. un | OF T ORNLP 2643 . re. # . - wwwys 1913:1333 pol 1.25 || 1.4 11.6 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS - 1963 ho L4A + . ' " 4 1 Ant VILLA . - . ----*=30-20:****:Pinnyectoren.com ra---.---.6.4.',. : . - .. ** .* . ...-17.0.. . .",...","..., * T : ! - 12. "," TUTL . ..."! ... . . . .. .. . .... - T.. .LT, ." kur ! **, e / Z7 ا ا - % 3 ia 9961 6 2. NOW Conf. 661019-6 FROMPT-NEUTRON TIME BEHAVIOR IN DELAYED-CRITICAI, COUPLED URANIUM-METAL CYLINDERS* H.C. $ 1.MN 20 MV 57 J. T. Mihalczo Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830 ABSTRACT Pairs of identical coaxial 27.94-cm-diam cylinders of unmoderated and unreflected uranium metal have been assembled to delayed criticality with large spaces between the flat surfaces. The uranium metal was en- riched to 93.15 wt% in the 2350 isotope. Prompt-neutron decay constants of the assemblies were measured by the Rossi-a technique, and the results . : agreed with those predicted by a method in which a v ir of equations represented the kinetics of a coupled-core assembly. The equations neglected delayed neutrons and assumed space-independent kinetics for each cylinder with a time lag to represent the flight time of neutrons from one cylinder to the other. Multiplication factors calculated for the assemblies using Se transport theory also agreed with the experi- mental values. RAREASED FOR ANNOUNCEMINI LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, zor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu. Troy, completeness, or usefaloss of the information contained in this report, or what the we' of any information, apparatue: method, or procons dsoloved in this report may not latring privatly owned rights or B. Asnimo may Vabilities with respeot to the use of, or for dumugon resulting from the un of any information, apparatus, method, or prooesn'discloned in this report. As used in the above, "person soting on behalf of the Commission" inoiudas any ome ploys or contrinotor of the Commission, or employds of such contractor, to the extent that fuok omployos or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor preparos, disseminates, or provides access to, any Information pursuant to blo employment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. IS NUCLUIR SCIENCE ABSTRACTS TXT 2 . AAP . *Research sponsored by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. , 1... o local comercialist die financovanie oblici se i ne treba se ne.com contato . . . . . . . . . . .. .i. . T o vender com consiste en contacto con . . . . . .'1 1 .1 . ile. 1.11 . in 15.2 with re-U**ADA .n u . 31. EL -IN D I ALY . "TT- TT ! INTRODUCTION In order to understand the neutron interaction between the two com- ponents of a coupled-core assembly that has a single large gap, it 18 desirable to study the properties of the assembly that depend directly on the neutrons traveling across the gap from one component to the other. One such property is the delayed-critical configuration. Another is the prompt-neutron decay constant at delayed critical, which is equal to the effective delayed-neutron fraction divided by the prompt-neutron life- time. In the investigation reported here, these properties were studied in delayed-critical experiments with pairs of unmoderated and unreflected cylinders of uranium metal (93.15 wt% <330) assembled so that their axes were coincident and their flat surfaces were separated by large gaps. In such assemblies the neutron exchange is principally between the flat surfaces, and the prompt-neutron decay constant is a strong function of the size of the gap between these surfaces and the fraction of the neutron population crossing the gap. This results from the fact that the prompt- neutron lifetime, on which the decay constant depends, 18 strongly af- fected by the gap. In a single unmoderated delayed-critical cylinder of uranium metal (0 = 18.75 g/cm) the prompt-neutron lifetime 18 6.2 nsec. In a two-component system, however, the lifetime is increased by the time it takes a neutron to travel across the air gap, an increase which is considerable since the neutrons leaking from a single delayed- critical cylinder have an average speed of about 0.7 cm/nsec. ------** In the experiments performed in this study prompt-neutron decay constants were determined by Rossi-e measurements on a number of two- component delayed-critical assemblies and some of the results were compared with calculated decay constants. The theory on which the cal- culations are based has been discussed by Baldwin and others.? A coupled core experiment using the pulse neutron technique has been performed pre- viously by Helmick, Chezem, and Seale" et Los Alamos. Transport calculations using Sg theory were also performed to obtain multiplication factors for comparison with the experiments. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS As shown in Fig. 1, the upper cylinder of each assembly was built on a 0.025-cm-thick stainless steel diephragm held in position by a 76-cm-ID, 2.54-cm-thick aluminun clamping ring, and the lower cylinder was supported on a low-mass aluminum stand. The assembly of the system to delayed critical with the desired spacing was completed when the lower section was raised remotely by a piston having a maximum stroke of 61 cm. (This apparatus has been described previously by Rohrer et al.") The thickness of the cylinders and the spacing between the flat faces were the variables that were adjusted until criticality was achieved, the diameters of all the cylinders remaining constant at 27.94 cm. The uranium-metal density in the assembled cores varied from 18.71 to 18.73 g/cm3. All reactivities were obtained from stable reactor periods. The reactivity contribution of the support structure, including the diaphragm, W 1 . -.. . . . . ...... ... .. . . .. . .. .. - . . ... .. .. .. Ta '", 11 i ... LIL L YRRAL. 6. . . .. - i' - .. . . . . -. ܪ ܗ -ni -.- ܕ -" - ܫ ܕ-1 - : . ܬܐܫ ܀ ܪ ܙ ' r: : ܢܫ ܫ ܚ ܀ ܪ ܪܝ ܫܝ̇ܪ ܪܫܫܫܟܪ. ܚ ܟ ܫܟܪܝ - ܕ .-..ܪ ܙr ܙܫ ܕܘܝ ܪ -ܚ ܂.: .1 ܗ ܀ ܕ ܪ ܕܬ : »;; ܐܐܪܨܪ ܝ : ܪ ܕܒܪ ܐ.. ܝ 1 - ܪ ܕܝ ܝܗ ܞi - uܙ : ::g ܟ r' " ܫ ' ' ܂ ܀ w ܪ , : ܂..… ܂.. : ' ' . ܙ ܐ ? : ܂ r ܇ · ܕ ܫܩܐ """" fܝ * ܕ ܂ ܨ ܂ ܂ ܝ ܕ ܂ ܀ ܂ ܆ if ܂ * ܐܘ ܕܢ - ܐܡܟ 1 : ܕ ܙܙ ܙܘ 0 ܬ * , ܀ ܀ ܙ ܂ ܙ ܝܐ ܘ - ܢ ܙܵܕܸܟ݂:1 . ܝ 5 |. ܀ ܫ. ܂ ܕܢ, ;i n : ?ܪܕ ܝܐ ܪ ܝܪ ܐ . ܨܫ ܙ ܨ ; ' ܙ ܕܪ ܕܠ ܂ i ܀܀ ܪܕ ܃ ܃ ܃ 4 1 . 1 ܕ܂ ܀ ܃ . | 1 ; * !' ܚܢܢ ܀. . . .܂ ܢܟ ! ܪܢ 2.ܙ1 ܕܫܫܕܐ r- ܪ ܪܐܝ ܢ ܐ ' ܦܐܪܶ ܀ܢ܂ . ." ܕܙܙܐܪ ܢ ܪ .. ܚ ,11 ܕܐ ܙ ܂ ܙ ܕ ܪܬܝ ܝܙ ܀ ܠܐ ܐܐܥ ܂ ... ܙ. ܝ . 34 |ܟ ܝ ܐ ܝܐ * ܀ ܀ ܢ . .܂ ܙ ܂ :. .- : . ., j ܐ ܕܕܓ܀ ܪܹܐ܀܀ £ ; . ' ܂ ". ""'. t ܙ܂ ܙ ܐܪ ܙ .ܙ : , ' ܀ ; .'ܪܪܥܺ ; . ܃ ܢ ܕܐܶܟܝܺ ; ܗ݁ ܟܼ ܙ - ܂ p ܐ : 0 . : , ܩ . ܀ ; c "ܢܬܫ܂ ܀ ; ܢ ܐ ܐܲܪܝܼܵܐ - ܂ ff ܬ ܪ ܀ . fr / f F:.-. .ܚܪ . .a ܡܝܐ-;-ܝܼܿ ܕ܇ ܀ ": | 1 ' . . - . .. ܢ ܀ - 4ܡܙ4 ܫ܂ . ܙ ܂ . . ' -. " * ܕ ܪ ... ܝ * "T ܪ ' - ܐ ܢܫܫ : ܂ - .. .܀ ܝ. ܂ ; ܕ ܙ ܀ . ܂ ܕܐܪܙ iܐ ܂ 3 ܝ ܕ ܫ - * ; ܂0 ܝܟܐ .- ; 1. .; ܠܐ ܚ ܐ ܝ ܠܐ ; ܬ . ; . ܂ r 1 ܝܚ ܝ : ,: . ܐ ; ܙ܂ ܙ ܕܪܪܫܐ ܀ ܢ ܕ ܂ 111 ܗ 5 ܫ 1 ܕܙܐܐܐ ܂ ܂ܙܐ ܢ ܫ ܨܝܚ ܝ ܤܙܝ. ; ܗ ܘܐ ܙ ܙ ܙ ܂ ܕ ܀ ܢ ܫ ; : ܝ ܕ ܐܪܐ ܫܪܐܪ ܐܪ ܘܬ .1 ܐ ܗ ܀ ܝ ܝ ܙ ܙ - ' ܀ ܢ ܕ : ܝܫܟ ܝ ܂ ܪ,-ܙܐ4 ܕ 1 ' . ܪܪܟ . ܝ ܀ 1 4 "r'r ܀ ܨ . .; ܀ ܙܬ .܀ ܕ ° ܙܐܐ * ';. ܀ ܢ ܨܫܪܪ ܗܠܪܐ ܙ ܚ * ' | ܙܕܙܐܪ. 1- ܂ ܪܗ , , ܕܙ 1 ܪ * ܂ ܙܙܠܬ ;ܝܝܝ ܕܙ ܐ ܙ ; ܢܝܢ . ܀ : 1 5 : 0 . 7 ܙܢ : ܕܗ ܀ ܂ _ ܀ ܙ ܙܙ ܙ ܕ ܕ , q ܕ : ܫ, ܘ ܆ ܢ ܠܐ ܕ ܙܕ ,; * ܕ ܘܢ . r{ ܀ ܪ̈ܙ : ܂ ܝ ܀ ܪܐܙܙ ... ܕ܂ 1 ܂ܕ ܙ ܕ܀ ܝܕ ܙܙ:; ܢ ܝܝܝܙܕܬ ܬܙ ܕ ܟܪ ܕܕܢܙܟ ܙ . 1 ܢ ' . ܂ ܕ ' : * .r - ܀ ܙܢܕܐ ܪ ܚ ܨ . ܚܢ ' ܬܐ،ܟ ܀ ܕܙܪ ܀ ܢ ! ܫ - ! ܀. -- .-. ܀ . ܂ ܙ ܂ܫܕܝܪܟ : r- - ܙ ܕ ܟ ܫ ܪܪܗ. ܪ ܐܤܙܗ ܫ-.ܫܪ . ܗܙ . 3. * ܙ. ܪ̈ܕ݂ -. - r- -- 4 ܕܫ : £ " ܟ -: ܕ was accounted for by measuring the effects of appropriate equivalent materials on the reactivity of each assembly and converting the resu. 3 to an equivalent change in sering of the cylinders. The conversion was based on measured values of the change in reactivity per unit change in spacing. A plot of the critical separation as a function of the thick- ness of one cylinder in each assembly is shown in Fig. 2. Tie maximum separation distance, 36.96 cm, was determined for an assembly in which each cylinder was 8.25 cm thick. The prompt-neutron decay constant for each critical configuration was measured by the Fossi-a technique, using instrimentation employing two detectors. One was a plastic scintillator (NE-102) which triggered a time- of-flight type analyzer, and the other was a spiral 2350 fission counter which provided the count signal. (This instrumentation has been described in Ref. 1.) The effect of the detector locations on the results obtained was investigated by making successive measurements with the f'ission counter centered immediately below and above the lower cylinder (Positions A and B) and immediately below and above the upper cylinder (Positions C and D). During these measurements the plastic scintillator was located at a point 0 0 which was about 1 in. above the top surface of the upper cylinder and 4 in. from its center. For the cases in which the fission coir .es was in flux- symmetric positions (A and D, or B and C), the data collected were indisting- uishable; 1.e., the collection time, the number of triggers required to collect a given amount of data, and the background level were identical. Typical decay curves for the 8.25-cm-diam cylinders are given in Fig. 3 where the error listed for the prompt-neutron decay constant is one standard deviation, as 1 生 ​,=,一半中国 ​' 小PET增 ​1 ' 44 , 从 ​" i =''' 1 种 ​: 實 ​此 ​, 算是一 ​+ →→ 」 「.…… … .… .……. …. . … ..... . " … " .. " """'.':'', , 1:- .... . . : . , …..... . .. rrr 、. :: っ ​; ...! :..... .... 于是​, : .. " h "," " : " "1 .. r c: "," : obtained from a least-squares analysis of the data. The agreement of the prompt-neutron decay constants indicates the insensitivity of the measurement to the detector position. Figure 4 is a plot of the prompt-neutron decay constants of all the coupled-core assemblies as a function of the thickness of one of the cylinders in each assembly. The decay constant decreases rapidly from 1.07 isec- to about 0.85 usec- at a separation of about 8 cm and then increases, returning to a value of 1.07 usec -- when the cylinders are infinitely separated. This behavior can be qualitatively explained by an expression obtained previously for the prompt-neutron lifetime: 1 = 4x + +(x) HURT where x is the spacing of the cores, la is the prompt-neutron lifetime In the assembly if the neutron flight time across the gap were zero, *(x) is the probability that a neutron born in one cylinder leaks into the other, t(x) is the flight time from one cylinder to the other, and R(x) is the probability that a neutron born in one cylinder will be re- flected back by the other. The term (1 - R(x)] in the denominator of this expression accounts for the multiple reflections of the neutrons back the lifetime is that of a single critical cylinder. As the space between the cylinders is as infinite, P(x) approaches zero faster than t(x). approaches Infinity, since P(x) decreases as 1/x+, and the lifetime again approaches that in a single-component assembly. Thus, since the prompt- neutron decay constant is inversely proportional to the prompt-neutron lifetime, it should decrease and then increase as the spacing increases. 1 ,'. 15 - 1 / مدل مر! ' ها | * با ما بنر : اهدا ! ! . "" : t 4+ . . با ." ' TT" و و ا ' . اب تک ج ( و دو : -1 أ ث ہ نیا. ا ن : : ها ۔ و ر د * : . نود .. مدن ۶ ا + . ل ری. ا ا ل + و نه : 2 .i : :: : " - : " " " . دی۔ : : + في : : له : 1 : " : ۴ ۴ کد : من 4 می دهد و اوسنی ۰۹۱۲ . ------------..........--- ..............------- 1. .... .. . . . . . .. te . . . 10 . - - - - CALCULATIONS OF PROMPT-NBUIRON TDI BUATTRO BY COUPIXD-CORE DETICS - ++ : : - 11 1. . Calculated values of the prompt-neutron decay constants for the ·assemblies were obtained by a method in which a pair of equations repre- sented the kinetics of a coupled-core assembly. If delayed neutrons are neglected, these equations can be written as follows: 11 an, (t) at e a N2(t) + y N (t + 7) + 6(t), are . Q Ny(+) + Y NA (t = 1) , · where No neutron population in core 1,2 at time t, a = prompt-neutron decay constant for one core when it is isolated from the other, my s el(1/8), • • reactivity contribution of one core to the other, 1. prompt-neutron lifetime in the isolated core, B = effective delayed neutron fraction, T - flight time of the neutrons traveling between cores. The first term on the right represents the decay of the neutron population in one core, while the second term represents the neutron source from the other core delayed a time 7. The third term in the first equation 18 the source tern. This term 18 a delta function in time and represents the neutron which Initiates the fission chain process that 18 studied by the Rossi-a technique. Since the initiation of a single flosion chain can take place only in one core at a time and since the cores are identical, the source term appears in one equation only. LUL. Ai ci.. .. . ..... ! . . . -. - . 7. - .1 . .2 .1 .. . .... . . . 11 Calculations vere performed on the tax 7090 to solve the above equations for xy(t) and X (t) for some of the coupled-core assemblies, The value of a used for each configuration was that obtained from measure- ments of the prompt-neutron decay constant for an isolated (subcritical) cylinder having the same dimensions as those used in the assembly. The value of ¢ was also obtained from the measurements of the prompt-neutron decay constant for the isolated cylinders. Since the measurements on the two-component assemblies were all made at delayed critical, the value of € is just that reactivity by which the isolated cyl.inder 18 subcritical. The prompt-neutron 11fetime was obtainsd using the lifetime inferred from measure- merits of the prompt-neutron decay constant at delayed critical and from calculated changes in the lifetime for subcritical cylinders. The value used for B, the effective delayed neutron fraction, was 0.0067. The values of _(t) and N,(t) so obtained were then used to compute the Rob8i-a correlation probabilities, which in turn were used to calculate the prompt-neutron decay constants. The calculated and experimental prompt- neutron decay constants are compared in Table I. The sensitivity of these values to errors in the constants appearing in the equations has been in- vestigated by varying the values of the constants used. These resulting changes in the prompt-neutron decay constant are also given in Dable I. The large sensitivity of the calculations to changes in a org is due to the fact that these assemblies are delayed critical and the decay in one cylinder 18 almost compensated for by the delayed source from the other (1.6., the absolute magnitude of a 18 just slightly larger than that of y, but differs in · dze). The sensitivity of the solutions to the values of a and sy is larger, the larg . . . . . . . . . - - - - .......... . . .... :- .. -- - T ! IN turi Table I. Comparison of Calculated and Measured Prompt-Neutron Decay Constants and Sensitivity of Calculations to Variations in a and a Prompt-Neutron Percent Change in Calculated Prompt- Neutron Decay Con- stant Resulting from .. 1% Change in: Decay Constant (usec-2) Cylinder Thickness (cm) Measured Calculated 6.357 6.672 7.015 - 0.872 $ 0.009 - 0.855 + 0.008 - 0.874 + 0.007 - 0.878. 0.008 - 0.900 + 0.008 - 0.920 $ 0.008 - 0.932 $ 0.008 - 0.94 - 0.92 - 0.91 - 0.90 - 0.88 - 0.88 • 25.0 > 21.8 17.8 - 14.4 - 11.3 • 8.0 24.7 21.4 17.5 14.0 10.7 7.309 . 7.627 7.946 8.255 7.3 - 0.91 - 4.5 3.9 coupling between cylinders. The solutions are not very sensitive to the value of the flight time, T. A 1% increase in a will change the solution about 0.2% in all cases. The largest disagreement between measured and calculated prompt-neutron decay constants is 8% and in this case calculation would agree with experi- ment if either a or y were changed only by 0.4%. The agreement between the measurements and the calculations is quite good considering the sensitivity or the calculation to the value of the decay constant, a, of the isolated cylinder or to the coupling coefficient, y, and indicates that the model used satisfactorily predicts the prompt-neutron time behavior. TRANSPORT THEORY CALCULATIONS OF MULTIPLICATION FACTORS The multiplication factors of the experimental configurations were calculated by multigroup transport theory using the son method' in the Sg approximation and the six-group cross-section values of Hansen and Roachº for the 2350 and 238y isotopes. Fission of 234 and 2350 was included and the absorption and scattering properties of these isotopes were assumed to be the same as those of 230. The calculated values are all between 0.989 and 1.002, as is shown in Table II. The good agreement with experiment indicates the ability of the transport method for calculation of assemblies irith large gaps. The dependence of the calculated multiplication constants on the order of the so calculations was investigated in one case. For the 6.039-cm-thick cylinders, the calculated multiplication factors for 6th, 8th, and 10th order sy calculetions were 0.991, 0.998, and 1.002, respectively. These results indicate that t pproximation is adequate. -H Y -- - Table II. Sa Transport Theory Calculations of the Múltiplication Factor Thickness of Fuel in Each Core (cm) Calculated Multiplication Factor 4.331 4.445 4.768 5.081 5.399 5.721 6.039 6.357 6.672 7.015 7.309 0.995 0.989 0.993 0.998 0.990 0.994 0.998 1.002 0.998 0.998 0.996 15 .. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS • The author wishes to acknowledge the assistance of the staff of the ORNL Critical Experiments Facility, in particular the work of J. J. Lynn, J. R. Taylor, and J. F. Ellis in the performance of the experiment. Appre- ciation 18 also expressed to P. Stewart, B Whitesides, and L. Stewart of the computer Science Center who performed the calculations and least-squares analysis. ----- . 11. 4.: ** -.- - .TTA L L. 1. . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . ... - TRY * 1 . - 4. ; .!' . . . 16 1. 34. que REFERENCES J. T. Mihalczo, Nucl. sci. Eng. 20, 60 (1964). H. H. Helmick, C. G. Chezem, and R. L. Seale, Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc. 8, 222 (June 1965). G. C. Baldwin, Nucl. Sci. Eng. 6, 320 (1959); R. Avery, "Theory of Coupled Reactors," Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva 1958, Vol. 12, p.182 (1959); S. J. Geuge, F. T. Adler, and P. N. Powers, "Neutron Dynamics and Control." Proceedings of a Symposium on Nuclear Engineering at the University of Arizona, p. 45 (May 1960); F. R. Pluta, "Neutron Dynamics and Control," Proceedings of a Symposium on Nuclear Engineering at the University of Arizona, p. 544 (May 1960). E. R. Rohrer et al., "Neutron Physics Division Annual Progress Report, Sept. 2, 1961," ORNI-3193, p. 168 (1961). J. T. Mihalczo, Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc. Ý, 60 (June 1963). J. T. Mihalczo, Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc. 9, 175 (June 1966). Clarence E. Lee, "The Discrete So Approximation to Transport Theory," LA-2595 (March 1962). G. E. Hansen and W. H. Roach, "Six and Sixteen Group Cross Sections for Fast and Intermediate Critical Assemblies," LAMS 2543 (1961). 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. ....... ......... ............ .. ..., de se .... LIST OF FIGURES Fig. 1. Typical Uranium-Metal Coupled-Core Assembly. Upper cylinder 18 on a stainless steel diaphragm and lower core is on aluminum support stand. Fig. 2. Critical Separation Distance as a function of the Thickness of One Cylinder in Each Coupled-Core Assembly. Fig. 3. Prompt-Neutron Decay in Coupled-Core Assembly for various Detector Locations. The assembly consisted of two 27.94-cm-diam x 8.25- cm-thick cylinders spaced with 36.96 cm between their flat surfaces. Fig. 4. Prompi-Neutron Decay Constant as a Function of the Thickness of One Cylinder in Each Coupled-Core Assembly. KW TIL 11 BE " Larghetto 4 F T . * - . + . 2 SE2 T. E 1 - . r. - Itt . ," ... . . . . .. ..... 21 . . . . . : .:. "Yi -- 1 2 : . ."," . . . . .. * . , ** . . t -- . . .. -. . ..! . : . , *** . New . . . ! . - i . Rih 1 Mih . Y L . - * T.. -- - i + 's . VTY Hi UPPER CYLINDER . . .. . . 1: . . . ! . . . ... 1 . . * . : NA . + LOWER..CYLINDER $ LT- SI 3. -, . 1. *** - 1.1 ' 11 ili - . 2 . : . 1 ) . . . . * T 23. . lk, #! ." : 3E . . ST 1 PA . . ' - . :- II ris . > - . 1 iu . . . - in * 1: -- . . - . 1A sy UTAN . . CH X 1 4 o t . . 16 9 T 1 ... . 1.. : : : : . . *. . l u .::. 17 .... ..11 ! 1 - * , . - 4. .. . i ." it. i. . . . . . . . -. . i . . TE L . . . Wir h+ " ......... .. .. RAR . VE .. . . ti . . : . .. 24ur. 1 . T- 1 ji" ORNL-DWG 66-10318 SEPARATION AT DELAYED CRITICAL (crn) 27.94-cm-diam URANIUM METAL CYLINDER 1 . ..' o 9 10 : THICKNESS OF EACH CYLINDER (cm) tvoreni one til it . .. . nii. ' UU . LO y - . TA S . LE - A VE 11 12 21 " TIT VI 12 1 * E TA NE Tel. LA IT. TE ' R . .2. Art - . : IN . L . . . . . . ...! ORNL-DWG 65-12505 . RUN PROMPT-NEUTRON DECAY CONSTANT = (usec) -0.932 +0.007 -0.947 0.009 -0.912 + 0.009 -0.939 +0.009 . do ooo oooo . ': A 1 1 INDICATES CHANNEL NUMBER 40 COUNTS PER CHANNEL WIDTH . ii. . . . . . 1 . 40 50 60 80 90 100 ... .70 CHANNEL NUMBER 11 . 1:11 .- * 1*7. . . 4 1. . Promo Nero Decay for a while . L . 1 . A 1 . . - INI. 2 .:........ 1 . 9:3: - .. : : .. . . : .. " ". . . . -" n.' *.* x 73 ... .... . . " . .:; T - ... - PWY FIT - - -- . * WA (m) ja gaala tatry to ssgrantil 12 ! Fik DD Un LUI DO UNI U LOLL ULIT 0 1 1111 OUT DII DON 101 . Prenapore Nanna ULIJ WIN OU 100 NA DI ....... UN - . DO . 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