Why We Cannot Conquer the Filipinos. THI From The New York Evening harbo not conquer the Filipinos because 'HE problem of Philippine conquest is people because they will be better off for be- not a military one. This country ing ridden"; cannot, with McKinley leading doubtedly has the physical force us, do what he said would be an act of “crimi- make the islands a desolation and call it peace. nas aggression”; cannot welcome and applaud We can harry their coasts. We can ravage Deyey while going in the teeth of his saying, their fields. We can drive their fleeing in- "Bisher than make a war of conquest of this habitants to mountain fastnesses and dash people, would up anchor and sail out of the their little ones against a stone. If it is a mere question of brute strength - of money We ces and men and ships and guns - we can employ we cannot kise any of our historic battle-cries it without limit. We can kill and burn and in the fight against them; cannot allow our destroy like avengers of God. No one doubts soldiers to gieone countersign of liberty, that. Mr. McKinley, in boasting of the new while pursuing that cannot arm our officers forces he has got together for bending the and men with the triple armor of a just cause; Filipinos to his will, is only glorying as a full- cannot nerve our troops with a hatred of the grown man might in his ability to break every enemy nearly as intensely their hatred of the bone in the body of the street waif. The dis- cruel and repellant work are set to do; parity is too glaring. If we exert our giant's cannot look upon a victory soept with shame strength to crush the Filipinos, we can un- that it is won over a foemat so Anworthy of doubtedly do it. But what we assert is that our steel; cannot ask a beaten army to surren- it is not a question of mere force majeure. der and trust to our good faith, leo tube taunt There are moral obstacles in our path more be thrown in our face, as it was in President terrible than an army with banners. If we Schurman's by a Filipino envoy, that American wage a war of extermination against the Fili- good faith is not a thing to be considered pinos, they will have invisible allies mightier seriously. than all the battalions that tread the earth, so We cannot conquer the Filipinos because the that they that be with them are more than they country and Congress will not give the President that be with us, and we can never conquer the money necessary to pursue his ruthless them. work; because an outraged public sentiment We cannot conquer the Filipinos because will demand that he quit doing what we went we cannot, as a nation, place ourselves in a to war with Spain to stop her doing; because pillory to become the hissing of mankind; burdened taxpayers will protest against being cannot justify the bitter taunt of the Spaniard made to pay for shot and shell to do the work that our pretended unselfishness and humanity which wise statesmanship should be able to do were but thinly veiled greed and cruelty; can- without the firing of a gun; because we are too not give fresh edge to the sneers of Germans great a nation to trample on the weak, too free at our vaunted purpose to set a captive race a people to permit chains to be riveted on free, and to the cynicism of Frenchmen at the another race by our agents and in our name, expense of our mission of justice and liberty ; and too jealous a republican commonwealth cannot make our best friends in England hang to see our blood and treasure poured out in their heads in shame; cannot put it in the distant lands for the benefit of a favored power of the civilized world to say that our few. generous professions were a hollow mockery And if, in spite of all, the war of conquest and our plighted faith no better than a harlot's and extermination is pushed to its bloody end; vow. if the last Filipino town goes up in smoke and We cannot conquer the Filipinos because flame; if the last armed native is brought to we cannot march over the dead bodies of our bay in swamp or pass, and falls under our vol- national leaders and prophets and heroes; can- leys; it is not the Filipinos who will be con- not look into the grave and troubled face of quered; they, even as they die before the piti- Washington bidding us remember that “the less hail of our bullets, may well exclaim: basis of our political system” is the right of a “ Americans, you have not conquered us, you people to make its own government, and urg- have conquered yourselves; in our ruin you ing us to exhibit to the world the “too novel have pulled down the pillars of your own example of a people always guided by an temple of liberty ; in beating us down you have exalted justice and benevolence”; cannot, in trampled upon your own history and prin- Lincoln's presence, “ask a just God's assist- ciples; in destroying our republic you have ance" in the effort to "bestride the necks of a destroyed your own.' WILL FIGHT TO THE DEATH. MONTREAL, Aug. 29. - Dr. Mariano Ponce, private secretary to Emilio Aguinaldo, is here en route from London to Manila. In an interview he said: “My country fights and will fight for her independence, because she is fully convinced that it is a duty imposed by Providence. The ambition of a powerful nation is not enough to make her renounce her destiny. She is ready to make every sacrifice for the defence of the freedom #cof the land. The last word in the question has been said by my nation. The Philippines will become an American possession only when there are no more Filipinos." Are you in favor of this bloodshed and extermination? If not, please read carefully and circulate this statement. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Oy D 679 3 9015 09573 0613 W49 1854 Univ of Mion. Library