. . A .: | OFI ORNLP 2532 . . : . . . . * 1 . .. RSO EEEFEEEE KE 111.25 1.1.4 1.16 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS -1963 ORNA 2532 NOV 2 9 1966 HC.E. /.002.50 Conf-660934-1 MASTER Calculating Fuel Cycle Costs for Light Water Reactors* by J. A. Lane For Presentation at the IAEA International Survey Course On Economic and Technical Aspects of Nuclear Power Vienna, Austria, September 5-16, 1966 LEGAL NOTICE · RELEASED FOR ANNOUNCEMENT - - - IN NUCLEAR SCIENCE ABSTRACTS Tus report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, "'perkon acting on behalf of the Commission” includes any em- ployee or cc .tractor of the Commission, or employee of such co'Itractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to any information purnuant to bio employment or contract with the Commission, or le employment with such contrattor. Y " . " Research supported by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. f 17 tu 2. - Introduction Unlike conventional plants in which fuel costs are determined merely plant, nuclear fuel costs involve a series of fuel cycle operations, the costs for which have to be added to obtain total costs. Figure 1 shows what these operations are for light water reactors fueled with slightly enriched uranium dioxide, Superimposed on the costs for these individual fuel handling steps are the interest charges on any outstanding capital investments associated with the fuel cycle. These latter costs are called the working capital component of fuel cycle costs. As seen in Figure 1, uranium as mined is processed into a form of natural uranium ore concentrate (U308) and is subsequentiy converted to natural uranium hexafluoride (UF) and enriched in the isotope U-235 in AEC facilities. The enriched uranium hexafluoride gas is converted to a uranium dioxide (UO2). pellet or powder form and contained in zirconium tubing suitable for reactor use. After irradiation for production of power, fuel is reprocessed to recover uranium and plutonium and to remove fission products as wastes. The depleted uranium iş then converted into UF. and returned to the U-235 enrichment plant. Total fuel-cycle cost to electric utilities therefore includes several component costs which are: depletion cost, fuel fabrication price, recovery cost, including spent-fuel transportation and reprocess- ing, and fuel-cycle carrying charges. Plutonium, which is produced will be used for future fuel, and its value should therefore be subtracted from the above costs to determine the total fuel-cycle costo ... The recovered f'issionable inaterial (üranium and plutonium) may, under AEC leased fuel arrangements, be returned to the or, under pri- vate ownership, may be sold by the owner to fuel processors or retained by the owner for use in the manufacture of future fuel for its plants. In the case of privately owned plutonium, it may also be sold under certain conditions to the AEC for development programs. , The U, S: Atonic Energy Commission controls the price of enrichment services, as well as the re- purchase price for plutonium for development programs. Optional private ownership with toll enrichment services becomes available in 1969. with mandatory private ownership in 1971 (mid-1973 for fuel leased prior to 1971). Fuel cycle costs after 1969 are based on private ownership Ex- ercise of ownership rights remains. subject to AEC licensing authority. Utilities purchasing light water reactors from U. S. suppliers can usually obtain a number of guarantees relative to the performance and costs of the nuclear fuel for the first 3 to 12 years operation of the plant. The General Electric Company catalogue, for example, lists costs of fabricated fuel (enriched to approximately 2.5% J-235) for reactor cores ranging in size from 50 MWE to 1000 MWE as shown in Table 1. . 1 1 - ..if V UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LA-DWG 36163 REACTOR S pent Puel FUEL FABRICATION STORAGE UFO TO VOR SHIPPING Tolle Plutonium RE. ENRICHMENT CHEMICAL PROCESSING 30g Makovo Uronium Waste U-NITRATE TO UP The u236.4230, slightly enriched Uranium fuel cycle. Figure 1 N T:: :-::::.. .:-. .,' ..- .- ' " .- .. . . ptin your 12 **** 1724- 2 **: - 3. Table 1 General Electric Fabrication Prices (May 24, 1965) Net Plant Racing MWE Non Reheat Plants 18t Core 2nd Core 3rd Core Total Total Total Core $/kg $ Thousands $/kg $ Thousands $/kg $ Thousands 145 1,360 145 1,360 145 1,360 99 6,210 5,822 84 5,283 96 10,027 9,358 8,367 94 14,800 13,659 78 12,207 94 19,643 86 18,121 77 16,139 50 300 500 750 1000 93 80 Reheat Plants Net Plant Rating MWE 300 500 750 1000 99 93 $/kg $ Thousands $/kg $ Thousands $/kg 6,133 5,752 - 84 96 9,883 89 9,224 80 94 14,586 87 13,462 717 94 19,357 86 17,858 77 Thousands 5,220 8,247 12,030 15,904 These cores are warranted by GE to obtain average exposure levels of 16,500 MWD/MT for the first core and 22,000 MWD/MT for the second and third cores. The prices for fabrication include, the conversion of UF: to UO2 powder, processing of the powder, fabricating of fuel bundles and the following services: (a) A core loading and repositioning schedule or revision as necessary, (b) Reactor operating conditions and limits or revision as necessary, Physics and fuel exposure calculations, Safeguard calculations on fuel, Provision of shipping containers for fresh fuel including return transportation for GE reuse. Although not all of the nuclear fuel cycle operations are under the control of the reactor supplier, guarantees of overall nuclear fuel costs have been negotiated by nuclear plant purchasers. The Tennessee Valley Authority, for example, was able to obtain from GE a warranted cost or heat supplied by the reactor for the first 12 years operation of their Brown's Ferry Plant (consisting of two 1100 MWE boiling water reactors). This ranged from 14.9€/million Btu (1.57 mills per Kwhr) in 1970 to 10.34/ million Btu (1.09 mills per Kwhr) in 1982. In most cases, however, nuclear plant owners have negotiated separate contracts for the Individual fuel cycle operations. Estimated fuel cycle costs for boiling water reactors based on GE'S fabrication costs and warranted performance are given in Table 2. Similar ཟླ Cost Items Table 2 Estimated Fuel Cycle Costs Based on General Mectric Guarantees Het Plant Rating (WB) Ist Core (1970-7lond - aa em szes 1c4) n ་ o 70_ im_ o_ ༧n, o_ 750_ m_ / o_ p_ Ind Core (1977-81 lond) n_ o 70_ im_ - (MBTU) U Depletin Pa Creilles Recovery Fabrication Fuel Cycle Financing Cost 4.5 13Ass 7. 6. 5.05 3,7 5 .2 e.ཆ e . 2. e. ) e. 2.) 1.a) (1.s 1. ) (1,8) .: .. ..s: : :ss .. . ... 3 . 3 . 5 བ ན s.s .r 7. s.szss , 5. 5 བsn ss 3.45 3. s 3 .a 3. 3. ་ 3.6 3. e s 2. sa.gr. 57.717.s: .sA. AmA s. e.oད 1.es 7. 5 5 (1.m 5. 1.s) 13 ... 2. 5. d. . .. 2 3.s u. ) 1:3 ./ བ 3 3 .r Total . .. . ཀ 2. . . ་ is - Kon-Reheat Plants U Depletion . Pa Credit Recovery Fabrication Fuel Cycle Pinancing Cout .: ཟླཙུནྟི ནྟི ཊྛིཏྟཱ སྒྱུ $ ཡུ ཚུ ཤཱ ཉྙོ 11 | }} {། བྱམནྟི བྷཱུ ཙྩོ }} { }} | ༦ ཙྪཱ བྷྱཱ EQWEཧཱུཾ་ ། ཙྩ བྷཱུ བྷྱཱ ཨཱུ ༔ ༅ WW ཨཱ ༔ {{ }}} ༑ བྷཱུཏྟཱ བྷྱཱ ཙུ ཝུ ཨཱ བྷྱཱ ཙ ་ཙ ནཱ ཉྙོ ཙྩོམ། ཚུཉྩནྟུཏྟཱ བྷྱཱ ཙསུ ཤུ ༔ ༔ ༔ ཤུ ཤྩ མ ཤཱཥཱ ཉྙོ ཙW ཉྙ ༩ཙུག % ཨཱི ཨཱི ཨུ བྷཱུ ཆུབློབུ ཝུ བྷྱཱ ཨུ་ཝེ ཨཱི ཤུ བུ བྷྱཱ ཙྪཱ ༔ བa 1. Total ( མ) - Bebeat Plants U Depletion Pe Credit Recovery Fabrication Fuel Cycle Pinancing ini , }}}}} } ཉྙ9བཙ ཏུ པུ ཧཱུཾ་ བུ བུ རྒྱུ } Total 1ss 1s1. 1 1 . 1 . • 1.ན Pued cost Asgatalans (11 Values Are Based on Deivate Ownership of fuel) Core Lond Betective Date ༠༠ s5 s: Basis for Us Vanes: ༤, it . ༣༠ a. Couversion to W6, $/100 1a .s Seperative cost, fait at ཅt བe Piastle Pe Valveb, $len - •. , Recovery, $/kg U . 1.༠ ༠ s. Fuel Cycle Piomacing Rate hai da cart Irradiation and post-trradiation inventory rate : Notes: che Betective Date" indicates year that valves are assumed to be in effect. pissile platonium in form of nirate (13). Includes spent fuel aansportation to reactor to reprocessing plant and reprocessing wraniu to Ws toms and plutonium to ritrate taxi. • , , • • 5. guarantees and similar fuel cycle costs, of course, are available from other suppliers of light water reactors such as Babcock and Wilcox,... Combustion Engineering and Westinghouse Electric Corporation. The GE data given here are only for illustrative purposes. Guarantees obtainable from nuclear plant suppliers; however, are apt to cover only the first several years of operation of a nuclear plant. Even though these first years cperation are very important from the standpoint of nuclear versus conventional power economics, in order to decide between these two types of plants, prospective buyers should look beyond these first years and evaluate the influence of subsequent years fuel cycle costs. The following peragraphs will illustrate the techniques and principles involved in such an evaluation. Cost of Natural Uranium (as U208) The present free world price of natural uranium ranges from $10 to $13 per kg UzOg. It is anticipated that this price might be maintained during the next decade; however, after that time increased demands will probably push the price toward per kg. 'The discovery of extensive bodies of low cost uranium ore, of course, can alter this situation. In view of treee uncertainties it may be prudent to evaluate fuel costs in the 1980 to 1990 period on the basis of natural uranium at $19/kg U30g. Preparation of Diffusior. Plant Feed The current V.S. AEC cost of converting U30g to Ufo is about $2.50 per kg 4,0g. By 1970 this price may drop to $2.00 per kg and by 1980 to $1.00 per kg, This would make the total cost of natural uranium fed AEC base price of $23.50/kg U as UFG. Uranium Enrichment Coste The cost of enriched uranium is given by the equation, %-¢¢ (5)+ < (1) where, C = cost of reactor feed material, $/kg U Ce = cost of natural U as UF6, $/kg U C = cost of separative work, $/kg S.W. F/P = kg natural U/kg reactor feed A/P = kg S.W./kg reactor feed. F/P (fourd from uranium material balance equations). 1s given by 517 W hy ' .6. where, Xo = reactor feed enrichment, 8 U-235, X, * diffusion plant tails (waste) enrichment % U-235 Xp = U-235 enrichment in naturai. U = 0.71% U-235. AP (found from diffusion plant material balance equations) is given by 4/8 = (V- V)- (V - Vio . . where, V., = 2-2) ve (1- Vp = (1-2), ) en = natural logarithm The optimum diffusion plant waste concentration, Xw, depends on the ratio of feed costs to separative work, costs as shown in Figure 2. At the present time, U.S. AEC charges for U-235 enrichment are $30/kg S.W., and according to the U.S. AEC proposed toll enrichment criteria (for enriching privately owned natural uranium in government owned plants) this price will be maintained as a ceiling subject only to escalation based on power and labor costs. Using the $30 kg S.W. & 8 . a basis and assuming that natural uranium will amount to $23.50/kg U, the value of CF/CA 18 0.79. From Figure 2, the optimum diffusion plant tails assay 18 found to be 0.2534 U-235. Use of this value of Xow in the above equations would give the minimum cost of enriched uranium for CF = $23.50/kg and CA = $30/kg. In the proposed toll enrichment criteria, the AEC has taken the stand that it has to be in a position to select the tails assay--in other words, determine quantities of feed material to be furnished in relation to the quantities of enrichment to be delivered--in the interest of ansuring optimum plant operation. This means that the amount of separative work to be performed will be determined "in accordance with the then-current standards table of enriching services published by the S TILAINITTUORODOWOLONTIDO OULUINIOJO . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . .. . ORO OPOO .Cr . ..000UIDOR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WIL OORVOODOOTP 000000 010 . BONU M.0111O . AUDIOSONICU SALO M OUN. .ON / PO . . . . CA N NONDON P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 019400D W1ON1 COMODORO N... R . O . or PO . V . ... INL1 . nte r .. ... w unne.. .IN . .. OF.. . 14.nr. u .. . .. . . . ... ... . .. ... .. ...Eu.m . .. COW10 CONDIIDEN TITLUMIVOT tido.N0tommi . team . . .w . 100 t t m ., NW . ..... ANNUNNINNVOGADO.. 0000010 . o III chut n e ... ... . ...... . ..... untveno 10 .9 . .. ... M 0MROQ10010100010.... . . I DOI 10C DOC IIIIIIIIII NUDIT IIIIIIIIIII TITUUT TRUTTUU nuova UNGOLOVIIMANOOD W0 . .. FI . . . hun PODMI AM IM .. .... GIR A MO H UMinnamilie.mirnih.......... CL . .. . UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LA-DWG 60074 14tN- i TODOC : Mtundum DONUM O V . .. . . .. TAI .... 10 0 0 g . . .. " ..ac .un i -AN O . . . . O 0.005 .. . . . . . . Ininom Net . .. r ..rrr..t. ... .. ... .. . .. .. . ..et. m .. . ... . . . . . N INWOUL . 9 InN... M a 10000 4 InwnumN ...mum .. ..... . R o . munosc..... 0 .00 Prekinuw1.NTRINI...+!T ITKwidt.. shumtvII.... . .. .. . NO .. . II L NNNNNNNNNNNNNN TITIONE t Le marmummi-SMNIC n r e a . .. OU.N .. . ...car... . . ... ........ . ........... omentinin . .IN .06. i nmur .10oon INEN R O M-Orym Aa .. .amin ... 10.... . . VYUONTORIO.9. 2001 TILIONINDUNWOUWTEKNOLORITON 1000 IIIIIIIIII 1 U .. .. .INC ODD 1 INT LO . . . . . . . 0UIIULIT . . M i r .Omum 12 INVmua. temI ... IU . momenunin .memmed. . ti..mmnnnNm.mm. 4o . . m mm ..Nirnium.SMSHINentIt III . . . . ... . .. .....susu ... ... . .. .. .I ..I . . . TA PR W ID O DANICIPA.Vinu Imomovim Tonmuua UmumannOMUONIONON 1.0.0 M .** ennuun.Immen.nnm . Vrinnen. n .rnr. I A ... ..t. on .. . . 17 . 0 . .nn.net.e.n. nu o .. 1 . K NAPOCA 140 nmoins1uOMATII tt Om01 ON I NOINte.nimenhuunni.uninom. mm.WI_ Steinhim ..IMINIMmYnt.M 121 mm NO .110 IMU . . ... IN A .. . .UNA.enty .e .. . 11.04 Kamioni DITTIVTTT nnom 1 4 ... ...tetinin nu..M son I CONIUNCTUMU UROPI.JINNUNNINPO NUWAII LIXOUMMONI N RONICILIN U . NoriuNVOI.100.000 OOO . IUIC1000UT! 1nILOT. . ... .Kuwain. XIINI1101010 0.004 . . t . .. tr . . M - . i 01 m NMIKI dar .own . OutopiariuntumMINmunen 1.4.. noorin IonUN to Nom . .m . . . MWAN ..^InWVIKNINN I to. .. ..nga snimhsr .de .... V . M . CECCHC IIINunc DN MPORIPOTI. ..N00016 L LCN9TtA DOUNI CORECAUF F .200..... . . . ! UNUNnN0MOLO .29. 290...tan n . n ....0.. . .1 .... .. . . .. . .. .... ..tt . . . .. ... Ivontmont.1.4I....m... 110111 UUUU DINNI IIIIIIIIII TOINTI SIILI INNTIRULLPON N Mah ...w amnamo i N1san r mani.. u n ..tripa... PIA NI ...... .... .. ... . .. ... ... . . . ... .. .. . m e n . . ..... . OT I. MO 10000 NI INITI 11MO_ALLOILU . COM.VT . XVIII N onweOITTUNUMIni.... Ny it .... 00: O MINN M AKI.I. AKA .....mnl . sh ..... .. . . tt . . . DU o K Il IIIIII IIIIIIII 1 IIIIIIIIIII VIIIIIIIIIIIII III TITTITUT Hi ... . . . . . . . .. 11UUOO C MOTOLINI0.01.02OUn9.Nuwara 1... note NON N O INM . Untou . . . . . . . . . . . . TIMO T OT U UT T IIN . .... . . .... .. .... .. ... . NOORDRIT TM t on.ut.Na . ... . .. . NININDIVm00MM 10am........ ent 0. I D .M M . 1.2. n i uota ... . mmm ..... . .. . .. .... UNTITWOORDVOWE10.Winnime. ..ni. nume. Leninino M . I . R o m . i. m.m e 44a N . . r . .. . - 2 7. INNOONNOM NONADRUKINOINNILun toin.fr:0...1000011 R iniuN m ... .. ... .. . N o n .. .... F 7 unn!.. IRE.. ..... . 0 . . E . Ilt CHINAN I .M. num .9 .!!! MOON W I N . . m . . . .. ... . .. . tonton . . N1N ittn. gen.inni.NuVytrhnut.13 ...I r NonomTM RONIN wonnum NO .1.101. 400.urMIN I O101.no min. thotte1 M . On u I ewenom . Vn .. . t.. .u1z4nm.. I. M . . ....249 . O - STIIN . . . Ty .. . .. 1 ........ 1 III . £00'0 I V LDKOMNA.NONCORS" 001 .Non... mu r thern MiniNYMO .MAN..... 229 . Osmo MOI . . ... . TI s.MITUL KONDITIONWIDT110unnun WIMM INIOMIRNU BAITUT [ tivi... unamm ... . DI IND Maaa ..u.Ninnan Mnnn ....un m 4. . i sem .. ., . .MIN mas 4. N ineenm .. U m QODIRONNINOMONNA NIPPON 1 .. Mni. Onun .pamutotohunn. 1. IIII..4.. RW.IT O n e OPICIOR m .op .. . .. .. . CON . . . . . mon ..... . non mm ... ... ....naA .nnm . .. . . . . M . I N .. ..t ...M . H. I.MAW . N .14 ..em .. . 1 ... . .. . .. .W . . T . IIN I N . .UWI N NINNI. M....NII Numu . . ... : . .. .!". NODOROV. t AIN.MIN. Tas . !!TA HI m. Onn 11.00. ru . MPIRON . R II . . . !!! ... .. s o n OTOMO¢1. 0.002 0.Oni AO T INI M... 24 O WT !"," A N .. .. .. . .. . I. 1 NITI TODOC I Ulu . !II WAIMNuW.410121TT1pIn nnn44D... IN.NO d o .. n TI ...KONTOM .. . .. .. N inMu ..IUMIN. re.. . IV . . m ..V IU I I 111 NUI I .. ....- ONUN o. .. ... .... . w uwu... ..minn .. ..root rot n u . M . N ..... I INTU II UJIU SU I C ONOVAN ULIO22 . . ... .. ...... invi .1 0 . . . . 01 . 01 ILA I R . 1 . 1210 .00! MMIINIMIC .. .. . . 1 .. .. . .. .ai v1. III. 10 .NO.noin 1.UOL UMo N PUTOP O RT . . . ......ISPOVO -C1021100 DTVOTT. . . .. omarin ... . . .NO . rn ... . . . . NIV..WIPON . . . . . . . 1 . . . . - N I . . U . ..NIVOTA T O . .. . . N 0001.01 2011 . ) 10. OTUVLIDNOT PO000 1 mnom. .000UODEC . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . DO.. . . . . .. . .. . UUUUUUUUUUUUUI100000OUD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 0.001 ISOO NUOM JAVHVES ONT 0333 sto ouvy 9/ty YETT . .. - 8. AEC". The possibility of later customer selection, presumably if ex- perience shows that only a small range of enrichment generally will be l'equired after all, was held out in the following note in the criteria: "The initial table, as presently contemplated, will not provide to the customer the flexibility to select a quantity of feed and an amount of separative work other than those specified in the AEC table. However, the AFC is giving further study to the question of providing, at some date in the future, a form of contract under which flexibility would be available." For any given tails assay xi., the amount of natural uranium feed per kg U-235 in the reactor feed" (F') may be found from Figure 3. This value of F' may be converted to F/P by multiplying by the U-235 concen- ::tration in the reactor fuel. For example, at Xw = 30025 and Xp = 0.02 (2% enrichment) F' = 192 kg U per kg U-235 and F/P := 3.84 kg natural U per kg enriched U. by the initial fuel enrichment. Thus A/P = A'(x): Value of Depleted Uranium The credit for depleted uranium can be found from the same equations given previously by substituting for the reactor initial, enrichment, 3 the reactor fuel discharge enrichment (or from Figures 2-4). When the discharge enrichment is below that of natural uranium, the value of the depleted material can be conveniently found from Table 3 for the given costs of natural uranium and separative work: Table 3 Value of Depleted Uranium (Basis $30/kg S.W., $23.50/kg nat. U as UF6) wt % U-235 $/kg U 3.00 3.00 3.70 4.60 5.60 6.65 7.75 8.90 10.10 11.35 12.65 13.95 15.35 18.90 22.60 2 . ! R 3 : . --- 1 --- ........................... .................... . .. . ...... . . .... .... ... .. . ..... . ... . ." T N 9. UNOLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG 60072 1 UDU MITIMI . ULUI LUDI MONTONUMMIT INTUITI HUND TITUTI III IIIIIII JUIN UIT EDIT II 11 II 1 VIT K JUDIT II 1 1 III III III I 11 1 UNTITI III I - III US IND DI X,=0.90 CUTII TOUT 0.50 LTD DISINI III UU 1 DI IN TI 11 TDI LU 11 DIUI III TO III D IUNI UUD UITI TO 0:10H INT TUI TIL 1 11 IULI TILU I ITUUT MIT 11 I UNIT 1 - INI 1 ST SU V - 11 0.05 || TIL UUTISI IL 1 TITUTT 1 SITI JUUNIU UU UNTITLE III 1 1 TI HRT UIT UN UITIVITIM IIIIII 1 11 UTII INUTI 1 IS 1 111 III IIIII VOLTI III HU DI INII UT SI DIE Li 1 DIO U INI! MUUT IIIIIII I . 1 III 10.02 1 IT 1 TI CU 11 III NI PII 1 TI III STRES 11 1 DU DID BU LI DI IIIIII TIL ITTI IIIIII III LIITUUUU TU! U LIIT III . D I U 1 11 LI LOT DI 1 CUT III TULITU T- DI II . 11 TI UNI 7 III IIIII AU fl, leg FEED PER kg 1235 IN PRGDUCT ! I D LIITTI II JUDI UT UU 13 UNUIUI DD BE III UN LE LO 1 LI I T 0.01 2 UMIA . U11 1 DI IT . U DI IT 1 DIT TIT III INT D ID 200 DI IS VITI 1 TUTTI C . III IIIIIIIII JU LINIIIIII NU 1 III DUL DUT U _ D UITI III III UI JUDIT 1. III LUDIN TU ITU IIIII UUU TIKI I UIT IIIIIIIIIII III 1 UIT TO UJIU I 1 TE TI TO UITI 1 ITI 1 LI III - ! 1 IT 11 . 11 1 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 10- . UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG 60073 MIT IN TI IN IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII TITUTI III DI TUULIU IIIIII IIIIIII WUN 1 INTUITIUIT. IIT TIL II TIL IU T 1 II DO 1 II III DI 1 1 1 L III III LIT LE III . JUUUU II III TI . III DIUIN 11 1 1 . UUTUU UUU IIIIIII LI UIT 1 MI 1 DATNI DUIN NUUT ISTITUT TAMIII UI IIIIIIIIII III111 DIMIT ITUTI III III. INTI NI TUIT UIT UIT LI III III HIIT ETI TI TITIU III11 MIL TUI 11 LUIT LUI I IIIIII 11 IIIIII UUUUUU ITI III UTUNUT IIIII III UIT ATIUNI MUISTIL LE III DI E . III III 1 LE US LI II ITUUT UTILIT II III NU III III 1 1 D U DI IL IIIIII II W III TU - ITID UN In IIIIII UN T UIT II INTUIT LI IU &, kg SEPARATIVE WORK PER kg U23 IN PRODUCT 1 II II III ITIU TI TI ITVE II 0.90 TO INITI CUTITI INTUITI III 1 TUI IIIIII III W 0.50 LIIT IIIIIIIIIIIIII ITUUUU DI IIIIII III IIIIIIII TIEJIITTIIN : TU AN JU LINII UUNIT OT II UU UUUUU III 0.02 . 1 II III III IT IT IIIIIIIIIII NIIIIIIIII IN INDU DUIT III UUTTUU TIIMIIIIIII LIITUNUT I 0.01 HIIUJIJINI IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 041 IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 0.001 0.002 0.005 0.003 0.004. A. WASTE CONCENTRATION Fig. 4. - . - . - 11 - Credit for Plutonium Recovered from Depleted Fuel Normally, the anticipated concentration of plutonium isotopes in depleted reactor fuel is obtainable from the fuel supplier and based on detailed physics calculations for the given core loading. When such data are unavailable, the credit for plutonium from spent fuel can be . estimated from the data in Table 4, based on representative light water reactors. ii . ! .. : ::: . .. ... Table 4 : - Fissile Plutonion Concentration in Spent :: Fuel for Representative Light Water Reactors Average Exposure, MWD/MT Fissile Plutonium (Pu-239, Pu-241). Concentration, grs/kg U m . .. . . .... .3.5 H 4.2 .is ... 4.8. : : D 10,000 . ... 15,000 .. .. 20,000 .. 25,000 30 000.. . 35,000 .i. . . ; ; .. .. . .. 15.4 . 5.6 .. ! The credit for plutonium in $/kg U is found by multiplying the Pu concentration by the value of fissile plutonium in $/gram (as nitrate). This value depends on whether the plutonium is subsequently used in the same or other light water reactors (in which case it is worth about: 75% to 80% of the cost of highly enriched U-235) or in plutonium fueled fast breeders (in which case it is worth up to 1.5 times the cost of highly enriched U-235. For the given economic conditions ($23:50/kg U, $30/kg A) the cost of fully enriched U-235 i /gram. Thus, the value of fissile Pu might range from $9.00 per gram to $18 per gram in the 1980-1990 period. Fuel Element Fabrication Costs Fuel element fabrication costs in oxide fueled light water reactors depend not only on the characteristics of the fuel bundle (rod diameter, rod number, method of spacing, etc.) but also on the method of inserting the oxide in the rods (pelletizing, swaging, vibratory compaction) and the size of the fabrication plant (kg y daily or annual throughput). Thus, it is very difficult to predict what future fabrication costs might be in the 1980-1990 period. Some indications of possible fabrication cost reductions are as follows: a) Process Improvement - The use of vibratory compaction of VO2 powder should reduce fabrication costs by 10-15% ac- cording to ORNL studies (ORNL-3686). (7) Rod Diameter - Experience may indicate that it is possible to operate with slightly higher centerline temperatures than - 12 - in current designs resulting in permissible increases : in rod diameter. A 100 increase in diameter would re- sult in approximately a 20% reduction in fabrication costs. . c) Size of Industry - During the early 1970's, the capacity of fuel fabrication plants will be of the order of several tons per day each. By 1980, the average size of fabrication plants will be about 5-10 tons per day resulting in a 30% decrease in fabrication costs compared to 1-2 ton per day plants. -- - - . . · If all of the above benefits materialize, fabrication costs will drop from $80-90/kg in the 1970's to $50-60/kg in the 1980's. Reprocessing Costs Processing of spent fuel during the early 1970's will be mostly carried out by Nuclear Fuel Services, Inc., in a plant which has a nominal capacity of 1 MIU per day. The cost of processing is based on a daily charge of $23,500 per revenué day (processing days plus turn around days) subject to escalation. Fuel enrichments up to 3% and burnup up to 30,000 MWD/MT can be handled by the plant; however, through- puts decrease with higher initial enrichments than 30% (880 kg U/day at 4%) and the number of processing days for a given batch of fuel increase correspondingly. Tlne standard MFS turnaround time requirement is 8 days or one-third of the processing days, whichever is greater. For batches requiring less than 8 days to process, the turnaround time can be reduced to equal the process time down to 2 days) provided that these small batches can be combined with other small batches by NES. Thus the minimum processing cost in the NFS plant is : (1.33) 23,500 - $31.4/kg U 1,000 kg and the maximum processing cost of "standard fuel" is $47/kg U. Anti.. cipated increases in the size of chemical processing plants may reduce these costs a factor of two by 1980. Interim Waste Disposal Costs The NFS charges include interim storage of radioactive wastes and eventual perpetual maintenance of storage tanks for light water reactor fuels. Spent Fuel Shipping Computer codes have been developed at ORNL for calculating the dimensions and optimum loading of spent fuel shipping casks for any given type of spent fuel (ORNL-3586). Table 5 shows the results for light water reactors as a function of exposure level. - 13 - Table 5 Exposure, MWD/MT Cooling Time, · (From Reactor .. to Shipper) days Delivery: Tiré,- Shipping cost,(2) Days (1) kg US 20,000 25.000 : :. .::. .... . 150 150 150 150 00.000 .: . .. : .2.41 :, 2.923 3.39 11. 4.21 35,000 . . . Basis: (i) 1,000 miles between reactor and process' plant (2) Costs include cask handling, insurance round trip freight by rail, all fixed charges on shipping cask .. investment: : .. .. ; Conversion of UNH to UF6 The AEC currently charges $5.60 per kg U for carrying out this con- version step. It is anticipated that this cost might be reduced to $3.50 per kg by 1980 based on the availability of privately owned facilities for carrying out this step. The Relation of Unit Fuel Costs to Power Costs by, 24(Burnup, MID/MT) (Thermal efficiency, /100) a) The economic parameter of importance here is the price (and Talue) of fissile (and fertile) materials as a function The fuel processing or "handling" costs, including any chemical conversion steps, fuel fabrication, shipping, recovery of spent fuel and losses are given by, 1000 Etc. + Cp + C + Cm + C) $/kg 24(Burnup, MWD/MT) (Thermal Efficiency, %/100) a) The economic parameters of importance are the unit processing costs themselves and the magnitude of assumed losses in each step.; Sw - 14 - Working Capital and Special Nuclear Materials tch Nin.. .. Normal working capital (cash on hand for salaries, materials, supplies and other out-of-pocket expenses) is a non-depreciating asset and not subject to all of the charges applied to the "book" value of the investment. For example, Pixed charges on capital invested in stocks of coal or oil are often based only on the cost of money depend- ing on local laws, etc. . In the case of a nuclear plant, a certain amount of working capital is required to support the fuel cycle because certain fuel cycle expenses lead the fuel cycle revenue in time. At the present time these include fabrication investment charges and other Fuel handling charges however, the charges for fuel inventory are not included since this is presently leased from the AEC. Under private ownersh2p, investment in nuclear fuel would become part of working capital. Fuel working capital and charges can be computed from the following equation:: #jag s [co, + x + v1+ 9 +)+ Cpu - «x3] Hiere, i = annual carrying charges on working capital, fractional interest rate per year, ty = preirradiation holdup, yrs, = fuel residence time in core, yrs, Nut tq = post irradiation holdup, yrs, Cp - fabrication cost, $/kg U, V, V. - initial, final U value, $/kg U, Cru credit for Pu, $/kg U, C = all recovery costs, $/kg 0. Costs in $/kg can be converted into mills per Kwh by dividing by exposure and thermal efficiency as in previous equations. Examples of the break- down of fuel cycle cote for light water reactors are summarized Tables 6-9. . - 15 - Table 6 Fuel Cost Technical Bases. Light Water Nuclear Electric Plants First Core' Replacement Fre! 800 2570 167 880 2820 167 Rating eMW net UMW Uranium Loading, MTU Uranium Enrichment, % U-235 Initial Discharge Kg Uranium Discharged per kgu Charged Fissile Plutonium Diecharged, Grams per initial KgU Fuel Exposure and Energy Equivalence 2.01 0.80 0.976 2.37 0.81 0.970 4.4 106' BTU/KGU eMWH net/KgV Fuel Specific Power, tMW/MTU Fuel Residence Time in core, Full Power Years .. 16.5 1350 123 15.4 22.0 1800 165 16.9 . 2.9 3.6 Table ? Fuel Cost Economic and Operational Assumptions Light Water Nuclear Electric Plant First Core 90 30 .2.7 Early ::::. Replacement 80 :.5 . 301. 2.7. 0.299.. . 8.5 ....: 6 . , 32 8.5 Fabrication Price Natural Uranium Price, $/1b U308 Separative Work Price, $/ib kgU Conversion of Natural U3Og to UK Cascade Tails Assay, % U-235 Plutoniun Credit $/gram fissile Post Irradiation Shipping, $/kgU Chemical Processing, Conversion of UNH to UF Ex-Core Inventory Holdup Time, Years Working Capital Charges, Plant Capacity Factor, % Fuel Losses in Spent Fuel Recovery, % Uranium Plutonium . 6 1.5 10 . . ..... 1.0. 10 80 1.3 1.3 1.0 • 16 - Table 8 Uranium Prices at Specific Assays (Pricing Assumptions Given in Table 7) Weight % U-235 in Uranium 0.80 0.82 2.01 2.37 $/gram U-235 at 90% $/kg U as UF 21.1 21.8 116.4 148.2 : 10.22 ::: : : : Table 9 : : : : : : Fuel Cost Results Light Water Nuclear Electric Plants Component 800-880 eMW Net Specific Costs .. 100 e . Fuel Cost, M/KWH . Direct Indirect Total First Core Fabrication 90.0 18.8 Feed Uranium ... : 116.6 24.2 Discharge Uranium (20.3). 4.2 Spent Fuel Recovery.44.0 * 9.1 Plutonium (37.0) 7.8 Total : 15.0 19.4. 3.4 .7.3 0.73 0.95 (0.16) 0.36 (0.30) .1.58 0.19 0.92 0.24 1.19 0.04 (0.12) (0.09) .0.27 20.08 (0.22) 0.46 2.04 Replacement Fuel Fabrication 80.0 Feed Uranium 148.2 Discharge Uranium.. (20.9) Spent Fuel Recovery., 42.0 Plutonium (40.4) Total 15.2 28.1 4.0 8.0 7.6 13.4 24.7 3.5 . .7.0 6.7 0.49 0.90 (0.12) 0.26 (0.25.) 1.28.:. : 0.13 .0.62 0.24. 1.14 0.03. (0.09) (0.07) 10.19 0.07% (0.18) 0.40 :.1.68 . F . . Note: Values in parenthesis are negative. ; END DATE FILMED 12/ 21 / 66 ! i .'' . . . 1. 1 . . 11. I HU " . .. F 17."! LG S- th " " . PE TUBE ? W 1. 12 NET AYA..