.. } s, 1 1. - - I OF I ORNL P 3297 1 ~ 1 ~ 5 . . . 3 . - | LE | - - - EEE EEEEEEEE 엘의 ​1 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIO:IAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS -1963 L '" '.' ! " ! - ... 1.1.S h ...4- 1.. AN TL! S 2 TV TEA . 23 - F *I 'm T Y- U -.... A . . . OR NLP-szgy Cont 680201-2 “RECEIVED BY DTIE AUG 29 1967 cscf ngaCES #993.09 ww.65 HYDROMAGNETIC GORILER INSTABILITY IN A BOUNDARY LAYER ON A CONCAVE WALL MASTER T. S. Chang W. K. Sartory Submitted for presentation at the Fourth Southeastern Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics to be February 29 - March 1, 1968, in New Orleans, Louisiana. LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any porson acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu- **@cy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in thio report, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned righto; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages remulling from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, "person acting on behalf of the Commission" includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that auch employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor, OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Oak Ridge, Tennessee Operated by UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION for the U. S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION DISTRIBUTION QE THIS DOCUMENL AS UNI . na Muhimu 1793; trim Varmy***.6examining Wear pimenta 141.5-.deals want, osten, 1977.-- :.7.TV***.4 «Y... Stolikin DISTRIBUTION OF THIS DOCUMENT.IS LIMITED 70 AEC. Offices and AEC. Contractors. P our *"17"T1,vari !! !,!:"11cinia . " HYDROMAGNETIC GÖRTLER INSTABILITY IN A BOUNDARY LAYER ON A CONCAVE WALL T. S. Chang Oak Ridge National Laboratory and North Carolina State University W. K. Sartory Oak Ridge National Laboratory ABSTRACT The effect of an applied magnetic l'ield on the Görtler instability of a Blasius boundary-layer flow over a concave wall is investigated analytically for the case where the fluid is a finite electrical con- ductor and the wall is perfectly conducting. The magnetic field, which C is aligned parallel to the wall and perpendicular to the flow direction, is found to have a stabilizing effect just as with Taylor instability considered by earlier investigators. The effect on stability of the component of velocity normal to the wall in a growing boundary layer is also considered by making calculations both with and without the normal flow terms. The normal flow is found to have a destabilizing effect, especially with small values of the Hartmann modulus. At large values of the Hartmann modulus, the normal flow appears to suppress the forma- tion of oscillatory modes of instability. Consultant and Professor, respectively. si NOTATION Axially (2) applied uniform magnetic induction field Convective wave number Б., Бөг ъ, magnetic induction vector = a/ar = D + 1/2 E, F, I, J, M, N Functions of my, mg, , T, , Vo Dimensionless amplitude functions of (bre bg, Bb, )/(BRB) = (võ/v) ✓ ēr, Görtler modulus* based on momentum thickness = 8/R f, g, h Grom * * = 87(5./6) = Volu B ro, Hartmann modulus = H8/ = 7(7/6) de idi + --- -- - B2 dx2 x dx Tangential distance downstream of the leading edge of the plate at which the stability is determined Roots with negative real parts of (ma - 62,2 - Ūamma - 82) + 2 = 0 Undisturbed fluid pressure 6. "This parameter was first used by Görtler and for convenience we refer to it as the "Görtler" modulus, although the name is not in common use. .: 21 .. . . .. .. . . . . . . . .. P L , ... !:"IT ILI 2 po * ONOV, magnetic Prandt) modulus Perturbation of p* - DV,/uReynolds modulus - VF , magnetic Reynolds modulus 0,2 U, V, W Cylindrical coordinates Radius of curvature of the conceve wall - 2R2 (6/7), Taylor modulus Cylindrical components of the velocity vector = -4/(.6) = VN = _lin (V, U) 10. To Tangential velocity outside of the boundary layer m', v', w = (U, VINCE Perturbations of the cylindrical components of the velocity vector amplitudes of (u', v', Bw') No uz, Vgs Wid = 4, = (f. - )/6 = 3/5 - 7,0/4 Greek Letters 781 = bro l = 36/. iv KY mcm = (0/0) . 4/ 17 X/ T , boundary layer thickness parameter Momentum thickness of the boundary: layer ao pot < F ois a Coefficient of viscosity Magnetic permeability Kinematic viscosity Amplitude of p*r/ Fluid density Electrical conductivity dir) Ampiltude of the perturbations Other Symbols va * DMD + * regge + - 22 . ".. . . Web .. .. . . . .. .. . .. . *. . . . - - - - -: .... ." *! ! . ' . ".. +.. LIST OF FIGURES Fig. 1. Critical Görtler Modulus Versus Hartmann Modulus. Upper curve: Without normal flow terms Lower Curve: With normal flow terms Fig. 2. Critical Wave Number Versus Hartmann Modulus. Upper curve: Without normal flow terms Lower durve: With normal f'low terms Fig. 3. Neutral Stability with Normal Flow Terms, H = 0. INTRODUCTION The authors know of no previous work on the hydromagnetic Görtler stability problem. The nonmagnetic stability problem has been treated theoretically by several authors. Görtler (1) first proposed and demonstrated theoretically that Taylor instability could occur in a boundary layer on a concave surface. He made the parallel flow approximation (i.e., he neglected the component of the primary velocity normal to the surface) in deriving the stability equations. Meksyn (2.) solved Görtler's stability equations using a different, asymptotic method of integration. Hämmerlin [3] also re-solved Görtler's stability equations by different methods and apparently obtained very accurate solutions. He first established the peculiar result that the minimum Görtler modulus for neutral stability occurs at an axial wave CU VO number of zero. The resulting disturbances extend far outside of the boundary layer. Smith [4] considered the approximations made in deriving the sta- bility equations in detail and derived a new set of much more complicated equations. The additions to the stability equations made by Smith were of three types: 1. Normal flow terms. Certain terms involving the velocity normal to the surface in a growing boundary layer were found to he of the same order of magnitude as the tangential velocity terms. 2. Finite curvature terms. Higher order terms approximately describing the effect of curvature on the disturbances were retained. The addition of these terms involves the introduction of another parameter, and the relative importance of the terms depends on the range of values chosen for the new parameter. 2 . 3. Growth rate terms. Smith permitted the disturbances to grow " L " - N . in the downstream direction rather than in time. The growth rate terms ." A, ...' .... . i t do not appear in the neutral stability equations. The purpose of the present investigation is to consider the effect of an applied magnetic field, aligned parallel to the wall and perpen- dicular to the flow direction, on Görtler instability when the fluid is an electrical conductor. With regard to the three additions to the sta- nan .. .... . . .. LP . bility equations made by Smith and noted above, we shall consider sta- bility both with and without the normal flow terms. We shall not consider finite curvature or rate of growth at all. THEORY We consider flow along a wide concave plate with a uniform radius of curvature, and adopt a cylindrical coordinate system. The two- dimensional primary velocity profile is taken to be of the form: U = u(r, e), V = v(r, e), W=0 (1) where U, V, W are the cylindrical (r, 0, z) components of the velocity vector. The fluid is assumed to be incompressible, viscous, and elec- trically conducting. An external magnetic induction field B. is applied in the axial (z) direction. Based on the classical theory of magneto- hydrodynamics, it is not difficult to demonstrate that the partial dif- ferential equations as well as the boundary conditions at a perfectly conducting plate admit the velocity given by Egs. (1) and the applied magnetic field Bo as a solution. WCU MULUT 1. " Allowing the flow field and the magnetic induction field to be per- . turbed slightly, and inserting the perturbed functions into the basic equations of MHD (5), the following sets of equations (correct to the zeroth and first order of the perturbations) are obtained. VA Zeroth Order Equations au au ve U – + V ---- or raer OP* a2 lo = - + VID, ar av av UV p* OU Il no ar rao r page2 ) V + rae au - or U QU + - + mom = 0 r rae where will e 3.560 ) = 2*=,0) ol W d. I w P is the undisturbed fluid pressure, p is the fluid density, and v is the kinematic viscosity. First Order Equations + V la * -- + I at ar o rao , OU 2V v 02) u' + ( - 'raer + 2va pe ai? v' ar 5 2. do* to , av v 2 va ( - t --- - дr r r2 де? rə u' + ə ə av U + U — +1.- +- +--uva) v' ar rat rat R at -- --- Boabe ap* 1. Ono az rao OP + U + V V t = 0 at - rao ar inain Pho az a OU - 2 du dl U + V - - 1 - Ollo - rao - Do = 0 ar ar rse hora de B av' , av v 2 a -- + -- + - az 'ar r rpolo ã o ) N + A + see -- e et ala 51.6 - I - Ono q (A 0 = de ole ola ow' , l ə -- rae 1 - Oro + + U -- + V dr b = 0 Olor au' u' av? Ow' - + - + + - ar r roooz = 0 aby brabe ab - + I +20+ 2=0 ar r ra e az (4) where u', v', w' are the perturbations of the cylindrical components of the velocity vector; bre be, b, are the perturbations of the cylindrical components of the magnetic induction vector; p* is the perturbation of P", He is the magnetic permeability, o is the electrical conductivity, and ✔ - DLD + + . reaga aza. In the above equations, the rationalized MKS system of units is used. " . Normal Mode Equations The first order perturbation equations, Egs. (4), form a set of voorsien coupled, linear differential equations governing the perturbations for a given stationary profile, (U, V). The perturbations are now resolved into stationary normal modes of the form: iberiman memastikan alarmet uimich in die L · sin bz i mesinetr $(r) { cos bz n r hemmin mi where (r) is the amplitude and b is the convective wave number. In terms of the normal modes, Egs. (4) reduce to a set of coupled, ordinary differential equations governing the amplitudes as follows: ter som binding hieman turcam d du idu 2V atly - 0 12 + u, + R - BPH f t = 0 dx ax'a v 1 хәөх * dx dy v ale un + i -It R u av i - + - + -- dx x xD e'. v, - BOH® g = 0 dx x ) * *[*** ( ) * - *#s=0 Go to ) vs + Pfa- $75 -0 d + L + RP ди f - PR - m g = 0 Dry ах xao most common va - RPM (-- + L + RP id 1 av 1 (u (u - --- dx x x - g = дx x that it can have a common df - I H - h = 0 ax * du, un ther that + + W, = 0 dx x the more interest For where x = x/t., B = bro, (u, v) = (U, V)NoV is the tangential velocity outside of the boundary layer; u,, V,, W,, f, g, h, , are dimensionless amplitude functions defined by: 1 (u', v', “') = V. (un cos bz, v, cos bz, w, sin bz/B) (higa bogs bz) = B. B B (f sin bz, & sin bz, h cos bz/B) p* = (v/R) Ty cos bz (6) R = p Vor/u is the Reynolds modulus, R = V ro Hoo is the magnetic Reynolds modulus, Pm = RM/R is the magnetic Prandtl modulus, H = Vo7u Bor. is the Hartmann modulus, H is the coefficient of viscosity, r is the radius of curvature of the concave wall, and the operator I is given by: da 1 d 1 dxa x dx x If the magnetic Prandtl modulus is assumed to be small and P is m 4 set equal to zero, Egs. (5) resoive to the following set of two coupled differential equations: you 2v à ou 1 ui - R (u -- + -- ) Lu + B2 HP un ti B?R? dx Әх xa X tus =R (v ) In, * ffu, to ) ,30 's - r[uce ) - ( 11 )]2+885 - () -- (8) - R u of Lg + f2172 x 14 where &, = 8/R. Boundary-Layer Approximation Some of the earlier investigators, Görtler [1] for example, have assumed vardous arbitrary primary or zeroth-order velocity profiles for stability calculations. Görtler concluded that the stability was not very sensitive to changes in the shape of the primary profile provided the momentum thickness was not changed. In the present analysis, both normal and tangential velocity profiles are needed; and to insure that the two are consistent, it seems appropriate to consider only calculated boundary-layer profiles. Following Smith [4], we assume no pressure gradient and use the Blasius solution as the primary flow. WE In Egs. (2), we put ap*/8 = 0 and make the substitutions * = (r. - r)/8 y = (r.0)/4 Ū = -Ul/(V.) = V/. (9) where l is the tangential distance downstream of the leading edge of the plate at which the stability is to be determined, and 8 = l/Foltv is the boundary-layer thickness parameter. If we retain only the lowest-order terms in 8, we obtain the usual boundary-layer equations in dimensionless form: әї әї агу U + V - ažo ar aū Jū - + - = 0 (10) až JY Blasius' solution of these equations is of the form ū(7, 7) = 7(n) where m = / (11) By definition, Y = 1.0 at the point where stability is to be determined; so n and ñ can be used interchangeably in the stability calculations. If we substitute Eqs. (9) into Eqs. (8) and again retain only the lowest-order terms in 8,* we obtain: Smith [4] also retained higher-order terms, which we call the "finite radius of curvature terms." 12. - (0 pag-lo ) ET +FT; - FIDIZ -- ) ++) HT 100 Ion (12) where I , B 1 = 18/, ū = uz B = B6/ (Taylor modulus) = 2R2(6/7.)3 x = & (r./8)3 (13) If the wall is nonpermeable and a perfect electrical conductor, the boundary conditions for tue perturbations are [5]: dui dgn 1004 = 0 at x = 0 (14) We require that the perturbations vanish as X + It is possible to derive boundary conditions which can be applied at the outer edge of the boundary layer rather than at infinity, thus restricting the integra- tion to a finite interval. The method is a direct extension of that used by Hämmerlin [3] for his nonmagnetic, parallel flow analysis of boundary- layer stability. The resulting boundary conditions are: L . ALL n]4- (*) 7 - [- ) 54] Le- -lock 20 la NO a - - - + m - - mo - - - - --- - - - - - - - (15) where More 2FI + FJ(m + m) + EI(my + m2) + 2JE m, my 2 + FE(m + mg) + my my N =- CEM ma mz - Icm, + m) - 23 m, m.] B = 4/(m2 + m )2 – m. m) – 472 – 3ūvm, + m ) F = -um, m (m + m2) + Tool 3mm + 69) j = ē T(m+ m) I = Z2 T Tol-m, min - %) (16) M,,m are the roots with negative real parts of the polynomial equation: (ma – 32) 2 - 7. m(m2 - 54) + 2 T2 = 0 (17) and and lŪor Tool - lim (ū, ū) (18) NUMERICAL METHOD Equations (12) were rewritten as a set of eight first-order dif: ferential equations and integrated numerically on a digital computer using predictor-corrector formulas of fourth-order accuracy. The numerical technique of matching the boundary conditions and calculating critical values of the parameters was described by the authors in an earlier paper [6]. The outer boundary conditions given by Eqs. (15) were applied at a value of X = 9. The slope of the Blasius tangential velocity profile is zero in the first six decimal places at i lor m) = 9. The error of numerical integration was controlled by successively halvine; the mesh size and repeating the calculations until the critical W88 10 Görtler modulus and wave number from two successive calculations agreed within %. The required number of mesh points was found to increase to several hundred for those calculations involving very small values of Ő and T. It was also found that the calculations at small values of B and T became very sensitive to the accuracy of the primary velocity. This sensitivity occurred only when the primary normal flow terms were retained in the stability equations, and may be caused by a cancellation of effects from the normal and tangential components of the primary flow. To insure accuracy, the primary profile was therefore obtained by numerically in- tegrating the Blasius equation from 1 = 0 . 10 using 500 intervals with a fourth-order predictor-corrector method. DISCUSSION OF RESULTS Stability results for a boundary layer on a concave wall are usually reported in terms of the Görtler modulus based on momentum thickness 91/2 Com V7ft. - [5Jue as! ol (29) mom where ő is the momentum thickness of the boundary layer (= 0.664 8 for the Blasius profile). We also use the corresponding wave number Brnom = B(7/6) (20) and Hartmann modulus Hom = H (7/8). (21) mom Critical results have been obtained both with and without the primary normal flow terms. Results without primary normal flow were obtained by 11 setting Ū = 0 in Egs. (12) and (15). Figure 1 shows the critical Görtler modulus, Gmome as a function of the Hartmann modulus, Hom; and Fig. 2 shows the critical wave number mom Berm as a function of the Hartman modulus. The upper curves apply to the mom case of no normal flow and may be considered a direct hydromagnetic exten- sion of the work of Görtler. In the limit of Hmom * O the critical Görtler modulus approaches 0.3 and the critical wave number approaches zero, in good agreement with the results of Hämmerlin [3] for the Blasius profile. As Hmom approaches 2, the critical wave number curves upward sharply and mom the critical Görtler modulus appears to be approaching an asymptote of the form Gmom o Home This behavior is an indication that the normal modes MOI mom for neutral stability are becoming oscillatory rather than stationary. whiie it is possible to carry the critical stationary mode calculations beyond the point where oscillatory modes begin to form, very complicated results of no particular physical significance usually result. The prob- lem of oscillatory mode formation in hydromagnetic Taylor instability has been discussed in detail by the authors in an earlier paper [7]. In the present work, only stationary modes have been considered and no attempt has been made to extend the calculations further, The lower curves of Figs. 1 and 2 apply to the case where the normal flow terms of Egs. (12) and (15) are retained. They may be considered a hydromagnetic extension of the critical calculations of Smith, with the reservations noted in the introduction. The figures show that in the VA limit of Hom + 0, both the critical wave number and the critical. Görtler modulus approach zero. This conclusion is in conflict with the results of Smith [4], who found a critical wave number, Pmome of about 0.07 and a 12 t ers ti i a Prin 103 . . Wedstr ... ... . : -. G MOM 10°3 102 101 100 101 102 H MOM Fig. I. Critical Görtler Modulus vs Hartmann Modulus Upper Curve: Without Normal Flow Terms Lower Curve: With Normal Flow Terms 13 BETA MOM 10-3 10-2 10-1 100 101 102 H MOM Fig. 2. Critical Wave Number vs Hartmann Modulus Upper Curve. Without Normal Flow Terms Lower Curve: With Normal Flow Terms . 14 mom critical Görtler modulus of about 0.32, To investigate further, a neutral stability (Gmom versus Bmom) diagram has been calculated for Hmom = 0, with the normal flow terms in Egs, (12) and (15) retained. The results are shown in Fig. 3. The curve is in good agreement with the results of Smith in the range Bmom > 0.4, and in particular at the point Brom = 0.664 where Smith made particularly careful calculations. As the wave number decreases further, however, the neutral curve of Smith passes through a minimum and rises again, while the present curve extrapolates tomom:=1:0 at Brom = 0. The difference in the neutral curve can probably be attributed to i mom two sources: the additional finite radius of curvature terms retained by Smith but not considered in the present analysis, and the numerical methods used. Smith actually concludes from his numerical results that the stability is not very sensitive to the finite radius of curvature terms, at least in the range covered by his calculations. Nevertheless, it is likely that at very small wave numbers, where the disturbances are known to extend far outside of the boundary layer, an appreciable effect of the radius of curvature could occur and could account for the difference in results. The numerical method used by Smith was Galerkin's method, and the solution was assumed to have the form of a polynomial times an expo- nential factor which decayed far from the wall. The polynomial coeffi. cients were calculated in solving the problem, but the exponential decay rate was assumed, mainly on the basis of numerical experimentation. Our results indicate that, at Bom = 0.1, the final exponential rate of decay of the perturbations far from the wall is over an order of magnitude lower mom than the lowest rate of decay assumed by Smith, This could account for a progressive loss of accuracy in Smith's results at small wave numbers, 15 MOM 010-1 10-2 10•34 104 10°3 102 BETA MOM 101 100 · Fig. 3. Neutral Stability with Normal Flow Terms, H MOMO 16 At large values of Hm, the lower curves of Figs. 1 and 2 indicate that mom mom. The form of these asymptotes is consistent with the results of Chandrasekhar (5) for the hydromagnetic Taylor stability prob- lem. While no investigation of oscillatory modes has been made for the present case, the occurrence of the usual asymptotic behavior at large Ho suggests that oscillatory modes are not affecting the critical point in this case. mom The conclusion that when the normal flow terms are included and Hmom = 0, then mom and smom are both zero is certainly peculiar; and while we believe that it is the correct solution of the particular mathe- matical formulation of the stability problem adopted in this paper, it probably requires some further discussion of physical significance. The result that the critical wave number is zero was obtained by Hämmerlin (3), who neglected the normal flow terms. This result implies that the size of the critical disturbance is not controlled or limited by the finite boundary-layer thickness. Since a disturbance of infinite size is hardly acceptable, some factor other than the boundary-layer thickness must limit the size. The additional conclusion of this work is that, when the normal flow terms are included, some additional factor must be introduced even to obtain a nonzero critical Görlter modulus. Depending on the physical situation, the limiting factor could be the finite span of the wall, or it could be the finite radius of curvature or the need to attain a finite rate of disturbance growth. The latter two factors have been considered by Smith. In the hydromagnetic case, magnetic damping serves to limit the growth of a disturbance beyond the boundary layer, and a finite critical Görtler modulus and wave number ere obtained without introducing any additional factors. 17 ACKNOWLEDGMENT This research was sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. The authors wish to thank Dr. J. J. Keyes, Jr., for his comments. REFERENCES 1. Görtler, H., "über eine dreidimensionale Instabilität laminarer Grenzschichten an konkaven Wänden," Gesellshaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, Nachrichten, Mathematik, Vol. 2, No. 1, 1940. 2. Meksyn, D., "Stability of Viscous Flow over Concave Cylindrical Surfaces," Royal Society of London, Proceedings, Vol. 203, Series A, 1950, pp. 253-265. 3, Hämmerlin, G., "über das Eigenwertproblem der dreidimensionalen Instabilitat laminarer Grenzschichten an konkaven Wänden," of Rational Mechanics and Analysis, Vol. 4, 1955, pp. 279-321. Wänden," Journal 4. Smith, A. M. o., "On the Growth of Taylor-Görtler Vortices along Highly Concave Walls," Quarterly of Applied Mathematics, Vol. 13, 1955, pp. 223-262. 5. Chandrasekhar, S., Hydrodynamic and Hydromagnetic Stability, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1961. 6. Chang, T. S., and Sartory, W. K., "Hydromagnetic Stability of Dissipative Vortex Flow, " The Physics of Fluids, Vol. 8, No. 2, 1965, pp. 235-241. 7. Chang, 1. S., and Sartory, W. K., "On the onset of Instability by Oscillatory Modes in Hydromagnetic Couette Flow," (to be published); also see "Transition from Stationary to Oscillatory Modes of Insta- bility in Magnetohydrodynamic Couette Flow," USAEC Report ORNL-TM-1404, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 1966. BI R. 5-LETUP * Pru PTT PE . . F.ML END dit --- DATE FILMED 3 / 13 / 68 1 : 4- . . 20 . n i