I OFT ORNL P 3427 . ' i :. EEEFEEEE " |1:25 4.1.4. 116 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS -1963 " . " . . " . . ! ! .. !' * ':. , Y A W A ............ * ** * * : - Tutsa r en WS i neM . 1967 ORNA 3427 CONF-670949--1 NOV 2 PROJECT HARBOR IN RETROSPECT * J. C. Bresee Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee MASTER I have been asked to present my impressions of possible changes in the results and conclusions of Project Harbor after four years. Such changes 11 dirinys weapons and defense technology, and modified domestic priorities. Project Harbor, as many of you know, was a summer study of civil defense sponsored by the National Academy of Sciences and held at the Academy center in woods Hole, Massachusetts, in August and September 1963. There were more than 60 full-time participants with a wide variety of backgrounds. Counting lecturers, consultants, and observers, there were more than 100 attendees at the study session. The technical director of the study was Eugene P. Wigner of Princeton, assisted by Lauriston Taylor of the Academy. The product of the summer study was a summary report published by the Academy and widely distributed, plus a series of summary documents from each of the six panels, made available on a limited basis to both government and private organizations. I want to stress at the beginning of my talk that this four-year backward look at Project Harbor is very definitely my own and, in particular, does not necessarily reflect the views of a group of 13 physical scientists, social scientists, and engineers who during May and June this year reviewed for the Academy under the direction of Professor Wigner the Project Harbor study for the purpose of doing in a formal way what I will attempt to do today informally. Incidentally, results of this so-called Little Harbor study are at present undergoing editorial and security review and should be published by the Academy later this year. "Presented at the second Emergency Operations Symposium at System Development Corporation, Santa Monica, California, September 8, 1967. Operated by the Union Carbide Corporation for the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission. - 24 . . i . - . ' F ALTEC miut T DISTRIBUTION OF THIS DOCUMENT, IS UNLIMITED .-... -- - - -------------porno-vremem... Amitir Al- SAL .... ..-- . . M... . . - * AM "S***** IN - VEY ". ******* * ***** UITEV I will discuss the three aspects of the study in which I believe the most significant changes in results and conclusions might occur. These are (1) changes in emergency organizations, (2) changes in emphasis in shelter concept, aná (3) a greatly increased recognition of the interdependence of ballistic missile defense and civil defense. I. Emergency Organizations A. Original Harbor Concept: a federal cadre of 30 to 50 thousand full- time civil defenders associated with a large civil defense program. This organization would provide staff at the district level in each state, that is, an office staffed with from 5 to 50 serving, at one extreme, a portion of a large metropolitan area or, at the other extreme, several agricultural counties. During peacetime the organization would help in operational planning and hardware procurement in cooperation with local organizations and during .- a civil defense emergency would have operational responsibilities for federal emergency programs for survival and recovery. The consensus of the Harbor study was that the organization would have a "paramilitary" character paralleling the FBI or the Coast Guard, organizations which provide federal guidance in such diverse activities as local law enforcement and the design of life jackets. B. Revised Concept: In my judgment, an important and necessary change in emergency organizations for civil defense would be a drastic decrease in the number of full-time members of the federal planning and operations staff and a great increase in the dual use of existing organizations (that is, organizations assigned a part-time civil defense responsibility) such as the Continental Army Command, the Corps of Engineers, the offices of the State Adjutants General, local police and l'ire organizations, industrial management staffs, and local political administrative staffs. A program implemented since Project Harbor for the military support of civil defense activities represents a very helpful step toward creating a workable dual-use national civil defense organization. Under this plan, all State Adjutants General, who during peacetime report to the state governor, have been provided with full-time planning military staffs to analyze require- ments for military support of civil defense in the individual state and the possible availability of both physical and organizational resources from all military activities in the state, including in particular the material resources at military bases and the organizational resources within the reserve forces. Many of these military resources will have higher priority responsi- bilities than civil defense in the event of a nuclear emergency in the U.S., but it is probable that a substantial fraction and perhaps in marzy cases the majority of the state military resources can be used to assist local civil authorities in their civil defense activities. In the erent of such an emergency, all State Adjutants General would be federalized and the desig- nated support forces would be put under their direction. One can imagine that quite substantial aid could be given to local civil defense directors very quickly. Imagine, for example, a local active reservist, who with an on-going military training responsibility after two years active duty, could be given training in shelter management and be assigned to a specific community shelter near his home to which he would report under military orders in a nuclear emergency. .. II. Shelter Concept A. Original Harbor Concept: Civil Defense shelters would be graded according to their ability to resist nuclear weapons effects, with high-grade shelters being designed for high resistance to blast and fire as well as direct radiation, and would be located near where people live, work, or go to school. For potential target areas, "near" would mean distances which would allow shelter taking in 15 to 30 minutes from the detection of ICBM'S penetrating the BMEWS screen. Shelter taking was seen as an alternative to evacuation. Although dual-use shelters were considered desirable, the diffi- culty of providing enough dual-use structures capable of resisting very high overpressures was recognized (the basements of most reinforced concrete struc- tures would perform badly if required to resist a 100-p84 blast wave from a 10-megaton weapon), and single-use structures were therefore favored in crowded urban areas. LEGAL NOTICE Two report we prepared a NA account of Government sponsored work. Neither the Valled matas, nor the Commleslon, nor any person nung on behalf of the Commissioni A. Makes any warranty or representation, expresand or implied, with respect to the accu racy, completenne, or wwfulness of the informclion contained in the report, or that the ne of any information, apparatus, method, or procesi dinclound in una report may not Infringe printly omed matter or B. Aowan any ilabilith, with respect to the wwe of, or for domesta ruouture from the um ol any laformation, opparbuo, nethod, or procou dincloued la thulo report. A. and in the above, person noting on behalf of Use Commisslon" includne wy . ployw or contractor of the Commission, or employee of much contractor, to the extent that ouch employee or contractor of the Conninalon, or employee of which contractor preparat, diana/nia, or provides *coouo to, ary Information pursuant to Me employment or contra with the Commalog, or ho employment with anche contractor. B. Revised Concept: In my judgment, a national shelter program which provides structures which resist direct nuclear weapons effects, as well as indirect effects, will ultimately be reguired for adeguate strategic defense of the country. However, there are shelter concepts available which do not require that shelter taking be an alternative to evacuation. Professor Harrenstien's interconnected tunnel shelter is a good example of one such system.“ In addition, much public attention has been focused during the past four years on the need for increased use of the underground portion of urban areas to help solve present-day problems such as improved transportation and utility- distribution systems. Since tunnels can be used advantageously for rail and automobile transportation and for improving access for maintenance to buried utilities, there may be many more opportunities for urban dual-use structures capable of resisting high overpressure than were thought to be available at the time of Project Harbor. For example, in the transportation field, in 1963 only five U.S. cities had subway systems. In 1967 new systems are being designed or are under construction in six cities, and 32 other cities have indicated their intent to build subway systems in the near future. All cities which now have subways are actively expanding their systems. In addition, the interconnections in the major cities along the route necessary for a high-speed (approximately 350 mph) underground transportation system connecting Boston and Was nington would provide a huge network of interconnected tunnels in the magalopolis of the northeast. No municipally owned utility tunnel networks are being actively considered for installation within the continental U.S., but the desirability of such an approach was emphasized by a science and urban development study sponsored by the Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Office of Science and Technology in June 1966. *"Local Civil Defense Systems," Engineering Research Laboratory, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona (June lt, 1964). **"Science and the City," U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development; available from U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. In general, I believe that slanting the design of the below-ground structures in older cities during new construction or urban renewal or during the construction of entire new cities, for blast, prompt radiation, and thermal resistance could result in the gradual acquisition of the type of urban shelter reguired when the urban areas themselves become targets. I also greatly favor a construction program which would result in initial investments in those parts of dual-use shelter systems which are time dependent and delayed invest- ments in those parts which are essentially time independent. Those structures capable of being upgraded might initially serve as blast-resistant (as con- trasted with blast-proof) shelters with only slightly improved capabilities --- compared with deep underground reinforced concrete fallout Shelters. Examples of delayed-investment items whose costs are essentially time independent are blast doors, blast valves, motor generator units, and emergency columns erected during a crisis which could quadruple the pressure resistance of a flat reinforced concrete roof. Examples of initial-investment items whose costs are time dependent are thickening of a slab rooſ by six inches to raise the psi resistance of the structure from 10 psi to 50 psi and providing an additional space in which a motor generator might be installed at a later date but which meanwhile might serve as a storage area. - III. sterdependence of Ballistic Missile Defense and Civil Defense A. Original Harbor Concept: The presence of hard shelters in an urban area under attack should increase the effectiveness of terminal missile defense of that city by increasing the engagement time and therefore the probability of intercept. That is, an incoming weapon would need to penetrate closer to the target before being detonated if the vulnerability of the population in the target area were reduced by blast shelters and if the primary object of the attack were to maximize fatalities. HALIA B. Revised Concept: Ballistic missile defense concepts have evolved substantially during the past four years. In once concept under serious consideration at present, the entire country might be provided with & so-called "thin" area defense. Such a defense would be capable of intercepting and destroying, at high altitudes, incoming payloads not provided with sophisti- cated penetration aids. One of the most interesting and striking examples of the effect of active defense, even one with nodest capability, on the effectiveness of civil defense can be illustrated by the following example. Let us assume for the sake of this discussion that the original enemy threat consisted of roany missiles capable of delivering single ten- megaton weapons. If a "thin" defense were installed by the U.S. and if the enemy were capable of greatly improving the penetration capability of his missiles, one possible route he might follow would be to replace each single ten-megaton warhead with a number of smaller warheads, say ten 100-kiloton warheads, each being resistant to destruction by the "thin" defense. Suppose further that the penetration capability is 100% and that all ten smaller warheads can actually be delivered to their targets. Four interesting and importént changes (compared to the original threat) result. First, the total megatonnago, essentially by definition, is decreased by a factor of ten. Although the total amount of fission products would also be reduced, the reduction might not be linear due to design changes. Nevertheless, fallout problems outside the immediate target area would probably be decreased. Second, the area exposed to a given overpressure or higher (even at optimum burst height in both cases) would decrease. This change is shown in the following table. Area Exposed to Excess of Given Overpressure (sg. mi.) Ten 100-Kiloton Warheads One 10-Megaton Warhead Overpressure . 50 110 10 psi 100 psi 3.4 7.0 Third, the positive overpressure duration (the time for the initial sharp rise in pressure to decrease to zero) also decreases at any given overpressure, as shown below. Positive Overpressure Duration (sec) Overpressure 100-Kiloton Warhead 10-Megaton Warhead 5.6 10 psi 100 psi 1.2 0.45 1.55 Since the destructive energy is proportional to the product of the overpressure and the positive düration, the total blast destruction within any pressure ring would decrease but again not linearly with duration. Finally, the cost of producing a certain amount of damage would increase. In general, the larger the warhead, the lower the cost of a megaton of energy release. In addition, penetrating warheads would be expected to be more expensive than those designed to be delivered against an unprotected target. This final factor, the result of the first three plus the added cost of penetration, can have a significant effect on the economic feasibility of civil defense, in the following sense. Consider a case in which an enemy wishes to maintain a certain "hostage" level in the U.S. (that is, the assured destruction of a certain percent of the U.S. population in order to deter us either from what the enemy considers overly aggressive military policies or from a missile attack on the enemy). Let us begin by admitting that the U.S. hostage level today, vis-a-vis the Soviets, is a rather arbitrary number; the Russian offensive missile force is growing rapidly and our civil defense capability is growing slowly. Perhaps one hundred million Americans are now at risk and the number is rising. However, we might look forward to a missile defense of at least limited capability and to an expanded civil defense capability, both of which would reduce the number of hostages. ..... .. .. . . .- . . . - - - - - - * FURT 1 Let's ask the question this way: Suppose an increased civil defense investment were made (with or without BMD) which included blast protection and the Soviets responded to return the hostage level to its original value by building more missiles. How would the costs of the civil defense and Soviet offensive programs compare (at optimum investments in each)? Without missile defense, the situation is not very favorable for the defense, particularly at medium hostage levels. For example, if, say, there were 60 million: U.S. hostages and shelters reduced the number to 40, the cost of returning to 60 would probably be less than the defense cost. However, this would certainly not be true between 120 million and 100 million (which I would term high hostage levels). Incidentally, one might define a "stable" hostage level as one at which offense and civil defense costs are similar. Given a "thin" missile defense, even completely penetrable, the situation changes and, based on the previous discussion, in a predictable fashion. Overall, the "stable" hostage level decreases and now at medium hostage levels, even small (say five billion dollars) civil defense invest- ments would require comparable offense expenses to reestablish the levels. And a large civil defense investment could only be completely negated at multiples of the defense cost. Quantitative documentation of these cost ratio trends requires classified data, but nevertheless it is interesting to recognize how important to the success of a civil defense program even a penetrable missile defense can be. Add real intercept capability, and in my judgment, greatly enhanced strategic defense of the United States becomes a most attractive defense pro- gram which the nation should adopt in the very near future. -- . . . - ". . 1 . END DATE FILMED 1 / 9 /68 21 :. . . . 1.14 VA R 71, S1...17 . T . . . . - T. # 4 ... 1r - ! - . H