SHAKER MUSIC. INSPIRATIONAL HYMNS AND MELODIES #tsurrection ºife and Jestimony OF THE “A ND THE CO M M O N P E O PI, H. H. H. A. R. T. H. H. M. G. L. A. D. L. Y.” ALBANY, N. Y. WEED, PAR SONS AND com P ANY, PUBLISHERs. 1875. - -tº- Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five, & By WEED, PARSONS AND COMPANY., In the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. PIRIE E A C E. THE Gift of Songs has been much sought and liberally obtained by the People, whose name these Hymns and Melodies bear. They are, without exception, the product of young Brethren and Sisters of the Order, who, having had no scientific, musical education, have, in their arrangement— poetical and musical—chiefly relied upon the teachings of the Spirit. Conscious of their scientific imperfections, they go to the public for what they are—the simple offering of a simple people. We claim that the words and music are not all of Earth nor all of Heaven — simply inspira- tional gifts, appropriate to, and illustrative of, the life and testimony of Believers in Christ's First and Second Appearing, which find continual use in their sacred worship, wherein are seen Virgins rejoicing in the dance, both men and women together. . With this apology to Science and Art, we rest them upon their own merits, with those who love sincerity and beauty for their own sake. - We invite all interested to subscribe for the SHAKER AND SHAKEREss, in which may be found a continuation of the same Gift of Songs. . . Price of SHAKER AND SHAKEREss, 60 cents per annum. MT. LEBANON, CoL. Co., N. Y. CONTIENTS. - PAGE PAGE. p.A.G.E. Angels' Song . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 | Greeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 | Progression. . . . . . - - - - 4 - * * * * * * * * * * * * * 10 Angels’ Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 | God's Universal Praise. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 | Promise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 A Chant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 || Gem of Peace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 | Prayer and Praise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 All is Summer...................... 50 Pilgrim Band. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 • Home of Peace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 | Pillar of Light. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 : . º . Heavenly Prospect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 | Pure Love. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 :*: … . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - One . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 | Power of Love. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 º Angel Home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . !" | Hundred ſold Biesing............... 34 | Peace, be Still . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 eautiful Walley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 *> Blessings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 | Heavenly Goal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 |, .. Bright Guiding Stars . . . . . 32 Harps of Welcome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 | Retirement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 ght. g Stars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Heavenly Pathway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 | Returning Spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Blest Zion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 zº 5 * ~ * Christmas Offering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 || Journeying On. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 | Star of Hope ...... - - - - - - - - - - * * * * * * * 26 Call to the Weary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 º Spirit of Truth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 City of Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Keys of Revelation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 - Come to Zion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Twilight Reflection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Consecrated Toil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 | Labor of Life. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 The Silver Lining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Christmas Morn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 | Land of Love. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 || The Glad New Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Coming Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 | Let Zion Move. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Triumph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Christmas Eve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Times of Refreshing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Christmas Greeting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 || Morning Light. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 || Time is Passing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Changeless Pages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Morning Dawn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 || The Coming Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 - Messenger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 | True Love. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Eden of To-day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 | Millennium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 | The Lord Reigneth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Eternity's Gain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Mission of Songs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 | Tribute to Friends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Festive Song. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 | New Year's Greeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 || Woice of Peace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Farewell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Voyage of Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Faith’s Vision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Our Mission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 -- One Sparrow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 | Welcome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Gentle Deeds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 || Our Zion Home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 | Willing Sacrifice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 ..º SHA K E R M U S I C. —sº- CHRISTMAs OFFERING. -- MT. LEBANoN, N. Y. e Hz – - HEEs + =E =#E:== H={{#####, Hſº H p 1. Sweet - est mu – sic soft - ly steal – ing O'er our hearts in tune – ful chime, Shall, in joy - ous notes re-weal-ing, f 2. Wake we now to joy and glad-ness, Christ the Sav-iour we have found ; Ban - ish from our hearts all sad-ness, - - T —£2 * # #EEEEEEEEEEEE Hºf - =HAEF- —e–He—ſo Hº:--> He–e. I-I-T- | T [ D T I - HH #E RLH === y E º - ºr f Swell the song of old - en time. When the morn-ing star was beaming, An - gels sang of peace and love; And in deeds of love a-bound. Now the fount of good un-seal-ing, - Let us all our souls up - fill; &#EE ====E #=======# *E=E. ºr zł=# k- E---> H I *—e—e. - F- I-L-I-T- Ma - ny souls a-woke from dreaming, Hail'd the light from Heaven above. Gladsome sound we ech-o still, p Peace on earth, to all good will. And, in kind-ly Christian feeling, Breathe sweet peace and speak good will. Gladsome sound we ech—o still, Peace on earth, to all good will. & H- {5} 6 S Aſ A A' A' A' M U.S. M C. * EEA MS OF T,IG-HT. +–1– _* j= #s Cº- glo-ry *=s* 1. When the MT. LEBANON, N. Y. l &T g of light beams o-ver our way, From bright souls in regions a -bove: The forms of the near, the true and the dear, #########- Who’ve pass'd from our sight, ere the —f . , ſº , . . . . . . . . . T- i wº wº r 2. And when we are weary and worn with life-toil, We feel their soft presence in peace, They brighten the hours, which ever are ours, To rightly improve, as onw We ºn gºve To the land where 80rrow will cease. 'Tis thus we are strengthened to journey below, And bear with true pleasure each care, For bright is the thought, with happiness fraught, Of communion sweet, when the hôtirs shall fleet, Our That hold us earth-labor to share. kºi • ; 4. O, gladly we walk by the faith of to-day, And banish all darkness of mind, For in that fair land, where the purified stand, faith will be sight, and i in its pure light, l crº we not the joys left behind. Andante. G ENTI, E D E E L S. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. —l —l I º t p #E S-E-i i T | FE-ºff w f 2–F ; I N–Is HE ſ HE l H →EE *=#-G#-ºf-ºf-ºf-ºf- H-c--→--> LT- ºt-HEEEEE-º-Hº-EEEEEEE #-FE ** * * * + ºr sº ºr ºf -e, -s ºr tº Tºrº ºf ET"T" Tº ºr ºr # 4-3. e. | | 1. Gen - tie deeds are ev - er form -ing Wer-dant spots with - in each heart; whence shall spring the plants of vir - tue, Flow’rs that in - cense sweet lm - part; . It ours to be pro - gress-ing, And il with ar- dent thought, That our lives may mer - it bless-ing, And with ho - n - ness be fraught. 3. O, it is a bles3 - edi h a ven. Where no blight-ed pow'rs re-main; Where un - ho - ly strife is ban - ish'd, And pure love our souls en-chain. -º | -º- º a wº- t |º sº. |-º-º-º: T us * I Iſ T-Tſ TT ATº tº: * If zº-º-º: ITTF LTC. |Eº r I * y ºr w] 4—f-f- TI-I-I *–H a—2–2– Ha-e- a—H w El E. I. I I HEE4+ I iº P--I l T-- { I T T-P, | t I I I | r r r ſ | SA, A K AE A* M U.S./C. 7 G ENT LE D E E D S – Continued. i g to Ilſe some germ of love; Cause as - pir - ings true and last - ing, For the powers that lift a - bove. i de - sires; Eve-ning shall their strength increase; While the an - gels find our spir - its Rest-Ing in th lms of peace. we are leav -ing All the glit' - ring dust of earth; Seek - ing on - ly the inn - Inor -tal, Which will give us an - gel birth. Such shall wa-ken thoughts most ho-ly; Brin Morn shall e th ne Here in . - alon łł. FTET * Tººlſ *- I º I - 1 I k NI - I º- A L- *~1 | +-I-S-I-T-Y-L-L- I TATATITL rººſ tº I L- ** Tº Tºl * Lºſ -F#-t-t-ºf-ºf Iº iTTI-Tº-Tº-Tº-Tº-Tº-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º: t 2.T'Tºº TºI. Tº TIRTITI -*-ī-tº-ſº ºf II* Tº ºr º T.I. º.º. º. Irº-º-º-º-IgE-º-º-º-Lº- ºr-º-ELº-º: *=Tw g–12–63–L wº wº-y w—F-w -ºr tº º Tºr 1. Praise, rejoicing and thanks-giv-ing, Is the glo - ry of our song! While the an-gels from a -bove us, Waft the bles - sed strain a - long 2. May the joy our feel - ings cherish, Thrill a chord in ev" - ry heart! While the secret streams out-flow -ing, Shall an an - swer true inn-part 2. M *——l H===N==== I —f ===NEH-º-º-H-I-z-z-z-i-i-º- fºL-H-I-N-HN-Hº-HNH I EE -wa-Li- TITT-º-º-Tº-º-º-º-º-º-º- I-P-I-D----|--|--|--|--|- | | * * sº I l I HTº E gy IT I w_H * † 2-Lº-º-º-º-Lº-Tº-LTLº- * L-g-Z –e5–2 L 'Tis for promised joys unmeasured, For delights that ne'er will wane, For the rapture pure be - fore us, And the hope for ho - ly gain. And we call on all to Join us In our joy-ous fes - tive song | While the waves of life dance mer-ry. And the heart is glad and strong! Chorus. con spirito. # == s— * f : * r * : * : * = . . tº 2. 4- * _ > * Aºi Æh- > º * * sº J w-r-R I | F. Fºr tº - We win swell the gladsome chorus, Till bright hosts around us throng, And with harps of sweetest mu - sic, Join our u - ni - ver-sal song. Yeo we'll swell the gladsome chorus, Full, un - broken, rich and strong; Till it toºs and floats a - round us, This our u - ni - ver - sal song. º -º- † sº a .N. . . F H PE2–Hº | T —t -ºr * a—Ha—a-2–H EEEEEEEEE Hº-Hi *T. I *-i-I-T-I-T-I-tº-º-º-º-E-tº-fi T- H-i-t- CEE2–2 - | * r—— —T —u—H 8 SAIA A E R M US / C. TWILIGHT IREFLECTION. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. oła-4 7??, N N N S N T-P-P-4- #H#########EFEEEEEEEEEEHF: | —º- -º- -g- -º- —º- 1. When the soft shades of twilight drop over our way, Like curtains let down from on high, When life's busy scenes that have crowded the day, 2. O, this is the sea-son when calm, holy thought Like tide-waves our spirits o'er-flow, While truest of pictures our life-deeds have wrought, 3. Then oft let us pause mid the con-fict and strife, The coun-sel of wis-dom to heed, To ask for a fore-taste of heav - en - ly life, ** All- ſp 770, Nº Nº N _A Have pass'd with the light from the sky; Tis then that the spi-rit should rise and take flight, %. tu-Imult of earth and its care, Re - flec - tinn shall o – wer us throw, Till clear - ly por–trayed on the vi -sion with—in, Fach mo-tive and ac-tion will be To sa - tis - fy im – mor—tal need; And when the deep sha-dows of time close around, When life's fair-est day-beams are past, - - - - - - - - ? - ? - ? - ? --. :#EEEEEEEEEEEE H :-------tº-º-º-Hit-tº-º-º-º-H y wº wºx º wº wº w = And seek sweet re - pose on the sha - dow – less height, Com - mu - nion with an - gels to share. The glo – of good - iness, the dark - ness of sin, n oy or In sor = row We §ee. May light from be - yond us our path - way sur - round, For ev - er and W = er to last. - - ſº - - N H-H –E–F– H- º * º º º 2 2. º rº º wº S. Aſ A A' A' A' A/ U.S. ſ C. 9 Andante. E. H. A. U TIF U L S H O R. E. 1. Time's dark bil-lows and tempests may roar, Yet will I sing of that beau-ti-ful shore, Whe 2. Glad - some the spring of that fair happy land, Dºlossom and fruitage in glo - ry ex-pand, Whil 3. Pll - grims who tar - ry, your time yet abide, Slowly re - ced - ing is life's eb-bing tide: 0 - wer its sur - ges your spl-rits shall glide Safe • N p e re the chill winter of life shall be o'er, Ne'er to return to the soul. he grift -- Scent-laden floats to us here. to that beau-ti – ſul shore. Tº - TV ºf v–3– | TV TTWTV W VT- I ar, rift. n L. l N N 1 N . — ri N. N. . . N fa . . . S. ºr-I-4 Eº-º-E E.T. g ºf T_T} Blest summer land, free from sorrow and gloom, In fadeless beauty our splits shall bloom, While the earth casket in-her - its the tomb, Sea-sons su - per-mill will roll. Love builds its mansion all pearly and bright, Rising in grandeur in rose-tinted light: 'Tis for the blessed, wh .# §§ & 1. *. ºr * I at , ~...~ * * ~...~ * Hap-py the tho't! If our hearts are made pure, We an in - her an rºft. # y A –F–2–E---> F–F–F–F–w -----v-v T-v-v-f-v-g-T-I-v-v-f-a-w 2T TV 2 e-T *T & tºta white, tieavenly the promi - lses Sure, When here our journey is o'er. º Ty- T H E S I L VIE IR, L, IN IN G-. CAAN AN, N. Y. S *—º. A. N R N . s *——h. —he A– =A=—A- IºTº TRT ºn TRL FRTEGEP-FF-CREFERENER–HEN=s-N-Hºº-º-º-EP-FF- *–Pi—Pi—EER, MLE: º-Fºy–E–C–F–F–G- º | 4—s i º Rºtº L I Hº-s IT-Tº Lºſ t L- º —ºr † voi - ces sweetly ut - ter Lo, the sil -wer lin-ing's near. 1. Though dark clouds may often ga—ther That would make our pathway drear, An - gel be – yond the darkest sha-dow Lies a sil - werlin – trig there. 2. Hope and faith shall e'er sustain us, While for hea - ven we pre - pare, For Chorus. 1 the day. sil-ver lin -ing, See the clouds now break a - way, In-spi-ra-tion's light is shin-ing, Ush-'ring i O the SAſ A A. E. A. M U.S. ſ C. , LEBANON N. Y. PROGREssION. jº 1. Be ſirm en – dea - vor to fol - low the right, Though ma - ny our pur - pose Op - posé, 2. The hill of re – demp - tion with cou - rage we 'll climb, Though rug - ged our path – way steep, 3. The dark - ness of doubt that be - cloud-e our way, Fades far in the dis - tance from sight, º | The weapons we wield are untarnish'd and bright, And mighty to vanquish our foes, We will join the vic - ... x* to - ri - ous ar – my of truth trill in 15h 3. * + & Un-flinch-ing 'Inid tri – als and dan - gers of time, Still sunward our course we will keep, For a the sphères We press for the glo - ry of e - ter - nal day, Where lingers no shadow or blight, We will swell the grand chorus with heaven's bright throng Gºr-º-º-º-r-gº _++ 2 + 2-2 e- . . . --------------tfit :: *Tº sº tº ſº. [2-lºſſº Lºſ T- Tº Pº La-Te' - Tº Tº Tº Tr ex r L. I I k I ºn ºn a Lºs a lºſº º I * Dºlº ſº. TT ſº I TºTº all a 2–2 –Lºs-ºs º Lº a : L-Tº-Lº-Lº. Tº sºlº-Lº-LI tº Lº-º-º-L-L-L-TE-----L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L- I |-L----|--|--|--|--> I-2–LLCT * Hº-Hº-TFFFFF-FFFF zº per - pe – tu - al youth, A in - split-ing with glad-ness it cheers Whose van-guard be - fore us have gone, tra-verse the land of There 's joy in the con-quer-or's song, The bless - ing of vic – to - ry ll crown'd with the lau-rels they've won. nd hastens r jour-ney a - long. life that re-mains for the free. 3. con-quest of Belf o - ver er - ror and wrong, The S H A K E R M U.S./C. I I PROMISE. 2- e breathe the words of ho - ly joy, We 'li guide you to the glad - some sphere, nd you shall see we 8tre not bound To Where By pu Self ANON, N. Y rits who are Cast rest, toils a – bound, ish In ess or pride, MT. LEB Oruit Rest to the first verse. sor - row’d waves Up - qIn the `of life, Where bit - ter-ness And show to you the heaven—ly truth - Our pil - grim – age But self - de - ni - al s the power In which our souls #### #F#-F#-F#- doth last; We 'll tell you of hap - py home We 'll ope the se - cret of our joys, That all we have is spent for God, —I-e— - ===HE=H== T H-T-I-T-F Nº. i & ºi ſº- : : : s | i - # w wº ~ & - 27- Be - yond the strife of care, Where love is reign-ing in each heart, And doeds are wrought in prayer. The plea - sures o our day, And give you from our trea - su - ry, Till grief shall pass a - Way. aid the fall – en race, And make this earth, on which we live, A par - - dise of grace. i` To º | * e=################ F-F— ------------- Tº I If Titº. Tº T. ſº I 2 SA/ A A. E. R. M U.S. ſ C. P&LEYS OF ERIEVELATION. Mr. LEBANON, N. Y. |AE-tº-g-A-TEE-EN-H-E-E-R-E-E–F–F–F–F–F–F–F–E–F–E - :—º - -—º– -º- - - -º- 1. * type of life pro - gress - ive, Viewed 'by 3. seer of —z--e—I-——o—e- ------>= g 2 2– e=4 :======E=====E -w * EEE: - - ==Ec-ſe U { I " ) º ITT FF-2 I-I- Al £- l º *: 5 L | | T - | mean - ing doth un fold. 2. 3. 4. #. come, O earth l to bless thee, The ministry of angels The keys of Revelation Their loving mission hail! Shall light the darkened land, Which º were doomed to rust, They sºw beside all waters "Till earth's benighted children Now ope the ſº den portals ower will understand; Of saving faith and trust; The seed that cannot fail od's p t "Till Babel towers of error The Soul unfolds her pinions º ruth’s cious gerrns upspringing §hall fruit imiltortal bear, To their foundations reel, To rise from nature's gloom, Rich prophecy of blessing And gilded temple glories For strength of resurrection A mighty shock will feel. Lies not within her tomb. Which many souls will share. SAH. A. A. E. A. M U.S. ſ C. PFAYER, AND PRAISE. (Sentiment taken from Fifth Psalm.) 1. Un - to 2. My voice O, hearken when Thee I cry, º words, O Lord, give ear, My me - di - taction heed * God, in morn-ing light, I will di - rect in pray’r, sº Thou art my hope and stay, Though tempting snares my path be – set Stead-fast my faith shall be, MT. LEBANON, N. Y. Th rit, draw-ing nigh, When un-to Thee I eel y sº - ri § Thy prom-isé will not for - get, But look for help from Thée. NJ; In wickedness and vanity No pleasure dost. Thou show, No evil thing shall dwell with Thee, . All wrong Thou wilt o'erthrow;. The false shall not stand in Thy sight, The flattering tongue thou’t bind, For truth with clear and glowing light Will search the heart and mind. 4. Those who rebel against Thy law, And in deflange sin, Upon their souls true judgment draw, And feel its pang within : But as for me I’ll seek a place Within God's house o P. Where dwelleth mercy, truth and grace, My soul shall worship there. 5 Within Thy temple songs of praise Shall eyermore resound, In anthems sweet my voice"I'll raise For blessings that abound; Let them rejoice that in Thee trust, And shout in songs of joy, Thou ever wilt defend the just Who evil works destroy. 6. Those who Thy name adore and love, Shall sound a joyful strain, As they advance to realms above, Away from earth's low plane; Thy favor to the righteous show, O Lord be thou their shield Till they Thy perfect life shall know, In endless light reventi. I4 S. H. A. A. E. R. M U.S. / C. . EID E IN OF TO-DAY. Mt. LEBANON, N. Y. # ^ . . J 1 N N I —- ſº amºn N *—- ſº ſº º ºf TNTNTº | [Tº | HTATAT. Tº sº I Dº Tº ſº. Tº | f { *- :- [T] Lº tº N. &###EEEEEEE HEEEEEEE -CH-e-º-º-Hº-1 H. AI. E=E. E •º -º- -º- * 1. Shall we wait for the mor-row of promise, To bring us the kingdom of life? Shall we pause for the soul-thrilling fu-ture To prompt us to 2. Nay, we know that the germ of sal-va-tion Hath growth in the toil of to-day; While the vows for fu - tur - I - ty's ac-tion, Sweep blossoms of * -º -ø. en - ter the 8trife? vl - got a - way. 3. We will relgn o'er the er-rors pre-wall-ing, And stem the wild current of wrong, For the life - giv-ing now spend our labor, And still be ad - vanc - ing a - long. & -º- * •º -º- --> Shall we rove in the fan-cles that please us, A - their guidance to win The vir-tue of im-mor-tal knowledge, That lift-eth from darkness and sin? And we fall in the noblest of pur-pose, We're lost in the shades of the past, While thoughts of life's imperfect du-ties, The deep-est of gloom o'er us Thus pre-pared for the in - creasing glo - ry, The spir- it - ual E - den of light, We'll en - ter the courts of Re - demptlon, In triumph o'er earth's darkest night. g arx g ar, -º-, -º- ſº. º. IIT LL- s If TITHT E o–C–D– -----Tº-º-º-Tº-TTTTTTTTT E Eº-EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE & fºLaº TATTT TITY TT TY T TITHzººlºº Jº Jººººººº...Iºſºlº º * * i | i v | # * | 2 T, AIBOR OF LIFE. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. Andante, I & L N__l NL #: =##### ſ s-Hº- P-R-E-P-A-R-H-E- *R-#. Hº-Pi—-H+c+ º si-i-z-Hi-º-º-º-i-º-º-º-º-tº- ©– S H P-HE- E-s-Hº-Hº- T-C-C-C-a-I-H —º- -º- -º- -º- { 1. Dream not a - way life's gold-en hours In realms of transient bliss; And tar-ry not in pleasure's bow'rs, In quest of hap – pi - ness. 2. Fair fields in God's own her - i-tage In-vite to nobler aims, The stronger powers of good engage Through virtue's bo-ly claims. 3. The cham-bers of thy soul ex-pand, And stretch thy tents abroad, Clasp La-bor in Re - li-gion's hand, And aid the work of God; º:/ºa, IºTº º' Lºrrº. I -F#-F#–E–F–F–F–FF ===Hº-Hº-f{E}=#EEEE *::== EEEEEE-H [...] º' Tº *:S→EH-E-Fºr-Hº-Hº-Hº-Hº-Hº- tº Tºº Hº Tºº". If I Tº TT T. THTºlºlº' Jºe wº wº * * SA/ A K AE A* M U.S. ſ C. I5 LA B C.R O F L I FE – Continued. |-N l l—- isiº-et-i-º-tº-jº – & I NHLR-E-HEC-2–Hº-º-º-CHPHE: HES-EAEEEEEEEEEEEE 3H * 3: g: -º- - -º- For there the sy-ren sings her song, The wand-'rer to de - coy, There sub-tle charms like magnet strong, Allure but to de - stroy. A-wake! for glorious themes to strive, Above earth's sordid pelf In broad phi-lan-thro-phy to thrive, Beyond the sphere of self. Till the mil-len-nial day shall shine Unto earth's distant bound; Till per-fect love, and peace di-vine, A - bi-ding place have found. ſcº. 33 - [T] II] Le'IrL-Tº Lº Tºº Tºll * E. LE-TET g T. tº Hº-Hº-Ee-Eº-º- | || H=E. *E e H *T: …T. --- Iº TTTTTTT & FE ºr ºr ºf T ſº Jºlº ſº ſº. TXII DECT TTXT. Tº TT ſº [ºf Iº. IIIºl EPH-E-3 | ETEFINITY'S G-A.I.N. - MT. LEBANON N. Y. n—l— ——— A. *. el N N JN N N *—S A rºl Tº Tº 2- Eº Iº I ſº I * *- R I A-. | I L Fº º I IT A. ń. 2 : *E ad Al I AT: , | * w * Q, *] ai_* Aºi t A rº Fº I- *I * * *LI s i *; I R I I -: Y ſ & *: I I I º M- 's -º- * * * 1. The promise of life shall breathe o'er our souls, De - wo -tion and truth without fear, And the toil shall im—part, 2. The win-ter of gloom its Bor = row and care We’ll bu - ry neatlı goodness and ove. – ri – ty's joy, or 8. E - ter – ni-ty's growth is on-ward to God, Where hush'd is the voice of de - spair. And the life of each year, & &–2—ſº-º-º: *—º-º-º-º-e—r—º-" *_º e—º-º—º |Bæ#EEEEEEEEEEEEEE : 8 - | | | | ºſ- =–1 –2–2 E † ſº w I 2–2======= 2– r=r- w TV Tw I-7–7–7–7 –a–1–7–N–—h—-—h A--—h– * —h— tº . Tº tº TD -º- •º- - - º - & No grief to the heart, But a joy – ous de-light, A love for the right, Shall welcome each change with good cheer. Shall be our em-ploy, Our theme of de - sire While faith’s hallow'd fire, Will clothe us with grace from a - bove. Will bring us still near, The realm of the blest, The an - gel - ic rest, The home of re demp-tion and pray’r. I6 -- SA/A A A' A' M U.S./C. . C A LIL TO THE WIE A. R. Y. Mr. LeBANON, N. Y. →4; 49. 1. O, when ye think that the earth-life is drea - ry And all its burdens seem hea-vy to bear, When ye are lan-guish-ing, 2. Those who are toil-ing for sel- fish en - joy-ment, Ne'er looking out from their own narrow sphere, Feel not the so-lace that 3. And while we're brave-ly pur - su-ing our du - ty, Feel-ing that “la-bor is wor-ship” and pray’r, Soon in our path-way will +++-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-; | , N à rºs I * N - R 2 h– I 2-N-I I-I *—e gº |-e 3–2-e-H-3–2—s P---------- {T___ – Faſ--E-F#–E–F#–E–C–E–F#–Eº-EE3–E–3 –3–E-E3–E toil-worn and wea - ry, And all your strife but in - creases your care, Turn ye, O, turn from the thoughts that de – press you ; 3. flows through em-ployment No - bly be - stow'd for hu – man - i - ty's cheer; This is the toil that our Zi - on home blesses; seed – buds of beau-ty. Shed the sweet fragrance of hea - ven – ly air. Thus we're up-lift-ed, while tru - est e - mo -tion fe. + º- ºr tº ſº. º. º. º. a. º. f* * * * e | || I Y IT Tº T; I I I fift=== o +---H t I I r—r ; º wº hº | |B # : *º: 4 r—ºr : : : : | : º # I I l l gº I ſ I | HI; ſº r {} *—— * *—- -—a | zº-------is-T. T. L. Tº T. Try-ºw T-TT ºl L–Lºs 2} had tº- y gTey * = + 4 + £Tº H- | w-w-s-s- Let the sad spi-rit as - pire to go free, And it will call down the an - gels to bless you, Bright'ning your vi-sion true pleasure to see. Hands that are willing and souls that are true Lift up the weight that the lone heart op-pres—es, Give to the whole life an as-pect that's new. Thrills ev-'ry pulse to its lof -ti – est strain; Glad is the thought, that un-sel-fish de - vo-tion, Brings to the spi - rit an e-ter-nal gain. SA/ A A E R / U.S. W. C. 17 BEAUTIFUL ANGEL HOME. Mt. LºBANoN N. ×, 1. O, my beau - blessing and peace, Where no sor-row of earth can come, Where in-har-mo-nies cease; 2. Storm and Clouds as dark as the night, Gath-er o- ver the gold-en plain, from sight. Bas'd and built on the rock of truth, Rear'd by an Al - migh arm, Heav'n-ly vi-gils pro-tect thy youth, From all dan-ger and harm. Shall not hands of a ty ho-ly pow'r, Chase and seat—ter the mist, That the light of a bright-er hour, With thee may ev-er ex - ist? ess-ºs. *s Chorus, a – WEED-e-e-e Asbi w SP ºr ºf J. C. *Tº Pº Thus the care of a father kind, And a mother's pure love, Round to hearts that are willing here, Toil and lahor are mine, Bid thee prosper and union find To fair Zion above; ll my spirit and life appear In thy glory to shine; Storm, and tempest and cloud defled, God thy life and support, Till thy truth like a flood shall roll, O'er a sin-darke Hosts of heaven upon thy side, Light to the nations thou art. §§ : O, my beautiful, etc. ned earth, Drawing hither the burdened soul, Weary of spiritual dearth. CHORUS: 0, my beautiful, etc. 18 - S H A K E R M U.S./C. EEATUTIFUL VALLEY. Mr. Lebanon N. Y. | iº 1. I am seek-lng a beau-ti- ful val - ley, Its path-way I ne'er before knew, And as I am slow-ly de - scend-ing, ſtg beau-ties un-fold to my wº. 2. 'Tis true the de-scent has been painful, Wl 4...*.*.* And trºl and & I've b ar vº viºus agº. grow content with my fare; 3. There are pilgrims descending be-fore me, They all have some good thing to say Of hu - mil - 1-ty's beau-ti-ful val - ley, And al - so of Zi - on's high-way; - e A - way in my old na-tive o! - ty, I dream'd of this land far a - way, But thought it a de - so-late re-gion, And dreaded the rough thorny way. I that each step I have ta - ken, But gi x-pe-rl .* ~ * th, My -- - sha-ken, I'll gain the blest valley at length. For just threugh the midst of the lowland, Is a high-way of he - li-nass clean, The li-on this path hath not trod-den, Nor eye of the vul-ture e'er seen. º Iº-º- *-i-. - ITT ET’ Tº T' L ſº ſº ºn a T Jº [Tº Tºº Hº- H == EE- […] ". La Tº g D f tººlſ Tº -º- 1. We all have a du - ty of life to per - form, A. mis-sion of love to ful - fill; 2-ºx * — a -º a—a-—º--—a -- S - *—a–º - º_ º, 3: ºn E. Tº Tez F- Eºlº Fºr tº T-R. E. Iłºwº U. º Tº E. * I II 2 F- tº º TTTI-L-L-L-I-T-I-I-A As ºf ºr Tºº Lº Dº I ITT T. Jº Jº Jº ſº ſº. Tº TTTI Fºº lºſ I Lºº Lº Lº *— L. I. I ITTTI Dº Dº I I P-R-A- HTTE FT" Tº ITT' Tº 2 To ſº tº " . *H P º-Lº-LLLE T ſº I ºTºT GL". 2 LTTTTTTV-TV, TTS TTTV, V, | SA/A A E R // U.S. / C. I9 O U R MISSION.—Continued. --------z-z-e * † -º- i.e. gage, With firm — mess of pur - pose and will. - eºs IT" I —I- PEE-º-º-Hº-Hº-Fºr-º-Fºr-Hº-E, TTTL e -y pur – Sue, w— w The high - way of pro - greSS to climb; vic - try to win, "Mid per - ils and dan - gers of time. ########## 2. 3. 4. And should we not linger to proffer our aid, O, yeal we can brighten with smiles of good cheer, We can hush the wild tumult of discord and strife e who with trials oppress'd, he way of the downcast and w With love's gentie accents of peace, Arèleaving the º for treasures divine, And give to the sin-sick a promise of hope, And welcome the weary worn pilgrim to rest, Who're seeking but finding no res e Sorrowing spirit make glad. Where storms of contention shall cease. And shall we not give all our ſº in prayer, We can comfort the mourner with tidings of joy, O, this is our mission, and this is our call, O are yearning for light And lighten life's burden and care; o resurrect souls from t For souls wh 6 eartti, And place in the pathway of safety and truth Uplifting the spirits of those who are bound, And aid them, through high aspiration, to rise, The upward bound traveler aright? he blessings of freedom to share. To joys of the angelic birth. 2O SAHA KAZ A& M U.S./C. CANAAN, N. Y. EH O MIE OF PIE A CIE. And music in the air, That Home, home, home 1 There's beauty rife on every side, At golden morn and even-tide; Home, sweet floats a - round thy bor - ders fair, Home, sweet home The world has lost its charms for me, For pur - er joy I find thee, **, 0, home, sweet home ! Joy which the world can never know, In thee from sac-red love doth flow, O, home, sweet home 1 A holy peace un- *—& =####################,- º H=Hº : - -º- •ºs. -º- g | marred by sin, Is grav-en on thy walls within ; And sacred or-ders guard thee round, And safely shield on hallowed ground, Home, sweet home 1 aº ar, * -º-, $ e ar, -º- •–? *—t-e— . *===H +Hº-H - | I EEEEEEEEEEEE | | tº TI T T r ,5 Aſ A A' A' A' AM U.S. / C. 2 I THE GLAD NEW YEAR.' !-------- | TCI C ETC!ET CLT IT * -º * - -º- -º- -º- sha - dowy aisles of time, there floats a murmur soft and low, Now swell-ing in har - mo - nious chirne, =#E*-*-Hº-º-º-º-Eg= s—e—e t 1. A - long the -º- | - -º- | | | || TI- sweet notes in mea-sured numbers flow. With joy we catch the glad - some strain, which fills our hearts with low - ing cheer, o º tº gº º --- - T * I- —fºllº | Tº Tº T H-H I s—T- º *—II T TI sº I [T. H I •=H sº I TIII | I # T ~ I I I | || TI =} I TI ITI-TE | º Zº I | | I | | | | Tº Lº- º 2- I | || I , . , T.JT. , Tº > || , ~ I I * Ty-g: r r f gº gº º y & Z- r And, echo - ing back a true re - frain, give wel - come to the Glad New, Year ! y ~ tº e e * w s & * * * arº zº T- p. O º s Zºº E-I-P-L-E. ~I A r p:-P | [TIT ºſ-e `` T : * * H → T. * & e F- ſº I'll ſº ſº I T I o I º ſº IT I I t I º, º T- T F- I F- { Pi—# * T-I T- 2. Our hopes on starry pinions rise, High aspiration thrills our soul, 4. We tread the wale of time and sense, Amid its phantom-fleeting dreams, A nobler life to realize, Ascending to perfetition's goal, Still longing, with a hope intense, For something that enduring seems; The past wit y and sorrow fraught, Shall from our vision disappear; et, *::::: path we will pursue, Without a doubt or cringing fear; The present claims our earnest thought: All hail the bright, the Glad New Year! With lofty aim and purpose true, We'll toil throughout the Glad New Year; 3. Like angels from the realms unseen, Light-wing'd the moments corne and go, 5. The tender chord purestlove, With p d. *... -- it grow l The shining links of life, between Ethereal spheres and earth below ; We’ll bear the spirit of the dove, And kindness to the erring show; They bear a record of the deeds That cloud, or make our pathway clear: With gentle words, and Christ-like deeds, A monument of good we’ll rear; Broadcast they sow time's precious seeds, And usher in the Glad New Year! While bfiss, that fills our spirit needs, Awaits us in the Glad New Year! 22 S Aſ A A. E. A. M U.S I C. LAND OF LOVE. - ‘Mt. LEBANoN, N. Y. £º. | s N T N -- sº *==EEE I C-G-Fs—e-He ke 8pi - rit, Beau-ties 1. Weil not from u8 Ho - ly Lift the cur-tain from our vi -sion, Fan the mists that dim our eyes; We would scan the in - ner hea - vens And from earth - Il - mess a • rise. + +,+ + 2 g º ºf p-p-, * * * * ë-º-Hº-Hº-Hº-Hº-Hº-Hºº-º-º-º-Hi 2. We would take the wings of morning, 3. But we’ll bide our time in patience, 4. Then abide, O blessed spirit I And explore the mountain's height; And improve each moment well, Purify us unto thee, Or descend in pleasant valleys, . In a Ilfe of consecration That a tower of strength and glory ing treasures free from blight; We will labor to excel. - To ations we may be ; In a blessed sweet communion Forming here a joyous heaven, And our earthly home foreshadow With the loved ones gone before By creating one within ; Our above; We would clasp them nearer to us, nd a home of love and beauty, I}welling place of truth and goodness, Range with them the heavenly shore. Free from discord, strife and sin. Paradise of heavenly love. l E, ETI F. E. M. E. N. T. e CANAAN, N. Y. a 4 P*. f* A——h. A-h. * - A ºn rr º I - rº A i —i. I gº rº ń. I —I- pº Is e * tº TI A rº D- ++ w º 1. When a - lone and re - tir'd in the soul's si - lent chain-bor, With thoughts fix’d on heav - en - ly treasures a - boye, 2. 'Tig º time when the 80ul while in deep - 68t, e - - tion, Can new - ly as - pire for the unc -tion of Christ, • a- d—A a ſº-_º - a ſº. : i ===EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Æ I. I. y I I I |--|-º-º-º: i ſ ITI ſ - I E-E-P-e p—º- SA/ A A' A' A' M U.S. / C. 23 RET I R E M E N T-Continued. G-4—rl--l—A—A fº. e1 . . r ^_en N N l !—h–s— #EEEEEHF &##EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 3– ſº I ſº Hº- º V aſ-y-º-º-z-z-y aſ—"-a-ay-aſ-aſ º The an-gels endow’d with the true resurrection, Waft to our spirits the balm of sweet love. How cheering the thought, that a time for reflection Can press for the blessing, in fer-vent de-wo-tion, Un-fold-ing growth, of the an-gel-ic life. Tis a sea-son of peaceful, and ho-ly se-clu-sion. * † s. • If f e º żº ++++: † : # f IF2 … : —r º—e Fºr Ł 2–1– FA º–e * I - *—º-º-º-º-º- º–e-e H *—º-k jº-ke LT. *-ī- L. Trº L- T. Tº ſº Tº - n_*——h—h––. |__N ... NºN A——- A 2_i rit. dim. , , ~\ ſº - ſº [I] ſº I lººººº. Tº ſºlº Tºº-º-Nº-Hº Dºº- LILºº Pº I Lº NIT-Tº A = Tº I - Pº I. zº-E-aft-is-º º iſ * Will ban - ish all sorrow and fear from the heart, Will brighten the hopes of the future before us, And un-to our spir - its sweet solace impart. -- *L. ld with i ---> -- *i- * -- ~ * I'll i– ~ * * * | When we for the life that's e-ter-nal prepare, R confusion, Bl plūy R ar, ar, + + + + + + a_e_s_e + N | < * * . . . * * : ITT T. |-|--|--|--|-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-E-2–2–2–2–ſº ſº-Lº-L----- *—P-P-I-P-P-Fl # * if . MT. IEBANON, N. Y. re-º-º-º-º For the triumph o'er self, and the reign of free-dom, We are toi-ling in spi – rit day un-to day; Our re - ward and honor are r Tº º ºx -º jº ev-er with us, As we joy – ous-ly march the life-giving way. And yet we are yearn-ing for a fur – ther glory, When f - —w-ay aſ—º-ay rººt ºf Tº y faith-though pu-ri—ty— is changed to sight; And our eyes be - hold the im—mor—tal rich—es, That are trea-sured for us in the land of light. 24. S. H. A. K.A. R. M U.S. / C. W E L C O IM E. Mt. LEBANGN, N. Y. £º à- A. g Jº A. º, I I º La zº & º tº TI * I *. I zº As º I * ~ lºº & A— rºl º Tº Tºº Tº Tºº Evº Leº I II ºf ºf Dº rºl I A. A. ºld ºf Eſºf IT. Tº E- F. A. As & * L– - Dº Dº I. P. H H E Lº Ł Hºl. Tº H * > I x -: rº 2-I. Tº I-L-L- Łº {º Lº TL- *———T-s—º-º-º-I-2 ū-1– *—-º-I- -------|-º-º-º-º-º-Tº-º: jº-T-2–2 I- When the first soft flush of morn-ing Stole o'er the eas-tern sky, And the stars' last gleams were fading From yon blue vault on high Now we hear the glad-some voi-ces From na-ture's vast do—main ; They have caught the welcome cho-rus, #nd e - cho back the strain ; ſº *ize sº I. A a E - N-I- sº * I a I A a lº | º IT I | P-I r I. If I Tº f : º ſº I A iº Jº ry tºº º ſ º a º id º 2 24 - º w gº –C–H–C– - -- The earth was robed in beau - ty, Yet fair – er than its grace, Ap-pear'd to us the dear ones Whose presence bless this place. The trees with mu-sic trem-ble, The sumbeam glances tell Of the un - cloud-ed plea-sure That reigns where an-gels dwell. Chorus. ev' - ry heart re-spond-ing, Sweet wel—come echoes round. presence with us, Our feast with joy shall crown. O, wel-come! wel-come to our feast I On O, wel-come! wel-come we re-peat, To call Your TI MIES O E' F, EFIF, ES H ITN G. Mr. Lebanos, N.Y. £º 1 - . h DR ºn I T. T I | I | TTT * I C ſºa I T T T. #EAEFEs ENEEEC–EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEſº-º-Hº--N-N-Hº-ER-S-E 4–H–- FI-C-F-C-Fl +H ITITT || r-T-I-CI e—e—L–C–2–2–0–1 The Spi-rit and Bride are call-ing come! Let all who hear re - echo the sound ! The Lord has pre - pared for His ſº i PB—-s - º ——— - EERCF peo-ple at home, Where the power of sal - va-tion is found. O joy - ful the tid-ings I the an - gels are glad, That the times of re- HEEEEEEEEE Hº: I ==Hºff: fresh-ing have come; And the du - al voice of Christ now is heard, Gent - ly call - ing the sin – sick and wea-ry home. SAHA KAE R M U.S. / C. 25 J O U F, N E Y IN G CIN- 1. Our faith is un - cloud - ed and bright as the day, Up - lift - ing our spir - its from dark-ness a - way; 2. The high - way of ho - li - ness e will pur - sue, While plea-sures ter - res - trial re - cede from our view; 3. Brave pil - grims who tra-versed this way in the past, With pure hal-low'd bless - ings our spir - its o'er - cast : 4. Though thorny the path-way a - wait - ing our feet, And Ina - ny the dan - gers and tri - als we meet, a u + …a N jº l N Nº. l _º 1|V T. "...º ſ Lº Trº I ITI I I TI I Tſ sº Pr- º #: itſ I I º I [...I iſ ſº I L-L _I ~ al I Tººl }sº L l__I | FºE I EL II -I I I ( A _*T* IT- gy wº wº X TT I - f ſº- | || I C I l I Al gy | { Aſ wºr- " I ºf º ur º * No sha - dow of turn - ing our pro - gress shall stay, We're bound for the re - gions of bliss. We'll sip from the foun - tain of life that is new, And feast on the fruits of pure love. They scat-ter'd th seed - germs of truth that will last, In beau – ty for - ev - er to bloom. With cou - rage un - daunt - ed no power can de - feat, We’ll press for the heav - en - ly goal. iſ º º, T ºr º, Tºy wº are jour-ney - ing on, we are jour-ney – ing on, To the love land of light, our beau - ti - ful home! ſº º e ſº tº ſº ſº r: e ſº ſº ſº ſº ſº _ſº ſº ſº (2 Tº Tº T Tº º T W lºsſº'º. I ºn *. }*I , ITT. I I- ſº. I- * I T As-ºf-it- | M. N-s— sº I Pi—c. I |--|--|-> |--C º' Tº TTL Å H §: L [ _ _ _ _ C–C–C–C– —º- —º Tº Tºſº | C where sin can - not blight nor sor - row e'er conne, O, beau - ti - ful, blest and e - ter - nal home. & Yºur wº 2 r1 ſº-ſº-ſe—ſº-ſº º P 2 ſº ſº ſº ſ Sºº-j-. " EEE } T * "Tºº T' Tº TTTTTTTTT ſºlº Jº Jº iſ WLV- f TIT". Tº + f TT aſ ºf t-t-t-t-ºn-Tº Lºſº [TITLT U Tº ſº, 26 S H A A. E. R. M US / C. S T A F O F. H. O. P. E. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. | | 1 . * > || IT T | Tº sº I |--|-- I || || Tº ſº ºn Thºr Tºº l__ l gº. TT ==E=EHRHR#EEEEEEEEEE-E-F-F Bright - ly beam - eth the star of hope on my way, I will fol — low the light . of its cheer – ing ray; Biest *. ſ:#EEEEEEE :#EEEEEEt E;#EE:ÉÉ:#EEE g- ºr " •–2-2-1- º o - men of peace, shine on to the day— When hap—pi-ness ne'er shall fail. No gloom shall a-rise like the dark-ness of night to ob- :0 —£º F.J. I a T. * || | P-2. f**is- | I N-Hº-Hs HN-s–E–F–F–E– H-H º | g ==E=#EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESHHH! scure the gleam of thy ho - ly light; By thy guid–ance my soul shall take its flight, Be-yond earth's shadowy Vale. C IT Y O F L I G. H. T. CANAAN SOUTH FAMILY. Andante. --> 1. There O - pen be - fore me, in wi - Bions of glo - ry, Bright scenes of that fair sum - iner land, 2. When the rude storms of life and it8 tem-pests have end - ed, Sweet prai - ses our hearts shall em - ploy, Where, in beau - ty and gran - deur, God's Ci - ty of Light A bea - con for - ev - er will stand; Where the soft, bal - my zephyrs of soul - cheer - lng love Bring glad-ness re - plete with true joy. º, ſº ſº ſº ſº ºf 1 2. * arº * – —hº * MI I —H·-·-H- [.. I ſº º "Tº Tº ſº. [...] Tº Tººlſ ºn —r- r I º * F r L L Tw wº r S'A' A' A' A' A' M U.S. / C. 27 CITY OF LIG HT – Continued. - ful Ci - ty! There's nothing love - ly low There, pure crys - tal foun-tains ev are flow - ing, Whose riv - ers make glad the op - press'd, vi - Sion I thou - ; p . 772, ſº arºs sº I T is—s—ſ I ºuTI | + + 3 + + ° • + 4 + · · · = r And Inu - sic su - per - nal breathes tid – ings of peace, To wel - come the pil - grim to when I've re - li ré8te n – quish'd the ties of this earth, To thy bligs - ful man-sions I'll go. *72, TIME IS PA. S SIN G-. A—- Pri-n-R-R-N-t-t-fºr-nºt-i-º-º-t-t-fºr-in- ſº ni- [-T-I-II-III-T-I-T-I-L-L-L-L-L-L-T-I-T-L-L |-O-PHHH-----H-CH Ł Lºſ Zºº 1–1–º - aſ-wº- aſ-y-w —r— —º- -y O, how swiftly time is passing, and 'tis precious to me, My moments are roll-ing as the waves of the sea, They are solemn and weighty as they R l * 2 #24 A 24 *—ſº - gTºy-Aºſt r —w-r- r—r-r . —r—r-—r roll one by one, And ex-claim with a meaning ev-er gone, ev-er gone l But, a-last for its pleasures, they are vainl they are gay! they perish with fy i *. * * * - aſ- r—r JT w Zº-E-Ty us-ing and soon pass a - way! And time, time is call—ing ev’- ry mo-ment to me, A - rise and be liv -ing for e - ter—ni – ty. 28 S. H. A. K. A. AE A/ U.S. / C. IH E A V E N L Y PF, O SIPECT. * -J. "Tºº ºr Oh, the pros-pect be - fore me, what a theme for thought ! What con-vul-sions of nature and con - ver-sions of heart! What ºf #EEEEEEEEEE #####: flelds to be traversed, how ex — tensive how grand l Be - fore our spi - rits with * an-gels can blend. I am on Iny Aſºº it . (#= ==EHF:FE:EºPEEEEEEEEEEE: gr . -Tra |e jour-ney to that beau - ti - ful land, I am on my journey to that beau-ti- ful land. Where the an - gels dwell, where the ºfEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE|fi an-gels dwell; To that bright spi-rit land so en – tranc - ing to mind, The home of my Parents, there I’m bound, I am bound ! - LET Z. I O N M O V E 2 *— ºrſ' s g ~g | H-H ve ׺ r Send ho-ly in - spir - a-tion down, Hea-wen - ly Fa - ther, from Thy throne ; Leave, O leave us not a - lonel Angel guides di – rect us. S. A. A. A E R M U.S. M C. 29 M OF IN IN G. L. I. G. H. T. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. w | 1. The res-ur-rec-tion an - gels call, a - wak - en is the cry! The East is filled with morning light; the clouds of darkness fly! 2. 'Tis not a time of hope-less grief, though truth's un-fall-ing fire– Con-sumes the earthly elements, and every vaia de - sire; 3. And when the burn-ing time is o'er, 0, who will count its pain! A - mid the glo–ries and the love, that ne'er shall fade a-gain. 42 ſº ſº. 42. 42. -º- ºr -º- ſº. g r—r =====F3H -1–––2–------ | | | ! -e This is the day of righteousness; for now hath Christ appeared l Be - hold, up - on the mountain height, his snowy banner reared I frºtº- * * *- *— 4. …—3. pits dead, and 1. 4. ...—? - ? -- : Bù by this judgment of the Lord, the soul is pu - ri - fied. With strength I will sustain my part, and press through every ill, Un - til I reach that blest abode, the City on the hill. - f* f. f* - ſº a ſº ſº ſº ſº a . . . zº *—º---—º £º- + º- a- a 3 * ; |- | fºLITITH | I |--|-2– 2–5: E-L-Ez r I P P fº-º-º-2–2– - III: I tº fºLI eº; ge #–E–3–E–C–D–D–E–C–C–D–EEE-2–E–F#–EEEEE . l : t ſº H —l- I { || || I | TI r | i–T- I- I ! I & IN TEW Y E AIR,” S G-F, EET IN G. N Lento. | ſºl ! - A - ~! |--> *. i---à. A–1—A. # £º dº !--—— -I N | Hºſt H t -In º ſº I g—P. I nº. I ––Pi—g 2 I s Tw. Tºxi HH | P-E-NEEME-ENEENH=HEEEEE e sº-Hº E-HEE-N-HH Tº TTTTTTººlſ. Tºº Mºſº. I II. Tº TTTIs: T I I lºº & AT Tº H. H. & Zy-ay-w -y —w-Z, w &e ſº-w wTºyTºyº 1. Listen I - is º.º. * g—0fth Clean shall be our future pages, And we’ll touch the Inuse, to waken– #tamped upon our memory clear; rose who are to us so dear; Free from sin, and void of sadness -- Wishing all a happy morning, Fraught with joy and full of gladness - Happy weeks and months are dawning, Record of the coming year. And withal a happy year. 3O SATA A A' A' M U.S. / C. W II, LIN G. S A. C. F, IFI CIE. MT. LEBANon, N. Y. 1. What is in thy heart for God? search its depths and gee, If thou hast a place for Him, kept in pu - ri – ty. 2. What is in thy heart for God? are thy joys of earth 2. Or, hast thou deep hap - pi - ness, of en - dur-ing worth ? Aſid the treasures Of thy life –treasures with - out price – Hast thou ev-er for the Lord, a will—ing sac-ri — fice? And art thou a fruit - ful branch, of the Hiv - ing tree, Clothed with innocence, with peace, and true hu-mil – i – ty? sº J– fºr e = r_{2. |-º-o- -e- -e- #EE:HHºF e -- —a-l-º'--t - *— * * - iº e T wº | T wº | [ | I º F I-I | P P I 8. 4. What is in thy heart for God? All I have, I give to God Do thy hopes ascend And His blessed cause ! Unto truth and holiness Praying, that my life may be That shall never end? Guided by His laws. Is thy love a living fount– Lead me, Holy Spirit, down Gushing, bright and clear? Till I see my loss | Doth the image of the Lord Strengthen me to do the work Within its source appear? That cometh by the cross. SA/A A E R M U.S. / C. 3 I B L E S S IN G. S. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. O Parents we thank you for all the blest powers, Which bring in their season, the sun-shine and showers; Sweet dews and soft breez - es, the shadows and light, The glo - ry of day and the si - lence of night. • *—- N - *__* - *— — . . . alſTV. T # : F--T º: ſº A- i I ſ - I I I-I w I ar. gº I I I . I - I | T L w—y •---------→g-g-g O bless the fair wint-age, the orchard and field, That fruit in a - bund-ance to us they may yield ; m And here in our home which bless-ings crowned, We'll toil in one spi – rit that good may a - bound. 32 SAHA KAE R M U.S./C. B R, IG HT G TJ ID IN G. S.T.A. F. S. JFH---- ºr le. G' our guid-lug stars through the jour-ney of life, Our com-fort and sweet con-sol – a – tion. All hail ye mes-sen-gers of rº" truth and love I Ye bring to us tid-ings from the city a -bove; Ye tell us of the glo - ries of that far bet - ter clime, ' Where our bright guiding stars . . . . e - ter - dal – ly shine — Our bright guid-ing stars e - ter – nal - ly shine. sº Fi O M E. 777, MT. LEBANON, N. Y. -6\ lº l ſº º | ſ l mº *T. E- I sºlºisºn ºf ºn sº I I I III T ºf º º Lºſ II AIF ºf ETITILTSNIT gºls -s— Aity. A | Tº Yº I Zºº C E L L I ==C & MTT-T-T-TD -T-Ta EEE S2- : E lll-l-ºl- & Lº - I L T I I-L-L-L-L-l - - * * Ts -º-, -º- & º ºl- --- & s 1. We have a home from the cold world hid, A spot con - se - cra-ted to God; And our feet are shod for the blest high-way 2. Here we can ban - ish the cares of earth, And fan-cies that lead a - stray; 'Tis here we strive that the an - gel death 8. Here waves of love a-round us roll, And o – pen the beau-ties of grace; Till their pow – er of good be - connes for us Yºº. A T T TT - TOTTY IT IT ITTF Lºſ fºil. A t– - ºf ETL --- Ef |--|--|--|- - e—e- B-4 is—ſº-ºº-º- H * *TT T. Tº I––F– H *— 2 ' ' | F++ SHA KAER M. Us/C. 33 H O M E – Continued. /º --- | | Sº s—t—HT-E-F-fi Is N–HL-Hi-Fºr HHHHEEEº prº- HHHH. LT —º- Which the ran-Som'd be-fore have trod. Here the star , of . In – no - cence for - ev - er shines; And beams of Char - - ty glow; May nev - or becloud our way. Thus the growth of a life in God is OurS, The strength of the Con-quer-or's light, A heav - en - ly home and place. And thus we're hid from a cold world's gaze, T - - s rest; Here the in-ner thoughts are attuned through faith. To vir-tue's me - lo - di – ous flow, To wir-tue's me - to - di - ous flow. The joy that fu - tu - ri-ty's bliss re-veals, With im mor - tal - i – ty bright, With im – mor - tal - i – #. bright, When the breath of our being p-ward wings, To float in the land of the blest, To fioat in the land of the blest. *\ & ſº tº ſº • * > f -e- e. ~–~—-----~––e “-- AP-S -—- - -2 ° III —I I Tº TTTT TI. T. If I E- Ex-E-LTE- E-T II E- Fºr ºr II ^c, TI F. I L I Pºe Jº I I I ſº lº ſº. ſº Paºlº TTºº TI I I Lº Tº ſº. Fºl T If I T * Tº Leº rºſ. Tº I-Tº Lºſ E. E-F-I-Ez Fºll I I F- * Tº TI C "Lº Ps Tº ſº- ºf T. T. LT J Jº I I i I IT III L|| - ſº ſº [ ſ |A || ||2-n - || || 2. r P. rTº Tº g gº r Fº I *Tº T- tº Tº I I r º 2 T- wº-- |- º tº º | Chorus. 7mp | _l R_ {}-#—- Iº. [- SESFFF 770, * | | ſº | C - Leº […] F#-F#-F#-F. F:FFFFFF HHHHH. *He Lez - Lºi º TIT | || Cº-Hº Tºrº Tºlſ. T - | LECºLIT-EC 34 SA/ A A. A. R. M U.S. / C. # HUINDIRED — FOLD BILESSING-. Give me the treasure that Mr. LEBANON, N. Y. º: R º =#Eff-H I * TITT ºTE º Tº Tº T J w TT ſ I | Tºº 2 Fº | ºr Twº Tº can— not be sold; Give me that Gos - pel that wax - eth not old; Give me that love which N sº e I- . will not grow cold, And I art, blest with a hundred-fold. Then will the shadows of er-ror’s dark night – Flee, flee be- | rº ll: * * ºTº -ms º fore the morn-ing light; Then will that faith ex - ceed - ing - Iy bright, Shine, . . shine o'er my path in the right. THE COMING YEAR. Joyotes. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. 1. Haill hail the glad New Year I Its coming joy our hearts will cheer; The er-rors of the past we leave, And truth's ad—vancing light receive. SA/A A E R // U.S. ſ C. 35 T H E C O M I N G Y E A R — Continued. By whose dif-fus - ion we may see, The Lamb and Lion yet agree, This happy coming year, This happy coming year. .*. s .*. * e - e – f :#f , f, if ſº- (9:- : I I E Trº I EzTT-Tº-Tº-T-TDTTTI H-H &#####E=====################ u D} . TT I T I e-Le-e ºlº IIT ºTT, Fºr Tºº g e jº | F- 2 Though labors new await our hands, We will not bind in iron bands The talent God to us hath given o This joyous coming year, This joyous coming year, 3. The seeds of goodness, love and peace, Of kindness with its rich increase These in our hearts' best soil shall live, Till blossoms sweet their perfume give, While ripen'd grain in aheaves well bound, all in our garner-room be found, This joyous happy year, This joyous happy year. A N G E I,” S S O N G-. UNION VILLAGE, OHIo. —N - - - * *HE-FHHRH-Fif 2TU º º |º I |-ſe IºTI ſº I I -T- L- g- hear the Sweet sound of an an - gel song, From regions a - way in the hea - vens ! With mus - ic su - per - nal it a 4 + †. –2–D–2-D -2–2–2–º-L-L--~~llº Hº-Hº-H----------> -- trem-bles a-long, Re - fresh-ing the land of the ~ - T FH-N {############################ I feel the en-chant-ment of hea - ven - ly love, Now a 4. # -* Nº - Rºº. ——º-e——ſ-—s —Lº--— EEEEEEEº:### ~~2–2–1 –– a 2 way – ing de-light-ful - ly o’er me; Ser- ene - ly dis – till—ing from spi - rits above, Who’ve journeyed to hea-ven be - fore me. 36 S. Aſ A A. A. R. M U.S. / C. PH E A V E IN LY G O A. L. Andante. CANAAN, N. Y. 1. We are all marching on through the shadows of time To our beau-ti-ful, beau-ti- ful home 1 where a-- mid the green bowers of 2. Oh, glad-ly we’re leav - ing the lowlands of earth, Where we dwelt 'mid the pl *- - - - - - ---- he p & f pl - 3. We've tasted the bliss of the hea-ven-ly state, And have found the rich pearl of sal-va-tion; The pure in - spi-ra-tion of •º- *º- ..ſº. +º, *º- ... p- - ſº- º, ºr º f ſº. EEEE-º-º-º: f- I I º 2–2–2–2–2–H -º- –H–H– : I ITA II Tº a Tº T ºn ºf i iſ r H.-----|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|-º-º-º-º: y --- ==a+++++-z-z-z-Hºº-º-º-º:===== H- - y—y —º-º-º-º: 9 V w * * * | a # 8 N. . . . , , N N N T. A à. —N– #ºn Rºi Ex I -s: TI fºLI's s tº IrºTE IT...I II : tº E Is I Tº I | I y ºl ==EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEsº-TEEE #Tº Y •—e—g-g: cº-º-º: º-º gº-g d * -º- ºf W Wisdom and Love, In the sun-shine of truth we will roam ; We'll sing of the bless - ings of life that a-bound For the end-ed in pain, And wain were the hopes that we cherished ; Oh, cheer—ing the thought I we’ve o - beyed the high call, And have e - ter-nal truth, Is the joy of our vir-gin re - la -tion : Then up - ward through tri - al our watch-word will be, In the --~ -º-, -º- -º- a a * * ~ * * * -ºš -º- --> *_2 fe fº A- 2 fº - * ~ * l wr-ºr T L E-Li f : Tº I [. L ºf a } | I { t F- } I L ſº *_i Tº Lºſ I - | I I ºf Hº a I iſ a l Y * Y } * > t Y } * > TH I-I-I. H | I * | gr r { ! ! { 4– IIs i I | f —ſ f º: i l |- |- I i L I # , , N N N *. A. _eº , *—--N-N-a-A—— HH-E-C-EP-ºf-EFEREEE | *EEEH-PP-PECE–F–H–H–; *E=EFF:FE:E:-º-º-Fºr-Hº-AEMENENIHEAFNF == NENEEº-º-it- + | Aº Aº d-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º: sº [-º: g -º-, -ºs •º •-y V id iºd t | up-right, the faithful and ho - ly; And ga - ther the flow-ers of vir - tue and peace, As we tra - vel to regions of glory. en-tered the sphere of progression ; We'll toil for the treas—ure of im - Inor - taſ worth, Our on - ly a ~ bid -ing pos - ses-sion. light that is ev-er in - creas - ing; Re-demption's the goal we're de - ter - mined to win, For this will our strife be un-ceas—ing. *º- N - a -e. *—t—-t-e— s —º-g—º-E-F-I-e: F-2–C–C–C–C–D–º—º s l XI ºf I lºº & Yº I i i f : y | w Er-—t I I I ſ ſº | Tº Rºll º ºf º | w w-VTy | f w W | º y S. H. A. A. AE A& M U.S. / C. 37 T F, U E L O V E. UNION VILLAGE, O. 1. Purer than the skies of even, Brighter than the morn-ing sun, Is that angel love from heaven, Blending all our hearts in one. ‘ī-> | f - | * Now like rip'pling wa - ters meeting; Murmuring gladness to our ears, Now with-in our hearts tis beating, Mar - ches to the brighter spheres. 2. Qh, it is a glorious feeling, deep'ning as we heavenward go, 4. Like the light of hope that's beaming, o'er the dark clouds rolling high, Śº as the sunlight, stealing,softly through the falling snow; Love reveals far o'er them gleaming, brighter worlds beyond the sky. 'Tis a fount of living waters, with rich blessings running o'er, Grant, thou Great Almighty Giver, o'er our wild and bleak domain, Where all Zion's sons and daughters, drink of bliss and thirst no more. Love may, like lost Eden's river, make this world to bloom again. 3. Love will heal the broken hearted, it will cure the stricken soul; 5. "Tis to God and to each other, love unites us heart and hand, 'Twill unite whom death has parted, where no waves of sorrow roll. And will guide us, sister, brother, homeward to the promised land; It, Will . when the mountains, time, at last, shall overthrow, While we pray to be forgiven, while we hope for heaven above, And when silent, all life's fountains, love shall bright, still brighter glow. May our strifé be all for union, and our contest all for love. PIL G. F. IIM B.A. N. D. CANTERBURY, N. H. A. M. A. A º # h—A-E —N-A-T-I º |-Pi—N T A-N-N-L--N-N-F-3 º EC-2 º–H H–A EN–a–s | 2–F–3 | A a- N - e T L E [ _ ]] ITI *— I TL-T-Z-E-º-L-l *—I-II-I-I i- º - w-s-s--------- º J- 7–F–F–F Fe Tºy w Number me with the pil-grim band, Who're trav'ling to the promised land–Giv-ing to God both heart add hand-U - ni - ted for the truth to stand. n & * * * t -T—N-N-N- -º-º-º-º-º-º-º-r-z-r-s-s - N r N A. H-— - º H–ºx–H FEEEEEEEEEEE 2 4 : #-y id-1–ºf–º–% % z-aſ---a-º-w *Tis an up-hill work we're called un - to. An up-hill march till we’ve traveled through: Yet falter not be - loved few ; For your re-ward is Just and true. 38 SAHA A A' A' M U.S. ſ C. C O M E TO Z I O N. E Minor, WATERVIEIT, N. Y. ()--4 Nº. ºł=#EEEEEEEEEs;=E={ ur * @ -a- tº -- ºr g-- w * aſ + wºr-w Come to Zi - on, come to Zi - on, Sin - sick gouls in sor-row bound I Lay your cares up - on the al-tar, A. l. f*. —h- Hºw Iºnſ Tº a Jº T ———t & - | –F–C– =#== - -- =====Fº —s—l-L- land and 886.; All who will may come and share The glo - ries of this Ju - bi - lee. PII, L.A. R. O F LIG-BIT. MT. T.EBANON, N. Y. A pil-lar of light is moving be-fore us, A cloud of witnesses leading us on To the fair land of promise—the new Jer-u - sa-lem; º # -N--NT—-i-N-NI-HS I II I t | I I------N-N-T A. e R *. ń. | –º-EEF-E-G-G-G-E º FREE # s—º-H o–F–F–He—e g=E p-Ee º-º-E PENEECE-G-C-E tº-º ºr * - e sº 24 r-i-r—-r * —º t 2: ..] _l C-E-G-HH-5–#–E–4–F–F–F––3–2–H–––H4—F-F-E-º-º-º-d - I r—r- r—r r— With faith in our God we are valiant and strong, We'll move on, we'll go up and pos-sess the city—We'll march though her streets with our º # N–I----N-N-I N I I s I y-I h—N-T tº i i * k . - H-e—H-----|--|--—H–5–H S-H-Hº-NHH-F-C-E-G-º-º-H-C-F-N-P-L-Hº-jº-E * t-a-ºr-T-º-º-º-Tzi-º-º-L-I-T-s-ſ-at-ſº-Li-i-º-º-ºr-t-t-pº-r-I-T-º-TITLeº I Lºſ III g_s wº L LI- w I Pi—s-I- *CL-Tº-CE–s— —l- I-tº-ºil-- banners unfurled; And the song of thanks-glving to God we are sounding, Who gathered us ... out from a lost sin-ful world. S Aſ A A' A' A' M U.S. / C. 39 IMI O F, IN IN G D A W N. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. a 4 + a zºº all W. T., "...p. gºn | T T *. sº Tºlºſ T ATI | #Tºrt a? º_ H Fººlſ I SH |*Tº Tº |-e Tſ). Tº Lºſ | Fº S-P =SEFEECFEE=E=N==–E–F–Fs ––PR-2's-C E-HHH- –C–H H * = -s. * * + -º- " -a-. . Zi - on shall a - rise and blos—som, like the rose, Her glo - ri - ous light shine forth to the is – lands a - far, tº 4. # *. hº- } *. e 1|A Tº"...], I-T- I tº sº lº I | SITTIs T Tº }*TNT I T | •rr -T— Þ–s P-s-->HHH | sº |-e s |- º ſ fºLI 2–2-2) ===HºiáHºfsº-º-º-Hi aſ a F-C- =F-C- As when the star of Beth – le - hem a - rose. The wil - der-ness shall bloom, hills and wal - leys re - joice. #—# arº, * ars _aº, ſłłążRFPHFNFSH-NHEE T 5T T- TSIT I ſº-Hº-EEEEEE SHHHHEsºf E s TETI * - F - F - " + -ā-e-Tº – Woodlands sing for joy, and the bar-ren des—ert smile To hear the Saviour's voice. Thus saith the Lord, it shall yet come to pass, ſº Aerºs F-º T I I § º •Tº Hº-J - P -- e. •Tº Hº -e- * * Many peo - ple and strong na-tions shall conne to Jer - u - sa - lem to seek and to pray be - fore the Lord. arº ====s=EEEEEEEE Choruss to be sting at the end of each repeat. As sº ~ !. *——º-º-º-T * * GE:#E::=#EEEEEEEEEEEEEE|| º * P Taj- all hail, the com - ing day ! IHail! all hail, the com - ing day. -*. arº, /* arº, F- Aes ——º–? e—e——J-e g gº © fº e ſº º a 4- l gº *T Aº * * ITI T CI I T Aº’ - I –HT F--Hº-Hº-f E–EEE=E=EEEEEEE E–F–F–HH "C" (Tº x – Tº-a-Ra —r- i I H–H–C–C–H– E-o | | ſ | I-T- I 4O - S Aſ A K AE A* // U.S. I C. O N E SIP A Hº, Er O W. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. n # N A * * A —a $. * —k I # I M I * s fºLI Is * I g à : ##########################EE •º- -º- •º- * * -g- • -º- º * º º | Not one sparrow is for - got-ten, E'en the raven God will feed ; And the li - ly of the val-ley, Heaven grants its ow”-ry need. & -º. º. º. *—F-C-F-I->== r— #EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE: =======E===HEEEE e===== !---, : 9 —iº— w w ł w w w •=f-tra;+2++?–––––. iº-º-º-I-º-º: S PIR, IT OF T F, UT. H. fº. 1|W TTLA | ſº I ſº dº a Tº dº sº I | AE 8 fºr Tº E=E-º-EEEEEEE? ==E= N H *RE SEF §=#EEEEEEEE:==HEft::=E=EERE *—º-º- , -e- *TI -º-º-º- " -º- - Hall I all hail thou im - mor-tal , Spl - rit of Truth, Thy im-press is stamped on the yaars! Though the arº Iſº *—º º – Tº ſº a A ſº - T *—t sº TL2 T Tº TT &=E==#EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE - SEE2==S===C=C=====E- DE-G-D-G-c-e-e —E robes thou hast worn, have been blemished and torn, Still glo - ri - ous thy presence ap - pears. All honor to those who have SAH/ A A. A. R. M U.S. M. C. r 4I S PI RIT OF TRU T H – Continued. ſ. L T arº ſº I º arº ſº. NTſ ESHREF=#| g fºLP-º-Eº-E-R-EEEEE *—J–e == s—º º I-e- e-el-I-e º ºTT VººDºº'ſ º usz Ef I stood for thy cause, And brave-ly have bat - tied their way–Through the dark storm and flood, still have cherished the good, That re- }=E========E==#EE-EN-E---Ex-EEE-NEEENFEFF {=====##############EEEEEEEE|{ mains to en - rich us to - day. Then bless us for - ev-er, O beau -ti – ful Spi-rit May thy in - spi – ra-tion ne'er f* arº, arº, arºs * I à. *—l * — ſº - I * * —L-l Dºlls Tlºs I-I-T-a-F-> -CECECEEEEE Fº -e-TGV fail — Our souls to sus-tain, till the vic - to — ry we gain, In thy strength we will sure - ly pre - wail. “T H E L OF D F, EI G. N. ET H.” ºT == º º The Lord in His ma – jes - ty reigneth supreme, O'er Zi – on the mount of sal – wa – tion ; O trust in His mer-cy, for {#EEEEEEEEE:#H#H# I L-L- ET º UNION VILLAGE, OHIo. He will re-deem His chosen, from all tri – bu - la – tion. What though He may lead us through dan - ger - ous ways, And draped with the cur-tains of sor - row 2 This seem—ing af - flic—tion, and grief of to - day, May prove but His mer-cy to - mor-row 42 SAH A R AE A* M U.S. W. C. B L E S T Z. I O N . WEST GLOUCESTrºix, ME. ###—o +T | == ſº Es: 2 F. #E C- f EEEEEE AET #E Blest Ži - on I love thee, thou beau – ti - ful city . . . Home, my sweet home with the pure and the just; rº. 4. t | |#. º:# s—P | A T | Fº | T II. º T tº A – way, far a - way from tur - moil and con - fu - slon-From sorrows of earth, where my soul finds rest. a 4 + •rr p ====E=########EHEREEEEEEEHE Earth hath no treas - ures, sin bath no pleas - ures, I would ex - change for that peace which I feel ; A conscience un - spot-ted, with con - fl-dence blessed, An - gels my guard, and the Lord's will may seal. C O N S E C F. A. T E L T O II, . MT. LEBANON, N. Y. A. | N tº | N tº : N = ſ. g $ºs I t O Zi - on love -ly are thy hills, thy val-leys, and thy plains; And blessed is the gift of peace, that un-to thee re - mains. a sº * - *... e., e = , = e = e, its—ºr |= a--- k EEEº-º-º-EE3–EEEEEE FEEAE-º-º-º-E3–g— Fº | Tº º Y. | Tº Tºr ITTY GTºº I - | º w | TIT' (Tzºſ I ITT T. Tº III 2. +- º Ø V-. I lſº * I *—l : lº . F- º TH —ºr Tº H ; | r y º r | * } Y } F=H=Hº-H- l T SAH. A. A. A. R. M U.S./C. 43 CON SEC R A T E D TO I L–Continued. ſº —s-H-I-P-P------- 4-J-A-i- +++- : ==E======= ===EEEEEEEEEEEEE Ef-º-º-E-F#–: #EEEEEEEEEEEEE4–2–4–4–3–E–3–g-ºf-º-º-º-EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE M-3– Our hearts are filled with joy and hope, in seed and blossom time; For beauties like the heavenly worlds, have vis - i-ted our clime. F- N * i e e a: e-e—e-, ++-tº-e-r-e:—e—f t-r-ſº * *** * * * * } -º-, -ºº -º- -> * •º- With thankfulness We come to God, u - ni-ted in a band, That he may bless our un - ion, our la-bor and our land. Not for ourselves a - lone, we seek a harvest to se – cure; We toil that we, with liberal hand, may feed the needy poor. rºl *— A–. l—l- . —l N__ f —i. : N sº —l ==#EEEEEEEEE| HEHEEHEEEEE jº : # +++ - #EE se * * I w g l Eº- —l —º | •º- birthright to se - cure — Remembering that our pa-rents toiled our birthright to se - cure. †- - -3 - ** ... .3 gº t - -º- ºr *-º- ºr -º- as a s gº” . * -º-, -º- * * * * ... N | *EF T-I-T-r ; F–F–F– H-—f —H 44. SAHA K AE A* M U.S. / C. F AIR, E W F. L. L. Mr. LEBANoN, N. Y. - Iº T'T-JE We shall meet on the gold- en shore. Shall peace be ev - er ours? Sweet peace shall be ours. Mid hea - ven-ly flowers? + e_-e- a—a –a la" - a | | N_º | ; - Hº-H-3–E re ITI EEE e;EEE I +H-T- # == L 2. | aHaHal | a; E E E tº - | Cho. 18.T. 2D. Mid hea-ven-ly flowers, That are scat-tered a-round us from an - gels a-bove, While winging their way on a mis-sion of love. IST. SA/A A E R M U.S./C. 45 F. A. R. E. VV E L L – Continued. . . . Hol . . Let us gather from heaven. These gifts as they’re given, And as the heart of one, Be u - ni - ted for-ev - er. IP TT R, E L O V E. Mr. LEBANoN, N. Y. *Hº- e –s-T- HES Es anº E--- P- T Pure love from the heaven of heavens de-scends Like show – ers up - on us to - day; And the an - gels of light, from their {######################## * | gy T realms so bright, Strew flow—ers all a - long our way. And the an - gel – ic choir, touch the strings of their lyre, And bid us with 6-# # | |-N § t _eº - - --- e - —º --- -- : : |####EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHF * g–2t † --- ge e–ell- cour-age move on; To en - ter the field, that so rich - Iy will yield, A har-west, when the victo — ry is wort, 46 SA/ A A. E. A /l/ U.S. M. C. A N G E L S. C. A. L. L. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. as ſ TIT As an ar - my with ban-ners we are march—ing on, And we must not tar-ry by the way, For an-gels are call - ing, gº -º-, -º- -º-" * -º- -e- -a- . LIf (XTC) ,-,-,-,-,-,-,-f-f-rf-f-t-t-f-fºr- |T ICTGTC ºſ-ºſ-T i [ LTTT I | TI | ] [T] [TT, I I | i I I __N > 1 > * sº | | | | | | || | | | | || Nº TºIII] | g call-ing us to come, And we will not tar-ry by the way. The pleasures of earth and its friendships we leave, as—f-f f f ºf f f f := e− s. t T- m f -e- e * *—— tº - H *— L 2. T ... . T I. Tr º sº h *. Iº T' Hip-º-º-º- j E. E Ås FE HRHºHHHHHHHH For we can- not tar-ry by the way, we are marching on our re-ward to re-ceive, And we will not tar-ry by the way. f fire ºr -º-º-º- - #EEE:#EEEEH ==##### ############# º | - SA/A A. A. A. M U.S. ſ C. 47 C HIE, IST MIA. S M OF, N. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. -6-##. ++-4–H–3–?–E–– p *—-r— Žs ## E SEREEEEEEEEEECEEEEEEEC E====HºH = - Sºlº * -º -*—Hº-Hº-H-z-z-z-E-zi-º-Hi- TT Eººf-ºf-ºf-ºf-2+2-ºf- LT- * : * ~ * * ** • * * * ** Hark! Hark, while *gºrº- Judea's plain, Wh in the reign, Of the low-ly Prince of peace. ſº fº-e º ſº a , e fº - ſº ſº - ſº p *}#Infº-4 Tº sº. TITLE & º [T] Ho-Hº--e—ſe——H- L-p------Lº-Taº Lº - # Wºº-º-Tº: : Cº-º-º- Lº FT Tº all a Y” ºf T-I º rº |-ºf-4– £=== cº- E3-3–E–C–D–EEEEE HHHH ºw- I a.º. I I i t ſ * e | | | 9 ; #. ^^ - N ºf . ITI ºzººlºº HI T r— wº - “Good-will to man, and peace on earth.” They sounded at our Sav-iour's birth. Their blessed song of joy and mirth, We will sound with an in - crease. 48 S Aſ A A. E. A. M U.S. ſ C. C O M I N G D A Y. Mr. LEBANoN, N. Y. a is # . - I H IITV Lºr, #-g º T ſº. I - →SE - ==- TT I == === &=#H#HH == H #F###### L–2-e & sº com - ing day, Heaven-ly joy il - lumes my way, Sweet peace o'er — shadows my path; And in the light of the a 4 + k. he- l h. fº. +a+ T sº :HH lis INTITLºII Fºllº T B-s II. EF-FFF-EHE–C–2–C–C–F–F–G–C–F–F–NHEEF-EP-N-N-H *—ſe-–D–G–Lº-º-º-º-ºllº º |Tºº *—º–s--I-e ~e-º-L Off’rings of praise my spi - rit puts forth. For I be - hold the des - ert in blos - som, And the wil- der-ness o 4 + º sº r—s * teem -ing with fruit; Ransomed souls are re - turn -ing to Zi - on, Filled with the ev - er – last - ing truth. PO W E R OF L O V E. Mr. Le:BANory, N. Y. Aifetuoso. Inus - ic fall -ing on mine ear — From worlds a - bove • 1. Sweet and mel – o – dious are the sounds I hear, Like an -gel cry to God! 2. This mighty pow - er the old heavens will shake, The earth will reel, and slumb'ring souls a - wake And S Aſ A A' A' A' M U.S. ſ C. 49 P O VV E R O F L O V E – Continued. H== f & Can feel this love. full of power, yet tran – quil and se - rene; And souls who're free, and pur - i - fied from sin, com - fort them, and con-sol - a -tion lend, And give them food. | 'Tis And when they call, His an - gels He will send— To MT. LEBANON, N. Y. º H I I t—H-i- MTH-N g fº $. fº —l r— & *—– A – I Cº H ____ ___ º *H-º-º-º-H jº-2– I–I-Q-º-º-º-º: cº-º-º-I-2 I wº y -> Chant a song of praise! Shout a shout of lovel Let ~. a 4- 8 a sº 2–~~~~~ - i. Tºlſ. pºet-N- N a;-H N----NJ-N-HT- ETNTE-ITI - - 2–6– * - s Tºº | Aºi -º-, -e, -º-º-º-º-º-º-º- * * * * -º. " O we live to strengthen, live to bless And *~~$. ther; And let us now ex-change love— With each sis-ter and brother. I A.--——l ar, i–A _l g sing, And be joy-ful on this festive day. Peace and love the an - gels bring; Peace and love we all will n | * |−h——- ^ J. T. *L----- : *. —l N– A. fºLITHI’ſ # f f fºLT I Tº i I jº º: º | `` ſº Ex-I I Tººlſ H_º rºm #–E–º tºº ſº |. y º-º-º: & Tº e ** I * #H#H#H#H-. 50 S Aſ A K AE A& M U.S./C. W O I C E O F P E A C E. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. * 4. O. sad’ning sight of death and blight, For throbbing hearts have felt the darts, The bards of n!d in song foretold Of mis’ry, want and woe, And borne the curse of war, A time when wars should cease, The waste of manhood's noble life, And nations perished in the Scourge, When earth would bloom a paradise, Whence cultured wealth should flow; Beneath the battle star. Beneath the relgn of p - he homes and lands which mourn the hands God speed the time, when peace divine That golden age on histºry's page That bore the deadly steel, On earth shall bear the sway, Shall gleam in truthful ſines, Whose skill was turned to matchless strife, When Love shall twine her laurel wreath For even now its dawn appears, , Instead of human weal. To crown the perfect day. Through bright prophetic signs. A. L. L I S S U M M E Hº. GRow ELAND, N. Y. fy I- 2- 24– High o'er the billows we are wafted a — long— An-gel wing car - ry us; Not one ripple to break on our song—All is peace before us. SA/A A A. R. M U.S. / C. 5 I IM E S S THE IN G- E F, . MT. LEBANON, N. Y. —n- —t A. A ENEREENEP. :=====EEER=Nºt EHEREF=f - T × - :- -ā- - h r— n n cº-º-º-dº— - - --- - - - ======= FFFFFFF###F#FFFFFF9 + V morn-ing is shin-ing on Ugo forth with the torch-lights, il-lumine the caves, The earth-ly con-di-tions that cov — er the soul; For - -> -º- - - -º a -º- -º-, -º- -e- -º- - - -2. F4 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Ez 4-º-H-º-º: #EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-i-H-I- i L I T-I H=r - *—is? - 7TV * * w wº !-------------r-: ; * * * * I- 2 _L ºr a º * Fº I n . *—º-º-º-ei––A—A—A *——º-º-º-º-H-Al- - H i H s H w w w s- W s— R-R-Gº- HF: s | ~ w dº t I º wa H § ; ź #-g EEE-2–F–F–F–2– - --Pi—H :====EEE=====EEE==CEEF& * | Fº-H=H r - | —º: Jor-dan's deep waves, Call hither the wanderer to wash and be whole. O seek ye the sorrowfull seek ye the poor! And —t A. A. *- I I A-A A I | I I A I * # NL-T- N I * . * ----| N–ns A. |- | s A. 1– Ar——º I s º tº--&- EN=Eß—#–3–3 +---N - 2–CFEHF-2E =# —: -- - —º– --------- - -- -º- +#F# •º- ; ########### :g-º-º-º-º- * º show them the beau-ti-ful way of our Lord; 0 teach them the life that will ev-er endure, And God will your efforts re - ward. E 52 SA/A A A' A' A/ U.S. ſ C. TIF, IB U TIE TO FIR, IIFE IN ID S. Mr. LEBANON, N. Y. Oh, what can equal Gos - pel love, Which from a vir – gin life, Flows forth to meet its kindred tide, From &=#### —a- =F. T. E.#E=E==# Hº-Hº-Hº-Hº-Hº-Hº- GHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. those who’ve won the strife. We do not ask for love and strength, But these we would im - part To those, who free-ly T *HHHEElišH. ===== HHHH===== $EEEEEEEEE have be-stow-ed, Upon the wea - ry heart. *===== - S Aſ A A' A' A' M U.S. M C. 53 T F I B UTE TO FR I E N D S – Continued. Pºt. And you shall catch the echoes long, From an - gels on their marches – their mar - ches. Wel - come, Welcome 1 a- Echo. G. F. E. E. T. I N G . MT. LEBANON, N. Y. ºś :=#EE -º- We meet to bid you welcome, The ad - gel bands are here, With - in our home—our precious home—To every heart so dear. º:#EEEEEEEEE E=#EEE 'Tis love in-spires the greet-ing, All joy-ous, warm and free, Like golden bil - Iows meeting, Up – on the sum - mer sea. We blend our hearts, and glad – ly come, To wel-come you to your loved home, Your 54 SA. A. A. AE A* M U.S. I. C. E" A IT H 'S VISION . MT. LEBANON, N. Y. hº A * I ~-T- T As A. _lººlººlººlºº. Lºlºlºſºl EI N–NH--- ############H#H#H#H= V | + wº 1. To the spl - rit land we're hastening, Golden moments flit be - fore While each sun-set brings us near-er, To its seeming dis-tant shore. 2. Oft its pear-ly gates are opened, Floods of glory through them come: And we catch a glimpse of beauty, Just a foresight of our home. 3. Yet we ask their mln - is - tra-tion While we tar-ry here be - low, And that ev - erround our pathway Light in-creas—ing still may glow. º P---L-P-L-º-P-P-I- T L-T Y. EE2–2–5–Eº-º-º-º-º: | º al-T I I I- [* Af 2 4—f.4 – #2 T r—r-r- Yet up - on her snowy pintons, Falth will lift our hearts to see, In the life that is be - fore us, Blessed im - mor - tal - 1 - ty. Oh, it is by ho-ly liv-ing That we galn an entrance there; For com - mun-ion with the An-gels, Spotless robes we must pre - pare. If our lives are fraught with goodness, And the seed of love we sow, We shall reap a-bun-dant blessing, And the Joy of An - gels know. Hi, A ſº fºr a º # , ## #f-a-s e. *R-# ITI I–2—º-º-Lº-º-º-º-º- Tº º TTT ITTII I T I r |E}<-Hº-THEEEEas EE + —r- • l l *-a- 2EEEº-º-º- t T in jº-2-1- tº-º-º-L-- Łd º I *—º-2 1-4 jº ; - I id-º-º: G-O D’S TJ N IV E E S A. L. P. R. A IS E. Mr. LERANON, N. Y. 1. Sing un - to the Lord a new song- Chant ye his praises sweet, Let earth the joy - ful strain pro - long, With har-mon-y re - plete. 2. Let the star-ry hea-vens re - lolce: Let earth her tri - bute bring; the sea shall liſt its might-y volce, And all the isles shall sing. S Aſ A R AE A* M U.S. / C. G O D’S UN IV E R S.A. L. P R A IS E-Continued. I –l ?, ea__N . —— Rit. . FITSI | lº-Tºº Lº I I L I-T Tº Tº Tº I alº ſº I ºf Tººlſ i_* w gºr F-E-F-º-Hi —R wº---TTH- * 3–3—H-3– e g—º —i-———— #EEEEE º T-I iſ Tºy g-g H º, ºr aſ A - gain at - tune the heart-felt song, And bless His ho - ly name. • va - tion doth to Him be - long, Let ev - 'ry voice pro - claiml. Green fields in gladness shall a - bound, And yield a rich in - crease, While for - ests shall with joy re - sound—The an-thems of sweet peace, Tenderly. P Hä-F—I-S-L--RE - [T] SHE}=NEECEGEP-EAEEFE 5*HS HEE º TITLETE----- & r º ; For an-gel gifts and gra - ces, 2. While translent pleasures per-ish, And ſade as earthly flowers, Our joys are for e - ter - ni - ty, Our home in truth's falr bowers; Where heart to heart is blending, 1. We need no earth-ly flow - ers, To deck our Zi - on home, No ar - ti - fi - cial ra - di-ance, To light her sac-red dome . as fº,f_f f f, a f f. , tº e-º- N | a a *-i- º-ſºº III. | Iſ Ef II ºf ET ST-T IT IIſº v- ºf Tº Tºjº |- - * - ##################t=== ############# w i t I --> ; V | V | V } | y sº |-> _- ~ -6-#–N–H–A–F–A–4–5–A.J-A- N - - Tº T. – - tº º 3–2–3–F–F– ==E=EH . - iº wº - l w-Aſ-a-Ta A-dorm with beauty bright, And God's transcendent glo - ry, Her man - slon fills with light. O. Home, sweet Home! Blest joys are thine. In pu - ri - ty and love, Where min-is-ters at - tend -ing, Re - new from spheres a -bove o, Home, sweet Home! Blest joys are thine. ſº 2 2 º'S Tº aº fº *—- -- fºs º - tº fº ºf - fºo-2 * Hººlºº F-Pi—T-LL *Tº - | Hºlſº II g EEEEEEEEEEEEEH2–2–HE e i uſ º—I- f-ºf-ſtºrs s—3-5–º-I-P-P-I- TV | 2 f : 56 SHA KA R M US / C. Joyously. * LEBANON, N. Y. l– - HTTA Ž __ I I -I I ºf T.I I-I-N----T—#. I | Tº I Es. Tº E …sº ſº LT; Hº I ºf Ex-LD-L-I-I I I Tº Tº 2-Tº-Tº ~~– II WTA Tº NIT rº : ATTA L–F–I-- l *Tº ATTTº H T-I-T-s-----→LI *Tºº º Aº Tº #–E–F–F–C–E–CICZLº-L-2-º-º-º: tº LT-T / Tº Tº —I *—I -ar. --> --> - We would greet our kindred true, and your life with strength re - new; Break ye waves of joy in mus - ic, ſº l- ' ' '. " * l * * *- r— ºf IT ſº-T i N-H -º-; | ====E==============EHHH •º- let the harps of wel - come ring I Love, re-joicing and thanksgiving, we with hap – py spi-rits bring; Many bless-ings in al- —i. r *—º. Jº- -*—t I--R --sº lº- I | †-º-º: E-- E; H H s z: EPi— | l ==== EEE j P- a ==–2—º-d ==E f-E-F-2-º-º-; Eºt-ºf-f-º-º-º-º-ºf-f-º II-T a g-I. . •º, -º- •º we're pos-sess-ing, these we free - ly would im - part. May the wealth of deep af - feo -tion bind more closely heart to heart; t | G- E M O F P E A C E. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. .# 1. words of peace our friends we greet, And feel that ev" - ry heart, Hath *... It .* .# t—Of which we ask a part. 2, Oh, we will lift the bur-dens here, With hearts as true as steel; And toil with - in the Gos-pel sphere, For one an - o-ther's weal. SA/A A A' A' A/ U.S. A C. 57 G E M OF FE A C E – Continued. H====###### s-----—ºr---º-A–er------— ww T V VTT WTV wº - We’ll search for jew - els, ga - ther gems—Mid all the walks of life, To sparkle in our di - a-dems, When we have ceased the strife. Un - wea - ried in the strength of love, Life's joys we will in - crease, And by our souls best ef - forts prove, We hold the gift of peace, C H E IS T M. A. S E V E. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. *. *- - rº e ſ arº 2. —g AEE g—º- º *—i-—; w" ºr "T"Twº ºr is " --~~~~ r— gº We have found the promised Saviour Who hath been so long fore-told: We have found the Christian goodness Which is worth a bunk - dred fold. ify -A *- %. - GN :========E=======E==N====ENEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEER=====# 3–5–2–2–3–EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE}} And we’ll spread the gladsome tid-ings, "Till the sound of war shall cease; 'Till the homes of all are brightened— By the glorious Prince of peace. & - A ſetttoso. ...” ight, We'll softly whisper, sweet - ly sing In a cho-rus u - nite to kindred here, Peace peace. --~. 2- 58 S Aſ A A. A. A. M U.S. ſ C. F. ET U F.IN IN G. S FIR, I N G. . * MT. LEBANON, N. Y. | t HHEEHE -º- 1. The voice of the re - turn-ing Spring Bids na-ture wake and rise; And put her best new garments on, For she has fresh sup-plies. 2. Then why should we, whose lines have fallen. In such a pleas—ant place, Be back-ward in the praise of Him, Or e'er fall short of grace? 3. We've all the eye of man could wish, And fruit-ful is the land; And greater than As -sy-rian hosts, The an - gels round us stand. How wond’rous are the ways of God! How boun-ti- ful His hand! We see His love in eve- ry tree, And broad-cast o'er the land. We ought to leap, and shout, and sing, Till all the mountains round, Re-ver-be- rate the joy-ful news, To earth's re - mot-est bound. And yet, to many thousands more, We such a home could give; If they would leave a car-nal world. And learn in Christ to live. sh A KER u Uszc 59 CHRISTMA's G-REET Up - on this love-ly Christmas morning, We come forth our friends to cheer; II.N G-. In the East, the MT LEBANON. N. Y. star is beaming ; Lo I we've found the In his suffer - ing have a part." Hark! I hear the an - gels sing -ing, Peace peace on earth, good will to all. 6o SATA A E R M US/ C. V O Y A G- E OE" L I R' E 2. O, youthful mar – i - ner be-ware I Thy ves - sel frail may strand, Un-less 'tis .*. 1. Up - on the rock-y shores of Time Our barques might anchored be, Yet pilot - like our spir - its long To cross life's rolling sea. Mt. LEBANoN, N. Y. *s guid–ed on its wa un-err-ing hand; Irepeat softly. ſ |-R-S-I-1—N-1—R-R- H–N —s——º- ###################### ==== + V. 2:-º-º: 4-1–ºf– =: To sail . . . a - way I . . . Up - on its changeful tide, To brave the tempest and the storm, And o'er the b{1 - lows ride. Then sail . . . a - way ! And leave all phan-tom fears. Prepare with strength t he flow O in-com - ing years. #EEEEE-R-E-e–F–H–º-HE ==-2+-r- =#EEEEEEEEEEEEE H.- Tº Tº 3. Though deep and strong the current glides, Far out upon the sea, & Yet Faith—thy compass—will direct, And º º light will be; Still saiſ away Nor trust in thine own power But watch and pray though calm the day, Or dark the midnight hour. §. finite vision cannot span, Or bound the mighty deep; O yoyager on the inain l Within the blessed port of peace, sure anchorage thou wilt gain. ...º...? ... • ***.*.*.*.*.* tº: - e ‘dº’ s -e- e -º- I £e. :=#EEEEEEE|####### ==E2EEEEEEE----|--|-EH-. sº ~ 2. -º- —— 4. The treasured wealth of patient toll, Within thy spirit hold: The shining pearls of Wisdom, place Upon life's threads of gold. And sail away I With Love at thy cornmand, To buoy thee up, and cheer the way, To the immortal land. : SA/ A K AE A* // U.S. A. C. 6 J M II, L E N N I TJ M. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. Cres. – T. n | * , _j^ *——— lik Iº Tº :-à- :-à- •º -ø. * *iºr i-º- Op - en wide ye golder, gates of glo - ry. That new light may shine o'er hills and plains: Thence may angels spread the gladsome story, ~ e 1 —t * > • A A*-*—r—º-º-º-º-º-º-º-r-d e—e fift, 2-, 2– ==Ecº-º-Hº-H-2–2–E2-EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE - ice—e I T] T l i i gr ——— | F- FTV iº º -º- p Rit. H: º * * i | - #–E–F– A N. N. | Hº-Hº- H-N--R-I-L- . F-Lºw- - º ºg #EEEEE - TEf-ºff". Hº-Hºº-º-Hi-C [-L- L- - - H----L-E- {º}=-r E; aſ T H E=#EEE ----- EEE --- ==== - #######E e --> * • Christ tri-um-phant in His tum-ple reigns. Now is ushered in the great mil - lennium, We ap - proach the day of heavenly peace! p_Rit. e M -º- 3. BiH:#H##### g =##H#t=F####FFFFFFFF i t—t: - –2–2–2–H–C–H–2–2–2 =H=H=HEF= { | H Hail it all ye wir-gins of Christ's king dorm { Work ye ev - er for the truth’s ill - crease, now to meet the bless-ing & * An - gels to your spir-lts free-ly bear; Peace and love your souls pos - sess-ing, With the household of our parents shure. 62 S'A' A A' A' A' M U.S.A. C. II E A V E N I, Y PATIH. W. A. Y. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. ar, — *—A–A––A–A––a–s—- ar, −-N=N=E-HN =EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE -º- g –H– 1. Do we think what a treas - ure the Gos - pel will be, When our souls from all struggles with na-ture ar re 2. Oh, the joys that we now see, will fade from our sight, As the stars soft - 1 t in the morn-ing's clear light; 3. Then let us take cour – age, the go - al we may win, And our souls may be cleansed ſrom the na - ture of sin ; asºn I arm e - ºr e º a º º ſº º ºr º: : —2 £2 –P--º-º- EEEEEEEEEEEEE|2–a–Eº-º-EEEEEEE P:F#H#H#H#Hº-Hº-Hº-Hº-Hº-Hºº-º-º-ÉÉFEEEEEEEE? y—w—I-2–7–7—w------|-v-v-- º V-T- A N N S ^ -- ~ N-N-1—A—A—l-A—— ^ N \ #EH==#E: - 2– : . ––. 3– —-g - T2: Tºrº 2– :-- —º —g —g—t When the un-bound-ed re - glons of lo - ry are ours, And our path - way lies al ways 'mid hea - ven - ly flowers? And our spir – its made pure by the Gos-pel's bright fire, Will rise through e - ter - ni - ty, high - er and high - er. By the cross that the Spir - it hath taught us to bear, Bywatch—ing and meek - ness, by love and by prayer. * * *_2__º- &_º- 'º-___º- ºr º- º 32- iº sº. *º- a * N ar, |9:=#:====Hi-º-º-Hº-EHF-2EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEº-º-º-E:=: IE+E:–2–2–3–2–3–2–EEº-EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE:HPI F- ve * º iz Tºw | ºf W 2TV H C H A N G- E L E S S P A G- E S. Mt. LEBANON, N. Y. º A h--N . N N__. –2– I N I *—º w—º I A. -N: I T N-ºx ; Hº Trº * I I. : =###############5 ####### - : t * ; 4-º' =### # º 3–s—s—e —e—g—g V * * Though our time is swift-ly fleeting, Yet each moment as it rolls, Bears on-ward to e - ter-ni-ty—The im-press of our souls. :=2–====EE-º-º-Eº-º-º-EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEa–a–a–C–H–2–3– #-º-º-Eº-º-º-º-Eº-E-E-a-Es-º EEEº-EEEEEEEEEEEEEE2-E: z-z-z-z-z-z-75 E-2 2 y : J-T- VTV V VT V V V v V, V, V, 9 I- S Aſ A A' A' A' M U.S. J C. 63 C H A N G E L E SS PA. G E S – Continued. N_N > =#EEEH =EH ——#—- - INT2: - -: ###-- | ## + º- * On our memories changeless pages, Shall our thoughts and actions stand. To bless, or blight the spir—it, In the im—mor-tal land. N N 1 •º- -º-, -e- -a-, -º- # * * * → *AAA H =rf–ſº º, T- ==# y º ºf y 2 5-y——wi;-y F-5–7––; -º-r º “PEACE BE st I LL.” * MT. LEBANON, N. Y. 1. Peace, peace ye wild winds that shake the dark for – est! Be still ye fierce tem—pests that rock the great sea I 2. My * soul shall be strong 'mid the wild storms of nature, And firm – ly my spir - it on God will de – pend. ar, er, ar, ex /ºry —k ar, ^___, —A-R-A-A— N N GN ====E=#EEE:===#EEEE|| rº ‘º- - z——z—z—z—-z - Eº-º-eſº- l Your strength is as weak-ness, com – pared with the pow - er Of those, who from bondage have set theni-selves free. Then, an - gels of light shall my dark path il – lu – mine, For God is my Fa-ther, my Mo - ther, and friend. I * * * amºn asºn ar, !-- fº_ _^2 _º fº ſº ſº &P ... ſº ſº dº ſº fº a & N & 62 arº • ſº z-RELLTIFºº---T-I- ſ p º º Tº i I t n FTL-Tº-Tº-º-º-º-I-2–s Aº-2- & T E]º-E2–HEEE AEP –Yº-Yº ſº. I H. : i j I I X ITaTºº Laº TzTº LL.Lº. gº w -—ºr g Fº II’s a l zººl I | 'a * I º º a *- zº a . I zº gº 2 Ł ad I Iº 24 H * * WT F. Lie Taº Tº id * º F. gº Lº-Tº Tez E. E. mºr I-> r r r r ITz g- Lº * | | w l T-W-V-V-y I | 64 S H. A. A. E. R. M U.S. ſ C. MIIS SIO IN OF SO N G. S. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. N_N -—--—s –- N | —H-E-S-E-S *—e-et-º-c-— LI ###### Cº-C-F-AF-aſ-aſ-a-- #### -º-Ha!. ==EE - 1. Oh, when the songs of Zl - on Have reached, and touched your hearts, And Truth—the Ho - ly Spir - it— Its last - ing power im - parts. 2. The Daughter of Jer - usa - lemſ Has come to her stronghold, And Israel sits be - neath bls wine, As MI - cah's word fore-told. Hº! r *—º-2–|-- º Then may it teach how waln - ly The world would lure you on, And show to you the bles - sed path That no - ble souls have gone. God's house of rev - e - Ja - tion Es - tab - lished on the hill, A8 - Benn - bles those who hear the law, And its be - hests ful - ſill. ===-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-tº-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-Hº-e-et-tº-f- &#F#F################EEEEEEE| H "— — —e-Lo-º-o-o-º-º: ===========FH:###======#z-z-z-z-z- wº . wº º wº For by the streams of Ba - by - lon, No more the cap-tives mourn, But from the ci - ty of our God, Sweet mel – o – dies are borne- a's ######## ###########: =####### ——t s ==== === *:::::::=###:::::= gº F-º– |- 2 2 S Aſ A A. E. R. M U.S./C. 65 THE DEPENDENCE OF THE SINGING OR SPEAKING FORM OF THE LARYNX UPON THE RESPIRATORY EFFORT. THE TWO FORMS, THE TWO BREATHS, THE TWO LOCALITIES OF TONE. Before entering upon the main argument, the reader is requested to go through with the following exercises; for the real import and vital importance of the subject will be more vividly realized if every statement can be at once submitted to the crucial test of a personal trial. In all the standard treatises on physiology (vide Flint, Dalton, and Carpenter), the respiratory movement of the glottis is fully described; its relation to singing or speaking, as a natural law which should be recognized as of superlative importance in restoring or educating the voice, is claimed by the writer as an original discovery. Ex. 1. Inſlate the lungs by an effort of the muscles which expand the chest and raise the shoulders, then expel the breath by simply relaxing this effort. The weight of the unnaturally elevated and distended chest is amply sufficient to discharge the newly inhaled air; but mark these two related facts—the breathing was effortless, the breath was shrilly audible. Ex. 2. Contract the abdominal muscles steadily and powerfully —in other words, draw inward the a m by regular degrees, to expel the breath ; but be watchful to avoid an involuntary ex- fansion of the chest. If the abdomen is drawn inward, the lungs will be com- pressed; and, if the chest is not allowed to expand, the air must be driven out through the windpipe, but so noiselessly will it escape, that its flow will be almost imperceptible. And now take notice again—the breathing was attended by a decided effort; the breath was almost or quite inaudible. t is a curious fact, remarked upon at some length by Dr. Flint, that a person who feels that he is the subject of an experiment, will unconsciously disturb the natural respiratory process, and the reader will be very likely to associate breath- ing with the sound of issuing breath so strongly, that the respiration in the second, as well as the first exercise, will be plainly heard. To avoid this danger by a simple stratagem, let the thought concern itself solely with the abdominal effort. The breath will then be discharged through the mouth so noiselessly (unless the flow of air is very great), that it will require some test, such as holding the hand before the mouth, to reveal that it is in- deed flowing. If this muscular effort cannot at once be determined, let two or three short coughs rapidly succeed each other, while great care is taken to so far depart from the natural habit of coughing that a preliminary breath will not be drawn, nor the chest convulsively expand. In this way the abdominal effort will be plainly indicated, and with a little practice, the second exercise can be fairly performed. There are then two distinct breaths—which may be design, nated as the rushing and the flooding breaths; and the great difference in their rate of flow, while the respiratory effort remains unchanged, proves that the capacity of the duct through which they flow, cannot have remained the same. The noisier current of the former rushing breath can be ex- plained only by supposing that the channel is narrower; the noiseless passage and more rapid flow of the flooding breath certainly indicate a wider outlet. But the º: cavity cannot be changed without *. the form of the larnyx. #. must then be two distinct forms of the larynx, each assumed naturally, without the aid of the forcing muscles previously noticed, whose contraction would 66 S H. A. A F A& M U.S. ſ C. be distinctly felt and recognized. the change effected P - Happily, the study of physiology has found the true and wonderful solution of this difficult problem in the involuntary respiratory movement of the glottis. Physiology has discovered that in man, and in all the higher animals, the laryngeal cavity actively enlarges from one-fifth to one-third when the breath is inhaled, but passively collapses to its former state when it is exhaled. o one can fail to notice how differently the two breaths sound of a person in sleep. At the first thought, it must appear that this involun- tary habit would directly oppose the use of the wider form by the vocalist, for in singing the breath is exhaled. But this widening and narrowing does not depend upon the direction of the breath inward or outward, but results from the sympathy between the respiratory muscles and the pair of laryngeal muscles, , which contract to widen the opening. Hence, in ordinary breathing (as was shown by the first exer- cise), the muscles of the larynx contract during inspiration in response to the breathing muscles, which must contract to raise the chest or lower the diaphragm; but in expiration they relax, because they have no respiratory effort to sympathize with — for the breathing muscles relax to let the chest or diaphragm recoil to their natural position with a force fully adequate to expel to breath. And that the direction of the breath is not important, but that the laryngeal muscles always contract, or strive to con- tract, whenever the respiratory muscles are exerted for whatever purpose, the softer flow of the breath, when it is expelled by a depided effort of the abdominal muscles (as in the 2d exercise), convincingly proves. But are not the respiratory muscles exerted in speaking and singing P. The simple recoil of the chest sufficed to expel the breath when the larnyx is open ; but in speaking or singing, it is closed by the vocal chords, so that for even a moderate tone, the air must be propelled with greater force, and the respiratory muscles actually exert themselves. Space forbids an express statement of the various demands made upon these muscles by the exigencies of the musical tone or phrase; and it would require too long a process of reasoning to show why the faintest note for § the mere rebound of the chest yº, sufficient and more than sufficient motive power, should depend instead upon a positive effort of both the abdominal muscles and the diaphragm. For they should con- tract in opposition to each other—the lower muscles bearing By what agency, then, is upward, the diaphragm downward, with a slight overbalance of force in favor of the former; a combined effort entirely disproportionate to the vocal effect produced. So far we must beg the question, resting our opinion upon good authorities. But that dependence is not placed upon the simple recoil, is shown by the strange and ji, husky tone which a person speaks when he raises his shoulders and expands the chest, and talks while they listlessly rebound to their normal position; the force will be adequate, but the sound shows that some natural law has been violated. This law reads as follows: The singing or speaking breath should always be impelled by a positive effort of the respiratory muscles. Such is the law; but when it is disobeyed, and the singin breath is discharged without effort, why is the tone ...; What is the wanting, condition which the respiratory effort ..º. It cannot be found in the different impulse given to the breath; for the simple recoil impels it in the same direc- tion, and for a moderate tone, with sufficient force. The con- clusion cannot be avoided that the channel is changed for the vocalized air, by the pair of laryngeal muscles which act in sympathy with the respiratory muscles. This natural law of vocalizing may be formulated as follows: The singing form of the larynx depends primarily upon an effort of the laryngeal muscles of dilation (the crico-arytenoidei postice); secondarily, upon the positive exertion of the respiratory muscles. . It may be reasonably supposed that the two powerful muscles of dilation must have an influence, if they are exerted while the other vocal muscles make tense and approximate the vocal chords; but to explaine exactly how they operate, will require a brief sketch of the vocal organs. . e vocal chords stretch horizontally across the larynx, or top of the windpipe, from the front backward. At the front, they come close together, but as they extend backward, they diverge like the two sides of the letter “V.” If the first and second finger are stretched apart, and the neck is set in the fork, the position and divergence of the chords will be roughly, but on too large a scale, indicated. At the back of the larynx they are attached to two movable cartilages, somewhat in the form of pyramids, called the arytenoid cartilages, to which are also attached the vocal chords. But these pyramids are also the support of the two epiglottidean muscles which draw inward folds of the mucous membrane just above the vocal chords, when the throat must be closed for an explosive cough, or in swallowing. Now, th: S. Aſ A A' A' A' A/ O S / C. 67 vocal chords and vocal muscles (including the sympathetic dilating muscles) are all attached to the base of the pyramids, while the epiglottidean muscles are fastened at their apex. When the muscles of dilation contract, they pull upon the outer angle of the base of each pyramid, drawing this angle outward and downward: their outward pulling would draw apart the basis of the pyramid; their downward pulling would tip them out of the perpendicular, so that their summits would be farther apart than their bases. When the vocal chords must come together for speaking or singing, the muscles of approximation (the arytenoideus and crico-arytenoidei laterales) contract to draw the pyramids together, still in this slanting position. The vocal chords will come close together at the base; but, as the dilating muscles are still active, the sides will incline away from each other, and afford an ever-widening space to the newly vocalized air, whose vibratory waves will be unbroken in their passage to the pharynx and mouth. But if the respiratory effort did not prompt the dilating laryngeal muscles to incline the pyramidal supports outward, their sides, as well as base, would come nearer together; the aperture from the base to the apex, or entrance to the mouth, would be narrow ; the vocal waves would be broken, and the resulting tone husky and impure. nd as no theory in art is valuable until it is reduced to practice, let this newly acquired knowledge be utilized by being thrown into the form of exercises. Its enormous training value to the student will at once be recognized. Ex. 3. Erhale the breath as in Er. 1, by a simple recoil. Repeat this breath, but midway decide that the latter half shall carry out a tone with it, but avoid any change %physical effort. hat is, avoid any effort other than the respiratory, which must remain unchanged. The thought of a coming tone will indeed prompt the vocal muscles to action, but they are utterly devoid of sensation, and the scholar's only solicitude need be to avoid any physical effort, or any feeling whatever in the throat. In this exercise, the tone will sound like a sigh and will lack resonance; the air will flow almost as fast in the tone as in the toneless breath. - Ex. 4. Erhale the breath as in Er. 2, with a decahed effort, and with a noiseless current, but just as soon as the hand held before the mouth shows that a strong current of air is setting outward, introduce the tone with the same solicitlede to avoid the slightest change of physical effort. Strictly performed, this exercise will evolve a tone of the last degree of excellence — a tone so pure and so resonant that it will show that every particle of air has been vocalized to its utmost capacity. This series of exercises carries º it its own sufficient proof, and can, from the first, be practiced with good results. But the laborious distention of the chest may soon be dispensed with, if the exact sound of the rushing breath is kept well in remembrance; for such voluntary control will have been ac- quired that the narrower form of the larynx can be assumed, even when the breath is expelled by a positive exertion of the abdominal muscles—an effort according more nearly with the mode of respiration upon which the cultivated artist or speaker should rely. ven when a clear note can be made to enter after the soft breath in the middle of the compass of his voice, the scholar must not stop practicing with the rushing breath ; for it will soon appear that the muscles of pitch can, with this form of the larynx, far more easily learn to stretch the now untram- meled chords for a high pitch, in response to the sheer mental projection of the note—an unwonted effort requiring that they shall learn new habits, for now they have dissolved partnership with the disturbing epiglottidean muscles, and must perform the whole office alone. And the zealous student may well be cheered and stimulated, when he finds that he is accomplishing in months the accus- tomed labor of years; that at the bottom of this unpromising solution of husky sound and fatiguing practice are being crystallized the precious jewels of oratory and song—tones clear cut, transparent id beautiful, whose transmitted light, softly diffused in many varying tints and shades, will faithfully portray the otherwise inexpressible emotions to which he would give utterance. JOHN HOWARD. & E R. R. A. T A. At all the repeats there should be a double bar. In “Home of Peace,” (p. 20), where there are two parts only it should he marked Duet, and where there are three, Trio. “Glad New Year,” (p. 21), in first verse “true” should be full. # “Triumph,” (p. 23), the staves should not be braced. - “Welcome,” (p. 24), the two first staves should not be braced. “Times of Refreshing,” (p. 24), the staves should not be braced. “New Year's Greeting,” (p. 29), the last line of second verse should be indented. “Come to Zion,” (p. 38), the notes to the word “sea,” should be semiquaver and dotted quaver. “Blessings,” (p. 31), the signature is omitted in the second bass staff. “Morning Dawn,” (p. 39), the note under the last “the ” in the chorus should be quavered. .*** “Spirit of Truth,” (p. 40), the note to the first syllable of “immortal" should be D, and the note to the word “fail” should be D. “Farewell,” (p. 44), the last bass note to the last syllable of “scattered” should be in the first space. “Power of Love,” (p. 48), the tenor note to the last syllable of “purified" should be on the fourth line of the staff. “A Chant,” (p. 49), # should be at the beginning, and barred accordingly. “All is summer." (p. 50), “wing ” should be wings. “Greeting,” (p. 53), the sharp in the alto should be a natural. * Gem of Peace,” (p. 56), the repeat should be after the rest. “Millennium,” (p. 61), the last two bars should retard. “Changeless Pages,” (p. 62), the third alto note from the end should be on the leger line, and the last note stemmed down. x Co €2. w a zoº. *29, sº - - /-//- a 3 . 2/4, SA