2 : 3 t . . . ... . . • T OF IL ORNLP 2176 ..* - .' . . . - • . . 245 is, KSO gli . .. . III li ri: initi .. MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS - 1963 cini prate . 2196 conf.660524-3 20 $2.00: MNSO JUN 27:. ..corne . MASTER . . The Impact of Kllorod Operational Experience on The Design of Fabrication Plants for 2334-Th Fuels* ... ... R. E. Brooksbank J. P. Nichols A. L. Lotts RELEASED FOR ANNOUNCEMENT IN NUCLEAR SCIERCE ABSTRACTS 3 + . - - * For presentation at the "Second International Thorium Fuel Cycle Sympusium," Gatlinburg, Tennessee, May 3-6, 1966. .. . .? in LEGAL NOTICE This report me prepared us as account of Government spor ored work. Nelibor the valued dutos, por the Commission, nor day Srso acting on bebalinithe Commission: A. Makes cay Mitut ur representation, expressed or iviplied, with respect to the accu- racy, completeness, or usefulness of the Information contained to Wis report, or that the use of way information, e puntu, method, or process disclosed Louis repost way dot infringe privately owned ricato; or B. ASRIRAs way Habilities with respect to the une of, or ler dumugo resulting from the un of Lay Information, apparitu, melbod, or provou diaclosed la taula report, As wred in the abovo, "persoa acttag oo baball of the Commissioo" Locladas nay em. ploys or coatructor of the Commission, or employee of such cootractor, to the oxteat Want such employs or coatructor of the Commission, or omplogue of much contractor properts, disumiastes, or provides ucco to, by 'aformation pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or wo employment with such contractor, ......... Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. The Impact of Kilorod Operationa). Experience on The Design of Fabrication Plants for 238U-Th Fuele R. E. Brooksbank, 4. L. Lotts, J. P. Nichols 1.0 introduction The development of reactor systems that would employ thorium as a reactor fuel has created a basic need for solving the problems of the Thu-Su fuel cycle. The major problem of this cycle is the radiation levels encountered in fuel reconstitution. The first pilot-scale demon- . stration involving this cycle was the Kilorod Program, successfully . . . completed during 1964. This program was aimed at advancing the technology : - * by coupling the ORNL sol-gel process to the vibratory compaction method . * of fuel fabrication by semi-remote methods on a 10 kg/day scale. . The requirement of the Brookhaven National Laboratory for 1100 - Zircaloy-clad fuel elements containing 3% DUO, -.97% Thon, afforded the opportunity to provide engineering data under sustained operating condi- tions. In the Kilorod case, specific records were maintained on equipment - ". .. i ni reliability, process performance, radiation levels and exposures, manpower effectiveness and product acceptability. This paper is an attempt to evaluate several of these factors as they apply to plant scaleup. Because of the importance of the radiation information on the economics and safety of the fuel cycle, considerable emphasis is placed on the radiation data obtained during the program. The results of the pilot plant program were highiy encouraging as approximately one metric ton of product was produced during an eight-month > > . . .. . ......... . ...... ... . ..... .. din.. ' . . * * * * operating period. Product specifications were met in each process phase resulting in a final product which was chemically sound and was compacteå to 90 per cent of the theoretical density. Process losses and recycle 2 * 2 * rates were acceptable. -. 2.0 Process and Facility Description Å detailed description of the entire Kilorod Facility has been given previously, however for completeness, a brief description of a generalized flowsheet is necessary (Fig. 1.). Basically, the flowsheet may be divided into three separate process phases. The first phase consists of the prepa- ration of feed materials which included the hydrothermal denitration of thorium nitrate tetrahydrate and the removal of the ionic contamination and daughter products of 2324 from the 2330 by solvent extraction. The sol-gel process was then used in the second phase to combine these raw materials into a dense, homogeneous mixture of 3% 43-4002-97% Thoz. Finally in the last phase, rod fabrication steps were accomplished by preparing the solids into the desired size fractions and compacting these solids into 0.5-in. Zircaloy tubing. The rods were then welded, cleaned, inspected and shipped. The solvent ex':raction facility was operated remotely k hinä 5-ft of concrete chielding using standard pulse column technology. Because this technology is well established, a detailed description will not be given in this discussion. The only new aspect of the purification system was the use of a new extractant, di-sec butyl phengl phosphonate, which performed adequately. 1 THORIUM NITRATE® UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-Dwg. 63-6210 R-2 HYDROTHERMAL DENITRATOR ALT I NIAI Art an Mind SOL-GEL PROCESS FUEL ROD FABRICATION AGED . 233 0 ...".. ... 3 Someone .. FUEL, .RODS .. :: min 2330 SOLVENT EXTRACTION - VO2(NO3)2 FEED SOLUTION FUEL ROD . .:.. La 2323 DECAY PRODUCTS .::· CARRIER : Fig. 1 . KILOROD FACILITY FLOWSHEET . . The "heart" or the Kllorod Facility was the shielded enclosure con- structed in a former reprocessing cell (Fig. 2). The outer cell wall, measuring 20-ft-long x 19-ft-wide x 27-ft-high served as a secondary barrier in the event, of an activity release. The sol-gel cubicle is located on the upper level. The mixed oxide particles resulting from this process phase were then size reduced, weighed and blended in the UNCLASSIFIED ORNI Dwa 6aans powder preparation shaft. The vibratory compaction, welding, cleaning and inspection functions were performed in cubicles on the lower level. The second level serves as a decontamination area for equipment repair, All of the operations were conducted through 4.5-in. of steel or 8-in. of high density concrete using gloved hands or castle-type manipulators. An alpha tight steel membrane lineà each of the process cubicles, 3.0 Process Evaluation Necessary to the evaluation of any new pilot-scale process is an abundance of data which may be used for subsequent scaleup. In this regard, the Kilorod results have indicated that the sol-gel rou- fabrication fuel recycle scheme is a workable system and adaptable to remote operation. An overall program summary, presented in Table I, gives some of the major results obtained from the various phases of the operation. In the feed preparation steps, 1277 kg of Tho, and 50 kg of su was produced with product losses that are acceptable. The utilization of the material made in these steps, which is a measure of product repro- ducibility, was greater than 99 per cent. On-stream time for each of these phases was 100%. . * . UNCLASSIFIED ORNL DwQ 64-405 PERSONNEL SHIELD 4-1/2-in. STEEL france SOL-GEL OXIDE LEVEL . D 41 . .. CELL WALL 5ft CONCRETE 8-1/2-in. BARYTES. CONCRETE PRIMARY - CONTAINMENT (SEALED) SECOND LEVEL EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE POWDER CONDITIONING SHAFT - SERVICING PORTS FIRST LEVEL ROD FABRICATION: ATORY COMPACTION WELDING CLEANING INSPECTION Fig. 2 KILOROD FACILITY Cisivi icoon birinin Cisiti incong birinci Table i KILOROD PROGRAM RESULT SUMMARY LOSSES OR ON-STREAM RECYCLE. TIME (%) (%) MATERIAL | MATERIAL OPERATIONAL PROCESSED UTILIZATION PHASE (kg) (%) ThO2 PREPARATION : 1277 99.0 233U PURIFICATION .50 100.0 100 100 1.0 0.1 . 0.1 0.3–(7.6) 90 SOL-GEL PROCESS 994 99.8 ROD FABRICATION · 980 94.3 a. RECYCLE INCLUDES STARTUP PHASE. 11.6) 80 - Within the sol-gel proce88, 994 kg 07 the mixed oxides were prepared. In addition to this quantity, 124 kg of oxide containing depleted urenlum was used during the shakedown operation. Process losses for the operating period averaged 0.1 per cent. Small repairs could be made within the cubicle without process interruptions. Major repairs, such as calciner element replacements, required a complete cleanout and shutdown. During the program, three element replacements were required which decreased the on-stream time of the process to GC per cent. In general, the rod fabrication items were standard mechanical devices which were adapted to operate in a hostile environment. At the onset, considerable difficulty was experienced with a ball mill which resulted in some down time, effectively reducing the on-stream efficiency to 80 per cent. This value is still good for directly maintained radio- chemical equipment operation. In all, 980 kg of oxide was compacted into 1100 fuel tubes with process losses which totalled 0.3 per cent. The recycle rate was approxtmately 7.6 per cent for the cverall program and this includes the startup period. This recycle is the result of "soft" density spots located in the fuel colum as determined by gamma scanning. The recycle rate was reduced as the cperators gained experience. This system demonstrated a peak production rate of 15.5 rods/8-hour day. 3.1 Product Acceptability Another major item necessary for new process evaluation is the accept- ability of process product. The tailend product resulting from the Kilorod operation and the material from each phase of the program met the assigned specifications (Table 2). ORNL Dwg 66-1674 Table 2 PRODUCT ACCEPTABILITY OPERATIONAL PHASE SPECIFICATION PRODUCT > 100 279 > 103 3.5 x 103 233U PURIFICATION GROSS y D. F. Th D. F. 233U RECOVERY NO3/U %) > 99 99.4 < 2.5 2.2 8 U/ Th+U (%) 3.0 + 0.05 3.01 SOL-GEL <0.05 0.03 GAS OXIDE RELEASE (cc/gm) CRUSHED OXIDE < 0.3 0.18 FUEL BED HEIGHT (in) _11 DENSITY VARIATION + 2 + 2 ROD TO ROD WITHIN ROD ROD FABRICATION (%) 12 + 2 PACKED DENSITY (g/cc) 9.0 8.97 LOADING (grams) 900 906 - - . The specifications for denitrated Tho, were met in all but two 13 kg batches which were made during the startup phase of the program. Because the preparation of this feed material has been reported elsewhere, it will not be covered in this discussion. The major specification for the purified uranyl-nitrate 18 the NO 3 ratio which must be kept below 2.5. The overal.l value for this ratio was rnaintained during the nine solvent extraction runs. Other specifications, including decontamination from thorium and y activity were also met. Uranium recovery was greater than 99 per cent in each case. Product specifications were met with the material being discharged from the sol-gel cubicle. The major criteria was the presence of 3.0 + .05% uran" um in the oxide. In the operation, an average value of 3.01 was obtained over all of the batches prepared. Other requirements of BNL included a product gas release value of 0.05 cc/gm for the freshly pre- vareà oxide and 0.3 cc/gm for the crushed material. Both specifications were met. Stringent requirements were placed on the fuel roi. These require- ments specified the bed height to be within 42 l-il.. with a rod-to-rod fuel column density of +2%. Aiaverage packed bed density of 89.7% was demonstrated for all of the fuel elements prepared. 4.0 Radiation Data Because of the importance of the radiation data on the economics and safety of the thorium furl cycle, detailed records were maintained on operator exposures, cubicle backgrounds and the effect of cleanup. Table 3 summarizes some of the pertinent exposure data obtained in - 233u, kg RADIATION EXPERIENCE 0 232–23 U PROCESSING OPERATIONS IN GLOVE GOX L!HES SAVANNAH RIVER KILORODO I | Ib | | |B & wC uoz - ThO2, kg 1000 - 1 - 1 - 82 30 | 43 59 53 2.5 232 U CONTENT, ppm 38 240 240 4 42 POST PURIFICATION TIME, days 20 3.75 3.75 70 60 NUMBER OF OPERATORS 5.5 3 3.1 3. 8 AVERAGE DOSE RATE, mrem/man-week 19.2 2000 1400 300d 67 DOSE PER kg 233U PROCESSED, mremíkg 2334 127 | 155 76 120 350 DOSE FROM FRESH MATERIAL, % 1 20 80 80 33 100 a. SHIELDED BY 4.5-in. STEEL. b. SHIELDED BY 0.5-in. LEAD. C. "THE B & W RECYCLE FABRICATION PROGRAM FOR 238U, Dec. 15, 1965. THESE EXPOSURE RATES ERE PRE-PLANNED FOR SHORT-TERM OPERATION. INDIVIDUAL DOSES DID NOT EXCEE) THE ALLOWA LE CARTERLY DOSURE L il: j. .i .-.-.- E . ¿ - 2 . . - . - . . . - - - - - -- - - - - . . - . ........ . .- - . 7 = 2 the Kllorod Program and also data from a sul-gel operation at Babcock and Wilcox and a U20g preparation operation at Savannah River. In this program 2334 solution (containing 38 ppm 320), purified by ACT solvent extraction and approximately 5 days old, wes furnished to the Kilorod Facility at about 40-day intervals. In each of these intervals (called "campaigns") the post-purification time in sol-gel processing veried from about 5 days to 25 days, and in rod fabrication from about 9 days to 28 days. In each portion of the line there was an incremental time after processing of about 7 days for post-campaign cleanout of equip- ment. In Kllorod there was also some lag time between campaigns for data analysis. Because of fixed contamination of equipment it was not possible to thoroughly clean out after each campaign; a more extensive cleanout and decontamination was necessary after the seventh. Approximately 3 to 4 years had passed since the last purification of the <334 used in the Kilorod program. Consequently, the daughters of 98 were nearly in equilibrium. The solvent extraction process removed the 220Th, 224Ra, and 2123 daughters by factors of about 2500, 5000, and 100, respectively. Because of the relatively low efficiency for removal of CLPb, presumably caused by extraction of its < Rn parent, the hard gamma activity in the product decreased for approximately the first 2.5 days and then began to increase, approaching the activity from initially pure material efter 5 to 10 days. The average radiation exposures in the Kilorod program were 19.5 and 19.2 millirems per man per week for sol-gel and rod fabrication, respectively. Hand exposures were 62 and 113 millirems per man per week in sol-gel and rod 12 fabrication. These operator doses are significantly higher than those experienced by the supervisors, who may be thought of as "controls" for the program. The dose incurred in process operations from material actually being processed was no more than 20% of the total. The dose during processing operations from material held up in the equipment was 36% of the total. The dose incurred during post-campaign cleanout operations was 34% of the total. The dose from in-cubicle maintenance operations averaged 10% of the total. The radiation level from holdup of material in the Kilorod process was estimated on the basis of the radiation dose rates to film parks placed in strategic areas inside the Kilorod cubicles. In the sol-gel .. -. process, the radiation background from material holdup was relatively constant in campaigns 4 through 7. These data can be explained by . - - : s a assuming a steady-state mass of about 2 kg of oxide, and exponential removal of "old" material with a rate constant of about 0.15 per campaign. miest --, , The background levels in the rod-fabrication equipment coniinued to . increase from campaign to campaign. The data are best explained by assuming that about 1.5 kg of oxide of the nearly 100 processed in the first campaign was irretrievably lodged in the equipment. Separate records were maintained of the radiation dose rates during post-campaign cleanout operations. The dose from these operations, accumu- lated over 7 campaigns, represented about 34% of the total dose. Approxi- mately 60% of the total dose in the seventh campaign was incurred in the post-campaign cleanout, period, during which "complete" decontamination was attempted. 34F * - -* >: '", - 13. -- Doses were also accumulated for maintenance operations performed : - -. inside the cubicles. These doses were 20, 10, and 2% of the quarterly exposures during the first, second, and third yearly quarters of operation, respectively. These exposures do not reflect the actual weight of main- tenance operations. The predominant effect of maintenance 18 in delaying the process – requiring that materials be processed at longer post- purification times. A similar effect occurs from other delays in the process, caused by holding materials for analys18, holding off-specification materials for blending, etc. 4.1 Radiation Data Evaluation A model was then developed (Appendix) to explain the Kilorod data and to provide a b4618 for extrapolating dose rates to other lines having a nominal capacity of 10 kg/day. Operator doses are assumed to velry directly with the production rate, cu content, effective activity of the fuel, and shielding factors and inversely with the number of operators. The model was believable since the same constant of proportionality explained exposure data obtained from Savannah River mechanical line operations during the preparation of 233,0g. Based on this model and Incorporating process Improvements that are indicated from Kilorod results we were able to predict dose rates for other 10 kg/day plants (Table 4). A breakdown of the parameters that were assumed in our estimate of the maximum practical upper limit of 20 ppm 2320 in 23 for fabrication in an unshielded glove box line is shown in line 1 of the table. Our experience in Xilorod with semiproduction-scale operations leads us to conclude that it is not practical to operate at an average post-purification time of less than 7.5 days in the sol-gel process. It is not feasible to nye EFISI 3:1 -.. Oliin arc 66-3651 Table 4 PREDICTED DOSE RATES IN GLOVE BOX FACILITIES FOR FABRICATING 233002-ThO2 FUELS AT IOkg/day (8 OPERATORS-5 DAYS/WEEK) POST PURIFICATION DOSE TIME (days) TIME I FROM (days) | NUMBER FRESH WEEKLY UICI |2331/23211 SOL GEL FABRICATION BETWEEN OF MATERIALI DOSE CONCEPT FACTOR (%) ppm BEGINENDO BEGIN ENDO SOL. EXT. CAMPAIGNS (%) (mrem) SHIELD233y|2324 SOL GEL FABRICATIONI-_'days 400 37 680 40 29C 600 BATCH ] 3 203 12 :7 16 5 CONTINUOUS 1 3 200 2153 4 4.8 10 SBR LINE (SOL GEL) 0. 125 250 3 12 7 16 1 5 HTGR LINE BOSPHERESİ 0:1 | 25 | 250 3 12 7 | 16 | 11 | 5 | ASSUMES 20% OF PROCESSING TIME FOR CLEANOUT. 1. DOSE CONTRIBUTION FROM MAINTENANCE IS 10% IN SHIELDED LINE, ... UNSHIELDED LINE. IS HOLDUP EQUIVALENT TO KILOROD. S HOLOUP EOUVALENT TO KILOROD. 560 | 250 i ... ---- i.im - -. - . 15 - - use the solvent extraction product at post-purification times shorter than 2 to 3 days because of (1) the post-purification time that accrues during collection and evaporation of a batch, and (2) because the product - - - . . . - - -- - must be held up until good statistical accuracy 18 assured for uranium -- --- content, nitrate-to-uranium ratio, and other variables that must be known to achieve specification-grade product. Equipment maintenance, off- specification products, and batch residues are often responsible for a several-doy delay in the average post-purification tiine for the campaign. Assumptions and estimated results for an extremely optimistic fabrica- tion scheme are shown in line 2 of the table. The scheme assumes that purified <330, one day old, is delivered to the sol-gel process at one-day intervals. It is further assumed that the fraction of a daily batch held up in the equipment 18 a factor of 4 less than that for Kllorod, the.t material having age greater than 4 or 5 days will be dissolved and recycled through the solvent extraction plant, and that "complete" equipment decon- tamination can be made after each ten batches without serious economic penalty from equipment throwaway and loss of fissile material. Waiving operational problems, we conclude from the results in the table that a <330 content of about 200 ppm in 2334 18 the upper limit for processing 3% 253002-Tho, fuels at 10 kg/day in an unshielded glove-box line for average process exposures of 40 miliirems/week. Estimates of the dose rates for shielded glove-box lines processing typical Seed-Blanket Reactor fuel by the conventional sol-gel process, and High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor fuel by the sol-gel microsphere process, are shown in lines 3 and 4 of the table. We arbitrarily assumed that there hi 16 18 a factor-of-4 le88 holdup in the equipment for a microsphere process than in conventional sol-gel, primarily to show the magnitude of the effect. We conclude that these fuels could not be processed even with the shielding provided in the Kilorod Facility; shields to provide dose attenuation by a factor of about 100 would be required. This 18 beyond what can be accomplished with shadow shielding. 5.0 Application of Kilorod Data to Plant Scale-up 1.10 Kilorod data have allowed the evaluation of process results in such a manner that it can be extrapolated to larger scale fabrication plants. However, it should be noted that the Kllorod Facility did not include the assembly of fuel elements, nor did it include the processing of different enrichments which are normally required in fuel element designs in order to optimize fuel element reactor core performance. Therefore, the Kilorod experience has influenced our scale-up studies in & more general sense; that 18, the data cannot be extrapolated directly to every type of fuel which may be envisioned, but each fuel type must be analyzed on its own to determine what type of processing plant is requiied. Specifically, we are interested in the type of equipment to be used and the shielding provided the operators. Two studies have been made“,5 to ascertain the costs of the sol-gel, rod fabrication, recycle scheme and to establish the shielding requirements of plant capacities ranging from 60-3700 kg/day. In these studies, one of the fuel element designs selected was the SSCR because of its similarity to existing Kilorod technology. . .- . . .. Because greater than 70 per cent of the dose received by Kilorod . a operators was the result of exposure to aged material holdup in equipment, N 17 we are interested in the plant cleanout cycle. To determine the effect of material höldup and the effect of cleaning the plant at various intervals, the shielding was calculated for three conditions, assuming that the operator woui.d be allowed no greater thea 1 mrem/hr. The three conditions included; (1) no material holdup in the fabrication line; (2) 3 kg of aged oxide would be held up in the equipment but woulä be released after 5-day processing intervals, and (3) 3 kg of fuel would be held in the equipment during processing but would be released after 30 days. It is obvious from Fig. 3) there is very little difference between Hhst the no material holdup case and the 5-day cleanup case. The 30-day cleanup cycle for the 60 kg/day plant is shown on the upper curve. In the foregoing example, it was assumed that the exposure limit for personnel would be i mrem/hr or 40 mrem/week. This tolerance 18 in keeping with Kilorod experience and allows a safety factor for main- tenance and emergency conditions. If it 18 desirable to increase the exposure limit the shielding requirements may decrease. Figure 4 presents 9 family of curves obtained showing the shielding requirements for varying U concentrations as a function of the allowable exposure. It is possible to conclude from this study that cleanup every 5-10 days will be necessary to minimize radiation buildup to an acceptable level. of An important question at this point is the cost of fabrication frel under the various conditions which are imposed according to the assumption regarding material age, quantity and <34 concentration. Figure 5 shows the effect of <20 concentration on the cost of fabricating the SSCR elements. In the calculations performed to obtain this data, it was ORNL Dwg 66-1675 ------- -20 W (u!) 7331S. CONCRETE (in) F----------- ..... : : ---- NO MATERIAL HOLDUP --CLEAN UP EVERY 5 DAYS -CLEAN UP EVERY 30 DAYS yoo .......... 102 ilillo 10 ppm 232 U IN HEAVY METAL 103 Fig. 3 SHIELDING REQUIRED IN 60 kg/DAY PLANT FOR SSCR FUEL ELEMENTS . - - " La . 19 . - ORNL Dwg 6'j-3656 PERMISSIBLE EXPOSURE (mr/hr) - 0.5 - --2.5 1.0 -----5.0 430 ASSUMPTION: CLEAN UP EVERY 5 DAYS - ---- ------ STEEL (in) Oriña pņ ņ ņ CONCRETE (in) 19 i 102 1034 LUIT ILITI UULII| 10 . ppm 232U IN HEAVY METAL Fig. 4 VARIATION OF SHIELDING REQUIRED WITH PERMISSIBLE EXPOSURE IN 60 kg/DAY PLANT FOR SSCR FUEL ELEMENTS ORNL Dwg 66-3657 60 kg/DAY PLANT FABRICATION COST ($/kg HEAVY METAL) 230 kg/DAY PLANT 930 kg/DAY PLANT 3700 kg/DAY PLANT டடபட்ட 100 102 103 Fig. 5 ppm 232V IN HEAVY METAL EFFECT OF 2320 CONCENTRATION ON THE COST OF FABRICATING SSCR FUEL - - - - - assumed that the plants would be semi-remote or remote with the limit of semi-remote fabrication varying from 5 to 10 pprn SEU in heavy metal. AB can be seen from the curves, the effect of CB concentration on the cost deminishes as the plant increases. Further analysis of the cost penalty associated with ou in the fuel and assumptions regarding the type tab- rication plant is provided hy Fig. 6. This figure depicte the cost variation with plant capacity and for different modes of fabrication; that 18, remote with recycle thorium, remote recycled uranium but virgin thorium {50 ppm 32 in heavy metal), semi-remote fabrication, glove box, and finally a hooded plant for the fabrication of Su in virgin thorium. , . ... Ar. important comparison 18 shown in Table 5 which reflects the capital operating ratios and the ratios for the total fuel fabrication costs. It should be noted that included in the capitul and operating ratios are those operations which are still perforred in every fabrication plant, but which are always contact operations such as the preparation of hard- -* -'* 4. 1. ware components and other miscellaneous services required for the fabrication of fuel. In addition, the hardware costs are substantial and tend to minimize the cost penalty associated with remote fabrication when compared with hooded plant fabrication. Conclusions The following conclusions may be made from the experience gained in Kilorod: (1) A large amount of data 13 nov available which indicates the sol-gel vibratory fabrication recycle scheme 18 a workable system. (2) Reasonable radiation exposure estimates can be made for the requirements of the thorium fuel cycle. ORNL Dwg 66-3658 -REMOTE (RECYCLE Th) REMOTE (RECYCLE U, VIRGIN Th) -SEMI-REMOTE (RECYCLE U, VIRGIN Th) GLOVE BOX (RECYCLE U, VIRGIN Th) -HOODED (235U, VIRGIN Th) 22 FABRICATION COST ($/kg HEAVY METAL) - AMORTIZATION RATE: 22% PLANT OPERATING DAYS PER YEAR: 260 E SINGLE PURPOSE PLANT LULUI IIII!! 102 104 Fig. 6 PLANT CAPACITY (kg U + Th/OPERATING DAY) EFFECT OF PRODUCTION RATE AND MODE OF FABRICATION ON THE COST OF FABRICATING SSCR FUEL ELEMENTS ORNL Dwg 66-3659 Table 5 COST RATIOS FOR COMPARISON OF REMOTE AND HOODED PLANTS FABRICATING SSCR FUEL ELEMENTS PLANT CAPACITY (kg HEAVY METAL/DAY) 60 / 230 1 930 1 3700 RATIO OF REMOTE TO HOODED COST 23 CAPITAL 1.23 1.18 1.14 OPERATING 1.52 1.38 1.41 1.34 TOTAL (INCLUDING HARDWARE) 1.29 1.21 1.15 1.10 050 ppm 2320 IN HEAVY METAL; VIRGIN THORIUM 24 (3) That direct fabrication 18 feasible with: 019-97% Tho, fuels which contain less than 20 ppm 24 30 46.6 (-5) = 6.6 x 10-5 background duc to material holdup, Th, and tission products. CDoses from cleanout and maintenance are not included. " theoretical values of K for exposure at distances of i?, 2), and 30 in. t'ro! the source are 360, 200, Chadt 1:0. ! . .. ORNL DWG 66-97 TTTTTTTTTTTTTTT T TTT ION EXCHANGE -10 YEAR AGING -3.8 YEAR AGING ZI YEAR AGING 20871 ACTIVITY (curies/mg2320) ti" KILOROD SOLVENT EXTRACTION 3.8 YEAR AGING - PURE 232 COMPLETELY SEPARATED FROM DAUGHTERS SCALE CHANGE 5 10 15 70 100 200 300 20 30 50 POST PURIFICATION TIME (days) The 20871 Activity from 2320 Decoy as a function of Pose Purification Time, Method of Pur fication, and Aging Time before Purification. ORNL DWG 66-98 10-1 TTT . day sicuries 208,1) Irzez Bu Adi: Ad di-! Adt 10-5 LIL! Hilelut 10 100 400 POST PURIFICATION TIME forday)] The Effect of Post Purification Time on the Integral of the 208TI Activity Function. i TE 2. - 56 - -- --- - . . . . . . . .W e - * - .. - . .. - - - A .. » - - - - . 1* Re: * V , -. , - - - . - < -. : 1 1 . 1. IN 1 II 1" " " AM . 1 : - !. END DATE FILMED 7 / 29 / 66 . . .