品 ​冰 ​( 》) )))))) उ (त म C C C हत 22 C D Toc CCC D AM BOUND BY F.BEDFORD Smith, John, 1580-1631 21. P2 STC 22795 Sabin 82846 Church 335 (4) Sotheby eng, 1916 #291 (Huntington dup) A TR VE RE lation of ſuch occur rences and accidents of noateas hath hapned in Virginia ſince the firſt pla noir.g ofthat Collony, which is nový reſident in the South partthereof, till the laſt returne from thence. Written by Captaine Smith Coronellof the ſaid Collony, to a Worſhipfull friend of his in England, 屬 ​IEW To LONDON Printed for John Tappe, and are to bee lo de at the Grey- bonnd in Paales-Church.yard, by W.IV. 168 HIIVIT CIU 0 doul to con 20916on los biosban loodilsioginibus wotato di volo do nasla Jordine dio lastbil ***ollo 5! (MVSEVM) destiny Busly | BRITAN NICVM BRITISH MUSEUM SALE DUPLICATE I 7 8 7 OCEO dia dos bus atbaid I do bad 2 Cling Sant To the Courteous Rader. giustomizad Ourteous, Kind, & indifferent Readers,whoſe wir. lingneſſe to reade & heare this following diſcourſe, doth explaine to the world your hearty affe&tion, to the proſecuting and furtherance of ſo worthy an acti- on : foit is, that like to an vnskilfull actor, who hauing by miſconkruction of his right Cue, ouer-ſlipt hime felfe, in beginning of a contrary part, and fearing the hatefull hiſle of the captious multitude, with a modeſt blulh retires himſelfc in priuates as doubting the repre- henſion of his whole audience in poblicke , and yeta- gaine vpon further deliberation, thinking it better to know their cenſures at the firſt, and vpon ſubmisſion to reape pardon, then by ſeeking to fmother it, to incurre the danger of a ſecret ſcandall: Imboldening himſelfe vpon the curteous kindneſſe of the beſt, and not greatly reſpecting the worſt, comes fourth againe makes an A pollogie for himſelfe, dhewes the cauſe of his error, craues pardon for his raſhnes,and in fine, receives a ge- nerall applauditie of the whole afſemblie:fo I gentke Readers, happening vpon this relation by chance( as I cake it at the ſecond or third hand) induced thereunto by diuers well willers of the action, and none wiſhing better towards it then my felfe, fo farre foorth aa my poore abilitie can or may ſtretch too, I thought good to publiſh it: but the Author being abfent from the preſſe, ic cannot be doubted but that ſome faults haue eſcaped in the princing, eſpecially in the names of Countries, Townes, To the Reader. Townes, and People,which are ſomewhat ſtrange into vs : but moſt of all, and which is the chiefe error, (for want of knowledge of the Writer) ſome of the bookes were printed vnder the name of Thomas Watſon, by whole occaſion I know not,vnleffc it were the ouer raſhe neſle, or miſtaking of the workemen, but ſince hauing learned that the faide diſcourſe was written by Captaine Smith, who is one of the Counſell there in Virginia: I thoughe good to make the like Apollogie, by thewing thetrue Author fo farre as my felfe could learne , not doubting, but that the wife noting it as an error of igno- rance, will paſſe icover with patience, and if worthyan applauditie, to referuc it to the Author,whoſe paines in my judgement deſerueth commendations; ſomewhat more was by himn written, which being as I thought (fit to be priuate) I would not aduenture to make it publicke what more may be expected concerning the ſcituation of the Country, the nature of the clime, number of our peo- ple there reſident, the manner of their government, and liuing, the commodities to be produced,& the end & ef- fed it maycome too, I can ſay nothing more then is here written only what I haue learned and gathered from the generall conſent of all that I have conuerfed withall)af- well marriners as others, which haue had imploymēt that wayzis that the Country is execellét & pleaſant;the clime temperate and health full, the ground fertill and good, the commodities to be expected(if well followed)many, for our people the worſt being already paſt, theſe former hauing indured the heate of the day, whereby thoſe that Shall ſucceede, may at caſe labour for their profit, in the moft ſweete,coole,and temperate ſhade: the a&tion moſt honorable and the end to the high glory of God, to the erecting of true religion among Infidells, to the ouer. throw of ſuperſtition and idolatrie, to the winning of many To the Reader. many thouſands of wandring ſheepe, vrto Chrifts fold, who now, and till now, haue ſtrayed in the vnknowne paths of Paganiſme, Idolatrie, and ſuſperſtition:yea, I Tay the Action being well followed, as by the graue Sc- nators and worthy aduenturors , ithath bcene worthily begunne: will tend to the cuerlaſting renowne of our Nation, and to the exceeding good and benefit of our Weale publicke in generall:whole Counſells , labours, godly and induſtrious endeuours, I beſeech the mightie Iehouab to bleſſe,profper, and further, with his hcauenly ayde, and holy aſſiſtance Farewell. 1. H. 2 Taro Boswell suitinwlozbudyntetne Inil on boulotlar tozilsa - stāvdabovalloillow gniad noin Atla Vidi overed that tabe vorrow babeziossa Do lo sawont gai 119 ads of birtar lliw:pocupad tuotostaned bacboor bez njoj bus, month olanslor wall og bibidicoles supliment dedizbrauondoba bas vlbog vitoussilaid diwetodami boszoroslo dördade ile ylobasoby g 30 A True relation of ſuch occurrences and accidents of note, as hach hapned in V'ir- ginia,fiuce che firſt planting of char Collony, which is now reſident in the South part thereof, till the laſt returne. Inde Sir , commendations re- membzed, &c. You ſhall vndertand that after many croftes in the downes by tempetts wee arriued ſafely vppen the Southwel part of the great Ca- martes:Within fourc o2 fiue daies after we ſet ſaile fø, Dominica, the 26. of Apzill: the firft land we made, wee fell with Cape Henry,the verie mouth of the Bay of Chiſfiapiacke, which at that preſent we little er- pected,haning by a cruell ſtorme bene put to the Houthward: anchoring in this bay twentie oë thirtie went a lhoze with the Captain, and in comming aboard, they were atalted with certaine Indians, which charged them within Pittoll ſhot:in which conflict, Captaine Archer and Mathew Morton were fhot: Wherupon, Captaine Newport ſeconding them,made a thot at them, which the Indians little reſpected, but hauing ſpent their arrowes retyzed without harme and in that place was the Boropened, wherin the Counſell foz Virginia Was nominated:and arriuiag at the place where wecare new ſeas ted, the Counſell was ſworne, the Preſident elected, which fox that yeare was waitter Edm Maria Wingfield, where was inade 3 Newes from Virginia. Sorte made choice fo2 our ſcituation, a berie at place fo, the erec- ing of a great cittie, about which fome contention paled be: - twirt Captaine Wingfield and Captaine Goſnold,notwiths tanding all our pzquilton was brought a fhoje , and with as inuch fpcede as might bee wee went about our fotiäca- tion. The two and twenty day of Aprill,Captain Newport and my ſelfe with diuers others, to the number of twenty two perſons ſet forward to diſcouer the Kiuer, ſome fiftie o, ürtie mlles, finding it in ſome places b;oader,& in ſome narrower, w learn the Countrie (foz the molte part) on each üde plaine high haith ground, with many frelt pinges, the people in all places proud kindely intreating us, daunling and feating vs with traw. berries, Hulberies, Bread, fiſh, and other their Countrie prouifions wherof we had plenty: Fos which Captaine News pori kindely requited theit leat fausurs, with Bels,Pinnes, Peedles beates 02 Clalcs,which fo contented them that his Itberaliitie mate them follow us fromplace to place, and euer kindely to refpccus. In the midway taying to refreſh our ſelues in alittle le foure oz fiue fauages came into vs which deſcribed vnto vs the courſe of the Kiuer , and after in our tourney,they often met vs,trading with vs foz ſuch prouifion as we had and ariuiug at Arlatecke,bee whom we ſuppoſed to bee the chiefe king of all the reli, molte kindely entertained bs, giuing vs in a guide to go with us vp the Riuer to Pows hatan, of which place their great Emperoz taketh his name, where he that they honored fo, king vſed vs kindely. But to finiſh this diſcouerie, we paſſed on further, where within an ile we were intercepted with great craggy tones ģ in mitit ofthe river, where the water falleth ſo rudely, and with ſuch a violence,as not any boat can polidiy pale, and ſo bżoad difs pecfeth the treame as there is not palt fiue og fire Foote at a low water, and to the loze ſcarce pallage with a barge,the water ioweth foure foote , and the freſhes by reaſon of the Kockes hane left markes ofthe inundations 8.62 9.foote: The ſouth fide is plaine low ground, and the nozth fide high mountaines, Newes from Virginia mountaines, the rockes being of a grauellg nature, interlacto with many vaias of glittring (pangles. That right we retur. nedto Powhatan: the nert dar(being Whitſunday after din. ner)we returned to the fals, leauing a mariner in pawn with the Indians foz a guide of theirs,hee that they honoured foz Ring followed us by the riuer. Ilhat afternoone we tried in looking upon the Kockes and riuer(furtherhe would not goe) ſo there we ereded a crolle, and that night taking our man at Powhatans,Cap.Newport congratulated his kindenes with a Gowu anda Hatchet : returning to Arſetecke, and ttayed there the nert Day to oblerue the height therof # ſo with many ügnes ofloue we departed. The nert bay the Nueene of Aga- matack kindely intreated us,her people being no leſte conten. ted then thereft, and from thence we went to another place, (the name whereof doe not remember) where the people the web vs the manner of their diuing foz mutels, in which they finde Pearles. That night palling by Weanock fome twentie miles froin our fo2t, they accožding to their former churlify condition, ſeemed little to affea vs, but as wee departed and lodged at the point of Weanocke, the people the nert morning ſeemed kindely to content is, yet we might percetue many lignes of a moze Jealouſe in them then befogezand alſo the Hinde that the king of Arſeteck bad giuen os, altered his reſolution in going to our Fort, and with many kinde circumftances left vs there. This gaue vs ſome occaſion to doubt ſoine miſchtefe at the foxt,yet Capt. Newport intended to haue viſited Pals pahegh and Tappahanocke, but the intant change of the minde being faire foz our return, we repaired to the fort with. all ſpeed, where the firtt we heard was that 400.3ndians the day befoze had ałalted the fozt, ſuppriſed it had not God be- yond al their erpecations by meancs of the Chippes at whom opwisch they that with their Dadinances & guskets, cauſed them to retire, they had entred the fort with our own men, which were then bufied in ſetting Tozne, their armes beeing then in dies fats & few ready but certain Gentleme of their own, in which conflict like to Newes from Virginia, ft candict,not of the Counſel was hurt a boy daine in the Pin. nas,and thirteene oz fourtecne moze burt withall ſpeede we pallifaboed our fozt:(each other day) foz Age o2 ſeatien daies we had alarums by ambuſcadoes, and foure o, fiue cruelly wounded by being ab2oad: the Indians lolle wse know not, but as they repozt three were dain and Diuers hurt. mall Captaine Newport hauing ſet things in order, ſet faile foz worrific hic England the 22 of June, leaning prouifion fo2 13. 62 14 weeks. The day before the Ships departure, the king of Pa. maunke ſent the Indian that had met bs before in our diſcos uerie, to allure vs peace,our fout being then paliſaddedround, and all our men in good health and comfort, albeit that thzogh ſome diſcentented humojs it did not ſo long continue,fo; the Prefitent and Captaine Goſnold, with the rett of the Couns ſell,being foz the molte part diſcontented with one another in ſo much, that things were neither carried inith that diſcretion noz any bnlines effeded in ſuch good fozt as wiſoome would, no2 ourowne good, and ſafetie required thereby, and thzough the hard dealing of our Pzelident,the reft of the counſell been ing diuerfte affected through his audacious commaund, and fo2 Captaine apartin, (albeit verie honett ) and wiſhing the bef good, yet ſo ficke and weake , and my felfe fo diſgrac's through others mallics , though which diſozder God (being angrie with vs )plagued vs with fuch famin and ficknes, that the liuiug were fcarce able to bury the dead:our want of fuffia cient and good vid ualls, with continuall watching, foure og fiue each night at three Bulwarkes, being the chiefe isht cauſe: onely of @turgion wee had great toze, where- on our men would fo greedily ſurfet, as it cot manye their lives:the Back, Aquauitie,and other pisferuatiues foz our health, being kept onely in the Preſidents hands, fo, his oidne diet, and his few añociates:Choztly after Captaine Gof- nold fell ficke,and within thra wakes died, Captaine Rat- cliffe being then alſo verte ficke and weake and my ſelfe ha- uing alſotatted ofthe ertremitie therof,but by Gods atitâce being well recouered. Kendall about this time, foz diuers reaſons fordern Newes from Virginia. ca reaſons depored from being of the Councell: and thortly after it pleaſed God(in our ertremity) to moue the Intians to bying vs cogne, ere it was halfe ripe, to refreſh vs, when wera- September there was about 46. of our men dead, at which 46 DF time Captaine Wingefield hauing o2dzed the affaires in ſuch fozt. that he was generally hated of all, in which refped with one conſent he was depored from his prefidencie, and Cape taine Ratcliffe according to his courſe was elected. Durpzouillion being now within twentie Dayes (pent, the Indians bacught bs great toze both of Cozne and bzead reas dy made: and alſo there came ſuch aboundance of Fowles in. to the Kiuers as greatly refreſhed out weake eftates, where, vppon many of our weake men were preſently able to gosa, bzoud.as yet wehad no houſes to couer vs, our Lents were rotten, and our Cabkins wolſe then nicught: our belt com. moditie was Pion which we made into little chiflels, the pzes ident and Captaine Martins fcknes, conttrayiied me to be Cape Barcbant, and yet to ſpare no paines in making houſes for the company, who notwithitanding our miſery, little reaſed their mallice, grudging and muttering. As at this tine were moſt of our chiefeſt men either licke oz diſconfented, the relt being in ſuch diſpaire, as they would rather trarue and rot with idlenes, then be perſwaded to do any thing (oz their owne reliefe without contraint: our vidualles being now within eighteene Dayes ſpentand the Indians trade decrea- ling, I was ſent to the mouth of ý riuer, to Kegquouhtan an Indian Towne, to trade fo. Come and try the riuer for fiſh, but our filhing we could not effect by reaſon of the tormy weather. The Indians thinking vs neare famithed, with carelelle kindnes, offred us little pieces of bzeadse ſmall hand. fulls of beanes oz wheat, foz a hatchet o, a piece of copper : jn the like maner ] entertained their kindnes, and in like ſcoane offered them bike commodities, but the Childjen, czany that ftetned extraojdinary kindenes, 3 liberally contented with free gifte ſuch trifles as wel cõtented them finding this cokte 15 49 comfoze Newes from Virginia. angtan trich comfort, anchoged befoze the Towne,and the nert day re. turned to trade, but God (the abſolute diſpoſer of all heartes) altered their conceits, foz now they were no lcffe defirous of cur commodities then we of their Come: Onder colour ta fetch freth Water, 3 ſent a man to diſcouer the Lowne, their Cojne, and force, to trie their intent, in that they defia red me up to their houſes: which well ondertanding, with foure iyot 1 viűten them, with fil, opliers, b;ead and dére, they kindly traded with me and my men, beeing no leite in doubt of my intent, then 3 oftheirs, fo: well I might with twentie men baue fraighted a Shippe with Caine: The mowne conteineth eighteene houſes, pleaſantly feated upon three acres or ground, vppon aplaine, halfe inaironed with a great Bay of the great Kiuer, the other parte with a Baye of the other Klucr falling into the great Baye, with a lits fie la fit for a Cattle in the mouth thereof, the Towns adioyning to the maine by a necke of Land of artie yardes. with firteene bufhells of Cogne 3 returned towards our forte: by the way I encountred with two Canowes of in- dians, Inho came absozd me, being the inhabitants of warof koyack,a kingdome on the ſouth lide of the rider, which is in bzeadth 5. miles and 20 mileoz neare from the mouth : with theſe traded, who hauing but their hunting pzouifion, te- quetted me to returne to their Towne, where I Thouldload my boat Inith comes with near thirtiebuſhells I returned to the fozt, the very name Wherof gaue great comfozt to our des ſparing company time thus paling away,& hauing not aboue Jayag 14.baies viſuals left,fome motios were made about our pts Leuca adents & Capt. Archers going foEngland, to procure a ſup: the ple, in which meane time we had reaſonablly fitted vs with houſes, and our buzelidente Capt. Martin being able to walk abroad, with much adoit was concluded that the pinnace and barge fhould goc towards Powhatan, to trade fog come:Latts were calt who thould go ist her, the chance was itine, & while the was a rigging, I made a voiage to Topohanack, inhere as rining, there was but certain women & chiltzen who fled from theichouſes, yet at latt I dzelthein to daw négre, truck they Durat Newes from Virginia. burt not come they had plenty,e to ſpoile I had no cómittion: In my returne to Paſpahegh, 3 traded with that churliſh trecberous nation :bauing loaded Ion 12 butels of cozne, they offred te take our pieces and ſwolds, yet by ſtelth, but lá. ming to dillike it, they were ready to aſſault vs, yet kāding v. pon our guard in coalting the fooze,diuers out of the woods woulo meet with us wth coin & trade, but leatt we ſhoalo be conſtrained, either te indure oueriruch wong op dicedly fal to reuenge, 'eeing them tog os from place to place it being night, ecur neceſſitie not at foz warres, we tooke occaſion to returne with robufbells ofcozne:Cap. Martin after made 2 iournies to that nation of Paſpahegh but eachetime returned with 8. O2 Io, budhells. All things being now ready fog my iourney to Powhatan,foz the perfomance thereof, I bad 8. men and my felfe foz the barge gas well foz diſcouerie, as trading, the Pin- nacz,5. Marriners;&2. landinen to take in our ladings at coita uenient places. The 9 of Jouember I ſet foulard foz the dif- couery of the country of Chikhanania, leaning the pinnacs the nert tide to followe and tray foz my comming at Point weanock,2o miles froin our fozt: the mouth of this riuer fal- leth into the great riuer at l'aſpahegh,8 miles aboue our fost: that afternocne z ttayed the eb in the bay of Paſpahegh initi, the Indiás:towards the euening certaine Indians haled me, one of them being of Chikahamania,offred to rõduct me to his country, the Paſpabegheans grudged therat: along we ſpent by moonelight, at midnight he bought vs befoże his Lowne, deliring one of our men to go up with him, whom he kindely intertained, and returned back to the barge:the next mozning 3 went by to the towne, and thewed them what copper and hatchets they thold haue fez conne, cach family ſeeking to giue me inolt content:ſolong they cauſed me to ttay y 100 at lealt was erpecting my comming by the riuer with conne,what 3 liked I bought, and leat they ſhould perceive my feo great want; went higher vp the riuer: this place is called Manof- colono quofick a quarter ora mile from the river,conteining thirtie D2 fogtie houſes, bppon an efceeding high land: at the foote of the bill towards the riuer, is a plaine Wood, watered with many ſpringes, which fall twentie yarves right downe 215 2 sato Red Newes from Virgma. into the river: right againit ý fame is a great marih,084.035. miles circuit, deuided in 2 Ilands, by the parting of the rider, abounding with fiſh e foals of all ſorts:amile from thence is a Towne called Oraniocke, I further diſcovered the Townes of Manſa, Apahaock, Werawahone, & Mamanahur ateche place kindely vred, eſpecially at the laté, being the bart of the Country, where ipsce allembled 200. people with ſuch aboũ Dâce ofcozneas hauing laded our barge, as alſo I might haué faded a ſhip:) returned to Paſpahheghet conüdering want of Cozac at our fozt,it being night, with g ebb, by midnight 3 ariued at our fort, where 3 fouud cur Pinnis run aground: the next morning 3 vnladed feauchogtheds into our troje,the nert morning I returned againe:the ſecond day I ariued at Mamanahūt,Wher y people hauing heard of my cõming, were ready with 3 02 400. baskets hitle & great, of which hauing las ded my barge, with inany tignes of great kindnes 3 returned: atiny departure they requetted me to hear our pieces, being in the mid& ofthe ctuer, which in regard of g eccho ſeemed a peale of ozdnance,many birds and fowles they ſee vs dayly kil that much feacco them, fotelirous of trade wer they, y they would follow me with their canowes,& foz any thing giue it me, cas ther then returne it back ſo j bnladed again 70: 8.hogſheads at out fozt. Hauing thus by Gods aliſtance gotten god ttore ofcome, notwithltanding ſome bad ſpiceits not content with Gads prouidence, Itill grew inutinous, in ſo much, that our preſident hauing ocation to chide the fmith foz bis miſosame. 110, he not only gaue him bad language, but alſo offced to ſtrike him with ſome of his tooles, roz tohich rebellious act, the ſmith was bya Jury condemned to be hanged, but being bypon the ladder continuing vercy obtinate, as hoping upona reſcue: when he ſaw no other tyzy but beath with him, he became pe: nitent, declared a dangerous conſpiracy,fo: Which Captains Kendall as principal, was by a Jury condenzo e luot to death. This conſpiracy appealed, 3 ret fozivard foz the diſcouery of the Kiuer of Checka Hamania:tijis third time y diſcouered y Crownes of Matapamient, Morinogh, Afcacap, moyſenock Righkahauck, Nechanichock, Martalūt, Attamuſpincke, diuers others their pienty ofcozue I found decreaſed, yet la- oling Newes from Virginia. ding thebatge, i returned to our fozt: our thoze being now indifferently wel pzouided inith cogne, there was much abse fo2 to haue the pinace goe fo. England, againti which Captain Martin & my felfestanding chiefly againt it, and in fine after mang debatings, pro & contra, it was reolued to lay a fars ther reſolutiõ: this matter alſo quieted, 3 ret fozward to finit this diſcouery, whichas yet I had neglected in regard of ý ne- cellitie we had to take in pzouiñon whilů tt was to be had:49. miles I palled bp g riaer, which fo: the molt part is a quarter of a mile b2030,4 3.fatham a half deep, erceeding ofer, many great low marthes, many high lãos, eſpecially about ý midt at a place called Moyfonicke, a Peninſule of 4. miles cicuit, betwirt two rtuers iogned to the main, by a neck of 40.0250. yards, and 40.03 So yards from the high water marke:on both fides in the very necke of the maine, are high hills and Dales, yet much inhabited, the Ile declining in a plaine fertile cozne field, the lower end a low marth, moze plentie of (wannes, crancs, geeſe,buckes, and mallards, a diuers ſozts of fowles none would defire:moze plaine fertile planted ground, in ſuch great propoztions as there I had not feene, of a light blacke ſandy mould, the diffes commonly red, white and yelloweco. loured ſand,& vnderred & white clay,fily great plenty, people fumme aboundance, the mot of their inhabitants, in view of ý neck of Land, where a better ſeat foz a towne canuot be delired:at the end of fouty miles this riuer inuironeth many low Jlands; at each high water downed foz a mile, where it vniteth it felfe, at a place called Apokant the highett Towns inhabited. Io. miles higher 3 dicovered with the barge in the mid way,a great trå hindred my paffage which cut in two: heere the ris uer became narrower, 8.902 10. foote at a high water and 6. 027.at a lowe: the freame erceeding (wift, the bottom hard channell, the ground mot part a loto platne, Candy ſople, this occañoned me to ſuppoſe it might iſſue from ſome lake oz fome bzoad fod, for it could not be far to the head, but rather then Ivould endanger the barge, yet to haue beene able to reſolue this doubt,& todiſcharge the imputation of malicious tungs, that halfe fufpected 3 dut not for ſo long delaying, ſome of the company as ostirous as my felf, wc reſolucd tohter a Ca. 21B 3 Newes from Virginia. now, and returne with the barge to Apocant, there to leave the bacge ſecure, and put our ſelues bppen the aduenture: the country onely a valt and wilde wildernes, and but onely that Lolne: within thire ez foure mile we hireda Canow, and 2. Indians to row vs ý nept day a fowling:bauing made ſuch pzouifionfo, the barge as was nedfull, I lefther there to ride, with erpjede charge not any to go alloze til my returne. Chough ſome wiſe men may condemn this too bould attempt of too much indiſcretion, yet if they well cõliderthe friend hip of the Indians, in conducing me, the deſolatsnes of the couns try, the pzopabilitieof ſome lacke,f the malicious iudges ofiny actions at home, as alſo to haue ſome matters of wozth to in- courage our aduenturers in england, might wellhaue cauſed ang honeli minde to haue done the like,as wel fog his own diſ- charge as foz the publike god:hauing 2 Indians faz my guide € 2 of our own company, jret fo: Ward,leaning 7 in the barge: hauing diſcouered 20 miles further in this deſart, the riuer til kept his depth and bhedth, but much moze combzed with trás: here we went alhoze(being ſome 12 miles higher thený barge had bene)torefreth our felues,during the boylingofour vituo als:one of the Indians I take with me to fé the nature of the foile, & to croſſe the boughts of the riuer, the other Indian left with 99. Robbinſon and Thomas Emry, with their mata ches light and ozder to diſcharge a peece, foz my retreat atthe firtt light ofany Indian, but within a quarter ofan houre 3 heard a leud gry, and a hollowing of Indians, but no warning peece,ſuppoling them ſurpriſed, and that the Indians had be traid vs, pzecently reazed him & bound his arme fatt ts my hand in a garter, with my pittoli ready bent tebe reuenged on Him: he aduiſed me to fig, and ſeemed ignozant of what was done, but as we went diſcourfing, 3 was truck with an ar. row on the right thigh, but without harme: upon this occaſion 3 eſpied 2 Indians drawing their bowes, which 3 pzeuented in diſcharging a french pidoll:by that I had charged againe 3 02 4 moze did the like, foz the firte fell downe and fled: at my diſcharge they did the like, my hinde I made my barricado who offered not to triue, 20.02 30.arrowes were thot at me but ſhozt, 3 024 times I had diſcharged my piftell ere the king Newes from Virginia. king of Pamaūck called Opeckákenough with 200 men,ins airenedmc, eache djawing their bole, which done they laid them vpon the ground, yet without thot, my hinde treated be. twirt them and me ofconditions of peace, he difceasred me to be theCaptaiae,mg requelt kas to retire to g boate, they be maunded my alines, the rek they ſaioe Ivece flaine, onely me they would reſerue :the Indian impoztuned me not to thot. But retiring being in the inibt of a low quagmire, and minding them more then my feps, 3 trept falt into the quag- mire, and alſo the Indian in drawing me fozth: thus ſur, priſed, 3 reſolned to trte their mercies,my armes i catis from? me, till which none durt apgzoch me being ceazed on me, they dzew me out and led ine to the king, preſented him with a compalle diall, deſcribing by my beft meanes the ble theros, whereat be ſo amazedly admired, as he ſuffered me to pzoceed in a diſcourſe of the coundnes of the earth, the courſe of the funne, moone, ftatres and plarinets, with kinde ſpeeches and bzead be requited me, conduding me where the Canow lay and lohn Robbinſon Naine, with 20 02 30. arrolves in him. Emry 3 raw not, 3 percetued by the aboundance of fires all ouer the woods, at each place I expeded when they would execute me, yet they vred me with what kinincs they could: appzoaching their owne, which was within 6 miles where I was taken, onely made as arbors and couered with mate, which they rembug as occalion requires: all the wo- men and chilozen, being aduertiſed of this accident, came foozth to meet them the king well guarded with 20 bolumen Banck and rear and each flanck before him aſwold a páce, and after him the like, then a bowman, then 3 on each band a boweman,the re& in file in the reare, which reare led foozth amongſt the trees in a biſhion , eache his bove and a handfull of accowes, a quiuer at his back grimly painted: on eache flanck a fargeant, the one running alwaiss tolpards the front the other towards the reare,each a true pace and inercdding good ozder, this being a good time continued they calfethem ſelues in a ring with a daunce, and ſo cache man departed to Newes from Virginia. bislobgng, the Captain concuning me to his lodging a quar- ter of Uienicon and ſome tenponnd of bzead I had foz fupper, juhat y left was reſerued foz me, and ſent with me to my lod. ging: each mozning 3. Women pzeſēted me thræ great platters of fine bread, moze veniſon thenten men could deuour j had, my gowne, points and gacters, my coinpas and a tablet they gaue me again, though 8 o2dinarily guarded me, I wanted not what they could deuile to content me: and fill our longer acquaintance increaſed our befter affegion:much they threat- ned to alfault our fozte, as they were ſolicited by the king of Paſpahegh, who thewed at our fozt great lignes of fozrow fog this miſchance:the King tooke great beligbt in onderttanding the manner of our ſhips, and ſayling the ſeas,the Earth & skies and of our God:what he knel ofthe dominicus he ſpared not to acquaint me with, as of certainemencloathed at a place cal- led Ocanahonan,cloathed like me, the courſe of our riuer,and that within 4 0. 5 daies iourney of the falles, was a great tur: ning ofſalt water: ] deſired he would ſend a mellenger to Paf. pahegh, with a letter I would write, by which they ſhold vne vertrand,how kintiy they bred me, and that I was well,leat they ſhould reuengemy death: this he granted and ſent three men in ſuch weather, as in reaſon were unpellible by any na: ked to be indured:their cruell inindes towards the fo2t 3 had Deuerted in deſcribing the odbinance & the mines in the fielas, as alſo the reuenge Captain Newport would take of them at his returne,their intent, incerted the fozt,the people of Oca. nahonum and the back ſea, this repeat they after found diuers Indians that confirmed: the next day after my letter, camea. faluage fo me lodging, with his ſwozd to haue flaine me, bat being by my gcard intercepted, with a bowe andarrow he of, fred to haue effected his purpoſe: the cauſe I knew not, till the king vnderſtanding thereof came and told me of a man a oying, wounded with my piftolk he tould me alſo of another 3 bad flayne, yet the mot concealed they had any burte: this was the father of him 3 had dayne, whoſe fury to pjes uent, the king preſently conduced me to another kingdome, bpon Newes from Virginia. Spon the top of the merr noztberly river , called Youghranan, bauing feated me, be further led me to another branch of the ri- Ber,called Mattapament, to two other bunting townes they led me, and to each of tbele Countries, a toale of the greal m. perove of Pewbakan, wtom as get 3 ſuppoſed to bee at the Fals to bim 3 tolde him I mut goe, and to returne to Paſpa. hegh,after this foore oz fiue Bayes maro, we returned to Ra- fawrack, the firê towane they bżought me to, where binding the pats in bandels, they marched (Wo bayes icurney, and crolled the Kinec of Youghtanan, where it was as b2oad as Thames: fo contatting me to a place called Menapacute in Pamaunke, where Bing inhabited: the next day another King oftbat nation called Kekataugh,bauing receiged ſome kindnes of me at the Frozt,kindlyinuited me to fealt at his houſe,the peo. ple from all places flocked to ſee me, each lhewing to content me. By this the great king bath foure oz fiue boules, each containing foureſcope of an bundzed foote in lengib,pleaſantly feated bpon an high ranog bill,from whence you may fee weker. ly a gmoly low Country, the river befoje tbe wohich his croked courſe caufeth many great aparthes of erceding gov ground. An hundred houſes, and many large plaines are bere tegither inhabited, moze abundance of file fowle, and a plealanter ſeat cannot be imagined: the king with foutie Bowman to guard megintreated me to diſcharge my Pipoll, which they there pze- fented me with a mark at fix ſcoze to Arike therwith but to ſpoil the practiſe 3 broke the cocke, whereat tbey were much biſcon- tented though achaunce lappoled. from hence this kind Bing conduced mee to a place called Topahanocke, a kingdome vgon another Kluer nozibward : the cauſe of this was, that the years before, a fhippe bad bane in the River of Pamaunke, who having beene kindly entertai. ned by Powhatan their sperour,tbey returned thence, and diſcouered the Klaer of T opabanocke, where being receiura with like kinonefle, yet he Aus the king, and take of his people, and they ſuppoſed y were bee, but the people reposted him a great man that was Captaine , and böng mee kindly, the nert 74 Newes from Virginia. next day we departed. This kider or Topahanock, limeto in breadth net mach Jeffc then thai wedwell opon. At the month or the Kiuer is a Countrcy called Carcata women vplwards is Marrough ta- cum Tapohanock, Appamatuck, and Nanraugs cacum , at Topmanahocks, the bead ifraing from many gountaines, the next night lodged at a bunting town of Powhatams,ano the next day arriued at Waranacomocó bpon the rider of Pa. mauncke, where the great king is reſident: by the way we paſ ſed by the top of another little river, which is betwirt the tipo called Payankatank. The mot of this Countrey though De- fert,yet ereceding fertil,god timber, mod hils and bales, in each valieg a critall fpzing. Arctoing af Weramocomoco their Émperour, paoudig Iging Oppon a Bepffead a foole high vpon tenne oz twelug atles, ricblobung with manie Chagnes of great Pearles about his necke and couered with a great Couering of Rahaughcoms : &t beade ſat a womsn, at his fæle ano. ther, on each fot fitting oppon a matte oppon (be ground were raunged his chiefe men on each doe the fire, tenne in a ranke,and behinde them as many yong women, each a great Chaine of white Brades per their (houlders : their beades palated in ridde and with ſuch a grave and mostetticall counte- 11ance,as dzaug me into admiration to fá ſuch date in a naked Haluage, bee kindly welcomed me with god wozbes, and great Platters of ſondzie w duals, staring mee his friend- Thip, and my libertie within foure dages, bee macb deligbfed in Opechan Comoughs relation of what 3 bar deſcribed to him, and oft eximined me bpon the ſame. Hee aſked mee ths cauſe of oor comming, 3 tolbe him being in fight with the Spant: ards our enemie, båing ouer powzed, neare pot to retreat, and by ertreame weather put to this thoze, wherelanding at Che- fipiack, the people thot us, but at Kequɔughian they kindly bied Os, we by lignes demaundepfreſh water, they befcribed vs up the Kloek was all freth water, at Paſpahegh, alſo they kindly vied us, our Pinnlle being leake wee wereinforced to Newes from Virginia. day to mend her, till Captaine Newpore my father came to condom og alway. De demnaunded why we went furiber with cor Boate, 3 lolde bim , in that would haue eccaton to falke of the back Sea, that on the other fide the maine, where kas ſalt watec, my father had a childe Blaine, whiche wet ſuppoſed Monocangis eremte, whoſe death we intended to rcpenge. after god deliberation, tá began to Deſcribe mee the Coantreys beyonde the Falles, with many of the reft , con- firming what not onely Opechančanoyes, and an Indian which had beene priſoner to Pewhatan bab beſoze tolde mee, but ſome called it fiue dayes, ſome fire, lome right, where the fayde water dalhed amonget many tones and rockes, each dowme which caoled off tymes tbe heade of the Riaer to be bzackigu: Ancharachuck he deſcribed to bee the people that had daine my bother, whole Death be would revenge. Deſcribed allo vpon the ſame Sea, a mipbiy Pation called Pocoughtronack, a fierce Pation that did eate then, and Warred with the peopls of Moyaoncer, and Pataromerkę, Pations Opon the toppe of the beade of the Bay, vnder bis territories, where the pear: befoze tbeg bao lain an bundzed, be agnified their crownes were chauen,long haire in the necke, tied on a knot, swozds like Pollargs. Beyond ihem be dcſcribed people with thoat Coates, and Sleues to the elbowes, that paſſed that way in bippes like ours. Spany Bingboques båe beſcribed me to the beate of the Bay , which ſeemed to béz a migofie Kiaer, illaing from oxigbtie poantatnes betwirt the two seas, the people cloatbed at Ocamahowan. He alſo confirmed, and the Sou- therly Countries alſo as the rett that er posted us to be within a bage a balfe of Mangoge, two bages of Chawwonock, 6. frõ Roonock to the foufy part of the backg lea:be deſcribed a couns Irie called Anone , where they baue abondance of Bratie, and boules walled as ears. 3 requtted his diſcourſe , le- ing what pride he had in his great and ſpacious Dornini- ons lesing that all bce knewe were under bis Territoies. Newes from Virginia. 3n Deferibing to him the territories of Europe, which lvas fabied to our great Bing, whoſe fabied I was the innamerable maltifade of his chips, 3 gade him to bnderđand the nople of STrumpets, and terrible manner of Aghting were onder captain Newport my father, whom I intituleb the Meworames which they call King af all the waters, at bis greatnele bee admired, and not a little feared : bee deſired mee to fozlake Paſpaliegh, and to live with bim Opon bis Klaer, a Countrie called Capa Howaficke: bée promiſed to give ine Coane,deniſon ,ow what 3 Wanted to feede os, atchets and Copper wee Toulo make bim,ano none (yould Ditarbe vs. This reque& 3 pzomiſed to performe: and tbas baning with all the kinones hee could de- aiſe, longbtto content me: bee fent me home with 4. men, ona that blaally careted my Gowne and knapſacke afterms, two other loded with bacao, and one to accompanie me. This Kiger of Pamaunke is not pat twelde mile from that tve dwell on, bis courſe nothwelf, and metterly, as the other. Weraocomoco, is vpon ſalt water, in bzebih two myles, and fo keepeth his courſe without any carrying ſome twenty miles, Where at the parting of the freſh water and the ſalt, it diaideth it ſelfe into two partes, the one part to Goughland, as b20ad as Thames, and nauigable, with a Boate threeſcoze oz foureſcoje miles, ans with a Sahippe fiftie, erceeding crooked, and manie low grounds and mariches, but inbabited with aboundance of warlike and fall people. The Coantreg of Youghtomam, of no lede worth, onely it is lower, but all ébe ſoyle, a fatte,fertill, Sandie groond. Aboue Manapacumter , mang bigb (audis mountaines. By the Kiaer is many Kockes, ſeeming if not of feuerall 99ines: The other branch a little lelle in breadtb, yet ertendetb not neare ſo farre, no2 fo well inbabited , ſomewhat tower, and a white (andle, and a white dap fogle : bere is their bet Terra Sigillata : The month of the Bluer,as I ſee in the diſcouerte thecol with captain Newport,ts halle a mile b08b, within foure miles not about a goalket fhot:the channell erree- ting good and dåps, the Kiner traight to the denilions.Kiskirk the nearet Pation to the entrances, Cheir Newes from Virginia. Chcir religion and Ceremonie 3 obferued wos (bus:fha oz foure bayes after my faking laer of them in the boule wbere 3 lay, each with a rattle began at fen a clocke in the morning to fing about the fire, which they inuironed with a Circle of meale,and after a foote o two from that, at the end of each long, lagde downe tivo o2 tbz& graines of wheate,continuing this 02- der till they baue included fire og feuen bandzed in a balfe Circle, and after that two oz tozá moze Circles in Hke maner, a band biedtb from stber:that done, at each long,they put betwirt rue. rie three, two oj fiue graines,a little dicke , lo counting as an old woman ber Pater nofter, Dne tilgaired with a great skinne, bis bead bang round with little Skinnes of Umearels, and other vermine , with a Crownet of feathers on his bead, painted as bgly as the diaell, at the end of each long will make many Agnes and demonCra- tions with frange and bebement adions, great cakes of Dære ſuet, Deare, and Tobacco he cafeth in the fire, till fre a clocke in the Eaening, their holling would continue ere tbey would depart. Cach mozning in the coloef frolt, the principall to the number of twentie oë thirtie, al'embled themſelues in a round circle,a good dittance from the towne, where they told me they There confalted where totunt the nert Day: lo fat they foo mee, that 3 much doubtso they interided to have ſacrificed inee to the Quiyoughquoficke, which is a ſaperlour power they woze thip,a moje oglier thing cannot be deſcribed : one they baue for chief ſacrifices, which alſo they call Quiyoughquofick:ts core the Gck,a man with a Kattle and extreame bowling, thowting, anging, and lach biolent geftares, and anticke adione cuer tbe patient will fucke out blob and flegme from the patient out of their onable domacke,oz any diſealed place,as no labour will moze tire them, Tobacca they offer the water in pating in folle fweather. The death of any they lament with great forrow and weepiag : their Bings they burte betwirt two mattes within Ibelt honles, with all his beabs,ielwels,bafchets,apo, copper:the other in graues like ours. They acknowledge no reſorregion. Powhatan bala baé brethren, and two fitters, each of bis bje- thaen C 3 Newes from Virginia. theren ſuccéded other. foz the Croone, their beyzes inbcrite not, but the fire beyzes of the Bilters, and fa-facez l'isely tbe weomens heires : FF02 the kings haue as many weomen as they will, bis @ub. tects two,and mod bat one. from Weramocomoco is but 12. miles, yet the Indians triftes away that day, ano woolo not gee to our Fogte by any perſwafons : but in certaine sloe hunting boples of Paſpa- hegh we lodged all night. The neft mozning ere banne cile, wa fet louward for our ffost, where we arriued within an houre, where each man with the troet lignes of toy they coalo cepzel's Welcommeo má, ercepi M. Archer, and ſome 2.09 3. ol bis, who was then in my ableace, (wozne Coanſelloar, though not with the conſent of Captaine Martin: great blame ano twipos tation was laide ögon me by them, foz the Isle of our two men Which the Indians Cew : info nuch that they purpoſed to depoſe me, bat in the midt of my miſeries, it pleaſed God to lend Cap- Caine Nuport, who artiaing there the lane night, fo fripled our log, as foz a while theſe plots agaiet me were deferred, though with mach malics againt me, which captain Newport in thozt time dio plainly læ. Now was maider Scriuener , captatne Martin, and may felfe,called Counſellers. within âlde oz lire dages after the arriuall of the Ship by a milchaunce our fort was burned, and the mott of aur apparell, lodging and pziuate pzouifiod, many of our old men bilealed, &nb of our nelv foz want of lodging periſhed. The Empereur Powharan each wáke once og twice feat me many pzelents of Deare, bread Raugroughcuns, balfe alwaycs foz my father, whom he much delired to le, and balfe foz me:and ſo continually impoztuned by meſſengers and preſents, that I would come to fetch the cogne, and take the Countrie their king bad ginen me, as at lalt Captaine Newport refolded to go fæ him. Buch acquaintance bab amongk the Indians and ſuch confidence they had in ma , as neare the font they would not come till 31 caine to them,euerg af them calling me by my name, would not fell ang bing till a bad firti reçeined their p:eſents, and that ther Newes from Virginia. they bas that liked, they Deferred to me Diſcretion : but after acquaintance, they blually came into the front at their plea- lure: The PzcGibert, and the relt offbe Conncell, they knews mot, but Captaine Newports gresiae de 3| bad lo Defcribed, as they conceyued him the chicke,lbe reft bis childzen1,Dificere,and (eruants.we bab agræd with ý king of Paſpahegh to contra two of eur men to a place called Panawicke beyond Roonok, where he repozfed many men to be apparelled. Wå landed bim at Warraskoyack, where playing the billaine, and delu. ping us foz relvards, returned witsin th: de oz toare Dayes after without going further. Captaine Newport, maifer Scriuc- ner and my felfe, found the month of Pamauncks riuer, ſome 25.02 30.miles nothinard from Cape Henricke, the chanell gus as befoze erpzeleo. Sirrining at Weramocomoca,being tealous of the intent of this politick faluage to diſceuer his intenf the better,s with 20. Chot armed in Jacks went & Choze, the 15aylbere be dwelleth bath init 3.ericks and a mile and a haite from the chanel all oft, being conducted to the towna, 3 found mg (elfe mittaken in the cråke, foz they al there were within leđe thena mile,the Empee cos ſonne called Naukaquawis, the captaine that take me, and bioerſe atgers of bis chiefe men conducted me to their kings bar bltation, but in the mid way I was intercepted by a great cræk ouer which they bab mate a bridge of grained takes e ralles, the king of Kiskieck,ano Namontack, who all the tourney the king bad fent to guide os bad condudeo bs this pallage, wbich cauſed me to fulpea ſome miſchiefe: the barge 3 bao fent to met me at the right landing, when I found my felle firff deceguet, and knowing by experience the inolt of their courages to pza. céede from others feare, though fewe lyked the palage, I in- termingled the Kings lonne, our contado23, and his chiefe men amongt ours, and led fogward, leaving balfe at the one ende to make a guard fou the paſſage of the front. The Indians fæing the weakenedie offbe Bridge, came with a Canow,and toke me in of the missed with foore ez tiae moze, being landed. wee made a guard foz the rett till all were paded, two in & ranks Newes from Virginia. a ranke we marcbed to the Emperojs bouſe. Beloze big boole fod foztie ez állie great Platters of fine bread, being entrebibe youſe, with loude funes they all made Agnes of great ioy. This pzonde ſaloage, bauing his fineli women, and the principall of bis chiefe men allembled,ſate in rankes as befoze is expelled, himſelle as vpon a Thzone at the upper ende of the boule, with ſuch a gpstellie as I cannot expzelle , noz yet haus offers ſeene, either in Pagan by Cbzilian, with a kinde coontenance bee bad mes welcome, and cauſed a place to bee made by bimlelſe to it, Il pzeſented him a fute of red cloatb, a white Greyhound, and a batte, as Jewels he eltámed them, and with a great Dzation made by thrá of his spobles, if there be any amongi aluages,kindly accepted them, with a publike confirmation of a perpetuall league and friendlyip. after that he commaonded the Nuene of Apamatuc , & comely gong alaage, to giae ma later, a Tarkie cocke, and bzeabe to eate : being thus feafted, bre began his diſcourſe te this purpoſe. Your kinds viſitation both much content mee, but wbere is your father whom 3 muco dellre folæ ,is be not with gan. telo him be remained aboozo , bot the next day be wanlo come unto him with a merrte ccútenance be aſked me for certaine påces3 which promiſed him,wben 3 went to Paſpa- hegh, 3 tolo accoding to my promiſe that 3 pzoffered the man tbat went with me foure Demy Caluerings, in that be ſo deli. red a great Ganne,but they refuſed to take them, whereat with alowse laughter, be deired to give bim ſome of lefle bariben, as foz the other gave bio fbetnr , being ſure that none could carrie them : bat where are kefe men you pzomiſed to come with roa, I told him without, wbo therypon gane ozber to have them bzonght in two after civo, euer maintaining the guard Withont.And as they preſented themfelaes eger with thankes, be would (alate me, ano cauſed each of them to bave foare og hue pound of breab giugn them. This done, 3 aſked him for the cozne and ground be pzomiſed me. De told me 3 tysa! baue it, but he erpectad to fade all thelemen lay their armes at his fåt, as bio bis fubiegs. talde him that was a ceremonie our ene- mies Newes from Virginia. 21 mles defired, but acuer our Friends, as we preſented our felues onto hig, get bat be thould not doabt of one friend. thip: the next day my father woulogine him a chilooflis, in fall allorance of our lones, and not only that, bot When be Thould thinke it convenient, we woulo bellaer under his ſabiedion the Country of Manacam and Pocoughtao. nack bis enemies. This ſo contented bios,as immedially with attentioe &- lence, with a lelud oration be pzoclaimsed me Awerowanes of Powhaton, and that all bis ſabisats (yould fortáme os, and no man account 03 ftrangers nor Daipabegyars, but Powbatans , and that the Corne, weomen and Country, Ceglo be to us as to his owne people:this pgoffered kind- des foz many reaſons we contemned not, but with the beli Languages and fignes oftbankes I could expreffe, 3 foke my leaug. Che king riling from his ſeat, condades me foodth, and cauled each of my men to baue as much moze bzeab as há coplo beare : gining me ſome in a baſket, e as much be ſent a board for a pasſent to my father:viduals you mut knoto is all there wealth,ans the greatelt kinones they could thew bs:arrtuing at the Kiuer, the Barge was fallen fo low with the ebbe, thougb 3 hab gioen oder and oft ſent to pzetent fbe fame, yet tbe megengers deceived me, the Skies being very thícke and rainie , the king onderſtanding this mir. chance, fent his Sonne and Mamoniacke, fo conduc mét - to a great boule (afficient to lodge me, where enfring 3 Calis it bung round with botes and arcowes. The Indians vled all diligence to make os fices, egine bs content: the kings Diato33 preſently entertained vs with a kinde oration, ſpitb erppede charge that not ang Could teale, og take out boles o, arrowes, 02 offer any intury. Preſently after he lent me a quarter of Wenizon to day my domacke : in the earning bæ ſent for me to come omely wito Newes from Virginia. laith we that with me: the company gaue odber to trand vpor their goard, to maintaine two ſentrics at the parts all night. Lo my fupperhe lot belozs me mgate ſoz twenty men, læing I could not esie, be cauſed it to be given to my men: for this is a generall culoine, that what they give, not to take agatne, but you muti either cateit, gias it away, oz Carry it with yog: {oz tozó boures we ſpent in our aun- ent oiicourtes, which done, 3 was with a fire ticklighted to my lodging. Suhe mort day the king contading me to the Klaer, thelped me bis Canowes, and delcribeo bnto me bow but rent them over the sye, for tribute Beades:and alſo woat Countries paide him Beads, Copper og Skins. Ibat fåing Captains Nuport, and Halter Scriuener, comming a Choze, the king reforned to his boaſe, and 3 went (e måte him, with a frumpet befoze him, we marched to the Blog: who after his old manner kinoly receiuen olo, eſpecially a Boy of thirteen yeares old,called Thomas Saluage, whom be gane bo as bis Sonne: bereqaited this kinones with each of os a great baſket of Beanes, and entertaining hiun with the fozmer biſcourie, le paled awapibat day, and as gråb to bargatae the next day, and ſo returned to our Pin- nis: the tert og cooming a (hoje in ise oyeer, tbe king bading kindly entertained us with a bheaklat, quellioned with us in this manner, why we came armed in foat loze, fáing bé was per frieno, aab bao neither bowes nozarcoweg, what did we doabf: 3 rold pin it was the cuſtome of our Country, not Doabting of bis kindnes any wates, wherewith though bé (de med ſatiſfies, yet Captaine Nuport cauſed all our ken to retire to the water fide, wbicb was fome tbirtis icoze from thence:bat to speaent the Wort, Malder Scrivener 02 : were either the one or other by the barge, erperience had weli taoght me to belæue his frienothip, fill conuenient op. pozlanitg fuffied him to betrag us, bat quickly this politi- fian Newes from Virginia. 2 3 tian bat percetced my abfence, and cunningly fent for mé; I leat foz sp aider Scriuener to ſupply my place, the Bing would demaund foz hion, Woulo againe releee bim, and they fought to ſatiſfie our felpition with kind Language and not being agrád to trade foz c0208, h&defred to le alt our Hatchets and Copper togetkut,foz wtich he woulo gine Us cozne, wire that auncient tricke the Chickahamaniens bad oft acquainted me : his offer I refuſed, offering firi tofa bbat bá would glue fos one pisce, bu feming te beſpile the natore of a spercbant, dio icozne to ſell, bat we fræly tboala giae bio and be liberally woelo requite vs. Captaine Nuport woalo not with lefe then ttelue great Coppers try his kindnes, which he liberally requited with as much cojne ag at Chick h mania, 3 bad foz one of lelle proportion : oor Qatchets be mento alſo beue at his owne rate, fo, which kimones be much lämed to afica Captaina Nuport, come le bunches of blew Beades 3 bed, which be muco deffred, and læing (o few, be cffced me absſket of two pecks, and that which 3 Bzew to be the packs at the leaft, and yet feined contented and deſired moge: jagråd titi bim the sert dag for two bathells, fo3 g ebbe now contrat- ned us to returne to our Boale, although he earneftig del- red bs to tap dianer which was a prouiding, and being red- by he ſent aboard after 03, mbich was bread and ben zon, ſufficient for fiftie B2 Grtie perſons. The next day bæ fent bis Sonne in the morning not to bring a there with us ang pieces,leaQ bis bromen and chil. Dzen Chould feare. Esptcine Nuports god beliefe would baus ſatiſfied that requet , yet twentie oz (wentia fiue lhof we got a choze: the king impostuning me to lcade my armes a board, much miditing my ſwozo,pitol and target, I told him the men that del my Brother with the like tearmes bab perſwaded me, and being bnarme (hot at os, and ſo betraide bs. Ve oft entreated Captaine Nuport bat bis men migbe 1992 leaas 24 Newes from Virginia. leade their armnes, which aill be commanded to the water fine, this oay we ſpent in trading foz blewo Beads, and ha. ning neare Craigbled eur Barge. Captaine Nuport retarned with them that came abogd, Isaging me and chatice Scriuener a thoje, to follow in Ca- nowes; into one 3 goi with ice of our men, which båing lanched a tones cat from the thoze ſtack fat in the Die: goatüer Scriuener (æing this erample, wiib legen og eight moze pafled the dżeadfall bzidge, thinking to baue fonad Deper water on the other creke, but they were inforced to day with lach entertainment as a ſalvage, being fozced as Choze with wind and raine, baaing in bls Canow, as com- monly tbeg baue, his houſe and honlhold,intantig let op a houſe of mats which ſuccoured them from the forme. Lbe Indians ſæing are petred in the Dle, called to me, fire oz ſeven of the kings chiefe men thzeb offrbeir ſkins, and to the miedle in De came to bear me out on their beads, their importunacie cauled me better to like the Canow then their curtele, ficuáng my deniall foz feare to fall into the Die, defiring tbem to bring me fomis wmb, fire and mats,to couer me, and I would content them:each preſently gaug bis helpe to ſatiſfie my requeli, which paines a bogfe would ſcarce baue indureb, get a couple of bels cicbly contented them, The Emperors ſent his Seaman Mantiuas in the eue- ning with bzead and visuallfo, me and my men,be na moje fcripulous then the relt fämed to take a pride in Gewing bolo lille be regarded that miſerable cold and darty palage, though a dogge woulo ſcarce yang indareb it, this kindnes 3 found, when 3 litle erpeded lefle chena miſchiefe, but the blacke night parting our companies, ere mionight the hod ſerved to carry os aboard : the next day we came 8. There, the king forth a ſolemne diſcoacle caning all to de- part,bat bis pzincipall men, and tbis was the effect, when as bå perceived that we had a delire to inuade Monacum, as gaina ار2 Newes from Virginia. gaint whom he was no p:ofclled enemy, yet thus farre te boalo adil os in this enterpriſe: Firsite would ſend bis fples, perfedig to vnderütand their (rength and ability to fighe, with which he would acquaint ts bio filfe. Captaine Nuport would not be léne in it himſelfe, be. ing great Werowances, they would day at home, bot 3, Spalter Scriuener, and two of bis Sonnes,and Opechan- kanough. The King of Pamankelhould hade 100 of bio men fo goe befoze as though they were hunting, they giging vs notiſe where was the advantage we ſhould kill them,the weomen and young childjen be wiſhed loe Deulo * {pars,ebring them to bim,only 100, 0) 150.0four men be beld ſufficient for this exploit: our boats Seould dag at the falls, where we might bew timber,which we might conuey rach man a piece till we were pat the Gones. , and there togne them, to paſſe our men by water if any were Chot, bis men (hould being them backe to our boats, this faire tale bad almoſt made Captaine Nuport undertake, by this me anes to diſcover the South lea, which will not be wity- out frecherie, if we ground our intent upon his.condan- cie. This day we ſpent in trading; dancing, and much mirth, The king of Pamaunke ſent bis meſſenger, as yet not knows ing Captaine Nuport, to come unto him : who had long trpided me, Delring allo my father to vidte bim : the mellenger [tayed to condua bs, but Powhatan ønbertan. ding that we bad Hatchets lately come from Paſpahegh; beftred the next dag fofrade with us, and not to go fur. Iber. This new tricke be cunningly pot opon him, but onclg tobaue Wbat bæ littes, and to try whether we would go 03. tay. Opechankenoughs mellenger returned that we would not come the next day bis Daughter came to entreat me, Chewing ber Father bab bart bis legge, and much (03- roweo be could not les me. D3 Captains. 26 Newes from Virginia. Captsine Nisportbeing not to be perſwadeo fe goein, Chat Powhatan bab D&Gres us to lay : fent her albag with tos like anſwer, yet the next dap vpon better conſideration intreatie pzcu atled, and we anchoget at Cinquoateck, the fitte (watne aboue the parting of the river, where dwelled (wo kings of Pamaunke, Brothers to Powharan:the one called Opitchapam, the other Kajatough to theſe 3 went a (yone, who kindig intreated me ano Hatter Scriuener, fencing ſome preſents aboard to Captatae Nuport, while we were trucking with theſe kings. Opechankanough bis wife, weomen, and chilezen came to måte me with a naturali kind affection, þá fámen to reloyce to fæ me. Captaine Nuportcame a thoje, with many kind bir- courſes we palled that foderone: and after dinner, Cap- Caine Nuport went about with the Pinnis to Menapacant which is twenty miles by water, and not one by land: O- pechankanough, conduced me and gaiffer Scriuener by Imd, where bauing built a leafting bouls a purpoſe ta en- tertaine us with a kind Dzation, after their manner and bis bek pyouigon, kindly welcomed vs, that dag he would not tracke,but did his bed to delight is with content: Cap. faiae Nuport arrived towards euening, whom the king preſented with are great platters of dae bread, and Panla- rowmana, the next dag till none we traded :the Bing feated all the company, and the afternone was ſpent in playing, dauncing, and delight, by no meanes bæ woulo hade bs depart till fhe next dap,be bad feated bs with beni. zon, fo, which he had ſent,bauing ſpent his fire and ſecond prouifon in expecting our comming the next dsy be perfoz- med his promile, gluing moje to bs (67e, then would baue (ufficed 30, and in that we carried not awag lubat we left, be (ant it after os to the Pianis, with what wo2d80% fignes of laus he could ergzete, fe departed. Captaine Nuport in the Pinnis, leading me in the Barge Newes from Virginia. 27 Barge to blgge a rocke, where we ſuppoſed a spine at Cinquaoteck, which done, ere mionight arrived at We. facomoco, white our Pinnis anchored, bring co.miles from Cinquaorecke, the nest osy Weroke leave or Pow- hatan, who in regard of his kimones gave him an Indian, be well streeted to goe with bim for England in dæd of his Sonne, g canle afore me was to know our ſtrength and Cosntries condition:ý nert day we arriued at Kiskiack, the people forconerally entertained bs, as with what fignes ofíceine and diſcontent we could, we departed and retorned to our fost With 2;o. butyells of Conne, our preſident be. ing not wholy recoucreb of sis acknes, in Bilcharging, bis Piece byake and ſplit his band off, which he is not yet well recoueree at Captaine Nuports arriuall, toát were bidualled for i welue wakes, and baning furnitbed bim of what bez thoaght gob, bæ ſet ſaile for England the tenth of Spzill: saiter Scriuener and my felte with sur Callop, accom- panied bim te Captaine Hendrixk, Powhatan baging foz a farcewell, fent bim fide 02 dre mens loadings, itb Lørkeyes foz (wozds, which he fent bin in our return to g fozt:tve viſcovered the rtaer of Nau. Manfa famd, a pond warlike Nation, as weli (ve may telified, af our fire arrivall at Chefiapiack;bat that intury Caps River taine Nuport, ſell regengeb & his returne, where ſome ofthem intiäng binn to their mabaleadots by a daance, bee percejaing their intent with a vaily of market thor, delu one, and thot one of two moze, as themſelues confede, the Bing at our arigail ſent toz nie to come bnto bim:I lene hitza word what commodities had to cr bange for wheat, and if he would as bab the rek of bis Peighbours, conclude a Peace, we were contented, at talt de catre towac bstoje 198 Boate which rib at anchor lovno foatie yards from ý Choze, be fignited to me to come a loze, and fent a Canow with foure oz flue of his men, (wo Whercof 3 oulrco to coine de boara Newes from Virginia. in mud laina board e to tay, 3 would ſend two to talke with their Ling a lhane, to this hée agrád: the Bing we preſented with a piece of Copper, which be kindly ercepted, and ſent fo2 bico toalls to entertaine tbe me lengers. gailtec Scriuener and my felfe alſo, after that, went a choge: the king kindig feated 03, requetting is foffay to Crade till the next day, which bauing done, we returned to the Fort, this river is a moſket fotbz0ad, each dibe being (hoold bages,a narrow channell, but thrée fadom, his courſe for etghtene miles, almot directly onth, and by uhell, where beginnete the firt inbabitants, foz a mile it turneth Direaly Eat, towards týa wwelt, a great bag and a white chsokie Ilans, congenient for a Fozt: bis mert courſe South, where within « quarter of a mile, the riuer diuitett in two, the neck a plaine high Connefield,the wefter bought abigy plaine likewile, the poigeaf anſwerable in all rele peds : in theſe platnes are planted aboundance of houſes and people, they may containe rooo, Scres of mott ercels lent fertill groand, lo (wette, ſo pleaſant, ſo beautifali , and lo ftrong a proſpect, foz an inuincibie trong Citty, with ſo many commodities, that I know as get 3 banc noffene: This is within one dates iourney of Chawwonocke, the rider falleth tato the kings river, within twelae miles of Cape-hendicke. at our fout, the føles We had were fo ordinarily ffoler bg ibe ndians, as neceditg infozced us to cozeed their bza- uing théacrie: fez be that tole today, burt come againe the next day. Dne among the red, bauing ttolen two (Wo309, 3 got the Counſels conſent to ſet in the bilboes : the next day with the moze, be came bith their Wwbten (wozds in the midt of our men to ſteale, their cuftome is to take any thing they can ceaze oft, onely the people of Pa maanke, wee baue not found fealing: but what others can teals, their king receiaeth. 5 bsd them depart, but fpurifying thetc (wozds, theg ſeemed Newes from Virginia. 29 feemed to defend what they could catch but out of out hands, bis paide byged me to forne him from amongt bs, whereat be offred fo firike me with his ſtrand, which 3 pzce pented, ſtriking bim fitt: the reti offring fo rrocnge (be blow, receidtb ſuch an incounter, and deb; the better to affright them, 3 parfued them with kue o, fire Chof, and fa chaſed them out of the gland: the beginning of this bople, litle expecting by his carriage, we dorg baue realed, bauing enen till that preſent, not båne contradices eſpecially them of Paſpahegh: theſe Indians within one boare, baoing by biber Salaages, then in the Foz, onder fiod that 3 tbzeaf- ned to be ceuenged, came pacfently ef Ibem elues, amb fell to working tpon our wears, which were then in band bys. ther aluages, wobo léing their pride lo inceuntred were ſo ſo fuborigine, and willing to do any thing as might be, and with frembling feare,deſired to be friends within the bates after: From Nawramond which is 30.miles from us,the king ſent vs a Hatchet , which they had tollen from os at our being there : 1ha mellanger as is the catome, alſo we well rewarded and contentco. The twenty of April,betug af worke, in hewing dolne Trés, and ſetting Come, an alaram caured os with all Ipébe to take out armes, each expecting a new aflaalt of be Salaages: bat onderstanding it a Boafe bnder faile, cuc Boubts were preſently fatiſfied, with the happy aght of Maider Nelſon, his mariy parrills of estreame fiozares and tempelis. Vis thip well as his company could teftifie bis care in ſparing our pzogilion, was well: but the pzout- bence thereof, as alſo of oor Concs, Datchets , and other føles, onely oare ercepted, which of all the reſt was molt necellary, which might infozce us to think either a ledinous traitoz to our adion, oz a mot uncon donable decetoer of our treaſures. Dyis bappy arcipallot so sicer Nelſon in the Phenix, baaing bæne then about thee inonethes inif. Ang, after Captatae Nuports arrivall, being to all our ex- pecations 29 Newes from Virginia. pectations lott: albeit, that now at the latt, bauing bene long croded with tempelvons weather, and contrary finds,bis la vnerpeded corining, did ſo ranith us with er- cæding icy, that now we thoaght our ſelues as well fitted, as our bacts coulo with , both with a competent number of men, as alle foz all other næbfull pzouilens, till a farther ſoppig Thonlo come bato vs : Whereupon the fir& thing that was concladed, was, that my felfe,and atler Scriuener, choalo with 70. men goe with the bel meanes we could pjonide, to diſcouer beyond the Falls, as in oar iudgements conaeniently we might: are oz eaven dales welpent only in trayning,ear men to march, fight, and icirmiſh in the wo3s, tpete willing minds to this adion, ſo quickned their bnoertanding in this exerciſe, as in all judgements we were better able to fight with Powhatans whole force: in our ojder of battle among& the Crås, (fo2 Chicks there is feb) then the Fost was to repu le 400. at the fictt alanlt, with lots tenne oa twenty hot,not knobring what to dol, noz how to ble a Piece: oor warrant betng lealed, aitter Nelfonr elaſed to an te vs with the voluntary marriners, and himſelfe as be promiſed, onlelle ine would taadbound to pay the bice for Chippe, and marriners, foz the time they Aayed :and further there was ſome controuerfie, throngh the digeratie of Contrary opinions , fome alleadging, that how profitable, and to what god purpole foeder our iobr. sep Choalo poztend, get our commillion, commanding no certains Deſigne, we thould be tared toz the moſt indiſcrete men in the worlo, belices the wong we thoulo doe to Cap. tatne Nuport, to whom only all oilconeries dio belong, and to no other: be meanes for guides, befide the bncertaine courſes of the ciuer, from which we coulo not erre much, Bach night would festifie bs in two boares, better then that thep Art called the Fost,theit Lownes upon the river,each within one dayes lourney of other, beldes our ozbinary pzonition, might well be loppoſed to aode reliefe : foz truck and Newes from Virginia. 30 dealing only, but in loue e peace,as w tbercas tftkey attal- fc0 0%, thcir Lownes they cannot defend, 1192 their luggage foconaey, that we Cyanla not ſhare,but admit the wozu, 16. Dates pzouition, we had of Chåle, Datmeale,and biſkst be abes our randecous, we could and might habe bid in the ground. Wulith Gre men, Captaine Martin, would baue on- dertaken it himſelfe, leaving the ret to defend the front, amb plant oar Cozne: get no reaſon coalo be reaſon, to precáde fozward, though we were going aboard to ſet (atle : Theſe diſcontents cauſed ſo many doubts to ſome and diſcourage- Rent to others, as our tourney ended : yet ſome of us p20- cured petitions to let us forward, only with bope of our owne confalons , our next courſe was to turne balbano- men, to fell trás and let Comne. Fiftie of our men, we in- ployed in this ſeruice, the reſt kept the Fozt,fo boethe com. mand of the president, and Captains Martin, 30. Dayes the thiplay expecting g trial of certain matters, lkich for ſome cauſe I kápe pziuate:g gert erploit was an Indian bauing Colen an Are, was ſo purſued by gailter Scrivener,e them next him, as he threw it downt, and flying, dzew his bol at any that dur& incounter him. ithin foare o, fine dages after, paittec Scrjucner and 3,being a litle from the fort, among the Come,two Indiants, each with a cudgell, and all newly paipted with Terraſigillata, came circling abont me, as thougb they would baue clubed me like a hace: 3 knew their faining louets towards me,not without a Dead. le batred, but to pzeuent the worl, I calling maider Scriue- ner retired (o the fozt:the Jadians ſåing me ſoſped them, with gab tearmes, aſked me toy ſome of their men, wbom they woulo beate, and went with me into our fost, finding one that lay ordinarily with us only for a ſpie : they offered to beat him, I in perſwading them to fozbeare,tbey offered to beginne with me, being now foure foz two other arraged ta like manner, came in on the other ade the fort : fbere- upon cauſed to heat the Dozts,and apprebend them. The preffoent Newes from Virginia. pzebident and Counſeli, being pzelently acquainted,rémem bziag aftbe ára alisalt, they came in like manner, and ne- uer elſe but againt ſome billante, concluded to commit them to paifon, anberped the cuent, eight moje me ceazed at that pielent, an houre after came thekoj fodre other irangers, extraozdinarily fitted with arrowes, (kinnes, and ſhoting glones, their tealouſic and feare, bewjayeo (beie bad intent, as allo their ſuípitious departure. The next day came firt an Indian, then another ag Co Gallapozó fog their men, they selired to ſpeake with me, duc diſcourſe was, that what Dpades, Shouells, (wozdg,0% føles they had toine, lo baing bome (if not the next day, thep goald bang) the next refpes was, they had taken two of our inen,ranging in the wods, which miſchiefe no pu- niſhment will pzettent bat hanging, and theſe they woulo chools rebeme their owne 16. a 18. fbas bzaning os to our 102€$, we delced the pzedident, and Capfaine Mar- tin, that afternone to ſally upon them, that they might but know what we part to doeand at night mand our Barge, and burnt their ownes, and ſpoiled, and deffroyed, what we could, but they brought our men, and frály deliaered them : the preudent releaſed one, the rett we bought well guarded, to spojning and Cuening payers,Dar men all in ærmes, their trembling feare, then cauſed them to mach (ozrow, which till Chen (coffed,and frozned at what we durft Doe, the Counſeli coneladeb , that 3 lhoulo terrifie them with ſome toztare, to know if I could know their intent, the next day I boond one in bolo, to the maine malt, and pze- fenting are apaſkets wito match in the cockes, forcet him to bedre life, to anſwere my demauubs he could not, but one of his Comouodos was of the counſell of Paſpahegha that coulo ſatiſfie me:3 releaſing bim out of fight, a affrigh- ted, the other Girl with thereat,then with muſkels, which ſeeing he didred me to fay, and he woulo confede to this execation:Maiter Scriuerer come, bis diſconcle was ta. this Newes from Virginia. 32 this effect,Chat Paſpehegh, the Chickahamaniar, Youghta- num, Pamaunka, Mattapanient, Kiskiack. Whele patto ons were altogether a boating that take me, Paſpahegh, Chicahamanya, bad entended to furpaire vs at woke, to bave bad our tals: Powhatan,e al bis woald ſame fciends, fill Captaine Nuports reforme,tiat he had againe bis sian, which be called Namontack, where with a great fealt tés koald ſo enamo, Captain Nupore e bis men,as they ſhould ceage on him, and the like traps would be laied for the ret. This trap foz aur (@les, weſaſpected the chiefe occaſion was foure baies betoze Powhatan bad ſent the beg be bad to us, with many Larkies to maifier Scrivener, and mé, undertanding 3 would go bp into his Countries to deſtroy ebem,and be doubled it the moze, in that 3 lo oſt practiſed mg men, thoſe huling be beard to his owne lodging, that much feared bis wiues,and childzen; we fent him wo3d, we entended no fach thing, but only to gee to Powhatan, la féke tones to make Hatchets, ercept his men lot al bs, as Paſpahegh bad fold us they wonid, which if they did thofe but one arrowe, ws woulo Deffroy them, and deali this miſchiefe might bappen, lent' the boy to acquaint him thus maci,and regard him to lend vs Weanock,one ofbts ſobiects for a guide, g boy be returned backe with bis'Chellt, & apparell, which then we bad giuen him, deliring another fog him, g caule was, be woss paediting with the Chikaha- maniasas the boy (aſpedeo fome billante, by their extraozbi. narg refeat,& fecret conference from whence they would lena bim.sche boy we kåpe, now we would ſeno biar inang meſa ſengers,& preſents, the guide we deſired be ſent ose with- all requeſted ba to returnebim, either the bay.o2 ſome other, but none he could baue, esbat bay theſe Indians were aps pzebenbed, bis lonne with others g babloaded at our forf, returned, being out of the fort,rayigdon me, to diners of our men, to be enemies to bin,& tu g Chikamanast long after Weanock g bad bin with bsfo2 cur gaide whom te kept to baue conducea vs in another fourng, wo a falſe arcale retarde, 33 Newes from Virginia. refarnes, and ſecretly after hiin, Amocis the Paſpabeya, who alwates they kepf amongt us for a ſpie, whom the betfer to avoide ſafpition, preſently after they came to beate away: thefe preſumptions induced me to take any occaf. on, not onely to try the bonelty of Amocis, thelpie but al ſo the meaning of theſe cunning trtekes of their emperour of Powhacan; Whole trae meaning Captaine Martin molt confidently pleaded. The confetion of Macanoe, which was the coanſeller of Pafpahegh: fick 1, then mailler Scrucner, vpon their federall scaminations, found by them all confirmed, that Paſpahegh, and Chickahamm nia did gate bs, and in, tended ſome amtſchiele, and toho they were that tose me, the names of them that tole aar tales, and (wojos, and that Powhatan ceceiaes them, they all agreed:certaine bollies of thot we cauſed to be diſcharged, which cauſed each other to thinke that their fellowes had bæne daine. Powhatan onberftanding wa Betained certaine Sal- uages, ſent his Daughter,a child of tenne yeares old, which not only for feature,countenance , & propoztion, much erces. Deth any of the rett of his people, but for wit, and (pirit, the only Nonpariel of his Country : this bee ſent by bis mot trufie međenger, calleo Rawhunt, as much er- coding in delozmilie of perſon, but of a labidl wit,and crafty underſtanding, be with a long circamtance,colo mæ,hol Well Powhatan, loved and reſpected me, and in that 3 fhould rot doubt ang way of his kindnelle, be bad leat bis shilo, which be mot ettámed, to ſe meza Dárezand bueat, befides foz a pzelent : Defiring me that the Bog might come againe, which be loued escædingly, his litle Daughter be bad taught this leffon allo:not taking netice at all of the 3nbeans that bab bæne priſoners thrée Dates, till that moj. ning that the raw their fathers and friends come quietle, and in gob tearmes to entreate their libertie. Opechaukanough,fent allo onto us,cbat for his ſake, we 5. wenlo Newes from Virginia. 34 would releaſe two that were bis friends, and foz a token ſent me his holing Sloge, and Bracer, which the day oor men was taken tpon, feparating himſelfe from the rett a long time, intreated to ſpeake with me, where in token of peace, be bab preferred me the ſame:now all of them having found their peremptorie conditions, but to increaſe our me. lice, which theplæing bs begin to threaten to Delroy them, as familiarly as before, without lofpition,oz feare, came &- mouga vs, to begge libertie foz their men: In the afternone they being gone, we guarded tvem as before to the Church, and after payer, gave them to Pocahuntas, the kings Daugbter, in regard of her fathers kinonelle in lending ber: after hauing well febthem, as all the time of their im. priſonment, wegane them their bowes, arrowes, 02 what elle they had, and with mach content, ſent them packing: Pocahuntas, allo we requited, with ſuch trifles as contented her, fo tel that we had vien g Paſpahcyans berg kindly in lo relealing them. The next day we bad ſalpition of ſome other practiſe foz an Amboſcado , bat perfettig we coulo not diſcouer it, two Dates after a Paſpabeyan, came to help us a glittering minerall Gone: and with lignes des. monftrating it to be in great absondance,like Onto Kockes, with ſome oczen moze, 3 was ſent to leke to digge lome quantitte, and the Indean to conduc me: but ſnípeding this Come tricke to delade os, foz to get ſome Copper of us, o with ſome ambuſcado fo betray bs,ſæing bim falter in his tale, being two miles on our wap, led him afyone, where abuking vs from place to place, and ſo læking either to baue : baine 6s with bim into the tro 8,03 lo baue giuen bs the dippe: lhewed him Copper, which 3 pzomiſed to have gi- uen him if he had performed his promiſe, but fo2 bis ſcoffing and asalng os, Igaue bia twentie laches with a Kope, and his bowes and acrobes, bidding bia thote if be dosť, ano lo let him.gor. Ja all this time, our men being all oz the mott part well recouered; i Newes from Virginia. recouerco, and le not willing to trifle away moje time then neceflitie enfozced us onto, we thought god for the better content of the aduentarers, in ſome reaſonable fort to fraight bame goalter Nelſon with Cadar tod, about fobich,our men going with willing minds,was in very gw) time effected, and the chip ſent foz England ; We now re- maining being in god health, all our men welco.ented, free from mutinies, in loue one with another, e as we hope in a continuall peace with the woians, where we doubt not but commendatima by Gods gracious adikance, and the adventorers willing of the couribay minds,and ſpädie furtherance to to honozable an acion in after times, to lée car Pation to eniog a Country, not onelg erceeding pleaſant foz babitation, but allo very pzofitable for comerce in generall, no boubt pleañng to almightie God, homegrable to our gracions Soneraigne,anb.commodions generally to the whole kingdome. rudol: solar rade dissol sibul I FINIS. 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