- - - - - º, FEW HOUSEKEEPERS R. E. A. L. I. 2 º' T H E. PossIEIILITIES OF J E L L - O THE DAINTY DESSERT T IS really wonderful what a great num- ber of delicious and satisfying desserts can be made from it almost instantly. JELL-O is a favorite in all homes where it has been introduced, because it is pure and wholesome, has high nutritive value, is better than cake, pie or other rich pastry, and can be SO EASILY PREPARED JUST ADD BO/L/WG WATER A/VD LET GOOL No cooking, no sweetening, no flavoring, no trouble. All done in a minute, and the result is an exquisite dessert that every- body likes. If a more elaborate dessert is desired, add a few nuts, sliced oranges or other fruit, when the JELL-O begins to harden; or try | | Q some of the recipes given in this book. º ELL-0 HELIPE BUD/ Compiled by MRS, NELLIE JULING GANS Principal Chicago Cooking College All recipes and illustrations contributed by Mrs. Gans are marked with a star.” Recipes and illus- trations contributed by Mrs. E. Luchting marked with a cross. -- - JELL-O complies with the requirements of all pure food laws, and received Highest Award, Gold Medals at St. Louis and Portland Expositions. Creams, Custards, Frappes, Sherbets, Salads, Conserves, Sponge Cake, Nut Puddings, Plum Puddings, Chocolate Puddings, Souffles, etc., are very easy to prepare with JELL-O. JELL-O will save, nine-tenths of the time the cook now spends preparing desserts, and those made from JELL-O will be superior in every way, at much less cost. - JELL-O is used extensively in sanitariums and hospitals, as it is greatly relished by the sick and convalescent. JELL-O RECIPE BOOK 1. Strawberry Cream Pie.” 1 pint strawberries 1 p.kg Strawberry JELL-O - % cup sugar I cup cream - 1% cups boiling water 1 shell and six strips of (% inch) pie paste RUSH the berries—afterwashing and hulling— and add the sugar; then set them aside. Dissolve the JELL-O in the boiling water and when it begins to thicken, add to it the sugared berries. Then whip the cream and add it to the berry mixture, pour it into the prepared pastry shell and place the strips across. Let it stand half an hour and serve. 2. Cherry and Orange Salad.* I plºg. orange JELL-O I pint boiling water I plºg cherry JELL-O . I teasp. almond extract I cup Maraschino cherries 2 large oranges ISSOLVE the two kinds of JELL-O in separate bowls, using the boiling water on the orange JELL-O and the Maraschino juice, and boiling water on the cherry JELL-O. Peel the oranges, cut the parts into small pieces and cut the cherries into halves, When the jelly begins to set, take a fork and stir the orange pieces thro’ the orange JELL-O and the cherries thro’ the cherry JELL-O. Then place on ice. When ready to serve mix the cherry and orange JELL-O, using a fork. Serve on a lettuce leaf and garnish with whipped cream. 3. Cherry Charlotte.” 1 cup double cream % cup sherry The whites of 3 eggs I pkg. cherry JELL-O % cup sugar 1% cups hot water ISSOLVE the JELL-O in the water and allow it to cool. Beat the eggs and add the sugar, then whip your cream and add it. Add the sherry to the dissolved JELL-O and when it be- gins to stiffen add the egg and cream mixture. Line a mould with Lady-fingers, pour in the mixture, chill and serve. Highest Award, Gold Medal, St. Louis and Portland JELL-O RECIPE BOOK 4. Tomato Salad.-- 2 p.kgs. Lemon JELL-O Mayonnaise Dressing I qt, boiling water Lettuce 6 tomatoes, sliced ISSOLVE the JELL-O in water. Pour part into dish or mould, and when partly congealed add sliced tomatoes. Then add balance of JELL-O and when hardened turn out, garnish with lettuce, and serve with Mayonnaise dressing. Strawberry Cream.-- 1 qt. Strawberries I plºg. Strawberry JELL-O 34 cup sugar 1 cup hot water - 1% cups whipped cream AVE out enough berries to garnish dish. Mash the balance and add sugar. Dissolve the JELL-O in the boiling water, then mix with berries and let cool; when partly jellied add cream whipped stiff and a few fresh strawberries. Pour in mould and set away to harden. Serve with whipped cream and garnish with berries. Floating Island.* 1 p.kg. Peach JELL-O 1 pint boiling water 3 eggs 1 tablesp. cornstarch % cup sugar 1 teasp extract vanilla I pint milk % glass currant jelly I cup whipped cream OUR the pint of boiling water on the JELL-O stir until dissolved, then set aside to cool. Make a thin custard of the milk, sugar, egg-yolks, cornstarch and vanilla extract, pouring it into a shallow glass dish, and put it on ice. Beat the whites of the eggs until very stiff, and when the JELL-O begins to thicken beat it with a wire egg-beater until it is white, then add the stiffly beaten egg-whites. Lastly, beat in the whipped cream and continue beating as long as possible. Then with a large spoon take up a heaping spoonful of the JELL-O mixture and drop it lightly on the custard, making in this way six or eight of the “islands.” Place a teaspoonful of the currant jelly on each of the “islands.” A PERFECT SUBSTITUTE FOR GELATINE JELL-O RECIPE BOOK Orange Cream Pie.” I pint of milk % cup sugar I Orange I plºg. Orange JELL-O 3 eggs, beaten I cup double cream I pastry shell. baked Bº" the eggs and add the sugar, heat the milk to the boiling point and pour it slowly over the eggs and sugar, and add the grated rind and the juice of the orange. Return to the fire and cook three minutes. Remove and add the JELL-O. Stir until dissolved and beat until it begins to thicken. Then pour it into the shell and allow it to cool. When cool whip the cream stiff and decorate the top of your filled shell so as to imitate meringue. Chocolate Foam.-- 3 cups hot water 5 teaspoons grated chocolate Lºup sugar I plºg. Orange JELL-O Whites of four eggs I teaspoon vanilla One pint of cream. O the boiling water add the chocolate and sugar. Stir well and boil three minutes. Remove from the fire and dissolve in the mixture the package of JELL-O Stir occasionally until it begins to thicken, then beat until foamy. Beat egg whites, adding vanilla, then stir into the JELL-O mixture, and continue beating until rather stiff. Pour into a mould or sherbet cups, and set away to congeal. Serve with whipped Creaml. Neapolitan.-- 3 pints hot water 1 plºg. Raspberry JELL-O I plºg. Lemon JELL-O I plºg. Chocolate JEL,L-O ISSOLVE the package of Lemon JELL-O in one pint of boiling water. When about half set, beat to a stiff froth and pour into square mould, Prepare the Strawberry JELL-O in same manner, beat and pour on Lemon. Also prepare Chocolate JELL-O in same manner, and fill the mould with it. When set turn out of mould and slice with knife. Highest Award, Gold Medal, St. Louis and Portland JELL-O RECIPE BOOK Apple Flip.” The white of one egg I plºg, Lemon JELL-0 3 tablesp. grated apple 1 pint boiling water % cup sugar powdered, 1 cup whipped cream 1 teasp Lemon Extract Cherties. Pºiº the egg-white, sugar, lemon extract, and grated apple in a bowl, beat until stiff. Dissolve the JELL-O in the boiling water, when cool beat until it begins to thicken, then add the apple mixture and fold in the whipped cream. Serve in glasses with a cherry on top. Prune Souffle.* 1 pint stewed prune pulp The white of two eggs 1 p.kg. Chocolate JELL-O 1 pint hot water 1 teasp. Cinnamon I pint whipped cream ISSOLVE the JELL-O in the water and when it begins to thicken add the prune pulp and cinnamon, then beat in half of the creatu. Pile into custard cups, chill and serve with the remaining cream. - JELL-O Fruit Salad.-- I plºg. Raspberry JELL-O 2 oranges 1 pint hot water 2 bananas or other fruits. ISSOLVE the JELL-O in the hot water. Slice bananas, oranges, peaches, or any fruit desired, and when the JELI.-O is half set stir fruit into same and set away to cool. Orange Snow Pudding.-- I plºg. Strawberry JELL, O. I cup Maraschino Cherries I quart hot water 2 bananas I plºg. Orange JELL-O 2 Oranges ISSOLVE the Strawberry JELL-O in one pint of boiling water. When partly congealed urinto mould and place maraschino cherries, sliced bananas and oranges, allowing it to thor- oughly set. Dissolve the Orange JELL-O in balance of water, and when about the consistency of molasses, beat until pink and spongy, then pour over the Strawberry and set away until firm. A PERFECT SUBSTITUTE FOR GELATINE JELL-0 ||}E GREAM PDWDER F o R v A k N G c = c R = A M A STRICTLY PURE, and wholesome food product which enables anyone to make de- licious Ice Cream in ten minutes with the simple addition of milk, at a cost of one cent a plate. No cooking : no heating. No eggs, sugar or flavoring to add. Simply stir the contents of one package into a quart of milk and freeze. FLAVORS: STRAWBERRY, VAW/LLA, CHOGOLATE, LEMON AND UNFLAVORED. Puddings, Pies, and filling for Layer Cakes, Cream Puffs, etc., are also easy to make with JELL-O ICE CREAM Powder, saving entirely the cost of eggs, sugar and flavoring. A nice pudding sauce is made by dissolving one package Vanilla Jell-O lee Cream Powder in a pint of boiling water. ILLUSTRATED RECIPE BOOK FREE V. Highest Award, Portland Exposition 1905 Complies with all pure food laws Two packages for 25 cents, at all Grocers. Experience has proven that best results are ob- ºby use of the White Mountain Ice Cream Freezer, manufactured by the White Mountain Freezer Co., Nashua, N. H. Our demonstrators all over the United States are using this freezer in preference to any other. Jell-O lee Cream Powder and º are entirely different products ALUMINUM JELL-0 ||||||IS | SOUVENIR SPOONS SOUVENIR DISHES F. R. E. E. In each package of JELL-O will be found a circular describing and illustrating the JELL-O moulds and other articles we send absolutely free to users of JELL-O. \ NO MONEY REQUIRED Get a package of JELL-O to-day and learn how easily these desirable moulds, spoons and dishes can be secured. There is | UTHER DESSERT JUST LIKE JELL-0 Beware of the grocer who tries to sell you something else, claiming it is "Just as good." You will surely be disappointed. It costs him less money and will prove in- ferior in every way, although he asks you to pay as much for it as for JELL-O. SEVEN CHOICE FLAVORS: jº | --------ou------- Lemon, of ANGE, RASPBERRY, ſº JELLO CHERRY, STRAWBERRY, º ºgº PEACH, CHOCOLATE, º-LEMSN º 10 cents PER Package.Nº -i. na. A nº-Fact t-r-e D. E. Y. THE GENESEE PURE FOOD CO. Q'." N E W Y O Er. K. C º Jell-O recºre hogſ- 26.5%: ºſe C3ooki - -- |