. . . . 1 | OF T ORNL P 2640 • the " . . 1 i man har a # : . - . - ,' . . '. . . - : :. . 21:131333 11 . 11:25 114 115 1 . MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS - 1963 ORNnf 2640 .....anan ................... Conf-661016-23. H.C. $ 7:00. 2008:50 RELEASED FOR ANNOUNCEMENT NOV 29 1966 ** TRON-CORE MINIMUM "B" MAGNET* W. Helchin and I. Alexeff MACIE IN NUCLEAR SCIENCE ABSTRACTS Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee ................... vor................ noen weer.... The iron-core minimum B magnet that I will discuss is much larger but similar to the one described by I. Alexeff in the October, 1965 ORNL Thermonuclear Division Semiannual Progress Report. In these minimum B magnets the field is spherical, and it has a "magnetic well" in which the absolute value of the magnetic field increases in every direction from the non-zero center. The ircn core is used to concentrate and direct the magnetic field into the desired spherical configuration. Fig. I shows the general arrangement used for this larger iron-core: inagnet. The magnetomotive force is external to the iron core. An existing isotope separation tank, Fig. 2, provided ideal facilities for the iron .core magnet. The magnetomotive force is provided by large coils on either side of the tank. This facility also has a complete vacuum system. The port openings to the diffusion pumps are at the rear of the tank. The front of the tank has a flange where the cover plate can be mounted and realed. To shape and concentrate the field this iron-core magnet has two symetric po.le pieces bolted together with non-magnetic braces. Thė field is directed toward the center by the triangular shape of the pole pieces. Fourteen 1/2- inch thick Arnco iron plates were used to form each pole piece. The base of each pole piece is 40 inches by 7 inches thick, except in the center region where they were 3 inches thick. In this next view, Fig. 3, is tij cavity for the minimum B region. This center spherical cavity is 10 inches in diameter. The 1/2-inch thick plates were staggered so as to conform to the desired spherical shape. *Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. H d po ... T :"" " ! 9.7 " !.. . . : : : ... D :. '.. 717 . A .... 4 .. TT .. - .... M .. . . ... .... ..... . . --- ren o .. ---- ..... - F OT To measure the field intensity, an aluminum plate, Fig. 4, with hoies spaced one-hall inch on centers in the X and Y directions was used. For the z direction varying lengths of rods were used. By the use of this plate, the rods and magnetic probe, the field in one quandrant of the sphere could be measured. An axial Hall probe was used to measure the field at each point. This probe was held by hand at the tip of the pins and for each · reading the probe was oriented to determine maximum value. . . Typical data are shown in Table 5. These data were taken at the central horizontal plane, 1/2 and 1-1/2 in. above the central plane. With the center set åt 3 kilogauss, this shows an axial mirror ratio of 1.5 to 1 and a radial ratio of 1.2 to 1. The next data, Table 6, were taken in the horizontal plane 2-1/2, 3-1/2, and 4-1/2 inches above center. At full power of the facility the center of the magnet was at 6.25 kilogauss with an axial mirror ratio of 1.3 to 1 and a negative radial ratio. Obviously, the mirror ratios fell short of the original hopes of having a minimum ratio of at least 1.5 to 1. in any direction away from the center. Further, it was evidenced that the field values next to the midsection of each pole piece was lower than in other regions. At this point it was decided to disassemble and reassemble the pole piece laminations so that the inner surface would diverge from the spherical center cavity. This change resulted in an axial ratio of 1.4 to 1 and a radial ratio of 1.8 to 1 when the center was set at 3 kilogauss. . . These ratios were still too low and unbalanced, so it was decided to add a maximum amount of iron laminations to the pole pieces. The pole pieces, Fig. 7, after modification were in the form of pyramids with base dimensions 23 inches hy 48 inches. This change increased the base area of each pole piece by a factor of more than 4. The weight of the assembled magnet, Fig. 8, was 5500 pounds. Fig. 9 shows this iron-core magnet installed in the isotope separation facility. With the center set at 3 kilogauss, the axial ratio was 1.6 to 1 and the radial ratio 2 to 1. At full power of the facility, there was 9 kilo- gauss in the center with an axial ratio of 1.2 to l and a radial. ratio of 1.1 to 1. Some shiming was tried by placing 1-1/8" x 1" crescents in the throat of each pole piece. At full power there was 10.7 kilogauss at the center, 17.2 kilogauss at the throat, 14.5 kilogauss at the side, and between poles 11.4 kiloguuss. This gives a minimum mirror ratio of about 1.06 to 1. Since the region between pole pieces was low, a 1/2 inch diameter steel rod was formed and placed in this mid-region as shown in Fig. 10. This gave a minimum mirror ratio of about 1.3 to 1. From these results it appears that at these higher fields further shimming and pole piece shaping will be necessary to get a closed sphere with a minimum mirror ratio of 1.5 to 1. Along with the continued improvement of this iron-core magnet, future plans, are to start some plasma experiments with this minimum B magnet. Also, for the future, plans have been completed to assemble another iron-core magnet with an oblong cavity 16 inches by 10 inches with the 16 inches along the axis of the magnet. This oblong configuration was chosen to obtain a minimum B field with higher mirror ratios. This minimum B magnet also is to be used for further plasma experiments. LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work, Nelther the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu- ricy, completenego, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned righto; or use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report, As used in the above, "person acting on behalf of the Commission" includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employeo of such contractor, to the extent that such employce or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to any ina vrmation pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or als employment with such contractor. : " : . " " -- -- -- -- -- -- trụH TẾ - Trang FIGURES Fig. 1 - ORNL Dwg. 66-6617 Fig. 2 - ORNL Photo 73288 Fig. 3 - ORNL Photo 73289 Fig. 4 - ORNL Photo 84991 Table 5 - Tables 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, ORNL - 3989 Thermonuclear Div. Seniann. Prog. Rept., April 30, 1966. Table 6 - Tables 8.5, 8.6, 8.7, ORNL-3989 Thermonuclear Div. Semiann. Prog. Rept., April 30, 1966. Fig. 7 - ORNL Photo 84995 Fig. 8 - ORNL Photo 84993 Fig. 9 - ORNL Photo 84992 Fig.10 - ORNL Photo 84994 .. . .. . . #2 ....! ::: # 1 ORAL- DWG 65-EC17 "...Hmmetr.. PROTON MINHAUM- A.AGNET . . . . NiAGNET AXIS .. • 1 RON CORE BETA TANK IL DONDUPUUUUU Fig. 8.9. Arrongemunt of Minimum.3 Mognct in Beta Tonk rocility rominenciasniemowland e ondoriais normalcom Fig. 8.10. Mininiurr-B Magnet in Beto Tank. ............... ... .. . .. ... . -... : - . .......... *::..... ........................ 1P 10 MET .... . 5: nning DO ', . .. sediminowaniem d o some inside towanithandicciario. . · Fig. 8.11. Alinimum-8 Magnet. The center spherical opening is 10 in. in diameter. . 1. و ۰۰۰ي ، ه و ی ... ايه . لا ، ايه 1، 1- مے 1 . 2 ، اپي، . - . ه . . .. ....::: .. .. . . . . .. . . . . ::: ... .. ... ............. . ... .. . . .. .. . .. ... . النمنم نمیشمدلماضشانسش ندمنننبممننلنلننننه شد . مجب • .. ما هو ' . . . . مهند منم مسنن منمنننمعنسیمسن .., . Toble 8.2. Field Measurements (kg) Token at the Central Horizontal Plane Radial (in.) Axial (in.) ļa ay hin 33 - 0 3 3.15 · 3.3 4.35 4.6 4.75 4.35 4.3 4.6 · 4.75 4.75 4.35 4.25 4.65 3.15 3.15 3.25 3.25 3.55 i ..? . 2 .22 4.5 3.35 : 3.3 3.35 3.55 3.8 2.85 3.15 3.15 3.45 3.55 4.7 4.35 4.35 .4.55 ... 3 3.05 3 3.2 3.35 3.45 3.65 3.65 3.65 3.2 3.7 3.7 3.65 4.0 4.65 3.95 4.0 4.0 · 3.8 4.35 4.5 4.4 4.15 4.8 4.4 3.8 : 4.5 4.55 .. 3.6 .. 4.2 4.1 4. 3.6 3.65 3.0 3.6 3.95 3.9 3.35 3,15 ...... . ****. ;. :.:.:.:) .. :::::............ . ..................... . .....-.-.:.:. Toble 8.3. Field Measurements (kG) Token of the Horizontal Plane , in. Aborc Center 4.75 3.1 3.45 3.05 3.2 Radial . Axial (in.) (in.) Oil Taha 23. 3 A 4 3.05 3.15 3.35 3.6 3.95 4.35 4.7 4.95 4.6 3.05 3.2 3.4 *3.65 3.95 4.4 4.7. 4.55 3.1 3.2 3.75 . 4.0 C 4.4 . 4.75 4.8. 4.4 . 3.85 4.75 -4.5 4. 8 0 4.85 3 .4 3.45 3.5 3.7 4.0 : 4.35 4.7 5.0 2 3.3 3.45 3.55 3.8 4.15 .4.4 4.9 5.15 3.2 3.45 3.25 3.5 3.95 .4.5 . 4.85 5.15 3 3.4 3.35 3.5 3.65 4.35 4.6 4.95 4 3.6 3.55 3.65 3.95 4.20 4.55 3.2 3.5 3.55 1.3.4 2 4.85 . 4.4 5.0 . . . 3.1 Above Center Toble 8.4. Fic!d Measurements (kg) Tuken of the Horizontal P Radial (in.) 3 4 Axial (in.) 2 2 3.45 3 5.2 - . 2.7 3.35 3.35 6.35 8.69 4.9 AL 4.4 5.35 6.8 . 3.95 .. . - .. . . .. .. M I ... R L SL. - 'UTILI I #16 - Poble 8.5 Table 8.5. Field Measurements (kG) Token at the Horizontol Pluno 2 in. Above Center , Axial (in.) Radini (in.) . i sl .a. 2 .3 3ina 3.6 4.1 : : 4.8 6.15 4.25 5.15 6.25 · 6.85 4.5 :. 6.8 . 6.5 6.8 5.2 . : 6,75 6.8 6.4 4. a la 6.65 s.0 . 8.15 7.6 . - --•. . ..!! ...................................... ................... .. olonc 3% in. ' ----. :. :. :..: .:.: .:. .. ... ... Toble 8.6. Field Meosurements (kG) Taken of the florizontal Plane 3 in. Above Center Axial (in.) Radial (in.) i sig : ?... 2 s 3 a ta - - 3 8.75 - 3.75 8.25 3.9 ... 4.4.. 8.2 .; 6.9 9.2 4.75 9.9 2.45 7.45 . 3.85 . .6.4 6.75 . 6.2 6.0 6.15 4 .. Axial (in.) Axi Radial (in.) ŪĶīse a alla 1 10 ..7.75 10 11 : .. . 2.8 7.75 8.85 7.7 3.15 . 9.3 8.8 8.2 5.45 6.3 6.4 5.1 محمد مستمعه اداره T ... مت . :: ..ضم منسسنية - ::ة ...•:: . . . . . .. .. .. ... ..... . .. .. .. .... I بسمة . . . . امام .............. .... ............ ... . " سه عدد منهم یا بنیامد. مة | | لا . ا :: . نویسنده: دا .. ب ا : - تيم :- ...... 1 : ه . ... ... .. . . . 2 - !. ... . FT C END 1 - : : . I .. . . 2. • . : DATE FILMED 12/ 21 / 66 - I 4 ... . 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