- * - - . . . . . . . . .: tº - * ... * * * > , 's - * * * * - x - ** * *- * • - * * . . $.. ." . . - - - - - * . . . .” . . . * * - . - - ... • - w - . . . - - * . . . . - • * : . . . . . . . - ** - . WA *... ºs --- | - - . . . ... ?"A wr - * * * C. w : • * - * :- —- • * *. & -----, - . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 4 . . . . ." s : . ºr, - ... . . . " - : - w t -- s .", - ** • . . . . . . . . . - - * - * * - - T - - - - > . . - - - .# , - - . . . - * . - - - * . . . . . . . ... " ... - X” • * 3. ...? w" -: º - 4 : For SALE BY } WALTER M. HILL } 831 MARSHALL FIELD BUILDING 22 E. washingtoN St. CHICAGO TEL CENTRAL 2080 VI - ſº serusesamºrºssº WHITE HORSES - BY $ RUDYARD KIPLING 1ONDON PRINTED FOR PRIVATE CIRCULATION 1897 See Number 105 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN LIBRARIES First Editions 1. A. E. BY STILL WATERs, Lyrical Poems Old and New. First edition, crown 8vo, original boards, buck- ram back, uncut. The Dun Emer Press, Dundrum, 1906. - $10.00 Scarce. 2. A. E. DEIRDRE. A Drama in Three Acts. Be- ing Number Four of the Tower Press Booklets. Sec- ond Series. First edition, sq. 12mo, original wrappers, uncut. Dublin: Maunsel, 1907. $20.00 With inscription on half-title by the author: “George Rus- sell, A. E.” 3. A. E. THE HERo IN MAN. The Orpheus Series. No. 1. First edition, square 12mo, original wrappers, . uncut, 30 pp. Cheshire, and London, n. d. (1909). $5.00 4. ABERCROMBIE (LAscELLEs). THE SALE of SAINT THOMAs. First edition, 12mo, in the original blue wrappers as issued. Published by the Author, Ry. tom, Dymock, Gloucestershire, 1911. $16.00 Very scarce. 5. ABERGROMBIE (Lascelles). Speculative DIALOGUES. First edition, crown 8vo, original cloth, paper label, red top. London, 1913. $3.00 6. ABERCROMBIE (LAsCELLEs). THOMAS HARDY. A Critical Study, Portrait. 8vo, original cloth, gilt top, uncut and unopened. London: Martin Secker, 1912. 4 * $3.50 7. ALLINGHAM (WILLIAM). THE MUSIC MASTER. a Love Story, and Two Series of Day and Night Songs. 9 full-page illustrations on wood, including D. G. Ros- . setti's frontispiece to “The Maids of Elfen-Mere.” First edition. 12mo, cloth, uncut, London, 1855. $8.00 8. BAIN (F. W.). BUBBLEs of THE FOAM. Trans- lated from the Original Manuscript. With a frontis- 4 Walter M. Hill piece. First edition, 16mo, half vellum, uncut. Lon- dom, Methwem and Co., n. d. (1912). $2.00 9. BAIN (F. W.). AN EssENCE OF THE DUSK. Translated from the Original Manuscript. Frontis- piece. First edition, 8vo, boards, paper label, uncut. London, 1906. $4.00 10. BAIN (F. W.). AN IN CARNATION OF THE SNow. Translated from the Original Manuscript. With front- ispiece. First edition, 8vo, boards, paper label, uncut. Oxford, 1908. - $4.00 11. BARING-GOULD (S.). THE Book OF WERE- WOLVES, being an account of a terrible superstition. First edition, with frontispiece, 12mo. Fine copy, in the original red pictorial cloth, uncut. London, 1865. $16.00 This book is a monograph on a peculiar form of superstition prevalent annong all nations and in all ages. It is now very scarce and difficult to get. - 12. BENNETT (ARNOLD). THE MATADOR of THE FIVE Towns and other Stories. First edition, 12mo, cloth. London, 1912. - $2.00 13. BENNETT (ARNOLD). ToI,ITE FARCES for the Drawing-Room. First edition, 12mo, buckram, gilt top, uncut. London: Lamley and Co., 1900. $2.50 14. [BENNETT (ARNOLD) }. THE TRUTH ABOUT AN AUTHOR. First edition, crown 8vo, original cloth. Westminster: Comstable, 1903. $2.00 15. BENNETT (ARNOLD). WHAT THE PUBLIC WANTs. A Play in Four Acts. First edition. 12mo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. London: Frank Palmer, m. d. (1910). $2.50 16. BENSoN (ARTHUR CHRISTOPHER). Essays. First edition, crown 8vo, original brown buckram, uncut. Lon- don: Heinemann, 1896. $3.00 17. BENSON (ARTHUR CHRISTOPHER). THE HILL OF TROUBLE, And Other Stories. First edition, crown Svo, original cloth, uncut. London: Isbister and Co., 1903. $5.00 18. BENSON (ARTHUR CHRISTOPHER). THE ISLES of SUNSET. First edition, crown 8vo, original pictorial cloth, uncut. London: Isbister and Co., 1904. $5.00 891 Marshall Field Building, Chicago 5 19, BENSON (ARTHUR CHRISTOPHER). THE LEAVES of THE TREE. Studies in Biography. First edition, 8vo, cloth, uncut. London: Smith, Elder and Co., 1911. $3.00 20. BENSON (ROBERT HUGH). THE NEGROMANCERs. First edition, crown 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London: Hwtchinson and Co., 1909. . $1.50 21. BRADLEY (F. H.). ETHICAL STUDIES. First edition. Crown 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London: Henry S. King and Co., 1876. $20.00 A series of very valuable critical essays from the Hegelian point of view. It is one of the most important contributions to its subject made by any English writer during the 19th century. Very scarce. 23. BROOKE (RUPERT). 1914 AND OTHER PoEMs. Portrait. First edition, crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lom- dom, 1915. $10.00 24. BROOKE (RUPERT). LETTERS FROM AMERICA. With a Preface by Henry James. With portrait. First edition, crown 8vo, original black buckram, gilt top, paper label, uncut. London: Sidgwick and Jackson, 1916. - $2.75 25. BROOKE (RUPERT). PoEMs. First edition. 12mo, original cloth, paper label, uncut and unopened. London: Sidgwick and Jackson, 1911. $30.00 Very scarce. 26. BROWNING (ELIZABETH BARRETT). THE LETTERs of Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Edited with Biographi- cal Additions by Frederic G. Kenyon. With portraits. First edition. 2 vols., crown 8vo, in the original black cloth, uncut. London : Smith, Elder and Co., 1897. $3.50 27. BROWNING (ELIZABETH BARRETT). PoEMs. By Elizabeth Barrett Barrett. First Collected Edition. 6 Walter M. Hill 2 vols., 12mo, original cloth, uncut, London, 1844. $12.50 Fine copy, with the Seward Brice book plate. 28. BROWNING (RoPERT). THE AGAMEMNON OF Anschylus transcribed. First edition, 12mo, cloth; tın. cut. London, 1877. $2.00 29. BROWNING (RobH.RT). BELLS AND Pom EGRAN- ATEs. First edition, 8vo, original cloth, uncut:, .J.9. don: Edward Moºron, 1841. $150.00 Fine copy of the First Editions of all the eight parts. - 30. BROWNING (Robert). CHRISTMAS-EVE AND EastER-DAY. A Poem. First edition, 12mo, original cloth, uncut. London: Chapman and Hall, 1850. $7.50 Dykes Campbell's cony. Edward Moron, 1840. $20.00 34. BUCHANAN (RoberT). THE FLESHLY SCHOOL OF POETRY ; and Other Phenomena of the Day. First edition, 12mo, original printed cover. London: Straham and Co., 1872. - - $7.00 This trenchant review of several poets provoked Mr. Swin- burne’s “Under the Microscope.” A very remarkable attack upon the poems of Swinburne, D. G. Rossetti, Baudelaire and others, which called forth Swinburne’s biting reply, “Under the * Microscope.” 35. BUCKTON (A. M.). KINGS IN BABYLON. A Drama. First edition, crown 8vo, wrappers, uncut. London: Methuen and Co., m. d. 500 36. BYRON (Lord). THE GURSE or MINERVA. First edition. Unique Proof Copy, with the title corrected by Lord Byron. 4to, in the original boards, entirely uncut as issued. Printed by T. Davison, Lombard- Street Whitefriars, 1812. w Inserted in this volume is an interesting full length drawing of the East of Eigin, and a superb and most interesting 4 page letter of Scott referring to the work, and the copy itself is abso- lutely UNIQUE. 831 Marshall Field Building, Chicago 7 —— THE WALTZ: An Apostrophic Hymn, by Horace Hornein, Esq. First edition, 4to, entirely uncut, sewed as issued. Size 1.1% by 9 inches. Eartremely fine copy, probably the finest in eaſistence. They are undoubtedly the two finest copies in existence. The Huth copies which I purchased were not both un- out, only The Waltz, and they were both bound. No copy of either of these two varieties are in the British Museum. Price for the two $3600.00 37. BYRON (LORD). PoEMs ON HIs Dom ESTIC CIR- CUMSTANCES. I. Fare Thee We]] | II. A Sketch from Private Life. With the Star of the Legion of Honour, &c., &c. Containing eight poems. First edi- tion. 16mo, original wrappers, paper covers, enclosed in a cloth case. Boston : Eliot, 1816. $9.00 38. BYRON (MARy). A Voice FROM THE WELD. With a foreword by Sir J. Percy Fitzpatrick. First edi- tion. 12mo, original cloth, gilt top, uncut. London: Dent, 1913. 506 39. CARROLL (LEWIs). THANTASMAGORIA AND OTHER PoEMs. First edition. Crown 8vo, original cloth, gilt edges. London: Macmillan and Co., 1869. $16.00 Scarce. 40. CARROTL: COLLINGWOOD (STUART DoDG- SoN). THE LIFE AND LETTERS OF TEwis CARRoi,L (Rev. C. L. Dodgson). Illustrated. First edition. 8vo, origi- mal green buekram, gilt top, uncut. London: Unwin, 1898. $3.00 41. CAWEIN (MADison). NEw PoEMs. First edi- tion. 12mo, original boards, vellum back, uncut. Lon- don: Grant Richards, 1909. $1.00- 42. CHESSON (NorA). AQUAMARINEs. First edi- tion. 12mo, original boards, vellum back, uncut. Lon- dom: Grant Richards, 1902. $1.00 43. CHESTERTON (GILBERT K.). GEORGE BERNARD SHAw. First edition. Crown. 8vo, original cloth, gilt top, uncut. London: John Lame, 1910. - $3.50 44. CIPBER (THEOPHILUs). AN APOLOGY for the Life of Mr. T- C–, Comedian, being a Proper Sequel to the Apology for the Life of Mr. Colley Cibber; with 8 Walter M. Hill an Historical View of the Stage to the Present Year (ascribed to H. Fielding). 8vo, mottled calf, gilt. Lon- don: Printed for J. Mechell, 1740. $15.00 First Edition. 45. CONRAD (Joseph). CHANCE. A Tale in Two Parts. First edition. Crown 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London: Methuen and Co., n. d. $5.00 46. CONRAD (JOSEPH). LORD JIM. A Tale. First edition. Crown 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Edinburgh & London, 1900. $25.00 Scarce. 47. CONRAD (JosLPH). THE NIGGER of THE ‘‘NAR- CISSUs.” A Tale of the Sea. First edition, crown 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Scarce. London: Heinemann, 1898. $25.00 48. CONRAD (Joseph). NosTRoMo. A Tale of the Seaboard. First edition, crown 8vo, original cloth. Lon- don and N. Y., 1904. - $7.50 49. CONRAD (Joseph). PREFACE, THE NIGGER OF THE ‘‘NARCISSUs.” Crown 8vo, stitched, as issued. N. p., n. d. [Hythe, 1897]. $30.00 First Edition. Only a few copies privately printed for the author to give his friends. This preface was suppressed from the English edition of the novel. 50. CONRAD (Joseph). 'TwixT LAND & SEA TALEs. A Smile of Fortune, The Secret Sharer, Freya of the Seven Isles. First edition, crown 8vo, original cloth, un- cut. London: Dent, 1912. - $3.50 51. CONRAD (Joseph). UNDER WESTERN EYEs. First edition, crown 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London: Methuen, n. d. • $6.00 52. CONRAD (Joseph). WITH IN THE TIDEs. Tales. First edition, crown 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London and Toronto: Dent, 1915. $3.00 53. CONRAD (Joseph). YoUTH. First edition, crown 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1902. $15.00 54. CRACKANTHORP.E (HUBERT). Last Studies. 831 Marshall Field Building, Chicago () Portrait. First edition, crown 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London: Heinemann, 1897. - $4.00 54a. CUSTANCE (OLIVE, LADY ALFRED Dougi,As). THE INN of DREAMs. First edition, 12mo, original boards, paper label, uncut. London: John Lane, 1911. $1.00 55. D'ANNUNZIO (GABRIELE). THE CHILD OF PLEASURE. Translated from the Italian by Georgina Harding. With an Introduction and Verse Translation by Arthur Symons. First edition, crown 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London: Heinemann, 1898. $3.50 56. DAVIDSON (John). SELF's THE MAN. A Tragi-Comedy. First edition, crown 8vo, original cloth, uncut and unopened. London: Grant Richards, 1901. $1.00 57. DAVIES (W. H.). BEGGARs. Frontispiece. First edition, crown 8vo, original cloth. Londom : Duckworth, 1909. $3.50 58. DAVIES (WILLIAM H.). NATURE POEMs, and Others. First edition, 16mo, original boards, uncut. London: A. C. Fifield, 1908. - $3.00 59. DAVIES (WM. H.). New PoEMs. First edi. tion, 12mo, original cloth, uncut. London: Elkin Math- ews, 1907. - $4.00 60. DICKENS (CHARLEs). EvºNINGs of A WoRKING MAN, being the Occupation of his Scanty Leisure, by John Overs, with a Preface relative to the Author by Charles Dickens. First edition. Small 8vo, original cloth, gilt edges, with protective cloth cover. London: T. C. Newby, 1844. - $12.00 In general get up the book closely remembles “A Christmas Carol” with its embossed brown cloth, its gilt leaves, and the title printed in blue ink. The edition was a limited one, and the little book is becoming very scarce. 61. DICKENS (CHARLEs). GREAT ExPECTATIONs. First edition. 3 vols., crown 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London: Chapman & Hall, 1861. $650.00 Presentation copy from the author with A. L. S. inserted, 1 page, 8vo, as follows: “My Dear Mr. Joachim “They tell me here that you have not read ‘Great Expecta- 10 Walter M. Hill tions,’ and that you were looking for it in the Library the other day. I have instructed my publishers to send you a copy of the book, and I beg your acceptance of it in remembrance of its author. “Faithfully yours - - “Charles Dickens.” Joseph Joachim was one of the greatest of moderm violinists. 62. DORAN (DR.). NEW PICTURES AND OLD PAN- ELs. With portrait. First edition, crown 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London: Richard Bentley, 1859. $4.00 63. DOUGLAS (LoRD ALFRED). SoNNETs. First ed- ition, crown 8vo, boards, gilt top, uncut. London: The Academy Pub. Co., 1909. $4.00 64. DOWSON (ERNEST). THE PIERROT OF THE MIN- UTE. A Dramatic Phantasy in One Act. With a Frontis- piece, initial letter, vignette, and cul-de-lampe by Aubrey Beardsley. First edition, 4to, original cloth, gilt top. London: Leonard Smithers, 1897. $20.00 65. DRINKWATER (John). CoPHETUA. A Play in One ‘Act. First edition, 12mo, paper covers. London: David Nutt, 1911. - - 50& 66, DRINKWATER (John). Cromwell, AND OTHER PoEMs. First edition, 12mo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Lon- don: David Nutt, 1913. - $1.50 67. DRINKWATER (John). PoEMs of LovE AND EARTH. First edition, 12mo, boards, uncut. London: David Nutt, 1912. - - $1.00 68. DRINKWATER (John). REBELLION. A Play in Three Acts. First edition, 12mo, original paper cov- ers, uncut. London: David Nutt, m. d. $1.00 69. DRYDEN (John). TROILUs AND CRESSIDA ; or, Truth Found too Late. A Tragedy as it is Acted at the Duke's Theatre. To which is Prefix 'd, A Preface Con- taining the Grounds of Criticism in Tragedy. 4to, full crimson straight-grain morocco, gilt and blind-tooled, by Sangorski and Sutcliffe. London, 1679. $30.00 Fine copy of the First Edition. Contains the list of “Books Lately Printed” at the end. - 70. DUNSANY (Lord). SELECTIONS FROM THE WRIT- INGs of. First edition, 8vo, original boards, cloth back, 831 Marshall Field Building, Chicago 11 uncut and unopened. The Cuala - Press, Churchtown, Dundrum, 1912. $5.00 250 copies of this book have been printed. 71. FIELD (MICHAEL). CALLIRRHoE: Fair Rosa- mund. First edition, 12mo, original vellum covers, gilt top. London, n. d. - $2.50 UNCUT COPY 72. FIELDING (H.). AMELIA. Uncut copy of the |First Edition. 4 vols., crown 8vo. A very fine copy bound by Bedford in full polished calf super extra, uncut, gilt tops. A. Miller, 1752. $250.00 Excessively rare in this uncut state (size 7"/10 by 4% inches). It has the rare notice leaf at the end of Vol. II, and is the only UNCUT COPY I have seen for sale in many years. 73. FITZ GERALD (EDWARD). READINGS IN CRABBF. ‘‘Tales of the Hall.” First edition, 12mo, original cloth. London: Quaritch, 1883. $8.00 74. GALSWORTHY (John). FROM THE FOUR WINDs. By John Simjohn. First edition, crown 8vo, original cloth, gilt top, uncut (ex library copy). Lon- don: Unwin, 1897. - $5.00 75. GALSWORTHY (John). THE INN of TRAN- QUILITY. Studies and Essays. First edition, crown Svo, original buckram, uncut. London: Heinemann, 1912. - - $4.00 76. GARNETT (EDWARD). THE BREAKING PoinT. With Preface and a Letter to the Censor. A Censured Play. First edition, crown 8vo, original buckram, un- cut. London: Duckworth, 1907. - $1.50 77. GARNETT (RICHARD). PoEMs FROM THE GER- MAN. First edition, 12mo, cloth, uncut. London: Bell & Daldy, 1862. $1.00 78. [GOLDSMITH (OLIVER) ||. THE CITIZEN OF THE WoRLD ; or, Letters from a Chinese Philosopher, Residing in London, to his Friends in the East. First edition. 2 vols., 12mo, contemporary calf. London, 1762. $20.00 79. GOLDSMITH (OLIVER). THE COMIC ROMANCE OF MONSIEUR SCARRON, Translated by Oliver Goldsmith. 12 - Walter M. Hill 2 vols., 12mo, full blue levant morocco, gilt, gilt edges, by Zaehnsdorf. Londom, 1775. - $30.00 First Edition. Scarce. 80. GORKY (MAXIM). CREATURES THAT ONCE WERE MEN. Translated from the Russian by J. K. M. Shirazi. With Introduction by G. K. Chesterton. Square 12mo, cloth London: Alston Rivers, m d. - $1.75 81. GRAHAM (G. & R. B.). FATHER ARCHANGEL or SCOTLAND, and Other Essays. First edition, crown 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1896. - $1.50 82. GREGORY (LADY). IRISH Folk-HISTORY PLAYs. First Series: The Tragedies. Grania—Kimcora—Dervor- gilla. First edition, crown 8vo, boards, buckram back, paper label, uncut. N. Y. and London, 1912. $2.50 83. GREGORY (LADY). OUR IRISH THEATRE. A Chapter of Autobiography. Illustrated. First edition, crown 8vo, boards, buckram back, paper label, uncut. N. Y. and London, 1913. $4.00 83a. HAMILTON (ARTHUR): CARR (CHRISTOPHER). MEMOIRs of ARTHUR HAMILTON, B.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge. Extracted from His Letters and Diaries, with Reminiscences of His Conversation. First edition, crown 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London: Kegan Paul, 1886. - - $4.00 84. HARDY (THoMAs). SATIREs of CIRCUMSTANCE. Lyrics and Reveries, with Miscellaneous Pieces. First edition, crown 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London: Mac- millam, 1914. $1.50 85. HENLEY (WILLIAM ERNEST). A Book OF VERSEs. First edition, 12mo, original boards. London : David Nutt, 1888. $6.00 86. HENLEY (W. E.). VIEWS AND REVIEWs. Es- says in Appreciation. First edition. 12mo, cloth, paper label, uncut and unopened. London: David Nutt, 1890. $3.50 87. HEWLETT (MAURICE). THE LIFE AND DEATII OF RICHARD YEA-AND-NAY. First edition, crown 8vo, original cloth, gilt top. London: Macmillan, 1900, $3.50 831 Marshall Field Building, Chicago 13 88. HEWLETT (MAURICE). A MAsquiº OF DEAD FLORENTINEs, wherein some of Death's Choicest Pieces, and the Great Game that he played therewith, are fruit- fully set forth. Pictured by J. D. Batten. First edition, oblong 8vo, original buckram, gilt top, uncut. London: Dent & Co., 1895. $16.00 89. HEWLETT (MAURICE). OPEN Country. . A Comedy with a Sting. First edition, crown 8vo, original cloth, gilt top, uncut. London: Macmillan, 1909. $2.50- 90. HEWLETT (MAURICE). PAN AND THE Young SHEPHERD. A. Pastoral in Two Acts. First edition, 12mo, original cloth, uncut. London: John Lane, 1899. - - $5.00 91. HEWLETT (MAURICE). REST HARRow. A Com- edy of Resolution. First edition. Crown 8vo, cloth gilt, gilt top, uncut. London: Macmillan, 1910. $2.00 92. HEWLETT (MAURICE). THE SPANISH JADE. With full-page coloured illustrations by William Hyde. First edition, crown 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London: Cassell & Co., 1908. • . . - $2.50 93. HEWLETT (MAURICE). THE STOOPING LADY. First edition. Crown 8vo, original cloth, gilt top. Lon- don: Macmillan, 1907. $2.50 94. HOUSMAN (CLEMENCE). THE WERE-Wolf. First edition. With 6 illustrations by Laurence Hous- man. Crown Svo, original silk cloth, uncut. London: John Lane, 1896. . - $2.50 95. JACKSON (Hol.BRook). GREAT ENGLISH Nov. ELISTs. With 32 illustrations. First edition, crown 8vo, original cloth, gilt top, uncut. London: Grant Richards, m. d. - - $2.00 96. [JOHNSON (SAMUEL)]. THE IDLER. First edi- tion, 2 vols., 12mo, newly bound in half mottled calf gilt, gilt tops, by Riviere. London: Printed for J. Newbery, 1761. - $10.00 97. KEATS (John). LETTERs of JoHN KEATs To FANNY BRAWNE written in the years MDCCCXIX and MDCCCXX and now given from the original manuscripts with introduction and notes by Harry Buxton Forman, W 14 Walto), M. Hill First edition. 12mo, original buckram, gilt top, uncut. London: Reeves & Turner, 1878. $8.00 98. KEATS (John). PoEMs. First edition. Head of Shakespeare on title. 12mo, in the original boards, uncut, and with the paper label, enclosed in a cloth case. London: Printed for C. &. J. Ollier, 1817. $950.00 Choice copy in this state, absolutely perfect and almost unique as far as state and condition go. 99. [KINGLAKE (ALEXANDER WILLIAM) |. EOTHEN, or Traces of Travel Brought Home from the East. With folding colored frontispiece. First edition, 8vo, original green cloth, uncut. London: John Ollivier, 1844. $12.50 Scarce. 100. KIPLING (RUDYARD). THE DAY's Work. First edition, crown 8vo, original cloth, gilt top. London: Macmillan, 1898. - $5.00 101. KIPLING (RUDYARD). FRANCE AT WAR. First edition, 12mo, in the original paper covers. London: Macmillan & Co., 1915. $2.00 102. KIPLING (RUDYARD). LETTERs of MARQUE. First edition, 8vo, in the original red and blue cloth. Allahabad: A. H. Wheeler & Co., 1891. $45.00 Pirst Jºdition. Suppressed and rare. With the advertise- ment page. 103. KIPLING (RUDYARD). PLAIN TALEs FROM THE HILLS. First edition, 12mo, original cloth. Calcutta, 1888. $30.00 Very scarce. 104. KIPLING (RUDYARD). STALKY & Co. First edition, crown 8vo, original cloth, gilt top. London : Macmillan & Co., 1899. $3.00 105. KIPLING (RUDYARD). WHITE HoRSEs. 12mo, original grey wrappers as issued, uncut. London: Print- ed for private circulation, 1897. $100.00 Extremely scarce. Only a very few copies printed for copy- right purposes. 106. KIPLING (RUDyARD). THE WHITE MAN's BURDEN. 12mo, original grey wrappers as issued, uncut. London: Printed for private circulation, 1899. $100.00 Extremely scarce. Only a very few copies printed for copy- right purposes. - 831 Marshall Field Building, Chicago 15 107. KIPLING: Norton (CHARLEs ELIOT). RUD- YARD KIPLING. A Biographical Sketch. Portrait. First edition, crown 8vo, original boards, uncut. New York: Doubleday & McClure Co., 1899. $2.50 No. 64 of one hundred copies printed. 108. LANG (ANDREw). AUCAssIN & NICOLETE. T}ome into English. Frontispiece. First edition, 12mo, original vellum covers, uncut. London: David Nutt, 1887. - $12.50 Five hundred and fifty copies of this Edition printed, the whole being on Japanese paper. 109. LANG (ANDREW). AUCAssiN & NICOLETE. Done into English by Andrew Lang. Engraved frontis- piece by P. J. Hood in 2 states. 8vo, red levant morocco, sides and back decorated with a design of interlaced bands and azured tools, doublure and ends of silk, gilt top, uncut, by Zaehnsdorf. London: David Nutt, 1887. $80.00 First Edition on Ilarge Paper. Only 63 copies printed, of which 53 \vere for sale. 110. LANG (ANDREW). BALLADS AND LYRICs of OLD FRANCE. With Other Poems. First edition, crown 8vo, white cloth, uncut. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1872. - * $20.00 111. LANG (ANDREW). BLUE POETRY Book. Nu- merous fine full-page amd on-text illustrations by H. J. Ford and L. Speed. First edition, crown 8vo, pictorial gilt cover, gilt leaves. London, 1891. $2.50. 112. LANG (ANDREw). A CollBCTION OF BALLADs. With Illustrations and Notes. First edition, 12mo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. London, Chapman & Hall, 1897. $2.00 113. LANG (ANDREW). CUSTOM AND MYTH. First edition, crown 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London: Long- mams, Green & Co., 1884. $4.00 114. LANG (ANDREw). LETTERs on LITERATURE. First edition. 12mo, buckram, uncut. London, Long- mams, Green & Co., 1889. $2.00 115. LANG (ANDREw). SHAKESPEARE, BACON AND THE GREAT UNENOWN. With 8 illustrations. First edi- 16 Walter M. Hill tion, 8vo, original cloth. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1912. - - $4.00 116. LE GALLIENNE (RICHARD). ATTITUDES AND AVOWALS, with some Retrospective Reviews. First edi- tion, crown 8vo, original cloth, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. and London, m. d. . $2.50 117. LE GALLIENNE (RICHARD). RomanCES OF OLD FRANCE. With illustrations. First edition, 8vo, original boards, leather back, gilt top, uncut. New York: The Baker & Taylor Co., m. d. (1905) $1.00 118. LOCKE (WILLIAM J.). SIMON THE JESTER, First edition, crown 8vo, original cloth. London: John Lane, 1910. - - $2.50 119. LOCKE (W. J.). A STUDY IN SHADows. First edition, crowm 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London: Johm Lane, 1906. - $2.50 120. LOCKER (FREDERICK). LoNDON LYRICs. With an illustration by George Cruikshank. First edition, 12mo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1857. $20.00 121. LOCKER (FREDERICK). PATCH work, First edition, 12mo, original cloth, uncut. London: Smith, El- der & Co., 1879. $5.00 122. LOCKER (FREDERICK). A SELECTION FROM THE WoRKs of. With illustrations by Richard Doyle. Square 12mo, original cloth gilt, uncut. London: Edward Moacon, 1865. - - $150.00 Original Autograph Manuscript Signed of “The Rose and the Ring” inserted at page 78, supplied to the printers. Written after Thackeray's death. 123. LUCAS (E. V.). THE FRIENDLY Town. A Little Book for the Urbane. First edition, 12mo, origin- al cloth, gilt top, uncut. London: Methuen & Co., n. d. $3.00 124. LUCAS (E. V.). A GROUP OF LONDONERS. First edition, thin 8vo, original boards, uncut and unopened. Minneapolis: Privately Printed for Edmund D, Brooks and His Friends, 1913. - $5.00 831 Marshall Field Building, Chicago 17 125. LUCAS (E. V.). LoITERER’s HARVEST. A Book of Essays. Frontispiece. First edition, 12mo, original cloth, gilt top, uncut. London: Methuen, n. d. $3.50 126. LUCAS (E. V.). LoNDON REVISITED. With 16 drawings in colour by H. M. Livens, and 16 other illus- trations. First edition, crown 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London: Methuen & Co., n. d. - $2.25 127. LUCAS (E. V.). OLD LAMPs for New. Fron- tispiece. First edition, 12mo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Lom- don: Methuen, m. d. (1911). - $2.00 128. LUCAS (WINIFRED). FUGITIVES. First edition, 12mo, original cloth, uncut. London: John Lane, 1899. - 750 129. MACDoNAGH (THOMAs). LYRICAL POEMs. The scarce first edition, small 4to, in the original light blue cloth, gilt top, uncut, equal to new. Dublin: The Irish Review, 1913. $25.00 Only 500 copies of this book have been printed on fine hand- made paper. It is now out of print and becoming very scarce. 130. MACDONAGH (THoMAs). SoNGs of MysELF, First edition, crown 8vo, original dark blue cloth as is- sued, uncut. Dublin: Hodges, Figgis & Co., 1910. $4.00 131. MACGILL (PATRICK). Soldilºr SoNGs. First edi- tion, crown 8vo, original cloth. London: Herbert Jen- Kins, 1917. $1.25 132. MASE FIELD (John). BALLADs. First edition, 12mo, original paper covers, uncut and unopened. Lon- don: Elkin Mathews, 1903. $16.00 Scarce. 133. MASE FIELD (JoBN). BALLADs AND POEMs. First edition, square 12mo, original cloth, uncut. Lom- don: Elkin Mathews, 1910. $15.00 Scarce. - - 134. MASEFIELD (John). THE DAFFODIL FIELDs. First edition, 12mo, original cloth. London: Heinemann, 1913. - . $2.59 135. MASEFIELD (JortN). GALLIPOLI. With map and other illustrations. First edition, 12mo, original cloth. London: Heinemamm, 1916. $2.00 18 Wall or M. Hill 136. MASEFIELD (John). JIM DAVIs. First edi- tion, crown 8vo, original cloth, gilt top. London, m. d. $3.00 137. MASE FIELD (John). JoHN M. SYNGE: A Few Personal Recollections, with Biographical Notes. First edition, crown 8vo, original boards, cloth back, un- cut. The Cuala Press, Churchtown, Dundrum, 1915. $9.00 No. 186 of 350 copies printed. - 138. MASE FIELD (Joh N). LosT ENDEAVOUR. From- tispiece. First edition, crown 8vo, original cloth. Lom- don, m. d. (1910). - $3.00 PRIVATELY ISSUED - 139. MASEFIELD (JoBN). SoNNETS AND POEMs; Good Friday—a Play in Verse; The Locked Chest, The Sweep of Ninety-eight—Two Plays in Verse; John M. Synge, a few personal recollections, with Biographical Notes. Together 4 vols., all first editions, 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. Letchworth, 1916. $50.00 Only 200 copies of each of these pamphlets have been issued, and these privately by the Author himself. Inserted in the first pamphlet is an Autograph Note of the Author referring to the same. - 140. MASE FIELD (John). A TARPAULIN MUSTER. First edition, crown 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London: Grant Richards, 1907. - $8.00 Scarce. 141. MEREDITH (GEORGE). MoDERN LovE AND PoEMs of THE ENGLISH Roads.IDE, with Poems and Bal- lads. First edition, 12mo, bound in full green morocco gilt, gilt edges. London: Chapman & Hall, 1862. $300.00 Presentation copy from George Meredith to Dr. Augustus Jessop, with inscription on the fly-leaf. - Dr. Jessop was an intimate friend of Meredith, and master of the school to which he sent his boys. With numerous manuscript corrections. 142. MERRICK (LEONARD). WHIS PERS ABOUT Wom EN. First edition, crown 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London : Eveleigh, Nash, 1906. $4.50 143. MONKHOUSE (ALLAN). MARY BRoomE: A Comedy, in Four Acts. First edition, 12mo, original cloth. London: Sidgwick & Jackson, 1912. 756. 144. MOORE (GEORGE). THE BENDING OF THE Bough. A Comedy in Five Acts. First edition. 12mo, 831 Marshall Field Building, Chicago 19 original cloth, uncut and unopened. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1900. - $5.00 145. MOORE (GEORGE). CELIBATEs. First edition. Crown 8vo, original red cloth, gilt top. London: Walter Scott, 1895. $5.00 146. MOORE (GEORGE). CONFESSIONS OF A YOUNG MAN. Portrait, First edition, crown 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1888. $27.50 147. MOORE (GEORGE). EvelyN INNEs. First edi- tion, crown 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1898. $5.00 148. MOORE (GEORGE). LITERATURE AT NURSE, or Circulating Morals. First edition, crown 8vo, 22 pages with advertisements, in the original sheets as published, enclosed in a half dark red levant case. London: Vize- telly & Co., 1885. $35.00 Rare. 149. MOORE (GEORGE). A MERE AccIDENT. First edition, crown 8vo, original cloth. London: Vizetelly & Co., 1887. - $7.50 150. MOORE (GEORGE). MoDERN PAINTING. First edition. Crown 8vo, original cloth, gilt top. London : Walter Scott, 1893. $12.00 151. MOORE (GEORGE). REM.INIscENCEs of THE IM- PREssion IST PAINTERs. The Tower Press Booklets, Num- ber Three. First edition, 12mo, in the original wrappers, uncut and unopened. Dublin: Maunsel & Co., 1906. $12.50 152. MOORE (GEORGE). THE STRIKE AT ARLING- FoRD. Play in Three Acts. First edition, crown 8vo, original cloth, gilt top. London: Walter Scott, 1893. $4.00 153. MOORE (GEORGE). THE UNTILLED FIELD. First edition, crown 8vo, original cloth, gilt top. London: Unwin, 1903. $4.50 154. MOORE (T. STURGE). THE LITTLE SCHOOL, a Posy of Rhymes. Wtih four woodcuts by the author. First edition, 12mo, original boards, uncut. London: The Eragmy Press, 1905. $6.00 This edition is strictly limited to 175 paper, and 10 vellum copies. 20 Walter M. Hill 155. MOORE (T. STURGE). MARIAMNE. First edi- tion, 8vo, original boards. London: Duckworth, 1911. $2.50 156. MOORE (T. STURGE). THE VINEDRESSER AND OTHER POEMs. First edition, 16mo, original cloth, gilt top, uncut. London, 1899. $5.00 157. MORRIS (WILLIAM). A DREAM of JoBIN BALL and a King’s Lesson, with an illustration by Edward Burne-Jones. First edition, 12mo, original cloth, gilt top, uncut. London: Reeves & Turmer, 1888. $2.50 158. MORRIS (WILLIAM). THE EARTHLY PARADISE. A Poem. First edition of each volume, 4 parts in 3 vols., thick crown 8vo, complete in the original cloth, paper labels, uncut. London: F. S. Ellis, 1868-70. $25.00 Scarce. Nice clean set. 159. MORRIS (WILLIAM). THE LIFE AND DEATH of JASON, a Poem. First edition, crown 8vo, original cloth, paper label, uncut. London: Bell & Daldy, 1867. $10.00 160. MORRIS (WILLIAM). NEws FROM NowHERE, or An Epoch of Rest, being some Chapters from a Uto- pian Romance. First edition, 12mo, original cloth, un- cut. London: Reeves & Turner, 1891. $3.00 161. NOYES (ALFRED). THE CARol of THE FIR TREE. Frontispiece. First edition, 12mo, original wrap- pers, uncut. London: Burns & Oates, m. d. $2.50 162. NOYES (ALFRED). DRAKE... An English Epic. Books I-III and IV-XII. With frontispiece. First edi- tion, 2 vols., crown 8vo, original green buckram, gilt tops, uncut. Edinburgh & London, 1906. $10.00 163. NOYES (ALFRED). THE ENCHANTED ISLAND and Other Poems. First edition, crown 8vo, original green buckram, gilt top, uncut. Edinburgh & London, 1909. $5.00 164. NOYES (ALFRED). THE FLOWER of OLD JAPAN. A Dim, Strange Tale for All Ages. First edition, 12mo, original boards, vellum back, uncut. London: Grant Richards, 1903. $22.50 165. NOYES (ALFRED). THE FOREST or WILD 831 Marshall Field, Building, Chicago 21 THYME. A Tale for Children Under Ninety. First edi- tion, 12mo, buckram, gilt top, uncut. Edinburgh & Lom- don, 1905. - - $8.00 166. NOYES (ALFRED). ForTy SINGING SEAMEN. And Other Poems. First edition, crown 8vo, original green buckram, gilt top, uncut. Edinburgh & London, 1907. - $6.00 167. NOYES (ALFRED). THE MINSTRELsy of THE SCOTTISH BoRDER. Collected by Sir Walter Scott. Edit- ed and arranged with Introduction and Notes by Alfred Noyes, and 6 illustrations by John Macfarlane. First edition, crown 8vo, original boards, vellum back, gilt top, uncut. London: Melrose, 1908. . $3.50 168. NOYES (ALFRED). RADA. A Belgian Christ- mas Eve. With illustrations. First edition, 12mo, origi- mal buckram, uncut. London: Methuen & Co., n. d. $2.50 169. NOYES (ALFRED). TALEs of THE MERMAID TAVERN. First edition, crown 8vo, original cloth, gilt top, uncut. Edinburgh & London, 1913. $4.50 170. NOYES (ALFRED). WILLIAM MoRRIs. English Men of Letters. First edition, crown 8vo, original cloth, gilt top. London: Macmillam, 1908. $2.00 171. NOYES (ALFRED). THE WINE-PREss. A Tale of War. First edition, 12mo, original green buckram, gilt top, uncut. Edinburgh & London, 1913. $3.00 172. PATMORE (CovENTRY). THE ESPOUSALS AND THE ANGEL IN THE HOUSE. THE BETROTHAL. First edi- tions. 2 vols., 12mo, original cloth, paper labels, uncut. London: John W. Parker & Son, 1854-56. $7.50 173. PEACOCK (THoMAs LovE). THE GENIUS OF THE THAMEs: A Lyrical Poem, in two parts. First edi- tion, 12mo, newly bound in half dark red morocco gilt, gilt top. London, 1810. $10.00 174. PEACOCK (THOMAs LovE). THE PLAys. Pub- lished for the First Time. Edited by A. B. Young. First edition, square 12mo, original cloth, gilt top, uncut. Lom- don: David Nutt, 1910. - 750 22 Walto), M. Hill 175. PENNELL (ELIZABETH Robins). THE FEAST's OF AUTOLYCUs. The Diary of a Greedy Woman. First edition, 12mo, original cloth, gilt top, uncut. London: John Lane, 1896. $1.25 176. PHILLIPS (STEPHEN). CHRIST IN HADEs, and Other Poems. First edition, 12mo, printed cover, uncut. London, 1896. - - $5.00. 177. PHILLIPS (STEPHEN). EREMUs. A Poem. First edition, square 8vo, original boards, uncut. Lom- don: Kegan Paul & Co., 1894. $15.00 178. PHILLIPS (STEPHEN). HEROD; a Tragedy. First edition, 12mo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. London, 1901. - - $1.00 179. PHILLPOTTS (EDEN). THE MOTHER. Illus- trated by Gunning King. First edition, small 8vo, in the original green cloth. London: Ward Lock & Co., 1908. $3.00 180. PHILLPOTTS (EDEN). THE THIEF of VIRTUE. Tirst edition, small 8vo, in the original red cloth. Lom- dom: John Murray, 1910. $3.00 181. PHILLPOTTS (EDEN). WILD FRUIT. First edition, 12mo, original cloth, uncut. London: John Lane, 1911. $1.00 182. PLOWMAN (MAx). FIRST POEMs. First edi- tion, crown 8vo, original cloth, paper label, uncut. Lom- don: Sidgwick & Jackson, 1913. $1.00 183. PRICE (A. T. G.). SIMPLICITY. First edition, square 12mo, original pictorial cloth, uncut. London : . John Lane, 1896. $3.50 184. ROBERTS (MoRLEY). THE PRIVATE LIFE OF HENRY MAITLAND. A Record Dictated by J. H. Re- vised and edited by Morley Roberts. First edition, crown 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London: Eveleigh Nash, 1912. - $3.00 185. ROSSETTI (CHRISTINA). THE PRINCE's PROG- REss AND OTHER PoEMs. With 2 designs by Dante G. Rossetti. First edition, 12mo, original green cloth, um- cut. London, 1866. $10.00. 831 Marshall Field Building, Chicago 23 186. ROSSETTI (DANTE GABRIEL). BALLADS AND SONNETs. First edition, crown 8vo, original gilt cloth, uncut. London : Ellis and White, 1881. $7.50 187. ROSSETTI (DANTE GABRIEL). EARLY ITALIAN PoETs (THE), from Ciullo D’Alcamo to Dante Alighieri (1100-1200-1300), translated in the original Metres; to- gether with Dante's Vita Nuova. First edition, 12mo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1861. $17,00 188. ROSSETTI (DANTE GABRIEL). PoEMs). First edition, very scarce. Crown 8vo, original cloth, gilt, un- cut. London: F. S. Ellis, 1870. - $20.00 “To the lover of poetry the volume of 1870 offered a rich and varied feast , and if, on the one hand, it seemed less original than it really was, on the other, the ear of readers was already attuned to it. Specimens of all that is best in the work of Ros- setti, excepting only in the department of the historical ballad, are to be found there. Such completeness and maturity are very surprising if the poet's statement to Mr. Hall Caime was strictly accurate, and the whole volume is to be taken as the work of a very young man of twenty-five.” - 189. ROSSETTI (DANTE GABRIEL). SISTER HELEN: a Ballad. 8vo, full green crushed levant morocco, gilt inside borders, uncut, by Zaehnsdorf. Oxford: Printed for Private Circulation, 1857. $50.00 The very rare First Edition. Only a few copies printed. Rnown as Rossetti’s second book. 190. RUSKIN (John ). THE ETHICS OF THE DUST. Ten Lectures to Little Housewives on the Elements of Crystallisation. First edition, crown 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1866. $3.00 191. RUSKIN (John). LECTUREs ON ARCHITECTURE AND PAINTING, Delivered at Edinburgh in November, 1853. With 15 illustrations drawn by the Author. First edition, crown 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1854. $3.50 192. RUSKIN (JortN). THE QUEEN OF THE AIR: Being a Study of the Greek Myths of Cloud and Storm. First edition, crown 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1869. $3.00 193. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM G.). YPREs & OTHER PoEMs. First edition, 12mo, original boards, paper label. London: Sidgwick & Jackson, 1916. $1.25 194. SHAW (BERNARD). THE COMMON SENSE of 24 - Walter M. Hill Municipal Training. First edition, 12mo, original cloth, uncut. Westminster: Constable, 1904. $4.00 195. SHAW (BERNARD). THE DocTOR’s DILEMMA, Getting Married, & The Shewing up of Blanco Posnet. First edition, thick 12mo, original cloth, gilt top, uncut. London: Constable & Co., 1911. $4.50 196. SHAW (GEORGE BERNARD). DRAMATIC OPINIONs AND ESSAYS. With an Apology. Containing as well A. Word on the Dramatic Opinions and Essays of Bernard Shaw by James Huneker. First edition, 2 vols., crown 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London: Constable, 1907. $7.50 197. SHAW (G. BERNARD). FABIAN Essays in So- cialism. By G. Bernard Shaw, Sidney Webb, William Clarke, etc., Edited by G. Bernard Shaw. First edition, 8vo, cloth. London: Walter Scott, n. d. $5.00 198. SHAW (BERNARD). PLAYs: Pleasant and Un- pleasant. Portrait. First edition, 2 vols., crown 8vo, original cloth, gilt tops, uncut. London: Grant Rich- ards, 1898. - $18.00 199. SHAW (BERNARD). PREss CUTTINGs: a Top- ical Sketch compiled from the editorial and correspon- dence columns of the Daily Papers by Bernard Shaw, as performed by the Civic and Dramatic Guild at the Royal Court Theatre, London, on the 9th July, 1909. First edi- tion, 12mo, original wrappers. London: Constable, 1909. - - $1.50 200. SHAW (BERNARD). THE QUINTEssence OF IB- SENISM. First edition, 12mo, cloth, gilt top. Londom : IP alter Scott, 1891. - $9.00 ONE OF THE FINEST COPTEs KNOWN 201. SHELLEY (PERCY Bysshº). QUEEN MAB, a Philosophical Poem, with Notes. A Perfect and Uncut Copy of the Rare First Edition. 8vo, in the original boards, uncut, equal to new, enclosed in a full brown morocco pull-off solander case. London, printed by P. B. Shelley, 23 Chapel Street, Grosvenor Square, 1813. (With imprint at end: “Printed by P. B. Shelley, No. 23 Chapel Street, Grosvenor Square, London.’’) $1250.00 The above is one of the very few perfect copies which Shelley sent out. On account of the advanced ideas contained in the Poem and Notes, Shelley had excited persecution and to avoid 831 Marshall Field Building, Chicago 25 ‘prosecution he destroyed and tore out the title-page and imprint of lower half of final page, containing his name and address, likewise the dedication “To Harriet.” Copies containing these, such as the above, are of excessive rarity. “By this poem Shelley was most widely known, and it remains one of the most striking of his works in popular apprehen- sion. . . The radical character of “Queen Mab,” which was made a part of the evidence against his character, on the occa- sion of the trial which resulted in his being deprived of the cus- tody of his children by Lord Eldon, was a main element in the contemporary obloquy in which his name was involved in Iºng- land, though very few persons could then ever have read the poem ; but it may be doubted whether in the end it did not help his fame by the fascination it exercises over a certain class of minds in the first stages of social and intellectual revolt or angry unrest so widespread in this country.”—G. E. Woodberry. 202. STEPHENS (JAMEs). THE ADVENTUREs of SEUMAs BEG. The Rocky Road to Dublin. First edition, crown 8vo, original cloth, uncut and unopened. London: Macmillan, 1915. $2.00 203. STEPHENS (JAMEs). THE CRoCK OF GOLD. First edition, crown 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London: Macmillan & Co., 1912. - $7.00 Scarce. 204. STEPHENS (JAMEs). THE INSURRECTION IN DUBLIN. First edition, 12mo, original cloth. Dublin & London: Maunsel & Co., 1916. $1.00 205. STEPHENS (JAMEs). SoNGS FROM THE CLAY. First edition, crown 8vo, original cloth, uncut and un- opened. London: Macmillan & Co., 1915. $1.75 UNCUT COPY - 206. STERNE (L.). SENTIMENTAL Journey THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY, by Mr. Yorick. First edition. 2 vols., 8vo. A beautiful uncut copy with the half-titles. Hand- somely bound by Bedford in full red levant morocco sw- per eaſtra, gilt tops, uncut. London : T. Becket, 1768. $500,00 Excessively rare in this uncut state. 207. STEVENSON (R. L.). BALLADs. First edition, crown 8vo, buckram, gilt top, uncut. London: Chatto & TV indus, 1890. - $7.00 208. STEVENSON (ROBERT Louis). THE BLACK ARRow. ' A Tale of the Two Roses. First edition, crown Svo, original red cloth, uncut. London: Cassell & Co., 1888. - - $6.00 26 Walto), MI. Hill 209. STEVENSON (RoRERT Louis). CATRIONA. A Sequel to “Kidnapped.” Being Memoirs of the Further Adventures of David Balfour at Home and Abroad. First edition, crown 8vo, original cloth, uncut and un- opened. London: Cassell & Co., 1893. $6.00 210. STEVENSON (RoRERT LOUIs). A FootNoTE To HISTORY. Eight Years of Trouble in Samoa. Map. First edition, crown 8vo, original cloth, uncut and um- opened. London: Cassell & Co., 1892. $10.00 211. STEVENSON (RoberT Louis). IN THE SouTH SEAs. Being an Account of Experiences and Conversa- tions in the Marquesas, Paumotus and Gilbert Islands in the Course of Two Cruises, on the Yacht ‘‘Casco’’ (1888) and the Schooner “Equator” (1889). First edi- tion, crown Svo, buckram, gilt top, uncut. London: Chatto &. JP'indus, 1900. $6.00 212. STEVENSON (R. L.). MEMORIES AND POR- TRAITs. First edition, 12mo, buckram, top edge gilt. London, 1887. - $10.00 Of all the delightful papers in this volume perhaps the most grateful is “A Gossip on a Novel of Dumas’.” 213. STEVENSON (RoPERT LOUIs): ON THE TRACK OF STEVENSON. By Clayton Hamilton. Numerous full- page views of scenes associated with R. L. S. First edi- (lition, royal 8vo, original boards and labels, uncut. New York, 1915. $45.00 First Issue of First Edition, containing the in discreet pas- sages, afterwards suppressed, following a crimonious controversy. Those most keenly resented (pp. 130-135) relate to Stevenson's “union” with Mrs. Osborne, previous to her divorce, his early relations with “women of a class inferior to his own,” his struy- gles between two natures, etc. The references objected to occur in eighteen pages. '• Owing to the rigorous suppression the First Edition is ex- tremely rare. A copy was sold by a bookseller in New York for $75.00. 214. STEVENSON (ROBERT Louis). ST. IVES. Be- ing the Adventures of a French Prisoner in England. First edition, crown 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London: Heinemamm, 1898. $4.50 215. STEVENSON (ROBERT LOUIs). TALK AND TALKERs. First edition, 12mo, original red cloth, gilt top, uncut. London: Chatto & Windus, 1910. $2.00 216. STEVENSON (R. L.). WEIR of HERMISTON. 831 Marshall Field Building, Chicago 27 An Unfinished Romance. First edition, crown 8vo, buck- ram, gilt top, uncut. London: Chatto & Windus, 1896. - - $5.00 217. STEVENSON (RoPERT Louis) & OSBOURNE (LLoyd). THE WRONG Box. First edition, crown 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Londom; Longmans, Green & Co., “A Century of Roundels well illustrates SWITBUT - ing command of metre. The fetters of the form would have cramped almost any other writer and would probably have led to triviality. He not only moves easily in them, but gains rather than loses by the restriction. The roundels are no mere exercise of imgenuity, but, many of them, expressions of genuine thought and emotion.” 220. SWINPURNE (ALGERNoN CHARLEs). GRACE DARLING. First edition, large square 8vo, original vellum covers, uncut. London: Printed Only for Private Cir- culation, 1893. $20.00 221. SWINBURNE (ALGERNoN CHARLEs). OpE oN Presentation copy to Robert Browning with inscription on fly-leaf : “Robert Browning with best regards from A. C. Swin- }) un-me.’’ 224. SWINBURNE (ALGERNoN CHARLEs). WILLIAM BLAKE, A Critical Essay. With illustrations from Blake's designs in facsimile, colored and plain. First edition, Svo, original blue cloth, uncut. London: John Camden Hotten, 1868. - - $15.00 It is in every way worthy of Mr. Swinburne's high fame. In 28 Walter II. Hill jº work can be found Passages of keener poetry or more º §ºe, or more impressive harmony. Strong. Vigorous *nd musical, the style sweeps on like a river. Sº y *. 9 O ş r I NT S º: SW INBURNE: DRINKWATER (JOHN). WINBURNE, AN ESTIMATE. Portrait. First edition Town, 8vo, original cloth, gilt top, uncut. London & 2 Toronto: J. M. Dent & Sons 1913. - *-* *-d / s. |VLU) T OHN ADDINGTON). Essays SPEC- ULATIVE AND SUGGESTIVE. First edition, 2 vols., crown 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Very scarce. London: Chap- man & Hall, 1890. $25.00 ‘‘Perhaps his best work is to be found in these volumes where he was not called upon to sustain his flight after he was tired. The “appreciations' of art show catholicity as well as delicacy of taste, and wide knowledge.” 228. SYMONDS (John ADDINGTON). IN THE KEY of BLUE and Other Prose Essays. First edition, crown 8vo, original gilt cloth, gilt top, uncut, London: Elkin Mathews, 1893. $10.00 230. SYMONDS (J. A.). N A ND º olume of Verse. First edition, 8vo, cloth, uncut. London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1880. $3.50 231. SYMONDS (J. ADDINGTON). A PROBLEM OF GREEK ETHICs; being an Inquiry into the Phenomenon of Sexual Inversion. Addressed specially to Medical Psychologists and Jurists. First edition, 8vo, printed cover. For private circulation, 1901. $6.00 Only 100 copies printed and the type then distributed. 831 Marshall Field Building, Chicago 29 232. SYMONDS (John ADDINGTON). SKETCHES IN ITALY AND GREECE. First edition, crown 8vo, cloth, un- cut. London : Smith, Elder & Co., 1874. $10.00 233. SYMONDS (John ADDINGTON). THE SONNETs OF MICHELANGELO BUONARROTI AND TOMMASO CAMPA- NELLA. Now for the first time translated into Rhymed English. First edition, crown 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1878. $10.00 Michael Angelo has a place among the highest with Homer and Titian, Virgil and Petrarch, Raphael and Paul, 234. SYMONDS (John ADDINGTON). STUDIES OF THE GREEK POETs. First edition, 2 vols., crown 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1873. - $25.00 Scarce. 235. SYMONDS (John ADDINGTON). WALT WHIT- MAN: A Study. With portrait and 4 illustrations. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1893. $8.00 Large paper copy of the First Edition, limited to 208 copies. 236. SYMONS (ARTHUR). A Book OF TwPNTY SONGS. First edition, square 12mo, original paper covers, uncut. London: Domt, 1905. $4.00 237. SYMONS: VERHAEREN (EMILE). THE DAwn (Les Aubes). Translated by Arthur Symons. First edi- tion, 8vo, buckram, uncut. London: Duckworth, 1898. $3.50 238. SYMONS (ARTHUR). DAYS AND NIGHTS. First edition, crown Svo, cloth, uncut. London: Macmillam, 1889. $5.00 239. SYMONS (ARTHUR). THE Fool, of THE WORLD & Other Poems. First edition, 8vo, original cloth, uncut and unopened. London: Heinemamm, 1906. $5.00 240, SYMONS (ARTHUR). IMAGES OF GooD AND EVIL. First edition, crown 8vo, original buckram, uncut and unopened. Tuondon: Heinemann, 1899. $6.00 241. SYMONS (ARTHUR). KNAVE or HEARTs. 1894- 1908. First edition, 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London: Heinemann, 1913. - $4.00 242. SYMONS (ARTHUR). A PAGEANT OF ELIZA. BETHAN POETRY. Arranged by Arthur Symons. Frontis- piece. First edition, crown 8vo, original boards, vellum 30 Walter M. Hill back, gilt top, uncut. London: Blackie & Son, 1906. - $3.00 243. SYMONS (ARTHUR). THE ROMANTIC Movº- MENT IN ENGLISH POETRY (critical studies of all Eng- lish Poets of the eighteenth century who were born be- fore 1800, and who were writing in the nineteenth cen- tury). First edition, 8vo, original buckram. London, 1909. - $4.00 A book of great value, comprising 87 illuminating articles chronologically arranged. The author penetrates to the heart of his subjects and reveals the secret of each poet’s power and charm. - 244. SYMONS (ARTHUR). STUDIES IN SEVEN ARTs. First edition, 8vo, original dark blue buckram, gilt top, uncut. London: Constable, 1906. - $10.00 245. SYMONS (ARTHUR). STUDIES IN Two LITERA- TURES. First edition, 8vo, newly bound in half green levant morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut, by Macdonald. Lon- don: Leonard Smithers, 1897. $25.00 Very scarce. 246. SYMONS (ARTHUR). THE SYMBOLIST MovK- MENT IN LITERATURE. First edition, crown 8vo, original buckram, uncut. London : Heinemann, 1899. $7.00 247. SYMONS (ARTHUR). TRAGEDIES. First edi- tion, 8vo, original cloth, uncut and unopened. London: Heinemann, 1916. $2.25 248. SYMONS (ARTHUR). WILLIAM BLAKE. (The Poet, the Artist, and the Man: a complete interpretation of Blake’s character and work.) First edition, 8vo, buckram, gilt top, uncut. London: Constable, 1907. $4.00 “We did expect scholarship, research, grace, and order, and we have them here in a book which we cannot do without.”— Saturday Review. 249. TAGORE (RABINDRA NATH). GITANJALI (SONG OFFERINGs). A Collection of Prose Translations Made by the Author from the Original Bengali. With an In- troduction by Yeats. Portrait. First edition, 8vo, origi- nal white cloth, uncut and unopened. London: Printed at the Chiswick Press for the India Society, 1912. $15.00 250. TENNYSON (ALFRED). ENoch ARDEN, etc. First edition, 12mo, cloth, uncut. London: Moaon, 1864. - $1.25 251. TENNYSON (ALFRED, LORD). IDYLLs of THE 831 Marshall Field Building, Chicago 31 KING. First edition, 12mo, cloth, uncut. London: Moa:- on, 1859. - $1.25 252. TENNYSON (ALFRED, LORD). IN MEMORIAM. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1850. $30.00 First Edition. Advertisements dated February, 1850. 253. TENNYSON (ALFRED, LoRD). LUCRETIUS. First edition, square 12mo, cloth, uncut. Cambridge, Mass., 1868. $25.00 Privately Printed and very scarce. - It is curious that, though printed in this country, no copies seem to turm up here in the market. The first copy to be of- fered at auction was one which brought £12 in the Crampton sale in 1896. The auctioneer’s catalogue stated that only twenty copies were printed. Priced by a New York bookseller at $90.00. 254. TENNYSON (ALFRED, LoRD). MAUD, and Other Poems. First edition, 12mo, original cloth, uncut, fine copy. London: Edward Moaom, 1855. $4.00 255. TENNYSON (ALFRED, LORD). ODE ON THE DEATH OF THE DUKE of WELLINGTON. First edition, 8vo, full red levant extra, uncut, enclosed in a cloth-lined board case. London: Edward Moſcom, 1852. $12.50 257. TENNYSON LFRED, D). PoEMs By AI- fred Tennyson. First edition, small 8vo, original boards, paper label, uncut. Enclosed within a full dark red levant case. Dondon : Moacon, 1833. $75.00 The famous “O Darling Room” volume. This poem with several others never appeared in any later edition, while others were very considerably altered. It was fallen upon by the critics mercilessly ; and the author's extensive excisions and alterations showed that he had good sense in addition to poetical ability, when the next collected edition appeared. 32 Walter M. Hill The suppressions were so important that the volume is of the greatest interest as well as rarity. - 258. THACKERAY (W. M.). DENIS DUVAL. First edition, crown 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1867. $9.00 259. THACKERAY (W. M.). THE ENGLISH HU- MoURISTs of the Eighteenth Century. A Series of Lec- . tures, delivered in England, Scotland and the United States of America. First edition, crown 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London: Smith, Elder. & Co., 1853. $9.00 260. [THACKERAY (W. M.) J. NoTEs of A Jour- NEY FROM CoRNHILL To GRAND CAIRO. Coloured frontis- piece and woodcuts by the author. First edition, crown 8vo, pictorially gilt cloth, uncut. London, 1846. $16.00 261. THACKERAY (W. M.). Roundabout PAPERs. Illustrations. First edition, crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1863. - $16.00 262. [THACKERAY (W. M.)] THE Second FUNE- RAL OF NAPOLEON : In iº Smith O GTBest thing ** * *- * * * 7-r tly KN. -- y IIST) UC S l -- he has done.”—Rºdward Fitz Gerald to W. H. Thompson, 18th February, 1841. - 263. THACKERAY: TAYLOR (THEODoRE). THACK- ERAY THE HUMOURIST AND THE MAN OF LETTERS. The Story of his Life, including a selection from his charac- teristic speeches, now for the first time gathered togeth- er. With photograph from life by Ernest Edwards, and original illustrations. First edition, crown 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London: John Camden Hotten, 1864. $5.00 831 Marshall Field Building, Chicago 33 264. THOMPSON (FRANCIs). WoRKs. Prose and Doetry. Portraits. First collected edition, 3 vols., crown 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. London, m. d. (1913). - - * $15.00 265. TIMBS (JoHN). RoNANCE OF LONDON: Strange Stories, Scenes and Remarkable Persons of the Great Town. First edition, 3 vols., crown 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London: Bentley, 1865. $5.00 266. TISDALL: VERSEs, LETTERs, & REMEMBRANCES OF ARTHUR WALDERNE ST. CLAIR TISDALL, V.C., Sub- Lieutenant, R.N.V.R. Scholar of Trinity College and Chancellor’s Gold Medallist in the University of Cam- bridge: With a Foreword by the Master of Trinity. Portrait. First edition, crown 8vo, original cloth, paper label, uncut. London: Sidgwick & Jackson, 1916. $2.00 267. TRELAWNEY (E. J.). RECOLLECTIONS OF THE LAST DAYS OF SHELLEY AND BYRON. First edition, crown 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London: Moacon, 1858. s - $7.50. 268. TRELAWNEY (EDWARD JoHN). RECORDs-of- SHELLEY, BYRON, AND THE AUTHOR. With portraits and other illustrations. First edition, 2 vols., crown 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London: Pickering, 1878. $15.00 Scarce. - - 269. TROLLOPE (ANTHoNY). THE WAY We Live Now. With 40 illustrations. First edition, 2 vols., 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London: Chapman & Hall, 1875. * - - $5.00 270. WATTS-DUNTON (THEopoRE). Aylwin. First edition, crown 8vo, original cloth, gilt top, uncut. Lon- don: Hurst & Blackett, 1899. - $3.00 - FIRST AUTHORIZED EDITION BY WHISTLER 271. WHISTLER (J. A. McNEILL). THE GENTLE ART OF MAKING ENEMIES, as pleasingly exemplified in many instances, wherein the Serious Ones of this Earth, carefully Exasperated, have been prettily spurred on to Unseemliness and Indiscretion, while Overcome by an Undue Sense of Right. First edition, square 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1890. - $20.00 272. WHISTLER, (JAMEs McNEILL). IN MEMORI- AM. First edition, crown 8vo, in the original brown paper covers, uncut. London, February 20th, 1905. $2.50 34 Wall 07' M. Hºll 273. [WILDE (Oscar)], THE BALLAB or READING GAOL. By C. 3. 3. First edition, 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lon- don, Leonard Smithers, 1898. - $15.00 274. [WILDE (OscAR)]. AN IDEAL HUSBAND. By the Author of “Lady Windermere's Fan.” First edi- tion, crown 8vo, original, pink cloth, gilt ornaments, un- cut. London: Leonard Smithers & Co., 1899. $8.00 275. [WILDE (OSCAR) J. THE IMPORTANCE OF BE- ING EARNEST. A Trivial Comedy for Serious People. By the Author of “Lady Windermere's Fan.” First edi- tion, crown 8vo, in the original pink cloth, gilt orna- ments, uncut. London: Leonard Smithers & Co., 1899. - - $15.00 Fine copy. Of this edition 1,000 copies have been printed. 276. WILDE (OsCAR). THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING EARNEST. A Trivial Comedy for Serious People, by the Author of Lady Windermere's Fan. First edition, square 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London: Leonard Smithers & Co., 1899. - - $40.00 Large Paper Copy, only 100 copies printed and signed by the author. . 277. WILDE (OscAR). LADY WINDERMERE's FAN, A Play about a Good Woman. First edition, 8vo, original ãº, uncut. London, 1893. . $40.00 278. WILDE (OscAR). LoRD ARTHUR SAVILE’s CRIME & Other Stories. First edition, 12mo, original boards, with cloth protective covers, uncut. London: James R. Osgood, McIlvaine & Co., 1891. $12.50 The exceedingly rare First Edition. The edition usually sold as the first is, like this one, printed by T. & T. Clark of Edin- burgh, but bearing the imprint of Dodd, Mead & Co. That is the American Edition. - * , - 279. WILDE (OsCAR). THE PICTURE OF DoRIAN GRAY. First edition, large paper copy, one of 250 and signed by the author. Square 8vo, boards, vellum back, gilt top, uncut. London, Ward, Lock & Co., 1891. $30.00 “The first novel for many years to be written in England with that freedom in choice of matter and manner that has for a long time been in no way extraordinary in France. It has, so far, had no successor free as itself from the enforced interest in a love affair, to which we have grown so mournfully accustomed.” 280. WILDE (OsCAR). SALOME: A Tragedy in One Act. Translated from the French. Frontispiece, orna- mental title-page, and illustrations by Aubrey Beardsley. First edition, 8vo, original blue buckram gilt, uncut. London: Flkin Mathews, 1894. $35.00. The plate opposite page 24, “Enter Herodias,” contains a portrait of the author. - The George Herbert Wailes copy, with bookplate. 281. wildE (OsCAR). THE SPHINX. First edition (limited to 200 copies), with decoration by Charles Rick- etts. Small 4to, original vellum, gilt, uncut. London: Elkin Mathews and John Lane, 1894. $40.00 282. WILDE (Oscar). A woman or No Impos. TANCE. . First edition, square 8vo, original pink cloth, gilt ornaments, uncut. London: John Lane, 1894. $15.00 Fine copy. Scarce. Of this edition 500 copies have been printed. 283. wildE: OSCAR wilde. FRAGMENTS AND MEM- ORIES. By Martin Birnbaum. First edition, crown 8vo, original boards, cloth back, paper label, uncut. New $5.00 York: James F. Drake, 1914. * . . 284, wooDs (MARgaret L.). THE PRINCEss of HANOVER. First edition, crown 8vo, original cloth, gilt top, uncut. London: Duckworth, 1902. $1.00 285. wooDs (Margaret L.). wild Justice. First edition, 12mo, wrappers, uncut. London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1896. ‘. - 75e 286. WORDSWORTH (W.). Lyrical, BALLADs, with a few other poems (including Coleridge’s Ancyent Mar- imere). First edition, 8vo. A very fine uncut copy bound by F. Bedford in full calf super extra, gilt top, uncut. London: J. & A. Arch, 1798. $225.00 Complete, with the leaf of errata, and list of Cottle's books published by Longman. - 287. WORDSWORTH (WILLIAM). MEMORIALs of A Tour on THE CONTINENT, 1820. First edition, 8vo, original boards, uncut, in a buckram case. London, 1822. - - $12.50 Fine copy in the original condition, with the advertisements, half title, etc. Scarce. - - PRESENTATION copy 288. WORDSWORTH (W.). PoEMs. First edition. 2 vols., 8vo, with both half-titles. Handsomely bound by Bedford in full citron levant morocco eatra, gilt top. London: Longman & Co., 1807. - $175.00 PRESENTATION COPY WITH THE AUTHOR'S AUTO- GRAPH INSCRIPTION ON HALF TITLE “To Mrs. Farmer from William Wordsworth.” This edition was reviewed by Lord Byron in “Monthly Recreation” for 1807. A few of the poems have never been reprinted and others greatly altered. - *.*- :- - X- - - ** ... : : 3 * * ... . . . . r - * ... . ... - ‘. . . ... * * ** , -, * X- - & ..." - - - 4 gº” ‘’ - * ... . . • jº. 289 wordsworth (whilaw). The wagoons, A Poem." To which are added, somets. svo, ran green by Wood. London, 1819. ` First Edition. Dedicated to Charles Lamb. 290. WORDSWORTH (WILLIAM). THE WHITE DoE of RYLSTONE; or The Fate of the Nortons. A Poem. . Frontispiece engraved by Bromley. 4to, panelled, calf, gilt, gilt top, uneut. London, 1815. $20.00 ... A very fine, uncut copy of the First Edition from the collec- tion of j. H. 'shorthouse, with bookplate. 291. YEATs (WM. Butler). GANCONAGH. JoHN SHERMAN AND DHoyA. First edition, 12mo, original paper covers, uncut. London: Unwin, 1891. $3.50 292. YEATS (W. B.). THE Hour-GLAss, CATHLEEN . NI Houlihan, The Pot of Broth: Being Volume Two of Plays for an Irish Theatre. First edition, crown 8vo, boards, cloth back, uncut and unopened. London: Bul- len, 1904. . $6.00 293. YEATS (W. B.). IDEAs of GooD AND EVIL. First edition, crown 8vo, original boards, cloth back, paper label, uncut. London: Bullen, 1903. $6.00 294. YEATS (WILLIAM BUTLER). RESPONSIBILITIEs: Poems and a Play. First edition, crown 8vo, boards, huckram back, uncut and unopened. The Cuala Press, Churchtown Dundrum, 1914. $6.00 295. YEATS (WILLIAM BUTLER). REVERIEs Over CHILDHooD AND YouTH. With plates to accompany same. First edition, 2 vols., crown 8vo, original boards, cloth backs, uncut and unopened. The Cuala Press, Churchtown, Dundrum, 1915. $500 No. 69 of 425 copies printed. 296. IRISH REVIEW (THE), A Monthly Magazine of Irish Literature, Art and Science, containing contri- butions by James Stephens, George Moore, A. E. (George W. Russell), P. H. Pearse, Padraic Colum, Thomas MacDonagh, John Eglinton, Joseph Plunkett, F. Cruise O’Brien, Lord Dunsany, and numerous others. With nu- merous full-page plates by Jack Yeats, Dermot O’Brien, Jack Morrow, and others. Complete set from March, 1911, to November, 1914, all issued, 42 parts, small 4to in the original paper wrappers as published. , Very SCarCe. - - $60.00 ITY OF MICHIGAN Illilill 8958 5510