. . ... - | OF I ORNL P 2160 .... . . : 3. . . : . 150 956 are not 11:25 | 1.4 LLE . . MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL QUREAU OF STANDARDS -1963 10, Note: ORNI P-tatt 66-56 216 This is a draft of a paper being submitted for publication. Con- tents of this paper should not be quoted nor referred to without permission of the authors. Conf-660511-5 JUN 27 1966 CFSI! PRICES H.C. $ 2.00; MN, 50 RELEASED FOR ANNOUNCEMENT IN NUCLEAR SCIENCE ABSTRACTS MASTER IRRADIATION FACILITIES IN THE OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY BULK SHIELDING REACTOR B. C. Kelley and C. E. Klabunde -. LEGAL NOTICE This report me propared as an account of Governmont sponsored work. Nolther the Unitod Stalos, por the Conmission, nor any por sop acting on beball of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or reprozoptation, expressed or impliod, with respect to the accu- racy, computonoon, or usefulnous of the information contained in this roport, or that the use of any information, apparatus, mothod, or procons declosed in this roport may not infringe privately owood rights; or B. Assumos any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this roport, As used in the above, "por son acting on behalf of the Commission" includes any on- ployee or conv.actor of the Commission, or employeo of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, dlosominates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with ovch contractor, SOLID STATE DIVISION OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Operated by UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION FOR THE U. S. Atomic Energy Commission i Oak Ridge, Tennessee April, 1966 - . .. - ...... .... .."- " - ... - - -- -- - - ... . F w : M Y LISO V IRRADIATION FACILITIES IN THE OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY BULK SHIELDING REACTOR B. C. Kelley and C. E. Klabunde Solid State Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee The core of the ORNL Bulk Shielding Reactor (BSR) consists of an assembly of MTR-type fuel elements. It is suspended in a pool of water, 40 ft long, 20 ft vide, and 22 ft deep, which acts as the reactor cool- ant, moderator, shield, and reflector. Steel rails are located along the east and west walls of the pool to support the movable reactor .' bridge. An additional movable bridge called the instrument bridge is used for a working platform and to provide space for special equipment. Presently, the reactor is limited to a maximum power level of 1 Mw. However, construction is under way to increase the maximum power level' to 2 MW and provide for 24-hr-a-day operation. All of the experimental facilities described below will be compatible with the increased power level. In this paper, 'five unique irradiation facilities' for materials testing and solid state research are described. These are: TARVY 1) The Thermal Neutron Irradiation Facility 2) The Liquid Helium Cryostat 3) The Position Five Facility 4) The Liquid-Nitrogen Cooled Cryostat 5) The Fast-Flux Irradiation Facility 11 A . 11 II Research sponsored by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with Union Carbide Corporation. ne persons responsible for the design, construction and operation of the facilities are indicated in footnotes in the sections to follow. 1. THERMAL NEUTRON IRRADIATION FACILITY" The express need for a high-dose thermal neutron irradiation fa- cility has long been recognized. There is no locale in the Oak Ridge Research Reactor or the Low Intensity Test Reactor wherein the cadmium ratio' is in excess of about 300. The cadmium ratio in the biological thermal neutron treatment chamber of the ORNL Graphite Reactor was in excess of 20', however, the actual thermal neutron dose rate was only about 109 cm - sect in this facility. The cadmium ratio in the vertical graphite thimble experimental positions outside the heavy water region of the Argonne CP-5 reactor has been measured as being in excess of 10* and the actual therraal neutron dose rate is in excess of ] in these locales. 12 Design requirements were calculated for a facility of high thermal neutron flux with relative absence of both fast neutrons and gamma rays for the BSR, and such a facility was constructed at the BSR. Figure 1 shows a sketch of the Thermal Neutron Irradiation Facility as installed on the east side of the BSR. This facility consists of a 46 x 30 x 32 in. aluminum tank filled with heavy water. Vertical sample tubes (2 in. ID) are located 19, 29, and 40 in. from the reactor face. One of the threr tubes (tube C, Fig. 1) at 29 in. from the reactor has an inside diameter of 2-3/4 in. and is shielded from gamma rays by a 14 x 8 x 8 in. thin-walled aluminum container filled with bismuth. The thermal and fast neutron flux have been measured for each of the experimental facilities. Table I indicates the data as normalized to 1 Mw reactor power. Only five of the six available fuel elements were in the first row of the reactor at the time of these detailed measurements. Later measurements were made in just the two holes nearest the reactor (NW and sw), after the addition of the sixth fuel element and after repositioning the entire tank to leave about' "J. W. Cleland and J. T. Howe. The "cadmium ratio" is the ratio of total (thermal plus resonance) in- duced activity to the cadmium shielded (resonance only) activity in a detector like gold. This serves as an empirical indication of thermal flux "purity". - -.--.- .-. - .- .- + -3- TABLE I N Ah Fluxes in Thermal Neutron Irradiation Facility at 1 MW BSR Power Level 1LWH11 Detector - Sulfur Position º Fast Gold Ratio Cu/Au cd Ratio Position (n/cm2 sec). Inr) Gold Copper Thermal (n/cm2 sec) ..129 x 1012 .152 x 1012 .488 .580 .408 .485 .372 .440 1.78 1.33 1.62 ..251 x 107 4.81 3.76 2.96 58.9 75.2 .754 x 1075 1.43 3.89 1.182 1.188 1.189 1.183 1.182 1.214 593 511 926 1100 116 136 3.41 1.50 NW SW 14.4 12.9 w 1/4 in. water gap between the tank and the reactor. These show a 60% gain in thermal flux (which should hold for all holes), and an increase in the cadmium ratio for these two holes from 120 to 200. It is anticipated that the total flux will double when the reactor power is increased from one to two megawacts in the near future. The gamma flux has also been measured" for each of the sample tubes, and is indicated in the last column of Table I. The relatively large gamma flux inside the bismuth shield (tube C) is primarily due to capture gamma rays from the aluminum sample tube. Preliminary measurements’ taken inside a bismuth container within this tube indicate a gamma flux of less than 104 r/hr. 2. THE LIQUID HELIUM CRYOSTAT Liquid helium temperatures are necessary to immobilize crystal lattice imperfections (damage) induced in pure metals by reactor irradiation. Re- actor fluxes induce damage in metals not only by fast neutron collisions, "R. R. Coltman, Jr., C. E. Klabunde and G. F. Fielder. -40 but also by recoils from the (n,r)-reaction upon capture of thermal neutrons. Since the latter mechanism produces a relatively simple damage configuration, it can be a valuable basic research tool if pro- perly isolated from fast neutron damage. The liquid helium cryostat. irradiation facility described here was developed to meet these needs. The sample chamber is a one-inch diameter, eight-inch long section at the bottom of an 18-foot tube. The chamber walls are cooled by liquid helium circulating in a closed-cycle refrigerator system. The sample chamber and associated refrigeration transfer lines and vacuum jacketing are located in a six-inch diameter housing pipe which is surrounded by a heavy-water filled tank at the level of the reactor core (see Fig. 2). · This aluminum tank provides about 20 inches of heavy-water moderator between the reactor face and the sample chamber. Resulting thermal flux 18 8 x 104 n/cm sec at full l Mw reactor power, while fast flux (per sulfur) 18 a factor of 2000 lower and the cadmium ratio for gold is 100. Gamma-ray heating is about 10 watts per gram. Figure 3 shows the refrigerator schematically. In the main heat exchanger high pressure helium gas is cooled from room temperature (by returning flows) on its way to be expanded adiabatically in the ex- pansion engines. Then before the gas returns to room temperature through the main exchanger it absorbs in the heat-sink exchanger the heat load from the high pressure liquefier flow which is enroute to the Joule- Thomson (J.T.) valve. This J.T. flow is further cooled (by returning liquefier flow) in the J.T. heat exchanger. After isenthalpic expansion at the J.T. valve the gas-liquid mixture proceeds through the cryostat, where part of the liquid is evaporated; but little, if any, temperature rise occurs. The returning flow is progressively warmed to room tempera- ture in the three heat exchanger sections enroute to the liquefier suction compressor from which it is returned into the main compressor bank. The refrigeration capacities of both engine and liquefier portions are quite adjustable by varying mass flows which are governed by low and high pressure settings, compressor series or parallel operation, and J.T. valve setting. In a test with an electrical heater simulating the effect -5- . . of the cryostat, a 20 watt load was absorbed by a 20 scfm flow in the liquefier circuit at a stable temperature of 3.6°K. Engine-circuit flow in the test was 180 scfm. From the general behavior of the entire cir- cuit under these tesť conditions, it was clear that a heat load of about 40 watts could be absorbed at less than 5°K. il dete . .. . Since the radiant heat load is a large fraction of the total in this system, use of a refrigerated shield surrounding all liquefier circuitry is essential. A small flow (1-2 scfm) of high pressure ~,16°K helium gas taken from the engine inlet line is routed through a small tube down to the sample chamber of the cryostat, where the line cools a heat trap and shield for the sample chamber (see Fig. 4). It then returns along a shield surrounding the liquid helium transfer lines and its own supply line. Flow rate is adjusted to maintain the warm end of the shield at 125°K after having covered all liquefier circuitry. It is estimated that shielding reduces the liquefier radiant heat load by a factor of 100. Additional refrigerated shielding of part of the main heat exchanger is obtained from the remaining heat capacity of the shield gas flow. . .. . ANA . ! i gan 4 nwana tw . U . .. .. . All cold portions of the system are vacuum jacketed, such that when cold, the vacuum is better than 100 torr. In addition, "super insulation" in the form of four to six alternate layers each of aluminum foil and .015" fiberglass sheets have been wrapped on all cold surfaces. In the irradiation zone only a single layer of aluminum is used since gamma-heating makes "floating" shields useless. Liquid nitrogen pre-cooling is used to cool the large mass of the main heat exchanger and the engines so as to reduce both start-up and total run- ning time. With an overnight pre-cool and four hours of running, the system is ready for normal liquefier operation. Reliability of the over-all system is such that runs of 3-weeks duration have been made without difficulty. The U-shaped arrangement of the cryostat (Fig. 4) reduces the diameter of the outside vacuum jacket so that as small converter as possible may be used (in the future) for fission-neutron bombardment. Above the 1 in. 235 A-370 containing sleeve which effectively converts thermal flux to fission flux. .... . 17 I. ! ' ! * **. ' - ..--re .-. -.- . . .. . - .' diameter by 8-1/2 in. long thin-wall copper sample chamber itself are portions of the sample tube serving as: 1) heat barrier, 2) refrigerated trap, 3) transition region up to room temperature, and 4) unjacketed ex- tension to top of pool. In operation the liquid-flow-cooled wall of the chamber allows helium to be condensed inside the chamber, so that the ex- periment is immersed in stati.: non-boiling liquid helium. A typical sample can assembly for study of electrical resistivity changes in wire specimens is shown in Fig. 5. Static liquid helium is condensed in the can so that during full power reactor irradiation & sample temperature of 3.60K is maintained. After an irradiation, study of the recovery of the damage may involve extensive thermal cycling of '. the samples to successively higher temperatures with return to liquid conditions for resistivity measurements. The double wall (can plus chamber) separating samples from refrigerant stream permits uninterrupted refrigerator operation while rapidly and precisely varying the temperature of the can and its contents to as high as 100°C with the aid of the heater and controlled vacuum isolation between can and chamber. Temperature Measurement Four kinds of thermometry are used in these operations. Liquid helium vapor pressure (up to 5.2°K) ruay read slightly high when there is a heat load causing the top liquid surface to be warmer. Carbon resistors (1/2 or 1/10 W, nominal 1000 5) give instant reponse and high sensitivity up to about 50°K. They suffer slight radiation damage and are moderately reproducible under thermal cycling. Copper-constantan thermocouples are good above about 30°K and suffer negligible radiation damage even ut far greater doses than available here. Helium gas-bulb thermometery (in a special two-volume system). can be very sensitive, accurate and reproducible within 0.1% of the absolute temperature up to about 40°K; it is radiation damage-proof. A combination of all of these methods is usually required to cover the range of temperatures needed in our experiments and to provide both speed of response and ultimate reproducibility. An inovation was neces- sary to adapt the gas-bulb thermometer for use where some 30-35 feet . . . . . .' --... * -7- separate the cold bulb and the sensing meter. A capillary this long, fine enough to be of negligible volume, would give nearly zero response rate. Only two feet of capillary is necessary for the transition to room temperature, then 1/8 in. copper tubing (water jacketed for temperature stability) leads to a bulb and the pressure meter. The total warm volume is purposely made 20 times the cold-bulb volume, giving a nonlinear (but calculable) response which is very steep at the low end. It does require 3 to 4 minutes to come to equilibrium after a large temperature change, , therefore a carbon resistor thermometer is used to arrive at and maintain an annealing temperature, which is accurately determined by the gas thermometer after 4 minutes. Flux Monitoring Auxiliary access tubes into both the rear D.0 tank and the 6 in. housing pipe are used for various flux monitoring schemes. A boron thermopile inserted in one of the tank-access tubes monitors thermal neutron flux above 0.1 Mw. In some experiments very accurate matching of doses from one run to another has been monitored by activating and counting fine, pre-weighed pieces of copper wire irradiated just outside the cryostat. 3. THE POSITION FIVE FACILITY The Position Five Facility (PFF)" is installed in the BSR to provide a chamber for in-pile radiation damage experiments or for post-irradiation experiments following reactor spectrum neutron irradiations. As shown in Fig. 6, the facility is located at the northwest corner of the reactor. It consists of a curved access tube, 4 in. in outer diameter, which is welded to a hollow core piece having the same outer dimensions as a BSR fuel element, roughly a 3 in. square' cylinder 2 ft long. The top of the tube is sealed with a plug (Fig. 7) which has incorporated in it a port for pressurizing the system and several electrical feedthroughs. There is a neutron and gamma shield plug suspended from the seal plug. A side arm 18 also provided for evacuating the system. A lead ballast, sheathed * J. M. Williams, B. C. Kelley, W. E. Brandage and M. S. Wechsler. INTE . in aluminum, surrounds the tube near the bottoin end to compensate for buoyancy. As can be seen in Fig. 8, the top of the tube extends above the surface of the water. A large transfer cask has been constructed that may be lowered around the top of the tube and into which the irradi- ated assemblies mey be removed. The gamma heating in the facility was measured by placing an aluminum block containing wells for an internal heater anů thermocouples in the tube. The block was prevented from making intimate contact with the in- side wall of the facility by set-off rings of Nichrome wire. The total mass of the assembly approximated that of a typical experiment. With the heater power oíf, the temperature of the block was measured as a function of reactor power. At full power, the temperature reached 150°C.' Then with the reactor off, the electrical power to the internal heater necessary to raise the temperature to 150°C was determined. In this way, the gamma heating at full power was found to be about 0.1 w/g. As can be seen in Fig. 6, one of the three shim safety rods is 10- cated diagonally adjacent to the PFF. The question arose as to the sensitivity of the neutron flux to the shim rod position. Therefore, a survey was made of the thermal flux (using cobalt wires) and fast flux above 2.9 Mev (using nickel wires) as a function of vertical distance in the sample tube for several positions of this shim rod. The reactor power, as measured by a servo chamber on the south side of the core, was maintained at 0.1 Mw by adjusting the other control rods and the results scaled up to 1 Mw. The flux profiles shown in Fig. 9 indicate a change of only a few percent for shim rod positions of 16 and 22 inches with- drawn. However, if the No. 1 shim rod is dropped to a 10 in. withdrawn position, the flux may be decreased by as much as 10% along the upper enå. During normal operations at 1 Mw the usual position of this rod is between 16 and 22 inches withdrawn. Figure 9 also indicates that in the region of the flux peak, the flux is uniform to within 10% over a span of 7 or 8 inches. -9- 4. THE LIQUID -NITROGEN-COOLED CRYOSTAT* i.: : : : : Several experiments planned for the BSR require that the irradiation temperature be maintained well below room temperature. A cryostat has been constructed for this purpose, which is cooled by helium gas pre- cooled by heat exchange with liquid nitrogen. The liquid nitrogen does not enter the radiation zone. The cryostat was constructed and mounted on the instrument bridge such that it may be moved to almost any spot in the reactor pool. Figure 10 shows a schematic layout of the cryostat. Helium gas pumped through a liquid nitrogen cooled counter-flow heat exchanger enters the bottom of the sample chamber and flows up, cooling the chamber. The gas then re- '. turns to the heat exchanger, flows through the inner annulus helping to cool the helium which is enroute to the chamber. Next the helium gas flows to the helium pump where the cycle begins again. The cold regions are in- sulated by a vacuum jacket surrounding the assembly. In the configuration shown in Fig. 10, the samples were irradiated while in the helium flow. This arrangement somewhat compl.icates removal of samples while they are cold and requires a new helium charge each time a sample is removed. Since most irradiations will require cold removal of samples, a sample tube 1-1/8 in. outside diameter by 20 ft long is inserted in the 1-7/8 in. inside diameter chamber. Once a sample is inserted in the inner chamber, the chamber is evacuated and back-filled with helium gas for heat transfer. When the irradiation is completed, the helium is pumped out and the chamber back-filled with nitrogen gas which is then liquefied, facilita- ting cold sample removal. Since it was necessary to use an oil lubricated refrigeration com- pressor to pump the helium through the circuit, oil vapor problems were expected. To help alleviate this somewhat, oil separators and fume filters were installed in the helium circuit. In addition to this, connections "J. T. Howe, W. E. Busby, J. T. Stanley, B. C. Kelley and W. E. Brundage. -10- and valving have been provided to periodically flush the system with a suitable solvent. Flux determinations have been made in this facility for thermal flux (using cobalt wires) and fast flux above 2.9 Mev (using nickel wires). These data are shown in Fig. 11. 5. FISSION SPECTRUM FACILITY" NS Studies of radiation damage in metals and alloys require a knowledge of both the number and energies of the neutrons. The determination of the spectrum in an experimenta). facility is a difficult and inexact process. Also, the flux and spectrum are subject to change as a result of variations in control rod position, fuel, and experiment loading in the reactor. Therefore, it is helpful to provide an irradiation chamber with a repro- ducible, known neutron spectrum such as the fission spectrum. Once the neutron spectrum and special distribution are determined, the required neutron flux measurements are limited to a single properly chosen monitor irradiated along with the sample. In the fast flux irradiation facility, the nearly-pure fission spectrum is provided by irradiating a neutron converter (a U-bearing sleeve surrounding the sample chamber) in a high-purity thermal flux. Another motivation for providing a fast neutron flux environment, without moderated or thermal components, is in connection with the AEC's fast breeder reactor program for which information is needed on radiation damage effects to structural materials in fast neutron fluxes. The general arrangement of the facility is shown in Fig. 12. The 12-in. thick DO moderating tank is mounted on the reactor grid plate and moves with the reactor to the converter which is fixed in the pool. The main housing of the converter is also filled with D,O except the 14-in. diameter cylinder in the center which is void except for the cooling fins. These fins function as an emergency heat path in the event of coolant failure Details of the converter element, located in the center of the box are illustrated in Fig. 13. It is fabricated with a thick "W. E. Brundage and M. S., Wechsler. LE -Lab TA ley aluminum cladding into which a series of longitudinal slots 0.038 in.-sq are machined to form the coolant passages. The fuel is Uranium enriche to 93% SU and alloyed with aluminum and is also clad on the inner sur- face with aluminum. The innermost portion of the assembly is a cylinder of cadmium-magnesium alloy which provides additional thermal neutron shielding for the sample. The converter element is at the lower end of a tube which extends to the surface of the pool so that samples may be lowered directly into the center of the converter. This tube will be closed with an atmospheric and shield plug except during loading and un- loading. A shielding cask which was fabricated for use with the Position Five Facility will also serve the converter to aid in the removal of ex- perimental rigs. The anticipated flux within the converter space is a minimum of 1012 n/cm sec. This will result in a fission heat level in the con- verter of 30 kw. Previous measurements by Coltman et al.° for a similar geometry at the BSR indicate that a flux of 2 x 10+n/cm sec may be expected when the reactor is operated at a 2 MW power level. The con- verter element and cooling system are being designed for operation at a reactor power level of 2 Mw. The Fast Flux Irradiation Facility is presently in the detailed design stage. A criticality test on a mock-up of the facility has been carried out, and no undue hazard was found to exist. REFERENCES 1. W. M. Breazeale, The New Bulk Shielding Facility at ORNL, ORNL-991, May 1951. 2. R. van der Walt and A. L. Colomb, "A Facility of High Thermal Neutron Flux in the Absence of Fast Nuetrons and Gamma Rays," ORNL-TM-399 (Oct. 1962), unpublished; see also R. C. Von Borstel et al., "Exposure of Biological Specimens to High Fluxes of Thermal Neutrons," ORNL- TM-489 (Feb. 1963), unpublished. 3-5. Measurements respectively by: T. V. Blosser, Neutron Physics Division; W. T. Mullins, Analytical Chemistry Division; G. E. Boyd, Directors. Division. 6. R. R. Coltman, Jr., C. E. Klabunde, D. L. McDonald and J. K. Redman, "Reactor Damage in Pure Metals," J. Appl. Phys. 33, 3509 (1962). 7. J. M. Williams, B. C. Kelley, W. E. Brundage and M. S. Wechsier, "The Positition Five Facility in the Bulk Shielding Reactor," Radiation Metallurgy Section, Solid State Division Progress Report for Period Ending August 1965, ORNL-3878, p. 68-74. 8. R. R. Coltman, Jr., C. E. Klabunde, D. L. McDonald, J. K. Redman and G. F. Fielder, "Low Temperature Irradition Studies," Solid State Division Annual Progress Report Ending May 31, 1963, ORNL-3480, p. 57. 9. W. E. Brundage and E. B. Johnson, "Criticality Safety Tests on the Converter Facility for the Bulk Shielding Reactor," ORNL-3878, p. 75- 76, Jan. 1966. ". - FIGURE CAPTIONS te i internet wireless og Figure 1. Bulk Shielding Reactor Thermal Neutron Irradiation Facility. s Figure 2. The Cryostat and Reactor Arrangement of the Liquid Helium Irradiation Facility at the BSR. de mi . . Figure 3. Schematic Flow Diagram of Liquid Helium Facility. . . - content in the last 1 - . - Figure 4. Liquid Helium Irradiation Cryostat. Figure 5. Liquid Helium Specimen Irradiation Assembly. Figure 6. Core Loading of the Bulk Shielding Reactor. Figure 7. Schematic Drawing of the PFF. Figure 8. Photograph of BSR Pool Showing Core and PFF. w kierownic Figure 9. Neutron Flux Profiles in BSR-PFF for Various Positions of No. 1 Shim Rod. Figure 10. BSR Liquid Nitrogen Cryoſtat. Figure 11. Flux Data from Liquid Nitrogen Cooled Cryostat. Figure 12. General Arrangement of the BSF Fission Spectrum Converter and the BSR. Figure 13. Converter Element of the BSF Fission Spectrum Converter. STOL BLY SEEDING RICO3 thì tôi chia : :: . ./ 2012 V romaneasca 20" - . . Q-1 Toi crizione .... COM . . . . .. - . ... .. . : );, indi; -. --- (:3/... 3" Ols, inis ---- (23.93/5" 0,1), sro 1.. 30.D. x.094 kali 2-3/3* , a í smiles) 20*-7 1/2 , 20-20-3/4" ***** O SDI VZX ..... . DUEZ . So I HH+1-A1- To coxiez 2ks - et il conter linu ! 23. tovo . . .. : BEING REWORKED BY GRAWIC) Arts # OENL DWG 66-3761 LIQUID HELIUM TRANSFER LINES, . ------ . - BIOLOGICAL SHIELD.-- -- - SAMPLE TUBE sli.. HOUSING TUBE (6-in. OD) . . . 18 ft F142 I - ! ti ima . . ". - .. -::- - at SAMPLE CHAMBER- . ..- : :::: ... - i REACTOR CORE 28 in. CRYOSTAT HOUSING- BOX 1912 X 12 in.) Totm HELIUM- GRID PLATE .. ... ... ..... . : -- - - ::: rman 250-IH STAINLESS SÁLLAST S3 po! FLOOR . . . . - VI:CLL95:- . G71:1-5:33 55-22; 7 EXPANSIO!! EN: 511:ES ANNULAR PASSAGE 16°K 1.4 otm 100K REFRIGERATED SHIELO 300°K J.T. VALVE - - - - - - ... . OUTER WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW DDLEWwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww INNERWwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwws-WWWW R EF=- =-==-- ==- ----- FIG 3 LIQUEFIER (184) - - ... Coves 4 - ... COMPRESSOR STAGES ::.. (DISPL.-cim! FLOW REGULATOR ii., 00) MAIN HEAT SINK JOULE - THOMSON 5 in. OD x 29 ft 5 in OD x 297 12 in. OD x Sit CONCENTRIC TUBE-RIBBON PACKED COPPER HEAT EXCHANGER (CO) CIRCUIT LEGEND www---- ENGINE 160-200 sciri. .-.-- -- LIQUEFIER 3-30 Szil: --- TEFRIGERATED SHIELO 9.2 Sciro. . .cora -- - - - - . .. . ... . .... . . . . . .-..- . - -. . --. . -. .. ... Y. . 1. 2, pet f... 3 . UNCI. ASSIFILO OMNL-OW 3.2210 7------- SAMPLE TUBE -- STAINLESS STEEL HEAT TRAP, 8 in. LONG WO THIN COPPER REFRIGERATED HEAT TRAP, 12 in. LONG -18°K 1 .24 -- - FALA 18 it TOTAL SYSTEM STAINLESS STEEL HEAT TRAP, 2 in. LONG 1 RL . . . .. - -.. -. . *** THIN.COPPER REFRIGERATED SHIELD . . . . . . .. . . . -- LIQUID HELIUM 3.5 TO 5° ...SA -.- MTU- REFRIGERATED SHIELO, Ww .Zer THIN-WALLED COPPER SAMPLE CHAMBER, 1-in, 10 x812 in. LONG t i . . VACUUM JACKET. . , ... -16-in:00 COPPER TUBING JI ETT IN TO L Motorer och ar INCHES T. w - REFRIGERATED SHIELO SUPPLY LIQUEFIER SUPPLY... LIQUEFIER RETURN .; FIG 4 UNCLASS.FIED ORNL-OWG 64-4519 348-n. THIN-WALL STAINLESS : U 11/ 0.032-in. OD STAIN- LESS SHEATHEO TEATER - PS --- 0.020-in. ID CAPILLARY 30-in. LONG 1. WIRE BUNDLE (ALL WIRES GO TO BOTTOM FIRST) - -- FIRED LAVITE SPACER D:SK *** . - :, - COPPER CAN ( 3 x 34-in. DIAM X 0.010 in. WALL . " .". . -- GAS THERMOMETER BULS (5 cm3) .. .......... wir. - . 1 -. .. THERMOCOUPLE X . .. . :: ... .. . .- :'. ' - M 1 ... - . . R4 M - . . : ww : W - NAK.. ---10-W CARBON RESISTOR (THERMOMETER) - :.. . 3 : NAK. i V : . . . . . 2 . y . CADMIUM SAMPLE (0.0012 x 0.031 x i 14-in.) Wong is more it ::... Visst Wiciaverii. Nale, id gether - 2. , VOTA 2. .... . T * . .. IV . ... gr ELWS . . FIG5 relatione * diese beiden asemanas de entre came fraiches Bet t than the that there . V * ORNL-DWG 65-8315 -POSITION 5 FACILITY SAFETY SHIM NO. 1 : . . . . . . . . . . 00000 -SAFETY SHIM NO. 2 NORTH FIG SAFETY SHIM NO. 3 6 . . REGULATING ROD RODO0000 FISSION CHAMBER FUEL ...... . . e. Loading. Diagram of Bulk Shielding Reactor Core Loading. .. . . . . ORNL-OWO 65-8154 .. I' M D NOTE: VACUUM CLEANER IS USED TO PROVIDE DOWNDRAFT OF AIR AT MOUTH OF TUBE OURING SAMPLE ATMOVAL, VACUUM PUMP IS USED TO EVACUATE AIR FROM TUBE BEFORE COMMENCING IRRADIATION. L RUBBER HOSE - INSTRUMENTS Pie VACUUM PUMP OR VACUUM CLEANER ABSOLUTE FILTER SEAL PLUG PR-4 ELECTRICAL FEEDTHROUGHS POOL WATER LEVEL VENT TO ABSOLUTE FILTER PR-O V LUCIE - LUCITE- Soora BORAL SHIELO PLUO - SIDE ARM PRV-2 12 psi PRV-I 15 psi INSTRUMENT LEADS - PULL WIRE wn:73H DALLAST - WEST' REACTOR EXPERIMENT ASSEMBLY BSR-Position. Five Focility . . :. - ...... :. . . . ...--ޑެއް.. ބޙނهلل- ސް.-- .. - - -ނު-ޖެ:-- -: ކަ ނ ޑަސަ ---- - ...... 5. - - : =- * = ވެހ - . - އ *ވ. .. • - އ.....: هلللل هلهل-ނ . - . . . . - ... - . . - . . -. * * • . IS ** * * : ." .. .. .. * 1. 1 , - .. Ah - • . -- އެ.. . - - . -ނަ . .2. . ސ.. ގ ނނީ. --* =. . * --- -- - ނާ. ހެ :: ދީ - ނަދާގެ ޖީ. "ޖެހޭ:.ދަނު ހ ( -އ K ،t" 5 " 11.1 . . , - .ނާނާއާ : ބ: . . : - - - , fi ސ . މ . , :: Nj. ' . . . " • , , ti , , . . . . . . . - ދިމީހާ ހިކަހައި •...: .1" .." ކީ ; .,....ފް.. * ** މިއީ--: • ..... , , * .. • - . - . - 1 . - 4;&i: !.. ". . . :); :: , * .. :: Lh - އި 1 i * -.... G 1. .ل لللاه...لތޓ - هلللا ޑއ 1- .1 - G I 1 ST • . .. . ! ) POSITION FIVE FACILITY 1 . 'A . i . L . KL 151 • 1 T i .1 i ވ 1 T . . I ޖު . . | ** . * ދި | 1 . . Li 5 15 .. 0 . i 1 ' 1 -- )4 . I, . . • ) . .. ( .. 5. I · * - - 4 ; '' 16.111 TI, 1 .11 11, s 11 . 11 1iy މާމަ އަހަޔޭ.." j ' : . - އ ކ. ފަ - BULK SHIELDING! REACTOR 1 | t t " 1 1. 1 ދަރުމައަށް | 1 .1.1 I Sr to , 1 * o - = 1 1 4102 tk i. . ' * 5 , T 1 1 . . ނު ދަންނަ ގޮތަށް -- ;. އެ-.. 1 F , * 1) . . . T އަނބުރަނސަމު:ދު، ބ" -ބރމަނުބ" ބީ" I TO # . . - . * . - - * .22=# :... .1 ރަ ންރީ 11 415 = = == . . . . . މިހަރަކާތްތަކުކަހަލަ ކީޕަ • .4 " ." ފަ * 5 * އާމްދަނީމާ.. ' ހަރުފަރަކީ އދ ههللهللللل-4ބބުlއނބުއިންޑް .. ގޯނި ޖެ އާ ހަމަވާން.ރެސް ން. ހުހައިށިދީ،" . n • . އއޗ ޚެ ވެ ތާރީ N ޅ. :ﷲ ޅ... ތަބީއައި ތާ .ބަބެހުރ..ނ.ގާބިލްޚާބަނކަމަކީ "......ޑުމައްޗައްޗެއް = = ދ . . އޮބާހާ ޒިރީ 1 * . . . . 66 ކަނާމްޑީބީޓާނެބެ..==ގް-އާން *- -* - . އި in114 ---... * ޓީ ންތްސް .. *. ޖެ .އާން ގާޑުހާހުރަހަވާކަރަދިރީޚު ތަރިކަ : * އިސްއޭ . 1 11 46 ތަކަކީ : ނަޒަރި * : Ti: 1 1001 i+ "ITI! IIII * 5 އެ ދިދައި.ފަހަރަށް 1611 * : . - - L - - -- 1 *.. 1- 4 *1 1 ، * ** * . . * . 111 151 1 ;; 11 * - | 15, ITI - us NE * * R އި . = F 15 • 1 . . 2 1 114 * * * * * . - • * * . * . . • • * * ه . 1 141, . - .• * * • ރަންނާ ހަދާރާ . - * - * . . * *. -. , * - | * , * 1. - 1 - - * * . - .. . -- - 0.1111 * * * 5. ތރު [. . ! .- 1 * 1 , 1 * 1 1 11 1 | - * * - , . 1 i . ] * * 11 1 • * " * .6 * + .. G 4 1 · • ** , F 1 + * 41 .. 5 ** •1 · ; 1 * , | 2 * '1 , . 2 1- .11 : * . =ބން + 1 . 1 މަދަނީއަކީ | - - - .. ކާ ހަ .މަތުތަ ރާބޮނބިންނަށް ރަ: ... ރިނިޒަރަތުރު *** *** · · 1 - - 1 . * 1 ' ELI . 414 , T- ތަޠުލަވާ. - ނ - . 611, 5 - * . - = . - .1. 1 - - * 0 S * 19 E ", ' * . 1 * === C . . i : .. ". . I 0 9 ބަރަރަށް .... . ދެރަހާހަހަހަރަށް ރަފީހު . . i | 1 އާ - 1- .ދ - , • - . S އަހަރާހިރަ 17 - - = • l C- . - - • s• d4 ނިކޮލަޝި ނ . 1 - -- . - ރަކީ . . . 5 - - n . -- ==== , • .. . S •S . - = -- 10 - . * - = . * l 1 ކު " --- == ---ދސް - އާ * 1 . | . Lo. , . . * LL. ! - - , - - . 1 E - . .. 1 ) - - * . 1) ދާދި ރަށްރަރު އަހަރު " 2 1 11 * 5. .. 1 ] 1 ނުނާ 14 * ** * 3 I * • [ * ތު * - - - S • - * . • . . . * Tr * * * ހިރިރަތާރިހަރިހާރު - ނނއިހުސާސްލޫމަތު ބިނާއޮމީހަކުކަރުހެނުންބާސް: . . - - މޯހިރުން ނުވަތަ 18 1 , :) [ u S 1 - 1 se- ހު ހަށިރަށް : މާރީ ހިފަރިދޫކީ 6 - ހަހަނު · 4 - . ތަރަހަ R . f . Y އާކައި - - IL . ފަރާތަކީ ކަރަން :: ށްމަކަރުހަދާރާކަރަ 1 5 . އަޑައްދަށް 0 '' • - • s 1 • • -- - - , -- 1 - ... = . - . އާ - -- - - - - އާ - - ޓް - - ] - ނ - - . ތަލަ - - - - - C- - - -- - އު - . ދިވަހި ** . - " HT . - - ކެތްކުރާކަމަކައްކާބާބާއެކު އެއްރާގެއްއެދާއްޔާ . .. - - .އަބައުން - . ދުވަހަކަންބާރާނައަރާޤާ 5 - ގަ -- .ކަޅު .-- . : ) - ' ކަރަހާހިހިހިހީހަހަ . ފަރުވާ 1 - . * - - - - - - ** - . ވެ ---- - - 40 1 - - SS - * - O - . ތަރަހަ * . އއ.--- . " - . - - - ގ : * 1 ތަ ) 1 ވި ސްނނުން. 16 - . * ." ހަރި - - * ޤަދަރާއި ރާ * * . . 1 -- ޖެ - 1 - , T 1 • , ހިރަ -- : L , ... . ... N ތު IS . . T] އި 1 1 ތަރުޏފހައްކާކާދަމަހަމއ.އީ ދަ " . ހަހަހަހަހަހަހަހަޚަގަދަފަޙަހަރެހަލެބުމަހަހަހަހަ 14 - " 1 . - - - - . S . * , - - ކު • ހހންނަކީ ރަންނައިރު ހުރީ" . ; .. - - i -- އެތަންބާ . އެ ST :: 1 . - ނު : :. - : " A 1 F. . * . . " 16 . * . * - * " . . * . . ... 1 * - " 1 TT ..” .. • " - * > ސަ * * * * 15 | - - -- ) - - . 31 --ޑ . - * . . .-- * ** * • - * .. == 1 [111 - -- 5 , , - ... . .. -:ތަޢާރަށް * - - • - - - .. * - * - - 1 - ... 5. : -* = * . i ". " " ... ތ C 4 " 11 • 1 . - - , - 7 · 3 'LITY *. - 11 _- | - ވަނީ , --- - - - ރާ -- . . - - - , , * 1 - . . . , . . A . t 1 : 1 . ---- - 41. H o 1.110 1 . 14,111) ' - c . | 1 -- | . . * - , 11 • ކުރީގެ 1 D 1 . ....ސީ .. - 144 1. * ) 1 1 .. • . ސީ - އެއްކަން ހުރީހަ - 41 15ޑ | 1 3. * 1 2 1 * . 1 * * 1 2 1 T 6 * .. | . " ** 1 * * ! h . . F* 11.7 * i * . . . 1 TI ". . 0 *** 15 , 4 4 A . 0 I 14 ii" . • 1. A1- i 5-44- T1 . - T IL SC-6- . , - 1 | 11 . 1 ވ 31 . , Ik [ .. . S FI 1 41k FLC . i , G5fi f -- S , .: * . . .. 11:51. I " . 1 .. 8 * * 1 .[ 1 . 1 \ ) . i - * . j.s ރޮވޮޗަރަތަމަ ** * ..".ހުކުވެ 1 11 1 1.5 11 1 11 14 12 . . . * .. + 1 45 . . .. * * * 1 . * + • ތަރަހަނާ 1 T 1 U 1 -- 1 + . 1 1 - 1 - . .. 4 2 1.1 - -- . - . | - 1 | - ! * - . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 -- . .ބނށް=ން * އ .ތ .. * * .ހަރީpރު :ތާރީޙާ 1 1 , 1 • * . • " .. . - 5 S " * " . - - .. . -. , . ލ 1 . . · . 1 4 5 . .. ޓީ، 3 މިތިސީޕީޑު ދުގަހި އައބވއ.". ރ،،އަނުޝް... .--- ނޞހކައަނެކަކަށް ޖަރާސެރއިމުހައް- - · ދަމަހަދަޑް - ދު . . * - * . .ރާނާ * |. t; il• - • 1 " 11 - ORNL-DWG 65-8316R2 1013 OINI -AIC - OFFICIAL THERMAL FLUX آہ ہ ہم مقام 06608 MO OLA 8 OVO NO NEUTRON FLUX ( neutrons cm-2 sec ) 1012 INTEGRAL FLUX ABOVE 2.9 Mev – ... ... .. ... --- - afi POSITION OF THE LOWER END OF SHIM ROD Ib. 10 in. FROM BOTTOM OF REACTOR .AA 16 in. FROM BOTTOM OF REACTOR 0122in. FROM BOTTOM OF REACTOR 2 -- - 28 1 8 12 16 20 24 DISTANCE FROM BOTTOM OF REACTOR (in.) FIGq ORHI - AEC - OFFICIAL OMNI- (MG 61-3051) HELIUM CIRCULATING PUMP THROTTLE VALVE LIQUID NITROGEN NITROGEN GAS :::........•:• SUCTION PUMP *- HELIUM FROM LOAD -HELIUM TO LOAD - VACUUM TANINI 4 . In . FINS REMOVED AND STAINLESS STEEL TUBE INSERTED TO RETARD HEAT EXCHANGE ALONG (V21H LENGTH matthias VACUUM JACKET 22 ft Oin. - - 10 ft Oin. Doc ma - 1%-in.-10 SAMPLE CHAMBER ---VACUUM JACKET SSR ido Mhaoimhinde temi, the wine conten - - contenente . - . . th . . BSR Liquid-Nitrogen-Coolod Cryostat de TRS ha .: FIGIO , - CM . Our ORNL-DWG 66-3206 Joooºooo o/ to oooo 0 0 O/00 THERMAL (COBALT) NEUTRON FLUX (neutron cm-2 seco") >2.9 Mev (NICKEL) 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 DISTANCE FROM BOTTOM OF TUBE (in.) Flux Data from Liquid Nitrogen Cooled Cryostat. FIGN ORNL-DWG 65-13313 : : - MODERATING TANK BULK SHIELDING REACTOR - 11 T 2 . 1 . 3-in.-ID ACCESS TUBE COOLANT Mat sensultado owice Y+ rohiber .. : Tri i in one borbe n u ...! * ".. T NET E . 2 AL ! ORNL-OWG 65-13314 SUUNNI t DO ... - ITIN -- -Cd-Mg -AI CLADDING CAIU FUEL III - 1 It! 1 LI 1 . 11 1 III II DI ID II IT IN 10 VITU i DI II 1 1 1 DI I U DUH TI A TUTTI - IL - I THES I LIII IDI FIN 1 1 are - - LII 1 LIITTI WITH TA DIA IIIIIII INI LIITI TILL 11 T UI IX -AI CLADDING AND COOLANT PASSAGES UNUT SAMPLE CHAMBER- - D 1 - Pio III IN LI 11 Oh SES ID 1 . 1 . HU . . 1 LI - ACTIVE LENGTH 12 in. : 1 LUIT DI 1 III. DIEN III DU DU Du III. II 1 I DO ICT ( 1 11 TIME III I11 III TO ITIK 11 III IT III 1 DI . ..' LIST OF FIGURES - Figure 1., ORNL - DWG 66-3761 , Bulk Shielding Reactor Thermal Neutron Irradiation Facility. Figure 2. ORNL.-DWG 63-2214AJ... . Figure 3. : ORNL-DWG 63-2215, · Figure 4. ORNL -DWG 63-2216, Figure 5. ORNL-DWG 64-4519, Figure 6. ' ORNL-DWG 65-8315, Core Loading of the Bulk Shielding Reactor. . Figure 7. ORNL-DWG 65-8154, Schematic drawing of the PFF. Figure 8. ORNL Photo 80372A. Photograph of BSR Pool Showing Core and PFF. Figure 9. ORNL-DWG 65-8316R2. Neutron Flux Profiles in BSR-PFF for various Positions of No. 1 Shim Rod. Figure 10. ORNL-DWG 64-9050. BSR Liquid Nitrogen Cryostat. Figure 11. ORNL-DWG 66-3206. Flux Data from Liquid Nitrogen cooled Cryostat. Figure 12. ORNL-DWG 65-13313, General Arrangement of the BSF Fission Spectrum ...--- Converter and the BSR. Figure 13. ORNL-DWG 65-13314. Converter Element of the BSF Fission Spectrum :: Converter. , * 7 * . 5 * ..PL : Si AR 7 / 28 / 66 DATE FILMED END 1 . 1 .. - -