I ! _ ..... I i TOFI ORNL P 1507 i . . .. . EEEEEEEE . || 1.25 1. 4L be MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS - 1963 I IT I JUAL --- ---- - ----- - -- " , amese son with another W. wing the ones a . . ., More on there is enor 1. $ . . . Thiruv IL t . LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representa- tion, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, appa- ratus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, "person acting on behalf of the Commission” includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employ- ment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. ***** IN - - - - - - - ! 7:1 ! - ? اRN "07-لر- ORNL - AIC - OFFICIAL SEP 1 6 1965 Summary for presentation at the 1965 Winter Meeting of the American Nuclear Society, Washington, D. C., November 15–18, 1965. Conf-65101-20 | MASTER W151310- Oromo IRRADIATION EVALUATION OF FUEL ELEMENTS FOR THE PBRE AND AVR REACTORS* J. L. Scott,** J. G. Morgan, † and V. Å, DeCarlotti Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee terme per formen . An extensive irradiation test program has been conducted at: ORNL to evaluate spherical fueled-graphite elements containing pyrolytic-carbon-coated Uca, (U, Th}C2, and (U,Th}O2 microspheres. Details of the capsule design have been discussed previously. 2,2 Both 3.8 and 6.0-cm-diam spheres were studied. The elements had either rachined-graphite shells, molded-unfueled shells, or no ... . . - - ... wa When the Condom, or w Bhayano or contra dung utaration mey, completas, ar dersen, mutta now meat termetten, wu to wood to the whore, pero no tenga h A. Make sure om o theatre, whether, Mr The report w magandu e Acond mong tattoo impetum a hen e n ten, s we noch employee or contracter of the Commissice, or ompleres of much contractor properse, tus doo wormation c , other too , a munosaba Gore - LEGAL NOTICE continetur. o t oyuducudacter, antud, on « presentadores de report og mange H o holood dorpetto miesten welde meg ogar omtract e for domego rudens trou the nd a lett mit repost to the root mport, at that the who tho Cuadrados.. the content that red with Netther to Duttod' ] .. shells. RELEASED FOX ANOŠICEENT IN HUCLEAT SCIENCE, ASST.ACT'S Design irradiation conditions for the 6.0-cm-diam spheres were surface temperature of 950°C and a heat generation rate of si 2 .. 2.2 kw per sphere. The smaller spheres operated at surface temperatures in the range 600 to 900°C with a heat generation rate of about 1 kw per sphere. In a number of instances heat ratings were exceeded by 50% without harm. Maximum Pission burnups of fuel in the individual coated particles were of the order of . 9 at. % total heavy metal for the large-diameter spheres and 27 at. % total heavy metal for the small-diameter spheres. Most of the elements experienced burnups of 20 to 40% of these maxima. . . A . . 1 0 - - "Research sponsored by the U. 3. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL . **Speaker, Metals and Ceramics Division. · tReactor Chemistry Division. ++Reactor Division. ORNI - AEC - OFFICIAL *** . :: .O ORNE - AEC - OFFICIAL ORNL-ACC - OFFICIAL ORNLÓ HEC-OKSICIAL Highlights of our results are as follows: 1. The irradiation stabilities of all three types of elements tested were good. 2. Duplex and triplex coatings on the fuel particles survived the maximum burnups achieved without failures. Laminar coatings showed no failures at 12 at. % total heavy metal Pission burnup . : but essentially 200% failures at 27 at. % burnup. 3. There was no significant difference between the performance of UC2, (U, Th)C2, or sol gel (U, Th)02 particles with a given type of coating. 4. Fission-gas-release rates from the fuel elements were in the range 10-6 to 5 x 10-4 of the amounts generated. These values were generally about an order of magnitude higher than from BE 1 : 1 ., . . . irradiation tests on loose coated particles of the same type. The higher release is attributed to uranium contamination or a few particles with coatings broken during fabrication. > 5. The amounts of solid fission products found outside the spheres were of the order of 3 x 10-5 or less. Cesium-137 was found to migrate out of the fuel elements to a greater extent than the other nuclides found. 6. The thermal conductivity of fueled graphite decreased with increasing temperatures from about 0.20 w cm-2 co-2 at an average fuel temperature of 1000°C to 0.125 w cm-2 °C~2 at 1350°C. . 7. Molded fueled graphite spheres were found to shrink at significantly higher rates than do those with fully graphitized type ATJ graphite unfueled shells. This is shown in Fig. 1. . . . . ... -- Sicily ... - -- . --- ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL ..... .ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL -..--- 1 CIAL C 8. For elements with machined graphite shells, differential shrinkage between the molded core and unfueled sheli occurred -W56 in some cases with the result that a gap formed causing an increase in the temperature of the fueled core, and a marked reduction in the crushing strength. References : 1: 'D. B. Trauger, Some Major Fuel-Irradiation Test Facilities of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, ORNL-3574 (April 1964). . 2. F. L. Carlsen, Jr., E. S. Bomar, and W..0. Harms, "Develop- ment of Fueled Graphite Containing Pyrolytic-Carbon-Coated Carbide Particles for Nonpurged, Gas-Cooled Reactor Systems," Nucl. Sci. Eng. 20, 180–200 (1964) . . . OFFICIAL - OFFICIAL ORN - ABC-OFFICIAL ORNL - 43.349,13v-ingo 0 Wirben Koy 2001; paourts Y WIIII:07 IV – IN80 SARQ LI UUUUUUUUUUNDIDIO UWOU M001010000000000wI0I021000DNIULURUUUU IMMOROMITTITIWILI WDUTO QUINWIDO WIQILUVUUDIIDILI MINIMUMANI ANIONMOUR DIVUT TI 10 01 QUA X - 00000 100001 DK00d OOOO 100 UU TOIMode IN . 10000 000W DIMO O TOMU 10 •1000 00000 MOOO O 100 2.006-009 əduey am 18.Jədət əqe UT BədəqdS 277908.15 dəqƏMeta mo 'ut səPUBUD ƏMTOA 'T 874 . Volume uu Change OUT 7 1000H i nnen 0.00TLIVU 00 DOW OUTLULOODUDUIT MNRODUIT OUI ILIO OWITOLDIDO . . . 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Soof-108 hang ngonstanpr.m mods gydring mount was se madras mengen ... i ORNL - AEC - OFFICIAL c .,:, .: V1 Ni ovn OJ NJOZLJIO INJO13 W3L3W1771 ". L JOVOH 789 NJOZLJIO DW-OVE 'ON 41 ORNIAEC - OFFICIAL om '. ; END - . DATE FILME 10/ 19/65 . .. I NA