apx7r, as to empyire, and vrrdpXor V/SLv, thoulg7 the means for attaining it are in your power. I am disposed on the whole to render it thus: which you seem never to have reflected upon although belonging to you, i. e. so connected with your condition and policy as a maritime state, that one cannot see how you could avoid thinking of it. The words leyEdoSV 7Epl Eps Ir v Y UPXj 1 may then be taken as explanatory of o'. -'XOrt refers to the subject about to be introduced, and to which rdO'e referred. -- 7 rpo7ro pretension, clacim. 2. yip introduces the explanation of rdOe in the previous section, and may be rendered, namely, to wit. - IEtpLov depends on roe0 Zr7pov, and is explained by y0SV Kal?jaXaieoo-rs in apposition with it. -- T)LY.... Oavep& = evidently given for man's euse. — 6/ais — ras depends on daroqbalvo, I affirm that you care. -- iE' orov, as far as. - Kat.... 3ovkXqre, and more if you wish. - Kal oVK.... KoXVcTreL, Construct: Kat OVK E'Trl OVty ovre a3cLtXEVS-T o7ffrtL KcOXVoELt VaS 7rTX;ovYraS,7 VTrapXovrr 7 rsrapapcTevf,. Properly speaking 3aLAEvs' (i. e. the Persian king) and'vosv are in apposition with r-l, the omitted antecedent of'O-'Tg.V 3. ov Kara —fatet, is manifestly not to be compared with -- not to be put on a level of comparison with. The idea is that the empire of the sea is of immeasurably more value, than the objects of their regard to which reference is here made. This gives great point to &ov yAEyaXcuYv VOtL(re T arepoTp.-atL = qf which being der vied you think CHAP. LXIi.] NOTES. 618 yourselves deprived of great things. sryakXwr is here in the predicate, and was probably uttered by the orator in a tone of irony. For the use of KarTl to denote comparison, cf. K. K 292. II. 3. b.- XaETr~s SEpEtv awrcojv to be dcespodent on account of these things. Cf. it. ~ 368. 5. a. o- v follows /ikXXov', which imlplies a negative idea. The general principle is referred to in N. on I. 10. ~ 1 (end). Cf. K. ~ 318. IR. 7; -Mt. ~ 455. d. Kruger explains / ov by advT roe aCXha. ---- K7rLo Kat EyKcaXX7rL0/1a are used in a tropical sense, as they refer literally to the pleasure-gardens surrounding Athens, or perhaps, as Poppo suggests, to the ornamental gardens which pertained to the houses of Athens. - -rpbS rav'r7v (sc. riJv Svcalyv), in comparison with this po;wer (i. e. the eml)ire of the sea). K. ~ 298. III. 3. d. - avrrj6 depends upon avhrttXf/3av4Lrvot, clinging to it, holding fast 2upon it. The pronoun is to be mentally repeated after 8taor roeLEv.. -. ravra refers to KprwVLo.....7roXTrov, and dvakaX +opLh7v is constructed after yvcovat. See N. on yvroves-ovouav, I. 25. ~ 1.- v7raKovo'ao-(T is the dat. incomnmodi after Xaao-oooo-2at. - -ra' rpo(reKrr!yeva (so. rfi;Xsvuepaq), vhactever has been acquired in addition to freedom, i. e. not only is freedom gone, but every thing else, which may have been enjoyed in addition to freedom. - SLXEhv. See N. on I. 78. ~ 1. a- at aIdo'dTepa, i. e. Karao o KarEXEiv rE KalL 8taoc&o-avre 7rapa8t6ova. Haack. -