. I OFI ORNL P 2267 " 12 AN 1 : : - ***** S . a . v 1 on 1145 1750 * 156 IU . 125 L4 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS - 1963 ORNO BR67 . 2260 CFSTI PONED Conf-660614-2 66067412 H.C. $ 2.00; MN_,50 JUN 27 28 MASTER THE REPAIR OF MOLECULAR DAMAGE TO DNA* R. B. Setlow Biology Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee - .. . ... . . , , Paper to be presented at - - The Third International Congress of Radiation Research Cortina, Italy June 26 thru July 2, 1966 RELEASED FOR ANNOUNCEMENT IN NUCLEAR SCIENZE-ABSTRACTS . . LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared u wa ACC at of Government sponsored work. Neither the Vallad Buates, por ebe Commission, nor any worson acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or repron station, expressed or implied, wild rospect to the accu- racy, completeness, or unnfulness of the information contained in this report, or that the wo of nas information, apparatus, morbod, or procon diacioned in this roport may not infringo privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any Habiules with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, metbod, or proceso disclosed in the report. Ar ured in the abovo, "person acting on baball of the Commission" includos rayon- ployee or c iructor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that . such employs or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminatos, or provides accon lo, any information pursuant to his employmrat or contract with the Commission, or his employmont with such contractor. . : tt . I . " .. - . . *Research sponsored by the United States Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. ... 2 . Running head: Send proof to: Dr. R. B. Setlow - - Biology Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory - - - - - .. P. 0. Box Y :. . Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831 : AS " 1. INTRODUCTION This paper reviews briefly the physico-chemical changes produced in DNA by irradiation and the possible steps in the repair mechanisms that operate in vivo to nullify or correct these changes. We 2.5 sume, with good cause, that DNA is the most important biological component as far as the radiation responses of bacteria anů viruses are concerned and that the response of such systers to radiation depends not only on the type and the number of physico-chemical changes produced in their DNA but also on how they react to these changes and how they recover from them [reviews by Haynes (1) and J. J. Setlow (2)]. Some of the recovery processes are capable of nullifying over 90% of the initial damage to DNA. Obviously, if all the damage to DNA is repaired, then DNA cannot be considered to be the sensitive target. 2. CELL DEATH u I shall concentrate, for reasons given below, on the effects of radiation on macromolecular changes rather than on the effects on survival of bacteria and viruses. The killing of cells, that is the inability to matematik tulisation at the time in m form a macroscopic colony, and the production of mutants is normally scored a long time after the initial treatment and it is difficult from such observations to infer the nature of the repair process that may have gone on earlier [review by Kimball (3)]. A second reason not to emphasize cell survival and its relation to repair, is that the causes of cell killing are many and in individual cases may not be known at all. Cells may die (Table 1) because (1) DNA synthesis is permanently inhibited or because DNA is broken down as a result of irradiation or abortive attempts at T-1 repairing damage. For example the attempted repair of crosslinked strands coulà lead to a double-strand break. (2) Radiation-induced changes in DNA may result in the subsequent synthesis of incorrect DNA. (3) Radiation may induce phages or defective phages and their multiplication may be lethal as in most mutants of E. coli 15. Cells may also fail to form a colony because radiation inhibits their ability to divide as in bacteria such as E. coli 6. The inhibition of cell division occurs at small doses and it is conceivable that the failure of cells to divide arises from the induction of a defective prophage (ref. 4). (4) Cells may fail to form a colony because their chromosomes cannot separate or (5) because of effects on RNA and proteins that alter the normal cellular events. : 3. GENERAL NATURE OF REPAIR PROCESSES The molecular repair processes seem to be general in that they operate not only on damage arising from irradiation but on chemically-induced changes in DNA -- changes that arise from treatment with nitrogen or sulphur mustards, for example. Our initial problem is simply stated. Which physico-chemical changes in DNA are lesions and how are they repaired? The experimental approaches to these questions have come from two directions. The first .:.:. :. -. - .. '. . * , mo. concerns the identification and physical properties of ultraviolet-induced products in model. polynucleotides and in DNA in vivo and in vitro (reviews by Smith (5) and J. K. Setlow (2)]. A major class of photoproduct in native DNA is represented by cyclobutane dimers between adjacent pyrimidine residues in the same strand. Such dimers interfere with enzymi, polymerization and degradation of DNA and they account for a very large fraction of the . : photochemical changes that are responsible for the loss of biological activity, - - - - - - - - - , ; - ? + :::. - - - - - - . . of transforming DNA. Moreover, they are the only known photochemical lesion that is destroyed (probably monomerized) by photoreactivating enzymes plus visible light. Thus, dimers have the properties of lesions and we shall assume that they are lesions in microbial systems. (There is however no indication that they act as lesions in the mammalian cells.) In most UV-irradiated systems there is more than one pyrimidine dimer made in the DNA by a mean lethal dose. Thus we could conclude either that not all dimers are lethal or that cells have a very efficient way of repairing or bypassing the damage represented by the dimer. The second experimental approach to the problem of repair has been Marketinis vi F-1 F-1 biological and has been given a firm foundation by the discovery by Ruth Hill of the exquisitely sensitive mutant E. coli BS-1 (ref. 6). A comparison of the survival curves of several E. coli strains is shown in fig. 1. Because, as far as UV sensitivity is concerned, strain Be- differs from B/r by over a factor of 100, we shall concentrate our attention on these two strains and use the interpretation derived from their properties to iftir mensen mooie na Anne describe some of the intermediate cases shown in fig. 1. It is obvious that the sensitive strain is not only more sensitive to UV radiation but also to X-radiation and p suicide. It has been shown that it is also more sensitive. YA to inactivation by nitrogen mustard treatment (1), although, as for X-rays, it is more sensitive by only about a factor of 3. The way in which cells die (table 1) and the manner in which they may repair damage (fig. 2) are under genetic control (8). Many bacterial strains that are very UV sensitive, such as E. coli Bez, are also unable F-2 to reactivate UV-irradiated bacteriophages such as T1 and 1 (review in 4). * * .** ,' 1..*- . 6 . - - - - - - - The difference in sensitivity between viruses plated on host-cell - - - - reactivating, hcr*, and her strains is not the factor of ~ 100 cbserved for UV-inhibition colony formation of the cells but on].y ~ 3-5 observed for the other inactivating treatments. There is not a good quantitative correlation between the ability to do host cell rear:tivation and cell survival. zet... teo . me Some bacterial strains, such as E. coli B or B-2, may be sensitive but still are able to do host-cell reactivation. Their high sensitivity results from their dying for special reasons. E. coli B forms filaments and E. coli B. is probably a member of the rec" class of mutants -- mutants, that in mating strains, are deficient in genetic recombination (9) and may show a large amount of DNA breakdown following radiation. treatment (review in 10). Such mutants in E. coli Kl2 can do hcr. 4. PHYSICO-CHEMICAL CHANGES THAT MAY BE LESIONS: (fig. 3) Fu3 4.1. Double-strand breaks. The decay of PC, incorporated in DNA, can result in the production of single- or double-strand breaks. The experimental data indicate that each decay in a double-stranded DNA phage and bacteria does not result in inactivation [review by Stend and Fuerst (.11)]. Therefore a single-strand break is not necessarily a lethal event (except in single-stranded phages). The daia are consistent with the notion that a double-strand break is a lethal event. X-rays also produce both single- and double-strand breaks in phage DNA and at the mean lethal dose to T7 phage there is about one double-strand break in its DNA but many more single-strand breaks (12). Such data do not prove that double-strand breaks are lesions because another as yet undetected radiation product could be produced with equal frequency and this second, hypothetical one, could be the lethal lesion. It is usually assumed that double chain breaks are not reparable and therefore are lethal because of the small probability of the two free ends finding one another. In phage they can be lethal because all the phage DNA may not be injected into the host bacterium. Dean et al. (12a) have isolated DNA from Micrococcus radiodurans after X-ray exposure and estimated its molecular weight by viscosity and sedimentation measurements. The molecular weight of DNA isolated from cell.s exposed to 220 kr is less than that from unirradiated cells even though such an exposure yields 100% survival in this very resistant orga.ism. If the irradiated cells are incubated in growth medium after irradiation the molecular weight of the extracted DNA returns to the value for unirradiated cells before there has been appreciable net synthesis of DNA. The authors' take these data as indicating that this bacterium can repair double-stranded breaks". However, since the extraction conditions themselves yield many two-stranded breaks, the X-ray-induced, two-strand breaks could have arisen from radiation-induced, single-strand breaks that were converted to the two-strand breaks by the extraction procedure. If so, single strand, rather than two-strand were being repaired. (See Sec. 5.1.) 4.2. Single-strand breaks. Single-stranded breaks are not levhal to T7 bacteriophage (12). However exposure of E. coli Bs-1 to a mean lethal dose of X-rays results in approximately one single-strand break per DNA strand (13). Such breaks are lethal in this strain probably because they result in extensive breakdown of the bacterial DNA. (In this respect they are similar to some of the recombinationless mutants of E. coli K12.) . . . . . . . . . Strains which do not show such breakdown are not inactivated by single-strand breaks even though they may be UV-sensitive and cannot do host-cell reactivation (14). Since X-irzadiated T7 phage shows the same survival when plateå on E. coli Bs- as on B/r, we conclude that a single-strand break is not lethal to the phage DNA in Bar, but that a single-strand break in the bacterial DNA is a lethal event to the bacterium. This situation has its analogue in the high UV-sensitivity of rec strains (presumably because they excise dimers and then breakdown their DNA) even . though they are able to reactivate UV-irradiated Tl phage. The evidence identifying single-strand breaks as lesions is indirect and oniy numerological. Single-strand breaks are reparable (see below). Perhaps our difficulty in interpreting the effects of repair mechanisms on X-ray damage, in these seemingly simple systems is complicated by the existence of a large number of radiation products many of which are intrinsically irreparable. 4.3. Pyrimidine dimers. Pyrimidine dimers are the only reasonable- well-documented radiation-induced lesion. The phenomenon of direct photoreactivation allows us to relate dimers with the inhibition of DNA synthesis in vivo, the formation of filaments, the inhibition of colony ca formation, and with the induction of some mutations. 5. REPAIR OF LESIONS 5.1. Single-strand breaks. McGrath and Williams (13) have isolated large single-strand pieces of DNA from E. coli and therefore have been able to detect small numbers of single-strand breaks in the bacterial DNA. They 9 . find that equal numbers of breaks are produced by irradiating E. coli B. or B/r. In Be there is further degradation of the DNA whereas in B/r the single-strand breaks disappear with time after irradiation. It takes about 60 minutes to repair 20 singl.e-strand breaks per bacterial chromosome, during which time there has been a negligible amount of net DNA synthesis, Strand breaks also disappear with time in M. radiodurans (see Sec. 4.1). 5.2. Pyrimidine dimers. These are single-strand lesions that do not by themselves make chain breaks. Since pyrimidine dimers are easy to label with radioactive thymidine, it is possible to detect them in small numbers (50 to 500 dimers per chromosome strand) and therefore it is possible to measure these lesions at doses for which M. rediodurans or radiation resistant strains of E. coli show 100% survival. We can thus be certain that we are looking at properties of the surviving cells. The lesions -- pyrimidine dimers -- do not remain in the DNA of her* cells (fig. 4) but appear in the acid soluble fraction of the cells as parts of small oligonucleotides (15, 16). Excision is rapid and is completed before DNA synthesis resumes at a normal rate. It is not observed in sensitive cells that are her®, such as B-7: The existence of cells that show no excision lends strength to the argument that excision is part of F-4 ..: * . * *** * * * * * , the repair process. Excision of pyrimidine dimers has been observed in all the host-cell reactivating strains of E. coli that have been investigated, and has not been observed in the hcr strains. It has also been detected in M. radiodurans (17) and B. megaterium (18) but for the latter two bacteria there are no sensitive strains which permit one to define zero or-close-to-zero repair. Dimers are excised from the DNA of phage T3 infecting E. coli B/r but not from T3 infecting Bo (B. Baker and R. B. Setlow, unpublished). And, finally, the v-gene -- a gene in T4 phage that results in T4 being twice as UV-resistant as T2 phage and whose biological effects overlap those of pħotoreactivation -- resiults in the excision of dimers from T4 DNA in both resistant and sensitive strains of E. coli (19). The latter result is expected from the biological observation that the survival of T4 phage is independent of the host used to assay the irradiated phage. The above data indicate that the excision mechanism is common to many microbial systems. Since the usual definition of excision is the appearance of dimers in acid soluble material, such a definition automatically means that the dimers must be parts of small pieces of DNA. If there were excision in two large stable single-strand DNA pieces it would not be measured by the techniques used at present. 6. STEPS IN EXCISION ...Iure, como suas armats 6.1. The order of the molecular steps -- excision, degradation, polymerization and rejoining -- is not known (20). For example, as suggested by Rörsch (21), excision might result from a single-strand break on one side of a dimer followed by polymerization and rejoining with release of the dimer as the final -- rather than the first -- step. 6.2. Rate of excision. The excision process is a rapid one. It proceeds at an initial rate of about 15 dimers per min in E. coli (fig. 5) F-5 and approximately 10 times this rate in M. radiodurans. E. coli shows very high survivals after 500 dimers per strand have been excised and M. radiodurans after approximately 5000 dimers. The massive excision that is observed during repair must be accompanied by other repair steps. Otherwise, the bacterial DNA's would end up with many single-strand breaks and there would be a high probability of breaks in opposite strands being close enough to result in a double-strand scission. Double-strend breaks could also rise during replication through a single-stranded region (22). 6.3 Repair replication. We expect that the gaps remaining after excision of the dimer-containing oligonucleotides would be filled in by a polymerizing mechanisa that uses the opposite strand as a template. Such a mechanism would not work on single-stranded DNA's since they do not contain redundant information as do the double-stranded ones. As a matter of fact host-cell reactivation has not been demonstrated for the single-strand phages but it has been demonstrated for the double-stranded replicative form of such phages. Insofar as dimers; and hence excised regions, are randomly distributed along the chromosome, the newly synthesized DNA, should be scattered throughout the length of the bacterial chroniosome. This type of replication called "repair replication" has been characterized experimental.ly by Pettijohn and Hanawalt (23) who observed that the incorporation of radioactive bromouracil into bacterial DNA during the repair period is into light-, rather than hybriä-density material. Repair replication has been observed in cells treated with nitroren mustard (24). There is unfortunately no definitive evider.ce that the newly incorporated material actually replaces the excised regions. It would represent some other type of aberrant synthesis such as phage DNA (25) or replication from new chromosomal origins (26) that is observed when normal DNA synthesis is stopped by irradiation and some of the DNA breaks down (see Sec. 6.4). his site T - - . . . . 6.4. DNA breakdown (review in ref. 10). It is difficult quantitatively to relate the amount of repair replication with the excision of dimers because the excision process seems to be followed in many cases by further degradation of DNA. Such degradation could be associated with nuclease attack in the region of the excised dimer and obviously if it proceeded extensively it could result in so much degradation that the cell could die. It is not clear whether degradation plays a role in the repair process. Since DNA degradation is measured in bacterial cultures rather than in single cells' the breakdown could represent either (a) che degradation of the DNA of dead cells or (b) a necessary enlargement of the excised hole or (c) the degradation of large dimer-containing oligonucleotide to mononucleotides, plus a small dimer-containing unit. In any event degradation seems to require a single-strand break as a .*.- starting place. Such'a break may be put in by excising enzyme or by some agent such as X-rays or methylmethanesulphonate (28). * .. .. *** :. : Nior . -.. et saint -- i . enn . iné Simo? gewetu 6.5. Rejoining of strands. If the DNA is to become resistant to exonuclease attack, the single-strand breaks that remain after excision of dimers, degradation, and polymerization will disappear by a rejoining mechanism that is presumably similar to that observed for the repair of X-ray-induced breaks (see Sec. 5.1). · The technique of McGrath and Williams (13) has been used to measure the number of strand breaks during the time that UV-damage is being repaired by the excision mechanism (fig. 5). • The efficiency of the UV-repair process is indicated by the observed inatorii "Trsa in een A meer ***AS small numbers of single-strand breaks that exist while dimers are being Sie excised. Even though in E. coli, 15 dimers per minute are being excised at a constant rate for about 30 minutes there are only approximately 15 www.come..... 13 . single-strand breaks at any instant. Thus the activity of the various steps in the repair process are indeed well coordinated -- as would be necessary if the process is to be efficient as it is.** There is a big difference between the repair of X-ray-induced breaks and breaks that arise as a result of excision of dimers. In 60 min only 20 X-ray breaks per strand are fixed but 500 excision-breaks per strand are rejoined. Of course the two types of breaks probably have different kinds of ends and there is no reason why they should be repaired at the . same rates. .... Some strains of E. coli are deficient in the ability to participate . in genetic recombination. The extreme rec strains are sensitive to UV, .... X-rays and other agents and are characterized, at the molecular level, by extensive DNA breakdown after treatment with inactivating agents. Rec strains that cannot excise dimers do not show DNA breakdown after UV-irradiation. Rec strains may lack the rejoining enzymes or they may not rejoin because, as a result of extensive degradation, they never get -- a chance to attempt rejoining. .. . .. .... 7. CONCLUSION ... .. . Our knowledge concerning the temporal sequences of steps such as .. . excision, degradation, repolymerization and rejoining is almost nonexistent. ... . We have no good, verified ideas as to tñe control mechanisms for the .. individual steps and how any such control would affect survival and mutation . . ---- induction. Nevertheless even though we know little about the intimate . oper details of these repair processes it is clear that the processes are not - ..,.. ••-•••*;*. • 14 . limited to radiation-induced changes in DNA and that the observed response of microorganisms and viruses to physical and chemical insults is more dependent on the repair processes than upon the induced lesions. - . *it - . in -.*: , inc 15 . REFERENCES 1. R. H. Haynes, in Physical Processes in Radiation Biology, Academic Press, New York, 1964, p. 51. 2. J. K. Setlow, Current Topics in Rad. Res. Vol. II, M. Ebert and A. Howard, eds. North-Holland Pub. Co., Amsterdam, 1966, p. . 3. R. F. Kimhall, Adv. Rad. Biol. 2, 135 (1966). 4. C. S. Rupert and W. Harm, Adv. in Rad. Biol. 2, 1 (1966). 5. K. C. Smith, Photophysiol. Vol. 2, A. C. Giese, ed. Academic Press, New York, 1964, p. 329. 6. R. F. Hill, Biochim. Biophys. Acta 30, 639 (1958). 7. R. F. Hill and E. Simson, J. Gen. Microbiol. 24, 1 (1961). 8. H. I. Adler, Adv. Rad. Biol. 2, 167 (1966). 9. A. J. Clark and A, D. Margulies, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. vis. 53, 451 (1965). 10. P. Howard-Flanders and R. P. Boyce, Rad. Res., Suppl. 6 (1966), in press. 11. G. S. Stent and C. F. Fuerst, Adv. Biol. Med. Phys. 2, 1 (1960). 12. D. Freifelder, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S. 54, 128 (1965). 12a. C. J. Dean, P. Feldschreiber and J. T. Lett, Nature 209, 49 (1966). 13. R. A. McGrath and R. W. Williams, Nature, in press. 14. B. A. Bridges and R. J. Munson, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 22, 268 (1966). 15. R. B. Setlow and W. L. Carrier, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S. 51, 226 (1964). 16. R. P. Boyce and P. Howard-Flanders, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S. 51, 293 (1964). . . . . 16 . . - - - . - . ..... - . - . 17. M. E. Boling and J. K. Setlow, Biochim. Biophys. Acta, in press. 18. J. E. Donnellan, Jr. and R. B. Setlow, Biophys. Soc. Abstracts, 10th Ann. Meet., 1966, p. 112. - 19. R. B. Setlow and W. L. Carrier, Biophys. Soc. Abstracts, loth Ann. - - t . . . - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - Meet., 1966, p. 68. 20. R. B. Setlow, Rad. Res. Suppl. 6 (1966), in press. 21. A. Rörsch, Rad. Res. Suppl. 6 (1966), in press. 22. P. C. Hanawalt, Photochem. Photobiol. 5, 1 (1966). 23. D. Pettijohn and P. Hanawalt, J. Mol. Biol. 2, 935 (1964). 24. P. C. Hanawalt and R. H. Haynes, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 19, 462 (1965). 25. H. D. Mennigmann, J. Gen. Microbiol. 41, 151 (1965). 26. R. Hewitt and D. Billen, J. Mol. Biol. 13, 40 (1965). 27. C. R. Shaffer and R. A. McGrath, Exp. Cell Res. 39, 604 (1965). 28. B. S. Strauss and R. Wahl, Biochim. Biophys. Acta 80, 116 (1964). R. S haffer and R. A. McGra IR . . : : X - .. R . * -- - - * * -2 -- -.-....- ----- - ---- 17 1 . Footnotes * Research sponsored by the United States Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. *In the one reported experiment (ref. 27) in which single cells were observed, cells of E. coli b/r that survived X-irradiation were observed to lose some of the radioactive label associated with DNA. ** The excision process is obviously not 100% efficient -- all dimers are not successfully repaired even in E. coli B/r -- as indicated by the fact that B/r shows photoreactivation. 18. Table 1 Bacterial cells may fail to multiply after irradiation because 1. DNA synthesis is blocked. DNA is broken or is broken down. 2. Incorrect DNA is made. (Enzymatic machinery affected.) - - - . (Cells cannot divide.) 3. Phage (or defective phage) induced. (Enzymatic machinery affected.) (Cells cannot divide.) 4. Chromosomes, cannot separate. 5. RNA and proteins affected. .. , ' - rimi i . .. * 19 . Figure Legends Figure 1. Survival curves for several strains of E. coli. Reproduced, (15,939-R) with permission, from Hill and Simson (7). a) UV-irradiation, b) X-irradiation, c) p-suicide. Figure 2. Various ways in which a lesion in DNA, a pyrimidine dimer, may (15,935) affect DNA synthesis or be repaired. Figure?. Typical structure changes that may act as lesions. The changes (15,950) illustrated by 2), 3) and 4) are discussed in the text. · Figure 4. Excision of thymine-containing dimers from the acid-insoluble (13,114) fractions of E. coli B and B/r. Cells were labeled with Hi-thymidine, transferred to nonradioactive growth medium and irradiated, at zero time, with 200 ergs/mm of 265 mu radiation. At various times after irradiation the radioactivity in thymine and diners was determined for both acid-soluble and acid-insoluble fractions. Dimers that disappear from the acid-insoluble fraction appear in the acid-soluble fraction [Setlow and Carrier (15)]. Figure 5. Excision of pyrimidine dimers and the appearance of single-strand (15,590) breaks in the DNA of E. coli B (unpublished results of R. B. irradiated with 200 ergs/mom of 265 mu radiation -- a dose that makes about 500 pyrimidine dimers per strand. The numbers of dimers excised is obtained from measurements similar to those in Fig. 4 -- assuming all dimers are excised at the same rates. The number of strand breaks is approximately equal to the ratio of the molecular weight of unirradiated to irradiated DNA multiplied by the number of breaks observed in the extraction of unirradiated cells. The latter number is about 6 (ref. 13). ace - .. ... . . Arts i. 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