5 - o $ . 4 o į . . 7 | OFT ORNL P 3202 . a . + . . ' . . . . W . . . EEEFE EFE 11:25 || 14 11.6 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS -1963 DISTRIBUTION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS UNLIMITED Paper sponsored by R. H. Chapman, member of ANS. under contract with Union Carbide Corporation. *Research sponsored by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission November 5-9, 1967 Chicago, Illinois Winter Meeting 1967 American Nucles. Society Prepared for Presentation at the LEGAL NOTICE This report as prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, aor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or reprecentation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned righta; or B. Adaucas any llabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or proceso disclosed in this report. As used in the above, "person acting on behalf of the Commission" includes way on- ployee or contractor of the Commisslon, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employce of such coatractor prepares, dissemiates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employmeat or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor, Oak Ridge, Tennessee Oak Ridge National Laboratury G. J. Kidd, Jr. C. A. Brandon HELIUM-COOLED REACTOR FUEL ELEMİXTS* IN-PILE HEAT TRANSFER STUDIES OF ROUGHENED MASTER 2083.00 ; PN 165 RECEIVED BY DTIE AUG 29 1967 Carif-671102--2 ORNU A-320g Son 180 L IN-PILE HEAT-TRANSFER STUDIES OF ROUGHENED tul HELIUM-COOLED REACTOR FUEL ELEMENTS C. A. Brandon G. J. Kidd, Jr. As a part of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory's Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactor Program, heat-transfer data were obtained "in-pile" for four gas- cuolcà reactor fuel elements in connection with an irradiation study of oxide fuel elements. The purpose of the present investigation was threefold: (1) to study the effects of surface roughness on gas-cooled fuel elements, (2) to evaluate various correlating techniques for high-temperature, high- CO heat-flux, heat transfer to helium, and (3) to demonstrate the feasibility of obtaining reliable heat-transfer data in a reactor core. . The experimental assemblies were tested in gas-cooled Loop No. I which S were соте consisted of 102 pellets clad in type 304 stainless steel tubes. The enrich- ment of the fizel pellets vas varied to compensate for the reactor axial neutron flux gradient and thus achieve an approximately uniform heat flux distribution. Each element was contained in a cylindrical shroud tube thus forming an annular coolant passage. One smooth and three roughened surface elements were studied; two v the roughened elements had spirally wrapped wires brazed to the surface and the other had a square thread machined on it. Based on the work of previous 25 investigators, 3-7 the roughness was selected to have a nominal pitch-to-h-ight ratio (p/e) of 7 and a dimensionless height (y* = e Tog/w) of between 35 and 50 where the normalization factor is a ratio of the friction velocity ( 7/8) in the absence of surface roughness to the kinematic viscosity (v). Heliun, at 20 atin, was used as the coolant and the flow rato was varied from 15 to 150 kg/nr. Data were obtained for heat fluxes from 30 to 100 watts/cm and for wall-to-bulk temperature ratios up to 1.44 over a Reynolds number range of 10% < No. <4 x.10%. The məxinum wall temperature was 840°C and the maximu:n exit gas tempera- ture was 600°C. The heat ?? variivid vas achieved by operating e the reactor an ihree power levels. At «ach level the flow rate and inlet gas temperature were varied. In reducing the data adjustments were made to account for gamma heating in the structural members of the system, bypass Tlow, and thermocouple placement and calibration. The results are shown in Fig. 1 in terms of the Colburn j factor as a function of Reynolds number. The data are correlated by the Re B modified Colburn equation, j = C 150:2 (1-/T.)-0.6 . The value of C was determined to be 0.022 for the data obtained with the smooth surface and 0.014 for data obtained with the roughened surfaces. els There appears to be no significant difference between the wire wrapped and machined roughness a.lthough the scatter in the data makes an absolute conclusion impossible. This study demonstrates that a twofold increase in heat transfer can be obimined by the use of the types of surface roughness tested. The heat-transfer uata were correlated satisfactorily by the Colburn equation, modified by the factor (T./T,)*0.0 to account for the effects of fluid property variation, in the range of heat flux studied. Finally, this experiment has demonstrated the feasibility of obtaining worthwhile heat-transfer data "in-pile", although careful attention to design and fabrication details is requircu. REFERENCES 1. M. F. Osborne, E. L. Long, and J. G. Morgan, Post Irradiation Examination of ORR Loop 1 Advanced Fuc.l Elements, USAEC Report ORNL IM-863, Oak Ridge National Laboratcry, July 3, 1954. 2. D. E. Trauger, Some Major Fuel. Irrad:iation Test Facilities of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USALSC Report ORNL-35714, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, April 1964. 3. Zyunkiti Nagaoka and Akitosi Watanabe, Maximun Rate of Heat Transfer with Minimun Loss of Energy, Congress International, duFroid, 7th Congress, Amsterdam, 1936. 4. H. Brauer, Flow Resistance and Heat Transi'er in Annuli with Rough Center Tubes, Atomkernenergie, 6: 152–161 (1961) (AEC- Tr-6264, translated from the German for Oak Ridge National Laboratory by the Technical Library Research Service]. V. Walker, The Improvement of Fuel Element leat Transfer by Surface Roughening, Nucl. Eng., 144–1.48 (April 196.1). 6. D). Wilkie, Forced Convection Heat Transfer from Surfaces Roughened by Transverse Ribs, Proceedings of the Third International Ileat- Transfer Conference, August 7-12, 1956, Vol. I, pp. 1-19, Chi(60, 1967. 7. N. Sheriff and P. Gumley, Heat-Transfer and Friction Properties of Surfaces with Discrete Roughness, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 9: 1297–1320 (1966). :. (: ..:: ..:: ..:: ..:":.". .. .. .. .. (: .. .... .. . . . :..:.. اين :. .. ۰۰:: :... . ر:... .ه . ن :: .: وز : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ت : : : : : : : : م. . .. " :: : .را.... -: هند و ... ده . . . ... . . . :: :: :: ::::: ::: . :: :: .::: :: :: ". انا :: لنز. RUN NO. ROD DIAMETER (cm) CHANNEL DIAMETER (cm) FUELED LENGTH (cm) ROUGHNESS TYPE ORNL.-DWG 67-4796 ROUGHNESS PITCH HEIGHT (mm/turn) (mm) o 85 1.90 1.90 2.44 2.44 45.7 45.7 0.14 1.05 A A 10P OP-! 1.90 190 2.44 2.46 324 WWIRE SMOOTH WIRE WRAPPED WIRE WRAPPED MACHINED SQ THREAD 086 1.05 32.4 0.16 1.05 PM 2.18 2.67 30.5 0.18 1.05 0.01 0.009 . 0.008 0.007 0.006 OOO otoma j=0.541 Net 0.005 7 0.004 0.003 j=0.022 NEW 0.002 Iman 4 5 6 7 8 9 109 be LL ". .. the 17 Roma END DATE FILMED 10 / 13 / 67 * * Lt. . 4 . 4