c . . . .. P I OFL. ORNL P. 1678 . .. in E EREFEFEE 3.6 4.0 19 III 11:25 11.4 11.6 I . D MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS - 1963 . .. - I. ... ......... . ... .. .... ........ .. . .. . ORNA-1678 CONF-6509 46-3 L MASTER NOV 8: AN ACOUSTIC INSTRUMENT FOR VASURIG SUBCOCLING IN BOILING SYSTEMS H. Kariluke, R. P. Wichner, and H. W. Hoffman Reactor Division LEGAL NOTICE This report mo prepared u an account of Government sponsored work. Naithor the United ! States, aor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representation, exprossed or implied, with respect to the accu- racy, completoncas, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the uso of any information, apparatus, method, or procoso disclosed in this report may not infringo privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the ute of any information, apparatus, mothod, or proceus disclosed in this report. As used to the above, "person acting on behalf of the Commission" includes any om- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or omployee of such contractor, to the extent that much employee or contractor of the Commission, or employoe of such contractor properos, i disseminates, or provides access ts, any Information pursuant to be employment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. For presentation at the Fourth High-Temperature Liquid-Metal Heat Transfer Technology Conference to be held September 28-29, 1965, at Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois. RM BASKD POR ANNOUNCEMBET IN NUCIKAR SCLLICE ABSTRACTS . ' OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Oak Ridge, Tennessee Operated by UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION for wie U. S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION . . ... 5 . I I , **.. . .. . . . ::-- - - - - - - - + . . . - - - ... : AN ACOUSTIC INSTPUMENT FOR MEASURING SUBCOOLING IN BOILING SYSTEMS: H. Kartluke R. P. Wichner, and H. W. Hoffman Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee ABSTRACT An acoustic instrument capable of indicating the degree of under- saturation in a known fluid at unknown local temperature and pressure conditions is described. This incipient-boiling detector (developed by Aeroprojects Incorporated) has been tested with water and shown to be effective as a means for monitoring the Ilow in pressurized water reactors where boiling is undesirable ana dangerous. The current study is directed to evaluating this device for possible similar appli- cation in liquiä-metal cooled Tast reactors. Preliminary tests in liquid potassium are discussed. The results were inconclusive; further, experiments with a higher power oscillator are planned. "Research sponsored by the v. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with Aeroprojects Incorporated and the Union Carbide Corporation. Project Engineer, Aeroporjects Incorporated, West Chester, Pennsyl- vania. " "" - "*. .,WY?-+*-* **** * ?! INTRODUCTION Aeroprojects Incorporated has been studyins, under a cortract with the U. S. dtomic Energy Commission, an acoustic instrument (named an incipient- boiling detector) capable of inäicating the degree of undersaturation in a known fluid without knowledge of existing local teraperature and pressure con- . ditions. This is accomplished by producing cavitation at the face of a small probe immersed in the fluid and relating the power required to effect this cavitation to the difference between ambient pressure-temperature conditions and those necessary for boiling. Further, the instrument can be sealed into a system through a force-insensitive mount developed by Aeroprojects which minimizes losses in the energy transferred to the probe and; hence,' allows the ultrasonic generator to be located in a rooni-temperature region far I'rom a hot system. Thus, the incipient-boiling detector enables monitoring of liquid-cooled channels in nuclear reactors where bçiling is undesirable or dangerous. De Prisco et al.1 described the incipient-boiling detector in 1962 and gave preliminary results with water at several pressure levels; interest at that time centered on pressurized water reactors. Recently, application to alkali metal cooled fast reactors was suggested. Because Aeroprojects has no liquid-metal facilities, the Engineering Development Branch of the Division of Reactor Development and Technology, U. S. Atomic Energy Commission, has requested that the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, test this instrument in an alkali liquid-metal environment.. APPARATUS A bench setup for testing the incipient-boiling detector with atmospheric water is shown in Fig. 1. A magnetostrictive transducer driven by an ultra- sonic, generator causes mechanical vibration in the coupler rod on which it is mounted. This vibratory motion is transmitted to a small probe (reed) immersed in a water pool through a pair of force-insensitive mounts. A piezoelectric sensing element is fastened to the coupler rod at a nodal point; the output signal is read on an oscillcscope. Further details of this device and the T .T 10! ALSIAI CHIN 1 N . . . . .. . . . . P - - ... m ore.. . .... . . .. . . ... . . theoli arr. -------- | Trace Clear No Cavitation 50-kcps Driver: Coco.moscope 'Poak Volcmeter. Laboratory Stand :: and Clamps Fig. 1. Bench Setup for Incipient-Boiling Tests with Atmospheric Water. $ Warning 11 13. Trace Shoring CavitaciorNoise Filter associatea electronic system can be found in Rei. I. When cavitation occurs in the liquid, a noise signal is superimpcsed on the normal trace of the sensor output; this condition is illustrated in the upper portion of Fig. 1. The peak voltace and the power to the transducer are also recorded at the caviüavion threshold. The sensitivity appears high, . and small changes in the power input are sufficient to cause the appearance or disappearance of the "hash" observed on the oscilloscope screen. Tests with liquid potassium were conducted in a 2-in.-diam, type 347 stainless steel, pool-boiling capsule. Auxiliary instrumentation included a calibrateå Bourdon gage for pressure measurement and liquid and vapor region thermocouples contained in thermowells penetrating the capsule from the top. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS Figure 2 shows typical results obtained by Aeroprojects during operation of the incipient-boiling detector with atmospheric water at known temperatures. - The scatter in the data has been ascribed by De Prisco as probably due to the randomness in the factors involved in cavitation rather than to any inability in detection. In particular, the performance of this instrument was best immediately after the water pool had been sparged with air and, hence, when cavitation nuclei were present in large numbers. Tests have also been made at overpressures up to 5.7 atm with similar results. Preliminary results with potassium are given in Fig. 3; the observed sys- tem pressure is plotted against the measured liquid temperature. For comparison, the saturation pressure corresponding to the liquid temperature is also shown; the helium overpressure was 0.4 psi. The sequence of the experiments was as follows: , 1. The test was initiated at a liquid temperature of 1198°F (superheat = 66°F); with the vibrator at the resonant frequency, the temperature was sys- tematically increased to 1265°F. The data taken during this sequence are in- dicated by the open circles with right-haná tabs. Occasional bumping was noted; the pressure surges accompanying these bumps (indicated by the vertical dashed TRA - . . 271 10 --- 28 .. . VATTS WATTS . 2.1 O - ..- 2,3 - --- .: o L -- Porer - Mais . oi : Peak Volts TTTT - : o ---- m . H12 . - .: oo 8 -- . 0 0 oooo: 1200 > 00 1 0.24 Olmaz 20 gb 200 do onzatilo, Fig. 2. Power and Peak Transducer Voltage at Carritaticii Threshold for. er at Atmospher.. re ana Var.:c:. lines) varied vetween 1.0 and 3.5 psi. Since the pressures were measured on a high-inertia Bourdon-tube gage, the peak pressure was probably much higher than the observed value. During this cycle, the occurrence of bubbles (noted both by the sound emitted from the system and by the pressure surges) was sensitively indicated by changes in the oscilloscope trace. 2. The vibrator was then turned oil, and the performance of the system was observed as the liquid temperature decreased from 1280°F down to w1100°F. (open triangles with left-hand tabs). Bumping was also noted during this period; however, the frequency may have been slightly less than found with the vibrator on. 3. At a liquid temperature of ~1100°F, the vibrator was again turned on and the temperature further decreased to ~050°F (open circles with left-hand tabs). Frequent, mila bumping (0.5 psi) was immediately observed. . 4. With the vibrator on, an increasing temperature sequence was again started (iilled circies with right-hand tabs). At liquid temperatures between 1060 and 1075°F, a period of steady boiling was o'oserved (half-filled circles with right-hand tabs). This condition was characterized by pressure fluctua- tions of barely discernable amplitude (<0.1 psi) and was clearly noted on the oscilloscope. 5. As the temperature was increased further, smooth boiling ceased; and at 1200 °F, bumping was again detected. The sequence was terminated at a liquid temperature of 1395 °F. DISCUSSION The data described in the above section were obtained in a first examina- tion or the performance of the Aeroproject incipient-boiling detector in an alkali liquid-metal environment; the results of the test were inconclusive. However, the maximum power capability of the oscillator driving the acoustic generator was only 8 watts and, perhaps, insufficient to effect cavitation in a liquid in which cavitation nuclei ere at best not plentiful. This study will be repeated shortly with a 100-waut oscillator. . 97 . . . . . . . ---. ... . .. **** **** ---- On the positive side, this instrument provides a sensitive means for detecting boiling in the liquid pool. The preseri discussion is intended only to generate an awareness of the incipient-boiling detector. A critical evaluation of its usefulness with the alkali liquid metals as a measure of the subcooling or as a means for reducing the superheat required for boiling must await further experiments. Other uses ~ 2.., as a phase regime indicator or a flow meter - suggest themselves and may be investigated. ACKNOWIEDGVENTS The ultrasonic vibrator and the associated generation and detection in- strumentation were provided by Aeroprojects Incorporated. REFERENCES 2: 4. *** C. F. De Prisco et al., "Ultrasonic Instrumentation in Nuclear Applications: I. Ultrasonic Detection of Incipient Boiling and Cavitation," USAEC Report NYO-10010, Areoprojects Incorporated; March 1962. . Po TEH END DATE FILMED 12/ 1 /65 . . : . 1 14 + . 21 ... 1.2 * - . . ti 1 . ... +1 VA S T .. E ". .. .- . 0 ir . . .. . MA + Ct ... ht .. ma ! T Home YN