GT A-44 5. A P4 Massachusetts | ?// Chaukauiuiltu Hirurlantatium 1 IIl 1 º :***.*. wº sy; 9 ~~ Tºp ſig Excellettru Eugene N. ſuga - A #rurlamatium fur a flag uſ Huhlir (Ultitutkagiuittu attà #raige By and with the advice and consent of the Council, I appoint Thursday, the Thirtieth of November, as a Day of Thanksgiving and Praise. Upon Thanksgiving Day let us all go to our several places of worship, reverently acknowl- edging our gratitude to God and reaffirming our religious faith. Inasmuch as Thanksgiving is a day of feasting as well as praise, it is fitting that all citizens remember the duty and the privilege of giving, in proportion as they have received. It is most fitting that we should express our gratitude to Almighty God, for the increasing: recognition of universal brotherhood; for the growing mutual respect and consideration manifested among all our people and for that nobler ideal of patriotism which now looks toward the peace and welfare, not only of our own country, but of all nations and all mankind. Let us also thank Him who guides us all, that our people still cling to the belief that a self- respecting, incorruptible citizenship is a national asset greater than any form of material wealth. Thanksgiving Day was appointed as an occasion of publicly acknowledging the blessings granted by Almighty God to the resolute pioneers who, in faith and courage, laid the foundations of our civil and religious liberties. The custom thus reverently established should be continued with unabated fealty by the people of Massachusetts. Given at the Council Chamber, this eighth day of November, in the year of Our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and eleven, and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and thirty-sixth. EUGENE N. FOSS. By His Excellency the Governor, with the advice and consent of the Council, cºee/ / 4-as Secretary. (5m saue the (Jumuuuuuralth af flaggarhusetts |ill 3 9015 08957 0520