CATAL0 GUE OF T M. E. DIC IN A L P L ANTS º MEDICINES, - MEDICAL PROPERTIES. PREPARED IN THE UNITED SOCIETY, WATERVLIET, N. Y. “Why send to Europe's distant shores, For plants which grow at our own doors?” E-- ORDERS TO BE DIRECTED TO WATERVIIIET, N. Y. ALBANY: PRINTED BY PACRARD AND WAN BENTHuysen, PRICE 10 CENTS. & § *. S; 4ta ABBREVIATIONS AND PROPERTIES EXPLAINED. Acr. Ano. A-bil. A-scor. A-sep. A-spas. Aro. Ast. Bal. Car. Cath. Dem. Deo. Dia. Diu. Eme. Her. Nar, Ner. Pec. Sti. Sto. Sud. Ton. Ver, Acrid, biting, caustic. Anodyne, quieting, easing pain. Antibilious, correcting the bile. Antiscorbutic, useful in scurvy. Antiseptic, against mortification. Antispasmodic, against spasm. Aromatic, agreeable, spicy. Astringent, shortening the fibres. Balsamic, mild, healing, stimulant. Carminiative, expelling wind. Cathartic, purgative, cleansing the bowels. Demulcent, sheathing or lubricating. Deobstruent, bettering the secretions, or removing ob- structions. Diaphoretic, producing insensible perspiration. Diuretic, increasing the urine. Emetic, causing vomiting. Herpetic, curing skin diseases. Narcotic, poison, stupefying. Nervine, strengthening the nerves. Pectoral, useful in diseases of lungs. Stimulant, exciting action. Stomachic, good for the stomach. Sudorific, causing sweat. Tonic, permanently strengthening. Vermifuge, destroying worms. TERMS, A discount of 25 per cent. from the catalogue or retail prices, is made to those who purchase 25 dollars worth or more. Payments to be made once or twice a year, generally in the fall. Orders attended to at all seasons, but customers are requested to for- ward them in the spring, and thus give time for collection in the pro- per season. Orders for such native plants as are not in the catalogue will receive due attention. w CATALOGUE. Common Names. Alder, black, ... . . . . . $0 25 Angelica seed, ....... 0 30 do root, ... . . . . 0.50 Ash, prickly, ........ 0.50 Avens root,...... ...- 0.50 Balm-gilead buds, .... 0.75 Balm, lemon, ....... 0.50 Balm, Moldavian, .... 0 40 Balsam, sweet, ...... 0.40 Basil, sweet, ........ 0.50 Bayberry bark, ...... 0 40 Bellwort, ...... • - - - - - 1 00 Bethroot, ... . . . . . . . . . 1 00 Bitter-root, • * * * * * * * * * 0 75 Bittersweet, ......... 0.50 Blackberry root, ..... 0 25 Bloodroot, ... . . . . . . . . 0 60 Boneset, ...------...-- 0.25 Bo e, ------------- 0. 50 Boxwood bark, ...... 0 40 Buckbean, ... . . . . ... 0.75 Buckthorn Syrup, .... 0 50 Bugle, tº gº tº G = e º e º 'º e º ſº º 0 50 Burdock root, ........ 0 35 do leaves,....... 0 do seeds, ...... 0.40 Button-smakeroot, .... 0.50 Cancer-root plant, .... 0 50 Canker weed, ....... 0 50 Caraway seed, . . . . . . 0 25 Cardinal flower, blue, 0.50 Cardus, spotted, ..... 0.50 Catnep, . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.25 Celandine, wild,..... 0 25 Chamomile, low, ... . 0.50 Cherry, black, bark, . 0 25 Cicely, sweet,....... 0.50 Cicuta, leaves, ...... 0 40 Clary, ------...----- 0.50 Cleavers, ........... 0.50 Cohosh, black, ..... 0.50 do red & white, 0.50 Coltsfoot, tº tº dº ſº tº e dº º ºs º ºr 0 40 Comfre 3 * * * * * * * * * e ee 0 30 Coriander seed, ..... 0 25 oral, • . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 Per lb. Botanical Names. Prinos verticillatus, . . . . . . . Angelica atropurpurea, ---- O e a º º Zanthoxylum fraxinifolium, Geum rivale, . . . . . . . . . . . . . Populus balsamifera, ...... Melissa officinalis, . . . . . . . . Dracocephalum canariensis, Gnaphaleum polycephalum, Ocymum basilicum, . . . . . . . Myrica cerifera, .......... • Properties. er. Ton. Car. Acr. Car. Sto. Sti. Aro. Ast. Sto. Ast. Eme. Uvularia perfoliata, ........ Her. Dem. Trilium purpureum, . . . . . . . Apocynum canabinum, .... Solanum dulcamara, . . . . . . . Rubus occidentalis, . . . . . . . Sanguinaria canadensis, .... Eupatorium perfoliatum, ... Borago officinalis, ... . . . . . . Cornus florida, ... . . . . . . . . Menyanthes trifoliata... ... Rhamus catharticus, ... . . . . Lycopus virginicus, ... . . . . Ast. Ton. Ton. Diu. Her. Deo. Ast. Ton. Deo. Acr. Sud. Tom. Sto. Dia, Tom. Ast. Ton, Deo. Cath. Ver. Deo. Ton. Arctium lappa,...... ..... Her. A-scor. d & ſº & & O O do do ū gº se e º 'º e º º 'º - Liatris spicata, w e º e e º 'º e º e dº º Epiphegus virginiana, . . . . . Prenanthes serpentaria, . . . . Carum carui, ... ----------- Lobelia syphilitica, . . . . . . . Centaurea benedicta, . . . . . . Nepeta cataria, ------ tº tº e º gº º Impatiens nolitangere, ..... Anthemis arvensis, . . . . . . . . Prunus virginiana, ........ Uraspermum claytoni, .... • Conium maculatum, ... . . . Solvia sclara, . . . . . . . . . . . . . Galium aparine, .......... • Macrotrys racemosa, . . . . . . Actea ruba and alba,. . . . . . . Tussilago farfara, ----.... . Symphitum officinalis, ..... Coriandrum sativum, ...... Corallorhiza odontorhiza, ſº tº Car. Ton. Diu. Bal. Ast. Ton. Ast. Ton. Car. Aro. Her. Deo. Dia. Diu. Sto. Car. A-bil. Sto. Ton, Sto. Ast. Ton. Car. Aro. Nar. Deo. Sto. Diu. Diu. Sud. Leo. Nar. Deo. Nar. Pec. Dem. Dem. Bal. Car. Sto. Bal. Sto. 3 Common Names. Per lb. Cow parsnip, ... ..... 0.50 do seed.... 0.50 Cranesbill, e tº º ºs º º ºs e º ſº 0. 50 Culver's root, ........ 1 00 Dandelion root....... 030 Dock, yellow, root, ... 030 Elder flowers, ...... . Elder, dwarf, ........ 0.50 Elecampane, ........ 0.25 Elm, slippery, ....... 030 do do flour, ... 0.50 do do sup. fir, 0 75 Fennel seed, ........ 0.50 Fever bush, ......... 0.50 Feverfew, ...... tº e º 'º 0 50 Fever-root, .......... 0 50 Fern, sweet, ........ 0.25 leabane, ...-------. 0.25 Flower de luce, ...... 0.50 Foxglove, ........... 0.40 Frostwort, .......... 0.40 Garget or poke,...... 0.25 Golden seal, ........ 1 50 Gold thread, ......... 1 00 Gravel plant, ........ 0.50 Hardhack leaves, .... 0 35 Hellebore, white, .... 0 75 Hemlock bark, ....... 0.25 Henbane, black, ..... 0 75 Holly hock flowers, ... 0 ; Op, * * * * * s e º us tº º ºs º e º 'º Horehound, ......... 0.40 Horseradish leaves, ... 0.25 Hyssop, ...... ------- 0 40 Indian hemp, black, ... 0 75 Indigo, wild, © tº e º ºs º gº tº 50 Ivy, ground, . . . . . . . . . 0 50 John's wort, ... . . . . . . Labrador tea, ........ 0.40 Ladies Slipper, ...... 0.75 Larkspur seed,....... 1 50 Life-everlasting, ..... 0.40 life-root, ............ 0 Lily, white, root, .... 0.50 Liverwort, ... ....... 100 Lobelia,...... He e º 'º - º & 0. 50 do seed, -------- 1 50 Lovage seed, ........ 0.50 Maidenhair, ......... 0 35 Malefern root, ....... 0.50 Mallow, marsh, .... . . 0 40 do low, ------ tº , 0 30 Mandrake root, ...... 0 60 Marigold flowers, .... 0.50 Botanical Names. Properties. Heracleum lanatum, ...... • Car. Diu. do do . . . . . . . Car. Aro. Geranium maculatum, . ... Ast. Ton. Leptandria virginica, ..... Cath. Deo. Leontodon taraxacum, ..... Deo. Diu. Rumex crispus, ............ Deo. Her. Sambucus canadensis, ..... Sud. Her. Aralia hispida, . . . . . . . . . . . . Diu. Dem. Inula helenium, ... . . . . . . . . Ast. Sto. Ulmus fulva, .............. Dem. Ton. do do £ & & & tº as a ºn is as º 'º º ſº tº gº tº e. do do tº e º ſº e º ſº º º ſº º e º º { { & 5 Amethum foeniculum,...... Car. Sto. Laurus benzoin, .......... • Aro. Sti. Chrysanthemum parthenium, Ner. Sto. Triosteum perfoliatum, ..... Cath. Ton. Comptonia asplenifolia, .... Sto. Ast. Erigeron canadense, . . . . . . . Ast. Diu. Iris Sambucini, ....... .... Diu. Deo. Digitalis purpurea, ... . . . . . Nar. Diu. Cistus canadensis, ......... Ast. Ton. Phytolacca decandria, ..... Cath. Acr. Hydrastis canadensis, ...... A-bil. Sto. Coptis trifolia, * † & © e º e º e º 'º º tº Sto. Ton. Epigea repens, . . . . . . . . . Diu. Dem. Spiraea tomentosa, . . . . . . . . . Ast. Ton. Weratrum viride, . . . . . . . . . . Nar. Acr. Pinus canadensis, ......... Ast. Ton. Hyoscyamus niger, ........ Nar. Ner. Althea rosea, . . . . . . . . . st. Dem. Humulus lupulus, ......... Ano. Ton. Marrubium vulgare, ....... Sto. Pec. Cochlearia armoracia, ..... Acr. Sti. Hyssopus officinalis, ....... Dia. Sto. Apocynum androsaemifolium, Diu. Wer. Baptisia tinctoria, © tº º º ſº tº ſe e - • A-sep. Ton, Glechoma hederacea, ...... Dem. Sto. Hypericum perforatum, .... Ast. Bal. Ledum latifolium, .... .... Diu. Bal. Cypripedium flavum, ...... Ner. Ano. Delphinium consolidum, ... Nar. Acr. Gnaphaleum polycephalum, Sto. Sud. Senecio aureus, .... ........ Aro. Sto. Nymphae odorata,.......... Ast. Ton. Hepatica triloba, .......... • Pec. Deo. Lobelia inflata, ............. Eme. Nar. $& O O tº e º º e º e º 'º e º 'º & Ligusticum levisticum, ..... Car. Sto. Adianthum pedatum, ....... Pec. Sto. Asplenium rhizophyllum, ... Ast. Wer. Althaea officinalis, .......... Dem. Ast. Malva rotundifolia, ......... Dem. Pec. Podophyllum peltatum, ..... Cath. Nar. Calendmla officinalis, ... . . . . Sto. Aro. Common Names. Per lb. Marjoram, sweet, .... 0 75 Mayweed, . . . . . . . . . 0.25 Milkweed, ......... • 0 50 Motherwort, ... . . . . . . 0.25 Mountain Mint, ... . . . 0 40 Mugwort, ... . . . . . . . . 0.50 Mullein, e e s e e s = e s = * * 0 25 Nightshade, deadly, , , 0.75 §§ of Jerusalem, ... 0.50 Oak, white, bark, ... • 0 25 Oswego tea, . . . . . . . . . 0.50 Ozier, green, ... . . . . . 0.40 Pappoose root, ... . . . 0.50 Parsley, leaves,...... 0.50 do root, . e e s tº a 6 0 50 Pennyroyal, ... . . . . . . 0 30 Peony root, ........ • 0 to Peppermint, . . . . . . . . . Pilewort, ... . . . . . . . . . 0.25 Pleurisy root, ... . ... • 0 75 Poplar bark, . . . . . . . . . 0.25 Poppy flowers, ... . . . 1 90 do capsules, . . . . . 0 30 Princes pine, ... . . . . . 0.40 Queen meadow, ..... 0.50 Raspberry leaves, .... 0.25 Rose, red,. . . . . . . . . . . 1 25 do damask, ... . . . . 1 25 Rue, . . . . . . . . . ------- 0 50 Saffron, ... -- - - - -... . . 209 Sanicle, root, white, . 0 50 Sa ë, * sº e º e º e º 'º e ºs e = & 0 50 Sarsaparilla,...... --- 0.25 Sassafras bark, ....... 0.50 Savin, a tº dº is is s tº e º we e º 'º º () 35 Savory, summer, ..., 0.40 Scabious, sweet,..... 0.25 Scabish, ....... . . . . 0.25 Scrofula plant, ... . . . . 0.50 Scullcap, . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 75 Scurvy-grass, ....... • 0.25 Senna, American, .... 0 35 Skunk cabbage root, - 0 40 Snakehead, .......... 030 Snakeroot, Canada, ... 0.50 Southernwood, ...... 0.50 Solomons's seal, . . . . . 0.50 Spikenard, tº es e º e o ſº is a º 0 40 Spearmint, ... ... . . . 0.25 Squaw root, ... . . . . . 0.50 do weed, . . . . . . . . Star-flower, ... . . . . . . Stone-root, tº us e º 'º º tº º lº & Sweet flag, . . . . . . . . . . : # 4 Botanical Names, Origanum majorana, ... . . . . Sto. Aro. Anthemis cotula, . . . . . . . . . . Dia. Sto. Asclepias syriaca, .......... Diu. Ano. Leonorus cardiaca, . a dº e º e s e e Ner. Sto, Origanum vulgare, . . . . . . . . . Sto. Aro. Artemisia vulgaris, ... . . . . . . A-bil. Ner. Verbascum thapsus, . . . . . . . . Dem, Ast. Atropa belladona, ... . . . . . . . Nar. Ano. Chenopodium botrys, . . . . . . Wer. Sto. Qucreus alba, . . . . . . . . . . ... • Ast. Ton. Monarda didyma, .......... Sto. Aro. Cornus alternifolia, . . . . . . . . Her. Diu. Caulyphyllum thalictroides, Deo. Nar. Apium petroselinum, ... . . . . Iłem. Diu. do do é & Properties, é & tº e s º e º & Hedeoma pulegoides, ... . . . Sto. Aro. Paeonia officinalis, ... . . . . . . Ner. Wer. Mentha piperita, ........... Sto. Sti. Amaranthus hypochondriasis, Ast. Her. Asclepias tuberosa, ........ Sud. Ano. Populus tremuloides, . . . . . . Ast. Aro. Papaver somniferum, ... . . . Nar. Ano. do do . . . . . . “ “ Chimaphilla umbellata, ..... Diu. Sti. Eupatorium purpureum, .... Diu. Ano. Rubus strigosus, ... . . . . . . . . Ast. Ton, Rosa gallica, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ “ Rosa damascena, .... ..... ‘‘, ‘‘ Ruta graveolens, ... . . . . . . . Diu. Sto. Carthamus tinctorius, ...... Sto. Aro. Eupatorium ageratoides, .... Deo. Sto. Salvin officinalis, • . . . . . . . . . Sto. Bal. Aralia nudicaulis, ... . . . . . . . Dem. Deo. Laurus Sassafras, .......... Sto. Aro. Juniperus communis, . . . . . . Acr. Diu. Satureja hortensis, ... . . . . ... Sto. Aro. Erigeron heterophyllum, ... Diu. Ast. CEnothera biennis. . . . . . . . . Dem. Sto. Scrophularia marilandica, ... Deo. Ton. Scutellaria lateriflora, ...... Ton. Sud. Cochlearia officinalis, ......A-scor. Sti. Cassia marilandica, . . . . . . . . Cath, Deo. Ictoues foetida, ............ Ner. Acr. Chelome glabra, e e s m e º 'º ºn tº a tº A-bil. Ton. Asarum canadense, . . . . . . . . Aro. Ner. Artemisia abrotanum, ...... Ton. Ner. Convallaria multiflora, ..... Dem. Bal Aralia racemosa, .......... Bal. Sto Mentha viridis, ............ Aro. Sti. Macrotys racemosa, ........ Deo. Nar. Senecio obovatus, ... . . . . . . Her. Acr. Aster nova-angliae, ........ Sto. Ner. Collinsonia canadensis, .... Diu. Sto. Acorus calamus, . . . . . . . . . . Aro. Sto. 5 Common Names. Per lb. Sweet gale, ... . . . . . . 0.50 Tanzy, double, ...... 0 25 Thimble weed, ...... 0 40 Thorn apple leaves, ... 0.40 do do seeds, ... 0.40 Thyme, ... . . . . . . . . . . 0. 50 do English, ..... 0.50 Valerian, ........ . . . . 0.75 Vervain, ............ 0.25 Violet canker, ... . . . 0 50 Virgins bower, ... . . . 0 40 Water Pepper, ....... 0 25 Whitewood bark, .... 030 Wild turnip, ......... 1 00 Willow rose, bark, ... 0 35 Wintergreen, ....... 0 40 Witch hazle, ........ 0 30 Wormwood, ......... 0 40 Yarrow, ... . . . . . . . . . . 0 25 Botanical Names. Myrica gale, e - e º ºs e º e º ſº tº e º ºn Tanacetum crispum, ....... Rudbeckia lacinata, ........ Datura stramonium, ........ do do e tº ſº e º ſº º ºn Thymus serpyllus, ........ Thymus vulgaris, ... . . . . . . Valeriana officinalis, * º ºs º º, º º Verbena hastata, ........... Viola rostrata, . . . . tº ſº tº C tº gº º ſº tº Clematis virginiana, ...... . #. punctatum, ... • Liriodendron, tulipifera, .... Arum triphyllum, ..... . . . . Cornus sericea, . . . . . . . . . . . . Gaultheria procumbens, .... Hamemilis virginica, ...... Artemisia absynthium, ... . Properties. Ast. Aro. Wer, Sto. Diu. Tom. Nar. Acr. & & {{ Sto. Aro. & 4 & & Ner. Sto. Sud. Ton. Dem. Ton. Sti. Ner. Sti. Acr. Sto. Aro. Acr. Nar. Ast. Ton. Diu. Sto. Ast. Her. Sto. A-bil. Achillea millefolium,....... Ast. Sto. ...And various other kinds indigenous to our country. N. B.-An extra charge of one cent a paper for half ounce, ounce, or two ounce packages. Any kinds pulverized for a fair compensation. Extracts- Boneset, . . . . . . - - - - - - $1 50 Butternut, 4 º' E L → • B e. tº e 1 00 Cicuta, . . . . . . . . . .-- . 1 00 Cowparsnip, ... . . . . . 2 00 Dandelion, .......... 1 00 Henbane, ... . . . . . . . . 2 00 Op, * * * * - - - - - - - - º, º ºs tº 2 00 Lettuce, garden, . . . . . 1 00 do wild, ... . . . . 1 00 Nightshade, deadly, .. 2 00 do garden, .. 2 00 Princess' pine, ....... 1 50 Sarsaparilla, ... . . . . . . 1 50 Thorn apple, ........ Wormwood, ......... 1 50 Inspissated Juices generally double the price of the Extracts. Extractae Eupatorium pefoliatum. Juglans cineria. Conium maculatum. Heracleum lanatum. Leontodon taraxacum. Hyoscyamus niger. Humulus lupulus. Lactuca sativa. do elongata. Atropa belladona. Solanum nigrum. Chimaphilla umbellata. Smilax Sarsa comp. Datura stramonium. Artemissia absynthium. other kinds not mentioned, made to order. Ointmentse Elder, tº º ſº ſº p & E & Gº ſº º q & $0 50 Mallow marsh, ..... 0 50 Savin, © E G tº e º 'º - © tº gº tº ſº 0 50 Thorn appie, ....... 0.50 Tºnguentae Sumbuci. Althaea. Sabinae. Stramonii. Any And any other kinds made to order, and strictly according to the Pharmacopaeia, or to the directions given. 6 VEGETABLE BILIOUS PILLS, Prepared from vegetables only, and contain no unsafe nor deleterious property whatever. They are a safe and valuable medicine in all bilious complaints, loss of #. foetid breath, piles, and costiveness. Their use as a cathartic, prevents or removes bilious fevers and in- flammations in their forming stages. As an alterative, they can be ta- ken without regard to diet or hindrance of business. Price 38 cents a boa, or $3 a dozen. CEPHALIC PILLS, For periodical and nervous head; chronic lameness and nervous de- ility. These pills are prepared from vegetables only, and contain no mine- ral nor narcotic substance whatever. They have been in use in our society for more than thirty years, and are confidently recommended as a safe and efficacious remedy in the above complaints. Price 50 cents a box, or $4 a dozen. DIGESTIVE PILLS, For indigestion or dyspepsia, sourness %; stomach, loss of appetite and liver complaints. These pills are made of the extracts of our indigenous plants, and have proved very useful in º above complaints, even after the ailure of various approved remedies. N. B. A formulae for making the pills, with each box. Price 50 cents a box, or $4 a dozen. TARAXACUM BLUE PILLS, Have nearly double the effect upon the liver and its secretions as he common blue pill. Price 25 cents the oz. COMPOUND VEGETABLE COUGH BALSAM, Prepared from Lycopus wºº. Populus Balsomi- era, Órc. This medicine is found by experience to be a safe and excellent re- medy for pain in the breast, coughs, and faintness of the stomach, at- tended with debility and partial sweats. Price 50 cents a bottle, or $4.50 a dozen. CONCENTRATED SYRUP OF LIVERWORT, Prepared from Sanguinaria, Lycopus, Pothos and Hepatica. A new, safe and valuable medicine for cough, spitting of blood and consumption. Price $1 a bottle, or $9 a dozen. VEGETABLE COUGH DROPS, A safe and approved remedy for pulmonary complaints, asthma, and for the prevention of consumption. Price 75 cents a bottle, or $6 a dozen. COMPOUND CONCENTRATED SYRUP OF SARSAPARILLA, Of twice the medicinal strength of the common syrup of the shops. Price $1 a bottle, or $9 a dozen. 7 ! COMPOUND SYRUP OF BLACK COHOSH. (ACTEA RACEMOSA.) The black cohosh is one of the most powerful deobstruents and al- teratives in the vegetable kingdom; and as such has proved an effec- tual remedy in rheumatism, gout, chronic lameness; and in scrofu- lous, glandular and eruptive diseases. Price $1 a bottle, or $9 a dozen. ALTERATIVE SYRUP FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. Prepared from the most efficient vegetable remedies of our country. Price $1 a bottle, $9 the dozen. TOOTH WASH AND COSMETIC, A superior article for cleansing and preserving the teeth and gums, and removing diseases of the skin. Price 50 cents a bottle, or $4 the dozen. CEPHALIC SNUFF, A powerful remedy for pain and dizziness in the head, palsy, &c, Price 12; cents a phiul, or $1 a doz. DOUBLE DISTILLED AND FRAGRANT WATERS. Per gallon. Rose, ...-------------- e - © e g º e º g ºn l 25 Peac 3. © tº e º e º gº tº º gº tº e º º ſº e º tº tº º se º us tº tº 0 75 Cherry, tº e a tº e º so tº e º e º e º a º º O & © tº e º 'º º º & 0 75 Sassafras, e & de up tº a tº e º 'º e º e e º e e º e º e º e º & 0 75 Peppermint, ---- - - - - ------------- 0.50 Spearmint, ----------------------- 0:50 Elder flower, e e º 'º º e º 'º sº e º 'º e º tº e º e º ſº tº 0. 50 And various other kinds. LAURUS EYE WATER. Price 25 cents a bottle, or $2 a dozen. Notic E To PHYSICLANs.-The foregoing compounds are recommend- ed with confidence, as being selected from the best remedial agents that our knowledge of medical science can produce. The names of the active or leading articles of which they are composed accompany the medicines, and also plain directions for using, so that every person who understands the materia medica, can judge of their fitness for ful- filling the indications intended. The attention of medical men is also particularly invited to the ſol- lowing simples: BUGLE.-Lycopus Virginicus. In spitting of blood and similar diseases, it is, perhaps, the best re- medy known. It is a sedative and tonic, aud appears to equalize the circulation of the blood. It is an active ingredient in the comp. syp. of Liverwort, and in cough and diseases of the lungs, should be taken along with that medicine, in cold infusion. The strength of an ounce of the bugle may be taken in one pint of infusion daily. 8 BUTTON SNAKE-ROOT.—Liatris Spicata. A powerful diuretic, well adapted to cases of stranguary, in cases of partial paralysis of the secreting vessels. Dose, 1 gilſ of the decoction made by boiling 1 oz. of the bruised root in ipint of water, 15 mi- nutes. Saturated tincture, dose half an ounce. GOLDEN SEAL.—Hydrastis Canadensis. Tonic and gently laxative. Promotes the biliary secretions and re- moves jaundice. Dose of the powder, 10 to 20 grains, three times a day. For dyspepsia combine ginger one quarter, and take as above, GRAVEL PLANT.—Epigea Repens. Diuretic. Infuse an ounce in 1 quart of boiling water. Drink free- ly. Has often cured where the catheter had to be habitually used, INDIAN HEMP.—Apocynum and Rosaemifolium. Diuretic, tonic and vermiſuge. Is a powerful remedy in dropsy. Dose, 1 ounce of the infusion every four hours, or as often as the sto- mach will bear without nausea. A vinous tincture is also proper, where there is attendant debility. The extract is excellent in dyspep- sia. Dose, 5 grains three times a day. PLEURISY ROOT.—Asclepias Tuberosa. . In all inflammations of the chest this is an invaluable medicine. It is sudorific, anodyne and expectorant. Dose of the powder, 10 to 15 grains. Decoction, 1 oz. Combined with a tea of Skunk Cabbage, it is given in pleurisy with great relief. SWEET GALE.—Myrica Gale. Schirrous tumours have been removed by the use of this medicine. The strength of an ounce of it should be taken daily as a tea, and the patient rigidly confined to a diet of water biscuit or crackers. No other food or drink is allowed for 40 or 50 days. A compress of silk, or a mild discutient plaster is to be worn on the tumour. The Myrica seems to promote absorption and keep up the strength. THIMBLE WEED.—Rudbeckia Lacinata. In wasting diseases of the kidneys, this plant has proved an excel- lent medicine. It is diuretic and balsamic. Its properties were first learned by noticing its effects on a sheep that had lost the use of its hind legs. This animal daily dragged itself to this plant, and eat of it, when to the astonishment of all who noticed its situation, it recovered. By shepherds and herdsmen it has since been used with happy effects in stranguary and similar diseases. It is given in decoction, without much nicely as to dose. There are many other kinds worthy the trial of physicians, such as Bellwort, for curing the poison of rhus, and removing apthous sore throat; Cohosh, for rheumatism; Flea Bane, essential oil in harmorr- hage; Ladies' Slipper and Skunk Cabbage, as anti-spasmodics; Snake- head, in jaundice, &c. &c. For a full description of the properties of these and many other active medicinal plants indigenous to our coun- try, see Rafinesque's Medical Flora, Bigelow's and Barton's Medical Botanies, American Dispensatories, &c. &c. where it will be found that the use of many of our foreign drugs may be advantageously su- perseded by our own native remedies, Bora NICAL PRACTITIONERs are hereby informed, that the various simples and compounds introduced by BEACH, HowARD, THoMPson, SMITH, and others, are prepared with fidelity and care, and sold on terms cor- responding with prices in the general catalogue. Agents in New-York. A. B. & D. SANDS, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, *Wºo. 100 Fulton, coºzzer W*illiºn- $ff?”eeſ. and at the South and West, who do not send their orders directly to the United Society, will find it for their interest to call on the above agents, who keep a large supply of the within articles constantly On hand, for sale at the Society's prices. § 33 # £8 33 Dealers in Medicine, in the city and Country, ; § 33 # # # 33 ſº ################### #