1 1 . il Se 12 : . i I OFL. ORNL P 2159 . . . i . : Ili 엘엘 ​1.25 1.1.4 1.6 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS - 1963 ORNE Ptofa . 59 Cont-660524-4 CHSII BUCES - 1. Jun 27 is ACADROS JAN ,50 SOL-GEL PROCESS DEVELOPMENT AND MICROS PHERE PREPARATION* P. A. Haas M. H. Lloyd W. D. Bond J. P. McBride Chemical Technology Division RELEASED FOR ANNOUNCEMENT IN NUCLEAR SCIENCE ABSTRACTS For presentation at the Second International Thorium Fuel Cycle Symposium at Gatlinburg, Tennessee, May 3-6, 1966. LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United statos, nor the Commission, nor any person soting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makos any warranty or reprosentation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, complotoness, or usefulnors of the information contained in this report, or that the uso of any information, apparatus, mothod, or procoss disclosed in this report may not infringo privately owned righto; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages rosulung from the uso of any information, apparatus, method, or proceso disclosed in this report. As used in the abovo, “porson acting on behalf of the Commission” includes any om- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such umployee or contractor of the Commission, or employec of such contractor prepares, disseminatos, or provides access to, any informatiop pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. *Research sponsored by the U.S, Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation, OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY operated by for the U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION SOL-GEL PROCESS DEVELOPMENT AND MICROS PHERE PREPARATION* ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL P. A. Haas M. H. Lloyd W. D. Bond J. P. McBride ABSTRACT The continued development of the sol-gel process at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory is presented. The originaı development and application to preparation of high density thoria-urania fragments for vibratory com- paction was reported at the 1962 Thorium Fuel Cycle Symposium. Since then, edir we have prepared sols of ThO2, UO2, Pu02, and other actinide or rare earth oxides. These sols can be gelled and fired to give high-strength oxide particles, Most of the sols are prepared from nitrate salts and peptized by nitrate A T N NEL ..... ion. The thoria sol preparation procedure is unique in that the basic .4 colloidal particle is formed by steam denitration at temperature approaching im 500°C. The most completely developed procedure for urania sols is based on precipitation-dispersion starting with U(IV) nitrate solution. Hydrous uranium dioxide is precipitated by NH4OH--N2H4 •H20 solution, washed to incipient peptization, and then heated to 60°C to form a sol. The addition of formic acid prior to precipitation helps to maintain a high U(IV) content and simplifies the precipitation step. Plutonia sols may be prepared from Pu( NO3)4 solution by a precipitation-peptization technique; careful control of the temperature and other process conditions is necessary. The plutonia : sols are polymers of hydrated Pu( IV) oxide. Mixed sols were prepared by. . .. . “Research sponsored by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. r. ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL either co-precipitation or by simple mixing of the different sols. Limited ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL amounts of a second component may be adsorbed on the colloidal particles of a sol; for example, up to about 10 mole per cent uranyl ion can be adsorbed when Uog or uranyl nitrate is added to a thoria sol. A process was developed for converting these sols into strong, dense oxide spheres, 10-1000 microns in diameter. The sols were dispersed into droplets in an organic liquid that converted them to gel spheres by extracting water at slow, controlled rates. To suspend the soỉ drops and avoid coalescence, clustering, and deposition on the wall, the use of surfactants in the organic liquid and of apparatus having special configurations were necessary. The spherical gel particles were separated from the organic liquid, then dried and fired to give the oxide product, Microspheres were prepared by using 2-ethyl-1-hexanol as the drying solvent, in continuous column systems that included solvent recovery. Capacities were up to about 1200 g of 'thoria microspheres per hour. Several hundred kg of thoria microspheres, over 15 kg of urania microspheres and smaller amounts of were the other compositions were prepared, - : . . .. .. . ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL . .yu - pr.Fa 1. INTRODUCTION The development of the sol-gel process and its application to the preparation of the theoretically dense fragments of thoria-urania for vibratory compaction was reported at the last Thorium Fuel Cycle Symposium.. This paper describes the continued development of sol-gel processes, especially as adapted to the production : ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL of spherules. Basically, the sol-gel processes consists of three major operations: (1) pre- paring an aqueous sol, (2) removing water to give solid gel particles, and (3) firing at controlled conditions to remove volatiles, sinter to a high density, and cause any necessary reductions or chemical conversions. The original flowsheet (Figure 1) was developed for a thoria sol. According to this flowsheet, thorium nitrate is stean-denitrated to thorium oxide that can be dispersed into a stable sol by add toiing very dilute nitric acid or uranyl nitrate solution. The thoria (or thoria-urania) sol is evaporated to form a gel, and then fired to densify. A particle density of 9.9 g/cc or greater is achieved in 1 hour at 1150°C. After sizing, the oxide particles are suitable for vibratory packing into fuel tubes. The development studies have included investigations of sol preparation for most of the metal oxides that might be used in irradiation specimens or fuel elements. One purpose is to obtain the same advantages for these metal oxides as are obtained in the thoria s01-gel process. Another purpose is to be able to prepare mixed-oxide products by preparing mixed oxide sols or mixing pure sols. The sol preparation.. procedures and the characteristics of the microsphere products for oxides other than pure thoria are given in Section 2. Spherules of a high-density oxide or dicarbide are the preferred fuel materials for many reactor designs. For example, spheres are preferred when pyrolytic carbon coatings are used since the coating 18 a sma11 "pressure vessel" for fission product The greater mechanical strength, the controlled void volume, the bulk flow properties, or the overall uniformity possible with spheres are important advantages for many applications. Therefore we started studies to modify the sol-gel process to -AEC OF small high-density spheres while retaining the important advantages of simplicity f OFFICIAL and relatively low sintering temperature. The microsphere preparation process is given in Section 3 and replaces the evaporation step in the original sol-gel procesi A pilot-plant-scale system for preparation of microspheres has been installed and operated as part of a Coated Particle Development Facility (CPDF) at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. This system has been operated with thoria sols at rates up to 25 cc/min of sol (1200 g Thoz per hour for a 3 M thoria sol). The characteristics of the over 100 kg of product microspheres have been equal or superior to those prepared in smaller equipment. This column system is being used to supply microspheres for othe parts of the fuel-cycle program and to investigate the problems of long-term, remote operation. This system will be operated with sols other than pure thoria in the future. . . Acknowledgment - This paper reports developments from several fuel cycle studies . made by many workers at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The literature references . . . will serve as an acknowledgment of specific contributions, . . . . . ' -.- .2. SOL PREPARATION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PRODUCTS ... The feed materials for our sol preparation procedures have been nitrate salts or solutions because the products of many of the solvent extraction processes are nitrate salt solutions. Also, any residual nitrate remaining in the sol or gel can be volatilized during calcination. Conversion of the nitrate into an oxide sol requires the following four steps, which may be combined or accomplished in different orders: A. Reducing or oxidizing to the best valence; U(IV) and Pu(IV) are preferred for urania or plutonia sols, 4 P 2. Converting the metal nitrate into a hydrated oxide. S . ETERS 3. Removing excess nitrate and nonvolatile impurities. For instance, NH4NO3 or NaNO3 must be removed if the hydrous oxides are precipitated/NH4OM or NaOH. 3 OFFICIAL 4. Dispersing the oxide as a stable sol. **** w The preparation procedure for thoria sols is unique in that the basic colloidaly * * particle is formed by a steam denitration at temperature approaching 500°C. 8018, the colloidal particle is formed in solutions or wet precipitatęs. : . ORN .. - F2.. -... *TEREST vie t # sun *** SRL #191. : -3- 2.1 Urania Sol and Microsphere Preparation : Sols for the preparation of UO2 microspheres by the sol-gel technique were prepared by precipitation of hydrous U(IV) oxide and its subsequent dispersion. A flowsheet for the laboratory preparation of U(IV) sol is given in Figure 2. A uranous nitrate solution is prepared by the catalytic reduction with hydrogen of a uranyl nitrate solution containing excess nitric acid. The solution is filtered to remove the catalyst. Formic acid is added to the filtered solution. The hydrous oxide is formed by precipitating U(IV) with an NH4OH solution containing hydrazine. The precipitated hydrous oxide is collected by filtration and washed to remove excess electrolyte. The washed filter-cake is then heated at 69 to 65°C to produce a fluid, stable sol. A blanketing gas (argon) is used during all stages of the process to protect the material from oxidation by air. For critically control with enriched uranium, the sol preparations were carried out batchwise using 300 g of uranium in each preparation. Sol concentrations of 1.3 to 1.6 M UO2 were achieved (Table 1). Details of the development of the sol preparation method and microsphere forming, drying, and firing studies are given in ORNL-38743. The nitrate/uranium mole ratio and the completeness of uranium reduction are important to sol formation. During the precipitation step, the addition of ammonia is controlled to give a pH between 7 and 8. In a typical preparation, 3.0 M NH4OH--0.5 M N2H4-H20 solution is added at a rate of about . - ... ... . . 125 ml/min to a 0.5 M U(IV)--2.3 M NOZ solution with vigorous stirring, The addition of formic acid to the v(IV) nitrate solution is necessary to maintain a high v(IV) content (> 90% of the total uranium) in the precipitated hydrous . oxide and subsequent urania sol. In the absence of formic acid the U(IV) content of the hydrous oxide would be down to 80% of the total uranium in contrast to the > 99% U(IV) content of the original U(IV) nitrate solution. In addition, the formic acid simplifies pH control in the precipitation step, : .'. . . . -4- increases the rate of washing of the filter cake, and inhibits oxidation of the U(IV) during microsphere formation. The urania sols were formed into gel microspheres by the same procedures developed for preparation of thoria microspheres (section 3 of chis paper). Two organic surfactants together, about 0.5 vol % each of Amine O and Span 80y were necessary to prevent coalescence and clustering of the urania sol drops. The gel spheres were dried by gas flowing through a bed of spheres on a glas's. frit. A variety of drying coniitions were tested for effectiveness of removing the 2-ethyl-1-hexinol and surfactants from the gel microspheres". Steam stripping by an argon-steam mixture appears to be the most effective method. Drying with argon alone at 150°C best preserved the U(IV) content of the gel, but the carbon content was about a factor of 3 higher than when steam was present. Vacuum drying at 100°C for 74 hr yielded gelled microspheres, still containing about 5 wt% carbon. In general, the carbon content of the dried gel spheres was 2 to 7 wt %. The Uo2 microspheres were fired at 1150-1250°C in high-purity alundum boats inside a 2 1/2-in.-ID furnace tube of high-purity alundum. Two firing procedures were used. In one, the spheres were heated in Ha at 300°C/hr to the firing temperature and held at that temperatura for 4 hr. In the other, wel temperature and held for 4 hr. Table 2 shows firing data for typical products. Microspheres from the straight Ha firing and the CO2-Hą firing differed in carbon content, crush strength, and x-ray crystallite size as measured by x-ray diffraction line broadening. The Ha-fired products contained 2000 to 5000 ppm carbon and had crush strengths, generally, between 1.3 and 2.3 lb per sphere. The co2-H2 firing effectively lowered the carbon content but decreased the product strength. The crystallite size from x-ray line broadening obtained on microspheres -5- R .HU 11 V U : . - . . of a typical Ha-fired product was 450 A, while that for a CO2-Hą fired : product was 2500 A. The preparation method routinely produces yields of 90% of the calcined microspheres from a 300-8 batch in the 125- to 177-u-diam size. In this 125 to 1774 fraction about 3/4 of the spheres (by weight) are of 149- to 177-4 size. Our early microsphere forming experience with urania sols was primarily in the 50- to 250-u-diam size range, but we have been forming up to 500u spheres. Figure 3 shows typical urania microspheres. The bright spots are light се ! . 20 # reflections from the surfaces of the spheres. Polished sections of these. .. -W AL . T same spheres are shown in Figure 4. Although it doesn't appear at this magnification, there is a uniformly distributed microporosity in these spheres which tends to coalesce to form macropores at about 1700°C. . . . ... - ............cm! ..... ·* 2.2. Thoria-Urania Sols and Microspheres Sol-gel technology is being extended 'co include mixtures of thoria and ... urania in all ratios. We are concentrating our efforts on an approach where sols are mixed in the desired ratio, since this would be the most convenient approach to use with a variety of fuel compositions. In the original sol-gel. process, uranyl nitrate or uog' is added to a thoria sol and U(VT) is adsorbed on the surface of the thoria particles. This technique is limited to U/Th ratios. of less than 0.1. + . In the present, mixed sol approach, a thoria sol is mixed directly with a urania sol. Other possible methods for preparing mixed sols, such as solvent extraction of nitrate ion from mixed thorium nitrate-uranyl nitrate solutions, dispersal of. precipitated thorium hydroxide with uranyl nitrate, and co-precipitation of uranium and thorium hydroxides followed by peptization in nitric acid are also being investigated. The level of preparation of all of the approaches is laboratory-scale. We are concentrating our efforts on sols that have a Th/U NU -6- atom ratio of about 3.5 since this appears to be one composition of interest for reactor uels. We have prepared UO2-Th02 sols on a laboratory scale by the following specific methods: 1. Blending together of UO2 sols with Th02 sols. 2. Dispersion of a 95% 102--5% Thoz filter cake in the Th02 sols. 3. Dispersion of coprecipitated thorium hydroxide with uranyl nitrate, 4. Dispersion of thorium hydroxide with uranyl nitrate. · Sols can be prepared which are both fluid and stable by all of these methods. are not the first two methods have been used to prepare 300-g lots of calcined microspheres of near-theoretical density and Th/U atom ratios up to 3.5 (Figure 5). 0 F The last two methods have not been as thoroughly investigated and will not be discussed further. The preparation of stable, fluid 102-Th02 sols iras been successfully demonstrated by mixing our standard 102 sols with our standard Th02 sols. Using these sols, we have prepared 300-g lots of 200-300-u-diam calcined mic::ospheres with Th/U atom ratios up to 3.5. The upper limit of concentration of (Th + U) appears to be about 1.6 M for fluid sols at Th/U«3. Above this concentration, che sols are too thick for microsphere formation. The chemical composition and crystallite sizes typical of this sol is shown in preparation CP-6 (Table 3). This CP-6 sol was formed into about 300 g of approximately 350-4-diam gel microspheres using 2-ethyl-1-hexanol containing 0.3% Span 80 and 0.5% Ethomeen S/15 surfactants. Excellent gel microspheres were produced which had shiny surfaces and no evidence of, pitting. These spheres were dried to 125°C in argon with no : evidence of cracking or deleterious pitting of the surface. After calcination at 1200°C, these spheres wete had nearly theor tical density, excellent crushing strength, and low-carbon contents (Table 4). The residual porosity remaining in the microspheres was shown to be less than 200 .A by mercury.) om . ...- Tor p U The second method in principle is the same as the first mixed sol method except that a small fraction of the total thorium is present as precipitated thoria. Precipitated thoria has a crystallite size of 30 A, whereas the thoria prepared by steam denitration of thorium nitrate has a crystallite size of 65-80 A. We plant to prepare sols with a pure UO2 filter cake to note if the presence of the precipitated thoria has any effect. In this method of preparation, a 95% VO2--5% Thoz filter cake is blended with a standard thoria sol. The 95% 102--5% Thoz filter cake is prepared by precipitating the hydrous oxides from a solution containing uranium (IV) nitrate and thorium nitrate (Th/U atom ratio 19/1) with ammonium hydroxide, filtering to form the filter cake, and then washing W all f . the filter cake until the filtrate is nitrate-free. This UO2-Thoz filter T . L' cake can then be blended with thoria sols to obtain higher compositions of Th02. Typical chemical compositions and crystallite size of dispersed particles are shown for preparations CP-12 and CP-13 (Table 3). For the sols having a Th/U atom ratio of 3.5, the upper limit of concentration for fluid sols appears to be about 2 m (Th + U). The sol preparations, CP-12 and CP-13, were formed into gel microspheres using 2-ethyl-1-hexanol containing 0.3% Span 80 and 0.5% Ethomeen 5/15 surfactants. About 200 g of 250-300-u-diam gel microspheres were formed with CP-12, and approximately 250 g of 300-350-u-dlam gel microspheres was formed with CP-13. The spheres were dried in argon at 125°C without any observable cracking of the gel. his VETVIEW YAPT IST" SYM YANIT TWARUM71 ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL *** :-* . . . . . -8- An oxidizing atmosphere during part of the calcination cycle was necessary to obtain a product of near theoretical density and low carbon content (Table 4). Firing in completely reducing conditions produced spheres of low-density, high-carbon content, and low crushing strengths. The attainment of high density does not appear to depend on removing the carbon; the rather, it seems to depend on degree of oxidation of the VO2. For example, exposing the spheres to air at room temperature for 1 day prior was to firing in a reducing atmosphere produced a product containing only 200 ppm of carbon but the density was only 90% theoretical. We have not as yet discovered the optimum calcination conditions. However, it appears that oxidation by air to 1200°C or by coa from 850 to 1100°C prior to reductions of the U02 yields products that have properties which are acceptable. ale 2.3 Puo2, PuO2-U02, and Pu02-Tho2 Sols A sol-gel process for the preparation of dense oxide forms of PuOz was developed and tested on a laboratory scale. The plutonia sols are compatible with thoria sols and urania sols which have been produced at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Although continued development of this process will be required before large scale production is feasible, the ability to produce . dense plutonia as well as homogeneous plutonia-urania or plutonia-thoria at any desired ratio has been demonstrated. Plutonia sols and mixed sols have been calcined to oxide fragments which are suitable for vi ratory compaction and formed into gel microspheres which calcine to uniform, dense oxide spheres. The sol-gel process for plutonia utilizes the polymerization behavior of tetravalent plutonium to produce crystallites of collodial size and to maintain valence stability. The procedure corisists of three steps; namely, precipitation, peptization, and denitration. The final sols are essentially -9- . . . . colloidal plutonium dioxide, which vary from 1 to 3 M in plutonium and have N03/Pu mole ratios of 0.1 to 0.3. The sols are stable for several months and may be stored without difficulty. The flowsheet for this process is shown in Figure 6. Dilute plutonium nitrate solution (10 to 20 g/liter), which contains 1 to 2 M excess HNO3, is precipitated by slow addition of the plutonium solution into a 100% excess of 2 M NH4OH with rapid agitation. Essentially complete removal of contaminant nitrate and ammonium ions is readily accomplished by water washing. After filtration of the plutonium precipitate, the filter cake is resuspended in water and filtered. Three washings are usually sufficient · to reduce the pH of the filtrate to less than 8.0 which indicates satisfactory. removal of contaminant ion. Freshly precipitated plutonium is peptized by digestion at 50-80°C with dilute HNO3. Complete peptization is characterized by a color change . . . from light green to a nearly transparent dark green. The minimum nitrate . . . . concentration necessary for complete peptization is one mole of HNO3 per mole . per mole . . . . . . . . ' - .,- of plutonium. At this concentration, a digestion time of about 4 hr at 80°C is required, Higher nitrate concentrations can also be used, and, at N03"/Pu mole ratios of 2 or more, the digestion time. is 10 to 15 min. ,. i i . 1. - 1. * * " ," , " The plutonium sol produced during digestion is a stable colloidal dispersion; horever, this material is not suitable for fuel particle preparation until the nitrate concentration has been reduced. This is accomplished by evaporating the sol to dryness and baking the dried gel, Nitrate removal is a function of both time and temperature, and excessive baking will result in material which cannot be redispersed. A baking time of 6 to 8 hr at 200°C . is generally required to produce sols in which the nitrate concentration has been reduced to mole ratios of 0.1 to 0.3. -10- The final sol is prepared by resuspending the baked gel in excess water, followed by evaporation to the desired plutonium concentration. Plutonium concentrations in excess of 3 M can be achieved. These plutonium sols can be dried and calcined to dense hard fragments, and they can be formed into microspheres which calcine to dense oxide spheres at 1150°C. Plutonia sols can also be mixed with thoria or urania sols and formed into microspheres or fragments. Laboratory-Scale Preparation. - Numerous small scale batches of plutonia sol were prepared using laboratory equipment and conventional glove box and alpha-handling equipment. Batch sizes have varied from 5 to 30 g of plutonium. Plutonium feed solutions were purified by HNO3 anion exchange, and plutonium valence was determined by spectral analysis with a Cary recording spectrophotometer prior to sol preparation. When detectable amounts of hexa- valent plutonium were found, the valence was adjusted to the tetravalent state with nitric oxide. Product from the isn'exchange column provided excellent feed for preparation of sol. The plutonium concentration averaged about 20 g/liter, and the HNO3 concentration varied from 1 to 2 M. Storage of such solutions for several weeks at room temperature was possible before valence adjustment became necessary. Plutonium was precipitated by adding the stock solution at the rate of approximately 30 ml per. min to rapidly stirred NH4OH. The precipitate was vacuum filtered on a medium frit sintered glass funnel. After washing, the precipitate was transferred to a round bottom flask for digestion and CUNI g TO concentration. The plutonium concentration was adjusted to 0.1 M and sufficient HNO3 was added to provide a concentration of 0.1 M. At this acid concentration, complete peptization of the precipitate occurs in about 4 hr at 50°C. The resulting sol is evaporated to dryness under vacuum at 80°C. While evaporation -11- noven: under vacuum is not mandatory, concentration can be effected more rapidly. For ease of transfer, the concentrated sol can be transferred to a beaker for : baking just prior to going to dryness. The sol is dried and baked to remove nitrate at 200°C on a hot plate or in an oven. The solids are baked until all but a sma11 fraction can be redispersed. This is taken as the minimum nitrate obtainable for a given sol preparation, since continued baking will result in totally nondispersible solids. The final sol is prepared by dispersing the baked gel in excess water and evaporating to the desired concentration. Typical plutonium sols prepared in this manner are stable colloids with NO3"/Pu mole ratios of 0.1 to 0.3. Sols with plutonium concentrations in excess of 3 M can be prepared. Microsphere Preparation. - The final plutonium sols can be formed into gel microspheres and calcined to dense, strong oxide spheres using the procedures developed for thoria microspheres. This process is reported as the final section of our paper. Microspheres of about 200 diameter after calcination were prepared from pure plutonia sol (Figure 7), a mixed sol of 75% urania-, 25% plutonia (Figure 8) and a mixed sol of 50% thoria--50% plutonia (Figure 9). Most of the microsphere preparations were with about 0.5 vol % each of Span.80 and Ethomeen S/15 as the surfactants in the 2-ethylhexanol solvent, Microspheres have been prepared on a laboratory scale from mixed PuOz-Thoa sols at Pula concentrations of 2, 10, 30, 50, and 80 wt% and from mixed PuO2-U02 sols at PuO2 concentrations of 15, 25, and 50 wt %. The density of these products after calcination at 1150°C varied from 95 to 99% of theoretical. (The theoretical density of mixed oxides was taken as the wt . average of the components.) ".. ir 11 . . 21. . : -12- 3.0 MICROS PHERE PREPARATION In the microsphere preparation process, drops of sol are gelled by extracting the water into an organic liquid, such as 2-ethylhexanol, called the "solvent". This operation replaces the gellation by evaporation of water in the original flowsheet. The process for conversing a sol into a calcined microsphere includes the following six operations: 1. Dispersion of sol into drops. 2. Suspension in solvent and extraction of water to cause gellation. 3. Separation of gel microspheres from the organic liquid. 4. Recovery of solvent for reuse. 5. Drying of gel microspheres. reuse 6. Calcination and sintering. The size of the product microsphere is deter:ined in the first step. In the second step, the extraction of water causes gellation and thus converts the drop of sol into a solid sphere. This is the key process step. The interfacial tension holds the drop in a spherical shape. This limits the maximum microsphere size since very large drops will distort. The slow extraction of water is essential to obtaining a microsphere with a high density and high strength. If the water is extracted too rapidly, the drop breaks into fragments or forms a hollow particle. The remaining four operations are simple in principle. However, the densification during sintering and the amounts of carbon and gases in the calcined product can vary greatly depending on the conditions used. The first four process operations may be done in a continuous column system (Figure 10). The sol is dispersed into drops which are released into the -13- enlarged top of a tapered column. These drops are suspended or' fluidized by a circulating upflowing streari of the organic liquid. As the water is. extracted and the drops gel into solid microspheres, the settling velocity increases. Tive column configuration and the fluidizing flow rates were se? :cted to permit the gelled particles to drop out continuously while sol drops are farmed in the top of the column. The separation of the gel spheres from the organic liquid is completed by discharging them onto a fritted-glass filter and draining the liquid through the fritted glass. The spheres are dried and calcined. Fresh or purified solvent is continuously added to the column and displaces a stream of wet solvent to a recovery system. Water is : removed from the solvent by distillation. Other types of equipment have been used for the same process step. The columns may be operated batchwise without removal of product or recovery of solvent. Agitation in baffled vessels has also been used for dispersion and suspension of the sol drops when microspheres of less than 100 u diameter were prepared. A mixer-settler type systein would be a simple and efficient. microsphere preparation system if the relatively non-uniform product and a mean diameter of 80 u or less are acceptable. 3.1 Dispersion of Sols A major part of the microsphere preparation studies has been the development of sol dispersers. None of the dispersers tested were optimum in all respects, but the important requirements can be met. Two-fluid nozzles (Figure lla) were used for most of the studies reported here. These devices were excellent for obtaining uniform and controllable wrop diameters at sol feed rates of 0.5 to 10 cc/min. The sol is introduced in the center of a flowing organic stream, which acts as the drive fluid. The continuous flow of sol is accelerated to the velocity of the drive fluic; thus R . js f TE -14- the diameter of the sol stream which results is independent of the diameter of the sol entry tube. The sol stream breaks up by a varicose mechanism to give sol droplets with diameters that are 2 to 2.5 times the diameter of the sol stream. This type of breakup was predicted theoretically and observed experimentally.4 The breakup of a 3 M thoria sol in a two fluid nozzle (glass) was photographed (Figure 12). The organic flow was proportional to the sol flow; thus droplets of the same size were formed at the three va e wa eie different sol flow rates. The diameter of the sol drops can be predicted by the following equation: where D = the sol drop diameter, f = the sol flow rate, V V = the drive fluid velocity where the sol stream is introduced, k = a dimensionless constant of 2.0 Betsel 2.5. In order to produce uniformly sized droplets with a two-fluid nozzle, the flow of the drive fluid must be laminar. Therefore, the nozzle should be designed to minimize turbulence and give iaminar flow. Thus, the value of V and the sol flow rate, f, are limited. Sol drops may be formed from a larger mass of sol by application of one or more forces such as gravity, centrifugal fields, shear, inertia, interfacial tension, and electrostatic repulsion. In order to obtain uniform drops and controlled diameters, both the force and the configuration of the sol must be uniform and one or both must be controllable. In all the dispersers used for · I Mass +.... . -. . .. . . . . . -15- microsphere column operation, the uniform sol configuration is obtained by feeding the sol through small (0.004 to 0.030-in.-diam) orifices. The two sol dispersion mechanisms which gave the most uniform drops during our development tests each have an important limitation. Small orifices. immersed in the 2-ethylhexanol are a practical and simple means of forming 1200-2000 u sol drops by the falling drop mechanism. But the orifice size necessary to produce sol drops smaller than 1000 u is too small to be practical. The two-fluid nozzles (Figure 1la) give excellent uniformity and simple, easy control of the drop size over a wide range. However, the maximum capacity .per two-fluid nozzle (1 to 10 cc/min depending on the drop size) and the need for non-pulsating and accurately controlled flows are important limitations for remote, large-scale operation. A promising method for uniform dispersion of a sol on a large scale is to shear the sol :stream emerging from an orifice by maintaining a velocity gradient in the 2EH at the orifice. This method was tested with rotary feeders (Figure 11b) immersed in the top of the column. The sol stream leaving small orifices (0.010 or 0.016 in diameter) in' the feeders are sheared off with most of the force from the velocity gradient in the relatively stagnant 2h. In other devices (Figure 11c), the orifices are stationary and the 2EH is pumped past the orifice through a confined flow channel. An electrostatic sol disperser was developed on a laboratory scale and tested in the microsphere column.5 This device has fifteen No. 24 hypodermic needles at a controlled positive potential with a copper ring at ground potential around each needle. The mode of dispersion varies with voltage with distinct 7. . . ' L ' 4n ; . . ' . *" transitions. As the voltage is increased, there is first an operating region with little effect, then a region of a single stream of very uniform drops, and then a fan-like spray of nonuniform drops. For the intermediate region of uniform . 1 A *, R . - -16- . . drops, the soļ drop size is a function of voltage, sol flow rate, and sol concentration. Using the electrostatic, multiple-nozzle disperser, the calcined product size distributions for a 3 M thoria sol and a limited range of mean sizes (200 to 350 u) were as good as for a two-fluid nozzle. 3.2 Column Design Tapered columns (glass) were the most successful of several column configurations tested. Continuous addition of sol drops and removal of gel microspheres was possible for columns up to 1/2 in. minimum inner diameter by simply using smooth, gradual tapers and axial upflow of solvent. When the tapered columns are scaled up to larger than 1/2 in. minimum inner diameter, the suspension of the sol drops and gel spheres become s unsatisfactory in several ways due to the laminar flow and parabolic velocity distribution. The problems with maintaining fluidization in the larger columus were eliminated by introducing a solvent tangentially at the bottom CONS . of the column below the point of minimum inner diameter (Figure 10). This tangential stream produces a swirl that extends with decreasing intensity from 1 to 3 ft up the column. The mixing of the swirl prevents the accumulation of particles on one side of the column. By controlling ne NS OS tangential and axial flows separately, the velocity profile across a diameter can be flattened, or the upflow at the center may even by a minimum, with a maximum between the center and the wall. The flattening of the velocity profile by the swirl reduced the amour.t of axial mixing so that the wet sol drops remained in the upper half of the column. .: 3.3 Drying and Calcining Conditions · Drying and calcining are necessary to remove volatile matter and to sinter the spheres to a high density. The temperature and the atmosphere are controlled according to a program in which the gel spheres as removed i . • -17- OR from the column are heated to about 1200°c and then cooled to room temperature. The voq spheres must be protected from oxygen. The overall drying-calcining operation is conveniently done in two steps in two separate pieces of equipment. Drying was done with the spheres supported by a fritted glass disk in a Pyrex vessel (Figure 13). The 2H was drained off through the frit. The entire vessel was heated by a mantle and heated gas was passed up through the disk. The dried spheres were calcined in alumina crucibles inside laboratory muffle furnaces. For thoria microspheres, the preferred conditions are: Drying Ar 25 to 110°C in 1 hour . . . -,_ , . . a m am .i. in . --. 17 ce Ar + steam 110 to 200°C in 6 hours Firing Air From 100°C to 500°C at 100°C/hr From 500°C to 1150°C at 300°c/hr At 1150°C for 4 hours For thoria-urania sols made with voz (NO3)2 or voz (limited to 10% urania), the urania is reduced to Uo2 by Ar-4% Hą for four hours and then is protected by an Ar atmosphere during cooldown. If carbon black is added to the sol, carbide microspheres may be formed by the reaction of the carbon with the oxides at temperatures of ~1700°C in an inert atmosphere or vacuum. The rates of temperature rise listed for the thoria microspheres were slow enough to be safe for any of the sols which we used. Much faster rates of temperature rise during either drying or calcination sometimes resulted in fractured particles, or in the presence of more porosity, larger surface e areas, and lower particle crush strengths. . -18- . 3.4. Solvents and Surfactants. . . -. .:ri or in The eight-carbon alcohol, 2-ethylhexanol (2EH), was the organic liquid for all the microsphere-preparation studies reported here. In general, the long-chain alcohols are the most satisfactory solvents. Halogenated solvents were avoided because of possible halogen contamination of the product. Considering the many excellent properties of 2EH for this use, we are unlikely to find anything significantly better. A surfactant must be dissolved in the solvent to prevent coalescence : of the sol drops with each other, coalescence of the sol drops on the column walls, and/or clustering together of partially dried drops. Surfactants also lower the interfacial tension between the soi and the 2EH; the inter- facial tension must be high enough to keep the drops spherical. The vere concentrations of surfactant used were 0.1 1:0 1 vol %. Span 80 (an Atlas Powder Co. ester) was most effective for preventing coalescence and clustering, but it also gave a low interfacial tension and permitted distortion of the larger drops of sol. Ehtomeen S/15 and Amine O were successful for forming thoria spheres in all sizes. For sols other than pure thoria, Span 80, and Ethomeen S/15 were generally used together with 0.5 vol % of each as the most common WE S . concentrations. ? VS sy 3.5 Solvent Recycle The solvent that overflows from the microsphere column to the wet solvent tank is purified before it is returned to the column. The water content is efficiently reduced by a simple, single-stage distillation. The boiling point of the 2EH changes rapidly with water content: from 183°C for pure 2EH to 150°C for 0.62% H20 and 98°C for the azetrope when an aqueous phase is present. The solubilities at room temperature are 2.55 wt% for water in INT . .T- tul L. CR7 * 2EH, and 0.1 wt% for 24 in water. Operatir.g conditions are usually selected . -19 -19- ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL .. to give a 0.5 to 1.0 wt% difference in water content for the dry and wet solvent. ... T .. . . Use of the steam heated still with 90-psig steam, heat exchangers and a phase separator give very simple and efficient operation. Only a smali fraction of the liquid is vaporized. Most of the heat required is sensible heat, and a good heat exchanger minimizes the heating and cooling load. As water and 2EH are vaporized, the water content of the liquid decreases until the boiling point approaches the condensation temperature of 90-psig stean (165°C). Thus, the amount of boilup is automatically controlled and no measurement or control devices are needed. After the vapors are condensed, the aqueous and 2EH phases separate by gravity and are discharged through jacklegs. This single stage distillation with separation of the condensed liquids requires less heat than using reflux in multiple stage column. Gradual color changes of the solvents indicate the accumulation of surfactant or solvent degradation products. The accumulation of these impurities did not cause any apparent deleterious effects during the longest runs (over 100 hr) which we have made. If these impurities do limit the recycle of solvent, the costs of solvent treatment versus replacement will have to be considered, 3.6 Product Characteristics SY The product characteristics of principal importance were: particle shape, size, chemical composition, density, strength, amount and type of porosity "TYY present, and irradiation behavior. Generally, nearly 100% of the particles in the product size range were spheres (Figures 7, 8, and 14). Some of the nonstandard sol preparations and/or column conditions can result in clustering or crac into fragments and thus can result in nonspherical particles. About 750 u diameter thoria microspheras were about the largest possible for the conditions used as ORNL - AEC OFFICIAL . ...... ........... .....domowe wil.... ...... . A nie nie mamma ....... ANA.. A m . T ... 14. - 1 . . ............. - - . - -20- ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL shown by the fact that the largest gel particles were slightly distorted. were (The interfacial tension cannot maintain the spherical shape when the sol drop becomes very large since the distorting forces become relatively larger.) Omes The lower size limit is determined by the practicality of dispersing the sol into very small drops ard collecting the product. The chemical compositions of the products are of importance with respect to the impurities present and to the practicality of preparing products that are mixtures. The only impurity problem is the presence of 2000 to 5000 ppm of carbon in calcined urania microspheres. This carbon ami is from the 2EH and/or the surfactants. The nitrate, ammonia, formate, and hydrazine are completely volatilized. The 2EH and surfactants leave no residues other than carbon and the carbon can be completely oxidized during calcination if an oxidizing atmosphere is acceptable. The concentrations of other impurities are the same as or less than those in the nitrate salts from which the sols are prepared. The sol-preparation, sphere-forming, and sphere- drying' operations are not corrosive to stainless steel or glass apparatus, and the microspheres are inert to alumina at 1200°C, Most of our gel microsphere:3 sinter to strong particles of nearly theoretical density at 1150°C. The porosity remaining at this temperature will be fine and uniformly distributed. The results for pyrolytic carbon coating and irradiation of sol-gel microspheres are good; these will be reported in es detail in other papers. ORNL - AEC - OFFICIA! -22- REFERENCES 1. 0. C. Dean, et al., "The Sol-Gel Process for Preparation of Thoria Base Fuels", TID-7650, p 519-42 ( 1962). 2. A. L. Lott, et al., "The Oak Ridge National Laboratory Kilorod . . , PS J. P. McBride, Preparation of UO2 Microspheres by a Sol-Gel Technique, ORNL-3874 (Feb. 1956). * 1997 . A. C. Merrington and E. G. Richardson, "The Break-up of Liquid Jets", . Proc. of Physical Soc. (London), 59, (331) 1-13, (1947). D, M. Helton, "Dispersion of a Liquid Stream by an Electrical Potential: Applications to the Preparation of Thoria Microspheres", ORNL-TM-1395, (1966). 6. J. L. Kelly, et al., "Sol-Gel Process for Preparing Spheroidal Particles of the Dicarbides of Thorium and Thorium-Uranium Mixtures", Ind. Engr. Chem. 4, 212-216, (April 1965). I'4 '' . - - - - - - - - . . * . *. . 4, P . 1 -;- . Table 1 . Properties of Typical Urania Sols Specific Gravity (g/cc) Uranium Conc. (M) U(IV) Content : s of U). NO, Ratio HCOO / Ratio -1.317 1.23 0.13 0.44 1.319 1.319 . .. 1.27 0.07 0.38 1.369 1:369 . 1.48 86 1.48 1.373 1.49 0.14 0.45 0.45 0.31 1.404 1.61 0.11 1.405 1.405 1.62 1.62 87 0.11 Table 2 • Firing Data for 125- to 177---Diameter UO, Microspheres : Sintered in H, at indicated temperature for 4 hr · . • Heat-up Schedule Sintering; Wt Loss on Temp.: Sintering Gel (°C). (W+ %).. Wt. Req'd ,to Crush . (g) Carbon Content (opm) Product Density (% of theor.) a... : 6.9 871 ... 4600, : 97.8 .. 1150 1250 . . . . 1050 .... 4900 97.6 1150 10.2 : : 354 . : .: 460 . -100 . .. 1250 . .. 313 *.35:1 200 <100 : ~100. . b. • ~100 a. Hy to firing temperature at 300°C/hr b. CO, to 450°C at 50°C/hr; CO2 to 600°C at 25°C/7r; Co, to 950°C at 50°C/hr; Hy to firing temperature at 300°C/hr. *- , Table 3. Preparations of UO2-Th02 Sols Preparations Scale: ~ 300 g of combined oxides Th/U Mole Ratio (Th + U) Preparation Code NO3/(Th + U) Mole Ratio U(IV) % of u X-ray Crystallite Size, A lll 311 Oto 0.11 CP-6 CP-12 CP-13 3.45 3.75 3.69 1.58 1.64 2.03 - 65 52.6 63.5 65 67 72 64 62 68 65 0.13 0.13 . 65 62 . condos - prepared by blending a urania sol (1.32 M U, 88% U(IV), and NOZ/U = 0.16 with GS-26 thoria sol (3.07 M Th, NO3/Th = 0.099) prepared from steam denitrated thoria. CP-12 and CP-13 prepared by mixing a thoria paste filter cake made from water, HNO3, and steam denitrated thoria which contained excess nitrate with a near-nitrate-free 5% Th02--95% 102 filter cake prepared by coprecipitation from a U(NO3)4-Th(NO3)4 nitrate solution. Dilution with H20 from 2.7 M (Th + U) was required for fluidity. . . . - - - . . . . . - - ' *; *"4 ... ' " ! " .. . . . . . .: ' ;, Y . . . . .. Table 4. Firing Conditions and Properties of Fired UO2-Th02 Microspheres Conditions: 15-25 g of gel microspheres per firing; samples were cooled to room temperature under argon atmosphere Soaking Conditions Heating Conditions Temperature Rise Rate Range Atm oc/tır Firing No Sol Prepa Product Analyses Crushing Strength 0/1 ratio (8) B.E.T. Surface Area Temp Time Carbon (°c) (hr) (ppm) Density” (g/cm3) (°c) O Atm (m2/8) CP-12 1 400 300 200 50 10.14 2.006 581 air air air Ar-4% H2 Az-4% Ha 0.005 2 25-1000 1000-1200 - Ar-4% Hz 25-200 air air 200-1000 1000-1200. Ar-4% H2 1200 3.5 2001 1200 5.5 ' 400 - 300 . 30. 10.13 2.009 532 0.017 .V . 3 CO2 25-1000 1000-1200 . Ar-4% H2 400 300 400 300 1200 3.5 150 10.35 4 2.011 585 0.005 . 4 . Ar-4% H2 Ar-4% H2 25-1000 1000-1200 25-1200 393 10.1 CP-13 Ar-4% H2 Ar-4% Hz air Ar-4% 6400 100 1200 3.5 1200 4 25 1200 4 8.02 10.1 air 2.081 2.00? 300 ..1305 0.006 Ar-4% H2 Ar-4% Hg atti 200 10.1 2.061 1393 4.08 3 COZ 300 300 300 300 300 25-1000 25-850 850-1100 25-850 850-1100 Ar-4% Hz 1100 .4 <100 10.2. 2.026 1518 0.005 4 Ar-4% Hz air : Ar-4% H2 1100 4. <100 9.81 2.015 1884 0.173 asee Table 1. "By Hg porosimetry: Theoretical density is 10.25 g/cc. CAve. of 10 microspheres; size tested was 250 diameter except 1504 with CP-12, . ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNL - AEC - OFFIGIAL ORNL DWG. 65.437 H20 VO2(NO3)2 NHZ SOLUTION (0.2 M) SOL PREPARATION THORIUM NITRATE SOLUTION STEAM DENITRATION 185-475°C 1 BLENDIN ..(~2 M) Tho, | NO 5 = 0.077 ML2 = 0.017 Voz-Tho2 SOL HjO STEAM. 350-450°C GELATION : EVAPORATION! 80-85°C DENSE UO,-Tho2 TO SIZING AND VIBRATORY COMPACTION CALCINATION AIR, 300°C/hr TO 1150°C 1150°C, 1 hr REDUCTION ARGON-4% HYDROGEN 1150°C, 4 hr ARGON - COOL TO 100°C Uog-Thoz GEL (DENSITY: ~7 kg/liter) Fig. 1 Original Sol-Gel Process Flowsheet. . " E". h 4 t .4. . - . *. 1 7 . . . . . mart-:**..*.* ORNL DWG. 65-9845 w er12 . Kasi .. . REDUCTION . H₂ *7W. . :7 . 2 .. 2520 ml SOLUTION 0.5 M UO,(NO3)2 -2.3 M HNOZ 0.26 M UREA ;' 30-60 mg PT CATALYST ** * . FILTRATION e PD CATALYST . . . . . . .... UINO, SOLUTION . CONC. FORMIC ACID ... . . . . . . FORMIC ACID ADDITION | SOLUTION MADE 0.3 M IN FORMIC ACID PRECIPITATION 3.0 M NH, OH 0.5 M N HAH20 . - . . U(IV) HYDROUS OXIDE SUSPENSION ... . 9 LITERS H2O .. . . FILTRATION AND WASHING . . ^ . . 5 + + UCHNER FUNNEL WITH NO. 42 WHATMAN PAPER . .. ." =" , T a k . 5s si UO, FILTER CAKE LD WASTE ELECTROLYTE , . . . 4 * . - SOL FORMATION HEAT AT 60-65°C AND STIR f " . . .. UOZ SOL I Luc: V K , ES Fig. 2 Flowsheet for the Laboratory Preparation of Urania Sol. om"2 PEL 7 Y-65851 . - . -- - . HI HHH - 1. అందంగా - . - - " K s :: - - H . . . , - - . ని A - . . . . 1. . - N h H " . T '. . H . . .. . -IN . . . . . . H . . . : . K AINA.. ' . . . . . 1 . .. . . . . . + . A . SL . . . .. . wyees . .. 41 . . -- . . . . . . 11 . : . . ATA AMMA - . . . . .. . . - . . - - ROAnne Fig. 3 typical U02 Microspheres (Diam - 125 to 177 p). - - - ( . - --... ... . . , - ..." 4F . . . . * *! : .., . - , " UL! - LUSTRE er . . . . WHY ! + 7 .+ LTE : : ,::: . RY . . . E INT . .-.- - . -.- . .- .-.- .. ... ................. . .. ... mais ratione di .R . EFYc .EX L . L . r * , ** - ' * - '- .. - * '-awtu 7 : :- A. Y-65850 LY-64443 Y-64559 w . . Home in clientii within MS the recommendation cl O NA -30- " SIT į e LSILLONESIA 11 portables the prime > X YA 0.035 INCHES in 100X = 5 INCHE 0.005 INCHES 10 W . Fig. 4 Sections of UO2 Microspheres; Density: 96% of. Theoretical; Carbon: < 100 ppm; Crush strength: 550 g. ORNL DWG 61-111 ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL E • . - - más 1 as a simulation in Tamiseminima continet besc-sadni- i home with a moment this w ir ---- --.--. -- th - - 7 bonos - . 0.035 INCHES IN 100X thony home . n i , ini A . Polished Sections of 210-297. Diameter Microspheres, Th/U Atom Ratio of 3.5, Density by Hg Porosimetry of 99%, 30 ppm C, and O/U ... Mole Ratio of 2.016. . ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL WOWA Fig. 5. Calcined ThO2-00, Microspheres Prepared by Mixing Thoria and Urania Sols. KITA . . . .... ..... .. ....... .. ORNL DWG. 65-9843" ..... . ..... ............. .::. .::. :.:.:.:.:.::. .: .. : . :.:. ::::.: .-- Pu(NO32-40-20 g/liter . 1-2 M HNOZ 10 MOLES HNO, PER MOLE Pu. . . ' ..:: .. i .. : 'i . . . . . .. in. . PRECIPITATION 100% EXCESS OF 2 MNH,OH - .: WASHING WATER WASHING TO FILTRATE PH of 7-8 PEPTIZATION : DIGESTION AT 80°C - TO COLOR END POINT (LIGHT GREEN TO VERY : DARK GREEN) .. :. ::: : .. . ... . RESUSPENSION WATER ADDITION 1. WITH AGITATION NO, REMOVAL HEAT TO DRY NESS; BAKE AT 120-200°C $ :.:.:. :. :: PLUTONIUM SOL Pu CONC. 1-3 M . . 1 (NO3. CONC. 0.1-0.4 MOLES NOZ/MOLE PU) .... D • Flowsheet for Plutonia Sol Preparation. . PHOTO 81177 - C . 10 ULT - re X * . 1 . . UNCALCINED CALCINED Fig. 7. Plutonia Gel and 1150°C Sintered Microspheres. Average Diam: 130 M; Density: 96% of Theoretical. . IS win ! The 7 PHOTO 81179 MUS 1. 7 - . X I me. ." ******** . . Sibirisinden min. . i & .: 1 : . mtotine demien :: die ܗ ܚܕܪ-- die . . " .. " ;.***.**. There erot siciliani to the games hatimator s ? " mere UNCALCINED CALCINED AT 11:50°C IN HMDROGEN , Fiq. 8. 75% Urania--25% Plutonia Before and After Calcining. . sinuniladiti .:. ... حمد ۰۸ ۰۰۰۰ به م، د... ۱۰ همت : 50% Thoria--50% Plutonia Before and After Calcining. . من له مسمن حمد ::... : همه نه دمعه ا وه . و .وFi ,مه و همه به سه ر متنه نننعنننمندیشمممممننعهنعنننممست مسلمتين يمنييننننننننننننننننننننننننننن CRNL-DWG 65-913 - ARGON SOL FEED TANK TWO-FLUID NOZZLE SOL METERING! PUMP ARGON COOLING WATER PHASE SEPARATOR 90 psig STEAM STILL POT FLUIDIZED MICRO- SPHERES WASTE WATER ARGON ARGON . CONDENSATE ET-FILTER -25- . M WET SOLVENT TANK ION EXCHANGE RESIN . HEAT EXCHANGER DRY SOLVENT TANK COOLING WATER . . E PRODUCT COLLECTIC mopean & FILTER FILTER @ Fig. 10 Sol-Gel Microsphere Column and Solvent Recovery System. ORNL DWG 65-6193 .. k Aqueous 7 Aqueous Sol - Aqueous Sol – WILMIN Organic Drive-Fluid leinen Organic Drive-Fluid Three, Spacing Fins - 0.010" 10 0.020" OD 0.125" ID : : Eight, Equally Spacod Holes 0.010" D Eight, Equally Spaced Holos 0.010" 0 > ? 1/4 A -1.1/4"D- 3/4" 10 7 1/4" OD c. Shear Disperser a. Two Fluid Nozzle b. Rotary Dispers er . Fig. 11 Sol Dispersion Devices. PHOTO 66462 Lahteet. .. ir var v. *) un B . 0.5 cc OF SOL/min 12 inch -42- 1.2 cc OF SOL/min n a www . rumah min .. . .. dito ugo n., ... ... - - - . ... . . - ..' . het nie vinner . . Di . DO O No 0 00:0 mit einem anderen vers : YA 2.5 cc OF SOL/min Fig. 12 Breakup of a 3 M Thoria Sol into Drops. tit . -- _ :' . :: . - ... 9 2. - -28- ORNL Dwg. 65-3826 GAS EXIT . uit! 01 IIII 10.III.I ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 30-45° 3/4" 90-120° . 1. C. WELL - 3 mm ID . . . ....... ... .. .. . . ... .. . . .. GEL MICROSPHERESSE Vi a h Nivet COARSE FRITTED DISK 3/4" I III.. 1 19-38 Wiki ....ii...III GAS ENTRY Fig. 13 Pyrex Vessel for Drying Microspheres. ATWA UN . سنة مدنبند صممتعففهمت . : 1 D 2 . 1 b están conected am . patah 50 MICRONS 250 MICRONS 500 MICRONS 750 MICRONS i Fig. 14 : Thoria Spheres Calcined at 1150°C. I . contramos la historia . i . ..- 1; - M A * . . m ..... . . ultidis: . . its.." : .. ... : ., 2 A . END DATE FILMED 7 / 28 /66 VA V . , . . . - -- -