Wings Over the Nile The University of Michigan Alumni Association October, 1999 (Photographed, assembled, and edited by Jim and Anne Duderstadt) The Great Pyramids of Giza The Pyramid of Chephren The Great Pyramids of Cheops, Chephern, and Mycerinus The Great Pyramid of Cheops and the Sphinx Waiting for our Lufthansa flight in Detroit Anne waiting in JFrankfort Arrival in CJairo Driving through Cairo to the Giza Pyramids The Mena House Oberoi Hotel in Giza Our Mena House hotel wing facing the pyramids The Great Pyramid of Cheops from our room in the Mena House Hotel 4 Jim at the Mena House Oberoi Anne unpacking Our group prepares for the first day Arriving at the Great Pyramid of Cheops and the Solar Boat Museum Dina leads the group to the Great Pyramid of Cheops The stone blocks of the Great Pyramid of Cheops Anne encounters her first camel Anne, with camels and pyramids 'The Pyramid of (Chephren Anne in front of the Pyramid of Chephren Jim in front of the Pyramid otf(Chephren Anne in front of the Giza pyramids Jim and Anne at Giza Anne and Tom Buonodono at Giza Anne looking out at the Giza pyramids 10 The Pyramid of Mycerinus The Pyramid of Mycerinus, with the Great Western desert on the horizon Terry, Anne, and Tom at Giza Anne at the Mycerinus Pyramid 11 The Great Western Desert Members of the group lining up to enter the Pyramid of Mycerinus Security guards at Giza, with the amplitheatre for the opera Aida in the background 12 Anne talking with Susan Miyakawa at Giza Visiting a perfume factory Dinner at the Mena House (and John Murphy performs with an Egyptian dancer) The group arrives at the Sphinx 13 'The Sphinx Jim in front of the Sphinx 14 Touring Chephren's valley temple Taking a break after fighting the crowds in Chephren's temple Anne leaving the Sphinx 15 Time for a camel ride Boarding camels Jean and John King on a camel Terry and Tom on a camel Mark and Joyce Bailey amid the camels 16 Memphis The Colossus of Ramses II Villages surrounding Memphis Our group views the statue of Ramses II 1'7 Another statue of Ramses II Returning for lunch at the Mena House 18 Saqqara The Step Pyramid of Zoser Our group arrives at Saqqara Seeking a bit of shade before entering Zoser's funerary complex 19 Entering Zoser's temple The Step Pyramid Zoser's temple complex The Step Pyramid 21 Anne and the group at the Step Pyramid Anne, with the Great Western Desert behind her Anne in front of Zoser's Step Pyramid Leaving through Zoser's temple 22 The Step Pyramid and the ruins of the Pyramid of Teti Anne and the Pyramid of Unas A visit to a "carpet weaving school" The Sound and Light Show at Giza 23 Abu Simbel The Temple of Re-Harakhte at Abu Simbel in southern Egypt Landing in our charter plane at Abu Simbel Getting ready to travel to the site of Ramses temples Taking a bus from the airport to the site of the temples on Lake Nassar An account of the battle of Kadesh during the reign of Ramses II 25 Anne, with a group of Nubians in front of Ramses temples The Temple of Re-Harakhte, with the immense colossi of Ramses II The details of the Temple of Re-Harakhte 26 Entering the temple The cartouche for Ramses 11 The Hypostyle Hall Laura Koziara takes a break 2'7 The Sanctuary (Ramses with the gods Ptah, Amun, and Re-Harakhte) 'The group in front of the 'Temple ot Re-H-arakhte at Abu Simbel The statues of Ramses and his wife Nefretari 28 The Temple of Hathor Entering the Temple of Hathor Looking for some shade in 100 degree heat 29 In the shadow of Ramses II Leaving the temple site and returning to the airport 30 The group at Abu Simbel Heading for the flight to Aswan 31 Aswan Some of the group take a felucca cruise at Aswan The old Aswan dam and the tombs on the Nile Waiting at Aswan for the ferry across the Nile to our boat Our Nile boat, the Oberoi Philae, across the Nile, surrounded by feluccas Anne boarding the Oberoi Philae Our cabin on the Oberoi Philae 33 'The lobby of the Uberoi Philae Anne in the lobby of our ship The captain and crew of the Oberloi Philae Anne with Dick Bailey and Tom Buonodono in the dining room of the Oberoi Philae 34 A felucca ride Ready for the first tour in Aswan A tour of the quarries at Aswan 35 The Unfinished Obelisk A galabiya party on the Oberoi Philae (with Marcia and Ted Troff, John King, and Susan Miyakawa The galabiya party (with Dick and Joyce Bailey) Jackie Rockwood and Rex Eames in their galabiyas 36 Dina, our Egyptologist The Aswan High Dam Anne, overlooking the Aswan High Dan 37 The Isle of Phalae and the Temple of Isis The Temple of Isis Arriving at the boat dock The boat ride to Philae, complete with onboard merchants 38 Arriving at the Isle of Philae Anne at the Temple of Isis 39 The outer courtyards of the Temple of Isis Anne in the outer courtyard of the temple Our group in the outer courtyard 40 Anne with Isis A view of the Nile from the Temple of Isis 41 The Kiosk of Trajan A lecture on the cult of Isis 42 Anne, Jim, Terry, and Rex at the Temple of Isis Returning to the mainland 43 One last shopping opportunity 42 Kom Ombo The Temple of Sobek and Haroeris (with John King in the foreground) Arriving at Kom Ombo and walking to the temple through the crowds of merchants Lots more opportunities to buy a galibiya 43 The Temple of Sobek and Haroeris Note the colors still remaining on the columns 44 The detailed carvings on the temple 45 Edfu The Temple of Horus Tour boats lined up on the Nile at Edfu Heading for the temple 46 The courtyard at the Temple of Horus Our group in the courtyard at the Temple of Horus 4,7 The Hypostyle Hall Anne in the courtyard 48 Anne and her friend Horus 49 The columns in the courtyard A lecture on the Temple of Horus 50 Time for a rest in the shade Terry and Dina leaving the Temple of Horus 51 Don Cluxton finds a bargain Crusing on the Nile (Anne with Tom and Mark) 52 The top deck of the Oberoi Philae Fishing and farming along the Nile 51 Esna The Temple of Khnum Arriving at Esna Disembarking at Esna 52 Walking to the temple through the bazaar Descending from the town of Esna into the Temple of Khnum 53 A lecture outside the Hypostyle Hall A lecture on the Temple of Khnum 54 Some of the details in the temple The Hypostyle Hall and the Sanctuary of the temple 55 Anne wandering through the columns The columns in the Hypostyle Hall of the Temple of Khnum 56 Going through the locks on the Nile on our way to Luxor Rex Eames, Tled and Yvonne Nagle, and Betty Pettit on the boat 65 The Valley of the Queens Walking to the Temple of Hatshepsut in the Valley of the Queens The group approaching the temple Walking up the ramp entrance of the temple 66 The entrance to the Temple of Hatshepsut Anne with Gloria Hagen 6'7 Note the soldier. 'This is where the terrorist incident occurred in 1991 Anne taking a "leaning" break Dina leading the group to one of the royal tombs in the Valley of the Queens Approaching the tomb of Prince Amun-herkhopshef (son of Ramses III) The entrance to the tomb of Prince Amun-herkhopshef Lord Carnarvon's house at the entrance to the Valley of the Kings 69 The Colossi of Memnon Anne and Jim at the Colossi of Memnon '70 Une last view of the Valley of the Kings at Luxor 56 The Valley of the Kings The Valley of the Kings, as seen from our boat on the Nile Village life near the Valley of the Kings (with alabaster shops) The area of the royal tombs in the Valley of the Kings 5,7 The temple of Ramses II Arriving at the entrance and boarding a tram to the tombs Note the pyramid-shaped crown to the hills surrounding the tomb area The royal tombs in the Valley of the Kings Walking toward the tombs The crowds in the Valley of the Kings 59 Walking along the paths to the royal tombs 'The tomb of Ramses IV 60 Entering the tomb of Ramses IV Walking through the tomb toward the burial chamber 61 Notice the rich carvings on the walls of the tomb The images on the walls of Ramses IV tomb 62 The heiroglyphics on the tomb walls The sarchophagus of Ramses IV 63 Descending into the tomb of Amenophis II In the burial chamber of the tomb of Amenophis II The sarchophagus of Amenophis IIThtobfTuAnhmn The tomb of Tut Ankh Amun 64 'The entrance to the tomb ofT 'ut Ankh Amun Looking out at the entrances to other royal tombs in the Valley of the Kings 65 'Taking a shade break 70 The Temple of Karnak The Hypostyle Hall in the Temple of Karnak Arriving at the Temple of Karnak The entrance to the temple '71 The entrance to the Temple of Karnak (Arabic for "Marina") The entrance to the Temple of Karnak, lined by sphinxes '72 The Great Court of the Temple of Karnak The avenue of rams ... and a lone ewe The group enters the Temple of Ramses III at Karnak '73 Statues of Ramses II (with John King) The Great Court The Temple of Seti II '74 TIhe entrance to the JH-ypostyle H~-all The Hypostyle Hall entrance '75 Anne admist the columns in the great Hypostyle Hall of Karnak Anne, lost in the columns '76 The carvings on the columns 7,7 Our group in the Hypostyle Hall at Karnak '78 'The great columns at Karnak The great columns at Karnak '79 'The Court of (Cachette The 'Temple of Karnak Our tour group at Karnak 80 The Michigan-Intrav group at Karnak The group being led by Dina Don Cliuxton and TJerry Moore 81 The Obelisks of Tuthmosis I and III The obelisk of Hatshepsut 82 The sacred lake Terry looks bushed ... 82 The Temple of Luxor The colossi of Ramses II at the Temple of Luxor The Temple of Luxor 83 Horse-drawn carts along the corniche in Luxor at sunset The entrance to the Temple of Luxor 84 The group and Anne in front of the Temple of Luxor The Court of Ramses II 85 The Colonade of Amenophis III The Sanctuary of the Sacred Boat of Amun The Colonade at the Temple of Luxor 86 A full moon through the Colonade at the Temple of Luxor 'The Court of Amenophis 111 8'7 The Court of Amenophis III Pondering the gods at Luxor 88 Monkey see, monkey do .. . Anne with the Pharaoh Amenophis 111 89 A final view of the moon over Luxor 98 Cairo The Cairo skyline, as seen from the balcony of our rooms at the Nile Hilton The Cairo skyline The Cairo skyline 99 The Nile Hilton The mosque of Mohammed Ali at the Citadel 100 Our group visits the mosque at the Citadel Taking off our shoes before entering the mosque The courtyard of the mosque of Mohammed Ali Inside the mosque The ceiling vaults of the mosque of Mohammed Ali Anne at the Citadel, with the old city of Cairo behind her TIhe old city of CJairo The old city of Cairo The old city of Cairo The bazaar of Khan el Khalili 104 Exploring the bazaar Ted and Yvonne Nagle bargain at the bazaar Ted nd vone Nale argin a th baaarThe Iskander Jewelery Shop at the Nile Hilton The Nile Hilton, across the street from the Eqyptian Museum of Antiquities Entering the museum Dina lectures to the group before entering the Tutankhamun exhibition 106 Artifacts from the tomb of Tutankhamun A lion bed from the tomb of Tutankhamun 10'7 A hippopotamus bed from the tomb of Tutankhamun 108 A sacred cow bed from the tomb of Tutankhamun 109 Artifacts from the tomb of Tutankhamun 110 Artifacts from the tomb of Tutankhamun 111 Artifacts from the tomb of Tutankhamun Jim Parker and artifacts from the tomb of Tutankhamun 112 The deathmask of the Pharaoh Tutankhamun The mummy case of Tutankhamun 113 Artifacts from the tomb of Tutankhamun A statue of Zoser 114 Artifacts from the Old Kingdom Artifacts from the Old Kingdom 115 Artifacts from the Old Kingdom Sunset on the Nile 116 Getting ready to leave Cairo (Mark, Dick, and Joyce Bailey spend their last Egyptian pounds) 89 The Monastery of St. Catherine in the Sinai The Monastery of St. Catherine, nestled between the mountains in the Sinai The drive through the lower Sinai up to St. Catherine's The Monastery of St. Catherine 90 Flying from Luxor to Sharm El Sheikh in the Sinai (with Terry and Dina in the back of the plane) Boarding our bus at Sharm El Sheikh 91 The rugged terrain of the lower Sinai Stopping at a Bedouin camp on the way to St. Catherine's Bedouin camels The Sinai desert Mountains in the Sinai The Monastery 93 Arriving at the Monastery of St. Catherine Entering the Monastery 94 TIhe older sections of the Monastery The bell towers of the Monastery 95 The burning bush of Moses The burning bush of Moses The burning bush next to the Church of the Transfiguration 96 The mountains surrounding St. Catherine' s 'The old ramparts of the Monastery 9,7 The rugged scenery around St. Catherine' s St. Catherine's Tourist Village The restaurant in St. Catherine's Village 98 Lunch and a birthday for Laura Koziara Gebel Musa (the Mount of Moses) (Mt. Sinai in the Bible) Looking across the landscape of the Sinai Back to our plane at Sharm El Sheik (and the Duderstadts almost get left behind) 113 Petra The Michigan-Intra group at the Treasury in Petra The royal tombs in Petra 114 Landing in Aqaba in Jordan Heading for our bus The bus ride to Petra 115 Driving to Petra The Movenpick Hotel in Wasi Musa (just outside of Petra) 116 TIhe Movenpick Hotel The lobby of the Movenpick Hotel 11'7 The dining room at the Movenpick Hotel Gathering for our expedition to Petra 118 The entrance to the path to Petra The pathway to Petra ~ In( Walking toward Petra The landscape around Petra 120 Tombs along the road to Petra Walking by the tombs on the road to Petra Our Jordanian guide, Ramzi, explaining the tombs on the way to Petra 121 Entering the Gif, the gorge pathway to Petra Walking through the Gif toward Petra 122 The sandstone cliffs along the road The sandstone cliffs 123 The old Roman road to Petra Walking to Petra through the Gif Fun along the road to Petra 124 Ramzi and Anne Bud Hagen and Betty Pettit ride a cart into Petra Anne walking along the Roman road to Petra 125 Our first glimpse of the Treasury, through the walls of the Gif The Treasury in Petra 126 Anne, at the entrance to Petra The Treasury in Petra The group gathers at the Treasury 12'7 'The 'Treasury in Petra Anne and Jim in Petra 128 'The Michigan-Intra group at Petra The Michigan-Intra group at Petra (with Ramzi on the right) 129 The Michigan-Intra group in front of the Treasury at Petra 130 Entering the Treasury The sandstone colors inside the Treasury 131 Leaving the Treasury Camels and donkeys in Petra Exploring other tombs in Petra 132 Exploring Petra The amplitheatre in Petra The ever-present camels Anne walks with the camels Exploring some dwellings in Petra The royal tombs in Petra 134 The royal tombs in Petra Th~e tombs in Petra The tombs in Petra 135 The tombs in Petra Exploring Petra The tombs of Petra The dwellings in Petra Walking back through the Gif to the hotel Dinner at a hotel near Petra 135 Jordan The drive from Petra to the Dead Sea An old crusader castle Bedouin life along the way Settlements in Jordan Olive groves Karek Castle (along with a model in an adjacent hotel) 13'7 Entering Karek Castle Looking out at Jordan from Karek Castle 138 Ramzi points out the Dead Sea on the horizon The landscape around Karek Castle Jordan, with the Dead Sea on the far horizon 139 Exploring Karek Castle Alf Pettit, Jim Parker, and Terry Moore 140 Tom Skenderian looking down at the tour group Driving down from Petra toward the Dead Sea 141 The Dead Sea The Dead Sea The Movenpick Dead Sea Spa The Movenpick Spa Walking to the pools and the beach Sunset and our farewell dinner at the Dead Sea spa 143 The Koziaras and Troffs waiting for our delayed flight from Frankfurt to Chicago We finally found Jean King! Anne is ready to go home ...