State of Connecticut BY HIS EXCELLENCY MARCUS H. HOLCOMB GOVERNOR # rurlamatium T a time when bitter suffering has become the common lot of much of the world and anxiety is gnawing at the hearts of many of us, there is no room for the light-hearted rejoicing which has so often marked the coming of the Thanksgiving season. For our full lives, for all our throbbing commercial life, we have abundant reason for thankfulness; but we see in them now, not a goal attained, only the means to an infinitely nobler and greater end. They, whose battle is our battle, look to us for armament and Sustenance. Largely we can give, for largely has it been given unto us. He, Who has made the way straight for us, Who has given us courage to raise the gage of battle, Who has inspired us with faith in the ultimate victory, has wonderfully strengthened our arms for the conflict. For that we owe Him thanks. But to Him, to our country, to the high cause which we have made our own, to the devotion of those who are offering their lives as sacrifices upon the altar of that cause, we owe more than thanks. Ours is the duty to see that these resources which have been made ready for us shall be so husbanded, so shaped, so used that they may attain the greatest possible effect. On Thursday, November the twenty-ninth, which old custom marks as a day of Chaukauiutiuſ let each of us, then, reverently and sincerely, return thanks to God, for His gifts to us, but let us also, there in His presence, no less reverently and sincerely, steel our hearts in the firm resolve that no word or deed of ours shall dull the weapons He has shaped to our hands. Given under my hand and seal of the State at the Capitol, in Hartford, this sixteenth day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand, nine hundred and seven- teen, and of the independence of the United States the one hundred and forty-second. By His Excellency's Command: Governor. Secretary. MAR 15 1919 //b la }~~~~/~a w wº) | | £860 #70 160 9 106 € (~~~~ NwèlHolw-¿O W LISHE/\|Nf]