Élis BY HIS EXCELLENCY EDERIC T. GREENHALGE, GO//EA2/VOA’. AMATION FOR A DAY OF PUBLIC THANKSGIWING AND PRAISE. ..m. sº -&- . *4//4//a^^^4/24//4/24//4//4/24"/47/47/47/47/47/47/47/47/47/47/47/47/47/47/47/47/47/4','º','AºA'Az//7/47/47/47/47/472/7/47/Arzz/Arzz/Arzarzzzzzz/Arzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz/47/47/Arzzzzzzzzzzzz/47/47/47/47/47/47/47/47/47/47/47/47/4°2'4” Çe ºws fº- It is fitting that the people of the Commonwealth should remember and acknowledge the manifold mercies shown them by Almighty God during the year now drawing to a close. No signal or overwhelming calamity has visited them; and such troubles or misfortunes as have come to them they have been enabled to meet with patience and courage brightened by faith and hope. The family and the home are the strong foundations of the Commonwealth, and the light of Our political structure is the word of the Lord. In the family and the home, therefore, as well as in the house of God, the voice of Massa- chusetts should be heard in praise and thanksgiving for the blessings and mercies of the year. “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance.” I, therefore, by and with the advice and consent of the Council, appoint Thursday, the twenty-eighth day of November current as a day of Solemn thanksgiving and praise to the Lord, whose loving kindness has so constantly been shown to us in the past, and whose strength and tender care will protect His people from one generation to another. Given at the Council Chamber, in Boston, this seventh day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five, and of the Independence Of the United States of America, the One hundred and twentieth. FEREDEFIC T. G.E.E.E.NEHALG-E. Ay A/is Arce/ency the Governor, with the Advice and Consent of Zhe Counci/. VVILLIAM M. OLIN, Secretary. (50d 5ave the (ſummomuralth of Štlaş adult, UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGA ||||||||||||||||||||||||| 390150895705õå � Mais sº-c .kws • Trs I « 0 », — — — \~); N II. } **º