State of Connecticut BY HIS EXCELLENCY JOHN H. TRUMBULL GOVERNOR rur lantafin it |HE Flag of a Nation, symbolizing its power, its |pride and its standards, has always made a strong as appeal to popular imagination. Whether held lºº/high in battle or floating over some humble schoolhouse, it has its place as a visible reminder of all that one holds most dear. It has stirred men to great deeds, and it has given meaning and inspiration to the smallest and least spectacular obligation of every citizen. Recognizing that this appeal is common to all of us, the General Assembly has made it the duty and the privilege of the Governor to dedicate one day in the year to the particular honor of the Flag of the United States and that for which it stands. I therefore designate Tuesday, the fourteenth day of June next, as 3flag flag and I urge its observance by a display of the national colors wherever possible, by suitable exercises in the schools, and by such other appropriate means as will suggest themselves. To know the meaning of Our Flag, and the origin of its adoption, is to know much of the early history of our country. To love the Flag, and to honor it, is to love and honor those things which have made us a great nation. And only as we uphold it and work for it, are we assured of continued growth and unimpaired ideals. Given under my hand and seal of the State at the Capitol, in Hartford, this twenty-sixth day £ººl of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and twenty-seven and of the a-F y independence of the United States the one hundred and fifty-first. s >4 ºzºc, By His Excellency’s Command: ~£222* Secretary. ~*~****-***—*~~~~)__…_… IIſi IIŤII TTT ~~~~--~--~--~--~~~~)_________~*~*~~~~=~~~~--~~)________--