- - º --- - AUTHORIZED RULES -- - - 700- amce of the me gut - Given for the protection and - -- - - - - º - -- - - - - bers in the several Societies. - D. - - - - AUTHORIZED RULES of THE SHAKER COMMUNITY. Given for the protection and guidance of the mem- bers in the several Societies. MOUNT LEBANON, N. Y. 1894. Printed at Shaker Village, w. H. PREFATORY. For the prosperity and protection of a family of 'reli- gious Communists who, maintain a united interest, and are expected to live agreeably to the Christ spirit, there must be a system of Laws and Rules. If it is said that the Laws are made for the lawless, they are also a salutary reminder to the better dis- ciplined, lest they working under multiplied cares be- come weary and then careless. The religious basis of the Order must be a founda- tion resting on the principle of righteousness, which principle is of God. These, should rule the life of the individual for the protection of his own soul, for the peace of the family and as an evidence of his up- right standing before the world. The harvest work is to gather souls from the ranks of the children of men, and to assist them in becom- ing the sons and daughters of God. - The cardinal principles of this gospel work, accept- ed from the testimony of the Christ spirit in its first and second appearing are, L 1st. The confession of sin to God in presence of a witness. G 2nd. Virgin purity of life. 3rd. Separation from the spirit and element of the world. 4th. Practical peace. 4- 5th. Submission to government and discipline. 6th., United inheritance and community of interest. 7th. Unselfish consecration for the benefit of all. In the Church of Christ these are to insure spiritual prosperity. In the following pages these will be more fully elucidated and brought to the understanding o each one. \ The social relations of a family must also receive proper care and a system of Rules must be observed, that may be found instructive, and at the same time protective to the interests of each family. & This watchful care and wholesome discipline becomes necessary, for the maintenance of our union as Breth- ren and Sisters in the household of faith. • * THE Q GOVERNMENT OF THE SOCIETY. PART I. TTLE ORDER OF MINISTRY. The visible, spiritual head of the Church of & Christ is vested in a central Ministry. This Order generally, consists of two Brethren and two Sisters. The Ministry were appointed by the first Elders of the Church, and since that date they have named their own successors, and by the united approbation of the Elders and leading members of Society, these appointments arêconfirmed. & The Ministry appoint the Elders, and these Or- ders unitedly appoint the Trustees and assign of- fices of care and trust to the Brethren and Sisters, as their services may be needed. * . The Ministry may also have the charge of two or more Societies. º A Society may be divided into several families, 6 and every family is presided over by an Order of Elders. . THE EIDERS. This Order is formed the same as the preceding. The duty of the Elders is to look after the general interests and protection of the family in which they reside. * . . THE TRUSTEES. b The Trustees have the general management of all the property, real estate, and temporal interest for the benefit of the Society. Two or more Brethren and two or more Sisters are appointed to this Order and are accountable to Ministry and Elders. THE DEACONS AND DEACONESSES. Those who officiate in this Ordà have the º gen- eral oversight of the temporal work of the family. They are held responsible to the Elders in all mat- ters of importance, concerning the temporal inter- estS. THE HOME. As it is generally conceded that Order is Heaven's 7 first law of protection, we are well persuaded that every Society must protect itself in a corresponding manner to insure success. | A careful and well ordered system of discipline should form the boundary line for personal protec- tion, and then be so extended over the whole family or Society that peace and prosperity, in the fullest \, sense may be the prevailing element. Those who ignorantly, carelessly or willfully violate these Laws or Orders which are formed as a wall of protection. for the safety of the Community, should conscien- tiously make confession of the same to the Elders of the family. & 0. i “Every tongue shall confess' to God, and every one shall give account of himself to God.”—Rom. xiv. * ſº PART II. GENERAL ORDERS AND REGULATIONS. 1. No member of our Community can be author- ized to incur debt, to those not of our Order, nor to give a promissory note. \ 2. In the purchasing or selling of any real estate and before the making of any large contracts, the Ministry, Elders and Trüstees should consult and come to a mutual agreement. 'N, 3. No member of any family of Believers, can be justified in the concealment of any sinful action, under any pretense whatever. An honest confes- sion should be made before the appointed witnesses. 4. Any person having knowledge of actions for- bidden by the rules, among those residing in the Community, should report the same to the Elders of the family, and them only, that the trespass may be corrected, otherwise he becomes a participant in the transgression. l 5. No profane nor licentious language should be repeated when relating stories in which such language may have been used. Never rehearse a story that tends to immorality, nor indulge in worldly jokes. No language should be employed contrary to the pu- rity of the gospel. 6. If any form of trial arises between Brethrer and Sisters, the subject should be confided to the Elders only, that reconciliation may be made. 7. All wrestling or quarreling in every sense of the word, is contrary to the gospel of Christ. 8. No private nor partial union between the sexes is admissible under any circumstances. 9. Never rehearse the faults of any one, whether in or out of the body. Q 10. Those who may be admonished to duty, on reproved for a fault, should accept this act of kind ness in the spirit of Christian meekness. [. | 11. As our relation is that of Brethren and Sis- ters in a gospel home, we can not hold private rela- tions in any form, hence—All communications sent from or received into the Society will be open to in spection and subject to the advice of the Elders. 10 As the prosperity and protection of our gospel home depends so much upon our union, we find the necessity of making a plain statement of what may become nec- essary in every family of Believers, in respect to Rules or Regulations." is PART III. ON LEAVING. HOME. 1. Union from the Elders should be obtained whenever it is necessary to leave home for business or pleasure, and upon return to report of successes or failures. 2. Members who leave home expecting to make purchases and defray incidental expenses should ap- ply to those who are appointed as Trustees or agents and obtain the money to be used, and make their re- turns to the same person. 3. Believers who are gathered into gospel order should not attend the services of those not of the Community, to the neglect of their own meetings at home. 11 --~~ 4. Those who, under the influence of passion, threaten to leave the Community, because of some great or trivial trial, should stop to consider before taking the step. 5. Places of worldly amusement should not be visited by Believers. 12 REGARD FOR THE SABBATH. 1. A discrimination should be made in the litera- ture that is used among Believers; newspapers, peri- odicals and secular literature generally should not be read on the Sabbath. Solid and religious reading must prove profitable as much as one day in seven. Disreputable literature had better be burned on sight. 2. Windows having broken glass should be re- paired if consisteſt before the Sabbath. 3. Riding or walking out for mere recreation should not be done on the Sabbath. & 4. No unnecessary work should be performed On the Sabbath, or that which could consistently be de- ferred till the following day. | 5. Workshops should not be frequented, JIl the . Sabbath, except duty requires, and then the time should be as brief as practicable. 6. The short season allotted for meditation before service should be strictly observed. 13 ~ ºvº. : RELIGIOUS CULTIVATION AND USAGE. 1. No one should be absent from the religious or social gatherings appointed for the family, without the knowledge and union of the Elders, nor leave the room during divine service, if consistent to avoid it. ( ) 2. While in religious or social conference there should be a respectful distance between the ranks of Brethren and Sisters, and this rule should be regard- ed in all places. 3. When a person is in the attitude of prayer, all who are present should respectfully attend. 4. Days appointed by the Governor for religious observance should be regarded. Christmas should be kept in conformity to Christ's mission of peace. 5. All should kneel in prayer on retiring to rest at night, and on rising in the morning; also before and after each meal. | ſº 14 THE INFIRMARY. 1. Physicians and nurses should hold themselves accountable to the Elders for their general attend- ance upon the sick. l 2. Any one may request such medicine or medi- cal aid as he desires, but should have respect to the advice of his Physician. O tº ty 3. Alcoholic preparations should not be used ex- cept by order of the Physician. «» 4. At the close of life, it is appropriate for those in attendance to kneel in lo ving tenderness and -si- lent prayer. • * 5. A modest, plain attire is befitting a burial. A dress suit is admissible. & I • 1 6. Coffins or caskets should be without ornamen- tation, If they are trimmed, neatness and simplic- ity should be the rule. 15 ON LANGUAGE. 1. Believers should not compare their gospel friends with disreputable characters. * 2. Worldly titles should never be attached to the names of the Brethren or Sisters, nor should nick- names ever be used. 3. Names by which persons are designated should never be given to the brute creation. 4. Exaggeration of speech should be avoided and untruthfulness in any of its phases finds no accept- àIlC62, 16 FOR UNION AND PROTECTION. 1. When Brethren or Sisters wish to make a pres- ent to a friend among Believers, or elsewhere, it should be in union with the Elders. -> 2. All Believers gathered into Community order should take their meals with the family so far as cir- cumstances will permit. 3. Neither books nor papers should be bought or borrowed to introduce into the Community without the union of the Elders of the family. 5. New styles of clothing or manufactures of any kind should not be introduced into the Society with- out the union of the Ministry and Elders. . 6. As it is essential to avoid committing an evil, it is also necessary to avoid the appearance of evil. & Hence, Brethren and Sisters should not shake hands with, nor touch each other unnecessarily. o -- - -> - - - - ------- - - º - -- - - - ". - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - --- --- - - º l - - - - - - - - - - -- - º- -- - --- --- - - - - - - - - - \ - -- - -- -- - º --- - - - - - --- - - - - - --- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - º º - . - - - - --- - - - - - º - -- . º - --- - -- -- --- - -- - - - - - - - - - º - - - - - - - - - ------ - - - - --- - - - -- - -- - - --- -- -- --- - - - --- - º --- -- - - - - - - - - - - º - - - - - -- - - - -- --- --- - - º - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- º º - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- |-- - - - - -- - - - - -- -- - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - -- - - - - - -- - --- - --- -- - - - -- --- -- - - º - -- - - - - -- - - - --- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - --- - - - - -- - - - º - - - - - -- - - --- - --- -- - -- º --- -- - -- --- - -- º -- - - --- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - --- -- º --- - -- - -- - - - - --- - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - -- -- - - --- -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - --- - -- - - º - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - º - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - --- - º -- - - - - - -- - - - --- - -- - - - - - - --- --- -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - º - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - -- - --- - - - - - º - - º --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - -- - - -- - ſº º º