I OFL ORNL P 1957 • i i : . 1 . : MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS -1963 I I . . .." * Kaw4Sn69 ORL :-7959 NUCLEAR SPIN-PARITY ASSIGNMENTS · FEB 2 3 1966 RELEASED FOR AİNNOUNCEMENT IS NUCLDAR SCIGNCE ABSTRACTS w privataly owned rights; or Tuis report w with the Coumission, or he employment with each contructor. dienautaates, or provides access to any talarmatas permunt to Ho saplogant ar contract mach amployee or contractor al the Commission, or employee of woh contractor preparat, ployu ar contractor of the Commission, or unplogue of much contractor, to the attend that As word in the above, pestou actius a buhall of the Commission" including my of any bufor nation, apparatus, method, or roon dinclound the B. Assumes my Habluiting with respect to the wool, or for damague routing fron the of any latarnation, appurata, methad, or procura dinclound ta this report may not tatstar macy, completeness, or maatalous of the buformation contained ha this report, or that the wine A. Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with repect to the accu- States, por the Commission, nor any parnou acting on behalf prepared u an account of Government sponsored worth, Naithar the United the Commission: reporte - INELASTIC SCATTERING AND THE DISTORTED WAVE METHOD* LEGAL NOTICE F. G, Perey Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee . . . . The subject of my talk is the determination of the spin and parity of nuclear levels from the analysis of inelastic scat- tering angular distributions using the distorted wave method. The distorted wave method does not rate high, at this conference, as a tool for determining the spin and parity of nuclear levels. I suppose it is because the determinations are not solely based on conservation laws. The distorted wave method is primarily used to study reaction mechanisms, and I will make no apology for this, but reaction mechanism is very intimately connected to nuclear structure. In fact, it would be more appropriate to say that a distorted wave calculation involves always two aspects: the nuclear structure and the reaction mechanism aspect. Our knowledge at the moment is such that we cannot yet proceed only from "first principles" and that to remedy the situation we have had to develop models. Some of them are based on very firm ground; we can even prove some existence theorem. However, in most cases, we are left with so-called adjustable parameters.. To some people this appears to be a more serious handicap than it really is. Most distorteå wave calculations are very sensi- tive to the spins and parities of the initial and final states, although more often they may only be sensitive to the angular ; . . . . . . ..-: - . i .. n -. . .. . .. . * O ** ..> . even target nucleus this enables you to determine the spin and parity of the final state. Various mechanisms can then be used to tie the parity of the level as well. Let me now look at the collective model for inelastic scat- tering as a tool for determining spin and parities of nuclear levels. This model has been extensively tested in the last few years for many different kinds of incident particles and has . proved to be one of the most successful ones used in connection with the distorted wave method. As a result, it has lately been widely used as a tool for determining spins and parities of nu- clear levels. The literature in this field is now too extensive for me to hope to review it in the short time that I have. . R *Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. in : D . . . .:.,: ! in - 1 - -.--. - . . . . . . . . . - -. . . - - e NUCLEAR SPIN-PARITY ASSIGNMENTS e The distorted wave amplitude for the transition from an initial state i to a final state f 18 L Tue - dr ola)*(&por) (4/V/A> (1), where the 's are the so-called distorted waves and the matrix element is a nuclear matrix element of the residual inter- action V taken between the initial and the final state of the target nucleus A. The idea of the collective model applied to inelastic scattering is to identify this matrix element with a 'nonspherical part of the optical potential used to generate : the distorted waves. Since the optical model potential used to generate the p's is obtained from elastic scattering, we "have very little freedom as far as parameters go to calculate inelastic scattering. . . .. . .. . nie. u .-. e .- -.- .- -. .. • i . ,: . - rii ......... i -- . . ...-..- . .- -.. . :.':*...*... . . ie stwa -..- . . - . - We consider a generalized optical model potential which is a function of a radius parameter and assume that this radius has a space and/or a time dependence. A multipole expansion of the radius is made and then the generalized optical poten. tial is expanded in a Taylor series. The monopole part of this expansion is identified with the usual optical potential. giving rise to elastic scattering, all the other terms in the expansion giving rise to inelastic scattering. In this manner, once the monopole part is known, we know all the terms in the ::: expansion and the only free additional parameter is the ampli-::: tude of the oscillations or deformations. In the distorted wave method this parameter is used only to determine the mag- nitude of the cross section. Its value does not affect the shape of the calculated cross section. Therefore, a fit to : the elastic scattering is sufficient to give us all we need to calculate the inelastic scattering to all the collective states. Of course, all states do not have a collective nature and what I am saying only applies to the collective ones. How can we tell which ones are collective? This is rather easy because, in the context of inelastic scattering, excitation of colle tive states and large cross sections are synonymous. In. practice, therefore, we take the largest cross sections..?! in the first few Mev of excitation and try to see which ones fit the calculated angular distributions for various multipoles in order to determine the spins of the levels excited. As you can see, there is very littie basic ambiguity as to what is to be done in the calculation for inelastic scattering. One re- markable thing about this model! 1. that despite its simplinity it works exceedingly well. The comparison of the calcužated cross section shape with the experimentally measured one gives; unambiguously the spin of the final state only for even-even ..... .. .......... i ... .. www -... * * , -- .. ... ''. ;. .si .. ::: > -- - - , - .. -...-e.um - . -- - - - -- im ini . - -- . - . - - .- NUCLEAR SPIN-PARITY ASSIGNMENTS Carget nuclei. For odd A nuclei you only get the angular mo- mentum transferred in the reaction and you have in general a choice of spins for the final states. In some cases, by con- sidering the odd nucleon as being weakly coupled to an even- even core and assuming that the collective excitat,icns are those of the even-even core, the magnitude of the cross sections can tell you the spins of the various members of the multiplets. One disadvantage of odd A nuclei is that the strength of the excitation is being spread among various levels for each pole. The cross sections are then smaller and it is a little more difficult to pick out the collective levels. Of course, the usefulness of such a model depends to a large degree on how different are the various angular distri- butions for the different spin values. This is very much a question of the kind of particle used and the energy at which the measurements are made. So far the method has been widely used at many different energies for neutrons, protons, deuterons, helium-3, and alpha particles with great success and even the magnitudes of the cross sections are given correctly for the same deformation parameter associated with the state indepen- dent of the projectile used for exciting the level. The well- known diffraction-like patterns associated with a- inelastic scattering permit usually a very good assignment of level spins, but for all of the particles there are usually enough differences for different spin assignments to be able to identify them correctly. The optical model potential has always a real and an imagi- nary part. When incident charged particles are used, a coulomb potential arising out of some nuclear charge distribution is also included. For particles with non-zero spin, it is also necessary to have a spin-orbit potential. All those potentials 4 have a radius parameter associated with them and, taking our model seriously, we should deform them all. If one is only interested in assigning spin and parities to nuclear levels, vey often it is not necessary to do so and deforming the real part only is sufficient. However, if one is also interested in the deformation parameter, in many cases it is necessary to deform both the real and the imaginary potential, and if the energy is not sufficiently high above the coulomb barrier, one should allow also coulomb excitation by deforming the charge distribution. In particular, interference effects between coulomb excitation and nuclear excitation can be very larg Finally, in order to account for inelastic polarization, it may be necessary to allow for deformation of the spin orbit potential. Although no such calculations have been reported yet, some are in progress." NUCLEAR SPIN-PARITY ASSIGNMENTS In the rest of this talk I will show you various examples selected mostly out of recent work done at Oak Ridge. Figures 1 and 2 show for 30-MeV incident prctons the sensitivity of the calculation to various spin assignments. The curves are: very characteristic, and, even with data only in the range of . 30 to 100 degrees, one should be able to pick cut the spins easily. In this calculation only the real part of the optical model was deformed. For protons at these energies, the effect of coulomb excitation is negligible as shown on Fig. 3, ever, the deformation of the imaginary part of the potential has a non-negligible effect as seen on Fig. 4. In this case, the effect is not large but note that it goes in the right direction to improve the fit. This example is more typical of what is usually found but this is not always the case. Satchler* had an interesting case dealing with optical model parameters. The elastic data and the fits are shown in Fig. 5. In this particular case, equivalent fits could be found to the . elastic scattering data with two optical model potentials dif- fering in the fact that one had a volume imaginary part (V) and the other a surface imaginary part (S). Of course, the real potentials were slightly different to compensate for the change in imaginary potentials. When the two potentials were used to calculate inelastic scattering to the 3° ievel at -3.7 MeV and to the 5" level at -5.4 MeV, they gave different results, The 3° level data are shown on Fig. 6 with the two i curves. However, if one deforms both the real and the imagi- nary parts of the potential, the very interesting results . shown on Fig. 7 are obtained. The fits are now very good and essentially the same for both potentials. Very similar re- . sults were found for the 5. level. In this particular example the model passed a very crucial test: since there are ambi- guities in the optical model potential and our collective model is based entirely upon it, what happens to inelastic results? The answer in this case is: nothing if both the real and imaginary potential are deformed. In other words, potentials which are equivalent for plastic scattering are also equiva-. lent for inelastic scattering. In Fig. 3 we saw a case where coulomb excitation affected the results very slightly. This is not always the case, par.. ticularly close to the coulomb barrier, as shown in Figs. 8 and 9. For Cd with deuteron, incident at 8 Mev, the cross section is increased by more than a factor of two and the shape modified also, whereas at 14 MeV the magnitude is changed by only 25% and the shape only slightly altered. For protons on Cd at 12 MeV, the minimum around 40 degrees is due to the in- terference between coulomb and nuclear excitation. - NUCLEAR SPIN-PARITY ASSIGNMENTS Dua 63-6934 enimi Fig. 1. MeV Protons: Inelastic Scattering of 30- Collective Model. .. . STUS Dewa 63-6935 .. e -... - -- -. . . -.. --.. - de Fig. 2. Inelastic Scattering of 30.-MeV Protons: Collective Model. - w..W at om een and old and we . dit fer4*:: die meel o ns WWS ORNL DWG. 63-6934 Fe54 INELASTIC DIFFERENT ANGULAR MOMENTUM TRANSFERS ام سم * 37 . 5 VELASTIC مها 41- 1.34 (arbitrary units) بلبيسلليبليبللللللللليسا و ۰ا 3 . 97 دوو 373 / (as) 01-297 . . 22 . . . 40.60 80 .0 . 120 . . . . . . . . . - . - ه:-ه Ocm (deg) INH Sie 2% - هم - . . = = - . . = . ORNL DWG. 63-6935 Los 28-4.72 Fe54 INELASTIC DIFFERENT ANGULAR MOMENTUM TRANSFERS Oria of L. 6 Q:-4.72 % to ()CM (arbitrary units) Lo7 Q=-6.40 3/" பப to Q.-6.40 Deove [ 120 20-40 60 80 100 Ocm (deg) Inni Sire 25/* a Fla2.. . NUCLEAR SPIN-PARITY ASSIGNMENTS .... -. • , . - .- .... Dua Ho........ . 1 . ..... .. 63-6928 ... ... . . so - - *... Fig. 3. Effect of Coulomo Excitation on the Cross Section. Dua 65-754 ....and combinant - . a Fig. 4. Effect of Deforming the Real ...: Part or Both Parts of the Potential. .... . . .: ORNL DWG. 63-6928 Osi4 Ni58 INELASTIC STANDARD FORM FACTOR Q=-4.45 MeV, L= 3 Of • DATA --- CALCULATED WITH COULOMB EXCITATION - CALCULATED WITHOUT · COULOMB EXCITATION 40.5% (aa) cm (mb/sr) 8%" to Reduce LLLLLL 30 50 - 70 10 90 OCM (deg) - , . Size 23% ORNL-DWG 65-754 Oric. . of % LQ=-1.36 Mev = =2= do/dw (mb/steradian) 3/" 39 Q=-4.05 MeV tutd=3 to COMPLEX REAL Reduce 0 20 40 100 120 140 60 80 Oc.m. (deg) . Fiwiae Size ZW? Fieco NUCLEAR SPIN-PARITY ASSIGNMENTS ........................ Dua 64.0 8996 T -.. . - - ........... - - - . . . . Fig. 5. Fit to Elastic Scattering with Two Different Potentials. . . :::: No such talk would be complete without some alpha scat- . tering data. Figure 10' gives a very nice example of elastic and inelastic scattering of 42 MeV alphas on Mg24, and Fig. 11- is another case at the same energy but this time three in- elastic levels have been observed. The case of inelastic scattering of high-energy alpha particles is a little special. : Because of the rather strong absorption of the alpha particle as it penetrates the nucleus, it is possible to make further approximations in the evaluation of the transition amplitude. Our next speaker will talk on this subject. : Let me now show you an example with neutron inelastic scatteringe in Fig. 12. 'Most of the data on excitation of collective levels with neutrons is at 14 MeV, and Fig. 13 is one more examp.le." All the calculations I have shown you until now have con- sidered only first-order transitions. In view 012 the large suc- cess which this model has, it was only natural to extend it to higher orders. It turns out that to perform such calculations it is preferable to use a coupled channel formalism. Since the calculations are more complex, far fewer cases have been studied, and since the cross sections are smaller, less data &re available. I would like to mention only that it seems a .. .. . . . . - . ... . .. ORNL-DWG 64-8996 3 - - - . - WI(UP/op) IT Camolp, p.) 55 Mev • - 90 X . "O 39.5 31% To . Reduce 20 80 - Tinai Size JAL C '" marinho cacin yarano ancora no es pornom súmase menciom NUCLEAR SPIN-PARITY ASSIGNMENTS Dug 64-8998 Fig. 6. Fit to 3* Level Deforming 'Only theReal Part of the potential. Dwa 64-8997 Fig. 7. Fit to 3 Level Deforming Both Real and Imaginary Potentials for the Two Po- tentials. 1 - ORNL-DWG 64-8998 Cã40(p. p): Q=-3.7 ORIG b=3 53 (do/da)cm OF I ---- Ş R.I. 3/2" 39.5 % ... .. to 1 . . REDUCE o 20 LO. Och .60 80 100 Fue FINAL Size 2/4" ORNL-DWG 64-8997 ORICA Cat(p,p) Q=-3.7 8=3 "(Up/openlos down OF - V S + c.1. % 3%" . 38.5 to PEDULE Assim vositiinitivi o 20 60 40 Ocm sine L FINAL 2/4 ति .7. Pos. : '1.. rinis. . . NUCLEAR SPIN-PARITY ASSIGNMENTS . Awę 63-533 . Fig. 8. Effect of Coulomb Excitation at Lower Energy. Diva 65.4138 Fig. 9. Effect of Coulomb Excitation at Various Energies : for Deuteron Scattering. .. . ORNL-DWG 63-533 _Cdi4 (pp') Ep=12.16 Mev Q = -0.555 Mev 2=2- B=0.2 cY8* do/dw (mb/steradian) . -WITH COULOMB EXCITATION ---WITHOUT COULOMBEXCITATION- .. S/८e . . 0 30 .. 60 .90 120 Bc.M. (deg) 150 180 . LeDece: 0 5 /1e58., 5 2 OF ORIG fic. B .9. pramaa naswimm ineKODMRORAKHAN- . ORNL-DWG 65-4138 60 Ni 114 cd F10,'# -COMPLEX -WITH C.E. ----NO C.E. . 2%" / ........... 14.0 Mev 13.56 MeV idoldw1/B2 (mb/steradian) Size 7.96 MeV seperti tersebut distants in de too..... **• - - . teropera en el hore Fidwiferation and two sind me to 9.89 Mev n y entrep 10 30 50 70 90 110 c.m (deg) 430 150 : 170 30 70 50 . 90 Cc.m. (deg) 110 430 150 i . fica . - . REDUCE to 53/16" 56% of ORIG. . PO . . . . via . ". .. . NUCLEAR SPIN-PARITY ASSIGNMENTS Dwa 66911 Fig. 10. Fit to Alpha Scattering at 42 MeV. Dua 64843 Fig. 11. Fit to Alpha Scattering at 43 MeVe :- · : . . . . . . ORNL-LR-DWG 66914 -Mg 24+ at -42 Mev - ORIC. do/d82 (mb/steradian) -INELASTIC Q=-1.37 Mevs B = 0.38 . OF 3/4" 36.5.07 TO داولا ELASTIC و REDUCE 0 10 20 30 40 50 C.M. SCATTERING ANGLE (deg) 60 70 Size Fig. 12 R:10. is there are the one b that is 14 . Tortos...1: onen .. ORNL-LR-DWG 64843 Ni587 a 43 Mev (LAB) ELASTIC Q=0 Oric. of O = 2 to=1.45 Mevt E (x1.875) . % dolds (mb/sterodian) or n o ano dono o na - 4.5 Mev 3%" .. 37 to 2 0 l=4 =-5.5 Mev (x 0.6) Reduce . · 5x1003 0 10 20 50 60 70 30 40 OC.M. (deg) Final Size 3/4" Filoilo pilo. . - NUCLEAR SPIN.PARITY ASSIGNMENTS - - Dos 63-534 1 Fig. 12. Fit to Neutron Inelastic Scat- tering at 8 MeV. : ; Dua 63-6.224 Fig. 13. Fit to Neutron Inelastic Scat- tering at 14 MeV. I ORNL-DWG 63-534 w.. ܘ ܘ (n,n'), = 3 En = 8 Mev Q =-2.6 Mev Oric ܣ ܠ B = 0.12 of ܗ ܗ % ܪܛ ܚ do/dw (mb/steradian) 3/2" 38 ܗ ܗ to ܛ Pb208, B = 0.10 Reduce 0 30 60 90 120 Oc.m. (deg) 150 180 til Finne Sine 2%" ORNL-DWG 63-6224 ELASTIC -OST. PIERRE, et al. • ELLIOTT A PRESENT EXPERIMENT Orice of % do/dw(mb/steradian) by the to 31/2" 38 0 2.24 MeV STATE b=2, B2 = 0.40 REDUCE 0 20 40 60 80 Oc.m.(deg) 100 .420 140 Finne Sire2 %" Fice is pollo NUCLEAR SPIN-PARITY ASSIGNMENTS very useful tool to get at some of the other levels which can be reached by direct excitation and multiple excitation. Finally, one should say that serious attempts are being made to use more sophisticated models for inelastic scattering by going to a microscopic description of the transition in terms of a shell model description of the nuclear levels. So far the macroscopic description in terms of the collective model is more successful in reproducing the data as seen on Fig. 14, but we hope to be able to understand the reason for its successes in terms of a more fundamental microscopic description. . To conclude I will remark that many of us doing distorted wave analysis feel that very reliable spin and parity assign- ments can be made using data on inelastic scattering of various particles from levels up to a few MeV of excitation. - Mb. A02:17 Rua 65-soso VASSDATTTextVR . . - ... Fig. 14. Comparison Between Collective and Shell Model Description. - - ...... -- A TKALLAS - --- - ô ORNL-DWG 65-5080 ở 90 Ir (pp) -18.8 Mev 3- /10 3 s . do/dw (mb/steradian) n v Size 3 COLLECTIVE ---2Pyy 2d5/2 tinae 4x10-2 0 20 40 60 80 100 Ocm (deg) 120 140 160 180 Repuce To 53%6° 55 % of Orice. Fun Р. ја. W ! NUCLEAR SPIN.PARITY ASSIGNMENTS References F. G. Perey, Proceedings of the Karlsruhe Conference on Polari- zation Phenomena, 1965. PR. M. Drisko, Private communication. BM. P. Fricke and G. R. Satchler, Phys. Rev. 139 B, 567 (1965). *K. Yagi et al., Phys. Letter 10, 186 (1964). 8J. K. Dickens, F. G. Perey and G. R. Satchler, Nucl. Phys. 23, 529 (1965). Taro Tamura, Rev. Mod. Phys. 37, 679 (1965). "E. Rost, Phys. Rev. 128, 2708 (1962). ØR. H. Bassel et al., Phys. Rev. 128, 2693 (1962). PL. Cranberg, Progress in Fast Neutron Physics, p. 204, G. C. Philips, J. B. Marion, and J. R. Risser, University of Chicago Press, 1963. 108. H. Stelson et al., Nucl. Phys. 68, 97 (1965). 11W. S. Gray et al., (to be published). - END . -. . . . 1.1. Ay. . . 1. 1 . 1. DATE FILMED 3/ 28 / 66 - - - - *