AN APPEAL TO FEMALES OF THE NORTH, ON THE SUBJECT OF SLAVERY, BY A FEMALE OF VERMONT. Suffice it to say that it emanated from the pen and heart of a woman-one who feels deeply for the degradation and misery of one portion of her sisters, and laments in secret the apathy of another. The AUTHOR. BRANDON: TELEGRAPH PRESS. 1838. Wor celotius parler obwodu ongisuga Series near DOCTORS botohooldus to do weils glasundo DESIERTOS OR gulshadan do 503 PELTOES AN APPEAL TO FEMALES OF THE NORTH. As there has been much that was excel- females are solicited in aid of missionary lent and convincing said and written, rela- operations--that women are now urged by tive to slavery, I should deem it quite su- all that is beneficent in their nature to as- perflous, to add my mite to the already sist in sending the teacher of Christianity abundant fund, were it not that a feeling of to heathen India-even when they are as- duty and an increasing interest in the cause sured that the doctrines he will declare are of oppressed and degraded human nature, directly opposed to the political organization, constrain me thus to appeal to the benevo- the established customs and long-cherished lence and religious sensibility of my sisters ; prejudices of the nation to whom he will if happily by “importunity" their slum- go. They are not now cautioned against bering energies may be awakened to efficient an interference with the rights of others, effort for the peaceful and speedy overthrow and warned of the revolution and bloodshed of a system so entirely at variance with the that may result from the promulgation of precepts of the gospel. these doctrines. No, they are commended I am aware that it requires no small de- for the sacrifices they are making in sup- gree of moral courage to enable our sex to port of the cause, and told that the blessings appear as the friends of the slave. We of these benighted souls will rest upon them. must dare to exercise those powers of mind The alarming thought is not suggested to which the Almighty has bestowed upon us, them, that if these doctrines should prevail, or we shall be driven from this position by and the Chinese be induced to consign their the objections and entreaties of those whose multiplicity of idols to the flames, this views are in opposition to ours. The most teacher of Christiarity may possibly be re- formidable barrier that is presented before garded as an incendiary, by those who de- us is the political bearing of slavery.— rive their gain from the sale of images, We are gravely told that on this account and forfeit his life by his temerity. No, it is exceedingly unfeminine and intrusive those who are thus anxious to benefit the for us to advocate the cause of the enslaved; distant heathen do not in this case consult and that retirement is more congenial with consequences; they act upon the immuta- our capacities and habits. This is a spe- ble principle that it is right to do our duty, cious argument; but, unhappily for those and leave the event with Him who can who advance it, it appears to have been overrule all for good. coined for this exigency, and applied ex- And women have been, and still are, ap- clusively to this question,- for we know pealed to, as co-workers with their brethren that the sphere of female action has not in the cause of Temperance. Their influ- always been thus circumscribed. We know ence is sought in diffusing the doctrines of that the sympathy and the co-operation of Peace. And, astonishing as it may now wrongs. seem, their aid was once invoked in behalf as bound with them,” unless it can be clear- of Greece and Poland, when their sons ly demonstrated that our benevolence de- were waging physical warfare against their rives its angelic hue from the remoteness oppressors ! It was not then viewed as a of the object which elicits it, and that the derogation from their delicacy, nor their inhabitants of the “isles afar off” have dignity, to commingle feelings with their stronger claims upon our sympathy, than fathers and brothers, or even to transmit the thousands, aye, milliors, who are per- the token of their sympathy to those who ishing at our very threshhold! Alas! it is were contending for freedom. They were pride, it is bitter, cruel prejudice, united not then reproved for meddling with the with selfishness, that would blind us to their affairs of rulers and their subjects. Oh, no, wants and close our ears to the recital of they were admired for their zeal, and eulo- their gized as angels of mercy, commissioned to But as it is not in accordance with the bear the balm of hope to desponding breasts! character of woman to withhold her pity It is truly surprising that the acute dis- from the distressed; as she has not been cerners of feminine impropriety have not, ere this late hour, discovered that a partici- wont to "pass by on the other side," but to pation in these enterprizes was an aberra- pour the wine and oil of consolation into the wounded soul, without reference to tion from female decorum, and kindly re- manded woman to the quiet routine of do- clime, why is it that she is now so slow mestic avocations. Such a course would to evince her commiseration for the stripped have been in consonance with their present and down-trodden of this land ? Is the assertions, and might have saved them from fountain of feeling so exhausted by our con- the mortification produced by our indiscre- tribution to foreign demands, that we have tion! But the undisguised truth is, that not left even a tear, which may be dropped the opponents of Abolitionism have not been upon the chain of the American slave, to actuated so much by a sense of our depart- rust away its blood stained links, and en- ure from correctness of conduct, as by an able his unshackled spirit to exult in the apprehension that the principles of univer- consciousness of renovated manhood ? Oh sal love and equity must ultimately tri- no, this cannot be, --for those hallowed umph over hatred and oppression, unless emotions which dignify and adorn the ha- the discussion of this question could be man mind emanate from an exhaustless checked. They are convinced that woman's source ree—they partake in a degree of the voice has not been powerless when raised immensity of their Divine origin; and there- in behalf of virtue, and therefore, impotent fore a supply of sympathy sufficient to as- as they may affect to consider our efforts in suage the sorrows of these "inheritors of this cause, it has been their policy to divert woe," must yet remain in the hearts of our attention from this momentous subject, American women, and if it is not manifest- and thus prevent a concentration of our in- ed on their behalf, it is because each avenue Auence. This must be obvious to every to tenderness has been closed by arguments unprejudiced mind,--for if the exertions of addressed to our selfishness, our pride and women, in the instances enumerated, were prejudice. An indifference, at variance irreproachable, it surely cannot now reflect with our nature, has chilled the generous indelicacy nur indignity upon us to “ remem- stream! And shall we still indulge this ber those in " our midst who are in "bonds, apathy? Shall our religion be dishonored, and our country disgraced by crime, and assertion exhibit proof that we are not in- christian mothers and daughters remain terested, or even implicated, in the con- unmoved amid this awful accumulation of tinuance of this heaven-insulting sin, ere guilt? Ah! can we contemplate the con- they impose silence upon us,-for we have dition of the enslaved, and not feel our too long been lulled by the delusive chant of spirits deeply bowed by the reflection that Northern innocency, into the belief that we in the midst of our unequalled professions are not abettors of this most flagrant viola- and privileges, all those ennobling faculties tion of the Divine command. of the soul, which were the birth-gift of It is true we do not witness the sale and our Creator, and were destined to expand purchase of God's noblest work. Our cars throughout eternity, are continually paraliz- are not pained by the cry of the auctioneer ed-shrouded in ignorance and consigned who sells human beings to the highest to the loathsome sepulchre of depravity by bidder,--because our laws forbid it: but a the hand of legalized, christian, republican little investigation may convince us that, slavery? although remote from the scene of this We frequently hear it said that "as we abomination, we are not secure from its are not connected with slavery, it cannot contamination or its guilt. Do not our be obligatory upon Northern females to youth associate with those of slave-holding upite in any efforts for its abolition- that States, in the literary, mercantile and social it is an entirely local question, with which circle? Do they not reciprocåte the friend- we have no right to interfere.” Alas! for the ship of Southervers,--and, unless super- corner stones of reformation, if our percep- naturally guarded, do they not too frequent- tions of truth and duty can be thus modified ly imbibe their sentiments ? Surely they do, to suit our corrupt inclinations, and the lati- and become familiar with iniquity; and to iude of our homes, --if the righteous reproof this intercourse may be traced many of the of "sin in high places” is to be restricted erroneous sentiments and the vices so pre- by the boundaries of States! The doc- valent at the North. The poison has been trines of Mahomet were not more contracted. insidiously, but deeply, infused into our And shall we adopt a principle so selfish, moral system ; and the lethargic state of and thus cast an odium upon the pure and public feeling on the subject of slavery af- exalted religion of Jesus Christ ? a religion, fords painful evidence of its fatal operation! which, in its expansive nature, embraces Many amongst us directly strengthen the the very "ends of the earth ?" The com- hand of the oppressor by their apologies, mand of the Most High formerly was, and thus uphold this complicated system of “ Thou shalt in any wise rebuke thy neigh- iniquity-a system which scorns all com- bor, and not suffer sin upon him.” And we petition or comparison, and stands without are instructed by Him who knew all things, a rival, secure in the undisputed possession that men of other nations are our neighbors, of its detestable pre-eminence.” Are not consequently those of our own country must many of the luxuries which burden Nor- be included; and their transgressions should thern tables procured by the lash extorted be reproved. But as it is repeatedly urged labor of the Southern slave? Those deli- that we of the North are not interested in cacies with which we so thoughtlessly re- this subject, and therefore that silence is gale ourselves, are they not watered by the incumbent upon us, let those who make this tears of our sable brethren and sisters? It 66 6 is even so, and our daily consumption of load of misery: and this obligation will such articles induces the slaveholder to remain upon us until He who requires us to fasten more firmly the manacles of the poor love our neighbor as ourselves shall absolve captives, and upon us must rest a portion us from all accountability to Him, and thus of the guilt. annihilate our title to humanity. We know Are not the fathers, the brothers, the hus- that there are hopes and affections which bands and sons of northern women a part cluster in holy alliance around woman's of the American Congress? And have not heart, and are so interwrought with the some of these knelt to the image of slavery, fabric of her existence, that she recoils “set up in the plain" of the South, even from even the menace of a separation; and while their abased heads were shadowed by can we regard with indifference the thrill- the wings of the proud emblem of our free- ing fact, that there are now thousands of dom? And have they not made ready and our country-women from whom all these unhailowed sacrifices to it, at what time the hopes and affections are sundered by a imperious mandate has gone forth? And stroke far more agonizing than that of death? do our spirits ignobly acquiesce in this ser- Is there no chord within the hearts of north- vile surrender of our inestimable birth-right ern mothers that vibrates, as the grasp of to southern dictation? Do we cherish no avarice and lust tears the clinging daughter desire that the rich inheritance of unfetlered from the arms of a fond mother, and con- thought, bequeathed to us by our ancestors, signs her to perpetual ignominy and shame? may be transmitted unencumbered to those Is no indignity offered to our immortal na who shall succeed us? Who then can say ture, when our sisters, designed with our- that northern females are not interested in selves to be companions of angels and heirs the discussion of this question, or that they of interminable joy, are classed and sold do not sustain relations to the system of with beasts of the field and perishable mer- slavery which should enkindle their virtu- chandize? Can it indeed seem “a light ous indignation, and call forth all the ener- thing unto" us, that in their debasement the gy of their character for its speedy and most sacred einotions of the female soul utter destruction ? are trampled upon,-yea spurned as wholly But there are yet other views of this worthless ?—that even the very treasury of subject, which should excite northern fe- feeling is ravaged by unrestrained violence, males to immediate action. If we admit and its most precious gems sacrificed to the that every intelligent being, as a member of will and scorn of the oppressor? Yet all the great family of mankind, has important these cruel bereavements and insults they social duties assigned by the Creator of the must endure in unrepining silenze: for that universe, so imperative in their nature that gushing forth of maternal solicitude, which no plea of worldly interest or ease can ex- in their fairer sisters is reverenced as the onerate the individual from their fulfilment; irresistible eloquence of nature, is unsup- and that among these deties, sympathy with portable in them; and that sensibility which the oppressed and afflicted and the mitiga- in civilized life sheds an attractive radiance tion of their sorrows as far as is practicable around the female character they must are emphatically designated, we certainly suppress, or the tyrant's lash may remind have an interest in the broken ties, the them that although deeply afflicted they are crushed affections, and unalleviated anguish unpitied slaves ! of the human heart: we are obligated to Let it not be said that the pearl of affec- feel for them and endeavor to lighten their 17 7 upon the tion is valueless in those of African descent, secret thought. Oh! let us listen to the There are many facts on record that fully language of Holy inspiration, and consider refute this assertion-instances whereia at- well its solemn import: “If thou forbear to tachment has triumphed overevery other con- deliver them that are drawn unto death, sideration, and impelled them to destroy the and those that are ready to be slain : if thou objects of their love, rather than permit them sayest behold we knew it not; doth not He to become the victims of aggravated cruelty. that pondereth the heart consider it; and he Ah! who can portray the extreme sufferings that keepeth thy soul doth not he know it; of body, the nameless and protracted con- and shall not he render to every one accord- flicts of mind, which in many instances, ing to his work." The Lord hath declared, like a merciless tempest, have shattered all “All souls are mine:” and can we suppose the energies of woman's soul, and driven it that He is indifferent to the oppression of a fearful wreck upon the strand of despair! this portion of His heritage? We may be Flatter not yourselves, I entreat you, with unmindful of their afflictions,—but He who the vain hope that what is here pictured is delivered Israel from Egyptian bondage only the wild imagery of a highly-wrought remembers them. He still sitteth upon the imagination, and therefore unworthy your throne of Omnipotence, and maketh his serious attention. Happy indeed would it creatures the instruments of His power to be for the imbruted slave, for our guilt- effect His purposes of mercy and judgment. burdened country, and for future genera- A great responsibility rests tions, were it so. But alas! not even the christian females of the North. They can- pencil of a Raphael could fully delineate not plead ignorance of their duty, nor ina- the horrors of this Bastile of the South.- bility to discharge it. If their talents are The most vivid representation of its terr nrs buried in the earth, it will be no extenua- are but as the dim shadowing of an awful tion of their guilt, that they “wrapped reality, which eternity alone can unfold! them in a napkin.” The condemnation Oh! could we for a season place ourselves will be, because these talents were unem- in the stead of these heirs of unutterable ployed, when they should have been used to grief, our souls would he overwhelmed with the honor of Him who gave them. the waters of bitterness; and we should Our sisters of England have done nobly prefer death to such life: we could then in in the cause of Emancipation, and the ef- a faint degree appreciate their woe and fects of their labors afford ample and en- mingle our tears and prayers for their relief. couraging proof that they have not spent And shall we now, through a false sensi- their “strength for nought." Shall we bility, shrink from even the contemplation imitate their bright example, or content of their wretchedness ? Shall we draw ourselves with idle admiration of their zeal the impervious mantle of self-love around and firmness? Let us be willing to act in our sympathies, and return to our “ceiled behalf of the oppressed, though the wise houses," and "fulness of bread," forgetful and prudent of this world deride us. "It of their nakedness and hunger, and hope to is enough for the disciple that he be as his shield ourselves from the arrows of Divine master;"> and if so let us cheerfully submit condemnation behind the flimsy breastwork to have our names cast out as evil. of " domestic duties ?" Ah! futile hope, But perhaps some may despair of our for He who formed the human mind can accomplishing anything by our labors, be- analyze each motive, and discern the most cause we do not participate in the govern- ment of our country. We possess the upon us by reason of our efforis; and if power to accomplish much, if that power is thus mercifully aided, we can continue to rightly applied. It is acknowledged that intercede for the deliverance of this peo- we have influence in private life; and as it ple, until our country shall be cleansed is from amongst those who compose the from the guilt and disgrace which now fireside circle that our statesmen are chosen pollute it. Thus, through different medi- -our fathers, brothers, and husbands, we ums we may operate upon the moral sense can, (if our own views are rectified,) while of the nation, and contribute to the purifi- reclining beneath our vine of domestic en- cation of public sentiment from the leprosy joyment, remind them of the two and a half that has long disfigured and enfeebled it.- millions of inmortal beings now pining in Oh! if the multiplied and unequalled hor- hopeless bondage, and so enlist their sym- rors of this modern Aceldama could be pathies as to secure their exertions in their suddenly revealed to our view, they would behalt. We can labor to eradicate that startle the most indifferent and stimulate deep-rooted & unrighteous prejudice against them to untiring exertions for the removal a skin not colored like our own. And we of this appalling source of corruption and can in our neighborhood-intercourse dare to death from the land. We may now en- vindicate the aspersed character of our col- deavor to excuse ourselves from this labor, ored brethren. We who are mothers, can and offer what we may deem satisfactory effectually though unobtrusively aid the reasons for our idleness; but they will cause of the oppressed, by instilling into avail us nothing with Him whose require- the minds of our precious children an ab- ments are plain and easily understood, and horrence of the sin of oppression and im- who “will reward” us "according to our pressing upon their hearts the important works." We cannot believe that the re- truth that all mankind are the children of deemed soul of the now despised captive one common father, and therefore equally will be presented less spotless before the the objects of His love and mercy. We Father's throne, because the prison house exert an influence over our sons and daugh- of clay from which it had been liberated ters that may yet affect the happiness of was of darker hue than that in which we thousands; and let us not prove unworthy tabernacled while on earth; and if not, of this noble trust,—but by every possible then in that soul will the Omniscient Judge means endeavor to excite their interest in acknowledge an heir of God, while to us behalf of this outcast and degraded portion may be addressed the awfully impressive of our fellow creatures. We can diffuse language, "INASMUCH AS YE DID IT NOT information relative to this wide-spreading UNTO ONE OF THE LEAST sin. We can implore Divine strength to BRETHREN, YE DID IT NOT UNTO ME.” endure with humility the reproach cast OF THESE MY Pam 1838 Fe Female of Vermont 37986 [ Harper