connecticut ºstic ) №. º º ( º CHO || C E RECIPES F. R O M THE WOMEN'S AID SOCIETY OF THE UNION BAPTIST CHURCH MYSTIC, CONNECTICUT 92.2 These Recipes have been used and are now contributed by the members of the Women's Aid Society whose names are subscribed. THE CHURCH PRESS NOANK, CONNECTICUT 1922 TABLE OF CONTENTS Soups—11 Recipes Fish Dishes—9 Recipes Meat Dishes—9 Recipes Breads–21 Recipes Entrees—17 Recipes Pies—11 Recipes Desserts—26 Recipes Cakes and Frostings–42 Recipes Cookies–14 Recipes Salad Dressings—6 Recipes . Preserves—9 Recipes Pickles—11 Recipes Candies—13 Recipes Beverages–5 Recipes . Miscellaneous–5 Recipes . - - PAGE 15–20 21–24 25–27 28–34 85–46 47–50 51–52 53–55 56–58 59–61 62–63 64–65 S O U P S --- CREAM TOMATO 1 can tomatoes 1 onion 1 stalk celery Salt, pepper and sugar Add 2 quarts water, and boil slowly till quite thick. Take from fire and strain through sieve, pressing out all the liquid; put back on stove and heat, then add a little soda stirring in well. Add 1 quart made cream (a thin white sauce). Do not let it boil when reheating. Serve with a tablespoon whipped cream for each cover. Peas and carrots may be used in place of tomato. MRS. G. D. STANTON CELERY 2 cups celery 1 quart cold water 2 slices onion 4 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons flour 2 cups milk 1 teaspoons salt 1 blade mace Cayenne, celery salt Chop celery, and cook in water till tender. Cook onion and mace in milk 20 minutes ; strain. Melt butter, add flour and seasonings. Combine celery and milk mixtures. Thicken with butter and flour cooked together, and cook all 5 minutes. MRS. R. P. WILBUR RICE PUREE 1 quart milk 1 cup cooked rice * tablespoon cornstarch 1 tablespoon butter Salt and pepper Heat milk, add rice slowly, rubbing out lumps, salt, pepper, and cornstarch dissolved in a little cold milk. When well heated, rub through a strainer, return to kettle and reheat. MRS. LEON DICKENSON VEGETABLE SOUP WITHOUT MEAT 2 tablespoons each of chopped carrots, parsnip, turnip, celery, onion, rice, or other preferred vegetables. Melt 2 tablespoons butter (or, if you have it, same amount of fat rendered from nice suet). Put in the vegetables and cook carefully without browning for 15 minutes, stirring often. Then add 3 pints of water. Cook till all are tender, Salt to taste. MRS. J. A. RATHBUN ENGLISH 3 carrots 1 or 2 slices bacon, canned 3 potatoes tomatoes, salt, pepper 1 onion 1 tablespoon flour Chop carrots and potatoes, boil in salted water till tender, -and-drain. Fry bacon and sliced onion together, add to vegetables with a can or less of tomatoes, the salt and pepper. Thicken with the flour stirred with a very little water. Boil a little longer. MRS. D. B. DENNISON POTATO Scald 1 quart milk with 2 slices of onion. Cook 4 medium sized potatoes, put them through the ricer and add to milk with salt, a tiny bit of red pepper, celery salt or celery stalks. Thicken with a teaspoon flour rubbed smooth with soft butter size of an egg. Cook up once, strain, and serve with chopped parsley and hot crackers. CLARA. H. CHACE CLAM CHOWDER 2 quarts round clams 2 quarts onions 6 quarts potatoes 14 pounds fat salt pork Grind pork, and put in kettle to try out. Grind clams, and strain liquor. Peel and slice or dice potatoes. Cook till nearly done then add clams and liquor, salt and pepper to to taste. Thicken with a little flour and lastly, add 1 pint of hot milk. MRS. R. H. WILCOx TOMATO (CANNED) * bushel tomatoes 14 bay leaves 14 stalks celery 1 pound sugar 14 sprigs parsley 7 tablespoons salt 21 cloves 7 saltspoons pepper Cook thoroughly , take out about 4 cups of mixture and allow to cool. Fry 7 medium sized onions sliced in pound butter till soft but not brown ; add to first mixture. Let cook for a few moments. Stir 3 cups of flour into the cooled liquid and add to the boiling mixture. Boil till well thicken- ed. Take from fire and run through sieve. Re-heat to boiling point, fill jars and seal. Makes 12 pints, or 19 half- pints. MRS. SEYMoUR A. Stoddard BEAN CHOWDER 2 cups dried beans 2 green peppers 1 Spanish onion + pound bacon 1 can tomatoes Soak beans over night, parboil with pinch of soda and throw off the water. Boil beans, onion and bacon cut in small pieces, slowly, about an hour. Add peppers and tomatoes, and boil 2 hours. Season to taste. MRS. HIRAM BURNET CORN CHOWDER 12 ears sweet corn Several slices salt pork 2 onions 6 potatoes Peel and chop onions, put into kettle with the pork and fry without browning ; add about 2 quarts water and the sliced raw potatoes (parsley and tomato if desired). Cook slowly # of an hour, putting in the corn 20 minutes before time is up. Just before being done add 1 cup boiling milk. HARRIET FISH SPLIT PEA 1 cup dried yellow split peas an onion, salt, pepper 2% quarts cold water 3 tablespoons butter, 2 of flour 1 pint milk 2 or 3 inch cube fat salt pork Soak peas over night. Drain. Put on to cook with the cold water, pork and onion. Cook gently till very soft (3 or 4 hours). Rub through a sieve and return to kettle. Cook butter and flour together till smooth, diluting with the milk heated ; use more milk or water if necessary, add seasoning and stir into the peas. A few spoonfuls of Campbell's Tomato Soup without diluting makes it very delicious. CARRIE. A. SILVIA FIS H D IS HES BAKED BLUE FISH DRESSING For on E FISH :–3 slices of fat salt pork chopped very fine ; 1 pint milk with stale bread crumbs soaked in it ; 1 egg, salt and pepper. Remove the back bone of the fish. Lay flat in the pan; sprinkle with salt and pepper, and place in a very hot oven for 10 minutes. Then pour over it the dressing, and bake till done. MRS. CoATES SALMON CROQUETTES Drain all the juice from a can of salmon, take out the fish and pick it apart, removing all skin, bone, or fat. Add 2 tablespoons lemon juice and let stand 15 minutes. Rub 1 tablespoon butter with 2 heaping ones of flour, add 1 cup scalded milk, and cook till it thickens, stirring constantly. Take from fire, add salmon, 1 tablespoon chopped parsley, if liked, salt, and a little cayenne pepper to taste. The mixture should be stirred carefully, that it may not become too soft and stringy. When cool shape into croquettes or cutlets, cover with egg and crumbs. Fry in hot lard. MRS. R. D. BRADLEY OYSTERS AND MACARONI A cup broken macaroni 1 pint oysters 1 teaspoon salt 1% tablespoons butter, same of 1 saltspoon white pepper flour Cook macaroni in salted water till tender. Drain. In a saucepan melt the butter, add the flour and rub smooth while cooking ; do not brown, add salt and pepper. Put a layer of macaroni in baking dish, then a layer of oysters, then white sauce. Repeat. Cover top with buttered crumbs. Bake in a quick oven, only long enough to plump the oysters. NELLIE BEEBE CLAM FRITTERS 25 clams, 3 pint clam liquor, 1 heaping pint flour, 2 beaten eggs, soda size of a pea dissolved in water. Add the chopped clams to a batter made of the other ingredients. Fry in smoking hot lard. MRS. MARY WOLFE LOBSTER NEWBURG Take out the meat from 2 cooked lobsters and cut in delicate slices ; put 4 tablespoons butter in the blazer of a chaſing dish and when it melts put in lobster and cook 4 or 5 minutes : add teaspoon salt, # of pepper, nutmeg, 2 tablespoons sherry wine; stir 1 cup cream into beaten yolks of 4 eggs and add to the lobster mixture. Serve as soon as the eggs thicken the sauce. MRS. S. C. HALEY SCALLOPED OYSTERS 1 pint oysters # cup bread crumbs 4 tablespoons oyster liquor cup cracker crumbs 2 tablespoons milk or cream, cup melted butter salt and pepper Brown crumbs slightly and mix with butter. Sprinkle a thin layer of crumbs in shallow baking dish buttered. Cover with oysters, sprinkle with salt and pepper ; add half of oyster liquor and half of milk; repeat, and cover top with rest of crumbs. Bake about 30 minutes. MRS. CHARLES R. HEATH DEVILLED CRABS 12 hard shelled crabs 1 small teaspoon mustard + pound butter Pepper and salt Cook crabs ; pick meat from shells, and mix with equal quantity of bread crumbs. Work butter to a light cream, mix with mustard, pepper and salt, stir carefully into crabs and crumbs ; wash shells, fill with mixture, cover with buttered crumbs, brown quickly in hot oven. NELLIE BEEBE 10 STEAMED SALMON PUDDING 1 can salmon 3 eggs 4 tablespoons melted butter cup fine stale bread crumbs Salt and pepper Drain the liquor from salmon and set aside. Take out all bones, chop salmon fine and rub to a paste with the butter. Beat eggs very light, stir in the crumbs, salt, and pepper, and mix well with the fish paste. Turn into a buttered mold and steam 1 hour. SAUCE Into 1 cup hot milk in double boiler, stir 1 tablespoon corn- starch dissolved in 1 of cold water ; add the salmon liquor, 1 teaspoon lemon juice, 1 tablespoon melted butter, salt and pepper to taste. Pour over pudding, and serve as a fish CO tºrse. MRS. LEON DICKENSON HALIBUT BAKED IN TOMATO SAUCE Lay the portions of fish in boiling water for a moment to remove the skin, then remove the bones. Rub well with salt and pepper ; make a sufficient quantity of tomato sauce, or use a can of Campbell's tomato soup without diluting. Lay the fish in a baking pan ; cover with of the sauce, and bake an half hour if the slices are an inch thick. Cover the pan. When done, pour the remaining sauce over the fish. MRS. CoATES M E A T D IS HES ----- VEAL LOAF 3 pounds veal and pound salt pork chopped together. 3 crackers rolled fine, or 1% cups bread crumbs, 3 eggs, 1 tea- spoon pepper, 1 teaspoon salt, a very little sage, the same of mace. Cover with crumbs, and while baking baste with a tablespoon of butter dissolved in hot water. Bake in moderate oven 3 hours. MRS. R. P. WILBUR CHICKEN LOAF Make a lemon jelly, after the recipe on Knox Gelatine box cover. Cook 1 chicken weighing about 4% pounds in as little water as possible. When done cut into dice pieces. Add 1 can of strained French peas and meats from 1 pound of walnuts cut fine ; 1 cup of celery cut fine. Put this into sherbert glasses and pour the jelly over. Chill, serve on lettuce leaves with mayonnaise dressing. Garnish with olives. Will serve about 24. Mrs. IRA. C. Hoxie, JELLIED CHICKEN 1 fowl 1 lemon 2 or 3 hard boiled eggs A box gelatine Pepper, salt and mace Boil fowl till meat slips from bones; boil down the broth to about 1 quart ; strain, and when cold take off the fat. Dissolve gelatine in a little cold water. Bring the broth to a boil; add seasonings and gelatine ; cut the breast meat in long strips, the rest in small pieces. Lay in a mold the breast meat, then a layer of egg sliced, and very thin slices of lemon, putting them close against the mold. Nearly fill with rest of the meat laid in lightly, strain in the broth till mold is nearly full. Set in cold place to harden ; dip mold in hot water an instant before turning out. MRS. HIRAM BURNET 12 BEEF LOAF 1 pound ground beef # teaspoon pepper 2 tablespoons melted butter 2 teaspoons salt 1 cup dry bread crumbs 1 beaten egg When these are well blended, add milk slowly. Work in as much as the loaf will absorb without showing a surplus. MRS. CoATES MEAT SOUFFLES 2 cups chopped meat 1 tablespoon chopped parsley 1 cup milk 3 eggs 1 cup cream 2 tablespoons flour 2 tablespoons butter Seasonings to taste Use veal, lamb, chicken, or turkey, for the meat. Melt butter, add flour and stir till smooth. Add cream and milk and stir till it thickens. Add meat, thoroughly heated, then the beaten yolks of eggs. Take from fire and cool. When ready to use beat whites of eggs, add to meat. Bake 20 minutes in hot oven. MRS. L. M. ALLYN CREAMED CHICKEN One good sized fowl boiled until tender. Separate the meat into rather small pieces, but do not cut fine. Make a thick sauce of 3 tablespoons butter, 6 even tablespoons flour, 1 cup cream and 2 cups chicken stock; salt to taste. Heat thoroughly in double boiler, add chicken and cook at least 1 hour. MRS. E. C. HALL MUTTON WITH RICE Cut mutton in small squares and stew with 1 onion until tender ; season to taste. Cook 1 cup rice in the usual way. Put in baking dish in alternate layers ; turn over it 4 cup cream ; sprinkle Parmesan cheese over the top and put in a brisk oven to brown. MRS. G. D. STANTON 13 HAM HASH Spread finely chopped ham over 6 slices of hot toast butter- ed and slightly wet. Set in oven for a few minutes. Into 4 beaten eggs stir cup milk, salt and pepper. Pour into saucepan in which is a heaping tablespoon of butter melted. Stir till it thickens to a cream. Pour over ham and toast. Serve immediately. - MARY E. CoATES LUNCHEON DISH Season 1 quart of hot mashed potato with salt, pepper, butter and a little hot milk to make rather moist. Put potato in shallow buttered pudding dish, and hollow out the centre to hold a little more than a cup. Chop remnants of cold boiled ham fine, and season with a teaspoon of vinegar, a little mustard and pepper, and add a tablespoon of soft butter rubbed with a level teaspoon of flour. Brush the inside and outside of the potato with beaten egg, pour the seasoned ham into the centre and set the whole in oven to heat meat, and brown the potato. MRS. G. D. STANTon 14 B R E A D S SWEDISH BISCUITS 1 quart flour 3 teaspoons baking powder 6 tablespoons sugar teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons butter or lard 1 teaspoon nutmeg 1 cup dried currants 1 pint milk Put together flour, salt, baking powder, and half the sugar; sift all thoroughly. Rub the butter into this ; add milk, and stir into a ball. Sprinkle the board with flour, and roll until it is of an inch thick. Spread with butter, sprinkle the re- maining sugar, sift the nutmeg over sugar, spread the currants over all. Roll up and cut in slices about an inch thick. Place in well-buttered tins, bake 20 minutes in a quick oven. Currants may be omitted if not cared for. MRS. R. P. WILBUR WHITE MOUNTAIN ROLLS 2 cups milk 1 teaspoon salt cup butter 2 egg whites } cup sugar # of yeast cake 1 cup lukewarm water Scald milk, and when lukewarm add sugar, salt and yeast in the half cup of water. Add flour to make a rather soft dough. Handle as for bread and set to rise. When doubled in bulk, beat the egg whites stiff and add with butter to dough. Work with the hands till thoroughly mixed. Raise till doubled in size. Make into plain or fancy rolls. Raise until light. Bake in a quick oven. Brush over with milk, butter or white of egg. MRS. G. D. STANTON 15 CINNAMON BUNS 3 cups milk 1 yeast cake 2 cups sugar 1 cup currants A cup butter A little cinnamon Pinch of Salt Flour to mix Scald milk, when lukewarm add 1 cup sugar, salt, yeast dissolved in as little water as possible, and flour to make a stiff batter. Let rise over night. In the morning work in the butter, currants, cinnamon, the other cup of sugar, and flour enough to mix as biscuit. Roll out shape as biscuit, let rise in pan till light and bake. MRS. J. W. PHILLIPS OATMEAL BREAD 3 cups oatmeal, 1 quart boiling water, 1 small cup molasses, 2 tablespoons lard, 2 teaspoons salt, 1 yeast cake dissolved in # cup water, 2 quarts 1 pint flour. Stir oatmeal into the water with molasses and lard. Let stand till cool. Add the rest and knead well. Raise over night; make into loaves and bake 1; hours. HARRIET FISH BROWN BREAD 4 cups cornmeal 1 cup sour milk 2 cups flour 1 cup molasses 2 cups sweet milk # cup raisins, salt It is better to scald meal first with boiling water, using milk to make like cake batter. Wash raisins and roll in flour. Mix all together, beat well. Steam 4 hours. MRS. L. P. ALLYN DUMPLINGS FOR SOUP 2 eggs, as much milk in quantity as the eggs, 2 teaspoons cream of tartar, 1 of soda. Flour to make a stiff batter. Drop from spoon into boiling soup or stew. Keep tightly covered for 10 minutes. MRS. MARY WATERMAN WILCOX 16 VIRGINIA EGG BREAD 13 pints milk, 2 eggs, 2 tablespoons butter, 2 teaspoons baking powder, pinch of salt, 1 cup white meal (large and heaping). Mix the meal, baking powder and salt together, add to the milk and beaten eggs. Lastly, stir in melted butter. Bake in earthen dish # to 1 hour in a hot oven. MRS. G. D. STANTON CINNAMON COFFEE BREAD 2 cups flour 1 tablespoon sugar 4 teaspoons baking powder § cup chopped raisins 2 tablespoons shortening 1 beaten egg teaspoon salt 1 cup milk Mix dry ingredients, rub in shortening, then add egg, milk and raisins. Pour into buttered pan and sprinkle the follow- ing over the top : cup sugar, teaspoon cinnamon, 1 even tablespoon flour, well mixed ; dot with bits of butter, and bake 25 minutes in a hot oven. Serve very fresh. MRS. F. C. WHEELER RYE MUFFINS 1 cup rye meal A cup milk A cup wheat flour 1 egg # cup molasses 1 teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons baking powder Mix well, put in hot gem pans and bake quickly. MRS. ALDEN FISH RUSK 1 pint milk A cup water 1% cups sugar Butter size of egg 2 eggs A little salt 1 yeast cake A little nutmeg Flour to mix Dissolve yeast in the water, add all the rest, mix to a thick paste, let rise over night, knead over and make into biscuit; let rise again, bake 1 hour, when done brush tops with molasses. MRS. PHOEBE E. GRINNELL 17 GRAHAM BREAD (with sweet milk) 2} cups graham flour 1 heaping teaspoon soda dis- Pinch salt solved in cup hot water # cup molasses Milk enough to moisten Mix all together and bake in a loaf. MRS. G. S. RICHMOND GRAHAM BREAD (with sour milk) 2 cups graham flour # cup molasses 1 cud wheat flour 2 teaspoons soda 2 cups sour milk Pinch of salt Mix all together and bake in a loaf. MRS. G. S. RICHMOND POTATO CORNMEAL MUFFINS 2 tablespoons shortening 1 cup meal 1 tablespoon sugar 1 cup mashed potatoes 1 beaten egg Pinch of salt 1 cup milk 4 teaspoons baking powder Mix together meal, sugar, salt and baking powder. Rub in the fat, add the rest and bake in muffin pans in a quick OVen. A well tried and excellent war time recipe. THE WATCHMAN-ExAMINER NUT BREAD 2 cups Pettijohn or Entire 1 egg Wheat flour Salt 1 cup white flour 1% cups sour milk * cup sugar 1 teaspoon soda 1 cup nut meats broken Mix the flours, sugar, salt and nut meats together, add the beaten egg and milk with soda in it. Bake 50 minutes in moderate oven. MRS. J. W. PHILLIPS º 18 NEVER-FAIL BROWN BREAD 1 cups Indian meal 1 teaspoon soda 1 cups Pettijohn flour 1 teaspoon salt # cup molasses 1 cup sweet, sour, or butter 1 cup lukewarm water milk If milk is sour use a little more soda. Steam 3 or 4 hours. HANNAH MINER SUNSHINE GEMS 1 egg 2 scant cups flour 4 cup sugar 3 teaspoons baking powder 1 cup sweet milk cup melted Crisco or butter Add butter last, and beat in thoroughly. Have gem pans hot and well greased. MRS. IRA. C. Hoxie, CORN BREAD 1 cup meal 2 tablespoons sugar | cup flour 2 tablespoons butter 1 egg Salt 1 cup milk 1 teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon cream of tartar Cream butter and sugar, add beaten egg, then milk, then the flour, meal, salt, soda and cream of tartar sifted together. Bake in a rather quick oven. MRs. CHARLEs AIKEN SPIDER JOHNNY CAKE 1 large cup sour milk 4 tablespoons sugar 1 cup meal Pinch salt 1 cup sweet milk 2 beaten eggs | cup butter 1 teaspoon soda Melt the butter in frying pan. Mix all but the sweet milk and turn in upon the butter. Pour the sweet milk over the top. Set pan in oven and bake nearly an hour. MRS. C. C. PACKER 19 GRAHAM MUFFINS teaspoons soda egg cups sour milk cups graham flour 1 cups wheat flour # cup sugar cup molasses 2 tablespoons melted butter 1 teaspoon salt Mix dry materials together, add the rest and beat well. Bake in muffin pans. Mrs. ALDEN FISH BROWN BREAD 1 cup meal 1 pint boiling water 1 teaspoon salt 1 cup bread crumbs 1 teaspoon soda 1 cup flour Pour the boiling water on meal, salt and soda. Mix well ; add crumbs and flour. Steam 3 hours, and bake 20 minutes. MRS. D. W. LAMB WHOLE WHEAT GEMS # cup entire wheat flour 1 egg Pinch of salt Butter size of English walnut 1 heaped teaspoon baking cup milk powder Mix the flour, salt and baking powder together, rub in the butter. Beat egg, mix it with the milk, and beat into the mixture (add a little more milk if necessary, and a teaspoon of sugar if desired). Bake in a quick oven. Makes 6 gems. MRS. CoATES 20 E N T R E E S --- SPAGHETTI WITH BACON Break , pound spaghetti into small pieces ; put them into a sauce pan of boiling water, and cook for 5 minutes, then drain and cool. Bring 1 pint stock to the boiling point, add the spaghetti and cook until quite tender. Cut pound bacon into small pieces, fry for a few minutes, add this to the spaghetti with 4 tablespoons of butter. Season with salt, pepper and grated nutmeg. Simmer for 10 minutes ; turn out on hot dish and serve at once. JESSIE E. FISH BANANA FRETTERS 1 cups flour # cup milk 1 beaten egg 1. teaspoons baking powder Salt 2 tablespoons sugar 2 bananas cut in small pieces Sift flour, baking powder and salt together, add egg, milk and fruit; drop by spoonfuls into deep fat hot enough to brown bread while counting sixty ; drain on paper, sprinkle with sugar; serve at once. ELIZABETH A. BURROWS CORN PATTIES 12 ears uncooked sweet corn grated, 1 teaspoon salt, of pepper, 1 egg beaten into 2 tablespoons flour. Mix and fry on griddle. NELLIE BEEBE BAKED CHEESE 1 cups finely chopped or 1 egg beaten light grated cheese A cup bread crumbs 1 cup milk Pepper and salt Put in a buttered dish ; bake 15 minutes in a quick oven. MRS. MARY WATERMAN WILCOX EGG OMELET Yolks of 3 eggs well beaten, pinch of salt, pepper, and a level tablespoon of flour mixed to a smooth paste. Add 2 tablespoons milk and beaten whites of the eggs. Cook in buttered spider. MRS. E. C. HALL 21 BAKED ONIONS 6 large onions. Boil till tender, strain, and put into a shallow buttered dish. Pour over this enough milk to cover, about 13 cups, into which has been stirred 1% tablespoons tapioca, * tablespoon butter, a little salt and pepper. Bake till a light brown. CARRIE A. SILVIA CREAMED E GGS Boil 6 eggs 20 minutes. Make 1 pint cream sauce. Have 6 slices toast on a hot platter. Put a layer of sauce on each one and then part of the egg whites cut in thin strips, and rub part of the yolks through a sieve upon the toast. Repeat this, and finish with a third layer of sauce. Place in oven for about 3 minutes. Garnish with parsley and serve. NELLIE BEEBE CHEESE FONDU 1 cup bread crumbs 1 cup milk scalded 1 cup cheese 3 eggs Pinch of salt Grind bread and cheese together, add milk and yolks of eggs, lastly the whites beaten lightly with the salt ; bake 25 minutes; serve at once. MRS. J. W. PHILLIPS WHITE POTATO PUFF Take 2 cupsful of cold, mashed potatoes and stir into them 2 tablespoons of melted butter, beating to a white cream before adding anything else. Then put with this 2 eggs whipped very light and a teacup of cream or milk, salting to taste. Beat all well together and pour into a deep dish. Bake in a quick oven till nicely browned. MRS. L. P. LEWIS 22 EGG TYMBALS 4 eggs, 1 cup milk, salt and pepper. Beat eggs well, add milk. Bake in buttered molds, in a tin of hot water, in a very hot oven. Serve hot or cold with white sauce, having a little chopped Spanish Pimento. White Sauce.—Heat 1 pint milk. Rub together 2 table- spoons each of flour and soft butter. Add to hot milk very slowly, with salt and pepper. Let it boil about 5 minutes stirring constantly. MARY E. COATES FRIED CABBAGE Fry slices of salt pork, shred cabbage fine, add to pork with water enough to steam until tender ; dry out and brown. MRS. CHARLES AIKEN CHEESE STRAWS 1 cup flour Pinch salt 2 cups cheese 1 scant teaspoon baking 1 tablespoon butter powder Put the cheese through a food chopper, mix flour, salt and baking powder. Mix all with water, roll out like piecrust, cut in narrow strips and bake a light brown. MRS. J. G. OSBORNE POTATO STEW Fry small pieces of salt pork (not brown) in deep sauce pan. Add sliced onion and fry soft but not brown. Put in chipped potatoes, salt, pepper, and cover with boiling water. Cook till tender. MRs. E. V. WHITING WHITE MONKEY 1 pint milk in double boiler. When warm add 1 teaspoon flour mixed in 2 tablespoons of water. As milk gets hotter, add slowly 2 ounces grated cheese, 1 ounce butter, 1 teaspoon salt, and dash of cayenne, 1 egg beaten with 2 tablespoons of cold milk or water ; simmer 5 minutes. Serve at once on toast. MRS. PHOEBE E. GRINNELL 23 SWEET POTATO PUFF Boil and mash 6 medium sized potatoes, season with salt, butter, and sufficient milk to make very creamy by beating. Put into baking dish, sprinkle lightly with bread crumbs, and pour a little cream over it. Bake until brown. EMILY A. GATES BAKED CABBAGE Cut cabbage in pieces suitable to go in a baking dish. Put it in a kettle first with boiling water and boil 10 minutes. Drain thoroughly. Place in baking dish ; pour over it a thin white sauce, well seasoned, sufficient to moisten it all through. Cover top with buttered crumbs, and bake till done. MRS. CoATES POTATO FRITTERS 9 medium sized potatoes, 1 tablespoon flour grated Small piece of butter 2 eggs Salt and pepper to taste Stir all together thoroughly and fry like griddle cakes. EMILY A. GATE's 24 P I E S LEMON MERINGUE Juice and grated rind of 1 1 large tablespoon corn starch lemon 1 or 2 eggs 1 cup water Butter size of small egg 1 cup sugar Boil water, add corn starch wet with a very little cold water. Stir in butter and sugar. Let cool. Add beaten yolks of eggs and the lemon. Fill crust which has been baked on inverted pie tin, and bake. Cover with meringue made of the egg whites beaten stiff and 4 teaspoons sugar. Leave in very slow oven 25 minutes. With this treatment meringues will always be perfectly tender. MRS. LUCY. P. LEWIS CURRANT MERINGUE 1 cup mashed ripe currants 1 tablespoon flour 1 cup sugar 2 tablespoons water Yolks of 2 eggs Bake with one crust and cover with meringue made with the whites of the two eggs. ELIZABETH A. BURRows PRUNE MERINGUE * pound prunes 2 tablespoons sugar 1 cup cream or milk 2 eggs, little salt Stew prunes in a little water with the sugar, stone, and mash enough to make 1 cup of pulp. Add cream or milk, salt, and beaten yolks of eggs. Bake quickly in under crust. Cover with meringue made of the stiffly beaten whites and 2 tablespoons sugar. Brown lightly in oven. MRS. W. E. BATES LEMON PIE WITH RAISINS 1 lemon, take out the juice, and chop rind and pulp fine ; 1 cup raisins chopped ; add lemon juice, 1 cup sugar, 2 table- spoons flour, and cup water. Bake between two crusts. HARRIET FISH 25 LEMON SPONGE 1 cup sugar, and 4 cup butter creamed. 2 heaping table- spoons flour, pinch of salt, juice and grated rind of 1 lemon, beaten yolks 2 eggs, 1 cup milk, lastly stiffly beaten whites. Bake in one crust till golden brown. This is fine baked in custard cups without crust. MRS. PALMER BiNDLoss MOCK CHERRY 13 cups cranberries legg 1 cup seeded raisins 1 tablespoon flour 1 cup sugar 1 cup cold water 1 teaspoon vanilla Cut cranberries in half and wash out seeds ; stir flour and water together ; add berries, and cook 10 minutes. When cool, add sugar, egg, raisins, and bake between two crusts. MRS. W. H. LAMB DATE Simmer 1 pound dates in milk enough to cover, mash, and add cup sugar, yolks of 3 eggs, 1 pint of hot milk, and a sprinkling of cloves and cinnamon. Bake like a custard pie, cover with a meringue made from the whites of the eggs and 3 tablespoons of sugar. JESSIE E. Fish CHO.COLATE 2 cups hot water 2 tablespoons cocoa 1% cups sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla 3 tablespoons flour Butter size of an egg 1 tablespoon corn starch Salt Use enough water to stir smooth, then stir into the hot water. Cook until thick and pour into crust that has been previously baked. Cover with whipped cream, and sprinkle with chopped nuts, or a meringue may be used. MRS. J. G. OSBoRNE 26 PUMPKIN 2 cups cooked and sifted teaspoon cinnamon pumpkin # teaspoon ginger 1 cup milk, partly cream Pinch of salt # cup sugar, or partmolasses 2 - Combine these and bake in one crust. MRS. C. R. HEATH BUTTER SCOTCH 1 generous tablespoon butter 14 cups milk 1 large tablespoon flour 1 cup brown sugar Yolks of 2 eggs Brown the butter in a saucepan; mix together the sugar, milk, beaten yolks and flour, stir into the butter and cook till thick. Pour into a pie tin already lined with crust and bake. When done, cover with a meringue made of the 2 whites of eggs stiffly beaten and 2 tablespoons sugar. Brown lightly in oven. JESSIE E. FISH PINEAPPLE 1 cup pineapple, 1 cup rhubarb, both chopped, 1 egg, 1 large cup sugar, 1 tablespoon flour. Stir all together and bake between two crusts. HARRIET FISH %Nºkyºk º 27 D E S S E R T S ------ ORANGE CHARLOTTE * box gelatine Juice of 1 lemon A cup cold water 3 egg whites cup boiling water 1 cup orange juice and pulp and 1 cup sugar a little of the grated rind Soak gelatine in the cold water till soft ; pour on the boil- ing water add sugar and lemon juice. Strain. Add the orange and set aside to cool. When it begins to harden beat it till light then add the stiffly beaten egg whites and beat till stiff enough to drop. Pour into molds lined with lady fingers. 1 pint of whipped cream may be used instead of eggs or piled on top after charlotte is removed from mold. EMILY A. GATES STEAMED FRUIT PUDDING 3 tablespoons, or 3 cup butter 1 teaspoon baking powder * cup molasses } teaspoon each of salt, cloves, # cup milk cinnamon and nutmeg 13 cups pastry flour 1 egg * teaspoon soda 1 cup dates, or raisins and cur- rants Melt butter add molasses and milk, then flour with soda, baking powder, salt, and spices in it, then the beaten egg. Lastly the chopped fruit. Steam 3 hours. MRS. R. D. BRADLEY LEMON FOAM 1 cup sugar 2 tablespoons corn starch 2 cups hot water Juice of 2 lemons 2 egg whites Boil water and sugar in double boiler, add corn starch wet with a little cold water. Cook 5 minutes. Take from fire, stir in lemon juice and let cool a little. Pour this over the stiffly beaten eggs, whipping briskly. MRS. J. O. FISH 28 FIG TAPIOCA PUDDING 3 tablespoons minute tapioca pound figs 3 cups water 1 cup sugar 1 teaspoon butter # teaspoon vanilla Cook topioca and butter in 2 cups of the water till clear. Stir constantly. Chop figs very fine ; cook them with the sugar and other cup of water until soft. Take from fire, add vanilla and stir into tapioca. Chill, and serve with whipped Cream. MRS. R. H. WILCOX STRAWBERRY GELATINE 1 pint strawberries A cup hot water # box gelatine A cup sugar 2 egg whites Dissolve gelatine in hot water ; add sugar and berries. Let stand till cool, then add the beaten whites. MRS. A. O. Col.BY CHOCOHLATE GELATINE 1 quart milk 2 squares chocolate 1, tablespoons gelatine § cup sugar Cook all together in double boiler till it thickens. Remove from fire, add 1 teaspoon vanilla and beat with egg-beater 10 minutes. A teaspoon of whipped cream. Pour into sherbet glasses (12) and chill. A teaspoon of whipped cream adds greatly, also a cherry if desired. EMILY F. DENISON EANANA CREAM Make a soft custard with 1 quart milk cup sugar, 2 whole eggs, and 2 yolks beaten. Pour over 4 bananas sliced into a baking dish. Make meringue of the other 2 whites beaten stiffly with a tablespoon sugar. Spread over bananas and brown slightly in oven. MRS. E. F. WILCOX DATE PUDDING 1 cup rice boiled until soft (13 hours). Put a layer of rice and dates alternately into a baking dish. Pour over all a custard made of 1 pint milk, 2 eggs, 2 tablespoons sugar, and pinch of salt. Bake 1 hour. Serve with cream. MRS. JOHN P. GRAY 29 PINEAPPLE SPONGE 2 tablespoons gelatine 1 pint water 1 pint can shredded pineapple 1 large cup sugar Dissolve gelatine in 1 cup of the water. Scald fruit and sugar in the other cup water, then stir in the gelatine. When cool and beginning to set, add the beaten whites of 3 eggs. Beat the whole with egg-beater till stiff. Chill in a mold. Serve with cream, or a custard made of 2 cups milk, the 3 yolks, 3 tablespoons sugar and a little salt. CLARA. H. CHACE BAKED INDIAN PUDDING 1 quart milk cup sugar 4 tablespoons meal # teaspoon each of salt and # cup molasses cinnamon 2 eggs Boil the milk, add the meal and cook 10 minutes. Let cool. Stir in the beaten eggs and all the rest. Bake in hot oven 2 hours ; stir in 1 cup cold milk at the end of hour. Serve hot with cream or butter. MRS. LUCY. P. LEWIS PRUNE PUDDING Stew pound prunes till soft, and rub through a sieve. Stir in 1 cup powdered sugar, add the stiffly beaten whites of 6 eggs. Bake in buttered dish 15 minutes in moderate oven. Chill, and serve with whipped cream, or soft custard made with the yolks. MISS S. L. FISH COFFEE CREAM # box gelatine 1 cup sugar 1 gill cold water º pint cream 1 pint milk 1 cup strong coffee Soak gelatine in the cold water. Heat milk to boiling point, add sugar; when dissolved pour over the gelatine, stir well, add cream and coffee. Strain into a wet mold, and chill. HELEN F. WILBUR 30 CHO.COLATE BREAD PUDDING 1 quart milk Pinch of salt 5 tablespoons grated choc- 1 cup sugar olate 4 eggs 10 tablespoons bread crumbs Put bread, chocolate and milk in double boiler, and boil a little. Take from fire, and add sugar, salt and beaten yolks. Put in serving dish and bake 15 or 20 minutes. Make meringue of the beaten whites with 4 even tablespoons sugar. Spread over top and brown slightly. Serve cold. MRS. CoATES OLD FASHIONED TAPIOCA PUDDING 1 cup pearl tapioca 1 cup sugar 1 quart milk Pinch salt 4 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla Soak tapioca in water over night. Drain and put in double boiler with the milk. When well heated, stir in the egg yolks beaten with the sugar. Stir till it thickens. Add salt and vanilla. Put in baking dish and cover with meringue made of the 4 whites and 4 tablespoons of sugar. Brown lightly in oven. Serve cold. HANNAH MINER COFFEE CHARLOTTE Whip , pint cream very stiff. Soak 2 scant teaspoons gelatine in 2 tablespoons strong breakfast coffee. Warm it just enough to melt the gelatine. Add cup sugar and fold into the whipped cream very slowly. Mix well. If a larger quantity is wanted add the stiffly beaten white of an egg to the cream. MRS. A. O. Col.BY RICE PUDDING § cup rice 2 quarts milk A cup sugar Pinch of salt A cup raisins Nutmeg to taste Mix all together, bake in slow oven 3 hours, stirring a few times to keep from settling. MRS. IDA. F. WELLS 31 IRISH MOSS BLANC MANGE Wash and soak as much Irish moss as you can take between thumb and finger. Then boil in 1 quart milk, until it thickens. Add flavoring and salt. Strain into molds. NELLIE BEEBE BREAD PUDDING 1 cup bread crumbs 14 to 2 cups milk 2 eggs Raisins and vanilla to taste 1 teaspoon butter Do not soak the bread or use crusts. Put the butter on top in small lumps. Bake in a slow oven in a pan of water for 20 minutes. Serve with a hard sauce. HANNAH MINER HAMBURG CREAM Stir all together the grated rind and the juice of 2 large lemons, 1 cup sugar, and beaten yolks of 6 eggs. Cook 5 minutes. Take from fire, add the 6 whites beaten. Pour into punch glasses. Chill and serve. Will fill 12 glasses. HARRIET FISH LEMON CUSTARD 1 cup sugar, 4 of milk, 3 eggs, lemon. Mix well egg yolks and sugar, add milk, then the juice and grated rind of lemon. Add this mixture to the stiffly beaten whites. Bake very slowly in 6 sherbet cups. MRS. A. O. Col.BY COFFEE CHARLOTTE # cup milk 4 cup cold black coffee # cup sugar 1 pint whipped cream 1 full tablespoon gelatine Yolks of 2 eggs Dissolve gelatine in the coffee, add milk, sugar and beaten eggs, till it thickens. Take from fire and when nearly cold beat in the cream. Put into sherbet glasses and chill. EMILY F. DENISON 32 CRANBERRY STEAMED PUDDING A cup butter 3 teaspoons baking powder 1 cup sugar 1 teaspoon salt 1 cup milk 2 eggs 3 cups flour 2 cups berries Cream butter and sugar. Sift dry materials together and add alternately with milk to sugar and butter, then the beaten eggs, lastly berries cut in half and sprinkled with flour. Pour into buttered mold, steam 2 hours. Sauce.-Cream cup butter, add slowly 1 cup powdered sugar, cream again. Add 1 teaspoon vanilla or lemon. Just before serving add 4 cup boiling water, stirring hard. MRS. R. H. WILCOX DELIGHT PUDDING 1 pint bread crumbs cup flour A cup soft butter 1 cup raisins cut in halves 2 egg yolks 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 cup milk teaspoon each of soda, salt, | cup molasses mace and cloves Mix crumbs and butter, sift together flour, soda, salt and spices, work in raisins, and add to buttered crumbs. Beat yolks of eggs, add milk, molasses, and beat all together. Steam in a 2 quart buttered mold. Serve hot. Sauce.—Cream 1 cup sugar with cup butter, add the 2 egg whites beaten stiff, and vanilla or mace to flavor. MRS. ALDEN FISH PLAIN PUDDING SAUCE 1 tablespoon butter 1 tablespoon of cold water # cup hot water # cup sugar * tablespoon corn starch Nutmeg Bring hot water and butter to a boil, add corn starch dis- solved in the cold water ; boil just a little ; add sugar and boil just enough to clear. Flavor with nutmeg. Excellent for fritters. MRS. CoATES 38 CHO.COLATE PUDDING SAUCE 1 square chocolate melted # cup butter 1 cup sugar 2 level tablespoons flour Put all in saucepan, pour on boiling water till of right con- sistency. Cook 2 or 3 minutes. Very good on boiled rice or corn starch pudding. MRS. J. W. PHILLIPS HOT CHO.COLATE SAUCE 1 square Baker’s chocolate 1 tablespoon butter 1 cup sugar A cup water Vanilla Melt chocolate, add butter, sugar and water. Cook gently 15 minutes, add vanilla. Keep warm to serve on vanilla ice Cream. 84 CAKES AND FROSTINGS -- ANGEL CAKE Whites of 11 eggs 1 teaspoon cream of tartar 1 cups sugar 1 teaspoon almond extract 1 cup flour Pinch of salt Beat whites till they are frothy, add cream of tartar and beat till stiff. Add sugar gradually, continuing the beating. Mix flour and salt, sift 4 times, then fold into eggs and sugar, adding the extract. Bake in unbuttered angel cake pan 40 to 50 minutes. Take from oven and invert cake in the pan while cooling BESSIE W. HEATH CREAM CAKE 2 eggs 1 cup flour Cream 2 teaspoons cream of tartar 1 cup sugar 1 teaspoon soda Little salt Beat eggs, put in a cup then fill it with cream. Mix dry materials, add eggs and cream and mix well. If cream is sour, use only 1 teaspoon cream of tartar. Flavor to taste. MRS. L. P. ALLYN SOUR MILK SPICE CAKE 1 cup sugar 1 teaspoon soda A cup butter 1 cup raisins 2 cups flour 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 cup sour milk A teaspoon cloves 1 egg # teaspoon nutmeg Cream butter and sugar, add milk, beaten egg, then all dry materials sifted together. Bake in shallow pan, frost with white icing, and cut in squares ; or bake in layers, using a filling. MRS. G. D. STANTON 35 LEMON JELLY CAKE 2 cups sugar 3 cups flour # cup butter 3 eggs 1 cup milk 2 teaspoons cream of tartar 1 teaspoon soda Bake in layers. Jelly for cake.—The juice and grated rind of 2 large or 3 small lemons, 1 cup sugar, of water, 1 egg, 1 teaspoon butter, and 1 of flour. Mix all together and boil till it thickens. MRS. Lucy P. LEWIS ROXBURY CUP CAKES 2 eggs 1 teaspoon soda # cup sugar 1 teaspoon cinnamon # cup soft butter teaspoon cloves # cup molasses Grating of nutmeg # cup sour milk A cup seeded raisins 13 cups flour A cup nut meats broken Beat yolks and add gradually sugar, butter, molasses and sour milk, then the flour with soda and spices well sifted in, then the stiffly beaten whites, raisins and nuts. Bake in small tins ; cover with boiled frosting ; decorate with the same tinted with melted chocolate. Makes 18 cakes. MRS. ALDEN FISH CHO.COLATE CAKE # scant cup butter 13 cups flour 1 cup sugar 14 teaspoons baking powder # cup milk Whites of 3 eggs Cream butter and sugar, add beaten eggs, milk, then flour with baking powder in it. Vanilla to flavor. Bake in 2 layers. Filling.—1 cup grated chocolate, ; cup sugar, 4 cup butter, # cup milk, vanilla. Stir all together and boil till thick. HELEN F. WILBUR APPLE SAUCE LOAF CAKE 1 cup unsweetened apple sauce with a small teaspoon soda stirred in, 1 cup sugar, 2 of flour, of butter, É cup chopped raisins. Spice to taste. MRS. R. H. WILCOX 86 NUT CAKE A cup butter 1 cup nut meats 13 cups sugar 1 teaspoon cream of tartar # cup milk # teaspoon soda 2 cups flour Whites of 4 eggs Salt Sift flour, cream of tartar and salt together. Cut nut meats fine. Cream butter and sugar, add milk and flour mixture alternately, the stiffly beaten whites of eggs stirred in lightly the last thing. MRS. ELIZABETH RATHBUN BUTLER JELLY ROLL AND SPONGE DROPS 4 eggs # teaspoon vanilla A cup powdered sugar ! saltspoon salt # cup pastry flour Beat yolks and sugar till very creamy, add salt and vanilla. Beat whites till stiff and dry. Combine mixtures and fold in flour lightly and quickly. For Jelly Roll.—Bake in a wide flat pan in a very thin layer. Spread with jelly while hot and roll up quickly, then roll it in a napkin. For Sponge Drops.-Drop by the spoonful on buttered pan, sprinkle with sugar and bake 12 to 16 minutes. For Lady Fingers.-Press through a pastry bag into shape 3 inches long by not quite 1 inch wide. For Charlotte Russe.—Bake a thin layer in a long pan about 7 inches wide. Cut across pan in about 3 inch strips, roll up just to meet edges, tie while hot. When serving, fill with whipped cream sweetened and flavored. Top with a candied cherry or two, MRs. CoATES DOG'S EARS 1, 2 or 3 eggs slightly beaten, pinch of salt, flour to make a stiff dough. Roll out till thin as paper, cut in short strips and fry in deep fat. These are especially fine with afternoon tea. MRS. R. P. WILBUR 37 ALMOND CAKE Whites of 10 eggs 1, goblets granulated sugar 1 goblet flour 1 teaspoon cream of tartar A little salt Sift flour 4 times with cream of tartar and salt. Beat eggs very stiff, gradually beat in the sugar, then fold in the flour and a little almond flavor. Bake in 3 layer pans ungreased. Filling: # pint cream or milk 1 large teaspoon corn starch 2 heaping tablespoons sugar 3 yolks of eggs Boil milk and sugar, add corn starch mixed with a little cold milk and stirred into the beaten eggs. Boil till thick, when cool, add pound almonds blanched and chopped fine (saving out 3 dozens for decorating). Spread between 2 layers and ice the top. Icing : White of 1 egg 13 cups confectioner's sugar 10 drops bitter almond Mix well with spoon, spread over top and decorate with the whole almonds standing on end. MRS. F. W. BATTY A GOOD FRUIT CAKE # cup butter # teaspoon salt 1 cup sugar # cup milk 3 eggs A cup seeded raisins z cups flour A cup citron cut or chopped 2 teaspoons baking powder cup nut meats broken Vanilla to flavor Cream butter, add gradually the sugar, beaten yolks and milk. Beat till perfectly smooth and very light. Add flour, baking powder and salt well sifted together. Beat again. Add raisins, citron and nuts well covered with flour; then vanilla, and lastly fold in the stiffly beaten whites. Bake in a slow oven. MRS. W. H. LAMB 38 WHITE CAKE 13 cups flour 2 egg whites 1 heaping teaspoon baking Melted butter powder Milk 1 cup granulated sugar Sift together flour, sugar and baking powder; put the un- beaten whites in a cup ; add melted butter till half full, then sweet milk till full. Turn into first mixture and beat for 5 minutes. Flavor to taste, and bake as loaf or layer cake. MRS. CHARLES NEWBURY FIG CAKE cup butter 3 whole eggs or the whites of 5 2 cups sugar 1 teaspoon cream of tartar 3 cups flour Salt 1 cup milk teaspoon soda Cream butter and sugar, add beaten eggs and milk, then flour with cream of tartar, soda and salt sifted in it. Bake in layers. Filling.—1 pound English walnuts, pound figs, 3 pound dates. Chop these fine, mix well and cook with 1 cup sugar and water enough to keep from burning till soft enough to spread. MARY E. CoATES FRENCH LOAF CAKE 1 cup sugar 1 cup cream 2 cups flour 2 eggs | cup butter 1 teaspoon of cream of tartar 1 teaspoon of soda Cream sugar, butter and cream, add the beaten eggs, then flour with soda and cream of tartar in it. MRS. E. F. WILCOx ANGEL SPONGE CAKE 4 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla # cup flour A teaspoon cream of tartar # cup of sugar # teaspoon of salt Beat whites till stiff with salt. Add the yolks and sugar beaten together till foamy, then flour with cream of tartar in it, lastly vanilla. MRS. MARION WILCOx WHEELER 39 ORANGE CAKE 1 cup sugar 1 rounded teaspoon baking 3 eggs / powder 13 cups flour Grated rind of 1 orange # cup milk Pinch salt Beat eggs (leaving out 1 white for frosting) and sugar with egg-beater ; add flour, baking powder and salt well mixed, half the orange rind, and lastly the milk and butter brought to a boil. Bake in a very hot oven in two layers. Make a boiled frosting with the other egg white and other half of orange rind, for the filling and top. MRS. C. H. BRIGGS BERMUDA CAKE 1 cup sugar 4 cups flour 1 cup butter Cinnamon 2 cups molasses Cloves 1 cup milk - Nutmeg to taste 4 eggs 1 tablespoon soda Raisins or dates Cream butter and sugar, add molasses, beaten eggs, soda in the milk, spices in the flour, raisins or dates chopped and floured. Bake in a loaf. Makes a large cake. MRS. JOHN P. GRAY EGGLESS SPICE CAKE 1 cup sugar 1 teaspoon soda # cup butter } teaspoon salt 1 cup sour milk } teaspoon nutmeg 2 cups flour 4 teaspoon ginger 1 cup raisins # teaspoon cloves 1 teaspoon cinnamon Cream butter and sugar, add milk with soda in it. Chop raisins and mix with some of the flour. Sift salt and spices with remainder of flour, mix all together and beat well. Bake in a loaf. MRS. IDA. F. WELLS 40 DATE BARS 1 cup sugar 1 pound dates 1 cup walnut meats 1 cup flour 3 eggs 1 teaspoon baking powder Little salt Beat yolks with sugar till very creamy. Mix flour, salt and baking powder, add the nuts, then the dates stoned and quartered. Beat whites till stiff and stir into the yolks and sugar alternately with the flour mixture. Bake in a large flat pan for 30 minutes. Cut in bars, and roll in powdered sugar. MRS. D. B. DENISON BEST OF ALL FRUIT CAKE 1 pound butter, 1 pound sugar, 1 pound flour, 3 pounds raisins, 2 pounds currants, 1 pound citron, 10 eggs, 1 pound blanched almonds, 1 pound figs, 1 pound dates, 1 cup straw- berry preserve, 1 tablespoon rose water ; mace, cinnamon, allspice, cloves to taste. Vanilla and lemon extract. 1 good teaspoon soda sifted with flour and spices. Bake 4 hours in a slow oven. Makes 2 large loaves. MRS. R. H. WILCOx CHO.COLATE CAKE 2 squares of chocolate A cup butter 4 eggs 2 cups flour 1 cups sugar 3 teaspoons baking powder A cup milk | teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon vanilla Dissolve chocolate in 5 teaspoons water. Cream butter and sugar, add beaten yolks, milk, chocolate, vanilla, and flour, with salt and baking powder in it. Lastly the beaten whites. Bake 25 minutes, in loaf or layers. If an all chocolate layer cake is wanted, use the following as filling :-2 squares chocolate, 1 cup confectioner's sugar, * tablespoon butter, hot water to mix. Increase quantity by adding sugar and water. MRS. MARION WILCOx WHEELER 41 SUNSHINE CAKE Whites of 11 eggs 1 cup flour Yolks of 6 eggs 1 teaspoon cream of tartar 13 cups granulated sugar 1 teaspoon orange extract Pinch of salt Beat whites to a stiff froth, gradually beat in the sugar, then the beaten yolks and extract. Sift flour and cream of tartar together and fold into the mixture quickly. Bake in angel cake pan in a slow oven 50 minutes. MRS. F. W. BATTY RAISED CAKE 2 cups raised dough 1 cup raisins 1 cup sugar Nutmeg and cinnamon to taste 1 egg # teaspoon soda in a few drops # cup butter and lard water Work all well together and let rise till very light before baking. ELIZABETH A. BURRows GOLD CAKE 2 scant cups flour | cup milk 1 cup sugar 1 teaspoon cream of tartar 1 cup butter | teaspoon soda º ºf Flavor with lemon Cream butter and sugar, add beaten eggs, soda in milk, cream of tartar in flour, flavoring. MRS. E. V. WHITING SILVER CAKE 2 cups flour A cup milk Whites of 4 eggs 1 teaspoon cream of tartar # cup sugar | teaspoon soda # cup butter Flavor with vanilla Cream butter and sugar, add beaten eggs, soda in milk, cream of tartar in flour, and flavor. MRS. E. V. WHITING 42 MEASURED POUND CAKE 1 cups sugar Little salt 1 cup butter 1 cups flour 1 cup of eggs (unbeaten) # teaspoon baking powder Cream butter and sugar, add beaten eggs, then the flour with baking powder and salt sifted in it. MRS. E. F. WILCox MACAROONS (with the paste) # pound almond paste (from ; pound powdered sugar the bakery or confec- Whites of 3 large eggs tioner) Chop paste into fine crumbs, add sugar and beaten whites, and with the back of fork work in the paste till perfectly blended. Rub thin paper in the pan with lard (not butter), and drop mixture by spoonfuls. They should bake in about 12 minutes in a medium hot oven. Try one first, and if it does not rise, add a little sugar. MRS. CoATES MACAROONS (with the nuts) Blanch 1 pound almonds, let lay awhile in cold water ; dry and mash smooth ; add an equal quantity of powdered sugar, and the beaten whites of 4 eggs. Blend well. Shape on paper and bake in a moderate oven. MRS. CoATES GLORIFHED GANGERBREAD 24 cups flour 1 cup boiling water 1 cup sugar 2 eggs A cup butter 1 cup molasses 2 teaspoons soda 1 teaspoon each of ginger, cloves, and cinnamon Mix sugar, butter, soda, and water together ; when this is cool enough, add the flour; stir till perfectly smooth, then add the spices, then molasses, then eggs well beaten. The mixture is very thin and must have a very hot oven. Bake in a large flat pan. HANNAH MINER 43 SOUR MILK COCOA CAKE 1 cup sugar 1 egg 1 cup sour milk 2 tablespoons cocoa 1 heaping cup bread flour 1 rounded teaspoon soda Butter size of walnut Vanilla to flavor Cream butter and sugar, add beaten egg ; sift together flour, cocoa and soda four times, and add with vanilla. MRS. CHARLES NEWBURY LAYER GINGERBREAD WITH WHIPPED CREAM # cup molasses, of sugar, of butter, of milk (sour is better), 1% of flour, 1 egg, 1 teaspoon soda, 1 of ginger, of cinnamon, , of cloves. Bake in layers. Whip 1 cup cream, add a teaspoon powdered sugar, and a few drops vanilla. Put between the layers. HARRIET FISH HUCKLEBERRY GINGERBREAD 1 cup molasses Little salt 1 tablespoon lard 1 egg * teaspoon ginger 1 scant teaspoon soda 1 pint or more of berries Add soda to molasses, rub in lard with spoon, add beaten egg, ginger and salt. Make quite stiff with flour, then stir in the berries. MRS. MARY F. WOLFE CARAMEL CAKE 2 cups sugar 1 pound currants # cup butter 1 grated nutmeg 1 cup milk 1 heaping teaspoon baking 3 cups flour powder 3 eggs 1 teaspoon each of cinnamon 1 pound raisins and cloves Cream butter and sugar, add beaten yolks and milk, flour with baking powder and spices well sifted in ; last of all stiffly beaten whites. Frosting.-1 cup confectioner's sugar and 1 teaspoon of butter rubbed together; 1 teaspoon vanilla and milk enough to beat to a cream. MRS. ALDEN FISH 44 CREAM PUFFS Outside: 2 cups flour 1 cup water 5 eggs | cup butter Put butter and water over the fire in a granite saucepan large enough for the whole mixture. When boiling add the flour and a very small pinch of salt. Rub with a wooden potato masher till perfectly smooth. Remove from fire and when nearly cold add the unbeaten eggs, one at a time, mixing thoroughly with the hand. Drop small spoonfuls in greased baking pan, and bake about 25 minutes. Inside : 2. - º --~~~ 1 pint milk 2 eggs 1 cup sugar Pinch of salt Put milk in double boiler. Mix flour, sugar and salt, add beaten eggs, mix well and stir into the boiling milk till it thickens. Add vanilla to flavor. When wanted for table, cut puffs partly through on the side and put the filling in. MRS. CoATES GINGERBREAD | cup granulated sugar 1 egg } cup butter 1; cups flour # cup milk 1 teaspoon soda A cup molasses 1 teaspoon ginger Cream butter and sugar, add molasses, milk and beaten egg. Sift flour, soda and ginger together and add last, beat- ing well. MRS. G. S. RICHMOND IDEAL ICING 1 cup sugar, 3 tablespoons cold water, the white of 1 egg dropped in without beating. Put these in upper part of double boiler, with water in lower part boiling fast. Put in the egg-beater and beat for 8 minutes. Flavor. It is about consistency of whipped cream and can be used as filling. Excellent also for frosting cup cakes by taking them on a fork and dipping in. NELLIE BEEBE 45 COCOA AND COFFEE ICING (For 2 Layers) 1 cup confectioner's sugar 2 tablespoons cold coffee 2 tablespoons cocoa 1 scant tablespoon butter 1 teaspoon vanilla Beat butter and sugar together, add the rest and beat all together 10 minutes with egg-beater. EMILY F. DENISON DELHCIOUS CAKE FILLING # cup fruit (strawberries, raspberries or peaches), 1 egg white unbeaten, cup sugar. Mince the fruit slightly with a knife ; add egg and sugar, and beat till stiff with egg-beater. MRS. A. O. Col.BY FUDGE FROSTING 2 squares chocolate 5 tablespoons milk # cup sugar 1 teaspoon butter Mix all but the butter ; let come to a boil, add butter and boil 5 minutes. Take from fire and beat till stiff enough to spread. HARRIET FISH CHERRY AND ALMOND ICING 1 cup granulated sugar 1 ounce almonds chopped # cup water 1 ounce candied cherries White of 1 egg chopped Boil sugar and water till it spins a thread ; pour it over the stiffly beaten white of egg very slowly, beating steadily till right to spread. Just before the end beat in cherries and almonds. MRS. CARRIE W. LATHAM BUTTER ICING 3 tablespoons hot water, butter size of English walnut, confectioner's sugar to stiffen. MRS. COLBY 46 C O O K I E S OATMEAL COOKIES 1 cup dark brown sugar # cup chopped raisins 1 cup butter and lard mixed A cup nut meats cut 2 cups flour 1 cup milk 2 cups oatmeal (ground) 1. teaspoons vanilla 1 teaspoon soda Pinch salt Cream butter and sugar ; sift soda and flour together ; mix all well, drop on buttered tins and bake. MRS. J. W. PHILLIPS BROWN SUGAR COOKHES 2 eggs 2 teaspoons cream of tartar § cup butter and lard equally 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 cups brown sugar # teaspoon salt 3 cups flour 1 teaspoon soda In measuring sugar, pack solidly in cup. Combine eggs well beaten, butter and sugar. Add flour, soda, cream of tartar, and salt, mixed and sifted together ; then vanilla. Roll thin, cut out, and bake as cookies. BESSIE W. HEATH LEMON SNAPS 1 quart flour, 1 pint sugar, 1 cup butter, 2 eggs, 1 teaspoon soda, juice and grated rind of 1 lemon, 2 tablespoons water, pinch salt. Roll out thin, cut and bake as cookies. MRS. LAURA. H. PACKER MOLASSES COOKIES OR DROP CAKES A cup molasses A cup milk A cup sugar 1 teaspoon soda dissolved in 1 full tablespoon lard trifle hot water 1 egg 1 teaspoon ginger 3 cups flour Little salt Mix well, drop by spoonfuls in pan and bake in moderate good oven. EMILY F. DENISON 47 COCOANUT WAFERS # cup butter 1 cup flour 1 cup sugar 1 small teaspoon baking 1 egg powder # cup milk Salt 1 cup fresh grated cocoanut Cream butter and sugar, add beaten egg and milk. Mix flour, salt and baking powder and stir in with the cocoanut. Drop on buttered tins. Flatten a little. Bake in moderate OVen. NELLIE BEEBE PEANUT COOKHES # cup butter 1 cup flour # cup sugar # teaspoon salt 1 egg 2 level teaspoons baking 2 tablespoons milk powder # cup fresh roasted peanuts Cream sugar and butter, add beaten egg and milk ; grind nuts fine, mix with flour, salt and baking powder and stir in beating all well. Drop on buttered pan, place half a nut on each and bake. MRS. R. H. WILCOX BROWNES 1 cup sugar 1 teaspoon baking powder # cup butter 2 squares chocolate 2 eggs 1 cup nut meats 1 scant cup flour 1 teaspoon vanilla Cream sugar and butter, add beaten eggs, vanilla, chocolate melted and nut meats chopped ; mix flour and baking powder and beat all well together. Drop on buttered tins, and bake in moderate oven. JESSIE E. FISH SOUR CREAM COOKIES 1 cup soft sugar 2 tablespoons sour cream # cup butter 1 teaspoon soda 1 egg 1 teaspoon caraway seeds Mix with flour enough to roll. Cut out and bake in a hot Owen. MRS. J. W. PHILLIPS 48 RAISIN FILLED COOKIES 1 cup sugar 3% cups flour A cup butter and lard 1 egg A cup milk 8 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon vanilla Mix as cake batter and set one side. Filling: 1 cup raisins chopped fine 2 teaspoons flour A cup sugar A cup boiling water Cook this filling till it thickens ; roll the cookie mixture thin, cut out, put 1 teaspoon of filling on a cookie cover with another cookie. Repeat till pan is filled and bake. MRS. C. E. NEWBURY CRULLERS 3 eggs 1 cup milk 7 tablespoons sugar 1 teaspoon soda 4 tablespoons melted lard Salt Cream sugar and lard, add beaten eggs, salt, the milk with soda and flour enough to roll. Cut out and fry in deep fat. MRS. PHOEBE E. GRINNELL GINGER SNAPS 1 cup molasses 1 heaping teaspoon ginger A cup butter 1 heaping teaspoon soda Cook gently for 20 minutes, cool, mix stiff with flour, roll thin, cut out, and bake quickly. HARRIET FISH COCOA CRULLERS 1 egg } cup cocoa A cup sugar 2 teaspoons baking powder # cup milk * teaspoon salt 2 cups flour # teaspoon cinnamon Sift all dry materials together, beat eggs, add milk, and beat all well together, Cut out and fry in deep fat. MRS. R. H. WILCOX 49 OATMEAL COOKIES 3 cups oatmeal 1 cup sugar § cup butter and lard together cup warm water 2 cups flour # teaspoon soda Salt and nutmeg Mix oatmeal and shortening together before adding other ingredients ; knead the whole quite a little. Roll thin, cut in squares with a knife. Bake thoroughly in quick oven. HARRIET FISH HERMITS 1 cup butter 1 teaspoon each of soda, cloves, 2 cups sugar cinnamon and nutmeg 1 cup chopped raisins 3 eggs Flour to mix thin Cream sugar and butter, add beaten eggs, raisins floured, soda and spices; flour for a drop batter. Drop by spoonfuls on buttered pan and bake. MRS. CARRIE W. LATHAM SALAD DRESSINGS - MAYONNAISE DRESSING Yolks of 2 eggs Small pinch red pepper 1 tablespoon sugar } cup vinegar 1 teaspoon dry mustard 1 pint olive oil 1 teaspoon salt Juice lemon Beat eggs thoroughly with salt, sugar, pepper and mustard; beat, beat, beat. Add oil, a few drops at a time till mixture seems stringy, then put in a tiny bit of the vinegar to thin. Then oil slowly, then vinegar until all is used and substance is creamy. Lastly stir in lemon juice. Secret of good dress- ing is much and vigorous beating. MRS. S. C. HALEY FRUIT SALAD Prepare cut pieces of grape fruit, orange, bananas, white grapes, English walnuts and canned pineapple. Make a dressing as follows:–9 tablespoons pineapple juice, 3 tablespoons sugar, pinch of salt, butter size of small egg and 2 beaten eggs. Cook in double boiler till thick, stirring constantly. Chill thoroughly. When ready to use, stir in A pint whipped cream. Pour over fruit, and serve on lettuce leaves. MRS. D. B. DENISON CREAM SALAD DRESSING To 4 eggs well beaten add 1 teaspoon salt, tablespoon made mustard, pinch red pepper, butter size of an egg, 4 tablespoons vinegar. Cook in double boiler till thick. When ready to use thin with cream or milk. MRS. S. J. BUCKLEY SALAD DRESSING FOR SUMMER VEGETABLES Separate 2 eggs ; to the yolks add 1 level teaspoon sugar, # teaspoon salt, 4 teaspoon dry mustard; mix well, and add A cup of best oil slowly, and cup melted butter ; then add the whites whipped very stiff, and stir in 1 tablespoon of Tarragom vinegar. CLARA. H. CHACE 51 BOILED OIL SALAD DRESSING Yolks of 4 eggs 1 teaspoon sugar 8 tablespoons oil 1 tablespoon of French, or 4 tablespoons vinegar * teaspoon of English mustard A pint whipped cream Put the eggs in small double boiler, stir in half of oil, then vinegar. Cook and stir till thick. When cold, add slowly the rest of oil, then sugar and mustard. MRS. E. R. BUTLER SALAD DRESSING 1 or 2 eggs 1 tablespoon butter 1 cup milk 3 teaspoons mustard # cup vinegar 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon sugar Mix dry materials. Beat eggs, add milk, and combine the two mixtures carefully. Stir this into the heated vinegar and butter, and cook till it thickens. Take from fire and beat vigorously with egg-beater. EMILY F. DENISON 3% º ºk º ºk º P R E S E R V E S ----- PRESERVED CITRON Pare and cut in desired pieces citron melon ; boil in water till tender. Drain thoroughly. Allow 1 pound sugar, and 1 lemon or less, for each pound of fruit. Boil the slices of lemon in water. When tender remove the lemon and make the syrup of this water and the sugar. Cook citron slowly in this syrup till rich and clear. Just before taking up return slices of lemon. MRS. CHAs. R. HEATH ORANGE AND GRAPEFRU:T MARMALADE Shave 1 grapefruit and 1 orange and 1 lemon very, very thin, using all but seeds and cores. Measure the fruit, and add to it 3 times the amount of water. Let it stand in an earthen bowl over night. Next morning boil 10 minutes only. Let it stand another night. The second morning add pint for pint of sugar, and boil till it jellies. MARY E. CoATES PINEAPPLE JAM 1 cup chopped pineapple - 1 cup chopped rhubarb 3 cups sugar Let boil 25 minutes after sugar is dissolved. MRS. G. W. DUNHAM CRANBERRY CONSERVE 1}, quarts cranberries 2 large, or 3 medium size 1 quart water OrangeS 1 pound sultana raisins 3 pounds sugar 1 pound English walnuts Grate the rind of 1 orange and cook in a little water till tender. Stew cranberries in a quart of water till soft, then sift. Stir in the raisins, the pulp of the oranges, the grated rind, and the sugar warmed. Boil hour. Remove from fire, and add nut meats cut in small pieces. Pour into jelly glasses. CLARA. H. CHACE 53 TOMATO MINCE MEAT 4 quarts green tomatoes A cup cider vinegar 2 pounds brown sugar 1 tablespoon salt # pound citron 1 tablespoon cloves 1 pound raisins 1 tablespoon cinnamon § cup suet 1 teaspoon nutmeg Chop tomatoes and drain. Cover with hot water, and boil 30 minutes. Drain well. Chop suet, cut citron fine, chop or cut raisins. Put everything together in the kettle and cook about an hour. Can while hot. Add chopped apple to pies when baking. MRS. S. C. HALEY TOMATO BUTTER 7 pounds ripe tomatoes 3 pounds light brown sugar 1 pint vinegar 1 ounce ground cinnamon ounce whole cloves Boil gently 3 hours, till thick. Put into any jelly container. This is better after it has stood for a month or two. Serve with meat, or use for sandwiches. NELLIE BEEBE GOOSEBERRY JAM 9 pounds sugar 1 tablespoon cinnamon 6 quarts berries 1 tablespoon cloves 1 pint weak vinegar 1 tablespoon allspice Put berries to cook with , the sugar. Boil hour. Add vinegar, spices, and balance of sugar. Boil hour more. MRS. G. W. DUNHAM THANKSGIVING CRANBERRY JELLY 1 quart berries # cup sugar to each cup of 1 large cup water juice Cook berries and water slowly until tender. Strain. Measure juice, add to each cup cup sugar. Cook slowly till it jellies (about 20 minutes). Pour into molds or any preferred dish. MRS. C. H. WOLFE 54 QUINCE HONEY 8 large quinces 1 pint water 3 pints sugar Grate the quinces unpeeled, leaving out seeds and cores. Boil sugar and water to a syrup, add quince and cook briskly 10 minutes. This keeps without sealing. MRS. CoATES 55 P I C K L E S ------ MUSTARD PICKLE 1 quart each small cucumbers, green tomatoes, small onions, 1 cauliflower, 4 green peppers, all cut in small pieces. Make a brine of 4 quarts water and 1 pint salt; pour over the mixed vegetables and let stand 24 hours. Heat just enough to scald it ; put in collander to drain. Mix 1 cup flour, 6 tablespoons ground mustard, same of tumeric powder, with enough cold vinegar to make a smooth paste ; then add 1 cup sugar, and vinegar to make 2 quarts in all. Boil this mixture till it thickens, and is smooth, stirring all the time ; add the vegetables and cook till well heated through. MRS. MARY WOLFE CHILI SAUCE 18 tomatoes 1 cup sugar 3 onions 1 cup vinegar 4 green peppers 1 tablespoon each cloves, cinnamon, allspice and salt Chop peppers and onions, peel tomatoes and cut fine. Mix all together ; boil 14 hours. MRS. PALMER BIND Loss PEPPER HASH 1 dozen green peppers 3 tablespoons salt 1 dozen red peppers 1 quart vinegar 3 large onions 2 cups sugar Take seeds from peppers, chop them with the onions, cover with boiling water, and let stand 10 minutes ; drain, cover again and let come to a boil. Let stand again 10 minutes : drain thoroughly, and add the vinegar, sugar and salt, Cook 15 minutes. MRS. SEYMOUR A. STODDARD. PICKLE FOR CORNING BEEF 2 cups of salt, to cup sugar, teaspoon soda, enough water to make brine to cover 5 or 6 pounds of beef, pickled 4 to 6 days. HANNAH MINER 56 MELON PICKLE Take ripe canteloupes, not large ; pare and quarter and place in stone jar. Cover with cold vinegar. Let stand 24 hours ; measure the vinegar, leaving out 1 quart which must be lost. To each quart add 3 pounds brown sugar, cloves, cinnamon and mace to taste. Put vinegar, sugar and spices on to cook; when boiling drop in the melons, and cook about 25 minutes. MRS. CoATES OLIVE OHL PICKLES 100 small cucumbers sliced without peeling and placed in layers with salt for 3 hours. Drain. Add + as much sliced onions as cucumbers, cup celery seed, cup mustard seed, # cup whole black pepper, 1 cup olive oil, small piece of alum. Cover with cold vinegar. MRS. IDA. F. WELLS CABBAGE AND TOMATO 4 quarts cabbage 2 quarts vinegar 5 large onions 2 quarts green tomatoes 2 ounces white mustard seed 2 peppers (red or green) 1 ounce tumeric powder # ounce celery seed 1% pounds sugar A cup salt Chop all the vegetables, mix all together, boil 1 hour, seal hot. MRS. ALDEN FISH COLD CHILL SAUCE 1 peck half-ripe tomatoes peeled and cut small, 12 medium sized onions chopped, 6 peppers (red and green) chopped, 3 cups celery cut small. Sprinkle these with 1 cup salt, and let stand 2 hours. Drain. Mix 1 quart of cider vinegar, 2 pounds brown sugar, $ cup white mustard seed, 4 ounces cinnamon. Pour over the vegetables and stir well several times daily for 2 or 3 days. Keep in a stone crock and stir occasionally. This keeps all winter, and better in a stone erock than in tight jars. MRS. IDA. F. WELLS 57 PICKLED BEETS Boil until tender, cut in slices. Make a syrup of 1 cup sugar for every cup of vinegar. If vinegar is very sharp, reduce with water. Boil all together a few minutes. Put up hot, as canned fruit. MRS. S. L. FISH - POTTSFIELD PHCKLE 3 cups ripe tomatoes, chopped 4 cups vinegar 3 cups chopped green to- 2 cups sugar matoes # teaspoon cinnamon 2 cups chopped onions # teaspoon cloves 1 red pepper, and 1 bunch 4 cup white mustard seed celery chopped Mix tomatoes, onions, red pepper and celery with 4 cup salt. Let stand over night. Drain well. Add other ingredients and boil hour. Seal hot. MRS. G. W. DUNHAM - PICKLED RED CABBAGE Cut small cabbages in quarters, pack snugly in wide top stone jar, in layers ; between each layer sprinkle, according to your judgment, sugar, salt, ground ginger, whole black pepper, and whole white mustard seed. Cover with cold vinegar, and let stand till next day. Lay a plate over the cabbage and hold firmly while you pour off the vinegar into a granite kettle. Bring this to a boil, and pour over the cabbage ; replace the plate on top and put a weight on it that the cabbage may always be kept snug and under the vinegar. Scald the vinegar each morning ; nine times in all. When cold the last time, stick in a few pieces of horse-radish root, scraped and cleaned. MRs. CoATES 58 C A N D I E S --- MOCHA FUDGE 3 cups sugar § cup cold milk 2 squares chocolate 2 tablespoons butter § cup cold coffee Vanilla Nuts if desired Cook together sugar, chocolate, milk and coffee 10 minutes; add butter and continue cooking till it forms a soft ball in cold water. Add flavoring and nuts, and beat. MRS. EMELINE F. KELLOGG SULTANA CARAMEL CANDY 1 cup raisins 1 squares Baker's chocolate 1 cup nuts cup milk 1} cups sugar 3 tablespoons butter 1 teaspoon vanilla Boil all but nuts and raisins 7 minutes; add these and boil 1 minute more. Beat until creamy. Pour into buttered tins and when cool cut in squares. MARY E. CoATES PINOCHE 3 cups brown sugar # cup milk 13, tablespoons butter Stir continually, and when nearly done add 1 cup chopped English walnuts. Take from fire and add 1 teaspoon vanilla. Beat until creamy and pour into pans. When cold cut in BQuares. MRs. ELIZABETH RATHBUN BUTLER MAPLEINE FUDGE 2 cups sugar Butter size of an egg 1 cup milk 1 teaspoon vanilla A teaspoon Mapleine extract Cook sugar, milk and butter till it makes a soft ball in water. Add vanilla and mapleine. Pour into buttered tins. Cut into squares and put , nut meat on each square. CLARA PH. CHACE 59 BOYS' PEANUT CANDY 1 cup molasses boiled till it spins a thread; add + teaspoon cream of tartar, and 1 quart peanut meats. When cool cut in SQuares. MARY E. COATES BUTTER SCOTCH 2 cups brown sugar 4 tablespoons molasses # cup butter 2 cups water 2 tablespoons vinegar Boil without stirring till it hardens in cold water. Pour into buttered tins. E. KENNETH BATES MOLASSES CANDY 1 cup molasses 1 cup sugar Butter size of an egg Boil without stirring till it hardens in water. When done add teaspoon soda and beat well. Flavor if desired. Good for peanuts or other nuts. MRS. ELIZABETH RATHBUN BUTLER PEPPERMINT DROPS 1 tumber granulated sugar, 3 tablespoons boiling water. Boil just 3 minutes. Take from fire and stir in 4 tablespoons confectioner's sugar and teaspoon essence peppermint. Drop on waxed paper quickly. MARY E. CoATES TURKISH DELIGHT 2 pounds granulated sugar 1 cup boiling water 1 box Cox's gelatine (large 1 lemon size) 1 orange # cup cold water + pound English walnuts Green coloring Soak gelatine in the cold water, add the boiling water ; when dissolved, add the sugar. Let boil 10 minutes. Add the lemon and orange juice and boil another 10 minutes. Re- move from fire, add a little grated orange rind, the chopped nuts and green coloring. Pour into pans till 1 inch thick. Let stand till next day. Cut in squares, and roll each piece in fine granulated sugar. MRS. D. B. DENISON 60 HEAVENLY FUDGE 3 cups granulated sugar 2 egg whites § cup cold water 1 cup nut meats A cup Karo corn syrup 1 teaspoon vanilla Boil sugar, water and syrup till it spins a hair. Pour upon the beaten whites; add the vanilla and the nut meats cut fine. Beat the mixture hard and pour into a buttered pan. Crease in squares while soft, and cool slowly. CLARA. H. CHACE CHO.COLATE CARAMELS 1 cup sugar 1 cup milk 1 cup molasses 2 squares chocolate Boil all together till it forms a hard ball in water. Before taking from fire add small piece butter and teaspoon vanilla. Stir well, pour into pans, and when nearly cold cut in squares and wrap each in waxed paper. BESSIE W. HEATH ICE CREAM CANDY 2 cups granulated sugar § cup hot water } teaspoon cream of tartar Boil without stirring till it spins a thread. When nearly done, add butter size of small egg , when done pour into a buttered pan and drop vanilla over the top. Take out, and pull in the hands, as soon as it is possible to handle. CLARA. H. CHACE RUSSIAN DELIGHT 2 pounds granulated sugar Juice of 1 orange 2 cups water Juice and grated rind of 1 box Cooper's gelatine 1 lemon Soak gelatine in 1 cup of the water, put sugar and the other cup of water on to boil; when boiling add gelatine and cook steadily for 25 minutes. Take from fire, add orange and lemon. Pour into pans wet with cold water. Let stand 24 hours in a cold place. Cut in squares, and roll in confec- tioner's sugar. MRS. MARION WILCOx WHEELER 61 B E V E R A G E S --- GRAPE JUICE 1 quart grapes, 1 pint water. Let it boil. Strain without pressure. To each quart of this liquid add 1 cup sugar. Boil, and bottle while hot. ELIZABETH A. BURRows RECEPTION COCOA 2 level tablespoons cocoa teaspoon salt 4 tablespoons granulated 4 cup cold water Sugar 1 pint rich milk Mix the first four ingredients till it first boils, then thickens, then looks as if it would turn to fudge. When it is so thick that the spoon leaves its track in the mixture, add the milk a little at a time, stirring constantly. When all is added, and has boiled up once more, move to side of stove and beat vigorously with egg-beater a full minute. Serve at once. MRS. ALDEN FISH GRAPE PUNCH 1 quart grape juice 2 oranges 6 lemons 2 cups sugar Combine grape juice with sugar, water, lemon and orange juice. When well blended, add slices of orange, bits of pine- apple, and other fruits in season. MRS. G. W. DUNHAM BARBERRY JUICE Boil barberries in water to cover, till very tender, mashing with spoon against kettle to break skins. When done, strain without pressure. Measure juice, and to each quart add sugar to taste (4 or cup). Boil and bottle while hot. Use as summer drink, diluted with water. HARRIET FISH 62 CURRANTADE 1 quart red currants 2 cups sugar 1 pint raspberries 2 quarts water Juice of 1 lemon Make a syrup of sugar and water boiled 5 minutes, add lemon juice and cool. Crush fruit through a jelly bag, com- bine mixtures; put in jars and chill on ice for 2 hours. MRS. G. W. DUNHAM M IS C E L L A N E O US SWEETBREADS TO PREPARE SWEETBREADS After removing pipes and membranes, soak 1 hour in cold water. Then put them in slightly salted boiling water, and boil 15 minutes. Place in cold water for 5 minutes, drain, and dry them. They are now ready for frying or other use. MRS. J. O. FISH TO PRESERVE EGGS WITH LIME Slack a piece of lime the size of an egg in a very little hot water ; add 10 quarts of cold water and 1 pint of salt. Pack the eggs in a stone jar, small end down, and cover with the brine. Sufficient for 17 dozens eggs. - ELIZABETH A. BURRows TO PRESERVE EGGS WITH WATER GLASS Make a solution of 1 part water glass to 12 parts cold water, and cover fresh eggs laid in a stone jar. MRS. CoATES CRYSTALLIZED CORN 1 cup sugar, 1 tablespoon butter, 3 tablespoons water; boil 5 minutes. Stir in quickly 2 quarts or more of freshly popped corn. ELIZABETH A. BURRows 64 HULLED CORN 1 quart corn, 1 quart sifted wood ashes (in a cheese-cloth bag), cover these well with cold water, and boil hour. Re- move the bag of ashes and boil till the hulls will wash off. Wash in several waters till hulls are all off. Put the corn in plenty of water and boil 4 hours. HANNAH MINER (From her mother's cook book) 65 ADDITIONAL RECIPES 35%gº º º the lºº ce recipes º Chºe ſº sºy |º go. C/ UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN LIBRARY so CONSERVATION UNIT co Examination and treatment records are on file. call hº job i. 20 s , o º --