. - . *. ... 'n en . . . .. - . . ... I OFT ORNL P 122) . 1 . . : n . M 4 5 OS 。。 . . . ) : MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS -1963 ' '. ...oomaosa.com .............. ............................................. . ORN Pr 1224 1 .. er 1989 - 65-32 To be submitted for publication Phys. Rev. Letters. in MAY“5 1986 ON THE TEMPERATURE DEPENDENCE OF THE GJNZBURG-LANDAU PARAMETER* S. T. Sekula and R. H. Kernohan Solid State Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee MASTER CFSTI PRICES H.C. $ 10B; MN 56 The first extension of the Ginzburg-Landau-Abrikosov-Gori kov theory appreciably below the superconducting transition temperature was given by Gori kovl!) for type II superconductors of large mean free path of --> 0). Maki") discussed the complete temperature dependence of Hc2, the upper critical field, for alloys of small mean free path. Helfand and Werthamer, in more recent work, have solved the general problem of the temperature de- pendence of Hc2 from the clean to dirty limit and their results are in general agreement with the earlier work. On the other hand, while some experimental data were found to agree with these calculations, (4) other workers (5) report a temperature dependence greater than that expected from the theories. We have studied a Pb-27 at. % Ti alloy and also found the temperature dependence of the Ginzburg-Landau parameter to be larger than predicted. (6) Rosenblum and Cardona have found a variation in the strength of the temperature dependence of the Ginzburg- Landau parameter in several alloys which suggests a greater temperature de- pendence for strong coupling superconductors. It is the purpose of this letter to point out that a more detailed examination of the present theory in terms of the different behavior of weak and strong coupling superconductors can resolve a large portion of the dis- crepancy between theory and experiment. ill i ti til 1:1.130 1.1: RELEASED FOR ANNOUNCEMENT .: IN NUCLEAR SCIENCE ABSTRACTS *Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract Tor with the Union Carbide Corporation. LEGAL NOTICE - kunci MLRDU Seneste indaplovima We didat nie mio report ns prepared an account of Covenant sponsor wort. Weither the Uuted States, or the Commisolo, sor way pornoa acting on behalf of the Counsostanı A. Maker way warrity or nepromenutioa, expressed o: Impund, wo respect to the docu- racy, completesen., or unfalous of the labormation contaland u de report, or that the 08 may taformation, apparaben, method, or proceso declared la privately owed rights or B. AIRONI May Mua mth rompect to the un of, or for din rolux trop the um of way laborwathiaapparatu, mohod, or procon discloud ua wus reports As und La te abon, "por acts ou dehall Comaloodo" loludne way o. ploys or coatrucks of the Commission, or employs a much contractor, to the extent that hoch employs or contractor of the Common1oo, or employw of much contractor preparı, dinminster, or provides accIso to, any taformation purnaat to do toployment or coatract will the Comatolog, or his employment mild such contractor. en la manera month and release to be seen F PALESTINE Tops PRACUDAS FILETIN RECEIVING SECTION. In Fig. 1, we reproduce with the kind permission of E. Helfand and N. R. Werthamer, a plot of their calculations in a slightly different form as given in their recent publication. Here h* = - Hc2(t) is plotted against the OH.2 atti reduced temperature for materials of extreme degrees of purity. The curves Labeled 2 = 0 and 1 = o correspond to materials in the clean and dirty limit respectively. On writing Hc2(t) = V218164) alt) H.(t), where H.2(t) is the upper critical field, *(1) is the Ginzburg-Landau parameter at t = 1, alt) the temperature dependence of the parameter, and Hc(t) the thermodynamic critical field, one can write * -a(t) H.(t) --X(t,0) Hd (t). 7 . TOT XT1,77 d. (t) (2) at de tal tel It is then clear that Fig. 1 of reference 3 implicitly contains certain features of a thermodynamic model which is in fact the BCS weak coupling model. While the difference in H.(t) is not large for strong and weak coupling superconductors (given a value of H. and Tc), the derivation in eq. (1) is quite sensitive to the degree of coupling and is approximately 20% larger for strong coupling materials as compared to the BCS model. Thus the strength of the temperature dependence of the Ginzburg-Landau parameter will vary as . the degree of coupling. Experimental data for a Pb 27 at. % Tl alloy and a Pb 7.4 at. % Tl alloy are shown in Fig. I for purposes of comparison. The normal state resistivities for these alloys were found to be 4.1 wa cm and 14.9 na cm. The experimental points should lie between the calculated curves for the two extreme. limite, and the general agreement is seen to be good. However, the temperature -3- dependence of the alloy with larger Tl concentration appears to be greater than that of the sample with the larger electrical mean free path, and the reasons for this discrepancy are not yet understood. In Fig. 2 is silown a plot to obtained from magnetization data using a ballistic techr.ique. (6) The values obtained are considerably larger than those predicted by the theory using the BCS model and are attributed to the strong coupling character of these alloys. We would like to thank E. Helfand for valuable discussions. Us . •-- REFERENCES 1. L. P. Gor' kov, Zh Eksperim. i Teor. Fiz. 37, 833 (1959). [Translation: Soviet Phys. - JETP 10, 593 (1960). 2. K. Maki, Physics 1, 21 (1964). 3. E. Helfand and N. R. Werthamer, Phys. Rev. Letters 13, 686 (1964). - 4. T. Kinsel, E. A. Lynton and B. Serin, Rev. Mod. Phys.-36, part 1, 105 (1964). 5. A. Paskin, M. Strongin, P. P. Craig and D. G. Schweitzer, Phys. Rev. A137, 1816 (1965). 6. S. T. Sekula and R. H. Kernohan (submitted for publication in J. Appl. Phys.). 7. B. Rosenblum and M. Cardona, Phys. Letters 13, 33 (1964). FIGURE CAPTIONS Fig. 1 The reduced parameter h* as a function of reduced temperature. The solid curves are due to Helfand and Werthamer. Experimental points for Pb 27% TI and Pb 7.4% TI are also shown. Fig. 2 The reduced Ginzburg-Landau parameter as a function of the reduced temperature for Pb 27% TI and Pb 7.4% Tl. ORNL-DWG 65-3740 o 8 0.6 0.5 0. . 3* - **= -(dHc2/01), ALLOY ALLOY o Pb-27 % TI + • Pb-7.4% TI for me) 8230 oe 3270 oe 0.4L 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 ORNL-DWG 65–3741 i 1.3 . : . o Pb-27 % TI « (1) = 3.79 • Pb-7.5% TI « (1) = 1.23 : 1.04 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 Yuri * av Fm 2 - -.- . - .- - .- ts . .. 5 / 12 / 66 DATE FILMED END matin mamizhamur 1.