I OFL ORNLP 1619 - f - - - EFE EEEFEEEE MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS - 1963 . i. . . . 5 3 1 . . . . . . . ORNLt.1619 Con7-650922-9 Paper to be published in the Proceedings of the Magnet Technology Symposium, Stanford University, Sept. 8-10, 1965 OCT 6 1965 SECTOR MAGNETS FOR A SEPARATED ORBIT CYCLOTRON* R. S. Lord and E. D. Hudson Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee : 24 Summary .7 .2 placed in a deflection sector at the appropriate radius for the desired energy. An SOC can be made to accelerate deuterons and alpha parti- cles in addition to protons by adding trimming coils to the pole tips. To so adapt a 50-MeV proton SOC, the trimming coils should reduce the field only about 5% at the maximum radius, The Separated Orbit Cyclotron (SOC) consists of individual sector magnets placed alternately with rf cavities in a circular arrangement. In each magnet sector the beam is bent and focused by alternating gradient fields; ten to twenty pairs of pole tips, depending on design, are mounted on a common yoke and driven by a common coil pair. A variable reluctance device under each pole can be used to adjust the field to the desired value, Model studies have been made, and a 50- ton prototype sector magnet for a 50-MeV SOC is being fabricated for further study. The 10-50 MeV SOC 4 Introduction The Separated Orbit Cyclotron (SOC) is an accelerator having the unique capabilities of high beam current, variable energy, CW oper- ation, and essentially 100% beam extraction. The SOC concept was first proposed by F.M. Russell' of the Rutherford High Energy Laboratory, England, while he was spending a year at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Further details of machine design are now being studied at Oak Ridge, 2, 3, 4, 5, Rutherford, and Chalk River Nuclear Laboratory ir Canada. Both Oak Ridge and Chalk River are uiming toward building an 800-to 1000-MeV SOC with a proton beam current up to 75 mA for the production of an intense neutron flux. The beam power in such a machine would be 60 MW, or more, and the thermal neytron beam from the target would exceed 1010/cms-sec, a factor of ~10 higher than any existing reactor. The emphasis of the present study is on the first stage SOC, for accelerating protons from 10 MeV to 50 MeV. This accelerator could be built as a pilot model for the higher energy stages; also, the high beam current would give it unique capabilities for nuclear research up to: 50 MeV. A model of a single sector of this first stage is shown in Fig. 2. There would be twelve sector magnets like the one shown; each contains 50 tons of steel, 3000 lbs of copper, and oper- ates at 70 kW. The pole tips for eleven orbits are mounted on a common yoke and driven by a common pair of coils around each sector. This type of construction is more economical than individual magnets, especially for the closely spaced orbits found in the higher energy stages. The poles have the "doubleth configuration, that is, there is a section of field with a positive gradient immediately adjacent to a section of field with a negative gradient for each pole pair on any sector. . . . . . General Arrangement . ! The SOC consists of individual sector niagnets placed alternately with evacuated rf accelerating cavities in a circular arrangement, as shown in Fig. 1. The beam is bent and focused in each sector by alternating gradient fields shaped by several pairs of pole tips. The maximum di. ameter of the machine and the energy gain per revolution, and hence the turn separation, are chosen so that there is sufficient space for separate sets of pole tips for guiding each indi. vidual orbit. That is, the well defined beam passes between any given pole pair only once as it spirals outward from the injection radius to the extraction radius. A final energy of 800 MeV will require several stages, perhaps three SOC stages connected in series with a linear acceler- ator injector stage. Variable energy is obtain- ed by extracting the beam with a 90° magnet The radial gradient of the field in a 50-MeV SOC will range from 1 to 2 KG/ in. and will be constant for a given pair of poles. The beam will be confined to a region 1 1/2 in. axially and 2 to 3 in. radially (see Fig. 3). The orbit spacing for this stage will vary from 20 in. at minimum radius to 10 in, at maximum radius. In the higher energy stages the spacing may be as small as 5 in, and the gradient as large as 3.5 kG/ in. For simplicity of construction the average field under a pole will be 7 KG for all stages. The correct integrated field around each orbit is obtained by choosing the proper length of pole tip along the beam path. For constant gradient the profile of a pole is a rectangular hyperbola in the region of useful field (see Fig. 3). A bar of iron, or neutral pole, placed on the low field side of the gap widens the useful region of the field, as shown in Fig. 4. The geometry of the narrow gap side of the poles could also be altered to extend the constant gradient region. Magnetic Circuit The flux path length in the yoke is longest for poles located near the center of the yoke, thus the average field under the poles shows a variation with radius, see Fig. 5. To make the . AR ar " . ... . . . EL i * - A *Research sponsored by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with Union Carbide Corporation. . 1 , RELEASED TOR WYOUNCTMENT IN NUCLEAR SCIENCE ABSTRACTS . . - - . : -*. - : - 72 . , :** VIKTYR Nhid.. + 79 7 4-7 . FW H L VMVA ..., .. .- -. . --.--.-.- . -. - .-. field under all poles the same, the higher fields are reduced to the value of the lowest field by de coupling the poles from the yoke by the appropri- i ate amount. In the simplest case this can be done by interposing a gap between the root of the pole 1. References F. M. Russell, Nucl. Inst, and Meth. 23 229-230 (1963). E, D. Hudson, R. S. Lord, and R. E. Worsham, IEEE Trans, on Nucl. Science NS-12 No. 3, 489-493 (1965). R. S. Lord and E. D. Hudson, IEEE Trans. on Nucl. Science NS-12 No. 3, 373-376 (1965). R. E. Worsham, IEEE Trans. on Nucl. Science NS-12 No. 3, 644-647 (1965). N. F. Ziegler, IEEE Trans. on Nucl. Science NS-12 No. 3, 128-132 (1965). Nucleonics 22 , 22-23 (December 1964). 6. average field between the poles of a 1/8 scale model is also shown in Fig. 5. More complex in construction but easier to adjust is the system shown in Fig. 6. When the two iron plates are aligned in the field, the coupling between the yoke and the pole is maximum, and when they are displaced from each other the coupling, and hence the gap field, is at a minimum. The effect of the coupling device is shown in Fig. 7. Fabrication and Tolerances The poles will be attached to the upper and lower yokes by clamps that ride in T-slots, as shown in Fig. 8. At each of the two T-slots there is a raised rail, 0.020 in. high, which forms the pole-mounting surface. It is this surface that determines the spacing of the magnet poles. The magnet will require fairly tight tolerances because small errors in magnetic field can make a fairly large difference in the space required for the beam. The pole mounting sur- faces will be flat to within 0.002 inch, and the gap tolerance between pole mounting surfaces will be £0.002 inch. The method of machining the pole tips is as yet undecided. It will depend on the balance of cost against tolerance that can be achieved. Possible methods include numeri. cally controlled machining with either a ball end mill or a cylindrical cutter or grinding wheel, cutting with a template follower, or milling with a cutter having the shape of the pole. The water-cooled main coils will be wound from hollow rectangular copper conductor. There is a potential radiation damage hazard to the insulation of both the main coils and trimming coils if even a very small fraction of the beam is lost within the machine. To insure against this hazard only highly radiation resistant materials will be used in the coil construction. These include the inorganic materials such as glass, asbestos, ceramics bonded with silicone resins, and/ or epoxies. A full-scale prototype sector magnet for a 10-50 MeV SOC is being fabricated. It will be used to study the details of the interrelationships between aperture, gradient, mean field level, and element separation. Other magnet problems to be investigated are tolerances on positioning the various elements, alignment and adjustment methods, and end effects, including effects at the transition between positive and negative gradients. The 350-800 MeV stage will require 24 sector magnets each weighing 180 tons. It is hoped that many of the design problems for this 800-MeV stage can be solved with the 50-ton, 50-MeV prototype magnet. 11 ws Khi . . . - .. . wie t. *: 1-311 tr . hi . . . * fr:11 STYL PENY! ..,- ' ! . 1 . .. ...:: :. 1, - . *. * : ?' " .. * T* . - -*. . .* t1 . . ! FT ! ! 15 4 MAY : 1 ..4; . . 1. 1 ... - . . ! ! .! Y . . .. . - - . . ... . .. .. .. . . . . . . . V? FH N 7 mena , Vri.ip-HITE i * . L' e YYYmpi . 10-50 MeV SOC 12 SECTOR 75 mA * ICET * Fig. 1 Model of the 10-50 MeV SOC showing magnet sectors alternating with accelerating cavities. The beam is extracted at various energies with a moveable 90° magnet, which requires the omission of one cavity. *. . * LOW . . :.. . • T 2 MY - . TC . - , -, I . :..*... . .: . 7.- . " * ", ** 10-50 MeV SOC 12 SECTOR 14 MA I Wizy ". ..! ! .. . . Fig. 2 Model of a single sector of the 10-50 MOV SOC. In the magnet sector the beam is confined to the evacuated boam tubes between the pole tips, * :: . VERNET CIR . .. ?! ORNL-DWG 65-8727 -FIELD-COUPLING SHIMS POLE TIP -NEUTRAL POLE h Wh . BEAM. PIPE More . OR S...-..:. .. . * -TRIMMING COIL - YOKE TI - 012345 INCHES . Fig. 3 Cross section of a portion of a SOC magnct showing some details of the pole tip construction, ORNL-DWG 65-8357 TTC BEAM APERTURE WITHOUT NEUTRAL POLE POLE TIP C . NEUTRAL POLE- n * BEAM APERTURE WITH NEUTRAL POLE ♡ A . 2.9-in. USEFUL FIELD WITH NEUTRAL POLE O CER IES MAGNETIC FIELD (KG) WITHOUT NEUTRAL POLE H EN ' o 1.7-in. USEFUL FIELD WITHOUT NEUTRAL POLE i t dur. +_ . " - WITH NEUTRAL POLE . . N ... - In O 1 2 3 4 5 6 inches Fig. 4 Field and beam aperture, with and without the noutral pole. ". . . " f. '' 1' -. . .' " '' - - ORNL-DVIG 65-5725 WITHOUT GAP Looooo MAGNETIC FIELD (KG) Sot WITH GAP POLE BASE GAP (in.) 100 125 150 175 200 225 RADIUS (in.) 250 275 300 i Fig. 5 Magnetic field in the beam aperture (1/8 scale model), with and without a corrective gap between the base of the poles and the yoke. ORNL-DWG 65-8356 WWW UPPER YOKE UPPER YOKE ܥܥܥܠܠܠܠܠܠܠܥܕ POLE POLE GAP - ---- GAP mam POLE POLE -FIELD- COUPLING SHIMS LOWER YOKE OWER YOKE MINIMUM COUPLING MAXIMUM COUPLING Fig. 6 Field coupling shimo adjusted for minimum and maximum coupling. 1 .- I ... . . ! : FETY. IT! 29* . . TUT 3. .." ST t Di l . "! he W a T . .. .. LKiirit V- toid H* **14* ORNL-DWG 65-5837 GAP FIELD (KG) A4 6.6 . 0 100 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 PERCENT OF POLE BASE GAP FILLED WITH IRON .HU GW; WALIMU TLV The area of polebase gap filled with iron Fig. 7 Gap ficld as a function of the adjustment of the field coupling shim. includes the area of the non-moveable side rails. ORNL-DWG 65-5916 , i 2 - . T. FIELD-COUPLING SHIMS a . POLE TIP nine i we TRIMMING fem . . COILS . . . dewind me that fa in entation Sem To.. YOKE TAT NEUTRAL POLE . C 1. . Fig. 8 A pole assomhly mounted on the yoke, tt i fr y ? - tit .. . EN A WE 14, Pi ren 22 SGVETYRTE 2 . W KORTTI 2 2 . Se .. ! RSS * END . 17 PEL S.MP3 er de "! NO: BY AT * What RE .. D & SO DATE FILMED 1029/65 PI . 1 W . a .