. Y . 1 OF L ORNE P. 3084 I . EEEFEEEE MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS -1963 . TT DA . '. .-.-. - - - - . .....PST E CFSTI RRICES JUN 22 1965 ORNO P-3084 couleaf. 670503--13 Has91.00, ww.6534 Carolina MASTER 1 . CESIUM, CESIUM-137, AND POTASSIUM CONCENTRATIONS IN WHITE CRAPPIE AND OTHER CLINCH RIVER FISH D. J. Nelson Radiation Ecology Section, Health Physics Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee ABSTRACT Potassium concentrations in white crappie were relatively constant throughout the year and the average of all specimens was 3.48 mg/g fresh weight. Other species - including drum, white bass, channel catfish, and bJuegill - contained similar K concentrations, and the K content of fish was considered a conservative property. Cesium concentrations in the white crappie flesh were about 0.8 x 10-2 ug/g fresh wt from May through July, and during the remainder of the year varied from 1.0 x 2002 to 1.6 x 10-2 ug/g. In addition to varying seasonally, the Cs content of different species ranged from 0.344 x 10-2 ug/& in bluegill to 1.60 x 10-2 in white bags. Concentra- tion factors for' K were from 2500 to 2700, while those for Cs were from 14:0 to 640. The average specific activity of tics in white crappie flesh was about the same as the average specific activity in Clinch River water. These re- sults showed that specific activities of 13708 may be used to predict 137cs concentrations in fish for chronic releases of 137C8 to surface streams. The variable co content and the constant X content of fish vitiates uppiloation of 13'08 to K ratios for predictive purposes. 1 Research sponsored by the U. 8. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with Union Carbide Corporation. DISTRIBUTION OE THIS DOCUMENT IS UNLIMITED UCN.8867 51... .... . ... .. . ...... . .11 .* *. ....... 4. . the - 14 - 1 5 INTRODUCTION * .:. : : : -.-.:,: . Cesium (Cs) is a rare alkali metal element in the environment end is related biogeochemically to Potassium (K). Prior to the nuclear era, there was little ecological interest in the cycling of cesium in the environment. However, with the release of fission product radioactivity, including 15/08, the need to know Cs movements in environmental pathways was obvious. Many of the early studies utilized 1370s or 134cs as tracers to determine environ mental behavior. These types of investigations yield information a posteriori. Other studies utilized radiocesium to K ratios with the hope that the close biogecchemical relationship between Cs and K would permit predictions of radiocesium distribution based on K distribution in nature. In commenting on the movement of such element pairs in biological systems, Kornberg (1960) i . . concluded that the application of radiocesium to K ratios was more limited . than *° sr to Ca ratios. Davis (1963) reviewed the literature with respect to cesium in the biosphere. In this review much information was summarized with respect to radiocesium but few data were available regarding stable C8 in the biosphere. . . The purpose of the research reported here was to analyze Clinch River fish for stable Cs, 237cs, and K to determine: (1) concentration factors for Cs and K in fish flesh (2) whether there were seasonal changes in Cs and K. in fish, and (3) whether the specific activities (radioactive atoms/total atoms of the same element) could be utilized for predicting -37C8 activity in clinch River. fish. Previous research showed that the steady state dis- tribution of soor between fresh water and flan could be prediated from the distribution of stable &r (Nelson 1967). Specific activities are useful for . UCNOS 2 for interpreting the results of mineral element cycling studies (Nelson 1963) Thus, data obtained in this investigation will have general interest in bio- geochemical Investigations. MATERIALS AND METHODS The series of white crappie (Pomoxis annularis Rafinesque) analyzed for Sr and Ca (Nelson 1967), was also analyzed for their Cs, 137Cs and K concen- trations. The crappies were collected each month from the clinch River at about mile 10 (river miles are measured from the mouth). An attempt was made to obtain ten specimens each month for chemical analysis, but some were lost in processing. Four additional species were sampled once to obtain compara- . . tive data on Cs and K concentrations. These species included freshwater drum r 19 Aplodinotus grunnlens Rafinesque; channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus (Rafin esque); white bass, Roccus chrysops (Rafinesque); and bluegill, Lepomis macro- chirus Rafinesque. The collected fish were frozen and Inter dissected to ob- tain flesh samples uncontaminated with extraneous tissues. Flesh samples were dried at 103 C, and then ashed by raising the temper- ature gradually (over a period of 3 to 5 days) to 450 C. The ash material was covered with concentrated HNO, and dried on a hotplate to complete oxidation of organic material. The ash residue was dissolved in 0.1 N HCl for chemical analyses. Fresh weights, dry weights and ash weights were obtained. The minimum amount of sample required for Cs analyses was about 508 fresh tissue which would yield approximately 0.5 & ash. With biuegills ten composite samples were used for analyses since individual fish did not provide sufficient flesh for analytical determinations. Composite samples of selected internal organs were analyzed also but these were limited because of the availa- bility of tissue. UCN.9867 ( 0.001 . - . - A f'lame spectrophotometer was used for the chemical analyses and all ....2 analytical work was done in the Analytical Chemistry Division of Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Ordinary analytical methods were utilized for K determil- nations but a new technique was developed and applied for the determination of Cs (Feldman and Rains 1964). Cesium-137 analyses were done by gamma spectrometry in the low-level radiochemical laboratory o: the Analytical Chemistry Division. The biological half-lives (T) of Cs and in white crappie were deter- mined in the laboratory. Crappies were tagged with either isotope by feeding them goldfish that had been injected with isotope solutions (either +34Cs or 11 4K). Thus, the experimental feedings simulated as nearly as possible the passage of the radionuclides through the food chain. Following tagging, the fish were counted initially and thereafter at intervals in a whole-body 14 counter to determine remaining radioactivity. With 36, the fish were counted daily for five days, after which insufficient activity remained for further counting. The fish tagged with 234Cs were counted daily for three days and thereafter at weekly and triweekly intervals. The initial count was normal- |ized to 100% and the percent remaining in the fish at subsequent counting times was plotted on semi-logarithmic graph paper. Biological half-lives were estimated visually from these graphs. Concentration factors in this paper were calculated by dividing concen- tration of an element per gram of tissue by the concentration of the element per ml of water. LEGAL NOTICE The report wuo prepared as an Account of Dororum sponsored wort, Norther the United Matur, nor the Commission, nor any person sotting and boull of the Commissions A. Maka may warranty or representation, pretend or implied, with respect to the scou. roy, potapletenou, or unchales of the tutormation contained to the report, or that the mo of my information apparatus, mothed, or process dincloued to the report may not Ingrid privately owned rightoj or ... Asunny liabilities with nopeat to the woof, or for det men from the w of taformation, apparatuta, method, or proonde declound in this reporte As ved in the above, "parron setting on behalf of the Commission" bachidoro any one W Cowmlodion, or emploype of wel contractor, do the extent that moh amployee or contractor of the Commissions of employu of more contraster promo, dermato, or provide moc to any taformation pur to No amployment of contract with the Commission, or No employment with two contractor, . . . .. . . . UCN1107 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Cesium and Potassium in Fish . Potassium concentrations in white crappie flesh were relatively constant throughout the year (Table I), in contrast with stable Cs concentrations which varied by a factor of two. Reasons for the lower cesium concentrations found from May through July were not known. Generally, experiments have shown that Cs uptake in fresh-water fish via the food chain was more effective than direct The period of low Cs concentrations does not coincide with the late summer reduction in radioactivity attributed to estivation by Krumholz (1956). An alternative suggestion is the mobilization of Cs in gonads prior to spawning The white crappie gonads analyzed (Table II) were from fish collected in the spring prior to spawning; these did not exhibit unusually high Cs concentra- tions that explain reduced flesh concentrations. The other internal organs analyzed represent composite samples and their Cs contents did not suggest the presence of an internal reservoir. Hence, it le unlikely thet internal transfers of Cs between flesh and these organs can be postulated to account for the seasonal changes in flesh concentrations. The possibility remains that other tissues, such as the digestive tract, may have constituted a tem- porary C8 reservoir or source. However, single feeding experiments of carp with-34C8 tagged food did not indicate the digestive tract was of importance for the retention of radiocesium (Kevern and Griffith 1965). Baptist and Price (1962) found that the rate of growth of new tissue ex- cended the rate of deposition of 13108 in postlarval flounder. As a result, concentration factors for 1370s were slightly less in rapidly growing fish UCN.8867 NEL .-... e M2, . than in slower growing or non-growing fish. Creppie typically grow faster during late spring and early sumner, and a differential growth rate and Cs deposition rate may have been partially responsible for the rapid changes in Cs concentrations. However, the decrease in +Cs concentrations attributed to growth by Baptist and Price was small compared with the observed Cs de- creage in white crappies (Table 1). The rapid changes in Cs concentrations attributed to the April-May perioa assumed the same seasonal phenomena function in succeeding years since fish sampling started in May 1962 and ended in April 1963. A rapid decrease in Cs content from April to May implied a relatively short 1, for Cs. On the other hand, the rapid Cs increase from July to August suggested a long Ty | Assimilation of Cs was considered constant. Differences may exist between laboratory-determined biological half-lives and those occurring in nature. The long component of the Tof 45.4Cs in white crappie held in the laboratory at 11 C was 282 days and this component represented 74% of the initial activ- ity in single feeding experiments. This T, was somewhat longer than that of 174 days (at 12.5 C) observed by Kevern (1966) for carp and that of 175 to 200 days (at 15 + 5 C) observed by Häsänen et al. (1967) for perch. Hásánen et al. did not detect a significant difference between biological half-lives determined in the laboratory and those obtained from fish held in large nylon net cages in a lake. The problem regarding the T. of Cs in crappie was further complicated by the change in the size of the metabolic pool of Cs. It 18 apparent that our knowledge regarding normal Cs turnover by fish cannot. account for the rapid changes detected in white crappie. These chemical analyses suggested that between April and May approximately 50% of the CB entered a much more labile pool and was lost from the lesh only to re-enter the flesh again from Julý to August. UCN $167 ܕ ܚ ܀ ܘ ܗ ܢ ܣ ' Analyses of the internal organs showed some interesting differences 2 in that bluegill, the species having the least Cs in flesh, usually had the highest Cs and K concentrations in internal organs. Exceptions occurred with Cs in the bluegill liver, which was slightly less than in the other fish, and with an intermediate K concentration in testes. Otherwise, K concentrations showed but little variation among the organs and among the species, suggest- ing the same conservative characteristic indicated by the flesh analyses. The K concentrations in the organs of the species other than bluegill were slightly less than the flesh values. Cesium concentrations in iuternal organs showed no consistent relationship with the Cs content of the flesh. Comparative data on concentrations of K and Cs in flesh of five species of Clinch River fish, including white crappie, are shown in Table III. Potas- sium was relatively constant among these species and may be considered a con- servative property. It is unknown whether Cs concentrations in the four 15 species other than white crappie varied seasonally. However, in comparing 16 | the data in Table III, bluegills and channel catfish had the lowest Cs con- 17 centrations, white bags and white crappie had the highest, and freshwater drum had intermediate concentrations. There was no concise relationship between trophic position of the fish and their Cs content. Catfish are con- sidered the most omnivorous of the species sampled, while white bass and white crappie are the most piscivorous. Bluegills and drum, are generally . T . carnivores but usually feed on smaller bottom organisms. - Prediction of 137C8 Burdens in Fish The distribution of stable Cs between river water and white crappie was used to determine whether the specific activity relationship could be utilized bato predict 137c5 concentrations in Tish Mesh for the chronto releases of . . . . . " Ti. UCN-0067 BO ! " . ... .. . . . i ilice in laboratory wastewater. The average concentrations of 137cs and Cs 2 in fish and river water (Table IV) were used to test the relationship between specific activities in the following manner: . . 1978 (water) - 1970(f18h) 2.767 x 10-3 apm-1 & 2,059 20-2 ugle :: 2.5 x 103 ug/8 0.71 x 102 apm+ H62 1.289 x 20-2 mg/8 0.82 x 102 dpm - 48*2 ( dpm2 18 disintegrations per minute of 137c8) The agreement was quite good and shows that one can predict average 137Cs concentrations in fish tissues from average concentrations of 137C8 in water. These results also show that +31C8 released in wastewater behaves chemically and biologically like stable Ce occurring in the environment. This is an important consideration in applying the specific activity concept to environmental releases of radionuclides. The biogeochemical similarity of K and Cs has resulted in attempts to utilize the distributionof K in the environment to predict +370s concentra. tions. In order to apply +37Cs to K ratios for predictive purposes, there should be a constant ratio of Cs to K in the organisms. The data in Tables II and III show that different tissues within a species, as well as the same tissue of different species, have quite dissimilar Cs to K ratios. For this reason 1370s to x ratios would be of limited value for predictions of 13708 in fish. On the other hand, the stable Cs mea surements of water and fish tissue gave quite good predictive results using specific activities. . . . . 1. . 1 2. : is h .. * 4 . 7..: . . . * :: Trophic Relationships of Cesium and Potassium The comparative retention and metabolism of cs and K has been associated with an "increase ratio" (Pendleton et al. 1965) implying that the Cs to K ratio will increase at succeeding trophic levels in the food chain. The pri- mary reason for the higher ratio was related to a more tenacious retention of Cs to the body. Since the chemical data on Cs and K gave no concise evidence on the "increase ratio", the biological half-lives of Cs and K in white crappie were compared. Two components were distinguished in the excretion curve for 134cs. A short component having a Ty of 3 days. accounted for 26% of the activity, while a component of 282 days included the remaining 74% of the 134cs activ- ity. Because of the short physical half-life of 4% (12.46 hours), the crappie could be counted only for five days. During this period no_excretion of 4K was observed. If, as Pendleton et al. (1965) suggested, K is excreted more rapidly than Cs, at least the short component of a "* excretion curve should have been identified. However, if K excretion was of a single component curve with a Ty approximating that of Cs, detection would have been impossible over a five-day period. These results suggested that K was retained more efficiently than Cs under identical dietary conditions. A trophic level increase of 1370s in aquatic food chains has been ob- served by several investigators (Pendleton et al. 1965; Gustafson 1967; Kolehmainen et al. 1967). Pendleton et al. (1965) reported bluegille contained 3.3 times as much 37cs as the young pumpkinseeds (Lepomis gibbosus) being eaten. In contrast, the blueg1118 from the clinch River contained the lowest Os content of the five speciu analysed. . . ...::: . . . . UCN.5867 . ----*7* . *1 * :14, tools . . . .. 의 ​3 1 The Clinch River bluegills are carnivores and examination of stomach contents suggested bottom organisms were the primary food source. Kolehmainen et al. (1967) found less 137C8 in fish consuming bottom organisms in Finnish lakes and also observed higher +370s concentrations in pike (Esox lucius) and perch (Perca fluviatilis) which are primarily piscivorous. Gustafson's (1967) analyses or Red Lake, Minnesota fish showed that the pike contained 4.81 times as much 13/C8 as perch (Perca flavescens in this case) which they were eating. While the perch were also eating fish their 137Cs content was only 1.85 times greater than their food base. Although pike and perch are always considered carnivores, their relative 3Cs concentrations vary in different habitats. Analyses of gizzard shad (Dorosoma cepedianum), black bullhead (Ictalurus melas), largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides), and bluegill from White Oak Iake showed no consistent pattern of Cs content with trophic level (Table v). The black bullhead had a Cs concentration noticeably less than the other LUI species and in this respect was similar to the closely related channel cat- fish. Gizzard shad, which are primarily algae and detritus feeders, concen- trated Cs as much as the piscivorous largemouth bass. Bluegills in White Oak Lake heve food habits similar to bluegills from the clinch River but their Cs concentrations were comparable to those in the piscivorous largemouth bass. Trophic level increases in Ce concentrations do not appear to be a gen- eral rule in either aquatic or terrestrial environments. Reichle and Crossley (this Symposium) found a decrease in 45'Cs concentrations through arthropod food chains of a forest floor community. Concentrations in the trophic com- ponents of the forest floor ecosystem were 'similar to those in White Oak Lake in that the primary consumers in each instanoo had the high co concentration 1. UCN.8807 . . . ..... . . .. . .... . . . . . . . . . ... . . L ' . . . . . 1 . . - - 19 Previous ly, Crose ley (1963) observed a trophic level decrease in +3Cs among insects on White Dak Lake bed. In comparing the results of Cs and +3!Cs analyses from the clinch River, Finnish lakes, Red Lake, White Oak Lake and the forest litter arthropods, it was apparent that trophic level increases occurred only part of the time. These differences may be the results of dift ferent food chains in different habitats which in turn affect Cs concentra- tions at succeeding trophic levels. Data available at present do not warrant the general application of trophic level increases to Cs in food chains. ini...5 . 1:17 Cs and K Concentration Factors Concentration factors are a convenient statistic used to compare the biogeochemical relationships among different organisms in the same environ- ment or among similar organisms irom different localities. Concentration factors of 516 for Cs and 2680 for K in white crappie were calculated from 138 in the bluegill to 640 in White bass, while those for K were 2508 in drum to 2708 in white bass (Tables III and IV). The concentration factors reflect the conservative characteristic of K in fish, In contrast with the variable Cs content. clinch River fish concentrated Cs less than comparable species from Par Pond (Harvey 1964) where the <3ICs concentration factor for bluegills was 900 and those for yellow bullheads (Ictalurus natalis) and largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) were 1200. Higher concentration factors may be expected for Cs in the soft, coastal plain waters. Kolehmainen et al. (1967) found higher concentrations of +31Cs in oligotrophic lakes than in eutrophic lakes of Finland. These results were not in agreement with an overall concentration factor of 2760 for 43 Cs in Red Lake, Minnesota fish 13 Cupom 12 Et : :- 1 .1 TA . . * . . . 1 : . . . * 1. . . YA - A (Gustafson 1967) which came from waters of a hardness comparable to that of the Clinch River and a K concentration of 7 ppm. The concentration factors for Cs in freshwater fish are much higher than those for marine species. Using a mean Cs concentration in oceanic surface waters of 0.35 mg/L (Folsom et al. 1964), and Cs concentrations in ' six species of marine fish (Burovina et al. 1965), concentration factors calculated were 3.03 to 5.11. Specimens from the Black Sea, where the salinity is approximately one-half that of the open seas, had Cs concentra- tions similar to those in the Barents Sea. Additional calculations on Cs data from Fukai and Yamagata (1962) with western Pacific fish, gave concen- tration factors from 5.43 to 7.14. The smaller concentration factors are consistent with those obtained from 131 Cs measurements in marine fishi (Hasanen and Miettinen 1963, Gustafson 1967) which were one-tenth to one- hundredth those in freshwater fish. . · Potassium concentration factors for marine fish calculated from Buro- vina et al. (1965) were 7.21 to 11.52. These are much smaller than those for freshwater fish, which are between 2500 and 2700. The stable K content of marine fish is about the same as that of freshwater fish, hence the dif- ference in K concentration factors can be attributed to the greater abundance 01 K in sea water (0.38 g/L) in contrast with a few tenths to several ppm K in fresh waters. 1 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I should like to acknowledge the assistance of N. A. Griffith in the collection of fish and preparation of samples for chemical analysis. Mr. UCN.8507 > . 13 3 - Lliri . SI . . ..:) V . . V : . 6 , . .:! . . 1. . . . . 4. hu 1 T. C. Rains analyzed the samples. . To ! Tume The results presented here have been ! . : . 7 r . Llic . ... discussed with Drs. D. A. Crossley, Jr., and D. E. Reichle. Drs. Reichle and J. R. Reed kindly read and criticized the manuscript. , . , 51 i .. . * - - ' 7 INC . 1 . .., . ! - . et. . y A . . . - UT *. i :: 11 . . - ile : , ii 7 · '. .. . UCN.8867 6.00) " - ': - 1 n ' ' ," Li- ' i" . ZF .- . . :. . .: : . . ! - .. LITERATURE CITED Baptist, J. P. and T. J. Price. 1962. Accumulation and retention of cesium-137 by marine fishes. Fish and Wildl. Serv. Fish. Bull. 62: 177-187. Burovina, I. V., D. G. Fleishman, V. P. Nesterov, M. N. Shmitko, and II. A. Skulsky. 1965. Concentration of common caesium in animal and human muscles. Nature 205: 1116-1117. Crossley, D. A., Jr. 1963. Movement and accumulation of radiostrontium and radiocesium in insects. pp. 103-105. In Radioecology. V. Schultz and A. W. Klement, Jr. (eds.). Reinhold. New York. Davis, J. J. 1963. Cesium and its relationships to potassium in ecology. pp. 539-556. ibid. . i . : 4 < . determination of cesium. Anal. Chem. 36: 405-409.: Folsom, T. R., C. Feldman, and T. C. Rains. . 1964. Variation of cesium in · the ocean. Science 144: 538-539. 17 | Fukai, R., and No Yamagata. 1962. Estimation of the levels of caesium-137 in sea-water by the analysis of marine organisms. Nature 194: 466. Gustafson, P. A. 1967. Comments on radionuclides in aquatic ecosystems. pp. 853-858. In Radioecological Concentration Processes. B. Aberg and F. P. Hungate (eds.). Pergamon. New York. ; Harvey, R. S. 1964. Uptake of radionuclides by fresh water algae and fish. Health Phys. 10: 243-247. Häsänen, E., and J. K. Miettinen. 1963. Caesium-137 content of fresh-water Pleh in Finland. Nature 200: 2018-2019., UCN•8867. ** - 1 1 IL . . . Bi 15 ST is . .. . . .. ...' :8 10 näsänen, E., S. Kolehmainen, and J. K. Miettinen. 1967. Blological half- time of 137c8 in three species of fresh-water fish: perch, roach and and rainbow trout. pp. 921-924. In Radioecological concentration Processes. B. Aberg and F. P. Hungate (eds.). Pergamon. New York. Kevern, N. R. 1966. Feeding rate of carp estimated by a radioisotopic method. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc. 95: 363-371. Kevern, N. R., and N. A. Griffith. 1965.134C8 distribution and transport in the carp. pp. 85-86. In Health Physics Division Annual Progress Report for Period Ending July 31, 1965. USAEC Doc. ORNI-3849. King, s. F. 1964. Uptake and transfer of cesium-137 by Chlamydomonas, Daphnia, and bluegill fingerlings. Ecol. 45: 852-859. Kolehmainen, S., E. Hästinen and J. K. 'Miettinen. 1967. 134cs in fish, plankton and plants in Finnish lakes during 1964-5. pp. 913-919. In Radioecological concentration Processes, B. Aberg and F. P. Hungate (eds.). Pergamon. New York. Kornberg, H. A. 1960. The passage of pairs of elements through food chains. pp. 255-268. In Radioisot opes in the Biosphere. R. S. Caldecott and L. A. Snyder (eds.). Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis. Krumholz, L. A. 1956. Observations on the fish population of a lake con- . T . II taminated by radioactive wastes. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 110: 277-368. Nelson, D. J. 1963. The strontium and calcium relationships in Clinch and Tennessee River mollus ks. pp. 203-211. In Radioecology. V. Schultz and A. W. Klement, Jr. (eds.). Reinhold. New York. UCN.no i : 3 | Nelson, D. J. 1967. The prediction of Sr uptake in fish using data on specific activities and biological half-lives. pp. 843-851. In Radioecological concentration Processes. B. Aberg and F. P. Hungate (eds.). Pergamon, New York. Pendleton, R. C., C. W. Mays, R. D. Lloyd, and B. W. Church. 1965. A trophic level effect on 23C8 concentration. Health Phys. 11: 1503- 1510. Reichle, D. E., and D. A. Crossley, Jr. Trophic level concentrations of cesium-137, sodium, and potassium in forest arthropods. This symposium. Strumess, E. G., P. H. Carrigan, Jr., M. A. Churchill, K. E. Cowser, R. J. Morton, D. J. Nelson, and F. 1. Parker. 1967. Comprehensive Report of the Clinch River Study. USAEC Doc. ORNI 4035. 121 p. Williams, L. Go and Qo' Pickering. 1961. Direct and food-chain uptake of cesium237 und strontiums in bluegill fingerlings. Ecol: 42: 205-206. 10 2 UCN.8807 i PA 2 . 4 D TT! T S T S. Table I. Potassium, Cesium and Cesium-137 Concentrations (+ 1 standard error) in Flesh of White Crappies Collected Monthly from the Clinch River. A).I values are based on fresh weight of tissue. 1: ET . .. Cs 137cs Collection Period Number : K Analyzed : : . mg/8 ug/g dpa/8 x 10-2 May 1962 June 3.31 $ 0.094 3.31 $ 0.067 3.49 + 0.273 0.759 + 0.058 0.847 + 0.167 0.788 + 0.091 .. July Aug. sta 0.125 Sept. Oct. Nov. 1.409 + 0.762 1.324 = 0.348 0.612 + 0.229 1.336 + 0.181 1.216 + 0.065 0.679 + 0.293 1.163 + 0.110 1.101 + 0.141 0.605 * 0.196 0.896 + 0.141 1.038 + 0.140 1.205 + 0.390 3.06 * 0.158 ... 3.64 $ 0.067 3.65 + 0.118 3.21 + 0.051 3.48 $ 0.035 3.55 $ 0.056 3.69 + 0.041 3.69 + 0.030 Dec. 1.17 + 0.216 1.28 + 0.071 1:03 + 0.074 : 1.35 + 0.107 - 1.17 $ 0.084 1.66 + 0.182 1.65 + 0.157 1.65'+ 0.208 Jan. 1963 Feb. Mar. April :: ! !.. Table II. Potassium and Cesium Concentrations in Selected : Internal Organs of Five Species of clinch River Fish. All values are based on fresh weight of tissue and are single analyses of organs composited from four or more lish. K : Cs Cs/K mg/8 ug/g * 20-2 * 2005 0.943 Liver White Crappie Drum White Bass Channel Catfish Bluegill montre ณ ณ 0.989 0.371 0.423 0.424 0.101 1.02 0.258 0.841 0.254 0,302 Kidney White Crappie Drum Channel Catfish Bluegill 0.893 1.20 0.294 14.88 0.484 ๗ ณ ๗๐ 0.115 1.68 Testes White Crappie Drum White bass maini 1.02 2.45 0.334 0.976 2.53 2.98 Ovaries White Crappie Drum Channel Catfish Bluegill 1.83 2.18 1.06 0.665 0.802 6.38 0.356 0.363 0.368 1.69 Boleon Channel Catfish Bluegill nit 0.519 2.25 . . TE . . HURAI. : 1 " . * Ci - . Uy ' :. ' TABLE III. Mean Potassium and Cesium Concentrations (* 1 standard error) and concentra- y tion Factors in Flesh of Five Species of Clinch River Fish. All values are based on fresh weight. M .. ! TO . . . . 1 ' 1 . . . ... ' var. .. ? ! " . . . Species Number Collection Analyzed Date : mg/8 Concentra- tion Factor ug/g Concentra- tion Factor Cs/K . S . * 2005 White Crappie Freshwater Drum Wite Bass Channel Catfish Bluegill 112 (a) 20 July 1963 9 July 1963 10 Oct. 1963 20(b) Oct.163 3.48 $ 0.033 3.26 + 0.123 3.52 + 0.074 3.40 0.070 3.28 + 0.048 2677 1.29 $ 0.054 2508 0.873 $ 0.071 2707 1.60 10.306 2615 0.408 0.052 2523 0.344 0.050 516 349 640 163 138 09.371 0.268 0.455 0.120 0.105 .,;.:,:. (a) Average of monthly samples, May 1962 through April 1963. (b) Composite Samples of two or more fish. . . . . . . . :'.' * . ! . . . : " . .. . ** . i. . - 11. . Sista 4 1 SA . . "57 . . ' 1 TABLE IV. Mean Concentrations of Potassium, Cesium, and Cesium-137 (+ one. standard error) in White Crappie flesh and Clinch River water. 1- . : - " . . - . ! 2 . . 137CS " i . . C's ug/8 mg/8 dpm/8 Number Samples * 10-2 ".. : . . . . . ! Flesh 112 3.48 $ 0.033 1.29 0.054 1.059 1 0.845 . River Water (CRM 14.4) 1.3 X :5 x 20-3(b) 4059o. 1.767 x 20-31) .is. : : . . . . (a) Struxess et al. 1967 (b) Mean of three samples from CRM 21.6 (c) Applied Health Physics monitoring data for the period May 1962 through April 1963. Courtesy W. D. Cottrell. - · HEX 1!! ! ! : .: ,'.-, 1:1 i - . . ' ILI . . 1. , TEO . Mic . 1. . . 1 . '-- ' : . : ." i;i ! " 27 pro 3 . 1 - 1 Lir... - / ! ..: in : 1 . : : TABLE V. Cesium concentrations (+ one standard error) in four Species of Fish from White Oak Lake. Analyses were on whole fish, excluding gut contents und de data are reported on a fresh-weight basis. : .: . .. & i .: T. -.'. :?. .: : . :1 1 4 . -'. i. : . 1. :. .. : -- BS.: , ' . ... Concentration Factor .., . . .'. No. Analyzed Mg/8 . . . 1 Species: ! * 10-2 . > ' > Gizzard Shad ܚ 514 . i .. . . ܗ til 1.44 $ 0.28 0.762 = 0.056 1.12 + 0.63 1:14 + 0.28 ! ' : ! ' i Black Bullhead Largemouth Bass Bluegill - 400 ܗ ܗ - , . - - -- . * . - 1. 1 . I '. ' : 4::'' - . 14. . . 1 - . " - - . D 11 * NY' TYTUTAW KIR TILL . V 1.5" WN id 1 . A TAT nem ". 11.." . 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