a - + . ..: DO | OF I - ORNL P. 1774 *. .. - Vi . . . www : . . " ? LEEFE EFTER 1 1.1.4 11.6 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS – 1963 URNr Anne CFSTI PRICE P NOV 18 HC 4.3.00; MN 65 i LEGAL NOTICE This paper pas mbmitted lor, publication la tha opon Utoruturo at least 1 months prior to the lowanco dato off this Micro. card. Since the 1.8.A.E.C. has no ovi- donco that it has Loon published, the pa- per is being distributed in Microcard form as a propriat. TWI report mo provered as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither who United kalas, por the Commission, nor any porta acung og beboll of the Coanisoloa: A. Nakas way warruary or reprenotation, expressed or implied, with respect to we accu. racy, completeness, or washidnost of the talormation contained in this report, or what the use of wy laboratoa, apparidus, mound, or process disclosed la wa roport may sot lalringe printly owned sighus; or B. Asanss way liabilities will respect to the us of, or lor damages roswung from the uns of way lalormatioa, apparatus, lootbod, or prow.ou disclosed lo this report, As used in us above, "person ucung on behalf of the Coamisosoa" lacludes way •m. ployee or coatraclor ( the Commission, or employee of such csabructor, to the onoat was such employee or contructor of the Commission, or employee of such coatralor preparos, disummates, or provides access to, any talormation pursuant to Wo employment o: coatract with the Commission, or to emploympat wild such contractor. ErO(OH) – A Monoclinic Lanthanide Oxyhydroxide* RELEASED FOR ANNOUNCEMENT IN NUCLEAR SCIENCE ABSTRACTS by 0. C. Kopp and L. A. Barris Metals and Ceramics Division, Oak Ridge National laboratory Cak Ridge, Tennessee 37831 n voinDO*. www .Muvi TUMISHCO HIDR U MUSAN .. .wow.come with S *Research sponsored by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. The writers are respectively, consultant to the Metals and Ceramics Division from the Department of Geology and Geography, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee, and member of the research staff, Metals and Ceramics Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory. N - i E . - ...-= ... - ABSTRACT single crystals of hydrothermally synthesized Ex'O(OH) bave monoclinic symmetry. Frevious investigators have considered related lanthanide oxyhydroxides of Yb and Eu to be orthorhombic based on powder diffraction data. The unit cell has dimensions: A. = 4.299 + 0.005A, B = 3.601 + 0.002A, S. = 11.225 + 0.005A, B = 92°08' + 0°06'. Twinning is common with (001) as both the twin and composition plares. Chemical, physical and optical data are presented. Introduction Although the lanthanide oxyhydroxides have been known to exist for some time, -,2 their structures have not been adequately determined. Fricke and Dirri&coters indicate that they obtained a single-crystal rotation photograph from a psevdomorph or ErO(OH) which was obtained by heating a crystal of Fr(OH).,; however, no data was reported from this experiment. In the same paper Fricke and Dirrwechter present tentative lattice parameters for YnO(OH) based on analysis of powder diffraction data. Shafer and Roy* synthesized oxyhyüroxides of Sm, Nd, Y, and possibly La; they suggest that these compounds are iscmorphous based on powder diffraction data. More recent.ly, Rau? studied the europium oxides and bydroxides, but was not able to obtain large enough crystals of either Eu(OH)2 or EuO(OH) for single-crystal studies. While Rau attempted to index the powder pattern of E10(OH) on the basis of an orthorhombic cell sọ that the lattice parameters could be determined, he notes that the cell chosen is probably a pseudo cell end that additional data, preferably from single crystals, would be needed to positively describe Eu0(08). In the present investigation crystals of hydrothermally grown Ero(CH) have been studied by the x-ray powder method and by rotation, Weissenberg and precession methods. The powder patterns of Ero(OH) and EuO(OH) are virtually identical, but the single crystal data pı ve Ero(OH) to be monoclinic rather than orthorhombic. . . ei. . zitten **.:. ts: .**..veer-* r w t e L Synthesis of Ero(OH) Crystals of Ero(OH) up to 2.5 mm long have been grows bydro- thermally from the system Er, 02-L10H-1.0 10 the temperature range 320-420°C and the pressure range 9000-22,000 psi. The largest crystals were obtained under the following conditions: Nutrient: Er Oą powder (99.9%, Fairmount Chemical Company) Seeds: Hone - spontaneous nucleatiou in cooler region Solvent: 2.5 N LICH Upper temperature: 405 + 5°C Base temperature: 420 + 8°C Pressure: 12,000 £ 500 pis1 347 stainless steel Liner: Duration: Three weeks The Ero(OH) crystals obtained in these experiments are pink, · have a hardness of about 4 Mohs) and have generally a prismatic habit. The characteristic color and habit of the crystals made possible the separation of the oxyhydroxide from other phases such a8 ErFe0g. Data taken from Debye-Scherrer flims of ErooH) were compared with data for YO(OH)4 and Euo(0H)) and shown to give good! agreements (Table 1). The indexing of our pattern is based upon the results of single-crystal measurements described in a later section. Corroboration of the identification of the phase as Ero(OH) was made by spectrographic analysis and weight loss determination. - - - _ - . - - - --- - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - Table I. Comparison of X-ray Data Ero(OH) _E_O(OH) A hike dA bike 5.602 4.058 3.948 002 101 101 020 200 121 5.78 4.109 4.016 -- 3.142 2.934 2.892 -- _YO(OR)_ DA I 5.671 90 4.076 80 3.986 95 3.547 10 3.064 2.891 100 2.822 55 2.783 2.714 05 2.690 15 022 103 022 S 222 004 040 3.038 2.872 2.796 2.769 2.696 2.670 2.217 ů 103 2.837 voob ü ü i wo T ☺ 230 M 111 111 111 113,014 2.225 2.761 2.744 2.288 2,258 2.168 2.062 202 300,140 042,023 241,232 312 322, 400 MW 55 200 202,105 30 202 2.000 MS S u 2.145 2.026 1.977 1.8. 1,811 1.764 1..734 1.722 1.673 1,650 2.151 2.033 1.987 1.878 1.820 1.773 1.739 35 05 15 006 020 115 212,204 115,022 204 . 121, 121 1.932 1.874 2.810 1.771 to --- wen M v Br,W 15 1.699 1.677 -- io i - -- - - - --- - - Table I continued De bye-Scherrer camera, 214.59 diam, cuk, radiation, Ni filter, (1 = 1..5418A). V8 = very strong, 8 = strong, MS - medium strong, M = medium, MW = mediom weak, W = weak, WW - very weak, f = faint, Br = broad. shafer and Roy, see reference 4. Although yttrium is not one of the lanthanides, its ionic size and properties are very close to those of dysproeium and holmium. see reference 5. Indexed on the basis of an assured orthorhaubic cell, with a = 8.235A, b. = 11.626A, and c. = 7.453A. - - Spectrographic analysis indicates that only the following impurities are present in detectable amounts (in weight percent): Ca - 0.0053 Cu ~ 0.0005Fe - 0.01; L1 -0.002; Mn - 0.0023 81 - 0.02. The reasonably high purity of those crystals in spite of grovih in a steel liner with an alkaline solvent may be partly due to the s luultaneous growth of ErFeOg, which is thought to take up not oniy the iron but other metallic impurities. The second confirmatory analysis was made by theru:ally decomposing the compound and determining its weight loss during hexiting. The compound started to decompose at 330 + 25°C which agrees with the decomposition temperature (320°c) reported by Fricke and Seltz.? The total determined weight loss (4.50 + 0.30%) equals the theoretical weight 1068 (4.50%) for the reaction: 2Ero(OH) → Erzº3 + H2O After beating, the residue 18 Er202 based on its x-ray powder pattern. No other phases were observed. By way of comparison, Er(CH), loses 12.2% of its original weight when converted to Er,0by heating. Optical Properties of Ero(OH) Since the beta angle is 92.08' and there 18 a perfect (001) cleavage, the optical characteristics of Ero(OH) can be easily mistaken for those of orthorhombic materials. Figure 1 11lustrates the relations between the crystallograpbic and optical axes. The optical properties (determined with white light) are summarized in Table II. The index , was difficult to measure because the cleavage tends to almost invariably yield nearly centered acute bisectrix. figures. Other cleavage directions - (010), (100) and possibly Table II. Optical Properties of Ern(OH) Optic sign 2 y श्री प्री श्री Biaxial (-) Low (about 15°) 1.79 1 0.01 1.88 0.01 , 1.89 + 0.01 Approximately || (100) Approximately || a-ards Parallel to trace of a- and b-axes in başal section Strong (v >r) Optic plane Optic normal Extinction Dispersian a prismatic type (bko) appear to be developed and their traces are visible with the microscope. Single Crystal Diffraction Data Crystallographic data obtained from single rystals of Ero(OH) are presented in Table III. Rotation, Weissenberg and precession X-ray dific'action methods were used with Cuk, (i = 1.5418A) and MOK, (i = 0.71078) radiations. The twinning relationships could be deduced from the doubling of the diffraction spots observed on Weissenberg 111ms obtained from an apparent single crystal rotated about its b-axis. Only reflections of the type 001, ool, Okl, and Ok I appeared as cingle diffraction spots. The composition and twin plane is the (001) plane. The twin bears a close resemblance to the Mane bach twin of the mineral orthoclase. Discussion and Conclusions Insofar as the authors have been able to determine, the lanthanide rare-earth oxylydroxides were considered to be orthorbombic by earlier workers, but this conclusion was based almost entirely on powder diffraction data. single crystal X-ray diffraction studies have revealed that Ero(OH) 18 monoclinic rather than orthorbombic. It is possible that polymorphism exists for Ero(OH) such that both monoclinic and orthorhombic forms exist. The close agreement of X-ray powder data and thermal decomposition data does not favor this possibility, but does not preclude it. The existence of an orthorhombic form of ErO(OH) would need to be confirmed by study of single crystals. Table III. Single-Crystal Data for Ero(ok) = 4.299 + 0.005A = 3.601 0.002A = 11.225 + 0.005A * 92°08' 1 0:06' X-ray density = 7.66 g/cm3 Molecw.es per wit cell - 4 Space group = P21/A (second setting) Parameters were measured from photographs calibrated with the diffraction pattera of powdered silver. The measured density determined on a small (about 26 mg) sample was 7.3 using a weight-loss-11- water technique. The crystals used contain some liquid inclusions visible at 20x which may account for the lower density value than determined by X-ray means. However, the value appears to be sufficiently accurate to determine the number of molecules per unit cell. .- - . -.- 10 The lonic radius of Er*3 is considered to be 0.89A which 18 near the lower size limit of the rare-earth trivalent ions (largest - La*3 = 1.14A, smallest – Lu*3 = 0.85A) according to Ahrens. Whether other lanthanide oxyhydroxides are monoclinic is the subject of a study now in progress. Acknowledgements The authors are grateful to A. T. Chapman of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory for determining the weight loss of the Ero(OH) compound during heating. We also wish to thank H. L. Yakel and J. H. Burns of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory for their critical reading of the manuscript and their helpful suggestions. 11 1. G. F. Auttig and M. Kantor, "Oxyhydrates and Active Oxides. XIIX. The System Ianthanum(III)oxide Water," z. anorg. Chemie, 202, 421-428 (1931)(in German). R. Fricke and A. Seitz, "Crystalline Hydroxides of the Rare Earths," Z. anorg. Coemie, 354, 107–115 (1947)(in German). 3. R. Fricke and W. Dürrwachter, "Further studies on Crystalline Rare- Earth Hydroxides," z. anorg. Chemie, 359, 305–308 (1949)(in German). M. W. Shafer and R. Roy, "Rare-Earth Polymorphism and Phase Equi- libria in Rare-Earth Oxide-Water Systems," J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 42, [11], 563–570 (1959). 5. R. C. Rau, "X-ray Crystallographic studies of Europium Oxides and Hydroxides," pp. 117–134 in Rare Earth Research II, p. 621, Karl S. Vorres, editor, Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, New York, 1964. 6. A. N. Winchell and H. Winchell, Elements of Optical Mineralogy, ; Part II. Descriptions of Minerals, 4th ed., M.551, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1951. 7. L. H. Ahrens, "The Use of Ionization Potentials. Part I. Ionic Radii of the Elements," Geochim. et Cosmochim. Acta, 2, 155–169 (1952). Fig. 1. Relationship of Optical and Cryɛtallographic Axes in ErO(OH) Observed in a Cleavage Flake (001). - · ORNB - AEC - OFFICIAL . . . ca-axis ~ Y COPTIC hormay) . . - - - - - - 2 UNIS Approximate Trace of optic plane ---+* - bez - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - --- - - - (FINAL DRAWING WILL BE PREPARED By GRAPHIC ARTS) .. - - : : Figol. Relationship of optical and Crystallographic cxes in E1066) sean in a cleavage flabre 1001) ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL ol ) IN PASTORA END . ." I. LA - :12 as . 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