. . . 1 : I OFI ORNL P 1339 ; . tka "AS ..SO 1536 |:25 || 1.4 LLE MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representa- tion, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, appa- ratus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, “person acting on behalf of the Commission" includes any em- ployee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such Gontractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employ- ment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. ! e AM Kiwango ORNL-P_1339 CVE-650709-1 WUN 2 4 1965 PROBABILISTIC ESTIMATES OF RANGE FORAGE INTAKE G. M. Van Dyne? Radiation Ecology Section, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee Forage intake 18 never measured directly in grazing studies, but estimates of mean forage int&ke are obtained indirectly by lignin ratio, chromogen ratio, fecal nitrogen index, or microdigestion techniques. Estimates of dietary composicion are usually obtained from a group of esophageal or ruminal fistulated animals and estimates of quantity and composition of fecal output are obtained from a separate group of animals. No measure of precision is obtained with these techniques, however, be- cause estimates of forage intake obtained thereby apply to the group rather than to individual animals. In addition to an estimate of the mean forage intake, it is desirable to have a knowledge of the distribu- tion about that mean. A method is described in this paper for generating a population of forage intake values about the mean value of forage intake so that the nature of the distribution may be examined. . The method is applied to data from range nutrition studies ir: which microdigestion techniques were used to calculate mean forage intake. METHODS Daily forage intake (F) may be calculated by the equation F = (100 •E•E.) / (100.F -F.M). (1) Waere E is the quantity of feces produced per day, e lo the porcent cell- ulose content of the feces, Fc 18 the percent cellul3se content of the diet, and Mc 18 the percent microdigestion of dietary cellulose (Van Dyne and Meyer, 1964a,b). In these experiments E, Ec, and Mc were measured with one group of animala and F. was measured with a second group of animals grazing with the first group. Estimates of the means and standard deviations of these four variates and the simple linear correlations among E, Ec, and Mc were obtained with esophageal and ruminal fistulated steers and sheep in three grazing experiments. All data aro on organic matter basis. It was assumed that these four variates follow a normal distribution. . Values of F were generated by equation (1) from generated values of B, Ec, Moe and F. Values for E, EC, and Mc were selected independently in the first set of computer experiments. In a second series of experi- ments these values were selected at random from a trivariate normal popo ulation. The method used for selecting variates is an extension of that Research sponsored by the U. 8. Atonic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide · Corporation. L. R. Shenton is ac knowledged for his suggestions for a method to select random deviator from trivariate normal populations. LXXVII-1 PATENT CLEARANCE OBTAINED. RELEASE TO. THE PUBLIC IS APPROVED. PROCEDURES ARE ON FILE IN THE RECEIVING SECTION. described by Meller et al. (1955) for generating randon deviates from the bivariate normal population. Random deviates wore obtained by using random number generators to select u, V; and w as mutually independent standard norngi deviates with means of zero and variances of one. Values for x, y, and 2 were then selected so that they were standard deviates from a trivariate normal population. His was done by first lotting x equal u and generating y us follows: (2) yur, ou + &•v whore r, 1. the measured correlation between E and E. . The value for a was derived as follows: (3) variance of y-i.*+ 8? which lead to (4) yorguu+(1-2).9.v. Having selected x and y, then z vus selected so that (5) 2* •4 + bov + cow subject to (6) variance of solra +6C + c where a equals r. (the correla. tion between E and Mc) and b was calculatod from ra (the Eorrelation between me and Me) by ( 19. 3. *0f3-)=7703f1-4). t bo i o bdi. solving for d gave By substituting the nalues of a talood u Loto (6) the wlwo for o vus ob- 19 ..(* ) Hou waing these wives for a, b, and c and substituting into equation (5) the ya lue for u was detenuined so that x, y, and 2 were random dorsator from a trivariate normal distribution. the standard normal deviates x, y, and %, whether selected inde. pendently or from a trivariato normal population were then scaled by equations (10) (10) LOVII-2 . . . whore ogg , and on vere the measured standard deviations and 3, ... and were the mousure: moans. Values for F. vore selected similarly at random using the nown and standard deviation for forage collulose (respectively wad sy ). Po was selected independently from E, Ec, and Me and then equationc(1) was used to calculate values of F. The nature of the distribution of i was examined by conventional statistical techniques. RESULTS AND DISCURSION Repeatability of procedures.--To check the reliability of the avoro procedures for generating random normal deviatos, arbitrary nalunu verd selected of means and standard deviations of I, E., Mae and Pi. Tasso values weru wod to gonorate 2000 values of fin six fwi assuming no intorcorrelation among the variates. The resulting mean values of F, with seven significant digits for comparative purposes only, were as follows: 956.4872 954.0356 952.2196 953.4908 957.6038 954.9436 : the slight variability wrong those means for p shows the range in masvers that might be expected due to different sets of computer gonerated randon aumber. The closeness of those betinatos of F led to the use of only 1000 gonorated values in succeeding experiments. Bsperimental nluas for I, C. M, and E. --Means, standard dort. ations, and numbers of an Iman on which these statistics are based on given in Table 1. The animals were grazed on an annual grass-open oak voodland mange throughout the summor. The unpunt of bertato available, la metric tons por hectare, was 1.67 in Period I (early July), 1.37 la Period II (early August), and 0.47 in Period III (early September). Table 1. Basic data from six range experiments with cattle and sboep. Soccretion and forage data are expressed on organic matter basis. Data are mean I standard deviations. · Shear Cattle Huriod: :: Vurdable Pocos, 8 3931123 4601104 3914106 22801206 287&t297 32961532 . Noon cellulose,$ 35+1:3 3743.0 3634.3 34+1.7 3413.7 3481.3 Cellulose mbarodi. gestion, $ 5212.5 . 56t2.1 5214.7 6473. 9 5206.7 5015.8 forage cellulose, % 37+2.4 4111.3 4051.6 4081.1 43+1.2 1241.0. lountity of scoreta, focal collulose, and cellulose microdigestion data won menoured with 9 riminal fistulatod wether and stoon. Forge collu. Lore data are based on results for 7 and 5 csophageal fistulated sheep and stmersrespoctively (Van Dime und Meyer, 19640; Van Dime and Heady, 1963). LOVII-3 win- + Iride pendent vs. dependent variates.--Average results for F from several computer experiments are given in Table 2 for runs in which E, Ec, and Mn wero selected independently (r4y = 0) or where they were selected from trivariate normal population (rello). When the variables measured with the riminul fistulated animals were not assumed indo pondent, there were slightly higher extimates of forage intake than 11 they vore assumed independent. The greatest variations occurred for sheop in middle and late summer. These latter two differences are significant in a statistical, but not a practical sense. Most of the measured corre- lations, however, were small as shown in the following table : Period Sheen Cattle I E:E. Sheon Cattle ..18 .04 .62 .24 . .60 ..35 E:M Sheen Cattle .0 .66 .05 .25 ...25 . .36 .0) .02 .25 .31 II III .240 .04 It it noteworthy that the only instance where F for independently se- lected variates was greater than F for dependently selected variator was for cattie in period III when there was a high correlation between E. and Mc. Table 2. Comparisons of means and standard deviations for generated values of forage intake with and without intercorrelations of varistes. Class Period *13*0 -------grams organic mattor------- 787 1 247 785 $ 250 8houp 945 + 226 970 1 287 738 • 242 761 t 273 5444 1 841 5475 : 1040 Cattle 4862 1017 4852 1186 ILI 5392 1 1163 5386 1 2090 1 Bach mean 18 based on 1000 generated values. Normality of distribution of F.--The distributions of the generated values were examined by O plotting normal curves, generated from the data in Table 2, on histograms for ten class intervals and (b) by plot- ting the cumulative distributions on a probability scale. Por both species, but especially for cattle, there was a tendency for the observad distributions to be skewed slightly to the left when compared with the normal curve. This phenomena was equally prominent for independent and dependently selected values of I, Ic, and Ma. The greatest single deviation from normality occurred, .bowever, for sheep in period III when the variator were selected dependently. The data suggest that, for all LOVII-4 practical purposes, the distribution of coon be regarded as approaching the normal distribution. Logarithmic trunsfur:nations of the data did not produce "neuror norioul" distributiu!e. Precizion of estimates of ".--lhe inagnitudes of the coefficients of variation may be used as an estimate of the precision of estinates of i'oruge intake. Iliesc val.123, 111 percolt, were as follows: Sre::108 Periori 114 10130 · Sheep II ano III Cattle TI III The above data suggest (a) estimates of t'orage intake for sheep are significantly less precise than those for cattle, (b) estimates of for- age intake assuming interdependence of Ei, Ec, anů M, are slightly less precise than assuming independence of these vario.coš, und (c) estimates of forage intake, averaged over both species and methods, were slightly less precise in late sumner than in early summer. The average coef- ficients of variation for the summer respectively for E, EC, Mc, and F. for sheep were 30, 8, 6, and 6 and for cattle were 11, 7, 20, and 3. Thus, for sheep the precieion of the estimule of l'orage Intake 10 similar to that for total fecal output, but for cattle total fecal output is measured with greater precision than 18 forage intake. SUMMARY Forage intake is never measured directly in grazing stu: les. Daily forage intake (F) may be calculated by the equation · -- - F = (100•E. •E) / (100.F. - FM) where E 18 the amount of feces produced per day, E. 1s the percent cell- ulose content of the feces, F. 1s the percent cellulose content of the diet, and M is the percent microdigestion of the dietary cellulose. The means and standard deviations of these four variables are obtained by sampling and these values are assumed to be normally distributed. Correlations between E, and E, E. and Me, and E and Mc may be evaluated because estimates of these three variables are obtained concommitantly from & given group of animals. Estimates of F.are usually obtained from a second group of animals which graze with the first group. The mean and distribution of estimates of the forage intake may be obtained by generating values of f calculated with the above equation from independently or dependently selected values of E., E, and M and Independently selected values of Fc. This technique was applied to data from range nutrition experiments with cattle and sheep to determine the nature of the distribution about F. LXXVII-5 . 1 * Although generated populations of i were slightly skewed to the leit in some instances, especially for cattle, for all practical pur. poses they can be regarded as approximately normuse I distributions whether generated from independently or dependently selected values of E, E., and Mc The precision of estimator of forage intake for cattle were greater than for sheep. Estimates of forage intake for either species were less precise than the corresponding estimates of F., Moe and E. For sheep, but not for cattle, the precision of estimates of were of the same magnitud as those for F. this procedure offers a means of assessing the precision of esti- mates of Porage intake in studies with grazing animals, whereas by con- ventional procedures there 18 no measure of precision. LITERATURE CITED Poller, £. C., T. Lewis, and F. 8. Pearson. 1955. Tracts for college putors: XXVI. Correlated random normal deviates. Cambridge U. Press. XV + O pp. Van Dyne, G. M. and H. F, Heady. 1965. Dietary chemical composition of cattle arid sheep grazing in common on a dry annual range. J. Range Mangt. 18:78-86. Van Dyne, G. M. and J. H. Meyer. 1964a. A method for measurement . of forage intake of grazing livestock using microdigestion techniques. J. Range Mangt. 17:204-209. Van Dyne, G. M. and J. H. Meyer. sheep on a dry annual range. 19646. Porage iptake by cattle and J. Animal Sci. 23:1108-1115. . . LXVII-6 . '.:.:.:. 81 / 30/ 165 DATE FILMED END j.