PSYCH OLOGY; OR THE SCIENCE OF THE SOUL, C ONSIDERED PHYSIOLOGICALLY AND PHILOSOPHICALLY, WITH AN APPENDIX, CONTAINING NOTES OF MESMERIC AND PSYCIIICAL EXPERIENCE. BY JOSEPH -HADDOCK, M. D., "WITH ENGRAVINGS OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. NEW YORK: FOWLERS AND VWELLS, PUBLISHERS, PHRENOLOGICAL CABINET, 131 NASSAU STREET. 1850, Entered, according to act of Congress, in the year 1819, by FOWLERS AND WELLS, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court for the Southern District of New York. STEREOTYPED BY BANER & PALMIER, 201 William st., cor. of Frankfort, N Y, PREFACE. THIS work was recently published in LONDON under the following title: " SO'INoLIsM AND PSYCHEISM, otherwise VITAL MAGNETISM Or MJESMERISM: considered Physiologically and Philosophically: being the substance of lectures delivered under the auspices of the Bolton Mechanics' Institution; with an Appendix, containing notes of Mesmeric and Psychical.experience." We have taken the liberty to omit, in our title, such terms as may not be fully understood by all readers; taking care, horever, to make it equally appropriate. The subject on which this work treats, is fast becoming Qf the most absorbing interest to our people, and it gives us pleasure to place before the American public the conclusions of those who have penetrated most deeply into these supposed mysteries of nature. We look forward, hopefully, for the time whlen we mayv IKNOW those things which the world have always believ ed"I to be truths. Nor is it POSSIBLE for ANY influence to LIMIT the desires of thie human mind to irln PREFACE. vestigate, until it has penetrated every subject which comes within the range of its comprehension. May this work go forth to "open the eyes of the (spiritually) blind,' and excite to further investigation and reflection those minds best capacitated to evolve 4 new light' on intellectual and spiritual vision. This is a progressive age, not only in moral and( physical development, but in spiritual science. AMERICAN PUBLISHERS. CLINTON HALL, 131 NASSAU ST., NEW YORK. TABLE OF CONTENTS, PAGE. INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLOGY.... 8-12 Characteristics of the age.-Chemistry a new science.-Geology.-A new world without and a new world within man.-Knowledge not confined to superstitions, assumptions, barren negations, nor skeptical philosophy, but something real-the nature, powers, and capabilities of his being.-Assistance afforded us by a lihowledge of magnetism, or psycheismnl.-Discoveries and doctrines of an enlightened physiology.-Laws and developments of the world of mind capable of being displayed before our physical sight,-The curious and interestii)g phenomena displayed by mesmerism too often neglected.-Authority too often no aid in eliciting truth. The most astounding statements of mesmeric experiments not more wonderful than universally aldmitted facts.-Wonderworking telegraph.-A dreaming thenory or enthusiastic vision a reality.-Mesmerism the discovery of a new method of working an old medium.-A spiritual and a natural body.-The blessing of sight a fact that all philosophers have been heretofore unable to explain.-Our present standard of knowledge should not be the measure of future acquirements.-Psycheism a means of acquainting ourselves with the distinctive qualities of mind. ORIGIN OF MESMERISM,... -.. 12-17 In records of past ages extraordinary cures ascribed to miracle, or magic.Magnetism discovered toward the close of the last century. —Brief history of Mesamer and his discovery, and method of applying it. PHENOMENA AND PHYSIOLOGY OF MESMERISM,. 17-60 Stages or degrees of mesmeric influence-.How they are to be understood and accounted for.-The brain and nervous system the medium through which the mind acts upon the body.-Illustrations and descriptions of the brain, etc. (see list of illustrations).-Methods of inducing the somnolent state.-Remarkable tacts.-Catalepsy. -Phantasy.-Transfer of Feeling.-Phreno-mesmerism.Cerebral lucidity, or clairvoyance. PHILOSOPHY AND PSYCHOLOGY OF MESMERISM, 60-78 Clairvoyance the internal sight of the soul.-Sight without the aid of the eye not more difficult of explanation, when thoroughly examined, than ordinary vision.-Description of the human eye.-Clairvoyance and ordinary vision as. sume the same basis.-Mind and matter, soul and body, psyche or animus.The external of the spirit.-Psycheism, or the science- of the soul as manifested in nature.-Psychological change induced by mesmerism.-The superior state.-Independent clairvoyance.-The general power of the sensorilum to form images within itself of objects that are without itself-Are all persons subject to mesmeric influence V and why all cannot be made clairvoyant. TABLE OF CONTENTS. APP ENDIX. PAGE. MESMERIC AND PSYCHICAL EXPERIENCE,..78-95 Case of E. L. —Injury of the knee.-Treatment.-The vapor of ether.-Its effects. -Hypnotism. - Phreno-magnetic developments. - Catalepsy.-ligidity. —Attraction.-Deluslon.-Susceptibility without the mesmeric sleep.-I'Personal influence.-Mesmerism without contact.-Tooth extraction.-Discovery of lucidity and clairvoyance.-Reading in a mesmeric state.-Pictures a reality.-Description of absent persons and objects.-Picture of the cat.-Emmna's visit to the queen.-To the plaaets.-Omnipresent vision,-The cash-box stolen.-Successful clairvoyant search for it, and interview with the thief:-Tracing the route and circumstances of a traveler. CLAIRVOYANCE AS APPLIED TO PHYSIOLOGY AND MEDICINE,.95-100 Description of man's internal structure.-The application of this power one of the most legitimate uses of clairvoyance.-Discovery of disease by the handwriting of a person at a distance, also by a lock of hair.-Remarkable cure of insanity by the aid of clairvoyant prescriptions.-Tasting medicines through bottles.-Tl'he exalted sense. SPONTANEOUS EXTASIS, OR TRANCE,. 101-106 A higher and more interior character. —Scenery and nature of the spirit-world.Recollections, predictions, and verifications.-Rigidity and insensibility to pain during a trance.-Communications with the spirits of the dead.-Finding a Bible and a particular place in it.-Man represented as a spiritual being after death, and his sensational perception.-The male and female sexes retained.Growth of infants.-The living influenced by the spirits of the dead.-Spirits not subject to the laws of time Qr space. —The body only the "shell" of the spirit. PRACTICE AND USE OF MESMERISM,.. 106-109 A simple process.-Depends more onl peculiar constitution of the subject than power of the operator.-Modes of operating.-Curative influence of mesmerism.-Necessity of Mesmerisers.-Mesaneric institutions. ILLUSTR TI ON S 1 Cerebro-Spinal Axis. 9. Horizontal Section of the Brain. 2. The Nerves of the Brain. 10. The Cerebellum, etc. 3. View of the Top of the Brain. 1t. Parts about the Base of the Brain. 4. Side View of the Brain. 12. Right Hemisphere of the Brain. 5. Front View of a Section of the 13. Vertical Section of the Brain. Spinal Cord and Nerve. 14. Perpendicular Section of the Brain 6. View of the Structure of the Brain 15. Pight Hemisphere of the Brain. 7. The Right Hemisphere of the Brain 16. Ganglionic System of Vegetable Life 8. The Cerebellumn. 17. Spinal Cord, etc. INTRODUCTION. 1. ON of the striking characteristics of the present age, is the vast amount of knowledge respecting external objects, which has been accumulated in a comparatively short period. For within the compass of human life, so extensive has been the discovery of the physical properties of natural substances, that Chemistry, although of ancient date, may be considered as a new science; and Geology has opened a new world to human enquiry. While man has thus been permitted to increase his knowledge of the world without him, we might reasonably expect that some additional knowledge would be acquired of the world within him. That his knowledge would not be confined to the superstitions of the dark ages, or to the assumptions of self-constituted authority on the one hand; nor to the barren negations of a sceptical philosophy on the other hand; but that something real, positive, and satisfactory, should be learnt respecting his own constitution. For what knowledge can be so interesting to man, as a knowledge of himself? of the nature, powers, and capabilities of his own being. 2. To every calm, and well-informed enquirer, it will, I think, be evident, that the remarkable phenomena of what is called M esmerism-or, as it is con 8 TNTRODUCTION. sidered that it may more properly be called-PsYYcHEISM, rightly interpreted, do. afford us the means of acquiring a knowledge of the laws and nature of the psychical, or mental part of our being, as much transcending what is commonly known, as the recent discoveries in magnetism and electricity exceed the ancient ildeas of those natuxral powers; and at the same time, they afford us the means of becoming better acquainted with the more abstruse points in our bodily organization also. 8. The discoveries and doctrines of an enlightened, physiology, teach us, that all the forms and forces of the entire universe are found in their highest perfection in the bodily form of man; and that in him, as the Microcosm, or little world, is to be found all that exists in the MJacrocosm,, or great world of the universe. And as in the great world without us, the, most astonishing and transforming powers are displayede by those subtle, imponderable, and invisible elements,. which elude the most acute physical senses, even when aided by the highest artificial means; so in the world. within us, the most wonderful and unexpected powers are manifested by those psychical or m:ental operations, by which the laws,a nd developments of the world of mind are capable of openly being displayed before our physical sight. 4. But the curious and interesting phenomena displayed by Mesmerism, instead of being calmly and carefully investigated by all enquiring minds, especially by those whose profession or pursuits ought to have interested them in the enquiry, have, in too many instances, been scornfully and contemptuously neglected. INTRODUCTION. 9 Authority, instead of lending its aid to elicit the truth, has rather scowled upon the attempt which has been made to lift the veil under which truth has been concealed; and in some cases, has misrepresented the character and intentions of those, who, at any cost, were determined to seek her for themselves. It is possible indeed, that the very remarkable results said to flow from the enquiry-results, so different to the expectations and ideas of a materializing age, and in some respects, disclosing matters which seem to clash with established opinions-may have been the reason, for this unfair, and certainly unphilosophical mode of proceeding. But, granting that the most astounding statements made by mesmeric experiments are true, they are not, when properly considered, more wonderful than things now universally admitted as facts. Look at the wonder-working electric telegraph! The elements on which that invention rests, must be as old as the present order of things; yet if any one in the middle of the last century had ventured to assert that, by human ingenuity, electricity or magnetism could be made to transmit human thought with mathematical precision, and yet with the velocity of light, he would have been set down by the practical authorities of that age as a dreaming theorist, or an enthusiastic visionary. To us, however, the visionary theory has become a reality; and yet what magnetism or electricity really are, is no more known to us than it was to our greatgrandfathers. The truth is, the mode has been elicited, by which certain comparative unknown mediums may be practically applied to subserve the purposes of social life; and herein, and for all practical purposes, 1 *. 10 INTRODUCTION. consists the useful discovery. If we shall never know what magnetism and electricity in themselves really are, we certainly do know much of the mode by which their laws and powers may be developed and manifested: we have discovered a mode of working mediums altogether unknown to our ancestors. 5. Just so, I apprehend, it is with the discoveries of Mesmerism. Here is, in fact, a discovery of a new mode of working an old medium. That mind and matter are both necessary to form the peculiar organism we call man, is no new doctrine; but the true nature of the body, as the mind's medium or instrument, and of the necessary organization of that superior indwelling power-the soul or mind, which directs and controls the outward form, has been somewhat overlooked. Metaphysicians have studied mind irrespective of form or matter; and some philosophers swould resolve all things into material operation, irrespective of mind. I believe that fact and demonstrative evidence will prove both classes of philosophers to be wrong. From Divine Revelation we know that there is both spirit or mind, and matter; both a spiritual body and a natural body. These cardinal truths will be found to lie at the bottom of all mesmeric experience, and from that experience, the a priori statements of the Scriptures will receive abundant confirmation. And we shall see that in our present state of existence, if we wish to study mind or spirit, we must study it as manifested in its divinely appointed, and true correspondent instrument, the material bodily organization. 6. With some of the mind's operations, and the bodily functions and sensations thence ensuing, we have rXTROD(CCTIO io 1 become so familiar) that we scarcely ever stop to think of the perpetual miracles involved in our daily experience. Thus the great blessing of sight involves, as we shall point out presently, a fact which all the philosophers that have ever lived have been unable to explain! Yet when some manifestation of mind or spirit, which has hitherto eluded general notice, is brought before us, although it may not be more inexplicable than natural sight, yet we are apt to deny the possibility of the declared manifestation, simply because we were not previously acquainted with itapt to make our present standard of knowledge the measure by which all future acquisitions are to be estimated. Sometimes too, we are told authoritatively, that it is impossible fbr us to know any thing of mind or spirit. What, I ask, do we know of matter? Simply some of its laws and properties; and from these we predicate its qualities. So it is with mind or spirit; Mesmerism, or more truly Psycheism, furnishes us with a means of acquiring an experimental acquaintance with some of its most distinctive qualities -distinctive I mean with respect to the qualities of inert matter. Whether we shall ever know what spirit or what matter really is, remains for a higher stage of existence to determine. It is privilege enough to be enabled to know something of the laws and properties of that higher and imperishable organism, to which our outward bodily organism is subservient. SOMNOLISAM AND PSYCHEISIM ORIGIN OF MESMERISM. 7. IN the records of past ages, we have many statements of remarkable mental or psychical manifestations, and also of the performance of extraordinary cures, by mental or moral agency, which ignorance and superstition have ascribed to miracle or magic. And hence, cases resting on the best historical authority, have been doubted, and even denied in later times. Toward the close of the last century, the existence of some of these powers was discovered, partly fiom accident and partly from research; and to the agency by which they were accomplished, the name of Animal Magnetism was applied by its modern discovererMesmer. This individual has been represented in works of authority as an impostor and cheat, and as owing his celebrity entirely to the silly credulity of imaginative people. Few persons who have really taken the trouble to enquire into the matter, would now hazard such an assertion; yet, whether from ignorance of the true cause of the phenomena he witnessed, or from a desire to mystify the subject, it must be admitted that he both did and said many things which justified suspicion. ORIGIN OF MEIMERISM. 13 8. Anton Mesmier was born in 1734, at Mersburg, on the shores of the Lake of Constance; and died in his native place in 1815, at the advanced age of eightyone. At the age of forty-two he took the degree of Doctor of Medicine, in the University of Vienna. He appears to have been a man of an imaginative cast of mind; for the inaugural Thesis he published on obtaining his degree, was " On the influence of the Planets on the Human Body." Such a mind, if likely to fall into many errors, was still open for the reception of any new ideas which might present themselves; and was not prone, as men of a more sceptical cast, to reject any new truth, because it did not harmonize with preconceived Opinions. The then Professor of Astronomy, at Vienna, believed in the efficacy of the loadstone as a remedy in human disease; and he had invented a peculiar form of magnetized steel plates, which, it is said, he applied to the cure of disease with much success. Mesmer obtained from the Astronomer, who was his personal friend, these magnets, and applied them inl his own way; and it is said, with such striking results, that he communicated them to the Astronomer, who published an account of them, but attributed the cures performed to the form of the plates, and merely represented Mesmer as a physician employed by him to use them. Mesmer, who had discovered the peculiar mode of using them to insure success-that was, in fact, by manipulations, now called PASSES-waS indignant at this, and accused his friend of a violation of the confidence placed in him. The result was a controversy between the parties; each accusing the other. Notwithstanding this quarrel, 14 SOMNOLISMI.AND PSYCHEISM. Mesmer proceeded in his own way, and acquired considerable popularity. But, whether from indiscretion on his part, or jealousy on the part of others, he was opposed by the scientific authorities of Vienna, and was ultimately obliged to quit that city, 9. In the year 1778, two years after obtaining his degree, he arrived at Paris, whither his popularity appears to have preceded him; for we are told, even by his enemies, that upon his opening public apartments in' that gay metropolis, for the reception of patients, they were speedily crowded by the numbers who daily resorted to them, including all classes, from the peer to the peasant; and that hundreds were ready to testify to the cures wrought upon their own persons by the Great Magnetizer. Now, making every allowance for imagination or fancy, striking results must have followed his treatment, or no such enthusiasm could have been raised in his behalf. A French physician became a disciple of Mesmer, and is said speedily to have acquired the best practice in Paris. So great, in fact, was Mesmer's success, that the French Government took up the matter, and offered him a large annual income, if he would communicate his secret, and they appear to have thought so highly of the USE to which this new agent might be applied, that they actually proposed to guarantee him a large sum, even if a commission appointed to examine the subject should make an unfavorable report! Mesmer, however, did not accede to the government proposal. After some time, and divers vicissitudes, the sum of ~14,000 was raised by his disciples, whom he had instructed in his art, but whom he did not consider entitled to practice ORIGIN OF MESMERISM. 15 it publicly —a right whlich they considered themselves to possess. Mesiner then returned to his native place; and this has been represented as " running away from his dupes;9 but it appears that he retained faith in his views, and in his last illness sougiht relief from his own discovery. 10. As Mesmer's discoveries arose out of the use of magnets, it is not surprising that he should consider Magnetism as the agent by which the effects he witnessed were produced. He therefore taught that there was a fluid, or gas, universally diffused, which influenced the earth, and planets, and all animated bodies, and this fluid he called 4 Animal Magnetism." He considered that it was capable of healing diseases of the nerves immediately, and other diseases mediately; that it perfected the action of medicines, and tended to promote favorable crises in disease; and that in Animal Magnetism, nature presented a universal method of healing the diseases, and preserving the health of mankind. The great end of Mesmer's proceedings, appears, therefore, to have been UsE-.the application of a remedy for human suffering; and he does not appear to have been aware of the more curious, and distinctly psychical phenomena elicited by later enquirers. To the Marquis de Puysegur, a French nobleman, one of Mesmer's disciples, is attributed the discovery of the faculty called Clairvoyance, in the year 1784. 11. For the sake of brevity, I omit dcescribing Mesmer's mode off operating, save that among other means for acting on his patients, he had a sort of box, filled with iron filings and pounded glass, placed in the centre of the room whlere they assembled; and that they each 16 SOMNOL. SM AND PSYCIIISM. were placed in connection with it, by means of polished metal rods, which they held in their hands; and the patients were further'united and connected by means of a chain encircling them. When the French Commissioners applied to this box the usual tests for terrestrial -magnetism, and found no indication of ordinary magnetic influence, they reported that the whole was the work of imagination, meaningfancy; yet admitting that cures were effected. This Commission seems to have been both a prejudiced and unfair one. The name of Dr. Franklin occurs among the Commissioners, but he was at the time unwell, and incapable of attending to the enquiry; and while the public report condemned Mesmer and his proceedings, one of the Commissioners, who had paid the greatest attention to the proceedings, published a private or individual report favorable to him. But in the year 1826, the French Government appointed a second Commission, and their Report, published in 1831, fully admits the truth of all the phenomena usually ascribed to Animal Magnetism. However, our business is not so much with the opinions of Mesmer, or that of his friends or enemies, as with that of the facts and phenomena associated with his name. It was soon discovered that the steel rods had but little if any thing to do with the phenomena produced; but the name of Animal Magnetism continued to be used, and is still used on the Continent, and by this name the practice was introduced into England a few years ago. But the English enquirers into this remarkable human faculty, finding that the use of a name, which implied the existence of a fluid which could not be demon PHENOMENA) ETC. OF MESMERISM. strated to the senses, was frequently turned into an arglument against facts which admitted of complete demonstration, adopted out of respect to the memory of Mesmer, and to avoid the appearance of the adoption of any theory of their own, the name of MESMERISAr; just as Magnetism is applied to the properties of the loadstone, from Magnes, the ancient reputed discoverer of its powers, or Galvanism, to the discoveries of Galvani. We therefore proceed to notice the facts and phenomena associated with the names of Mesmerism, or Animal Magnetism, and shall endeavor to ascertain the Laws and Causes to which these phenomena may be referred. PHENOMENA AND PHYSIOLOGY OF MESMERISM. 1J2. There are several stages or degrees of what is called Mesmeric Influence; or, in other words, the Mesmeric or Psychic State, involves a variety of states, having one common character, but presenting widely differing phenomena. Thus, there is simple JlIesmeric DROWSIINESS or SLEEP; COMA,' or more profound sleep; INSENSIBILITY TO PAIN; this, I believe, only occurs when the Mesmeric Coma is fully established, and most of the external senses, together with the proper consciousness of external objects is rendered dormant; and the internal faculty of imagination is called into activity, without the guidance of true reason. PUANTASY, or that state in which the Mesmerised 418 SOMNOLISM AND PSYCIHEISM. person takes the mere suggestions of'the mind of the operator to be realities. PHRENOI-MESMERISM or the manifestation of the Phrenological sontiments and feelings, which is but another form of simple imaginative action; TRANSFER OF STATE AND FEELING& or that Imaginative action which causes the patient to feel what is done to the Mesmeriser, as if it were done to him; MENTAL ATTRACTION, or apparent Magnetic drawing of the person of the patient, even contrary to his inclination. CEREBRAL LUCIDITY, or apparent illumination of the Brain; with other forms of what is called CLAIRVOYANCE; but which I think would be better called INNER VISION, or INTERNAL, or SPIRITUAL SIGHT. Assuniing, therefore, for the present, that these phenomena exhibit a series of great and important facts, which cannot be set aside, neither by reason nor ridicule, I proceed at once to enquire — How we are to understand them? In what way to account for the curious and interesting manifestations thus cast upon our notice? 13. We must now therefore examine the mediurn by which the mind acts upon the bodily organizationnamely, the BRAIN and NERVOUS SYSTEM. It is common to speak of the nervous system, as consisting of the brain, the spinal marrow, and the nerves springing from them. This arrangement is true enough as far as it goes; but it is not sufficiently particular for our purpose. For upon examining the interior of a human head, it will be found that every individual has two distinct brains. These two brains are very different in size as well as form and convolution. The upper and very much larger portion, and which in fact ILLUSTRATIONS. CEREBRO-SPINAL AXIS, a, The brain. b, Cerebellum. f, Medulla oblohgata. g g, Nerves distriiuted to the arms. h k, Great sciatic nerve distributed to the lower lilnml 1, Dorsal, and n, Lumlber nerves. m, Plexus of cervical nerves. 1, Olfactory nerve. 2, Optic nerve. 3, 4, 5, 6, The third, fourth, fifth, and sixth nerve, 7, Portio duta of the seventh nerve 8, Auditory nerve a:d par vagum 9, lIypoglossal nerve. 10, Sub-occipital nerve. 20 SOMNOLISM AND PSYCHEISM. THE NERVES OF THE BRAIN. 2 — CZ.9 a a a, Convolutions of thle brain. b1), Cerebellum and arbor vito, or tree of life. c, Medulla oblongata. d, Uppei part of the spinal cord. e, Eye. f, Lateral ventricle. o, Corpus callosum,, Pineal gland. s, Quadrigeminal bodies. 1, Olfactory nerve. 2, Optic nerve. 3, 4, 5, 6, Thlird, fourthl, fiftl, and sixth nerves. 5', 5", Branches of the fifth nerve, 7, Portio dura of the seventh nerve. 7', Auditory nerve. 8, Glossoplharyngeal nerve. 8', Par vagum. 8", Spinal accessory nsve. 9, Hypoglossal nerve. 10, Sub-occipital nerve. t11,, First and second cervieal nerves ILLUSTRATIONS. 21 VIEW OF THE TOP OF THE BRAIN. A 1A AA, Front part of the brain. AA, BB, Right ana I hbemispnere. 22 SOMNOLISM AND PSYCHEISM. SIDE VIAEW OF THE BRAIN. C —Cerebrum. 0D-Cerebellum. E-BIedulla obloogata. FRONT VIEW OF A SECTION OF THE SPINAL CORD AND NERVES. A-Spinal cord. B-Spinal Nervee. C-Motor brancll of spinal nerve. D -Ganglion of poster or bran-oh of spinal oerve. ILLUSTRATIONS 23 VIEW OF THE STRUCTURE OF THE BRAIN. B. AB, AB, Are the righllt and left hlenispheres of the brailn. FF, The cerebellum. AA, The anterior lobe. e e, The line which denotes the separation between the anterior lobe and the middle lobe. DD, The middle lobe. BB, The posterior lobe. e, Tllepoens Varolii, wllich brigs the two sides of the cerebellum into communication. It is also named the Tuber- atnnuslae. f, The Mledulla oblon7nata. r r, The Corpora pyranmidalia. s s, The Cospora olivaria. t t, The Co-pora restEfo7rmia are:. the opposite s:de of the corpora pyramidalia. 24 SOMNOLISM AND PSYCHEISM. 1. First pair, or olfactory nerves, arise by three origins. These unite and proceed forward and Inward in a groove in the inferior surface of the anterior lobes of the brain, and form a greysh swelling or ganglion. From this ganglion a great number of filameotts proceed through tile cribrifbrm plate of the etllmoid bone, and are distributed upon the mucous membrane of the nose. It is thIe nerve of the sense of smell. S. Second pair, or optic, arise principally from the anterior corlpo a quadlrigemina. Each nerve:passes outward through the optic foramen al the sphenoid bone, and is expanded upon the retina. It is the nerve of the sense of sight. 3. Third pair, or motores oculorusoL, originate-from the motor tract of the spinal cord, immediately after they have passed through the ayops Varolti. Each serve escapes through the sphenoidal fissure, and supplies five of the muscles within the orbit with motor filaments. 4. Fourth pair, or treochleares, originate from the processlts e cerebello ad testes and valvula of Vieussens. Each nerve passes out from the cranium at the sphenoidal fissure, and is entirely distributed upon the superior oblique m. cles of the eyeball. It is a motor nerve. 5. Fifth pair. These nerves issue from the surface of the brain, near the junction of thire pyo a-rolii and crus cerebelli, but actually arise from tlhe restiform bodies.. Each nerve escapes from the cranium by three separate openings, and is extensively distributed upon the orbit and other parts of the face. Part of the filaments of this nerve are sensitive, and part motor.'6. Sixth pair originate from the pyramidal bodies, as they are about to enter the peolls arolii, Each nerve escapes through the sphenoidal fissure, and is entirely distributed upon the external Tectus muscle of the eyeball. It is a motor nerve. 7. Portio dcca of the seventh pair originate from the restiform bodies. Each nerve is extensively distributed in tile muscles of the face and external ear. It is the motor nerve of the muscles of expression of the face. 8. Poertio nollis of tlhe seventh pair, or auditory nerves, (eighth pair of some authors), arise principally from a small grey swelitng on the upper surface of the restiform bodies at the side of the fourth ventricle. Each nerve is distributed upon the internal ear, and is the nerve of the sense of hearing. 9. Glossopharyngeal nerves, or upper division of the eighth pair, (ninth pair of some authors), arise from the restiform bodiesnear tle sulcus which separates them from the olivary, and are distributed upon the pliacynx and mucous-membrale at the back part of the tongue. It is a sensitive nerve. 10. Par vagpuin, or pneumogastric nerves, or principal division of the eighth pair, (tenth pair of some authors), originate in the same line with, and close upon, the glossophalryngeal. These nerves are extensively distributed upon the larynx, pharynx, trachea, csopllagus, heart, lungs, and stomach. Part of the filaments of this nerve are sensitive, and part are nmotor. II. Spinal accessory nerves, or lower division ofitle eighth pair, (eleventh pair of some authors), originate from the upper part of the spinal cord, in the same line with the two preceding nerves. They enter the cranium by the foramen magnum, and pass out again from the cranium through;the foramen lacerum, along with the other two divisions of the eighth pair. It is principally, if not entirely, a motor nerve. 12. lypoglossal or ninth pair, (twelfthl pair of some authors). Each originates from the sulcus between the pyramidal and olivary bodies, ami escapes from the base of the cranium -tlrough the anterior condyloid forasen, and is distributeod upon the muscles of athle tong-ue It islthe motor nerve of the tongue. ILLUSTRATIONS. 25 THE 1RIGIHT HEMISPHERIE OF THE BRAIN. 7/. MMI, Convolutions, flat-color, reddislh grey. A, IMedulla oblongota cut throughl the medium line. Color-outer portion, bluish wlIltu; k:zer portion, reddish grey. a, Pyramidal body. B, pons.rarolii, or tuber -annulare. Color-white outside; inside, reddish grey, eTubercula quasdrigemina. D, Crus cerebri. E, The great inferior ganglion-posterior striated body (thalamus)-color, bluish white. F, The great superior ganglion-anterior striated body-color, reddish grey. C. Annular ganglion. H, Corpus callosum —color, lluiish white. K, Fissura Silvii. L, The cerebellum. e, The arbor vitee-color, white, n the reddish grey ground of the incised cerebellum. T, The tentorum, separating thle cerebellum from the brain. n, Locus niger. 2 26 SOMNOLISM AND PSYCHEISM. THE CEREBELLUM. AA, Tile cerebellum-color, reddisll rey. B, Processus vermiculares. n, Processus e cer ebello ad testes-seemi-transparent-color, bluish white. a a, The posterior corpora quadrigemina-color, bluish white. e c, The anterior corpora quadrigemina —color, bluish white. d', The great inferior ganglions —posterior striated bodies (thalamus)-color, bluish white. m m, Posterior part of the great superior ganglions-anterior striated bodies —color, reddish grop, e, Pineal gland-color, reddish grey i, Third vtricle, ILLUSTRATIONS. 27 HORIZONTAL SECTION OF THE BRAIN. ee, Convolutions, or cortical part of the brain; color, reddish grey. n, Fourth ventricle. v, Posterior commissure; color, white. a, Third ventricle, ci separation between the great ganglions d d, Great inferior ganglions; color, bluish white. x, Middle commissure. n, Anterior commissure. p p, Great superior ganglions —striated; color, reddish grey., t, Anterior opening into the lateral ventricles. 28 SOMNOLISM AND PSYCHEIS/M. THE CEREBELLUM, ETC.. M I N RN MM, The anterior part of the brain. NN, Posterior part of the brain. e e, Vertical sections of the great inferior ganglions; color, bluish white. c c, The black substance in the centre of the great inferior ganglions. o o, The cords of the mllammary bodies whichl plunge into the interka] of the great inferior ganglionL t, Mlammary body of the right side, thle left being cut away. r r, Optic nerves. n n, Olfactory nerves. a a, Great superior ganglions; color, reddish grey. ILLUSTRATIONS. 29 VARIOUS PARTS ABOUT THE BASE OF THE BRAIN. r, MIedullla oblongata. c c, Decussation of the fibres of the pyramidal bodies, which explains thle influence of the lateral cerebral parts of the brain upon tIbe opposite sidres of the body. These fibres cross the mesial line of thle body one above anolther from below, upward, like plaited straw. Those of the right side come from the left pyramidal body, and those of tie left sidle from the right pyramidal body, and is a constant peculiarity, modified only by the number of decussa:ting fibres. Tlhey are contracted in thleir course in passing the olivary bodies a a, and then diverge as seen in the figure. m, Auditory nerve. n, Facial nerve. The primary bundle of filbres of the cerebellum are here seen to plunge into it between these nerves. b, Part of the annular protuberance, or pons Varolii, plunging inlto the cerebellum. s, Cerebellar ganglion. 30 SOMNOLISM AND PSYCHEISM. p, Mammary bodies, with the diverging cords to which they are attached. u, Optic nerve. ", The optic nernes decussate partially, and is the cause why tile eye is frequentl' deranged on the same side as that on which the brain is diseased." —.purzheim. hh, " Nervous fibres that expand in the convolutions and contribute to their formationa" Sopurzheim. i i, Olfactory nerves. v, Side of tlie great lateral ventricle. 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, Tile fibres which pass through the-great cerebral ganglions, and ultimately expand into the convolutions of thle brain DD, Consrerging convolutions. RIGItT HEMISPHERE OF THE BRAIN. c, Internal structure of tle convolutions. e, Fibres of the convolutions aggultinated by a very delicate neurilema. This engraving represents the right hemisphere of the braie', in which thle convolutions are cut away to the depth of about three qeuarters of an inch, to show the fibres radiating from the centre of the outer surlface of the great inferior ganglion into the convolutions. The hvleite spot in the centre of the figure represents the outer surface of the great interior ganglion, over whiih thee fibres are drawn withl great accuracy from the original. ILLUSTRATIONS. 81 VERTICAL SECTION OF THE BRAINI i. NJ, A fine view of a vertical section of the brain through the convolutions,. the white substance, the great inferior ganglion, and the cerebellum. This section is made through the ganglion to the depth of about the quarter of an inch from its outer surface, and through the middle of the cerebellar ganglion. o, Great inferior ganglion. m, Fibres radiating from the surface of the ganglion. 1, Cerebellar ganglion (corpus dentatum). n, Arbor vitae. Same of the principal organs formed by the convolutions of the brain are numbered thu. a, Amativeness, or sexual love. 2, Philoprogenitiveness, or love of offsprirg. 3, Inhabitiveneos, or attachment to home. 4, Concentrativeness, or power of mental concentration 6, Approbativeness, or love of approbation. ~, Self-esteem. 32 SOMNOLISM ANT PSYCH.EISM. 7, Firmneso. 8, Reverence. 9, Benevolence 10, Imitation. 11, Comparison, or power of comparing one tlhing with another, 12, Eventuality, or power of observing action. 13, Individnality, or power of observing existence. 14, Language, or power of learning or using verbal signs. PERPENDICULAR SECTION OF THE BRAIN.o The fibres of the white or medullary substance radiate, as seen in ithe figure, from the base of tl:e brain into the convolutions the folds of whlich are pluntged into the wliite substance, generally from a line to an inch deep. e e, is a section of one of the coro a restiforena. c, Is a section of one of the corporapyramidalia. b, Is the pots Varolii. g, Is one ofthe crura of the brain. s, Is the cerebellar ganglion, surrounded by tlhe arbor vit,. 34, 35, 37, 38, and 15, Are the cerebral fibres, whicrl, originating in t1he esedslla oblosgata, pass under the aons treolii, tlrough the crsra, and coTora astriata, and great int'eioe gawlions, and ultimately expandl into the convolutions of the brain. ILLUSTRATIONS. 33 47, 48, Situation of the cerebellum wvitlin the skull. These crura contain cineriterous matter in their interior, front which additional fibres are conl tmually sent off as they advance to join and strengthen those that have come from below. The cerebral crura are besides divided into two parts, viz.: an anterior and external, and a posterior and internal mass, the limits of which are imarked by two superficial furrows. They are the roots of the primary bundles of fibres of the brain, which diverge as they advance to form the immaense mass of the hemispheres. A great portion of these fibres pass to and through the ganglions in their course to the convolutiona, from which another set of fibres converge through the white substance, and corpus callosum to the same ganglions in the centre of the brain. RIGHT HEMISPHER E OF THE BRAIN. A, Front part of the righlt hemisphere of the brains. B, Great inferior ganglion. CO Great superior ganglion 2* G4 SOM-NOLISM AND PSYCHEISM. L3ANfGLIONIC SYSTEM OF VEGETABLE LIFE. ILLUSTRATIONS GANGLIONIC SYSTEM OF VEGETATIVE LIFE. A view of tlse ganglions of thle organs of the body, and other structures, connected with the great sympathetic nerve, reduced from MIanec's grand plate, by Jolln Harrison Curtis, Esq., London. AAAA, Semilhuar ganglion and solar plexuls. The ganglion is placed upon tile base of the twvo pillars of the diaphragm, one being on each side, and tihe right generally larger than the left. B, Small splanchnic nerve. Consists is the union of two or three twigs, furnished by the last thoracic ganglia. C, Great splanchnic nerve. Formed bytlle junction of three, four, five, or eight twigs, coming from as many thoracic ganglia. DDD, Thoracic ganglia. Ten or eleven in number, corresponding with the posterior part of thle lateral side of the body of the dorsal vertebra; most of them rest on tile head of the ribs; others correspond with tile level of the illtercostal space. E, Internal branches. All of them are attached upon tile body of tlhe vertebrwe, and advance, ramifyilng and communicating with each other, toward thle medium line, where they are distributed over the oesophagus and tile aorta. F, External branchles. Two for eachl ganglion, very diflerent from each other; one large, red, pulpous, aind goillg to tile intercostal nere e; the other much smaller, white, giving oni no twigs, and passing from thei intercostal to tihe ganglion. G, Righlt coronary plexus. Passes between the pulsilonary artery and thle aorta, and accompanies the anterior coronary artery. H, Left coronary plexus. PI'asses before the left brancll of tile Iplmonary artery, goes to thin posterior side of tlle hleart, and accompanies the left coronary artery. I, Inferior cervical ganglion. Placed belind tile vertebral artery. J, Inferior twigs. Coinmonly a single branch communicating witlh tile first thoracic ganglion. K, External threads. Very slender, and communicating wvithl the last cervical and the last two dorsal pairs.; some filaments pass round the subclavian artery. L, Internal twigs. Very minute, and distributed to the longus colli, upon tile anterior part of tleh spine; some of them descend to tile puhlonary plexus. DI, Anterior threads. Two or three ir, number, constituting thle inferior cardiac nerves. N, Miiddle cervical ganglion, Placed on a level withl tile body of tile fifth or sixth cervical vertebrae, anrd covered by tile internal jugltar veinl. 0, Interior twigs. Three or four in numrnhe, all passing over thle inferior cervical ganglion. P, External twigs. Vary much in riumber, and give off ramifications comnmunicating witll the cervical pairs and tlhe pshrenic nerve. Q, Superior cervical ganlglion, Situated on tile anterior and lateral part of the second, third, and fourth cervical vertebra. R, Superior branches. Two in number, anid placerd behind tile internal carotid artery. S, Inferior branch. IRarely double, and descends upon tile great rectus muscle as far as thle middle cervical ganglion. T, External branches. Their number very variable; they communicate with tile first, second, and third cervical pair. U, Submoaxillary ganglion. Sittil upon thle iuternal side of tihe submaxillary gland, a little below the styloglossal muscle. V, Vidian nerve. A branch springing from thle posterior side of tile splleno-palatine ganglion. W, Naso-palatine branch One of tile internal branches of the splleno-palatine gnanglion, enteringr tile nasal fossie by thle sphleno palatine forameri. X, Spiheno-palatine ganglion. Placed in the summit of the zygomatic fossa. Y, Optllalnic ganglion. Situated in the orbit, and occupies the external side of the optic nerve. Z, Auditory nerve and meambrane of tlhe tympanumn, containing, within its cavity, four small bones, viz.: tlhe stapes, the incus, tlse ilalleus, and tlhe Ds orbiculare. 86 SOMNOLISM AND PSYCHEISM. 1, Renal plexuses. Furnished by threads coming from the solar and cceliac plexuses, and fromt the last dorsal ganglion, the first lumbar, and the small splanchnic nerve. 20, Lumbar ganglia. Commonly four or five; thle first corresponds with tile body of tle first lumbar verterae, the last with the fifth. 3, Internal branches. fimerous; go downward and inward, to the aorta, where they are lost in the aortic plexus. 4, External branclles. Two of these, at least, arise from each ganglion; they follow a course more or less dfexuous toward the anterior brancres of the lumbar nerves. 5, Aortic flexus. Formed by threads from the solar plexus, sispeyior mesenteric, rernal, sma}s eslanchnic nerve, and internal branches of tbe lumbar ganglia;. ILLUSTRATIONS. 87 A, Spinal cord. NN, Sp1al nerves connected with the sacru m OPO, Spinal nerves distributed to the lower limbo. 88 POSOMlNOLISM AND PSYCHEI-SM. occupies the greater part of the cranium, or skull, is called the CEREBRUM. The smaller portion is situated in the hinder part of the head, just above the spinal marrow, and is called the CEREBELLUM-a word meaning " the little brain." The cerebrum is laterally divided into halves, called hemispheres, and also into smaller divisions, called lobes. The interior portion is made up of various cavities, and delicately-arranged minute fibres, which commence in extremely minute bodies, called cortical glands, which every where occupy the surface of the Cerebrum; some of these fibres afterwards converge to firm the spinal marrow. The surface of the cerebrum is also every where disposed in wavy furrows, not unlike the folds of the intestines. But the cerebellum, not only differs in size and situation, but also, in exterior and interior form; for the exterior, instead of the wavy folds, is arranged in what are called lamina, or plates; and the interior has an arborescent or tree-like appearance-so much so, that it is called arbor vit%, the tree of life. Now, viewing man as formed according to the' Infinite Wisdom and perfect order of a Divine Creator, we must expect to find consummate order and design within him, and that every organ of his body should be formed for some specific and determinate Use; for UsE is the great end of all the Creator's operations. Hence we may conclude that each of these brains has its- own specific use, and such we find to be the case; and I will endeavor to point out such of those uses as bear upon the subject we are now considering-my object at present being, not to present you- with a full view of the physiology of the human brain, but only so much as is indispensably PHENOMENA) ETC., OF MESMERISM. 39 necessary to be known in order to comprehend the phenomena of Mesmerism. 14. On the base, or lower part of the cerebrum, are found various nerves, which may be easily seen in any good anatomical engraving. Thus in front are found the bulbs of the olfactory nerves, or nerves of smell, Twhich, to use a familiar phrase, grow out of the base of the cerebrum, and expand towards tile forehead, and from these bulbs a multitude of filaments depend, which are spread out on the delicate membrane in the upper part of the nose. The optic nerves, or nerves of sight, also issue from the under part of the cerebrum, then approach each other and form a union, called the commissure; they then separate, and proceed in the form of a round white cord to the ball of each eye, which they enter behind, and then spread out to form the delicate nervous expansion called the retina. The nerves which move the-eyes and eyelids, also issue from the base:-f the cerebrum. There are also other nerves arising from different portions of the cerebrum; but except those by which sensation is experienced, they have no particular reference to the phenomena of Mesmerism. There are other important nerves which arise within the cranium, but not from the cerebrum, and in respect to mesmeric phenomena, the chief are the seventh and eighth pairs, which arise from, the cerebellum, and the great sympathetic nerves, which, by means of the eighth pair of nerves, are also connected with the lesser brain. It is also worthy of notice, that all the nerves of the cerebrum issue from its base, thus leaving the fibrous and cortical portions free; and by this means the General Sensorium is placed in a re 40 SOMINOLISM AND PSYCHEISM. gion above the ministering nerves, and thus, as it were, midway between the mind and outward nature. 15. Now it is essentially necessary to be known, in order to form any correct idea of the physiological phenomena of Mesmerism, that all the nerves of the body, innumerable as they may appear to be, arise either directly or indirectly from the cerebrum or cerebellum; but in speaking of the origin of the nerves, my remarks have no reference to their development in the embryo, but to their situation and use in the perfect organism. And also, that whatever may be the parental character, so to speak, of any nerve, that character it preserves to its termination, however circuitous its course may be, and however its filament may be. mixed up with filaments of nerves of another order, so as to form a compound nerve. This is one of those traits of Divine simpi city which are so manifest in the Animal Economy. Now all the nerves by which we feel or act-that is, all what are called the voluntary and sensory nerves, may be said to arise, either directly from this larger portion of the entire brain, called the cerebrum, or indirectly from it, by means of the spinal marrow-which may be considered as a continuation of the cerebrum in the body. The SPINAL MARROW is composed of three distinct columns-the anterior, or front column, being formed of what are styled motor nerves; that is, nerves that are concerned in voluntary motion. The posterior column, or hinder part, of nerves of sensation; and the middle part of the column contains the roots of the nerves of respiration. If the brain is attentively examined, portions of nervous fibres may be seen passing by and PHEN;OMENA, ETC., OF MESMERISM. 41 through other nervous portions, and yet having no connection with them. Thus, portions of the motor fibres of the cerebrum, may be traced under the arch of the optic nerves, and through that appendage of the cerebellum called the Bridge of Varolius; and yet they are uninfluenced by the cerebellum, but preserve their cerebral character, and pass intact and directly into the fore part of the spinal marrow; and portions of sensory fibres may be traced in the same manner going by and through nervous substances of another character without losing their own specific character, and then passing into the hinder part of the spinal column. Now it is by this mode of arrangement, that the true character of the nerves at their origin is preserved to their extremities; and so carefully is this distinction preserved, that even if filaments of motor or sensory nerves appear to be united in one cord, yet each order of filaments' retains its original character. If I raise my arm, I do so by mIusclar power, communicated by nerves having their true origin in the cerebrum; the same may be said'of walking, or of any other action under the control of the will. All these voluntary and external actions, are done by and through the medium of the cerebrum. Thus one great use of the cerebrum, is to originate and control the voluntary and sensory nerves; it is thus the soul's medium for external knowledge and voluntary action-the great organ of what is called A9nimal Life. Hence pressure on the cerebrum, by paralyzing its action, instantly suspends all sensation and capability of motion. 16. But the office of the CEREBELLUM, the smaller, and curiously organized portion of the entire brain, is 42 SOMNOLISM AND PSYCHEISM. of another kind. This is the great organ or fountain of organic life; that is, of the life of the internal organs of the body, and of the involuntary motions: the pulsations of the heart; the circulation of the blood; the digestive actions of the stomach and bowels; the action of the reproductive organs; in a word, of the thousand functions performing within us, and over which our will has no control. All these internal functions are under the direction and control of nerves proceeding directly or indirectly from- the cerebellum or its appendages; and this chiefly, by the aid of -the great sympathetic nerves, and the eighth pair already alluded to. 17. The eighth pair of cranial nerves, called also the par vagum, arises from the cerebellum, and its connections, and gives off numerous branches which ramify plentifully on the stomach and lungs, and in fact are continued to nearly all the viscera. The great sympathetic nerves differ from all the other nerves in the body, both in their arrangement and form: they are studded with small kernels called ganglia, or knots, into which, and out of which, numberless nervous twigs have their entrance and exit; and in the neck, by some of these branches they are connected with the par vagum, and thus with the cerebellum. These two pairs of important nerves may be considered as forming the trunk of the system of the cerebellum, just as the spinal marrow forms the trunk of the system of the cerebrum. And to perfect the operation of the animal economy, twigs from each are united with each other; and from the great sympathetic with all the nerves of the body. Now the existence, and dis PHENOMENA, ETC., OF MESMERISM. 43 tinct functions of these two brains, and the systems of nerves depending on them, must be carefully remembered, if we would understand the phenomena of Somnolism, or ordinary Mesmerism. And to enable you to comprehend the physiology of this wonderful discovery, I will, as the first step, point out the principal difference between a state of wakefulness and sleep, and the immediate physical cause of this difference. 18. During wakefulness, both brains are more or less in -a state of activity; but of the action of the larger portion-that is of the cerebrum-we are conscious, so that our will bears rule in the animal economy, and the sensory nerves convey to the sensorium within the cerebrum, the various impressions inade by outward objects. But when sleep seals up the eyelids the activity of the cerebrum ceases, and hence we become insensible to outward things; and then nature, or the involuntary portion of our nervous centre-that is the Cerebellum, with its derivativeshas the entire control and direction of the animal kingdom. It is well known that "balmy sleep"i is tired nature's kind restorer," but it is not so generally known, that one great reason for the refreshing and restorative nature of sleep consists in the complete suspension of the faculties of the cerebrum, and the operations of nature being carried on by the cerebellum, without any of those. manifold disturbing causes which arise from our voluntary and conscious activities. The cerebrum is composed, as I have already observed, of innumerable fibres, originating in little lobules or glands. In the active state of this portion of the entire brain, or in other words, in the wakeful state, these fibres are erect, 44 SOMNOLISM AND PSYCHEISM. and, with their lobules or glands, point towards the circumference of the cranium, and there is a capability of moving them either singly, or in greater or lesser groups; and hence arises the power of the will to exercise such an immense variety of muscular actions, and the rapidity and delicacy with which the behests of the will are transmitted by the nerves. In a state of inactivity or sleep, the fibres collapse, or fall together, and hence the capability of this individual action ceases, and a more general or combined action only remains possible. This general or combined action is similar to the true natural action of the cerebellum, which, from its peculiar organization, is incapable of the individual action which distinguishes the cerebrum. But with the cessation of individual or separate action in the cerebrum, all ordinary sensation ceases; and hence the unconsciousness of a state of sound sleep. 19. Another physical cause for the state of insensibility in sleep is, that by the collapse, or falling together of the fibres of the cerebrum, the blood is prevented from entering the finer channels of the brain, but courses along the pia mater, or membrane investing the brain. This is occasioned by a law generally overlooked, namely, that the brain has an automatic movement of its own, synchronous, not with the action of the heart, but with the respiration of the lungs; and on this account the brain has the control of the blood circulating within its substance, independant of the action of the* heart. Hence the vertebral and carotid arteries which supply the blood to the brain, have a peculiar erratic cotrse, more so than any other PHENOMENA, ETC.) OF MESMERISM. 45 arterial trunks; and every mechanical precaution is taken to impede the propulsive force of the heart, so that the brain may imbibe or reject the vital and stimulating fluid just according to the state induced upon it. Whatever, therefore, induces a change in the state of the fibres and cortical glands of the cerebrum, changes the state of its automatic action, and thence produces either somnolency or wakefulness. 20. Now let us apply these anatomical and physiological facts to the illustration of mesmeric phenomena, and I think we shall be able to understand something of the mode by which they are produced, thatt we shall find ourselves in possession of the true key to unlock these generally considered mysteries. But first I will briefly describe the most usual manifestations'. 21. The simplest visible state is that called mesmeric sleep. This I have induced both by the ordinary method, and also by Dr. Braid's mode of making the patient steadfastly gaze upon some small fixed object, called by him Hypnotizing; but I consider the mesmeric mode the best way, where the patient is susceptible of its influence, and by it, and, as far as my present experience goes, by it only, can the higher developments be produced. *Whatever the mode of operating: employed, the primary effect is on the state of the cerebrunm, which, by modifying the circulation of its blood, collapses in various degrees, and thus assumes the somnolent state. But in using the ordinary mesmeric mode, I altogether discard those formal and mystic modes of proceeding sometimes practised and recommended by some writers on Animal Magnetism. I have reason to believe, as I shall point out in the 46 SOMNOLISM AND PSYCHEISM. sequel, that mind is the grand agent in all really mesmeric phenomena, and the manipulations are merely so many means of fixing mental action. My usuqal mode of proceeding is simply to place the subjects or patients in a sitting posture, and take both their hands in my left hand, and then place my right hand on their head. Where there is any degree of mesmeric sensibility, this is the best and most gentle mode of proceeding; but in more difficult cases, the desired effect may be sooner produced by gentle passes, made from the crown of the head over the forehead downwards, or, in some cases, by making the passes over the entire head backwards. In this simple mesmeric sleep, just as in ordinary sleep, we find different degrees of soundness. Some persons merely feel a little drowsiness; others-find it impossible to open the eyelids, and yet are perfectly conscious, and, in other respects, awake. Other persons of greater susceptibility, either the result of continued experiment, or peculiar nervous temperament, proceed quickly into a sound sleep, or, as I propose to call it, SoMNOLISM. This state may quickly pass into one having all the characteristics of somnambulism, or what is commonly called sleep-walking; in fact, I can see no difference between this state and natural somnambulism, except that the latter is the result of spontaneous natural causes, while the former is the direct result of human agency. I have also reason to believe that natural somnambulists will make the best mesmeric subjects. 22. The induction of the true somnolent state, is all that is required to produce the curious and manifold phenomena of mesmerism, save and except the higher PHENOMENA) ETC., OF MESMERISM. 47 stages of cerebral lucidity and clairvoyance. Some of these states I will now proceed to notice; and, first, INSENSIBILITY TO LIGHT AND PAIN. If the eye of a patient in the somnolent state is examined, it will be generally found drawn upwards and inwards, and this, perhaps, in proportion to the complete development of the state; but it will exhibit little, if any, susceptibility to the influence of light. In fact, I have satisfied myself, by repeated and careful observation, that all external vision is withdrawn. There is the perfect visual organ, but the party sees not. There is also the healthy skin, with its infinitude of nervous papille, but it exhibits no sign of feeling. The most sensitive parts may be pinched, or pricked with needles or pins, but the patient will exhibit no consciousness of suffering, or, in -fact, of any kind of feeling, but will continue to converse with the mesmeriser or the experimenter without noticing in the least degree the apparently painful experiment to which he is being subjected. Nay, more, it is an undoubted fact, that the most severe surgical operations have been performed, both in this country and on the continejlt, without the patient evincing any susceptibility. I will mention one only, recorded in the French medical journals, and also in the Penny Cyclbpedia, under the article Somnambulism. An elderly French lady was the subject of cancer in the breast. Her physician was a practiser of mesmerism, and he had frequently employed that agency, in conjunction with other means, to abate, and, if possible, cure that dreadful malady. But he found that although he could always allay pain, and put the lady into a state of complete ease by mesmerising her, 48 SOMNOLISM AND PSYCHEISM. yet the disease continued its ravages, and the only hope was in an operation-that is, by amputating the breast. WThen this only alternative was proposed to her in the wakeful or normal state, it produced the most intense anguish and apprehension; but in the abnormal mesmeric state, she would calmly discuss the matter with her physician and friends. At last the operation was determined on, and Jules Colquet, the eminent Parisian surgeon, was chosen for the operator. The surgeon, in his narrative of the case, says that he found the lady seated in a chair, her eyes closed as if in sleep, yet conversing with her physician, who had, in fact, put her into the mesmeric or somnolent state some short time before. She spoke calmly of the intended proceedings, removed her own dress to expose her bosom to the surgeon's knifes and during the operation, which lasted about a quarter of an hour, she conversed cheerfully both with the surgeon and physician who was seated by her, and supported the arm on the diseased side, without exhibiting the slightest pain or consciousness of what was going on. The lady was then put to bed and carefully attended to, without being awakled friom the mesmeric state. On the next day but one the first dressings were removed-usually a most painful trial to the patient-the wound dressed again, and thenj after the lapse of some hours, she was aroused, having been kept for more than two days in the somnolent state. When awakened she was unconscious of all that had transpired since she was put into the sleep, more than two days before!' WVhen she found that her breast had been removed, that the wound had again been dressed, and found herself surrounded by PHENOMENAr EjTC., OF MESMERISM. 49 Anxious and sympathising, relatives, her feelings may be better imagined than described! But I will here make a cautionary remark. It rmust not be supposed that because persons in a state of somnolency feel no pain, that, therefore, they will be unconscious of any injury inlicted on them in that state when they return to the normal condition; on the contrary, when they are aroused they will feel the effect of any injury just in proportion to its severity. Common humanity therefore requires, that exper iments made to ascertain the state of the sensibility, should be such as only to occasion transient pain. 23. CATALEPSY, or rigidity of the muscles; PHIANTASY; TRANSFER OF FEELING from the operator to the patient; and what is called M3AGNETIC ATTRACTioN.-These are all interesting displays of mesmeric, or rather psychic states, and will be better understood when we come to the consideration of the psychological part of our subject. The facility with which these states can be produced depends entirely on the susceptibility of the subject. In the majority of cases, manipulations, actual contact, or audibly spoken words are necessary to produce the desired result; but in some cases the mere volition of the operator is sulfficient. Thus in case of catalepsy, by merely drawing the hand over the patient's arm, that is, in mesmeric language, 9making pqsses from the shoulder towards the tips of the fingers, the muscles of the arms may be rendered perfectly rigid, so that by no effort of the patient could they be put down, nor could a stranger render them flexible; by the application of great force the shoulder joint may be moved, but as soon as the pressure is removed 3 50 SOMNOLISM AND PSYCHEISM. the arm will instantly resume the position in which it had been placed by the operator. If the hand of a person of about the same physical strength as the mesmerised subject is placed in the hand of the subject, and the fingers made to clasp it, it will be found almost impossible to withdraw it, so tight will be the grasp; and yet, notwithstanding this great apparent exertion of muscular power, the mesmerised subjects will continue to converse on various topics, and evince neither mental nor physical consciousness of the power they are displaying! This peculiar characteristic of the somnolent state can be most beneficially employed as a curative agent in the restoration to strength of palsied or weakened limbs, provided the somnolent state can be induced on the diseased person. 24. But the phenomena above alluded to are among the simplest of these displays. By a single touch the mouth of the patient may be closed, so instantaneously, as to leave a wvord half pronounced; and by a single pass, as speedily set at liberty. Even the nostrils may, by a single pinch, be partially'losecl, so as instantly to produce the nasal twang common upon stoppage of the nasal passages by cold or otherwise; and then as quickly, by a wave of the hand, be restored to perfect freedomn Some patients, while putting themselves into various postures, may be instantly rendered immovable and statue-like in any posture. If a rod, or any other suitable article, be put into the hand, ant the hand closed by the operator, by no effort can the patient let it go, although he may be so far demesmerised as to be fully conscious of his state and of all around him. On thie other hand, by a mere pass of the hand of the mes PHENOMENA) ETC., OF MESMERISM. 51 meriser, or it may be) by a motion of his will, the mesmerised party finds it equally impossible to retain his hold. By a single pass or pressure, an individual may be rooted, as it were, by his feet to the floor, fixed immovable in his chair, or his hands fixed firmly to a wall or bench, or any other object. Some of these experiments are highly interesting and amusing, but the most wonderful, and apparently inexplicable, are but varied manifestations of the simplest forms of catalepsy, andc are, as we shall see, explainable by the same simple law which also explains other phenomena. 25. PHANTASY.-By this is meant such an action on the mind of the mesmerised party, that the mere suggestions of the mlesmeriser-sometimes not audibly expressed, but merely silently willed-are taken for realities. Thus a handkerchief may be thrown into the lap and silently willed to be a rabbit, a guinea-pig, a child, or even any disagreeable object, as a snake, or other reptile; and upon directing the attention to the object, as by simply asking " What have you got in your lap?" the action and language soon evince that it is considered to be just the object the operator wills it to be; nor can the subject conceive it to be anything else, or divest himself of the Phantasy. The effects of this mere imaginative action will generally be more strikingly displayed by touching such of the phrenological organs as have an affinity with the sentiment or feeling intended to be produced. Thus philoprogenitiveness and benevolence, in case an infant or an inoffensive animal is suggested; and cautiousness, in suggesting the idea of a snake, or other disagreeable objects. Again,'an empty glass may be offered, and 52 SOMNOLISM AND PSYCHEISM. by stating it to contain strong hot brandy and. water, the samnle coughing and di ficulty of swallowing will be produced as would follow the attempt to swallow such a liquid by a child, or a person wholly unatccustomedl to it. Then, by taking the glass away andc immediately presenting it again, saying that it contains cold water, but care must be taken lest it cause toothache, immediately all the effects of an intense cold draught will be manifested. Once a mesmeric subject asked me for a particular drink; I presented an empty glass and silently w~illed it to be castor oil. No sooner had the glass touched the lips than it was dashed away and broken to atoms, at the same time the party exclaimillg, Ah, it's so nasty!I Many more striking and interesting experiments may be exhibitedl but they may be all referred to the same primary causes. 26. TRANSPER OF STATEo-By this is meant that remzarkLable phenomena exhibited by good mesmeric subjects, in feeling whatever may be done to the mesmeriser as done to them-selves. This I have witnessed so often, and under such a variety of circumstances as to admit of no doubt as to its correctness. Thus, on one occasion, while lecturing, one of the audience, to test the matter, came unawares and pricked my leg. I looked round for a moment with surprise and some little indignation, but by the time I comprehended the motive of the seeming offender, the mesmerised subject felt it, and screamed out loudly " that some one had pricked her leg," and pointing at the same time to the cbrresponding portion on her own leg which had been pricked in mine. At the same time a pin might have been thrust really into her leg without her evincing PHENOMENA, ETC., OF MESMERISM. 53 any consciousness. I have got individuals to tread on my toes, pull my hair, or pinch different parts of the body, and I have invariably found that with this subject not many seconds would elapse before she would complain of exactly similar treatment, and refer the pain to the exact corresponding part; and sometimes I have experienced considerable difficulty in dispelling the illusion. These undoubted facts shed much light on what may be called the highly spiritualized, or purely mental origin of some diseases, and will afford some clue to the apparently miraculous manner in which some peculiar diseases have been remored, 27. PHRENO-MESMERISM.-This is the name usually applied to the manifestation of the phrenological sentiments and feelings of a mesmeric subject. It has been considered as affording.a triumph to the materializing class of phrenologists, and hence has been decried and attempted to be set aside by the metaphysical spiritualists. Possibly both classes.of reasoners may be wrong. Certainiy the mere placing of the finger of the operator on any part of the head, and it being followed -lby the manifestation of a sentiment or feeling proper to the organ said to be situated in the part touched, is no proof that such organ is really there; because the idea of the feeling or sentiment is in the operator's mind, and the fact may be accounted for by mesmeric imaginative action and the transfer of feelings. Again, anatomy reveals nothing within the cranium analogous to the arbitrary divisions marked on phrenological busts. Besides, when we touch the head, the skull prevents us acting directly on the brain; we only 54 - SOMNOLISM AND PSYCHEISM. excite the extremities of those cranial nerves which ramify in the scalp. On the other hand, the opportunities I have had for acquiring experience enables me positively to assert, that contact with at least certain parts of the head will produce those feelings phrenologically ascribed to those particular portions. Thus, for example, I have seen alimentiveness powerfully excited in a mesmerised subject who, when left alone for a little while,. accidentally reclined, so that a portion of the head where " alimentiveness" is situated was brought into contact with the edge of a table. Again, I have seen philoprogenitiveness excited by a subject accidentally rulbbing the occipital portion of the head against a high-backed chair-not to mention other instances. But this apparent proof of the material view of the question is not the whole one; for I have seen some of the phrenological sentiments excited without touching the head! Thus, upon simply taking the hand and silently thinking reverently of the Deity, the mesmerised subject has fallen down on the knees and manifested the most profound veneration. On other occasions, when more than one subject had been mesmerised, on touching the "organs" on the head of one, the other, without any touch or connection, or any knowledge of any action, would instantly manifest the sentiment. Upon the whole, I think the real evidence afforded by mesmerism is favorable to phrenology; but I am far from thinking that the evidence properly interpreted necessarily leads to that sort of materialism which is, by many persons, associated with phrenological doctrines. The brain is undoubtedly the mind's organ; PHENOMENA~ ETC.; OF MESMERISM. 55 this position remains, whether we suppose the mind uses the whole brain in every mental action or only an appropriate part. 28. It has been said that phreno-mesmerism is- the result of electrical action, and that, in fact, all mesmeric action is but an electrical phenomena-,the operator being positively electrified, the patient negatively so. For this, I believe, there is no evidence whatever. It is true that electricity may be made to stimulate certain vital actions, but it is admitted by thie best physiologists that there is no identity between them. I have carefully experimented, and cannot find that there is any perceptible difference between the electrical and magnetic st6te-f'thmei-nisme rised -subjet' and that of the' operator, where, according to electrical theory, the greatest difference ought to be manifested. Whatever name or cause may be assigned to mesmeric agency, it is undoubtedly a vital one. It is true, as I observed at the outset, that within the living organism are collated all the powers of the universe; but they are in the organism in its own peculiar manner. The magnetism and chemistry, the attractions and repulsions, and the other internal operations of the body, are not the magnetism and chemistry, the attractions and repulsions of outward nature; but they are living actions, analogous to outward cosmical and terrestrial activities, but perfectly distinct from them, and existing in a degree altogether above them. They are, in fact, the antitypes of which the types are found in outward nature. 29. With the exception -of CEREBRAL LUCIDITY, magnetic vision, as it is sometimes called, and CLAIR 6O $SOMNOLISM AND PSYCHEISM, VOYANCE~ the foregoing classification may be made to embrace all ordinary mesmeric or somnolent phenomena; lucid and clairvoyant manifestations are so evidently of a psychical nature, that before noticing them, let us apply ourselves to the solution of the physiology of the states we have briefly described. 30. We have seen that within the skull there are, in reality, two distinct brains, although popularly called the brain; that there are two distinct systems of nerves connected with these two brains; that by the larger brain, or cerebrum, and its nerves, we feel, think, and act; and that it is thus the soulps mn1edi{i{ of conscious intercourse with the exterhal world. That by the cerebellum, or little brain and its nerves, are directed and controlled all the involuntary and vegetative functions of our bodies; that the brain has an automatic, or in other words, an independent action of its own, by which it has the control of the blood circulating within it, and that in the state of sleep the fibres of the cerebrum collapse or fall together, and the blood is prevented entering the finer channels and thereby stimulating the brain to activity, and that from this state of collapse and altered circulation of the blood arises the unconsciousness and insensibility of profound sleep. 31. The true mesmeric action is, as will be presently shown, primarily and fundamentally of a psychological character, but it induces a peculiar physiological state. The direct effect of the passes, or whatever means are employed, is to produce a somnolent state of the brain, in some respects resembling common sleep, but in others widely differing from it. When the true PHENOMENA~ ETC., OF MESMERISM. 57 mesmeric, or rather psychical, relation between the operator and his subject is established, the cerebrum of the latter is rendered dormant, the cerebellum and its dependencies alone preserving their normal state. In the first place all consciousness appears to be suspended, but by degrees an inner consciousness, similar to the consciousness of dreaming is awakened, and from this inner consciousness the somnolized person speaks and acts. The optic nerves and the other nerves of the eye belong to the cerebrum, hence one of the first visible effects of mesmeric influence is an inability to open the eyelids, although the eyeball may be as -yet uninfluenced; but as the somnolent state continues, the optic nerves, or nerves of sight contract, and the ball of the eye rolls upwards, and all power and perception of vision is withdrawn. Then, as observed, with the increase of the somnolency the fountain-head of all the other sensory nerves becomes dormant, and that of the motory too, in a partial degree. The sensorium being by this change in the internal state of the cerebrum removed from its connection with the external world, all sense of pain is of course absent; and hence the seeming mysterious phenomenon of a person conversing with another and yet being unconscious of feeling, is at once solved by a knowledge of the simple fact, that the state of the cerebrum is changed by the somnolent influence, and an inner consciousness awakened. 32. Another physiological state, arising also primarily from a psychological cause, is now perceptible; for although the operator and his subject or subjects are of course two or more persons, yet, in respect to cerebral action, or more distinctly, in respect to the 58 SOfMNOLISM AND PSYCHIEISM. action. of the cerebium, they are ONE. In each person the cerebellum and its system of nerves is in the normal condition, but there is only one normal and active ce)rebrum, namely, that of the mesmeriser or operator. Hence, however many may be the subjects, if they have all been mesmerised by the same operator, and are all fully susceptible of the somnolent influence, they are all so intimately, interiorly blended with him, that the absence of their own external cerebral consciousness causes them to feel his cerebral consciousness as their own. Here then we discover the physiological reason for the strange and anomalous states exhibited. Thus, in cases of phantasy, the idea existing externally in the cerebrum of the mesmeriser is, when willed by him, perceived by the subject as if existing in his or her cerebrum. So also in cases of catalepsy, the somnolency of the subject's cerebrum permits those muscles which are influenced by the voluntary nerves to be actuated by the will of the operator's cerebrum. -Hence, in the best cases, the silent operation of the mesmeriser's will, that is, of the power of his cerebrum, is sufficient to throw the subject into a state of statue-like rigidity; but generally it requires the aid of passes, which determine more efficaciously the downward nervous currents. Hence, also, any pain inflicted on the operator, which, of course, he feels in the sensorium connected with the origin of the sensory nerves, is felt as if the impression was made on the cerebrum of the subject. 33. But we shall generally find that although sight and feeling are withdrawn the subject retains a perfect capability of HEARING. He may sometimes be so indrawn as to evince no perception of sound, similar, in PHENOMENA, ETC., OF MESMERISM. 59 thiis respect, to a person engaged in deep thought; but by patiently persevering until the attention is excited, or the desire of the operator is felt, we shall generally be able to demonstrate that the sense of hearing remains. Yet by no means can sight and feeling be restored except by partially or wholly demesmerising the subject. This fact may be thought to militate against the theory of cerebral action I aom endeavoring to inculcate, but it in reality tends to confirm it-for the nerve of hearing, which is a portion of the seventh pair of cranial nerves, has its roots in what is called the corpora restiformia, which is directly connected with the cerebellum. Sight is solely under the direction of the cerebrum, and we can exert that faculty or not at our pleasure, but we cannot help hearing if we are within the influence of sound, that is, by no organism connected with our ears can we shut out sound. The ears of a person in deep sleep are still open to the modulations of the air, on which sound depends; but the dormant state of the cerebrum prevents the conscious perception of sound, unless it is so loud as to produce that state of partial wakefulness on which dreaming depends; and the mesmerised party is conscious of sound, because, as we have already observed, the state of inner consciousness is in some respects analogous to the state of dreaming. But hearing is not so entirely dependent on the cerebellum as the internal involuntary functions, but is somewhat of a mixed nature, like the functions of respiration. 34. Here then is the whole physiology of the mesmeric or somnolent state, and the reason for the seeming mystery and contrariety to our usual feelings and 60 SOMNOLISM AND PSYCHEISM. conmon experience. The cerebrum of the subject is dormant, the cerebellum continues its normal state of activity, while, from the peculiar relationship of the parties, to which we shall presently allude, the cerebrum1 of the operator dominates oyer his subject, and is, in a degree, the common cerebrum of both parties. PHILOSOPHY AND PSYCHOLOGY OF MESMESMERISM. 35. CLAIRVOYANCE.-Of all the extraordinary phenomena of mesmerism, none appear to stagger the general belief more than the different manifestations of clairvoyance or magnetic vision, or to speak more truly and plainly, the internal sight of the soul. To say that a person can see without the aid of the eye, or by any other means than light entering into the pupil of the eye in the usual manner, seems like uttering an absurdity, or declaring the possibility of an impossibility. Yet, strange as it may sound to those wno have had no experience in this matter, there is no mesmeric phenomena more capable of positive proof, provided the necessary care be taken in making the experiment, and the subject be placed in proper circumstances; and I trust this evening to afford you ocular demionstration of the fact. 36. But before proceeding further, I wish that it may be distinctly impressed upon you, that when we carefully examine the eye and the brain, we shall see PITLOSOPHY, ETC.) OF MESMERISM. 61 reason to acknowledge that an internal function of sighlt, although remarkable and unexpected, and generally unknown, is not more -difficult to explain than ordinary vision when thoroughly examined. On referring to the human eye, or any correct representation of it, we shall find that it is a hollow ball, filled with three different kinds of fluids arranged in a determinate order. In front is a horny transparent lens, something like a small watch-glass, to admit the rays of light; behind it is the small chamber containing the aqueous humor, then a hole, called the pupil, through the iris, to allow the rays of light from different objects to pass into the interior parts of the eye, first passing through the crystalline lens and through the vitreous humor, and then forming an image of the objects on the delicate membrane called the retina, which is spread out on the back of the eye. Now up to this point ordinary vision may be explained on optical principles, and the eye shown to be the most perfect optical instrument. But the moment we attempt to pass beyond the retina, science is at fault; no natural philosopher has been able toxplain how the optic nerve conveys the image to tile brain; we-know that the mind is conscious of the images formed on the retina-or, in more familiar language,' of the hings seen by the eyes-but in what manner an opaque nervous cord, differing in no essential particulars from other nervous cords, conveys that impression to the mind, we are entirely ignorant. Ordinary sight has, therefore, a psychological basisand this is admitted by the best physiologists. 37. Clairvoyance, or internal sight, assumes the same BASIS necessary to perfect ordinary vision; but as it 62 SOMNOLISM AND PSYCHEISM. acts independently of the external visual organs, so it is not trammelled by those natural laws to which they are necessarily subject. Thus by this internal sight, and by light issuing from within, and not from without, as in common sight, things may be seen which are out of the range of natural sight, and altogether above its nature. For instance, our physical sight,can see the remote starry orbs, placed at the, distance of perhaps thousands of millions of miles, because the undulations of light proceeding from them in straight lines can impinge, or strike upon the retina of our eyes. Yet the intervention of any opaque body immediately shuts out the vision of the object, even if placed in close connection with us; so that if our penetrating powers of sight were immensely increased, whether naturally or artificially, still the rotundity and opacity of the earth would prevent us seeing beyond a certain distance. But opacity is no barrier to internal sight; objects to which the mind is directed, either designedly or spontaneously, will be equally visible through doors and walls as if placed directly before the face. Nay, to the higher stages of clairvoyance there seems, comparatively speaking, no bounds; for whether the object sought be in the same house, or town, or country, or across the broad Atlantic, or still remoter Pacific oceans, it appears to be found and seen with equal facility, and to be equally near'to the internal perception of the truly clairvoyant individual. The human body is seen as clearly, and its. living actions described as plainly, as if the external and internal parts were alike as transparent as glass, and this also, without any bodily con-, nection, such as by bringing the clairvoyant and the PHILOSOPHY- ETC., OF MESMERISM. 63 person to be described together, but, as I have proved, when more than one hundred miles have intervened between them. 38. But we have now arrived at a stage in our enquiry where physiology ceases to afford us light; for physiology as such, that is, as the science of our outward living organism, knows nothing of an internal or supersolar light, or of sight that can penetrate alike through opaque and transparent substances. To psychology and philosophy we must therefore look for aid in our endeavor to investigate the apparent mystery of this interesting subject. And I regret that the abstruse nature of the enquiry, the little that is generally known in this branch of knowledge, together with the necessary brevity of popular lectures, will only permit me to present you with a sketch of the views opened to the eye of rational research. 39. It is usual to. represent man as composed of mind and matter-SouL and body. This is correct. And as we find that the body is not a mere simple uncompounded substance, but a collection of innumerable parts and organs, so, by parity of reasoning, we may conclude, that the mind, or spiritual body, as the parent and director of the natural body, cannot be that simple entity, that abstract nothingness so generally represented by metaphysical writers; but rather that the controller of the animal organism must-be itself organized according to the laws of its own peculiar nature, and capable -of manifesting those laws, under certain circumstances, through those organs of the body, that'is, of the brain and nervous system, which are united with it by the law of correspondent activity and con 64'SOMNOLISM1- AND PSYCHEISM. nection.: St. Paul, therefore, spoke the language of the profoundest philosophy, when he declared that there were spiritual bodies and natural bodies, and that the natural body was the first in its development, and afterwards the spiritual body; and when, on another occasion, he defined the entire human organism, as existing here, to be a compound of "' spirit, soul, and body," in this respect giving his apostolic sanction to the doctrine of the ancient sages of Greece. The two first terms1 used by the apostle to describe the spiritual part of man, are, in the original Greek, Pneuma and Psyche, and the latter term, which in our version of the Scriptures is, in the passage alluded to, translated soul, is, by the Latin writers called the " animus;" and this term is always used to signify the animal sozil, as distinguished from the pneuma, or more interior human spirit. 40. And here it will be as well to observe, that no truth is more evident to sound rational enquiry than that the Creator has given to every department of his " handy-work" a specific character, and that from the Creator to the lowest inert matter, there exists a chain of DEGREES-and that each object of creation can only be well and truly studied by viewing it in its own degree, and comparing it with objects in another degree. But if we confound this distinction of degrees, we shall never arrive at a clear and satisfactory solution of many important facts. Each degree will be found to have laws or properties peculiar to itself, and if we transcend the degree of the object of our enquiry, by applying to it qualities or properties belonging to another distinct degree, we may expect nothing but confusion and mys PHILOSOPHY, ETC.3 OF MESMERISM. 65 tery. Now, in our investigation of the nature of man, it is especially necessary not to overlook these distinctions. By no process can matter be sublimed into spirit; and spirit having, according t6 apostolic authority, and the general law of analogy observable in all things, its distinctions and degrees, the properties of the lower degree may not apply to a higher one. True philosophy also teaches, that if spirit in no degree is material, that is, does not possess those properties which we apply to ponderable matter, still it is no less on that account a truly real and substantial existencemore truly substantial than the granite rock, because, more unchanging and more enduring. 41. Now viewing the spiritual organism of man as consisting of two distinct degrees, called by the apostle the pneuma and psyche, or as possessing both a spiritual internal and external, together foriming, while in this mortal life, the common internal of the natural organism, the PsYcHE or ANIMus will be the connecting medium between the pure human spirit and the nervous system of tie: natural body. By its connection, through correspondence and vital affinity, with the body, it is placed in relation with outward nature, while as a spiritual entity, and by its-indissoluble union with the higher spiritual principle, it has, at the same time, immediate connection with the spirit-world; and because it is a subject of the laws, and possesses the properties of- that world which have nothing in commolt with time, space, or comnmon matter, it displays those powers which can be explained by no merely natural or physiological knowledge, but which receive an easy, rational, and satisfactory solution, when man is really 66 SOMNOLISM AND PSYCHEISM. seen to be that which revelation, philosophy, and the statements of true clairvoyants declare that he isnamely. a compound of spiritual and natural organisms intimately united by the exactest correspondence or analogy. And that although the lower, or natural organism, cannot act without the continued influence of' the higher, or spiritual organism, nor can the spiritual organism be developed without the *medium of the natural one, yet, when developed, the higher organism can act, not only by and through the lower organism, but even independently and when disconnected from it. 42. It is this psyche or animus-the external.of the spirit-that, from all that rhave yet learned on the subject, I take to be the true seat of what is called mesmeric influence; the psyche, or animal soul of the operator, influences the same external spiritual organic principle in the subject, and from the animus the influence flows downwards, to use analogous natural terms, and thence affects the brain and nervous system -and hence I propose to call that part of mesmerism, which manifests mental and super-sensual phenomena, by the name of PSYCHEISM, or, the Science of the Soul as manifested-in- natu4re-while to the lower and physical stages, the name of SOMNOLISM may be applied, as indicative of its sleep-like and- dream-like character. 43. Now as to the psychological change induced by mesmerism.-It is a common law of our being that conscious perception should have its apparent seat in the ultimate, or extreme, of every development. Thus, although it is a well-established fact, that the sensorium is within the brain, and that if a sensory nerve be divided, no sensation will be experienced, yet it is as well PHILOSOPHY, ETC. OF MESMERISM. 67 known that if we prick a finger, the pain will be felt where the. wound is inflicted. So, notwithstanding the body feels and acts by and through the spirit, our conscious perception, in the usual normal condition, is confined to the bodily organization-because, while in the present state, the body is the ultimate development of the spirit. When death severs the connection between mind and body, the ultimate of the immortal man is the psyche or animus, and to it is transferred all conscious perceptions and sensations. It is from this differing seat of the conscious perceptions that, in our ordinary state, we have no sensational knowledge of the spirit-world, or of its laws. But psycheism, or the higher stage of mesmerism, may aptly be compared to partial death-for it is a closing of the common external of our being, a transfer of the sensational perceptions from the ultimate of the body to the ultimate of the spirit-and thence, and simply from this transfer of ultimates, arises an awakening of the conscious sensational perception of the inner man, or spirit. All those apparently miraculous powers which we sometimes see displayed by good mesmeric subjects, are, in fact, but the result of the psyche or animus being so far set free from the bodily ultimate as to enable the spiritual body to act nearly, if not quite independently of the sensual organs, and by perception, and in light from an inner world; but the connection of the mind and body is yet sufficient to enable the soul's sight and feeling to be manifested to our physical senses by and through the natural organization of a clairvoyant. 44. From this transfer of consciousness and sensational perception, we may also account for the anoma 68 SOMNOLISM AND PSYCHEISM. lous, and often incongruous, statements and descriptions of clairvoyants. They forget much of that mode of speaking of things which is common to our external condition, but which, in itself, is often purely arbitrary and conventional; and they -speak according to their newly-awakened and uninformed consciousness. As we have to learn to talk, and even to see, or rather rightly to interpret what the eye reveals, so do clairvoyants require a continued exercise of their peculiar power to familiarize them with its use. 45. We now proceed to explain the manner by which the influence of the operator is brought to bear upon his subject, and that sometimes too, at considerable distance; for I have found a subject affected by my influence, even when mesmerising another party, at the distance of a mile-but this may be considered an unusual case. It is a law of nature that all things should be surrounded by an effluvium or sphere which emanates from them, and is always of the peculiar nature or quality of the body from which it emanates; and'these effluvia are regulated by certain definite laws. Thus the fragrance which surrounds the rose is the effluvium or sphere emanating from it; and this effluvium, by being dissolved in the surrounding erial atmosphere, becomes sensible to our organs of smell, and an idea of its existence and quality is then transmitted to our general sensorium. But there are effluvia of which we should for ever remain ignorant, did we not perceive them rationally by their EFFECTS. Thus around magnetized and unmagnetized iron, an effluvium or sphere prevails, of which, in their separated state, our senses give us no evidence. But we have only to bring them PHILOSOPHY, ETC.' OF MESMERISM. 69 into such proximity as to be within the influence of the law regulating the activity of their respective spheres, and their existence may then'be instantly perceived in their mutual attraction and coherence. For it has been shown by one of the profoundest of philosophers, that these single spheres have the property of blending into one larger sphere, and that hence arises what is called magnetic attraction. 46. One of the results of the higher stages of clairvoyance, or independent internal sight, is the knowledge, that an effluvium or sphere analogous to what we have-alluded to, surrounds the mental organism or spiritual body of every individual. Following the general law of nature, this sphere possesses the peculiar mental qualities of the organism from which it emanates. And hence arises the repugnance which is felt to the society of some persons, and the pleasure which is experienced in the company of others; and to it are referable all the remarkable instances of SYMPATHY and ANTIPATHY SO frequently observed. But in these ordinary cases the active cause is latent or hidden; yet in the higher mesmeric, or rather psychic state, it often becomes sufficiently obvious even to our physical senses, for we may here see that, similar to what we have said of terrestrial magnetism, there is an actual blending of spheres. The magnet induces its state on the iron, so that it becomes magnetical; and the operator induces his sphere on his patient or subject, so that the subject becomes, as it were, one body with himself-the egoism or self-consciousness of the one being blended with the egoism or self-consciousness of the other. 47. Here then is the psychological cause for the 70 SOMNOLISM AND PSYCHEISM. physiological state already mentioned. The change of state induced upon the animus of the subject is the primary cause of the change in the condition of the cerebrum; the collapse of the cerebrum closes the external consciousness, while the union of the spheres emanating from the animus of both operator and subject, causes the latter to perceive, as in himself, what really is felt in the active cerebrum of the former. And this change of state affords, I believe, the true psychological solution of the whole apparent mystery of catalepsy, phantasy, and many other curious mesmeric phenomena. As regards phreno-mesmerism, the arousing into activity one particular organ of the brain, as it would be called by one class of phrenologists, or faculty of the mind, as it would perhaps be called by another class, without the guidance, control, or balancing powers of the other organs or faculties, is a sufficient reason for the effects we see displayed. 48. But although the transfer. of consciousness, and the blending of the spheres of the operator and subject, will account for many curious and otherwise inexplicable phenomena, it does not account for independent clairvoyance. Nor do I think it can be reasonably accounted for, but on the grounds already intimatednamely, the awakening of the sensational consciousness of the external of the immortal body, that is, of the psyche or animus. For I reject as purely hypothetical, altogether without evidence, and contrary to established laws, that theory which would attempt to solve it by an imaginary change of poles, or the transfer of life from the animal to the organic system. According to the latter theory, the lowest mollusk ought to possess a PHILOSOPHY, ETC.) OF MESMERISM. 71 more extended and spiritual perception than man; and man is to be spiritually elevated by being degraded to a level with the lowest forms of organic life. 49. The great difficulty hitherto experienced in arriving at a knowledge of the real cause of clairvoyance, has arisen from two causes; first, the different states of the clairvoyant subject and the observer, and the impossibility of their having the same sensational perceptions-so that the observer cannot sensationally perceive how the clairvoyant sees, nor can the clairvoyant adequately describe his perceptions. And, secondly, the necessity for the opening of a higher degree of consciousness in order fully to comprehend the lower. For instance, an animal can have no proper idea of its own nature; but man is enabled, by the possession of an internal spiritual principle, rationally and sensationally to investigate his animal body. And the mere induction of the faculty of clairvoyance does not enable the possessor of that faculty sensationally to perceive the cause of that phenomenon; this requires the awakening of a higher consciousness, though still probably belonging to the psyche, or animal part of the spiritual organism. But in this respect I have an advantage over most enquirers, in possessing a subject, who in addition to the ordinary induced mesmeric extasis or trance, has repeatedly been- in states of spontaneous extasis of a far higher and more interior character, and the reality of these states has been proved to me by the most convincing evidence. One striking difference between these two states is, that whatever occurs to, or is seen by, the ordinary mesmeric extatic, is completely forgotten, or, more correctly, is altogether 72 SOMNOLISM AND PSYCIIEISM. unknown upon the return to the normal state, while the true extatic, or subject of the SUPERIOR state, as Davis, the American clairvoyant styles it, upon returning to the normal condition, recollects all that has been manifested to him in the abnormal condition. This singular fact receives an easy solution, if we admit the psychological doctrine, that man possesses both an internal and external memory. In the normal wakeful condition these memories act as a one, and hence we are only conscious of one memory. In the abnormal state of induced mesmerism, the internal memory is active -while the external is dormant; and from this want of connection between the two memories arises the oblivion invariably witnessed. But in the superior state, or true spiritual extasis, both memories are active, but from a more interior degree than in ordinary life; and hence the extatic subject can recollect in the normal state what has transpired in the spontaneous abnormal state, and, at the same time, possesses a full consciousness of the great difference between these states, so as not to confound the perceptions and knowledges of one with thoseof the other. 50. A remarkable revealment of this superior state, or spontaneous extasis is, that every man while in this mortal life) is by the very laws of his being, and hence, of course, by the design of the,Creator, intimately, though unconsciously, associated with the spirit-world, and this especially by what may be styled his associate spirit, ahid that in the memory of this associated spirit is) as it were, a reflection of all that exists in the memory of the associated man; so that distinctly to perceive the associated spirit, is tantamount to a full per PHILOSOPHY) ETC., OF MESMERISM. 73 ception of the character, both mentally and physically, of the associated man, as well as of the information possessed by him. There is also a reflection of the natural organism of the man, both externally and internally, and also of the scenery perceivable by his natural senses. 51. A true clairvoyant is one who, by the opening of the internal consciousness, has a sensational perception of the objects of an inner or spirit-world, that is, provided the clairvoyance exists'in a sufficient degree. If the attention of the clairvoyant is directed to any individual, the effect is to bring the clairvoyant into a sensational connectioAn with the associate spirit of the personi sought for; and from the normal recollections being treasured up in the internal memory, while the external memory, and all immediately connected with it is quiescent, this associate spirit appears to the clairvoyant to be the real individual soughtand from this source, and the reflection of mnzemory above alluded to, is often obtained much of the information the clairvoyant is able to communicate respecting persons and scenery. But as man, even in this mortal life, is internally a true spiritual organism, and as such is, as we have already observed, a subject of the laws of the spirit-world, a clairvoyant may have a sensational perception of this spiritual organism, and thence of the natural organism, and thus of the entire man himself, however distant they may be from each other as to their natural bodies. Yet still, it is probable, that this direct connection is mediately effected by the aid of the associate spirit. Here then is the simfple and rational, though deeply interesting solution of the un4 74 SOMNOLISM AND PSYCHEISM. doubted fact, that by clairvoyance the actual condition of a person totally unknown to the mesmeriser and his subject, and across the broad Atlantic, has been correctly told. This I have seen extremely useful in a medicinal view-for by directing the attention of a sufficiently lucid clairvoyant to a distant patient, the disease under which the patient was laboring has been discovered, and every interior organ of the body described, both as to its actual condition and general action. 52. Most clairvoyants, strictly so called, are also LUCID, that is, they can see natural objects by an interior perception, independent of the usual visual organs, and, on this account, even when opaque substances intervene. How the impression of these outward objects is conveyed to the sensorium is difficult to understand; the fact that such is the case cannot be doubted by any one who has carefully examined the subject. In ordinary vision the mind does not actually contemplate the outward visible object, but the perception of that object as existing in the imagination. I do not use the term in the sense of mere fancy, as is sometimes done; but by imagination I mean the general power of the sensorium to form images within itself of objects that are without itself. I, therefore, consider it a true and proper faculty of the psyche, or animal mind, and thence as a sense above' the ordinary senses of the body, and to which they are subservient. For it is by the outward senses, which depenid on nervous influence, and their connection with this inward;,mage-forming faculty, that mind and matter are brought into mutual relationship and connection. PHILOSOPHY, ETC., OF MESMERISM. 75 Whether, therefore, it is by ordinary sight, by cerebral lucidity, or by the suggestions of another's mind, that the ideas of the objects are transmitted to the sensorium, they are equally subjects of the image-forming faculty when there, and equally real. I have partially demesmerised a lucid subject, so as to restore the normal conscious state, without demesmerising the eyes, and by that means produced conscious lucidity. Every thing was then stated to be seen in a most brilliant light, altogether different to common light, whether solar or artificial; and at the same time all the surrounding objects were seen at once, and yet a sense of their separate identity remained. Generally they seemed greatly magnified, and to have more or less of brilliancy about them; all which seems to indicate that the independent action of the sensorium produces more vivid images of the objects impressed upon it; and this might be expected from the exaltation of the senses by the opening of the perceptions of a higher ultimate. 53. We have now taken a brief survey of the principal mesmeric phenomena, -and endeavored to account for them, as far as experience, observation, and reason, and necessary brevity will permit. Before concluding, I will notice two questions often proposed, though not always in the spirit of calm enquiry, but rather in that of querulous objection. It is asked, " Whether all persons are subject to mesmeric influence? and why all cannot be made clairvoyant?" In reply to the first, I answer unreservedly, that I believe all persons are susceptible of mesmeric influence, but in a very different degree; and this difference we might anticipate from the widely differing nervous temperaments and idiosyn SOMNOLISM AND PSYCHEISM. crasies of individuals. Some will scarcely feel the influence, while others will soon fall into the " sleep." But as regards the curative influence'of mesmerism, experience has fully proved that very great benefit may be derived without any loss of consciousness, or even any perceptible change of state. Yet the inducing of the coma, or mesmeric sleep, generally gives the operator more power over the patient. Let it be remembered, that the great use of mesmeric influence is as a curative agent, auxiliary or supplemental to medicine, an}d that the various exhibitions of catalepsy, phantasy, phreno-nmesmerism, etc., are only useful as manifestations of the true nature and capabilities of the human organism. With respect to the second question I would observe, that I have been enabled to learn, that lucidity and clairvoyance can only be developed in individuals who possess a peculiar cerebral organization. This peculiar organization may be normal in some few cases; that is, it may consist with a good state of health; but in many cases it miay be traced to some affection of the brain consequent on disease, and the possessor of the facu!lty will be delicate in health, and less fitted for the ordinary avocations of life. It is not, therefore, a faculty to be generally looked for or desired; but where it does exist, it may be. most beneficially employed;,and, on the other hand, it may, like all other things, be abused, though possibly, not without ultimately entailing punishment on the offender. In proper hands it may be advantageously used to ascertain the cause of disease, and the best method of effecting a cure; and it affords us a means to acquire most interesting in PHILOSOPHY, ETC., OF MESMERISM. 77 formation as to the true nature of our indwelling immortal spirit. 54. In conclusion, permit me to observe, that a calmi investigation of the psychical phenomena developed by mesmerism, may become of great use in furthering the interests of religion and morality. By this means we may demonstrate that there is an internal way to the mind, as well as the usual external way of the outward senses. This, although admitted by believers in the authority of the Holy Scriptures, has been generally denied by an influential class of writers. It also tends to illustrate and confirm some of those striking and interesting Scripture narratives which have been so often assailed by scepticism and infidelity; and it presents man to us, both in his relation to the spirit-world and the natural world, being, even while tabernacling in mortal flesh, as to his interior, mental, or spiritual organism,in direct communication with a spiritual world, and thus capable, by the very laws of his being, of receiving influences from God and spiritual intelligences, while, by his material organism, he is constituted in direct relation with all outward things. Man is thus presented to us just in the light we might expect, considering that he is the crowning work of the Great Creator's skill. For we may see that he is really and truly that link in the great chain of creation, which God has made to join heaven to -earth and earth to Ileaven! APPENDIX, MESMERIC AND PSYCHICAL EXPERIENCE. 1. E. L., the young woman who is the chief subject of the following notes, is a native of Worcestershire. - She. is about five feet two inches in height, rather sallow complexion, and of a nervous-bilious temperament. Her health, although at times tolerably good, is not robust, nor is she capable of much continued exertion. Before coming into my house, she had been the subject of inflammatory disease of the chest, and of fever, and not long before coming to Bolton, she had been an innate of the General Hospital, Birmingham, on account of an injury received in the knee. The treatment there had reduced her general health, but improved the knee. She was in this state when I first saw her. Her head is well formed and fully developed. Before the time about to be referred to, she was wholly ignorant that she possessed any peculiar mesmeric susceptibilities. She has since expressed an opinion, that the extraordinary condition of her brain is the result of a very large dose of opium, which she once took by mistake, and which, for a day 0or two, occasioned very serious symptoms. But this may be considered as very doubtful. She completed her twentysecond year in December, 1848. She will be constantly referred to by the name of EMMA. 2. Towards the close of the autumn of 1846, my attention was directed to the action of the vapor of ether in obliterating the sense of pain-it having been recently brought into public notice for that purpose. Before this time I had seen the vapor of ether used as a substitute for the nitric oxyde, or laughing gas, and had MESMERIC AND PSYCHICAL EXPERIENCE. 79 noticed the intoxicating and exciting effects it produced; But I was, like others, ignorant that it blunted, and in some cases, entirely removed, the sense of pain. Hearing me talk of the effects of ether, Emma said that a cousin of hers had " mesmerised" her and another young woman with ether, which they 1" sucked" out of a bottle-indeed, she called it "The mesmerise." Being anxious to test the truth of the reports then in circulation, I asked her if she had any objection to let me see her inhale some of the vapor? She replied, ",None at all, for she had no fear of its hurting her." I, therefore, fitted up a common Winchester quart bottle, merely by putting a piece of brass tubing through the cork, which went half way down the bottle, and two or three inches above it. About half an ounce of sulphuric ether was put into the bottle, and the bottle well shaken, to mix the vapor with the contained air; I then gave it her, and told her to put the pipe to her mouth and gently draw in the air in the bottle, without closing the nose, or using any of the valvular apparatus then in use. In less than five minutes I observed that her hands began to loosen their hold of the bottle, which I then removed, the pupils of her eyes became dilated, and presently the eyelids closed. I now found her insensible to pain, or rather to evince no feeling, which was ascertained in various ways, such as pinching and pricking various parts of the body, endeavoring to excite tittilation, and even by thrusting pins under the finger nails, but she did not evince the slightest consciousness of these experiments; on the contrary, she was soon in a merry mood, and believed herself to be among her old companions in her native place, rambling through fields, and performing, as she supposed, many rural and domestic occupations. She would laugh, dance, sing, and do many things which were suggested to her; but when awakened, she had scarcely any, if any, recollection of what had occurred. These abnormal states were continued longer than intended, on account of the difficulty experienced in arousing her; for, on one or two occasions, neariy two hours were expended in fully restoring her. 3. Other individuals were now tried, but only one -was found, 80 APPENDIX. at that time, at all similar to her in susceptibility to the ethereal influence, and that was a youth who had been mesmerised by ]lMr. Spencer Hall, when that gentleman was lecturing in Bolton. The same bottle, in like manner, with about half an ounce of ether in it, was given to him, and in five minutes he became insensible, and then exhibited similar phenomena to Emma, but not so striking. He talked and acted, and, like her, imagined himself to be in another place than where he really was. In about half an hour he spontaneously awakened. 4. The very small quantity of ether subsequently found sufficient, merely enough to scent the bottle, induced an opinion that, in Emma's case, the ether had very little to do with the strange things witnessed, but that she was, in a manner, mnesmerised, or rather hyypnotized, by looking at the bottle whila inhaling through the tube. It was therefore resolved to try another experiment. One evening I told her to sit down, and taking a small pocket-comb desired her to look steadfastly at it. She did so, and in a few minutes fell into the simple mesmeric or hypnotic sleep. Afterwards a small magnet was used for the same purpose and with the same results. A few days further on, I mesmerised her in the usual mode, that is, by looking fixedly at her. The youth mentioned above was also submitted to a similar experiment, by causing him to gaze steadfastly on a small magnet held a few inches fiom his eyes. In both cases, results were obtained similar to those following the use of the ether, namely, insensibility to pain, and a sort of somnambulic wakeful dreaming. In both these cases the only difference yet perceptible between the effects of the ether and those resulting firom hypnotizing or mesmerising was, that by the latter mode the limbs could be made rigid-cataleptic, as it is called-while no such rigidity could be induced after the inhalation of the ether. Up to this time, dancing, singing, and doing various things which were audibly suggested, as if they were real, and rigidity of the limbs, after downward passes, were the only phenomena noticed; and it was thought that thile statements made by some writers, of the personal injluence MESMERIC AND PSYCHICAL EXPERIENCE. 81 of the operator over the subject, were merely fanciful, and not warranted by fact. 5. Some time in the summer of 1847, while experimenting with Emma, I accidently placed my hand on the part of the head marked on busts as the organ of veneration; she immediately began repeating the Apostle's creed; when my hand was removed she ceased, and when it was replaced she commenced repeating where she left off. This was the first manifestation I got of the phrenological sentiments, and interested me greatly; but it was somei weeks before I succeeded in exciting the other sentiments or feelings. Afterwt'ds benevolence, veneration, firmness, self-esteem, philoprogenitiveness, acquisitiveness, combativeness, etc., were easily excited, and often most powerfully manifested. Up to this time, no absolute proof of personal influence was discovered, but she became more easily and quickly mesmerised, and as easily awakened into the normal state. 6. It was now found that Enmma would exhibit all the usual mesmeric phenomena, such as catalepsy, or rigidity of the limbs-for she could be fixed immovably in any position by the action of a few passes; she could be so far demesmerised as to be restored to outward consciousness, and yet be unable to move the mesmerised arm or leg. Attraction she could also manifest, even in the same conscious state, as I often had the opportunity of showing to friends and neighbors, who were as much surprised as amused. For example, a piece of money would be placed on a table at a distant part of the room, and it was told her she might have it for fetching it. She frequently essayed to do so, and would sometimes very nearly reach the money; but invariably, my will, and the drawing passes I made towards myself, overcame her power, and notwithstanding her determined efforts, would draw her to myself, and render all her endeavors to secure the money ineffectual. On these occasions, she described the sensations she experienced as being like cords wound round her and drawing her. The various phenomena of phantasy could also be most readily produced; but when she became clairvoyant, if she was desired to look at the object that, 4* 82 APPENDIX. she imagined to be so widely different to what it really was, she would instantly perceive the delusion, and dash it from her; and yet, within a minute or two, she could be as easily deluded again. But the investigation of these ordinary mesmeric states was not confined to those exhibited by Emma, but their truthfulness was further confirmed in the case of several youths, who were experimented upon, both privately and publicly, and who exhibited the same phenomena, but modified in each case by the general character of the individual. Since the period referred to, Emma's susceptibility has considerably increased. and now I can fasten the arms, hands, or mouth, or fix her to the spot on which she may be standing or sitting, by a single movement or pressure of my hand, without putting her into the mesmeric sleep. 7. It was not long, after Emima became so fully susceptible, before opportunities occurred for proving the reality of personal influence, and that a highly mesmeric subject. may be acted upon, even when wholly unaware of the exertion of such influence. Many experiments were tried to ascertain the truth on this point; but I will only mention three among many cases that took place spontaneously, or rather, which occurred without my mind being directed to her. Once a gentleman asked me unexpectedly, in a neighbor's house, several doors from mine, to mesmerise him. I tried, but did not succeed. On returning home, I found Emma in the mesmeric state, and, upon enquiry, found that she had gone into that state while I was -endeavoring to mesmerise the gentleman. On another occasion, I waswishful to induce the mesmeric sleep on a lady, for the relief of a rheumatic affection from which she was suffering. Finding the continual stare very fatiguing to my eyes, and also expecting to be called away by patients, it occurred to me, that if I directed her to look. steadfastly at something, it might answer the same purpose, and allow me to leave her, without interrupting the mesmeric action. I therefore arose, and took a small magnet and suspended it by a wire from a hook in the ceiling. Emma was in a room under where I was operating, and knew nothing of my movements. In a few MESMERIC AND PS CHICAL EXPERIENCE. 83 minutes the smell of burning linen arrested my attention, and I desired my daughter to go down stairs and ascertain the cause. She called to me quickly to come down; I did so, and found Emma mesmerised, and on her knees before the fire, engaged in sweeping the hearth, and her apron on fire, from contact with a burning coal that had fallen from the grate-but of this she was unconscious, and her attention was wholly directed to a point in the ceiling.of the room. Having asked "'WVhat she was doing or looking at?" she replied, "I'want that ragnet." Upon enquiry, I found that she had been engaged just under where I was sitting; the influence had passed through the floor and ceiling and affected her unconsciously in the room below, and being now clairvoyant, she immediately saw the magnet through the ceiling, etc., and pointed accu~ately to its situation. But firom the locality of the room, and the magnet having been used without any previous intimation of my intention-in fact it did not occur to me to do so until the patient had been some time seated-she could not possibly know of its being in the situation in which I had placed it, by any noermal means. Here then was one, among numerous spontaneous instances, of the thansmission and reception of a personal influence, and of the reality of clairvoyance. On another occasion, I was called to see a patient residing more than a mile and a half from my residence; the case was one of delirium tremens, and I resolved to try the soothing influence of mesmerism, and, in this instance, succeeded in a few.minutes. On returning home, I found that Emma had gone into the mesmeric state at the timle I was operating on my patient; but, fortunately, she was in a situation where no harm happened to her. By way of experiment, I frequently mesmerised her when in another room, and unknown to her; but in the abovenamed, and other cases, I did not think of her; and the circumstance can only be explained from her known susceptibility, and my being actually engaged in exerting a mesmeric influence and intention. This extreme susceptibility to my personal influence, for a considerable period, prevented my using mesmerism as a curative agent, inasmuch as [ feared to exercise 84 APPENDIX. the power, unless I knew that Emma was in a place of saf'ety, and would be kept from dangelr, in case she should become unawares mesmerised. 8. In the early part of 1847, Emma wished to have the vapor of ether administered, with the view of having an aching tooth removed without pain; but the striking effects I had seen follow upon mesmerising her, induced me to refuse the ether, and, in the evening, to mesmerise her, and thus further test the power of the mesmeric sleep to subdue pain. About 9 o'clock that evening I desired her to sit down; induced the mesmeric sleep, and then leisurely got the necessary instruments; lanced her gum; extracted the tooth; as soon asthe bleeding was arrested, washed her mouth, and then aroused her. The entire time from sitting down until fully aroused, was just fifteen minutes. During the operation she did not evince the slightest sensibility; but as' soon as the removal of the instrument gave liberty to her mouth, she began to hum a tune, even while the blood was flowing. On awakening, she'knew nothing of what had taken place after going into the sleep, and could hardly be persuaded that the tooth on the table before her had been extracted firom her jaw! Some time afterwards, Mr. Patrick, surgeon-dentist, of Bolton, extracted a large, decayed molar tooth fiom her lower jaw, under similar circumstances. On the latter occasion, several fiiends were witnesses of the operation. 9. DISCOVERY OF LucIDITY AND CLAIRVOYANCE.-In the autumn of 1847, it was told me, that there was a young woman in Bolton, who had travelled the country with a mesmeric lecturer, and who had been for a long time CLAIRVOYANT. Having heard much of this wonderful faculty, I was desirous to see her. She was soon afterwards introduced to me for examination. I found that she was very easily mesmerised, and in that state she knew me and others in the room; also, that she was fully susceptible of feeling; in these respects differing widely from Emma. I could not, therefore, fully satisfy myself as to the reality of the mesmeric state. The young woman said, that she had formerly been in the same state as Emma, bhut had MESMERIC AND PSYCHICAL EXPERIENCE. 85 passed beyond it; an'd, from subsequent experience, I think this may be correct.- She told me that she had been taken by several London physicians to examine the internal organs of patients by the faculty of clairvoyance; but when I saw her, her powers seemed to be confined to reading books with large print, with the eyes bandaged. I tried the exlperiment, -eeveral times, but never felt satisfied with the result; as from the position in which she placed the book, the time occupied in the endeavor, and the occasional wriggling, I could never be certain that she did not see under the bandages. At other times, I was certainly much surprised at the readiness she evinced in describing a book I hald in my hand. On the whole, I concluded, that her possession of the faculty of clairvoyance was, to say the least, donbtful. But it soon after occurred to me, that if she ever could see in the manner she stated, perhaps Emma could see in the same manner. At all events, I had the most positive assurance that she went into the mesmeric state, and that in that state she could not see, but that the power of vision was wholly withdrawn; the sense of hearing alone connecting her consciously with the external world. 10. One evening I determined to try her. But at this period she could not read, and was ignorant even of the letters of the alphabet. I therefore chose pictorial representations for the test, as being a universal language, understood alike both by the: learned and the unlearned. I took a school book belonging to my dau ghter, which contained various wood-cuts, and operiing it at one, I placed it in her hand, saying,' Emma, what is this picture?" She took the book, and as if by instinct, placed it open over her ibrehead and upper part of the cranium, without the least attempt to look at it in the ordinary way, and said, almost directly, " Oh yes, it is a naughty boy catching flies at the window, and his mother is looking at him." This was the subject of the picture and the story annexed. There was a figure of a boy at a window, endeavoring to catch a fly, and another figure of a female standing in the room observing him. I felt most exceedingly surprised and astonished at the correctness of the description, being assured that she could not see it 86 APPENDIX. by any ordinary use of the eye, or, in fact. by the eye at all. This experiment was repeated with many different pictures. and invariably with the same result; colored pictures were alsc tried, and it was found that she knew the different colors accurately; but on no occasion did she attempt to use the eyeshe invariably placed the object over her head. -11. It was now thought, that as mesmerism evidently rested on a. psychological basis, and that a manifest connection was discoverable between the mind of the mesmeriser and the mesmerised subject, she might possibly see these pictures somehow in my memory, and not fiom any independent power of vision. I, therefore, requested my daughter to select the pie tures, and then to put them into my hand, without telling me the subject, or letting me see them. This was repeatedly done, and the pictures as accurately described as when I knew the subject. Still it was thought that my giving her the pictures might have some effect upon her; others, therefore, gave her them, or she was allowed to take them herself from a number, or to turn over the pages of a book, without any one knowing what she had taken, or had turned to, until she had described what she had selected. But it was found that it made no difference, and demonstrated, that whatever, was the power, or wherever the seat of vision, it was her own, and independent of any one else. 12. These, and similar experiments, have been successfully performed, in private, before a select company, and also before large public. audiences; and this too, with her eyes covered with plaisters, and a bandage tied over the plaisters. Not that the plaisters or bandages made any difference; but they were used for the sake of convincing sceptical people. At this time; in ascertaining the subject of a picture, she first passed the tips of the fingers of the right hand gently over it (the left hand did not seem to possess the same power), and then placed it over that part of the head, marked on'phrenological busts as the organ of IMITATION. If a book with prints on the pages was given her, she would pass her right fingers gently over the page, and if it was letter-press or blank, she would say, "'It MESMERIC AND PSYCHICAL EXPERIENCE. 87 was nothing." But when she had thus found out the situation of the print, she would exclaim, " Oh yes! here it is;" or "I've got it." But whether the print was a wood-cut, or copper-plate, did not appear to make any difference. 13. A very curious phenomenon was now observed. Pictures of things did not appear to her as pictures, but as the things represented. So that the picture of a rose would convey as vivid and real an idea to her sensorium, as the rose itself would do to an individual in the ordinary state. Hence it was found, that if a picture of thistles, teazels, or other prickly plants, or of bees, was given into her hand, the moment the tips of her right fingers came into contact with the picture, she would exclaim that she was pricked or stung, and throw the picture from her with much violence and passion! Evidently proving, that the representations of things were to her real; and also suggesting, that she had a perception of the forlm of the objects, before placing the picture on her head. These experiments were performed many times, both publicly and privately. And. from her invariable use of the tips of the right fingers, it was supposed that there existed some unknown but remarkable affinity, between the senses of touch and sight. 14. By the commencement of 1848, her power of internal sight had become so developed, or she had become so familiarized with her new faculty, that it was evident, from many things observed, that she could see such things as her mind was directed to, without any contact. As an experiment, small pictures, and various small objects, were placed singly, first in a card box, and afterwards in a wooden box; and these she told, at times, as readily as when out of the box and in her hands. At other times, more difficulty was experienced in satisfactorily determining that she could see them. This difficulty arose from two causes: first, from the manner in which she would describe what she saw; and, secondly, from an obstinacy of temper frequently displayed, when removed by mesmeric influence from external habit and control. Her usual manner was to describe things as they appeared to her in the internal state, regardless of the names imposed upon theml APPENDIX. by custom; sometimes she refused to call things by their accustomed name, and would always describe them in her own way, before she called them by the common name. As an instance, the.following may be given. At the second public lecture, in the Temperance Hall, Bolton, on the 9th of March, 1848, a gentleman in fiont of the platform suggested that a picture, from among others lying on the floor, should be put into a box, and given to her-she had then been bandaged for soume time. A print of a cat was selected, and put into a card box; she put the box over her head, felt it carefully with her right fingers, and then, having by a smile and ejaculation evinced that she saw the contents, she began-" It is a thing; it is a dark thing; it has four legs, a tail, a head and two eyes; things round its mouth, and it sits by the fire and says mew, and it's a cat." 15. One cause of difficulty in attaining clear descriptions of the things to which her attention was directed, and sometimes even in getting her to notice them, was very early perceivable. I-n the exalted condition of mesmerism, her mind was pecu1larly suscepti.ble of impressions from the minds of surrounding persons; hence, when envivoned by a knot of sceptics, as was sometimes the case, their mental influence, unconsciously to themselves, would seriously impede the faculties of the clairvoyant; and then the feeling that something was preventing the usual development of her powers, caused irritation and obstinacy.'At the period alluded to, when Emma was asked " How she saw things?" she would say, that suddenly "glasses"' came to her, and also, that she sees every thing in light through these "glasses;" and the situation of these "glasses" she always referred to the organs of imitation. When this doubting, opposing influence was brought to bear upon her, she would exclaim, "They ate darkening my glasses;" or " They have taken away my glasses." I frequently found that by msaking passes from the upper part of the head, across the organs of imitation, 1 could produce and increase the clairvoyant power, which she would evince by exclaiming, " Oh, its so light now,;" while by making longitudinal passes, from the vortex, over the forehead MESMERIC AND PSYCIIICAL EXPERIENCE. 89 and down to the face, the sight could be immediately closed, and she Nwould be placed in a state of darkness. Bodily fatigue, or indisposition, would, at that time, and also does at tile present time, considerably impair the powers, not only of clairvoyance, but all the other mesmeric capabilities. 16. Besides the description of pictures, etc., already noticed, she frequently described persons in another room, and said what they were doing; firequently, without having her attention directed to the inquiry. At other times she would unexpect edly, and unasked, tell individuals what they had in their pockets, or what sort of food was contained in their stomnach. This often afforded matter for interesting expeiiments; and has been witnessed by many respectable persons in the neighborhood. 17. For a considerable time after she exhibited the most distinct lucidity, with respect to objects placed near her, no trace could be found of that distant clairvoyance manifested by some mesmeric subjects: but, eventually, this faculty became as clearly developed as the other. The first time I observed this power, was in the case of some near relatives in London. She described minutely the dress and appearance of these parties; their occupation at a certain time, and many other particulars, which were subsequently found to be correct. Once I directed her attention to a female relative in London. Emma speedily found her, and began to describe her residence,' etc., b'ut suddenly her attention cease'd to be directed to my relative, and she became engrossed with the description of a magnificent residence, with its elegant and costly furniture; a lady lying in a superb bed; a beautifully dressed baby; well dressed ladies in and about the room; and another room in which were older children, also beautifully dressed, and attended by ladies. From many replies to my inquiries, I considered that the only place to which her impassioned descriptions could refer, was Buckingham Palace, for the accouchment of the queen hsd then recently occurred. I therefore said, "Do you see any soldiers there?" " Yes," she replied, " there are soldiers at the door." I then saw that my conj ecture was correct; but why she should have spontaneously gene there, without any request on my 90 APPENDIX. part, or, indeed, any thought or desire in that respect, I could not understand. But after I had informed my relative of this occurrence, I obtained the clue to this singular transition from one subject to another. For I was informed that she had been thinking of the queen, and the interesting circumstances in which she was then placed; and had felt desirous that I should, as an experiment, try whether Emma had the power to visit and describe the interior of the palace at that time. The cause therefore, of Emma's unexpected visit to royalty was this: my relative had wished her to go there; when brought into mesmeric connection with her, the active sentiment of her mind, was communicated to Emma's mind; and by this means, her attention was unconsciously directed to the royal residence. But there was further confirmation that this was the true cause, and of the possibility of a muesmerised subject receiving impressions from the parties to whom their attention is directed. For when I knew, fiom my relative's letter, what had been the subject of her thoughts, I put Emma into the mesmeric state, and then asked her, "How and why she went to see the queen?" She directly replied,' L- took me." But how did you get in if there were soldiers at the door? " 0! I jumped over the soldiers; but L - could not jump over them, and therefore she could not get in." 18. At this time, whenever sent on these distant excursions, she exhibited great fatigue and excitement; panting, and suffering from violent action of the heart. When asked why she panted so? she would say, " I've gone so fast,"-and 1" It is such a way!" She w;ould also take my right hand and place it on her bosom: if I removed it, she said, "'They are gone away now." But latterly she has not required any personal contact to enable her to exercise this faculty. Very many exper-;nents were made to test this faculty: in some caises she was strikingly correct; in others only approximately so; for she would sometimes confound the recollection of bygone tlansactions existing in the minds of distant individuals, withpresent circumstances, and thus present a representation which required some explanation to unravel. MESMERIC AND PSYCHICAL.EXPERIENBE. 91 19. Having heard of clairvoyants visiting the planets, I determined to try the experiment with Emma. I therefore proposed an excursion to the moon; and not then knowing how to direct her attention to SUch distant objects; and she herself being, at the time alluded to, wholly ignorant of the mode by which a knowlege of distant things is obtained; and fancying that she actually traveled by some mode, I suggested the electric telegraph as an expeditious mode of conveyance. The suggestion answered the purpose, and she was, mentally, soon on our satelite. But on that and subsequent occasions, the great excitement. produced by the strangeness of what she saw, and the distance traveled, caused such a palpitation of the heart, as to render it necessary to shorten the visit, by de-mesmerising her; being fearful that the great physical excitement might produce some serious effect on her health, if not immediate danger. Her description of what she saw was conveyed in very ejaculatory language; friom the surp rise and pleasure she experienced. Her statements were to the effect, that the moon is inhabited; that the inhabitants she saw were very smalldwarfs-not larger than children on our earth; their heads were large in proportion to their bodies, and the mouth vertical rather than horizontal; their voices harsh, and rough, and resembling the sound of distant thunder; and when they spoke, the speech seemed to come up firom the bowels. Their ",insides". were not quite like ours; the lungs especially were different. She saw some food, something that looked somewhat like bread, but they did not call it by that name. She saw only one animal, something like a very small pig. There dwellings were constructed of pieces of rocks, covered over with green stuff resembling gorse: they were very low, for she could put hoer hand to the top. The place did not look like what she conceived the moon to be; but a large place, and very rocky, with immense precipices, and lofty mountains. The " little folks," as she called the inhabitants, could clamber up these rocks with their hands and feet, so fast that she could not catch them. " Is there any water there?" "Yes: but it does not look like our water, but more like milk and water, an(, yet it is clear. (Meaning prob 92 APPENDIX. ably, that it is of greater density than our water.) It lies in the bottom of hollows, and down the steep precipices. The' little folks' can walk upon this water and not sink; they are very light. They wear clothes; but they are very simple and all alike. They seem good sort of people. They have a curious way of jumping on the back of each other. A very little baby was seen in a sort of cradle; it died: they said what signified that, it had gone to sleep; but they did not mean sleep, but that it was dead." 20. At another time I attempted to send her to JUPITER; but the physical excitement was so great, that I thought it prudent to call off her attention, before I had obtained any definite remarks. She spoke of having beenfurther than where she had before seen the "little folks;" and of seeing them as she came back. 21. Besides the power of seeing,'by an internal sight, such things as were put into her hands, or to which her attention was directed, Emma would sometimes manifest a sort of apparently omnipresent vision. Thus she has frequently been asked to find missing or lost articles. After a few minutes consideration, she has said where they might be found; or, in other cases, get up -and pointed out the place where they lay concea:led. And this she has repeatedly done, when there was the most undoubted evidence, that neither herself, in the normal condition, nor the mesmeriser, nor any'other individual, knew the situation of the articles she was desired to look for. Thus proving, that not only can an unusual mode of seeing be developed by mesmerism, but also an exalted degree of power, which makes all things, whatever their local position; appear directly within the'sphere of vision. This power has been, on most. occasions, called into exercise chiefly for the sake of experinent, and to test its reality; but it has also been applied to purposes of use. The following is a remarkable instance; and also valuable as placing the reality and powers of clairvoyance, or internal sight, beyond the reach of cavil or contradiction. 22. On WVednesday evening, December 20th, 1848, Mr. WVood, grocer, of Cheapside, Bolton, had his cash box, with its MESMERIC AND PSYCHICAL EXPERIENCE. 93 contents, stolen from his counting house. After applying to the police, and taking other precautionary steps, and having no clue to the thief, although he suspected what was proved to be an innocent party; and having heard of Emmna's powers as a clairvoyant, he applied to met to ascertain whether, by her means, he could discover the party who had taken it, or recover his property. I felt considerable hesitation in employing Emma's powers for such a purpose; fearing that both the motive and agency might be grossly misrepresented. But the amount at stake, the opportunity for experiment, and Mr. Wood being a neighbor, induced me to comply with his request; and nine o'clock, next morning, was appointed for the trial. At that hour Mr. Wood came to my residence, and I then put Emma, by mesmerism, into the internal stlate, and then told her that Mr. Wood (whom I put en rapport, as it is called, with her) had lost his cash box, and that I wished her to tell us, if she could, where the box was taken from, what was in it, and who took it. She remained silent a few minutes, evidently mentally seeking for what she had been requested to discover. Presently she began to talk with an imaginary personage, as if present in the room with us; but as it subsequently proved, although invisible and imaginary to us, he was both real and visible to her; for she had discovered the thief, and was conversing with his mind on the robbery. She described, in the course of this apparent conversation, and afterward to us, where the box was placed; what the general nature of its contents was, particularizing some documents it contained; how he took -it, and that he did not take it away to his residence at once, but hid it up an entry; and her description of his person, dress, associations, etc., was so vivid, that Mr. WV. immediately recognized the purloiner of his property, in a person the last to be suspected. Feeling satisfied, from the general accuracy of her descriptions, and also from her describing the contents of the box, that she had really pointed out the delinquent, Mlr. AW. wenti directly to the house where he resided, and which she had pointed out, even to the letters on the door-plate; and insisted on his accompanying him to my house; or, in case of 94 APPENDIX. refusal, to the police office. When brought, and placed. in connection with Emma, she started back from him, as if he had been a serpent; telling him that he was a bad man, and observing, also, that he had not the same clothes on as when he took the box; which was the fact. He denied strenuously all knowledge of the robbery, then, and up to a late hour in the afternoon; but as he was not permitted to go at large, and thus had no opportunity for destroying, or effectually concealing the box; and as Mr. Wood had promised, for the sake of his connections, not to prosecute, if confession was made, and the box and contents recovered, he, at last, admitted that he had taken it, and in the manner described by Emma; and the box and contents were found in the place where he had secreted them; broken open; but the property safe. It should be observed, that Emma had pointed out the place where thle box was concealed, but we could. not be certain of the place she meant, without permitting her, while in the internal state, to lead us to it: this the confession rendered unnecessary. 23. In other cases Emma has described articles that have been lost by parties placed en rapport with her, without her being asked to do so, or, indeed, anything being said respecting them. In some instances these have been most interesting experiments, affording evidence of her being able to trace a series of events, totally unknown to her in the normal state, back through a number of years. 24. Several times she has been directed to seek for persons in distant regions of the globe. WThenever she has found them, her statements of time and season, invariably coincided withthe latitude and longitude of the places to which she has been directed. At present, one complete proof only has been obtained of her really having a distinct and truthful perception of such distant objects. A young man had sailed from Liverpool for New York, without apprising his parents of his intention of doing so, until the day the ship sailed. His parents immediately remitted him a sum of money by'the mail steamer; but they were subsequently informed, that he had not applied for it; nor had any thing been heard of him, although the ship in which he MESMERIC AND PSYCHICkL EXPERIENCE. 95 sailed had long arrived. In a state of anxiety the young man's mother came twenty miles to Bolton, to.see whether, by Emma'.s means, she could learn any thing of him. After a little time, Emma found him;' described his appearance correctly; and entered into so many details, as to induce his mother to rely upon her statements; and to request me to make inquiries at intervals of about a fortnight. I did so, and traced him by her means to several places; and the information thus acquired, I transmitted to his parents. On the 24th of January, in the present year, I received a note from the young man's father, informing me that a letter had arrived fiom his son, and that " it was a most striking confirmation of Emma's testimony from first to last." CLAIRVOY.&NCE AS APPLIED TO PHYSIOLOGY:- -AND MEDICINE. 25. For more than eighteen months, Emma has been able to see the internal organs of the human body. At first, only when placed in personal connection with the individual to be examined; but subsequently, when the parties were many niles distant. In her best state, the human body seems to her completely transparent, and might be compared to a watch, whose case and works were all of the most transparent chrystal. I discovered this power fi'rom her remarks on myself. One evening she began to describe my lungs, as "pink things," full of holes like a sponge, with air in the holes, and thousands of little veins in all directions. She said the right lung was not so good a color as the left, and that it stuck at the middle flap. This I knew to be the case, and thought she might only be giving utterance to my own ideas. But I soon found that this was not the case; but, as in the case of the pictures, she really did see what she described. I asked her some questions about the heart, which she accurately described, as to the auricles and ventricles; the contained arterial and venous blood, etc.; 96 -APPENDIX. but, as might he expected, in very homely language. I thought her at fault once; but found, that while I was thinking about the heart, she had wandered to the windpipe, with its rings. It was some time after the discovery of this faculty, before it could be used without inconvenience; for when her attention was directed to the internal organs of the body, the strangeness of the sight, together with the universal motion, and circulating blood, so terrified her, that she would tremble from head to foot; and, when awakened, complained of being ill and frightened, without knowing the cause. But, by degrees, she became familiarized with these investigations, and she will now calmly, and without any fear, examine and describe the internal organs. Her manner on these occasions is always serious and kind; her language soft, but, fiom her want of education, imperfect. Had she received an anatomical education, her gift would be more valuable, or rathelr, more accurate descriptions could be given; but, on the other hand, her want of education proves that she does not derive the knowledge of the internal organism of the body'which she evinces, from her previously stored memory. The application of this power, appears to be one of the most legitimate USES of clairvoyance, and perhaps the most beneficial in its application. By it an accurate diagnosis may be formed of many internal diseases, which elude the ordinary mode of research. But to make a clairvoyant diagnosis, truly satisfhctory, it often requires the aid of the medical practitioner, or the professed anatomist and physiologist, rightly to interpret the language of the clairvoyant. Many curious points in physiology, which, from the nature of the case, rested rather upon rational induction than positive demonstration, have, to my mind, been satisfactorily determined by the revealments of clairvoyance; especially as regards the action of the brain and nervous system, and the action of the heart; and the knowledges thus obtained have an important bearing on the mode by which diseases of these important organs may be cured.'26. On the 4th of August, 1848, a gentleman of Bolton brought a letter, written by a lady, the wife of a physician in MESMERIC AND PSYCHICAL EXPERIENCE. 97 Gloucestershire, and this lady, who had heard of other clairvoyants describing the diseases of distant people, merely by using their handwriting as a medium of communication, desired that it should be given to Emma, to ascertain whether she could discover the condition of the writer. It must be remembered that Emma could not read printing, much less writing; the subject matter of the letter was of no consequence, it was the h7andwriting, as a medium of connection. Emma put it over her head, as she used to do with pictures, and carefully felt it with her right fingers, and then said " it was a lady's up and down strokes," meaning by that phrase, the handwriting of a lady. She described the lady, as to her personal appearance, accurately, even to a small blemish occasioned by an accident; the internal organs of the body; an affection of the spine under which she was laboring; the situation and appearance of the place where she resided, and many more particulars. The accuracy of her descriptions was admitted by the doctor; and, subsequently, I had an opportunity, personally, to verify some of her statements. The envelope of the letter was directed by the doctor; him she described correctly, both as to his personal character, general pursuits, and literary tendencies. This was an entirely new experiment; and finding the result so unexpected and striking, it led to many more; some of which were, apparently, more remarkable. Among others, I may mention the case of a letter written by a gentleman at Cairo, which was put into her hand. She soon said it was written by a gentleman, and described him, as to the condition of his health, and the place where he was residing, together with the climate and appearance of the people there, even to the peculiar veil worn by the Egyptian ladies. The correctness of her statement, as to the gentleman's condition, was ascertained firom a subsequent letter. Locks of hair have also been similarly used as a medium; but the handwriting appeared to be the easier and better mode of forming the connection. 27. Oax the 29th of September, 1848, an opportunity was afforded for an entirely new manifestation of Emma's powers. A highly respectable gentleman of Manchester, having, at that e 98 APPENDIX. time, a daughter seriously ill with a cerebral disease, which baffled the ordinary medical treatment, and which, in addition to bodily infirmity, had produced a state of insanity, had been recommended to try whether by clairvoyance a mode of cure could be discovered. He came on the previous day; but Emma then being in the state of trance, to be presently described, he could not obtain the information sought. He left with me a few pencil marks made by the lady, as a means of forming a medium of connection. On the date above, I gave this piece of paper to Emma, and asked her if she could find the person who made the marks, and tell me what was the matter with her; for at that time I had no idea of her selecting any appropriate remedies. She soon found the lady; described, accurately, the external symptoms of her complaint, and also the internal condition of her brain; to which organ she referred the whole cause of illness. After recommending various mesmeric passes, she exclaimed, pointing at the same time toward the ceiling of the room-" There is'what will cure that lady, along with mesmerism; Eh! what little bottles!" These she described as containing little things like the small comfits, generally called "thousands." I said, "Is there any thing like them in my shop or surgery?" ", No!, you have nothing like them." "' Where can they be obtained?" "There-in that big town (pointing toward Manchester), in that shop with a head in the window; they are kept there in a drawer." It would not have occurred to me what medicines she meant, but that in the previous month, when in London, I had been shown, by a lady, a case of homeopathic medicines. I do not recollect ever before seeing any; and I was quite ignorant at that time as to the mode of preparing and using them. I am certain also, that in her normal state Emma knew nothing about, nor had ever seen, any of these medicines. The shop, I subsequently found, was Mr. Turner's, homeopathic chemist, Piccadilly, Manchester, and in the shop window, there was a bust of Hahneman, the founder of honmeopathy. But I was ignorant that there was such a shop in that neighborhood, having seldom occasion to go to that part of the city. I wrote to the gentleman informing MESMERIC AND PSYCHICAL EXPiERIENCE. 99 him of Emma's remarks; and he directly purchased a case from Mr. Turner, and came over to Bolton to ascertain the particulars. The sealed box. was put into Emma's hand, and as soon as she had put it over her hetad, she said that it contained the medicines she before saw; and pointed especially to the situation of one bottle in the case. When the case was opened, she selected a bottle from the place she had pointed out, and tasted the globules through the glass, without attempting to draw the cork. By way of test, the bottle was put into another part of tlhe case, and other bottles slipped into her hand; but she invariably detected the change, by tasting through the glass, and putting the bottle to her forehead. From that time, the prescribed globules were daily administered, and the mesmeric passes regularly made; and the result is, thie restoration of the lady to health, both lin mind and body. 28. The result of this experiment opened a new field for inquiry, and led to repeated trials. A quantity of the usual medicines were mixed with sugar, and put into small vials, and given her with the homeopathic medicines, and these she would select and test in the same way; namely, by tasting them through the bottle. Solmetimes she would select homeopathic remledies; at other times, the usual ones. She invariably calls those which she considers suitable for the disease, nice; the others she calls nasty; but I sometimes found, that the 1" nice" medicines were intensely bitter; such, for instance, as the sulphate of quinine. Hlow she obtains this intuitive knowledge of medicines I cannot discover. The homeopathic remedies have' generally been the best that could be selected according to that theory of tierapexutics; and the usual medicines have been quite as judiciously prescribed, as to their qualities; but of the quantity, and mode of preparation she was unable to speak. Sometimes she was unable to point out any remedies for the disorders she described; and hence the necessity for a knowledge of the properties of medicine, in some one, in order to profit by her revealments. Her powers appear to be chiefly applicable to nervous diseases, and diseases of the lungs, liver, and heart. Many cases have been submitted to her, from different parts 100 APPENDIX. of the country; and some of these, of a most serious character have been rapidly cured by an adoption of the means recommended. Since the period when this faculty for examining and prescribing for distant patients was discovered, a change has passed over her; and she can now do without any medium of connection; but requires the name and address of the party seeking relief, and that appears to be sufficient to enable her to discover them. But the handwriting of the patient, or the intervention of some friend, seems to insure greater accuracy. Upon awakening from these clailrvoyant examinations, Emma has no recollection of any thing she has said or done; they being, in this respect, like all other mesmeric trances. But of course, the information thus obtained is available. to the medical practitioner in all similar cases. 29. Her statements of the way in which some diseases are removed, and of the permeability of the solid tissues of the body, are very remarkable; but at the same time are in accordance with the suggestions of profound physiologists; and, moreover, they seem to be borne out by the facts of the case. 30. That exalted sense, before referred to, which enables her to see things to which her attention is directed, as apparently within the sphere of vision, whatever their locality, is also manifest, though in another mode, in her selection of medicines; for by tasting through the bottle, she has been enabled to identify the homeopathic globules with the tinctures from which they are prepared! This may be considered one of the strongest proofs that a medicinal virtue resides in them; for so highly attenuated are the dilutions with which they are saturated, that to the ordinary sense, they all taste alike, and merely of the sugar of milk, of which the body of. the globule is composed; and I understand that they are not cognizable, even by chemical test. "MESMERIC AND PSYCHICAL EXPERIENCE. 101 SPONTANEOUS EXTASIS, OR TRANCE. 31. The foregoing notes refer to the phenomena witnessed in the state of induced extasis, or mesmeric trance; the ensuing very briefly relate states of a much higher, or more interior character, and differing, in some respects essentially, firom the observed facts of ordinary mesmerism. 32. Frequently during the spring and summer, Emma would, in the mesmeric state, speak of the scenery and nature of the spirit-world, in such a way as to impress the beholder with a conviction that the descriptions she gave could not be the result of any previously acquired knowledge, or of an active imagination. She also occasionally spoke of things which had actually occurred, but which it was impossible for her to know by any ordinary means. Her ideas of religion were principally derived firom the teachings of a village schoolmistress, in connection with the Church of England, and from occasional attendance at the public services of the church. She had been taught to read a little when a child, but had lost the acquirement through a fever; and, as before observed, at this time she could not read, nor even correctly tell the letters of the alphabet; and yet the ideas to which she sometimes gave utterance were of an elegant and exalted description. As she still continued to have no recollection of vwhat she uttered when she returned to the normal state, I one day said to her, " Emma, I have heard of some persons having seen such things as you speak of, but they could recollect what they saw, and write an account of it in books." She replied, "' Yes; because it was permitted them; and she should also bepermitted by and by to recollect what she saw." I did not tell her this when she awoke; nor did I expect then that her prediction -would be verified. But subsequent events proved that she was correct in making this assertion. 33. The first of these spontaneous states of extasis, or spiritual trance, occurred on the 3rd of July, 1848, without any expectation or forewarning on her part. This did not last more than a quarter of an hour. Afterward she had several which 102. APPENDIX. lasted about half an hour; and. since those, some which have extended from four to ten hours. Of most of these states, she had a'presentiment while in the mesmeric state; and in one instance foretold the occurrence nearly two months before it happened. But she knew nothing of what was forthcoming while in her ordinary wakeful state; and for the sake of experiment, and to test the truthfulness of her predictions, she was never informed when these trances were to occur; yet she was found correct, even to the exact time. They have usually been preceded by a feeling of quietness, and a somewhat confused sensation in the head, but no pain. Several gentlemen whom I had apprised of her statements, have been witnesses of their accuracy, and of the g'enuineness of this abnormal condition. 34. In these states she preserved a recollection, at times, of the place she was actually in, and of the persons by whom she was surrounded, and, at the same time, she had a distinct and sensational perception of a higher and spiritual state of existence, and of a class of beings living in such a state. She would speak of these things while in the trance, and on her return to the normal state she could recollect, and would again describe what she had seen and heard. During the first trance,-of four hours duration, which occurred on the 28th of September, 1848, she was so far elevated in her perceptions that she spoke of this world, as the other world, just as if she had passed from this life by death. She said, also, that the perons in the room with her appeared only like shadows, and a long way from her. Upon examination she was found, in this and other trances, insensible to pain, and her eyes upturned, as in the ordinary mesmeric state, and her limbs continued flexible. At times she would seem wholly indrawn, and then she would, as it were, return and speak of what was passing before her mental vision. But in the next trance, of six hours' duration, and subsequently, she became for a part of it quite insensible to all outward things, and perfectly cataleptic from head to foot. A gentleman fiom Manchester, wvho was present with me on this occasion, assisted me to raise her body, and we found it as stiff and inflexible as a log of wood. MESMERIC AND PSYCHICAL EXPEZTENCE. 103 35. I took the opportilnity, during one of these trances, to ascertain whether she could see concealed natural substances, as in tile ordinary mesmeric state. I put my hand in my pocket and withdrew it-with a shilling concealed in the closed fist. I inquired, 1"What have I in my hand?"." Only a shilling," was the immediate reply. It must be remembered that the eyelids were closed, and the eyeballs up-turned, so as totally to prevent ordinary vision. I then put my hand into my pocket again, and withdrewv it with a half-a-crown and a shilling enclosed, and asked her, " Can you see what is now in my hand?" she replied, "Stop a little, till I've seen these," alluding to the spiritual objects then engrossing her attention; but when I again asked her, she was about coming out of the trance, and could not then see. 36. One instance of her sight will be related, because it is a proof that there is a reality in her extatic perceptions, and that she then eminently possesses a super-sensual gift. On the l1th of July she told me, when in the mesmeric state, that an individual whom I well knew, but who had been dead for some years, had told her that on the following night they should come to her, and show her a book with some writing in, which she was to take and show to me. From some of her remarks, I concluded that one of three books was intended:-one, a small bible, not then in the house. Former experience having convinced me of the reality of her observations, and the certainty of her predictions, I got this little bible, and put it with the other books, among many more. In the night she awoke in a state of trance, similar to somnambulism, and descending two flights of stairs, selected this book fiom all the others, and then brought it open to me. Owing to the darkness, I inadvertently knocked the book out of her hand, while seeking a light. Sho speedily found the place again, by turning over the pages right and left, over her head, in her usual mesmeric manner. The passage selected was Joshua, chap. 1st, verses 8, 9. Frequently afterward, by way of test, this bible was given to her to point out this text; and this she invariably did before many persons, without- attempting to look at it, but by feeling the pages and 104 APPENDIX. turning them over while the book was over her head. She also told me circumstances connected with the history of that book, which I am positive she could not know by any of the usual means; for some were only known to myself. She was asked to tell by what means she found the passage, as she could not read, and was also in the dark. She replied, that the individuals alluded to, whom she said she saw in their spiritual body, had a similar book, but a larger one, open upon the left arm, and that they pointed with the right hand to the pages, and the same text; that her hands seemed guided in their movements, and when she had got the right place, she could no longer turn the pages, either to the right or to the left! Another instance of a similar kind occurred a few weeks later. After the lapse of some months, she was again tried with the small bible; but heaving then lost the connecting influence, she could no longer find the passage as she had previously done. 37. The subjects of these trances would afford matter for many pages; but some were of a private character, and, although highly interesting to the parties concerned, would not be interesting to others, except as illustrating the nature of the spirit's home, and some of the, general laws by which spiritual associations are regulated. All that she has said tends to confirm the distinction between moral good and moral evil, and the impossibility of those who depart this life in a state of moral evil, attaining hereafter, to a state of moral goodness;, in this respect, being strikingly dissimilar to the statements of Davis, the American clairvoyant; but who, according to his own subsequent statements, had never been in the state of true spiritual extasis, when he delivered his lectures in the mesmeric state. 38. Her, general statements represent man as a spiritual being, rising from the shell of the dead body immediately after death, a perfectly organized existence, and having a complete sensational perception of his fellow spiritual beings, and of the beautiful scenery of the spiritual spheres; that is, provided he possessed during his natural life a moral state, in harmony with those spheres. The male and female sex retaining all the characteristcs necessary to a spiritual state of existence, and MESMERIC AND PSYCHICAL EXPERIENCE. 105 living together in a state of angelic union. Those who have been interiorly united here, coming again into a state of union hereafter. She represents male and female spiritual beings, thus united, as appearing at a distance as one, and says that they are not called two, nor the married, but the ONE. Infants and young children, who have passed from this world by death, are stated to grow to a state of adolescence, but more speedily than in the natural world. During infancy and early childhood, they are confided to the care of good female spirits, or angels, whose delight it is to instruct them by various methods, especially by representatives of things. These spiritual spheres, and their spiritual inhabitants, are in close association with us, and exercise an influence over us, although we are unconscious of it. All that is wanted to have a sensational knowledge of their existence, is the closing of the external consciousness, and a full awakening of the internal consciousness. In the highest state of trance, she appeared to herself, to be among spiritual beings, as one of themselves; at other times she appeared to them more shadowy. The first receptacle of the departed spirit she describes as a sort of middle place or state, from which the good gradually ascend to higher and more delightful places; those that are the best having higher abodes than the others. All are welcomed by angelic spirits, on their arrival in the spirit-world; but the evil will not associate with the good, and recede of their own accord, more or less rapidly, to darker places below and to the left; but of these darker places, she had n6t been permitted to know so much as of the abodes of the good. 39. Being asked, in one of these long trances, if she now could explain how she saw distant individuals in the mesmeric state; she said, "' Yes; I can see how it is now, but I could not before;" and then stated that if spirits wished to see each other, distance is no interruption; and words to the effect that spirits are not subject to our laws of space and time; and that man, as to his spirit, is a subject of the laws of the spirit-world, even while united to the natural body. The opening of her spiritual consciousness, gives her a sensational perception of the spirits 106 APPENDIX. of all to whom her attention is directed; and thus, however distant the individual, he can be mentally present with her. But this she farther represented, as being accomplished by the aid of intermediate associate spirits, by whom the connection is completed; and she further represented every one, as having a connection with the spirit-world generally; and a more particular one, by means of this associate spirit. Whenever Emma speaks of going into a trance, she always represents it as I "going away," and "going a very long way." Of any one that is dead, she says, " They have left their shell and gone away," and will never admit that they are dead. 40. In the mesmeric state, Emma represented the fibres of her brain as falling forward, and the hemispheres separating at the top, when she became lucid; and she further said, that a brain capable of these movements was necessary in order to attain a state of lucidity. In one of the spontaneous trances, I asked her if she could see me in the same manner as when mesmerised. She replied, that she had no recollection of the state of her brain while in the mesmeric state; but that in the state she then was, every thing seemed light, or rather was seen in light. She knew that she did not see with the eye, and yet somehow she seemed to use her eyes. She saw me plainly; yet I did not appear as I ordinarily did; she could not explain the difference, only that I appeared light. It appeared to her, that light issued from within, outward. During a sub-, sequent long trance, I inquired whether she could see my lungs then as she had done when mesmerised. She replied in the negative, and said, " I can only see you as a cloud; yet I know it is you." PRACTICE AND USE OF MESM'IERISt. 41. The induction of the mesmeric sleep, or the practice of mesmerism as a curative agent, is a very simple process. I am inclined to believe, that the result depends more on the pecu MESMERIC AND PSYCHICAL EXPERIENCE. 107 liar constitution of the subject, than the power of the mesmeriser. All that is required, is patience, and a proper disposition in both parties. Let the subject sit down in the easiest and most comfortable posture. The operator should be seated in front, and take both hands of his patient in his left hand, placing his right hand on tile head. Then gently and slowly continue to make passes forward over the face-the operator looking steadfastly at the eyes of the subject. The room should not be too light, and every thing kept quiet. The subject should keep his eyes fixed on those of the operator, and yield himself unreservedly to his influence. If this course is persevered in for twenty or thirty minutes, some effect will generally be observ ed; and if the subject is susceptible, probably within five or ten minutes the sleep may be induced. If the front passes do not succeed, then it will be well to try backward passes fiom the forehead, over the head and partly down the spine, each party steadfastly regarding each other's eyes as before. 42. As a general rule, more striking effects may be expected, when the sleep can be produced; but it must not be forgotten that good may be done where the patient cannot go into the state of coma. Where the object is to relieve pain, first try to produce the coma; but if not practicable, or the patient objects, then simply make passes with both hands downwards, slowly and gently, over the parts affected, allowing the fingers lightly to touch the person of the patient, and well shaking the hands after each pass. This may be smiled at by the incredulous and inexperienced in these matters; but I have had proof that disease may be put into the system, and transmitted by passes from one subject to another. In cases of what are called nervous headaches, the passes should be made fiom the forehead over the head to the nape of the neck; and then from the forehead along the base of the brain; that is, just over, and behind the ears and a little way down the neck, and then shake the hands after each pass, as before. This will generally relieve headache in five or ten minutes, if properly performed. No fear need be felt as to the arousing of the patient. Fresh patients will generally awaken spontaneously. But by continued 108 APPENDIX. back and upward passes, from the chest over the face and head, or by upwardly fanning the face, the patient will be aroused. 43. The curative influence of mesmerism, as it proceeds primarily from the will of the operator, though generally re — quiring the proper manipulations to make it susceptible, I propose to call PARAPSYCIHEISM, from the Greek words Pcrapsyche, to soothe or comfort, psyche, the animal soul or mind. 44. The diseases to which parapsycheism, or the curative influence of mesmerism, may be most beneficially applied, are those of the brain, and nervous and functional diseases. Painful affections of the head, incipient and partial insanity, determinations of blood to the brain, giddiness and stupor, delirium tremens, and otheraffections of the brain may be, in most cases, speedily relieved by the application of the parapsycheic, or mesmeric influence, especially if combined with proper medical treatment, and due management. But none of the old system of treatment, bleeding and blistering, setoning and purging, must be allowed. The same remark applies to the whole range of neuralgic, and what are called rheumatic affections; and organic, as well as functional diseases of the heart, liver, and lungs. In all painful cases, it would be well to endeavor to bring this soothing influence into operation. No harm will ever be done, if the passes are made in the manner directed, and with a proper feeling and desire to do good. But while censuring the old practice of medicine, in the cases above alluded to, fairness obliges me to say that equal blame attaches to some enthusiastic mesmerists, who, from their partial knowledge are led to despise and misrepresent all medical treatment. The very circumstance of true clairvoyants prescribing medicines, proves that those most under its influence perceive mesmerism to be only one among other means of restoring and preserving health. 45. But the full use of mesmerism, as a curative agent, will never be thoroughly known until there are better opportunities for its practice than at present exist. It cannot be expected that medical men should generally be the actual mesmerisers. as they would not be able, except in a few cases, to bestow the A STRANGE STORY. 109 necessary time. It, therefore, requires a class of trained male and female mesmeriisers to act under the superintendence of qualified medical practitioners, and perhaps it would be most successfully carried out in establishments similar to Hydropathic Institutions, but more universal in their means of cure.' 46. In conclusion, I would observe to those who may read these pages doubtingly-experiment for yourselves, not confining your attention to one or two cases, but patiently investigating wherever opportunity offers; and the probability is, that you will speedily be convinced, by actual observation, of the general truths of mesmerism, and of its efficacy, as an agent for the relief of human affliction. THE following appeared in the LONDON TIMEs of September 13, 1849, and has been kindly sent us by WILLIAM TURNER, M.D., of New York. A STRANGE STORY. [From the Bolton Chronicle.] ON Saturday, July 14, a letter was received by Messrs. C. R. Arrowsmith & Co., of this town, from Bradford, Yorkshire, containing a Bank of England note for X500, another for XE50, and a bill of exchange for X100. These Mr. Arrowsmith handed over, in the regular mnode of business, to Mr. William Lomax, his cashier, who took, or sent, as he supposed, the whole to the bank of Bolton, and made an entry accordingly in his cash-book. The bank-bookl was then at the bank, so that no memorandum of the payment was received or expected. After the expiration of about five weeks, upon comparing the bank-book with the cash-book, it was found that no entry for these sums was in the bank-book. Inquiry was then made at the bank, but nothing was knoVwnl of the money, nor was there any entry existing in any book or paper there; and, after searching, no tracb could be found of the missing money. In 110 APPENDIX. fact, the parties at the bank denied ever having received the sums, or knowing any thing of the transaction. "Before the discovery of the loss the bill had become due, but upon inquiring after the loss was discovered, it was found that it had not been presented for payment. It was, therefore, concluded that as the notes and bill could not, be found at the bank, nor any trace or entry connected with them, the probability was that they were lost or stolen, and that the bill had been destroyed to avoid detection. Mr. Lomax had a distinct recollection of having received the notes, etc., from Mr. Arrowsmith, but from the length of time that had elapsed when the loss was discovered, he could not remember what he had done with them —whether he had taken themn to the bank, or sent themz by the accustomed messenger-nor could the messenger recollect any thing about them. As might be expected, this unaccountable loss occasioned great anxiety to Mr. Lomax, and in this emergency he applied to a friend, to whom the discovery of Mr. Wood's cash-box was known, to ascertain the probability of the notes, etc., being found by the aid of clairvoyance. The friend replied that he saw no greater difficulty in this case than in Wood's, and recommended him to make the inquiry, which he said he would do, if only for his own satisfaction. On Friday, August 24, Mr. Lomax, accompanied by Mr. F. Jones, of Ashbourne street, Bolton, called on IMr. Haddock for this purpose. The clairvoyante was put into a psychic state, and then into connection with Mr. Lomax. She directly asked for "Ithe paper," meaning the letter in which the notes and bill were inclosed; but this Mr. Lomax did not appear to have in his possession, and she said she could not tell any thing without it. This sitting, therefore, was so far useless. The next day Mr. Lomax brought the letter, and Mr. Haddock requested that the contents mnight not be communicated to him, lest it should be supposed that he had suggested any thing to her. After considerable thought, the clairvoyante said that there had been three different papers for money in that letter-not postoffice orders, but papers that came rut of a place where people A STRANGE STORY. 11l kept money in (a bank), and were to be taken to another place of a similar kind; that these papers came in the letter to another gentleman (Mr. Arrowsmith), who gave them to the one present (Mr. Lomax), who put them in a paper, and put them in a red book that wrapped round (a pocket-book). Mr. Lomax then, to the surprise of Mr. THaddock, pulled fiom his coatpocket a deep, red pocket-book, made just as she-had described it, and said that was the book in which he was in the habit of placing similar papers. Mr. Lomax said the clairvoyante was right; that the letter contained two Batnk of England notes and a bill of exchange; but did not say what was the value of the notes. Mr. Haddock then put a -CiO Bank of England note into the clairvoyante's hand. She said that two of the papers were like that, but more valuable, and that the black and white word at the corner was longer. She further said that these notes, etc., were taken to a place where money was kept (a bank), down there (pointing toward Deansgate). Beyond this no further inquiry was made at that sitting. On Monday, Mr. Lomax called again. The clairvoyants went over the case again, entering more minutely into particulars. She persisted in her former statements, that she could see the " marks" of the notes in the red pocket-book, and could see them in the banking-house; that they were in paper, and put along with many more papers in a part of the bank; that they were taken by a man at the bank, who put them aside without making any entry, or taking any further notice of them. She said that the people at the bank did not mean to do wrong, but that it aLose fiom the want of due attention. Upon its being stated that she might be wrong, and requesting her to look elsewhere, she said that it was no use; that she could see they were in the bank, and no where else; that she could not say any thing else, without saying what was not true; and that if search were made at the bank, there, she said, they would be found. In the evening, Mr. Arrowsmith, Mr. MaIkant, and lMr. Jones came again, and she was put in a psychic state, to repeat'these particulars in their presence, which was done. 112 APPENDIX. Mr. Haddock then said to Mr. Arrowsmith, that he was tolerably confident that the clairvoyante was right, and that he should recommend him to go next day to the bank, and insist on a further search, stating that he felt convinced, from inquiries he had made, that his cashier had brought the money there. Mr. Makant also urged the same course on Mr. Arrowsmith. The following morning (Tuesday, August 28), Mr. Arrowsmith went to the bank, and insisted on further search. He was told that, after such a search as had been made, it was useless, but that, to satisfy him, it should be made again. Mr. Arrowsmith left fbr Manchester, and after his departure a further search was made; and among a lot of papers, in an inner room of the bank, which were not likely to have been meddled with again probably for years, or which might never have been noticed again, were found the notes and bill, wrapped in paper, just as the clairvoyante had described them. 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