EFE MRS. GAZETTE NEWS FROM ANOTHER up the 936th Annual Jeg WORLD. festival of the Jupiter Pluvius Since the occurrence of the mem- Association for the advancement orable Marequake in the year of Martian Incomes, which was 17897, we have not been called being held at Big Dipper erover upon to record such startling Shortly after his and upon , and exciting news as that which the scene the innocelift ugom appears in our columns to-day. bols of the participants were Yesterday afternoon we dis- interrupted by & to toheton reporter to write wonderful portent to OM PEPTONOIDS arrival of the air-Ship fearless reporter, were transfixed beavens. A strange with surprise, and beheld the most and enormous body wonderful sight over seen in Mars. came sailing through the From this oblong phenomenon circumambient ether and emerged a singular being, God or finally lit upon the summit devil, the inhabitant of another of Mount Lucullus. world. He was totally unlike the The erstwhile gay and merry people of our planet in appearance, picknickners fled in great trepi- figure and dress: strange to con dation, but a few, among them our his maseive head was fimul fixed between his should- ers, hair grew under his nose as well as upon the top of his head. Hie clothing, especially that which encas- ed his nether twirl limbs, was of exceeding noisi- away he made signs ness and served to explain the of peace and whirring sou- OUR VO/TOR FROM EARTH by means of an nds which HAY THOROUGHLY PROVED enormous search- wore heard LIQUID PEPTONOIDS light upon the prow before TO BE UNEQUALED FOR of his strange air this RECRUITING THE ENERGY OF ship and with his fore- INVALIDY AND CONVALEXENTY won- finger pointed to the 71 CONTAINS BOTH THE STIMULAT- distant earth glimmering, ING AND NUTRITIVE ELEMENTS OF in the realms of space, BEEF MILK AND CLUTEN, IN Then it dawned upon the CONCENTRATED, PARTIALLY DI- GEOTED FORM people that this strange be- ing bad journeyed hither ward from from that far-awa derfal being was visible to the sphere ; whereat they buzzed eye. His height was prodigious in amazement and invited him and his speech resounding and to alight, and, when they had unintelligible. To add to his timidly touched him touched him without fearful and terrific appearance harm to themselves, led the wa he held in his cavernous mouth to the Palace of His Most Ma* a large brown stick which was act. lignant Martian Majesty, Kin nally on fire, emitting at intervals Flammarion, the Supreme and clouds of dense smoke. To those Mighty Ruler of the Red Planet yho were too frightened to When the court attendante, sp The Steam Typewriter SEP OU QUES EAR 0101333 LARA 勵​。 him some incontinently fled and others toppled over with fear. But the King called about him the wise men, seers and seersuck- ers, and said unto them: «Turn the current on your think spots, get a move on your abbreviated intellects and tell me whence The Ship at anchor Kin Hammarion and the Incubus Nutrition CHA to it that yo anger him not. for if he smite you from above I opine your shoelets will be filled with a choice selection of much-mixed came this Martian anatomy." Then the strange and elon- wise men conversed with the gated being and for stranger by signs and sounds until what purpose; and see they could understand his speech nnn 229 R LED ပြီး GLE EYE SPEAMATOBLAST In the Hall of Therapistics which, being freely interpre- business at a new stand. I observe tod, was as follows: «O most that some of your courtiers are rotund and many articulated fearful and afraid of me. Convey Monarch! I am a physician to them the assurance of my most from a far-away world. C. B. Hust- distinguished consideration and ler, M.D., is my name, which in your tell them that I am as harmless and language may be interpreted 'Get innocuous as the gay and gled- there.' At the peril of my life I some trolley car. I am & social have visited all of the physicians on and convivial being and after busi- earth and, having made converts ness hours will introduce you to of the am now prepared to do the festive Manhattan cock the gay gay and re- taid, the jovialem-nekey and gregarious Sherry-cobbler. In the mean- time kindly perrit me to lightly scan your bill of fare, for verily have I eaten nothing for many hours save what I unconsciously absorbed while coming through the Milky Way. After I have suitably decorated my department of the interior we will proceed to get more intimately ac- Syprical Murtra quainted." After this Hrad markable speech the King Flammarion had food Sineal placed before the Flexible. Teloesopeneck Thiele stranger concentration of Thought, etc. water soup, toads- eyes with truffles, and sadly snail's-eggs with bilge-water shook his sauce, bee stingers head; then draw- rolled in ing from the inside pocket sawdust and of his gay and gaudy vesture other epicurean & large flagon, on which the delicacies-eyeing unintelligible words Liquid Pep- which the men from tonoids were graven, he took a Earth sighed deep draught therefrom and re- marked in his peculiar language: * Shades of Hippocrates, Ascula- Phan Wh sea- spot for UCKETTERIES 1650 Apparaters for conveying Patients pius and Paracelsus defend us! What & field is here Tlammarion sont for all the Phy sicians of Mars. They came whirl- for the Specialist in digest- ve diseases and ailme- ats due to defective nutrition. Verily, I will on the mor- row address a convoca- of The Palace of tion Martian p hy sicians and give them a few belpful hin- and therapeutic tips for ing in, making forty revolutions to their enlighienment and my the minute, and congregated in own everlasting profit." Then, the great operating room of the Rolling the attendants he was ex- Therapeutic Rest. Then the strange hausted, he threw himself upon a earth-being spake through the Brass mat and slumbered long and interpreter as follows: loudly, so loudly, indeed, that the «Most learned fellow Æscula- te verberant sounds from his mouth pians! I am onto the fact that and nostrils caused the sacred, you and I are not built in the three-legged cats to spit them- same way, and yet, forsooth, dur selves out of the windows of the mission is the same to relieve olace our fellow beings of their cus o won the other landame change Para all Per chance we may learn much from geen what you havond each other. I am the inter- most do need, namely, BIRDS EYES 7DDYWED TEADS WASPS-EARS. UTARATISHTINA 7501NCELMELSE RAZCOVERE SYS పం P of King Flammarion to planetary agent of The Arling- in ton Chemical Company, of Yonkers, N. Y., America, Terra ge Firma, the Earth, and have come here not only to add to their glory and shekels, but also to bring you good tidings of great Quick Lunch machine joy, and incidentally to replen- some agent ish my own depleted bank account. which will add I have neither wax in mine earg to your nutritive ponor gum on mine eyelids, O Mer- force and give health tier Medicos, and, therefore, and strength to the weakond pics she I already heard and of your populations Dogtoo thic HY the IR Breyond the the Veil bottle of Liquid Peptonoids? and protrusions on your fore- Verily it will do for your people heads." Then he was told that evon as I say by adding to their do they were the regulators of mental pleted blood defensive proteids to energy, whereby all the currents ward off attacks of disease. But I of thought may be turned in one would fain know more of your- or the other direction, by means of selves. Tell me, I pray you, the wheels in their head-pieces, and function of those little soft spots turned off again when the Plank Tree fined entirely to the medical guild as a protection against bad debts. He then inquired especially in regard to the more common dis- eases of the Martians, and was in- formed that the National ailmente were Mal-Nutrition, Pulmonary, Grastric and Intestinal Disorders, and that even the Mighty King Flammarion himself was tortured ** night and day by the Incubus of Disordered Nutrition. Upon learning these facts he was seen to grin and chuckle think-spot required rest. He then in & most amazing questioned the Martian Medicos manner and remarked in regard to the digestion, absorp- that from the length tion and assimilation of food and of our necks it was expressed great surprise and ad- lucky that the Nation- miration when they placed one of al ailment didn't run their number on the operating into a sore-throat. table and by means of the X-rays. After making a nam- showed him the functions and ber of further inquir- operations of the digestive organs. ies he spoke again as They then exhibited to him a very follows: follows: "I compre- practical and necessary apparatus hend that in certain to show before treatment the ways you are more financial ability of the patient by favored than my revealing the contents of the pock. people, but I also -book through the clothing. perceive that in the ilme of this machine was con- art of healing you are and pul- Hond slow. Get out your Liquid Peptonoids, pads, O Charlatans and Em. its efficiency in in- potricists, and I will give you* fectious, gastrio formula which shall be a monary blessing to you and & boon to diseases, and our marasmic race." its aseptic quali- Then he told them of ties. After which the peptogenic he resumed as follows: effect of “And now, my hoop-shaped friends, that your faith in Liquid Peptonoids may be the greater, I will relate to you a bit of ancient CIBULANCE Com LOUD TERMOS Tomat tona 0 ANAS KILEGA Typhoidal Mieran from the Grand Canal Floating fities وغ ST method of Quilding Canals w. Mars history. Many years ago, before tions of the doc- Liquid Peptonoids were discov- tors were of no ered, my people, too, were dys- avail, and, thou- peptic and ill-nourished, for they gh eating much, Anatomne were too busy to masticate their they wasted away martian food, and lunched on rubber- from lack of soled sandwiches and railroad nutrition. Then there appeare pie. Then the pains of hell gat certain physicians, more wise than whold of them. All the prescrip- their fellows, who gave Ligula. For the 1. Protection of the Peptonoids to the world, and the people rejoiced and took it. Then the evil spirit of indigestion and marasmus sat 20 more at their midnight suppers, the Golden Buck and the Welch Rabbit fled away, and the deadly ptomaine gnawed no more at the vitals of my people. Liquid Peptonoids required no further introduction to the physicians of earth, and therefore I lit out for Mars. I am now prepared to allay your fermen- tation, take the kinks out of your duodenums, and pack the good- ly fibrin on your emaciated car- cases. Bring to me now some of the most confirmed and hopeless cases you have in Therapeutic Medical Guild Rest, and I will treat them for their difficulties, and when they are cured I will leave my Nutri- ent with you and return to the earth." Then the attendants brought in those whom rigor mortis had well nigh laid hold upon, and the man from the earth gave them Liquid Peptonoids, and continued 80 to do for several days until the grand transformation soene was enacted The sick arose and whirled of to their homes, and the breezes City Launch ΠΑΝΕΛΝΤ a new CANIN 0 MT AVA . ban . from the hills of Lucullus Most Malignant Majesty, King swept through the empty rooms Flammarion, appointed a day for of The Therapeutic Rest. Then His universal thanksgiving, and set & feast before the people, consisting of horse chestnuts and sorrel, but with Liquid Peptonoids 88 a dessert and anti- dote, and the man BREACH ACTING from the earth was TIME LOCK appointed physi- PATENTED IN cian to the SATURN 93 93 VENUS King, with MARS LIQUID PEPTO- NOIDS NOIDS PEPTO- LIQUIDS JUPITER O JUNO 00 CERES VESTA D-9 URANUS O MERCURY AND ALL THE SATELLITE'S pa LIQUID PEPTORONDS ONKERS со a Treasure the outside 33072 LIQUID PEPTONOIDS THE MEDICA:. PROFESSION ENDORSED BY AND MEDICAL PRESS OF EARTH PRETONOIDS Кооооооо 90 Qo OVOTO OOO оооооо The writing on the sky o bonchas to draw upon the July on the earth. It is therefore omal Repy Bt will i fitting that I should celebrate Whecendon a smile of amazing and getting out his lime-light he mplitudo split his countenance in threw upon the crimson dones pola sata near I Mars the wonders