1 . I OFI ORNL P 3092 . . I - .ru - - . - - . . . 1.0 EEEFEEEE 11:25 || 1.4 16 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS -1963 14a1,127 * : * : * *14 :* : . ORNG-A-30gr JUN 22 1965 MASTE To be submitted for publication in the June Issue of IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Proceedings of the 1967 U.S. National Particle Accelerator Contorence, Washington, D.C., March 1-3, 1967. } I. #.. . . .. .. 11., MAGNET SYSTEM FOR A 4-MeV EXPERIMENTAL SEPARATED ORBIT CYCLOTRON* E. D. Hudson and F. E. McDaniel CFSII RRICES Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee 2H.C. : 300, MK 65 Summary One of six sector-magnets for the 4-MeV Separated Orbit Cyclotron Experiment (SOCE) has been assembled and tested. The magnets for the SOCE are quite different and much simplified from previous SOC magnet concepts; all pole tips are of the same radius of curvature and each set is excited by a separate coil-pair. The pole-tip fields vary smoothly from 3,5 kilogauss at injec tion (1 MeV) to 6,6 kilogauss at full energy. The field index, n, varies from 0.58 to 0.52, A unique pole-tip design with an integral vacuum chamber has been developed. The ampere-turn requirements for the main poletip coils and trimming coils have been determined. A simple but highly precise magnetic field scanning device has been developed for use with the SOCE magnets, HCUCCI -Es DT L IC Fig. 1. Plan view of 4-MeV Experimental SoC. Introduction The 4. MeV Separated Orbit Cyclotron Experiment (SOCE) is being built to study experimentally a variety of problems that are theoretically complex, such as space-charge and beam loading phenomena, and to gain practical experience and insight into tha operation of the · SOC as a system. The SOCE will be a multi- particle variable energy, accelerator providing protons in the energy range 1.7 to 4.0 MeV, deuterons from 1.7 to 4.0 MeV, and 3He ions from 2,7 to 8 MeV. Fig. 1 shows the plan of the accelerator. The principal specifications of the machine are listed in Tablo I. Variable energy is accomplished by varying the magnetic field to provide resonance at some chosen harmonic (32-50 for protons). Addicional details of this accelerator experiment will be found in compan- ion papers in these Proceedings." The magnet system for the 4-MeV SOC departs radically from previous concepts. The details of one sector magnet are shown in Figs. 2 and 3. Magnetic focusing is "constant gradient," as in a weak focusing synchrotron but, as a result of the large circumference factor, the focusing is actually quite strong. All pole tips are of constant radius, a characteristic per-' mitting the use of a simplified fabrication method. The pole tip field strength varies linearly with momentum, from 3,5 KG at injec- tion to 6.6 KG at extraction for 4,0-MeV protons. The field index, n, ranges from 0.58 to 0.52 in steps through the machine; all magnets on the first turn are n= 0,58, on the second n = 0.56, etc. Pole Tip Contours The pole tips are 6.5 in, in width and have a constant slope, except for a 0.375-in, flat Table 1 - Specifications for the SOCE Energy range, MeV Protons 1.7-4.0 Deuterons 1.7-4.0 Alpha particles 3,4-8.0 SHe ions 2.7-8,0 Sectors Turns Turn separation, min, in, Turn separation, max, in, 17.8 Beam radius, min, in. 62.0 Beam radius, max, in, 115.2 Aperture, in. 1.5 by 3,0 Pole-tip magnetic field (4-MeV p), G 3300-6600 Field index, n 0.58 -0.52 Magnet copper, tons 1.5 Magnet steel, tons 44 Magnet power (4-Me V p), kW 40 Harmonic number (4-MeV p) 32 Frequency, MHZ Peak cavity volta ge (4-MeV p), kV 83.4 Cavity power 1088, kW 11.8 50 *Research sponsored by the U, S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with Union Carbide Corporation, 18 EDHE 1. . 7 - A H .. !! itt. TATTUTHLIN * 1 14 !!. W L .. . . 22 BLANK PAGE . . ... Or ... .. . . .... 12 V " . . 1 " ..".... ! - HTH A d ' :,- 1 YOKE MAGNETIC FIELD (KG) DEVIATION FROM THEORETICAL (G) (CCAISTANT SLOPE POLE FACES) . . - . -* ... -- .88 k .... . folyam 1 BEAM APERTURE TEUTTON 32ң VIEW A-A ܐܛܝ INCHES -2.5 -2.0 -45 -40 -0. 5 0 05 10 15 20 25 DISTANCE (in) Fig. 4. Pole-tip magnetic field and gradient. Fig. 2. Drawing of SOCE sector magnet. CONSTANT IRON SLOPE n0.56 FIELD DEVIATION (G) REFERENCE 227 G/in. CONSTANT GRADIENT 15.25 1625 17.25 RADIUS (in) 18.25 19.25 -- Fig. 5. Deviation of magnetic fields for n=0.56 and for constant iron slope on pole faces. - - - i m o ? Premiera m..: Me ? !! Fig. 3. The completed sector magnet. * . M region provided at the inner and outer edges to facilitate the welding of the integral stainless steel vacuum chamber walls, Constant-slope pole faces were used for simplicity of fabrica - : tion and because they give a magnetic field which closely approximates constant-n shape, is Measurements of magnetic field variation with radius across the beam aperture for an n=0,56 magnet are shown in Fig. 4. The deviation of the magnetic field from a constant-n variation is approximately 0.1%, see Fig. 5. Beam dynam. ics studies show this deviation to be unimportant; neither the beam emittance or phase acceptance are significantly affected. Fig. 6. Pole-tip ring assembled prior to being cut into six 60° sector magnets. . Pole Tip Coils and Power Supply Considerations The magnetization curves for the four gaps of the sector magnet are shown in Fig. 7. The Pole Tip Fabrication The magnet design readily lends itself to mass production techniques, A 360° ring of tips is machined as a single operation with a vertical turret lathe. Fig. 6. The upper and lower pole tip rings are assembled by welding stainlc88 steel rings at the inner and outer radii. A very shallow weld is used to minimize warpage. The pole-tip assembly also serves as the vacuum chamber; suitable fittings will be provided at the ends to couple to the beam pipe. current and number of turns in each coil has been chosen to give approximately the correct magnetic fields in the four gaps. The trimming coil adjustments needed to compensate saturation effects are quite small; the gap fields are maintained in a constant ratio to within 1/2% over the 75-250 ampere operating range of the magnet. Over th is range the mean magnetic field of the maximum-energy pole tip varies from 3000 to 9200 gauss. Coarse adjustment of AAT LEGAL NOTICE *?41 This report was prepared as an account of Govorament sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Comission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representation, expressed (r implied, with respect to the accu- racy, complotene!8, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the uso of any information, apparatus, method, or prucose disclosed in this report may not Infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumos any liabilitos with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the Uso of any information, apparatus, method, or procede disclosed ia this report. As used in the above, "person acting on behalf of the Commission" includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such omployos or contractor of the Commissioli, or employee of such contractor preparos, dibaominates, or provides access to, lay information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or ble employment with such contractor. - - . . ... 1 .. l'able II - SOCE Magnet Gap Interactions . L W=142 TURNS 100% E Coil No. . 1 ine 100% EFF Change in Magnetic Field Igauss/100 ampere-turns Gap 1 Gap 2 Gap 3 Gal 4 34.5 : -1.12 -0.94 -0.75 -1.15 33.2 -1.26 -1. 14 -0.94 -1.31 33,1 -1.31 -0.79 -1.02 -1.23 33,4 w N . A = 420 TURNS (N=96 TURNS 100% EFF N=76 TURNS 100% EFE FIELD (KG) 4 by 1. 12, 0.94, and 0.75 gauss respectively. These interactions are small enough to be ignored in calculating the number of turns required for each main coil but must be taken into account in final adjustment of the magnetic fields with the trimming coils, : The magnitude of the interactions depends markedly on the size of the yoke. For these data the yoke area is. equal to the pole tip area (100% yoke). The gap interactions are about a factor of 10 larger for a 50% yoke as measured on a 1/4-scale modol, O 50 100 150 200 250 CURRENT (A! Fig. 7. Magnetization curves for the four gaps. in the prototype magnet. Magnet Measurement System Comprehensive mapping of the magnetic field of the pole tips is necessary to determine the effective magnetic length and the contribu- tion of the end effects to the focusing properties. The limited access to the 1.5 in, x 5.5 wide magnet gap, a result of integral vacuum chamber design, has necessitated the development of a special Hall probe positioning device, Figs. 8. and 9. The Hall probe is mounted on a non- magnetic plate that is restrained radially and vertically by small grooves in the vacuum tank side walls. The azimuthal position is deter- mined by a precision azimuthal. indexing device (Ultradex) located near the magnet and coupled to the plate by a long nonmagnetic bar. The indexing device is mounted on a milling machine table. The table horizontal motions are used to locate rapidly the center position of the indexing device when transferring the field measuring equipment to a new pair of poles. The system is capable of positioning the Hall probe in one- degree steps within £0.001 in. It advances : the magnetic field of each pole tip to within 7% of the correct value is made by choosing the appropriate number of turns of the pole-tip coils. Trimming windings on each pole tip provide fine adjustment of the magnetic field; the maximum trimming coil power required is approximately 50 watts (20 amperes, 2.5 volts). The coils are waind with 1/4 in, square copper conductor with a 1/8 in. diameter water passage. The coils for each pole-pair consist of 8 two-layer sections. These are connected in four parallel circuits (with due attention to symmetry) to match an existing power supply. The power requirement at the highest field is 1000 amperes ut 150 volts. The trimming coils consist of 24-turn double layer pancake 8 of 1/8 in. square copper bonded to the main coil sections to provide cooling. Although their maximum current will be only 20 amperes they are actually capable of 100-ampare operation. : RO - 17.25 in. ! MOVE ABLE ALATE HALL PADBE 1 - Interaction Effects The four pole-tip sets of a sector magnet are weakly coupled by the yoke. The effect is small, as illustrated by Table II. For example, a 100 ampere-turn increase in the excitation of pole tip 1 (lowest field) produces an increase in magnetic field in that gap of 34.5 gauss and decreases the magnetic field in gaps 2, 3, and PRECISION DIVIDING HEAD Fig. 8. Schematic of Hall probe positioning device. ja on DITOY TADBIS .." - -- - TT' U rri X -** # wels '* 7.5+ * * , ** T P . W . - W W W .A . automatically after the field at each position has been measured and recorded. The radial posi- tion for each azimuthal scan may be changed in 0.250-in, increments by inserting the Hall probe block dowels into the proper holes on the positioning plate. References R. E. Worsham, et al, these Proceedings. 2N. F. Ziegler, these Proceedings. 3s. W. Mosko, these Proceedings. . i 1 Fig. 9. Field measuring device in prototypo magnet. : SITI END · "- " . DATE FILMED 7 / 25 /67 . VL ."