TOFI ORNLP 2436 f - - . . '. 1 TT- . OS 2 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS - 1963 i OPNL-P.2436 Conf-660904-1 SLP 2 2 1966 CHARACTERIZATION OF RADIOACTIVE PARTICULATE AEROSOLS BY THE FIBKOUS FII:TER ANALYZER * M. D. Silverman, J. Truitt, W. E. Browning, Jr., L. F. Franzen, and R. E. Adams Reactor Chemistry Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratoryj: Oak Ridgear Tennessee ABSTRACT H.C. $ 1.00; MN.SO The fibrous filter analyzer (FFA) has been developed for measuring the characteristics of radioactive aerosols in terms of their response to filtration processes by determining their distribution vs depth in a filter under carefully controlled conditions. Moisture was shown to have no significant effect on the performance of the FFA, although the test aerosol itself was affected by moisture. The filtration efficiency data obtained agreed well with the theoretical treatment of filtration developed by Torgeson. The analyzer was calibrated against particles having diameters from 150 to 1500 Angstroms, measured by electron microscopy. INTRODUCTION The fibrous filter analyzer (FFA) characterizes radioactive aerosols by determining their distribution as a function of depth under carefully controlled conditions. Although it was developed originally for measuring the amounts of fission products associated with aerosols resulting from simulated reactor accidents, the FFA can also be employed for monitoring radioactive aerosols associated with normal operation of reactors or processing plants. These measurements are needed because different kinds of aerosols differ in their behavior during dispersal, transport, deposition, and filtration; and meaningful interpretation of their behavior or reliable design of filtration systems depends upon the ability to distinguish between fission products associated with different kinds of aerosols. There is a need for both field devices and for laboratory devices for reference measurements. The field devices are needed for application in accident- simulation experiments or in monitoring effluents from reactors or processing plants. The laboratory reference measurements are needed for calibrating the relatively simple field devices against more fundamental standards. 2 -41; IN NUCLEAR SCIENCE ABSTRACTS RELEASED FOR ANNOUNCEMENT : - - . -- * M TEL - TP The ideal field characterization device should meet several require- ments. It must discriminate, unambiguously, between the various forms of aerosols carrying fission procucts. This discrimination between forms should be accomplished by measurement of processes that are similar to processes important in the behavior of fission products under the conditions of interest so that application of the data will not involve extensive extrapolation from the conditions of measurement. Analytical techniques for the measurement of the materials deposited by these processes should involve radioactivity so that only those processes that affect fission product behavior will be emphasized. From a practical standpoint, besides determining the amount of radioactivity involved with various aerosols, the IS . 1 14 *A@Jeucis aponied by the U. 3. Atino. Duero Comuo:lon umier cuartsect vitis tie Union Carbue Couporation. - -. - . - + - - - 3 1. device should be simple, reliable, inexpensive with respect to both construction and analysis, and require a minimum of electrical and mechanical accessories. Its performance should not be adversely affected under testing conditions, particularly by moisture. Such a device usually takes the form of an assembly that is passive in the · sense that it simply sits in place but is dynamic in the sense that it makes its measurement using the motion of gas passing through it to bring into play processes like diffusion and inertial impaction. The information developed by such a device is stored in it in the form of distribution of radioactivity until the device is retrieved and radioassayed. This distribution is then interpreted in terms of the amounts of fission products having various characteristics that affect their behavior. . . . - . = : . : - - - . Some characterization devices have been developed that meet most of these requirements to a greater or lesser degree. Some popular methods of measurement of aerosols are quite useful but fail to satisfy these criteria in important respects. For example, electron microscopy and some light . scattering devices give explicit information about the sizes of particles which are opaque to electrons or light, but make no distinction between those which carry radioactivity and those which do not. Condensation nuclei detectors of the Pollack or Aitken type select particles according to whether they nucleate condensation rather than according to their radioactivity. Certain electrostatic analyzers measure particles by the charge they carry. There are a number of aerosol analyzers which measure aerosol particles by their radioactivity and thus measure the ones important in the behavior of radioactive materials. The cascade impactor (1) and the Andersen sampler (2) both are suitable for measuring the character of radioactive aerosols in terms of their behavior while impinging on a flat surface. The Goetz aerosol. spectrometer (3) makes similar measurements in a centrifugal field. Several investigators have developed electrostatic classifiers suitable for detection using radio- activity of the aerosol (4-8). "The FFA, in essence, is an "in situ" analytical device which characterizes aerosols dynamically by particle response to the major processes of filtration: diffusion, interception, and inertial impaction. -- - The concept of the FFA originated from a note by Sisefsky (9) who determined the penetration of "fall-out" material in a filter by radio- assay of thin layers of filtering material peeled off with pressure- sensitive cellophane tape. Although the technique yielded the desired information, it was limited in accuracy because of the broad spectrum of fiber sizes in the commercial filter employed and in the varying thickness of the peeled-off layers. By contrast, the fibrous filter analyzer is made from uniform diameter material formed into a layered structure to facilitate separation of the fiber bed into discrete layers for radioassay. Preiiminary results using this principle of aerosol characterization were reported previously (10-12), especially with reference to the diffusion flow regime. The present paper not only supplies results under a much wider range of experimental conditions including moisture but takes into consideration the mechanisms of inter- ception and inertial impaction. "Preliminary calibration has been LEGAL NOTICE . . - This report was propared us an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the nited Statau, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makos may warranty or representation, exprouard or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, completeness, or usefulness of the faformation contained in this report, or that the wine of way information, appuntua, method, or process di lorod la the report may not Infringe privately owned righto; or B. Asnimas any liabilities with respoct to the use of, or for damages resulting from the na of way laformation, apparatus, method, or proceu disclosed in this report, As wood in the abov, "porno0 acthy on behalf of the Commission" tocludeo may on ploys or contractor of the Couninslon, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that much employw or contractor of the Commission, or employee of much contractor prepares, denominatas, or provides accouto, way information purmuaat to No oployment or contract with the Commission, or kjo employment with such contractor. t -3- accomplished with reference to aerosol particle sizes obtained by electron microscopy. EXPERIMENTAL The experimental arrangement was designed to facilitate separation of the fiber bed into discrete layers for radioassay after exposure to the aerosol. We chose fibers with a high degree of uniformity in order to facilitate theoretical analysis. Raw Dacron-polyester staple fibers (99% were 11.3 + 0.8 u) 3.8 cm long were separated into a uniform web by means of a carding machine (13). Punched-out disks of this material, 3.8 cm in diameter and 0.05 cm thick, were inserted in series between uniform photo- etched stainless steel screens supported by cut-out metal washers, the whole enclosed in a cylindrical polystyrene holder, and provided with O-ring seals to give a compact filtering device (Fig. 3.). A test aerosol containing 652n was produced by using a Tesla coil to generate a spark between two pieces of zinc foil placed approximately 2 mm apart. Radio- active ozn was chosen for the test aerosol because it possessed the requisite properties of a strong y-emitter of long half-life which is easily prepared by neutron irradiation and is also easily decontaminated by aqueous chemical methods. A stream of air passed over the electrodes and carried the aerosol through the system (Fig. 2) containing the filters. Electron micrographs of samples of the aerosol collected on membrane filters yielded information regarding the size of the particles. Depending on the experimental conditions, aerosols have been prepared over the size range 50 to 10,000A (0.05 to 1 m.). Experiments were conducted over a wide velocity range, the linear flow rạtes varying from 0.2 to 300 cm/sec. The moisture content of the inlet air to the system was varied from < 1 to 100% relative humidity for different experimerts. The data were analyzed by means of graphs (Fig. 3) in which the log of the relative radioactivity collected per layer is plotted against depth in the filter. Each layer contained from 2 to 8 x 109 of fiber per square centimeter of filter area, evaluated from disk weights and. the density of the fiber. The abscissa in Fig. 3 has been simplified to show filter depth in centimeters, but the very small non- uniformity of the filter pads has been accounted for in plotting the data. In the region of low flow where Brownian diffusion is the dominant process for particle transport to the fiber, filtration efficiency decreased with increasing velocity. In the high-flow region, where inertial impaction is the principal process for particle transport, the efficiency increased with increasing velocity. In the intermediate-flow region, the interception range, where geometrical considerations of particle size and fiber size are very important, the filtration efficiency is largely independent of velocity. Thus, the velocity dependence of the slope of these distribution curves identifies the mechanism of filtration, and the magnitude of the slope indicates the intensity of the filtering action. .-.. - - • • REDUCTION OF DATA RÁ The intensity of the filtering action is a significant quality of an aerosol, and it is useful to express this quality in terms that are relatively independent of experimental conditions. The filtering action of fiber mat is the cumulative effect of particle removal by individual fibers. The collection efficiency of an individual fiber, n, is defined as the ratio of the cross-sectional area of the aerosol stream from which particles are removed to the projected area of the fiber in the direction of flow and may be obtained from the slope of the distribution curve on the semi-log graph. This slope may be substituted directly for (in N/N.)/L in the expression derived by Langmuir (14) and confirmed by Davies (15) and Chen (16) for the single-fiber efficiency: n = - In Ñ 0 (1 - alam T. -, (1) where No and N are the upstream and downstream particle concentrations, respectively, a is the volume fraction occupied by the fibers, L is the thickness of mat, and df the fiber diameter, all 'In consistent units. The slopes of the distribution curves on a semilog plot such as Fig. 3 can be shown to be identical to the expression (in N/N.)/L: the data plotted is the amount of activity deposited in the fiber bed, that is the amount removed from the gas stream, -an, per unit depth, dl. The logarithm of (-aN/aL) is plotted vs L. When for an aerosol or for a single component of an aerosol the plot yields a straight line, then not intendaishironto mi . . d ln (-aN/aL) L = - a, dL where -a is the slope of the plot. Integrating (2), in (-aN/aL) = -aL + I where I is the intercept at L = 0 on the plot. Integrating (4) Since the data yields information about only those species which deposit in the filter, N - O as I + , and c = 0. For 1 = 0, I 01 ರ whence (6) 2 - 5. !. 3 N 2 E P and (in N/N.)/L = -a. (7) Comparison with (2) shows that the slope of the line on & semilog plot of deposition may be substituted directly for (in N/N.)/L in Eq. (1). Thus this expression, commonly know). as the Chen equation, has been used extensively to calculate the single fiber efficiency, n, which is a measure of the quality of an aerosol, i.e., how easily it can be trapped in a fibrous filter. This information about the aerosol is useful per se, but it also can be used to calculate the diameter of the aerosol particles. OPTIMIZATION OF DESIGN OF A FIBROUS FILTER ANALYZER The choice of materials, dimensions, and operating conditions for a fibrous filter analyzer should be based on its application. We were interested in aerosols which could carry radioactive fission products in reactor accidents; simulated reactor accidents have yielded particles whose diameters range from 50 to several thousand Angstroms. A computer study of fundamental variables in filtration had indicated fiber diameter to be the most important parameter. For particles in this size range the most effective fibers in practical fibrous filters are those near the small diameter end of the fiber size spectrum. The 11.3 micron diameter Dacron fibers selected were the smallest ones available which were uniform in diameter. A smaller diameter would be preferable. A material which would resist higher temperatures would also be more desirable. The packing density of the fibers must be controlled. Since fiber filtration theory is based on the flow of the aerosol around isolated fibers, low values of X, the volume fraction occupied by the fibers, are desired. However, at the very low packing densities it is too difficult to maintain reproducibility and stability. The data in Table 1 show how the single fiber efficiency varied with a. For each gas velocity a value of a of approximately 0.15 yielded an appreciably lower value of nithan did the other values of a. However, for a's of around 0.04, the value of n was relatively insensitive to a. For this reason, packing densities of around 0.04 were adopted. The full range of practical gas velocities has been explored experimentally. For some particle size ranges expected low velocities would be preferable; but for particles over about 1000 Angstroms in diameter, the plot of n vs particle diameter is double-valued, as will be noted in a later section; and if information in this range is needed, it may be necessary to operate samplers at two different velocities. EFFECTS OF MOISTURE Some of the more important applications of aerosol analyzers are in circumstances where moisture may be present. For example, following an accident to a water-cooled reactor, fission products could be released to the steam atmosphere resulting from evaporation of the coolant. It is necessary to be able to measure aerosol materials under conditions MAILI - ' C' .35 . T --- LOVE corresponding to such an accident. Accordingly, tests were carried out to determine the possible effects of moisture on the performance of the fibrous filter analyzer. Figures 4 and 5 show some of the data obtained. The log of the amount of activity on each layer of the fibrous bed 18 . plotted vs depth through the bed. The tests were carried out at room temperature at relative humidities of less than 2% and at 4100%. There is a very noticcable difference between the distribution curves obtained under wet and dry conditions. Under dry conditions the initial steep slope is more pronounced. Under wet conditions the overall reduction of activity 16 diminished. It is interesting to note, however, that the lower portion or the curves have approximately the same slope. This means that the more penetrating of the two species of particles is filtered with equal efficiency under both wet and dry conditions. In other words, the inter- action hetweer: this species of particle and the fibers is not affected by moisture, and the fibrous filter analyzer 13 measuring particles satisfactorily unaer moist conditions and dry conditions. The change in the front end of the distribution curve under moist conditions can be interpreted as an effect of the moisture on the aerosol itself. Evidently an easily filtered species is more abundant under dry conditions and less abundant under moist conditions. There are severel possible explanations for this. The moisture may inhibit agglomeration or perhaps may affect the formation or growth of particles which are easily filtered. E .PL A series of experiments was conducted to measure the effect of humidity on the filter collection efficiency of the more penetrating species. These tests were carried out under two levels of relative humidity, less than 2 and 100%, over the velocity range 0.66 to 322 cm/sec. The single fiber efficiencies, n, were calculated from the slopes of the lower portions of the distribution curves and are presented in Table 2. Also tabulated in Table 2 for each velocity are the ratios of the filter collection efficiencies under wet vs dry conditions. The mean value of this ratio for all velocities combined is 1.19 with a standard deviation of 0.36. This indicates that the ratio did not differ significantly from 1 and there was no significant effect of moisture on the filter collection efficiency. This means that the fibrous filter analyzer gave the same results for aerosol characteristics under both wet and dry conditions. The analyzer indicated, however, that there was a difference in the abundance of a less penetrating species in the aerosol. THEORETICAL $ The theoretical analysis of data obtained from fibrous filter analyzers is of interest for a number of reasons. If the data can be correlated with theory, greater credence can be placed in the conclusions, and the theoretical analysis can be used for interpolation between calibration points. In addition, the availability of data obtained with fibrous material having uniform fiber diameter and for a large number of points through the depth of the bed afford a unique opportunity to confront theoretical expressions with experimental data. 2 The theoretical interpretation of fibrous filter analyzer data uitained at relatively low linear velocities of 0.2 to 2.5 cra/sec has been reported previously (10-12). It was found that in this range in the single fiber collection efficiency, is proportional to 1/(velocity)1/2. This relationship was interpreted to indicate that, in the low flow region, diffusion is the primary mechanism of filtration. Measurements were made of pressure drop through the fibrous material at various flow rates and packing densities and some of these data are presented in Fig. 6. The pressure drop data were used to compute the fiber diameter using a calculation technique described by Whitby (17). The effective fiber diameter was 10.8 microns which compared favorably with the 21.3 micron value observed microscopically. This indicates that the flow of air through the fibrous bed is indeed of the type assumed in the theoretical treatment which follows. Theoretical calculations were made of fiber efficiencies for the conditions of the fibrous filter analyzer over the entire range of velocities and taking into consideration not only diffusion, but also the processes of intercepti in and inertial impaction. The theoretical treat- ment developed by Torgeson (18) was used. This theory is an adaptation of Davies' (15) interception and impaction theory, with a new combined interception and diffusion theory. The Torgeson treatment was selected by Whitby (17) as that which agreed most closely with a variety of experimental data. In the Torgeson theory, My = 0.75 Mimp + FG nao na was evaluated by na = 0.7 (Re)0.4 (Pe)0.6 where Pe is the Peclet number, Pe = vo df C D Bm v. is the linear velocity and Dom is the diffusion coefficient, where c is the Cunningham slip correction, k is the Boltzman constant, T is the temperature in OK, u is the viscosity of air, and dp is the particle size. The (CpRe/2) is the drag coefficient which is - - -- - .. PS M C Re que - Anime : - -- E G is interception correction factor, F is inertial correction factor given - -- by - - -. p=1 +0.025 , 0.6 P20.6 610.5 + 9.48 (Steno." (Fe)-0.6). is the impaction parameter. Theoretical non were calculated for a series of particle sizes ranging from 67 to 13,400 Angstroms and for velocities ranging from 0.66 to 322 cm/sec. A three-dimensional plot of these DT vs velocity and particle size is shown in Fig. 7. The region of the curves in which the calibration points lie is almost, entirely near the bottom of the valley. This is to be expected because of the method of selection of particles. Only those particles which are more penetrating were available in that portion of the fibrous bed where the calibration was carried out. By the same token, these are the particles which are most important since they are the ones which set a limit on filter efficiency. Therefore, they are the ones we most want to measure. The sensitivity of this method of calibration is limited by the spread of particle sizes observed by the electron microscope. However, within these limits the experimental points agree fairly well with the theoretical treatment. With this information, it is possible to interpret fibrous filter analyzer data in terms of particle diameter for particles from 150 to about 1500 Angstroms in diameter. CALIBRATION The fibrous filter analyzer yields information which is valuable without reference to absolute particle size; 15 distinguishes aerosol particles according to their behavior and gives a quantitative measure of this important quality. It would be desirable, however, to establish a relationship between this measure of aerosol characteristic and other measures, and the usual practice is to describe aerosol particles in terms of their diameter. For this reason, comparison measurements are being made to calibrate the fibrous filter analyzer against particles of known size. Some of the more obvious procedures of generating particles of known size labelled with radioactivity and passing them through a fibrous filter analyzer have not yet been completed. One set of measurements, however, has been made which permits this calibration comparison to be made. The heterodisperse aerosol previously described, labelled with ºzn was passed through a fibrous filter analyzer. The fibrous bed eliminated 16 2. , . all but the most penetrating aerosol species. That the separation was nearly complete was indicated by the linearity of the distribution plots, near the exit end of the fibrous fllter bed. The value of the single fiber collection efficiency, 1), was evaluated for this linear portion of the curve. The dimensions of the particles emerging from the fibrous bed were measured by trapping them on a carbon-coated membrane: filter and measuring them by electron microscopy. The results of these two measurements are presented in Table 3. The results have also been plotted on the three-dimensional graph in Fig. 7. CONCLUSIONS The fibrous filter analyzer (FFA) has been developed for measuring the characteristics of radioactive aerosols in terms or their response to filtration processes by determining their distribution vs depth in a filter under carefully controlled conditions. Moisture was shown to have no significant effect on the performance of the FFA, although the test aerosol itself was affected by moisture. The filtration efficiency data obtained agreed well with the theoretical treatment of filtration developed by Torgeson. The analyzer was calibrated against particles having diameters from 150 to 1500 Angstroms, measured by electron microscopy. * - *5E REFERENCES 2 - 1. -3 * . ,5 K. R. May, J. Sci. Instrum 22, 187 (1945). A. A. Andersen, "New Sampler for the Collection, Sizing, and Enumeration of Viable Airborne Particles," J. Bacteriology 76, 471-84 (1958). 2. . A . .. . - ... , 3. A. Goetz and 0. Preining, "Bestimmung der Gröbenverteilung cines Aerosols Mittels des Goetz'schen Aerosolspektrometers," Acta Phys. Austriaca 14, 293-301 (1961). M. H. Wilkening, "Natural Radioactivity as a Tracer in the Sorting of Aerosols According to Mobility," Rev. Sci. Instr. 23(1), 13 (1952). 5. V. Mohnen and K. Stierstadt, "Die Verteilung der Naturlichen Radio- aktivitat auf das Grobenspektrum des Naturlichen Aerosols," Zeitschrift fur Physik 173, 273-293 (1963). 6 M. Gass, M. Saran and K. Stierstadt, "Das Grobenspektrum des Naturlichen Atmospharischen Aerosols," Zeitschrift fur Physik 185, 269-277 (1965). 7. R. S. Stuart, "The Analysis, Optimization, and Design of an Airborne Radiation Sampling Electrostatic Precipitator, " Thesis, Master of Science, School of Engineering of the Institute of Technology Air University, May 1962. K. T. Whitby and C. M. Peterson, "Electrical Neutralization and Particle Size Measurement of Dye Aerosols," I and EC Fundamentals 4, 66 (February 1965). 9. : J. Sisefsky, "A Method for Determination of Particle Penetration Depths in a Filter," Nature 182, 1438 (1.958). 10. M. D. Silverman and W. E. Browning, Jr., "Fibrous Filters as Particle Size Analyzers," Science 143, 572-3 (1964). 11. W. E. Browning, Jr., R. D. Ackley, and M. D. Silverman, "Characterization of Gas-borne Fission Products," pp. 155-162, Eighth AEC Air Cleaning Conference held at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, October 22-25, 1963, TID-7677. 12. M. D, Silverman and W. E. Browning, Jr., "Fibrous Filters as Particle Analyzers," Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc. 6(2) 401 (November 1963). We thank the Cotton Spinning Laboratory of the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee, for carding the Dacron fiber. 14. I. Langmuir, "Filtration of Aerosols and the Development of Filter Materials," OSRD Report ivo. 865 (1942). E n . -11- 15. C. N. Davies, Proc. Inst. Mech. Engrs. London 1B, 185 (1952). 16. C. Chen, "Filtration of Aerosols by Fibrous Media," Chem. Rev. 55, 595 (1955). 17. K. T. Whitby, "Calculation of the Clean Fractional Efficiency of Low Media Density Filters," ASHRAE Journal , pp. 56-65 (September 1965). 18. W. L. Torgeson, "The Theoretical Collection Efficiency of Fibrous Filters due to the Combined Effects of Inertia, Diffusion, and Interception," Paper No. J-1057, Applied Science Division, Litton Systems, Inc., St. Paul, Minnesota. FIGURE CAPTIONS 1. CRNL-PHOTO-61430, Fibrous Filter Analyzer. 2. ORNL-LR-DWG-76776, Apparatus for Characterization of Aerosols Using Fibrous Filters. 3. ORNL-DWG-63-521, Distribution of Zinc Activity vs Depth in Filter. ORNL-DWG-66-591, Response of the Fibrous Filter Analyzer Under Wet and Dry Conditions at a Linear Velocity of 3 fpm. ORNL-DWG-66-592, Response of the Fibrous Filter Analyzer Under Wet and Dry Conditions at a Linear Velocity of 11.5 1pm. ORNL-DWG-66-6520, The Effect of Packing Density on Pressure Drop for Varying Velocity. - 1- - 1.- * ESTER - TV Tiiu -12- Table I. The Effect of Packing Denghty on the Single Fiber Efficiency \ (cm/sec) : Filter Volume Fraction Solids Experimentat: Single Fiber Efficiency 0.66 .oko8 ဝ.ook 0.154 0.0717 0.0o1 0.00 1 လို့ ထထထ ထထထ o.o18 0.0778 0.131 0.028 0.025 0.0106 0.0375 0.0779 0.159 0.0355 0.02.1 O.O172 4.9 4.9 0.085 0.0760 O.155 0.036 0.015 0.0384 0.0769 0.154 0.15, 0.0261 0.0200 O.O1.1 O.O119 7.9 7.9 14.8 14.8 1.8 0.0368 0.0703 0.18 0.0597 0.ok12 O.O198 29.6 2.o55 0.0852 0.158 0.0571 0.0102 O.O124 29.6 5. 5.4 5.4 o.olx72 0.0897 o.15 0.035 ၀.၀၀89 0.0016 . : 1 f ( i * * - 1 - - • - - - 7 "_ Y -13- Table II. The Effect of Humidity on the Single Fiber Efficiency so Relative Humidity Ratio W/D 0.66 0.0776 0.66 100 0.121 1.56 2.0 2.0 100 0.0471 0.0476 1.01 0.0395 0.0476 100 10.8 10.8 0.0286 0.0334 1.16 15.1 0.0248 0.0332 15.1 100 1.34 oo 0.0255 0.0288 100 1.13 100 0.0421 0.0379 0.90 0.0587 0.124 100 2.11 EF mm 100 0.0311 0.0308 0.99 45.5 45.5 0.0785 0.0654 100 0.83 322 100 0.0389 0.0340 0.87 Average 1.19 ir - --- tas -14- 2-13 -- 2. . . Table III. Comparison of Experimentally and Theoretically Determined Particle Diameters 3 . . . .&. S v Relative Humidity n Experimental Single Fiber Efficiency Particle Diameter Particle Diameter Experimental Calculated EM Photo, AO . Aº I DAV 2.0 0.0413 0.0466 2000 2895 1700 1600 2.0 0.0395 0.0476 1020 2200 710 10.8 10.8 0.0288 0.0332 300-600 43 - 410 15.1 0.0249 0.0332 680 150-1000 3000-5000 600 21.0 21.0 0.0255 0.0284 400-800 400-600 - . . I 35.7 35.7 0.103 0.0587 70-500 1450-3600 LA 0.0311 0.0308 500-2000 500-5000 2 . ta 0.0785 0.0654 300-3560 740-3850 . 6:19Mi 322 322 0:0389 0.0684 200-700 300-600 ic ... F2 2 PESANTES • : مهم مهمه . . .. . .. . .. .. . :: س.م } 08CLASSIFICA OAK RIDGE NATIOXAL LABORATORY .ه واه . :: .:C .. ...من... م .. .. .. ... ..م .. ه .همه سه ماه سه ن ... .جب مطمن . .. .. . . . . . . - نننننننننمننننمنمسسمند ممم ... ... .. ... .. . . . . تعمید کنسليه لنننغلضممضة... همممممسقط .مي . .. . . .. .. . . . . . . . -- -- -- ... ... . . هسننممنمحمدی ،نعه مما دفعدن، مصممه دسسسسسمدسنسنسلخ نما . Frigi. Fihrow. Filter Analygi. . : اساس har To be replaced by نجاست اما مهم است . . .. جا منہ اس . ا ، ا سمی /7 » c . UNCLASSIFIED ORAL-LR-OWO 76776 FLOWMETER HOLDER FOR FIBER FILTERS FILTERED AIR PARTICLE GENERATOR ABSOLUTE FILTER HOOD EXHAUST PUMP Ze FOIL SPARK GAP FLOWMETER TESLA COIL Fig. Mateo Apparatus for Characterizoion of Aerosols Using Fibrous Filters. m .-. - refor <25 UNCLASSIFIED ORNL - DWG 63-521 AIR VELOCITY 88 Il/min - 2110 cmicm2 -- . FRACTION OF ACTIMTY (RELATIVE COMCENTRATION/FILTER DEPTH)' Q002 2001 - 0.0005 men det er interes 0.0002 0.0001 0.00005 FILTER DEPTH (FIBER LENGTH / FILTER AREA, cm/cm2) Fig. Distribu!ion of Zinc Activity vs Depth in Filter. ierten en met een 1. AL-KO ORNL-DWG 66-591 -SATURATED AIR ننننننننننننننننننننننننننننصمتنه RATED AIR NIN, RATIO OF DOWNSTREAM TO UPSTREAM PARTICLE CONCENTRATIONS DRY AIR MORE PENETRATING COMPONENTS . . . LESS PENETRATING COMPONENTS vanhastaminmaternitanici na sedeniew direnean erama ......... 2 -DRY AIR 10 a 5 · 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 3.5 FILTER NUMBER - ....... 1 RESPONSE OF THE FIBROUS FILTER ANALYZER UNDER WET AND DRY CONDITIONS AT A LINEAR VELOCITY OF 3 fpm - - - ORNL-DWG 66-592 SATURATED AIR DRY AIR NINO, RATIO OF DOWNSTREAM TO UPSTREAM PARTICLE CONCENTRATIONS ATURATED AIR MORE PENETRATING COMPONENTS LESS PENETRATING COMPONENTS • DRY AIR 0 1 2 3 4 5 9 10 11 12 13 14 6 7 8 FILTER NUMBER RESPONSE OF THE FIBROUS FILTER ANALYZER UNDER WET AND DRY CONDITIONS AT A LINEAR VELOCITY OF 11.5 fpm ple. 5 . ***** * nino ir Vasyning Velocity : • ORNL-DWG 66-6520 AP (mm H2O) Oa~0.04 La ar 0.08 da~0.015 o 5th SERIES a0.04 .. 5 10 15 20 25 30 FLOW RATE (cm/sec) 35 40 45 . - . .! 1 .1. LL ' ALWA A : 1 WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW Nu W WWW We TW V Cri d hite . 1 WATE HITLUS . END . MATE--- - - . , 0 C . DATE FILMED 10/ 21 / 66 RA * 1 M e . - . : HITI HONI M W w , S . NUL BRY" M : M2 Min MID di " TT