. TOFI ORNLP 1600 ! i 45 SO HE 1:56 RE MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS - 1963 TWE"37. 1 -LEGAL NOTICE ORNE P-1600 Conf. 650929-2 Two report mi propued au account of domene uponsored work. Waldror the United in, vor Us Cooloa, sor wy porma muy a bal alth COUNnlan: A. Makes mynrraty or ropronaldon, exprewend or implied, with respect to the acct. racy, completeness, or uw hulpen of two lalornaloa containd ta the report, or the thing we of my laloresiion, apparatus, wu , or proces dixcloud la the report wy hot latringo prinusly owed rights; or B. AMM . My liabilities will roopact to the un of, or for den noulting frou the am of way laformation, apparatus, wethod, or process dircloud laws report. A. und !A tha aboro, "pornon action of the Conwlosko" lacluded way the ploys or contructor of the Coanlulon, or employs of rocb contractor, to the extent that such employee or coatrator of the Connulou, or omploym of such contractor preparaa, disseminates, or provides accW to, may taformation purmuat tu Vi taplogmnt or coatract with the coamiss.oa, or We employosat with such coatractor. STUDIES OF COLLECTIVE ELECTRON OSCILLATIONS OCT 6 1965 IN METALS BY OPTICAL METHODS* MASTER . E. T. Arakawa, R. N. Hamm, W. F. Hanson, ** and T. M. Jelinek** Health Physics Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee ** Th F:-:":": " 7 TTT IN HE .. ACTS ABSTRACT . . ..* * U S M "Sir,'*.. Reflection of photons from opaque solids and photon emission from electron-bombarded thin films have been investigated to determine the plasma frequencies of free electrons in various metals, e.g., Al, cd, Ti, and Zn. The energy loss functions -Ime and -Im(€ + 1)* for volume and surface plasmons, respectively, were calcula ted from the opticai constants n and k determined from reflectivity measurements and compared with the results obtained by Robins and Powell from energy loss experiments. Unambiguous identification of the plasma losses is made possible by a know- ledge of the optical constants since these losses arise at frequencies where peaks are found in the energy loss functions due to e, being small and €, = 0 or -1, whereas other losses due to one-electron (or interband) transi- tions are characterized by relative maxima in eg. Studies of photon emission from electron-bombarded thin films give information not only on the volume plasma frequency, but also on lifetimes of the plasma oscillations due to radiation and to electronic damping. *Research sponsored by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. **AEC Health Physics Fellow, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, ORNI -AIC - OFFICIAL guppy spoony 1. Introduction toiminta Since the first observation by Rudberg RUDBERG (1930) that electron energy losses occur in discrete amounts when an electron penetrates a solid, numerous investigations PINES (1963) have been made of the energy Num Tosses of electrons which have backscattered from thick targets or which have penetrated thin solid films. The results of these investigations were very often contradictory. This was due primarily to the lack of accuracy and resolution in the measurements because of the necessity of using high energy electrons to measure discrete losses in order of a few tens of volts. The identification of these losses as due to surface plasmons, volume plasmons, or interband transitions was also uncertain as it was made simply upon the basis of whether the losses matched the free electron volume plasma frequency '. ... -, . .. or the surface plasma frequency .. :: : W3 =W,(2)* An alternative method of measuring the characteristic energy losses was A . suggested by Ferrell FERRELL (1958). He predicted the eraission of mono- I UKAT . i, chromatic radiation at the plasma frequency due to the decay of plasma oscillations. Since the detection of this radiation would be a direct measure S. of the energy loss, the optical method would provide a much more accurate . ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL L LAI- - : 1. 1 . ., M AV LITE 1 S We : In addition to the above measurement, if one determines the dielectric constants of the solid by optical methods, unambiguous identifi- cation of the energy losses is made possible. for several metals and the interpretation of the losses by the use of optical data. 2. Experiment The investigation of light emitted by electron-bombarded thin foils has been described in detail elsewhere ARAKAWA et al. (1964). In brief, thin, vacuum-evapora ted foils of the metal to be investigated are bombarded by 25- to 100-keV electrons. The optical emission which results from these electron interactions is analyzed with a vacuum uv spectrometer, which can be rotated about the foil to study the angular and spectral distri- butions of emitted photons. The optical constants, n and k, of vacuum evaporated films of cd, Tl, and Zn were determined from reflectance measurements of light incident at 20°, 45°, and 70° from the foil normal HUEBNER et al. (1964). The dielectric constants e, and e, were then calculated from the optical constants, and the energy loss functions, -Imand -Im-t i for volume and surface plasmons RITCHIE (1957), respectively, were determined. (The € + 1 essential features of the surface loss function are given by the -Im- 6 + 1 ORN! - AEC - OFFICIAL part of the exact form im + 11 ) derived by Ritchie. ) . he 1 L . 3. Comparison of Results Typical results obtained by the optical methods are shown in figs. 1 and 2 for Ca and Zn, respectively. The energy loss functions for surface and volume plasmons, -Im -Im respectively, calculated from the experimentally determined dielectric constants and the intensity of photon emission from electron-bombarded thin foils have been plotted : E + 1 vs. photon energy. The opticai emission spectra have been corrected for the spectrometer response and an assumed uniform fluorescent quantum efficiency of sodium salicylate WATANABE and INN (1953). The corresponding energy loss spectra obtained from electron beam experiments by Powell POWELL (1960) for Cd and Robins ROBINS (1961) for Zn are plotted on the . . . ...... same energy scale. The breadth of the electron energy losses results from an . . . instrumental resolution of about 2. 0 eV, whereas a separation of 0.22 eV can . . . . be detected at 1500 Å by the optical method. Hence, the optical method not . . . . only provides detail that cannot be obtained from electron energy loss spectra .. . . but also makes possible a study of the inherent line widths. ... it an inte noen ... - - linin say that The strong losses at 7.5 and 8. 6 eV in Cd and Zn, respectively have been interpreted as surface plasma losses frorr. electron beam studies. An inspection of figs. 1 and 2 shows that for both Cd and Zn, the peaks in the surface and volume plasma loss spectra -Im-1 Im are close : together. Thus, it appears that with the resolution available in the electron were the most welchiorr a + 1 N2 energy loss experiments, it was not possible to separate these two losses and ri . * PM . . Aham that the peaks observed are the sums of both surface and volume losses. The optical emission spectrum of cd confirms the results of the reflectivity data. YA S viai. t ORNI - AEC - OMSICIAL TI . . . ... were more !. Ostatnia' .. ****** maging ...... ORNL DWG. 65-4229 : :. * Fig. 1. Comparison of surface and volume plasma loss functions for Cd with: . .:: experimental electron energy loss and optical emission spectra. . •! . ..---........... ::'::.:: ..: :. *• . s o :: .. ... kan Emission POWELL 1 1+ 2 .evitari . en viim. . : ;: .. . i-.02.-12... EL-W.. - ...::: -. Tpun.... ..:::. ;:.....: erini Ime ... . .: i. 15 .. . hely Ahli keluar dalam buvimilislikes 10 PHOTON ENERGY (V) . 2 ORNI - ORNARE '. O ANTE COPIILISIA 11.12 17 ...4 EL . . 17 T! BLANK PAGE Visiin .. uz Fig. 2. Comparison of surface and volume plasma loss functions for Zn with ... experimental electron energy loss and optical er.ission spectra. . ... .... :: . . . . . . . ROBIN'S ..::.. .. and Imet . . is. .. orner........one ........ : :.... ..zoodwo- Im :) :.. .. . . Umorile vive features . 10 . 15 PHOTON ENERGY (EV). SNEEC CAFFESMAL. 7 - : . ' ' . ..! Yht" 1:21 loss function. No emission was seen corresponding to the peak in the surface plasma loss function at 6.5 eV in agreement with theory. Ferrell FERRELL (1958) has shown that the phase velocity of surface plasmons generated in a planar foil does not become large enough to permit coupling with the trans- .. verse electromagnetic field. Radiation from surface plasmons is possible through the intermediary of electron-hole excitation in the metal. However, since this is a secadorder process, its probability is very small compared . with the probability of radiation from volume plasmons. (Recent experimental data indicate that radiation may occur from surface plasmons created in non-planar foils bombarded by electrons at grazing incidence VON BLANCKEN- HAGEN et al. (1964). The mechanism for this process is not clear at presented} However, it appears that the emission peak observed at 8.6 eV corresponds to the peak in the energy loss function at 9. 8 eV for volume plasmons. The energy loss functions for surface and volume plasmons for ti are shown in fig. 3 along with the electron energy loss spectrum obtained by Robins ROBINS (1963). Again, it appears that the resolution of the electron energy loss experiment is insufficient to separate the two losses. This loss, ascribed to volume plasmons by Robins, appears to be the combination of both surface and volume plasma losses. No optical emission data have yet been obtained from Ti. ORNL - AIC - OKSICIAL MY Fig. 3. Comparison of surface and volume plasma loss functions of Tl with ... . i TI. * ..... experimental electron energy loss spectrum of Robins. . ..... : :. . .... -ROBINS ...... ........ . . :: iH . :.: : .... . .. Itzuz puso 0 . . ::. . ..' .: ......:. ... :::. ...... .. .. . .. at isa .... . -: . ...... * : . ::. . . . : ....... . ..... ... .. ..... ***.... ON EN y (ev) : ORAIŽTES ÕPresivni - --- 4. Optical Emission In the previous discussions, a tacit assumption has been mads of a one to one correspondence between the energy loss functions and the optical emission spectra. This is approximately correct because the electron energy absorption is proportional to .cz/lel and the emission spectrum is proportional to for thin foils. Since prominent electron absorption peaks occur at those energies for which both e, and e, are small, a peak in the loss function will also give a peak in . However, the conditions for which the approximate relationship above is valid require that the foil thickness used in the optical emission experiment be very small. For the semi-infinite foil, the generalized transition radiation theory shows a strong dependence of the energy of peak emission upon angle of observation RITCHIE and ELDRIDGE P (1962). Photons originating in the foil interior will be absorbed for ww, photons striking the surface at angle e' with respect to the foil normal will undergo refraction at the interface and will be bent toward the normal. The exit angle e is related to e' by Snell's law e2 sin O' = sin e. Setting o'= 1/2 (the maximum angle of photons in the interior) and 8 = 1-W5/w?, Snell's law reduces to w = w/cos & Thus, for a given frequency w >wn, there is a value of e beyond which photons originating inside p the foil will not be observed. In the transition radiation theory, the maximum in the photon intensity distribution should occur at w=w /cos e. Typical recorder traces of the optical emission from an electron- bombarded A1 foil 320 Å in thickness at angles of observation from 130° to 175° NT 1 2 ... . ..-= • from the foil normal are shown in fig. 4. The shift in the wavelength at which the peak in the optical emission occurs is shown in fig. 5. The peak wavelength varies from 760 Å (16.3 eV) át 140° to 830 Å (14. 9 eV) at 170º. As discussed above, the plasma wavelength 4, is determined from an extrapolation of the curve of fig. 5 to 0 = 0°, and gives 1. = 832 Å, or 14.9 ev. . . . . . . P The breadth of the emission peaks and the dependence of the intensity on angle of observation shown in fig. 4 are in qualitative agreement with Ferrell's descriptions. As @ is allowed to decrease toward 90°, the decay rate due to radiation rises to excessive values, corresponding to a drastic broadening of the plasmon energy. On the other hand, as e increases toward 180°, the breadth of the emission peak decreases (fig. 6). Eventually, the radiative decay rate decreases and becomes less than the damping rate due to interband transitions, and the photon emission decreases. Ferrell suggested that it should be possible to derive the intrinsic interband damping rate of the metal from the characteristic angular dependence of both the photon intensity and line breadth. The breadth of the emission lines is determined by the total decay rate given by where is the decay rate due to radiation and Ta is the damping rate due to interband transitions. At 2 - 0 or 180°, 7" - 0, and therefore an extrapo- lation of the half-width curve of fig. 6 to 8 = 0 or 180° will give the electronic damping rate separately.' A value of 52 A is found for the half-width, which corresponds to an electronic damping rate T, of . 71 x 10^5 sec. This value agrees well with the results of Hunter HUNTER (1964); who found that the ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL - . annor - .. -.. .. . . . ..... .. . . .. ..... : . .... : i re or the now.ca Fig. 4. Recorder traces of photon emission spectra from an electron-bombarded :: Al foil 320 Å thick at various angles of observation. (Electron beam 12780 kev, 6. 2ua) . . ... ReV .:/ .. *3:; pr.:11:9 . . . : o :.: PROTOWOLTIPLIER CURRENT (107" AMP) . .. . . . 97 As in, WAVELENGTH (1008) : . eri.... - 1131718951157 S. . i. ; . ..". . . ORNL. DWG. 65-2944 R _ . 1.0 840100 :'': O 0-40°. • 140-180° ::i: . . . . 1'. : oë 8206 og . . . . . WAVELENGTH (Å) :- g . : : 7604 :749010 20 30 40 .. :: ANGLE FROM FOIL NORMAL (DEGREES) ONTVID UPG 335-1 . . '.. : 1 1. + 1 -. ... • . . ... ... . . . . .. i . .. w 203040 140 150 ANGLE OF OBSERVATION (DEGREES) 160 ; 170. - - - - - .. ORN! - AEC - OFFICIAL .. best fit by the Drude theory to his optical constant data for wavelengths less than 800 Å was obtained when 1. was chosen to be 837 Å and Tg was: 0.6 x 10-45 to .7 x 10-15 sec. However, he found that this value did not agree with the value of T, of 1. 1x 10 sec required to fit the data for - 15 2000 Å to 6000 Å. The data in fig. 6 show that at 0 = 30° or 150°, M is approximately 100 Å, i.e., that the radia tive lifetime T is equal to the decay rate due to electronic damping at these angles. The angular distribution of the photon intensity at the wavelength of peak emission is shown in fig. 7. Also shown in the figure are curves calculated from the transition radiation equation using the dielectric constants of a free electron gas with 1 set at 835 Å and 1, varied from .44 x 10^" to 1.47 x 10° sec. The determination of the value of 1, from fig. 7 is not quite as clear as the value derived above from the line width. The best fit to the shape of the experimental angular distribution curve of photon intensity is obtained for T, = .44 x 10 sec, and the best fit to the absolute intensity is for T, = .88 x 10 sec. The average of these two values is .66 x 10"" sec, again in good agreement with the values determined earlier. :) 5. Dielectric Constants Both Cd and Zn are similar in electronic properties. Both have two s electrons in the valence band with the closest bands being d bands at approximately 10.5 eV. The next lowest bands are at 70-90 eV. Therefore, in the region from 5 to 25 eV, there should only be the single interband contribution at approximately 10.5 eV. If we write the dielectric constants ORNI – AEC - OFFICIAL ...................... -- TE : FT : .' ' -' .--, - . -. ... - - - . .. - ORNL-DWG. 65-8109. . "!!!. .. . ... T=147 X 2 - : .88x105 :: PRO 24 . ' . :: , . /:::::: :: PHOTON INTENSITY (PHOTONS ELECTRON"STERADT cm) :: 9.44 x . . . . - - - - - 1 . .. a .. .. .. . ... .. : · iubesi - .:.:.. S . :. .. . . . .. .. . .. . . - .. 170 10. 20. 30 · 40" 140 150 160 .." ANGLE OF OBSERVATION (DEGREES) . . . . . . . . - ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL - . . . .. .. . .... . --- -- .* 16 ; of these metals in the form ... 2 , www + igj + 8 w (w - ia) w(W² + a² +8 where a is the damping constant and 6 is the contribution of bound electron, the real part of the dielectri: constant is &j=1+81027 ? In the region 5 to 25 eV, where a 2 is small compared to wa, we may plot ur Vo €,w vs. w' as shown in figs. 8 and 9. For both Cd and Zn, a straight line is obtained in certain regions of the spectra whose slope is nearly one, i. e., (1 + 8,)=1 or the bound electron contribution is nearly zero. The bound electron contribution was calculated from the relation € = 1+ 0 where E has the values 74 and 100 eV as determined from the y intercept of curves (a) in figs. 8 and 9. The large peaks in 8, agree well with the soft x-ray levels at 10.4 eV and 11. 0 eV labeled N, and N, in Cd and with the un- . resolved Ma s level at 10.6 eV in Zn SANDSTRÖM (1957). The dielectric constants of T1 are shown in fig. 10. The TI data do not follow the same form as the Cd and Zn data, presumably due to. the fact that there is a p electron in addition to the two s electrons in its ... Cd 87€,). Tarot .. :.:. . .or :: ... i. : . . :: . amit 1 mom ..... e . . .. F1 .:. . . . . nto interesele mai mare dedication . . . . ** .: ::::: i : . : :. .. Fig.. 8. Graphical evaluation of the equat ... optical constants of Cd. the equation o,=[1+%1015EPE for the E (EV)? ORANLAZE SPINCEAR! - -,. .. .. . ......... . . 1.Gpsicomarca ų Zri ...ion ...... .. ...... :.:.:.:•:•:...... :;:-.-..:.:.::.::. ..::..::* . : .:. .:.:.: . . . . . :..:. :::80*:*.. ::: . ... , i. . : .. . ::::::. . . . ! ... . "" . i . .. .. .. . . .. . . L :... :.* **. . . : -- ... . . . .. .. Fig. 9. Graphical evaluation of the equation ei of the equation géº = (1 +31%)]E? - E for ti optical constants of Zn. ., for the . . . 007. 3.. -00€ NOBRES RECISIObsiciat; 362 . YA BLANK PAGE • . .. .. :: : . ::: .... : . . .. . .. . : :: : : ... : 1 - 1. 다 ​. . ••• . . . . . | . .. 1 . . . . " . - : :: : : . . . . . . . . … Fig. 10. Dielectric constants of Ti vs. photon ene ... : . . ~4.. . .24 . PHOTON ENERGY (ev) oak sopleidae - - Sai at as an Aaar 1. i is -- : 20 valence band which permit additional lower y transitions. The curves with E = 10, 11, and 12 eV are plotted in the figure and show that En əll eV matches the low energy, free electron part of e, best. A bound P electron contribution appears at 12.2 eV but this value does not agree too well with the value determined from soft x-ray spectroscopy for the ons transition at 16 eV. 6. Conclusions The dielectric constants of cd, Zn, and TI determined by optical methods revealed that the volume plasma losses for charged particles should occur at 8.5-, 9. 8-, and 10.2-eV and the surface plasma losses at 6.57, :7.1-, and 8. 9-eV, respectively. Since the surface and volume plasmons are not very widely separated in energy, it was not possible for these losses to be detected separately with the resolution available in the conventional electron energy loss experiments. The losses observed by Robins and Powell at 7.8-, 8. 6-, and 9. 6-eV in Cd, Zn, and Ti, respectively, appear to have been due to the unresolved surface and volume plasmons. Interband transitions are also evident from the dielectric constant at around 10.5 eV in Cd and Zn corresponding to the N,, N, and M, levels calculated by Sandström from soft x-ray data. . -- 11. : The angular distribution of photon intensity and line breadth frrm electron-bombarded Al foils yielded information on the lifetimes due to i . ... 1 ... ....... 21 radiation and to electronic damping in addition to the value of 14. 9 eV for the volume plasma energy. Finally, it should be pointed out that optical studies give information only for processes with small momentum transfer. There- foxe, dispersion studies still require the large momentum transfer of electron beam experiments. 7. Acknowledgements We wish to thank R. D. Birkhoff and R. H. Ritchie for : numerous discussions and suggestions in the preparation of this paper. . in .. .. .... - . " . ORNI ~ AEC - OFFICIAL -- 22 -. References . Arakawa, E. T., N. O. Davis, L. C. Emerson, and R. D. Birkhoff, 1964,.. J. Phys. Radium 25, 129. Ferrell, R. A., 1958, Phys. Rev. 111, 1214. Huebner, R. H., E. T. Arakawa, R. A. MacRae, and R. N. Hamm, 1964,... J. Opt. Soc. Am. 54, 1434. Hunter, W. R., 1964, J. Phys. Radium 25, 154. Pines, D., 1963, Elementary Excitations in Solids (W. A. Benjamin, Inc., . ' New York). Powell, C. J., 1960, Proc. Phys. Soc. (London) A76, 593. Ritchie, R. H., 1957, Phys. Rev. 106, 874. Ritchie, R. H. and H. B. Eldridge, 1962, Phys. Rev. 126, 1935. Robins, J. L., 1961, Proc. Phys. Soc. (London) A78, 1177. Robins, J. L., 1963, Proc. Phys. Soc. (London) A79, 119. Rudberg, E., 1930, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London) A127, 111. Sandström, A. E., 1957, Handbuch der Physik (Springer-Verlag, Berlin) p. 226. Von Blanckenhagen, P., H. Boersch, D: Fritsche, H. G. Seifert, and G. Sauerbrey, 1964, Phys. Rev. Letters 11, 296. :: : ::: Watanabe, H., and E. C. Y. Inn, 1953, J. Opt. Soc. Am. 43, 32. ... :.. ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL .- . VA . 23 : Figure Captions Fig. 1. Comparison of surface and volume plasma loss functions for ca with experimental electron energy loss and optical emission spectra. Fig. 2. Comparison of surface and volume plasma loss functions for Zn with experimental electron energy loss and optical emission spectra. Fig. 3. Comparison of surface and volume plasma loss furictions of T1 with experimental electron energy loss spectrum of Robins. . 4. Recorder traces of photon emission spectra from an electron- . bombarded Al foil 320 Å thick at various angles of observations: (Electron beam 80 keV, 6.2 MA) Fig. 5. Wavelength of emission peak from Al vs. angle of observation. . Fig. 6. Line width of Al emission vs. angle of observation. Fig. 7. Photon intensity at wavelength of peak emission vs. angle of observation. Fig. 8. Graphical evaluation of the equation 6, E’ = [1 + 8% (62)]E? - E, for the optical constants of Cd. Fig. 9. Graphical evaluation of the equation e, E? = [1 +63(87) DEC - E,- for the optical constants of Zn. Fig. 10. Dielectric constants of Ti vs. photon energy. : ya N . EN ti * CS 4 O R X .-..- ',' * 1. R 72 LL • 11/ 4 / 65 DATE FILMED END mw .. . L - S -._* 2 *** - I Shr - - - --