THE CLEMENTS LIBRARY oo Books of Industrial Technology from the FREDERICK S. UPTON FUND с нE MI CAL A N D ECONOMICAL ESSAYS, DESIGNED TO ILLUSTRATE THE CONNECTION BETWEEN THE THEORY AND PRACTICE OF CHEMISTRY, AND THE APPLICATION OF THAT SCIENCE TO SOME OF THE ARTS AND MANUFACTURES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. IT IS A PITY SO FEW CHEMISTS ARE DYERS, AND SO FEW DYERS CHEMISTS." BY JOHN PENINGTON. PHILADELPHIA: PRINTED BY JOSEPH JAMES. M, DCC, XC. TO Caspar Wistar, junior, M. D. AND PROFESSOR OF CHEMISTRY IN THE COLLEGE OF PHILADELPHIA, THE FRIEND AND PATRON OP CHEMICAL ENQUIRIES IN AMERICA, THESE ESSAYS ARE INSCRIBED, BY HIS SINCERE FRIEND, AND PUPIL, JOHN PENINGTON. PHILADELPHIA, MAY 259 1790. PRE FACE. FOUR OUR of the eſſays, contained in this volume, bave already appeared in the Columbian Maga- zine, and, for very obvious reaſons, it is proper, in this place, to lay before the reader ſome little ac- count of the occaſion of their publication. In February, 1789, the editor of that work pub- liſhed ſeveral recipes for making Pruffian blue, which, in the preſent improved ſtate of chemiſtry, are far from being ſo economical as they might be. I offered ſome remarks on them to him, which he re- queſted me to draw up for inſertion in the next num- ber, and accordingly I gave in thoſe obſervations onz Prufan blue which were printed in the number for March following, part of which I have retained in this volume. In conſequence of this, one of the pro- prietors, and the editor, expreſſed a wiſh that I would furniſh them with chemical recipes for a part of the Magazine dedicated to “ uſeful hints and recipes." I did not feel ambitious to be a mere copier or com- piler of proceſſes, but gave it as my opinion, that an attempt to illuſtrate the connection between rational chemiſtry and many of the uſeful arts, would be much more likely to anſwer their purpoſe: they concur- red in this idea, and I ſupplied them with the firfi four of theſe eſſays. But a Magazine was found to be an improper place for them, becauſe the ſubjects they treat of are intereſiing only to a particular claſs of readers, and on that account we mutually agreed to diſcontinue that mode of publication; the printer, however, thought it would be proper to publiſh then colle&tively, and frequently offered me a liberal com- penſation for the copy: from his profeſſional know- ( vi ) ledge, as well as his literary abilities, I had reaſon 80 confide in his opinion; and although the readers of the eſſays that have been publiſhed, for a reaſon already given, may have been but few, yet I bave no cauſe to be diſatisfied with the reception they have met with ; many good judges in chemiſtry have alſo been pleaſed to expreſs their approbation of ſome ideas I have advanced; beſides, I refle&ted that if it were proper to begin ſuch an undertaking, it would cer- tainly be improper to leave it unfiniſhed: all theſe circumſtances concurring together have induced me to commit them to the world in their preſent form. With much heſtation, I announce myſelf as the author: at this early period of life, I may appear vain and ofteniatious, for in moſt caſes the authors name need not appear with this work; and as I am totally unknown in the literary world, I cannot hope that my name will recommend this production: but on anonymous publication, reſpecting faets, carries with it the appearance of extreme and unneceſſary timidity, or want of candour. The ſubjeets of theſe eſays are acknowledged, by all chemiſts, to be of much importance; bow I have handled them, is not to be enquired of me: but the reader may depend upon it, that what I have de- clared to be facts, are either abſolutely ſuch as I re- late them to be, or at leaſt they appeared to me to be fo. PHILADELPHIA: MAY 25th, 1790: CON TEN T S. 1 Introductory Efſay, Ejay I. Chemical Apparatus---Furnaces--- Earths, II II. Earths continued.--their uſes in pottery, 25 III. Salts in general, chryftallization--Sea falt, Ep- ſom falt ---Preparation of magneſia, 36 IV. Chemical attractions, with a table of ſingle, ſingle elective, and double elective attractions, 45 V. Analyfis of the twenty-four falts moſt commonly known and uſed, with the acids and bafes which form them, 68 VI. Purification of aqua-fortis without a ſolution of filver, 85 VII. On the uſe of the pig-nut as a vegetable aſtring- ent---ideas on the uſes of allum in dying, 90 VIII. Calcination of metals --a defence of the doc- trine of phlogiſton, with certain modifications, IX. An analyſis of the ores of metals by ſolution, 112 X. An economical method of obtaining regulus of antimony, XI. The proceſs of making Pruffian blue, with facts and obſervations on the theory, 15 XII. The proceſs of making patent yellow, with ne- ceffary cautions and directions, 134 XIII. Sulphur---American pyrites---copperas--- hints of improvements in making vitriolic acid from ſul- phur, 140 XIV. Unctuous oils---foap--- fome curious facts re- fpecting it---it's decompoſition by hard water, 151 XV. Colouring matter of vegetables---fome ideas n the cauſes of the changes of colour in growth, XVI. An explanatory eſſay. 100 I21 158 168 Α Ρ Ρ Ε Ν Ο Υ Χ. Eſſay on the phenomena, cauſes, and effects of fermen. tation. 173 C H E M ICAL A N D E CON OM I CAL ES SAY S. INTRODUCTOR Y ESSA Y. B Y chemiſtry we ought to underſtand in the fulleſt extent, that ſcience which doctor Black, profeſſor of chemiſtry in the univerſity of Edinburgh, defines to be “the ſcience which teaches the effects of HEAT and MIXTURE upon all matter;" and to give a clearer idea of a che- mical operation, we may add, that an alteration of the ſenſible properties of the body operated upon, is always produced. Under this view, the ſubject muſt appear to be infinite, and not that confined ſcience that thouſands look upon it to be, even in the preſent times; and as both heat and mixture are made uſe of in many of the arts and manufactures, we may venture to call them chemical arts. Few people have a right idea of chemiſtry. By the generality of mankind, a che- miſt is ſuppoſed to be a perſon that compounds drugs and medicines for the uſe of phyſicians. The art of preparing medicines is called phar- B 2 AND CHEMICAL macy, which itſelf is but a branch of chemiſtry: Since all ſciences have aſſumed a more liberal appearance, and gentlemen who were neither phyſicians or druggiſts had purſued the ſtudy of chemiſtry, it was thought to conſiſt in a number of pleaſing and entertaining experiments; it appeared deep and abſtruſe to the uninformed, and the writings of philoſophical chemiſts be- ing utterly unintelligible to every beginner, it became, of conſequence, diſguſting: and a- midſt a multiplicity of technical terms, without previous explariation, the enquirers after uſeful knowledge, found it difficult to perceive the end to be anſwered by a knowledge of the ſcience. We have mentioned already, that chemiſtry, as a ſcience, firſt took its origin among phyſicians; and was from thence thought to be an appendage to the healing art--this happened, moſt probably, becauſe the medical character requires an exten- five education, and an habit of reaſoning upon, or at leaſt an attempt to account for all the phænomena they obſerve. The object of chemiſts is to reduce all matter to their moſt ſimple forms; and ſuch ſubſtances as they can neither ſimplify nor compofe by unit- ing any more ſimple ſubſtances together, they call chemical elements, which means nothing more than that they are yet unable to ſimplify them; for, perhaps, what may with juſtice be called a chemical element at the preſent time, may be found by more ſucceſsful chemiſts in the courſe of twenty years to be a compound body: this is called the method of inveſtigating chemi- ſtry by analyſis, ſtrictly ſo called; a means that is frequently doubtful: with more ſucceſs we make uſe of ſyntheſis to direct us, by which term we ECONOMICAL 3 ESSAYS. mean the power of adding certain ſubſtances, whoſe nature is already known; to a body whoſe properties are unknown, when, by obſerving cer- tain appearances which take place in the mixture, we become enabled to know the nature of the ſubſtance we are examining: in this caſe we an- alyſe a body by ſyntheſis. When we conclude from our experiments that any ſubſtance is a compound body, we muſt al- ways unite together all thoſe parts which we fuppoſe compoſed it; and if we find that the ar- tificial compound reſembles the natural com- pound in all its ſenſible qualities, we may juſtly infer that our analyſis is juſt, otherwiſe it muſt be doubtful. To illuſtrate this idea with a fa- miliar example: we procure fome fea-water; its fiuidity convinces us that there is pure water in it, whilſt our taſte proves there muſt be ſome- thing beſides pure water, conſequently ſea-water cannot be a ſimple ſubſtance. Every one has ſeen that pure water boiled in an open veſſel, will in time entirely boil away. Let us then try a chemical experiment with ſea-water; we boil it in an open veſſel until all the water is gone, when we find remaining in the veſſel a white maſs, that has a faltiſh taſte, almoſt exactly re- ſembling our table falt: from this rough analyſis, therefore, we conclude that ſea-water conſiſts of a certain quantity of common falt diffolved in pure water. But a chemiſt aſks us, how are you certain that ſea-water contains this falt? May not the ſalt that you have obtained from ſea- water have been formed or created by the heat of the boiling fluid ? We anſwer theſe queſtions by an experiment or two: a certain quantity of pure water to the ſalt we obtained we add 4 AND CHEMICAL from the ſea-water, and then find that it makes a mixture exactly reſembling the original ſea- water in all its properties; therefore our analyſis was juſt. But to prove it ſtill more, we add as much common falt to a ſimilar proportion of common water, as the ſea-water contained, and then we ſhall find that we have got a genuine artificial ſea-water. This method of inveſtigating chemiſtry, would to a manufacturer or artiſt, appear endleſs, and in a great meaſure unproductive : the deſign is not immediately ſeen, and we follow with a good deal of difficulty any author, when he can neither afford us pleaſure, or a certain proſpect of advantage. Chemiſts themſelves belong to two great and diſtinct claſſes, which, it is a pity are not connected; in the one claſs we may rank thoſe who perform a great number of operations by heat and mixture, without ever knowing the ſecondary cauſes of the effects produced ; theſe are called practical chemiſts, ſuch are dyers, who cannot account for, or conceive why, allum, for inſtance, ſhould be of uſe in their art; or why galls and copperas ſhould produce a black dye; fuch alſo are tanners, who cannot explain the action of the oak bark upon the hides ; fuch likewiſe are many apothecaries, who can make aqua fortis, &c. &c. but know nothing of the rationale of the proceſs; the other clafs is the mere theoriſt, who is well acquainted with the " effects of heat and mixture” upon all bodies, and can account for them all, but never foils his fingers with a piece of charcoal, or has had oc- cafion to break a crucible; ſuch a chemiſt can inform us admirably how the changes of colour in dying are produced, but would be unable to ECONOMICAL 5 ESSA Y S. produce them himſelf; he can account for the action of oak bark upon animal ſubſtances, with- out ever having ſmelt the odour of a tan-yard; he could explain the theory and proceſs of mak- ing aqua fortis; and perhaps were he to attempt to make it, he would be two hours kindling a fire in his furnace, break his diſtillery apparatus, loſe all his aqua fortis, and fuffocate himſelf with the fumes. From the compariſon every one will allow that the practical chemiſt is the moſt reſpectable character; but many worthy gentlemen of this claſs have contended, that theoretical chemiſtry could be of no uſe to them. This idea, however, will admit of much diſpute : if we appeal to fact, we find that many of the moſt uſeful diſcoveries in the arts have been made by men who have combined fome kind of theory with their practice. Aqua fortis and fpi- rits of ſalt, ſo uſeful in many chemical arts as our future eſſays will evince, were both diſcover- ed by ſuch chemiſts. It is true that many have itumbled in the courſe of their proceſſes, upon facts of importance, undirected by theory or de- fign, ſtill, however, mere theory has ſuggeſted conſiderable improvements. For inſtance, a the- ory of the nature of fulphur, has ſuggeſted a plan which has been realized to the great advantage of mankind, of making oil of vitriol from this min- eral. Many ſay that philoſophical chemiſts ſpend all their time in experiments that either are mere- ly amuſing, or elſe only tend to the improvement of the medical art. This, I confefs, is an ob- jection to the men, not to the ſcience; others ſay that their diſcoveries refpe&ting the nature of bodies are of no uſe. It is difficult to ſay how far a new fact, at preſent apparently uſeleſs, may be 6 AND CHEMICAL The mag- converted to the intereſt of the arts. netic needle was for ſeveral hundred years an uſeleſs diſcovery, at preſent there is ſcarce one of more advantage. The power of ſteam was for a long time conſidered as a pretty philoſophical experiment; it is now the means of immenſe wealth to a number of individuals in Europe. The inveſtigation of the * chemical attractions, has diſcovered thoſe moſt beautiful pigments, the Pruffian blue, and the patent yellow. By having ſome kind of theory to direct us, we ſtand a much better chance of making improvements in our reſpective arts; thus a potter, who wiſhes to procure an earth fit for making elegant or uſe- ful veſſels, is always directed in his choice by ſome theory, although generally imperfect: he firſt knows that white clays are moſt likely to re- main white after baking: he knows that a ductile clay will be eaſieſt to mould: he finds ſuch a clay; truſting ſomewhat to his theory, he goes to work, but his wares become red: he cannot account for it: he gives up the idea of truſting to thoſe appearances, and is diſcouraged from making a freſh attempt: he reſts in the rational concluſion, founded on experiment, that all white clays will not make white ware: a chemiſt enquires into the cauſe of the red colour, and finds he has rea- ſon to conclude that it is owing to iron: before be recommends an earth as a ſubject of pottery, he examines it to find if it contains iron, if it does, he concludes from ſimilar experiments, that it will become red in baking, and he rejects it as improper. When theory is founded in experiment, as all * See Eſſay IV. ÉCONOMICAL 7 ESSA Y S. rational theory ought to be, its importance muſt be obvious; for no artiſt, however uninformed he may be of true fcience, performs any operation without ſome kind of explanation or theory. Aſk a dyer the uſe of allum in his art, he thinks he explains it fufficiently by telling you it ſets the colour; or aſk a black-ſmith the uſe of heating and hammering caſt-iron, in order to make bar- iron, you will find if he is a ſenſible man in his profeſſion, he afferts that fulphur, the cauſe of its firſt brittleneſs, is beat and burnt out in that operation; whilft a rational chemiſt can fairly prove that a great deal of brittle caſt-iron does not contain a particle of fulphur. After all, it would, perhaps, be loſt time for any manufacturer or chemical artiſt to ſtudy the theory completely; it may, perhaps, be well enough, if each one would perfectly underſtand as much theory as is neceſſary for information in his own buſineſs. In the following eſſays we mean to adhere to this idea, we ſhall diveft them as much as poſſible of all technical terms, and whenever they unavoidably occur, we ſhall at- tempt ſuch explanation of them, as the moſt igno- rant may be able to comprehend. We will not pretend to any merit for originality or novelty, our intention is only to fuggeſt ſome improvements, in the arts and manufactures dependent upon chemiſtry, adapted to the United States of Ame- rica: theſe ideas we ſhall attempt to lay down in a clear intelligible manner, ſeveral eſſays how- evers, will be merely ſpeculative, and intended to afford fome amuſement to the theoretical che- miſts who ſhall have patience and perſeverance enough to peruſe the other eſſays. The firſt ſcheme has never been attemped in America, and 8 AND CHEMICAL ever now we are certain that our mode of execu- tion will fall far ſhort of perfection. If however, it ſhould ſuggeſt an hint to an abler hand to purſue the ſame ſcheme upon a more extenſive ſcale ; if it ſhould turn the attention of one manufacturer to the cultivation and improvement of his own buſineſs, or even if our familiar manner of hand- ling the ſubjects, ſhould make but one young man fond of the ſcience of chemiſtry, we certainly ſhall not have written in vain, and our moſt fan- guine hopes will be anſwered by the event. The reader will find us occafionally recommending fome manufactures unattempted in America. Many are the difficulties attending ſuch attempts ; in a general way ſcheming is an unſafe and un- profitable purſuit; thoſe, however, that we mean to recommend, we hope will be found to be ſuch as will turn out profitable, when cultivated with prudence. We cannot preſume to ſuppoſe that any man already in a good buſineſs, would leave it to purſue any of theſe ſchemes, but whilft ſuch numbers complain of the want of fufficient buſi- nefs to occupy their time, and to gain them ſuch a mode of fubfiftence as they would wiſh, ſeveral may venture upon new ſchemes, with conſidera- ble advantage to themſelves. The manners of the people in America are not yet fufficiently a- dapted to manufacturing; the people in general are violently induſtrious, but not perfevering ; a manufacturer ought not to make violent exer- tions, but to contine a moderate exertion for a great length of time. The ſmall quantity of cer- tain manufactures, that are uſed in America, which would yield a conſiderable proportion of neat profit, would not maintain an American ma- ECONOMICAL 9 ESSAYS. nufacturer. In England the caſe is very different, a manufacturer there can obtain a genteel living by making a ſingle article, which, in itſelf, would appear to be of inconſiderable conſequence. Thus a perſon that could manufacture the fa- mous patent yellow, would be able to ſell it at an hundred per cent. profit, it would coſt but about one ſhilling per lb. and it would ſell by the quantity at two ſhillings per lb. yet even if by patent he could command the ſale of all that is uſed in the United States, ſtill he would not find it worth his whole attention to make it. By the beſt information, it appears, that not more than 1000 lb. are uſed annually, the profits then on one hundred pounds Pennſylvania currency, would never be an inducement to any man to follow that for a buſineſs, when he could make a much greater ſum by the ſame ſtock to begin with. The manufacturer of this article in Lon- don, was able to monopolize the ſale and manu- facture of it, and fold, perhaps, fifteen times the quantity uſed in America, as he not only ſuppli- ed all Great-Britain, but exported it to foreign nations. Thus it happened that he made a for- tune there, whilſt a manufacturer here would be almoſt ruined by it. Nay, ſo great is the demand for every article of manufacture in London, that we know of one practical chemiſt there, who lives very comfortably, merely by making large quantities of aqua fortis, when we could not diſpoſe of thirty pounds worth of it in North America in a year. From a variety of arguments, it appears moſt rational to eſtabliſh chemical laboratories for miſcellaneous manufactures. Thus I ſhould ſup- poſe a careful man would make out very well in С 19 AN DE CHEMICAL manufacturing ſeveral kinds of painters colours, and to follow it as a buſineſs, he might, in one laboratory, manufacture with the ſame time, labour, and attention, the Pruflian blue, the patent yellow, the white lead, and the verdi- greaſe; a ſecond laboratory might be erected for preparing dye ſtuffs, and things uſeful for dyers; a third would certainly be very uſeful to manufacture drugs and medicinal preparations for the apothecaries ſhops; and ſeveral others might be mentioned of a ſimilar nature: thefe, however, are hints which every perſon would weigh with the moſt ſerious deliberation, before he attempted to purſue a new method of buſineſs. They are juſt thrown out at random in this place, becauſe from the arrangement of theſe eſſays, they cannot be introduced into any other. other. As theſe effays are intended to inform the enquirer, the readers of them may depend upon their be- ing founded on fact. The writer never means to introduce a proceſs unleſs he can either an- ſwer for the ſucceſs of it from his own experi- ments, or is very certain from the principles of chemiſtry, and the reputation of the author from whom he takes it, that it is true; and even in this latter caſe, he means to announce the autho- rity upon which the aſſertion refts. ECONOMICAL II ESSA Y S. ESSA Y I. Chemical Apparatus. Furnace. Earths. tion, beſides the ſeeming difficulty of the ſubject, is the expence attending it; this to ma- ny appears to be conſiderable. The apparatus uſed by the earlier chemiſts were indeed expen- five, but the ſame found and rational philoſophy which has fimplified all the ſciences, has reduced, not only the apparatus, but the materials to be operated upon, by chemiſts, to a very ſmall compaſs. Few chemiſts of the preſent day know more than the names of the Athanor Furnace, the Reverberatory, the Alludel, the Alembic, the Bolt Head, the Matrafs, the Philofophic Egg, the Hippocratic Sleeve, with a dozen other uſe- leſs and intricate pieces of furniture, employed in the old Chemical Laboratory: The very elegant furnace lately invented by Dr. Black, will anſwer every purpoſe, where heat is required, by the philofophic manufactur- er, and the expence of this furnace will fcarce amount to four pounds, which, in fact is the moſt conſiderable expence attending chemical enquiries. It is true, there are ſome few other inſtruments that will be found neceſſary for par- ticular artiſts, ſuch as the crucible, or earthen melting pot, for thoſe who work in certain me- tals, but theſe are ſo inconſiderable, and ſo eaſily obtained as ſcarce to deſerve attention. The furnace here recommended, we have al- seady ſaid, was invented by Dr. Black, and has been found by him, adequate to all the purpoſes of chemiſtry. To fuch an expert operator as the 12 AND CHEMICAL doctor, one ſtill leſs perfect might have been ſuffi- cient; but the author of theſe eſſays candidly confeſſes, that although his firſt furnace was made exactly upon the model of Dr. Blaek's, he has always found much difficulty in ſeveral pro- ceſſes. In the annexed plate we have given an engraving of Dr. Black's portable furnace, ta- ken from the Edinburgh New Diſpenſatory, with a deſcription of its parts and uſes. References to Figure 1 and 2. " To render our deſcription of this furnace as ſimple as poſſible, let us ſuppoſe that the body of the ſtove, figure I. is of an oval form, and cloſed at each end by a thick iron plate. The upper plate, or end of the furnace, is perforated with two holes: one of theſe, A, is pretty large, and is often the mouth of the furnace; the other hole B, is of an oval form, and is intended for ſcrew- ing down the vent. The undermoſt plate, or end of the furnace, has only one circular hole, fomewhat nearer to one end of the ellipfis than the other; hence a line paſſing through the cen- tre of both circular holes, has a little obliquity forwards : this is ſhewn in fig. II. which is a ſec- tion of the body of the furnace, and exhibits one half of the upper, and one half of the un- der, nearly correſponding, holes. The afh-pit, fig. 1. and 2. C, is made of an elliptical form, like the furnace; but is ſomewhat wider, ſo that the bottom of the furnace goes within the brim; and a little below this is a border, D, fig. 2. that receives the bottom of the furnace. Except the holes of the damping plate, E. fig. 1. and 2. the parts are all cloſe, by means of a quantity of foft luting, upon which the body of the furnace is ECONOMICAL 13 ESSA Y S. preſſed down, whereby the joining is made quite tight: for it is to be obſerved, that in this fur- nace, the body, alh-pit, vent and grate, are all ſeperate pieces, as the furnace comes from the hands of the workman. The grate H, fig. 5. is made to apply to the outſide of the lower part, or circular hole, it conſiſts of a ring ſet upon its edge, and bars likewiſe fet upon their edges. From the outer part of the ring proceeds four pieces of iron, by means of which it can be ſcrewed on: it is thus kept out of the cavity of the furnace, and preſerved from the extremity of the heat, which makes it laſt much longer. The ſides of the furnace are luted to confine the heat, and defend the iron from the action of it. The luting is ſo managed, that the inſide of the furnace forms in ſome meaſure the inſide of an inverted truncated cone. We have thus combi- ned the two fig. 1. and 2. in order to deſcribe, as exactly as poſſible, this furnace in its entire ftate ; but to prevent confuſion, it muſt be un- derſtood, that fig. 1. repreſents the body of the furnace, with its bottom received within the aſh- pit. As in this figure then, we could not exhibit the bottom of the furnace, we have in fig. 2. ſuppoſed the body of the furnace to be cut down through its middle; whereby one half of the un- dermoſt hole, with a proportional part of the grate G, applied to it, is exhibited along with, and nearly oppoſed to, one half of the under- moſt hole, F. the ſame hole, which in fig. 1. is repreſented in its entire ſtate by A. By fig. 2. then the relation of the upper and under holes to one another is explained. It is alſo to be un- derſtood, that the aſh-pit of fig. 2. is not, like the body of the furnace, divided in its middle, but is the aſh-pit of fig. 1. only detached from 14 AND CHEMICA L. the bottom of the furnace, in order to repreſent the border D, on which the bottom of the furnace is received. 0- Now to adapt this furnace to the different perations in chemiſtry, we may firſt obſerve, that for a melting furnace, we need only pro- vide a covering for the upper hole A, which is in this caſe made the door of the furnace. As this hole is immediately over the grate, it is ve- ry convenient for introducing and examining, from time to time, the ſubſtances that are to be acted upon. The cover for the door may be a flat ſquare tile or brick. Doctor Black uſually em- ployed a fort of lid made of plate-iron, with a rim that contains a quantity of luting. The degree of heat will be greater in proportion as we length- en the vent B, and to the number of holes we open in the damping-plate E: by this means the furnace may be employed in moſt operations in the way of eſſaying; and though it does not ad- mit of the introduction of a muifle, yet if a ſmall piece of brick is placed on its end, in the middle of the grate, and if large pieces of fuel are em- ployed, ſo that the air may have free paſſage through them, metals may be aſſayed in this furnace without coming in contact with the fuel. It may therefore be employed in thoſe opera- tions for which a muffle is uſed, and in this way, lead and fundry other metals, may be brought to their calces.” But as ſome inconvenience attends the uſe of this furnace to a beginner, that repreſented in fig. 3. has been ſince contrived. ÉCONOMICAL ESSA Y S. 15 Reference to Figure 3. This furnace is made to be movable, and to ſtand in a chimney-two-circumſtances which make it very convenient for perſons who have not a regular laboratory. The obſerver at firſt fight will ſee a confiderable difference between it and doctor Black's. The doctor's is of a cy- lindrical form like our cannon ftoves, and yet it is directed that the inner ſurface maſt be lined with a mixture of clay and fand, fo as to make it of the form of an inverted cone, that is, the bottom part, where the grate is fixed, muſt be but half as wide as the top. To make it of this form, ſuch a large quantity of plaiſtering muſt be uſed, that it becomes very bulky and difficult to be moved, on account of its weight, which is a great diſadvantage in that reſpect, without any other good effect, that I know of, therefore I have ſo conſtructed mine, as to need no more plaiſtering below than above, which will be the caſe if the body of the furnace is made of the ſhape repreſented in the figure. The whole furnace is made of ſheet-iron : the whole of the inner ſurface is to be plaiſtered with a mixture of four parts, by weight, of fand, and one of our common brick-clay, laid on to the thickneſs of two inches, the plaiſtering ſhould be perfectly dry before any fire is made in the furnace: this plaiſtering will be ſufficiently thick to prevent the iron from burning away. I preſerve the hole A, and the vent B, as in Black's furnace. At C, I have a door in the fide, becauſe I find it can be of no inconvenience to thoſe who find it uſeleſs, and can uſe Black's furnace; and particularly, becauſe many cannot 16 AND CHEMICAL make a fire by introducing the fuel into the hole which I indeed, have found to be very inconve- nient. At the dotted line, D, I have a moveable grate, which can be taken out at pleaſure. When it is neceſſary to heat the top of the furnace, I find it moſt convenient to make the fire upon this grate, for by bringing the burning fuel fo near to the top, the fand, or any thing elſe that may be on it, can be heated much more readily, than if the fire was made on the ſecond grate. This grate is only uſed when a moderate fire is required, that will continue for ſeveral hours if neceſſary. The fire in this grate is renewed either by putting in the fuel by the hole A, or the door C. At E, we have a ſecond door, and at F, a grate that is fixed in by the plaiſtering: on this grate a moſt intenſe heat may be made fufficient to fuſe copper, and the other metals. and the other metals. The door E, will be found very convenient to introduce the fubftances to be operated upon on this grate. The other part is obviouſly the aſh-hole, which is too ſimple to need any deſcription. We ſee that the holes repreſented at E, fig. 1. are omitted here, becauſe if the aſh-hole door is left open, it anſwers all the purpoſes. To increaſe the intenſity of the heat, we have ſmall pieces of ſtove pipe, that fit the vent B, and by lengthening the pipe from one foot to twelve, we in the ſame proportion increaſe the degree of heat. We have the holes G, and H in the ſide of the ECONOMICAL 17 E S SAYS. furnace, through which the necks of earthen Retorts may be protruded, when we wiſh to dif- till with a naked fire. This furnace alſo anſwers extremely well for diſtilling with a ſmall copper ſtill, of about ten gallons, for by having a moveable cover, and the hole A, cut in the middle and of ſuch a fize as to admit exactly the bottom of the ſtill, we have nothing more to do than to put into it ſuch matter as we wiſh to diſtill, and to make our fire with ſmall pieces of wood like the ſtove-wood, on the upper grate. We can have a ſheet-iron pan about fix or eight inches high, to hold ſand when we wiſh to make uſe of what the chemiſts call a fand-bath; this is very uſeful where a gradual heat is requi- red, when it is to be uſed, the hole A, in the fur- nace is to be ſhut with a piece of ſheet-iron, and the pan ſet on the top of the furnace-in this way we can uſe the furnace for diſtilling in glaſs Re- torts: the fire is ſtill to be made on the firſt grate. And laſtly this furnace will do for a family ſtove: it can be ſet on an iron plate in the middle of the floor, and it even draws extremely well with an elbow to the pipe which conveys the ſmoke to the chimney; and the wood being ſplit ſmall, the fire is made on the upper grate as before. THE DIMENSIONS. The length from the top A, to the ſecond grate at F, is two feet. From A to D, is about twelve inches, and a fimilar length from D to F. The breadth at top, is twenty one inches : at D 18 AND CHEMICAL bottom, one foot. The diameter of the grate at D, ought to be about fixteen inches, which will leave fufficient room for the lining, or plaiſtering. The diameter of the ſecond grate may be about ten inches. The dimenſions, however, may be greater or leſs, to anſwer any particular purpoſe or convenience. The other apparatus of the moderr chemical laboratory, are remarkably ſimple: ai oil-flaſk, an earthen cup, a chaffing diſh, with half a peck of charcoal, will be nearly all that can be requi- red to conduct the operations of moſt manufac- tures. To theſe may be added a good blow- pipe, which, with a facility in uſing it to the greateſt advantage, will be found remarkably uſeful as will be perceived in the courſe of theſe eſſays: in the plate fig. 4. we have given a drawing of one, as improved by the celebrated Swediſh chemiſt mr. Bergman. If any other inſtruments ſhould be found neceſſary, they ſhall be noticed in their proper places. As the foundation of all other matter is earth, theſe EARTHS naturally preſent themſelves as the firſt objects of our examination. To a ſu- perficial obſerver they appear to be infinite : ſuch a variety of foils, with their different colours and properties, would ſeem to place this part of our ſubject beyond reſearch, but the rational enquirer will be delighted, when he is informed, or diſcovers by his own experiments, that all the earths and ſtones are formed of five ſimple elementary earths, and that from different pro- portions of theſe, together with the addition of fone ſubſtances that is not earth, or ſome pecu- liarity in the mechanical arrangement of parts, all the immenſe variety in the appearance and pro- ECONOMICAL 19 ESSAYS. perties of earth and ſtones are produced. In this place, as I wiſh to be underſtood by every reader, I will explain what is meant by the term mecha- nical arrangement, as not conſtituting a real dif- ference in properties, and this will be moſt eaſily and effectually done, by a very familiar exam- ple. Every one has ſeen a piece of roll-brim- ſtone, this we may call a piece of folid matter;: if we pound this brimſtone, we obtain a very fine powder, but the virtues, or diſtinguiſhing qualities of the brimſtone have not been altered by the operation, though the mechanical ar- rangement has been changed: and here we will obſerve, once for all, that a proceſs which alters the diſtinguiſhing qualities of any ſubſtance, we call a chemical proceſs, but if the change pro- duced relates only to the figure, ſpecific gravity, bulk, &c. the operation has only been mechani- cal. But to return : The diſcoveries of thoſe philoſophers, which teach us the ſimplicity of the earths, and the method of knowing their conſtituent principals, have paved the way for bringing thoſe arts and manufactures, in which earths are uſed, to the higheſt degree of perfection. The ſimple earths here fpoken of, as compof- ing all the others, are heavy earth, lime, mag- neſia, pure clay, and the flinty earth. HEAVY-EARTH was never diſcovered in America, either ſimple, or in combination with other earths. It is remarkable for reſembling burnt lime, in many of its properties, but its great weight far exceeding any other earth or ſtone, not only points out an eſſential difference 20 AND CHEMICA L. between them, but even induced ſome miners, who firſt diſcovered it, to think it was a metallic ore. LIME. By this we mean the pure white burnt lime, for lime-ſtone is not a pure earth, but a combination of the earth with another ſubſtance, which it is not worth puzzling the reader with in this place, and which we ſhall only ſay, is diſcharged in the very common operation of burning lime. Lime, and lime-ſtone are, and long have been, of eſſential ſervice to mankind in many inſtances; the proceſs of making lime is actually a chemical operation, but is ſo ſimple, and fo well underſtood in practice, that as theory cannot improve it in the leaſt, we ſhall content ourſelves with this bare mention of it. The making of mortar is an operation of mixture, and conſequently conneeted with our ſubject, but for a ſimilar reaſon, we omit the confideration of it. We know of no manufacture in which lime is concerned, that could be improved by chemiſ- try. All the marble with which America, and particularly Pennſylvania abounds, is a ſtone that belongs to the claſs of lime-ſtone; they are, how- ever, frequently combined, by nature, with the fiinty earth. As lime increaſes in bulk when heated, * and * Every body is acquainted with the curious circumſtances that attend the " lacking of lime." -To a lump of well burnt lime, juſt as much water is added, as it is found to be able to drink up; in a few minutes time the lump burſts into the fineſt powder, and a very great heat is produced, ſuffi- cient to evaporate a conſiderable quantity of the water added to flack it; and and in ſome caſes we are told, that a quantity of it ſlacked, in a waggon, by a ſhower of rain, has produced ſuch an intenſe heat, as to ſet fire to the wag- gon, and entirely confume it. -This note is inferred, to excite the attention of the curious, to explain the cauſo of the heat, for no perſon has yet attempt. ed it with even tolerable ſucceſs—when that is explained, the burſting of the lime, & may be eaſily accounted for-for as the water, that is to flack it, ECONOMICAL 2 ESSA Y S. falls into powder upon the addition of water, it is evident, that any clay that is united to a confi- derable proportion of lime-ſtone (which is fre- quently the caſe) muſt be totally unfit for the pot- ters uſe, as ſhall be more fully explained here- after. MAGNESIA. It is but within a very few years that this has been found to be a diftinct earth. When we ſpeak of this earth, we mean the white magneſia of the apothecaries ; a variety of argu- ments and experiments could be, and have been, ſhewn to prove it a ſimple earth, but to enter in- to theſe arguments in this place would be ſuper- fluous. A perſon who could diſcover a large quantity of it in America, would do an eſſential ſervice to his country, and particularly to the ma- nufacturers of earthen ware. When heated in the moſt intenſe fire, magneſia is neither encrea- fed nor diminiſhed in bulk, neither is it fused in- to glaſs, and water does not alter it in the leaſt, after it has been burnt, as it does lime. We know of no uſes to which magneſia is applied but as a medicine, and as an excellent ingredient in pottery. PURE CLAY. Few chemiſts have ever ſeen a perfectly pure clay. In all clays, there has been diſcovered a peculiar earth which chemiſts have been able to ſeparate from them by cer- tain proceſſes: when this has been taken from them, it deprives them of all their valuable pro- perties as clays; they become utterly unfit for muſt, by the laws of capillary attraction, inſinuate itſelf into every particle of the lime, the heat, by rarifying every particle of the water, and converting it into vapour, we could readily conceive to be ſufficient to produce allthe other effects. It is remarkable that the lime in ſlacking is luminous or phoſphoric in the dark 22 AND CHEMICAL the potters uſe, they have no greaſy feel, they cannot be formed into veſſels ; but all their pro- perties are reſtored by again uniting them to this earth. If then, there is only a part in all clays, that gives them the character of clay, it is very proper to call that part pure clay, or as a certain chemiſt propoſed, the principle of clay. Theſe obſervations, we hope, will be ſufficient to con- vey an idea of what we mean by the term pure clay. We ſaid that pure clay has not yet been found in a natural ſtate, but always combined with ſome other ſubſtance ; nor would it be of any uſe to mankind, was it ſo found : for al- though pure clay is the baſis of pottery, it would be quite unfit for that purpoſe, unleſs combined with another earth. Pure clay, when obtained by a certain chemical proceſs, which it would be foreign to our defign to deſcribe in this place, is found to be diminiſhed in bulk by burning, which is a curious and fingular fact, as all other earths increaſe in bulk when heated, and return to their natural ſize when grown cold; but pure clay contracts in bulk, and all common clays pof- ſeſs the ſame property, according to their puri- ty, and this in exact proportion to the degree of heat, the ſmaller will be the piece of clay after it is burnt: the common brick-clay, which is ve- ry impure, and contains but a ſmall quantity of pure clay, loſes about one nineteenth of its bulk in the kiln, that is, a ſtrip of brick-clay meaſuring, when perfectly dry, ten inches, will, after bur- ning, meaſure but nine inches and an half; and if it is put into an air-furnace, where the heat can be raiſed equal to that of a glaſs-houſe fur- nace, it becomes ſtill ſmaller, and will ſcarcely meaſure nine inches, and what is ſtill more re- ECONOMICAL 23 ESSAY S. markable is, that although the heat is the cauſe of the fhrinking, or contraction of the clay, it never after returns to its original bulk, as all o- ther earths do, which are made larger by heat. This leads to a ſuſpicion, that the contraction of clay is not owing merely to the addition of heat, but to ſome change, either chemical or mechani- cal, being produced on it. As clay then contracts ſo much by heat, it is evident, it would be very liable to crack and break in burning, for this rea- fon, a mixture of earths has always been found to produce the beſt ware : what ſome of theſe mix- tures are, we ſhall endeavour to point out in our next eſſay. There are a pretty conſiderable variety of clays in Pennſylvania and New-Jerſey, ſome of which ſeem to have a tolerable good appearance for fome branches of pottery; the virtues and imper- fections of ſome of them we ſhall relate in our examination into their properties. FLINT Y EARTH. The character of this fpe- cies of earths is, that it is much harder than any of the other four, and that, when formed into ſtones (which are nothing more than conſolida- ted earths) they will ſtrike fire with ſteel, which property does not belong to any of the others. The earths and ſtones, of which this forms the largeſt proportion, are the moſt abundant (as I believe from tolerable good information) of all others in the United States; I can ſpeak with more certainty of thoſe found in the thick ſettled parts of Pennſylvania, in ſome parts of New-jer- ſey, and Delaware ſtates: in ſome counties, how- ever, in Pennſylvania, where lime-ſtone abounds, flinty earths and ſtones are very rare; all thoſe 24 AND CHEMICAL icy rocks and ſtones which in breaking ſhew an tranſparency, are almoſt entirely a pure flint. We ſhall ſhew what are the chemical charac- ters of the flinty earth in our next. ECONOMICAL 2 ESSA Y S. 25 ESSAY II. Analyſis of Earths. O diſtinguiſh an earth from every other kind of matter, we muſt be certain that it poffef- ſes the following properties : to diſſolve, very ſpa- ringly, or not at all in water, to poſleſs little or no ſapidity, to be incombuſtible, that is, that it will not burn, and to have little or no Smell; all the earths poſſeſs theſe properties in an eminent de- gree, there are however ſome fubſtances which anſwer theſe deſcriptions, that are not earths, and theſe we ſhall point out in proper order. I know not at preſent of any uſe that an ana- lyſis or chemical examination of the earths will be of to the arts, except to the art of pottery : and as it is equally to the potter's purpoſe to know what earths are improper for his buſineſs as to be acquainted with thoſe which are fit for uſe, it will be neceſſary to direct the reader to fome general rules, by which he may be able to know any earth that falls under his notice. The excellence of potter's ware, beſides other circumſtances depends principally upon three things. 1. The chemical nature of the materials he uſes for the ware and its glazing. 2. The mechanical nature of the earth, ſuch as its fineneſs, &c. 3. The colour of the materials after baking. We have already hinted that a pure clay is not the moſt fit for making earthen veſſels: as it E 26 CHEMICAL AND ſhortens in burning it is very apt to crack: and it is probably owing to the too great purity of ſome of our American clays, that our unglazed earthen veſſels ſuffer water and other liquids to paſs through them: a mixture of the flinty earth which exiſts in common clays in conſiderable proportion, prevents, if in proper quantity, this contraction of the ware, and probably were the quantity in ours greater than in is, that one in- convenience would be remedied. The red colour of our ware, is invariably owing to iron, which exiſts very plentifully in America, and in ſome degree in almoſt all our clays: the deepneſs of the colour is in proportion to the quantity. We will ſuppoſe a potter to have obtained fe- veral ſpecimens of clays, and is anxious to know whether they will do for he pottery; will find as we ſuppoſe the following method the moſt eaſy, deciſive and ſatisfactory. He muſt procure, at an apothecaries, about half gill [two ounces] of ſpirit of ſea-falt, which he can get under that name, and then weigh off four penny weights and four grains of ciay to be ex- amined, firſt dried and reduced to powder: a thin Florence oil flaſk, well cleaned, by waſhing it in ſtrong lye, muſt be had, into which the pow- dered clay is to be poured: we then mix the half gill of ſpirits of ſea-falt with an equal quantity of rain-water, which we prefer as being moſt pure, then a half gill of this weakened ſpirits of Salt is to be poured into the oil flaſk and mixed with the earth. Great attention is to be paid to the ap- pearance in the inſtant of mixture, whether there is a hiling noiſe, and the appearance of boiling, or whether a few large bubbles ariſe to the top, ECONOMICAL 27 ESSAYS. without any noiſe ; for if the firſt appearance takes place, it will afford a ſtrong preſumption that the clay contains a conſiderable proportion of lime, and is likely to prove unfit for pottery, becauſe, as we ſaid before, all earths containing burnt lime (and the lime contained in the clay would be- come ſuch, after the ware was burnt) would {plit, or flack as ſoon as any liquid was applied to them. We then ſet the oil flaſk on ſome bur- ning coals in a ſhovel, nor need we be afraid of its cracking from the ſudden application of heat, for ſuch thin glaſs veſſels ſeldom break from the changes of heat and cold: we ſuffer the mixture to be heated ſlowly ſeveral hours, in which time all the different earths that the clay contained, together with the iron, if any, will be diſſolved, except the flinty earth, which is of the nature of fine powdered fand: now by attending to the following operations upon the mixture, we may be able to judge of the excellence of the clay : they are rather difficult to be underſtood, but a perſon whoſe intereſt it is to be acquainted with this ſubject will take time to endeavour to com- prehend them: I ſhall juſt lay down my method, which is, I think, the eaſieſt, and ſufficiently accurate. I pour about half a gill of pure water into the oil flaſk, after the clay &c. have boiled ſufficiently and warm it over the coals again: I ſuffer it to ſtand until the undiffolved part ſettles to the bot- tom; then pour off the clear liquor from the ſed- iment as exactly as I can into a glaſs veffel, for inſtance a tumbler ; I waſh what is in the oil flaſk with another half gill of water, and pour that water when grown clear, into the other clear liquor in the tumbler, I find that a certain quan- 28 CHEMICAL AND tity of the earth is ſtill left in the flaſk, this I pour out on a piece of clean blotting paper, dry it and weigh it, the weight then gives me the quantity of flinty earth contained in an hundred grains of the clay : the proportion of this earth is fome- times ſo great as to amount to fixty or ſeventy grains per cent. even in a very good clay. In the tumbler I ſhall find I have about a gill of a clear fluid, of this I put the fourth part into a wine glaſs, and drop into it a few drops of oil of vitriol, which may be had of the apothecaries, this experiment will ſoon ſatisfy me whether the clay contains any lime ſtone in a powdered ſtate, for it will immediately become of a milky white- neſs, even if the quantity of lime is but ſmall; and here we muſt not be deceived and conclude too haſtily that the earth will not make good ware, becauſe of the lime it contains; in a few minutes the whiteneſs will ſettle to the bottom, then by pouring away the clear fluid that is above it in the wine glaſs, and putting the ſediment upon blotting paper, drying it and weighing it carefully, we ſhall have one fourth of the quan- tity of lime contained in an hundred grains of the earth. The quantity of oil of vitriol to be added may be thirty drops, which is always fufficient for that quantity of diffolved earth, and never too much, for a reaſon which a theoretical chymiſt would well underſtand, but it cannot readily be explain- ed to any one elſe: the fact however may be de- pended upon. If we find the quantity of lime by the laſt expe- riment to be ſmall, amounting to no more than four or five per cent. we can have no objection to it upon that account, . ECONOMICAL 29 ESSA Y S. The quantity of lime and fiinty earth, being thus aſcertained, it appears from the obſervati- ons made in our laſt eſſay, that there can be no other earth exiſting in the ſolution, than magneſia and pure clay, for there are but five earths in na- ture, and heavy earth has never been found in America; it is not worth the potter's attention to examine minutely into the exa&t proportion of theſe, as a tolerable good eſtimate may be made from the quantities of the other earths when known. But it is of conſequence to aſcertain the quantity of iron, which is very difficult to be done by the common modes laid down by chemiſts; but the following method when properly under- ſtood and well attended to, will be found tolera- bly eaſy. We take one third of the remaining folution, that is one fourth of the whole, and mix it with a pint of clear rain water : in another pint of wa- ter we diſſolve ten grains of green vitriol or cop- peras which we may juſt mention in this place, is a preparation of iron, and contains about one fourth part of its weight of that metal; that is, there are two and one half grains of iron in ten grains of copperas. We then pour half a wine glaſs full of each, obſerving to let the quantity be exactly the ſame, into two ſeparate wine glaf- fes, at the ſame time, and add to each a ſmall quantity, for inſtance as much as can be taken up between the finger and thumb, of the powder of galls*, when both mixtures will become of a black, dark purple, light purple, or red colour, * The cold infiufion of the Pig-Nut we have found to be a very powerful aftringent--as ſuch it will anſwer extremely well inſtead of powder of galls, in the analyſis of earths. We hope we have ſhewn in Eſſay VII. that they are equally valuable in every other inſtance, 30 CHEMICAL AND according as the quantity of iron is larger or ſmaller ; we then fill the remainder of the wine glaſſes with water, and accurately attend to the difference of colour, the one that approaches neareſt to a black colour, always contains the greateſt quantity of iron. Let us now ſuppoſe that the fourth part of our ſolution contained more than two and a half grains of iron, or in other words, a greater quan- tity than the folution of copperas: why then with a given quantity of powdered galls, a given quantity of folution will ſtrike a darker colour. But we wiſh to aſcertain how much more. This I think we may know, if we add to our ſolution made from the clay, a gill of rain water; then again we add an equal quantity of powdered galls to equal quantities of the two ſolutions as before, we compare the colours, and if they are exactly alike, we fuppoſe the quantity of iron in a given quantity of the ſolutions, is the fame; but of the folution of the clay there is one fourth more than there is of the ſolution of the copperas, conſe- quently, there muſt be one fourth more iron. Suppoſe it required that two gills of water ſhould be added to the ſolution of the clay, before the colour would be exactly like the folution of the copperas, why then it is obvious it contains one half more iron: but if the caſe was juſt the re- verſe, then by adding ſo much water to the fo- lution of copperas as would be neceſſary to re- duce both folutions to the ſame colour, we ſhould be able to know how much leſs iron the ſoluti- on made from the clay contains; thus if it will require one gill of water before equal quanti- ties will exhibit equal ſhades of colour, it is ECONOMICAL ESSAY S. 31 obvious that the folution we are to examine, contains one fourth leſs iron, than the ſolution of copperas, &c. &c. &c. To prevent any fallacy, the wine glaſſes ſhould be exactly of the ſame ſize, for every one knows that a coloured fluid always appears deeper in a glaſs of a larger diameter, than in one of a fmaller: the colour ſhould be very attentive- ly obſerved, and the opinion of a ſecond ob- ſerver to be aſked, left the firſt by ſuch fre- quent repetition ſhould be confuſed, as is ſome- times the caſe : when theſe circumſtances are attended to, the quantity of iron even to one fourth of a grain, may be diſcovered in an hun- dred grains of the clay we are examining: this is not the method propoſed by Mr. Kirwan in his examination of earths : but we are happy in finding this method of analyſis altho' appa- rently indeterminate, yet correſponds exactly as to the reſult, with Mr. Kirwan: that is, an earth was examined by his method, and was found to contain ten per cent. of iron, and being after- wards examined by our method, it gave ſuch appearances as would have immediately inclined us to conclude that it contained that quantity. When the clay examined is found to contain no more than three or four per cent. of iron, it may be preſumed to retain its white colour in burn- ing; if from twelve to twenty it will moſt cer- tainly be red. It is almoſt a maxim with the potters, that all blue clays will burn red, and that all white clays will retain their colour; this however is too general; ſeveral blue clays owe their colour to a mineral oil which is diffipated in burning, CHEMICAL AND and many white ones contain iron, which will give them a red colour. We now ſee that the chemical qualities of good carths for wares, are a proper mixture of pure clay and flinty earth; without the addition of a- ny, or very little iron; that lime is an injurious ingredient in proportion to its quantity, and that magneſia, tho' feldom found in clays, is always a valuable addition. The Eaſt-India china ware is juſtly allowed to be the moſt beautiful, the moſt valuable and pure of any in the world : its compofition is now ge- nerally known to conſiſt of two earths, which they call PETUNSE and KAOLIN: thefe earths have been obtained and examined by European che- miſts ; yet obſerve the ſimplicity of their compo- ſitions ! the petunſe contains ſixty-ſeven per cent. of flinty earth, fourteen of pure clay, eleven of heavy earth, and eight of magneſia, without any iron. The kaolin (at leaſt one ſpecimen of it) contains about fifty per cent. of flinty earth, twenty-five of pure clay, fix of magneſia, five of lime, and three or four of iron: the reſt was loft in the experiment. Now ſuppoſing theſe two earths to be united together in equal proportion in china ware, as is ſometimes the caſe, the chemical compoſition will be 581 Heavy earth Lime Magneſia Clay Flinty earth Iron 55 21 7 192 4. Why then ſhould not porcelain be made in America, except the mechanical qualities of our earths, and the workınanſhip are deficient in goodneſs. ECONOMICAL 33 ESSA Y S. 2. We ſhould not ſuppoſe the mechanical quali- ties of clays to alter the value of the wares made from them: but it appears from very good au- thority that, the celebrated Chineſe earth kaolin differs from ſome pipe-clays, only in the fine- neſs or ſubtilty of the flinty earth contained in it; the want of fineneſs in any earth, otherwiſe fit for pottery, we conceive might be obviated by levigating; for the explanation of which tern, and the manner of conducting the proceſs, we refer to the article LEVIGATION, in any dicti- onary of arts and ſciences. « The colour of the materials after baking, we ſaid was another circumſtance to be attended to; the red colour of our American wares, we aſſert to be entirely owing to iron, a metallic ſubſtance, very abundantly diffuſed through moſt of our earths : in many it is in fo large a propor- tion as to give then a red colour before burning, in which ſtate they might be uſed for ochres, or paints; but as they are only valuable for the iron they contain, we ſhall defer all obſervations upon them, until we come to the metals. Other metallic fubſtances are fometimes found to colour clays, as copper and lead; but ſuch have never been found in this country; the black co- lour of ſome of the imported ware, we ſuſpect is owing to MANGANES E, known better among us by the name of MAGNES. The metallic ſubſtances are uſed in painting the ware, and give it different colours, after burning, as copper makes a green, iron a red, F. 34 AND CHEMICAL ſmalt prepared from cobalt, a blue colour, &c. &c. but obfervations of this kind are not to our purpoſe. The glazing of ware is a matter of great im- portance: the preparations of lead, ſuch as red.. lead, white-lead and litharge, are univerſally u- ſed here: theſe ſubſtances by melting, very ſoon give the ware a glazing, without a great degree of heat; but vefſels glazed with lead ſuffer many fluids to paſs through them, and many corroding liquors, as vinegar, take off and diſſolve the gla- zing, probably to the injury of the health of the perſons who uſe them. Quere, would not a mixture of calcined flints finely powdered and mixed with pot-afh, make a glazing that would be both eaſily fuſible and ſufficiently hard and wholeſome! The queens-ware is compoſed of the pipe-clay; (one nearly like our common clays, but free from iron) and calcined flints, the proceſs, &c. is very beautifully deſcribed in Watſon's Chemical El fays, in the Philadelphia library. The clay of our potters is very coarſe; the flinty earth in it is almoſt as coarſe as fand; a fpecimen I examined, contained about fifty-four per cent. flinty earth, twenty-fix pure clay, three of lime, and ſeventeen of iron; which laſt ingre- dient is the cauſe of the exceffive red colour. There is an earth found at Gray's ferry, very famous among our maſons as a mortar for work in whieh fire is to be made, becauſe it neither burſts by expanding, nor leaves crevices by con- tracting. Although it poſſeſſes this valuable pro- perty, it is unfit for pottery, from its mechanical ECONOMICAL 35 ESSA Y S. nature and coarſe texture; the whiteſt of it af- fords, by analyſis, ſeventy-fix per cent. of flin- ty earth, twenty-one of magneſia, without any iron; the other three parts could not be account- ed for in the experiment. After all we have to lament that from the great quantity of iron with which this country abounds, we have but a poor proſpect of very pure earths. There is a clay much like the pipe-clay, found in great abundance in ſeveral parts of New-jer- ſey, different parcels of this appears to be of ve- ry different qualities. I have had two cups made of it, which burn as white as the Engliſh queens- ware: it appears by analyſis to contain about fix- ty-ſeven per cent. of flinty earth, twenty-ſeven of pure clay, a little lime, and as I believe, a little magneſia; but this I have not fully proved. The glazing of the foreign ware, is made ei- ther by throwing falt into the kiln, by lead, or by the vitrification of the ſurface of the ware with- out addition, depending upon the fuſible nature of the ingredients. 36 CHEMICAL AND ESSA Y III. Salts in general; Cryſtallization; Sea-falt; Epſom-falt; Pree paration of Magneſia. WE E obſerved that we did not recollect any uſe that an analyſis of the earths would be to the arts, except the art of pottery ; as fuch we have conſidered it pretty fully already, on the fub- ject of clays ; we miglt indeed have lengthened out theſe eſſays, with the reſults of the analyſis of ſeveral others not mentioned in our laſt, but we conceive them to be unintereſting, and there- fore omit them. We may now diſmiſs the fub- ject of earths ſimply conſidered. The next general claſs of matter that preſents itſelf to our view are the SALTS: when we conſider thefe fub- ſtances, either for their importance in the vari- ous departments of life, or their curioſity in che- mical operations, we find them worthy of a par- ticular attention. The ſalts form a claſs more extenſive than moſt people imagine, and eſpe- cially when we take in all thoſe ſubſtances comprehended in the following definition of a falt; a falt is ſoluble in water, Sapid, incombuſtible, capable of aſſuming a regular form, or in other words of cryſtallizing, and of combining in a PECULIAR MANNER with other ſubſtances. It may be juſtly remarked that there are but very few ſalts that poſſeſs all the properties aſcribed to a falt in this definition, and that there are many ſubſtances, that are not falts, or of a faline nature, which correſpond to ſeveral parts of it; thus oil of vi- triol, or more properly ſpeaking the vitriolic acid, is a falt, but it has not the property of cryſtalli- zing; white ſugar is foluble in water, ſapid, and capable even of aſſuming a regular form, yet it is ſcarcely to be ranked among the ſalts; I ſay ECONOMIC A L ESSAY S. 37 ſcarcely, for chemiſts are divided as to the place it holds in a ſyſtem of chemiſtry; but fugar is not incombuſtible, neither has it this peculiar tendency to combine with other ſubſtances; the definition, however exceptionable, is the beſt that has been offered, and we may venture to pronounce any ſubſtance a falt, that has ſeveral of the above- mentioned properties. We wiſh to make ſome obſervations on falts in general, and as ſalt-petre, or nitre, is well known to the people at large, we ſhall take that as an inſtance of all the properties to be found in it, in common with moſt other falts. If we take an ounce of falt-petre, and mix it with an half pint, and an half gill, i. e. ten ounces, or ten times its weight of cold water, we ſhall have it com- pletely diffolved: if we add any more of the falt- petre, it will forever remain undiffolved, if the water continues as cold as pump water, juſt -drawn, uſually is; but if we beat the water, we ſhall find that more will be diſſolved; we conti- nue the heat until the water boils, but in ſuch a veffel, that none of it ſhall eſcape in vapour; the conſequence will be, that the water will diſſolve its own weight of the nitre; that is, the applica- tion of a boiling heat, will enable the water to diſſolve nine ounces more of the falt than it did when cold. This will not appear remarkable to people in general, becauſe it is a common occur- rence: but let us extend our inveſtigation a lit- tle further; the heat muſt certainly have been the cauſe that nine ounces of the nitre diffolved in the water, if therefore we ſuffer the water to cool, and the heat to paſs off, the nine ounces of nitre ought to be found undiſſolved as ſoon as the water acquires its former temperature; and 38 CHEMICAL AND this is the fact, but attended with one wonderful circumſtance that few who had not ſeen it would have ever fufpected; the falt-petre is found cry- Stallized, in a regular form, reſembling ſeveral kinds of natural cryſtal, from which reſemblance the proceſs has its name: this is the ſimpleſt idea of cryſtallization, a proceſs the moſt beautiful and moſt inexplicable that chemiſtry affords us; with- out attenipting to explain the cauſe of this phe- nomenon, let us juſt eſtabliſh the following laws, which are both elegant, and uſeful to be known. 1. All falts attend to aſſume a regular form, and this tendency takes place, as well in ſmall maſſes, as in larger. A cryſtal of a falt, a thou- fand of which would not weigh one grain, is of the ſame preciſe mathematical figure, as a cryſtal of the ſame falt weighing fifteen or fixteen oun- ces;* the figure of the cryſtals of falts is diffe- rent in different falts, but they always tend to af- fume the ſame figure in the fame falt; this tenden- cy however is often deſtroyed by certain acci- dents, ſuch as extremes of heat and cold, an ill ſhaped veſſel, agitation of the veſſel during the proceſs, and the cryſtals running againſt each other. 2. Salts more ſoluble in hot than in cold water, and diffolved in hot water, will cryftallize, when the water grows cold; that is, all the ſuperabun- dant falt that the heat had enabled the water to diſſolve, muſt be rendered up again when the heat, which was the cauſe of its ſolution, is loſt; and then in a cryſtalline form. * It is really wonderful, that the figure ſhould be exa&ly the ſame, altho' the ſize be as 7680000 to 1. ECONOMICAL ESSAY S. 39 3. Salts equally foluble in cold and in hot wa- ter, if diſſolved in hot water will not cryſtallize when the water cools, for the cold water will be fufficient to hold all the falt diſſolved; by expo- fing the ſolution of ſuch a falt to the air, fuffer- ing the water to waſte away, or by applying a very gentle heat, ſo as to evaporate part of the water, it will then cryſtallize very regularly; both of theſe methods are occaſionally uſed to obtain common falt in a cryſtalline form. 4. All falts diſſolved in water and cryſtallized, abſorb a certain quantity of the water, neceſſary to the formation of the cryſtal; the proportion is very different in different ſalts. It is very re- markable, that the water thus abſorbed is abſolute- pure, even though the water in which the falt was diſſolved before cryſtallizing, ſhould be ve- ry impure. 5: Two ſalts diſſolved in the ſame veſſel ſeldom cryftallize at once, and NEVER unite their par- ticles into one cryſtal; to illuſtrate this law more clearly, ſuppoſe ſalt-petre and common falt were diffolved in a cup of hot water, in cooling, one of the ſalts only cryſtallizes, and thoſe cryſtals are as abſolutely pure as if none of the other falt had been diffolved with them; afterwards by a cer- tain proceſs, the other falt may be obtained in cryſtals, which will be alſo found to be abſolute- ly pure, having even the ſhape peculiar to that fpecies of falt; this is one of the moſt remarkable laws we are acquainted with, and would ſeem to imply a kind of intelligence among the particles of falts; by this law we are inſtructed in the ve- ry neceſſary method of ſeparating different falts from each other in a pure ftate. 40 CHEMICAL AND SEA-SALT, as moſt commonly known, is the firſt to deſerve our attention, not becauſe it ſhould occupy the firſt place in the fyſtem of che- miſtry, for it is not a ſimple, but a compound falt; the novice in chemiſtry will feel ſurpriſed at the ſtrange "effects of mixture," and the amazing “ alteration of ſenſible properties,” which we aſſerted always took place in every operation truly chemical, when he ſhall be informed of the component parts of ſea-falt, and find what a very different compound they yield; he will ſcarcely imagine that one of its ingredients is fo corroſive as to be able to diſſolve iron, i. e, the ſpirits of ſea-falt of the apothecaries, and that the other is uſed as a cauſtic, to eat away proud fleſh from ulcers, by furgeons, i. e. common cauſtic made from kelp. An hundred experiments might be ſhewn to prove that fea-falt contains one half of its weight of the valuable parts of the aſhes of ſea-weed, ſo uſeful in glaſs making ; this part chemically ſpeaking, is called the “foſſil or mi- neral alkali,” which is one of the principles of fea-falt, the other is called ſpirit of fea-falt, but by chemiſts the marine acid: eighty pounds [a buſhel] of ſea-falt can be got for two ſhillings, containg forty pounds of mineral alkali, or if you pleaſe to call it by a common name, of kelp, baril- la, foda, or glaſs wort, which is worth five pence per pound, the great queſtion then is, how ſhall we be able in a cheap manner ſo to deſtroy the marine acid of ſea ſalt, * that nothing but this ve- ry valuable part of it ſhall remain? Whoever can anſwer this queſtion, will have diſcovered one of the moſt impenetrable ſecrets of che- * Several literary ſocieties have offered premiums for ſuch a diſcovery, but I have heard of no ſucceſsful candidate. ECONOMIC A ESSA IS. 41 miſtry, immortalize his own name, render an im- portant ſervice to mankind; and, if kept ſecret for fome time, eſtabliſh himſelf in independence. I ſhould be forry to damp the ardour of an ad- venturer, by laying before him any of my very numerous unſucceſsful experiments inſtituted for this purpoſe: I hope this diſcovery may be re- ſerved for an American chemift. Can ſea-falt be an object of manufacture in the United States ? I rather believe not, at leaſt for a conſiderable number of years, till labour ſhall become cheaper; we have had ſeveral ſpecimens of ſea-water fent us from different parts, and we are ſorry to find, the proportion of ſea-ſalt con- tained in them, was in much ſmaller quantity, than by the accounts of authors, we find the fea- water in other parts of the world contains. We hinted above, that fea-falt was obtained either by ſpontaneous evaporation, ariſing from the fun and air, or by the gentle heat of a ſmall fire; the firſt means can probably never be practiſed, in the more nothern ſtates at leaſt, for it is obſerved, that in Pennſylvania, there are eight months in twelve, in which fires are comfortable ; conſe- quently the warm ſeaſon, in which only evapora- tion takes place, to any conſiderable degree, muft be very ſhort; when we alſo take into conſidera- tion, the quantity of rain falling every ſummer ſeaſon, which cannot be excluded from the falt- ponds, the exceſs of evaporation muſt be ſtill ſmaller; and we have great reaſon to believe, that the quantity of rain falling in any given time, on a given ſurface of ground, is nearly equal to the quantity, that would evaporate from ſuch a furface. G CHEMICAL AND It is obſerved that ſea-water is not quite a ſimple ſolution of fea-falt, but holds diffolved in it ſeveral others : it is ſaid to contain Glaubers- falt, EPSOM-SALT, and two other falts, contain- ing marine acid united to magneſia, as one falt, and the fame acid united to lime for the ſecond; we have found that our fea-water contains a lar- ger quantity of heterogeneous falts than others, but the quantity we ſuppoſe is not ſufficient to induce us to boil down the ſea-water to obtain them. There is not a part in chemiſtry, in which che- miſts have committed greater errors, than in the analyſis of ſea-water, and particularly in always confounding the Glaubers-ſalt and the Epſom-fa together ; which, however they may reſemble each other in their ſenſible qualities, or medicinal virtues, yet chemically conſidered are very diffe- rent. Glaubers-falt, conſiſts of the foſil alkali and the vitriolic acid; whilſt Epſom-falt is compound- ed of magneſia and the vitriolic acid, and almoſt all authors mention that Epſom-falt is found dif folved in ſea-water. I will leave the poſſibility of this obſervation to be conſidered by the che- miſts, when they reflect on the principles of the following economical proceſs, for preparing the magnefia of the apothecaries, for whoſe uſe this paragraph is intended. Take fix and a quarter pounds of pure Epſom- falt, and five pounds of the beſt coarſe falt, diſ- ſolve them in four gallons of boiling water, fuf- fer them to remain in a ſhallow tub for twenty- four hours, when we obtain at leaſt NINE POUNDS of a falt in fine long cryſtals, which will have all the properties of Glaubers-falt; but it will be ut- ECONOMICAL 43 ESSAY S. terly impoſſible for any perſon to obtain from this liquor one particle of a falt that ſhall have the properties of Epſom-falt. To the liquor which ſhall remain after the cryſtallization, we add fix pounds of pure pot-aſh, diſſolved in pure water; mix them together, and follow the direc- tions, as to the reſt of the proceſs, laid down in the Edinburgh Diſpenſatory : this muſt be con- feſſed to be a conſiderable improvement of the proceſs, and the idea of it was ſuggeſted by the knowledge of the chemical attraktions; which eve- ry chemiſt will now know how to explain for himſelf, but which would be extremely diffi- cult to explain to a novice, without ſome previ- ous obſervations on the attractions in general, which however we ſhall do hereafter. I be- lieve I may claim the merit, ſuch as it is, to the diſcovery, both in theory and in fact; for I have never met with either the one or the other in any author: the Glaubers-falt obtained by means of the Epſom-falt, will more than pay the price of all the Epſom-falt uſed, and yet (which muſt appear very ſtrange to the ignorant) the Epſom- falt will ſtill yield as large a quantity of magneſia as if no Glaubers-falt had been obtained from it: no chemiſt can deny this, the coſt then of the magneſia will only be the price of the fix pound of pot-afh. I conceive this experiment to be cu- rious as well as uſeful; if fea-falt and Epſom-fait decompoſed each other in our laboratories, how can they exiſt together in the ſea without altera- tion? the ſuppoſition that Epſom-falt exiſted in ſea-water, aroſe from the imperfect ſtate of the chemical ſcience of the times, in which thoſe au- thors, who aſſert it, lived; for they always con- found the Epſom-falt and the Glaubers-Salt toge- 44 CHEMICAL AND ther, as we mentioned already, but we can dili tinguiſh them by chemiſtry, if not by our ſenſes very eaſily; for this purpoſe, we diſſolve the ſalt to be examined in water, and add to it a little of the folution of pot-aſh in water; if it is Epſom- falt, the two fluids will aſſume the appearance of milk and water; if it is glaubers-falt, no apparent change will take place in the mixture: we may readily conceive therefore, that the ſalt obtained by thoſe authors, might have been Glaubers-falt, and not Epfom-falt, as they ſuppoſe ; the cauſe of which miſtake we have already explained: but Epſom-falt is made from ſea-water; luckily for us, the celebrated Bergman has cleared up the difficulty, by informing us that the makers of this falt, add to the liquor which remains after the fea-falt is obtained from ſea-water, the mother- water of copperas; theſe thus united and fuffered to cryſtallize, yield a true and perfeet Epſom-falt : this curious faet can only be explained by a know- ledge of the chemical attractions, but it is found. ed in theory, and realized by experiments. Theſe obfervations upon Epſom-falt, afford us a lament- able inſtance, that authors frequently copy even errors from each other, without ever referring to their own obſervations and experiments for a knowledge of the truth. ECONOMICAL ESSA Y S. 45 ESSA Y IV. Chemical attractions, with a table of ſingle, ſingle elective, and double elective attractions. A S fundamental in the ſcience of chemiſtry, the peculiar phenominon called attra£tion, juſtly comes under our conſideration. It is al- moft impoſſible to proceed any length in chemi- cal inveſtigation, without being ſtruck with the wonderful effects of this great agent; it is in fact, as I conceive a thorough knowledge of the effects of this attraction, between heterogene- ous bodies, or bodies ienſibly different from each other, that conſtitutes a knowledge of chemiſtry. In the introductory eſſay we obſer- ed, that a ſenſible change is alway produced in any body that is chemically operated upon; this we conſider can never be done but by the won- derful power of attraction, and indeed there is no chemical operation, whether complex or fimple, in which we have not reaſon to believe that attraction is concerned; and to a perſon acquainted with the ſcience, it would be fuffi- ciently defined, to call chemiſtry a ſcience which teaches the laws of attraction between heteroge- neous bodies in contact with each other. It is very difficult to make this ſubject fuffi- ciently plain to ſome readers, without deſcend- ing to ſuch language, as to others would ſeem inelegant, but fuppofing it neceſſary, for a par- ticular claſs of readers, to expreſs myſelf in a dif- ferent manner. I will endeavour to give as clear an idea of it as I poſſibly can, The moſt ſimple ſpecies of attraction is where two bodies unite and form a compound, very 96 CHEMICAL A N D different in ſenſible properties from the compo- nent parts; we have a very ſtriking and familiar illuſtration of this, when we combine two culina- ry articles together: let us add to about a pint of good ſtrong* ley, ſuch as uſed in making ſoap, &c. a quart of ſharp wine-vinegar, and obſerve what a change of properties are pro- duced by the mixture, The ley was remark- ably acrid to the taſte, the vinegar very acid, and both fo capable of acting on the tongue, that no perſon could ſwallow a gill of either of them, without the moſt diſagreeable ſenſation; but mixed, they form a compound ſo mild, that a quart of it might be drank in the ſpace of an hour, with very little ſenſible effect upon the body; the ley in this caſe has loſt all its acrid taſte, and not only all its ſenſible properties, but even its chemical charakter, for it is unable when thus combined, to act upon fat to form ſoap; the vinegar no longer taſtes four, and it has alſo loſt its chemical properties, for where- as, before its combination, it could be evapo- rated by boiling, it cannot now be forced off from its connection with the ley, but by a heat very far fuperior to boiling; in this caſe we have the idea of its being retained or held back from evaporating by the ley. It muſt have happened to almoſt every body to ſee what is called aqua fortis by the apotheca- ries, and be at leaſt in a ſmall degree acquainted with its corroſive powers, ſuch as its defolving the hardeſt and moſt compact metals, &c. we would readily believe from ſuch knowledge, without making the experiment, that if one fin- * This a chemift would call an alkaline fluid. ECONOMICAL ESSAYS. 47 gle drop of aqua fortis were put upon the tongue and ſuffered to remain there, it would produce a moſt violent inflamation : but let us obſerve how the properties of this fluid ared eſtroyed by combination : a tyro in chemiſtry cannot amuſe himſelf more with any experiment, than by pro- curing an ounce of aqua fortis, and combining it with an equal quantity of potaſh diſſolved in boil- ing water; four hours time will preſent him with a miracle, which even an experienced chemiſt cannot contemplate without admiration; for in the veſſel in which he makes this experi- ment, he will find a number of needle like cry- Itals, which have all the qualities, and in fact are nothing elſe than common ſalt-petre, ſo familiar to every body. How different is this mild, cool ſalt, from the corroſive, hot, and poiſonous a- ! qua fortis ! Theſe are inſtances of the moſt ſimple attrac- tion, as it falls under the obſervation of the chemiſt. It had the name of attraction, from that great philoſopher Sir Iſaac Newton, who ſo happily explained many of the phenomena of nature, by inveſtigating the laws of attraction, which take place, between the larger maſſes of matter in the univerſe. It is ſuppoſed for in- ſtance, that the conſtituent particles of the pot-aſh, in the laſt mentioned experiment, had a tendency to unite with the conſtituent particles of the aqua fortis, and that their union formed new par- ticles, poſſeſſed of properties different from the component particles, and capable of affecting the organs of ſenſe in a very different manner. This may be conſidered as an explanation of the effect, not of the cauſe, for we ſtill remain as ignorant as ever, when we come to enquire why this at- 48 CHEMICAL AND traction takes place in ſome particular bodies and not in others. It may poſſibly depend upon a modification of the fame cauſe (whatever the caufe may be) that tends to bring larger maſſes; that are ſeparate, into contact, or that impels a piece of cork fwimming in a glaſs tumbler of water, to the ſides of the veſſel. There ſeems to be however, ſome effential difference in the attraction, we obſerve in chemi- cal combinations, and thoſe taught in the ſchools of natural philoſophy. Natural philofophy teaches us that if two globules of mercury, are laid on a ſmooth place, at a very ſmall diſtance from each other, they will unite by the power of attraktion, and form a large globule; but this is by no means a chemi- cal attraction: the large globule is ſtill mercu- ry---it is ſtill fluid, reſembling a melted metal as before--it has all its ſenſible properties as be- fore--and it is ſtill capable of being acted upon by chemical ſubſtances : A itone thrown up in the air, in a certain time returns to the earth; this tendency, which weigh- ty bodies have to fall to the earth, has been call- ed the attraction of gravitation; but it is not a chemical attraction, for this always produces a ſenſible change; but had a ſtone, or any other folid body been thrown into the air a thouſand times, Boerhaave himſelf with all his ſkill, would have been unable, merely by his chemical know- ledge, to have known that the attraction of gra- vitation had acted upon it ſo often. A glaſs tube, with a very ſmall bore, put into water, the water riſes in the tube conſiderably ECONOMICAL ESSAYS. 49 above the ſurface of the fluid in which it is im- merſed; owing to an attraktion between the glaſs and the water, which is called capillary attraction; and two pieces of poliſhed marble, being ſlided upon each other, unite fo firmly, by what is cal- led the attraction of coheſion, as to be feparated with much difficulty ; but neither of theſe are il- luſtrative of chemical attraction: the glaſs tube is ſtill tranſparent, brittle and folid, preſerving at the ſame time its tubular form; the water al- ſo that role in it, is ſtill unchanged water: the pieces of marble are alſo unaltered, and conſe- quently had not been aded upon by a chemical attraction. We obſerve in natural philoſophy, that attrac- tion takes place among ſolid bodies---in chemiſtry never : it is eſſential that at leaſt one of the ſub- ſtances to be acted upon by chemical attraction, be fluid, and before the operation is compleat, it is neceſſary that the fluid render the folid bo- dy, to be acted upon, fluid alſo, although af- ter that operation, it may again reſume its ſolid form. In natural philoſophy, we obſerve attrac- tion to take pla e Letween bodies not in contact, as between two globules of mercury; but che- mical attraction never commences until the bo- dies are brought into actual contact. Here let us not be deceived; for we fee inſtances where two bodies are firſt acted upon by the one kind of attraction, and are brought into contact, and then only, it is poſſible they may be acted upon by chemical attraction. In natural philoſophy, attraction operates frequently upon bodies pof- ſeſſing the ſame ſenſible qualities, as in the in- stance of the two globules of mercury abovemen- H so CHEMICAL AND а tioned; but in chemiſtry this is never the caſe. Some chemiſts indeed have ſuppoſed that the contrary always happens, and that chemical at- traction only appears in bodies diametrically op- poſite in qualities to each other; this is probable, but muſt be admitted with caution. The moſt complete form of chemical attraction we have is in the pot-afh and aqua fortis abovementioned, or as a chemiſt would expreſs it, between the alka- li and the acid. Theſe are ſuppoſed to be fo op- poſite to each other in their own natures, that the writers of the Materia Medica, very generally call all acids, antalkalines, and all alkalies, ant- acids. It is true they deſtroy each others effects in many caſes, but this might be explained in different manner; for inſtance, if a piece of dyed cloth is ſtained with an acid, ſuppoſe a lit- tle vinegar, a ſmall quantity of an alkali [ſoap ley] will inſtantly reſtore the colour, here we evidently ſee that the effects which are cauſed by the one, are changed by the addition of the o- ther; but it is not neceſſary to ſuppoſe that this ariſes from a contrariety of nature; we might ſimply ſay that the acid had diſſolved or united itſelf to the colouring matter of the cloth, but that when the alkali was put on the cloth, the acid was willing (if I may ſo expreſs it) to depo- fit the colouring matter on the ſurface of the cloth, that it might be ſo diſengaged as to unite with the alkali: if we ſtain a piece of paper with the blue violets, and rub a drop of a weak folu- tion of an alkali upon it, we find the colour changed from a blue to a green, if to the paper we add a ſmall quantity of an acid, the blue colour returns, not from any poſitive effect of the acid, but upon the principles explained above, as I ECONOMICAL 51 ESSAYS. conceive; but add a little more acid than is juſt neceſſary to reſtore the colour, and we find a poſitive effect produced, the paper is changed from a blue to a red colour; here then the poſitive ef- fects of an alkali, is to change certain blues to a green colour and of an acid to change them to a red; this experiment, though it proves that acids and alkalies are eſſentially different from each other, as producing very different effects, yet it by no means proves them to be exactly contrary, for we have no facts in optics to prove that a green colour is the very reverſe of a red. In chemiſtry, the attraction is to be obſerved only among ſome particular bodies, and not at all in others; hence very different from the attračtion of gravi- tation, which folicits all the matter of our globe, however compounded or modified, as far as ex- periments can teach us, to the centre of the earth. The alteration of the ſenſible properties of the bodies operated upon by chemiſtry, is a more in- fallible characteriſtic of a chemical attraction, and the more complete the alteration is, the more certainly chemical it is. We have to re- mark, that the ſciences are very juſtly repreſented under the figure of a circle, and that the part where one ends and the other begins, is almoſt imperceptible, for as countries are ſeparated on the map by imaginary lines, fo in the ſciences the diſtinction is in a great meaſure artificial. Chemiſtry borders very much on natural philo- ſophy, for whilft the chemiſt will view, as be- longing to his ſcience, the ſenſible atlteration of properties which take place, when a piece of ſolid loaf ſugar is diſſolved in water, where a ſolid, and a fluid both become fluid, the mechanical 52 CHEMICAL AND philoſopher, will conſider it merely as a ſimple deſtruction of the attraction of coheſion, fubfift- ing between the particles of the ſugar; the che- mift will ſee that there has been but one of the ſenſible properties of the fugar altered in this proceſs, i. e. its folidity, whilſt its ſweetneſs, combuſtibility, &c. &c. all remain entire ; the mechanical philoſopher will alſo find it hard to conceive, by what means the particles of the fu- gar are rendered fo inconceivably ſmall by the water as to eſcape the fight, whilſt the ſenſible properties abovementioned, remaining fo entire- ly, muſt incline him to ſuppoſe that there would be but very little difference, philoſophically con, fidered, between two powders mixed together by being pounded in a mortar, and the ſolution of ſugar in water. But perhaps there are no circumſtances in which the peculiarity of chemical attraction ap- pears more deciſively, than in thoſe which we are now to mention. Let us take, for inſtance, a given quantity of magneſia of the apothecaries, and attempt to diffolve it in water, we find it vain, it will not diſſolve, owing to thoſe ſubſtan- ces not having any attraction to each other, here then is a mechanical mixture or diffufon, for in a little time the magneſia, thus diffuſed through the water, will ſubſide to the bottom of the veſſel, with all its ſenſible qualities unimpaired; but let us add to ſuch a mixture, a certain quan- tity of aqua fortis (nitrous acid) and the whole of the magneſia diſappears, being perfectly dif- folved; here then is a chemical union, or in o- ther words, a chemical attraction takes place, between theſe two ſubſtances, attended with fi- milar phenomina as when we mixed aqua fortis ECONOMICAL ESSAYS. 53 with pot-aſh, viz. a conſiderable change in their ſenſible properties, let us then add to this m x- ture of aqua fortis and magneſia, a ſolution of pot-aſh, and attend with accuracy to the pheno- mina; another ſenſible change of properties a- gain presents itſelf to us, viz. two tranſparent colourleſs fluids, immediately become epaque and of a milky appearance, and give us the idea of a mechanical diffuſion of an inſoluble powder in the liquor, which is actually the caſe ; let us filter the liquor through paper, and then we ſhall be able to detain this white powder for exami. nation, when perfectly dried; thus examined it turns out to be nothing elſe than the ſame pure identical magneſia, with all its properties and qua- lities reſtored to it. The coldeſt obſerver can- not reflect on this fact without ſurprize. We faw, that by the addition of one body, the mag- neſia was deprived of all its ſenſible properties, whilſt the addition of another, reſtored them all to it again. Would not any perſon ſuppoſe that this effect was to be aſcribed to the power with which the pot-aſh was able to act upon the aqua fortis, and thus deſtroy its effects? But if the magneſia again reſumes its qualities, we cannot conceive it to be done in conſquence of any other power than that of the pot-afh aſſuming to itſelf the aqua fortis, with which it was combined, and that as it was the cauſe of its folution, ſo when this is taken away, this effect muſt ceaſe; but let us give a proof that this actually is the caſe. Tle reader may remember the experiment mention- ed in this eſſay, of making artificial falt-petre, by combining aqua fortis and pot-aſh; now if the potrafh, we added to this laſt mentioned mix- ture, actually united to the aqua fortis, which 54 CHEMICAL AND held the magneſia diſſolved, in ſuch a manner as to deitroy the attraction between theſe two fub- ſtances, they could not have united, we would conceive, e priori, without forming falt-petre, as happened in the experiment above alluded to; but obſerve how admirably experiment in this caſe realizes the theory; for we boil the liquor which would run through the filtre, in order to obtain the magneſia dry, until but very little more is left than the quantity of aqua fortis, which we uſed in the experiment, and we ſhall actually behold with the higheſt ſatisfaction, af- ter the fluid has grown cold, ſome fine needle- like chryſtals poſſelling all the properties of ſalt- petre. To recapitulate this laſt paragraph in a few words, if we add ſome aqua fortis to mag- neſia, they will unite in conſequence of a ſimple chemical attraction; but if we add to ſuch a mix- ture, a ſolution of pot-aſh, this and the aqua for- tis will unite, and again ſuffer the magneſia to aſſume its former qualities. Here we evidently ſee ſomething like a choice or volition fubfifting between the pot-aſh and aqua fortis, either the pot-aſh tended to unite with the aqua fortis by greater attraction, than the magneſia did, or the aqua fortis had a greater tendency to combine with the pot-aſh than it had to combine with the magneſia. We obſerve nothing like this in na- tural philoſophy, if we except the attraction of electricity and magnetiſm, with which it will ne- ver be confounded, and from which it ſtill dif- fers very widely. When chemical philoſophers firſt contempla- ted ſuch phenomina as theſe in their experiments, they knew not what to compare it to, except the volitions of an animal, and a chemiſt, however а ÉCONOMICAL ESSAY S. 55 circumſpect in his language, is unable to deſcribe his opinion upon this ſubject without having re- courſe to a metaphor: even the moſt technical tern now in uſe among chemiſts, is but a meta- phorical illuſtration, for they will tell you that the experiment related last is an inſtance of an elec- tive attraction, implying that theſe inanimate bo- dies, by a law of nature, had a power of making a fit choice for themſelves. Decompoſition is always the effect of an elec- tive attraction, and I believe never happens but in conſequence of it. We are now prepared to underſtand the prin- ciples on which the tables of elective attraction, fo frequent in chemical authors, are founded : a number of experiments are neceſſary in the firſt place, to ſelect as many ſubſtances as poſſible, which have any tendency to combine chemically with any given body, and they aſcertain this ten- dency by a phenominon, which cannot be too often repeated, the attraction in the ſenſible qua- lities of the ſubſtances acted upon : to illuſtrate this by an inſtance of ſubſtances, which may by this time have become familiar to the reader, we will ſuppoſe that aqua fortis is placed at the head of the column, and we wiſh to expreſs in one view, the relative attractions, which diffe- rent ſubſtances have to it: we have mentioned that both pot-aſh and magnefia have an attracti- on to it; but we ſtated a fact, which proved that the attraction of pot-aih was greater than the magneſia, therefore in making the table, we would write the chemical name of pot-aſh, be- fore that of magneſia, and in all the tables, prox- imity always denotes ſuperiority of attraction: 55 CHEMICAL AND if further experiments ſhould teach chemiſts that there are ſome fubítances in nature having a greater elective attraction to aqua fortis than magnefia, but leſs than pot-ain, their names in the table would and do occupy a ſpace, between pot-afh and magneſia, according to their powers. The table, thus conſtructed, is wonderfully ex- tenſive in its application; it teaches us in one view, the reſult of an infinite number of experi- ments; and all chemical profeffors, unite in de- claring, that no friend to chemiſtry ſhould ever be without one: we fee from it, that if the ſub- ſtance which forms the head of the column, is combined in conſequence of a ſimple attraction, with any one of the ſubſtances under it, except the one next to it, the combination can be decom- poſed, in confequence of a ſingle elective attracti- on, by any of the ſubſtances placed above it. Thus if the ſubſtance at the head of the column is united to a ſubſtance occupying the fourth place from the beginning, it will be attracted by the fubftance occupying the third place, or any above it, but by none below it; whilſt this new combination in its turn can be ftill decompoſed by the two other fubftances above it; laſtly the combination of the fubftance in the fecond ſpace, and that at the head of the column, can only be decompoſed by that immediately next it, whilft this laſt compound cannot have this ſubſtance ta- ken from it, by any of the bodies under it, or by any known to chemiſts at the time the particular table was made; although it is more than pofi- ble that ſuch ſubſtances may exiſt in nature. Thus much reſpecting the table we could not Omit. There are ſome facts reſpecting theſe two vas ECONOMIC AL ESSA Y S. 57 rieties of chemical attraction, ſimple and elec- tive, that may be conſidered as axioms, and are invariable. 1. It is different from every ſpecies of attrac- tion which philoſophers ever have to contem- plate, as we have faid already. 2. It always produces a ſenſible change in the ſubſtances which it influences. 3. It takes place among diſſimilar bodies only. 4. The elective attraction is never difcerned but when we add to a compound a body diffe- rent from either of the ingredients; thus mag- neſia will unite with aqua fortis, but we have no evidence, that a freſh quantity of magnefia, will cauſe the firſt portion to forſake its attraction with the aqua fortis, and indeed it ſeems very improbable. 5. We very feldom ſee inſtances of a chemi- cal combination of more than two ingredients, where three ſubſtances are united, it is moſt fre- quent that two of them only are chemically com- bined, the other mixed mechanically with them. 6. In chemiſtry, this elective property is al- We know of no body in nature which has an equal chemical attraction to any two different ſubſtances : thus let A be a body having an attraction to two others, B and C, if A is united to B, and C is not able to decompoſe it, reverſe the matter and combine A with C, then B will undoubtedly decompofe it. The only thing that we have to add on the ways evident. I 58 CHEMICAL AND ſubject of ſingie elective attraction, which in fact may apply to every ſpecies of chemical attraction, is that we are entirely ignorant of every thing like a cauſe: our limited ſenſes and intellects, though aided by experiment, are inſufficient to fhew us why any bodies tend to unite in this curio- us manner, and much leſs, why a body ſhould pre- fer an union with one certain ſubſtance, to an union with all others, and will even caſt them off to make way for it. But this elective attraction is ſtill more exten- five. Chemiſtry affords us innumerable inſtan- ces, where two bodies, each conſiſting of two other ſubſtances, will make a mutual exchange of component parts, and theſe form two new bo- dies that are alſo compounded: this is called a caſe of DOUBLE ELECTIVE ATTRACTION, and is chiefly ſuppoſed to take place among falts: accordingly, in eſſay III. when we recommended to the apothecaries, to add common ſalt to their Epſom-falt, in order to make a Glauber's falt from it, before they obtained the magneſia, we at once have an inſtance of a double elective at- traction, and of conſequence a double decompo- ſition ; for ſea-ſalt conſiſts of two ingredients, as we mentioned there, that is of a foſil alkali and a marine acid, and having thus two ſuch op- pofite principles, as chemiſts ſuppoſe them to be, and the ſenſible qualities of each being deſtroy- ed by combination, they call it and all other falts compoſed of two ſuch ingredients, neutral ſalts, for although compounded of an acid and an al- kali, ſuch ſalts poſſeſs the properties of neither. The Epſom-falt is alſo a neutral falt, compound- ed of magneſia and vitriolic acid; now we ſee ECONOMIC AL ESSAY S. 59 they will decompoſe each other, thus their in- gredients ſtand in this manner before mixture, Epſoin-S Vitriolic acid. Sea-falt. falt. Magneſia. Foflil alkali. But after mixture the caſe is different, for the vitriolic acid and foffil alkali will be found toge- ther, and at the ſame time the magneſia and ma- zine acid will unite; therefore, this will be the ſcheme of their combination; A falt not Marine acid. Vitriolic acid. Glau- in ule. Magneſia. Foffil alkali. S ber's falt Now, to know what theſe new compounds are called, let us conſult any ſyſtem of chemiſtry, and it will immediately inform us, that if by any means it is poſſible for the foſſil alkali of ſea-falt to unite with the vitriolic acid of the Epſom-falt, it cannot be done without forming a Glaubers ſalt, as thoſe two ſimple ſubſtances are the in- gredients of that falt, which will always form it, however united, and without which it can never be formed; hence it appears how ſafe it was for us to aſſert that that experiment was conceived in theory, and realized in fact. To illuſtrate the proceſs a little further, we can now eaſily con- ceive how the addition of the fea-falt to the Ep- ſom-falt, would allow us to extract Glauber's falt from it, without rendering it it leſs fit to obtain the magneſia from. We ſee by the above ſcheme, that the magnefia had nothing to do with the Glauber's ſalt, for after the Glauber's falt is thus extracted, nothing remains but the magneſia u- nited to the marine acid; we then mentioned that a certain quantity of pot-aſh is to be added to the reſiduum, this the chemiſts call vegetable و 60 CHEMICAL AND alkoli, and now our magneſia is nearly made : the vegetable alkali attracts the marine acid from the magneſia, and leaves it without any chemi- cal combination whatever; for, by all the tables of fingle elective attraction, we find that the ve- getable alkali is always placed nearer to marine acid, than magneſia is ; the magneſia is now on- ly mechanically diffuſed through the veſſel, and muſt in time by its own ſuperior gravity ſubſide; the other part of the proceſs, though eſſential as deſcribed in all diſpenſatories, is too mechanical to deſerye our animadverſions as a theoretical chemiſt. The ſubject of double elective attraction is fufficiently difficult to every perſon, not well ver- ſed in the ſubject, and I am willing to advance every obſervation in my power, to make it fami- liar to ſuch, however trifling it may appear to the adept; and I think the following entertain- ing experiment muſt render it amazingly clear and obvious, even to the moſt ſceptical obſerver: Every one doubtleſs, who may peruſe this eſſay, has ſeen that beautiful blue pigment called Pruf- han blue. Chemiſtry teaches us, and twenty ex- periments confirm it, that its proximate principles, whatever may have been the proceſs uſed in ma- nufacturing it, are a ſubſtance, called with juf- tice, the colouring matter of Pruſſian blue, and an earth ſomewhat analagous to the ruft of iron, theſe two principles we ſay compoſe Pruſſian blue, for the iron without the colouring matter is not blue, and this colouring matter, although it can impart a colour to iron, has none itſelf; for it is as colourleſs and tranſparent as water; us take two drams of Pruſſian blue, and boil it with an half dram of pot-aſh, the colour is imme- now let ECONOMICAL 61 ESSAYS. diately loſt; we muſt conclude that the pot-afh has taken it, for the ruft of iron is found at the bottom of the veſſel, in its natural brown ſtate, the clear liquor ſwimming above it is pot-aſh, united to the colouring matter of Pruſſian blue : but are there no means of depriving the pot-afh of this colouring matter and giving it to iron and regenerate Pruſſian blue ? yes there are : the ſub- ſtance ſo familiar to common people by the name of copperas, conſiſts of oil of vitriol, and the ruft of iron; and theory teaches us that this ſub- ftance will decompoſe, by double elective attrac- tion, the fluid we are ſpeaking of: this muſt be the manner of it; the oil of vitriol of the cop- peras muſt unite to the pot-aſh, whilſt the ruſt of iron, contained in the copperas, muſt unite to the colouring matter contained in the pot-aſh, rege- nerating inſtantly a Pruffian blue: Let us then to this liquor add an half ounce of copperas dif- folved in water (to which a little more oil of vitriol may be added) to make the ſolution clearer, and a moſt beautiful blue powder wili be found diffuſed through the liquor, which in time will fubfide to the bottom of the veſſel: this is an experiment that illuſtrates a double elec- tive attraction, in the moſt elegant and entertain- ing manner, and puts the reality of it beyond doubt. We obſerved already that chemiſts un- avoidably ſpoke in a metaphor reſpecting the elective attractions, we frequently hear them ſay that one ſubſtance chooſes, prefers or has a ſtronger affinity with one particular ſubſtance than ano- ther: and the reader perhaps will ſmile, when he caſts his eye on the curious ufe I ſhall make of this idea, but as I hope, to his advantage. Some fanciful ancient chemiſt was deſirous of making the ideas of a double elective attraction 62 CHEMICAL AND as familiar as poſſible, and as he has been ſome- what fortunate in that enquiry, I will relate the reſult: he compared every combination of two principles to a man and wife, which although equally diſſimilar to each other, yet have (or ought to have) an attraction to each other, but when another combination of two ſubſtances were added to it, or to carry on the metaphor, when another man with his wife fell into the company of the firſt couple, however well ſatiſ- fied they were before with each other, a deſire ariſes, in ſome of their minds, to ſeparate from their former mates and take another, thus the one man will take the other man's wite, whilſt his own forſaken wife will ſeek an union with the man whoſe wife is taken away. There are four circumſtances particularly to be attended to in caſes of double elective attrac- tion: 1. We obſerve a very perfect decompoſition between two neutral ſalts, or any two analagous ſubſtances, where all the four different parts of the two are very willing to exchange principles. We have an inſtance of ſuch a double elective attraction, when the ſalt compoſed of a vegetable alkali and the acid of ſugar is added to the ni- trous acid combined with lime. 2. The ſecond ſpecies of double elective at- traction is leſs perfect: here only three of the four principles in the two combinations of two ſubſtances each, are ſolicitous for an exchange of principles : Thus acid of tartar combined with vegetable alkali, will decompofe lime united to the nitrous acid, for the vegetable alkali pre- fers the nitrous acid to the acid of tartar, and of ECONOMICAL 63 ESSAYS. conſequence is willing to give the one up for the other; the nitrous acid alſo prefers the vegeta- ble alkali to the lime, and is therefore willing to leave it; the lime is as willing to ſurrender up the nitrous acid to the alkali, as that acid is to leave the lime, provided it can but get the acid of tartar, which it prefers, but the acid of tar- tar is the only one that is unwilling, for it does not prefer lime to the vegetable alkali : here three are for an exchange of principles, and but one is againſt; and accordingly the majorityc ar- ries it. 3. The third is ftill lefs perfect, but the moſt common of all, in this only two of the princi- ples of the four are agreed to ſeparate from their firſt combination, and to unite together, but they two being the moſt powerful, they overcome the others. We have an inſtance of this ſpecies in the decom- poſition of Epſom ſalt by ſea falt. The vitriolic acid of Epſom falt prefers the follil alkali of the ſea ſalt to its own magneſia, whilſt the foſil alkali in its turn prefers the vitriolic acid of the Epſom falt to its own marine acid ; but the marine acid does not prefer the magneſia to the foſſil alkali ; neither does the magnefia prefer the marine acid to the vitriolic acid, but being thus left together, they will unite ; here the votes are equal, but fuperior ſtrength is equal to a majority. The inſtances of this kind are almoſt innumerable. 4. The fourth and laſt ſpecies is entirely inex- plicable upon any principles, it is exactly the re- verſe of the former; here a combination of two ſtronger principles are decompoſed by a combi- nation of two weaker ones. Thus Glauber's 64 CHEMICAL AND falt is decompoſed by the ſalt formed of lime and nitrous acid. Foſſil alkali prefers the vitriolic acid, to which it is already united to form Glau- ber's ſalt, to the nitrous acid, and is actually ſtronger in chemical elective attraction than the lime; the vitriolic acid alſo prefers the foffil al- kali (which it has already) to the lime, and is ſtronger than the nitrous, and yet the fact is that thoſe combinations will mutually decompofe each other. We meet with feveral theories to account for it, but they all appear to me very inſufficient. We have only to add to theſe obſervations on double elective attraction, the three following axioms. In order to produce a double elective attraction, it is neceſſary, 1. That the two compounds conſiſt of two proximate principles each. 2. That all the four different component parts of the two compounds be different. We may add as a third axiom, 3. That when all the four principles of the two compounds are different, and no decompoſition happens, they make a mutual exchange of prin- ciples, and a double decompofition muſt happen. Although a double decompoſition will not always happen, even under the two firſt circumſtances, yet it can never happen without them. I ſhall conclude what I have to ſay on this fub- ject with preſenting to the reader a NEW TABLE, expreſſing, in one view, the names of the neutral falts, compoſed by the union of two ſimple falts, in conſequence of a ſimple attraction, and the ſingle eležtive and double elective attractions of a ECONOMICAL ESSAYS. 65 certain number of faline bodies, and the new compounds formed in conſequence of it. The table is compoſed of twenty-four ſquares, containing the names of twenty-four neutral falts. In an horizontal line above theſe ſquares are con- tained the names of all the acids of which they are compoſed, and in the perpendicular line at the left hand of them, are what chemiſts call the baſes, or moſt ſolid parts of falts; for all neutral falts are compoſed of an acid and a baſe ; in the ſquare paralel to either of the baſes, and under any par- ticular acid we have the name formed by that baſe and acid; thus if we wiſh to know what fea falt is compoſed of, we ſeek its name in one of the ſquares, we find the foffil alkali parallel to it in the column of baſes; that therefore is its baſe, and the marine acid directly above it in the co- lumn of acids; therefore theſe two ſubſtances compoſe it. Thoſe ſimple {ubſtances which have the greateſt attraction to each other are here alſo placed neareſt to each other; thus if we wiſh to know, what acid the vegetable alkali prefers, we ſee it is placed nearer to the vitriolic than to the nitrous, but nearer to the nitrous than to the marine, and this is the order in which all the baſes prefer the acids ; on the contrary if we wiſh to know the order of ſingle elective attrac- tion of the acids to the baſes, we ſee that the vitriolic acid takes vegetable alkali firſt, the foffil next, and ſo on, and this is the order of all the acids to the baſes. Hence it will follow, that the vitriolic acid will expel all other acids from all the baſes, and conſequently we aſſert that the vitriolic acid will decompoſe all the ſalts ſituated in the table below K 66 CHEMICAL AND it, and to the right hand ſide of it, and the ſame holds good with the nitrous acid; but we wiſh to know the new compounds formed by the de- compoſition, and this may be done in a mechani- cal manner; let a diagonal line be drawn from the acid to the ſalt to be decompoſed, then a cor- reſponding diagonal line, diſſecting it in its mid- dle, will point to the new falt, and the acid which of conſequence muſt be left uncombined. For inſtance ſea ſalt is below vitriolic acid, and to the left hand, and muſt therefore be decom- poſed by it, we then draw a line from vitriolic acid to fea falt; the line which correſponds to it and diffects it through the middle is Glauber's ſalt and marine acid, hence when we add vitri- olic acid in ſea ſalt, theſe two ſubſtances will re- fult from them. In like manner, all the baſes will decompoſe all falts ſituated below them and to the right hand; the new compounds are to be known in the fame manner as above; thus Epſom ſalt is ſituated be- low vegetable alkali (pot-aſh] and to the right hand of it, and is decompoſed by it ; the lines drawn as before will point at uncombined mag- neſia, and tartar of vitriol : this illuſtrates the proceſs of making magneſia as deſcribed in the diſpenſatories. The double elective attractions are known in the ſame way, thus all thoſe falts marked i de- compoſe all thoſe marked with the ſame figure, below them; and to the left hand, all falts de- compoſed in this manner, are inſtances of the fourth fpecies of attraction mentioned above: The manner of knowing the new compounds is the ſame as before. ECONOMICAL ESSAY S. 67 All thoſe falts marked 2, decompoſe all thoſe marked 2 below them, to the right hand ; theſe furniſh inſtances of the third ſpecies of at- traction. Every perſon, at firſt fight, will find a confi- derable difficulty not only in comprehending, but even in retaining afterwards the ſcheme of this table; two or three days attention thereto have in ſome inſtances been neceſſary, but upon a ſubject fo intereſting, ſo beautiful and curious, no perſon will grudge the labour neceſſary in ac- quiring a knowledge of it. I have dwelt thus long on the attractions be- cauſe the knowledge of them is of the utmoſt conſequence, without which chemiſtry degene - rates into an empirical art, and the chemiſt into a tradeſman, which however honorable the cha- racter for its utility may be, yet it ought never to be confounded with the title of a philoſopher. It is impoſſible to ſay how far the doctrine will in time apply, but I actually believe in an opinion of the late chemical profeſſor * on this ſubject, " that all the varieties of matter have as certain a place in the ſcale of nature as an acid or an alkali in a table of chemical attractions,” * Dr. Benjamin Ruſh. 68 CHEMICAL AND ESSA Y V. Analyſis of the twenty-four Salts moſt commonly known and uſed, with the Acids and Bases which form them. is of conſequence to diſtinguiſh the falts from each other, and this is often to be done ef- fe&tually only by conſidering the influence of other ſubſtances upon them, We will therefore take a compendious view, or recapitulation, of all that is neceſſary to diſtinguiſh theſe faline ſub- ſtances not only from every other kind of matter, but even from each other. We defined ſalts in general to be ſuch ſubſtances as were incombuſtible, Sapid, ſoluble in water, chryſtallizable, and tended to combine in a peculiar manner with other ſub- ſtances. We remarked, as we went along, that although many faline ſubſtances did not poſſeſs all of theſe characteriſtics, and many ſubſtances that were not faline, did poffefs Some of the pro- perties, yet we concluded that any ſubſtance, whoſe chemical hiſtory was not yet known, might with propriety be ranked with the ſaline ſubſtances, if it poſſeſſed many of the properties aſcribed to them in the definition. Suppoſe then a piece of matter was preſented to us, that we did not re- colle&t to have ſeen before, we add water to it, if we find that leſs than twenty or thirty times its weight will diſſolve it, we may think it tolerably foluble ; part of the ſolution we expoſe to the air, perhaps for three or four days, another part we heat till it boils, and then put in more of the ſubſtance to be examined, in order to give the hot water as much as it will diffolve, we then try if it will either by cooling or expoſing it to the air yield any ſubſtance in a ſolid form, , or what we have called chryſtals; but if the ſubſtance to ECONOMICA L. 69 ESSAY S. be examined remain inſoluble in four or five hun- dred times its weight both of hot and cold water, we heat it very hot in an open fire, and obſerve whether it is combuſtible, or incombuſtible as falts generally are, nay to be ſtill more certain, we throw a little nitre upon it when perfectly red bot, and ſee whether there is a phenomenon fimi- lar to that which takes place on throwing nitre upon burning charcoal, if it does not exhibit any ſuch appearance, we may in general pronounce the ſubſtance, an incombuſtible body; we try the effect of an acid upon it, and for many reaſons we prefer the nitrous, if the acid loſes its acid properties, whilſt the ſubſtance is foluble there- in, but not in water, we may pronounce the ſub- ſtance a ſaline or abſorbent earth, becauſe although inſoluble in water, it poſſeſſes a tendency to com- bination, which is at leaſt equivalent thereto. We muſt rank falts under two very general beads, ſim- ple and compound; the fimple are ſuch as in the preſent ſtate of chemical knowledge cannot be ſeparated into or formed by the union of any two or more ſimple bodies; theſe we divide into two kinds, acids and baſes in general; they are called fo becauſe they as it were form the baſe or folid parts of thoſe faline bodies called neutral falts, and becauſe fire can convert but one vari- ety of this claſs into vapour, whereas on the con- trary almoſt all acids are volatile. Whenever we meet with an homogeneous body (by which term I mean a ſubſtance pofſeffing the ſame pro- perties, in proportion to its bulk, in one particle, as it does in a larger quantity) that is ſoluble in leſs than nine or ten times its weight of water that is able to deprive acids of their four taſte, when put in contact with them, and has a pecu- 70 CHEMICAL AND liar taſte, which ought to be well known, and which, when united with an acid, and diſſolved in no more hot water than is juſt ſufficient for ſolution, depoſits a ſolid ſubſtance of a particu- lar ſhape, by cooling, or even by long expoſure to the air, and finally if that ſubſtance changes blue vegetable colours green, and reſtores ſuch colours as acids have changed, we may with fafe- ty pronounce ſuch ſubſtance an alkali. There are three kinds of olkalis, the vegetable, mineral and volatile alkali. The properties juſt mentioned belong alike to the vegetable and mineral alkali, for we have found that theſe two ſubſtances un- combined cannot be diftinguiſhed from each other by our ſenſes: if the ſubſtance to be examined, added to theſe properties that we have deſcribed, has a ſtrong pungent ſmell, we may look upon it to be the volatile alkali. The vegetable and mineral alkali can only be diſtinguiſhed from each other by the combinations they form with acids; thus if we combine vegetable alkali and vitriolic acid together, and uſe the means laid down in our Eſſay on Chryſtallization to obtain the chryſtals of neutral ſalt, we obtain very minute chryſtals, difficultly ſoluble in cold water, and ſuch as are unalterable in the air; but the ſame acid united to the mineral alkali, yields a neutral falt, whoſe chryſtals are very large, very ſoluble even in cold wa- ter, and very ALTERABLE IN THE AIR, ſequence of loſing the water it contained. Now although to our unaffifted ſenſes the two fixed alkalis appear exactly alike, yet as by combina- tion they produce different effects, we muſt look upon them to be different ſubſtances. Theſe are all the alkalis that have yet been diſcovered ; we have never ſeen a fixed alkali that did not form in con- ECONOMICAL 72 ES SAY S. with the vitriolic acid a falt, that reſembled in all its properties the vitriolated tartar, or Glau- ber's falt, nor any kind of volatile that formed with acids neutral falts, different from thoſe which are formed by the fame acids and the common volatile alkali. But ſometimes two alka- lis may be mechanically combined with each other, how therefore ſhall we diſtinguiſh them? If one is a fixed alkali, and the other the volatile alkali, the ſtrong pungent ſmell will be a fufficient teſt of the laſt mentioned alkali, moreover heat applied to the mixture, if ſtrong, will diffipate the vo- latile alkali, whilſt the fixed alkali will remain. If we ſuſpect that the two fixed alkalis are united in one mixture, we add as much of the acid of vitriol as will be juſt fufficient to prevent the alkali from being able to change blue vegetable colours green, yet not ſo much that the acid will turn them red, which is called the ſaturated point of acids and alkalis; we then diffolve the ſaline maſs formed by this union in as much hot water as it may require, and but very little more if any, then, by cooling, chryſtals of one of the ſalts only will be obtained, which will generally be vitri- olated tartar, if the vegetable alkali exiſted in any conſiderable proportion in the alkaline mixture, we muſt then evaporate the fluid that remains after the firſt chryſtallization to about half its bulk, and ſet it to cool as before, we then obtain other chryſtals of a different fort, moſt commonly of Glauber's falt, and thus by being able to diſtin- guiſh tartar of vitriol from Glauber's falt, we ſhall be able to know whether our alkali to be exa- mined is pure, or mixed with another, and by colletting the different chryftals ſeparately, and weighing them, we ſhall be able to form a to- 72 CHEMICAL AND lerably good idea of the quantity and proportion of each. Although we mentioned four abſorbent earths, yet not having opportunity fufficient to analize the fourth particularly, we have noticed but three of them. As yet we have not been able to find any other beſides thoſe four that do not poſſeſs all the ſenſible and chemical properties of ſome one or other of them. LIME we find differs from MAG- NESIA in being more foluble in water, * and form- ing with the vitriolic acid an inſoluble falt. PURE CLAY differs from both by poſſeſſing a kind of duetility, and forming an aſtringent falt with acid of vitriol, whilſt magneſia forms a bitter falt with the ſame acid. HEAVY EARTH, whenever found, may be known by its being able to take away the vitriolic acid from all bodies, in which it exiſts, even from tartar of vitriol and Glau- ber's ſalt, which laſt property, in particular, is not to be found in either of the other earths. The acids that moſt deſerve attention are but four, and we ſhall neither attempt to prove on one hand with ſome celebrated profeffors, “ that all acids are modifications of one acid,” or on the other hand, with the French chemiſts, that all the acids, that have been diſcovered, are eſſen- tially different from each other; for we believe with the ſupporters of the firſt propoſition, that many diſtinct acids have been reckoned, that are evidently compound, and with the others we would ſay, that as long as we are unable to pro- * Magneſia is ſometimes adulterated with lime: to prove whether it is pure or no, we diſſolve it in marine acid, which will take up both, and then pour into it a few drops of the vitriolic acid, which will inſtantly make it muddy if there is any line in it, but will not ſenſibly alter it if there is none. ECONOMICAL 73 ESSAYS. duce all theſe acids, by certain modifications of one, they are to be accounted different fubftances. All acids poſſeſs ſome properties common to them, their taſte is four, whence their name, they change certain blue colours to a red, and re- ſtore ſuch colours as were altered by alkalies and baſes, they unite with baſes, depriving them of all their ſenſible properties, and forming with them neutral falts. The acid of vitriol, we can readily diftinguiſh by its taſte, when mixed with a large quantity of water; by its great fpecific gravity, when very pure, and in that ſtate by being almoſt without any imell; but better by the falt it forms with the fixed foflil alkali. The acid of nitre, when pure, we know by its pungent ſmell, and the red vapours it emits when a few filings of iron are dropt into ſome of it in a veffel, but more certainly by combining it with a fixed alkali, drying it and throwing it on burn-- ing charcoal, when it preſents us with all the phenomena that are obſerved in burning char- coal and nitre together; when adulterated, its ana- lyſis would be ſomewhat difficult to underſtand. The marine acid we can readily know by its fuffocating ſmell, and by its white fumes, it can only be miſtaken for nitrous acid, which it re- fembles in its fenfible properties; but if we com- bine marine acid with the vegetable alkali, and throw the dried maſs on burning coals, we do not obſerve any increaſed combuſtion in the coals, as we did in the laſt experiment. The aerial acid is eaſy to be diſtinguiſhed, as L 74 CHEMICAL AND There are no ſubſtances for which it can be mil taken ; its agitating the air, deſtroying animal life, extinguiſhing flame, and above all the mud- dineſs that it cauſes in lime-water, are ſufficiently characteriſtic. Compound falts are fuch ſubſtances as confift of two or more proximate principles, but we are only to examine here ſuch compound falts as con- fiſt of two principles, thoſe which contain three (inſtances of which are very rare) are called triple ſalts. Compound ſalts are divided in two different ways. They are confidered, 1. As neutral falts, in which the mixture of the baſe and acid is in ſuch proportion that the one cannot change blue colours green, nor the acid change them to a red. II. As alkalino neutral falts, in which the ſalt conſiſts of two principles, but from fome unae- countable cauſe, always tends to ſuffer the baſe to exiſt in a larger proportion; ſuch falts are known by their changing fome blue colours to a green. III. As acido-neutral falts, in which an acid predominates; theſe, like pure acids, turn vege- table blue colours red. On the other hand, compound ſalts are conſi- dered as they conſiſt of an acid and a fixed alkali, an acid and an abſorbent earth, and an acid and the volatile alkali. The firſt claſs are called per- feet neutral ſalts; the ſecond are called earthy ſalts; and the third are the ammoniacal falts. We muſt no doubt be juſtly furpriſed when we ECONOMICAL 75 ESSA Y S. obſerve that an acid, united to an alkali or any other baſe, not only loſt all its ſenſible properties, but deprived the baſe (to which it unites) of all its power. We attempted to lay down the opi- nions of ſome writers upon the ſubject more as a matter of curioſity than uſe, but we ſtill left it in obfcurity, and it remains to be to this day a che- mical miracle, and only explicable by referring to one of the laws of matter; this law we called the law of attraction, and in the explanation of it, we juſt hinted at the ſeveral phenomena which take place in mechanical philoſophy, which are referred to the laws of attraction, and we alſo attempted to ſhew that they all differed very ef- ſentially from chemical attraction, and I think all arguments and experiments tended to confirm what might be called a ſhort defini- tion of chemical attraction, viz. " That an al- teration of ſenſible properties always takes place in thoſe bodies which are ſubjected to chemical at- traction. our In the courſe of our eſſay on the attractions, we found that although one body would have an attraction for a ſecond body, yet a third would have an attraction ſo far greater for the firſt body, as abſolutely to unite with it, deprive the ſecond body of it, and thus leave it uncombined; we inſtanced this in a very familiar experiment : we found that magneſia had an attraction for the acid of nitre, that in conſequence of that attrac- tion, they united with an alteration in their fen- ſible properties, the acid was no longer four, nor the magneſia inſoluble in water, but then we found that vegetable alkali alſo had an attraction for acid of nitre, which proved to be greater than that which the magnefia had, for upon pour- 28 AND CHEMICAL ing a ſolution of vegetable alkali into a ſolution of the compound, conſiſting of the acid of nitre and magnelia, the acid unites with the alkali, and the magneſia is left uncombined, being inſoluble, it only remained mechanically diffuſed through it, and after a certain length of time it ſettled to the bottom, and then poſſeſſed all the ſenſible pro- perties that it had at firſt. This experiment we repeat, as an inſtance of ſingle elective attra&ion. We divided neutral falts into four general claffes, merely from the acids they contained : thus we called fix falts, vitriolic falts, becauſe they were formed of the fix baſes united to the vitriolic acid: The nitrous falts are ſuch as con- tain nitrous acid; the marine falts have the acid of fea falt united to them; and the aerated con- tain, for their acid, that peculiar acid called for- merly “ fixed air.” Before we go to analyze a neutral ſalt we muſt be certain that it is pure and combined with none other. This muſt be done by uſing for that purpoſe the moſt regular chryſtals of that falt, and when this precaution has been attended to, the analyſis of ſalts will not be difficult. When we have reaſon to fufpect that any fa- line body, that we would wiſh to examine, is made up of more than one neutral falt, we muſt have recourſe to repeated chryftallization, which inuſt be conducted differently according to the properties of the ſalts; for inſtance, nitre is often mixed with ſea ſalt, we conſider firſt one property of nitre, which is that it is ten times more fo- luble in hot water than in cold, whilft fea falt is equally foluble in both: having made therefore 22 ECONOMIC AL ESSAYS. an hot ſaturated ſolution of theſe two falts, we fuf- fer the liquor to cool, we then obtain only chryl- tals of nitre, without any fea-falt; becauſe it re- quires no more cold water than it does of hot to diſſolve it, and as it had enough of hot water for this folution, that quantity when grown cold will fuffice to keep it diſſolved: but fuppoſe we heat the liquor which remains, and which we know muſt contain an exact cold faturated folution of nitre in water, and which we would ſuppoſe con- tained an exact cold ſaturated folution of ſea ſalt, we apply beat to the fluid and evaporate ſome water gently, now we know that we may evaporate nine tenths of the water, before we obtain an hot ſa- turated ſolution of the nitre that is left, but we can ſcarcely evaporate any before we get an hot faturated folution of the ſea falt; and every particle of water, which after that period is eva- porated, muſt deprive the ſea ſalt of ſome water abſolutely neceſſary to hold it diſſolved, and as the evaporation proceeds, the ſalt, the water couid not keep, chryftallizes in ſmall cubic chryſtals which fall to the bottom; after continuing the evaporation until no more cubic chryſtals appear, we fuppoſe that we have again a hot ſaturated ſolution of nitre, and then, by ſuffering the liquor to cool, we obtain more chryſtals of nitre, theſe different means of chryſtallization are to be uſed, until almoſt all the water is evaporated. If two falts are mixed togther, which are both more foluble in hot water than in cold, yet by making an hot faturated faline ſolution of them, the one which is leaft foluble will chryſtallize firſt; nay, even if they both chryſtallize in one cooling, yet they form into very different ſhaped chryſtals, which may be diſtinguiſhed by the eye, and con- 78 CHEMICAL AND fequently ſeparated from each other, as no iwa different neutral falts can ever be made to unite in one chryftal. Having therefore obtained the ſalt to be exa- mined in a chryftalline form, we proceed to the analyſis, and ſuppoſe it to be one of the twenty- four we are now ſpeaking of. The pare vitriolic falts may be eaſily known, by yielding no ſmell, when the vitriolic acid is poured upon them, and more particularly by the following teſt. If we heat ſome of the ſalt in powder, with ſome powdered charcoal, or almoſt any other combuſtible body, in a crucible, then pour the mixture into cold water, a ſmell reſem- bling ſulphur, or the waſhing of a gun, will be per- ceived, if the falt examined was a vitriolic falt; but then after knowing the acid, we would wiſh to know the baſe to which it is united, and in or- der to know that, we muſt pay a very particular attention to the following circumſtances, its ſolu- bility in water, its taſte, the form and ſize of its chry- stals, and bow a ſolution of vegetable alkali affects it. If we know it is a vitriolic falt, very infoluble in water, and reſembles an earth, its baſe is cer- tainly lime, and the falt is ſelenite as we know of no other baſe in this country, that forms an info- luble falt with vitriolic acid. If a vitriolic falt is ſoluble in water, we endeavour to know if it re- quires, four or five times its weight, or fifty or fixty times that quantity of cold water, if it is the laft, we may with ſafety pronounce it vitriolated tartar, and if we obtain it in chryftals, their ſhape being like the buoys of a ſhip, together with their tafte, will help to direct us. If to a ſolution of ECONOMICAL ESSAYS. 79 a vitriolic falt, we add a folution of vegetable alk li, and do not perceive either any ſtrong ſmell, reſembling volatile alkali, nor a muddineſs in the liquor, we preſume that its baſe is a fixed alkali; having known this, we ſet a hot faturated folation of the ſalt to chryſtallize, if we obtain very ſmall chryſtals, of a ſhape that we have juſt mentioned (like the buoy of a ſhip) and which are not altered if left three or four days in the open air, that are moreover very infoluble in cold water, we can ſay that its baſe is vegetable alkali, and its acid the vitriolic, and the ſalt for- med thereby is called vitriolated tertar; but if the chryſtals are thin and long, very ſoluble in wa- ter, and which fall into a white powder when ex- poſed a few days to the air, we can ſcarce have any doubt that its baſe is the fofil alkali, and the neutral falt is Glauber's falt. But although the falt ſhould chryftallize in theſe kind of chryſtals, and poſſeſs the ſame degree of folubility in wa- ter, together with the ſame taſte, yet if it yields a muddy mixture with a clear folution of vegeta- ble alkali, the ſalt is not Glauber's falt, for its baſe is magneſia, which forms with vitriolic acid, an Epſom ſalt. But there are two vitriolic falts that are very foluble in water, and which both yield a muddy mixture with a ſolution of vegeta- ble alkali, if the chryſtals are in lumps of an aſtrin- gent, not a bitter taſte, they are allum, and not Ep- Som falt; if a vitriolic falt yields a ſtrong pungent ſmell when rubbed between the fingers with a little pot-aih, its baſe is certainly volatile alkali, and then it is called vitriolic ammoniac. Nitrous falts in general are eaſily kown, for a- ny of them thrown on burning coals, exhibit a 80 CHEMICAL AND peculiar phenominon, i.e. that of increaſing their combuſtion, and they yield the peculiar ſmell of nitrous acid, when mixed with vitriolic acid. Long priſmatic cbryſtals of a nitrous falt, that do not grow muddy, or yield any pungent ſmell, with a ſolution of vegetable alkali, may without the leaſt heſitation be pronounced a common ni- tre, conſiſting of vegetable alkali and nitrous acid; were it not for its hape it might be con- founded with the falt conſiſting of nitrous acid and the mineral alkali, but this will be ſufficient to diſtinguiſh them. If we have a nitrous ſalt, very foluble in water, which does not eaſily chryſtal- lize, which yields a muddy mixture with vege- table alkali, it may be one of three falts, calcari- ous nitre, magneſian nitre, and argillaceous nitre, though moſt probably it will be one of the two firit, as the argillaceous nitre never exiſts in na- ture, and ſeldom falls under our obſervation as made by art ; if it is calcareous nitre, a few drops of vitriolic acid will diſcover it, for by uniting with the lime, in conſequence of a ſingle ele&tive attračtion, it forms a ſalt inſoluble in the quantity of water that is generally made ufe of in ſuch ex- periments, and of conſequence it renders the li- quor muddy by being mechanically diffuſed thro' it; if it is magneſian nitre, no fuch phenominon will take place; but to diſtinguiſh magnefian nitre from argillaceous nitre, the tartar alſo is ſuffici- ent, for the firſt is nanſeouſly bitter, the ſecond is aftringent without any bitterneſs. Marine falts may be eaſily diſtinguiſhed from all the other claſſes of falts, by two fimple experi- ments; firſt, by pouring the vitriolic acid upon them, in which caſe they yield a peculiar ſmell of ECONOMICAL ESSAYS. 81 the marine acid; and ſecondly, by ſtrewing them in powder, upon burning coals, when they do not exhibit the appearance of increaſed combuſtion, as the nitrous falts do, with which they might, by the careleſs obferver, ſometimes be confound- ed. The ſalts formed by the vegetable and mi- neral alkali and marine acid, are difficult to be diſtinguiſhed, as we find they reſemble each o- ther in all their ſenſible properties, they taſte a- like, they yield the ſame ſmell when the vitriolic acid is poured upon them, their ſhape in chry- ſtals is alike, being both in ſome meaſure cubes, and vegetable alkali does not alter the tranſpa- rency of their folutions, but we have an infallible though ſomewhat tedious criterion to diſtinguiſh them, we take a quantity of the ſalt, add its own weight of vitriolic acid to it, and heat them to- gether in a crucible, the marine acid is then diſſi- pated, and the vitriolic acid unites to its baſe, whatever it may be ; then by diſſolving what is left in the crucible, in as much hot water as is requiſite for the ſolution, and again ſuffer it to cool, we obtain vitriolated tartar, if the baſe was vegetable alkali, and the neutral falt examined was febrifuge Salt of Sylvius, but a Glauber's falt will be obtained if the ſalt examined was com- mon falt, and of conſequence its baſe is the foffil or mineral alkali. Calcarious marine ſalt and magneſian marine ſalt, both render the ſolution of vegetable alkali, muddy, when mixed with it, as alſo does argil- laceous marine ſalt, or marine allum as it is calle ed; but as it will never be likely to fall under our obfervation, we ſhall not lay down any plan M 82 CHEMICAL AND of analyſis. Calcarious marine falt may be dif- tinguiſhed from magneſian marine falt, by adding the vitriolic acid to it, in which caſe a copious precipitate is formed, whereas the tranſparency of the ſolution of the other falt is not altered by it. The nitrous acid united to volatile alkali, may be diſtinguiſhed by one phenominon peculiar to itſelf, for when heated it burns like nitre thrown on charcoal. Sal Ammoniac, conſiſting of marine acid and volatile alkali, is very eaſy to analyſe, for the powder of it, being rubbed in the hand, with a little vegetable alkali, inſtantly betrays the fmell of the volatile alkali, whilſt the vitriolic acid, united to another portion of the powder, inſtant- ly gives us the ſmell of the marine acid. I have no doubt that almoſt any one can account for both phenomena, we ſhall therefore not take up our time to explain it. Aerated falts have a few properties quite pe- culiar to them. Heat diſſipates their acid, and they all undergo a peculiar change called effer- veſcence; and when this is effected by means of the marine acid, we need have no doubt of the claſs to which the falt belongs. We muſt be cautious left we commit a very material error, in calling theſe ſubſtances neutral ſalts, which only contain ſome of this acid, and yet of call- ing them baſes, becauſe they are not quite fatu- rated with it. It is eaſy to conceive that a fub- ſtance may contain enough aerial acid, to effer- veſce with ſtronger acids, and yet that a part un- ſaturated with it may have many of the ſenſible ECONOMICAL 83 ESSA Y S. properties of a pure baſe, [See Bergman's Eſſay on fixed air.] Aerated vegetable alkali may be known by its chryſtals (when we can obtain it that form) becauſe they are unalterable in the air, and ſtill better by its yielding chryſtals of nitre, when decompoſed by the nitrous acid, which we know by this time how to diſtinguiſh. The aerated mineral alkali yields larger chryſtals than the laſt mentioned falt, and they fall to pow- der when expoſed to the air ; the ſuppoſition of its being this falt may be confirmed by decompo- ſing it with vitriolic acid, when it will yield a Glauber's falt. Aerated volatile alkali, can never be miſtaken for any other, its ſtrong pungent ſmell, and its power of effervefcing, even with marine acid, fufficiently characterize it. Aerated lime, when decompoſed with vitrio- lic acid, yields a new ſalt nearly inſoluble in war ter, whilſt aerated magneſia decompoſed by the ſame agent, yields us an Epſom ſalt, which is ve- ry foluble in water. With a careful attention to the diſtinguiſhing properties of the faline bodies, both ſimple and compound, I truſt any perſon will be able to a- nalyſe either of them when they ſhall come un- der his notice, and we may venture to declare, that an accurate knowledge of the faline ſubſtan- ces, together with their attractions being obtain- ed, two thirds of the moſt effential, moſt diffi- cult, and moſt beautiful parts of chemiſtry are known. It is a part of our ſubject that admits of almoſt mathematical demonſtration, and pof- feſſes greater certainty, and more rational theo- ry than any other diviſion of the ſcience; the 34 CHEMICAL AND laws which are found to govern theſe, are alſo daily diſcovering their influence over other clafr. es of bodies. The metallic ſubſtances have alrea- dy ſubmitted to their power, and the time pro- bably will arrive, when all chemiſtry will be re- duced tothe ſcience of ſimple and elective attrac- tion. ECONOMICAL ESSAY S. 85 ESSAY VI. I Purification of AQUA FORTIs, without a ſolution of ſilver. N many of the arts, as well as curious chemi- cal experiments, it is abſolutely neceſſary that this fluid be had perfectly pure, and eſpecially freed from another acid, which is very apt to be combined with it. Salt petre or nitre is the ſub- ſtance in which aqua fortis (hence called nitrous acid) exiſts, and it is remarkable that although nitre is generated merely by the putrefaction of animal and vegetable ſubſtances, where we could not fufpe&t any common ſalt to have been, yet we never can obtain the one without having the other mixed with it in the materials. On the ſubject of chryſtallization, we have ſhewn that, by that proceſs, two different ſalts may be ſepa- rated from each other, but it ſo happens that for want of proper care, in the purification of nitre, the greater part of that which we find in com- merce, is ſtill impure, by being mixed with ſome common falt: now when we add to this impure nitre fome oil of vitriol, and diſtill it, * we ſhall find that the ſea ſalt will give up its ſpirit of ſalt or marine acid alſo, hence in the receiver we ſhall have a mixture of nitrous and marine acids, and the greater the quantity of the latter, the more impure the former will be, and this quan- tity will vary according to circumſtances. The theory of making the nitrous acid is very ſimple. Nitre is a compound of vegetable alkali, a ſub- ſtance perfectly analogous to pot-aſh, and of an acid of a particular kind, hence properly enough * See the proceſs for diſtilling the nitrous acid in the Edinburgh Diſpen- fatory 86 CHEMICAL AND called nitrous acid; and from its power of diffolv- ing metallic and other hard ſubſtances, it is alſo called aqua fortis. When oil of vitriol is added to nitre, this being alſo an acid, it has a greater attraction to the vegetable alkali than the acid of nitre has, and then this acid is in an uncombined ſtate, and capable of being diſtilled off from the mixture, but when any fea falt is mixed with the nitre, this alſo is decompoſed, that is, the oil of vitriol unites, by its greater attraction, to the alkali of the ſea ſalt, and thus leaves its peculiar acid in a ſtate capable of being mixed with the nitrous acid after diſtillation. Another way in which the nitrous acid may be impure is, that the maker of it is very liable to put more oil of vitriol into his diſtilling appara- tus than is requiſite, and alſo to apply too much heat in the diſtillation, hence too fome oil of vi- triol will be mixed with the acid. In metallurgy and the aſſaying of metals pure ni. trous acid is indiſpenſable, and the goldſmiths uſe conſiderable quantities of it, for ſeparating gold and filver from each other, which depends upon a curious chemical fact, that gold will not diffolve in pure aqua fortis, but if it is impure, by a com- bination with the acid of ſea ſalt, it is then called aqua regia, and acquires a new property, it can diffolve gold, but it loſes the power of diſſolving ſilver; if the quantity of falt, originally contain- ed in the ſalt petre be ſmall, it pofſeffes the pro- perties of aqua regia in a ſmall degree only; hence it is that the aqua fortis of the apotheca- ries, will act both upon gold and ſilver. It has been long ſince known that we can puri. ECONOMICAL ESSAY S. 87 fy aqua fortis, by diffolving ſome fine ſilver in very pure aqua fortis; we add gradually of this ſolution to the impure aqua fortis, until no mud- dineſs or precipitate is formed in it by the freſh addition of the ſolution of filver. Before we go on let us explain the theory of the operation. When the ſolution of filver is added to the aqua fortis containing the ſpirit of ſalt, the ſilver has a greater attraction to that fpirit than it had to the acid which firſt diffolved it, but the new compound of filver and and ſpirits of falt is not ſoluble in a thouſand times its weight of any flu- id; hence both of them will be thrown down to the bottom of the veſſel; collecting this ſediment we may by a certain proceſs, obtain the ſilver a- gain; the clear fluid that ſwims above it, is nearly a pure aqua fortis. Three objections may be made to this manner of purifying it. 1. The aqua fortis is not always abſolutely pure, for we are very liable to err, either in ad- ding more of the ſolution of ſilver than is necef fary (which remaining in the aqua fortis renders it impure) or in not adding enough, in which caſe we do not effectually ſeparate from it the impurities imparted to it by the ſea falt. 2. A part of the filver is always loft, which be- ing a very dear and valuable metal, muſt render the proceſs expenſive. 3. There is great trouble and difficulty, in getting the ſilver again, after it has done its work, hence it would be a very inconvenient pro- ceſs to perfons unacquainted with metallurgy. 88 CHEMICAL AND The following method will yield us an aqua fortis perfe&tly pure, that may be depended up- on in all chemical experiments, and other ope- rations requiring accuracy. Diffolve one ounce of lead in as much of your aqua fortis as is neceſſary to deprive it of its me- tallic appearance, by boiling it gently in an oil flaſk, or other thin glafs veſſel; the quantity of aqua fortis requiſite for this purpoſe, if good and ſtrong, will be about two or three ounces; a white fediment will appear in this ſolution, if the aqua fortis is impure, and the quantity will in fonie meaſure indicate the degree of impurity. When the lead is perfe&ly diſſolved, pour the fo- lution into a ſmall long necked retort, and then add to it a pound or a pint of the aqua fortis you would wiſh to purify; ſet the retort on a fand heat, and diſtill off the fluid, till nothing but the white maſs remains dry in the retort. This proceſs occurred to me from theoretical obſervation, and I have proved the idea to be well founded, by experiment; for the aqua fortis collected in the receiver, is fo pure, that with a ſolution of filver, it cauſes no muddineſs. It dif folves filver completely, without having the leaſt operation upon gold. From theory we know that (pirit of ſalt and oil of vitriol, have both a greater attraction to lead than pure aqua fortis has, therefore when a ſolution of that metal is added to impure aqua fortis, theſe ſubſtances com- bine with the lead, and being inſoluble, they fall to the bottom of the veſſel. But to obviate our firft objection on the one hand, we diſtill it, hence none of the metallic folution is mixed with it, as ECONOMICAL ESSA Y S. 89 it cannot riſe with it in diſtillation, on the other hand we always find that one ounce of lead is quite enough, and when it ſhould prove too much we have directed how to remedy it. N go CHEMICAL AND ESSA Y VII. On the uſe of the Pig-Nut, as a vegetable aft, ingent,- Ideas on the uſes of ALLUM in dying. TI HE pig-nut is a very powerful vegetable aſtringent; this principle of aſtringency ap- pears to be homogeneous in all vegetable aſtrin- gents. The peculiar diſtinguiſhing property of vegem table aſtringents is, that beſides corrugating the tongue, making it rough, or drawing up the mouth, as the common phraſe is, they make a black colour, when added to ſome ſolutions of iron. In the eſſay on Pruſſian blue, we treat of that ſubſtance as being a compound of a peculiar acid and iron, in like manner (after ſome other author) we conſider the black matter formed by a folution of iron and the vegetable aſtringents to be compoſed of an acid ſui generis and iron: We ſhall ſhortly have occaſion to enforce the reſemblance more ſtrongly. The pig-nut, as containing a great deal of oil in the kernel, would appear to be rather uſeleſs for moſt of the purpoſes of aſtringents, other- wiſe it is a long time ſince I thought that they could be very advantageouſly ſubſtituted for an expen- five article in manufactures, I mean the galls: I do not know whether the true galls have ever been diſcovered in America ; but this I think I can make appear very probable from facts and experiments, that the pig-nut will anſwer all the properties of them in inſtance. I conſider it, as a fact that many experiments every ECONOMICAL ESSAYS. 91 tend to confirm, and none to diſprove, that the principle of vegetable aftringency is the ſame in all vegetables, and like ſea ſalt, Pruſſian blue, or any other bodies whoſe compoſition is per- fectly known, which are always the ſame chemi- cal ſubſtances, from whatever ſource derived; and although I cannot find that the aſtringent matter of the pig-nuts can be obtained from them, in the preciſe mechanical manner that it can from other aſtringents, yet I think they are applicable to all the purpoſes of them. When vegetable aftringents are uſed for dying, it is the common practice to boil them to extract their aſtringency; but this is an erroneous practice, unleſs I am much miſtaken, for I have found that a decoction of galis, made by boiling them in water for ſome time, in a great meaſure lofes the power of making a black colour with folu- tions of iron. To extract the aſtringent matter from the Pig- nut, I think requires fome caution; if hot water merely is added to them, without boiling them, and the veſſel immediately ſtopped, the aſtring- ency may be ſaved, but a quantity of the oil of the nut is evolved, which is injurious, in many caſes, where a pure aſtringent tincture is wanted. I then thought that poſſibly the aſtringency re, fided in the nut-ſhells, without reflecting that I was firſt led to form an idea of their aſtringency from taſting the kernel; theſe I found confider- ably aſtringent, but much leſs ſo than the ker- nels. After many unſucceſsful trials to render theſe puts uſeful, by extracting this principle from 92 CHEMICAL AND them, I fell upon the following method, which I could not improve further. I put a pint, even meaſure, of the nuts, well bruiſed, but not reduced to a very powdery ftate, into a bottle holding exactly a quart, the remainder of the bottle (which will ſtill hold nearly a pint and a gill, as there are conſiderable vacancies between the nuts) I fill up with wa- ter; after ſtanding in a warm room for two or three days, I pour off all the clear fluid, and if muddy, ſtrain it through flannel; it is very re- markable that the kernels of the nuts, which were ſo diſagreeable before, are, if dried after this proceſs, as mild and pure in their taſte, as the fpecies of hiccory-nut, called among us the Shell-bark, which affords us a tolerably good proof that the whole of the aſtringent matter has been extracted from them, and that cold water is a proper menftruum for it. I can give no clearer idea of the ſtrength, or quantity of aftring- ent matter, of this cold infuſion, than by remark- ing that it is now ſtrong enough, with a certain quantity of copperas and gum-arabic, or any other gum, to make a very good ink. I have paid a particular attention to the word gum-arabic, be- cauſe, without ſome gum, we cannot make ink; and here the analogy of Pruſſian blue will ſerve tis in excellent purpoſe, and to a chemift at leaſt it will make the phenomena which appear in add- ing vegetable aſtringent tin&tures to folutions of iron rather more intelligible. When a tincture of galls, or pig-nuts, is addded to folutions of iron, the whole inſtantly becomes black, juſt as when we add the phlogiſticated alkali to a folu- tion of copperas, the whole becomes blue; in both caſes the coloured ſubſtances formed by ECONOMICAL 93 ESSAY S. theſe mixtures fubfide to the bottom of the ver- fel in which the experiment is made, leaving a tranſparent fluid ſwimming above it, which will be colourleſs as water, if the materials were pure : How do we account for theſe appear- ances ? We fuppofe that the aſtringent acid in the one caſe, and the Pruffian acid in the other, in conſequence of a double elective attraction, becomie united to the iron contained in the cop- peras; but theſe new compounds are inſoluble in water, therefore, for a while, they become mechanically diffuſed through the water, and at laſt by gravity ſubſide, as the magneſia mentions ed in a former eſſay. The blackneſs of ink then depends upon an in- ſoluble matter diffuſed mechanically through wa- ter, or ſome other fimilar fluid; and the uſe of the gum is not merely to give the writing a gloſs, as many ſuppoſe, although it may anſwer that pur- poſe alſo, but by its vifcidity and tenacity it may prevent the colouring matter from fubfiding; upon the fame principles I have thought of making a blue ink, which I have done very ef- fectually, by adding to a ſolution of the Pruffian alkali fome gum-arabic, and then diffolving a ſmall lump of copperas in it, which form a very beautiful blue ink inſtantly. Which looks full as well as the beſt black ink. Having, as before obſerved, diſſolved ſome gum-arabic in my cold infuſion of pig-nut, and added ſome copperas, I had the ſatisfaction of obtaining a very good ink. Since I have had occaſion to ſpeak a little up- on ink, it may not be amiſs to fay a few words 94 CHEMICAL AND upon the cauſes of the changes which ſome ink is apt to undergo, from time and air: In the firſt place, I obſerve, that from theory it appears moſt probable, that if the quantity of aſtringent mat- ter (from whatever vegetable ſubſtance obtain- ed) of gum-arabic and copperas were the ſame in different parcels of ink, under ſimilar circum- ſtances, they would be all alterable, or none; and I have great reaſon to ſuppoſe that the yel- lowneſs which writing is apt to acquire by age is owing to an exceſs of copperas in the ink; this I conſider probable, from the following circum- ſtance; if a clear ſolution of copperas be expoſed to the open air but for a day or two, it becomes yellow, or it depoſits a ſediment, and has a thin ſcum, reſembling very much, in every reſpect, the ruſt of iron. Chemiſtry affords us an excel. lent theory to explain this fact, and we ſhall af- ſume it as an explanation of the cauſe of change in ink. To make the moſt durable ink, therefore, we muſt ſtudy to find out the exact quantity of cop- peras neceſſary to make it ſo that none ſhall re- main which has not been acted upon by the aftringent matter: This is, in many caſes, dif- ficult, and, without ſome knowledge of che- miſtry, impoſſible. I therefore think that I have fallen upon a method of making an ink, that ſhall be as unalterable as it is poſſible to make it by any aftringent vegetable whatever; I diffolve a quarter of an ounce of copperas in eight ounces of hot water, and add it to about four ounces of the cold infuſion of pig-nut (or the galls would anſwer in the ſame manner) but without having any gum diſſolved in it at firſt; the black infolu- ble matter ſwims about like curds, for a while, ECONOMICAL ESSA Y S. 98 and at length fubfides; after ſtanding two or three hours, I find a quantity of colourleſs water above the black matter; this I pour gently off, and throw away, but without letting any of the ſediment paſs off with it; I then pour into it eight ounces more hot water, and having let it ſtand, I draw it off as before ; and this waſhing of the ſediment I repeat three or four times, and in the laſt waſhing I contrive to pour off ſo much of the clear liquor, that only four ounces remains in my bottle, ſediment and all; and then adding about an eighth of an ounce of gum-arabic to it, my ink is made, which from theory I ſay might be ſuppoſed to be unalterable ; I only ſuppoſe fo from theory, for it will require a trial of forty or fifty years, at leaſt, to prove its goodneſs: but it appears probable to me, becauſe all the copperas, which I am ſure all common ink con- tains unaltered, is in this ink entirely waſhed out by the repeated affufions of freſh water. From what we have already ſaid of the uſe of the pig-nut in making ink, and of vegetable aſtringents in general, we might conclude that this ſubſtance would be valuable in dying: I confefs that as in dying there are ſo many things ſeemingly eſſential, which I cannot comprehend, I muſt therefore touch on this ſubject with un- common diffidence. The theory of the operation of allum, fo ge- nerally uſed in every ſpecies of dying, as well as in dying black colours, appears to me to be in- volved in difficulties. I can adopt the common expreſſion, that it ſets the colours; but that is to ſay nothing, and can therefore never ſatisfy me, neither ought it to ſatisfy any rational enquirer 96 CHEMICAL AND after truth; and although I have induſtriouſly in- yeſtigated the ſubject for three or four years, or at leaſt had my attention awakened all that time to any theory or fact that could fall under my notice, wbich might be likely to explain it, ftill I am far from being certain that I have arrived at the truth at laſt. There are but two modes in which I can con- ceive allum can operate: ift, it may act as an aftringent by condenſing or hardening the fub- ſtances to be dyed, as oak-bark conſtringes or hardens the hide, and thus may envelope the co- louring matter; 2d, it may operate as an acid in – Some caſes, becauſe allum, though called a neu- tral falt, ſtill retains a good deal of unſaturated acid; by its firſt effect, I cannot conceive how it can be neceſſary in black dyes, becauſe in all theſe a vegetable aſtringent is uſed, which would ef- fectually ſupply its place; and, as an acid, it cannot be uſeful in theſe dyes; for when I men- tioned, in the beginning of this eſſay, that vege- table aftringents make a black colour, with ſome ſolutions of iron, I reſerved it for this place to mention, that if ſolutions of iron contain but a little more acid than is fufficient to diffolve the iron, and to hold it diffolved in the water, a black colour will not be produced by theſe ſub- ftances; hence, as far as the ſmall quantity of acid in allum, as ſuch, can operate at all, its operation muſt be bad in black dyes. Whether allam is ever uſeful in dying by its aſtringency, may be doubted, but if found fo, in its ſtead may be fubftituted the cheap infufion of the pig- nut; and when Mr. Fourcroy informs us, that "it augments the intenſity and brilliancy of co- lours," I ſuſpect that it only operates by its re- ECONOMICAL ESSAY S. 97 dundant acidity, and only to advantage upon thoſe dyes which are changeable by acids, upon the fame irinciple as the juices of purple fruits, have their brilliancy and intenſity augmented to a bright red, by the addition of an acid, or even of allum. To ſpeak candidly, it is my opinion, and this opinion is corroborated, though not confirmed, by a few experiments I have made, that allum is uſed injudiciouſly, if indiſcriminately in all dyes; that it is never uſeful but where it produces an obvious change in the colour of the dye, and that wherever that change is produced, an acid might be very juftly ſubſtituted for it. I know on one hand, what a tyrant cuſtom is, and on the other, how eaſy it is to be deceived; I there- fore propoſe it, with much diffidence, as a query, whether vitriolic acid might not be ſubſtituted for allum in dying? If ſuch a ſubſtitute would do, I think I could prove that one pound of oil of vitriol would anſwer all the purpoſes of fix pounds of allum. The reader will pleaſe to ob- ſerve, on this fubje&t, that I pretend to have advanced nothing but hypotheſis. I thought I ſhould have been able to have given the reſult of ſome experiments, intended to be inſtituted by a very ingenious friend of mine, to aſcertain the uſes of this nut in tanning, but fome unavoidable accidents prevented them: I have no doubt, however, that they would anſwer very well, and perhaps a much ſmaller quantity of them would have the ſame effect as a larger quantity of the oak-bark. I confeſs I am in- clined to think that to propoſe any ſubſtitutes for the oak-bark, in a country like this, where 98 CHEMICAL AND it can be had ſo plentifully, is an unneceſſary refinement. But it may not be ſo chimerical to uſe the pig-nut as a ſubſtitute for the galls, as the latter have once been ſo very difficult to obtain, and the ſame difficulty may again occur. The method of obtaining this aftringent matter, is to make a cold infuſion of the nuts, firſt thoroughly bruiſed. I know of many objections that criticiſm may oppoſe to this ſubſtitute; it is true that the pig- nut does not contain as much aftringent matter in as ſmall a bulk as the galls, but, this ought to have no weight, when we conſider that theſe nuts can be procured for very little more ex- pence, than colleEling them. Prejudice may per- haps declare, that the colour is not as good; to ſuch perſons as are under its influence, I can make no other reply, than that time and experi- ence alone can aſcertain its real merit. When we conſider, what a great quantity of galls are annually imported into the United States, and alſo what a variety of other mat- ters for black dye are imported, we ſhall have cauſe to lament that thouſands of buſhels of this uſeful ſubſtitute have annually periſhed in our woods, whilſt we have been purchaſing, in a fo- reign country, what could be amply ſupplied in our own; and if a pound of galls coſts a ſhilling ſterli g, how much money might be ſaved to our country, even if ten pounds of the pig-nut could ſupply their place. Before we conclude our obſervations on the pig-nut, it may be acceptable to our readers to give them a ſhort botanical account of the tree ECONOMICAL 99 ESSA Y S. which furniſhes it: for this information we are indebted to the ARBUSTUM AMERICANUM, compiled by our countryman, Humphrey Mar- fhal, page 68 of the firſt American edition; he places it in the 21ſt claſs, 8th order of the Lin- nean Method, Genus, Juglans, and fifth ſpecies; he thus defcribes it: “ Species 5. Juglans alba minima. White or pig-nut hickory. This generally grows pretty large, ſometimes to the height of eighty feet or more, and above two feet in diameter. The bark of the tree, when young, is ſmooth; but as the tree grows older it becomes rough and furrowed. The leaves are generally compoſed of five pair of lobes and an odd one. The fruit is ſmall, * and roundiſh, and covered with a very thin huſk, or covering, opening in diviſions. The ſhell of the nut is alſo very thin, and eaſily cracked with the teeth; the kernel plump and full, but very bit- ter.f The timber of this is not much eſteemed. * I have ſeen it as large as any of the ſpecies of hiccory nuts. # The ingenious author, like many others, miſtakes the taſte of theſe auts; they are aſtringent, but not bitter; Aſtringents corrugate the tonguez and ſtrike a black colour with copperas, but pure bitters do not. 100 CHEMICAL AND ESSAY VIII. Calcination of METALS A defence of the do&trine of Phlo- GISTON, with certain modifications. T has been long ſince known to chemiſts, that I when metals (in general) are expoſed to a certain degree of heat, in contact with air fit for animal reſpiration, they loſe their metallic bril- liancy, and are converted into an earth-like ſub- ſtance: Thus if lead, a very fuſible metal, and one that poſſeſſes this property in a very eminent degree, is expoſed to a red heat in a ſhallow veſſel, it firſt aſſumes the appearance of a yellow earth, next it becomes brown and ſcaly, form- ing the litharge of the ſhops; this being expoſed to a ſtill greater degree of heat, it is changed into a red powder of a brick colour, and which is very well known by the name of red-lead. As many metals during their calcination were obſerved to emit flame, it was ſuppoſed (and is now univerſally ailowed) that theſe ſubſtances were combuſtible, and that the proceſs of cal- cination was a true combuſtion; they are after this proceſs, however, to be arranged with the incombuſtible bodies, as no material change is effected in them by further addition of heat. Sulphur, in like manner, heated in reſpirable air, takes fire, and continues inflamed (if the quantity of air is ſufficient) until its nature and properties are totally changed, and it becomes converted into an incombuſtible body; for if the vapours of burning brimſtone are collected and condenſed in clofe veſſels, we find them to be the vitriolic acid, which, when pure, ſhews no combuſtibility. ECONOMICAL ESSAY S. 101 A rational explanation of theſe phenomena was never attempted, until Doctor Stahl of- fered one to the world, which, for ſimplicity, was very intelligible, and which would admit of almoſt univerſal application. He conſidered every combuſtible body as con- ſiſting of a peculiar principle, which he calls the imflammable principle or phlogiſton united to ſome other body, either ſimple or compound. He ſuppoſed that the lead, in the inſtance alluded to, was compelled by the heat to ſurrender up its phlogiiton to the air, and conſequently that its other conſtituent principle, viz. the calx, re- mained fixed in the veſſel : his theory of metals was, that each conſiſted of an earth, or calx ſui generis and phlogiſton, which he conſidered as common to and homogeneous in all. In like manner he maintained that ſulphur was compoſed of an acid perfectly ſimilar to that which the chemiſts in his time uſed to obtain by diſtillation of green vitriol or copperas, hence called vitriolic acid and phlogiſton: this laſt he alſo ſuppoſed to be the ſame ſimple elementary principle which gives brilliancy to the metals. This very beautiful theory was not only ſup- ported, but even amazingly illuſtrated, by a variety of experiments and every phenomenon it alluded to; but although the identity of this principle was almoſt inconteſtibly proved, he found that it was more diſpoſed to unite and to remain united with certain bodies than with others. We take a quantity of the calx of lead, which is deprived of phlogiſton (according to this the- 102 CHEMICAL AND ory) and mix it with a ſufficiency of charcoal, both being in powder; theſe being expoſed to a certain degree of heat, in a cloſe crucible, we ob- tain the lead in its metallic brilliant form, being now a combuſtible body, whilſt the charcoal is re- duced to aſhes, which we know to be incom- buſtible: in this caſe we ſay, the phlogiſton, or inflammable principle, has paſſed from the char- coal into the calx of lead, which, when united together, Stahl ſuppoſed to be the conſtituent principles of lead. If this experiment is varied by fubftituting any kind of vegetable oil, or ani- mal fat, or moſt ſorts of inflammable fubftances, the reſult will be the ſame. If we burn fulphur in contact with air, we oba tain an acid, if the fumes are collected, which, united with iron, forms a falt exactly the ſame as green vitriol or copperas; again, if we unite the acid obtained by diſtillation from copperas, with almoſt any fixed inflammable body (except fome metals) and heat them together in any cloſe fu- bliming veſſel, we obtain pure genuine ſulphur, no way different from that obtained by any other means. A number of ſimilar experiments ſeemed to render this theory unqueſtionable, and to place the exiſtence of phlogiſton beyond all doubt; but alas ! the ſupporters of this doctrine neg- lected the abſolute neceſſity of air in calcination, and a very curious fact attending it, which is, that the calx always exceeds the weight of the metal ſubjected to the experiment. Mr. Lavoiſier, a very accurate experimental chemiſt, found that metals were calcined, when ECONOMICALESSA Y S. 103 heated in cloſe veſſels, according to the propor- tion of reſpirable air contained in the veſſel, that the calcination of it rendered the air leſs fit for animal reſpiration, and, after a certain time, the proceſs was entirely ſtationary; the air in this caſe was found conſiderably diminiſhed, and totally noxious to animal life: upon weighing the calx, he obſerved it weighed heavier than the pure metal; upon weighing the air, he found it had loft part of its original weight, and the de- creaſe was exactly the ſame as the increaſe of weight in the calx; the air that remained was impure, hence he concluded that the pure part was abſorbed by the calx. From ſuch experi- ments he deduced his theory, that metals, ful- phur, phoſphorus, and other inflammable bodies, are ſimple ſubſtances, and that calces of metals, vitriolic acid, acid of phoſphorus, &c. are theſe ſubſtances combined with the pureſt air. Every chemiſt is acquainted with the air obtained from nitre, and ſeveral other bodies, by certain pro- ceſſes diſcovered by Doctor Prieſtly and Mr. Scheele, which ſupports flame and animal life fix times as well as the air of our atmoſphere. Mr. Lavoiſier having introduced a quantity of mercury, in a china cup, which was expoſed to a certain meaſure of this very pure air, preſerved from the common air in a receiver with mercury underneath, he calcined it by means of a burn- ing lens; as the calcination advanced, the air was diminiſhed in bulk, and at the end of the experiment, all but a few bubbles diſappeared, as was evident from the riſing of the mercury in- to the receiver; the calx in this experiment was exactly as much heavier, than the metal made uſe of, as the weight of the air that was loſt. This 104 CHEMICAL AND of experiment eſtabliſhed his theory fynthetically, and he only required, as it appeared, that the ana- lyſis of a calx, correſponding with that experi- ment, ſhould be obtained. He expoſed the calx mercury, obtained in the laſt experiment, to a great degree of heat, in an apparatus contrived for the purpoie, in ſuch a nianner that if any air eſcaped from the calx, it might not only be obtained, but its quantity aſcertained. The re- fult was favourable to his utmoſt wiſhes. For the whole quantiiy of air, which diſappeared in his firſt experiment, was obtained in the ſecond, and the mercury came over into a recipient adapted to the apparatus; in its natural fluid form, weighing as much as was firſt uſed. Si- milar experiments were made upon other metals and other combuſtible bodies, which ſeemed greatly to confirm the theory he adopted. This theory had its friends and ſupporters in different parts of Europe ; its fimplicity recommended it much, and as it was adequate to the explanation of every phenomenon relative to calcination and combuſtion, without involving us in the difficul- ties attending Stahl's theory, in conſequence of the increaſe of weight in the calx (as it is incon- cieveable that a metal ſhould weigh heavier by the loſs of its phlogiſton) three confiderations, I ſay, ſeemed to place it beyond the reach of re- futation. Doctor Prieſtly, however, relates an experi- ment, which, conſidering the ſtate of knowledge at that time, tends not a little to ſhock Mr. La- voiſier's theory. This philoſopher expoſed a quantity of red lead to the intenſe heat of a burn- ing lens in inflammable air, confined over mer- cury; the conſequence was, that the calx gra- ECONOMICAL ESSAY S. IOS dually aſſumed its metallic form, whilſt the in- flammable air was diminiſhed, and at length to- tally abforbed, the calx being perfectly revived: Here then we fee that the infiammable air was perfectly analagous to the phlogiſton of Stahl, which, entering the calx, metallized it; and here the experiment of Mr. Lavoiſier, firſt re- lated, and that of Dr. Prieſtly, form a chemical paradox; the firſt gives us to underſtand that a calx is a compound body, as a metal abforbs a great quantity of pure air, the ſecond would ſeem to prove that a metal was a compound body, as lead was obtained by uniting inflammable air with a calx of lead, and more eſpecially as each gentleman mentions that there was no refiduum in either inſtance: for my part I fully believe in the authenticity of each experiment, and ſhall at- tempt to explain the difficulty in the courſe of this eſſay. It will be well enough to obſerve, that the very celebrated Dr. Black, of Edin- burgh, attempted to account for the increment of weight, in the calcination of metals, by ſuppofing that phlogiſton is the principle of levity, and thus diminiſhes the weight of bodies with which it is united. With all deference to ſuch reſpect- able authority, however, I muſt obſerve, that even were this ſuppoſition admitted, it could not account for many phenomena of combuſtion and calcination. I ſhould have mentioned an experiment, that ſeems to operate as a very forcible objection to Mr. Lavoiſier's theory, and this is the production of inflammable air from iron filings, by the ad- dition of the acid of vitriol. The advocates of Stahl's theory fay, that the acid tends only to P 106 CHEMICAL AND unite with the calx or earth of iron, with a pro- penſity greater than that by which the phlogiſton tends to remain united to it, and conſequently that it is diſengaged from the iron, and fies off under the form of inflammable air: but the fol- lowers of Mr. Lavoiſier have invented a different explanation of this fact, founded upon the diſco- very of the compoſition of water, by Mr. Caven- diſh of London. This philoſopher found by firing inflammable air, in contact with pure or dephlogiſticated air, in a cloſe veſſel, in order to examine the reſiduum, that the whole bulk diſappeared, except a few drops of a liquor, which upon examination he found to be pure wa- ter: in ſhort, by repeating this experiment upon a very large ſcale, I think he obtained five drams of pure water, which was exactly equal in weight to the two airs made uſe of. The component parts of water being allowed to conſiſt of pure air and inflammable air conſolidated together, we can explain Mr. Lavoiſier's ideas of the cauſes of the production of inflammable air in a mixture of diluted vitriolic acid and iron filings : He ſays that the pure air of the water, which is always preſent in the vitriolic acid, tends to unite with the iron, reducing it at the ſame time to the ſtate of a calx, which is foluble in moſt acids, and is then taken up by the vitriolic, whilſt the inflam- mable air (which from this theory is ſuppoſed to be the other conſtituent principle of water) is left uncombined, and of conſequence affumes its natural elaſtic ſtate. It muſt be obvious, to every attentive obſerver, that this theory, now fo generally adopted by the French chemiſts, muſt ſuppoſe that the combuf- tibility of different inflammable bodies does not ECONOMICAL 107 ESSAYS. depend upon one fixed principle, homogeneous in all of them ; thus they ſay fulphur is a ſimple inflammable body, forming vitriolic acid with pure air. Charcoal, ſay they, is another ſimple body, forming with pure air the aerial acid of Eergmann, or, as Doctor Black calls it fixed air, and Mr. Fourcroy, the cretaceous acid. The inflammable air is alſo ſimple, and water is the reſult of its combination with pure air ; and, in fine, that combuſtion conſiſts in nothing elie than the union of the inflammable body with pure air; and as the reſults of theſe combuſtions are very different, ſo the inflammable bodies themſelves mult be eſſentially different from each other. Without taking any notice of ſome collateral paris of this theory, we ſhall attempt to fhew the probability of the exiſtence of a certain principle homogeneous in all combuſtible bodies very analagous to the phlogiſton of Stahl ; and ſhall then attempt to account for the increaſe of weight in the calcination of metals, by different arguments than thoſe of Mr. Lavoiſier. I. We take a certain quantity of pure nitre (whoſe acid we know is totally convertible into the dephlogiſticated air of Dr. Prieſtly) and com- bine it with ſuch a quantity of charcoal, as by previous experiments we find to be juſt fufficient to olka ize that quantity; theſe we detonate in a cloſe veſſel; the vapours, carefully colle&ed, are found, by repeated experiments, to be pure we- ter. II. Spirits of wine, ſays Mr. Fourcroy, a very ſtrong advocate for Mr. Lavoiſier, is a peculiar inflammable ſubſtance, united to much water: This fluid, when ſet on fire in a large glaſs vef- fel containing pure air, cloſed in ſuch a manner 108 CHEMICAL AND as to prevent the loſs of any vapours, is found to contain nothing but pure water : Mr. Lavoi- fier, in ſome of his experiments, relates, that the weight of ſulphur and phoſphorus, when burned in dephlogiſticated air, encreaſed three times their original weight, in paſſing to the ſtate of vitriolic and phoſphoric acids; the firſt, I well remember, he ſaid was in a fluid form; now it appears, from ſome obſervations of Dr. Crawford, in the laſt edition of his treatiſe on animal heat, that a very ſmall quantity of water can be diſolved in air; and I can inconteſtibly prove that vitriolic acid cannot remain in a fluid form, unleſs united with at leaſt one fourth of its weight of water; the water in this experiment muſt have therefore been conſiderable, it could not have been contained in the air, nor in the ſulphur: hence I conclude that there is ſomething contained in fulphur which with pure air will produce WATER. We have ſeen that charcoal, when burned with the air contained in nitre, produced wa- ter; when burnt in pure air, however, it will yield fixed air, or cretaceous acid, owing to Come inexplicable circumſtance attending the combuſtion: Mr. Fourcroy ſays that this acid is totally compoſed of charcoal and pure cir; but Dr. Prieſtly relates an experiment, wherein he obtained a very large quantity of fixed air, by heating iron filings and red precipitate together ; from hence inferring, with great probability, that pure air and phlogiſton were the conſtituent principles of it: in fact, it appears that the com- ponent parts of water and fixed air are the ſame, pind only differ in the proportions they contain. It is proper to mention, in this place, that Mr, ECONOMICAL 109 ESSAY S. Lavoiſier accounts for the revivification of the cals of lead, by inflammable air, fuppofing that this laſt uniting with the dephlogiſticated air contained in it, forms water, which Dr. Prieſtly did not take notice of. Whilſt we are on this ſubject, it may be well enough to mention a pretty experiment, fomewhai connected with it; it is the decompoſition of water, by means of charcoal: A quantity of charcoal, kept red hot in a copper tube, is expoſed to the vapour of water, the pure cir of the water unites with the charcoal whilſt its infiammable air eſcapes, and may be collected with a proper apparatus. We come now to our theory, aſſuming it as granted, that in every inflammable body there is a ſubſtance analagous to the phlogiſton of Stahl; and I have ſome reaſon to believe, from ſome experiments I myſelf have made upon the ſubject, that when united to a very ſmall quantity of de- phlogiſticated air, it forms the phlogiſticated air of Dr. Prieſtly; with a larger quantity, I think water would be produced ; with a ſtill larger quantity, it is probable the aerial acid would be obtained; and if a very ſmall proportion of in- flammable air (the elements of which I preſume is contained in all bodies) was united with a large quantity of dephlogiſticated air, I am almoſt convinced that the nitrous acid would be the pro- duct. Therefore, Therefore, when a metal is heated in contact with vital or reſpirable air, the inflam- mable cir contained in the metal unites with this air, and the compound in this inſtance is gene- rally fixed air, though ſometimes I ſuppoſe it may be water; this acid may have a very great ten- dency to unite with the metallic calx, and thus the weight may be encreaſed, and I now offer it 110 CHEMICAL AND the pure as anopinion, that no man ever ſaw a pure metal- lic calx uncombined with any thing. It will be in vain to object to this theory, that the preſence of fixed air, in metallic calces, can- not be demonſtrated. Analogies are numerous. I get a piece of perfectly dry charcoal, and wet it with water in the preſence of an hundred peo- ple, yet I cannot prove to one of them that there is the leaſt particle of water contained in it; if I fubject it to diſtillation I obtain none, a large quantity of infiammable air alone will be extri- cated; this we have explained above. In like manner we heat a metallic calx, but obtain no- thing elſe than dephlogiſticated air. This phe- nomenon we explain in this marner: metallic calx has an attraction for phlogiſton, yet not ſo great as dephlogiſticated air has; this air in calcination, therefore, unites with it, form- ing fixed air; but the metallic calx has an attrac- tion to the new compound, and actually unites with it; but when a very great heat is applied to this calx, the dephlogiſticated air having an at- traction to elementary beat, its attraction for the infiammable principle is diminiſhed, and when a certain quantity is applied to it, the power by which the pure metallic calx tends to unite with the inflammable principle is greater than that with which it tends to remain united to the pure air; the pure air having now recovered its elaf- ticity, which we suppoſe depends upon elemen- tary heat, it is expelled by the rarifying power of the ſenſible heat, which we know expands all bodies : thus is the fixed air or water decompo- fed ; the pure air flies off combined with heat, and the intammable principle or phlogiſion, re- maining with the pure metallic calx, reduces it ECONOMICAL 111 ESSAY S. to the ſtate of a metal again. I ſpeak of water as being pollibly combined with the metallic calx, and it may appear ſtrange that it cannot be dri- ven off by the heat as water ; I can illuſtrate the poſſibility, nay the probability of it, by an ana- logy: I take a piece of well burnt lime, weigh- ing exactly an ounce, I dip it into water of which it abſorbs a conſiderable proportion, I expoſe it to an heat of more than four hundred degrees of Fahrenheit's thermometer, which is two hundred degrees more than fufficient to make water boil when uncombined, yet it ſhall even then weigh conſiderably more than an ounce, a proof that water remains ftill united to it: it is true a greater heat might have reduced it to its original weight; but, were lime capable of uniting with the inflammable principle, I think it highly pro- bable that the water would have ſuffered a de compoſition, in this experiment. This is the ſubſtance of the theory I at preſent adopt for myſelf, and I know not how far it is true, or whether it is ſo far original as to be al- lowed of as a theory, it is however inſerted in theſe eſſays for thoſe who are fond of theoreti- cal and ſpeculative chemiſtry. 12 CH E MICAL AND ESSAY IX. I An analyſis of the ORES OF METALS by ſolution. Y HAVE often regretted that many very re- fpectable people have been much deceived, for want of a proper knowledge of ores; when a perſon unacquainted with firit principles, of me- tals, &c. finds a ſubſtance, which a warm ima- gination inclines him to believe is an ore of gold, filver, copper, or ſome other valuable metal, it is with the greateſt difficulty that he can be dif- fuaded from the idea. A gentleman of this de- fcription had the mortification to see the greater part of a lump of imagined gold fly up the chim- ney, in the itate of a fulphureous vapour; and a mountain of it (being nothing but the Iron Pyrites) which he had diſcovered in the weſtern country, in the ſpace of ten minutes, loft its immenſe value, and funk to a maſs of uſeleſs matter : The Iron Pyrites, however, have al- ways been a ſubject of deception, as appears from the earlieſt account we have in chemiſtry, and there are but very few people yet, not pre- viouſly acquainted with them, that would not fuppoſe them to contain a more valuable metal than iron. To a perſon tolerably well acquainted with the ſenſible properties or appearance of ores, and who has been long accuſtomed to ſee them in their na- tive ſtate, it would perhaps be uſeleſs to make any obſervations on this ſubject; but as ſome perfons, of a very different deſcription from theſe, who are intereſted in ſuch an enquiry, may chance to take up this volume, I ſhall certainly be excuſeable for entering upon a matter, on which but little new can be ſaid. ECONOMICAL ESSAY S. 113 As to the external appearances or natural pro- perties of ores, they are fallacious; but where- ever we find a mineral ſubſtance, either on the ſurface, or below the ſurface of the earth, which . bulk for bulk is conſiderably heavier than marble, the pieces of which have little or no tranſparen- cy, even when broken into ſmall plates or ſcales, and more eſpecially if it has a certain brilliancy of appearance, and a regularity in the diſpoſition of its parts, we have a tolerable, nay an almoſt inconteſtible evidence that the ſubſtance is me- tallic ; even Pyrites, as mentioned already, have theſe appearances and are truly metallic, but, from the braſly colour they exhibit, we are apt to over-rate them. I ſay that when all theſe ap- pearances combine, we may certainly pronounce it an ore; but ſtill there are many ores which are very valuable, and have ſcarce any of them; theſe are of conſiderable variety, and I confefs I am far from being able to lay down any general rules for diſtinguiſhing them by their ſeſible properties. The moſt ancient chemical method of ana- lyzing ores is almoſt entirely by fire; as fulphur, and other matters of a like kind, frequently torm a part of the ore, heat is applied to it to diſſipate it, after the ore has been previouſly broken into very ſmall pieces, or perhaps ground, and then waſhed from any dirt that might have adhered to it; the waſhed ore is then mixed with powdered charcoal, and pot-aſh, or ſome other ſubſtance perfectly analagous to it, or a ſalt called borax : theſe materials are then put into a crucible to be fuſed, and the proceſs is much expedited by the pot-aſh or borax: an air furnace, that will raiſe a great heat, is neceſſary, and after ſome time, the metal, if there was any in the ſuppoſed ore, Q 114 CHEMICAL AND will be found in a lump at the bottom of the crucible. The quality, quantity, and the pro- portion of it, may be aſcertained by means not dependent on chemiſtry. This proceſs is long, tedious, and in many caſes impracticable, as we cannot always be fup- plied with an air furnace, even of a portable kind, at a time that our curioſity to know the contents of the ore is the greateſt. A fimpler method is followed by a very worthy friend of mine, which cannot however be applied in all caſes : he prepares the ore by roaſting, pound- ing, and waſhing, as above; he then mixes it with ſome powdered ſalt-petre and charcoal ; having ſcooped out a pit in a large piece of char, coal, and ſet the internal ſurface of it on fire, he puts the ore thus prepared into it; the falt-petre and charcoal burn fo ſuddenly and violently, as to give heat enough to fuſe moſt ores, and to fe- parate the metal they contain; the metal is then found in the crevices of the charcoal, in the form of ſhot. This little proceſs will only aſcertain whether there is any metal in the ore or no, and perhaps the operator may be able to tell, from inſpection, what that metal is, but it gives us but little idea of quantity. A ſtill more elegant and ſimple method, is the blow-pipe: We place a piece of the ore, not larger than a pepper-corn, on a piece of char- coal, and direct the flame of a candle or lamp upon it, by that inſtrument, which quickly fuſes it, and the little globule of metal is ſeen pene- trating the charcoal. But I think the blow-pipe may be uſed to greater advantage in another pro- ceſs, to be mentioned preſently. ECONOMICAL IIS ESSAY S. But the moſt beautiful method of analyzing ores is by diffolving the metallic parts of them in certain fluids, and adding to the ſolution fome fubſtances capable of producing peculiar changes in its appearance if certain metals are diſſolved in it; theſe are called teſts; and chemiſtry affords us a particular teſt for almoſt every metal; there are alſo ſome unequivocal teſts for the ſemi- metals, as they are called, but, ores of theſe not having yet occurred in America, we ſhall confine this eſſay to the analyſis of the metals only. Having prepared our ore by waſhing, pound- ing and roaſting, we ſuppoſe it may contain ei- ther gold, ſilver, copper, quickſilver, iron, tin, lead, or a mixture of ſome two or more of theſe forming a natural alloy : We muſt now prepare ourſelves with the teſts, which by this proceſs are but few; the Pruſſian alkali, the cold infufion of galls, or of the pig-nut, (for the preparation of which, ſee our eſſay on that ſubject) ſome ſpirit of hartſhorn, and ſome poliſhed pieces of iron and ſilver the operator muſt alſo be provided with pure aqua-fortis, which may be procured by the proceſs deſcribed in Eſſay VI. with ſome ſpirit of ſea ſalt, called alſo marine acid; the blow pipe, and two or three pieces of charcoal. The method of making the Pruffian alkali is very eaſy: We take about a pint of water, two ounces of Pruſſian blue, and about an half ounce of pot-aih; theſe are boiled together in a tin cup, for an half hour, or perhaps much leſs; a conſiderable variation in the time will do no harm; we filtre or ſtrain the liquor through pa- per, or fine flannel many times doubled; to this 116 CHEMICAL AND liquor, when per/eally clear, as much aqua fortis muſt be gradually and carefully added as will juſt give it a very moderately four taſte, and no more; the liquor will now be of a dark blue co- lour, and when filtered again will be of a light yellow, and then may be kept in a cloſe ſtopped phial for uſe, being a folution of the Pruffian al- kali. We now put the ore into an oil flaſk, and for every half ounce of the ore (an half ounce being fufficient for the experiment) we pour two ounces of the aqua fortis, and ſet the mixture on hot coals, or rather hot aſhes, for iwo or three hours at leaſt; after digeſting (as it is termed) thus long, it may be made to boil for a minute or two, by ſetting it on very lively coals; cer- tain parts of the ore will be diffolved, and the inſoluble parts, by a little repoſe, will ſettle to the bottom of the flaſk, leaving the clear li- quor in a condition to be decanted off ; this I would preſerve in a phial, labelled, for fear of a miſtake, THE NITROUS SOLUTION. This fo- lution contains all that the nitrous acid or aqua- fortis is capable of diffolving of what the ore contains; that is, if the ore contained any of all the metals that we have enumerated, they would be held in this folution, except gold ; this metal we know requires a particular fluid for folution, called aqua regia, and if we have any curioſity to know if there is any gold in the ore, we add to the ſediment remaining in the oil flaſk, one ounce of aqua regia, make by mixing three fourths of an ounce, by meaſure or gueſs, of ſpirit of ſalt, and one fourth of aqua fortis ; we treat the mix- ture in the ſame manner as before; the clear li- quor being obtained, we make an experiment ECONOMICAL ESSAY S. 117 with this firſt, by rubbing a piece of bright ſilver with a little of it on a rag wet with it, and if there is any gold, in the finalleſt quantity imagi- nable, the filver will be immediately gilded with it; and as this folution can contain nothing but gold, we may throw it away, as ufelefs, if it does not gild the filver. The nitrous folution we now conclude, contains all the metal that the ore had in it. This folution we muſt next proceed to exa- mine, and for this purpoſe we muſt be provided with a few wine glaſſes, and a mug of diſtilled or rain water. We put a very few drops of the fo- lution into a wine glaſs, and fill it nearly with ſome of the water, and ſuſpecting that the ore may contain iron, which is the moft common ore that we meet with, we add a few drops of our Pruffian alkali to it; if it is iron, we ſhall inftant- ly have a dark blue colour produced, which is an infallible teft of that metal, for no experi- ments have been able to produce a blue colour with this alkali, unleſs there had been a prepara- tion of iron concerned in the operation; this ap- pearance is confirmed by the cold infuſion of galls, or the pig nut, which will make a little of the nitrous folution turn red, purple, or black, as the quantity of iron is leſſer or greater; this teſt is alſo infallible, for we know of no metal- lic or other ſolution, but that of iron, that will produce either of theſe colours with either of thoſe infuſions. But the appearance of theſe colours ſhould not deter us from hoping that there might alſo be ſome other metal in the ore beſide the iron. If, when we added the Pruffian alkali to the ſolution 118 CHEMICAL AND in the laſt trial, we perceive no brown colour, but a pure blue, we can have but little hopes that any copper is contained in the ore; to be fa- tisfied completely, however, in this point, we may pour a few drops of the nitrous folution in- to a wine glaſs, and fill it up with the pure wa- ter, as before; if we dip into this mixture a clean poliſhed piece of iron, and it is not foon covered with a coppery coat, our chance is ſtill leſs, and we may almoſt conclude that our ore contains no copper; we may then pour a few drops of the ſpirit of hartſhorn into the wine- glaſs, and if it does not produce inſtantly a ſap- phire blue colour, there certainly is no copper in the ore worth attention. We may, by chance, have tin united to our ſolution; if ſo, it will form a white powder with the Pruſſian alkali ; but the ſame appearance is exhibited if it contains lead : How then ſhall we diſtinguiſh them? To make the queſtion ſtill more difficult, we will ſuppoſe that both metals (which however is very rarely the caſe) were contained in the ſolution; we would add to ſuch a mixture ſeveral drops of the ſpirit of fea falt, which will cauſe all the lead to fall to the bot- tom of the wine-glaſs in a white powder; then, by pouring off the clear liquor which ſwims a- bove it, into another wine-glaſs, and adding a few drops of Pruſſian alkali to it, we ſhall have a white ſediment formed, which we may be to- lerably certain is tin; for a ſolution of tin in the nitrous acid is unalterable by the addition of the marine acid. But when we added the ſpirit of ſalt to the mixture in the wine-glaſs, upon the ſuppoſition ECONOMICAL I19 ESSAY S. that the lead would be thrown to the bottom by it, two other metals would have alſo been thrown down along with it, if the ſolution had contained them; that is, the filverand mercury : we have no teſts to diſcover theſe, and in ſolution they may be eaſily confounded together; for, iſt, ail three are equally ſoluble in nitrous acid; 2dly, the Pruffian alkali being added to all of theſe folu- tions, precipitates them of a white colour; 3dly, fpirit of ſalt, added to them in folution, alſo changes them to a white colour. Having there- fore aſcertained, by the above experiments, whether there was any iron, copper, or tin in the folution, and whether there is any other me- tal, we add to the remainder of the nitrous folu- tion, either a conſiderable quantity of Pruffian al- kali, or, what will anſwer equally well in this caſe, of pure ſolution of pot-aſh, a ſediment will be formed, this will contain all the metallic matters which the ſolution contained, and muſt be either lead, mercury, or ſilver, or a mixture of them; the ſediment, being collected, muft be dried and fuſed on a piece of charcoal, with a blow-pipe; and now the effects of this treatment muſt be well attended to; if it is mercury, it will fly away in a white fume, which will filver a piece of bright gold held over it; if it does not evapo- rate, we apply the flame to it longer, for it may probably be lead or ſilver: if lead, it will fuſe very quickly into a little globule, which may be eaſily known by the ſenſes, hy its readily extend- ing under the ſtroke of a hammer, and by making the lead-coloured mark, if rubbed on white pa- per; it may be ſilver, though very few inſtances of a pure ſilver ore do occur, if fo, its leſſer malleability and more fplendid appearance will belp to direct us. 120 CHEMICAL AND This method of analyſis is indeed but very crude, and the adventurer in mineralogy will ſcarcely be ſatisfied, as to the fate of his ore, from what he can know by making theſe experi- ments upon it; but I preſume that every perſon who has found that his ore is really valuable, will ſeek more deeply for knowledge, than fuch a work, however perfect and full, could poſſibly afford. I hope, however, that they will be found ſufficient to produce one very defireable end, that is, to convince the unſucceſsful adven turer that his ſuppoſed ore is of no value, and thereby reſcue him from additional diſappoint- ments and accumulated expence. ECONOMICAL É $ SAYS. 121 ESSA Y X. An economical method of obtaining REGULUS OF ANTIMONY, T happens to the lot of but very few to bring I , at fame time be very uſeful to mankind. I cannot pretend to much curioſity or novelty on this fub- ject, and yet I am very certain, without either, it may be of conſiderable uſe to individuals. Whilſt the regulus of antimony continues to be imported at an high price, we muſt either fuppoſe that the method of making it is not ge- nerally known to the perſons concerned, or they muſt conſider it too difficult or too dear; under either circumſtance, the ſubject is properly in- troduced into theſe eſſays, and with this advan- tage to the reader, that the leſs of a chemiſt the writer is ſuppoſed to be, the eaſier the proceſs muſt be in its own nature. It may not be amiſs to enter alſo a little into the theory. Crude antimony, from which the regulus is made, is a compound conſiſting of a pure ſemi- metal called the regulus of antimony and fulphur. In order to procure the regulus, the firſt thought that would occur to a chemiſt is, are there no cheap ſubſtances, that would have a greater at- traction to the fulphur than the regulus has, which, when added to the antimony, would take away the fulphur, and leave the regulus pure ? By inſpecting the table of attractions, he would foon be ſatisfied there is, and from theſe he would ſelect the cheapeſt; but cannot we drive off the fulphur with heat, and thus get the regu- R 122 CHEMICAL AND lus ? No, for experiment will alſo ſhew us that the regulus will fly off as ſoon as the fulphur will. Having then found the cheapeſt ſubſtances with which we can decompoſe crude antimony, we muſt reflect on the method ; it cannot be done by ſolution, as the ſalts are decompoſed, for, nci- ther the antimony, nor any of the ſubſtances to be uſed, are ſoluble in water, the only cheap fluid, in fuch experiments; and it is a chemical axiom, “that bodies do not act chemically upon each other, unleſs they are diffolved.” But heat applied to crude antimony in a cloſe veſſel is able to diſolve it, or, what is the ſame thing in che- miſtry, to fuſe or melt it, without ſeparating any of its parts; not if we add to the melted anti- mony any ſubſtance having a greater attraction to the fulphur, provided it alſo be capable of fu- fion, we ſhall have the regulus left tolerably pure, therefore this is the common proceſs. Take any quantity of coarſely powdered anti- mony, and one fourth of its weight of powdered ſea ſalt, put them, in a crucible furniſhed with a cover, into a furnace that will raiſe a confider- able degree of heat; as ſoon as the crucible ap- pears of a bright red colour, add as much by weight of ſmall nails (iron being a ſubſtance having a greater aitraction to the fulphur) as the antimony put in; cover up the crucible, and let it ſtand on the fire a few minutes longer; it may be then taken out, and ſtruck gently while cooling, that the regulus may the better get to the bottom; when cold, the regulus will be found at the bottom, and the ſcoria, or drofs, adhering above it, from which it may be ſepa - rated by the ſtroke of an hammer. The regulus ECONOMICAL 123 ESSAYS. thus obtained is pretty pure. I have made regu- lus equally good, by ſubſtituting an article other- wiſe uſeleſs, for the nails, which will much di- miniſh the price of the regulus, I mean the re- fuſe clippings of tin, univerſally thrown away by our tin-men in this city; theſe could be obtained for a trifle given to their boys to ſave them, and the nails will coſt ten pence or a fhilling per pound, which makes the regulus come ſo high, that it will be made by that proceſs to conſider- able loſs; thus, by ſubſtituting even half the weight of theſe clippings of tin for the iron, and conducting the proceſs as laid down above, we obtain a regulus equally pure, and nearly at one half the expence. I have made it in this way fe- yeral times, and can venture to affert that there are few proceſſes in chemiſtry more eaſy, and in which ſucceſs is more uniformly certain. I am told that the type-founders in and near this city frequently find it very difficult to pro- cure the regulus of antimony at any rate; I would recommend theſe to make ſome expe- riment for themſelves; for I am confident, that in a good large iron pot, well lined with the ma- terials of which the crucibles are made ( clay and fand) and firſt made red hot, fixty or ſeventy pounds might be made in the ſpace of four or five hours. As it requires a commercial knowledge to ſay from whence the crude anti- mony is to be imported at the cheapeſt rate, and is not concerned with the ſubject of theſe eſſays, I ſhall not enter into it. The regulus, when broken, fhews a ſtar like appearance on its ſurface, and this the type- founders and other artiſts hold to be an infallible 124 CHEMICAL AND fi n of its purity ; but, I think it is errroneous, for I have ſeveral times had ipecimens of very pure regulus, which did not ſhew this ſtar-like appearance, though upon being melted, and fuf- fered to cool again, it had the ſtarry chryftalliza- tion; and I am far from being certain that the regulus would not have this ſtarry appearance, even when ſtill combined with a little fulphur. The common falt, as it acts merely mechani- cally, by being in a fluid ſtate, and lighter than the other ingredients, ſwims on the top, and thus may tend to prevent the antimony from fly- ing off with the heat. ECONOMIC AL ESSAY S. 123 ESSAY XI. FE The proceſs of making PRUSSIAN BLUE, with facts and ob- Jervations on the theory. EW facts have engaged the attention of che- miſts more than the theory and preparation of this wonderful paint; it indeed preſents us with what is called a chemical miracle, that is, two colourleſs tranſparent fluids, immediately af ter mixture, aſſume a dark blue colour. But, before we enter into the theory of the operation, let us attentively conſider the proceſs itſelf, and lay down what we ſuppoſe the moſt economical method of making it. It conſiſts in heating a mixture of certain animal ſubſtances, as dried ox blood, bones, horns, and ſome others, with a fixed alkali, (pot-aſh] in the manner here- after deſcribed. It has been found, that almoſt any animal ſub- ſtance may be uſed for this purpoſe; but, for å variety of reaſons, I would prefer bones: they can be procured more conveniently; they require no previous boiling to render them folid, as blood does; and they contain more uſeful matter in a ſmaller bulk, which a manufacturer will find to be of no ſmall importance, One of the chief advantages of a chemical ma- nufactory is, that nothing is loft. To procure ſpirits of hartſhorn for medicinal purpoſes, bones are diſtilled; the bones, after this proceſs, pro- vided they are black, are as fit, or perhaps even better, for the preparation of Pruſſian blue, than ox-blood, or even bones, themſelves, in their freſh ftate: they are more pulverable, and conſequent- 126 CHEMICAL AND ly more eaſy to be combined with any other fub- ftance. They are, in this ſtate, to be procured at a very low price, perhaps for the trouble of hauling them away, as ſeveral hundred cart-loads have been thrown away, within a year, near the city of Philadelphia. I believe that any of our readers, who ſhall be inclined to make this article, will find the fol- lowing the cheapeſt and moſt caly proceſs, and which I can recommend from many actual expe- riments. Take fix pounds of powdered black bones; mix them well with one pound of pot aih; preſs them cloſely into an iron pot, which ought to be covered with an iron cover, well plaiftered with clay or earth: let the whole be expoſed to a bright red heat, during the ſpace of three or four hours. After ſuffering it to cool, it ſhould be taken out, all its ſoluble parts diffolved in hot water, and made clear by ſtraining through flan- nel. If we would wiſh the blue to be of the very beſt quality (in which caſe the quantity will be proportionably leſs) we pour into this liquor Spirit of ſalt, or oil of vitriol, until we obſerve no more boiling, or hiſling noiſe, on the freſh ad- dition of it: we then pour the whole into a fo- lution of only half a pound of green vitriol in two gailons of water. If we wiſh to have a lighter blue, we add a leſs quantity of the ſpirit of ſalt, or oil of vitriol, to the liquor from the bones, in which caſe we add a quarter of a pound of allum to the ſolution of the green vitriol; we then mix a little of the two liquors in a phi- al, and if the colour is too light, we add more of the ſpirit; if it is to our mind, we mix the ECONOMICAL 127 ESSAYS. whole together as before. In the inſtant of mix- ture, the two liquors, which were before colour- leſs and tranſparent, become of an opake blue, darker or lighter, according as the firſt or ſecond, direction has been followed; in a few hours, the blue fecula fubfides, and leaves a tranſparent li- quor on the top, which may be thrown away: the ſediment muſt be ſtirred up with clean hot water, and then ſuffered again to ſubſide: this muſt be repeated ſeven or eight times, and then be filtred through paper and dried on a large cake of chalk. The other part of the proceſs is fo mechanical, that I am certain it will occur to any experimentaliſt who ſhall ever undertake it. Ithall now only hint at fome advantages which may be obtained from a manufactory of Pruffian blue, in large quantities. Bones may be ground with no trouble, and very little expence to the workman, by thoſe who grind the plaifier of Fa- ris: large iron pots might be uſed, and a num- ber of them filling and being filled whilſt one or more was calcining in the furnace, a freſh one might be put into it as foon as the other was done, without ſuffering the fire to go out. Mr. Macquer, who made many valuable expe- riments upon this fubje&t, has found that a double clective attraction takes place between the ley drawn from the bones, the pot-aſh, and the green vitriol; and that whilft the alkali tends to unite with the * vitriolic acid of the green vitriol, a Something united to the ley or alkali, at the fame time leaves the alkali, and unites with the earth * We will juſt repcat here, that copperas (called alſo green vi rial) is a compound of vitriolic acid and iron. 128 CHEMICAL AND of iron contained in the green vitriol, which two laſt ingredients are the proximate or imme- diate conſtituent parts of Pruſſian blue : this ſomething, whatever it may be, certainly gives the colour to the earth of iron, and this he mo- deſtly calls the colouring matter of Pruſſian blue, and, from theoretical principles, he ſuppoſed this was # phlogiſton; hence he afterwards called the alkali thus impregnated, the phlogiſticated alkali; to this hypotheſis the ſame ingenious au- thor who famed it, raiſed fome ſtriking objec- tions, but not fufficient in his opinion to overturn it, and having none better to offer, he was in- clined to fupport it. He extended his experiments ſtill further; he proved that vegetable alkali, boiled with Pruſſian blue, was able to attra&t the colouring matter from it, and thus to decompoſe it, making an artificial phlogiſticated alkali; whilſt the calx or earth of iron, in the Pruſſian blue, remained like ruft in the veſſel ; by adding to this new mixture Come green vitriol, he was able to regenerate a very pure Pruſſian blue, upon the ſame principles as already explained. We are told, by Mr. Fourcroy, that a Mr. Sage preſented a memoir to a certain literary fo- ciety, on the phlogiſticated alkali, in which he ſuppoſes it conſiſts of a fixed alkali and phosphoric ecid: before we proceed further, I will juſt men- tion that many animal ſubſtances contain a cer- tain acid, which, treated in a particular manner, yields a ſubſtance capable of burning when only expoſed to the air, and this is called phoſphorus, See Efkay VIII. on the calcination of metals for ideas of this principle. ECONOMICAL ESSAY S. 129 and the acid capable of yielding it is properly enough called phoſphoric acid. But Mr. Sage is not altogether accurate in his remarks on this fubject; we have now in this city ſuch a falt, conſiſting of a fixed alkali and this acid, called ſoda phoſphorata ; but a ſolution of this falt, added to a ſolution of green vitriol, will not yield a blue, but a white colour; and we conclude, with the above-mentioned author, that his theory cannot be admitted. Meff. Bergman and Scheele, in a variety of moſt beautiful experiments, to which I refer the cu- rious reader, have proved that this colouring matter is an acid, and conſequently that the phlo- giſticated alkali is a neutral falt, conſiſting of a fixed alkali and the acid which he with great pro- priety calls the acid of Pruſſian blue. Mr. Berg- man conjectures that the acid is compoſed of aerial acid, (fixed air] volatile alkali, and phlo- gifton, but I ſhall venture to offer my doubts on this head. In the preparation of Pruffian blue, we find that every ſubſtance, containing phosphoric acid and volatile alkali, and is capable of burning, or (as a theoriſt would expreſs it) that contains phlo- giſton, are proper for the purpoſe. I have not been able to find any animal matter that had not the firſt and laſt ſubſtances in its compoſition, that could be made to yield Pruſſian blue, and experiments ſeem to fhew that the volatile alkali is not eſſential to ſucceſs. Ox bile, according to Fourcroy, diſtilled in Woulfe's apparatus, yields concrete volatile alkali (the falt formed by aeriak acid and pure volatile alkali) and inflammable S 130 CHEMICAL AND air (the phlogiſton of Bergman) with a conſi derable quantity of uncombined aerial acid, which Fourcroy always calls cretaceous acid. Here then we find all the principles which Berg- man ſuppoſes to be neceſſary to make his Pruſſian acid, but I believe every chemiſt will fall ſhort of ſucceſs, if he ſubſtitutes ox bile for dried blood, &c. in his proceſs for making Pruffian blue. I have twice attempted it, but in vain: and in further confirmation of the uncertainty of this method, we renark, that if ox bile is dried firſt, and treated in the way that is neceſſary to obtain phoſphoric acid from other animal matters which yield it, yet it will not afford one particle of it. To obtain fatisfaction reſpecting the theory, I inſtituted the following experiments. Experiment I. A quantity of bullocks bones were ſubmitted to diſtillation in an iron retort, to which a glaſs receiver was fixed, with a ſmall quantity of an alkaline ſolution in it, to catch and retain the acid of Pruſſian blue if it came over, but nothing was obtained but ſome fætid oil, and a ſpirit much reſembling the ſpirits of hartfhorn, for after putting as much acid to the fluid in the receiver as would be ſufficient to neu- tralize it, and adding it to a folution of green vi- triol, I got no Pruſſian blue, therefore the acid muſt itill remain with the bones in the retort. Experiment II. Part of the charred bones, when cold, were taken from the retort, and treated, to yield Pruffian blue, in the manner deſcribed in the firſt part of this eſſay, and with the ſucceſs there mentioned. Experiment. III. Some more of the charred ECONOMICAL 131 ESSA YS. bones were burnt in an open fire, till they were perfectly white; part of theſe were powdered and mixed with one ſixth part of their weight of pot-aſh, and heated in a crucible as above, and treated in a manner proper to yield Pruſſian blue, but not even the ſmalleſt quantity was difcern- able: hence it is evident that bones, when con- verted from a black to a white ſtate, loſe ſome- thing eſſential to the formation of Pruſſian blue. I formed a conjecture that theſe black bones in burning loft only their phlogiſton, as moſt other inflammable bodies do ; if ſo, it appeared pro- bable that merely by reſtoring phlogiſton to the white bones, I ſhould be able to make it yield the acid of Pruflian blue. Experiment IV. The ſame materials as uſed in the laſt experiment were treated in the ſame manner as before, except the addition of a little powdered charcoal; but when I came to add ſome acid to part of the mixture, a ſmell like burnt gunpowder iſſued from it, or, as authors call it, an hepatic ſmell; but, when added to the green vitriol, it made no blue colour; to the reſt of the mixture I added ſome green vitri- ol, without any acid, but this only made a brown colour: chagrined at this experiment, which I thought proved nothing, the phial containing the laſt mixture ſtood in a cloſet for two or three weeks, and one day, as I was juſt going to empty the contents, I obſerved the ſediment at the bot- tom of a greeniſh blue colour; I was much pleaſed with the fight, and added a few drops of oil of vitriol to it, for a very obvious reaſon to the theoriſt, and found the colour changed inſtantly to a fine dark blue, which I thought was the moſt 132 CHEMICAL AND beautiful I had ever beheld. This experiment I thought rendered it probable that the Pruffian àcid conſiſted of phlogiſton and ſomething con- tained in the white earth of bones. Now bones, when burnt white, contain a pure lime, and the peculiar acid which we have mentioned, viz. the phosphoric ; therefore it would ſeem that the proximate parts are phlogiſton and the acid of phoſphorus, as the lime is entirely paflive in this proceſs. I will not tire the reader with an ex- planation of the fingular event related above, though ſufficiently eaſy. Experiment V. The laſt experiment, I ſhall mention, is one in which I tried to confirm my ideas on this ſubject by a pure ſyntheſis ; for this purpoſe I procured ſome pure * phoſphoric acid, combined it with pot aſh and charcoal, and heating it in a crucible gave it a fair chance to yield the Pruſſian blue; it did yield Some Pruffian blue, but the quantity was much ſmaller than I thought I had reaſon to expect. From theſe ob- fervations, I ventured to give it as my opinion, that the colouring matter of Pruſſian blue is an acid compounded of the phoſphoric acid and phlogiſton, bearing the ſame analogy to phof- phorus, that the pblogiſticated vitriolic acid bears to ſulphur. However true or falſe this theory may be found to be, upon more mature experiment, I am pleaſed to have in niy poffeffion two facts, that I conceive will tend greatly to illuſtrate it if true. Some time ago, a gentleman in New-jer- fey fhewed me a ſpecimen of a natural blue pig- * See Fourcroy, 2d Edition, vol. IV. for the proceſs. ECONOMICAL ESSA Y S. 133 ment which he found, as a cruſt on a ſtone which he dug out of the earth; he obſerved, that when firft dug up it had a white colour, but upon ex- poſure to air, it aſſumed the blue colour; this I make no doubt was a native Pruffian blue, and I have further to remark, that it was found in a part of the country where the iron pyrites are very plenty; the iron we can account for, but whence is derived the phoſphoric acid, that we hold to be fo eſſentially neceſſary? I anſwer by relating my ſecond fact obtained from Profeſſor Bergman: he found, in all caſt iron, an hetero- geneous ſubſtance, which gave the peculiar brittle- neſs to that metal, by a number of very ingeni- ous proceſſes, he was able to obtain this fub. ſtance, as may be ſeen in his works ; at firſt it appeared to him to be a new metal, and for cer- tain reaſons he called it SIDERITE; a celebrated Mr. Meyer, a German chemiſt, has analyzed the fiderite of Bergman, and found it to conſiſt of a pure iron and the acid of phoſphorus, and his analyſis is, I believe, allowed to be juſt by all his cotemporaries; but I have great reaſon to fup- poſe that fiderite is a compound of iron and phof- phorus itſelf, in the ſame manner as the iron py: rites is a compound of iron and fulphur, hence the ſiderite might be called phoſphoric pyrites: however, the fact is, it is ſtill applicable to our purpoſe, and our idea is, that the iron gives a fufficiency of phlogiſton to the acid of phoſpho- rus, to conſtitute it the Pruffian acid, or, if you chooſe, the phlogiſticated phoſphoric acid, which united to the iron is the Pruſſian blue itſelf. It is in confirmation of this idea that all native iron ever yet found is ſuppoſed by chemiſts to contain fiderite. 134 OCH EMICAL AND ESSAY XII. The proceſs of making PATENT YELLOW, with neceſſary cautions and directions. TH HIS is a very beautiful, and perhaps a du- rable pigment, it was firſt diſcovered, as it is ſaid, by Mr. Turner of London, who got a patent for the fole making and vending it, but I have great reaſon to believe it was known before to the illuſtrious Scheele of Sweden, from whom Mr. Turner received the idea. Some time ſince the recipe for preparing it has got abroad, and it has actually been made by ſeveral people in this city, by following the directions laid down in a news- paper; ſeveral ſuppoſed that this recipe came from me, becauſe it was known that by a chemi- cal analyſis I had been able to aſcertain the com- ponent parts of it, and of conſequence to make it, but I have a very particular reaſon to declare, publicly, that I never printed any proceſs for making it, whatever. The proceſs there deſcribed, which I believe is the original one, conſiſts in grinding lithaige, red lead, or any other calx of lead, with one half its weight of ſea ſalt to which a ſmall quan- tity of water only is added, it is then ſuffered to ſtand for ſome time, perhaps twenty-four hours, in which time the calx of lead will be changed to a white colour, then a conſiderable quantity of water is to be poured on, and the white maſs well ſtirred up; after ſettling, the liquor ſwim- ming above it is to be poured off, which may be ſaved, as it contains ſomething valuable; the waſhing thus repeated four or five times, or un- til the clear liquor is quite taſteleſs; we have a white maſs, much reſembling flacked lime, mix ECONOMIC A L ESSAYS. 135 ed into a paſte with water, and we are only to dry this before it is fit for the laſt part of the pro- ceſs, which conſiſts in melting the white powder, in a proper vefſel. Theſe are all the directions that I have ever yet ſeen made public; to a che- miſt the hints here might be fufficient, but I affert them to be very inadequate to procure ſucceſs, when attempted to be realized by others, part of the proceſs expreſſes too much, and every part but the fuſion is attended with obvious inconve. niences, which I ſhall point out. But firſt, if you pleaſe, we will theorize a little upon the proceſs, and I hope the eſſay on the attractions will prepare fuch of my readers for it as have not been previouſly verſed in chemical enquiries. The calces of lead, all have a tendency to combine chemically with acids, or, or, in other words, they have an attraction to them; when we combine fea ſalt and calx of lead together, a fingle elective attraction takes place; the marine acid unites with the calx of lead forming the white maſs above mentioned, whilſt the foſſil al- kali (the other principle of fea falt) is left un- combined; the firſt thought that would ſtrike us here is that the grand defideratum fpoken of in our third eſſay is here diſcovered, viz. a decompo- ſition of ſea ſalt, to obtain its alkaline baſe; but it does not come up to our ideas, for very obvi- ous reaſons. Here we ſee that the proximate principles of patent yellow are marine acid and a calx of lead, hence, when I diſcovered it by a chemical analyſis, I could only find that out, be- ing ſtill quite ignorant of the particular proceſs, which, however, afterwards occurred to me, 136 CHEMICAL AND from a theory which I ſhall not trouble the read er with We have to remark, on the above recipe, that it preſcribes any calx of lead; it may be right; but I never could make it from any calx of lead but litharge, and this is the calx that I would al- ways recommend to be uſed for the purpoſe : further, I do not admire the idea of uſing fea falt to obtain the marine acid from, as I think it much better to uſe the pure marine acid for the purpoſe, although at firſt fight two advantages would ſeem to ariſe from ufing ſea falt. iſt. It is cheaper, and more economical. 2d. The foſlil alkali reſulting from it will be of uſe afterwards. But a great deal of experience, as far as mere experiments can go, inſtructs me, iſt. That if the manufacturer of patent yellow would make his own marine acid, according to the proceſs laid down in the Edinburgh Diſpen- ſatory, the Glauber's falt reſulting from the pro- ceſs will make it as cheap a method as uſing the fea falt. 2d. The foffil alkali will be found to be of tri- fing conſequence; a pound of litharge yielded me but little more than an ounce and a half of foffil alkali, and even were the proportion great- er, I know of but very few uſes to which it can be applied, as being combined with ſome fmall quantity of lead, it muſt always be a fufpicious and perhaps a dangerous article. I have another objection to that proceſs: from ECONOMICAL ESSAY S. 137 experience, I find that in waſhing the white maſs the operator will unavoidably get a great deal of it on his hands, which, long continued, would expoſe him to the utmoſt danger of paralytic af- fections : and this with perſons of ſente will no no doubt be a very weighty one. The laſt objection is that there is no mention made, or cautions given refpeting the veſſel in which it is to be fufed, which is alſo of great conſequence; I hope therefore that the following proceſs will at leaſt be free from all theſe objec- tions, which I have often tried, and always with fuccefs. Take two ounces of ſpirits of ſea ſalt [marine acid] made according to the proceſs laid down in the Edinburgh Diſpenſatory, and one pound of litharge, juſt mix them, and fuſe them, in a proper veljel, in any good furnace capable of ex- citing a great heat, for which purpoſe, our fur- nace as delineated in theſe eſfays anſwers ex- tremely well; the greateſt difficulty I found was in getting a proper veſſel, for the land crucibles it is true will anſwer, but they will ſtand one heat only, and ſome of them not even that, with- out breaking, conſequently to uſe them would add conſiderably to the expenſe of making it; black lead crucibles promiſed in theory much bet- ter ſucceſs, but theſe turn the pigment into a dark brown maſs; iron I thought would un- doubtedly do, but for a pound of litharge put into an iron pot, and fuſed, I got thirteen ounces or more of a very pure lead; this I can account for, but it will take room unneceſſarily; a fourth attempt fucceeded----I procured a ſmall iron T 138 CHEMICAL AND mortar, holding about a pint, and lined it with a mixture of four parts ſand and one of clay, mixed up with water, and made it white hot in the furnace, before I put the ingredients for the paint into it, and this kind of veſſel anſwered my purpoſe effe&tually. I adviſe an operator never to ſtir his ingredients whilft in fuſion with any iron inſtrument, but to beware of iren throughout the whole proceſs as he values the delicacy of his pigment. As the ſpirit of ſalt, however carefully made, may vary very much as to its ſtrength, ſo the quantity above directed will not always be ex- actly right; but when the pigment appears to verge too much to the oras ge colour, more of the fpirit of falt muſt be added to it; if the colour is too light, and partakes in ſome meaſure of a green, which however is thought to give a deli- cacy to the pigment, for which it is much ad- mired, the colour may be corrected by a little more litharge. Here the operator will find great advantage in the blow-pipe, for by fuſing a ſmall quantity of his ingredients in a filver tea-fpoon with the flame of a candle thrown upon it, he can aſcertain the colour it will have after fufion, and if neceſſary he can corre& it before he fuſes it. The method of uſing the blow-pipe muſt be learnt by experience. It muſt ſurprize us to find the patent yellow ſtill imported, when it could be made here by any workman who uſes great fires, with but lit- tle time and attention, without neglecting any other buſineſs. Whoever wiſhes to make it here would do well to imitate the Engliſh as much as poflible; he ſhould not alter it in colour, even if ECONOMIC AL ESSAY S. 139 he could improve it, for I found that fuch of my ſpecimens, of the patent yellow only, were ad- mired by our painters, which reſembled the Engliſh, whilſt one in particular, which, by un- prejudiced men of taſte, was thought far fupe- rior to the imported, they eſteemed but little : nay, if poſſible, I would even caft it in moulds exactly like theirs, and, in fact, I would conccal it from as many as I could that it was made in America. I bluſh for my country, when I con- feſs that the rage for imported articles has not yet fubfided ; and a rational chemiſt, eſpecially, will ſmile when he ſhall be informed, that many inſiſt upon it that American Glauber's falt will not operate as powerfully as that made in Eu- rope. . I forgot to add, in its proper place, that when the paint is fuſed in the crucibles or iron pot, it is to be poured out into proper moulds made of clay, and when cold, the proceſs is entirely finiſhed. It is of ſome conſequence to mention that I learnt the compoſition by following the princi- ples mentioned in Eſſay IX. on the analyſis of Qres. 140 CHEMICAL AND ESSAY XIII. T it may Sulphur, American Pyrites, Copperas. Hints of improvements .. in making VITRIOLIC Acid from ſulphur. HE obtaining fulphur from the ore is un- doubtedly a chemical operation, and is therefore juſtly a ſubject of our inveſtigation; theſe ores, I know, exiſt plentifully in the neigh- bouring States, and I have no doubt, either will be, or have been diſcovered in all the United States; the ore moſt commonly uſed for this purpoſe in ſeveral parts of Europe, and eſpeci- ally in Italy, is the pyrites, which is a native com- bination of fulphur and iron. As fulphur, is evapo- rable like water, if heated in veſſels accurately de- fended from the contact of the common air, ſo be diſtilled from theſe pyrites like water can from fubſtances which contain it, and it can be collected like it, unchanged, in any veſſels adapted to the purpoſe. My readers will no doubt be pleaſed with viewing for themſelves, a plate of a furnace and other apparatus, very well adapted to anſwer the purpoſe of manufacturing fulphur in the large way, publiſhed in the Columbian Magazine. It remains to be enquired whether in the pre- ſent ſtate of arts and manufactures in America, a manufactory of ſulphur ought to be recommend- ed or encouraged. This is a queſtion that ought to be decided by a perſon much my fuperior, but when we conſider what a very low price ful- phur is ſold for, perhaps eighteen or twenty ſhillings per hundred weight, how little can be obtained in the courſe of a day, without very large works for the purpoſe, and the expence of ECONOMICAL 141 ESSAY S. fael, which is daily growing dearer in all thick fettled parts of America, we ſhall have reaſon to ſuppoſe that it can never be individually or ge- nerally uſeful to erect manufactories of ſulphur, and more especially, when we reflect how ſmall a quantity of it is uſed in America, and that there are but very few manufactories, likely to be eſtabliſhed among us, in which fulphur will be a neceſſary article. In our eſſay on combuſtion we have hinted that fulphur is a compound, of a certain ſubſtance common to it and all other infiammable bodies, called phlogiſton, and of an acid which is found in the ſubſtance called green vitriol or copperas, (known by the name of acid of vitriol) nor need we be ſurpriſed at the ſtrange alteration of fen- fible properties which takes place in the mixture of theſe two ingredients, when we turn our at- tention to fome equally ftrange, or perhaps more ſo, in the illuſtrations of the attractions. The iron pyrites (which alone are alluded to here) are reckoned by authors to be of very great variety; theſe varieties are only to be al. certained by natural hiſtory, and by no means by chemiſtry, for they chiefly relate to their appear- ances as diſcoverable by the eye, ſuch as their figure, whether cubic, globular, &c. or their colour, whether braſſy, brown, yellow, or black. I have ſeen the cubic pyrites which in this inſtance is black, and called by ſome people the Lancaſter Jack-ſtones, and another variety, found very plen- tifully in New- Jerſey, of a ſhining appearance, when broken, like bell-metal, called, by many people there, braſs ſtones, copperas ſtones, mar- cafite, &c. 142 CHEMICAL AND When theſe pyrites are expoſed to the air for ſome length of time, a double decompoſition happens, which we can eaſily imitate by art, the phlogiſton of the fulphur tends to unite naturally with the pure air of the atmoſphere, as we have more fully explained in the eſſay on combuſtion, and this tendency is much favoured by the at- traction which the vitriolic acid of the folphur has to combine with the iron of the pyrites; this is the cauſe of the ſplitting of the pyrites, and the froſt-like covering that they often put on; we can imitate the pyrites, by an artificial mixture of iron filings and fulphur, which produces the fame effect upon air as combuſtion, and it is de- compoſed in the ſame manner as the pyriies: when the phlogilton of the fulphur is united to the air, and the other principle of it (its vitrio- lic acid) is united to the iron of the pyrites, theſe two laft ingredients form a ſubſtance very well known and very uſeful in a great many arts, called copperas, known alſo by the name of green vitriol and martial vitriol. Any perſon who has attentively read the eſſay on combuſtion, however ignorant of the princi- ples of chemiſtry, would anticipate me in pro- poſing combuſtion as a readier way of decompo- ſing the fulphur in the pyrites, and of diſenga- ging the phlogiſton; for the decompoſition which happens in the open air is ſo flow as to be totally unproductive, and the pyrites, which muſt be previouſly burnt) I believe are the fubftances now generally uſed in all countries, for obtain- ing fulphur. It may perhaps be proper, in this place, to ſtep aſide from chemiſtry to economy, to conſider ECONOMICAL 143 ESSAY S. whether (opperas is a proper object of manufac- ture in America. And here I would beg leave to remark, that but very few of the diffuaſive rea- fons above mentioned, reſpecting fulphur, operate here ; it is true, it is but a very cheap article, but then a given quantity of pyrites I am certain will yield three times as much, at the loweſt computation, of green vitriol, as they will of fulphur, in leſs time, with leſs expence, and by perſons of leſs chemical knowledge, than would be required to conduct a manufactory of fulphur: the demand for green vitriol muſt riſe with the growth of our cloth manufactories, as it is an indiſpenſable eſſential in dying, and is very uſe- ful in ſeveral other branches of trade. To fhew the fimplicity of the proceſs of making green vitriol, I ſhall give it to my readers in the familiar relation of an experiment, which I my- ſelf have made. I procured, by means of a friend, twenty or perhaps twenty-five pounds of the iron pyrites, from the State of New-Jerſey; theſe I roaſted, or rather burnt, by putting al- ternate layers of them and charcoal in a furnace much like the one deſcribed in Effay I; I ſet the charcoal on fire, and ſuffered the whole mafs to burn as long as it would; this was about five or fix hours; after they were cool, I poured a few gallons of boiling water upon them, in a tub, in order to diffolve all the copperas formed by the combuſtion; the clear liquor was then evapo- rated, until I had reaſon to believe that I had got, what I have called in the eſſay on chryſtalliza- tion, an hot faturated folution of the copperas ; I then ſet it in the open air to cool, and obtained a conſiderable proportion of fine green chryſtals 144 CHEMICAL AND of copperas; the exact quantity I did not deter- mine at the time. That the ſcheme is very ſimple and practicable, I can eaſily convince any perſon of, by the fol- lowing relation. In Lancaſter county, in this State, and about twelve miles from the town of Lancaſter, a mine was dug by a company of miners, who ſuppoſed that there was a large body of copper ore there; in the courſe of their ſearch, they threw up a pro- digious quantity of the pyrites, which lay ſcat- tered about the ground for ſeveral years, as uſe- leſs: the copper mine being unproductive, the whole ſcheme was abandoned, and the mine was left unnoticed : during the war, however, when copperas was very dear, and ſcarcely to be ob- tained at all, an old miner, who lived near the mine, conceived the idea of making copperas from theſe pyrites, which he accompliſhed, and made a conſiderable ſum of money by it: foon after the peace, he was going to move off the place, and for the benefit of ſelling his little ap- paratus to advantage, he communicated his pro- ceſs to two country lads, who continue to make it occaſionally. They take a quantity of the pyrites, and heap them carelessly upon a row of ſticks of wood, ſupported by ſtones, in the ſame manner as the andirons ſupport the wood on an hearth; they then lay another layer of wood acroſs theſe pyri- tes, and ſo keep adding layer upon layer, imitating in ſome meaſure a number of croſs bars laying upon each other, until they put as much of the pyrites on as they think proper ; the wood is then ECONOMICAL 245 ESSAYS. ſet on fire, and requires no further attendance: the combuſtion ſometimes goes on by means of the fulphur for two or three days, and by that time the maſs is fit for the next part of the pro- ceſs: they put the burnt pyrites into a wooden caſk, holding about thirty or forty gallons, and fill it about two thirds full, with them; the reſt is filled up with water; after ſtanding a while, the liquor, now ſtrongly impregnated with copperas, is drawn from the bottom of the caſk, by means of a plug-hole exactly in the ſame manner as the ſoap-boilers make their ley this copperas-ley they boil down in a little lec den boil- er, holding perhaps fifteen gallons, and they fup- ply the waſte by adding niore of the ley, and when a ſmall thin cruſt forms on the top of the hot liquor, they withdraw the fire, and ſuffer it to cool, and from this quantity of materials, they collect thirty pounds of as pure copperas as per- haps was ever made in any country. The whole of this proceſs (except the burning the pyrites) is performed in a ſmall ſtone building, ſcarce eight feet high and ten feet ſquare, and, except the building, the utenlils were ſcarcely worth three pounds; the trouble was ſo ſmall, and the attention required, ſo trifling, that there two lads only dedicated that time to the making of copperas, which they ſnatched from the toils of managing a large farm, and I have certain ac- counts that the whole proceſs never required more than three or four hours of their time. If ſuch a quantity can be made, under all theſe diſadvantages, how profitable might ſuch a ma- nufacture be to a perſon who could dedicate all U 146 CHEMICAL AND his time to it, and with the ſmall expence of en- creaſing the fize of the manufactory ten fold, which would be very far from encreaſing the difficulty in the like proportion: and if twelve cords of wood can be fo applied, in a lime kiln, as to keep ſeven hundred buſhels of lime red bot for three days and three nights, how cheaply might the pyrites be burnt in a well conſtructed kiln, feeing it is not neceſſary to apply the heat above a few hours, as the pyrites afford materi- als for their own combuſtion ; if, to all theſe ad- vantages, a ſituation favourable for a water car- riage to a market, it appears to me very proba- ble, that with but very little hazard and expence, a very profitable manufactory might be erected: ſuch a fituation, I think, may be found on the river Delaware, and no doubt upon many other navigable waters of the United States. A num- ber of other facts might be mentioned to encou- rage ſuch a deſign, but I truſt I need not enlarge upon them in this place : one great objection is already ſet aſide, and that is the difficulty, for, furely no perſon will make that plea, when it has been managed with ſucceſs by two fuch lads. I will juſt add to theſe obſervations, on the manufa&ure of copperas, that the pyrites, after being waſhed, will yield a very beautiful purple pigment, if calcined in the open air, and waſhed afterwards; I have found it almoſt as fine as the crocus martis of the ſhops. That ſulphur at leaſt is fome how or other an acid after combuſtion, is eaſily demonſtrable; we take a piece of paper died with the tincture of turnſole, or with any of thoſe purple fruits or ECONOMICAL 147 ESSAYS. Powers, which we have obſerved are change- able to a red by acids, this being wet, we hold it over the fumes of fulphur in the ſtate of a vivid combuſtion, and the paper will inſtantly be changed from a blue or purple colour to a bright red; an infallible mark with us of the preſence of an acid; if then the fumes of fulphur are in themſelves acid, if they could be condenſed, we ſhould certainly obtain its acid, and this would be a cheap ſubſtance to obtain that peculiar acid which ſome years ago was chiefly obtained from green vitriol. This has been done to the great advantage of a variety of arts: for a defcrip- tion of the method of obtaining it by means of burning fulphur in large glaſs veſſels, with a cer- tain quantity of nitre, and the further improve- ment of the proceſs, by fubftituting chambers lined with lead to veſſels of glaſs, I muſt refer my reader to the writings of Mr. Fourcroy, the preſent chemical compendium uſed in America. Nitre is an expenſive article in the proceſs, and could we do without it, the price would be much reduced. I have conſidered, that the chief effect to be obtained in the proceſs of making vitriolic acid from fulphur was, to produce a ra- pid combuſtion of ſulphur in cloſe veſſels, capable of confining and condenſing the vapours, without inter- fering with the combuſtion. As no infiammable body can burn long in confined air, ſtant ſupply of pure air fit for combuſtion is ne- ceſſary for this purpoſe ; nitre, as containing a great quantity of pure air, capable of being fet looſe or evolved in combuſtion, we remarked would anſwer, but it is expenſive; a ſimple and ſeemingly obvious contrivance immediately oc- curred to me, I mean the idea of ſupplying the a con 148 CHEMICAL AND air with a BELLOWS; this I am confident is to this day unnoticed by any author whole works have appeared in America. Without troubling my reader with my dif- ferent plans, I will juſt preſent him with two drawings, the firſt containing an apparatus con- trived for the purpoſe, with which I confeſs I did not ſucceed; the ſecond repreſents the plan of another, which I think I have reaſon to conſider as an improvement, which perhaps when tried, and ſome unforfeen diſadvantages of it remedied, would anſwer extremely well; all trials, how- ever, of this kind, muſt require time and ex- pence; and as I have now in ſome meaſure left chemiſtry as a profeſſion, I am willing to put any perſon into the path as far as I have trodden it, that he may not have the trouble of going the fame round himſelf; and if my reader ſhould happen to be a man unacquainted with chemiſtry, he may take up thisſubject where I am forced to leave it off. The three veſſels B C D are oil jars, holding about thirty gallons each, repreſented in the fi- gure as tranſparent, that we may ſee their con- tents; into a leaden pipe in the jar B the ſmiths bellows, furniſhed with a double valve is inſert- ed as in the figure, and cemented into it ſo as to be air tight; the extremity of this leaden pipe in the jar has a ſhoulder, as in the figure, which muſt direct the courſe of the air downward. At A there is an earthen veffel to be put of melted fulphur, and from the lid of the jar B there is a leaden pipe, of the form in the figure, entering pretty low down into the jar C, filled with water to the height repreſented in the figure, and ter- ECONOMICAL ESSA Y S. 149 minating after paſſing fome depth in the water, in the end of a watering pot, being pierced with a number of holes. From b there goes another leaden pipe, which enters the ſide of the jar D, terminating in the fame manner as the other pipe, but the mouth of this jar muſt be left open. . Having all things thus fixed, I put a quantity of fuſed fulphur into the veſſel a and ſet fire to it, afterwards cementing the cover of the jar B ſo as to be air tight; I immediately ſet the bellows to work, which blowing upon the fulphur kept it burning; the fumes of the fulphur roſe with the air, through the firſt leaden pipe, and deſcend- ed into the water in the jar C, where the ſurface of contact was much enlarged by the holes in the termination of that pipe; if any vapour was left without being abſorbed, it had to paſs into the jar D, where it ſtood another chance : but if any remained afterwards, in the ſtate of vapour, I was forced to let it paſs off through the mouth of the laſt jar. My objections to this apparatus are certainly weighty; the reſiſtance of the column of water in the two jars C and D greatly impede the work- ing of the bellows, and very violent exertions muſt be made to overcome that reſiſtance, other- wiſe the bellows cannot work at all; and I have found that it was neceſſary to put upwards of an hundred weight upon the bellows, before it work, and with frequent trials I have found that I could make the water ſenſibly acid, but I was convinced that this plan would not do. My improvement is, to have a ſmall iron ſtill, ſo fixed, by means of a proper furnace, that wa- 150 CHEMICAL AND ter in the ſtate of vapour might paſs into its pipe, near where it is to terminate in the jar C, oppo- ſite to the place where the bellows enter it; this pipe I would keep red bot, conſequently an im- menſe quantity of very forcible fteam would be inſtantly generated capable of overcoming the reſiſtance of the water in the other two jars. If it is found uſeful to ſubſtitute air obtained by means of a bellows, in manufacturing the oil of vitriol, I have no doubt that a bellows might be worked by means of ſteam, without any other #gent. ECONOMICAL 151 ESSAYS. ESSAY XIV. A UNCTUOUS OILS. SOAP, ſome curious fa&ts reſpecting it, its decompoſition by hard water. N unetuous oil comprehends all thoſe fub- ſtances, whether fiuid or folid, animal or vegetable, that have the peculiar feel called greaſy, that are infiammable, not evaporable by a boiling heat, and in their pure ſtate have little or no ſmell; this definition comprehends more than the common idea of an oil, for people, in general, only apply that term to ſuch oils as are Huid; but, as fluidity depends upon fo very trifling a circumſtance as a ſmall increment of heat, it can by no means be juftly confidered as effential to or characteriſtic of oils. All unctuous oils combine chemically with alka- line ſubſtances, eſpecially the fixed alkali, and form ſoaps. I ſay it is a chemical combination, though perhaps leſs perfect than ſome others, be- cauſe there is an alteration in the ſenſible proper- ties of the two component parts of the ſoap, for the alkali, or ley, has loſt its corroſive acrid taſte, and although the oil ftill appears ſomewhat greaſy to the feel, yet it is now rendered ſoluble in water, and has loſt the property of greaſing linen, or other things of that kind, for it will even take out greaſe ſpots from cloths very ef- fectually. The proceſs of making ſoap is ſufficiently fim- ple, and well known. A quantity of ley is made from wood aſhes, pot-afh, foda, or any other fixed alkaline ſalt, made ſtronger by quick-lime, the unctuous oil is added to it, and they are boil- ed together for ſome time, until the whole mix- $52 CHEMICAL AND ture appears of the conſiſtance of melted glue; if it is then taken off and ſet to cool, we have a ſoap very different in qualities, according to the alkali made uſe of; if the ley was made from wood-afhes, ſuch as the aſhes of oak and hickory wood, or from pot-afh, which contain only a ve- getable alkali, we invariably get ſoft foap, if foda was made uſe of, that is, the alkali got from the aſhes of plants growing near the ſea fhore, called the foffil or mineral alkali, we ſhall always get bard ſoap. About two years ago, I laid before the Medi- cal Society of this city a memoir on the forma- tion of hard ſoap, when the vegetable alkali is uſed, and there endeavoured to prove that when ſea ſalt was put into the ſoft ſoap, a double decom- poſition actually took place, contrary to the ideas of many perſons, and even of ſome che- miſts, who ſuppoſed, that as ſea ſalt required a conſiderable quantity of water for its folution, it took that water from the ſoft foap, and left it in the itate of hard ſoap; this ideal ſuppoſed at that time ito be entirely new, but I find that Mr. Nicholſon ntroduced it into the ſecond edition of his Syſtem of Philoſophy, which appeared in this city two months before I read my eſſay to the Medical Society, but I declare that I had not at that time ſeen that book: Mr. Nicholſon fuppoſes, that the ſea ſalt anſwers both the purpoſe of a double decompoſition and of drawing the water off from the ſoap, but I cannot agree with him in the laſt fuppoſition. When ſea ſalt is added to foft ſoap, a double elective attraction, and of courſe a double decompoſition, enſues; the marine acid of the ſea ſalt combines with the vegetable alkali ECONOMICA I. ESSA. Y S. 153 of the ſoft ſoap, and at the ſame inſtant gives up the foſil alkali, which it contains, to the unctum ous oil, which two laſt ſubſtances form bard ſoap; it is therefore the practice to add a certain quan- tity of the ſea ſalt to the ſoft ſoap when boiling, and when cold, the hard ſoap will form a cake, on the top of the kettle, or whatever veſſel it may have been boiled in. That ſuch a decompoſition of ſoft ſoap hap- pens, when ſea ſalt is added to it, and that the ſalt anſwers no other purpoſe than merely to give up its foſſil alkali to the oil, without which we ſuppoſe no hard ſoap can be formed, we think is certain from the following facts. ift. Becauſe hard ſoap cannot be formed by the direct combination of a vegetable alkali and an unctuous oil. 2d. Becauſe no falts, however ſoluble in wa- ter, which contain the vegetable alkali for their baſe, can ſupply the place of fea falt in making hard foap For this experiment, we have tried nitre, vi- triolated tartar, and digeſi'ive ſalt, which is the falt formed by the vegetable alkali and the acid of ſea ſalt. 3d. We conclude that all hard ſoap contains foſſil alkali, becauſe if we burn any hard ſoap, made by any means whatever, we ſhall deſtroy the oil of the ſoap only, whilſt its alkali is left pure ; if we combine the alkali thus obtained, with a little oil of vitriol mixed with water, and follow the directions laid down in our eſſay on X 154 CHEMICAL AND chryſtallization, to obtain the chryſtals of a falt, we ſhall obtain a falt poſſeſſing all the properties of Glauber's ſalt, which we know cannot be form- ed without a foſil alkali, which in this caſe muſt have come from the ſoap. 4th. If we are careful to add no more fea ſalt than is juſt ſufficient to decompoſe all the foft foap, (which is about a quarter of a pound to every pound of oil made uſe of) and ſave the li- quor which is under the hard ſoap, we ſhall find it will yield chryſtals, if treated properly, which chemically examined, will anſwer in every par. ticular to the characters given of the ſalt formed by the vegetable clkcli and marine acid. 5th. Hard ſoap is made in ſome countries in Europe by the direct combination of foſil alkali and an unctuous oil, without the leaſt addition of ſea ſalt or any other ſalt whatever; here then is no neceſſity for a falt to draw off the water. In this way it is that the Caſtile ſoap is ſaid to be made. 6th. We conclude alſo that a foffil alkali only is neceſſary for making the hard ſoap, becauſe we have actually found that even a ſolution of Glauber's Salt, which contains the one clkoli but cannot draw off any water, will anſwer all, the purpoſes of fea falt. And, laſtly, becauſe a ſolution of ſea ſalt inay Le fubftituted for the ſalt in fubftance, When ſoap is mixed with certain kinds of wa- ter, called hard waters, a decompoſition of it happens, and the oil or the fat being diſengaged, it fioats on the water, and is in a condition to ex- ert all the properties it had Lefore combination; ECONOMICAL ESSAY S. 153 hence it greaſes any thing that is wallied with it. The hardneſs of water is moſt commonly owing to two cauſes, either fixed air, or an earthy falt; and I have great reaſon to believe, that in this city, the fixed air, diffolved in water, is the moſt common cauſe. It is unneceſſary to offer any ar- guments, in the preſent improved ſtate of chemi. cal knowledge, to fhew that fixed air is an acid, and it is alſo equally well known that all acids have a greater attraction to all alkalies than oils have, hence the fixed air is able to unite with the alkali of the ſoap, and to leave its oil uncombined. Pump water contains the greateſt quantity of fixed air; and it is this kind of air, in the bottom of wells, that has ſometimes proved fatal to well- diggers, and extinguiſhes a candle lowered down into it; and as this air can be diſſolved in water, it is eaſy to conceive that it would make the wa- ter hard. That an acid in water can make it have the properties of hard water, we can illuſtrate very prettily; for a little vinegar which is acid will curdle foap-fuds in the fame manner exactly; that fixed air diffolved in water is acid we alſo know by the taſte of the artificial Pyrmont water, made frequently by many of our citizens. We would conclude, from theory, that whatever would deſtroy the acidity of the fixed air, would purify the hard water, and experiment proves our ſuppoſition right; for when rain, river, or ſpring water, from certain circumſtances, can- not be got, I have found that pot-aſh, added to common pump water, in the ſmall proportion of a quarter of a pound to twenty gallons, will make it as ſoft as any water whatever, and equally. uſeful for every purpoſe. 156 CHEMICAL AND When ſoap is decompoſed by fixed air, we faid that the fixed air and alkali united, and left the oil uncombined; theſe two ſubſtances then form a neutral falt, and hence we may conceive the cauſe of an error propagated by a Mr. Beau- ine, a French chemiſt, who ſuppoſed that BORAX is formed in ſoap water, when it is left expoſed to the air for a certain length of time. The af- fertion is inexplicable upon any theory ever yet accepted in chemiſtry. The air of our atmo- fphere we know contains a certain quantity of this fixed air, called alſo the aerialacid, and it is very conceivable that when ſoap water is expoſed long to the air, the aerial acid would by a fupe- rior attraction attach itſelf to the alkali, which, being a neutral falt, and chryſtallizing as the wa- ter evaporated, might give him the idea of borax being generated in it. The combination of the foſſil alkali and the aerial acid, chemiſts have agreed to call the aerated foſil alkali. I thought, however, that the affertion of Mr. Beaume, though improbable, was not impoſsible to be true, and therefore I thought it moſt ad- viſeable to make the experiment for myſelf. I therefore fet about two or three gallons of a ſtrong foap-water to undergo all the changes that the ſun and air could make upon it; I found it neceſſary to add frequently to it a little rain wa- ter, becauſe the evaporation went on quicker than the decompoſition; at the end of about three months, decompoſition had gone on to a great degree, as I found by the fat ſwimming on the ſurface of the fluid, and ſuffering the liquor to evaporate ſpontaneouſly, I found a conſiderable number of ſmall chryſtals of a falt poſſeſſing enough of the properties of borax, to lead one, ECONOMICAL ESSA Y S. 157 that was not very attentive, to miſtake the one for the other, for, like borax, this falt effloreſces or falls into a white powder, if expoſed for a day or two in a dry air; it is a very good menſtruum, and affifts the fuſion of metallic ſubſtances, and, laſtly, it reſembles borax very much in taſte and the figure of its chryſtals; but the ſalt obtained from ſoap-water in my experiment at leaſt differed from borax, by making an hiſling noiſe like boil- ing, called efferveſcence, if I added even a weak acid to a ſolution of it, which borax will not do. 158 CHEMICAL AND ESSAY XV. COLOURING MATTER OF VEGETABLES, fome ideas 03 the cauſe of the change of colour in growth. TH HERE are many curious circumſtances re-- ſpecting the changes that vegetables take on by the application of other matters to them; but chemical experiments have been made upon very few colours except thoſe which are red, purple, blue and green. The blue colour of violets is im- parted to the ſyrup, which the apothecaries keep as a medicine, by the name of fyrup of violets, and accident moſt probably was the means of teaching chemiſts that its colour was vaſtly changeable ; a number of experiments at laſt con- firmed them in the opinion, that a certain claſs of chemical agents were capable of producing one certain effect only; as for inſtance, alkalies al- ways change the blue colour of fyrup of violets to a green, but they found that lime, and perhaps ſome other earths, had the ſame effect upon it, and hence may have been the reaſon why fuch earths are called alkoline earths, and as they have the power alſo of deſtroying the acidity of acids, like alkalies, the term may be admiſſible; another claſs of bodies have a very different action upon the ſyrup of violets, theſe are acids which always turn it red: hence we find the chemical writers of a few years ago, aſſerting, as a proof of the alkaline or acid nature of any matters they have been examining, “ that it turns the ſyrup of vio- lets green, or red.” It was for a long time fup- poſcd, that the violet was the only vegetable ſubſtance that aſſumed theſe colours, with ſuch addition. It is very well worthy of remark, that when the lyrup of violets is changed to a green ECONOMICAL ESSAYS. 159 by an alkali, the colour may be reſtored by add- ing a certain quantity of an acid to it, in which caſe the alkali is ſaid to be ſaturated, that is, both the acid and the alkali are in ſuch a proportion in the mixture that no part of cither poſſeſſes its ſenſible properties, and we ſhould carefully re- member, that neither an acid or an alkali are ca- pable of changing the colour of the ſyrup of vio- lets, when in chemical combination with other ſubſtances. An alkali, on the other hand, is ca- pable of reſtoring the colour that an acid had al- tered, if no more than enough to ſaturate the acid is added to it; the red colour induced by it, is brought back to a blue; but if in any caſe any more of either of them is added than is juſt fuffi- cient to obviate the effects of the other, then a poſitive effect is produced, i.e. too much alkali will change it from a red to a green, and too much acid on the contrary will change it from a green to a red colour. When we have any faline ſubſtance in our pof- ſeſſion, that will not alter the colour of the ſyrup of violets, we call it a neutral falt, becauſe it is formed of two fubſtances, one an alkali or of an alkaline nature, and the other of an acid, united in ſuch proportions as to completely deſtroy each others ſenſible properties; hence ſyrup of violets is not changeable by ſea ſalt, although it contains nearly one half of its weight of a ſtrong acid. Some falts conſiſt of two principles, of an al- kaline ſubſtance and an acid, but in theſe one or the other of the component parts exiſt in greater quantity than is ſufficient for ſaturation ; hence fome ſuppoſed neutral falts will change the co- lour of fyrup of violeis like an acid or an alkali. 160 CHEMICAL AND ſuch as allum, which, though compounded of clay and the vitriolic acid, will change the ſyrup of violets red, and for that reaſon we might call it an acido-neutral ſalt, whilſt borax is ſaid to change it green; ſuch falts we might call alkaline- neutral falts. Mr. Bergman ſubſtituted the tincture of turn- fole, made by diffolving litmus (which may be had of moſt apothecaries by that name) in pure water, or made uſe of white paper tinged blue by this tincture, for the ſame purpoſe. This is an excellent and beautiful teſt of acids ; it is changed red by them inſtantly, but alkalies pro- duce no poſitive effect upon it, and to make it a teft for them we muſt first tinge the paper or tinc- ture ſlightly red by an acid. Later experiments ſhew that many other blue vegetables are changeable by acids and alkalies : I have found that all the red and purple fruits or berries, that have fallen under my obſervation, are acted upon by both ſubſtances, except the poke-berry; among theſe are, the juices of mul- berries, blackberries, currants, cherries, and ſtrawberries; the blue, red, and purple colour of fome flowers are alſo teſts of this kind, we have tried poppies, the ſeveral varieties of blue flag, and a great number of blue wild flowers whoſe names I do not know. I have alſo a note that mentions fome vegetable greens that are changed both blue and red by an acid. The flower called delphinum, or lark-fpur, as well as the blue in- digo, are unchangeable either by acid or alkali, and litmus we find is only a teſt of acidity. The production of a green colour, from certain ECONOMICAL ESSAYS. 161 blue vegetables, by an alkali, made me once be- lieve that the natural colour of all green vegeta- bles is blue, eſpecially as we know that all of them contain alkali, as is proved from their aſhes in burning; but this cannot be true, for there are but very few green vegetables that we can change either blue or red by an acid, nay forrel itſelf is green, though a native acid is generated in it. When we reflect, for a moment, that a great number of vegetables have their colours acted upon in the ſame manner by the fame ſubſtance, whilſt the ſame colour, in a different vegetable, is only partially or not at all altered, we are in- clined to conjecture, that many of them owe thoſe colours to a ſimilar chemical ingredient, but that this ingredient is not the ſame in all of them. As ſeveral vegetables contain native falts, by which term I mean falts exiſting formally in them, and which may be obtained from them without combuſtion, diſtillation, or fermentation, it is natural to ſuppoſe that the difference of their co- lour inay be in a great meaſure owing to theſe ; what the colouring principle, unaltered by any addition, is, we do not know, and perhaps never will; but we have great reaſon to believe, that the red colour of many unripe fruits is owing to that acidity in them, with which they are always connected; hence we always ſuppoſe fruits, that ever aſſume a purple, to be four if they are red; now as the acid in the courſe of their maturation is changed into a ſweet faccharine matter, it no longer poſſeſſes its ſenſible properties, and is then incapable of continuing that colour in the fruit; the ſame effect we have found may be produced Y 162 CHEMICAL AND upon the juices of unripe fruits, by deſtroying the acid in them, for by adding different propor- tions of an alkali to them, we change them from a red to a purple, a blue or a green; this is more eſpecially obſervable in the juices of cherries, and the fruit called blackberry: we cannot pretend to ſay by what means the acid is formed in theſe fruits, as it requires a greater knowledge of ve. getable phyſiology, than any philoſopher has yet attained, but, ſuppoſing the acid formed, we prefume that the red colour is owing to its action upon the native colour of the vegetable, and that, when deſtroyed, the other changes we have mentioned muſt take place; how this is effected by the living powers of the vegetable we are next to enquire. And here I preſume to ſuppoſe that the doc- trine of phlogiſton will be admitted by thoſe who peruſe this eſſay; it has long ſince been found that if an animal breathes in any given quantity of atmoſpheric air, it will die after a certain time, becauſe the air is rendered impure; if another animal is put into the ſame air, it will inſtantly die alſo, or perhaps in a few moments, and a candle immerſed in it is inſtantly extin- guiſhed; we have great reaſon to believe that animal reſpiration and combuſtion produce the fame changes upon air, for if a burning candle is confined in a given quantity of air, it will be extinguiſhed, and will then prove fatal to animal life inſtantly: if we are right, the impurity of the air in theſe caſes is owing to the air being combined with phlogiſton, which the burning body and the animal both diſcharge from them- felves. I cannot, and perhaps need not, enter into all the proofs in this place that might be al- ECONOMICAL ESSAYS. 163 leged to determine that, whenever air is ren- dered impure, it is effected in one way only ; this air has been called by the Engliſh philofo- phers, the phlogiſticated air, for they ſuppoſed it to be fo loaded with phlogiſton, that it is in- capable of receiving any more either from ani- mals by refpiration, or from combuſtible bodies in the act of combuſtion. Dr. Prieſtly firſt held forth the idea that phlogiſton is the food of vegeta- bles; for having confined a large flouriſhing ſprig of mint in a glaſs jar of phlogiſticated air, he was very much furpriſed to find the plant grow more rapidly than ſimilar ſprigs of mint in his garden, for he expected to have found that air fatal to vegetables as it is to animals; after it had grown fome time in that air, he examined the air, and found it equally pure as the air of the atmoſphere, fupporting combuſtion and reſpiration full as long; his explanation of it was, that the plant abforbed the phlogiſton from the phlogiſticated air, and thus rendered it pure, becauſe he ſuppoſed that this air was a compound of atmoſpheric air, and phlogif- ton, and by whatever theory it is explained, the fact is now univerſally admitted, that plants growing in impure air, have the power of purify- 'ing it; he alſo concluded, from this fact, that vegetables could not grow at all without phlogif ton, hence he fuppoſes that when vegetables grow in open air, without being in contact with earth, they abſtract fome phlogiſton from the air which is contaminated with it from fires and the reſpiration of animals, and we may ſuppoſe that when ſome vegetables thrive very well in pure wa- ter, they have the power of decompoſing that fluid and of taking the phlogiſton (or the inflammable air) which Mr. Cavendiſh, I think it was, proved it contained. The French chemiſts, on the other 264 CHEMICAL AND hand, would ſay that the vegetable had a power of throwing out pure air, which being imparted to the impure air, made it capable of ſupporting Jife, &c. Dr. Prieſtly alſo confined a ſprig of mint in a fpecies of air which ſupports animal life and com- buſtion ſix times as long as the atmoſpheric air, which from theory he calls dephlogiſticated air; but the plant fickened and died; this proves that animals and vegetables both live upon air, but the kind that is food to the one is poiſon to the other; and for want of a knowledge of this fact, the great Bergman truſting to a fancied analogy between plants and animals, has fallen into the greateſt error that perhaps he ever committed in chemiſtry, for he thought that animals in refpira- țion deprived air of its phlogiſton, becauſe he knew that vegetables did; “ For whence, ſays he, does a pine, which contains a great deal of phlo- gilton in its turpentine, growing in the moſt barren fandy foil, receive its phlogiſton? is it not from the air?” but as Mr. Bergman's ana- logy is not accepted by any one at preſent, we need make no comments upon it. It being admitted, on all hands, that vegetables can purify air, and render it more capable of ſup- porting animal life, we muſt either conclude with the phlogiſtians, that ſomething is taken by the ve getables from the impure air, or with the anti- phlogiſtians that the vegetables give pure to the im- pure air. To reconcile our opinion to either doctrine, we ſhall juſt obſerve, by way of illuſtration, that when vitriolic acid is combined properly with ECONOMIC AL ESSAYS. 165 certain ſubſtances that are inflammable, it is con- verted into fulphur. One fect of philoſophers would ſay, that the phlogiſton of the inflammable fubftance combined with the vitriolic acid which in their opinion is a ſimple body) and formed the compound body called ſulphur. The others would explain it by ſaying that the infiammable body took away pure air from the vitriolic acid, and left fulphur, which was only one of the con- ſtituent principles of the vitriolic acid, and pure air the other; and upon their theory they ſup- poſe, that all the different acids are compounds of pure air, which is common to them all, and differ only in having different infiammable bodies united to that pure air. Here we ſee upon the confideration of either doctrine, that whenever vitriolic acid is converted into fulphur, it loſes all its acid properties, and we are now prepared to explain how the acid of fruits are converted moſt probably into Sugar, or at leaſt it is deſtroy- ed as they grow ripe: we ſuppoſe the plant or tree to be continually abſorbing phlogiſton, either from the decaying vegetable and animal matters in the earth, froin the air, or from the decom- poſition of water; or elſe that theſe ſubſtances take away the pure air, which the acid of the fruit is ſuppoſed to contain, upon the ſame prin- ciple as vitriolic acid is converted into fulphur. Wheneyer the acid is neutralized, or the fruit becomes quite ripe, it is ſweet, or very ſlightly acid, and of a purple colour; ſome cherries, as the moreila, are never purple, but neither are they ever ſweet. A perſon acquainted with the two prevailing theories can readily explain theſe facts upon ei- 166 CHEMICAL AND ther of them; we ſhall finiſh what we have to ſay upon this ſubject, upon the ſuppoſition that the phlogiſtic doctrine is true : to ſum up all; we fuppoſe that the red colour of certain fruits is owing to an acid, that vegetables, by abſorbing phlogiſton, abſorb a ſubſtance that tends to de- ſtroy this acid, and in time accompliſhes it to a very great degree, on the fame principles that vitriolic acid loſes its acidity by phlogiſton, that the acid of theſe fruits and phlogiſton form ſugar, which is the cauſe of the ſweetneſs of ripe fruits, and that the deſtruction of their acidity is the cauſe of their purple colour, we conclude from a fact related already, that an alkali added to the red juices of certain unripe fruits, turns them purple, and of the colour that the ripe fruits are. That fugar conſiſts of an acid fui generis and phlogiſton, we have great reaſon to conclude from analyſis at leaſt, for if we boil ſugar and ni- trous acid together, in ſuch a manner that any air that may eſcape will be preſerved, we collect a conſiderable quantity of nitrous air, that is, a fluid compoſed of nitrous acid and phlogiſton ; the phlogiſton we ſuppoſe muſt have been derived from the ſugar, and we know whence the air ob- tained its other principle, the nitrous acid; but what is left of the ſugar ? If the liquor be left to cool for a few hours, we obtain long priſmatic chryſtals, poſſeſſing the general properties of an acid, and ſome very peculiar ones, and therefore very properly called the acid of ſugar; but we have never been able to confirm this analyſis of ſugar (which is Mr. Bergman's) by ſyntheſis, that is, we cannot combine the two principles of ſugar together, and form that ſubſtance ; unleſs we admit the converſion of an acid into ECONOMICAL ESSAYS. 167 ſugar by phlogiſton, in the proceſs of vegetation, we cannot be certain of the conſtituent principles of that ſubſtance; it is in favour of our opinion that almoſt all the vegetable acids are converte able into the acid of ſugar by chemical proceſſes, 368 CHEMICAL AND ESSAY XVI. Explanatory Elay. W! THEN I reviſed the foregoing eſſays, for the purpoſe of preſenting them to the pub- lic, many things occurred to me that required explanation; for although the ſcience of chemif- try in itſelf is natural, yet it is neceſſarily illuſtra- ted by its followers in technical terms, and, un- fortunately, moſt of thoſe terms are far from be- ing either expreſſive or explanatory; for render- ing theſe terms fomewhat more familiar, and at the ſame time to impreſs them more deeply upon the memory of the mere beginner, I have com- poſed the preſent ſhort eſſay. ALKALI is a term uſed by chemiſts for three ſubſtances which have the power of deſtroying the ſenſible properties of acids: the etymology does not give us any idea of their nature; and I cannot at preſent tell whence I got the following ideas of them, but I think them well worth com- municating. It is ſaid, by fome ancient hiſtorian, that a number of failors were once caſt away upon a fea coaſt where a peculiar plant, which bore the name of kali, grew very plentifully; having oc- cafion for a fire, they collected the dried plants of a former year, and kindled a fire with them up- on the ſand, by means of the flint and ſteel. We are told that the failors were greatly ſurpriſed, when their fire had burnt down, to find that the fand next the fire aſſumed the appearance of ice, or, in other words, that it was converted into glaſs. When they divulged this fact, a great many trials were made to effect the ſame change ÉCONOMICAL ESSA Ý s. 169 upo'n fand by fire, but in vain ; but the experi- mentaliſts having found the exact kind of plant that was uſed by the ſailors, they ſubſtituted it for a common fire, and with fuccefs; and it is aſſerted, that this accident gave riſe to the im- portant diſcovery of glaſs, which even derives its name from the Latin word glacies, ice, becauſe of its reſemblance to ice. After manufactories of glaſs were eſtabliſhed, this weed was eſteemed a specific, or a primary eſſential, in the proceſs; but in a very ſhort time the aſhes were found to contain all the virtues of the plant, and were therefore always afterwards made, becauſe they took up but little room. Theſe aſhes foon be- came an article of commerce, and it is ſaid were firſt fold by the Arabians by the name of the plant itſelf, kali, or with the particle the, which in their language is al, making the compound word al-kali; kali, if I miſtake not, is alſo derived from the Arabic, and ſignifies glaſs weed, and it is even now to be found in ſome of the old wri. ters under the name of glaſs work. Theſe aſhes are ſtill fold by the different names of barilla, ſoda, and kelp, they are, however, not the pure alkali, which we have referred to in theſe eſſays, and the method of extracting this alkali from them was reſerved for a much later period of chemiſtry, which is done by making a ſtrong ley of it, and boiling it down to perfect dryneſs. The falt obtained in this way paſſed by the name of ſal alkali, or falt of alkali, among the chemifts ; but later chemiſts have either called it ſimply al- kali, or they have named it from the fubſtance from which it was obtained, as falt of barille, ſalt of foda, or ſalt oj kelp. Z 170 CHEMICAL AND In the eaſtern countries a falt was found chryſtallized on the ſurface of the earth, exactly correſponding in properties with the falt obtained from the aſhes of the kali, and if we call the last falt an alkali, certainly the firſt determines itfulf a mineral alkali. In time the aſhes of other ve- getables were tried in order to extract the ſame kind of falt from them, and in this trialthey were fucceſsful, but the proportion was much leis than that yielded by the marine plants. Chemiſtry alſo teaches us that there is a chemical, though not a ſenſible difference between the alkali ob- tained from vegetables growing upon a ſea fhore, and that obtained from all others, but that the native mineral alkali was exactly like the alkali from fea weeds, and moreover it was found that the ſea ſalt contained a great quantity of it; hence we may either call this ſpecies of alkali the mineral alkali, becauſe it is ſometimes found na- tive in the earth, whilſt the other is not, or the marine alkali, as ſome have choſen to do, becauſe it makes ſo great a part of the marine or ſea falt. The alkali obtained from all other vegetables is alſo exactly alike, and although the other is obtained from vegetables, yet this has exclu- ſively the name of vegetable alkali, and though not ſtrictly proper, yet is allowable for the fake of diſtinction. VOLATILE OR ANIMAL ALKALI, has moſt of the properties of the two others, eſpecially in its effects upon acids, and its volatility very juftly chara&terizes it. ACIDS. The method of diftinguiſhing them from other fubftances has been laid down in the ECONOMICAL 171 ESSAY S. effay on the colouring mat er of vegetables, and we have ſhewn how four of them might be diſtin- guiſhed from each other under the analyſis of falts. ACID OF VITRIOL. In many parts of the world there are certain earths which have an inky taſte, and the matter which affords this taſte is capable of diffolving in water; if this water is evaporated, until a thin cruſt appears on its ſur- face, and then left to cool gradually, it yields green chryſtals, very much reſembling glaſs. This reſemblance to glaſs caught the attention of fome of the ancient chemiſts who thought it a Soluble gloſs, and we have reaſon to think that its firſt name was vitrum, the Latin term for glaſs. When chemiſtry made greater improvements, every thing almoſt was ſubmitted to the action of heat, to be diſtilled, and this ſubſtance among others: it was found that a thick oily fluid came over, and from this reſemblance to oil in its thickneſs and feel only, though not in any thing elſe, it was called vitrideum, or oil of glaſs; by ſome ſtrange corruption of terms the chryſtals Which yielded this fluid were called vitriolium, and in Engliſh vitriol, a name which they bear to the preſent day, and the fluid which they yielded in diſtillation got the improper name of oil of vi- triol, a name ftill very inuch retained; but the more modern chemiſts percieving that it was an acid, and not combuſtible as all oils are, they rejected the term oil of vitriol, and call it the acid of vitriol, or vitriolic acid, which implies nothing more than that it is the acid which exiſts in the falt called vitriol. ACID OF NITRE. This acid is actually one 172 CHEMICAL AND of the conſtituent principles of ſalt-petre, as we have fhewn in the eſſay on the attractions. Salt- petre has got the name of nitre, becauſe when thrown on burning coals nitet, it ſhines, by in- creaſing the rapidity of the combuſtion of the coals. The chemical term is acid of nitre; but, becauſe it is obtained by diſtillation, it is alſo called ſpirit of nitre, and becauſe it ſeems to have great power in diffolving metals, it has been called aqua fortis, or ſtrong water ; but it is the {ame acid, under all theſe different names. MARINE ACID is one of the conſtituent principles of that falt, which exiſts ſo plentifully in ſea water, and thence called excluſively fea falt; it is known among apothecaries by the name of ſpirit of ſea falt, and acid of ſea ſalt, which laſt perhaps is a more proper name for it, It is almoſt impoſſible to tell what other terms will require explanation, for perhaps every dif- ferent reader (I mean only thoſe who are quite unacquainted previouſly with the ſcience) will Itumble at a different term; when ſuch terms oc- cur, it will be moſt adviſeable to conſult fome dictionary of the ſciences. bir FERMENTATION. T HERE are perhaps few proceſſes, or phe- nomena, that fall under the obſervation of chemical enquirers, that are ſo little under- ſtood as the ſubject of the preſent eſſay. This want of certainty, we ſhould ſuſpect, aroſe more from the difficulty, than from the want of oppor- tunities, for inveſtigating the ſubject, becauſe the materials for experiments are not only in every one's power to obtain, but the proceſs is almoſt daily obtruding itſelf upon us. The chief ob- ſtacle to our advancement, in the knowledge of the cauſes and effects of fermentation, is that we reſt ſatisfied with explanations handed to us by others. The fubject appears to be of much im- portance, both as a curious chemical proceſs, and as it reſpects the economical arts, and the art of medicine. 6. There are many difficulties attending the in- veſtigation, as every chemiſt muſt confeſs, and I may perhaps aſſign the ſame reaſon for thoſe dif- ficulties that Mr. Henry of Mancheſter did, when treating of the ſame ſubject, that “ the obfcurity and intricacy of the path, on which I an enter- 174 A P P E N D I X. ing, the almoſt total want of guides and my in. edequate abilities to clear away the obſtacles, throw light on the dark parts, and point out thoſe which may be traverſed with eaſe and certainty, place me in a ſituation truly difficult.” Theſe rea- fons being applicable to me, in all their force, I hope for candour and liberality, whenever I may be found to ſtep aſide, from the common and re- ceived opinions of chemiſts, reſpecting fermen- tation. Some new opinions will be found in this diſſertation, but as the ſubject will admit of elu- cidation from experiment, and as it would be wrong to admit any thing as a fact, without hav- ing afcertained it to be fo, I have introduced fome experiments to prove acknowledged facts, In handling this ſubject, I ſhall arrange it un- der different ſections. Section I. I ſhall conſider the definition of fer- mentation, the Subſtances capable of it--- and its Phenomena. II. I ſhall attempt an explanation of the Phe- nomena attending the fermentation of vege- table ſubſtances. III. I ſhall mention the products of fermenta- tion. IV. I ſhall diftinguiſh between a mere eſcape of air and a true fermentation. V. I ſhall mention the principal Zymics and Antizymics. And, VI. I ſhall deliver fome analyſis of animal matter; the difference between animal and vegetable fermentation, A PP E N D I X. 175 S E C Τ Ι Ο Ν I. F Definition of fermentation---Subſtances capable of is. ERMENTATION is a peculiar proceſs, which certain parts of dead animal and ve. getable ſubſtances are diſpoſed to undergo, when combined with moisture, expoſed to a degree of heat between 50° and 120° of Fahrenheit's ther- mometer, and in contact with air fit for combul. tion and animal reſpiration. The phenomena at- tending the proceſs are, 1. The fermenting maſs becomes confiderably warmer than the atmoſphere around it. 2. It emits a large quantity of a fluid, perma- nently elaſtic, accompanied with an inteftine mo- tion, and, 3. There is always a remarkable change in the senſible and chemical qualities of all bodies that have actually fermented. I have here confined the definition to animal and vegetable ſubſtances, but there is great rea- ſon to believe, that ſeveral mineral mixtures will undergo ſpontaneous changes, perfectly anala- gous to fermentation; the gradual decompoſition of the natural pyrites, and the changes which take place in an artificial mixture of the four of fulphur and iron filings, ſeem to depend upon the ſame cauſes, and are really attended with the ſame phenomena; I have alſo taken dead animal and vegetable ſubſtances only into my definition; this may not perhaps be quite accurate; it is pro- bable that animals, while alive and in health, have certain parts in them that are conſtantly pu. 375 Α Ρ Ρ Ε Ν DI X. trifying or fermenting, and it is poſſible that the fame thing happens in plants, but it is probable that the living machunes have a power of ex- pelling their putrid parts, as being incompatible with their health ; beſides, we find in particular diſeaſes, eſpecially in the order of Exanthemata, that a ſmall quantity of a diſeaſed fluid has a pow- er of aſſimilating a conſiderable part of the fluids of another animal; as for inſtance, in the ſmall- pox, in which Dockor Cullen allows that a fer- mentation goes on in the body; for, ſpeaking of the quantity of variolous matter, abforbed by common infection, he fays, “ although it were larger than that thrown in by innoculation, it is not aſcertained that the circumſtance of quantity would have any effect. A certain quantity of ferment is neceſſary to excite fermentation in a given maſs, but that quantity given, the fer- mentation and aſſimilation are extended to the whole maſs." But this kind of fermentation, which occurs in the living animal body, cannot be examined here, for it is fo connected with life, (a principle which we do not well underſtand) that we can by no means imitate it in the dead body; it is probable that the contagious matter acts upon the animal as an animated machine, as well as matter, and that this action inodifies its effects; it is alſo a ſubject of great curioſity both to the Phyſiologiſt and to the Chemiſt, that the blood of a patient, labouring under the ſmall- pox, cannot communicate the diſeaſe to another by inoculation, and it muſt certainly be very dif- ficult to a Chemiſ to conceive, why after the flu- ids of an animal have been once fermented by the variolous matter, that the fluids of the fame ani- A P P E N D I X. 177 mal ſhall never take on that fermentation again, although they muſt have been changed twenty times or more in the courſe of life. MOISTURE ſeems to be an indiſpenſible requi- ſite in the proceſs of fermentation; the moſt pu- trefcent and fermentable ſubſtances we are ac- quainted with remain unchanged as long as they are kept dry; ſugar is perhaps the only part in all vegetables capable of fermenting, and it is notorious that it may be kept for many years, and perhaps for ages unchanged: the practice of the Indians in merely drying their veniſon, in or- der to preſerve it, proves likewiſe that the ſame thing is true reſpecting animal ſubſtances. HEAT accumulated in a ſenſible ftate, to a certain degree, ſeems alſo indiſpenſible to fer- mentation, and a leſs degree than the loweſt we have aſſigned abſolutely prevents it. A quantity of ſugar and water which would have completely fermented in 24 hours, in an heat of goº was kept unfermented from November laſt, until the middle of February, although the thermometer for many days together, in that time ſtood be- tween 50° and 60°. The preſence of pure air, fit for ſupporting animal life and reſpiration, is ſo eſſential to fer- mentation, that without it, it cannot be excited ; this opinion is generally admitted by chemiſts, and perhaps may be founded upon the experi- ments made by the air-pump. Natural philofo- phy teaches us that certain fruits can be preſerve ed in a vacuum for a long time, without becom- ing acid; but here there is an entire abſtraction Aa 178 APPENDIX. of air: however, we find that the preſence of air, unleſs that air be pure, is not fufficient to excite fermentation. I believe ſeveral experi- ments have been made by others upon the ſame fubject, but it may not be improper to relate two made by myſelf. Experiment Firft. Part of a mixture of ſugar and water, which was very fermentable, was confined in a jar of inflammable air, obtained from iron-filings and diluted vitriolic acid, and ſet fo near a ſtove as to vary between 80° and 90° of Fahrenheit, for thirteen or fourteen hours of the twenty-four, the other part was ſet along ſide of it; in this open vefſel fermentation went on as ufual: in ore week's time it had become highly acid ; in the jar fermentation had not gone on, but the fluid was perfe&tly ſweet and unchanged. Experiment Second. The ſecond experiment was with aniinal fub- ſtances; I confined a dead wild pigeon in a glaſs jar of inflammable air, in the ſame manner as in the other experiment; another was left in a large bowl, with ſome water in it, and expoſed to the heat and air in the room: in about ten days the animal thus expoſed was ſo offenſive to the ſmell, that I diſcontinued the experiments; at the ſame time the animal in the jar was ſcarce tainted in the leaſt, it was liowever ſomewhat putrid, and had a greeniſh appearance; but I think thoſe ef- fects may be fairly attributed to the fmall quan- tity of common air confined in the cavity of the pigeon's body, which at that time I did know how to extricate from it. Α Ρ Ρ Ε Ν Ο Ι Χ. . 179 We are neceſſarily inclined to enquire what is the nature of the fermentable materials which characteriſe bodies ? and whether there is any one ſimple principle in them that is the cauſe of that change being effected in certain bodies ? we fee but one character in common with them all. they are all inflammable, but the cauſe of their in- flammability cannot be the cauſe of their fermen- tation, for all inflammable bodies are not fer- mentable. In vegetables we believe that none of them are fermentable, unleſs they contain the ſaccharine principle, and I think it can be de- monſtrated, that the products of all vegetable fermentation aie the ſame. What is the fer- mentable principle in animal ſubſtances, or what parts are more fufceptible of this change than the others, is yet involved in great obſcurity, but I ſhall attempt to throw forne light upon it in ſection fixth ; at preſent I ſhall only in general re- mark, that the moſt inflammable and ſoluble ani- mal ſubſtances are the eaſieſt to ferment, or to putrify, as we ſay, when the term is to be applied to animals. 180 Α Ρ Ρ Ε Ν Ο Υ Σ .. SECTION II. HA Explanation of the Phenomena attending the fermen- tation of Vegetable Subſtances. TEAT, or a degree of it greater than that of the atmoſphere, around the fermenting maſs, is an uniform circumſtance attendin fer- mentation; the increaſe of temperature, in my experiments however, has ſeldom been more than 10 or 12 degrees. When we reflect that all putreſcent and fermentable ſubſtances are in- flammable, and during fermentation generate heat, we are immediately ſtruck with its analo- gy to combuſtion ; here let us enquire, whether the opinion of natural philoſophers refpe&ting heat is well founded. They ſuppoſe that all heat depends upon motion, and that the heat produced in combuſtion and fermentation is ow- ing to the ſudden deſtruction of the attraction of coheſion of the particles of the body burnt or fer- mented. In the firſt place, I think we have no evidence that heat and motion are the ſame thing. 2d. Although neither heat, nor even cold, nor any thing elſe, can be produced without motion, yet all motion will not produce heat: for in- ſtance, mercury may be agitated in a phial for ſeveral hours, without producing an increaſe of one degree of heat, and the ſea itſelf, although inoſt violently agitated, is ſtill cold. 3d. The quantity of heat generated by mo- tion, is never in proportion to the rapidity of the deſtruction of the attraction of coheſion, as we ſee when ſalts are diſſolved in water; (for folu- A P P E N D I X. 181 tion is faid to be owing to the ſame cauſe;) for example, nitre, when finely powdered, diſſolves very rapidly, and muſt of conſequence be at- tended with great motion, but we are ſo far from generating heat, that the mixture becomes cold- er than the air, as we find by its finking the mer- cury in the thermometer. 4th. Sugar diſſolves very rapidly in water, but without producing any heat, although at the inſtant of ſolution there muſt have been both mo- tion, and the deſtruction of the attraction of co- heſion If the mixture is ſuffered to ſtand, it will ferment and generate heat, even when there is no attraction of coheſion to overcome, that we can be ſenſible of. The heat occurring in fermentation muſt, I think, be explained upon the theory of Doctor Black, reſpecting latent heat: it ſeems proba- ble, that beat is a body, or fluid, ſui generis, in- herent in all matter, and eſſential to its exiſtence; that it enters into different bodies, in different proportions, as an ingredient in their compofi- tions, in the ſame manner as electricity is fup- poſed to exiſt in iron in contact with the earth; whilft a certain quantity of heat is attached to all bodies, and if I may be allowed the expreſſion, mechanically mixed with them, in contradiſtinction to the other mode of union of heat with bodies, which is then chemically combined with them, or is in a latent ſtate. When the heat is in this ſtate, it is called ſenſible heat; becauſe it is capable of exciting a certain ſenſation, and of raiſing the mercury in the thermometer. It is alſo govern- able by certain laws, by this time pretty well aſ- certained. 182 A P P E N D I X. When heat enters into bodies as a principle, it is moſt probably in different quantities in of ferent bodies, and it is very remarkable, that a change in the common chemical qualities of bo- dies alters very much the capacity of bodies to contain heat as a principle, or in a latent ſtate ; hence it happens, that in almoſt all our chemical proceſſes, an alteration of temperature takes place. In fermentation, we ſuppoſe that the in- flammable part or principle of the fermenting bo- dy, has a tendency to combine with pure air, and I ſhall juſt remark in this place, that the com- buſtibility of all bodies, is by ſome chemiſts fup- poſed to be owing to one homogeneous princi- ple called the principle of inflammability or phlo- gifton; this theory has had very powerful oppo- nents, but I think we have reaſon to believe, that with certain modifications, it is true; and it is moſt probable that this principle is inflammable air. It is alſo known, from direct experiments, particularly of Dr. Prieſtly and Mr. Kirwan, that pure air and inflammable air form what Doctor Black calls fixed air, and Mr. Bergman the aerial acid, which is preciſely the ſame elaſtic fluid thrown out in fermentation. The pure air we may juſtly ſuppoſe was derived from that great ſource the atmoſphere, and for ſeveral reaſons we may conclude, that the inflammable air was furniſhed by the fermenting vegetable, but we by no means ſuppoſe that the fixed air was for- mally preſent in the fermenting maſs, or that it afforded all the materials to form it; now let us ſuppoſe that the quantity of heat in the two airs before combination, was in each as ten, or in other words, that they were capable of con- taining that quantity in a latent fate, eſſential to A P P E N D I X. 183 their exiſtence as matter in that form: when they unite, they form a very different kind of air, which is not capable of combining with fo much heat, and perhaps quite foreign to its ex- iſtence as that kind of matter; we will fuppoſe then that it can combine with but a quantity of that heat as five, the conſequence then muſt be that there is a quantity of redundant heat as fif teen, and there being no bodies at hand undergo- ing any changes in their properties, by which their capacity to unite with heat as a principle, is increaſed, it becomes mechanically diffuſed a- mong thoſe bodies which are neareſt to it, it gives the redundant heat to the feeling hand, to the atmoſphere, to the thermometer and to the fermenting fluid, by that law of ſenſible heat which proves that it is equally diffuſed through all bodies; and as the cauſe of heat continues to act, fo the effect muſt continue to enſue until the fermentation is completed. With the escape of the elaſtic fluid there is an hilling noiſe, and of conſequence an inteſtine motion; theſe phenomena have had more attention paid to them than they deſerve, and they have been ſuppoſed to be the moft infallible ſigns that this proceſs is going on; theſe we know are called the working of liquors, but they are very fallacious, and have been the ſource of much error, as I apprehend, and I be- lieve, that even the great fir John Pringle, truſt- ing to ſuch appearances, has fupponed that putri- faction had taken place in experiments, where there really was no putrifaction, but I am ſtill more firm in the belief, that he was in fome in- ſtances wrong in attempting to determine the de- gree of putrifaction from the degree of theſe ap- pearances; we ſhall illuſtrate theie remarks in 184 APPENDIX. the fourth ſection. An alteration of the fenfible qualities of the fermented body is a more certain and univerſal circumſtance than any other, there- fore I think I am ſafe in aſſerting that we can have no certainty of fermentation having taken place in any cafe without it, for when an animal fubftance putrifies it is changed from an inodor- ous body to one that is very rank and fetid, and fugar when fermented, is capable of yielding a highly intoxicating fpirit, and if fermented long- er becomes highly acid, as we know from the formation of vinegar, which we ſuppoſe is QW-- ing to the loſs of its phlogiſton. A PP E N D I X. 185 SECTION III. A Produits of Fermentation. FTER all the phenomena above mentioned have continued for ſome time, which is longer or ſhorter, according as the exciting cautes of the proceſs have been more or leſs ap- plied, the fermentation becomes for a while fta- tionary, and the vegetable fluid receives different names according to the nature of the vegetable itſelf: the fermented juices of grapes are called wines, and the juices of almoſt all fruits which are ſweet when ripe, are capable of affording analagous liquors when fermented, ſuch as the juices of currants, apples, peaches, pears, &c. cer- tain grains may alſo be fermented by ſimilar pro- ceſſes, as barley, wheat, rye, and ſome others : all theſe when firſt fermented, and then diſtilled, yield ardent. fpirit, which by repeated diſtilla- tions will afford alcohol. Brandy is the ardent ſpirit obtained by diſtilling the fermented juice of the grape, whilft rum or ſpirit, are the liquors diſtilled from molaffes and water; beer is the fermented extract of barley, to which is added a decoction of hops, which as a bitter is an an- tizymic, and prevents it from haſtening on to the acid ſtage of fermentation. There is a conſiderable variety in wines whichi does not depend ſo much upon any difference in them as fermented liquors, but in noft cales, upon fome addition not eſſential to them as wines, for inſtance, fome have a peculiar flavor which cannot be analized, and may be but in very {mall quantities in thein, for who can ana- Bb 186 A P P E N D I X. lize the flavor of the peach others differ only in being weaker, that is, in having a larger quan- tity of water; others again have the aſtringent acid combined with them, hence are called rough wines; fome from being weak foon be- come four, before a due degree of fermentation has taken place in the whole maſs, and as for the difference in colour, it is ſometimes owing to cauſes which neither influence the qualities of the wine, nor the fermentation it underwent, but the moſt material difference in the qualities of rich wines, ſuch I mean as have a proper quan- tity of water, is their age; this excellence ſeems eſpecially to be owing to the more perfect fer- mentation and aſſimilation of the different parts of the wine, for then the unfermented faccha- rine part becomes perfectly vinous, whilſt the vinous part already generated is ſo ſtrongly an- tizymic as not to ſuffer any part to become acid. Wines ſomewhat diluted and expoſed to the neceſſary conditions of fermentation go on to the Second ſtage, which is called the acetous or acid fermentation, and the chief difference between this and the vinous is, that all the phenomena are in a leſs degree: the reſult of this fermenta- tion is vinegar; the explanation of ſome of the varieties of vinegar, may be underſtood from what we have faid above. Α Ρ Ρ Ε Ν D Y Xe 187 S E C ΤΙ Ο Ν IV. F. Diſlinčtion between a mere Eſcape of Air, and a true Fermentation. ERMENTATION is ſuppoſed to take place in another proceſs, I mean in making bread, but I think we ought to be very cautious in ad- mitting that a true fermentation takes place, or is even neceſſary in its preparation: I ſhall per- haps, in the courſe of this ſection, uſe the com- mon language, but when the word fermentation is applied to the making of bread, I wiſh it would be underſtood to expreſs nothing more than the effect produced on flour by yeaſt or leaven. Of the origin of fermented bread we have no certain account: I cannot however omit relating the very elegant conjecture reſpecting it, given us by our late chemical profeſſor. He ſuppoſes that ſome careful houſewife had mixed the un- baked ſcraps of a former mixture with ſome freſh dough, and he imagines her ſurpriſe at finding the bread improved by this proceſs of economy; what gives greater plauſibility to the conjecture is, that it is certain that leaven was the firſt ferment uſed for raiſing bread; but ſince later experiments have taught us that ſeveral fubſtances in the act of fermentation will raiſe bread, leaven has gone out of uſe, and yeaſt, where it can be had, has almoſt univerſally fup- plied its place. The common idea of a ferment is, that it is capable of aſſimilating ſubſtances to its own nature : this is cutting the knot, for we fee no reaſon why particular ſubſtances ſhould have ſuch power, whilſt others have not, and in fact it explains nothing. In many ſuppoſed caſes 788 Α Ρ Ρ Ε Ν Ο Ι Χ. o any true of affimilation, we ſee ſources of fallacy and er- ror, in others we muſt ftill affent to the common opinion. In the making of bread, we deny the idea of any ſuch aſlimilation, or even of fermentation ; * but let us attend to the proceſs itſelf, and the phenomena attending it. A quan- tity of flour is mixed with a certain proportion of yeaſt and water, and made of the confiftence of dough ; it is then baked in a manner too ſim- ple to be deſcribed, and in one hour from the be- ginning to the end of the proceſs, the bread is made, and is perfectly good. We are juſtly ſur- priſed at the ſhort time required to ferment the bread, eſpecially when we conſider that ſugar and water, the moſt fermentable mixture known, requires twenty four hours before fermentation proceeds to any great degree in it; this reflec- tion firſt fuggested the idea that the fermentation of bread is not analagous to the fermentation of fugar and water, in conſequence of which the following experiments were made in December, 1788, in the preſence of A. J. De Roſſet, and two other gentlemen at that time ſtudents of me- dicine. * This opinion, ſupported by experiments, was communicated to ſeveral gentlemen, and eſpecially to DOC OR Rush, ſo early as January 1789. When I fubmitted this diſſertation to the Doctor for his approbation as a profeſſor of the college, he was pleaſed to interline a compliment upon this diſcovery. He did me the honour to declare, that he readily adopted it, es and afterwards publicly taught it, with acknowledgments to the author, "s in his Lectures on the application of Philoſophy, Chemiflry, Medicine and Economy 6 to domeſtic and culinary purpoſes.” T have made no acknowledgments for the idea to any body, but claim it as original, although the ſame ſentiments were afterwards publiſhed in this city. The diſcovery may perhaps be but of liitie importance, I have, how- ever, inſerted this note to obviate any charges of plagiariſm that might be offered againſt nie A PP E N D I X. 189 t Experiment Firſt. Part of a quantity of dough which had been Taiſed in three quarters of an hour, was put in- a retort, and the proceſs of diſtillation per- formed upon it; ſome liquid came over into the recipient, which was not inflammable, and as taiteleſs as pure water. It is allowed by all che- miſts that vegetables, in the firſt ſtage of fermen- tation, yield a vinous fpirit in diſtillation; here then we muſt conclude, either that the dough had not fermented, or that fermented wheat flour will not yield a vinous fpirit, but the practice of this country proves that wheat will ferment, and yield a vinos Spirit, when diſtilled, therefore I conclude that the dough had not fermented. Experiment Second. The other parcel of the ſame dough was bak- ed, and yielded a perfectly fermented bread. Experiment Third. The ſame dough remaining in the retort uſed in Exp 1. was rendered inore fluid by the ad- dition of a little water, and kept in a warm room ; in nine hours there were no appearances of fermentation ; in fixteen hours an eſcape of air, a hiſſling noiſe, &c. feemed to indicate that the proceſs had proceeded fome time : it was now diſtilled again, and yielded a little acid fluid, and a ſmall quantity of a weak vinous Spi- rit. Does it not ſeem true, therefore, from theſe experiments, that flour requires even more than nine hours before it ferments, and if bread can 190 A P P E N D I X. N be made in one hour, it amounts almoſt to a de. monſtration, that the fermentation of bread is not analagous to the vinous fermentation, or even the fermentation of flour. From a variety of facts, I am induced to give the following explanation of the proceſs : Yeaft is a huid containing a large quantity of fixed air, or aerial acid, and the proportion is greater in proportion as the fluid is colder: as ſoon as the yeast is mixed with the dough, heat is applied ; this extricates the air in an elaſtic ſtate, and as it is now diffuſed through every particle of dough, every particle muſt be raiſed; the vif- cidity of the ma's retains it : it is now baked, and a ſtill greater quantity of air is extricated by the increaſed heat, and as the cruſt forms, the air is prevented from eſcaping ; the water is diſlipated ; the loaf is rendered ſomewhat dry and folid, and between every particle of bread we find a particle of air, as appears from the Spongy appearance of the bread, owing to the apparent vacancies which the air had made, by inſinuating itſelf into it. But let us attend to another fact, which thoſe who ſupport the doctrine of fermentation will find a great difficulty in explaining: if the dough be kept longer than the proper time, without baking, it falls again as it is termed, or as I would expreſs it, all the fixed air which raiſed it is diffipated, and then being baked we get heavy bread, exactly like the bread made with flour and water, and haſtily baked, which we know is taſteleſs. Some will perhaps ſay the fermentation is over, but this cannot be admit- A P P E N D I X. 197 ted; for after the vinous comes the acetous fer- mentation, but in this inſtance we have no ſigns of acidity, neither can we fuppoſe that any ſub- ſtance is fo fermentable as to finiſh the vinous ſtage of fermentation in nine hours, for we found that the ſame materials in more favour- able circumſtances, required ſixteen hours before the proceſs began; fonietimes, however, we do find heavy bread that is acid, but in ſuch cales I conclude that the acid came from the yeait, which had proceeded to that ſtage. Another fact I would wiſh to be attended to is, that fermentation alters the eſſential proper- ties of bodies, as we have ſhewn in Se&. 2d. and 3d. but bread is not chemically nor effenti- ally different from flour, for we can actually ſe- parate the different conſtituent principles of flour from bread, beſides, bread itſelf infuſed in water, and expoſed to the neceſſary cauſes of fermentation, will actually ferment, and no doubt yield a vinous fpirit in diſtillation. If we might be allowed to reaſon from fir Iſaac Newton's axiom, “ that no more cauſes of na- " tural phenomena are to be admitted than are * fufficient to explain them,” we can produce three facts that will prove clearly, that fermen- tation is not neceſſary to make bread; from which I infer, that it does not take place. The bakers in this city find much difficulty in getting good yeaſt in fummer, for fermentation goes on fo rapidly in the warm weather, that it grows four in a ſhort time; they can, however, make it anſwer their purpoſe. They diffolve a ſmall quantity of pot-aſh in as much water as is necef 192 A P P E N D I X. ſary to make their bread; this they mix with their yeaſt and four: in leſs than ten minutes their bread is fit to bake, and has every proper- ty of what is called the beſt fermented bread. We need fcarcely explain this fact; every per- fon moderately acquainted with the fubject, knows that pot-aſh is an alkali united to much fixed air, and we think the acid in the yeaft ſets it at liberty, which is the cauſe of the raiſing of the bread, as before explained. A fecond fact that I ſhall mention, was given us by our late chemical profeſſor Doctor Ruſh, in the courſe of lectures which he delivered in the winter of 1788-9; he informs us, that near Saratoga, there are two mineral ſprings, the waters of which have all the properties of the famous Pyrmont water, in other words they are highly impregnated with fixed air. This water when mixed with flour into dough, is ſufficient without yeaſt, to make a very light and pala- table bread. A third fact appears deciſive; we know that a little falt is added to the bread by our bakers; this ſuggeſted the idea of ſupplying it in the fol- lowing manner, which I confeſs is rather fanci- ful: I procured ſome nice chryſtals of the falt formed by the foſſil alkali and fixed air, and diffolved them in water fufficient to make a ſmall loaf of bread, to this I added a little of the ma- rine acid commonly called ſpirit of fea-falt; fix- ed air was generated, but was abſorbed by the cold water; it was then mixed with flour, fet in a warm place to riſe, and ſhortly after baked ; and I had the exquiſite pleaſure to obtain a toler- A P P E N D I X. 193 ably light loaf of bread, fuch as any one would have ſuppoſed to have been fermented, which was ſeaſoned by the ſea-falt, formed by the uni- on of the fofiil and the ſpirit of fea-falt; whilſt the fixed air of the foffil alkali was diſengaged in order to raiſe it. 194 A P P E N D I X. S E C Τ Ι Ο Ν V. Zymics and Antizymics. HIS is by far the moſt difficult part of the fubject ; that many ſubſtances have the power of exciting fermentation and others of re- tarding it, cannot be denied ; but I am far from believing that chemiſts are quite correct upon this ſubject; whilſt the one phenomenon, the eſcape of air, is fo much attended to as the diſtin- guiſhing character of fermentation, we can ne- ver be accurate ; thus I ſuſpect that when a ſmall quantity of an alkaline ſalt is ſaid to be an anti-zy- mic, with reſpect to milk, it abforbs the acid that is generated in the fermentation, ſo that it can- not be taſted, and hence preſerves the milk fweet; chalk on the other hand is ſaid to be zy- mic, and to accelerate the vinous fermentation ; but is it not probable that in ſuch caſes a ſmall quantity of acid is generated in the vinous li- quor, which unites to the chalk, ſets the fixed air at liberty, and it then eſcapes by mere effer- veſcence ? Subſtances that have fermented, yield a mat- ter that is ſuppoſed to poffeſs the properties of exciting fermentation in other bodies; for in- ſtance yeaſt, and ſuch ſubſtances as are faid to poffefs a power of aſſimilation ; but we cannot ac- count for the operation of the yeaſt in theſe caſes, for we by no means know why they tend to diſſipate the phlogiſton of ſuch ſubſtances, neither do we ſee any fimilarity in the chemical compoſition of different zymics and antizymics; that yeaſt excites the vinous fermentation in li- quors I muſt not deny. I cannot, however, omit A P P E N D I X. 195 relating a ſolitary experiment; I took a quantity of ſugar and water, and divided it into two equal parts, I put them into two veſſels of the fame ſize and ſhape, and expoſed them to the ſame temperature of heat ; to‘one I added yeaſt, to the other none; after ſome time they had both become conſiderably acid ; they were then both faturated with an alkali, and the quantity re- quired for that purpoſe was almoſt exactly alike in each. Here then it would ſeem that the yeaſt was entirely paſſive. I can make no re- marks upon this experiment; I leave it to be confirmed or rejected as future fa&s ſhall dictate. Mr. Henry of Mancheſter, in a very elegant memoir, preſented to their Philoſophical and Literary Society, on the ſubject of fermentation, afferts, that " It is a well known fact to the brewers of malt liquor, that wort cannot be brought into the vinous fermentation, without the addition of a ferment.” But when we conſi- der the analogy between beer and other vinous fluids, and that all wines, cyder, perry, &c. fer- ment without any addition : I think we have great reaſon to doubt the fact. But I cannot as yet diſprove his idea by experiment. In the memoir above mentioned, the author ſeems to think that fixed air is the true cauſe of fermentation in vinous liquors, and he tells us of the excellent taſte afforded to punch by being im- pregnated with it. Fixed air, it is well known, , improves the taſte of liquors, but we cannot fufpect that it made the punch ferment in his ex- periment; but he tells us that he made an arti- ficiol yeaſt by impregnating flour and water with fixed air, that with this yeaſt he made beer (per- 396 A PP E N D I X. haps he might have made it without it) and vi- negar, and that he fermented bread with it: as for its fermenting bread, we might readily al- low that it would raiſe bread upon the principles already laid down in Section 4. and when he he tells us how quick the fermentation takes place in his liquors, when expoſed to a gentle heat, may we not juſtly ſuppoſe that the warmth extricated the fixed air, that he had artificially combined with it, and that from this phenome- non alone he had ſuppoſed fermentation to be going on in them? Fixed air, as we have already faid, is the cauſe of the briſkneſs, pungent taſte, and ſparkling appearance of vinous liquors; and it is remarkable that in equal circumſtances the colder they are the more air they contain: I have been told as an argument againſt me in fup- poſing that bread does not ferment becauſe it is raiſed fo quickly; that a barrel of beer may be kept in a vault in the ſummer, without ferment- ing, but if it is hoiſted up into the air it will fer- ment in two or three hours. But may I not juſtly conclude that this apparent fermentation was only owing to the eſcape of fixed air; but, ſay ſome, there is alſo a change of properties; the beer becomes fat and vapid; but this is the natural conſequence of looſing its fixed air which is the cauſe of its briſkneſs. It is alſo a curious fact that the fixed air in liquors muſt be in a pe- culiar ſtate, otherwiſe they do not poffefs that briſkneſs or pungency we ſpoke of: in fact it muſt be on the point of aſſuming its elaſtic form: hence liquors are pot fo brifk in cold as in warm weather, and a connoiffeur in porter for inſtance will tell you, that a bottle ihall open very brills Α Ρ Ρ Ε Ν Ο Ι Χ. . 197 in a warm day, and upon the coming on of cold weather, all the reſt fhall be flat and dead; but let them be corked up, and kept in a warm room for a few days, they will all recover their briſk- neſs, nay, I have ſeen a bottle opened in a cold day that has been quite vapid, which was made briſk and lively by corking it up tight again, and ſetting it for ten or twelve minutes in a baſon of water little more than milk-warm. 198 A P E N D I X. S E C T I O N VI. Some analyſis of Animal Matter, the difference ben tween Animal and Vegetable Fermentation. WH HEN we conſider that almoſt, and perhaps all animals are ultimately derived from ve- getables, we muſt be very much ſurpriſed at the difference that ſubſiſts between the objects of the two kingdoms. They ſhew their difference ſur priſingly in the ſpontaneous changes which they undergo, when expoſed to the neceſſary condi- tions of fermentation, for animal ſubſtances emit a fetid diſagreeable ſmell, and the elaſtic fluid is the vapor of volatile alkali. If with Doctor Cullen we may believe that only certain parts of vegetables are alimentary, we might fuppoſe that the parts of the animal formed of thoſe alimentary parts, would in fome meaſure retain their nature;* his idea is, that it is only the acid, ſ gar and oil of vegetables that render them nutritious, and if that idea were juit, we ought to find them in thoſe animal fluids that are immediately formed of the food; that an acid is preſent in the blood, at leaſt neutral- ized by ſome faline baſe, is eaſily demonſtrated, but it may be doubted whether it is uſeful to the animal; and we have irrefragable proots that an * Since the five laſt ſections were printed off, I have met with a fact, that tends to throw much light on this ſubject, and proves hat animal and veges table, matters are more allied to each other, than chemifts have heretofore imagined; in vol. iv. part 2. of the laſt edition of the Encyclopedia Bris tannica, under the article CHINA. $ 114, we find the following obſerva- tion nother kind of wine is uſed by the Chineſe, or rather Tartars, called lamb-wine It is very ſtrong, and has a diſagreeable imell; and the ſame may be believed of a kind of ſpirit diſtilled from the fleſh of ſheep." 66 A P P E N D I X. 199 oil, or at leaſt the conſtituent principles of an oil exiſt in the blood, for we obtain it by diſtilla- tion; the taite of the urine of diabetic patients proves the preſence of ſugar in the fyftem, which may have either exiſted formally in the blood, or been formed by ſecretion, and the principles of it at leaſt muſt have been afforded by the vegetable food. I know of no direct ex- periments to aſcertain the preſence of ſugar in the blood; I am in poffeffion of one, however, that would ſeem to give plauſibility to that idea. As Mr. Bergman had obtained the acid of Jugar from gum arabic, and from thence concluded that it contained ſugar; I was ſtruck with the analogy between gum erabic and the coagulable lymph of the blood; I treated this laſt mentioned ſubſtance according to the manner for obtaining acid of ſugar from fugar, gum arabic, &c. that is, by boiling it with ſtrong nitrous acid; the mixture when cold yielded ſome ſmall chryſtals, which precipitated lime from a folution in lime water in the fame manner as the acid of ſugar does. It is true, the blood has not a faccharine taſte, neither has gum arabic, and perhaps ſome trifling circumſtances, as an intimate chemical union of ſugar with an oil, may deſtroy all the ſenſible qualities of the fugar, yet as gum arabic yields nearly the ſame reſult in chemical proceſſes that ſugar does, it would be wrong to aſſert that it contains no fugar; nay, barley has no fac- charine or ſweet taſte, yet the trifting circum- ſtance of malting will make it remarkably ſweet, and confeffedly faccharine; and who would say that barley did not contain fugar, before it was malted, merely becaufe it could not be tafted. 200 A P P E N D I X. There have been, however, fo few experi- ments made to determine the cauſes of the dif- ference of animal and vegetable fermentation, and the ſubject is in itſelf ſo truly difficult, that I muſt candidly confeſs it is far beyond my reach. FINI S. coll rok .