A: i 1 . . *** Wwwww .::.. bomo .. : .. I OF I ORNL P 2639 K . . :. - - -- I 11 . c : plus . ; . ✓ $ 1:1 TIEFEEEE *. ...., . .. . le ..... : *********...-- - les 1.25 1.1.4 1.16 # MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS - 1963 . . NOV 2 9 1966 ORNLP - 2639 CONE-661020 RELEASED FOR ANNOUNCEMENT IN NUCLEAR SCIENCE ASSIRACTS MC $ 7.00: 3:5 A NEW APPROACH TO DIRECT CURRENT INTEGRATION* F. M. Class, C. C. Courtney, E. J. Kennedy, H. N. Wilson Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee MASTER 24 H. TE 7 . . Abstract W ::: ... operating principle common to all four circuits is that the voltage across a storage capacitor is monitored by an electiometer type operational amplifier, the output of which triggers a dis. criminator at a given voltage level. The discrim inator generates a reset pulse which removes a fixed charge from the integrating capacitor and supplies a signal to the scaler. Y A new all-solid state direct-current inte. grator integraces currents as loly as 10u5damp. ere with an accuracy of 1%. The operating principle is similar to that of more conventional current integrators in that the oltage across a storage capacitor in the input circuit is moni- tored by an electrometer type operational ampli. fier, the output of which triggers a discrimina- tor at a given voltage level. The discriminator generates a reset pulse which removes a fixed charge from the integrating capacitor. This is. where the similarity ends. The diode pump cir. cuit, which has long been recognized as ar ideal circuit for removing precise quantities of charge from the integrating capacitor, has been re- placed by complementary silicon planar transis- tors that operate in the inverted-mode and serve as current switches. These fiansistors normally have both their base-emitter and base-collector . The technique for removing charge from the storage capacitor is different for each of the four integrators illustrated. The integrator in Fig. 1A employs the time-proven diode pump. The charge removed is Q = CV, where C is the coupling capacitor Cc, and V is the amplitude of the reset pulse less the forward voltage drop across the diode. Accuracy is therefore inde- pendent of the amplifier gain, che trigger level of the discriminator, and the temperature coef- ficient of the integrating capacitor Ci. Two good examples of instruments of this type are the ORNL vacuum-tube iniegrator, model Q-1259, which has given excellent service since 1950, . and the mose recent solid-state version by Landis and Goulding. The most serious limita.. tion of these instruments is diode leakage which limits their sensitivity to about 10-9 ampere. V : -Y Y YA ! . . . . .. switches with leakage currents of about 10-13 ampere. Reset pulses switch these transistors from the reverse-biased state to the active state for a precise time during which a constant cur. reri flows to or from the integrating capacitor. Therefore, each reset pulse removes from the integrating capacitor a precise charge that is the product of the current and the period of the active state. By the cmployment of sufficient gail. in the operational ariplifier to 'naintain small voltage excursions at the input, the total effective leakage may be kept as low as 10-14 ampere. A scaler output provides an indication of the integrated charge, and a built-in duty cycle mr.eter calibrated in counts per second provides an indication of the instantaneous current. . Si A . . . The principle illustrated in Fig. 13 is employed in an integrator designed by Brenner.2 This technique involves charging a capacitor Cs to a given reference voltage of opposite polarity to the charge on the integrating capacitor and then transferring this charge to the integrating capacitor Ci by means of a higir-quality relay. : The charge removed from Ci is dependent only on the value of Cs and the reference voltage, pro- vided. Ci >> Cs as it normally is. The leakage can be made quite small in this instrument; how. ever, the reset frequency is limited by the relay to a few hundred hertz. PA . . . .. Introduction NE . ." . . The ever-increasing number of accelera. tors in this country and abroad has brought about a widespread interest in the development of direct-current integrators. As experiments in. volving current measurements have become more sophisticated, the demand has become more pressing for integrators that have better accuracy, more sensitivity, and a greater range than exist. ing instruments. In general, instrument develop. ment has kept stride with the development of the critical circuit components used in such instru. ments. . " . . ,:...' Nec . NE Figure I illustrates four operating prin- ciples that have been successfully employed in current integrator circuits. A distinguishing The oldest of the four techniques illus. trated in Fig. I is shown in Fig. 1C. This tech. nique removes the charge from the integrating capacitor by shorting it with a relay or electronic switch. Since the charge is completely removed from the integrating capacitor with each relay closure, a good stable integrating capacitor Ci. a high-gain operational amplifier, and good trigger stability in the discriminator are essen- tial for good accuracy. The linearity of an instru ment incorporating this technique is poor, because the input is shorted while the charge is being re. moved from the storage capacitor. The only sig. nificant feature of this integrator is that the leakage current can be made quite low if a high- quality relay is used. LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or inat the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringo privately owned righto; or B. Assumes any ilabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any Information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in tho above, "person acting on behalf of the Commission" Includes any am- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employeo of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor, . . - . POUR ! ! . . . . . " Research sponsored by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. . . . AS The principle of operation for the circuit shown in Fig. iD is that whan the integrating capacitor Ci charges sufficiently to trigger the upper-level discriminator, the current gener. ator is triggered on, which quickly discharges Ci to the voltage level at which the lower-level discriminator triggers. The lower level dis. criminator then turns the current generator off. The charge removed with each reset cycle is Q = CIEZ - Ei), where E2 and El are the voltage levels at which the two discriminators trigger. 10-11 ampere for silicon diodes reversed biased at l volt is about the best that can be achieved by the state of the art. Although a Icakage cur rent of this magnitude is good enough for beam current measurements, it precludes the use of the dinde pump circuit in instruments intended for use with ion chambers. Therefore, the possi.: bility of using silicon planar bipolar transistors as current switches was investigated. The accuracy of this circuit, for currents of sufficient magnitude to be negligibly affected by diode leakage, is limited only by the accuracy with which each discriminator can sense a vol. tage level. This statement requires qualification: the current being integrated should also be smaller by at least two orders of magnitude than a typicai reversed-biased collector-to-base leakage current ICBO as low a3 1 x 10-10 ampere at a collector-to-base voltage VCB of 20 to 30 volts. It was determined experimentally that four types of bipolar transistors had ICBO values ranging from 1 x 10-13 to 4 x 10-12 ampere, when biased at a VCB of:0.1 volt. However, the leakage current can be made much lower than the ICBO ii the transistor is operated in the "inverted mode," i.e., with the collector and emitter leads interchanged. In the inverted-mode operation the leakage current through the emitter terminal is, from the equations of Ebers and Moll, 3 be very short for the highest current measured if the instrument is to be linear. In addition, the operational amplifier must have an extremely high gain-bandwidth product. CEFEI IE MICRO 5 LIT where hFEN and hFEI are the normal and inverted. current gains respectively, q is the charge of the electror, V is the junction bias, kis the Boltz. mann constant, and T is the absolute terrperature in 'K. In this relationship it is assumed that. (1) the only voltage drops are at the junction, and the injected current de: sities are low; (2) the "Ea:ly" space-charge layer widening effect is negligible; (3) he emitter and collector junctions, individually, have a V. I characterisiic of the form • The advantages and disadvantages of the different schemes illustrated in Fig. I can be summed up as follows. The diode pump system is fast, and excellent accuracy and long-term stability can be achieved with minimum critical circuitry. The range easily achieved with good accuracy and perfect linearity is from 10-9 to 5 % 10•4 ampere. However, the diode pump circuit is limited in sensitivity by the leakage of the diodes. The voltage-sensing and current- switching approach shown in Fig. ID is also fast and has the same range limitations as the diode funip circuit, but the circuitry required to achieve the same degree of accuracy that is casily obtainable with the pump circuit is com. paratively complicated and sophisticated. Tha Brenner circuit is very slow, but it can have. excellent leakage characteristics if constructed from quality components. Linearity is perfect up to the cycling limitations of the reed relay. The shorting method illustrated in Fig. IC is slow and nonlinear. No one instrument described above can fill all the needs of an experimenter whose experiments include the integration of very small currents from ion chambers as well as beam currents. An ideal instrument would have the speed and accuracy obtainable with the diode pump circuit, current leakage as low as the best reed relay, and be capable of dumping charges as small as 10-12 coulomb. I=IS and (4) no drift fields exist in the base except ut the junctions. Even though the equations by Ebers and Moll were based on the be javior of junction transistors, Verster4 verified that the agreement between theory and experiment is very good for silicon planar transistors. Although the experimental data in Table I for twelve transis- tors picked at random does not agree very well with theory, it does point out the advantage of. is.verted-mode switching. It is possible that some of the disagreement between theory and experiment is due to header and encapsulation leakages. The experimental data does indicate, however, an average ratio of ICBO/IE equal to . 68 for the twelve samples tested; and that most of these transistors, if properly matched in complementary pairs, are usable as current switches. Design Considerations Reset or Charge-Dumping Circuit Using the Transistor as a Current Switch Solid-state operational amplifiers with input current leakages of less than 10-14 ampere became a reality with the development of insu- lated gate field. effect transistors. It became apparent that it might be possible to design a wide-range solid-state current integrator having a lower leakage current than existing designs if a fast, low-leakage solid-state switch could be founi. At the preser.t time, leakage currents of · Resetting is accomplished in the ORNL model Q-2895 current integrator in the following Amplifier manner. Complementary silicon planar transis- tors of the type described in the preceding sec- tion serve as current switches (see Qi and 22 in Fig. 2). In their normal quiescent state they are in the inverted-mode condition with both junctions reverse biased by 100 millivolts. Under these condition, the efíective leakage contributed by the switches is the algebraic sum of the two emitter currents. From Tabie I, complementary · pairs can be picked that will give an effective leakage of less than 10-14 ampere. Reset pulses switch these transistors from the reversed. biased state to the active state for a precise time during which a constant current flows to or from the integrating capacitor. Using the tran- sistors in this manner has the advantages of both normal and inverted modes of operation. The current that flows for the duration oi the reset pulse is VR · VBE + VD, The calibration of the integrator is inde. pendent of amplifier drift and gain, provided that the sum of the error voltage due to the signal and the drift voltage as referred to the input remains less than the reverse bias on QI and Q2. Hence, little effor: was made to design a superior oper. ational amplifier. The amplifiez is a differential type employing both common-mode feedback to the current source for the input pai: and voltage feedback to the unused input. It has both inverted and noninverted outputs, either of which can be selected by the polarity switch depending on the sign of the current being integrated. A matched pair of 2N3608 insulated-gate field-effect transis- tors in the input stage provides a high input im-, pedance with a leakage current less than 1 x 10 14 ampere. The overall gain is designed for 100 with a yain-bandwidth product of 1.3 megahertz: ISBE where VR is the reference voltage, Vp is the forward drop across the diode clamp, and VBE is the base-to-emitter voltage for the transistor in the active,or on, state. Since VBE and VD have opposite signs, almost perfect ternperature compensation can be achieved by matching the diode current of the clamp with the emitter cur. rent of the switching transistor.. Since the base driving impedance is the low dynamic impedance of the diode and the input always remains at essentially ground potential, the switching tran- sistors and RE provide a current source that has essentially the same stability as RE. The charge removed from the storage capacitor by each reset pulse is Discriminator. The discriminator actually consists of two trigger pairs. The function of the first pair, which is capable of free running when its dc threshold voltage is exceeded, is to prevent "Jock-out" and to provide a reasonably constant trigger pulse for the second pair.. The function of the second trigger pair is to generate a reset pulse I that is extremely constant in width. . . Methods for generating accurate timing pulses have been covered in the literature and will not . be discussed here. Q = IT + CIVÁ - VB + VD), . Rate Meter The rate meter covers the range of I to . 2000 counts! second in four ranges. It is a duty- cycle type having excellent stability and linearity. Although its intended use is only as an indicator to aid the operator in adjusting the beam, its i accuracy is limited only by the panel meter lin. earity and the accuracy with which the individual ranges have been calibrated. Packaging and Controls where I is the width of the reset pulse in seconds and C is the capacitance from the emitter termi. aal to ground (note: the capacitance from the emitter to the base and collector is degenerated by unity gain). If C is small (about 1 picofarad) and the product of I and I is large (greater than 10-8 coulomb), the effect of C can be neglected. Unfortunately this condition cannot always be obtained, and the capacitance C therefore deter- mines the lower limit of the charge that can be reliably and accurately dumped. It is extremely difficult to remove charges sanaller than 10-10 coulonıb when range switching is employed unless a compromise is made in the reference voltage VR that determines the reset-pulse amplitude. By using a reed relay in a very unorthodox manner one can have two ranges, with the most sensitive range being 10-10 coulomb (see Figs. 3 and 4). This technique keeps the total capa. citance in the emitter circuit under 2 picofarads. The high range is 10-7 coulomb; it is intended for integrating beam currents. The model Q-2895 current integrator is packaged in a standard NIM module having a four-module width. It can be powered by either the standard NIM, bin power supply or the standard NIM 50-milliampere modular supply. As shown in Fig. 5, the integrator has seven controls on the front panel. The four used in normal opera. . tion are (i) the CAL-OPERATE selector switch that permits the operator to ground the input. .. Select calibration test currents of 10-7 or 10-5 ampere, or switch to the operate position; (2) a RATE METER range switch; (3) a CURRENT POLARITY switch; and (4) a CHARGE RANGE switch. The other three controls, used only occasionally, are a BALANCE control for balance ing the amplifier, a TRIGGER control which sets the dc voltage level of the amplifier outputs with : 3 respect to the trigger level of the discriminator, and a meter switch. The meter switch allows the operator to monitor either the balance of the amplifier outputs or the voltage level of the out- put being used with respect to ground. Conclusions Many of the features of this instrument have been omitted because we have attempted to present an operating principle rather than a de. iailed description of an instrument. The present model has good long-term stability with a repeat- ability of l part in 2000. The lowest range on this instrument rernoves 10-10 coulomb with each reset pulse. This can be reduced to 10-11 coulomb by reducing the amplitude of the reset pulse the same order of niagnitude. Since the emitter leakage current on many of the silicon planar transistors tested for this application was low enough to produce oniy negligible error in current measurements as low as 10-12 ampere, they make the best, fast low-level current switches we have evaluated. References 1. D. A. Landis and F. S. Goulding, UCRL. . 11828, 1964, pp. 222-223. 2. Roul Brenner, "A Precision Current inte. ' grator," Instituto de Energia Atomica, Pub- lication No. 67, March 1964. J. J. Ebers and J. L. Moll, "Large-Signal Behavior of Junction Transistors, 1.Pro.. ceedings of the I.R.E., December 1954, pp. 1761-1772. T.C. Verster, "Silicon Planar Epitaxial Transistors as Fast and Reliable Low-Level Switches," IEEE Trans. Elec. Dev, ED-ll, May 1964, pp. 228-237. ORNLUWG 66-10495 CHARGE DUMPING TECHNIQUE EMPLOYED IN CURRENT INTEGRATOR 10 INPUT SCALER . INPUT : t - . . . DISCRIMINATOR TO INPUT SCALER DISCRIMINATOR (c) SHORTING METHOD (a) DIODE PUMP TO SCALER TO UPPER LEVEL 1 DISCRIMINATOR SCALER DISCRIMINATOR LOWER LEVEL DISCRIMINATOR +Cs CURRENT GENERATOR REF VOLTAGE (b) CAPACITOR CHARGE AND DUMP (d) VOLTAGE SENSING AND CURRENT SWITCHING 1 ir ; - L' . i ... , v... . . .. .. . . .. . : 1 !1' 1 . . 2 . . 1 1 އެލްރޭނެތާތެޖޭތތްބިންތަ CURRENT INTEGRATOR Q-2895-1 5 poli 25 20 நம்பழ 10 0 10 BALANTË 10-5, IN CAL-OPERATE IZERO 10-7, OP 10 CTS/SEC 1001K 2 K POST NEG 10-7 TRIGGER CHARGE RANGE CUKRENT . ܂ ܪܐܪܘ ܙܬ ܝ܀ ܕ ܀܀ ܝܗ ܢܐܐܪ ܀ ܀ ܀: ܀ ܕ ܙ . ܂ ܘ ܪܝ ܟ . - . ܫܙܝܫܚܝܙܝܫ ܐܥܺܫܶܕܪܶܬ݁ * " ܆ ! ܬܪ * s.fi ܕ ܢ ܝ ! . : : ; 1"ܟܙ . ܚܐܚ ܝܘ. ܀ܬܗ . . i; ܕ ܙ f. : ܫܪܪ:"* ; | .; %1 1 0 2 ܂ .: ' ܀ -r . ' : ' - , ' ܘ ܂ .ܕܤܚܝܝܪܚܗܫܡܳܫܫܪܳܪܽܓܰ x X Y £ ܛ ܚܲܕ݂ܝܚܢ܂ ܂ 14 5 4 ܂ . . ܗ ܢܕ 1 ܂ · ...• • • ܙܙ ܝ ܂ ܐ 11 ܕܙܢ ܀ ܙ ܐܠܕ ܙ ܝܙ܀ ܫ ܂ . ܂ . ܀ . . ' ܢ ' . . ܂ 1 ܢ ܂ . . ܙ ' * ' . - ' .. ܪ ܃ ܝܼ : ܀ ܂ ܂. ܪܚܐ ܂ 4.: ܃ ܂ ܃ , ܐ . f, . ܝ * 1 :: . -,! 1 : ; ܝ re ܠܙ ܐܐ , : 1 : ܐ ܚܐ 00 HV ' I . . - ; ܕ - ܙ . 1; ܕ 15 M 1 : .- : ; ' ܪܢܕܠܙܶܕ݂ܪ .܂ . .ܪ ܚܕܕܢܢܕܗܐܝܕܕ ܙ .ܝܟ ܝ . . ܂ ܐ ܙ ܀ ܝܝ. .ܝ.ܝ ܐܢܝ: ܐܘܪܝܝܣܝܫܙܫܫܳܓܕܒܗܫ ܚ ܐ܀ ܐ .܂ --;": * , «- … .. ܂ ܙܐ 7 ܕ݂ܺܝ܇ • ܐ • • ܀ ܪ ܪܐܟ ܪ ܀ ܀ ܘ ܀ ORNL-DWG 66-8904A RESET PULSE - 0. V +12v (REFERENCE) 30 ML + 12v (REFERENCE) CLAMP - 12v ERE - INPUT INVERTED MOSFET DIFFERENTIAL AMPLIFIER A=100 AND DISCRIMINATOR! SHAPER RATE METER) n ERE +12v INVERTER TO 1 -12 (REF- CLAMP ERENCE) ; CALER SCALER O V .. Q-2895 DC Cuţrent Integrator. ORNL-DWG 66-10496 CURRENT SWITCH WITH RANGE SWITCHING RESET PULSE INPUT 1N914 +12V 412 v -0.1 v -12 v War . MOSFET | DIFFERENTIAL AMPLIFIER MU INPUT 2 Disku HALL . 1 . .. NY mi 20:* NAS ORNL-DWG 66-10494A COMPARISON OF ICBO & IE IE IE 50 TEST CONDITIONS FOR CURRENT GAIN - VCE = 0.6v IB = 1pa. Ісво — -vc3 =0.1v. . IE - VB and Vc = 0.1v Reverse bias TYPE SAMPLE ICBO amps x 10-12 -13 HFEN HFEI - ICBO camps x 10-13 2N4338 NPN 1.7 -1.00 150 12.0 17 SILICON -1.30 280 2.4 384 0.47 -0.32 285 5.0 PLANAR 2.1 - 1.70 470 1 1.5 12.3 EPITAXIAL 0.68 -0.10 330 14.0 68 -0.17 11100 3.4 2N4250 PNP 1 -4.6 1.6 315 1.8 29 DIFFUSED -2.5 0.17 300 10.2 147 -0.063 0.085 380 3.0 17.4. SILICON -0.102. 0.28 350 3.01 3.6 PLANAR -0.21 0.20 430 3. 5 10 1 -0.215 0.085 300 3.0 1 25 _1.87 - __ . > 9. . ZUIS. MAE ce + Wit 1W 3W - 1 '. END DATE FILMED 12/ 29 / 66 . . .. .. - -- " M EN ' TS