. . I OFT ORNL P. 3091 . . - : 8:. m Gran . ' n • - • i " 11111111 11.25 1.4 116 - . MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS - 1963 1 ". " ,"1 7 " , A . . ST NO D . . . " ORNA P-3091 70307-566 JUN 2 2 1969 To be submitted for publication in the June Issue of IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Proceedings of the 1967 U.S. National Particle Accelerator Conference, Washington, D. C. , March 1-3, 1967. CFSTI PRICES A SECTOR MAGNET FOR A 10-50 MeV SOC*. Text E, D, Hudson, R, S, Lord, and F, E, McDaniel Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee HQ 13.00MN 65 lip twist Summary A full-scale prototype magnet sector of a 12-sector, 10-50 MeV separated orbit cyclotron has been built and tested. Eleven pairs of alternating-gradient pole tips are mounted on a yoka structure which provides a common mag- netic return path. The pole tips are all excited by a single pair of coils which surround the pole tip mounting bases at the upper and lower yoke faces. The pole tips combine both the negative- and positive-gradient sections in a single unit; the magnetic field gradients are about 800 gauss/in. The pole tips are 4.5 in. wide and have a mean gap of 1.75 in. They were ma- chined by the numeric controlled milling process. Special edge contours were developed to achieve a useful radial aperture of 3 inches, Experience with the prototype magnet demon- strates that magnets for separated orbit cyclotrons present no special difficulty in design, construction, or alignment, sectors and 11 radio frequency cavities. One space between sectors is left vacant to provide room for the injection and extraction magnets, and for beam diagnostic equipment. The energy of the beam can be varied in steps of about: 3.6 MeV by moving the extraction magnet in a radial direction to intercept the beam at the desired turn. The accelerator will also provide deuterona in the energy range 5-25 MeV and alpha particles from 10 to 50 MeV. The main features and dimensions of the accelerator are listed in Table I. - Table 1 - Specifications for a 10-50 MeV SOC* - - - - -- - - 12 10 Energy range, MeV Protons 10.50 Deuterons 5-25 Alpha particles Turns Sectors Turn separation, min, in. Turn separation, max, in, 20 Beam radius, min, in. 132 Beam radius, max, in, 282 Beam aperture, in. 1.5 x 3.0 Magnetic field, G 7000 Gradient, G/in. 800 Magnet copper, tons 15 Magnet steel, tons Magnet power, kW Harmonic number (protons) 24 Cavity frequency, MHZ Cavity power losses, kW ~900 *This is the design on which the prototype mag- net is based. The specification of an improved design with 14 turns and an rf power require- ment of 600 kW are given in reference 1, 550 240 eb. We wise introduction The separated orbit cyclotron accelerates ions along a spiral-like path with a pitch (turn- to-turn spacing) of several inches. The guiding magnetic field provides beam bending and focusing forces along each turn independently. In the usual arrangement of the accelerator a number of sector-shaped magneta are arranged radially at equal angular ir tervals ahout a circle and radio frequency cavities ior bean accel- eration are placed in the intervening spaces, A sector magnet consists of a long yoke struc- ture in which are mounted several pole tip pairs, one pair for each of the separate turns. The purpose of this work was to evaluate the fabrication, alignment, and magnetic field adjustment required for this unusual type of magnet structure. This report reviews in par- ticular the construction and testing of one sector magnet of an 11-turn, 12-sector separated orbit cyclotron which would accelerate protons from an injection energy of 10 MeV to a final energy of 50 MeV. A model of the 10-50 MeV SOC was constructed to illustrate the design of the accel- erator, see Fig. i. There are 12 magnet 50 www. w The Magnet Assembly The structural features of the prototype magnet are shown in Figs. 2 and 3. The 11 sets of pole tips are mounted from the precision faces of the upper and lower yoke pieces. The magnet excitation coils surround upper and lowor yoke faces. Trimming coils are provided on each pole-tip pair adjusting the magnetic field levels for the acceleration of alpha parti- cles and deuterons. The required adjustment varies smoothly from injection to final radius. The maximum change from the nominal 7000- gau88 level is about 5% (350 gauss); the maximum trimming coil power is only 15 watts per pole tip. The pair of hexagonal headed . . *Research sponsored by the U, S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with Union Carbide Corporation. LEGAL NOTICE . .. DISTRIBUTION OF THIS, DOCUMENT S UNLIMTIEN This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or thar the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in the report may not infringe privately ownod righto; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, Apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report, Ao used in the above, "person acting on behalf of the Commission" includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor, MESIMI BLANK PAGE --- -- IT TO 13 HD LAT F si Tib IN 12 ITET FE . TERS TY . it . . . L L . 1 O . 3 1 1 . AT . . Y WLAN .. . M . 1 LC TOT * * YA SI VPN ! . W t. . . RU i w . Fig. 4. At the center of each ridge a "T" slot was machined to capture the bolt clamp assem- blies (4 for each pole tip). This method of mounting gives maximum flexibility for adjust- ment of the radial and azimuthal position of the pole tip. The pole tips are precisely positioned by optical alignment methods. In procuring the yoke, separate bids were requested for flatness and parallelism toler- ances of +0,002, +0,003, and 40.005 in. Over this range of precision the price varied by only 7%. The 46-ton yoke assembly was procured . Kik . 1 . . i . Y TO LA TY 11 ' + . 29 C 1410 . - 12 2 - : - . . - .. . . . - 1 1 "? 3 .. :: 1 L '. .' '. ..10:50 MOV SOC' : .... 121.CFIX 78 ma X - 1 * 1 . 48 . 1 LYNN 1 yo 1 . , Y . . * 4 - Fig. 1. Model of the 10-50-MeV SOC Sirowing Magnet Sectors Alternating with Accelerating Cavities. The beam is extracted at various energies with a moveable 90° magnet. 1 ostalo jas -. { - .: 1 .10 & 1 11 . ! ". CWW.STWA ..... Fig. 3. Details of Pole Tip Pairs 3 and 4. . . G -Nya 1. mye - 17 VOIDS, SIMILAR SIZE AND SHAPE . ADJUSTABLE FIELD-COUPLING SHIN . A 2. A 1 TA - . I . - w . 10. . 1 ' . 9: . INI | Fig. 2. Sector Magnet with Eleven Pairs of Pole Tips. CONTINUOUS SLOT . . . I POLE TIP ? : A . TRIMMING adjustment screws shown in Fig. 3 protruding from the base of each pole tip control the coupling shims which are used to adjust pre- cisely the field under each pole tip to the 7000 gauss specified at the ion path. The coupling shims act as variable air gaps to compensate for the magnetic potential drop in the long slender yoke, COIL- - ... -YOKE . Yoke The yoke is of hot-forged low carbon steel. A maximum carbon content of 0. 15% was specified; the actual carbon analysis was 0.06%. The pole-tip mounting surfaces of the upper and lower yoke are siightly raised planes which run the full length of the pole mounting area, see Fig. 4. A Pole- Tip Assembly Mounted on the Yoke. IVO . (8-BREF) (gouss) - - "-42 800 jours/in. REFERENCE -200 ....... -2.0 -15 -1.0 -0.5 0.5 DISTANCE FROM Ro II.) 1.0 1.5 20 with tolerances of +0,002 in, at a price of $31,250 (~$0, 34/1b). The additional cost of the more precise yoke was more than offset by subsequent simplification of the pole-tip mounting and alignment systema. The lower yoke was leveled at ORNL to within <.001 in. of absolute flatness by optical methods. The yoke is supported by six jacks, two at each end and two at the center of the span The 23-in, deep lower yoke is flexible enough to be adjusted a few thousandths of an inch at each support point with negligible changes at other support points. After the upper yoke was installed (supported by a stanchion betweon pole tips near center span), the upper pole mounting surface was also flat within +0.001. Subsequent gap measurements gave a variation of £0.0005 in. about a mean value of 16.0025 in. for the 12 points measured. These results illustrate that sufficiently accurate median plane alignment can be achieved by using the precision surfaces of the yoke itself as the primary alignment surface. -HYPERBOLIC REFERENCE DISTANCE FROM MEDIAN PLANE (In) ". - HYPERBOLKC REFERENCE -2.25 -2.00 -1.75 -1.50 4.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 DISTANCE FROM R. (in.) Fig. 5. Field Changes Produced by Changes in Pole Edge Geometry. ' . MAGNETIC FIELD (XG) GRADIENT (gouss/in.) MEBEAM APERTURE- -2.5 -2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0. 5 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 INCHES Fig. 6. Magnetic Field and Gradient vs Radius. Pole Tips The eleven sets of pole tips for the separate turns are designed to operate at a central orbit field of 7000 gauss, hence each unit has a different radius of curvature according to the particle momentum. The pole-tip radil vary from 25.8 in, for the first pole tip (injection energy) to 57. S in, for pole tip eleven (final energy). For constant axial and radial focusing frequencies the pole tips would all have different gradients; it has been shown, however, that the machine is less sensitive to magnet errors if constant gradients are used. The optimum gradient is that which gives maximum accep- tance at final energy, in this case 800 gauss/in. The pole tip faces are basically hyperbolic with edge shims to minimize field falloff near the inner and outer radii, and thus shaped to give the largest possible useful aperture. The several stages in shaping the pole-tip section are illustrated in Fig. 5. The initial shape, curve 1, purposely over-compensated the edge effect. The remaining curves show the results of subsequent refinements. The pole-tip sur- faces were cut with a numerically controlled milling machine. Thus, it was practical to make very small contour change between measure- ments. The magnetic field and gradient for the final pole-tip contour are plotted in Fig. 6. The useful aperture (+1% AG/G) is about 3 in, wide; without edge corrections it would be less than 2 inches. i Most of the details of production of the tapes were handled by the machine tool programmers. Except for the first few sets of pole tips which were replete with programming errors and ma. chine operator mistakes, a dimensional accuracy of +0.001 was achieved. The fabrication of the pole tips including programming and tape preparation required about 4000 man-hours, of which about 1000 man- hours should be allocated to development. The unit cost (based on 3000 man-hours) was $750 per linear foot or $5/lb. It is believed that: these costs could be reduced by about a factor of two by simplifications in design and fabrication methods. Magnet Tests The first measurements of the magnetic field at the center of the several pole-tip gaps is as shown in Fig. 7(a); the variation is a result of magnetic potential drop in the long yoke. The pole tips nearest the yoke ends have shorter return flux paths, hence higher fields. In this design all gap fields are made identical by reducing the higher fields to the value of the lowest. This is accomplished by providing an appropriate magnetic potential drop at the base of each pole tip by means of variable "coupling ghims, "4 These consist of a pair of plates with alternate recessed and solid areas, see Fig. 4, In addition continuous slots of appropriate depth were machined in the several coupler plates to approximately equalize the magnetic fields; the results obtained are shown in curve (b) of Fig. 7. Fine adjustment of the couplers resulted in the field shown in curve (c); all fields are within ül gauns of the desired 7000 gauss level. The coupling shims have a field adjustment resolution of 50 gauss/in, or 2.5 gauss per turn of the positioning screws. The magnet power for a field of 7000 gauss is 18 kW; the magnet effi- ciency at that field is about 80%. A radial scan of the magnet along the center of the positive gradient section of the pole tips, Fig. 8, shows that the field between pole tip sets varies from about 1 kilogauss at the low energy end to 2 kilogauss at the high energy end. This suggests that somewhat smaller turn spacings (more turns) could be used which would reduce the rf power requirements." Detailed measurements of the magnetic field distribution under the pole tips will be made in 1° steps azimuthally and 1/4 in. radially with a precision Hall probe system to elucidate the details of the fringing field in the region of beam entrance and exit and the magnetic field distri. bution in the transition region between the positive and negative sections of the pole tip. GAP FIELD (KG) 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 GAP NUMBER Fig. 7. Magnetic Field Measured at R for Each Gap (for reference only)." (a) Solid Coupling Shims (b) Continuous Gap on One Side of a Coupling Shim (c) After Final Adjustment of Completed Shima Conclusion The design, construction, alignment, and preliminary testing of the prototype sector magnet for a 50-MeV SOC have demonstrated that this type of magnet presents no special. difficulty. Further work will include detailed measurements of the pole-tip fields to establish the effective magnetic length of the elements, the effects on focusing of the fringing fields at the magnet ends, and the magnetic field transi- tion region between the positive and negative gradient sections of the pole tip. The knowladge gained in the construction, alignment tests of the prototype will be directly applicable to mag- net designs for separated orbit cyclotrons of much higher energies. Attttt FIELD (KG) References 1. R. S, Livingston, et al, Proceedings of V International Conference on High Energy Accelerators, Frascati 1965, pp 431-439. 2. R. S. Lord and E. D. Hudson, Proceedings of International Symposium on Magnet Technology, Stanford, California, 1965, pp 709-714. 3. Ji A, Martin, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, NS-13, No. 4, 288-299 (1966). 19T10 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 6o No Oct No FIELD (KG) 23 10 20 30 60 70 80 90 40 50 RADIUS (in.) Fig. 8, Magnetic Field of the Prototype Sector with 11 Pairs of Pole Tips, END DATE FILMED 7 / 26 /67 - . . kg... 11 21