! TOFL. ORNL P 1910 145 50 31 1 3.2 WH 3.6 C R40 11:25 11.4 116 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS - 1963 MASTER S ORN-P21910 Conf-660207-1 RADIOISOTOPE SOURCES AND SOURCE TESTING* R. G. Niemeyer RELEASED FOR AX91."VEST Isotopes Development Center Oak Ridge National Laborator IN NUCLEAR SCI“.CE ABSTRACTS Oak Ridge, Tennessee FEB 4 . 1966 ARSTRACT The Isotopes Development Center at Oak Ridge National Laboratory has been engaged in a Source Testing Program since 1962. The overall objective of this program is to obtain information that can be used by source manufacturers, standards groups, and regulatory agencies to design and specify radioactive sources and shipping containers that will be consistent with the safety requirements involved. In the course of this study, several hundred sources have been tested to determine their structural and environmental limitations. The excellent safety record of domestically manufactured sealed. sources together with the ini'ormation acquired in the Source Testing Program serves as the basis for the proposed ORNL Source Capsule Classi- fication System. This system permits classification of source capsules according to structural and temperature characteristics as these relate to the overall objective of ensuring containment of the radioisotope. The information obtained in developing the proposed Source Capsule . Classification System and in the Source Testing Program has been made available to the American Standards Association Committee to aid in the formulation of source design standards. A large number of sources have been fabricated, loaded, and sealed at ORNL. Sources are loaded and sealed in hot cells using remote handling and welding equipment. Source sizes range from very small (millicurie) radiation sources to large (kilocurie) heat sources. Materials of construction range from relatively low-melting materials such as aluminum to the high-melting refractory metals. - . . . . . ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL . *Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. SEALED RADIOISOTOPE SOURCES Sealed radioisotope sources containing isotopes that emit alpha, beta, gamma, bremsstrahlung, or neutron radiation have many useful applications in science and industry. Radioisotope gaging devices are used in the cigarette industry to control the uniformity of the tobacco rod during manufacture. Thickness gages are used in the manufacture of paper, textiles, plastics, adhesives, floor coverings, roofing materi.als, metal plates, and castings. Radioisotope density gages are used in the manufacture of chemicals, food, petroleum, plastics, rubber, and glass products. Many level sages are used to control the levels of liquids such as molten 'metal, gasoline, and paper-pulp slurries. Sealed radioisotope sources are used by many Industries for radiographic inspection of welds, forgings, and castings. Many sealed sources are used in hospitals for radiation therapy. These include teletherapy sources, medical applicators, and needles. Neutron sources are used in oil-well logging devices to detect oil-bearing strata and for detecting water. They are also used to start up nuclear reactors and for activa- tion analysis. Large gamma irradiation sources are used in both public and private research laboratories to study the effects of gamma radiation on materials and processes, including the sterilization of food, drugs, and medical supplies. Irradiation sources are also used in the produc- tion of wood-plastic products and in the production of ethyl bromide. i . Og .. capsule for the sources are made on the basis of the requirements for : safe efficient utilization of the radiation. The form of the radio- active material is based on radionuclide concentration, compatibility : with the source capsule, and resistance to the effects of radiation. . ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL. . The form may be a simple compound, a glass, a metal, a ceramic, a gas, or a matrix containing the radioisotope. Ideally the source form would OINI - AEC - OFFICIAL be one with high resistance to the environment in which it is to be used 80 that dispersion of the radioactive material would be prevented, although the containment capsule were to fail. The capsule is usually metal with the design dependent both on the environmental conditions to which it will be subjected and on the operational requirements of the source application. Provision is often made for double enclosure of the radioactive material, each of the enclosures being sealed by heliarc welding. Additional safety is provided in many cases by the · devices in which the sources are used. Alpha sources are used principally for instrument calibration and research applications. A few are used industrially, mostly as static electricity eliminators. Due to the low penetrating power of alpha radiation, the containment covering of this type of source must be very thin in order to permit efficient use of the radiation. These coverings, called windows, are made of extreme ly thin metal or mica, usually less than 0.3 mil thick. The sidewalls of these sources may be made of much thicker material to provide optimum strength. Some alpha sources do not have a cover to contain the radioactive material but rely on'the properties of the source material itself for containment, considerable attention is therefore given to the selection of a source form which is resistant to the use environment. Some alpha emitters are electrolyti- cally deposited on metal backings and may or may not be protected by a very thin glaze or electroplated coating. . LEGAL NOTICE . . The report was prepared na mocount of Covenammet spoorond work. Malther the United Hate, nor the Communalan, nor a pornoa acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Make my warranty or reprouentation, proceed or implied, with respect to the sou- rney, completeness, or wofalnow of the information contained ha dulo report, or that the we of way toormation, appunto, methods or prooon dincloned la the report may not infringe privately owned suhtes of B. And any liabidea with repeat to the wool, or for damages routes from the um of my tutoration, apparatus, method, or proon dieclound in the report. . As wood tam the above, peranca notte a ball of the Commission" lnoludna u m . ployee or contractor of the Constanton, or mployee of much contractor, to the attent that moh omployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of much contractor propers, dienominated, or provides nous to, w information per muant to do employment or contriot ... ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL : . Beta sources find their most important industrial applications in ORNL - ACC - OFFICIAL : thickness, density, and level gaging. The design problem with beta sources is much the same as with alpha sources in that thin windows . -- ----* radiation, her.ce considerable attention is given to the source form. Examples of such source forms are chemical compounds contained in glasses, ceramics, compressed pellets, enamels, or inorganic ion-exchange materials containing the radioisotope. Gamma sources are used primarily for gaging, radiography, tele- therapy, and irradiation. Due to the great penetrating power of samma radiation, these sources can generally be designed for considerably greater structural strength than either alpha or beta sources. Most gamma -- - sources are doubly encapsulated in cylindrical stainless steel containers, each of which is sealed by welding an end cap to the capsule body. Many of the low-energy ganma sources still require thin windows to permit efficient use of the radiation, but these windows are usually from 10-20 mils thick. The source forms are usually pressed pellets of a source compound or the metallic form of the isotope. Small isotopic heat sources have been used as heat standards and larger ones as isotopic power sources for terrestrial, marine, and space applications. errore- ... . RADIOISOTOPE SOURCE FABRICATION AT ORNL A large number of sealed sources have been designed and fabricated at ORNL. Sources are loaded and sealed in manipulator cells using remote handling and welding equipment. Source sizes range from very small (millicurie) radiation sources to large (kilocurie) heat or power sources. ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL . Why . MS . . 5 ORNI - AEC - OFFICAL Materials of construction range from relatively low-melting materials such as aluminum to the high-melting refractory metals. The fabrication of 1970s sources provides a typical example of the techniques used. Since 1958 more than 600,000 curies of 137Cs have been fabricated as sealed sources at ORNL for use in a great variety of applications by medical industrial, and research organizations. The radioactive cesium, chemically recovered from processing reactor fuel waste, is converted to dry 137C8C1 powder. The powder is heated at 400°C for 2 hr to bake out any remaining water or free acid and is than maintained at a temperature of 80 to 100°C during storage to preserve its anhydrous condition. The desired amount of powder for a particular source is weighed and transferred to a tool-steel die and compressed at pressures up to 50,000 psi to form a pellet having the required dimensions for encap- sulation. Nearly all pellets are right cylinders; however, square wafers have been made for encapsulation in flat plates. The equipment is shown in Fig. 1. The pellets are doubly encapsulated in cylindrical capsules of Type 316 stainless steel, machined from stainless steel rods, one end being left open to permit loading the pellet. After the pellet has been loaded in the inner capsule, a custom-fit stainless :: steel spacer is inserted to take up any free space and thus limit move- ment of the pellet within the capsule. An end plug which has been machined to a slight interference fit with the capsule is inserted and the capsule is sealed by remote heliarc welding. The completed inner capsule is tested for leaks, decontaminated, and placed inside the outer capsule. The outer capsule is then sealed by welding the .. outer end plug to the outer capsule. . . - . 1 ..... ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL Most capsules are sealed using the tungsten-inert gas method. The ORNL - ALC - OFFICIAL remote welders developed at ORNL utilize a standard commercial power :' supply and are designed to occupy a minimum of space ins:.de the manipu- lator cells. Manual rather than automatic controls are used because of the wide diversity in source designs. In one of the ORNL welder designs, the source capsule is held in an upright position either by a fitted massive heat zink or by an adjustable drill chuck. The heat sink and sourcè capsule rotate on the vertical centerline of the capsule so that the weld area is always under the stationary tungsten electrode. Rotation 18 provided by a remotely operated variable-speed drive. The tungsten electrode holder can be positioned by moving it vertically or horizontally by vorm gears driven by remotely operated electric motors. The power supply and controls for operation are placed in the celi' operating area near the viewing window to permit ease of operation. The welder is designed so that parts can be readily replaced by remote . manipulation. One type of remotely operated welder 18 shown in Fig. 2. In some cases the refractory metal capsules of radioisotope power sources : have been welded by means of a remotely controlled electron-beam welder: After welding, the source. capsule is cooled to room temperature and tested for leaks by subjecting it to the hot-water bubble test, which involves immersing the source in hot water just below the boiling point. A leak is indicated by a stream of bubbles caused by expansion of air in the source capsule. If no bubbles appear within 2 min, the capsule is considered to be leak tight. In the more sensitive frequently used vacuum leak test, the source capsule is imersed in ethylene glycol and the pressure over the liquid is reduced to 23-25 in. Hg vacuum; any bubbles indicate a leak. This method is discussed in detail in a later section : on the classification of source capsules. . .... .... i one. indicaz : ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AIC - OFFICIAL After leak testing, the source capsule is decontaminated by washing with a detergent solution. When the source is found to be free of leaks and has surface contamination below the prescribed limits, it is placed in storage for a period of seven days, at which time the tests for leaks and contamination are repeated as an additional safeguard. After pass- ing these tests the source is ready for shipment. The procedure of double encapsulation not only provides for safer containment of the radioisotope, but it also makes the cost of source capsule decontamination much less demanding. By use of this procedure, the outer source capsule can be kept relatively free of contamination since it does not have to be placed inside the manipulator cell until after the inner capsule is decontaminated. The sectioned teletherapy source in Fig. 3 provides an illustration of a typical doubly encapsulated source. The facilities of ORNL have been used in joint efforts with several commercial organizations in fueling electric generators. Among the sources encapsulated are 124,000 curies of SOSrT10g used for fueling one of the SNAP-7 thermoelectric generators designed by the Martin Company for the USAEC; 83,400 curies of pºsrTi0g used for fueling a thermoelectric genera- tor designed by RCA; 70,000 curies of 60Co used in powering a hydrogen thruster designed by the Marquardt Corporation; and 25,500 curies of 187C8. glass for fueling an underwater thermoelectric generator designed by Royal Research Corporation. CLASSIFICATION OF SOURCE CAPSULES The Isotopes Development Center at Oak Ridge National Laboratory has developed a system for the classification of sealed source capsules as a part of the Source Testing Program established by the USAEC. ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL A system such as this, which groups source capsules according to struc- ORNI-AIC - Drill tural and temperature characteristics relating to the overall objective of ensuring containment of the radioisotope during normal and abnormal use situations, is needed in order to simp).ify regulation of the use and fabrication of these devices as well as to minimize hazards to the general public. The classification system is composed of two sections. Temperature Classes A through E are shown in Table 1; Structural Classes I through V are shown in Table 2. Each source capsule design under consideration will be classified in both of these sections to give a composite classi- fication, such as IC or IIIA, which describes both the temperature and structural limitations of the capsule. Under this system a source. capsule must meet the requirements of all of the tests which define a class in order to be admitted to that class. The rationale behind the selection of individual values in the ORNL Source Capsule Classification System is based largely on the excellent safety record of domestically manufactured sealed sources. The early work in the ORNL Source Testing Program was designed to define those characteristics of commercial source capsules which brought · about this safety record. The results of these tests strongly influenced the selection of the values in the source capsule classification tables, thus ensuring that the classification tests would reflect current safe practice in sealed source capsule design. For the purpose of classification, a source capsule is defined as the totally assembled, sealed enclosure which provides the containment : of the radioactive material. It includes both single enclosure and multiple enclosure but does not include housings, shields, or other devices external to the sealed containment enclosure. . , . .. ., . ...... s. IAL . :: ORNI - A . ...- Table 2. Proposed ORNL Source Capsule Classification System Temperature Characteristics Maximum tomperature Operating resistance, 'F ' temperature, Thermal Temperature- humidity cycling Class I n A 400 for 1 hr . 32 to 212 212 to 32 then to -70 200°F - 95% RH to 35°F - 5% RH 8-hr cycle time t'or 48-hr period B . 750 for 1 hr -40 to 212 Same as A 212 to 0 then to -70 500 to 32 then to -70 1700 for 1 hr -320 to 500 No requirement D 2400 for 1 hr 4500 for 30 min, 2400 for 1 hr -70 to 1700 32 to 2400 1700 to -70 No requirement 2400 to -320 No requirement Table 2. Proposed ORNL Source Capsule Classification System Structural Characteristics Impact force External pressure, Puncture resistance, ft/sec onto 1/8-in. dia pin . Crushing force, lb for 1 hr Shear strength, | 1b for 1 hr. { Class 2 lb, ft-lb lb, ft free fall > Vibration 100 200 for 40 for 10 10 cps at 10 g's 15 min 30 min (longest axis): for 12 hr 23 | 200 100 Same as I 12,000 1,000 No requirement IV 3,000 44 20,000 10,000 60 No requirement v20,000 62 50,000 25,000 240 120 4 hr at each resonance* to 500 cps and 0.001 to 0.1-in. double amplitude applied along each of three perpendicular axes; when no resonant frequencies are found, vibrate for 12 hr at 0:018-in. double amplitude and 150 cps on each axis. . . 10 ORNL - AEC - 0!FICIAL The classification of a source capsule is made using dummies in which nearly equel volumes of the nonradioactive source compound are substituted for the radioactive material. A chemical analog may be used in cases where a nonradioactive compound is excessively expensive or does not exist. The dummy source capsules are made of the same mate- rials of construction and manufactured in the same manner as the radioactive ones. The only criterion for determining failure of a classification test is the presence of a new leak in the source capsule at the conclusion of the test. A simple test has been developed in which the source capsuie to be leak tested is immersed in either ethylene glycol or isopropyl alcohol (used because of their relatively low vapor pressures and surface tensions) and the pressure above the liquid is reduced to 23-25 in. Hg Vacuum. A leak is indicated by a stream of bubbles rising through the liquid. The sensivitity of the test was determined by preparing a number of calibrated leaks, measuring the hole sizes microscopically, and measuring the leak rates. Under the test condi- . . . tions described above, leaks as small as 3 x 10-8 std cm®/sec can be readily detected and smaller leaks have been detected by pressurizing the capsule with air immediately before the leak test. The vacuum leak test can be used only if there is a free volume in the capsule adequate to support a stream of air bubbles in the event of a leak. The test has been used successfully on samples having free : volumes as small as 0.1 cm>;; however, this is considered the minimum volume for testing. For the purpose of classifying source capsules, an arbitrary value of 0.25 cm was selected for the minimum volume.. Source capsules with a free volume equal to or greater than 0.25 cm . ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL : . li are vacuum leak tested. In cases where there is less than 0.25 cmø free volume in the capsules, an alternate test is used which involves adding a small amount of lithium chloride to the nonradioactive source compound in the dummy source capsule being tested and submerging the source in water in a vessel which is alternately evacuated and vented to atmospheric pressure . . for a period of 20 min. The water is then analyzed by a photometric tech- nique capable of detecting lithium concentrations as low as 0.001 ug/cmº. This test, unlike the vacuum leak test, is not used for routine leak test- ing of production sources. .. • SOURCE APPLICATIONS GUIDE The Source Applications Guide, currently under study, will establish the classification test requirements of a source capsule to . be used in a specific location. Under this system, relative numerical ratings will be assigned to each of the following: 1. Radiotoxicity 8. Operating temperature 2. Quantity of activity 9. Operating pressure :3. Source location 10. Corrosive atmosphere Source compound 11. Fire and explosion hazards: 5. Radiation effects 12. Personnel experience 6. Population density 3. Design experience 7. Source housings The numerical ratings will then be summed and related to the class requirements of the classification tables in a manner that reflects existing safe practice in commercial source capsule design. The information obtained in developing the proposed ORNL Source Capsule Classification System, together with that obtained in the Source Testing Program, has been made available to the American Standards Association Committee to aid in the formulation of source design standards. : 12 .. ORNI - ATC - OFFICIAL After the initial testing of commercial sources was completed to help determine the values used in the Source Capsule Classification System, 120 sources representing 37 commercial designs were tested to determine their classifications. The results are arranged in Table 3 according to the intended applications of the 37 designs. The results show that 70% of the tested source designs intended for use with multicurie quantities of activity (teletherapy, radiography, and neutron sources) are in the Class III ; structural category while the remaining 30% are in the less demanding Class .. II. However, 85% of the gaging sources, which normally use less than one curie of activity, are in the Class II structural category while 15% are in the Class III. These results indicate that the ranges of stress values chosen for the structural classes are sufficiently narrow to distinguish between applications on the basis of quantity of radioactivity but are not too narrow to allow a wide variety of classes within one application category. The fact that all of these sources are in Class II or III indicates that manufacturers are providing more than minimum safety standards in their products. :,: .-. : :. - . Table 3. Trial Classification of Representative Commercial Sour ces ... Application Class Number of designs · Teletherapy Teletherapy IIIB IIIC Gages Gages IIIB IIC IIB IIA Gages Gages Radiography Radiography Radiography Radiography Neutron. Neutron IIIC IIIB IIC IIB ..:: .. 1790 ow wio IIIC IIA -9V-INIO The temperature classes of the source designs in Table 3 are more varied and do not show definite relationships either to quantity of isoto pe or source application. This result was expected because the testing program during the development of the Source Capsule Classification System had shown a rather wide variation of temperature resistance. The four source designs falling in Class A, which has the lowest temperature require- ments, were sealed by solder.' Since the temperature classification ranges were selected to restrict solder-sealed sources to Class A, the system is effective in this regard." ; A second follow-up program of testing commercial sources is now in progress. These sources were selected from the 37 commercial designs listed in Table 3. The results of the current tests will be compared with results of the previous tests made on identical source capsules in order to ensure that the classification testing procedures are reproducible over an extended period of time. Of the ten source capsule designs tested thus far, two have failed to pass all of the structural tests required by their original classi- fication. One of these, a cesium radiography source, did not contain an inactive substitute for the radioactive material, which may account for its failure to pass one test, the impact test. The failure of the other, a krypton gage source, has not as yet been explained. essi : . : REFERENCES 1. J. A. Jones, "Fabrication of Cesium-137. Sources," USAEC Rpt. ORNL- : 3675, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (September 1964). 2. E. E. Pierce, "Remote Welding of Stainless Steel Capsules," USAEC Rpt. ORNL-2280, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (March 1957). 3. C. R. King, "Vacuum Leak Testing of Radioactive Source Capsules,". USAEC Rpt. ORNL-3664, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (January 1965). TABLE LIST Table 1. Proposed ORNL Source Capsule Classification System Temperature Characteristics Table 2. Proposed ORNL Source Capsule Classification System Structural Characteristics Table 3. Trial Classification of Representative Commercial Sources FIGURE LIST Figure 1. Equipment for forming and encapsulating pellets. Figure 2. Pemotely operated source capsule welder. Figure 3. Section of a dummy international standard teletherapy source.. DRNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNI - AC - OFFICIAL - - IN0 ము. 60388 - - - .. aa. అవును A tamil . •. . .. - T . ... m ALailants. OAKTRIDGEI NATIONAL LABORATORY ............ " inni N A 1:12. " ::. . . . • V. ORNI-AC-OFFICIAL ORNI - AIC - OFFICIAL . . . . . మత HAN تحبني مه عن مو مسد. ۰: نستنعمننممن . . - ....... . . .. . . . . هند ص م م . ۱۱۰ ۵ ق م . ... . . ما اند 3 ا .* کنه .لا ت ح م . م .به ، ۰ - . - . - .. مم !جع تاتنننننه ORL - AEC - OFFICIAL, . . . .:. ۱۰ ... . . بناء ۰۰:ي، م ,اجد / .. کا سی * : انا.. أنه نه نقشه نا کہنا کالم، لما تنها با لينة مالا مال یا نه AK ROGENATONAL LABORATOR ۱۰۰۲ ، مه بود. ماده . . .. . . . . ه ص ... : مصر . . ...... سنة . ه " . ' END DATE FILMED 3/ 7 / 66