: _ . ., . 1 | OFI ORNL P 1353 I PFEFEEEE MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS - 1963 - V LEGAL NOTICE This report was preprepared as an account of Government sponsor'sored work. Neither the United States, nor the the Commission, nor any person acting on beha,ehalf of the Commission: A. Makes any wai warranty or representa- . tion, expressed or inç implied, with respect to the accuracy, complenpleteness, or usefulness of the information con contained in this report, or that the use of af any information, appa- ratus, method, or pro process disclosed in this report may not infrafringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any li, liabilities with respect to the use of, or for dir damages resulting from the use of any info formation, apparatus, method, or process dis disclosed in this report. As used in the abo above, “person acting on behalf of the Commisinission”includes any em- ployee or contractor (or of the Commission, or employee of such con contractor, to the extent that such employee ee or contractor of the Commission, or emploployee of such contractor prepares, disseminatenates, or provides access to, any information prin pursuant to his employ- ment or contract witłwith the Commission, or his employment with &th such contractor. iORNE P-353 650206-9 ce -LEGAL NOTICE JUN 2 4 1965 TWI report ns propered uu acowal of Corinne sponsored work. Malther the Vallad saws, mor the countou, bor uy pornon scurg on behall of the Counselon: A. Makes my urnaty or reprenautoa, exproud or implied, nu respect to Un icry. racy, couplekmes., or wehumu ol latorular contained a Wo report, or where we of jay latorulan, apaanw, wood, or procu. dkloud la we report my mot infringe prinuoly oned redus; or B. ALMme way llawitter nu respect to the w ol, or lor dansku rewing from the um of way balorautoa, opounatus, Lood, or procon discloud u wa report. As und hat aboro, "parral Un a bemalol Coanslow" wcludes uy . pioyw or cooliclor of the Coniulou, or vaployw ol uwch contractor, to the ernt i Sucil Aploys or comukloro che Coanlaiton, or saploys of such contractor proparu, dlımQINL., or provides MCMI 10, may normation purust to V. eaplogant or contract with the Commission, or Me employment vu suck contractor. High Resolution Measurements of Gamma Rays from Thermal and Resonance Neutron Capture in 127sn, 1185n and 12050* J. A. HARITY and G. G. SLAUGHTER Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA High resolution measurements of the gamma ray spectra from thermal and resonance neutron capture in 'Sn, tºsn and 5°Sn have been made with a lithium-drifted germanium detector. A beam of pure thermal neutrons was ob- . tained by double reflection from inconel mirrors of a reactor beam from the Oak Ridge Research Reactor. A cadmium filtered reactor beam served as the source of resonance neutrons. Earlier measurements of the gamma rays from the isotopes of tin with a NaI spectrometer had demonstrated the value of using both thermal and resonance energy neutrons and the need for higher resolution of the gamma rays. The lithium-drifted germanium crystal was 2.6 cm in area by 7 mm thick and was furnished by R. J. Fox, ORNL. For high energy gamma rays (> ~ 2000 keV) the pair production process with the subsequent escape of both annihilation quanta is the predominant process. Above 4000 keV the resolution was 10-15 keV for runs of several days duration and the energies of the lines may be measured to I 10 keV absolute and £ 5 ke V relative. For low energy gamma rays ( ~ 1500 keV) the energy resolution was 5-10 keV and the energies may be measured to an absolute accuracy of 2 to 4 kev. The relative efficiency of the detector vs gamma ray energy has been determined for both the double escape peak and the full energy peak. In the energy range from 600 to 1600 keV de- posited in the crystal, there 18 some ambiguity as to whether a weak peak 18 a full energy or a double escape peak. The gamma ray spectra plotted against the energy in the crystal from the capture of thermal and resonance energy neutrons in a 35-gram sample of It isn are shown in Figure 1. The peaks are all double escape peaks and the energies of the gamma rays are labelled above the peaks. Tables I and II summarize the energies and intensities of the gamma rays from neutron capture ARE ON EILE IN THE RECEYING SECTION, THE PUBLIC IS APPROVED. PROCEDURES PATENT CLEARANCE OBTAINED. RELEASE TU 11 in Sn. The intensities of the hic carey Dec rays were cüvairca by riorralization to the intensity of the ground state transition which had bzen measured previously with a la I spectrometor.-Ficmc 2 s..cis i.c energy level diagram of 1-0 Sn deduced from the cards zay enerties listed in the tables assuring the high energy transitions originated at the capturing state. The excited state at 1225 is a 2* state cow the states at_1750, 2017, and 2480 KeV with spins of 0* 01 1° are knou fron (a,m) studies, [?] The stüies at 1675 and 2020 keV and at higher energies have not been reported previously. Tre transition to the state ai 1750 keV was observed only from resonance capture and the transition to the state ät 2020 keV only from thermal capture. Low enerzy camma rays with energies 1224, 443, 531 and 812 keV from thermal capture can be fitted to the level diazran as shown. Tables I and II also surmarize the energies and intensities of the gamma rays from neutron capture in a 160- 2 sample of thºsn and a 200-fram sample of 12°Sn. Other observed weak lines (10 in -1°Sn and 8 in 12° Sn) are not listed in the tables since there was an ambicuity as to whether they were rull enerey or double escape peaks. main the intensit:es are relative to the intensity of ground state and first excited state transitions previously determined from measurements with a NaI spectrome tez.- Pibüre 3 shows the enerzy level diagram of -Sn deduced from the moment energy cannra rays. The ground state transition was not observed irom thermal neutron capture. The excited state at 24 keV has spin 3/2" and the state at 1090 keV agrees with a level found in (d,p) studies.bd Figure 4 shows how 5 of the low energy gamma rays can be fitted to the level diagram of Sr. Excited states at 0.77, 0.921, 1.08 and i 1.34 MeV are known from (d,p)D] and Coulomb excitation studies.24) The fact that the transitions from the 1090 and 1330 keV states are observed to only the 24 keV excited state and not to the ground state favors the 5/2* assignment to these states. From the 2 high enersy gamma rays observed from neutron capture in - Sn, the first excited state in t-Sn is determined to be 61 keV. A state at this excitation has not been observed previously. Since the capturing state has spin 1/2*, strong transitions can reach final states of spins 1/2 or 3/2. Since the ground state has spin 3/2* (a dz/2 state) this 61-keV ex- cited state must be the sy/2 state (1/2"). The higher excited states in - Sn inferred from the other high energy camma rays listed in the tables show no Egreement with states established from (d,p) studies.D. . -2- . ·. . .. · ...... · . So117 to ..:: THERMAL: Gommo Roy Speciro. :: .....9309 de ... . . .... . . . ... ... .. ............... .... iii. .. . ... . . . . .,., . , . - ... COUNTS (3711 min) TABLE II Energies and Intensities of Gamma Rays from Resonance Neutron Capture . ... ...ECA CRYSTAL VSTAL ::::: . 117sn .... . 8094 do ... ESONAI.CS: Intensity : ...ii . i . . . . 03220... : :..... : COUNTS (3937 min) . . . ... .. ... ... 19322 d ... .. ! 1.5 - . ..:: --:E CRYSTAL :: :::::....... ...; . . - - - TL 7500. 1 . 8000 ... 8500 at 1:1620 Jessioni:;::!!!! !!! !!iii ..:........... THERMAL :: ... L: 1 GALA ſkev) 9322 GS 8091 7637 7563 17277 7003 (?) 6835 6583 : 6124 ... 1., 00 00 .. ........... .. ...: . . iiiii!..gande it'.:.!; 17265 de 7292 do 1*; 7632 de . COUNTS (3711 min) . .... .. 6418 E CRYSTAL ...,. iT 15500: ill.i.. 60001 .:.:.6500 i11i : 6062 - 5214 1227 · 6418 do! Iliri!! ! ---!... RESONANCE :1:1: - 11 6583 de 1: :1 1 : 7: 6835 de :.;:.1*;Tiiiii Kij i ! :111:11:1; 7003 de? 707277 00:17 ll " : { "ssia Yss at: .:1: COUNTS (3937 min) 118 sn 7-11lt- With CRYSTAL T:9 Tomate:1999:9;!Tr777 6493 GS 6466 500 176000 1100.6500MLILI :5405 CHANNEL NUMOER 120 sn Fig. 1 6164 GS 6102 . .-. . . . . REFERENCES I] J. A. Harvey, G. G. Slaughter, J. R. Bird, and G. T. Champman, Phys. Ann. Rept., Dec. 3, 1963, ORNL-3582, page 62. [2] L. R. Norris and C. F. Moore, Phys. Rev. 136, B40 (1964); B. I. Cohen and R. E. Price, Phys. Rev. 118, 1582 (1960). ] B. L. Cohen and R. E. Price, Phys. Rev. 121, 1441 (1961). 4) P. H. Stelson, F. K. McGowan, R. L. Robinson and J. L.. C. Ford, Jr., Bull. Am. Phy. Scc. 2, 484 (1964); R. L. Robinson and P. H. Stelson, Bull. Am. Phy. Soc. 10, 245 (1965). . Research sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract with the Union Carbide Corporation. CABLE I Energies and Intensities of Gemma Raye from Therma. Neutron Capture CRNI - AC - OFFICIA 117sn 11891 120 sn Intensity 20%) Intensity ($) Intensity (%) (keV (keV) (keV) _ 9309 GS 8090 7632 6485 GS 6456 6014 60.1 0.6 0.5 6164 GS 6104 4254 4192 4084 3916 3661 382 7292 0.4 7265 6994 6826 6642 5386 4498 3800 3759 1.6 ööjoririciri ciri ori 3604 sóriooooooirioodirició 12 .. 3457 3273 .. .. Rel. Int. 100 1295 1175 1067 3506 3444 3422 3317 3075 2654 . ~2 27 Rel. int. 100 2.5 898 in conne 1414 3700 0.7 1.8 Rel. Iat. 100 1103 310 86€ 850 308 1224 1177 1099 812 531 .32928 448 361 che con unojoooo 340 254 245 233 210 .. -. noni AC no neciring OANL - AEC - OFFICIAL THERMAL EXCITATION ENERGY (kov) 9310 18 RESONANCE 10, + 38,8 ev INTENSITIES (PERCENTI I Kr. . 2480 2040 10.110 10.01 10.11 HEFFIT anal.. 812aas. 1750- 1675 1225 229 1227 Sn"? Neutron Coplure Gommo Roys Fig. 2 THERMAL RESONANCE EXCITATICIV ENERGY (kov) EXCITATION ENERGY (hov) 1330 6485 y at 45.8 av . - 1090 1.6 0.4 INTENSITIES ( PERCENT) 921 0.1 0.a 770 -3280 -3030 -2720 -2680 1295 1087 -1985 898 -1090 763 -4701?) 24 Sn 118+ Neutron Capture Gomma Rays. Sn 118 Thermal Neutron Capture Gommo Roys. Fig. 3 Fig. 4 END DATE FILMED 8/ 27/65 . 22