CC stevens ad and 339 WILLIAM L.CLEMENTS LIBRARY OF AMERICAN HISTORY UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Pennsylvania. Colonyl Committee of safety 1775.6 RULES For ESTABLISHING RANK or PRECEDENCE amongſt the Pennnſylvania ASSOCIATORS. TH HE COMMITTEE of Safety appointed by the Affembly of the Province of Pennſyl- vania, being deſirous of performing the import- ant duties of their ſtation in the moſt ſatisfac- tory manner to the public, beg leave to lay be- fore them, certain reſolves of the Honorable CONTINENTAL CONGRESS, dated the 18th July, which have already been publiſhed, but it is ap- prehended have not come to the knowledge of many able bodied effective men, aged from 16 to 50 years, that may be very deſirous of ferv- ing their country in the preſent glorious ſtruggle for Liberty, in the mode pointed out by faid re- folves, which are in the following words: IN CONGRESS, July 18, 1775. RESOLVED " THAT it be recommended to the inhabi- tants of all the United Engliſh Colonies in North-America, that all able bodied effective men, [ 2 ] men, between 16 and 50 years of age in each Colony, immediately form themſelves into re- gular companies of militia, to conſiſt of one Captain, two Lieutenants, one Enfign, four Serjeants, four Corporals, one Clerk, one Drummer, one Fifer, and about fixty-eigh Privates. " That the Officers of each company be choſen by the reſpective companies. " That each Soldier be furniſhed with a good muſket, that will carry an ounce ball, with a bayonet, ſteel ramrod, worm, priming wire and bruſh fitted thereto, a cutting ſword or tomhawk, a cartridge box, that will contain twenty-three rounds of cartridges, twelve flints and a knap- fack. 6. That the companies be formed into regi- ments or battalions officered with a Colonel, Lieutenant-Colonel, two Majors, an Adjutant or Quarter Maſter. " THAT all Officers above the rank of Captain be appointed by their reſpective Pro- vincial Affemblies or Conventions, or in their recefs, by the Committees of Safety appointed by faid Aſſemblies or Conventions. 46 That all Officers be commiſſioned by the Provincial Affemblies or Conventions, or in their receſs, by the Committees of Safety appointed by faid Aſſemblies or Conventions. 06 THAT of [3] 66 THAT all the militia take proper care to acquire military ſkill, and be well prepared for defence, by being each man provided with one pound of good gun-powder and four pounds ball fitted to his gun. NO 100 190 “ That one fourth part of the militia in every Colony be ſelected for minute men, of ſuch perſons as are willing to enter into this neceſſary ſervice, formed into companies and battalions, and their Officers choſen and commiſſioned as a- foreſaid, to be ready, on the ſhorteſt notice, to march to any place where their aſliſtance may be required for the defence of their own or a neigh- bouring Colony; and as theſe minute men may eventually be called to action before the whole body of the militia are ſufficiently trained, it is recommended thata more particular and diligent attention be paid to their inſtruction in military diſcipline. ( THAT ſuch of the minute men, as defire it, be relieved by new draughts, as aforeſaid, from the whole body of the militia, once in four months. “ As there are ſome people, who, from re- ligious principles, cannot bear arms in any caſe, this Congreſs intend no violence to their confci- ences, but earneſtly recommend it to them to contribute liberally, in this cime of univerſal ca- lamity, to the relief of their diſtreſſed brethren in the ſeveral Colonies, and to do all other fer- vices [ 4 ] vices to their oppreſſed country, which they can confiftently with their religious principles. < THAT it be recommended to the Aflem- blies or Conventions in the reſpective Colonies to provide, as ſoon as poſſible, ſufficient ſtores of ammunition for their Colonies ; alſo, that they deviſe proper means for furniſhing with arms, ſuch effective men as are poor and un- able to furniſh themſelves. " That it be recommended to each Colony to appoint a Committee of Safety, to fuperin- tend and direct all matters neceſſary for the fe- curity and defence of their reſpective Colonies, in the receſs of their Affemblies and Conventions. " That each Colony, at their own expence, make ſuch proviſion by armed veſſels or other- wiſe, as their reſpective Aſſemblies, Conventions, or Committees of Safety ſhall judge expedient and ſuitable to their circumſtances and ſituations for the protection of their harbours and naviga- tion on their ſea coaſts, againſt all unlawful in- vaſions, attacks and depredations, from cutters and ſhips of war. " That it be recommended to the makers of arms, for the uſe of the militia, that they make good fubftantial muſkets, with barrels three feet and a half in length, that will carry an ounce ball, and fitted with a good bayonet and ſteel ramrod, and that the making ſuch arms be encouraged in theſe United Colonies. 66 WHERE, [ 5 ] " Where, in any Colony, militia is already formed under regulations approved of by the Convention of ſuch Colony, or by ſuch Affem- blies as are annually clective, we refer to the dif- cretion of ſuch Convention or Aſſembly, either to adopt the foregoing regulations in the whole or in part, or to continue their former, as they, on confideration of all circumſtances, ſhall think beſt. A true Copy from the Minutes, 2 CHARLES THOMSON, Sec.” And in order that all perſons of every rank, degree and ſtation, may be truly informed of the premiſes, and none hereafter plead igno- rance, this Board do earneſtly recommend to all Committees of Inſpection and Obſervation in this province, to cauſe this publication to be diſperſed, read and explained within their reſ- pective diſtricts, in ſuch manner that every perſon, capable of aſſociating for mutual de- fence may be made ſenſible, it is a duty they owe to themſelves and country, to do it without further lofs of time. And as it is neceſſary that this Board be ſpeedily informed of the number of Affociators in the ſeveral counties or dir- tricts, the faid Committees are requeſted to make returns as foon as poſſible, Firſt, of the ſeveral battalions already formed; Secondly, of the ſeveral new Affociators not yet formed into battalions ; Thirdly, of all ſuch perſons from fixteen to fifty, their names and places of abode, [ 6 ] abode, as may refuſe to aſſociate, not having any conſcientious objections, if any ſuch there be ; and laſtly, of the number of men in their reſpective diſtricts, who conſcientiouſly decline bearing arms; but the names of this laſt claſs are not required, for this Committee acquieſcing in the benevolent ſentiments of the Honorable Congreſs, only defire ſuch perſons to " contri- " bute liberally in this time of univerſal calami- ty, to the relief of their diſtreſſed brethren in the ſeveral colonies, and to do all other - ſervices to their oppreſſed country, which they can conſiſtently with their religious « principles.” 66 The ſeveral Committees of Inſpection and Obſervation having been deſired to make re- turns to this Board, as ſoon as conveniently could be, of the ſeveral Battalions of Affocia - tors already formed in their diſtricts, are now informed, that it will be neceſſary to mention, in ſaid returns, the rank of every battalion of a county in regard to others in the ſame coun. sy, and to prevent uncertainty among the of- ficers of the General Aſſociation, reſpecting rank or command, and to aſcertain the ſame with preciſion. This Committee in forming the following plan (which they purpoſe to ob- ſerve ſtri&ly in granting commiſſions, and which they recommend to the general acquiefcence of all the Aſſociators) have had a regard to the le- niority or priority of eftabliſhment of the fe. veral counties, viz. ift. All [ 7 ] ift. All Officers already choſen or appointed in the city and diſtrict of Philadelphia, to take rank or precedence of all other officers of equal dignity, chofen or appointed in any other pare of the province. 2d. All officers already choſen or appointed in Philadelphia county, to take rank of all of- ficers of equal dignity, choſen or appointed in any other county. 3d. ALL officers already choſen or appointed in Bucks county, to take rank of all officers of equal dignity, chofen or appointed in any other than the city and diſtrict and county of Phila- delphia. 4th All officers already chofen or appoint- ed in Cheſter county, to take rank of all offi- cers of equal dignity chofen or appointed in any other than Bucks, Philadelphia county, and Philadelphia city and diſtricts. 5th. All officers already choſen or appoint- ed in Lancaſter county, to rank before officers of equal dignity, choſen or appointed in any other than Cheſter, Bucks, and Philadelphia counties, and the city and diſtricts. 6th. All officers already choſen or appoint- ed in York county, to rank before officers of equal dignity, in any other than Lancaſter, Cheſter, Bucks, and Philadelphia county, l'hi- ladelphia city and diſtricts. th. [ 8 ] 7th. All officers already choſen or appointed in Cumberland county, to rank before officer's of equal dignity, in the junior counties of Berks, Northampton, Bedford, Northumber- land and Weſtmoreland. 8th. All officers already choſen or appointed in Berks county, to rank before officers of equal dignity in the counties of Northampton, Bedford, Northumberland and Weſtmoreland. gth. All officers already choſen or appointed in Northampton county, to rank before officers of equal dignity in Bedford, Northumberland, and Weſtmoreland counties. 1oth. All officers already choſenor appointed in Bedford county, to rank before officers of equal dignity in Northumberland and Weft- moreland counties. 11th. All officers already chofen or appoint- ed in Northumberland county, to rank before officers of equal dignity in Weſtmoreland coun- ty. 12th. All officers already choſen or appoint- ed in Weſtmoreland, the youngeſt or laſt made county in this province, yield up rank or pre- cedence to all officers of equal dignity already chofen or appointed in every other county in this province. 13th, [ 9 ] 13th. WHERE commiſſions of equal dignity in different counties bear the ſame date, prece. dency to be determined by ſeniority of counties; but where they are in the ſame county, by the rank of the battalion. 14th. The Colonels already choſen or ap- pointed in the city and diſtricts, having deter- mined their ranks with reſpect to each other by lot, their and the other Field Officers commiffi- ons will be dated according to the lot ſo drawn. 15th. The Colonels already chofen or ap- pointed in every county are to determine their rank with reſpect to each other by lot, and com- miſſions for them and their reſpective Field Of ficers will be dated accordingly. 16th. The Captains in every battalion to de termine their rank in battalion by lot, and their commiffions with thoſe of their Lieutenants and Enſigns will be dated accordingly, 17th. All Officers hereafter choſen or ap- pointed to have their commiſſions dated at the time of ſuch choice or appointment, and to take rank according to faid dates. 18th. All battalions now raiſed to be com- pleated as foon as poſſible, and to conſiſt of eight companies of about ſixty-eight privates each, and one company of Light Infantry; and to have for Officers, a Colonel, Lieut. Colonel; B TWO [ 10 ] two Majors, a Standard Bearer, Adjutant, Ser- jeant Major, Drum and Fife Major; and the Officers of each company to conbil of a Captain, Iwo Lieutenants, one or two Enſigns, four Serjants, four Corporals, a Drummer and Fifer, except the Light Infantry company, which, in- ſtead of two Lieutenants and two Enſigns, are to have four Lieutenants, the two youngest of which are to rank as Enligns. 19th. The Standard Bearer of each battalion to rank as eldeit Lieutenant of the battalion. 20th. ALL national diftinctions in dreſs or name to be avoided, it being proper that we ſhould now be united in this general Aſociation for defending our Liberties and Properties, un- der the fole denomination of Americans. 21ſt. COMPANIES to take poft in their bat- talion according to the date of their Captains commiflions, if the Captains be preſent, but it abfent, ſuch Companies to take poft as youngeſt in the battalion. 22d. No Field Officers to have companies. 23d. For the better order and government of companies which may be raiſed after the com- pletion of the ſeveral battalions already formed in the city and counties, ſuch companies are not to be admitted as independent, but are to be annexed to the moſt convenient battalion, until nine [ 11 ] nine companies are raiſed to form a new battalion, and no number of affociators are to be conſider ed as a company, unleſs they conſiſt of at leaſt tory men; but it is recommended that till that number be compleated, the allociators join the moſt convenient battalion, exerciſe and do duty with luch battalion. 240h. ALL battalions now formed as well as thole hereafter to be formed, are deſired to make the neceffary returns of their numbers and Of- ficers with their reſpective ranks, to the Com- mittee of their county, and the Committees are defired to certify ſuch returns with the reſpective rank of each battalion in their county to this Board, that commiffions may be iſſued immedi- ately for every Officer, in conformity with theſe rulcs. 25th. And as there may happen occaſions wherein it may be neceſſary to call out a part of the aſſociators to actual, though temporary, ſervice, and not the whole body; and it would. be extremely inconvenient and burthenſome, it upon every alarm, where the aſliſtance of part only may be wanted, the whole ſhould come to- gether, or any much greater number than the occafion required, and it would be therefore ne- ceſſary to have ſuch diviſions made of the afoci- ators, as that parts ſmaller or greater may be diftin&tly called for, and the fervice as equally and fairly allotted and divided as the nature there- of will admit; it is recommended, not only the battalions ( 12 ) battalions of each county, but alſo, that the companies of each battalion be by lot numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, &c. fo that orders may iſſue from the Commander in Chief to the Colonels, either to march their whole battalions, or to ſend to an appointed redezvous, the firſt, or ſecond, or any number of companies that fhall be wanted, each company ſerving on ſuch calls in its turn, and for ſuch proportion of time as ſhall make the burchen nearly equal, and if the aſſociators who are called forth, are not all yet provided with good arms, it is recommended to thoſe who have ſuch, and are not called out, to lend the fame for that occaſion, at the riſque of the public. Laſtly. This Board having drawn up thirty- two articles of agreement for the due regulacion and government of all the aſſociators in the pro- vince, which is publiſhed herewith, they do re- commend the ſame to be adopted, ſigned and agreed to by all the ſaid affociators, in order that one general ſyſtem may prevail in Penn- fylvania. ARTICLES of Of ASSOCIATION in PENNSYLVANIA. E, the Orrocers and SOLDIERS, engaged in the preſent ASSOCIATION for the DEFENCE OF AMERICAN LIBERTY, being fully fenfible that the Strength and Security of any Body of Meis, a Etirg together, confifts in just Regularity, due Subordination, and excet Obedience to command, without which no individual can have thet confi- dence in the ſupport of thoſe about him, that is so neceſſary to give firmneſs and reſolution to the whole, DO VOLUN, TARILY and FREELY, after confideration of the following ARTICLES, adopt the same as the Rules by which we agree and reſolve to be governed in all our military concerns and operetions, until the same or any of them ſhall be changed or diſſolved by the Aſſembly, or Provincial Convention, or in their recess, by the Committee of safety,or a happy Reconciliation ſhall take place between Great Britain and the Colonies. 1 1. F any officer wake uſe of any profane oath or execration, when on duty, he ſhall forfeit and pay for each and eve- ry ſuch offence, the ſum of Five Shillings : And if a non-commiſſioned officer or ſoldier be thus guilty of curſing or ſwearing, he ſhall forfeit and pay, for each and every ſuch offence, the ſum of One Shilling, II. Any officer or ſoldier, who ſhall refuſe to obey the lawful orders of his ſuperior officer, may be ſuſpended from doing duty on that day, and ſhall, upon being convicted thereof, before a regimental court-martial, make ſuch conceffions as faid court-martial ſhall direct. III. Any officer or foldier, who ſhall begin, excite, cauſe, join in or promote, any diſturbance in the battalion, troop, or company, to which he belongs, or in any other battalion, troop or company, ſhall be cenſured according to the nature of the offence, by the judgment of a regimental court-martial. IV. Any officer or foldier who ſhall ſtrike his fuperior officer, or draw or offer to draw, or ſhall lift up any weapon, or offer any violence againſt him, being in the execution of his office, fhall, upon conviction, before a regimental court-mar- tial, be diſmiffed, and ſhall be deemed to be thereby diſgraced as unworthy the company of Freemen. V. Any commanding or other officer, who ſhall ſtrike any perſon when on duty, thall, upon conviction before a gene- ral court-martial, be in like manner diſmiſſed and diſgraced. - VI. Any officer, non-commiffioned officer, or ſoldier, who ſhall make uſe of infolent, provoking, or indecent lan- guage while on duty, ſhall ſuffer ſuch cenſure or fine, as ſhall be inflicted by a regimental court-martial, according to the nature of the offence. VII. If any officer or ſoldier ſhould think himſelf injured by his colonel or the commanding officer of the battalion, and ſhall, upon due application made to him, be refuſed redreſs, he may complain to the general of the Pennſylvania Affo- ciators, or to the colonel of any other battalion, who is to ſummon a general court-martial, and ſee that juſtice be done. VIII. If any inferior officer or foldier ſhall think himſelf injured by his captain or other ſuperior officer in the battalion, troop, or company, to which he belongs, he may complain to the commanding officer of the regiment, who is to ſum- mon a regimental court-martial, for the doing juſtice according to the nature of the caſe, IX. No officer, non-commiſſioned officer or foldier, ſhall fail of repairing with their arms, ammunition, and accoutre- ments, upon any regular alarm, or at the time fixed, to the place of parade, or other rendezvous appointed by the com- manding officer, if not prevented by fickneſs or ſome other evident neceſſity, or ſhall go from the place of parade, without leave from the commanding officer, before he ſhall be regularly diſmiſſed, on penalty of being fined or cenſured, according to the nature of the offence, by the ſentence of a regimental court-martial. But no officer or foldier ſhall be obliged to attend to learn the military exerciſe more than once in a week. X. Any officer or ſoldier found drunk when under arms, ſhall be ſuſpended from doing duty in the battalion, compa- ny or troop on that day, and be fined or cenſured, at the diſcretion of a regimental court-martial. XI. WHATEVER centinel ſhall be found ſleeping upon his poſt, or ſhall leave it before he is regularly relieved ſhall ſuffer ſuch penalty, or diſgrace as ſhall be ordered by a regimental court-martial. XII. WHATEVER commiſſioned officer ſhall be convicted before a general court-martial, of behaving in a fcandalous or infamous manner, unbecoming the character of an officer and a gentleman, ſhall be diſmiſſed from the affociation with diſgrace. Xul. Every non-commiſſioned officer or ſoldier who ſhall be convicted at à regimental court-martial of having fold, careleſsly loſt, wilfully ſpoiled, or waſted, or of having offered for ſale, any ammunition, arms or accoutrements belonging to this province, ſhall be diſmiſſed ſuch battalion troop or company as an unworthy member, and be proſecuted as the law directs. XIV. All diſorders and neglects which officers or foldiers may be guilty of, to the prejudice of the good order and military diſcipline of the aſſociation of this colony, are to be taken cognizance of, by a general or regimental court-martial, according to the nature and degree of the offence, and be cenſured at their diſcretion. XV. That on the firſt meeting of every battalion after ſubſcribing theſe articles of aſſociation and from thenceforward on the firſt meeting of every battalion after the third Monday in September annually, there be choſen two perſons, ſuch as are entitled to vote for members of aſſembly, out of each company in the reſpective battalions, by the non-commiſſioned officers and privates, whoſe duty and office ſhall be for the year following to fit and join with the officers in courts-martial, which perſons fo choſen ſhall be ftiled court-martial men. XVI. Every general court-martial ſhall confifl of thirteen members, fix of whom ſhall be commiſſioned officers under the rank of a field officer and fix court-martial men, who ſhall be drawn by lot out of the whole number, and theſe twelve are to chooſe a preſident, who ſhall be a field officer and have a caſting voice. XVII. Every regimental court martial ſhall be compoſed of ſeven members, three officers, three court martial men, and a preſident, who is to be a captain, and to be choſen by the fix and alſo to have a cafting voice, XVIII. In all courts-martial not leſs than two thirds of the members muſt agree in every ſentence for inflicting penalties, or for difgracing any aſſociator, otherwiſe he ſhall be acquitced. XIX. The preſident of each and every court-martial whether regimental or general, ſhall require all witneffes, in order to the trial of offenders, to declare on their honor, that what they give in as evidence, is the truth, and the members of all courts-martial fhall make a declaration to the preſident, and the preſident to the next in rank, upon their honour that they will give judgment with impartiality. XX. All non-commiſsioned officers, drummers, fifers, or others that ſhall be employed and receive pay in any of the bac- talions, companies or troops, ſhall ſubſcribe theſe rules and regulations, and be ſubject to ſuch fines, to be deducted from their pay and to ſuch penalties as a regimental court-martial ſhall think proper, upon being convicted of having tranfgreffed any of theſe regulations. XXI. ALL a XXI. All affociators called as witneffes in any caſe, before a court-martial, who ſhall refuſe to attend and give evidence, ſhall be cenſured or fined at the diſcretion of the court-martial. XXII. No officer or foldier being charged with tranfgrefling of theſe rules' ſhall be ſuffered to do duty in the regiment, company or troop to which he belongs, until he has had his trial by a court-martial, and every perſon fo charged ſhall be tried as ſoon as a court-martial can be conveniently aſſembled. XXIII. The officers and ſoldiers of every company of artillery or other company, troop or party, that is or ſhall be an nexed to any battalion, ſhall be ſubject to the command of the colonel or commanding officer of faid battalion, and the offi- cers fhall fit as members of courts martial, in the ſame manner as the officers of any other company. XXIV. No penalty ſhall be inflicted at the diſcretion of a couro martial other than degrading, caſhiring or fining. The fines for the officers not to exceed Three Pounds, and the fine for a non-commiffioned officer or foldier not to exceed Twelve Shillings for one fault. XXV. The field officers of each and every battalion ſhall appoint a perſon to receive ſuch fines as may ariſe within the fame, for breach of any of theſe articles, and ſhall direct thoſe fines to be carefully and properly applied to the relief of the fiek, wounded, or neceflitous foldiers, belonging to that battalion, and ſuch perſon ſhall account with the field officers for all fines received, and the application thereof. XXVI. The general or commander in chief of this aſſociation for the time being, ſhall have full power of pardoning or mitigating any cenfures or penalties ordered to be inflicted, for the breach of any of theſe articles, by any general court- martial, and every offender convicted as aforeſaid by any regimental court-martial, may be pardoned or have his penalties mitigated by the colonel or commanding officer of the battalion, excepting only where ſuch cenſures or penalties are directed as fatisfaction for injuries received by one officer or foldier from another. XXVII. Any officer, non-commiſſioned officer, or other perſon, who having fubſcribed theſe articles, ſhall refuſe to make ſuch conceflions, pay fuch fines, or in any other matter refuſe to comply with the judgment of any court-martial, fhall be dilimiffed the ſervice, and held up to the public as'unfriendly to the Liberties of America. XXVII. Upon the determination of any point by a regimental court-martial, if the officer or foldier concerned on either fide thinks himſelf ftill aggrieved, he may appeal to a general court-martial, but if upon a ſecond hearing the appeal appears groundleſs and vexatious, the perſon fo appealing ſhall be cenfured at the diſcretion of the general court-martial. XXIX. Upon the death, refignation, promotion, or other removal of an officer from any battalion, troop, or com- . pany, («xcept field officers,) or any court-martial men, fuch vacancy is to be filled by the perſon or perſons ſuch troop or company fhall elect. XXX. No officer or ſoldier ſhall be tried a ſecond time for the fame offence, except in caſe of appeal. XXXI. All officers and ſoldiers of every battalion, troop, company, or party of affociators, who ſhall be called by the affembly or committee of ſafety in receſs of aſſembly, into actual ſervice, and be on pay, ſhall, when acting by themſelves, or in conjunction with the continental forces, be ſubject to all the rules and articles made by the Honourable Congreſs for the government of the continental troops. XXXII. No commiffioned, non-commiffioned officer, or private, ſhall withdraw himſelf from the company to which he belongs, without a diſcharge from the commanding officer of the battalion, nor ſhall ſuch perſon be received into any other company without ſuch diſcharge. IN TESTIMONY of our approbation and conſent, to be governed by the above regulations, which have been deliberate- ly read to, or carefully peruſed by us, we have hereunto ſet our hands. na bubre bro G 90 c 1775 pe Permasalania, Committee of safety. BUNDY SANG ORA 1 DEUTCLIFF FOR HENRY STZVENS, SUN & STILES, LONDON