lIOZ WpAge 009W "b W.V4e 9° hy now. ° y oarfwS "r 3r ry °°1"L ?x+n "i°2°n3 'roalL a°f '°v°av now.wyy 'rya 7J"d?6G -Mb° 'G ;"'°'3 ( rf rr l earyynauy6vS ?s'3< p n ary vh3r f'3< 9c x1 a b?¢ u g  Published in 2011 by MPublishing University of Michigan Library © Ernest T. Abdel-Massih This volume is reprinted from the 1971 edition by arrangement with the Center for Near Eastern and North African Studies, University of Michigan Permission is required to reproduce material from this title in other publications, coursepacks, electronic products, and other media. Please send permission requests to: MPublishing 4186 Shapiro 919 South University Ann Arbor, MI 48109 ISBN 978-1-60785-226-1 Tapes accompanying this textbook may be ordered from the University of Michigan Language Resource Center 1195 North Quad 105 S. State Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1285 (734) 764-0424   Map of Morocco Sebta Tetouan Larach( o Oujda oVolubilis ° Fez0 TA 7. 01Q Meknes Sefrou 0 Azro u 0 Midelt .GQ El Jadida Safi a i Ifni 0 Marrakesh 0 0 Ksar es Souk 0 Erfoud Ouarzazate 0 Zagora o Goulimine DISTANCES FROM CASABLANCA IN MILES Al Hoceimna . Agadir......... Azrou.......... Chechaouen .. El Jadida...... Erfoud......... Fez............ Goulimine...... Larache........ 338 330 189 205 62 403 183 453 180 Marrakesh...... Meknes......... Midelt......... Ouarzazate .... Oujda.......... Rabat.......... Safi........... Tangier........ Taza........... Tetuan......... 149 146 267 273 403 58 158 236 257 248  Foreword The preparation of this volume and the accompanying one, A Reference Grammar of Tamazight, was initiated and supported by the University of Michigan Center for Near Eastern and North African Studies as a part of its general program of research and training on the languages and cultures of North Africa. A series of studies in anthropology, history, and political science are in preparation, as well as instructional materials on Moroccan Arabic. We are indebted to the Ford Foundation, which is in no way responsible for the specific consequences, for the grants to the Center that have made this work possible. We are most grateful for the tolerance of the people and government of Morocco in accommodating, and often actively assisting, the work of our faculty and students. W. D. Schorger Director  Acknowledgements This book and its companion, A Reference Grammar of Tamazight, were made possible by the cooperation of a number of individuals. In particular, I would like to express my appreciation for the great assistance provided by Mr. Mohammed Raamouch who, as the first informant for the project that led to the existence of this book, helped in many ways. Mr. Raamouch participated in the composition of the dialogues of the Ayt Ayache texts and it is due to his many constructive suggestions that the units are in their present form. The tape recordings for the units were done by Mr. Raamouch and he was particularly helpful in the field, when the supplementary materials were recorded. Thanks are due as well to Mr. Mohammed Guerssel who, as the second principal informant, provided the basic material for the Ayt Seghrouchen texts. He composed the first three units according to the format originally set up for Ayt Ayache and recorded the Ayt Seghrouchen texts for language laboratory use. He was also a very competent assistant in the field when the Ayt Seghrouchen variants were being recorded. His insightful observations and remarks helped me to formulate the most important part of this book, the comparative analysis of the two affiliated dialects: Ayt Ayache and Ayt Seghrouchen. In addition, I would like to express my thanks to Professor William D. Schorger, who, as Director of the Center for Near Eastern and North African Studies at the University of Michigan, initiated the program of research on North African languages and linguistics. - vi -  The Center defrayed the costs of research assistants, field trips, typists, tapes and tape recordings, as well as providing me with the time and opportunity to carry out the field research and the analysis. I owe an especial debt to my colleagues Professor Ernest N. McCarus and Professor Gene M. Schramm who gave their time freely for linguistic discussions during the early stages of the research that led to the formulation of this present work; I am grateful to them for their many creative suggestions. Also, I wish to extend thanks to Professor Lionel Galand of L'Ecole Nationale des Langues Orientales Vivantes, Paris, for his helpful comments on an earlier draft of the units, particularly the Ayt Ayache materials. And I am also grateful to Professor J. Bynon of the School of Oriental and African Studies, Univeretty of London for his enlightening discussions on the problems of Tamazight phonology and word boundary. I am deeply grateful to my wife, Cecile, whose patience, constant encouragement, and deep understanding have sustained my efforts throughout the work on this book. Again, I would like to express my deep appreciation to Professor William D. Schorger, who introduced me to the field of Berber studies and to whom I present this work. Ann Arbor, Michigan E.T.A. January, 1971 vii  Introduction This book grew out of the lack of any text designed for the teaching of an introductory course in the Berber language in general and the Tamazight dialect in particular to college students. An earlier version of some of the units of this book were used in an experimental class organized by the Center for Near Eastern and North African Studies at the University of Michigan in 1966 and were rewritten in 1967 when the course was first offered for University credit. The first stage of this research (1966-1968) concentrated on the dialect of Ayt Ayache Tamazight. Work on the dialect of Ayt Seghrouchen Tamazight began in the field in 1969. The language of this book is Tamazight, a dialect of Berber, spoken in the Middle Atlas Mountains of Morocco. Berber is spoken mainly in North Africa (Libya, Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco) and in Siwa (UAR). It is also spoken by the Tuareg groups in Muritania and the countries of the Sahara (Mali, Niger and Chad). Berber, a branch of the Afro-Asiatic family of languages is exclusively an unwritten language. It is divided into some three hundred or more distinct local dialects. The number of the speakers of - viii -  Berber have been estimated to be 5,000,0001 to 7,000,0002 and over 10,000,0003. Berber speakers are discontinuously distributed from the Siwa Oasis in Egypt to the Atlantic Ocean and from the Niger River to the Mediterranean Sea. (See the map on p. vii for the distribution of the Berber dialects in general and the map on p. viii for the distribution of the Berber dialects particularly in Morocco.) It is possible to distinguish four basic dialect groups of Berber: I. Tamazight, a dialect of the Middle Atlas Mountains in Central Morocco. Among the speakers of Tamazight (which number approximately 2,000,000) are the following groups (tribes, subtribes): Beni Ouarain, Ait Morghi, Ait Alaham, Ait Youb, Marmoucha, Ait Seghrouchen, Ait Youssi, Beni Mguild, Zaiane, Zemmour, Ait Rbaa, Ait Seri, Beni Mtir, Guerouane, Ait Segougou, Ait Morghad, Ait Ayache, Ait Hadiddou, Ait Izdeg, Ait Sikhmane, Ait Atta. II. Tashelhit (or Shilha), dialect of the High and Anti-Atlas and the Sous Valley in Southern Morocco; There are approximately 2,000,000 speakers of this 1 Encyclopedia of Islam, vol. I, Fasciulus 19, Leiden, Netherlands, 1959, p. 1177. 2 Ju. N. Zavadovskij, Berberski jazk (The Berber Langae ), Moscow, 1967, p. 7. 3 Encyclopedia Britannica, vol. 3 ,Encyclopedia Britannica Inc., Wm. Benton, Chicago, 19'0, p. 96. - ix -  dialect. III. Zenatiya, a dialect of about 2,000,000 speakers. Zenatiya distinguishes the following sub-groupings: a) Rifian or Tarif it (spoken by about 0.5 million Rifians in Northern and Northeastern Morocco) b) Kabyli (spoken by about 1,300,000 speakers), dialect of the Kabyle tribes in the Kabyle Mountains of Algeria c) Zenatiya Mzabian (spoken by about 25,000 speakers in Mzab by the Mzabites of Ghardaia) d) Shawia or Tashawit (spoken by about 150,000 speakers in the Aures Mountains of Algeria) IV. Tamashek , dialect of the Tuareg groups in Muritania and the open Sahara. Many speakers of Berber in North Africa are bilingual, with Arabic being their second language. Many of the men speak Berber, Arabic and French, while the women are more conservative. The main focus of the language of this book is the Tamazight dialects of Ayt Ayache and Ayt Seghrouchen. Ayt Ayache is a tribe composed of twenty-two villages along the Ansegmir River, at the foot of Ayachi Mountain, about thirty kilometers west of the town of Midelt. The limit on the east is National Highway No. 21, on the south the Ayt Yahya tribe at Road No. 3420, -- x-  K K Mediterranean Sea Atlantic Ocean SW M Algeria Libya G Mauritania A(G) G G G Niger Chad Geographic Dis troution of tne Major Berber Dialects. -xi R T SH K Rif ian Tamaz ight Shilha Kabyle SW M A(G) G =Shawia = Mz ab idn = Aheggar (Tourage) = Toua re g  Ceuta Ca sablanca Kaaba Tadla " Midelt Figuig Essaouira * *Marrakesh ***** ** ******* u raze a te Agadir ~______ Zenatiya (Rifian) Speakers Tarnazight Speakers Tasheilhit (Shilha) Sneakers ___ Geographic Distribution of Berber Dialects in Morocco -xii -  and on the north and west the Beni Mguild tribe at Road No. 3422. Ayt Ayache Tamazight is mutually intelligible with the speech of neighboring tribes. Ayt Seghrouchen is a much larger tribe than Ayt Ayache. It is divided into three major sub-tribes: (1) Ayt Seghrouchen of Sidi Ali, known as Ayt Seghrouchen of Tichikout, (2) Ayt Seghrouchen of Imouzzer and (3) Ayt Seghrouchen of Talesinnt. The limits of the Ayt Seghrouchen of Sidi Ali are the Beni Ouarain to the north, Ayt Youssi to the south, Ayt Seghrouchen of Imouzzer and Beni Mguild to the west and southwest and Oulad El-Haj to the east. Ayt Seghrouchen of Imouzzer lies about 30 kilometers south of Fez, surrounded by Ayt Youssi, Beni Mtir and the town of Sefrou. The limits of Ayt Seghrouchen of Talesinnt are Oulad El-Haj, Ayt Yafelmane, the town of Midelt and Beni Guil. Both Ayt Ayache and Ayt Seghrouchen live by farming and by tending and rearing sheep. The main handicraft industry is tapestry. Berber literature is, of course, mainly oral. It is this lack of written documents that makes the tracing of the history of the language somewhat difficult. However, attempts were made very early to record the language, using various writing systems. The oldest inscriptions come to us from Tunisia and Algeria and are over 2,000 years old. They are written in a consonantal system which resembles that of contemporary Tuareg. The national Berber alphabet is that of the Tuareg tribes, known as Tifinagh; it is composed of strokes, arcs, - xiii -  and dots as well as combinations of these. In this system, individual words are not separated and one can write from left to right or from right to left, from top to bottom or from bottom to top. The Tuaregs call the symbols Tafineqq (singular) and Tifinagh (plural). The Tuaregs have no manuscripts, strictly speaking, only short notes on pots, bracelets, shields, etc. The only Berber texts we have are written in Arabic script. These are mainly religious texts used for instruction in Islam. Following is a simplified table with samples of the Libyan inscriptions and Tuareg (Tifinagh), both ancient and contemporary inscriptions, with the corresponding Arabic script and phonetic equivalents. Phonetic Libyan Tuareg (Tifinagh) Corresponding Equiv. ancient contemp. Arabic Script b O oGC7 CD EDGH t + X+ + m ]LJ , JC d NH4XIX C d ri c:J AflVLJ Table 1 - xiv -  This book is intended to be used for the study of either the dialect of Ayt Ayache alone or for the study of the two dialects in the order Ayt Ayache first, followed by Ayt Seghrouchen. It is planned to serve as a comparative source for the study of these two affiliated dialects. The goal of this text is to achieve fluency in one or both dialects presented in the book and to master the basic grammatical structures of Tamazight. Ayt Ayache texts begin with dialogues ranging from simple to complex sentences. Unit One consists of greetings and common expressions which, in many cases, can be a single word or an utterance. Conversations contained in Units Two - Five vary in length and structural difficulty and are composed to encompass most of the constructions of the dialect of Ayt Ayache Tamazight. Units 7 - 10 follow the same format as the preceding ones, which is basically conversational. They contain, however, shorter texts that were tape recorded in the field in Summer 1967. These are inserted in the conversations in their appropriate places. This gives the student the privilege of listening to native speakers other than Mr. Raamouch who is the main informant for the Ayt Ayache Tamazight and who is an educated speaker (college senior). The field tapes were transcribed in the units with minimal editing. In listening to the tapes that accompany this text, the student will be aware of the field tapes as they always occur in the third reading of the units of this - xv -  book. Unit Eleven is a review unit. Units 12 and 13 are longer texts tape recorded in the field. Because of the importance of greetings and common expressions in everyday Tamazight, these items are repeated for Ayt Seghrouchen dialect with a format similar to that used for Ayt Ayache. Not only does this make such important utterances available to the student in a different dialect, but it also supplies him with comparative notes on the phonology, morphology and lexicon of the two dialects at the end of Unit 14. Units 15 and 16 consist of ten short texts that have much ethnological information which is of great interest to a college student. Unit 17 (15 short texts) was tape recorded in the field in Summer 1969 to supplement Units 15 and 16. The speakers, educated speakers of Ayt Seghrouchen Tamazight, were kind enough to tape record this particular unit for me in the field. I consider this to be a very important text in terms of content and subject matter. Units 18 and 19 are texts tape recorded in the field. Unit 20.1, "Lexical Differences", was originally a text tape recorded in the field by a fifty-year old speaker of Ayt Seghrouchen. Mr. Guerssel, the main informant for the Ayt Seghrouchen dialect, who is an educated speaker of Tamazight (college senior), helped put it in its present form. The riddles (20.2) were tape recorded in the field. The poetry (20.3) is by speakers of Ayt Seghrouchen. It is - xvi -  worth mentioning, however, that the wandering poets of the Middle Atlas region of Morocco use a kind of intermediate language or dialect for their compositions that is common to all Tamazight speakers. Thus, the vocabulary cannot be claimed as exclusively Ayt Seghrouchen. The vocabulary from the peoms is listed in the Ayt Seghrouchen glossary simply because the poems were recorded in the field by speakers of this dialect. In using this book, there are many things that should be noted. First and foremost, this book has very few grammatical explanations. Therefore, it is suggested that the student seek grammatical information contained in A Short Reference Grammar ofTamazight (by Ernest T. Abdel-Massih, Center for Near East and North African Studies, the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104, 1971). Also, it is of vital importance to note that since this book is intended for use by college students as an introductory text, much lee- way is allowed the individual instructor in terms of explana- tions of particular grammatical points. The Reference Grammar referred to above will be of help in this. The exclusion of items presented in a repetitive manner is due to a consideration of the intelligence of the potential users of this book and to prevent the loss of interest due to the triviality of the presentation of the subject matter. With reference to the matter of transcription, it is advisable that the student master the phonological system by going through the drills several times before beginning the - xvii -  units of the book. A set of tapes for the phonology as well as for the units of the book is available from the Center for Near Eastern and North African Studies, the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104. Also, a point of clarification is necessary with reference to word boundaries and morphophonemic changes. For example, the automatic change of i to y after a vowel is sometimes transcribed here as i and sometimes as y, depending upon the rapidity of the speech of the informant, or, in other words, depending upon the occurrence of the words upon the field tape, from which they were transcribed. Examples: iwa in:as he tells you $1 iwa yn:as In relation to this, the structure (sa + n + noun) 'some of...' can be transcribed in very slightly different ways, all of which are acceptable to a native speaker. Examples: §a nlhaot ~ an lhalt ~d al lhast ~ a l:hait 'something' These variances are, again, all dependent upon the particular informant as recorded upon the field tape. Of a similar nature are constructions with the moveable affixes, i.e. pronominal affixes and the particles of proximity and remoteness, which can show variable forms depending upon speech pauses which appear on the field tape. - xviii -  Examples: (1) dyi dyi rb:i adyifsifr:z rb:i adyifs ifr:E 0 t (2) aldisntt:zal:an aldisnt t:zal:an 0.0 God will make it easy for you now (Ayt Ayache). and they started to pray in them (f) (Ayt Seghrouchen) That is why I threw the tripe at him (Ayt Ayache). This is what they do in it (Ayt Seghrouchen). (3) iwa iwa iwa (4) ayu ayu ayu ayn:a axf asyrfy tadw:art ayn:a axfas yrfy tadw:art ayn:a axfasyrfy tadw:art ay dis t:g:n aydis t:g:n aydist:g:n It is hoped that this text will serve both as a linguistic source for mastering Tamazight and also as an introduction to the culture and ethnology of the speakers of Tamazight. Ann Arbor Michigan January, 1971 E.T.A. xix -  TABLE OF CONTENTS Fo,,,, e wo.. ...... ..... ..... v Acknowledgements .................... vi Introduction .........................................viii PART ONE - PHONOLOGY (AYT A YA CHE) ................. 1 /1 Consonants and semi-vowels. .. .. .. .. .. .. ......2 2 Vowels..................................... 24 3 Phonological Structure of Words in Tamaight. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .....31 4 Stress.................................. 3 5 Review drill . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 6 Laboratory exercises................. . .. 37 PART TWO - TEXTS (AYT A YA CHE).................... .... 40 1.1 Greetings............................... 41 1.2 Grammar, Drills, Additional Phrases and Expressions ......................... ........51 1.3 Review Conversations ............. ..... 57 1.4 Drills...,.................................. 58 2.,1 The Market Place of Boumria.................. 61 2.2 Additional Sentences, Phrases, and Vocabulary .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. . . . . . . 64 2.3 Pra3.tice Drills ........,,........ 70 3.1 William Visits Ay t A ya che. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...73 3.2 Grammatical Notes...................... 80 3.3 Drills..................................... 84 4.1 Berber Traditions .,........... ..... 89 4.2 Story ......; .................... 94 4.3 Gramma tica l Notes and Drill . ... .. .. . .......95 5.1 Kinship Terms . .. .. . .. . ... . . . . . . . . . 99 5.2 Conversations............ .. .....100 5.3 Stories ....i .................. ..... 104 5.4 Telling Time . . .. . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . 107 5.5 Months of Year " ......... ... . . . 109 5.6 Drills ....... 00 0..0 00.. . . . . . . . 0....109 - xx -  6.1 Sofa Talk after Dinner I ................. 113 6.o2 Grammar Notes and Drills.... .... ......... 119 6.3 "I have a headache" ...................... 120 6.5 Drill . .. .. .. ... . . .. .. . . . . . . ** **. ...... 122 7.1l Sofa Talk after Dinner II ................ 123 7.3 Drill .................................. 128 7.4 Drill..............................,...... 129 8.1 Sofa Talk after Dinner III ............... 131 8.2 Drill .................... 138 8.3 Drill ............................... 139 901 William Goes to the Market in Ayt Ayache , 141 9.2 William Goes to a "hidus" Dance , ... ,..... 142 9.3 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . .. .. . .. . ... . . . 146 10 William leaves Ayt Ayache .. .............. 149 10.2 Exercises + .. .. . . . ......... . .. .. .. . ... 161 11 Review . ... ... . . . . .0. . . . . . . .. . . . . 165 11.1 A .Story of Jeha ...i...................e* 165 11.201 Berberi o od. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 11.3 Borrowing from the Neighbor .. . .. .. .. . . .. 168 11.4 Review Exercises .... ..................... 169 1 1.6 Exercises... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . 173 11.76 Exercises . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 112.1 AxeFairysTale.. ....................... 175 1 2.2 Exercises...........0#0000000000000000000 181 12.3 Exercises .......................*.. 181 13.1 The Story of Saint Joseph ............... 183 13.2 Exercises .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . 192 13.3 Exercises . . ... .. .. .. . .. . . . . * . . . . . 192 PART THREE PHONOLOGY (AYT SEGHiROUCHEN) ........... 195 PART FOUR - TEXTS FROM A YT SEGHROUCHEN. .. . ... .. . . .. 204 14.1 Greetings............................. 205 14.2 Grammar, Drills, Additional Phrases and Expressions ...................... 212 14.o3 Review Conversations ............... 215 14.4 Exercises . ... .. . ........ .. .. .. .. ... 217 14.5 Conversation................ . ... .. .. . .. 218 14.6 Additional Sentences ........... .. .. . . . 220 14,.7 Interrogation .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. ...a . . . . . . . 225 Note s . .... ............. .. .. .. . . . . . . 227 15.1 1 The Market .00.0........0000000"009000"0" . . . 237 15.2 Tea . . . . . . . . .. . .. ...... . . .. . . . . .. . 241 15.3 The Month of Ramadan .............. 244 15.4 Fieldsa ... .. .. .. . ... . . . . . . . * . . . 247 15.5 Village Shop ................ .. .. .. .. . .. .. 250 - xxi-  16.1 Berber Dance *"*"*.*"*"0w@.0*. . **.*" . . """. ". ." 253 16.2 Men' s Clothing .. . .. . ..". .. .. . ... .. .. . . 255 16.3 What People do after Dinner ".... .. 257 16" .4 Women'sa Work . . ..". .... .. .. .. . ... ...... 259 16.5 The Tribe of Ayt Seghrouchen .. .. ." 262 17.1 The Tribe of Ayt Seghrouchen ..,. ... 273 17.2 Life of Ayt Seghrouchen ....""........282 17.3 Markets ..........".".......... 286 17.4 Mosques ". .....*..........". .... 291 17.5 Schools .".....""......""."" *.""""* 292 17.6 The Village Council ......."........".......293 17.7 The Public Bath ........................ " 295 17.8 The Coffee Shop.............".......295 17.9 The Roads .""...." ................. 296 17.10 Weddings"............................" 299 17.11 Berber Dance ............."....."304 17.12 Shops ............."................." 306 17.13 Tea 00..... @0@00@........."....."... 309 17.14 What People do after Dinner................ 310 17.15 The Month of Ramadan......"........ 310 18.1 The Story of the Peaceful Man and His Mule 313 18.2 The Lark and the Bird .............000* 327 18.3 Jeha of the West and Jeha of the East ., . 331 19.1 The Story of the Greyhound ...........333 19.2 Jjdidan .w... ...........w........ 3148 19.3 The Goat and the Jackal ... ...... 355 20.1 Lexical Differences "..~"...... 361 20.2 Riddles ..........................."..... 364 2 0.3 Songs . ... .. .. .. ...... . . . . . . "". ."" . . . . . ..369 PART FIVE - GLOSSARIES ......................... 381 -xxii -  I. Phonology (Ayt Ayache)  A Course in Spoken Tamazight I. Phonology 1. Consonants and Semi-Vowels Tamazight, Ayt Ayache Dialect, has the following conso- nants: /btdkgqf s z xymn rha/nandtwosemi- vowels / w y /. Table 2 shows the place and manner of arti- culation of the above-mentioned segments. The diacritics /:/ and/or /./ may be added to most of the above-mentioned segments. /:/ marks tenseness. A tense segment in general is produced with more force than its lax counterpart. The intensity and aspiration which are char- acteristic of the tense segments give them a syllabic quality so that /b:/, for example, is heard as [ebb] (except when preceded by a vowel / a i u/). All lax segments have tense counterparts except for /c'/ and /h/. Flatness /./ is manifested in two ways: (a) as velarization for the front segments /t d s z ln r/ and (b) as labialization for the back segments / g k q/ and rarely / x y/ (phonetically [ g k q xy] or w w w w 'w' [g k q ). The following is an inventory of all the above-mentioned segments and their modified counterparts: / b b: t t: t t: d d: d d: k k: k k: g g: g g: q q: q q: f f: s s: s s: z z: z z: s 9: z z: x x:y y: m m: n n: 1 1: 1 1: r r: r r: h h: Shww: yy:/and rarely /xy/. The terms used in Table 2 are here explained in terms of the articulators that help produce the different sounds. These are followed by explanations of the terms voiced and voiceless, lax, and flat. Bilabial: lower lip and upper lip Labio-dental: lower lip and upper teeth Dental: apex of tongue and upper teeth Alveolar: apex of tongue and alveolar ridge Alveo-palatal: apex of tongue and front part of palate. -2-  Phonology Upper Lip < Teeth Apex B1ade Lower Lip Ep igl1 Larynx Diagram of the Organs of Speech -3-  A Course in Spoken Tamazight Table 2: Tamazight Consonants and Semi-Vowels -4-  Phonology Palatal: tongue blade and palate Post palatal: tongue blade and back of palate Velar: tongue dorsum and velum Uvular : tongue dorsum and uvula Pharyngeal: root of the tongue and pharynx (constriction) Glottal: produced in the larynx by constriction of the two vocal cords Voiced (vd): during the production of voiced sounds the vocal cords are closed Voiceless (vl): during the production of voiceless sounds the vocal cords are open Lax: a speech sound produced with little muscular tension in the speech organs; e.g. /b/ Tense: a speech sound produced with great muscular tension in the speech organs; e.g. /b:/ Flat: a speech sound produced by pressing the blade of the tongue against the palate so that the articulation is velarized rather than dental; e.g. /t/ Pronunciation Drills The examples cited here illustrate the occurrence of the various consonants and semi-vowels mentioned above. In addition to being pronunciation drills they are meant to show the opposition flat/plain and/or tense/lax for any particular segment. /x y h ' / are grouped at the end because they do not have tense counterparts. 1. b/b: bab owner b:as his father labas fine la b:as ula mays neither his father nor his mother abali old ab:a father 2. t/t: isalt he asked him  A Course in Spoken Tamazight isalt: tftl datft:1 turift tararit: he asked her she rolled she is rolling popcorn vomiting to demand request a seive 3. t/t: talb t:alab 4 stat :u 4. t/t tafunast talb tarbat: tanbarit: ntl stat :u Em:t timst: cow to demand girl congratulations to hide a seive to cheat a comb 5. d/d: da d:u ibda id :a ardam ard:am bd: here go! he began he went demolishing demolisher to stand up 6. d/d: dmn d :amn tfdr datfd :r to guarantee guarantor she took breakfast she is taking breakfast -6-  Phonology isfd isfd: 7. d/d bdu bdu dl dim fr:d frd he he to to to to to to wiped wiped it (m.) begin share massage oppress change money sweep 8. Pronunciation Drill tad :art ibdr daybd : r anbdu danbd :u tabarda tamd :ut: d:ra d:alb fadma td:r d:akin idawa trb:a idrus dayt :fras dayt :sus ism:t: nfsrt: a house he mentioned he mentions we will share we share saddle (for mule) woman corn learned man in the village proper name (f.) she lived stew he cured she taught it is little he attacks he shakes he cheated him we spread it (f.) 9. k/k: /k/ is a lax palatal voiceless fricative mainly in the environment of / s z r 1 m n /. /k:/ is a tense post palatal voiceless stop. -T-  A Course in Spoken Tamazight irkm dayrk :m ks k:s krz k:r as :k Is :k: it (m.) boiled it is boiling to tend sheep to take out to plough to get up to be lost doubt (n.) 10. k/k: /k/ is a labialized lax post palatal voiceless fricative mainly in the environment of / s z s z r 1 m n / /k:/ is a labialized tense voiceless post palatal stop. lkumit lk:n:as kul: k:u dagger notebook all every, each 11. k/k k m kn: i kmz s:k: s :k :r nk :r nk:ni k. k. to enter you (m.p.) Subj. to scratch doubt (n) sugar we got up we 12. g/g: /g/ is a lax post palatal voiced fricative (mainly in the environment of /s z s z r 1 m n /). /g:/ is a tense post palatal voiced stop. -8-  Phonology irgm dayrg :m nmgr danmg :r iga ag :a he he we we he he insulted insults harvested harvest did is 13. g/g: /g/ is a labialized lax post palatal voiced frica- tive (in the environment of /s z s i r 1 m n /) /g:/ is a labialized tense post palatal voiced stop. azgu wind ag:a a burden aglmam lake asg:as year amgr sickle ag:d even targa canal tirg:in canals 14. g/g - g:/g: iga targa ag :a ag:a dayt:g:a dayt:g:a urt:g:d urt:g:d he did canal he is a burden he does he kneads you will not do you will not knead 15. q/q: igr :a he confessed  A Course in Spoken Tamazight iq:la thl :qnt tq:dnt he fried you (f.p.) dressed up you (f.p.) burnt 16. q/q: iqm:r asq:n 17. q:/q: n:q:rt n:q:rt he gambled rope we shook it (m.) off silver 18. Pronunciation Drill lq:adi k:u lk:as sg: g:any ak:n:rar ag :nk: tg:a tadg :at tadg:alt lq:hwa q:n s":uq: tnq:rd n:q:rt qm:rnt asq:n tga targa ag :a ag :a judge to cut grass a glass you wait I we will take you (m.p.) back me too she kneaded evening in-law coffee to close the market you shook off silver they (f.) gambled rope she did canal he is burden  Phonology amksa tk:a ik:a fdr r:bad td :rd lwaldin fadma d:agin aksum 19. f/f: tnfd datnf :d fa f:u fru f:r af af: 20. s/s: in:as as: tfsr datfs :r sus s :udm 21. s/s: sbr s:br tnsd datns :d shepherd to doubt he visited eat! Rabat you lived the parents proper name (f.) stew meat she threw she is throwing to yawn to dawn to pay debts to hide to find to be blown he told him day she spread she is spreading to shake off to kiss to be patient patience she blew her nose she is blowing her nose -11-  A Course in Spoken Tamazight 22. s/s si:m sr :f fsd qsd frs tfs 23. z/z: izrit iz :rit z:r z rb zdm z :nz 24. z/z: zd z :y zur z:al: trzm datrz :m to greet to change money to spoil to go toward to attack to fold he left him he made him pass to pluck to hurry to collect wood to sell to weave to milk to visit holy places pray! she opened she is opening she is fat she visited holy places she depilated she milked to buy grain to share he stepped on he steps on 25. z/z tzur tzur tzar tz":y ! " [ s 26. s/s: Eal t :ar ingl dayn 6:1 - 12-  Phonology in::at it: he told you horn 27. 1/E: anzar and :ar arzam art :am zhd t:y sharpening carpenter throwing stones at one who throws stones at to be strong to recover 28. Pronunciation Drill ga aan 5:rzrm izil izi trz t :rz s:init laba s fz: fsy fs:r is :n barak :a tamazirt ws :a wsir ams amz riu rsu r~u some some of window he is nice a fly to embroider embroidering a tray fine chew melt to explain he knows enough country to advise to be old to paint to take, to hold to be dirty to be quiet to hope - 13-  A Course in Spoken Taiazight rzu Eru s:u sfu Edu z :u 29. x/x: ixali ix :ayi xulf x :ant max wax:a 30. y/y: ayul abay :us iyus mn: y yal to to to to to to look for happen make the bed be clean smell plant to my uncle he is mean to me to be different they (f.) are mean why? all right to go back monkey he burnt to be wet to think 31. Pronunciation Drill xdm xdmy f :y ny, mslxir lxudrt taxn siyt ixm2 axd :am max wax :a ayrum to work I work to go out to kill good evening vegetables sack it smells bad laborer (m.) why? all right bread -14-  Phonology iy ;at iys:at: dayt : dbay abd:ay Ek:ay ix: a abx: an xulfn he cheated him he cheated her he dyes dyer i doubted he is mean black they (m) are different 32. m/in: ma m: a tyms datym: s axd:am am 33. n/n: ini* urin:i rzn naf n: ay 3L.. 1/1: adrbal idrbal; what? my mother she covered she is covering laborer (m) like say! he did not say to be patient we find (aorist) to fight worn out cloth worn out ctinths -15-  A Course in Spoken Tamazight la 1: ayxd:nm El sl: no he is working to spend a day to hear 35. i/1: xlas: xi : S laz 1:aysl;m enough to pay hunger response to thellot 36. /l - 1:/i: laz datxl:u yal:ah 1:ayxd;m 1:aysl:m 37. r/r: angmar ingmar: iri ir a rar r:u no hunger she is running let us go he is working response to thello' hunter hunters to want he won to give back to win  Phonology 38. r/r: rdu r;da r;zn rzn tsrd datEr: d to bless blessing patience to be patient she combed she combs 39. r/r rzu rzn rdm rdu to look for to be patient to demolish to bless 40. Pronunciation Drill mslxir br:m nan: a nun lalal mun dlman l:ayhn:ik: 1:aybark:fik: rb: i amray amr: ay rdm good evening to turn grandmother to accompany no response to 'good night' goodbye may God bless you (m.s.) God rubbing one who rubs demolishing -17-  A Course in Spoken Tamazight r;dxn yal:ah 1:ayt: s1:am yawl yr yrs m;y 41. h/h: dayt: rhal tarh: alt lbht tbh; t hml rbh debris let us go he greets hurry up I to read to slaughter to be wet (mainly in Arabic borrowings) he moves nomad (f) investigation she investigated to flood to succeed 42. e e awn cbd isbd bed xde 43. h ha hdm dhn (mainly in Arabic to to he to to borrowings ) help adore, worship adores be far deceive (mainly in Arabic borrowings) here is, are to demolish to rub ointment  Phonology yal:ah 4- Pronunciation Drill %isa sli lbhimt 14:hwa zne hadr 1hmdul:; ah mruha rama h du fhmn n am shu nhmdirb: i lhuk:umE azm;ue r ayd dr: e 1q: as' i cia lzihad lfq: ih leb 1: eb let us go proper name (f) proper name (m) beast coffee to collect a boy to be present thanks to God, fine proper name (m) to see to offer a present to understand yes (in response to someone calling) to be healthy thanks to God, fine the government the gathering go back I to scream tradition holy war learned man to play playing -19-  A Course in Spoken Tamazight hS~m Ehal maE iga lhal s;alihin a~r:uh amhdar a'vsk:ri leib erd ed1 ebr 45. w/w: ixwa axw; an z:waq: dayt:zw;aq: wax:a 46. y/y: yal:ah y: ih Be polite! (behave) How many? How much ? How are you ? (rn.s.) the saints a wound student a soldier shame to console to invit to repair to measure, weigh it is empty thief design he designs all right let us go yes .7, Pronunciation Drill c ayd lhusayn Go back! Lahoucine - proper name (m) -20-  Phonology ar:yal 1:ayhn:ik: walayn: i awal 6a w:awal tamlut: inw awd an :ay ay t Rial (currency unit) good bye (ms) but speech some talk my wife to reach to see House (family = group of related people) 48. (rare - labialized counterparts of lax /x/ and /Y/ .Whenever /x/ or /Y/ occurs the native speaker can freely substitute /x,y/ ly ~ly : yzif yziff axmg as ~axm: as 49. Pronunciation Drill le bar b:as isalt: iys: at ay:u danfd:r trkm irkz ag:a cheating tall share-cropper measuring, weighing his father he asked her he cheated him milk we are taking lunch (or breakfast) it (f) boiled he treaded he is -21-  A Course in Spoken Tamazight af aa fz: amd :al :1 lhakm n tqadnt iqda ~t~r eawn r: dm at: xlu ma3 a Erh nsaslah abay:us sbahlxir naqrt naqalt n:t.:lt sb:b zry z3ry bxin abx3 an tqm: r in:a tas:ae ta burden to chew friend (m) judge you (fp) burnt he accomplished to be late to help debris she will ruin my mother to envy if God wills monkey good morning silver we transplanted it a transplant to trade to leave, to pass to cause to pass to be black black (ms) she gambled he said this hour (now) - 2C-  Phonology Ekr amgr asg: as iqma taqdurt tiqdar i db: ayn tiq:b~a urt: inyi sbahlxir bismil:ah d:sam lbiban gum yu s ibyd nfh nzY xzn q dl hs:m sl:k Yl:f eQ d to praise sickle year mouths a pot pots dyers (r--) dj ellabas he did not kill her good morning in the name of God couscous the doors to swim to burn he hated to sniff tobacco to pull to store, to hide to repair to govern to bathe to give a reasonable price to wrap to tie -23-  A Course in Spoken Tamazight td: b to torture xw:n to steal qr:r to decide qm: r to gamble wxsr to go back gz:r to butcher zgl to miss irgm he insulted tekr she praised ikmz he scratched nkrz we ploughed 2. Vowels Tamazight has three vowels: / i u a / (see Table 3). Allophones of the three vowels are shown in Table 4. The marking convention shown in Table 4 is to be understood as follows: [ + ] denotes the presence of a particular feature (e.g. [ + front ] or [ + high ] ) for a certain segment. Table 3 - Tamazight Vowels -24-  Phonology i , e u U, o e a Front + +- + Centralized + + Back + + + + High + + + Lowered + + + + Low + + + Table 4 - Tamazight Vowel Allophones i as in English "beat", "eat", "feet" does not commonly occur in English as in English "bit", "fit" e similar to the initial vowel part of the English words "eight ", "ace" u as in English "food"," boot ", "sue " as in English "book", "wood" o roughly as in English "coat" o as in English "satf", "hat ", "mat " ae does not commonly occur in English but corresponds roughly to vowel in "cut" corresponds roughly to the English vowel in "father"  A Course in oken Tamazight Henceforth the following notations will be used: C = /b f t d s z s z k g q / H =/ h h e w y / L =/ 1 r m n / X = C, H, and L Y, x = / Y x / X = C, H, L, y, and x V = / a i u / Diacritics // and /:/ may be added and thus give, for example, /C/ and /C:/ representing /t/ and /t:/ respectively. In the formulation of phonological rules the following conventions are used: A - B (A)B or B(A) IA B / A )B/ .. C A ---- B/C A is rewritten as (or replaced by) B A is optionally present, B is obligatorily present Either A or B occurs in this position A is rewritten as B before C A is rewritten as B after C Vowel Allophones (# denotes word boundary, e.g. /-a#/ and /#a-/ means final and initial /a/ respectively) -26-  Phonolo iii ini iri arid sdid wsir tigbilin to exist to say to want to be washed to be thin to be old tribes 2. /i/- ) [] { # X: } id:a td:id il:a ts:id q:i3 lq:ist he went you went it (m) is you (s) made the bed to tell stories a story 3. /i/ [I] [5] j d:igs mziy smi i to burst out be small to be cold -27-  A Course inSpoken Tamazight Edin tik:it zwiy bxin iyla ixla tiq:b;a to be short cutting grass he gambled to be red to be black it is expensive it is ruined djellabas . / / nrrrr I U J is tfrhi is : fhmi iset;ri x # he made me he made me he made me happy understand late 5. /u/ [u] # x X(:) x umsy usiy ufiY luliy i drus ifsaus igz:ul i lum luqr I painted I carried I found I was born it (m) is little it (m) is light he is short he blamed respect --28-  Phonology idur atsbdud ixu if adimytir ixut 7. /u/ - * lw bdu bnu d'lu d:u f~u k:u C L[o])Y you (s) will share I stretched it is burnt it is different he will grow up vegetable s X(:) # to begin to build to pray for to go t o dawn to cut grass -29-  8. /a/ A Course in Spoken Tamazight X(:) X(:) X azn af ar as: hasb safr sal na: ( star harz aq salh to send to find to empty to tie to cuunt to travel to ask to fight to share to forbid solidity 9. /a/, [ J da la fa hn:a hr: a sqsa x(:) _____ her e no to yawn to be peaceful to tickle to ask -30-  Phonology 10. /a/ - ) [a] hadr to be present talb to demand xs:a to be necessary sad:r to meet ibda he shared 3. Phonological Structure of Words in Tamazight If /X/ is followed by /X/ without an intervening /V/, there is a predictable transition. Transition between /X/ and /X/ is heard as Vocalic and is represented here by a superscript schwa [A ] to show that it is a phonetic element (schwa occurs as the first speech sound formation in English "about" or as the last speech sound formation in English "sofa"). Thus a word such as /frgy/ "I was happy" is phonetically [#frhey#] consisting of two syllables. [ 3 is realized as [1] before front consonants (e.g. / b t d ... /)and as [s ] before back consonants (e.g. / k x ... /). It is also heard as voiced before voiced consonants (e.g./b g ... /) and as voiceless before voiceless consonants (e.g. / f t .../). The rules governing the predictability of [e ] may be stated as follows: -31-  A Course in Spoken Tamazight 2/#XX(;)#/ -- #Xie ()#J is not 7 [#X~X #] )X1 is L) 3 . / 7# X1 :X2/?=#/-'-- [C#a Xi: aXJ, /g:/ /k: / [Gg:]J 0 tk:]J /s / /1s/ /1:rni/ [t0s [bad: 11 [ns] hias] iaf: %] a a [ 1: m]l 'to ba, to do 'to giv a' ' to knead' Ito pass' ' to laugh' ' to spend1 a day' ' to stand up't ' to spend the n ight' 'to gat dress, d' Ito tto 'to hide go out' spins /~ /L~~~x#/- [#yXX3a] /X1X2 are not] f #0x1x2 0xe#i], L~ -32- /xdmn/ /hdmn/ [xdam] [dbay] [xdc ] [0hdam] [hadam I [0hbal] [hobo 1 ] 'to 'to ' to 'to work't dye ' deceive' get mad' 'to demolish' 'to become silly'  Phonology ix L X 2X$ H /nfh/ [9nfeh] [n fa1] /qdl/ [ ed91] [qecd1] [#X13I 2x31 / /dran/ /fhm/ /frh/ /fs:r/ /xm:m/ /wk: 1/ [dm9n] [f ham] (if 0r h] [f's:*r] [san:ad] [ xem: am] [wak:a1] 'to sniff tobacco' 'to repair' 'to guarantee' 'to understand' 'to be happyt 'to spread' 'to lean against' 'to think' 'to appoint as representative' 5. / #X1X:X2Xa# /-) [#X*X;$X. #] The postulation of the phonetic element shown above, i.e. [), supports the transcription of the units of this book where three (or more) non-vocalic segments appear next to each other: e.g., /tbr:mnt/ "you (fp) turned" which is here represented phonetically as [tber:Gmnt]. Words with the structure XVX, VXX, or XV consist of one syllable: e.g., /sal/ "to ask", /sib/ "to become white-haired", /sum/ "to swim", /af/ "to find", /amz/ "to take", /fa/ "to yawn". Words consisting of vowels and consonants follow the same rules shown above: e.g., /dat:hadar/ "she is present" is phonetically [dat:0hadar) i.e. consists of three syllables; f'ad:r/ "to meet" has two syllables [tad:9r]. Note that /t:! and /d:! are not represented as [et:] and [9d:] as is stated above since they are preceded by a vowel. -33-  A Course in Spoken Tamazight 4. Stress Word stress in Tamazight is a non-contrastive feature. The occurrence of word stress is predictable: primary stress falls on the last vowel of the word (i.e. /V/ or [ J). Examples: /sil/ /sawn/ /sii/ /s1~Il/ /cdm/ /6,mz/ /4f / /rdr/ /bdd/ /adinfy/ /n dawd/ /tfafdd/ /issl/ /dayt :'gagdr/ 'to ask' 'to herlp' 'to doubt' 'to rinse' 'to swim' 'to take' 'to find' 'to return' 'to begin' 'I will say' 'we cured' 'you (s) woke up' 'he asked' 'he is present' The above statement applies to words that phonemically do not contain a vowel /V/. As stated above, /bd:/ is phonetically [bad:], /frh/ is phonetically [frah] and /fs:r/ is phonetically [fes:r]. In these cases, word primary stress is on the [ ] of the last syllable. -34-  Phonolog Examples : /is / /frh/ /n dr/ /f s:r/ /tf s :rrt/ [b~d: ] [9 is] [frh] [f05 5r] [tof9s:g5rant]I 'to stand up' 'to dress' ' to hide' 'to be happy' 'to moan' 'to explain' 'you (fp) explained? 5. Review Drill mrhba mrhba asli is:frhi is:frhi. muha is 't:ri sbah lxi r sbahlxir ahd:u saf i wax: a tfs:rnt tsm: mt tb cant tfhrnn t krznt welcome welcome Aly he made me happy Muha made me happy he malec me late Said made me late good morning good morning, Haddou fini shed all right you (f p) explained you (fp) finished you (fp) divided you (fp) understood they (f) plowed -35-  A Course in Spoken Tamazight Ekrnt tqm: rnt b:a dat: d:unt id:a is id:a ruha? la. urni :i. y:ih, id:a. mani niha? id:a yr s:uq:. id:a yr ?t:is. id:a yr tad:art ncr:is. id:a yr tad:art nmm:is nem:is mani rh:u? urs:iny. td:a fatdma yr igran. s:ny itmaziyt urs:iny tafransist. s:lny ita rabt. is:n itacrabt. ts:n itmaziyt is ts:nd itmaziyt? iwa swi uxlas:. they (f) praised you (fp) gambled my father they (f) are going he went Did Muha go? No, he did not go. Yes, he went. Where is Muha? He went to the market He went to his He went to his He went to his aunt's. uncle's house. cousin's house. Where is Rehho? I don't know. Fadma went to the fields. I speak Berber. I don't speak French. I speak Arabic. He speaks Arabic. She speaks Berber. Do you speak Berber? Some, a little. -36-  Phonology 6. Laboratory Exercises These exercises are on tape in the language laboratory. For each pair of words given, choose the word in which the required sound for that exercise is heard and write the corresponding number for the word chosen. For example, if an exercise calls for distinguishing a tense from a non-tense (lax) sound, the student should designate which of the two words contains the tense sound and write the letter of that word, e.g., 1-a bab 1-b b:as The correct answer is 1-b. A. Distinguish between tense and lax sounds, writing down the number of the word containing the tense sound. B. Distinguish between velarized and non-velarized sounds writing down the number of the word containing the velarized sound. C. Distinguish between labialized and non-labialized sounds, writing down the number of the words containing the labialized sound. D. Write down the numbers of the words which contain the sound /k/. E. Write down the numbers of the words which contain the sound /g/. -37-  A Course in Spoken Tamazight F. Write down the numbers of the words containing the sound /h/. G. Write down the numbers of the words containing the sound /x/. H. Write down the numbers of the words that contain the sound /h/. I. Write the numbers of the words containing the sound /y/. J. Write the numbers of the words containing the sound /f/.   II. Texts (Ayt Ayache)  Unit I 1.1 Greetings s:alamu'Klik:um elik:ums:alam * * * Hello. (to a man by a man) R. (R = response to) Hello. Hello. (to or by a woman) R. Hello 1:ahivawn 1:aysl:m . sbahlxir sbahlxir ** * ** * mslxir mslxir Good morning. R. Good morning. Good evening. R. Good evening. the above could also Such greetings, borrowed from Arabic, as be shown as: s :alamu likum celikum s:alam l:ah is awn l:a ysl:m sbah lxir ms lxir Hello Hello Hello Hello Good morning Good evening where: s :alam elikum l:ah ;awn is awn sl:m isl:m (->/ysl:m/ after vowel) sbah lxir ms peace (Arabic) with (on) you (/-g:- may tena ? may tenam ? may tsnant ? may cenan ? may cenant ? labas tenid lxir labas tenam ixir labas tenant lxir How are you (m.f.s.)? to undergo you (s.) undergo what? How is he? How How How How How is she? are you (m.p.)? are you (f.p.)? are they (m.)? are they (f.)? Fine. (to m.f.s.) Fine. (to m.p.) Fine. (to f.p.) mas tga s:aht ? s:aht (f) mam tga s:aht mas tga s:aht inawn tga s:aht maknt tga s:aht masn tga s:aht masnt tga s:aht labas labas nhmd irb:i . lhmdul:hah 9 9 How are you (n.s.)? health How are you (f.s.)? How is he/she? ? How are you (m.p.)? ? How are you (f.p.)? ? How are they (n.)? ? How are they (f.)? Fine. Fine. Fine * * * How are you (n.)? at, to labas yur ? yur -43-  A Course in Spoken Tamazight labas labas labas labas labas labas labas lhmdul:ah Y urm ? yurs ? YurY ? yurun ? yurknt ? yursn ? yursnt ? How How How How How How How are you (f.)? is he/she? are we? are you (m.p.)? are you (f.p.)? are they (m.)? are they (f.)? Fine. * * * yak: labas yam labas nhmd irb:i yak: ~'yas 9 How are you (m.s.p.)? question introducer. How are you (f.s.p.)? Fine * ** bixir ? labas bixir ue laxir How are you? (Are you fine?) Fine. Fine. may tenid dubrid ? may d ubrid (trbat:) y:ih , yuri yul le11 dyut trbat: y:ih , yuri si ybir:an sin iir:an sin 11ir:an------> siS y:ih , yuri snat ntbir:atin snat n tisir:atin-------> tti y:ih , yuri 'rad isir:an y:ih , yuri brat: ntsir:atin brad srat: mismnsnt ? fadma , sisa , dmimuna thal yle mrnsnt ? fadma yurs tsc snin c isa yurs she snin mimuna yurs xms snin ,yu rs tsf.a sb a xmsa snin one boy one Yes, I have a boy. (m.) (yun -> yul/-l-) boy ( yun 14 i1) Yes, I have a girl. one (f . ) girl (in construct with numeral) . Yes, I have a boy and a girl. Yes, I have two boys. two (m.) boys y § r: an Yes, I have two girls. two (f of ir:atin three three girls (after a numeral) Yes, I have three boys. Yes, I have three girls. (m.) (f.) What are their names (f.p.)? three proper names. How old are they? Fadma is nine years old. Aisha is seven years old. Mimuna is five years old. she has he has, nine seven five years rnrhba irhbas lxir Welcome. (said by a host). R. (to m.s.) _-48-  Unit I irhbam lxir irhbawn lxir irhbaknt lxir to f.s. to m.p. to f.p. sah:a . bla azmil uras giy azmil bla azmil ur- -as g giy l:a yiel lbarak:a Thank you. Don't mention it. Don't mention it. without favor negative particle to you (m.s.) to be, to do. I did. * * * iga s :aht ibarak-:a g iga s:aht igam s:aht igawn s:aht igaknt s:aht a thank you expression said to your host after tea or a meal. R. (to m.s.) blessing to be, to do he did to you health to (f.s.) to (m.p.) to (f.p.) a restricted thank you expression said for ex- ample when someone pours water for you to wash your hands before or after dinner. Don't mention it. to (m.s.) to (f.s.) to (m.p.) to (f.p.) * * * hasa . Szk:1:ah hasaE hasam hatawn hasaknt * * * -49-  A Course in Spoken Tamazight tanbarst: tanbarst: da' tanbarst: t:ad:art tanbarst: t:aer:imt . * *s tanbarst : t :afunast d /d/---> /t/ Congratulations. Congratulations on the boy. Congratulations on the house. Congratulations on the girl. Congratulations on the cow. (here)=on (assimilation to following /t/) * ** samhi samh -1i samhi samblas . samhay samhasn samhasnt Excuse me. to forgive me Excuse me. Excuse him/her. Excuse us. Excuse them. (m.) Excuse them. (f.) bl:yas s:lam imuha bl:y -as s :lam 1w- slina welik: s:lam . ibl:yasd husa s:lam ibl:y -as -d c'lina w elik : s :lam . la lalal uhu y:ih * ** Greet Muha for me. to make reach to him peace - greeting to R. (to the above) Husa greets you. he greets to you proximity particle R. (to the above) No. No. No. Yes.  Unit I ns am . Yes, in response to some- one calling your name. nsa 1:ah wax:a barak:a If God wills. All right. Enough. safi * * * 1.2. Grammar, Drills, Additional Phrases A. mism inw mism ns mism n:m mism ns mism n:Y mism n:un mism n:knt *n mism nsnt mism nsnt Finished, o.k., all right. and Expressions. What is my name? What is your (m. s .) name? What is your (f.s.) name? What is his/her name? What are What are names ? What are names? What are names? What are names? our names? your (m.p.) your (f.p.) their (m.) their (f.) B. Some Proper Names male: li muha eq:a husa hd:u lhusayn nbar rh :u mimun lbagir female: fadma rabha leziza yamna mimuna had :a zhra sfiy:a br:i -51-  ACourse in Spoken Tamaz i ht hmidan hmad qs :u rqiy:a C. mrazy tgid ? zy ayt sy :a g mat :a yyrm? ayt bni g: u Where are you from ? I am from the tribe of Ayt Ayache. Which village? From the village of Ben Ichou. D). The Villages ayt ilus:an ayt tuya~ ayt hadi that Cops r Ay ach ayt r :b' ayt bn "li ayt dli wyusf srf a ayt umyar ayt sidi mr ayt widn iq:1c iyn ayt bn i g:u ayt hmad bud :rcb' tat :h :ant uxat : a bu n :has ayt Sidi buwmusa E. Yuri si ybir:an t :rbat : I have two boys and a girl. I have two girls and a boy. -52-  Unit I Yuri I have yurt you (mn. s.) have yurm you (f.s .) have yrurs he/she has yur we have Yurun you (m.p.) have yurknt you (f.p.) have *Irsn hy(n)hv Yursnt they (f.) have ___n. f. ~one yun yutt two sin snat three sbrad fsbrat: Notice : a.d-.--tt(-t) and, togathar with e.g. lc i1 + d+ tarbat: -->1i1 t :rbat : c., sin + iir : an ---> siysir :an d, n=of e. trbat: and tbir:atin are apocopated forms of the nouns tarbat: and tiir satin to which we will refer as "Construct State of the Noun" f. snat + n + tisir:atin ----> That nt'sir:atin -53-  A Course in Spoken Tamazight F. husa yurs sb snin Husa is seven years old. (Husa has seven years). Numerals (3 - tlata (tit) rbea (rbc ) xmsa (xms) st:a (st:) sba (sb ) tmanya (tmn) ts' a (tse ) esra (car) 10) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 The forms in parentheses are the ones used before /snin/ 'years': e.g., in the construct 'four years old' /rbe snin/. G. amalik:ani ay giy I am an American. (American who I am). m.s. f~s. M.pID. f.p. 1 Berber amaziy tamaziyt imaziyn timaziyin 2 Arab aq rab tae rabt ae rabn tac rabin 3 Moslem anslm tanslmt inslmn tinslmin 4 American amalik:ani tamalik:aniyt imalik:aniyn timalik:aniyn 5European arumytarumit irumin tirumyin 6 Jew uda tudayt udayn tudayin Notice: a. g b. ay c. y + i--->g or g: ay iga --->ag:a may iga ---->mag:a may isna --->mag:ena to be, to do who he is, whom he is what is he? What is it (m)? How is he? (Lit: What does he undergo?) -54-  Unit I may tenid --->may tenid How are you? (s.) [Notice that /mag:"na/ is transcribed as one word whereas /may tenid/ appears as two words] d. giy IZam tgid you (s) are iga he is tga she is nga we are tgam you are (m.p.) tgant you are (f.p.) gan they are (m) gant they are (f) H. Substitution Drills 1. mismns ? Substitute in the position their (in), her, their (f ), What is his name? of "his" using "my, your (m.s.), your (f.s.)". 2. may tr nam Substitute they (m), ? How are you (m.p.)? in the position of "you (m.p.)" using "he, you (f.p.), they (f)". 3. labas te nam ixir . I am fine. (to m.p. ) Supply the same response as said to m.s., f.s., f.p. 4. mam tga s:aht ? How are you (f.s.)? Substitute in the position of "you (f.s.)" using "he, they (m), she, you (m.s.), you (f.p.), they (f), you (m.p. )". 5. nsat ylman . Good night. (to m.p.) Substitute directing the greeting to f.s., m.s., f.p. 6. l:ayhn:ik:m . Substitute directing the Goodbye. (to f. s. ) greeting to m.p., m.s., f.p. -55-  A Gure i Soken Tamazi ht 7. mazy tgid ? Substitute in we, they (m), you (f.p. )". Where are the position of "ou (rn.s. )" you (f.s.), you (m.p.), they you (m.s.) from? using "I, he, (f), she, 8. ac rab ay giy . I (m.) am an Arab. Substitute in the position of "I (in)" using "he, we, they (f), you (m.p.), she, they (m. ),you (f.p.)" making the necessary changes. 9. yuri snat ntsir:atin dl ilt. Substitute in the position of she, you (f.s.)". 10. shal yle mrns ? xms snin Substitute in the position of using "six, ten, four, eight, I have two girls and a boy. "I" using "we, you (m.s.), How old is he? (He is) five years (old). five in the second sentence seven". 11. amalik:ani ay giy . I am an American. Substitute in the position of "American" using "Arab, Berber, European (m. and f.) for the third person plural making the necessary changes. 12. Ishal l:wasun ay yurs ? How many children do you have? yuri snat ntsir:atin . I have two girls. Substitute in the position of the numeral in the above response using "four, three, five, six, one, eight". 13. ibl:yamd husa s:lam . Husa greets you (f.s.). Form the following sentences: Husa greets you (f.p.), Fadma greets you (m.s.), Husa greets you (m.p.), Fadma greets them (f), Fadma greets you (m.p.), Husa greets them (m.), Fadma greets you (f.p.). -56-  Unit I '.3, A. Review husa- hus- husa- husa- Conversations s:alamuc1ik:um ac1i r 1ik :ums :alam ma's iga Thal ? labas lhmdul:ah mas iga Thal ? labas nhmndirb :i . mani 1wasun id: labas ? labas ahusa ad'ifi isal ixir yak : labas Yurun kul : ? labars ahusa iwal 1:ayhn :ik : tamanil:ah husa- I?li- B. hmidan- muha- hmi dan- muha- hmi dan- muha- C. fadma- fadma- fada- fadma- D. imua- narm- D iimuna- nbars- mismnns ? muha w c1: a mazy tgid amuha zy ayt ?y :as mat :a yyrm ? ayt sidi buwinusa 9 misrnn: m ? shat ylcmrl:fm ? c srin cam istiwid ? y:ih is 'yirm S a 1: wa sun ? mazy tgid ? zy ayt ihya mat :a yyrra ? masu iwa mrhba ,mrhba irhbam ixir mani 1wasun id: labas ? labas adYifm isal ixir amimuna - 57-  A Course in Spoken Tamazi ht mimuna- tanbarat: t:ad:art nbari- l:a ybark:fik:m 1.4 Sentences for Practice (a) Good morning, rabha. (b) Good morning, ti4a. (a) How are you? (b) Fine. (a) How is the family? (b) Fine. (c) Hello. (d) Hello. (c) What is your name? (d) George. (c) Do you have children? (d) Yes, I have two boys and a girl. (c) Where are you from? (d) I am an American. (e) Good evening. (f) Good evening. (e) How are you all? (f) Fine. (e) Congratulations on the new house. (f) Thank you. (g) Hello. (h) Hello. (g) What is your name? (h) Marie. (g) Where are you from? (h) I am from France. (g) Do you have children? (h) Yes, I have two boys. (g) What are their names? (h) Michel and Jean. (g) How old are they? (h) Michel is 7 years old and Jean is 5 years old (g) Good- bye. (h) Goodbye. (i) How are you? (j) Fine. (i) How is the family? (j) Fine. (i) What is her name? (referring to another girl). (j) Fadma. (i) Where is she from? (j) She is from Beni Mguild. (i) How old is she? (j) She is 9. (k) Hello. (1) Hello. (k) What is your name? (1) Fadma. (k) Where are you from? (1) I am from Egypt. (k) Are you married? (1) No. I am not married. (k) Goodbye. (1) Good- bye. (in) Good evening. (n ) Good evening. (in) How are you all? (n) Fine. (in) Congratulations on the new born baby. (n) Thank you. (m ) Thank you (af te r having tea ). (n ) Don' t mention it. (in) Good night. (n) Good night. -58-  1.5 Supply the missing responses in the following conversations. A. muha- s : aamu slik :um husa - muha- mas iga Thai ? husa -________ muha- mani lwasun id: labas ? husa -________ muha- iwa l :ayhn :ik : husa - B. fadma- sbahlxir fadma- main iga Thal ? fadma- tanbar~t : da? r :im C. e li- may tqnid dub rid stranger -________ " li- mazy tgid ? stranger -________ "li- is yur 'a l:wasun ? stranger -________ c li- shal ? st ranger -________ c li- shal ylsmtrns ? stranger -_________ stranger -_________ ~'li- iwa mrhba mrhba stranger -_________ stranger- l:a y c'l1 lbarak:a -59-  A Course in S oken Tamazight D« dli- mimuna- Qdi - rimuna - l i- mimnuna - 'cIii- m i una - cii- rimuna - 1:ahi sawn labas ? mansiLwa'un id: labas ? iwa 1: ayhn :ik :m arnirnuna -00-  Unit 2 2.1 s:uq: nbumya Market Day in Boumia. muha sbahlxir a li a- sbahlxir may tenid ? labas , tenid 1xir mas tga s:aht ? labas , lhmdul:ah mani lwasun id: labas 7 labas , adyifgisal lxir manikn kul: id: labas ? li Good morning, Aly. vocative particle Good morning. How are you? muha eli Fine, thank you. How are you? Fine, thank you. How is your family? Fine. How are you all? muha ac'li labas nhmd irb:i . ma datz:nzad dma dats:ayd 9 z:nz datz :nzad sy dats :ayd muha iwiYd ha ymndi dia w:li: i Fine. What are you selling and what are you buying? to sell you are selling (m.s.) to buy you buy (m.s.) I brought some grain and some sheep. And what did you bring? you (m.s.) and (utterance initial) to bring I brought grain sheep (p) sheep (s) i'g: may t:iwid ? sg: i awy iwiyd imndi (m) ul:i (f) tixsi (f) -61-  A Course in Spoken Tamazight t:iwid (>d+tiwid) iwiyd snat ntcI:iyin mag:a s:uq: 1:mal ? snat tart:1yt (f) tic :iyin ag :a s:uq: (m) n--->l/----#1 lmal 1:mal iwa 9wi uxlas: maga wiymndi izil mag:a wiyzyar: ? iwa swi u'~ w ma a izil (m) izyar: (in) azyr (m) 4b1i muha you (s.) brought (nearer) I brought two calves. How is the sheep market? two (f) calf calves he is (>/g/ 'to be, to do' /ay iga --->ag:a/ the market of sheep of sheep (>/nlmal/) So so, but that of the grain is good. How is the cow market? here: 'well' little and but good, nice cattle (p) ox (s) It is not bad. negative particle (prefixed to verbs) he is bad. Have you eaten or not? to take breakfast, to lunch or you (s) have not yet dli iwa urix:i ur- ix:a muha istfdrd mad tsuld ? fdr mad tsuld -62-  Unit 2 suly , imsin:a riy add:uY suly imgin:a riy d:u d:iy ad- add:uy No, I am just going to eat. I have not yet just about I wanted to go I went future prefix I will go muha ag:n:k: suly altu nga imnli yr q:a mg trid at:d:ud ag: d nk: imsli Me, too. (I have not had breakfast, either) We (can) go (and) eat at Akka's if you want to. also (ag:d n:k--->ag:n:k: ) I lunch to if you wanted future particle you (m.s.) will go Which Akka is it? which (one of)? yr m% trid ad- at: d:ud (mag:an as: + n + ltnayn --->/as: 1:tnayn/ D. may tsyid ? d:ra irdn timzin ibawn lds lhimz ag;:r: s :k:r atay n:'na9 lq:hwa lg :ayz' lbitrun g :ar :u luq:id lxyar xiz :u tal:f :in mati'a batata azalim t :uma 1 :ubya lk : rm taysayt s :ifrun tififit z :itun t:f:ah lmsmas What did you buy? corn wheat barley beans lentils chick peas flour, farina sugar tea mint coffee kerosene cigarettes matches cucumbers carrots turnip tomatoes potatoes onions garlic green beans cabbage squash califlower green pepper olives apples apricot -65-  A Course in Spoken Tamazight lbrquq: lbanan z:nbu" s :itrun r :m:an adil z :bib bu "wida lxux aft:ix d:l:ah tigni tamnt ayrum ay:u~ lhlib udi z:it r :uz tisnt libzar s:awniy:a 1k :amun tiglay (sg. taglayt) aksum iful:usn aslm (pl. isiman) 1tdif (pl . 1Edifn ) s :abun iduta iburksn atf :as r:st s:rwal lq :amita taqb :ut azn :ar plums bananas oranges lemons pomegranates grapes raisins pears peaches melon watermelon dates honey bread milk butter oil rice salt black pepper red pepper cumin eggs meat chickens fish rug soap sandals shoes long shirt turban trousers shirt djellaba cloak, cape - 66-  Unit 2 E. mayr td:id ? ma yr td:id d:iy yr s:uq: d:iy yr cari d:iy yr t ybalut: d:iy yr tisirt d:iy yr tad:art d:iy yr tmzgida d:iy yr r:bad d:iy s asif. d:iy s igran d:iy s anu d:iy s inurar d:iy s amzil . d:iy s ahidus. Where are you going? what to you go I am going to the market. I am going to the mountain. I am going to the spring. I am going to the mill. I am going to the house. I am going to the mosque. I am going to Rabat. I am going to the river. I am going to the fields. I am going to the well. I am going to the threshing grounds. I am going to the blacksmith. I am going to the dance. Notice: The preposition "to" is /yr/ before consonants and /s/ before vowels. The convention adopted here is to transcribe pre- positions such as /Yr/ separate from the nouns that follow them, whereas prepositions such as /s/ are transcribed without space before following nouns: e.g. /yr sari/ 'to the mountains' and /sasif/ 'to the river' In the above examples /s/ is followed by a space before the noun just to illustrate the grammatical point in question. -67-  A Course in Spoken Tamazight F. Introducing the Numerals 1 - 3 I. The Berber Numerals yun yut sin snat irad brat: 2. The Arabic Numerals wahd tnayn tlata (1-3) one (m) one (f) two (m) two (f) three (m) three (f) (1-3) one two three Note: a) The Arabic numerals are used only for counting in order without naming things (they are invariable). The Berber numerals are used elsewhere. b) /tlata/ "three" appears in apocated form in the construc- tion /tlt snin/ "three years" in response to either "How old is he?" or "How long were you in Spain?". It is also possible to render the same notion using the Berber numerals /srad isg:asn/ "three years". c) The Arabic dual of the noun /cam/ "year" appears in the Berber usage /c'amayn/ "two years" which is an alternative of /sin isg:asn/ "two years", d) Thus we have as an answer to "How old is he?" the follow- ing: Arabic Loan Berber ----asg:as one year c amayn sin isg:asn two years tlt snin srad isg:asn three years G. Asking a native how he (or she) says a particular word in Berber: a) mism "...." stmaziy t ? How do you say "..." in Berber? -68-  Unit 2 b) mism uya stmaziyt ? c) mism uyin: stmaziyt d) c awd may tn:id e) f) c awd sah:a urfhin may tn:id g) siwl i:wi swi sah:a H. yal:ah.... k:ray.... k:ram.... k:ratay.... k:rntay.... k:r yal:ah answ atay yal:ah ant d:cam yal:ah ad:nawy s:k:r k:ray and:u yr s:uq: k:rntay and:u yr tad:art What do you call "this" in Berber? What do you call "that" in Berber? Repeat again (repeat what you said m.s., f.s.) Repeat, please. I don't understand what you are saying. Speak slowly, please. Let us (general) let us (dual m.) let us (dual f.) let us (m.p.) let us (f.p.) to stand up, get up Let us drink tea. Let us eat couscous. Let us bfring sugar. Let us go to the market. Let us e home. I. Da some n- of Ea nt:f:ah some apples (lit: some of apples) /-n/ shows the following changes: -n --->-l before 1 - sa 1:hlib (>sa nlhlib) ' some milk* -n --->-w: before a - Ea w:atay (>Ea natay) 'some tea' -n --->-w before u - Ea w:di (>Ea nudi) 'some butter' Notice: (/w/+/u/-- /w:/) -n --->-y before i - a yful:usn (>Ba niful:usn) 'some chicken' ( the i usually elides in this case) -n --->-n elsewhere san z:nbue 'some oranges' Examples: k:ray ad:nawy ta nt:fah . Let us go and bring some apples (dual m.). 69-  A Course in Spoken Tamazight k:ram ad:nawy 'a 1:hlib k:ratay ad:nawy sa nn:,'na k:rntay ad:nawy ta w:atay 2.3 Practice Drills A. Use /yal:ah/ to form " r . Let us go and brine some milk (dual f.) Let us go and bring some mint (m.p.). Let us go and bring some tea (f.p.). Let Let Let Let Let Let Let Let Let Let Let Let Let Let Let B. Use Let Let Let Let Let Let Let Let Let Let Let Let us us us us us us us us us us us us us us us drink tea. drink milk. eat couscous. eat butter. eat pears. eat apricots. eat bananas. bring sugar. bring soap. bring eggs. go to the well go to the mill go to the mosq go to Rabat. go to the fiel the following sentences: Let us drink coffee. Let us eat apples. Let us eat bread. Let us eat oranges. Let us eat melon. Let us eat plums. Let us eat meat. Let us bring oil. Let us bring kerosene. Let us go to the market. Let us go to the river. L. Let us go to the spring. ue. Let us go to Midelt. Let us go to the house. ids. Let us go to the threshing grounds. form the following sentences: bring some apples. bring some tea. bring some milk. bring some sugar. bring some soap. bring some oil. bring some meat. bring some kerosene. bring some onions. bring some oranges. bring some eggs. bring some butter. the verb us (m.d.) us (f.d.) us (f.p.) us (m.p.) us (f.p.) us (m.d.) us (f.p.) us (f.d.) us (m.d.) us (f.d.) us (m.d.) us (f.p.) /k:r/ to go go go go go go go go go go go go and and and and and and and and and and and and -70-  Unit 2 Let us (m.p.) go and Let us (m.d.) go and Let us (m.d.) go and C. shal yle mrns ?2 Answer: He is two years Substitute: three, four, seven. bring some couscous. bring some chicken. bring some bread. How old is he? old. one, five,ten, six, nine, eight, D. mag:an s:uq: nmidlt 2 When is the market day in Midelt? as: l:hd . Sunday. Substitute: Tuesday, Friday, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday. E. ma datz:nzad ? What do you sell? - daz:nzay s:k:r . I sell sugar. Answer using the following: butter, grapes, rice, cucumbers, pears, oil, watermelon, tea, sugar, green mint, cauliflower, turnip, corn, wheat, lentils, coffee, kerosene, cigarettes, squash, potatoes, onions, carrots, tomatoes, garlic, raisins, peaches, melon, green pepper, eggs, meat, salt, cumin, chickens, soap, red peppers, fish, bread, oranges, honey, barley, flour, beans, chick peas, bananas, green beans, cabbage, squash, apples, olives, pomegranates, milk, dates. F. Supply the missing responses in the following conversation. mimuna - sbahlxir a fadma . fadma - mimuna - mam iga lhal ? fadma - mimuna - ma datz:nzad dma dats:ayid ? fadma - mimuna - mag :a s :uq: imndi ? fadma - mimuna - mani muha ? fadma - mimuna - mayr td:id dyi ? fadma - (/dyi/ "now") mimuna - l:ayhn:ik:m . fadma - -71-  A Course in Spoken Tamazight G. Translate into Berber: 1) Did you eat yet? 2) I bought some cucumbers, some turnips, some tomatoes, some onions, and some bananas. 3) How is the family? 4) How is the sheep market? 5) So so. 6) It is not bad. 7) Let us go to the market. 8) Where are you going? 9) I am going to the mountain. 10) I am going home. 11) You are going to the market. 12) Thursday is the market day in Boumia. H. Translate into English. (This exercise is on tape in the language lab). -72-  Unit 3 3.1 wilyam dayt :k:a ayt qry:as William Visits Ayt Ayache A. Introduction 1. wilyam amd:ak:1 nmuha ag:a . William is Muha's friend. amd:ak:l (m) friend tamd:ak:lt (f) friend imd:uk:al (m) friends timd:uk:al (f) friends 2. wilyam imum dmuha ad:k:in Muha takes William with him ayt uxamns . to visit his family. mun to accompany d and, with imun he accompanied k: to visit ad:k:in they (m) will visit ayt uxam family -ns his taxamt tent 3. wilyam dayxd:m dlhuk:uma nmalik:an yr:bad xdm da- xd :m lhuk :uma malik:an y 4. muha imyus :an dwilyam yr:bad imyus:an (reciprocal) is :n 5. wilyam is:n itmaziyt is:n is :n i (+language) tamaziyt tmaziy t amaziy (m.s.) William works for the U.S. Government in Rabat. to work present tense stem VH of /xdm/ (see Grammatical Notes 3.2) the government America in Muha met William in Rabat. he knows, he got acquainted with he knows William speaks Berber. he knew (he knows) he speaks a language Berber language construct state (after preposition) Berber (person). -73-  A Course in Spoken Tamazight tamaziyt (f.s.) imaziyn (m.p . ) timaziyin (f.p.) B. Conversation husa fadma muha wilyam husa axsurtuhilm ? axs whl tuhlm urtuhilm muha nk: be da uruhily Ea ilg: awilyam , axsurtuhild ? nk: becda uhly wilyam iwa swi wxlas: . U ..w xlas : husa Berber (person) Berbers Berbers Muha's father Muha's mother. the son the guest Aren't you (m.p.) tired? a wishful form to be tired you (m.p.) are tired you (m.p.) are not tired I myself am not tired. How about you, William? first of all (here: myself) I am tired some Just a little. and enough iwa kmZad: mism 1:cil kzm kmat k mad: , kmad: be da ? Come in, come in. What is the name of the boy? to enter come in (you m.p.) (t) tgid irhbam lxir , am: tad:artinw aya lhmdul:ah . am: -inw aya fadma Fine, thank you. future particle to you (f.s.) to do, to be he does (here: "God") God Welcome. You are a great guest. guest guest guests guests great, big great, big great, big great, big to to us (we have) proximity particle you (s.) are Thank you. I feel at home here. wilyam like mine this -77-  ACogurse in Spoken Tamazight husa iwa ms nwan waman , awid ansm:r atay mm nwan awid ad- (--->a-) nem:r If the water is boil- ing, then give it to me to make tea. if they boiled (water p.) you bring future particle (see gramma- tical notes) we will make tea, we will fill up fadma mand:iyun ag: tem:ar: ? mand:iyun ag: t: sm:ar t :cm:ar: husa sasd s:init iwilyam adism:r . Who is going to make tea? who, (which one of you m.p. who (relative) habitual form (VH) of / m:r participle form Give the tray to William to make tea. give him the tray ) / asd s:init (f) la ,yas em:r sg:n:it , nk: urs:iny . yas sg:n:it s:n s:ny urs :iny. nk: nk:n:it wax:a , bismil:ah bismil:ah wilyam No, you just prepare the tea yourself. I do not know (how to). just you yourself to know I knew I do not know I I myself In the name of God. This is said before starting something, eg. eating, drink- ing, stepping into a house husa -78-  Unit 3 than yours, working in the field early in the morning or pay- ing money, etc. wilyam walayn:i lk:as aya urdzin swiy atay am: wa walayn:i lk:as aya urdin swiy atay wa (m ) ta (f) husa isdats:am atay mad uhu ? ytmazirtn :un sw is- dats :am tamazirt -n :un mad uhu wilyam y:ih , dans:a atay , walayn:i urid: am: wa dans:a urid: urid am: ta muha Oh! What an excellent glass. I never drank (such good) tea like this. here = Oh! What an excellent. (can mean Oh! What a terrible ) the glass this never I drank tea this this Do people drink tea in your country or not? to drink question introducer (interrogative mode prefix) you (m.p.) drink country yours or no Yes, they drink tea, but it is not like this. we drink not not like this one (f) But you told me that (in America) people drink (only--nothing tn:idi urdats :am yas lq:hwa .e -79-  A Course in Spoken Tamazight but) coffee. mni to say tn:id you said tn:idi you told me dats :am you (m.p.) drink its just, only, nothing but wilyam y:ih , walayn:i ecd:an win:a Yes, but there are days :an atay . many people who drink tea. walayn:i but red:an they are numerous s'd :u to be abundant win :a those (in) tin:a those (f) days :an they drink 3.2 Grammatical Notes The Verb* In Tamazight there are two stems for each verb: (a) Simple Verb Stem (V) which is translated here as the English infinitive and is identical with second person singular imperative. Thus: sl:m 'to greet' sl:m 'greet! (you s.)' (V) is the form under which a verb form is listed in the dictionary (an ideal dictionary of Tamazight ). (b) Habitual Verb Stem (VH) which is derived from (V) by certain rules. (VH) of /sl:m/ is /t:sl:am/ which can be trans- lated as an energetic imperative 'Do greet! (you s.)' (more fre- quently 'get in the habit of greeting'). (VH) of /xdm/ is /xd:m/. Certain tenses and modes can be formed from (V), others from (VIH). The imperative, the aorist of narration, the past tense (in affirmative, negative, interrogative and negative-interrogative * For more information on The Verb and other grammatical cate- gories consult: A Short Reference Grammar of Spoken Tamazight by Ernest T. Abdl-Massih. -~pknTaaih -80-  Unit 3 modes), the future tense (affirmative and interrogative "Will" type modes), and the past participle are derived from (V). From (VH) the following structures can be derived: energetic imperative, negative imperative, interrogative future - QW (question word) type, negative future, the present tense (in affirmative, negative, in- terrogative, and negative-interrogative modes) and the present and future participles. The Imperative The Imperative is formed by adding the following suffixes to (V): (PNG = Person, Number, Gender) Imperative /-P N G#/ 2 s m, f /-0#/ 2 p m /-at// 2 p f /-nt#/ Thus, from /sl:m/ 'to greet' we derive the following imperatives: sl:m Greet! (you s.) sl:mat Greet! (you m.p.) sl:mnt Greet' (you f.p.) Notice: (a) a Simple Verb Stem (V) ending /-u/" or /-i/#/ will have the suffix /-yat/ (rather than /-at/) for imperative of second person masculine plural (/-P N G#/): e.g., d:u to go d:u Go: (you s.) d :uyat Go: (you m.p.) d:unt Go! (you f.p.) ini in iniyat inint (b) A Simple Verb Stem /-y#/ to /-i-/ in /-P2NGm#/ asy to say Say. (you s.) Say! (you m.p.) Say! (you f.p.) (7) ending in /-y.#/ changes its imperative: e.g., to carry -81-  A Course in Spoken Tamazight asy asyat asint Carry! Carry! Carry! (you s.) (you m.p.) (you f.p.) Person Number Gender Affixes (/-PNG-/) There is only ONE paradigm expressing Person, Number, and Gender (/-PNG-/) attached to either (V) or (VH) for the forma- tion of the different tenses and their modes (which are achieved by the prefixation of different particles. ). /-PNG-/ affixes (for (V),(vH) - all tenses and modes) you he she we you (m.p.) you (f.p.) they (m) they (f) Y t d i t n t m t nt n nt Noti ce : (a) 1st person s. suffix / /--->/q:/ if zdy to dwell zdq: I dwelt (b) 3rd person m.s. prefix is /i-/ before before vowels sl:m to greet (V) isl:m he greeted (V) ends in /'r/ consonant and /y-/ an:ay to see (V) yan:ay he saw (c) 3rd person m.p. suffix /-n/ --->/r/ if (V) has final /-r/ or ---->/-1/ if (V) has final /-1/. em:r to make tea em:r: (:: .m:rn) they (in) made tea, they (m) filled -82-  Unit 3 slil slil: ( /-t-/ before another /t-/ (i.e. if (V) has initial /t-/ this occurs with 2 s., 3 f.s., 2 m.p., 2 f.p. (b) /-d-/ of the future particle /ad-/ drops before /n-/ of 1st person plural. Likewise the present tense is formed with the same /-PNG-/ added to (VH) and present tense prefix /da-/: e.g., sl:rn to greet (V) t:sl:am (VH) of sl:m /- P 1 2 3 3 1 2 2 3 3 N s s s s p p p p p G -/ m,f m,f m f m,f m f m f da dat day dat dan dat dat da da :sl:am y :sl :am d : sl :am d :sl :am t:sl:am t:sl:am m t:sl:am nt :sl:am n sl:am nt 3.3 A. Drills Conjugate (a) the (b) the (c) the the following imperative Aorist future verbs in all /-PNG-/ in V sl:m (xf) cawn (i) ns (y) (yr) mun (d) rhb (s) zdy (y) samh (i) Meaning to greet to help to spend the night to accompany to welcome to dwell to forgive -84-  Unit 3 z:nz awy x:u fdr ini d:u k: xdm (y) k~m (y) z:uzd awd em:r t (i) sw sw :q (yr) (fir) (xf ) to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to sell bring be bad eat say go visit work enter prepare arrive make tea give drink shop B. yal:ah answ atay k:ray and:u yr s:uq: Given: sw isr sy d:u Form the followirg sentences : Let us drink coffee. Let us buy soap. Let us eat meat. Let us buy bananas. Let us (f.d.) go to the Let us (f.p.) go to the Let us eat bread. Let us buy tea. Let us (m.d.) go to- the Let us (m.p.) go to the C. m:a , ad:ud at:sl:md xf l'il . Let us drink tea. Let us (m.d.) go to the market. to to to to drink (V) eat (v) buy (V) go (V) mountain. river. mosque. threshing grounds. Mother, come and say hello to the young man (in order to say hello...) - 85-  A Course in Spoken Tamazight Notice: ad:ud = come! imperative /-P2Ns#/ + at:sl:md future /-P2Ns~ amuha acli d:uyat Muha and Aly, come and say at:sl:mm xf lsil hello to the young man. Notice: d:uyat P2NpGm imperative, and at:sl:mm-P2NpGm- future. Form the 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. following sentences: Come in and have lunch! (s.) (come in order toI Go and work; (m.p.) Come in and make tea (s.)! Come in and greet the guest! (f.p.) Go and work! (s.) Come in and greet the young man. (m.p.) Go and help Ali! (s.) Enter to greet William! (s.) Go to the market and bring (some) grain! (m.p.) Come and eat bread and butter! (f.p.) have lunch) D. Translate into Berber: 1. I will drink tea. 2. She will eat meat. 3. We will visit Rabat. 4. They (f.) will enter. 5. We will greet the guest. 6. They (m.) will work. 7. He will greet the young man. 8. I will help the young man. 9. She will accompany Muha. 10. We will take lunch here. E. Translate into Berber: 1. Aly is Muha's friend. 2. Fadma is Muha's friend. 3. Aly and Fadma are Muha's friends. 4. Mimuna is Muha's friend. 5. Mimuna and Fadma are Muha's friends. 6. Muha met Mimuna in Midelt. -86-  Unit 3 7. Muha works in Rabat. 8. Mimuna works in Midelt. 9. Muha took Mimuna with him to visit the family in Rabat. 10. Mimuna speaks Arabic. 11. Muha speaks Berber. 12. He speaks Berber and Arabic. 13. She speaks only Berber. 14. Husa greeted Mimuna. 15. She greeted Mimuna. F. Translate into English: This exercise is on tape in the language lab. G. Translate into English: This exercise is on tape in the language lab. H. Translate into English: This exercise in on tape in the language lab. I. 1. yal:ah answ lq:hwa 2. yal:ah ants d: am 3. yal:ah and:u yr s :uq: Substitute for the underlined words from the following list using a suitable word that agrees with the verb of the sample sen- t ence. Form five sentences based on each of the above sentences. List: 1. z:itun 11. taybalut: 2. aman 12. z:nbur 3. s:uq: 13. r:st 4. t:f:ah 14. atay 5. ay:u 15. ayrum 6. tad:art 16. lhlib 7. aksum 17. s:abun 8. atay sn : enac '18. lg :ayz 9. asif 19. tmzgida 10. 1msmas 20. lq:amiza -87-   Unit 4 4.1 imaziyn dlq:acidansn Berber Traditions husa walayn:i ts:nd itmaziyt awilyam mani yastrb:ad ? walayn :1 ts:nd inani as (mani as --> mani yas) rb:a trb :ad wilyam ylik:ul ymalik:an lik:ul malik :an husa You speak (very good) Berber, William. Where did you learn it? oh! - but you know (past used to express a fact) where it where to it to learn you learned At school in America. school America Why? In order to be able to speak to the Berbers and ask them about the way they live and (know) their customs. in order to know (future) what with what I speak ask (about, on) I ask them life their (m) custom, habit max ? wilyam t:afad adisiny mas sawaly iymaziyn salxtn xf taci~tnsn dlq:ac'idansn t:afad adisiny ma mas sawaly sal (xf) salxtn (>salytn) tacibt -nsn lq:a ida -89-  A Course in Spoken Tamazight husa nk:ni inslmn ay nga lhmdul:ah . dant:amn s rb:i dwawalns . md:n da urdas:an 9:rab ula dat:qm:ar: ag:d g:ar:u iga lesib . glihal kul:Ei dayd:zal:a lxutbt nk:ni ay nga amn dant :amn awal -ns md :n da din: sw das :an s:rab qm:r dat :qm:ar : (nrb:i) wrote (here: write an amulet) he wrote Does the writing of the sheikh cure him? to be cured (V) Causative (SV) Habitual of the Causative (SVH) the writing (Noun from /aru/ 'to write') Sure. like name God of God What do you do for marriages? what? you (pl.) do wedding weddings Construct State (CS) of /timyriwin/. Here the CS occurs because the noun follows the preposition /1% 'for, to'. wilyam ma dat:g:am itmyriwin ? ma dat:g:am tamyra (f.) timyriwin tmyriwin * rii husa ad:ay yawd lcil xf yiwl dasnt:xtar tarbat: n:as it:iefibn dant:awy s:k:r , t:igni , dlhn:a nd:u at:ns:utr ilahlns ms qlb: , dat:d:un leil, t:rbat: , dlahlnsn y1 lbiru adqdesn . tamyra sixfns dat:nt:g:a ys:if ad:ay nsy:f . When the young man reaches the agebof marriage, we choose a girl whom we think will please him. Then we take sugar and dates and henna and go and ask the girl's hand from her parents . If they agree then the boy and the girl and the parents go to the -92-  Unit 4 office (of the judge) to register. The wed- ding itself takes place in summer after we harvest the crops. ad:ay awd yawd lcil iwl xtar n:a it:iczibn dant :awy s :k:r tigni lhn:a d:u s:utr at :ns :utr lahlns qbl: (>qbln) dat :d:un lb iru yl lbiru (>yr lbiru) yr (- l/-.#l-) qde adqden tarryra sixfns dat :nt :g:a s :if sy f nsy:f when to reach he reaches the youth marriage to choose who 'pleasing' present parti- ciple (used with /n:a/) we take sugar dates henna to go to ask for (V) we ask for her her parents, family they accept they go office to the office (city, town, village hall where Official Certificates are issued) to to register a marriage in order to register the marriage the wedding itself (>/ixf/ 'head' which refers to 'self'). we do it (f.) summer to harvest the summer crops we harvest the summer crops -93-  A Course in Spoken Tamazight 4.2 Story Based on Unit 3 and Unit 4 imyus:an muha dwilyam yr:bad n:ay Emen . wilyam dayxd:m dlhuk:uma nrnalik:an yr:bad . yun was: , yawy muha wilyam sayt cy:a ad:k:in sayt uxamns . husa , b:as nmuha ifrh 1:iy asisiwl wilyam stmaziyt . yas an:a diwdn , jyrd husa ifadma at:E:uid iqiusn , ts:nw aman . 1:iyswan atay , is bas iwilyam bz:af . day in:asn ymalik:an urdas:an atay sn: 'na 1:iy isal husa wilyam many irb:a itmaziYt , day in:as wilyam ylik:ul ymalik:an . 1:iy tisal max , in:as t:afad adyisin mas isawal iymaziyn , isaltn xf taviitnsn , dlq:ac idansn day in:as husa , md:n ytmazirt inslmn ay gan , urdas:an s:rab , ula dat:qm:ar: . 1:iy tisal madat:g:an ad:ay yay sa ia ; in:as husa dadq:ar: id:alb adasyaru . day isalt altu xf tmYriwin in:as husa , ad:ay yawd leil xf yiwl , dast:xtar: ayt uxamns tarbat: n:as it:idzibn , dat:awin s:k:r , t:igni , dlhn:a d :un at : s:utr : ilahlns ,, ms qbl: , dat :dun 1s 11 , t :rbat :, dlahlnsn yl lbiru adqden . tamyra sixfns dat : t:g :an ys :if. n ;ay Eme awy k: frh 1: iy siwl yas an:a awd i yrd bz:af day mi tamazirt sal ad :ay where (conjunction) (n:a + y 'which is') to meet to take to visit, to pass by to be happy when (conjunction) to speak as soon as to arrive to call he called (+ prox.) much (a lot) then to say country to ask when (conjunction) -94-  Unit 4 altu Yl lbiru (>yr lbiru) again to the City Hall Office 4.3. 4.3.1 Grammatical Notes and Drills Interrogative (for more information on this subject, see: A Short Refer- ence Grammar of Tamazight) Question Words: may ? mag :ms (g:mi lbab n + lbab ---)l:bab muha Whose horse is in front of the door? that of whose horse mouth in front of, at the entrance (Lit: in the mouth of) door of the door It is my cousin's. Let us go (in order to) show you our fields. That big field where there is barley belongs to my sister's husband, that one near it where there is wheat belongs to my father's uncle, win mm:is nem:i yal:ah and:u sigran ada snety igrann:y igrin: axatar yl:ant tmzin win urgaz nut:ma . wan: tamans yl:an yirdn win cm:is nb:a . wan: urin:as yuril:i walu win b:as ntrmdut: nyma -101-  A Course in Spoken Tamazight S igr igran snet snety -n.:y axatar (m.s.) taxatart (f.s.) ill 1 :ant tinz in argaz wan: tama ns irdn win urin:as walu B. mayr id:a b:as ? may r id*:a b:a id:a ad:yawy yun uhuli adyawy d ahuli may tira ? that one where there is nothing (planted) belongs to the father of my brother's wife. to (prep.) before nouns that have initial vowels. field fields to show I showed our (pronominal affix) big big to be in there are (f) barley husband (man) that one besides him/it (m) (of it, m.f.) wheat (p) is of (belongs to) beyond it nothing Where did your father go? where he went my father He went to bring a sheep. he will take proximity particle sheep (mn), ram wilyam muha wilyam What does he want it for? -102-  Unit 5 ira -t- muha adasiyrs yrs wilyam max ? muha isurts:ind lq:a"ida imaziyn ayn:a tga ? ad:ay yursn did:u unbyi zy tmazirt ibe'dn dasyr:sn itmyrust ts:nd ayn :a ad:ay bcd ibedn dayr:sn tamyrust wilyam s:ny . walayn:i urgiy Ea wnbyi tad :artinw aya lhmdul:ah isin s :ny walayn:1 ur- tad :art aya muha uril:i E :k . walayin:i anbyi i z:an ay tgid . il :a Ek:a he it wanted (m). In order to kill it. to slaughter Why? Don't you know the Berber' s custom? When they have a guest from a far country they kill a sheep for him. you knew how when (conjunction) to be far far (which is far)-past participle they kill slaughter animal, sacrifice I know. But I am not a guest. This is my house. to know I know but negative particle the house this is There is no doubt (about that). But you are a great guest. there is to doubt -103-  A Course in Spoken Tamazight )§:k doubt (N. ) s' z :a to be dear iq z :an great, dear, who is dear (participle) ay that tgi d you are 5.3. lq :isat Stories (Story Telling) ylq:as ida imaziyn urdat :q :isn lhdiyat yas al:drnt til:as rl h :a n n m a i n l d y t s as: , u d y n d lhdiyta yq :ist : hm:u s m :is nmuha ytad:art 1: basir argaz nut :mas mnuha n :a sndiyran l:iy iga ymns i xf wilyam yrsn itmyrust gn s :wi t:utliwin , dd :wazn uksum , dwiyful :usn diq :sriyn nd : qam . iwa ys'zbas wutsi ywilyam bz:af qad ihadr sm:i slid b :ahl :u nmnuha , drq:a cam:is nb:as nmuha dmimun xalis nmuha , dhd:u mmn: is nq m :is nrnuha , dfadma tamnd:ut : n m : is nmuha , do isa yl : is n t : is nmuha , dlba i r yma s nrnuha drabha wt :ma s nmuha , dmnd :n yadnin 1g: ist nttir :atin db :ansnt in :as il:a yurn urgaz yurw snat ntsir satin . day tm :t mayt :snt , q :imnt yas -yr tatna. yun was: , tn :as iwrgazns "''as zltnt" . day isasnt b:ansnt tadut: tabx:ant t:umlilt , in :asnt "tabr :pant dz :int : al:- tg tumult , tumlilt dz :int : al : tg tabr:Thant". day d:unt saybalu d:aw ncari day in :asnt yun wat :ar :u yr saxlid' , arik:at uzwu at :ar :u art :inint "il :a 0.0 i0 baba l :ayt :b :y tifg :ayin" al. iy sm:lnt , d:unt yr ad;ar , afnt :n : walu . Iaydnd : samazir afind: walu . arsmut :urnt sa ybl? ibn adgint taxamt al : iy t:gant afnt yun ikzin . k .u tadg :at : da,,jursntdit :d :u yizm . day arasit:ini ykzinn:a "qaw qaw urt :t :ad tirbatina mahd 1:irk"  Unit 5 lhdiyt (f.s.) lhdiyat (f.p.) al: dr drnt til:as (f.p.) lahq: 1:a- (~/-da-/ ) ini t :ini as: swas: izil t :izil anbdu n :a -asn -r i ran story stories until to go down they (f) went down darkness because present tense prefix to say Habitual form of /ini/ day during daytime to be good Habitual form of /izil/ crop who to them (m) to call participle: called (here= invited) imnsi dinner Note 1: initial /#i-/ of a noun following a word ending in a vowel e.g. /-a#/ (e.g., /iga/ ) will be transcribed as /#y-/. This also applies to verbs having /#i-/. See Note 2 below. xf for (on) rs to slaughter t :wi roast tutliwin liver and fat kebab d:azin stew d:wain different stew dishes wiyful:usn (- winiful:usn) of chicken aq : sri a big plate iq:sriyn (m.p.) platters y' ibas (/-a y-/) bz:af ead very much ywilyam (>/iwilyam/) to William here the vowel is /-i#/ whereas in the previous examples it is /-a#/ -105-  A Course in Spoken Tamazight See Notes 1 and 2 above (vowel # + #i- --->vowel -y-/ yadn other yadnin others yl:is ( /#w-/ if it is preceded by /-a#/. (Not a very common occurence). t:scud uns: It's 9:30 . t:s ud dumnasf s:t:a wrbr It's 6:15. t:mnya wrb c It's 8:15. s:t:a q:1: rbs It's 5:45. leira weira It's 10:10. lhdael uxmsa It's 11:05. s:bea we rin It's 7:20. s:bea wtulut t:nays uxmsa It's 12:05. lwhda wetrin It's 1:20. '1whda wtulut z:uz uxmsa wesrin It's 2:25. r:bc a uxmsa wesrin It's 4:25. r:bca q:1: xmsa It's 3:55. lsra q:l: xmsa wesrin It's 9:35. s:bea q:l: rin It's 6:40. s: b ca q:1: tulut t:scud q:1: eirin It's 8:40. tit:scud q:1: tulut t:mnya q:1: ssra It's 7:50. t:scud q:1: s'ra It's 8:50. r:bca yir xmsa It's 3:55. E:u q:1: xmsa It's 1:55. r:bea nisan It's 4:00 sharp. s:t:a ni~an It's 6:00 sharp. t:mnya wns: ns:bah It's 8:30 a.m. t:mnya wns: ng:id It's 8:30 p.m. t:na s ng:id It's midnight. t:lata nd:g:at: It's 3:00 p.m.  Tunit 5 5.5 Months of the Year n :ayr kbrayr mars ibril may :u yunyuh yulyuz yust Etanbir stubr n :wanbir d:utanbir yn :ayr ymay :u 5.6 Drills A. shal tas:at ? t :scud dumnasf January February March April May June July August September October November December in January in May What time is it? It's 9:30. Answer the above questions using: 1:15, 2:25, 8:05, 6:45, 3:30, 5:00 sharp, 4:55, 11:20, 10:15, 9:10, 2:30, 7:20, 4:25, 6:35, 8:00, 2:00 p.m., 9:30 p.m., 10:30 a.m., 12:00 noon, 12:35, 6:20, 12:00 midnight, 4:40, 2:55, 5:40, 8:15, 7:35, 7:30 a.m., 8:30 p.m., 4:05. B. milmi ag:d:a muha yr frans ? y Substitute in the position of ber, March, November, May, Ju September, June C. tad:art ne m:i aya tad:art nem:i ayin: tad:rwin nem:i aya tad:rwin nem:i ayin: When did Muha go to France? In August. /yust/ using: February, Decem- ly, April, January, October, This is my uncle's house. That is my uncle's house. These are my uncle's houses. Those are my uncle's houses. -109-  A Course in Spoken Tamazight Substitute for house-houses using the nouns in the following list. Form four sentences for each noun based on the above sentences. List taxamt (tixamin) tent igr (igran) field asklu (iskla) tree tagmart (tiyal:in) mare iy:is (iy:san) horse (m) tay:at (tiydn) goats ahuli (ihuliyn) ram tixsi (ul:i) ewe tafunast (tifunasin) cow ayyul (iyyal) donkey asrdun (isrdan) mule iydi (iydan) dog (m) tiydit (tiydan) dog (f ) mus: (imas:un) cat (m) timis :ut (timag:win) cat (f) lbhimt (lbhaym) beast aful:us (iful:usn) cock taful:ust (tiful:usin) hen aful:us w:aman duck (iful:usn w :aman ) bibi (id bibi) turkey (m) tabibit: turkey (f) D. muha mm:is nrn:i ag:a Muha is my cousin (fa br so). fadma il:is nem:i ay tga Fadma is my cousin (fa br da). Substitute for the word cousin in the sentences above using: mo br so, fa br, mo br da, fa, mo, so, si, mo br, mo si da, mo fa, br, si so, fa fa , mo mo, br da, si da, br so, fa si so, fa si, fa si da, my in-law (mn), my in-law (f ), mo fa si, mo mo br, fa fa si, fa fa br so. -110-  Unit 5 E. Translate into Berber: 1. Where is Muha? 2. He went to bring some apples. 3. Once there was a man who had two boys. 4. When they (f) finished they went to Midelt. 5. Berbers do not tell stories before sunset. 6. William liked the food very much. 7. Lbashir, Muha's brother-in-law, invited many people to a dinner in honor of William. 8. Akka, Muha's paternal uncle, Hammu, Muha's maternal uncle, and Aysha, Muha's maternal aunt and many other people were present. 9. Whose horse is that? 10. Whose house is that with the two green windows? -11.1-   Unit 6 6.1 Sofa 'alk after Dinner I muha milmi ay t : ayd : ? milmi c ayd tcayd: (>tcaydd) t : q ayd : (>dte ayd : ) hd :u 9aydyd zik: as:a. zik: as :a nbar an:ayYs an:a t:zbrd 1:iyn: g:nurar an :ay an :ayy an :a Ebr t :Tbrd ili 1:iyn: When did you come back? when to return you returned you returned (here) I came back early today. early today I saw you from the threshing grounds when you were coming back. to see I saw you (m.s.) when to come back you came back towards me to be I was there (with /-n:/ particle of remoteness) in the threshing grounds Where did you bring wood from? where where from to collect wood you collected wood. From the place where you and I got it the other day. the place ( -g :) muha maniy t:zdmd ? man i maniy zdm t:zdmd ( y ubrid -->g :brid) Lit. 'in the street' ems~ to meet  Unit 6 i cawd yrf iyrfast: axnfuf aq:mu m:sduva un :a hsuma is urid: amsis: zef barak :a barak:a xlas: ayn:a axf asyrf y sd :b 6.2. Grammatical Notes and Drills 1. laiwan (sg: /l:un/) (a) aml:al ~umlil (m) taml:alt ~ tumlilt (: abx:an (mn) tabx:ant (f) azgza (m) tazgzawt (f) azg:ay (m) tazg:ayt (f) awray (m) tawraYt (f) aq:hwi (in) taq:hwiyt (f) he repeated (again) to throw at he threw it (f) at face (derogatory usage) mouth, face recipro-causative of (d u 'to sue') that one shame is it not...? (Isn't there..?) like that (thus) to be mad at someone enough Stop it! that is why (which on to him) I threw at him to torture. 'Colors' white white black black green/blue green/blue red red yellow yellow brown brown (b) mims tglamVa n:a tsyid ? mimi tsyid (c) yuri taqb:ut tumlilt What is the color of the shirt you bought? how is? what is? you bought I have a white djellaba. -119-  A Course in Spoken Tamazight (d) mimE iga s:rwal n:a ysya ? (e)yuri t:rik:u azgza (f ) mat:a 1:un n:a trid ? What is the color of the trousers that he bought? You have a green (blue) sweater. What color do you want? 6.3 Expressing the idea of "I have a headache" in Berber In Berber the above idea comes as: Literally: "It (m) killed me the head." inyayi yxf inya it (m) killed -i ixf me (D. obi) head Conjugation of verb ny 'to kill' - Past tense (Past Tense form denoting action at the present time) ny iy I killed tny id you killed inya he killed tnya she killed nnya we killed tnyam you (m.p.) killed tnyant you (f.p.) killed nyan they (m) killed nyant they (f) killed Pronouns inya inya inya inya inYa inya iny'a inya inYa inya as yi sm t t: yay kn knt tn tnt 'Direct Object of the Ve rb He He He He He He He He He He killed killed killed killed killed killed killed killed killed killed me. you (m.s.) you (f.s.) him. her. us. you (m.p.) you (f.p.) them (m) them (f ) -120-  Unit 6 inyayi yxf inat ixf inyat: ixf Some Nouns to be used ixf (n) tid: (f) al:n (f.p.) amz:uy (m) imz :an: tignzar (f) an3ul (m) ansufn tuYmst (f ) tuymas tadawt (f) ul (in) I have a headache. He has a headache. She has a headache. in this context: head eye eyes ear ears nose lip lips tooth teeth back heart (refers to stomach) idmar: (m) adar (m) idar: afus (m) ifas :n chest leg, foot legs, feet hand, arm hands, arms Also connected with the verb /ny/ 'to kill' are the following expressions: 'I am hungry' and 'I am thirsty'. Note: laz fad e.g. inyayi laz inyat fad Translate: 1) She has a headache. 2) His back hurts. 3) I have a toothache. 4) Her eyes hurt. 5) My hands hurt. hunger thirst I am hungry He is thirsty -121-  A Course in Spoken Tamazight 6) His ear hurts him. 7) My leg hurts me. 8) Your eye hurts. 9) His legs hurt. 10) I have a stomach ache. 11) He is hungry. 12) We are thirsty. 13) I am hungry. 14) She is thirsty. 15) He has a headache. 6.4. Translate 1) Once Jeha bought a djellaba and he passed by a person who told him "Congratulations on the djellaba, Jeha. " 2) Jeha passed by another man who told him "Congratulations on the djellaba, Jeha. " 3) Jeha was mad; he hit him. 4) This man said "I'll sue you at the court of law before the king. 5) The king said to Jeha, "Why did you do that? Aren't you ashamed of yourself?" 6) Jeha told him, "I got mad when he said congratulations on the djellaba, so I hit him. " 6.5. Translate: 1) in:as il:a yun urgaz ismns husa iz:nz srat: ntfunasin ism:is n:a urasixl:isn . 2) ize f husa , id:a Yr tad:art 1:malik: t:afad adid u cm:is 3) 1:iy ibda husa arisawal ilmalik: , in:as lmalik: "barak:a xlas: ahusa , d:u Yrd ism:is ". 4) in:as lmalik: ism:is nhusa "max al:iy tn:aym ?" 5) in:as e m:is nhusa ilmalik: "urYuri sa l:flus dYi asidi lmalik: " -122 -  Unit 7 7.1 Sofa Talk after Dinner II bas :u mag:a s:uq: as:a ? is iem:r mad uhu ? mag:a (aya/ aq :raf -132-  Unit 8 atfl tagrst snow winter c q:a yal:ah qbl adaytamz han nbars id:ad zy bumya yas q:imat urin:i a wnzar adiw:t han urin :i Let us go before it rains. (Lit: be- fore it catches us). muha husa is ts:nd nbars awilyam ? nt:a ag:an r:ays l':.amaa lq:arawiya nbumya s:n nt :a r :ays liamaa lq:arawiya wilyam y:ih riy at:saly xf 12amava lq:arawiya nbumya Here comes Nbarsh from Boumia. Stay. It is not going to rain. here it does not say (It does not intend. Refers to the future). William, do you know Nbarsh? He is the presi- dent of the village council in Boumia. to know he president (head) the village council Is that so: I would like to ask him about the village council in Boumia. s:alamuslik:um slik :ums :alamn nbarE kul: husa Hello. Hello. s:i nbarn may tenid ? ists:nd wilyam amd:ak:l nmuha ? Nbarsh, how are you? Do you know William, Muha's friend? -133-  A Course in Spoken Tamazight nbart s:i wilyam may tenid labas ? wilyam labas lhmdul:ah . :i nbare riY adaYtsiwld swi xf lzamaca lq:arawiya nbumya nbars 1ama a lq:arawiya nbumya ? wilyam y:ih nbars iwa lEama a lq:arawiya nbumya labas diks 1:atxd:m , umnbed tt:afq nt:at ds:ulta lmahl:iya , 1:ant:g:a listizmac , 1:ant:g:a yas lxdmt n:axf nmtafaq kul:gi . 1:andr:s lxdmt n:ay ixs:an , n:ayt:hm:an taq :bilt .lmslahat ntmazirt , mnnra ang gal:hast 1:bni , 1:antgr:ar ama at:nbnu zy lamaca lq:arawiya ama at:nbnu zy lineaE lwat:ani . ama tn:a igan lhast 1:fn:iyin 1:at:ntgr:ar hma at:f:y at:nbnu . nk:ni Yu+'Y lamasan:y tzil urdiks ag :d yut lhant numxila~f. umnbed la nk:ni la s:ulta lmahl:iya 1:anxd:m Yas lhaft -134-~ How are you William? Fine. I would like you to tell me something about the village council of Boumia. The village council of Boumia? Yes. The village council of Boumia is good. We work with local auth- orities; we have meet- ings in which we dis- cuss the work together. We study the problems of the tribe and the good of the region. If we want to build some- thing either we build it through the village council or through the National Promotion Agency. There is no disagreement between the members of the council or between us and the .local authorities. As for the funds for the council we get enough money from the market place. We built public  Unit 8 n:axf nmtafaq kul:n:Y . iwa dlhait ns :uq: , 1:anskzam lflus ys:uq: . lxir adadnd:2mas' 1:anskzam is:nduq: luq:tn:a an:a ns:utr nyd: nqr:r: at:idns:uf' 1:at:idns:ufuY . 1:adiksnxd:m lmslaha yadnin . am: an trg:in ag:d lhm:am ms nra at:nbnu , hat nbna yul lhm:am . asg :asa nbna lq:hwa , nbna tihuna , isul altu . lhait n:a nra lmslaha 1:antqr:ar at:nxdm zy diks xdm 1:a- (~da-) t:afq s:ulta lmahl:iya listizmac liztimae n :axf mt :afq kul:si drs hm :a taq :bilt lmslahat (p) nra lhalt lbni qr:r ama...ama... lint as lwat :ani tn:a igan lfn :iyin hma nk:ni amxilaf la- (+ noun or pron. ) bathrooms, a coffee shop, shops from which we get money. to work present tense prefix to agree local authorities meeting on which reciprocal form of /t:afq/ "to agree" everybody, everything to study to concern the tribe the tribe we want thing the building to decide either...or... "National Promotion Agency" it is (that which is p.p. ) technicians in order to we di sagreement and -135-  A Course in Spoken Tamazight kul:n: y lhagt ns:uq: lxir s:nduq: luq :t s :utr nyd: f:y s :ufy am: tirg :in targa lhm :am tahanut: tihuna isdatxd:m: yas ybumya mad ytq:bilin nbr:a nbumya ? la , kul:si yn:awahi yn:awahi kul:si all of us as far as the market is concerned many box time to ask or to go out cause to get out like canals canal bathroom shop shops Does it serve only Boumia or the tribes outside Boumia? wilyam nbars , No, every region. wilyam kul:5i ? nbari n:awahin:y kul:Ei , an:a yumz lmahk:aman:y 1:at:nxd:m kul: i an:a tumz 1Eamacan:y an:a tumz llamac a lq:arawiya 1:ant:q:a lmslaha kul:si un:a yr il:a ba , wax:a il:a ys:antr da 1:filai , lhait ns:antr da ylfilai ,1:at:nxd:m whdut: lhast nbr:a diY am: trg:in ay y'lrsn igan lmuhim:a . an Everyplace? All the regions under the authority of Boumia. We deal with problems in Boumia and outside it, such as irrigation problems and other problems related to agriculture. -136-  Unit 8 tybula , San lhait n:a igan tin lflaha , sal lhast aynt:nm cawan... ... ... id:lha t ng:ulu 1:bni dwan: ylfilaE ys:antr slahq: sal lha~t lmuhim:a ns:antr 1:at:nt:g:a ... ... ... n:ahiya /n:awahi, p1/ an:a yumz lmhk:ama s:antr da lfilat whdut: whdut diy 1muhim :a taybalut : (sg) tiybul (p1) tin if laha me awan id:- ng :ulu wan: wilyam imnd:na n:a yl:an yl'zamas a zy da , zy bumya , mad 1:an win:a did:an zy tq:bilin yadnin ? win :a nbars la , 1:an zy tq:bilin , e lahq: da ybumya -137- region that which he takes the court (here refers to power, authority) the center here the village alone (by itself) fem. alone (m) again the importance, responsibility spring springs that of (f) agriculture reciprocal of /s awn/ 'to help' but (whether, be it...) Question introducer for nominal sentences and cer- tain verbal structures. we say (let's say) ( Ar.) that And the people in this council, are they from Boumia or from tribes outside? those No, they are from (other) tribes. I am the only  Course in Spoken Tamazipht uril:i yas nk: ag:l:anla wilyam yas ig:n:it ? nbari walayn:i 1:an shda . k:u taq:bilt 1:adiks dit:d:u yun , yili yury r:aysn:y 1 :ant : Em ad :ay ylli liftima c 1:ant:g;:a listidea , 1:at:g:a s:ulta lmahliya , l:at:g:a listid ca , 1:at :ini yt:arix w:ayflan , g:as: w:ayflan ad:td:um hat Turun listizmar. 1:ant:zmas , am:a angr:r ayn:a yl:an yd:... ylmizaniy:a yd: ylhatt n:ay it:hmr:an 1:ant:g:a listizmac , ad:ay nfdla , nd:u , k:u~a id:u ibrdanns k:u yili listidea t :arix w:ayflan y+as:--> y+was:-->g:as: yd: rnizaniy :a fd:a k:usa abrid ibrdan one from Boumia. Only you! There are 11 members, one representing each tribe. We have a president and we meet regularly. every there is calling the date such and such in the day or the budget to finish each one way ways 8.2 1) 2) 3) Translate It is cold today. It is hot today The sun is hot (burns).  Unit 8 4) This is the heat of the sun before the storm. 5) It was the same (like this) yesterday. 6) Yesterday I was in the fields and it rained. 7) I went to visit my uncle and when I was coming back, it rained. 8) The storm began and I came back before the rain fell. 9) Do you hear the storm? 10) This is better than the cold snow of winter. 11) Nbarsh, do you know William, Muha's friend? 12) William, Nbarsh is the president of the village council. 13) Nbarsh, I would like to ask you about the village council. 14) We work with local authorities. 15) We hold meetings and study the work that concerns us. 16) We do the work on which we all agree. 17) If there is something to be built, we see whether we build it through the village council or the National Pro- motion Agency. 18) There is no disagreement between the local authorities and the members of the council. 19) We get money from the market place. 20) We built a public bathroom. 21) This year we will build a coffee-shop. 22) We will build 16 shops. 23) There are eleven members, one representing every tribe. 24) We have a president. When there is a meeting, we call the members. We set a date (such and such a day). 25) After the meeting everyone goes his way. 8.3 Translate 1) lfzamaa lqarawy:a nbumya tl:a yurs lxdmt bz:af c1lahq: datxd:m bumya dn:awahi kul: si 2) ihma lhal idl:i walayn:i izil lhal as :a . 3 ) lhamae an :y at :bnu s t:ae nthanut : dyut l: qhwa dyul lhm:am dyut ntmzgida da. 4) iq:rf lhal idl:i masa uriwiti unzar. 5) id:a rays Yiliztimar adisiwl xf imnyi nayt eli dayt muhand xf waman. -139-  A Cus n pknTaaih 6) adizrwasik:a ms ihma Thal and:u nk:o dmuha uW'q:a sasif antum 7) mt dhr: isignaw , adliw :t unzar" " " " 8) ix : a hal s :imanaya (s:irna 'week') 9) fists :nd i~a lq :isat n~ha mad uhu ? 10) s :nyyas iyut lq :ist nzha , walayn : i sny ibz:af 1:q :isat ya dnin 11) muha , mm : is n' m is n c1ii , ag :an r :ay s 1: zama ca liq: arawy :a nbuniya 12) 'Li n :a igan mm : is nsm : is nmuha iga r:ays 1: Zama ca iq :a rawy :a nbumya 13) ihma Thal as :a ; ag:d idl :i amsi ag:a walayn :i idhri " *s" adiq~rf Thai asksa 14) datsyus tafu~t ys :if bz:af sad 15) dayk :at unzar b z :af ytgrst 16) urin :i adiw :t unzar s1ahq : uril :in sa ysignaw 17) si cl1i , ists:nd muha mnm:is nxalis 1:basir ?  Unit 9 9.1 wilyam ys:uq: nayt sy:ag . William Goes to the Market in Ayt Ayache wilyam shal taqb:ut:a ? taqb :ut: hm :u sb my :a wilyam bz:af ayn:a . ini ta w:awal 1:mq:ul awal ta w:awal (mandg:it ) man dy it- mandiwn ? mandiwnt ? mandinx ? mandisn ? mandisnt ? which in plural affix formative Which one of you (M.)? Which one of you (f.)? Which one of us? Which one of them (m.)? Which one of them (f.)? -226-  Unit 14 NOTES 1. Notice that inflection for P2NsGmf in Ayt Seghrouchen (A.S.) is /t----t/, whereas in Ayt Ayache (A.A.) it is /t---d/. See #9 below for complete /-PNG-/ paradigm. 2. Imperative paradigms for (2nd Person) in A.S. and A.A. are: A.S. A.A. rwl run! you (m.f. s.) rwl rwl m run! you (m,p.) rwl at rwl nt run! you (f,p.) rwl Lt 3. a. Notice Verb 'to be, to do' is / z/ in A.S. and that its (VH) /t:g:/, whereas A.A. has /g/ (v.) and /t:g:a/ (VH) b. Notice the pronominal affixes associated with /ma-/ 'what', e.g. /mals izu ?/, /'what to you (m.s.) did he do?'/ differ from those in A.A. in 2nd person plural, masculine and feminine. There is a difference also (not shown in the sentences referred to here) in first person plural. The full paradigms are here shown for comparison: A.S. A.A. mayi what to me mayi mas what to you (m.s.) mai mam what to you (f.s.) mam mas what to him mas mas what to her mas max what to us may mawn what to you (m.p.) mawn mawnt' masnt what to you (f.p.) maknt masn what to them (m.) masn masnt what to them (f.) masnt The same pronominal paradigm (associated with /ma/ 'what?' here what 't;o' ) is identical with the affixes associated -227-  A Course in Spoken Tamazight with intransitive verbs: A.S. is :iwl is :iwl is :iwl is :iwl is :iwl is :iwl is :iwl is :iwl is iw1 is :iwl is :iwl i as am as as ax awn awnt asnt asn asnt he he he he he he he he he he spoke spoke spoke spoke spoke spoke spoke spoke spoke spoke to to to to to to to to to to me you you him her us you you (m. s. ) (f.s.) A.A. isiwl isiwl isiwl isiwl isiwl isiwl isiwl isiwl isiwl isiwl i as am as as ay awn aknt sn snt (m.p. (f.p. ) ) them (m.) them (f.) 4. /tas:aetu/'this hour' is the A.S. form that is equivalent to /tas:ac ta/ in A.A. Similarly /tad:artu/ 'this house' (A.S.) and /tad:arta/ (A.A.). Notice this u/a contrast. 5. /yrs/ 'to you' (m.s.) is composed of /yr/ + /-s/. A.S. /yr/ is equivalent of A.A. /Yur/ the particle meaning 'have or to', also denoting possession. 6. a. Notice: The paradigm of pronominal affixes associated with /mani/ 'where'? is the same one associated with transitive verbs. Compare: A.S. isal i isal i isal im isal t isal t: isal ax isal sun isal Eunt isal tn isal tnt he he he he he he he he he he asked asked asked asked asked asked asked asked asked asked me you (m.s.) you (f.s.) him her us you (m.p.) you (f.p.) them (m.) them (f.) A.A. isal isal isal isal isal isal isal isal isal isal i s sm t t: ay kn knt tn tnt -228-  Unit 3)4 b. Notice /kul:Ei/ In. A.S. lax /k, g, k and g/are stops whereas they are fricatives in A.A. 7. The pronominal affixes associated with nouns in A.S. and A.A. A.S. tafunast tafunast tafunast tafunast tafunast tafunast tafunast tafunast tafunast tafunast are here shown for comparison: inw n:s n:m n:s n:s n:x n :un n:Ent n:sn n:snt my cow your (m.) cow your (f.) cow his cow her cow our cow your (m.) cow your (f.) cow their (m.) cow their (f.) cow A.A. tafunast tafunast tafunast tafunast tafunast tafunast tafunast tafunast tafunast tafunast inw ns n :m ns ns n:y n :un n: knt nsn nsnt 8. On the matter of proper names A.S. /muha/ and /fadma/ are not common among the A.S. Instead they have /muhnd/ and /mam:a/. 9. A.S. /ii/ 'to be, do' is A.S. zix I did, was tzit you (s.) did, were izu he did, was tzu she did, was ntu we did, were tirn you (m.p.) did, were tzint you (f.p.) did, were zin they (m.) did, were zint they (f.) did, were equivalent to A.A. A.A. giy tgid iga tga nga tgam tgant gan gant /g/ . Compare: Notice that /it/ has an i/u ablant whereas /g/ has i/a ablant.  A Course in Spoken Tamaziaht Also compare: A.S. urlzix urtzit urizi urtti urnizi urtzim urteint urzin ur int I did not do You (s.) did not do He did not do She did not do We did not do You (m.p.) did not do You (f.p.) did not do They (m.) did not do They (f.) did not do A.A. urgiy urtgit urigi urtgi urngi urtgim urtgint urgin urgint The past tense ablant is /1/ in both dialects. Also compare: A.S. adzx at :ft adiz at :z an : at : m at :znt adin adznt I will do you (m.) will do you (f.) will do she will do we will do you (m.p.) will do you (f.p.) will do they (m.) will do they (f.) will do A.A. adgx at :gd adig at :g ang at :gm at :gnt adgn adgnt 10. On the matter of the expression 'to get married' in A.S. and A.A.: A.S. and A.A. /awy/ 'to take along'. Thus: A.S. /iwix/ "I am married"; A.S. /uriwix sa/ 'I am not married' (Lit: I took along (a wife)). Also A.S. /mls//-q:- 17. Each of the two dialects under consideration has a diff- erent form for the verb 'to go' A.S. /rah/ 'to go' /g:ur/ Habitual form /sir/ Imperative /arah/ Imperative e.g. adrahx rahx irah urirah 1:ayg:ur I will go I went he went he did not go he goes, he is going sir, sirm, sirnt arah, arahm, arahnt g:ur, g:urm, g:urnt Compare A.A. /d:u/ /t:d:u/ /d: u/ e.g. add:uy d:1y id:a urid:i go! (sg,, ) go! (sg., m~pl, f~pl. ) Energetic Imperative Paradigm to go Habitual Form Imperative I will go I went he went he did not go -232-  Unit 14 dayt:d:u d:u, d:uyat, d:unt t:d:u, t:d:uyat, t:d:unt 18. Notice the difference in subtype: A.S. k:ix I passed tk:it you (sg.) passe ik:u he passed tk:u she passed he goes, he is going go! (sg,, Energetic Imperative paradigm abla t for verbs of the /k:/ A.A. k:iY d tk:id ik :a tk:a B nk :u tk:im tk:int k: in k:int we passed you (m.p.) passed you (f.p.) passed they (m.) passed they (f.) passed negative mode ablant I did not pass he did not pass nk :a tk:am tk:ant k :an k :ant The past A.S. urk :ix urik:i is /i/ in A.A. urk :iy urik:i both dialects,e.g. From now on we will refer to the above type (affirmative past tense) abla t of A.S. as i/u, whereas that of A.A. is referred to as i/a abla t. 19. /hma/ 'to be hot' in A.S. has an i/u ablaut, the same as in A.A. /hmu/ 'to be hot'. Compare: A.S. i/a hma hmix thmit ihma thma and to be hot I am hot you (s) are hot he is hot sne is not A.A. i/a hmu hmiy thmid ihma thma -233-  A Course in Spoken Taman i ht A.S. nhma th mam thmant hman hmant we are hot you (mp) are you (fp) are they (m) are they (f) are hot hot hot hot A.A. nhma thmam thmant hman hmant 20. /lal/ 'to be born' has (a-u) ablaut in A.S. and A.A. as well. 21. /w:t/ 'to hit' in A.S. has Habitual Form /that/ whereas /w:t in A.A. has Habitual Form /k:at/. 22. /l:qamila/ 'shirt' in both dialects. /-u#/ in A.S. is equivalent to /-a#/ in A.A. meaning 'this' are suffixed to nouns: e.g. A.S. /lq:amila + u/ --->lq:amilayu 'this shirt' A.A. /lq:amiza + a/ --->lq:amizaya 'this shirt' 23. Compare Verb ,/s/ A.S. usix tusit yu u tutu (i/a) in A. A. and I gave you gave he gave she gave /uvs/ (i/u) in A.S. A.A. Eiy tsid isa tsa (sg) nusu tusim tusint usin usint we gave you (m.p.) gave you (f.p.) gave they (m.) gave they (f.) gave nsa tram tsant ian sant -234-  Unit 14 24. /sy/ 'to buy' (i/u) in A.S. and (i/a) in A.A. 25. /bya/ i/a in A.S. 'to want'; the form used in A.A. to express the same semantic connotation is /iri/ 'i/a 'to want'. 26. A number of masculine singular nouns in A.S. do not have /#a/ in the form of the noun; however, their construct state has an /#u-/ and the plurals have an /#1-/. e.g. A.S. Sing. Noun Construct Plural State dar udar idarn foot or leg fus ufus ifas:n hand dad udad idudan finger fud ufud ifad:n knee sal usal land, earth haq:ar uhaq:a r ihaq:arn raven yanim uyanim iyanimn reed surdu usurdu isurdan fleas bayus ubayus ibuyas monkeys buylal ubuylal ibuylaln snails yur uyur crescent The corresponding forms of nouns in A.A. are: Sing.Noun Construct State adar udar afus ufus adad udad afud ufud asal usal some of the above mentioned Plural idar: ifas :n idudan ifad:n foot or leg hand fingers knee earth -235-   15.1 s:uq: di s xas ist r~b~"in mad tnayn urbviin ntxant6 . tmz:i , :idist:S~a8an s:uq: . masa mid:n9 ad~ay yaynin0 11 ~~nll12 ads~q:n ,1:at:.wasadn inflZ:ar imrn~fu nl din it:sm:arn as: 1: tlata , nxd3 13 wsnatt" s wdn ytlihm din it:~ms arni as: 1:"xmni s ,1 rld:1: an kidn1 jg~urn1 yr sk~ura din dgt: smar s:uq: as: 1: arbc . masa tbs'd sk~ura swi . iwa asidi mid:ri din it; inin adwasdn s:uq: , 1:at:k:rn zijs.6 nin17 xlbhaynsn .1:"agurn xi 1 "n srdan , sb:1?fl zis yr S:UQ: awin ak: idsn19 tayrart t: af20 adt: d;:m: 'n21 slr " diyat22 iwa asidi , ad.:ay yayawdn yr s: uq : , mls iwdnl z i s 1; at; afn s:uq: isul uris1: it . iwa ms uriwdn n: it zis n23 afntin. 2h n" it is r21s nx i.r , y adin yasyn , wavdn amyar azn26 liu aznis n2 azn bii. , adri1at sa ntbratin27 , adzrn 4*" . f 1 11-- 2 29 -.237-  AOue i Soken Tmazight ul:iyrsnit:ilin . iwa awind; ilwasunn;sn adin stnyas:frhn syn YR yeban: ms iq:r:b lehid , isban; imiididn , iwa rw:hnd: yr tilmirat . 1. iii (i/a) to exist, be 2. 'slahq: because 3. dis in it (sg) Compare A.A.: /diks/ 'in it' (sg) 4. xas just, only Compare A.A. /yas/ 'just' Also, notice the voiceless (A.S.) / voiced (A.A.) Correspondence. Also, compare inflection for 1st person singular A.S. /-x/, A.A. /-y/. r:bein (/-r:#/ does not apply to A.S. Compare A.S. /it:em:arn/ and A.A. /it:em:ar:/ Pres.participle of /gm:r/ 'to fill' 13. nxd: (A.A. /nYd:/) Notice x/y correspondence 14. idin (A.A. /win:a/) udin (A.A. /un:a/) tidin (A.A. /tin:a/) td:in (A.A. /tn:a/) or the ones (m.) which the one (in.) which the ones (f.) which the one (f.) which VH of /rah/ 'to go' 15. g:ur 16. zis (A.A. /zik:/) early Notice A.S. /i/ and A.A. /k:/ correspondence. 17. ny to mount 18. sb:h to leave early 19. ak:d with Notice: /ak:d muhnd/ 'with Muhnd', but /ak:ids/ 'with him'. Study the following paradigm /ak:d/ + pronominal suffixes. (ak:idi, ak:ids, ak:idm, ak:ids, ak:idnx, ak:idun, ak:idsnt, ak:idsn, ak:idsnt) 20. t:af (A.A. /t:afad/) in order to 21. Notice: the particle of proximity in A.S. is /d:/ whereas in A.A. it is /d/. -239-  A Course in Spoken Tamazight 22. lmqiyt / lmqdiyat Articles bought at a shop or at the market. 23. nx Aorist particle, 'then' 24. /-n:-/ In both dialects is the particle of remoteness. 25. adin (followed by a verb) what, that, which (relative) 26. zr to see 27. tabrat:/tibratin (p1.) letter 28. hd: somebody 29. mildid/ tmindit: (f.) new imilididn (m.p. ), timildidin (f.p.) 30. km:l (A.A. /'sm:1/) to finish Notice A.S. /k/ and A.A. /s/. Also compare #16 above. 31. t (i/u) to eat Imperative A.S. /its, itim, itsnt/ Compare A.A. t (i/a) 'to eat', Imperative A.A. /ts, tsimt, tsint/ 32.amtli (A.A. /imili/) lunch 33. rw:h to go back in the evening 34. q:ah (A.A. /kul:Ei/) Here: All, everybody, * * everything 35. am (A.A. /am:/) like 36. lxdrt (A.A. lxudrt/) vegetables. -240-  15.21 at:ay "an2.. zynbzaf w~at~ay *:anq"ah3 idin ift."rn~ i s bah swat :ay , s uint yr u mns1i ,s uint '11 iasr 5 , stint 7yr umnsi . mlism ag: t:u'da1 wat: ay ? nx9tawid: clmmrl arbi1 w:at:ay , ds~k:ar . 1:at:pawn 13 waman iflx,: ras a1 yarnun , iz uryaz at: ay , dn:,qnac ds:k:ar g:br:ad , ikb:11 aman zy 1m ,:ras g:br:ad i's "rs1 abr "ad ximzmr a1 yay'sd1 ,iq.:as , izaydas s. as 1sis ,z~a7, -ms1 wat y . wa m~ 19 i'id . n,"t ubiasit."g. " a *ikb: iyayt tad:art adsun .20 21 ' 22 mici~n 1:at~mug. al23 waman ilbabur24 * nx tillyas 1'&fit z. . acl ay son mid~n at: ayat: tiin-ticn xma. zr:ank -241-  A Course in Spoken Tamazight 3. q:ah (A.A. /ag:d/) Here: even 4. fdr (VH is: A.S. /ft:r/, '' A.A. /fd:r/)*' to take breakfast 5. l'asr Time of afternoon '' prayer, around 4 p.m. 6. amnsi (A.A. /imnsi/) dinner 7. mism how? 8. ag:t:ue dal (/m:/ in the dialects of A.S. 32. adrisi/ idrisiyn descendants of King Idris I 33. zg:a when (Rel.) 34- aslhi/ islhiyn~ s :lub tasllhit 35. azg:a 36. z:awit / z:awyat 37 . 'l : m (VHI /t:'l:amn/) Berber Berber language until Religious Center to teach, to donate 38. lasi origin 39. The equational sentence in Ayt Seghrouchen: Examine the following sentences in the text: a) lasln:sn das rabn They are Arabs of origin, b) nitni dar:a nsidi mulay c'li bn emr nitni dar:a nsidi sli. They are the offspring of Sidi Aly. Note the a) muhnd b) muhnd c) muhnd d) muhnd following differences: daryaz 'Mohamed is a man' daryaz ag:Eu 'Mohamed is (really) a man' (see #14 above) aryaz ag:Eu 'Mohamed is a man' (equivalent of [a] above) aryaz . (this is not a sentence) 40. s:y:d / s:adat saint 41. 1:am:a Zawya ceremony -269-  A Course in Spoken Tamazight 42. azn (/a/-..i/) ; VH /t:azn/ to send 43. lfdl donation 44. d:ca to pray for 45. wq:r ; VH /t:wq:ar/ to respect 46. t:'d:a (Ilmadaris (p1.) school 2. malys; (only form)idottknw 17.6 lzamac"a lqarawiy:a zu rz:"is t l; a sa l: zamaea lq arawiy a1 mu lay ihu sayn: lzama'a lqgarawy; a tl:a is :bt nbuzmlal ayt 2 SyrU s:f ntahla , walakin tin:x ts~ur ak:d lzamas'a lqarawy:a yyzran . ntsni 3 il:a rn ;x xas idz l"nurs:i ag.a z ;iflX i zamac'a lqarawy; a iyzrani . isd -293-  Curg in Soken Tamazi t nitni g u to . ntgni1l raf ayrm imzin hra 1: ants awy idi 1lintrs: ih. v 4 lurz mas tzkl:af 1zamac'a lqarawy: a ? nulay Thusayn: lzamac'a lqarawy:a 1: at:kl:aof slrasalih~ 0 ". ntqbilt ,1:ats:utur ilk' , tl:a yrs lmt zany: ab xas:a7 , l: at: g:n lbnyari, am lmadarisu g:dw:arn , 1: at:kl:afn sibrd~an waai10 ,l t k i t:aau watani", als:uturn lmasalih ns" cb1. ayu ag:"a 1. 1Hama~'a lqarawiy:a (f7) the Village Council 2. s :ar ; VH /s:ar/ to mix, to be mixed 3. lmur~s: ih (m~lmur:ihin' deputy itlmurs ih Notice: A.S. plural prefix /it-/ ; A.A. /id-/ 4. kl:f ; VH /t:kl:af/ to entrust -294.  8. lbniyan (in) building (Noun Act.) 9. 1s in (minl. yun/ (p1) spring Compare: A.A. /aybalu , taybalut:! 10. Tinsv'as iwatani (in) National Promotion Project 11. t:ac'awun iwatani (in) National Cooperation Pro- ject 12. s:s'b (in) people 17.7 Thm; am zurz.. i s i1: a lhm; am yr ayt syru s ;n ? nlay lhu sayn3 lyrman urdi sn lhm: am , masa 1lswaq; 1:8%1 disn , am uhrmnrnu , 1: an die snat l: hm: amnat , sk; ura , i l: adi s lhm; am . am buman , i 13a di a lhm: am am ayt tle: int i1; a yrsn lhm; am. 1. hm~m ; VTH/t~hm:am/ to bathe lhm~m (n) Ihmamat pulicbat -295-  nnulay ihu sayr A Course in Spoken Tanaz i ht 1; lq~hawi, la , dg: yrmal url~int taharirt , u tsu , q :ah adin t :hdadz an mfid: n , 1; as ;nawnt di s . 1: at: t~n mid~rn as: n s~uq: , alasniz :nzan , aldi st :t ;n ams1ns , lin hu b 'dotx sn tu dr in nx tsn dis t~nac ':fl:8f /lq:hawi/ (p1.) coffee, cafe tea /atay/ .. 1. 2. 1q:hwa (f) at :ay (in) Compare A.A. 3. ay.i Compare A.A. /a~:u/ 4. t :azin () /t:wan/ (p1) Compare A.A. /d:azin/ 5. lin:ahu (fl. ahu Urq..i mn t, naynT urtq:imtbrd1 ur "imn fi" 16 hd urq~rnnt1fitat am hadi steal 1; at: naynl xisrdan ,ms idru'7 xusr dun yasyxs Thml 1 alxsixd:m . um: a yis ixs ;as xas tamnni t19 abrid(m)/ibrdan/ (p1.) road tqriban ( nx rahn lahi usli , nx rw3 lir yr tslit: awyn lmak :lan :sn5 al dls t :xm arn ahidus ku1: si * dutsan: s fnx rw:hfld: yl B'asr yr usli , (lax rahnd: lahi ntslit : ,nX 7 9v. znasd: abrbur7 , s: nint: d: xtazmart8 - 300-  Utli t 17 aclfn lahl ntslit: adtsn. . aday t n f:ynd: dax yr uhidus , t~f'n s:tih. dax du tsan ; s , xyi dox:s , nix yadf u sli x ts l it:, iwa nix k:rn dax s 9u fyn d: i sbrn: s , aldi st~xn: am alt:st: ahn alt" by"an "1 bin "ahu tamttt urt: ik: i sal lyyar az g:a t :yiwd uryazn: s . iwa 11 12 nlx sin lud: iifl: xn:asatn: sn , xuhidusfl:s alasin" in 13 ad ayg:urn abridn: sn . iwa nx q: imn lahi ntslit; altsb: c1 dax rahn tamyra, xas snart w~u s; an ayt: k: ? tit: y: am ayt:k: ul:it:k bzayd ? h 16 l"at"ka ihi u di n yr il.a d1 d , 1a s3~a nul ay ihu saynt nulay ihusayn: -301-  u lay ihu sayn A Course in Spoken Tamnzight i dz was;: daxtam 1 £wig : s :uturn tarbat;: ? ihi , ntsni ul: iyt i sin urba tarbat: u ; t: s n tr a ; a br . l h ryznx ininas tl a trbat; yr fl an , rahn s:utrnt: , tm:usasn , raydnd: , vaydn rn20 a" rb xc qrbn d.ay "q bn , d ax aynd awin: llas sadn z tl 21 luq :t mani yayuzd uryaz , nx irali ad:yasi t artu t:n: s . ayu a g:l: an I/t:fd:a/ to finish occupation (f) }agriculture slit (rnp.)bridegroom 1 . 2. 3. 5 . 6. 7. fd:a ; VH s:'Y1 (in) tahr :at: ash - i tashit: - t lma:la (f ' t :h ; VH abrbur (in) -302-  Un it 17 8. tamart (f)/tiyal:in/ (p1.) Compare: A.A. /tagmart/ 9. trit (f) 10. by:n VH /t:by:an/ 11. si VH /k:al/ 12. n :asat (n)(/-nn-/ or /-n:-/ in A.S ) with pain to go (This is the simple verb stern that corres- ponds to A.A. /d:u/ which is not used in A.S.) -318-  Unit 18 atsrhx ( adsrhx) iwa yasidi.... zg:a adur:u alts :brbi brbs alt:ini sbh ; VH /t:sbih/ a axw:an (m) /ixw:an:/ (pl) yrs amyan (mimyan:/ amq :ran(m)/imq:ran:/ azil:if(m)/Azl ifn/ xidz I'll tend sheep. then... (speaking to some one) when a plant used on the face for make-up she started coloring: /al-/ denotes an in- choative aspect, i.e., a verbal aspect in which the action is considered at its start or commencement. to color /s:brbs/ causa- tive form saying to be pretty vocative 'oh you' thief to slaughter billy goat big head on one -319-  A Course in Spoken Tamazight azq:ur(m)izYran/ tree trunk zr ; VH /z:ar/ see, (hear) -din that (demonstrative) is- that (conjunction) q:ah all manis meanwhile ndu ; VH /nd:u/ to be shook,causative s :ndu to shake milk in order to separate butter alis:ndu he began to shake the milk f:y ; VH /t:f:y/ to go out s:ufy VH /s:ufuy/ causative (her: to extract) tsar ; VH /t:tsar/ to make dirty ams / VH /t:ams/ to paint, to wipe off itmart to the beard bya ; VHI /t:ibya/ to want (A.A. /iri/) zwa ; VHI /zg:a/ to be dry, to dry sb:r ; VHI /t:Isb:ar/ to cling, to catch -320-  Unit 18 dis xsy ; VH /xs:i/ azt:a / izdwan tamd:it: bla ury rs maya yz mat k: ayu matsm: ata an :rah zr ; VH /g:ar/ ny ; VH /t :nay/ 2ni ; VH/zi/ adrbal / idrbaln zix to him, in him put out a fire loom evening (A.A. /tadg:at:/ without he does not have what he will do (/ma/ what; /maya/ what will) is it you (m.s.) (/-nn-/ or /-n:-/ in A.S.) to throw to mount (a horse) to sew rag whereas -321-  A Course in Spoken Tamazight that he was sewing .... .._ is izn:i adf ; VH /t:adf/ s:idf ; VH /s:adaf/ rs ; VH /rs:/ azl ; VH /t:ail/ dr ; VH/t:ar/ ahz :ud (m)/Ahz :udn tahz :ut :(fYtihz :udin/ xtbarda ( xf tabarda) maya ird ; VH /t:irad/ zry ; VH/zr:y/ adg:al (m) /idulan/ z:y ; VH /t:z:y/ in:a i sdadaxin enter, go in causative of /adf/ to descend (from a horse) to hang to descend naked naked pack saddle, on the pack saddle what (fut.) to wear to pass to give (A.A. /s/ ; VH /ak:a/) in-law to milk here: he thought are they going to make for us -322-  Unit 18 idu madihi ul tu wu dax amnsi (m) /imnsiwn/ (pl) mumis diwn fsus; VH /t:ifsus/ anud:m (m) /inud:umn/ hl: ; VH /t:hl:a/ m-:t ; VH /t:mt:a/ mr:y ; VH /t:mr:ay / hrm ; VH /t:hrim/ ay ; VH0 /t:a0y/ today (A.A. /as:a/) or not? (A.A. /mad uhu/) heart this (f.) one this (m.) one again (A.A. /diy/) dinner to whom among you to be light sleep to slaughter an animal according to the ac- cepted manner to die to wallow (especially in the dust) to die (for an animal) without being slaugh- tered according to law, therefore meat is for- bidden as food. to be aware of -323-  A Course in Spoken Tamazight lfdaht (f)lfdayh / disgraceful or scan- dalous act or thing asm ; VH /t:alm/ to push wala ealik never mind 1:inat then, at that time aql:u (m)/iql:usn/ jug z:is from it txabit (fytixabyin/ jug tazrut: (f ) /tizra/ stone s:flil:y ' VH /s:flil:iy/ to shine rz ; VH /rz:/ to break amz:ud/ imi :udn/ bald-headed, scabby, scurfy rwl ; VH /rg:1/ escape, run f:u ; VH /t:f:u/ to dawn amisa / imisawn/ shepherds 1sq:;VH /ls:q/ to stick taduft (f) wool azg:ar (mn) thorny plant zi;VH /Em:e/ collect -324-  Unit 18 lq:d ; VH /t:lq:ad/ tasdift (fYtisdifin/ aynduz (m)/iYn duzn/ q:n ; VH /t:q:n/ mid :n tadzalt / tadzalin/ sarf ; VH t:saraf/ grqb ; VH /t:qrqab/ in:as ha kif uha kif dutia lxdrt aysum nel s:itan it :mug:an ar :a gather, pick up, gathe r, pick up, collect rug calf to tie people (/md:n/ in A.A. ) widow to spend money to knock at he told her all his story tomorrow vegetables (A.A.=/lxudrt/) meat (A.A = /aksum/ Also notice A.S. above, /imisawn/ and A.A. /imksawn/ 'shepherds' and A.A. /iks:idn/, A.S./iysudn/ 'wood' below. shame on you (A.A /E:idan/ /t/-/d/correspondence. ' to be done (passive ) give me -325-  A Course in Spoken Tamazight sir ; VH /g:ur/ go! (imperative of /rah/- remember dialect does not use /d:u/ durt:x now alig:ur he kept going fad thirst inyt fad he was thirsty raby ; VH /t:rabay/ to lean over uda ; VH /ut:a/ to fall k:s ; VH/t:k:s/ to take off (clothes) :bd ; VH /zb:d/ to pull out lxt:ar (mp) passers-by lhwayz (nip) clothes, things aly ; VH /t:aly/ to climb f:r ; VH /t:f:r/ to hide df:ir behind t :rf near iy~s :udn wood (A.A . /ik's :idn/ - - - compare /amisa/ and /aysumr/ above s:hma l'eafit build a fire  Unit 18 s : a from here z :q ; Vii /t:z:'/ to dismiss thazit : (f) /tihia/ (p1) the story ams:as (in) /ims:asni/ (p1) bread (without salt) 18.2 tqunbs't t~zdit: in; as i l: a wag:1: an alud il: a rb; i fi ku.1; mean, aluci thw:zas3 taz1raist itqunbst . tn~as ata wsi taqnbu'tinw tn; as "uramtsitsx sa , ms tbyit taqgnbustn~m, arch awyid: ahbub w:adil ~tn; as 'wax. a. in; as trah . 0 " 6 yr d: ilit ., tn:as "aha c:ilit usiyid: sa uhbub w adil " to; as "may t:urt 7 ?tf:as tatusx itzdit: is ithw~z tacgabuctiriw ' tn; as " iwa arah awyid: sa w: aman zilt'in ". , rr 8 i twa dc aybal tn, as tayaybal used: sa W: amflr1 in as -327-  A Course in Spoken Tamazight It iwa sir awyid: imdyazn adxf ixm: rflIt0 twac'd imdyazri tn :asn 'trwahni xm~rmi xJA'if adiyus aman , at~nusx id: ilt, taqribustinw "*n~anas t"iwa sir awyaxd: ahuli trah yr imi sawn tn ;asn "u sna ahu li at :awiX, iymdyazn , adixm: rn d: il it adi tu ahbub w; adi l, ahbub w; adi l at ;u sx i tzdit : tazcdit: aditus taqgnbu'tinw n.f: an: as "sir awyaxd; bubus9" twas'd taydi t " tn as "usi bubu s ha kif uha kif tn; as "sir awyid: timat; inl ntazxnart trah y a ma t , t as " a k f u a k ft as " w si11awyid: tadiwin xitxalim , xinm zar 121 tra p yr inm ar tn: asn 'usmi tacliwin, ha kif uha kif " n; antas "sir awyaxd: imiran13 xumrzil '.I twasd arnzil adasyus imzran in: as "tsir yr itxalim adamd:usn utsu ft. twast;n , tn: asn  Unit 18 s'aq: ~inl:as tk:r tkb: amnan , ts~uf ayd~id , tad trg;1 , ts: rstid yrrubud uxan, tn; asnt "iwa u'ntid: utsu n; antas "iwa s'r:r aman bsda ", tn~asnt "awa tisntid: adrahx , amzil 1:ayt:rza, adrahx abridinw xlas: . iwa in,:as qm rntas tahb; iyt0 wtsu , in: a 21 22 tawit; d: iwizil , in; as tk: r tsniyt ad:tz aman , iqrqbxs 23 imzran , tustn iyrnmzar , ulnas tadiwin ,tustnt itzmart iyi aw ,ulnas ahuli ,tost imyz , xm:rnas xuybal ,yiisas uybal aman , tawitn id:ilit ,tun~as ahbub w adi1 . tu~ t it dit ; , tr as taqnbu 'tn: s * iwa r :i n :i d u :a q a t a i : u a q a i d t;mziri ula ntst damns~as 1. a~did / izdad (ol.) bird - 329-  A Course in Spoken Tamazight 4. allmus / iflmas/ cap, hood 5. tagnbu t "cap of the lark" 6. d:ilit vine 7. may turt what do you want? ar (u-) to want N.B. This verb occurs only in the affirmative past tense forms referring either to past or present tense. e.g.: mag:ur ? what did (does) he want? may urn ? what did (do) they want ? 8. aybal spring 9. bubum /ibubusn/ (r1.) puppy 10. timat:in placenta 11. tadlwin chopped wheat plants 12. anmzar / inmzar/ (pl.) harvester 13. amzr / imhran/ (pl.) sickle 14. amzil / imziln/ (p..) blacksmith 15. ayd:id / iyd:idn/ (pl.) goatskin for water 16. zmr; VH /zm:r/ to be able to 17. tsiwant kite (animal) 18. s:uf ; VH /s:uf:u/ to blow -330-  Unit i8 19. bud 20. tahb:iyt / tihb:iyin/ (p1.) 21. ismy! isrnyan /(P1) tismyt / tisrnYin (f.p.) 22. qrqb / t:qrqab/ (p1,.) 23. n:fs 24. qda ; VH /qt :a/ bottom plate Negro to throw at, to shoot air, breath to be finished 18.3. zha l: mrrib dzha 1; msrig9 in --a s i t~ a wag~l~an alud il;a rb~i fi kul : mn anal d 1 an s t m"i nid m "s zh 1: r 1 E idz w~as: wa'dn s:Llq. , isy idZ tazrbiyt , isy wis:nat tayyuilt . iwa asidi , xwas: 3rnx iry bu tyyult idzi buthiast , xyi nx i n buthlast , id ,i6 butyyult . iwa. id~v w: as: ik~rd: butyyult , is:itd6 tahiast ,i r; ast: q~eh dixba 7. iwa zi luds inin ms izflt alit :hasab8 itran 9* iwa ik: r , mayazvy mawrt :g; x , ik10 11 ikiby; as ihnf ifn ityyult . ik:r i d w~as: iwafidtid -331-  A butyyult in: as in: as wis:nat 1. imyrib (in) 2. 1msriq (in) 3. xwas : 4. xyid 5. dl ; VH /d: 6 . s :ind ; VH 7. axbu (my/ixba 8. ha sb ; VH 9. itri(n) /itr 10. b :y ; VHi /t 11. ahnfif (i1 Coumree in Spoken Tamnazight "az ha q:1 mad tahlastn: s yrs al:n iau 12ft "y:ih ? zix adtin ax tds: ty(yutn ; ?" the Occident the Orient during the day during the night :al/ to cover /s:inad/ to burn (transit) ,/ (p1.) holes It :ha sab/ to count 'an/ (p1.) star :b :y/to cut lnfifn/ (p1.) lip _332_  Unit 19 19.1 5lugi bidn 1:ah i n: a r 11:a wag:1: an , az g;a i1l;a rb :i f i kul: mean azg~a 1:an snat w~awmatn , 1 dz ors ssra ntsir:atin icdz yrs sbsa 1 "wasun. ik "r buts. "ir "atin iwaq"d 1xla1 2 3 i zn . irahdc: yizid iznxs , in,-as "thz3 ayayu xfi iznin, adasusx tiyt~rn" in: as "yuzrtnt baba ibabas in: as "h4 xf I adaux ifunasn ' in,-as "yuzrtn baba ibabas " in: as "k~r adasusx lbhaym " in; as "yuzrtnt baba ibabas "t."k: radausx tad; art " . "yuzrtnt baba ibabas"1. "k: r adasusx i st zg; s: i ".in; as ik~rxs intas It "iain"ibrduzn , tztn: imsf'i al tad; artinw , td; in n~yrs yahz~x zg:s: i tasitt: ".* in as "wax: a I. in: as iq.:im ., iq. im alud i t; sa al tamd: it , iwa'dc1 udin . in; as "k: r alal; a -333-  A Course in Spoken Tamazi ht alai; a rbva " tababa 1; at; hr; ayi tiwa " "k- r alal~a xmsa ' "ababa 1;at:hr:ani ifadini". "k:r alai~a st~a " "ababa 1;atnyi i~t ntymst" " "k~r alal~a sbca " "ababa l1athr~ariti tinzar7 *~ alal:a trnnya I', "ababa 1: ayt: hr:ayi uq: mu " "k; r "" alal~a tsc'a "ababa 1:ayt:hr~ayi uzl: if ". "k:r alal ;a c ra ", tk:r " n t ;a tunas imndi 19 nt :a yasit:; 10:ant, at, laymndi ,yw~3an s~bir .awn: isbc' bhur aytl. a tad:artn: s . in: as izas tamyra " idz w: as: ,ifl:as ici m m; is nc'm: is ntrbat: , inl as " ababa h uyzx9 i1:jis flvm; i ,adrahx " . in: as "mafliyr atraht irah ,yafn: 1iis fncm: is 1:atsumrn1n;1212 ntad:art na tnas ltqzjn ".at~ndf nts:ua sr t~a y ru tnas"wn "P n .isirlifsnns .t9 au -334-  Unit 19 tzrit armis nc'm;i ad.;ay ciirwhinq1b f14 slxrnuziyt , aha asixd: timndut16 17r~n tiyrnas , aha q~ah adin it: t:ixia , alastidfr~nx stmndut . iwa q: imn t:mzum:urn , t~m:Than azg; a zin k:rn Zn: . s:bah inl:as "k~r z~ry flRmhiS flv:im ".tn:as8 ik~r iu an ak:idls al mani urt:z:ar , in~as is1qmt 19 ik; r Ais: nat in; as "ababa byix adlrahx adzrx i1l;i s " . . nsm:i * in: as ib:as "manlyr yatraht , urd: idhir20 tunas ,1;an;:21istitsu * q: lm abrid~n: s Tina irah , yafn: tismyt 1;atzd:na , in:as "1ahir'avn " tn:as "l;:aysl:m ". tn; as "as;: abab 22 nani rr ? in; as "adiin izu rb: i at:zx " irah dax am:n; 1:ats:um:r dax q; intn , dlax yadf alast: sawad 2 lxbar , tn ;8as ad; ay -335-  A Co-Qurse in Spoken Tarnazight nitri dzhdi: sn , q: inn alt~zmzum:uc'n , dB.X k~rn inl s: bah dax , izas acin izu iwmzwaru , irahdl: wi s: tlata itst I, it stn q; ah J. az g a iq.:im xas wis:bca . in; as wi s; bay2 , lb iq: rin; n: s 29 g laa30 ~m it strt31 1cul1:vsi * in~as 1:aytvsat tavsurt ,iz:ryaslt: dax r:nast:d: ,cdax ihat:ras , dax iz:ryasnt: , is:uhltn n~ anas ttma nz a,32 r flaras maya~ rb ;i i lxligiytu , ma wrasn t g: ? n~anas rbc~t;33 "sn a r n "tn ayan ?a.rah ad,nraca sa ritfq:irt din yr tl~a txant ,a ahq3n" mawraxt :s: xSay"., in "a rta lt n . alu u fn:Uf n; anas "ha kif uha kif ". in: as s:rhlnt:d: ~r u1lru 36* nx iwtasn tasurt : iz~ryasnt: , ihdm3 taxant ,dax tbrtat; dax iZ: ryasnt; , ihdm taxant , dax tbnat: tfq:irt a i t l m t z i ; i x n w c t m a a k i s ilbtn . n" aras "may sasiburz 8di l ;i's n'cmi t a: wn ina 't mux ulif * t it.lst9 aim.nt "336-  41 tas'wta wa ;n , t d i a l f t d t d mxamm:1 ?"t ztas adin , i~ n azg~a id iwn anud.:m rr , 42 , s i r ik d n s y s a z ;i m~ n s ytn as "ma ya zx ? ada sx ayr m ?" in as "ihi "~ , tadaa sx tahrirt ?" in; as "ihi " "adaszx u tsu ? in; as "ihi . adaszx 1msm~riat ? inas "hi I? 4aa4litt ?" i n "as "ihi't " nas "adaszx ay rum ufr; an ?" in; as "ihi " tn~as "adaszx winbuwy'rtm ?" in; as "ihi " tn; as " imasyazx ?" i;a "iii ahrir ibrayn ".ton;as ?wax; a amrn i , mrhba " n ;as 046 xB'af it ,tz di s tisnt ,tz di s tadtunt dlqd i d 49 00*51 dis m1:u &utalttrur2azg".a inns ,tasiy tq~as tasid; sa ntby~ac't tsm; r sibrayn , k:uci t;g: , txrwad -337-  A Course in Spoken Tamazight azg: a yuf iist ntby: a't 1:bn: i , iks b: d: lhn: i ithb:iyt , inani mzrix , mani t; ts:rst ?" tn.-as "dia aytz s: rsx tnrst 60 addut61 in~as ~ay hay atafq;irt tahrarast t59u: tdr~r rat"a mani t: tc1it urxstcq'ilt .to: as "inas yaxrucix durt:x tahrirt , dat; 1sq. ?" inl: as tXrld sufusn:m . tri:as dadsncx ." ifl: as "s:ucl , txrucit "*ln: as ts~ud, txrudc , tsnd .A tsawd tazd 2wi s: nat 19tsvnd A. AA,0,0 it: f astnins . alts: yuy~u slir: * in as uramrz mx xas63m n t il s m l ma n tl a A u d: st t x xas isarnvix t. "abrsun 64 ". ik,"sasd: if as~n ,i a1 t a t i lhr ; i , brdn tn -as "a mi is urn: ix aca sinix mani i nh l; a, maindyiasiats ?" iwa t: tas tn as "ayti 0 0wi -338I-  Unit 19 ali g: ur , ali g:ur , alud izri sbsa ntmizar , yafn s ids Y: iZm , dubrh s ,9 ~b 70 dust:Uf7 ;1,&flyifnldi uwtul 7 , q:imn q:ablnt , ulad idz uri s: in adibdu in; asn "s: alaimusiktim t fl:arlas ts: alam urlfltl:ah ". nt~a is~urf73 am din: , * ad iz l~tril7 in: a mawlid; is in, a at;its * iyrasd: in;:&as"Bhifli , n yra s i rb i m aw rax tb t:u t ay " . in a s "w &a ..aV7 67 ibduyasn kul: idz smhq:nl: s, l: 76. iiz , ig: at:its * nt; a is~urf am din: , iyrasd: dlax yizm , in:as at;g~ut a: gurt, a asaya 78yid: isa w:5.flsa 79 tt tt v80 1;ah&B" aay: tgi:urt a:rty ait: z ; acwhd alu at :aft isitr:,tinit, tntlbaz lubidnbidah1:. in"ar "a:a in;as alla:ig:urtag: sut yid , in: a sbl bian;1:aft -339-  A C urse in . Spoken Tamazight81is a i h r , l z r al s b h , i d d n dm , i :a al i zhur81 izh ra sbh ridcbnd82 fla alig~ur , alig:aigur , azg; a iqgdc dax sbca ntmizar .9 izr sa 1:xt: ar .9 ig: dasn in: as "nmla bidn 1a iiddast~uf . rcbn mid: ndin , Ti:aflas maisik~u uryaz dn ? isttsrd tmurt mad mat.,a ?11 azg; a zrin , zrnt df ;irasn , c idnd; yrs . nt:a t:fnt zg: cban , in; as "slugi bidn 1;ah ", isid dabrhus is:risrtn8 , i ra'n irg:1 xas azg: a asninti 8 , ivid dbnacdm , irate azg: a yiwd , yafn: t ismyt , tn; as 87 a :a a u , u t t h t a itin as a i z9rb i * in a s irah yafn ; isiran g:malu , i s'id dlbaz 88 v ixlatn , isnftn , its i~t ntsk:urt , yawy adin iq: irnn iyl~is ncm;is . yawdt; , m:Zrn iyal:n ,tri:as as:f:rx , tf ;rt . zg:a d:yiwd yizid , tq:im dax alastfr:n tiymas, inalu; zgbdatatn tn=iys , n: s, iwa ;iwsaz; i:a _340-a  mini asil;a r:uh , adn; yrszx winw, isnm4'z: a , tiwitidS mfx: ix , nmwalaf , nms'z:a ", in: as "la , a uramt:infix ". tn: as "xas n ?ti . mnu tg: t; ? aria inca "ruiwila3gilf asintil9 ilf asinucd iltsan awn* isb" bliur , adirali hd3 adxs it;8ad.r at~igrnsr91, al: yall adz" istafru22 tsk~urt " dax adxs yadr al sbc' bhur , isid dlbaz yaf'rw irsn: awn: isbs bhur , icid . 3dbnad mn , yaf'n: ilf' asimud 1 ayhd a * i id. da rh s alxsit:adlr azg:a yulhl , tafru. z;is tsk~urt , ie'id dlbaz alit : adr xtsk:urt, tafru Z; is tml: alt9 , iv'id dbnadm yasi taml; alt " in: as lbaz bidn l:ah , yafrud: awrd95 i sb c bhur i rahd: 0 0 0 0 _ 341~-  A Course in Spoken Tamazight anr "Zr if:as iq~im it~xm;am xas al:ud izU , izbdd: taml:alt , ifl:3a5 "mad r~ubhnss ayu~ ? mani a~s ya trs durt:x ?" inl:as "aditrs zar wal;n .' iqrqbxs zar wal~n , im~t , in.-as "urs:is:rbah rb~i, ula is~rbh wastin~an ." in~as iq~im dis , q:imn dis shr , wis:nat irzrn itlata ntsrdan duyis ,ism:r snat sr:yal98 , is:flY ntsrdan din Zarasn, xa; azg:a k: in yr tudrin ald: iq: ar "aha baba, aha baba .K k:rnd; q:ah sardnasnd: 9 tawy il; is ns'msis i~t ntsrdunt nr:yal , yawy nt; a ist 100 in: as ik~r i s:u trast; , yu cast : ,i as tamyra tak: swat : , tqda thazit3 ula qdan yirdn t~rnzin ula ntst dams:as " 0 " 1. ixia wilderness 2. izid / izidn/ (p1.) ogre 3. hz: ; VH /t:hz:a/ to carry, to send some ..342-  Unit 19 6. hr: ; VH /t:hr:a/ 7. tinzrt (f)/tinzar/ (p1) Compare A.A. (tignzrt/tignzar) 8. lbhr (m) /lbhur/ (p1.) 9. huyz ; /t:huyuz/ (pl.) 10. uxlas: 11. s:um:r ; VH /s:um:ur/ 12. n:it 13. ayil /iyal:n/ (p1.) 14. n:q:lb ; VH /t:n:qlab 15. xmz ; VH /t:xmil / lxmui iyt (f ) 16. timndut(f)timdwin/ (pl.) 17. frn ; VH /fr:n/ 18. lha ; VH/ lh:a/ to ache nostril, nose (p1.) sea, ocean to miss something or somebody anyway to be sitting in the sun above, over arm to turn over to stink stench a piece of the loom to pick teeth, to clean out to keep busy, to enter- tain to eat up to appear, show up maybe a youth 19. 20. 21. 22. 'slqm ; VH /t:'1qam/ dhr ; VH /dh:r/ 1:an: 9:abab (in) -343-  A Spoken 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. ya c awd ; VH /t:cawad/ aq:zin (m)/ iq:zin:/ taq :zint (f ytiq : zinin/ ilf (fyilfan/ (p1.) lebd (m) dziwa (f)/tiziwaw/ (p1.) aq :rin (ngig :rin :/ amlasay (m) mlasay ; VH /t:mlasay/ talurt (f)/tigurin/ (p1.) lxliqiyt (f) rb t: q:awl ; VH/t:qawal/ dur ; VH /t:dur/ almu (m) /ilmutn/ (pl) hdm ; VH /hd:m/ burz ; VHI /t:buruz/ tazult (if) Tamazight already to tell dog pig, boar human being plate (big) for couscous of the same age wrestling to wrestle ball human being, person some to promise to turn (around) sort of field to make fall to take pride in antimony, kohl -344-  Unit 19 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. ru ; VH /t:ru/ td: VH /t:Ed:a/ ail ; VH /t:ail/ lmsm:n (m) hrtita (f) ahdir (m),/ihdirn/ (p1) taq:nuit(f)/tiq:nusin/ (p1.) tadunt (ff) lqd:id (in) .lfihm:sa (f) s :sriy:a (f) imagaruny a t:rtr ; VH /t:trtur/ aby:av(m)/iby:a n/ (pl.) xrwd ; VH /t:xrwad/ tayntayt(f)/tiyntayin (p1) Ihn:i (in) r:wy ; VH /t:r:way/ to weep to tie to recover kind of food (strudel-like) kind of food (pancake) big fire pot fat (N.) dried meat noodles thin spaghetti macaroni to boil bag to stir spoon henna to stir (itself) -345-  A Course in Spoken Tamazig t 58. for / t:f:r/ to hide 59. ahraras(m)/ihrarasn/ (p1.) decrepit tahrarast (f)/tihrara~in/ (p1.) (for people) 60. anrsu @)/inrsa/ (p1.) dirty (people) 61. adrdur (f)/idrdurn/ (p1.) deaf 62. azd ; VH /t:azd/ to reach for, to stretch of CC hand 63. ns t ; VH /t:ncbat/ to show Compare A.A. sne t, VHi /snc'at/ 6)4. t :abrvun (in) playing a trick 65. brd ; VHi /t:brid/ to be cold 66. luh§ (in) /luhu~/ (p1) monster, wild animal 67. das~ ; VH/ t :da/ to be spoiled, ruined 68.,v cwin (m) provisions 69. abrhus (n4ibrhas/ (p1.) greyhound 70. lbaz (mytlbaz:/ (p1.) falcon or eagle 71. ast :uf ()/ .sdfan/ (p1.) ant -34-  Unit 19 75. hnini (n.) hn:a (f.) 76. 'ayd ; VH /t:sayad/ 77. g:d ; VH/t:g:d/ 78, ay ; VH /t:ay/ 79. lxt:ar (p1) 80. z:' ; VH /t:z:s/ 81. zhr ; VH /zh:r/ 82. qd ; VH /qt:'/ 83. reb ; VH /rc':b/ 84. srd / VH /sr:d/ 85. s:nsr ; VH /s:nsar/ 86. ntl ; VH /nt:l/ 87. stahl: ; VH ,' tastahl: 88. snf ; VH /n:f/ 89. ask:urn(myisiran/ (pl.) task:urt(f'isiran/ (p1.) 90. 11f asimnud (n) 91. Emnr ; Vii /Emn:r/ dear to be spare to be afraid to light, here: /ay yid/ = night falls passers-by to chase to roar to cross to be arranged to swallow to snatch to hide away to deserve to grill partridge an imaginary wild animal to hunt -347-  92. afrw ; VHi /t:afraw/ to fly 93. hda ; VHi /iid:a/ to graze 9)4. taml:alt(f~ltiml:alin/ (p1.) egg 95. awrd on this side of awn: beyond 96. s :Td ; Vii /s:yad/ to listen 97. buhbl soul 98. r:yal money, gold 99. yard ; VHi /t:carad/ to meet with 100. ak:swat Wyi:swatn/(m.p.). big 19.2 hdidan inl;as it; a wag:1: an , azg: a il; a rb; i fi ktil: msan , azg; a il; a idz w: ryaz 1;:an yrs sbs'a l:wasun in;as kul;5I l;ays:qratn kul: arba stal;wahtl . in~as ibayst r in i a acaiqsi id alatr iiind ien *zg~  Unit 19 in: as "arum; i das; tts trzu ", in: as "hl: i bnayit: mag l~n 'o n; as ibnayast; , ibnayast: staili din stsm~arn6 isrdan , swuz~a17* in "as iq. im dis , sa ntyyiilt tl: a yrs ." in:8a alit: yma hdidan alasit~hat: ar alt: itsat, alasit:k: s tayyult din , alt: it~nay , al yatz alts:yuy:u yy:m: as dax tadlrxs trzu , dax irwi dax idzit: al yatadf , dax ig'id yr trbat: . in: as kul: as: dan; in : * tgnq: trzu idz w: as: in; as"an anl:a tru , bi taydit~nt :m , adb~ix tinw , u zr wiyayzwarn12 adl ' ni13 ti n: s , ad :yazIn K tn:as "wax: a " nt :a xas is tbya at; tt: f . in: as idzit: azg~a tb; i tirn: s irah nt:a yazind: tin :s , iq~im . z g: a tzni tin: s , to;as "yal:ah armn: i " in;as "wahwa ayznix tinw , azmxt :d: " i dz w: as: dax in ;as "b;]i asyunn :m adb :ix _3)49..  A Course in Spoken Tamazight ants 1: azdmxd: wahawa, alsmt: rzix azg; a uhix "t. ifl:as tanan: a , id w:as: adn: rahx yrtazartn:m adtsx sa "0 yu2Ai itazartnts alit; t: halt. tr ahd:. thtalas1 ton"a b.1~j ad: ihw: d at: tt: f' in= as "an: ara adainn: zrx sa ,ted1 alttd izu ,izrasd ; i st ntinxy."rt7 itrza w am" an in2 "las "taha nan: a , ahanan: a hasadir tamxy: rt iwint: waman dfrt: "t. in:as tdifrt; * adin xt:d:f:r, idrd; cyya , 18 t yadf tad: artn : s iwa tk: r twa~'d 1mzr: b , tn: as tha kif whakif . sa ntrbat; dsa ntyyult ayyri , is~uhli durt ;x , iniyi masyazx ". in: as "izas alai 19 uz"i2 21?11tn:as uri xtiwa ntyyult , adxsyaly indd t;a rl1s uqz;is' bla sk: ~tk~r t tt,:tisiq"s22 azl ifn" s tamst ityyult ,bas udmawn , in: as han: hdidan iwas d _350-  Unit 19 Aattst g~ybaulurdyl maA att st . rafia mani iyatz t lmrt; twa'st: tinyas "may tzit ?"? yinias 5 anan :a hl:i lqd: ntsariit: 2 tamz:yaxit aydiyzaydont'. tc idd: clax ors , yinias t iwa anarl~a slahal adzx lqdi: uz iuz 29. tsic1 ors, in~as "iwa curt:x q:wiX . ixs; am durt:x tn "as " acl:ay astyrst ,tzbrti 32 tsa, nt s adrahax ad; yrx isuyt xaltim, ad~t nt as daw asm:ad " . ton;as t"wax; a 't in ;as trah ald; t : ar i lahln ;s . in; as ha visa ik; r hdiclan lyrsas ,iz ti dbli inn: s , task~ustn~s , yardli ban, . ibr, say:s izasnt utsu * ha trZU tiwdd: dlahlnh:s , tn :as "'il; i ii: i istyrst iwsdcaw ?It tn:as "lyrsxas "I tn: as -351-  A Course in Spoe aaih gsia337,1 t nwa4f35 g~iwl tn:as ani ak~ids wf, ns~ur ak;id~s ak: d ucaw , itst: aym: a am: in t:azizawt " . in: as ttst t;azizawt , int~as q~imnt amf:inl:, frhnt , in :as q:imnt ait:nrzunt38 br~a * in~a~s inas "adrahx aymln.a aiL';bx xtad~art usdcaw " tn~as "g~ur ayl: i , g:ur ' . in:8as "a-t aw a'aw asawL td; in i tsin i l: Ls , a'aw'avawl avaw! ti nbas izrasntnt . q:ixnnt als:Afiuy:unt , in:asnt "atihyadi atihyad , i surts: in; t mayatznt adn; udix adm: tx ?" n :antas "mayanz ?" in:asnt "sjmnt zdimnt acin q~3ah stl:ant, ayu asnt dyi yaybr~dn ul ' .in: as rahnt q.:ah awintd: -352-  Unit 19 q: ahtlt ,ndht 4T hid, m: tntqa un4 w safi , tqcla thazit: ula qdan yirdx tmzin ula .ntst darns:as" " " " " r 1. tal:waht ; VH /tal:wahin/ (p1.) writing board 2. rhl ; VII /t:rhal/ to move 3. ahl ; VH /t:ahl/ to be tired 4" trzu (if) ogress 5. tsili (if) horse-.shoe 6. sm :r ; VII /t:sm:ar/ to pound 7. uz :al (in) iron 8. hat :r ; :VH/ t :hat :ar/ to meet with (inten. ' " Ctionally) 9. s :yuy : ; VH /s:yuy:u/ to shout, scream 10. c'nq ; VII /cn:qj' to get tired 11. nan :a grandma (term of address) 12. zwar ; VII /zg:ar/ to be first -353-  A Cue in p8tkent 15. d yya 16. htal ; VH /t:ht:al/ 17. amxy:r ; / imxy:rn/ (p1.) tamxy:rt ; /t imxy:rin/ (pl.) 18. 1mzr:b (m) /itlmzr:b/ (pl) 19. al:i (m) 20. aqz:i (m) /iqE:i'n/ (p1) 21. ndd ; Vii /nt:d/ 22. d:iq:s ; VH /t:diq:is/ 23. tams:at:(f)/timsdin/ (p1.) 24. ayzbur (4g/iyzbar/ (p1.) 25. elf ; VH /c'l:f/ 26. q:wa ; VH /t:iqwa/ 27. asyl (m)/isyln/ (p1.) 28. tsarut:(:Q/tisura/ (p1.) 29. azduz(m)/izduzn / (p1.) 30. us:a ; VHI /t:us:a/ 31. Ebr ; VHI /ib:r/ TLMaazight quickly to lie in wait for the best A man supposed to have experience brain scruffy to stick to burst thigh thin branch to feed (esp. animals) to be healthy big basket to keep the grain needle pestle to advise, guard against to keep  Unit 19 32. 33. 34 . 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. ask :us (m) /ik:un/ raised up hair aziwa1 (mn) / iziwain/ lap waif ; VHi /t:walaf/ to be used to s :a r ; VH /s:ar/ to share Compare: A.A. /:ar/ ; Vii /t:'s:ar/ rzu ; Vii /rz:u/ to look for (Here: to delouse, search for lice) nfd ; VHi /nf:d/ to fling asnbus(m)/isnbas/ (p1) head cover (funny term) asyar (m) /isyarn/ (pl.) wood dfs Vii /df:s/ to push nf5 Vii /nf:s/ to sprinkle d :d :d :d stamp, stamp, stamp ndh ; VHi /nt:h/ to bump against yus ; Vii /t:yus/ to burn 19.,3 tyat: dVVUS:f i1: a wag:1l: an , alucdi il :a rb :i ku ll man , alud i l :a idz wr:yaz , ik:r idz w:as: in:a adirl iwa asidi alig:ur alig:ur al ids w: arsa , tahlas tyat: , idiit: -355-  A Course in oken Tarnazi ht tyat3 , tbna tad: art , n anal tq: im 1: atl: a sd:i St s -bah , tsrh *ms tsrh al tamed: it , trahd: al tad.:art , tinias tayi si ayi si , rzmnti ibab aln adfx ayi itif :atin2, amani itanbuzir3 tuzva4 it: as;awin , rzmntas Jibab , ax t"clnt6 sunt t'n Z x dt , u , t ttu~a d ax Zn;tas , i~t s:a ,i~t sa ald:yali was: , tk~r , trah dax tsrb . dcax tiidd: yr trnd: it: .7 il: as iraMd: idz w: as: WUS;f , ibd:d: Sid Y: irl mnzur , in; asn t "ayi s: i ayi s :i , ayi i ti f ;atin , aman itanbuzin , tu a ita : awin , rzinnti ibab adn~ adf'x n a t s " si ;x ".n ,u i : i ;at x a i :i a i ;i azg~a il'nq: , irate abricin:s , iwa tamcl:it: tc idd: tyat: rzmn tas ibab , dax s:bah trah at:srh ,i rated: Wuls :fl Ulid:imitatx gay: ikWU:,n;atas ind 1mri ,In ...356-  axbu i sdfan, aha tm: t di s s1szb , adast: adfn i sdfan adast: f : y , xas al asyayzv yini am win tyat: " in; as Iwax; a" . in : as irah alit :raga axbu i sdfan 19 alud tyuf , im: t s1szb , alast:adfn i sdfan alast: f :yn , alud asis'id wawal am win tyat:, irahd: , 1 n~asrtt adin asntin~a , rzmntas , inq. zxsnt ,i srt snt . nt~a trwhd: , altq. ar, altq: ar azg:a tr'nq. , trz ibab tafri: walu altz "a9~ altzq"a qh urdzvni alud "l was: tr'id tsrh dax altamd:it , daX trwhd: c tns tzq:a . cutsan: s1trahyr wd, n s.9u:n 1, tn :as "arm, i t:alb s'1i " ,ln:as "nram'I . tn; as "af:yd," adasinix " inl;as "adziyi Zix1 . 1: aq: arnid: sa inuziwn mayibyan , iaylurn ".nt~a isit: " lyis1. dax tq:im ,tq"im tq: im trn:as "taf y arm: i t: alb c Li ". in: as "aria ha 1:as:uxasn ,. nt:a is ims:1 tis:aw . dax tq:im -357-  A Course in Spoken Tamazight in *.as tq. im tae: apt , if ;yd; alt:msxlan xas azg: a strzu ti s:aw ,trz as tis: aw , tadrxs, tut: yr d: ist rit;at: tq.:abltrit 1 tzr snat ntzlrnm; a lat; nnyant tut i st i~t tsk" rt3 trah tawid: " a ntuza ,t s: sduyast: 16 tk: r trwl " nt; at trah tiwid: acin ntuza ts: scltt: iys ;lis yas1asnt usk:r . iwa in: as q: imnt alsr~hnt ak: d iinatsnt v ~17v alt; arw xas azg:a tzu aq.:dic' ak:swat i dz w: as iwascdt: d: babas , in: as "rwah ", ti: as "lalal , lud: inin: zg:a r: zx tdziini da , durt~x zg:a g:urx ;:qdi" iys;:I ayitbyarm ". izu , irhid: yrs, ibna dis tadart: tis:nat: . 1.:ayk: al 00 umisa isr;h ak; ids ntt wl1:aant8 . iwa tqda thazit: ula qdan yirdn t~inzin u1: a ntst dams: as 2. i! .f ! ddr bes 3. afn~nbuz m /anb n (p1.)f)chuck -358-  6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14t. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Unit 19 i r4 /as :awn/ (p1. ) iri(n)/irawn/ (p1.) zya ; VII /zq:a/ lYis (mn) rnsl ; VH /ins:l/ q:ar; WI /t:Y'ara/ q :ud :d ; VII /t:qud:ud/ bcZ ; WI k'':/ tazlinm :uyt (f) /tizltnrn:a/ (p1) sdu ; WI /t:u/ aq:di g m/iq:dim/ (p1.) dam ; WI /t :dam/ -4dis X)/idisan/ (n1, horn to suckle voice, neck I refuse to bleat mud to apply, e.g. apply paint to be dry to burn, be grilled to burst, puncture lizard to smell group, flock to be always side -359-   20.1I Lexical Differences tamaziyt tzvu i~t mesa kul: taq~bilt swawaln~s am Burt~x ms &sn: ix azl; if I sa wyusi nxd: sa z :adlarnn: sn imkn aclasyini "mag: zin az l :if ? urs:inx rag: iin az l: if " . alasyatinit ixf yiniyas "xyar lo 1an imaziyn din muyatiniit azl~if) it: s yinias rag: zin &z:if ?" alasyatinit swawal. 2 ntmurtn: s ixf, nxdl; agay:u , flxd: uxsas , nlxd: aqs: a flxdl:aqr:u iwa ixf atlas ku1; si 1:at:inin ixf , ayt yusi, . aq:r~u , 1;at~inint zmn:ur , agay:u l:at:inint isusiyn uxsas ayt c" t ;a , ayt hdi d: u . . . axsas imrrmi sn yilin ismawn it~b "aln3 zi"bd.tq, bilt yr tq~bilt am 0 0 0 bs:1an~ii bsarrs:1:stii askarn, rb't: as:sar: am 1hazt tawhdiyt rbst: 1;:ast; inin tqd1 tfulki "361-  A Course in Spoken Tamaz i ht abr:an , ayt yusi 1: at~inin abx~an , i susiyn 1: at: irin asg~an, ilin idin it:inin abrsan, ahrdan , abx:us , ahbsan ntsni ur'yn:x fadmna tl:a -fl:x mam~a adin nTZUnt:inli 1 0 arah .0 sir .9 1:ast:inin iraziyn drain d:ut . ,zayd dax 1: an yismawn am yism uyis , dusrdun, du fun as duyyul , t : amar t din imbd: alh tn: it iwsusi yis , nxd: ayis , nxd; jyis , urit:fham ajlasyatinit akidar . ulad lqgbayl l: ariviri , bdun g: awaln: sn , 1: an idin asit:inin iwyis acudiw .9 1:an idin asit: inin a~dc'un , ilin idin asit:i.nin agmar ntsni yn~x azmnar dv a uyis aws~ar adin nlu nt:ini tazmart , 1 :ast :inin ayt cy: as -362-  siwa funas 1iaziyn , di 81hiyn nsus , dirifiyi , q; ah 1: at : init ayyul . isrmi uryrsn irrfr: aq : nasa yr iqbayliyn 1: an idiri asit: inin ahwir , mstn: it i sa wmnaziy ahwir rlxd; dab ur :i t :fham walayn: i ahwir , d: ab , duyyul1 ku1: si dic1v y:ism * siwa dax 1:at:iminas izid . am usrdiun dax kui: si 1: ayt: iniyas asrdun masa tl:a am tqbilt nbni mntasr yr iq :bayliyn l :at:ininas abyli am uq:zinl ntsni 1:axit:iniyas aq. zinl ayt cy: as dayt myilt 1:atininas aydi u lan :t sni 1:anit :ini aydi masa il: a yrl:X ulad uq:zin . iwa safi 1. t :s ; VH /ds:/ to laugh 2. tarnurt (f~tirnizar/ (p1.) country, earth 3. bd:1 ; Vii /t:bd:al/ to change 4. awhdi iy iwhdiyn/ (p1) good tawhdiytftiwhdiyifl/ (p1)  A Course in Spoken Taimazight 20.2 ti 2iza ' Fiddles t 1~. - hazixast:n: ibu: t:watu a . 00 2. - hazixast:n; iabh mli itk:Wsd: aynlf 6. - hazixast: n: isba ylsmart:ayll *. 0 7. - haz ixast : n: z g:ad :a cdaysum z g:aof l: adixsan 8. - hazixast:n: ay tzyrt: a"'li urtiwt: taz1alt iwyyyul1 9. - ha~ixast;n; tk:u hisan5s tk: bisan, tk: rmani wrt:k:n iysanl:" 10. - haazixast:n: tk:u mesa tk:u visa tk:u manti urt:k:n lysart 11. - hazwixast:ni: ik:ud awn:as iq:lbs 12. - hazixast:n: an swi ust~uf yuziri alum " 13. 1~~ixat~n aqdi~iw Wu1:iizcin usyul ag~a dwuciayn .-364-  Unit 20 '7. 18. 19. 20. 21. 1; haZixa st;f; =11; haz'ixast;n; haZ i xa s t .; .n : 0 iwdnt i yzr stharit ta~dirtinw bu sb'"a ixba" tndu urtbzy yurw b :x m; l : yaru m:1l: b ox yu sy wirn: utn wid :rn, yas i wid :rn w im: utn, yasy wirn:utn wid: rn, yasy wi d: rn wim:utn, yasy wire:utn wid: rn. thazit: (m) /tihi~a/ (p1) haz I mni tihiza haz ix 1, lul~u 2. k~s ; VH /t:k:s/ 3. sbh VH /t:sbih/ story (here: "riddle") to tell riddles to tell stories I say a riddle I tell you (mn.s.) a riddle ( /fl:/ denotes remoteness i.e. directional) nursery language de-' noting something cute take out to be pretty -365..  A Course in Spoken Tamazight taq:mut: (f) /tiq:ma/ (pl) 4. t:wats 5. ml:i t:f ; VH /t:t:f/ t :wuduf 6. ixma rt (f) lxla (m) 7. zg:ad:a (< /zy ad:a/) aysum (m) zg:afl:a (c/zy afl:a/) ixsan (/iys/ sg) 8. ay zyrt ; VH /t:zirit/ awd ; VH /t:awd/ urtiwt: ta lalt (f) /tifulal/ (p1) 9. tk:u hisan and bisan little mouth; kiss to be eaten (passive VH /t:watsa/) if (impossible) must be followed by VH to catch VH passive of /t:f/ inhabited places wilderness from the bottom meat from above bones Exclamatory expression to be tall, long to reach you (s) did not reach tail it (f.) passes don't have any actual meaning; they are just salt fillers in the rythm of the riddle. horses 10. iysan 11. awn:as q: lb ; VH /ql:b/ from behind you to turn over -366-  Unit 20 12. a t:uf (m) /ildfan/ (pl) azy ; VH /t:azy/ alym (m) /ilyman/ (p1) 13. aq:die (m) /ig:dien/ ul:i (fp) zdy ; VH /zd:y/ asyun (m) /isywan/ (pl) 14. ail ; VH /t:al/ tazlut: (f) /tizla/ (p1) 15. tainift (f) /tignifin/ (p1) sn:d ; VH /t:sn:ad/ xumadl 16. dziwa (f) /tiziwaw/ din di ul:i tt :n xas irum :in udayn 17. iyzr (in) /isaf:n/ sthant 18. taidirt (f) /tildirin/ axbu (m) /ixba/ ant to skin an animal camel flock sheep to tie, link rope to hang braid loaf to lean on the cheek - here: on a slope platter (for couscous) which in does not they eat only Christians Jews river they (f.) are shy log hole ( pl. /ixba/) 19. ndu ; VH /nt:u/ bzyV; VH /bi:y/ cross a river get wet -367-  20. b:x (av , to let t o l ,chat quicrly try _ers inner belt to call for the prayers to be alive -430-  d:r:iyt (f) d: Qa // t: d: a offspring to pray for dad (m) / idudari dar(/ idarn dae / t: dae dfr // df:r dhr 7/ dh:r dr // t:ar durt :x dziwa / tiziwaw d:d: d:igI:s // t:diq:is fbrayr (in) fdr // ft:r fd:a 7/ t:fd:a fl /7 f;al frn // fr:n fr:q /7 t:fr:aq fr:i /7 t:fr:az fsus // t:ifsus fud (m) / ifad:n fuli (m) / ifilan fus / ifas:n fingar foot, leg to be spoiled to follow to appear, to show up to descend, fall now big plate for couscous against to burst February to take breakfast to finish to start the loom to pick teeth, to clean out to differentiate, to divide to look at, to watch to be light knee thread, string hand -431-  fir // t:fgr f:u // t:f u to hide to dawn -o gs- g:ir:u (m) g:ur cigarettes VH of /rah/ ' to go' - " g: //t: g gad // t:g:d g: sawn to knead to be afraid to the top, to the upper part haq: ar (m) / ihaq:arn hda // hd:a hdrn / hd:m hn:a // t:hn:a hw; d // t:hw: ad hw:1 // t:hw:al hz: // t:hz:a him // hd :m raven to graze to make fall to be peaceful to descend to worry, to be warned to carry, to send someone on an errand to attack -432-  harb // t:harab hasb // t:hasab . . hat:r // t:hat:ar haiak: hdadi // t:hdad a hd: (m) hi // t:hl:a hma // t:ihna hmd // t:hmicd hm:m // t:hmam hnini (in) hl:a (f) hra hrtita hrmn // t:hrim hr. // t:hr:a hsn (< Arabic) htal // t:htal ljudr // t:hudur hum:z (m) . . huyz // t:huyuz hwaz // t:hw:az to fight to count to meet with (intentionally) to need someone to slaughter an animal according to the accepted mann er to be hot to batha dear (form of address) only kind of food (pancakes) to die (for an animal) without being slaughtered according to law; this meat therefore is forbidden as food to ache better to lie in wait for to bend chick pea. to miss something or somebody to grab -433-  - i - idin (m) idis (m) / idisan idu ifiyr(f ifiyrawn if: (m if #an ilf(r ilfan ilf asimud (in) ilis (m) / ilisn imi(my imawn imse1(,n9/ imse an imt: awn (nip) imzsar im a inhub a inin: (m) inu (m) ird // t:irad iri(N/ irawn " is i~br (m) / ilbran ihniwn (m) ti niwin (f) it (m) / al:awn itri (m) / itran izid (mn) / izidn the ones which side today snake udder, breast pig, boar an imaginary wild animal fleece mouth beggar tears name of a town either beloved those these ones to wear voice, neck do, is ...? long inner shirt twins horn star ogre to be abundant - 434-  ieban: )mp) ici icinw isni (< Arabic) iyid (m) / iyaydn iys: (m) / ixsan iyzr (m) / isaf~n kawkaw (m) kb: // t:kb:aa kfa // t:kfa kima kl;f // takl:af kmu / t : kun km:1 // t:km: al kn:a // t:kn:a ktir (< Arabic) ktubr k:ud - 1 lal // t:lal lantrit (f) lapd st (< French "piste"t) las1 (mn) laylaby:a (fs) clothes "I refuse " that is to say kid (goat) bone river peanuts to pour to be enough as, like to entrust to smoke to finish to be called (to be given a second, i.e. additional name) nuch, many October so long as, while to be born pension track origin the majority -435-  lbabur (n) ibarud (m) 1baz :jmy' itlbaz 1bhr / lbhur 1bic ui~ra (m) 1bt: ix(a+- abt: ix 1fadur (m) lfdaht (f) / lfdayh If di (m) lfista (1f) / lfi~tat if ixr (m) lfq:us(- afq:us lfrh (in) lfEr (m) lgudrun (< Fr. Goudron) (m) iha // lh~a lhidE (in) lhm: (in) lhasil l;d: (m) ihimaya (f) ihlwa (f ) lhm1 (< Arabic) (m) ihmn:8am (mn) / itihmnaiam ihn si (mn) ihq3 (mn) ihrb (in) ihsana (if) (< Arabic ) samovar bullets (here: war) falcon or eagle sea, ocean commerce melon breakfast disgraceful, scandalous act or thing donati on feast coal cucumber feast dawn paved road to keep busy, entertain pilgrimage in short, briefly the end, edge, limit protectorate candy, sweets burden , load public bath henna right war, fight hair cutting, dressing -436-  lhwayz (inp) lhzab (in) / lhzabat limifly: a(4)/ linikany: at lin ;ahu (< Arabic) lkainanza (f) / lkaxnanzat Iksb (in) liaqaruny ;a (1') lrnassa (f') / lras~at Irnayt (f) / lnay :at lindrasa (f) / imadaris linhi: a (f) lmik.(f) (< Fr. lemica) linizen (mn) / itlinizan lmnqd:i (mn) / itlnqd:in lnrgdiyt(O)/ linqdiyat linqras (in) / lma linska (f) linsi:n (in) 1in5:Bk (in) / itlns:ak linunada (f) l " r"i (n)/linus: ihin luwsalat (fP * .us~ clothes, things amu let possibility because violin sheep and cattle iacaroni solo singing school noodles plastic scales administrative job in the village articles bought at a shop or at the market kettle chewing gum kind of food pin orient lemonade deputy -437-  1meibt (f) lmyrb (m) lamiza(f)/ lamiat lqdzid (m) lqdr (m) 1quran (m) lq: // t:1q:ad lsq: //18: s lead (m) / lwad lud: inin z luda (in) luhE (m) / luhu lul:u (in) lulab (m) / lulabat luer (m) / lueur 1xdnt (f) / lxdami lxdra (f) lxdrt (f) ixir (in) lxla (m) lxliqiyt (f) 1xmuiZ iyt (1f) 1xt:ar (np) llamnara 14arawy~a lesada (f ) / le adat lear' (mn) le asima ( f) / le asimnat leasr (n) life, living sunset time shirt dried meat amount Quran to collect, pick up, gather to stick paper at that time (past), then flat monster, wild nursery language denoting something cute reply precipice work vegetables vegetables good (noun) wilderness human being, person stench passers-by the village council habit shame capi tal ci ty time of afternoon prayer, around ).:00 p.m. -438...  lain (in) / l~'yun lzmnca (f) lc'nzi (mn) )lots (mn) iv win (in) lyabt (f') / lywabi lAi (in) lylini (in) lyrs (mn) l:8.if:a (f ) 1: anf: l~ayhn: ik: 1: inat l:unt (m) / laiwan l;xs // t:l~xas human being. spring inhabited places Friday goat meat lentils provisions forest ud nut ton tree planting Zawya ceremony inayb e goodbye then, at that time color to get leavened r-l - lanba (f) lanbat kerosene lamp "a .. madl (in) / irnudal inah ? inah azg:a ?. mynlyi ? m~ays; side, cheek why? why ...? why ...? I don't know -439-  mbruk: mha mh:a mid:n (mp) misdid (m) / imisdidn tmisdits (f) / timisdidin mizay (m) / imizayn tmizayt (f) / timiizayin zaay // tsizay miidid (m) / imiididn tmizdit: (f) / timiididin mlasay // t:nlasay mlih m1E // mi: Es miuduf // t:lfuduf ml: I mr: a mr:y // t:mr:ay mihal mel // ms:l ms: // t:msis msrdul (m) mita muzur (m) / imuzurn tmuzurt (if) / tinuzurin mnyndau // tamiyudsu mnzyan (< Arabic ) mnz:y // t:mzy t congratulation s to erase, to eradicate people thin heavy to be heavy new to wrestle well, very much to marry to hold one another by the hand if (impossible) - must be followed by VH once to wallow how much, how many to apply, e.g. apply paint to need sugar or salt pain how many fat to rock good to be little, small -44©-  mir // mdir m:rbi (m) to harvest name of a river -n - nan:a ndm // nd:m ndu // nd:u ndd // nt:d ndh // nt:h nd.1 // nt:l ndu // nt:u nfd // nf:d nfs // nf:s nisan nq;l // t:nq:al ns // ns: ns:d // t:n~sad ntl // nt:1 nw // tanaVw nwanbir (m) nx nxd fly // t:nay nel // teneal n aat (m) (< Arabic) n~d //t:n:d n:d:arat (fp) grandma (term of address) to regret to be shaken (milk) to stick to bump against to bury to cross a river to fling to sprinkle straight, directly to transport grains, to transplant to spend the night to sing to hide away to cook November aorist particle to ride, to drive, to mount to curse fun, entertainment to turn around, to coil, wind glasses -441-  n;f'B n 3haz (in) /1 t :n :lhaz n;0~ n~qlb // t~n~qlab -ifl; -n: n (in) -n: snt (f) -fl (nis) -n:snt (fp) n~ubt (f) / n~ubat -nl:x air, breath to be in a fix (esp. financial above, over to turn over hisB/her their their your your turn our moq .. qas / t~qd: a qda 1 qt: a qd // qt qrqb 1/qrqab qrqb 1/ t :qrqab qw:inm1/t :qw: am q :abl /1t :qabal q: ah qzar // t:bara q~as /1t~q~as q :awl/1t : qawa; q:n // t:q~n q~ra /1t: qra 0 to ba able to to be finished to cross to knock at to throw at, to shoot to suffice to take care of here: all of everybody, everything, like -- ; even to be dry to taste to promise to close, to wear to read, to study -442-  q;ash // t zqsih 0@0 q :udid. /t t qud:ud q0wa// t: iqwa to be solid to burn, be grilled to be healthy M-r - raby // t:rabay rndan (mn rs // rs3 rziz // t:rzizi r: // t~rsa r; if (m) /laryaf r:wy // t~r~way r :yal (mn to lean over Ramadan to land, to come down to organize to tremble to give back, put back, vomit line of dancers to stir (itself) mon ey, gold .. rayb // t :rayab rhl // t :rhal rs:a /1t:rs:a rumn:y (in) / irum: in tt.'i: i t (f) / t i~'ui:yin 'Z // 'Z; r:uh (in) / larwahi . r r:zt (f) / r~z~at 4 to approach some~ to move to be stable, quiet European to go in the evening to break to be amazed pomegranate soul turban  do 6 a saf r t: saf ar sb~c // tzsbsa 5kl 1/sk on sm~a // t~sm~a sm; r // t: sm: ar sn: d /t:8n: ad erh // sr;h stahl3 // stakilza stha // tgstha sw (i/u) // s, s: a s andalafl/ s~ anoalat soar // 6s8ar s~flil:y /1s~flil~iY s: hu r (in) sd: / 5idid S: ig: s: ifd 1/ s irad s318ant (f) 6:111 / ajila to travel to reach the seventh day of an occasion,e.g. babyt s birth to dwell to name to pound to lean against to tend sheep to deserve to be shy to drink to buy from here sandal to mix, to be mixed watch to shine last meal before daybreak during the month of to get light to burn (trans.) peace to wash, to rinse .44 k  s:l:t(f/ s:l:at s:mfrara // s:mrara samta (1) / samati sansr // sansar s:rs // s:rus s;rut // s:rwat s:uf: // suf3u saumr // :r sum:ur s:urf // asuruf sausm // s:usum s:Ert(4/ s:Er s;Eur s yd // s;yad 5sWY: // s:_uy:u big basket to pour tea into the cups and back into the pot belt to snatch to put down to thresh to blow to be sitting in the sun to step to stop talking tree to listen to shout, to scream -5 a- salh // tassalah sarf // tasaraf sbahlxi' sbh // tssbih sb:h // tsb:ah ad:q // t:sd:aq sh: // tassha it / t sitr // is sitar to surrender - this refers to the date a certain tribe surrendered, or in other words, showed acceptance of French occupation5 begin- nin of French Protectorate 1915,. to spend money good morning to be pretty to leave early, to see the first thing in the morning to give alms to be healthy to dominate -445-  sltn /1t:sltn . . $m4 d 1/ t: std ard /1srsd . . s:4f:(in) / lasfuff s :i fd 1/ s afad 5; inaca to be nominated king to be cold to swallow row to send industry v so $a gayd / tstaya4 du / 1~u ~hr (mn) / lashuj' l1/ k~al &if // rn ;f' Brz /1 r~z fr:if (mn) / 9s rfa stab /1t:6tab stha // t3~tha duidsa 1t;dud: a 4un (nip) -hunt (fp) 5Yl / 5Y:1 to be spare to tie to smell month to spend the day to eat up to rinse to grill to plow descendants of Mohamned the prophet to write; here: to have handy to desire to dance to do the cooking and all the matters concerning the cooking you; D.O. you; D.O. to occupy, to be busy -446-  s: abab (m ) s:a ais : isan :itani(r/ 5:watn s:eb (m) :yrlysa (f) :Y1 (mn) a youth turban satan people (of a country) thin spaghetti occupation tabdeiya t(fl/ tibd eiyin tabrat:(f)/ tibratin tabe // t:abae tadist(f)/ tidusin tadlwin (fp ) tadunt (f) tadzalt(f)/ tadzalin taduft (ff) taflaalt (f) taftilt (f) / tiftilin tafuyt (f) taf s a (if) / taf s iwin tahb:iyt (f) / tihb iyin tahlast / tihlasin tahrirt (f) tahg:at: (f) tahz~ant (f) / tihz:amin tal waht / t al;wahin tama Berber vest letter to follow stomach, tummy chopped wheat plants animal fat widow, divorcee wool agriculture wick sun heap of grain plate rug Moroccan soup agriculture belt writing board near, by -447..  tad it (f) tamlsalt (f) / timisalin tazinit (C) tazns~umant (C) tams: at: / tamnt~ut3 (f) / tB'ys alin tanurt / timizar tanzyida / timzyidawin tanrra (f) / tim'~riwin tamgast (C') tandut:(4-)/ tinuda taqb~ut:f)/ tiqb~a taqnbuqt (C) / tiqnbur'in taqsnukt (C) / tiq~nu sin tar~bet (C) / tar:b"'in tar~sast (C) / tar:sasin tasb:ayt: (C) / tisbsaydin tasirt (C) / tisira ta~sdift (C) / tivsif in ta~sm'iyt (C) / tismoiyin tasnift (C) / ti~nifin tast:ant (C) / tist:anin takurt (C) / tikurin evening egg riding effort to convince, piece of advice thigh woman country, earth mosque wedding the middle platter made of di ellaba "cap of the lark" pot box (sugar, tea) bullet shoe mill ruxg candle loaf scarf ball -448.~  tazlut (if) / tizla tazyawt (f) / tizyawin tazult (if) talmart / tiyal in tagrst (f) taErurt (f ) tayngayt (f) / tiynzayin tbarda / tibardiwin td;in (f) tfant (f) / tifanin thanut: / tihuna thazit: (f) / tihiza tidin (f) tili (1f) timatsin (fp) tindut (f) / timndwin timrira (fp) tims:i (f) tini (fs) tinin: (fp) tinu (fp) tinzrt (f) / tinzar tin: (f) tira (fp) tisdnian (p) tisi (if) tit: (if) / al~n braid basket antimony, kohl mare winter first day of the wedding spoon pack saddle the one which clay tray for baking bread shop story, riddle ones which shadow placenta a piece of the loom vomiting fever date those these ones nostril (s), nose (p) that one wri ting wom:en couch eye -449-  tiwa (f) tizdxt (f) tizizut (f) tiymst (C) / tiymas tliliwt (f) / tililiwin tmart (f) / timira tgriban (< Arabic) tnayn tqunbet (f) / tiqunbe in trit (fe) trlu (C) tsa (f) tsaruts (f) / tisura tsaeysa (f) / tsarysat teili (fs) t eiwan t (f) t (i/u) // tit: tsar //'t:sar thaliyt (f) / tisus:ay ~ tisaiyin tu (f) tuba (f) txabit (f) / tixabyin tyat: (f) / tiyt:n t; af taburida (C) ta d // t at:d t~i (in) / t~yug the back kind of plant greenness tooth trilling sounds of joy, yulyulati on beard almost two lark saddle ogress liver needle kind of rifle horseshoe kite (animal) to eat to be dirty, to make dirty cap this one grass big jug she goat in order that fantasia to suckle paprika bird -450-  t:m'a~a /1tgmfl~s t~nhl~a 1/t~nhl~a t srikau (mn) / tirik~uya~t t~risinti (in) t~u /1tgtgu t ;UX tsvd:a // t:vd:a to gof to fuinction well to take care of sweater electricity to boil to forget used to to attack i T M " is // d5: t~aksi()/ t:aksiat t: arix (in) t~agin (in) / t: wain t~f /1t:t~f t: rf . . t;ufllubil t:unubil / t:unubilat to laugh taxi history stew to catch, to hold under one's auithority end (side) car udin (mn) udin (m) / udinawn uda // ut= a ug~ug (in) / ugsulri ul (in) / ulawn ulad the one which face to fall dam heart even  ulsi uma urtu (m) / urtan ussa / t sus sa u5 // titsa uxlas3 wahwa war wax 3 a wig;ilin ? win: (in) wq:r // t:wq:ar wu (m) wet // that negative prefix used with VH whereas orchard to guard against, to advise to give anyway - w - long ago without all right whose ? that one to respect this one to hit -x - x xas xde' // t:xeae xla // xl:a xlf // xl:f xmz // t:xmiiz xM m // t:xmam xrwd // t : xrwad on just, only to be subject, to follow to ruin to grow up again to stink to think to stir -452-  xrf // t:xraf xsr // xs: r xsy // xsgy xwas: xyid Xy:r // t:xy:ar x:as: x:it; ya yis / iysan yn:ayr yur / iyurn to harvest fall crops to be put out of order to be put out (a fire) during the day during the night to choose special an expression meaning "hit him where it hurts" already horse January crescent - z - zayd zdat zd // z:a zg; a zhr // zh:r zid / tsizig zis zix zl:c // tazla to be born before, in front of to grind when to roar to be sweet (food or drink) early Whereas to sprinkle, to scatter -453-  zman ( = wawa) ZmI!X // Zmn:r zwa/ z g: a zwar/7z : ar zw~a /7t:Zw84: zyrt /7 t:zirit Z s' ma Z a /7Zq, a z; awit Z:a Z:man Z:jZ"r//Z:ZU Z:Wa2 Z~yat'it long ago to be able to to be dry, to dry to be first to ornament to be tall let us say, i.e. 0 to bleat religious center glass time to winnow designs donations -z ?w zd /zt: zr 7/ Z:a.r Zugl: 7/tzum:= Z:Ylt:z0 to weave to see f o fast to milk zar bbd ,/ b:4 zmr /7 l:r Zmn'; /7 Vim:' in'// dzani b etwe en to pu ll out to hunt to assemble, to keep, to be together to sleep  Inli //nZf: zr // g: ar Era // ir: a Z:wa (in) / itl:wa card /1t:f'arad sayr // t:"ayar' sf~a /1t:"sf& q"id /1t: cid c' in 1 uh qis //tsi s1f / r:f strna // t:im'a rq1 tv.q~ Sna; // t:rar Sb // t:isib to sew to throw to happen to experience envelope to meet with to insult to dislike to return, to go back n~ame of a town to live to feed (especially animals) to teach, to donate (here) to blind n eve r to undergo to get tired to celebrate engagement to give tithe to celebrate the feast to please  Yli Yl:i 'Ymi Ym: i to set (sun), to ascend (descend) to grow (grass, trees) -456-